sS^t ,*a THE BOOK OF THE ROTHAMSTED EXPERIMENTS The Book of the Rothamsted Experiments BY A. I). HA LI., M.A. (Oxon.) DIRECTOR OK THE HOTHAMSTKD EXI'KRIMEXTAI. STATION, URSI I'llISlIl'AI OI I II K SOTTII EASTERN AC.UICl.i;iX-RAL COLI.W.E ISSUED WITH THE AUTHORITY OF THE LAWES AGRIClETrRAL TRUST COMMITTEE LONDON JOHN Ml'iniAV, ALBEMAKLK bTliKKT. W 1005 .> '^■^'b' kut though these losses cannot be repaired, and though nothing can replace the instinctive knowledge that comes of having seen a thing grow year after year, yet the position of an t)Ut- sider has some advantages, especially when drawing up an account which, like the present, is addressed to the L'-eneral student of the subject. In the first place, the outsider approaches the consideration of each experiment without any of the prepossessions arising from too exclusive a recollection of the purpose with which th<' experiment was originally framed. Headers of the Jioth'ini- ,<-fr(i Mciiio'tr.t will know how certain ideas, r.//., the source and function of the nitrogen in vegetation, occupied the ninid> n| Lawes and Gilbert from the very beginning of their experiments until the end. Tn consequence, the i)apers on .specific invest i- viii PEEFACE gations often tend to be less accounts of the experiment as a whole than discussions of such of its results as bear upon the dominant idea with which Lawes and Gilbert were then engrossed. The outsider, again, who has any knowledge of his subject cannot fail to bring some ideas of his own which he can find illustrated and elucidated in the work done at Eothamsted. For here comes the jDarticular distinction of the Eothamsted Experiments ; the plots exist to-day as they have been for the last fifty years or so, and records of the most astonishing completeness remain of their past history, so that as soon as one looks closely into the material there is hardly any j^art of the science of the nutrition of the plant on which it cannot be made to throw light Indeed only a portion of the story of the Eothamsted Experiments has yet been told, for new matter will be discovered in them as our knowledge grows and fresh lines of investigation are opened up. Accordingly, in planning this account I have tried to look at each experiment from as general a point of view as possible, and to set out what information it can afford both to the student of agri- cultural science and to the man more occupied with practical problems. I have endeavoured to summarise under the head of each crop the mass of information that has already been published in the long series of Rothamsted Memoirs, and to add other facts and deductions arising out of the experiments which the original investigators had not hitherto been able to publish. As to the purpose of the book, that is best dealt with by discussing the purpose of the Eothamsted Experiments them- selves. They are, above all, attempts to obtain knowledge — to ascertain the conditions under which the plant grows and the soil supplies it with nutriment And as the attainment of knowledge is the prime object, practical considerations are put on one side in framing the scheme of the experiments. For example, on one of the Eothamsted fields wheat has been grown for the last sixty years, year after year, on the same plots of PKKFACE ix land with the same manures. As tlie liritish farmer never grows wheat continuously on the same land, and rarely uses any kind of manure for it. the wliole experiment is tVom one point of view hopelessly unpractical ; indeed many men might con- sider that to grow wheat at all nowadays is unpractical. lUit the aim of the experiments is to find out lioir tin' irln'nt phinf prows, and the scheme of manuring and management adopted is the most practical method of solving that proMem. Experi- ments which only aim at ascertaining how to derive the greatest monetary return from a given crop, however necessary they may be, are only of value for a short time and for the particular soil and locahty where they are carried out. During the period the Eothamsted wheat field has been under experi- ment the price of wheat has been as high as 75s. and as low as 23s. ; any conckisions reached as to the most paying system at the former price would have to be akogether revised at the lower rates. There is, of course, every probaliility that price and other economic conditions may fluctuate just as nuich in the future as they have done in the past, but the one thing that will for ever remain unchanged is the manner in which the crop draws its nutrition from the air, the water, and the soil. Hence the farmer who best knows how this process takes place will, other conditions being equal, be the one best fitted to continue to derive a profit under the changing conditions. The great object, then, of the Rotham.sted Experiments is to obtain knowledge that is true everywhere, and to arrive at principles of general application, leaving the fiirmer himself, through his more immediate advisers, to adapt these princijiles to his own practical conditions and translate them into pounds, shillings, and pence. Thus the farmer who visits Eothamsted nmst not expect to see demonstrations of the most profitable means of growing this or that crop, but rather to obtain information as to its habits and requirements which on reflection he can make useful under his own conditions. vSome of the work also that is going on may seem to deal \\\\\\ problems little connected with practice ; so remote, in fact, that X PREFACE they never can have any bearing upon the business of farming. There are, however, many matters in which the actual farmer will always have to rely upon the advice of scientific experts, and as a rule the unpractical-looking experiments are devised to settle this or that point on which the scientific man must have information in order to form a correct judgment for the guidance of the practical man. Agricultural science involves some of the most complex and difficult problems the world is ever likely to have to solve, and if it is to continue to be of benefit to the working farmer, the investigations, as far as their actual conduct goes, must very quickly pass into regions where only the professional scientific man can hope to follow them. However, it is not with such research that the present volume deals ; here, I trust, there is nothing that the farmer with an intelligent interest in his profession cannot appreciate and find useful. The book is intended, firstly, for any man concerned with the management of land, whether farmer or market gardener, land- owner or agent, who wants to learn something of the processes going on in the growing crop and in the soil, as they have been elucidated by the most complete set of field experiments the world has yet seen. Secondly, the book is intended for the agricultural student ; it will furnish a running commentary on a very large portion of the information he finds in his text- books on agriculture and agricultural chemistry. It is of great importance to the student that he should from time to time get in touch with the sources of the statements and conclusions he reads in his text-books or hears in lecture, since he obtains thereby some idea of the extent to which these statements can be trusted to apply to working conditions. Lastly, the book is intended for the agricultural teacher and expert, for whom it will provide a certain amount of unpublished matter con- cerning Rothamsted, and will also serve as a guide to the very extensive series of reports issued by Lawes and Gilbert. To this end references have been added at the close of each chapter to the original papers dealing with the subject. PREFACE xi Throughont I liave kept the teacher in view, and have endeavoured to supply him with tlie sunmiarjes and iUus- trations wliich will be useful in his elass wi)i"k. Of course, in many respects the book covers tlie same ground as the summary of the Kothamsted Experiments of the trust deed no teaching may be done at the Station, Xll PEEFACE accommodation may be provided for men capable of assisting in research ; such men are welcomed and are given all facilities for carrying out special investigations with the material in which the Station is so rich. In this book little has been said of the work now in progress ; speaking generally, the old plots as described are being continued without essential change, but the current investigations deal chiefly with the composition of the crops produced and with the soil. The bacterial life of the soil forms indeed the unknown territory which promises the greatest reward to the explorations of the agricultural chemist of to-day. In the preparation of the book, I have to thank Dr N. H. J. Miller for most of Chapter II., and both him and Mr J. J. WilHs for much detailed information and many facts that have never been recorded. Dr H. T. Brown, F.R.S., and Dr J. A. Voelcker have been good enough to read the proof-sheets and make many suggestions. Particularly I have to thank Mr G. T. Dunkley for the great trouble and care he has taken over the preparation of the tables and diagrams ; without the help of his knowledge of the past history and his familiarity with the records, I should have found it impossible to prepare this account of the Pothamsted Experiments. A. D. Hall. The Rothamsted Experimental Station, Harpenden, March 1905. CONTENTS Biographical In'trodictiox xxi CHAPTER I The Sources of the Nitrogen of Vegetation CHAPTER II Meteorological Observations 15 CHAPTER III The Composition of the Rothamsted Soil 24 II. III. CHAPTER IV E.XPERIMENTS UPON WhEAT The Continuous Growth of Wheat, Broadbalk Field . . ."^l A. Maintenance of the Yield under Continuous Wheat Grow- ing on the same Land ..... 36 B. Effect of Nitrogenous Manures .... 42 C. Effect of the Mineral Constituents . . . . 4S D. Retention of Manures by the Soil .... bO E. Character of the Crop as affected by Manuring and Season 54 Wheat after Fallow, and in Rotation .... IL' Trials of Varieties of Wheat . . . . .66 Practical Conclusions and References . . . . 6S CHAPTER V Experiments upon Barley I. The Continuous Growth of Barley upon the same Land, Hoos Field A. Maintenance of Yield under the Continuous (irowth of Barley on the same Land B. Effect of Nitrogenous Manures C. Effect of Mineral Manures . D. Character of the Crop as affected by Manuring II. Barley Grown in Rotation, Agdell Field . Practical Conclusions and References 76 .SO i<3 88 90 xiv CONTENTS CHAPTER VI Experiments upon Oats PAGE Experiments upon Oats Grown Continuously upon the same Land, Geescroft Field . . . . . .92 CHAPTER VII Experiments upon Root-Crops Grown Continuously on the SAME Land. I. Experiments upon Mangels, Barnfield, 1876-1904 . . 96 A. Effect of Nitrogenous Manures .... 99 B. Effect of Mineral Manures . . . . .103 C. Comparison of Nitrate of Soda and Ammonium-salts as sources of Nitrogen . . . . .107 D. Effect of Nitrogenous and Mineral Manures when used in conjunction with Dung . . . . .108 E. Proportion of Root to Leaf . . . .112 F. Proportion of the Nitrogen recovered in Crop to that supplied in Manure . . . . .112 G. The Composition of the Mangel Crop as affected by Manuring . . . . .11-5 Practical Conclusions . . . . . .119 II. Experiments upon Turnips, Barn Field, 1843-1870 . . 119 Practical Conclusions . . . . . . 1J2 III Experiments on the Continuous Growth of Potatoes on the same Land, Hoos Field, 1876-1901 . . . . .122 Practical Conclusions . . . . . .126 IV. Experiments on the Growth of Sugar Beet, Barn Field . . 127 A. First Series, 1871-75 ..... 127 B. Second Series, 1898-1901 ..... 130 Practical Conclusions and References . . . .132 CHAPTER VIII Experiments upon the Continuous Growth of Leguminous Crops I. The Continuous Growth of Beans on the same Land, Geescroft Field 133 II. The Continuous Growth of Red Clover on ordinary Arable Land, Hoos Field ....... 141 III. The Continuous Growth of Clover on rich Garden Soil . . 144 References . . . . . . . .149 CONTENTS XV CHArrKH IX Experiments ii'on (Juass Land Mown von Hay eveio Ykah I. The Unnianurt'd Plots .... II. L'se of Nitrogeimus Maniu-fs alone III. Mineral Manures used alone IV. Complete Manures — Nitrogen and AMinerals \ . The Action of Organic Matter VI. Effects of Lime ..... \TI. Changes in Herbage following Changes in Manuring MIL The Effect of Season .... Practical Conclusions .... References ..... mi 157 15S 160 165 107 IGS ls;i 1^5 KH9 CHAPTER X Experiments upon Chops (.rown in Rotation, Aodei.i, Fiei. I. The Unmanured Plots ..... II. Effect of the Manures ..... III. The Effect of the (irowth of Clover or Beans on the succeedin^ Crops ....... IV. Effect of Manorial Residues on subsequent Crops . y. Gain or Loss of Manurial Constituents to the Land Practical Conclusions ..... References ....... 192 19.-. 2(M) 204 2 221 22.1 229 2 .{7 239 XVI CONTENTS CHAPTER XII The Feeding Experiments I. Relative Value of Nitrogenous and Non -nitrogenous Constituents of Food ....... II. Relation of Nitrogenous Food to Work III. The Source of Fat in the Animal Body IV. Relation of Food Consumed to Live Weight Increase V. The Composition of Oxen, Sheep, and Pigs, and of their Increase during Fattening ..... VI. The Manure Value of Foods .... VII. Miscellaneous Feeding Experiments References ....... 240 24.5 246 248 250 254 258 259 CHAPTER XIII Miscellaneous Enquiries I. Experiments upon Sewage Irrigation II. Experiments upon Malt and Barley III. Experiments upon Ensilage IV. The Composition of Wheat Grain and its Mill Products References . . 260 261 266 268 •779 Appendix I : — I. List of Publications issued from the Rotharasted Experi- mental Station, 1843-1905 .... 273 II. Publications by other Investigators, dealing with Material from Rothamsted ..... 283 III. Other Publications dealing with the Rothamsted Experi- ments ....... 284 Appendix II : — Officials 286 Appendix III : — List of Past and Present W'orkers at the Rothamsted Experi- mental Station . . . . . .287 Index 289 LIST OF ILLUSTRA'lIONS FULL-PAGE PLATLS Sir John Bkxnkt Lawks, Baut. Sir Joseph Henuv Gilueut Fig. 17.— Turf from Plot 3. Without Manure 'I'o face 18.- ly.- 20.- 26. 27_ » Plot 4-i 30.— j» Plot 6 31.— Plot ir, Plot 5. Amnioniuni-salts alone Plot 17. Nitrate Soda alone . Plot 7. Full Minerals Plot 8. Minerals without Plot 4-1 . Superphosphate alone Plot 9. Full Minerals and Am monium-salts = 86 lb. N. Plot 11. Full Minerals and Am - I monium-salts = 147 lb. N. I Plot 14. Full Minerals and Nitrate, of Soda . . .| Superphosphate and Am- I monium-salts . . ' Full Minerals after .\m- i monium . . ' Full .Minerals after Nitrite I page XXI xxxij 1.-.6 58 160 hvi 164 170 DIAGIIAMS I \ TM K T K .\ T Fig. 1. — Uainfall, Sunshine, and Mean 'I'emper.iture . l>._Broadbalk Wheat. Maintenanee of yield during' lO-year periods ...■■•••' „ 3. — IJroadbalk Wheat. EHeet of iiiereasinj,' amounts of Nitroj^en on the production of \N heat ((irain and Straw) xvii I, i.i xviii LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS DIAGRAMS IN THE TEXT— conti7iue(l . Fig. 4. — Comparison of Nitrate of Soda and Ammonium-salts on Wheat ...... „ 5. — Relation between Cost of Production and Returns with varying quantities of Manure „ 6. — Production of Wheat with varying Mineral Manures „ 7. — Loss of Nitrogen as Nitrates in the Drainage Water, lb per aci'e ...... „ 8. — Comfjarative Effects on Wheat of Ammonium-salts applied at different times ..... ^^ 9. — Effect of Wet or Dry Autumns on continuous Wheat, and Wheat alternated with Fallow ,, 10. — Yield of Barley during successive 10-year periods (1852 1901) ,, 11. — Yield of Bai'ley (Grain and Straw) with different sources of Nitrogen ..... „ 12. — Bai'ley. Total Produce, showing residual effect of Dung and no Manure in relation to the Dung Plot = 100 . „ 13. — Effect of Mineral Manures on the yield of Barley (Grain and Straw) ...... J. 14. — Mangel Wurzel. Effect of increasing amounts of Nitrogen J, 1.5. — Mangel Wurzel. Effect of various Mineral Manures ,j 16. — Mangel Wurzel. Effect of addition of Mineral Manure to Dung, with various Nitrogenous Cross-dressings . „ 21. — Effect of the various Ash constituents with and without Nitrogen on the produce of Hay per acre J, 28. — Effect of Nitrogenous Manures on the produce of Hay pe acre . . • ^^ 29. — Progressive Effect of Changes in the Manuring on the Com position of the Hay Crop .... „ .32. — Percentage of Anthoxanthum odoratum in the Herbage of the Grass Plots ..... „ 33. — Percentage of Festuca ovina in the Herbage of the Grass Plots . . ^^ 34. — Percentage of Alopecimis prafensis in the Herbage of the Grass Plots ..... ^, 3.5. — Percentage of Arrhenatherum aveiiaceimi in the Herbage of the Grass Plots ..... ^^ 36. — Percentage of Holms lanatus in the Herbage of the Grass Plots ...... TJST ol- ll.l.rsii;.vn()NS xix DIACKAMS IN IIIK I'l: XT -.,•„«/„„/,•,/. Fk;. -U. — IV-rcenlagf i>f I'ri to/mm icjh-iis, Tril'oHiiiii pralrnsr, aiul htlns coniini/aliix (toi^i'thor) in tht- Htrlmnper phosphate in Great Britain amounts at present to about 1,000,000 tons, while the total manufacture in the world is about six times this amount. If Sir John Lawes had done nothing more than introduce the manufacture of artificial xxiv BIOGRAPHICAL INTRODUCTION manures, he would still rank among the greatest benefactors to agriculture. The life of Sir John Lawes divides at this point into two parts. He became from the date of his patent a chemical manufactm-er, carrying on an extensive London business, and as prosperity increased he embarked in a variety of enterprises. While, however, obliged to spend two days of every week in London, his devotion to agricultural research continued to increase, and the profits yielded by commerce were employed for the creation and maintenance of a large experiment station at Eothamsted. The experiments in the fields had already, at the date of his patent, reached a stage at which the continuous services of a trained chemist were urgently needed. On the recommendation of Dr A. T. Thomson, Mr Lawes engaged a young chemist who had studied under Liebig — Dr J. H. Gilbert. Dr Gilbert entered upon his work at Eothamsted in June 1843, and continued actively occupied in the scientific superintendence of the agricultural experiments during the whole of his long life. For fifty-seven years Lawes and Gilbert worked together on a great variety of agricultural problems ; of these labours and their results we shall give a brief account, after completing our sketch of the life of each worker. Mr Lawes married, in 1842, Caroline Fountaine, daughter of Andrew Fountaine, Esq., of Narford Hall, Norfolk. He enjoyed her society for more than fifty years, and her artistic power was not unfrequently employed in providing illustrations of the investigations in progress. As the commencement of manufacturing operations made great demands on his capital, Mr Lawes at this period let Eothamsted House, and for some years resided either in London or Devonshire. His first factory for the manufactm^e of superphosphate was erected at Deptford Creek in 1843. The business rapidly extended, and in 1857 about 100 acres of land were purchased at Barking Creek, and a larger factory erected, including an extensive plant for the manufacture of sulphuric acid. In 1866 BIOGKAPHKWl. INTKM )l)r(Tl( )N wv Mr Lawes purchased the tartaric and citric acid lactnrv at jNIillwall. The purchase was unwillinudy uuulv, lait the new work w^as taken up with his accustomed eneri,^ and enterprise, many economies and improvements were intnxhiced. and the factory became the most important of its kind in this eoinitrv. In 1872 he sokl the whole of his manure luisiness for £:)()(l,(i()() ; he retained the tartaric and citric acid factory till liis death. Mr Lawes had also a large sugar estate in Queensland : the low^ price of sugar and the lack of cheap labour prevente(l, in this instance, a commercial success. The investigations at Rothamsted made rapid progress. In 1843 were commenced the systematic field experiments on turnips and wheat ; the wheat field has grown wheat witliout intermission ever since. In 1847 the field experiments on beans commenced, and in 1848 those on clover, and on a four- course rotation. In 1851 the rotations of wheat and fallow and w^heat and beans were started. In 1852 the field experi- ments on barley commenced. In 1856 those on f^rass land. In all about 40 acres were l)rought under experiment. Of all these crops complete chemical statistics were (»btained. Experiments on sheep-feeding w^ith various foods conunenced in 1848. The whole bodies of ten animals — oxen, slieej). aiir as his safest guide and his highest authority. Sir John Lawes seldom took part in public functicjns, he was not seen at meetings of scientific societies, and took no active part in politics ; excepting the hours unavoidably spent on his London business, he lived as far as possible a country life. It was, however, in no sense a secluded lite : his correspondence was very large, and the visitors to tlie Kothamsted experiments were extremely numerous and of all nationalities. They found at Kothamsted a genial host and a ready guide to the fields, where the lessons taught l)y the experimental crops were described in lirief and pithy sentences by one who knew thoroughly the whole history of each plot. Sir John Lawes by no means confined his attention to science, agriculture, and business; lie was a man of active benevolence. The agricultural labourers of Ilarpendcn found in him their best Iriend. He began to provide allotment xxxii BIOGRAPHICAL INTRODUCTION gardens in 1852, and before his death the number had reached 334. In 1857 he built a club room in the gardens. Various co-operative schemes were started for the labourer's benefit ; one of these has been immortahsed by Charles Dickens, who visited the club room in April 1859, and afterwards gave an account of what he saw in the first number of All the Year Round. The welfare of his workmen at his various factories was equally considered. He exercised a wide private benevo- lence, and in his own parish was never appealed to in vain for any good work. Sir John Lawes' life was prolonged to an unusual period ; he lived and worked and taught through two successive generations. His health remained very good till within about a week of his death. He died at Rothamsted on August 31, 1900, in his 86tli year, and was buried at Harpenden. His only son. Sir Charles Bennet Lawes, who has assumed the additional name of Wittewronge, succeeds to the Rothamsted estate. Sir Joseph Henry Gilbert, 1817-1901 Joseph Henry Gilbert was born at Hull on August 1, 1817. He was the second son of the Rev. Joseph Gilbert, a Congregational Minister, who had previously held the position of Professor of Classics at the Divinity College, Rotherham. His mother belonged to a well-known literary family, and under her maiden name of Ann Taylor, was a popular authoress of poems for children. The family removed in 1825 to Nottingham, and it vvas here that the boyhood of Joseph Henry Gilbert was spent. He was first sent to an elementary school taught by a blind lady of great intelligence, and afterwards to a school kept by Mr Long at Mansfield. In 1832, while at Scar- borough, he met with a serious gunshot accident, which per- manently deprived him of the sight of one eye, and considerably damaged the other ; his general health suffered much from the SiK JosEiMi Henuv GiLHKKT, M.A., Ph.D., LL.D., [Fact page xxrll. •^N/vepg OF BIOGRAPHICAL INTEODUC TIOX xxxiii shock, tand it was some years before he was able to resume his studies. Dm-iiig this interval he in 1838 paid a visit to St Petersbm-g. In the autumn of 1838 he became a student at the University of Glasgow; here he devoted nearly a year to the study of analytical chemistry in the laboratory of Prof. Thomas Thomson. Materia-Medica was studied under Dr J. Couper, and botany under Sir W. J. Hooker. He came to London in the autumn of 1839, and continued his studies at University College, where he attended the chemical lectures and practical classes of Prof. T. Graham, and worked for a short time in the laboratory of Prof. Anthony Todd Thomson. He also studied natural philosophy under J. Sylvester, anatomy under Dr Grant, and botany under Lindley at Chiswick, and made some progress in the German language. In 1840 he went to Germany, and spent a summer session at Giessen, in the laboratory of Prof. Liebig. Here he took the degree of Ph.D. ; two other Enghsh students, J. Stenhouse and L. Playfair, after- wards to become celebrated as chemists, took their degrees at the same time. On returning to England, Dr Gilbert renewed his studies at University College, and became class and laboratory assistant to Prof. A. T. Thomson during the winter and summer sessions of 1840-41. In 1842 he left London and became consulting chemist to Mr Burd, a calico- printer in the neighbourhood of Manchester. The turning point of his life soon arrived. Mr Lawes had already made his acquaintance in the laboratory of Prof. A. T. Thomson, and being in want of a trained chemist to assist in the agricultural investigations he had commenced at Rothamsted, he, on the recommendation of Prof. Thomson, engaged the services of Dr Gilbert. On June 1, 1843, Dr Gilbert entered on his work at Rothamsted. The connection between Lawes and Gilbert thus commenced continued till the death of Sir John Lawes in 1900, a period of fifty-seven years. The rapid development of the agricultural investigations at Rothamsted after the year 1843 has been already noticed in the preceding account of the life of Sir John Lawes. The value of xxxiv BIOGEAPHICAL INTRODUCTION the work done was largely due to the unremitted labours of Dr Gilbert. At the opening of the new laboratory in 1855, Mr Lawes said, " I should be most ungrateful were I to omit this opportunity of stating how greatly I am indebted to those gentlemen whose lives are devoted to the conduct and manage- ment of my experiments. To Dr. Gilbert more especially, I consider a debt of gratitude is due from myself and from every agriculturist in Great Britain. It is not every gentleman of his attainments who would subject himself to the caprice of an individual, or risk his reputation by following the pursuits of a science which has hardly a recognised existence. For twelve years our acquaintance has existed, and I hope twelve years more will find it continuing." The testimony borne by Sir John Lawes to his colleague at the end of fifty years of their joint work has been already quoted in the preceding account of Sir John Lawes. We must now attempt to give some idea of the special part taken by Sir Henry Gilbert in the Rothamsted investigations. The two leaders of the work were in almost daily consultation, Sir H. Gilbert spending, as a rule, an hour at Rothamsted every day that Sir John Lawes was at home. The plans for new experiments, the results obtained from day to day, and the drafts of the reports in preparation, were thus all discussed by them together. Sir John Lawes directed the agricultural operations in the experimental fields ; the execution of the remainder of the work was in the hands of Sir Henry Gilbert. Sir John Lawes contributed to the joint work a thorough knowledge of practical agriculture. His original mind was stored with facts learnt by keen observation and study in the field. A born investigator, he seemed to be continually occupied in the study of agricultural problems. His enterpris- ing and practical spirit impressed its character on the whole of the Rothamsted work. Sir Henry Gilbert supplemented in a remarkable manner the qualities of his chief. His training as an analytical chemist, and his acquaintance with foreign languages and literature, were naturally of great value in BIOGRAPHICAL INTRODUCTION xxxv research work. His knowledge of collociiiial (Jcnnan enal>K't illness. The death of Sir John Lawes in 1900 was naturally a xl BIOGRAPHICAL INTRODUCTION great shock to him. He was fairly vigorous, however, during the next summer, but was taken seriously ill during a visit to Scotland, and returned home with difficulty. He died at Harpenden on December 23, 1901, in his 85th year. R. Warington. CHAPTER I THE SOURCES OF THE NITROGEN OF VEGETATION To arrive at a proper understanding of the scheme of the Kothamsted Experiments it is necessary to reconstruct a little the state of the knowledge of agricultural science at the time they were begun in 1843. In many respects it was a period of considerable activity in matters agricultural ; the whole landed interest were making great efforts towards the improve- ment of land and stock and of methods of cultivation ; great areas of the country were being tile-drained and rendered for the first time suitable for arable cultivation, other poor sandy land was being reclaimed by marling and claying. A sign of the times was the establishment of the Eoyal Agricultm'al Society in 1838, and in its earlier volumes, particularly in the writings of Dr Daubeny on the scientific side, and those of Philip Pusey on the practical side, a good idea may be formed of the point of view of the intelligent farmer of that date. The science of the time had just reached a point which enabled a general theory of the nutrition of both plant and animal to be formed. In the latter part of the eighteenth century the researches of Priestley, followed up l)y Ingenhousz and Senebier, had settled the fundamental fact that green plants in sunlight decompose the carbonic acid of the atmos- phere, setting free the oxygen and retaining the carbon, this being the source of the carbon which makes up the bulk uf the dry matter of plants. A little later De Saussure, who pul)lished 2 SOUECES OF THE NITROGEN OF VEGETATION his Recherches Chimiques sur la Vegetation in 1804, confirmed the above-mentioned discoveries and gave them a coherent shape. He then proceeded to discuss the mineral or ash constituents of plants, made a series of analyses of the ashes of various plants, and pointed out the importance of these substances in the nutrition of the plant. Davy, whose lectures on Agricultural Chemistry to the Board of Agriculture were published in 1813, though he did not advance the subject much by his own investigations, yet did much service in presenting to the agricultural public the science that was then available. He laid more stress than before on the importance of the ash constituents and the use of manures to supply them, but he appears still to have con- sidered that much of the carbonaceous matter of plants was directly derived from the humus of the soil, and that the assimilation of carbon from the atmosphere was of minor importance. Boussingault's memorable work began in 1834, and in 1838 he published the result of the enquiries he had been making on his farm into the principles underlying the rotation of crops. He analysed both the manures applied and the crops removed from the land, and thus demonstrated statistically that the source of the enormous quantities of carbon removed annually can only be the carbonic acid of the atmospliere, not the soil nor the manures applied. In 1840 appeared Liebig's famous report to the British Association on *' Organic Chemistry in its applications to Agriculture and Physiology." Here, building upon the foundations laid by De Saussure and by Boussingault (for in this direction Liebig was not an original investigator), and illuminating these facts by the light of his own recent discoveries in organic chemistry, Liebig drew out a convincing scheme of the nutrition of the plant. Green plants by the aid of sunlight derive their whole substance from carbonic acid, water, ammonia present in the atmosphere and produced by decaying matter in the soil, and the simple inorganic salts which are afterwards found in the ash when the plant EARLY THEORIES 3 is burned. From these simple sul)stances the plant elaborates those compounds of carbon and nitrogen, such as starcli, sugar, fat, and the proteids, which the animal requires for its food, and thereby reconverts into the original simpler materials. Liebig's brilliant essay excited universal attention and roused the interest of both the scientific and practical men of all civilised countries in the subject, so that to a very large extent we can date modern agricultural science from this stimulating publication. Henceforwai'd we may take it that the som'ce of the carbon of vegetation was no longer regarded as doubtful; it came from the atmosphere, and the humus of the soil practically contributed nothing to it. The origin of the nitrogen was however by no means so settled : De Saussure had concluded that plants were unable to assimilate the free nitrogen of the atmosphere, but obtained it from the nitrogenous compounds in the soil and from the small amount of ammonia which he showed to be present in ordinary air. Boussingault took out statistics of the nitrogen as well as the carbon supplied in manures and recovered in the crops ; in 1838 he also published an account of experiments in which plants were grown in pots and supplied with known amounts of combined nitrogen, so as to ascertain if the growing plant did assimilate atmospheric nitrogen. While the crop statistics seemed to show in certain cases a considerable surplus of nitrogen removed in the crops during a rotation over that supplied in the manure, his direct experiments, made as accurately as the chemistry of the time would permit, indi- cated that plants drew only nitrogen from the soil or manure. The arguments of De Saussure and of Boussingault were adopted by Liebig in his first publication ; he considered the source of the nitrogen of vegetation was ammonia derived from the decay of the previous generation of plants or brought down from the atmosphere by the rain. In his later editions Liebig somewhat shifted from this point of view and began to minimise 4 SOUECES OF THE NITROGEN OF VEGETATION the importance of any supply of combined nitrogen to the plant ; provided that the soil were supplied with the mineral constituents removed by the crop, he argued that it would be able to grow luxuriantly and obtain for itself all the nitrogen necessary. It is difficult now to estimate exactly the positions held by controversialists of more than half a century ago, but there can be little doubt that Liebig overestimated the amount of ammonia which could be obtained from the atmosphere, and that he and his followers, arguing from general grounds as to the origin of the original stock of combined nitrogen in the world, were disposed to believe that some, if not all, leafy plants could assimilate and fix free atmospheric nitrogen. Some little time before the publication of Liebig's re- port, Lawes had begun his experiments on a small scale ; as early as 1835 he was making trials in pots at Roth- amsted, and these were year by year extended to the fields on the home farm, until in 1843 the scale had so far in- creased that he secured the co-operation of Gilbert and the Rothamsted Experiments as we now know them began. Curiously enough, at this very time (1842) Dr Daubeny, some of whose lectures Lawes had attended at Oxford, was writing in the new Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society about the necessity of systematic experiments to ascertain the value of manures : "I know not how such experiments can well be instituted, except it be on an experimental farm, established for the purpose, and placed under scientific hands. Productive of no immediate advantage to the land on which they are tried beyond what could be equally well attained by a much inferior expenditure of labour, they are not likely to be taken up by any private individual who combines practical experience and pecuniary resources with the requisite scientific skill ; and even if such a person were to present himself, what guarantee can we offer to the world that he possesses the requisite qualifications ? " For it should be remembered that EAKLY EXPERIINLEN'rs Ol' I.AAVES this was the period of the first iiitroihietioii of \vliat we now call artificial inaiuires ; the virtue of bones liad k^ng l)een known, and at Liebig's instigation their phosphoric acid was being made soluble by acid, and dissolved bones were becoming an article of commerce. Lawes had followed up ITenshnv's discovery of coprolites by converting them into mineral super- phosphate, and setting up the earliest manufactory of artiiicial manures. The first importations of Peruvian guano hatl l.)een made, and nitrate of soda w^as also beginning to find its way into the countiy. With these and many other substances Lawes had been experimenting on a small scale, and the results of his trials and all his farming experience w^ent to show that a supply of combined nitrogen in some form or other was not only necessary to the crop, but on the whole determined its yield to a far greater extent than the supply of ash constituents. Yet Liebig's argument in the second (1843) edition of his report all inclined to represent the mineral manures as fundamental, and a supply of combined nitrogen as unnecessary, or at least of secondary import- ance. This question of the value or otherwise of nitrogenous manures supplied the main guiding principle in the design of all the earlier field experiments at Rothamsted, as will be evident when the individual fields come to be considered, and the controversy which arose with Liebig on the publication of the first reports from Rothamsted endured for more than a generation. Indeed the source and fjxte of the nitrogen of vegetation remained in one form or another the dominant interest in the Rothamsted Experiments up to the death of Lawes and Gilbert. The evidence from the field experiments that farm crops require a supply of combined nitrogen will be considered else- where, as also the results of the determinations made of the amounts of ammonia and other nitrogenous compounds brought down by the rain ; in neither case was thei-e evidence that a normal vegetation could supply itself with the necessary 6 SOURCES OF THE NITROGEN OF VEGETATION nitrogen from atmospheric som-ces only. Attempts had also been made to grow plants in artificial media with a known supply of nitrogen, which could be compared with the amount of nitrogen found later in the fully grown plant. Boussingault, to whom the first experiments of this nature were due, soon found that very elaborate precautions must be taken to obviate the influx of nitrogen either in dust or as ammonia in the atmosjDhere and in the water employed, hence in all his later experiments the plants were grown in closed cases fed with air from which all ammonia had been withdrawn by acid. Bous- singault's conclusions were against the fixation of any nitrogen, but they were not accepted universally ; in particular, Ville brought forward other similar experiments, in which the plant showed a distinct gain of combined nitrogen. In 1857 the subject was taken up at Rothamsted, and a most elaborate series of experiments were carried out by Dr Evan Pugh, at that time working in the Rothamsted laboratory. The experimental plants were grown under glass shades, and every precaution was taken to ensure the freedom from ammonia of the air entering the shades, and also of the other materials — the burnt earth, the pots, the water, the manures — employed in the experiment. The experiments were made with wheat, barley, oats, clover, beans, peas, and buckwheat, and the trials were repeated, in the one case with no manm^e in the pots, and in the other with the supply of a small quantity of sulphate of ammonia. The soils employed were made up from either ignited pumice or ignited soil, and the glass shades under which the plants were grown rested in the groove of a stoneware vessel, mercury being used as a lute. The air, previously passed through sulphuric acid and sodium carbonate solution and washed, was forced into the apparatus, so as to always maintain a greater pressure inside than out, thus minimising all danger of unwashed air leaking in ; carbonic acid was also introduced as required. Under these rigorous conditions the following results were obtained : — PLANTS DO NOT FIX FIJKK MTIJOdKN Table I. — Summanj of fhc Iic.'y had heen obtained with plants of tlu-ee different natural orders, and lioth without and with manure to induce an initial vigorous growtli, for many years the whole trend of scientific oiiinion was against the possibility of the fixation of nitrogen l)y living plants. 8 SOURCES OF THE NITROGEN OF VEGETATION There remained, however, a number of facts difficult to account for : although laboratory experiments similar to those just described, but resulting in a gain of nitrogen, could be dis- missed as vitiated by the many possible sources of error, yet the statistics of the nitrogen collected by various crops could not be explained in any such fashion. It has already been mentioned that Boussingault made out a balance-sheet of nitrogen supplied in manure and removed in crop during different rotations ; he found that while in a rotation of wheat and fallow alone the wheat contained rather less nitrogen than was applied as manure, yet other rotations in which clover was included, and particularly a five years' continuous cropping with lucerne, gave a large surplus of nitrogen removed over that supplied. Similar evidence was accumulated at Rotham- sted and was made more cogent by the analysis of the soils, which showed not only no decrease but an actual gain of nitrogen during the period when the leguminous crop was producing such large quantities of nitrogenous matter above ground. Thus when the various crops were grown con- tinuously with mineral manures* but without any supply of combined nitrogen, the following average amounts of nitrogen per acre were taken away : — Table II. — Average Removal of Nitrogen per acre hy Crops grown continuously vnth Mineral Ifanures only. Nitrogen removed per acre. Wheat . Barley . Root 'Crops . Beans .• Clover . '24 years 24 years ..... 30 years 24 years, of which 2 fallow . 22 years, 6 crops only . Lb. 22-1 22-4 16-4 45-5 39-8 In a comparison of the alternate wheat and fallow plots with the adjacent plots continually under leguminous plants, * The term mineral manures will be used throughout for mixtures of the constituents found in the ash of plants, i.e., phosphates, sulphates and chlorides of sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium, but always excluding nitrogen in any form. FIELD EXPERIMENTS INDICATINC FIXATION l» the following comparative figures were obtained ath>r l)()tli had been under a similar treatment for many years. Table III. — Nitrogen in Crop and Soil. Leguminous PhniU compared until Mlieat and Falloic. Hoos Field. Unmanured Mineral Manures only, 80 ynars. Wheat and Fallow alternately. Trifolium repcns. Metllotos Icucantlia. Me Naturforsclicr Versamndung at Halle when Hellriegel and AVilfarlh read tlu-ir 12 SOURCES OF THE NITEOGEN OF VEGETATION paper, and on his return to England experiments were immediately begun at Rothamsted to check their results. A series of small pits were built up of slate slabs out of doors, and these were filled with either soil or washed sand and then sown with various leguminous plants, which were after- wards inoculated or not as desired. The growth was cut away for the determination of dry matter produced, and the nitrogen collected ; afterwards the roots were washed out from the soil or sand for the examination of the development of the nodules. A more rigorous set of experiments were carried out in glazed stoneware pots in the glasshouse, and some of the results obtained are set out in Table V. (p. 13). The table consists of a balance-sheet for the nitrogen only, in which the nitrogen supplied, either in the seed, in the sand or soil used, in the extract employed for inoculation, or in a few cases in the manure, is compared with that recovered in the soil or the plant. The first horizontal line for each plant shows the results obtained when there was no inoculation and the plant grew with simply the store of nitrogen present in the seed and what it could obtain from the soil ; the second and third lines show the results of inoculation, both seed and soil being otherwise similar ; the fourth line shows the result when the seeds were sown in ordinary soil. It is needless to elaborate the results thus obtained ; they confirmed, as has repeatedly been done since, the conclusions of Hellriegel and Wilfarth, and showed that the leguminous plants possess the power of " fixing " nitrogen under ordinary conditions of field culture by the agency of the bacteria living in the nodules on their roots. The very rigour with which the earlier laboratory experi- ments, like those at Rothamsted on peas and beans in 1857-8, had been carried out, had prevented any fixation of nitrogen by excluding all possibility of inoculation. The interpretation of the increased stock of nitrogen obtained with leguminous crops, which, as instanced above, had hitherto been so difficult of explanation, at once became FIXATION BY T.EGr:\ir\OT\^ IM.ANTS i:; apparent, and tlie long controversy as to the somri's of nitrogen in vegetation was thus closed by a vindication of both schools of opinion. Table V. Plant. d in 1 "5^ §1 Nitrogen. At Beginning. At End. H 5 . C3 J4_ In Soil, Soil- In Sand In Extract, Total. or Pro- Total. on and Soil. duce. Z 8 — Seeds. o U Annuals. Wks. Grams. Grams. Grams. Grams. Grams. Grams. Peas . 1 1 15 0-0265 0-0265 0-0090 0-01-25 0-0215 -0-0050 2 15 0-0273 0-0273 0-0108 0-1475 0-1583 + 0-1310 ii-8 3 15 0-0270 0-0270 0-0162 0-1S-J5 0-1987 + 0-1717 14-6 4 15 6-9422 6-9422 6-8817 0-2075 7-0892 + 0-1470 Vetches . \ 9 15 0-0137 0-0137 0-0184 0-0065 0-0249 + 0-0112 10 15 0-0141 0-0141 0-0260 0-1651 0-1911 + 0-1770 25-4 11 15 0-0139 0-0139 0-0230 0-1868 0--2098 + 0-1959 28-7 12 15 7-5966 7-5966 7-3052 0-2087 7-5139 -0-0827 f 17 21 0-0375 0-0375 0-0551 0-0153 0-0704 + 0-0329 YeUow J ]8 21 0-0378 0-0378 0-0523 0-4980 0-5503 + 0-5125 32-5 Lupins 1 19 21 0-0380 0-0380 0-0594 0-4fil4 0-5508 + 0-5128 32-1 I 20 21 fi-0408 6-0408 6-7883 0-2146 7-0029 + 0-9621 ... P lants of I ..onger Life. r 5 77 0-0082 0-0082 0-0273 0-2094 0-2367: + 0-2285 Red Clover - 6 77 0089 0-0089 0-0312 0-2885 0-3197 + 0-3108 7 77 0-0083 0-2381* 0-0323 0-2986 0-3309t + 0-0930 I 8 77 6-4274 6-4274 6-3198 1-7288 8-0486 + 1-6212 r 21 68 0-0231 0-0231 0-0-200 0-0030 0-0230 -0-0001 Lucerne . - 22 75 0-0247 0-0247 00514 0-3589 0-4103 + 0-3856 119-6 23 76 0-02.36 0-3278* 0-0371 0-4307 0-49l7t + 0-1639 143-5 24 76 17-4983 17-4983 16-8141 1-2345 18-0486 + 0-5503 33 131 0-0110 0-0110 0-0148 0-0016 0-0164 + 0054 White Clover 34 131 0-0119 0-0119 0-0575 0-7098 0-7673 + 0-7554 443-6 35 131 0-0120 0-0120 0-0482 0-54()5 0-5947 + 0-5827 341 -C 36 131 5-3423 3-4726 8-8149 37 131 0-0081 0-6746* 0-0459 0-4430 0-6754t + 0-0008 • Including Calcium Nitrate, added as follows :— Pot 7, 0"2298 gram. ; Pot 23, 0-8042 gram. ; and Pot 87, 0-66C5 gram. t Including also the following amounts of Nitrate recovered :— Pot 7, nono ; Pot 23, 00-239 gram. ; and Pot 37, 01865 gram. t Accidentally inoculated. Lawes and Gilbert were perfectly correct in maintaining: that the ordinary green plant has no power of fixing nitrogen, but the whole class of leguminous plants form an exception 14 SOURCES OF THE NITROGEN OF VEGETATION when grown under ordinary field conditions, for then they become collectors of atmospheric nitrogen in virtue of the nodule bacteria with which they are associated. Without doubt, Hellriegel and Wilfarth's discovery came as somewhat of a disappointment to the Rothamsted investi- gators ; although the statistics they had accumulated form to this day the best demonstration of its truth on a field scale, still they had so long and so rightly upheld the necessity of combined nitrogen to the nutrition of the plant, that to have to concede the point in issue, as far even as the leguminous plants were concerned, could not have been welcome. Indeed, Liebig's idea having thus triumphed in the one special case, his most sweeping generalisation was justified — that it is the function of plants to manufacture the complex nitrogen com- pounds from elementary nitrogen, just as they do the carbon compounds from the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. These complex nitrogen and carbon compounds are necessary to animals, which derive their vital heat and energy by breaking them down again into the simpler materials used by the plant. In this eternal cycle Liebig had placed nitrogen alongside of carbon, and though the statement may be true only of the particular leguminous plants, it is true, in a general sense, in that these plants (or rather the bacteria with which they are associated) are probably the original sources of the world's stock of combined nitrogen. References " Agricultural Chemistry, especially in relation to the Mineral Theory of Baron Liebig." J.R.A.S., 12 (1851), 1. R. Mem., Vol. I., No. 5. "On the Sources of the Nitrogen of Vegetation." Phil. Trans., 151 (1861), 431. B. Mem., Vol. I. (4to), No. 1. "On the Sources of the Nitrogen of Vegetation." Jour. Chem. Soc, 16 (1863), 100. R Mem., Vol. III., No. 1. "Sketch of the Progress of Agricultural Chemistry." Rep. Brit. Assn. for 1880. R. Mem., Vol. V., No. 13. " On the Present Position of the Question of the Sources of Nitrogen of Vege- tation." Phil. Trans., 180, B (1889), 1. R. Mem., Vol. I. (4to), No. 2. " Results of Experiments at Rothamsted on the Question of the Fixation of Free Nitrogen." Agricultural Students' Gazette, New Series, 5, 1890-91. R. Mem., Vol. VII., No. 1. CHAPTER II METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS The rainfall has been measured at Eotliamsted since Fel)ruary 1853 in a 5-inch funnel gauge and in a rectangular gauge (7 feet 3'12 inches by 6 feet), having an area of one-thousandth acre. In addition to these gauges, an 8-inch Board of Trade gauge has been employed since January 1881. The ground on which the gauges are situated is 420 feet above the sea-level ; it adjoins the Barn Field (continuous root crops), and is at a slightly lower level than the l^roadbalk and Hoos fields. The amount of water percolating through bare soil has been measured since 1870 by means of three drain-gauges, each having an area of one-thousandth acre. These were constructed by undermining the soil at the desired depths — 20, 40, and 60 inches respectively — and inserting perforated iron plates to support the soil. When this was completed, trenches were cut round the blocks of soil, and these were then isolated by means of brick and cement walls. The external soil was then returned. The percolating water falls on to zinc funnels, from which it passes to the measuring cylinders. Barometric and temperature records have been kept since 1873, and since July 1891 daily observations of tlie ])right sunshine have been made by means of a Campbell-Stokes recorder. The average yearly rainfall as measured at Kothamsted during the last fifty-one years, 1853-1903, is 28-Jl inches. This is higher than the average in Hertfordshire (26'33). 16 METEOEOLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS As regards years of exceptional rainfall, either low or high, the records show five years in which the rainfall was less than 21 inches — the lowest was 18-56 in 1864 — and three years in which it was more than 35 inches — the highest recorded being 38-69 inches in 1903. More prolonged periods of wet occurred in 1875 and 1876, and in 1879 and 1880, when 69-34 and 70-0 inches fell in two consecutive years. The nine-year period, 1875 to 1883 inclusive, was an exceptionally wet one, each Ram Inches Jan. Feb. Mar. April May June July Au_ Fig. 1.— Rainfall : Average of 51 years (1853-1903). Sun.shine : Average of 11 years (1892, 1893, and 1895-1903). Mean Temperature : Average of 26 years (1878-1903). individual year giving a fail of more than 30 inches, and averaging 33-54 inches over the nine years. Exceptional periods of drought extending over two years are less frequent, and the lowest averages of two consecutive years are 21-7 in 1863 and 1864, 221 in 1901 and 1902, and 23-2 in 1870 and 1871. The longest consecutive period of years showing under average rainfall was the five years 1867-1871, when the falls ranged from 21-3 to 26-9 inches, and averaged over the five years 24-84 inches. In Fig. 1 curves are set out showing the average rainfall, KAINFALL AND SUNSHINE IJKCOIM) mean teiiiperatinv, niid duralion of sii!isliim> tVom monili to montli. The greatest average rainfall (see Table \'[.) is in October, 3*16 inches, followed by '2\u in November, while in December and Jannary the amonnts decline to 231 and '21]') inclies respectively. From February to August inclusive there is a gradual rise from 178 to 2'G7 inches, but it declines to 2')\ inches in September. Table VL— Meteorological Summary. Rainfall. Bright Si .nshiiie. 11 years Temperature. Average, 51 3 •ears Average, Average, 20 years (1853-1903). (1892 1893, and 1895-1903). (1878-1908). Total Fall. Rainy Days. Per cent. Days with 01 hour, or more. Means. 1-1 Actual. Per cent. Total. Actual. Per cent. Mini- mum. Maxi- mum. m Inches. Xo. Iluurs. Xo. F. 'F. 'F. January . 2-3.'5 16 52 46-4 19 16 51 31-5 41-6 36-6 February 1-78 13 47 69-2 25 19 60 32-5 43-9 38-2 March . 1-81 13 42 114-6 32 26 85 33-5 48-3 40-9 AprU . May . 1-86 13 43 170-3 42 27 91 36-8 54-2 45-5 2-22 13 42 199-9 41 29 93 -12-2 60-2 51-2 June 2-39 12 41 201-9 41 27 91 48-4 66-6 57-5 July . 2-58 13 43 217-5 44 29 95 51-7 69-7 60-7 August . 2-67 14 44 201-1 45 30 96 51-4 68-5 59-9 September 2-51 13 44 158-3 43 27 02 47-6 64-1 55-9 October . 3-16 18 57 106-1 32 25 79 41-1 54-8 48-0 November 2-57 17 55 57-0 22 18 58 36-8 48-3 42-6 December Whole year 2-31 16 52 43-2 18 16 51 32-4 42-9 37-7 28-21 171 47 1585-5 36 289 79 40-5 55-3 47-9 The average number of rainy days (with 0*01 incli or more) does not vary very much ; the greatest is, like the rainftill, in October, and the lowest in June. The total number of rainy days in an average year amounts to less than 50 per cent. The maximum amount of sunshine occurs in July (217") hours, or 44 per cent.). There is a slight decrease in August followed by a very rapid decrease until November. The minimum (43'2 hours, or 18 per cent.) is reached in December, after which there is a continuous increase until the maxinuun in July. As regards percentages of possilJe sunshine, the highest 18 METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS (45 per cent.) occurs in August, which is closely followed by July, September, and April, with 44, 43, and 42 per cent, respectively, and May and June with 41 per cent. Of the remaining months, March and October (32 per cent.) have the highest, and January and December the lowest percentages (19 and 18) of possible sunshine. In the whole year we have an average amount of 1586 hours, or not much more than a third of the actual sunshine above the level of the clouds. The Amounts of Nitrogen as Ammonia and Nitrates, Chlorine, and Sulphuric Acid, in the Rain-ivater at Rothamsted. At the time of the commencement of the Rothamsted Experiments very little was known as to the amounts of com- bined nitrogen and other substances present in rain-water. The presence of ammonia, both in the atmosphere and in rain-water, was well known, but, owing to the imperfections of the methods of analysis then available, somewhat exaggerated ideas prevailed as to the amount. Liebig considered that the atmosphere was able to furnish the average crop with sufficient ammonia for its development, hence followed his celebrated " mineral " theory that to add to the soil the ash constituents of a crop would be a sufficient manuring. As this opinion of Liebig's was strongly contested by the Rothamsted investi- gators it was necessary to make accurate measures of the combined nitrogen brought by the rain. The earliest analyses of Rothamsted rain were made in 1853-4, and were restricted to determinations of the nitrogen present as ammonia. These were followed in 1855-6 by determinations of ammonia and nitric nitrogen made by Professor Way. No further analyses were made until 1877, when monthly determinations of ammonia were recommenced. These were continued with some interruptions until December 1885, and again resumed in December 1887 and February 1888, since which time ammonia has been regularly determined each month. Nitric acid has been determined uninterruptedly COMBINED NITROCxEN IN KAIN 1<» since September 188G (for the first few montlis by Scliloesing's method, antl subsequently by Williams' zinc-copper couple method). In addition to the analyses of monthly samples of rain, a large number of single samples have been analysed at Rothamsted, as well as about eighty samples by the late Sir E. Frankland.* Table VI I. — Nitrogen and Chlorine in Ilothamstcd Rain. Munfhly Averages, 15 years (1889-1903). 1 1 Nitrogen. Chlorine. Per million. Per acre. Per cent, of Total. .1 1 1 .2 S < 1,1 < S 1 111 3 ^ 4 < E E •«3 111 < j . January. February March . April . :May June July . . August . September October . November ! December Inches. 1-951 1-710 2-036 1-516 2-028 2-185 2-631 2-959 2-098 3-407 2-505 2-590 0-401 0-424 0-410 0-571 0-516 0-520 0-464 0-476 0-535 0-335 0-411 0-379 0-168 0-209 0-204 0-227 0-200 0-216 0-175 0-170 0-213 0-160 0-189 0-195 Lb. 0-177 0-164 0-189 0-196 0-237 0-257 0-276 0-319 0-254 0-258 0-233 0-222 Lb. 0-074 0-081 0-094 0-078 0-092 0-107 0-104 0-114 0-101 0-123 0-107 0-114 Lb. 0-251 0-245 0-283 0-274 0-329 0-364 0-380 0-433 0-.3.55 0-381 0-340 0-336 70-5 66-9 66-8 71-5 72-0 70-6 72-6 73-7 71-5 67-7 68-5 66-1 29-5 33-1 33-2 28-5 28-0 29-4 27-4 26-3 28-5 32-3 31-5 33-9 4-17 3-33 3-47 2-71 2-05 1-46 1-09 1-33 1-92 2-32 3-00 3-60 Lb. 1-84 1-29 1-60 0-93 0-94 0-72 0-65 0-89 0-91 1-79 1-70 2-11 Jan. to April . May to Aug. . Sept to Dec. 7-213 9-803 10-600 0-445 0-491 0-403 0-200 0-188 0-186 0-726 1089 0-967 0-327 0-417 0-445 1-053 1-506 1-412 68-9 72-3 68-5 31-1 27-7 31-5 3-47 1-44 2-71 5-66 3-20 6-51 Whole year 27-616 0-445 0-190 2-782 1-189 3-971 70-1 29-9 2-46 15-37 It will be convenient, for the purpose of sunimari.sing the results relating to nitrogen, to confine attention to the fifteen years 1889-1003, as during that period regular determinations both of ammonia and nitrates are availa])le. In Table VII. will 1)0 found the average monthly I'ainfall for the period in question, the amount of nitrogen as ammonia and as nitrate (or nitrite), also the chlorine, all expressed both * See the Sixth Report of the Rivers Pollution Commission, 1874. 20 METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS as parts per million and as lb. per acre. Other columns show the relative proportions of the two combinations of nitrogen. Reference to the table will show that the average amomit of nitrogen in the two forms is 3 "97 lb. per acre per annum, and that most of the nitrogen is in the form of ammonia, the nitric nitrogen representing only three-tenths of the whole. The monthly variations show little regularity either in the total nitrogen or in the relation of ammonia to nitrates. It is, however, of interest to note that in the period April to September, during which the rainfall is less than half the total for the year, the rain contains more nitrogen than in the six months October to March, and that the amount of nitric nitrogen is nearly the same in both periods, the excess in the warmer periods being mainly due to ammonia. When we compare the yearly amounts of nitrogen in the rain, the variations are not found to be great, and seem to have little if any relation to the rainfall. The highest result corresponds with the highest rainfall (4-84 lb. in 1903); but the minimum result (3-30 lb.) was obtained in 1890, when the rainfall amounted to 2478 inches. With one of the lowest rainfalls of the period, however (20 '967 inches in 1902), we get nearly the maximum amount of nitrogen, viz., 4-673 lb. It must be borne in mind that the nitrogen in the forms of ammonia and nitrates does not represent the whole amount suppHed to the soil. Frankland's results showed that the rain contains besides the nitrogen in these forms a certain amount of organic nitrogen, equal to about one-third of the nitrogen as ammonia and nitrates. So that we may consider that the average annual rainfall at Rothamsted contains 3 "97 plus 1 "3, or about 5 lb. of total nitrogen per acre. The amount of chlorine in the monthly samples of rain has been determined at Rothamsted since 1877. The average amount over the whole year is 2 '46 per million. The minimum amount is in the July rain (1'09 per million), and the maximum (417 per milHon) in the January rain. The CHLORIDES IX IJATX 21 amount falls and rises in the intermediate months with considerable regularity, the only l)reak occurring in tlie March rain, which contains more c^hlorinc than the rain ftilling in February. The total chlorine is equivalent to 2;')-:} lb of common salt per acre per annum. Of this amount, 170 11). is contributed by the rain falling from October to March, and Table VJ II. — Comparison of Maxiynum and Minimum Precipitation of Rain and Chlorine. Rainfall. Chlorine. Maximum Rainfall (1903) Minimum Rainfall (1S9S) Maximum Chlorine (1903) Minimum Chlorine (1890) Inches. 38-69 20-49 38-69 24-78 Lb. per acre. 19-99 16-33 19-99 10-21 the rest (8-3 lb.) by the spring and summer rains (April to September). This difference is all the more striking as the rainfall of the two six-monthly periods is almost the same. The yearly amounts of chlorine per acre vary considerably, and the variations depend more on the distribution of the rainfall during the year than on the total fall. No recent determinations of sulphuric acid in rain-water Table IX. — Sulphuric Acid and Chlorine in Rain-water n Ity unknown amounts. TaI?LK X. — IxainfaU and Dr((i)iai/c at Ilothnmstril. Percolation through Diflerence Bvaporatod Rainfall Soil. (orlloUinodbySoll). (iTsWth Acre 20 in. 40 in. 00 in. 20 in. 40 in. 60 In. deep. deep. deep. deep. deep. de«.p. Average for each Month, 34 years (1871 to 1904). Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inchoa. January .... 2-32 1-82 2-0-. 1-96 0-50 0-27 0-3G Febniarv 1-97 1-42 1-57 1-48 0-55 0-40 0-49 March 1-S3 0-87 1-02 0-95 0-96 0-81 0-88 April 1-89 0-50 0-57 0-53 1-39 1-32 1-36 May 2-11 0-49 0-55 0-50 1-62 1-56 1-61 June 2-36 0-63 0-65 0-62 1-73 1-71 1-74 July 2-73 0-69 0-70 0-65 2-04 2-03 2-08 August . 2-67 0-62 0-62 0-58 2-05 2-05 2-09 September 2-52 0*88 0-83 0-76 1-64 1-69 1-76 October . 3-20 1-85 1-84 1-68 1-35 1-36 1-52 November 2-86 2-11 2-18 2-04 0-75 0-68 0-82 December 2-52 2-02 2-15 2-04 0-50 0-37 0-48 Mean Total per year . 28-98 13-90 14-73 13-79 15-08 14-25 15-19 Results for Ma xiraum and Minimum llainfall. Maximum (1903) . . 38-69 23-48 23-60 24-23 15-21 15-09 14-46 Minimum (1S98) . . 20-49 7-32 7-90 7-69 13-17 12-59 12-80 References 45 (1870). A'. Mi;,,., " On the Amounts of and Methods of Estimating Ammonia and Nitric .Veld in Rain-water." Rep. Brit. Assn., 1851. R. Mem., Vol. I., No. 6. •'Effects of the Drought of 1870 on some of the Experimental Crops at Rothamsted." J.R.A.S., 32 (1871), 91. U. Mn„., Vol. III., No. 11. "On Rainfall, Evaporation, and Percolation." I'roc. Civ. Kn^ R. Mem., Vol. V., No. .5. "Our Climate and our Wheat Crops." ././.'.. /..S'., 41 (ISSO), 17;?. Vol. v.. No. 11. " On the Amount and Composition of the Hain and Drainage Waters." 42 (1881), 241 and 311 ; 43 (1882), 1. R. Mem., Vol. V., N( -' New Determinations of Ammonia, Chlorine, and Sulphuric Acid in water." J.R.A.S., 44 (188.3), 313. R. Me,,,., Vol. V., No. 21. "The Amount of Nitric Acid in the Rain-water at Rothamsted." 7V«;/.s C/iem. Soc., 55 (1889), .^37. " Observatitms on Rainfall, Percolation, and Kvajxn-atiun ;it R.ithamsted.' Proc. I„st. Civ. Eng., 105 (1891). R. Mem., WA. Nil., No. 2. J.R 18. the R; .i.!S. CHAPTER III THE COMPOSITION OF THE ROTHAMSTED SOIL The Rothamsted soil was described by Lawes in the first paper he contributed to the Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society in 1847, as follows : — " The soil upon which my experiments were tried consists of rather a heavy loam resting upon chalk, capable of producing good wheat when well manured ; not sufficiently heavy for beans, but too heavy for good turnips or barley. The average produce of wheat in the neighbourhood is said to be less than 22 bushels per acre, vdieat being grown once in five years. The rent varies from 20s. to 26s. per acre, tithe free." The geological character of the Rothamsted soils has been thus described by Mr H. B. Woodward, F.R.S. : "The geology of the Rothamsted estate is comparatively simple. Chalk forms the foundation of the entire area, but it is exposed only on the slopes. The plateau ground is covered with a very mixed deposit of clay-with-flints, with remnants of the mottled clays, sands, and pebble-beds of the Reading series, and also of remnants of drift gravel. The low grounds are occupied by valley gravel." " The experimenta^l fields belonging to the Lawes Agricul- tural Trust are entirely on the mixed deposit of clay-with- flints, etc." "The chalk, which is extensively 'piped,' appears here and there in irregular pinnacles near the surface. It is usually hned with stiff red or dark brown clay-with-flints, the joints in ORIGIN OF ROTHAMSTET) SOU. the clay, and also the Hints, being l)la('laMR'(l liy manganese- oxide. Masses of this stift'clay-with-llints form the sn))soil in places; elsewhere light sands or red loamy sands witli or withont black Hint pebbles, or masses of pebbles alone, foi-ni the immediate subsoil ; again, grey or mottled clay or loam with occasional pebbles or free from stones, or with a gravelly pocket here and there, extends for some distance, immediately beneath the soil. These accunudations occur in irregular juxtaposition owing to the piped surface of the chalk, and in places there is a kind of marl formed on the slopes by the weathered rubbly chalk mixed with earth." " Covering these subsoils there is a soil of grey Hinty or pebbly loam, 10 inches or more in thickness, and varying in character according to the number of stones in it ; in some cases rough and unworn flints prevail, elsewhere there is an admixture of pebbles ; and over some areas the soil consists of loam with comparatively few stones. In all cases, excepting on the chalk slopes and in the valley bottom, the soil is to be regarded as a heavy mixed soil, for the subsoil is in the main a hea^^ clay ; and were it not for the fact that the chalk here and there approaches very near to the surface of the higher grounds, the land would be much wetter after rain than is the case. These underground pinnacles of chalk, and the pockets of sand and gravel, act as dumbwells for the surface drainage." Notwithstanding the irregularity of the subsoil, the agricultural character of the soil is fairly uniform all over the estate ; some fields work rather more heavily than others, and the proportion of stones lying on the surface varies somewhat, but these differences are comparatively unimportant. The soil passes into the subsoil without any sharp line of distinction, and the distribution of flints in the subs(jil is very irregular, while the solid chalk is reachod at depths varying between 8 and 12 feet. The following Table (XI.) shows the mean results obtained for the weight per cubic foot and the weight per acre of stones 26 COMPOSITION OF EOTHAMSTED SOIL and fine earth for successive layers 9 inches thick, down to depth of 3 feet, on each of the chief experimental fields :— Table XI. Broad balk Field. Hoos Field. Agdell Field. Barn Field. Average. Average Weights of Fine Dry Soil per acre. First 9 inches Second 9 inches . Third 9 inches . Fourth 9 inches . Lb. 2,559,000 2,592,000 2,815,000 2,886,000 Lb. 2,593,000 2,721,000 2,891,000 3,048,000 Lb. 2,348,000 2,448,000 2,533,000 2,442,000 Lb. 2,321,000 2,673,000 2,651,000 Lb. 2,455,000 2,609,000 2,722,000 2,792,000 Average Weights of Stones per acre. 1 First 9 inches Second 9 inches . Third 9 inches . Fourth 9 inches . 498,000 443,000 213,000 164,000 481,000 346,000 238,000 170,000 837,000 480,000 363,000 477,000 769,000 530,000 415,000 646,000 450,000 307,000 270,000 Weight per cubic foot of Fine Dry Soil and Stones. First 9 inches Second 9 inches . Third 9 inches . Fourth 9 inches . 93-6 92-9 92-7 93-4 94-1 93-9 95-8 98-5 97-5 89-6 88-6 89-4 94-6 98-0 93-9 94-9 93-6 92-7 93-7 The mechanical analyses set out in Table XII. show that the Eothamsted soil is fairly uniform in the diff'erent fields, and Table XII. — Mechanical Analysis of Bothamsted Soils. First 9 inches. Second 9 inches. Third 9 inches. Broad- balk. Hoos Field. Barn Field. Broad- balk. Broad- balk. Fine Gravel, 3 to 1 ram. Coarse Sand, 1 to 0-2 mm. , Fine Sand, 0-2 to 0-04 mm. . Coarse Silt, 0-04 to O'Ol mm. FineSilt, 0-01 to 0-002 mm. . Clay, less than 0-002 mm. Carbonate of Lime, Loss on Solu- tion, etc Hygroscopic INIoisture . Per cent. 1-9 6-2 21-4 32-5 13-8 17-6 4-2 2-2 Per cent. 2-0 6-8 19-5 28-9 15-5 18-8 2-5 Per cent. 3-1 5-9 19-7 26-0 13-1 25-6 3-7 2-8 Per cent. 1-7 4-3 15-8 24-0 16-7 28-7 3-8 Per cent. 0-5 2-5 13-2 18-0 13-8 40-0 5-3 consists essentially of a heavy loam containing little coarse sand CHEMICAL ANALYSES 27 or grit, but a consideraMe amount of fine sand and silt and a large body of clay. In consequence, the soil has to be worked with care, becoming very sticky and drvinL; to impracticable clods if moved when w^et. It "runs together" if heavy i-ain falls after a tilth has been established, and then dries with a hard, unkindly surface, these difhculties being nuich exaggerated on the plots which have been farmed for a long time without any supply of organic matter in the manures. The chemical analysis of the Rothamsted soils differs very much from plot to plot according to the long-continued manu- rial treatment which has been given to each plot. But every- thing points to the fact that the soil was of an ordinary type when the experiments began, certainly no richer in dormant plant food than the majority of fairly heavy soils in this country. The following table gives the results of analyses (made by Dr B. Dyer as regards the mineral constituents) of samples drawn from the Broadbalk wdieat soils in 1893 : — Table XIII. Soil dried at 100 C. First 9 inches. Second inches. Third 9 inches. Plot 3. Plot 2. Plot 3. Plot 2. Plot 8. Plot 2. Un- Farmyard Un- Farmyard Un- Farmyard manured. Manure. manured. Manure. manured. Manure. Per cent. Per cent. Per cent. Per cent. Per cent. Per cent. Loss on Ignition . 4-20 6-76 4-61 5-11 Containing Carbon . 0-888 2-230 0-565 0-748 0-483 0-492 Containing Nitrogen . 0-099 0-221 0-073 0-077 0-065 0-066 Soda* . . . . 0-058 0-138 0-090 0-132 0-106 0-111 Potash*. 0-274 0-430 0-446 0-524 0-618 0-661 Potash, sohible in 1 per cent. Citric Acid . 0-0032 0-0384 0-0060 0-0276 0-0072 0-0 1-28 Magnesia* 0-360 0-3-20 0-120 0-340 0-400 0-4-20 Lime * . . . . 2-486 2-665 0-460 0-616 0-538 0-504 Alumina* 4-486 4-805 7-107 6-829 11-623 10-477 Oxide of Iron * 3-400 3-600 5-200 4-800 7-200 6-400 Phosphoric Acid * . 0-114 - 0-215 0-113 0-111 0-097 0-083 Phosphoric Acid, soluble in 1 per cent. Citric Acid Sulphuric Acid t . Carbonic Acid f . 0-0078 0-0560 0-0045 0-0094 0-0025 0-0034 0-048 0-055 0-011 0-041 0-038 0-031 1-300 1-400 0-050 0-JOO 0-100 0-050 Undissolved Matter* . 83-700 80 -800 81-480 82-520 73-220 76-120 • Determined in the solution obtained by treating the Ignited soil with strong Uyilrochlorlc Acid, t Determined in the unignited soil. The most notable feature in the Rothamsted soil is the amount of calcium carbonate in the surface layer ; analyses of 28 COMPOSITION OF EOTHAMSTED SOIL the earliest samples available (1856) show more than 5 per cent, in the surface soil of Broadbalk field. This amount is always being reduced by the action of the rain washing it away as calcium bicarbonate ; it is still more rapidly reduced by the action of many of the manures applied, particularly by the ammonium salts, so that at the present time there is only about 3 per cent, present on any of the plots. In other fields less is to be found, practically none at all in the soil of some parts of Agdell and of the Park. The subsoil below the depth of 9 inches also contains little or no calcium carbonate, and this fact together with the varying proportion in the surface soil indicate that the original soil was almost devoid of calcium carbonate, and that the quantity still found in the surface soil has all been applied artificially. We read, indeed, that the chief form of manuring known to Hertfordshire farmers in the eighteenth century consisted in digging pits through the clay soil until the chalk was reached, extracting chalk and spreading it over the land, and all of the Rothamsted fields show a depression or "dell" from which the chalk had thus been formerly obtained. Arthur Young, the elder, in his General View of the Agriculture of Herts, drawn up for the consideration of the Board of Agriculture, and published in 1804, writes of "the prevailing practice of sinking pits for the purpose of chalking the surrounding land," and mentions the application of 60 loads of chalk every ten years as customary. The chalk now present in the arable soil is visible in small grains varying in size from that of a pea downwards, additional evidence of its extraneous origin. But the amounts so added to the soil are enormous : if we assume that the wastage in the past had been at all comparable to that going on during the last half-century on the unmanured plot, then Broadbaik field must have begun the nineteenth century with something like 100 tons of chalk per acre in its surface soil. The proportion of organic matter, carbon and nitrogen, present in the various soils is very variable and entirely dependent on the character of the manuring and cultivation. POTASH AND riTOSPlIOlMC ACID l>o As "vvill be seen later, continuous cropping witliout manure soon reduces such materials in the soil to a low ebb, below which they do not fall ap[)rcciably in succeeding years ; the croi* production becomes very nearly stationary and is accompanied by a very small reduction in the ori<;inal stock of carbon and nitrogen, even if there are not compensating,' iuHuenccs at work maintaining the store at a constant low level. Similarly, when very large amounts of organic matter are added every year, as when plots are continuously dunged, after a time there is buthttle increase in the proportions of carl)on and nitrogen present in the soil, because the bacterial agencies which generate carbon and nitrogen compounds of a gaseous nature are so stimulated by the abundant food-supply as to keep pace with the annual additions. Of the other important constituents of ^^lant food the soil carries an abundant stock of potash ; a complete mineral analysis, in Avhich the Broadbalk soil was completely broken up by hydrofluoric acid, yielded as much as 2 2(j per cent, of potash, quite four times the amount that can l)e extracted by long digestion with hydrochloric acid. Though this vast stock of potash is in the main dormant, it slowly becomes availal)le for crops through the weathering agencies which are Ijrought into play by cultivation. In phosphoric acid the soil is by no means so rich ; the unmanured plots contain now rather less than 0"1 per cent., the highest limit reached on some of the very heavily manured plots being about 0-25 per cent. ; under ordinary farming conditions, however, the soil shows no particular need of phosphoric acid, as do many clay soils. Magnesia is fairly abundant in the Rothamsted soils ; in the subsoil, indeed, it is present in almost the same proportion^ as the lime, it is only in the artificially chalked surface soil that the ratio of lime to magnesia is a high one. Soda is present in small quantities, partly combined with chlorine as common salt derived from rain, and partly in the double silicates of the clay. 30 COMPOSITION OF ROTHAMSTED SOIL In general, it may be said that the Rothamsted soil presents no striking peculiarities, either chemical or physical. References " Determinations of Nitrogen in the Soils of some of the Experimental Fields at Rothamsted, and the bearing of the results on the question of the sources of the Nitrogen of our Crops." American Association for the Advancement of Science — Montreal, August, 1882. li. Mem., Vol. v., No. 19. " On Some Points in the Composition of Soils ; with Results illustrating the Sources of the Fertility of Manitoba Prairie Soils." Full Paper, Trans. Chem. Soc, 47 (1885), 380. R. Mem., Vol. VI., No. 4. " On the Present Position of the Question of the Sources of the Nitrogen of Vegetation, etc., etc." Phil. Trans., 180, B (1889), 1. R. Mem., Vol. I. (4to), No. 2. " On the Analytical Determination of Probably Available ' Mineral ' Plant Food in Soils," by B. Dyer, D.Sc. Tra?is. Chem. Soc, 65 (1894), 115. " Results of Investigations on the Rothamsted Soils, etc., etc.," by B. Dyer, D.Sc. Bulletin No. 106, Office of Experiment Stations, U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1902. '•' A Chemical Study of the Phosphoric Acid and Potash Contents of the Wheat Soils of Broadbalk Field, Rothamsted," by B. Dyer, D.Sc. P/iil. Trans., 194, B (1901), 235. "The Determinations of Available Plant Food in Soils by the use of weak Acid Solvents," by A. D. Hall, and F. J. Plyraen. 'Trans. Chem. Soc., 81 (1902), 117. " The Geological Survey in Reference to Agriculture ; with Report on the Soils and Subsoils of the Rothamsted Estate," by Horace Woodward, F.R.S. Summary of Progress of the Geological Survey for 1903, Appendix I. (1904), 143. "The Mechanical Analysis of Soils and the Composition of the Fractions resulting therefrom," by A. D. Hall. Trans. Chem. Soc., 85 (1904), 950. "The Effect of the long-continued use of Sodium Nitrate on the Constitu- tion of the Soil," by A. D. Hall. Trans. Chem. Soc, 85 (1904), 964. CHAPTER IV EXPERIMENTS UPON WHEAT I. The Continuous Growth of Wheat, Bioadbalk Fit-Id : A. Maintenance of the yield under Continuous Wlioat fri-owlnj^r ,,,, the same land. B. Effect of Nitrogenous Manures. t'. Effect of the Mineral Constituents. D. Retention of Manures by the Soil. K. Character of the Crop as affected by Mainn-ing and Season. II. Wheat after Fallow and in Rotation. III. Trials of Varieties of Wheat. Practical Conclusions and References. I.— The Continuous Growth of Wheat, Broadbalk Field. The experiments on the continuous growth of wheat were begun in the Broadbalk field in 1843, but for tlie first eight years the manuring was of a varied description, so that only three of the plots have received the same treatment during the whole period of sixty years. The plots as seen to-day began in 1852, since wliicli time the few changes in manuring have been matters of detail and not of principle ; thus the results repre- sent a continuous trial of wheat grown with the same manures upon the same land year after year for more than half a century. The Broadbalk field has an area uf about 11 acres, and slopes somewhat to the east ; the plots are each half an acre in area, and consist of strips 351 yards long by about 7 yards wide, running down the slojje for the whole lengtli of tlie field, and separated by paths which are not cropped. Previous to 1843 the land had been cropped on a five-course system : manure was last applied to the turnips in 1839, and two white 32 EXPERIMENTS UPON WHEAT straw crops were taken immediately prior to the first experi- mental crop of wheat sown in the autumn of 1843, so that the land was in low condition from an agricultural point of view at the beginning of the trials. This is also shown by the fact that the first experimental crop in 1844 amounted to only 15 bushels per acre on the unmanured plot, although the wheat crop was generally much above the average in that year. The soil of the Broadbalk field consists of a stiff greyish loam containing an abundance of flints ; the subsoil is of a similar character, rather stifi'er and redder in colour — "the clay- with-flints " of the geologist. The chalk lies below at a variable depth, rarely less than 8 or 10 feet, thus providing good natural drainage. In addition, each plot has a tile drain running down the centre of the plot at a depth of 2 to 2h feet, the mouths of all the drains being led into a brick trench, where the water draining from each plot can be separately collected for analysis. The field cannot be described as more than fair average wheat land, nor do the analyses show any special reserve of fertility beyond that natural to moderately strong land which has been under arable cultivation for a very long time. The usual practice is to scuffle the land immediately after harvest and remove the weeds ; the land is then ploughed 5 or 6 inches deep ; the mineral and other autumn -sown manures are sown and harrowed in, after which the seed is drilled. The following varieties of seed have been used : Old Red Lammas, five years, 1843-4 to 1847-8; Red Cluster, four years, 1848-9 to 1851-2; Red Rostock, twenty-nine years, 1852-3 to 1880-1; Club or Square Head (Red), eighteen years, 1881-2 to 1898-9 ; and Square Head's Master (Red), in 1899-1900 and since. The chief difficulty experienced in growing wheat con- tinuously is that of keeping the land clean ; not only does the crop occupy the ground for the greater part of the year, and so leave little opportunity for cleaning operations, but the weeds whose habit of growth is favoured by the crop tend to accumulate from year to year. Thus in spite of repeated hand- GENERAL SCHEME :;:! hoeings, some weeds, like the "Black Bent" grass, Alofu'cum.^ apresti^, are kept under with the greatest difiiculty. The general scheme of the experiments in the l^roadhalk field has been to test the manuiial re(iiiirements of wlicat Ity growing it continuously with various combinations of manures repeated year after year on the same plots. .Vt the outset of the experiments it should be remembered that little was then known as to the manurial requirements of any crop. Liebig had just stirred the agricultural world by the general statement that if a plant were supplied with the mineral constituents left as ash when the plant is l)urnt, it will re(inire no fm'ther assistance in the shape of manure, but will draw its carbon and nitrogen from the atmosphere. The first experi- ments were designed to verify the truth of this statement, and were extended to test the effect of each of the constituents found in the plant. The eff'ect of mineral manures alone is compared with that of nitrogenous manure in various forms, or of a combination of the two. The constituents of the mineral manure — phosphoric acid, potash, soda, and magnesia — are variously combined with nitrogenous manures, so as to ascertain the part each of them plays in the nutrition of the crop. Thus Plots 6, 7, 8, 9, 15, 16, 17, and 18 receive varying amounts and combinations of nitrogen, together with the same mineral manure containing all the elements present in the ash of the wheat plant. Again, all the Plots 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14 receive the same amount of nitrogen, but differ in the arrangement of the accompanying mineral manure. Some of the plots also test the question of the season at which the manures are applied, and whether any of the residues are carried forward to another year. The long duration of the experiment serves to eliminate many of the sources of error in field experiments, such as initial variations in the condition of the soil of various plots due to previous manuring, irregular attacks of insect and other pests, and variations due to seasons wliicli may fav(Mn- some manures and not others. Also by gradually exhausting the soil of particular constituents, tlie continuity brings to ligiit 34 EXPERIMENTS UPON WHEAT the function of any element of manurial plant food in a way that is not possible in the first few years of an experiment^ because of the large reserves of all plant foods contained in ordinary soil. Table XIV. shows the nature and quantities of the manures- applied each year to the plots. The mineral manures (by minerals is understood at Rothamsted the phosphoric acid^ potash, magnesia, soda, and other constituents left as ash when the plant is burnt, but not any manure containing nitrogen) are sovr^n before the seed in the autumn, the rape cake and the farmyard manure, and a portion of the ammonium-salts are also supplied in the autumn before seeding, but the nitrate of soda and the greater part of the ammonium-salts are put on as top-dressings in the spring. Table XIV.' — Experiments on Wheat, Broadhalk Field. Manuring of the Plots per acre per annum, 1852 and since. Plot. Abbreviated Description of Manuring. Nitrogenous Manures. Mineral Manures. s c 1 S 1 11 S 3 . P- S < o 11 !=«■ f" 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Farmyard Manure .... Unmanured Minerals Single Ammonium- salts and Minerals Double do. do. Treble do. do. Single Nitrate and Minerals Double Ammonium-salts alone . Do. and Superphosphate . Do. do. and Sulph. Soda . Do. do. and Sulph. Potash Do. do. and Sulph. Mag. . Double Aram. -salts in autumn, and Minerals Double Nitrate and Minerals \ Minerals alone, or Double Amm. -salts/ J alone, in alternate years . . \^ Rape Cake alone .... Tons. 14 ... ... Lb. 1889 Lb. 275 550 Lb. 200 400 600 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 Cwt. 3-5 3-5 3-5 3-5 3-5 3-5 3-5 3-5 3-5 3-5 3-5 3-5 Lb. 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 Lb. 100 100 100 100 100 366-5 100 100 100 Lb. 100 100 100 100 100 ... 280 100 100 100 Notes on the Manures. The ammonium-salts consists of a mixture of equal parts of sulphate an(J muriate of ammonia ; 200 lb. supply 43 lb. of nitrogen, equal to the amount contained in 275 lb. nitrate of soda, or 1889 lb. of rape cake. The super- AVEKAGE PKODrci-: or IM.OTS :'>:, phosphate contains 37 per eeiit. pliospliatc luaiK- si.IuhU-. or Ci; Ih. ,,t soluhU- phosphorie acid. On Plots 9, 15, 16, and 19 certain ehanjres in the niaiuirinjr have been made (hning the progress of tlie experiments, which are set out in detail in the "Memoranda" for 1901. Table XV. shows the average production of grain and straw for the whole period of fifty-one ycar.s for thr ten years, and for the single year 1902. Table XV. — Experiments on IVlicat, Broadhalk Field, rrodnce of Grain and Straw per acre. Average over 51 years (1852-1902); and ovrr 10 years (1893-1902) ; aho Produce in 1902. Plot. Abbreviated Desoriiitiori of Mamiriii^'. Dressed Grain. straw. h If i It \i 1 St 5" it r < 1 fee < 11 •< ^ Bush. Bush. Bush. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. 2 Farmyard Manure 35-7 40-0 41-5 34-1 40-4 46-9 3 Unnianured 13-1 12-7 13-3 10-5 9-3 9-4 5 Minerals 14-!) 15-4 15-5 12-2 11-8 11-4 6 Single Ammonium-salts and Minerals . 24-0 23-5 26-2 21-5 20-2 20-8 7 Double do. do. ... 32-0 32-4 38-2 33-0 32-2 40-0 8 Treble do. do. ... 37-1 39-2 45-2 40-9 43-0 48-1 9 Single Nitrate and Minerals 27-3 33-1 25-5 28-6 10 Double Ammonium-salts alone .... 20-7 19-6 23-7 18 -7 16-7 16-9 11 Do. and Superphosphate . 24-0 20-2 23-0 22-7 19-2 19-8 12 Do. do. and Suiph. Soda 30-0 27-6 33-4 28-3 25-2 :{2-2 13 Do. do. and Suiph. Potash . 31 T) 30-6 39-3 31-3 29-8 37-6 14 Do. do. and Suiph. Mag. 30-1 25-9 32-4 28-8 24-0 27-3 15 Double Anun.-salts in autumn, and Minerals 30-6 28-2 39-6 29-8 27-5 37-2 16 Double Nitrate and Minerals .... 32-5 33-5 33-3 35-4 17 \Mineral.s alone, or Double Ammonium-salts/* 15-3 15-9 20-2 I'S'l 12-8 16-8 18 j alone, in alternate years . . . . \t 30-4 30-0 36-9 29-5 29-0 40-1 19 Rape Cake alone 28-0 34-1 26 -7 3 J -8 Produce by Minerals Produce by Ammonium-salts The grain is expressed in measured 1)iis1il'1.s per acri", tiie weight of the bu.shel depending on the plot and season. The .straw, which includes chaff, etc., is given in cwt. per acre. Table XVI. shows the average production of certain of the plots for the five successive ten-year periods from 1862 to IImh. Although ten-year periods are not long enough to entirely remove the effect of season, yet the table enables one to judge 36 EXPERIMENTS UPON WHEAT whether the fertility of the plots has increased or diminished under the treatment they receive. Table XVI. — Experiments on Wheat, Broadhalk Field. Average Produce of Grain and Straw per acre the first 8 years (1844-1851), anc? over the successive 1() -year periods (1852-1901) inclusive. Plot. Averages over Abbreviated Description of Manures. 1 i! II 22 i ii it Dressed Grai n. Bush Bush Bush Bush Bush Bush Bush. 2 Farmyard Manure 28-0 34-2 37-5 28-7 38-2 39-2 35-6 3 Unmanured 17-2 15-9 14-5 10-4 12-6 12-3 13-1 5 Minerals 18-4 15 -.0 12-1 13-8 14-8 14-9 6 Single Ammoniinn-salts and Minerals 27-2 25-7 19-1 24-5 23-1 23-9 7 Double do. do. 34-7 35-9 26-9 35-0 31-8 32-9 8 Treble do. do. 36-1 40 -.0 31-2 38-4 38 -.T 36-9 10 Double Aranionium-salts alone . 25-1 23-2 25-1 17-3 19-4 18-4 20-7 11 Do. and Superphosphate 28-4 27-9 21-7 22-7 19-5 24-0 12 Do. do. and Sulph. Soda 33-4 34-3 25-1 30-1 26-7 29-9 13 Do. do. and Sulph. Potash . 32-9 34-8 26-8 32 -.0 29-6 31-3 14 Do. do. and Sulph. Mag. . ... 33-5 34 4 26-4 31-1 25-0 30-1 Straw. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. 2 Farmyard Manure 26-6 33-9 34-0 28-0 34-8 38-7 33-9 3 Unmanured .... 15-5 15-2 11 -.5 8-5 8-5 9-1 10-6 5 Minerals 17-1 12-8 9-7 9-9 11-5 12-2 6 Single Ammonium-salts and Minerals 26-3 22-8 17-7 20-5 20-0 21-5 7 Double do. do. 36-4 .34-3 28-7 34-1 31-1 32-9 8 Treble do. do. 40-5 43-2 36-6 42-5 41-7 40-9 10 Double Ammonium-salts alone . 23-7 24-5 21-9 l.T-2 1.5-8 lfi-2 18-7 11 Do. and Superphosphate 28-2 24-5 21-3 20-8 18-8 22-7 12 Do. do. and Sulph. Soda . 34-2 30-5 25-0 27-3 24-0 28-2 13 Do. do. and Sulph. Potash . 34-4 .33-4 27-6 31-9 28-6 31-2 14 Do. do. and Sulph. Mag. . 35-0 30-7 26-3 28-6 23-4 28-8 A. Maintenance of the yield under Continuous Wheat growing on the same land. The curves in Fig. 2 show the fluctuations in the yield of total produce for the first eight-year and five ten-year periods from the beginning of the experiment on certain of the plots — Plot 3, which is unmanured ; Plot 2, which receives farm- yard manure every year ; Plots 6 and 7, which receive a FLUCTUATIONS OF VIKI.D :I7 complete artitici.'il maiuire containing varvini; i|iiaiititic.s of nitrogen ; and Plot 10, which receives nitrogen only. Considering the unmanured plot fh-st, it will l»e seen thai while there is evidence of a small decline in pioduction t<>r the ROOD lb. Plot 2. ::;i.piot7. - Plot 6 Plot 10. "Plot 3. 1844-51. 1852-61. 1862-71. 1872-81. 1882-91. 18921901 Fk;. 2.-Broa(n)alk Total rr.Mln. . . first eighteen years, yet the crop has been practically constant (hiring the last forty years. The fluctuations during this period are in the main due to season, and correspond very closely with those of the completely manured Plots and 7. For example, there was a considerable drop during the decade 1872-sl, a period of notoriously bad seasons ; then followed a consi(leral)le 38 EXPEllIMENTS UPON WHEAT recovery in the next decade which has been maintained for the last ten years. But all the evidence seems to point to the fact that this plot, which has been without manure of any description since 1839, has reached a stationary con- dition, and that the average crop of twelve and a half bushels for the last forty years will in future diminish very slowly, if at all. It has been already pointed out that the Rothamsted soil is by no means exceptionally rich, how then can this continued production of crop without manure be accounted for ? It is estimated that the average crop on this plot has removed about 17 lb. of nitrogen, 9 lb. of phosphoric acid, and 14 lb. of potash per acre per annum. In the drainage water there is also a further loss of nitrogen, which has been estimated at 10 lb. per acre per annum ; some nitrogen is also removed in weeds. Per contra, the rain brings about 5 lb. of nitrogen each year, and the seed supplies perhaps 2 lb., thus leaving a nett annual loss of nitrogen of at least 20 lb. per acre. The analyses of the soil taken in 1865, 1881, and 1893, show that there is a steady diminution in the amount of combine (lecliniiiLT, notwithstanding the great reserves of niinerul plant food with wliich the soil started. At tlie present time also the crop on this plot presents a very unhealthy appearaiu-r. is very slow to mature, and is extremely liahle to rust. We thus see that it is possible to grow a cereal crop likr wheat year after year on the same land for at least sixty years without any decline in the productiveness of the soil, provided an appropriate manure be supplied to replace the nitrogen, l)hosphoric acid, and potash removed by the crops. There is no evidence in fact that the wheat gives a smaller yield wIkmi following a long succession of previous wheat crops than when grown in rotation, although the vigour of the plant does not appear to be so great. The real difficulty, however, in con- tinuous corn -growing is to keep the land clean ; certain weeds are favoured by the wheat and tend to accumulate, so that the land can only be maintained clean by an excessive expenditure in repeated hand-hoeing. Notwithstanding all the labour that is put on the plots, the " Black Bent " grass, Alopecurus (((/rcafis, has from time to time become so troublesome that special measures have had to be taken to eradicate it and to restore the plots to a reasonable degree of cleanliness. How little the wheat plant is able to survive when in competition with weeds, may be seen from a portion of the Broadbalk field where the wheat crop in 1882 was allowed to stand and shed its seed, the soil not being cultivated in any way. In the following season a fair wheat plant came up and gave about half a crop, but after it seeded the weeds increased their hold upon the ground until in the fourth season only two or three stunted wheat plants could be found, which have never reappeared since. The fundamental importance of cultivation and the suppression of weeds is further to be seen in the returns from the continuously unmanured plot. This piece of land at the beginning of the experiments was not only in poor agricultural condition but had been under arable cultivation for at least two or three centuries, and was therefore far removed 42 EXPERIMENTS UPON WHEAT from the condition of virgin soil with its accumulation of fertility, and yet by cultivation alone it has been able to grow for sixty years a crop averaging 13 bushels to the acre. This is almost the average crop produced in the United States, and is very similar to the general average production of the great wheat-growing areas of the world. Nor is there, as far as can be judged from the records of the last forty years, any reason to expect that this crop cannot be maintained in the future, provided that the cultivation and cleaning of the land be continued. B. Effect of Nitrogenous Manures. It will be remembered that one of the main objects in starting the Pothamsted Experiments was to ascertain the value of nitrogenous manures, and test the truth of Liebig's opinions that the crop could obtain a sufficiency of nitrogen from the atmosphere provided the ash constituents were supplied. Plots 5, 6, 7, and 8 all receive the same dressings of mineral manures, i.e., phosphoric acid, potash, magnesia, and soda, in greater quantities than are removed in the crops. Plot 5 receives no nitrogen, Plots 6, 7, and 8 receive increas- ing quantities of ammonium-salts, supplying 43 lb. of nitrogen per acre on Plot 6, double that quantity on Plot 7, and treble the quantity on Plot 8. [An average crop of 30 bushels of grain, and 28 cwt. of straw, will remove about 50 lb. of nitrogen per acre.] The diagram Fig. 3 shows the crops on these j^lots over the whole period since 1852. Plot 5, which receives the minerals but no nitrogen, grows very little more than the continuously unmanured plot; its average over the whole period is only 14*9 bushels, as against 13'1 without manure of any description. The other three plots yield crops which increase with each addition of nitrogen ; the grain increases from 24 bushels with 43 lb. of nitrogen, to 33 bushels with 86 lb. of nitrogen, and to 37 bushels with 129 lb. of nitrogen ; the straw is even more affected by a free supply of EFFECT OF MIKOCKNOrs MAMIMO i:; nitrogen, rising from '21. \ cwt. to 33 and 41 cut. as the nitrogen is doubled and trebled. It is thus seen tliat thi* wlieat crop is very specially dependent upon the supi)ly of nitrogen in the Total Produce per Acre 7000 lb Plots 3i-4. [S^ Grain per Acre, lb Straw per Acre, lb Fig. 3.-Broadbalk Wheat. Effect of inereasing amounts of Nitrogen on th.- |.r...I... l.on of Wheat (Grain and Straw). AveniKc, .M years ( 1 s5-J-lW-')- The figures in the labels indicate bushels of grain .md cwt. of straw . 44 EXPERIMENTS UPON WHEAT manure. With nitrogen alone {e.g., ammonium-salts alone on Plot 10, nitrate of soda alone on part of Plot 9, and rape cake- alone on Plot 19), even over a long period of years, the crop is considerable, and much superior to that grown by minerals, without nitrogen. Being a deep-rooted plant and possessing a comparatively long period of growth, wheat is well able to search the soil for mineral plant food ; hence when grown under ordinary farm conditions in rotation, it is rarely necessary to supply it with any but nitrogenous manures. As it is ^Iso grown during the cooler season of the year and with very little cultivation of the ground, the natural nitrifying processes are slow, hence the special need for an external supply of nitrogen in the shape of manure. Plots 9 and 16 receive nitrate of soda and mineral manures, so that Plot 9 has the same manuring as Plot 6, and Plot 1^ as Plot 7, except that the ammonium-salts on Plots 6 and 7 are replaced by equivalent amounts of nitrate of soda. The manuring of Plots 9 and 16 has however been changed during the progress of the experiments, so that they are only comparable with 6 and 7 since 1885. Taking the averages of the last ten years, as set out in the diagram Fig. 4, it will be seen that nitrate of soda is a more effective source of nitrogen than the ammonium-salts ; the single application yields 16 per cent, more grain and 26 per cent, more straw than the corre- sponding amount of ammonium-salts : the double application, however, yields practically the same amount of grain and only about 1 cwt. more straw. This superiority of nitrate of soda for wheat is no doubt partly due to the fact that it remains soluble, thus diffusing deep into the soil and encouraging a greater range of roots, whereas the ammonium-salts are retained near the surface. The injurious effects of continuous applications of ammonium-salts, which are due to the removal of the carbonate of lime from the soil and its resultant acidity, now so strikingly shown on the corresponding permanent wheat and barley plots on the Royal Agricultural Society's farm at Woburn, are not apparent at Rothamsted, where the NITRATE VERSUS AM MOM l.M SA ITS i:, soil started with a gootl sup})ly of chalk. Analyses iualc before the third addition of manure is made; tiie second addition is the most profitable, the extra 30s. for manine has produccMJ an increased return of 30s. in the cro}). At the higiier .scale of prices the crop remains profitable throughout, though the 48 EXPERIMENTS UPON WHEAT third addition of manure only returns 14s. for an expenditure of 30s., and the fourth application only produces an increase of €rop worth 8s. C. Effect of the Mineral Constituents. The series of Plots 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14 all receive the same amount of nitrogen — 86 lb., in form of 400 lb. of ammonium-salts per acre— but differ in regard to their mineral manuring. Plot 10 receives nothing beyond the nitrogen, Plot 11 has superphosphate also, while 12, 13, und 14 receive a further addition of sulphate of soda, sulphate of potash, or sulphate of magnesia respectively, all three of which are combined to form a complete mineral manure on Plot 7. It should be remembered that soda, magnesia, and potash are always found in the ash of plants, and at the time the experiments were started little was known about the part they played in the nutrition of the plant. And although we know to-day that for practical purposes potash iilone of the three need be supplied in a manure, we are still uncertain what is the function of the other two, which being present in every plant can hardly be without some action. Fig. 6 shows the crops upon these plots in successive ten- yearly periods. It will be seen that Plot 11, receiving super- phosphate, has always given a better crop than Plot 10, without it. This superiority was more marked in the early years of the experiment, when the reserves of potash, etc., were abundant in the soil, and when in consequence the nitrogen and phosphoric acid together had practically the effect of a complete manure. Latterly, as the potash has become ex- hausted by the continual cropping, the yield with nitrogen and phosphoric acid has been but little superior to that produced by nitrogen alone. Similarly, in the earlier years of the experi- ment the crop on Plots 12 and 14, where soda and magnesia .are added to the superphosphate and ammonium- salts, was but Httle inferior to that of Plot 13, which receives EXHAUSTION OF POTASH lit potash. The results in later years show, however, that neitlicr magnesia nor soda can rephice potasli, tlieir good effect in tlic first few years being due to the fact tliat tlie addition of aiiv Bushels per Acre. 30 10 n: qi ~" x: _i , ,. _i_ ^ ^ - n: rT'..'g'"^N*' ^^"^""^^^S 1 ?'~"~''*i "'^ 'TCs ^^ ■"•- ~''''^«*^ \ \ '!? ^ w ?«''*.. r" ' sSi iz,z>:;^^^ ^-i^ ^*5s ^^^:^ >^'>^.■••' ^'v,.. .. \\S^ " Sn"- ^.- '•..^t''r.> ^'s,i'>2 ^_-o 1 5^ !i-' !S .. X-t-^^^-^ ^-<^ ii i - - ^<^' ^5it ^u it - -^ ^ S ^^ ^^--' .- it 1 '-. V.-.i-f- '■s,,^ j 'S, "''^yji 5[5'5! :: 1 _r ■ 1 ~r 1852-61 1862-71 1872-81 1882-91 1892-1901 Fig. i3. — Production of Wheat with varyinijc MintTal Maiitiros. All Plots receive finally 86 lb. N. as Ammonium-salts. Averages over 10-year periods (18.52-1901). soluble salts to the soil brings into action some of the dormant potash. At first this is sufficient to grow as large a crop as where a potash manure is directly supplied, Init in course of time the available potash becomes exhausted, and tht'ie is a manifest decline on the plots receiving magnesia or soda only. Plot 7, which differs only from Plot 13 in receiving magnesia and soda in addition to the potash, phosphoric acid, and nitro- gen applied to 13, gives throughout a .somewliat higher (ro|>. This is not due to any specific effect of magnesia and soda, because Plot 13 does not show any progressive decline as com- 50 EXPERIMENTS UPON WHEAT pared with Plot 7, although its soil must be becoming exhausted of these constituents by their constant removal in the crops. Doubtless the effect of the sulphates of magnesia and soda on Plot 7 is due to their action as soluble salts, maintaining in a more soluble condition the other manurial constituents necessary to the crop. D. Retention of Manures by the Soil It has already been stated that, as a rule, 100 lb. of the ammonium-salts are applied in the autumn when the seed is sown, the rest being reserved for a top-dressing in the spring. On one of the plots, however. Plot 15, the whole 400 lb. of ammonium-salts is applied in the autumn, otherwise the manuring is identical with that of Plot 7. The crop, however, on Plot 15 is on the average below that of Plot 7, showing that some loss takes place when the ammonium-salts are applied before the plant is able to utilise them. Although the ammonium-salts are soluble in water they are caught by the soil and held very near to the surface, so that the loss does not arise by the washing out of the ammonium-salts themselves. They are, however, rapidly con- verted into nitrates when the land is warm and moist, especially after it has been recently stirred by the autumn cultivations. The nitrates thus produced are not retained by the soil, and wash out very readily if heavy rain falls during the early winter. This is seen in the analyses of the drainage water collected beneath Plot 15. It is generally very rich in nitrates in the autumn as compared with Plot 7 ; whereas in the spring, when the ammonium- salts are aj^plied, a corresponding loss does not happen with Plot 7, because the crop then occupies the land and is able to take up the nitrates as fast as they are formed. The diagram Fig. 7 shows the estimated loss of nitrates in lb. per acre on these two plots during the summer and winter respectively, between the spring sowing of manures in 1879 and the corresponding date in 1881. XTTKATKS LOST T\ DIJAIXACK r,i Plots 17 and 18 further illustrate the fate nf aimnouimii- salts. These plots reecivc the dressiiiL,' of I'h.t 7 Km) II.. ammonium-salts and eomplete minerals hut the animoiiiuiii N.aifl.trtu SpnngSoKin^ to Harvest Harvest to Sprin|So»«ing Sprin^Sowin^ to Harvest Harvest to Sprin^Sowmg 1879. 187^80. 1880. I88O/8I. I Drainage (in Inches) through 60 Soil. Loss of N.aa Nitrales perAcr Manure Spring Sown E^' Fig. 7. — Loss of Nitrogen as Nitrates in the Drainage WatiT, lb. pi-r atrc Comparison of Plot 7 nvinured with Aminoniuin-salt.s in tiu- spring', ami Plot 15 in the autumn. salts and the minerals are applied in alternate years to the t\v») plots. Thus in 1903 Plot 17 received annnonium-salts hut nn minerals, and IMot 18 the minerals without the ammonium- salts, and the treatment was reversed in llM)ii and aj^ain in 1904. It will be seen from Table XV., or Irom the dia<,Mam Fig. 8, that the plot which in any year is receiving minerals without nitrogen derives little or no benefit from tiie anunoma /<^Ar^ 52 EXPERIMENTS UPON WHEAT it had the year before. The crop shows every sign of nitrogen starvation, and amounts on the average to only 15*8 bushels of grain, as compared with 14*9 bushels on Plot 5 which has received minerals without any nitrogen every year since 1852. On the Rothamsted soil, then, we may conclude that the effect of sulphate of ammonia applied to a cereal crop is confined to the season of its application. In the seasons when the ammonium-salts are applied the crop is but little short of that on Plot 7, where minerals are used every year with the same amount of ammonium-salts, thus showing that the previous mineral manuring is carried forward and has an effect in seasons beyond the year of its application. Much of our knowledge of the process of nitrification, by which not only ammonium-salts but other compounds of nitrogen, such as are contained in dung, are converted into nitrates, was worked out in the Rothamsted Laboratory by Mr Warington. From the continued analyses that have been made of the water flowing from the drains beneath the Broadbalk wheat plots, we learn that not only may readily nitrifying manures suffer great losses through nitrates forming and being washed out when a crop does not occupy the ground, but that the same causes lead to continuous loss of nitrogen from all cultivated land. This loss is at its highest when heavy rain falls after the land has been broken up after harvest ; then the conditions occur which are most favourable to nitrification, i.e., warmth, moisture, aeration, and stirring of the soil. Thus analyses of the soil show that, despite the fact that much larger amounts of nitrogen are applied to Plots 7 to 18 than are re- moved in the crop, the soil is not getting any richer in nitrogen ; and even on Plots 2 and 19, where organic compounds of nitrogen are used, the accumulation of nitrogen is far less than the difference between the nitrogen applied and that removed Avould indicate. Table XVIII. gives an estimate of the nitrogen per acre supplied in the manure and recovered in the crop over a fifty- year period, 1844-1893, together with the nitrogen contained SPRING AXl^ AUTrMX SOWX MAMRKS :,:; in the soil at the close of that period for the umnanun-d I'lot 3, and Plot 2 receiving farmyard manure. The toj) 1> inc-lics u[ soil only are considered, because the analyses do not indicate Total Produl per Acre Plot Minerals only. 7 15 17 16 Minerals Minerals Minerals + 861b.N. +86lb.N. -►86lb.N. e6!b.N. Sprinf Autumn. for Previous a^'ter Miner«!i only Crop. • in Previous Year. ^^^Grain per Acre. lb. l^^H Straw per Acre, lb. Fui. 8.— Conipanitive KfTcL-ts on Wheat of .\im.ioniuin-saIt.s npi.lieil at (lifTtTctit times. Averages for 51 years (1^52-1902). Plots 7 and 1'., 25 years (.nly (1>7S-19U2). that any appreciable amoimt of ()r:janic matti-i- has t».und its way into the subsoil. It will l^e seen that of al)out 1(),(MM) lb. of nitrogen supplied 54 EXPERIMENTS UPON WHEAT as dung during the whole period, only about 2600 lb. have been recovered in the crop, or about 26 per cent., and that although the nitrogen present in the soil at the end of the Table XVI II. Plot. Manuring. Nitrogen in Soil, 9 inches deep, 1893. Approximate of ^ itrogen in Manure in 50 Years. Approximate Removal of Nitrogen in Crops, 50 years (1844-1893). Surplus of Nitrogen over Plot 3, unaccounted for in Crop or Soil. Per cent. Pounds per acre. 3 2 Unmanured Farmyard Manure . 0-0992 0-2207 2,570 5,150 Lb. io',ooo Lb. 850 2,600 Lb. 5,670 period has been doubled, the excess over the manured plot is only 2580 lb. per acre ; so that there is still 5670 lb. which has been supplied in the manure, but is unaccounted for either in the crop removed or in the accumulation in the soil. Some of this has no doubt been washed away as nitrate into the drains and the subsoil water, some has been removed in the weeds, but much must have been lost by the conversion, through bacterial action, of nitrogenous compounds in the manure into free nitrogen gas. Phosphoric acid and potash, however, behave very differ- ently from nitrogen ; but little of these substances are ever found in the drainage waters, and Dr Dyer's analyses show that the greater part of the excess of phosphoric acid supplied over that removed in the crop is still to be found in the top 9 inches of soil, where it remains in a condition readily available for the plant. The potash is not quite so completely retained as the phosphoric acid, and descends further below the surface. There is still, however, no practical loss to be feared when potash is applied to the land before there is any crop immediately able to utilise it. E. Character of the Crop as affected by Manuring and Season. Table XIX. gives certain particulars regarding the quality of crops grown during the last fourteen years, covering the years QUALITY or WHEAT dJOPS 65 in which Mr E. Ilewlins of St Ives has iiuide vahiations of the grain from each of the plots. These valuations and figures respecting quality are to a certain extent disturbed by factors Table XIX, iriicat, Broadhalk Field. Averayr.t over 14 years (1889-1902). Plot. Abbreviated Description of Manures. ll i k Si e i ■Hi 'I a °2 H ^8 1? a g O a 3 I- 1 §5 il Lb. Gms.i 2 Farmyard Manure 61-3 56-7 102-3 3-8 2536 3-94 4 Unmanured 60-7 77-2 100-3 4-3 2708 3-69 5 Minerals 60-8 74-4 100-5 4-7 2586 3-86 6 Minerals and Single Ammonium-salts . 61-1 66-3 101-4 4-0 2520 3-97 1 7 Do. and Double do. 61-1 57-2 101-1 3-7 2578 3-88 8 Do. and Treble do. 60-8 51-5 100-8 4-2 2636 3-79 ! 9a* Minerals and Single Nitrate .... 60-8 59-5 100-9 3-5 2612 3-83 16 Double Nitrate and Minerals .... 60-5 53-1 100-8 4-4 2772 3-61 1 10 Double Aiumonimn-salts only 59-6 66-6 98-7 6-1 2966 3-37 11 Do. and Superphos. 58-6 59-5 97-1 7-4 3238 3-09 12 Do. do. and Sulpli. Soda . 59-9 61-9 99-2 4-8 2926 3-42 1 13 Do. do. and Suljili. t'otash . 61-0 157-3 101-0 3-6 2592 3-86 14 Do. do. and Sulj^h. Mag. . 59-9. 60-2 100-1 4-6 2978 3.,e; and h, 1894 and since. Average for 7 years (1803, '94, '90, '97, '98, 1900, arising only at secondTiand out of the manuring. For example, Plots 8 and 2 are very liable to l)e lodged and to show a much higher proportion of sprouted corn in a wet harvest like that of 1902. These effects may easily overpower the differences directly due to the manuring and visible in normal seasons. The farmyard manure plot, No. 2, has given on the average the best grain, .showing the highest weight per Inishel and the highest price in the valuation, but there are several years in which the corn from this plot occupied a very low place in the series. IMot lo, a^ain, receiving ammonium-salts only, shows ahnost the lowest weight per bushel and the lowest price. In some years, however, the highest valuation has been put on the corn from this plot. It is important to notice that tlie continuously unmanured plot, with its small yield, yet produces grains of corn which are almost up to the average in size, weight per 56 EXPERIMENTS UPON WHEAT bushel, and value from a commercial point of view. The plant, when starved, diminishes the number but not the quality of the seed; even the proportion of "tail" corn is not above the average on this plot. The proportion of corn to straw is the highest on this plot, as though starvation resulted in con- centrating the highest possible proportion of material on the reproductive parts of the plant. The plot receiving minerals only differs very little from the unmanured plot, but with each successive addition of nitrogen on Plots 6, 7, and 8, the weight per bushel, the size of the grain, and the value somewhat diminish ; at the same time the proportion of straw to corn is much increased. The effect of a given quantity of nitrogen in the directions thus indicated seems to be intensified when it is applied as nitrate instead of ammonia. Turning to the Plots 7, 10, 11, 1*2, 13, and 14, which receive the same amount of nitrogen but vary in their mineral manures, we get the highest weight per bushel, the largest grains, and the greatest value on Plots 7 and 13, where potash is supplied ; on these plots also the proportion of straw is at a maximum, facts which depend upon the function of potash in the formation of carbohydrates — starch in the grain, and woody-fibre in the straw. The soda and magnesia applied to Plots 12 and 14 have rendered some of the potash of the soil available, and the quality of the grain is better than on Plots 10 and 11. Plot 11, receiving nitrogen and phosphoric acid, produces distinctly worse grain than Plot 10, showing by far the smallest grains, the lowest weight per bushel and value, and the highest proportion of " tail " corn ; again demonstrating how the continued use of phosphoric acid and ammonia has depleted the potash in the soil of this plot. The plot receiving farm- yard manure gives corn of about the same size and weight per bushel and also the same proportion of corn to straw, as Plot 7, which receives a medium amount of ammonium-salts. Turning now to the influence of season on the wheat crop, Table XX. shows the yield of both grain and straw, the COMPARISON ^ OF AVF/l \M) l)l :v VF.Ai: " "^ ^ ill ^ op

>s Cl ■5 00 o i ,Li IN •* M o> b «» b >> i ^ss o -.o ro 50 u^ o u-S u-i to lO »ft •o >A J- ■r. w « § 1 ^ r « M O T" 1. 9 c^ ^ ■* 9 « 9 9 3 141 s O to o i § § 00 k 5 ^ s s i '"' '-' '"' p^ Op o o Cl f 9 9 9 9 OO ?' 9 ^ 2 - t^ (fq -f M ■«" Ol n C>1 CO to ,v. ^ ^ ■^ •^ -<3< M CO CO CO CO r: w CO o =-r<^ g 222 j£ -P ?» r ^ ^ Ci 9 *^ o o r 9 ._- i c J.- fe >.r-, -; o CO Cl O b b b b i) b b o b "^ Jl 4s| (£) o 'J3 o 1.-^ o >.-: in «o to o i C3 11 "^ i >5 £| ii ^ "?* "p M rH "P T" ^- rH rH f 9 9 9 2 M j^ N W N ii b b b O) C-l o 03 1° <» <» W to «o to to to iO >o lO to to "c 1 = 11 op CJ o i CO to 9 9 9 b 9 9 b 9 1-; «'^ s ^ m U-: \a o TT* '-'^ lO = :§S * 1 •S 00 «gl -J I-H o ?' o 9 Ci 9 ■?" i^ t^ CO 9 9 1 ^C S^5^ r^ ^ o C^l ^ C-? o i CO i) fi 00 ,1h 00 >^o O M (M CO CO (M w C^ CO ?J 5 s i <^s. 1 "3 Jr 's 5 V^ 1 U ^ I-H p 9 O ^ 9 ro 9 b 9 b 9 b b 9 OJ b S 'if 5^ '^ CM ^ i ■ .^ - o J^ o ?' 9 9 9 i- 9 o o 71 C-- 3 1! « ^ -3 ?; 'i> ^^ -3< i CO b 00 i) g] ^ VI 5 5f ill ■7 '.'■ rt 9 O 9 ^ 9 ^ ,^ 9 9 ..-. r. 1 « O ^11 ?o -# w i^ o b o b 1 <-l a CO M CO CO CO ^, C>1 c^ CO n CO 1 1^ ? r " -d t' i^ c^> T(< T' .^ o o ■^ t;- •?< r 9 - n 1 -"^^ 3 -)< o ^ C5 o ^ t^ b 00 tt^ ,Li b ?i ! a '-' M Ol '"' ^ '^ ^ n •^ "=> T- "p ,_ T' u- 9 9 9 ^ o 9 ^ s 3 i o i o •* 4t< ^ T>< to b ^1 ►JT ^ pa rH M ?1 c-g !^ OS g| •s 22 «.< -w 1 ii •^ b •% o 1 li ^ X Ch Tr, 1 ^ c -1 i . 1 i i. (^ 1 Q 3 . i ■j: 5 3 •r. 1 1 1° 3 C ! _o 4 "15 y 1 "5 -= -6 -5 X < J9 'w o c "rt S o , ^' _• TS <- A -> >. ^ Ed CO < 1 1 c it 1 2 iJ I 3 o H c2 D s X Q H i^ j« Q i - n >ft w t>. 00 1 s o - e« 2 58 EXPERIMENTS UPON WHEAT weight per bushel, and the proportion of grain to straw, in 1879, a typical wet year, and in 1893, an exceptionally dry one ; the corresponding averages for the whole fifty-one years being put alongside for comparison. Table XXI. shows the monthly rainfall for the same periods, during the harvest-year from 1st September to the following August 31st. Table XXI. — Rainfall at Eothamsted {Large Gauge). Com- parison of a wet and a dry harvest-year with the average over 50 years (1852-3 to 1901-2). isrs-o. 1S92-3. Average, 50 years (1852-3 to 1901-2). Septembe October Novembei December January February March April May June July August • Inches. 1-46 2-99 4-5fi 1-60 2-85 3-80 1-18 2-79 3-48 5-55 4-24 6-56 Inches. 2-46 3-99 2-06 1-63 2-05 3-62 0-42 0-25 1-22 1-00 3-00 2-38 Inches. 2-56 3-15 2-68 2-33 2-35 1-79 1-78 1-86 2-23 2-31 2-55 2-65 Tota I 41-05 24-08 28-24 It will be seen that for the crop of 1879 there was a total rainfall of 41 inches, of which 23*8 inches fell in the last six months, as against 8-3 inches out of a total of 241 inches for the corresponding periods of the harvest-year of 1892-3. While the amount of grain produced is not so very different in the two years, the wet year grew a far bigger crop of straw, so that the grain weighed httle more than one-third of the straw, whereas in the dry year grain and straw weighed about the same. The weight per bushel of the grain is very much higher in the dry than in the wet year, averaging 61*2 lb. against 55*0 lb. In the dry years the manures have com- paratively Httle effect, the crops on all the plots being brought nearer to a uniform level ; in the wet year, on the contrary, the difference due to manuring are very much accentuated. The COMPAEIS(^\ OF WKT AND DIJV SKASONS ."O plot receiving farmyard niaiuirc occupies about its usual position in the wet year ; but whereas it usually gives about the same proportion of grain to straw as the medium nitrogen plots, in 1S79 it was rather better than they were in tliis respect. In the dry year this plot gives by far the heaviest yield of grain, almost up to its usual average ; the straw also is nmch less reduced than on the plots receiving artificial manures, due no doubt t(^ the water-retaining powers of the dung. It is interesting to find that Plot 9, receiving nitrate and minerals, gave the best crop both of grain and straw in the very wet year 1H79, whereas in the dry year, 1893, the crop on this plot fell below the crop of Plot 6, which received the same amount of nitrogen as ammonium-salts, though on the average of years the nitrate answers better. This is contrary to the generally received opinion that nitrate of soda is the more effective in dry, and ammonium-salts in wet seasons. The very low crops on Plots 9b and 10, which receive nitrogen only, show that in a wet season the plant has very little power of obtaining minerals from the reserves in the soil : and the great jump in crop produced l)y adding superphosphate to the ammonia on Plot 11 shows that the phosphoric acid is then more difficult to obtain. In a wet season when the maturity of the plant is retarded, the ripening effect of phosphoric acid will be exceptionally beneficial. In the dry season the lowest returns come from Plots 10 and 11 (witli- out potash), and the potash on Plots 7 and 13 has an exceptionally marked effect, showing that under conditions of drought the plant specially responds to an abundance of potash in the manure. Probably the explanation is that a free supply of potash prolongs the growth of the plant, and tliat in the absence of jootash the ripening action of the phosphoric acid comes into play prematurely and stops development at a very early date, since it is acting in the same direction as the heat and dryness of the season. The indication of the 1879 and 1903 returns, that the superiority of nitrate of soda over ammonium-.salts is more 60 EXPERIMENTS UPON WHEAT marked in a wet than in a dry season, is confirmed by a further examination of the records over a series of years. Taking the last thirty years and dividing them into two groups according as the rainfall is above or below the average, and then comparing the yields of the two plots, which receive equal amounts of nitrogen, but one as nitrate of soda and the other as ammonium-salts, we find that in the dry seasons the yield from ammonium-salts is 86 '6 per cent, of the yield from nitrate of soda. In the group of wet seasons, however, the yield from ammonium-salts is only 78 "8 per cent, of that given by nitrate of soda, as shown in Table XXII. Thus the wet seasons are on the whole more favourable to nitrate of soda than to ammonium-salts. Presumably in the very wet and cold seasons the conditions are unfavourable to the nitrifica- tion of the ammonium-salts, and the immediately available nitrate of soda is more effective. Table XXI 1. — Broadhalk Wheat. Comparison of the yield of Dressed Grain ivith Nitrogen as Ammonium-salts or Nitrate of Soda, in seasons when the Rainfall was heloio or above the average, 30 yeai^s (1873-1902.) Rainfall. Dressed Grain per acre. Ratio of yield Am. -salts to that of Nit. Soda = 100. Plot 9a. Nitrate Soda. Plots 6 and 7. Ammonium- salts. 14 Seasons heloio average Rainfall 16 Seasons alove average Plainfall luclies. 24-23 33-13 Bushels. 30-6 32-1 Bushels. 26-5 25-3 S6-6 78-8 One of the most critical periods in determining the yield of wheat appears to be the winter months ; if the wheat be sown in October or early November it spends the next three or four months almost wholly in developing its system of roots. Should the weather be wet and the soil in a satui'ated condition the root- system will be restricted, both because of the deficient aeration and because the roots need not extend far in order to obtain the water necessary for its growth. From the indifferent EFFECT OF AVINTKIJ IJAIWAI.I CI development of roots which thus results, the plant scciii> never able to recover, so that a wet winter is almost invaiiai)lv followed by a poor wheat cro}) at harvest. This fact is illu> trated by Table XXIIL, in which a comparison is made l)etween the average wheat crop on three of the i)lots ((J, 7. and 8) following the ten wettest and the ten driest winters respectively during the period ls.")2-HH)*2, as measured by the rainfall in the four months November to February inclusive. Table XXIll.—BroadbalJc Wheat. Comimrison nf 10 Wet test and 10 Driest Winters (1852-1902). 10 U'eltesl Winters. 10 Dritil Winters. Rainfall, November to February inclusive Average Crop per acre, Plots 6, 7, and 8 . Inches . Bushels 13-01 26-2 5-79 34-9 Comparison of Winters with more oi (1S70-1 to less than th 1903-4). e average percolation 19 Seasons above average Percolation. 15 Seasons bflOW 1 average rercolation. ; 5 02 31-5 Percolation (60-inch gauge), Nov. to Feb. Average Crop per acre, Plots 2, 6, and 7 . . Inches . Bushels 9-43 26-8 The ten dry winters with an average rainfall of ")"70 incho were follow^ed by an average wheat crop of 3-l"9 bushels per acre on the plots selected for comparison. The ten wet winters with a corresponding rainfall of 13 inches were followed by an average wheat crop on the same plots of only !20-'2 bushels. Making the comparison in another way and dividing the thirty-four seasons 1870-1004 into two groups according to whether the percolation during the winter months, November to February, was above or ])elow the average, we obtain a similar result. In fifteen seasons with a low winter pei-colation averaging 5*02 inches, there was an average crop on tlie selected plots of 31 5 Inishels per acre; in the other nineteen seasons of high percolation, 043 inches, the avei-agf emp on 62 EXPEEIMENTS UPON WHEAT the same plot was only 26 '8 bushels. Although of course the weather later in the season has a great effect in determining the wheat crop, it is yet evident that the most critical period of its growth lies in the first four months, when the foundation of roots is being laid. On the whole, it will be seen that the great diff'erences of manuring to which the Rothamsted plots have been subject for so long a period have a much greater effect on the gross amount of crojD than on the quality of the grain. Space does not admit of a discussion of the detailed analyses of the crops, but they show similar results in regard to the comparative stability of the nature of the grain. Fluctuations in the amount of the crop due to season or maniu*ing are reflected to a much smaller degree in the composition of the grain ; the composition of the straw, however, shows wider variations, induced by the differences in the manure applied. II. — Wheat after Fallow, and in Rotation. Since the year 1856 two half-acre plots in the Hoos field have been cropped in alternate years with wheat without manure ; every year one of the plots is in wdieat while the other is being fallowed, so that the wheat crop always succeeds a year's bare fallow. The accompanying Table (XXIY.) shows the average Table XXIV. — Wheat ivithov.t Ilanurc. — Grown continuously {Broadbalk Field), and in alternation ivith Falloio {Hoos Field). Average Proeluce per acre, 47 years (1856-1902). Wheat every Year. (Broadbalk Field, Plot 3.) Wheat after Fallow. (Hoos Field, Plot 0.) Dressed Grain. straw. Dressed Grain. Straw. Bushels. 12-7 Cwt. 10-0 Bushels. 17-1 Cwt. 14-2 produce, grain and straw, on the cropped plot following fallow, compared with the crops on the plot in Broadbalk, which is continuously cropped w^ithout manure. It will be seen that EFFECT OF FAI.l.oWINd 63 the produce of wheat after fallow is consi(leral)ly hi^lKM* than when it is grown continuously, 171 against 1*J7 l>iishols per acre ; but if reckoned as produce over the whole area, lialfin ciMip and half fallow, the whole acre grows nuich less huth of grain and straw than where the crop is grown year after year on the same land. A given area of land would therefore be more productive when cropped every year than if the crop were alternated with fallow. The superior yield t)f the portion in crop after a ffiUowing may to some degree be attributed to the greater freedom from weeds, but in the main it is due to the production of nitrates from the humus of the soil during the sunnner when it is fallow, a process which is much stimulated by the stirring and aeration the soil receives. The success of a fallowing depends upon these nitrates remaining for the succeeding croj), since they are not retained by the soil they may be entirely washed out by heavy autumnal rains. That the autumnal rainfall is the great factor in determining whether a bare fallow shall be profitable or not to the following crop, may be well seen by comparing the crops yielded by these plots with the rainfall and percolation which took jjlace during the autumn previous to each crop. The percolation through GO inches of bare soil for the four months September to December inclusive, as measured by the drain gauge, amounted on the average to 6 ■•45 inches for the seasons 1870-1901. If, then, we divide the years into tw<. groups according as the autunmal percolation is al)ove or l»el(»w the average, and allot to each year the crops on the continut»us wheat and wheat after fallow plots for the harvest following the given percolation, we shall obtain the average results shown in Taljle XXV. and illustrated in the diagram Fig. 1>. Taking the seasons of small rainfall, averaging .s-88 inclies f(jr the four months September to December inclusive, the percolation was only 4 inclies, and the total {»n.diut' on the wheat after fallow plot was -27 \V> U*. as against 1^10 11>. nn the continuous wheat plot, or a gain of O:?:! 11«. dn-- to fallowing. 64 EXPERIMENTS UPON WHEAT Table XXV. — Effect of Wet or Dry Autumns on the increase of the JVheat Croi) due to FallovAng (1870-1902). 16 Seasons less than average Rainfall. le Seasons more than average Rainfall. Rainfall (Sept. to Dec. inclusive) In. Percolation through 60 in. of Soil (Sept. to Dec. inclusive) In. Total Produce (Wheat after Wheat) . . . .Lb. Total Produce (Wheat after Fallow) . . . .Lb. Increase due to Fallowing Lb. Percentage increase due to Fallowing ..... 8-88 13-66 4-03 8-92 1810 2743 933 51-5 1627 1757 130 7-9 For the wet autumns, however, with an average rainfall of 13 -66 inches and a percolation of 8-92 inches, the wheat after Small Rainfall and Percolation Large Rainfall and Percolation. CROP -30001b, RAiN Inches Rainfall -Inches] ^^ Wheat after Wheat - lb. per Acre > Sept.toDec. R??^ Percolation -inches I [JJ^ Wheat after Fallow - lb. perAcre , mB Increase due to Fallowing. Fig. 9.— Effect of Wet or Dry Autumns on continuous Wheat, and Wheat alternated with Fallow. WHEAT GIJOWX IN IJOTATloN .;:, fallow yielded 1757 11). against lOiT lit. on the coniiiuKuis wheat plot, or a gain of 130 ll)s. only dne to t'allowinL;. It will be seen that the bare ftillow increased the wheat crop coming after it by nearly 52 per cent, when a comparatively di y autumn succeeded the fallow, but the increase was less than s per cent, when there was much rain and percolation after the summer fallow. It is interesting to compare these two plots, both without manure, with the continuously unmanured plot in the Agdell field, which comes into wheat once every fom* years in the course of the rotation (see p. 100). The plot in question has received no manure since 1852 ; it is cropped on a four-course rotation, beginning with turnips which are completely removed Table XXVI. — Wlienf gwicn vnthouf Manure al liofliiniistnf. (1) Grown continuously ; (2) In alternation v:ifh Fa / loir ; (3) In Four-course rotation. Average for the 12 yearn (1855, '59, '63, '07, '71, '75, '79, '83, '87, '91, '95, and 1899). Dressed Grain per acre. Continuous Wheat. (Broadbalk, Plot 3.) Wheat after Fallow. (Hoos Field, Plot 0.) Itotetion Wheat. (Agdell Field, Plots 21-22.) Bushels. 12-4 Bushels. 18-1 Bushels. 23-6 from the land, after the turnips barley is taken, then comes a season of bare fallow before the wheat. It will thu.s be seen that three crops are removed in the course of the four year.'^, but so very small is the turnip crop that practically the land i.s cropped only every other year. For the twelve years during which comparison is possible the average crop of wheat grown thus in roUition on continuously unmanured land lia.s been 2s»; bushels per acre, as against IS'l bushels for wheat afbr fallow and 12"4 liushels for continuous wheat. It is diilicult to explain this superiority of the wheat grown in rotation over the wheat atler fallow. There are lui ihoil' residues in the land in the one case than in the other, the land 66 EXPERIMENTS UPON WHEAT is equally clean and has similarly received a summer fallowing before the wheat crop. In the case of the rotation plot, however, the particular stratum of soil usually occupied by the wheat roots is only drawn upon once in four years, the intermediate crop being the much shallower-rooted barley. III. — Trials of Varieties of Wheat. In the eleven years 1871-1881, trials were made of about twenty varieties of wheat under the ordinary conditions of Table XXVIIa.— Varieties of Wheat groion at Rothamsted. Produce of Grain 'per acre ihiisheh). Results arranged in order of highest average yield. 1871. 1S72. 1873. 1874. 1S75. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880 1881. Mean. Rivet (Red) 48-1 67-0 48-4 42 -.5 49-6 66-1 16-0 22-4 52-2 45-8 White Chaff (Red) . 40-6 .5.5-1 40-2 49-5 48-4 59-0 22-8 28-1 ,54-5 44-2 Club Wheat (Red) . 36-0 45-8 47-5 59-6 46-6 47-6 49-5 61-0 23-5 16-4 43-4 43-4 Golden Drop (Red), Hallett's 39-5 49-8 44-2 .51-8 38-1 48-4 49-5 .52-8 21-0 18-9 50-8 42-3 Bole's Prolific (Red) . 33-6 42-8 45-2 48-1 43-8 41-4 44-8 52-8 31-0 24-5 46-5 41-3 Hardcastle (White) . 46-5 42-0 49-6 33-9 44-0 42-1 54-0 21-5 24-4 45-6 40-4 Red Rostock . 37-0 46-3 53-8 37-4 40-0 46-4 57-0 8-5 28-4 4.5-8 40-1 Red Lani^ham . 30 8 43-8 34-1 53-1 34-9 42-5 42-9 .50-8 25-8 28-6 48-5 39-6 Bristol Red 29-4 44-4 39-5 .53-4 31-6 42-4 44-1 .52-1 21-6 30-6 46-2 •39-6 Red Wonder . 31-2 43-8 37-1 55-1 33-2 44-2 41-6 52-1 22-0 28-2 45-9 39 %5 Red Chaff (White) . Browick (Red) . 32-8 35-3 37-0 40-5 35-3 38-5 48-8 51-1 34-3 38-5 43-8 39-] 41-0 40-9 49-5 24 -0 19-6 47 -3 39-0 38-6 Casey's White . 29-9 42-1 .37-0 .52-1 39-0 45-5 43-0 47-8 L5-4 24-1 42-9 38-1 Red "Nursery . 34-1 4.5 -3 27-1 41-1 39-0 37-5 40-6 47-8 .30-9 27-5 46-0 37-9 Woollv Ear (White) . 31-2 42-8 37-0 51-3 36-1 46-6 37-5 48-3 20-0 21-0 44-1 .37-8 Burwell (Old Red Lammas) 31-1 41-3 35-1 47-3 38-5 38-4 39-0 46-3 27-0 27-0 44-8 37-8 Golden Rough Chaff (Red) . 33-0 39-3 38-5 .52-1 38-8 38-4 36-4 46-8 14-4 31-3 41-6 37-3 Chubb Wheat (Red). Original Red (Hal- 28-4 40-0 35-8 50 5 38-3 40-3 41-0 55-1 20-8 14-9 36-6 lett's) . 30-0 35-3 36-4 43-6 26-0 40-1 44-4 36-0 Victoria White (Hal- lett's) . 33-8 45-3 38-3 44-3 33-8 41-1 42-6 43-9 14-9 15-8 44-0 36-2 White Chiddam 26-9 38-8 31-8 42-0 32-4 37-0 37-6 49-8 1T9 27-4 47-1 34-8 Hunter's White (Hal- lett's) . Mean 26-9 32-2 39-8 42-3 38-6 38-8 45-4 50-7 26-4 43-0 42-5 40-0 42-3 17-4 20-5 22-8 46-5 .34-3 39-1 36-8 42-9 51-8 24-1 farming, the wheats being grown in a different field each year. Table XXVIIa. shows the results obtained in bushels per acre each year, and Table XXVIIb. the same results reduced each year to the common ratio of the average VARIETY riMAl.S crop taken as 100. The final order represents tlie mean of these last figures, and shows the average relative jjusition occupied by each variety when seasonal tluet nations are eliminated and each year is allowed the same weight in Tablk XXVIIb. — Varieties of Wheat grinm at Eothaimted, 1871-lKSl. Mean Froduce of all the vaneties each year taken cw 100. Variety. 1871. 1872. 1873. 1874. 1875. 131 1870. 100 1877. 116 1878. 128 1879. 18S0. 93 1881. 112 Mean 118 Rivet (Red) 125 132 78 White Chaff (Red) . 105 109 109 117 113 114 111 117 117 112 Chib Wheat (Red) . 112 108 122 119 127 112 115 118 115 68 93 110 ; Golden Drop (Red). i Halielt's 123 119 114 102 1 104 114 116 102 102 78 109 108 Bole's Prolific (Red) . 104 101 116 95 119 97 104 102 151 102 100 108 j Red Langham . 9.5 104 88 105 95 100 100 98 126 119 104 103 Red Wonder . 97 104 95 109 90 104 97 101 107 117 99 102 i Bristol Red 91 105 102 105 86 100 103 101 106 127 99 102 Hardcastle (White) . 110 108 98 i 92 104 98 104 105 101 98 102 Red Rostock . 115 119 106 102 94 108 110 41 118 98 101 Red Nurserv 106 107 70 81 106 88 95 92 151 114 99 101 1 Browick(Red) . 109 1 96 99 101 105 92 95 96 117 81 102 99 Burwell (Old Red t Lammas) 97 98 90 93 105 90 91 89 132 112 96 99 WooUv Ear (White) . 97 1 101 95 101 98 111 87 93 98 87 95 97 ! Casey's Wiiite . 93 100 96 104 106 107 100 92 75 100 92 97 1 Red ChaflF (White) . 102 ss 91 96 93 103 96 ... 96 i Golden Rough Chaff (Red) . 102 93 99 100 106 90 85 90 70 130 90 96 1 Chubb Wheat (Red) . 88 95 92 100 104 95 97 107 101 62 94 Victoria White (Hal- lett's) . 10.5 107 98 87 92 97 99 85 73 65 95 91 Hunter's White (Hal- lett's) . S3 94 99 89 72 103 93 82 85 95 90 . Original Red (Hal- i letfs) . 93 83 94 86 71 94 104 ... 89 i While Chiddam 83 100 92 100 82 100 83 100 88 100 88 100 88 100 58 100 114 100 I'oi 100 88 100 100 making up the average. It is evident from the tluetuating position any wheat occupies from year to year that variety tests require a good many repetitions before great trust can be placed in their results. In the present case five wheats stand out as considerably heavier croppers than the others on the strong Ilothamsted land —Rivet, White Chaff (Ive<|), Club. Golden Drop, and Bole's Prolific. ( )f liivet is perhaps the oldest English wheat remaining in cult i\ at inn. known everywhere for its heavy yields on strong land, its coarse straw, tlie inferior quality of its grain, and its bearded character. White Chafl 68 EXPERIMENTS UPON WHEAT (Red) appears to be the wheat now grown as Square Head's Master, Teverson, etc., just as Club wheat is the original form of the wheat now generally known as Square Head. These two wheats are perhaps the most generally grown of any at the present time. Golden Drop is an old wheat of fair quality, still very generally grown. Bole's Prolific is no longer grown as such, but may represent the wheat now known as- Pilgrim's Prolific and Red Giant, not uncommon in the South Midlands. Practical Conclusions 1. The results obtained on the rotation field show that wheat, with its deeply-rooting habit and its long period of growth, is in less need of direct manm'ing than most crops of the farm. If the land is in good heart it can usually be grown with the residues in the soil, especially if it follows a clover crop. 2. Whenever manure is needed it should be mainly nitro- genous, and nitrate of soda generally answers better for wheat than sulphate of ammonia. After a wet autumn and winter a top-dressing of nitrate of soda, 1 to 1^ cwt. per acre, will be- found particularly valuable. 3. When wheat is grown two or three times in succession,, about 1 cwt. per acre of some slow-acting nitrogenous manure- and 2 cwt. of superphosphate, should be ploughed before- seeding, and a top-dressing of 1 to 2 cwt. per acre of nitrate of soda should be applied in February. Only on the lightest sandy and gravelly soils will any return be obtained for the- use of kainit and other potash salts with wheat. References " Report of Experiments on the Growth of Wheat for Twenty Years in' succession on the same Land." Join: Roy. Ag. Soc, 25 (1864), 93 and 449. Rothamsted Memoirs, Vol. III., No. 4. "Our Climate and our Wheat Crops." Jour. Roy. Ag. Soc, 41 (1880), 173. Eothmnsted Memoirs, Vol V., No. 11. '^ On the Composition of the Ash of Wheat Grain and Wheat Straw, grown. KEFKKKXCKS <;0 at Rothanistod, in dirtciTiit Seasons, juul by (liHcrt-iit Manurts. '" 'I'lau.y. Chvm. Sor., 45 (1884), 30."). Untlunusti-d Memoirs, Vol. VI., No. 2. Report of Experiments on the (irowth of Wluat for the Second Period of Twenty Years in succession on the same Land." .Iimr. lunf. .tg. S(m:, 45 (1884), 391. Rothamsied Mnimirx, \'ol. VI., No. 3. On Airrieultural Investigation; illustrated by Results of I'.xperinit iits at Rothamsted, on the Growth of Wheat, for Forty ^ears in siucession on the same Land." Being a Lecture delivered at the .Michigan State Agricultural College, Lansing, Michigan, October 14, 1^84; and at Rutgers' College, New Brunswick, N..I., October 27, 1884. Roihanistcd Memoirs, \'ol. W., No. 5. CHAPTER V EXPERIMENTS UPON BARLEY I. The Continuous Growth of Barley upon the same Land, Hoos Field : A. Maintenance of Yield under the Continuous Growth of Barley on the same Land. B. Effect of Nitrogenous Manures. C. Effect of Minei-al Manures. D. Character of the Crop as affected by Manuring. IL Barley grown in Rotation — Agdell Field. Practical Conclusions and References. I. — The Continuous Growth of Barley upon the same Land, Hoos Field. The experiments on the continuous growth of barley were begun in the Hoos field in 1852. The arrangement of the plots and the manures applied to each plot have practically been unchanged since, so that the plots to-day show the effects of more than fifty years' continuous growth of barley under the same treatment year after year. The Hoos field adjoins the Broadbalk wheat field and the soil is very similar. The following varieties of seed have been sown : — Chevalier, twenty-nine years, 1852-1880 ; Archer's Stiff Straw, ten years, 1881-1890; Carter's Paris Prize, seven years, 1891-1897 ; and Archer's Stiff Straw, 1898 and since. The manures are sown in the spring, and ploughed in about a week or a fortnight before seeding. The plots do not run the whole length of this field, as in Broadbalk, Instead, there are four longitudinal strips receiving different combinations of the mineral manures; these are all crossed by four breadths ]\rANUHIX(; OF TLOTS 71 receiving different nitrogenous manures. The niinoral nianurin*^ on the strips is as follows :— (1) none ; ('2) phosplioric acid only, no potash or alkali salts ; (:3) potash, magnesia, and soda, im phosphoric acid ; and (4) complete nu'neral manure, supj)IviiiL: both phosphoric acid and the alkaline salts. l\aeh of tlicse is combined with the four different cross-dressin«:s of nitro<'enous manures—Series O no nitrogen, Series A anunonium -.salts, Series N nitrate of soda, and Series C rape cak(\ There are other plots, one of which has received farmyard manurt' each year, and a second which received farmyard manure for the first twenty years but has since been unmanured. Table XXVIII. shows the nature and (pianLity of thr Table XXVI I L — Experiments on Barley, Hoos Field. Mnnurintj of the Plots per acre per annum, 1852 and since. Plot. Abbreviated Description of Manures. Nitrogenou8 Manures. Mineral Manures. II 1 1 V •< Lb. It 5| Lb. 11 Lb. Lb. Tons. Lb. Lb. C«t. 10 20 30 40 Xo Minerals, and no Nitrogen . Superphosphate only, do. Alkali Salts only, " do. Complete Minerals, do. 3\. 200 200 fob 100 16b 100 lA 2 A 3A 4A Ammonium-salts alone Superphosphate and .\mmonium-salts Alkali Salts and do. Complete Minerals and do. 200 200 200 200 3-5 260 200 16b 100 ibb 100 IN 2N 3N 4N Nitrate of Soda a'one .... Superphosphate and Nitrate of Soda . Alkali Salts and do. Complete .Minerals and do. ... 275 27.'i 275 275 3-5 26b 21(0 100 100 10b 100 IC 2C 3C 4C Cake alone .... Superphosphate and Kape Cake Alkali Salts and do. Complete Minerals .md do. ... 1000 1000 1000 1000 ... ::: :j-5 3-5 26b 200 ibb 100 fob 100 7-1 Unmanured (after dung 'JO yrs.,lSr.2-71) ... 7-2 Farmyard Manure .... U ... manures applied each year to the plots. Table \ X I X. sh()w> the average production of ^n-ain and straw for ilie whole period, for the last ten years. anir acre of D/rsscd Grain and Straw over siirrrssivr lO-i/ear jtrriods, /mm 1852-1901 inclusive. Plot. Abbreviatmi Description of Maimros. AvormKM over 1 i If 2| 1 1 Dressed Grain. Bu«h. 1 Uush. Bll8h. Uuah. Buiili. 1 Bu«h. lO 20 30 40 No Minerals, and no Nitrogen Superphosphate only, do. Alkah Salts only, " do. Complete Minerals, do. 22-4 27-9 24-7 30 5 17-5 23-2 20-1 24-4 13-7 17-9 14-5 17-7 12-7 , 17-7 1 12-4 16-9 1 100 13-r. 91 12-8 15-3 20-0 16-2 20-5 ; lA 2A 3 A 4A Ammonium-salts alone .... Superphosphate, and Ammonium-salts Alkali Salts, do. Complete Minerals, do. 33-6 45-6 35-0 46-1 31-2 48-4 35-0 46-4 26-2 40-5 30-1 41-0 25-0 36-7 25 •.'i 40-7 ; 16-6 28-0 22-1 36-3 26-5 39-8 29-5 421 IN 2N 3N 4N Nitrate of Soda alone .... Superphosphate, and Nitrate of Soda . Alkali Salts, do. Complete Minerals, do. 39-7 48-9 38-6 49-9 34-2 49-6 36-1 49-5 28-2 42-0 29-9 42-2 28-5 42-7 29-1 , 40-4 21-9 36-5 24-8 36 30 -.5 43-9 31-7 43-6 IC 2C 3C 4C Rape Cake alone Superphosphate, and Rape Cake . Alkali Salts do. Complete Minerals, do. 47-0 47-8 44-0 47-4 43-6 4.5-7 43-2 47-2 39-0 41-5 37-4 41-9 35-4 38-4 33-8 36-0 1 31-3 33-7 29-7 32-4 39-3 41-4 37-7 41-0 7-1 7-2 Unmanured (after dung 20 yrs. , 1 852-71 ) Farmyard Manure .... |45-0 ..{ 34-2 50-2 26-4 47-6 20-3 41-3 3;V5 47-7 Cwt. Strav r. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. 10 2 3 40 No Minerals, and no Nitrogen Superphosphate only, do. AlkaU Salts only, do. Complete Minerals, do. ' 13-4 14-9 , 13-9 16-1 10-2 11-8 10-7 12-6 6-9 8-4 7-1 8-5 6-8 8-1 6-8 8-4 6-6 7-8 6-3 8-0 8-8 10-2 9-0 10-7 lA 2 A 3A i4A Ammonium-salts alone .... Superphosphate, and Ammonium-salts Alkali Salts, do. Complete Minerals, do. 19-8 27-9 21-9 28-9 17-4 27-5 19-7 28-0 13-6 20-5 15-6 23 -y 13-4 19-7 14-ti 23-4 11-0 17-0 13-9 21-1 l.'.-O 22-5 IN 2N 3N 4N Nitrate of Soda alone . . . . Superphosphate, and Nitrate of Soda . Alkali Salts, do. Complete Minerals, do. 24-0 31-9 25-8 34-6 20-1 29-2 22-1 30-1 15-4 22-8 17-5 24-4 16T. 23-9 l7-« 24-5 14-8 23-3 16-4 23-5 18-2 26-2 19-9 27-4 IC 2C 3C 4C Rape Cake alone Superphosphate, and Itape Cake . Alkali Salts. do. Complete Minerals, do. 29-4 30-8 28-9 31-3 24-3 26-0 2.'i-3 27-8 21-1 22-3 20-8 23-1 18-9 20-7 18-9 20-5 18-6 19-8 IS -4 19-9 22-5 23-9 22-5 21-5 , I7-I 7-2 Unmanured (after dung 20 yrs., 18r> 2-71) Farmyard Manure .... \26'6 29 -9 { 18-5 801 14-5 29-8 13-3 29-9 20-6 29-2 74 EXPERIMENTS UPON BAKLEY limited root-range of the plant would luring about a complete- exhaustion of the available soil much sooner with barley than with wheat, but there is evidence that the decline in the yield of these barley plots is to some extent due to a run of les& GRAIN Bushels per Acre bU y .y_., "■■••■•.. 7-2 • '■•••.... mean of 4A,N8tC. •3 n > ^^ — - — --_ -^^ 1-0 10 562-187I ieS2-l9C Fig. 10.— Yield of Barley during successive 10-year periods (1852-1901). Plot 7-J.— Farmyard Manure. Plots 4 A, N, and C— Each receive Complete Minerals, + X. as .\mm,-salts. Nitrate Soda, or Rape Cake. Plot 1-0.— Unmanured. ftivourable seasons. Both the continuously dunged plot, which must be gaining fertility, and the plots which receive heavy com- plete dressings of artificial manures show a similar decline in the average production for the last four decades, as may be seen COMPAKMS(^\ WIIFA' GKOWN IN IJOTATION 7.". from diagram Fii:. 10. wliicli sliow.s tlir avurage yield of grain on the mimamired plot, on the dunged plot, and the mean ol" tlie three plots completely manured with artitieial manures. 'I'hr decline in the production of the dunged plot is the least markrd. although consitlerable. Again, the Agdell field, which conuvs into harley everv four years, has shown a decline in its yield of harley during the last fifty years, wdiich is very similar to tliat of tli<> continuous l)arley plots when the yields of each lidd an- compared for the same years. Table XX XL shows the total produce from the uiimanured and two of the completely Table XXXI. — Barlei/ r/nncu lontinuoiisJy, JFoos Fic'd, ami in fwr-roursr rotation, Agdell Field. Convpari. '89, '93, '97, and 1901. Continuous Barley, U(xw Kield. Kotation lUrlev. Agdell Field.' OompMe ,. , Farm- Minerals — ''• .M^nl. 1 Nrt';i.e 1 Soda. 1 1 Complete fn- Minerml manurp.3. Y.7. '61, '6.', 't59) Middle ■-, vcars (18(39. 73. 77, 'si, 'Sr,) . Last :. years (ISSr.. '89. '9:3. '97. 1901) . Mean of 13 years Lb. 2.121 lt>2<) 1001 Lb. 5738 6028 5122 Lb. 6694 .5681 40<;»> Lb. Lb. 3922 90.15 2730 5718 2100 4579 173.-) 5.'.I9 .M'l-' 2960 5394 manured plots in the Hoos field for the years when barley was grown in the Agdell rotation Held, for which field the crops on the unmanured and the highly iiiaiiuivd pl«»t are also given. It will be seen that the barley crop grown in rotation on the plot that is highly manured (a complete manure is put on for tiie preceding Swede crop, which i.s returned to the land) shows the same decline in yield as the crop on completely manured plots growing barley continuously, the average production ovei- the whole period and in succes.sive 76 EXPERIMENTS UPON BARLEY twenty-year periods being very similar. This seems to show that the decline in production on the manured plots in the later periods in the Hoos field is due to season, and not to the fact that barley has been grown continuously on the same land. The unmanured plot, however, under con- tinuous barley shows a much greater progressive decline than the corresponding unmanured plot growing barley in rotation, where the land is practically fallowed in alternate seasons. On the whole, the results point to the probability that unmanured land will become unable to grow barley con- tinuously at a much earlier date than will be the case with wheat, so comparatively restricted is the range of the barley roots. B. Effect of Nitrogenous Manures. The effect of nitrogenous manures upon the barley crop is best seen by comparing the yields of the various Plots 4, all of which receive the same mineral manures ; the diagram Fig. 11 shows this comparison in a graphic form. Plot 4-0, receiving no nitrogen, has only given an average crop of 20 4 bushels per acre, and this has been more than doubled by the application of 43 lb. of nitrogen per acre to the other three plots. But little difference is seen in the return for this amount of nitrogen, whether it be applied as ammonium- salts, nitrate of soda, or rape cake. Over the whole period the nitrate of soda gives the highest return by about 3 per cent., but during the last two decades, the plot receiving ammonium- salts has been slightly the best of the three. In the straw, again, the differences are very small, though the superiority of nitrate of soda is rather more pronounced with the straw than with the grain. The fact that ammonium- salts answer better with barley than witli wheat is due to their retention by the soil close to the surface ; the comparatively shallow-rooted habit of Imrley and its growtli during the warmer portion of tlie year when nitrification is active, renders such a surface accumulation of nitrogen as readily available to the plant as the nitrate of soda itself On the completely manured plots the rape cake, 4 C, is AVITII VAlMors XITIvMXJKNors MAM IM- not (juile so effective as tlie more active tonus of niiro^'tMi. giving over the whole period an average yield of 41 ai^'aiust 48'5 and 4*2"1 l)ushels of i;rain. Tliis small dericicncv has not diminished in the later years, which seems tu indiciite 6000 lb. Grain per Acre lb. Straw per Acre, lb 1 u;. 11.— Yield of Barley (Grain and Straw) with different sounes of Nitrogen. Averages for .".1 years, 18:.-J-190'J. The figures in the labels indicate bushels of grain and cwt. of straw that the nitrogen compounds of rape cake are almost wholly utihsable by the crop to which they are applied. At any ratr. no large amount of residue slowly becoming availal)le is left in the soil, as in the case of faiinyard manure. The plot receiving farmyard manure, 7-'J, ^Mves a higher crop than any other, but the amount of nitro.^en suppli.d in 78 EXPERIMENTS UPON BAELEY this case is very high, being estimated at nearly five times as much as on any of the other plots. One of the permanent barley plots (Plot 7) received 14 tons of farmyard manure per acre each year for tv^^enty years in succession, viz., from 1852 to 1871. It was then divided into two plots, one of which, 7-1, has received no manure of any kind since ; the other, 7-2, continued to get its annual dressing of 14 tons of dung. After the discontinuance of the dung, the barley crop on that half of the plot naturally began to fall off", but only slowly, and even now, after thirty years' cropping without manure, the effect of the residues left by the previous twenty years' application of dung is still to be seen in a yield that is double the crop obtained from the continuously unmanured plot. Table XXXII. shows the total produce Table XXXII. — Total Produce per acre of Barley Plots, shovjin;/ Prsid/a'l affects of Dung. Dung for Dung 20 years, every year, 1852-71. Unmanured Kelation to Produce of Plot 7-l', 1852 continuously. reckoned as 100. and since. Unmanured since. Plot 7--2. Plot 7-1. Plot 1-0. Plot 7-2. Plot 7-1. Plot 1-0. Mean, 1852-1871 1872 Lb. Lb. 2454 Lb. Lb. Lb. 41 59 33 100 5202 4870 1282 100 94 25 1873 6561 5165 1570 100 79 24 1874 7943 5675 1922 100 71 24 1875 5825 3955 1448 100 68 25 1876 6166 4010 1561 100 65 25 Mean, 1877-1881 6167 3305 1528 100 i 54 25 „ 1882-1886 6546 3494 1529 100 i 53 23 „ 1887-1891 5334 2664 1379 100 50 26 „ 1892-1896 6477 3101 1508 100 i 48 23 „ 1897-1901 5349 ' 2251 1141 100 ! 42 21 obtained from the three plots in question for the thirty years tvhich have elapsed since the dung on Plot 7-1 was discontinued, the first five years are given singly, after that five years are grouped into one period and the mean result given. In order EESIDUAL EFFEC'T OK FAIJ.MVAIM) M WIIM; 7\\ to eliminate the ettect of seasons the crop nsiilt> li.ivc all been reduced to the conmion standard of the ci-oit on the continuously dungiMl plot, 7--J, which lias xaricl \,iv little during the period. eo — 10 — ' 1 1 ■ •■!v ,. . i - 1 1 ': IBS 3/Ti h7i (f •■' 18 '« .6 7!> IB 7S 187 7/., /St le b; )i ID* ;'■>* ,<.•.• ^*0l I Dun| to laTl.then Unmanured. i Unmanured the whole time Fk.. IJ. — IJ.irlt'y TiiS'il PnKliicf. showinjf residual cfTe«-t of Dun;? ami t\, Munuff in relation to tlu- Dunjf I'lol ]>>'<. Diagram 12 expresses these resnh.s in a ^'raphic loiin, and shows that, though the crop gi-own uith tie- lesidues of dnng is 80 EXPERIMENTS UPON BARLEY continually falling, it will only reach the level of that on the continuously unmanured plot after a long time. C. Effect of Mineral Manures. The Rothamsted barley field affords a more thorough series- of comparisons of the effect of the various mineral manures than does the wheat field, for in conjunction with each of the nitro- genous manures we get plots receiving no minerals (1), phos- phoric acid alone (2), potash and the other alkahne salts, but no phosphoric acid (3) ; and the complete mineral manure, con- taining both phosphoric acid and the alkaline salts (4). In the absence of nitrogen tlie mineral manures have but little effect, though they produce a much greater increase of crop over that of the unmanured plot with barley than with wheat. Ammonium-salts and nitrate of soda used alone are not so effective as with wheat, but the rape cake used without minerals gives almost as big a crop as when supplemented with a complete mineral manure. Of course rape cake is not a purely nitrogenous manure, but itself supplies about 24 lb. of phosphoric acid and 17 lb. of potash per acre per annum. The diagram Fig. 13 shows in a graphic form the effects of the various mineral manures, the nitrogen supply being the same in all cases. The great importance of phosphoric acid to the barley crop is seen on comparing Plots 3 and -1, which only differ from one another in the omission of phosphoric acid on Plots 3. It will be seen that Plots 3 give but little more crop than Plots 1, which receive nitrogen alone — only 32-9 bushels per acre against 32, taking the average of the three series A, N, and C — but that a very marked increase to 42*2 bushels per acre is found on Plots 4 for' the addition of phosphoric acid. The straw shows just as marked an increase of crop brought about by phosphoric acid as does the grain, rising from 197 cwt. to 25"6 cwt. per acre. In the field the most striking effect is seen in the hastened matm^ity brought about by the phosphoric acid. Not only are Plots 2 and 4, which receive phosphoric IMPORTANCE OF PIK )S1MI()1M( ' ACID m acid, in tlie ear long before Plots :) and (to a less extent) Nitrogen Nitrogen only. and Phosphoric Acid. ^ Grain per Acre Jb. Nitrogen Nitrogen, and Phosphoric Acid Potash. and Potash. Straw per Acre, lb. Vh;. 1:3.— Effect of Mineral Manures on the yield of Barley (Grain and Straw). Mean of Series A. N. and C. .M years (1^.V2-190'J). Plots 1, but tliey will have l)egiin to yellow for harvesl when Plots 3 still show only upright green ears. 82 EXPERIMENTS UPON BARLEY Comparing Plots 2 and 4, we see that a manure supplying phosphoric acid and nitrogen is almost as effective as a complete manure containing also potash and the other alkaline salts. There is a great increase of crop caused by the superphosphate and nitrogen on Plots 2, over the nitrogen alone on Plots 1, and very little further increase for the further addition of potash and other alkaline salts on Plots 4. Where the nitro- genous manure is nitrate of soda or rape cake, the omission of the potash on Plots 2 compared with Plots 4, receiving a complete manure, shows no effect, whether Ave make the comparison over the whole period or for successive ten-year periods. With ammonium-salts, however, as the source of nitrogen the omission of potash does eventually diminish the crop ; for the first thirty years the crops on Plots 4 A and 2 A, Table XXXIII. — Batio of yield of Barley (Grain) loithout Botash to yield with Botash, for successive 10-year periods, Ammonium-scdts and Nitrcde of Soda being the respective sources of Nitrogen. 1852-61. 1862-71. 1872-81. 1882-91. 1892-1901. Ratio of 2 A to 4 A, Ammonium-salts . 98-9 Ratio of 2 N to 4 N, Nitrate of Soda . 98-0 104-3 100-2 98-8 99-5 90-2 105-7 77-1 101-4 with and without potash, were equal, but in the fourth decade, as the soil became depleted by the continual removal of potash, the crop on Plot 2 began to fall off, and the diminution is much increased in the next decade. That there is no similar falling-off in the yield of the corresponding plot receiving nitrate of soda, is partly due to the greater root-range induced by the soluble nitrate, and partly to the effect of the soda base of this salt in rendering available to the plant the potash reserves of the soil. Table XXXIII. shows very clearly how the omission of potash begins to tell upon Plot 2 A, manured with ammonium- salts and superphosphate, after the first thirty years, whereas on the corresponding Plot 4 A, receiving nitrate of soda and superphosphate, the omission of potash has made no difference to the yield up to the end of the fifty-year period. The figures QUALITY OF CIJOP 83 show the ratio the yield of Plot 2 (without ])()t;isli) Ijoiv to iliat of Plot 4 (with potash), during each decade. Thus the yield on Plot 2 A (annnoniuni-salls and suimt- phosphate), which for the first thirty years was practically ccjual to that on Plot 4 A (ammonium-salts, superphosphate and potash), fell off by 10 per cent, in the fourth decade and '2'.) per cent, in the fifth ; whereas the corresponding yield on Plot 2 X (nitrate of soda, and superphosphate), is as good as that of 4 N (nitrate of soda, superphosphate and potash) up to the end. Potash plays a less important part than phosphoric acid in the manuring of barley. Very little increase of crop has resulted from its use on the Rothamsted soil, and the oidy indication of the supply in the soil giving out has been seen in the last twenty years on the plot receiving superphosphate and ammonium-salts. Of course the Rothamsted soil starts with a very large original store of potash. Speaking generally, we find that barley is nuich more dependent on a supply of mineral manures than is wheat, a free supply of phosphoric acid in particular beinu- essential to its proper development. D. Character of the Crop as affected Jnj M that gn.wn on IMots 4, where a complete manure containing both nitrogen and minerals is supplied. It does not, however, follow that any 84 EXPERIMENTS UPON BARLEY kind of manure will improve the quality of the barley. The grain from the plot receiving farmyard manure every year, despite the high weight per bushel, and the bold berry indicated Table XXXIV. — Experiments on Barley, Hoos Field. PartieuJars of Quality. Averages over 14 years (1889-1902). S d s ■ii § 3 l.-^ 2-5 is ^ >, 'l gf: Plot. Abbreviated Description of Manures. 3 t. § i 2-g — £5 ill t° 2 "3 o .5P §S,i ^° o 3 *3 o ^ T'^ Lb. Grams. lO No Minerals, and no Nitrogen 52-4 86-3 97-3 7-9 3-67 20 Superphosphate onlv .... 53-4 96-5 104-1 6-9 3-93 30 Alkali Salts only . ' . 53-0 79-2 96-6 7-8 3-91 40 Complete Minerals .... 53-5 86-8 99-4 5-9 3-91 1-45 , lA Ammonium-salts alone 52-3 84 -.5 91-1 8-5 4-03 2A Superphosphate, and Ammonium-salts Alkali Salts, and do. 52-2 88-1 92 -G 8-1 3-86 3A .53-3 81-2 93-8 5-5 4-14 4A Complete Minerals, and do. 53-8 84-6 104-3 2-6 4-21 1-44 IN Nitrate of Soda alone .... 52-6 82-2 91-3 8-9 4-05 2N Superphosphate, and Nitrate of Soda . Alkali Salts, and do. 53-6 84-6 100-0 7-5 4-04 3N 53-4 80-9 93-6 6-1 4-12 4N Complete Minerals, and do. 53-9 79-1 100-3 4-6 4-10 1-53 IC Rape Cake alone ..... .53 -7 89-4 102-0 4-9 2 C i Superphosphate, and Rape Cake . 54-1 87-1 103-2 3-3 3 C ' Alkali Salts, and do. 53-8 83-4 101-5 4-3 4 C Complete Minerals, and do. 54-2 83-2 103-2 4-0 1-52 7-1 Unmanured after Dung 54-2 84-0 100-5 5-9 7-2 Farmyard Manure .... 54-6 75-9 96-4 4-3 4-47 1-51 * Based on average samples of 24 years (1S72-1S95). See " Manurial Conditions afl'ectiug the Malting Quality of English Barley," by Munro & Beaven, J. R. Ag. Soc, 1S97. by the high weight of 100 grains, has yet a value considerably below the average. Again, the use of nitrogen alone on Plot 1 A or 1 N gives the lowest weight per bushel and the lowest valuation of the whole series. It has already been seen that the yield of the barley crop is very dependent on the supply of minerals, especially of phosphoric acid, and the table now under consideration shows that the same effect extends to the quality of the crop. The use of superphosphate on Plots 2 as compared with Plots 1 gives a better proportion of grain to straw, a higher weight per bushel, and a greatly increased value ; similarly, the omission of superjjhosphate on Plots 3 as EFFECT OF SEASON rroN (^)rAMTV 8:. compared with Plots 4 results in a deterioration of all thr (palities making for value in the barley. Comparing tin- barley from riots 3 and Plots 1, in the absence of super- phosphate the potash salts on Plots o do not effect much improvement, though their presence on Plots 4 as compared Avitli Plots 2 results in an improved quality. Tlie presence of potash in the manure increases the straw more than the grain. In all the series it will be seen that Plots o and 4, receiving potash, give a lower proportion of grain to straw than do Plots 1 and '2, without potash. If we compare the series together, the rape calie gives better barleys than either ammonium-salts or nitrate of soda, but the sample which on the average is the best is that grown with the full minerals and ammonium-salts. Table XXXV. gives a comparison of the crop of grain and straw, the weight per bushel of the grain, and the proportion of grain to straw, in 1893, a typically dry and hot year, and in 1891, a wet but free-growing year. The amount of grain produced is not dissimilar in the two years, but 1894 grew very much more straw, the average proportion of grain to straw l)eing only about 7n as against 90 in the dry season. The weight per bushel of the grain is also higher, averaging 557 lb. in the dry year 1893 as against 52-5 lb. in the wet year 1894. In the dry year the plot receiving farmyard manure had a very great advantage, and grew 25 percent, more than the other completely manured plots ; whereas in the wet season when it gave about its average crop, several others gave almost as nmch, and it was actually excelled l)y the plot receiving nitrate of .-^-oda and minerals. As was n(jticed in the case of the whrat erop. nitrate of .soda an.swered better than ammonium-salt >^ in the wet year, giving on Plot 4 N 45 bushels of grain and :):) \ cwi. of straw against 41 -4 bu.shels of grain and 2«)s c-wt. of >tra\v on Plot 4 A; whereas in the dry year the annnonium -sdts had a slight advantage. Taking, however, averages over the whole period, it is found that the seasons in which the ammonium- 86 EXPERIMENTS UPON BARLEY 5^ V. ur50 03 O 00 •* IX> Ill 2 ^^^^ t-, ^ cp ip ip O O CD 1^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^.. .., 1 . CO (M l^ CO 2 O C3 .-H O (i _^ 8 1 g ro ^s ^ (M ooopt^ T- T' ■?"?'' U-. U-. O 00 IM t^ fc t^ 00 t- l^ in Jr-t^t^ CD 1-- '£> CO °i ^ o g 05 ,;H O CO C0OO3(M 00 cC' oa -^ IC 00 00 i^ W ,-1 lO CM .-H cr. .-H o CO Ot^ lO 00 \r. ^ i-- CO w i^ GO O 00 O CO 0-. CO o OS O QO Oi W Os (i ■s ^^o OS Tf rH l>1 ^^ i a-^^-^ ! 1 o o o »o Vo% CO ^ tC .-H O rH .-H O CO CO r-4 CO CO .-1 O 00 •s o ;;^ o o in CO u-5 -:(< »0 CO U-, u-5 CO o lo u-5 it: CO CO t^ ^ " i-~. O lO 'C O lO »o o o u- U-; o lO u-5 in u-^ U-: lo ^ CC .-1 03 -* u-5 O CO CO CO U-; rj< ^ (M CO OS ,-1 T*< 00 cc * t^ O cr 00 OS •* (M CO (M O •* 00 CO CO CO 00 in i-H (M (M CN (N 1-1 ^ g ^•0 0105 CO CO CO O KT .-^ CO CO lO O OS CO U-: CO i; i i >0 l^ W 03 O CO OH^ .-H O IC CO CD t- CO -* " ^c i 1 9 ^- >p ^ S O ?0 03 CO ■^ OS CO tH CO 03 o o 4t< O Oi O OS rx o -^ u-5 i 01 i^ CO -i< .-H CO .-1 ^ CO CO Ct 00 01 Tji o 1 i - M I;- ao 05 CO i-l CO 00 >p 00 Oi o C'l OD -^ -O o-\ ^ goCr^t^O. 1 . c n 2 •i o3 "^6 6 ■l 1 . Oi^'O •<^ ^- X s 111 1 11 i lis S Q li 1 0313 S^ (u'H.^'§ 1? .2 o-S « -^ §-3 D i s^l" as >> 2^:^5 £ a.^ = 51 J FM ^ ^ CO ^ ,-l(N CO Tt< rH CM CO ^ >-H C^ 00 ^ t- t^ EFFECT OF SEASON VVi)^ OrAMTV s7 salts give a better crop than the nitrate u\' soda are wi'tter througliout than those in which the nitrate of sixhi is tlie more effective source of nitrogen. A wi't AFareli seems to he tlir most liurtful to the nitrate of so(hi pU)t. Tlie comparative effect of the mineral manures in a wet and (h*y season are also similar to those noticed in tlie ease of tlie wheat. Inllicwct season the crop is very dependent upon supplies of minerals in the manure, and especially on an abundance of phosphoric acid. In 1894 the addition of phosphoric acid raised the yield from 10-4 bushels per acre on Plot 1 A to 134 '9 bushels per acre on Plot 2 A, and from 17 "8 Inishels per acre on Plot 3 A to 41-4 bushels per acre on Plot 4 A. In a dry season it is potash that chiefly tells ; for example in 1S93 the addition of potash on Plot 4 A to the superphosphate and anunonium-salts on Plot 2 A, produced a specially marked increase of crop, from 181 to 30"8 bushels per acre. Doubtless in the wet season the ripening ef!ect of the phosphoric acid is specially valual)le, while in a dry season tlie potash, by inducing a longer period of growth, is more effective in increasing the crop. The ripening action of the phosphoric acid may also be seen in the way it increases the weight per Inishel of the orain in a wet season, whereas in a drv season it has little or no effect. In the dry season the weight per bushel is much higher than in the wet, and the grain is about e<[ual in weight to the straw, whereas in the wet season the weight of grain only amounts to about 70 per cent, of the straw. Taking the results as a whole, it is seen that season has a nuich greater effect in bringing about changes in the composi- tion of the barley grain than have variations in the manuring, but that the best barley will be grown with a fair but not large amount of nitrogenous manure c()nd)ined with a free supply of phosphoric acid in some way or other. It does not appear possible to establish any such critical periods for the rainfall in relation to the growth of barley as could be done for wheat. 88 EXPERIMENTS UPON BARLEY The Table (XXXVI.) shows the fifty-three barley crops since 1852, taking the average of the completely manured plots divided into five groups according to their yield of grain, Table XXXVI. Produce per Acre. Average of Plots 7-2, 4A, 4AA, and 4 0. Rainfall. March. April. j July. Total. March, April, May. Total. June, July. Grain. straw. Bushels. 50-2 43-4 38-6 34-8 27-7 Cwt. 29-2 25-5 21-6 22-5 18-1 Inches. 1-442 1-909 1-938 2-092 1-590 Inches. 1-649 1 -803 1-609 1-940 2-086 Inches. 1-919 2-122 1-996 2-048 2-807 Inches. 2-302 2-769 2 -.506 2-386 2-103 Inches. 2-967 2-801 3-074 2-666 1-840 Inches. 5-010 5-8.34 5-543 6-080 6-483 Inches. 5-269 5-570 5-580 5-052 3-943 together with the mean rainfall for each of the five months during which growth is proceeding. No very definite relation- ship is observable, though a general tendency will be seen to get the heaviest average yield when the earlier months of growth (March to May) are dry, also the lightest average yield when the latter months of growth (June and July) are the driest. II. — Barley Grown in Rotation, Agdell Field. It has already been stated that the production of barley in the rotation field shows much the same decline on the manured plots as it does on the completely manured plots in the Hoos field, but that the decline must on the whole be set down to unfavourable seasons. For selected plots on the rotation field. Table XXXYII. gives the production of grain and straw and certain particulars as to quality, taking an average of the last five courses only. The first plot has been wholly unmanured, and all the crops in the rotation are removed from the land ; the average produc- tion is, however, higher than on the unmanured plots growing barley continuously, because of the fallowing the land receives. When minerals only are applied to the root-crop on Plot 2 (roots are grown immediately before the barley), there results a QUALITY OF ILVIILKV (IKOWX ]\ KoTA IK >\ -'.» comparatively large i)i()(lucti()n of roots; sinee these are re- moved and since no nitrogen has been supplied, they take away a certain quantity of nitrogen, and theret'ori' exhaust the soil Table XXXVI I. — AndrJl Iwtatiun Jiarlci/. Avcrtujc of 5 ycurs (1885, '89, '93, '97, and i901). Manuring for Roots before Barley. Treat- ment of Roots. Tliir.l Course in Rotation. Produce per acre. Weight per Bush. Grain to 100 of Straw. Weight of 1000 Mtrog«n iwr (»iit. Ill Dry Grain. Kiillmat«d 1 Value |>rr 1 Grain. Straw. Grains. (iuarV-r. 1. Unmanured 2. Minerals . 3. Do. . . 4. Do. . . 5. Complete . Carted Carted Carted Fed Fed Fallow Fallow Clover Clover Clover Bush. 13-6 19-9 28-9 34-1 Cwt. 10-8 9-3 12-8 17-5 23-4 53-8 54-0 54-4 55-3 76-6 77-3 80-0 85-9 74-9 Grams. 42-4 39-7 43-0 44-3 46-2 Per cent. 1-562 1-484 1-5.19 1 -.'.76 1-693 H. I>. 27 10 28 7 29 •J9 11 29 «; on this plot of its nitrogen to a much greater extent than on Plot 1, which grows a very small root-crop; hence a smalltr barley crop follows the roots on Plot '1. The minerals in fiict do not increase the production of the liarley to an extent which will compensate for the loss of nitrogen in the increase/. Ag. So',:, 61 (1900), IS.',. CHAPTER VI EXPERIMENTS UPON OATS Experiments upon Oats grown continuously upon the same Land, Geescroft Field. Experiments upon oats on very similar lines to the trials with wheat and barley were begun in 1869 in the Geescroft field, but on a smaller scale, as only six plots, each one-eighth acre, were set out. These experiments were, however, abandoned after ten years : the Geescroft field, although it shows on physical analysis a lighter texture than either Broadbalk or Hoos fields, yet always lies comjjaratively wet, and appears to suffer more than any other field from the continued use of nitrate of soda, probably because the chalking to which the other fields have been subjected has not been carried out in this field. As the experiments ran into the cycle of wet seasons from 1873 onwards, it became almost impossible to work the land, and the experiment was abandoned after 1878. The average results set out in Table XXXVIII. are for the first five years only of the experiment. Putting aside the deterioration of the texture of the land, which may be taken as an accident independent of the nature of the crop, there is no evidence that oats cannot be grown continuously on the same land — the tenth crop on the unmanured plot, for example, was larger than any other since the first. The manurial requirements of the oats are also very similar to those of the other cereal crops, resembling barley perhaps more than wheat. The crop shows some response to minerals only, but the chief increase of crop comes with OATS GKOAVX C'ONTl M'orsi.V «.:: applications of nitrogen. I'vrn alhnvini; i'or the (li'lerioration of soil texture which so niuth affected the nitrate of soda plots, ammonium-salts appea'- to he the hotter soiuvc of nitrogen. Table XXXVIIT. — Oats, Gcesvroft Field. Avcmiie rmhur per m ,r, 5 t/aiis (1869-1873). Descriptum of Outa—Blark Tarlarinu. Vlot. Jlanures per acre. IVoduea per ten. j Mineral. Nitrogenous. Oraln. ' i! il II |1 fl II -1 e 7. ■^? 5 = '•1 < y-'z O" '**. Lb. Lb. Lb. Cwt. Lb. Lb. Uusli. Lb. C»t. 1 19-9 33-8 10-4 2 200 100 100 3-r. 24 -5 35-0 131 3 400 47-0 35-9 2^L 4 200 100 100 3-5 400 59-0 37-0 41-1 5 550 47-1 35-5 27-.'. 6 200 100 100 3-r. 550 57-5 35-8 ».. ^ * Equal parts of Sulpli.itf aii'l Muriate Ammonia of Comiiierco. For the manm-ing of oats in practice the recommendation.^ set out for barley may l)e followed, except that tlie (luantitic- there given may be somewhat increased for oats. CHAPTEE VII EXPERIMENTS UPON ROOT-CROPS GRO^YN CONTINUOUSLY ON THE SAME LAND I. Experiments upon Mangels, Barn Field, 1876-1904: A. Effect of Nitrogenous Manures. B. Effect of Mineral Manures. C. Comparison of Nitrate of Soda and Ammonium-salts as sources of Nitrogen. D. Effect of Nitrogenous and Mineral Manures when used in Con- junction with Dung. IJ. Proportion of Root to Leaf. F. Proportion of the Nitrogen recovered in Crop to that suppHed in Manure. G. The Composition of the Mangel Crop as affected by Manuring. General Conclusions. II. Experiments upon Turnips, Barn Field, 1847-70. Practical Conclusions. III. Experiments on the Continuous Growth of Potatoes on the same Land, Hoos Field, 1876-1901. Practical Conclusions. IV. Experiments on the Growth of Sugar-Beet, Barn Field : A. First Series, 1871-75. B. Second Series, 1898-1901. Practical Conclusions. References. As the original design of the Eothamsted Experiments embraced all the crops of the farm, so essential a feature of English farming as the root-crops naturally occupied a prominent place ; indeed we find that the second paper of experimental results issued from Eothamsted in 1847 dealt with turnip culture. In 1843, accordingly, the Barn field was set aside for experiments on turnips, the trials being on Norfolk white turnips for six seasons, 1843-1848, followed by GENERAL HISTORY OF FIELD (^.KMnVINC IJOOTs n:. Swedes for four seasons, 1840-Ls:)l>. Larlcy was then ^towii for three years to equalise the soil comlitions, and the pl.H^ were rearranged on substantially the plan they occupy to-day. Swede turnips were grown for fifteen seasons, Ls.lO-iisro, hut it was found impossible to continue the growth of Swedes upon the same land year after year with any success. This was mainly due to the incidental circumstance that on growing the same description of crop, with the same comparatively limited and superficial root-range, for so many years in succession, the surface soil became less easily worked, and the tilth, so important for turnips, was frequently unsatisfactory ; whilst for want of variety and depth of root-range of the crop, a somewhat impervious pan was formed below. After the Swedes sugar-beet followed for five years with the same manures, except that in the last two the nitrogenous manures were omitted, and in 1876 mangels took the place of sugar- beet and have continued ever since. No difHculty has been experienced in growing mangels continuously on the siime land, as may be seen from the fact that the twenty-fifth crop in 1900 was the largest of the series. This success nuist be attributed partly to the extended root-range of the mangel, partly also to its freedom from insect and fungoid attacks, which tend to accumulate on land carrying one crop con- tinuously. The only difficulty is experienced on the plots receiving saline manures only, especially where large dressings of nitrate of soda are repeated every year. Owing to the constant removal of organic matter and the injurious action of the saline manures upon the textm'e of the soil the land gets into a bad mechanical condition, veiy sticky when wet, and drying with a hard crust, so nuich so that there is occasionally a complete loss of plant from this ciiuse alone. In the Hoos field experiments upon potatoes were begun in 1876, and continued for twenty-six years; they were then discontinued, because the crop on the plots receiving no organic manures had fallen to a very low ebb in consefpicnce of the deterioration of the texture of the soil. But on the jilots 96 EXPERIMENTS UPON ROOT-CROPS receiving farmyard manure, and even on those receiving only a complete artificial manm-e, the crop was maintained in favom^- able seasons. No falling- off was observed wdiich could be attributed to the land having become "sick" through the continuous growth of the same crop, or through the accumula- tion of disease in the soil. The essential feature of the root-crops is the large amount of digestible carbohydrate they contain ; in the case of Swedes this consists of glucose, which forms 6 to 7 per cent, of the whole weight of the Swedes, the total dry matter being about 11 percent, of the whole. In the mangel there is about 8*5 23er cent, of cane sugar, the total dry matter being about 12-5 per cent. In potatoes the carbohydrate is starch, of which the tubers contain about 20 per cent., out of a total dry matter content of 25 per cent. I. — Experiments upon Mangels, Barn Field, 1876-1904. The area under experiment amounts to about 8 acres, most of the plots being about one- seventh acre in extent ; the whole produce from each plot is weighed, but the roots only are carted away, the leaves after weighing being spread and ploughed in. The field is divided longitudinally into seven strips running the whole length of the field ; each of these strips receives one manure throughout its length ; farmyard manure alone on Stri^D 1, and in combination with superphosj^hate and sulphate of potash on Strip 2, nothing on Strip 8, superphosphate alone on Strip 5, superphosphate and sulphate of potash on Strip 6 ; and complete minerals, including fmther sulphate of magnesia and common salt, on Strip 4. The strips are then subdivided into plots by cross - dressings of nitrogenous manures ; nothing on the O Series, nitrate of soda on Series N, ammonium-salts on Series A, rape cake on Series C, and a combination of ammonium-salts and rape cake on Series AC. Thus, as shown in Table XXXIX., VALUE OF FAIJMVAIM) MANTIM': <»7 there are plots showing every coinbiiiiition Ijt'twccii the vaiidiis mineral and nitrogenous dressings eniploycfl. The mineral manm-es, the dun^' and tlic lapc cal^c, are Table XXXIX. — Experiments on Mmij/cl Win-zel, Jinni Field, U;/innini/ 1876. Quantifies of Manures per acre per annum. Stiip Maiiuros NitrogenoUH Hanurm running acroM all the StrliM.. 4 . SeuesO. N. A. AC. 0. strip. !i ^ ^1 -5 «■! «> . t 1* ti ill -I II i ■ e 11 1. 1^ li Tons Cwt. Lb. Lb. Lb. Lb. Lb. Lb. Lb. Lb. Lb. Lb. 1 14 550 400 2000 400 2000 2 14 3-5 soot 550 400 2000 400 2000 4 3-5 500 200 260 550 400 2000 400 2000 ^ 3-5 550 400 2000 400 2000 6 3 -a .^00 550 400 2000 400 2000 3-5 500 36-5 550 400 2000 400 2000 8 ... 550 400 2000 400 2000 Equal parts Sulphate and Muriate Ammonia of Comnipfce. The addition of Potash to Plot 2 began in 1895. Its and ploughed in just before seeding, the annnonuiin-saits nitrate of soda are sown as top dressings. The seed was dibbled in the earher years of the expcrinu'nt ; it is now drilled, 26 inches between the rows, and the ])lants are singled out to 10 inches apart. The following tables give, (XL.) the average weight of roots grown on each plot during the twenty-seven year.s 1H70-11MH> ; (XLI.) the weight of roots and leaves grown in the best season, 1900. A first inspection of the results shows the enormous value of farmyard manure in growing mangels, especially when tliey are grown continuously on the same land. In tavouiabh' seasons it is possible to obtain good crops by ilie aid of manures containing no organic matter, as seen in I'.MJU; l)ut in ordinary years the bad texture of the soil and its tendency to lose water on account of the lack of lniiiius atVcet both tlie germination of the seed and the growtli of tiie plant in it.s early fita^'es. It will be convenient, therefore, to e(.n>id(i- separately 98 EXPERIMENTS UPON ROOT-CROPS the plots receiving dung and those which are manured exchi- sively with "artificials." Table XL. — Barn Field Mangel Wurzel. Average Produce of Boots per acre over 27 years (1876 to 1902). strip. strip Manures. Cross-Dressings. O. N. A. AC. C. None. Nitrate of Soda. Ammonium- salts. Rape Cake and Ammonium- salts. SS. 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 Dung only Dung, Super., Potash* . Complete Minerals Superphosphate only Super, and Potash Super. , Potash , and 7 -8 lb. N. as Amm. -salts None .... Tons. 17-44 17-95 5-36 5-21 4-55 5-93 3-91 Tons. 24-74 25-19 18-01 15-40 15-38 15-63 10-24 Tons. 21-73 22-35 14-86 7-66 14-03 14-60 5-89 Tons. 24-05 24-91 25-49 10-38 22-48 22-30 9-84 Tons. 23-96 24-43 21-33 11-13 18-63 19-19 10-00 The addition of Potash to Plot 2 only began in ; Table XLI. — Baom Field Mangel Wurzel. Produce of Boots and Leaves per acre. Season 1900. {Good season.) strip Manures. Cross-Dressings. O. N. A. AC. C. None. Nitrate of Soda. Ammonium- salts. Rape Cake and Ammonium- salts. s. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. 1 Dung only . { R. 25-25 L. 2-15 41-30 4-35 26-10 3-65 27-65 3-55 30-35 3-10 2 Dung, Super. , Potash ' { R. 28-05 L. 2-60 41-85 5-00 35-70 5-60 38-40 6-00 35-55 3-55 4 Complete Minerals R. 8-75 L. 1-10 33-10 4-95 28-95 3-25 43-20 6-30 34-55 3-80 ^ Superphosphate only R. 9-15 L. 1-30 28-35 3-85 12-00 2-95 14-95 2-15 14-90 2-60 6 Super, and Potash r R. 7-05 L. 0-95 29-65 3-60 28-20 3-60 37-55 5-65 29-40 2-95 7 Super., Potash, and 7*8 f lb. N. as Amm. -salts \ R, 10-80 L. 1-35 28-70 4-85 28-70 5-10 36-95 7-20 29-20 4-20 8 None . •{ R. 7-75 L. 1-15 22-55 4-85 12-85 3-65 15-65 3-35 15-40 3-40 The addition of Potash to Plot 2 only be-an in 1S95. DEPENDENT UPON NlTKOdFAOlS MAMIM'.s <.'.» A. Ejfect of Nitro(h'n()ii.< Munun.^. Tlic nianu'fl wm/fl, being a plant with a large leaf development, was at one time to a certain extent regarded as one of the restorative crops, capable, with its large area of leaf, of drawing npon the atmospheric nitrogen and thus rendering itself independent of nitrogenous manures. Though it was obvious that nitrogenous manm-es had a powerful effect even upon leafy crops, it was urged that the benefit consisted in starting the crops, which, as soon as they had attained their proper development of leaf, would continue to feed themselves by drawing upon the nitrogen of the atmosphere. It was with the view of testing the truth of this opinion that the manuring on Plots 7 was arranged. They receive superphosphate and sulphate of potash as mineral manures, together with a small quantity of nitrogen, 36! lb. per acre of ammonium-salts conUiining 7'8 lb. of nitrogen per acre, i.e., about one-eleventh of the amount applied to the plots in Series A. On the hypothesis indicated above, the small quantity of nitrogen would act as a starter, and establish the plant, which should then be able to maintain itself upon atmospheric nitrogen. The results, however, yielded by Plots 7 as compared with Plot 6 show this opinion to be mistaken, the small addition of 7'8 lb. of nitrogen per acre produces an increase of crop of 1'4 ton per acre only, whereas a further 86 lb. of nitrogen raises the crop by 87 tons per acre. Thus the opinion may be dismissed that the mangel plant when once started can become independent of the nitrogen in the soil and manure. AVe may next pass on to a consideration of the effects of the varying forms and amcjunts of nitrogen when useiit on tlie source of nitrogen employed: thus I Ih. of nitrogen as animonium-sahs gives un increase of 01 10 ton, as nitrate of soila the increase is 0147 ton fov each lb. of nitroi^'en, while with rape cake the increase WITH COMPLETE MlNEKAl.s. (Plots 4.) WITH l)LX(i. (P1.0TH 1.) Fill. 14. — Maiifrtl Wur/.el. KfTict of iiureasiiif; ainoimts of Nitrop n. Avini;.'c Produce of Roots per acre. 1 876-1 W2. O = No Nitrogenous Manure. I N = S(5 II). Nitrogen as Nitrate of Stnlii. A = 86 lb. Nitrogen as Ainmoniuin-salts. I C = 9S lb. Nitrogen as Ha|>o Cake AC - P-^ lb. Nitrogen as Rape Cake, and *"') Ih. Nitn>;,'<'n as ,\mnioniiiin-salts. is 0T03 ton for each II). of nitrogen api)lic(l. IJape cake, in fact, is not strictly comparable with the other two sources of nitrogen, for not only does it contribute a consideiable aniouni of organic matter to t):e soil, thus improving its texttuc arnl water-retaining power, l»ut it is also a more .sl.)wly-aeting manure. Some of its residues accumulate from .sea.son to sea.son, and little by little become available for ihe later crops, while we have plenty of evidence that, on the liothamsted soil. 102 EXPERIMENTS UPON ROOT-CROPS neither nitrate of soda nor ammonium-salts leave any effective residue. In seasons of exceptional growth, with a big crop Hke that of 1900, it might be expected that as the plant was utilising much more thoroughly the supply of nitrogen, then the smaller amounts on some of the plots, plentiful enough for an ordinary year, might prove to be insufficient. There is no indication, how- ever, of this being the case, as may be seen by a consideration of Table XLT. ; the increase of crop on Plots 4, receiving no dung but a complete mineral manure, continues with each application of nitrogen, but not more so than in normal seasons. On the dunged plots, indeed, it is not those receiving most nitrogen (Plots 1 and 2 AC), which give the highest crop, but those cross-dressed with nitrate of soda, as though the availability of the nitrogen and the presence of a large supply of alkaline salts had been the determining factors in producing the maximum crop. The whole results go to show that, dependent on nitrogen as the mangel crop is, the first application is the most effective, each succeeding addition of nitrogen producing a smaller return in the shape of an increase of crop. The injurious effects of the very large amounts of nitrogen added to some of the plots is very manifest wherever there is more nitrogen than the plant can properly deal with. The leaves have a dark green appearance, are much curled and crinkled, and show an increased tendency to variegation, the chlorophyll collecting into dark green or almost black blotches on the lighter background of the leaf. The leaf-stalks are often much more coloured, and become a bright orange yellow. On these plots the leaves do not ripen off and obtain the general yellow flaccid appearance presented on the more healthy plots when the crop is ready to lift ; instead, the outer leaves begin to die and shrivel up quite early in October ; in some places they show numbers of dead spots and burnt - looking patches round the edges of the leaf. The destruction appears to be due to a leaf- spot fungus, EFFECT OF EXCESS OF MTL'OCKX lo:} Uromi/ces heta>, and to a Tonila, wliicli is abundantly developed on tlie mangels on the plots receiving an excess of nitrogen but is not present elsewhere in the field. Thus, towards the end of October the plots receiving the excess of nitrogen present a very unhealthy appearance ; a large proportion of the plants seem scorched and withered as regards the outer leaves, and only show a cluster of small dark green active leaves at the heart. The above appearances are not confined to the phjts receiving very large amounts of nitrogen ; it is rather a question of the relative excess of nitrogen as compared with the quantity of available alkalies, especially of potash. Thus the plants on Plot 1 AC are particularly bad, as they receive the maximum amount of active nitrogen in addition to the dung, whereas the plants on Plot 2 AC, which receive the same nitrogen but also sulphate of potash, arc comparatively healthy. The plants receiving nitrate of soda as a source of nitrogen show less damage than those receiving an equivalent amount of nitrogen in the shape of ammonium-salts. Super- phosphate, in the absence of alkaline salts, seems to increase rather than diminish the injurious effects. B. Effect of Mineral Manures. The effect of the difierent mineral constituents of a manure upon the mangel crop can be seen by an examination of the results yielded by Plots 4, 5, and 6. Plots 5 receive superphosphate only at the rate of 392 lb. per acre. Plots 6 receive 500 lb. per acre of sulphate of potash in addition to the superphosphate, while on IMots 4 the other alkalies which are taken up by the plant are added in the shape of 200 lb. of sulphate of magnesia and 200 lb. of common salt per acre. In the cross-dressings of nitrogenous manures it should be noticed tliat all the plots in Series N receive soda through the use of nitrate of soda, whereas the other nitrogenous dressings, being either ammonium-salts or rape cake, provide no appreciable amount of alkaline sidts. The following diagram (15) shows the results given in Table XL., but set out in a graphic form, for Plots 8, 5, 6, and 104 EXPERIMENTS UPON ROOT-CROPS 4 ; the first column in each group represents the mean crop for twenty-seven years on Plot 8, receiving no mineral manures ; the second column represents the crop of Plot 5, receiving super- phosphate only ; the third, that of Plot 6, with potash in Ammonium Salts. □ NoMinerals. p^Superphosphate. IpSuperphosphate ■ Superphosph y^yj [^\2j and Potash. H Magnesia s ate. Potash, and Soda. Fig. 15. — Mangel Wurzel. EiFect of variou.s Mineral Manures. Produce of Roots per acre, 1876-1902. Average addition to the superphosphate ; and the last column represents the crop of Plot 4, which receives superphosphate and all the alkalies — potash, magnesia, and soda. The four plots in each series are grouped together. To the first group (O) no nitrogenous manure is applied ; in the second (N), nitrate of soda ; in the third (A), ammonium-salts ; in the fourth (C), rape cake ; and in the fifth (AC), rape cake and ammonium-salts^ are respectively the sources of nitrogen. A first inspection of the diagram shows that superphosphate VALT'K ()|- POTASH 10.% produces but little increase of crop cxccjit when uxd wiili nitrate of soda ; the average increase of cro}) due to sujx'rjdios pliate on Series A, AC-, and (', where ammonia or rape cake is the source of nitrogen, is only 1 l' loiis per acre, whereas tlie average increase it causes where nitrate of soda is used amounts to d"2 tons per acre. This latter result demonstrates that phosphoric acid is necessary for the proper (h'velopment of the mangel plant, but that in the absence of alkaline salts on the ammonia and rape cake plots it cannot exercise any sensible influence. The great increase of crop comes as a rule when potash is added to the superphosphate : the crop on the plots receiving ammonium-salts rises from 77 to 14"0 tons per acre; with rape cake the rise is from 11 T to 18"6 tons per acre; with rape cake and ammonium- salts the increase is from 104 to 22 5 tons per acre. Only with nitrate of soda as the source of nitrogen is there no increase for the addition of potash, the crop being practically equal on the two plots and ;'>, with and without potash. The necessity of potash for the mangel crop is still more strikingly seen in the seasons of large crop : where no potash is supplied in the manure the plant has to get as nuich as it can from the reserves of potash contained in the soil, and, as it is difficult to accelerate this process, the crop on these plots cannot make nearly such good use of favourable conditions for growth as the crops which have a large amount of potash at command. For example, in 1000 the addition of potash to superphosphate and ammonium-salts raised the crop from 120 to 282 tons per acre, and on the plots receiving rape cake and ammonium-salts the rise was from 14i> to !57"» tons per acre. A further inspection of the diagram shows thai the ailditioti of magnesium sulphate and salt to the plots receiving potash and superphosphate, as represented by the last columns in the figure, brings about a further small but perceptible incicase of crop, and the increase is proportionately more for the larger crops. The most probable cause is that the 400 lb. of soluble 106 EXPERIMENTS UPON ROOT-CROPS salts, the magnesium sulphate and sodium chloride added to Plots 4 but not to Plots 6, though providing no direct plant food, yet so assist to render soluble the reserves in the soil and to economise the supply of potash, that the crop receives an indirect benefit equivalent to an addition of the more indispen- sable elements of nutrition. The great effect of potash, and to a less degree of the other alkaline salts, upon the mangel crop is very striking, and is to be correlated with the fact that the mangel is essentially a sugar-producing plant, and that large supplies of potash seem to be essential to the processes in the plant which result in the formation of sugar and similar carbohydrates. Doubtless the long period over which the experiments have been continued has intensified the effect, because the soil of Plot 5, which has received no potash for at least forty- seven years, must by this time have been very thoroughly exhausted of available potash. The poor returns of Plots 5, receiving no potash, have been progressive, getting worse each year as the initial stock of potash in the soil has become more and more exhausted. For this reason, the farmer taking his mangel crop in rotation need not expect to find an addition of potash produce such a very large proportionate increase as is here manifest. The effect of potash and of the other saline manures is plainly visible in the appearance of the plants themselves. On the plots receiving potash the plant begins to ripen early, the leaves turn yellow and become flaccid, so that in October these plots may be seen outlined from the rest by their lighter tint at any distance from which the field can be viewed. The ripening effect and the lighter colour are even more apparent where the complete mineral manure, containing also magnesium sulphate and salt, has been applied, than where potash has been used alone. On the contrary, the plots receiving no potash show all the signs previously described as indicating an excess of nitrogen — the premature death of the outer leaves, and the dark green, curled, and unhealthy appearance of the NITRATE OF SODA AND AMMOM r M S A ITS i(»7 remaining tufts of small loaves, which show no >iLMi> of completing their growth however prolonged the si'ason may he. C. Comparison of Nitrate of Soda and Amman} nw-.oilt.-' as sources of Nitrogen. It has already been pointed out that the plots of Series N cross-dressed with nitrate of soda, give better crops than the corresponding plots of Series A. whicli receive the same amount of nitrogen in the form of ammonium sulphate and chloride. This is particularly the case on Plots 5 and 8, w^here no potash is added, for the soda of the nitrate of soda seems to supply the alkali needed by the plant, or at any rate enables it to utilise the reserves contained in the soil. The superiority of nitrate of soda is, however, also Ncry evident on the other plots receiving potash or the comijlete alkaline salts. Taking the mean of Plots 1, 2, 4, 6, and 7. and comparing Series N and A, the crop obtained with 80 11 >. of nitrogen in the form of nitrate of soda exceeds the crop of the corresponding plots in the ratio of 100 to 89. On the Rothamsted soil nitrate of soda always gives rather a higher return than ammonium-salts, but not quite to the same extent with other crops as with mangels ; the superiority of nitrate of soda is, however, not so marked as to suggest any specific affinity of mangels for nitrate of soda, lovers of saline matter and of nitrates though they are. The cause of the superiority of the nitrate of s(j(la is probably to be found in the different character of the growth it induces ; being freely soluble in water and not retained in any way by the soil, it sinks more readily, with the result that the plant develops a longer and deeper root-system to follow the nutriment. Ammonium-salts, on the contrary, are immediately absorbed by soil of the Kothamsted type, and are retained very close to the smface ; the plant in consequence deveIoj)s a root-system correspondingly near the surface, and does not search the subsoil so thoroughly for either food or water. The appearance of the mangel cnjp when it is ready to lift also confirms the opinion expressed al)ove, that the superiority of the nitrate of soda is partly due to the increased I'oot -range 108 EXPERIMENTS UPON ROOT-CROPS it induces. If we compare the plots receiving potash, viz., 4, 6, and 7, those which are cross-dressed with ammonium-salts are dead ripe and the leaves all yellowing off, when the corre- sponding nitrate of soda plots are still green and growing vigorously. The droughts and heat of the summer and the autumnal fall of temperature all have a greater effect on the more shallow -rooted mangels grown with ammonium -salts, and bring their growth to an earlier conclusion ; the pro- longed growth with the nitrate of soda helps also to explain the greater weight of produce on these plots. If, however, we compare the appearances presented by the mangels grown with nitrate of soda and with ammonium-salts on Plots 5 and 8, where the manure contains no potash, the nitrate of soda plants are far healthier and more mature. In this case the nitrate of soda seems to be also able to do some of the work of the potash, both by enabhng the plant with its extended root- range to draw more freely upon reserves of potash in the soil and subsoil, and also by the soda acting itself as a potash substitute, or perhaps more correctly, as a potash economiser. Here, with no potash supplied, the superiority of the plots receiving nitrate of soda over the corresponding plots with ammonium-salts has been a progressive one, increasing from year to year ; while the relative effect of nitrate of soda and ammonium-salts when potash is also supplied in the manure is constant, or only varies with the character of the seasons, D. Efect of Nitrogenous and Mineral Manures when used in Conjunction with Dung. It has already been indicated that the crops on plots receiving dung are on the average much better than those grown with artificial manures only. To a large extent this is due to the imjDrovement in the texture and water- retaining capacity of the soil which has been effected by the repeated application of farmyard manure. The seed always germinates better on these jDlots and grows away at an earher date, so that in some years of great heat and drought, like 1895 and 1901, a crop is obtained on the dunged plots when the plant fails almost entirely on the plots receiving no organic VALrK OF FAI.'M\AIM) \l WIIM Km maiuire. Even wlion \hv plant docs not cntiiclx fail it lias been often nt)tieeil that, if a spoil uf liot weather comes in the early part of the season, the plant on the dnn^ed plots will lie growing vigorously when that on the othei- plots is still struggling for exislenee. Later on, when all ihe jilani i^ •established, the ditierences are not so marked, an the crop grown with dung, if due allowance be made for the larger amount of nitrogen actually supplied to tlie dunged plots. The right-hand portion of the diagram Fig. 14, page KM. shows the effect of the successive additions of other niti-ogeiions manm'es to dung. Considering first the crops on Plot 1, in each series (see Table XL., page 98), we find that notwithstanding the large amount of nitrogen which the dung supphes, and its accunuila- tion in the soil, yet dressings of quickly-acting nitrogenous manures will still bring about an increase of crop, 'i'he amount of nitrogen annually supplied to Plot 1-0 is mnch greater than is removed by the crop, hence there nuist be a considerable accumulation of nitrogen from year to ycai- in the soil of this plot. Nevertheless, these reserves cannot become active quickly enough for the needs of so rapidly growing a plant as the mangel, hence the increase which is seen when a further addition of active nitrogen in the shape of ammoninm- ^alts or of nitrate of soda is made. When more than 86 lb. per acre of nitrogen is adde. i n, the average remains stationary at 24 tons per acic The (r(»p has, in fact, attained its maximum, and is limited, noi b\ the amount of nitrogen and other plant food available, bm l.\ its restricted period of growth, or l)y a scarcity of water, sindiiiht, and other factors of development. Turning to a comparison of Plots 1 and 2, some interesting results are to be seen ; both receive a sinnlar dressing of no EXPERIMENTS UPON ROOT-CROPS 14 tons per acre of farmyard manure every year, but for the first nineteen years of the experiment, from 1876 to 1894, Plot 2 received in addition 3J cwt. per acre of superphosphate. Tons perAcre. 1876-94 1895- 1902. Series AC 25 ^ % ^ -I n o // // m m m :■:■ '// ' /■/; ■.■■■■/ . ii % % 1 i liili III 1 1 1 AC P^Dung ^ Dung and Super- [^^Dun| H Dun|,Superphosph, •.vj°"'y- "■ ^ phosphate(l9years) -V-^ only. ■ and Potash (/years ate ears) Fig. 16. — Mangel Wurzel. EiFect of addition of Mineral Manure to Dung, with various Nitrogenous Cross-dressings. Average Produce of Roots per acre. From this first period we can ascertain the effect of super- phosphate as a supplement to dung. In the second period, which begins in 1895, sulphate of potash has been added to the superphosphate on Plots 2, so as to institute a com- parison between the effect of dung alone and of dung in conjunction with potash and phosphates. The results are set out graphically in the accompanying diagram Fig. 16. The left-hand half of this diagram shows the first period, when dung is compared with dung and phosphates. The right-hand VALUE OF I'OI'ASIl I II half of the diagram ivfrrs to {\w second [x'riod, ls7-1900. from the manure, and on that assumption the percentages given in the following table are calculated. In calculating the amount of nitrogen recovered each year no acctnint has ]>een taken of the leaves, because they are returned to the soil and their nitrogen i.s not removed from the land ; if both leaf and root were taken into account the recovery of iiiticLit'n tor any single year would be very much greater; indeed in some seasons when a big crop is grown more nitrogen is removeil in 114 EXPERIMENTS UPON ROOT-CROPS the roots alone than was supplied in the form of manure. Table XLII. shows the nitrogen supplied and removed from Plots 4, where there was a full supply of mineral manures, and from Plots 1, where dung was used with nitrogenous manures. The results show that both the nitrate of soda and the rape cake are very effective manures, about three-quarters of the nitrogen they supply each year being recovered in the roots removed from the land ; the ammonium-salts, and ammonium- salts mixed with rape cake are less effective, the recovery being between 50 and 60 per cent, of that applied. On the plots receiving dung, the proportion of nitrogen recovered at once becomes very much less, sinking to about one-third of that supplied in the manure. It is known that there is a very large accumulation of nitrogen in the soil of these continuously dunged plots, though not sufficient to make up all the difference between the nitrogen supplied and that removed in the crop. Of the nitrogen unaccounted for, some has been washed as nitrate into the subsoil, and some liberated as nitrogen gas by the agency of bacterial changes. Thus, when dung and nitrate are used, 115*8 lb. of nitrogen is recovered in the crop as compared with 63*3 lb. recovered from the dung when used alone ; if we deduct the 63*3 lb., as due to the dung, from the 115"8 lb. we obtain 52 '5 lb., which may be taken as the return from the nitrogen of the nitrate of soda when it is used in conjunction with dung. This amounts to 61 per cent, of the 86 lb. of nitrogen supplied, a proportion which compares favourably with the proportion recovered from nitrate of soda when used with a mineral manure only, if we take into consideration the fact that a much bigger crop is being grown with the two manures in conjunction than with either singly ; and, as we have seen before, it is the smaller applications of manure which give the best proportionate returns. These results, showing the large proportion of the nitrogen of nitrate of soda and other nitrogenous manures that is recovered, even when they are used in large amounts with dung year after year on the same land, lend no colour to the CoMrosri'ioN oi' M \N(;i:i.s iis opinion that in oniinary tarniing there is likoly to be serit)U.s loss ofnitrogen by " denitrihcation " ^ whtMi iiit ro^onous manures and dung are used together. Tiie soil is undoubtedly alwuys suffering losses of nitrogen in the gaseous state through various bacterial changes which can be roughly grouped togetlier under the term "denitritication," and these losses will increase the higher the condition of the land becomes and the more nitrogenous bodies of an easily decomposable naturi' are present. But there is no evidence in the Kothamsted mangel experiments to support the view that specific and excessive loss will set in when dung and nitrate of soda, or other active nitrogenous manure, are used together. G. T/te Composition of the Mangel Crop as ajcrtrti hi; Manuring. In many of the years during which the mangels have been grown, determinations have been made of the amount of sugar contained in the roots from tlie ditterent plots, sugar being the chief constituent of the dry matter of the mangel and the main element in its value as food. Tal)le XLIII. gives a summary of the results obtained in 1000 and 1902, years when crops were obtained above the average both in regularity and magnitude. In the various ct)lunms are set out the average weight of the roots, the prt)portions of dry matter and of sugar, both the glucose or reducing sugai- and the more important cane sugar, also the dry matter and sugar in pounds per acre on each plot. Other columns give tiir i- tion of the roots are small compared with the variations in liu- yiehl i'vom plot to ph^t ; the average weight of root varir> from 071 to 305 lb., but the pr()])ortion of dry malt.r ohIn fluctuates between 153 per cent, and lol> per (rnt. In ilif main the root grows as a whole tioni a very early stage, increasing in size but maintaining a fairly uniform coniposition. ♦ Seep. 219. 116 EXPERIMENTS UPON EOOT-CROPS If one or other element necessary to the nutrition of the plant be lacking, the root ceases to swell instead of altering its composition to meet the deficiency. Table XLIIl. — Composition of MaiKjd Roots. Mean of two Seasons (1900 and 1902). Sugar. Per acre. Nitrogen per acre in Average Series and Weight Matter. Quotient Glucose Dry Matter. Total Plot. Manure. Roots. Reducing. Cane. of Purity. Co- efficient. Sugar. Lb. Lb. Per cent. Per cent. Per cent. Lb. Lb. (1 200 2-44 13-37 0-34 8-64 64-6 3-9 6644 4292 2 200 2-81 13-03 0-29 8-32 63-9 3-5 7247 4620 0^4 0-74 14-89 0-23 9-78 65-7 2-4 2433 1579 5 0-76 1.5-25 0-21 10-85 71-1 1-9 2801 1996 u 0-71 15 -30 0-23 11-02 72-0 2-1 2074 1505 (1 286 3 -65 11-87 0-38 7-42 62-5 5-1 9833 6099 2 286 3-95 11-65 0-42 6-47 55-5 6-5 9684 5370 N\i 86 3-16 11-77 0-23 7-64 64-9 3-0 7699 4972 5 86 2-47 11-87 0-42 7-10 59-8 5-9 6629 3973 u 86 2-69 12-47 0-26 7-76 62-2 3-4 7305 4519 [1 286 2-89 11-40 0-25 6-87 60-3 3-6 6368 3828 2 286 3-22 11-90 0-25 7-09 59-6 3-5 8622 5112 Aj4 86 2-29 12-75 0-27 8-10 63-5 3-3 6487 4088 86 1-10 12-69 0-17 7-79 61-4 2-2 2950 1791 V6 86 2-41 13-43 0-25 8-81 65-6 2-8 6877 4488 [1 384 2-74 10-94 0-23 5-70 52-1 4-0 6294 3268 u .384 3 -.59 11-83 0-24 6-30 53-3 3-8 9619 5101 Ad 4 184 3-72 11-60 0-25 6-74 f.8-1 3-7 9542 5449 1-5 184 1-.30 11-86 0-lS 6-85 57-8 2-6 3218 1835 u 184 3-07 11-70 0-26 7-OS 60-5 3-7 8739 5257 [1 298 2-86 11-87 0-33 7-29 61-4 4-5 7382 4522 { 2 298 3-29 13-04 0-28 7-92 60-7 3-5 9579 5801 1 CJ4 98 3-25 12-05 0-32 7-76 64-4 4-1 7997 5127 1 98 1-25 12-84 0-25 7-95 61-9 3-1 3561 2193 1 16 98 2-69 12-94 0-44 8-28 63-8 5-3 7700 4904 There are, however, certain differences in composition which, if not large, are regular, and brought about l^y the differences in manuring. Dealing with a series of roots which receive an ample supply of mineral constituents, as on Plots 2, 4, or 6, the size of the root and the proportion of water rise with each addition of available nitrogen. The smallest and richest roots are those grown without nitrogenous manure, the largest and most watery are those wdiere nitrate of soda is used in con- junction with dung. The roots grown with ammonium-sahs srCAK 1\ .MAMii:i.S 117 or willi Vi\\)c viikc as llic sourci' of nitmi^M-n arc less watfiv tlian tliDse ^^"()\^•n witli iiiti'alr of soda, rapi' cake |»ro(lu('iii;: the richest roots for tlirir size. As reirai'ds its {'\]\'{\ lioth on the inaf purity " of the "A" as compared with the "N" series. The glucose co- efficient is correspondingly lower in the *'A" scries. Excess of nitrogen has the same effect as the sul)stitution of nitrate of soda in lowering the quotient of purity and raising the glucose coetticient. For instance, Plot 2 N gives a (|uoticnt of pni-ity of 55'5 as compared with 64'9 and 62*2 on IMot^ 4 N and «) N. which receive the same mineral manures but not the extr.i nitrogen of the dung on Plot 2 X; .similarly, ilie glucose co- efficient is 6 5 on Plot 2 X and only ;3 and oA on 4 N and 6 X"". Again, all the plots on the AC series, receiving both rape cake and ammonium-salts, show worse results as regards purity than the corresponding plots on either the A or the C series, which receive only one portion of the nitrogenous manure on series AC. The dependence of sugar-formation upon potasli is well seen by comparing the weights of sugar per acre produced on Plots 4 or 0, receiving potash, with the corresponding weights from Plot 5, without potash ; or by comparing Plots 2. where dung, nitrogenous manures, phosphates, and potash arc applied, with Plots 1, which receive dung and nitrogenons mainn*cs only. To this latter statement the nitrate Plots 1 and 2 affbrd an exception. As a rnle, however, the percentage tif sugar in tin- root is little if at all increased by the of jMitash ; the effVct comes from the increased crop, and is aj)parent in tli*- amount of sugar grown per acre. The ([uotient of purity is. however, better on IMots 4 and <3, with potash, than on Plots ."i, witiioul 118 EXPERIMENTS UPON ROOT-CROPS potash ; but this effect of potash in inducing the ripening of the mangel is not visible in the dunged plots. Although the analyses which have been made of the nitro- genous constituents of mangels are not yet wholly satisfactory, certain results are apparent. As regards the total nitrogen, the proportion present in the root reflects the supply of nitrogen in the manure, and as the roots get larger and more watery with the use of nitrate of soda or any excess of nitrogenous manure, so also does the proportion of nitrogen rise in the substance of the root. As to the forms in which the nitrogen is combined : the proportion of nitrogen in the proteid condition, whether soluble or insoluble, is at its highest in the plants which are nitrogen starved, and falls to its lowest point where nitrate of soda or any excess of other nitrogenous manures are used. The amides are also at their highest on the plots which show immaturity because of the use of large quantities of nitrogen, and especially of nitrate of soda ; on the contrary, the use of potash at once diminishes the proportion of amides. The proportion of nitrates present is less affected by the manuring, but it is highest when an excessive amount of nitrogenous manure is used, or when nitrate of soda supplies the nitrogen in the manure, and is usually diminished by the use of a free supply of potash. Speaking generally, then, it will be seen that though the composition of mangels is not greatly influenced by manuring, yet certain factors go together. Highly nitrogenous manure, especially when the nitrogen is in the form of nitrate of soda, produce large and watery roots, whose immaturity is reflected in the low quotient of purity, the high glucose coefficient, the high content of nitrogenous matters, of Avhich again a large proportion is in the form of amides and nitrates. If the nitrogen is in excess and the mineral manures are deficient these differences are intensified, whereas an abundant supply of potash tends to produce a more normal root. PRACTK'AI. CONCUSIONS 119 Pk ACTUAL ('(»N(l,rsi(tNS Looking at the ivsults of ilic cxjttM-imciits at IJotliaiiistciI on tlie continuous growth of niani^cls with \aiious manures for twenty-seven years, from tlie point of view of the practical farmer the following general (■onclu>ions can he drawn : 1. Mangels can be grown continuously on the same land without injuring the tilth of the land or the health of tlu^ crop. 2. A liberal dressing of farmyanl manure forms tin- br>t basis of the manure for mangels. 3. The crop will further respond to considerable addition.^ of active nitrogenous majiures to the dung, particularly of nitrate of soda. 4. A free supply of potash salts is essential to the pi-oper development of the mangel, hence a specific potash mamn-ing is desirable even when dung is used in large ([uantitie.s, and on a strong soil initially rich in potash. When nitrogenous manures are used in addition to . It will not be necessary to give th«' results obtained in the first trial 1843-5, but the three later experiments were set out 120 EXPERIMENTS UPON ROOT-CROPS on practically the same lines as have been maintained for the mangel crop to-day, and are summarised in Table XLIV. These results show the great dependence of the turnip crop upon the supply of a phosphatic manure like superphosphate, whereas there seems but little need of any external supply of alkaline salts when turnips are growing on a soil like that of Rothamsted. The crop was increased by each addition of nitrogen, but the increase was not large, and affected the leaf more than the root. Until the soil had become depleted of its available nitrogenous compounds by repeatedly growing the crop without any aj^plication of nitrogen, superphosphate alone without any nitrogenous manure gaA^e rise to a comparatively good crop. The value of superjDhosphate as a manure for Swedes and turnips of all kinds was found to lie in the extended root-development it induced, especially when the plant was young. It was from these early experiments that agriculturists first learnt how essential were phosphatic manures to the growth of turnips, and the fact that the manure for turnips should consist of superphosphate in the main with but little nitrogenous manure, soon passed into the common stock of farming knowledge and is universally acted upon to-day. At the same time the success of super- phosphate manuring for Swede and turnip crops led to an enormous development of the manufacture of superphosphate from mineral phosphates, which was then beginning under the patents taken out by Lawes. In the earlier years l3ut little return was obtained for potash manures, but as the plots continued to be cropped with nitrogen and phosphoric acid but without jDotash, the soil became gradually depleted of available potash and the potash manures began to show large eff'ects. As has already been mentioned, it was soon found necessary to discontinue the attempt to grow Swedes year after year on the same land. The soil at Rothamsted is not very well suited to the crop, being heavy and awkward to work, and in consequence of the use of saline manures and the restricted / AWUAT. PKODUCE OF KOOTS I'KK' ACIM; li'l Table XLiy.— 7"iiniips grown in Bam Field, Jiothiniistrd. J'rodnrc of Eoots per acre per annum. strip. Strip Manures. CroH-DTMaIng*. 0. N. li A. B H E 3 AC. y n c. 1 1 Norfolk White Turnips, 4 seasons (1845-48). 3 4 5 Nitrogen per acre in Cross-Dressings Lb. Lb. Lb. 45 Lb. 1 Lb. 1 135 1 90 Gypsum. 1845 ; afterwards Unmanured(av. IS 16-47-48) Superphos. each year; Pot., Sod., and Mag., 1847-48 Superphosphate Superphos. each year; and Potash in 1847-48 . Cwt. 24 161 176 160 Cwt. Cwt. 27 195 198 196 Cwt. Cwt. 110 131 205 ' 222 201 ' 218 207 [217 1 ! Swedes, 4 seasons (1849-52).t 3 4 ^ J Nitrogen per acre in Cross-Dressings Lb. Lb. Lb. 43 Lb. 1 Lb. 1 141 1 98 1 No Standard Manure, 1846 and since Superphos., Sulphates Pot. and Mag., and Soda-ash Superphosphate ........ Superphosphate and Sulphate Potjish Cwt. 46 157 149 136 Cwt. Cwt. 77 189 174 174 Cwt. 1 Cwt. 140 i 154 261 247 ' 224 210 24S ' 234 1 1 1 Swedes, 5 years (1856-60).: 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 Nitrogen per acre in Cross-Dressings Lb. Lb. 43 Lb. 43 Lb. 51 Lb. 98 1 14 tons Farmyard Dung Do. and Superphosphate . No Standard Manure, 1S4I) and since Complete Mineral Manure . ..... Superjjhosphate ........ Superphosjjhate and Sulphate Potash Superphos., Sulph. Pot., and 36i lb. Amm. -salts No Standard Manure, 1853 and since Cwt. 145 155 17 106 96 82 100 39 Cwt. 156 152 24 124 123 103 116 48 Cwt 190 191 21 130 108 129 143 34 Cwt. 181 171 30 134 119 128 152 46 Cwt. 127 119 24 95 86 91 111 59 Swedes, 10 years (1861-70). 1 2 3 4 6 8 Nitrogen per acre in Cross-Dressings Lb. Cwt. 143 143 11 52 49 45 49 22 Lb. 86 Cwt. 177 183 21 115 103 105 104 35 Lb. 86 Cwt. 194 190 13 100 81 88 95 23 Lb. 184 Lb. 98 Cwt. 202 198 95 131 124 126 1.30 93 14 tons Farmyard Dung Do. and Superphospiiate . No Standard Manure, 1S4G and since Superphos. only ; previously Complete Minerals Superphosphate . . . . Do. ; previously Sulph. Potasii also Do.; previouslySulph. Pot.,and:!tlUb. Amm.-saltsalso No Sbindard Manure, 1S53 and since Cwt. 210 210 89 158 138 ir.o 156 104 ^<1 an Nitric Acki nilxwl witb uwdiut. • In the yi-ars ( Is.'-O-eO) the .Vitroneii wm apiil t No Cross-Dri-ssiiiKH applicl in 1851 or 18.'>2. t Average produce of 3 years only (180 inducinL' a more extended development of feeding umi. 'YUr n\vi'ivj.i' produce by the mineral and nitrogenous manures together, over twenty-six years of continuous growth, was very nearly that ot the estimated average produce of Great Britain under ()r(hnary cultivation, and much more than that of Ireland. The plots receiving farmyard manure, containing al)()iit lMmi Ih. of nitrogen, gave less produce than the mixture of mineral manure and ammonium-salts or nitrate of soda, supplying only 86 lb. of nitrogen. In fact, only a small proportion of tin- nitrogen of farmyard manure is rapidly available, that (hie t<» undigested matter being more slowly available, and tliat in the litter remaining for a long time inactive. Farmyard nianuri" is, however, often applied in very large quantities for potatoes, the process being to a great extent one of forcing, after which remains a great amount of unexhausted manure-residue within the soil. The characteristic effect of nitrogenous manures, provided there be a sufficient availal)le supply of ash-constituents, and especially of potash, is to increase the amount of tlie non nitrogenous substance — starch, in the tubers. Thii>. the produce of starch per acre was about 650 lb. without manure, about 1350 lb. with purely mineral manure, and with nitro- genous and mineral manures together al)out '2~A)0 lb., or rather more than 1 ton. In other words, the increased produce of starch by the use of mineral and nitrogenous manures together was more than J ton per acre. Since we know that a free supply of potash is essential t<» the j^roduction of any carl>oliydrate like starch, it might have been expected that a bigger crcjp an which receives superphosphate only. There is, however, j)ractieally no difference in the yield from the two plots; in the absence of nitrogen and the exhaustion of the soil of its available supplies (jf this constituent, the small crojis grown could always obtain 126 EXPERIMENTS UPON ROOT-CROPS a sufficient quantity of potash from the soil, as may be seen from the fact that while the unmanm-ed crop withdrew about 21 lb. of potash per acre per annum from the soil, the addition of superphosphate on Plot 9 raised this to 51 lb., and the further addition of potash salts and other alkaline salts to Plot 10 only increased the amount annually withdrawn to 54 lb. Clearly the soil, which is known to have been originally well stocked with potash and also to contain considerable residues from potash manurings previous to this experiment, could from its own resources supply ample potash for the require- ments of a crop averaging no more than 2 to 3 tons per acre. Where, however, big crops of potatoes are grown with the aid of dung and artificial manures, it is well known that an abundant supply of potash salts is essential both to the yield and the quality of the potatoes. It is well known that season has much to do with the development of potato disease ; and there was on the average much more disease in the w^etter seasons. As regards the influence of manure, the proportion of diseased tubers was the least where there was no supply of nitrogen ; that is, where there was the least luxuriance, the most restricted growth, and where the ripening was early developed. On the other hand, with liberal supply of nitrogen and luxuriant growth there was the greatest proportion of diseased tubers ; these being the conditions resulting in a juice relatively rich in nitro- genous and mineral matters. Practical Conclusions 1. The best basis for the growth of potatoes is a supply of well-rotted farmyard jmanure, 12 to 15 tons per acre. In the absence of farmyard manure it should be replaced by some manure containing organic nitrogen, e.g., by 5 cwt. per acre of a good Peruvian guano, or by a meat or fish manure, or hy 10 cwt. per acre of shoddy. 2. A free supply of ash-constituents is essential to the successful growth of the potato ; 3 cwt. of superphosphate SUGAK BEET 1_'7 and 1 to 1^ cwt. of sulphate of potash per acre should ])e sown in the drills before the seed is planted. If kainit is used as a source of potash, it should be sown broadcast some time ])ef<>r(' the land is got ready for jDlanting. 3. A little active nitrogen is generally also needed, 1 cwt. of nitrate of soda as a top-dressing when the haulm is growing or 1 cwt. sulphate of ammonia with the other manures at planting time will be sufficient. IV. — Experiments on the growth of Sugar-Bekt. A. First Series, 1871-1875. The experiments made at Rothamsted with sugar-beet were commenced in 1871 and continued for five years in succession to 1875 inclusive. They were conducted on the land which had been devoted to the continuous growth of root-crops (Norfolk Whites and Swedes) from 1843 to 1870; excepting that in the three years 1853-55 barley had been grown without manure to equalise the condition of the plots as far as possible before re-arranging them and the manuring. During the first three of the five years of sugar-beet the arrangement of the plots and of the manures was substantially the same as during the preceding ten years with Swedish turnips and the subsequent years with mangel wurzel. But during the last two years of the five, neither farmyard nor any other nitrogenous manm^e was applied ; the object being to determine the eff'ects of the unexhausted residue of the nitio- genous application during the preceding three years. The description of sugar-beet groAvn was Vilmorin's '* Green-top White Silesian." In 1871 the seed was dibbled on ridges in rows 26 inches apart, and 10 inches from plant to plant in \\\r rows; in 1872 and subsequently it was dibbled on the flat, in rows 22 inches apart, and 11 inches apart in the rows; tht> plants being moulded up afterwards. The roots were all carted off and weighed; the leaves were weighed, spread on the respective plots, and ploughed in. 128 EXPERIMENTS UPON ROOT-CHOPS Table XLVI. shows, for selected plots, the manuring, the average produce of root and of leaf, the average percentages of nitrogen and of mineral matter in the dry matter of the roots, and the average percentages and amounts per acre of sugar in the roots, over the three years 1871-73 during which the farmyard manure and the nitrogenous cross - dressings were annually applied. Table XLVI. — Sugar-Beet, Averacje inodihce of Roots, and Sugar per cent, and per acre in the Roots, 3 years (1871-73). standard Manures. Standard Manures and Cross-Dressings each year as under. 9.^ If 3W a,, issg Produce of Roots per acre. 4&6 Farmyard Manure (14 tons) Superphosphate alone Superphos. and Sulphate of Potash Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. 16-3 23-8 22-3 25-1 24-9 5-9 19-5 13-4 17-7 16-2 0-9 18-8 14-9 22-1 17-8 Sugar per cent, in the Roots. 4& Farmyard Manure (14 tons) Superphosphate alone Superphos. and Sulphate of Potash Per cent. 11-84 13-08 12-97 Per cent. 10-42 10-66 11-04 Per cent. 10-84 11-88 12-16 Per cent. 9-99 9-89 10-66 Per cent. 10-81 12-17 12-07 in the Roots. Lb. Lb. Lb. Lb. Lb. 4309 5508 5413 5630 5976 1731 4661 3563 3886 4407 1704 4635 4063 5279 4788 Farmyard Manure (14 tons) Superphosphate alone Superphos. and Sulphate of Potash It will be seen that the nitrogenous cross-dressings, which were the same as those before and subsequently adopted for feeding roots, were very heavy ; indeed, much heavier than is recognised as suitable in the case of beet grown for the pro- duction of sugar. The result was that when these were used MANUKINC AM) SI CAi: (ONTI-.N'r 1-J!^ in aclditiun to lannyaid inamirr, tlu> produce of roots jin- -.n-vr was large, in some eases al)out twice .is nuicli as oliiaincd in the growtli of sugar-beet for tlio nianufaeture of sngai- in Germany or France at tlie })resent time. The figures in the table for Plot 1 show, liowevcr, that when farmyard manure was used the amount of sngai- in the roots never reached 12 per cent. ; but it was the highest, 11-8-4 per cent, on Plot 1-0, with the farmyard manure alone, and the smallest crop; it was lowest, 9-1)1) per cent, on IMot 1 AC, with the farmyard manure and the heaviest nitrogenous cross-dressing, and the heaviest crop. The roots of the other series, with intermediate amounts of crop, had also inter- mediate percentages of sugar — namely, 10-42, 10-84, and 10-81; Further, the crop grown with the farmyard manure alone, which had the highest percentage of sugar in the roots, had the smallest amount and proportion of leaf, and the smallest percentages of both nitrogen and mineral matter in the dry matter of the roots ; whilst the crop yielding the highest produce, but the lowest percentage of sugar in the roots, had the highest proportion and amount of leaf (y tons 12 cwt. per acre), and the highest percentages of nitrogen and of mineral matter in the roots, conditions indicating immaturity. The results next recorded in the table (l*lots 4, f), and (3) show the amounts of roots and of sugar obtained with artificial mineral manures, both when used alone and with the nitrogenous cross-dressings. The figures further show that there was a greater pi-oducc in the case of three out of the four cross-dressings where potash was used as well as superphosphate ; but that the omis- sion of p(jtash was with(jut ettect where nitrate was used as the soui'ce of nitrogen. The result with potash is fully established in other experi- ments; namely, that a liberal supply of it tends to matuiation, a condition favoui'able for the production of sugar. The percentage of sugar in the roots is, with one exception, 130 EXPERIMENTS UPON ROOT-CKOPS considerably higher where the mineral manures were used than where farmyard manure was employed, whether alone or with the cross-dressings. With the mineral manures used alone, and less than 6 tons of roots produced, there was in one case rather over, and in the other very nearly, 13 per cent, of sugar in the roots ; and in several other cases there was nearly, or over, 12 per cent. The lowest percentage of sugar comes where the very excessive cross-dressing of 184 lb. of nitrogen was employed ; the nitrate of soda produces almost as bad a result, and in both cases the sugar is lowest where potash is omitted and only superphosphate is supplied with the nitrogenous manure. The l)est results, as to proportion of sugar, come where rape cake or ammonium -salts are used as sources of nitrogen and where potash is also supplied. The amount of nitrogen and of mineral matter in the roots was found to vary in the opposite sense, being at the highest where the sugar was lowest, and vice versa. It is quite evident from these results, that the amount of crop grown depends very largely upon the amount of nitrogen available within the soil ; but that with crops forced beyond a certain moderate limit of produce, the proportion of leaf is unduly large, the percentages of nitrogen and of mineral matter in the root are relatively high, and the percentage of sugar is objectionably low ; all these conditions indicating too much luxuriance and defective maturity at the time of taking up the crop. B. Second Series, 1898-1901. The conditions under which the sugar-beet was grown in the first series were so different from those which prevail when the crop is grown for sugar-making that a second series was begun in 1898, when much smaller amounts of nitrogen were employed and the plants were grown more closely together. The land was a portion of the mangel field which had previously been receiving dung. It was subsoiled and well SUGAR BKEr i::i workinl l)ctbro thi' trials began, so that it was in L^otxl tanniipj C'Oiulitiun. Tlio seed {Vilinorin's Wliite (Jrccn-top lirahaiit) was sown in rows 17 inches apart, with 8 inches apart in the rows. The following Table (XLVII.) shows the averaire ivsuhs for the four years 1898-1901. Table XLVII. — Sugar-Bcct, Second Scries. Avcratjc i>i'^»liirc. per arre, Siufar per cent, and per cure in the Roots, 4 years (1898-1901). Roots per acre (as carted) Tons Leaf do. Tons " Cleaned and Trimmed " Roots per acre . . Tons Sugar per cent, in "Cleaned andTrinimcd" Roots per cent. Sugar per acre Lb. Plot 9-1. Basic 8lag, 400 lb., and Sulphate Potash, 5001b. 12-8 4-5 11-7 14-11 3693 Plot 9.2. Plot 9-8. 1 As 9-1, and 2cwt. Sulphate Ammonia. A»9.1. ami •.'72 lb. .Mtratfl .Sol MCI MINOrS cr.ops I. The Continuous Growtli of Beans on tlie same land, Geeseroft I'icld. II. The Continuous (irowtli of Red Ch)ver on ordinary Arahic Land. I loos Field, ill. The Continuous Growth of Clover on Rich (Jarden Soil. Referenees. I. — The Continuous Growth of Beans on the same land, Geescroft Field. From the outset of the Rothamsted Experiments repeated attempts have been made to grow leguminous crops year after year on the same land. The particular importance of these attempts comes from the special po.sition occupied hy the leguminous plants. It is well known that ordinary farming ^'xperience considers that the land requires a "rest" before the growtli of any of these crops is repeated. Satisfactory crops of clover are rarely obtained except at intervals of four year.s, and on many soils even six or seven years nnist elapse before the gi'owth of clover can l)e renewed with any prospect of success. Not only does land l)ecome "clover sick." but the farmer considers it will equally become b(>an oi- ])ea "sick"; even lucerne, though it stands without failure foi- five or six years or more, rarely succeeds when re-sown innncMJiately after the removal of a previous crop of the same kind. The leguminous crops of course ccmtain far greater auiounts of nitrogen than any others, but it is now known that the greater part of this is obtained from the atmosphere, so that the 134 EXPERIMENTS UPON LEGUMINOUS CROPS ground, instead of being impoverished, is actually enriched by the residues left behind after the growth of some of these crops. In the Geescroft field, which is no longer under experiment, and where the land lies wetter than in any of the other Rothamsted fields, trials with beans began in 1847 and were continued with several years of failure until 1878, when they were finally abandoned. Table XL VIII. shows a summary of the crops obtained under the three conditions of no manure, mineral manures only, and a complete manure containing minerals and nitrogen ; the nitrogen was applied at first as ammonium-salts, which, because of their ineffectiveness, were afterwards replaced by nitrate of soda. It will be apparent from the table that the mineral manures containing potash were the most effective factor in promoting the growth of the beans, the addition of nitrogenous manure producing little or no increase in the crop. The crop shows a continual deterioration, but this is more apparent in the failures of the plant than in the diminution of the crop whenever a plant could be obtained ; the crops of 1874 and 1875, for example, being only exceeded a few times during the whole course of the experiments, though it should be observed that these crops followed three years during which the land lay completely fallow. The difficulty of obtaining a plant which characterised the later years of the experiment cannot, however, be wholly attri- buted to what might be termed bean "sickness," for the tilth of the land had deteriorated considerably through the repeated growth of a shallow-rooted crop. The use of nitrate of soda and other saHne manm-es had also a bad effect on the texture of this soil, and from the combination of these causes it acquired a close and unfavourable condition, with a compara- tively impervious pan in the subsoil below. The whole evidence points, however, to the land becoming gradually unsuited to the growth of beans, independently of the deterioration of the tilth of the soil. BEANS GROWN CONTINUorsiV i:;.') After the exporinients witli beans ceased in l«7s ili<- lan.l was left fallow until 1883, when barley was grown and eh.vtr Table XLVlll. — Beans iii:li the long-continued growtli of beans; thei-e is oilirr cn idrncc. liowever, that the growtli of one leguminous cioi) rtii(lti> ilir aoW less fitted to carry another, even of a diiVrrcnt spceics. Tahlk XI ax. 18S3.» 1884. j iss:.. Crop per acre (Dry Matter) . . Lb. Nitrogen in Crop per acre . . Lb. Nitrogen per cent, in Surface Soil . Nitrogen per acre in Surface Soil . Lb. 3457 53-8 0-1081 2657 7649 194-2 3:V2.-. 71-4 0-11. -.-J * Barley and Clover together. After the removal of the clover crops in 1SS5 this portion of the field was fenced off to exclude cattle, and has been left uncultivated ever since. A luxuriant growth of gra»("> and other vegetation soon established itself, which may be profit- ably compared with the similar natiu-al vegetation tliat has established itself after the wheat at the top of Broadbalk tidd (see p. 41). In the summer of 1903 a ])()rtion of the herbage was cut on both these portions of land which had been allowed to run wild after wheat and leguminous plants respectively : these were sampled as usual and a full l)otanieal analysis made, the results of which are set out in Table L. Karly in 11M)4 soil samples were also obtained from three places in each field, and determinations of carbon and nitrogen have been made to compare with those made at the beginning of the experiments, so as to ascertain the accumulation of fertility by the land left under "prairie" conditions for twenty years. It will be observed that the leguminous plants have never been able to obtain a footing in the Geescroft field afiri' elowr and bean.s, although in the similar wilderness following wheat in the Broadbalk field, Lat/f//r/(s con.stitutes a considerable proportion of the herbage. The conclusion seems inrvitablr that the prehminary long-continued growtli of leguminous plants (beans and clover) has in .some way unfitted the soil for 138 EXPERIMENTS UPON LEGUMINOUS CROPS Table L. — Botanical Composition of Self-sown Herbage from an uncultivated portion of land in Broadbalk and Geescroft Fields. Season 1903. Numler of Species and Percentage hy weight of each Species in the Herha/je. Broadbalk. Geescroft. Gramineous Herbage. Number of Species. 11 10 Botanical Names:— 1. Phleum pratense . 2. Agrostis alba . 3. Aira ccespitosa 4. Avena elatior 5. Dactylis glomerata . 6. Lolimn perenne Other Species amounting to Total . Per cent. 4-89 11-02 3-50 35-12 3-22 1-89 Per cent. 0-08 0-20 86-19 2-34 4-53 0-05 1-87 Ordinary English Names ;— 1. Meadow Cat's Tail. 2. Marsh Bent Grass. 3. Tufted Hair-grass. 4. False Oat. 5. Cock's Foot. 6. Perennial Rye. 59-64 95-26 Leguminous Herbage. Number of Species. , , . 1. TrifoUum repens . •1. Trifolium pratense- . :'. Lathyrus pratensls . 4. Vicia sepium . 5. Medkago lupulina . 3-08 0-05 0-55 18-36 0-40 0-38 2-92 1. White or Dutch Clover. 2. Common Red Clover. 3. Meadow Vetchling. 4. Bush Vetch. 5. Black Medick or Nonsuch. Total . 25-31 0-43 Miscellaneous Herbage. Number of Species. 24 14 1. Heracleum sphonch/lium . 2. Scahiosa arvensis * . 3. Centaurea nigra 4. Carduus arvensis . 5. Plantago lanceolata 6. Rumex obiusifolius . Other Species amounting to Total 4-28 2-87 1-05 0-81 2-46 3-58 1-71 0-30 0-26 0-94 1-10 1. Cow Parsnip or Hogweed. 2. Field Scabious. 3. Black Knapweed. 4. Creeping Plume Thistle. 5. Ribwort Plantain. 6. Broad-leaved Sorrel Dock. 15-05 4-31 St'mmary. Total Number of Species. 40 26 Total Gramineae Leguminosae Miscellaneae 59-64 25-31 15-05 95-26 0-43 4-31 Total . 100-00 100-00 ACCUMUJ.ATION Ol' FKiMII,ir\ i:;i^ carrying other Icgimiiaou.s plants, ur at least has so reduce. 1 ley are unable to resist the coiniKiition their vigour that tl of the grasses in a natural herbage. Table LI. — Accumulation of Carbon and NUroncn in >>t)i/ of .\r„},l, Land allowed to run wild for over 20 years. IVr (-out. ill Fine Dry Soil. Carbon. 1 Nitrogen. 1 aS81-83.* 1904. 1881-88. 1004. Broadbalk, 1st 9 inches . Do. 2nd do. Do. 3rd do. Geescroft, 1st 9 inthes . Do. 2nd do. Do. 3rd do. 1 1 1-143 ! 1-233 0-1082 0-624 0-703 0-0701 0-461 0-551 0-0581 1-111 1-494 0-1081 0-600 0-627 0-0739 0-447 i 0-435 1 0-0597 ! 1 0-14iiO 0-0955 0-0839 0-1310 0-08*29 0-0652 * IJroadbalk, 1881 ; Geescroft, 1SS3. Note. — In November 1885 (that is, after the land had grown Barley and Clover in 1883, and Clover in 1884 and 1885), samples were taken of the first 9 inches of soil from the same portion of the field as in 1883 (Plots 1-10), and gave a mean of -ll')2 percent, of Nitrogen. The most noteworthy fact is the enormous accumulation of nitrogen : during the twenty-year period the Broadbalk wilder- ness would appear to have gained nearly 98 lb., and Geescroft a little more than 44 lb. of nitrogen per acre per annum. The gain in carbon is less pronounced, although the amount accumu- lated is greater than that of nitrogen, yet the ratio of carbon to nitrogen in the increase is very much lower than the ratio in ordinary vegetable matter or in the original organic matter of the soil. Owing, however, to changes in the consolidation of the ground it is difficult to secure an exact comparison of the same layer of soil at the two periods, i.e., the surface nine inches after the land has been in grass for some time will contain a certain amount of recent turf, and less of the poor subsoil than the original sample from arable land. For these reasons it is necessary to reduce the estimate made of the annual gain of nitrogen, but however large an allowance be made on this 140 EXPERIMENTS UPON LEGUMINOUS CROPS score, it is still difficult to account for the magnitude of the accumulation, especially for Geescroft, where, as the botanical analysis shows, there are no leguminous plants. The other sources of nitrogen which may be invoked, such as the rain, dust, and absorption from the atmosphere, would equally affect the arable land, yet, as the various unmanured plots on the wheat, barley, and rotation fields show, there is no evidence of a corresponding gain of nitrogen on the arable land. The only explanation that seems at all probable depends on the intervention of the bacterium Azotohacter chroococcum (Beyerinck), which possesses the power of fixing atmospheric nitrogen without any host plant, and which has been found in all the Rothamsted soils. On the arable soils this bacterium would not be able to effect much fixation because of the lack of recent organic matter, by the combustion of which the necessary energy for Ijringing the nitrogen into combination could be obtained. On the wild grass-land, however, there is every year an accumulation of vegetable matter which would supply the bacterium with its needed carbohydrate, and in consequence considerable fixation is possible. The greater gain on the Broadbalk land may be due to the presence of leguminous plants in the herbage, or to the comparative rich- ness of the soil in calcium carbonate, since the Azotohacter has been found to be active only in soils containing calcium carbonate. It would appear from the chemical analyses that the Gees- croft field has never been subjected to the chalking operations previously described (p. 28), since the surface soil in 190-1: contained only 016 per cent, of calcium carbonate, about the same quantity as was found in the soil of the adjoining un- cultivated common land, whereas the soil of Broadbalk wilder- ness contained as much as 3*3 per cent. Mechanical analysis shows the two soils are practically identical, the subsoil of Geescroft being somewhat the lighter of the two, and the situation of the two fields is equally good KED CLOVKi; 141 as regards surface drainage. The eoiistant \\(iiic» and im workal^ility of Geescroft appears to Ite entirely due to the unfloeculated character of the clay (hie to tlie ahsenee of elialk. in other words, the cultivation of the other Kot hamstcd ridd-. has been rendered possible by the iin[)roveni(Mit in the texture of the soil effected l)y the large quantities of ehalk put on. probably in the eighteenth century. Even at the present time water will often stand on the surface of the Geescroft land, and the predominant growth of Aif in seven of the years. Even with the many interniission>. when the land grew wheat or barley or was left fallo\N, oidy the first crop of all was a satisfactory one ; nor, as will be seen., had either mineral or nitrogenous manures any effect in keeping the land in a condition to grow clover success- fully. In 1878, the land on which these attempts to grow re(l clover had been continued since 1849 was divided into a number of small plots, and sown with various leguminous plants. Various systems of nianui'ing were tiieiilis in the earlier and later years of the experiment. At first a fair growth of some of tlie i)lants was ohtaiiicd on the land which had ceased to carry red clover, Iml in later years the growth of any but the powerfully-rooting' lueerne and Bokhara clover became very poor, and repeated failures to Table LIII. — Hoos Field, Leguminous ExperimcnU. Dry Matlrr m produce per acre per annum. Mean of Plots 4, 5, and 6. Lucerne. Peas or IJeans. Bokhara Clover. Sainfoin. White Clover. Red Clover. Tarr*. Lb. Lb. Lb. Lb. Lb. Lb. Lb. 1878 Not sown Neither 1,854 No cutting No cutting 1,100 1879 No crop Peas nor 4,498 \o crop 2,275 1,722 1,742 1880 843 Beans 1,240 No crop 5 270 1,666 1881 809 grown 2,085 780 215 716 2.501 1882 4,458 till 1SS4. 10,804 5,450 2,087 615 4.401 j. 2.416- 2,343 - Not Not Not Not 1898 626 sufficient sufficient sufficient sufficient crop to cut crop to cut crop to cut crop to cut 1899 4,799 2,940 7,143 2,090 No crop No crop 681 1900 4,014 3,302 FaUow 1,611 313 705 697 1901 4,010 957 963 758 No crop No crop 382 1902 1,890 729 7,431 No crop No crop No crop SIO 1903 No crop Plot 4 only. obtain a plant occmTcd on re-seeding. The land itself got very foul and in a poor mechanical condition ; so that in 1898 the greater part of the land under experiment was sown with wheat without manm'e, only a portion of each })lot Ix'ing retained for continuous experiment. Five successive crops of wheat were taken and liarve.sted separately from each of the old plots, the combined result from the various plots which had previously carried the same leguminous plant being put together in the Table 1.1 \'. it will be seen that all the leguminous crops left a lai'ge residue containing nitrogen in the soil, so that the cro|) of wlieat which followed was generally more than 40 bushels j»ei- acre with 2h tons of straw. But this residue was rapidly exhausted ; the succeeding crop was very poor, and fell to a jjoint from 144 EXPERIMENTS UPON LEGUMINOUS CROPS which it has deteriorated but Httle since. The hicerne, how- ever, left behind a much larger and more enduring residue ; and thouu'h the crop on the plots following lucerne has been falling Table \A\.— Wheat following Leguminous Croi^s, Hoos Field. Produce and Nitrogen per acre per annum, 1899-1903. Harvest. Leguminous Plants prev ously grown. Lucerne. Peas (or Beans). Bokhara Clover. Sainfoin. White Clover. Red Clover. Vetches. 1899 39-3 42-6 43-7 45-2 43-5 43-0 39-9 Dressed Grain 1900 28-9 14-3 16-4 19-1 19-3 19-1 14-2 per acre. 1901 27-0 16-8 20-1 20-9 21-4 21-4 17-7 bushels. 1902 20-1 14-0 15-6 15-8 17-9 17-7 13-9 1903 19-9 13-0 14-8 14-7 17-2 16-7 14-0 { 1899 5499 5622 5592 5611 5404 5580 5051 Total Straw 1900 2722 1312 1549 1788 1707 1787 1360 per acre. 1901 2312 1484 1748 1796 1822 1824 1591 lb. 1902 2327 1495 1688 1627 2011 1934 1390 1903 1837 1156 1317 1380 1602 1526 1261 Total Produce | (Grainand Straw).! 1899 8108 8430 8508 8639 8308 8505 7766 1900 4.^54 2202 2582 2986 2927 2992 2262 1901 4054 2571 3038 3137 3201 3185 27-i9 per acre, lb. 1902 3553 2379 2542 2600 3086 3023 2257 1903 3035 1926 2205 2256 2635 2528 2102 1 Nitrogen in Total Produce. i 1899 88-9 61-9 72-1 75-0 70-9 74-5 1 63-6 1 1900 42-3 17-7 21-2 24-6 25-7 25-3 \ 19-3 1901 38-2 22-0 25-8 27-8 29-1 28-8 24-0 per acre, 1 lb. 1 1902 27-0 17-9 18-2 18-9 22-3 22-1 ! 16-7 j 1903 24-7 15-3 16-9 17-3 20-7 : 19-5 i 16-3 year by year, in 1903 it ^vas still much greater than on the other plots. Per contra, after the first year, the crop on the plots following peas or beans has always been a little below that of the other plots. Of the other plots, the crops on those following white and red clover have been a little better than those following sainfoin, Bokhara clover, or vetches. In 1904 the land was sown with oats and seeded afresh with leguminous plants in plots which run at right angles to the old plots. III. — The Continuous Growth of Clover on rich Garden Soil. In 1854, after it seemed clear that clover would not continue to grow on the arable land, it was sown in a garden only a few CLOVER (ilJOWN IN (;A1M)I:N sou, 11.-, huiulred yards distant from the ('\[)('rimrii!al fuld, on soil which had been under ordinary kitelicn-^ardcn cultivation lor probably two or three centuries. In view of the failuiv> in the attempt to grow clover continuously on ordinary arabli land, it is remarkable that, under these conditions, the crop has gi'own luxuriantly almost every year since — 100:3 bein«^' the fiftieth season of the continuous growtli. At the comnu nee nient the percentage of nitrogen in the surface-soil of the garden w^as four or five times as high as in that of the arable soil of the field; and it would doul)tless be richer in all other manurial constituents also. Indeed, after the growth of clover for twenty-five years in succession, even the second 9 inches of the garden clover soil was found to l)e still very nuich rieher in nitrogen than the first 9 inches in the Hoos field. Table LV. gives the results for each of the fifty years of experiment with clover on the rich garden soil. The second cohunn shows the number of cuttings each year, the third the amounts of produce per acre reckoned in the condition oi dryness as hay, the fourth the amount of dry substance, and the last the estimated amounts of nitrogen per acre in the crops. At the bottom of the table are given the average annual result.^ over the two periods of twenty-five years each, and over the total period of fifty years, 1854-1903. It should be stated that as the garden clover plot is only a few yards square, calculations of produce per acre can only give approximation^ to the truth; but it is believed that they can be thoroughly relied upon so far as their general indications are concerned. Confining our attention to the amounts of produce reckoned as hay, and to the estimated amounts of nitrogi'U in the product,-, it is seen at a glance that, excepting a few occasional years of very high produce during the later periods, the amount of crop is very much greater in the first twenty-five years than in the second twenty-five year.s. In fact, as is seen at the foot of thr table, there was an average annual jnoduec (Mpial to 7»;<)1 n>. ot liay over the first half, but of only :)'.tL!4 lb. ovef the latter iiall of the period of fifty years. 146 EXPERIMENTS UPON LEGUMINOUS CROPS Table LV. — Bed Clover grotvn year after year on rich Garden Soil, Ilothamsted. Hay, Dry Matter, and Nitrogen per acre, 1854-1903. Year. Number of As Dry Nitro- Seed Sown. Cuttings. Hay. Matter. gen.* Lb. Lb. Lb. 1854 2 5,191 4,326 (125) 1854, March. 1855 3 18,113 15,094 (435) 1856 2 11,027 9,190 265 1857 3 14,855 12,379 357 1858 2 7,608 6,340 183 1859 2 6,227 5,189 149 1860 1 8,679 7,233 208 1860," May. 1861 2 13,353 11,128 ' 1862 2 10,042 8,368 1863 2 11,798 9,832 1 1,123 1864 2 5,500 4,583 1865 1 2,044 1,704 1865," AprU. 1866 2 10,456 8,713 1867 2 6,748 5,624 1868 1 991 826 1868," April. 1869 2 4,183 3,486 679 1870 1 1,741 1,451 1871 1 4,513 3,761 1871, April. 1872 2 10,142 8,452 J 1873 2 9,287 7,740 1 1874 3 5,899 4,916 1874, May and July. 1875 1 2,731 2,276 \ 607 1875, July and September. 1876 2 3,517 2,931 1876, September. 1877 1 3,533 2,944 J 1877, May. 1878 3 13,416 11,180 ... 1879 1 2,738 2,282 1879, May. 1880 2 5,742 4,785 - 856 1880, April. 1881 2 4,262 3,552 1881, April (mended). 1882 3 6,433 5,361 1882, April (mended). 1883 1 2,716 2,264 1883, May. 1884 3 9,990 8,325 1885 3 6,511 5,426 - 680 1886 1 2,702 2,252 1886, April. 1887 2 3,287 2,739 1887, April (mended). 1888 1 1,841 1,535 56 1888, April (mended, June). 1889 2 8,664 7,221 203 1889, April (mended). 1890 1 2,817 2,348 73 1890, April. 1891 2 6,696 5,580 163 1891, May (mended). 1892 1 3,568 2,973 100 1892, May 7 (May 27, mended). 1893 2 5,941 4,951 135 1893, April (mended). 1894 2 5,347 4,456 127 1894, April (mended). 1895 No crop 1895, AprU, May, and July. 1896 1 '412 '344 '■(10) 1896, July. 1897 2 6,381 5,318 169 1897, April. 1898 2 2,188 1,823 56 1899 2 3,095 2,579 74 1900 No crop 1900, August. 1901 2 3,464 2^887 "84 1902 2 1,403 1,169 39 1902," April (mended). 1903 1 1,907 1,589 64 1903, May. SuMMi^ RY. Av erages. 25 years i 1854-1878)5 7,664 6,387 179 25 years i 1879-1903) 3,924 3,270 101 50 years 1854-1903)" 5,794 4,829 140 * For the years 1854-1860, and also for 1896, the Nitrogen is estimated, but for all other years it is according to direct determinations either in mixed or individual year samples. NITROGEN ACCUMULATED IN CLoVKi: CI.'OPS 117 Now even this latter amount eorrcspon*!.-- lo what wdiiM I'r considered a fair, though not a large erop, when elovrr is grown in rotation once only in four or eight years or more ; so tliat tin* produce in the earlier years on this rich garden soil was very unusually heavy. Indeed the average annual produce over tlie whole period of fifty years — namely, 5794 lit., or more than 2\ tons of hay — would be a good yield for the eroj) grown only occasionally in the ordinary course of agriculture. But it is when we look at the figures in the last eohunn of the table, which show the estimated amounts of nitrogen in the crops, that the importance and significance of these results obtained on rich garden soil are fully recognised ; and this is especially the case wdien they are compared with those obtained on ordinary arable land. Thus the amount of nitrogen in fair crops of wheat, barley, or oats, would be 40-50 lb. j^er acre, of beans about 100 lb., of meadow hay about 50 11)., and of clover grown in rotation, from 100 to 150 lb. ; but on this rich garden soil the produce of clover has in one year contained more than 400 lb. of niti-ogen, and the average over the first ten years was 247 il>. The average over the whole period of fifty years is 140 lb., or about as much as a fair but not large crop gi'own occasionally under the ordinary conditions of agriculture. Analysis of the soil taken at intervals would seem to show a considerable falling-off in the amount of nitrogen and carbon contained in the surface soil, not sufiicient however to account for all the nitrogen removed by the clover crop. It will be apparent from a consideration of the eiops reported for the later years of the experiment that great dilli culty is beginning to be experienced in maintaining a plant of clover ; re-seeding, which was only necessary live times in t In- first twenty years, had to be carried out nine times in the last ten years, during which time also the crop has wholly failed for two years, and wholly for a third. Dm-ing January 1897 the plots were inoculated with the watery extract of the rich kitchen-garden soil at Kothamsted. 148 EXPERIMENTS UPON LEGUMINOUS CROPS This did not however arrest the faihire which was in progress at that time. Again, in March 1897 and in July 1899, all the plants were removed by hand, burnt, and their ashes returned, and the surface soil was carefully picked over by hand, to remove the Sclerotia of the fungus Sderotinia trifolioriim, many of which were found. The soil was also dressed with carbon bisulphide as a fungicide, before fresh seed was sown. In 1903, which was a favom*al:)le year for the growth of clover, a fair plant was obtained by re-seeding, and in the spring of 1904 the best crop for many years was cut from this plot. Notwith- standing the repeated failures to grow clover continuously on ordinary arable soil and the increasing- difficulty of maintaining a plant on the rich garden soil, which is the one place where any growth has been continuous, it is noteworthy that when clover grows in a mixed herbage on grass-land it increases in amount from year to year under suitable conditions of manm-ing. It has already been pointed out that on the grass plots in the park, where mineral manures including potash are applied every year, as on Plots 15, 6 and 7, the proportion of leguminous plants, including red clover, increases fi'om year to year, without there being any sign of " clover sickness " setting in. Nor can this result be due to manuring only, for on the small plots in the Hoos field all sorts of variations in the manuring were tried, without enabling the clover to stand. On the grass paths, however, separating these "clover sick" plots on Hoos field, paths which are not more than a yard broad, both red and white clover grow abundantly. Were "clover sickness" due merely to the infection of the plant by Sclerotiula trifolioriim, it is difficult to see how these plants could escape infection when the neighbouring clover plants in the arable land succumb. These and other facts would seem to show that the presence of the fungus Sderotinia trifoUorum is not the determining cause of " clover sickness " ; in many cases it is the direct cause of the death of the clover plants, luit what is not yet understood is why plants on " clover sick " land alon(i succumb to the infection. REFERENCES 149 Rkkkuencks " Report of Experiments on the (Irowtli of Red Clover by different Manures." Jour. lioi/. Ag. Soc, 21 (1860), 178. linllmmslcd Memoirs, Vol. I., No. 13. "Notes on Clover Sickness." Jour. Roif. Ilort. Soc, 3 (1^71), SC). Hol/Kiwslnl Memoirs; Vol. III.. No 1l». "Results of Experiments at Rotliamsted on the (In.wth of l.t-^rumiiioiis Crops for many years in succession on the .same hind." Agricullural SliiJeiiLi' Cnicelle, New Series, 4 (18S9), l;37, and 4 (1890), 179. Hot fi (misled Memoirs, \'ol. VI., No 15 "The Rothamsted Experiments: bein<^ an account of some of the Results of tlie Agricultural Investigations conducted at Rotii.imsted." Triin.t. Highland and Agrieii/liiral Soeieli/ of Scot I mid, Fifth Series, 7 (189:')), 100-136. "The Accumulation of Fertility by Land allowed to Run Wild." A. 1). Halh Jour. Agrir. Science, I. (IQOo), 241. CHAPTER IX EXPERIMENTS UPON GRASS LAND MOWN FOR HAY EVERY YEAR I. The Unmanured Plots. II. Use of Nitrogenous Manures alone. III. Mineral Manures used alone. IV. Complete Manures — Nitrogen and Minerals. V. The Action of Organic Matter. VI. Effects of Lime. VII. Changes in Herbage following Changes in Manuring. VIII. The Effect of Season. Practical Conclusions and References. The experiments upon grass at Rothamsted ]:)egan in 1856, about 7 acres of the park close to the house being set aside for the purpose. The land has been in grass as long as any recorded history of it exists, for some centuries at least. It is not known that seed has ever been sown, and at the beginning of the experiments the herbage on all the plots was apparently uniform. The soil is the same stiff reddish loam as is found in the other fields, though owing to the length of time the land has been in grass stones are not abundant near the surface. The plots, of which there are twenty in all, vary somewhat in size between one-half and one- eighth of an acre. Up to 1874 inclusive the grass was only cut once, the aftermath being fed off by sheep. Since that time there has lieen no grazing, and the plots are generally cut twice in the year. The grass is made into hay in the usual way and the whole produce of each plot is then weighed. On some occasions, however, with the second crop, continuous wet weather has rendered it necessary to weigh the jDroduce in a wet condition and YIELD OF II A V 151 calculate its equivalent in hay from the amount of di-y matter in the material as weighed. On most of the plots the manuring has been continued without ehange from tin- beginning of the experiments ; the cases in wliieh a ehaiiLre has lieen made serve to show how rapidly the character of the herbage will respond to alterations in the manure. Table LVI. shows the amount and nature of the manm-es Table LVI. — Manuring of the Permanent Grass Plots i^'^r arre per annum, 1856 and since. Xitrogenous Mineral Manures. mot. Abbreviated Description of Manures. Man ires. 3 . 1- II i- 2 S - Ij 11 li ^1 E S < Z-i H Lb. Lb. •1 Lb. Lb. Lb. Lb. Cwt. 3 12 \ Uninanured every year .... ... 2 Unmanured ; following Dung first S years . ... ... ■ 1 Ammonium-salts alone; with Dung also first 8 years 200 ... 4-1 Superphosphate of Lime . . . .... 3-5 ... 8 Mineral Manure without Potash . . .... 3-5 250 ioo 7 Complete Mineral Manure . • ■■• 3-5 500 100 100 6 As Plot 7; Ammonium-.salts alone first 13 15 years As Plot 7 ; Nitrate Soda alone first IS years ... :5-5 3-5 500 500 100 100 100 100 5 Ammonium-salts alone (to 1897) . . .400 17 Nitrate of Soda alone 27r. ... 4-2 Superphosphate and Ammonium-salts . 100 Mineral Manure (without Potash) and . Am- 3-5 ... 10 monium-.salts 400 ... 3-5 250 100 9 Complete Mineral Manure and Ammonium- salts 400 3-5 500 100 100 13 As Plot 9, and Chaffi-d Wheat Straw also to 1897 400 3-5 500 100 100 11-1 Complete Mineral Manure and .Kininoniuiii- salts tiOO 3-5 500 100 100 11-2 As Plot 11-1, and Silicate of Soda . .600 3-5 500 100 100 400 16 Complete Mineral Manure and Nitrate Soda ... Complete Mineral Manure and Nitrate Soda ... 275 3-5 500 100 100 14 5r.o 3-5 500 100 100 appUed each year to the plots, and Table L\'1I. the average produce over the whole period, over the last ten years, and for the sinde vear 1002. 152 EXPERIMENTS UPON GRASS LAND Table LVII. — Produce of Hay per acre. Average over the period of 4:1 years (1856-1902), the 10 years (1893-1902), and the individual year 1902. Rothamstcd. Total of first, and second crops {if any). Averages over Season Plot. Abbreviated Description of Manures. 47 years 10 years 1902. (1856-1902). (1893-1902). Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. 3 12 Unmanured every year I 21-9 24-5 15-9 18-5 11-4 13-8 2 Unmanured; following Farmyard Dung for first 8 years 27-9* 17-4 12-4 1 Ammonium-salts alone ( = 43 lb. N.); with Farm- yard Dung for first 8 years .... 35 -41 24-9 21-8 4-1 ; Superphosphate of Lime 23 -Sg 17-8 19-0 8 Mineral Manure without Potash .... 28-1 21-6 25-8 7 Complete Mineral Manure 38-8 36-5 53-6 6 Complete Mineral Manure as Plot 7 ; following Ammonium-salts alone first 13 years 37-4+ 36-0 52-5 15 Complete Mineral Manure as Plot 7 ; following Nitrate of Soda alone first 18 years . 37-011 40-8 54-0 5 Ammonium-salts alone = 86 lb. Nitrogen (26-1)** 35-311 17 Nitrate of Soda alone = 43 lb. Nitrogen . 30-6 26-4 4-2 Superphosphate and Ammonium-salts = 86 lb. N. . Mineral Manure (without Potash), and Ammo- 35 -5§ 28-3 27-1 10 nium-salts = 86 lb. N 49-3 38-1 40-4 9 Complete Mineral Manure and Ammonium-salts = 86lb. N 54-1 46-8 55-5 13 As Plot 9, and Chaffed Wheat Straw also to 1897 inclusive ........ 61-3 50-8 54-3 11-1 Complete Mineral Manure, and Ammonium-salts = 129 lb. N 65-5 64-6 86-3 11-2 As Plot 11-1, and Silicate of Soda . 72-0 68-0 84-8 16 Complete Mineral Manure and Nitrate Soda = 43 1b. N 48-oir 42-4 46-8 14 Complete Mineral Manure and Nitrate Soda = 86 1b. N 59-311 53-4 60-8 After the change. Before the change 42-9 cwt. ,, ,, 49-5 cwt. ,, „ 30-6 cwt. ,, 3o-4cwt. § 44 years only (1859-1902). 1 45 years only (1858-1902). ** 42 years (1866-1897). Table LVII I. shows the first crops only for four successive ten-year periods, and one eight-year period, 1856-1903. In dealing, how^ever, with the produce of grass land, which is a mixed herbage consisting of many different species of grasses, leguminous plants, and other orders, it is not sufficient to consider only the gross weight of produce. The various species are differently stimulated by particular manures ; even among the grasses themselves, such a difference of habit as a COMPETITION OF PLANIS IN CI.'ASS LAND i:,:{ deep 1)1' shalK)W root system will (U'ti'iiiiiiic lo wliicii iii.niiirt' tlie grass will respond. The aspect of any meadow represents the results of severe competition among the various sprciis Table LVIII. — Avcnufc prodiu-e of Hay per ncrc over (he four sii>,,s.-.tri- lO-i/('(ir jxriods, and the suhscqticyif 8 years, from 1856 - 1003. Rothamsted. First crops only. Abbreviated Description of Manuring. 4-1 V Unraanured every year Ammonium-salts alone ; with Dung also first 8 years Superphosphate of Lime alone Mineral Manure without Potash * . Complete Mineral Manure . . . . 17 I Nitrate of Soda alone = 43 lb. N. . 4-2 SuperphosphateandAmmonium-salts^So Ib.N 10 Mineral Manure (without Potash),* and Am- monium-salts =^o lb. N. . 9 Complete Mineral Manure and Araraoniura- salts = S6 lb. N 11-1 Complete Mineral Manure and Ammonium- I salts = 129 lb. N 16 . Complete Mineral Manure and Nitrate Soda I =43 lb. N 14 Complete Mineral Manure and Nitrate Soda I =86 lb. N Averages over Cwt. 22-6 2.T-1 24-4+ 33-6 33-9 34-3: 39 -61 52-8 53-6 61-7 48-i; 53-i: Cwt. 20-0 22-9 21-3 26-6 36-8 33-5 30-5 39-6 48-4 53-6 47-6 60-5 Si Cwt. 17-5 18-0 19-1 21-8 32-3 30-1 30-4 38-6 50-5 48-5 41-0 53-8 ver i i Cwt. Cwt. ' 16-8 11-7 17-1 14-2 23-8 19-2 16-5 15-2 16-5 18-6 27-1 31-9 27-0 26-8 29-0 25-0 , 35-5 34-0 39-3 42-6 47-6 58-6 37-4 38-6 45-6 48-5 Including Potash, lirst 6 years. Seven years only (1859-65). J Eight years only (lSi8-65). represented; the dominant species are most suited to their environment, l.<\, to the amount and nature of the ])lant food in the soil, the water supply, the texture of the soil, and other factors. If any of these factors lie altered, as is done in the case of the Rotham.sted i)lots l>y iiiaiiuriii;^ i" dififerent fashions, the original equilibrium hetwccn I In- eon- tending species is disturbed; some species are liivomcd, and increase at the expense of the others until a new eciuilibrium is attained, and the general character nf th.' herbage from the botanical point (jf view is completely altered. Tt tlius 154 EXPERIMENTS UPON GRASS LAND becomes important to ascertain the natm-e of the plants comprising the herbage produced by a given manm^e, as well as to determine its amount ; from time to time therefore at Rothamsted a carefully selected fraction of the herbage from each plot has been separated into its constituent species, the relative proportions of which are determined by weighing. As this complete separation involves a great amount of work, a partial separation only is made every year, in which case the herbage is separated into three groups — the grasses, the leguminous plants, and the miscellaneous species respectively. Table LIX. shows the results of these partial separations as averages for the whole period of forty-seven years, and for the single year 1902. Summaries of the five comjDlete separations made in 1862, 1867, 1872, 1877, and 1903 are given in Table LXII. (see p. 173). I. The Unmanured Plots. Two of the plots have remained without manm'e during the whole of the experiment. They are situated near the extremities of the field, and show a slight but constant difference in crop. Taking the average of the whole period, these unmanm-ed plots have produced rather more than a ton of hay per acre per annum. If we compare the successive ten-year returns, there is no sign of approaching exhaustion or great falling-off" in crop from year to year. The impoverishment of these unmanured plots is more to be seen in the character of the herbage than in the gross weight of produce. Weeds of all descriptions occupy the land, and the relative proportion they bear to the grasses and clovers has increased from year to year. A fair proportion of clovers, both red and white, is found on these plots, l:)ut the weeds, which amount to 26 per cent, taking the average over the whole period, have of late years constituted nearly one-half of the herbage. Tlie most prominent species among the grasses are the Quaking Grass, so generally taken as a sign of poor land, which constituted 20 percent, of the whole herbage in 1903, and Sheej^'s Fescue; THE rXMAMlM:i) IM.oTS i:.:. hints till' liii'd's Foot 'rrrfnil ; and liui-nrt. Hawkbit, and Black KnapwoiMl aiiionu' tlic weeds. Table LIX. — Percentages of Gmmincous, LegHviinovs, autl Misrrlhtucoiin Herhujc. Aucraffc of 47 yrnrs (1856-1902. >n„I 1902 sejun-'ffeh/). Bofhnmsfcd. First crojts. Mamirt's. Averages over 47 (1S56-1902). years SeMon 1002 1 i'lot. Grani- Legu- Miscel- Oram- 1 Legu- MUcel. inea-. miuosiv. laiieiF. ,„«,.. , mliiosii-. lanev. Per cent. Per cent. Per cent. Per cent. Per cent. Per cent. 3 Unmanured every year . -! 64-8 8 -9 26-3 34-3 7T. 58-2 I 12 64-9 9-0 26-1 38-1 16-1 4.V8 2 Unmanured; following Farm- yard Dung for first S years . 7D*f> 4-3 20-2 24-4 5-7 69-9 1 Ammonium-salts alone( - 43lb. N.); with Farmyard Dung for first 8 years ! 87-8 0-7 11-5 77-6 1-4 21-0 1-1 Superphosphate of Lime 68-0 :rS 26-2 54-4 15-4 30-2 s Mineral Manure without Pot- ash * 70-6 6-8 22-6 28-8 22-1 49-1 7 Complete Mineral Manure 62-0 23-8 14-2 20-3 r..V3 24-4 6 Complete Mineral ^lanure as Plot 7 ; following Ammo- nium-salts alone first 13 yrs. 18-4 61-0 20-6 i ^'' Complete ^Mineral Manure as Plot 7 ; following Nitrate of Soda alone first IS years ... 26-2 63-1 10-7 5 Ammonium-salts alone = 86 lb. N 80-5 0-4 19-1 17 Nitrateof Sodaalone = 43 Ib.N. 71-0 1-3 27-7 13-=^ S-4 SSl'-Q 4-2 Superphosphate and Ammo- nium-salts =S6 lb. N. . 88-2 0-1 11-7 91-:. (0-01) 8*5 10 Mineral Manure (without Pot- ash).* and Ammonium-salts = 86 lb. N 90-7 0-1 9 '2 97-6 (0-01) 2'i 9 Complete Mineral Manureand Ammonium-salts = S6 lb. N. _ 88-7 0-4 10-9 91-2 1-3 7*5 13 As Plot 9, and Chaffed Wheat 1 Straw also to 1897 inclusive 92-3 0-3 1 7-4 98 1 0-6 1 ■■> 11-1 Complete Mineral Manureand Ammonium-salts = 129 lb. N. 95-8 0-1 4-1 99-2 s 0-8 0-5 11-2 As 11-1, and Silicate of Soda. 97-5 2-5 99-5 16 Complete Mineral Manure and Nitrate Soda = 43 lb. N. 82-9 r>-4 11-7 ()1 "7 ].j-s -■' •' 14 Complete Mineral Manureand 88-8 o.- T-'". ' Nitrate Soda = sr. lb. N. . 90-6 1-3 8-1 "' " 1 liii-liiiliiig Potash tlrst t> .ve Speaking generally, these plots now present tin- .ipi.caranc.-. perhaps in a rather exaggerated degree, of nmcli <.f tlir poor 156 EXPERIMENTS UPON GRASS LAND pasture and meadow land in this country, wherever milch cows and wet flocks are habitually grazed and the land occasionally hayed, without anything being restored in the shape of artificial food or manure. Fig. 17 shows a photograph of a piece of turf taken from this plot at the end of June 1903. The great value of occasional dressings of farmyard manure to grass land may be seen in the returns from Plot 2, which for the first eight years of the experiment received farmyard manure at the rate of 14 tons per acre. The application was then discontinued, but the effect has persisted to the present day, i.e., for forty years. Table LX. shows the produce on this as compared with Table LX. — Produce of Ray per acre, first and second crops, shoiving residual effect of Dniuj. Bothamsted. 1 Average of Plot. Manures. If i i i If ll °2 1! it Lb. Lb. Lb. Lb. Lb. Lb. Lb. Lb 2 Farmyard Manure, 8 yrs. (1856-63) ; Unmanured since .... 4804 5392 2848 3726 3748 2791 1747 581 3 Unmanured continuously 2665 2688 1296 2374 3025 2621 1568 516 Relation to Produ ?e of PI ot 3 rec koned as 100. - Farmyard Manure, 8 yrs. (1856-63); Unmanured since .... 180 201 220 157 124 106 111 113 3 Unmanured continuously 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 the unmanm^ed plot for the preliminary period for which the dung was used, for the two years following its discontinuance, for three ten-year and one five-year periods afterwards, and for the season 1901. Although the yield on this plot remains at a higher level than where the land has been continuously un- manured, yet the plot now shows great impoverishment in the character of its herbage, having about the same proportion of If'Kcr pagf ISA. ^^ Of THE ^ .> EFFECT OF MTKMXiKN Al.ONK i:,; weeds and the same general aspct-t as tlic (•<»iitiminii>l\ iinnianured plot. II. Use of Nitrogenous Mdmnrs ah^nr. Three of the plots — 17, 5, and 1— show the efVcct of tlic long-continued use of nitrogenous without any mineral iiianun >. Plot 5 has been receiving 86 lbs. of nitrogen as .iimiK.niiiin salts, Plot 17 half the quantity of nitrogen in the sha^x' nt nitrate of soda, and Plot 1 the same half quantity of nitii)L:(n as ammonium-salts, though on this plot dung was ai)pli((l in each of the first eight years of the experiment. It is ww evident when a nitrogenous manure is used alone for uras>, nitrate of soda is far more effective than the ammonium-salts; ('.a., on Plot 17 it has given an average crop of :]."> ewt. against 26 cwt. produced by double the quantity of nitni;_;en in ammonium-salts on Plot 5. For this superiority of the nitrate of soda twcj reasons may be traced ; being completely soluble it sinks deeply into the soil, and encourages grasses of a deeply-rooting habit, \\lii(li not only obtain more food from the soil, but also are better al)le to withstand the droughts of spring and early summer. On Plot 17 (nitrate) deep-rooting grasses like Mmdow Foxtail and Downy Oat Grass are prominent, whereas the plots receiving only ammonium-salts are almost wholly occupied l)y Sheep's Fescue and Connnon Bent, whose feeding- roots are close to the surface, where the ammonium-salts are cauulit and retained by the humus in the soil. The continued use of large applications of amiiionimii->alt- has also had an injurious effect upon the reaction of the soil, since it behaves as an acid, and C(jntinually remov(\s carlKHiatc of lime. The creeping surface vegetation tends to aceiiniiilatc and decays into a substance resembling peat ; at the same tiim- the vegetation shrinks into tufts, between which ai-e bare patches of l)lack soil, showing- an aeid reaction to liinni- paper. So pronounced had this effect become on Plot .">. which received the larger amount of anunonium-s^ilts, that the 158 EXPERIMENTS UPON GRASS LAND application has been discontinued since 1897, lest the turf should be entirely killed. Another sign of the sourness caused by the use of ammonium- salts without minerals is seen in the prevalence of Sorrel on this plot ; it forms nearly 15 per cent, of the whole herbage, and it is interesting to note that the only portion of the plot from which the Sorrel is absent is a strip that was dressed with chalk in 1883 and 1887. The aspect of the plots receiving only nitrogenous manure shows very characteristic differences ; both possess a very dark green unhealthy colour, but, while the ammonium plot seems in the main to be clothed with Sheep's Fescue and other grasses, amounting to 83 per cent, of the whole, the nitrate of soda plot possesses a much more varied herbage, of which weeds form 40 per cent. Leguminous plants are practically absent from both plots, though a small proportion may be found where the nitrate of soda is used. The impoverish- ment due to the continual use of a manm^e like nitrate of soda supplying one element only of plant food is to be seen in the gradual decline of production on Plot 17, and in the present predominance of weeds there. Considering, however, the length of time that nitrate has been used on this plot, the crop has been wonderfully maintained ; the deep root- range induced by the solubility of the nitrate enables the plant to feed widely in the soil, and the soda base assists in bringing the dormant potash into a form available for the plant. The photographs. Figs. 18 and 19, show the characteristic appear- ance of the tm-f from Plot 5, with ammonium-salts alone, and Plot 17, with nitrate of soda alone. III. Mineral Manures used alone. On three of the plots no nitrogenous manm-es have been applied since the beginning of the experiments. On Plot 7 a complete mineral manm-e, supplying phosphoric acid, potash, magnesia, and soda, is used ; Plot 8 has received the same application, but without potash, since 1861, while Plot 4-1 \ f \ / \fae* fxii/r l.'> EFFECT 0¥ MIXKKAL MANTKES i:.'.» receives superphosphate only. Willi the coiuplcte minerals a fair crop is grown, averaging over U ton of hav lor the first cut alone, and when the successive ten - vear averages are considered tliere are no signs that the fertility of this plot is decHning, since the production only shows Mieh fluctuations as may be put down to seasons. The reason that the crop on this plot is maintained, although no nitrogen is supplied in the manm-e, lies in the free growth of leguminous plants. It will be seen that, taking the average over the wliole period, the leguminous plants form 24 per cent, of the herbage, and the proportion has increased from year to year. These leguminous plants are not only themselves independent of nitrogen in soil or manure, but by fixing the atmospheric nitrogen and leaving it jjehind in the residues of their dead roots, they provide a supply for the grasses and other plants which cannot of themselves feed on the nitrogen of the air. The predominant leguminous plant is Latf/j/rus j/j-dtc/isi.t, but Red and White Clover are also abundant. A large number of species of grasses are represented on the plot, none of which are specially prominent. Amongst the weeds, Yarrow is very abundant, and there is also a rather large projjortion of Sorrel. The general aspect of the vegetation is shown by the photograph of tm'f, Fig. 20. The omission of potash on Plot 8 has caused a very striking difference both in the crop and in the character of the herbage. Tlu average crop has been about one-quarter less over the whole period, and shows a progressive decline in fertility, until at the present time it is little more than half that of Plot 7. The poor results on this plot, as compared with Plot 7, must be put down to its poverty in Iegunn"nous herbage, the development of which seems to depend on a free supply of potash. Of late years the proportion of legiimiiioiis plants on this plot has amounted to al)out one-half of that found on Plot 7, the grasses are about the same, the (lillerciice being made up by an increased amount of weed. The characteristic leguminous j^lant is the Bird's Foot Trefoil, 160 EXPERIMENTS UPON GRASS LAND which has an opportunity to develop because it is not crushed out by the competition of taller-growing herbage, such as is found with the bigger crop on Plot 7. The characteristic weeds of this plot are the Buttercup, the Black Knapweed, Plantain, and Yarrow ; see photograph, Fig. 22. Plot 4-1, which each year has received superphosphate only, now presents a very impoverished appearance, and is giving very little more crop than the unmanured plots. Indeed, the aspect of this plot, where the most abundant grass is Quaking Grass, and where weeds, chiefly Hawkbit, Burnet, and Plantain, are unusually prominent, would seem to indicate that the land is more exhausted here than on the unmanured plot. It is not uncommon to find cases where the appHcation to grass land of a purely phosphatic manure, like superphosphate or basic slag, is followed by a great increase of crop, the addition of the phosphoric acid to the dormant nitrogen and potash in the soil having supplied the missing element in a complete plant food. The result, however, of this plot shows how disastrous a continuation of such one-sided manuring may l;)ecome ; a nitrogenous manure alone is often thought exhausting, but probably a phosphatic manure used singly will even more quickly impoverish the soil. The photograph. Fig. 23, shows the impoverished and weedy aspect of this plot in 1903. The diagram, Fis;. 21, shows the effect of the mineral manm-es, and particularly of potash, both with and without nitrogen, on the yield of grass. IV. Complete Manures — Nitrogen and Minerals. Four of the plots receive a complete artificial manure. On all of them the mineral manuring is the same, and supplies both phosphoric acid and potash ; on Plot 9, ammonium -salts containing 86 lb. of nitrogen are added ; and on Plot 11-1 the amount of ammonium- salts is increased by one -half, to 129 lb. of nitrogen. Plot 14 receives 86 lb. of nitrogen as nitrate of soda, and therefore compares with Plot 9. Plot 16 also receives nitrate of soda, but only half the \fMt ;xi|/* 100. EFFECT OF NITKOCtEXOUS MAM IMS h;i amount on Plot 14. Considering Plots \) and 11-1 lirsr, it will be seen that, large as is the amount of nitrogen ap})li('d to Plot 9, the increased quantity on Plot 11- 1 has its Without Nitrogen .A. With Nitrogen Fig. 21.— Effect of the various Ash constituents with and without Nitrogen on the produc-e of Hay per acre. Average over 47 years (1 S.'iG-l 902). Plots 3 and 12. Unmanured. Plot 4-2. Super, and Amm.-salLs ^ >t; lb. N. Plot 4-1. Superphosphate. Plot 10. Minerals (without Potash) and Plot 8. Minerals with Potash. Amm.-salLs - S»i lb. N. Plot 7. Complete Mineral Manur.'. Plot 9. Complete Mineral >I:inun- and ' Amm. -salts ^') lb. N. effect in an increased crop. On Plot the liay has averaged 54 cwt. over the whole period, on Plot ll-l the crop is increased to more than 65 cwt. Comparing these results with the 39 cwt. obtained from IMot 7 (minerals without nitrogen), it will be seen how gi-eat is the effect of nitrogen in the produc- tion of hay. The hay, however, is by no means so good in 162 EXPERIMENTS UPON GRASS LAND quality as that grown with mineral manures alone, because the large amounts of nitrogen have so stimulated the development of the grasses that leguminous plants have disappeared entirely, and even the weeds are crowded out. In 1903 the latter formed only a trifle more than 4 per cent, of the herbage on Plot 9, and were barely perceptible on Plot 11-1, as may be seen in the photographs, Figs. 24 and 25, representing turf from these plots. The dominant grasses on Plot 9 consist of False Oat Grass, Smooth-stalked Meadow Grass, Sweet Vernal, and Sheep's Fescue ; Meadow Foxtail, Cocksfoot, Yorkshire Fog, and Bent Grass constituting practically the rest of the herbage. On Plot 11-1 there is every sign that an excess of nitrogen has been employed ; the vegetation is very rank and soft, and tends to grow in tufts with bare patches between ; the smaller grasses are almost wholly crowded out, and the coarse vegetation is generally laid and begins to rot at the bottom before the grass is ready to cut. Owing to the great competition of the strong- growing grasses the numl:)er of species on this plot has been reduced to a minimum ; 97 per cent, of the herbage is made up of three species alone — False Oat Grass, Meadow Foxtail, and Yorkshire Fog, the latter repTesenting 45 per cent, of the whole herbage. In the earher years of the experiment this latter grass was by no means so prominent. As late as 1872 it only formed 10 per cent, of the herbage, while more than 39 per cent, was composed of Cocksfoot, which has now practically disappeared. The replacement of Cocksfoot by Yorkshire Fog seems to have been coincident with the abandon- ment of the practice of grazing the aftermath ; the custom of late years has been to cut it. On Plot 11-2 the same manure is employed as on Plot 11-1, with the addition of 400 lb. of silicate of soda. The silicate of soda has resulted in a considerable increase of crop, which has averaged as much as 72 cwt. for the whole period ; the grass on this part of the plot is also more healthy and uniform, and ripens earlier. The effect of the silicate of soda must probably be attributed to the soda base rather than to the silica : for with •_.«:- i^c NITRATE OF SODA T. AM MOM T M SA l.TS h;:; the great excess of iiitrogm applied to tliis jtli.t any >iilistaiR'«' like soda, which supplements and economises the potash avail able, will be of service to the plant. Turning now to Plot 14, which receives the same manure as Plot 9, ])ut with its nitrogen in the form of nitrate (tf soda, we notice first that the nitrate of soda has been the more effective soiu'ce of nitrogen, giving an average crop of .")!> cwt. against 54 cwt. with ammonium-salts. The superiority tA' iUv. nitrate of soda has been most pronounced in dry seasons, owing to the generally deeper-rooted habit of the grasses found on this plot. Daring the great drought of 1870, holes were dug for the examination of the subsoil on this plot and on Plot 0. On the latter, where ammonium-salts formed the source of nitrogen, very few roots could be distinguished below 36 inches, and the ijubsoil below 27 inches seemed to have been but little changed by the development of roots and their decay. On Plot 14. Avith the nitrate of soda, wiry roots extended nearly to 4 feet, and the subsoil down to 4 feet 6 inches had suffered a marked change. The vegetation on plots grown with nitrate of soda is more varied, nor are the leguminous plants so completely .suppresse k;:, the pliotograpli, Fig. '27, of turf taken {'nnw this phM in \\h)V,. Anotlier feature in these two IMots, 10 and 4--J, wliieh i-i-eeive nitrogen but no potasli, is the weakness of tlie stems; sln.rt as the grass is, it is often laid l)efore it is ready to cut. The grass is also found to l)e more susceptil)U' to fungoid attacks on tlies(^ plots than elsewhere. The diagram Fig. 28 shows a comparison of the yields of the unmanured plot, the plot receiving mineral mamu'es only, and the plots receiving mineral manures and varying amounts of nitrogen as nitrate of soda or annnonium-salts. V. T//e Artio)t of Organic Matter. In the early years of the experiments farmyard manure was applied every year to two of the plots, but owing to the accumulation of unrotted material on the surface it was found necessary to discontinue the experiment in this form. On another of the plots, however, an attempt was made to ascertain the effect of the organic matter present in dung by adding to a complete artificial manure, such as is sup- plied to Plot 9, 2000 lb. of chaffed wheat straw every year. The wheat straAv will contain so little manm^ial matter, compared with the quantities artificially supplied, that it may be neglected ; thus the straw should ])e regarded as simply providing organic matter. If we com23are the crop on this Plot i:3 with that of Plot 9, we see that the straw has had its effect, and that on the average a larger crop l)y about 7 cwt. per acre per annum has been produced. The effect of the wheat straw has been due partly to the shelter it provides in tlie early spring (for it is noticed that the gi-ass starts more quickly on this plot than on the others), and partly also to the water-retaining power of the hunuis produced by its decay. Of late years the organic matter added accumulated to such an extent as to form ;i peaty layer that was beginning to injure the growth ol the plant; in consequence the application of straw has been discontinued. The value of occasional applications of farmyard manure to trrass land is thus seen to be a mechanical factor 166 EXPERIMENTS UPON GRASS LAND Cwt.perAc 60 Plots 3&I2 Fig. 28.— Effect of Nitrogenous Manures on the produce of Hay per acre. Average over 47 years (1856-1902). Plots 3 and 12. Unmanured. Plot 7. Complete Mineral Manure, no Nitrogen. Plot 9. Do. and Amm.-salts = 86 1b. N. Plot 11. Do. do. =129 lb. N. Plot 16. Do. and Nitrate of Soda = 43 lb. N. Plot 14. Do. do. =86 lb. N. EFFECT OF LIMl 167 depending very much upon tlie shelter wliicli the Inuic iiiaiiiuv affords to tlie young grass in the early spring, and to its water- retaining power when it has rotted down to hunuis in the soil. VI. Elf\'('t,< of J/nii<\ In Xovember 1883, lime at the rate of 'lOOi) 11). per aere was applied to one-half of each of the plots, and in isRf), 1886, and 1887 the limed and unlimed portions of ecrtain of the plots, where the lime had obviously produced an etti'Ct, were weighed separately and subjected to partial botanical separation. The results of the liming may be seen in Table LXL, wliich gives the averages of the three seasons, both as regards crop and its botanical composition. It will be seen that on three of the plots— 6, 7, and 15 — the liming has had ;i Table LXI. — Effects of Lime on Grass Land. Mean of 3 years (1885-87), first crops. Produce and Botanical Composition of the Ilcrbfii/i , Rothamsted. Botanical Composition per cent. Hay Plot. Mamiriiig. cwt. Graminese. Legu- mliiostt'. Other Orders. 4 1 ^1 1 i1 1 '•^B 1 2 3- Unraanured 18-6 18-9 76-0 1 69-0 7-1 16-0 16-9 15-0 6 Complete Minerals ; following Ammo- nium-salts ..... 23-8 28-7 72-8 67-7 11-7 20-1 IST) 12-2 7 Complete Mineral Manure . 26-1 33-1 64-3, 18-4 22-0 41-8 13-7 9-8 8 Mineral Manure without Potash . 17-0 16-7 60-6 71-8 7-5, 8-1 31-9 20-1 15 Complete Minerals ; following Nitrate 1 of Soda 12-4 25-6 67-4 53-8 3-2 35-3 29-4 10-9 Results for one year only (1885). considerable effect in increasing the crop. On the unmaniuvd plot and on Plot 8 the effect has been nil. Again, on examin- ing the composition of the herbage it will be seen that on the same three plots which gave an increase of crop the limr has brought about a great increase in the proi)orti()n of leguminous plants. On Plot 6 it has ri.sen from 11 to -JO per cent., on Plot 7 from 22 to 42 per cent., and on Plot 15 from :5 to :{5 per c<'nt. 168 EXPERIMENTS UPON GRASS LAND The reason for these differences in the action of lime is to be found in tlie previous manuring of the plots. On Plots 6, 7, and 15, potash has been applied every year, so that there was a large accumulation of potash residues in the soil. On Plots 3 and 8, on the contrary, no potash had been used ; and as Plot 8 had been receiving phosphoric acid, the store of available potash originally in the soil must have become considerably exhausted. As we have also seen from the effect of mineral manures with and without potash on the other plots, that the development of leguminous plants is largely dependent on the supply of potash, it is obvious that the effect of lime had been mainly due to bringing into action the residues of potash accumulated from the previous manuring ; the lime only acts where there is such a residue of potash, and has chiefly stimulated the growth of leguminous plants, just as a direct application of potash would do. The long-continued use of manures like ammonium-salts, which are in effect acids, has altered the reaction of the soil and made it som' on some of the plots. This is very palpable on Plot 5, which has received a very heavy dressing of ammonium-salts alone, and on which, as has before been mentioned, there is now a large amount of Sorrel, except on a small portion where chalk had been applied. A dressing of lime is, without doubt, necessary for grass land on most soils, in order to neutralise the acidity produced by decaying vegetation, and to enable the manures to exert their full effect. Thus although the liming at the rate of 2000 lb. per acre above mentioned was extended in 1887 to cover the whole of the experimental field, yet a fmther dressing of lime in January 1903 to the halves of the plots had an immediate effect upon the following crop. As the results of only one or two years are available as yet, they need not here be considered. VII. Changes in Herbage following Changes in Manuring. On two of the plots, which had received ammonium-salts and nitrate of soda respectively until the herbage consisted entirely I EFFECT OF CHANGINCI 11 1 1: MANURES UJO of grasses, tlie nitrogenous iiianuiH's were (liscontiiiucd, and ii. their place a complete mineral manure containing potash was applied. The diagram Fig. 29 shows the elleet of this change of treatment on the composition of the heritage; the columns .show the average proportion of gi-asses, leguminous plants, and nefor.>. Aft.>r. U.-fore. Aflor. Hefor-. AOor. Plot 6. Change to Minerals from Ammonium-salts. I Plot 15. Change to Minerals from Nitrate of Soda. Le|umInosa per cent i Plot 8. Omission of Potash. Weeds, per cem Fig. 29.— Progressive effect of Changes in the Manuring on the Composition of the Hay Crop. Five-year periods. weeds before the change, and for succe.s.sive five-year periods afterwards. On Plot f3 annnonium-salts alone was applied up to 1868, at which time the grasses constituted 03 per cent, of the herbage, and the weeds 37 per cent.— tlie leguminous jjlanis 170 EXPERIMENTS UPON GRASS LAND being barely perceptible. In 1903 the leguminous plants had risen to over 40 per cent, of the herbage, but the weeds had not altered much. The change, as is seen in the diagram, did not take place at once, the leguminous plants requiring nearly twenty years to spread and establish themselves ; after five years, for example, they constituted less than 5 per cent, of the herbage. The photograph, Fig. 30, shows how closely the herbage on this plot now resembles that on Plot 7, which has never had anything but minerals. On Plot 15 nitrate of soda Avas used up to 1875, when the nitrate was dropped and a change was made to the same complete mineral manure as is used on Plots 6 and 7. At the time of the change the grasses constituted 80 per cent, of the herbage and the rest was weeds, the leguminous plants being again almost imperceptible. At the present time this plot is almost identical in aspect with the one previously described and with Plot 7 Avliich has received only mineral manures from the beginning ; it contained in 1903 about 50 per cent, of grass and 30 per cent, of leguminous plants. The photograph. Fig. 31, shows that Lathy r us is more prominent than the clovers. The change in the herbage on this plot took ^^lace rather more rapidly than on the plot which had received ammonium-salts beforehand, being practically complete in ten years. Plot 8 had received mixed mineral manm-e containing potash up to 1861, by which time the herbage had become largely leguminous, as on the adjoining Plot 7. The potash was dropped in 1862, though the superj^hosphate, magnesia, and soda have been continued. The effect of the absence of potash was seen very quickly, the proportion of leguminous plants dropping from 20 to about 9 per cent, in the first five years. Owing to the continued manuring with phosphoric acid and the lack of potash, this plot has become seriously impoverished, and is now very little better than Plot 4-1 which has received superphosphate only since the beginning of the experiments, the weeds constituting about one-third of the firtf^u^iJCJr (flit* i<le in the herbage before, or to the blowing on of seeds which find after the change a congenial soil for their development. Immediately after the change the crop falls off, and only reaches a new constant level when the redistribution of the species occupying the ground has taken full effect. After the change in the manuring the herbage is not suited to the new conditions; at first the particular species favoured l)y the manure are not prominent, and it is only when they l)ulk largely in the herbage that the new manure can sho^\• its full effect. Hence it would seem desirable in manuring grass land to keep to the same kind of manure year after year, so as to produce herbage which will get the maxinuun effect out of the particular manure that is used. Again, if land is grazed one year and laid up for hay the next, the grasses which were at first fiivoured by the grazing will l)e dis- com-aged during the growth of the hay crop : a better result will probably be attained by always grazing or always haying the same piece of land, so that there is present at the beginning of any season the special class of herbage which has been stimulated by the same conditions previously, and is tlierefoi-e likely to give the best return. The changes which manuring can produce in the composi- tion of the herbage is perhaps best seen in Table LXII., where the complete separations of the herbage in the years ls()i>, 1867, 1872, 1877, and 1903 are summarised for the more abundant species. Figs. 32-40, again, show in a graphic form the distribution on certain selected plots of these more important species. 172 EXPERIMENTS UPON GRASS LAND 26/- Fig. 32.— Percentage of Anthoxaiithum odoratiim in the Herbage of the Grass Plots. First Crop, Season 1903. Unmanured. Minerals only. 4-1. Superphosphate. 8. No Nitrate. 7. Complete. Nitrogen only. 5. Amm. -salts. 17. Nitrate Soda. Nitrogen and Minerals. Amm.- 4-2. No Potash \ 9. Complete \ ,. 11. Excess N. J ^*'^' 14. Complete; Nit. Soda ROTHAMSTKl) VWIK IIAV 17:; Table LXII. — Rothamstcd Park Hay. rcrvciitaijc of carh Spoicji by wciyht ill the Mixed Hcrhdiic from Twelve aelectnl plitt< (f!,-./ ,,-,,,. o F"-- separations, 1862, '07, '72, '77, cud 1903. (The maxinuim attained by each species in tlie partiiuliir \ car heavier type.) priiiti-il 1 Years GRAMIXEJS. Plot S 4rl 8 7 6 15 5 17 4-2 9 11-1 14 Anlhoxanthum odoralutn (Sweet-scented Vernal Grass). 1362 4-28 3-66 3-72 3-06 3-92 1-82 6-77 2-06 2-24 1-24 0-09 0-35 1867 8-66 7-16 6-98 3-93 4-31 1-83 5-51 2-31 5-52 3-59 0-06 0-13 1872 5-20 4-74 7-94 2-72 6-22 4-49 3-04 4-50 1-47 2-25 0-78 0-02 1877 5-12 5-11 7-55 3-lS 4-89 4-16 4-09 5-32 2-36 2-94 0-19 0-06 1903 1-34 2-40 1-50 1 -30 1-90 1-67 12-29 11-06 28-44 16-19 0-98 0-13 Alopecurus pratensis (Meadow Foxtail). | 1862 4-49 1-32 0-39 0-34 1-70 6-90 0-65 28-94 0-66 0-27 2-80 0-22 1S67 5-82 1-84 0-88 0-88 0-02 5-95 0-47 21-71 14-75 0-07 13-11 3-54 1872 0-52 0-86 0-52 1-17 0-03 2-46 0-83 16-25 3-94 2-76 12-35 .•!-7l' 1877 0-30 1-40 0-87 0-48 0-09 7-17 0-23 12-72 1-58 0-96 9-91 2018 1903 0-59 0-31 0-55 4-51 0-59 10-21 0-27 9-74 4-56 4 -OS 28-51 28-72 1 Agrostis vulgaris (Common Bent). ' 1862 11-36 7-21 10-01 7-14 21-43 7-65 24-30 11-01 19-38 12-81 13-17 0-42 1 1867 8-63 6-08 4-32 5-69 1 14-41 6-86 20-97 7-05 14-00 13-43 19-27 0-61 , 1872 16-14 13-88 9-32 11-72 123-37 7-66 26-62 10-60 20-59 15-46 13-56 0-24 ! 1877 13-28 9-87 12-40 12-02 1 8-58 12-90 29-46 17-92 24-39 12-23 29-20 l-r)5 ; 1903 0-19 0-03 0-72 3-34 2-51 1 2-99 11-65 1-76 2-04 3-81 1-12 0-14 Hole us lanalus (Woolly Soft Grass, or Yorkshire Fog). 1862 5 -01 11-82 4-51 5-06 8-17 7-61 10-08 8-23 16-21 12-14 9-92 6-60 1867 7-97 9-16 10-25 11-81 1 307 11-81 5-15 8-13 10-53 9-84 2-SH 6-63 1872 ■■i -GO 4-71 4-61 3-16 : 5-31 5-32 1-90 5-87 2-03 7-61 10-88 3-67 1877 12-55 19-35 18-22 13-16 14-89 14-95 3-01 10-91 6-03 10-37 20-29 12-75 1903 5-07 4-74 6-31 3-07 2-87 2-35 0-03 4-84 1-05 3-94 46-67 0-02 Arrhenatherum arevaceum (False Oat Grass). 1862 0-07 0-13 4-62 2-41 ' 3-44 ' 0-04 3-93 0-68 2-46 0-77 ,u 1867 0-21 0-18 3-16 0-06 ' 6-50 ... 2-78 0-23 0-41 2-50 4 -55 1872 0-13 0-15 4-40 0-46 3-60 ... 1-49 0-48 2-48 11-40 10--11 1877 0-05 0-05 3-17 1-29, 2-77 ... 0-23 0-01 1-02 13-23 14 86 6-32 1903 0-10 0-03 4-20 1-16 1 1-94 0-16 1 0-19 ... 0-95 48-80 23-00 17-28 Avena pubescena (Downy Oat Grass). 1862 9-65 9-42 12-68 13-81 14-64 3-53 7-31 4-24 7-38 10-22 1-88 0-90 1867 3-07 4-97 3-44 3-90 0-90 0-70 0-63 1-15 3-94 1-41 001 0-92 1872 3-55 i 4-09 3-66 2-36 1-83 1-56 0-24 4-09 0-28 0-49 o-i» 1877 2-69 4-02 1-67 2-25 1-67 3-13 0-12 4-27 0-03 0-07 0-47 1903 4-76 9-n 8-04 4-28 7-50 4-18 0-01 8-69 0-06 2-82 174 EXPERIMENTS UPON GRASS LAND 3 4-18 7 S 17 4-2 9 II 14 Fig. 33. — Percentage of Festuca oi'ina in the Herbage of the Grass Plots. First Crop, Season 1903. Unmanured. Minerals only. 4-1. Superphosphate. 8. No Potash. 7. Complete. yUroffen only. 5. Amm. -salts. 17. Nitrate Soda. Nitrogen and Minerals. 4-2. No Potash ^ . 9. Complete r , 11. Excess N. J '^^^'• 14. Complete; NIL Soda. ROTHAMSTEl) PAKK HAY Table LXII. — Continued. i:.-) Years. GUAMINE.*: Vontinutd. Plot 3 4-1 8 7 " 16 6 1 17 4-2 8 11-1 14 4-88 712 .i-e? 1 2-93 0-31 Avena flavescens (Yellow Oat Grass). 1862 1867 1872 1877 1903 2-37 1-86 3-49 1-08 0-92 4-12 4-28 6-09 2-47 2-83 5-42 3-52 6-94 2-45 3-94 4-02 4-84 3-72 3 -65 6-64 1-18 0-86 0-65 0-24 1 4-26 0-46 1-49 3-83 0-16 0-48 ; 2-98 i Q-Ol 1-47 5T.3 0-01 1-45 3-18 4-96 1-98 1-78 2-09 0-41 0-09 0-03 008 3-78 5-30 0-67 0-16 5-28 0-46 0-09 0-01 Poa p) atensis (Smooth-stalked Meadow Grass). I 1862 ; 1867 I 1872 i 1877 ; 1903 0-29 0-56 1-72 1-13 2-28 0-14 1-07 0-02 0-67 10-68 0-17 0-26 1-50 1-05 1-65 0-13 0-65 0-21 3-87 13 02 0-09 0-45 2-11 2-27 2-42 0-37 0-61 0-09 r)-ii 22-67 0-07 0-02 1-03 1-75 1-73 0-11 0-23 0-09 1-56 18-08 0-33 0-83 0-98 2-34 3-74 2-52 0-90 0-20 7-67 11-68 9-43 12-86 10-40 1-47 0-17 l-4j 1-05 j 2-57 1 4-01 9 -JO Poa trh'ialis (Rough-stalked Meadow Grass). 1862 1867 1872 1877 1903 1-54 5-16 5-48 3-81 1-17 5-65 3-48 4-38 0-50 3-79 1-62 2-30 0-56 4-72 3-20 2-11 0-01 0-64 0-10 1-00 1-53 0-40 0-98 6-53 23-67 7-95 0-19 1-20 0-89 0-30 0-59 5-21 12-08 2-74 8-14 2-15 2-10 8-72 13-25 22-48 2-14 0-14 32-98 0-64 0-09 24-76 Briza media (Quaking Grass). 1862 1-89 0-58 0-07 0-03 0-05 0-06 0-01 1867 0-68 0-32 0-08 0-06 0-02 0-07 1872 6-40 ii-12 1-16 0-10 0-01 0-20 0-01 0-31 6-bi 6-bi 1877 7-25 2-16 0-57 0-14 0-30 0-02 0-72 1903 20-15 1 1 •2'. 5-87 0-13 0-18 0-22 2-20 Dactylis glomerata (Cocksfoot). 1862 1-76 2-25 3-50 2-57 1 1867 1-74 0-99 1-48 4-67' 1872 0-90 0-57 0-66 1-68 ' 1877 0-70 1-41 0-98 3-67 . 1903 1-05 1-30 1-12 4-97, ! 2-05 1-71 1-28 4-09 2-09 0-21 0-11 0-36 2-39 I 1-39 0-70 3-25 I 1-80 0-57 0-64 0-58 2-28 0-38 0-16 1 -83 5-58 24-16 10-00 4-64 I 89-81 7-28 11-88 89-28 3-33 14 07 1711 12-48 97, 3-511 0-48 1-32 1 0-92 l 0-14 1 5-14 1 0-15 O'"! Festuca ovina (Sheep's Fescue). 1862 1867 1872 1877 1903 13-30 15-20 21 -67 21-89 17-45 10-20 16-75 20-44 16-02 8-81 7-51 13-73 13-33 13-69 17-74 11-38 25-93 12-08 23-95 14-86 31-15 34-71 19-76 26-59 38-02 '20-77 9-48 7-67 8-80 15-03 21-99* 9-43 80-57 11-18 46-56 18-05 53-31 12-04 66-66; 12-84 6-80 5-21 1-48 26-09 IS -42 0-50 49-29 8-68 0-38 55-20 21-80 4-1.'. 53-56 7-52 0-02 0-88 1 -58 0-l»i 0-4S 2-7:. 176 EXPERIMENTS UPON GRASS LAND ^o%- Fig. 34.— Percentage of ^llopecurus pratensh in the Herbage of the Grass Plots. First Crop, Season 1903. Unmanured. Minerals onhj. Nitrogen only. Nitrogen and Minerals. 4-1. Superphosphate. 5. Amm.-salts. 4-2. No Potash \ a m^ 8. No Potash. 17. Nitrate Soda. ' 9. Complete - ^^^^^' 7. Complete. 11. Excess N. / I 14. Complete ; Nit. Soda. KOTHAMSTED PATMC TT AY T A BLE LX 11. — Con I i n acd. 177 6U AM 1 NE Ji-ContinHMl. Years. riot S 4-1 8 7 6 15 6 17 4^ e 11>1 14 Bromus mollis (Soft Brome Grass). 1862 1S67 1872 1877 1903 0-13 0-52 1-38 1-26 0-15 2-12 0-08 0-18 0-33 4-46 1-39 0-05 0-43 0-43 0-98 6-27 2-26 0-20 0-11 0-04 0-01 0-09 0-01 0-09 0-01 0-04 0-01 0-01 ... 4-00 1-65 0-81 0-15 0-02 0-10 0-01 ... 0-59 0-21 3-42 0-01 0-20 0-01 ... 18 04 17 88 4210 8-02 22-97 Lolium perenne (Perennial Rye-grass). 1862 G-37 9-28 5-92 3-12 4-58 7-49 3-33 5-09 6-47 4-20 1-37 1867 4-03 5-24 2-61 2-40 1-39 3-24 1-21 3-23 1-36 1-01 0-08 1872 2-37 3-12 1-92 0-59 0-69 4-42 0-97 2-94 0-70 1-11 1S77 4-55 4-35 7-63 3-02 1-97 7-32 0-09 6-68 0-21 0-16 0-01 1903 0-02 0-12 0-11 0-12 0-02 0-54 5-66 2-63 Total of other Species under 5 per cent. {Phleum pratense. Air a caspitoaa, Cynosurus cristatus, Festuca pratensis, elatioi; and loliacece). 1862 0-23 0-47 1867 0-13 0-84 1S72 1-13 1-11 1877 1-06 0-82 1903 0-27 0-06 2-47 0-67 1-36 1-68 0-57 0-27 0-86 0-21 1-06 0-58 0-45 0-17 0-37 0-61 0-46 1-42 1-91 0-04 0-48 0-15 0-50 0-01 0-07 0-03 0-72 0-03 0-36 0-04 0-04 0-15 1-60 0-89 0-08 0-01 0-08 0-04 0-04 0-28 ... 0-88 0-20 0-10 0-34 LEGUMINOS^. 1862 1867 1872 1877 1903 1862 1867 1872 1877 1903 1862 1867 1872 1877 1903 Tri/olium repens (White or Dutch Clover). 0-53 0-21 0-38 0-13 0-14 0-61 0-09 0-48 I 0-85 2-70 j 3-08 0-10 I 0-47 0-25 1-77 0-10 0-01 1-25 4-27 0-01 0-04 0-01 0-05 0-01 0-01 0-01 0-08 0-01 0-32 0-01 0-01 ... 0-01 0-06 0-01 0-09 ... 0-01 0-01 0-01 0-01 6 -01 ... 1-68 6-74 0-13 0-01 ... 0-01 0-01 0-01 Tri/olium prateme (Common Red Clover), 4-48 2-11 1-68 2 09 1-44 i I 1-45 0-17 0-11 0-30 2-71 7-71 1-13 0-27 0-36 1-.38 6-84 4-75 1-13 1-55 6-41 0-03 0-20 0-04 0-01 0-04 0-01 1 0-04 0-03 ... ■ 1 0-08 0-31 1 5-91 5-76 ... 1 0-31 0-26 0-12 0-11 0-01 0-01 6-bi 01 0-01 0-01 0-01 Lotus corniculalus (Bird's Foot Trefoil). 1-88 2-36 6-94 3-96 3-64 0-41 0-15 1-27 0-01 0-02 1 1 -23 0-83 0-69 0-08 0-35 3-71 3-51 0-19 0-06 0-03; 0-86 1-18 0-04 0-03 0-01 1 7-28 12-24 0-43 2-30 0-01 0-05 0-31 0-41 0-14 0-05 0-12 1-10 0-78 2-28 178 EXPERIMENTS UPON GRASS LAND nil Plot Fig. 35. — Percentage oi Arrhenatherum avenaceum in the Herbage of the Grass Plots. First Crop, Season 1903. Unmanured. M'merah only. 4-1. Superphosphate. I 8. No Potash. I 7. Complete. Nitrogen only. 5. Amm.-salts. 17. Nitrate Soda. Nitrogen and M'merah, 4-2. No Potash ^A^,^. 9. Complete r ^^,,3 11. Excess N. } 14. Complete ; Nit. Soda. KOTHAMSTED PA1M< MAY Table LXlL—ContinueU. I7'.» LEGUMIN08.E-Con/{nii*rf. Years. Plot 8 4.1 8 7 6 16 5 17 4-2 e 11-1 14 Lathyrus pratensis (Meadow Vctihhng). 1862 1-26 0-32 S-76 13-51 0-23 0-02 0-01 007 0-12 0-01 0-11 1867 0-68 1-34 6-82 6-78 ... 0-04 0-01 ... 1 003 0-15 0-37 1872 0-98 4-19 3-94 86-68 1-47 0-04 0-01 02 0-02 1-35 1877 2-37 3-38 2-37 12-11 0-56 1-47 0-05 0-01 1 0-03 0-06 0-76 \ 1903 2-55 4-77 3-70 22-01 30-94 16-29 ... 0-12 0-01 3-34 Total of all other Leguminous Spt-cics. 1862 0-01 1 ... 1867 ... 1 ... 1872 0-12 1 ... 1 ... 1877 0-64 0-34 1903 017 MISCELLANEOUS SPECIES. E 4-60 1-09 0-61 1877 1-87 3-37 5-84 1 6-67 1 7-66 5-79 2-13 2-56 3-09 3-60 2-25 4-40 1903 2-21 1-51 1-91 1 3-71 5-24 , 1-56,14-84 1 1 i 1 1-80 0-54 2-79 0-13 0-57 Total of ail other Miscellaneous Species. 1862 4-79 3-35 2-45 3-18 2-37 2-53 1-49 0-66 0-95 1 0-82 0-2.'i 0-27 1867 9 06 7-84 5-31 1 4-42 2-46 5-31 2-49 1-91 1-01 0-45 0-01 0-27 187:^ 6-42 6-38 4-98 I 2-97 3-24 11-54 3-35 4-11 1-07 0-ltf 0-02 0-23 1877 4-68 3-82 2-37 2-14 2-08 1-91 2-12 2-58! 1-00 0-.'.l 0-20 0-85 1903 6-49 3-95 6-92 6-83 4-25 ri3 1-99 6-67 1 4-38 0-69 0-02 0-69 182 EXPERIMENTS UPON GRASS LAND Fig. 37. — Percentage of Tri/olmm repens, Trifolium pratense, and Lotus corniculatus (together) in the Herbage of the Grass Plots. First Crop, Season 1903. Unmanured. \ Minerals only. 4-1. Superphosphate. I 8. No Potash. 7. Complete. Nitrogen only. Nitrogen and Minerals. 5. Amm.-salts. 4-2. No Potash \ a „„ _ 17. Nitrate Soda. 9. Complete \ ^ ,'~ 11. Excess N. J '^'*'- 14. Complete; Nit. Soda. EOTHAMSTED T'AKK H AV Table LXll.— Confix lod. SUMMART. ^:] TOTAL PER CEiNT. OF GUAMINEOUS, LKGUMINOUH, AND OK OTIIEU OIlDEItM. Plot Years. 8 4.1 8 7 6 16 6 17 4-2 9 11-1 14 Total of Gramineous Species. 1862 t 1 i - 70-61 74-96 71-69 64-65 80-52 78-26 86-32 81-36 1 80-31 1 88-59 1 89-38 89-62 1867 65-53 66-88 63-03 59-29 62-66 80-02 71-85 75-72 86-13 : 77-06 9 J -12 94-26 1872 68-66 67-03 71-56 48-82 79-23 78-76 84-70 73-27 88-65 1 92-19 98-84 92-87 1977 71-15 71-78 , 81-19 74-38 79-96 83-45 94-06 75-87 94-63 94-65 97-53 87-81 1903 1 52-23 43-00 43-50 41-75 ! 35-61 50-05 82-37 56-01 93-65 95-90 99-82 S5-54 Total of Leguminous Species. 1862 8-10 2-79 19-32 24-70 0-28 0-27 0-12 0-42 0-09 0-13 0-01 0-18 1867 5-35 2-83 8-88 12-69 0-10 0-51 0-34 0-70 0-04 0-16 0-01 0-39 1872 8-98 8-61 7-97 39-77 1-58 0-12 0-46 1-38 0-03 0-02 0-01 1-36 1877 8-54 5-53 4-01 13-71 6-68 1-80 0-19 0-91 0-04 0-41 0-76 1903 7-77 17-58 18-57 33-15 40-83 28-97 2-59 0-01 0-01 3 -35 Total of other Orders. 1862 21-29 22-25 8-99 10-65 19-20 21-47 13-56 18-22 19-60 11-28 10-61 10-35 1867 29-12 30-29 28-09 28-02 37-24 19-47 27-81 23-58 13-83 22-78 5-87 5-86 1872 22-36 24-36 20-47 11-41 19-19 21-12 14-84 25-35 11-32 7-79 1-15 5-77 1877 20-31 22-69 14-80 11-91 13-36 14-75 5-75 23-22 5-33 4-94 2-47 11-43 1903 40-00 39-42 37-93 25-12 23-55 20-95 17-65 41-43 6-36 4-11 0-15 11-12 Number of Species. 1862 50 46 38 44 34 39 38 33 35 28 28 28 1867 43 46 42 42 32 39 36 47 30 29 18 30 1872 49 49 42 41 39 39 31 43 28 30 16 30 1877 62 45 48 44 38 43 29 49 26 27 15 27 1903 47 44 45 36 39 35 22 41 15 20 10 24 VIII. The Effect of Season. The hay crop probably fluctuates with the seasons iiioic than any of the crops on arable land, because the land does not receive cultivation, which tends to regulate the supply of water to the plant, and especially to preserve it fi'oni wasteful evaporation during dry seasons. Not only does the gross weight of crop vary very nuich, but the character of the herbage alters considerably with the distribution of 184 EXPERIMENTS UPON GRASS LAND 25^ nil nil nil l_ Plot 3 4-18 7 5 J7 4-2 9 M 14 Fig. 38.— Percentage of Lathyrus pratensis in the Herbage of the Grass Plots. First Crop, Season 1903. Unmanured. Minerals only. 4-1. Superphosphate. 8. No Potash. 7. Complete. Nitrogen 07ily. I Nitrogen and Minerals. 5. Aram. -salts. 4-2. No Potash ^ . '" ^^^-^-^-" ' 9. Complete K"]J°' 11. Excess N. J '*'^- 14. Complete; Nit. Soda. 17. Nitrate Soda. 1 SEASON AND PIIK HAY ClJOl 1 ^r> the rainfoll and temperature. Tlm.s the year MIO-J witli fre- quent Hght rains was especially favoura])le to the ^Towth of the shallow-rooted Lathyrus, and other leguminous plants, ilit« proportion of which was doubled or more on some of the plots. The Table LXIIT. shows the monthly rainfalls for the seasons Table LXIII. — Rothamsted Park Hay. Seasons of hifihrsf tmd / Yields compared with Monthly Raivfall. Plot 9. Plot 14. Rainhll. Years. Minerals, and Minerals, and ' ' " 400 lb. r.50 lb. ToUl. Ainnionium- Nitrate March. April. May. ,I..n.-. March to salts. of Soda. June. lOHij jhest Yield Is on Plot 9. Lb. Lb. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. InchM. 1860 7700 8526 1-422 •2-129 3-231 1-061 7-843 1879 7668 5964 1-183 2-790 3-481 5-551 13-005 1904 7473 7340 1-578 1-252 2-152 0-813 5-795 1882 7266 7158 1-566 3-925 2-068 3-9-26 11-485 1858 7172 5646 0-967 2-439 2-531 0-958 6-895 1868 6622 7728 1-922 2-187 0-732 0-369 5-210 1871 6576 6930 1-503 2-890 0-955 3-866 9-214 1857 6422 1-495 2-171 1-088 2-227 6-981 1862 6402 5718 3-061 2-843 2-909 3-407 12-220 1856 Mean . 6363 0-994 2-615 4-872 1-742 10-223 6956 6876 1-569 2-524 2-402 2-392 8-887 lOLo^ Brest Yield J on Plot 9 1893 1108 2592 0-424 0-249 1-221 0-999 2-893 1896 2267 4437 3-754 0-952 0-476 2-250 7-432 1901 2960 5061 2-565 2-511 1-806 0-841 7-723 1874 3290 5484 0-652 2-141 1-187 1-593 5-573 1870 3306 6300 1-789 0-488 1-324 0-979 4-580 1881 3307 4248 2-152 0-997 1-376 1 -633 0-158 1887 3608 6324 1-755 1-194 2-354 0-709 6-012 1865 3866 5292 1-435 0-426 3-048 0-914 5-8-23 1888 3958 5070 3-125 2-143 1-276 4-867 11-411 1900 Mean . 4246 5.^56 0-962 l-33> 1-080 2-634 6-008 6-361 3192 5027 1-861 1-243 1-515 1-742 giving the highest and the lowest yields on the completely manured Plot 9, also the corresponding yields on Plot 14, which receives an equivakmt amount of nitrate of soda instead of the ammonium-salts on Plot 1». Although in a general way it can be seen that a wet late .spring is on tin- 186 EXPERIMENTS UPON GEASS LAND 2-51- Plot 3 4.-1 Fig. 39.— Percentage of Oentaurea nigra in the Herbage of the Grass Plots. First Crop, Season 1903. Unmanured. Minerals only. 4-1. Superphosphate. I 8. No Potash. 7. Complete. Nitrogen only. Nitrogen and Minerals. 5. Amm.-saits. 4-2. No Potash ^ . 17. Nitrate Soda. 9. Complete p™™"" 11. Excess N. J '^"'• 14. Complete ; Nit. Soda. CONCLUSIONS ls7 whole more favourable to the lo«;iiniiiu)iis plants, it is not easy to trace any connection between the weather, as jiid^'cd Ironi the meteorological records, and the character of the crop, since so much depends upon the frequency of the rainfalls and tlir relative predominance of particular species when the nio-t favom-able period for growth sets in. In a dry >itrini: tin- plots receiving nitrate have a great advantage over those receiving ammonium-salts, but this is due to the deep-rooted herbage they carry, rather than to any direct effect of the mamu-e used. As regards rainfall, the critical months are April and May : the rainfall of March appears to affect the crop but little. Practical Conclusions 1. It is better to lay up the same land for hay cacli year, grazing the aftermath only, and, in the same way, always to graze other land, rather than graze and hay in alternate years. In this way we obtain the fullest development of those grasses and clovers which are suited to haying and <:razinu' respectively. 2. For the same reason the system of mamuiiiu once adopted should be varied as little as possible, for even manures as similar as nitrate of soda and sulphate of ammonia encourage different kinds of grass. 3. On poor land any large expenditm-e on manures will lie wasted ; the character of the herbage must be slowly reformed ; a full manuring is only utilised when there are plenty of strong and vigorous grasses or clovers among the vegetation. 4. Land which is growing hay requires a manure wliieli is mainly nitrogenous, whilst pasture i-equires a mineral manuring. 5. On strong loams, with a good mixed herbage, a dressing of 10 to 15 tons of farmyard manure should be given eveiT fifth year. In the other years a winter manm-ing (Jaiuiai y or February) of 2 cwt. per acre of superphosphate (basic sla<; on strong clay soils), and :3 cwt. of kainit, with lA cwt. 188 EXPERIMENTS UPON GRASS LAND Fig. 40. — Percentage of Rumex acetosa in the Herbage of the Grass Plots. First Crop, Season 1903. Unmanured. Minerals only. Nitrogen only. 4-1. Superphosphate. 5. Amm. -salts. i 8. No Potash. I 17. Nitrate Soda, I 7. Complete. Nitrogen and Minerals. 4-2. No Potash ^^^^. 9. Complete ,- .. 11. Excess N. J '*"'• 14. Complete ; Nit. Soda. CONCLrsiONS ls.| of nitrate of soda wIumi \\\v urass lic^iiis to ^i-ow. will !..• remunerative. 6. On light dry soils, eitluT sandy <»r chalky, ihc niimuriioiiN manures are the most important: (hiiiu, and cal^c-lrcdin- the ^iftermath, will best build up a vigorous heritage, and nntil tlii> is done it will not be wise to spend nmch money on ariilieial manures: 1 cwt. of nitrate of soda, 1 cwt. of siiperi»lio>|iliate. and 3 cwt. of kainit, being about the l)est ])roportion in wliieli to employ them. 7. On all old grass land an occasional dressing ot ground lime, at the rate of half a ton per acre, applied in the early winter (best in the year following the dunging), will sweeten the herbage and utilise the reserves of past manuring. Uekkuences ■'' lie port of Experiments with Difi'ereiit Manures on Pcrniiuunl Mt.ii(iii\v Land, with Tabular Appendix." Jour. Rot/. Ag. Soc, 19 (18").*^), ").')2, and 20 (1859), 228 and 398. Rothamsled Meinoirx, Vol. I., No. 12. ■"The Effects of Different Manures on the Mixed Herbanje of Grass Land." Jour. Roy. Ag. Soc, 24 (1863), 131. RoUiamsted Memoirs, \'ol. I., No. 18. ■" Further Report of Experiments with Different Manures on IVrmunent Meadow Land." Jour. Roy. Ag. Soc, 24 (1863), 504. Rnlhmnstcd Memoirs, Vol. III., No. 3. ■"Effects of the Drought of 1870 on some of the Expcrinuntal Crops at Rothamsted." Jour. Roy. Ag. Soc, 32 (1871), 91. Rol/iamslrd Memoirs, Vol. III., No. 11. •'' Agricultural, Botanical, and Chemical Results of Experiments on tht- Mixed Herbage of Permanent Meadow, conducted for more than twenty years in succession on the same land." Part L, 1 he Agricultural Results. Full Paper. Phil. Trans., 171 (ISSO), 2S9. Rothamsted Memoirs, Vol. II., 4to, No. 1. ■"Agricultural, Botanical, and Chemical Results of Experiiuenls on the Mixed Herbage of Permanent Meadow, conducted for more tiian twenty years in succession on the same land." Part II., The Botanical Results. Full Paper. Phil. Trans., 173 (1SS2), llSl. Rothamsted Memoirs, Vol. II., 4to, No. 2. ■^'The Hi.story of a Field newly laid down to Permanent (ira-^s." J«ur. Roy. Ag. Soc, 50 (1889), 1. Rothamsted Memoirs, \'ol. \'l., .NO. II. ■".Agricultural, Botanical, and Chemical Results of llxperiments on the Mixed Herbage of Permanent Grass Land, conducted for many years in succession on the same land." Part III., The Chemical Results. Section L, Full Paper. Phil. Tran.s., Series B., 192 (1900). 139. Rothamsted Memoirs, Vol. II., 4 to, No. 3. ■"The Manuring of Grass Lands," by A. D. Hall. Jour. Roy. Ag. Soc, 64 (1903), 76. CHAPTER X EXPERIMENTS UPON CROPS GROWN IN ROTATION, AGDELL FIELD I. The Unmanured Plots. II. Effect of the Manures. III. The Effect of the Growth of Clover or Beans on the succeeding Crops. IV. Effect of Manorial Residues on subsequent Crops. V. Gain or loss of Manurial Constituents to the Land. Practical Conclusions. References. The Agdell field, which was put under experiment in the year 1848, differs from the other Rothamsted fields in that it is farmed on a four-course rotation of Swedes, barley, clover (or beans) or fallow, and wheat, instead of growing one crop con- tinuously. It is divided into three main plots, one of which (O) has received no manm^e, the second (M) mineral manures only (superphosphate alone in the first nine courses), and the third (C) a complete manure, containing the same minerals, but also nitrogen in the form of rape cake and ammonium-salts. The manures are applied to the Swedes only, the other three crops of each course being grown without manure. Each of the three plots is further subdivided into four, so as to obtain the following comparisons : — (1) Half the plots carry clover or beans as the third crop of the course, and half the plots are bare fallow. This shows the effect of introducing the legu- minous crop into the rotation, as compared with the bare fallow. (2) From half the plots the root crops grown in the first course are carted ; on the other half the roots are eaten on the land by sheep ; or rather, since the land is unsuited to winter folding, the roots are chopped up and ploughed in. This shows the effect on the succeeding crops of barley, etc., of the return of a root crop to the land by folding. The Table LXIV. shows the mean results for the last five courses, 1884-1903. CROPS IN ROTATION, AGDELL FIELD 1 r-l C. CC 00 •^ ^5 i g U C5 c 1 1 I I 192 CROPS GROWN IN ROTATION J. — The Unmanured Plots. The various crops as grown in rotation are affected very differently by the absence of manure than the same crops are when grown continuously. In the case of the cereals, the •crop is maintained far better on the rotation plots that are unmanured than on the similar plots in Broadbalk and Hoos field, where wheat and barley are grown continuously. The root crop, however, falls to a minimum in the absence of manure, and the mere act of growing in rotation is quite unable to provide sufficient nutriment for the needs of even a small crop. The clover and bean crops also grow very indifferently on the unmanured plots notwithstanding the rotation, though the falling-off" is not so marked as in the case of the Swedes. Although a rotation of crops, by alternating plants of different requirements and different habits (some deep and 'Table LX V. — Crops grown in rotation, Agdell Field. Comparison of yield at the beginning of the Experiment, and in later years (1852-1867 and 1884-1903). Average Total Produce per acre of four Unmanured and four Mamired Plots. Courses. Swedes. Barley. Beans (or Clover). Wlieat. Unmanured Produce compared with that by Complete Manure = 100. J 1 Is 5s (§1 ii ^1 E Ii 6^ t5 1 Is 6s 1 >> 1 2nd to 5th 10th to 14th Cwt. 19-3 19-7 Cwt. 263-7 435-4 Lb. 4190 2163 Lb. 5972 3662 Lb. 2002 1450 Lb. 3545 3592 Lb. 5526 3979 Lb. 6756 6033 7-3 4-5 70-2 59-1 56-5 40-4 81-8 66-0 some shallow-rooting), is able to utilise more thoroughly the nutriment supplied as manure and the initial resources of the soil, it is evident that it cannot enable the crops to dispense with supplies of manure, but that its value largely depends upon the opportunities it affords for cleaning the land and maintaining a proper system of tillage. Table LXV. shows MAINTENANCE OF YIEIJ) WITIIOIT MAM1:K 1<..:; a comparison between the crops on tlii> uimianurnl aiid the completely manm'ed plot for the iirst four (or i-athn- tin- second to the fifth) and the last live courses of the n.iatinn. from which an idea can he obtained of how far cadi cmj) Manured Plots ■ 1 l»> Four = 100. 1 1 Courses. Unmanured Plots. Fig. 41.— Crops Grown in Rotation. Rehitive Yield on Manured and Urunanurcd Plots in the earlier and later years of the Kxpcrinient. has been affected during the fifty-six years of tli.' cxp.'iini.'ut by the continued absence of niainu-c. Tlif sanu; resuhs are shown graphically in Fig. 41. Dm-ing the last five courses llie crop of Swedes on tli.' unmanured plots has averaged only 16 cwt. per acre, and tli.- roots have lost the appearance of Swedes, becoming taproots 194 CROPS GROWN IN ROTATION with hardly any development of bulb. The crop, indeed, fell away to nothing as soon as the manure was discontinued ; it was less than 8 per cent, of the crop on the manm-ed plots dm^ing the first foiu' com'ses, and it has fallen to about half that quantity dm-ing the last five courses. Swedes have thus very little power of growing upon the reserves of nutriment in the soil, and they are almost wholly dependent upon an immediate supply of manure. The barley has yielded on the unmanm^ed plots 16 bushels of grain and 11 cwt. of straw per acre dm^ng the last five courses. This amounts to about 59 per cent, of the yield on the manured plots in the same years, whereas for the first four courses the yield on the unman ured plots was about 70 per cent, of that of the manured plots. As compared with the corresponding plots in the same years in Hoos field, where barley is grown continuously, the yield of barley has been much better maintained when grown in rotation. On the Hoos field in the later years the production of the unmanured plots has fallen to 27 per cent, of that of the manured plots, while the rotation barley on the unmanm'ed had only fallen to 59 per cent, of that on the maniued plots, the same years being compared in each case. On the Rothamsted land it is not found desirable to grow clover every four years, so only six clover crops have been taken during the course of the experiment, beans having been substituted in the other cases. On these leguminous crops the absence of manure has had a very marked effect ; the produc- tion, which was nearly 60 per cent, of the manured plots in the earlier courses, has fallen to less than 41 per cent, in the later ones. Thus the leguminous crops are much more affected by the cropping out of the land than is the barley. The wheat is better able to resist the deterioration of the fertility of the soil than any of the other crops are. The average production dm-ing the later courses has been 26 '2 bushels per acre on the unmanm'ed plots, as compared with 11*6 bushels per acre on the unmanured plot in Broadbalk WHEAT BEST STANDS ABSENCE OF MAM IM growing wheat continuously, and witli 17;") l.uslicls on ihf similarly unnianured plot where wheat is grown after a hare fallow. In the carhcr period on the rotation field the uiimanm*ed plots yielded 82 per cent, of the wlieat on tJii- manured plots, but in the later period tlie produelion without niamu-e had fallen to 66 per cent, of that on the niaiuired plots, whereas in the corresponding later years of tlic con- tinuous wheat-field the production on the uninaiuired plot lias fallen to 29 per cent, of that on tlie maiuirecl j)|(.t. It is clear that the progressive cropping out of the soil is telling upon the wheat, though it will take a very long time before the crop grown in rotation is reduced to the level of the nninanured land that is continuously cropped with wlieat. II. — Effect of the Manlkes. The three main plots into which the experimental field is divided receive the following manurial treatment per acre : — O. Unmanured continuously. M. 3^ cwt. superphosphate, 500 lb. sulphate of potash, 100 lb. sulphate of soda, and 200 lb. sulphate of magnesia for the Swedes. C. Minerals as on Plot M., together with 200 lb. ammo- nium-salts and 2000 lb. rape cake for the Swedes. Table LXVI. — Effect of Manures on Crops grown in rofafiim, A'/dr// Fiehi. Avcnific jproduce per acre over the jive last Courses^ 1884-1903. O. 1 M. ('. Unmanured. ,M.ue«. Manun.. Roots (Swedes) .... Cwt. Barley Grain .... Bush. Barley Straw .... Lb. Clover Hay * . . . . Cwt. Bean Corn"+ Bush. Bean Straw t . . . . Lb. Wheat Grain .... Bush. Wheat Straw . . .Lb. 1 l.-,-9 20S-2 l.-)-8 20-0 12(51 112 J 0-1 ■■\:>-', 1.V9 28-3 'Jir, 1>91 "2(J-2 ' 36-1 2328 3482 399-9 27-7 2068 37-8 190 1289 37 1 3698 Average of 3 courxes. t Average of 2 coaw«. 196 CKOPS GEOWN IN ROTATION It should be remembered that each of these three plots is fm'ther subdivided into four quarter plots, in the first place the third crop may be clover or a bare fallow, and again the roots are carted off or fed on the land. The effect of the mineral manures without nitrogen is very marked on the roots; during the last five com-ses the crop averaged 208 cwt. per acre, as against 16 cwt. per acre only on the unmanured plot. Even on the most impoverished of the quarter plots, that from which the roots are always carted and where a bare fallow is taken after the barley, the produc- tion amounted to 178 cwt. (see Table LXIV.), although the plot had been receiving no nitrogen for thirty-six years previously, nor had any residues of the previous crops, which would contain nitrogen, been returned to the ground. Where the roots had been put back and where also a leguminous crop was taken in the rotation, the crop amounted to 245 cwt., the increase being due to the extra nitrogen thus returned to the soil. These results illustrate the great dependence of the Swede crop upon a plentiful supply of mineral, and especially of phosphatic, manures ; the latter in particular seem to stimulate the development of ii1:>rous roots, thus enabling the plant to utiHse the resources of the soil. Again, the cultivation to which the land is subjected for the Swede crop is calculated to nitrify reserves of nitrogenous material in the soil and render the plant more or less independent of a direct supj^ly of nitrogen. Thus, in ordinary farming practice with the land in good condition the Swede crop only requires a small nitrogenous dressing, but should always have a comparatively large amount of phosphoric acid, in order to enable it to make the most of the reserves in the soil and of the dung which is generally used with this crop. The effect of the mineral dressing is much less marked on the barley than on the roots, it only increases the average crop from 15-8 to 20 bushels per acre. This increase again is wholly found on the plots growing clover and beans and so receiving nitrogen collected from the air; the two EFFECT OF MINKKAT> M \Nn:r.S i!.7 quarter plots wliieli are tallowed after the Itarlcy aetually grow less than the correspoiuliiijj; uniiianiired plots. On these lattrr plots the preceding growth of a comparatively large crop nf roots has removed so nnich nitrogen that the s(.il is left jioorcr than on the wdiolly unmanured plot, whicli lias Ikmmi laxr.l less severely, though both are alike in receiving no supplv of nitrogen during the whole com'se of the rotation. i^ this we may conclude that, in the absence of nitrogen, mineral manm-es are of no use to the l)arley crop, the magnitude of Avhich will depend on the amount of nitrogen available, even when the mineral resom'ces of the soil have been considerably drawn upon. In other words, with barley on unmanured land nitrogen starvation sets in long before the deficit in minei-als is felt, the reverse being the case with Sw^edes. Coming to the leguminous crop, the mineral maiuncs have a very powerful effect, although they are applied a yeai- before the clover is sown and two years before the crop is grown. The increase brought about is from 9 to 33 cwt. of clo^ er ha}^ and in the case of beans, from 157 bushels of corn and 87 cwl. of straw to 28*0 bushels of corn and 17 cwt. of straws This illustrates well the generally accepted fact that the leguminous plants are in the main independent of manurial sources of nitrogen, which element they are able to draw fnjm the atmosphere, especially when they are provided with ]»lenty of mineral plant-food. In considering the wheat crop, it is necessary to distinguish between the plots which have previously grown clover (.r beans and those which have been fallowed, because in the foniHi- case there has been such an accumulation of nitrogen in the soil that the succeeding wheat crop is very much stimulated. It will be seen that the crops on the fallowed portions averaged about 32-4 bushels per acre, as against 271 bushels per acre on the corresponding unmanured plots, an iiiei-ease Avhich nuist in the main be set down to the niin.Tjj dressings received three years earlier in the rotation. ^VIll'I•e clover or beans are grown the crop mounts up to nearly H) bushels pho\\s some effect for tlie nitroucii applied three years jM-cvioiisIy. If we consider the fallow portions only, there aiv nearly :) hnsh.-U more i^rain pro(hiced by the residue of the niti-ou'cnoiis mamiring, so dependent is the wheat crop upon a sujiplv of nitrogen. On the portions which ui'ow heans oi- clover tli.- wheat crop gains so much from the nitrogenous material left by the stubble of these leguminous crops that the effect of the previous nitrogenous manuring is no longer apparent, the average crop being actually highest on the portions receiving only minerals, thus corresponding with the varying yields of the previous leguminous crops rather than with the direct nitrogenous manuring. U nman u red Minerals only, no Nitrogen Connplete Manure Fin. 42.— Effect of Manure upon Crops thrown in Rotition. Totii! I'roducc. Averajjes of Five Courses (1884-1903). Swedes in 100 cwt. ; Barlt-y find Wtu-at in luOO lb. ; and Clover in 10 cwt. Fig. 42 shows in a gTaphic form the effect of three systems — no manm-e, minerals without nitrogen, and a complete manure — on the successive crops in the rotation. 200 CROPS GROWN IN ROTATION III. — The Effect of the Growth of Clover or Beans on THE Succeeding Crops. It has already been stated that one of the main objects of the experimental field is to compare the results of growing a crop like beans or clover as the third item in the rotation instead of taking a bare fallow. Of com^se, historically, this change from bare fallow to clover marks one of the great advances in agricultural practice, but its complete justification has only been possible in the last few years, since the power of the leguminous plants to fix atmospheric nitrogen has been known. In the Agdell field clover has been grown six times and beans eight times during the period under experiment. Table LXVII. shows the average crops of each separately, together with the total produce of the succeeding wheat crop on the fallowed and cropped portions respectively. 'J' ABLE LXVII. — Cro^s grown in rotation, Agdell Field. Effect of Clover or Beans on the following Wheat Crops. Total produce per acre — Mean of "Fed" and "Carted" 2Jortions. Clover Crops.* Wheat, t Bean Crops.:!: -Wheat.§ After Fallow. After Clover. Tncrease due to Clover. After Fallow. After Beans. Increase due to Beans. 0. Unmanured M. Mineral Manure . C. Complete Manure Cwt. 44-4 r.2-9 Lb. 4173 5245 5479 Lb. 3475 5613 6130 Per cent. -16-7 + 7-0 + 11-9 Lb. 1888 2615 3177 Lb. 4907 5528 6092 Lb. 4373 5447 5929 Per cent. -10-9 - 1-5 - 2-7 '■ 5 years (1S74, 1882, 1886, 1894, and 1902). t 5 years (1875, 1883, 1887, 1895, and 1903). + 8 years (1S54, 1858, 1862, 1866, 1870, 1878, 1890, and 1898). § 8 years (1855, 1859, 1863, 1867, 1871, 1879, 1891, and 1899). The beneficial effect of the clover crop is at once apparent from the table. On the unmanured plot the clover crop is a small one, and apparently the nitrogen it has collected from the atmosphere is not sufficient to compensate for the better tilth and nitrification which are induced by a bare fallow. On the plot receiving mineral manm^es a large bulk of clover is grown, averaging 44*4 cwt. of clover hay, and notwithstanding that all this is removed from the land the nitrogen accumulated in the roots and stubble is sufficient to raise the total produce of the BENEFICIAL EFFECT OF CLOVFIJ .Ml I wheat from .5240 lb. to .">(3i:} lb., or by 7 per (ciii. On ihr completely mamired plot a still greater erop u[' clover is obtained, averaging r>3 cwt., and this still further the wheat crop from 'A79 lb. to OIHO lb., or by \'2 per cent. With the beans an entirely different result appears; on each of the three plots the bare fallow pi-oves a better prepira- tion for wheat than does the bean croj), after which in all cases the wheat crop is scmiewhat dinn'nished. On the nnniaiune.l plot the average diminnticm is 11 i)er cent., on the mineral manm-edj^lot it is I'o per cent., and on the completely manured plot it is 27 per cent. In other words, the bean crop, which is pulled, not cut, does not leave behind any great amount ol' nitrogen gathered from the atmosphere — not sufficient to compensate for the absence of the summer tillage that the bare fallow receives. These results are even more clearly seen Avhen the crops following the largest clover and bean crops are considered, the results of which are set out in Table LXVIII. Table LXVIII. — Crops (jroion in rotation, Agdell Field. Effect of fh>- largest Clover or Bean Crop on the following Wheat Crop. Total prod wr per arre — Mean of " Fed" and "Carted" portions. Clover, 1894. Wheat, 1S95. Beans, 1862. Wheat, 1 80S. ' After Fallows. After Ctover. Increase due to Clover. After After '2^^ ! Fallow. Beam. ^~ i 1 1 * 1 O. Unmanured M. Mineral Manure . C. Complete Manure c... 16-5 .59-7 76-7 Lb. :un 4220 4547 Lb. Per cent. 3193 4 2-0 5180 +22-7 5209 +14-6 1 Lb. 3603 4033 5755 Lb. 7222 7910 8792 Lb. Per c«nt. 5281 ' -26-9 6090 -23-0 7674 , -12-7 , 1 1 In 1894 the clover on the unmanured jilot produce. to 5209 lb., or by 14 '6 per cent. The increase of gi-ain in this case was 7 bushels per acre. Tm-ning now to the bean crojD of 1862, the largest of the series, we find that it was also followed by a specially good wheat crop in 1863, but that in each case the wheat was less after the beans than after the bare fallow, the diminution amomiting to 26 '9 per cent, on the unmanm-ed plot, 23 per cent, on the plot receiving superphosphate only, and 127 per cent, on the completely manured plot. These results can only Table LXIX. — Croijs f/'rown in rotation, Agclell Field. Effect of Clover {or Beans) on the succeeding Surde and Barley CrojJS. Mean of four Courses — Produce iKr acre. 10th-l3th Courses (1SS4-99). Clover (or Beans). llth to Uth Courses (1S88-1903). Root Crops. Barley. After FaUow. After Clover or Beans. Increase due to Clo\er or Beans. After Fallow. After 1 Increase Clover due to or ' Clover Beans. | or Beans. 0. Unmanured . M. Mineral Manure C. Complete Manure . Lb. 1809 4777 4320 Cwt. 28-1 201-4 465-5 Cwt. 11-5 251-9 446-5 Per cent. -59-1 + 25-1 - 4-1 Lb. 2086 2037 3170 Lb. ! Per cent. 2115 +1-4 3007 I +47-6 3780 i +19-2 be interpreted by supposing that the large bean crop, so far from obtaining all the nitrogen it required from the atmosphere, drew extensively upon the resom^ces in the soil, consequently, instead of enriching the land like the clover crop it actually left it poorer than it was before. Since the growth of clover has such a marked effect on the subsequent crop of wheat, the question of the duration of the benefit caused by the clover naturally arises. Table LXIX. gives a summary of the results during the last fom* courses which have been completed, showing a comparison of the roots and the barley after fallow and after clover (or beans) re- RESIDUES LEFT 1^' LECTM I NOIS CIJops -jo:; spectively— /.e?., of the crops c-oiniiiL; in the srcmul aii.l thin I yccirs after the growtli of the h\miininoiis crop. The results show lliat wlicrc the inamirin^ i-, wiili miiicials only the effect of tlie leguminous crop is very marked hoth in the roots and in the barley, /.<'., that the nitrogen introdnc.-.l ])y the growth of clover is operative, not only in the wiii-ai whicli follows it, but also in the roots and the barley which follow tli.- wheat; in fact, in all the crops of the rotation until the ch.v.r comes round again. The root crop is increased by -J.") per cent., and the barley crop by' nearly .")() per cent., the magnitude (.f the increase being due to the fact that the leguminous crop represents the only source of nitrogen on this plot. AVhen, however, the manure put on to the Swedes contains nitrogen, the effect of the nitrogen stored up in the soil by the clover cro}) two seasons before is masked by the fresh nitrogen introduced, and produces no increase of crop. It, however, becomes manifest in the succeeding barley crop, which is 19 per cent, greater on the portion cropped with leguminous plants than on the fallowed portion, so that we can say the value of a c-Iovcr crojD is felt for three years after its growth in all the crops of the rotation, even under the ordinary conditions of fanning when a manure introducing large quantities of nitrogen is use, of beans, just as they show little effect in the succeeding wlirat crops, so also they cause but a small benefit to the roots and barley coming later still. The continuous enrichnimt ot" thr land shown in the above table has therefc^re been duf in the main to the five occasions on which clover has been taken during the thirteen complete courses covere •J(i.> luanure. We thus obtain a iiR'ans of asccrtainiiii: uliat loidue is left in the land after the removal of the crop to wliicli the manure lias been applied. If, for example, we compair tin* plots receiving minerals only with those receivinu^ nniH'i-;iI> and nitrogen, on the fallow portion the additicm of nitmgcn [(nMhucs an increase of crop from 188 to 44^^ cwt. jxm- acrr, nr of i:js per cent. This crop of roots is entirely removiMl. but tlic suc- ceeding barley crop shows a total produce of 'J.')?.') 11 >. on thr plot where nitrogen was apphed to the roots, against Is-J.') II,. on the plot without nitrogen ; thus the residue of the nitrogen in the gromid after one crop had been grown and nMuovcfj was still able to increase the next crop l)y 41 per cent. The following Table (LXX.) shows the sununariscd icsuhs Taule LXX. — Crops groioi in rotdJion, AgdcU Field. Ti>l(tl prodmr jicr acre. Mean of five Courses, 1884-1903. Increase due to Nit roijcnovs Manures applied to the Swede Crop only, and their Residues. Manures. Swedes. Barley. Fallow (or Beaus or Clover). Wheal. Roots carted. Fallow. Minerals only Minerals + Nitrogen .... — ^{^:r"it'„t : : : Cwt. 188-1 448 I.b. 182.^ 2575 l.b. 1 Fallow { Lb. 5180 5521 259-9 1.33-1 750 41-1 341 6-6 Roots carted. Beans or Clover. Minerals onlj Minerals + Nitrogen .... 1— ase{Actua.__.. ; ; ; Til 44;-. -4 2548 354:3 .57.'. 1 :!:n7 5995 6140 21S-4 9*J-2 99-. 39-1 - 11-G 145 2-4 for the last five courses on both the fallow and tli.- clovi'i- portions. It will be seen that a nitrogenous dressing consisting of rape cake and aminonium-.salts leaves in the groumi. after 206 CROPS GROWN IN ROTATION growing a crop of roots, a residue which increases the barley crop by 41 per cent. ; even two years later, after an intervening bare fallow, sufficient still remains to increase the Avheat crop by nearly 7 per cent. A very similar increase in the barley crop, of 39 per cent, instead of 41 per cent., is brought about by the residues of the nitrogenous manuring applied to the Swede crop on the plots which, instead of being fallowed, carry clover or beans as the third crojo in the rotation. On the leguminous crop itself, however, the residues of nitrogen still in the soil have a depressing effect, the average production of l^eans or clover being 11 '6 per cent, less on the plots which receive nitrogen for the SAvede crop than on the corresponding plots getting no nitrogen, a result of nitrogenous manuring which has been noted before. Fmther evidence of the duration of manurial residues is to be obtained by comparing the plots from which the roots are removed with those to which the roots are returned, and noting the effects on the succeeding crops of the rotation. For this pmpose it will be wise to consider only the plots on which the Swedes receive nitrogen as well as the minerals, for on them only is there a crop of Swedes l^ig enough to leave any per- ceptible residue. Table LXXI. shows tlie average results Table l.XXr. Average Produce per acre. Relative Yield. Roots Removed. Roots Fed. Roots Removed. Roots Fed. Swedes . 448 cwt. 440-1 cwt. 100 99 Barley . FaUow . Wheat . 2575 lb. 5521 ib. 3951 lb. 6224'lb. 100 100 153 113 (grain and straw) for tlie last five courses on the fed and carted portions, where a bare fallow is taken in each course. Taking the figures in the last column, we see that the effect of the root crop on the succeeding barley is considerable, for EFFECT OF FEEDING KOOTS OX TIIK LAM) jo; the yield of l)arley is increased l)y as imic-li as ."):} per fciii. through tlie return of the root crop to tlie land. The residues have, however, but a small effect two years later on the wheat crop which follows the bare fallow, for where the roots were fed the wheat crop is only 1:3 per cent, larger than where the roots were carted off. The residual effect has practieallv llie reiii(»\al (»f nitrogen is chiefly effected l)y the two cereal eroi)s, so small has the crop of roots become. The average !'>>> iA' nitrogen over the whole four years of the rotation amounts to just over 19 11). per acre per annum, wliich agrees very closely with the average annual ivnioNal of niti-ogeii from the unmanm-ed plot in Broadbalk where wheal is giown yeai- after year. When mineral manures ai'e used for the Swedes 210 CROPS GROWN IN ROTATION the loss of nitrogen to the soil during the rotation is greater, amounting to over 24 lb. per acre per annum, the increase being almost wholly due to the much larger Swede crop which is obtained by the help of the mineral manures. Coming to the plot which receives a nitrogenous manure for the Swede crop, we find the average removal of nitrogen becomes 40 lb. per acre per annum, a slightly greater quan- tity than is supplied by the manure, so that the net loss is about 5 lb. of nitrogen per acre per annum, approximately the amount annually restored by the rain. Thus, if we con- sider this plot alone, an almost exact balance is obtained l)etween the nitrogen supjDlied and the nitrogen removed, so that the fertility of the land should be closely maintained. There are, hoAvever, other sources of loss which the above figures do not take into account — losses by the removal of weeds, losses by the washing away of nitrates, especially during the bare fallow, and losses due to the decomposition of nitrogenous materials in the soil with the evolution of their nitrogen as gas, " denitrification " so called. Possible sources of gain are the absorption from the atmosphere of ammonia otlier than the ammonia washed doAvn in the rain, and the fixation of atmospheric nitrogen by soil bacteria which do not require the co-operation of a leguminous plant. It is difiicult to decide whether the fertility of this plot is i-eally falling off or not, so great is the effect of seasons in causing fluctuations in yield which cannot be gauged ; the last four root crops have actually been greater than the first four, the wheat has been somewhat less, Avhile the barley has given in the latter years less than half the crop of the earlier ones. The seasons in the latter years were, however, against the l^arley crop, so that one can come to no very definite conclusion as to whether the recuperative agencies indicated above are sufficient to com pen sate for the unestimated but inevital^le losses. Turning now to the plots on which clover or beans are grown, it becomes still more difficult to estimate the gain or loss of nitrogen to the land, since the leguminous crop gains an NITROGEN GATNKI) oi: I.osT I'li amount of nitrogen for the l.ind wliidi wf havr im humus of calculating, but which we know is sulHciciit to lH>ii.'fii ilu- succeeding crops for at least three years. l,XXI\'. shows the removal of nitrogen per acre pci- .iiiiiiiiii mi the plots growing beans and (^lover wlicre tlic root croii i-^ com- pletely carted away. Table LXXIV. — Nitrogen removed hi/ Crops (iruwn in rotation, A;fd>ll Field. Avercuje of eight Cowr.sfs, 1852-1883 RooU varfal. o. Uiimanured. M. Minerals only. Complete Manur*". | Lb. l.b. I,\.. Supplied in INIanure M"i Removed in Crops :— Swedes Barley Beans or Clover .... Wheat 7-6 30-4 41-4 32-8 33-3 23-5 61-5 3.V9 10-7 l.J-7 Total in rotation Per acre per annum . 112-2 28-1 1j4-2 38 -G 254-5 63-6 On the plot receiving mineral but no nitrogenous manure the removal of nitrogen is now nearly 40 lb. per acre i»er annum ; but if we exclude the clover or l)ean crop as proM'ding its own nitrogen, the loss is only a little over '1'.) II ». pci- aci<' per annum, some of which is undoul)tedly replaceil by iIh* nitrogen drawn from the atmosphere and left in the roots and stubble of the clover. With the nitrogenous manuring for tlie Swedes the annual removal of nitrogen amounts to nearly «)4 lb. per acre per annum, or again excluding the amount contaiinMl in the clover or beans, to about 41 lb., of which the nitroumous manm'c used for the Swedes provides IJo lb., reducing the net loss to the soil to about G lb. of nitrogen per acre jx-r .•innuni. This is easily compensated for by the amount of nitrogrn intm- removed during the four years of the rotation and nm>t br replaced by manure if the fertility of the land i> in br main- tained. If 15 tons per acre of Imch known for a long time, indeed it was fur many years utilised on a commercial scale for the production of nitre. Many of the conditions under which nitrification takes place liad heeii worked out by the men in charge of the old .salt pet i-e lieds before Boussingault and other investigators consideretl ihem afresh from the point of view of agriculture. Tlie pi'esence of calcium carl)onate or some other base, tlie aeration nf tlie soil, warmth, and a certain pi-oportion of watei- had l»eeii shown to be necessary, while it was known tliai iinieli i»rM.inie matter was injurious. tlie action is brought about by a living organism, was first established by the experiment- ..f Schloesing and Miintz in 1877: and on the ajipraiMner «.f their paper, Mr Warington, who was ili.n working in tlie Rothamsted laboratory on the subject (.!' nitrates in llie soil, proceeded to a further investigation of tlii> iiii|)<.iiant -nbjcct. His first experiments eonfii-med the eonelusinns reached by Schloesincr and Mimtz, and .showed that the amount of nitrates 218 NITRIFICATION in a soil increased when pure air was led through it, but that no increase was observable when the air contained a trace of an antiseptic like chloroform or carbon bisulphide. Further ex23erinients cast Hght on the conditions under which the nitrogen in ammonium - salts would thus pass over into nitrates — a preliminary seeding from a previously nitrifying solution or from soil or natural waters is necessary — bright hght inhibits the process, and the drying up of a soil, even at the ordinary temperature of a room, is sufficient to destroy the agent of the change. All these facts showed that the change to nitrate was effected by living organisms present in the soil and in natural waters. It was also shown that certain food substances, particularly phosphoric acid, are required in the nitrifying solution. About the same time also, Munro sho\ve(l that the organism can obtain its carbon from purely inorganic sources like the carbonates of ammonia or calcium, acquiring the necessary energy for splitting up the carbon dioxide from the combustion of the ammonia to nitrous and nitric acid. This remarkable fact was afterwards more rigorously demonstrated by Winogradsky, who established a relation of about thirty-five to one l)etween the nitrogen oxidised and the carbon assimilated. In the course of Warington's experiments he observed that when a comparatively strong ammoniacal solution (containing also phosphates, etc.) was seeded from a soil, the first product of the oxidation was largel}', if not wholly, nitrites, and that these nitrites were converted into nitrates at a later stage when most of the original ammonia had been oxidised. This seemed to indicate that the reaction takes place in two stages, a preliminary oxidation to nitrite being followed by a second independent change of the nitrite into nitrate. Warington succeeded in separating by relocated cultivations one agent that >^ould only carry on the first oxidation from ammonia to nitrite, and a second that would oxidise nitrite into nitrate but would not attack the original ammoniacal solution. Although Warington was not able at that time to demonstrate in a pure DFAlTIJIl'iCA'noN L'l!^ state the ()r of doinu the wm-k (.t llir (.tli.r. Soon afterwards Warington's conclusions wciv coiiliniircl l.y Winogradskv, who succeeded l)y a new nicthcMl in |uvparing pure cuhures of the two organisms. The position in which Warington's investigation.^ K'fi the question of nitrification has not been materially advanced since ; the process is carried out by two distinct organisms present iit enormous numbers in all cultivated soils, l)eingonly absent from soils possessing an acid reaction like peat. The action of these organisms is dependent on certain conditions of temperature and aeration, on a supply of inorganic food like phosphates, on the presence of a l)ase and on the absence of any excess of soluble organic matter. II. — Dkmtiuficatklx. During the progress of the investigations on nitrification Warington found that under certain conditions soils possessed the power of destroying any nitrates which had been formed previously. This had been observed before, and shown to be due to the action of sundry living organisms which arc univer- sally distributed in natm-al waters, sew^age, and soil. The main conditions necessary for the development of this reducing action are the ab.sence of oxygen and the presence of a suflicicncy of readily oxidisable organic matter; it will then depend on the conditions to which the soil is subjected whether the nitrate- making or the nitrate-destroying organisms l)ecomc active. AVarington, for example, showed that if an ordinary soil wci-c deprived of air by keeping it in a waterdogged condiiii.n. any nitrates added to it would be rapidly desti-oycd with the evolution of nitrogen gas. The action of a number of organisms was sludir.l l.y intro- ducing them into beef broth containing sonic nil rah- and protected from the access of oxygen by a layer of pai-allin oil. 220 NITRIFICATION Under these conditions, of thirty-seven distinct organisms tested, nineteen rednced the nitrate to nitrite, one of them producing nitrogen gas also, three brought about some sKght reduction, and fifteen were without action on the nitrate. Eeduction to a nitrite was the most general reaction, but other organisms have been found capable of carrying the reduction further to nitric or nitrous oxide, or even to nitrogen gas. It has been supposed that considerable losses of nitrogen are likely to accrue from this cause Avhenever nitrate of soda is used as a manure in conjunction with organic materials like dung. But, notwithstanding the presence of denitrifying bacteria in the soil, the conditions under which they become active— absence of air, a high temperature and the presence of large quantities of soluble organic matter — are so rarely realised that denitrification probably plays no large part in practice. For example, on the Rothamsted mangel plots, where large quantities of nitrate of soda are used in conjunction with dung applied every year, the recovery in the crop of the nitrogen supplied in the nitrate compares favoural^ly with the proportion recovered when nitrate of soda alone is used (see pp. 113-4). In other words, the nitrate of soda produces almost as large an increase when added to a dunged as to an unmanured plot, hence very little of its nitrogen can have been wastefully liberated as gas. Latterly the term denitrification has been used in a Avider sense for all bacterial decomposition of organic bodies containing nitrogen, which result in the loss of nitrogen as free gas. Such actions must be always going on in soil, and serve to account for the fact that there seems to be a limit to the accumula- tion of nitrogen in soils, because the destructive changes proceed with greater rapidity as the amount of organic matter in the soil increases and provides a richer medium for the development of these bacteria. For example, it is found that the amount of nitrogen accumulated in the soil of the Park, which has been in grass from time immemorial, shows no DISTRIBUTION OF MTK'IFVINC OIMIAMSMS -Jl tendency to increase and isl)ut litilr liiuhcr tliaii the jJiojMii-iinu in the soil of other adjoinini]: meadows wliicli have oiiK lu-i-n kid down to grass for tliirty years or so. Again, in tin- I' balk wheat tield, tlie j)lot wliieli receives farniy.ird manure is snppHed annnally with far more nitrogen than is renioNcd in the crop. Dnring the earher years of the e\|)ciimcni> tlniv was in consequence a rapid rise in the jiro|iortion ot niirogrn in the soil, but this rise has diminished, and lias liecn latterly by no means equal to the annual increment of nitrogen. A state of equilibrium is eyentually attained, when the destructive agencies find the conditions so fayourable for their develop- ment that the quantity of nitrogen compounds broken down to the state of gas becomes equal to the surplus of eonibine(l nitrogen that is added year by year. III. — Nitrates in Cultivated Soils. The nitrifying organisms are in the main present only in the surface soil which is subject to cultiyation ; at depths greater than 9 inches from the smface the organisms become more scanty and less effectiye in inducing nitrification in a suitable medium. Dming the sampling of several of the Kothamsted soils Warington took advantage of the pits dng into tiie subsoil to obtain small samples of the undisturbed snbsoil. portions of which were then introduced into solutions capable of undergoing nitrification. It was found that the nitri fying organisms were present in all the samples down to o feet from the surface ; at 6 feet, where the snbsoil was clay, half the samples failed to induce nitrification, at 8 feet the clay subsoil showed no evidence of the presence of nitritying organisms. Whenever the subsoil passe .ilmost wholly dependent oil t lie retention in llic soil of tlir nitrates thus formed in the sunnner. Should a ucl autimm ;nid eariv winter succeed, the nitrates ar(> \\aslied so tar dnwn in ih,. subsoil as to be out of reach of the ei-o|), which tlnn -Imw- a very small return for the previous sunniiei- fallow inu. The rapidity with which nitritieation may take place after harvest is also noticeable in the table. There is plentx of evidence that for three months or so before the reinoxal of the wheat crop the soil in which it is growinjj; is [tiactieallv fr-r from nitrates, but if rain falls when the «j;r()imd has l)eeii broken up after harvest the conditions l)ecome extremely favom-able to nitrification, because the soil is warm and wdl aerated by stirring, and possesses a suitable degree of moisture. Hence heavy autumnal rains, before the land is again occui)ied by a crop to take up the nitrates, may easily result in serious loss to the land, and some quick-growing covering ci-op like mustard is valuable, because it seizes upon the ready formed nitrates. At a later date the nitrogenous compounds the mustard has formed from the nitrates, which would otiierwise have been washed away, are returned to the land, either by being ploughed in or fed off, and become available on their decay for the nutrition of the succeeding crop. Imcu a free growth of weeds on the stubl)le will diminisli the los> of nitrates to the land. IV. — Nitrates in Manured and Cian'i'ii) Soils. In several instances, as, for example, in the Broa«lltalk field in 1893, soil samples have been drawn to depths of 1» feet, and the distribution of the nitrates in the successive 1» inches determined. Table LXXVIIT. shows the results for certain of the plots sampled in Octolier of that year, after a very dry summer yielding a crop mucli Ix'low the average, and als.» alter a fall of about 4! Indies of rain between harvest and thr time of sampling. 224 NITRIFICATION Table LXXVIII. — Nitrogen as Nitrates in BroadbalJc Wheat Soils, October 1893. Lb. per acre. Plot B. 2b. 19. 5. li. 7.* 8. 16. Minerals Minerals Minerals Minerals Un- manured. Dunged. Rape Cake. Minerals only. +43 lb. N. as Amm.- salts. + 86 lb. asAmm.- salts. + 129 lb. N. as Amm.- salts. + 86 lb. N. as Sod. Nit. i 1st 9 inches . 9-64 10-53 22-06 10-53 14-13 14-96 17-40 13-59 ' 2nd „ 9-22 45-36 24-36 6-36 12-74 19-21 29-17 42-58 3rd 2-74 12-25 14-18 2-23 5-81 8-54 8-71 20-77 4th 0-95 2-98 5-32 8-71 13-03 5th 1-00 3-47 4-64 8-51 7-82 6th 0-71 3-72 4-40 7-46 5-96 7th .. 1-03 3-25 4-51 7-99 5-45 Sth ., 0-92 1-89 4-02 7-60 6-28 9th ., 0-87 2-46 4-29 6-13 ... 10th Total 1 to 90 . 0-57 2-16 4-38 5-64 25-17 52-61 74-27 107-32 115-48* To 72 inches only. It has already l)een pointed out that nitrification is practi- cally confined to the siirfixce soil, where only do the desirable conditions prevail of numerous organisms, free aeration and stirring of the soil, and nitrogenous matter easily attackable by bacteria. This opinion is also borne out by the fact that the drain-gauge with soil 60 inches deep yields practically the same amount of nitrate as the shallower gauge where the soil is only 20 inches deep. From this it follows that the nitrates to be found in the lower depths of the subsoil are all derived from the sm*face, and have been washed down with the rain. It will be noticed that in most cases shown in the tal)le the second 9 inches contains a larger amount of nitrates than the smface soil, in some instances even the third 9 inches are richer than the surface. This is merely due to the downward dis- placement of the nitrates produced after the harvest l^y the heavy rain A\hicli had fallen immediately before sampling. It will also be noticed that in several cases there is a break in continuity in the amount of nitrates l^etween the third and fourth depths. This is probably due to the tile drains, which lie at about this depth and remove the drainage water charged with N[TKATKS IN ■mi., soil nitrates. Sucli a break in c'()m[)()siti(.ii is ii,,t s.-.-n in the samples drawn from other fields wliidi aiv imi t ilc-draiiu-d. The eharacter of the maiun-iii- n|)]>h('il to ihr sinfacc soil i> well seen in the amount of nitrates in the sulisoil : i'nv cxamiile. Plots ;\ (), 7, 8 form a series, all ucttiii.Lr tlic same niinn-al manure, but Plot 5 has no niti-o^en, while Plots (;. 7. and s receive successive increments of anunonium-salts. Down tn the depth of 9 feet the samples contain nitrogen as nitrate in approximately the same proportions as it is applied t.. tin- surface in the form of anunonium-salts. Again, the total amount of nitrogen as nitrate contained in the wln>le de[»th below Plots 6, 7, and 8, as compared with that present below Plot 5 receiving no nitrogen, is nuieh the same as the (piantity of nitrogen applied as manure less the amount renioxed in the crop of 1893. Table LXX\X.—Xitro[in), Ik j)er acre, 1893. Plot. 5. G. 7. 8. 16. As Nitrate in Soil to depth of 90 inches Excess of Nitrate over Plot .")... Nitrogen in Crop, excess over Plot o . Nitrogen accounted for in Soil and Crop, excess over Plot o Nitrogen supplied in Manure 25-2 .52-6 74-3 107-3 82-1 14-8 96-9 129 115 -S* ... 27-4 8-7 49-1 12-9 90-3 11-7 36-1 43 62-0 86 102-0 86 Thus we have evidence that practically the whole of nitrogen supplied as ammonium-salts is nitrified during season of growth of the wheat, and whatever is not iciik by the plant gets w^ashed down as nitrate into the snbsoil, may be either intercepted by the tile drainage, if any. nr its way into the general stock of undei-ground water. Jn> the same w\ay the nitrate supplieil to Plot HI in excess of requirements of the plant gets also \\a>lif(| (l(.\\n lo a e(»n>i( able depth in the subsoil. The large quantity of deep-seated nitrate >lio\\ii in analyses is no longer available for crops on the Kothain. the th.> .ve.l and lin.l t in thr the ^ted 226 NITRIFICATION soil, probably because the closeness of textm^e permits but little capillary movement of water to take place. This we learn from the comparison of the yields on Plot 5, receiving minerals but no nitrogen every year, and on Plot 17 or 18, which receives alternately minerals and ammonium-salts. As has already been pointed out (p. 51), in the years this plot 17 or 18 receives minerals but no nitrogen, its crop sinks almost exactly to the level of the crop on Plot 5, although it had received 86 lb. of nitrogen as ammonium- salts the year l^efore. Clearly, then, on the Rothamsted soil ammonium- salts are not retained as such for more than the season of applica- tion, nor are the nitrates resulting from them able to return to the surface to feed the succeeding crop. On other soils of better textm'e for allowing the movements of water by capil- larity there can be no doubt that the nitrates in the subsoil water will retmni to the suiface and be of service to the crop. It must not be supposed, however, that dressings of manures like nitrate of soda and sulphate of ammonia, which so readily wash away as nitrates, are entirely without action on the succeeding crops. Because of the very fact that they cause a large growth, there is left behind in the soil a corre- spondingly large development of root and stubble, which will decay for the benefit of succeeding crops. Especially is this the case where some considerable proportion of the crop grown is not harvested, but is returned at once to the land, as is done, for example, with the leaves of mangels or the haulm of potatoes. A striking example is seen at Rothamsted, on the plots which grew potatoes for twenty-six years, from 1876 to 1901, and were then sown with barley without fuither manuring. Table LXXX. shows the total produce (grain and straw) of the first and second crops (barley) and the third crop (oats), after the manuring had been discontinued. It will be seen that the change from potatoes to barley was followed by enormous crops of grain wherever nitrogenous manure has been used for the potatoes ; the two plots which had previously been dunged gave over 70 bushels of grain per RESIDUES OF NITKOGENOUS MAM IM.S I'-r acre; the four ])lot.s wliicli liad nM-civcl niii-om'u as riilici nitrate of soda or aininoiiiiiiH-salts pi\(> soiin-wliat less. Imi still over 60 bushels ; wliilo tlie tnui" plots witliont niii()u'<'ii in Table LXXX. — Total proiucd witliout Mnnnrc, folloxpiiuj l'otitto>s mamLred for 26 years. Lb. per acn». Manure applieil to the Potatoes, ijTu-ljnl. 1902. Unmanured | 3602 Unmanured, 1882 and since, pre\nously Dung . i 3804 Dung alone, 188.". and since 9024 Dung alone, 1883 and since I 9072 S3 Superphosphate only 3720 Complete Minerals 2953 lUrky. 1063 2331 1836 2129 6030 5492 5937 5974 2066 2211 1934 2236 3207 3024 3187 3045 1617 2089 15S6 2056 previous years gave between 25 and 35 Itiisliels. In thi- following season these differences were still to be seen, and the leading position of the previously dunged plots was naturally more manifest than ever; while in the third season (oats) aftci- the manuring had been discontinued, the order of the plots remained the same, although only the dunged plots now grew a large crop. That the increase on the plots which had previously received nitrate of soda or ammonium-salts was due to crop residues rather than to the return of nitr.ites diri\<'d from the manure and stored in the .subsoil, is probable from the superiority of the crops on Plots 7 and 8, wliere iniiici-als liad accompanied the nitrogenous manure-s over Plots 5 aii«l 6, where the same nitrogenous manures had been used alone. When residues are being cropped out, the size of the cereal crop grown is almost wholly determine()||. •-, in the sanu' way the aniomit of iiitrairs jn-.'sciit at racli .|r|,ili in the subsoil water l)el()W Pints (>. 7. an i 1 1 ! ^ ' i '\. i 'i ' '^ 1 1 Mi 1 1 i 1 1 i /I II!' ' 4 ' ' 1 \ ' 1 1 / I I 1 III' I I M I I L4' W 6 ' ! /I I ' I ' ' ■• M A 1 -> 1/ 1 f •■ I / i 1 1 • ' M-^ X M-i . - - -j: t 1 1 .' ' Nitrogen as Nitrate ^ '-AL '."."a'. "I 1 ; 1 " ' ^ s^ -<-___ -^x- XX--- ■^ . _:":"! :: '."X"-""-"- ' VI 1 -_ -.ztj^ii/ ~--^-'- - ■ r - - - 5::::::::::: ::: :-;?!!: + x 2 "IS 'i^.X^^^xl____ ----^'--:--T!T-rT^rrr-^"- >•■••' t ■ 2. ■ i 1 --h _u U ]-i-\ ! 1 i i i ; 1 1 n +-T^-4^4-Tr^!iM'- ' + ^Si-±^==ff=f=Tff==+ = \. - Jan. Feb Mar. April May June July Aug Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Fig. 45.— Rainfall, Percolation, and Nitrogen as Nitrate in Drainage through 20 inches of Soil. Rothamsted. 26 years (1878-1903). soil the drainage from the 60-inch gauge is more uniform in concentration throughout the year, the main discharge also comes a little later in the year. Inspection of the curves shows how great is the variation NITRATES IX DK'AINACK WATKIJS -u from month to month in ])oth tlic (.-oiicvnt ration ..ftli.' lowest in February, a tinu^ of ycai- when tlic s(.il is still at a very low temperature and lias Immmi thorouLihly washed |.\ the winter's rains. In April the cdnccntration has iiurrasiMl but little, and this combined with a smaller jiercolatioii resuhs in the minimum loss of nitrates t'nr the veai- in this month. The rise in concentration is still slow until July, when there is a considerable juiiip, the concent rat inn reaching its maximum in Septemltcr. The niaximnm lo>- of nitrates comes as soon after this [)oinL as the rain fall is abundant enough to wash through the soil; on the average the greatest annual loss of nitrates takes place in November, from which time onwards both concentration and total loss diminish. All these results refer to soil which is kept bare and uncropped, \\here in consequence the percolation is at a maximum, and where also there are no growing crops to take up the nitrates as they are produced. The effects to be seen under more ordinary condi- tions can be followed in the analyses of the drainage water> from the Broadbalk wheat field, under each phjt of which runs a tile drain at a depth of from 2 feet to 2 feet 6 inches. The>e changing, the earlier discharge being sometimes .stronger and sometimes weaker than the later, it is impossil)le to make any exact account of the quantity of nitrogen removed by each drain. By coml)ining, however, the results obtained over the whole period of the determinations, an aj)proximate ier and January. Nothing, in fact, short of the absolute freezing of the ground stops the production of nitrate and its consequent loss when ever the rainfall is heavy enough to wash through into tin- subsoil. If the results obtained on the drainage water fioni the manured plots be examined, it will be seen that nitrification of manures like ammonium-salts is extremely rapid ; if there is Any percolation, nitrates begin to appear in the drainage water immediately after the application of the mamu'e. Even in autunm an application of anunonium-salts is converted into nitrate in a very short time, a.s may be seen from the followinu' series of analyses of the water running from tln^ drain below Plot 1.'), in October 1880. On October 25th of that year, mixed anunonium-salts citn- taining 86 lb. of nitrogen and 110 lb. of chlorine per acre were applied to Plot 1 ') and plougluMl in. Heavy rain followed, so that on October 27th the drain l)eneath the pl(»t was running; other rain fell at short intervals, and yielded ilie series of samples set out in the table. It uill be noticed tliat in the first runnings, taken within forty iiours of tin- application of the manure, some anunonia was to be found. Tliis is a very exceptional oecuri-ence, but the large excess in which the chlorine was present in the w, iter show e.l ilie decomposition of the annnonium chloride and retention ot the anunonia by the soil had progressed considerably. 234 NITRIFICATION Nitrification had also set in, since the earhest running con- tained nearly twice as much nitric nitrogen as was found in the sample taken a fortnight earlier, before the application of the manure. The proportion of nitrate continued to increase, and reached its maximum in the discharge three weeks later, by which time the nitrification of the ammonium- salts must have been far advanced towards its completion. Table LXXXIV. — Nitrogen and Chlorine in Drainage Water from Plot 15. Parts 2Der million. Nitrogen as Ammonia. as^ffis. ' Chlorine. Nitrogen as Nitrates , to 100 Chlorine. : 1880 1880 1880 1880 1880 1880 1880 1880 1881 October 10 .... October 27, 6.30 A.M. . October 27, 1 p.m. October 28 .... October 29 . November 15, 16 . November 19, 26 . December 22, 29, 30 . February 2, 8. 10. None 9-0 6-5 2-5 1-5 None None None None 8-2 13-5 12-9 16-7 16-9 50-8 34-6 21-7 22-9 22-7 146-4 116-6 95-3 80-8 54-2 47-6 23-2 19-4 37-0 9-2 11-1 17-5 20-9 93-7 72-7 93-5 118-0 The last column of the Tal)le shows the relation between the nitric nitrogen and the chlorine in the drainage water. The chlorine is derived from the ammonium-salts of the manure, and as it is in no way retained by the soil its appearance in the drainage indicates the movements of soluble salts in the soil independently of the production of nitrates. In the earlier runnings the chlorine was present in great excess, being immediately derived from the manm^e ; in the later months the proportion fell as it became washed out, and by December it had again reached the normal level it had showed before the manm-e was put on. Meantime the proportion of nitrate was being maintained by constant nitri- fication in the soil, so that the ratio of nitric nitrogen to- chlorine in the drainage water rose rapidly towards the end of the winter. When ammonium -salts are applied as a top-dressing in the- LOSS OF MTKWTKS \\\ l»i:\INA(;K spring, as is now more m'luTally ihc ca^i'. ilic l.)»c> ol' nil r.ii cs are very much reduced; nt»t only is ilic tcuiiMTutiin' ol" tlir soil lower, so that nitritieation lako place inure slowly. I.iit the growing crop both diniinislies ihe juMc.ilalion and i.ikr> iqi ilie nitrates as fast as they are produc-ed. Tlie li^ures. liouever. for Plot 7 and Plot 9, Table LXXXII., show some ris.- in il.r concentration of the drainage wMvv in (he earh s|)rin'_;. follow- ing the application of manure. By combining the figures obiained for the eoneenliaiinii of the water flowing from the Broadltalk field dr,nn> witli ilh- amounts of water percolating through tlie drain-gauue eon taining 60 inches of bare soil (see p. '22), an estimate can Table LXXXV. — Nitrir Nitroncn in Draliiri/jc JFatrr. Lh. ]hr tirtr. Plot. Mamiriiig per acre. 1879-80. 188041. Spring Harvest Spring Harv.!«t Sowing to Sowing to to Spring to Spring Harvest. Sowing. Harvest. Sowing. 3 Unmanured 1-7 10-8 0-6 171 5 Minerals only 1-6 l.'f.t 0-7 17-7 fi Minerals + 200 lb. Ammonium-salts . 10-1 12-6 2*2 lys 7 Do. +400 lb. do. 18-3 12-6 4-3 21-4 9 Do. ^550 lb. Nitrate ot Soda . 40-0 15-6 If.-O 41-0 10 400 lb. Ammonium-salts alone .... 42-9 14-3 7-4 3.-. -2 11 400 lb. do. 4 Superphos])liate . 400 lb. do. do. and Sulph. Soda 28-3 17-7 3-4 29 •« 12 21-2 n-.l 3-3 27 "2 l;i 400 lb. do. do. and Sulph. Pot. 19-0 16-4 3-7 '2'< -.1 14 400 1b. do. do. andSulpi). Mag. 26-0 16-8 4-2 2'. -9 ir. Minerals - 400 lb. Amm.-salts in Autunui Estimated Drainage— Inches 9 6 59-9 3-4 7 1 •'.» 11-1 4-7 1-8 be formed of the losses to the land l»y drainauv iindci- ce h sy.stem of manuring, an estimate rendereil erroneous beeau-e it does not take into account the drying effect of the crop. However, the figures thus obtained, tlioiigli iinperfeci. are i Instructive, and are set out in Tabic LXXW. for two year.s, each divided into two periods; liist, from tlic dale <.f >owiiig the nitrogenous manures u[) to harvest ; .seeondly. fiom harvest round again to the sowing of the manures in sJ)rill.u^ The sea.sons were rather exceptional, the summei- rainfall 23f) NITRIFICATION and drainage in 1879 and the winter rainfall in the following year being both above the average. It will be seen that the loss was greatest from Plot 9, receiving 550 lb. of nitrate of soda, and this excess of loss was chiefly in the summer drainage water : the figures are, however, exaggerated by the fact that half the nitrate plot received no mineral manures, and therefore grew but a scanty crop. The losses during the winter months are more nearly the same for all plots, and represent to a large degree the nitrification of the organic residues in the soil. The losses from the plots receiving minerals and varying amounts of ammonium-salts (Plots 5, 6, and 7) increased with each applica- tion of nitrogen ; the losses from the plots receiving ammonia and various mineral manures (Plots 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14) diminished as the mineral manure l)ecame a more complete plant food, because the greater growth of crop which resulted I'emoved more of the nitrates as they were formed, besides hindering nitrification by drying the surface soil. Perhaps the most striking result that emerges from these analyses of the drainage waters is the rapidity with which nitrification takes place of such substances as the salts of ammonia ; even in the colder autumnal and winter soils nitrification is so active that great losses of nitrogen are sure to occur if such manures are applied in the autumn, hence the justification for using ammonium-salts only as a spring dressing. It also serves to show that any differences in the effectiveness of the nitrogen of nitrate of soda and of ammonium-salts is most likely to be due to the differences in habit of growth of the plant induced by the two manures, since the conversion of the ammonium-salts into nitrate is so easily and completely effected except in such soils as are short of the base necessary for nitrification. Only in the wheat experiments is there any indication that a wet and cold year may so check nitrification as to make the ammonium-salts a less valuable source of nitrogen than usual. Again, we see how cereals, and especially wheat, are specially dependent on artificial supplies of nitrogen, and have earned the character of being exhausting COMPOSTTION ()!• 1 )1:AI N A( ; i; W A ri:K': crops. Their growth is ahnost coiuijlcicd l.ctmv ninirKalioii has reached its greatest activity (from tldwcriiiL: limc ^.Il^vanl.>^ the cereals take no more nitrogen tVoiii the xtil). ami hciim' harvested in August or (\irly Scptcinltci-. thcv leave the i^niun.l bare at a time of rapid nitrate formation, thus exposini: it to all the risks of washinu' awav l>v tlu' autunmal raiu>. VI. OtHKH C(»NST1TI KNIS oK DllAlNAi.l. W \l 1 i;s. Complete analyses of the mineral constituents of the waters draining fi*om the various Broadltalk plots were ma times by the late Dr Voelcker and by Sir Edward Frankiaiid ; these analyses still constitute ahnost our only information as to direct losses of the land by drainage. Table LXXXVI. gives an average of the tiv(> analy>e> made during the years 1866, 1867, and 1868. Table LXXXVI. — Comj'osition of Drainagr Waters from the BroddbaU: Mlieat Plots, in parts 2)cr million (Dr A. Voclvkrr). Mean of Jive (or fewer) Collections — December 6, 1866; May 21, 1867; Jamcri/ \'^. April 21, a7id December 29, 1868. As refjards constituents of Nitrogen ok , i •3 !H i .2 £ ■5 ■< < . Plot. 1 1 1 1 1 ^ 1 i 1 1 106-1 1 35-7 i 1 1 0-16 Nitric Acid 2 2-6 147-4 4-9 5-4 1 13-7 20-7 16-1 3-4 5-7 98-1 5-1 1-7 6-0 10-7 24-7 6-63 10-9 0-12 3-9 ! 5 4-4 124-3 6-4 5-4 11-7 11-1 66-3 0-91 15-4 0-13 5-1 1 6 2-7 143-9 7-9 4-4 10-7 120-7 73-3 1-54 24-7 0-20 8-5 ! 7 8-1 181-4 8-3 2-9 10-9:26-1 90-1 0-91 17-0 0-07 14-0 ! 8 2-7 197-3 8-9 2-7 10-6139-4 89-7 0-17 20-9 0-27 16-9 9 5-1 118-1 5-9 4-1 56-1112-0 41-0 10-6 0-24 IS -4 10 4-0 154-1 7-4 1-9 7-1 ! 32-0 44-4 1-44 13-7 0-08 13-9 11 3-4 165-6 7-3 1-0 6-6 131-6 54-3 1-66 11-3 0-17 15-3 12 3-6 191-6 6-6 2-7 24-6 30-9 96-7 1-26 17-9 0-30 15-1 13 3-7 ,201-4 9-3 3-3 6-1 36-6 1 86-9 1-09 28-3 0-16 17-4 14 3-7 1 226-7 11-6 1-0 5-6 39-4 99-7 1-01 14-0 0-09 19-2 1.0 3-4 201-1 7-9 5-3 14-3 24-6 123-9 1-54 22-1 0-11 24 -2 16 3-0 117-1 5-3 2-4 I .'■.-I '11-4 1 ! 21-9 0-91 17-0 09 1 '•» = .E 77-4 «7-7 fiO-1 84-6 92 -rt 110-7 99-7 87-0 83-9 96 -« 100-1 121-6 87-6 75 -I U 476-1 246-4 326-0 407-6 492-4 54 s -4 4 •_'.■»-!• 406-9 425-9 530 P 544-3 5»H-rt 585-3 '_'>Ml-7 it lia> aliva in drainage watei 238 NITRIFICATION also present in but small amounts, even in the plots receiving a great annual excess of this substance, while potash was found in sHghtly greater quantities. The mean annual loss, however, cannot be estimated at more than about 2 lb. of phosphoric acid and 10 lb. of potash per acre, both of which in normal cases Avould be arrested in the subsoil below the drains. Dr Bernard Dyer's analyses of the Rothamsted soils and subsoils would also indicate that all the excess of phos- phoric acid, applied as a manure and not removed in the crop, still remains in the soil very near the sm-face, the potash having sunk a little further, and being present to some degree in the third depth of 9 inches below the surface. The chief constituent of the drainage water from the unmanured plots consists of calcium carbonate, the amount of which is increased in the water from the dunged plot, owing to the greater production of carbonic acid from the decay of the dung and crop residues. Where ammonium-salts like the sulphate and chloride are applied as a manure the soil suffers a great loss of calcium carbonate, the calcium being removed in the drainage water combined with the sulphuric or hydrochloric acid of the manure. This reaction is the necessary precedent to the arrest of the ammonia in the soil and its subsequent nitrification. In the absence of a sufficiency of calcium carbonate in the soil to bring about this reaction, ammonium- salts become injurious to plant life. The salts of potassium, like the sulphate and chloride, may also increase the loss of calcium carbonate to the soil, for they react with it in the same way as do the ammonium-salts, forming calcium sulphate and chloride, which are no longer retained by the soil. Since the healthy condition of the soil depends on a due proportion of calcium carbonate being present, these losses caused by the use of natural and artificial manures are of the greatest importance ; many of om- fertile soils may easily lose much of their power of producing crops unless their proportion of calcium carbonate is restored by judicious liming at intervals. Determinations of the calcium carbonate in samples of the EEMOVAL OF LLMK L\ 1 )KA1 N ACi: W ATi:i:s SM suil taken at various intt'i-vuls l>L't ween ISO,") and \\h\\ iiKlicaie that on the unmanured plots tlie nonnal l(».s ol calciiim carbonate in the drainage water aiiumiits to aliout looo ll..s. per acre. When aniinoniuni-salts are used as a manurf. the loss is increased by the amount re(|uired to eoinl)iiif with tlie combined acid in the manure. Tlie calcium carbonate. In.w- ever, which is required for nitrification, gets returned lo thr soil by the growth of the plant itself, and by ilu- decay ot calcium compounds in the crop residues. Hkkkhk,N( ES •' On Nitrification " (R. Warington). Trans. Chew. S,„:, 33 (1S7S). J I. "On Nitrification," Part II. (U. Warington). Trans: (hem. Sue., 35 (1879). 429. "On Nitrification," Part III. (R. Warington). Trans, ('hem. S,,,-.. 45 (lSS4), 637. *' On the Distribution of the Nitrifying Organisms in the Soil " (R. Warington). Trans. Chem. Sue., 51 (1887), US. "On Nitrifieation/' Part IV. (R. Warington). Trans, ('hem. .Sor., 59 (IsOl), 484. •' On the Amount and Composition of the Rain and Drainage \N .iters cnl- leeted at Rothamsted." Jour. Roi/. Ag. .S'oc, 42 (1881), L'41 and ".11 : and 43 (1882), 1. Rothamsted Memoirs, Vol. \'., No. 18. •• Determinations of Nitrogen in the Soils of some of the Fields at Rothamsted, and the bearing of the Results on the (Question <>f the Sources of the Nitrogen of our Crops." Report of the .\meriean .Association for the Advancement of Science, 1882. Rothamsted .Memoirs, Vol. v., No. 19. "On the Productive Powers of Soils in Relation to the Loss of Plant -fcM.d by Drainage" (A. Voeleker, Ph.D., F.R.S.). Jonr. Chem. .So... 24 (1871), 276. ••'Six Lectures on the Investigations at Rothamsted Experimental Station. delivered under the provisions of the Lawes Agricultural Trust, by R. Warington, F.R.S., before the .\.ssociation of American .Agricultural Colleges and Experiment Stations, at Washington, D.C., .Aug. 12- Is. 1891." Experiment Stati<.n Bulletin. No. 8, I'nited States Department of Agriculture. CHAPTER XII THE FEEDING EXPERIMENTS I. Relative Value of Nitrogenous and Non-nitrogenous Constituents of Food. II. Relation of Nitrogenous Food to Work. III. The Source of Fat in the Animal Body. IV. Relation of Food Consumed to Live Weight Increase. V. The Composition of Oxen, Sheep, and Pigs, and of their Increase during Fattening. VI. The Manure Value of Foods. VII. Miscellaneous Feeding Experiments. References. I, — Relative Value of Nitrogenous and Non-nitrogenous Constituents of Food. At the date of the inception of the Rothamsted Experiments even less was known about the laws of the nutrition of animals than of crops, though the question had excited more interest on the Continent than in England. Here attention had been in the main concentrated upon the animal ; it had been the object of breeders and graziers to develop races of stock that would give the least waste and the largest proportion of useful meat to live weight. To this end early maturity had also been successfully sought, thus economising the food used merely in keeping the animal alive without, increasing its weight. On the Continent, however, even in the eighteenth centmy, attention had l^een rather directed to the character of the food, and especially to obtaining a measure of the comparative value of different foods, with the view of ascertaining how far one could replace another. As an example of what was going forward, Thaer's " hay EARLY THEORIES OF M'TIMTIoN -JH values " may 1)6 instanced ; in ls()«> lie puLlislicd a ial)l.' ot all the recognised cattle foods, ranged in order and marked lo slntw how much of each was equivaliMit to 100 parts of hay taken a> a standard. Timer's hay values were Itascd parhv on liis own experience as a practical man and partly on attempts, very imperfect in the then state of ehemieal kiiowlrd^p, to estimate by analysis the nutritive constituents of the foods, liou.ssiniiault's investigations were the earliest serious attempts to apply .scien- tific principles to the feeding of animals ; the importance of the nitrogenous constituents of food had now become clear, so his first work consisted in determining the proportion of nitrogen present in a large numljer of feeding materials. C'areful practical trials were then made with a few selected foods, and as a result he published a revised table of hay values, ])ased on the amount of nitrogen the foods contained, and checke(l to some extent by his practical experience. His experiments led Boussingault to bring into prominence the non-nitrogenous constituents of food, but in general his conclusions were that the comparative values of food-stuffs are determined rather by their nitrogenous than by their non-nitrogenous constituents. In this subject Boussingault's was the pioneer work, and Liebig, who in many respects must be regarded as the originator of any general theory of animal nutrition, in the main arrived at his deductions fi'om Boussingault's results. Liebig also, and perhaps even more strongly than Boussingault, looked at the nitrogenous matter as the most im])ortant con.stituent of food for the production of both increase and ••!" work. In this position was the science of animal nutrition uln'ii Lawes and Gilbert began their experiments on fce(lin<:. .nid natm-ally the direction their experiments took was maiidy determined by the views then prevailing. The most notable characteristic of the Rothamsted experiments on animals was that from the first they were concerned with animals increasing in weight rather than with animals whose food rations wen- adjusted to maintain them in a ccaistant condition. Ihr 242 THE FEEDING EXPERIMENTS practical side Avas thus prominent : they were trying to give a scientific basis to the work of the grazier by ascertaining to what source the increased weight of an animal was due, and how it might be produced most rapidly and economically. The first set of feeding experiments at Rothamsted dealt with the relation between food consumed and live weight increase produced. Selected pens of the various animals were fed upon specified rations of different foods, one of which was always fed ad libitum, so that the exact composition of the ultimate ration was determined by the animal itself. The nitrogen and dry matter in the food was determined, and the weight of manure produced both in a fresh and dry condition was ascertained. In all, about 600 sheep w^ere employed in the experiments, 160 pigs, and 200 oxen, many of the latter being fattened on the Duke of Bedford's farm at Wobm-n. The experiments with sheep came first, and tended to shoA^- that the prevaihng impression of the special importance to be attached to the nitrogenous constituents of food was not correct, but that it was rather the supply of non-nitrogenous- food which regulated both the amount of food consumed by a given live weight in a given time and also the increase in five weight produced. Of course, at that time it was not possible to distinguish between the digestible and the indigestible portions of the food, nor was any attempt made to estimate in the different foods the relative proportions of albuminoid nitrogen and of such nitrogen compounds as the amides, etc., which are abundant in roots, but of whose feeding- value nothing was known. That the exactitude of their experiments was Umited by these considerations, was pointed out by Lawes and Gilbert ; at the same time, the corrections necessary would not invalidate the soundness of the general conclusions they drew. The experiments on pigs indicated still more clearly that the carbohydrates were chiefly concerned in both the maintenance and in the increase in five weight of the pigs, also that very great variations in the amount of albuminoids consumed were without much effect on the result. VARYING PROrOUTIONS Ol' A I.i;i M I \( )i i . -n; when once the necessary ininiiiuim of nitrou'cnou^ inaiirr in tlir ration had been passed. Tlio rations trd to the vari<.n> lots of pigs were so arranged as to supply vcrv .litVcivnt pn.pc.rtions of nitrogenous and starcliy food. In sonic cases the lood was mainly highly nitrogenous bean or lentil meal, in others veiv starchy barley meal or maize was employed; in another set lb -1 r ,c . 1 ^ ^ i 1 i i i 1 2. 3. Nitro^enousSubstance. 1 Non-nitrogenous Substance Fig. 46.— Dry Matter and Nitrogenous Substance consumed per 100 lb. Live-weighl per week. Pigs. 1. Bean and Lentil Weal, ad lil>. 2. Maize Meal, limited. Bean and Lentil Meal, ad W>. 3. Bean and Lentil Meal, limited. Maize Meal, ad l\l>. 4. Bran, limited. Maize Meal, ad lil>. 5. Barley Meal, ad UK *5. Maize Meal, ad lil>. of experiments, actual starch or su;;ar wa,-. addcil i rations. In all cases the pigs had an (id lihltuni supply ( food or other, so that they could regulate the amount ; some extent the composition of their diet. .f on. md'tn 244 THE FEEDING EXPERIMENTS The diagrams, Figs. 46 and 47, show, from some of these results obtained with pigs, the amomit of dry organic matter required to produce 100 lb. of increase, and also the proportion of it which can be reckoned as nitrogenous matter. It will be seen from these diagrams that, speaking broadly, neither the amount of dry food- stuff* required for maintenance lb, 400 R^ Ratio Nitrogenous Substance ~|Non-nitro|enous J Substance ^ Ratio of non-nltro^enous 'to nitrogenous matter in food Fig. 47. — Nitrogenous and Non-nitrogenous Matter in Food required to produce 100 lb. Live-weight Increase. Pigs. 1. Bean and Lentil Meal, ad lib. 2. Maize Meal, limited. Bean and Lentil Meal, ad lib. 3. Bean and Lentil Meal, limited. Maize Meal, ad lib. 4. Bran, limited. Maize Meal, ad lib. 5. Barley Meal, ad lib. 6. Maize Meal, ad lib. per 100 lb. live weight of the animal nor the amount required to produce 100 lb. increase in the live weight varied very widely, whatever the character of the foods consumed. The amount of nitrogenous substance did, however, show a very wide range of variation, hence whatever was consumed above a certain minimum could have been replaced without loss by pm^ely non- NITROGENOrs Toon and \\n\:w «ji.-, niti'Dgenoiis organic inatlci-. In oilier \v<>r. tlir ii(»iMiiin.;^'riinu> c'oiiiponnds aiv \\w main items to lu« taken into account in making up tlic value of a cattle food, wliicli value camn.t In- estimated on a basis of its nitrogen content onlv. 11. — Relation of Xi'ri!o(;KNoi s 1''ooi> io W'okk. The very special im[)oi'tance that was originalK attaclie(l to the nitrogenous constituents of food was also seen in the vie\N> of J.iebig with regard to the source of tlie work, either external or internal, performed l)y an animal. He put forward tin- \iew that the amount of work done was determined by the amount of nitrogenous material transformed in the body, and therefore that it could he measured by the amount of nitrogen appearing in the urine, since the albuminoids and other nitrogen com- pounds in food which are digested and undergo change in the animal are excreted as urea. Lawes and Gilbert, by their studies of human dietaries, were led to conclude that this view w\as mistaken, and that the fats and carbohydiates. which are oxidised and leave the body in the respiration products, supply the energy for the work performetl in and l)y the body. Two experiments with pigs, carried out in lsr)4 and 1862 respectively, were adduced as further evidence. The pigs w^ere confined in a frame ; the nitrogen in the food and the nitrogen excreted in urine and fieces respectively were determined. The food was so adjusted that one pig received about twice as much nitrogen as the other (Table LXXW'II.). The animals were obviously under equal conditions a> regards exercise, both being at rest, yet in each experiment the animal receiving the highly niti-ogenous diet excri'ted rather more than twice as nuich nitrogen as urea. Thus the amount of nitrogen in the urine, which measinv> ihr amount of allmminoids oxidised, could hardly be taken as a measure of the amount of w^ork performed by the respective animals. The question was afterwards sy.stematically attacked in various directions ])y other investigators, and diivct j)roof was obtained that the energy require in many cases, especially with herhivora. insiillicient to supjily all the fat produced by the animal, and thouL^h Lichi^ on <4('ncral grounds argued that the starch, sni^^ar, and other carhohydnites of the food could be ela])orated into fat, for some time the view Avas held that the extra fat could only come from tlie trans- formation of albuminoids. This view was strongly opposed bv Lawes and Gilbert, whose experiments upon tlie fattenim; of pigs showed that the animals put on far more fat tlian conld be made up from the whole of the fat and albuminoids in the foods. To take one example, pigs were fed upon maize meal or b.irlrv meal ad Jih., with the following results : — Table LXXXVIII. Iteriay Meftl. Number of Animals Duration of Experiment Original Live Weight per head ' Increase in Live Weight Weeks Lb. Lb. 144 73 149 97 Per 100 increase in Live Weight. (1) Albuminoids in Food (2) Albuminoids in increased Live Weight . (3) Leaving Albuminoids available for Fat Formation (4) Fat in increased Live Weight 5) Fat in Food ... 51-7 79-0 2«-S (6) Fat formed during the Experimnit Relation of last item to the Carbon of Fat forim-d during tl>e KxiK-riiii.iit 64 6-5 57-5 71-2 12-4 Carbon in Fat formed (ti) ; • ■**^'*' i '*^** Carbon in Food Albuminoids (3), less Carbon excreted in Una . 24*7 27'4 Carbon in Fat formed during Experiment, not derivable from Fat or Albuminoid •I.''.'.' 17"9 5% Thus, after crediting the fat put on by the animal .hiring the experiment with the whole of the fat in the food, and with the maximum that could by any po.ssibility be generated out of the albuminoids in the food, there still remains abont 40 j)er cent. 248 THE FEEDING EXPERIMENTS of the fat formed which could only have come from carbo- hydrates in the food. Similar but less decisive evidence wa& adduced from the sheep-feeding experiments, and the view which Lawes and Gilbert maintained on these grounds has- since been amply confirmed by the experiments of Klihn and others. TV. — Relation of Food Consumed Increase. TO Live Weight Taking the ordinary foods available on the farm, Lawes and Gilbert found that oxen, sheep, and pigs differed greatly in their powers of consuming food, and in the rate at which their live weights would increase. During the whole fattening period oxen will consume per 1000 lb. of live weight 120 to 150 lb. of dry food per week {e.g., in the experiments, 25 lb. cake, 60 11). clover hay, and 350 lb. Swedes), and should produce about 10 lb. live weight increase per week. Sheep, per 1000 lb. live weight, will consume in the same time about 150-160 lb. of dry food (44 lb. cake, 52 lb. clover hay, and 70 lb. Swedes) for a production of 17-18 lb. increase per week. The same live weight of pigs, consuming 260-280 lb. of dry food (300 lb. barley meal), will produce 50-60 lb. increase. These results may be expressed in a table as follows : — Table LXXXIX. Number of Experi- ments. Number of Animals. Dry Substance of Foo- JIatter of Solid Excrement and Urine exclusive of Litter. These estimates, drawn up from a very large number of trials carried out in the ordinary way of farming, have been generally verified by the later exact work of the German experi- FOOD KEQrilM'.l) ]\\ STocK •_'}<» nienters. if allowaiici- he lu.-ulc Wm ili,. Mip.-ri.)!- tatiniiip^' (|ualities of the English .stork. I' at thr prcsmt day l)()tli the e.stiiiiates c)f the amount of food refpiinMl per (hCm and tlie rate of increase should he raised, liccausc of the ments that have been effected in the hrccils of onr sheep and cattle. The modern farm animal is in fact a more ellicient meat producing machine than it was fifty years ago. capal.le of dealing with more food and of growing more rapidly to maturity, thus shortening the time during which food has to he consumed for purposes of pure maintenance only. It i> in t In- direction that new experiments and additional data are geiieralh needed, for we know nothing of the relative capacities of modern breeds of farm animals as meat producers or of their digestive powers for various foods. Due economy in feeding i.- only possible if the practical man can check his opinitius by reference from time to time to exact determinations of the re- ([uirements of different animals at various stages of their growth. Others of the pig experiments showed how much less (jf the food is utilised for increase as the fattening advances, partly because as the animal increases in size it consumes more food for purposes of warmth and internal work than before, partly also because the increase made during the latter period is more fatty and therefore drier than in the earlier stages. The following tal)le shows the rates of increase of pigs fed Table XO. — Fattening I'ujs. Weekly Consumption of Food, nnd rati- of Increase. FoodConsumo Offal, >ind the Entire Bodies of ten Animals of different descriptions, or ■■■ f-fr--' conditions of Matwity. Koscription of Animal. Mineral Matter (Ash). NitrogenouH SnbataDce. Per cent, in Carcass. Fat Calf Half-fat Ox . Fat Ox . Fat Lamb Store Sheep . Half-fat Old Sheep Fat Sheep Extra Fat Sheej) . Store Pig . Fat Pig. . . . Mean of all 4-48 ; 16-6 16t5 5-56 17-8 22-6 4-56 15-0 34-8 3-63 10-9 36-9 4-3() i 14-5 23-8 4-13 1 14-9 ' 31-3 3-45 • 11-5 ' 45-4 2-77 0-1 55-1 2-57 14-0 -JS-l 1-40 10-5 i 49-5 37-7 .vj-:; 4()-0 54-(» 54-4 I5r, 51-4 4v.i 42-7 57-.'! 50-3 49-7 60-3 39-7 67 33-0 44-7 55-3 61-4 3.^-fi 3-69 13-5 34-4 51-6 48-1 Per cent, in Ofial (excluding Contents of Stomachs and Intestines). Fat Calf Half-fat Ox . Fat Ox . Fat Lamb Store Sheep . Half-fat Old Sheep Fat Sheep . Extra Fat Sheep . Store Pig Fat Pig. 3-41 4-05 3-40 2-45 2-19 2-72 2-32 3-64 3-07 2-97 17-1 14-6 20-6 15-7 17-5 2ti-3 18-9 20-1 18-0 , 16-1 17-7 18-5 16-1 1 26-4 16-8 i 34-5 14-0 15-0 14-8 1 22-8 35-1 G4-9 40-4 i 59-6 47-2 52 -S 41-5 5S-:. 36-3 •i.<-7 38-9 61-1 44-8 55-2 54-9 45-1 32-1 67-9 40-6 j 59-4 1 Mean of all 3-02 1 17-2 1 21-0 41-2 5SS 1 1 Per cent, in the Entire Animal (Fatted Live Weight). [ Fat Calf Half-fat Ox . FatOx .... Fat Lamb Store Sheep . Half-fat Old Sheep Fat Sheep . Extra Fat Sheep . Store Pig Fat Pig . 3-80 15-2 4-66 16T, 3-92 14-5 2-94 12-3 3-16 14-8 3-17 14-0 2-81 12-2 2-90 10-9 2-67 13-7 1-65 10-9 1 14 8 33-3 C3'0 19-1 JO-3 51-6 .'iO-l 48-5 15-5 2S-5 43-7 47-8 18-7 3ti-7 57-3 23-5 40-7 50-2 35-t) 50-6 43-4 45 -S 59-6 35-2 23-3 .'tg-" 55-1 42-2 54-7 41 t S-17 8-19 .•4-98 S-54 «I-00 9-05 6 02 5-18 '>-n .«U7 Mean of all 3 17 18-6 28-2 44-9 25!> THE FEEDING EXPERIMENTS It is obvious that from these results a great deal of evidence can be obtained as to what goes on during the fattening process, if we can assume that the particular animals selected for analysis are typical of the ordinary run of live stock and represent the normal change in composition of fattening animals. It is obvious, for example, that the fattening process is properly so called ; even animals in the store condition contain rather more fat than nitrogenous substance, but as the fattening process advances the proportion of fat to albuminoid rises until it becomes two or even three times as great. Of course the gross amount of albuminoid in the animal continues to increase somewhat, but the increase in the fat is so nnicli greater that the proportion of albuminoid in the finished animal has been reduced. It will be seen also that the fat animal contains less water than the same animal in the store condition ; lean meat possesses, in fact, a considerably higher proportion of Avater than fat does, so that the accumula- tion of fat tends to reduce the proportion of water in the whole body. From the figm^es obtained in these experiments the composi- tion of the live-weight increase during fattening can be deduced. This is set out graphically in the diagram Fig. 49, from which it will again be seen how much of the weight put on by an animal during fattening is made up of fat itself. In oxen, when the fattening process begins while they are young, as is generally the case noAvadays, the increase of weight will consist of about one-third Avater and tAvo-thirds dry substance, the latter being made up of about 15 per cent, of nitrogenous matter and 75-80 per cent, of fat. For the final fattening stage, Avhen the animal is full groAvn, about three-quarters of the increase will be dry matter, containing only about 10 per cent, of nitrogenous matter and 90 per cent, of fat. In the case of sheep, rather more mineral matter is contained in the fattening increase, because of the large content of avooI in alkaline salts ; but despite the nitrogenous natm^e of wool, the amount of nitrogenous matter in the increase is less for sheep COMPOSITION OF IXCHKASK IN WKHilir :.':>:{ 100 , €0 AO 20 ^ ^ Ash % % m%^ \\\\\ Oxen. Sheep. Pi^; ^^^^ Nitrogenous Substance X Fat 7. Water X Fui. 49.-Oxen, Sheep, a.ul I'igs. C..n.p<..sitioM of in Fattrn.i.K. 254 THE FEEDING EXPEEIMENTS than fur oxen, the balance being made up by an extra proportion of fat, which may amomit to 75 per cent, of the increase. In the case of really fat pigs the increase will contain about 70 per cent, of fat and 7 per cent, of nitrogenous matter, being even less nitrogenous and more fatty than with sheep. These experiments on the composition of whole animals, which form the fundamental basis of om* knoAvledge of the nature of the animal's body and of the changes taking place during growth and fattening, have never been repeated. VI. —The Manure Value of Foods. In order to form any estimate of the value of different cattle foods, it is of much importance to know how far their various manurial constituents — nitrogen, phosphoric acid, and potash — find their way into the manure heap, and so back to the farm. In the experiments previously described it is seen how small a proportion of the nitrogenous constituents of food is retained in the increased live weight of the animal dming fattening, by far the largest portion being passed undigested into the f?eces, or excreted as urea in the urine. When the animal is producing milk, however, a much larger proportion of the nitrogen will be removed in the milk than is retained in fattening increase, and the manm'e made will be correspond- ingly poorer. At the other extreme is the case of a working horse or a store beast not gaining in weight, when the whole of the nitrogen supphed in the food will be voided in the faeces or the lu-ine. As regards the mineral matters of the food, after the animal has withdrawn a certain small proportion for increase or for milk, the remainder must find its way into the manure ; but in the case of the nitrogenous compounds there is always the possibility of loss, because some of the nitrogen may pass into volatile ammonia, or even into gaseous nitrogen, during the vital processes. The question of the existence of this loss was investigated LOSS OF NITIJOOKN DlIMNir !• I'Kl )I \( ; i.>r.:» at Rotliamsteil in IS7A with n'uj^s, ihc aiiiinals l.rin^ ciiirmrd in a frame resting upon a sloping' zinc hottoni. Tlicy were \vatclic(| (lay and night diu-ing the experinu'Ulal period, .md ih.- vnidinu'- were collected as soon as passed, and analvsiMl ai ic^nlar intervals for dry matter, ash, and nitrot^cn. The results wen-, however, not satisfactory ; there was a considci-al.Ii' iK.ition <.r the nitrogen of the food unaccounted for in eitlicr tljc increase of weight or in the excrements. The results seenjed to show that the loss was probably due to the difhcuhies of j»roj)er collection and analysis of the excreta, so that the experiment was repeated with greater precautions in 1862. This time the losses of nitrogen were much reduced, and when allow aiiet' wa> made for the many unavoidable sources of error, tlie results supported the idea that the whole of the nitrogen of the food not stored up as increase passed over into tlu^ maiun-e. ( )tliei- experiments were made with sheep; but again it was impossible to avoid some mechanical losses, and to eliminate the une(M-tainty due to lack of exact knowdedge of the composition of the animal at the beginning and close of the experiment. Later experiments on the Continent have indeed set the point at rest, and shown that there is ncj decomposition of nitrogenous matter of the food into nitrogen gas during the vital processes, but that the whole of the digested nitrogen which is not utilised for increase, milk, etc., is voided in the urine. The practical question which greatly occupied the attention of Lawes and Gill)ert was that of tlie manure value (.f the many purchased cattle foods commonly used in ihi> country, and particularly the compensation t(j be paid to an ouiLroini: tenant for their consumption in the latter years of his tenancy, liefore he could be supposed to have ol)tained a return from them in the shape of the crop. Lawes and (Jill)ert fiierefon- prepared a table showing the composition of most of the cattle foods commonly in use, and calculated wiiat proportion of the nitrogen, phosphoric acid, and pc^tash present would under normal conditions be retained bv fattening stock consunn'n.u' tin- 256 THE FEEDING EXPERIMENTS food. Thus when stock consume linseed cake, Lawes and Gilbert calculated that every 6 lb. of food produced 1 lb. increase in live weight containing 1 "27 per cent, of nitrogen ; so that if 1 ton were consumed, out of the 106*4 lb. of nitrogen in the cake the animals would retain 474 lb., and pass on to the manure 101 '66 lb. The same ton of linseed cake would contain 44*8 lb. of phosphoric acid, of which the fattening animal would only retain 3"21 lb., and 31*4 lb. of potash, of which the animal would only retain 0*4 lb. When dealing, however, with less concentrated foods the amount required to produce 1 lb. of increase would be much greater and the toll taken by the animal of the nitrogen in the food would also increase. For example, 1 ton of oat straw contains 11*2 lb. of nitrogen, of which the animal would retain 1*6 lb. and pass on 9*6 lb. to the manure — only 86 per cent, of that wdiich had been fed instead of over 95 per cent., as in the case of linseed cake. From data of this kind Lawes and Gilbert were able to calculate for each of the named foods the amount of nitrogen, phosphoric acid, and potash which would go to the manure. The experiments before mentioned had gone to show that there is no loss of nitrogen during the actual feeding pi'ocess. However, it had been ascertained that even under the best conditions (as in the cattle-feeding experiments at Woburn before alluded to) there were great losses of nitrogen in making the dung before the manm-e reached the land, these losses being due in the main to the volatilisation of ammonia resulting from the rapid fermentation of the urea. Such losses, too, fall upon the urea, the most valuable part of the excreta, since the undigested food residues in the faeces decay so slowly in the ground as to have a lower manm^e value. Very few data •existed from which to determine how large these losses are under ordinary farming conditions, but Lawes and Gilbert felt safe in assuming that at least one-half of the manurial material voided by the animal is lost during the making and storage of the dung, and does not come back to the land in the manure. MANURE VALrES (W CAT'l'li: I'oops 'j:,: The compensation taMr ihcy di-cw up >li(.\\.-«l (l) tli.- amount of nitrogen, plujsphoiic acid, ami pnia^h in tin- food itself; (2) the amomit passed l)y tlic animal alter takin;^ nnl what it required for its own fattenini^^ increase ; (:J) [\w vahie of this voided material at the current i)i-ic-es of tliesc constituents in manures, or as they called it, tlie "original maiune vahie" of the food. They then proceeded to arrani^'e a (-onipensation tal)le on the basis of allowing tlie outgoing tenant half tlii> original manure value, i.e., assuming that only iiall' of the manure material voided by the animal would lie louud by the incoming tenant in the manure heap he was taking over, '^lli•^ compensation value was further diminished by one-third fi>i- each additional year between the date when the food was con sumedand the expiration of the tenancy ; thus the com|)ensatioii value of food consumed in the last year of the tenancy would 1)6 half of the original manure value, and it would l»ecome (me-half less one-third of itself (or one-third of the original manure value) for food consumed in the second year before the tenancy ended, and so on by steps of one-third less foi- each earHer year. These tables were based on the composition of the fattening increase as ascertained in the previous experi- ments. Other tables were drawn up for milch cows, wln\-li take a much greater toll of the food consumed. These compensation tables never passed into general use. partly because of the somewhat complex character of tip- argument and the long period previous to the expiration of the tenancy over which tliey allowed compensub>taiice .nnuiionly used for food, yet it can be purchased more cheapl\ than linseed wike. which has a much lower manure value. Maize, again, however R 258 THE FEEDING EXPERIMENTS valuable as a food because of the carbohydrates and fat it contains, has but a low manure value, since it is comparatively poor in nitrogen and ash constituents. Thus the custom of paying half the last year's cake bill would result in paying too highly for linseed cake and maize and too little for cotton cake consumed on the farm. As an appreciation of these facts gradually spread among practical men in consequence of the Rothamsted pubhcations, and as recently legislation rendered it imperative to put this question of compensation due to the outgoing tenant on a sound scientific basis, the matter has latterly received more attention from farmers and professional valuers. More data have also been accumulated as to the nature and extent of the inevitable losses of nitrogen in manure making, so that it has been possible to construct a modified version of the original compensation table, which now seems to be generally accepted in principle by the valuers chiefly concerned. VII. — Miscellaneous Feeding Experiments. The above summary by no means exhausts the many experiments upon animal feeding which were carried on at Rothamsted. One set of trials, for example, was arranged to test the relative values of starch and sugar as foods, with the result tliat they were found to l^e sensibly equal, as we should nowadays expect in the light of the equal calorific value and similar chemical composition of these foods. Other trials chiefly dealt with jDractical points, as for example the long series of trials on the comparative fattening qualities of different breeds of sheep — Hampshires, Southdowns, Cots wolds, Leicesters, and crossbred Leicester- Southdowns being selected for the purpose. Experiments on the use of condiments in cattle feeding proved of great practical value, as they showed the exaggerated nature of the claims which were being advanced by the manufacturers of some of the patented cattle foods. Other feeding experiments dealt with the comparative value ('()\(M.rsi()xs I'.vj of sewage-irrigatod and t.rdinnrv meadow ,i:ra>s. wiih iiirus.'..r malted foods, with tlic valiir of ensilage ; l.m iIm-s.. ujl) )„. dealt with separately. JSpeaking generally, these feeding expcrimriits ni" l.awcs .uid Gilbert, while they will not l>oar the exact analysis to which later experiments carried out in respiration chamltcrs can )>.• subjected, so that the digestibility of the foods and thf p which go to maintenance, increase, and work respi-ctivcly can be ascertained, yet gave a somul general idea of the broad principles of animal nutrition as they affect the farmer. Tin \ are noteworthy for the intuition with which correct opinions o| the general processes were deduced ])y statistical means from experiments carried out in the main under farming' conditions, opinions which have in all cases l»een .ilinndantlv verified l:)y later and more accurate research. Refkuences " Aivricultural Clu-mistry : l>i.^•-Fel■di^i,^" Jour. Ifoi/. .Ig. S,,,:, 14 (lf*.')3), 459. RotJunnsted Memoirs, \o\. II., No. •"). -'Experimental Enquiry into the Composition of soiiu- ot" the Aniin.ils I'cd and Slaughtered as Human Food." Phil. Tnuis., 149 (IS.-.'.I), I '.».;. Roihamstcd Memoirs, Vol. III., 4to, No. 1. ■"On the Composition of Oxen, Sheep, and Pigs, and of their Iiicreasr wliilst Fattening." Jour. Uoij. Ag. Soc, 21 (ISGO), I'M). liutlmmsUd Memoirs, \o\. 11., No. 12. "The Feeding of Animals, for the Prothutidii of Mt-it, Milk, .iiid Manur. . and for the Exercise of Force." Jour. Jioi/. .Ig. .Soc, 56 (i>'.i'>\ IT Rotham.sted Memoirs, Vol. \TI., No. 13. '^'The Royal Commission on Agricultural Depressittn and tht- \alti ition of Unexhausted Manures." Jour. Roi/. .ig. Soc, 58 (1S"J7), 'm I Rotham.sted Memoirs, Vol. VII., No. 9. ■"The \'aluation of the Manures obtained by the ( oiisumptioii of F«mmI>. for the Production of Milk." Jour. Ro>,. Ig. S,n:, 59 (ISI)S). |n;! Rothmihsted Memoirs, \(A. VII., No. 10. ^'The Value of Unexhausted Manures obtained by th.- (Musumplion of F«mmIs bv Stock." by J. A. Voelcker and A. I). 11., ,/./.'. /.V, 63 (19()2), 70. CHAPTEE XIII MISCELLANEOUS ENQUIRIES I. Experiments upon Sewage Irrigation. II. Experiments upon Malt and Barley. III. Experiments upon Ensilage. IV. The Composition of Wheat Grain and its Mill Products. References. I. — Experiments upon Sewage Irrigation. From time to time the Eothamsted investigators were called upon for work dealing with various debatable questions of public importance more or less connected with agriculture. For example, Lawes was appointed a member of the Royal Commission which was charged in 1857 "to inquire into the best mode of distributing the sewage of towns, and applying it to beneficial and profitable uses." The application of sewage to land was. naturally one of the subjects of enquiry, and was entrusted to a sub-committee consisting of Lawes and Way^ who carried on during 1861-64 experiments at Rugby on the growth of grass Avith and without sewage treatment, and on the value of the sewage-irrigated grass for feeding stock. The experimental station at Rothamsted was much occupied ^vith the suiDerintendence of these experiments and with the analytical and statistical work involved. The general conclusion from the experiments was that broadcast irrigation on grass land was the best way of dealing with sewage, the highest returns being obtained when large quantities of sewage, as much as 9000 tons per acre, were employed. VALUE OV MAIT IN I-|:i:i >! \( ; -j,-,! As to tlic grass — that grown in sewage was tniiiid to I.e more watery tlian tlie unsewaged grass ; lieiiee. of efjiial wei<,'lits of green grass, tlir uiisewaged produced tlie most increase in fattening oxen. But calculated on a ])asis ctf equal weights of dry matter, the sewage-irrigated grass gave the Letter results. The best returns were, however, obtainecl when the grass was fed to milking cows; sewage ii-rigation wa> fdund to mcrease the amount of milk which could he produeed from 1 acre of land three- or four-fold. The herl)a"e of the sewage-irrigated meadows was found to change rapidlv ; ihr Leguminosa) disappeared, as did most of the miscellaneous i^pecies, while the grasses became restricted to two or three vigorous species, which constituted the whole vegetation, j^uch as rough-stalked meadow grass, couch grass, cocksfoot, Yorkshire fog, and rye grass. II.— Experiments upon Malt and Baiji.kv. In 1863, at the request of the Board of Trade, experiments Avere undertaken to ascertain the relative feeding value of malt and of the barley from which it was made, so as to see if any- thing was gained by the process of malting. It had often l)een asserted, and was the opinion of many practical graziers, that even if there were some loss in the process of converting barley into malt, yet the superior digestibility of the malt and its action upon the other items of the whole food more than compensated for this loss. The investigation was divided into two stages— (1) an encjuiry into the natiu-e and amount of the losses dming th'* malting process; (2) a comparison of the t 1 value ..f the resulting malt and of the original barley. Two lots of barley were selected for the .'xperinient. • a malting l)arley of fair (piality, the other a tiiinner, more nitro- genous barley, such as would only be used for feeding. The malting was done in tlie ordinaiy way, at Hertford, and .siiujples of 25 lb. each were taken of the grain l.cfore steeping, when thrown out after .steeping, at intervals .luring growth, and 262 MISCELLANEOUS ENQUIRIES finally after drying and screening ; these samples being sent to Rothamsted for analysis. The results are summarised in the following ta1)le, which shows for each sample the changes during the various stages, as calculated back to 100 parts in the original material. Table XCII. — Loss of Constituents at certain Stages, and at the conclusion of the Malting Process. Proportion to 100 before Steeping. 2 II If ^• . Final Products sent 5 o II to the Kilu. II ?1 ^2 S5 1 =« X Barley No. 1. As Sampled .... Total Dry or Solid Matter . Non-nitrogenous Organic Matter Nitrogenous Matter Mineral Matter . 100 143-2 135-4 78-93 2-20 1 81-13 100 99-6 95-9 89-45 2-35 91-80 100 99-9 95-7 89-66 1-74 91-40 100 99-6 99-0 90-61 6-45 97-06 100 90-3 89-4 77-68 7-94 85-62 18-87 8-20 8-60 2-94 14-38 Barley No. 2. As Sampled Total Dry or Solid Matter . Non-nitrogenous Organic Matter . Nitrogenous Matter Mineral Matter .... 100 100 100 100 100 98-3 100-0 138-7 74-62 3-21 96-1 87-78 3-41 95-8 88-19 2-62 97-1 85-52 7-14 102-5 84-76 12-02 ! 77-83 22-17 91-19 8-81 90-81 I 9-19 92-66 } 7-34 96-78 ' 3-22 For example, dealing with sample No 1, we see that 100 parts of grain yielded 79 parts of malt and '2'2 of malt dust, a loss of weight of nearly 19 per cent. This loss was, however, largely water, for the next row of figures shows that of 100 parts of dry matter in the original material 91*8 were recovered in the malt and malt dust. During steeping 0*4 per cent, of dry matter was lost, consisting of mineral matter (largely dirt washed ofi" the grain), a little nitrogenous matter, and the ready- formed sugar in the barley. During the process of growing on the floor something over 4 per cent, of dry matter is lost ; the table, for instance, shows a fall from 99*6 parts of the original dry matter to 95-9 parts, by the eighth day. This loss is due to the respiration process accompanying growth, and represents LOSSES DI'IMNC MAITINC ^iVA the combustion of a certain ainmint of starch into carlMmic acid and water, which escape into the .dr. During ilic kilnin-,' and drying process there is a furtlicr loss ot (h-v matter, tins lime mainly a mechanical loss due to mah dust, whicli fails throuL'li the wire floor into the flre. The further figures show that of the nitrogenous materials there is a Httle loss by solution in the stce[)- water, but little or none upon the floor, where there will be no production ol' free nitrogen as long as the germination process is proceedim: properly. The chief loss of nitrogenous material is mechanical, in the drying and screening process. Similarly with the mineral matter : after the first loss in the steep no otheis are possible save those of a mechanical nature. It should be noticed, however, how much of the nitrogen and mineral matter passes into the malt dust ; the young shoots of the barley plant are comparatively far richer in nitrogen and mineral matter than the whole grain. The other changes, which take place (Imping malting and are not shown in this table, would be thi' incipient conversion of some of the starch into malt sugar (it is well known that malt possesses a comparatively sweet taste) and the migration of a large portion of the all)uminoids of the grain into soluble nitrogenous compounds, chiefly anii kind. But, as a rule, the ditterenees wvw in faNonr of ilir barley, so that Ave may eonelude that iiothinic had Itrm ^'aincd by the changes which the malt had mideru^.nc whieh would compensate for the loss of dry matti'r. This is indccil what wr should have expected; we now know that the whole of ih.- l)arley is easily digestible except a certain amount of hn>k. This husk is unaffected by the malting process, and i> not rendered thereby more digestible. The malting changes, in fact, consist in a destruction of some of the most soluble and readily digestible carbohydrates, together with a tiansforniati(ni of albuminoid into amides and other nitrogen coin})ounds of less nutritive value. Thus the general conclusion may be drawn that it is not economical to malt grain l)efore using it as food for stock; since, putting on one side the cost of the malting process, the result is only a loss of some of the most valuable parts of the grain. It has, however, been pointeti\e tract of the herbivora for the secretion of an enzyme capable of attacking this investing membrane, the dissolution of which under ordinary conditions is l)rought about in the stomach by an enzyme pre-existent in the grain. Cnder eeriain (•<»nditi..n> ihi- enzyme, cytase, may either be absent from the foo .siil.jcct to sucli vari;iti(.ii> in water-content that a vcrv iimnlxT of samples arc nMiiiirctl from which to obtain a fair avcrauv for the comiit^itioii of tlir whole. The resuhs indicated that the losses ueie not so j^Mvat as was then commonly supposed; not more than .'> per cent, of the total dry matter of the clover, and alnait 1.") pci- eein. (.f the dry matter of the grass appeared to be lost. Tlie analyses also indicated a certain loss of nitrogenous matter ; the chief change, however, consisted in a conversion of a large proportion of the albuminoids into nitrogenous compounds of lower grade, aniide> and kindred bodies. The loss of dry matter chiefly fell npon the non-nitrogenous constituents, but the evidence was all against the idea that any of the woody fibi'(> was convert e(l into a more soluble and digestible form. The next step in the experiments consisted in testing the feeding value of the silage produced, and for this pnrpnsr experiments were made both with fattening oxen and with cows in milk. Two lots of five oxen were picked ont an 7:» to •268 MISCELLANEOUS ENQUIRIES 90 lb. uf mangels, quantities arranged to supply each lot with equal amounts of dry matter. The experiment lasted 13 weeks, and was immediately continued for another 6 weeks with meadow-grass silage, a reduction being made in the chaff from 10 to 7 lb., because of the larger amounts of woody fibre intro- duced by the grass silage. The results seemed to show that the cows on the clover silage tended to fatten rather more than those on the mangels ; though giving slightly less milk they gained in live weight, while the mangel-fed cows lost slightly in weight. With meadow-grass silage, however, there was not the same tendency to fatten, the cows losing weight ; the milk yield was practically equal from the two lots of cows. When analysed, the milk of the mangel-fed cows always showed a higher percentage of both total solids and of butter fat than that of the silage-fed cows. The general conclusions reached were, that good food would make good silage without much more loss of dry matter than usually takes place hi hay-making, etc. ; also, that good silage is a useful food for both fattening oxen and cows in milk. It did not seem likely, however, that it Avould pay farmers to grow crops specially for silage rather than to grow roots. IV. — The Composition of Wheat Grain and its Mill Products. The question of the food value of the various materials grown on the expei'imental plots was one always before Lawes and Gilbert. Particularly they were preoccupied with anything relating to the production of wheat and its variations in composition due to soil, season, or climate. The original plan of their investigations included a study of the influence of season and manuring upon the composition of the wheat grain, and a further study of the varieties of wheat and their adapta- tion to various climates and localities in the great range of the earth's surface over which wheat is grown. COMPOSniON ()|- will. AT lion: n.;-. In a paper puMislud in ls:,7 ih,.y uavc tlir rr>iilts of a series of experimental niillinus of wheat <,M-ain from tlin f tlir plots — the uiiinaiuired plot, that which receives nitn><:en i»nly in the shape of annnoniuni-salts. .iikI one that is c(.nijilc!rl_\ manured with both minerals and annnoninm-salts. '{'he <,'rind ing was done by an ordinary millstone, then the only method of grinding- wheat. Figures wei-e obtained >li(.\\iie^' the rrlati\e weights of the nine mill products -tlonr ot \arious grades oC fineness, tails, sharps, poHard, and bran figures which are unfortunately of little interest nowadays since the i-<.ller- milling which has become universal has introduced (juite a ditierent series of separations, lioller-milling, also, no longer bruises the bran in the way that was inevitable with >tone grinding, so that the composition even of the finest j)roducls has been to some extent altered. Further determinations were then made of the dry matter, ash, nitrogen, and pIio>|)lioric acid in the various products, as had previously been done for several seasons with the whole grain. The results showed that the percentage of nitrogen was lowest in the products at the heat th.- idea which was then l)egimiing to be held, and which has nevei- ceased to be promulgated as a sort of creed — that the whole meal of the wheat grain is the most nutritive food, and that ordinary white bread is deprived of niucli ojit^, value because of the removal of the bran. For example, Gilbert wrote in l^^l : -'ni'' hi-h'-r |)er centage of nitrogen in bran than in lin<' Hour ha> freciuently led to the reconunendaticai of the coarser brea«ls as moiv nutritious than the finer. We have already seen that tlie 270 MISCELLANEOUS ENQUIRIES more branny portions of the grain also contain a much larger percentage of mineral matter. ... It is, however, we think, very questionable whether, upon such data alone, a valid opinion can be formed of the comparative values, as food, of bread made from the finer or coarser flours from one and the same grain. . . . Again, it is an indisputable fact that branny particles, when admitted into the flour in the degree of imperfect division in which our ordinary milling processes leave them, very considerably increase the peristaltic action, and hence the alimentary canal is cleared much more rapidly of its contents. It is also well known that the poorer classes almost invariably prefer the whiter l:)read ; and among some of them who work the hardest, and who, consequently, would soonest appreciate a difference in nutritive quality (navvies for example), it is distinctly stated that their preference for the whiter bread is founded on the fact that the l^rowner passes through them too rapidly, consequently before their systems have extracted from it as much nutritious matter as it ought to yield them. It is freely granted that much useful nutritious matter is, in the first instance, lost as human food, in the abandonment of 15 to 20 per cent, of our wheat grain to the lower animals. It should be remembered, however, that the amount of food so applied is by no means entirely w^asted. And further, w^e think it more than doubtful, even admitting that an increased proportion of mineral and nitrogenous constituents would be an advantage, whether, unless the branny particles could he either excluded, or so reduced as to prevent the clearing action above alluded to, more nutriment would not be lost to the system by this action than would be gained by the introduction into the body, coincidentally with it, of a larger actual amount of supposed nutritious matters. In fact, all experience tends to show that the state, as well as the chemical composition of om^ food, must be considered ; in other words, that its digesti- bility, and aptitude for assimilation, are not less important qualities than its ultimate composition. "Of course, if the branny portions were reduced to a FOOD VALUE OF DIFFKKKNT II.()ri:> jn perfect state of fnieiu'ss. ami it were tniiinl that iliis prevent i'« I the aperient aetiun, aiul that oiIut i-vils wt if not induced, <.r better still, if more of the food niaicrial can he separated from the bran, and in either ease without more eost than the sjivin;; would be worth, there might be some advautau'f. Hut. to suppose that whole wheat meal, as ordinarily prepared, is. as has generally been assumed, weight for weight, more mitritiou- than ordinary bread-tiour, is an utter lallaey, founded on theoretical text-book dicta : not oidy entirely unsupportefj by experience, Init inconsistent with it. Tn faet, it i> ju>i \\i'- poorer fed and the harder working that should have the ordinary flour bread rather than the whole-meal bread as hitherto prepared, and it is the over-fed and the sedentary that should have such whole-meal bread. Lastly, if the whole grain were finely ground, it is by no means certain that the percentage of really nutritive nitrogenous matters would be higher than in ordinary bread-Hour, and it is quite a (iue>tion whether the excess of earthy phosphates would not then be injurious." The persistent idea that the branny portions of the gi-aiu possess a higher nutritive value comes from trusting in the crude chemical view of a centmy ago, that the percentage of nitrogen alone measures the value of a food, without tidving any account of its digestibility and the amount of these nitrogenous materials which can be assimilated by the body. As to the extra value of the phosphoric acid, there is no evidence to show that the ordinary dietaries are in any \Nay deficient in phosphates. The whole subject has, during t In- last few years, been elaborately tested experimentally in the com-se of the nutrition investigations of the United States Department of Agricuhure, with the result that I^iwes and Gilbert's opinion of the superior nutritive value of white bread has been fully confirmed. The other question raised l)y Lawes and Gill)ert in tht- \s:>7 paper, that of the effect of the difierent systems of mamn-ing upon the baking quality of the wheat and the differeneo in 272 MISCELLANEOUS ENQUIRIES composition between English and foreign-grown wheat, is again at the present time being made the subject of investiga- tion at Rothamsted. References •'On some Points in the Composition of Wheat Grain, its Products in the Mill, and Bread." Jour. Chcm. Soc, 10 (1857), 1. Rothamsted Memoirs, Vol. I., No. 10. "Bread Reform." Jour. Soc. Arts, January 21, 1881. Rothamsted Memoirs, Vol. v.. No. 16. "On the Sewage of Towns (Third Report and Appendices 1, 2, and 3, of the Royal Commission, presented to Parliament), 1865." Rothamsted Memoirs, Vol. IV., No. 2. "Report (presented to Parliament) of Experiments undertaken by Order of the Board of Trade to determine the Relative Values of Unmalted and Malted Barley as Food for Stock, 1866." Rothamsted Memoirs, Vol. IV., No. 3. "Experiments on Ensilage conducted at Rothamsted, Season 1884-5." Agric. Gazette, April 27 to Aug. 10, 1885. Rothamsted Memoirs, Vol. IV., No. 12. APPENDIX I The Authors are indicated by initials as foUows : — J. B. L. = the late Sir John Beiinet I jiwes. J. H. G. - the late Sir J. Henry Gillx-rt. R. W. = R. Warington. A. D. H. = A. D. Hall. N. H. J. M. = N. H. J. Miller. ii*. Mer/i. (Rothanisted Memoirs) refers to the ten bound volumes of reprints whi. Ii were distributed in 1S90 and since to the chief Libraries, Agricultural Colleges, aii EXPERIMENTAL STATION, 1843-190n. 1. "Experiments at Rothamsted Farm, Herts, in lSi:5 and Is 11. on tin- Growth of Turnips" (by J. B. L., Gard. Chron., June IfSto). 2. "Agricultural Chemistry" (by J. B. L., J.Ii.A.S.,8, 1847,22(5). /•'. .Mnn.. Vol. I., No. L 3. "Agricultural Chemistry, Turnip Culture" (by J. H. I.., ././i'../..V. 8, 1>I7. 494), R. Mem., Vol. I., No. 2. 4. "On the Sources of the Alkalies in Agriculture " (by .1. H. I... 77/f Finmcis' Magazine, 29, 1848, 178). 5. " Agricultural Chemistry, Sheep Feeding, and .Manure," Part I. (by .1. H. I. . J.R.A.S., 10, 1849,27G),/«*. Mem., Vol. II., No 1. 6. "Experimental Investigation into the Amount of W.ilcr given ulfby Plants during their Growth" (by .1. B. L., Jour, llnrl. Soc. lAtnd., 5, iSfiO, 38), R. Mem., Vol. I., No. 3. 7. " Report of some Experiments undertaken to ascertain the Conipnrativr Evaporating Properties of Evergreen and Deciduous irees " (by J. B. L., Jour. Hart. Soc. Lnnd., 6, 1S.-,1, 227). U. Mrm., \'<.l. I.. No. 4. 274 APPENDICES 8. "Agricultural Chemistry, especially in relation to the Mineral Theory of Baron Liebig " (by J. B. L. and J. H. G., J.R.A.S., 12, 1851, 1), R. Mem., Vol. I., No. 5. 9. "' Report of Experiments on the Comparative Fattening Qualities of Different Breeds of Sheep" (by J. B. L., J.R.A.S., 12, 1851, 414), R. Mem., Vol. II., No. 2. 10. " Report of Experiments on the Comparative Fattening Qualities of Different Breeds of Sheep " (by J. B. L., J.R.A.S., 13, 1852, 179), R. Mem., Vol. II., No. 3. 11. "On the Composition of Foods" (by J. B. L. and J. H. G., Rep. Brit. Assn., 1852), R. Mem., Vol. II., No. 4. 12. "Agricultural Chemistry; Pig Feeding" (by J. B. L., J.R.A.S., 14, 1853, 459), R. Mem., Vol. II., No. 5. 13. " On the Amounts of, and Methods of Estimating, Ammonia and Nitric Acid in Rain-water" (by J. B. L. and J. H. G., Rep. Brit. Assn., 1854), R. Me7n., Vol. I., No. 6. 14. "On the Equivalency of Starch and Sugar in Food" (by J. B. L. and J. H. G., Rep. Brit. Assn., 1854), R. Mem., Vol. II., No. 6. 15. "Experiments on the Comparative Fattening Qualities of Different Breeds of Sheep" (by J. B. L., J.R.A.S., 16, 1855, 45), R. Mem., Vol. II., No. 7. 16. "On the Sewage of London" (by J. B. L., Jour. Soc. Arts, 1855), R. Mem., Vol. II., No. 8. 17. "Report on the Experiments on the Growth of Wheat at Holkham Park Farm" (by J. B. L., J.R.A.S., 16, 1855, 207), R. Mem., Vol. I., No. 7. 18. "On some Points connected with Agricultural Chemistry; being a reply to Baron Liebig's Principles of Agricultural Chemistry " (by J. B. L. and J. H. G., J.R.A.S., 16, 1855, 411), R. Mem., Vol. I., No. 8. 19. " On the Growth of Wheat by the Lois-Weedon System " (by J. B. L. and J. H. G., J.R.A.S., 17, 1856, 582), 7^. Me?n., Vol. I., No. 9. 20. " On some Points in the Composition of Wheat Grain, its products in the Mill, and Bread" (by J. B. L. and J. H. G., J.C.S., 10, 1857, 1), R. Mem., Vol. I., No. 10. 21. "On the Growth of Barley by Different Manures continuously on the same Land" (by J. B. L. and J. H. G., J.R.A.S., 18, 1857, 454), 7?. Mem., Vol. I., No. 11. 22. " Letter on the Utilisation of Town Sewage " (by J. H. G., Report ordered by House of Commons, 1857, Appendix, 12, 1857, 477), R. Mem., Vol. II., No. 9. 23. "Experimental Inquiry into the Composition of some of the Animals Fed and Slaughtered as Human Food" (by J. B. L. and J. H. G., Abstract, Proc. Roy. Soc, 9, 1858, 348), R. Mem., Vol. II., No. 10. 24. "Observations on the recently introduced Manufactured Foods for Agricultural Stock" (by J. B. L., J.R.A.S., 19, 1858, 199), R. Mem., Vol. II., No. 11. 25. "On the Annual Yield of Nitrogen per acre in Different Croi>s " (by J. B. L. and J. H. G., Chemical Gazette, Nov. 1, 1858, 413). apim:m)|\ I 276 26. "Report of Kxperinients with ilillcivnt Manures on IVriimnrnt Mr«.l..w LjuuI" (by J. H. L. and J. 11. C, ././,•./., v., ig. Ik:,h, :,;,••• ,„„i 20 1859, 228 and 398), h\ Mmi., \'ol. I., N„. 1 -j. 27. "On a New Method for the (Quantitative Ksliniatinn ..f Niiri.- \.i.|",l.v E. Pujrh, J.C.S., 12, 18r)9, 30). 28. "Experimental Inquiry into the Coni|i(.sili..ii ..f.sonie .if Ih.- .\i(iiii.»U 1 .,1 and Slaughtered as Human rood'- ^l.y .1. H. L. and .1. II. O., I'hil Tram., 149, 1859, 493), li. Mm,., NCI. III. (.|t„). N... I. 29. "On the Composition of Oxen, Slit<|., and I'i^rs. and d InercjiHc whilst Fattening" (by .1. B. I,, and .1. II. (1.. I.S., 21, Isr.o, 1;J3) R. Mew/., Vol. II., No'. 12. 30. "On the Composition of the Animal Portion of our ImmkI, and on itx relations to Bread" (by J. II. (;., Ahslrait, ./.r.\., 12, Isf.o, 54), U 3/(v«., Vol. II., No. 13. 31. "Report of Experiments on the (irowth of Red (lover bv ditfrrenl Manures" (by J. B. L. and J. H. G., ././i'../..S., 21, IsOd, ITS), li M,-,,, Vol. I., No. 13. 32. "On the Application of different Manures to different Crops, and on th«-ir proper Distribution on the Farm " (bv J. B. L., 18()1), li. Mrm., \o\. I., No. 15. 33. "On some Points in connection with the Exhaustion of Soils " (In .1. H. I.. and J. H. G., Abstract, /iV/;. nril. .I.smi., 18(31), A'. Mrm.', \\,\. \ , No. 16. 34. "On the Sources of the Nitrogen of N^egelation, with special reference to the Question whether Plants Assimilate Free or Uncombined Nitrofjeii " (by J. B. L., J. H. G., and E. Pug^ ^'/"/- Trans., 151, ISGl, 431), Ji. Me?n., Vol. I. (4to), No. 1 (also J.C.S., 16, 1863, lUd), li. .Mn,,., \'ol. III., No. 1. 35. "Fifth Report of Experiments on the Feeding of Sheep " (bv .1. H. I., and J. H. G., J.R.A.S., 22, 1861, 189), R. Mn,,., Vol. II . No. 'i I. 36. " Report of Experiments on the Fattening of Oxen at \\'ol)uni Park I'arnj " (by J. B. L. and J. H. G., ./.li. I.S., 22, 1861, 2U(l). /.'. Mrm. \\,\. II . No. 15. 37. " Report of Experiments made ;it Rodniersham, Kent, on the Growth of Wheat" (by J. B. L. and J. H. G., J.R..I.S., 23. 1S62, 31). R. .Mn,,., Vol. I., No.' 17. 38. "Experiments on the Question whether the I'sc of ConclinK iils jncrensc'ti the Assimilation of Foods by Fattening .\nini.ils " (l>y .1. M. I... I.tiitt. Vet. Reiinr, 1862), R. Mnn.,'Vo\. II., No. 16. 39. "Supplementary Report of Experiments on the Feeding of Slurp " (by J. B. L. and J. H. C;., J.R..I.S., 23, 1862, 191). li. .Mn,,., Vol. II., No. 17. 40. "The Utilisation of Town Sewage" (by .1. M. I... ././.'. /.V. 24. 1863,65), R. Mem., Vol. II., No. 18. 41. "Effects of different Manures on tli<- Mix..! Il.rbage of (irass I..iid' (by J. B. L. and J. H. G., J.R..I.S., 24. Is6.i. 131 and 501). li. .Mr,,,., Vol. I., No. 18, and Vol. III., No. 3. 276 APPENDICES 42. " Report of Experiments on the Growth of Wheat for Twenty Years in Succession on the same Land" (by J. B. L. and J. H. G., J.R.A.S., 25, 1864, 93 and 449), R. Mem., Vol. III., No. 4. 43. "On the Selection of Artificial Manures for the Sugar-Cane " (by J. B. L., 1864), R. Mem., Vol. III., No. 5. 44. "On the Chemistry of the Feeding of Animals for the Production of Meat and Manure" (by J. B. L., Jour. Roij. Dublin Soc, 1864, 256), 7?. Man., Vol. IV., No. i. 45. "On the Sewage of Towns" (by J. B. L. and J. T. Way, Royal Com- mission, Third Report, and Appendices 1, 2, and 3, 1865), R. Mem., Vol. IV., No. 2. 46. " On the Accumulation of the Nitrogen of Manure in the Soil " (by J. B. L. and J. H. G., Rep. Brit. Assn., 1866), R. Mem., Vol. III., No. 6. 47. " Report (presented to Parliament) of Experiments undertaken by Order of the Board of Trade to Determine the relative Values of Unmalted and Malted Barley as Food for Stock" (by J. B. L., 1866), R. Mem.,. Vol. IV., No. 3. 48. "On the Composition, Value, and Utilisation of Town Sewage" (by J. B. L. and J. H. G., J.C.S., 19, 1866, 80), R. Mem., Vol. IV., No. 4. 49. " Food in its Relations to the various Exigencies of the Animal Body "" (by J. B. L. and J. H. G., Phil. Mag., Fourth Series, 32, 1866, 55), R. Mem., Vol. IV., No. 5. 50. "On the Sources of Fat of the Animal Body" (by J. B. L. and J. H. G., Rep. Brit. Assn., 1866; Phil. Mag., Fourth Series, 32, 1866, 439), R. Mem., Vol. IV., No. 7. 51. '^'' On the Home Produce, Imports, and Consumption of Wheat " (by J. B. L. and J. H. G., J.R.A.S.,29, 1868, 359), R. Mem., Vol. III., No. 8. 52. "Exhaustion of the Soil in relation to Landlords' Covenants, and the Valuation of Unexhausted Improvements " (by J. B. L., London Farmers" Club, 1870), R. Mem., Vol. III., No. 9. 53. " Scientific Agriculture with a view to Profit " (by J. B. L., Maidstone- Farraers' Club, 1870), R. Mem., Vol. III., No. 10. 54. "Effects of the Drought of 1870 on some of the Experimental Crops at Rothamsted" (by J. B. L. and J. H. G., J.R.A.S., 32, 1871, 91), R. Mem.^ Vol. III., No. 11. 55. " Notes on Clover Sickness" (by J. H. G., Jour. Roy. Hort. Soc, 3, 1871, 86), R. Mem., Vol. III., No. 12. 56. " Report of Experiments on the Growth of Barley for Twenty Years in Succession on the same Land" (by J. B. L. and J. H. G., J.R.A.S., 34, 1873, 89 and 275), R. Mem., Vol. III., No. 13. 57. "Unexhausted Tillages and Manures, with reference to the Landlord and Tenant (Ireland) Act, 1870" (by J. B. L.), R. Mem., Vol. III., No. 14. 58. " On the more frequent Growth of Barley on Heavy Land " (read before the London Farmers' Club, 1875, by J. B. L.), R. Mem., Vol. V., No. 1. 59. " On the Valuation of Unexhausted Manures " (by J. B. L., J.R.A.S., 36, 1875, 1), R. Mem., Vol. V., No. 2. AlM'KXhIX 1 077 €0. "Note on the Occurreiur of F.iiiv HiM-s- (|,v .1. II. ( ; . ./oi/r I „„, S,^ Botany, 15, 1875, 17), li. Mmi., W.l. \\, No. .'i. 61. "On some Points in connection with Vt-f^ctation " (Addnss (hliv.rnl nt South Kensinj^ton Science ConfcnMncs, is"!"., hv .1 H (; ) l{ Mm, Vol. v., No. 4. . • . 62. "On some Points in coinicction with Animal Nutrition" (by .1. H. C... Address delivered at South Kensington Science (\)nfcrcnrrs lS7r.) 7?. Mem., Vol. IV., No. 9. 63. "On Rainfall, Evaporation, and Percolation" (l.v .1. 11. (J.. I'nu-. Inst ( I 45, 1876), li. Mem., Vol. V., No. 5. 6-i. "On the Use of Germinated Barlev for Feeding,'" (hv .1. H. I... laru-. (in:rllr. May 1876). 6-3. "On the Quantitative Determination of Nitric .Acid h\ Indi^io" (l»y R. W., C/iem. Xeirs, 35, 1877, 45, 57). 66. "The Rothamsted Allotment Club" (by .1. H. I,.. ./..'i'../..S., 38. 1S77, 387). 67. " Freedom in the Growth and Sale of the Crops of the Farm " (by .1. M. I . Jour. Soc. Arts, Dec. 12, 1877), li. Mem., Vol V., No. 0. G8. " On the Formation of Fat in the Animal Body " (by J. B. I., and .1. H ( ■ . Jour. Anat. and Phijs., 11, 1877), R. Mem.,\o\. \\ ., N... 1(>. 69. " Composition of Potatoes " (by J. H. G., Note, Jour. lim/. Hort. .Sm-., 5, 1878), R. Mem., Vol. v., No. 7. 70. "On Nitrification " (by R. W., T.C.S., 33, 1878, 44). 71. "Is Higher Farming a Remedy for Lower Prices" (by .1. B. L., Lecture delivered before the East Berwickshire Agricultural .Association, May .'<, 1879 ; Berwick, 1879), R. Mem., Vol. V., No. 8. 72. "On Nitrification," Part II. (by R. W., T.C.S., 35, 1879, 429). 73. " On the Determination of Nitric Acid, as Nitric Oxide, by means of it.s action on Mercury" (by R. W., T.C.S., 35, 1879, 375). 74. "On the Determination of Nitric Acid by means of Indigo, with special reference to Water Analysis" (l)y U. U ., / .CS., 35. 1879, 578). 75. "On some Points in connection with Agricultural Chemistry " (by .1. 11. (> . Abstract, Rep. Brit., 1879), R. Mem., Vol. V., No. lit)- 76. "Our Climate and our Wheat Crops" (by J. B. L. and .1. U. G., J. HAS., 41, 1880, 173), R. Mem., Vol. V., No. 11. 77. "Agricultural, Botanical, and Chemical Results <.t Kxpcrinunts on tlir Mixed Herbage of Permanent .Meadow— I'nrt I., The Agriiultunil Results" (by J. B. L. and .1. H. i).. Hn/. Tnou., 171. iHhO. 2^9), R. Mem.,Vo]. II. (4to), No. 1. 78. " Sketch of the Progress of Agricultural Chemistry "( by .1. H. (i, /''•/' Brit. Assn., 1880), R. Mem., Vol. V., No. 13. 79. "On the Determination of Nitric Acid as Nitri.- Ox-ie. by n.eans ..f .t« reaction with Ferrous Salts" (by K. W.. Part I . TCS, 37. IH.HO, 468; Part II., T.C.S., 41, 1882, 345). 80. "On the Determination of Carbon in Soils" (by K W. ,.nd U A IVakr, T.C.S., 37, 1880, 617). 278 APPENDICES 81. "On the Home Produce, Imports, Consumption, and Price of Wheat, over 27 (or 28) Harvest-years, 1852-3 to 1879-80" (by J. B. L. and J. H. G., J.R.A.S., 41, 1880, 337), R. Mem., Vol. V., No. 14 ; see also Jour. Stat. Soc, 43, 1880, 313. 82. "Letter on Bread Reform" (by J. H. G., Jour. Soc. Arts, 1881), R. Mem., Vol. v., No. 16. 83. "On the Amount and Composition of the Rain and Drainage Waters collected at Rothamsted " (by J. B. L., J. H. G., and R. W., Parts I., II., and III., and Appendix Tables (J.R.A.S., 42, 1881, pp. 241 and 311 ; 43, 1882, 1), R. Mem., Vol. V., No. 18. 84. "Letters on Fertility" (by J. B. L., Agric. Gazette, Feb. 21 to May 9, 1881), R. Mem., Vol. V., No. 17. 85. " On the Formation and Decomposition of Carbonic Acid " (by J. B. L., Phil. Mag., 1881, 206). 86. "On Increasing the Fertility of Pastures" (by J. B. L., Jour. Amer. Agric. Assn., 1, 1881, 67). 87. "On Alterations in the Properties of the Nitric Ferment by Cultivation " (by R. W^, Rep. Brit. Assn., 1881, 593). 88. " Note on the Appearance of Nitrous Acid during the Evaporation of Water" (by R. W., T.C.S., 39, 1881, 229). 89. " Some Practical Aspects of recent investigations on Nitrification " (by R. W., Jour. Soc. Arts, April 7, 1882). 90. "Determinations of Nitrogen in the Soils of some of the Experimental Fields at Rothamsted, and the bearing of the results on the Question of the Sources of the Nitrogen of our Crops" (by J. B. L. and J. H. G., American Assn. for the Advancement of Science, Montreal, August 1882), R. Mem., Vol. V., No. 19. 91. "Agricultural, Botanical, and Chemical Results of Experiments on the Mixed Herbage of Permanent Meadow. Part II., The Botanical Results " (by J. B. L., J. H. G., and M. T. Masters, Phil. Trans., 173, 1882, 1181), /?. Mem., Vol. II. (4to), No. 2. 92. " On the Determination of Nitric Acid in Soils " (by R. W., T.C.S.,^1, 1882, 351). 93. " The Future of Agricultural Field Experiments " (by J. B. L., Agric. Students Gazette, 4, 1882, 33). 94. " On some of the Changes which Nitrogenous Matter undergoes within the Soil" (by R. \W, Lecture delivered at South Kensington, April 16, 1883). 95. " Contribution to the Chemistry of Fairy Rings " (by J. B. L., J. H. G., and R. W\, T.C.S., 43, 1883, 208), R. Mem., Vol. V., No. 20. 96. " New Determinations of Ammonia, Chlorine, and Sulphuric Acid, in the Rain-water collected at Rothamsted " (by J. B. L., J. H. G., and R. W., J.R.A.S., 44, 1883, 313), R. Mem., Vol. V., No. 21. 97. "The Nitrogen as Nitric Acid, in the Soils and Subsoils of some of the Fields at Rothamsted" (by J. B. L., J. H. G., and R. W., J.R.A.S., 44, 1883, 331), R. Mem., Vol. V., No. 22. AIMM'ADIX I 279 98. Supplement to foniur jKiper . ntillcd " K\|.iTiinrnt»l Iii(|iiiry into thr Composition of some of llu- Aiiim.ils I .-,1 and SlaufjIUrrrd nn liumnii Food" — Cumposilion of' !/„■ ./.v// ,;/' //„• Inlirr Amttmls and of crrtititt Separated Parts (by J. M. I., and .1. N. (;.. /'/»/. Trans., 174. iMs.J, SGa), R. Mem., Vol. III. (4to), No. l'. 99. "Compensation for Unexhausted Mamires" (l)y J. H. I, . I...iidnii. 1883). 100. "An Attempt to explain the Aetion of Manures" (|.\ .1. \\ F... Jomr. Neircastle Farrncrs' Club, 1883, iii.). 101. "Introduction to the Study of the Scientific I'limipies of .X^riiidlurr " (by J. H. G., Inaufjural Lecture, delivered May <-, Issj, ,,t il„- Ini- versity Museum, Oxford), R. Mem., Vol. VI., No. 1 102. "On the Composition of the Ash of Wheat-Crain and Win il-Slniw grown at Rothamsted " (by J. B. L. and J. U. (;.. 'J'.C.S.. 45. 1SS|. 305), R. Mem., Vol. VI., No. 2. 103. " Presidential Address to the Chemical Society" (l)y .1. H. (i., March 30, 1883, T.C.S., 43, 1883, 224). 104. " Report of Experiments on the Growth of Wheat for the second periinl of Twenty Years in Succession on the same Land" (by .F. H. L. and J. H. G., J.R.A.S., 45, 1884, 391), R. Mem., Vol. VI., No. 3. 105. "On Agricultural Investigation; being a Lecture delivered at the Michigan State Agric. College, Lansing, Mich., Oct. 14. ISSt ; and at Rutgers College, New Brunswick, N.J., Oct. 27, 1884 " (i)y J. 11. (. . Proc. Soc. Promoting Agric. Science, 1885, 73), R. Mem.. \ ..]. \ I . No. 5. 106. "Further Remarks on the Action of Manures " (l)y .1. H. I... Jour. Xeu-castle Farmers' Chib, 1884, 77). 107. "On Nitrification," Part III. (by R. W., T.C.S., 45, 1884, 037). 108. "On some Points in the Composition of Soils; with Results illu.strating the sources of the Fertility of Manitoba Prairie Soils" (by J. B. L. and J. H. G., British Assn., Montreal, 1884, '/'.f '..S., 47, 1S85, 3S0), R. Mr„i . Vol. VI., No. 4. 109. "Note on the Behaviour of Nitrates in Kjeldahl's Process for the Determination of Nitrogen " (by R. W., Cliem. Snrs, 52, 18sr., 102). 110. "Note on some Conditions of the Development, and of the Activity, of Chlorophyll" (by J. H. G., Abstract, Rep. Rrit. Assn., 188.".). /^ Mem, Vol. VI., No. 6. " 111. "On the Valuation of Unexhausted .Manures " (by .1. H. I., and .1. IL O , J.R A.S., 46, 1885, 590), R. Mem., Vol. VL, N... 7. 112. "Experiments on Ensilage, conducted at R.ithamsted, Sra.s^ui lSf<4-.'i' (by J. B. L. and J. H. G., Agric. dazelte, .April 27 to Aug. 10. 1885). R. Mew., Vol. IV., No. 12. 113. "Notes on the Detection of Nitrous and Nitric .\ci.l " (l)y U NN . ('hem. Nen-s, 51, 1885, 39). 114. "On the Action of Gypsum in I'roon.tin;;>r..ati..n " (by II. U . y.C.S'., 47, 1885, 758). 115. "Sugar as a Food for Stock" (by J- H. I... .//.'../V. 40. 1>'.-., - 1 ). 280 APPENDICES 116. " Remarks on the Products of the Cow" (by J. B. L,., Agric. Sfiideiilx' Gazette, 2, 1885, 129). 117. " Mangels as a Milk-producing Food " (by J. B. L., Agric. Students' Gazette, 2, 1885, 147). 118. "On the Necessity for some Change in the Law in regard to the Adulteration of Milk " (by J. B. L., British Dairy Farmers' Assn., Oct. 7, 1885, Vol. II., 1886, 197). 119 "Results of Experiments at Rothamsted on the Growth of Barley for more than Thirty Years in succession on the same Land " (by J. H. G., Agric. Students' Gazette, New Series, 3, 1886, 1), R. Mem., Vo\. VI., No. 8. 120. " Remarques sur la relation qui existe entre les .sommes de tempera- ture et la production agricole " (by J. H. G., Archives des Sciences Physiques et Natiirelles, 3' periode, 16, 1886, 421), R. Mem., Vol. VL, No. 9. 121. " Shall we Import, or Breed.'" (by J. B. L., Lire Stock Journal Almanac, 1886). 122. "Selling Live Stock by Weight" (by J. B. L., Jour. Xe/rcastle Farmers' Club, 1886, 3). 123. "On the Distribution of the Nitrifying Organism in the Soil " (bv R. W., 7'.C.^'., 51, 1887, 118). 124. "Succulent Food" (bv J. B. la., Jour. Bath and W. ofEng. Soc, Series III., 18, 1886-7, 299). 125. " What is an Average Turnip Crop? " (by J. B. L., Jour. Bath and W. of Eng. Sac, Series III., 18, 1886-7, 301). 126. "The Home Produce, Imports, Consumption, and Price of Wheat in the United Kingdom, 34 Harvest-years, 1852-3 to 1885-6 " (by J. B. L. and J. H. G., The Field, Feb. 12, 1887), R. Mem., Vol. VI., No. 10. 127. " A Contribution to the Study of Well Waters" (by R. W., T.C.S., 51, 1887, 500). 128. "On the present position of the Question of the Sources of the Nitrogen of Vegetation — Preliminary Notice" (by J. B. L. and J. H. G., Proc. Roy. Soc, 43, 1887, 108), R. Mem., Vol. VI., No. 11. 129. " Results of Experiments at Rothamsted on the Growth of Root-ci-ops for many years in succession on the same Land " (by J. H. G., Agric. Student.s' Gazette, New Series, 3, 1887), R. Mem., Vol. VL, No. 12. 130. " Nature of Nitrogenous Organic Matter in Soils" (by R. W., Chem. News, 55, 1887, 27). 131. "Some Remarks upon Foods " (by J. B. L., Agric. Science, 1, 1887, 99). 132. "Food in Relation to Milk" (By J. B. L., Jour. Brit. Dairy Farmers' Assn., 3, 1887, 7). 133. "The Relative Value of Store and Fat Stock " (by J. B. L., Scottish Agric. Gazette Almanac, 1887) 134. "Tables for Estimating Dead Weight and Value of Cattle froiii Live Weight" (by J. B. L., 1888. Published by Roy. Agric. Soc). APPENDIX I 281 135. " Results of Experiments at Hoth.imstrd on tin- ( Jmulh of IN.laliM-H for Twelve Years in succession on the same Land ' (hy .1. H. (i., .Igrir. Sliidoits' Ga-i'dc, New Series, 4, 188S), li. M,-,,,., \ol.'vi.. No. 13. 136. "The Permanent Wheat and Barley Kxperinients in SUckvard Field. Woburn " (J. B. L., J.K.A.S., 49, 188S, 1). 137. " The Chemical Actions of some Micro-or^ranisms " (hv U. \\ ., /Vrx . i'hrm. Soc, 4, 1888, 69 ; T.C.S., 53, 1888, 727). 138. "On the Present Position of the Question of the Sources of Nitrofrt-n ».f Vegetation" (by J. B. L. and J. H. (;., P/iil. Trans., 180, H. issg, 1), li. Mem., Vol. I. (4to), No. 2. 139. "The History of a Field newly laid down to IVnu.iiirnt drass " (l.v .1. H. I... J.R.A.S., 50, 1889, 1), li. Mc»,., Vol. VI., No. 14. 140. "The Amountof Nitric Acid in the Rain-water at Uoliianistcd, with notes on the Analysis of Rain-water" (by R. W., T.C.S., 55, 1889, TtM). 141. " Results of Experiments at Rothamsted on the Growth of Leguminous Crops for many years in succession on the same Land" (by J. H. CI., Agric. Students' Gazette, New Series, 4, 1889, 137: and 4. 1890, 179), R. Mem., Vol. VI., No. 15. 142. "The Food of our Agricultural Crop.s '" (hy .1. B. 1.., ./.h'.I.S.. 51, 1890, 69), R. Mem., Vol. VI., No. 17. 143. "Results of Experiments at Rothamsted on tlie (Question of the I'ixation of Free Nitrogen" (by J. H. G., Agric. Student.^!' Gau-tte, New Series, 5, 1890, 33 ; and 5, 1891, 62), R. Mem., Vol. \'II., No. 1. 144. "Condiments" (by J. B. L., The Farmer and SloMrrrdrr'.s Ynir-lMtok, 1890,25). 145. " The Market Value of the Different Samples of Wheat and Barley grown in 1889 on the Experimental Plots at Rothamsted " (by Lawes Agric. Trust Committee, J.R.A.S., 51, 1890, 432). 146. "Observations on Rainfall, Percolation, and lU.thamstcd ; with Tabular Results for Twenty Harvest-years, 1870-1 to l.'<89-9(l inclusive" (by J. H. G., Pruc. ItJ. Civil Eugiucrrs, 105, 1S91, Part III.). R. Mem., Vol. VIL, No. 2. 147. " Results of Experiments at Rotham.sted on the Question of the Fixnticm ot Free Nitrogen" (by J. H. G., Nature, Nov. 12, 1891). R. Mem., Vol. VIL, No. 3. 148. " The Sources of the Nitrogen of our Leguniin<.iis Crops" (hy .'. B. L. and J. H. G., J.R.A.S., 52, 1891, 057), R. Mem., \o\. \II., No. 4. 149. "On Nitrification," Part IV. (by R. W., P.C.S, 7. 1S91. 927 : T.C.S., 60. 1891, 484). 150. "Six Lectures on the Investigations at U..llianist.-d i:\perimrntnl Station, delivered under the provisions of the Uwes .Vgrirultural Tru.Ht before the Assoc, of American Agric. C.Ueges and Kxpt. Stations, nt Washington, D.C., Aug. 12-18, 1891 " (by R. W.. C.S. ..f .\grir.. Office of Expt. Stations, Bui. No. 8, Washington, 1^92). 151. " Allotments and Small H<.ldings " (l.y .1. B. L. an.l .1. H. <• . .rUA.S., 53, 1892, 439), R. Mem., Vol. VIL, No. 5. 282 APPENDICES 152. "Nutritive Ratios" (by J. B. L., Agric. Students' Gazette, New Series, 6^ 1892, 1). 153. "Small Holdings" (by J. B. L., Farming World Year-book, 1893). 154. "Home Produce, Imports, Consumption, and Price of Wheat, over 40 Harvest-years, 1852-3 to 1891-2" (by J. B. L. and J. H. G., J.R.A.S., 54, 1893, 77), R. Mem., Vol. VII., No. 6. 155. "Rotation of Crops" (by J. B. L. and J. H. G., J.R.A.S., 55, 1894, 585),. R. Mem., Vol. VII., No. 7. 156. "Upon some Properties of Soils, which have Grown a Cereal Crop and a Leguminous Crop for many years in Succession " (by J. B. L., Agric. Students Gazette, New Series, 7, 1895). 157. "The Agricultural Investigations at Rothamsted, England, during a period of Fifty Years " (by J. H. G., United States Dept. of Agric.,. Office of Expt. Stations, Bui. No. 22, Washington, 1895). 158. "The Rothamsted Experiments; being an account of some of the Results of the Agricultural Investigations conducted at Rothamsted, in the Field, the Feeding-shed, and the Laboratory, over a period of Fifty Years " (by J. B. L. and J. H. G., Trans. Highland and Agiic. Soc. of Scotland, Fifth Series, 7, 1895, 1). 159. "The Feeding of Animals, for the Production of Meat, Milk, and Manure, and for the Exercise of Force " (by J. B. L. and J. H. G., J.R.A.S., 56, 1895, 47), Vol. VII., No. 13. 160. "The Depression of Corn Prices; and the Production of Wheat in some of the chief exporting Countries of the World " (by J. B. L. and J. H. G., J.R.A.S., 57, 1896, 723), 7^. Mem., Vol. VII., No. 8. 161. " The Lawes Agricultural Trust Committee. Brief Summary of Proceedings during its first Five Years of Office" {J.R.A.S., 57, 1896, 324). 162. "Soil Inoculation" (by N. H. J. M., J.R.A.S., 57, 1896, 236). 163. "The Royal Commission on Agricultural Depression and the Valuation of Unexhausted Manures" (by J. B. L. and J. H. G., J.R.A.S., 58, 1897, 674), R. Mem., Vol. VII., No. 9. 164. "Production of Milk Rich in Fat" (by N. H. J. M., J.R.A.S., 58, 1897, 655). 165. "The Valuation of the Manures obtained by the Consumption of Foods for the Production of Milk " (by J. B. L. and J. H. G., J.R.A.S., 59, 1898, 103), R. Mem., Vol. VII., No. 10. 166. "The Growth of Sugar-beet, and the Manufacture of Sugar, in the United Kingdom" (by J. B. L. and J. H. G., J.R.A.S., 59, 1898, 344), R. Mem., Vol. VII., No. 11. 167. "The World's Wheat Supply" (by J. B. L. and J. H. G., The Times, Dec. 2, 1898), R. Mem., Vol. VII., No. 12. 168. "Agricultural, Botanical, and Chemical Results of Experiments on the Mixed Herbage of Permanent Grass Land, conducted for many years in succession on the same Land. Part III. The Chemical Results — Section I." (by J. B. L. and J. H. G., Phil. Trans., 192, B, 1900, 139), R. Mem., Vol. II. (4to), No. 3. APPENDIX I 2H:j 169. "Wheat ♦jrownycMraftti Vf.non tlusai.u- Land, at l{nt himstril. KiiKlainl ; without Mamn-c, with Farmyard Mamirt-, aiul with various Artifinnl Manures" (by J. B. L. ami ,1. H. (1., London, 1900). 170. "Experiments at llothamsted <>ii the Cliaiipe.s in tlu- ('«Mn|Nisiti<)n »»!' Mangels during Storage" (by N. II. .1. M., ././i'../..S., 61, ll»iK», r>7 ; and 63, rj02, 135). 171. "The Amounts of Nitrogen as .Annnonia and as Nilrie A«id. nnd n( Chlorine in the Rain-water eollected at Uothanisted " (l)v N. II. .1. M . P.C.S., 18, 190l>, 88). 172. "The Amounts of Nitrogen as Nitrates, and (hiorine, in the Dniinnfjr through Uncropped and Unmanured Land " (by N. H. .1. .\I.. I'.C.S., 18, 1902,89). 173. "Results of Investigations on the Rotliamsli-d Soils; being tlu- L«-itureN delivered under the provisions of the Lawes Agrieultural Trust" (by B. Dyer, U.S. Dept. of Agric., Office of Kxpt. Stations, Bui. No. 106, Washington, 1902). 174. "The Amounts of Nitrogen and Organic ("arbon in some Clays and Marls" (by N. H. J. M., Quart. Jour. Geul. Soc, 59, 1903, 133). ' 175. "The Continuous Growth of Mangels for 27 years on the .same Land, Barnfield, Rothamsted " (by A. D. H., J.It..l.S.,63, 1902, 27). 176. "The Value of Unexhausted Manures obtained l)y the Consum|)tion of Foods by Stock" (by J. A. Voelcker and A. " i). 1 1, ././.'. /.V, 63. 1902, 76). 177. "The Manuring of Grass Lands" (by A. D. H.,, 64. 1903, 7G). 178. "The Mechanical Analysis of Soils and the Composition of the Fractions resulting therefrom" (by A. D. H., T.C.S., 85, 1904, 950). 179. "The Effect of the long-continued use of Sodium Nitrate on the Constitution of the Soil" (by A. D. H., T.C.S., 85, 1904, 9f,t). 180. "The Comparative Nitrifying Power of Soils" (by S. F. Ashby, T.C S . 85, 1904, 11.58). 181. "The Analysis of the Soil by Means of the Plant " (by A. i). II , Jnur. Agric. Science, 1, 1905, 65). 182. "Note on Calcium Cyanamide " (by A. 1). H.. ./""'•. 'A'"'- V"-""-. L 1905, 146). 183. "The Effect of Plant Growth and of .Maimres upon the Soil ; the Reten- tion of Bases by the Soil " (by A. 1). H. and S.U. .1. .M.. Pnn. liny. Soc., 190.5). 184. "On the Accumulation of Fertility by Land allowed to run Wild" (by A. D. H., Jour. Agric. Serine. 1, 1905, 211). IL-PUBLICATIONS BY OTHER INVESTIG.VrORS. 1)EAL!N(; WITH MATERIAL FRO.M ROrHAMSIED 1. " On the Composition of the Waters of Land Drainag. and of Rain" (by J. T. Way, J.n.A.S., 17, 1856, 1 23). 2. "On the Quantity of Nitric Acid and Annnoma in Rain water" (by .1 'L Way, J.R.A.S., 17, 1S56, 6 is). 284 APPENDICES 3. " Oh the Productive Powers of Soils in Relation to the Loss of Plant Food by Drainage" (by A. Voelcker, J.C.S., 24, 1871, 276). 4. "Bodenstatik und Bodenanalysen " (by H. von Liebig, Zeits. landw. Vereines, Bayern, 1872). 5 "On the Composition of Waters of Land Drainage" (by A. \'oelcker, J.R.A.S., 35, 1874, 132). 6. "Sixth Report of the Rivers Pollution Commission, London, 1874" (see results by Dr E. Frankland, pp. 58-68). 7. "The Analytical Determinations of probably available Mineral Plant Food in Soils" (by B. Dyer, Pror. C.S., 10, 1894, 36; and Trans. C.S., 65, 1894, 115). 8. " Manurial Conditions affecting the Malting Quality of English Barley" (by J. M. H. Munro and E. S. Beaven, J.R.A.S., 58, 1897, 65). 9. " Denitrification and Farmyard Manure" (by R. W., J.B.A.S., 58, 1897, 577). 10. "On the Analysis of Soil as a Guide to its Fertility" (by B. Dyer, Trans. Highland and Agric. Soc. of Scotland, Fifth Series, 10, 1898, 26). 11 ["Analyses of Rothamsted Soils"] (by A. Goss and H. Snyder, U.S. Dept. of Agric, Division of Chem., Bui. No. 51, 1898, 73). 12. "Some of the Principles which should Determine Compensation for the Use of Foods and Manures " (by R. W., Lecture to Newcastle Farmers' Club, Vinton, London, 1898). 13. "Various Conditions affecting the Malting Quality of Barley" (by J. M. H. Munro and E. S. Beaven, J.R.A.S., 61, 1900, 185). 14. "Results of Percolation Experiments at Rothamsted, Sept. 1870 to Aug. 1899" (by R. H. Scott, Quart. Jour. Roi/. Met. Soc, 26, 1900, 139). 15. " The Comparative Value of Nitrate of Sodium and Sulphate of Ammonium as Manures" (by R. W., J.R.A.S., 61, 1900, 300). 16. "A Chemical Study of the Phosphoric Acid and Potash Contents of the Wheat Soils of Broadbalk Field, Rothamsted" (by B. Dyer, Proc. R.S., 68, 11 ; P/iil. Trans., 194, B, 1901, 235). 17. "The Determination of Available Plant Food in Soils by the use of Weak Acid Solvents " (by A. D. Hall and F. J. Plymen, Proc. C.S., 1901; and Trans. C.S., 81, 1902, 117). 18. "Sur les phosphates du sol solubles a I'eau " (by Th. Schloesing, ju)i., Co7npt. rend., 134, 1902, 1383). 19. "Lost Fertility: The Production and Loss of Nitrates in the Soil" (l)y R. W., Trans. Highland and Agric. Soc. of Scotland, Fifth Series, 17, 1905, 148). III._OTHER PUBLICATIONS DEALING WITH THE ROTHAMSTED EXPERIMENTS. 1. "The Rothamsted Agricultural Experimental Station" (^Gard. Chron., Sept. 22, 1877). 2. "Rothamsted — Trente Annees d'Experiences Agricoles de MM. Lawes et Gilbert" (par A. Ronna, Paris, 1887). APPENDIX I 2h:> •Notes sur Hotliamstcd" (par H. (,;..,. /,/;,. /„./. \nl. Unw , 3, 1878-9). ' Die Resultate iler hauptsachliclisteii I'elddim^un^s-vrrsuche. von I..iwrs uiul C.ilbert in Knjrland iind ilirt- Hedeutun^r fur die driitsdir Laiid- wirthschaft " (von I)r Paul Ik-hrend, Berlin. ISSl). •The Rothamsted Kxperiments on the (irowth of Whtat, liarlev. and th«- Mixed Herbage of Grass Land" (by W. Kreani. London, ISSH). •Le Ble a Rothamsted" (par Ku-r«iie Marcliand. ./n„r. d' .Icricullurr Prathiiie, Paris, 1888-90). • Le Ble I'Avoine et I'Orge a Rothamsted" (par Kug. nc M.inhai.d. Jmir. d' Agriculture PratUjue, Paris, 1889-90). ' L' Azote dans la Culture du Ble" (par Eugene Marchand, .Umr. d'.hni- culture Pratique, Paris, 1890.^). •Lessons afforded by the Rothamsted Experiments" (I'.S. Dipt, of Agriculture, Expt. Station Record, 7, 1896, 343; also J.U.A.S., 57, 1896, UO). ' Die Rothamsteder \'ersuche nach dem Standc des .lahres, 1S94" (von K. Bieler, Berlin, 1896). II. ''Concise Review of Principal Data on Rothamsted Kxperiments as carried out by Sir J. B. Lawes and Prof. J. H. (Hlbert, based mainly on Prof. W. Fream's Book" (by Gustav Kottmann, Ph.D.. Svdnev. 1897). III. '"The Rothamsted Experiments and their Practical Lessons for I'arnu-rs " (by C. J. R. Tij)per, London, 1897). i;i. •' Forsoksverksamheten vid Rothamsted i PLngland " (H. von I'lilitztii. Jonkoping, 1900). 14. "Rothamsted — Un Demi-siecle d'Experiences Agronomiques dr .NLM. Lawes et Gilbert" (par A. Ronna, Anuales de la Science Agrnnoiuitjur fraiK^aise et ctrangrre, 2' si'rie, 6' anni-e, Paris, 1900). 1"'. '• Du Role des Elements de Cendres dans la V^egetation " (par .\. Ronna. Jour, d' Agriculture Pratique, 25 avril et 2 mai, Paris, 1901). IG. "The Geological Survey in Reference to Agriculture, with Re|H>rt on the Soils and Subsoils of the Rothamsted Estate " (by Horace B. Woodward. Summary of Progress of the Geological Survey for 1903. .Appendix L. 1904, 143). lu Xote. — It should be mentioned that Nos. 54, 56 (Sec. 4), 65, 71, 77 (part). 83 (part), 90, 97, 102, and 162, of Series L, were translated into French by iNL P. P. Deherain, and published in the Aimalcs Agrontwiiqucs. APPENDIX II Trustees. The Rt. Hon. Lord Aveburv, D.C.L. The Rt. Hon. Lord Walsingham. Sir J. Evans, K.C.B., D.C.L. Commitlec. Sir J. Evans (Cliainuan). H. MuLLER, LL.D., F.R.S. (Treasurer). H. E. Armstrong, LL.D., F.R.S. H. T. Brown, LL.D., F.R.S. W. Carruthers, F.R.S. Sir M. Foster, K.C.B., D.C.L., M.P. Sir C. B. Lawes-Wittewronge, Bart. Sir J. H. Thorold, Bart. J. A. Voelcker, M.A., Ph.D. Former Memberi W. Wells, M.P. {Trustee). The Rt. Hon. the Earl Cawdor (Member of Committee). Sir W. T. Thiselton Dyer, K.C.M.G. (Member of Committee). C. Whitehead (Member of Committee). Secretary. H. Rix, B.A. APPENDIX III AST OF PAST AM) PRESENT WOItKKUS A I I 111 ROTH AMSTED EXPERIMENTAL STATION 1. Present Staff. A. D. Hall, M.A Director, 1902. N. H. J. MiLLEH, Ph .1). Clu-mist, 1887. J.J. Willis and Gciu-r tl Assi.stant, .*<•■) J. G. T. DUNKLEY Secretary, 1878. W. Wilson Clerk, 1883. E. GUEY Chemical and Gener \\ Assistant, S7I. C. Bigg . General Assistant an d Laboratorx .Man, is-'j A. Oggelsby Chemical and Gener \\ Assistant, IH)1. 2. Former Members of thr Si "ff- Date. PosnidS. F. A. Manning 1849-1858 . Chemist. W. SiMCOE 1850-1859 Ciiemist. — Masters . 1856-1858 Chemist. R. RiCHTER 1862-1902 . . Chen)ist. Has been responsible for the analyses of tlie ash of Rothanistcd crops, etc., some 900 in all, of which only a portion have been publislu-il. This work, begun in the Rothamsted Laboratory, was continued up to 1902 in his laboratory at Charlottenbur^. P. Cathcart . W. A. Peake . Died 1883 (see Trans. CIn D. A. Louis . T. Wilson, B.A. — Churchill — Sanders . (i. GlKKINS W. Smith M. DoMAGALSKI W. Christy . H. Archer H. O. Williams C. B. Kaye . A. Hall F. G. Abbott . C. Barnett . ibout 1878 Chemical .\ssistant 1878-1882 Chemist. .S'oc.,45, 1884, 617) 1882-1887 Chemist. 1882-1893 'iVanslal..r. tt«-. 1850-1852 Clerk. 1851 Clerk. 1852-1893 Clerk. 1852-1854 Clerk. 1855-1860 Clerk. 1860-1805 Clerk. 1872-1883 Clerk. 1872-1875 Clerk. 1873-1878 Clerk. 1889-1892 . Clerk. 1892-1899 ( l.rk. 1899-1901 ( Urk. 290 INDEX Calcium carbonate — continued. Removed in drainage waters, 238. Carbohydrates, in root crops, 96. Required for fixation of nitrogen, 140. And fat in animals, 247. Carbon, accumulation of, in Rothamsted soils, 139. In plant, source of, 1. In Rothamsted soils, 28. Cellulose dissolved during malting, 265. Centaurea nigra, 155, 160, 181. Chalk, eifect of on grass land, 158. In Rothamsted soils, 2S, 140. Changes in herbage following changes in manuring of grass land, 168, 170, 261. Chlorine in rain, 19, 21. In drainage water, 233. Clay-with-flints, 24. Clover, accumulation of nitrogen by, 8, 137, 147. Continuous growth on garden soil, 144. Effect of, on succeeding crops, 200, 207. Experiments on, 141. Grown in rotation, 194, 200. Sickness, 133, 148, 194. Compensation tables for purchased foods, 257. Competition of grasses, etc., in meadow, 153, 162, 171. Composition of, animal carcasses, 250. Mangel crop, 115. Rothamsted soil, 27, 145, 214, 222. Wheat flours, 268. Condiments in cattle feeding, 258. Condition of land, 90, 212. Continuous barley, maintenance of yield, 72. Oats, 92. Root crops, 95. Wheat, maintenance of yield, 36. Cytase in malt, 265. D Dactylis glomerata, 162, 175. Denitrification, 115, 210, 219. Diastase in malt, 263. Diffusion of nitrates in soil, lack of, 228. Diminishing returns, law of, 46, 102, Drain gauges, 15, 22, 229. Drainage water, compositioii of, 237. Losses in, 50, 232. Nitrates in, 229. Drains in Broadbalk field, 231. Drought of 1870, 163. Dry matter in mangels, 116. Dyer, B. , analysis of Rothamsted soils,. 27, 54. E Ensilage, experiments on, 266. Evaporation of rainfall, 22. F Fallow, accumulation of nitrates during, 63, 222. Effect of, on wheat, 62. And leguminous crop in rotation, 200. Farmyard manure, accumulation of, in soil, 220. Effect on barley, 77, 85. Effect on grass land, 156, 165. Effect on potatoes, 125. Effect on wheat, 39, 55. Losses of nitrogen in making, 256. Recovery of nitrogen of, 54, 113. Residues left by, 78, 156. Value for mangels, 97, 108. Fat formed from carbohydrates, 247. In fattening animals, 250. Fattening animals, change in composi- tion of animals during, 252. Food required by, 248. Feeding experiments, 240, 258, 264, 267. Feeding roots on the land, effect of, 206. Fertility of land, maintenance in equi- librium, 39, 212, 221. Festuca ovina, 154, 157, 158, 175. Fixation of nitrogen, by bacteria, 140, 210. By leguminous plants, 11, 143, 159, 200. Experiments on, 6, 8, 13. Flour, food value of different grades, 270. Food value, of malt, 261. Of sewage-irrigated grass, 261. INDFA •Jl»l Foods, for stock, -J 10. Manure value of, '254. Required by fattening animals, 'J 1>^. Fr.uikland, analyses of drainat;e waters, 19. 20, 237. Fungoid disease as affected by manur- ing, 102, 126, 10".. G Oarden clover plot, 144. Geescroft field. 92, 134. Geology of Rothanisted soils, 24. Glucose in mangels, 115. Grain, ratio of, to straw, 55, S J, ? Stability of composition, 62. Weight of barley, 84. Weight of oat, 93. Weight of wheat, 55. Grasses, separation of, 154. Grass land, experiments on, 150. Signs of impoverishment, 154. H Hay, experiments on, 150. Haymaking, losses during, 266. HeUriegel and Wilfarth, 11. High farming, 46. Holcus lanatus, 162, 173. Hoos field, 62, 70, 95, 141. Humus, 39, 63, 198. Value in growing mangels, 97. Value of, in grass land, lOri. Lathyrus pratensis, 137, 159, 179. Lawes, description of Rothamsted soil, 24. Origin of Rothamsted experiments, 4. Leaf and root, proportion of, in mangels and sugar beet, 112, 129. Proportion of, in turnips, 119. Leguminosae, fixation of nitrogen by. 11, 133, 143, 159,210. Leguminous crops, will not grow con- tinuously, 133, 145. Effect of mineral manures on, 197. I.p» r„mtimt4t,i. C'Hiwn in rotntion. HM. Injuri.msiy ftffcirtl by nHn.K»-n«». innnurfs. I its. I^gmiiinous pl.mU in ^ntM Und. l.'.O. Leonlmlon hispuius. I5i, MO. l""!. Liebig. tlicory of nninwl nutrition. J41, Theory of plant nutrition. J. H. 33. Lime, efrc«t of, on jfm-vs Uiml. 1«7. Little Hoos ful.l. It. Lotus cornieulatuH. 1.'.,'., I'.p, 17". Lucerne, S. 141. Kffeet on succ«Tiliiu' croi.'., i 1 1 M Magnesium salts in manure, rlTret of, 48, 105. in Soil, 27. Maintenanie of yield without nuinun*, 36, 65. 72, 154, 192. Maize for silage, 20''). Malt as food, 261. Malting, losses during, 262. Mangels, cannot draw upon the nitrofirn of the air, 99. Composition of, 115. Dependence on farmyard nuinurr, 97. Grown continutmsly. 95. 96. Value of potash for, 115. Manure value of fon crops in nit«tU»n. l»«. KfTect of. on jfmss land. \!>^. KfTect of. on Irjruiiiimju* crop*. 197. FfTwt of. on nianjfcU. 103. F.fTe«-t of. on potatort, 124. 292 INDEX Mineral manures — continued. Eifect of, on Swedes, 120 Effect of, on wheat, 48. Nodules on roots of leguminous plants, 11. Nutrition of animals, 240. N Nitrate of soda, comparison with ammo- nium-salts, 44, 59, 60, 76, 82, 85, 107, 131, 157, 161, 163. Nitrates, distribution in soil and subsoil, 224. Due to fallowing, 63, 222. Formed by bacteria, 218. In drainage waters, 229. In mangels, 118. Lost by drainage, 51, 63, 223. Nitric acid in rain, 18. Nitrification, 52, 196, 217, 236. Of ammonium-salts, 225. Nitrifying organisms, distribution of, 221. Nitrite-forming bacteria, 218. Nitrogen, accumulated by clover, 147. Added to the soil by rain, 20. Effect of, on quality in barley, 89. Experiments on fixation of, G, 8, 11, 99. Gain or loss to the soil, 38, 210. Gained or lost during feeding, 254. In barley grain, 84, 89. In plant, sources of, 3. In soil, accumulated by wild herbage, 139. Of manure recovered in crop, 54, 112. Nitrogenous constituents of food, and fat, 247. In fattening animals, 250. And increase, 242. And work, 245. Nitrogenous manures, comparative effect on barley, 76. Effect on grass, 161. Effect on mangels, 97, 116. Effect of successive increments on yield of wheat, 45. Effect on wheat, 42. Injurious effect on leguminous crops, 198. Injury caused by excess of, 102, 126, 162. o Oats, experiments on, 92. Oxen, composition of, 250. Organic matter in rain, 20. In Rothamsted soils, 28. In manures, value of, 165. In soils, effect of on bacteria, 220. Peas, 141. Percolation of rainfall through bare soil, 22, 61. Phosphoric acid, function of, 59, 80, 87, 120. Importance to barley, 80. Importance to Swedes, 120, 196. In Rothamsted soils, 29, 54. Removed from soil by crops, 38, 212. Removed in drainage waters, 238. Value of, in wet seasons, 59, 87. Pigs, composition of, 252. Experiments upon, 242. Plantago lanceolata, 160, 181. Poa pratensis, 162, 175. Potash, and carbohydrate formation, 56, 117, 125. Diminishes incidence of fungoid disease, 103, 165. Effect of, on grass land, 160, 164, 170. Effect on leguminous plants, 159. Effect on turnips, 120. Function of, 56, 59, 87, 105, 117, 125, 129. In Rothamsted soils, 29, 54, 214. In soils^ set free by lime, 168. Lost in drainage waters, 238. Removed from the soil by crops, 38, 212. Value of, for beans, 134. Value of, in dry seasons, 59, 87. Value of, with mangels, 105, 111. Potatoes, continuous growth of, 95, 123. Poteriura sanguisorba, 155, 160, 179. INDKX 'J1»:j Practical conclusions : — Barley, 90. Grass land, 185. Mangels, 119. Potiitoes, 126. Rotation, 214. Sugar beet, 132. Turnips. 122. Wheat, 68. Pugh, experiments on nitrogen tion. •■,. Quality of barley crops, 83, 88. Wheat crops, 55. Quotient of purity in mangels and beet, 115. 131. fixa- Kil>rninjr. rffrct of phmphoiic acid. »0. Of itmngrl*, lOrt, 11'.'. Of sugar bcrt, I'JJ*. Ilool crops, frtl on the Und, 'Ml. Grown c<>ntinuou<. ii»|. Beans or ilovor gn>wn in, 104. 200. Kxperiment.s on crops grtjwn in. 1*>0. Removal of manure ronstitucnti by crops grown in. 2U. Wheat grown in. 6.'>, 194. Rumex acetosa, IT.S, 159, 181. R Rainfall, effect of, upon barley, S7. Effect of, upon grass land, 1S5. Effect of, upon wheat, 60. Proportion evaporated, 23. Records, 15. Wet and dry year, 58, 85. Rain gauges, 15. Ranunculus acris and bulbosus, 160, 179. Rape cake, as manure for barley, 76. Character as manure, 101. Recovery of nitrogen of, 114. Residue left by, 205. Recovery of manure nitrogen, 112, 209. Removal of manure constituents in crop, 209. Residues, left by ammonium-salts, 52, 226. Left by farmyard manure, 78, 156. Left by feeding roots on the land, 206, 207. Left by leguminous crops, 143, 203. Left by nitrogenous manures, 198, 22(i. Left by rape cake, 76, 205. Nitrogenous, effect of, on quality of barley, 89. Respiration, losses by, during malting. 262. S Sainfoin, 141. Salt as manure for mangels, 105. Saussure, De. 1. Schloesing and Miintz on nitrificntion. 217. Sclerotinia trifoliorum, 148. Season, effect of, u|>on l>arlcy, 85. Effect of, upon grass crops, 183. Effect of, upon nitnfication, 222, 231. Effect of, upon wheat. 5i'>. Sewage, experiinents with, 2'5m. Sheep, breeds, coni|«irativc fultrnrng power, 25>. Composition of, 250. Experiments upon, 242. Silicate of soda, manuriul effect of, 182. Soda salts a.s econoniiscr. of |M>t*«h. 82, 108. 158. Soil, analyses of Ruthanistcd, 26. 27. Description of Hothani.'ktcd, 24. Nitrifyinj; orgnnisni* in, 221. Starch, as fj>od, 25s. Change during malting. 2»53. 2«J. In potiitcK's. 125. Stones in Rothnmstinl soil. 26. Straw chaff on grajw lami. I'".' Straw to grain, ratio of, .Sugar l>cft. W, 127. Sugar, OS fiKxl, 2.'''. In nuUt, 2'5.J. 294 INDEX Sugar — continued. In mangels, 115. In sugar beet, 129. Sulphuric acid in rain, 21. Sunshine records, 17. Superphosphate, effect on grass land, 160. Effect on turnips, 120. Swede turnips, 119. Grown in rotation, 192. Importance of phosphatic manures, 120, 196. Specially dependent on manure, 193. Temperature records, 17. Texture of the soil as affected by manure, 95, 97, 108, 120, 134. Thaer's hay values, 240. Torula on mangels, 103. Trifolium pratense and repens, 141, 159, 177. Turnips, Norfolk white, 94, 119. Swede, 95, 119, 192. u Unraanured plots, 37, 72, 154, 192. Uromyces betae, 103. Variety tests of wheat, 66. Vergil on enriching effect of leguminous crops, 10. Vertical movement of nitrates in soil, 228. Vetches, 141. Voelcker, analyses of drainage waters, 237. Nitrogen in clover crop, 10. w Warington on nitrification, 217. On denitrification, 219. Way, experiments on sewage, 260. Weeds, accumulation of, 32, 41, 63. Competition of, with wheat, 41. Sign of impoverishment in grass land, 154. Weight, per bushel of barley, 84, 89. Wheat, 55. Wheat, allowed to run wild, 41. And fallow alternatelj-, ^Yi. And fiour, 268. Effect of winter rainfall on yield, 60. Experiments on, 31. Grown continuously, 36. Grown in rotation, 65, 193. Valuation of crop, 55. Variety tests, 66. White bread, food value of, 270. Wild vegetation, after clover and beans, 137. After wheat, 41. Winogradsky, on nitrification, 218. Winter rainfall, effect of. on wheat, 60. Effect on fallowing, 64. Woodward, description of Rothamsted soil, 24. Work in relation to nitrogenous food, 245.