JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES JAN. 8, 1782-FEB. 26rJ782 THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES JOURNAL OF THE House of Representatives OF South Carolina January 8, 1782--Febniarv 26, 1782. Fditcd hy A. S. SAI.IJ:V, Jr. Secretary c)f the Mistoricsl C'otumi-.sion of Smith C'.irolinu I'rinlcil tnr I HI msroKICAI. COMMISSION OF SOUril CAKOLINA By The Slalc Cnmpany, Columbia. S. C. I'»U> At a Meeting of the General Assembly begun and holden at Jacksonburgh on Tuesday the eighth day of January One thousand Seven hundred and eighty two. His Excellency the Governor and Members of the Privy Coun- cil being of opinion that the Safety & Welfare of the state made it necessary a legislature should be convened, And there being no Legislative Body in existence, his Excellency by virtue of the Powers and Authority Vested in him by an Ordinance of the late General Assembly entitled "an Ordinance for the better Defence and Security of this state, during the recess of the General Assembly" passed the day of Eebruary One thousand Seven hundred and eighty, with the Advice and Consent of Council, on the twentieth day of November, One Thousand seven Hundred and eighty one. Issued Writs of Election for the several Parishes and Districts in the State directed to certain Commissioners for the electing on the Seventeenth and eighteenth days of December tlien next. Memln-rs of tlic llonblc the Senate, and also of the House of Kepresentatives. to meet in General Assembly on the eighth (lay of January One thousand seven hundi-ed and eighty two. In consc(iucn((' «»1' which after due and legal notice given Elections were held as directed liy the AVrits. And the Gentle- men whoge names are iicic under mentioned viz'. M^ Ferguson M'. Josejiii Sl.iini ^P. John Ward Doct^ Ramsay Geo. Li\ iiigston R'' : Singleton M^ Ed. Rutledge Hugh Rudedge R'':TIutson John Owen (OI" Wilkinson Tho^ Shubrick Ralph Tzard .M'. \\'"' Skirving John Koan .Iiimes P<»tell i<: M'. George 7^'lagg — being some of the .Nb-iuliers elected for llie House of Repiesenatives met. and there not being a siiflicient niimltei- to nuike a House, the Members present proceednl to the choice of ;i ( 'li;i iriiinii iiinl M'. Hugh Rutledge being ( hosen. took the ('ii;ii|- .icconrmgly. And Adjourned the House till to morrow niornff. 10. "Clock Wednesday the 9"'. The House met according to Adjouiiinient Present M'. ( 'h;i irniii ii M^ Ferguson Col. WilKiii'^on M^. Shul)rick >P. T'.urk.' M' Keane M . I'M: Kntledge M^ Chairman adjourned the House till tomorrow 12 o'clock Thursday the 10'^. The House met according to Adjournment. Present M"", Chairman M"". Ferguson Gen'. Huger ]\P. Burke M-". Ed. Eutledge Doct^ Eamsay M^ William Reid And then M"". Chairman Adjourned the House till to morrow 12 o'Clock Friday the 11th. The House met according to Adjou] rnment.— Present M"". Chairman M^ Ferguson M-^ . Rd. Hutson M^ Charles Dupont M-^ . Shubrick, and M\ Slann And then M^ Chairman Adjournal the House till tomoi rrow ; L2 'oclock— Saturday the 12'^. The House met according to Adjournment. Present M^ Chairman Docf. Ramsay M". Thomas Jones M^ Burke M^. W"". Robison M^ Henry Felder ■ M'. Geo. Rennison M"". Chairman then Ad- journed the House to Mon- day next 10 'oclock, Monday the U"\ The House met according to Adjournment. Present M"". Chairman M*". Rich"^. Hutson ^laj"" Vanderhorst M"". Skirving Col°. Beard ^i'^j""- Boquet M"". Livingston M^ Chairman then Adjoum'd the House till tomorrow 10, oClock. Tuesday the lo*"*. The House met according to Adjournment. Present M''. Chairman M^ Ferguson Doct^ Ramsaj' M"". E'^. Hutson M'. Izard Col°. Grimke M"". Burke M"". Chairman Adjourned the House till tomorrow 11 o'clock Wednesday the 17^''. The House met according to Adjournment. Present ^P. Chairman Cop. Wilkinson ^P. Glen Drayton ^P. Ferguson Gen'. Huger ]SP. K''. Hutson AP. Skirving M^ Chairman adjourned the House till tomorrow iiiorn&. 10. o*Ck Thursday the 17'^. The House mot accoi'ding to Adjoiiniuicnt. tliorc l)eing a sulli- cent Xniiil»ci- of Memlicfs to iimkc :i Hou^c. whose names ai'c licre- under menticjued viz'. Doct^ Ramsay .\P. liiirke AP. Gil)l)es AP. Tho\ .Jones AP. John Owen • Col". Grimke Mr. Heresford AP. Dan'. Stevens M' Cliarles Warham AP. Hugh Kutledge .M' John i'eiw iik Maj'. N'anth'rhorst. AP. Ja- \' M'. W'" Scott .M' ( lemeiits Prown AP. (iah'. (iuignilhitf M' .In". Fiieison M'. .Vh-x"^ Hroughton AP. K'' Hutson Maj' Pet'. Ho(|uet (Jen'. linger AP. 1'. Waring S^ : .M'. Kalph I/.ard. M'. (Jeorge I'lagg Cap* Sliul>rick .M'. I-'erguson Col: ^^■ilk■inson Cnp'. .Ifjseph Slann .>P. (leo. Lexingsinn, .M"..l;imev Tostell .Inn'. AP. K''. Singh-ton ,\P. W'". Skirving, AP:.Ios<'|)h (Ih.ver AP (Ihn Drayton AP. Jn". Kean Cap* : AIp.\^ M'.tiregor AI^ Henry Hughes AP. I>eard, AP. .Joseph Cu]i)eppcr of Santee ( 6 Col°. David Glynn Cap*. ^Mich' Leitner. M^ George RufT Cap*. Jn"^. Wylds Col°. Jn". Thomas J--. M'" Sam'.M'^.Junldn Col°. Jos. Kirkland Col iron>. Hunter :M' : W'". Reeves M--. AV"' Kirkland Mny : Rob' Lyall M"-; W'". Read M^ AVill Myddleton M-^ R^ : And^. Rapley,Capt : Henry Felder M"" Geo: Rennison M'": Will Robison, M"". Robert Lark M^ Jno. Parkinson M--. W"\ Dunbar, M-" John Collins respectfully took the oath of qualification as directed by Law, and the oath of allegiance and Fidelity agreeable to the Consti- tution, — The House then proceeded to the choice of a Speaker, upon casting up the Ballots it appeared M"". Hugh Rutledge had a Majority of Votes And was declared duly Elected, M"". Speaker elect was accordingly conducted to the Chair, There not being any Candidate for the Clerkship of this House, the House requested that some one of the Members wou'd keep the Journals, untill a })roper person cou'cl be procured, M"^. John Berwick tender'd his Services, for the present, to the House, and they were accepted, — The House proceeded to the Choice of a Messenger and Door- keeper, upon Casting up the Ballots, it appear'd that M"". John Pritchard was duh' elected and took the Oath of Allegiance and the Oath of Office,— M"". Edward Rutledge,.return'd as a Member for the Parishes of Saint Philip and Saint Michael attended, and being called in Avas asked by M"". Speaker whether he was ready to qualify Answered in the affirmative. M^ Burke was desired to administer to him the Oaths of Qual- ification and allegiance. — M'. Burke reported that he administred the same, and then M"". Edward Rutledge took his Seat as a Mem- ber of this House accordinglj', — A Motion was made and Seconded that a Committee on Priv- ileges and Elections be appointed, — Ordered. That the following Gentlemen jje of the Committee viz^ M"". Izard M^ Ferguson Cap*. Leitner Doc"" Ramsav M^ Ch^ Dupont Col°. Kirkland M"". Berwick M^ Jn°. Palmer, J^ M^ Rapley M^ Skirving. Col° Jn*^, James & Col° Beard M--. Felder A Motion was made an seconded that a. Committee be appointed to draw up Eules and Orders to be observed bj^ the Members of the House of Representatives, — Ordered — That the followino; Gentlemen be of tlie Committee and to report tomorrow Morninji viz'. M^ Edward Rutledge M . Izard M^ Rich^. Hutson A Motion being made and seconded that a Committee be ap- pointed to prepare a Sketch of such Business as may be necessary to l>e taken into the Consideration of the House, during this Session Ordered Tliat the folldwing CoulliMuon be a Committee for that purpose viz' D<)(•t^ Ramsay M^ Ferguson >r Rich''. Hutson M^ Edw'. Rutledge .^ M'. Burke. c<: Order'd to sit this Evening. — A Motion was made and Seconded, llial a Message be sent to His Excellency tlx- rJoveriior ac(|uainting him that the House had made chfjicc (tf a speakei' and were ready to |)roceed on such business a< llis Excellency rniglil lia\(' (o lay befdre tliein. — Ord.-red Tliat M . I'nrke and ( nl ■. ( Irimke do wait on His Excel- lency with the .Message. — M . Hnrke reported iliat Col". Grimke and liimself hail deliv- ered the M<'ssage they had in eharge. ans| in the upper and interior parts of it. — And the unfaxourabh* issue of llie Action near Camlxh'ii Indn{' the iMiemy— Kegaidless (hei^'fore of th*- sncred ties f)f Ilononi-. d<'stituto of the Feelings of Humanity, aiul determined (<» extinguish if possible. cNcry sparl< of freedom in this Country. They with the insolent Pride of C(»n(iuerors, gave unbouruled scope to the Exercise of their Tyrannical dispo- sitions, infringed their publick Engag<'ments and \'iolated the 10 most solemn Capitulations, — Many of our Worthiest Citizens were without cause, long and closely confin'd — some on board of prison Ships, and others in Town and Castle of Saint Augustine, their properties disposed of, at the will and Caprice of the Enemy and tiieir Families sent to a different and distant part of the Continent without the means of support — Many who had surrendered as prisoners of War, were kill'd in Cold Blood, several suffered Death in the most ignominious manner, and others were delivered up to Savages and put to Tortures under which they expired — Thus the lives, Liberties and properties of the people were dependent solely on the pleasure of British Officers who deprived them of either or all, on the most frivol- ous pretences. — Indians, Slaves, and desperate Banditti of the most profligate characters, were caressed and employed, by the Enemy to execute their infamous purposes — Devastation and Ruin marked their progress and that of their adherents, nor were their violences restrain'd by the charms or influence of Beauty and Innocence, Even the fair Sex, whom it is the duty of all, and the pleasure and pride of the Brave to protect, — they and their tender offispring, Avere Victims to the inveterate Malice of an unrelenting Foe. — Neither the Tears of Mothers, nor the Cries of Infants could excite in their Breasts, pity or Compassion, not only the peaceful Habitations of the Widow, the aged and infirm, but the Holy Temples of the most high, were consumed in flames kindled by their Sacrilegious hands; They have tarnished the Glory of tlie British Arms. — Disgraced the profession of a British soldier, and fixed indelible stigmas of rapine Cruelty, Perfidy and profaneness on the British name, — But I can now Congratulate you. and I do so most Cordially, on the pleasing change of affairs, which under the blessing of God, the Wisdom, Prudence. xYddress and Bravery of the Great and Gallant Gen- eral Greene, and the intrepidity of the Officers and Men under his Command, have happily effected. — A Generalwho is Justly intitled, from his many signal Services, to Honourable and Sin- gular marks of your approbation and Gratitude. — His successes have been more rapid and compleat than the most sanguine could have expected, The enemy Compelled to Surrender or evacuate every post which they held in the Country, frequently defeated and driven from place to place, are obliged to seek refuge under the walls of Charles Town and on Islands in its Vicinity, — We have now the full and absolute possession of every other part of 11 the State and the Legishitive, — executive, and Judicial powers are in the free exercise of their respective Authorities, — I also most heartily Congratulate you on the Glorious Victory obtained by the combined Forces of America and France over their Common Enemy,^AVhen tlie very General who was second in Connnand at the Reduction of Charles Town and to whose boasted prowess and highly extolled abilities, the Conquest of no less than three States had been Arrogantly committed, Avas speedily compelled to accept of the same Mortifying terms which liad been imposed on that biave, but unfortunate Garrison, to surrender an Army of many Tliousand Regulars and to abandon his Wretched fol- lowers, whoui he liad Artfuly seduced froui their Allegiance, by Sjiecious promises of protection, which he cou'd never have hoped to fullill. to the Justice or Mercy of their Country, — On the Naval Superiority established by tlie illustrious ally of the United States, — A Superiority in itself so decided, and its its r-()iisewei-ful Monai'ch. A monarch whose magnanimity is iiiiixci'- sally Acknowledged ;iiu| Mdniired. And on whose Royal word we may conliileiitly i*ely j'oi- e\ci\ necessary assistance, — On the perfect hiirinony which subsists between Fniiii »■ iiiul America, — On the Stability wliii'li iici- hi(li'|)ciid<'iicr \\;\^ ;ir(|nir,.(|. ;ind on the Cei'lainfy tlml it i'- too (|cc'|ily rooted e\er to lie sli:ik-en. — for animated ;is they aie by .\;itioi:;i| Ijunonr i^ United bv one Conunon Inler<'st. it must and will be miiintained, — What may be the immediate l*'dl'ects on the British Nation of the events which I ha\»' nientione«|, df (heii- lo^s <»f TeiM'itory in f>ther parts of the w«»ild an:e. as we oiiffht. of their future, by their past con- duct, AVe may jiresunie that they will not only endeavour to keep possession of our Capital, but make another attemj)t, howsoever improbable the Success of it may appear to subjugate this Country, — It is therefore highly incumbent on us to use our most Strenuous Elforts. to frustrate so fatal a design, And I earnestly conjure you, by the duty which you owe, and the Sacred Love which you bear, to your Country, by the constant rememberance of her bitter sufferings, and bj^ the just detesta- tion of British Government, which you & your posterity must ever possess, to exert your utmost Faculties For that purpose, by raising and equipping, with all possible expedition, a respectable, permanent Force, and by making ample provision for their Com- fortable subsistance, — I am sensible the expence will be great, but a measure so indispensible to the preservation of our Free- dom, is above every pecuniary Consideration, — The Organization of our Militia is likewise a Subject of infinite Importance, — A Clear and Concise Law, by which the burdens of service will be equally sustained, and a Competent Number of Men brought forth and kept in the field when their Assistance may be required, is Essential to our Security, and therefore justly claims j^our Immediate and Serious Attention, — Certain it is that some of our Militia have ui)on several Occasions, exhibited Instances of Valour, which wou'd have reflected Honour on Veteran Troops, — The Courage and Con- duct of the Generals whom I have mentioned, the Cool and determind Braveiy rejieatedly displayed by Brigadier Pickens, and indeed the Ijehaviour of the many Officers and Men, in every Brigade, are unfjuestionable Testimonies of the Truth of this Assertion. — But such behaviour cannot be expected from Militia in General, without good Order and Strict discipline, nor can that order and discipline be established, but by a Salutary Law, Steadily executed. Another important matter for your deliberation, is the conduct of such of our Citizens as Voluntarily avowing their allegiance, and even glorying in their professions of Loyalty and attachment to his Britannick Majesty, have ofl'ered their Con- gratulations on the Success of his Arms, prayed to be embodied as Royal Militia accepted Commissions in his Service, or endeavoured to Subvert our Constitution, & re-establish his power in its' stead, 13 — Of those who have retnrn'd to this State in defiance of a Law, by which such Return was declared to be a Capital Offence, and have abetted the British Interest, and of sucli whose behaviour has been so reprehensible that Justice and Policy forbid their free readmission to the ri who were exchidcd by (he AA'rits of Election from Votinjx for. or being Elected as Meml)ers of the Senate or Ibiust' of Kepre- seiitati\es. The following (Jentlemen were accordingly appointed on that C'. ID. 1782. Honorable (ientlemen This House having a|»pointeij n Com- mit(ee to receive the names of Persons, proper (o be nominated If) Justices of the Peiue. Ordinaries, and Coroners for the several Districts in this State, request that your House will be pleas'd also to ai)i)oint a Committee to join the Committee of our House for the puri)oses above mentioned. Our Committee are M"". Hurke. ^P. Stevens & M^ Charles Dupont. By Ordei- of the House Hugh Rntledge Speaker Ordered, That M-". Gibbes and M^ Flagg do wait on the Honblo ^he Senate, witli the foregoing ISIessage, — Docf. Ramsay reported to the House that M"". Beresford and himself had delivered to the Senate the Bill which they had in Charge. M"". Speaker informM the House that. ISI''. John Ward, return'd a IMember for S' : Bartholomews Parish, attended at the Door, and asked whether he shou'd be called in. — Ordered that he be called in. And on being asked by M^ Speaker if he -was ready to qualify. He answered in the Affirmative, M"". Burke was desired to Administer to him the Oaths of Qualification and Allegiance. — INP. Burke reported that he Administred the Oaths to M^ Ward, w^ho took his Seat accord- ingly. AP. Gibbes. Reported that M^ Flagg and himself had delivered to the Senate the Message which they had in Charge & that that House had been pleased to return for Answer that they wou,d appoint a Committee to Join the Committee of this House for the several purposes mentioned in the Message, — And then the House adjourn VI till Monday next 10, o'Clock ^Monday January 21**^ 1782. The House met according to Adjournment. Read the Journals of Saturdays proceedings. M"". Speaker inform'd the House, that several Members for different Districts attended at the Door, and desir'd to know whether it was their pleasure they should be called in and asked if they intended to *|ii;ili f'y. — 17 Ordered that they be called in, and on being asked by M"" Speaker, if tliey Avere ready to Qualify as members of this House. — They Answered in the Affirmative. M^ Burke was desired to Administer to them the Oaths of Qualification and Allegiance, — M''. Burke reported that he had Administred the Oaths to Mess"^*. James Moore, John E. Calhoun, Arthur Sindvins. Hugh Middleton and John Murray for the Dis- trict of Xinet}' Six, also Benjamin Walker for the Parish of Saint Stephens, and John Sandford Dart for Christ Church parish, They took their seats accordingly — M"". Speaker inform "d the House, that several Members for different Districts attended at the door, and desir'd to know whether it was their pleasure they should be call'd in and asked if they intended to qualify, Order'd that they be call'd in & being call'd in and asked by M' Speaker if they were ready to qualify as Members of this House, they answered in y« affirmative, — M"". Bnrke was desired to administer to them the Oaths of qualifica- tion and AlU'giance, — M"". Tiurke reported that he had admin- istred the Oatiis to Col" John Laurens for the Parish of Saint Philip and Saint Michael Charles Town, also Coll°. William Hill, Jf)s''. M'Kinuy. John M'^Caw. William and Joseph Howe, John Patton and John Forgce for the District call'd the New Acquasi- tion, — And they took their seats accordingly. A Motion was made and seconded, that a committee he appointed lo consider of a piopcr \'<»tc dI' Tiianks and further/ acknf)wh'dgments to be made to llic Ilonble Major Gen'. Greene for Ills distingnished sei\ices in this state, — Oivjcird that, — CoI°. John Laurens M . V.i\ : Kilt ledge Docf Paiiisay •M'. K'iclr'. Ilntson .^ .M'. licn'sford. be of the Coinniittcc. — A .Motion was made and seconded that some more Members be added to the Committee for bringing in a Bill for filling up the Continental P>atfalions of this State, — ()rd«'red. llnil M . .I;inies Moore, Col". Jolui Laurens, M^ Jo.seph Howe e^ M'. .b)liii isweii Cillioiin be added (o (hat Com- mittee A ^fcssagc from the Senate by tln-ir Clerk, returning the Bill for repealinir tlie Laws which make paper Currency or Bills of Credit, a legal Tender &'='. wliieli T'ill had been read twice in that House, — 18 Ordered. That the Bill entitled a Bill for re]>ealing the LaAYs which make ])aper Currency or Bills of Credit, a legal tender c't'^-'*. be Read a third time immediately, and on reading the same tlic Amendments which were made in the Enacting clause by the Senate were struck out, and the Bill being put to apassing by M''. Speaker. — Resolved that the Bill do pass & that the Title thereof be An Act.— Ordered that the Act be sent to the Senate for their Con- currence and that JNI'. Gibbes and ]M'. Thomas Waring do carry the same, A Message from the Senate by their Clerk in the following words, — In the Senate 19'^ January 1782 — M'', Speaker & Gentlemen, This House have appointed a Committee to Join a Committee of your House to receive the Names of Persons proper to be nominated Justices of the Peace, Ordinaries and Coroners for the Several Districts in this State, our Committee are Gen'. Marion, Col°, Horry & Col°. Hender- son, — By Order of the Senate John Lewis Gervais President. M"". Gibbes reported that M"". Waring and himself had deliv- ered to the Senate the Bill which they had in charge, entitled an act for repealing the Laws which make paper Currency or Bills of Credit a Legal Tender, And the House then Adjourned till tomorrow 10 'oClock Tuesday the 22^. The House Met According to Adjournment. Read the Journals of Yesterdays Proceedings, M^ Gibbes from the Committee appointed, to bring in a Bill for vesting extraordinary Powers in the Executive, during the recess of the General Assembly, for the better Security of this State. — Reported. That they had prepared a Bill for the above pur- poses, if the House woud be pleas'd to receive it, He accord- ingly read the Title of the Bill, and delivered it in at the Clerks Table,— 19 Ordered. I'hat the IJill l)e read atirst time The Bill entitled A Bill for the better defence and security of this State during the recess of the General Assembly being read a first time. — Ordered. — That the Bill be read a Second time tomorrow. Doct^ Ramsey for the Committee appointed to prepare an answer to his Excellency the Governors Speech at the Opening of this Session, Rei^orted. That tliey had prepared an answer if the House wou'd be pleased to receive it. He accordingly read it in his place and delivered it in at the Clerk's Table, where it was again read for information, and afterwards being read for debate, para- graph 1)V paragraph was agreed to. and is as follows Viz'. AVe the House of Representatives of the State of South Carolina, in General Assembl}^ met, return your Excellency our most cordial thanks for your very interesting speech to both Houses at the opening of this Session, the Language of which evidently bespeaks a Heart glowing with ardent Zeal for the Interest and welfare of our Common Country, We want words to express our heart felt exultation on the pleasing rexci'se in our affairs; on this spot, but a few Months past, A Militai'v despot i-m picx ailcil. and tyranny with hiwless violence was Desolating our lair possessions, but we now with extacy behold a fire ( lovernnicnt reestablish('(I. Liberty tliat greatest of Trmpoial lilessings n-stored. and i'\ery Citizen Securcil in t h<' jjossession of his proj)ei'ty by the lirm banicr of the I^aw of liis Country, This Auspicious change is in a \ery great (h'gree owing to the pimlence. firmness and good conduct of you I- Exeelh'ncy, — If any thing <:in adil to (lie sublime am] i-efiruMl enjoyment which must arise from your Ivxeelleney's own i-clleci io?is on your presevering Lnaitated. and Suet-ssfidl exertions towards rescu- ing your Country fioni the lion han<] <»f ( )ppression, be pleased Sir. to accept the most sine«'re and unfeigned thanks of yf)ur grateful fellow Citizens.— The lilack Catalogue which your E\cclle?icy has given of British Barbarities, form but a small ])art f)f file wh«»le: when ever tlie Hist'^)ric l*age sliall Ite stained with their Story, it will exhibit a Nation devoid of faith, with whom Oaths. Treaties and 20 the most Solemn compacts AA'ore considered as trifles; who with- out Scnqdo or remorse had abandoned all ref^ard to humanity, honour, justice and every ennobling sentiment of the human breast. It is hardly possible to conceive any circuuistances that woud aggravate the attrocious Wickedness of tlieir Conduct, there is not left a Step in the degradation of National Character to Avhich they can now descend, The name of a Briton must hence forward be a Term of reproach among all Nations, — We shou'd betray a great degree of insensibility and be wanting in Justice to his merit shou'd we omit this occasion of acknowledging with the Warmest gratitude our Obligations to the Great the Gallant General Greene, His atchievements in this State while they rank him with the greatest Commanders of Antient or Modern date, Avill engrave his Name in indelible Characters on the Heart of every Friend to this Country, Our acknowledgments are also due to all the Brave Officers and Men under his Command Avho have so Often fought, bled and Con- quered for us. — The Generals, Sumpter, Marion and Pickens with the Brave Militia under their Connnands,— Those Virtuous Citizens who did not despair of the Common Wealth in her greatest extremity, are deserving of the highest commendation, — The friendly, seasonable and effectual aid recently aiTorded us by our great and Illustrious ally, by means of which the General, on whom the British nation seem'd most to have placed their dependence has been compelled to surrender the flower of the British Army, to our innnortal Commander in Chief, must greatly encrease the flame of Gratitude, which had been before kindled in the breast of every American, and which it will not be in the Power of time or accident to extinguish, — We perfectly concur in Sentiments with your Excellency that from our connection with this powerful and wise Monarch we may expect with well grounded confidence, that our Inde- pendence will be shortly established upon an immoveable basis, nor need we harljour a single fear of its dissolution, an Union which Originated from such liberal and generous motives and which is founded on mutual interest, that best Cement of Nations, must and will Continue. Whether the Series of Losses, Disasters and Defeats of the Year past will at length recover Britain from her Delirium Time only can disclose, but as Misfortune hitherto instead of producing '21 reflection and prudence, has operated to encrease her insanity, We agree in Opinion with your Excellency that it is probable she will not only endeavour to keep possession of our Capital but make another attempt to subjugate the Country, We shall there- fore immediately enter upon the prosecution of the measures recommended l\v your Excellency as necessary for its safety. And being fully sensible how much depends upon the result of our deliberations, we will endeavour to proceed in the weighty business with firmness and Temper, with Vigour, Unanimity and Dispatch, — Ordered. That it be fairly cngross'd and that M"". Speaker do sign the Same, — A Message froui the Senate l)y their Clerk, returning the Bill entitled an Act, for repealing the Laws which make Paper Currency or Bills of Credit a Legal Tender, which had been read a third time in that House and passed, — Ordered. That the Bill be engrossed, A Motion was made and seconded, that a Committee be appointed to consider what Estates in this Country are proper subjects of Confiscation and Sequestration, and to what purposes the Profits Arising froiu them may l)e l)est applied. — Ordered tiiat. — Col" John Laurens M^ Edw^i. Kutledge ]\P. Owen AP. Pich'. IPitson AP. Kean M^ Jn". JMvcn Calhoun i*i M'. Parkinson, be a Committee foi- purpose,^ — And then the house adjoui'iid till to inoiiow uioi-n*^ 10, ft'CJoi-k Wc(hicHl!iy L>:',"i. The FIousc met affording lo Ad joiiiMmicnt. Read iIm- .Foiirn;il- of Vcst<'r(hiys profeedings — M^ Spe:ikfr iiifoiniM Ihc House, thiit several Members for differei>t Districts attended :il (he door, iiiid (h'^iiM to know whether it was their pleasure, they slionl.I be cuUM in :ind iisUcd if tlicy intended to qualify - Ordejed tiiat they be called in, — And on being rallM in and ask<'d by AP. Speaker if they were ready to (pialify as Members of this House, — They answered in the afliruuilive M^ Burke was desired to administer to them the Oaths of Qualification and allegiance, — 22 M'". Riirko, reported that he had administred the same to M''. Thomas ^Mitchell for the parish of Prince George, Winyaw, M^ AA'illiam Allston Jim"", for the jiarish of all Saints and M^ John ^P.Pherson for the parish of Prince AVilliam. — And they took their Seats accordingly — The Bill for the better Security and defence of this State during the recess of the General Assembl}^, was read a Second time. Ordered, that the Bill be sent to the Honble the Senate and that ]NP. (xibbes and Col. Wilkinson do carry the same, — A ]\Iotion was made and Seconded, that a Message be sent to his Excellency the Governor acquainting him that this House had prepar'd an address in answer to his Excellencys Speech delivered to the General Assembly at the Opening of this ses- sion, desiring to know when he would be pleased to receive the same. — Ordered that M"". Richard Hutson and Capt". Shubrick do wait on his Excellency with the Message, — M""! Hutson reported to the House that Cap*. Shubrick and himself had delivered the Message that they had in Charge and that his Excellency Avas pleased to return for answer, that the House shou'd hear from him M"". Speaker informed the House that Major Hyrne attended at the door, and desired to know" whether he shoud be called in and asked if he intended to qualify, — Ordered that he be called in. On being call'd in & asked by ^P. Speaker, if he was ready to qualify as a Member of this House for the Parish of Saint Bartholomew, he answer'd in the Affirm'^ : M"". Burke was desired to administer to him the Oaths of qualification and allegiance, — M"". Burke reported that he had Administred the Oaths of Qualification and Allegiance to Major Hyrne, and he took his Seat accordingly. — Col". Laurens from the Com'ee ai)pointed to Consider what Estates in this Country are proper. Subjects of Confiscation and sequestration and to what purpose the profits arising from them may be best applied, inform 'd the House that the Committee had a i^artial report to make, if the House wou'd be pleased to receive it, he accordingly read it in liis ])lace, and delivered it in at the Clerks Table where it was again read for information, being then read for debate & it being recommondod by tlic "Report that a 23 Member from each Parish and District shoiixl be added to the Committee, — Resolved that the report he re-committed and the following Gentlemen were nominated viz* John Sandfd. Dart Cap'. Thomas ^litchell M. Leitner M'-. Frierson M^ Will-". Allston Cap* Wyld M"". Tho^ Warins: Maj"" John James M^ Geo: Flagg ^ Col° Stafford M^ Shnbrick Docf Gillet Col°. Wilkinson M''. John Palmer J"". Maj'" Tristram Thomas Major Hvrne ^P. Bradley Cap'. Felder c^ Col°. Henderson Col Jos. Kirkland ]\P W"\ IMiddeton M"" Henrv Hnjrhes Col° lieard — Joseph ITowe And then the house ad- journ'd till to morrow mornK 10, o'Clock Thursday the 24'\ The House met according to adjournment. Pcad the Journal^ of Yesterdays proceedings. M-". Speaker inforinM (he House th.ii several Gentlemen returned as Mcinhers for dill'erent Districts attended at the Door, and desired to iP. Speaker if tiiey were ready to <|nalify as Members of this House. — They answered in tiie AOirniative. .\P. Hulson anP. llntson and M\ Bnrke reported tha( (hey had administred the Oaths (o (hose Gentlemen. And they (ook their seats Mccoi-resontntivos hav- ing (|ualified. I re(|ues( yon will prf)ceed to the Election of a Governor in my stead, (he Spiiil of the Con-(i(nt i; the Bill for the better Defence and Security of this State, during the recess of the General Assembly, which had been read twice in that House. A Message from the Senate by their Clei'k in the following words viz'. In the Senate 2.')''' January 1782. M^ Sj^eaker & Gentlemen. — This House have appointed a Committee to Join a Com- mittee of your House, in free Conference on the Subjects men- tioned in vour Message of todav. — Our Conunittee are General Clarion. M"^. Bee. M-". Dupont, ^Nl'. Berwick & Col", Watson John Lewis Gervais President And then the House Ad- journed till to morrow ISIorning 10, o'Clock Saturday the '26. The House met according to Ad joiirnnu'iit. Read the Journals of Yesterdays proceedings — On .Motion it was. Ordered that the speech of his Plxcellency the Governor to the (ieiieral .\ss<'inbly and the Address of this House in answer tliereto. and his K.\cenen<-y's answei- to the :id(h'ess be foi'thw ith printed in tlie ( Ja/./ette. Col". r>auren.s fi-oni the ('oniuiittee a])poiiiteil to (^)n^■id<'r wliat Estates in this (\»untry are proper subjei-ts of Con(is<'ation and M'(|uestrat ion. ami In what purposes the pr(»lits aiisiii;: iVnni them riia\' be be-l applied, ini'niiiied the House thai lh<- ('oniuiit- tee weie ready t(» r<'porl. il the Fb»nse would be |)leavei| t»» receive it. He aeeordingh read the h'epori in his phiee. iiihI -M to receive it. he accord- ingly read the i-eport in his place, and delivei'ed it in at the Clerk's Table, where it was again read, and it being suggested to 28 the House on readin<>: tlie list of Persons to be nominated Jus- tices of the peace, that several names had been omitted, — Ordered that the said report be recommitted and a JNIessage be prepared to be sent to the Honble the Senate to request that they woud be pleased to direct the Committee of their House, aoain to meet the Committe of this House for the purpose of adding more names to the List of Justices &'==^. the following Mes- sage "was accordingly prepared and agreed to by the House, and sign'd by M"" Speaker viz^ In the house of Representatives Honble Gentlemen,— January 26'^. 1782 This House have thought proper to recommit the Report of the Committee appointed to receive the names of Proper persons to be nominated Justices of the peace. Ordinaries and Coroners, for the Several Districts in this State, for the pur- pose of adding more Xames of Persons to the List of Justices of the peace of which this House think it necessary to inform your House, that the Committee appointed by your House may again meet our Committee for the above mentioned purposes — By Order of the House Hugh Rutledge Speaker Ordered that M"". Burke & M"^ R. Hutson do wait on the Senate with the above Message, A Petition, of Sundry Inhabitants of Saint Matliews Parish, against the late Election was presented to the House and Read, Ordered, that the above petition be refer'd to the Committee on Priveleges and Elections, — M"". Burke, Reported that M^ Hutson and himself had diliver'd to the Senate, the Message they had in charge, — M"". Mathews, from the Committee appointed to Confer with the Committee of the Senate, on the Several matters mention'd in the Message of Yesterday, from this House to the Senate, inform'd the House, that the Committee were ready to Report, if the House wou'd be pleas'd to receive it, He according read the report in his place, and delivered it in at the Clerks table, where it was again read, and is as follows viz*, Report, — That they have confer'd with a committee of the Senate, on the several matters referr'd to them, and have unani- mously agreed on the following points viz*, — That the present Members of the Senate, and house of Repre- sentatives, ought not to hold their seats longer than the last Monday in November next. 29 That the Governor, Lieu* Governor, ^Members of the Privy Council and other officers pointed out by the Constitution to be elected at the first ISIeeting of the General Assembly ou^jht not at this time to be Elected to serve longer than uiitill a new appoint- ment can be made by the next senate and House of Representa- tives, That an Election for Eight privy Councellors shouVl now be made, to serve as is above mentioned, — That Tuesday next the Twenty ninth of Instant be appointed for the Election of all such Officers, as are directed by the Con- stitution to be made on the first meeting of the General Assembly, Resolvxl, that this House do agree to the foregoing Report, Ordered that a Message be prcpar'd to be sent to the Hon'ble the Senate, on the several Matters above Specified and that M"". Speaker do Sign the same. Accordingly the following Message was prepar'd viz' In the House of Representatives Jan'^>'. 'J(>. 1782 Honble (Jentlemen, — This House having Considered and agreed to the report of their Conuiiittee appointed to join a ("onimittee of your House in free Confei-ence on the several iiuittei-s mentioned in tlu^ Mes- sage of tliis House of Ve--( Cob'. James Postell, and he took his seat accordingly And then the House adjournd till to morrow morning 10, oClock Sunday the 27'\ The House met according to Adjournment. Read the Journals of Yesterdaj's proceedings — Docf. Ramj^ey, from the Committee to bring in a Militia Law. inform'd the House, that the Committee were ready to report if the House woird be pleas'd to receive it, he accordingly read the Title of the Bill, intitled a Bill for the Regulation of the Militia of this State in his f)lace, and delivered it in at the clerks table where it was read a first time, — Ordered that the Bill be read a Second time to morroAv, — Col''. Laurens from the Committee appointed to Consider of a Proper Vote of Tlianks to General Greene, and what further acknowledgements should be made him for his distinguished Ser- vices to this State, inform'd the House that the Committee were ready to report, if the House would be pleased to receive it, he accordingly read it in his place, and delivered it in at the Clerks Table, Avhere it was again read and is as follows viz*. — Your Committee recommend that the following resolves be entered into by the House, 1^* Resolved that the House of Representatives impressed with a Sense of the illustrious services rendered to this State by Maj''. General Greene, particularly in his rapid recovery of its Territory, and in Circumscribing the Enemy Avithin their present narrow limits, — Anxious, at the same time to give their Testi- mony of the Superior Genius displayed in his General system of Operations, and his enlightened spirit of enterprise in the field, Unanimously Vote him their thanks in the name of the People, — 2^. Resolved, That as a proof of these Sentiments and an invitation to this excellent Citizen to reside in the Bosom of a Country to which he is so dear, leave be given to bring in a Bill for Vesting him Avith a fee simple Estate of the Value of Ten Thousand Guineas, — A Motion was made and seconded, that the rejDort be imme- diately taken into Consideration, — 31 The Question being put. — Ordered, that the Report, be taken into imediate Considera- tion and being debated paragraph bj' paragraph was unanimously agi'eed to. Resolved, Xem. Con. That the Thanks of this House as recommended in the Report of the Connnittee and agreed to by this House, be trans- mitted to the Honorable Major General Greene, by M^ Speaker, A Motion was made and seconded that the Committee appointed to Consider of a Proper Vote of Thanks to Gen'. Greene &'^^. be directed to bring in a I)ill empowering the executive Authority to ]iurchase in Trust for the Honorable Major General Greene, a real Estate to the value of Ten Thousand Guineas, and to pledge the publick Faith for making good the Same, — Ordered that the said Committee do lu-ing in a Bill for the purposes above mentioned. — The Bill entitled a Bill for holding the Circuit Courts, of Oyer and Terminer in the several Districts of this State and for making out a Xew Jury list was Ordered to be read a Second time, — On reading the first enacting Clause of the Bill, A Motion was made and seconded that the Circuit Courts be held at four stated times in the Year, A Debate thereupon arose, and — The Question being put. the House divided Vnv flic iiiodoii I'2 against it 4;"). It |)a^^-i'd in the Xcgative — Tli(> fii'st Clause being (hen read. A Motion was made atirl Sccondi'il. ilmL tlic following pro- v\fin vi/,'. "provided also ne\ eri lieless (liat it sliall and may be "lawful lo ;ii)(| for the (io\ciiioi- nr ( "uniiii.'inder in (Iiief foi' the "Time being by and wiili tin- mhiee i^- eonseni of the privy "Conneil to iip|)oint ;iny other |)hi<'e or phices in (he said Disti'icts "respeetively for holding the said ('onrt^'" he ;idde(l (hereto, The Question being pnt. 'twas eaii-ied in (he Adiruiat'' The Proviso w;is (hen niad«' part- of (he I'ill. The Second and Ihinl Clauses being iciid ;umI the (jiicslions pnt were iigl'eed to. A motion w;is nniilc nnd seeonded (hat be(ween the third and fourth ('laus<' of the I'.ill ilx' following e. t<» resign the Ollice of Lieutenant Govei-nor of this State, and infornii'd the House at the same liiiu'. thai he would also wait on the Honblc (he Senate foi* the same |)uri)ose if, the House would be |tlr;i^('(| (o ;i(r('|ii of lijs resignation. — Resolved tlinl. this lloiisc dci .\cc('|i| of the resignation of the Honble Ohristophcr ( ladsdcn Ks(|'. as 1 jciitciiant (rovernor of this StaU'.— .M'. S|i('ak'rr iiifoini'd the Ilou-c I hat (iciicral Ctadsd<'n I'ctur'n'd as a Mciiilicr fur the I'aii^h of I'lincc (Jcoi'gc A\'inyaw, attended at the doni-. ami desired to know if it was their pleasure he should be ealle(| in. and asked if he intended to (pialiry. — Ordered that he be calleil in Ami on being called in and asked by Ar. Speakei-, He answere(| in the adirniative .^I^ IJicliard llutson was desired lo administer to him the Oaths <»r C^>iialifiea( ion and Allegiance, M'. llutson i-e|)orted that he had administred the said Oaths to (Jenei'al Gadsden. And he took' his seat accordingly .V .Nb'-sage fi'o?ii his E.xcellency the (io\crnor a<'com])anied with sundry Lett<'rs ane to nmUe an Injection of pjght ))rivv Counsellors. — The Senate accoidingly attended and voted with this House fdi- |ii-ivy Counsellors, — On casting up the Ballots it aj)peared. Thai the iloiioraltle Edward Kiit ledge;, (lenei'al Sinup- ter. Col", ^^'illC(|uet, Kich''. Beres- ford, and John LloyM. had a Majoiily *>f I lie \'otes of the Mem- bers presable (o (he Constitution, — The Senate aecordingly attended and a ("onnnitt<'e from the Senate and this Ib»n-e. Introdneed (lie (Joxcrnor elect iuto this, M*^, Speaker then admiiiistred to liim the Oaths of Qual- 88 ilication nlloiiiaiu'e and of Ollicc. TTis KxcoUency the Governor then retired. — The Senate still reniainino- in tlie House, The Hon- oral)le Kichard lliitson I^ieutenant (lovernor Elect, was intro- duced into this House, M"". Speaker then adniinistred to him the Oaths of Qualification alleiiiance and of otlice, — The Senate heinof still present. jM'. Sjieaker Adniinistred, the Oaths of quali- fication. Allegiance and of Office, to the following Gentlemen, who were elected Members of the Privy Council viz^ M"^ Edward Rutledge. Col° IVfortcm Wilkinson, M'\ Samuel Smith, M-". Peter Bocquet, M"". John Lloyd & (leneral Gadsden M"". Speaker informd the Honse, that General Sumpter then present, and who had been Elected a member of the Privy Coun- cil requested that lie might be permitted to decline his acceptance of that Office— Eesolved that General vSumpter have leave to decline that Office, and that another member of the privy Council be chosen in his stead. A message was sent to the senate requesting their attendance in this House to elect Five Delegates to represent this State in Congress, — The Senate accordingly attended and Voted with this House, for five Delegates to represent this State in Congress, Upon casting uj) the Ballots, it appeared that the following Gentlemen had a Majority of the Votes of the Members present viz*. — John Rutledge, David Ramsay, Ralph Izard, John Lewis Gervais, and Arthur Middleton Esquires, — M"". Speaker there- u])on declared the Several (ientlemen above named duly elected as Delegates to Represent this State in Congress. — A motion was made and Seconded that a Message be sent to the Senate, to request that they wou'd appoint a Committee to join a Committee of this House, Avho were appointed to bring in a Bill for filling up tlie Continental Battalions of this State, — A Verbal Message was accordingly sent by M''. Edw*^. Rut- ledge and M*". Calhoun, foi- the above purposes, — M"". Edward Rutledge reported that M^ Calhoun and himself had waited on the Senate Avith the jNIessage they had in charge, — The Senate returnVl for answer that they wou'd appoint a Com- mittee for the purposes above mentioned A motion was made and Seconded, that the Delegates to rep- resent this State in Congress, be allowed at the rate of Six Hun- dred pounds Sterling per Annum, — 39 The Question being i)ut by M"". Speaker, Resolved. That the Delegates to represent this State in Con- gress, shall each of them be allowed at the rate of Six Hundred l)ounds Sterling ^er annum, — Ordered that, a Message together Avith the above Eesolution he sent to the Honorable the Senate desiring their Concurrence thereto, and that M"". Speaker do sign the same. A Message was accordingly prepared and is as follows, — In the House of Representatives Jan'^J' 31^*, 178-2 Honble (ientlenien. This House having resolved to allow to each of the Dele- gates representing this State in Congress at the rate of Six PTun- dred Pounds Sterling \>vv auniini. have sent you the resolution for that j)urpose and request your Concurrence thereto. By Order of the House. Hugh Rutledge Speaker Ordered that do wait on the Honble the Senate with the above i-esolution and Message A Motion was made and Seconded that a Connnilloe be appointed to devise ways and Means, for raising a Sum of IMoney for defraying the Expenses of the Delegates of this State in Con- gress, agreeable to tlic above resolution, — Ordered that. Gen'. (ladsden, M^ Feigusou id the "duty recpiired of Inm \>\ the l*roii(. — It was cariicij in (lie allifmat i\ c, — It was ai roriliiigly Slnifk- oiU. - ( ):i Kradirii: llir Klr\(ii(|i A il icic. A M'llidi: w a - iiiadi' ami ScroiidtM 1. (Iia( llif wliolc of it be StnicU out. T'lc (^)iu'sti()n being |)ut. It was canied in the aHirniative Ordered on Molidji thai a ("laii^e \-e tlien adjouind. till t(» nioii-ou morning 10, "Clock — Snnday the P.''. The House met acx-orfling U> adjournment. Read the Jonrnals of Yesterdays jiroceedings^ M^ Speaker, informed the House, that M'. John Pearson returned as a member for the District between Broad and 4G Catawba Rivers, attended at the Door, and desir'd to know if it Avas their pleasure he shou'd be call'd in, and asked if he intended to qualify. — IM"" Pearson bein£^ call'd in and asked by M^ Speaker if he was read}^ to qualify. He answered in the Affirmative M"". John Ewen Calhoun was desir'd to administer to him the Oaths of Qualification and Allegiance — M^ Calhoun Reported, that he had administred the Oaths to iSI'', Pearson agreeable to Order, — And he took his Seat accordingly, — The Report of the Committee to Devise Ways & Means for recruiting the Corps of Cavalry under the Command of Col° Wade Hampton, — was read agreeable to the Order of Yesterday and is as follows viz'. The Comittee to Devise Ways and Means for recruiting the Corps of Cavalry under Command of Col° Hampton. Report, That instead of four Troops of Cavalry as directed by the Executive, they recommend that the Corps he reduced to two Troops of Cavalry, and two Troops of Infantry, each Troop and Company to Contain the same number of officers, Non Commis- sioned officers and Privates, as those in the Continental Leginary Corps, That Col° Hampton be directed to recruit a sufficient Num- ber of men, for the War, or three Years, to compleat the Corps agreeable to the above Arrangement, and that he may be able to do so. — Your Committee recommend, that he be furnished with one Hundred negroes; It is the opinion of your Committee, that the Men so inlisted shou'd receive the same pay and other emolu- ments as are or may be allowed to Continental Soldiers raised by this State, for the same time of Ser\ace. The first Clause of the Report was then read for Debate, and there being no opj)osition. — The Question iK'ing put. It Avas carried in the affirmative. On Reading the Second Clause of the Report — A Motion was made and Seconded, that after the words "Negroes'' at the end of the Clause, the same be amended ""by the words following v'u:. "as soon as he produces in the Field, two "Hundred Men fit for Service," after some debate on the clause and the proposed amendment. — The Question being put, first on the Amendment was agreed to, and then on the clause as amended, — It was carried in the affirmative. The third and last clause, being read, no "debate arising there- upon, The Question being put. — It Avas carried in the affirmative- The Question was then put on the whole report as amended, It was carried in the affirmative. Resolved that this House do agree to the report of the Com- mittee as amended, — Ordered that it be sent to the Ilonble the Senate for their Concurrence, that a Message be prepared for llmt purpose and that M^ Speaker do sign the Same. — A Message was accordingly prepared, & is as follows, viz', In the House of Representatives) February 3^. 1782— J Hony ( )r(l('i' of llic House lliiiiii Kiitledge. Speaker Ordered that Doct' Ramsey, and M'. Milner do wait on the Senate, with the foregoing rejjorl. Resolution i^ Message. I)o(•t^ Kanisay reporteil that M'. Milner and himsell" had (leliverM to the Senate the Message they had in Charge, — A Message from his Kxcellency I he (lovernor with Extracts of fur) letter- from Miijor (Jenei;il ( i iceiie. the Subject matters of which weiT, the w:iiil of Meal and other Provisions for the Army, — On considering the Message and Extracts of Letters, — Resolve*! his Excellency the Cioxcfiioi'. with the advice of the Privy Council, do (al«' Order inuuediately upon :ill mat- ters that relate to the supply and Sulisistance of the aiiny. Ordercfl that the aliove llesolulion be sent to (he Ilonble the Senate for their Concurrence, that a Message Ik* jH'epared for that purpose, anattalions that the Commanding Officers of the Regiments of Militia be ordered bv the Commanding Officers of Brigades, to proceed immediately to draught one Man out of each of the classes in his Regiment, to Serve for three years or the AVar: Provided nevertheless, that if a Man belonging to any of the classes shou'd have Voluntarily engaged himself in the service, or that any class should have previously engaged a man not belonorinef to anv other Class to Serve for three Years or the War. that, that Class shall be exempted from any draught, 5'*'. — That the Negroes alotted to this important purpose be advanced to the age of Between Ten and forty Years, And that all such Persons as are draughted shall receive the same Bounty as those who Volinitarily enlist, and that they shall be allowed, the Same pay, Cloathing and Rations, as are usualy granted to the Continent' Troops, — fiti^. — Tlic Committee impressed with a most refined sense of the iiicmorablc and distinguished services which the militia oflicers have rendered (o (heir Country, and Convinced that the}" are still j^ossessed of an Anim.ilfd Zeal, ^lively atttir^^^^^'^^^' ^^^^^ ^ most ardent dc-iif to n.hiincc the Interests and Security or* ^^'^^^ Common Wcahh, beg leave to recommend (hat the Field Officers be a|)i)ointe(I jis Commissioners for the recruiting Service, by whose ac(i\ity. infhienec iuid s|)inted exertions, the attainment of this most - Law lo I hem. niid 'F"lia( (hey shall (hemselves either ac(. or- a|>|)oiii( such Ollicers as shall appear adapted to this Sei-\icc. to rcciiii( such Ab'U as shall be willijig (o ('n(ei- into the Service. ;iiid to deli\<'r (hem (o those OdiciTv, mihI ;i( such Rendezvous to be Mppointcd in ciich dis(rict as shall be deter- mineil on b\ the Con(in( iit;il coniniandinir officer of this State. — 7th — 'Yhiit if i( should lie foutui necessary (o drauiih( the Classes that the Commanding officers of Regiments, or the Officers appointed by them to recruit shall deliver the Negroes •allotted for this purpose to such men as shall be draughted and that they shall Produce such draughted Men to those officers and at such Rendezvous as shall be appointed by the Continental commanding officer of this State, within ten days, after the draughts have taken place, — 8*1'. That the Governor be requested to order a Guard to march the Negroes forthwith to such pLaces as may appear most convenient in the Districts of the respective Brigades for the dis- tribution and delivery of them, to the Commanding officers of Regiments, 9th — That if a Commanding officer of a Regiment should be so base as to revolt from the duty which he owes to his Country, and neglect or refuse to give the necessary orders for Classing and draughting his men, The Commanding officer of the Brigade shall himself cause such classing and Draughting to be made immediately, and that he shall arrest such Officer and order him to be tried by a Court Martial, who if found Guilty shall be Cashier'd and sentenced to pay the sum of Dollars. — 10'''. That if the Commanding officer of a company shou'd be guilty of the above said neglect, or contempt of orders, the Field officer of the Regiment shall proceed in the same way as is directed in the above clause in similar Circumstances, and if found guilty shall be Cashierd and Sentenced to pay the sum of Dollars. That if any class shall apprehend a soldier enlisted for the War, who shall have deserted from any of the Continental Bat- talions raised in this State, that Class shall be exempted from a draught excepting such Classes as shall be found concealing deserters; Provided that no Solder be considered as a deserter who made his escape from Confinement Avithin the Enemies Lines, untill the expiration of two Months after the passing of this Bill.— Your Committee beg leave to Conclude with recommending that the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Members of the Privy Council, Judges of the Courts and Delegates to Congress be alone exempted from the operation of this Law, — Ordered that the report be taken into Consideration to Mor- row, and that in the mean time, it lie on the Table for the perusal of the Members, And then the House Adjourned till to morrow morn^, 10, ^'Clock. 51 ^Monday the 4^'^ The House met according to xVdjournment. Read the Journals of yesterdays proceedings. — M"". Ferguson from the Committee on privileges and Elec- tions informed the House, that the Committee were ready to rejDort on the Memorial of Sundry Inhabitants of Saint ]\Iathews Parish, against the late Election, which was referred to them, if the House wou"d be pleased to receive it. He accordingly read the report in his place, and delivered it in at the Clerks Table, where it was again read and is as follows viz* The Committee on Privileges and Elections to whom was referr'd the ^lemorial above mentioned, Report, That tlicy have enquircMl into tlie Allegations set forth in the said Memorial, and are of opinion they are not well grounded, & that the Election was conducted agreeable to the Instructions given to the returning officers, they therefore recommend that the Memorial be dismissed, Ordered that. the report be taken into immediate Considera- tion, The Rei)ort. being read for debate. Resolved that the RejDort be agreed to. — Ordered, tliat the Memorial he dismissed. The Report of (he Committee appointed to Consider of and Devise. Ways and Means for filling up the two Continental Bat- talions to lie raised l)y this State, oi'dcr'd to be Considered to day, was read Tor (h-hate. The first Clause being read, — and, The (»)Mestion put — It \\ IIS cai rinl in the Allirmative — The Second Clause being icad. - and — The Question |»u(. Ii wasearritMJ in the allirni;it i\-e On Reading the third Claus<', A motion was made and Seconded, that the whole of it bo Struck out. after Some debate thereupon — Tlie Question was put. Ii was carried in (lie ;illirin:il i\(i The whole Clause wns Mccoidingly Struck out. On Reading (he fonitli (laiise. A Motion \\;i- made. :ind .secoinled. lli;it it lie struck OUt, after some debate, 52 The Question Avas put, — It was carried in the allirmative, & the clause was Struck out. The Fifth Clause being read, the words "as are draughted "shall receive the same Bounty as those," were ordered to be struck out. — Tlie third & fourth Clauses of the Keport not being agreed to. The Question being put. the remainder of the clause Was carried in the affirmative, The Sixth Clause being read, — and The Question being put, It was carried in the affirmative the words "agreeable to "the proportion of their classes" being previously erased as superfluous. On Reading the Seventh clause, — A Motion was made & Seconded, that tlie whole of it be Struck out. The Question being put, — It was carried in the affirmative and Struck out accord- ingly, — The Eight Clause being read. — and — The Question put. It was carried in the affirmative. The Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh clauses being severally read & — - The Question put on them respectively, were orderd to be Struck out. — The Report being gone thro" — A motion was made and Seconded, That the same be amended by adding the following Clause viz*. — "That a Bounty of one negroe be given to all and every "person or persons who shall procure twenty five recruits to "enlist agreeal)le to the following report, which recruits shall be "approved of by such Continental officer as shall be appointed "to receive them, Provided such Enlistments be made Avithin six "AVeeks after the passing of an act for filling up the two Con- "tinental Battalions of this state," — The Question being put. — It was carried in the affirmative Ordered that the Clause be made part of the Report. The Question being put on tlie whole Report as it had been amended, — 53 Tt was carried in the affirmative Ordered. That a :Message with a Copy of the Report as agreed to by this House, be sent to the Honble, the senate and that ]NP. Speaker do Sign the same. The foHowing Message was accordingly prepared viz'. In the House of Representatives — February 4"\ 1782— Honorable Gentlemen, — This House herewith send you a Copy of the Report of the Committee appointed by this House to consider of and Devise, Ways, and means for filling up the two Continental Battalions of this State, as the same has been amended and agreed to by this House, By Order of the House Huirh Rutledae. Speaker Ordered — That M'. Dart and M'. Kaply do wait on the Honorable the Senate with the foregoing Message and Report, A Message from the Senate, by tlieii' Clerk, w ith the Resolu- tion of this of the 81^'. Ult". respecting the allowance to be made to tlu' delegates, and a Snbse(|iient one of the 3'^. instant, empowei-ing his Kxeellency the (ioxcrnor with the advice of the Privy Council lo taloliition be sent to his Exf-elleiicy I lie ( lo\ elMioi". — A .^h's.sal;c from llie Senat<' \>\ their ("lerk' relnrniiiir the I'ill entitled "All Ad fiti the hettei" security and del'ence of this State, ''dui'ing the K<'e('>> (d' the (Jeneral A»enihly" whieh had b(M>n read a third time in (li:it llon-e and agreed to. — Ordei-ed that the said liill he iinniediately engro.sscd, A Message from the Senate by their clerk, returning the following I'.ills vi/'. "A r>ill to sii-|iend the Hjieiation of the ''Limitation art" A liill to re\i\e ;ind eill ill liis jilarc. and delivered it in at the Clerks Tai»l<'. where the ['.ill W!i- i-ead a tir-t time. ()rdereill be icad a SeconVl time — M'. Speaker infoi'm'd the House, that M'. Williiun Robinson (ieclaicfl duly eleeted Sherilf ourgh District declined accepting that a|)poinlnienl . and desired another person might be elected in his stead. - And then the Ilonsc Adjourned till to ukutow Morning 9 o'clock Tuesday the 5"'. The Ilituse met ncef)rdini: to adjdununeiit — Read the Jf)urn:ils of ^'esterdays jtrocecc lings. — - The I'ill entitled a I'.ill to empower Thomas Ferguson Mor- ton Wilkinson and John AN'aid Es(|uires to purchase An Estate of the \'alue of Ten Thou-ajid f Juineas in Trust and for the use of the Honorable Major (ieneral fJreene, was rend a second time, — time, — 56 Ordered that the Bill be sent to the Senate, and that M^ Rajiley and Coh\ Richardson, do carry the same, M^ Speaker inl'ornrd the House, that Cap'. Edward Bhike, return'd a Member for Saint (jeorges parish. Cap*. Jacob Reid for the Parishes of Saint Philip and Saint Michael, and M"". John Rutledge for the parish of Saint xA.ndrew, attended at the door, and desired to know if it was the pleasure of the House they should bt^ calTd in and asked if they intended to qualify, they were accordingly called in, and being asked by M"". Speaker if they were ready to q^alif}^ — They answered in the affirmative, — ^M"". Burke was desired to administer to them; the Oaths of qualification and allegiance, — M"" r)urke reported that he had administred to Captains Blake and Reid & M"". John Rutledge the oaths of qualification and Allegiance, agreeable to the Con- stitution. — And thej^ took their Seats accordingly. — ^NI"". Rapley reported that Col°. Richardson and himself had delivered to the Senate the Bill they had in Charge, Ordered, That Col° Laurens's Motion for collecting Two thousand five Hundred Negroes forthwith from the Confiscate. Estates. — Embodying and Organizing them under white Officers be taken into Consideration agreeable to the Order of Yesterday, after some debate thereupon, — The Question being put. — It passed in the Negative.-- A Message from the Senate by their Clerk, returning the fol- lowing acts Viz*. An Act for settling the qualification of the Electors and Elected in the next General Assembly, An Act to revive and Continue such Laws as have expired since the sitting of the last General Assembly, or will expire with the present ses- sion, and an act to suspend the Operation of the Limitation Act. which had been Severally read a third time in that House and passed, Ordered that the said acts be forthwith engi-ossed, — A Message from his Excellency the Governor, in the follow- ing words viz*. M"^. Speaker & Gentlemen, — I must request that you would appoint a Committee of your House to Confer with me on a mat- ter of Considerable importance John Mathews P^bruary 5*^. 1782 57 Ordered that M"". John Ixutledge, Colo. Laurens and Col Grimke be a Committee to wait on his Excellency the Governor agi-eeable to the said Message, — M"". John Riitledge from the Committee appointed to Confer with his Excellency the Governor, in Consequence of his Message of this day, — Reported That they had Conferred with his Excellency the Governor, according to the Order of the House, — who informed tliem of General Greenes rec'. of a Letter from his Excellency General Washington, dated the 31*^ E>ecember last, acquainting him that an embarkation had taken place at New York Consisting of three British Regiments, and a Detachment of Hessians, suppos'd to be destin'd for this State, under convoj^ of two ships of the Line, and three or four Frigates; that some Frigates had arrived off the Bar. — that if those Troops shou'd arrive it might be neces- sary for him to change his position, — he therefore thought pro- per to acquaint the House therewith, that they might quicken their Deliberations, — And then the House Adjourned till to morrow Morning 9. "Clock. Wednesday the 0"'. The Hou.'-c met according to adjournment. Read the Journals of yesterdays |)r«)ceedings — Col". Ilcndci'Hon lioni llic ('(iniiniltcc to (lc\ ise AVaj's and M«';in> I'll r;ii>~iri;: ;i Corps of Sappers &'"*. &"'•''. inform'd the House that the Committee were ready to report if (he House would be pleased to rcccixc tlic snnic He ;iccorIonging to Con- fiscated or Se(|uestrate(| Estates, nml ;ire lit for ;i Corps of Arti- ficers \'i/,'. Slioe MMkeis. Carpenti-rs, lilaeksniiths. A i iii<>urrr.s, Taylors, Wlieelwriglits Im' imniediately Collecicd iind formed into a Corps, to the Xuinber of One Hundred. — 2''. That those neirroes who sjuilj be ffiund most useful and expert be ininiefliately cojieeted from the saifl Estates, and employed as Waggf)ners, to the number of Two hundred & fifty — 58 3*^. That a Corps of Pioneers, Consisting of the ninnber of One hundred and fifty able bodied Men, be formed from the Estates aforesaid, — 4"» That a corps of Sappers and Miners of four Hundred able bodied Men be drawn from the said Estates. — 5*'' That three Hundred Servants be also drawn from the Estates aforesaid, to Supply the place of Waiters to the Officers, which are at present drawn from the liine. — ()"\ The Committee further recommend, that in Case the Estates of such persons as are Considered Enemies to this State, and haA'e property in Negroes, in the same, or shou'd prove insufficient to the purpose, shou'd not be Confiscated or Seques- tred. that then the Governor and Council be empowered to Order draughts to be made from the Estates of such Inhabitants throughout the Country, who can most effectually supply the Xumber necessary for the said Corps. — 7^'' The Committee also recommend, that all the Negroes taken for the above Service, be previously valued and appraised bv?^ three freeholders, that such Slaves as are draughted from the Estates of the Friends of this Countrj'^, and Avho may be killed, Maimed, or lost, in this Service, shall be accounted for, and the faith of this Country pledged for the paym*. thereof. 8"\ That none of these Corps be Marched or Conducted out of the State but with the Consent and approbation of the Gover- nor and Council, Ordered that the above Report be immediately taken into Consideration, — The first clause of the Report being read, and no debate aris- ing thereupon. The question was put, — and It Avas can'ied in the affirmative The second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh clauses being severally read, and The Questions respectively ])ut. They were agreed to. — On Reading the Plight Clause. — A motion was made and seconded, that the Avhole of the clause be struck out. — A Debate arising thei-eupon. — and The Question being put. It was carried in the affirmative the Clause w^as accord- ingly Struck out. 59 The Report being gone thro', and, — The Question put Avhether the same shouM be agreed to, — It was carried in the athrniativc Ordered that a Bill be brought in, agreeable to the said Report, and that M'. Gibbes and M''. Reid be added to the above mentioned Connnittee. — Ordered that M''. Gibbes and M'. Thomas AVaring do Com- pare the following engrossed Bills viz' : An act to suspend the operation of the Limitation ad: An Act to revive i^ Continue such Baws as have expired since the Sitting of the last General Assembly, or will expire with the present session. An Act for set- tling the qualihcation of the Electors and Elected in the next (ieiieral Assembly, — An Act for the better security and defence of this State, during the recess of the (Jeneral Assembly, An Act for repealing the Laws, which makes Paper Currency or Bills of Credit, a legal tender, with a Committee from the Senate, — ^B. (iibbes reported that ^NI'. Waring and himself had Com- pared the engrossed B>ills, with a Connnittee from the senate, and found them right, — M'. Iiuikc ])resented a IVtition to the TTousc from many of the Fichl ami other ofKcers of the upper and h)\vci' Gi-anvilh' and ('oHcton Coniily IJcgimcnts, — ( )rdered thai the ahoNc I'ctition he rel'i'iTcd t(i a Committee of tiie follow iiii; ( iciil h'nieii \'i/'.'. ( III Laurens M . Kean iM'. r.uike .M . .In". Ew«. Calhoun .^ Cap' dames Moore (OG) A Mf'sage fi-oni the Smalc by their (Merk in the following AVords viz', — In the Senate l-'ehiiiary C. 1782 — ^^^ S])eaker ^^c (ieut h-men. This iiouse havini^' lakm nnaine was agree(| to. i'.y ( )rder of the Senate .lohn Lewis (Jei'vais I'resid'. A motion was niaile and Seeoniled that a Message be sent to the (iovernor. to iccpn st he will be ph-asecj to ordiT I'ive Hun- dred l)U>hel> Corn to be purehase(l for the ('alawha Indians at the expence of the State, — GO Resolved that his Excellency the Governor, be empowered to order the (luantity of Five Hundred Bushels of Corn to be forth- with purchased for the use of the Catawba Indians at the expence of this vState. Ordered that tlie above Resolution be sent to the Honble the Senate for their Concurrence, and that a Message be likewise sent therewith and sign'd by M^ Speaker, The following Message was prepared and sign'd by M"^. Speaker viz*. In the House of Representatives] February 6''\ 1782 J Honorable Gentlemen, — This House herewith send you a Resolution of this House, empowering- his Excellency the Governor to order the quantity of Five Hundred Bushells of Corn, to be purchased forthwith for the use of the CataAvba Indians, at the expence of this State, — By Order of the House — Hugh Rutledge Speaker Ordered that Col" Kershaw, and M"". Skirving do wait on the Senate with the above Resolution and Message — Col*'. Kershaw reported that M"^. Skirving and himself had delivered to the Senate, the above resolution and Message they had in Charge, — This House went into the Senate House, and together with the Senate Ratified the following Acts viz'. An Act to suspend the operation of the Limitation act, an Act to revive and Con- tinue such Laws as have expired since the sitting of the last General Assembly, or will expire with the present Session, An act for settling the qualification of the Electors and the Elected in the next (ieneral Assembly, An Act for the better Security and defense of this State during the recess of the General Assembly, An Act for repealing the Laws which make Paper Currency or Bills of Credit, a Legal Tender. The House iK'ing returned, — M^ Speaker reported that this House together with the Senate had ratified the Acts above men- tioned, — And then the House Adjourned till to morrow Morning 9. "'Clock 61 Thursday February 7^^. The House met according to adjournment. Eead the Journals of Yesterdays })r()ceedino;s M^ Speaker informed the House, that M"^. Jacob Guerard ret urn "d a Member for the jjarish of Saint Helena, and M^ Edward AVeyman return 'd a Member for the Parish of Saint Thomas & Saint Dennis, attended at the door, and desired to know if it was their pleasure thej- should be called in and asked whether they intended to qualify, and on being called in and asked by M"". Speaker, M"". Guerard declined serving, — M"". Burke was desired to administer to M''. Weyman. the Oaths of qualification and allegiance. — M"". liurke reported that he had aduiinistred the said Oaths to M'. AVeyman. — And he took his Seat accordingly. — CV)1°. Laurens from the Committee appointed to Consider What Estates in this Country are jJi-Dper subjects of Confiscation & Sequestration tVc'"'. i)resented agreeable to the order of the House a List of l*ersons whose Estates are i)roper subjects of Confisca- tion. — Ordered llmt (hose T>is(< b<' tak'eu into Consideration ininie- diately. — The names (►f I'ersons whose Estates ai-c subjects of Con- ii:haui Esta. Mrs. Colleton f.iul : Wllliiinis Thonias Boone SiiiiHK-1 f'liullett Tliom.'is Flelrli.ill Collin Cniiiphell 62 George Saxby Thorps Baroiij' Lt. Govr. Irvine Esta. of Dr. Crockatt Walter IMansell Heirs of ITopkin Price John Warfl (Taylor) .Tamos Carey Jonathan Scott Esta. of James Holmes Robert Gray Geo : John Fardo Robert English William Vallentine Ld. Chas Graville Mou- 1 tague I Esta. of Robert Kaper Jno Fisher (of Orangebg: mer. Benjn. Gregory Esta. of Thos Adam. James Cassells Brice, Fisher Linwood ^ & Co. \ Esta. of Docli. GiJjbes Roberts's Barony Sr. James Wright Peter Taylor Greenwood & Higgison William Greenwood Christo. Filzsimons Christo. Williman Dr. James Fraser Robert jNInrrell Hugh Brown William Guest Dr. Peter Spence William Hannahan David Friday Esta. of Chas Maine Esta. of Hen. Rugely William Sabb Esta. of John Stuart & Capt Ord (of the Navy) Trench & Baily— Robert Holmes Esta. of Jcrem Knott Thos Fullalove George Cook Jeremiah Savage James Boissaux Andw Hibben Doctr James Lynah John Wlllard Patrick Mucklemurray Moses Kirkland James Clark IIenr.v Oniel George Ogilvie Peter Simond George Dawkins Dr. Charles B^fe John Musgrove A motion was made and seconded, that instead of Seques- trinof the Estates of Persons Avhose conduct are not considered Sufficiently criminal to merit Confiscation, the said Persons be amerced, The Question being put, — It was carried in the affirmative Ordered that the Consideration thereof be postponed A Message from the Senate by their Clerk in the following words viz*. — In the Senate the 7"^ of Februars^ 1782— M^ Speaker & Gentlemen, — This House having taken the Report of our Committee, appointed to Join a Committee of your House in free Conference "to Consider of and devise Ways and Means for filling up the "Continental P>attalions of this State" under Consideration, the Same was agreed to as amended by your House, except the pro- — in the Opinion of this House the enlistments should be made within two ^Months after the passing of an Act for filling up the Continental battalions, instead of Six Weeks, — By Order of the Senate John Lewis Gervais Preside 63 Ordered that the foregoing ^lessage be taken into Considera- tion immediately. The Message having been taken into Consideration Resolved. That tliis House do agree to the amendment as proposed by the Senate in the foregoing ^lessage, That a Mes- sage be sent to them thereiii)on. and that M"". Speaker do sign the same, — accordingly the following Message was ])repared and sent viz^ — In the House of Representatives P"eb>'. 7^'' 1782. Honorable Gentlemen of the Senate, This House having considered your Message of this Day, for extending the time mentioned in the proviso of the last clause of the Report of the Committee "to Consider of and devise ways "and Means, for filling up the Continental Battalions of this "State*" to two Mo'ths instead of Six weeks: inform your Honours that this House do agree to the i)roposed amendment By Order of the House Hugh Rutledge, — Speaker Ordered that U\ Mitchel] and M^ AVilliam Scott tlo wait on the Horible the Senate with the foregoing Message M^ Kdwai'd Ruth'flg(> fi-om the Committee ajijiointed to Con- sider what Estates in this ( "omit tw me pi-opcr sul)je('ts of (Con- fiscation, who wo'c ordcrcil to luiiig in ;i liill agreeable to the Report on ilmt Subject. inroriiiM (lie House tliat he Imd pi'epared a I'ill. it" the House would lie ple;i>ei| to iei('i\(' il. lie Mceord iujily read the Title of the \V\\\ in hi- jihiee. :ind delivci-ed it in at the Clerks Tal»le. wliere the r.ill was read n first time. — Ordered lii:it the I'.ill be i-ejul ;i seeonil time. A Motion was made :inverrior be e?npowered to ordei- n ((uanlily of provisions to bo purehased jit (lie |)ui»liel< expense. :ind distributed amongst the Widows and Orphiin- of smli |»ers(»ns as have been kiliiMJ in the defence of this State, and .ilso snc-h persotis as have been disabled in the said Service as ni:iy be deemed |.io|ier dbjeets of relief The Question l)eing |)Ut. It was carried in the jillirniMtivc Resolved that his Excellency the (lovernor l)e empowered to order a Sufficient quantity of provisions to l)e purchased at the publiek expence, and rlistributed amongst the Wit. was Onlerd to be read a tliird time — - The Bill for holding the Circuit Courts of Oyer & Terminer in the several Districts of this state, and for making out a new Jury list was read a third time, — And then the Bill being put to a passing, I^esolved that the Bill do pass and that the Title thereof be an act, — 67 Ordered that the Act be sent to the Senate for their Concur- rence. — And that AI^ Owen and M"", Jones do carry the same, — M"". Owen reported that M"". Jones and himself had delivered to the Senate the Bill they had in charge, A motion was made and seconded that this House do come to the following resolution viz*. — Resolved that it is the sense of the House that untill a sufficient number of the Delegates lately elected to represent this State in Congress shall arrive in Philadelphia the Delegates who are now in Congress shall retain their seats and Continue to Represent this State, — Resolved that this House do agree to the above Resolution, at that it be sent to the Senate for their Concurrence, that a Message be prepared for that jmrpose, and that M^ Speaker do sign the same. — T\n' following ^lessage was accordingly })repared viz^ — In the House of Representatives 9*'' February 1782. Honble Gent", of the Senate — This House herewith send you a Resolution respecting the Delegates who now re|)resent this State in Congress, Continuing their seats therein untill those lately elected shall arrive at Phil- adcliiliia. to w liich this Honse desire youi' Concurrence, I'y Order of (he House, Jliigli Rudedge — Speaker Oidrajor HyriU' aud himself luid delivered to (lie Sena(e the alpo\e fesohdion and .Nh'ssage, — which they had in iharge, — A niolioii was made and seconded. Iha( (his IFoiise do come (o the following resolu(ion \i/,'. Resolvecl, tlia(. it is the sense of this House, that the Dele- gates latelv <"leete(l (o repi'esent this Sta(e in Cf)ngr«'ss, do pro- ceed tf» Philadelphia, as soon as they can with convenience. — Resolved, that this Ilfnist* do agree (o (he foregoing resolu- tion, — .\ Afessage from the S<'na(e by their Clerk* re(urning tlie resolution of this Hotise of this date respecting the Delegates wlio are !iow in Congress, retaining (heir seats untill (hose lately G8 Elected shall airivo in rhiladelpliia, — with their Honours Con- currence thereto, Also a Bill to prevent the Commencement of Suits for the recovery of Debts, for the time and on the Conditions therein mentionil which Oriainated in that House, — The Bill entitled a Bill to prevent the Commencement of suits for the recovery of Debts, for the time and on the Condi- tions therein mentioned, was read a first time. Ordered that the Bill be read a second time, — ■ M"". Burke from the Committee appointed to receive the names of persons projber to be nominated Justices of the Peace, delivered in a List of the names of such Persons, which was read, and. The Question being put. whether the same shou'd be agreed to, Resolved, that the Persons, whose names are mentioned in the said List, be nominated Justices of the Peace for the Parishes or districts in the List Avherein their names are respectively set down. Ordered That the above resolution be sent to the Hon^'i^ : the Senate for their Concurrence, and that M"". Burke and M^ Flagg, do carry the same, M"". Burke reported that jNP. Flagg and himself had delivered to the Senate the ]Message they had in charge, — M"" John Rutledge from the Committee on the Letters from their Excellencys the president of Congress, and the Commander in Cheif, and from the Superintendant of Finance, informd the House that they were ready to report if the House wou'd be pleased to receive it He accordingly read the report in his place, and delivered it in at the Clerks Table, where it "was again read and is as follows viz'. — That they have considered the several matters therein con- tained, and are of opinion, that it would be impracticable in the present distressed state of this Country, and the gi-eat sarcity of speice, to levy a Tax in the usual manner, or in the mode pro- pr)sed by the Financeir of the LTnited States, But in order to comply Substantially, with the requisitions from Congress and from him. Your Committee recommend that this State engage that sup- plies (including those which have been furnished since the first of January last) shall be furnished for the army, during the pres- ent Year, to the Value of P)T3.508 Mexican Dollars (being- the 69 Quota assigned to this State, of the Continental Estimate for the Year 1782.— That a Sufficient Number of Proper persons be from time to time, appointed by the Governor. Avith the advice and consent of the Privy Council in different places, as agents or Commis- sioners to procure their Supplies, — That to prevent fraud, Ingro.-sing and oppression, no other person but those who sliall be appointed, by the Governor with the advice of the Privy Council for that purpose as aforesaid, shall be allowed to procure supplies for the Continental army, and that it shall be a part of the dutj^ of the said Commissioners to obtain these supplies, on such terms as may be reasonable between the Pul)lirk and individuals, and in tlie manner most equal, and least Burdensome to the people, so that the advantages of selling where jiei-sons can spare, and the disadvantages of being oljliged to part with what they cannot conveniently, may be shared and borne, as ecjualy as possible. — And that the money & Securities for money, which may be obtained from the Sale of Such Estates, as shall be Confiscated be a fiiml for sinking or redeeming the notes which may be issued by the receiver of the Continental Taxes, The Conuuittec furl her reconnncnd. tlial a message be sent to the fiovernor, recpiesting his ExfcllciK y to give the necessary orders for liAving the Xunibci' of ^^'lli((• Inhabilnnts of this State taken jind Ti-ansniitte(l to Congress, as soon as practicable, the other Snbj<'c(s of the j)ap('i"s refferVl to yonr Committee are already in a pi'opcr trnin for the dclcrniinnt ion of the House, — C)r(l<'red that tlic Consideration of llic foicgoing report, be postponcfjj — A Message from the Senate by their ( 'lerl< iclnrning the resolntiori of this IIoiih- of tin- seventh Instant for empowering his Execliencv I lie ( ifivcrnor to order a Siillicient (|uantitv of ]>rovisions to be pnrejiased at tlie |iiililiclc expenee ami destribnted amf)ngst the wiflows and oi|ilians i^c'. with their Honors Con- currence thereto. - The Message from the senate yesterday with the two resolu- tions acrompanying it where read agreeable to oivler, Orderecl that the ^•,\'\(\ Message and resolution be referr'd to the following Committee \ i/.'. Col". Hill Col^' 'I' horn as Col" Grimke Cap' AA'alters Cap'. .Ta\ Moore. 70 Tho I\eport of the Committee on General Barnwells Petition was reail aiul is as follows viz'. The Committee on Piivik'<2:os and Elections Report, — That they have enquired into the merits of the said petition, and find that the Contents thereof are true, but notwitlistanding, as they are informed, that the voters meant to vote for Thomas Iley- ward Jun''. : but omitted to add tlie distino;uishs. e])ithet Jun^, They recommend that a new writ of Election should be issued On considering' the rej.ort. after some time spent in debating the same, The Question was put. whether this House do Concur with the report of the Committee, — It was carried in the affirnuitive — And then the House adjourned till to morrow morning nine '°Clock. Sunday the 10»h: The House met according to adjournment. Read the Journals of yesterdays j^roceedings M^ Speaker informed the House that M"". George Robinson returned a Meml)er for the district between Savannah & the North P'ork of Edisto river attended at the door and desired to know if it was their Pleasure he should be call'd in and asked if he intended to qualify, — M^ Robinson being called in and asked the question by M"". Speaker, — He answered in the affirmative. jSP. John E. Calhoun was desired to administer to him the Oaths of allegiance and Qualification, — - M^ Calhoun rejiorted that he had administred the Oaths, — And M''. Robinson took his Seat accordingly, — A Message from the Senate by their Clerk, returning the Bill ''entitled an Act for holding the Circuit Courts of Oyer and Terminer in the Several Districts of this State and for mak^. out a new Jury List," which had I)een read a third time in their House, and to which their Honors had given their Concurrence Ordered that the said act he immediately engrossed, The Pill entitled a Tiill to pi-event the Counnencement of Suits for the recovery of Debts for the time and on the Condi- tions therein mentioned, was ordered to be read a Second time, On Reading the first clause, A motion was made and seconded, that -the same be amended by adding the following w'ords viz*, "or send his projierty out of 71 "this State or unless he shall refuse to give bond with Security for "the payni*. of his Debt to be approved of by such Magistrate, and "in that Case the said Suit shall be proceeded into execution "which execution may be levied but the Property so levied shall "not be sold," after some Debate, The Question was ])iit by M^ Speaker. — It was carried in the affirmative^ And the same being added, — The last part of the clause was struck out, The Bill being read thro* — Ordered that the Bill, as amended be sent to the Senate and that M"". Owen and M-" William Scott do carry the Same, The Keport of the Committee on the Letters and Papers from their P'xcellencies the President of Congress and the Commander in Chief and from the Superintendant of Finance, was ordered to be Considered immediate!}', — The Report being read for debate, — A motion was made and Seconded, that the first part of the first Clause as far as the words "United States" be struck out, — A Debate arose thereupon, and after some Time spent, — The Question was put by M^ Speaker, It passed in the Negative — The Several ('Ihuhs in the report being read, — and Tlic Quc-tinn put on tln-m respectively by ]\P. Speaker, They were carried in y*^ affirmative AP. Spealicr tlu-n j)Ul the Qiie.stion on the whok' rei)ort. It was carried in the allirmative Ordered (hat :i I>ill lie brought in agrceabh' to the rejiort and tliat if lie ictcircl to (he ( 'oinniittrc ;ibo\c mentioned to biing in the r.iii ()r(hTed th;il :i Message be prepared 1o be sent to his Kxcel- lency the (loxcnior re(|u<'sting he woiid be j)h'ase(l (o have tlie number of white Inhal)itaii(s of this State (alceii and Trans- mitted (o congress as soon as praeticaliie, — and that M'. Speaker do sign the same, — The following Messag<' was arrordingly piei)ared vi/,'. In (he House of K'epresenlalives Feb''y. 1782— Tliis House re(|uest that your I'>\e<'lleney will be pleased to give the necessary orders for having the nnniber of \vhit<' Inhabit- 72 ants of this State taken and transmitted to Congress as soon as practicable. By Order of the House Hugh Kutledge. Speaker M"". Owen reported that M"^. Scott and himself had delivered to the Senate the Bill they had in Charge, A motion was made and seconded, that a Message be sent to the Senate respecting the Election of a Treasurer, — The Question being put by M"". Speaker, — It was carried in the affirmative Ordered that a Message be prepared and that M"", Speaker do sign the same, A message was accordingly prepared and signd by M^ Speaker and is as follows viz*.— In the House of Representatives feb''^ : 10. 1782 Honorable Gent", of the Senate. — This House think proper to inform your Honors that as there is only one Commissioner of the Treasury viz'. William Parker Esquire, and he is not at present in this State it will be necessary to proceed to the Election of an other before the General assem- bly adjourns Bv Order of the House Hugh Rutledge — Speaker Ordered that M^ Mitchell and M^ Broughton do wait on the Honble the Senate with the above Message. — A motion was made and Seconded, for leave to bring in a Bill for laying a duty of five per cent ad valorem on all Goods, wares, and Merchandizes of Foreign Manufacture which shall be imported into this State, from any foreign port &c^. — Ordered that such a Bill be brought in. A Motion was made and Seconded that a Committee b« appointed to consider of the Improvement of the Inland naviga- tion of this State, — Ordered that, I M"". John Rutledge CoI°. Kershaw Col^. Hill M"". Ferguson & M"". Geo : Robinson be a Committee for the above purposes. Ordered (on Motion) That a Bill be brought in for redeem- ing and Sinking the Paper Currency of this State 73 Ordered on Motion, That leave be given to bring in a Bill enablinor Creditors to attat-ii tlio Estates of their Debtors Avho are within the Enemy's Lines, — A Motion was made and Seconded, that a Bill be bronght in to appoint proper persons to audit and liquidate the demands of the Publick Creditors,— Ordered that a Bill be brought in for the purposes above mentioned, — The House then adjourned till to morrow morning 9 *°Clock. Monday the 11"' The House met according to adjournment Eead the Journals of yesterdays Proceedings The following Bills were brought in agreeable to the order of yesterday and Severally read a first time, — A 1)111 for Levying a duty of five pci- Cent, ad valorem on Goods wares ami Merchandizes which shall be imported into this State, and on Prizes and Prize Goods which shall be con- demned in the (^)urt of admiralty A Bill fr)r fui-nishing sup])lies foi- the army to tiie \"alue of 373,r»*).s Mcxiciin Dollars, being the (|iiota assigned to this State of the Continental Estimate for the |)resent year. — A I'll! for i-ec()\ct\ 111' I )clit- due Ky l*er-i>ii- in ( liarles Town A r.ill for- cilliiig in ;iiid Sinking the I'npcr Bills' of Credit of this State ()i-dcifi| tli;it the Se\('i';il I)ill> ;ib(i\-e nienlimied be i-e:id a second I inie to morrow. M'. Mitrougliton and himself h:id deli\ere.| to the Seriiite the Message they had in cliarire. .\ .Me.-sagi' from tlie Semite by (heir Cleiic in the folh)wing words viz'. — - In the Semite [•"el.riinry 1 1"'. 1782— M'. S|)ealv ( )r ih'r oft lie H'n;ite .John Ficwis Gervais — I'resid'. 74 A Messajje from the Senate by their clerk, returning the Hill to |)re\"eiit the coiniiieneenient of Suits for the recovery of Debts, for the time and on the Conditions therein mentioned which had been read a third time in that House and pass'd, — Ordered that the Bill i)e immediately read a third time in this House, — The Bill entitled a Bill to prevent the Commencement of Suits for the recovery of I)el)ts, for the term and on the condi- tions therein mentioned, being accordingly read a third time in this House, — The same was put to a passing by M^ Speaker, — Resolved that the Bill do pass, and that the Title thereof be an act. — Ordered that the act be sent to the ITonble the senate The House then adjourned till to morrow morning 9. '"Clock Tuesday 12*''. The House met according to Adjournment. Eead the Journals of yesterdays proceedings, The Bill for recovery of Debts, due by persons in Charles Town, was read a second time, agreeable to the order of Yester- day, — the Bill being read A motion was made and Seconded, that the enacting clause be struck out, — The Question being put by M^ Speaker It was carried in the affirmative The Question was afterwards put by M"". Speaker whether the Bill Shou'd be sent to the Senate, — It passed in the negative. Eesolved that the r)ill be rejected. — M^ Speaker informed the House, that Major Will*". Davis returned a meml)er for the Parish of Prince William and Col°. LeRoy Hammond for the District of Ninety Six, attended at the door, and desired to know whether it was their pleasure they should be called in and asked if they intended to qualify, — on being caird in and asked the Question by M^ Speaker, — They answered in the affirmative — M"". Burke was ordered to administer to them the oaths of Qualification and allegiance, — M^ Burke reported that he had administred the oaths, and Major Da^ns and Col° Hammond took their seats accordingly — The Second reading of the Bill for calling in and sinking the paper Bills of Credit of this State, agreeable to the order of Yes- terday was postponed, — The Bill for furnishing supplies for the army to the Value of 373,598 Mexican Dollars, being the quota assigned to this State uf the Continental estimate for the in-esent year, agreeable to the Order of yesterday was read a second time. — Ordered that the Bill be sent to the Honorable the Senate, and that M"". Gibbes. and M^ Postell do carry the same A Message from his Excellency the Governor in the words following viz'. ^P. Speaker & Gent". I herewith send you the copy of a Letter from Major General Greene to me, if the proposition therein made of P^irnishing the army with a number of negroes, for the different Services he has mentioned, should meet your approba- tion, it will enable General Greene, to throw into the ranks a considerable number of valuable soldiers, I therefore earnestly recommend this matter to vour Consideration John ]\Iathews — Febry 12, 1782 The al)ove Message was accompanied with the following Letter fidin Major (Jeneral Greene — viz' Head Quarters Febry 11. 1782 — Sir./ In answer to your ExcelN'ncy's Letter upon the proposi- tion of furnishing the army with a iiuuibcr of negroes, provided their Service may l)e accounted for by Congress. T beg leave to observe, it' (liey cmu be Imd mi -iidi terms as will engage their fidelity. — I Im' |»ubliek cou'd euiplov four or live Hundred to great advantage; Iml niiless the Negroes have an Interest in their servitude I :ini |(er>ii:ided IJiey will be of little weight. :ind iiy no njeans to be de| endee depende<| (mi. and they may perhaps peidorm the .service e\|»e(lcd frnm llinn with iheei'fulness, I lhiid< we ('(tn d employ one hundred and forty waggoners, one Hundred and fifty pioneer.-, one hundri'd iiiid twenty artifi<'ers. aner eould be imme- diatelv fuT'inshelc when it is ai r(»mplished the negroes enij)loyed therein as well as (hf»se em|)l()yed. in clearing Edisto rivei". wiien that service is ell'eeted he employed in t he Cataw Iia. 0"'. That the .-aid ( 'oninii>-ioners be empowered and dii-ectinients. — informed the ITouse that they were ready to rei)ort. if the House wouM be pleas'd to receive it — He accord- iniily read the report in his place, and delivered it in at the Clerks Tahle. where it was aiiain read. — A Motion was made and seconded, that the said report be recommitted. A Debate arising thereon The Question was ])ut It was carried in the affirmative Ordered that the said Report be recommitted to the same Committee, — The House then adjourned till to morrow Morn«, 9. o'Clock. Friday IS^h. The House met according to adjournment. Read the Journals of 3'esterdays proceedings — M"". Speaker informed the Flouse that Col° Mahum returned a ]\Iember for the parish of Saint Stephens, and Captain Thomas Giles for the Parish of Saint John Berkley County, attended at the Door and desir'd to know if it was their pleasure they shou'd be call'd in and asked whether they intended to qualify, On being called in and asked the question by M"". Speaker, — They answered in the affirmative ]VP. Burke was desired to administer to them the Oaths of qualification and Allegiance, — M^ Burke reported that he had administred the Oaths to Col^. Mahum and Captain Giles, and they took their seats accord- ingly, The Bill for disposing of certain Estates and Banishing certain pereons. — agreeable to the order of 3'esterday, was ordered to be read a third time, — On Reading the Bill sundry amendments were made therein, — The Question being put thereon respectively were severally agreed to, On Reading the seventh clause A motion was made and Seconded that the farther reading of the Bill be postponed till to morrow. — It was carried in the affirmative - 8.") Major Vanderhorst reported that M^ Scott and himself had delivered to the Senate the severall Messages and Bills which thev had in charge, — A message from his Excellency the Governor in the follow- ing words viz^ M^ Speaker & Gent". — In consequence of your resolve of the third Instant for sup- plying the army with provisions I have in concert with Major General Greene made such arrangements as I Hatter my self will be productive of the benefits thereby intended, but as proper officers for carrying the plan into execution are immediately required. T have therefore to request that a Commissary with a sufficient Number of assistants may be appointed as soon as Conveniently can be done, with such Monthly allowance as in the Judgments of your House shall be deemed adequate to the service, February lo'''. 1782 — John ^Fathews A Message from the Senate by their clerk return*^', the act for the regulation of the Militia which had been read three times in their House and passed. Also the following Bills viz*. The Bill for pardoning the j)ersons therein descrilxMJ du the condi- tions therein mentioned. The Bill for riiinishing supplies for the army to the value of .'JT.S.aOS Mexicnn Dulhirs Aq""., — And the T'.ill to |)r(niiic IJccruits nnd ])revent desertion, which liills had been severally read twice in their House, also the List of Jus- tices as agreed by this House and sent the Ninth Instant for their Concurrence together with a Message accoinpanying the same in the following words vi/,'. In the Senate l.V'. February 1782— M^ Speaker & Gent",— This House send you herewith a Tiist of Justices wliich they are of Opinion shouM be added to the list sent by youi- House, to which they request your ( "on< iii'rence, \',\ ( )r(Iei- of the Senat4' John Lewis (ici'vais |)resid' ()iilere(l that tiie ( 'onsideration of the above Message be postj^rmed till to morrow. — Ordererl that the liill foi- furnishing supplies for the army to the Value of ^7?,J)^H M<'xicMn Dollars &c". be read a third time. The I'ill being read lino" no dcbuie arising thereupon, M^ Speaker |)ut the P>ill t<^) a j)assing. — Resolved tli;it tlic T'.ill do i)ass, and that the Title thereof be an Act. — 86 - Ordered that the Act be sent to the Honble the Senate for their Concurrence, And that M^ Scott & M'. Jones do carry the same. Ordered that the Bill for Pardoning the persons therein described on the Conditions therein mentioned be read a third time. — On reading the Bill several amendments were made therein, and Clauses added thereto, which on, — The Question being put, were severally agreed to — M"". Speaker then put the Bill to a passing, — Resolved that the Bill do pass, and that the Title thereof be an Act, Ordered that the Bill be sent to the Ilonble the senate for their Concurrence and that M"". Scott & M^ Jones do carry the same, — Ordered that the third reading of the Bill to procure Recruits and prevent Desertion, be postpon'd till to morrow, and that the Bill for the regulation of the Militia be forthwith engrossed. And then the House adjourned till to morrow morns 9^ o'clock Saturday 16*»^ February 1782— The House met according to adjournment. Read the Journals of j'esterdays proceedings. — The Message from the Senate of yesterday with the Addi- tional List of Justices which accompanied the same, to which their Honors requested the concurrence of this House, were read agree- able to order, — Resolved that this House do agree to the request of their Honors, that the said List of names be added to the List of Jus- tices, which had been agreed to by this House, that a Message be prepared for that purpose, and that M"". Speaker do sign the same. The following Message was accordingly prepared and is as follows viz*. Tn the House of Representatives — February 16, 1782 Honble Gentlemen of the Senate. This House have considered your Message of yesterday and return you herewith the List of names to be added to the List of Justices sent us by your Honors, which this House have agreed to, and desire that you will be pleased to insert the same in said List, By Order of the House. Hugh Rutledge Speaker 87 Ordered that the foregoing Message be sent to the Honble the Senate, and that M^ Scott and M"". Jones do carry the same, M^ Scott reported that M^. Jones and himself had delivered to the Senate the Several Bills and Messages which they had in Charge, — The Bill to procure recruits and prevent desertion, agreeable to the order of yesterday. Avas read a third time, — On reading the Bill Several amendments were made therein, another Clause was added and three clauses which had been struck out by the Senate were on motion ordered to be restored which being done and the question put by M^ Speaker were severally agreed to. M^ Speaker then put the Bill to a passing, Resolved th( t the Bill do pass and that the Title thereof bt> an act, — Ordered that the net be sent to the llonble the senate for their concurrence. Ordered that M"". Scott & Cap*. Mitchell do carry the same. M^ Edward Kutledge from the committee on the petition of the Executors of the late Col° Isaac Hayne informed the House, that the committee were icidy to rcixnt. if the House wou'd be pleased to recei\c it. he accordingly read the rcpoii in his place, and dclixci-cd it in ;it the clerks Table, wlicic it was again read, and is as Inlldws viz'. — That it i> tlieir o|)iui()ii the i-cbiiililiiig df the I ion works men- tif>nefl in the said I'ctitiou woud tend very niiuh to the lienefit of the Inhaliitants in that part of the ( 'oiinti-y. they wou'd liuTcrore recomniciid that Filly oi' (he Negroes which ni.iy lx» reserved out of tlM' Coiiliscated Estates (should Conlication take place) as a Bonnly for the. second years scrx ice (»|' om- Troo|)s. be lent to tlic .said Executors to he cmiiloyi'd m rclmilding the sai House do couie into the follf)wing Resolutions viz'. In the lIon-~e of representatives Feb'>'. IH. 17S2. Resolved that the (iovernor i»y and with the arlvice & Cou- .sent of the pri\v council take the speediest and most elTectual 88 methods to furnish each general ollicer and other commission'd otiieers of the Continental Keginients of this State, as well those who are reduced as those in actual service with a complete suit of cloaths as a Compliment from this State — and also to furnish them with any farther cloathing and necessaries they may want, for which they are to account at the prices usual when their pay was originally fixed, — The Question was put by M^ Speaker — It was carried in the affirmative, Ordered that the foregoing resolution be sent to the Honora- ble the Senate for their Concurrence, and that a Message be pre- pared to be sent therewith and that M"". Speaker do sign the same, — The following Message was accordingly prepar'd and is as follows viz'. In the House of Kepresentatives Feb'^: 16. 1782 Honble Gent", of the Senate, This House herewith send you two resolutions for empower- ing his Excellency the Governor with the advice and consent of the Privy Council, to furnish each General officer and other commission xl officers &c^. of the continental Regiments of this state with a Complete suit of Cloaths, and to furnish them with any fartlier cloathing and necessaries which have been agreed to by this House and to which they desire your Honora concur- rence. — By Order of the House Hugh Kutledge Si)eaker. Ordered that Major Ilyme and Col°. Grimke do carry the same, — Major Hyrne reported that Col° Grimke and himself had delivered to the senate the message and resolutions they had in charge, — A Message from the Senate by their clerk returning the act for furnishing supplies for the army to the value of 373,598 Mexican Dollars &c^. which had been read three times in their house and agreed to. — Ordered that the said Bill be forthwith Ingrossed Ordered that the House do proceed to the farther reading of the Bill for disposing of Certain Estates and Banishing cer- tain Persons agreeable to the order of yesterday, — On reading the List N° : 3 ref err'd to in said Bill — 89 A Motion was made and seconded that the name of John Wragg be struck out of said List, The Question was put by M^ Speaker. — The House divided, the Yeas went forth For the question 4*2. against it 43. It passed in the Negative Teller for the Yeas) For the Xaj'S 1 M^ Jones J M^ Calhoun j On Keading the list N°; 5 — A Motion was made and seconded that the farther reading mereof and of the IViW be postponed till to morrow — The Question was put by M^ Speaker It was carried in the affirmative A Message from the Senate by tiieir clerk together with the act to i)r<)cure Kecruits ^c^*. in the following words viz*. In the Senate February 16"\ 1782 M^ Speaker and Gentlemen — This House is of Opinion tlnit the I)ill '"to procure recruits and to prevent desertion" shou'd be amended by striking ont the three Clausos restored by your llon-c. to which they i'(M|iu>st your Concni rence. i>y OrdiT of the Siiuilc John Lewis (Jervais ))res'. Anotlicr- Message from the S. M^ Speaki'r & (Jeiit". This IIr)ns(' s<'nd yon lierewith a Shedule of amendments to "the act for pardoning the Persons theicin descrilted Sn'", to which thev re(|ne'-f tlie ertnmrn'nce f>f vonr House i'>y Order of the S«'nate .f'lliii Lewi- ( l<'r\ !ii> I'resid'. Ordered — Tluit the ( 'on>i(ler:il ion of the fnicgoing M«'ssage be postpon'd till t'l Nbirrow, — A Motion was made and Secondecl that the Conunittee appointed to (•t)n'-ider what Instates in thi^ ("ountry are prop<'r subjeets of ('onllsv the pui-])osc of receiving the names of smji persons as sh;ill ;i|>|iear to be projier subjects thereof, and report the .same to morrow 5)0 Ordered that the Committee do Sit for that purpose, A Message from the Senate by their Clerk returning the List of Justices of the Peace, as agreed to by their House, The House then adjourned till to morrow Morning 9, o'Clock Sunday February IT^*^. The House met according to adjournment. Kead the Journals of 3'esterdays proceedings — The House agreeable to the order of yesterday proceeded to the consideration of the Message from the senate, respecting the three clauses Avhich had been restored by this House to the act to procure recruits and prevent desertion, which had been struck out of the act by their House, and requesting the Concurrence of this House thereto, — A Motion was made and seconded that a Committee of Con- ference be appointed to meet a Committee of that House, on the Several matters therein mentioned, — Ordered that. Docf". Eamsay, M-" Ed: Eutledge and M^ Jolm E. Calhoun be of that Committee, and that a Message be prepared to be sent to the Honble the senate to request they will be pleased to appoint a Committee of their House for that pur- pose, and that M'". Speaker do sign the same, — The following Message was accordingly prepar'd viz*. In the House of Kepresentatives Feb. 17. 1782 Honl)le Gent", of the Senate, This House have considered your Message of Yesterday respecting the three Clauses which were restored by this House to the act to procure recruits &c^. and were struck out by your Honors, this House have appointed a Committee of the follow^. Gentlemen viz'. Docf. Ramsay, M"'. Edward Eutledge and M"". John E. Calhoun, to meet a Committee of your House, in free conference on the subject of said Message, to which this House request your Honoi-s Concurrence. By Order of the House Hugh Eutledge Sjjeaker Ordered tiiat Docf. Eamsay and D"". Gillet do carry the same. D^ Eamsay reported, that Doct^ Gillet and himself had delivered to the Senate the Message they had in Charge. — 91 A Message from the Senate in the following Words viz^. In the Senate February 17"'. 1782— ^P. Speaker & Gent".— This House have appointed a Committee to meet the Com- mittee of your House in free Conference on the subject of the three Clauses which were restored by your House to the Bill "to procure recruits and j^revent Desertion. — oui- coniniittcc arc M'. Samuel Suiith. M' IJoy'd and Gen'. Mai'ion. — Hy Order of the Senate John Lewis Gervais pres^ M^ Owen fi'om the Committee order'd to receive an addi- tional List of names of Persons Avhose Estates are proper sub- jects of Confiscation &c^. inform'd the House, that they had receiv'd a List of sundry names if the House wou'd pU'ase to receive it, — he accordingly read the List in liis place, and deliv- ered it in at the clerks table .\r. Kcau from the committee on tiie Pi'tition of the Fii'hl and other ollicers of the I'pper and Lower (Jranville and Colle- ton County Kegiments, inform'd the House that they were ready to repf)rt if tlicy wouM be plca^M to rcccixt' it. - lie accordingly read the re|)ort in ins ])lai('. and dcliNcicd it in at the Clerks Table, when it was again reail ;ind is as follows viz*. — That in tlieir opinion the ( i(i\ ci'noi- ami Council iindei' the l-^xtraordinary powers vested in tliein by I he late Legislaturi' had an undoubted i-iglil to use tlieii- dnilgnieni in the appi]l several amendments were made therein & clauses added thereto, which on the Question being put thereon A Motion was made and seconded that the further reading of the Bill be postponed, — The Question being put. It was carried in the affirmative 93 Ordered. — That the further reading- thereof be postpon'd till to morrow. A Message from the Senate by their clerk in the following words viz'. — In the Senate 17"'. Febry 178-2 M^ Speaker & Gentlemen, This House are of opinion that M^ Jose]ih Palmer and Cap^ Henry Felder. shou'd be added to the Commissioners for the purpose of Carrying into execution, the several mattei's men- tioned in the report of the Committee of your House "to consider of the improvements of the inland Navigation of this state" to which they request your Concurrence. By Order of the Senate John Lewis Gervais Pre~idt. Kesolved that this House do concur in oi)inion with the sen- ate, and that ]\P. Joseph Palmer Juu'. and Cap' Henry Felder be ad(l<(I to the Xumber of Connnissioners agi'ecable to their ^les- sage. Ordered that a Message be prepared for that purpose, to be sent to the Honorable the Senate, and that M'. Speaker do sign the same, — ""J'he following Message was accordingly prepar'd & is as follows vi/'. — In the House of Ivcprcscntalives) 17'h. Febry 1782( Honble Cient''. of the Senate,/ This lionse have considered your Message of tiiis date resjicct- ing the adrbng M'. Jose|)h Piihncr ,Iiiif. ,iim| ('ap'. Ilcnry l-'cldcr to flic niimbci- of coiiiiiiissioiicrs for cai i \ iii'j iiit(» e.\eciitn;n ihe several mattei's relative {<< ijic inhuui navigation of this slate and arc «»f opinion those ( icnt Icnicn slioinl be addiMJ to the inini- ber. - jiy ( )i(|ci- (d' the I lousi' FIngh Ikiil ledge Speaker Ordered that M'. (iibbcsiS;: M'. Waring di» carry the same, — On motion. Ordered that a committee to be ap|)<)intc(l to bring in a liill tfi amerce certain |)ersons to be ihci'cin named, and that M^ Kend.— M^ Gibbe.s,— & M\ Calhonn be of that com- mittee 94 Ordered tliat M^ Thomas Waring, M-". William Scott, M^ John Owen. M^ AVarham and M"". Flagg, be a Committee to receive the Names of Persons who are proper subjects for amerce- ment. A Message from the Senate by their clerk returning the two Resolutions of this House of the IG'**. Instant, for empowering his Excellency the Governor with the advice and consent of the council to furnish the General and other Commissioned officers of the Continental Kegiments of this State with Cloathing and other necessaries &c^. with their Honors Concurrence thereto. Resolved that every Member do attend at the Hour of Adjournment under a fine of one Guinea to be paid before he takes his Seat, unless he offers a sufficient excuse to the House. The House then Adjourned till to morrow Morns. 10, oClock Monday the W^. The House met according to adjournment. Read the Journals of yesterdays proceedings. The House resumed the adjourned reading of The Bill for disposing of Certain Estates &c^. agreeable to the order of yesterday. — On reading the 19'^. Clause of the Bill.— A Motion was made and seconded that the following clause be added to, and made a part of the said Bill viz^ That it shall and may be lawful to and for the Governor and Commander in chief by and with the advice and Consent of the Privy Council to suspend the Sale of any of the said Estates, if it shall appear to them, that the Son, Brother or Nephew being the Heir Appar- ent, or presumptive Heir of any of the persons mentioned in the said act, have in their opinion rendered such services to this State as to entitle him or them to the attention of the Legislature, or that he has, or they have been disinherited in consequence of his, or their attachment to the cause of America, — A Debate arising thereupon. The Question was put. — The House divided. — The Yeas went forth. Teller for the Yeas] „ for the Nays J M^ Burke ij M^ Kean \ It passed in the Negative — 95 On the further reading of the Bill, several amendments were made therein and clauses added thereto. — The Question being put thereon respectively they were sever- ally agreed to, — The Bill being read throughout. — M^ Speaker put the same to a passing. — Resolved that the Bill do pass, and that the Title thereof be an Act. Ordered that the act be sent to the Honble the senate for their Concurrence, and that M''. Gibbes & M"" A^'aring do carry the same. The House proceeded to the Consideration of the schedule of amendments to the act to pardon the persons therein described &c^. j)ropo.sed by the senate, by their Message of the IC''. Instant, requesting the Concurrence of this House thereto. — On reading the same, the first and second were disagreed to, — on reading the fourth Clause. — Resolved tliat the same be agreed to. — On Considering the third Clause, — A Motion was made nml Seconded, that a Committee be appointed to confer with a Committee of the Senate thereon. The Que~tion being put. — It was airried in tlie alliruiati\e Oi-dcrc] fh;il M'. .T\ mid secdiid iiniejid- ments, hav<' agreed to the fourth, and ie(|uest your Honors will appoint a Committee to confer with :i ( 'mniniKec ;i|»pointed by this House on the Subject of the third iiinenduieul . onr Commit- tee arc the Honble John Rutledge and M'. ■\^'ilIi!un Hasell Gibbes.— ]'>\ Order of the H«tuse, J I ugh Rutledge Speaker. 96 Ordered that M'. Kcnn and JSI"" Calhoun do carry the same, — Docf. Eamsey from the Committee appointed to meet a Com- mittee of the Senate in free Conference on the three Clauses resi^ectina' the I^oionary Corps of Col°. Hami)ton reported to the House, that they had conferred with a Committee of the Senate on the same, but they cou'd not prevail on the said committee to affree with the sense of this House. — On Considering the aboA'^e Report. — Resolved that this House do concur in Opinion with the Sen- ate, in the amendments i:)roposed by their Honors in Striking out the three Clauses, which had been restored by this House, — Ordered that a Message be prepared to be sent to the Honble the Senate for that purpose, and that M"". Speaker do sign the same, A Message was accordingly j^reparM and is as follows viz*. — In the House of Representatives — February 18. 1782. Honble Gent", of the Senate/ This House have considered your Honors Message of the 16*'i Instant respecting the amendment proposed of striking out the three Clauses, restored b}^ this House to the Bill for procuring Recruits and to prevent Desertion, and Concur in the proposed amendment. — - By Order of the House, Hugh Rutledge Speaker A Motion was made and Seconded that the Petition of Alex- ander Garden Jun^ which was presented to the House Yesterday be referr'd to a committee of the following Gentlemen viz^ Docf^. Ramsay Gen'. Gadsden M-". Waters — M"^. Izard M^ M^.Junkin The Petition is as follows viz^ — To the Honble Speaker and Gent", of the House of Representa- tives, The Petition of Alex"". Garden Jun^ humbly Sheweth.— That your petitioner inform 'd of the Resoluti(m of the House of Representatives, to confiscate the property of the adherents to the British Government, and moreover, that his Father is rank'd among the Persons falling under that description; presumes not to entreat a re])eal of the decree, but with submission to their superior Judgment, begs that in Consideration of the invariable 97 attachment he has at all Times, and upon all Occasions, shewn to the Interests of america. that his Fathers property may not at the present period, be exposed to Sale, — The Certificate of Lieu- tenant Col". Laurens, under whose Command your Petitioner has the Honor to serve, may ple:iil in his behalf; his future actions may perhaps do more, and if alinwM to Speak from the Conscious- ness of a Heart devoted to his Country: he will be bold to assert: that the House of Representatives, will never remember with retrret that they favour'd his request. Your Petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray &c^ &c^. Alex"". Garden Jun"". The House then Adjourned till to Morrow Mornintr 10. o'clock. Tuesday the 1!)"'. The House met pursuant to adjouriuuent. Ki'ad the Joui'nals of Yesterdays i)ro('eedine of cMriyiuL^ into exei-ution the iui|)rovem*'nt of the Iidarid na\'i^ation of this state witii tiieir' ll(Uiors concuiM'enee thereto. — also the other resolutions of liiis I louse, of the II'''. Instant. i-espectinir the Insti'uetions to the Delegates from this State, for Li<|ui(hileini: and selthuiif the aeeounts of this State aasil»le Sn''. with lluii- Hiumr's eoneur- renee thereto. — The House then pro<('idc( I to liir ( 'otisiderat ion (tf the report of the couMuittee on ihe Telilion of the Executors of the lato Col". Hayne. — On nadin^^ I he icport. after some linu' spent in Debate. The Question Itein^'' pul. The repoil was disagreed tr>. The House then procci-ded to the Consideration of the Keport of the committee on the !')'''. Instant, resjiectin^'' the l)ischar it. He aceordingly read the Title of the l>ill anil d«'Ii\»"red it in a( the clerks Table, where it was read tlie fir-f time. Oivlered thai (lie liill he icad a second time. On Motion niaile and Secondecl the IC''' Instant the following Kesolnlions were inli-odnccd. I>iii iIh- coii-idenil ion llici'cnr wei-e postjionod. — and on considering of them to il;iy were iigrecd to viz'. KesoIviMJ. that .lohn Owen, .bdin i»hds(|uiros be Commissioners to audit and Tii'|uidat<' all ac<'ounts & demands whatsocvei- against this Stat^- and to j)repare an Esti- mate of the ))ublirk Debt. — That foi' the better accommodation of Publick Creditors, the said Connnissioners or a Majority of them, repair to each District r»f the State, fix on some convenient places tlierein and on the times for receiving a state of Demands 100 against the Publick. and that thoy remain twenty days in each District in order to receive and Liquidate demands, — That they fortlnvilh irixr pulilick notice (by printed hand Bills Avhicli Ihey shall cause to be circulated throughout (he State) of the times and places, when and where they will meet for that purpose in order that all persons Avhom it concerns, may be sufficiently apprized of such meetings and be prepared to attend them and suj^port their Claims by proper proofs or Vouchers, — That the said Commissioners or a Majority of them also Liquidate and prepare a State of the publick debt, for money borroAved and Interest thereon, — That they also prepare an account of the demand of this State against the United States, and that this Estimate and acco*. be Li(}uidated in specie according to the Value of the Money borrowed or advanced, and the articles fur- nished at the respective times of borrowing or advancing the said Money or furnishing such supplies, — And that the said Commissioners present their Estimate and acco^ to both branches of the Legislature at its next meeting, to the end. that this House, maj^ devise Ways and Means for pay- ment or secureing paj'ment of the iMiblick debt. And that the necessary steps be taken for obtaining a settlement with the Honble the Congress.^ Resolved that this House will make iirovision for payment of such Travelling charges, and other reasonable expences as the said Commissioners shall incnrr in the execution of the business above mentioned — Ordered that the above Eesolutions be sent to the Honble the Senate for their Concurrence, and that a Message be prepared, and that M"^. Speaker do sign the same, the following Message was accordingly prepared viz'. In the House of representatives Febry 19'^. 1782. Honble Gent, of the Senate/ This House herewith send you several Eesolutions for the of appointing Commissioners to audit & Liquidate all accounts and demands whatsoever against this state and to pre- pare an Estimate of the publick debt &c^. to which this House desires 3'our Honors Concurrence. By Order of the House Hugh Rutledge Speaker Ordered that M"". Owen and M^ Jones do wait on the Honble the Senate with the foregoing Message and Resolutions. — 101 Ordered that a Message be i^repared to be sent to his Excel- lency the Governor, in answer to his Messages of the 12''\ and 15*'' Instant, and that copies of the Resolutions of this House of the 16*** Instant respecting the Cloathing for the General Officers, and other Commissioned officers of the Continental Regiments of this State &c^. as concurr'd to bv the senate, tosether with the List of persons nominated as Justices of the Peace, for the sev- eral Districts of this State, and also the List of the Sheriffs be likewise sent to his Excellencv. — The followino- Message was accoi'dingly prepared viz\ In the House of Representatives Feb>' IJ)"'. 17S2. In answer to your ExceUencys INIessage of the 12"*. instant respecting the furnishing tlie Army with a Number of negroes, agreeable to the request of Major General Greene, — This House ac(|uaint your P^xcellency that an act has been read three times in this House (and now lies with the Senate) for supj)lying the army with four Hundred and forty negroes as waggoners. Pioneers, Artificers and sei'vants for the officers, — And this House have also Resohcd th:i( these negroes shall have the same allowance of ch)athing and pay as is given to the soldiers of the continental army. — In answer likewise to your ExceUencys Message of the 1.")'''. Instant desiring lliat a couimis- saiT with a sufficient Nnnilicr of assistants may be apiiointed with Monthly allowances. — This House ac(|nain( yi(ui(Ml officers of the ( 'out inc?ilal b'cLiinicnl- of (his state, as well those who arc reduced as (hose in actual ser\ ice wilh a Compleat siiit nf elojit h.s. ns a Coniplimenl froui this State, — and with any further cloathing and ne<'essaric> they may want. for Avliich they are to accf)uiit at the prices usual when their pay was Oiiginaly fixed.- Vour Excellency will also In'rewith receive a List of those persons who have been nominated by (lie senate and this House J(tstices of the Peace for the several Districts of 102 this State, and also a List of such Persons as have been Elected Slierirt's for the different Districts (Oran<>el)ur\ tlicir r', 1782. M^ Speaker & Gentlemen/ According to your Message of the 1!»'''. Instant, this House huve appointed a (yoiiuuittee. to eonl'er with a Coiiiuiittee of your House, on the subject of the tliii'd iiniendiiienl pi'oposed to the "Bill for pardoning ("eriain p(r.-on> therein describe*! and *"on the Conditions therein mentioned, our Couiniittec are M'. Lloy'd^ M^ Samuel Smith. — ]'ty ( )rd' 21. 1782 — Honl)le Gent, of tlie Senate./ This House have considered VDiir Message of this day respecting the discharging of the State Troops &c^., and the amendments projiosed by your Honors to the rejiort of the Com- mittee of this House, as agreed to l)y this House, w hi( li had been sent to your Honors fof your Concurrence, and this House have agreed to the propo.scd iinicndment. — By Older of the House — Hugh Ruth'dge Spenlcei-. I)oct^ Ramsay icpoited that Major llyiiie .ind himself had delivered to the. Senat<'. the message they iiad in charge — The House then AdjouiuM till (<) nioiTow Moiiiiiig J). ""Clock. Friday the 22'': The House met according lo :i(l jouruuieut . Reatl till' .lourniils of yesteivhiys lU'oceediugs Tlic lli( |e|-;i ( ion of Mu> Schedule (t\ ii;iuies ;iruie\ed to (lie IhII eii(i(le(| ;i i'.ill jnr iiniel- cing (4'rtain pei'sons &r^. wlii'h was postponed ^'esterday. — after .soiui- time spent thei-eiu. A Motion was made nud SecdiKJiNJ. (ji;i( the I'ln-fhei' reading thereof he post |)onee) are to lia\e any clothing. I lioj)e you will contriNe some method for the getting oF them, as they have not had any yet. if the Kegimeiit you spoke of in yf)ur favour of Septembei- 17"''. 17S1 — are to be allow'd of, — the men may l»i' soon engageil as the most of the Regiment on the present establishment ai"e willing to <'ngage foi- the Bounty and Wages yon nicnt ioii»' House do agree Avith the above report Ordered that the Report be sent to the House of Representa- tives for their Concurrence. — Ordered that the Consideration of the forejjoins: Message be post poned till to morrow. — The TToiise then adjoiinrd till to Morrow Morning 9. *°Clock. Saturday the 28'>. The House met according to Adjournment. Read the Journals of Yesterdavs proceedings. — The House took up the Consideration of the Message from the Senate yesterday, — and of the rejwrt of the Committee of their House, wliicli accompanied the Same respecting the rebuild- ing of tlie Iron AVorks mentioned hi the Petition of the Executors of tlie hite Col° Ilayne. after sonu- deliale theivon. Tlie Question lieing put.— The House devided 'I'lie 1'eas went fort li. For agi-eeing with tlx' report .".("> Again-t il lO Teller for the Yeas j For tlie Nays ) >P. CallKHHi ( M'. l):u"t \ It passed in the Negative ()n\rn-t\ that ;i Message lie |ire|i;ire(I (o lie sent lo the Honble the Senate ac<|nainting them ihctcor. .ind llial M'. speaker do sign the same. The follow iiig Message was aceordingly ]»i'epai-e(l vi/,' Fn the Hoiix' of Repri'sentatives I^'ebry 23'', 1782 — Honble ( ienC . of the Senate,/ This House li;i\e eonsidei'eij your NFessage of Yesterday and the te|»(ut ;ir((.iup;inying it. relalixc to ihe Petition of Col". Isaac Ilaynes's Executers i^- in :i?is\ver (linclo iuloiui your Honors tlnit Ihi- House liave disagreed (o the said I^•port. — T'y Order of the House. Hugh b'u(lc(|n-(. Spcjilcer 110 Ordeivd that IM'". Scott and jNI'' Brouirhton do carry the same. M"". Edward l\iitlodo:e from the Committee appointed to Con- fer with the Coiuiiiiltce from the Senate, on the schedule of amenihnents proposed to be made in the "Bill for disposing of Certain Estates and l)anisliinill for am»'rcing cei-tain |iersons. - on leading the liill sev- eral amendnien(s were made tin-rein and Clauses added thereto, which on. — The Question being put thereon, were severally agreed to. M^ Speaker then put the Bill to a pa.ssing — 112 Kesolved that the Bill do pass, and that the Title thereof be an Act. Ordered that the Act be sent to the Honble the Senate, and that Doct' Kanisay and M"". Calhoun do carry the same. A Message from tlie Senate by their C'loik in the following words viz*. In the Senate 2'd"^. Febry 1782. M^ Speaker & Gent. This House herewith send you a resolution for postponing the sale of Several Estates Confiscated by the "act for disposing of Certain Estates and Banishing Certain persons therein men- tioned" untill the next meeting of the General assembly: and requiring the Commissioners to be appointed by said act to make out Inventories of the aforesaid Estates, and to deliver them to the Commissioners of the Treasury, — To w^hich this House request the Concurrence of j^our House, — By Order of the Senate John Lewis Gervais Preside The foregoing Message was accompanied with the following Resolution viz^ In the Senate 21^* February 1782. Resolved that the sale of the Estates both real and personal of Docf^. Alexander Garden. Alexander Harvey and Paul Hamil- ton Sen"", and the Platation of (xideon Dupont, Jun''. upon which Corn^ Dupont now- resides, and all the Moveables upon it except the Xegroes be postponed till the next meeting of the General assembly, and that the commissioners appointed by an act for disposing of Certain Estates and banishing certain Persons therein mentioned, shall make as soon as may be Inventories Avith an appraisement of the aforesaid Estates, and shall deliver the same to the Commissioners of the Treasury. — Ordered that the above Resolution be sent to the House of Representatives for their Concurrence, — Ordered that the Consideration of the foregoing Message and Resolution be post pond till to morrow. — A ^[essage from the senate by their clerk, returning a Bill entitled an act for disposing of Certain Estates and banishing Certain ])ersons, and a Bill entitled an Act for empowering Thomas Ferguson. Morton Wilkinson and John Ward Esquires to purchase an Estate of the value of Ten thousand Guineas in Trust and for the use of the Honble Major General Greene, 113 which had been severally read a third time in their House and passed Ordered that the said Bills be fortlnvith engrossed, — Ordered that M"". Edward Rutledffe and M"" — Gibbes be a Committee to compare with a Committee of the senate the sev- eral Bills which are engrossed viz^: an act for the regulation of the Militia, an act for empowering Thomas Ferguson Morton Wilkinson and John AVard Esquires to purchase an Estate of the Value of Ten thousand Guineas in trust and for the use of the Honble ]Major General Greene. An act for furnishing supplies for the army to the A^alue of 373,598 Mexican Dollars c^c^',, an act to prevent the Commencement of Suits for the reeoveiy of the Debts for the time on the Conditions therein mentioned, and the act for Holding the Circuit Courts of Over and Terminer in the several Districts in this State and for making out a new Jury list. And then the House adjourned till t(t morrow morning 10 "Clock. SiMuhiy 24»h. Tlic Hoii.H' iiict accoi'ding to Adjournment Iicad the rfoiiriials of yesterdays proceedings. — (ienei'al (Jadsch-n from tlie Committee to devise A\iiys and Means foi- laisiiig a Siinrof Money for defraying tlie expences of the I^'h'gales of this State in Congi-<'ss agreeable lo ihc Kesobi- tiori of thi- Ilonx'. inl'urniM the Ibm-c ili.ii ihc ( 'oniniit(<'e were I'cady to report if (lie Ilou-e wonM l.c plcasecl to receive it. lie accoi'dingly read, flie repofi in hi- phice. niid (|cli\('i'e(| it in at the flerk's Table, wheic it was again read and is as follows, vi//. They icconimcnd tlml his Ivxcellejicy (he (J(»vernor be (lesir<'d to ordei- (he e.\|)enees of the I)elega(<'s (o be taken ont of any fund already provided or tl ;il imix' be pi'ovidcd (lni"in. and ollici- accoutre- ments suitable t'oi- (';i\;ih'y. and Iiaxc taken meaMircs to procure cloalliiiiL'' -nllicicnt (o coinplcat the wlioh* regiment, as it .seem'd to lie tlic opinion lliat pirxnilM generally lliat Infantry were moi-c immediately wanteij than Ca\alr\. 1 laid a |ilan Ix-fore the Legislature foi- icducing tlic ( 'oip- to i wo Ti-oo|)< of ( ';i\ abv, and two coni|)anies of Infaiitiy. and for adding to tiieir pay. a negi-oi' nl llic cNiiiiiii ion of tlicii- Time ssage and Letter be postponed, — A ^fessage from the Senate by their clerk, returnino; the Bill entitled an act to vest in the Congress of the United States a po\ver to levy a duty of five per Cent ad Valorem on Certain (loods and Merchandize imj^orted into this State, and on prizes and prize Goods. &c^., which originated in and had been read three times in their House and passed, — Ordered that the said Tiill be read a third time in this Honse to morrow, — M''. Gibbes reported that Doct'' Ramsay and himself had delivered to the senate, the Message they had in charge, — M"". Edward Rutledge reported that M"". Gibbes and himself had Compared the engrossed Bills with the Committee of the Senate and found them right. Ordered that ^NI"". Gibbes and M"" EdAvard Rutledge be a Com- mittee to join a Committee of the Senate to wait on his Excel- lency the Governor to receive the Great Seal to be affixed to the Several Laws above mentioned. — A Message from the Senate h\ their clerk in the following words viz*^. In the Senate 24*^ Febry 1782— M^ Speaker & Gent./ This House hercAvith send yon a schedule of Amendments to the "Bill for Amercing certain persons therein mentioned" to which this House request the Concurrence of your House, — By Order of the House John LeAvis Gervais Presid*, Ordered that the above Message together with the schedule of amendments accompanying the same be taken into Considera- tion immediately. — On reading the said Schedule, some of the amendments pro- posal by the senate were agreed to, and others were disagreed to— A Motion was made and Seconded that a Committee be appointed to confer with a committee of the Senate on such amendments proposed by their Honors as are disagreed to by this House. Ordered that such a Committee be appointed, that a Message be prepared and that M^ Speaker do sign the same. The following Message was accordingly prepared viz*. In the House of Representatives 24 feb^. 1782. Honble Gent", of the Senate/ This House have considered your Honors Message of Yes- terday, and the amendments proposed to be made in the Bill for amercing Certain Persons, some of which were agreed to, and others disagreed to, this House therefore request your Honors will appoint a Committee to confer with a Committee of this House, on the subject of the said amendments which have been disagreed to by this House our committee are, — Gen'. Gadsden- Docf^ Kamsay & Col Grimke By Order of the House Hugh Rutledge Speaker. Ordered that General Gadsden and Docf Ramsay do carry the Same. — A Message from the senate by their clerk, returning a Bill entitled an aft, for pardoning the l*ersons therein described &c^. wliich had been read a third time in tlieir House and passed. Ordered that the said Bill be forthwith ingrossed — The Senate also retui-nM by tlicir Clerk the rejiort of the Committee of this House to devise ways and means for raising a sum of .^bln(•y for (lel'niyilig the expeiice of the |)eleg;ites o*^ this State ill Congr<'ss. witli the Kesobitioii of ibis House, for agreeing to tlie said i;e|»ort. — togethei- with tlieir Honors con- currence thereto, Ordei'ed. that a Co|)y o|' the said K'(|io!l ;ind resolutions bo sent to Ills K\c<'IIeii(y the ( Jo\-ei'»iol'. lliai a .\b'>:>age be |irepare(l for that pill pose, and that M'. Sj)ealier do sign the same, 'Jhe following Message was accoi'dingly pi-epai'ed \ iz'. In llie House of lu'|)resenta(ives Feby. 21'"'. 1 7H2 Voiir ivxcelN-ncy will receixe lieii'W il h I lie Cojjy of a Report of a ( 'onimiltee of i hi- I louse, as the same lias been agreed to by this House, and roiifinrrd in \>\ the Senate, devising ways and means for raising a sum (d" .\bine\ for ilefiaying (he e\|»eiices (d'ihe I)elcgat<'s of (his State in ( 'oiigress, — \\\ ( )idcr of (he House I IilLdi IJntledge SpeaK-er Order<'d. that M . (iibbes and M'. Ivlward IJiitledge do wait on his E.xcellency with tiie above Message 118 ^I'". Gibbes reporte. Fcbrumy 1782— >['. Speaker i^ Gent./ 'ilii- llon--e ha\c a 1 1| ii'in(ey their clerk the act for amercing cer- tain pei"sons therein mentioned, wdiich had been read three times in their House and passed, — Ordered, that the Bill be forthwith engrossed. The House then adjourned till tomorrow Morning 9. '°Clock 121 Tuesday 2G'\ The House met according to adjournment. Read the Journals of Yesterday's proceedings — The Ordinance for repealing the admiralty act, and for other purposes therein mentioned, "was read a third time in this House. — M^ Speaker then put the Ordinance to a passing. — Resolved that the Ordinance do pass. — Ordered that the Ordinance be sent to the Honble the Senate, and that M"". Jacob Read and ^NI"". Gibbes do carry the same, — M"". Read reported that M*". Gibbes and himself had delivered to the Senate the Ordinance thev had in charge. — Ordered that M^ Edward Rutledge and M^ Gibbes be a Com- mittee, to compare with a committee of the Senate, the several Bills which are engrossed viz^ The Bill for regulation of the Militia. The Bill for disposing of certain Estates and Banishing Certain Pei'sons therein mentioned, — The Bill for pardoning the Persons tlierein described, — The Bill to procure recruits and pre- vent de-sertion. The Bill to i)revent the commencement of suits for the recovery of Debts &c^. — The Bill f(»r I'liinishing siijij^lies for the Army to the Amount of 378.598 Mcxii nii Dollars &c^. — The l)ill for holding the Circuit Courts of Oyer and Terminer in the Several Districts of this State, — The I'ill for cinpowering Thomas Eei'guson. Morton "\\'ilkinson ami .lolin Ward to pur- fliasc an Estate of the \alu(' of Ten Thousiuid (iuincas, in Trust and foi- the use of (lie llonble Major (ii'iieral (Jreene, the Hill for amercing Certain persons therein uicnlioned, — M"". Edward Rutletlgc i-cporicil iIimI M'. (Jibbes and himself had Compared (he aforesaid ingross lie ;ini\e(| (o (he se\»'l':il T^aws above mentioned. A Message from the Senate by their Clerk. — III iIh- Senate 2r."> Eebruary 17S2. M^ S|)eaker and (rent./ This Jloiise ai-e f)f 0|»iiii(»ii tliiit the r<'solve-^ agreed to by your House, for liquidating and imditing the public accounts, 122 should be amended as per Schedule sent herewith, to which this House request the Concurrence of your House, By Order the Senate. John Lewis Gervais pres*. The ^lessaire Avas accompanied with the Resolutions of this House for ap]iointina- Commissioners to audit and Licjuidate the publick accounts &C''. to*;ether with a schedule of amendments proposed by their House to be made in the said Resolutions, — Ordered that the Said Schedule of amendments be taken into consideration, immediately, — On readino; the said amendments, the first and third were agreed tf). and the folloAving words in the second viz*, that all accounts against the publick should be liquidated in Specie, and disagreed to the rest of that amendment. — Ordered that a Message be prepared to be sent to the Honble the Senate, acquainting them therewith, and that M"". Speaker do sign the same ; The following Message was accordingly prepared viz^ In the House of Representatives ) Febry 26, 1782. J Honble Gent", of the Senate, This House have considered your Message of yesterday respecting the Resolutions of this House for appointing Com- missioners to audit and Liquidate the Publick accounts with the schedule of amendments accompanying the same, as proposed by your Honors, and have agreed to the first and third amend- ment ; and the following words in the second viz', that all accounts against the Publick shall be liquidated in Specie, and have disagreed to the remainder of that amendment, but request your Honors woud be pleased to appoint a Committee to meet a Committee of this House in free conference on that part of the amendment which is disagreed to, — Our Committee are M"". Gadsden and Col°. Hammond, — By Order of the House — Hugh Rutledge Speaker. Ordered that ]\P. Gadsden and Col° Hammond do wait on the senate with the above message &c^. A Motion was made and seconded that the House do come into the following Resolution viz*. 123 In the House of Kepresentatives feb>' 2(>. 1782 Resolved. — That the commissioners for Aiulitintr antl Liciuidating the Publick accounts, allow no claim or demand against the state, unless the Person making such claim shall declare on oath or affirmation according to the form of his profession that he hatli never taken as plunder, or forfeited, any property belong- ing to the Inhabitants of this State, and that where it shall appear to the Satisfaction of the said Commissioners that any Person hath done so, they shall reject the said Demand, — The Question being put — It was carried in the affirmative. Ordered that the foregoing resolution be sent to the Honble the Senate for their Concurrence, that a Message be prepared for that purpose and that M"". Speaker do sign the same. — The following Message was accordingly prepared viz*. In the House of Kepresentatives Febry 2()ti\ 1782. Honble Gent", of the Senate. — This House herewitli send 3'ou a resolution of tlii? House, to whicli they reill foi- empowering (he Congress of the I iiiie(| Stat<'- to |e\ \ :i I)ul\ of (ivc pei' Cent nd \';ihiiciii on Certain Gorxis and Merehandi/.c and on Prizes and Prize (ioods &.('■'. and to wait on his Kxeelleney the (lovernor together with said Com- mittee lo reeoive the gicat seal to be affixed to the said Ordinance and r>ill wliiel) they reported to have Compared and tound right, — 124 Gen'. Gadsden from the Committee appointed to Confer with the committee of the Senate on the schedule of amendments fo be made in the Eesoliitions for appointino^ commissioners to audit and Liquidate the Publick accounts, inform'd the House that the Committee Avere ready to report, if the House would be pleased to receive the same, He accordingly read the report in his place, and delivered it in at the clerks Table, where it was again read and is as follows viz*. — That the committee of conference have agreed to Strike out the latter part of the second amendment as disagreed to by this House. Ordered that the said Report be taken into consideration immediately. — The Report being read, Resolved, That this House do agree with the said report, — Ordered that a Message be prepared to be sent to the Honble the Senate to acquaint them thereof and that M"". Speaker do sign the same, — The following Message was accordingly prepared viz' In the House of Representatives 26''^ feb^ 17S2 — Honble (rent", of the Senate, This House have considered the report of the C'onnnit- tee ajDpointed to Confer with a Committee of your House on the subject of the amendments proposed to the Resolutions for appointing Commissioners to audit and Liquidate the Public accounts and have agreed to the same, — By Order of the House — • Hugh Rutledge Speaker. Ordered that M"". Gibbes and Major Hyrne do Carry the same. M"". Gibbes reported that Major Hyrne and himself had delivered to the Senate, the Message they had in charge. The Senate return'd by their clerk, the Resolutions of this House, for empowering the Governor to cause the money Sub- scribed and paid (on the Guarantee of Congress) for the releif of the Indigent citizens of this state, who were sent by the Enemy to Philadelphia to be reimbursed with Interest out of such funds as shall appear to him most proper for that purpose, as soon as the .same can conveniently be done, — and for the necessary sup- port of such of those Citizens as he with the advice and Consent of the Privy council shall thi;ik really stand in need of the same, with their Honors concurrence thereto, — 125 Ordered that a Cojiy of the said Resohition be sent to his Excellency the Governor:- — That a Messaae be prepared for that purpose, and that M"". Speaker do sio;n the same. — The following Message was accordingly prepared, viz^ In the House of Representatives Feb''>'. 26^^. 1782 Your Excellency will herewith receive the resolutions of this House empowering and requesting your Excellency to reimburse such Money, as has been subscribed and paid, — (on the Guarantee of Congress) for the relief of the Citizens of this state, who were sent by the Enemy to Philadeli)hia. with Interest out of such Funds as you may think proper, and make such farther Pro- vision for their support as may be thought necessary. — By Order of the House Plugh Kut ledge Speaker. Ordered that M"". Dart and Col°. Grimke do wait on his Excellency with the said Message and Resolutions, — The House went into the Senate House, and together with the Senate ratifuvl tlie following acts viz'. — An Act for the regulation of the ]Militia. — An Act for disposing of Certain Estates and Banishiug cer- tain Persons therein mentioned, — An Act for ])ar(loning the pei'son therein described, — An Act to ])rocure recruits and prevent desertion. — An Act lo prevent the Commencement of suits Ini- the recovery of Debts SiC'^. — An A<1 for rmnishing Supplies foi" the ai-iny to tiic amount of 37''>..')'.)S Ah'xicnn r)onars, Iicing the ipiota as-igucil to this State &r\— An Aft for Holding the Circuit Courts of ()ycr and 'l\'r- niirier in the Scxcral Districts (d" this State. - An Act for <'nii)o\verinL' Thomas Ferguson, Moiton \\'ilkin- son. an of ilic Cnited States to h'vy a Duty - rot urn "d, M"". Speaker reported, tliat this House ton-ether with the Senate, had ratified the Acts atid Ordi- nance above mentioned. — A Motion was made and Seconded, That the Vote of Thanks &e^. of this House of the 27^^ January Ult«. be immediately sent to the Honble Major General Greene together with a Copy of the act for empowering Thomas Ferguson, Morton AVilkinson and John AVard Esquires to purchase an Estate &c\ for his use, and that the same be accompanied by a Letter from M"". Speaker, Resolved in the affirmative.— M"". Dart reported that Col". GrimKe and himself had waited on his P^xcellencv the Governor with the Message and Resolutions which they had in Charge, A Motion was made and seconded, that a Message be pre- pared to be sent to his Excellency the Governor requesting that he wou'd be pleased to order an authentick copy of all the Laws which ha\e passed this Session, to be taken, and sent to the Delegates from this state in philad^. & printed The Question being put. — It was carried in the affirmat^ The following Message was accordingly prepared viz'. In the House of Representatives Febry 20'''. 1782. This House request your Excellency will be pleased to order an authentick copy of all the LaAvs wdiich have been passed this Session, to be taken and sent to the Delegates in Congress, to be printed forth with. By Order of the House, — Hugh Rutledge Sj^eaker. Ordered. That M^ Gibbes and M--. Dart do wait on His Excellency the Governor with the foregoing Message. The House then Adjourned, till 4. "oClock this Afternoon. Tuesday 26*^. P. M. The House met according to Adjournment. On ^lotion. Ordered, that a Message be prepared to be sent to His Excellency the Governor, requesting that he will be pleas'd to order Compensation to be made to the person who has ingrossed the Laws which have been passed this session; to the Messenger of this House, and to such person as shall Transcribe the Journals of this House, 1-27 The following Message was acoordingl}' prepared viz^ In the House of Rejiresentatives febry 26, 1782. This House request that your Excellency ^Yill be pleased to make such Compensation to M"". Waller who has engrossed many of the acts which have been passed this session and for his other services, as your Excellency shall think adequate to those services, and that your Excellency will also be pleased to order such a Sum of ]Money to be paid to ^I"". Pritchard the ^lessenger of this House as his services for this session may merit, And such a sum of Money as you may think a sufficient (^om]iensation to the person who shall fairly engross the Journals of this House the Present session. Out of such Funds as your Excellency may think proper, — By Order of the House Hugh Rutledge Speaker A Motion was made and seconded that a Message be sent to the Honble the Senate, desiring their attendance in this Plouse to proceed to the choice of a Commissioner of the Treasury and Commissioners for the sale of Confiscated Estates.— The Senate accordingly attended and Balloted in the first instance for a Commissioner of the Treasury, upon casting up the P>allots. it appeared, that Edward Blake Esquire had a Majority of the Votes of the Members present; M^ Speaker thereupon declared ]\P. Blake duly elected, The Senate and this House then proceeded to ballot for the Commissioners for the sale <»!' tlu' Confiscated Estates upon Casting up the I>!ilh)ls it appeared tliat, John P>erwick, .John E. Calhoun. Ilcuiy Crouch. Col". (Jrimke and Thomas "Waring Es(|iiires. had each of them a Majority of votes of the Members present: M'. Speaker thereupon declared the (lentlemen above named to be duly elected, — ^^^ Speakei' inrorni'd the House thai he had icc'd an answer to his Letter froni (Iciicial (irccnc and read the sanic to the House, — A ^bilion was I hereupon made and Seconded (hat tlie h'tter be enter'd on the .Journals which was agreed to and is as follows viz^ Sir/ I ha\(' been honoured with the tlianks of your House and feel a weight of Obligation for the very flattering & favour- 128 able liiilil in wliii'li thcv linvc been pleased to view and Consider my Conduct. — • The mark of Bounty wliich accompanies the resohition affords me the most pleasing proofs of their Esteem, at the same time that it displays a generosity of Sentiments no less honorable to them than flattering to me, permit me therefore to return the House of Representatives my hearty and grateful acknowledge- ments, for the Honors and Emoluments bestowed upon me, and to assure them that my future exertions for the conmion Cause shall be constant and uniform in Support of our Liberties I also beg leave to return my sincere thanks to you Sir. for the very polite manner in which you Communicated the Resolu- tion of the House. — I have the Honor to be Sir With great Respect & Esteem To the Honble Hugh Rntledge Esq*' Your most obedient and of the House of |. Most Plumble Serv* Representatives of S". Carolina Xathl Greene Februarv 20. 1782— A motion was made and seconded to Consider the message and Resolution of the Senate of the 23^. Instant for postponing the Sale of the Estates real and personal of Docf. Alexander Garden. Alexander Harvey. Paul Hamilton, and Gideon Dupont Jun-". &c^ On considering the same, after some time spent in Debate. — A Motion was made and Seconded, that the further consid- eration of the said Resolution and Message be postponed, — Another ]\Iotion was then made and Seconded that the Reso- lutions be disagreed to. — The Question Mas put on the first motion It passed in the negative, — The Question being put on the Second Motion, — A Debate arose that the Question should be put on each name mentioned in the Resolution, which being done it was carried in the affirmative. — M"". Speaker then put the Question, on the whole Resolutions and Message. — Resolved that the Resolutions be rejected, — 129 A Message from the Senate in the following words viz*. — In the Senate February 26'\ 1782— M^ Speaker & Gent./ This House are of opinion that it woud be proper to adjourn to the Second Monday in August next, if your House agree thereto; this House will Adjourn accordingly. — By Order of the House John Lewis Gervais President The Message of the Senate being immediately considered ■was agreed to, and the following Message prepared signed by M^ Speaker, In the House of Represent^ | Febry 26, 1782 \ Honble Gent", of tlic Senate. This House concur in opinion with your Honors that it will be proper to adjourn to the second Monday in August next By Order of the House Hugh Kutledge Speaker Ordered that M^ (iil)l)es and M"". Dart do wait on the Senate with the above Message. — M"". Gibbes i'('iK)i-t('(l that M^ Dart and liirnsclf liad delivered to the Senate tlie Message they had in ClKiigc. A Mention was made and Seconded that the Members of this House, do dine together tomorrow, and that his Excellency the Governor, the Lieuti-nant ( JcAciiior. The Members of the Privy Council and the Senate be iii\ited (o Dinner, — It was Unani- mously agreed to, and M'. Speaker di'sired t<» in\ itc them, — The House then. — Adjoui-rrd. — to the Sceond ^^onday. — in August next. iAi iiieef at •Jaeksonburi'h. MEMBERS OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. [Tliis list of the members of the Plouse of Representatives (lnrin<: the session covered by this journal does not form a part of the manuscript journal, but has been compiled by the Editor from the list ton, Alexander jNIoultrie, John Xeufville, Jr., John Owen, Thomas I^inckne}^, James Postell, John Ernest Poj^as, DaA'id Ramsay, Jacob Read, Edward Rutledge, Hugh Rutledge, Thomas Savage, Daniel Stevens, Anthony Toomer, Charles Warham John Berwick, Clement P)rown. John Sandford Dart Christ Church Parish. William Scott. Jr., James Vander Horst, John A'ander Horst. Peter Bocquet, -' Benjamin Cattell, Thomas O. Elliott. Thomas Bee-, Thomas P"ergu.son, George Livingston, St. Andrew's Parish. Richard Hutson, Solomon Milner, Joliu Rutledge. St. Paul's Parish. Christopher Peters, Joseph Slann, Morton Wilkinson. 'Also elected from St. Paul's Parish. 2Also elected from Charles Town. 131 St. Bartholomew's Parish. Joseph (irlover. Sr.. Richard Siiiirleton. Edmund Ilvrne, William Skirviui;. James Postell, Jr., John Ward. . Pierce Butler, Glen Dravton. St. Helena's Parish. John Kean,-^ Charles Cotesworth Pincknev-, Thomas Cater. Charles DuPont. James Moore, William Davis. Aaron (Jillett. Thomas Hutson, St. Peter's Parish. John Moore. William Statt'ord, James Thompson. Prince William's Parish. John McPherson Andrew Postell. James Smith. St. Georere's Parish. Dorche.ster. Edward Blake, Isaac Tliij/cr, JoliM .Mathews. ^^'illiMrn Moultrie. Jr.. ('liiirles Cotesworth l^iuckney-, Daniel S(ewai-t. Thomas Tudor I'licker, 'I'homas ^^^n•in^^ St. James's Parish. (Joosi! Creek. John Haddeley, (Jeorire Fla;r^. Alexaudei- Wvowfrhiou. Ralph l/.ard. Thomas Elliott (Of ^^'allJ)Oo), \\'illiam .lohnson. Si. ,I(.|iii s- Alexander- I>roii^»-lit()ii, .lolin Conies, Jolifi Frierson, I'; irisli. i>er-|liii:i of lliis mmiim'. Hih- rsi.'ilt- lishfvl within the l)nrflers of tiie tiien existing cuiinty of r.rriu'lcy find file other within the horrh-r.s of fjio then e.xistini: county of Colleton, .'unl the names Uerkeiey and f^olleton were therenffer attiiclied to them to distin- guish them, notwithstiindinir th.Tt connt.leB as politicil .subdivisions of South Carolina passed out with the passage of the Church Act in 1706. J :V2 St. Thomas and St. Denis's l*arish. Joseph I'oirnrtie. Hopson Pincknov, Kobert Quash, Mark Hiiir^ins. Henry Hughes, Joseph Legare, Thomas Cooper, Hezekiah Maham, John Pahiier, Jr., Thomas Shubrick, Benjamin Simons. Edward Wevman. St. James's Parish, Santee. Alexander McGregor, LeAvis Miles, Anthony Simons. St. Stephen's Parish. James S inkier, Peter Sinkler, Benjamin Walker. St. Matthew's and Orange Parislies. Henry Felder, William Eeid, William Myddelton, George Eennerson, Richard Andrews Rapley, John Adam Treutlin\ Prince Frederick's Parish. John Baxter, William McCottry, John James (Major), John McCaidey, Thomas Potts. I*rince George's Parish, Winyah. William Bennison, Peter Horry, Christopher (jadsden, Thomas Mitchell. Lemuel Benton, AVilliam DeWitt. Capt. Pegues, St. David's Parish. William Pegues, Philip Pledger, Tristram Thomas. All Saints Parish. William Allston, Jr., • Nathaniel Dwight. 'Ho was also eloc-tod from his former homo parish in Georgia to serve in the General Assembly of Georj^ia, which met in Augusta about the same time that the South Carolina boa\ id ( ilyn. ( leorifc lioof. Michael Leitner, IMiilenion \A'aters. Tjittle K*i\ci" District betweii ihe r>r(»aad and Sahida Ivivcrs. Thomas IJrandon. Sanniel Ale.Iiiiikin. ^^'iHiaIll Ilender-on. .Inlm 'llionia:-. .Ii-. The New Ai'fini.'-it Mill. John I'Oi'tree. dohii .Mi(';i\\. Williiiin Mill. Joshua MrKiiiiiry, Joseph I [owe. .lohn Mollclt. AVilliam Howe, .lohii I'atlon. Da\ id Leech. I'"l;inie \\'aling Act respecting, lis, IV.i, 121. 123, 12.5. All S.iints I'arisli. 22. 132. AUston, William. .Jr., 22, 23, 29(2), 132. Amercement, G2, Ii3-;»4, 9!i. lo:!(2l. 105, 10<;, 111. IIG. 117, ll'.t-12(), 120, 121, 125. Amerif-a, 11(3), 94, 99. Ancrum. (icorgc. Gl. Ancnuii. Williain, Gl. Anderson. Udhcrl, i:>l. Armonrers, 57. Artiliccrs. 42, 5S(2). 59, 75. 101. Atkin.s. diaries, 4. Edwards. .lolin. i:!ii. Elertions. 3. 6, 2(!, 2S-20, 34-35. 35, 36. 3S, 39-40. 72. 73. 127: Contest- ed. 28. 51. CI. <;.-. 70. Elliott. (of \V:ii»po()). i:',l. Elliott. Thomas ()., \:>,<). English. Uc.lMM-t. 62. Etigrossiiig the Acts, 125. 12(i. Enro[H'. !'!(. Ev<-h'ii,'ii. Nicholiis. i:'.0. E.xecutive. K.xtraordlnary powers vested in. 1.5, 1S-i;>, 22, 40, 42, 44- 15. .".:{. .".!>. 6(1. Fanlo. (JcoiL'f .lolin. 62. Eehler. Henry. I. 6(2 ». 23. 03(3). 07. 132. Fenwickf. Edward. 61, Ferguson. Thr.mas. 3(2). 4(2). 5(3). ♦;. 7. 15. ;{6. :>.'.*. 5i. .5.5. 72. s:',(2i, 112. 11.3. 121. 12.5. 120. 130. FiUQS. 04. Fisher. .John, r,'2. FitzSimons, ('hristo|>her. 62. Flagg. George, 3, 5, 16(2), 23, 40, 41, 68(2), 04, 1.31. Flag.s of Truee. 82, 07. Fletehall. Thomas, 61. Fogartie, Joseph. 132. Forgee, John. 17. 133. France, 11(2). Eraser, Dr. James, 02. Fraud, 69. Friday. David, 62. Friersou, John, 5, 23, 81, 131. FuUalove, Thomas, 62. Furman, Wood, 133. Fyfo. Dr. Charles. 62. Gadsden, Christopher, 30, 06, 113, 117(2), 118(2), 110, 122(2), 123(2), 124, 132; Resignation of as Lieutenant Governor, 33 ; Swearing in of as member of the House, 33 ; Election of as Gov- ernor, 34 ; Declination of govern- orship by. .34: Election of as mem- l)(«r of tlio I'rivy Council. 36. 35i. Ci.-iill.-inl. .lohii, <;i. GiiilJ.ird. Theodore. 61. (J.iiiihlc. John. 7. 133. (Janlcn, Dr. Alexander. 61. !tO. 112. 128. Garden. Alexander. Jr.. 06(2) : I'eti- tiou of. 0(i, it8-;)!). (liizrttr. 27. CcoPi^rtow 11. CI. (icorgt'town District. 36. Georgia. 1.32. (;«'rvais. John Lewis. IS. .38. 42, 44. .".:>. C2. CC. 73. 85, sn(2). 01. 03. 10;'.. KM. I(i5. lOr,, lOS. 112, 116. M'.t. 122. 129. (Jiblicns, Tliomas. CI. Glhltcs, Dr., <;l'. Gihhes, Wiliiarii Ilascll. 6. 16(2). iscn. 22, :',6. 5'.»(3), 7.5. 76. 78. 03(2). 05(3). 108(2), 110(2). 113, 115. 116(3). 117. lis. 121(1), 123. 124(2), 12S(2), 120. <;iblts. ZMchariiih, 61. (lignilliat, (Jabriel, 5. 131. fJiles. Thomas. 84(2). 131. Gillett. Anron. .5. 2.3. 90, 131. f; lover, .Tosoj)h. 5. 1.31. 138 Glyn. David, 0, 133. Gtxnlwyn, Uriah, 133. Gordon. Capt.. 1.33. Gordon. .Tames, of Georjj;e Town, 01. Gough, Ititliard, 25. 131. Governor, 20, 31, 50, 58, 59, 63, 65, m. 60(3). 71. SO. S7. 8S. 01. 04(2). OS, 101. 102(2). 111. lis. 126. 120; Speech of. 0-13 (Rutledge), 27; Answer of House to speech of, 10- 21. 24-25. 27; Iiiansrnration of. 37- 3S; Messages to. 72. 101-102, lOS, 117. 125, 126, 127; Messages from, 25(2), 56, 75, 85, 107, 117; Elec- tion of, 24, 34-35. (See Execu- tive.) Granville County Regiments, 59, 84, 01-02, 102. Gray. Robert, 62. Greene. Gen. Nathanael, 10, 17. 20, 30, 57, 76(3), 70; Vote of thanks to, 30-31, 127; An estate for, .30-31, 55(2), 55-50, 83(2), 112-113. 121, 125; Army of, 57, 101; Supplies and Subsistance for troops of, 47, 48, 53, 80 ; Letter of to Governor Mathews, 75-76 ; Letter of to the Speaker of the House, 127-128. (See Continental Army.) Greenwood, William, 62. Greenwood & Iliggison, 62. Gregory, Benjamin, 62. Grimball, Thomas, 130. Grimk.', John F., 5(2), 7. 26(2), 41, 42, 57, 60, 78, SI. SS(2), 117, 125, 120, 127, 1.30. Guerard, Benjamin. .30-40. Guerard. Jacob. 61(2). 1.31. Guerard, Richard, 120(3). Guest, William, 62. Hamilton. Paul, 61. 112, 12S. Hammond. LeRoy, 74, 107, 111, 122, 123(2 j. 1.34. Hammond, Samuel, Letter of to Gov- ernor Rutledge. 107. 111. Hamr)ton. Richard, 1.33. Hampton. Wade. 2.5, 41, 4.5, 46(2), 47. .50, 81. 00. 118(2), 1.33; Let- ter of to Governor Mathews, 115. Hanahan, William, 62. Harden, William, 42, 01-02, 119. Harvey, Alexander, 01, 112, 128. ITarvcy. .Tacob William. .3(t. Ilayue, Isaac, 77-7S, 87, 07, 108-109, 110. Henderson, William, 8, 18, 23, 42, 48, 57, 133. Hessians, 57. Hey ward, Thomas, Sr., 33, 04(3), 131. Hej-Avard. Thomas. .Tr., 70. 130. Hibben, Andrew, (*)2. Higgison, Greenwood &, 62. Hill, William, 17, 69, 72, 133. Holland, 11. Holmes, .Tames, 62. Holmes, Robert, 62. Hopton, John, 61. Horry, Hugh, 18, 42. Horry, I'eter, 132. Horseshoe Creek, 92. Houston. Sir Patrick, 01. Howe, Joseph, 17(2), 23, 1.33. Howe, William, 17, 133. Huger, Daniel, 120(3). Huger, Isaac, 4, 5(2), 131. Muggins, Mark, Sr., 5, 132. Hughes, Henry, 5, 23, 132. Hunter, Henry, 0, 133. Ilutson, Richard, .3, 4(2), 5(3), 7(2), 14, 17, 21. 22(2), 23, 25(2), 28(2), 30(2), 33(2), 38, 130; Elec- tion of as Lieutenant Governor, 35. Hntson, Thomas, .5. 1.31. llyrne, ICdmund, 22(2). 23, 07(2), 88(2), 104, 10.5, 124(2), 131. Imports, 72, 73, 76, 111, 114, 116, 118, 12.3. 12.5. Indians, 10, .50, (;0(2), 6.5, 102. Inglis, Alexander, 61. In grossing, 00. Inland navigation. 72, 77, 80-81, 03, 07. Intern.'il improvements, 72, 77, 80-81, 03, 07. Iron works, 77-78, 87, 108-100, 100. Irvine, Lieutenant Governor, 62. Izard, Ralph, 3. 5(2), 6, 7, 14, 38, 00, 100(2), 131. Jacksonborough, 3, 8, 129, 130. 139 James. John (Major, of Williams- burg), S, 23, 132. Jaiiios. Joliii ((^)lonel, of the Ilifrli Hills of the Saiitee), 5, 6, 133. Johnson, William, 131. Jones, Thomas, 4, 5, 65, 67(2), 78, ><(\(2). S7f2), Sn, DO. 100. 103. 130. Journals. 126, 127. Judges. 50. Juries, 15. 31, 32, 65, 66-67. 70. 113. Justices of the Peace, 15. K;. is. I'T- 2S. .30. (iS. 85, 86. DO, 101(2). Kean. John. 3(2), 5. 21, 26, 27, 32, 50. 84. 01, 04, 96. 131. Kershaw. Joseph, 24(2). 60(2), 72. 81. 1.33. Kilgore, Benjamin. 133. King. Richard, 61. Kirl, 21, 22, 26(2), 27, .30. .34. .37(2). 42. 56. 57. 50. 61. 07. 1.30. Lee. Joscpii, 1.33., William, 1.30. I>eech, David, 23. 1.33. Legar^', Josepii, 132. Ix'giotiary rorps, 11. 06. fSi-c Cav- alry f'orii.s. ) Ix'lfner. .Michael, 6(2). 23. l.'{3. liioutcnaiil CJoveriini-. 20, 3:'.(2). 35, 38, ."0. 120. Limitation A. .3.3. 40. 42 H. 40, 76. S2-S3. S.5. 86, 01. 121, 125. Milner. Sfilmnon. 7-S. 47(2), 48(2), i:!(i. .MItclH'll. Til. Unas. 22. 23, 20(2). 63, 61. 72. 7."'.. CS. S7('_'i. 1.'',2. John. 23. 1.33. .Montagu. 1-ord Charles (;reville. 62. Montgomery, , 13."'.. M'lMic. Alex.'inder. .'i6. Moore, Jiimes (St. Peter's Parish), 5. 131. 140 Mooiv. James (Niiioty Six election district). 17(2). ."/.), 0!), 78, 134. Moore. John. 5. 131. Moultrie. Alexander, 130. :\[..ultrie, William. Jr.. 131. Miuldemurray. ratriek. G2. Murray. John. 17. 134. Murrell. Robert. (32. Musirrove. .Tolin. (>2. Myddeltun. William, (i, 23, 132. Ne^n-oes, 4(J(2). 4S, 4n(2), 50(2). 52, 50, 57(2), 58(2), Go, 75(2), 79, 80, 87. 08. 101. 108. ion, 112, 115. Neufville, John, Jr., 130. New Acquisition (election district), 17. 23, 133. New York. N. Y.. 57. Nielie. Christopher, Gl. Ninety Six (election district), 17, 74(2». i:;4. Ninety Six District, 3G. North ("ariiliii.-i. Boundary line be- tween South Carolina and, 77. OWeil. Henry. G2. Ofielvie, Charles, Gl. Ogilvie. George. 62. Oppression. GO. Orange I'arish. 1.32. Or:ingebui-gh. G2. 102. Onin^eburgh District, 36, 55. Ord. Captain, 62. Ordinances, 118, 120. Onliuaries, 15, 10. 18, 27, 30. Owen, John. 3, 5. 21, 65, 67(2). 71. 72. 01. 04. 00, 100, 103, 120(2), i:',0. Palmer, John, Jr.. i5, G, 23, 132. Paper bills of liia. ('.7(3). 08, 12G; Reso- lutions rcsi)ecting citizens sent to, 110-120, 124-125, 126. Philp, Robert, 01. I'ickens, Gen. Andrew, 12. 20. 70, SO, 02, 08, 134. I'inckiiey, Charles Cotesworth, 131(2). Piiickncy, IToiJSon, 1,32. I'inckney, Thomas, 130. Pioneers, 42, 57, 58, 75, 101. Pledger, Philip, 7, 132. Postell, Andrew, 5, 131. Postell, James, 20, 30, 70, 130. 132. Postell, James, Jr., 3, 5, 1.31. Potts, Thomas, 8, 132. Poyas, John lOrnest. 130. I'rice, lloiikin, 02. Prince Frederlclt's Parish, 20. 132. Prince George's Parish, Winyali, 22, 33, 132. Prince Willi.ims Parish, 22, 74, 131. Prison ships, 10. Pi-itchard. John. 0, 127. I'rivileges and Elections, 7, 28, 51, 04, 05, 70. Privy Council, 20, 31, 35, 35-30, .38, 30-40, 44, 47, 00, 53, 58, 50, 00(2), 87, 88, 01, 04(2), 08, 101, 102(2) ; Clerk of, 0, 110(2), 124, 129. Prizes, 73, 111, 110, 118, 123. 125. Provisions provided by the State, 00(3), 03-04, 05, GO, 102. (See Public Benefactions.) Public Benefactions, 50, 00^3), G3- 04, C,-,, GO, 87-88, 94, 101, 102, 118- 110. (See also Provisions pro- vided by the State.) Public Debt, 00-100. Public Treasurers, 72, 73, 112(2), 127. Qualifications of Electors and Elect- ed, 15, 32, 40-41, .53, 54, 55, 56, 50, 00. Quash, Robert, 132. 141 Ramsay, David, 3, 4(2), 5(2), 6, 7. 14(3), 16, 17, 19, 30. 34, 38, 41, 45. 47(2), 48(2), G5, 78. 00(4), 00(2). 98, 104, 105, lOiHS). 112. 114(3). 115(2), IIG, 117(2), 118(2). 1.30. Raper, Robert. G2. Rapley, Richard Andrews. G(2). 41. 53, 54(2), 55(2), 50(2), 110(2), 120(2). 132. Ratification of Acts. 01. Read. Jacob, 50(2), 03, 00, 107(2). 118(2), 121(2), 123, 130. Recruits. 52, 65, 7G, 78. 85, 80, 87. S.S, SO, 00, 01. 00, 07. Ill, 121. 125. Reeves, William. 0. 133. Reid, William. 4. 0. .50, 1.32. Rcnnerson, Georjre. 4. 0. 132. Resolutions, GO. 04, GO. 00-67. 07-68, OS-GO, 87, 88-80, 04, 112, 118-110. Richardson, Richard. 5, 54(2), 55(2), 50(2). 1.33. Richmond, Jacob, 14(2. Should have been Jacob), 133. Roberts's Barony, 02. Robinson. William. 3(!. 55. Robison. fJcor^'o, 70(3), 72, 134. Robison, William, 4, 0, 134. Roof, GefjrKC, 6. 133. Rose, Alexander. 01. Rose, John. 01. Ross. Dr.. 1 :',:'.. Ross. William. .30. Ruuclcy, Ilcnry, 02. Rules. 7, 8. RuthHlKc. Edward, 3(2). 4. 0(2), 7(2), 8. 14. 1.5. 17. 21. 2(U3), 27. 34. 35. 30, .37(2). .38(2), 30(2). 5.5, 0.3. 07(2). 70, 77. 78. 87. 00(2). 100(3(. 107. 110(3(. 113. 110(2). 117. 11'^. 121 (2). 1.30. Rulledye. Ilu«h. 3(2), .5. OJ. 1.30; Speaker. 0. Ifi. 2(\, 2S. 20. 4.5. 47, 48. 53. 00. 0.3. OS. 72(2), 81. 82. S3. SO. 88, no. 03. 05. 00. fiS, 1(¥). 102. 104. 10.5. 10S. ion. 110. 111. 11.5. 117(2). 110. 1'JO. 122, 123. 121. 12.5. 120. 127. 12S. 120. Rutledce. John. Governor. 04. 107. 115; Speech of. 0-13; Messages of. 25(2) ; Delecate to Congress. 38; Member of the House, 56(2), 57(2). OS. 72. 77. 05(2), 107. 130. Sabb, William. 02. Salisbury. N. C. 02. Saluda River, Lower election dis- trict between Broad River and. 25. 133; Little River election district between Broad River and. 133; Upper, or Spartan, election dis- trict between Broad River and, 133. Santee River, 77. 02. Sappers and Miners. 42. 57. 58. Savage, Jeremiah. i'>2. Savage, Thomas. 130. Saviinuah River. Election district be- tween the north fork of the Edisto River and, 70. 134. Saxby, George, 62. Saxe-Gotha (election district). 14. 25, 13.3. Scott. Jonathan. 02. Scott. William. Jr.. .5. S. 0. 40. 41, 44(2), 45(2). ()3. 04. 71, 72, 81, 82(3), S3(2). 85, 80(2), S7(4). 8S(3). 04. 107(2). no. 111. 121. 130. Seal, 110, 121, 123. Senate, 20, 1.30; President of. IS. 3S. 42. 44, 50. 02, 00, 73, S5. 80(2). 01, 03. 103, 104. 10.5, 100. lOS, 112, 110. 110. 122; Messages to. 1,5- 10(2). 20-27. 28, 20, 4.5. 47, 48. .5.3. 00, 03. 04, 07, 72, 81. 82. S3. S(5. SS, 00. 03. 05, 00. OS. 100. 101. 105, 100. 100, 110. 114, 111-11.5. 117. 110. 120, 122. 123. 124. 120; Messages from. 18, 27, 42, 44, .50, 02. 60, 73. 85, 80(2). 01. 0.3, 10.3, 103-lOt. 10M0.5. 105-100. lOS, 112, 110. 110. 121-122. 120. Sequestration. 21. 23. 27. .32. 57, 01-02. Servjints In OfTicers. 42. 57, .58, 75, 101. Sheriffs. .30. .5.5. 101. 102; Fees of. .30. Shoem.'ikers. .57. Simbrifk. Thomas. 3(2|. 4. 5. 22(2). 23. 1.32. Simkins. Arlliur, 17, 1.34. 14i> Sinioiul. Peter, i!'.!. Simous, Anthony, 132. Simons, Bt'iij.iiuin. 1.32. Siniili'ton. Kitlinnl. 3. 5, 131. Sinklor, .Tames, 132. Sinkler, Peter, 1.32. Skirvinir. William, 3, 4, 5(2), 0. • ;0(2). 131. Slann. .Joseph, 3, 4, T), 130. Slaves. 10, 5S, 77. (See Negroes.) Smith. .Tamos. .".. 1.31. Smith, Josiali. .Tr., 130. Smith. Samuel, 35, 36, 38, 91, 103. 10(5, 110. Smyth. .Tames, Gl. Smyth, John, 01. Snow. George, 61. Spain, 11. Spartan. ri)per or, election district between Broatl and Saluda rivers, 1.33. Speaker, 6. Specie, 1.3, 68, 122(2). Spence, Dr. Peter. 62. Spies, 43. St. Andrew's Parish. .56, 130. St. Augustine, I'"la., 10. St. Bartholomew's Parish, 16, 22, 1.31. St. David's Parish. 7S. St. George's Parish, Dorchester, 23, 56, 131. St. Helena's Parish, 33, 61, 64, 131. St. .Tanies's Parish, Goose Creek, 131. St. .James's Parish, Santee, 132. St. .John's Parish, ^Berkeley, 25, 84, 1.31. St. .John's Parish, Colleton. 134. St. .Matthew's Parish. 28, 132. St. Paul's Parish, 130(2). St. I'eter's Parish, 131. St. Philip's Parish and St. Michael's I\irlsh combine, 78-SO, 07-08, 104- 10.5, 10.5, 107(2), lOS. Ill; Boun- ties for, (>6, 80, 08, 107, 111. Stevens, Daniel, 5, 8, 9, 15, 36, 130. Steward, Charles Augustus, 120(2). Stewart, Daniel, 131. Stuart, John, 62. Sui)stitutes, 54. Suits, 15, 68, 70-71, 74-75, 113, 121, 125. Sumter, Gen. Thomas, 9, 20, 35, 36, 38(2), 40(2), 70, 80, 81, 02, 98, 119. Superintendant of Finance of the TJ. S., 60, 72. Tailors, 57. Tariff (See Duty), 72, 73, 76, 111, 114, 116, 118, 123, 125. Taxes, 68, 69. Taylor, Peter, (52. Thanks, Vote of, 30-31, 126. Thomas, John, Jr., 6, 36, 69, 78, 133. Thomas, Tristram, 7, 23, 132. Thompson, James, 8, 131. Thorp's Baron.v, 62. Toomer, Anthony, 130. Treasury, Commissioners of the, 72, 7.3, 112(2), 127. Trench & Baily, 62. Treutlin, John Adam, 132. Troops raised, 42. Trustees of Cajitures, 80. Tucker, Thomas Tudor, 131. United States, 11, 111 ; Superinten- dant of Finance of, 33, 68, 71; Supplies furnished to. 69, 100; Accounts against, 07, 100. Valentine, William, 62. Valk, Jacob, 61. Vandcr Jlorst, James, 5, 130. Vander Ilorst, John, 4, 5, 81, 82(3), 83(2), 85, 1.30. Vernon, James, 61. Virginia, 9. Wagoners, 42, .57(2), .58, 75, 101. Walker, Benjamin, 17, 1.32. Waller, Mr., 127. 143 Ward, John, 3. 10(2), 55. 81, 83(2), 112, 113, 121, 125, 126, 131. Ward, John (Tailor), 62. Warhain. Charles. 5, 04, 130. Waring, Thomas, Sr., 5, 18(2), 23, 59(2), 93, 94, 95, 108(2), 127, 131. Washington, Gen. George, 33, 57, 68, 71. Wateree River, Election district eastward of, 24, 133. Waters, Philemon, 25, 69, 96, 133. Watson, Samuel, 27, 42. Welch, William, 133. Weston, Plowden, 61. Weyman, Edward, 61(3), 132. Wheelwrights, 57. Wigfall, John, 61. Wilkinson, Morton, 3(2), 5(2), 22, 23, 35, 36, 38, 55, 83(2), 112, 118, 121, 125, 126, 130. Willard, John. 62. Williams, Ilezekiah, 01. Williams, Lud., 61. Williams, Robert, 01. Williamson, Andrew, 01. Williman, Christopher, 62. Wilson. John, 30. Winn, Richard, 133. Wood, Frame, 133. Wragg, John, 61, 89. Wright, Alexander, 61. Wright, Sir James, 62. Writhig paper, 107. Wylds, John, 0. 23. 133. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. GR '6^5 '^l t\pC^ m JAiMiul986 Pcrrtanont Roservd Form L9-25m-9/47(A5618)444 THE UnnAUY Wo ANGELES UC b _ _ AA 000 599 167 4 3 1158 00871 oVs,