DEPARTMENT OF TRADE AND COMMERCE CENSIS AND STATISTICS OFFICE SPECIAL REPORT FOREIGN-BORN POPULATION Abstracted from the Records of the Fifth Census of Canada, June, 1911 -\ I \:\ M 1 < (I I \\\ A r i'in\'ri\i I '1' DEPARTMENT OF TRADE AND COMMERCE C^ .-. CENSUS AND STATISTICS OFFICE SPECIAL REPORT ON THE FOREIGN-BORN POPULATION Abstracted from the Records of the Fifth Census of Canada, June, 1911 ^.3^^ o ':S OTTAWA GOVERNMENT PRINTING BUREAU 1915 0S3O39 /•?// CONTENTS. Method of enumeration 5 Foreign-born in Canada classified by sex and year of immigration to Oanada 6 Foreign-born in C'ansida and the provinces classified by quinquennial periods .' 7 Distribution of the foreign-born in each province according to years of arrival in Canada 8 Per cent proportion of the foreign immigrants, arriving in each quinquennial period, which have located in the several provinces 9 The foreign-born classified according to country (>f birth and the proportion whir-h the immi- grants from each foreign country formed of the total foreign immigration 10 Piincipal foreign countries contributing to the population of Canada ranked according to pro- portion of immigrants supplied 11 Per cent of each year's immigrants which have come from principal sources of foreign immigra- tion 12 Distribution of the foreign-born in Canada by provinces. 13-15 The number of the foreign-born by quinquennial periods of immigration who have become citizens 14-16 The number of each j-ear's arrivals from certain foreign countries who were naturalized in 1911 . , 17 The percentage of each year's arrivals from certain foreign countries who were naturalized in 1911 18 Foreign-born males of voting age classified according to citizenship and years of immigration. . 19-21 Voting population of Canada, Native-born, British-born and Foreign-born compared 21-22 The number of the foreign-born voting population in the several provinces classified accord ing to citizenship and country of birth 24-25 Country of origin ranked according to the proportion of its male immigrants of voting age who have become citizens 26 Percentage of the foreign-born of voting age in each province who have become naturalized .... 27-29 Racial origin of the immigrants born in the United States 30-31 Foreign-born Jews in Canada classified according to nativity and citizenship 32 Percentage which the foreign-born constitutes of the total population in cities of 15,000 and over Census 191 1 32 Number of males to every 100 females foreign-born in eighteen cities of Canada which have 2,000 or more persons of alien birth 33 Foreign-born in cities of 15,000 inhabitants and over classified according to years of arrival in Canada 34-35 The number and proportion of the foreign-born males of voting age naturalized ^n certain cities. 36 Foreign-born males 21 years of age and over classified according to citizenship and years" of immigration, in cities having 15,000 inhabitants and over 37-40 British born and naturalized voters in certain cities compared 41 The foreign-born males in certain cities, classified according to citizenship and country of birth. 42-45 The per cent proportion of the males 21 years of age and over from certain foreign countries, naturalized and alien 46-49 Summary for Canada and the provinces of the foreign-born classified according to birthplace and citizenship 50-61 Proportion of males to females among the foreign-bom 62 82366-15 828543 THE YEAR OF IMMIGRATION, PLACE OF BIRTH AND NATURALIZATION OF THE FOREIGN-BORN RESIDENT IN CANADA, JUNE, 1911. This special Report deals with the year of immigration, nativity and citizen- ship of the foreign-born in Canada at the date of the Census, June, 1911. The statistics are abstracted from the records of the Fifth Census. The following extracts from the Manual of Instructions to enumerators will give an idea of the general principles followed in making the record, from which the statistics- of this report have been tabulated: — Birthplace. "If the person was born outside of Canada the enumerator will enter the name of the country in which he or she was born." "In the case of persons born in the double Kingdom of Austria-Hungary, care should be taken to give the particular provinces, as Austria, Tyrol, Bohemia, Moravia, Silesia, Galicia, etc." "In the case of persons, who say they were born in Poland which is no longer an independent country, inquiry should be made whether the birthplace was in what is now known as German Poland, or Austrian Poland or Russian Poland, and the answer should be written accordingly, as German (Pol.), Austrian (Pol.), or Russian (Pol.). If the birthplace given is Turkey, the enumerator should ask whether European or Asiatic Turkey and write Turkey (E.) or Turkey (A.), accordingly." Year of Immigration to Canada. — "This question applies to all parsons irrespactive of a?? or s^x who wore born outside of Canada and the year of their first entry into Canila should bs given." Year of Naturalization. — "Thi.s question applies only to persons 21 year.^ old ani over who were born in some other country than the United Kingdom or any of its dep3ndencie5" . The instructions, regarding naturalization were based on the Canadian Naturalization Act and were made to apply only to persons 21 years old and over who were born in some other country than the United Kingdon or any of its dependencies. The status of children, of parents who had ob- tained Canadian citizenship, was governed by the section of the Naturalization law respecting minors, which provides "If the father, or the mother being a widow, has obtained a certificate of naturalization within Canada, every child of such father or mother within Canada, shall, within Canada, be deemed to be a naturalized British subject." The question of the citizenship of children of naturalized parents will be referred to later on. The inquiry regarding im- migration was designed to show what proportion of. the foreign-born immigrants of each year or period of years, was living in the country June 1, 1911, and where they were located, while that concerning naturalization was designed to show the citizenship of this class of the population of Canada. 5 The stifttJstics resulting from these inquiries are presented for Canada as a whole, for each of the provinces and for cities of 15,000 inhal)itants and over in Tables 1 to 23. / The total number of foreign-born in Canada, June, I'Jil. was 752,732, of / whom 470,927 or 02.0 per cent were males and 281,805 or 37.4 per cent were I females. Of the males foreign-born, living in Canada at the date of the census, Nv 124,404 or 26.4 per cent were under 21 years of age and therefore incapable of /making a voluntary choice of citizenship. The year of arrival in Canada was not ( reported for 03,563 persons of alien birth — 37,963 males and 25,600 females. / Consequenth' the number of arrivals in each year or period of years cannot be definitely stated. The figures of Table 1, which gives the total foreign-l.)orn in Canada classified by sex and year of immigration, show that of the foreign-born with year of arrival reported (689,169) and resident in Canada at the date of the last census, June, 1911, 528,066 or 76.6 per cent had come to Canada since 1901. It is, therefore a reasonable assumption that the major portion,if not all of those for whom the year of immigration was not reported (63,563), had also coin*' to Canada in the ten j^ears immediately preceding the Fifth decennial cen.-us. In every 1,000 persons of foreign birth resident in Canada June, 1911, 626 ^^*ere males and 374 females, as compared with 507 males and 493 females in cv.'ry 1,000 persons of Canadian birth. A further .significant fact of alien immigration is, that the proportion of males to females has steadily increased in each successive year and quinquennium since 1890. Of the total foreign-born immigrants of 1890 and previous Axnirs, resident in Canada June, 1911, 56.6 per cent were maK- as against 58 . 8 per cent for of the 1891-1895 period, 59.1 per cent for those of the 1896-1900 period, 60.9 per cent for those of the period 1901-190.") and 65.8 per cent for those of the period 1906 to June 1911. TABLE 1. TOTAL FOREIGX-BORN' IN' C.VMADA CLA.SSIFIED liV .SEX AND Vi;\U OV IMMIGRATION TO CAN.VDA. 1)11. Veur of Immigration. FoREION -BORN I.N < '.\N.\D.\. Per cent of foheigx-boiin. Total Male Fe.nialo Male Female 1909— Juno, 1911 190S 1907 NO. 202,159 46,952 55,047 55.466 167.. 542 71.739 27.793 61.571 NO. 1.36.000 30.790 .35.768 34.649 102.125 42.421 16,344 34.867 NO. 66.159 16.162 20. 179 20.817 65,417 29.318 11.449 26.704 p.c. 67-3 65-5 639 62-5 «)-9 .59 1 .58. 8 56-6 p.<-. 32-7 34 5 36 1 19(t() . 37 5 1901-1905 39 1 1896-1900 40 9 1891-1895 . 1890 and bcfoiv 41 2 43-4 Total with yt^ar rejwrted ... 689, 169 432,964 256.205 02-8 47-2 Total with y<:ir not reported 63.. 563 37.963 25.600 59-7 40 3 Total for all years 752,732 470,927 281.8M 37 4 Table 2 gives the number of foreign-born in Canada and in each of the provinces, classified according to year of arrival in Canada. For example, of the total number (105,097) of foreign-born in British Columbia 55,451 immigrated in 1906-1911, 17,842 in 1901-1905, 12,009 in 1896-1900, 5,102 in 1891-1895, 7,924 previous to 1891 and 6,769 for whom the year of arrival in Canada was not reported. No provision was made in the census schedules, supplied to the enumerators in the Yukon and Northwest Territories for recording the year of immigration or of naturalization of the foreign-born population. TABLE 2. FOREIGN-BORX POPULATION BY YEARS OF ARRIVAL IX CANADA, BY PROVINCES, 1911. Provinces. Total Foreign- born, June, 1911 Year of Arkiv.\l in C.\n.\d.\. 1906- June 1911 1901- 1905 1896- 1900 1891- 1895 1890 and before Year un- known Canada NO. 752,732 105,097 142,711 162,610 95,688 148,764 74,421 8,134 10,972 932 3,316 S7 NO. 360,524 55,451 80,509 83,560 35,040 71,2.39 27,849 2,077 4,4.35 364 (M (1) NO. 167,542 17,842 35,836 44,105 27,920 23,752 15,072 1,026 1,819 170 (M (') NO. 71,739 12,009 12,729 15,353 14,166 9,449 6,602 548 802 81 (') NO. 27,793 5,102 3,950 4,277 4,792 5,552 3,344 328 408 40 (•) (M NO. 61,571 7,924 2,768 4.860 8,807 27,617 7,459 1,275 754 107 (•) NO. 63,56$ 6 769 British Columbia Alberta 6,919 SaskatcViewan 10 4.55 Manitoba Ontaricj 4,96;} 11,155 Quebec New Brunswick Nova Scotia 14,095 2.880 2.754 Prince Edward Island Yukon 170 3 316 Northwest Territories 87 (1) Year not recorded. Table 3 gives for the foreign-born, with year of immigration reported, the per cent distribution according to years of arrival in Canada, by provinces. It also shows the per cent proportion of the immigrants in each province for whom the year of arrival was (1) reported and (2) not reported. The year of immigra- tion is omitted from the enumerators record for 35-41 per cent of the foreign- born resident in New Brunswick, for 25-01 per cent in Nova Scotia, for 18-94 per cent in Quebec, for 18-24 per cent in Prince Edward Island. In none of the western provinces did the omission from the record, of the year of arrival in Canada, reach 6^ per cent. For British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Ontario and Nova Scotia more than 50 per cent of the total foreign- born residents in these provinces were immigrants of the years 1906-1911. The proportion of immigrants who came to Canada previous to 1891 was greatest in. New Brunswick (24-27 per cent), Ontario (20-07 per cent), Prince Edward Island (14-04 per cent) and Quebec (12-37 per cent). In this table the figures for the Yukon and the Northwest Territories are omitted from the calculations. The table is to be read horizontally and shows, for example, that of the total foreign-])orn in British Columbia 56-39 per cent had come to Canada in the yeans lUU()-.Jane, 1911, 18- 15 per ceut in 1901-1905, 12-21 percent in 189G- 1900, 5- 19 per cent in 1891-1895 and 8 06 per cent in the years prior to 1891. TABLE 3. PER CENT DISTRIBUTION OF THE FOREIGN-BORN POPULATION IN EACH PROVINCE WITH YEAR OF IMMIGRATION REPORTED. BY YEARS OF ARRIVAL IN CANADA, 1911. Provinces. Total. Per cent of total reported as i.mmigr.\ting FOREIGN IN THE -BORN YEARS — Per CENT OF all FOREIGN-BORN WITH YEAR OF IMMIGRATION — 1906- June 1911 1901- 1905 1896- 1900 1891- 1895 1890 and before re- ported not re- ported Canada p.c. 100 00 100-00 100-00 100-00 100-00 100-00 100-00 100 00 100 00 100 00 p.c. 52 31 56-39 59-29 54-92 38-62 51-77 46-16 .39-53 53-97 47-77 p.c. 24 32 18-15 26-39 28-99 30-77 17-26 24-99 19-53 22-13 22-31 p.c. 10 41 12-21 9-37 10-09 15-62 6-87 10-94 10-43 9-76 10-63 p.c. 4 03 5-19 2-91 2-81 5-28 4-03 5-54 6-24 4-96 5-25 p.c. 8-03 8-06 204 319 971 20-07 12-37 24-27 9-18 1404 p.c. f 1 a« 93-56 95-15 93-57 94-81 92 50 SI -06 64 59 74-99 81-76 p.c. 8 44 British Columbia. . . 6 44 Alberta. 4-85 6-43 Manitoba 5 19 7-50 Quebec IS 94 25-41 Nova Scotia 25 01 P.E. Island ls-24 Table 4 gives the per cent distribution of the total foreign-born who have come to Canada in each period of years, by provinces. The table is to fte reatl vertically and shows that of the total foreign-ljorn (752,732) in Canada June, 1911, 13-96 per cent (105,097) were located in British Columbia, 18-96 per cent (142,711) in Alberta, 21-60 per cent (162,610) in Saskatchewan, 12-71 per cent (95,688) in Manitoba, 19-76 per cent (148,764) in Ontario, 9-89 per cent (74,421) in Quebec, 1-08 per cent (8,134) in New Brunswick, 1-46 per cent (10,972) in Nova Scotia and less than one-half of one per cent (932) in Prince Edward Lsland, (3,316) in the Yukon and (87) in the Northwest Territories. It must be borne in mind that the province of residence of the foreign-born at the date of the census, June, 1911, may not have been their province of first location. The question of the supply of and demand for labour determines in a large measure the tenure of residence in any locality of the industrial and ialxiuring classes, particularly of immignwits. Of the total foreign-born, 67-2 per cent resided in (lie western provinces; and grouping the foreign immigration by quinquennial periods, it will i)e found that of those arriving in the years 1906-191 1 more than 70 per cent resided west of the Great Lakes, of those of the years 1901-1905 about 75 per cent, of those of the years 1896-1900 75-6 per cent, and of those of the years 1891-1895 over 65 per cent. Beginning with the five year period 1896-1900, Saskatchewan has claimed the greatest proportion of the foreign immigrants, followed by Alberta in all years excepting 1S96-1900, when Manit<)l)a came second with 19-75 per cent. Of the foreign-born immigrants of 1906-1911 (360,524) Saskatchewan became the residence of 83,560 or 23-18 per cent, Alberta of 80,509 or 22-23 9 3er cent and Ontario of 71,239 or 19-76 per cent, British Columbia of 55,451 or L5-38 per cent, Manitoba of 35,040 or 9-72 per cent and Quebec of 27,849 or r-72 per cent. That comparatively few foreigners locate in the Maritime 3rovinces, is shown by the fact that of the total in Canada, New Brunswick had )nly 1-08 per cent. Nova Scotia 1 -46 per cent and Prince Edward Island • 12 per 3ent. The percentage of foreign immigration locating in the provinces of Quebec md Manitoba has steadily decreased for every five year period since 1890, vhilc for the years previous to 1896 foreign immigrants were found in greater lumbers in Ontario than elsewhere in Canada. PABLE 4. PER CENT DISTRIBUTION OF THE NUMBER OF FOREIGN-BORN WHO HAVE IMMIGRATED IN EACH PERIOD, BY PROVINCES, 1911. Province of residence, June, 1911. Distribution' by provinces of the foreign-born arrivals durinci the years — Total 1906- 1911 1901- 189(>- 1891- 1890 and 1905 1900 1895 before P.O. p.c. p.c. p.c. 100 00 100 00 100 00 100 00 10-65 16-74 18-36 12-87 21-39 17-74 14-21 4-50 26-32 21-40 15-39 7-89 16-66 19-75 17-24 14 -.30 14-18 13-17 19-98 44-85 9-00 9-20 12-03 12- 12 -61 -77 1-18 2-07 109 1-12 1-47 1-22 -10 -11 •14 -IS - - - - Year un- known Canada British Columbia Uberta Saskatchewan tianitoba )ntario Quebec ^ew Brunswick STova Scotia 'rince Edward Island ifukon ■^lorthwest Territories p.c. 100 00 13-96 18-96 21-60 12-71 19-76 9-89 p.c. 100 00 15-38 22 ■ 33 23-18 9-72 19-76 7-72 -.58 1-23 -10 p.c. 100 00 10-65 10-88 16-4.^> 7-.S1 17 -.55 22-17 4-53 4-33 ■27 5-22 -14 The number of the foreign-born classified according to country of birth, jy year of arrival in Canada, is given in Table 5, while Table 6 gives the percent- ige which the immigrants from each alien country formed of the total foreign- )orn population arriving in Canada in each period of years. Of the total foreign- )orn (752,732) in Canada at the date of the census, 404,941 or 53-79 per cent vere born in European countries, 303,680 or 40-34 per cent were born in the Jnited States and 40,946 or 5 -45 per cent in Asiatic countries. In comparing the iercentage of immigrants received from European and Asiatic countries with hose who came from the United States,, it is well to bear in mind that the mmigrants coming to Canada from the latter country include many races see Table 15, page 31), while those credited to the various other alien countries epresent usually a distinctive racial type. Austro-Hungarians, comprising ^ustrians (67,502), Bohemians (1,689), Bukovinians (10,280), Galicians (31,373), Hungarians (10,586), were nearly 30 per cent of all European (continental) born esidents of Canada in 1911 and more than 16 per cent of all foreign-born mmigrants. Russia, including Finland, supplied 100,971 or 13-41 per cent of dl the foreign born living in Canada, June, 1911, Norway and Sweden 49,194 )r 6 - 53 per cent, Germany 39,577 or 5 • 27 per cent, Italy 34,739 or 4 • 60 per cent, ^'rance 17,619 or 2-34 per cent, Bulgaria and Roumania 9,657 or 2-11 per cent, 82266-2 10 other countries of Europe 31,754 or 4-21 percent. Of tlie inuniRrants l)orn iu Asia and residing in Canada more than' two-tliirds of the total were liorn in China. The following were in order of rank the seven leading cortntries. with respect of the number contributed to the foreign-born pojiulation of Canada as re])orted in the censuses of 1911 and 1901 respectively: — 1911 1901 1. United States. 1. United States. 2. Austria-Hungary. 2. Russia. 3. Russia. 3. Austria-Hungary. 4. Norway and Sweden. 4. German V. 0. Germany. 5. China. e. Italy. (). Norwav v.wCi Sweden. 7. China. 7. Italv. The list of countries was the same at each census, but the rank of each country changed, except the United States, which occupied first place at each decennial period. In the census of 1901 the number of persons who were reported as born in the United States and living in Canada exceeded the total number of immigrants from continental Europe living at the date of the census March 31, by 2,3.')0, whereas by tlie census of 1911 the European born residents of Canada e\(e., 27, 8, 4, :io:i, FoREUJN'-UOK.N, nv YE.\U OK AHHIVAL IN ( ANADA. 1909- 1911 202,159 101, 26, '> \\ 1, I, «. 1. 1, 12, 15, 21, 1. 1, 4SJ :}28 392 140 400 149 •All 620 112 674 40,5 22.') 66a (WO 0.56 755 ;4» 967 858 171 1.5.H SOS 64 056 1900- 1908 158,365 S9,3()7 27,305 1,82.S 229 884 2,493 3.749 5,829 718 1,140 . 284 9,737 10.708 21.052 2,287 1,069 y,299 4,065 3.428 1,06.5 141 59,088 32 639 1901- 1905 167.542 !JS,7D3 37,064 1,405 48 1,040 2,505 3,762 0.895 427 518 1,751 6, 197 12,706 21.070 2.582 703 9,S7S 0.937 1.749 1.079 108 .58.215 29 032 1896- 1891- 1890 Year and un- 1900 1895 before known 71,739 27.793 €1,571 9i,sn U.'iSfi 15.S66 SS,656 22, H9 21.700 2.. 507 2.007 4,459 363 573 699 720 17 t () 213 334 354 600 265 748 , 331 271 430 1.274 1 . 466 1 , 908 2. 1.33 2.579 2,454 12.793 2,407 117 39 50 177 88 95 123 170 903 752 2.710 298 1,905 828 1.3(M 2.483 2,438 2.089 2.4.56 3.1.34 11,074 4,010 0,623 4.819 751 121 221 373 237 234 759 468 6,5(16 !,Sli S,tiS.^ 2.9SB 4.. 550 1.644 2,510 1,798 1.324 335 170 561 593 307 1.57 398 33 28 40 107 20.437 9.5:« 25,820 37.768 11 3 20 52 197 72 186 572 11 In the following statement the principal alien countries contributing to :he population of Canada are ranked according to the per cent proportion which khe number of immigrants from the specified country bears to the total foreign- 3orn, classified by years of arrival in the Dominion. The countries selected "urnished about 90 per cent of the total foreign-born population living in Canada, June, 1911. 1906-June 1911. I'ountry and per cent of tot^l foreign-born iving^in 1911 which it. contributed p.c. Jnited States ... 41 • 1 Austria-Hungary 14 -9 ilussia 13-7 *^orway and Sweden 7-3 taly 60 jermany 3-4 "hina 2-7 1901-1905. Country and per cent of total foreign-born living in 1911 which it contributed p.c. United States... 34-8 .\ustria-Hungar> 22 • 1 Russia 14-1 Norway and Sweden 7-6 China 4-2 Germany 4-1 Italy 3-7 1896-1901 . Country and per cent of total foreign-born living in 1911 which it contributed p.c. Austria-Hungarj'30-3 United States. .28-5 Russia 16-5 China 6-4 Germany 3-6 Norwav and Sweden 3-4 Italy 2-7 1891-1895. Country and per cent of total foreign-born living in 1911 which it contributed p.c. United-States... 34-:'. Russia 15- (> Austria-Hungarj 90 Germany 8-8 Norway and Sweden 7-5 China 5-9 France 5-3 1890 and before. Country and per cent of total foreign-born living in 1911 which it contributed p.c. Lnited States. .41-9 Germany 20-8 Russia 11-2 Denmark 5-5 China 41 Norway and Sweden 4-0 Austria-Hungary 3-4 Note. — Russia includes Finland, and Denmark includes Iceland. For all periods, excepting 1896-1900, the United States ranked first in respect o the proportion of immigrants contributed and resident in Canada June, 1911, vhen first place was taken by Austria-Hungaiy. Denmark and France each ecured a place among the seven highest contributors to the foreign-born popula- ion of Canada — the former in regard to immigrants of the period prior to 1891 md the latter to those whose years of immigration were between 1891 and 1895. Germany dropped from second rank in the period before 1891 to fourth place 11 1891-1895, to fifth place in 1896-1900 and to sixth place in the two subsequent >eriods. It will be noticed that the number of immigrants from China residing II Canada ranked that country as the sixth greatest source of the foreign-born >opulation of the Dominion and compared by periods of years, only in the last lid it occupy seventh place. 82266-2 i 12 TABLE C. PER CENT DISTlilHL'TIOX OF THE FOREIGN-BORN FIAPHiPERIOD BY SPECIFIED C;OUNTRIES, 1911. ARRIVALS IN Birthplace of Foreign-born. All foreigu-borii Europe Austria-Hungary Belgium Bulgaria Denmark. Finland France Germany Greece Holland Iceland Italy Norway and Sweden Ru>^iii... Kouiiiania Other Asia. , . . China Japan Turkey and Syria. . . Other! United States Other countries- Per cent of total p.c. iM oe 5S-80 16- 13 106 •22 •66 1^46 234 526 •35 •51 •94 4-61 654 11 96 1^06 •70 3-U 360 112 •63 •09 40 34 •42 DWTRIBUTIO.V BY YE.\RS OF .\nRIVAL IN CaNAD.\. 1909- 1911 p.c. 100 M 50- 19 13 02 119 •.56 •69 2 05 164 3-27 •55 •83 •20 05 7^75 10 70 •82 •87 S-54 246 •43 •58 •07 45-91 •36 190ft- 1908 p.c. IM M 66 89 17-25 115 •14 •56 158 2 37 ZGS •45 •72 •18 614 676 13-30 1-44 •67 6-87 296 2-16 -67 •08 37-31 •43 1901- 1905 p.c. lOO M 58-96 2212 •S3 •03 •63 15;j 2-24 412 •26 •31 104 370 7^58 1258 154 •45 5-89 414 104 •65 •06 34 75 •40 1896- 1900 p.c. IM N 62- 15 30 25 •51 •02 •46 104 178 3-59 •16 •12 1-26 274 3-40 15-44 1-05 •33 9-07 635 1^85 •82 •05 28-49 •29 1891- 1S95 1890 and before p.c. p.c. 100 M 100 M 57-03 9 02 2 06 •03 127 119 5^28 8-83 •14 •34 271 52 14 45 •43 •84 8Sg 592 1 21 111 •08 34 32 63- 04 3-35 113 •01 107 •44 10-75 •40 1 23 4-68 408 •28 •26 i •06 41 94 •34 i Year un- known p.c. IM M So 00 7 01 113 33 •42 •68 335 3 79 •28 •27 •47 3^«»0 4 93 7-11 -59 -74 i-60 2 83 •88 •62 •27 .'>9-42 •98 'Includes East Indies. 'Includes West Indies. The two preceding tables show, that of the foreign-born (63,563) with year of immigration not reported, 59.42 per cent (37,768) were born hi the United States, 35 per cent (22,249) in Europe, and nearly 5 per cent (2,922) in Asia. In other words the census records as regards years of arrival in Canada was defective for 12.4 per cent of the immigrants born in the United States, for 7.1 per cent of those l)orn in Asia and for 5.5 per cent of those born in the countries of Europe. The following statement calculated from Table 5 shows the proportion of the foreign-born population of (^anada, 1911, by specified countries, for whom the year of arrival in Canada was wanting. Country of birth. Per cent of persons born in each specified country for whom tlie year (jf immigra- tion wa.s not re|K)rled. Au.stria-Hungary ; p.c. 36 92 128 54 39 121 01 0-7 4-4 Belgium , Bulgaria Denmark. . , F^inlandi r'rance CJermany ; , Greece Holland Country of birth. Iceland Italy Norway and Swcilfn Ru.s.sia Roumuniu. . . (;hina .lapan Turkey and Syria. United States Per cent of persons born in each sper of the naturalized population at 8.5;i,588 as compared with 8M,557 in tliis bulletin, the difference (9,031) represents those who had taken the first steps towards naturalization, but had not, at the time of the census, secured the status of citizenship either for themselves or their tlependcnts. Notwithstanding the fact that the naturalization law of C'anada retjuires a three years residence in the country before an alien is entitled to obtain the privileges of citizenship, yet the table shows that 12.736 persons who came to lo TABLE 7. DISTRIBUTION OF THE FOREIGN-BORX CLASSIFIED ACCORDING 'l\) COUNTRY OF BIRTH BY PROVINCES, 1911. BY Provinces. Maritime Provinces. New- Nova Scotia Prince Bruns- wick Edward Island NO. NO. NO. 8,I$1 10,9/2 932 2,052 5,217 79 91 1,252 ~ 76 571 - 99 46 - 249 47 - 17 12 - 158 380 8 150 549 7 24 56 - 32 24 11 - 5 - 282 711 12 281 227 23 558 1,250 18 12 19 - 23 68 - 257 540 19 91 125 6 - 1 - 159 393 13 7 21 - 5,766 4,802 829 59 41.. 5 Total 20,038 7,348 1,.343 647 145 296 29 546 706 80 67 5 1,005 531 1,826 31 91 816 222 '"i 565 28 11,397 477 Yukon and North west Terri- tories NO. 3,403 127 15 2 58 60 91 214 12 52 487 61 12 180 76 1 72 2 1 ,908 41 Percent distribution by Provinces. Western Province.s. Brit. Col; umbia p.c. 13 90 9-91 512 10 07 6-31 15-46 19- 14 707 7-72 25-87 9-95 3-47 23-33 22-05 4-42 1-49 27-93 65-9\ 69-49 93-70 4-97 5-67 12 -.36 13,. 59 Al- berta p.c. 18 96 Ai-51 17-39 12-63 3-90 27-95 9-27 10-46 15-42 3-67 29-83 3-31 5-25 24-61 11-13 4-22 9-39 5-41 6-59 2-89 1-99 13-88 26-79 11 -.59 Sask- atche- wan p.c. 21 60 22-50 29-22 15-94 6-42 19-89 4-89 16-69 20-97 1-52 16-49 18-81 •77 28-12 25-65 22-50 9-42 3-71 4-28 ■69 5-58 5-23 22-93 11-34 Mani- toba p.c. 12 71 19-28 31 07 28-64 -36 1201 1-45 17-85 10-85 2-42 19-17 72-23 1-98 10-76 18-20 9-72 14-72 2-69 3-11 -23 3-65 9-25 5-38 6-70 Total p.c. 67 24 66-20 82-80 67-28 16-99 75-31 34-75 52-07 54-96 33-48 75-44 97-82 31-33 85-54 59-40 37-93 61-46 77-72 83-47 97-51 1619 34-03 67-46 43-22 On- tario p.c. 19 76 21-48 12-81 6-02 61-22 13-57 62-54 10-67 37-93 42-39 18-04 2-04 47-24 10-76 21-58 15-27 22-48 13-16 10-03 1-28 48-18 39-70 18 -.33 23 - 22 Quc- V>ec p.c. 9 89 10-17 3-18 18-41 12-97 3-95 1-90 33-65 4-79 20-64 4-60 -07 18-38 1-63 16-93 46-27 10-94 6-95 5-67 -34 23-74 21-94 9-83 17-10 Mari- time Pro- vinces 2 66 / Ml 8-11 8-70 600 ■26 4-00 1-78 3-03 1-76 -07 2-89 108 2 03 ■39 1-72 1-99 •82 ■01 11-85 4-18 3 75 15 07 No. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 IS 19 20 21 22 23 24 Canada in 1909-1911 were naturalized. This discrepancy is more apparent than real. Table 11, page 19, states that of the arrivals of 1909-June, 1911, who were naturalized, only 133 were males 21 years of age and over, at the date of the census or less than one-tenth of one per cent of the total male immigrant.-^ of foreign birth whose residence in Canada was less than three years, the remaining 12,603 of this period represent the foreign-born females and children under 21 years of age who became naturalized as a result of action taken by husband or parent (see section of Act previously quoted, page 5). That is to say, husbands or parents had come to Canada previous to bringing wives and children, the latter, although being in the country less than three years, participated in the benefits of citizenship automatically in consequence of the naturalization of the head of the house. Of the total foreign-born with years of immigration reported 29-3 per cent came to Canada in the years 1909-June, 1911, while the foreign-born arrivals of the five years 1906-1911 made up more than 52 per cent of the total foreign-born living in Canada at the date of the Fifth Census. Of the foreign-born whose year of immigration was not reported 51-56 per cent were naturalized. 1() TABLE 8. FOREIGN-BORN IN CANAD.X CLAS.SIFIED BY AND (ITIZEN.SHIP, 1911. YEAR or IMMIGRATION TOT.^L FOHEKiN-BORN POPtJL.\TION BY YEAH < iF IMUIURATION. Y'ear of immigration. Number Per cent of total with year of immi- gration reported Naturalized.' Alien. Number Per cent Number Per cent 1909-Junp, 1911 NO. t 202,159 46,952. 55,947 55,406 167,542 71.7.39 27,793 61,571 p.c. 29-3 6-8 81 81 24-4 10-4 40 8-9 NO. 12,736 10,889 24,245 32,214 116,782 49.825 20,865 44,225 p.c. 6-29 23 19 45-30 5807 69-70 69-45 75-07 71-82 NO. 189,423 36,063 31.702 23.252 50,760 21,914 6,928 17.346 p.c. 93 71 1908 76-sl 1907 • 54-70 1906 .... 41-93 1901-1905 30-30 1896-1900 30 .55 1891-1895 ' 24 93 1890 and before 28-18 Total with year reported 689,169 1000 311,781 45-24 377.388 54 76 63,563 - 32,776 51-56 30.787 48-44 Total forelKn-bom 752,733 360,524 328,645 52-31 47-69 344,557 80,084 231,697 45 77 22 21 70-50 4«8,175 280.440 96,948 54 23 (With year reported) 1906-1911 1905 and before 77 79 2'.l • 50 'Exclusive of those who have papers. Table 9 gives the number of immigrants, both sexes, from each specified foreign country, classified by years of arrival in Canada, who have become naturalized. Table 10 gives the same information by percentages. The numbers and percentages of the foreign-born naturalized, for the period 1906-June. IIUI. as compared with the other specified quinquennial periods are adversely affect (h1 by the immigrants of the years 1909-10 and the four months of 1911, who, because of shortness of time in the country, could not obtain naturalization. Of the total foreign-born, whose yearof immigration was previous to 1891, nearly 72 per cent had become Canadian citizens prior to the taking of the Fifth census of Canada. Of the immigrants of the years 1891-1895 over 75 per cent were naturalized, of those of the years 1890-1900 69-45 per cent, and of those of the years 1901-1905 nearly 70 per cent, while of those arriving in the five years and five months immediately preceding the last census only 22-21 percent were naturalized. But of the last mentioned, only 158,305 out of 300,524 had been in Canada for a longer period than -three years, that Is, were immigrants of the years 190()-H»08 and of the.^e 07,347 or 42-52 per cent were naturalized. Tables 9 and 10 further show by country of origin the alien i)orn who have most readily become naturalized. Natives of Iceland lead with 82-48 per cent followed by those of Germany with 50-57 per cent, of Austria-Hungary with 50-19 per cent, of the United States with 49-99 per cent, of Denmark with 47-78 per cent, of Rounumia with 46-09 percent, of Russia with 45-52 per cent. Of the Italian, (Ireek and Asiatic born less than 20 per cent have natu- ralized. In botli tables immigrants from Icelantl and Finland are not incluiled with Denmark and Ru.s.sia, but are given separately, riic tables afford an 17 opportunity of observino; how the immigrants from each specified country, for each immigration period recorded, had become naturaHzed. The percentages in table 10 are worked fromtables 5 and 9. TABLE 9. NUMBER OF EACH YEARS ARRIVALS OF FOREIGN-BORN WHO HAVE BECOME NATURALIZED, CLASSIFIED BY COUNTRY OF BIRTH, 1911. . Birthplace of Foreign-born. All foreign-born Europe Austria-Hungary Belgium Bulgaria Denmark Finland France Germany Greece Holland Iceland Italy Norway and Sweden Russia Roumania Other Asia China Japan Turkey and Syria — Other United States West Indies Other countries Number of each year's foreign-born immigrants naturalized. Total naturaliz- ed 1906- June, 1911 1901-1905 1896-1900 1891-1895 1890 and before Year unknown NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. 344,557 80,084 116,782 49,825 20,865 44,225 32,776 184U9S So, 681 68,739 32,874 13,008 26,005 8.196 60,949 9,165 27,033 19.264 2,164 1,678 1 . 645 3,265 798 865 272 480 572 278 72 26 21 8 6 2 9 2,. 359 453 772 260 275 50,5 94 2,922 618 1,311 486 236 194 77 8,911 1,883 2.385 914 1,206 1,390 1.1.33 23,28.3 3.081 5.181 1.966 2,032 9,770 1,2.53 476 163 166 51 22 24 50 1,128 466 383 57 69 84 69 5,864 213 1.501 802 673 2,473 202 6,900 1.935 2,263 949 473 8.53 427 21,891 5,6.57 9,834 1.818 1 , 703 1,872 1.007 40,965 9,879 14,784 5,. 308 3,412 5.824 1,7.5.8 3,683 1,024 1,784 5.50 73 173 79 1,835 320 456 169 184 591 115 6,5 31 1,416 1,921 1,563 692 496 419 2,578 478 806 561 253 289 191 1.898 50.) 443 604 205 8.8 49 1.889 400 607 380 225 107 170 166 29 65 18 9 12 9 152,308 42,698 45.703 15.270 7.110 17.580 23.947 71 14 16 8 1 9 23 1.144 272 401 •110 52 127 182 8226fr-3 18 TABLE IP. PER CENT OF EACH YEAR'S ARRIVALS OF FOREIGN-BORN WHO HAVE BECOME NATURALIZED, CLASSIFIED BY COUNTRY OF BIRTH. 1911. Birthplace of Foreign-born. Per cent bt total foreign- bom natural- ized PeK cent of each year's rOREIGN'-BORN IMMIGRANTS N.ATLRALIZED. 1906- June, 1911 1901-1905 1S96-1900 1891-1895 1890 and before Year unknown All foreign- born Europe ^ Austria-Huncar>' Relgiurn Bulgaria Denmark Finland France Germany Greece Holland Iceland ' Italy Norway and Sweden Russia Roumania Other Asia China Japan Turkey and Syria — Other» United States West Indies Other countries p.c. 45 77 J,5-56 50- 19 40-94 4-32 47-78 26-58 50-57 58-82 18-03 2902 82-48 19-08 44-49 45-52 46-09 ?A-72 15-95 9-52 22-52 39-01 24-77 49-99 33-64 38-72 p.c. 22 21 18-70 17-00 18-93 1-88 19-83 9-30 26-61 24-75 8-90 16-56 30-91 ' 8-81 21-45 23- 14 25-97 11-33 860 4-96 11-87 17-89 9-86 28-11 14-58 21 00 p.c. 69 70 69-58 72-94 61-57 43-75 74-23 5111 63-40 75-14 38-88 73-94 85-72 36-52 77-40 70-17 69 09 59-76 19- i6 11-62 25-33 56-26 60-19 78-51 55- 17 63-45 p.c. S9 45 73 -rs 88-78 74-93 47-06 '77-84 64-97 71-74 76-23 43-59 64-76 88-81 48-30 74-57 47-93 73-24 71-31 Si -02 12-31 45-62 64-08 54-55 74-72 72-73 ■ 55-84 p.c. 75 •? 81-98 86-32 83-77 85-71 77-68 71-30 82-26 82-80 56-41 72-63 89-49 57- 13 81-52 84-96 60-33 78-63 29-90 15-38 61 19 73-29 32- 14 74-54 33-33 72-22 p.c. 71 8S 79-63 81-18 81-83 33-33 76-52 71-59 72-85 70-37 48-00 08-29 91 05 65-41 76-22 87-94 78-28 77-87 1720 11-49 51-76 68- 15 30-00 68-07 4500 68-28 p.c. 51 5« S6 8i 36-89 38-61 4-23 35-49 17-91 53-12 52-06 28-25 40-59 67-79 17-20 32-13 38-90 21-18 24-57 li-3i 10-62 8-73 42-93 5 39 63 40 44-23 31-81 'Includes East Indies. Table 11 classifies the foreign-born males of voting age according to citizen- ship and years of immigration, for Canada as a whole and for each of the pro- vinces. Statistics for the Yukon and Northw-est Territories are not included in this table. On page 14 reference was made to immigrants of alien birth of less than three years residence in the Dominion who were reported as having obtained naturalization. The figures of Table 11 show that only a small pro- portion of these (183 out of a total of 12,730) wer(> males of voting age at the date of the census. The fact that the^e 133 males of voting age, whose period of residence in Canada was less than three years, were naturalized does not mean that the law was over-reached. These persons, altliough 21 years of age at the date of the census, may have been minors at the time of their first arrival in Canada and would ther(>fore, as regards citizenship, be ctintroiled by the action of tiie parents (sec page 5). Of the 133 males thus reported 1H» of them were born in the United States and were locatetl in British Columbia (20), Alberta (20), Saskatchewan (15), Manitoba (7), Ontario (21), Quebec (9), New Jirunswick (3) and Nova Scotia (1). 19 TABLE 11. FOREIGN-BORX MALES 21 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER CLASSIFIED ACCORDING TO CITIZENSHIP AND YEARS OF IMMIGRATION FOR CANADA AND THE PROVINCES, 191L ' '-ainaua Year of Immigration. Canada— 1 l'J09-Junc,lflll I'JOS.r. 1907 1906.... 1901-1905 1896-1900 1891-1895 1890 and before Total with year ported. Total witH year not reported Totals. British Columbia — 1909-Junc, 1911 1908 1907 1906 1901-1905 1896-1900 1891-1895 1890 and before Total with year poi ted Total with year not reported Total mules forcit;n- born Totals. Alberta — 1909-June, 1911 1908 1907 1906 1901-1905 1896-1900 1891-1895 1890 and before Total with year ported Total with year not reported Totals. Saskatchewan — 1909-June, 1911 1908 1907 1906 1901-1905 1896-1900 1891-1895 1890 and before Total with year re- ported Total with year not reported Totals 96,7811 65,345 NO 136,000 30,790 35,768 34,649 102,125 42,421 16,344 34,86 432,964 35,271 468,235 26,399 5,659 6,256 4,879 13,867 8,914 3,767 5,877 75,618 4, J 80,500 30,. 367 6,459 6,834 7,063 21,253 7,294 2,343 1,707 83,320 4,460 FOREIGN-BORN MALES, 21 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER. Aggregate. Number NO. 93,077 21,707 25,778 24,595 73,881 32,292 14^249 34,398 319,977 24,024 Per cent of total males 344,001 21,026 4,581 5,341 4,261 12,252 8,057 3,547 5,817 64,882 4,031 87,780 28,201 6,108 7,481 9,491 25,752 8,485 2,480 2,839 90,837 5,944 CS,963 19,335 4,. 354 4,701 4,843 14,588 5,247 2,033 1,66: 56,763 3,036 p.c. 68-44 70-50 72-07 70-98 72-34 76-12 87-18 98-65 73-90 68-11 Naturalized. Number 73 48 79-65 80-95 85-37 «7-33 88-35 90-39 94-16 98-98 85-80 83-59 NO. 133 2,675 8,410 11,851 45,257 19,910 10,141 24,349 122,756 8,506 Per cent of total males 131,202 24 204 664 773 3,065 2,413 1,625 2,843 11,611 577 85-67 12,188 59,799 17,737 3,991 4,862 6,246 17,578 6,322 2,220 2,786 61,742 3,603 63-67 67-41 68-79 68-57 68-64 71-94 86 97 68-13 68-07 68 12 62 -0and before Tut ill with year rn- pnrtcd Total with year not reported Totals Total males foreign- born 10.292 2,591 3,896 3,728 15,819 7.766 2,596 4,837 51,525 2,502 54.027 .30,114 6,793 7.528 6, 101 15,012 5,435 2,908 14,370 88,261 6,691 94,952 8,0.30 2,0 3,12S 2,847 8,660 3,711 1,826 4.061 34,786 7,861 42,647 643 218 173 162 573 314 I6<) 66-: 2,914 1.48': 4.S9I FOREIQN-BORN MALES 21 TEARS OP AQE AXD OVER. Aggregate. Num- ber NO. 6,. 579 1,684 2,680 2,502 11,042 5,515 2,301 4,776 37,079 1,600 38,679 21,612 5,132 5,736 4,541 11,349 4,015 2,337 14,219 68.941 5,085 74,926 5,^170 1.600 2,053 1,875 5,985 2.614 1,496 3,982 24,775 5,047 29,822 297 98 95 87 335 194 127 648 1,881 874 2,75S Per cent of total males p.e. 63-92 64-99 68-78 67- 11 69-80 71 02 88-63 98-74 71-96 63-95 71 59 71-77 75-55 76- 19 74-43 75-59 73-87 80 -.36 98-94 78-11 75-98 77 96 69 93 46-19 44-95 54-91 .53-70 .58-46 61-78 75- 15 97-89 64 55 58-97 62 67 Naturalized. Num- ber Per cent of total males 10 257 945 1 , 2.301 7,443 4,788 2,054 4,344 21,071 760 21,831 35 412 1 , 060 1 , 1.54 4,2.52 1,985 1,395 9,319 19,612 1,410 21,922 11 314 720 818 3.128 1 . 542 1.001 3.039 10,576 2.466 13,942 •■i 15 32 30 147 100 81 419 827 42*1 l.US P.O. •09 9-92 24-25 .32-99 47-05 61-65 79- 12 89-80 40-89 30 -.38 49-41 -12 6- 06 14-07 18-91 28 -.32 36 -.52 47-97 64-85 22-22 21-07 22 14 -14 12-45 23 01 28-73 36-12 41-55 54-98 74-83 .30-40 31 3 39 '58 -47 6-88 18 •.50 18 51 25-65 31-85 47-93 63-30 28-38 28-88 28'M Per cent of males 21 and over P.O. •15 1526 35-26 49- 16 67 40 86-82 89-26 90-95 56-83 47-50 56 44 •16 8 03 18^48 2541 37-46 49-44 59^(>8 65 54 28 45 27 73 28 49 •21 19-62 35 07 43 -e;! .52 26 .58 99 67^ 11 76 -.32 42-69 48-86 43 73 101 15 31 33 (W 34 48 43 88 51 -.55 63-78 (>4 66 43-97 48 97 4ft M Alien. Num- ber NO. 6.569 1.427 1 . 735 1.272 3.599 727 247 432 16.008 840 16.848 21.577 4.720 4.676 3.387 7.097 2.030 942 4,900 49.329 3.675 53.994 5. 1.59 1.286 1..333 1.0.57 2,857 1,072 492 943 14.199 2.581 16.789 294 83 )'>:{ 57 188 94 46 229 1.0.54 440 l.St) Per cent of total males p.c. 63 83 55 07 44 5;} 34 12 22-75 9 37 9-51 8-94 3107 .33-57 31 18 71-65 69 49 62 12 55-52 47-27 37-35 .32 39 34-09 55-89 54-91 55-82 64-24 50-97 42 62 37-13 .32-99 28-89 26 95 23 22 40 82 32 83 39 35 45 72 :{8 07 3t» 41 35- 19 .32 81 29 93 27 • 22 .34 • .59 .36 17 30 09 Per cent o( males 21 and over UU 21 TABLE 11. FOREIGN-BORN MALES 21 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER CLASSIFIED ACCORDING TO CITIZENSHIP AND YEARS OF IMMIGRATION FOR CANADA AND THE PROVINCES, 19n. , iv «. /^i^.Ai^n Year of Immigration. Total males foreign- born FOREIGN-BOKN MALES 21 YEARS OF ACJE AND OVER. Aggregate. Num- ber Per cent of total males Naturalized. Alien. Num- ber Per cent of total males Per cent of males 21 and over Num ber Per cent of total males Per cent of males 21 and over Nova Scotia — 1909-June, 1911 1908 1907 1906 1901-1905 1896-1900 1891-1895 1890 and before Total with year re- ported Total with year not reported Totals Prince Edward Island— 1909-June, 1911 1908 ; 1907 1906 1901-1905 1896-1900 1891-1895 1890 and before Total with year re- ported Total with year not reported Totals.. : 1,844 411 451 357 1,097 460 241 453 5,314 1,365 6,679 110 28 21 21 92 42 14 61 .389 84 473 1,306 263 305 238 728 315 183 449 3,787 664 4,451 15 4 5 2 24 13 5 59 127 34 161 p.c. 70-82 63-99 67-63 66-67 66-36 68-47 75-93 99- 12 71-26 48-64 66 64 13-63 14-28 23-81 9-52 26-09 30-96 35-71 96-72 32-65 40-48 34 04 3 13 74 69 276 198 145 359 1,137 .381 -16 3-16 16-41 19-32 25-16 43-04 60-16 79-25 21-39 27-91 1,518 1 19 7 3 4'J 81 i: 101 22 72 -91 7-14 9-52 4-76 20-65 16-67 21-43 80-33 21-59 20-24 p.c, -22 4-94 24-26 28-99 37-92 62-85 79-24 79-95 .30-02 57-37 1,303 250 231 169 452 117 38 90 2,650 283 34 10 6-67 50-00 40-00 50-00 79-17 53-85 60-00 83-05 66-14 .50-00 2,933 21 35 62 73 60 p.c. 70-66 60-83 51-22 47-34 41-20 25-43 15 19-87 49-87 20-73 43 92 12-72 7-14 14-29 4-76 5-44 14-29 14-28 16-39 11-06 20-24 12 69 99-78 95 06 75-74 71-01 62-08 37- 15 20-76 20-05 69-98 42-63 65 90 93-33 50-00 6000 5000 20-83 46-15 40-00 16-95 .33-86 50-00 37 27 The foregoing table shows that for Canada as a whole more than 73 per 31 4.624 4.607 20.633 12.001 8.6.32 686 257 429 692 225 467 2,013 726 1,287 962 463 499 905 489 416 3.170 1.710 1,460 1,222 819 403 1,506 863 643 4.258 2.648 1.610 2,507 2,078 429 1.503 1,007 496 1.864 1.137 727 5,377 3,617 1,760 4,606 2,584 2,022 11,305 6,221 5,084 489 213 276 989 390 599 7.871 5. 143 2,728 122 53 69 3,250 1.518 1,732 969 489 480 144 122 22 81 29 52 81 53 28 39 17 22 228 90 138 2.30 91 139 - 7 5 2 4 2 2 183 139 44 516 124 192 SIS 146 169 50 25 109 50 25 169 1 1 45 8 37 4 2 2 1.9S1 353 1.628 606 69 537 79 22 57 29 4 25 57 21 36 771 116 655 788 151 637 344 79 265 15 4 11 51 3 48 66 7 59 12 'Includes Ic'Ian ACCORDING TO CITIZENSHIP AND YEARS OF IMMIGRATION FOR CITIES OF 15,000 AND OVER, 1911. City of residence and year of immigration 17. Maisonneuve, Q. 1906-June, 1911. 1901-1905 1896-1900 1891-1895 1890 and before. Not reported . . . 18. Peterborough, O 1906-Junc, 1911. 1901-1905 1896-1900 1891-1895 1890 and before. Not reported . . . 19. Hull, Q 1906-June, 1911. 1901-1906 1896-1900 1891-1896 1890 and before. Not reported . . . 20. Windsor, O 1906-June, 1911. 1901-1905 1896-1900 1891-1895 1890 and before. Not reported . . . 21. Sydney, N.S 1906-June, 1911. 1901-1905 1896-1900 1891-1895 1890 and before. Not reported.. . 22. Glace Bay, N.S.. 1906-June, 1911. 1901-1905 1896-1900 1891-1895 1890 and before. Not reported . . . ,23. Fort William, O. 1906-June, 1911. 1901-1905 1896-1900 1891-1895 1890 and before. Not reported . . . 24. Sherbrooke, Q... 1906-June, 1911. 1901-1905 1896-1900 1891-1895 1890 and before. Not reported . . . Total males foreign- born NO. 629 251 137 38 22 40 141 341 136 74 29 16 53 33 161 40 25 12 8 22 54 1,041 363 166 88 49 221 154 1,525 1,083 276 94 22 27 23 716 447 149 54 33 17 16 3,372 2,370 644 152 53 103 50 489 193 53 30 21 58 134 FOREIGN-BORN MALES 21 YEARS AND OVER, 1911. Aggregate Num- ber 460 175 107 25 17 40 96 241 84 49 20 13 52 23 124 30 20 22 37 781 246 102 64 40 217 112 1,189 857 206 71 17 27 11 486 302 94 42 23 17 8 2,767 1,854 592 129 52 103 37 338 130 33 21 17 57 74 Per cent of total males p.c 73 69 78 65 77 100 68 70 61 66 68 81 98 69 77 75 80 66 87 100 68 75 67 61 72 81 98 72 77 79 74 75 77 100 47 67 67 63 77 69 100 50 82 78 91 84 98 100 74 69 70 62 70 80 98 55 Naturalized Num- ber NO. 126 17 26 14 10 21 38 126 18 29 16 10 41 12 67 3 10 5 7 16 26 70 2 6 9 9 38 6 139 21 56 33 13 14 2 102 21 23 26 18 12 2 299 51 114 36 24 57 17 156 8 18 16 14 49 51 Per cent of total males p.c. 20 03 6-7 18-98 36-84 45-45 52-50 26-95 36 95 13-23 39-19 55- 17 62-50 77-36 36-37 41 62 7-50 40-00 41-67 87-50 72-73 48-15 6 72 -55 3-62 10-23 18-3 17-19 3-90 9 12 1-94 20-29 3511 59-09 51-85 8-70 14 25 4-70 15-44 48-15 54-55 70-59 12-50 8-87 2-15 17-70 23-08 45-28 55-34 34-00 31 90 4-15 33-96 53-33 66-67 84-48 3806 Per cent of mal 21 years and over p.c 27 9 24 56 58 52 39 52 21 59 80 76 78 52 54 10 50 62 100 72 70 Alien Num- ber NO. 334 158 81 11 7 19 58 115 66 20 4 3 11 11 10 3 6 11 711 244 96 55 31 179 106 1,050 836 150 38 4 13 9 384 281 71 16 5 5 6 2.468 1,803 478 93 28 46 20 182 128 15 5 3 8 23 Per cent of total males p.c 53 10 62-95 59-12 28-95 31-82 47-50 41-14 33 72 48-53 27-03 13-80 18-75 20-75 33-33 35 40 67-50 40 00 25 00 27-27 20-37 68 30 67-22 57-83 62-50 63-26 81-00 68-83 68-85 77-19 54-35 40-42 18-18 48-15 39 13 53 63 62-86 47-65 29-63 15- 15 29-41 37-50 73 19 76-08 74-23 61-19 52-83 44-66 40-00 37-22 66-32 28-30 16-67 14-28 13-80 17- 16 Per cent of males 21 years and over p.c. 72 61 90-29 75-70 44-00 41-18 47-50 60-42 47 72 78 -.57 40-82 20-00 23-08 21-15 47-83 45 97 90-00 5000 37-50 27-27 29-73 91 04 99- 19 94-12 85-94 77-50 82-49 94-64 88 31 97-55 72-82 53-52 23-53 48-15 81-82 79 01 93 05 75-53 38-10 21-74 29-41 7500 89 19 97-25 80-74 72-09 53-85 44-66 54-05 53 85 94-12 45 45 23-81 17-64 14-04 -31 08 40 TABLE 18. FOREIGN-BORN MALES 21 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER ( LASSIFIED ACCORDING TO CITIZENSHIP AND YEARS OF IMMIGRATION FOR CITIES OF 15,000 AND OVER. 1911 City of residence and year of immigration. 25. Berlin, O 190(>-June. I'Jll. 1901-1905 1896-1900 1891-1896 1890 and before Not reported . . 2«. Guelph, O 190t)-June. 1911. 1901-1905 1896-1900 1891-1895 1890 and before Not reported . . 27. Westmount, Q . 190C-Junc, 1911. 1901-1905 1896-1900 1891-1895 1890 and before Not reported. . Total males foreign- born xo. 1.193 342 100 48 55 547 40 615 300 73 23 12 78 129 5S0 204 84 59 28 121 64 FoREIGN-BORN M.\LE.S 21 YEAK.S .\XD OVEK, 1911. Aggregate Num- ber NO. 1.009 243 119 28 46 545 28 504 222 60 19 116 417 129 46 119 43 Per cent of total males p.c. 84 65 7105 74-38 .58-33 83 -W 99-64 70-00 81 95 74-00 82- 19 82-61 75-00 100 00 89-92 74 46 63-24 65-48 77-97 89-29 98 -.35 67-19 Naturalized "Num- ber 641 58 59 21 36 446 21 166 32 26 12 7 71 18 227 19 25 29 13 107 34 Per cent of total males p.c. 53-78 16-96 36-88 43-75 65 46 81 -.54 52 -.50 26 99 10 67 .35-62 52-17 .58 -.33 91 03 13-95 40 53 9 -.32 29-76 49-15 46-43 88-43 53-13 Per cent of males 21 years 'and p.c. 03 53 23-87 49-58 75-00 78-26 81-83 75-00 32 94 14-41 43-33 63- 16 77-78 91 -a3 15-52 51 44 14-73 45-45 63 04 5200 89-92 79 07 Alien Per cent Num- of total ber males xo. p.c. 368 30-87 185 .54-09 60 37-50 7 14-58 10 18-18 99 18-10 t 17-50 338 54 96 190 63-33 34 46 57 / 30-44 9 16-67 1 8-97 9S 75-97 190 33 93 110 .53-92 30 35-72 17 28-82 12 42-86 12 9-92 9 14-06 Per cent of males 21 years and p.c. 36 47 76-13 50 42 25 00 21 74 18-17 25 00 67 N 85 -.59 56-67 36-84 22-22 8-97 84-48 45 56 .85-27 54-55 36-96 4800 10-08 20-93 The number and pereentage of the voting populution chis.sified as Briti.>3 '3 20 - 15 8 7 7 4 3 - 8 4 4 - 51 .33 18 - 1 1 25 2 2.3 2 1 1 82 6 76 5 1 4 55 4 51 37 3 34 - 17 1 16 1 1 522 45 477 3 3 4 3 1 178 16 162 25 10 15 194 18 176 9 1 8 52 28 24 10 2 8 - 42 26 16 - 106 30 76 58 7 51 - 47 5 42 3 3 199 52 147 8 8 19 3 16 9 9 - 10 3 7 - 26 16 10 6 2 4 8 1 7 477 54 423 120 33 87 414 47 367 6 6 112 14 98 49 4 45 - 30 8 22 33 2 31 197 67 130 5 1 4 - 80 3 77 12 4 8 39 27 12 - 12 4 8 2 2 - 10 4 6 ; 1.56 100 56 - 4 1 3 14 6 8 3 2 1 114 44 70 13 11 2 25 12 13 3 - 19 11 8 3 1 2 115 66 49 - 1 1 208 46 162 7 4 3 48 5 43 9 6 3 52 2 50 28 2 26 - 24 24 ~ 86 56 30 2 2 I 3 1 2 1 1 6 4 2 26 21 5 5 4 1 61 4 57 58 2 56 - 3 2 1 ■" 246 137 109 1 I 46 TABLE 21. PER CENT NATURALIZED AND ALIEN OF THE FOREIGN BORN MALES 21 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER CLASSIFIED ACCORDING TO COUNTRY OF BIRTH IN CITIES OF 15.000 POPULATION AND OVER. I'Jll. City of residence unci count r\- of birth. Montreal, Q. . Europe Austria-Hungary Belgium Bulgaria and Rou- mania Denmark France Germany Greece Holland Italy Norway and Sweden Russia and Finland . . Other A^ia , China Turkey and Syria — Other United States Other countries Toronto, O. Europe Austria-Hungary Bulgaria and Rou- mania Denmark France Germany (ireece Holland Italy Norway and Sweden Russia and Finland . . Other Asia ("hina Turkey and Syria. . . Other United States Other countries Winnipeg, M. Europt Austria-Hungary B(>lgium Bulgaria and Rou- mania Denmark France ( Jermany Greece Holland Italy Norway and Sweden Russia and Finland . . Other Asia China FOREIGN-BORN MALES 21 VEAU14 AND OVEH, 1911. Total 18,4S3 14.0/7 1,588 396 1,193 81 1 , 535 GIO 262 52 2,629 206 5,260 205 1,372 997 347 28 2,974 120 13,739 8,76k 953 307 30 128 661 328 76 1,885 142 4,103 1.55 1,870 886 456 28 3.464 1.37 13,428 10,87 4,520 63 247 732 147 771 .50 126 290 830 3,060 41 656 488 Per cent of total Natur- Alien alized 41 8« 27 41 32-66 32-53 39 83 42 -OS .33 07 53-97 64-77 68-H6 38 -78 47 -IW 36 -(K) 29-36 35-52 47-83 -15-26 41-40 IU-96 14-34 58-2t 58-/-' 65-68 63-3^ 46-27 50-79 56-55 53-28 75- 19 75-00 75-05 61 17 48-95 74-15 75-80 83-35 55-91 53-57 50-33 60-83 72 59 C7-34 67-47 55-70 80-00 82-81 70-05 90-55 82-89 72-15 74-65 62- 15 78-07 «S-/0 87-70 90- 13 67-86 79-62 75-91 60 17 57-95 66-93 46 03 City of residence and country of birth. Winnipeg, M.— Con Turkey and Syria. Other United States. . . .' Other countrie.-^ Vancouver, B.C. Europe Austria-Hungary . . Belgium Bulgaria and Rou- mania Denmark France Germany Greece Holland Italy Norway Russia Other Asia China Japan Turkey and Syria. Other United States Other countries Ottawa, O. Europe .'. Austria-Hungary Bulgaria and Rou- mania Denmark France Germany , Italy Norway and Sweden Russia and Finland . Other Asia , China Turkey and Syria (Hher United States Other countries Hamilton, (). Europe Au-stria-Hungary Bulgaria and Rou- mania Denmark CJermany Cireoco Italy Norway and Swollen FOKEIGN-BORN MALES 21 YEARS AND OVER, 1911. ToUl 61 7 1,928 67 15,516 5,905 485 91 60 211 166 589 230 64 1,675 1,563 647 124 4,838 3,157 1,643 37 1 4.680 93 2,211 1,508 375 30 47 90 289 197 50 366 64 172 139 30 3 517 14 3, 752 S,479 416 121 21 331 80 776 51 Per cent of total Natur- Alien alized .59-02 71-43 33-51 26-86 15-73 1716 16-50 39-56 8-33 36-01 28-31 3107 3-91 23-44 9-3 18-8 14-22 14-51 9-07 10-32 6-33 21-62 20-53 29-04 44 87 41-51 8-53 40-00 65-96 5000 71-03 37-06 44-00 47-81 45-31 34 -SO 36-69 20-07 58 41 33-71 32 M 25-74 12-02 10-01 52-38 73-71 8-14 13 79 49-01 47 TABLE 21. PER CENT NATURALIZED AND ALIEN OF FOREIGN BORN MALES 21 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER CLASSIFIED ACCORDING TO COUNTRY OF BIRTH IN CITIES OF 15,000 POPULATION AND OVER, lOlLj City of residence and country of birth. Hamilton, O.—Con Russia and Finland Other Asia China Turkey and Syria. . United States Other countries Quebec, Q. Europe Austria-Hungary.. . France Germany Italy ; Russia and Finland Other Asia China Turkey and Syria.. United States Other countries Halifax, N.S. Europe France Germany Russia and Finland Other : Asia China Turkey and Syria. . United States Other countries London, O. Europe Austria-Hungary. . . Germany Greece Italy Russia and Finland Other Asia China Other United States Other Countries Calgary, A. Europe Austria-Hungary Bulgaria Denmark France Germany FOREIGN-BORN MALES 21 YEARS AND OVER, 1911. Total 644 33 291 127 164 978 4 502 SOS 25 135 27 22 43 56 71 51 20 108 15 422 180 34 47 38 61 71 41 30 152 19 946 m 55 63 23 119 173 41 81 69 12 386 5 4,442 2,391 699 50 73 47 169 Per cent of total Natur- Alien alized 24-07 48-48 19 -98 23-62 17-08 51-64 50-00 55 58 60-71 92-00 56-30 37-04 63-64 76-74 55 -.36 2S ■ 16 7-84 80 00 61-11 40-00 62 09 60-56 44-12 65-95 68-42 60-65 49-30 39-02 63-33 73-03 36-84 32 24 SS-97 47-27 36-51 44 -.54 27-17 29-27 33-10 33-33 25 00 30-31 20-00 32 17 31-37 21-60 54-00 39-73 57-45 42-60 75-93 51-52 80-0- 76-38 82-9 48-36 50-00 44 42 39-29 8-00 43-70 62-96 36-36 23-26 44-64 71-84 92-16 20-00 38-89 60-00 37 91 59-44 55-88 34-05 31-58 39-35 50-70 60-98 36-67 26-97 63-16 67 76 66-03 52-73 63-49 100-00 55-46 72-83 70-73 67-90 66-67 75 00 69-69 80-00 67-83 68-63 78-40 46-00 60-27 42-55 57-40 City of residence and country of birth. Calgary, A.— Con. Holland Italy Norway and Sweden Russia and Finland. . Other Asia China Japan Other United States Other countries St. John, N.B. Europe , Denmark Germany T Norway and Sweden Russia and Finland . . Other Asia China Turkey and Syria Other United States Other countries Victoria, B.C. Europe France Germany Greece Italy Norway and Sweden Russia and Finland . . Other Asia China Japan Other United States Other countries Regina, S. Europe Austria-Hungary Bulgaria anil Rou- mania France Germany Norway and Sweden Russia and Finland . . Other Asia China Turkey and Syria — United States Other countries FOREIGN-BORN MALES 21 YEARS AND OVER, 1911. Total 49 225 340 690 49 468 415 45 8 1,576 531 226 22 24 26 117 37 71 36 34 1 223 11 4,406 706 27 131 43 153 223 39 90 2,887 2,759 126 o 790 23 3,305 2,468 1,210 365 34 257 84 409 109 114 79 35 712 11 Per cent of total Natur- alized 14-29 32-00 30-59 34-92 40-82 43-8C 45-54 33 -.3.' 12-50 29-89 42-86 59 51 55-30 68-18 62-50 50-00 54-70 48-65 60-56 36-11 85-30 62-33 81-81 14 64 33-85 59-26 57 32-56 16-34 29 15 28-20 36-67 2-67 1-00 25-40 50-00 40-51 39- 13 31 89 31-77 35-12 9-31 44-12 48-64 35-71 29-83 30-27 17-54 7-59 40-00 34-97 9-09 Alien 85-71 68-00 69-41 05-08 59-18 56-20 54-46 06-67 87-50 70-11 57-14 40 49 44-70 31-82 .37-50 50-00 45-30 51-35 39-44 63-89 14-70 37-67 18-19 85 36 66-15 40-74 42-75 67-44 83-66 70-85 71-80 63 -.33 97-33 98-40 74-60 50 00 59-49 60-87 68 11 68-23 64-88 90-69 55-88 51-30 64-29 70-17 69-73 82-46 92-41 6000 65-08 90-91 48 TABLE 21. PER CENT NATURALIZED AND ALIEN OF FOREIGN-BORN MALES 21 YEARS OF AGE AND OVER CLASSIFIED ACCORDING TO COUNTRY OF BIRTH IN CITIES OF 15,000 POPULATION AND OVER, I'Jll. City of residence and country of birth. Edmonton, A. Europe Austria-Hungary Belgium France ^ Germanv Holland Norway and Sweden Russia and Finland . Other Asia China Other United States Other countries Brantford, O. Europe Austria-Hungary. . . Germany Italy Russia and Finland Other Asia China Turkey Other United States Other countries Kingston, O. Europe Germany Russia Other Asia China Other United States Other countries. . . . JVIaisonnruve, Q Kuril pe Belgium France Greece Italy Other Asia China Other United States ( )ihiT ccmntrieM. . . FOREIGN-BOR.S M.\LES 21 YE.^RS .\ND OVER, 1911 Total 2.235 1,114 394 37 62 176 71 133 186 55 13.5 104 31 961 25 Per cent of total Natur- Alien alized 64J 426 45 46 95 30 211 31 179 1 183 14 27S 116 33 49 34 43 39 4 112 4 4M S78 76 93 36 43 30 21 3 155 3 4fi 17 55 38 59-64 67-57 66-12 53-98 5-63 42-11 73-66 43-64 38-52 36-54 45-16 37-15 24-00 1.950 19 57 6-07 2 -.35 20-00 8-70 11-57 16-67 15-64 6-45 16-76 17-48 50-00 60 72 74-14 60-60 83-67 73-53 18-60 17-95 25-00 65-18 27 30 18-70 9-21 30-11 2-7S 18-60 26-67 25-00 28 57 42-58 53 83 44-62 40-36 .32-43 33-88 46-02 94-37 57-89 26 .34 56-36 61-48 63-40 54-84 62-85 76-00 89 43 93-93 97-65 80-00 91-30 88-43 83-33 84-36 93-55 83 -.24 82-52 50-00 39 27 25-86 39-40 16-33 26-47 81-40 82 05 75-00 34-82 72 61 81 SO 90-79, 69-89 97-22 81 -401 73-331 75-WJI 71 43 57-42 City of residence and country of birth. PeterborouKh, O. Europe Italy Other Asia Various United States Other countries Hull, Q. Europe Russia Other Asia ^'arious United States.. . Windsor, O. Europe (Jermanv Italy Russia Other Asia China Other United States Other countrie.s. . . Sydney, N.S. Europe Austria-Hungary France Italy Norway and Sweden Russia Other Asia Turkey and Syria — Other United States (.)thi'r countries (;iace Bay. N.8. Europe .\u.-S 395 682 3,022 4,914 13.515 22,. 584 1,937 1.131 5,350 2,419 12 1.576 1,251 92 77.883 36 0:55 15,703 6, lOI 632 193 3 19S 474 263 762 74 52 71 978 1,995 252 10 144 S,395 877 4 1,476 32 6 ?,ooy 5 103 TABLE 22. FOREIGX-BOllN 1'<)1'L LATID.N OF CANADA. JUNK, 1911. CLASSIFIi:!) ACCORDING TO BIRTHPLACE AND CITIZENSHIP. Foreign-born POPULATIJN OF C AN.\D.\, 1911. Per CENT Per cent TO'i Aij MALE FOREIGN- FOKEIGN- Naturalize^ 1. Alien. BORN. BORN. No. Males Males Females Females Nat- Nat- Under 21 years 21 years all Total All ages under 21 years all ural- Alien ural- Alien and over ages 21 years and over ages ized ized NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. P.O. p.c. p.c. p.e. 58,431 131,289 154,837 408,175 281,207 65,973 215,234 126,968 45-8 54 2 40 3 59 7 1 21,919 83,897 78,687 220,438 157,265 31,293 125,972 63,173 45-6 54-4 40-2 59-8 2 9,906 23,846 27, 197 60,481 43,810 9,906 .33,904 16,671 50-2 49-8 43-5 56-5 3 314 1,674 1,277 4,710 3,151 700 2,451 1,559 40-9 59- 1 38-7 01-3 4 9 39 24 1,594 1,.532 125 1,407 62 4-3 95-7 30 97 5 112 1,402 845 2,578 1,892 203 1,689 686 47-8 52-2 44-5 55 • 5 248 1,468 1,206 8,065 6,150 744 5,406 1,915 260 730 21-8 78-2 7 726 4,624 3,561 8,7.08 5,590 983 4,607 3,118 500 49-4 48-9 511 8 1,267 12,001 10,015 16,294 10,135 1,503 8,632 6,159 .58-8 31-2 .56-7 43-3 9 42 353 81 2,164 2,020 392 1 , 628 144 18 82-0 16-4 83-6 10 146 .536 446 2,680 1,678 448 1,2.30 1,002 290 70-4 29-9 70- 1 11 401 2,621 2,842 1,245 640 130 510 605 82-5 17-5 82-5 17-5 12 682 4,2.32 1,986 27,839 24,054 3,913 20,141 3,785 19-9 80-1 170 830 13 1,793 11,722 8,376 27,303 20,666 2,736 17,930 6,637 44-5 55-5 39-5 60-5 14 5,574 17,010 18,381 49,019 30,551 8,417 22,134 18,468 45-5 54-5 42-5 57-5 15 576 1,361 1,746 4,308 2,585 791 1,794 1,723 46-1 53-9 42-8 57-2 16 123 1,008 704 3,450 2,811 302 2,509 639 34-7 05-3 28-6 71-4 17 555 iJ95 1,181 34,415 32,326 3,597 28,729 2,089 16-0 84-0 11-5 88-5 18 275 2,144 159 24,505 24,018 2,576 21,442 487 9-5 90-5 9-2 90-8 19 2 10 12 123 109 55 54 14 10-3 83-7 9-9 90- 1 20 85 1,491 322 6,527 5,636 428 5,208 891 22-5 77-5 21-9 78- 1 21 177 1,074 638 2,879 2,272 4.59 1,813 607 390 60-4 35-5 64-5 22 16 76 50 381 '291 79 212 90 27-2 72-8 240 760 23 35,752 42,131 74,425 151,372 90,395 30,759 59,636 60,977 500 500 46-3 53-7 24 7 29 35 140 75 24 51 65 33-6 66-4 32-4 67-6 25 198 437 509 1,810 1,146 300 846 664 38-7 61-3 36-2 63-8 26 3,515 12,188 11,2»» 78,194 64,797 8,022 56,775 13,397 25 6 74 4 19 5 80 5 1 519 5,582 3,132 30,898 26,418 2,838 23,580 4,480 23 77-0 18-8 8t-2 •) 65 567 334 5,254 4,671 633 4,038 583 15-5 84-5 11-9 88-1 .3 18 175 103 507 394 49 345 113 36-9 63 1 32-9 07- 1 4 1 2 1 101 94 5 89 7 38- 1 61-9 30 97 5 S 195 85 480 399 29 370 81 37- 1 62-9 33 1 60-9 (•> 51 420 302 1,327 1,108 86 1,022 219 30-9 63 1 29-9 70- 1 7 38 225 226 757 548 81 467 209 39-2 00-8 32-4 67-6 8 36 726 442 1,850 1,394 107 1,287 4.56 .39-4 60-6 35-3 64-7 9 5 69 12 597 579 42 537 18 12-6 87-4 11-3 88-7 10 7 45 22 305 218 44 174 87 19-5 80-5 19-2 80-8 11 9 62 64 112 61 2 59 51 54-6 45-4 53-8 46-2 12 111 867 394 6,7.35 6,237 795 5,442 498 16-9 83-1 13-6 86-4 13 121 1,874 902 7,953 6,843 544 6,299 1,110 26-7 73-3 22 77-4 14 40 212 183 3,541 • 2,595 361 2,234 946 10-9 89- 1 8-9 911 15 2 8 4 105 84 7 77 .21 11-7 88-3 8-4 91-6 10 9 135 58 1,274 1,193 53 1,140 81 13-7 SO-3 10-7 89-3 17 162 2,233 894 Si. 199 22,992 2,020 20,972 1,207 10-3 89-7 9-4 90-6 IS 100 777 92 17,850 17,527 1,601 15,926 323 5-2 94-8 4-8 95-2 19 4 2 5 3 _ 3 2 54-5 45-5 57- 1 42-9 20 59 1,417 281 6,137 5,305 397 4,908 832 22-2 77-8 21-8 78-2 21 2 30 17 188 143 20 123 45 20-7 79-3 18-3 81-7 22 1 5 2 19 14 2 12 5 29-6 70-4 300 700 23 2,803 4.296 7,. 593 22,850 15,231 3,140 12,091 7.625 39 1 60-9 31-8 68-2 24 1 4 4 13 4 1 3 9 40-9 59- 1 .55-5 44-5 25 30 77 228 152 23 129 70 44 1 55-9 40-4 59-6 26 'lAHlJ. ti. ACCORDING TO BIRTHPLACE AND CITIZENSHIP. ( 1,A->11 IKD Birthplace of foreign-born. Foreign-born population Canada, Jl'ne, 1911. Total Males All ages under 21 years 21 years and over Females all ages Naturalized. Total Alberta All foreign countries . Europe Austria-Hungary — Belgium Bulgaria Denmark Finland France (icrmany Greece Holland Iceland Italy Norway and Sweden. Russia Roumania Other .Asia China East Indies Japan Turkey and Svria. Other United States. . . West Indies..... Other countries. Sasltatcliewan Europe Austria-Hungary Belgium Bulgaria Denmark Finland France Germany Circcce Holland If-eland Italy Norway and Sweden. Russia Roumania Other Aaia (Jhina Indies Japan Turkey and Syrfa. . Other 142,711 58,771 21,112 1,00 65 1,380 1,019 1,843 6,102 9 1,136 235 1,825 12,106 10,011 337 496 2, $16 1,784 69 244 95 24 81,357 7 360 All foreign countries 162,619 United StatcH.. WcHt Indies Other countries 91 , 104 35,482 1,271 107 982 537 2.940 8,300 40 628 1.337 266 13,834 23,084 1,798 498 1,5I!> 1,160 3 58 266 32 69,628 8 ::,'■. 1 87,780 37,917 13,567 692 56 933 "656 1,156 3,724 96 684 116 1,567 8,286 5,823 191 344 2J38 1,762 65 221 75 15 47,500 3 222 »fi,781 o4,68C) 20,779 810 80 668 335 1 , 838 5,143 37 402 742 248 9,099 13,060 1,092 357 1,367 i,as5 3 48 207 24 40,629 6 199 NO. 27,»81 8,103 3,567 135 10 73 93 251 584 17 222 14 219 1.049 1,767 62 42 313 237 43 23 19,496 67 31,43« 13,620 6,178 154 19 80 87 332 885 8 93 108 29 1.431 3.782 374 60 25S 202 1 4 37 8 17.487 2 NO. 59.799 29,812 996 557 46 860 563 905 3,170 79 462 102 1,348 7,237 4,056 129 302 1,825 1,525 22 198 67 13 28.004 3 155 K.US 41,060 14,601 656 61 588 248 1.606 4.258 29 309 634 219 7.66S 9. 208 7 IS 297 1,115 883 2 44 170 16 23,042 4 124 NO. 54,931 20,854 7,549 315 9 447 363 687 2.348 1 452 119 258 3,820 4,188 146 152 78 22 4 23 20 9 33,857 4 138 65.829 36,424 14,70;} 461 27 314 202 1.102 3,157 3 226 695 18 4.735 10.a34 706 141 162 75 10 59 8 29,099 2 152 NO. ;9.g95 29.597 11.801 409 22 635 475 945 3,324 27 239 191 473 6,002 4,604 183 267 600 490 67 39 4 40.457 3 138 89,345 53, sat 22.800 6;<9 16 469 277 1.791 5.237 8 348 1,130 47 7,187 12.542 605 204 547 193 4 135 15 35.456 3 TABLE 22. FOREIGN-BORN POPULATION OF CANADA, JUNE, 1911, CLASSIFIED ACCORDING TO BIRTHPLACE AND CITIZENSHIP. Foreign-born POPULATION OF C VN.VDA, 1911. Per CENT Per CENT TOl .A u FOREIGN- M.\LE FOREIGN- Naturalized. .\li(;n. BORN. BORN. No. Males Males Female* all Females all Nat- ural- Nat- ural- Under 21 years Total All under 21 years Alien Alien 21 years and ovei ages ages 21 years and over ages ized ized NO. NO. NO. NO. No. NO. NO. NO. p.c. p.c. p.c. p.c. 13,439 26,787 30,679 71,816 47,564 14,552 33,012 24,252 49 7 50 3 45-8 54 2 1 3,664 13,573 12,360 39,174 20,680 4,44J 16,239 8,494 50-4 49-6 45-4 54-5 2 1,937 4,650 5,214 9,311 6,976 1,630 5,. 346 2,335 55-9 44- 1 48-6 51-4 3 43 219 147 598 4.30 92 338 168 .40-6 59-4 37-9 62- 1 4 3 11 8 43 42 7 35 1 33-9 06-2 250 750 5 16 376 243 745 541 57 484 204 460 540 420 5.80 6 40 211 224 544 405 53 352 139 46-6 53-4 38-3 61-7 7 89 489 367 898 578 162 416 320 51-3 48-7 500 50 8 258 1,710 1,356 2,778 1,786 326 1,460 992 54-5 45-5 52-4 47-6 9 5 22 - 70 69 12 57 1 27-8 72-2 28-1 71-9 10 40 102 97 897 542 182 360 355 210 790 20-8 79-2 11 10 87 94 44 1^ 4 15 25 81-3 18^7 83-6 16-4 12 49 313 111 1,352 1,205 170 1,0.35 147 25-9 74-1 23-1 76-9 13 435 3,328 2,239 6,104 4,523 614 3,909 1,581 49-6 50-4 45-4 54-6 14 695 1,826 2,083 5,407 3,302 1,072 2,230 2,105 46-0 540 43-3 56-7 15 25 75 83 154 91 37 54 63 54-3 45-7 52-4 47-6 16 19 154 94 229 171 23 148 58 53-8 46-2 50-3 49-7 17 35 5S6 39 1,616 1,577 278 1,299 39 27-1 72-9 26-2 73-8 18 23 455 12 1,294 1,284 214 1,070 10 27-5 72-5 271 72-9 19 _ _ - 69 65 43 22 4 - 100 - 100 21 8 47 12 177 166 15 151 11 27-5 72-5 24-9 75- 1 21 3 23 13 56 49 5 44 7 411 58-9 34-6 65-3 22 1 1 2 20 13 1 12 -" 16-7 83-3 13-3 86-7 23 9,707 12,627 18,223 40,800 25, 166 9,789 15,377 15,634 49-9 50-2 470 530 24 _ 1 2 4 2 _ 2 2 42-9 57- 1 33-3 66-7 25 23 60 55 222 139 44 95 83 38-3 61-7 37-4 62-6 20 16,717 33,518 39,110 73,265 46,546 • 14,719 31,827 26,719 54 9 45 1 51 9 48 1 1 7,326 23,013 22,961 37,804 24,341 6,294 18,047 13,463 58-5 41-5 55- 5 44-5 2 3,920 8,613 10,267 12,682 8,246 2,258 5,988 4,436 64-3 .35-7 60-3 39-7 .3 58 340 241 632 412 96 316 220 50-3 49-7 49 1 50-9 4 4 3 9 ai 73 15 58 18 150 850 8-7 91-3 5 37 272 160 513 359 43 316 154 47-8 52-2 46-2 53-8 r> 37 119 121 260 179 50 129 81 51-5 48-5 46-5 53-5 7 181 863 747 1,149 794 151 643 355 60-9 39 1 56-8 43-2 8 472 2,648 2,117 3,063 2,023 413 1,610 1,040 63- 1 36-9 60-7 39-3 9 1 4 3 32 32 7 25 - 200 800 13-5 86-5 10 45 176 127 280 181 48 133 99 55-4 44-6 550 450 11 82 547 501 207 113 26 87 94 84-5 15-5 84-8 15-2 12 6 33 8 219 209 23 186 10 17-7 82-3 15-7 84-3 13 623 3,828 2,736 6,647 4,648 808 3,840 1,999 51-9 48- 1 48-9 511 14 1,714 5,2.32 5,596 10,542 6,104 2,068 4,0.36 4,4.38 54-3 45-7 53-2 46 S 15 124 212 269 1,193 756 250 506 437 33-6 66-4 30-8 69-2 16 22 123 59 294 212 38 174 82 40-9 59- 1 40-6 59-4 17 60 2Jf3 U 1,172 1,064 192 872 108 22-8 77-2 92-2 77-8 IS 41 149 3 967 895 161 734 72 16-6 83-4 17 5 82-5 19 3 3 1 2 _ ■ - 1000 - - 20 _ 4 _ 54 44 4 40 10 6-8 93-2 8-3 91-7 21 ' 15 83 37 131 109 22 87 22 50-8 49-2 47-3 52-7 22 4 7 4 17 13 4 9 4 46-8 53 2 45-8 54-2 23 9,276 10, 189 15,991 34,172 21,064 8,211 12,853 13.108 50-9 49- 1 480 520 24 1 1 1 5 4 1 3 1 37-5 62-5 33-3 66-7 25 54 72 113 112 73 21 52 39 6.S-1 31-9 1)3-3 36-7 26 o4 TABLE ZZ. fori:ic;n-bc)UX PoriLATiox of Canada, jini:. i9ii. classified ACCORDING TO HIHTIII'LACK AND CITIZENSHIP. Birthplace of foreign-born. lllJ{t.ll..N-lJ(lK.S Hlll'l LMIOS CaN.\DA, JtXE, 1911. Males Total All under 21 years and over ages 21 years NO. NO. NO. NO. 95,68S 54, t?; 15,34S 38.S79 78,051 U,3U 11,66. 82,682 37,731 21,684 6.'k>'j1 15.287 2,284 1,429 329 1.100 6 2 - 2 593 393 5(. 3.37 159 100 16 84 3,146 l,88:i .S.Sc 1.503 4,294 2,405 .54 i 1,864 64 62 57 730 429 106 323 5,135 2,565 395 2,170 687 496 85 411 5,292 3,022 067 2,355 16,375 9,011 2,471 6,540 777 418 14o 273 778 445 6' 376 1,096 993 m sas 844 81S 10 ; 711 35 30 u. 20 19 lb 10 174 10^ 0- 81 27 2-, 1.5 11 16,. 326 8,. 576 3.4S7 5.089 6 2 - 2 206 112 39 73 148,764 94,932 20,92C 74, 928 86,967 61,851 10,142 51 , 709 15,. 555 12,617 2,197 10,420 480 348 46 302 1,020 1,010 1 4 933 670 438 47 391 6.871 4.927 639 4,288 1,879 1,136 147 989 15,010 8.272 401 7,871 1,119 '1,040 252 789 087 413 87 320 145 101 3 98 16.411 13.722 2,417 11,. 305 5,294 3,C>07 584 3,023 19,418 12.629 2.9.35 9.094 1,220 769 196 573 1,188 822 114 708 5.S88 4,772 8SS S,9S9 2,717 2.6:i8 384 2,254 20 10 3 7 108 70 24 40 2.297 1.848 383 1 , 465 246 200 39 167 55,674 27.878 9,828 18.050 59 29 5 24 •176 422 118 .304 Females all age.s Naturalised. Total All ages Manitoba All foreign countries... Europe Austria^Hungary . . . . . Belgium Bulgaria Denmark Finland France Germany.., Greece Holland r. Iceland Italy Norway and Sweden Russia Roumania Other Asia. . . Chinn East Indies Japan Turkey and Syria. Othei United .States. West Indies Other countries Ontario Ail foreign coiintric's . Europe ' Austria-Hungary Belgium liulf-'aria Drnmark Finland France (Jcrmany C; recce .*. Holland Iceland Italy Norway and Sweden. Russia ■ Roumania A aid China East Indi(s .lap'in Turkey and Syria. Other United SUil."- West Indies Other countrit 41,fiSl 33,70', 16,047 855 4 200 59 1,26,3 1,889 o 301 2,570 191 2,270 7,364 359 333 1116 26 5 6 66 3 7,7.50 4 94 53,812 25.116 2,9:tf< 132 10 232 1,914 743 6,7:?8 79 274 44 2,6S9 1,687 6,789 451 366 616 79 10 38 449 40 27.796 30 251 5«.fi3C 46,763 21,674 1,187 368 90 2,125 2.625 23 252 4,329 250 3,206 9,596 47; 565 261 132 5 16 103 5 9,500 4 98 49,312 25,587 2.020 128 17 288 1,271 72.3 9,630 187 142 77 3,003 1,976 5,342 400 383 tjeo 473 11 43 596 37 22,393 II 161 NO. 39,2«2 25,569 11.726 697 236 49 1.244 1,413 21 145 2,173 168 1.732 5,207 250 30S SOS 121 2 - 12 65 3 4,582 2 46 27,139 tS,SS8 1,296 72 15 174 761 433 5,306 169 73 51 2.177 1.179 3,149 250 227 940 447 5 26 431 31 10,751 114 TABLE 22. FOREIGN-BORN POPULATION OF CANADA. JUNE, 1911, CLASSIFIED ACCORDING TO BIRTHPLACE AND CITIZENSHIP. FOREIGX-BORN POrUI.ATION OF C \\AD.\, 1911. Per'cent Per ce.nt MALE FOREIGN- FOREIGN- Naturalizec . Alien. BORN. BORN. No. Males Males Females all ages Females all ages Nat- ural- ized Nat- ural- ized Under 21 years and Total All under 21 years and Alien Alien 21 years over ages 21 years over NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. p.c. p.c. p.c. p.c. 8,371 31,831 26,424 39,062 23,825 6,977 16,848 15,237 59 2 40 8 55 9 44 1 1 6,166 19,203 21 , 394 31,288 18,975 5,496 13,479 12,313 59-9 40-1 57-2 4S-8 2 3,497 8,229 9,948 16,057 9,958 2,900 7,058 6,099 57-4 42-6 54- 1 45-9 3 137 560 , 490 1,097 732 192 540 365 520 480 48-8 51-2 4 _ _ 6 2 _ 2 4 _ 100 - 100 5 31 205 132 225 157 25 132 68 62- 1 37-9 60- 1 39-9 6 10 39 41 69 51 6 45 18 56-6 43-4 490 510 7 237 1,007 881 1,021 639 143 496 382 67-5 32-5 66-1 33-9 8 276 1 , 137 1,212 1,669 992 265 727 677 611 38-9 58-7 41-3 9 21 2 41 41 5 36 - 35-9 64- 1 33-9 66- 1 10 31 114 107 478 284 75 209 194 34-5 65-5 33-8 66-2 11 300 '1,873 2,156 806 392 95 297 414 84-3 15-7 84-7 15-3 12 31 137 82 437 328 54 274 109 36-4 63-6 33-9 66- 1 13 354 1,.378 1,474 2,086 1,290 • 313 977 796 60-6 .39-4 57-3 42-7 14 1,149 4,058 4,389 6,779 3,804 1,322 2,482 2,975 58-6 41-4 .57-8 42-2 15 74 176 223 304 168 71 97 136 60-8 39-2 59-8 40-2 16 39 269 257 213 137 30 107 76 72-6 27^4 69-2 30-8 17 S6 167 58 838 790 124 666 48 23-7 76-3 20-4 79-6 18 16 105 11 712 697 91 606 15 15-6 84-4 14-8 85-2 19 2 3 30 28 10 18 2 14-3 85-7 6-7 93-3 20 3 9 4 3 1 1 2 84-2 15-8 92-3 7-7 21 17 48 38 71 43 10 33 28 59-2 40-8 60-2 39-8 22 3 2 22 21 13 8 1 18-5 81-5 12-5 87-5 23 2,152 2,430 4,918 6,826 3,994 1,335 2,659 2,832 58-2 41-8 53-4 46-6 24 2 2 2 _ _ _ 2 66-7 33-3 100 - 25 17 29 52 108 66 22 44 42 47-6 52-4 411 58-9 26 6,m 21,022 22,173 99,452 67,813 14,809 53,004 31,639 33,2 66,8 28,6 71,4 1 1,912 13, m 10,256 61,380 46,519 8,230 38,289 14,861 29-4 70-6 24-7 755 2 257 1,039 724 13,535 11,321 1,940 9,381 2,214 130 870 10-2 89-8 3 5 67 56 352 276 41 235 76 20-7 73-3 20-7 79-3 4 1 14 2 1,003 995 76 919 8 1-7 98-3 1-4 98-6 5 12 162 114 382 264 35 229 118 43 570 39-7 60-3 6 104 657 510 5,600 4,166 535 3,631 1,434 18-5 81-5 15-4 84-6 7 43 390 290 1,156 703 104 599 453 38-5 61-5 381 61-9 8 163 5,143 4,324 5,380 2,966 238 2,72? 2,414 64-2 .35-8 641 35-9 9 18 151 IS 932 871 234 637 61 16-7 83 3 16-3 83-7 10 14 59 69 545 340 73 267 205 20-8 79-2 17-6 82-4 11 51 26 68 50 3 47 18 53- 1 46-9 50-5 49-5 12 303 1,874 826 13,408 11,545 2,114 9,431 1,863 18-3 81-7 15-8 84-2 13 217 962 797 3,318 2,428 367 2,061 890 37-3 62-7 32-7 67-3 14 701 2,448 2,193 14,076 9,480 2,2,34 7,246 4,596 27-5 72-5 24-9 75- 1 15 55 195 1.50 820 519 141 378 301 32-7 67-3 32.5 67-5 16 19 208 156 805 595 95 500 210 32-2 67-8 27-6 72-4 17 137 803 320 4,228 3,832 696 3,136 396 2t-5 78-5 19-7 80-5 18 55 392 26 2,244 2,191 329 1,862 53 17-4 82-6 16-9 83 1 19 2 3 6 9 5 1 4 4 550 450 50 500 20 14 12 17 65 44 10 34 21 39-8 60 -2 37- 1 62-9 21 65 366 165 1,701 1,417 318 1,099 284 25-9 74- 1 23-3 76-7 22 1 30 6 209 175 38 137 34 150 850 150 85 23 4,041 6', 710 11,642 33,281 17,127 5,787 11,340 16, 154 40-2 59-8 38-6 61-4 24 2 9 48 27 5 22 21 18-6 81-4 6-9 93 1 25 27 87 47 515 308 91 217 207 23-8 76-2 270 730 26 r»G TAHI.l. ri. 1 OKI.KjN-liOKN I'Ol'L l.Al 1(»N ol- ( AN ADA, .) I M., U'l 1, ACCORDING TO BIRTHPLACE AND CITIZENSHIP. t J.A>>11 il.D Hirthpluce of foreign-born. Quebec AU foreign coiiii tries.. Europe Austria-Hungary Belgium liulgaria Denmark Finland France Germany Greece Holland Iceland Italy Norway and Sweden. Russia Rumania Other Asia China East Indies Japan Turkey and Syria. Other United States. . . West Indies Other countries. New Brunswicli 1 All foreign countries Eurojic. .\ustria-Hungary Belgium Bulgaria Denmark Finlanil France Germany ( 'i rcoce Holland Iceland Italy Norway and Sweden Ku.ssia Koumania Other .-!.> C'liiiia Indies .lapnn Turkey and Syria. Other FOREIGN-BOHN POPULATION OF (•.\N'.\D.\, June, 1911. Total United States. W'l'St Indies . Other counlric. NO. 71,421 41,191 3,860 1,468 216 195 209 5.928 1,897 545 174 5 6,386 800 15,233 3,697 578 2,8 1,536 6 29 1,132 141 29,842 84 460 8,134 S,052 91 76 99 249 17 158 150 24 32 282 281 558 12 23 2.57 91 2 159 5 5.760 16 \:\ Males All ages Under 21 years 42,C47 25,334 2,499 879 211 136 189 3,683 1,087 441 101 2 4,760 523 8,509 1,927 387 2,353 1,509 4 14 753 73 14,604 45 311 4,396 1,423 71 40 99 152 15 91 88 21 24 ' 271 208 321 5 17 189 90 04 2.741 13 30 21 years and NO. 12,825 5,335 593 152 14 16 12 433 118 97 21 792 69 2,379 573 358 193 3 117 25 ,081 17 54 l.fril 227 8 14 10 1 1,374 4 12 2«,822 19,999 1.906 727 197 120 177 3,250 969 344 SO 2 3,968 454 6,130 1,354 321 2.015 1,316 4 11 636 48 7,523 28 257 2,755 1,196 63 26 91 144 12 81 81 15 1 233 178 237 3 15 165 84 3 1.36 9 18 Females all ages NO. 31.774 15,857 1,361 589 » 5 59 20 2.245 810 104 73 3 1,626 277 6.724 1,770 191 491 27 2 15 379 68 16.238 39 149 3,738 629 20 36 97 2 67 62 3 8 II 73 237 7 6 68 05 3.025 Naturalized. Total i:^ NO. 4*. 789 17,755 1.477 499 13 S3 18 2.621 980 134 40 1 1.585 343 7.780 1,987 194 907 255 10 584 58 21,971 25 131 4,279 8.57 37 28 209 8 47 90 7 17 20 125 252 11 156 20 1 127 2 3,234 It •Jl 57 TABLE 22. FOREIGN-BORN POPULATION OF CANADA, JUNE, 1911, CLASSIFIED ACCORDING TO BIRTHPLACE AND CITIZENSHIP. Foreign-born POPULATION OF C \NADA, 1911. Per cent Per CENT TOTAL MALE FOREIGN- FOREIGN- Naturalizec Alien. BORN BORN. No. Males 1 Males Females Females Nat- Nat- Under 21 years 21 years and over All ages Total All ages Under 21 years 21 years and over all ages ural- ized Alien ural- ized Alien NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. p.c. p.c. p.c. .p.c. 7,845 13,042 19,902 33,632 21,760 4,980 16,780 11,872 54-8 45 2 49 61 • 1 2,131 7,881 7,743 23,436 15,322 3,204 12,118 8,114 43-1 56-9 39-5 60-5 2 199 652 626 2,383 1.648 394 1,254 7.35 38-3 61-7 34- 1 65-9 3 33 267 199 969 579 119 460 390 340 660 .34 1 65-9 4 - 9 4 203 202 14 188 1 60 940 4-3 95-7 5 6 52 25 112 78 10 68 34 42-6 57-4 42-6 57-4 6 2 11 5 191 176 10 166 15 8-6 91-4 6-9 93-1 7 127 1,518 976 3,. 307 2,038 306 1,732 1,269 44-2 55-8 44-7 55-3i 8 43 489 448 917 555 75 480 362 51-6 48-4 48-9 51-1 9 13 79 42 411 349 84 265 62 24-6 75-4 20-9 79-1! 10 2 19 19 134 80 19 61 54 22-9 77-1 20-8 79-2[ 11 - 1 - 4 1 - 1 3 200 80-0 50-0 50-0 12 176 866 543 4,801 3,718 616 3,102 1,083 24-8 75-2 21-9 78-1 13 19 177 147 457 327 50 277 130 42-9 57- 1 37-5 62-5 14 1,206 2,947 3,627 7,453 4,356 1,173 3,183 3,097 5M 48-9 48-8 51-2 15 291 687 . 1,009 1,710 949 282 667 761 53-7 46-3 50-8 49-2 16 14 107 73 384 266 52 214 118 33-6 66-4 31-3 68-7 17 92 552 263 1,937 1 , 7oy 246 1,463 228 31-9 68-1 27-4 72-6 18 33 209 13 1,281 1,267 160 1,107 14 16-6 83-4 160 840 19 _ _ - 6 4 _ 4 2 - 100-0 _ 100-0 20 1 2 7 19 11 2 9 8 34-5 65-5 21-4 78-6 21 52 320 212 548 381 65 316 167 51-6 48-4 49-4 50-6 22 6 21 31 83 46 19 27 37 411 58-9 37-0 630 23 5,606 4,538 11,827 7,871 4,460 1,475 2,985 3,411 73-6 26-4 69-5 30-5 24 2 10 13 .59 33 15 18 26 29-8 70-2 26-7 73-3 25 14 61 56 329 236 40 196 93 28-5 71-5 24-1 75-9 26 841 1,255 2,183 3,855 2,300 800 1,500 1,555 52 6 47 4 47 6 52 4 1 68 472 322 1,195 888 164 724 307 41-7 68-S 37-6 62-4 2 2 24 11 54 45 6 39 9 40-7 59-3 36-6 63-4 3 4 12 12 48 24 10 14 24 36-8 63-2 40-0 60-0 4 - _ _ 99 99 8 91 - - 100 - 1000 5 6 122 81 40 24 2 22 16 83-9 161 84-2 15-8 6 1 7 9 7 2 5 2 47-1 52-9 53-3 46-7 7 3 29 15 111 59 7 52 52 29-7 70-3 35-2 64-8 8 .53 37 60 35 7 28 25 600 400 60-2 39-8 9 _ 4 3 17 17 f. 11 _ 29-1 70-9 19-0 810 10 5 8 4 15 11 2 9 4 53-1 46-9 54-2 45-8 U 12 13 1 18 1 262 252 37 215 10 7-1 92-9 7-0 93 10 86 29 156 112 20 92 44 44-5 55-5 46-2 53-8 14 30 102 120 306 189 54 135 117 45-2 54-8 410 59-0 15 1 3 7 1 1 1 _ _ 91-6 8-4 80-0 200 16 4 2 17 13 2 11 4 26- 1 73-9 23-5 76-5 17 8 89 59 101 92 16 76 9 60-7 S9S 51 S 48-7 18 3 22 1 65 65 10 55 - 28-6 71-4 27-8 72-2 19 1 1 1 1 - .50 500 - 100-0 20 21 5 65 57 32 24 5 19 8 79-9 20-1 74-4 25-6 22 2 3 2 1 1 1 400 600 50-0 500 23 763 675 1,796 2,5.32 1,-303 611 692 1,229 56- 1 43-9 52-5 47-5 24 2 8 1 5 3 2 1 2 6,8-7 31-3 76-9 23- 1 25 5 11 5 22 14 7 7 8 48-8 51-2 53-3 46-7 26 58 TABLE 22. lOREIGN-HORN POPULATION (»1- ( ANAOA. J( Ni.. i ACCORDING TO BIRTHPLACE AND CITIZENSHIP 11. ( 1.A.--I I Hi) liirtliphire of fureign-Vjorn. F OHEIGN-BORN POPfL.\TIOX C'\NM>.\. .JfXE. 1911. OF No- Naturalized. Total M ales Females all ages Total All ages Under 21 years 21 years and over All ages 1 Nova Srotia All foreign boru NO. 10,972 5,217 1.252 571 46 47 12 380 549 56 24 5 711 227 1,250 19 68 540 125 1 1 393 20 4,802 6 407 932 79 8 7 11 12 23 1« l!> G 13 829 3 n NO. 6,679 5,73.? 922 343 23 37 9 264 319 53 20 4 629 160 878 14 58 S91 125 1 249 16 2,315 3 207 473 61 7 4 11 11 16 12 18 6 12 391 1 NO. 2,228 729 172 117 2 36 89 2 5 109 19 167 6 5 46 12 _ 30 4 1,375 78 312 /■; 2 9 3 4 2 2 292 1 1 NO. 4,451 S,004 750 226 23 35 9 228 230 51 15 4 520 141 711 8 53 S45 113 1 219 12 970 3 129 161 47 7 4 9 11 7 9 14 4 10 09 1 NO. 4,2»3 330 228 23 10 3 116 230 3 4 1 82 67 372 5 10 149 1 144 4 2,457 3 200 459 18 1 3 1 7 / 1 438 2 NO. 5,589 1,539 173 78 22 6 155 188 4 8 1 138 137 405 10 14 S98 35 1 1 248 13 3.775 3 174 175 50 6 3 7 12 13 9 li 4 8 610 2 1 NO. 2,853 837 ? » Austria-Hungary 101 4 Belgium 49 S Bulgaria 6 Denmark 18 7 Finland 4 8 98 q CicrnianN' 110 10 Circece. . . 3 11 Holland g 1« Ireland IS Italy 118 14 Norway and Sweden 92 15 Russia 218 Ifi Rumania 9 17 Other. 9 18 195 19 China 35 20 East Indies 1 21 Japan 21> Turkey and Syria 149 23 Other 10 24 United States 1 749 25 West Indies 1 2fi Other countries 71 1 2 Prince Edward Island 331 4/ 3 Austria-Hungary 4 Belgium 5 Bulgaria 6 Denmark 7 I'inland 8 9 10 11 France ... (Jermany . , Greece Holland 5 7 12 Iceland 13 Italy 11 14 Norway and Sweden 10 n RusHia 6 16 Rumania 17 Other 18 19 20 21 Aniti C'hina y.uHi Indies. . 4 22 Turkey and Syi ii s 23 Other 24 Unite.! Stales .. 276 25 West lndi(•■^ .. 1 26 Other count! I<- 1 59 TABLE 22. FO REIGN-BO R X ACCORDING POPULATION OK CANADA, .JUNE. 1911. TO BIRTHPLAC'E AND CITIZENSHIP. CLASSIIIED FOREIGX-BORN POPUL.\TION OF C \NADA, 1911. Per cent Per ce.nt TOT.\L MALE FOREIGN- FOREION- Naturo lizoiL • Alien. BORN. DORN. No. Ma les Males 1 Females all Females all Nat- ural Nat- ural Under 21 years Total All Under 21 years Alien Alien 21 years and over ages ages 21 years and over ages izcd ized NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. p.c. p.c. p.c. p.c. 1,S35 1,518 2,737 5,382 3,826 893 2,933 1,556 509 49 1 42 7 57 3 1 /.3? 705 502 3,878 2,896 597 2,299 982 25-7 74-s 22- If 77-6 2 29 72 72 1,079 821 143 678 25S 13-8 86-2 10-9 89- 1 3 16 33 29 493 294 101 193 199 13-7 86-3 14-3 85-7 4 _ - - 46 23 - 23 23 - 100 - 100 5 1 17 4 25 19 1 18 6 46-8 53-2 48-6 51-4 6 _ 4 2 6 5 - 5 1 500 .50 44-4 55-6 7 8 90 57 225 166 28 138 59 40-8 59-2 37- 1 62-9 8 19 91 78 361 209 70 139 152 34-2 65-8 34-5 65-5 9 _ 3 1 52 50 2 48 2 7-1 92-9 5-7 94-3 10 _ 8 - 16 12 5 7 4 33-3 66-7 400 600 11 _ - 1 4 4 4 - 20-0 80-0 - 100 12 5 113 20 573 511 104 407 62 19-4 80-6 18-8 81-2 13 10 82 45 90 68 9 59 22 60-4 39-6 57-5 42-5 14 39 179 187 845 660 128 532 185 32-4 67-6 24-8 75-2 15 4 5 1 9 5 2 3 4 52-6 47-4 64-3 35-7 16 1 8 5 54 49 4 45 5 20-6 79-4 15-5 84-9 17 21 174 lOS 2i2 196 25 171 46 55-2 44-8 49-9 50-1 18 2 33 - go 90 10 80 28-0 720 280 720 19 - 1 1 99 * - - - - - - - - 20 21 22 16 133 145 100 14 86 45 63 1 36-9 59-8 40-2 3 T 3 7 6 1 5 1 650 350 62-5 37-5 23 1 , 155 594 2,026 1,027 596 220 376 431 78-6 21-4 74-6 25-4 24 - 1 2 3 2 _ 2 1 500 500 33-3 66-7 25 27 44 104 232 136 51 85 96 42-7 57-3 34-3 65-7 26 230 101 344 257 142 82 60 115 72 4 27 6 70 30 • 1 6 So 9 29 20 8 12 9 63-3 36-7 67-2 32-8 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 - 5 1 2 2 - 2 ~ 750 250 71-4 28-6 _ 2 1 4 2 _ 2 2 42-9 57- 1 500 50- 9 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - 10 2 5 _ 4 4 _ 4 _ 63-6 36-4 63-6 36-4 11 _ _ _ _ _ — 12 _ 11 1 _ _ _ _ _ 100 - 1000 13 4 6 3 10 6 5 1 4 56-5 43-5 62-5 37-5 14 6 3 9 6 3 3 3 500 500 500 500 15 _ _ _ _ - - 16 - - - - - - - - - - - 17 4 7 6 _ 6 / 6SS 56-8 66-7 sss 18 2 o _ 2 2 _ 2 _ 66-7 33-3 66-7 33-3 19 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 20 _ _ _ _ _ _ - 21' 2 6 _ 5 4 _ 4 1 61-5 38-5 66-7 33-3 22 - - - - - - - - 23 218 5S 334 219 115 74 41 104 73-6 26-4 70-6 29-4 24 1 1 1 _ 1 66-7 33-3 - - 25 1 - 1 1 - 1 - 50 50 50 500 26 00 TABLE 22. FOREIGX-BORN POPULATKjN OF CANADA. JUNE. 1911, CLASSIFIED ACCORDING TO BIRTHPLACi; AND CITIZENSHIP. Birthplace of foreign-born. foreign-dorn popilation of Canada. .Jine. 1911. Total Male- All ages Under 21 years 21 years and over Females all ages Naturalized. Total Yukon All foreign countries. Europe Austria-Hungary Belgium Bulgaria Denmark Finland France Germany Greece Holland Iceland Italy Norway and Sweden. Russia Roumania Other Asia China East Indies ■Japan Turkey and Syria. Other? United States. ., West Indies Other countries. Northwest Territories All foreign countries. Europe Austria-Hungary Belgium Bulgaria Denmark Finland France Germany Greece. Holland Iceland Italy Norway and Sweden. Russia Roumania. . Other.... Asia China lOiist Indies .Japan Turkey and Syria. Other United States. . West Indies Other countries. 3,316 1,S10 127 13 2 57 60 38 209 12 52 4S1 61 12 179 76 1 72 2 1 1,891 39 2,619 1,16S 124 9 2 51 53 26 171 12 6 49 418 55 12 174 65 2 1 1,369 20 73 57 ■ •■ ! 6 4 1 1 17 ~2 15 1 179 148 1 NO. 2,449 122 9 2 50 51 25 169 12 6 49 412 5o 12 169 68 65 2 1 1,221 19 73 15 697 148 3 4 6 7 12 38 522 19 12< 115 61 TABLE 23. FOREIGX-BOUX rOPULATION OF CANADA, JUNE, 1911, CLASSIFIED ACCORDING TO BIRTHPLACE AND CITIZENSHIP. Foreign-born population of Canada, 1911. Naturalized. Alien. Per cent TOTAL rOREIGN- BORN. Per CENT MALE FOREIGN- BORN. No. Males Under 21 years 31 31 21 years and over no. 11 Females all ages Total 10 84 74 NO. 3,190 / , S(J() 126 V: 56 59 37 209 12 6 476 61 12 179 75 1 1,776 39 70 56 1 Males All Under ages 21 years 12 NO. 2,577 t,161 124 9 2 51 53 26 171 12 6 49 417 55 12 174 65 2 1 1,328 20 57 21 yeaii and over 139 21 117 NO. 2,438 122 9 2 50 51 25 169 12 6 49 411 53 12 169 68 65 2 1 1,211 19 Females all ages Nat- ural ized 613 139 2 4 448 19 Alien Nat- ural ized p.c. 3-8 1-7 1-6 2-6 14-3 10-4 61 19 5 17-6 100 100 151 400 29-4 p.c 96 2 99- 99-2 100 1000 98-3 98-4 97-4 1000 100 85-7 1000 -89 1000 1000 100 100 100 100 93-9 1000 80-5 82 -/f 1000 84-9 600 1000 1000 p.c 16 70-6 1000 Alien 2-9 21 9 Sll 100 1000 17-8 500 26-7 p.c. 98-4 99-9 100 1000 100 1000 1000 100 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 99-8 100 1000 100 tooo 1000 1000 1000 971 1000 78-1 78-9 1000 82-2 500 1000 1000 73-3 1000 62 The following table shows the nuiiilxTs of males to 100 females among immigrants, from the specified alien countries, resident in Canada, 1011. As families are constantly being reunited, and new homes established, no safe deductions can be drawn as to the probable social and economic influence which the present excess of males over females of foreign birth is likely to exert. TAHLi:23. PROPORTION OFMALES TO FEMALES FOREIGN-BORN. Count IV of l)irth. All foreign-born Europe Austri-i- Hunjjary.. . Belgium Bulnuria and Rouiiiania. D &qtti JUN15 T98r LD 21-100»n-12,'48 (87908) Photomount Pamphlet Binder Gaylord Bros., Inc. Makers Stockton, Calif. PAI. JAN. 21, 1908 ^fj^<7S^S"^S^^SSSS?^< 828543 ^^ 1^1 < THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA UBRARY