CO > z > o (n n 71 r* o In u z Sis- BANCROFT LIBRARY THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA •fl»fl»o-(i-0'D-fl-a»ii''fl'>o-fli- ^ataIo(^u(? of ^^-- Califorpiap U/rit(^rs ISSUED BY 717(^*339 pra^eis^ai} \j[/omen'g I^tsei'ai^iJ Exhibit. .0^. : Coiu/T)biaij> ExpositiOF}, 1893, i*f io©. Si&. Ooxxtiift. UQd(?r t\)({ /iuspiees of tl?e/Saij praijc^fs'qo U/orld'5 pair 7^5800:1 a tior). The Kern County Land Company Has now the most solid and substantial plan of colonization in the State, for the following reasons : The possession of a large tract of valuable land (400,000 acres) with Title Perfect (I ft d Uninctinihered ; ^- r,.^v.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ with a perfect system of irri- gation, insuring the Country against any possibility of drought, and a rotation, vari- ety and certainty of crops. Easy terms, availability to persons in moderate circum- stances ; civilization at its doors, and means of trans- portation abundant. For particulars address Kei'fl Coity Lanfl Compaoj, S. W. FERGUSON, Agent, BAKERSFIELD, - - - CAL. h^Ci ^4 ^ co-operative printing co. Commercial Printers and Publishers, 27 MAIN Street, San Francisco. TELEPHONE 530. ^1 The Women of the Literary Exhibit present this prelimin- y ary Catalogue for your perusal, with the hope that you will { make additions of such authors or books as may be omitted, and that you will send the list to them that the catalogue may ^ be made complete for the Columbian Exposition. \ Address All Book;s to % rs. X'arrei ^wer, (3 hair man, 1S1S Qlay ^ireet, ^aq ^ranclscc Address All Co&rectioris and Revisions to r?lrs. -J^ ft.l^odda, 1813 flost ^treei. ^an ^, 6aL m L ^ataloi^ue * of * (^aliforpiap * U/riters. A LITERARY EXHIBIT. The literature of California is as yet an unknown quantity ; no one can predict from what it has been to what it will be. But there are singular characteristics in this literature which reveal an intense local coloring — a rich savor — peculiar to itself. Its very lawlessness, when toned and restrained, will tend to originality and strength. The wonder story is a natural product to 4;he soil. From Fer- dinand Ewer's " Eventful Nights of August 21st and 22nd," in 1856, and W. H. Rhodes' "Remarkable Case of Summerfield," in 1868, down to the present day of Milne's " Eighteen Centuries in Ice," Morrow's "Remarkable Case of Surgery" and Bierce's "Man and Snake," we have had a full flowering of the literary orchid. Pollock's poem, " Evening Tlirough the Golden Gate," in 1856, has not been supplanted in the hearts of the people, nor has his " Parting Hour" been forgotten; John Ridge's poem to his wife, "The Harp of Broken Strings," has not lost its exquisite sympathy with the beating of the human heart to-day. The vivid tales of Emma Frances Dawson, Yda Addis, Flora Haines Longhead and others of the Argonaut school, have made a strong impression upon our literature. The humorists, such as George Derby and J. Ross Browne, were the advance guard of a host to follow, better known perhaps, but not so fondly remembered. The sagebrush school of writers, such as John Swift in "Robert Greathouse," and Dan de Quille in the " Big Bonanza," have laid the colors on the historical page with realistic brush. Our school of journalists has produced men of finished literary style, such as Ambrose Bierce, Arthur McEwen, John Hamilton Gilmour and others, and of great versatility, as Henry Bigelow, Frank Millard and George H. Fitch, and vigor and originality, as Frank Pixley and W. H. Mills. Our vivid short stories at Christmastide are evidence of the talent which rarely finds utterance the rest of the year. As for the " Incomparable Three," Bret Harte, Mark Twain and Joaquin Miller, they stand side by side with the successful literary men of the world, either at home or abroad. The "Secondary Three," Charles Warren Stoddard, Edward Sill and Ina D. Cool- brith are acknowledged as peers in the realm of verse, and many of their lines will outlive those more famous than they, at the present time. — And yet from all this rich hoard, we cannot assume to predict what Californian literature may yet become, although it is evident that all these writers who have gone before, have become a force in shaping the ultimate destiny and quality of this literature which is to be. CATALOGUE OF CAtlFORNIAN WRITERS. For this reason, if no other, we must recognize that the present literature of California is worthy of being collected as a whole in volume or newspaper file, or scrap-book, for the purpose of preserv- ation. In a few years this valuable material will be lost to history, and its collection become impossible because of the scattered editions, hither and yon, which have received no encourage- ment. In fact, in many instances, they have been utterly ignored, because no one has the time or inclination to devote to the purpose, save in a desultory way. To the honor of the Bohemian Club, be it said, that it has endeavored to secure a special library of our writers, and also Captain Lees, but they are still far from complete. No longer, however, shall these books lie dusty and ignored in old attics or second-hand book stores. Under the encouragement of the World's Fair Commission, a number of ladies in this city have organized themselves into a society called, " The San Fran- ciscan Women's Literary Exhibit of Californian Writers FOR the Columbian Exposition." They have been engaged in preparing a complete catalogue of all books written by our writers, which of itself is a work of no small value, something which has not been thought of heretofore, and which they now present to the public for perusal and reference. They are also collecting volumes, and spying out for newspaper files of extinct as well as existing journals, to present, when complete, to the Commissioners as an exhibit for the World's Fair. They propose to obtain as many volumes as possible by donation, and to earn themselves the money for the volumes they have to buy, asking the Commission for nothing save its good will and freightage of the library to Ciiicagoand return. It will then be presented to the Golden Gate Park Museum, as a monument of their labors, and a mark of appreciation of the writers of the past and present day. Any lady who would like to become an associate member of the " Literary Exhibit" may do so by the payment of one dollar or the donation of one or more books. The name of the donor should be written on the fly-leaf, or if there is more than one book, the name of a friend may be used, thus paying her the compliment of making her a member also. As these names are all to appear on a roll of honor at the end of the year, in the form of a printed report, to be included for all time with the' books in the library, it is no empty compliment to belong to the "Literary Exhibit." As it is desired that an " Exhibit " be made in the Mechanics' Fair this year, it is hoped that all who can, will take an interest in tills matter, and respond good-naturedly to our desire for their volumes. They should be addressed to Mrs. Warren Ewer, Libra- rian of Literary Exhibit for Columbian Exposition, 1513 Clay street, San Francisco, Cal. The books specially called for are : Robert Greathouse, by John F. Swift ; Yusef,by J. Ross Browne ; Big Bonanza, by Dan de Quille; poems by Pollock, Ridge, Sill, Stoddard, Joaquin Miller and others ; works of Bret Harte and Mark Twain, and others as shown in catalogue. They have chosen for their particular letterhead and coat-of-arms, as it were, the graceful figure of the Indian girl, gazing toward the Golden Gate at the mysterious white sail of the incoming Tale Face, as designed to represent " California," by tliat brilliant genius, Jules Tavernier. CATALOGUE OF CALIFORNIAN WRITERS. CALIFORNIA. She sits by the side of her own beloved sea, A dark-eyed and tropical child, Witli a heart that is fresh and a soul that is free, And a nature untranameled and wild. She seems in a dream, or beneath a strange spell, All with sweetness and beauty replete. From her flowing dark hair, witli its abalone shell. To iier beaded and moccasined feet. She sits in a mood, retrospective and calm, With her grizzly awaiting caress; As she thinks of the time when lier cactus and palm Were but tilings of a past wilderness. Now glancing abroad through her beautiful Bay She sees through her "Gate" a strange sight ; 'Tis a sea bird, swift-sailing upon its fair way, And its pinions are shining and white. Now with her light hand she thus shades from her eyes The tropical kiss of the sun, And her grizzly forgets in her strange, sweet surprise, While the grizzly to growl hath begun. Oh ! many the days since the white man hath toiled With his spirit of progress and change, And she mourns o'er her sands of their gold-dust despoiled. And her grizzly grown silent and strange. And she sits by the side of her own beloved sea, A dark-eyed and tropical child ; With adieart that is fresh and a soul that is free, And a nature untrammeled and wild. MEMBERS OF THE BOARD Ol^ THE LITERARY EXHIBIT. HONORARY iWEMBERS: IRVING M. SCOTT. <'1IARI.E.S KDWIN MAKKHA.M. Mrs. Warben Ewer President and Librarian Mr8. Ella Sterling Cummins Vice-President Mrs. Kobert F. Bunker Treasurer Mrs. W. K. Rodda Recording Secretary Mrs. George Levlston Catalogue Secretary Mr.s. W. C. Morrow Scrap-book Secretary Mrs. Ariel Lathrop, Mrs. F. L. Whitney, Miss Ina D. Coolbrith, Mrs. Paris Kilburn, Mrs. A. W. Scott, Mrs. Alfred Clark, Miss Gladys May Cbde, Afrs A. D. Sharon, Mrs. .). D. Murjdiy. CATALOGUE OF CALIFORNIAN WRITERS. CHARTER AND ASSOCIATE MEMBERS. Adams, M. S. Mrs Los Angeles Ayres, Mrs. Irvin 1205 Oak St., Oakland Boegle, Carrie Yost Mrs Berkeley, Cal. Bowman, Mrs. Mary M 1710 Temple St., Los Angeles Bull, Alpheus Mrs Cor. Francisco and Hyde Bunker, R.J. Mrs Pleasanton Hotel Byrne, M. M. Miss Berkeley, Cal. Casey, Miss Katharine 221 Ji^erson St., Los Angeles Cadwalader, Mrs. Louisa G Colonial Hotel Cadwalader, Miss Edna San Francisco Cummins, Ella Sterling Mrs 1605 Baker Code, Gladys M. Miss r. 930 Valencia Clark, Ada Cotbrin Mrs 1713 Broderick Cosgrave, Mary Mrs ". 1227 Pine Cross, Clara Mrs 118 Broderick Coolbritli, Ina Miss Free Library, Oakland Cook, Mrs. Dr 224 Post Cole, Cornelius Mrs Colegrove, Los' Angeles Cheney, John Vance Mrs 900 O'Farrell Campbell, P. A. Mrs Cleveland, C. D. Mrs Clarke, Mrs. Jennie 1607 Baker Davis, Mrs, Ansley 1607 Scott Deane, James H. Mrs 1919 California De Young, Mrs. M. H ' 1919 California Dixon, Mary Mrs ..Alameda, Cal, Doane, Clara De' L. Mrs 2613 Bush Dingee, Mrs. W. J Oakland, Cal. Doran, James Mrs 946 Myrtle St., Oakland Ewer, Warren Mrs 1513 Clay Evans, Talisin Mrs Easton, Elizabeth Miss Pleasanton Hotel Field, Mrs ^ Fish, MissM. S 330i Spring St., Los Angeles Fitch, Anna M, Mrs.. .in care of Thos. Fitch, World's Bldg,, N. Y. Gerber, Miss Annie Sacramento Gray, Harriet Mrs Grant, Anita de Fitch Mrs Healdsburg, Cal. Huntington, Mary Prentice Mra. Hotel Richelieu Howland, Robert Mrs Harland, Hester Mrs World's Fair Rooms, Flood Bldg. Harvey, Magaret Miss Chronicle Office Hallis, Mrs Hanson, Rose Mrs Cor. Valencia and Nineteenth Henley, F. E. Mrs Haskell, D. H. Mrs S. E. Cor. California and Webster Howard, Louise Narjot Mrs 643 Polk Jones, Marcellina Mrs Kane, Mrs. Linnie Ridge Home, Sacramento Keith, E. D. Miss (Di Vernon) Kirk, Mary T. Mi-s 1110 Fourteenth Oakland 'yj^ju ntjiif i A «l«t t i w Mig g .' . " 'iTi<^i\l1 nffirifl Kilburn, Paris Mrs Orinda Park, Contra Costa Kirk, William Mrs 1110 Fourteenth St., Oakland CATALOGUE OI^ CALIFORNIAN WRITERS. Leviston, Stella Mrs San Rafael Lathrop, Ariel Mrs Occidental Hotel Lies, CamillaMiss 825 Grove Lindley, Miss Leila J 1314 H St., Sacramento Lundburg, Florence Miss Lawrence, Mrs. E. A 2122 East Twenty-second St., Los Angeles Moulten, Irving Mrs 2017 Hyde Morrow, William C. Mrs 1101 Pine McCrockin, Josephine Clifford Mrs., Wright Station Santa Cruz Mts. Moulder, A. J.Mrs Bush Street McDonald, JosieMiss 222i O'Farrell Mills, Delia Miss 1407 Octavia near Bush Mack, Elizabeth Mrs Cor. Nineteenth and Valencia Marshall, Mi-s. Emma Leckle 1616 Council St., Los Angeles Norris, Frank Mrs : Sacramento near Franklin Neal, Hannah Mrs Bush St., bet. Baker and Lyon Off; Miss Louise A Cor. 1st and Union Ave., Los Angeles Purvis, .Jennie P. Mrs Modesto Phelps, Eliza J. Mrs San Rafael Pixley, Frank" Mrs S. W. cor. Union and Fillmore Peterson, Clara xMrs ...3008 California Poore, Raymonde .Mrs S. E. Cor. California and Webster Powning, Mrs. Clara A Reno, Nevada Paul, Jennie Miss Phillips, Mitchell Mrs ; San Jose Rodda, W. H. Mrs 1813 Post Sawyer, L. S. B. Mrs 617 Hyde Scott, A. W. Mrs Buchanan near Haight Sharon, A. D. Mrs Palace Hotel Smith, E. 0. Mrs San Jose Sperry, Austin Mrs 2100 Pacific avenue Savage, Richard Mrs Cor. Van Ness and Sutter Scupham, Susie R. Mrs 642 Myrtle St., Oakland Taylor, Mrs. L. S Sacramento Toohy, Flora Mrs Bush bet. Buchanan and Laguna Truesdeil, Amelia Woodward Mrs Berkshire Plotel Towner, Augusta J. Mrs Wagner, Madge Morris Mrs.. San Diego Walter, Carrie Stevens Mrs San Jose CATALOQUE OR BOOKS THE SAN FRANCISCAN WOMEN'S LITEHARY EXHIBIT CALIFORNIAN WRITERS. The object of this organization shall be first : To collect a com- plete library of our Californian writers, by donation or otherwise, for the purpose of presenting the same, together with volumes of existing and extinct Californian journals to the Commissioners of the Columbian Exposition, as an Exhibit by San Franciscan Women . Second : To present said collection after the close of the Colum- bian Exliibition to the Golden Gate Park Museum, to be preserved CATALOCiUE 0*" CAI.IF*ORNlAN WRlT^EJiS. therein as a donation of the Women of San Francisco. MEMBERS. Membership in tliis organization shall be as follows : Charter Members, consisting of the first fifteen members of this organization appointed by the lady manager of the State Commission of tlie World's Fair for San Francisco. Associate Members, consisting of all members of the organization paying dues, ex- clusive of Charter Members. Honorary Membrrs. Those who shall donate books or money to the value of Twenty Dollars (^20) or more. The admission fee for women joining this association shall be One Dollar (|1) or the donation of book or books by Californian Writers. It is requested that all donations of books be made in the names of women, instead of men, as in this way we shall obtain a large rep- resentation in our Literary Exhibit. The name and address of any woman, placed upon the title page of any book by a Californian Writer, and sent to 1513 Clay Street (care Librarian) makes her a member. A Californian writer is one who has been, or has become, identified with the State. Californian writers are invited to send in their best stories or articles, to be placed in scrap-books and kept for reference. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS DESIRED. (At present date, August 19, 1892.) Number of Authoksi!, 265. Number op Books, 473. * Books already on haad. Abel, Alexander G Work on Masonry Atherton, Gertrude Franklin What Dreams May Come Los Cerritos A Question of Time Heraiia Suydam Doomswoman Mrs. Pendletim's Four-in-hand (magazine story) The Ears of Twenty Americans (maybe not yet published) Avery, B. P Poems Bacon, Thomas Rutherford Hundredth' Anniversary of City of New Haven Badlam, Alexander Travels in Alaska Bartlett William A Breeze from the Woods Ball, Nicholas Society of California Pioneers of New England Bancroft, H. H Literary Industries History of Alaska, 1730-1885 History of British Columbia, 1792-1887 History of California, 1542-1848 History of Central America History ot Mexico, five volumes The Native Races of the Pacific Slope Benton, Mrs Who Would Have Thought It Barry, T. A Men and Memories of San Francisco, (spring of 1850) CATALOGUE OF CALIFORNIAN WRITERS. Bell, Maj. Horace Reminiscences of a Ranger Bentou, Rev. J. A The California Pile;rini in 1853 Bigelow, Harry (in press)... Slow Methods of Becoming a Criminal Bigelow, John Memoir of Life and Public Services of John C. Fremont *Bierce, Ambrose Tales of Soldiers and Civilians Bryant, Edwin What 1 Saw in California Bidwell, Jennie There's Nothing In It Blackburn, Francis Eissentials of Latin Grammar Bowles, Samuel Our New West Bornaman, Mrs. Mary Madam Jane Jumber-Joe Brooks, Fred Emerson Recitations Borthwick, J. D Three Years in California Brown, J. Ross *Debates of'the Convention of California (on the formation of the State Convention Sei)t.-Oct. '49. Washington, 1890 Crusoe's Island and Sketches of Adventure in California and Washoe, Harper's 1864. Apache Land American Family Abroad The Land of Thor Etchings of a Whaling Cruise Resources of the Pacific Slope Yusef Bruner, Jane W Free Prisoners. A story of California life Brooks, Noah The Boy Settler The Boy Emigrants The Fairport Nine Our Baseball Club Abraham Lincoln Bush, Henry The Harp of the Day, or the Adventures and Travels of a Photographic Artist Burnett, Peter H., Ex -Governor Recollections and Opinions of an Old Pioneer Path of a Protestant Lawyer to the Catholic Church Bush, C. J Reindeer, Dogs and Snow Shoes Crabb, William D..., Silver Shimmer Carr, John Pioneer Days in California, Historical and Personal Sketches Carleton, Carrie Inglenook Letter Writer *Cheney, John Vance Thistle-Drift AVood-Blooms The Golden Guess The Old Doctor Carmichael, Sarah E ■. Poems *Christy, Samuel B Mineralogy Clifford, Josephine Overland Tales (short stories) *Clarke, Sarah V Teachings of the Ages Chamberlain, C. A Poems *Cremony, John C Life Among the Apaches Clark, J. B Algebra CATALOGUE OF CALIFORNIAN WRITERS. *Coolbrith, Ina Donna A Perfect Day and Other Poems Clemens, Will S Life of Mark Twain Colton, Kev. Walter Ship and Shore Three Years in California Island and Sea Dock and Port Sea and Sailor Clark, J. B Manual of Trigonometry Cromise, T. F ; Natural Wealth of California *Cummins, Adley P ' A Grammar of the Friesic Language Jewels from Many Minds (in press) Cummins, Ella Sterling Little Mountain Princess (novel) Our Californian Writers Life and Writings of B. B. Bedding, (in press) Dana, Richard H Three Years Before the Mast Daggett, R. M Braxton's Bar (novel) Legends and Myths of Hawaii Davis, William Heath Sixty Years in California Davis, Horace Shakespeare's Sonnets American Constitutions ♦Davis, Samuel Short Stories Davidson, George Scientific Works Delano, A. (Nom de Plume Old Block) Ciiips of the Old Block Life on the Plains and in the Diggings Derby, Col. George H Phcenixiana (12 editions) Squibob Papers Dobson, Edward Isaac Poems Del Mar, Alexander Gold and Silver Mining Science *Doran, James Zanthon (novel) Dolliver, Clara No Baby in the House, and Other Poems Candy Elephant Dwinelle, John W , Colonial History of San Francisco Dow, Jr. (E. G. Paide) Patent Sermons Edholm,Mrs. M. G. C History of Florence Crittenden Mission for the Rescue of Erring Girls *Evans, Gen. Albert S Our Sister Republic A la California Evans, Taliesin American Citizenship Eyster, Nellie Blessing ... A Colonial Boy or the Treasures of an Old Link Closet Everett, Life of Washington, 1890 Farnham, Eliza W California Indoors and Out CATALOGUE OF CALIFORNIAN WRITERS. *Fitch, Thomas and Anna M Better Days, or a Millionaire of To-morrow Pitch, Mi-s. Thomas (Anna M.) Bound Down *Foote, Lucius Harwood Legends of Corea (in press) A Red Letter Day, and Other Poems *Fremont, John C Reports of Explorations Geographical Memoir (1848) Frazier, Rachael Mosaic Gleanings Fro-t, John Pictorial History of California (1859) Ferris, W. \V Financial Economy Florinda, Aunt Phoebe Travers Grayson, A. J Birds of Mexico *Gage, Hannah B .The Land of the Sun.set Sea (poem) Gassaway, Frank Book of Poems (in press) George, Henry Progress and Poverty Goodhue, E. E ". Verses from the Valley Guuter, Archibald Clavering Mr. Barnes of N^w York Mr. Potter of Texas That Frenchman Miss Nobody of Nowhere Small Boy in Big Boots Glascock, Mary Dare (novel) Goodwin, C. C The Com&tock Club Green, Edward Lee Pittonia papers in Botany "West American Oaks Green, Wilis r. Sacrifice (novel) Greenhud, R History of Oregon and California Gibson, R A Journal of Army Life Harbenson, Theodore H Bee Culture *Hackett, Fred M Pure English Haggin, Mrs. Louis A. Mon Mari (Transaction) Harvey, Margaret The National Flower, and Other Poems Harte, F. Bret Outcroppings The Luck of Roaring Camp *East and West Poems M'liss Condensed Novels A Prophet of the Tules Mrs. Skagg's Husband and Other Sketches Tales of the Argonauts and Other Sketches Thankful Blossom Two Men of Sandy Bar Gabriel Couroy Story of a Mine Drift from Two Shores The Twins of Table Mountain Flip, and Found at Blazing Star In the Carquinez Woods On the Frontier A First Family^ of Tasajara Susy CATAtOGtfE OF^ CALIFOkNtAN WRttERS. Hopkins, Mrs Little Shell from Many Shores Hiller, Walking Shifting Sands (poems) Hittell, John S • History of Culture California Resources California i It's Societyj Climate and Industry Mining in the Pacific States Herman, William (W. Hi Rulofson) Dance of Death *Hart, Fred H > Sazarac Lying Club Hittell, Theodore.; The History of California Adventures of James Capon Adams General Laws of California Essay on Goethe's Faust *HoHmer, H. L* *. a Bacon and Shakespeare's Sonnets Halleck, H, W....... '. International Laws Military Tactics Hopkins, Caspar'!' ...;;....;.. Manual of American Ideas Hutchings, J. M Scenes of Wonder arid Curiosity in California The Miner's Ten Commandments *The Heart of the Sierras Yosemite Guide Book Hilgard, E. W Physical and Agricultural Features of' California Hyatt, Hart T , Grape Culture Holder, Prof) Charles. Elements of Zoology Living Lights A Frozen Dragon The Ivory King A Strange Company Marvels of Animal Life Charles Darwin, His Life and Works Pasadena and Vicinity Southern California Harazthy, Al'pad. Wine and Wine Making in California Hall, Frederick History of San Jose Hill, A. F Secrets of the Sanctum Hilgard, Eugene W Report: Geology and Agriculture of Mississippi Report ; Climatic Agricultural Feattires of the Pacific Coast Scientific Papers Holden Edward S. ..*.,, Life and Works of Sir William Hershel Astronomy iliscellaneous Writing Janes, ReV* E... 4 Human Psychology The Intellect Jones, William Cary..... First Phase in the Conquest of California Papers in Federal Constitution Krelerj Ralph J.... Gloverson's Silent Partner (novel) Vagabond Adventures CATALOGUE OP CAUFORNIAN WRITERS. II Kercheval, Albert T Dolores and Other Poems Kemp, George Shadows (poems) King, Clarence.... , Mountaineering in the Sierras King, Thomas Starr » Christianity and Humanity Substance and Show Kingsbury, .\lice (CooUey)..* *Asaph ■"Secrets Told Ho ! for Elfland ! KJp, Right Rev. W. I The Early Jesuit Missions in North America The Catacombs of Rome Christmas Holidays in Rome Unnoticed Things in Scripture History of Missions Early Days of My Episcopate ICirby, Georgiana Bruce Years of Plxperience Kustel, Guido Silver and Gold Extraction Kellogg, Martin On Oratorio Kyle, Maj. (?) In Darkest San Francisco Lawsen, Andrew B Report in the Geology of Rainy Lake Region Report in the Geology of Lake of the Woods Region Loomis, A. W Confucius and Chinese Classics Le Conte, Joseph. Sight f^lements of Geologv' Miscellaneous Writings (two volumes) Science and Religion Evolution and Immortality Lane, Mrs. L. C Letters of Travel Longhead, Flora Haines The Man Who Was Guilty Tragedy of the Sierras Gold-dust Stories The Abandoned Claim Libraries of California Linen, James Poetical and Prose Writings Song of the Seasons and Other Poems The Golden Gate Lloyd, B, E Lights and Shades in San Francisco Lynch, Jeremiah Egyptian Sketches Buckleyism Likias, Mrs. J. W Six Years a Book Agent Layers, A Belles-Lettres Lloyd, Samuel H Glimpse of Spirit Land Marshall, James W , Life and Adventures of the Discovery of Gold in California Matthews, Mrs. M. M Ten Years in Nevada or Life on the Pacific Coast Meyer, George Homer *I^mara and Other Poems Bear Flag Series (short storiesi ti CATALOGUE OF CALIFORNIAK WRITERS. *Moulder, Andrew J Commentaries on the School Law (fii-st book education) 1858 McGlashan, Charles History of the Donner Party Mulford, Prentice White Cross Library Some Laws of Health and Beauty Martin, Amelius Verses in the Valley and the Mountain Miller, Joaquin , Novels! ?r«;'^^''^^'«7" V 1, I 1 he Baroness of JSew York { Memorie and Rime Songs of Italy Songs of the Sierras Songs of the Sundowns Sea Poems-{ Olive Leaves The Arizoniart Joaquin Et. Al. Isles of the Amazon ( Songs of the Mexican Seas Mason, Ben. F^ Through W^ar to Peace The Village Mystery or the Spectre of St. Argyle Mighels, Harry Sage-brush Leaves Moses, Bernhard Politics: Comparative Constitutional Laws f^ederal Government of Switzerland Miscellaneous Writings Muriroe, Kirk Golden Days of 49, a Tale of California Diggings Massett, Stephen Drifting About (poems) Magee, Louisa Battles Cooper Beliind a Mask (novel) McDonald, Calvin B Sierra Citizen McLelland, R. Guy The Golden State Republicanism in America Morrow, W. C ; Blood Money (novel) Sliort Stories (in press) Marryatt, Frank Mountains and Mole Hills Neivark, Nathan I^w of Sale of Personal Property (U. S. and Great Britain) Norris, Frank.. '. Yvonelle (poem) Narrativ, Mannolas California Thirty Five Years Ago Nevill, Constance M Behind the Arras (novel) Nordhoff) Charles California for Healtli, Pleasure and Residence Northern (Jalifornia, Oregon and Sandwich Islands God and the Future Life Norman, Lucia ; A Youth's History of California Nutall, Austin P Dictionary of Scientific Terms O'Connell, Daniel Lyrics Bluff King Hal The Inner Man, or Good Things to Eat and Drink Otis, Frey M Illustrated History of Panama R. R Owen, J. J Spiritual Fragments. Provost, J. R Silk Culture CATALOGUE OF CALIFORNIAN WRITERS. 13 Powell, John J The Golden State Pique, Edward Practical Treatise on the Chemistry of Gold, Silver, Quick- silver and Lead Powers, Stejihen Muskingum Legends California Indians Peck, Jesse T Central Idea of Christianity Pollock, Edward A Pollock's Poems The Chandos Picture *Poston, Charles D Apacheland Pacheco, Mrs. Romualdo Montalban (novel) Phelps, Alonzo Practical Mathematics Made Easy Provost, Louis The Silk Grower's Manual Preston, Laura In Bonds (novel) Aldeane Youth's History of California A Boy's Trip Across the Plains Piatt, Rev. W. H After Death What? or Hell and Salvation Pomroy, John Martin Some Account of the Books of Stephen J. Field Powers, Frank H I Swear (novel) Military Tactics Parsons, G. F Life and Adventures of James Marshall Rodgers, J. H The California Hundred Rawson, A. H The Junior Partners (novel) Rowlandson, J A Treatise oh Earthquake Dangers Ralston, William C Memoirs of W. C. Ralston Royal C The Squatter and the Don (revenge novel) Ratton, Volney A Popular California Flora Royce, Josiah The Feud of Oakfield Creek (novel) California Commonwealth Religious Aspects of Modern Philosophy Ryan, William Personal Adventures in Upper and Lower California Rearden, Timothy H The Sea! The Sea! (poem) *Reed, Anna Morrison Earlier Poems Reeder, A. V Around the Golden Deep Rhodes, W. H *Cax ton's Book (short stories) Case of Summerfield Robinson, Alfred California. An Historical Poem Life in California Views of California . Ridge, John R *Poems Life and Adventures of Joaquin Murietta Wolves in the Fold Ross, Wm. T Voice Culture and Elocution Rideout, J. B Camping Out in California Richmond, H. H Montezuma and Other Poems Richards, C. French John Guilderstring's Sin (novel) H CATAI.OGUE OF CALIFORNIAN WRITERS. Eosewald, Mrs. Julie How shall I Practice Ross, J Songs of the Sand Hills (poems) Savage, Col. Richard Henry My Official Wife (novel) Little Lady of Lagunitas Prince Scharayl Sill, Edward Rowland Poems The Hermitage and other Poems *Sosso, Lorenzo ^ Early Poems Poems of Humanity Abelard and Heloise Swift, John Robert Greathouse Going to Jericho *Steell, J. D Poems *Swasey, W. F Early Days and Men of California Shinn, Charles H History of Mines and Mining in California Land Laws of Mining Districts Slade, Henry Legend of a Kiss (poem) Shuck, Oscar T *California Anthology Bench and Bar Representative Men Scrap Book Stewart, Frank Pleasant Hours of An Eventful Life Stillman, J. D. B Seeking the Golden Fleece *8irapson, William (Thomas Blot) The Man From Mars Shuey, Lillian Hinman California Sunshine (poems) Swett, John Educational Works Stoddard, Charles Warren Poems A Troubled Heart Flight into Egypt, or Marshalla South Sea Idyls The Lepers of Molokai Soule, Frank Annals of San Francisco Stevens, Mrs. C Leah's Confession (novel) Stanton, Mary Olmstead How to Read Faces Scientific Physiognomy Scott, Rev. William A Trade and Letters The Wedge of Gold The Giant Judge Esther The Church and the Army The Bible and Politics Shea, John B History of the Catholic Missions Among the Indian Tribes of the United States Sawtell, Rev. H. A Things to Think of Scofield, Chas Sketch-book, Prose and Poetry Smith, Samuel W Gems from the Tailings CAtAtOGUE Olf CALlPORNtAN WRITERS. 15 Scammon, C. M Marine Mammals of the Northwestern Coast of North America Stewart, W. F Pleasant Hours Spout, E. K... Mystery Stratton The Oatraan Children Stuart, Hector A , Ben Nebo (poem) Taylor, Rev. William Seven Years Street Preaching in San Francisco California Life Illustrated Thayer, Emma H Wild Flowers of the Pacific Coast Todd, Rev. John The Sunset Land of the Great Pacific Slope Toland, Mrs. M. B. M., (Illustrated Poems) Sir Rae Iris, Romance of An Opal Ring Onti Ora Aegle and the Elf Eudora — A Tale of Love The Inca Princess Tisayac of the Yo Semite Legend Laymone Townsend, Annie Lake On the Verge (novel) Truesdale, Amelia Woodward ..A California Pilgrimage Truman, Maj. Ben. C Occidental Sketches The Field of Honor Semi-Tropical California Tyson, Philip T Geology and Industrial Resources of California Tuthill, Franklin History of California Tinkliam, George H History of Stockton Taylor, W. B Old California Missions Twain, Mark (Samuel Clemens) The Jumping Frog of Calaveras Innocence Abroad The Gilded Age Roughing It A Tramp Abroad A Yankee at King Arthur's Court The American Claimant The Prince and The Paupec Tom Sawyer Huckleberry Finn *LTrmy, Clarence A Rosary of Rhyme (poems) Upham, Samuel C... Scenes in El Dorado Victor, Francis Fuller The New Penelope and Other Stories About Washington and Oregon Ver Merhr, Rev. J. L.... Checkered Life in the Old and New World Vandernaillen, A On the Heights of Himalaya Wagner, Madge Morris Early Poems Debris (poems) A Titled Plebeian (novel) 'Meric (novel) Wentworth, May Poetrv of the Pacific i6 CaTAI,OGUE OI^ CAtlFORNlAN WRIYERS. Fairy Tales From Gold Land The Golden Dawn and Other Stories Wadsworth, W National Wagon Eoad Guide (1858, very rare) Walters, Carrie Stevens ....i *Idyl of Santa Barbara *Ko8e Ashes (poems) Webb, Chas. H, (John Paul)...., St. Twelrao Welcker, Adair > King Eonier and Other Dramas The Wild and Woolly West Welcker, William T Military Tactics Welty, Mrs. Elizabeth (D. W.) Self Made (novel) Wiggin, Kate Douglas The Story of Patsy Tiraothv's Qtiest The Bird's Christmas Carol A Summer in a Canyon Watson, Mi-s. Mary People I Have Met Wallace, Prof. Alfred Kussell If a Man Die Shall He Live Again Willey, Samuel H.., A History of the College of California Thirty Years in California Whitney, J. D, - Geological Survey of California Guide to Yosemite. Weed, Joseph , Natural Resources of California Washburn, Jean .....*...., , • Poems *White, Richard E ;..The Cross of Monterey (poems) White, W. T Pioneer Times in California Wagstafl, A. E David S. Terry (sketch) Waite, Frona Eunice Wines of California Wright, William (Dan de Quille) Big Bonanza Wells, William V , Life of Samuel Adams Republic of Nicaragua Woodbury, Charles Talks with Emerson Wise, Lieut Los Gringos Winslow C. F Preparation of the Earth Young, James L. (colored) Helen Duval (novel) * Books already on hand. CATALOGUE OF CALIFORNIAN WRITERS. 17 FICTION. Atherton, Gertrude Frankliu What Dreams May Come Los Carritos A Question of Time Hermia Snydam Benton, "Mrs Who Would Have Thought It Bierce, Ambrose Tales of Soldiers and Civilian? Bidwell, Jennie There's Nothing in It. Borneraan, Mrs. Mary Madam Jane Jumber Joe Brown, J. Ross Yusef Bruner, Jane W Free Prisoners (A Story of California Life) Brooks, Noah The Boy Settler The Boy Emigrants The Fairport Nine Our Baseball Clubs Clifford, Josephine Overland Tales Cummins, Ella Sterling The Little Mountain Princess Daggett, R. M Braxton's Bar Davis, Samuel Short Stories Derby, Col Squibob Papers Phcenixiana Doran, James Zauthon Eyster, Nellie Blessing Colonial Boy Fitch, Thomas and Anna.. Better Days, or a Millionaire of To-morrow Fitch, Anna M * Bound Down Florinda, Aunt Phoebe Travers Glascock, Mary Dare Green, Will S i Sacrifice Goodwin, C. C The Comstock Club Harte, Bret M'liss The Luck of Roaming Camp Condensed Novels Prophet of the Tules Mrs. Skagg's Husband Thankful Blossom Gabriel Conroy Twins of Table Mountain Flip and Found at Blazing Star In the Carquinez Woods A First Family of Tasajara Hart, Fred Sazarac Lying Club Hittell, Theodore Adventures of James Capon Adams Keeler, Ralph J Gloverson's Silent Partner Vagabond Adventures Kingsbury, Alice Asaph Secrets Told Ho ! For Elfland Loughead, Flora Haines The Man Who Was Guilty CATALOGUE OF CALIFORNIAN WRITERS. The Abandoned Claim Gold Dust Series of Short Stories Miller, Joaquin One Fair Woman The Baroness of New York Munroe, Kirk. ..Golden Days of '49 (A Tale of California Diggings) Magee, Louise Battles Cooper Behind a Mask Morrow, W. C Blood Money Nevill, Constance M Behind the Arras Pacheco, Mrs. Eomualdo Montalban Preston, Laura...., In Bonds Aldeane Powers, Frank H I Swear Kawson, A. M The Junior Partners. Koyal, C The Squatter and The Don Rhodes, W. H, (Caxt(m)..The Case of Summerfield and Other Tales Kidges, John E Life and Adventures of Joaquin Murietta Wolves in the Fold Eichards, C. French John Guilderstring's Sin Savage, Col, Eichard Henry My Official Wife Little Lady of Lagunitas Prince Schamyl Swift, John Eobert Greathouse Simpson, William Man from Mars Stevens, Mrs. C Leah's Confession Stratton The Oatman Children Townsend, Annie Lake On the Verge Twain, Mark '. The Gilded Age Tom Sawyer Huckleberry Finn The Prince and Pauper A Yankee at King Arthur's Court Victor, Francis Fuller The New Penelope Wagner, Madge Morris A Titled Plebeian 'Meric Wagner, Harr The Street and the Flower Short Stories by Cali ornian W^riters Wentworth, Mary Fairy Tales from Gold Land The Golden Dawn Webb, Charles H Saint Twel' mo' Welty, Elizabeth Self-made Wigyin, Kate Douglas Story of Patsy Timothy's Quest The Bird's Christmas Carol A Summer in a Canyon Wright, Wm. (Dan de Quille) Big Bonanza Wise, Lieutenant Los Gringos Young, James S Helen Duval CATALOGUE OF CALIFORNIAN WRITERS. 19 Additional Books Desired — Such as MAGAZINES. The Pioneer Magazine Ferdinand Ewer, Editor Hutchings Illustrated Magazine J. M. Hiitchings, Editor Hesperian Mrs. Anna M. Fitch, Editor Overland Bret Harte, Editor Californian ; P'red Somers, Editor New Overland Miss Shinn, Editor New Golden Era Wagner and Bunyan, Editors lUustt^tted Californian Charles Holder, Editor JOURNALS. Golden Era ..Macdonough Foard and R. P. Daggett, Editors Kacraniento Union Anthony and Morrill, Editors Territorial Enterprise Joseph T. Goodman, Editor Sierra Citizen Calvin B. McDonald, Editor Argonaut Frank Pixley and Jerome Hart, Editors Californian Charles H. Webb (John Paul), Editor Ingleside Harry McDowell and Harry Bigelow, Editors San Franciscan .' Joseph T. Goodman, Arthur E. McEwen and W. H. Harrison, P^ditors The Epigram (twelve numbers) Fred M. Somers The News Letter F. Marriott, Editor The Wasp (ien. Backus, Editor The Wsve Cosgrove and Hume, Editors The Chronicle M. H. de Young, Editor The Examiner William Hearst, Editor The Post George Heazelton, Editor The Report Bunker and Hiester, Editors The Bulletin George K. Fitch, Editor The Call Loring Pickering, Editor BOOKS OF COLLECTIVE WRITING. Histories by the Bancroft Company Literary Industries History of Alaska, 1730-1885. History of British Columbia, 1792-1887 History of California, 1542-1848. History of Central America History of Mexico, five volumes The Native Races of the Pacific Slope Annals of San Francisco Appleton, 1855 California Anthology Out-croppings Poetry of the Pacific Short Stories of Californian Writers College Verses Berkeley A Chaplet of Verse by California Catholic Writers 1889, S. F. Picturesque California Men and Memoirs of San Francisco (Spring of '50 [Just issued— ^too late for mention in Catalogue.] "BLACK BEETLES IN AMBER" By ANIBROSE BIE^RCE, With Portrait 0' the Author. PUBLISHED SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 24th. 280 pages, large 12-rao. Price, $1.50. For sale by all book- sellers. Trade .supplied by G. A. DANZIGER, Murphy Building, San Francisco. "THE MONK AND THE HANGMAN'S DAUGHTER," By Ambrose Bierce and G. A. Danziger. (In the Press). 20 CATALOGUE OF CALIFORNIAN WRITERS. Desired for Literary Exhibit Scrap-Books. Joseph T. Goodman May N. Hawley Kate Douglas Wiggin Julia Clinton Jones, Extracts from journalists, and descriptive writers, such as etc. Samuel Seabough George H. Fitch E. C. Waite Harry Bigelow ' Verse Writers— Such as Newton Booth Peter Robertson Richard Realf Ina D. Coolbrith Joseph Winans A rthur E. McEwen Bruce Wallace Emma Frances Dawson Lauren E. Crane Frank M. Pixley Olive Harper Charlotte Perkins Stetson James F. Bowman John P. Irish Charles Edwin Markhatii Lillian Hinman Shuey Jos. T. Goodman Jerome A. Hart Clarence Urmy Emily Brown Powell Ambrose G. Bierce Jas. P, McClatchy Frank Gassaway Madge Morris Wagner John Hamilton Gilmour George F. Parsons Daniel O'Connell Carrie Stevens Walter John Muir Calvin V. McDonald etc., etc. T. H. Kearden Joaquin Miller, etc. Extracts Desired from Orators — Such as Story \A^riters. Col. Edwin Baker W. H L. Barnes From whom scattered stories and poems are desired for tlie scrap- David C. Broderick Geo. T. Bromley books, such as Thomas Starr King W. H: McKaig (Dr.) William C. Morrow Yda Addis Thomas Fitch N. Greene Curtis Robert Duncan Milne Flora Haines Longhead Horatio Stebbins John B. Felton Ambrose Bierce Emma Frances Dawson Rev. Thomas (Juard John P. Irish Frank B. Millard Gertrude F. Atherton Rev. Robert McKenzie, etc. Charles Lummis Evelyn Ludlum E. H. Clough Annie Lake Townsend Also Souvenirs and Artistic Booklets. R. L. Ketchum Margaret Collier Graham Arthur McEwen Julia H. Bugeia Thomas Vivian Madge Morris Wagner Sam Davis Jeanne C. Carr CATALOGUE OF CALIFORNIAN WRITERS. 21 SHADOW ON THE PRINCESS' FACE. Shall I tell you a story ? Well, let it be something relative to the World's Fair, and why we should make an exhibit of California there — her products, her industries, and the progress she has made in culture — in art, music, literature and education. To do so. I must tell you the story of a certain Princess of the ^ Western Sea, and her name, and the names of her lovers, I will leave you to guess, telling only that her father was called " King Pacific," and her mother " Queen Sierra." There is nothing more fascinating than a Princess, From the top of her pearl-broidered cap to tlie heels of her golden slippers she is an object of divine interest. She is supposed to be a little above ordinary mortals, and therefore not endowed with the same feelings and emotions. But there once was a Princess more beautiful than all the royal maidens of the fairy books. She was free of limb and full of strength like a sculptor's model. Her eyes had a darkling look, as if one gazed into a deep, deep well. Her mother being Queen of the Mountains, and her father King of all Waters, she had a right to be full of pride and dignity; but the strange thing about the Princess was, that upon her face, so fair and beautiful, was a shadow — a shadow faint and in distinct at first, but gradually growing darker and darker. All the Court noticed the strange shadow, and at last the King and Queen, But when her mother asked her the cause, the Princess stood and said, " I do not know, only that I am so unhappy." In terror at these words, the King called his councilors to know what to do to banish the shadow from the Princess' face. And so they all gathered and talked wise to each other. " It is for lack of splendor and luxury," said they all, ." She is longing for jewels and such things as delight a maiden's heart. Give her these and the shadow will vanish." And so the King sent for the Gnomes of the Under World, and bade them bring up their choicest jewels and the Cobweb Fairies to spin their dain£i«st gossamers of lace and silk, and with gold and silver all were lavished upon the beautiful Princess. But the shadow only grew deeper. Again the King called for his wise men, and again put the ques- tion to them, " It is music that is lacking," said they all. " She is longing for silver lutes and beautiful harmonies. Give her these and the shadow will be lifted." And so the King of all Waters sent for the Wind Fairies and the Spirits of Deep Ocean, and bade them play upon their iEolian harps and shells and lift their voices in song. And music sweet was wafted through the palace, and then music, mighty in its glorious harmony, speaking of Is^ature's passions, arose and thrilled the land. But the shadow remained on the Princess' face Again the King called his Council, and demanded what was to be done. The Prime Minister looked at the Secretary, and the Secretary at the Treasurer, and the Treasurer at the Sage of the Council. And the Sage said: "It must be that the Princess is longing to meet her Prince. It is the time for her Suyamvara," Now the Suyamvara was an Oriental custom, which in modem 22 CATAI.OGUE OF CAI^IFORNIA.N WRITERS. English means "coming out." It was the time for the Princess to issue cards and say that she was "out" in society, and that all mar- riageable young gentlemen, heirs to kingdoms, were to appear on the scene, and the Princess would choose one to reign with her. And so the King said: '"Why didn't you say so before ?" And so he announced her Suyamvara. Now, there was a great hubbub in all the kingdoms round, and every Prince arrayed himself in silver and gold, and dazzlingly ap- peared before her. There was tlie Copper-colored Prince,* and the Swarthy Prince,t and the Almond-eyed Prince, i but she turned her head away. Then last of all came the White Prince.? She arose and gave him her hand, and the trumpets pealed in triumph. But the shadow still lay upon the Princess' face. . The King and all the Cabinet were puzzled. They called the White Prince into their council and told him the tale, and asked him to find out the cause of the shadow, for they could not. And he was a wise Prince as well as a handsome one, and he said: " What wonder that the shadow lies upon the Princess' face ? Her arms are decked with jewels, her dress is cloth of gold, flowers are wreathed about her neck, beauty and splendor shower upon her How can she be happy receiving all, and giving nothing .*" and then a light broke in upon the King. "It is against nature. If you would remove the shadow, let the Princess send for the sorrowful nations in less happy climes, and divide with them her glorious treasures of the Gnomes, the Wind Fairies, the Spirits of Deep ♦ The Indian, t The Mexican, t The Chinese, g The American. Ocean, and ber fields of grain and golden poppies. Let her pour oil upon their wounds, and give wine to their drooping spirits." And the King and the Cabinet rejoiced, for they now had learned the secret at last. And so it came that happy time of year when, with winter sol- tice, all hearts turn kindly to each other, and the odor of evergreen makes sweet the air. The White Prince had told the good news of a beautiful Princess of the Western Sea, who was waiting to enrich all who came to her kingdom to dwell, and groups of people were _ thronging their way thither by sea and by land. Anxiously the King, the Queen, the cabinet, and even the White Prince watched the face of the Princess as she lavished the gold from her arms, the poppies and wheat from her neck, gave away her fields and the treasures from her store-house, and poured oil on their wounds, and warmed them with wine. And the chilled people of cold countries were thawed into life again, and the people of hot countries no longer drooped, but were restored, and all sang a song of exceedingly great joy. And the Princess? Why her eyes sparkled like gems, and the smile of content irradiated every feature. She turned to the White Prince, impulsively, and said : "I am poorer, but lam happier." And the King of all Waters gave his hand to the Queen of all Mountains, and they all danced a farandole, for the Shadow had fled forever. * * * * * And the name of the beautiful Princess of the Western Sea was "California." EUa Sterling Cummins. Mtittial Savinofs Bank OF SAN FRANCISCO, 33 POST STREET, BELOW KEARNY. (Mechanics' Institute Building.) Guarantee Capital, - - - - - One Million Dollars. JAMES G. FAIR President. JAMES PHELAN, } ,,. „ . , . S. G. MURPHY, ' I Vice-Presidents. JAMES G. FAIR, JAMES PHELAN, EDWARD BARRON, JAMES MOFFITT, J. A. HOOPER, S. G. MURPHY, C. G. HOOKER, CHAS. CADWALADER, JAMES D. PHELAN. . . . Interest Paid on Term and Ordinary Deposits. . . . LOANS ON APPROVED SECURITIES. JAMES A. THOMPSON, Cashier. >v