LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. Class OLD ENGLISH GLOSSES NAPIER [iv. ii.J HENRY FROWDE, M.A. PUBLISHER TO THE UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD LONDON, EDINBURGH, AND NEW YORK OLD ENGLISH GLOSSES CHIEFLY UNPUBLISHED EDITED BY ARTHUR S. NAPIER, M.A., PH.D. MERTON PROFESSOR OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE IN THE UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD AT THE CLARENDON PRESS 1900 Ojcfort PRINTED AT THE CLARENDON PRESS BY HORACE HART, M.A. PRINTER TO THE UNIVERSITY PREFACE SOME years ago, when working through Wanley's Thesaurus with a view to ascertaining how much of the contents of the Old English MSS. was still unpublished, I noticed on p. 183 the description of three Latin Aldhelm MSS. in the Royal Collection in which 'voces plurimae (nonnullae) glossantur Saxonice.' This led me to look at all the Aldhelm MSS. in that collection seven in number and I discovered that they all contained English glosses. A subsequent examination of all the other Aldhelm MSS. I could find in English libraries showed that, with two exceptions, they were all glossed. I then turned to other Latin authors, Beda, Prudentius, &c., but with a very different result : sometimes I chanced upon a few glosses, often only two or three English ones amongst hundreds of Latin ; more frequently still the labour was entirely without result, and I have spent many hours turning over the pages of MSS. without meeting with a single gloss. Various friends too, whom I mention below, have been good enough to call my attention to MSS. containing English glosses, but with two exceptions, viz. Nos. 32 and 54 1 , I have collected and copied these glosses from the MSS. myself, and am therefore entirely responsible for their completeness and accuracy. In this way the little collection here printed has gradually grown. This volume is only a first attempt to give, in a collected form and with some amount of elucidation, OE. interlinear glosses gleaned from a considerable number of MSS.; it merely aims at being a small instalment towards the future Corpus of OE. glosses. In addition to the glossaries printed in WW. and OET?, and to the glossaries and interlinear glosses collected and printed in scattered periodicals, there must still be many glosses in the numerous Latin MSS. in our libraries 3 ; though, when the final collection 1 These are printed from copies which Prof. Lindsay kindly placed at my disposal. 3 Both works contain a few interlinear glosses besides the glossaries : e. g. WW, p. 55. 3 I have since collected glosses from two more MSS., too late however for inclusion in this volume. Prof. Priebsch informs me that in MS. Royal 4. A. xiv he has found a single gloss, foremere written over De rumigerulo. 109456 vi PREFACE of OE. glosses comes to be made, it is very unlikely to approach in bulk the four stately volumes of Old High German glosses so excellently edited by Steinmeyer and Sievers. Most of the MSS. I have repeatedly collated, and believe that I have not overlooked any glosses written in ink, but I can make no such claim in the case of those glosses which are merely scratched, without ink, in the parchment. Some details concerning these will be found in Chapter V. It is worthy of notice that words taken from some of these glossed MSS. have found their way into the early dictionaries, Somner, Lye, &C. 1 In making use of OE. interlinear glosses it should be borne in mind that an English glossator sometimes translates the Latin gloss to the lemma rather than the lemma itself. Cp. 3005, where gemynde renders the gloss memoria^ not the lemma perpendiculo. Thus again in the case of 5112 uas, s.paulus, fxtels, bydel) it is evident that, whilst fxtels translates the tias of the text, bydel ' messenger, forerunner ' is meant to gloss the gloss Paulus, and we are by no means justified in assuming a bydel 'vessel,' ac is done by Leo and Hall. It should also be remembered that the OE. glossators very frequently wrote out only part of the gloss, just enough to suggest to the reader what word they meant : cp. 1, 2 ; 4 ; 5 ; 10, &c. Disregard of this has led to the introduction by lexicographers of a number of fancied words into the dictionaries : e. g. lac ( medicine ' (lacnung is really meant), &c. : cp. notes to 1, 382; 418; 2985; 4639, &c., and JGPh. ii. 360-1. Another source of error lies in the fact that when there was no room over the word to be glossed, the scribe would write his gloss wherever he found sufficient space (cp. p. xxxiv (e) infra) over the next word, on the margin, or below the line so that it could easily come to be regarded as meant to gloss an entirely different word from that which the writer intended. A well-known example of this is the supposed OE. goddess Ricen, deduced from WW. 387 38 , and 51 1 35 , Diane = ricenne, which Sievers 1 That the Digby MS. was used is evident from the following words in Lye : Arsgang . Anus . arsganga . Latrintz : cp. 3917. Bepactmg . Lenocinium : cp. 4015. Fogere . Procus : cp. 3913. For- scewestre . Contemptrix : cp. 4430. Ge-edpraTven . Retortus : cp. 1062. - Hrilcecung . Ratiocinatio : cp. 3215. Lyster . Fautor : cp. 4674. Scruft: cp. 4889 (H. has the correct cruft, which proves that it was D., not H., that was used), &c.; cp. also note to 18-19. MS. C. C.C. 326 (No. 4) was also pre- sumably used, and was the source of the following woids in Lye : Cistmalum . Cert at im \ cp. 4, 32. F^aluclyfe . Taberna : cp. 4. 42. Medwyrhta . . . iixa : cp. 4, 24. PREFACE vii (PBB. xvi. 367) showed to be no name at all, but really intended to gloss a neighbouring tiirificare. The adjective parriht ' unsheathed, &c.' in Leo and Hall, and the pxrriht ' straight ' in BT., have arisen in a similar way : see note to 3797. Cp. also notes to 627; 46935-4706, &c. A considerable number of spurious words and forms have found their way into the dictionaries in consequence of the mere misreading of the MS., sometimes on the part of an OE. scribe copying from an older original, but more frequently on that of the modern editor. An instance of this is the ivxlltc 'deep' in BT. and the welic ' surging ' of Leo and Hall: see note to 1942 and JGPh. ii. 361. Cp. also notes to 1, 28 ; 326; 543; 571 ; 758; 786; 974; 1035; 1744; 2607; 2687; 2700; 3233; 34755 359 6 ; 39*35 3935; 4029; 4183; 4297; 4486; 4939; 4980; 5242; 2, 399; 7, 165; 37, 3, &c. Sometimes, the modern editors have wrongly printed two separate words as one (cp. notes to 1171 ; 1663 ; 2213), or have cut up a single word into two (cp. note to 4555). In the case of 3672 it is the glossator himself who has carelessly run two different words together, producing a non- existent sceamfestnys. Or the misinterpretation of a contraction sign either on the part of the old scribe (cp. note to 4388 sand- for sam-), or on the part of the modern editor (cp. notes to 1696; 4614), has proved a source of spurious words. Then again it not unfrequently happened that the glossator misunderstood or misread his lemma (cp. 1599; 1838; 1960; 2174; 4185; 2, 435, &c.), or that only a part of it caught his eye (cp. 1251, &c.), either of which could easily give rise to the introduction of wrong meanings in the dictionaries : this I take it is the explanation of Leo's heofung ' jubilatio ' (cp. note to 1 345), the sidhhandla ' a ploughman ' in most of the dictionaries (cp. note to 2357), and of Hall's weggelxte 'festival in the streets' (cp. note to 4716 and Addenda). Sometimes the glossator had in mind the sense of the context rather than that of the individual words. The following example will illustrate this : OE. getirxc means ' force, pressure, violence, tumult,' but in Sw, we also find 'once equipment Gl.'; Hall gives 'equipment, aid,' whilst BT. separates geprxc ' apparatus, adjutorium ' from geprxc ' press, &c.' Sweet's source is evidently the Corp. Gl. 190 (-WW. 6 25 ) apparatumgeprec. Now besides this instance we find the same gloss in two Aldhelm passages : viii PREFACE ^ (i) G. I2 l cum horrendo belli apparatu is glossed by geprxce in 1, 778 (and H.}\ 7, 59 ; 8, 87 ; S. 41; WW. 339 12 ; 48 9 : ' 3 . (2) G. 6 4 10 ^M */0/fc os=G. 4 3 ; 14 40 *Commentis=G. 39 29 ; 15* Conpilat = G. 207"; i6 41 *Deuotaturus = G. 138 ' ; i f 3 Deglobere = G. 45* ; 19" *Elogio = G. 32*, etc. ; 2O* 3 Excubias = G. 40 23 ; 2i 18 - 18 *Famfaluca = G. 259 9 ; 2i 16 Fasdarum = G. ^ u ;2^*Garbas=G. I39 30 ; 25' Grunnire = G. 6o 36 ; = 26 l Hymeneos = G. 24?*; 26* Imbricibus=G. 31* ; 26 9 Inergumenos = G. ^2*;2& <> *Indruticans = G. i? 27 (cp. note to 1, 1218); 28" Irridabant=G'.*]O 19 ; 1\^ Lupatis = G. 2 33 ; 3i 32 Mandras = G. 4Q 23 ; 31' Marsuppia = G. 56 13 ; 32 36 * Mirifillo = G . 254 1 ; 32 s8 Minaci= G. 62 13 ; 33 3i Murice = G. i5 3 * ; 34 9 *Nebulonis = G. so 35 ; 35 23 Ocreis = G. 7i 34 ; 36* Opilauit = G. 49 9 5 3 82 *Percrebuit = G. 39* ; s8 3 Per hironiam = G. 75 20 ; 39" *Pice saeuo = G. p8 5 (?) ; 4 i 8 *Profligatis = G. 54* ; 42 1 /"w rostris (cp. note to 1. 232 2) = G\ 32* ; 42 12 Putamina = G. 45 11 ; 43* Randdis=G. 38" ; \g> Reciprocis = G. 32 31 ; 43 29 Retorto=G. I5 33 ; 43*' *-RidimicuIae=G. 76 9 ; 44 8 * ' Rostris = G.^ S ; 44 26 Aww0= G. 58* ; 44 30 Salibaribus = G. 30" ; 44" Sarcofago = {7. 39 27 ; 44 3a Sacellorum = G. 25"* ; 45 36 *Scindulis = (7. 34 12 ; 45 38 *Scrobibus = G. 27; tf 23 Solisequia = ff. 250 16 ; tf*Sortem = G. 49"*; 48 32 ^/rzrfa macera = G. ^ 3 ;CGff. H2 P81 *Suoueiaurilia = G. 67 12 ; 49 M Sucini- G. I6 1 ; 54 *Uibrat = G. 272 32 . In other cases where the Corpus Glossary has an un- inflected and Aldhelm an inflected form, it is still very possible that the latter was" the source, e.g. WIV. *]** Ars plumaria, cp. G. I5 28 ; iS 20 *dodrans, cp. G. 92 8 ; IO7 16 , etc. WW. 194" Beluae = G. 69"; I94 30 Bilustris=G. 34 37 ; i94 88 Bis tincto 194" Bisso retorto=G. is 33 ; I95 32 Buccis=G. 1 1 1 ; 2OO 33 Cassaretur= G. df ; 202 30 Cerethei= G. n 37 ; 204 22 Cicindilibus=G. 37 3S ; 2O4 25 Cittis =G. 8 15 , or 179"; 2o6 28 Comitiales = G. 70'" (cp. 1, 4937) ; 2o8 a9 Cognate propinquitatis = G^. 37 1 ; 2ii 36 Contecta =G. 8 16 ; 2i2 6 Contubernali sodalitate = cenne gemiltsaS f>e mundum qui regit (cp. GrW. ii. 277) as well as in the concluding lines of the Phcenix. I have dis- regarded the punctuation and the use of capitals in the MS. 2 Cp. OE. Boethius, Metre i. 52. * fi^Xds. * The book is the speaker. 8 ir6vos. e Have we here an unrecorded *geano}> ' mourning, lamentation ' = Gothic gaunojws ? DESCRIPTION OF MANUSCRIPTS xv secjan sotS, nalles leas, f him symle \vaes euthenia 1 oftor on fylste, sene 2 on etSle ec (Son t5e [/>. 6] se 3 is yfel on gesaed. Etiam nusquawz ne sceal 4 ladijan labor quern tenet encratea 5 , ac he ealnej 6 sceal boethia 7 biddan georne ]?urh his modes jemind micro in cosmo $ him drihten jyfe dinams 8 on eorftan, fortis factor, ^ he fortS simle 9 . . . . 6. MS. Royal 7. D. xxiv. Contains 168 leaves. The De laud. virg. is found on foil. 82-168. Text and glosses are tenth century. I have not distinguished the various hands in which the glosses are written. The first part of the MS. (foil. 1-81), containing Guitmundi aversani archiep. De corpore et sanguine (twelfth century), has no connexion with the Aldhelm part. 6. MS. Bodley 97. Contains 75 leaves. It contains only Aldhelm's De laud. virg. (foil. 1-7 5 b ). The last leaves have been cut out, the MS. ending with fragililate tremebundus (G. 8i 20 ). Both text and glosses date from the eleventh century. Most of the English glosses are by the same hand that wrote the Latin glosses. A second hand wrote 26; 28; 30; and I think 8; 9; 10; 13. Nos. i; 3; 6; 7; n may be by either. Nos. 2 ; 4 ; 5 are later ; all the rest are by the first hand. 7. MS. Royal 6. A. vi. Contains 109 leaves. Aldhelm's Epistola ad Eahfridum is contained on foil. 5-9; the De laud. virg. on foil. 9 b -iO9- Both text and glosses are late eleventh century. Most of the English glosses are in the same hand as the Latin glosses. One ' scratched ' gloss (cp. p. xxxiii) has been included. Foil. 1-4, containing Latin fragments, have been merely bound up with the MS. On fol. iO9 b is a twelfth- century Latin poem on the death of Henry I. 8. MS. Royal 5. E. xi. Contains 120 leaves. The De laud. virg. is contained on foil. 2-119. Text and glosses are late eleventh century. Foil, i and 120 contain portions of the De laud. virg. (fol. i = Giles 79 s5 -8o u ; fol. i b =. 8o 12 -8o 86 ; fol. 120 = G. 8o 26 -8i s ; fol. i20 b =r. 8i s -8i 16 ), the handwriting is the same as that of the rest 2 One expects a substantive parallel to euthenia rather than the adverb pauca); (10) foil. 25-26*) (G. 66 6 Quorum G. 6f 5 cruentatd). I include the two leaves now in Cambridge, the glosses in which are printed as No. 12. 2 Foil. 8 and 9 are bound in their wrong order. 3 With fol. 10 a second hand begins. * This leaf has been bound in its wrong place. At the top of it is a note : ' Preserved from the cover of a book by... Singer, Librarian to the Royal Institution, and by him presented to Sir Thos. Phillipps, Bart. 1827.' At the bottom is a pencil note in the handwriting of Sir Thos. Phillipps : ' This leaf was given me by Mr. Singer, the others I bought at Heber's Sale, 1836.' From the priced copy of the Sale Catalogue in the Bodleian we learn that it formed Lot. 32 of the nth part of the Sale, which took place on Feb. 10 and following days, 1836, and was sold to Sir Thos. Phillipps for 20. 9.?. 6d. DESCRIPTION OF MANUSCRIPTS xvii The English glosses are written in, at least, two hands : firstly, a small hand (or hands) that mostly uses the continental d, g, r ; and secondly, a larger hand (or hands) that generally writes the English c), 5, p. The following are in the first hand (or hands) : i-4; 6-13; 17-21; 23-25; 29-33; 35; 4i; 47-48; 55-6o; 76; 79; 81; 84; 88; 96; 120-178; 180-183. The remainder are in the larger hand (or hands). The ' scratched ' glosses (cp. p. xxxiii infra), which are frequent, especially in the earlier part, I have not included. 12. Cp. 11. 13. On MSS. Digby 146 and Royal 6. A. vi cp. 1 and 7. MS. Domitian ix is a collection of fragments (cp. Planta's Catalogue, p. 573), and contains 108 leaves. The Epistola ad Eahfridum is found on foil. 3-7 b , and both it and the English glosses are late tenth century. The MS. contains on fol. 9 a fragment of an English Chronicle, A.D. 1113-4, first ed. by Zupitza, Anglia, i. 197; and on fol. 10 three early tenth- century fragments of the OE. Beda, also first ed. by Zupitza, ZfdA. xxx. 185. 14. MS. Bodley 577. Contains 76 leaves. The metrical De laudibus virginum extends from fol. i to fol. 64 ; the De octo vitiis from fol. 64** to fol. 76. Both text and glosses are early eleventh century. 15. MS. Bodley 49. Contains 76 leaves. The De laud. virg. is contained on foil. 1-64; De octo vitiis on foil. 64 b ~76. The text dates from about A.D. 1000, and the English glosses are not much later. From a note inside the binding the MS. appears to have belonged originally to Winchester. 16. MS. Gg. v. 35, Cambridge Univ. Library. For a description of the varied contents of this MS. cp. the Catalogue of the MSS. preserved in the Library of the Univ. of Cambr,, 1858, iii. 201-5. It contains 454 leaves, amongst which I found the following texts with English glosses. Both texts and glosses are eleventh century, (i) Juvencus, foil. 1-53 (=No. 43 in this volume); (2) Sedulius, foil. 53~8s b (=No. 51); (3) Prudentius, foil. 149-165 ( = No. 49); (4) Aldhelm, De laud, virg., foil. 28i~3i9 b ; (5) Milo, foil. 327-362 (=No. 44); (6) Aldhelm, Riddles, foil. 394-407 (=No. 23). The MS. once belonged to the Monastery of St. Augustine, Canterbury ; the dialect of the glosses, however, is not Kentish, but WSax. 17. MS. Rawlinson, C. 697, Bodleian Library. It consists of 78 leaves, and contains the following : (i) Aldhelm, Riddles, foil. 1-16 ; (2) De laud, virg., foil. 1 7~55 b ; (3) De octo vitas, foil. 56-64; (4) Prudentius, foil. 64-78. The last named has no English glosses. The text is written in a continental hand of the ninth or early tenth century, but the MS. must have been already in England in the eleventh century, as the English glosses were added then. A thirteenth-century note on fol. i : Olim liber sancti Edmundi regis et martyris, shows that the MS. once belonged to Bury St. Edmunds. [iv. ii.] b xviii INTRODUCTION 18. MS. 285, Corpus Christ! College, Cambridge. Contains 132 leaves. The first part, which contains a fifteenth-century Latin life of Henry V, has been bound up with the Aldhelm MS. The De virg. laud, begins fol. 75, and ends fol. i22 b ; De octo vitiis stands on foil. I22 b -i3i b . Text and glosses are eleventh century. The 'scratched' glosses (cp. p. xxxiii infra), which are in a larger hand, I have included and marked with an asterisk. 18 B . MS. Auct. F. 2. 14, Bodleian Library. Contains 128 leaves. Its contents are: (i) Life of St. Swithun^, foil. 1-50 (with English glosses; cp. No. 52); (2) Prudentius, foil. 51-58; (3) Fables of Avianus, foil. 58 b -68; (4) Persius, foil. 68 -77; (5) Phocas, foil. 77 b -89 (with English glosses; cp. No. 45); (6) The Latin Epitome of Homer" 21 , which goes under the name of Pindar, foil. 90-1 04 b . The remaining pieces I do not enumerate ; they contain no English glosses. The text is eleventh century, and the English glosses here printed, which are on the margins of foil. n-i9 b , must have been written soon after noo, but are obviously copied from an eleventh-century original (cp. ES. xi. 63). The glosses to St. Swithun and Phocas are, as I now believe, eleventh century. Since publishing these glosses in ES. xi, I have found that they are all taken from Aldhelm. 19. Cp. 14. 20. Cp. 15. 21. Cp. 17. 22. Cp. 18. 23. Cp. 16. 24. Cp. 17. 25. MS. Royal 15. A. xvi. Contains 84 leaves (foil, i and 84 blank). Juvencus (with no English glosses) is on foil. 2-59, and is followed by Aldhelm's Riddles on foil. 59 b -73 b . Both the text and the English gloss are eleventh century. The MS. formerly belonged to the monastery of St. Augustine, Canterbury. 26. MS. Royal 12. C. xxiii. It consists of 138 leaves. The contents are: (1) Juliani episcopi Toletani Prognosticon, foil. i b ~79 b (No. 42 in this volume); (2) Prologus Aldhelmi super enigmata, foil. 79 b -82 b ; (3) Enigmata Aldhelmi, foil. 83~i03 b ; (4) (5) (6) Riddles of Simphosius, Eusebius, and Tatwine, foil. 104-127, &c. 1 The metrical Life of St. Swithun, by Wulfstan, pupil of Bishop ^Ethelwold, and cantor of the church of Winchester, is not yet printed as a whole. The first part is given in Mabillon's Acta SS. s. Benedicti, Saec. v. 1685, p. 628. Cp. Th. Wright, Biogr. Britann. Lit., Anglo-Saxon Period, p. 471 ; and Ebert, Allgemeine Geschichte der Literatur des Mittelalters im Abendlande, iii. 497. 2 Ed. Baehrens, under the title of Italici Ilias Latina, Poetae Latini minores, iii. Teubner, 1881. DESCRIPTION OF MANUSCRIPTS xix Both text and glosses are late eleventh century. Most of the English glosses are written in the same hand as the Latin glosses, but I can make out at least one other hand, which wrote e. g. Nos. 3 ; 4 ; 13 ; 15 ; 17-22, &c. ; but as I could not in all cases be sure, I have not distinguished them. 27. MS. O. I. 18, Trinity College, Cambridge. Contains 112 leaves. Augustine's Enchiridion is on foil. 2-1 09^. The text seems to date from the tenth, the English glosses from the eleventh century. 28. MS. Rawlinson G. in, Bodleian Library. Cp. Madan, iii. 362. Contains 51 leaves. On foil. 1-16 are the Fables of Avianus; on foil. i6-5i b are other Fables (ascribed to Esop) in Latin Hexameters. Both text and glosses are eleventh century. Note the use of a sign like an ordinary accent to denote contraction (cp. 8 ; 9 ; 1 1 ; 12, &c.). 29. MS. Bodley 163 (formerly NE. B. 4. 10). It contains 251 leaves. The Hist. Eccles. occupies foil. 1-209. Text and glosses are late eleventh century. For the remaining contents cp. Plummer, Vener, Bedae Hist. Eccles. i. p. cxviii. On the margin of fol. 152 is Csedmon's Hymn in English, but mostly erased. On fol. 250 are some Latin-English glosses, published by Zupitza in ZfdA. xxxiii. 238. Some notes in the MS. render it probable that it formerly belonged to the monastery of Peterborough. 30. MS. Q. 5, Worcester Cathedral Library. Both text, Beda's De arte metrica, and the English. glosses are tenth century. On a blank leaf at the end is an English- Latin charm against fever which I printed in Archiv, Ixxxiv. 324. 31. MS. Vespasian B. vi. Cp. Catalogue of Ancient MSS. in the British Museum, Part II, Latin, pp. 68 and 79. Contains 183 leaves. Beda's De temporum ratione is on foil. 1-102. The MS. was written, perhaps in France, about the year 840. The glosses, added in England, are late tenth or eleventh century. 32. MS. Regina 204, Vatican Library. These glosses, which appear to be eleventh century, are printed from a copy made by Prof. W. M. Lindsay and kindly placed by him at my disposal. The MS. contains Beda's metrical Life of St. Cuthberi. I may here place it on record that MS. Harley 526 also contains the same work of Beda with some OE. glosses, published by Zupitza, ZfdA. xxxiii. 237, and that, as Zupitza I.e. suggested, the two glosses printed in AhdG. ii. 45, conohelme, patroni= mundboran, are in all probability English. 33. MS. Domitian i. Cp. Th. Gottlieb, Ueber mittelalterliche Billiotheken, Leipzig, 1890, p. 278. The chief contents of the first and older part of the MS. (foil. 1-55), which is in Latin and written by late tenth-century hands, are: (i) Isidor's De natura rerum, foil. 3-37 ; (2) a grammatical treatise ascribed to Priscian, foil. 40-51 ; (3) Beda's b 2 xx INTRODUCTION De diejudicii, foil. 5i-54 b . Both Beda and Isidore have a few English glosses (late tenth or eleventh century) ; the latter are printed here as No. 41. On fol. 2 are eight glosses (eleventh century) printed as No. 55. An OE. receipt for making wen -salve on fol. 55 b is published in Lcdm. i. 382. An eleventh-century list of books on fol. 55 h , beginning : pis syndon 3d bee fie cepestanes war an . de natura rerum 1 , &c., has been held to show that the MS. formerly belonged to King ^Ethelstan. But there is nothing in the entry which justifies this; moreover, the MS. was probably written after ^Ethelstan's death. By the thirteenth century it had come into the possession of St. Augustine's, Canterbury, as is proved by two entries on fol. 2 b . The remainder of the MS., foil. 56 sqq., consists of later writings, and did not form part of the original codex. 34. MS. Auct. F. i. 15, Bodleian Library. One of the MSS. given by Leofric to Exeter. It contains 93 leaves. Boethius occupies foil. 5-77. On foil. 77 b is the Hunc librum dat leofricus, &c., followed by the English Das boc gef leofric, &c. The remainder of the MS., as at present bound, was originally a separate codex, and on fol. 78 we find Hunc codicem dedit Leofricus, &c., and the English pas boc gef, &c. Persius (without English glosses) occupies foil. 79-92. Text and glosses are eleventh century. 35. MS. Nero E. i. A large folio MS. in writing of the late tenth or eleventh century, containing Lives and Passions of Saints. The only two Lives with English glosses are those of St. Egwin, foil. 24-34^ and of St. Guthlac, foil. 185-196. The glosses are eleventh century. Eleventh-century hands have also added certain words above the lines: viz. fol. 89 //; 89 b /^; i27 b oferH; 128/0/1; 130 ofertt; 130 foh; itf^oferhe; itf^foh; I54 b o/erft; i^foh. In all these cases (except the second) the word is written over the beginning of a sentence, and there can be little doubt that Icet means 'leave out/ oferli (for oferhefe) 'pass over, leave out/ whilst/^ (for/0^ on) means 'take up again, begin again/ 36. MS. Royal 13 A. xv. It consists of 45 leaves. The text dates from the tenth, the glosses from the eleventh century. Some, but not all, of the 'scratched' glosses (cp. p. xxxiii infra) are included. Birch has printed some of the glosses in his footnotes, not all correctly. 37. Cp. 35. 38. MS. Claudius A. i. It contains 154 leaves (foil. 33 and 38 missing). The Life of St. Wilfrid occupies foil. i b -32 b ; it was written about 1000, and the glosses date from about the same time. The remainder of the MS. (papal and royal letters, &c.) is later. 1 So Gottlieb, who prints it p. 279. It is equally unlikely that it belonged to ^Ethelstan, the ' Half-King,' as is suggested in the Academy, July 12, 1884, P- 3 2 - DESCRIPTION OF MANUSCRIPTS xxi 39. MS. 28, St. John's College, Oxford. It consists of 81 leaves. The Cura pastor alis, which is in writing of the tenth century, occupies foil. 5-6 and 8-7 7 b . On foil. 1-4, 7, 78-81 is a Martyrium SS. Petri et Fault in an eleventh-century hand. The glosses are late tenth or early eleventh century. 40. MS. Bodley 319. It consists of 75 leaves, and contains only Isidor's Contra Judaeos. Both text and glosses are eleventh century. 41. Cp. 33. 42. Cp. 26. 43. Cp. 16. 44. Cp. 16. 45. Cp. 18 B . 46. MS. AucL F. 3. 6, Bodleian Library. One of the MSS. given by Leofric to Exeter. It contains 191 numbered leaves, preceded by two unnumbered ones, which I refer to as foil, i* and 2*. On fol. i* is a charm beginning j thebal, &c., which I printed in Archiv, Ixxxiv. 323, and on fol. 2* b another, beginning Gif men ierne blod of nebbe, also printed 1. c. This is followed by Hunc librum dat leofricus, &c., and the English Das boc gef leofric, &c. Then follows Prudentius, foil, i-igi^. The last leaves are lost, fol. i9i b ending with lance reportet (=Dressel 48 1 13 *). Both text and glosses are eleventh century; the latter are in various hands, which I have not distinguished. 47. MS. B. iv. 9, Durham Cathedral Library. An eleventh-century Prudentius MS., consisting of 1 7 1 leaves. The glosses are also eleventh century. 48. MS. 3, Oriel College, Oxford. It contains 105 leaves. Both text and glosses are late tenth or eleventh century. 40. Cp. 16. 60. MS. Cleopatra C. viii. The Prudentius, which occupies foil. 4~37 b , was written in England in the first half of the eleventh century. The remainder of the MS. is later. A facsimile of fol. 19^ is given in the publications of the Palaeo- graphical Soc. iii. pi. 190. The English glosses are in various hands of the eleventh century. ' Scratched ' glosses occur on fol. 9, but I have not included them (cp. p. xxxiii infra). The pictures in the MS. are provided with OE. descriptions, which were printed by Zupitza, ZfdA. xx. 36. 61. Cp. 16. 52. Cp. 18 B . 63. MS. Addit. C. 144, Bodleian Library. Contains 169 leaves. It consists mostly of Latin grammatical treatises (Ars Petri grammatici^ Dona/us, fyc. : cp. Archiv, Ixxxiv, xxii INTRODUCTION p. 309) in a Lombardic hand of the eleventh century. The English glosses are on fol. i53 b , and are preceded by notes on the five declensions. They are written by the scribe of the MS. and are not interlinear, but in the text. The scribe evidently did not understand English, as is shown by his mistakes (glosses 18-19; 22; 25, &c.). He copied (perhaps with intermediate links) from a Mercian original of the early part of the eighth century (cp. I.e., pp. 312-3). 54. MS. Palatine 68, Vatican Library, is a ninth-century Latin MS. written by an Irish hand. It contains Glossae in Psalmos, and interspersed with the text are a number of Irish 1 and OE. (Northumbrian) glosses. These glosses, which are written by the scribe of the MS. in the text itself, are distinguished from the Latin by slanting lines over each letter. My edition is from a copy kindly placed at my disposal by Prof. W. M. Lindsay, and from a photograph of fol. i2 b . 55. Cp. 33. 56. MS. 154, St. John's College, Oxford. It consists of 222 leaves, and contains; (i) ^Ifric's Grammar and Glossary, foil. 1-160; (2) ^Elfric Bata's enlarged version of ^Elfric's Latin Colloquium 2 , foil. i6o b -22i b ; (3) part of Abbo's Cleric orum decus with interlinear English glosses (early twelfth century), ed. Zupitza, ZfdA. xxxi. 4. The text of and the glosses 3 to the Colloquium date from the eleventh century. That the latter are not original, but are copied from some other MS., is shown by mistakes, such as No. 57, //for wi\ souertia for sollertia on fol. 2oo b . The MS. formerly belonged to Durham. 57. MS. 57, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. The Rule begins fol. 2 and extends to fol. 32 b . The text is late tenth or eleventh century, and the glosses are eleventh century and in various hands, which I have not distinguished. The MS. seems to have formerly belonged to Abingdon. 58. MS. O. 2. 30, Trinity College, Cambridge. Cp. Miss Bateson, Historical Review, Oct. 1894, p. 692. The Rule, preceded by Simplicius' preface and some notes on words, begins on fol. 130. It is bound up with a copy of Isidor, in a later hand, belonging to St. Mary Overey. The text is tenth, the glosses eleventh century. Three of the ' scratched ' glosses (cp. p. xxxiii) are included. 59. MS. Bodley 381. It consists of 191 leaves and contains only the Vita S. Gregorii, which begins on fol. i. The text and gloss are eleventh century. From 1 The Irish glosses were published by Dr. Whitley Stokes in the Academy, May 25, 1889, p. 361. 2 On this version, which is still imprinted, cp. Zupitza, ZfdA. xxxi. 32 sqq. ; Schroder, ZfdA. xli. 283. 3 These glosses are entirely independent of the interlinear glosses to ^Elfric's Colloquium in MS. Tiberius A. iii, printed in WW. p. 89 sqq. RELATIONSHIP OF VARIOUS ALDHELM GLOSSARIES xxiii a note on a leaf (now MS. Lat. Bibl. b. 2 (P)), which formed part of the binding, the MS. seems to have belonged to the monastery of St. Augustine, Canterbury. 60. In the Catalogue of the Libri MSS. sold by Messrs. Sotheby, March 28th, 1859, and following days, p. 245, lot 1118 is thus described: 'Fragmenta vetusta. Four pages of an Anglo-Saxon, Greek, and Latin Glossary, ssec. ix-x ' ; and on the last page but one of the sale catalogue is a facsimile of a portion of one of the leaves, from which I have taken No. 60. From the priced copy of the Catalogue in the Bodleian it appears that this lot was bought for Sir Thos. Phillipps, but Professor Priebsch, who kindly called my attention to the facsimile, sought in vain for the leaves in the Phillipps collection, when he was cataloguing the German portion of it. 61. MS. in possession of J. Whitham, Esq., Ripon. It consists of 152 leaves, and contains the four Gospels. The last leaf or two have been lost, and the MS. ends with the middle of the thirteenth verse of the nineteenth chapter of St. John, Pilatus ergo cum audisset hos sermones. The text was written in the early part of the eleventh century ; the glosses are in various late eleventh-century hands, which I have not distinguished. The ' scratched ' glosses (cp. p. xxxiii infra) are not included. 62. MS. B. 10. 5, Trinity College, Cambridge. Consists of 67 leaves, containing the Epistles of St. Paul, beginning with i Cor. vii. 32. The text is eighth century and the glosses seem to be early twelfth. The MS. appears to have been at Durham at the end of the fourteenth century. For a full description cp. M. R. James, The Western MSS. in the Library of Trinity College, Cambridge, 1900, p. 293. CHAPTER III. RELATIONSHIP OF THE VARIOUS ALDHELM GLOSSARIES. A COMPARISON shows that, on the one hand, H. 1 , Z>. 2 , 2, 3 are closely related and ultimately come from one original, and on the other hand, that 7, 8, and S? form a second group also derived from a common archetype. I will speak of them as the 1 H. = MS. 1650 of the Royal Library at Brussels, first printed by Mone in his Quellen und Forschungen, 1830, and again in 1852 by Bouterwek in the ZfdA. ix. 403. Hausknecht published a collation in Ang. vi. 96. These glosses are generally referred to in dictionaries &c. as Hpt. Gl. and sometimes as Mone. 2 D. MS. Digby 146 (No. 1 in this volume). I refer to the other glossaries in this volume by their numbers : 2, 3, &c. 3 S. = MS. 38 in the Cathedral library at Salisbury. They were published by Logeman in Ang. xiii. 27. I gave a collation of them in Ang. xv. 204. xxiv INTRODUCTION Digby and Salisbury groups respectively. Nos. 4, 5, 6 contain glosses from both groups, whilst 9 and 11 are independent l . Taking the Digby group first, it is obvious that D. and H. are very closely related. Containing as they do more than ten times the number of glosses in any other Aldhelm MS., they correspond almost gloss for gloss. Moreover they have many incorrect spellings in common: e.g. 777 gislicere (for egt's-); 1713 neornrnewanges (for neornxna-. Cp. Ang. vi. 99) > 3757 geroded (for gegoded) ; 4388 sandbcernde (for sam-} ; 4720 blosltm- (for blostm-} ; 4766 diglelre (for digelre); 4838 beptzcingre (for -nge); 4855 geolter (for -Ister); 4926 forscrecendre (for -screncedre), &c. As a slight examination shows that neither of them can be the source of the other, we must assume them to be derived from one and the same original, which they evidently closely resemble. That D. is not the source of H. is shown by the numerous instances in which H. has preserved the better reading. I have noted about 150 examples, but a few will suffice to make it clear: 390 2 ; 460; 587; 698; 754; 876; 902; 981; 1113; 1146; 1467; 2071; 2151; 2307; 2816; 3019; 3162; 3208; 3217; 3255; 3497; 3672; 3770; 3846; 3919; 4413; 4418; 4464; 4983; 5173; 5335, &c. &c. The still more numerous cases in which D, has a better reading than H, shows that the latter is not the original cf D. I add a few examples, although they are almost unnecessary: 30; 84 (H. dceaweinlicre) ; 137 (H. mergen); 262; 272 (H. gewn'sce); 460 (H. seolcel] ; 849 (H. -nyssum) ; 975; 1030 (H. -cniendliendrice) ; 1040 (H. brideres) ; 1274 (H. swlentendes) ; 1297 (D. mid c-, H. macynnere); 1311 (H. tinctincge}; 1402; 1419; 1671 (H. lentincga); 1678 (H. grun- dulga) ; 2048 (H. ceaclum); 3199 (H. becbures); 3246, &c. &c. With forty-three exceptions 8 all the glosses in 2 occur in D. or H., which proves that 2 also belongs to the Digby group. It is not, however, derived from either D. or H., nor even from their common original (.F). This is evident from the fact that, in a number of cases, 2 has preserved the right reading where D. and H. have the same error or mis-spelling, e.g. 1926 helhrunan; 2, 60 heir-; 2049 orbas gen. sg. ; 2, 64 -bes] 2488 on cubum; 2, 93 uncubum; 3320 crypeles nom. pi.; 2, 191 -las; 3375 higde; 2, 198 -don; 3657 cype\ 2, 236 cyue; 3771 cwyls-\ 2, 250 cwylds-; 4388 sandbaernde ; 2, 323 samb-; 4777 bqbena; 2, 384 baSa; 4797 st&bena,', 2, 387 staba; 5376 gehwariende ; 2, 461 gebw-. It is clear, however, that 2 must ultimately be derived from the same archetype (X) as the original of D. and H. ; and 1 11 has a few glosses in common with D. and Cl. (on Cl. cp. p. xi). 2 The readings of H. will be found in the respective notes. 3 These are Nos. 27 ; 96; 123; 127; 142; 173-4; I 9^5 204; 208; 217; 248; 265; 267; 304; 310; 314; 329; 333; 350-1; 353; 356; 367; 369; 401; 403-4; 409; 415; 418; 420 j 428; 435; 437 J 443 > 4 8 3 > 4 8 5 > 4 8 9 ; 498-500 ; 502. RELATIONSHIP OF VARIOUS ALDHELM GLOSSARIES xxv this archetype, like 2 1 , was presumably free from the Kenticisms characteristic of Z>. and H. We may perhaps also assume that in the number of glosses X corresponded to 2 rather than to D., H., and in that case the largely increased number of glosses, as well as the Kenticisms, must have been introduced by the scribe of JT, or by some copyist intermediate between X and Y. The simplest assumption perhaps is that X, consisting of some 500 glosses, was first copied by a WS. scribe who increased it to about ten times its size. This was then copied by the scribe of Y, a Kentishman, who partly retained the original WS. forms, partly altered them to his own dialect. To him are due the Kenticisms in D. The fact that H. contains so many more Kentish forms than D? is intelligible on the assumption that the scribe of H. was also a native of Kent, who not only retained all the Kentish forms he found in his original, but also added to them, whilst the writer of D., whom I assume to have been a West Saxon, introduced no fresh Kentish forms, and probably, in some cases, replaced Kenticisms by their WS. equivalents. With regard to 3, it is I believe copied from D., with which it agrees more closely than with H? The members of the Salisbury group, 7, 8, and S., form a separate group and are derived from a common archetype. Whilst they contain a considerable nucleus in common with the Digby group, the larger number are peculiar to this group and do not occur in D., H. A few instances will suffice to show this: e.g. 642; H. scylpa, cluda 7; 8 stanrocca\ 652; H. blczccan', 7 ', S. 25 atrume\ 700; H. grczdigum; 7; 8 reaflum; 732; H. swicfulles; 7; 8; S. 39 br(z(g)denes ; 1205; H. deage; 7; 8; 6". 64 nebsealue] 1649; H. heordena, tynvena ; 7; 8 elegreouena ; 2253; H. stanwyrh- tan\ 7; S. 106 wealwyrhtan\ 2459; H- brandum\ 7; 8 scidum\ 2477; H.flodes; 7; S. (cp. Ang. xv. 208) egores; 2480; H.; 2 onrces; 7; S. 124 upspric ( ng]\ 2496; H.; Zonhypel; 7; Son heap; 2571; H. gretincge; 7; 8; .131 bletsunge; 2687; H. selfbanan; 7; 8; S. 142 sylfcwalan; 3786; H. yslan; 7; 8; S. 213 spelde; 5326; H.; Zforefex; 7; 8; S. 290 foreloccas ; 5371; H. sefiend; 7; 8 trymmend, &c. The archetype of this group must have already contained the corruption 1 There are, it is true, two Kentish forms in 2 : viz. 154 fielcraft and 471 georS (cp. note) ; and it might be urged that the presence of these points to a Kentish original which has been carefully turned back into WS. by the scribe of 2. But the evidence of glosses common to the Digby and Salisbury groups shows that the original was WS. and not Kentish. Cp. 2856 crypel; H.crepel; but 2, 113; 4, 46; 6, 27; 7, 197; 8, 155; S. 150 all have try-; 5, 32 cri-\ 3193 gedenlic (so also If.} ; but 7, 233; 8, 170 ; S. 175 all have gyd-. In fact, as a rule, when a gloss is common to both groups, all the MSS. (including D. and H.~) have y as umlaut of u: e.g. 3181 brydleofes, contained also in H.\ 2 ; 7; S. 1 735 3&4 1 gecyrnlude, also in H.\ 2; 7; 8; S. 220; 5281 monafifylene, also in H, ; 2; 7; 8. 2 Cp. p. xxviii. 3 Cp. 3, u ; 14; 18; 23; 28; 33; 39, &c. xxvi INTRODUCTION wiluma, as it occurs in all three MSS. (7, 94; 8, 102; 5. 82), whilst 1774 and H. have the correct wtiumbora; and the same is the case with wiobora for wic- (7, 280; 8, 203 ; 6". 214) : cp. note to 3808. Cp. also the upspric cited above. No member of the Salisbury group appears to be derived from any other, nor do any two seem to be more closely related to each other than to the third. As already mentioned, the Salisbury group contains a considerable nucleus of glosses in common with the Digby group, which shows that the writers of the archetypes of the two groups must have drawn from some common source. Without attempting to be exhaustive, I have noted about a hundred instances, of which I give a few as examples: 697 buccis=smcerum ) also in H. ; 4; 5; 7; 8; $.33; 1218 indruticam= ticgende, also in H.\ 2; 6; 7; 8; 2447 ingluuie wasende, also in H. ; 2; 7; 8; S*. 12 1 ; 2856 cuniculum = crypel, also in H. ; 2; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; S. 150; 3051 malagma=ehsealfe, also in H. ; 2; 7; S. 167; 3087 gcukiwitestengces, also in H.\ 2; 7; S. 169; 3576 gurguliones=brotbollan, also in H.; 2; 7; 8; *S". 198; 3771 conticimo=cwyl(d}setene, also in H. ; 2; 7; 8; -S". 209; 3808 signiferwicbora(c$. note), also in H. ; 4 ; 7 ; 8 ; 2 14 ; 2, 257 (om. Z>.) prepostero=andelb(zre, also in 77. ; 4; 7; 8; 6". 218; 3841 granata=gecyrnlude, also in H. ; 2; 7; 8; S. 220; 4149 (cp. note); 4673 sartagines cocerpannen, also in H. ; 2; 7; 8; S. 252; 5281 plenilunio=monabfylem, also in #.; 2; 7; 8; 6". 274; 5321 manic g= hands iocu, also in H.', 2; 7; 8; S. 287; 5323 clauatg = gestefnede, also in //.; 7; 8; S. 288; 5342 arpaginespyrringe, also in #. ; 2; 7; 8; S. 297, &c. It should also be noted that the two groups, Digby and Salisbury, have a number of glosses in common with the Cleopatra glosses (=CL; cp. p. xi): e.g. 778 apparatu=. gebrace, also in H.} 7; 8; 6". 41; WW. 48 g 33 ; 1075 dracontia=gimroder, also in//".; 7; S. 60; WW. 49 1 16 ; 3181 epithalamibrydleofres, also in ZT.; 2; 7; 6*. 173; WW. 501*; 3583 callositas=wearrihtnys, also in H.', 2; 7; 8; WW. 372 3 ; 3859 " tortelliscyclum, also in #. ; 2; 7; 8; 6". 226; WW. 505' ceaum (but read ciclum}-, 3932 leuirum=tacor, also in H.; 7; 8; - 227; WW. 5o6 9 ; 4560 apparatus gebrczce^ also in .#.; 7; 8; WW. 5O9 83 . In one case, viz. 2322 heahseldum, it is interesting to note that we have a gloss common to D., H. t and the Corpus Glossary (cp. WW. 42* haehsedkim\ and the retention of the Anglian -seldum points to the conclusion that this gloss is derived from one and the same early eighth-century Mercian original. ON THE LANGUAGE OF SOME OF THE GLOSSARIES xxvii CHAPTER IV. ON THE LANGUAGE OF SOME OF THE GLOSSARIES. MOST of the glossaries in this volume being in ordinary WS., there is no need for any special treatment of their language. Only four exhibit, to any extent, the characteristics of other dialects. These are Nos. 1, 11, 53, and 54. As I have already treated of the age and presumably Mercian origin of No. 53 in Archiv, Ixxxv. 312 sqq., I confine myself in this chapter to the remaining three. i. Language of the Digby Glosses (No. I) 1 . Although undoubtedly written in the eleventh century, these glosses no longer exactly represent the correct language of ^Elfric. In the latter part of the eleventh century the language was undergoing a number of changes" which we find represented here 2 . 1. An unaccented a has not unfrequently undergone weakening to e: 2 1 4 getacnien (for -an); 514 peoten (for -Ian); 568; 658; 731; 751; 775; 992; 1017; 1077; 1896; 1901; 1961; 1978; 2085; 2125; 2155; 2182; 2301, &c. 2. As both unaccented a and e were beginning to be levelled under e, we sometimes find a written where we should expect e s ; 131 lima, todala dat. sg.; 605 -latan (for -en) ; 1676 -nyssa gen. sg.; 1787 -raca gen. sg.; 2049 orfias gen. sg. ; 2162 mearewa (for -we); 2199; 2349; 2392; 2817; 3443; 3900; 3915; 4199; 4579, &c. 3. Though ea and J are generally correctly written, there are signs that they were beginning to be confused 4 : 379 dcedlice (for dead-); 1157 wealhrowre (for wal-; so also 2 731; 2982; 4713; 5275); 2954 grczdum (forgrea-); 3287 spearlirum (for spcsr-); 3311 screafe (for scrcsfe); 5038 mcerewestan (for mea-); 5155 swcerte (for swear /e); 5210 leasiendan (for las-). 4. An e is sometimes diphthonged to ei before net, the c dropping out : cp. note to 1 The limited space at my disposal prevents my attempting any full account of the language ; I can merely call attention to and illustrate by a few examples some of the most noticeable features. I also refer, though by no means exhaustively, to the language of H. " All the changes enumerated under 1-5 (except 4) are much more frequent in H. than in Z>. 3 Instances of unaccented e for a, and of a for e, are not unfrequent in MSS. of the second half of the eleventh century : e. g. MS. Cotton Vespasian D. xxi (Life of St. Guthlac, ed. Goodwin) ; Julius E. vii (sElfric's Lives of Saints, ed. Skeat), &c. 4 Before w at the end of a syllable the confusion between ce and ea was somewhat earlier and is found in MSS. in which ce and ea are not otherwise confused : cp. Sievers, 112, Anm. 2, and 118, Anm. 2. I do not therefore here mention cases like 71 glcew, &c. xxviii INTRODUCTION 829. I have not met with this elsewhere earlier than the twelfth century; it occurs e. g. in MS. Bodley 343 (third quarter of twelfth century) : cp. sS. ii. 3O5 1370 iswamte (=geswenctan}. 5. The prefix is sometimes written i'-: 313 wyrtimagnesse ; 1227 uniwemmedes ; 1364 um'h'ces; 5248 unicewedan 1 . 6. There are traces of the dropping of the n (accompanied by the weakening of a to e) of the weak declension: 731 scildtrume (for -man); 2085 swige (for -gan). In 3796 D. has truman, where H. reads -me. In 599; 828; 2294; 41 io 2 the weak adjective ends in -e instead of -an. 7. In a few cases we find in D. (not in H.} an u for y of various origins : 607 -nusse\ 1008 pusne\ 3628 ingekude\ cp. also 1057 cyn (y alt. f. u) ; 3036 fiftyne (y alt. f. u). Have we here early instances of the ME. u (=#) for WS. y in the South West ? This would confirm the suggestion on p. xxv that the glossator of D. was a West Saxon. It has already been pointed out that the Digby glosses show a very decided Kentish colouring, which is, however, far more strongly marked in H. All the dialectal peculiarities here mentioned are more frequent in H. than in D. The following are the most important points, which a few examples will sufficiently illustrate : 1. The most frequent Kenticism is the representation of WS.j/ (umlaut of u) by e. Examples of the short vowel are: 130 gescertum\ 133 -fierla; 207 tosendrede ; 946 heseberdincge ; 953 berfi; 973 abrerde\ 1092 tremed; 1421 tremmincge\ 1432 brenum', 1569 rene; 1647 hlende-, 1650 tendre\ 1829 bretmcelum', 1879 senderlipum\ 1998 cercan', 2 1 90 leafhleslendra ; 2478 bremmas\ 2626 asen ; 3102 gemen\ 3115 }>elcr(B\ 3193 gedenlic, &c. &c. 3 Examples of the long vowel are rare in Z>.; I have only noted one, viz. 614 ingehede; in H. they are not uncommon*. 2. Conversely, for WS. I we sometimes find the Kentish representative^ (cp. ZfdA. xxi. 6). Examples of the short vowel are: 636 swyliendes; 1540 cynnincg; 3663 jtf&; 1 This is much more frequent in'//". : in the following cases H. has i- for Z?.'s - : 1063; 1169; 2325; 2613; 2782; 2977; 3673; 4326; 4333; 4536, &c. 3 Cp. also 3044 ; 3766. But here we may have the strong form of the adj. in spite of the article, as in 436; 1259; J 773; 3884; 4246; 5050. Cp. also 790. * This e for WS. y is much more frequent in H. Cp. the following instances, where H. has e for Z>.'sj>; (the number is that of Z>.). Instances of /: 29; 185; an; 321; 342; 601; 716; 1053; 1134; 1154; 1298; 1342; 1366, &c. * Instances of e iory in H. are (the number is that of D., the form, where given, that of H?) : 164 emhedilicere \ 253 hefa; 307 hefe; 1031 tedrunge', 1398 bred-; 1520 gerena; 1989 etemestan; 968; 1323; 2060; 2141 ; 2277; 2281 ; 2535; 2948, &c. ON THE LANGUAGE OF SOME OF THE GLOSSARIES xxix 5216 onyt 1 . Instances of the long vowel are: 3038 styrenne\ 3754 gestryddre; 4614 brymendlicum 2 . 3. For eo D. only rarely has the Kentish io\ 2052 hiolstra\ 2058 dioflices\ 2620 diofeP. 4. In the case of a ( = Germ. a), & (=Germ. a and ai) we should expect to meet with the Kentish e ; but in D. this is very rare, a being almost invariably written. Instances are: \^ywidse\ 1096 wren-} 3672 -festnys; tfSoahwer; 3855 zves; 4432 wes; 4705 wrenre; cp. also notes to 232 ; 1875; 4698*. 5. For the umlaut of ea we sometimes find the non-WS. e (this e is more frequent in H. than in D.). Cp. 592 ahwerfedum; 2042 gebeld; 3682; 2069 gecerde; 3446 serewede; 2939; 3075; 4963; 4607 ^rffz?, &c. Instances of e are: 1344 dremene; 3508 rio\ 1570 gestrion; 1899; 2278; 2631; 2 759! 3 J 57; 3 2 3 2 > & c - I nay e noted two instances of yo in H.; p. 467 -pyod; p. 501 swyor-. Cp. p. xxxii infra, note i. 4 e for a is somewhat more common in //., though here too, ce is the rule : (i) e = Germ. iz 162 sprece; 1531 spreca\ 2148 -redene; 3633 geseldum; 3753 w^; \\%f, ferlic ; 2298; 3998; 4254, &c. fti) = Germ. ai 2378 bepecht; 2590 mensumede; 3420 arerdon; 4461 wlet-; 4790, &c. (iii) e Germ. 3268 tf 4 hehte- ; 5066 hoffrunga; 5154 fare. 12. In 2409 ieoniendum tor geon- we have an instance of the late Kentish i forg (cp. Sievers, 212, Anm. i). 13. In place of D.'s eorp 5442, H. has the Kentish georfi-, which is also the reading of 2 (cp. p. xxv, note i). 14. On f for w, which Kluge believes to be a Kentish peculiarity, see note to 3913. 15. On cw for en, which seems to be a sign of Kentish or East Anglian origin, cp. note to 76. 1 6. Perhaps the hw for pw discussed in the note to 66 and in NRT. p. 81, may also point to Kent, as it occurs in the Kentish MSS. of the Gospels (John vii. 43). 17. The apparently Kentish form gend 3 (cp. Sievers, PBB. ix. 568) seems not to occur in >., but is the regular form in If. ; in the following cases If. reads gend, and D. has the ordinary geond: 49; 91; 136; 397; 1729; 1778; 2129; 2840; 3426 (cp. note); 5184. But cp. 3945 gen- (H. gend-), where, however, the scribe of D. probably had gen- = WS. gean- in his mind. There still remain a few points to mention, though, so far as I am aware, they do not point to any particular dialect. i. A medial n is lost in a number of instances. This is, no doubt, sometimes due to the carelessness of the scribe, as in 3426 geod for -nd; 1726 scead-, &c. Other cases perhaps admit of explanation, e.g. 1724 and 4985 forspennicge (for -mcge); 1764 1 H. has several instances of this : 336 unig-\ 1293 eardum ; 881 ; 5018, and 5156 ad en-. 3 They are more frequent in H. Cp. 22 hretra ; 745 hreS-\ 1357 hrihtes; 30*24 hri}um\ 3796 hrand-\ 4038 hreafere; 4347 -hryste\ 4423 hrasc-; 1844 hyrlicre, &c. 3 The form gend seems also to have been used in a part of the WS. area : cp. Ang. Bbl. xi. 102-3. ON THE LANGUAGE OF SOME OF THE GLOSSARIES xxxi eacnuncge (H. -nucge) 1 : here we doubtless have further instances of the tendency to drop the n in the unaccented ending -ing, -ung, when this is immediately preceded by an n (cp. ZfdA. xxxvii. 124), as in penig (for pening\ cynig. In 2965 flymig (for -ing) we have the same thing after m. In the combination n + cons. + n, the first n is sometimes dropped: 313 -imagnesse ; 3488; 5403 getinnysse (H. getignysse)\ 374 halwedne (for -ndne); 3276 stymedne. In 86 and 445 we have ngn simplified to ng. Even in the combination n + cons. + vowel + n, the first n is sometimes lost: 114 -trendende (H. -tredende); 865 -screcene (for -ncene); 1445 gestragunge ; 3246 bindingce (H. bid-}; 4065 acwicende (for -ncende)^. 2. The ending -weard generally appears as -wyrd in D., less frequently as -wurd, which latter is the regular form in H. In the following cases D. has y and H. has # : 175; 811; 994; 996; 1160; 1611; 1770; 2506; 2751; 3609; 3968; 3975. In the following instances both have w: 386; 848; 2007; 2433; 4078. In three cases D. has e: 772 (H. o}; 3015 (H. u); 3634 (H. ce). It may be noted that accented wyr, of whatever origin, is generally represented by the late wur in H. (cp. Sievers, PBB, ix. 202). A few minor points will be found mentioned in the notes. On h for p, and }> for h> cp. notes to 552 ; 66; 3532. On cs for hs cp. note to 4495. On d for g cp. note to 451. On weak forms of strong substantives cp. note to 1557. Instances of present participles in -dras will be found in the note to 1254. For instances of the use of the strong form of the adjective after the definite article, see p. xxviii, note 2. Instances of the present participle of weak verbs of the second class ending in -ende for -iende are given in the note to 1003. In copying the small cramped handwriting of the glosses, the scribes were very liable to make mistakes between letters similar in shape. Thus p, w, r, / were much alike ; so were h and b, also / and c, as well as c and e. An h or an r with the long stroke shortened, owing to want of space, could easily be misread as n ; whilst a badly formed o could be read as c or e 3 . 1 Cp. also 2, 175 leornig--, 7, *]Q gesomnuge ; 8, \tf gebycnucge. 2 On the loss of n in are \ = dnre) 626 cp. Sievers, Altg. xiii. 328 ; xiv. 143. 3 I give a few instances. We find/ for w. 627 (note). w for/: 326 (note) ; 679 (note)./ for /: 642 (note)? 3657. r for w : 590 (note); 650 (note); 3801; 4063; 41 15 (note); 4297 (note) ; 4584 (note); 5141 (note). wforr: 4496; 4563 (note) ; 4646 (note) ; 5006 (note); 5290 (note). r for f and conversely: 276 (note) ; 4032 ; 4145 ; 4318 ; 5069 (note). w for y and conversely: cp. notes to 39 I 3 3 TI 3; 444; 5I34- <& for b and conversely: 3371; 4183 (note) ; 4206 (note) ; 5242 (note). c for t and conversely : 1829 (note) ; 2496 (note) ; 2700 (note) ; 3347 ; 4980. c for e and conversely : 571 (note); 758 (note). n for h: 365. n for r and conversely: 2599 (note) ; 3530; 4179; 4300; 4380. c for o and conversely : 220 (note) ; 2825. e for o and conversely : 22 (note) ; 532 (note). It is very probable that a careful collation of //. would show that some of the instances here given are merely due to misreading on the part of the modern editor : cp. note to 326. xxxii INTRODUCTION 2. Language of the Phillipps Glosses (No. 11). Down to about No. no these glosses show strongly marked Kentish characteristics, but after that the Kenticisms almost entirely disappear. I briefly enumerate the more important, and, to save space, confine myself to giving the numbers of the glosses *. (i) e for_j> (umlaut of u) : 18; 45; 68; 75(?); 100; 109. (2) * forj>: 74. (3) y for f: 35; 139. (4) j>0 2 for eo : 25 ; 30; 33 ; 48 ; 57 ; cp. also 7. (5) e for WS. y (umlaut of ed) : 26 (-helde] ; 76 ; 83. (6) e for WS. _y (umlaut of ed) 19526 (<$-) ; 1 10. (7) e for WS. & : 119 ; 123. (8) e for WS. y after palatals : 5 ; 1 19. (9) unaccented prefix an- for on- : cp. 142. (10) /for/ (cp. ZfdA. xxi. 13 and 15): 79; 80; 144. The unaccented e for a (e.g. 42 ; 116 ; 127, &c.), and a for e (8; 20; 22 ; 25; 41, &c.) is due, as in the case of D. and H., to the lateness of the MS. Other noticeable features I do not know that they point to any particular dialect are : (i) aa for ea : 8; 148; 182. (2) on- 3 for WS. un-\ 28; 52; 65; 67; 117. (3) wyr- becomes wor- : 39 ; 105. (4) the svarabhakti vowel in 113 ; 116. (5) / for d\ 72 ; 80 (et-} 89 ; 96 ; 101; 181. (6)<#for/: 30; 174. (7): 32; 56; 76; 132. (9) ct for hi: 78 ; 114. Cp. also notes to 153 and 177. 3. Language of the Vatican Northumbrian Glosses (No. 54). The MS. is, as already pointed out *, written by a ninth-century Irish scribe. The glosses, however, are evidently copied from an older original, which cannot well be later than early eighth century. This is shown on the one hand by the fact that the a of the endings has not yet become e (cp. Ang. xiii. 13), and on the other hand by the absence of the -umlaut in herut- and sifu (cp. Acad. Aug. 24, 1889, p. 119, and Ang. xiii. 1 8). The use of_/" instead of the older b, as well as the loss of the final n in sifu, does not prove anything against this date (cp. Furnivall-Celebration Volume, p. 380). That the dialect is Northumbrian is shown by the smoothing of the diphthongic sound in selces, selas (this, of course, is both Northumbrian and Mercian), as well as by the specially Northumbrian loss of final n in sifu (cp. Furnivall-Celebration Volume, p. 379). Moreover, the names Edilberict and Berictfrid on fol. 46 of the same MS. (cp. Acad. May 25, 1889, p. 361), which are presumably from the same original, with the northern ct for ht and the svarabhakti i (cp. Furnivall-Celebration Volume, p. 368), point to the same conclusion. 1 Kentish peculiarities are found in the case both of the larger and smaller hands (cp. p. xvii supra), I have not therefore distinguished between them. " yo also occurs in the Kentish Gospels : cp. Reim. 29. Cp. also p. xxix supra, note 3. 8 Possibly this may be claimed as a Kenticism : cp. Matt. xiv. 14, where the Kentish MS. R. has untroman, and Matt, xxviii. 7 comS. Cp. also Wst. 172", where MS. Tiberius A. iii, which shows marked traces of Kentish influence, has ongelimp. * Cp. p. xxii. SCRATCHED GLOSSES xxxiii CHAPTER V. SCRATCHED GLOSSES. IN some of the MSS. containing glosses written in ink we find other glosses merely scratched with the stilus without any colouring matter. These scratched glosses are sometimes perfectly plain and easy to read, whilst in other cases they are only visible in a good light, and when the MS. is held at a certain angle. Sometimes they are so faint that it is impossible to decipher them at all. Moreover it not unfrequently happens that the indentation goes through more than one leaf, and what one takes to be a gloss on one folio is merely a weakened impression of a scratched gloss on the next leaf. In the case of No. 18 I have, I believe, included all these glosses 1 , but in the case of the other MSS. I gave up the attempt : the deciphering of the scratched glosses was so trying to the eyes, moreover it was so frequently impossible to read them with certainty, that I preferred to confine myself to the properly written glosses. In the case, therefore, of the other MSS. in which scratched glosses occur I have either included only a few as examples (7; 36; 58; cp. also note to 1, 4449-50) or have ignored them altogether (4 ; 8 ; 11 ; 50 ; 61) 2 . It may be worth while mentioning here that the Latin Beda MS. Tiberius C. ii contains a number of OE. scratched glosses. In his edition of Beda, vol. i, p. xciii, Plummer gives a list of the folios on which they occur. This is the MS. containing the glosses printed in OET. pp. 180-2. 1 The scratched glosses are there as well as in the other cases distinguished by an asterisk. 2 As specimens I here give a few of the scratched glosses from these MSS.: (a) Instances from 4 : p. 6 germanitatis sib (G. I 3 ) ; p. 7 diuinarum - god (G. 2 1 ); p. 8 olimphiaci agonisJileg kap (G. 2 16 ); p. 9 scolares = lar (G. 3 6 ); p. 9 dificillime = ear(G. 3 13 ), &c. (d) Instances from 8 (the scratched glosses in this MS. are numerous): f. 10 exercere began (G. 2 15 ) ; f. 12 experi menta = onfun (G. 3 28 ) ; f. 13 sequestrasse=*i toda (G. 4 24 ) ; f. 13 commentariis = trah (G. 4 28 ); f. 13 exposita = atraht (G. 4"); f. 14 inlecebrosa =/ forsfie (G. 5*) ; f. i^foetosa quadam = mid sure genihtsu (G. 5*) ; f. 14 testamentorum =^gecypnyssa (G. 5 9 ) ; f. 17 dulcisonis = swet (G. 7 15 ) ; f. 17 melodic = swege, sivinsweges (should the sivege be taken with the prec. sivet to form the adj. swetswege ?) ; f. 17 in oromate = on gas (G. 7 1C ) ; f. I'jjideles =trywful (G. 7 Ia ) ; f. 31 geneseos=gecyndboce (G. i6 36 ) ; f. 31 in seruitutem = on peowet (G. 17*) ; f. 31 contumaciter=Ttpa (G. I7 2 ) ; f. 31 [ne~] . . . insolescat f ne modie (G. if 3 ) ; f. 84^ delubror urn = hear (G. 55 1 ); f- 85 compescere = wy I ( G. 55") ; f. 85 testularum = tige (G. 55 U ); f. 85 induruit = heo purhivunode (G, 55 17 ) ; f. 86 b marsupia = handlea (r. -leapasV) (G. 56 IS ) ; f. 86 b stirpatur=berea (G. s6 15 ) ; f. 86 b exercetur = bega (G. 56 15 ) ; f. 8 6 b lenonum^ leas (G. 56 19 ), &c. Cp. also notes to 8, 45; 77. (c} Instances from 11 : f. 3 centenis = hunfealde (G. 5') ; f. 4 ob reuerentiam=for arwe (G. 5 30 ) ; f. 5 b po- tissinmm = swidos( (G. 6 3U ), &c. (d) Instances from 61: f. 28 in quo-on huvam (Matth.v. 13); f. 28 non preteribit - ne gewit (Matth.v. 18) ; f. 50 Nescimus = iviton (Matth. xxi. 27); f. 55 lampadibus = leoht (Matth, xxv. 3); f. 90 dimisit inanes = let idle (Luke i. 53), &c. [IV. II.] C xxxiv INTRODUCTION CHAPTER VI. NOTES ON THE ARRANGEMENT OF THE VOLUME. i. The Text (lemmata and glosses) \ (a) THE order adopted in this volume is (i) Latin lemma, (2) Latin gloss(es), (3) English gloss(es) : thus the Latin gloss is put before the English even where in the MS. it follows it. As a rule, in D., the Latin gloss was written first, the English being afterwards added wherever there was room. Latin glosses are printed in italics. (<5) The word-division has been regulated; words run together in the MS. have been separated, &c. (c) In the case of the English glosses the manuscript contractions have been expanded, and are distinguished by being printed in italics ; only in a few instances, where there was some special reason, has the manuscript contraction been reproduced 2 . In the case of the Latin the contractions have also been expanded, but without any indication 3 . (d) As a rule the MSS. have the continental g in the Latin, and 5 in the English, but some MSS. make exclusive use of the one or the other sign. I have followed the MSS. as far as the English is concerned, but in the Latin g only is used. In some cases the form of the two approximates so closely that it is difficult to decide which is meant. (e) The glosses are generally assigned to the lemma over which they are written in the MS., even where the glossator has evidently written them over the wrong word (e. g. 2263; 2567; 3455; 3617; 5434; 2,28; 119, &c.). In some cases, however, this rule has been departed from (e.g. 626-7; 1009; 1791; 4483; 5170; 5418; 5449, &c.); in this respect I fear I .have not been altogether consistent. (/) Words or letters written over the line are enclosed in round brackets (e.g. 1, 39; 137; 203; 275, &c.). (g) Sometimes the glosses to two Latin words which are separated in the text are all written over one of the Latin words ; in such cases the lemma over which no gloss is written is enclosed in square brackets : thus in the case of 749 the glosses, both Latin and English, are written over prebeamus, there is nothing over ac nullatenus. In the case of 192 the arrangement shows that, whilst the Latin gloss is over tenaci, all the English ones are over texlu. 1 For the signs and abbreviations used see 4. a E.g. 300; 1696; 4146; 4605; 4614; 5072; 5119; 5139; 8, 344; 358, &c. 5 The only exception is No. 40, where they are indicated by italics. NOTES ON THE ARRANGEMENT OF THE VOLUME xxxv (h] Occasionally the glosses are not written over the words to which they belong, but on the margin; in such cases a t is placed before the gloss (cp. 1, 33; 103, &c.). When, however, the lemma is at the beginning or end of the line and the gloss is written on the margin close to it, it is not thus marked. 2. The Noles. (a) When reference is made, in the Notes, to some other gloss in the same glossary, the number of the gloss only is given (cp. note to 1, 71 ; 109, &c.); but if the reference is to some other glossary in this volume, the number of that glossary is placed before the gloss referred to (cp. note to 1, 32, &c.). In the case of No. 1 the second rule is observed for the first 600 glosses, but after that (since no other glossary in the volume contains more than 600) the number of the gloss only is given (cp. notes to 5, 6 ; 7 ; and 33). In accordance with these rules the first of the references in the note to 56, 146 is to 1, 1235, and the second to 56, 300. (<5) When the gloss referred to in a note glosses the same passage in Aldhelm as does the gloss to which the note refers, a t is prefixed to it. Thus 1, 33 glosses G. 3 3 , and all the glosses marked with t in the note, viz. 3, 22; 7, 13; 8, 7 ; S. 9, as well as WW. 47 1 16 ; 486% are glosses to this same passage, G. 3". In the case of H. no t is prefixed. (c) When a gloss is only partly written out or inaccurate, the complete and correct LWS. form is frequently given in the notes preceded by /?. ( = Read) (cp. 1, 2 ; 4; 39, &c.) ; but if a lemma in an oblique case is glossed by a nominative, or if the gloss is in a wrong case (e.g. 2440 hungres for -gre), a note is not usually added. In many other cases the form of the gloss differs from normal LWS. in being dialectal or very late : in such cases the normal LWS. form is often given, preceded by N. ( Normal). (d) The distinction between g and g observed in the Text (cp. i, d) is kept up in the Notes when glosses printed in this volume are referred to ; otherwise g is always used. 3. The Index. (a) With regard to the English Index it should be noted that, whilst the LWS. spelling has been adopted as the basis of arrangement, the words are generally put under their commonest spelling, even where this is not the normal LWS.: e.g. iung, rape, serewian, wealhreow, &c. The normal LWS. forms are, however, also given with cross- references. (<5) In the case of past participles such as 4458 gebundene, the infinitive is put in the Index with ge-. (c) As the references to No. 1 are put first, and immediately follow the word, the 1 has been omitted : thus adrafan 276, &c., means adr- 1, 276, &c. (d] In the Index g, not g, is used throughout. c 2 XX XVI INTRODUCTION 4. Signs and Abbreviations. f (in the Text), cp. i (K). f (in the Notes), cp. 2 (). ~ (in the Index) is used to avoid the repetition of the word. * (in the Text) denotes that the following gloss is scratched without ink : cp. p. xxxiii supra. * (in the English Index), cp. p. 237 infra, note. ace. = accusative. add. = addition (al). adj. = adjective. adv. = adverb. alt. f.= altered from. app. -= apparently. B. = Bouterwek (who published H. in ZfdA. ix; cp. p. xxiii supra, note I), bes. = besides, betw. = between. Bdl.=MS. Bodley 97 (No. 6). C.-MS. CCC. 326 (No. 4). Cl., cp. p. xi supra, note 2. comp. = comparative, conn. = connected. corr. = correction, corrected, cp. = comparet D.=MS. Digby 146 (No. I in this volume), dat. = dative, diff. = different. E. = Early. Eng. = English. evid.=evident(ly). f. (in the Index), fern, (in the Notes) = feminine, f. (in the Notes) = from, foil. = following. G. = Gothic. Cp. also G. in 5. gen. = genitive. Germ. = Germanic. gl. =gloss, gll.=glosses. gl. o. = gloss over. gloss. = glossator. H. = the Brussels Aldhelm MS.; cp. p. xxiii supra, note I. ind. = indicative, inf. = infinitive. L. = Late. l. = left. Lat. = Latin. m. (in the Index), masc. (in the Notes) = masculine. ME. = Middle English. Merc. = Mercian, misr. = misread, miswr. = miswritten. N. = Normal, cp. 2 (<:). n. (in the Index), neut. (in the Notes) = neuter, nom. = nominative. North. = North ambrian. o., cp. wr. o and gl. o. OE. = Old English. om. = omitted. ON. = Old Norse, ord. = ordinary. orig. = original(ly). OS. = Old Saxon. pi. = plural. p. ptc. = past participle. prec. = preceding. prep. = preposition. pres. = present. prob. = probable, probably. pron. = pronoun. ptc. = participle. R., r. = Read. Cp. 2 (<:). r. = right. RA. = MS. Royal 6, A. vi (No. 7\ RB. = MS. Royal 6, B. vii (No. 2). RD. = MS. Royal 7, D. xxiv (No. 5). RE. = MS. Royal 5, E. xi (No. 8). S. = the Salisbury Aldhelm MS.; cp. p. xxiii supra, note 3. sb. - substantive, sg. = singular, st. = strong, subj. = subjunctive. SW.= South Western, vb. = verb, wk. = weak. wr. = written, wr. o. = written over. WS. = WestSaxon(EWS.LWS.). NOTES ON THE ARRANGEMENT OF THE VOLUME xxxvii 5. List of Books \ Acad. = Academy. /EG. = ^ilfrics Grammatik, Zupitza, Berlin 1880. ^EH. = Homilies of ^Elfric, ed. B. Thorpe, London 1844-6. &S. = ^Elfric's Lives of Saints, ed. Skeat, E. E.T.Soc. 1881-1900. AfdA. = Anzeiger fur deutsches Alterthum, herausg. von Steinmeyer, &c., Berlin 1876-. AhdG. = Die althochdeutschen Glossen, Steinmeyer und Sievers, Berlin 1879-98. AL. = Ancient Laws and Institutes of England, ed. B. Thorpe, London 1840. Ancr. R. Ancren Riwle, ed. J. Morton, Camden Soc. 1853. Ang. = Anglia. Zeitschrift fiir englische Philologie, herausg. v. R. P. Wiilker &c., Halle 1878-. Ang. Anz. = Anzeiger zur Anglia, Bd. IV-VIII, Halle 1881-5. Ang. Bbl. = Beiblatt zur Anglia, Halle 1891-. ApT. = The Anglo-Saxon version of Apollonius of Tyre, ed. B. Thorpe, London 1834. ApZ. = Die altengl. Bearbeitung von Apollonius von Tyrus, ed. Zupitza, Archiv, xcvii. 17. Archiv. Archiv fiir das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Litteraturen, herausg. von Herrig, Zupitza &c., Braunschweig. Assm. = Angelsachsische Homilien und Heiligenleben, B. Assmann, Kassel 1889. BDD. = Be Domes Dsege, ed. J. R.Lumby, E.E.T. Soc. 1876. Also in GrW. ii. 250 (quoted by line). BdM. = The Old Engl. Version of Bede's Ecclesiastical History, ed. T. Miller, E. E. T. Soc. 1890-91. BdSch. = Konig Alfreds Ubersetzung von Bedas Kirchengeschichte, J. Schipper, Leipzig 1899. BIH. = The Blickling Homilies, ed. R. Morris, E. E. T. Soc. 1874-80. B T. Bosworth's Anglo-Saxon Dictionary, ed. and enlarged by T. N. Toller, Oxford 1882-98. BtF. = King Alfred's Anglo-Saxon Version of Boethius, ed. S. Fox, London 1864. BtS. = King Alfred's OE. Version of Boethius, ed. W. J. Sedgefield, Oxford 1899. Buchholz = Die Fragmente der Reden der Seele an den Leichnam in zwei Handschriften zu Worcester und Oxford, R. Buchholz, Erlangen 1890. Chr. = The OE. Chronicle (quoted by year). CD. = Codex Diplomaticus Aevi Saxonici, J. M. Kemble, London 1839-48. CGG. = Corpus Glossariorum Latinorum, ed. G. Goetz, Leipzig. CGH. - An Eighth-century Latin- Anglo-Saxon Glossary ( = The Corpus Glossary), ed. J. H. Hessels, Cambridge 1890. Cosijn = Altwestsachsische Grammatik, von P. J. Cosijn, Haag 1883-86. CP. = King Alfred's WS. Version of Gregory's Pastoral Care, ed. H. Sweet, E. E. T. Soc. 1871. CS. = Cartularium Saxonicum, ed. W. de Gray Birch, 1885-93. DRit. = Rituale Ecclesiae Dunelmensis, ed. J. Stevenson, Surtees Soc. 1840. EC Ps. = Eadwine's Canterbury Psalter, ed. F. Harsley, E. E.T. Soc. 1889 (quoted by psalm and verse). ES. = Englische Studien, herausg. von E. Kolbing, Heilbronn and Leipzig 1877-. Exod. The poem of Exodus (quoted by line), or the prose Exodus in Grein's Bibliothek der ags. Prosa (quoted by chapter and verse). G. Sancti Aldhelmi Opera, ed. J. A. Giles, Oxonii 1844. Cp. also G. in 4. Quoted by page (or page* and line) unless otherwise stated. xxxviii INTRODUCTION Gen. = The poem of Genesis, or the prose Genesis (cp. Exod.}. Graff = Althochdeutscher Sprachschatz, von E. G. Graff, Berlin 1834-42. GrD. = The OE. version of Gregory's Dialogues. Grein = Sprachschatz der angelsachsischen Dichter, von C. W. M. Grein, Cassel und Gottingen, 1861-4. GrW. = Grein's Bibliothek der angelsachs. Poesie, neubearb. von R. P. Wiilker, Kassel 1881-98. HL A Concise Anglo-Saxon Dictionary, by J. R. C. Hall, London 1894. JGPh. = Journal of Germanic Philology, ed. G. E. Karsten, Bloomington, U.S.A. 1897-. KIEW. = Etymologisches Wbrterbuch der deutschen Sprache, von F. Kluge, 6. Aufl. 1899. KlZs. Zur Geschichte der Zeichensprache, F. Kluge, in Techmer's Internationale Zeitschrift fur allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft, II. Bd., Leipzig 1885, p. 118 sqq. La). Lajamon's Brut, ed. Sir F. Madden, London 1847. Lcdm. Saxon Leechdoms &c. of Early England, ed. O. Cockayne, Rolls Series 1864-66. Leo = Angelsachsisches Glossar, von H. Leo, Halle 1877. LSc. = Defensor's Liber Scintillarum, ed. E. W. Rhodes, E. E. T. Soc. 1889. LtbL = Literaturblatt fur germanische und romanische Philologie, herausg. von Behagel und Neumann, Heilbronn und Leipzig 1880-. Madan = Summary Catalogue of Western MSS. in the Bodleian Library. Matin. = Altenglische Sprachproben. 2. Band : Worterbuch, von E. Matzner, Berlin 1878-. Meyer = Zur Sprache der jiingeren Teile der Chronik von Peterborough, H. Meyer, Jena 1889. MLN. - Modern Language Notes, ed. A. M. Elliott &c., Baltimore 1886-. Mone = Quellen und Forschimgen zur Geschichte der teutschen Literatur und Sprache, Aachen und Leipzig 1830. Narr. Narratiunculse Anglice conscripts, ed. T. O. Cockayne, London 1861. NED. = A New English Dictionary, ed. by J. A. H. Murray and H. Bradley, Oxford 1888-. NRT. = History of the Holy Rood- tree, A. S. Napier, E. E. T. Soc. 1894. NSCh. = The Crawford Charters, ed. A. S. Napier and W. H. Stevenson, Anecdota Oxon. 1895. OET. = Oldest English Texts, ed. H. Sweet, E. E. T. Soc. 1885. Oros. = King Alfred's Orosius, ed. H. Sweet, E. E. T. Soc. 1883. PBB. = Beitrage zur Geschichte der deutschen Sprache und Literatur, herausg. von Paul und Braune, &c., Halle 1874-. PGH. = Die Bouloneser angelsachs. Glossen zu Prudentius, A. Holder, in Germania, xxiii. 385 sqq. PGr. a= Paul's Grundriss der germanischen Philologie, 2 Aufl. 1 896-. Pog. Zur Lautlehre der griech., latein., &c. Lehnworte im Altenglischen, A. Pogatscher, QF. Strassburg 1888. PP. = Promptorium Parvulorum, ed. A. Way, Camden Soc. 1843-65. PsSpl. = Psalterium Davidis Latino-Saxonicum vetus, a Joh. Spelmanno, ed. London 1640 (quoted by psalm and verse). PsTh. = Libri Psalmorum versiq antiqua Latina ; cum paraphrasi Anglo-Saxonica, ed. B. Thorpe, Oxford 1835 (quoted by psalm and verse). QF. = Quellen und Forschungen zur Sprach- und Culturgeschichte der german. Volker, herausg. v. ten Brink, Martin, &c., Strassburg. RBL. = The Rule of St. Benet, H. Logeman, E. E. T. Soc. 1888. RBS. = Die angelsachs. Prosabearbeitungen der Benedictinerregel, A. Schroer, Kassel 1885-8. NOTES ON THE ARRANGEMENT OF THE VOLUME xxxix Reim. - Die Sprache der mittelkentischen Evangelien, M. Reimann, Berlin 1883. Sachse = Das unorganische E im Orrmulum, R. Sachse, Halle 1881. SB. Stratmann's Middle- English Dictionary, revised by H. Bradley, Oxford 1891. Shrn. = The Shrine, O. Cockayne, London 1864-70. SHy. = The Latin Hymns of the Anglo-Saxon Church, ed. J. Stevenson, Surtees Soc. 1851. Sievers = Angelsachsische Grammatik, E. Sievers, 3. Aufl., Halle 1898. Sw. = The Student's Dictionary of Anglo-Saxon, Oxford 1897. Verc. = The Vercelli MS. Wst. = Wulfstan, A. Napier, Berlin 1883. WW. T. Wright's Anglo-Saxon and OE. Vocabularies, re-edited by Wiilcker, London 1884. ZfdA. = Zeitschrift fiir deutsches Alterthum, herausg. von Haupt, Mtillenhoff, &c., Leipzig and Berlin 1841-. ADDENDA AND CORRIGENDA. p. 13, note to 432. Add ' On teorian, tea- cp. Sievers, PBB. xix. 442, note.' p. 22, note to 786. For ' 5024 ' read ' 5023,' and instead of the second '8, 31 2 ' read ' 2, 502.' p. 27, note to 974. Add ' Hence Leo's spincan " scintillare." ' p. 37, note to 1367. Add* Cp. now also Max Forster, F^lrnivall-Celebrat^on Volume, p. too.' p. 90, note to 3375. Read ' f2, 198.' p. 91, note to 3404. The word mamrian 'to meditate, design' should probably be separated from mamra ' sleep.' According to Detter, PBB. xviii. 75, note, the a in mamrian is long, and represents a Germanic ai, the word meaning ' to measure.' In this case it cannot be related to mdmra, mSmra. p. 97, note to 3674. Add ' Cp. also 4302. This gl. has prob. given rise to the cefesn = " luxury, wanton- ness" in Sw. Pogatscher has now independently come to the same conclusion in ES. xxvii. 218.' p. 104, note to 3913. Add 'Cp. now ES. xxvii. 219.' p. 106, note to 3975. For 'gegn-' read 'gean-.' p. 121, note to 4716. Add ' Hence Hall's weg-gelate " festival in the streets." ' p. 141, note to 95. Add'R. cumulum, as in G.\ fl, 2496; f7, 163; f8, 129.' p. 159, note to 159. Add 'On egorc^. Pogatscher, ES. xxvii. 223.' p. 239, col. iii. On the length of the root vowel of ateorian cp. PBB. xix. 442, note. p. 266, col. i. Add ' *swinsweg " melodia," cp. p. xxxiii.' pp. 273-4. Add to the list of doubtful words : ' sefesn = " luxury, wantonness," cp. note to 3674 ; gejirsec " equipment, aid," cp. Preface p. vii. re3 "ferocitas " 2985 spincan " scintillare " 974 ; cp. also Addenda sulhhandla "ploughman" 2357; cp. also Preface p. vii. weg-gelsete "festival in the streets" 4716; cp. also Preface p. vii.' p. 278, col. ii. Add the following note to cittum : ' The spelling in all the Aldhelm MSS. is cittis, which is presumably that used by Aldhelm himself. It should be ciccis from (zccum = cp. G. Loewe, Prodromus corporis glossariorum Latinorum, Leipzig 1876, p. 274, and G. Goetz, Thesaurus glossarum emendatarum, Leipzig 1899, p. 210, s.v. ciccum.' I am indebted for these two references to Prof. Robinson Ellis. p. 280, col. ii. Add to cumulus : ' Cp. also 2, 95.' OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ALDHELM, DE LAUDIBUS VIRGINITATIS. (OPERA ED. GILES, OXONII, 1844.) 1. MS. DIGBY 146. sollerter, .*'. curiose, frgulice [Hpt. 405.] f. 8. 2, 21 libere, ce 2, 23 relaxet, tolaete 2, 24 ludi, n 2, 29 5 palma, e [Hpt. 406.] 2, 30 contribulium, .i. amicorum, syblinja 2, 31 falerato, gergededu/w 2, 32 uectus, ,i, subleuatus, ahafen 2, 32 cornipede, .i. equo, wicjce, meare 2, 32 locesum, .i. percussum, jeswun 2, 33 comunt, .i. ornant, jlenca}? 2, 33 lupatis,_/>-^zz>, midluw 2, 33 facetus, . i.facundus, jetinc^e f. 8 b . quadripedante, fif>erfetu#2 isputrem, .i. fetentem t puluereum, dustijne quatit, . i. percutit, beatej? inplicans, .i. ligans, befealdende orbes, hofrinjas orbibus, hofuw 20 metitur, amet classicis, sciplicuffz nautarum, re]?ra t flotmanna cohortibus, .t. exercitibus, heriu/ft stipatus, .i. uallatus, emhlenned 25 circumseptus, emhrinced 2, 34 2, 35 2, 35 2, 35 2, 36 2, 36 2, 36 2, 36 2, 37 2, 37 2, 37 2, 37 3,1 Fol. 8 begins with gymnicis artibus (G. 2 15 ), above which, on the top margin, is wr. in diff. hands gagerynde and, on the right, -wiSerwinna. i. Eng. gl. in diff. hand. 2. Gl. in diff. (the 2nd?) hand. R.freoh'ce. 3. relaxat G. 4. Gl. in diff. (the 2nd?) hand. R. pieman. 5. Gl. in diff. (the and?) hand. R. sigeleane, as in If. 7. gerceded 'harnessed.' Cp. BT. and CS. iii. 629 29 ; WW. 234 a9 . 10. K. geswungen. 15. Cp. /f. ; -)-3, 9, and dystig WW. 5i7 23 . 16. On the r. margin is wr. cwyst. 17. Eng. gl. in the 2nd hand. 18-19. So H. The gloss, has app. understood orbes orbibus to refer to the motion of the horse's feet, as though it ' interwove hoof-circles with its hoofs' (implicans orbes orbibus). hofum is f. hof 'hoof,' and ho/ring is hof-hring, 'the hoof-ring or circle described by the horse's feet.' Cp. WW. "("46 1 5 o.o. hringa (for -gasT) hohhwyrfinge, and f468 18 o. o. = hringa hohwerjinge, i.e. '(interweaving) rings by heel- turning or the circular movement of the horse's feet.' Lye's hoffingas (cp. BT. 548) is no doubt taken f. Z>., the r being misr. as f. 22. flot-~\ o alt. f. e. 24. emhlenned] I alt. f. h. H. has emhledned t emhle, and also emhlenned as an add. gl. to the foil, circtimseptus. Cp. 109 circumuallantes = emhlemmende ; 118 constipantes = emhlennende ; 681 uallatus emhlenned. These point to a vb. embhlennan. In 5, 6; 8, 3 the foil, circumseptus (G. 3 1 ) is glossed by embhlcened ; S. 5 emhlaned; 7, 9 embhlcenned. These latter gll. can scarcely be separated from those in D. and H., and, with them, are prob. derived f. one common orig. ; they must therefore be referred to the same [iv. II.] B 2 OLD ENGLISH GLOSSES uitreos, .*'. daros, torhtte 3, 1 PER GYMNOSOPHl(S)TAS, gurgites, wae 3, 2 Jmrh wititije plejmen 1 liburnam, scehj?, ceol 3, 2 jleawe jlijnvn 3, 5 hortante, .;'. monenfe, tihte , 40 exerceri, gewordene ! began 3, 6 mynienduw 3, 3 scolares, larlice 3, 6 30 proreta, plihtere, ancremen 3, 3 disciplinas, craeftas 3, 6 crepante, .*'. sonante, cracienduw, industriam, jeornfulnysse, jleaw- cearcienduffz 3, 3 nesse [Hpt. 407.] 3, 7 naucleri, nowendes, steormannes 3, 3 aguntur, bij? jedone 3, 8 porticulo, helme, hamele, 45 gestibus. bserum, daeduw; 3, 8 thealme 3, 3 sollertiam, fraefelnesse, meni- spumosis, fsemijuffz 3, 4 teawnesse 3, 11 35 algosis, warihtuw 3, 4 in propatulo, on sewunge 3, 12 remorum, roj)ra 1 arena 3, 4 qualitatem, %e 3. 14 tractibus, tium 3, 4 afflatus, jeondblawen 3, 14 trudit, scif)? 3,4 50 geneseos, jecyndboca 3,15 inf. em(f)hlennan. Had the gll. in 5, 8, S. stood alone, one might have assumed a vb. embhlanan, cp. behiiznan 'to surround,' BDD. 115, and bi(h)liznan, Juliana 577. 27. So H. and f3, 16. R. wagas: cp. 2487 gurgitum = waga. The more usual gl. for gurges is w&l : cp. WW. I78 13 , &c. ; &G. 52", &c. 28. seek} (f. ON. skeid) denoted a vessel of considerable size (cp. NSCk. 128). For ceol H. has ced, which is reproduced in Ettm., Leo, BT., and HI. ; it is evid. a mere misreading for ceol (cp.JGPh. ii. 359). 29. R. tihtendum. 30. plihtere wr. o. hortante. Cp. f7, 10 ; \S. 6; f5, 7 plihttere; f8, 4 plyhtre. H, has the corrupt form pliditere. Cp. OHG. plihta, pfiihta - ' prora ' (AhdG. iii. i64 6 ; 217*; 369"; 658 1 ). R. ancerman. 32. nowendes also in //. ; f5, 8 ; -j-7, 12 ; f8, 6 ; and f5. 8, whilst f2, 6 and -)-6, 7 have rowendes. These gll. are obviously all derived ultimately f. one common orig., which must have been rowendes or nowendes. Bouterwek (H. 406) decides for row-, identifying it with rowend 'a rower,' whilst Leo 60 1 retains the n- and compares with ON. naust ' ship-shed,' nor ' ship.' The fact that six out of eight MSS. have n, is strong evidence that nowendes was the reading of the orig. ; moreover rowend does not properly translate nauclerus. A further confirmation is afforded by the occurrence of the -form in MS. 41, Corpus Christi Coll. Cambr., p. 411: pis is se halga heahengel sanctus Michael 7 se aSela nowend 7 se gleawa frumlida 7 se pancwirSesta stigend, se Se his scip gefelleft, 7 mid heofonlicum ww is not uncommon in D. and H. Cp. 231 gehwwances. 74-5. mid s. anr. over assidua, t onw. over instantia. 76. cnaivene\ the first n on erasure of w. Had the gloss, the form cwawene in his mind? The form with cw is not uncommon, especially in writings showing Kentish or East Anglian influence (cp. Zupitza, ZfdA. xxi. 27, and Klnge, ES. ix. 36 note). Z. cites examples from jEG. 165 and Kent. Ps. 43, whilst Kluge adds three instances f. the Liber Scintillarum (cf. LSc. p. xiv) ; also Chron. A. D. mo. I have found the foil, further instances: Ormulum 12941 cwawenn (cp. ES. i. n) ; 13693 cwewe (ES. i. 12); Lcdm. iii. I94 1 cwapa for cnapa ; KlZs. 123" cwoca for cnoca ; Arckiv Ixxxiv. 9 89 cneoivien alt. f. cweowien. B 2 OLD ENGLISH GLOSSES SOLLERTISSIME, .*. sagacis- sime, baere mseniteaweste 3, 27 INDTTSTBIAM, wyttinesse 3, 27 formulis, hiwu/w 3, 28 80 coaptari, . i. coniungi, jelimplgecan t beodan 3, 28 uberrima, f>a jenihtsuwmestan 3, 28 experimenta, afundenessa 3, 28 liquido, .*. manifeste, anjytfullice, openlice [Hpt. 408.] 3, 29 roscido, deawijre 3, 29 85 crepusculo, deorcunje, sefnunje 3, 29 et exorto, 7 up asprunjuw 3, 30 limpidissimi, .*. clarisstnri, bsere freabeorhtestan 3, 30 iubare, .*'. splendor e, leoman 3, 30 extimplo, .i. statim^ hraedlice 3, 30 90 patentee, .*'. latos, le 3, 31 diffundunt, . i. dmidunt, jeondjeo- tatS, todselaj? 3, 32 Modo, hwilt 3, 32 melligeris, hunibaeruztt 3, 32 caltarum, clsefran 3, 32 95 frondibus, helrmm 3, 32 purpureis, brunbasuvm 3, 33 maluarxun, jeormanleafa,hocleafa 3, 33 incubantes, .*'. insidentes, onsit 3, 33 mulsa, .i. dulcia, werede 3, 33 ioo rostro, .i. ore, mid nebbe, mube 3, 34 decerpunt, . i. rodunt, cywat, pluc 3, 34 lento, of biccwrc 3, 34 careni, tco itemaeres 1 asodenes wines 3, 34 defruto, .*'. uino, befele, felde, byffe 3, 25 105 receptacula, innobas, anfencjas f. 9 b . 3, 36 certatim, .1. strenue, flitmaehiffz, t to jeflites 3, 36 Modo, hwiltiduflz 3, 36 crocata, ba jejeolewedan 3, 37 80. Cp. 4262. 82. Cp. 3896; also 543 oferfundennes; WW. 232 onf-. 83. Cp. WW. +486 31 ; t435 31 - ^*. So also H. for -ngnum. Cp. 445 asprungan for -ngnan. 87. freabeorht-] the second e alt. f. another letter. 90. R. -widgille. 91. geondg-'] cp. BT. and ZfdA. xxxi. I5 376 . 92. R. hwiUidum: cp. 107. 93. hunibarum} the i alt. f. another letter. 94. clafra in a diff. hand, only the final n being in the ord. hand. 97. geormanlaf mallow,' cp. WW. f486 35 ; 301"; OET. 78 656 ; Lcdm. i. sSo 25 ; ii. io8 18 ; Hi. I34 2 ; 303^ &c. 98. R. onsittende. 101. cywat (in diff. hand) = cynva]> = ceowaS, as in H. R. phicciajt. 103. co itemares} c alt. f. t, and o f. some other letter. H. has same gll. Should the first be r. coite mares, the latter part being the gen. of mare 'excellent' (cp. WW. 38o 26 carenum = ajiele alu)\ The first part may, as Leo suggests, be corrupted from code, for cocti. In the other glossaries (4 ; 5 ; 6; 7; S. 10) carenum is explained by asoden win; cf. also WW. f37o 37 cerenes t hunigtcares; f486 37 cerenes. 104. H. has only felde, piffe. Can ]>efele be the Kentish form of fyfele, the gloss, having taken the de for the prep. (cp. WW. f2i8 :) *, cited below), and rendering fruto as though it were frutecto or fruticel In WW. these words are glossed by ]>yfel (cp. WW. I39 1 '; 244 20 ' 32 ; 324 s "). In that case ]>yffe, which is wr. under the line, may stand for J>yfe (for fyfele). With regard to felde, cp. WW. f2i8 31 de lento fruto = of fiiccum felde, de denso campo. This'gl., like others in MS. Harley 3376, is f. Aldhelm and glosses this very passage. The gloss, has not only taken the de of defruto as a prep., but has put the adj. lento betw. it and fruto. Have we here the ord. OE. feld 'a field,' the gloss, having in his mind a space with bushes =frutectum\ Or does felde really denote defruttiml In that case the Lat. gl. de denso campo must be a mere retrans- lation of the Eng. gl. Elsewhere in D. and H. defrutum is variously glossed : cp. 326 ; 2650 ; 3167; 4988; and WW. In the other glossaries (4; 5; 6 ; 7; S. 12) it is rendered by awyrd win (cp. 4, 6). On the lower margin of the page, which ends with ferculis (G. 3 M ) is wr. the word cnop in a diff. hand. 105. Cp. 3907; WW. 5O5 35 (gl. to G. $4*) receptacula = andfengnessa. 106. ftitm-~\ cp. 56, 210; RBL. 117 (geflitm-}. to geflites\ cp. 2232; ApT. io 5 (ApZ. 23 19 ) ; Ang. 1. ALDHELM, DE LAUD. VIRG. circumuallantes, . i. sfipantes, emhle/rcmende 3, 37 no fertilem, .i. frugalem, sume numerosis, .t. multis, unarime- 4, 1 4,1 dum, maenifealduz aduehunt, .i. asportant, hi to brinjatS 4, 2 cerea castra, . i. aluearia, hyfa 4, 2 teretes, . i. rotundas, sintrendende, sinhwyrfende 4, 3 115 hederarum, hifia 4, 3 corimbos, crop 4, 3 surculos, stofnas 4, 4 constipantes, emhlennende [Hpt.40 9 .] 4,4 multiformem, bgene niaenifealdan 4, 4 1 20 machinam, . i. ingentum, crseft 4, 4 angulosis, hyrnfulluw, on hyrni- JUOT, healhi htuw 4, 5 Cuius, baere 4, 5 molimen, jebeaht, orbanc, tsearwu 4, 5 metrica, meterlicere i25facundia, .t. eloquentia, getinc- nesse fretus, .i.fultus, jebyld, gejodod catalectico uersu, mid jetelferse 1 syxfetuw gemmatis, .i. pictis, jejlencdim infra, wibinnan ban 1 30 brachicatalectico, mid fiffete- duw 1 jescertuw colopho, mid lima t todala EXAMEW, .i. agmen, swearm FENESTRARTJM, teolberla foramina, tteolbyrl 135 uestibula, .i. introitum, foredura, infserelda per turmas, jeond mseniju amo(e)na, ba maeran prata, . i. uiriditates, maeda populatur, .i. uastat, bereafaS 140 florulenta, .i. floribus refer ta, blostmbsere uagans, .i. circumiens, yrnende 4,6 4,6 4,6 4,6 4,8 4,9 4,9 4, 9 4, 11 4,11 4,11 4,12 4,12 4, 13 4, 13 4, 13 4, 14 4, 15 xiii. ?,6f. 109. R. emhlennende : cp. 24. 114. H. has the less good read ing sintredende : cp. sintrmdel. In the -trendende of D. we have the ptc. of the OE. vb. *trendan, ME. trenden ' to roll, to turn,' NE. to trend. Cp. also MS. NE. F. 4. 10 (MS. Bodley 340) fol. 128 and hi J>a namon swiSe micelne stan j fortrendon Jxzre byrgenne duru, i. e. they closed the entrance to the sepulchre by rolling a large stone to it. Cp. sinhivyrfel. 115. N. ifia f. ifig. 117. stofnas in diff. hand. 1 1 8. Cp. note to 24. 121. healhi htu\ after i an e erased, healhihte for healihte (f. healh) is a new formation, like horhi'hte (cp. Sievers, 218, notes). I2 3- searwu in diff. hand? R. scarwung. 124. Cp. 199. H. metcundlicere. The orig. prob. had metcund t licere for metercundre t meterlicere. metercund occurs WW. 201' ; f37o 39 , which last gl. shows that WW. t47 4 dymet- cunda must be r. $y metercundan, both being derived f. the same orig. (cp. also Archiv Ixxxv. 398). Metcund and metcundlic should therefore be excluded from the dictionaries. 130. gescert ' shortened.' As the ending in an adj. \&.& fiffetede corresponds to OS. -odi, one would expect -fotede : the umlaut in this and similar compounds (cp. twygcerede, J>ryhyrnede, &c., /EG., pp. 288-9) is due to the analogy of forms like twyfete, dnhende, &c. 131. So also H. R. m. lime t todale. 132. swearm (om. H.} in the 2nd hand. 134. teolfyrl (om. H^ is wr. on the r. margin after the \\neforamina et a. a v. c.per, and is evid. intended to $. foramina, as in f7, 22. 135. foredura'] the 2nd r alt. f. a. H. foredera. Cp. 2999 uestibulum = foredure (H. -dere}. In both cases H. has the better reading, foredere being the Kentish form of WS. foredyre, which occurs WW. f487 8 ; and 505^ (gl. to G. 54"). The scribe of D., having duru in his mind, altered e to u. On foredyre, cp. PBB. ix. 245 ; cp. also gedyre, ofergedyre (ibid. 241), and oferdyre (WW. 28o 16 ). OLD ENGLISH GLOSSES bibula, . i. sitienti, mid burstijere 4, 1 5 curiositate, jeornfulnysse 4, 15 oracula, eloquta, witedomas 4, 16 145 asstipulationibus, .i. assertioni- bus, sebincjuw 1 swute 4, 17 illo, ]>&m jode f. 10. 4, 19 digesta, .i. ordinata, gedihte 4, 19 sreuissimis, . i. crudeh'ssimis , wyrrestuw 4, 20 afflictionibus, .i. tribulationibus, jedrecednessu/rc 4, 20 150 tumentes, .;. turgentes, wex 4, 21 reciproca, .1. iterantia, ajean hwyrfende 4, 22 spumantis, faemendre 4, 22 pelagi, widse 4, 22 flustra, yba 4, 22 155 sacrosancti, burhhalijere 4, 22 uiminis, .1. uirge, jirde 4, 23 colubro, ./'. serpente, snace, naed 4, 23 transfigurati, . t. conuersi, awendre 4, 2 3 maceries, .i. muri, stanweal 4, 23 1 60 altrinsecus, .i. ex utraque parte, onsundran [Hpt. 410.] 4, 24 cseleste, ere 4, 24 colloquium, spaece 4, 24 cornutis, mid ejislicu/w 4, 25 sollicita, .t. sedula, mid emhydi- licere 4, 26 4, 26 4, 26 4, 26 4, 26 4, 27 4, 27 165 intentions, ./'. curiositate, jeorn- fulnysse scrutando, scrutniende quadrifaria, ba ftyerdseledan euangelicg, licere relationis, ,i. narrationis, race 170 dicta, ./'. uerba, cwydas mysticis, .i. diuim's, mid jastli- cuw 4, 27 catholicorum, anlicra, jeleafulra 4, 27 commentariis, .i. expositionibus, trahtnunjuw 4, 28 exposita, .. tractata, asmeade 4, 28 175 ad medullam, .t. ad intima, of) inwyrdeswetnesselsmedman4, 28 enucleata, . i. tnuestigata, jecnea- tede 4, 29 quadriformis, mid fiSerhiwtiff/ 4, 29 ecclesiasticaa, cyrclicre 4, 29 traditionis, .i. dociring, awrije- nesse 4, 29 1 80 normulis, .i. regulis, bysnu/w 4, 29 historiam, jerecednesse 4, 30 allegoriam, .i. parabolam, jastli- cutfz an^ite 4, 30 tropologiam, . t. mysterium, beaw- licere spaece 4, 30 anagogen, . i. superno sensu, upli- can 1 heofenlicuw anjite 4, 30 142. Eng. gll. over curios-. Over the de of the foil, decurrit is wr. g. 145. R. swutelungum ; cp. 5262. 146. illo refers to Moses: r. J>am godes menl 150. R.wexende; om. H. 157. snace (so also H^) prob. for snaca (nom. sg.) ; as unaccented a is not unfrequently represented by e in D. and H. (see Introduction), this gl. does not justify the assumption of a snacu fern. R. naddran. 161. R. heofonlicre. 163. So also H. Cp. G. 4, et post coeleste colloquium cornutis multibus incredulum fugasse vulgus describitur. The gloss., guessing f. the context, has taken cornutis to mean 'terrible.' 168. R. godspellicere. 172. anlic ' catholicus,' cp. 1359; 5105. 175. inwyrd (H. inwura) = inweard. D. in most cases has -wyrd for unaccented -weard (cp. and-, to-, wiper-wyrd, &c.), somewhat less frequently -wurd, whilst in H. it almost invariably appears as -wurd. Cp. Deuteron. xxxii. 14 (and hwates smedeman = cum medulla tritici). 179. Eng. gl. o. eccles-. 180. Eng. gl. o. quadriformis. 181. H. invariably has gerecenys or -nnys. 182. Cp. f8, I5 b . 183. Cp. 1084. Elsewhere tropologiam is more suitably glossed : f8, 1 5 (gehiwudre sprace, gastlicre gebycnu(n}cge); WW. t487 10 beacnunge. 184. Cp. f7, 23; f8> 16; -\-S. 15, and 4264. 1. ALDHELM, DE LAUD. VIRG. 185 digesta, .*'. ordmala, endebyrde 4, 31 indagando, spiriende 4, 31 historiographorum, wyrdwritera 4, 3 1 fabulas, spellunja t saga 4, 32 chronographorum, tydwritera 4, 32 190 fortuitas, .t. cekres, ba gewyrdeli- can, faerlican 4, 32 permutationes, awendennessa 4, 33 [tenaci, .t. subiili^] . . .textu, mid fsesthafelre race i smeaban- celre trahtnunge 4, 33 rimando, foresmeajende, scea- wende 4, 34 grammaticorum, stsefcrseftijra 4, 34 195 orthographorum, rihtwritera 4, 35 disciplinas, lara 4, 35 tonis temporibus, on hleobrien- dum iidum 4, 35 trutinatas, . t. pensatas, asmeade [Hpt. 411.] 4, 36 pedibus poeticis, . i. mefnm,rc\\d scoplicuw t meterlicu/w fotuw 4 ; 36 200 compactas,.*'.f0z'#f/a.y,jefe2ede4, 36 per cola, . t. membra, burh lim 4, 36 et commata, .t. incistones, 7 todal 4, 37 pentime(me)ren, s. per, burh fiftan fotes todal f. iot>. 4, 37 eptimemeren, seofeban 4, 37 205 diremptas, .*'. diuisas, todselede 5, 1 sequestratim, . i. diuise, . i. seorsum, sunderlipes 5, 1 discretas, a. segregatas, toscea- dene, tosendrede 5, 2 sagaciter, .t.prudenter, snoterlice 1 jewyrdelice 5, 2 inquirendo, pinsiende 5, 2 210 CASTIMONI?, .t. castitatis, je- healsuw 5, 3 [PROPTEB] . . . PBIUILEIUM, for synderlicim wyrt5mente 5, 3 uirginitatis, .*. puritatis, maejb- hades 5, 4 typum, .i.figuram, jetacnunje 5, 4 portendere, ./'. manifestare, je- tacnien 5, 4 215 indubitata, untweolicere 6, 5 auctoritate, ealdorlicnesse 6, 5 asstipulatur, . t. creditur t adfir- matur, is jesebed, jereht 6, 5 quaa, seo 5, 6 prseda, huba 6, 6 220 dulcia, leo 5, 7 coniugii, jejaederscipes 5, 7 inlecebrosa, .i. uoluptuosa, for- spennendlice 5, 8 consortia, jeferrsedene, hlo 5, 8 foetosa quadam, .i.fertili, .*'. ali- gua, t mid sumere waestem- baere 6, 8 225 suauissimi, .;'. dulcissimi, bass swetestan 5, 8 suci, ssepes 5, 8 188. spellunga] the e on erasure, over the a a small /. 189. Cp. WW. t37o*; t4 8 7 13 - 191. So also H. ; r. awendednessa. The form here is due to the influence of words like afundennes, derived f. st. verbs. Cp. 181. N. -wiende: cp. note to 1003. J 95- C P- WW. f46i 6 ; f487 15 - 197. G. tonis et temp-. The gloss, seems to have taken tonis for an adj. = ' sounding.' 204. Supply fotes todal. 208. gewyrde- belongs rather to gewyrdelice ' verbatim ' (f. word}, than to gew- ' histori- aliter' (f. wyrd). 210. R. gehealdsumnesse. 213. getacnun%e\ c alt. f. . 214. R. -nian. 220.R.leofe. The context runs, dulcia natorum pignora. H. has lee, which is misr. for leo. 222. Cp. 5283, and forspennende. 223. hlo (om. H.} in diff. (the 2nd?) hand. R. hlot, the sorti of csortia catching the glossator's eye, or hlofi ? 8 OLD ENGLISH GLOSSES concretione, f cennincje 5, 8 producit, .i. ostendil, for}? jetihj) 6, 9 bis acuto, twiecjjedum 5, 9 330 transuerberans, .i. transfigans, burhbynde, bori 6, 10 [DE] . . . COWCOBDI, be je- hwsere 5, 13 SODALITATE, .*'. fraternliate, brooYseddenel stabelfsesnesse 5, 1 4 theatrali, .*'. uisibili, wafiendre 5, 14 spectaculo, wsefesyne [Hpt.4i2.] 5, 14 235 altroneMm,.t.spon/aneum, jewyn- sumlice 5, 15 uoluntarie, sylfwilles 5, 15 seruitutis, beowdomes 5, 15 affectum, .i. dilectionem, tlufe 5, 15 quern, ba 5, 16 240 principum, .i, procerum, beo- modra 5, 16 exercere, .i. studere, jecneord- laecan 5, 16 noscuntur, .i. intelleguntur , synden ancnawene 5, 16 huiuscemodi, bus jeraddre 6, 17 contemplationis, .i. speculation! 's i consider ationis, besceawun je I emwlatunje 5, 17 245 intuitu, jymene 5, 17 et regularia, 7 rejolice 5, 18 instituta, . i. decreta, gesettnessa 5, 19 siniillima, of Ipam jelicestan 5, 19 collatione, . i, comparatione t conferenlta, jesceade 5, 19 250 Quamdiu, swa lanje 5, 20 sedes, wununja f. 11. 6, 20 fouere, hlywan 5, 20 tuguria, .i. cellulas, hyfa 5, 21 contexta, .z'. cons true ta, awundene 5, 21 255 cauatis, jehole dum, jescafenuw 5, 21 consuta, jetreajede 6, 21 corticibus, .i.gaudicibus, teljru/w 5, 22 ille, s. cosdrus, see beomoder 5, 22 qui, seo be 5, 22 260 magistratus, .i. principatus, domas 5, 22 ex inmensa, .*'. multa, of baere miclere 5, 23 fugitiu(i)s, mid flujeluw 5, 23 discursibus.faereldu/rc, jeondscri- 6, 24 227. Cp. WW. 2i4 ia . 228. forj>~\ J> on erasure. 229. Gl. in the 2nd hand. Om. H, 230. bori (om. //.) in the 2nd hand. R. boriende. 231. Cp. 66. 232. -ftzsnesse] & alt. f. e. R. brcftorradene t staj>elfcestnesse. H. has the incorrect lemma soliditate (instead of sodalitate} glossed byfraternitate, statielfeste brofterradene. The gl. stajtelfasnesse 'firmness, stability' in D. must come f. an Aldhelm MS. with this reading, as it does not translate sodalitate, which is correctly rendered by bro$(pr)rus,onh\isum 5, 32 commorentur, .i. maneant, hi wuniatS 5, 33 quod, bonne f 5, 34 tarn ingenti, .i. tarn magno, mid swa mycelre 5, 34 295 studio, .t. mgenio, jecneordnesse 1 jeornfulnesse 6, 34 pareat, .t. obediat, jehyrsumie 5, 35 intacte, ./. inmaculate, des 5, 36 uirginitatis, maebhades 5, 36 typum, .2. spect'em, hiwe 5, 36 300 et spontaneum, .r. propier, 7 for ban selfwilla 6, 36 famulatum, .i. seruitutem, beow- dome 5, 37 264. So also H. One would expect rather widgill (cp. 5384, &c.), or wid (cp. WW. 453" ; SI4 2 '). 267. neadendre} the 2nd e on erasure. The scribe prob. meant to write neadiendre, then seeing that his orig. had nedendre (as in H.) he erased the i. 269. R. neadSearf-. 273. dom in the 2nd hand. H. recedom. Both prob. for recenddom. 275. ut lagan in the 2nd hand. 276. afle} f alt. f. r, and le on erasure. 279. Gil. wr. o. spissis legionum. H. has the gen. pi. eoroda (not -dttm}, which glosses legionum ; so also fll, 24. This agreement between H. and 11 renders it prob. that the orig. had the gen. 280. ne in the 2nd hand. 282. R. arwurjt- as in //. 283. G. wrongly incolarum. 287. gewune} ne by the 2nd hand. R. ge-wunede. 288. Eng. gll. on 1. margin before quiete. 292. commorentur} after the first m a letter erased, hi wuniaS over quam in line before. 297. R. ungewemmedes. 300. Should selfwilla (after which an n has been erased) be expanded selfwillan, or did not the gloss, rather mean to alter an to it and forget to change a to M? The use of the contraction mark to denote a simple n is very rare in OE. (cp. Ang. xiv. 143), but instances of it do seem to occur. Cp. 56, 1 1 cume for cttmen. Cp. also Archiv xcvii. 24 27 litla for litlan. In an eleventh-cent. MS. of Corp. Christi Coll., Cambridge, No. 41, I have met with i for in. In the case of 5072 ; 5139 on the other hand, the stroke stands for m (cp. note to 5072) ; and 5119 hwilcd is prob. for hwilcu = hwilcum. 10 OLD ENGLISH GLOSSES nectareum, \verede 6, 2 conficiat, .i. facial, $ wyrce 6, 2 edulium, .i. esum, J)ijene 6, 2 305 mulsae, werede f. i i*>. 6, 2 flauescenti, .*'. micanti, on scinen- dre 6, 3 gurgustio, .*'. cellula, hyfe 6, 3 recondat, jelogije 6, 3 prfflcellat, . *'. super eminead, (5, ofehleofatS 6, 5 310 omne, aelce 6, 5 fraglantis, stymendes 6, 5 ambrosiae, swaecces 6, 6 thimiama, . i. incensum, wyrtimaj- nesse 6, 6 nardi spirantis, stincendre sealfe 6, 6 315 olfactum, .i. odor em, brset$ 6, 6 ut, ealswa 6. 7 omissa, .i. deserta, forlsetenre 6, 7 specialitate, .i. singularitate, synderlicnesse 6, 7 oratio, jetincnes, gescad 6, 8 320 mundan, .i. secular is, cere 6, 8 suauitatis, . i. dulcedinis, wynsuffz- nesse 6, 8 opulenti, ./'. copiosi, nihtsumere 6, 9 luxus, wynne 6, 9 exquisita, .i. collecta, J?a asmeadan 1 msenifealdan 6, 9 325 oblectamenta, .i. blandimenla, lustfullunja t nyssa 6, 9 defruti, pealles, tnisodenes wines 6, 10 UIBGINITATIS, J?ses maejhades [Hpt. 4 i 4 .]e, 11 supernorum, .i. angelorum, heo- fenlicra 6, 12 ciuium, ceastriwarena 6, 12 330 attollenda, .i. extollenda, to arse- renne 6, 13 monarchiam, .i. principatum, riceter 6, 15 palato, ./. ore, mu]?hrofe 6, 17 iocundum, .i. suaue, mes 6, 17 delectabile, .i. desiderabile, ces, lufiendlices 6, 17 335 inlatum, .. insitum, on jeted, on jebroht 6, 1 7 mellit, huniswettre 6, 18 incomparabiliter, .i. inenarra- biliter, unwiSmetenlice 6, 18 304. Eng. gl. o. nectareum. 307. Eng. gl. o.flauescenti. 309. 8 (which denotes the ending of the vb.) is in the 2nd hand. R. oferhleofaG. H. oferlyfaft. On account of the eo I have put hltfian (not hit-} in the index; but cp. PBB. x. 502. 312. Gl. o. fragl-. 313. Eng. gl. o. omne. N. -wyrtgemangnesse. //. has wurtgemagnysse fll, 39 ivortgemanc. Cp. also 3488 ; 4824. For instances of * for ge, cp. Introduction. 319. gescad in the ord. Lat. hand. 320. cere (so also H.) o. suauitatis, R. middangeardlicere : cp. fll, 42. 322. So also H. Cp. 1129, where nihtsum again occurs without the prefix ge. 323. Gl. in 2nd hand. 325. R. lust- fulnyssa. 326. pealles in ord. Lat. hand. H, reads wealles, but as Dr. Robert Priebsch, who kindly looked up the gl. for me in Brussels, informs me, the MS. has pealles. The same gl. occurs again 4988, where D. reads fealle, and //. again has ivealle, but the Brussels MS. prob. has peatte here also. Cp. further WW. 217** defrutiim, .i. tiinum, medo geswet uel weall ; on consulting the MS. (Harley 3376), I found that it also clearly reads peall. In the case of WW. i z8 25 crudum uinum = weala win, the MS. has weala (with w). nisoden 'newly boiled' is not recorded elsewhere ; H. has niwes t gesodenes. 327. R. mcegj>-. 329. The i in -iwarena is for ge (cp. 313). N. ceastergewarena. H. has ceastgevuara-. cp. 703 cestriwarena (If. cestregeivarena} ; 1951 ceastrig- wara (H. ceastregeward), Cp. note to 1951. 332. Cp. WW. 291* palatum = muSes hrof. 333. Eng. gl. in the 2nd hand; om. //. R. wynsumes. Aldhelm's quicquid jucundum et delectabile might naturally be rendered by swa hwat swa with a foil. gen. 334. ces (om. H.) in the 2nd hand. 335 Eng. gll. in the 2nd hand. 1. ALDHELM, DE LAUD. VIRG, ii magestas, m 6, 19 iugalitatis, synscipes, aewunge 6, 20 340 foederatorum, .i. copulatorum, Sebeoddra f. 12. 6, 21 in catalogo, .*'. in numero, bee 6, 22 charismatum, .t. donorum, jast- licra sylena 1 jyfa 6, 22 specials, synderlicne 6, 22 prseposuit, .i. jesette, jerehte, foresette 6, 23 345 indicium, beacn 6, 24 fastigio, .i. summitate, hro 6, 24 erraneam, .i. errantem, dwell 6, 25 dragmam, sell 6, 26 quaBsitura, st 6, 26 350 uirginali, maedenlicuw 6, 27 puerperio, . i. puerperium, primum par turn, haman 6, 27 prgdite, .i. ditate, dre 6, 27 dispendio, aefwyrdlan, lyre 6, 28 castitatis, . i. uirginitaiis, jehealt- su/wnesse 6, 28 355 dominici, .i. domini, drihtenlices 6, 29 pectoris, tes 6, 29 paradisi, jes 6, 29 gurges, .1. font 6, 30 inexhaustis, .i. inuestigabilibus, ateori , unacumendlicuzrc 6, 30 360 imbribus, .i. pr&ceptis t nimbis^ hajeluzrc i scuruwz 6, 31 ac priuatam, .i. singular em, 7 ba ascy redan 6, 32 munificentiam, lac, dujaSjife 6, 32 cupidus, jeornful, lufiend 6, 34 zelotypus, andij,ellenwod, earful, onhyriend, emhydi 6, 34 365 informator, .i.plasmator, jestabe- liend, niwiend [Hpt. 415.] 6, 35 grata, bancwurbe 6, 35 libamina, .i. hostia, jife 6, 35 spontanea, . z'. uoluntaria, mid sylfwilre 6, 36 deuotione, .z'.>$#;w7z'/0&,estfulnese 6, 36 370 litarat, .i. sacrificabat, ofrude 6, 36 considerans, besceawiende 7, 1 egrotorum, ./'. peccantium, met- tru/wra 7, 1 strage, .i. occisione, waele 7, 1 338. m (in diff. hand) over the end of the lemma, represents the last letter of the gl. ; t.prymm or magenfitymm. Om. H. 339. synscipes (om. H.) in the 2nd hand. I have met with no other instance of awung (so also H.*) 'wedlock.' It is prob. miswr. for cewnung: cp. 416; 440; 1168; 1370; and geawned 'married/ 1006; 1265 ; Assm. ig 139 ; BT. 365; and becewnod, Chron. A.D. 1052. Is the form unitzwedan 5248 (so also H.~) also miswr. for ungeawnedani. Leo (p. 484) has awian without reference. 341, 343. Eng. gll. in the 2nd hand. Om. H. 344. .i.gesette (om. If.} in the 2nd Lat. hand. 345. Gl. in the 2nd hand. 346. So H. ; r. hrofe. 347. So H. ; r. dweliende. 348. So H, ; r. scilling. Cp. Luke xv. 9, where drachmam (dragmam) is thus rendered in both the WS. and North, versions. 349. st (om. Jf.) in diff. hand. R. strynanl 351. So H. Cp. fll, 54; hama, cildhama mean 'matrix, uterus, folliculus, secundae, &c.' (cp. 1245 ! : 764; WW. I59 29 - 31 ; OET. 469) whereas puerperium is usually glossed by hysebeorpor, &c. (cp. 946; 3908; 4947 ; WW. io8 16 ; 528'). But cp. 1245. 352. dre (om. //.) in the 2nd hand. R. gewelgodre ; cp. fll, 55. 353. lyre (om. H.) in the 2nd hand. 356. H. stes (cp. Ang. vi. 98). R. breostes. 357. So H. ; r. neorxnawanges. 358. .i. font (the t on erasure) om. H. It is in a diff. hand. "Was fans first wr. as a Lat. gl. ? 359. R. unateoriendlicum or -iendum. 362. dugaSgife (om. H.) in the 2nd hand. 365. niwiend (om. H.) is no doubt miscopied for hiwiend (h with short upper stroke is very like ). It seems less likely that the gloss, misr. informator as reformator and took it to mean ' renewer.' 369. R. -nesse. 12 OLD ENGLISH GLOSSES saluberrimum, halwedne 7, 2 375 malagma, .z'. medicinam, Isecedom f. 1 2*>. 7, 2 fibris, .z'. *z>, seddruwz 7, 2 spiritalis, feondlices 7, 3 nequitias, nearabances 1 hinder- scypes 7, 3 l(o)etaliter, .z'. mortaliter, dsedlice 7, 3 380 infectis, .z'. irrigatis, afyledum, bejleddedu/w 7, 3 cflestis, heofenlicere 7, 3 medicines, lac 7, 4 antidotum, .i.poculum, dolhdrenc 7, 4 uerticem, .z'. cacumen, heh 7, 4 385 maternffl, licere 7, 6 perfidorum, .z'. impiorum, wiber- wurdra, ortreowra 7, 7 militum, .z'. latronum, ce^zpena 7, 7 euentus, ,i.finem, belimpas 7, 7 non inconuenienter. . z'. incon- grue, swySe jedafenlice 7, 8 390 carmine rithmico, .z'. numerali, on jelsumuffz le^tJe 7, 8 patibulo, on gealjan, treowe 7, 9 latibulo, . z'. secretorio, on dijel- nesse 7, 10 uirginem, .z'. man'am, fsemnan 7, 10 tutamini, .z. protect (i)oni, je, to jescyldnesse 7, 1 1 395 labentibus, . z'. currentibus, ernen- duw 7, 11 lustris, .z'. circulis, emrenim 7, 11 per idem tempus, jeond f>a ylcan timan 7, 12 fretus, .t'.functus, jeufered 7, 13 tormentorrun, tintrejena 7, 13 400 extorris, .z'. miser, ullenda 7, 14 dulcisonis, mid swij^swejuzrc 7, 15 melodif, dreames, herunje 7, 15 concentibus, .z'. cantibus, sanjura [Hpt.4i6.]7, 16 in oromate, . z'. uisione superna, on uplicere jesihbe 7, 16 405 extaseos, .z'. ex, jeleorednesse, oferstijennesse 7, 17 optutibus, ./'. uiswnibus, jesihbuw 7, 17 sunt, hi 7, 18 rigide, .z'. aspere, streccre f. 13. 7, 23 374. halwedne] d alt. f. n. H. also -edne. R. -endue. 375. Eng. gl. o. saluber- on prec. fol. 376. Gl. o. infectis. Cp. 11, 135 (but see note); CGH. 55"' Fibras = uenas ; WW. 2$%*Jibra = uena; CGG. iv. 76 jibris = ucnis, &c. 377. Cp. 762 ; 856; 1980. 379. R. dead-. 380. afyledum in the and hand. 382. lac stands for Ictcmmge (as also 4352; 5360), only the first part of the gl. being wr. In 3050 it is wr. in full ; hence, as I have elsewhere pointed out (cp. Acad., May 12, 1894, p. 399 ; JGPh. ii. 361), the lac ' medicine' of the dictionaries does not really exist. 383. Eng. gl. in the 2nd hand. 384. So also H. R. hehjte or hehnysse. 385. Gl. o. reuerentiiz, which D. has in place of Giles' venerantia (G. 7'). R- moderlicere : cp. 1763; 2691. 386. ortreowe 'perfidious, cp. 5042; 2, 421. It generally means 'hopeless.' 3. Eng. gl. in the 2nd hand. H. has be limp (neut. pi.), a more correct form than belimpas, as the word is neut, not masc. : cp. H. 511 belimp (ace. pi., not in Z>.) ; Lckd. iii. 2O2 a8 belimp god (ace. sg.); LSc. in 3 belimpu (ace. pi. Neut. nouns with long root-syllable take u in pi. in this MS.). 390. H. tcelsumum. R. getalsumum. 391. treowe (in the 2nd hand) is wr. as gl. to latibulo both in D. and H., but is evid. intended for patibulo ; treo ' tree ' was frequently used for ' cross.' 394. ge in diff. hand o. end of lemma. 396. Eng. gl. o. labentibus. 397. Though fa ordinarily means pam, we may perhaps here expand pane (cp. ]>dn =J>onne), as geond always takes the ace; Or did the gloss., having phrases like on pam timan in his mind, allow the dat. to slip through his fingers? 403. Eng. gl. o. dulcisonis. 405. Cp. 2278; 3405. 408. strec or strecl Cp. AfdA. xi. 125; PBB. ix. 255. In LWS. the spelling strec is common: cp. &H. i. 358 31 ; ii. i24 15 ; Matth. xi. 12; Wst. IO5 3 *; AL. ii. 368", &c. In EWS. it appears regularly as strac : cp. Cosijn i. pp. 4-5 ; PBB. ix. 255. 1. ALDHELM, DE LAUD. VIRG. ardui, stibes 7, 24 410 formam, .i. exemplum, hiwe 7, 24 propositi, injehydes 7, 24 instigantes, .*'. hortantes, mani- ende 7, 25 matrimonii, .i. iugalitates, sein- scipes 7, 25 contubernia, jeboften, samwistu 7, 25 415 legitimum, seulic 7, 25 conubium, hsemsed. aewnunj 7, 26 scismaticorum, . ?'. hereticorum, jedwolmanna 7, 26 delaramenta, .i. err ores, jedofu, jefleard 7, 26 ducimus, .i. sancimus, we talia?5, jesettaS 7, 27 420 praesertim, .i. maxime t to wissan 7, 28 pro certo, to soban 7, 28 nouerimus, .*'. scimus, cuban 7. 28 diuin, jodcundre 7, 29 sanctionis, .i. iudicn, jesettnesse 7, 29 425 foedera, trywba 7, 30 superne, .i. diutne, heofenlice 7, 30 gratos, .i. caros, bancwyrde 7, 30 maiestati, msejbrymnesse 7, 30 incarnationis, flsescj^byrde 7, 32 430 propheticis, witiendlicuzrc 7, 32 praesagiorum, forewitejunja 7, 32 Won auferetur, ne bib ateored 7, 33 femoribus, ofsprincjUT/z 7, 34 millena, busendfealdre 7, 36 435 congerie, .i. cumulo, je^seder- uncje 7, 36 ueteris, bsere ealdre 7, 37 instrument!, . i. edificn, gesettnesse 7, 3 7 umbraculo, sceadewunje f. I3 b . 8, 1 clara, beorhtre 8, 1 440 iugalitatis, aewnunje 8, 2 distare, ./'. discernere, tosceaden 8, 2 floridam, blostbaere [Hpt. 417.] 8, 4 explanans, .*'. narrans, trahnie 8, 4 iugalitatis, sinscipes 8, 4 445 oriundam, .i.natam, up asprunjan 8, 5 eleganter, baeslice conca, musclan, scille TURPITER, .i. despecte, fulice deformatur, .i. non deturpatur, awlget 450 obrizum, aplatad auri metallum, .i. massa, jold- wecd detrimentum, .i. contemtum, aef- wyrdlan 8, 10 formosior, . z'. speciosior, hiwfaestre 8, 11 8, 5 8,7 8, 8 8,9 8,9 8,9 413. seinscipes} the first e alt. f. c. H. senscipes. R. sinscipes. 414. H. gefoftr. R. gejtoft- radena. On samwistu (H. -sta) cp. Sievers, 267, Anm. 2. 418. gedofu~\ So also H. R. gedo- ftmga: cp. 1614; 2801 ; 4194; WW. sgo 31 . The gedof 'fury, &c.' in HI. and Sw. appears to rest on this instance and must therefore be rejected (cp./&/y*. ii.36i). 420. wissan] w on erasure. Cp.i882. 424. Gl. o. diuin$. 427. H. also -de. R. -wyrfte. 428. R. magenprymnesse. Cp. 3398. 429. So also H. The gl. is not recorded elsewhere. 430. witiendl-~\ the 2nd i alt. f. e. 432. ateorian here transitive. 433. Aldhelm is here quoting Gen. xlix. 10 et dux de femoribus ejus. The gloss, has misunderstood the lemma. 441. R. beon tosceaden. Or for tosczadan (inf.) rendering the Lat. gl. discernerel. 442. R. blostmbare, cp. 140. 443. After trahnie a letter erased. R. trahtniende. 445. So also H. R. asprungnan. Cp. 86. 446. Cp. 5401 eleganti=pcslicere. In H.Jxzslice appears as gl. to the prec. ita, which it also suits : cp. Stickling Gil. (BH. 263) taliter=]xzsUce. 450. Cp. 2118; 3534. The gl. is not appropriate; obryzum is usually glossed by smate: cp. 1808; 3534; WW. 34"; 272", &c. 451. //. weed. Leo (p. 78) takes this as wegS ' Gewicht. &c.,' but it is evid. miswr. for ivecg\ cp. 1810; WW. I4i 31 ; 334 17 ; OLD ENGLISH GLOSSES rubentis, .i. micantis, reades 8, 11 455 lanea, wyllene 8, 12 stamina, wearp 8, 12 glomere, tcliwene 8, 12 panuculis, wefluw 8, 13 reuoluta, .i. operta, jewundene 8, 13 460 bombicinum, seolcen, sinden 8, 13 purpurae, jodewebbes 8, 14 serica, sil 8, 14 mala punica, .i. poma, reade ap(p)la 8, 15 cittis, . /. tennis pellis inter grana, fylmenuTW 8, 15 465 rubentibus, mid reduwz 8, 16 referta, . i. repkla, jehla 8,16 librorum, rinda 8, 16 tegmine, .i. operimento, emfencje 8, 16 contexta, oferwrojene, awundene 8, 16 470 contemptibilem, .i. despectibilem, forsawenlicne 8, 17 calumniam, ./. obprobrium, hosp 8, 17 dactilos, .i. clystro, finjerappla, clystra 8, 18 mulsum, ,z. dulce, werede f. 14. nicolaum, jedropa 475 longe, Dearie incomparabiliter, unwicSme preestare, .i. antecellere, ofer]?eon scabraa, .i. scabrose, omiges Incudis, anfiltes 480 tundentis, ./. percutientis, bea- tendes mallei, hameres durities, stij?nes rubiginosffl, homijre forcipis, tanjan 485 forficis, scearen baltheus, .i. cingulum, belt [Hpt. 418.] bullifer, gimnif^r, jimbaere instruments, tolum fabricata, smeof>ud 490 teres, sinewealt lunaris, moruSlices globi, cliwenes, clynes eirculus, trendel 8, 18 8, 18 8, 19 8, 19 8, 19 8, 20 8, 20 8, 20 8, 20 8, 21 8, 21 8, 21 8, 21 8, 22 8, 22 8, 24 8, 24 8, 24 8, 25 8, 25 8, 25 550 s7 . Other instances of d for g are: 1203 glencan (H. glendceit); 2975 kwebbung (H. -bund); 3506 abliccedum (H. ablidc-}. 457. On di-wen cp. NED. s.v. clew. 458. WW. t464 13 . G. panniculis. 460. For sinden r. siden. H. seolcel, siden. WW. t488' siolcen. 462. R. silcen as in H. 464. The same gl. occurs fll, 63 ; WW. (+ ?) 204 ; fs?! 1 ; f488 u ; AhdG. ii. I2 45 (gl. to G. I79 21 ) cittis =felmum (for felmenum\C^. also CGH. 3I S86 cities =pellis tenuis inter grana. 466. R. gehladene. 469. G. contecta, which is the better reading. Cp. WW. t37 j3 ; t488 12 contecta = bej>eaht. Of the two Eng. gll. the first is the correct rendering of contecta, whilst the 2nd suits contexta: cp. 254; WW. 375 30 . 472. clystro in diff. hand. Cp. 3843. 474. Nicolaus (a kind of date) is elsewhere glossed by falnmppel (WW. 45 4" ; 505^ or mylisc a ceastre -was on J>am genipe hangiende. As regards the gender, it is, according to Sweet, doubtful, but prob. masc.; according to Hall, masc. or fern. As however the passage last cited shows, it is clearly neut. : cp. also the ace. pi. clyna (2639 ; 2, 260); clyno (WW.^tf; 5O5 3 ). The ane dyne ace. sg. quoted in BT. f. Lchd. iii. 134, proves nothing, as it is f. a very incorrect twelfth-century text. 493. Gl. o. teres. 1. ALDHELM, DE LAUD. VIRG. luculentus, .i. splendidus, hluttor 8, 26 495 triquadram, bgene fiberdaeledan 8, 26 rotam, .z'. ctrculum, trendel 8, 27 laticem, .i. aquam, waeter beotan 8, 28 cisterne, waeterseabes, ri(5e 8, 28 limpham, waej 8, 28 500 quam, baenne we 8, 28 anthlia, mid hlsedele 8, 29 rota hauritoria, hlsedtrendle, hweowla, hweowl 8, 29 exanthlamus, .i. haurimus, up hladan 8, 29 parui pendendam, .i. neglegen- dam, to for naht taliende 8, 29 505 putamus, .z'. estimamus, tellan we 8, 30 reciproca . . . redundantia, . z'. tie- rum uenienlia, .z'. flumma, on jean flowende yba, eft flowende waetera, ytSunja 8, 30 praecellere, .i. antecellere, ofersti 8, 31 perpes, sinjal, swift 8, 31 decursus, rine 8, 31 510 celsis, .z'. allis, healicuwz 8, 32 arcuum, boja 8, 32 fornicibus, bijelsum 8, 32 sublimatus, . i su&uec/us, Centered 8, 32 tubo, beoten, bryh 8, 33 5 1 5 cataractis, wseterseddruw, seddruw 8, 33 uorantibus, . i. absorbentibus, for- sweljenduzrc 8, 33 prsestare, oferbeon 8, 33 uoracis, .z. auide, jrsedije 8, 34 mergulaB, scealfre 8, 34 520 confunditur, biS Descend, for- hojed [Hpt. 419.] 8, 34 uersicolor, bleofah f. 14*". 8, 35 tereti, sinewealtre 8, 36 circulorum, trendla 8, 36 rotunditate, tyrnincje 8, 36 52=, crocea qualitate, mid jeolewere fahnysse 8, 37 purpurea, brun 8, 37 uenustate, .z'. iocunditate, fajer 9, 1 glauco, blaehaewenre 9, 1 coloris, hiwes, bleos 9, 1 530 uirore, .z'. uiriditate, jrennysse 9, 1 fulgescit, jlite 9, 1 flaua, of scilfriuffz t jlaeterienduw 1 doxuw 9, 2 specie, hiwe 9, 2 495. So H., which -has also the Lat. gl., in quatiior partibus divisam. The Eng. gl. is a rendering of this. Cp. 1295 triqiiadra=fiperscyte. But cp. 1684; WW. 5i 31 . 497. The Eng. gll. are wr. one o. the other. H. has the compound wceterifian (alt. f. -ipe}. 500. R.fane. 501. BT. only records hlcedel f. Hpt. 418 ; but cp. also Ang. ix. 264. 506. ySunga in the 2nd hand. 507. R. oferstigan. 508-9. singal (in the 2nd hand) is o. perpes, and swift rine o. decursus. There can be no doubt that swift is an additional gl. to perpes. H. has singalrenes t swift. 511. WW. f488 20 bigelsa. 512. Gl. in 2nd hand. WW. f488- 1 bogum. 514. R. -tan. pryh is in the 2nd hand. 518-9. We must prob. r. grcEditre, as in H. Of the examples in BT. this is the only one which shows the gender of scealfor. It is here fern. In Verc., fol. 100, it is masc., J>a gesawon hie para wel feala para fugela pe we. scealfras nemnap. 526. So also H., and f3, 36. R. brunbaswere : cp. 5072 ; 96; 1269, &c. 527. //. fczger. R. fcegemesse. 531. So H. R. glitena} : cp. 1 196 ; 1719, &c. 532. R. scilfrum, as in H. ; cp. also WW. f239 35 flaua specie = of glateriendum t scylfrum hiwe t doxum. For doxum H. has dexum, but as in the cramped handwriting of the gll., o and e are often very much alike, I think it possible that the Brussels MS. has doxum. In S. (Ang. xiii. 28) we find dohx glossing furva (G. 8 34 ). The vb. doxian 'to turn black or dark coloured' (cp. ES. xi. 511) occurs in Verc. fol. 23 b , hwilum he bid swide la$licui men gelic ; ponne wanttaS he 7 doxaj> ; otjre hivile he biS blrfc 7 ylum. Cp. also notes to 66 (hw for^w) and 3532 (J> for //). 553. So also //. The gloss, has taken the lemma, which is a sb., for a pres. ptc. 554. So also H. Cp. fS, 65; and 2469 bladesiendum (H. blat-}; SHy. p. 10 flammascat=bladesige. Cp. also WW. 40 l _flagrantia = blatesnung\ ECPs. 76, 19 contscationes = blcztesunge. 557. gestreon o. secutura. 559. gean-~] n alt. f. another letter. 562. H. telgena. 564. H. hisses, hosses. 567. So also H. R. scepe. 568. R. -can. 571. PI. -wylinc. This is merely an error for wylme: cp. 4939 wyrm-, where H. has -wyrinc- . The wyling 'fervor' (Leo 428", ///. 364), which is founded on this gl., must be rejected. 572. after e in the 2nd hand. 573. R. heriendlifesi. Cp. 2774. 1. ALDHELM, DE LAUD. VIRG. uirginitatis, faemnhades 9, 19 575 farus, herebecn 9,19 in edito, .i. in alto, healicuflz 9, 20 promontorio, .i. monte, saenesse 9, 20 arta, .i. stricta, neara 9, 20 qui, ^ 9, 21 580 inferius, beniSan 9, 21 uilescat, .i. inanescat, unwurbie 9, 22 legitime, aewlices 9, 22 iugalitatis, jejaederscipes 9, 22 liberorum, .i. filiorum, aefter- gen 9, 22 585 posteritatem, team, cneoresse 9, 23 squalescat, .i. sordescat, afulie, anscu 9, 23 in comparatione, . /'. assimilatione, unwuSmetenesse 9, 23 huiuscemodi, .i. tale, bus gerad 9, 24 bonum, god 9, 24 590 dehonestari, beon j^hyrwed 9, 24 propensius, .i. plem'us, geornli- cor, ruflzlicor 9, 25 uersa uice, ahwerfeduw sibe 9, 27 inferioris, baes nyberan 9, 27 uitee, lifes 9, 27 595 proficiens, beonde 9, 28 tepide, wlaeclice 9, 28 torpentem, . i. langueniem, aswin- dende 9, 28 [ut] . . . prseoccupet, i.praueniat, $ heo fore 9, 29 acerrime, .i. crudelissime, baere stibeste 9, 29 600 stimulo, sticelse 9, 29 conpunctionis, abryrdnesse 9, 29 instigatus, . i. pramonitus, jema- nod i jetiht 9, 29 anticipet, forne forfeb 9, 30 anterior, ,i. superior, se 9, 33 605 dimittitur, toforlaetan, befaest f. 15^. 9, 34 contempta, .1. spreta, ce 9, 34 blandimenta, . i. oblectamenta, je- swaesnusse 9, 34 quisquiliarum. .i. surculi mi'nuti, aeswaepe, beanscalu 9, 35 peripsema, ,i. purgamenta, or- fyrmba, feormunja 9, 35 610 carnalis, licamlicere 9, 35 luxus, jaelse 9, 36 lenocinia, forspenne 9, 36 [ac] . . . refutans, 7 witsacende 9, 36 proposito, ,i. gradu, injehede 9, 36 615 caste, .i. simplicis, claenre 9, 37 575. Gl. in the 2nd hand. Om. H. 576. Eng. gl. o. promont-. 579-80. Gil. in the 2nd hand. 581. Cp. 2386. 584. R. tzftergengena. 585. team (om. ff.) in the 2nd hand. 586. H. ansco. R. anscuniendlic sy ? 587. The gloss, took the prep, in for the negative prefix. H. has the correct on widm-. 590. gehyrwed^ w alt. f. r. 594. Gl. o. inferioris. 599. Eng. gll. o. conpunct-. 603. Cp. 1236. Also 3949 forne f organ ; John xx. 4 forne for -irnan, &c. 605. R. -l&ten. 607. H. gesivysnysse. 608-9. The gll. are printed as in the MS. So also H., except that for orf- H. \iasfyrmj>a. 608. R. as-wapa ? Or is it intended as gl. to peripsema^. Cp. 4155 ; WW. f464 20 peripsema =gesw(zpa ; "(^SS 35 geswepo ; 529^ ; AhdG. ii. 596* peripsema = gaesuop$. Beanscalu may be intended for peripsema, or it may stand for -scala : cp. WW. fySS 3 * quisquiliarum = bensaala (for beanscala). 609. orfyrmfa may gl. peripsema, purgamenta (cp. 3918) or quisquiliarum (cp. j&G. 85* quisqtriZi, hellejrut 10, 26 10, 27 10, 28 10, 28 10, 29 10, 30 10, 31 10, 31 10, 31 10, 32 10, 32 10, 33 10, 33 10, 33 10, 34 10, 34 fol. 57 b sio sawl sceal nyde habban smittan Jxzs lichoman unj>eawa. The nom. is prob. smitte fern., not smitta masc. (as in HI., Sw., ST., &c.), cp. Znpitza, Archiv Ixxxviii. 363. Must we assume a nom. wlott 'a spot, blemish,' or is it for wlattenal. 650. awl(Z-~\ w alt. f. r. 651. So H.\ syndran also in f4, 12; f7, 44; f8, 8o a ; -\S. 24. As these instances go back to one orig. they scarcely justify the assumption of a wk. *sindra (-dre). Elsewhere only sinder is recorded (the twelfth-century . syndrun quoted in BT. f. Lcdm. iii. 112, proves nothing): cp. also 1557. 652. So also H. One would expect blace: cp. 1557. 655. R. deawigum: cp. 84. 658. Cp. f4, 14 ; and 3470. 659. deficient}/ alt. f. c, and c on erasure. 663. H. gemundd. R. gemunaj) : cp. PBB. ix. 298. 665. R. gehealdsume. 667. R. tojtundenlice. 668. balhnam~\ the first / erased. 669. So also H. emfare is no doubt from emfant = ymbfaru ' circuit ' ; the gloss, misr. circilo, which means ' a small ship,' as circulo. The emfar 'a small ship' in ///., Leo is therefore non-existent. WW. f489 10 scipe. 671. R. heafodlicra: cp. 773; WW. 87'. 672. lehtrd} fait. f. another letter. 677. dubit-~] betw. * and fa letter erased. 678. R. Vrydunge, as in H. 679. H. swilra (the MS. prob. has sp-), gli-wra, spillendra. Cp. f2, 12 spilra; f4, 18 spilra ; -^S. 29 onspillendra. Cp. also 4165 parasitorum = forspillendra J>ena. Spillend is f. spillan ' to destroy, waste,' and spill(e}re is the corresponding nomen agentis. 680. R. midgesij>unt , as in H. I take the gl. as a compound (cp. G. mipgasinpd), for midzs, prep, would not be suitable here. Cp. {ge)midslpian WW. 2o6 35 > 37 4t . 681. Cp. note to 24. 682. K.jftymena; cp. 4494. C 2 20 OLD ENGLISH GLOSSES 685 tartarum, .i. tor men/urn, tin- tre^u cassabundus, .i, corruendus, hreosendlic protoplastus, .*'. primitus plas- matus, .i. adam, frumscea- pena recentis, .i. noui, niwes paradisi, neorsx 690 colonus, .i. habitator, tilia totiusterrestris, . i. terrene, ealre eorbcundre creatures, jesceafte uertigo, a uertendo, . i. tempestas, tyrnincjc rotantis, .i.uoluentis, turniendre 695 fundibali, liberan circumgirat, ,i. circuit, befehb, emhaef]? buccis, smaeruflz ambronibus, . i. cupidis t auidis, jrifrum labris, .i. labiis, lippiiffz 700 luroonibus, .i. uorantibus, mid [in]. . .uoraginem, ./. infoueam, edwindan, jrutte, on je- swelje [Hpt. 423 angelica, .i. superna, seo supernorum ciuium, .i. ange- 10, 35 10, 35 10, 36 1O, 36 10, 36 10, 36 1O, 36 10, 37 10, 37 10, 37 11, 1 11, 1 11, 1 11, 1 11, 2 11, 2 .] 11, 3 11, 3 lorum, . i, colonum, upcundra cestriwarena, enjla 11, 4 contubernio, .t\ mansions, jema 11, 5 705 deifice, jodcundlicere contemplationis, .i. uisionis, besceawunje partieipio, . i, parte, dselni quanta, hu mycele magis, swyber, ma 710 gracillima, .i. humillima ~t mini- ma, jehwsedeste si de, heo be emolumentis, .i. lucris, jestreo- 11, 5 11, 5 11, 6 11, 6 11, 6 11, 6 11, 7 11,7 11,8 11,8 11, 8 11, 9 inflata, -i. elata, toblawen intumuerit, .i. super bit, tobint 715 castimonia, ,i. capitate, claene speciali, .*'. singular i, of synder- licere rumusculos, .i. rumores, hlisa, hereward 11, 9 triclinio, .i. sede, bure 11, 10 tirunculis, cempuwz f. 17. 11, 11 720 uirulentorum, ,i. uenenosorum, jesettrijoio 11, 13 beluas, deofla 11, 13 rabidis, . i. uoracibus, mid sliten- du/w, terendim 11, 13 ginuinis, toSreomuw 11, 14 inermes quosque, .i.sine armis, 685. PI. oitintreg, or for tintregungi. Prob. the latter: cp. 1947. 686. corr-~\ o alt. f. another letter. 689. R. neorsxnawanges. 697. So also f4, 19; f5, 18 ; -j-7, 51 ; -\S, 80; fj". 33. Cp. 2160 ; 2163 ; 3187. The nom. must be smizr or smizre 'a lip.' It is not in Sw., and the instance of it in OET. I72 35 smerum = buccis is wrongly placed by Sweet (OET. 529) under smeoru ' ointment, fat.' 698. On ambro cp. H. Zimmer, Nennius Vindicatus, p. 104. R. gifrum, as in H. 701. edwindan} a alt. f. e. 703. H. cestrege-warena. R. ceasterge-w&rena : cp. notes to 329; 1951. 704. H. geman. R. gemanan: cp. 1784; 3330, &c. 707. R. dalnimendnesse or dcelnimunge. H. dalin (has the MS. -IniV). 715. H. clan. R. tlcentusse, 717. H, -ivurd. R. hereword. 720. getzttrigoid\ another hand has alt. the last o to d. H. cettrigeia. R. attrigera. 722. sliten-~\ I on an erasure. 723. gin uinis~\ betw. n and u a g erased. G. gingims; the only MS. with this spelling that I have met with is Harley 3013; the others have various spellings: genuinis, ginginis, 1. ALDHELM, DE LAUD. VIRG. 21 ,i. uniuersos, jehwylce wse- penlease 11, 14 725 lorica, .*'. galea, healsberja 11, 15 parma, .i. scuto, tar 11, 15 exutos, .?'. nudatos, unscrydde 11, 15 atrociter, .i. crudeliter, grim 11, 15 discerpere, .i. dilaniare. toslitan 11, 16 730 lacertosis, .i. brachiatiis, mid stranjuwz 11, 16 testudinem, . i. aciem, scildtrume, randbeag, trume 11, 18 strofosg, swicfulles 11, 18 ballista, staeflibere 11, 19 spiritalis, cere 11, 19 735 armaturae, waepnunje 11, 19 ferratis, hisneduw 11, 20 uenabulis, barsperuw 11, 20 nauiter, .i. uiriliter t fortiter, froTwlice, sprinlice 11, 20 timidorum, . i. timenh'um, eargra 11, 2 1 740 more, on beawe, jewunan 11, 21 militum, cempena 11, 21 classica, byman 11, 21 salpistf, trubhornes 11, 21 muliebriter, . i. eneruiter, earlice, niblice [Hpt. 424.] 11, 22 745 seuissimis, .t. ferocissimis , \>zm rebestuw 11, 22 hostibus, feonduwz 11, 22 scutorum, tudenarda 11, 23 umbonibus, randbeaum 11, 23 [ac nullatenus] . . .prebeamus, . i. adhtbeamus,j'we ne gear- cian, jebeodan 11, 23 750 militias, .i. pugne, capdomes 11, 24 pugiles, .i. gladiatores, waspen- boren, cempan 11, 24 audacter, dyrstelice 11, 25 emulorum, . i. im'micorum,Vf\\>&i- winna 11, 25 755 offerentes, .t. contra portantes, beodende, ongean berende 11, 25 instrumenta bellica, . i. edificia, wilice tol 11, 26 quae, ba a 11, 26 macheram, .i. gladium, mece, hiltinje 11, 27 ginguinis. Aldhelm prob. wrote gemdnis ' teeth ' (qua rabidis molaribus et uenenosis genuinis . . . discerpere nituntur). Cp. G. 49* (Z>. 3564) ursorum gingivis carperentur et leonum rictibus roderentur. Here again we have in the MSS. the same variations in spelling, but here too Aldhelm prob. wrote genuinis. The tofSreomum, which occurs also in H. ; -j-2, 13 ; f5". 38, presupposes the reading gingiuis 'gums' in the MS. in which it was first wr. Note that WW. t489 19 has genuinis = tuscum. In the case of G. 49* all the MSS. which have an Eng. gl. r. tuxum. 728. R. grimlice\ cp. 2714. 731. R. scildtruman : cp. 2959 ; 3796. trume (for -man} in a larger hand ; it glosses aciem. 734. R. gastlicere: cp. 3226. 736. R. isnedutn: cp. WW. 236'* (ferratas-imodan~]. H. hisenum. 737. Cp. WW. 142"; 311*. 738. Cp. H. 405 (not in D.~) naviter = sprindlice t caflice. Cp. also 3607. 742. G. has incorrectly classics. 743. So also H. trutihorn means ' a trumpet,' not 'a trumpeter': cp. &G. 3O2 8 . The 'gloss, has misunderstood salpista: cp. f7, 57. 744. R. earhlice, as in H. 747. So also H. Cp. 5025 (=ff. 521) parma (abl. ) = /<&. This latter gl. may stand for 'tudenarde, but it seems more prob. that the former gl. is corrupted from tudena, randa. In that case tude might be the dat. sg. and tudena the gen. pi. of an unrecorded tud masc. or neut., or tudu fern, 'a shield.' On the supposed relationship between this and the name Tud(d}a, cp. F. Stark, Die Kosenamen der Germanen, Wien, 1868, p. 82 ; H. Hellwig, Untersuchungen iiber die Namen des nordhumbr. Liber Vitae, Berlin, 1888, p. 10. 748. So also H. N. -beagum, 750. R. camp-, as in H. 751. R. -boran. 754. R. -wiperwinnena, as in H. 756. wilice tol is wr. twice : once in ord. hand, and a 2nd time in a larger hand. 758. kilting, from hilt(e) ' hilt,' is here applied to the whole sword. H. has hiltine, misr., no doubt, for hiltinc, 22 OLD ENGLISH GLOSSES loricam . . . inextricabilem, un- oferwinnendlice halsbearja 11, 28 760 cum tuta, .i.firma, mid truman 11, 28 pelta, .1. parma, plejscylde 11, 28 spiritalium, feondlicra 11, 28 nequitiarum, .i.fraudium, neara- banca, biswica f. i7 b . 11, 29 [contra] . . . mille, onjean bu- senfealde 11, 29 765 nocendi artes, deriendlice pre- attas, wrec^as 11, 29 pertinaciter, .*'. insuperabiliter, jyferlice 11, 29 remuneratore, .i. gubernatore, leaniendu/fl 11, 30 debitum, .i. necessarium, nead- bearflic 11, 30 triumphum, .i. palmam, sijelean 11, 30 770 leuiathan, .i. serpens aquaticus, saedracan 11, 33 pertinaciter, .i.constanter tdure, anraedlice 11, 34 in fronte, .1. in facie, on for- werdutfz 11, 35 PRINCIPALIUM, heafod 11, 36 BIS QTJATERNOS, hehte- fealde 11, 36 775 cerethi, hleaperes, rsedehere 11, 37 felethi, eoredmen, febeheres 11, 37 horrendo, .i. crudeli, jislicere 12, 1 apparatu, gebraece 12, 1 [quibus] . . . mancipanfrur, mid ba/w hi synd gehaefte [Hpt. 425.] 12, 1 780 diuino, . i. celesti, licuw 12, 1 freti, .i.functi, jebild 12, 1 suffragio, .i. auxilio, helpe 12, 2 bellicosas, wihearde 12, 3 truculentis, ./'. ferocibus, ejis- licim 12, 3 785 strofarum, .i. fraudium, biswica 12, 4 falarica, .i. genus teli, atejaruw 12, 4 deceptionum, biswijca, swic- doma 12, 5 infatigabiliter, . ?'. insuperabi- liter, unateorendlice 12, 5 patrocinium, munde, mundbyrde 12, 6 790 predestinate, bsere forestihtes, foressedes 12, 7 cohortante, .i. ammonenfe, hyr- tenduw 12, 7 uertant, awendan 12, 8 tuta, .i.firma, fsest 12, 9 indeptf, . i. adepte t assecute, be- gytenre f. 18. 12, 9 795 pacis, sibbe 12, 9 whence Hall's supposed hiltine 'a sword.' 762. Cp. 377. 763. The Eng. gll. wr. o. spiritalium. The a of biswica alt. f. e. 765. -wrecgas (for wrencas ?) om. H. 773. R. heafod- licra: cp. 671. 774. R. eahta-. 775. So also H. Cerethi are the ' Cherethites ' (2 Sam. viii. 18). R. -ras. Cp. WW. 2O2 30 cerethei = ran. These examples might seem to justify the assumption of a wk. masc. geslpa^Q. gasin]>(j}a, OHG. gisindo, but in view of the frequent occurrence in these gll. of st. sbs. with wk. endings, I think they must be judged in the same way as the instances cited in the note to 1557. 863. Cp. 2802. 865. So also H. ^.forscrencene. 866. ilcan~\ i on erasure. 869. R. wudubyrfras ? The uncompounded st. masc. byr]>(e]re is recorded, but not a wk. byrfira. H. wudubior. In WW. the word is glossed by wuderas, -igeras (cp. f37 l5 j t49 14 5 I 39 32 ! I 5 31 )- As regards the Lat. gl. cp. CGG. iv. 315* Calones . cellae militum. H. has the Lat. gll. servi cella militum, calones sunt qui ligna militibus portant, vel gabar . calo militum .i. servus (gabar is not Eng., as Bouterwek supposed : cp. CGH. 29" Calones .gabar militum, &c.). 871. Cp. WW. f37i* lixarum = waterberera; f49O 16 , &c. 873-4. ceglerge is wr. o. quam, and silmen o. satrape. Should we read cegper ge (as gl. to tarn, G. I3 7 ) and si]>men\ R. -gnas. 1. ALDHELM, DE LAUD. VIRG. 2 5 tribunatum, ealdordomuw 13, 10 certis, jewissuw 13, 10 uocabulorum, .i. nominum, cly- punja 13, 11 proprietatibus, ajnunjuw 13, 11 880 nominatim,/w singula nomina, nawzmseluTtt 13, 11 allophilorum, hsebenra 13, 12 centuriis, hundredim 13, 12 in uertice, .*'. in summitate, on cnolle 13, 13 hortantur, .i. monent, laera}? 13, 14 885 inuisorum, labera 13, 14 parrochiam, ,i. gubernationem, scire 13, 15 sibi, him seluuw 13, 16 ingruere, a. euenire, on winnan 13, 16 moliuntur, .i, cogttant, syrewiab!3, 16 890 dira, .*'. crudelia, heardu/rc 13, 17 framea, .i. tela, mece 13, 18 emeritos, .i. eximios, jebunjenan 13, 18 milites, ce;;zpan 13, 19 interdum, . i. altquando, wel oft 13, 19 895 loetali, .i. mortali, trijere 13, 19 toxa, .i. ueneno, clyfbunje 13, 19 intellectualis, . i. intellegibilis , baes antjyttfullan 13, 20 strage, .i. occmone, of waele 13, 22 carmen funebre, licleoj) f. I9 b . 13, 22 900 lamentabile, heofendlice 13, 23 epic(h)edieon, byrejleob, lic- sanj 13, 23 epitaphion, byriensanj, leob- sanj 13, 23 conpatientis, . i. miserantis, be- sarjiendes 13, 24 [ut] . . . conponat, .i. constituat, $ heo jesette 13, 24 905 curiosse, fyrewittre 13, 25 sollicitudinis, carfulnesse, bi- hydine 13, 25 sollertia, jeornfulnes, mceni- teawnys [Hpt. 428.] 13, 25 animaduerti, . i. intelligi, under- jytene 13, 26 collationes, .i. narrationes, race 13, 26 910 archimandrita, .i. excelsus ma- gister, hehhyrde, heahleor- nere 13, 27 praedito, .i. dttato, jejodeduw 13, 28 propalabunt, . i. mani(fe)stabunt, jeswuteliab 13, 28 praesul, .i. $piscopus, wealdend 13, 29 rudimenta, .i. documenta, ni- wun^a 13, 30 915 clarius, sutelicor 13, 31 876. R. -dom, as in H. 877. Gl. wr. o.propriet-. 881. h.a]>enrd\ }> alt. f. another letter (h ?). 895-6. G. letaliter, D. et loetali toxa. 895. Before trigere an erasure. R. ung\ Lcdm. iii. 319; Mowat, Alphita, p. 189; NED. s. v. doffing. The lemma toxa 'poison* could easily be rendered by the name of a poisonous plant ; in fact, the second element ]>ung seems properly to mean ' poison,' but it was also used of plants : thus we find it glossing both toxa and aconita, elleborus, botracion, &c. (cp. J. Hoops, Ueber die altengl. Pflanzennamen, Freiburg i. B. 1889, p. 83). 898. occis-~\ i alt. f. a. 899. So also H. ; WW. f394 <3 ; t49 19 - 9- o. canticum. 901. G. epithrenion. 902. H. byriensang . licleod . sang . 7 bergehleoft . t sang. The orig. gloss, meant that either eo or sang could be added to lie or bergels respectively, but the scribe of the D. gll., not understanding this, produced the inappropriate gl. leo]>sang. 905. Gl. wr. o. sollici-. 906. H. bihyd. R. bihydi(g)nysse : cp. 5430. 26 OLD ENGLISH GLOSSES elimauit, . /'. manifestauit t enu- dauit, t elimauit, elicuit, jerehte, swute 13, 31 de flagitiosis, be fyrenfulluw/, manfulluffz 13, 32 radicibus, wyrtrum 13, 32 reliquorum, o]?ra 13, 32 920 perniciosa, .z'. mortifera, cwylm- baere, jecwyldfulle 13, 33 facinorum, .z. criminum, man- dseda 13, 33 uimina, tan, twija 13, 33 lentis, of Ii]?ewacu0z 13, 34 frondibus, Helmut 13, 34 925 ea, se 13, 34 causa, intinja 13, 34 disceptare, cneatian 13, 34 [Sed] . . . coegit, .z'. compellit, ac neadaj? 13, 35 edito, .z*. alto t educto, create, on healicere 13, 35 930 fastigio, hehnysse, jej?in]?e 13, 36 sublimati, .z'. euectt, geufere 13, 36 pudic, .z'. caste, sidefulre 13, 36 conuersationis, droht 13, 36 ac si, swa swa 13, 37 935 contemtibilem, . z'. despeclibilem, forsawenlicne 13, 37 sibi, heo#z sylfu/w 13, 37 longe disparem, .z'. dissimilem, 7 swyf>e unjelicne 14, 1 cfterorum, manna 14, 1 praconia, .z'. laudes, herunja 14, 1 940 confidunt, .z'. speran/, hopia<5 14, 2 quodammodo, .z'. quadam ratione, to suman jesceade f. 20. 14, 2 post tergum ponentes, .z'. abi- cientes, wij?sacende 14, 3 Si enim, J>eh Tpe 14, 4 incarnattun, jeflaeschamod 14, 5 945 cglesti, mid heofenlicere 14, 6 puerperio, heseberdincje 14, 6 emenso, . z'. numerate, aurnenuz, ametenum 14, 6 curriculo, emryne 14, 7 praesagio, forewitejunje 14, 8 950 centeng, hunteontifealdes 14, 11 locupletatus, .z'. Hiatus, jewel 14, 11 sexagenis, syxtifealduw [Hpt. 429.] 14, 12 fasciculis, berj> 14, 12 iactanter, jylplice 14, 12 955 praesumat, .z'. audeat, lae]? 14, 13 remedium, lasce 14, 14 qua, mid fyam 14, 16 incrementa, spryt , waest- maes 14, 16 uirtutum, mihta 14, 16 960 sanctse, haljuw 14, 17 retiaculum, jrin 14, 17 tenticulam, .z.decipulam, f>elman, snearan, wocie 14, 18 916. R. swutelode. 918. After wyrtrum are traces of a letter ; prob. wyrtrumum was wr., as in H. 920. H. gecwelmfulle] m alt. f. inj>e on erasure. 931. R. geuferede; H. geoferede (cp. Ang. vi. 99). 932. G. wrongly publics. 933. R. drohtnun^e : cp. 2567. 937. The 7 glosses the prec. -que. 946. The gl. (so also f.) corresponds to WS. hysebyrdincge. Cp. hysebyrj>or. Does hyseberQli ngc = puerperium (cp. fFfF. io8 16 ) stand for -berdingcl berpling means 'a carrier,' not 'child-birth': cp. 49 22 - 951- R.gewelgod. 953. R. berpenum. 956. R. lacecraft or -o5. 958. R. spryttincga: cp. 3629. 961. G. retinaculum. I follow Zupitza (AfdA. xi. 127) in writing grfn, not grin. 962. G. tendiculum. H. has the same Eng. gll. The dictionaries only record 1. ALDHELM, DE LAUD. VIRG. conectat, . i. constringit^ bind 14, 1 8 tiriaca, clam, cli]?an 14, 19 965 detrimenta, .i. damna, sef- wyrdlan f. 20^. 14, 20 nascentis, .t.mctptentis,\\\r\ Alices 14, 22 infantie, cildhades 14, 22 proposito, .i. gradu, jebinbe, injehyde 14, 23 infatigabiliter, .i. indeficienter \ ablindnenlice 14, 23 970 aliquo, selcere 14, 24 offendiculo, .i. neglegentia, let- tincge, reOTmincje 14, 24 repagula, .t.frena, salas, bendas 14, 25 conpunguntur, .i. constringun- tur, hi beoj> abrerde 14, 26 et scintillante, j spircende 14, 26 975 ardoris, fyrewitnesse 14, 27 facula, blasan 14, 27 inflammantur, .i. accenduntur, antende 14, 27 translati, jehwyrfede 14, 28 ergastulo, nearenesse 14, 28 980 quantotius, .i. celerius, wel switSe 14, 29 frugalitatis, .i. temper antig, spaernenysse 14, 30 psalmodiae, dreames 14, 31 dissimulare, . i. occultare, bemi- ban, bedyrnan 14, 32 crebra, \om\icum 985 suspiria, siccetunjuw, anxuw- imis, .i. intimis, on inlicuw ilibus, inelfu/w prolata, for]? atojene Sicque, hi 27 14, 32 14, 33 14, 33 14, 33 14, 33 14, 34 990 oblectamento,midjelustfullunjal4, 34 contemplatiug, besceawend- licere 14, 35 edulio, .i. esu, bileofen f. 21. 14, 36 saginantur, . z. pascantur tnutri- untur, jereordede 14, 36 practices, .i. actualts, jeswinc- fulre, andwyrdre, daedlicere 14, 36 995 studio, cneordnysse [Hpt. 430.] 14, 37 actualem, andwyrd, jeswincful 14, 37 normam, .t. regulam, bysne 15, 1 huiuscemodi, .i. talium, Ipus jeraddre uirtuttun, mihte 1000 supplement, ./. au(g)men/o, eacnunje [qui] . . . noscuntur, . i. intelle- guntur, ]?e beo]? under jitene 15, 3 continentium, .i. ui'rgtnum, forhaebbendra, maedena 15, 4 eminens, . i. prcecellen s, tofer- hlifend 15, 4 15, 2 15, 2 15, 2 zfelma 'inflammation,' f. Lchd. On the form snearan f. snearh (cp. PBB. ix. 237 ; x. 488) cp. note to 1557. Cp. 3560 cabearum catenarum, wocia, &c. ; this is the same gl. as here. The catenarum suggests the possibility that the gloss, was thinking, in that case too, of ' chain, bond, noose.' 963. R. binde or -deft. 968. In H. the Eng. gll. are wrongly assigned to cemulatores, in D. they are correctly wr. o. proposito. Cp. 411; 614; 1609, &c., and 3451 ; 4281; 5051. 969. R. ablinnend- lice; it glosses fatigabiliter. 971. N. hrem-. 974. H. spine-, but the MS. prob. has spire-. Cp. f5, 22; 3961; 4029. 975. H.feort-witnysse. D.'s reading is correct: cp. SHy. 14 ardor =fyrwet. 980. H. has wel swi, which Bouterwek wrongly takes as gl. to gestiant. 981. R. spcernysse, as in H. 984. R.gehm-1 Cp. 2164. 985. siccetungum wr. o. crebra. 991. N. -iendlicere : cp. note to 1003. 99 2 - ^-bileofan: cp. 2193; 4833. 1003. eminens is wr. (by the scribe himself) o. the line. I take the gl. to be ptc. of the st. vb. oferhlifan (cp. note to 3530). It might, however, possibly stand for oferhlifiend, f. the wk. vb. oferhlifian (cp. 309). For the ending -end= -iend, cp. 193; 788; 991; 1932; 3507, &c. 28 OLD ENGLISH GLOSSES magnitude, tmycelnys 15, 4 1005 cedit, je eadmet 15, 4 coniugatorum, . i. muh'erum, jesewnedra 15, 4 sublimis, msere 15, 5 HANG SOLAM }>usne aenne 15, 6 PRErogatiuam, . i. priuile- gmm t dignitatem, wyrscipe 15, 6 1010 adiumento, ,i. adiu/on'o, ful- tume 15, 7 perfectionem, ,z. finem, fulfre- mednysse 15, 8 feriatus, .i. sanctus, jefreolsod 15, 9 generosee, aebeles 15, 10 uirginitatis, maebhades 15, 1 1 1015 minus,.*', non, hwonlicor 15, 11 uilescat, heo 15, 1 1 preeceptorum legalium, .i. mandatorum, selicere beboda 15, 1 2 fulciatur, . i. sustentetur, under- wribed 15, 12 uarietate, fahnesse 15, 13 1020 decoretur, . z'. ornetur, jewlitejod 15, 1 3 psalmigraphi, .i. dauid, sealm- scopes 15, 13 in ... [deaurato], on ofer 15, 15 radians, .i. splendens, jli 15, 15 circumamicta, ,i. a'rcumdata, befanjen, jescryd, em- swapen 15, 15 1025 assistere, . t. stare, \vu f. 21^. 15, 17 inseparabili, .i. indiuistbiH, un- todaellicere 15, 17 collegio, .i. congregatione, je- somnunje 15, 17 non opulenta, .?'. opulentus, dhtes, potens, na mid maeni- fealdre 15, 19 infructuosa, unwaestewzbaere 15, 21 1030 infecunda, .1. sterilis, uneac- niendlicere 15, 21 sterilitate, ,L ariditale, tyd- drunje 15, 22 marcescens, . t. arescens, weor- niende 15, 22 multabitur, ./. punietur, he bi]? 15, 23 cortinarum, wa(h)refta 15, 23 1035 stragularum, straela, hwitla, waestlin^a 15, 24 panuculg, weflan 15, 24 purpureis, brun 15, 24 uarietatibus, fac 15, 25 stamina, wearpuw 15, 25 1040 ultro citroque, .i. hinc el tnde, hider 7 byderes 15, 26 1005. Betw. ge and ead- a letter erased. 1008. ff.fysne. 1009. After wyrscipe an s erased. H. wurftscipe. Both in D. and H. it is wr. as gl. to puritatis ; but it was evid. intended for prerogatiuam. 1016. heo is a pron. B. wrongly reads heo\ned~\. 1017. R. -cera. 1018. R. -wreped, as in H. 1022. on ofer is wr. o. in uestitu, and B. suggests ofersceorpe. It is, however, evid. a gl. to deaurato and stands for ofergyldum. Cp. AZH. ii. 586'*, where the same quotation (Ps. xliv. 10) is given both in Lat. and Eng., in uest. deaur. being rendered by on ofergyldum gyrlan. Cp. also Ps. Lamb. 44' on ofergildum hrcegle. 1023. So also H. ; r. gliteniende. 1024. Cp. Vesp. Ps. xliv. 10 ymbswapen. 1025. So also H. ; r.wunian. 1026. R. unto- daledlicerel. 1031. H. has tedrunge. R. untyddrungel I 35- H. has h-wida (no doubt misr. for hwitla), whence Leo's hwld ' stragula ' and Hall's h-wida ' bed-covering.' 1036. G. panniculce. R. wefla: cp. WW. f49i 1 panucla (for -cule) = wejla. Cp. also note to 1557. IO37- R. brunbasewum or -basum : cp. 96 ; 1269; 2119; 5139, &c. 1038. So also ff.; r.fahnessum: cp. 1019. 1. ALDHELM, DE LAUD. VI RG. 29 plumaria, awundentm [Hpt. 43 i.] textrinum, weblic, jeweorclic diuersis, mid maenifealdtm thoraciclis, . /'. zmagim'bus, 1045 perornent, hi uniformi, anhiwes coloris, bleos fuco, deaje singillatim lipes 1050 fuerit, heo bi]? profecto, .*'. omm'no, to wissuw pulcherrimaB, faejereste uenustati, .*'. ornamenti, cyr- tenysse formosa, .*'. speciosa, hiwfaest 1055 [nee] . . . uidebitur, hit ne bi]3 singular!, .i. speciali, synder- 15, 26 licere 15, 31 15, 26 genere, cynrene, cynne 15, 31 15, 27 [ex] . . . iacintho, of wade, haewenre deaje f- 22. 15, 32 15, 27 purpura, jodwebbe 15, 32 15, 27 1060 bis tincto cocco, twyhiwaeduw 15, 27 wurman, twideajadre deaje 15, 32 15, 28 uermiculo, ./'. ttnctura, of stan- 15, 28 wurman, weolcbasewere 15, 33 15, 28 cum bisso retorta, ./'. non recta, 15, 28 mid jeed]?rawenu/72 twine 15, 33 15, 28 dispari, unjelicere 15, 33 15, 30 murice, corwurman 15, 34 1 065 describuntur, . i. ascribuntur, hi 15, 30 synd towrite 15, 34 15, 30 Sed quid, ac to hwi 15, 34 [de] . . . muricibus, be corn- 15, 30 wurman 15, 34 1042. H. has the better reading weblic gewurc, which glosses textrinum opus. The scribe of D. has miscopied the geweorc of his orig. _Cp. WW. t49i s - 1046. So also H. There is no reason to r. anhiwedre as B. suggests. Anhiwe is formed like twihiwe, &c. The gloss, has taken uniformi for a gen. agreeing with coloris. 1048. deagi\ a on erasure of . 1049. R. synderlipes : cp. 33 I 5- I0 57- cynrene] y alt. f. u. 1060. wurma masc., also wurme fern. (cp. WW. f223 35 and note to 1064), ' a dye,' seems to be conn, with wyrm ' a worm,' the development of meaning being similar to that of the Lat. vermiculus. In OE. it denoted dyes of various colours and kinds ; that derived f. the ' murex,' as well as vegetable, mineral (cp. 1061 stanwurma), &c. colours. It glosses murex 5198; WW-33 32 ; 223 35 ; 442 3 , &c. ; ostrum 5073 ; WW. a?! 19 ; 460"; coccum here and f2, 25 ; f^. 54; lutum 5208 ; WW. 436 18 (r. wurmatz) ; 5I3 13 (r. -wyrmari}. In Lcdm. ii. 295^ it apparently denotes a plant (possibly one used for dyeing). Cp. also WW. \f>*feltwurma = origanum ? Cp. further cornwurma (cp. 1064 note). The corresponding form occurs with the same meaning in OHG. : cp. AhdG. ii. 24i 20 coccus . uermiculus uuormo ; this gl. is taken from Gregory's Cura Pastoralis , ii. cap. 3, and the context is bistincto cocco (Exod. xxviii. 8). Also QRG;.geuuormdt = coccineum (cp. Graff, i. 1045). 1061. stan- wurma 'mineral colour' is not elsewhere recorded. On wurma cp. 1060. After weolcbasewere supply deage f. the prec. gl. Cp. the OE. gl. in AhdG. i. 488 :ic Purpura uilucb$su MS. d; uilucbesu MS. b ; uylocbaso MS. c; uuylocbaso MS. a. It must be distinguished f. wealhbasu 35, 4 ; -fvS 1 , 56; WW. f49i*. 1062. ieedpr-~\ the d is somewhat curiously formed. Cp. WW. 43 2 '; 194"; t359 26 ! t49 llo &c. 1064. R. cornwurman: cp. 1067; 5141. The prec. ungelicere shows that it is here fern.: cp. note to 1060 (but cp. \S. 57 ungelicum w.}. In each case it glosses murex and denotes a kind of dye, the wurma being the same word as in 1060. Cp. the foil. OE. gll. in AhdG. i. 489* Coccus .i. uurumboeso (i.e. wyrmbaso), cornyurma (the y for p] MS. b ; .i. uurumbgsu, comvurma MS. d. In the only other two instances of the word known to me (WW. 53" ; n? 31 ) it glosses vermiculus , and the dictionaries assign to it the meaning ' cornworm, weevil,' but I think that here too it means ' scarlet dye,' and not ' comworm,' which one would expect to be *cornwyrm (cp. WW. I35 9 uermiculi nueddre; 491' uermiculo = wealhbaso). 1065. R. towritene. The word appears to be formed on the model of adscribere; cp. ALH. i. 3O 2 towritennis. OLD ENGLISH GLOSSES subtiliter, .*'. eleganter, smea- bancelice 15, 35 comminiscimur, .i. rimamur t commentamus, inde com- mentum, bencen we. 15, 35 1070 auri obriza lammina, read- joldlaefer 15, 35 electri, eolcsandes 15, 36 stagni, tines 15, 36 gemmarum, jymstana 15, 37 sucini, jlaeres 16, 1 1075 dracontia, jimroder 16, 1 quodammodo,tosuman;$emete 16, 1 uarietates, . i. diuersitates, mist- licnesse 16, 2 pro augendis, for eacniendli- cum 16, 3 regulam, rihtinc [Hpt. 432.] 16, 4 1080 rimamini, .i, scrutammi, smea- ja}> 16, 4 mysticis, .i. secretis, sane/is, jastlicuw 16, 5 explanationibus, .i. narratio- nibus, jerecednessuw 16, 5 typicum, .i, mysticum, jeryne- lice 16, 5 tropologi, ,z'. similitudims, hiwlice, beawlice spsece 16, 5 1085 scrutinium, .*'. mdagationem, smeaunje, cneatunje 16, 6 scrutamini, jecneordlaeca)5 16, 6 ETON FRIUOLA, .i. mendax, unleas 16, 7 DELICATE, estfulles 16, 7 TTIRGLN-Itatis, m^ej? 16, 7 1090 non falsa, unswicel 16, 8 cautela, wser 16, 8 tutetur, .i. confirmetur, tremed 16, 8 quasi tenerrima, swa swa se geonjeste 16, 8 nobilis, gebeles 16, 9 1095 infantie, iujubhades 16, 9 lasciuia, . i.feruentia, wrennesse 16, 9 duro, .*'. dislricto, mid stibre 16, 9 discipline, lare, beawfestnesse 16, 9 pedagogic, .t. documento, lare 16, 9 1100 refrenetur, he si jewyld 16, 10 pudicitia, .i. uirgim'ta/e, healt- suwnesse 16, 10 que, se 16, 10 iaculo, .2'. sagtlta, fla, jafe , wiuere 16, 11 integritatis, anwealhnesse f. 22 b . 16, 12 1105 tumentis, tobundenes 16, 12 arrogantie, prutscipes 16, 12 piaculo, .1. peccato, mane 16, 13 elationis,orjelnesse,creasnesse 16, 14 coe(no)doxia, .t. uana laude, mid idelu/w wuldre 16, 14 1068. smeaJ>ance-~\ the 2nd a alt. f. e. 1071. Cp. WW. f395 2 ; f49i 13 . 1074. C P- f49l u , &c. 1075. Cp. f7, 73; ^S. 60; WW. f49i 16 , &c. 1083. eryne-~\ n alt. f. r. 1084. Cp. 183. 1089. R. mcegjihades: cp. 212. 1091. R. wtzrscipe (cp. WW. 202* Cautela .i. astutia, warscipe; Ang. xiii. 374 126 ) or -warnys (cp. Ang. xiii. 378 188 ). 1097. siijire] ij> on erasure. 1098. ]>eawfestnes ' disciplina,' cp. J?BS. 6 56 ; 23 13 , &c. 1103. R.flan (otflan/), gafeluce. H. has^/fa, gafeluca, wibere. Cp. H. 405 sagittarum = 'wifera (not in Z>.) ; and H. 432 spiculo = wifele (cp. note to 1107). Cp. further ME. -wifle ' bipennis ' S. and PP. 526. Cp. ON. vtft ' cudgel, bat ' ? 1 107. For piactdo G. and H. r. 'spiculo, whilst H. has as gll. : mane t piaculo (wrongly wr. o. arrogantia), pectato (r. peccato), gare t wifele. 1108. Neither gl. appears to be recorded elsewhere. B. remarks: 'zu dem sonst unbekannten worte creasnyss vgl. in dem gl. Hannov. 1. ALDHELM, DE LAUD. VIRG. 1 1 10 unde se . . . [opinatur, .i. putai], banon be he telb, be hit 16, 14 merito, be jeearnunje 16, 15 prestantiorem, .i. meliorem t excelknh'orem, arwyrbran 16, 15 debito, neadwisuw, eadbearfli- cum 16, 16 emolumento, . i. lucro, gestreone 16, 1 6 1115 laboriosi, geswincfulles 16, 17 certaminis, .i. luctamim's, je- winnes 16, 17 palma, fraw sijeleane 16, 1 7 tripudio, . i. gaudio, feowunje [Hpt. 433-] 16, 19 serm(o), ra , saju 16, 20 1 1 20 sed, s. spopondit, heo 16, 20 castimoniae, .i. castitatis, je- healtsu/flnesse 16, 22 sponsalia, jiftlice, beweddend- lice 16, 22 decreta, .i. indicia^ raedas 16, 22 superno, .i. excelso, ban heofen- lican 16, 23 1125 repedanti, ,i. reuerienti, on jean hwrofenduw: . 16, 23 opere praetium, .i. conueniens t necessan'um, neadbearflic, jedafniendlic 16, 24 ut . . . [euellantur, .i. exstir- pentur~\, synd elationis, ofermedes uberrima, ba nihtsumestan 1130 plantaria, spryttinja florenti, . i. crescentt, mid wex- endu#z fronde, helme quatinus, swa }> extirpatis, . i. euutsis, ut alyne- du7, adwsesceduw 1 1 35 fomitibus, ./. deceptionibus, biswictun erutis, towenduw passionum, .i mttorum, man- dseda surculos, ./'. uirgultos, teljran pastinare, .i. plantar e tnutrire, tydrian ^23. 1140 integritas, anwelhnes comprobatur, . i. elegilur, afan- ded, jecoren En . . . [manifestatur, ./. osten- dtiur,] is apostolicis, mid baw pudicitif , sidefullnysse 1145 inmunitas, orceasnys claustra, faestenuw 16, 24 16, 25 16, 25 16, 26 16, 26 16, 26 16, 26 16, 27 16, 27 16, 27 16, 27 16, 28 16, 28 16, 29 16, 29 16, 31 16, 32 16, 32 16, 33 16, 33 creaslicran reg. can. 12.' The MS. referred to is MS. Hannov. iv. 495 ; it is an eighteenth-cent, collection of OE. words f. various sources. I have not been able to identify the reference, but the creaslicran cannot well be an invention of the writer of the 'gl. Hannov.' mo. telf\ IJ> on an erasure. 1113. R. neadpearflicum, as in H. ; cp. 768. 1118. feowung 'joy' f. (ge]feon. In H. it is wr. o. gloria. Cp. Verc. fol. 118 swa mycle ma we feogaft on Sam. toweardan life. 1119. R. racu. 1122. giftlice~\ t alt. f. /. 1125. R. hworfendum ( = /rweorf-) as in H. 1129. So also H. ; cp. 322. 1134. On alynnan, -nian (not alinnan, as in Sw.) 'to set free, deliver, pull out (off)," cp. Kluge, Ltbl. ix. (1888), 392 ; Pogatscher, AfdA. xxv. 5. It corresponds to G. *uslunjan (cp. usluneins 'redemption'). To the two instances in BT. add : 3464; 4424; 12, 5 ; WW. 59" eruere = si Su ut alened; Wst. 178* butan ge . . ,J>a bendas alynian; ^ES. i. 5i2 436 hi Sees scrcefes locstan ut alynedon; Deut. xxxii. 39 ne mag nan man of minre hatida ut alinian; Edw. Conf. Charter to Coventry (ed. Birch, 1889) he of synbtznden hine selfne mote alynian ; MS. Bodl. 343, fol. 2O b /a halga irenu of alinian het. 1135. Both Lat. and Eng. gll. are intended to gl. uitiorum fomitibus. 1139. Cp. 2019; 56, 188. 1146. H. has the better reading /rcteww. Cp. 57, 6 ; WW. 186'. OLD ENGLISH GLOSSES solitaria, aenlipe 16, 34 mancipatur, ./'. retinetur, si nequaquam, .i. nullo modo, jej^raest, jehaeft 17, 5 nateshwon 16, 34 1165 indefessa, mid unateoriend- recludere, beclysan 16, 34 1150 quern, faerie 16, 34 romphea uersatili, .*'. gladio, mid awendenlicu#z mece 16, 35 flammifera, libaeruwz 16, 35 recapitulatio, titelunj, frum- spellunj 16, 35 geneseos, .i. generationis, je- cyndboca 16, 36 1155 originaliter, .i. principaliter, fruffzlice 16, 36 macero, .i. absh'neo t castigo, ic hlaensije 17, 1 tyrannica, mid wealhrowre, deoflicere [Hpt. 434.] 17, 2 potestate, .i. imperio, mihte 17, 2 insolescat, . i. superbiet, awlan- ci S e 17, 3 1 1 60 proteruo, .i. rancido t super bo, mid J>hwyruz, wtyerwyrde, hwirlicere 17, 3 fastu, .i. elatione, prutunje 17, 3 contempnat, ./'. despiciat, hicje 17, 4 1180 spatiose, rumes, widjylles perseuerantia, .i. assiduitas, intercapedinis, faeces licere 17, 6 instantia, . /'. perseuerantia, strecnyssa 17, 6 effrenatf , unjewyldre 17, 6 iugalitatis, s. mgalis, . i, com'unx, sewnunje 17, 7 inmunita(ti)s, orceasnesse, unjewemednesse 17, 7 1170 captiua, .i. uincta, jehseft 17, 7 paupertas, faesceaftnes 17, 8 HANG BIPARTITAM, .;'. in duas partes diuisam, )?as twidseledan 17, 9 HOC MODO, .2'. tah'ter, on }?as 17, 9 innupta, .i. uirgo, unjehaemed fasmne f. 2^. 17, 11 1 1 75 que, ]?a 17, 1 1 nupta, jehsemed 17, 12 grande, .i. magnum, swij?lic 17, 13 interuallvun, .i. spatium, hwil, fee 17, 13 larga, .i. lata t spatiosa, micel 17, 13 17, 13 17, 13 anrsednes, sinjalnys 17, 5 differentia, .?'. distantia, todal 17, 14 1148. nullo] o alt. f. a. 1151. The nom. is epwilte (=OWS. Tefwielte), not -wilt, as in Sw. and HI. R. awendendl-. 1152. Cp. WW. iy^*\ 245 32 . H53- Cp. getitelian BT., and Ai.G. 265"; 282'. -frumspellung by 2nd Lat. hand. Cp. f2, 31; also WW. f49i 25 recapitulatio = eftspellung. JI 54- Cp. 50. IJ 55- fmmlice adv., not adj. as stated in BT. 1156. Cp. LSc. 53 8 . ri 57- R wxzlhreowre. 1160. J>hwyru\ p alt. f. h. H. has hwarum. Cp. note to 66. 1162. ^.forhicge^. Cp. 3920. 1163. Cp. Verc. fol. ui b Seo (i.e. sleacnes) byti J>eahhwcE$ere oferswided J>urh fione bigang ]xere radinge 7 SurA J>a singalnesse pas godan weorces. 1166. strecnyssa^ y alt. f. u. It is wr. o. cogitationis. 1171. R. feasceaftnes . H. has gehceftfaste aftnys as gl. to captiva paupertas. No doubt the MS. really has gehtzft fcesceaftnys, as in Z>. This reading of H. is the source of the supposed gehaftfast ' captive ' in Leo, BT., HI., Sin. 1180-1. -widgylles faces in the 2nd Lat. hand on erasure. 1. ALDHELM, DE LAUD. VIRG. 33 munificentiam, . i. liber all tatem, dujebjyfe, jife, cystinysse 17, 14 infimi amoris, .i. terreni t minimi, incundre abryd- nysse, jewilnunje 17, 15 1185 comitem, .i. socium, jesiban 17, 16 maritalis, .i. uirilis, werliccre 17, 16 lasciuie, wrsennysse 17, 16 lunulis, halsmenuw, sweor- bea;$uzrc 17, 17 dextralibus, cynelicuffz 17, 17 1190 ornari, beon 17, 18 gemmiferis, gimbserim 17, 18 anulis, rinjuwz 17, 18 fulgentis, . i. splendentis, beorh- tere 17, 19 cultu, Syrian 17, 19 1195 munilibus, mynuw, preonuwz 17, 20 rutilare, blican, jlitenian 17, 20 decorari, beon jewlitejod 17, 21 tortis, jebrawenuw [Hpt. 435.] 17, 21 cincinnorum, . /. redimiculorum, fexa, hsera 17, 22 1 200 calamistro, mid brawincspinle, haernsedla 17, 22 crispantibus, brawenduw, cyrpsienduw 17, 22 delicate, . *'. pompose, je jlenc- endlice componere, jlencan rubro, read re 1205 stibio, deaje mandibulas, . i. denies molar es, ceacan, jealjan suatim, .*. suo more, on heore wisan fucare, deajian satagit, .i. incipii, hojajj 1 2 10 inculta, unjeslenced, unbe;$a- nuwz criniculorum, locca cesariee, fexe squalente, fuliendim capillatura, fexe, hsere 1215 prefert, .i. portat, forb stolidis, ./'. siultis,rmdi dislicuw pompis, ./. ornamentis, jlen(c)- JUOT f. 24. indruticans, broddiende, tic- gende, fleardiende, tolce- tende calice, orce 1220 prostibuli, .i. meretricis, forli- ^eres 17, 22 17, 22 17, 23 17, 23 17, 23 17, 23 17, 24 17, 24 17, 24 17, 24 17, 24 17, 25 17, 25 17, 26 17, 26 17, 27 17, 27 17, 28 17, 28 1184. abryd-~\ d on erasure. K. abryrdnysse. 1185. Cp. 86r. 1189. So also H. Had the gloss, cynelicum earmbeagum in his mind, or did he misr. the lemma as regalibus ? 1193. beorh-'] eor on erasure. 1196. H. has bliscan t glitian, on margin blyscan ( = NE. blushl Cp. NED,~}. 1200. Cp. 4646; 5328; and 23, 26. Cp. also WW. io8 2 calamistrum = feaxnadel ; \of& walcspinl; and2Q, l joqfwoksJ>ink. 1206. So also //". R. geaglas. Cp. 5015 and note to 1557. 1210. Cp. f2, 35 ; WW. 426* ; 531". 1215. G.proferet. R. forb bir]). 1217. Eng. gl. wr. o. stolidis. 1218. The lemma means 'being proudly adorned, flauntingly decked out ' (is fa stolidis ornamentorum pompis indruticans}. G. has wrongly infruticans, but all the MSS. I have seen r. indruticans. H. has same gll. with the add. of luxurians, brottetende. Broddian is, no doubt, identical with the broddenn 'to shoot, sprout' in the Ormulum, 1. 10768 to broddenn 7 to blomenn, and is an OE. formation from the ON. sb. broddr ' spike, spike of a plant.' Cp. f2, 37 ticgende; f6, 18 ; f7, 76 ; f8, 92. forfleardian cp. LSc. U3 16 ; Wst. 279'. Cp. 2182 and 4984 titillatio tolceiung; PGH. 401 petulantius = tolcendlicor. Does the brottetende in H. stand for broddetende (from broddiari)*. Or is it not rather for brotettende\ Brotettan (conn, with the st. vb. breotan) would mean 'to burst forth, shoot, sprout': cp. MHG. brojjen ' Knospen treiben, sprossen,' broj ' Knospe, Spross.' 1220. H. has the add. gll. fornicationis t turfitudinis, and it [iv. n] D 34 OLD ENGLISH GLOSSES apocalipsis, ./'. reuelatio, onwri- jenes 17, 29 describit, .z'. ostendit, aw 17, 29 pernieiosum, .i. morliferum, cwyldfulle 17, 30 spectaculum, waefersyne, em- wlatunje 17, 31 1325 prestat, jearcaj? 17, 31 FUTUBA, seo 17, 34 INXES^J, uniwewmedes 17, 34 sectatricibus, filiestru/w 17, 35 fictili, laemenuw 17, 36 1230 quodammodo, mid suman jemete, wisan 17, 36 1232 anticipatur, beo forehradod 17, 37 ultroneis, .i. uoluntariis, mid sylfwilluztt, wilsumuw 17, 37 affectibus, lufu#2 17, 37 1235 eponte, wilsuwlice 17, 37 preoceupetur, .i. precedal, sy forne forfanjen, forebisejod 17, 37 uim, neadunje, mihte 18, 1 uiolenti, . i. fortes in forle, ba strecan 18, 1 artissima, se neareweste 18, 2 1240 uiolentia, stibnes 18, 2 dificillima, .*'. aspern'ma, seo 18, 3 conditio, raeden [Hpt. 436.] 18, 3 genuina, acennendlicu/w 18, 4 natiuitatis, acennednesse 18, 4 1245 matrice, .i. puerperio, cildha- man supprema, ./. ultima, of ba/# imperium, . i. potestas, bebod in tetra, ./'. nigra, on decree tartara, cwicsusle, hellewite 1250 corruptibile hoc, bis brosni- endlice f. 24. incorruptionem, formolsunje rairum in modum, on wun- derlicuTO jemete, wise terreni, ba eorblican celibes, forhsebbendras 1255 superni, heofenlice cselitis, bijenje, clsene compellantur, beon jeneadode 18, 9 factiosam, .i.falsam, facenful- lu#z farisaicf , baere fariseiscre 1 260 temptationis, costnunje calumpniam, . i. obprobrium, hosp confutans, .i.conuincens, ofer- staslende 18, 11 explodit, .i. diluit, adilejode 18, 11 non nubent, hi na wifia]? 18, 12 1 265 neque nubentur, ne hi ne beoj> ham jebrohte, jesewnede 18, 12 18, 4 18, 6 18, 7 18, 7 18, 7 18, 7 18, 8 18, 8 18, 9 18, 9 18, 9 18, 9 18, 10 18, 10 18, 10 18, 10 is in this sense that forliger is here used. In other cases tooforliger 'fornication' glosses prostibulum : cp. 4219; 4965. Cp. also 4299 prostibuli = unrihth. 1228. filiestru wr. a 2nd time o. sectatoribus and erased. 1231. Owing to an error in the numbering there is no gl. 1231. 1232. R.forkr-. 1235. H. wilfulice. Cp. 56, 146. 1236. Cp. note to 603. 1251. R. formolsnunge. The gloss, glossed only the 2nd part of the lemma. 1252. wise in diff. hand. I2 54- On the ending -endras cp. Sievers, 286, Anm. 2 ; PBB. ix. 253; LSc. p. xv. Cp. H. 424(001. D.~] redores = dras ; 1902 ; 2881 ; 3313; 4277-8; 4328; 5438 -drum ; 7, 250; WW. 508" onhyrgendras. In 1758 the r has penetrated to the gen. sg. 1256. ctzlttis] the 2nd i is alt. f. u, and o. it is wr. (in the ord. Eng. hand) bes, altering to ccelibes, for which the gl. clcene is meant: cp. 2176. For bigenge r. -ngan: cp. 3934. G. ccelites. 1262. oferst-~\ rait. f. another letter. 1. ALDHELM, DE LAUD. VIRG. 35 O pre clara, ./. splendtda, hu beorht, msere, senlic 18, 13 senticosis, .i. spinosis, of bic- cum 18, 14 surculis, .*'. ramusculis, byrn- nettu/w, bremeluzrc 18, 14 purpureo, mid brunbasewuwz 18, 14 1270 defectu, mid ateorunje 18, 15 dirae, stij^re 18, 15 mortalitatis, men 18, 15 marcescit, .i. arescit, forweor- nab 18, 15 moribund^, swyltendes 18, 16 1275 carnis, lichaman 18, 16 fessa, .i.fatigata, jewaeht 18, 16 fragilitas, tidder 18, 16 cernua, ./'. humilis, abojenre, eadmodre 18, 17 curua, hnipendre, jebigedre 18, 1 7 1280 uetustate, ylde 18, 17 haae sola, bes ana 18, 1 8 adolescit, .i. pallet, f>yh)3 18, 19 De uirginibus, be maede- nuw 18, 19 potioris, .i. melton's, maran 18, 20 1285 meriti, jearnunje 18, 21 quod, seo 18, 2 1 libero, freolicuw, friuw spontaneae, .i. ultrone^ uolun- tarie, sylflices uoluntatis, willan 1290 arbitrio, eyre Quam quod . . . [iubetur], baenne heo sy [Hpt. 437.] uiolenti, streclicere rigido, heardu/rc prg cepti, hsese 129^ triquadra, fij^erscyte nondum, na ba jyt naes prosapia, . i. genus t progenies, mid cynrene, maejbe repleretur, jefylled diuina, lice 1300 taliter, bus sancserunt, . i. iudicauerunt, bebudan, jesettan edicta, ./. decreta, jeban multiplicamini, beo]? f. 25. legem, riht promulgare, .i. demons/rare, jewidmsersian, jesettan capere, tunderstandan capiat, underjyte human, cere 18, 21 18, 21 18, 21 18, 21 18, 22 18, 22 18, 22 18, 22 18, 23 18, 24 18, 24 18, 24 18, 24 18, 25 18, 25 18, 25 18, 25 18, 27 18, 27 18, 28 18, 28 18, 29 1268. The gloss, has taken surculus to mean 'thorn-thicket' : cp. 2418 ; 2, 80. 1271. stifre] i alt. f. another letter. 1272. R. menniscnysse. * 2 77- ^.tiddernes: cp. 1309. In H. the gl. is wrongly wr. o. fessa. 1278-9. H. has a better arrangement of gll. : cernua = eadmoddre, hnipenre and curva=abogenre, gebigedre. Hnipendre is prob. not a st. vb. (OE. *hnipan=* ON. hnipd], but for hnipiendre from hnipian (cp. 193; 788; 991; 1932; 3507, &c.). On the related vb. OE hnippan cp. note to 1579. 1280. gl. wr. o. curua. 1281. hes ana. Had ana stood alone, it might have been taken as fern. On the use of ana for fern, and neut. as well as for oblique cases and for pi. cp. Schrader, Studien zur SElfricschen Syntax, p. 33 ; ES. ix. 36 ; Ang. xii. 605 ; AfdA. xxv. 5. For the similar use of OHG. eino cp. Ltbl. xx (1899), 5. Further instances of ana as fern, are Ang. viii. 320 28 ; Wst. 149". 1287. Gll. wr. o. arbitrio. selflices adv. ' voluntarily' in Sw. is app. based on this). notes to 495 and 1684. I2 99- R- godcundlice. 2502. D 2 1282. adolescif] o on erasure. 1285. So MS. R. geear-, as in H. 1288. -ffces on erasure. It is adj. agreeing with willan, not adv. (the 1292. G\.vrr.o.pre.cepti. 1295. Cp. 1308. R. menniscere : cp. 2661; WW. OLD ENGLISH GLOSSES fragilitatis, . /. infirmitatis, tyddernesse 18, 29 1310 dementi, mid Ityum 18, 30 suggestionis, .*'. insinuations ; tyhtinje 18, 30 libero, freolicuwz 18, 31 examini, .i. iudicio, dome 18, 31 electionis, jeco 18, 31 1315 arbitrio, .i. iudicio, mid eyre, dome, jesettnesse 18, 32 facultatem, spede 18, 32 experiri, .i.inuenire, afunden 18, 32 indagantes. .i. inuestigantes, cnea 18, 33 longanimem, bolemod 18, 33 1320 studeant, hi ho 18, 34 possessio, .i. agri late patentes, ahnunj 18, 34 proprie, re 18, 35 uirtutis, mihte 18, 35 industria, . i. assiduitate, jleaw- nesse 18, 35 1325 inpetratur, .z.postulatur, pr (as though the lemma were inpetraf) ? 1327. ~R.forgifen. 1328. Eng. gll. wr. o. indulgentia in line before; in //. they are given correctly. J 33' K. benel 1332. Cp. JEG. 79 7 ; 279'". JSS?- tide on margin after agonis at bottom of prec. page. 1338. R. earnafi. 1341. ^.'wtyerwinnena: cp. 754; 2800. J 345- heofung means ' lamentation ' ; can the gloss, have misr. the lemma as tribulationis ? 1 347. leoj>\ }> alt. f. h, Cp. WW. t38i ! . 1348. sin) for sing). 1351. behatan] a alt. f. a. The for }i glosses the prec. de cetero. 1. ALDHELM, DE LAUD. UIRG. 37 oorona, wulderbeah 19, 12 quam, bsene 19, 12 reddet, .i. resiituet, forjyfj? 19, 12 1355 TRIPARTITAM, .i. in ires paries diuisam, brydaeled 19, 14 DISTANTIAM, . i. differen- ttam, todal 19, 14 orthodoxy, rede, orthodoxus .i. gloriosus, rihtes 19, 15 cultricem, . i. ministram, bijen- jestran, benestran 19, 15 catholica, ,t\ uniuer salts, seo anlice, jeleafulle 19, 15 1360 iugalitas, .i.matrimonium, je- jaederscype 19, 17 tripartitis, on breo todaeledim 19, 1 7 seperatim, ./'. singulari/er,syn- derlipes 19, 17 quf, ba beob 19, 18 disparis, ,i. dissimilis, unilices 19, 18 1365 uitea, iifes 19, 18 sequestrantur, .i. segregantur, ascyrede, asyndrede 19, 19 dirimuntur, .t. diuidunlur, ascilede 19, 20 alternation, cwaemendlice, stundmselu/w 19, 20 distinguente, ,i. ordinante, to- dseleduw, totwaemedutfz 19, 20 1370 iugalitas, sewnunj 19, 22 eramentum, ar 19, 22 mediocritas, licnys iugalitas, jejsederscype paupertas, bearflicnes 1375 castitas, wudewanhad f. 26. iugalitas, sawwist corpus, lie purpura, jodeweb rediuiua, .i. linum, .t. restituia, flex 1380 aliter, elles carruca, waene praefecturaB, . /. prepositure, je- refscire mulionis, hors]?enes uilitas, .i. abtectio, wacnys 1385 continet, .i, obsidet, haefj? mulas, aecelman noscuntur, .i. intelleguntur, hi synd understandene differentif, .i. distance, todales [Hpt. 439-] argumento, mid or]?ance 1 390 conici, . /'. legt, oferrasdan coUe(g)i, .i. intellegi, hicjan, understandan qu, Je spurcitia, .*'. inmunditia, un- clsennysse spontaneo, .i. uoluntarto, mid sylfwilre 1395 celibatus, hae^stealdhades, 50- 19, 23 19, 23 19, 23 19, 24 19, 24 19, 29 19, 30 19, 30 19, 31 19, 31 19, 32 19, 32 19, 32 19, 33 19, 33 19, 34 19, 34 19, 34 19, 35 19, 35 19, 35 19, 36 19, 36 1358. Cp. 2065 ; 4431 ; WW. 2i6 30 . I 359- Cp. 172 ; 5105. 1361. on}reo in the 2nd Lat. hand. ^S^?- This ascyllan, -Han is the same word as that which glosses enucleare in WW. and which is generally taken to mean 'to shell' (from scalu). Is it not rather etym. the same as ON. skilja 1 That it is not a Scand. loan-word is proved by the sch of ME. schillen ' to separate ' (Orm's skiledd is, of course, Norse, as is, no doubt, the scylian of the Chron. A. D. 1049). 1368. So MS. ; H. has the correct tiacemend-. I 369. For -edum r. in each case -endum, as in H. I 37 2 - R medemlicnys : cp. 2596. I 377- /^V in the 2nd Lat. hand. 1383. G. mulionum. Cp. WW. 33"*; f44O 3a . 1386. On eecelma 'a chilblain' cp. Modern Language Quarterly, i. (London, 1897), p. 51. J 39o. oferrcedan app. occurs only here with this meaning. OLD ENGLISH GLOSSES healtsuwnesse 19, 36 pudica, . i. c asta, sideful 19, 3 7 qu, be 19, 37 pactis sponsalibus, sponsores, . i. promissores, beweddedum waervOT, bridjyftum 19, 37 contemsit, .i. despexit, forsij) 20, 1 1400 ad propagandam, .i, ad mani- festandam, to acennene 20, 2 posteritatis, . i. generations, aeft toscaden 20, 6 paradigma, .i. exemplum, lar 20, 6 sexagesimum, sixtifealdne 2O, 7 mereimoniam, .i. lucrum, je- tilpum 20, 7 noualibus, .. inrigalionibus, dyncuz 20, 9 1410 grani(g)era, cornbaerutfz 20,10 spicarum, eara 20, 10 glumula, scale, hule, ejle 20, 10 riui, ribe 20, 11 rorantibus, . i. effundentibus ; bedyppenduffz, waetendum 20, 11 1415 disputationis, .i. dt'ssensionis, tale 20, 12 uerbosa, wordij 20, 13 garrulitas, . i. uerbositas, gehlyd 20, 1 3 garrula, hlydij 20, 13 uerbositas, jewyrd, mabelunj 20, 13 1420 firmo, .i. stabili, stabelfaeste 20, 13 fulcimento, .i. sustentatione , trewmincje 20, 14 [ex] . . . prato, of jehaeje 20, 15 pulcherrimam, . i. speciosis- sima??i, baene 20, 16 contexere, .i. enucleare, wefan, settan 20, 16 1425 nymborum, .i. tempeslatum, storma 20, 19 obstacula, . i, inpedimenta, rtm- mincja 20, 19 caalestis, heofenlices 20, 21 foci, .t. ignis, fustran 20, 21 fulmine, lijette 20, 21 1430 supernis, . i. super ioribus parti- bus, heofen f. 27. 20, 21 arsuros, to smorcenne [Hpt. 440.] 2O, 21 1398. Cp. ApT. 2 14 (=ApZ. i8 M ) cer dam dczge minra bridgifta. I 399- forsip=-sihp. 1401. fLeeftergtugiusse: cp. 849; 2695; 3610. 1402. H. erferda for erfwerda. 1408. Gl. in dat. after prep, to be supplied. 1409. dyncge wk. fern. (f. dung ' dung ') appears to denote both 'dung' and 'newly ploughed land'; cp. 2367; 4773. Cp. also WW.f>& a novalibus = dengum; 295" navalium=dincge ( = -gena); Ang.'vu. 261 myxendincgan (ace. sg.). But cp. 46, 16, where, if we have the same word, it would appear to be a st. sb. 1412. For scalu cp. f4, 27 ; f5, 26 ; f6, 19 ; f7, 77 ; flO, 3 ; ^S. 66 b (cp. Ang. xv. 208) ; WW. f4i2 3 . For hulu cp. f2, 41. For egl = ( spica ' cp. 2361 ; =' festuca,' Luke vi. 41, 42 ; = ' arista,' WW. I48 28 ; 273" ; 347 W . I4J4- G. rorantis. J 4i9' Cp. 2947 ; 56, 143. H. has incorrectly malelung, whence the supposed maletung in Leo, BT. t and HL 1420. Eng. gl. is wr. o. fulcimento. H. has incorrectly stale?)-: cp. 2679; 4099. 1428. ff.fustren. B. suggests fyrstanes, and Leo fustrendles, whence fustrendel ' focus ' in Leo, BT., and HI. The former seems the more prob. : the u may have been wr. for y, as elsewhere, and the st placed before the r. 143. R. heofenlicum : cp. 328 ; 426 ; 1124, &c. I 43 I - So also H. Can the gl. stand for smorgenne f. smorian 1 Cp. \1$& jortbistgod, where H. has -biscod. 1. ALDHELM, DE LAUD. VIRG. 39 incendiis, ontendnessuw, aduw, brenu/rc 20, 21 combustos, .i. flagrantes, for- swselende 20, 22 extorruit, forbaernde 20, 22 ^435 Quique, 7 se 2O, 22 heroico, .i. uirili, swibsweguzrc 2O, 23 exametro, metru#z 20, 23 Aurea, to aenlicuw 20, 24 flammigeris, on 20, 24 1440 euectus, ,i. subleuatus, awejen 2O, 24 infra, wibinnan ban 20, 26 secret!, .i. occulti, bedijledes 20, 27 climatis, .i. partis, daeles 20, 27 diuturna, . z'. longeua, mid Ian j- sumere 20, 27 1445 uegetatione, ./'. stabilitate tcon- fortatione, jestrajunje 20, 28 degens, .i. conuersans, droht- niende 2O, 28 general!, specta/i,^em2snelicum 20, 28 debito, jafele, neode 20, 29 dinoscitur, .i. cognoscitur, he is oncnawen 20, 29 1450 quam, baene 2O, 29 uiolentis, . i. ualidis t turbidis, stipes 20, 29 addicti, jescriuene, jebrseste, 20, 34 20, 34 20, 34 jebreade 20, 30 ineuitabile, . i. indeclinabile, un- forbujendlic 20, 31 fiscale, cynelic 20, 31 1455 tributum, toll 20, 31 coguntur, . i. expelluntur , neade 2O, 3 1 duplo, . t. gemma/o, twyfealduwz 2O, 33 spiritu, jaste 2O, 33 gemma, .i. dupla, jetwinre 1460 praeditus, msenifyld aurea, aenlic quadrupes, .i. uacca, hehfore 20, 34 bombosas, .i. argute, duntre 20, 35 uocis, uox dicitur quicquidsonat, stefne 2O, 35 1465 mugitum, gehlow 20, 35 reboasse, .i. tonasse, hlowan 2O, 35 lapsum, .t. detrimentum, for- wyrd, sliden 20, 36 simulacrorum, herja 2O, 36 pudiciti tiirginalis, .i. casti- tatis, maejhadlicere side- fulnesse 20, 37 1470 fretus, .i. functus, jeuferod, ^ehyd 21, 1 [magistri] . . . melote, burh larewlicu/w basincje, he- dene, scicelse 21, 1 1437. The um of metrum (for metre) due to prec. gl. 1 443- dales wr. o. secreti. 1445- So also H. ; r. gestrangunge, as B. does. Leo, p. 403, wrongly suggests gestreagung, which is adopted by 7\ and HI., who evid. believe that to be the reading of the MS. The Lat. gll. show that B. is right. 1451. So also H. ; r. sttyum. 1452. gescriuene by the 2nd Lat. hand. 1454- cynelic here and 4844 in the sense of 'public' : cp. PGH. 395 cynelicre=publica; BdM. 52 29 . H. has the add. gl. ga =gafellic. 1458. Gl. wr. o. duplo. J 459- getwinn adj. not in BT. : but cp. 2605 ; 4166; WW. 254 7 ; 397 11 ; ^G. 13"; 284" ; ZfdA. xxxi. 5 16 . 1463. H. hzs dundre. Does it stand for dunnendre = dynnendre ? or for ^un^e^ldre^ Cp. WW. f492 10 bombose = txere thundendan (=]>uniendanf); t359" fare putendan : cp. also WW. i95 17 . 1 4 ( > l j. H. has the better reading slide. r lhe gloss, of D. took the sb. lapsum for a past ptc. and added the : cp. 3599. 1468. In both D. and H. herg, not hearg, is always wr. Have we here Anglian influence ? 1469. R. nuzgph-. 147. gehyn, OWS. *gehien 'to raise, exalt': cp. 8, 237 porrectam=gehydnc. 1471. Note the use oip-urh with dat. OLD ENGLISH GLOSSES ganniture, . *'. cachinnatione, tale, gliwunje [Hpt. 441.] ludibrio, .;'. uituperatione, je- cance insultantes, . *'. exprobrantes, jehispende, bysmriende 1475 rabidis, mid jraediju0z ursin, byrenre ferocitatis, .*'. atrocitatis, *gs\m- nysse rictibus, .i.faucibus, ceafluw/ tradidit, betsehte 1480 cadaueri, .i.funere, raewe f. 27^ suffocate, forsmored, forbraestuw reddidit, .i. emisit, aje uirginalis, fsemnhadlices materif, .i. materia est ex quo ati R-foregeswuteliende,forfores- meagende. 1506. diglu~\ i on erasure. 1508. R. J>ancwyrJ>este. 1513- thym-'] y alt. f. i. 1515. R. inmunis. 1. ALDHELM, DE LAUD. VIRG. spurcitia, besmi f. 28. 21, 22 colludio, flearde, jetwance 21, 22 liquido, .*'. dare t perspicue, /jytfullice 21, 23 repensanda, . i. retribuenda, jeedleanienduflz 21, 24 1520 sacramentorum, jeryna 21, 25 operculis, hliduw 21, 25 clausa, beclysincja, belocenu 21, 26 uentura, bine 21, 26 uaticinantium, .t. prophetan- tium, bodiendra witedoma, bodie 21, 27 1525 gratuita, bancwurbra 21, 27 sacrosanct!, haljostes 21, 27 flatus, .1. spiritus, blaed 21, 28 inspirans, .*'. inflans, onbla 21, 28 prfsagis, mid jastlicu/rc 21, 28 1530 incarnatione, .i. natiuitaie, flaesclicnysse 21, 30 oraculorum, .i. diuinorum elo- quiorum, witedoma, jod- cundre spaece 21, 30 texuisse, .t. cooperire, wefan 21, 30 ebdomadibus, .z'. curriculis, seofenjeteluw, emry 21, 31 quo, mid ba#z 21, 3 1 1535 supputationis, . i. computations ; jeteles 21, 31 laterculo, .t. numero, tele 21, 32 calculantur, numerantur, je- tealde 21, 32 saluatrix, halwende, haelendlic 21, 32 superni, baes heofenlican 21, 33 1540 natiuitas, cynnincj 21, 33 praafiguratur, pro prefigura- batur, waes forewitejod, je- tacned quaterno, of, mid feowerfeal- 21, 33 21, 34 genere, cynne 21, 34 fabrefactam, .t.formatam, je- worhte 21, 34 1545 signantem, ./. demonstrantem, jeswuteliende 21, 35 angulari . . . [lapide], of hyrn- stane 21, 35 testamentorum, jecybnessa 21, 35 collis, eludes 21, 36 sine uirili uolo, of werlicu;/z folman, handbrede, butan werlicu/7z gemanan 21, 36 1550 maritali, werlicere 21, 36 complexu, beclyppincje 21, 36 absciso, ahsewenuwz 21, 37 minutatim, . i. gradatim tordi- nah'm, bryt , smalu/w, litlan 7 litlan [Hpt. 443.] 21, 37 ac membratim, . i.particulatim, 7 limmaeluw 21, 37 1555 exponit, .*'. narrat, se jerehte 21, 37 ramusculis, .i. ramis modicts, bojincluz 22, 1 stipitum, .i. arborum, bojana 22, 2 1516. ^.besmitennysse: cp. 3482. 1517- R. getwancgel Is it connected with iwengan 'to pinch'? JSM' So also H, ; r. witedomas, object to bodiendra ' uttering prophecies '? Or did the gloss, mistake the prec. prophetarum for prophetiarum 1 1528. R. onbla-wende. 1531. H. has godcundra spreca. ^SS- Cp. ^EG. 284* Vusendgetel. R. emrynum. I535- On the forms getel, getcel, cp. my note in PBB. xxiv. 246. 1539. The gl. is wr. o. duds. T 54 2 ' mid f. is wr. o. metallorum in the next line. J 549- G. s. uiri uola. 1553. R. brytnuzlum : cp. 1829. Smalum is here used adverbially. Cp. WW. 68 s paulatim = litlum 7 litlum; and BT. s.v. lytel. 1554. Cp. 3413; WW. f44o" 6 . 1557. The nse of the OLD EN'GLISH GLOSSES proceritatis, .*'. dignitatis, astro fenesse 22, 3 in altum, .*'. in excelsum, on hejnyssuwz 22, 3 1560 congrua, mid ]?aeslicu7 f. 28 b . 22, 4 coniectura, hraedelse 22, 4 explanat, he jeswutelede 22, 4 cono, coppe 22, 5 uerticis, .*'. capilis, helmes 22, 5 1565 pennigeras, fij^erbaere 22, 5 turmas, . /'. mullitudines, heapas 22, 6 penetrantes, .i. pertransientes, burhfarende 22, 6 quadripedante, fiberscite 22, 7 cursu, rene 22, 7 1570 sumptuosa, mid jestreonfulluw 22, 8 pabulorum, a. pratorum t her- barum, bileofena 22, 8 alimonia. . z'. stipendia, fodan 22, 8 caelesti, .*'. superni, heofenlicere 22, 9 numine, numen claritas t dig- nitas, mihte 22, 9 1575 nutabunda, reosende 22, 9 corrueret, .i. cecidisset, hit instrumento, .i. materia, mid tole succisa, . i. interfecta, forcorfen procumberet, asige, hnimpte 1580 luxuriante, .i. crescente, up yrnendre uiriditate, jrennesse surculorum, ./. mrguliorum, sprit fraudaretur, bereafed prophetica, mid witiendlicere 1585 relatione, .*'. prcedicatione, je- recednysse cselestis, re articulos, liba apicibus, . i, sum:na pars cuius- cumque ret, stricuwz in quadrata, on fiberscitu/w 1590 pagina, .i. summa pars libri, daele tyrannici, \vgelhreowre potentatus, mihte 22, 10 22, 10 22, 11 22, 11 22, 12 22, 12 22, 12 22, 13 22, 13 22, 1.3 22, 14 22, 14 22, 15 22, 15 22, 15 22, 15 22, 16 wk. ending -ena, -ana in the gen. pi. of st. masc. and neut. sbs. is not uncommon in D. and //. by the side of the ord. st. ending -a: cp. 3845 applana ; 2457 bogana (bes. 3084 bogd) ; 4777 bapena; 1898 and H. 482 (om. D.} hergana (bes. 1468 hergd); 2185 scripena; 3083 sprotena (bes. 1651 ; 3521 sprota] ; 4797 sttzpena ; 2311 stafena ; 3353 witena. Wk. forms occur too, though less frequently, in other cases : 652 blaccan dat. sg. ; 5015 ceaflan ace. pi. (bes. 5017 -las) ; 3350 cruftan dat. sg. (bes. 4907 -fte) ; 1206; 5015 gealgan ace. pi. (bes. 2444 geagla gen. pi.) ; 1185 gesifian ace. sg. ; 861 ; 4732 gesipan nom. pi. ; 2366 gilman ace. pi. (bes. 3431 -mas) ; 5466 gruttes gen. sg. (H. gruttan) ; 5240 handstocan ace. pi. (bes. 5321 -at) ; 3237 hergan dat. sg. (bes. 3705 herge) ; 2517 -settlan gen. sg. (bes. 3638 -setles) ; 3417 syla nom. pi. (H. syleri) ; 651 syndran gen. sg. ; 1681 tunglan nom. pi. St. fern. sbs. also occasionally show wk. endings : 818 ceastran; y)Q\cifesan; 4187 gidenan; 3822 hyfen\ 2136 idesan; y>^<) incojian ; 5299 sceamleastan ; 962 snearan ; 4495 -swapan (so H. ; cp. note) ace. pi. (fern, or neut. ?) ; 3466 walan ; 1036 weflan. In each case the st. form only is given in the index. 1558. I r. astrofenesse : the sixth letter is a badly formed/ (the f of we/an 1532 is very similar), which might at first sight be r. as/. I do not think it can be meant for w, H. has astrowenesse. 1 B^5- Cp. 32, 6. ^B^S- Cp. 2404 ; and WW. $tf n fiderberende. 1568. H.fyQerscite. The orig., no doubt, had fiperfetum : cp. 14; 3, 8. The mistake was prob. caused by no. 1589 catching the glossator's eye. J 579. H> has the better reading hnipte ; the gloss, of D. may have mistaken an accidental stroke over the * for the contraction sign and hence have wr. hnimpte. The form hnipte appears to be the pret. of an unrecorded *Az)!>/reofealdre \ cp. 2400. 1598. So also /T. ; B. wrongly alters to gemanaS: cp. Sievers, PBB. ix. 298. Cp. also 3484; BtF. 88 1S ( = BtS. 57 12 ). 1599. K. reohnesse (for hr-~). Tempestas is here used in the sense of time,' but the gloss, has taken it to mean ' storm ' : cp. 2420 ; 4559. 1600. The Lat. adj. is rendered by gen. pi. 1603. The context is ad Chaldeos abducti, so that the to is quite appropriate. 1614. Cp. 418. 1616. R. forescedan. i6ij.R.fremdre. 1618. H. alfyeodinysse ; r. cefyeodignesse, 1619. sylfwilles is gen. sg., as though ullroneos agreed with castitatis. 1622. R. godspellicere : cp. 1797; 2592. 1624. H. has deputantiir. 1626. ~R. feeder lices. 1632. Cp. 1931. 1633. R. mearuwesfan. 44 OLD ENGLISH GLOSSES porrectam, . i. eleuatam, arserede [Hpt. 445.] 23, 1 tricena, mid )?ryfealdre 23, 2 1640 proceritate, .z'. summitate, lencje, hih 23, 2 salpicum, . i. tubicinatorum, sarjana 23, 3 clangor, .i. sonus, cyrm 23, 3 increpuerit, . i. insonuerit, swejde 23, 3 musica, . i. per ilia modulationis, piplic 23, 3 1645 sambucorum, .i. genus sim- phoniarum, swejelhorna 23, 3 persultans, .i. sonans, hlyd- ende 23, 4 insonuerit, blende 23, 4 incendia, . i. conflagrationes, ontendnyssa f. 29 b . 23, 5 naptarum, napta genus fru- menii, heorbena, tyrwena 23, 5 1650 fomite, .z'. nutrimenium, tendre 23, 5 constantia, .i. in bom's rebus firmitas, anrsednysse 23, 8 suffragio, .i. adminiculo, helpe 23, 8 23,8 23, 8 23, 9 sarmentorum, sprota 23, 5 nutrimine, .z'. alimonia, fodan 23, 6 1655 malleoli, dubhaman machinas, searacraeftas crepitantes, brastliende globes, .z'. uerligines, cleowena, leoman 23, 9 SED QUID, ac to hwi 23, 10 1660 nuptiales, jyftlice 23, 1 1 thalamorum, .z'. lectorum tcu- biculorum, brydtofa 23, 1 1 copulas, ,i. coniunctiones, sam- wistu, jesyn 23, 1 1 pronepotum, ealdra nefena 23, 1 1 prosapia, mid cynrene 23, 1 1 1665 [et] . . .progenie propaganda, . i. manifestanda, 7 mid je- strenendlicere stofne 23, 12 examusim, .z'. regular Her t diligenter, riht 23, 13 flauentium, . i. rubentium, geo lewra 23, 14 1639. H. has preofealdre, and on the margin the more correct frittifealdre. 1640. H. heh. R. hitye: cp. 1699; 3525. 1647. hlende (so also #".) = WS. hlynde, late form for hlynede. 1649. H. heor]>ana, the /a alt. to de. R. heordena: cp. 3726; WW. t45 l27 ; t49 238 > & c - The / here, as in 3292, is due to confusion with heorft. 1655. So also H. with the add. gl. dySe. Cp. f2, 43 dyde; WW. t492* tyndercynn i.e. dyfihomer. Apart f. other meanings malleolus was used in the sense of a twig or shoot : cp. WW. 450* m.=sumerlida (for -loda ; cp. Ang. xiii. 330), especially of dry twigs used for lighting: cp. Ducange; CPH. p. 75 m.=sarmenta; Daniel iii. 46 succendere fornacem, naphtha et stuppa etpice et malleolis. It is in this latter sense that the glossators have taken it here. The evidence of WW. t492 40 taken in conjunction with WW. I35 35 duphamor=papirus, and Lcdm. ii. io6 17 to stanbafie dyphomar, hune, wermod, shows that the duphaman of D. and H. is corrupted f. duphamar, and this seems to be the name of some plant (sedge or rush ?) which, when dried, could be used as tinder. In the two last instances cited it is evid. a plant-name. The dyfte in H. and 2 is obviously synonymous with it. The suggestion in MLN. xi. 327, that we should r. tSuf-, 9yf- is of course quite untenable in view of the fact that there are at least three entirely independent instances of the form duf-, dyj>-. 1658. Cp. 457. Cp. also 2813; WW. 24*; 4I3 17 - 18 . 1661. R. brydcofa, as in H. 1662. R. gesynscipas : cp. 2540; 3593, &c. 1663. Aldhelm has/w nepotum prosapia (i.e. the pro is a prep.), but the gloss, has evid. taken pronepotum to be a compound and to mean some one older, not younger, than a nepos. In 850 and 5029, where the compound pronepos really occurs, it is more correctly glossed. In the case of WW. -^465* (a gl. to this very passage) pronepotum =fornefena, I have elsewhere pointed o\A,JGPh. ii. 359, that we must read pro nepotum for nefena, and strike the word fornefa ' a great-grandson ' out of the dictionaries. 1666. R. rihtlice. 1. ALDHELM, DE LAUD. VIRG. 45 machinas, craeftas 23, 1 5 innumera, unjerime 23, 2 1 glute, lime 23,15 exempla, .i.similitudims, bysna 1670 sarcientes, .i. coniungenles, f. 30. 23, 22 treajiende 23, 15 affatim, .i. abunde t ubertim, morarum, .i. inpedimentorum, msenifealdlice, jetinjcelice 23,22 lettincja 23, 15 1690 [cum] . . . exuberant, bonne otia, .*'. quietem, stilnessa 23, 16 jenihtsumiab 23, 22 et neutericis, .t, nouellis, 7 suppeditent, ,i. subministrent, iunjuff* 23, 17 jefultumaj? 23, 23 postquam, sybban [Hpt. 446.] 23, 17 paucula, .i. parua t exigua, 1675 prioris, baere aerran 23, 18 leoht 23, 23 instrumenti, jerecednyssa, qua, ba Ipe 23, 23 cybnyssa, jesetnyssa 23, 18 cursim, .i.uelociter, ofstlice 23, 24 latibula, . i. seer eta, dimhoua 23,18 1695 uotiuum, wynsuwlice, je- funditus, .i. a fundamento, cweme 23, 25 jrundlunja 23,18 integritatis, . i. c astitatis, ansii- euanuerunt, .i. defecerunt, nysse 23, 25 fordwinan 23, 18 mercantibus,. /.>//>#/#/?$#.$, 1680 limpida, .i. persptcua, ba frea- ceapiendu/w 23, 25 torhtestan 23, 19 edita, .i.formata, healic 23, 26 luminaria, tunjlan 23, 19 proceritas, ./'. magnitudo t crasse, . i. tenebrose, biccre 23, 20 status, longitudo, heb, lanj- inlustrantia, .i. inluminantia, su/wnys 23, 27 onlyhtende 23, 20 1 700 uelud prestantissima, .t. excel- in triquadro, on breodaelede 23, 21 sissima, swilc ^ swuteleste, 1685 ambitu, .z'. circuitu, emhwyrfte 23, 21 hehste 23,27 spai-gerentur, .i. perf under en- farus, ./'. turns, herebeacn 23, 28 turf seminar entur, 2edgelede23, 21 quadrati, fiberscytes 23,28 1670. Cp. 256. 1676. MS. ge recednyssa : the^ is prob. intended for both rec- and cyj>-. R. -nysse. l &Tl' BT. has only the wk. form dimhofe, based Ps. Lamb. xvii. 12 dymhofan (ace. sg.), and ALG. 85 7 dimhofan (nom. pi.). But this gl. shows that there was also a neut. dimhof: cp. 3768 dimhofe (dat. sg.). 1681. So also H. Cp. note to 1557 and Sievers, 243, note. 1684. Cp. Ducange: triquadrus 'in ties partes divisus.' Cp. also WW. 5i 3 *, and note to 495. 1688. bysna wr. o. innumera on prec. page. 1689. getingcelice~\ the first c alt. f. e. 1696. R. andsundnysse : the contraction sign here stands for nd. H. (as printed by B.) has ansumnysse, but the MS. has prob. the same as D. Cp. 1630, where H. again has andsumnysse. These two gll. in H. form the source of the supposed dnsumnes 'integrity, virginity' in Leo and HI., and of the adj. ansum 'integer,' which Leo deduced therefrom. 1698-9. healic . he]> is wr. o. edita, and langsumnys o. proceritas; healic evid. glosses edita, and hej>, I believe, stands for heh}>u and glosses proc-: cp. 3525. H. has healicheS, which B. takes as gl. to proc-, and Leo, p. 582*, alters to heallchad. From Leo this non-existent word found its way into HI. and S-w. 1700. R. swilce. 4 6 OLD ENGLISH GLOSSES rotundus, .i. terelus, sine weald 23, 28 obolisci, .i. lapidis, stanes 23, 28 1705 globus, clinen 23, 28 fastigium, .i. summitatem, je- bunjenesse 23, 29 contemplationis, . i. specula- tionis, emwla 23, 29 ad culmen, ./'. perfectionem^ to jebincbe 23, 29 in altum, ,t. in excelsum, up 23, 30 1710 surrexerit, be arist 23, 30 credatur, befgest 23, 31 florentis, .i.germinantis, blow- endes [Hpt. 447.] 23, 32 paradisi, .*'. orti\ neornrne- wanjes 23, 32 latex, .*'. aqua, burne, ripe 23, 32 1715 congruenter, ./'. oportune, bges 23, 33 limpida, .i. clara, freabeorht 23, 35 uirginalis, faemnhadlicere 23, 35 pudicitie, .i. integritatis, side- fulnysse 23, 35 coruscat, .i. micat, jlitenab 23, 35 1720 splendida, .*'. Candida T lucida, sci 23, 36 acies, tru 23, 36 inlustrat, .i. inluminat, onliht 23, 36 carnalis, lichawlicere 23, 36 inlecebre, .i. deceptiones, for- spennicje 23, 37 1725 optundit, ,i. ob/uscat, fordyt 23, 37 Bpurce, sceadlicere 23, 37 obscenitatis, fulnesse 23, 37 glaucoma, sped 23, 37 suffundit, jeondjyt 24, 1 1730 dolendum dictu, .i.gemendum, sarlic to cwebene, earmlic to se 24, 1 palpebre, . i. super ciliarum loca, brsewas f. 30^. 24, 2 grossescu(n)t, . /'. turgescunt, to- swellab 24, 2 putabantur, . i. existimabantur, jet(e)alde 24, 3 fallitur, .i. decipii, alojen, awaejed 24, 3 1 735 scotomaticorum, .i. cecorum, stserblindra 24, 4 tetris, .i. nigris, mid swear 24, 4 obturantur, .i.obstruantur, beo]? tosworcene, abystrede 24, 5 sentina, .i. aqua fetida nauis, adelan 24, 5 submergente, .i. absorbente, besencenduzrc 24, 6 1740 inmunes, .i. casli, orcease, unwemme 24, 6 1703. H. has teres. I 75- R- dyne or cliwen ? J 7O7- R- emvolatunge : cp. 244. 1710. G. surrexit. I 7 I 3- So also //. (cp. Ang. vi. 99); r. neorxna-. 1 7^4- So also H. ; r. ri}> ; the final e is no doubt due to that of burne. Elsewhere in these gll. rip is a st. fern. : cp. 498 ; 1413 ; 3581 ; 3966. Indeed the existence of a wk. fern, rtye is altogether questionable: BT. has only this instance and one f. BtF. I34 10 riSan (nom. pi.), which, however, is the reading of the twelfth century MS. Bodley 180, fol. 5i b ; the older Cotton MS. has ritSa. The water-ride of Leo, HI., Sw. is very doubtful ; its source is a wczterifan (ihefan alt. in H. : cp. note to 497. 1715. R. Jxzslice. 1720. R. scinende. 1721. R. truma, as in H. I 7 2 4- R. forspennincge ; H. has forspynnincge. 1726. G. wrongly spinecz, H.scand-; r. sceandlicere. 1728. So also H. ; cp. f2, |4 speed. 1730. R. to secgenne. J 735- -blindrd\ the H on erasure. J 736. R. swear turn. 1. ALDHELM, DE LAUD. VIRG. 47 creduntur, synd je 24, 7 non ficte, unhiwedre 24, 7 potiuntur, ]?a synd jejodede 24, 8 uexillationis, fanbyrde 24, 8 1745 uictricia, sijefsest 24, 8 uexilla, v)?fana 24, 9 celestis, ))aere heofe(n)lican 24, 9 hierosolyme, sibjesyhj>e 24, 9 ante, aetforan 24, 10 1750 angelicum, >aere enjelican 24, 10 cflestis, }>aes heofenlican 24, 10 theatri, plejhuses 24, 10 consessum, jesetle, jaederunje, setlunje 24, 10 facta, . i. gesta, jewordenre 24, 1 1 1755 iusta, i. recta, mid rihtwisere 24, 11 discretionis, todales, jesceades 24, 1 1 lance, .i. ponder e t equalitate, heolere, apinsunje 24, 12 librantis, . i. pensantis, wejen- dres 24, 12 uirginalis, lices 24, 12 1 760 triumph!, . i. gaudit, si jes 24, 1 2 tropeum, .i. utctorta, herelof 24, 12 labara, fanan [Hpt. 448.] 24, 13 MATERNA., .1. main's, mid moderlice 24, 14 MAtricf, cennincje, eac- nuncje, cildhaman 24, 14 1765 instrument!, quod instruit, jesetnysse, jecybnesse 24, 15 prima, .i. pracipua t }?aere forman 24, 15 asperrimae, sti]?estre 24, 16 penitudinis, . i. pgnitentig, abryrdnysse 24, 16 lima, feol 24, 16 1770 salebrosos, ./'. asperos, waje, wiberwyrde, wrangwise, woje 24, 17 conplanans, smebiende 24, 17 anfractus, . i. reuolutiones, hylcas 24, 1 7 ealuberrimum, a. salutare t congruum,])2ene halwendne 24, 17 paranymphus, . i. paranimpha est pronuba, wituwzbora, drihtwemend, t drihtwe- mere 24, 18 1744. So also f2, 45 ; H. has fanbynde. As RB. is an independent MS., not derived from either D. or H., the agreement betw. RB. and D. shows fanbyrde to be the correct form. The meaning I assign to it is ' standard-bearing,' byrd being the abstract f. beran : in this sense the gloss, seems to have understood his lemma. Cp. CGH. p. 119 Uexillatio = certamen. The fanbynde in Leo and HI. must be struck out. J 746. R. -fanan, as in H. I 748- So also H. The gl. was evid. not understood by Bouterwek, for he queries it with : ' hierher gehorig ? ' But Jerusalem was regularly interpreted by the Fathers as meaning ' visio pads ' (for references cp. Migne, Patrol. Lat. ccxxi. 775). As Eng. instances I may quote /EH. ii. 66" Hierusalem is gec-weden ' visio pads,' feet is, ' sibbe gesihft'; Biff. Si 1 Forpon Jxsre burge nama ]>e is nemned Gerusalem, is gereht sibbe gesyhb, forlon pe halige saula bar restap. Cynewulf's Crist, 1. 50 Eala sibbe gesihS, Sancta Hierusalem ! Cp. also Cook, Philologische Studieu. Festgabe fiir E. Sievers, 1896, p. 25. Cp. also Ormulum, 6558 Forr witt tu well latt gerrsalczm bitacne]>J> gribess sihhle. J 753- ifeder-~\ the a alt. f. a. 1758. Cp. note to 1254. T 763. After moderlice is erasure of re. I 77- wage (so also H.} for wage. wrangwise is wr. in a larger and later hand (twelfth cent. ?) o. conplanans. wage is wr. o. anfractus. I 77 I - Cp. WW. \y> Polio = ic smeftie. J 774- H. has drihtwemen ; r. drihtwemend. It is not the dat. of a dryhtweman ' a bride' as Leo (p. 26i so ) and Hall suppose. The -wemend is f. the vb. weman ' to announce, persuade,' to which vb. the foil, -wemere is the nomen agentis. drihtwemere (the first r has the OE. form, the second the continental) is wr. on the margin and has been erased, but by the help of a reagent it could be distinctly read ; it is in the same hand as OLD ENGLISH GLOSSES 1775 primitiue, fruwcennendre 24, 19 dispensans, .i. disponens, for- jyfende 24, 19 castimonise, gehealtsu/wnesse 24, 20 per aethera, ./'. sidera, jeond ro f. 31.24, 21 torrido, ./'. sicco t exusto, on hatu/w 24, 24 1780 uetitos, .1. prohibitos, ba forbo- denan 24, 24 futurorum, sajuw, wite- jun 24, 30 portenderat, .t. signtficabat t demomtrabat, jetacnude 24, 30 1795 quadripartite, .i. in quattuor paries diuise, fiberdseledre 24, 31 historiffl, jerecednysse 24, 31 eguangelicf, $odspellicere 24, 31 relationis, . /'. narrah'onis, race 24, 32 tetrarcha, fiberrica 24, 32 hymeneos, jyfta, haemeda 24, 25 1800 unica, anlic 24, 32 conpescens, .i. ueh'tans, for- conseruande, .*'. custodiende, wyrnende 24, 25 denre 24, 33 olidarum, .i.fedarum, fulra 24, 25 prefiguratio, jetacnunj contubernia, jemanan 24, 26 [Hpt. 449.] 24, 33 1785 aporians, .i. respuens, onscuni- uirginalis, hadlicere 24,34 ende 24, 26 pudicitie, .i. casHtatis, side 24, 34 asperrima, mid baere stibestan 24, 26 1805 uirtutum, mihtuw 24, 35 inuectionis, breale, beowraca, [uimina] . . . siluestria, onstales 24, 26 seueritate, re 24, 26 putidos, ./'. amaros, horslice 24, 27 1790 squalores, .*'. sordes, inluuies, fylbu 24, 27 rubris, . i. rubicundis, mid rea- duw 24, 28 riuulis, ribum 24, 29 praesagininibus, .i. presciis 'a, wudebsere jyrda24, 36 nemoribus, ./'. saltibus, beare- wum 24, 37 in obrizum, on smsetuw 24, 37 flauentis, .1. rubentis, redes 24, 37 1810 auri metallum, joldoruw, wecjuw f. 3i b . 25, 1 scopulorum, . i. saxorum, stan- rocca, torra 25, 1 wran & wise 1770. Paranymphus 'a bridesman' is elsewhere variously glossed; brydboda ( = OHG. brutiboto) 18 b , 71; dryhtealdor WW. i?! 13 ; dryhtguma WW. +465*; f493 24 5 3 6 "; 37 38 5 J? 1 ' 3 (cp. also ^AkdG. ii. n 9 , where this same passage in Aldhelm has the corresponding OHG. gl. truhtigomd}; drihtman f7, 94; WW. 277"; wituma -f-7, 94 (cp. note); f8, 102 ; fj. 82. I 775- R- -cennedre: cp. jEG. 9i lu ; 92", &c. 1778. R. rodor: cp. 5034. 1785. Cp. WW. 6 13 ; f34 23 ; t345 37 ; f493 21 . 1788. R. relnesse. I7&9- Cp. 2430; 4752; 2, 499. These gll. prove the existence of a horsclic, horx- ' putidus, squalens, foedus.' This horse- must be distinguished f. the other horse 'quick, brave, intelligent,' and is evid. a derivative of horh ' filth, &c.' I 79 I Eng. gl. is wr. o. putidos in line before. !793- R witegungum. !794- G.portendit. 1801. R. gehealdenre : cp. 4047. 1803. R- famnhadlicere (cp. 535 ; 1483; 1717; 2280) or nuegfhad- (cp. 1469)? 1804. R. sidefulnysse : cp. 1144; 1469; 1718. 1805. So also H. ; the urn of mihtum is due to the lemma. 1809. R. reades. 1810. So also /T. (cp. M^w^, P- 3^7 > gl. 1803) : B. wrongly prints golddrum. 1811. Cp. f7, 95 ; fX 84; 2038; 7, 43 ; 8, 79; WW 7 . 458' obo!isci = stanrocces. 1. ALDHELM, DE LAUD. V1RG. glareas, stancyslas, croppas 25, 1 rotundos, sinewealte 25, 2 scrupearum, .i. saxarum ni- grarum, scylua, jrutta 25, 2 1815 lap illulos, .i. paruos lapides, popelstanas 25, 2 de harenosis, of sandijuw, staenenum 25, 2 litorum, stranda 25, 2 sablonibus, stancyslu/w, waru/w 25, 2 contra, .i. aduersum, onjean 25, 3 1820 ritum, jewunan 25, 3 in rubicundas, on reade 25, 3 congeries, . i. congregaliones, hyp(l)as, jejaederunje, hy- pan 25, 4 superna, mid heo 25, 4 potestate, .i. auctoritate, mihte 25, 4 1825 dispersa, . i. dissipata, tobri 25, 5 decepta, ./'. seducta, bepsecht 25, 5 simplicitas, .i. purilas, bile- witnes 25, 6 sophiste, ubwitan 25, 7 minutatim, bretmselu/tf 25, 7 1830 in frusta, ./. in uacuum, to sticce 25, 7 49 25, 8 25, 8 25, 8 25, 9 25, 9 25, 9 25, 9 in pristinum, to baw serruw reformauit, . i. innouauit, geed- niwude statum, antiwzbre supprema, .i. ultima, $ ende- necste 1835 sors, .i. euentus, jelimp gemina, .i. duppla, twinnum multauerat, . i. condempnauerat, ofsloh urna, .i. mensura, hlote, beode 25, 9 pauperculorum, .i. miser orum, bearfena 25, 10 1840 sumtuosa, .i. copiosa, of jeniht- sumere 25, 11 erogate, . i. dispensate, aspendre, jedaeledre 25, 11 [cum] . . . sequestra, . i. secrela, midsynderlicu/fljmiddiglutfz 25, 12 suscitauit, ./'. excitauit, he araerde 25, 12 furibunda, .i. ualde iracunda, of yrlicere, wrabre 25, 12 1845 ferocitate, reb [Hpt. 450.] 25, 13 cogeretur, .i. compelleretur ', he wses jeneadod 25, 1 3 1814. grutt elsewhere means ' abyss, gulf.' 1818. stancyslum is wr. o. harenosis. MS. has pajiu : cp. 4101 (MS. papa) ; 2493 wasa (MS. pafa). We have obviously the same word in all three cases: if the orig. had pa)", it could be r. either -was or war (the gloss, of D. writes p, ] for r, and f, f for s}. As the gloss, can hardly have intended to gl. sablo by the poetical -war 'sea,' or by war ' sea-weed,' the most likely assumption seems to be that we have a st. form of the usually wk. fern, ivase ' mud.' 1 assume wtise (not wase}, as it seems rather conn, with OHG. waso ' moist earth,' MLG. ivase, OFris. wase, than with ON. veisa 'stagnant water.' The ME. 0-forms cited in BS. s.v. ivase can scarcely be taken as proof of OE. vowel-length, as they may well be from OE. was, NE. ooze. 1822. hyp(l}as wr. o. rubic- in prec. line. 1823. R. heofonlicere. 1825. R. tobritte: cp. 639, &c. 1829. //. has brecmearfena\ the rait. f. /. 1842. G. om. cum. mid di glum is wr. o. de loetifero in the next line. Cp. 3812. J 845. R. rejtnesse : cp. fll, 144. [iV. Il] E 5 OLD ENGLISH GLOSSES poculi, ./'. calicis, steapes, hnseppes 25, 14 dirorum, .i.nefandorum, man- fulra 25, 14 uirulentus, .i. uenena/us, settrij, Seolstri 25, 14 1850 graminnm, . AT&&TWP, wyrta 25, 14 sucus, .t. virtus, ssep, wseta 25, 15 truculenta, . ;'. horrida, ejeslice 25, 1 5 regulorum, browendra 25, 15 quadrupedis, fiberfete 25, 16 1855 rubete, ^/ et ram dicuntur, toxan 25, 16 spalangii, musri uenenosi, baere scortan nseddran, slawyrmes 25, 1 6 confectio, . i. debilitatio, wesin^, gemanjnys, mencinjo 25, 16 habebatur, ge 25, 1 7 consummeret, .i.finiret, bijde 25, 17 1860 labaro, ealjan 25, 18 uexillo, ./.^, HI., Siv., BT. must of course also be rejected (cp. my note in JGPh. ii. 359). 1856. Cp. S. 90; WW. I22 17 spalangius = slawyrm. 1857. R. mencingc ( =meng-~), as in H. Is wesing conn, with ivesan 'to soak,' and is it used in the sense of 'a decoction obtained by soaking'? Or is it conn, with ivisnian, &c., and does it translate confectio in the sense of ' wasting away '? 1859. G.consumeret. The Lat. gloss, evid. read it as consummaret \ H. has the more correct biberet. 1862. Gl. wr. o. detrimenta on next page. 1863. diabolu alt. f. -lus, 1867. discrimina here means ' dangers,' but the gloss, has evid. rendered the dis- by or-, and the crimen by leahter. Cp. IVW. 223"; 252". 1868. Cp. 26, 71 ; 46. 19 (note). Cp. also PGH. 392 decolor = pallidus, ablcece t cehiive; and 4897. J 874. R. h-watlice. 1875. tf-nzw] . 26, 1 uirginitatis, ,i. castitafis, hades 26, 2 libidinum, .?'. uoluptalum, lusta 26, 3 tropeum, .?'. signum uiciorie, herelof 26, 4 uictoria, lean 26, 4 25, 32 1910 de, of 26, 4 25, 33 securitas, .i.requies T quietude, stilnys 26, 5 clangor, .;'. sonus, swej 26, 5 uelud, swylce 26, 5 tonitruali, . i. uoce guangelii, of J?unerlicuz 26, 5 1915 fragore, ,i. sonitu i fremitu, cirme 26, 6 concrepans, . i. resonans, hleob- riende 26, 6 1885. The consistent spelling of this gl. with inne scytefinger 'blow on thy forefinger.' Cp. also my notes in Acad., May 7, 1892, p. 447, and PBB. xxiv. 246, note i. 1891. R. wapelaj). Cp. 3481 ; 3962; WIV. 6g 31 ebullit = wapotaS. 1894. In H. pare eastan is wr. as gl. to India, whilst EoenaJ> is from fiennan, fienian ' to stretch,' and is used figuratively in the sense of ' to magnify by spreading the fame of.' Cp. the Lat. context : dum earn immensis rtimorum laudibus prosequitur. The and gl. tobad might be taken as miswr. for tebradt&r&dsf 'widens, spreads,' but in view of the two instances given \n.BT. p. 993, s.v. tobied ' elevated,' it is better to assume a tobldan ' to exalt.' 192 1. So also H. (cp. Ang. vi. 100) ; t.fatels : cp. 5 1 1 2. 1926. p(h}it onissani] between t and o an h erased. 1928. R. leasnessel 1932. N. -diende : cp. note to 1003. 1933. welan WT. o. diliciosas. T 934- R- streona. 1938. R. ivelerum : cp. 4331. *94 2 - for niwelicum H. has in -welicum. D. is right, and the Brussels MS. prob. has the same, but has been misr. by B. The welu ' wellenschlagend, &c., surging' (cp. Leo, 428 13 ; HI. 344) and wtel-ltc ' deep ' (cp. B7\ 1154), which are based upon it, are therefore non-existent (cp. my note inJGPk, ii. 361). J945- H. has sc. plagas, XLfealde wite, where wite apparently renders plagas. But one would expect witu ; is it not meant as 2nd gl. to the foil, tormento ? Cp. WW. ijS tormentum = tintregung t wite. 1947- R. tintregunge. 1948. andw- for anw- : cp. Sievers, 198, Anm. 2. I 95 I - Cp. note to 329. H. has ceastregew- (cp. also 703) ; this late form in H., with ceastre instead of ceaster, is clue to the fact that at the end of the 1. ALDHELM, DE LAUD, VIRG. 53 adisse, ./. uisitasse, jeneo 26, 23 *955 garriat, .i. twciferet, hlyde 26, 23 diuinum, .i. det, lie 26, 23 sequipedas, .i. sequaces, aefter- jenjuztf, efenlaeceras 26, 24 quippiam, .z". aliquid, seni bine 26, 24 canonicg, .z'. regularis, rejol- icere 26, 25 1960 apocrifarum, .i. falsorum scriptorum, wibersacana 26, 26 tonitrua, swejes 26, 27 abdicare, . i. refutare, wibsacan 26, 2 7 eliminare, .z'. expoliare i afly- man, ascirian 26, 27 scita, .z'. deer eta t iura, laga 26, 28 1965 scriptis, awritenu/rc 26, 28 decretalibus, . i. statutts, jesett- nessuw 26, 28 sancxerunt, . /'. iudicauerunt, jedemdan, gesettan 26, 28 presage, .i. prescio, mid fore- wittijere 26, 29 simulacro, .i.figura, jelicnysse 26, 29 1970 eguangelicg, licere 26, 30 historiografhus, .z'. historiam conscribens, wyrdwritere [Hpt. 453-] 26, 30 medicinale, .t. sulutiferum, halwende 26, 31 cataplasrna, .i. medic amentum, cleoban, laecedom 26, 31 procurans, ,i. obseruans, lac- niende 26, 31 1975 purulentas, .i.putridas, fule 26, 32 inualitudines, .i. infirmitates, untru/wnyssa 26, 32 egrotas, adlije 26, 32 fibras, .i. pulmones, bearmas, incobe 26, 33 dein, .i. post, sibban 26, 33 1980 spiritales, ab spiritu nominan- tur, feondlice 26, 33 incommoditates, .t. infirmi- tates, incoba 26, 33 torrido, .i. ignito, hatuw 26, 33 cauterio, mearccinje, baer- neytte 26, 34 flebotomo, blodsexe, flyt- man 26, 34 1985 castitatis, jeheald 26, 36 memoratiir, .i. perhibelur, is jereht 26, 37 debitum, neadbearnysse f. 33 b . 27, 1 maturaB, .i. redeunte, ylde 26, 37 OE. period the e of the oblique cases of fern. sbs. was beginning to be extended to the nom., so that by the twelfth cent, ceastre was the normal form for the whole of the sg. and would tend to replace the -ster even in compounds (cp. NRT. p. lii ; Meyer, 38 ; Buchholz, p. xxxix ; Sackse, 8). Moreover there was, apart from this, in the twelfth cent, a tendency, which no doubt began earlier, to insert an e between the elements of a compound, even where the first was not a fem. : cp. swikedom, Matth. xviii. 7 (MS. Hatton) = OE. swicdom ; Orm's sallmewrihhte, werrkedagg, &c. = OE. sealmwyrhta, weorcdag (cp. Sachse, in), and the early ME. husebonde, -ivif, -lauerd, &c. =OE. husbonda, &c. J 954- K- geneosian: cp. 3637. 1956. R. gpdcundlic : cp. 2566. 1960. The gloss, has taken the lemma to mean the writer of the apocr-. 1961. R. swegas. I 97- R- godspellicere : cp. 1797; 2592. !972. So MS. J 974- Cp. WW.^io. J 976. G.valitudines. 1978. incojte (so also //".) is unsuitable; can it have been taken o. by gloss, from 1981 ? 1 9%3" H> mearcisene, cingc, bizrnytte. mearccing here means ' marking, branding ' ; the more usual gl. for cauteriitm is mearcisen: cp. f2, 61 ; 4, 31; WW. io 33 ; 2O2 3 ; 362 13 . 1984. Qnjlytme cp. Kluge, Ltbl. viii. 114; Jtijr.p.8$. 1985. ~&.%ehealdsumnysse: cp. 210; 354; 1121, &c. 1987. R. -fearfnysse. 1987-8. D. mortis d. matures; G. mortis naturce d. The gloss, seems 54 supprema, .*'. ultima, baw yte- mestan 27, 1 1990 sorte, ./'. or dine, hlote, ende 27, 1 persolueret, .i. redder et, jelaeste 27, 1 orbis, hwyrflicnces 27, 1 gubernante, .i, regente t dis- ponente, bejymenduw, wis- sienduw 27, 2 monarchiam, .i. principatum^ ricetere, ealderdo/w 27, 2 1995 ad tutelam, .i. ad defensionem, to jescyldnysse 27, 2 SUCCESsor, ./. subsequenter obtinens locum, sefterjenja 27, 4 dispensator, . /. gubernator, dihtend, wicnere 27, 5 ecclesiffl, cercan 27, 5 regimine, .i. /(?///?, wissunje 27, 6 aooo nequiquam, ./'.yr#,r/r<2,onol, idel 27, 6 preeferant, .*'. anteponant, fore- settab 27, 7 eaalibatus, maejbhades 27, 7 lauacri, .i. baptismi, bweales 27, 8 mersus, ,i. tinctus, ced 27, 8 2005 ab original!, .i. principali, on bsere fernlican, fullim 27, 8 piaculo, . i. peccato, mandaede 27, 9 medullitus, . i. usque ad inlima, inwurdlice 27, 9 litterarura, jewrita 27, 9 apicibus, .i. litter is, stricu/tt, stafuOT 27, 10 2010 studium, ,i. doctrinam, smea- un je, lare 27, 1 1 gessi, .i.ordinaui, adreah 27, 11 si quod prestantissimum, ./'. optimum, gif aeni bine ar- wurolic, arwyrblicast 27, 12 tantopere, . i. tarn ualde, bearle [Hpt. 454-J27..14 taxauerat, .i. iudicauerat, he demde 27, 14 2015 quanto magis . . . fas est, ./'. eo magis, .i. conueniens, la hu bearflic hit is, neadbea(r)- flic is 27, 14 propagines, .{.progenies t ori- gines, bojas 27, 17 uitis, winjerdes 27, 18 scrobibus, . /. fossulis, scrobes sunt fosse, on furuw 27, 18 pastinantem, . i. n'ganfem, tyd- riende 27, 18 2020 loetiferas, .i. mortiferas, dead- bsere f. 34. 27, 19 necromantiae, jaldres 27, 19 labruscas, sprotu, sprancan 27, 19 itinerarium, .;'. librum quern to have understood it as ' advanced age.' 1990. hlote o. supprema in the line before. 1992. //. hwurflinces . R. hwyrflinges. Cp. Ang. viii. 3oi 35 f)(zt ger byS awend mid twi six hwyrfolunga. 2000. On oil cp. my note in Archiv Ixxxiv. 327; and Sievers, PBB. xviii. 208. Cp. MS. Bodl. 340, fol. I48 b on oil 7 on edwit. Is the ME. vb. ollen a derivative of it (cp. Skeat, Wars of Alexander, p. 415) ? 2004. ^.besenced: cp. 1739, &c. 2005. Is fernlican =firnlican ' ancient,' or =firenlican ' wicked ' 1 As the fern is evidently intended to do duty not only with the lican, but also with the fullum, the gloss, must have meant the latter, there being no *firnful 'ancient.' 2012. G. has quid. 2015. The gll. eo m., la hu p. h. is are wr. o. q. m., the others o.fas est. 2017. H. has winierdes. R. wingeardesl. It can scarcely be wingyrd 'a vine branch,' as gyrd is fern. 2018. After furii an erasure of about three letters. Cp. WW. 45 l3 . 2019. Cp. 1139. 2020. deadb&re wr. o. labruscas. 2021. galdres"} the a on an erasure. 2022. H. sprcetu : cp. note to f2, 63. 1. ALDHELM, DE LAUD. VIRG. 55 in itinere habebat, sibboc, forboc 27, 20 digestum, ,t'.ordt'na/um,'Qd.ihte 27, 21 2025 clarius, ,i. euidentius, swute- licor 27, 21 el(i)mauit, manifestauit, se je- rehte 27, 21 [ex] . . . bibliothecis, of bocu/tt 27, 22 aput romam, .i. cum romanis, mid ro 27, 24 pontificalia, .i. summi sacer- dotiz, biscoplic 27, 24 2030 cathedre, .*'. sedis, stoles 27, 24 sacerdotium, sacerhad 27, 25 europe, norj> 27, 25 parrochias, .i. adiacentes do- mus aut dwcesis, biscoprica 27, 26 glaciales, .i.frigidas, ba jice- lijan 27, 26 2035 alpium, .1. montium, heahtorra 27, 26 saltus, bearewaes 27, 26 preruptis, ./'. confraciis, of byrstijuflz 27, 27 scopulorum, .*'. saxorum emi- nentium, stanrocca, torra 27, 27 cautibus, .i. sax is t petris, cludum 27, 27 2040 cingunt, ,i. ctrcumdant, befoj? 27, 27 pudicitia, .i. casiitate, side 27, 29 fretus, .*'. fimctm, jebro , jebeld iugis, re parsimonia, .i, penuria t fem- perantia, spsernesse 2045 in clandestine, .*'. occulto, on dijluw crypte, cruftas speleo, ./'. spdunca, hole faucibus, ./. labn's, ceaflu spiritus, or]?as 2050 anhelitu, ./. suspirio, fngeste corriunpens, .*. confident, sli- tende latebrarum, .*'. secrelorutn, hiolstra descendisse, .i. subisse, asti- jan mire, .i. egregie, micelre 2055 magnitudinis, ./. fortiludis, ormaet ad sedandaru, *t. ad decipien- dam, to jeli|?ewaecan uesaniam, ./. rabiem, wodnesse [Hpt. 455-] fanatice, dioflices lustrationis, .*'. curricula an- norum, emrynes 2060 spurcalia, .i. fetida^ fylba 27, 29 27, 29 27, 29 27, 30 27, 30 27, 30 27, 31 27, 31 27,32 27, 32 27, 33 27, 33 27, 34 27, 34 27, 35 27, 36 27, 36 27, 36 27, 36 2028. R. mid rvmanum. 2030. stoles'] the o on erasure (of 11). 2032. R. twrjx&zles : cp. 4566. 2034. Cp. f7, 122; and 2497. 2037. byrstig 'jagged, broken' is conn, with berstan : cp. byrst ' injury, &c.' and eorpgebyrst (NSCk. p. 55). 2041. R. sidefulnysse : cp. 1144; 1469; 1718. 2042. R. gebrocen (from brutatt) : cp. WW. 399 13 fretus = brucende ; and for the passive form of the gl. WW. 247' functus = usus, genotad. 2043. G. jugi. R. ecelicerel 2046. H. cruftes alt. f. cruflan: cp. 3350 and note to 1557. 2049. ~R.arJ>es. 2051. slitende} li on an erasure. 2055. So MS. R. ornxztnysse. 2058. diof-~] io on erasure. 2060. The spurcalia appear to have been a heathen festival held in February. They are mentioned in the so-called Indiculus superstitionum (cp. Grimm, Deutsche Mythologie, 4th ed., iii. 403 ; and Man. Germ. iii. 19), where we read de spurcalibus in Februario. In the Homilia de sacrilegiis (ZfdA. xxv. 315; and C. P. Caspari, Eine Augustin falschlich beigelegte horn, de sacril., Christiania, 1886. p. io) they are referred to as dies spurcos (uel qui in mense februario hibernum credit expellere % uel qui OLD ENGLISH GLOSSES inextricabili, .z'. indissolubili^ unforedlicre 27, 36 collario, racenteje 27, 37 animaduersione, .z'. intellegen- h'a, mid wiriunje 27, 37 multauit, .i.puniuit, witnode f. 34^. 28, 1 2065 cultricem, .z. minislratricem, bijenjcest 28, 2 fguangelicis, licu#z 28, 2 as(s)ertionibus, .z'. adfirma- ttombus, mid jesebenjuw 28, 2 signis, .z'. prodigits, forebeac- nuffz 28, 3 correxit, .z'. conuertit, gecerde 28, 3 2070 precipuum, .i. maximum, healic 28, 4 documentum, .z'. doctrina, lac 28, 5 diuturna, . z'. longeua, Ian jfere, lanjsu/w 28, 6 elefantinosa, .z'. regia, wser- rehte, hreoflie 28, 6 sacramento, . z'. mysterio, jeryne 28, 7 2075 dicto citius, .z'. ueloctssime, swy^e rabe 28, 8 curaretur, .z'. sanarelur, jelac- nod 28, 8 gestus, .z'. actus, jewilnunj, styrunj 28, 9 cataplasma, .z'. medicina, cly- J)an 28, 10 tricarum, .t.nio)'arum,y\dinc'&a. 28, 10 2080 obstaculo, .z'. inpedtmento, wearne, rewanincje 28, 10 absurdum, . z'. inconueniens, forcu]?lic, unwraeste 28, 11 cleberrimum, . z'. opinatissi- mum, aebeleste 28, 12 genus, cyn 28, 12 taciturnitatis, . z'. probitatis, stilnysse 28, 13 2085 silent(i)o, of fosuwunje, mid swije 28, 13 oppilatum, .i.obturatum, fordyt 28, 1 3 uilesceret, .z'. contemptibilis es- set, awaca}? 28, 13 litterarum, .z. dogma turn, lara 28, 14 delitesceret, .z'. diu later et, be- mi]?e, fordwine 28, 14 2090 triumphantis, .z'. tmperantes, sijiriendes 28, 15 uictoria, sije 28, 15 sjrnodale, \\c\\m 28, 17 concilium, .z'. conloquium, je- mote, je]?ehte 28, 17 populis, .i.plebibus, folcuw 28, 18 2095 confluentibus, .z'. conuenienti- dus, samod cummdu;;z 28, 18 rabbites, .z'. magistros, lareo- was 28, 19 dira, .z'. crudelta, rej?e 28, 19 spicula, .z'. sagttte, jaras f. 35. 28, 19 in ipso mense dies spurcos ostendif}. On the spurcalia cp. Caspari, I.e., p. 36; and H. A. Saupe, Der indiculus super stitionum, Leipzig, 1891, p. 7. The name is obviously formed from the Latin spurcus on the model of Saturnalia, &c., and this may have suggested the Eng. gl. Apart from this, a monkish gloss, might naturally use fylpa as a gl., heathen rites of all kinds being not unfrequently spoken of as spurcitia or inquinamenta (cp. Caspari, p. 37). 2061. Cp. 2398; 5069. 2063. H. has the Lat. gl. maledictione. 2065. R. bigengcestran : cp. 1358; 4431; WW. 2i6 30 . 2066. R. godspellicum : cp. 1797 ; 2592 ; 3067. 2071. leu: (so MS.) is wr. o. precipuum in the line before. H. has the better reading lar. 2083. cyn o. cejeb-. 2085. So MS. H. has of forsuwunge, mid swigen (for -art). 2089. bemi]>an is used intransitively as well as transitively : cp. Word-index. 2092. R. sinoplicum. 1. ALDHELM, DE LAUD. VIRG. 57 28, 32 torquentes, .i. inuolnentes, obrizo, aplatedu/# bij , ba sceotende 28, 20 purpureis, brunbasewu/w, 2100 clypeo, jescyldnysse re(a)duw 28, 32 [Hpt. 456.] 28, 21 2120 ornatum, .i. compost turn, je- confutat, ./. uincit, astynte 28, 21 latentium, .i. occultarum, be- mibendra 28, 22 praesagia, forewitejunja 28, 22 sopori, .i. leui somno, slaepe 28, 24 2105 [cum] . . . dedisset, .i. incli- nasset, ba ba he helde, bi^ede 28, 25 debitum, neadinysse, neode 28,25 2125 muri, . /. in uisione, ./. in somno, gesibbe 28, 25 brunge satis, .i. ualde, swybe 28, 26 decrepita, .i. inueterata, for- wered, forworen, foreald 28, 26 21 10 suscitare, .*'. res/aurare,a.r&ra.n 28, 27 mbetwc,.i.prcecipiebalur, hehet28, 27 iuuencula, . i. uirguncula, scyl- cen, fasmne, meowle 28, 29 pulcherrima, .i. speciosissima^ aenlicoste 28, 29 uelud, .i. quasi, swylce 28, 29 2115 uenustf, .i. egregie, wynsum- worhtne 28, 32 artatur, .i. constringitur, je- brsest 28, 36 frugalitatis, spasrnysse, jemet- junje 28, 37 macilento, .i. tenuato, jehlsen- seduw f. 35b. 28, 37 soluitur, .i. redditur, ajyf 29, 1 edificia, tim- 29, 4 consumti, forfarene 29, 4 in albis, under crysmuwz 29, 6 limina, ./. hostia, du 29, 7 circuisti, .i. inirasti, geond- fer 29, 7 2130 labarum, sejel, jubfan 29, 8 quod, se 29, 8 eum, hine 29, 12 ut, he 29, 12 transitus sui, .i. itineris, his faereldes 29, 12 ere, fsejre 28,29 2135 quam, bgene 29,13 contemplatione. .i. consider a- in iuuenculam, ./'. in uirgun- tione^ emwla 28, 30 culam, to, on idesan 29, 14 clamidem, . i. uestem, basincje, suscitabis, . /'. instaurabis, ^eed- waefel 28, 31 stabeles, araerest 29, 14 2099. R. bigende. 2102. Cp. 2089. 2105. So also H. for btgde. 2107.80 also H. (cp. Ang. vi. 100) : cp. also 2170; 3015, where both MSS. again have J>J>, instead of hp. Cp. 404; 406, where both MSS. have h]>. 2109. R. forealdod. 2111. The Eng. gl. should be in the passive; the gloss, understood it, 'he, Sylvester, ordered C. to raise.' 2116. R. emwlaiunge : cp. 244. 2117. R. wafelse. 2118. Cp. 450. 2124. R. agyfen. 2127. Cp. f2, 66. In H. the gl. is wrongly assigned to baptizatus. Cp. Plummer's note in his ed. of Beda's Hist, cedes., Oxf., 1896, ii. p. 280. 2128. R. dura. 2129. R. geondferdest. 2130. //. has segen, gu$fa. R. guj>fanan. The better reading is segen, which was no doubt that of the orig. (cp. BT.}; segel meant 'sail, and only in isolated instances was it confused with segen: cp. WW. 435 1 ' ; 476 19 larbamim=segl; 493^ labara = segelgyrd. 2136. So also H. Cp. note to 1557. OLD ENGLISH GLOSSES constructa, ./'. edificata, je- wro [Hpt. 457.] 29, 18 indicans, ./'. manifestans, cyb- ende f. 36. 29, 20 2140 communicans, .i. sacrificans, jemaensumiende 29, 22 sacramentum, jerynae 29, 23 ascendit, ./. insedit, hleop 29, 23 per semitas, .i.per z/;'a.r, sibfata 29, 24 transacto, ,i. euoluto, jeend- edre 29, 27 2145 officio, .i. gradu, be 29, 28 consummato, ,i. finito, jefylle- dum 29, 28 curriculo, .i. cursu, ryne 29, 28 consortio, .i. contubernio,~$ffex- raeddene 29, 30 NECTARIS, . i. dukedinis, we 29, 32 1150 AMBROSIA, of swetnesse 29, 32 [sub] . . . uelamento, . i. indu- mento, under waefesse 29, 33 delitescere, .i. later e, fordwinan 29, 33 mellifluam, hunibaere 29, 34 praerogatiuam, . i, excellentiam, frutfzgyfe, wyrbmynte 29, 35 2155 praesagia, . i. presc la, forewite- junje 29, 35 in cunis, .*'. in cunabults, on cildcradeluw 29, 36 supinus, upriht, astreht 29, 36 ex inprouiso, . i. subito, unfor- wandedlice 29, 36 examen, ./'. multitude, swearm 29, 37 2160 labra, ,t. labia, smasras 29, 37 periculo, .i. damno, pleo 29, 37 tenera, . i. gradlia, mearewa f. 3 6k 30, 1 labella, .i. labia, smseras 30, 2 frequentabant, lo^lsehtan 30, 2 2165 euentum, .i. quod euenit, jelimp 30, 3 rei, wisan 30, 3 uerna, .i.famula, wyl 30, 3 per sBthera, . /. per aera, lyfta 30, 5 euolantes, uelociter curren/es, awej fleonde 2170 uisus, .i. aspectus, aufugiunt, hi onwej flu effulserit, .i. claruit, seine neminem, nasnije expertum, s. esse, .?'. t'nuenire, bedaeeledne 30, 8 2175 digesta, ./'. ordinata, jedihle 30, 9 cflibes, .i.puberes, ba else 3O, 10 strictis, . z'. conltgatis, mid stibuw 30, 1 legibus, .i. ordinibus, laju; 30, 10 lasciuam, ./. uoluptatem, ba wrsenan 30, 11 2180 petulantiam, .i. libidinem, jal 30, 11 cohartantes, ./'. constn'ngentes, brea 30, 11 30, 5 30, 5 30, 6 30, 7 30, 7 2138. ~&.gewroht. 2141. sacramentu] e alt. f. a. 2 J 45- R-fenunge. 2149. R. weredes. 2151. R. -vocefelse, as in ff. 2I 54- Cp. WW. 178" Praerogatiua=frumgifu t synderwurSmynt. 2156. ^.WW.\^\^. 2160. Cp. 697. 2163. G. labra. Cp. 697. 2164. -lahtan\ h alt. f. another letter. 2167. & a uerna; G. Vernce. R. layltte. 2170. Cp. 2107. 2171. R.Jlugon. 2174. ^.bedcel-. The gloss, misr. the lemma as expertem. 2I 75- ffdihte o. didicerit. 2176. R. clcenan. 2I 79- I s uoluptatem intended as gl. to 2180? Or did the gloss, r. lasdniam ? 2180. "R.galnysse (cp. 4221 ; 8, 362), or galscipe (5290; 2, 447). 2181. R.fireatiende. 1. ALDHELM, DE LAUD. V1RG. 59 titillationum, . i. stimulorum hixtirie, tolcetunje 30, 12 gestus, .?'. actus, jebae , dsede, jewilnunje 3O, 12 indomitos, . i.feroces, ungewylde 30, 1 2 2185 bigarum, .i. bige, ubi duo equi curru iunguntur, craeta, scri)?ena 3O, 12 subiugales, nyte , hors, weorf [Hpt. 458.] 30, 12 ferratis, ./. crudis, of isenu/?z 3O, 13 saliuaribus, midluztt, bridluw 3O, 13 refrenantes, .i. prohibentes, je- wyldende 30, 13 2190 catacuminorum, .i. auditorum, leafhlestendra 30, 15 gradu, .*'. or dine, jejnncjje 30, 16 [in] . . . statu, on wununje, on stede 30, 16 stipem, ./'. alimoniam, bileofan 30, 16 pauperculis, .i. miser is, J>ear CUOT 30, 1 6 2195 erogantem, .i. diuideniem, bryt- stnienduw 30, 17 nocturnae, licere 3O, 18 quieti, .i. silenlii tsomno, raeste 30, 18 integritatis, .i. castitatis, claen corona, .i. (zterna gloria, wul- derbeaja f. 37. 2200 infula, J?inJ>e, wur]?scipe quas, }>a he diadema, .*'. corona, cynehelm crepundiorum, healsmyna lunulas, frsetewunje, preonas 2205 indefessis, .i. magms, miclu?;z memoratur, jereht, jemunen catacumini, . /'. audientis, jeleaf- hlystendes, jecristnodes dira, stif) grassatrix, .i. deuoratrix, for- swel^end, onhi5iende 2210 regenerantis, .i, renouantis, dre sacramento, ./. munere dtuino, jeryne perniciter, . i. mortaliter, raed [cadauer, ,i,funus\ . . . redi- uiuuna, .z'. iterum uiuum, cuced rsew 30, 19 30, 19 30, 20 30, 20 30, 20 30, 21 30, 21 30, 21 30, 22 30, 23 30, 23 30, 24 30, 25 30, 26 30, 26 30, 27 2182. Cp. 4984. In both cases If. has wrongly tolgetunge. 2183. R.getxeru. Cp. 2077. 2185. Cp. 4163 scrtfes, and 4742, where the spelling scrife points rather to scri]>e than scride. This scrip for scrid prob. owes its^ to the vb. scrij-an. On the ending -ena cp. note to 1557. 2186. R. nytenu. On weorf cp. NSCh. p. 129. 2190. R.geleaf-, as in H. ; 2, 69 ; and -\-S. 103. 2195. //. has brystmendum. R. brytsniendum f. bryts(e]nian (f. brytsen 'a fragment') 'to distribute, deal out.' The only other instance of this hitherto unrecorded vb. I have met with is in ES. viii. 473 33 ne nan fa eorblican ])ing ne mag butan synne gebrytsnian, where it seems to mean ' enjoy, possess,' 2196. R. nihtlicerel 2I 97- T Qe gl- might also be r. reste. 2198. R. d&nnysse. 2199. ~R.-beage. 2200. J>in]>e for )>incj>e (=gef-}. 2201. G. quant. 2209. H. has onhichiende. Cp. 3438 grassaretur = onhigeae (so also H. ; but H. has the add. marginal note grassor = ic onhige) ; 495 2 ingruenti = onhigiendre (so also Jf.). Is it on fitgian ? Cp. AhdG. iv. 683" Incubuit=onihude, app. for onkigade (a gl. taken from a lost MS. of Beda's Vita Cuthb. preserved in 1 7th and 1 8th cent, excerpts). Cp. also WW. 355" incumbunt = onnhiga]>, which, however, is very possibly miswr. for onhnigap: cp. 630 grassante = onhnigendre. 2212. R. (Ji)r.'s scinlacan { = lecc. Cp. 5484 imbricibtis =J>ece. In both cases we must prob. r. pecenum (not fiacuni). In this instance the orig. presumably had face, whence, by an easy miscopying, the pecc of H. The -urn of D. is taken o. f. the other gll. bryce ' a fragment ' is not a suitable gl. 2261. So H. Cp. 3475 diruit = tohryrde (H. tohrerde]. Have we here tohreran 'to shake to pieces,' or is it = WS. *tdhrieran, the causative of tohreosan] The instances given in the next note make the latter more likely, as a-, gehreran would simply mean 'to shake.' 2263. R. ahryred. In H. ahry is wr. on margin and is taken as gl. to diruta ; this is no doubt right, cp. WW. 222 s6 dirutus = ahryred '; 229 16 eruta = ahrerede ; 496 18 dirtita=gehriered. The vb. a-, gehrleran (y, e) is evidently the causative ot hreosan. Cp. prec. note. 2269. R. unwtymetenlice : cp. 337, &c. 2270. 'H. on snoterlicum !-. Did the gloss, of D. take the word o. f. 2268 ? 2271. By the side of gescola 'a schoolfellow' and gescola ' a debtor' there exists a gescola (from scolu) ' one of the same troop, a companion '; cp. MS. Junius 22, fol. 114 Ac he cwyS Jxzt was gegearwod fram frtiman pisses rniddaneardes deoflum j his gescolum. 2277. Cp. 405. 2280. R. firmnhadl-. 62 OLD ENGLISH GLOSSES propositum, .t. gradum, inje- hyde 81, 17 gymnicum, larlicere [Hpt. 460.] 81, 1 7 stadium, ./. exercitium,\y\"^tr\y 31, 18 feminini, lices 31, 18 2285 simulacra, .*'. stahta, hiwe 31, 18 coronam, .i. diadema, wulder- beaje 31, 20 allocuntur, . i. sermoc inabantur, hi synden gerehte 31, 20 ex nobis, s. duabus, of unc 31, 2 1 coniectura, of rsedelse 31, 24 2290 his argumentis, . t. sfudiis, bys- \\m jecneordnessuw 31, 24 animaduerti, . i. intelligi, beon underjyten 31, 25 fas, ,i. conuem'ens, rihtlic 31, 25 munificentia, . i. liber alitas, gyfe 31, 26 sortis suppreme, .i. distribu- tionis, ,i. ultime, bsere yte- meste hlytes, dales 31, 27 2295 probabilius, .i. laudabilius, afandelicor 31, 29 illustrius, .i. eximius, maer 31, 30 urbanitate, . i. disertitudine, je- tincnesse 31, 32 in prologo, .i. in sequentis open'spr(zfa/ione,foresprsece 31, 32 apologitico, .i. accussabili, on beladiendlicere 31, 33 2300 exposuit, .i. tractauit, atrah 31, 33 celeberrimus, .i. excelleniissi- mus, se bremeste f. 38 b . 31, 33 cappadox, .i. episcopus cappa- docie, cappadoniscre scire 31, 34 eeque, .i. similiter, jelice 31, 34 rethoricis, jetincum 31, 35 2305 disciplinis, .i. doc trim's, laru^ 31, 35 normam, .i. rectitudinem, bisne 31, 36 reciprocis, .i. z'/mz/z'.r,edlaeden- duw 31, 36 scedarum, cartena, jewrita 31, 36 sciscitationibus, .i. inierroga- 31, 37 2310 uicaria, .i. alternatione, midje- wrixere 31, 37 litterarum, .i. d^gmafum, sta- fena 81, 37 luce clarius, .:'. euidentius, swybe swutelice 31, 37 ad liquidum, .i. manifeste, openlice 32, 1 eloquently, jleaw 32, 3 2315 dissertitudine, .i. a disserendo dictus, gleaw 32, 3 edidit, . i. conuertit, forj? ateah, acende, jesette 32, 3 floruerit, weox 32, 5 [ex] . . . elogio, .i. textu Ifama elo- quiorum, of spsece, jydde 32, 5 eoniecturam, raedels 32, 5 2283. bigenge dat. owing to prec.y&r. 2287. The gloss, has taken the lemma for a passive. 2294. R. fees ytemestan. 22 95- R afandedlicor. The gloss, has taken the lemma (an adj.) for an adv. Cp. LSc. 227* probabilis = afandigendlic, 2296. R. mcerre. 2300. R. atrahtnode. Cp. Ang. viii. 3o8 15 . 2307. H. has the correct edlacendum : cp. 2363; 2752 ; 4787. 2310. R. gewrixlere : cp. 3001. 2311. Cp. note to 1557. 2314-5. R. glea-wnesse. Cp. 5490; 2, 493 ; 6, i ; 9, 14. 2316. ateah} the h alt. f. another letter. 2318. gydde in a larger hand (the 2nd Lat. ?). B. prints ofsprace as one word, whence the ofsprac in Leo, BT., HI. and Sw. But the of is evid. the prep, and translates the prec. ex, so that ofsprac must be struck out of the dictionaries. UN" 1. ALDHELM, DE LAUD. F7RG. 63^^^ 2320 prosequentis, .i'.narran/t's,rec- sermocinari, wordlian f. 39. 32, 14 cendes 32, 5 2340 pudicitif, side 32, 16 contionatorum, .t. rethorum, inmunitatem, .i. castitatem,Qi- bannendra, mabeliendra, ceasnysse 32, 16 wordliendra 32, 7 ad promerendas, to jeear- pro rostris, .i. muris, for heah- nienne 32,16 seldutfz, on wealluw, jemot- strenug, .i.forlis, raeddre 32,16 stowum 32, 8 integritatis, anwealhnysse 32, 16 coTLtiona,Tntur,.2.sermoa'nan/ur, 2345 imperio, .i.potestate, mihte 32, 18 rsedab, mabeliab 32, 9 indomita, .i. ineffrenata, un- contionis, .i. sermonis, raedelse jewyld 32, 18 [Hpt. 461.] 32, 9 lasciuig, .;'. luxurie, wraensan 32, 18 2325 dispari, .i. dissimili, unjelicu/w 32, 9 refrenetur, .i. castigetur, wyld 32, 19 sexu, gradu, hade 32, 10 uernacula, .i. ancillat serua, ceu propria, non aliena, swylce byftan 32, 1 9 ajenuw 32, 10 2350 insolescat, .i. sufierZ>ia/,a.vfo\fie 32, 20 fruniscantur, . i.fruan/ur, bru- nutibus, .i. imperils, mid mihtuzrc 32, 20 ca]7 32, 10 mancipatur, .i. commendetur, persona,. i.nomine, hade, naman 32, 10 jebraest, jehaeft 32,20 2330 attonitis, .i. arredis, blic 32,11 contuberniali, .i. amicabili, auditoribus, .i. auscultoribus, mid leofre, masnlicere 32,20 hlystendmw 32, 11 Boda,lit&te,.i./amitiari/a/e,fer- ignaris, .i. insciis, nitenduw 32, 11 raedene 32, 21 auscultatoribiis, hlosneruw 32, 11 2355 adherescat, . i. prosequatur, he recludentes, bemibende 32, 12 to jebeode 32, 21 2335 abstrusa, fordytte bine 32, 12 carnificum, .i. interfeclorum, patefaciant, swu 32, 13 feorhbanena 32, 24 contionandi, .i. loquendi, to STIBARIUS, .i. orator, syla, raedende, wordiende 32, 14 sulhandla 32, 27 prgphatus, . i. pradictus, saeda 32, 14 sator, .i. seminator, saedere 32, 28 2322. Cp. WW. 42' Pro rostris (wrongly printed Prorostris] =haehsedlum ; 470'. Cp. also WW. t496 2 323- Cp. 2337. 2324. rcedels is here fern. 2330. ff. ablit. R. ablicgedum : cp. 3506. 2331. R. auscultat-, as in H. 2333. Cp. Ang. viii. 304^. 2 334- }'he gloss, has misunderstood his Lat. lemma, which here means 'revealing.' 233(5. R. swtitelien. 2337. So also H. R. -wordliende. 2338. R. se foresceda, 2340. R. sidefulnesse : cp. 1144; 1469; 1718. 2343. R. hraddre. 2344. anwealkn-~\ the 2nd stroke of the h also does duty for the ist stroke of the n. 2349. ^-Jyflen : cp. 2716, and early ME. (SW.) Jntften* 2350. H. awolfige t woffle. R. awoffie. Cp. 4668. 2353. G. -rnali. R. geman-. 2357. syla ( = *sulkjon} is only recorded here. On the strength of this gl. Leo, HI., Sw., and BT. all have a sulkkandla 'a ploughman,' but I think that the sulhandla here merely means 6 4 OLD ENGLISH GLOSSES occa, ear, fealh 32, 29 2360 granigeris, cornbaeru/tt 32, 29 spicis, earim, ejlim 32, 30 unde, )?anon forb 32, 30 reciprocis, jeondflowendum, edlaecen [Hpt. 462.] 32, 31 fluentis, wseteruw f. 39 b . 32, 31 2365 millenos, fealde 32, 31 manipulos, jilman 32, 32 noualibus, dincju;;z 32, 32 cum, bonne 32, 33 in ictu, .i. in putic/o, on prince, preowthwile 32, 33 2370 atomo, beorht 32, 34 elementa, . i. fortune t sidera, jedrihtu 32, 34 sequestratis, .?'. diuisis i todae 32, 35 inexhaustum, .i. indefectum, unateoreduw 32, 36 [nonne] . . . percrebruit, la hu ne jewidmaersude 33, 2 2375 plenius, .z'./^r/^r///,fulfremed- licor 33, 2 simple, .i. specially anfealdre 33, 4 a pellaci genero, .i. afallaci, fraw leasuw abume 33, decepto, .i. triolatus, bepaechtu/w 33, 7 proditus, . i. propalatus, ^eypt 33, 8 2380 et publicatus, .i. diunlgatus, j jeswu 33, 8 a primeuo, .i. ab ineunte, of frymfbylduw 33, 8 pubertatis, .i. adohscentie, cnihthades 33, 8 solitudinis, aenettes 33, 9 'plough-handle' and originated from a gloss, whose eye only caught the 1st part of stibarius: cp. 2732, and WIV. 104". 2 359- fealh in the ist Lat. hand; the h alt. f. another letter. The occurrence of ear (as gl. to occa) again 2735 proves the existence of an otherwise unrecorded ear ' a harrow,' the agreement in spelling in both cases rendering an error highly improbable. As to fealh 'a harrow' cp. f2, 75 fealh; fi, ^6felch; flO, 5 felg; WW. t45 7 fttrh, fylging, walk (r.fa/A'); j-495 20 wealh (t. fealh) odSe wyrding. Cp. also Epin. Gl. 713; WW. 463' occas =fealga. In the foil, instances the lemma occas is taken from Aldhelm (G. I42 20 ) : 15, I felga; 17, 2 felga ; IVPV'. c,i8 lt fealge. Thisfea/A ( = *falgo), pi. fealga, is ME./a/w^ 'ploughed land, &c.,' NE. fallow, NHG. (dial.) Falge. From it comes the OE. \\>.fealgian 'to harrow' (cp. Ang. ix. 261, 1. 8), NE. to fallow 'to plough or break up land,' MHG. valgen ' umackern,' Mod. Germ. dial, and East Frisian falgen. There must also have been a LWS. vb. *fylgan, Mercian *fcelgan, of which only the verbal sb. is recorded: WW. 34 22 faelging =navalia; 35 2 *=0avz; 458' fylging. Quite a diff. word, though some- times thrown together with it, is QE.felg, pi. felga, 'the rim of a wheel,' NE. felly, felloe ( = *fe/go), OHG. felga, NHG. Felge (cp. E. Zupitza, Die germanischen Gutttirale, pp. 132 and 190). It is possible that the e of the forms felh, felg, &c., cited above is due to confusion with this word. 2363. //. ongendft-. R. ongean flowenfoim, edlxcendum : cp. 506, where D. has ongean jlowende, and //. ongent Jlowende. 2365. R. Jnisendfealde : cp. 434. 2366. So also H. Cp. note to 1557. 2367. Cp. note to 1409. 2369. Cp. LSc. 43 16 in ictu oculi = on prince eages. Cp. also 3683. 2370. in atomo 'in an instant.' R. beorhthwile. Cp. 3247 in puncto (temporis) = on beorhthwile. Cp. also f2, 78 bryht for bryhthwile. Other instances of the word beorht(m]hwtl-, byrht(ni}- are: MS. 178 (Corpus Christi Coll., Cambridge), p. 157 hi wurdon abitene on anre beorhthwile cetforan pain cyninge fram J>am frecum deorum; Luke iv. 5 (MSS. A, B) byrhtmhwile. In WW. f 424" ; +495" in atomo is glossed by in breahtme. 2371. Cp. f7, 145 ; t 8 TI 9 ! \S- IJO - Cp. PBB. 9, 242. 2372. R. todceledum. 2 374- Note intrans. use of gewidmcersian : cp. 2585; 2769; 2840; 4567. 2380. R. geswutelod. 2381. So also //. R.frymp-: cp. 5211. The gl., as it stands, has the appearance of an adj., but the orig. presumably had the sb. frymjtyldu glossing primevo tyrocinio, and a later scribe took the gl. to be an adj. translating primevo only. He therefore changed the sb. ending -u to the adj. ending -urn. Cp. WW. -f^i 22 from ticere frumildo. We seem to have a similar alteration in S. 185 in primeuo . . . \rndimcnto\ =on frymftyldre (for -ylde). 2383. Cp. 3638; 2, 233. 1. ALDHELM, DE LAUD. V1RG. fatescunt, . i. deficiunt, acwincaS 33, 1 2385 mundani, .i. secular i, cere 33, 10 uilescunt, .?'. pereunt, waciab, unwyrbiao' 33, 11 barritus, . i. mugitus, jrunnunja 33, 1 1 truculentos . . . [fremitus, sonos], . i.feroces, lablice jrymetun ja 33, 1 2 ardentis, . /. flagrantis, des 33, 12 2390 defensaculo, .i. tutela, je- scyldnesse 33, 12 consuta, mid gewefenuwz f. 40. 33, 13 plecta, . i. era/ere, wsefelsa, je- wynde 33, 14 et prgdulci, .i. suaui, 7 burh- weredre 33, 14 dactilorum, appla 33, 14 2395 sagina, . i. pinguedine, fgetnesse 33, 14 debitum, neadwisnesse 33, 15 soluit, .*'. relaxauit, jelseste 33, 15 inextricabili, .i. indissolubili, unforedlicum 33, 16 repagulo, .i.freno, bende 33, 17 2400 terna, breowfealduffj 33, 18 intercapedine, .*'. spatio, fsece 83, 18 bucellam semiplenam, .i. di- midiam partem, healfne bannuc 33, 19 crustulf, .t. pant's, rindan 33, 19 penniger, uelox, fiberbsere [Hpt. 4 6 3 .] 33, 19 65 33, 19 2405 prepes, .t. ales, fujel indefessis, .*". infatigabilibus, unateoriendu/rc 33, 19 famulatibus, .i. serm'fns, ben 33, 20 reciprocis, mid swiftUTW 33, 20 hiulco, .i. aperto, ieoniendu/w 33, 20 2410 rostro, .i. ore, bile 33, 20 decrepitam, ba forweredan 33, 21 inexhaustam, .i. non deficien- tem, ungetyredne, unateo- redne 33, 21 accepto ferre, .i. accipere, un- derfon 33, 22 PALESTINE, s. prouincie, bges hiredlican 33, 23 2415 accola, .i. habitalor, inlendisca 33, 23 ethnicis, . i. gentilibus, of haeb- enum 33, 24 parentibus, . i. coghatis, maju/rc 33, 24 spinetis, byrnettUOT 33, 25 [de] . . . nascentibus, .i. gig- nentibus, of acennendlicu/w, wexendutfz 33, 25 2420 ea tempestate, . i. ea turbine, on bsere hreohnesse, jedref- nesse 33, 26 cflebri, ./'. eximti, mid sebe- \\\m 33, 27 interpretum, wealcstoda 33, 28 Cp. also GrD., Bk. ii, ch. 3 (MS. Hatton 76, fol. 34) He ]>a se halga wer eft gehwearf to pare stowe his leofan anettes. The word tenet, dnet is nent., though Cosijn (ii. 18) assumes a fem./0-stem on account of CP. 47 2 , where he takes anette to be gen. sg. But it is prob. dat. sg. (cp. PBB. ix. 234). 2387. In H. grunung, -nian is each time (here, 4337, and 4378)"wr. with a single n, as also in ^EG. 129* grundX. But cp. grunnettan WW. 25', and ME.grunny (Ayenb.). 2392. R. wcefelse. Cp. WW. 471 l plectasgewind; and 3888. 2393. G. wrongly pro dulci. Jturhvuered ' very sweet ' is a compound, not two words as in H. 2394. dactil-'] i alt. f. u. R.. fingerappla 1 Cp. 472 ; 3843. 2398. Cp. 2061; 5069. 2407. R.flenungum. 2409. H.niniendum. N. geoniendutn . 2414. The gloss, misr. the lemma v&palatint : cp. 2996 ; 7, 215 ; 8, 266 ; S. 160. 2420. gedref- nesse] both r and/alt, f. other letters. Cp. note to 1599. 3422. N. wealh-', cp. note to 4495. [iV. It] F 66 OLD ENGLISH GLOSSES prsBstantissimus, ,i. excellen- tissimus, wyrbfullesta 33, 29 opinionum, herunga 33, 29 2425 extollit, .i.eleuauit, up ahefde, arserde f. 4O b . 33, 30 homerum, s, rethorem, word- snoteran 33, 30 emergeret, .*'. inspiceret, up amylde 33, 30 ob integritatem, .*'. propter pudicitiam, andwealhnysse 33, 31 conseruandam, .i. obseruan- dam, to je 33, 32 2430 squalentis, .i. sordentis, horx- lices 33, 33 prius, .i. ante, ser bonne 33, 34 contemplatiuam, ,i. specula- tiuam, $ gastlice, heofenlice 33, 34 practicam, .i. actualem, and- wurdan 33, 34 habitator, .i. incola, inlenda 33, 35 2435 lasciuam, ba wrsenan 33, 35 familicf, hunjrijre 33, 36 frugalitatis, .i. temper antie, gneabnysse, t jneadlicnys, frugalitas 33, 36 ut non calcitres, .i. ut non pugnes, f bu ne spearlast, steartlast 33, 37 paleis, windwigceafutf/ [Hpt. 464-] 34, 1 2440 fame, .i. inedia, hunjres 34, 1 conficiam, gewaece 34, 1 prodigiis, ./. signis, fore 34, 2 municipium, . i. oppidum, faesten 34, 5 mandibularum, .i. dentium molarum, jeajla 34, 6 2445 gulosa, fraecfulre, fraecum 34, 7 uentris, innobes 34, 7 ingluuie, jyfernesse, wasende 34, 7 armenta, briber u 34, 8 agriculas, eorbtilian 34, 8 2450 bubulcos, cuhyrdas f. 41. 34, 9 subulcos, swanas 34, 9 spiritus, orbes, fnaestes 34, 9 obsorbeat, .i. deuoret, he for- swealh hoc modo, .i. taliter, bus 2455 Pyram, ad struf , wudefine stipitum, bojana in edito, on heahnysse flammantibus scindulis, ardentibus, branduwz 2460 succensam, .i'.arden/em,a.tendne 34, 12 prsephatum, .i. prcedictum, basne foresasdan 34, 1 3 34, 9 34, .1 1 34, 11 34, 11 34, 11 34, 11 34, 12 2426. words noterari\ betw. s and n part of a letter erased. 2 4 2 7- Cp. note to 4784. 2428. Cp. 1948. 2430. Cp. 1789. 2 437- R- gneaftlicnys. 2438. R. spearnlast . 2442. R. forebeacnum : cp. 2068; 2550; 3493, &c. 2445. K. fracnfulre. But the Brussels MS. really hasfrtetfu/re : cp. Ang. vi. 100. 2452. H. has the add. gl. hfcestes (r. hwcestes) : cp. note to 2472. 2456. In f7, 157 ; fS, 125 ; WW. t497 26 we have the uncompounded fine (wrongly printed as Lat. in WW. : cp. Archiv Ixxxiv. 326). Further instances are WW. I5O 30 strues = wudefine , OET. (Erf. GL}, p. no, no. 1169 cello, lignariafin; no. 1186 lignarium, ligneum =fin\ CS. \. 518*' tianon on gerihte on cyncges limfine, of ftcerefine niSer ofer heanleah, &c. The last example, which I owe to Mr. W. H. Stevenson, and which yields us the hitherto unrecorded compound limfin ' lime-heap,' shows that the word was used of other things besides wood, and that its gender was fem. In this it agrees with the corresponding OHG. witu-fina (AhdGl. i. 646 strues = vuitujffina ; Otfrid\\. 9, 48 uuituuiiia). 2457. Cp. 1557. 1. ALDHELM, DE LAUD. VIRG. scandere, .i. ascender e, faren 34, 14 compellens, . i. pracipiens, neadiende 34, 14 squamigeros, . i. scabrosos, ostrje 34, 14 2465 costarum, ribba 34, 15 crates, hyrdlas 34, 15 spine, ,t. dor si, ribbes, hricjes 34, 15 curuaturam, jebijednesse 34, 15 coquentibus, . i. assantibus, bladesiendu/tt 34, 15 2470 titionum, branda 34, 16 bestie, .i.diaboh', deores,deofles 34, 17 flatibus, fnsestuw 34, 17 eripuit, .i. liber -ami, gribode 34, 17 feruentis, . i.furentis, ystendre, wealcendre 34, 18 2475 oceani, sse, reohnesse 34, 18 flustra, flodas 34, 18 cataclismi, .i. diluuii, flodes 34, 18 cerula, brewmas egrederentur, .i. ext'rent, ofer- foren 2480 inmptionem, onraes, onbryce minaretur, ba ba eijsude seu, s. quasi, swa swa synd chaos, dwolman cogerentur, .i. compellerentur, neadude 2485 frementes, .z'.ywraz/r,wedende fluctus, yba gurgitum, waja inexperto, unjemettuw, on cubuzrc terrore, eijscu 2490 signa, signacula, bletsunja, tacna [Hpt. 465.] in glarigeris, on saelicuzw [cum] . . . sulcaret, . ?'. labor aret, ba ba mearcode, furede 34, 19 34, 19 34, 20 34, 20 34, 20 34, 21 34,21 34, 22 34, 22 34, 23 34, 23 34, 23 34, 24 34, 24 34, 25 2469. Cp. 554. 2472. ff. hwasttum : cp. 2452. Must we assume a hwcest 'a blowing,' or is it in each case corrupted Lfnast 1 2478. //. and -f-2, 90 brymmas. As BT. only gives a single instance of brymm (not brymme, as in the dictionaries : cp. the fourth and the three last examples cited here) I add a few more : Sffy. p. 6 ponti mitescunt freta=sces geli]>ew(zca8 brymmas (this is Lye's instance, quoted in BT^)\ ibid. 38 aequora = brymmas ; ibid. 70 aequore of brymme ; ibid. 74 quern terra, pontus, aethera colunt =J>cene eorj>e, brym (in view of the other instances from SHy. I assume this to be = t>rymm, not brim neut.) roderas wurSiap ; DRit. 6i 16 pelagi = brymmes ; Chron. A.D. 1065 ceald brymmas; sEff,'i\. 138* on dam sealtan brymme; ibid. 142^ mid sealtum brymme; ibid. I44 20 ofer done sealtan brym ; ibid. 378' J3 Hi Sa oferreowon done brym ; ibid. 384 19 oferrowan J>one brym. It is clear f. these instances that the meaning of the OE. word was 'sea, flood, water, wave'; there is no evidence of its meaning ' border, shore,' as is generally assumed. The ME. brimme (f. Lajamon onwards) 'coast, shore,' NE. brim, is apparently a different word and is presumably cognate with MHG^brem ' border, edging,' and NHG. verbramen, 2487. Gl. is wr. o. moles. 2488. So also H. ; except that ungemettum ( = ' not met with, unknown ') is wrongly assigned to moles. The gloss, who wrote on cufium r. his lemma as in experto. 2489. H. egiscum. Can the orig. have had ege s. en (i.e. scilicet cuni) ? Or is it merely a corruption of egesan or egesunge 1 Leo's egisc ' terror ' (cp. also ///. p. 81) must of course be rejected. 2490. G. has signacula in the text. 2492. Cp. 4323 sulcate=gefurede; 2,319 sulcate=gefyrede; 46,49 restilcans=ongean Jirigende; LSc. 124* prose indere =fyrian (incorrectly printed scyrian by Rhodes. The MS., which I have examined, hasfyrtan, and it is correctly cited both by Lye and Kluge, S. ix. 37). Thefyrian forms are no doubt due to the mixing up of filrian ( = *furhojan) and/yran ( = *furhjan}, which latter vb. occurs WW. 462" obliquat=fyre$. This gl. is taken from Aldhelm's Middles (G. 263'*) : Nttnc ferri stimulus faciem (of the writing tablet) proscindit amoenam, Flexibus et sulcos obliquat ad instar aratri. The gloss, rendered sulcos obi. by/yreS. Ci>.a\sosG.288 n /'ivyfyred'e=otsu/fus; 2%%va.r.tris.^]>ryfyrede. F 2 68 OLD ENGLISH GLOSSES sablonum, .i. harcnarum, wasa 34, 25 bilustris, twyhwyrtuw 34, 37 litoribus, strandtm 34, 25 in remote, .*'. /o^ posito, on 3495 turgescens, .?'. lumens, tobin- asynderlicuw 34, 37 dende 34, 25 3515 tugurio, .*'. //a, cyte, hulce 35, 1 in cumulum, .i. in aumenta- theoricam, .i. contemplatiuam, tionem, on beorh, on hypel 34, 26 jodcundlic 35, 1 glacialis, jicelij f. 41^. 34,27 anachoreseos, .i. heremi, ancer- compescuit, .*'. prohibuii, for- settlan 35, 1 bead 34, 29 transegit, jefremode 35, 1 tumentem, .i. turgentem, ex hoc, for bi 35, 2 ystende, wedende 34, 29 3520 inlibatum, ./'. inuiolatum, un- 2500 insaniam, .i.ferocitatem, reoh- jewewmede 35, 2 nesse 34, 29 usque nonagenariam, olp ba compressit, .i. ligauit, ofbrihte 34, 30 nijenteoban 35, 3 factum, .i. opus, dsede 34, 30 decrepit?, forweredre 35, 3 heremitam, .;'. anachoretam, tribuno, ealdre 35, 4 westensetla 34, 32 consulta, .i. inter rogata, and- monarchiam, .i. principatum, swara, raedas 35, 6 ricetere 34,33 3535 pateretur, .i. consentiret, hwser- 3505 quaterdenis, .i. xl, on 34, 33 Isehte 35, 6 practice, andwyrdre 34, 34 intentione, .i. desiderio, jeorn conuersationis, droh 34, 34 , jewilnunje .42. 35, 6 studio, .z'. in labora, cneord- illius, his 35, 8 nesse 34, 34 adepte, ./'. assumpte, jefanjenre, uotiuum, .i. optatiuum, estful 34, 35 bejyten 35, 9 3510 prefigurat, jetacnab 34, 36 integritatis, ./'. castitatis, feruorem, .z'. ardorem, wylm, /wealhnysse 35, 9 brsetS 34, 36 3530 liniamento, .i. similitudini, of exegit, .i. exposcit, adreah 34, 37 hife, gelicnysse 35, 10 2493. Cp. note to 1818. 2496. cumulum~] c alt. f. /. 2 499- foryst- H. has gestende, whence Leo's gizstan ' aufspmdeln, &c.,' Hall's gestende ' swelling,' and Sweet's giestan 'to ferment.' The reading of D. is obviously better: cp. 2474. The gestende of H. is corrupted f. estende (with Kentish e for y). 2507. R. drohtnunge : cp. 2567. 2513. R. twyhwyrftum. Did the gloss, take the adj. bilustris for a sb., or does the gl. render bil. circuits 1 2514. H. on senderlicum. R. on synder-. 2517. H. -setlan. R. -setles : cp. 3638 and ^WW. 341**. Cp. also note to 1557. On the quantity of the a in ancer- cp. Ang. Am. iv. 18; PBB. viii- 536; AfdA. xxv. 5. 2525. Cp. note to 66. 2526. R. geornfulnysse : cp. 165. 2529. Cp. 1948. 2 53o- R- hiive, as in H. Cp. note to 3913. H. has, as gl. to the preceding chlamide, a gl. limrcedenne, whence this word figures in Leo, BT., HI., Sw., and is rendered by 'cloak.' Is it not rather intended to gloss liniamento, and does it not mean ' limb-arrangement, disposition of the limbs, form ' ? Cp. WW. t436 l ; t496 6 l. = limgelecg. 1. ALDHELM, DE LAUD. VIRG. domestica, of hiwcublicere 35,10 sodalitate, .i. societate, jefer- raeddene 35, 11 asciscebatur, gebeod, jecied [Hpt. 466.] 35, 11 diuinationis, jyddunje 35, 11 2535 oracula, .*'. sacramenta, jeryna 35, 12 praasago, . i. prcescio, tijuw 35, 12 afflatus, ablaest 35, 13 expertus est, .i. inuenit, afun- den, ajyten 35, 13 ACCOLA, ./'. habitator, inlenda 2540 [ad] . . . commercia, .i. con- sortia, to gesinscipuwz inuitus, jeneaded magis magisque, .i. plus, swa lenj swa ma oblatam, . f. donatam, jebodene matrimonii sortem, . i. coniugii, ferscype 2545 squalentis ceni, fules horewes morsum, slite refragabatur, .i. contemnebat, wibsoc infinitis, unjeendeduwz remuneratore, . i. largitore, ed- leani 2550 prodigiis, forebeacnuw donatur, waes jewelgod carnalis, licawlices ergastuli, .i. careen's, cwear- tenes enodaretur, .i. solueretur, un- bunden 2 555 [a] ... manipulo, ,i. societaic, ham jefylce astriferis, on tunjelbserim orbibus, .t. circuit's, trendlu/w preetereundum, .i. declinan- dum, to forbujenne, for- Sitenne 35, 14 beate, jes 35, 14 2560 memorif, des 35, 14 fortunatum, . i. ditatum, gejod- edne f. 42^. 35, 15 uocabuli, .*'. uocationis, nysse 35, 16 presagium, forewitejunj 35, 16 pascebat, . i. nutriebat, metsode 35, 1 6 2565 in proposito. .i. gradu, on claennysse 35, 16 diuinf, jodcundlicere 35, 17 religionis, . i. conuersationis, drohtnunje, foresceawunje 35, 17 quam, bsenne 35, 17 2 533- D. qua . . . asc. ; G. quam . . . adsciscebat. 2536. R. forewitigum : cp. 1968 ; 2868 ; 3707. H. has the evid. corrupt reading lingum. 2537. Cp. ES. xiii. 143" ; Ang. xvii. H3 16 . 2539. The beginning of chapter xxx in D. differs f. that printed by Giles. It runs: Amos primus Nitri$ famosus accola, qui cum a parentibus inuitus ad nuptiarum commercia cogeretur, et tamen inuitus nequaquam pudiciti$ palm a priuaretur, magis magisque inuisi oblatam matrimonii sortem, ac si squalentis ceni contagia uel uenenatum aspidis morsum refragabatur. Infinitis a uero remuneratore uirtutum prodigiis donatur. Cuius spiritum Antonius keremita, cum carnalis ergastuli uinculis enodaretur, a c$lestis militi$ manipulo astriferis inferri c$lorum orbibus conspexit. Nee prcetereundum, 6c. (cp. G. 49 21 ~ 28 , 50 10 u , so 31 :t6 ). 2544. Cp. 3596. 2549. R. edleaniendum : cp. 767. 2 553- The Eng. gl. is wr. o. carnalis. Cp. 4633 ; 4639. Cwearten for -ern, like beren for berern, occurs SEG. 3i8 u (MS. C.} ; cp. also PGH. 399 cweartenweard (a hitherto unrecorded word) ; 400 cweartenlic. 2559. l{. eadiges : cp. 1488. 2560. R. gemyndes. 2562. R. gecigednysse : cp. 1503. 2563. Cp. next note. 2567. foresi.eawunge is in D. wrongly wr. o. religionis, and I have followed the MS. The orig. must have \aAfaresc9tapung as gl. to pr$sagium, as in H. 7 o OLD ENGLISH GLOSSES apellationis, ,i. nominis, nysse 35, 18 2570 cflestis, heofenlicere 35, 18 eulogif, ./. benedictiom's, jret- incje 35, 18 prerogatiua, . i. excellentia, healic \vyr)?ment, synderlic jifu 35, 18 permitteret, . i. licentiam dare/, fojeaf 35, 18 cum gratuita, .i. grafts data, mid jecwewre 35, 19 2575 supernf, heofenlicere 35, 19 liberalitatis, . i. doni, cystinesse 35, 1 9 munificentia, . i. liberalitas, dujef)jyfe, sylene 35, 19 mactus, .1. magis auctus, je- wexen 35, 20 puer, .i, infans, cnaeplinjc 35, 20 3580 pollesceret, . i. excelkret, weox, beh 35, 20 secundis, .i. serenis, jesund- fullu/rc, jerynelicu/w 35, 20 suocessibus, .**. posteritatibus , jesselinessuw 35, 21 esperie, . i. italic, westdaeles 35, 2 1 late, ofer eal 35, 21 2585 crebresceret, jewidmsersude 35, 21 haut frustra, .?'. non mutiltier, nateshwon on idel 35, 22 aduocato, .i. iudice, j^injere, mundboran 35, 22 felix, healice, jesaelije 35, 23 priuilegium, syndejife 35, 23 2590, .i. communicauit, maensumede [Hpt. 467.] 35, 23 lactantes, .?'. infantes, iunj cildra 35, 23 fuuangelici, jodspellicere 35, 24 consona, .i. concordi, mid je- dremere, mid hleo]?riendu; 35, 24 armonia, . i. duplex sonus, swin- sunje, dreame 35, 24 2595 concorditer, .i. unanimiter, an- modlice 35, 24 mediocritas, ./. paruitas, je- hwsednys, medemlicnys 35, 26 authentica, . i. auctoritate plena, mid healicum 35, 26 auctoritate, ealdordome 35, 27 subnixa, ./'. subiecta, under- wreoj>od 35, 27 2600 in sacrosancta, on ]?urhhalijere 35, 27 solemnitate, .i.festiuitaje, fre- olstide 35, 28 clas(s)ibus, . z'.f/^rz!r,herebymuz35, 28 canora, mid jedremere 35, 28 uoce, stefne 35, 28 2605 geminis, jetwinnuwz 35, 29 concentibus, .i. cantibus, san- SUOT 35, 29 osanna, hsele gode 35, 29 persultans, dre 35, 29 2573. R.forgeqf, as in H. 2577. dugefgyfe is wr. o gratuita. 2581. gerynelic is not a suitable gl. Leo's gerinelic 'gut verlaufend, prosperus, laetns,' accepted by BT. and HI., seems extremely doubtful. Can it stand for geornlic ? 2585. Cp. 2374. 2589. R. syndergife. 2591. G. Itztantes. 2599. tmderwr-~] n alt. f. r. 2600. H. has haligere with J>ru9 (for }>urK} wr. o. it. 2602. Classis here refers to the bodies of singers singing alternately, and in \VW. t496 17 it is correctly glossed by heapum. Our gloss, has taken it to be equivalent to classicuyi (cp. 50, 21), a sense in which it was sometimes used (cp. Ducange). 2607. //. haletode, an obvious misreading for hale gode 'salvation to God.' This has given rise to Leo's hizletoti ' Begriissung, Hosianna, accepted by both BT. and ///. 2608. R. dremende. 1. ALDHELM, DE LAUD. VIRG. ioeundf, ./. amene, re 35, 29 2610 iubilationis, .?'. laudts, blisse 35, 30 melodia, swinne, sange 35, 30 concelebrat, brem]?, hera]? 35, 30 inmarcescibilis, .i. inputribu- lis, unjewewmedlicere, un- forrotenlices, unafuliendre 35, 32 pudicitif, claen f. 43. 35, 32 2615 tutela, ,i. defensione, war a 35, 33 protectum, jewarod 35, 33 prophetica, lice 35, 33 signa, tancna 35, 33 post deruta, . i. uersa, tetter to- worpenuw 35, 34 2620 sacella, .i. templa, templu#z, diofel 35, 35 dissipatas, . i. dirutas, tostente 35, 35 fanaticf, manfulles 35, 35 gentilitatis, haebenscipes 35, 35 cerimonias, bijenjcas 35, 36 2625 qug, se 35, 36 expertem, ,/'. segregatam, asen 35, 36 fatu, jesaelinesse, wijelunje 35, 36 fortung, gewyrdes 35, 36 genesi, cneoresse 35, 37 2630 mathematicorum, .i. doctor urn tdocentium, tunjelwitejana, steorjleawra 35, 37 eonstellationem, steorwijele, mearcunje, reonunje 35, 37 copiosa, msenifealde [Hpt. 468.] 36, 2 emolumenta, lean 36, 3 orthodoxis, .i. recte gloriosis, of rihtjelyfeduiW 36, 3 2635 dogmatibus, .i. doctrinis, laru/tf 36, 3 prouenerunt, jelumpon 36, 4 gnarus, a. sapiens ', sebel 36, 4 palinituin, winboja 36, 5 botros, clyna, clystru 36, 5 2640 sarmentorum, .i. uiminum, wi , sprancena 36, 5 racemos, clystra, croppas 36, 6 succidens, .z'. prcecidens, for- ceorfende 36, 6 fiacellis, tgeneluw 36, 7 honustis, jesymedum 36, 7 2645 corbibus, .i. cofinis, wiliju^/z 36, 7 ad prlum, to winwrinjan 36, 7 torcularibus, wintredduw 36, 8 exprimendos, to wrinjene 36, 8 merulenta, . i. pura, hlutru, libe 36, 9 2650 defruta, .?'. uina, medewa, win 36, 9 apothecis, .i. horreis, winhusuffz 36, 9 2609. R. wynsumre] Cp. 333. 2611. The inflected form swinne (with the dat. ending e) proves the existence of a swinn ' melodia,' and shows that in 4726 the swinn is not, as B. supposed, intended to indicate swinsung. Cp. geswin in Phoenix 137, and also WW. 446^ Melodia = swinsang, which prob. does not stand for swinsung, as Sievers (Ang. xiii. 330) suggests, but should be printed swin, sang. 2613. R. unforrotiendlices. 2614. R. clcennysse. 2617. R. witiendlice : cp. 430; 1498, &c. 2618. H.tacnu. 2620. templum wr. o. diruta. R. diofelgildum 1 Cp. 1899 ; 3705. 2621. R. tostencte. 2626. R. asendrede. 2628. gewyrd ^here masc. or neut. * 2629. Cp. f7, 178; -\S. 139. 2631. Cp. 5444; 2, 473. Cp. f7, 179; f^S". 141 steorwiglunge. See note to 7, 165. 2632. -fealde] d alt. f. another letter. 2636. Cp. WW. "T496 27 . 2637. So also H. R. cepele 1 Did the gloss, misr. his lemma as generosus (cp. 1013 ; 3601, &c.) ? 2639. C P- note to 49 2 - clystru in a diff. (the 2nd Lat. ?) hand. 2640. wi (om. H.} for wi^nboga] ? 2641. croppas in a diff. (the 2nd Lat.?) hand. 2650. Cp. 3167 defruti^medewes. In spite of Sievers, who regards medewa as an adj. (cp. PBB. ix. 258; Sievers, \ 300), I take it to be the nom. pi. and medewes gen. sg. of the sb. medu, which has here gone o. f. the u- to the wrf-declension. Cp. WW. 217**. 72 OLD ENGLISH GLOSSES cauponibus, .z'. negotiator ibus, wintaepperuw 36, 10 quatinus, ^ waeron 36, 1 1 de terreno, . i. sgculari, of eorb- licuw f. 43 b . 36, 12 2655 nundinarum, cypmanna, cyp- inja 36, 12 mercatu, jestreone 36, 12 PKgROGATIUA, .z'. dignitas, synderjyfa 36, 14 quam, bonne 36, 14 qui, be 36, 15 2660 conpellitur, .z'. angariatur, neadod 36, 15 humanum, .z'. hominum, nisce 36, 15 consortium, .z'. communionem, ferrgedene 36, 16 contubernio, .z'. soctetate, wununje 36, 17 historiografus, wyrdwritere 36, 19 2665 quf, ba 36, 19 [pro] . . . pudicitia conser- uauda, .z'. uirginitate, .z'. custodienda, for jehealdsu- mere side 36, 20 rapaci, .z'. ueloci, swiftuwz 36, 20 alueo, .i.fundo, streame 36, 21 prgcipites, .i.fugitntes, nyber- sceotende 36, 21 2670 inmerserunt, ./. absconderuni, on besettan 36, 21 periclitatur, .z'. peril, truca]? 36, 23 mirandum, wunderlic [Hpt. 469.] 36, 23 negotium, .z'. labor, jestreona 36, 23 propemodum, .z'. pene, fornean 36, 23 2675 inuestigabile, .z'. instrutabile, cum 36, 23 decretum, .z'. indicium, .z'. se- er etum, dome, raede 36, 24 facinorum, .z'. peccatorum, mandseda 36, 24 flagitiis, leahtru/tt 36, 24 statum, .z'. stabilitatem, sta]?al, stede 36, 25 2680 conturbant, .z'. commaculanl, drefa]? 36, 25 mancipari, .z'. subdi, jewyld 36, 25 arbitrio, .z'. iudicio, eyre 36, 26 compellitur, .i.coartatur, ]?ra3St 36, 27 sub praetextu, . z'. sub defensione, hi we 36, 27 2685 exitii, .z'. mortis, si]?es f. 44. 36, 28 extraneus, .z'. alienus, wib- utan 2655. Is cypmanna (so also vY.) corrupted f. cypdaga\ Cp. f7, 180 ; f8, 144. 2657. -g a a.\t. f. e. 2661. R.mennisce: cp. 1308. 2666. R. sidefttlnysse : cp. 1144; 1469; 1718. 2667. Eng. gl. om. H. ; but as gl. to the foil, gurgitis H. has swyttes, for which B. suggests pyttes. Is it not rather for swyftes and meant to gl. rapaci, which the gloss, took to be a gen. agreeing with gurgitis ? 2669. G. per praceps. 2670. So also H. R. besencton 1 Or did the gloss, misr. the lemma as inmiserunt 1 2671. Cp. BT. s.v. trucian III. 2673. R. gestrecm, as in H, 2675. R. mscrut-. 2676. db#z wr. o. prec. inuestigabile. 2679. .//. has incorrectly sfalaS: cp. 1420; 4099: hence the stalaS 'stability,' &c., in Leo and Sw. 2685. ~R.forJ>- or utsi]>es\ Cp. 4128. 2686. The gl. translates Aldhelm's extraneus ab. 2687. The gll. in the 2nd Lat. hand. H. has the add. gl. bismorcues, which is a mere misreading for the Lat. bismorttws : cp. 6, 26. This is the source of Leo's bismor-cwes ' schandliches Furchtloch, Selbstmbrder.' 1. ALDHELM, DE LAUD. VIRG. 73 inter biothanatas, betwyoh selfbanan 36, 30 conici, .*'. intelligi, beon je- smead, jehojed, understan- den 36, 30 quolibet, .1. aliquo, mid aenire, aenijere 36, 32 2690 pacto, .i. iure, treowbe, wise 36, 32 materna, moderlicere 36, 35 grauitate, .i. dignitate, stseb- binysse, wyrbscype 36, 35 qui, ba 36, 35 successurg, filiendre 36, 35 2695 posteritate, sefterjencjnesse 36, 36 consulebant, . i. intuebant, raed- dan 36, 36 consortium, .i. matrimonium, sinscipe 36, 36 obtentu, .i. ob desiderio, jewil- nun;$e, for bejeate 36, 37 decreuit, . i. cogttauit, teohe je, jemynte 37, 1 2700 cognatf, maejcubre 37, 1 propinquitatis, .i, uidnitatis, sibbe 37, 1 feruore, .i. ardore, wylme 37, 2 paulatim, . i, particulatim, dsel- maeluw 37, 2 37, 3 37, 3 37, 3 tepesceret, . i. refrigesceret, hreonede 37, 2 2705 torrido, .i. accenso, hatu/w rigore, .i. fortitudine, bryne instinctu, .i. doctrina, of astihtinje strofosi, .i. inuidi, facenfulles, andijes 37, 3 hostis, .i. diaboli, feondes 37, 3 2710 sensim, .i. leniter t molliter, stundmaeluw 37, 4 prgdonibus, ./. raptor tbus, stru- deruw 37, 4 grassatoribus, ,i. inpugnatori- bus, herjienduw, ryperuwz 37, 5 obuia qu que, . /'. singula, on jean hwyrfende, jehwylce jehend- nysse, onjeanhworfesse [Hpt. 470.] 37, 5 atrociter, .i. crudeh'ter, jriwlice 37, 5 2715 uastantibus, .i. populantibus, bereafiendu/ra, awestenduw 37, 5 uerna, .i. seruus, byften 37, 6 iubetur, .i. pracipitur, bebo- den 37, 6 iusto ualde, .i. recto, of swibe rihtwisuw 37, 6 iudicio, . i. exam(i)ne, dome 37, 7 2698. Cp. 3915; f7, 182. Begeat 'attainment, acquisition, gain, possession, &c.' is not in JBT. t nor is there any OE. instance in the NED. s.v. beget sb., but cp. jEJf. i. 240' for begeate Jxzs ecan lifes ; ii. 7 22 for beg. pees upplican lifes ; IO4 27 mid }>inum begeate ; Assm. io8 203 on manegum begeatum. Cp. also ME. fa^cete (Orm 16835), bigete (cp. Mdtzn. s.v. bigete, and NED. s.v. beget sb.). Orm's spelling shows that the OE. is begeat, as in HI., not begeat, as in Sw. 2699. //. teolige. D. 's reading is better: cp. //. 412 (om.Z>.) decreverit = teohg* ad ; 4213; 2,302; 7, 312, &c. The form teohege I take to be ist pers. sg. pres. indie.; the orig. MS. had presumably a marginal decerno = ic teohhige. 2700. So also t?, 183; f8, 147 ; -\-S. 143; WW. t2o8 29 . The magtuftre in H. is a mere misreading, but it has given rise to the mcegtud 'cognatus' in Leo, to the mcegtuSer 'relative' in HI., and to the mcegtudor in BT. 2 74- (ge]reonian means 'to mutter, conspire,' not 'to grow lukewarm.' 2706. The gloss, has misunderstood his lemma. 2 77- G. wrongly instructu. The Eng. gl. is evid. miswr. for atihting (the s being due to the s of instinctu) : cp. WW. f497 34 instinctu = tihtnesse ; t424 27 ; 510". Astihting would mean ' a putting in order, arrangement,' not ' instigation.' 2713. H. ageanhworfenysse. R. ongeanhworfenysse. 74 OLD ENGLISH GLOSSES 2720 interdiction, .i.prohibitum, for- bodenne 37, 7 postliminium, . i. rediium man- datum, ajeancyme, ajean- cyrdincje f. 44 b . 37, 7 uile, ,i. contemtum, waclic 37, 8 quatinus, .i. ul, swa ^ he 37, 8 minime, ,i. non, nateshwon 37, 9 2725 pertimesceret, .*'. horresceret, ondraet 37, 9 prolixf, .i. longe, lange 37, 9 detrimentum, .i. damnum t dispendium, jeny]?erunje 37, 10 inuisum, .i. odiosum, andsaetne 37, 10 heri, .i. domini, hla 37, 10 2730 famulatum, .i.seruitutem, beow- dom 37, 10 atrociter, weal 37, 10 stibam, . i. curuanuntum aratri, sulhandlan 37, 11 sulcorum, fura 37, 12 glebulis, turfuw 37, 12 2735 occa, ear 37, 12 nugaciter, . i. uiliter, aworpen- lice, wac 37, 13 optatf , . i. desiderate, jewilne 37, 1 3 qu, ba 37, 14 machera, .i. mucrone, mece 37, 15 2740 extorqueretur, .i. crudaretur, gecwylmbaered 37, 15 maluit, .i. magi's uoluit, swiber 37, 15 o(c)cumbere, .i. feallan 37, 16 profanando, ./. inmaculando, awitliende 37, 16 PRETEREA, ./. necnon, etiam, for J?i 37, 19 2745 TAM, je 37, 19 uirginalis, of re 37, 19 pudicitif, nysse 37, 20 quam, ;$e 37^ 20 feram, sustt'neam, J^olije 37, 22 2750 adeo, .?'. tarn ualde,to baw swybe 37, 22 mutabilem, . /'. contrariam, hwyrlice, wiberwyrde f. 45. 37, 24 reciprocis, edlsecenduwz 37, 26 anastasis dominica, .i. resur- rectio, se drihtenlica serist 37, 27 clebratur, . i. honor atur, bremeb 37, 27 2755 liquor oportunus, .i. conueniens, jehybelic waeta 37, 29 liquidas, .i. pur as, myltendes 37, 30 stupendo, .i. mirando, mid wunderfulre 37, 31 spectaculo, wsefersyne 37, 31 cicindilibus, weocim 37, 33 2760 infusus, .i. inpositus, on jeset [Hpt. 471.] 37, 33 in centre, .i. circulo, on trendle 37. 34 ausungia, .i. arui'na, rysele, smerewe 37, 34 2721. Does ageancyrdincge (If. -cerdingce) stand for ageancyrrincge'l Cp. f7, 187 geancyr; f4, 43 edcyr. 2726. So H. The gloss, took the lemma for an adv. 2729. R. hlafordes. 2731. R. walhreowlice. 2735. Cp. 2359. 2 736- aworp-} r alt. f. another letter. R. waclice. 2737. R. gewilnedes. 2743. Cp. Ang. xi. Ii7 41 profanata = awidlud\ WW. 465" profanare = gewidlian. 2744- Did the gloss, misr. his lemma as propterea 1 Cp. 4727. 2746-7. Cp. 1469; 1717; 1806, &c. 2751. Cp. note to 66. 2754. //. has the better reading bremed, 2755. Cp. WIV. 2o6 l . 2756. So /T. R. -nde. 2759. Cp. WW. t498 12 ; f204 M ; 267 1 . 2762. G. has arvina in the text, as also H. ; BdL; C.; RB. MSS. RA. ; RD. ; RE. agree with D. 1. ALDHELM, .DE LAUD. VIRG. 75 38, 3 seuo, myejernne 37, 35 facinus, . i. peccatum, jylt madefactus, jesmired 37, 35 2785 inauditum, .i. incredibile, un- 2765 solito clarius, swybe swutelice, jeleafulne 38,4 jewunelice 37, 35 grassator, ,i. inpugnator, rea 37, 36 qua, mid Ipam 37, 37 catholicorum, geleaf 37, 37 erebrescunt, wide springab, jewidmsersiaj? 37, 37 2770 obliquo, .*'. curuo, mid hwy- ruw 37, 37 liuoris, .1. inuidt'e, sefestes 37, 37 succenditur, ,t. conflagratur ; antend 38, 1 ut, f 38, 1 fauorabile, .*'. laudafa'te, her- iendlic 38, 1 3775 falsis, .i. mendacibus, cum 38, 1 suspiciorum, .i. indiciarum, wenena 38, 2 argumentis, searacraeftu#z 38, 2 nutabundum, .i. corruendum, fealendne 38, 2 elideret, . i. fr anger et, he set- stynte, jedrehte f. 45 b . 38, 2 2780 strofosi, facenfulle 38, 2 fabricatores, hiweras, wyrh satis, .i. ualde, jenoh erimen, lehter 38, 4 pestilentif, ./. (?m, cwyldes 38, 4 concinnant, .?'. multiplicant, hreonedan 38, 6 [ut] . . . cyrografatur, . i. scribit, swa swa awrat 38, 6 2790 insurrexerunt, .i. aduersum steterunt, onjean 38, 6 crepitante, . /. absorbente, brast- liende 38, 8 regi pestis, .i, regis, ,z. mortis, fotadles, fotcobu 38, 9 apologiticam, ./. excussabilem, beladiendlice 38, 12 ut, swa 38, 12 2795 defensionem, . i. gubernationem, ware, jescyldnesse 38, 13 exquirit, ,z. inuestigat^ as- meade 38, 13 hac, .2'. ista, Ipysum 38, 14 abstrusam, ba dijlan 38, 14 uastitatem, . i. latifudinem, wid- jilnysse 38, 14 38, 3 2800 emulorum, ./. tmmicorum, wi- 38, 3 berwinnana 38, 15 probrosum, manfulne, eadwid- fulne 38, 3 machinamenta, . i. tnsidtas, dofunga 38, 15 2763. Both H. and f2, 105 have this gl. wr. o. arvina, which is prob. correct. 2766. R. reafere: cp. 2712. 2768. R. geleaffulra. 2769. widest. o.qua.C^. 2374. 2770. Cp. 66. 2776. G.suspicionum. 2777. Cp. 2938; 3016; 3380, &c. 2778. G. mutab-. 2779. H. has astente, but cp. Ang. vi. 100. Hausknecht, it is true, prints acstente, but the MS. presumably has at-. 2781. R. -wyrhtan: cp. 4244. 2783. manf- wr. o. satis in prec. line. R. edwitfulne : cp. 2913; 119. Cp. also WW. f498 16 edwid,fullic (r. edwidfullic, cp. ES. viii. 161). 2784. gylt wr. o. satis. 2785. So also H. The orig. prob. had ungeleaflicne as gl. to the Lat. gl. incredibile. 2792. adl is generally fern., but sometimes in later OE. it was neut. as here : cp. Ang. vi. 172. 2795. ware wr. o. apologiticam. OLD ENGLISH GLOSSES concinnatas, ,i. multiplicatas, ba jereonedan, anlaehtan 38, 15 factiones, . i.falsitates, leasun- 5 a [Hpt. 472-] 38, 16 musitantes, .z'. fingentes, hiw- iende, reoniende 38, 17 2805 eisdem, ba#z 38, 19 periurantes, .i. ualde iur antes, ba mansweriendan 38, 19 deuotabant, pro maledicebant, awyrijdon 38, 19 domestic?, .i. proxime, hiw- cubre f. 46. 38, 20 clientela, .i. obseruatio domes- tica, jeferraedene, inhirede, jebeodnysse 38, 21 2810 propinqu necessitudinis, .i. necessitatis, jesibbre msej- rgedene, neahsibbe 38, 21 contribulibus, siblinju/w 38, 21 tigillo, on fyrsthrofe 38, 22 globis, leomuzra 38, 23 memoratur, .i. perhibetur, is ssed, jemunen 38, 23 2815 cerebri, brsejenpanne 38, 24 plantatenus, .i. usque ad planias, .i. pedes, o]> ba fotmylmas 38, 24 morbo regie, fotadla, fotcoba 38, 24 inpudens, . t. tnuerecundus, un- scea/wfest 38, 25 procax, .i. quasi pelax, ofer- spreca 38, 25 2820 [ut] . . . inprcabatur, ,i. op- tabat, swa swa he bsed, jyrnde 38, 25 fetidum, .t. fetentem, $ fule 38, 25 spiraculum, .i. animam, lif 38, 26 concinnati, . /'. coadunati t com- posi/t, jereonedes 38, 27 sera, .z'. tarda, mid sleacre 38, 28 2825 auscultantibus, ./. audientibus, heoro 38, 28 in propatulo, .z'. manifesie, on eawunje 38, 28 singultibus, sicetunjuw 38, 29 tarn rancidis, .i. fetidis t amaris, mid swa biteruffz, afru#z 38, 29 questibus, .z'. querimoniis, heo- fuz, murcnunjum 38, 30 2830 lacrimabundus, .i. plangendus, woplic 38, 30 Quid, to hwi 38, 34 referam, .z'. narram, je 38, 34 sanctf, jes 38, 34 2802. Cp. 863. 2803. Cp. 2243. 2804. Cp. f5, 30 ; f7, 192; WW. f44i 13 /a runiendan. 2807. G.devoverant. 2810. Cp. WW. ^465. 2812. Cp. WW. 29'" Laquear = first hr of . This gl. shows that we have a real compound, not two words, as suggested Sw. 59. 2813. Cp. 1658. 2815. The earliest quotation for ' Brainpan' in the NED. dates f. about 1400. H. brtzgpanne, which is the form given in Sw. 2816. H.fotwelmes. ^.fotwylmas. 2817. R. -adle, -cofe. 2819. oferspreca sb. 'a talkative person.' The usual gl. for procax is ofersprecol adj. : cp. 1939; 4318. 2821. fule wr. o. spiraculum. 2825. H. heorc. R. heorcniendum. 2826. Cp. 47. 2828. G. wrongly raucidis. To the instances of afor ( = OHG. eivar, eibar 'bitter') given in B T. add PGH. acerbum = auur ; Lcdm. ii. 26 19 . H. has J>ron, ceorigum, swa biterum. On account of the 2nd gl. Hall assigns to ceorig the meaning of 'evil-smelling, rancid," whilst Leo (p. 527) proposes to r. feorig^ schlammig, libel riechend.' If, however, we look at the context, tarn rancidis fletuum questibus, it becomes obvious that ceorigum murcnungum is used here just in the same sense as in 623-4, where it renders qtuerulosis questibus. Ceorig must therefore be translated by ' querulous, complaining.' On ]>ron cp. note to 7, 193. 2830. H. woplie (for -lie), whence Leo's woplig. 2833. R. halves. 1. ALDHELM, DE LAUD. VIRG. 77 recordationis, . i. des 2835 cuius, J?aes rumigerula, hlisbaere ubi, bar bar palmitibus, wintre memone, 38, 34 38, 34 38, 35 f. 46*>. 38, 37 39, 1 longe lateque, .*'. usquequaque, wide 7 side 39, 1 2840 percrebruit, jewidmaersede, jeondspranj [Hpt. 473.] 39, 2 alter, ,i. nutritor, fbsterfaeder 39, 2 cunabulorum, jebyrdtida 39, 3 teneritudine, iunjan iujebe 39, 3 memoratur, .i. perhibetur, jereht 39, 4 2845 tarn, seijber 39, 4 notariorum, notera, writera 39, 4 caracteres, strican, mearcunja, .i. mearca. 39, 4 quam grammaticorum, je staefcraeftira 39, 4 periodos, .?'. intellectus, fulle cwydas, clysincja 39, 5 2850 colo, bur lim 39, 5 commate, todale , 39, 5 sequestratim, synderlipes 39, 5 affabiliter, jetincje 39, 6 scismatici, dwolan man 39, 7 2855 in obstrusum, .i. tenebrosum, on dijle 39, 7 cuniculum, crypel 39, 7 defluxerant, tofleowan, ut urnan 39, 8 triumphal! trop(h)eo, mid sijerlicu/rc sije 39, 8 sublimatur, waes jeuffred 39, 9 2860 Sed quid mirum, ac nis na wunder 39, 9 graduum, .*'. ordinum, je- bin(c)ba 39, 10 fastigio, . i. summitate, ypplene 39, 1 charismatum, . i. donorum, jastlicra sylena 39, 10 cum, bonne 39, 11 2865 tenerrima, .t. fragih'ssima, seo mearewaeste 39, 11 infantis, . i. pueruli, cildes 39, 1 1 etatula, yld 39, 1 1 prgsago, .i.prczscio, forwittijuw 39, 1 1 indolis, .i. sine dolo, aebeles 39, 12 2870 prodigio, .i. osientatione, beacne, swute 39, 12 ludorum, .i. t'ocorum, jamena 39, 12 gesticulatio, . ;'. mcessus, anjin 39, 1 2 au(c)toritatem, . i. prcsroga- tiuam, ealderdom 39, 13 2834. R. gemyndes. 2838. R. wintreowum. 2840. Cp. 2374. 2846. Cp. WW. f45i 35 not-writera. 2847. .i. mearca in 2nd Lat. hand. 2849. F r cwide ' a sentence' cp. sG. 4". Cp. ^EG. 291' periodos is clysing. 2850. R. J>urh, as in H. 2854. B. reads mannes. It seems more prob. that the orig. had something like Jxzs manfullan dwolan. 2856. crypel (in 2nd Lat. hand) also f2, 113; f4, 46; f5, 32 (cripel); f6, 27; t7, 197; f 8 . r 55; \S. 150. H. has crepel and crypell (alt. to -pele). Cp. 3320 ; 2, 191, and WW. 6o 3 * per cancellos (i.e. through the casement or lattice) = <$urh crepelas (Kent. gl. to Proverbs vii. 6). With regard to the root vowel, the dictionaries make it long: e.g. Sw. criepel, &c. It is, however, undoubtedly short, crypel (=* krupild) being formed f. creopan just as scytel, tygel (OHG. zugil}, &c. are f. sceotan, teon, &c. 2862. Cp. WW. 215*. 28167. yldvir. o. tenerrima. 2868. pr$sago~\ o. alt. f. a, 2869. So also H., and f2, 114. The gloss, has taken indolis for an adj. In 4518 indolem is correctly glossed. 2870. The Eng. gll. wr. o. prgsago. R. swutelunge. OLD ENGLISH GLOSSES portenderit, .i. mantfestauerit, jeswutela)? 39, 13 2875 sacramentis, jerynuzra 39, 14 inuestes, ./'. sine barba, iunje, beardleas 39, 15 cateruas, ,j'.mutti/udtnes,heapa.s 39, 15 in marinis, on sselicim 39, 15 glareis, cyslum f-47- 39, 15 2880 sacerdotalem, sacerdlice 39, 16 catacuminos, jecristnode, lar- hlystendras 39, 17 competentes, jejyrnende, wil- niende [Hpt. 474.] 39, 17 mistico, ,i. seer do, jastlicere 39, 17 officio, .2'. mysterio, jeryne 39, 18 2885 scenico, .i. stupendo, plejlicuw, of sceandlicuw 39, 1 8 ludorum, jamena 39, 18 ioco, jamene 39, 19 gestum, . i. factum, plejan 39, 19 decretia, .i. iudiciis, domlicu;;/ 39, 19 2890 synodalibus, synojmw 39, 19 serio, eornnestlice 39, 19 machinas, searecrseftas 39, 21 expertus sit, .i. inuenit, afunde 39, 21 fraudulentas, swaepije, swic- fulle 39, 22 2895 scismaticorum, flitera 39, 22 strofas, .i.fraudes, facna 39, 22 pertulerit, ,i. sustinuit, he je]?olede 39, 22 factione, .z'./tf/.r#a/,bepaecune 39, 23 concinnabant, .i. multiplica- bant, jereonedan, mseni- fyl 39, 23 2900 historig, recednesse 39, 24 ita prorsus, swa eallunje 39, 25 sceptra, .t'.inperia, andwealda 39, 26 euulsum, .i. abscisum, ut aloc- ene, up alijwde 39, 26 in sarcofago, on scrine 39, 27 2905 delatum, .i. 0<5/tf/w, jeled 39, 27 quern, ]?ane hi 39, 27 magicf, drylices 39, 28 fraudis, facnes 39, 28 necromantia, mid jaldre 39, 28 2910 retulerunt, ./'. narrauerunt, arehton 39, 29 commentis, . i. relatwnibus, \\V\N- 39, 29 2881. On the ending -dras cp. 1254. 2885. H. has gescandlicum and the add. Lat. gl. umbroso. f2, 115 has gesceadlicum, which is evid. the correct reading, but which was altered to gesceand- in the orig. of //. and D. This hitherto unrecorded (ge)sceadlic ' umbrosus, shady ' is derived from sceadu 'shade, shadow.' Cp. 2920 scenam = umbram, sceade; 4057 scena = umbra; WW. 45 21 scena = scadti\ 499 7 . Cp. Servius, Comment, in Verg, Aen. i. 164 (ed. Thilo and Hagen, i. 67) Scaena inumbratio . et dicta scaena avb rrjs anas . apud antiques enim theatralis scaena parietem non habuit, sed de frondibus umbracula quaerebant. 2889-90. So also //. The orig. prob. had domum synoplicum. 2891. Gl. in 2nd Lat. hand. 2894. swcepig ' fraudulent, deceitful ' f. sweep (=*swaipiz) 'enticement, persuasion,' also 'deceit?'; cp. MS. 191 (Corpus Christi Coll., Cambr.), p. 57 sypban ponne cenig yfel gepoht purh deofles sweep ( = sttadente diabold) on ure heortan cume; this is printed (without any reference to the MS.) by Wheloc in his Beda, p. 432. Cp. also BdM. I28 37 Radwalde on mod beswape 'persuade R.' It is conn, with (ge)swtpor 'cunning,' (ge)swipornes, -lice. 2898. Cp. 2243. 2900. H. recennysse. Cp. 181 ; 1796, &c. 2902. B. alters to andwealdas. This is unnecessary, as andweald, though generally masc., is here neut. ; cp. H. 414 (om. D.} ; 424 (om. /).), where the pi. andwealdu occurs ; cp. also Sievers, 267. 2906. ]>ane~\ n alt. f. ;; e on erasure. 2911. Eng. gl. wr. o. lenofiun-. 1. ALDHELM, DE LAUD. VIRG. 79 lenocinnantibus, .i. maculan- tibus, mid jewewmendlicuw 39, 30 probrosis, ,i. inhonestis, edwit- fulluffz f. 47 b . 39, 30 factionibus, . i. falsitatibus, facnum 39, 30 2915 inconsulte, .i, inconsiderate, unraedlice, unforwandedlice 39, 31 condemnari, beon jenyftered 39, 31 uerum, pro sed, ac eac swylce 39, 32 concinnati, . i. multiplicah ', je- reonedes 39, 33 sceleris, ,i. culpe, jyltes 39, 33 2920 scenam, .i. umbram, sceade, hwebbunje 39, 33 prodidit, .i. ostendit, jeypte 39, 33 a tarn flagitiosis, fraw swa fyrenfulluw 39, 34 facinoribus, mandaedu0z 39, 34 inmunem, .i. castum, orceasne 39, 35 2925 declarauit, .?'. manifestauif, openede 39, 35 attritf, .i. uiolate, tobrytes 39, 35 pallor, sceame 39, 36 ob detectum, .i. apertum, for abareduw 39, 36 tremebundos, . i. ferribiles, e je- fulle [Hpt. 475.] 39, 36 2930 arguit, .i. castigat, breade 39, 37 uultus, nebb 39, 37 purpureus, .i. rubicundus, rudi 39, 37 rubor, bysmor, sceamu 40, 1 stibio, ./'. unguento, deaje 40, 1 2935 neruorum, stre(n)ja, cnyttelsa 40, 2 huiuscemodi sancta uictoria, .i. tali, .i. trophea, mid bylcuffz haljuz sije 40, 3 confutati,.^My!>m7/y,oferst3elede 40, 4 argument!, scare 40, 4 molientes, .i. cogitantes, hoj- iende, serwi 2940 prostituta pellax, .i. meretrix qua proslat, .i. mendax, leas fyrnhicje, hore prostibuli, .i. locus fornica- tionum, forlijeres buses 40, 6 stupro, haemede quo, baz he insimulare, .i. decipere, liccitan 40, 7 2945 procaciter, .i. inpudenter, je- mahlice 40, 7 machinaretur, . i. moliretur, sirewede 40, 7 garrulitatis, . i. uerbositatis, mabelunje 40, 8 incestum, .i. stuprum, fylbe 40, 8 40, 4 40, 5 40, 6 40, 6 2912. Eng. gl. wr. o. comm-. 2 9 ! 4- Cp. 2243. 2920. On the gl. sceade cp. 2885 ; also WW. f499 7 . R. webbunge; H. has wczbbunge. Cp. WW. 45" scena = uuebung, which Sweet, no doubt rightly, explains as = woefung (OET. 602). Can it be that we have here this old gl. with its eighth-cent, spelling (b for/) preserved ? An eleventh-cent, gloss., not recognizing the word, would read the b as a stop, not as a spirant, and being accustomed only to bb in this position, would naturally double it. Or has he simply misunderstood his lemma, and have we the same word as 2975 ? 2938. R. searecrceftes (cp. 2776; 3016; 3380), or searepances (cp. 4072). 2 939- R serwiende. 2940. G. prostrata pellex. Cp. 8, 235 moecharum=fyrynycgyna; we seem to have here a firenicge ' a female evildoer,' formed with the fern, suffix -icge from jfiren. A fancied connexion of the suffix with the verb hycgan may have led to the introduction of the h (whence -hicge) and to the further forcciztionfyrnhicgendra ' meditating evil ' (like mordorhycgende, &c.), which we have in 3327 and 2, 192. Cp. PGH. 389 adulterfyrenhycga, where the fem. force of the -icge suffix is lost, the 2nd part being no doubt felt to be a masc. nomen agentis from hycgan. 8o OLD ENGLISH GLOSSES uelut fetidam, swylce fulne 40, 8 2950 melancolie, . i. felh's, sweartes jeallan 40, 9 nausiam, .i. sentinam, wlsettan 40, 9 de recessibus, . i. uisceribus, of digelnessu/w, heolstrijuwz 40, 9 quern, s. prostiiuta, baene heo f 48. 40, 10 gremiis, jrseduwz 40, 11 2955 procax, .i. pertinax, anwille 40, 11 obuncabat, .i. reflectebat, be- clypte, jebijede 40, 11 apolagitica, . /. excussabili, mid beladiendlicere 40, 11 peltarum, tarjena 40, 12 testudine, of scyltruman 40, 12 2960 defend! tur, .i. custodiebatur ; waes jesceld 40, 12 enmlorum, wiber 40, 13 qui, ba 40, 13 rancida, .i. amara, nibfullu/, sefestiguzra 40, 14 liuori^, . i. nigre macule, sefestes 40, 1 4 2965 profugus, .1. expulsus, flymij [Hpt. 476.] 40, 14 exulat, .*'. peregrinabat, wrsec- nede 40, 15 intercapedine, ./. spatio, of faece, fyrste 40, 15 latebra, . i. loca occulta, holstruw 4O, 1 6 40, 17 40, 17 4O, 17 40, 17 40, 18 limpido, .i. claro, beorhtuw 2970 radio, .i. splendor e, leoman Sed, ac he cote, stane calamitatum, yrm]?a insectationes, . i, persecutiones, on ehtinja 40, 19 2975 conspiratio, ./. musitatio, for- bod, jecwydraedden, wrast- lunj, hwebbunj 40, 19 inrogabat, .i. ingerelat, on brohte 40, 20 inflexi, mid unjebijedre 40, 20 eequanimiter, .i.fortiter, efen- modlice 40, 20 perferebat,./.ms7/>2erwinnena, as in H. : cp. 754 ; 2800. 2965. So H. R. flyming, as B. suggests. Cp. f7, 212 ; WW. ^^6^; iji 30 , &c., where profugus is glossed by flyma. 2968. R. heolstrum, as in H. 2974. The orig. appears to have had ehtinga, onhettincga,3&'vn.H.\ cp. also t2, 130. 2975. H. has only hwrastrung t hivebbund, R. hwastrung, webbung. Cp. WW. I4O M conspiratio =gecwidr(zdden. 2981. The same Eng. gl. WW. f44i 17 . Cp. also WW. 1 2 1 2 . The gloss, who wrote delicias was prob. thinking of mandora 'a kind of cake.' 2982. R. wealhreowe ( = wigeo, which Kluge (Ltbl. 1 888, 392) explains as Kentish pres. ptc. of a vb. pundernian 'ponderare.' Wihtmearc is a line with weight attached. gem- translates memoria, which is a free rendering of the context. 3006. Cp. WW. t37i 35 ! t499 34 biscophyrede. 3008. R. searecraftum : cp. 3075 ; 3380. 3009. R. liflicere, as in H, : cp. also sH. i. 358"; 482-. 3012. G.germanos. 3013. R. pea-wfastnesse : cp. 1098. 3015. If.gesidSe. Cp. note to 2107. 3017. R. slegum : cp. WW. t499 38 ; 426 18 . 3019. H.hatheort. R. gekatheort. [iV. Il] G 82 OLD ENGLISH GLOSSES capite truncatur, . i.plectebatur, waes ofslejen, beheafdod 41, 16 rubris, . i. purpureis, sanguineis, mid blodijuOT 41, 17 riuulis, .i. riuis, ribu/rc 41, 17 3025 OPERE PBETIUM, conu, neadbearflic 41, 18 militiae, jewinnes 41, 19 archiatros, .i. summos medicos, heaje laecas f. 49 b . 41, 19 ab istorica, fraw jewyrdelicere 41, 20 relatione, .*'. relatu, race 41, 21 3030 municipatu, .*'. principatu, ealdordo 41, 22 litteraturg, stsefcrseftes, cyste 41, 23 albo, brede 41, 23 eommanipularibus, .i, scat's, breapuw 41, 24 confidimus, . i, speramus, hopia]> 41, 25 3035 olimpiade, .i. quinquennia, fif jera faec 41, 26 [olimpiade] ducentesima sexagesima septima, twa hundreduOT 7 seofen 7 sixti- juw fifty ne jeares jetel 41, 26 edictis, .i. decrelis, jebannuz 41, 27 ad turificandum, .i. sacrifican- dum, to styrenne 41, 28 apostatare, .?'. fugere, wi]?er- sacian 41, 29 3040 apostasif, wtyersacunje 41, 30 [ad] . . . uolutabrum, .i. ad turpitudinem t ad sfercus, to sole, fylbe 41, 30 capitalem . . . [sententiam, .i. iudiciuni\, beheafdunjne 41, 30 subire, underhni 41, 31 prfdictos, j?a cwejen foressede 41, 31 3045 tyrunculos, ./'. milites, cempan 41, 32 pedetemptim, fsejre 41, 33 instrumentis medicinalibus, mid lacnienduw tolim [Hpt. 478.] 41, 33 ydropicorum, waeterseoca 41, 34 melancolias, .i, nigrumfel, in- coban f. 50. 41, 34 3050 cataplasma, lacnunje, cliban 41, 36 raalagma, . 2'. colirium, ehsealfe, bone halwendan cleoban 41, 37 reserando, aperiendo, undonde 42, 1 armonias, .i. sonos, dreamas 42, 1 balbis, stameru/w 42, 2 3055 blesis, wlipsuOT 42, 2 pristing, . /. antique, bsere aerran 42, 3 inerguminos, ./. amentes, jewit- lease, deofelsoce 42, 4 scotomaticos, stserbli 42, 4 refocilando, . i. confortando, je- hyrtende 42, 4 3060 ipsos, ba sylfan 42, 5 casibus, of unbelimpuwz 42, 5 huiuscemodi uirtutum, .i. fo- lium, .i. miraculorum, bus jeradra mihta 42, 6 3025. R. conueniens. 3 2 7- archiatros] 2nd a alt. f. o. 3030. R. ealdordome. 3033. So H. Cp. also 3450. These are the only recorded instances of an OE. }reap ' a troop ' ; it occurs, however, in ME. : cp. OE. Misc. I49 85 al aj>rep ' all in a crowd.' 336. fiftyne\ y alt. f. u. 3042. R. -dunge, as in H. 3043. R. underhnigan. 3044. R. twegen, as in H. 3046. fceg re} betw. g and r an e erased. Cp. WW. \^^ ; /EG. 228 7 ; also WW. 41 2 28 . 3048. R. -seocra. 3049- So also H.; cp. note to 1557. 357- R. -seoce. 3058. R. starblinde. munificentia, commercio, mid mangunje, jestreone 42, 7 3065 gratuita, mid jecwemre 42, 7 liberalitate, .i. gratia, cystijne 42, 7 [Euuangelii] . . . oraculo, .i. sermom', jodspellicere sprsece 42, 8 gratis, orceapes 42, 9 gratis, to jifes 42, 9 3070 occisionis, ./. morttficatiom's, snipes 42, 11 mactarentur, necarentur, cwealde 42, 12 in scammate, oredstowe, on orde 42, 13 palestrarum, p js wa, winn- stowa 42, 13 prgfati, . i. prcedicti, ba f. 5o b . 42, 14 3075 machinamentis, serewunjuw, searecraeftuw 42, 15 surrarum, spserlirena 42, 16 flustra, yba 42, 17 demersos, ./. proieclos, besente 42, 17 suffragio, .i. adiutorio, helpe 42, 18 3080 effera, .z'. demens, wod 42, 18 litoribus, stranduw 42, 19 claro, . i. puro, aenlicuw 42, 20 sarmentorum, sprotena 42, 21 stipitum, .i.frondium, boja 42, 22 1. ALDHELM, DE LAUD. VIRG. 42, 6 3085 globi, blasen cremare, forswaelan fculei, vvitestenjces gabuli, rode patibulo, jeljan 3090 ictibus, obrutos, ofsette, ofhroren 8 3 42, 24 42, 24 42, 26 42, 26 42, 26 , 27 42, 27 decollandi, .i. ra/>z'& plectendi, to beheafdiende 42, 28 palma, .?'. corona, cynehelme f. 51. [Hpt. 479.] 42, 29 PIGEAT, slacije, slawije 42, 31 395 gymnosophistis, gleawu/rc ub- witum 42, 33 rethoribus, jetincjuzw 42, 33 traditum, .{. commendatum, betaehtne 42, 33 cunctis, .i. omnibus, mid 42, 33 liberalibus, boclicuflz 42, 33 3100 studiis, .i. exercttiiS) lareow- domu#2, jecneordnessuw 42, 34 capax, andjytful, numel 42, 35 memorif, ./'. intelleclu, jemen 42, 35 scrutando, ./. meditando, spyr- iende 42, 36 enixius, .i. sagaa'us, jeorn- fullicor, jleawlicor 42, 36 3105 uisco, of fujellime 42, 36 glutinatum, .i. com'unclum, je- limed 42, 37 3066. R. cystignesse. 3070. -tionis] last * alt. f. e. H. snafes, whence the snaS 'killing' in Leo, BT., HI., Sw. In the absence of any other instance of this word, it is safer to take Z>.'s snipes as the better reading, and to assume that it stands for snides: cp. 40, 32. 372. So also //. Cp. H. 405 (not in Z>.) scammatis = oretstowe, &c. orde seems to be dat. of ored=oret ' battle, contest.' 3073. R. plegstowa, as in H. and f2, 146. The missing letters have been erased. 3?S. R. besencte. 3083. G. wrongly sacramentorum. Cp. note to 1557. 385- R- -san. 3086. 6". wrongly cremate. 3087. Cp. f2, 147; -f-7, 229; \S. 169. 3096. Supply ujnoitum. 3100. lareow- wr. o. liber-. 3101. G.capacis. 3102. R. gemende. 3 IO 5- Cp. WW. 529*. G 2 OLD ENGLISH GLOSSES perpropere, .*. ilico, ofstlice 42, 37 lentesceret, .i. abundaret, jeli- bewsehte, cleofede 42, 37 sagacis, . i. prudenh 's, jleawes, snoteres 43, 1 3110 conclave,. z'.corpuscxlum, clusan 43, 1 radieatum, ./. fundatum, je- wyrdtrumed 43, 1 heresceret, ./. coadunaret, je- beodde, anlsehte 43, 1 septem speciebus, on seofen hiwum 43, 3 grainmatica, stsefcrseft 43, 4 3115 rethorica, .i. lucutio, belcrae 43, 4 dialectica, flitcr 43, 4 arithmetica, getelcrse , rimcrae 43, 4 musica, sanjcrge 43, 4 ge(o)metriea, eorbcrse 43, 5 3120 astronomia, tunjelcrge 43, 5 tAstrologia, tunjeljescead t Mechanics, orbancscype, je- tingce crae tcomenta, orj>ancas tMedicina, laececraeft 3125 quantoties, ./. uelociter, swy}?e ra]?e 43, 6 stoicorum, staefleornera 43, 6 argumenta, jecneordnessa, smeaunja 43, 6 cathegorias, .i. mmtiationes t pr&dicationes, lara, bodunja 43, 7 predicamentorum, bodunja 43, 7 3130 dicto citius, .z. ilico, saje raj>or 43, 8 sollerter, jleawlice, frsefellice 43, 8 commenta, trahtnunje f. 51 b . 43, 10 praestaret, .;'. excelhret, ofer- ]?uje, sti^e [Hpt. 480.] 43, 10 conceptus, c , geeacnud 43, 11 3135 fetosia,.i.fecundt's,tydderfu\]um, meddernuw 43, 11 partubus, jeeacnunjuw 43, 12 cunabulis, gebyrdum 43, 12 neophitus, nicumen, nihwyr- fed, nilseraed 43, 13 discrimina, fre 43, 15 3140 affinium, uicinum, landjema- cena, maja 43, 16 contubernalium, .i. sodah'um, Sejjoftena 43, 17 relatione, .?'. relaiu, of racu, jerecednysse 43, 17 [cum] . . . comperit, . i. inuem't, pa he afunde 43, 17 latibulis carceralibus, .?". de- fensacults, on dijlum, on SAveartuw? dimnessuwz 43, 18 3145 artandum, .i. constringendum, to nirewiende, to brsestenne 43, 18 famis, wanhafenesse 43, 19 inedia, meteleste 43, 19 includit, beclysde 43, 19 proscryptionem, .i. frauda- 43, 19 3107. G. prapr-. 3108. So also ff., but cleofede would better gl. heresceret in next line. 3110. condaue alt. f. -aue. 3113. hiivuni} iv alt. f./. 3 TI 5- ~R..fielcryl-. 3116-20. R. -craft. 3121-4. Both lemmata and gll. are wr. by the ord. Eng. hand on the r. margin. 3122. getingce craft (H. getincgcroff) would better gl. rethorica. 3 T 25. G. quantocius. 3^30. The Eng. gl. is a literal translation of the lemma: cp. WW. fsSg 30 hradur j>onne ic mage an word gecwefian. 3133- R- oferstige. 3 J 34- R- cenned. 31 35. R. tudder-, as in H. and f2, 161. 3139- R- frecednyssa : cp. 1595; 4952. 3H3- & ^as Quod cum genitor . . . comperit. 3146. if. wanhfefcenysse. Cp. Ps. ty/. xxxiii. 9 inopia = -wanhafnes. 1. ALDHELM, DE LAUD. VIRG. 3150 rerum, .i. possessionum, sehta 43, 20 patrimonii, .i.lucri, jestreones, yrfes 43, 20 iacturam, .i. damnum, lyre 43, 20 perhorrescit, .i. minebat, he ondred 43, 21 locuples, .1. diues, jelenda, landspedij 43, 21 3155 gadzarum, sehta 43, 22 detrimento, . i. dispendio,}\yrfpe 43, 22 infiscaretur, .i.fraudaretur, $ he wasre bensemed, befeod 43, 23 acerbitatem, teartnesse 43, 23 lenocinio, mid forspennincje f. 52. 43, 25 3160 libitus, .t. uoluntales, willan 43, 26 olosericis, of ealseolcenuTW, si- denuw 43, 27 bombicinis, jodewebbuff*, sidenuw 43, 27 in triclinium, on byr 43, 27 pulcherrimf, .i. speciosissime, senlicasten 43, 28 3165 cicladibus, wimplim 43, 28 delicatas, ./'. diuersas, estfulle 43, 29 defruti, medewes, hluttres wines 43, 29 delicias, .i. epulas, wista ferculorum, estmetta 3170 ineffrenatos, .i. indomitos, ba hijeleaslican cachinnos, ceahhetunja, hleh- tras [Hpt. 481.] iocosos, plejlican ludorum, jlia amplexus, beclyppinja 3175 blandimentis, .i. lenociis, for- spen , swsesnyssuw mollescerent, . ?'. delinirent, libewsehtan mulsa, mid libre epularum, wista, mosa sagina, fsetnesse 3180 labra, cossas epithalami, brydleobes elogium, jydde, ^retinje mellea, huniswe roseis, . i. purpureis, readu^z 3185 herescunt, andbraciab labia, lippan labris, smaeru/w nexibus, mid cnottuw nodaretur, . i. solueretur, beod 43, 29 43, 29 43, 30 43, 30 43, 31 43, 31 43, 31 43, 31 43, 32 48, 33 43, 33 43, 33 43, 35 43, 36 43, 36 43, 38 43, 38 43, 38 43, 38 43, 38 44, 2 44, 2 3157. H. befiod. Cp. WW. f424 33 gegafelod, bestroden ware; t5 H gegafelod. The otherwise unrecorded befeon ' to deprive of money' is formed l.feoh as gegafelian f. gafol. 3161. olos- alt. f. oloss-, 3162. R. -webbenum (adj.), as in H. v Cp.^5322. 3163. R. bur, as in H. : cp. 718 ; WW. 33i 5 ; 549". The gloss, of D. sometimes writes y for u, where H. has the correct u : e. g. 896 dyfpitng for cluf- ; 3952 clyd=clud\ 4217 cy])=cup. 3167. Cp. 2650. 317- G, effrenatos. ^ 3 1 ? 1 - -tungd\ a alt. f. e. 3!75- R. lenociniis,forspenningum : cp. 3159, &c. S 1 ^ 1 - Cp. f2, 165 ; f7, 232 ; -\-S. 173 ; WW. tsoi*. 3183. H. hunisw. R. huniswete: cp. 336. B. wrongly suggests hunisivcese, whence the hunigswces in Leo, T., HI., and Sw. 3185. H. has horrescunt. The reading of D. is more correct, as the verse here quoted by Aldhelm is f. Claudian's Epithalamium Laurentii, 1. 80, which runs : Mellea tune roseis haerescant basia labris. The original MS. f. which the gll. in H. and D. are derived must, however, have had horrescunt, since an(d]]>racian means ' to fear.' Both HI. and Sw. give anj>racian, but as the vb. is prob. related to J>racu, OS. -thraka (cp. also ON. prek}, the root-vowel should be marked short. The corresp. adj. is an)r&c, not anlncce. 3187, Cp. 697. 86 OLD ENGLISH GLOSSES 3190 incelebroso, bepaecendre, for- spennendre 44, 2 matrimonii, samwiste 44, 3 lenocinio, forspanninge 44, 3 uestalis, gedenlic 44, 4 gernmis, of gimstanum 44, 4 3195 tarn urbana, ge snotre f. 52^. 44, Q uerborum, ./. sermonum, worda 44, 6 facundia, .i. eloquentia, sprsece 44, 6 crepundia, .i. mom'h'a, mynas 44, 7 thalami, brydbures 44, 7 3200 [ad] . . . copulam, .i. coniunc- tionem, to gebeodnesse 44, 7 inclinarent, . i. persuaderenl, jebijdan 44, 7 sed secus, ./'. altler, ac elcra, elles hu 44, 7 cessit, .i. euenit t con tig it, be- lamp, jewat 44, 8 concertatio, .z.pugnatio, jewin 44, 9 3205 re(ci)proca, .i. iterata, jeedlse- send 44, 9 disputatio, .i. contentio t lili- gatio, tale 44, 10 dialecticis artibus, .2. disci- plinis, mid flitcraeftu/ra 44, 10 captiosis, of hseftlicon, hyn- denlicu/ 44, 11 eillogismi, .i. inclusions, loces 44, 11 3210 conclusionibus, betyninju;;/, beclysinjuw 44, 11 ita duntaxat, ./'. absque dubio, swa eornestlice 44, 12 oratores,.z'.;W^r^,wordsnotere 44, 1 2 sagax, . i. prudens, jleaw 44, 1 2 argumento, or]5ance 44, 14 3215 ratiocinationis, .i. elocuttom's, snoterscipes, hrihlsecunje 44, 15 in reciprocis, .i. iteratis, on jeedlaesenduw [Hpt. 482] 44, 15 palmam, sijelean, edlead 44, 16 sacramenta, jeryna 44, 1 7 hymenei, haemedscipes 44, 18 3 2 jo commercio, jemanan 44, 18 lustratur. . i. inluminabatur , abwejen 44, 19 dialecticorum, ./. scismati- corutn, fl(i)tfulra 44, 19 gjonnasii, leorninjhuses 44, 20 studio, gecneor(d)nesse 44, 20 3225 commentis, orbanjcuw 44, 21 spiritalibus, jaslicu/w 44, 21 laterculo, of jerime f. 53. 44, 22 dinumerari, jeteald 44, 22 calculo, on stane, of jetele 44, 22 3230 computari, .?'. numerarz, rimed 44, 22 magisterio, ./. maiore insti/u- iione, aef^aslbe 44, 23 3190. R. inlecebroso. 3 I 9 2 - Cp. WW. 64 13 ; LSc. 87*. On spann- for spaning cp. PBB. ix. 284. 3193. Cp. f7, 233; f8, 170; t-S 1 . 175; WW. 52 4 33 (gl. to G. i67 31 ). 319?- En g- gl. wr. o. urbana. If. has sprceca as gl. to verborum : cp. also f2, 169. The orig. must have had sprceca, intended as gl. rather to the Lat. gl. sermonum than to the lemma verborum. 3202. Cp. MS. Junius 86, fol. 41 : Hwylc beren mcende he -tonne elcora butan heofona ricel. In BIH. 39 26 the same passage occurs, but the Blickling MS. reads elles, 3205. Cp. note to 1885. 3208. R. hedendlicum, as in H. : cp. WW. I99 1 captiose hedendlice. 3209. R. conclus-, as in //. 3215. G. rationis. H. hrihtl-; r. rihtlcecinge. This gl. is the source of the hrilacung ' ratiocinatio ' in Somner, Benson, Lye, Bosw., BT. 3216. Cp. 1885. 3 2I 7- R- edlean, as in //. 3223. G.gymnasiis. 3231. afgafo (om. //.) was first wr. here by mistake, and the gloss., after repeating it in its right place as gl. to superstitione, forgot to erase it here. 1. ALDHELM, DE LAUD. VIRG. 87 fanatica, templicere, deoflicere 44, 24 superstitione, sefjaelbe 44, 24 diuerso, .i. multiplici, cere 44, 27 3235 crueiatu, cwylminjce 44, 27 torquendus, .i. cruciandus, to tintreijenne 44, 27 sacello, .i. templo, on halierne, Herman 44, 28 consentiret, .*'. sue cumber et, jebylde 44, 29 pertinaciter, .i. callide, in- pudenter, anwillice 44, 29 3240 udis, ./'. humidts, wsetuw 44, 30 crudis, .i. inmaturis hreawuw 44, 30 neruorum, .i. uts, fortitude, sina 44, 30 torrido, .i. ardenie, hatuwz 44, 31 chaumate, .i. ardore, baernete, swolebe 44, 31 3245 sensim, gefredmaelutfz, stund- mselu/rc 44, 31 stricturg, bindinjce 44, 32 in puncto, .i.parte, on beorht- hwile 44, 32 ligamina, jca 44, 33 enodantur, pro enodabantur, uncnytte 44, 33 3250 nodosi, ruches, ostes, ostijes 44, 33 44, 34 44,34 44, 34 44, 34 44, 34 44, 35 44, 35 cippi, copses, stocces claustrum, faestene uiri, baas tibias, scina, sceancan 3255 surras, sprerliran duritia, stibnes inuisibili, .i. excelsi, unje- sawenlicere contrita, ./. confrida, tobryt, tobrocen 44, 35 potestate, .i. dominio, mihte 44, 35 3260 redigitur, pro rediebatur, waes gewend 44, 36 magica, mid drylicum 44, 36 prestrigia, scinlace 44, 36 putentissimis, .i.fedissimis, mid )?am fules 44, 37 lotii, .{. urine, blondes, micjan [Hpt. 483-] 44, 37 3265 nidoribus, stenjcuw 44, 37 quibus, of Ipam hi 44, 37 chaldeorum, tunjlera, wijelera f. 53^. 44, 38 hierophantarum, scincraefta 44, 38 fantasmata, jedwimeru 45, 1 3270 ariolorum, .z.parcarum,vriccer\a. 45, 1 raarsorum, .i. incantatorum, byrsa, wyrmjalera 45, 1 3232. Cp. f8, 175; t^- 176. Cp. also 7, 125; WW. 2 3 6 a . 3233. Cp. f8, 176; t^- 177- Cp. also 3933 ; 4021 ; 8, 186 ; S, 193 (cefgalde, not cefgielQe, as printed by Logeman : cp. Ang. xv. 207. There is therefore no foundation for the form afgield in Sw.}. 3237. To the instances oihaligern in BT. add PGH. 392 de sacrariis = ofhaligernum ; 395 archanum-kaligern.Cp. notes to 1468 and 1557. 3238. So also H. ; r. gefyldegode. The gejjylan deduced by Leo f. this gl. and accepted by BT. and ///. is an impossible form. 3246. H. has incorrectly bidingce. 3247. Cp. 2370. 3248. R. bindingca 1 3250. ruches ostes (wr. o. nodosi) glosses nodosi cippi; ostiges is gl. to nodosi, 3251. Cp. WW. f37i 39 ; t50i 13 cibbo (r. cippi) = copse (r. **). 3255- R - spar-, as in //. 3259. mihte wr. o. inuisibili. 3263. ^.fulestum. 3265. G. odoribus.R. stencum. 3268. H. scincrefta. The same gl. occurs in f7, 239 ; WW. f4i7 34 J t5 OI[17 - Sievers (Ang. xiii. 328) suggests scincrcefca^-crceftga; but is it not more likely that the orig. had -cmftas as gl. to hierophan- tarum phantasmata, and that this got alt. to the gen.? 3271. Cp. WW. t445 37 : to 01 " 88 OLD ENGLISH GLOSSES euanescere, .i. de fie ere, for- dwinan 45, 2 fetentis, fules 45, 2 lotii, blondes, mijjan 45, 2 3275 lustramentum, bweal, ynjeo- tinjc 45, 2 in fraglantem, .i. redolentem, on stymedne 45, 2 ambrosiam, swaecc 45, 3 in rosatum, on jerosedne 45, 3 odorem, brsetS 45, 3 3280 deglobere, . i. decoriare, behyl- dan, beflean 45, 4 recentis, ./. noue, jrenre 45, 4 corii, ,i. byrse, hyde, bwanjes 45, 4 cruditate, .?'. nouitale, hreaw- nesse 45, 4 sub flagrantissimo, .i. arden- tissimo, under Ipam 45, 5 3285 byrse, .*'. corn, hyde 45, 6 expers, ordaele 45, 7 surris, spearliruw 45, 9 astringentes, . i. alligantes, wribende 45, 9 latebram, heolster 45, 10 3290 proiciunt, hi bunden 45, 10 ligamina, .i. uincula, bendas 45, 10 stupparum, heorbena 45, 1 1 putamina, acumba 45, 11 uelud, . i. quasi, swylce 45, 1 1 3295 limpidissimo, . i. clartssimo, on ]>am beorhtestan 45, 11 tenebrosa, .1. obscura, bystreful 45, 1 2 caligo, .i. cecitas, dimnys 45, 12 fatescit, .i. deficit, acwanc 45, 12 nodosis, ostijuw 45, 13 3300 uiminibus, teljruw 45, 13 cruenta, ./. air ox, wselreow 45, 13 seuitia, reb 45, 14 sceptrinf uirgf , taenene breost- jyrde 45, 14 nodosa, ostijre 45, 14 3305 rigebant, ./'. durabant, stifedan 45, 15 papiro, .i. iunco, risce f. 54. 45, 15 familia, hirede 45, 18 uernaeula, beowtlicuw 45, 18 clientela, .i. sodalitate, inhirede 45, 18 3310 parasitis, .?'. ministris, benu/w, jlijman 45, 18 in ctiniculo, . i. in foramine^ grafe, screafe 45, 22 subterraneo, eorbenuw [Hpt. 484.] 45, 22 superstates, ./'. uiui, lafa, beli- uendras 45, 24 reciprocis, . i. Her ah 's, edlashtuwz 45, 25 3315 singillatim, .i. specialiter, syn- derlipes 45, 25 artabantur, ,i, stringebantur , bread 45, 25 in latebrosum, ./'. in tenebro- sum, on heolstrijere 45, 26 latibulum, .i. obscurum, dijel- nesse 45, 26 uoyrmgalera. Cp. also 4939 ; WW. 441" ; 53 1 26 ; and also IV W. 441 35 Maris (r. Marsf)=wyrmh(Elseras. In f7, 240; f8, 179 we have the uncompounded galra : cp. also 7, 308 ; S. 244. Qa 45, 26 3320 cuniculi, grypan, crypeles 45, 26 stercorum, meoxa 45, 27 ingesserunt, . /. inrogabant, behypedan, on jelseddon 45, 27 Sed putor, .i. fetor, ac fylf> 45, 28 luce serena, ,i. lumine, .i. hi- lari, mid beorhtu/> leohte 45, 28 3325 odoramentis, braej^uw 45, 28 nectareis, swetura 45, 29 scortarum, .i. meretricum, fyrn- lasciuus, . i.feruidus in luxuria, jraedij 45, 32 scortator, .*'. fornicator, we#z- mend 45, 32 3340 uagabundis, .i.errantibus, wan- driendu#*, worienduw 45, 32 ferinis, .i.bestialibus, mid deor- enu;# 45, 33 rictibus, ceafluw 45, 33 suggillaretur, . i. rapietur, wsere forsocen, forjnejen 45, 33 de coniesta, of jefremedre 45, 34 hicjcendra 45, 29 3345 copia, jenihtsuwnysse 45, 34 [ad] . . . prostibula, to forlijer- interdum, ./'. aliquando, forwel oft 45, 34 compendio, .*'. lucro, of bryt, for hrsedince 45, 36 preetereo, ic forlaete 45, 36 decreto, ./'. iudicio, of dome [Hpt. 4 8 5 .]45, 37 3350 crypta, cruftan 45, 37 martyrizantes, .i. torquentis, husuw 45, 29 meretricum, horena 45, 29 3330 contubernia, s. ad, to jema- nu/w, to jeferraedenuw 45, 30 quo, ]?yder 45, 30 de clatris, of pearrucuw 45, 30 amphit(h)eatri, wierteardes, witehuses 45, 30 ad tutelam, .i. ad defensionem, to ware 45, 30 3335 dirigitur, pro mittebatur, alsed, asent f. 54**. 45, 31 petulcus, ./'. luxuriosus, jal, wraene 45, 32 incestator, .*'. maculator, for- browiende 45, 37 occubuerunt, .i. ceciderunt, hi ahnijon, feollon 48, 1 tormentorum, .i. poenarum, witena 46, 3 latibulo, .i. tenebrositate, heol- stre, dijelnesse 46, 5 tyhti^end 45, 32 3355 Quern, bsene on 46, 7 3320. Cp. 4290 ; 4745. On grype cp. Kluge, ES. ix. 505. On crypel cp. 2856. 3327. Cp. note to 2940. 333 1 - H./Ot der, which B. takes as gl. to leo. The Brussels MS. really has Jxzter alt. to fader (cp. Ang. vi. 101), and that feeder ' thither' was the reading of the orig. is shown by f2, 193. 3333- IL layer tear des : \.witegeardes 1. Wyrtgeardes can scarcely be meant. 3337. H. also -htigend. It should be forty htend: cp. late Kent, ferstiende (Matth. xxv. 44) for WS. pyrstetide. 3341. Cp. WW. 237 18 - 19 . 3343- Cp. WW. t5 lS3 osogen ware, for which Sievers (Ang. xiii. 331) suggests aswogen: may it not be for asogen\ 3347- H. of bryc. R. bryce ' profit.' Hrading 'quickness, haste': cp. BT. and Wst. 22 H ; 165" var. 3350. Cp. notes to 1557 and 2046. 3353- Cp. note to 1557. 9 OLD ENGLISH GLOSSES dialectic^ , flitfulles 46, 8 rethoricf , jetincne, jetinclices 46, 9 pedagogis, .i. doctis, latteow 46, 9 didasculis, . i. magistris, heah- lareowu/w 46, 10 3360 in tenero, ./. iuuenilt, on iunj- licere f. 55. 46, 1 1 adultum, .i. tuuenem, orpede, snellne 46, 12 adherentem, .z'. sequentem, to gebeodenne, filiendne 46, 13 conperissent, s. et cum, ba hi 46, 14 habitura, jyrle 46, 16 3365 depromens, ./. eleuans, geswu 46, 18 qufrimoniam, .z'. singultum, heofun 46, 18 canos, harnessa 46, 18 ducentes, .z'. trahentes, adreo- hende 46, 19 optatf, leofre 46, 19 3370 nepotibus, gefterjenjcuw, nefe- nu/rc 46, 20 fraudarentur, hedaele 46, 20 subnixis, .z'. humilibus, of jeorn 46, 21 inauditis, .z'. nefariis, unasej- cendlicu/w 46, 21 ortamentis, . z'. supplicationibus, 46, 22 3375 nitebantur, .i. moliebantur ', hi hijde thalami, brydbu tedas, ,i. lucernas, jyftu copulf, .z'. com'unc/ioms, sam- \viste consortium, s. ad, .i. contuber- nium, to jemanan 3380 Ad argumentum, .z". machina- menium, to searecrse hortand, .z'. ammonende, my- niendlicere suasionis, . z'. exortationis, tyhtinjce apostolicis, baere apostolican oraculis, .z'. sermonibus, mine- junjum 3385 nubere, wifian patres familias, hired procreare, .z'. generare, je- strenen f. 55 b . Quibus, of baw he ita, bus [Hpt. 486.] 3390 qu, ba bine pertinaciter, jemah , an- willice permittendi, . z'. consentiendi, aly 46, 25 46, 25 46, 25 46, 26 46, 26 46, 26 46, 27 46, 27 46, 29 46, 29 46, 30 3357- getincne is either ace. sg. masc. glossing retkoricf artis participem, or stands for getincnesse glossing reth. artis. 3361. R. -dne. 3362. R. to gej>eodne 'joined to.' 3364. /f. rgerlice preceded by erasure of two letters: cp. Ang. vi. 101. R.gyrelanl 3365. R. geswuteliende. 3366. R. heofunge. 33^7. Cp. 1877- 337- ceftergengcum wr. o. nepotum. On nefenum cp. PJBJB. viii. 533; xii. 528; Sievers, \ 277, note I. 337 1 - ^- bedcele. R. bedalede. 3372. R. of geornuml. Cp. 2, 96 inportunis {precibus}of georn. Leo, BT., HI. assume a compound ofgeorn ' too eager.' Is not of merely prep. 1 3373- H. unaseoclendlictim. This B. reads as unaseolc-, whence the undseolcendlic ' eager, energetic ' in Leo, BT., Sw. But D.'s reading seems undoubtedly the fitter rendering for inauditis, and is, moreover, confirmed by the Lat. gl. nefariis : cp. WW. 455 21 nefandas = 9a unasecgendlican. 3375- So H. R. higdon, as in f2, 188. 337^. R. -bures. 3380. R. -crafte. 33^2. H. has the corrupt reading tinfttingce, whence the tyndting (tind-*) 'suasio' in Leo and BT. 3383. The gloss, app. took his lemma for a gen. sg. agreeing with suasionis. 3386. R. hiredes fcederas (or ealdras, &c.) ? 339 1 - R. gemahlice. 33Q2. R. A? alyfenne. 1. ALDHELM, DE LAUD. VIRG. facultas, .i. possibilitas, acu- mendlicnys 46, 30 potestati, .i. uoluniati, mihte 46, 31 3395 committo, .i. commendo, betsece 46, 31 inducias, .i. moras, andbidunja 46, 32 supernf, ./'. excelse, cere 46, 33 maiestatis, m3ejbry?/mysse 46, 33 argumentis, orban 46, 33 3400 euidentibus, .i. monstrantibus, swutelim 46, 33 experiretur, . i. inueniret, afunde, jemet 46, 34 Qua peracta, ba;;/ jedonuw 46, 34 somno, slse 46, 34 sopore, mameran 46, 35 3405 oromate, . /'. superna uiswne, leorednesse 46, 35 horrescas, paueas, forhti je 46,37 separet, .i. diuidat, asendra]? 47, 1 exercitum, werede 47, 3 prsesagio, forewitejunje 47, 4 3410 formosa, .i. speciosa, fsejer 47, 5 effigif, .*'. specie, hiwe f. 56. 47, 5 liniamentis, .i. coniunctionibus, of jefejuw 47, 6 membratim, . i.persingula mem- bra, limmseluw 47, 7 cicladibus, .i. nirginalibus ues- tibus, wimpluw, orluw 47, 7 3415 facinorum, .i. criminum, mandae 47, 9 cloacas, .i.fossas, adelan 47, 9 uolutabra, . ;'. ubi apri porcique se uoluunt, syla 47, 10 in celeberrimo, on Ipam maeran 47, 1 3 municipio, faestene 47, 13 3420 construxere, .i. gdificauerunt, arasrdon 47, 14 cireiter, .1. pene, forneh 47, 15 districto, .*'. rigido, bearwisuw 47, 15 regimine, .i. regula, jymene 47, 16 religionis, .i. discipline, eaw- faest 47, 17 3425 [a] . . . tramitf, .*'. uta, frawz stije 47, 17 per obliques, .i.curuos tflexos, jeod M-oje 47, 1 7 anfractus, hylcas 47, 17 dextra, on ba swybran hand 47, 1 7 declinantia, .i. uergentia, bu- jende 47, 18 3430 bis quingentenos, .i. mille, twije busend 47, 19 manipulos, .i. fasces, jylmas [Hpt. 487.] 47, 19 in area, on flore 47, 20 triturandos, to brexene 47, 20 sacrosanctos, burhhalije f. 56 b . 47, 22 3396. Elsewhere an(d)bidung means ' expectation,' not ' delay.' 3397- R- heofenlicere : cp. 328; 426; 1124, &c. 3398. Cp. 428. 3399- R- or]>ancum: cp. 1389; 3214. 3403^. slape. 3404. H. mdtrran ; f2, 203 mamran. It is possible that the Brussels MS. really has mamran, since m might easily be r. as tp in a gl. The Corp. gl. WW. 47 34 (om. in GET.} momna = sopor is for momra (n and r are much alike in the Corp. gll.). Cp. WW. 74 30 soporem = mamor and Ps. Th. Ixiii. 5 Hi mamriaf man and unriht. Somner and Lye give a mamerung ' dormitio, dormitatio," but without reference. 3405. Cp. 405. 3413. Cp. 1554. 34 I 5- R- mandceda. 3417. //. syle, sylen (for -la, -lati). On the latter cp. note to 1557. As nom. sg. we must assume syle, neut. z'-stem (a fem. z'-stem sylu is improbable : cp. Sievers, 268) ; the nent. pi. in -a is common in these gll. 3422. ~R. fearlwisum, as in H. 3426. H. gend. R.geond. OLD ENGLISH GLOSSES 3435 fe rail bus edictis, .i.bestialibus, . i. prcBceptis, mid jri/wlicu/rc jebannuw 47, 23 cruciatibus, .i. poem's, wituw 47, 23 ingruens, .*'. inptignans, on winnende 47, 24 grassaretur, .?'. uastauit, on- hijede 47, 24 propugnaculum, .i. obstaculum, wijsteal 47, 24 3440 secularis, licere 47, 25 argument!, brafunje 47, 25 baUista, staeflibe 47, 25 machine, searecraeftas 47, 26 arietibus, mid rawmuwz 47, 26 3445 subrutum, .i. obpressum, of- hrorenne 47, 26 moliretur, heo serewede, ho- jede 47, 26 augusto, ./. regali, cynelicere, rumuw 47, 27 textu, jesettnesse 47, 27 effari, .i, edicere, asecjan 47, 27 3450 commanipularibus, ./. soctis, breapu/ 47, 28 propositi, . i. gradus, clsennysse, jebincbe 47, 28 rnartyrizando, martiriutn patiendo, browienduw 47, 29 preside, ,i. iudice, ealdernv# 47, 29 in alto, on healicere 47, 30 3455 tribunalis, demendre 47, 30 culmine, hehnysse, jebinhbe 47, 30 theatri, .i. spectaculi, wasfersyne 47, 30 pulpito, on waefersolre 47, 30 contionante, . i. conloquente, je- sprecendu/w, demendum 47, 30 3460 fustibus, stengciw 47, 31 mastigiis, .i. flagellis, swipuwz 47, 31 sine espectu, .i. absque, .i. intuitu, butan miltsunje, onlasce, forjyfenysse 47, 31 pupillam, syne 47, 33 euulsam, ut aleoned 47, 33 3465 flagrorum, .i. flagellarurn, swi- pena 47, 34 uibices, .i. uerbera, walan 47, 34 ut magus, .1. maleficus, swa swa dry, yfeldagda 47, 34 putenti, .i.fetenti, stinjenduw 47, 34 lotio, ./'. urina, mijjan 47, 35 3470 [quamuisj . . . umectaretur, beah be jewsette, fihte 47, 35 ineolumem, .i. sanum, halne 47, 35 3438. Cp. 2209. 3442. ^.st(Bfli]>eran: cp. 733 ; 5026. 3450. Cp. 3033. 3455. demendre really belongs to contionante, as in If. Over this latter word demendum (cp. 3459) must have been orig. wr. as gl. Then in the archetype of H. and D. another gloss, added by the side of it the fern. demendre, thinking it ought to agree with wcefersyne, and this got moved to tribunalis in D. 3457. One would rather have expected wceferstowe : cp. ZfdA. xxxi. 9 t77 . 3458. H. fawerselre, presumably misr. for wafersolre ; cp. 3913. 3462. H. onlece. Cp. ^EG. 175' respectus = anlcec (MS. H. has anlec alt. to -ic). We have here the sb. onlec ' a looking on ' (cp. locian), the variation of the 2nd vowel being due to want of stress. The uncompounded lee occurs sH. ii. 374 s , and in Aug. xi. Ii8 50 intuitu mid lece. Cp. also PGH. 401 auersa=framlece, \.e.framlece 'looking away from.' In HI., Sw. it is wrongly taken asframlic. 3463. syn ' power of seeing, sight.' The ord. gl. for pupilla is sea: cp. H. 404 (om. D.} ; 9, n ; and B7\ 3464. Cp. 1134. 3466. H. wala, and on margin vibex = walu. R. wala: cp. 4487. Cp. note to 1557. Is walu fern, (^-decl.) or masc. (tt-decl.) 1 Cp. ZfdPh. xxi. 360 ; PBB. xii. 369. The only decisive form in the gll. is the dat. sg. wale 4759, which points to a fern., but even this may stand for wala, e for a being frequent in //. and D. in unaccented syllables. 34^7. ^.WW.y^. 3468- R. stinc-. 1. ALDHELM, DE LAUD. VI RG. 3490 fraglantiam, ,i. odor em, ste- 93 simulacrorum, anlicnyssa 47, 36 libamina, . i. sacrificia, ofrun ja f-57- 47,37 ritu, .i. more, of 47, 37 3475 diruit, tohryrde, towearp 48, 1 ut effebo hircitallo, .i. sine barba, swa swa beardleas, swylce jeonjuwz hsej- stealde, rince, hysse 48, 2 neophitus, .i. noue//us, nije- cyrred [Hpt. 488.] 48, 3 fundum, sea]? 48, 4 dampnatorum, .i. proscrip- torum, fordemendra 48, 4 3480 horrida, .i. formidolosa, ejislice 48, 5 ebulliebant, . i. emergebant, wa- peledan, up abrsecan 48, 6 squaloris, .i. inquinationis, be- smitenyse 48, 6 nausiam, .i. sentinam t uomt- tum, wlsettan 48, 6 reminiscitur, .i. recorda/tir, je- man]? 48, 7 3485 pro, for 48, 8 sterquilinio, .i. loco stercore p/eno, myxene, meoxe olfactum, ./. odora/um, brseb, stenc ambrosif, swetnesse, wyrtje- majnyse nectaris, .?'. salon's, swaecces 48, 8 48, 8 48, 8 48, 9 minje 48, 9 inluuiem, .i.inmunditiam, worn, smittan 48, 9 latebras, . i. tenebras, bystreful- nyssa 48, 9 prodigia, .i. miracula, forebeac- na, wundra 48, 1 1 ad excubias, to waeccu/w 48, 1 1 3495 fanaticf , manfulles 48, 12 superstitionis, ,i. uanitatis, scinlaces 48, 12 agglomerantur, .t. congregan- tur, waeron ^ejserode 48, 13 prolixis, lanjsuw 48, 14 fasciarum, wraeda 48, 1 4 3500 ambagibus, orbtbus, .1. dubita- tionibus, bium 48, 14 sarcofagi, .?'. tumba, ofer- weorces f. 57 b . 48, 15 suscitauit. .i. excitauit, araerde 48, 16 istinc, .i. ex hac uita, heonon 48, 16 tragoediam, .i. luctum, wop- leob, licsanj, byrielssanj 48, 16 3505 illinc, .i. ab in/en's, banon 48, 17 attonitis,.*'. a//en/is,ab\\ccedum 48, 17 spectatoribus, .i. speculalori- btts, emwlatenddu^ 48, 17 urguente, . i. increpante, neden- du? 48, 1^ decreto, .i. iudicio, dome 48, 19 3475. Cp. note to 2263. H. tohrerde t tojxzarf. The latter, which is obviously misr. for towtzarp (this is Mone's reading), has given rise to Leo's to}eorjian ' diruere,' and to Hall's toticearf 1 diruit.' 3478. seaj> is wrongly wr. o. profundtim in foil, line ; in H. s.ap (so MS. : cp. Ang. vi. 101) correctly glosses/undum. 3479. So H. R. fordemedra. 3482. Under the se of besmitenyse another hand has wr. se, prob. to alter it to -nysse : cp. 3488. 3484. Cp. 1598. 3486. 'R.meoxene. 3488. After the gl. is wr. in another hand se, prob. to alt. -nyse to -nysse: cp. 3482. R. -mangnysse: cp. 313; 4824. 3490. Cp. 4772. 3491. Cp. 648. 3497- R- gegadrode, as in H. 3499- tvmdd] r alt. f. w or/. 356. R. ablicg-. 3507. N. -tiendum : cp. note to 1003. 3508. urgu-} betw. H and r a letter erased. 3509. dome wr. o. urguente. 94 OLD ENGLISH GLOSSES 3510 circi, hrincjsetles, trendies 48, 19 [in] . . . spectaculo, .i.publica inspectione, on openre, on swutelre wafunje 48, 20 cuparum, tunnena 48, 20 gremiis, bosmum 48, 20 massa, .i. nor ma, clyne, clotte 48, 21 3515 bituminis, tyrewan 48, 21 sulphuris, swefles [Hpt. 489.] 48, 21 farcmntur, . i. rephnttir> wseran jecra/wmede 48, 22 suppositis, of under ledu/rc 48, 22 rogi, ades 48, 23 3520 torribus, ./. igm'bus, fyrum, branduw 48, 23 sarmentorum, sprota 48, 23 faculis, blaesuTW 48, 23 minacem, deoplice, ejeslice 48, 25 obolisci, ]?ses stanes, brynes, flane 48, 25 3525 proceritatem, .i. altitudinem, hehj)e 48, 25 rotundum, sinewealte 48, 25 spere, trendies, clynes 48, 25 apicem, .i. summitatem, heh]?e 48, 26 conum, healicnysse 48, 26 3530 pracellerent, .z.supereminerenl, oferhlifan, ofenstijan 48, 26 superna, .i. excelsa, mid hea- licere 48, 27 comprfsso, ./'. extincto,otyry]>\. 48, 27 triumphabiles, . i. triumpho plenos, sijefseste 48, 27 obrizum, . i. aurum opttmt colon's, smaete gold, platum 48, 28 3535 circi, rincsettles 48, 28 in publicum, .1. manifeste, aewunje 48, 29 [sed] . . . processere, . i. transi- erunt, ac for]? 48, 29 reciproca, seo jeedlaesend 48, 29 quf, seo is f. 58. 48, 30 3540 saginatur, nutritur, maest 48, 31 agonithetis, .i. principibus il- lius arh's, \\ raxleruw 48, 31 macta. .i. magi's acta, jeeao nude 48, 31 martyrii, .i. suph'cn, wites 48, 32 merita, .i. beneficia, weldseda 48, 32 3545 liciis, hefeldj?raedu2 48, 32 articulos, .i. artus, lij^a 48, 33 palmarum, handa 48, 33 pollices, J>uman 48, 33 obuoluerent, . i.fuscarent, weal- cedan 48, 33 3550 lieiorum, hefelda 48, 35 3514. Cp. 492. 35 1 ?- ff- has also on margin f ardor - ic crammige. Cp. MS. B. 15. 34 (Trinity Coll., Cambr.), p. 338 gecrammod gemet 'heaped up measure'; &G. 190' farcio = ic crammige oSte fylle; /EH. i. 430* tmdercrammodon. 35 24. brynes may have been suggested by the context, or intended as gl. to the prec. flammantis pyres. 3525. hehj>e wr. o. minacem. 3528. hehfe wr. o. rotundum. 35 2 9- Cp. WW. f42O 2 ' ; t5O2 21 heahnisse. 353- 1^. oferstigan, as in H. Whether we take the gll. as pret. pi. subj. or as infin., the first confirms the existence of a st. vb. hiifan, which Sievers questioningly infers (PBB. ix. 277) from the Corp. gl. (WW. 32 38 ) minaci= hlibendri. Cp. 1003. 353 2 - ^-ofpryht; cp. 2501 ; 3571; 4125. Other instances of/, $ for h are : 383 dolh- (//. dold-} ; 2600 purh- (H. prut?) 3921 forsej> ( = -sek) ; cp. NR T. p. 80. Cp. also notes to 66 (hw for/if) and 552 (k for/). 3533' G. triumphales. 3534- ^splatitm (so also H.) for platedum (cp. 450; 2 1 1 8) or platung (cp. WW. 1 96'-* ; ZfdA. xxxi. 6) ? 3535- R- firing-. 3549. The wk. vb. f ge]ivea/cian ' to wrap round, twist, curl ' seems only to occur here and 26, 69. 1. ALDHELM, DE LAUD. V1RG. 95 in scammate, on winstowe 48, 35 palestrico, plejlicuw 48, 36 fumigabundis, . i. tenebrosts, smoci 48, 36 flammarum, .i. rogorum, ada 48, 37 3555 globis, fyru/w, antendnyssuw 48, 37 tutela, ./'. defensio, jescyldnys 48, 37 protexit, .z'.f#,r/0e\rQ 49, 26 persuadet, he tihte 49, 37 prcepollenti, .t'.florenti,fto\ven- fastigium, .i. gradum, gebinbe 50, 2 dre,onscinendre[Hpt.49i.] 49, 27 anhelat, sitiuit, heo 50, 2 sumptuosa, .i. acceptuosa, on Qui, ba sind 50, 2 gestreonfulre 49, 28 3625 prolixa, .i. longo, lanjsumuwz 50, 2 patrimonii, .i. lucri, welan, intercapedine, .i. spatio, fsece 50,2 faederes jestreones 49, 28 tantum, anuw 50, 3 3605 opulentia, welan, spedinesse 49, 28 proposito, .;'. gradu, injehude habebatur, .i. laudabatur, je- f. gpb. 50^ 4 hsefde 49, 29 incrementis, sprittincjuw, adultum, .i. iuuenem, je]7O- eacnunjuw 50, 5 jenne, sprindne 49, 30 3630 prosperabantur, ./. lene age- pubescentem, .i. crescentem, bantur, jespedsumede, e- iunjlinjc, wexende 49, 30 weljode 50, 5 secuturg, .i. future, towyrdre 49, 31 confluxit, .?'. conuenit, samod 3610 posteritati, seft^rjennysse 49, 31 com 50, 7 consulentes, raedende 49, 31 secundis, .?'. prosper is, of je- ad nuptiales, to jyftlicuw 49, 31 sundfulluw 50, 7 obstinatam, .i. pertinacem, ba successibus, ./. fortunis, je- unfordyttan, anwillan 49, 33 saelbuw 50, 8 inportunitatem, .?'. garrulita- practica, ^. m'/a, ,i. actiua, and- /^/w, jemajnesse 49, 33 werduwz 50, 8 3615 refutando, .i. respuendo, wib- 3635 horrentis, .i. squalentis, ejislices 50, 8 sacende 49, 33 uastitatem, ./'. soh'tudmem, frustrari, wij?cweban 49, 34 bradnysse 50, 9 3599. So also H. ; we should expect the sb. slite, as in 2546. The gloss, has taken the sb. morsum for the past ptc. oimordeo ; cp. 1467. 3602. Was flowendre suggested by the foil, affluentia, or does it stand for blowendre, the Lat. gl. florentis having caught the glossator's eye and caused the initial yf? 3606. H. has habebantur, which, though incorrect, must have been the reading of the MS. in which gehssfde (pi. of past ptc.) was orig. wr. 3607. sprindne] after the d an e erased. Cp. H. 485 (om. D.} ; 2, 197 ; 8, 181 ; S. 186. 3610. R. -gengnysse : cp. 849 ; 2695. 3617. G. cohibentia. R. gearcunge, which glosses prceparatione. Hcemeda (gen. pi.) was evid. intended to gl. the prec. matrimonii. 3623. H. heo gewilmtde. 3627. anum as adv. occurs &H. i. 2^ baton synne anni z,88 14 . 3628. R. -hyde, as in //. 3^3?- G . horrentem . 1. ALDHELM, DE LAUD. V1RG. adgressusj.?'.ww/a/?^,jeneosod 50, 9 anachoreseos, ./. in heremo, senettes, ancersetles 50, 9 exercuit, .i. custodiuii, beode 50, 9 3640 rabidis, .i.ferocibus, heteluw [Hpt. 492.] 50, 11 molosi, .i. cam's, rybban 5O, 11 uersus, .i, cornier sus, awend 50, 12 donatur, ajifen 50, 13 ea condicione, ./'. causa, bsere rseddene 50, 14 3645 interposita, . t.promissa, betwyx jesette 50, 14 pauperculf, .i. misery carman 50, 14 direpta, . i. abstracta, aetbroden 50, 1 5 depeculia, .i, spoliata t segre- gata, asyndred 50, 15 mulierculf, .i.femine, wife 5O, 15 3650 strofam, .i.fraudem, fane 50, 16 prophetica, .i. mystica, witiend- licere 50, 16 uirtute, .i.fortitudine, mihte 50, 16 propalatam, jeswuteled 50, 16 [qu] . . . abigerant, ./'. spolia- rent, be hi adrifon 50, 17 3655 strictim, breuiter, scortlice 50, 18 summatim, . i. plene, hwonlice 50, 1 8 97 50, 19 dolium, byden, cype delaturos, .i, oblaturos, to brinjenne 5O, 19 dum, ba f. 60. 50, 20 3660 fefellisset, ./. setduceret, bewoej 50, 20 obeuntem, . i. morienlem, astor- fene 50, 21 gybbum, ,t. curmim, hoferii- endne 50, 21 asello, ysle 50, 22 sospite, .i. sano tfirmo, jesund- fulluw 50, 22 3665 Quanta . . . [sit], hu mycel is 50, 22 ex hoc, of ba 5O, 23 gurgitis, .i. fluminis, deopan 50, 24 fluenta, .i.flumina, flod 50, 24 transire, .i. /ra(n)s/re/are,ofer- liban 5O, 24 3670 melote, scrude 5O, 25 pudibunda, . i. pudica, * seo s(c)eamfgeste, sceamlic 50, 25 nuditas, ./'. despoliatw, scea;/i- festnys 50, 26 indecens, ungerisendre, unje- dafendlic 50, 26 obscenitas, . /'. turpitudo, fulnys, sefesne 5O, 26 3638. Cp. 2383. 3639. R. beeode, as in //. 3640. G. rabidi. The b of ferocibus alt. f. another letter (s ?). 3643. G. donatus est. 3648. After depeculia two letters erased. G. depeculata. 3650. R. facn. 3^57. H. bydan (with a for e). Hence the wk. fern, byde in Leo, HI. H. has also cype, but in f2, 236 we find cyue. As all three MSS. are ultimately derived f. a common archetype, this must have had either cype or cyfe (J> and f are very easily confused). The latter is more prob., as cyf st. fern, is the regular rendering of dolium (cp. WW. I23 3 ; 330 3T =^i(7. 3i6 17 ), whilst cype wk. fern, meant 'basket' (cp. 18, 3; Luke ix. 17; MS. Corp. Chr. Coll. Cambr., No. 162, p. 46 beer to lafe wceron XII cypan fulle). The solitary instance of a st. fern, cyp 'modius' given in BT. from Matth. v. 5 is very doubtful, as it only occurs in the twelfth-cent. Royal and Hatton MSS., all the earlier MSS. reading cyfe. 3660. R. bewagde. 3661. G. abeuntem. 3662. R. -riendne, as in //. Cp. Znpitza, Archiv Ixxvi. 208. 3663. _yj/e (so also H.} is Kent, form of es(o)le. 3666. R. ofj>am, as in H.; f2, 239. 3671. Cp. f2, 240. 3672. H, has the better reading scamfcest ncecednys glossing/wa?. nud. The gl. in D. is evid. corrupted f. this. 3673. Cp. f2, 241. R. -dafenlic; H. has dafniendlic. 3674. So also H., with add. gl. xfsna. It cannot be afesn ' pasturage,' but is, in all probability, corrupted f. IV. II 9 8 OLD ENGLISH GLOSSES 3675 [ne] . . . offenderet, be laeste gehrewde, Alette 50, 26 extimplo, rsedlice 50, 27 in ceteriorem, .i. exlen'orem, on ban yttran 50, 27 anfractibus, hylcuw, bijuw 51, 2 exorbitans, .i. errans, dweliende 51, 2 apostatare, ./'. recedere, wiber- sacian uir uite, lifes man aluei, wseles marginem, healfe, staeb 3680 translatus, ,i. asportatus, ofer- ferod 50, 28 fercula, mettas 50, 29 fretus, jebeld 50, 30 in puncto, .i. in momenta, on pincan 50, 30 rudentium, .i. seuientiwn, jry- metendre [Hpt. 493.] 50, 31 3685 familicum, .i. ieiunum, bsene hunjrian 50, 32 affatim, .i.pleniter, fullice 5O, 32 Baginauerit, .i. nutriuerit, met- sode 50, 33 manipulo, caterua t legione, jefylce 50, 35 astriferis, tun;z;elbaeruzrc 50, 35 3690 ordinibus, .i. agminibus, orbi- 51, 3 51, 4 51, 5 50, 27 3700 uaste, .*'. ample, rumes 50, 27 penetrans, .i, circumiens, ofer- farende 51, 5 contubernia, .i. consortia, je- manan 51, 6 subterfugiens, .i. dedinans t abhominans, fleonde 51, 6 haudprocul, .i. non Ionge,unkor 51, 6 3705 delubro, herje, deofeljyl , herije 51, 7 toraciclas, ./'. imagines, anclic- nyssa 51, 9 secundum praesagum, . i. iuxta, aeft^r forewitti^uw, forjleawe 51, 9 uaticinium, .;'. prophetiam, jydde, witedome 51, 10 commouebuntur, .i. per fur - bantur, astyrede 51, 11 bus, eahrinju/ 50,36 3710 manufacta, s. simulacra, hand- fclesiastico, cyrclicere f. 6o b . 5O, 37 jeweorce, handjewrite 51, 12 clericatus, preosthades 51, 1 Nubs, lyft 51, 13 gradu, .i. or dine, jebinbe 51, 1 corruptionis, .i. dissolutions, tramite, stije 51, 2 jewemednysse 51, 14 3695 errabundis, .i. uagabundis \ uirili, cere 51, 14 mistlicu/rc 51, 2 conplejiu,'unch'one,pm^ce51, 14 cewiscnes (w and f are easily confused, and c could fall out betw. consonants) : cp. especially f4, 69. Cp. also \1, 265 ; f8, 193 ; ^S. 204 cewisce. 3683. So also H, A pinca is not elsewhere recorded. Is it for prican (pi misr. as in) or for princan (=frince: cp. 2369. On wk. ending -an cp. 1557)? 3684. R. -ra. 3690. In place of ordinibus G. has agminibus, H. orbibus. Eahringum must have been orig. wr. in a MS. with orbibus. 3699. G. omits vir. 3705. R. deofelgylde : cp. 1899 ; 2620. Cp. note to 1468. 3706. ~R.anl-,&s,'mH. 3712. R. gewemm-. 3713. R. werlicere: cp. 1549, & c> 37 r 4- ^- wr< - en( ^ ^ le mma > H. pincge. R. beclyppingce (cp. 1551; 3174; 5041) or em(b}clyppingce ^.4529)? The pince 'fricatio, amplexus maritalis ' in Leo 209*, which is deduced f. this gl., must be rejected. 1. ALDHELM, DE LAUD. VIRG. 99 3715 prefigurat, .i. demonstrat, je- tacnode 51, 15 octenis, ehtafealdu#z f. 61. 51, 16 lustris, ymrynuw 51, 16 lassabundis, . i. uagabundis, ateoriendlicuw 51, 17 circiter, .i. pene, fornean 51, 18 3720 archimandrita, .i. princeps out'um, hehfseder, lareow 51, 18 preclaram, .i.perspicuam, senli- cuw 51, 19 totidem, em swa feala 51, 21 spatiis, .i. inieruallis, facu/# 51, 21 curua poplite, jebjeduw hawme 51, 22 3725 colobium, loba, sere, smocc, hemebe 51, 23 stuppe, s. lini, heordan 51, 23 [de] . . . stamine, of wearpe [Hpt. 494.] 51, 23 putamine,ofsefredan,acumban 51, 23 sine pompulenta, butan je- jlenjcedre 51, 24 3730 panucularum, wefla 51, 24 ordiretur, wses gehefeldad, onjunnen 51, 24 sindonis, waefe^ses, scytan 51, 24 peplum, web 51, 25 51, 25 61, 25 51, 25 51, 25 sonantibus, ex tereti, .i. rotundi, of sine- wealttm 51, 25 3735 filorum, braeda 51, 25 glomere, cliwene fuso, mid spinle netum, jespunnen radiis, rislu/ra 3740 stridentibus, .i. hriscenduzB 51, 26 pectine, pihtine 51, 26 texebatur, waes jewefen 51, 26 longiusculf, .i. longe, lanje j feor 51, 26 in desertis, .i. secretis, on westerns 51, 27 3745 delitescente, .i. latitante, lut- iende 51, 27 uolumina, .t'.reuofa/iones,fyldas 51, 27 [numquam] . . . extricabantur, . *'. rumpebantur, tosijene naeron, forjnidene 51, 28 parsimonia, .i. absh'nenlia, forhaefednys, minsunj, jneatSnys 51, 29 tarn frugalis, . /'. temper ata, swa spserlic, ^ehwaade 51, 29 3750 recentibus, .i. nout's, iunju#z 51, 30 hortorum, wyrtuna 51, 30 3720. The scribe who wrote the Lat. gl. was thinking of mandra in the sense of 'sheep-fold.' 3724. G. curvo. R. gebigedum, as in H. 37 2 5- Cp. KlZs. I27 101 Gyf }>u heme]>e habban wille ; Ang. xiii. 443 1114 mid hemepe. The nom. is heme]>e, not hemep (as in HI., Sw.}, as this gl. and first instance cited show: cp. also OHG. hemidi. 3726. Cp. note to 1649. 37 2 8- acumbari} ba on erasure. In -f-7, 266 cefredan glosses stamine. Leo and Hall regard it as an adj. meaning ' shapeless' ; I take it to be a sb., the ist part of which is cef ' off,' and the and reda ( = hreda) conn, with hreddan, the meaning of the compound being ' that which is taken away f. or separated off.' It therefore suits putamine better than stamine. 37 2 9- -ngcedre"] g alt. f. c. 373- ^ t pannicularum. 373^. Cp. 457. 3737- spinle] n alt. f. /. 3739- N. hri-. 3740. Cp. 5006, and //. 405 (om. D.} riscendum. Hryscan ' to sound ' is the NE. to rush, NHG. rauschen: cp. Ang. xiii. 324. Sweet's riscende 'sounding,' evidently based on H. 405 or 520, must be struck out. Cp. also ^WW. 504" hristlendum, whence NE. to rustle : cp. Acad., May 7, 1892, p. 447. 3746. Cp. 34, i. H 2 IOO OLD ENGLISH GLOSSES 51, 33 holusculis, ofaetuw 51, 30 uesceretur, .i. reficeret, waere jefed, ]> he wses jefestud 61, 31 condito, jestryddre 51, 31 3755 culine, .i. coquine, cicene f. 6i b . 51, 31 pulmentario, syflincje 51, 31 potiretur, ./'. ditaretur, jeroded, bruce cum, Ipon cocturam, jesod 3760 assaturam, braedinjce in focularibus, on heorbim ad edulium, . /. ad uescendum, to mose, aete refutaret, .i. respuerel, wibsoc, ascunede 51, 33 tyrannidem, ,i. militiam, sace 51, 34 3765 in clerical! gradu, ./'. or dine, on preosthade 51, 35 fungentes, .i. utentes, ba bru- cende 51, 36 [ad] . . . cingulum, to jyrdylse 51, 37 [in] . . . latibulum, ./'. tene- brosum, on dimhofe 61, 37 truditur, .*'. damnatur, wses bescofen, jeneborod [Hpt. 495.] 52, 1 3770 intempeste, swyltre 52, 1 conticinio, cwylsetene 62, 1 radio, .i. splendor e, leoman 52, 2 tremebundis, . i.formidantibus, forhtim 62, 2 lautumif, .i. careens, dimhuses 52, 3 3775 circumquaque, .i. usque quaque, jehwar abutan 52, 5 debachantes, . i. stomachantes, woffiende 52, G fixas, . i. fi rmas, jefassnode 62,0 sub diuo, dyrnuffz, swellenduw 52, G chaumate, ./'. ardore, bsernette, swolebe 52, 7 3780 usquam, .i. ad ullum locum, ahwer 52, 8 aliorsum, elles hwyder 62. 8 ulterius, ofer $ 62, 8 culturis, . i. minister Us, benun- juw f. 62. 52, 11 effigiem, .i. imaginem, hif 52, 12 3785 in frusta, to sticca 52, 12 in fauillam, on yslan 52, 13 aliquando, inter dum, hwi 52, 14 propemodum, poene, forneh 52, 1 4 inter duo populosa, betwyx twaw folclicu/w 52, 15 3790 preedia, foreburja, wordias, croftas 52, 16 gerebatur, . i, agebatur, worden 52, 1 6 fortuitu, ./'. ex inprouiso, jewyr- delipu/w 52, 16 casu, .i. repente, jelimpe 52, 16 3753. R. gefestrud : cp. 5035. Cp. also LSc. 222 15 nutriri festrud beon. 3754- WS. gestredd f. stregdan 'to sprinkle.' Cp. WIV. 2I2* 3 condiuit = saliuit, gendstredde ; LSc, 97" sale esse conditum = mid sealte beon gestredd. 3757- So H. R. gegoded: cp. 1743. 3759- g*"'^ was also wr. o. prec. tamen, and then erased. 3768. latib-~] a alt. f. u. H, dunhoue, which is merely misr. for dim-. 377 O - H. tranquilliz, serena, smeltre. ^.smyltre: cp. 4657. 3771- R- cwylds- : cp. 4658, &c. Cp. Kluge, Ang, viii. 450; Ltbl. xix. (1898), 14. 3774- H. dun- misr. for dim-. 3777- ^.^fcestn-. 3778- R- \under un}d_yrnum, swellendum \_lyfte] ? 3784. R. hi-w, as in H. : cp. 3913. 3785- The orig. must have had on sticca, as in H. 3787. R. hwilum. 379- R worftias. On worQigcp. NSC ft., p. 71. 1. ALDHELM, DE LAUD. VIRG. lor armatas, . f. instructas, jesyre- wede 52, 17 3795 peltarum, .i. scutorum, scylda 52, 17 testudine, scildtruman, rand- beaja 52, 17 iam iamque, . i. inibi, barrihtes 52, 1 7 ee, hi sylfe 52, 18 iugulaturas, .i. perfossuros, to gymmienne 52, 18 3800 oflendisset, .i. inueniret, on beode 52, 18 eimultatem, .i. discordiam, un- gehrsernysse 62, 20 mitigare, .;'. pacific are, leobe- waecan 52, 20 niteretur, .i. cogitaret, hojede 52, 20 exortam, up asprunjenne 52, 20 3805 bellicosus, gladiator, feohtend 52, 2 1 incentor, tihtend 52, 22 fautor, adiutor, fultumiend 52, 22 signifer, .i. qui 'signum fert, wicbora, jesseli 52, 22 bachanti, . i. irascenti, mid we- denduwz 52, 23 3810 furibundo, ejislicuwz 52, 23 strepitu, .i. clamor e, jehlyde 52, 23 sequestra, todseledre, borjien- dre 52, 24 uiolati, .1. conlaminati, dre f. 62^ [Hpt. 496.] 52, 26 federis, . i. pactt, wsere 52, 26 3815 clasma, .i. pac , mal 52, 26 ultricem, . i. uindicairicem, lean- iende 62, 27 uindictam, .i. poenam, wrace, wite 62, 27 exsolues, .*'. patens ; J?u jelaest 52, 27 receptet, .i. accipid, underfo 62, 29 3820 conrosus, ./. deuoratus, for- Sna^en 52, 30 examen, .;'. multitude opium, swearm 62, 34 ad aluearium, to hyfen 52, 34 pro festiuitate, .i. sollemnitate, for symbelnysse 52, 35 frequentanda, . i. iteranda, jelomlsecende 52, 35 3825 frugalitatis, .i. abstinentig, spaernysse 52, 36 crustulis, rinduwz 52, 37 pro foribus, beforan jatuw 53. 2 uestibtili, ,i. atrii, inbirij, forbtijes 53, 2 familicis, hin^rienduw, hunj f. 63. 53, 4 3796. R. -beage, or was it intended to gl. peltarum 1 3797- H, has J>arrihtum as gl. to strictis, whence the supposed adj. fiarriht 'unsheathed, bare,' or 'straight' in Leo, HI., BT. D. is no doubt right. 3800. R. beeode, as in H. 3801. R. tmgehwtzr, as in H. Cp. note to 66. 3808. R. wigbora, which I do not, with BT., take to mean 'image-bearer' (f. wih), but ' war- bringer,' which suits the context perfectly. It is the same as the wigbora ' belliger' in ALG. 27". Cp. f4, 72 ; f7, 280 ; f8, 203 ; f5. 214. The iuio- form in the last-mentioned instances results f. an easy miscopying of c as o (cp. 220 note; 2825). The sb. gesalig 'a standard-bearer' in Leo, HI., BT. seems very doubtful. Had the orig. \is\esad as gl. to the foll.fertur ? 3812. For the first gl. cp. 1842. With borgiendre the gloss, app. meant 'being surety': cp. WW. fjo^ 5 byrgea; 46 21 sequester ^byrga. Cp. also the foil. gll. to G. 25'" sequestra : WW. 493 33 byrgea ; 7, 99 and S. 89 b (Ang. xv. 208) onbyr- gedum; 11, 142 ambyriendum. Here we have onbyrgan used in the same sense. 3813. R. gewemmedre. 3815. After pac (which is wr. in the Lat. hand) a letter or two erased: v.pactum or paceml H. has face as an Eng. gl., but is evid. wrong, so that ihe/ace ' clasma ' in Leo and HI. must be struck out. Cp. IVW. t504 a7 . 3822. R. hyfe : cp. 1557. 3829. R. hungrigum, as in //. IO2 OLD ENGLISH GLOSSES 3830 calculator, .i. numeralur, je- teald 53, 6 iubileus, s. annus, freols 53, 6 [sicut] . . . supputatur, swa is jerimed 53, 7 munificentie, lacdsede, cys- tinysse 53, 9 xenium, .*'. datum, lac 53, 10 3835 collegitur, pro intellegitur^ is understanden 53, 10 tempore prepostero, .i. con- trario, mishworfenre tide 53, 12 uernali, s. iempore, licere, lententima 53, 12 non autumnal!, na hserfestli- cere 53, 12 inpendebatur, . i. donabatur, heo W3es forgy 53, 13 3840 mala punica, .i. poma, corn- appla 53, 13 mala granata, jecyrnlude ap- pla 53, 14 pelmeti, winjeardes 53, 14 dactilis, finjerapplu#z, tanum 53, 14 nicolaos, mylisce appla 53, 15 3845 caricarum, ficapplana 53, 15 massas, cnynas, clot antes, .i. romusculos, tanas, telejran palmitum, winboga propagines, .i. soboles, tydder- nessa 3850 racemis, clystruwz botris, cropp mitescere, .i. quiescere, jeswi- can, lij>ian [Hpt. 497.] calamitosa, of dimre, earmre promiseuum, .i. mixtum, mist- lie, gemenjed f. 63^. 3855 grassaretur, .i. uasiaretur, Ipa. wes oferwunen gratia, for J?inje sportulas, .i. cofinos, spyrtan crustulis, rinduwz tortellis, cycluw 3860 tantum, swa micluw interuaUo, .i. spatio, betwyx- faece uictus, .i. stipis, fodan alimoniam, .i. annonam, foster familicis, .i. abstinentibus, 53, 16 53, 16 53, 16 53, 17 53, 18 53, 18 53, 19 53, 19 53, 20 53, 21 53, 22 53, 22 53, 22 53, 23 53, 23 53, 23 53, 24 53, 24 53, 25 3837. R. lenctenlicere, agreeing with tide of prec. gl. Lententima (//. has -time, with the common c for a) is a sb. glossing vernali tempore. The supposed adj. lenctentime 'vernal' in BT., HI., Sw., which is based on this, is without foundation. 3839. ~R.forgyfen. 3846. R. clyna, as in f-2, 260. H. dyne, on margin clyna. Cp. 492. 3849. The gloss, understood the lemma in the sense of ' propagation ' or ' offspring,' for that must be the meaning of tyddernes : cp. Salomon and Saturn, 1. tf,for XII \_f~\yra tydernessum, which Kemble translates 'for twelve generations of men.' We have a similar rendering in &G. 216'* propago ic tyddrige, and haec propago tyddrung o8$e boh. This latter does not justify us in assigning to tyddrung the meaning ' branch,' as is done in Sw. and BT. ; ^Elfric does not use tyddrung as a synonym of boh, but means that the Lat. propago denoted, on the one hand, ' propagation, offspring,' which he explains as tyddrung, and on the other, ' shoot, branch,' which he explains as boh. 3851. R. croppum, as in H. 3855. R. -wunnen. 3856. for pinge 'for the sake of (cp. BT. s.v. ping\. 9) is a very appropriate gl. to gratia. In H. it is wrongly assigned : for being taken as gl. to gratia and J>ince (for which JB. proposes to read pigene) as gl. to stipis. 3857. cqfinos~\ i on erasure. 3861. betwyxfcec is evid. a compound rendering interuallum ; B, wrongly takes betivyx as prep., which does not suit the context. 1. ALDHELM, DE LAUD. VIRG. 103 3865 inopiam, wanan 53, 26 refoeilantes, . i. confirmantes, hyrtende 53, 26 inminenti, .*'. ingruenii, on win 53, 26 inedia, .i.fastidium, meteleste 53, 27 discrimine, .i. damno, hearme 53, 27 3870 farris, hwsetes, mealewes 53, 27 simila, . i. farina subtilissima, smedman 53, 28 polin, .i.fqrine, mealewes 53, 28 memoratur, .i. perhibelur, he is jesaed 53, 29 corbes, wilijan 53, 29 3875 fiscellos, .i.fiscos, taenelas 63, 29 lecythum, .i. ampullam ole- ariam, anpullan 53, 30 pugillum, .i.fa , jripan 53, 31 SUMMATIM, .i. perfecte, hwonlice 53, 33 nutabundo, ./. iitubando, mid tealtrien 53, 34 3880 fundamento, .t. stabilitate, grundwealle 53, 34 gradatim, ,i. per singulos gradus, stsepmaelu/w f. 64. 54, 1 amminiculum, ./'. adiutorium, fultu/w 54, 4 patrocinii, .i. auxilii, mund- byrde 54, 4 protoplast!, .i, ade, bses fruw- sceapenes 54, 5 3885 statum, .i. firmamentum, je- binba 54, 6 profligatis, .i. affligatis, afli- jeduwz 54, 6 inextricabili, . i. infatigabili, unacumelicuw? 54, 7 plecta, hyrdle, bije 54, 7 plumemus, . i. scribamus, pluc- cia]? 54, 7 3890 principalis tanti sexus, swa ealdorlices hades 54, 8 congruentia, ,i. conuenientia, jebaeslice, jedafniendlice 54, 9 pre, .i. ante, to [Hpt. 498.] 54, 10 propositum, .i. gradum, in- jehyd 54, 10 uestibula, . z. inlroitus, infaerelda 54, 1 1 3895 eodem modo, .?'. simili modo, on ba/w ylcan jemete 54, 12 experimentis, ,i. argument's, mid afundennyssuwz 54, 13 astipulabimur, . i. consequimur, we jesebab 54, 1 3 enucleare, . i. manifestare, spyr- ian 54, 14 signatus, jemearcod f. 64^. 54, 16 3900 gerula, berbestra 54, 1 6 uernacula, .i. ancilla, binen 54, 18 supernorum, .i. excelsorum, hefenlicra 54, 19 ciuium, . i. tial>i/atorum,vfa.rena. 54, 1 9 pelices, .i. concubinas, cifesan 54, 20 3867. G.imminentis.R.onwinnendre: cp. 888 ; 3437. 3877- ^-farine. 3879. R. tealtriendum. 3887. R. unacumenlicum, as in H., or -endlicum, as 359. 3888. G. plectra. Cp. Pr.P. 241 hyrdyl =* plecta. For the 2nd gl. cp. WW. t55" windonge, and 2392. 3900. R. berpestre = ^i?>. byrp-. 3903. R. ceastergewarena : cp. 329. The glossators so frequently wrote only part of the word that we are not justified in deducing f. this and 4884 an uncompounded wara (as in BT.} ; the ceastre -warena in Andreas 1125 is miswr. for ceasterw-, as it is too early a form to admit of the explanation given in the note to 1951. 394- 1 s pi te of th e cyfesan cited in -571 104 OLD ENGLISH GLOSSES 3905 obsidem, jisl 64, 21 monarchum, . i. dominatorem, ealdor 64, 21 receptaculum, .i. sinus, habita- culum, anfenjce 64, 25 puerperii, hyseberj^res 64, 26 Sollicite, ./. curiose, car 54, 27 3910 indulte, .i. concesse, jefeodenes 64, 28 iugalitatis, ,i. matrimonn, sin- scipes 54, 28 consortia, .*'. contubernia, je- mana proci, fojeres sponsalia, wedlac, bryda 3915 optentu, ./'. zntuilu, of bejym- enna, of bejeata 54, 29 refutans, respuens, wi}?sacen 54, 29 latrinarum, arjanja 54, 30 purgamenta, aefyrm , claen- sunja 54, 30 laudabili, .i. honor abi'ti, of leoflicere 54, 30 3920 contempserit, forhojede 54, 31 despexerit, forsej? f. 65. 54, 31 respuerit, wi]?soc 64, 31 organica, dreamlic 54, 32 concreparet, hleo 64, 33 3925 armonia, swinsunj 54, 33 ac si, .i. quasi, swylce 64, 33 sirenarum, meremenna 54, 33 inexpertos, . i. incautos, unware 54, 34 [cum] . . . pellexerint, .i. de- ciperint, bonne hi bepseca}? 54, 34 3930 sub prgtextu, .;'. sub uelamine, under hiwe 64, 35 procum, fojere 54, 36 leuirum, tacor 54, 37 super stitiosa . . . [cultura], .i. uana, idelu/w, feond- licuw sefjaelbum 64, 37 f. AL. ii. i86 2 , 1 believe the -an here to be merely an instance of the inorganic wk. endings common in these gll. : cp. 1557. 397- Cp. 105. 3908. Cp. 4947. We have app. another instance of hyseberfier in SHy. 50 (Enixa est puerpera quern Gabriel predixerat Acende hyseberjtre pane J>e G. foresade), for it seems more prab. that the gloss, misr . puerpera as puerperio than that we have a wk. fern. hyseberpre 'a woman in childbed.' Cp. also hysebyrding and BIH. cnihtgebeorftor. 399' R. carfullice: cp. 56, 316. 39 IQ - G. indulta. 39 I 3- So also H. R. wogeres. Cp. 3931 and 4285^0- (both MSS.) ; 4051 and 4148^0- (H. wo-\ Other instances of/ for w are 1006 gecewnedra (ff.gecef-} 2530 and 3784 hif (H. hi-va] ; 3458 -wafer- (H.fa-} ; 3935 gewefene (H. gefeGene) ; 4409 gleow (ff.-w and -f} ; 4474 wafede (H. fa,-: cp. Ang. vi. 102); 4857 woriendum {^)\ in 3113; 4044 w has been alt. f.f. Cp. further Ang. viii. 450 finter for winter; fifel for wtfel; 451 hreaf ^for hreaw. In spite of Kluge, PGr? \. 1013, who sees in this spelling a Kentish dialectal peculiarity indicating that the / was voiced to v, I believe that in all these cases we have merely a graphical error of the copyists, /and w being much alike in the cramped handwriting of the gll. This is borne out by the converse mistake of w for/: ^^oferdon (ff. we-) ; //". 515 (om. Z>.) uxerelae for farelde. The fogere in Somn., Lye, Etttn., Leo, BT., HI. must therefore be struck out. 39 I 4- I n -ff- bryda is alt. to the adj. brydlice by an overwr. lice (cp. Ang. vi. 101). R. brydgyfta (cp. 1398) 1 This gl. does not justify the assumption of the bryda ' sponsalia' in Leo, HI. 39 J 5- R- - ne , -te. Cp. WW. 75 3 * ; 2698. 39 1 *}. R. wipsacende. 39 I 7- -Lye has Arsgang . Anus . arsganga . Latrince, evid. derived from this gl. Thence the earsgang of Ettm., Lea, BT. But apart from the fact that both MSS. have or-, not ars-, the compound is an unlikely one. The most usual gl. for latrina is the uncompounded gang (cp. WW. i8s 18 ; 328 M ) or genge (cp. WW. f436 9 ; f5o6 a , &c.). 3918. R. afyrmpa: cp. 609. 39 J 9- H. has the better reading lofflicere. 39 2 i- So also //. "R.forseh: cp- 3532. 39 2 4- R- MeoSrode. 3931. R. wo-: cp. 3913. 3933. Cp. 3233. H. fffgidelum, whence Leo's afgydel ' superstitiosns ' ; but according to Hausknecht's collation {Ang. vi. 101) the ide is not clear, so that the Brussels MS. also may have (tfgttttlMm. 1. ALDHELM, DE LAUD. V1RG. celicola, .1. c//um cotens, heo- fenlic bigenjca [Hpt. 499.] 55, 2 .3935 contexta, .i. conscripta, jewef- ene 65, 3 [eas] . . . attuli, .i. trans tuli, ic hi brohte 55, 6 CELEBERRIMUS, .i. excel- lentissimus, msere 55, 7 ea tempestate, on bsere earm- lican tide 55, 7 longiuscule. .i. late, feor 55, 8 3940 crebrescens, wexende 55, 8 qua, on baere be 55, 8 auguste, rumes 55, 9 potestatis, .i. imperil, cyne- domes 55, 9 inrogabat, .i. ingerebat, on belaedde f. 65^ 55, 10 3945 penetrauit, .i. circuiuit, jen- ferde 55, 11 dilaceratio, .i. mortificatio, sli- tinc, jeter, deadbaernes 55, 12 atrox, gritfzlic 55, 13 uexatio, .i. punitio, jedreced- nys 55, 13 prepedire, . i. pr&occupare, forne forjan, jelettan 65, 13 3950 testularum, tijlena 65,14 incendia, ad 65, 15 scopulus, .?'. lapis, stan, clyd 55, 16 contra inlata, .1. inrogata, onjean jebrohte 65, 16 tormenta, ./'. supplicia, wita 3955 non ficte, ,z. mendacis, un- leasere siculus, .i. sicih'ensis, sicelic indigena, ./. iciuis, inbyrdlinc, burleod oppidi, wic Qui, ba 3960 incendia, ontendnysse scintillantibus, . ;'. splendenti- bus, spyrcenduw, brast- lienduw bullirent, ,t. exundauerunt, up abraecan, wapeledan sulpureis, sweflenuw globis, bicnyssuw 3965 feruida, .t. torn'da, weallende torrentum, riba flumina, waete in prseceps, nyberwyrd sarcofagi, bryh 3970 tumbam, .i. tumulum, hlid turris, stipeles propugnaculum, wijhus, fore- weal ruituris, hreosendlicuwz imbribus, raescu/w, scuruw 3975 obuia, onjeanwyrdnessa liquefactos, formylte scopulorum, .?'. lapidum, torra congeries, . ;'. multttudtnes, hypplas f. 66. 105 55, 16 65, 17 55, 18 55, 18 65, 18 65, 19 65, 20 55, 20 65, 20 65, 21 65, 21 65, 21 55, 21 65, 21 55, 22 65, 22 55, 23 65, 24 65, 24 55, 24 65, 25 65, 26 65, 26 65, 26 65, 26 3935. If.gefeSene (cp. note to 3913), whence the supposed gefede 'was vor Augen ist, contextus, conscriptus' in Leo, BT., HI. Leo's other instance of the word, to which he (p. 24) assigns the meaning 'das was vor den Fiissen ist' from Gl. Prud. 1046 {**PGH. 402) huius si potis est=-gif hit gifetie is, is simply the common gifeSe 'given, granted.' 3945- R- geond-. 3949- ^P- 603. 3952. R. dud, as in //. : cp. 3163. We might also take standud as a compound. 3956. K- sirelisc: cp. IV W. t5o6 19 se Sicilisca ; f2, 274. 3957- R- burh-, as in H. 3966. G. -ntium. 3967. R. western : cp. 506. 3975- H- ongeamtntrde (adj.) t gendnyssa (sb.\ io6 OLD ENGLISH GLOSSES uoraturos, . z'. absorbturos, to fornimene 55, 27 3980 sopierunt, ,i, euanuerunt, je- swicen 55, 27 OPERE PRETIUM, .i. con- uem'ens, neadbearflic 55 ; 28 preconia, . i. fauores, lofu, her- unja [Hpt. 500.] 55, 29 quas, ba 55, 30 canone, .i. regula, sinobe, je- rihte 55, 31 3985 sollemnia, .i. festiuitates^ si- melnyssa 55, 31 cognoscitur, ./. intellcgitur , oncna 55, 32 quatinus, .i. tit, $ hi 55, 34 nequaquam, . i. nullatenus, nateshwon 55, 34 contribuli, jesibbu/rc 55, 35 3990 municipium, ./. ctui/as, faesten 55, 37 famosissime, baere 56, 1 tyruncule, cempestran 56, 1 oppidum, .i. a'uitas, stoc(c)lif 56, 2 prosperis, . i. Igtis, jesundfulhm 56, 2 3995 successions, .i.fortunis, jesael- inaessuw 56, 3 sublimatur, jeoffred 56, 3 prolixa, .i, longa, for lanjsu- mere, for lanjre 56, 3 confabularentur, .i, sermoci- narentur, hi spaecon f. 66 b . 56, 5 corruptionis, . i. mortis, jewe#/- mednysse 4000 Matre . . . [consentiente], tjeundremedre consentiente, .i. annuenie, je- J?afien distractio, ./'. uenditio, todal clustella, haepsan, loca marsupia, seodas 4005 crepundia, mynas comparantur, . i, emaniur, waeron jebohte mercimonium, ./. commerci- onum, manjunj, jestreon facibus, . /'. flammts, of inflammatur, . i. accenditur, wses ^ehathecrt 4010 tribunica, ealdorlicere afflcitur, .i. consumitur, wses jewaeht eo quod, for ba?# furben castigata, jebread lenonum, leasuhta 4015 lenocinio, bepaecunje ad detestabile, to ascunelicuw inuisum, .?'. exosum, S33- tuw f. 67. lupanar, melt estruw huse magorum, dryra 4020 aruspicum, iujelera superstitione, .i. uanitate, scin- 56, 9 56, 11 56, 11 56, 12 56, 12 56, 13 56, 13 56, 14 56, 15 56, 16 56, 17 56, 17 56, 18 56, 18 56, 19 56, 19 56, 19 56, 21 56, 22 56, 22 56, 23 56, 24 The latter, whence the gendniss ' obstacle ' in Leo, HI., stands for gehendnyssa (cp. 2713), or possibly for gennyssa=gegn- (cp. 4610). 3984. can-~\ a alt. f. o. 3986. R. oncnawen. 3996. Cp. 2859, &c. 4000. The gl. is on the 1. margin before Matre. R. geunnendre meder. H. has geondre- medre, whence Leo's ge-ondrymian ' mit Freude entgegenkommen,' and Hall's ge-ondreman ' to consent.' 4001. R. gej>afiendre. 4007. R. commercium, as in H. 4012. furjien =fur]>an, and is prob. intended to gl. penitus (G. 56 20 ). 4014. H. has leasunga, and Hausknecht (Ang. vi. 101) makes no remark. Jbut as in Mone, p. 413, this gl. appears as leasuhta, thus agreeing with D., there can be little doubt that this is the reading of the Brussels MS. also. 4017. R. andsatum : cp. 2728. 4018. melt estril] betw. It and e a letter (r?) erased. //. meltrestru (cp. Ang. vi. 101). R. meltestran, 4019. Cp. Sievers, 266, Anm. 2. 4020. Cp. ES. xxi. 335. 1. ALDHELM, DE LAUD. VIRG. 107 lac, jedwylde, ydelnysse, senatu, dujhebe, raede 57, 1 sefjselba 56, 24 capitalem, . i. mortalem, behea- incontaminatam, .i. inuiola- fodlicne 57, 1 tarn, we 56, 24 sententiam, .i. iudicium, dom 57, 1 protexit, .i. liber auit, bewarede 56, 25 spectaculum, .i. inspectionem, flammiuomis, ./. ardentibus, waefersyne f. 67 b . 57, 2 fyrenuTW 56, 25 4045 imperii, cyne 57, 4 4025 torribus, . i. caminis, aduw 56, 26 sceptris, . i. aureis uirgis, and- ofifulas, . i. paries, snseda 56, 26 wealdu?;z 57, 5 resinf, .i. bituminis, hryseles, seruanda, .i. costodienda, ' tyrewan, storssepes denuwz 57, 6 [Hpt. 501.] 56, 27 mediocri, .i. paruo, jehwse- fomentujn, .i. nutrimentum, dum, medewlicuzrc 57, 6 fodan 56, 27 gloriatur, wuldra)? 57, 7 scintillante, spircendu/w 56, 27 4050 apicibus, ./. litteris, stricu/ 57, 9 4030 imbribus, scuru/tt 56, 28 procus, fojere 57, 10 sopita, .i. mitigala, jelibe- arce, .i. summitate, jebinbe 57, 10 waehte, jeswefede 56, 28 detrudere, .?'. expellere, adrse- tabuerunt, .i. euanuerunt, fof- fen 57, 10 dwinan 56,29 maleficorum, . i. uenenificorum, saluo, .i. integro, jehealdenre 56, 29 unlibwyrhta 57, 10 signaculo, myrcelse 56, 30 4055 necromantia, .i. demonum in- 4035 confossa, .i. transfixa, burh- uocalto, jaldre, wiccecraefte 57, 11 hoi 56, 31 prestrigiarum, scinlaca, jaldra 57, 12 obeuntem, .i. morientem, forb scena, ./'. umbra, hiwunj 57, 12 farende 56, 33 callido, litijuw 57, 12 barbarus, ,t. gentilis, hseben 56, 35 fantasmate, .i. simulator e, hi- prdo, .i. raptor, reafere 56, 35 wunje, jedwimore 57, 12 archipirata, .i. summus latro, 4060 nebulones, .i. simulator es, flotman 56, 36 scinlac 57, 12 4040 collaribus, .i. uinculis, sweor- scematizarunt, .i. figura- tejuw 56, 37 uerunt, hiwedan, liccettan 57, 13 4021. tzfgtzlpd] I on an erasure. 4022. R. ungewemmede. 4029. H. sparcendum, but as Mone prints swirc-, the Brussels MS. prob. has spire-. This does away with the only recorded instance of spearcian. In Satan 78 it is due to a very prob. emendation. 4032. R. for- dwinan, as in H. 4035- The gloss, evid. mt&nijntr/iholod, then the a? was added, changing it to -dol=-dolfen. 444- wafer-"} w alt. f./. 445- R- cynedomes : cp. 3943. 4047. R. gehealdenum : cp. 1801. 449- G, glorietur. 4051. R. wo-, as in H. : cp. 3913. 4060. R. scinlacan (cp. 2239) 1 Or did the gloss, take nebula to mean 'sorcery' (cp. 4695) 1 io8 OLD ENGLISH GLOSSES ut fumus euanescens, .t. 4080 eliminarat, .i. expelleret, aytte 67, 22 uanitas, swa swa jewitende ita prorsus, . i. omnino, swa smyc 57, 13 eallunja 67, 23 disparuit, . i. euanuit, f f dran ecclesiastico, . i. sane to, on cyrc- [Hpt. 502.] 57, 13 licere, halijere 57, 24 emarcuit, .i.exaruii, forscranc 57, 14 exorcismo, .i. adturatione, hal- 4065 fatescens, .*'. deficient, acwi- sunje, full 67, 24 cende 57,14 catacizatus, . i. doctus, jehalsod, dissoluebatur, .i. conlabatur, gecrisnod 57, 24 heo wses tolesed, toslopen 67, 15 4085 parturientis, .t. nascentts, qui, se 57, 15 licere 57, 24 aruspicum, .i. magorum, jal- uulua, .i. quasi ualua, of in- dra 67, 16 nobe 67, 25 magorum, .i. ariolorum, iuje- in baptisterio, on fulluhtbaebe 57, 25 lera f. 68. 67, 17 adscisceretur, .?'. aduocaretur, 4070 memoratur, .t. perhibetur, is waere jela]?od 67, 27 jereht 57, 17 magorum, .*'. a"iolorum, iuje- adhibitis, . i. exhibitis, je]?eod- lera 67,27 du#2 57, 18 4090 molimina, .?'. ingenia, orjjanc- argumentis, .i.ingemt's, seara- scypas, serecrseftas 67, 27 bancu/w 57, 18 ammitteret, .i. respueret, for- deceptionum, swicdoma 57, 18 sawe 67, 28 muscipulis, ./'. decipulis, feal- eupernorum, .i, excelsorum, \um 57, 19 heofenlicra 67, 28 4075 [ad] . .. maritale, .i. ut'n'le, inpauidus, .i. intrepidus, un- to werlicuw* 57, 19 earh 67, 29 consortium, .*'. matrimonium, peruicax, .i. contumax t super - jemanan 67, 19 bus, jeflitful 67, 30 qua, bgere 67, 21 4095 refragator, ./. negator, wiber- contrariarum, .?'. aduersari- saca 67, 30 arum, wiberwurdra 57, 21 uerum etiam . . . [cessit], ac exterminans, .i. consumens, ut eac swylce heo jeswac adrsefende 67,21 f. 68 b . 67, 34 4063. R. fordwan, as in H. 4065. R. acwinc-, as in H. 4068. Cp. 4193 aruspicibtis fpldrum ; H. 501 (om. Z>.) aruspices <= galdras ; cp. also 2239 > 4939 > 2 - 47- However it may have arisen (cp. Sievers, Ang. xiii. 318), it seems clear, in view of the instances given, that the writer of these gll. used a form galdre ' sorcerer' as synonymous with the ordinary galere. 4078. ivij>er-']f> alt. f. another letter. 4080. To the instance of ay tan in BT. add: Verc. fol. 81 fionne ariseS fieod iviS feode 7 hie Mob J>onne aytte fram heora gemcenim, 4083. hah- o. eccles. R./ulluAte ? 1. ALDHELM, DE LAUD. VIRG. 109 tormentorum, tin 57, 35 cruciatibus, pijnunjuw 67, 35 fundamina, stabelunja 57, 36 4100 harenosis, sandijuw 57, 37 sablonum, wara 57, 37 glareis, cyslum 57, 37 ultro citroque, hider 7 tyder [ 3 .] 57, 37 nutabundis, tealtriendiiffz, jlid- driendu/rc 57, 37 4105 editam, arserde 58, 1 structuram, jetimbrunje 58, 1 ut, swa swa 58, 1 quern, bsene be 58, 1 oraculum, .t. sermo, spaec 58, 2 4110 robustissim, ba;# strenjeste 58, 2 petre, stane, healle 58, 2 imposuit, heo on sette 58, 2 crudis, hreawuw 58, 3 tunsionibus, sle 58, 4 4115 sartaginem, hwer, bollan 58, 5 seuo, smeruwe 58, 5 in tali, on swylcere 58, 5 tormento, pinunje 58, 6 tenerr(i)ma, $ iunje 58, 6 4120 torreretur, forbsernd 58, 6 mediocribus, baw eadmoduw 58, 7 contritis, Ipam abryrduw 58, 8 consulens, .*'. succurrens, je- helpende 58, 7 miserescit. he jemilseb 58, 8 4125 compressit, ofbryhte, $ is acweinte 58, 9 ingruenti, on besijenduw 58, 10 sartaginis, hwere, cy teles 58, 10 exitio, utsibe, forsibe 58, 10 cruciante, piniendu/w f. 69. 58, 12 4130 edictis, jebodim 58, 12 cogente, neadiendu^ 58, 13 necromantia, jaldre 58, 14 freto, jetydu^z, jejodeduw 58, 14 pontificatu, biscopdom 58, 15 4135 predito, jebyldu/ 58, 15 sacrosancti, Jiurhhaliejes 58, 15 cruoris, bio 58, 15 ostro, .2. uermicu/o, readnysse 58, 15 purpurescit, heo readude 58, 15 4140 eertis, of 58, 18 lit(t)erisliberalibus,boclicuw sta 58, 1 9 sillogismos, . /'. conclusions, beclysinjca, smeaje lejena 58, 20 sectas, ./'. contentiones, beawas 58, 20 quinquennem . . . [taciturni- tatem], fifwintre swijan, stilnysse 58, 21 4145 stoicorum, staerleornera 58, 21 4097. R. tintre^ena : cp. 399. 499- H. has incorrectly staletiunga : cp. 1420 ; 2679. 4101. Cp. note to 1818. 4111. heall ' rock ' = G. hallus. 4 JI 4- G. contuns-. R. slegum. 4115. hwer\ w alt. f. r. 4117. G.intanto. 4121-3. G. med. cons, et contr. corde. D. med. etcotilr. corde cons. 4124. R. -sap. 4125. H. acweinct : cp. note to 829. 4126. R. on sigendum (as in H.~) 1 4127. R. hweres, as in //. 4128. forsij>e\ i alt. f. another letter. ~R.forJ>sij>e. 4133. So also If., butgetyduni was prob. orig. intended for the foil, predito, &a&.gebyldum for freto (cp. 126 ; 781 ; 2042; 3682). 4 T 37- R- blades, as in H. 4 I 4 I - R- stafum, as in H. 4142. I prefer to read smeage legena, as in the MS., and not to assume a compound smea-gelegena. The adj. smeag 'subtle, &c.' occurs Ang. xiii. 36S 36 sagaci tnonitu = mid smeagre mynegunge. 4H5- FwrtKT- we must prob. r. stcef- : cp. 3126, and Logeman, Ang. xii. 530. If steer- is correct, the gloss, must have read his lemma as storicorwn : cp. Holthausen, Ang. xii. 606. no OLD ENGLISH GLOSSES sophismatum, wordsnoteru 58, 22 interpellata, .*'. obsecrata, je- halsod 58, 23 proco, fogere 58, 23 generosis, .i. of cynninguwz, of aebelu#2 58, 23 4150 orto, .2*. a/0, acenneduw 58, 23 natalibus, jebyrduw/ 58, 24 petita, jebeden 58, 24 potiorem, maeran 58, 24 sterquilinia, myxena [Hpt. 504.] 58, 25 4155 peripsema, seswapa 58, 25 caccabatum, besmittod, befyled 58, 26 furue, .1. m'gre, decrees 58, 26 fuliginis, sotes 58, 26 atramentum, blaec 58, 26 4160 exhorruit, ofscoc, wibsoc 68, 27 maternum, \\cum 58, 27 gremium, wununje, bosme 58, 28 basterne, scribes f. 69^. 58, 28 uehiculo, faerelde, waene 58, 28 4165 parasitorum, jliwra, cnihta, forspillendra bena 58, 28 geminis, .i. duobus, jetwinnu; 58, 29 perrexit, heo 58, 29 cenobialis, lices 58, 30 militie, jecawpes 58, 31 4170 tyrocinium, .i. triumphum, jewin 58, 31 non muliebriter, . /'. quasi uiri- liter, na wiflice eincinnorum, fexa criniculis, loccuwz tonsura, efesunje 4175 cicatrice, wunde pudoris, clsennysse signaculo, mercel , insejle ascisscitur, jeanlaeht omnis, ealne 4180 propinquitas, jehendnys, cne- ores familiaris, hiredlicere clientele, be'nraedene donaestica, . i. congruenh'a, hiw- cujj, gehybe sollicitudo, cure, carfulnys 4185 fortuitis, mid jesselijuz, fger- licuw casibus, jelimpuw proserpinam, proprium nomen, to jidenan ferunt, cwyddia)5 lacrimosis, mid woplicuw 4190 singultibus, siccetunjuw lamentaretur, heo a phitonibus, wiccuw, fram raederuwz aruspicibus, %a.\drum deliramenta, dofunja 58, 31 58, 31 58, 32 58, 32 58, 34 58, 34 58, 34 58, 35 58, 35 58, 35 58, 36 58, 36 58, 36 58, 36 58, 36 58, 37 58, 37 59, 1 59, 1 59, 2 59, 2 59, 2 59, 3 59, 3 4146. The contraction sign stands for -nga: cp. 2268. 4148. R. wo-, as in H. : cp. 3913. 4149. of cynningum (om. H.} in 2nd Lat. hand. R. of cynnigum, as in f7, 299; f8, 230; -fS. 240. In spite of Sievers (Ang. xiii. 317) I think the gloss, had in his mind an adj. cynnig possibly coined by him from cyntt to translate generosus. 4 I 53- R- marram. 4 I 55- Cp. note to 608. 4161. R. moderlicum: cp. 1763; 2691, &c. 4163. Cp. 2185. 4164. Cp. 4742, where //. has the add. gl. wcerelae (iorfarelde). 4168. R. mynsterlices. 4 J 77- R- mercelse, as in H. 4 J 79- & ealre, as in H. 4183. H. has incorrectly gebySe (whence the gebyS ' domesticus ' in Leo and HI.) : cp. f2, 294 and notes to 4206 ; 5242. 4185. H. has the add. gl. prosperis, which agrees with gesaligum ; was the gloss, thinking of fortunatis 1 4 l &7- So H. : cp. 1557. 4191- R. heofodel. 4 T 93- Cp. 4068. 1. ALDHELM, DE LAUD. VIRG. in 4195 garrientibus, hlydenduw 59, 3 applaudunt, ba jylpa)? 59, 5 consulta, raedas 59, 5 scrupulum, .i. dubitationem, incan, tweonunje 59, 6 mouentia, astyrienda [Hpt. 505.] 59, 6 4200 qug, ba ba f. 70. 59, 6 prophftica, witijendlicere 59, 6 modio, mit(t)an 59, 8 coruscantem, byr 59, 8 delitescere, bemiban 59, 9 4205 de sceuo, ,i. iniquo t false, of unrihtim 59, 9 infamis, .i. crimt'nose, unhlis- fulles 59, 10 calumni, teonan, hospes 59, 10 inproperio, edvvite 59, 10 latentis, dijelre 59, 10 4210 munus, lac, jyfe 59, 11 clanculis, .i. occultis, dijluw 59, 12 latebris, heolstruw 59, 12 deliberaret, .i. discerneret, smeade, jeteohode 59, 12 notitif, cycSSe 59, 13 4215 abdita, dyrne 59, 13 archana, hordas, jeryna 59,13 cognitum, cyb 59, 14 satageret, .*'. iudicaret, hogede 59, 14 prostibuli, forlijeres, haemedes 59, 1 5 4220 stuprum, hsemed lupanaris, jalnysse, forlijeres incesti, ./. incastus, fulre, fules matronalis, wiflicere lasciug, wrsenre 4225 obscenitatis, unclsennysse incentiua, hsetan inlecebrosis, unalyfedlicuw stimulis, pricelsu/rc inpingere, ./. inmittere, on besettan, on byddan 4230 moliretur, hojede uelud, swa ferrato, jeisneduw apologitice, beladiendlicere defensionis, ware 4235 retundens,wibbyddende, astynt ende strofose, leasre accussationis, wrohte catapultas, arewan, jauelucas prolatas, atojene 4240 diriguntur, .i. misse erant, wseron jescotene retorsit, onjean hwyrfde, on- jean sceat f. 7o b . textus, jesetnys, racu antiquitus, on ba ealdan wisan fabricatores, hiweras, wyrhtan 4245 presbiteri, .i. indices, deman 59, 15 59, 15 59, 15 59, 16 59, 17 59, 17 59, 18 59, 18 59, 18 59, 18 59, 19 59, 19 59, 19 59, 19 59, 19 59, 20 59, 20 59, 20 59, 20 59, 21 59, 21 59, 22 59, 22 59, 23 59, 23 59, 24 4203. R. byrhtende. 4205. G. has incorrectly scevo. 4206. H. incorrectly unblis-: cp. notes to 4183; 5242. 4 21 7- R. yddan and the pres. ptc. -fiyddende 4235, as well as the pres. subj. in CP. 297'*, prove the existence of a \\>.]>yddan related, no doubt, \.Q poddettan. The instances of the ^e.i.J>ydde cited by Sievers, PBB. ix. 293, and regarded by him as f. inf. f>yn, may belong, in part at least, to this vb. May not the NE. sb. thud come LJ>yddan (cp. shut f. scyttan, &c.) ? 4 2 3 8 - Cp. 37, I. To the instances of ar(e)we in BT. add: AL. ii. 212 Gif hwylc man mid ai~wan dear ofsceote; ECPs. Ixxvii. 9 sagittas = streke t ai-wen. 112 OLD ENGLISH GLOSSES adulterine, baere foi lijerlicere 59, 24 titillationis, ontendnysse 59, 25 calcar, spura 59, 25 incesti, forlijerlicuffz 59, 25 4250 crimine, leah 59, 25 cruentabat, ba jeblodejude 59, 25 dissona, unjeswere 59, 25 sermonum, spellunja, sage 59, 26 procacitate,spraece[Hpt.5o6.] 59, 26 4255 mBimulare,.z'.akq^r,leahtrian 59, 26 machinarentur, syrewedan 69, 26 obruti, tobrytte, ofhrorene 59, 27 ut, ealswa ge 59, 28 utrarumque, sejhwsebra 59, 29 4260 successibus, jesselinaessuw 59, 29 historialiter,. jewyrdelice, emne 59, 29 quadrare, jeemnettan, je- limpan 69, 30 congruere, jebseslaecan 59, 30 anagogen, uplican 59, 31 4265 in, tojeanes 59, 32 mentita eat, awaej 59, 32 calumniarum, teona 59, 33 contumelia, hospe 69, 33 quam, bsenne 59, 33 4270 tollerant, forbyldija]? 59, 34 apta, jemsete, jeliclic 59, 34 uicissitudo, jewrixl 59, 34 in terra, on lande 59, 35 OPERE PRETIUM, nead- beaflic 59, 37 4275 UT, j> 5 e 59, 37 illustris, mgeran, sebelan f. 71. 59, 37 emulatores, dras contemptores, dras eiusdem, bass ylcan 4280 uirginalis, msedenlicere propositi, jebinbe sodalitatis, jefer comitibus, jesibuw innotescat, cyblaece, 4285 proco, fojhere quatinus, f he obtata, jewilnede conubia, jesinscipes lurida, ./'. caccabata, fule 4290 cloace, jrypan, adelseabes uolutabra, syle amatore, wine subarrauitj beweddede Circumdedit, he befengc 4295 uernantibus, jliteniendu^ cyclade, ,i. ueste, wimple 60, 1 60, 2 60, 2 60, 3 60, 3 60, 3 60. 3 laehcS 60, 4 60, 5 60, 6 60, 6 60, 6 60, 6 60, 7 60, 7 60, 9 60, 10 60, 10 60, 11 60, 12 4249. So also H. The gloss, has misr. the sb. incesti as an adj. incesto agreeing with crimine. //. has on the margin the correct forligeres : cp. also f2, 307. 4250. R. leahtre, as in H. 4252. N. -s-wegre, as in H. 4 2 53- R- sagena. 4 2 54- H. has the add. gl. loquacitate, which agrees with the Eng. 4258. The gl. is wr. in a diff. hand o. the prec. prebuerunt. - 4261. So also H. Is emne = efne 'precisely, exactly,' or did the gloss, begin to write emnettan o. the ^rong word \ 4262. ge emn-'] betw. ge and em one or two letters erased. gelimpan here means ' to suit, be fitting ' : cp. 80 gelimplacan, also gelimplic, -ful,a.nd QTAQ.gilimpfan ' passen, angemessen sein.' 4264. Supply andgite : cp. 184. 4266. R. awcegde. 4269. R. pane, as in H. 4271. geliclic is on an erasure. 4 2 74- R- -pearflic, as in H. 4 2 77- R- onhyriendras : cp. WW. tso8 23 ; f395 26 , and note to 1254. 4282. R. gefermdene : cp. 2532, &c. 4283. G. consortibus. 4284. R. (ge^cyflcehS, as in If. Cp. f2, 312 ; f8, 234. Cp. cuGIcecan 'to make known,' sEH. ii. 388'" ; ' to conclude friendship with,' sES. ii. 108*** (var. lect.gecyStican). 4285. R. -wo- : cp. 3913. 4287. G. wrongly oblata. 4288. R. -pas. 4290. cloa ce~\ betw. a and c a letter erased. Cp. 3320. 4291. R. syla: cp. 3417. 4 2 95- So H. ; cp. also f2, 315. The gl. would suit the foil. coruscantibns better. Cp. frfr, f5o8 21 grenum. 1. ALDHELM, DE LAUD. VIRG. auro texta, joldjewefenuw 6O, 12 pulchritudinem, fae 60, 13 prostibuli, unrihthae 6O, 15 4300 lupanar, forlijenes bus 6O, 15 detestanda, la]? 60, 15 obscenitas, unclsennys, sewys 60, 15 debachatur, woffede 60, 16 frontosa, sceawleas 60, 16 4305 mecharuru, scrgettena [Hpt.507.] 60, 16 inpudentia, nebwlatunj, aewyscnes 60, 16 stupratur, wges belisned, for- lejen 60, 17 ad infame, to aewisclicuwz dedecus, unjerisne 4310 corusco, jliteniend(r)e peplis, webbu/w furibunde, feonlicere reconciliati, jehealdenre flammis, bry 4315 succensus, atend aggrederetur, he in code lenocinii, wewminje procacibus, oferspreceluzrc inrogaret,^ hebude,onbelaedde 60, 25 6O, 17 bismer f. 7i b . 60, 17 60, 18 60, 19 6O, 20 6O, 21 60, 22 60, 23 6O, 24 60, 24 60, 25 4320 irg, jra perniciter, rged urna, ceac sulcate, ,i. scripti, jefurede recondebantur, jelo 4325 contingere, rep inmatur, unjeripedes exsoluit, jelseste (in)sultatores, dras stabilire, jetrymman 4330 balbis, stameruw labris, weleruflz porcinus, swynen contra inmunein, on jean un- jewewzmedde f. 72. spumosis, fsemi 4335 dentibus, to , tuxu/w acriter, tear grunnire, jrunnian, hle"can, jyrran rediuiua, mid jeedcucedre subnixum, underj>eoddne 4340 uoragine, deopnysse, jrutte, sweliende reduxit, heo ad lumina, to anjinnuw roseo, mid wsettere 60, 25 60, 26 60, 27 6O, 29 60, 29 60, 29 60, 30 60, 31 60, 31 60, 33 6O, 33 6O, 33 60, 34 60, 34 60, 35 60, 35 60, 35 60, 36 60, 36 6O, 36 60, 37 60, 37 6O, 37 60, 37 4297. H.goldgerenum, -\goldgeref e(num}. Hence the goldgeren in Leo, and -gerene in HI. But the orig. evid. had -gewefenum, as in D. 4298. R. faysrnysse. 4 2 99- R- unrihthcemedes. Cp. 1220. 4300. R. -ligeres : cp. 2941. 4302. cewys in a diff. hand (same as 4258). Cp. f7, 300. R. cewysce or -scnes. 433- G. bacchatur. 435- The meaning of scrcette agrees with the Lat. scratta (scrapta], not with the ON. masc. skratti 'wizard, monster,' OHG. scraz. 4306. nebwlatting is wr. o. frontosa in prec. line, and H. has, instead, nebwlatful as gl. to frontosa; so also f2, 317. The reading of H. and 2 is prob. the orig. 4312. R.feondl-, as in H. 4314- R. brynum. 43 I 8. ofer-] r alt. f./ 4320. R. graman, as in H. 43 21 - R- rcedlice, as in H. 4323. Cp. f2, 319, and note to 2492. 4324. R. gelogode: cp. 308. 43 2 5- R- reppan (-kr-). 4326. -pedes] d on erasure of s. 4328. Cp. note to 1254. 433 1 - G. labellis. 4334- R.fcemigum. 4335- R- toj>um. 4336. R. teartlice, as in H. 4337- H. hletan, whence the hletan ' to grunt' in Leo, HI. Is it miscopied for t>tetan = VfS. blStan 'to bleat'? Cp. 3371 hed- for bed-. 4339- H- -beodne. Is it miswr. for --wreobodne\ Cp. 2599, where D. has -wreopod, and H. -J>iod. 4342. The orig. must have had limina, as in H. Cp. 2214. 4343- Did the gloss, r. roscidol. [IV. IlJ I OLD ENGLISH GLOSSES rubore, rude 61, 1 4345, ./'. passa est, heo bro 61, 2 tumba, byrij 61, 2 in cimiterio, s. in monasierio, on licreste, lictune 61, 3 grauissimam, ba hefejastan 61, 3 cuius, bsere 61, 4 4350 mentionem, .2. memoriam, je- mind 61, 4 caraxabtmus, we writab 61, 4 ruedicamine, lac 61, 5 fotam, .i. confortaiam, bejymed, jestranjed 61, 5 incolomitati pristine, bsere seran hsele 61, 5 4355 ad formam, to hiwe [Hpt. 508.] 61, 7 congruences, .i. pertimntes t conuenien/es, bseslaecende 61, 8 duxi, .i. deputaui, ic tealde 61, 8 deuota, estful 61, 9 uirguncula, mseden 61, 9 4360 baptisterio, fulluhtbsebe 61, 1 1 adholesceret, iun jlsehte, wlan- cude 61, 11 egregii, baes sebelran 61, 1 1 dogmatiste, lareowes 61, 1 1 disserentis, .i. narrantis, cyb- endes 61, 12 4365 coacta, .i. correpta, jeneadod, breatod 61, 13 compulsa, jemanad f. 72^. nuptiale, cere triclinium, ./. palatium, healle theatrales, jamenlicuw 4370 spectaculi, wundrunje, waefer- syne clatros, pearrucu/// priuaretur, asen enixe, jeornfullice nitentibus, hojien 4375 indisrupta, untobro crepundia, mynas prftiosam, deorwu ru(g)itus, jrunnunje, gryme- tunje feroces, yimlicum 4380 ursine, byrenne rapacitatis, reafulnysse rictus, ceaflim patrocinium, mundbyrde prestante, forji 4385 conseruauit, seo jeheold crepitantes, brastliende torres, brynas semiustas, sawzswaelede, sand- bsernde pyrarum, ala 4390 faculas, brynas restinctas, acwen(c)te euasit, setwand ornata, jejlenjed 61, 13 61, 14 61, 14 61, 15 61, 15 61, 15 61, 1G 61, 16 61, 16 61, 17 61, 17 61, 17 61, 18 61, 18 61, 19 61, 19 61, 19 61, 19 61, 19 61, 20 61, 20 61, 21 61, 21 61, 21 61, 21 61, 22 61, 23 61, 24 4345. R. J>r 62, 1 fontibus, vvylsrin 62, 1 procellarum, .t. nimborum, scura 62, 2 4415 turbines, hreohnessa 62, 2 tonitrua, bunera 62, 3 fragore, cyrme, dyne 62, 3 horrisono, egeslico 62, 3 terrentia, brejende 62, 3 4420 concitans, .i. suscitans, awec- cende 62, 4 igniferas, fyrbsere 62. 4 fulminum, lija 62, 4 coru(s)cationes, rsescetunja 62, 4 eiciens, .i. inmittens, ut aly- niende 62, 5 4425 spectaculum, wafunje 62, 5 in tantum, to baw swybe 62, 6 faculis, mid blaesuwz 62, 6 fanatice, manfulles, jewidledre 62, 8 superstitionis, scinlaces, ydel- nysse, jedwyldes 62, 8 4430 contemtrix, forsaewestre 62, 9 cultrix, bijenjcestre 62, 9 narretur, pro dicatur, heo wes jesaed 62, 10 magistri militum, campeal- dra f. 7 3 b. 62, 10 liberalibus, boclicuw 62, 11 4435 minaci, ejeslicere 62, 12 proceritate, . i, sublimitate, heahnysse in edito, ./'. in fastigio, on sticylnysse, on hehbe porrectam, arasredne lit are, linunje, clames 4440 compage, jefeje in qua, of ba#z 62, 13 62, 13 62, 13 62, 13 62, 13 62, 14 indegitamentorum, aebenra 62, 15 62, 15 62, 16 62, 16 adholeret, sterde holacausta, ofrunja 4445 dedito, underbeod inconsulte, unraedlice, unfor- wandedlice 62, 17 cum, ba ba he 62, 1 7 effigies, anlic 62, 18 ueneris, jydene, waelcyrie 62, 19 4395. R. heofenlicum. 4396. R. -wexbrede. 4399- MS. cloacce. 444- Gl. in the 2nd Lat. hand. 4406. R. geleafulra : cp. 172 ; 1359, &c. 4413- R- "ujylspringum, as in H. : cp. 656. 4416. R.fanerada, as in H. 4418. R. -licum, as in H. 44 2 4- G. eliciens. Cp. 1134. 44 2 9- scinl- wr. o. picc.fanat-. 4433- Gl. in gen. pi. for gen. sg. 4439. So also H. R. liminge : cp. WW. f436 13 ; fsog 12 . 444 2 - R- hcefenra boca : cp. WW. ^425*; f5O9 13 . 4448- R. anlicnyssa. 4449- Over tteneris is scratched, without ink, and in a much larger hand, gydcne, which is repeated in ink in the ord. gl. hand. I 2 n6 OLD ENGLISH GLOSSES 4450 fltuprorum, forli 62, 19 amatricis, nedhaemestran, lufes- tran 62, 20 parricida, msejmyr]?ra 62, 22 machinatur, serewede 62, 23 olidos, fule 62, 24 4455 squalores, unclaennessa, fra- cedn 62, 24 horrescit, alabode 62, 24 scopulum, .1. lapis, cweorn- stan 62, 25 conexum, jebundene [Hpt. 510.] 62, 25 pauescit, heo 62, 26 4460 mollescit, heo 62, 27 deformatio, wlaettuncj, wlaetta, hiwleas 62, 27 flaua, jeola swylce twymylte wex f. 74. 62, 28 cesaries, fex 62, 28 raderetur, on ascoren 62, 28 4465 per publicum, ./. per medium, onfwaefernesse.wsefersyne 62, 28 decaluata, unhufed, behaettod 62, 28 traheretur, waes jetojen, je- drajen 62, 28 statum, anraednysse 62, 29 inclinat, jebijde 62, 29 4470 incendia, al 62, 29 chaldaici, bse chaldeiscan 62, 30 regnatoris, cyninjces 62, 30 maehinas. seara 62, 30 obstipuit, .i. expauit, ondred, wafede 62, 30 4475 rictus, ceaf 62, 31 marsi, dryas, iujeleras 62, 31 incantationum, jaldra 62, 31 irritabant, .i. prouocabant, jre- medan 62, 32 pudoris, claennysse 62, 33 4480 geminis, duobus, twazrc 62, 34 spicularum, ja 62, 34 cum, ba ba 62, 36 ad ... ineptas, to baw un- bseslicuffz 63, 1 furibundua, jraflz, wrab 63, 2 4485 catastarum, hyrdla, fyrbollena 63, 2 63, 3 63, 3 63, 3 palmarum, swincla uibices, wala exhibuit, jearcode applicauit, . /. iuncxii, to raehte 63, 4 4490 naufragauerant, forliban, for- ferdon 63, 5 [a] ... consortio, fratfz jemanan 63, 6 apostatauerant, wibersacedan, wbyredon 63, 6 deprauandam, .;'. maculandam, to awyrdenne 63, 6 4450. Over stuprorum is scratched hamed, the inked forli is wr. in the ord. hand o. it. R. forligera 4455. R. fracednessa. 4461. hiwleas is wr. after the other gll. and cannot therefore well be intended for an adj. agreeing with them. If. hiwlaslces. R. hiwleast or -leasnes ? 4462. twy-~\ t alt. f. c ? 4464. R. of ' asc-, as in H. ; and f2, 337. 44^5- Cp. Luke xxiii. 48 (MS. Hatton) eall weredpe cet J>isse wafernyssen waren. 4466. Cp. &S. ii. 74 116 se cynincg . . . het . . . hine behcRttian. 447- Cp. 4389. PI. has the compound onal. 447 1. R. fas, as in //. 4473. In view of 1656; 2892; 3443 it is prob. that the gloss, meant searacraftas. 4475- R- ceaflas. 4481. R. gara. , 4483- The gl. is wr. o. ad nefandas in the prec. line, but in H. it glosses ineptas, for which it is evid. meant. 4486. N. swingla. H. s-winela (c evid. misr. as e), whence Leo's swinel ' palma.' 4487. Cp. 3466. 449- Cp. 629. 449 2 - R wipyredon ( = jvij>er-} ] H.Jnureredon, which points rather to the vb. pwyrian. 1, ALDHELM, DE LAUD. VIRG. 117 apostatarum, flymena, wiber- sacena 63, 7 4495 cicatrices, dole 63. 7 penitudinis, behweowsunje 63, 8 curauit, s. ilia, heo f. 74 b . 63, 8 prftorium, domern 63, 10 cachinnanti, tendum 63, 11 4500 cauillatione, .i. uituperatione, ceachetunje, hospe 63, 1 1 fatebatur, ssede 63, 12 rata, .*'. grata, jecweme, banc- wyrbe 63, 13 munuscula, jyfe, lac 63, 13 gannitura, mid jecance 63, 14 455 prolatum, ,i. narratum, s. esf, jesaed, jeypped wses 63, 14 pridem, anuwz daeje 63, 14 pateretur, heo 63, 15 tru(n)canda, to cwellende [Hpt.sii.] 63, 15 cum purpureis totidem rosis, mid efenfealim readim rosuw 63, 16 4510 describitur, heo 63, 17 INTEGERIIIME, jehealtsu- mestre, else 63, 20 tripertiti, breo todseledes 63, 21 monarchiam, principatum, ri- ceter 63, 22 successibus, jesaeli 45 i 5 prftorum, .1. iudicum, ealdor- man generosam, aebe sobolem, cyn indolem, ./'. iuuentutem, sebel- bornesse famosf , hlis f. 75. 4520 uirginitatis, msej rumore, herelofe colloquio, of motunje incitauit, astiro suasit, tiht 4525 instigauit, mene dumtaxat, butan twon thalamo, brydbure luxus, luste amplexus, emclippinjca 4530 limpidis, freatorh ducta, jetojene suspiria, siccetun de eonuersatione, be halju/w life illius, hi 4535 opuscula, bee inlibat, unjewewmedes florentes, beon satis euidens, jenoh sutel documentum, bysnunj 63, 22 63, 23 63, 24 63, 25 63, 25 63, 25 63, 26 63, 26 63, 27 63, 27 63, 28 63, 28 63, 28 63, 29 63,29 63, 30 63, 31 63, 32 63, 32 63, 32 63, 33 63, 33 63, 34 63, 35 63, 35 63, 35 4495. R. dolcs-ivaSan (as in H.)=dolhswa$a fern, or cp.note to 1557. Note the licere. 4?47- 1^- -domum, as in H. 4552. gyfe o. nuptiali on prec. page. 4555- Cp. f2, 346, and WW. 386 1 despondi = gesceatwyrpe. The vb. is evid. connected with sceatt in the sense of ' Brautkaufgeld ' (cp. Laws of ^Ethelberht of Kent, 77 and 83). In H. it is wrongly printed besceat . wurpte, whence Leo gets two verbs, besceotan and wurpan, both meaning ' spondere, desponsare.' 4558- R- gehwyrfed. 4559- H. hrehnysse. R. kreohnesse. Cp. note to 1599. 4563. berea-~\ r alt. f. w. 4567. Cp. 2374. 4569. R- stricena, as in H. 457 1 - &*& does not suit; is it miswr. for forgangen 1 4574- R- geleaffulra, as in H. K. trahtas 1 traht is masc. : cp. Zupitza, Archiv Ixxxiv. 16, and BT. in H. 4579- R- ~ sse > as in H. 4581. R- geornfulnysse : cp. 43. 4575. So also H. 4577. R. singalnysse, as 458 2 . G. pertczsum. - Cp. f4, 83 aj>yrdte (for rot sb., alrotsum adj., cp. note to 11, 166. 1. ALDHELM, DE LAUD. VIRG. 119 exortatorium, lareowlic 64, 29 4585 insigniter, mserlice 64, 30 opusculum, hoc 64, 30 stirpis, cinnes 64, 31 uagabunda, worien 64, 32 caracteribus, .i. not is t siilis, stricum 64, 33 4590 lepida, . i. iocunda, wynsuw 64, 36 diuitem, estful 65, 3 summis, licu; f. 76^. 65, 5 opibus, spe 65, 5 tamque uariis, swa mistlican 65, 6 4595 tenacissimis, faesthafelnestuw 65, 6 inretita, jeraeped, jenetted 65, 7 eruperit, ut abaest 65, 7 respuerit, heo wibsoce 65, 10 illecebras, forspenninjce 65, 11 4600 renuntiauerit, WlbcwseJ) 65, 11 equa, jelicere 65, 13 bilance, heolre, wage 65, 13 trutinabit, awaeh, aheolrede 65, 14 exponeret, trah [Hpt. 513.] 65, 14 4605 stridule.cyrmiende, jyrst,lcrim 65, 15 gothorum, jotonisce 65, 16 clangorem, cerme 65, 16 manum, wered 65, 18 remugiet, ongean blew]?, on- cwyj) f. 77. 65, 21 4610 obuiam, onjean cumen, jean- nysse titulo, naman, swute scedarum, gewrita apicibus, .i. /Men's, stricuwz cflebrandis, brymlicuw 4615 crebrescentibus, wide sprinj- endu/ sceptris, andwealduw apostatarent, wibersacedon tramite, stije, sibfaete exorbitantes, dweliende 4620 carybdibus, .t. uoraginibus, naufragarent, forliban, forfer- dan palatinas, ba heallican pollicetur, he be patrimonia, ./. lucra, fasder- jestreon 4625 matrimonia, sinsci lenocinantes, . i. maculantes, forspennende illecebras, forspenninjce non dissona, na mid jedreme- dum, unjesweje sententia, cwyde 4630 urg(u)ente, dum 65, 28 65, 29 65, 31 65, 32 65, 32 65, 33 65, 33 65, 33 65, 33 65, 34 65, 34 65, 35 65, 36 65, 36 65, 36 65, 37 4584. lareowlic'] w alt. f. r. 4588. R. woriende, as in ff. 4589. notis wr. a 2nd time and erased. 459- The Eng. gl. on an erasure. 459 2 - & healicum: cp. 2988. 4593. R. spedum. 4594- -can z\t.i. -cu. 4595- H. -fellastum. R. -felestum. 4597- uf] t on erasure. R. abarst, as in H. 4602. N. wage. 4603. Cp. WW. f5io 11 . 4604. R. trahtnode. 4605. R. cynnende, gyrstbitiende (=gryst-} t crimende ( = tirm-} ? The gyrst adj. 'strident' of the dictionaries, based on this, seems very doubtful. 4611. R. swutelunge. 4614. R. brymetidlicutn. N. br emend- : cp. H. 403 (om. Z>.) ; 7, i. For the contraction sign cp. 2095 cumdii = cumendum. The Brussels MS. has presumably also brym-, which has been wrongly expanded by B. to brymm-, whence Leo's brymlic ( celebrandus.' 4621. forl-~] I on erasure. Cp. 629. 4623. R. behxtt. 4625. R. sinscipas. The words si mallent mundi matrimonia (om. in text) are added by a contemporary hand on the r. margin. 4628. R. gedremum, as in H. 4630. R. neadiendum. 120 OLD ENGLISH GLOSSES grassatoris, . i. uaslatoris, stru- deres 65, 37 imperio, bebode 65, 37 lautomif, .i. careen's, cwear f. 77^. 66, 1 ne familicf, ne hungrijre 66, 2 4635 frugalitatis, spsernesse 66, 2 stipendium, fodan 66, 3 edulium, bijen 66, 3 exibens, gearciende 66, 3 lautomig, tenys 66. 4 4640 liminibus, brexwolduw 66, 4 (h)erescit, pro coniuncxit, to jebeodde, aheardode 66, 4 turificarent, sterdan 66, 6 traduntur, betsehte 66, 6 uenustatem, cyrtenysse 66, 7 4645 stibio, deache 66, 7 calamistro, brawincspinle 66, 8 indeptam, .i. adeptam, jejod 66, 8 ingenitam, onjeborene, onje- cynde [Hpt. 514.] 66, 9 petulcus, wraene 66, 9 4650 in luxum, on lust 66, 10 labescit, aslad 66, 10 larem. .i. ignem, fyre 66, 11 ceco, sweartuw 66, 1 1 earpitur, pro carpebatur, he 66, 1 1 4655 clandestinis, dyrnuwz 66, 12 stimulis, pricelsu/ 66, 12 intempeste, . i. serene, smy , stilre 66, 12 conticinio, cwyldsetene 66, 13 cellam, bus 66, 13 4660 concentum, dream 66, 14 celebrabant, msersodan 66, 14 uiolenter, stiblice 66, 14 nonuere(re)tur,ne forewandede 66, 1 4 suppellex, inorf, andlu 66, 15 4665 utensilia, andluman 66, 15 furiis, ,i. malignis spiritibus, mid awyridim gastu^z, jyde 66, 16 limphaticus, wseterseoc 66, 17 freneticus, awoffbd, braejenseoc 66, 1 7 denigrates, jesweartode f. 78. 66, 17 4670 lebetes, hweras 66, 17 fuligine, sote 66, 18 caccabos, crocc, hweras 66, 18 sartagines, cocerpannan 66, 18 fautoris, lysteres 66, 1 9 4675 ridiculoso, tunjuzrc 66, 20 nequaquam efFecta . . . [uolun- tate], na mid jewilnedre jewilnunje 66, 20 sed eiff ta, . i. exinanita, ac mid idelre 66, 21 caccabatus, smittud 66, 22 morbo, mid adle 66, 22 4680 ethiopica, sylhearwenre 66, 23 4633. -omi$] o alt. f. u. R. cweartenes, as in H. Cp. 2553. 4639. -omi$] o alt. f. u. R. cweartenys. This gl. has given rise to Hall's imaginary steness 'a prison' (cp. JGPh. ii. 361"!. 4640. Gl. in a diff. hand. 4646. J>ra-~] r alt. f. w. 4647. So H. with add. gl. godede. R. gegodod. 4648. R.gecynde; the on is due to prec. gl. 4^57. R.smyltre-. cp. 3770. 4658. Cp. 3771. 4659. G. cellulam. 4663. R.forw-, as in H. 4664. R. andluma. 4665. Cp. f7, 318; f8. 275; f-S". 249; WW. 33i 2 , &c. 4666. R.gydenum. 4672. R. croccan. 4674. So also H. Leo connects it with lystan ; BT., questioningly, with hlystan. Can it be miswr. for lyftere = lyffetere ? 4675. tungum wr. o. the end of the lemma is evid. the end of a word. 4^?6. So//, gewilncdre prob. miswr. for gefylledre, owing to foil, gewilnunge. 1. ALDHELM, DE LAUD. VIRG. 121 nigredine, sweartnysse 66, 23 fuscatus, befyled 66, 23 parasitis, .i. ministris, benuwz 66, 23 clientibus, incnihtuw 66, 24 4685 patentibus, opnienduwz 66, 25 oculorum orbibus, eahringim 66, 25 delitescit, bema]? 66, 25 uestibulum, forestige 66, 27 de inrogata, be on jebrohtuwz 66, 28 4690 calumnia, teonan 66, 28 singultu, siccetunje 66, 29 querimoniam, ceorunge 66, 29 lentis, libewacuw, tojuw 66, 29 pugillis, ,i. colaphts, fystuw 66, 30 4695 nebulonis, jedwimeres 66, 31 exsufflantes, wij> 66, 31 eliminant, ut ascufen 66, 32 excipitur, he wses jefered 66, 34 maica, drylicu/w f. 78 b . 66, 35 4700 prstigie, jaldres [Hpt. 515.] 66, 35 necromantia, jedwimere 66, 35 contritus, tobryt sibilans, hwistliende cieladibus, wimplu/rc 4705 petulantis, galre, wrenre lasciuie, wild, leohtbrgednesse sceleratis, mid forscildiguw detracta, tojetogene inceptis, onjinNU/ 4710 moliri, hyjcan cassaretur, . i, euanesceretur, idlod, fordwan comes, ealdorman satis crudeseente, mid swibre wealreowre atrocitate, jri/wnyse 4715 lupercalia, jalfreolsas competalia, wegjelaete portunalia, hydjylda siue, obbe taurilia, hryberfreolsas 4720 floralia, blosltmfreolsas 66, 35 66, 36 66, 37 67, 1 67, 2 67, 3 67,4 67, 6 67, 7 67, 7 67, 8 67, 8 67, 9 67, 10 67, 11 67, 11 67, 12 67, 12 67, 12 4681. G. nigritudine. 4688. In spite of 3828 uestibuli=*forltiges, there seems no reasonable ground for doubting the correctness of this gl., seeing that stig (stig, stigu, -ge ?) evid. denoted, not only ' stye,' but also part of a house : cp. the compound stigweard and also B T. s.v. stig. 4693. tdh elsewhere glosses lentus : cp. BT. H. has tagtim, which B. wrongly takes as gl. to viminibus, and which has thus given rise to the tag 'twig, shoot,' in Leo and HI, 4^95- From this gl. Leo, followed by BT. and HI., deduced a sb. gedwimere ' Gaukler, Zauberer.' Have we not rather the common gedwimor ' illusion,' the gloss, having misunderstood the lemma ? 4698. was! am wega gelatum wceran; f373 s . 47 1 ?- So H. R. hy$-. The meaning assigned to it in Leo, BT., HI., Sw. is 'port due,' but Aldhelm was referring to the festival to Portnnus, god of harbours, and the gloss, presumably understood it so, hyftgyld meaning ' harbour sacrifice or worship': cp. bldstmgeld, nihtgild. Cp. fll> 186; WW. t4<57 10 ; t5" 1 - 4718-19. G. more correctly suovetaurilia. Cp. fll, 187 ; WW. tSQS 30 ; t5 tl3 - 4720. So also //". cp. WW. f4O7 t; blostmgeld. 122 OLD ENGLISH GLOSSES nictelia, nihtjilda numina, .i. deos, mihte fauorem, herunje repropitiarent. .i. mih'garent, gejladedon, je]?injedon 4725 execrandum, nediende melodiam, swinn, dream f. 79. PRETEREA, for bi IMPERANTIBUS, wealden- dum torride, stibre 4730 acrius, teartlicor incanduisset, . i.fulsisset tfer- uebal, hatode, barn manipulares, .i, socn, gesiban formidolosonun, . i, timidorum, forhtra more, on 4735 luctatorum, cewp , ple- jestra palestram, wraestlunje uocabulo, clypunge generosis, licura natalibus, dum 4740 paulisper, sume hwile ad prediolum suum, tunincle, clu/w, to hyr(e) hame 67, 12 67, 13 67, 1 3 67, 13 67, 14 67, 19 67, 20 67, 20 67, 21 67, 22 67, 22 67, 22 67, 23 67, 23 67, 24 67, 24 67, 26 67, 26 67, 26 67, 27 67, 27 uehiculo, scrife, wgene, on fore 67, 28 apostasie, wibersacunje 67, 29 [ad] . . . cloacam, adelseabe, to jrypan 67, 29 4745 molossi, rybban 67, 30 relapsis, aslidenu/tt 67, 30 c(h)iliarcb.o,busendealdo rem 67, 30 cum equestri, ridendum, mid ridenduw 67, 31 insequente, . i. persequente, ehtendu#z, sefter [Hpt. 516.] 67, 31 4750 reducuntur, jelaedde 67, 31 putido, .z. spurco, mid fuluw f. 79 l \ 67, 31 squalentium, horslice 67, 32 ergastulorum, witehusa 67, 32 latibulo, adelsea]?e 67, 32 4755 mancipandg, to hseftenne 67, 32 subsannantis, .i. probrantis, hyspendes 67, 32 ganniturf, bysmeres 67, 33 crulea, .i. nigra, wan, sweart 67, 34 uibice, wale 67, 35 4760 satrape, .i. hidicis, deman, dyrli 67, 35 Applica, .z'. iunge, to ge]?eod 67, 36 tot ego glorias numerabo, ealswafealamaerj)aicjerime67, 37 uiolentias, sti]?nessa 68, 1 4721. Cp. WW. I454 37 nihtgild. 4726. Cp. 2611. 4732. Cp. 861. 4735. R. cempena, plegestrena. The mention of Ruffina and Secunda, which immediately follows, suggested to the gloss, that female athletes were meant. 4738- ff> lum. R. cefielum : cp. 1013 ; 3601, &c. 4739. R. gebyrdum cp. 4151. 474- Gl. in a diff. (2nd Lat. ?) hand. 474 1 - R- tuninchim, hyr\ r alt. f. another letter. 4742. f2> 278 and +11, 189 (pn*}f(Erelde\ //. on wizrelae (=fizrelde : cp. 4164), fore, and on the margin screfe t scrife, which B. takes as gl. to cloacam (whence Leo's scryfe, screfe ' cloaca"). I think, however, that scrife is miswr. for scrife { scride), and translates uehiculo : cp. note to 2185. Cp. WW. 5O7 31 uehiculo = fore. 4744- Cp. 3320. 4747- ealdo rem] the o and r are on erasures, and betw. them a letter has been scratched out. Was ealdrem ( = -men) first wr. and then altered ? If. ]>usendealdremen; +2, 379 ealdre. This points to an QTig.fiusendealdre, men (=J>usendealdre, fusendmen}, the piisend doing duty with both: cp. WW. no 12 ciliarcus^usendes ealdor, and Exod. xviii. 21 ; 2$ fusendtnan. 4748. The first gl. in 2nd Lat. hand. 4749- R- after fylgendum. 4752. Cp. 1789. 4759- Cp. 3466. 1. ALDHELM, DE LAUD. VIRG. 123 inrogaueris, on belaet 68, 1 4765 compute, ic telle 68, 2 in latebroso, on dijlelre 68, 2 fundo, dype 68, 3 fumigabundis, reocendu^z, stemenduw 68, 3 fimi, gores 68, 3 4770 fetoribus, sten 68, 3 horrebat, alabode 68, 4 furua, deorc 68, 4 letamen, ,i. uirus, jyr, dingce 68, 5 nardi pistici,stemdes swaecces 68, 6 4775 fraglantia, steminjce 68, 6 redolet, stanc, stemcle 68, 6 thermarum, babena 68, 7 uapores, sebmas 68, 7 supposita, under settre 68, 7 4780 congerie, jejaederunje, hype 68, 7 iactari, jeworpene 68, 8 imperantur, prcesens pro pra- terito, hi wseron bebodene 68, 8 sospites, gesun 68, 9 emersisse, up alymdan, up as- tandan 68, 9 4785 leguntur, synd rgedde 68, 9 tormentorum, jenena 68, 10 re(ci)procis, edlaecenduw 68, 10 uicibus, jewrixlu/ra 68, 10 f. 80. 68, 12 68, 13 68, 13 68, 15 68, 15 68, 15 68, 16 admirans, 68, 17 te 68, 17 elisa, asliden 68, 1 1 4790 labefacta, afeallan, jewseht 68, 11 mitescere, jeleo^ewsecan 68, 1 1 miserescere, milt 68, 11 mole, mycelnysse, hefe alueo, depen 4795 resp(e)ctu, forjifenysse denegatam, forweornde riparum, staebena marginibus, on ofruwz satrapa, deman 4800 obstupescens, .i, fortiende niaica, s. arte, capitalem, sententiam, dom uexillo, fanan 4805 priuilegia, syndrije wyrbmynta [Hpt. 517.] 68, 23 longiuscule, . i. late, feor, wide 68, 23 crebrescunt, ba wide spin jab 68, 24 Dum, baenne 68, 24 scedarum, gewri 68, 24 4810 apicibus, stricuw 68, 24 rotante, tyrnende 68, 24 celebrant, brema]? 68, 25 in pulpito, on raedinjcscea- mele 68, 25 licuwz licne 68, 19 68, 19 68, 20 4764. So H. R. beicetst. 4766. So H. R. digelre. 47^7. R. dypen (for -an), as in //. : cp. 4794. 477- R- stencum, as in H, 4773- On dyncge 'dung' cp. note to 1409. gyr (so also H.} is evid. conn, with gor : is it for gyre (masc. i- or /tf-stem) or gyru (fern, z'-stem) ? 4777- Cp. note to 1557. Note f2, 384 baSa. 47 8 3- R - gesunde, as in H. 47 8 4- H. has the better reading alyman ; the d of alymdan is due to the foil, astandan. We have here no doubt the same word that occurs 2427 and 7, 151 emergeret up amylde, and in WW. 227** emergat = up amylj>. This latter gl., which is quite independent, shows that the amyl-, not the alym- form, is correct, and that the root contains no d. If, as I do not believe, it is related to the amcellad '= exinanita of the Vesp.Ps. (Ps. 74'), the infin. would be *amyllan (_j/ = umlaut of ea. Cp. note to 61, 4) ; the alyman in H. points, however, rather to an *amylan. In any case the upaliman in Leo and the upalyman in HI. must be struck out. 4786. G. tortorum. R. tintregena. 4787. -cendum] c alt. f. another letter (dT). 4792. R. miltsian. 4795- Cp. 3462. 4797- Cp. note to 1557. Note f2, 387 stapa. 4800. R. forhtiende, as in H. 4801. R. drylicum crafte . cp. 2907, &c. 4802. R. heafod- or beheafodlicne : cp. 4042. 4807. R. springap, as in H. 4809. R. ge-writa, as in H. 4813. radingcsceamol is not in the 124 OLD ENGLISH GLOSSES recitantur, legantur, synd raedde 4815 exarsit, wedde f. 8o b . acerbitas, stijmes, biternys arce, je}nn]?e patrimonium, faederjestreon ornamentorum, jfraetewun 4820 tarn, 3ej]?er discriminalia, earpreonas, caefinja periscelides, hosebendas quam, seiner je olfactariola, wyrtjemanjnessa, wyrtfata 4825 nardi, sealfe crepundia, menas gemmifris, ji/wbaeru/w lunulis, healmynuztt matriculariis, . i. pauperibus t uiduis, bearfuzrc, wudewu/w 4830 liberalitate, .i. dono, sylene furibundis, mid ejislicu/# reditus, gestreon stipendia, biwiste, bileofan ad agapem, ./'. deliciem, to feorme 4835 fraudulent, swicfulluw consilio, raede dissimulate, .i. occulto, jehi- wedre negotio, ceape, bepaecingre 69, 3 69, 4 69, 5 69, 5 pictaeia, .i. legationes, aerend- 68, 26 jewritu 68, 28 4840 pr^dia, hame 68, 29 titulo, geswute 68, 29 insimulatione, .i. acussatione, 68, 30 aeswice, wrohte 68, 30 fundi, .i. uille, tunes, worj?ijes 69, 6 68, 31 fiscal! lure, mid cynelicere lage 69,6 4845 proscriberentur, . i. accusaren- 68, 31 tur, fordezrcde 69, 6 68, 31 presago, mid forejleawre 69, 7 68, 32 uocabulo, clypunge, naman 69, 7 [in] . . . territorium, on J?sere 68, 32 burh f. 81. 69, 8 68, 32 exiliata, jeutod, aflymed 69, 9 68, 32 4850 cibi inopia, meteleste 69, 9 68, 32 angeretur, .i, stringer enturtye- 68, 33 ade, waere jenyrwed 69, 9 municipes, burjleoda 69, 10 68, 33 municipatus, burhscipe, ear- 68, 34 dunj 69, 10 68, 35 fuerat, waes 68, 36 4855 uirus, jeolter 68, 36 ferentes, forberende uagabundis meatibus, .i 68, 37 bibus, \vorienduw fasrelduw 69, 12 69, 2 dispergerentur, todaelede 69, 2 [Hpt. 518.] 69, 13 Quibus, ]>am 69, 13 69, 2 4860 abdicatis, . i. expulsis, ut aflem- 69, 2 dum 69, 15 dictionaries (except Siv.}, which however record the form rtzdesceamol. Other instances are : Ang. xiii. 416 super ambone = ofer radincgscamul \ 424 812 ; RBL. 38' super analogium=ofor radincscamol ; Archiv Ixxxiv. I4 18t lecge ]>a boc up on Sam rcedingscamole ; I5 312 se subdiacon gestige lone radingcscamel. 4819. R. gefratewunga. 4821. Cp. f2, 389; WW. 223 16 discriminate = uplegen t coifing; 4Oi 42 falerata = becefed ; ECPs. 44" circumamicta=ymbgyrdt cafed\ and BT. s. v . ymbc Qu, seo letiferam, cwelmbse miserandis, ciuibus, waruw 4862. So also //. R. sylfw-. 4863. R. hi sylfe, as in H. 4866. R. gesuntfulnysse ; cp. 11, 147. 4873. H. also -lease. R. bearnleaste. 4876. geJ>r-~\]) alt. f. another letter. 4880. So also H. Was "wraf> meant as add. gl. to truculenta ? 4882. R. cwelmbcerne. 4883. R. earmum. 4884. R. ceastergewarum : cp. note to 3903. 4885. So also H. ; wol would have been a more suitable gl., but cp. /*EG. 53' lues=.ivyrms oSSe worn. 4889. R. crufte, as in H. The ^ may be due to the scribe intending first to write scraf and then forgetting to erase the s. The scruft in Somner, Lye, Boszv., and Ettm. is prob. derived from this gl. 4890. G. crepante. scyll-~\ betw. c and y an / erased. Cp. f2, 397. Cp. also WW. 215" crepitat = resonat, scyfy, &c. ; and 8, 265 rernugiet = onscil]>. 4891. R. cocca, as in H. 4892. fiftersleht 'wing-flapping' renders pullorum plausu. H. has the add. gl. ragiminge (for fagnunge) : cp. note to f2, 399. 4896. R. forht, as in H. 4897. ahi-wum is wr. o. meticulosis in prec. line, but H. has it correctly as gl. to palloribus. This seems to be the only instance of fthiw ' pallor.' Cp. Lcdm. i. 294 wid cebldcnysse j ashiwnesse. The adj. cehiwe (wanting in T.) occurs 2, 498; PGH. 392; and Verc. fol. 23 b Jxmne wannafi he 7 doxap, oSre hwile he bid bltfc 7 dthi-we. R. abide-, as in H. 4903. fcerelde'} r alt. f. /. 126 OLD ENGLISH GLOSSES sibi, hire se 69, 36 crypta, crufte 69, 36 struant, tim [Hpt. 519.] 69, 36 patrocinium, benunje 69, 37 4910 subiugatf, .?'. subiuncte, beod 7O, 1 consona melodia, mid je- drewre swinsunje, mu#z sanje 70, 1 ymnizantes, .i. laudantes, lof- sinjende 70, 2 concentus, dreamas 70, 2 concrepantes, hleobriende 70, 3 4915 exemplis, bys 70, 3 herescunt, pro erescebant, to jebeoddon 70, 3 triennio, breora jeara faec, fyrst 70, 4 misso, dre 70, 5 cogeret, neadede 70, 6 4920 apostatico ritu, of hsebenu/w jewunan 70, 6 facinus, synne f. 82. 70, 7 gerulum, berblinj 70, 7 exosa, jehatud 70, 7 ictu, mid swenjce 70, 7 4925 nanctus est. .i. repertus est, bejeat arida, mid forscrecendre elefantina, hreoflije collositate, bicnysse purulentus, scsebbede, settrsen 4930 scaturiens, weallende exalauit, ut apyfte in exilium, on wraecsi]? crebrescens, wide sprinjende inerguminum, deofelseocne 4935 nexibus, benduw larbatos, sefasrede, deofelseoce commitiales, . i. garritores, ylfige, wanseoce ualitudinarios, adlije marsura, wyrrnjalere, dre 4940 incantationum, jalunje, jaldra carminibus, sanjuwz irritabat, prouocabai, jremede anguis, nseddre spiris, .i. nexibus, hrinjuw/ 4945 capulotenus, 0)7 ba hiltan adacto, .i. coacto, jebydu/w 70, 9 70, 9 70, 9 70, 10 7O, 10 70, 10 70, 11 70, 11 70, 12 7O, 14 70, 14 70, 16 70, 16 70, 16 70, 17 70, 18 7O, 18 70, 19 7O, 20 70, 21 70, 23 70, 24 4908. R. timbredon. 4910. R. underfeed. 49 11 - R- gedremum, as in H. 4915. K. bysnurn. 4918. G.'missa. 4922. ber])- ^?>.byr])-\ cp. byrfiere, -estre. 4923. Gl. in the 2nd Lat. hand. 4926. So also H. ; r.forscrencedre. Forscrencan does not seem to be elsewhere recorded in the sense of 'to dry up' (trans.). 49 2 7- H. has the better reading -ligre (cp. Ang. vi. 102). As Bouterwek wrongly prints hreoflicre, and as this is the only instance given in BT., it may be well to point out that the form hreoflic (though not in 6w.) does actually occur besides the commoner hreofiig*. cp. 7, 262; 18 b , 79; WW. sgS 31 . 4929. H. sceabb-. 4931. Cp. 1886. 4936. So also //. ; cp. f2, 405 gefcerede. Since these go back to one archetype, the question is, which is orig. orlice. 4957- magmyrfira means parricida (cp. 4452, &c.)- H. has the correct mcegmorftor as a marginal gl. ; cp. also f2, 412. 4958. Cp. WW. 426" intentabat = beotade ; 42 2 M ; 42 6 12 . 4961. G. matrimonialis . 49^4- Forforspill-(so&\solf?)r.forspennendes' t . Cp. 4626. 49^5- Cp. note to 1220. 497^- wlitan stands, no doubt, for wlite: cp. note to 1557. It seems less likely that it \s,=and-wlitan (cp. WW. 243 : ' 5 2 ') and was meant to gl. the foil. vultus. 4980. H. has the evid. misreading/#erty, which seems to stand iwforjrwerty =for}iiuyrte (cp. note). 5029. R. nefena nefena. 5032. R.graman. 5033. H. cnott. R.cnost. 5O34- G.atherea. 535- Cp. 3753- 5 O 36. R- gecwemesta. 537- G. consortium. 539- R- loccum. 5041. /T. beclipungum ; r. bedippungum : cp. 1551 ; 3174. 546- So also /^. ; a hcemedrim is not elsewhere recorded. For the 2nd gl. r. hcemedscipes. 547- K- gewanedum : cp. Wlf. 389 7 . 71, 24 ocreis, scinhose 71, 34 ;mesta 71, 25 falarica, atejara 71, 34 tied, jecwew- umbonis, randbeajes 71, 34 71, 26 5025 parma. tude 71, 35 71, 26 fundibulo, stsefliberan 71, 35 ;cypes 71, 27 singulariter, lipes 71, 36 gyftu 71, 27 obtruncasse, forbwyrtan 71, 36 71, 2 pronepotum, nefena nefen 72, 1 r/j, waere 5030 iugalitatis, jejaederscipes f. 8 4- 72, 6 71, 27 fo(e)deratur, wses jebeod 72, 6 ts T astutis, irf, jra 72, 7 n 71, 27 proles, cnol 72, 7 71, 28 fthere, roderes 72, 9 71, 28 5035 uesceretur, wses jefestred 72,9 r//, baene ji- gratissimus, jecwe 72, 10 71, 28 consortii, ferrasdene 72, 10 i 71, 28 gracillima, mserewestan 72, 12 isecne 71, 29 crinibus, loc 72, 13 J 71, 30 5040 fraudulentis, swicfulluw 72, 13 sa 71, 30 complexibus, beclip 72, 14 jendra 71, 31 perfidi pelicatus, ortrywes m, ceaflan 71, 31 ciuesdomes, cifesboren 72, 14 n 71, 31 stupro, hasmede, forlijere 72, 15 71, 32 eneruiter, forcublice 72, 15 ra 71, 33 5045 deceptus, bepseht 72, 15 [Hpt. 521.] 71, 33 lenocinii, hagmedrimes, mes 71, 33 scipes 72, 15 :ialsbearh 71, 33 dempta, jewane 72, 16 1. ALDHELM, DE LAUD. VIRG. 129 cincinnorum, locca cesarie, fexe 5050 eiusdem, bsere ylcre propositi, jebinbe florentis, bio misticis, jastli sacramentorum, jeryna 5055 pontificium, biscopdow flamin(i)um, . t. biscophad, sacerdhad presignabatur, getac ut altius, .1. sic healicor, bses uferur pandam, ic jeswu 5060 propter dignitosam, for wyrblican originalis, frymblices patientie, de fraterni, cere libaminis, nyi 5065 sacrificio, benunje holocaustomata, h' primus, serest perfido, leasuwz inextricabile, unfo 5070 fas humanum, rumpente, up abrecende [H] purpureo, brubaswere 5052. 'R.bloTuendre. 553- R. gastlicum. 557- R- getacnod. 5058. las is wr. o. prior in prec. line. 559- R. geswutelige. 5062. R.gefyldesl 5063. R. lro}orlicere. 5066. H. offr-. 5069. unforad-~\f a\i. f. r : cp. 2061 ; 2398. 57- R- mennisclice leafe. 572. Cp. 5139. The contraction sign stands for aw; brumbaswere = brunb- (for assimilation of to m before a labial cp. Beow. 1272 gimfast', Bevw. 3035 hlimbed; WW. I7O 2 * imberdling; Sievers, 188; Deutsche Lit. Zg. 1885, p. 489; Sohrauer, p. 40. Cp. also note to 300. 573- Cp. note to 1060. 574- ^* ' n a diff. hand. 577- R- beorhtre : cp. 1266. 5079. Cp. note to 66. 5081. R. brojiersuna, as in WW. +373 18 ; f4Oi 3!l ; f5i2 M . 5083. So also H. (cp. ^w^". vi. 102) ; r. cumendum. 5085. The gloss, has taken his lemma to mean ' twofold.' 5086. R. offrunga : cp. 3473. 5088. R. gerynelice. 5089. R. getacniende. 5090. licere vtr. o. general ionis ; r. modorlicere. 593- R- geeacnunge. 5096. The gll. are wr. under matre sine in prec. line ; r. gecneomesse ? [iv. li] K I 72, 16 ostro, . i. rubure, wurman, read- 72, 16 nesse 72, 35 e f. 84^.72, 21 prffigurauit, he 72, 35 72, 21 5075 primus, serest 72, 36 72, 21 subnixus, .i. exaltatus, eleua- 72, 23 tus teuecfus, up ahafen 72, 37 eryna 72, 23 prfdaro, tre 72, 37 dow 72, 25 apice, sejnnbe f. 85. 72, 37 acerdotium, simultate, .*'. discordia, unje- dhad 72, 26 hwsernesse 73, 1 ac 72, 26 5080 cateruarum, fyrdinja 73, 3 swa swa fratruele, his brober 73, 3 erur 72, 26 numerosas, unjerime 73, 3 72, 27 reducenti, cumdu/n 73, 4 a, for f>a0z prgdae, hube 73, 4 72, 27 5085 tipica, twinne, twifealde 73, 5 es 72, 28 libamina, of 73, 5 s 72, 28 litaturus, ofriende 73, 5 72, 28 tropice, .i. tipice, jery 73, 6 se 72, 29 prfigurans, getac 73, 6 72, 29 5090 materng, mo licere 73, 10 >ffrunja 72, 29 propago, .i. proles, tudder 73, 10 72, 30 genuini, ./. generali, jecynde- 72, 31 licere 73, 11 adlicene 72, 31 partus, jeeac 73, 11 lice lefe 72, 32 natura, jecynd 73, 11 :ende 5095 delitescit, bemaj> 73, 1 1 Hpt. 522.] 72, 32 sine genealogia, butan je- ?re 72, 34 cneorednesse 73, 12 130 OLD ENGLISH GLOSSES uulgata, folclice 73, 13 [quanruis] . . . arbitretur, beah be wene 73, 13 ambiguas, licum 73, 15 5100 traditiones, \arum 73, 16 elucubratam, .i. accensam, in- uestigatam, asmeade 73, 16 difinitionem, .i. rationem t manifestationem, swutelunje 73, 16 Apocriiarum, tweoniendlicra jewrita 73, 17 nenias, uanitates, bysmerleoh 73, 17 5105 catholiea, anlic 73, 18 AD PBOPOSITUM, .1. ad narrationem, race f. 85 b . 73, 19 OKNETUR, slen 73, 19 uenustate, cyrtenysse 73, 21 ornatu, frsete 73, 22 5110 gloriatur, draj? 73,23 gratatur, ./'. Igtatur, bancab, blissaj? 73, 24 uas, s.paulus, fsetels, bydel 73, 24 sententia, cwy 73, 24 special!, senderlipes 73, 25 5115 absit, .*'. desit, feor si 73, 25 in catholicam, on jeleafulre 73, 27 basilicam, . i. gcclesiam, cyri 73, 27 intromittitur, asend 73, 27 Ob quam binjce rem on hwilca 73, 27 5130 delicatis, ./. diuersis, mistlicutf* 73, 29 satagunt, incipiunt, hojia]? anathemate, . i. perditione, for- spenninjce mtinicipii, burje, fsestenes ambitu, emjanje 5125 coccineum, brunbasne [Hpt. 523.] legulam, oferfenjc, dale usurpaus, ahni clandestina, dihluxK fraude, facne 5130 subripuit, .i. tulit, forstsel parentelg, msegsibbe domesticis, hiwcubuwz clientel^, inhiredes spectaculum, waefersene 5135 obstaculo, rewminjce, lettinje f. 86. typum, jetacnunje designasse, geswutelian sancserunt, jesettan purptire, brubasuw 5140 tincture, deaje muricibus, cornwurmuw uernaculis, binu/ra statuta, jesettnessa legalia, aelice 5145 rite, jewunelice dominici, cere ianitor, dureweard ethra, heofe 73, 29 73, 30 73, 30 73, 31 73, 31 73, 31 73, 32 73, 32 73, 33 73, 33 73, 33 73, 33 73, 34 73, 35 73, 37 73, 37 74, 1 74, 2 74, 2 74, 3 74, 3 74, 4 74, 5 74, 5 74, 5 74, 6 74, 6 74, 8 5104. Cp. 5227. R. -lead, as in H.\ WW. f454 w ; f5i2 3 . Cp. note to 552. 5105. Cp. i7 2 T 359- 5 I0 7- R- glenged. 5 IO 9- R.frtetewunge. 5110. R. wuldra}: cp. 4049 ; 2, 282. 5112. bydel (the d alt. f. /) is taken by Leo and Hall to be another form of byden ' a vessel.' It is however the ord. word meaning ' messenger ' and glosses Pautus. 5113- R- cwyde, as in If. S"?- R- cyrican. 5 IJ 9- # hwilcan (the MS. presumably has hwilca). R. hwilcum : cp. note to 300. 5 I2 5- brun-\ u alt. f. another letter. 5 I2 7- R- ahniende. 5134. waf-'] w alt. f./. 5 T 39- Cp. note to 5072. 5 I 4 I - cornw-"] w alt. f. r: cp. notes to 1060 and 1064. 5i4 2 - R.finenum. 5143. -nessa] n alt. f. e. 5 I 4 ( 5. R. drihtenlicert : cp-355; 2753. 5148. R.teo/enum. 1. ALDHELM, DE LAUD. VIRG. au(c)toritate, dome 74, 9 5150 principal!, licum 74, 9 authentico, ealderlicuw 74, 9 pontificatu, dome 74, 9 cultus, bijenge 74, 11 pedagogus noster, hure lat- teow 74, 12 5155 tetre, swaerte 74, 13 gentilitatis, haebendomes 74, 13 euuangelicum, licne 74, 14 appetitu, jewilnunje f. 86 b . 74, 19 compessceret, prohiberet, for- bude 74, 19 5160 curauit, .i.gubernauit, hojode 74, 23 Euidens, jenoh 74, 24 arrogantie, ofermodinys 74, 25 OBtentationis, bounce 74, 25 indicium, dom 74, 25 5165 quid . . . [procedit], hwi fore- step]? 74, 28 maritum, ceorl 74, 29 infra subdit, eft rehj? 74, 29 speciem, wlite 74, 30 formf, anwlatan 74, 30 5 1 70 gloriari, drien 74, 32 obstinata, $ anwilla f. 87. 74. 35 insignia, maerba 74, 36 lenocinia, sporspen 74, 36 prostitutis,forlijerlicuz husuwz 74, 36 5175 congruunt, jebaeslaeca]? 74, 37 quam quarum pudor, baenne baere claennys 75, 1 uilis, waclic 75, 1 In apocalipsi, on awrijenre bee 75, 1 coccineo, wolcreadne 75, 2 5180 luparum, scrgettena 75, 4 insignia, mser [Hpt. 524.] 75, 4 alibi, on obre stowe 75, 5 ceterum, elles 75, 5 per publicum, per medium, jeond openesse 5185 notabiliter, cyrten inlicias, spenst etsi ipsa non pereas, beah bu sylf ne losije 75, 9 inprobus, wiber 75, 1 1 hirsutas, hruhje f. 87 b . 75, 15 5190 lanas, wulla 75, 15 setoaa, jeole, rajjie, loc 75, 1 5 5150. R. keafodlicum : cp. 773. 5152. Prob. biscopdome is meant: cp. 4134. Cp. also note to 260. 5^53- This form (nom. sg.) and 40, 34 bigengu (pi.) prove the existence of a neut. bigenge besides the masc. bigeng. 5155- H. suvearte. 5'57- R- godspellicne \ cp. 1797, &c. 5161. "R.genoh swutol. H. has inhoh (=inoh=genoh}. The inhoh 'evidens, manifestus' in Leo, BT., HI. based on this gl. must be struck out. S 1 ^- bo(g}ung 'boasting' occurs &H. ii. 428", where Thorpe wrongly translates it by 'perversity'; thence the bogung ' crookedness, perversity' in Leo, BT., HI. Cp. also Verc. fol. in b boiung j gylp ; Ang. xi. n8 63 iactantia = boungt gylp. 5^4- H. has wrongly indicium, which however must have been the reading of the MS. f. which the gll. are ultimately derived. 5165. H. h-wig foresteph : cp. note to 552. 5169. Cp. LSc. 172' anwlatan ; Lcdm. i. 216', andwlatan. On -wlata for -wliota, -wlita cp. Stevers, 43, 2. 5170. drien is wr. o. apostolus. In H. it is also assigned to apostolus. It must however have been intended to gl. the prec. or foil, gloriari. R. wuldrien (for -tan) : cp. 4049 ; 5110 ; 2, 282. 51 73. H. has the correct forspen (Ang. vi. 102). R. forspenninga. 5 J 74- The gl. does not suit. H. hasforligererti su (and o. the -ru also lie]. Can the orig. have had forligeru . su (=for!igerum, forligesum) ? Out of the u. su was corrupted the husum in D. Cp. f8> &1 forlisum ( = -igesutri) ; ^WW. 513" forlegesum. 5180. Over the a of luparum (which is the correct reading) another hand has wr. na, changing it to lupanarum, which is the reading of H. Cp. 4305. 5181. R. mizrjxi, as in H.; cp. 5172. 5185. R. cyrtenlice. 5188. R. ivipercoren ? 5 r 9 T ' g e <>k (hr geolwe} is not a suitable gl. ; the gloss, was evid. thinking of the line iam croceo mutalnt vellera hito (Virgil, Eel. iv. 44), which Aldhelm quotes K 2 132 OLD ENGLISH GLOSSES uellera, flys 75, 16 conquilii, fiscdeah, weolces 75, 16 bacciniarum, winberijena 75, 1 7 5195 fuco, deage 75, 17 inficere, .i. miscere t fucare, jewesan, deajhian 75, 17 tincture, deaje 75, 17 muricibus, wurmuw 75, 18 profuturum, fremiendlic 75, 19 5200 sollerti, gleawuw 75, 19 per hironiam, per allegoriam, hux, hosp 75, 20 uarios, mist lice 75, 22 colores, bleoh 75, 22 rubenti, deaje, jecrojede 75, 23 5205 Murice, deaje 75, 24 croceo, mid readre 75, 24 uellera, flyss 75, 24 Into, wurman 75, 24 sandix, msedere 75, 25 5210 pascentes, ba leasiendan 75, 25 originaliter, omm'a, frymfblice 75, 27 industria, jlea 75, 28 superfluis, \\c\\m 75, 29 adinuentionum, jz^smeanjuw, spyrunju/fl, axunjtm 75, 29 5215 amplificare, msenifeal 75, 29 contendit, . i. gubernat, onyt 75, 30 coccineas, weolcreade 75, 31 sucis, deahu/w 75, 32 conquiliis, wolcnereadim 75, 32 ,5220 tinuuere, dejian 75, 32 quippiam, suw bine f. 88. 75, 33 [in] . . . plastica, creatura, je- weorce, on jesceafte 75, 34 necessarium, neadbehefe 75, 34 inperfectum, unfre/wful 75, 35 5225 iurisperitorum, rsedborena, rsedjifena 75, 37 scita, laja 75, 37 nenias, .*'. uam'iafes, besmerleoh 75, 37 ridiculosum . . . [opprobrium], sceandlic hopp 76, 2 subsannantis, hihsendes 76, 2 5230 ganniture, bysmeres 76, 2 infami, unhlisfulluw 76, 3 prouerbiorum, biwyrda 76, 4 elogio, jydde 76, 4 cacchinnantes, cseh [Hpt. 525.] 76, 4 5235 cauillantes, .'. uituperantes, tse 76, 4 picta, jemet 76, 5 a few lines farther on (G. 75 23 ). R. loccode (cp. 56, 13)? 5 X 95- G. succo. 5198- Cp. note to 1060. SI99- framendlic; cp. also f2, 434; f8, 343. These show that the orig-. had framiend-. 5201. Cp. WW. f38 33 ; f5i3 u . 5204-8. The gll. are printed as in MS. H. agrees with D. t except that it has gecrocedere as gl. to croceo. Deage cannot gl. rubenti, but the orig. prob. had rubenti murice = mid readre deage, and croceo luto = mid gecrogedere wurman. D.'s gecroged (f. Lat. crocus, with g for intervocalic Lat. c] is better than Jf.'s gecroced (cp. Pog. p. 179). 5210. ]>a\ a alt. f. e. R. lasiendan = Icesiviendan. 5211. ^.frymj>lice : cp. 2381. 5212. R. gleawnes: cp. 43 ; 618, &c. 5213. R. oferflowendlicum : cp. 5387. 5214. H. adinventionum=gesmeanga, and argumentis = spiriungum t axungum. D. has preserved the correct form of the gll., the MS. f. which the gll. in D. and //. are derived prob. reading adinventionibus instead of adinv. argumentis. This was certainly the reading of the MS. f. which the Chop. gll. came : cp. WW. fsiS 18 adinuentionibus=aspyrgengum. The gloss, of D. copied the gll. without noticing that the case endings did not suit ; the gloss, of H, tried to make them fit by altering gesmeangum to -nga and transferring the other gll. to argumentis. 5215. R. manigfealdian. 5216. G. contendat.Onyt = V!S.onet(Lonettan). 5220. G.tingere. 5222. Cp. f8, 346 on gesceape ; WW.-\^\^ gewyrce; CGH. <)^ plastica = creatura. 5227. H. bismcerleoS. R. bismerleop. Cp. 5104 and note to 552. 5229. hihs-=hysc-. 5232. Cp. WW. 470"; tfi* prouerbium = biwyrde. 5234. R. cashhetende : cp. 4499. 5235. R. tcelende. 1. ALDHELM, DE LAUD. JSIRG. croco, deah fulgenti, dre murice, deaje 5240 manicas, handstocan redimicula, wr ban, lofas mitre, haettes, hufan theristro, halirefte sponsali, jiftlican 5245 lenoeinia, forspeni medu salpicis, byman clangoribus, cyrmum innuptis, uniaewedan candens, hwit 5250 publicis, swuteluw cenaculi, healie manipulorum, jyli aequitatu, of rade here peditatu, fotjanjei 5255 obtruncandum, be rata est, estimata e uenustate, cyrtenysse caperetur, becyrred translatoribus, 5260 dextralia, begas assertionibus, sebinju 5240. On the wk. form cp. note to 1557. Handstoc is a neuter and the proper pi. is -stocu: cp. 5321 ; 2, 452 ; 7, 373 ; 8, 375 ; S. 287 (-co). Cp. also KIZs 1 2 7 105 > 107 fin -wenstre handstoc (ace. sg.) . . . handstoca (nom. pi.). 5241. I6fas in the 2nd Lat. hand. 5242. hufan in the 2nd Lat. hand. H. has hattes, bufantigera, snoda; cp. -t-2, 440 tigera, hufan. From the 2nd of the gll. in H. comes the supposed bufantig adj. 'high,' in Leo; HI. But bufan is evid. misr. for hufan (cp. notes to 4183; 4206), and the tigera is an independent word, as in 2 ; there can be but little doubt that it stands for tiera and is simply the Lat. tiara. 5 2 53- R radehere, as in H. Cp. -j-2, 444 ridehere. 5262. R. swutelungum. 5273. ~R.forhtum. 5 2 74- }edu\ j> alt. f. another letter. This gl. in D. and H. (whence Leo's and Hall's Jtedum ' teste *) appears to be the end of a partly wr. out word and may stand for fendum. R. cy]>endum'( 5275. R- "wcelhreowan. 5276. R. rifte. 5277. The gll. are wr. o. pertinax. In H. they are correctly assigned to procax. 5278. R. getacnunge. 5 2 79- H. getac. R. getacniende. 5282. The gloss, seems to have meant myltestre, reading his lemma as rneretrix. 5284- R. swicfuflum : cp. 2241 ; 2894, &c. 76, 5 asstipulationibus, confirman- 76, 5 tibus, swutelun 76, 23 76, 5 Uerum, ac heo 76, 24 in 76, 6 arta, nearewu/# 76, 25 s, cynewib- 5265 obsidione, emsaetnunje 76, 25 76, 6 doletura, to besarjienne 76, 26 i 76, 6 compatientis, behreowsiendes 76, 26 76,8 defectu, ateorunje 76, 26 76, 8 salua, jesund 76, 27 linjce, hse- 5270 cflebre, maerne 76, 27 76, 9 meticulosis, tremebundis, ear- 76, 10 gwi 76, 27 \m 76, 10 oppidanis, stocwearduwz 76, 28 in 76, 10 trepidantibus, forh 76, 28 76, 11 teste, bedu/tf 76, 29 76, 12 5275 tyranni, bass wealhro 76, 29 f.88*>. 76, 13 conopeo, rif 76, 29 na, wraeda 76, 14 procax, scamlease, jemah , rsedu/rc f. 89. 76, 30 76, 15 typum, jtanc 76, 31 idum here 76, 15 obumbrans, jetan 76, 31 heafdienne 76, 17 5280 integro, on anwealhre, an- /, tealde 76, 18 sundre 76, 32 ise 76, 18 plenilunio, monabfylene 76, 32 1 76, 19 meretricio, stre 76, 33 nderuw 76, 19 lenocinante, ./. maculanle, for- 76, 21 spsennendlicuw 76, 33 njuw 76, 23 fraudelento, lu/ 76, 34 OLD ENGLISH GLOSSES 5285 oblectamento, luste, lustful- lunjce 76, 34 elisisse, decipere, beswicen, bepae 76, 35 ductus, tojen 76, 35 cc, blindre 76, 36 cupiditatis, syrnninje 76, 36 5390 petulantia, of jalscipe,wraen 76, 36 captus, jelaeht 76, 36 prostitute, forlijeres 77, 1 lupanar, forlijerhus [Hpt. 526.] 77, 1 traheretur, sy 77, 2 5295 transfigat, burhscet 77, 2 uelut, swylce 77, 3 ales, fujel 77, 3 PBONTOSAM, ba wlanca 77, 5 inpudentiam, sceawleastan 77, 6 5300 insolentiam, ofermodinesse 77, 6 ub regiznine, under gymene 77, 7 ecclesiasticorum, geleaf 77, 8 clero, preosthade 77, 9 canonum, rihtrejula 77, 9 5305 regular-is, rejollices 77, 10 deprehenduntur, intelleguntur ', understandan 77, 10 usurpatf, jeahnode 77, 10 ob, for f. 89 b . 77, 11 falerata, faejeredre 77, 11 5310 uenustate, winsuwz , cyrte 77, 11 statura, jesetnes 77, 12 comatur, jlen 77, 12 perornetur, beo 77, 13 sexus, des 77, 13 5315 constat, wunab 77, 14 subucula, ham, hacele 77, 14 bissina, linen, hwite 77, 14 iacinthina, haewen 77, 14 coccinea, wolcread 77, 15 5320 capitium, hast 77, 15 manice, handstocu 77, 1 5 sericis, mid jodewebbu/rc 77, 15 clauate, gestefnede 77, 15 rubricatis, mid readlescuw 77, 16 5325 anbiuntur, beo 77, 16 antie, forefex 77, 16 cincinni, locces 77, 17 calomistro, mid brawingspinle 77, 1 7 crispantur, synd abrawene 77, 17 5330 coloratis, deajeduw 77, 18 mafortibus, wimplim 77, 18 cedunt, hi sleab 77, 18 uittarum, snoda 77, 18 assutf, jeseowede 77, 19 5335 talo tenus, ob ba ancneow 77, 19 prolixius, side 77, 19 5286. elis-~] the i alt. f. e. R. beswican, bepaecan. 5290. wr.). Cp. also 7, 350 ; 8, 331 ; 18, 18; 18 b , 57. 5298. R. -ncan. 5299. H. -lestan. R. -leasts, as in f7, 367 ; f5. 278. Cp. note to 1557. 5302. R. gelea- fulra: cp. 172, &c. 5306. R. -standen, as in H. 53io. R. winsumnysse, cyrtenysse: cp. 1053, &c. 5312. R.glenged. 5314. R. hades : cp. 2326; 3890. 5321. Cp. 5240. 5322. H.godwebbe. R. godewebbenum : cp. 3162. 5323. Cp. f7, 374; f8, 376; ^-S. 288; and WW. t375 41 bestefnde. 53 2 4- H.-lesce. Does the gl. render rubr. pellibus or rubr. alone ? Cp. AhdG. iii. 287" Rubricata pellis = losgishut ; i. 325^ particis (a gl. to pellibus rubricatis or ianthinis pell. in Exod. xxvi. i^)=losge\ i. 644" Ianthino = losceskuti, and Old Bavarian Losch ' kind of leather' (cp. Schlutte^yC/^. ii. 32). This gl. seems to confirm S.'s suggestion that reodnam andeowe . . . under 1. ALDHELM, DE LAUD, VIRG. '35 dependunt, to niber 77, 19 cauannarum, ulena 77, 20 instigat, tyhteb, myneja]? 77, 21 5340 rapaci, jri//zlice 77, 22 ungularum, clifra 77, 22 arpagine, spyrrinje 77, 22 grassari, .i. uastari, bereafian, awestan 77, 23 proteruorum, wlancra manna 77, 24 5345 insolentiam, upahafenesse 77, 24 traductam, tobundene 77, 25 indisciplinatorum, unbeaw- faestra 77, 25 dissimulari, bepsecan 77, 26 increpari, beon gebreade 77, 26 5350 obliqua, mid jewaehtuw [Hpt. 5 27.]77, 26 liuoris, sefestes 77, 27 strofose, swicfulre f. go. 77, 27 suggillationis, . i, uituperationis, efenlascunje 77, 27 derogemur, taeled 77, 28 5355 proteletur, jelenced 77, 29 competent!, .i. conumienti, ge- dafenie(n)dre 77, 29 clausula, beclysinje 77, 29 maturius, sortlicor 77, 29 malagma, .*'. unguentum t medicina, cleoban 77, 30 5360 medicament!, lac 77, 30 [purulentis] . . . uulneribus, mid jeolstrijuw wundu#z 77, 30 proteruorum, walana 77, 30 conuitiorum, leahtra 77, 31 flagra, swinjla 77, 31 5365 asper inuectionis, stibra wala 77, 32 mastigias, swipa 77, 32 emulis, feonduw 77, 32 inlatas, on jebrohte 77^ 33 experiamur, .i. inueniamur t utiuperemur, afinden 77, 33 5370 magnopere, be 77, 33 stipulatorem, sebend 77, 34 liuescant, andigen 77, 35 tumentis, tobundenes 77, 35 iactantie, jylpes 77, 35 5375 adulatio, olaecunj 78, 1 assentatrix, jehwaeriende 78, 3 delectatum, jelustfullunj 78, 4 crimine, mid sanje 78, 4 laude, her 78, 4 5380 correctoris, f>reagendes 78, 6 serpere, smujan 78, 7 non difficulter, na unearfo]?lice 78, 9 exacerbauit, tyrjide f. 90^. 78, 10 passiua, widjil 78, 10 5385 generalitas, jemsenelicnes 78, 11 lacerari, totoren 78, 11 superflue, oferflowenlice 78, 15 rethoricamur, .i. alloquatur, wordliab 78, 16 remotis, ascyreduw 78, 17 5390 paulisper, aethweje 78, 17 negotiis, %eQitum 78, 17 J>am oj>ran ancleowe, these examples show that ancleow is neut. (not masc., as BT., HI., nor fern., as Sw.}. 5337- The to belongs to the prec. gl. Cp. f8, 382 ; -\S. 295 to side. 5342. Cp. f2, 459 ; t7, 3795 t 8 > 3 86 ; t-S"- 297. 5350. H. has the better reading wolicum. 5353. The gl. does not suit. 5354- taled~\ ed on an erasure. 535^. R. scortlicor, as in H. 5360. R. lacnunge: cp. note to 382. 5362. So also H., whence app. Leo's wa/adj. 'protervus.' R. wlancral Cp. 5344, where H. has ivancla. 5365. Cp. 3466. 5370. R./^r/? Cp. 9, 15. 5376- Cp. note to 66. 5377-8. So also H. The gloss.* misr. the lemmas as dehctatio and carmine respectively. 5379. R. kerunge, as in H. 5390. R. -ga. 136 OLD ENGLISH GLOSSES philosophari, snytrian, worb- lian 78, 18 decreuiraus, ho j , mene jiajj 78, 1 8 priuilegium, wyrbmynt 78, 19 5395 pr?sidio, .1. protections, je- beorje, nerun 78, 20 clnstello, loce, faestene 78, 21 continetur, jehaeft 78, 21 arbitrio, eyre 78, 22 coacto, dum 78, 22 5400 yponeregensys, baere burhscire 78, 24 eleganti, mid baeslicere 78, 24 prosf, race [Hpt. 528.] 78, 24 peritia, jetinnysse 78, 24 intacto, dum f. 91. 78, 28 5405 indulcauit, gecertenlsehte 78, 29 inuitam, lab 78, 31 penetralia, incofu 78, 34 summotum, segregatum est, to- scired, todaeled 78, 36 concipit, underfeh 78, 37 5410 tectis, ahe , ascyleduw 78, 37 inquit, eft cweb 79, 3 DIGKESTO, jeendebyrdre 79, 8 urbano, sto f. 91^. 79, 9 tenor, .*'. rat(t)o, or do, tsonus, swej 79, 10 5415 contionator, bannend 79, 10 aliud quodlibet munuseulum, hwylce, senije obre lac 79, 11 ratum, truzrc 79, 12 gratum, jecweme 79, 12 pudicis, clsenre 79, 13 5420 pudicitie, syde 79, 13 [quam ut] . . . promerentur, bonne $ waeron jeearnode 79, 1 4 minusculum, .**. paruum, je- hwasde 79, 16 pastoralis, hyrdelicere 79, 16 cure., jymene 79, 16 5425 sarcina, seame 79, 16 satagistis, . *'. desiderastis, jyrn- don 79, 18 destinare, ./. mittere, je- settan 79, 18 intercapedinem, fyrst 79, 20 scmpulosa, dubitata, carfull, hefi 79, 20 5430 sollicitudo, bihydinys 79, 21 tumultuans, swejende 79, 21 etrepitus, jehlyd 79, 21 obturbabat, gedre 79, 22 remotio, ascylidre 79, 22 5435 conferunt, to brinjab f. 92. 79, 24 uerbosa, wordful 79, 24 garrulorum, hlydendra 79, 24 5392. R. -wordlian. 5393- R- hogiap. 5395- R. nerunge. 5399- R- geneadedttm : cp. 4365, &c. 5400. G. Hipponensis. Cp. WW. ^^\^ yppone regensi =pcere burge. 5403. G. sententia. H.getign-. R. getingnysse. 545- G. inculcavit. 5406. The gloss, has misr. his lemma as invisam : cp. 885, &c. 547- So also H. R. incofan, as a wk. neut. *incof is not elsewhere recorded. 5409- So also H. N. -fehp. Cp. H. 423 coeperit = underfeh (om. >.} ; 696 befehp (H. befeK). 5410. So H. with add. gL.forheledum. R. aheledum. Ascylian ' to divide' (cp. 1367), hence 'put away, hide.' 54 r 3- H. sno: r. snotrei cp. 3195. 54J8. gecweme is wr. o. ratum, but is meant to gl. gratum, as in H. 54 T 9- The gloss, took pud- for gen. sg. 5420. R. sydefulnysse : cp. 1144, &c. 5433- R- gedrefde. 5434- Both here and in H. the gl. is assigned to remotio ; but it must have been meant for the foil, secrete. G. wrongly remotis. 1. ALDHELM, DE LAUD. VIRG. contemtibilibus, . i. despicienti- bus, forsawendrutfz 79, 25 uiolenter, sti]? 79, 26 5440 auferunt, a jean abrade)? 79, 27 arithmeticam, causam numer- orum, rimcraeft 79, 29 geometricam, terram mensu- ram, eorbjemet 79, 30 astronomiam, legem astrorum, tunjelcr 79, 30 astrologiam, cur sum astrorum, steorwijl 79, 30 5445 mechanicam, peritiam fabri- cam rerum, orbancscipe 79, 31 tenorem, .i. rationem tordinem, swej 79, 32 notariis, wri , mearcenm 79, 32 exeipientibus, . i. segregantibus, ascyleduw 79, 32 antiquariis, .*'. scrifa's, eald- writeru/tt 79, 32 5450 obstaculo, re/wminjce 79, 35 tricabatur, tardebatur, protela- bifur, waes jelenjced 79, 35 distensionibus, . i. occupationi- <5wj,tobenednyssu>% [Hpt.529-] 79,37 fascia, .i. more, wraedes 80, 1 Hec morosa tricatio, beos yld- fulle letting 80, 1 f. p2 b . 80, 2 hlecen, * 80, 3 80, 4 80, 5 80, 5 80, 5 k 80, 6 80, 6 80, 7 5455 pollicita . . . [rescripsio], be- haten jewrit Rimosa, scissurosa, tocinen barca, bat lacertorum, earma remigio, rowette 5460 sero, late rusticitatis, jleawnysse superno, upcunduffz patrocinio, helpe antennarum, sejeljyrdena, massta 5465 quasi inter scyllam, swylce betwyx stanhricjuw, munt solocismi, jruttes barbarismi, stsefleahtres baratrum, sweljend rudentibus, rapuw 5470 scopulosas, scylpije lautacismi, elleohtes conlisiones, torres motaciami, emleohtes uoragines, edwinde 5475 grammaticorum, staefcrseftij- era gubernaculo, jym^de trudentes, bescufende relatibus, racuw 80, 8 80, 9 80, 9 80, 9 80, 9 80, 10 8O, 10 80, 11 80, 11 80, 11 80, 11 80, 12 80, 12 8O, 13 80, 16 5438. So also H. The gl. is apparently a contamination oiforseonde ' despiciens' and forsawenlic (cp. 470; 935). Cp. note to 1254. 5439- R- sttylice \ cp. 1231; 4662. 544. Does agean render the prec. e contrario (G. 79 2 *) ? 5442. H. terra m.,geort5gemet. 5443- R. -craft. H. tungela, which was prob. the reading of the orig., as it occurs f2, 472 ; f7, 393 ; -\-8, 409 ; f6". 307. 5447- R- write- nim : cp. 2846. 5449- ealdwr- is wr. o. describentibus, but is meant to gl. antiq-, as in H. Cp. WW. t346 38 ; f5i4 38 writerum. 5453- On the Lat. gl. more cp. note to 8", i. 5454- yW~\ <* a ^- f- another letter. Cp. f2, 478, and WW. 441* morosa eldendlice (as though m. were f. mora 'delay'). 5456. hlecen owes its en to tocinen. R. hlec, as in H. Cp. WW. tsi5 3 ri mosa barca =f cinene scip. 5461. So also H. Has this gl. got out of place ? 5464. Cp. WW.^^f", t5 I 5 8 - 6465. Cp. 634. 5466. The gloss, has misunderstood the lemma. 6467. stafleahtres\ r alt. f. e. It means ' letter-fault, grammatical error.' 5469. rapu was wr. a 2nd time o. disruptis and then erased. 547. Cp. 642. 5471. laut- = labdacismus. 5473- motac- = metacismus. 547^. So H. R. gymenel i 3 8 OLD ENGLISH GLOSSES fatis, Jfwyr f. 93. 80, 17 5480 parcarum, j^wyrda 80, 19 ferreus, hefies 8O, 19 conuolatus, flyhtas 80, 19 iam, ser 8O, 22 imbricibus, J>ece 80, 24 5485 fuluis, flauis, nigris, fealewuw 80, 28 frigenti, colre 80, 30 tabescit, awyrj? 80, 30 urbanitatis, jewyrdinesse f. 93 b. 80, 32 digestuxn, jeendebyrd 80, 32 5490 dissertitudinis, .z'. sagaci fatis, jleawnesse 80, 37 eloquentia, .*'. urbanitatis, sprsece 80, 37 duleis sapa, jeswet win a merulento, fraw hluttruw temeto, wine 5495 fucorum, bleohga iraaginum, anlic petalis, laefru/tt fulcimentum, under adiumentum, fultuw 5500 uacillare, titubare, tealtrian flagitiorum, mandseda classis, heres f. 94^ contemtibilis, hyrwendlic propugnaculum, wijsteal f. 95. [Hpt. 530 f. 94, 81, 1 81, 1 81, 2 81, 5 81, 6 81, 7 , 81, 18 81, 19 81, 20 81, 23 81, 26 81, 28 ]82, 2 5479. R. gewyrdum. 5481. So also H. The MS. which was orig. glossed must have r. ferret loeti somnus, which is the reading of RB. (cp. f2, 487). 544- R- Jiecenum : cp. 2256. 5488. Cp. f2, 492. S. 321 has gewyrdelicnesse as gl. to the foil, facundia ; cp. also -f 8 b , 10. Ge-wyrdignes 'eloquence' is not in the dictionaries. 549^. R. anlicnessa. 5498- R. underwrejiung ? Cp. WW. 238". Over concorditer (G. 8i 28 ) a late fourteenth-cent, hand has wr. somlice. ALDHELM, DE LAUDIBUS VIRGINITATIS. (OPERA ED. GILES, OXONII, 1844.) 2. MS. ROYAL 6. B. vn. palestricis, mid wraxliendum 20 epitaphion, . f. carmen mortuorum, disciplinis, larum certaminis, wijjerwinnes et olimphiaci, 7 plejlices 5 agonis, jecampes naucleri, rowendes genestarum, broma tilie, lindan catalectico, fulluTW lodactilos, .i. clistro cauliculus, stela parasitorum, .i. spilra ginginis, toSreomum et bellicosas, 7 wiglice ijdeceptionum, bijswica expeditionum, fyrdunja tyrannic!, camplice satellites, wejgesi}?an epichedion, licsanj f. 4 b . 2, 14 2, 14 2, 16 2, 16 2, 16 3,3 f. 5. 3, 37 f. 5 b - 4, 3 4,6 f. 8. 8, 18 f. 8* 0, 9 f. 9 b . 10, 32 11, 14 f. 10. 12, 3 12, 5 f. io b 12, 25 f. n. 13, 3 13, 5 13, 23 byriensanj retiacultun, jrin facula, blaesan fuco, daeje bis tincto, twyhiwu/w 25 cocco, wurmon lamina, laefer electri, maestlinjes frutecta, .i. arbusta, cwicas f. 13. 16, 25 pastinare, ./'. plantar e t nutrire \ tyddrian f. is b . 30 eolitaria, aenlipe recapitulatio, frumspellunj spatiose interoapedinia,wid jilles fgces ornari, beon tortis, aj>rawenuz 35 inculta, unbejanum cessarie, fexe 13, 23 f. n b . 14, 17 f. 12.14, 27 f. I2 b 15, 28 16, 32 15, 33 15, 36 15, 36 16, 28 16, 34 16, 35 17, 13 17, 18 f. 14. 17, 21 17, 24 17, 24 As nearly all the gll. in 2 occur in 1, and can at once be found with the help of the side references to Giles, notes are here given only when needed. In other cases the necessary annotations will be found in 1. i. ioraxli-"\ li alt. f. u. 3. H. has on margin Tutyerwinnes, which B. assigns to exercitationis, but to judge f. the facsimile in Appendix B to Cooper's Report, it should rather belong to certaminis. 12. Cp. ^79- T 3- S^ n S~\ n on erasure. 18. Cp. f86i. 21. G. retinae-. 28. So MS. In H. 433 (om. D.~) cwicas more correctly glosses the prec. gramina : cp. WW. I35 20 ; ap? 28 ; 301'; 415'. It is here st. masc. 140 OLD ENGLISH GLOSSES indruticans, ticjende 17, 27 conditio, .i. rseden 18, 3 hoc, bis 18, 8 4. 35, 37 botros, .i. uuarum globos, .i. jly- ster 36, 5 ioo racemos, .i. paries botri, .i. crop- pas 36, 6 ad prlum, to winwringan 36, 7 quatinus, baet waeron f. 26. 38, 11 sulcorum, fura f. 26 b . 37, 12 glebulis, turfu/rc 37, 12 105 aruina, .t. adeps t pmguedo, of micjerne f. 27. 37, 34 pestilentif, .*'. necis, cwyldes 38, 4 isdem, of bam 38, 19 deuotabant, . i. exprobrabant, wirijdon 38, 19 necessitudinis, .i. amicitie, .i. necessitatis, maebraedene 38, 2 1 no tigillo, ./. tigno, hrofe 38, 22 et tarn rancidis, 7 swa biterum f. 27*. 38, 29 rumigerula, .i. opiniosam, hlis- baere 38, 35 cuniculum, .i. domunculam, crypel 39, 7 indolis, .?'. iuuenenis ingenuus, aebeles 39, 12 115 sceuico, .i. stupendo, of (je)- sceadlicuw f. 28. 39, 18 serio, eornestlice 39, 19 quern, baene hf 39, 27 retulerunt, . i. narrauerunt, areh- ton 39, 29 probrosis factionibus, .i.falsi- tatibus, of gewemmeduw ra- CUTW, of edwitfulluw 39, 30 120 inconsulte, .t. inconsiderate, un- raedlice 39, 31 a tarn, fra^z swa 39, 34 ob detectum, ,i. apertum, for abaredim 39, 36 quern, baene 40, 2 quo, baw he 40, 6 125 incestum, .i. stuprum, fyltSe 40, 8 quern, baene 40, 10 ac si fixa, 7 swylce of 40, 1 2 qui, ba f. 28*>. 40, 13 calamitatum, yrm'Sa 40, 18 130 insectationes, onhettinja 40, 19 perferebat, .i. sustinebat, for- bser 40, 21 ad palatinas . . . [zetas], .z'. ad regales aures, to cynelicum seton 40, 32 95. G.cumulum. 96. R. geornuml Cp. 3372. 99. R. cly-. 104. glebulis] u alt. f. e. 109. mtsJ>- = m(Zg])-\ mxg])rSden occurs also 7, a ; S. 2 ; cp. Ang. xiii. 309, Cp. 335 magftmyrdra; 412 m$$morSor; and 5131 magsibbe (H. magft-'). in. elcra3fte 43, 4 155 dialetica, flitcraefte 43, 4 arithmetica, rimcraefte 43, 4 geometrica, eorbgemete 43, 5 astronomia, tunjelcraefte 43, 5 astrologia, tunjeljesceade 160 meohanica, orbftancscipe [fetosis, . t. fecundis\ . . . partu- bus, of tudderfulluw eacnun- adfinium, ,i. uicinum, landje- macena proscriptionem, . i. frauda- tionem, Before olosericis, of eallseolcenuw f. apb. 165 epithalami, brydleobes elogium, jydde nexibua, cnottum tam urbana, je snotere uerbortun, .i. sermonum, ge- spraeca 170 et captiosis, 7 of hseftlicuwz syllogismi, ,t. inclusionis, .i. clausula, locum rationis, .i. elocutionis, snoter- scipes donee, olp t5aet quibus, of t5aw heo f. 31. 175 gymnasii, leornijmannes hus laterculo, of rime calcvilo, of stane udis, .i. humidis, waetum nodosi cippi, ostijes stocces 1 80 cippi, stocces prestrigia, scinlac quibus, of lpa.m hi et marsorum, .i. incantatorum, 7 byrsa 43, 11 43, 16 43, 19 43, 27 43, 36 43, 36 44, 2 44, 6 44, 6 44, 10 44, 11 44, 15 44, 18 44, 20 44, 20 44, 22 44, 22 44, 30 44, 33 44, 35 44, 36 44, 37 45, 1 133. Cp. f 2 998. I 35~6. Cp. fS 001 - T 38- R- punderne: cp. +3005. 142. Om. D., H. Cp. f7, 225 ; and ZfdA* xxxi. 19 monotalmus=aneagede. 145. R. oret-. 147. R. wife- : cp. f 3087. 152. G. -clave. 155. R. dialectica. 159-60. astr- and mech- om. G. 163. Gl. wr. as one word; but I think that ge is meant to gl. the prec. et, and fore the pro of proscr-. 171. The orig. prob. had faces, as in D., H. The dat. pi. ending is due to the foil, conclusionibus. 2. ALDHELM, DE LAUD. VIRG. 143 lustramentum, injeotinj 45, 2 185 in rosatum, on jerosodne 45, 3 deglobore, .*. decor (t)are, be- hyldan 45, 4 putamina, acuman 45, 11 sceptrine uirge, . /'. uiminibus, breostjyrda f. 3i b . 45,14 papiro, .i. iunco, risce 45, 15 190 superstites, .*'. ut'uz, belifendes 45, 24 cvmiculi, crypelas 45, 26 seort&rum, . i. meretricum, fyrn- hicjendra 45, 29 quo, feeder 45, 30 de clatris, of pearrucuw 45, 30 195 ut si quis, .*'. aliguis, o*3et waere 45, 31 efficitur, byS 45, 34 adultum, .i. zuuenem, sprindne f. 32. 46, 12 nitebantur, .*'. moliebantur, hi hidden 46, 22 [ad] . . . tedas, . i. lucernas, to Syftum 46, 22 200 nubere, wifian 46, 26 quibus, of ]>a.m he 46, 27 ita, bus 46, 27 sopore, mamran 46, 35 per uestram, burh (h)incre f. 32 b . 47, 2 205 formosa, .*'. speciosa, fsejer 47, 5 effigie, .*'. j/>ei?, on hiwe 47, 5 sub districto, .i. rigide, under beawlicuw 47, 15 per obliques, . i. curuos tflexus, jimeleaste 47, 17 anfractus, hylcas 47, 17 a 10 augusto, .:'. regali, rumuw 47, 27 pulpito, solere 47, 30 bircitallo, rince f. 33. 48, 2 fasciarum, wrseda 48, 14 circi, trend 48, 19 215 subpositis, of under 48, 22 faculis, .i. blaesum 48, 23 minacem, beat f. 33 b . 48, 25 obolisci, flane 48, 25 spere, trendies 48, 25 220 [Sed] . . . processere, .*'. iransi- erunt, ac for?5 48, 29 agonithetis, .i. principibus illius artus, wraxleruOT 48, 31 liciis, hefel^raeduw 48, 32 gi(n)ginis, of tuxuw 49, 4 roderentur, .?'. morderent, jrajene 49, 5 225 etgulosa. . . [ingluuies, t.guld], ./'. uoracifas, 7 frgec wasend 49, 7 gurgulliones, brotbollan 49, 9 callositas, .*'. scabredo, wearr 49, 15 tabo, .?'. same, jeolstor 49, 16 in sabanis, . i. grecum nomen est, on raejelum 49, 18 230 anhelat, .i. sitiauit, he jewilnode f. 34. 50, 2 Qui, ba sint 50, 2 secundis, of gesund 5O, 7 anachoreseos, .;'. in heremo, senyttes 50, 9 192. Cp. 2940. 194. fear-} a alt. f. r. 203. Cp. ^3404. 207. ^. J>ear(t}wisum, as in D., ff. - 208. R. gind lease ? Or did the gloss, misr. his lemma as obliuio ? 2 14. R. trendies, as in D., ff. 215. R. of under ledum, as in D., H. 217. D., ff., diff. gl. R. beotiendet. Cp. WW. 449" minax=beotende. 221. R. artis, as in Z>., ff. 224. R.gnagene, as in Z>., ff. 227. wearr] rr added in another hand. R. wearrihtnys : cp. fSS^S ; t7, 261 ; f8, 192. 232. R. gesundfullum, as in D., ff. 144 OLD ENGLISH GLOSSES donatur, ajyfen 235 et summatim, a lice dolium, cyue fefellisset, .*. se< don obeuntem, .i. me fenne ex hoc, of Sam 240 pudibunda, . /'. er lie indecens, .i. unjerinsenre colobium, lofta ordiretur, onjunnen sindonis, wselfelses 245 fuso, of spinle radiis, hrisluz longiuscule, .i. longe, lanje coudito, ./. conpui jebrydre in focularibuB, on h 250 conticinio, cwyldset circumquaque, .i. u sejhwser onbutan aut aliorsum, ocSSe elles ulterius, ofer tSset incentor, tyhtend 255 conrosus, .i. dt Snajen iubileus, s. annus, freols 236. do/-'] d alt. f. another letter. 241. R. ungerisenre: 244. R. waif-, as in D., H. 248. Cp. f7, 271 gebryrde; LSc. 2O !0 condiantur = brysdde (so MS. Rhodes has wrongly printed brydde in his text). Brysan ' to bruise, pound,' thence ' to season (food),' is evid. the word meant in all three cases. In 7 the s has been miscopied as r, and in 2 has fallen out The form gebryrd suggested the conpunctione. 251. agh-~\ h alt. f. another letter. 253. ofer\f alt. f. another letter. 255. R. deuor-, as in D., H. : cp. i ; 274 ; 478. 257. andelbar(r)e in H., 496 (om. Z.) ; f4, 74 ; f7, 282 ; f8, 207; -\-S. 218. 263. ^.foster (as in D., H.} orfostenwp. 266. R. gripan, as in D., H. 268. G. plectra. 269. R. ealdorlices, as in D., H. 270. R. -menna, as in D., If. 272. R. rumes, as in /?., H. 274. R. siciliensis, sicilisc. Note misreading of /as*: cp. 478; i; 255. 50, 13 prepostero, . i. contrario, andel- ie, j won- baere 53, 12 f. 34 b 50, 18 mala granata, jecyrnlode appla 53, 14 50, 19 caricarum, carica, .. stccus, et, awsej- ficseppla 53, 15 50, 20 260 massas, clyna 53, 16 'em, astor- calamitoBa, of dymre 53, 19 50, 21 tortellis, ciclum f. 36^. 53, 23 50,23 alimoniam, .i. annonam, fos- ens, scam- tern 53, 24 50, 25 de farris, of wsetes 53, 27 senre 50, 26 265 corbes, .i. windlas 53, 29 f. 35- 61, 23 et pugillum, 7 jripe 53, 31 61, 24 contendamus, . i. studeamus, 51, 24 uton 54, 3 51, 25 plecta, hyrdle 64, 7 51, 25 principalis tanti. swa ealdor 54, 8 lanje 61, 26 270 sirenarum, .i. meremen f. 37. 54, 33 ctione, of cum inexpertos, .i. incautos, 51, 31 ]?onne hi unware 54, 34 orSuw 51, 33 auguste, romes 55, 9 ne f. 35 b. 52, 1 testularum, tygelena f. 37^. 55, 14 quequaque, siculus, scieiensis, scilisc 55, 18 52, 5 275 indigena, .i. ciuis, inbyrdlin^ 55, 18 lies 52, 8 oppidi, wic 55, 18 52, 8 Qui, )>a 55, 19 52, 22 et liquefactas, 7 formylte 55, 26 itus, for- congeries, .i. multitudines, hyp- f. 36. 52, 30 plas 55, 26 :ols 53, 6 280 contribuli, jesybbuw 55, 35 2. ALDHELM, DE LAUD. VIRG. 145 afficitur, .i, consumiiur, wags jewseht .38.66,18 gloriatur, wuldraS f. 38 b . 57, 7 nicromantia, .i. demonum inuo- ca/w, wiccecraeft 57, 11 callido, litijuffz 57, 12 285 harenosis, sandijuw f. 39. 57, 37 sablonum, stranda 57, 37 glareis, ceoslum 57, 37 sartaginem, bollan 58, 5 seuo, smerue 58, 5 290 ostro, .i. uermiculo, of rsednysse 58, 15 syllogismos, clysinja 58, 20 tonsura, efesunje f. 39^. 58, 32 propinquitas, gehendnyss 58, 35 domestica, gehyfte 58, 36 295 pithonibus, wiccuw 59, 2 applaudunt, f>a gylpaS 59, 5 consulta, rsedas 59, 5 scrupulum, twynunge 59, 6 inproperio, edwite 59, 10 300 clanculis, of dijlu/w 59, 12 latebris, heolstruw 59, 12 deliberaret, .i. monstraret, ge- teohhode 59, 12 archana, hordas 59, 13 incentiua, atihtinja 59, 18 305 inpingere, on J>ydan f. 40. 59, 18 retorsit, onsaet 59, 22 incesti, forlijres 59, 25 dissona, ungeswejre 59, 25 utrarumque, ejberra 59, 29 310 historialiter, staerlice 59, 29 quadrare, emnettan 59, 30 innotescat, heo jecyj^laschte 60, 4 lurida, .i. cacabata, fule 60, 6 uolutabra, sola 60, 7 315 uernantibus, glinnienduw 60, 11 auro tecta, joldjeweuenuw 60, 12 frontosa, nebwlatful f. 4O b . 60, 16 lenocinii, jewemmincje 60, 24 sulcate, jefyrede 6O, 29 320 adolesceret, wlancude f. 41. 61, 11 rapacitatis, reafulnysse 61, 19 torres. brynas 61, 21 semiustas, sambasrnede 61, 21 dispari, unjelicre 61, 31 325 t(h)iara, haette 61, 32 fragore, cyrme 1 dyne f. 4i b . 62, 3 igniferas, fyrbaere 62, 4 coruscationes, rsescetunje 62, 4 decretorum, doma 62, 9 330 magistri militum, campealdra 62, 10 litur, clames 62, 13 In qua, on J)am 62, 14 stuprorum, nydhaemedran 62, 19 amatricis, lufiestran 62, 20 335 parricida, mae(g)o"myr'Sra 62, 22 nee olidos, ne fule 62, 24 raderetur, of ascoren 62, 28 marsi, drias 62, 31 incantationum, jaldra 62, 31 340 catastarum, .i. gculei, fyrbol- lena f. 42. 63, 2 prolatum est, .i. narratum est, $ ypped waes 63, 1 4 colloquio, of motunje f. 42 b . 63, 27 ducta, jetojene 63, 32 282. G. -rietur. 304. Atihting occurs also in LSc. z8 13 ; 20. 10 ; 35 14 . 306. R. ongean sceal, as in Z., H. ? 315. R. gliteniendum, as in D., H. 319. Cp. 2492. 333. R. -dra, as in f7, 304; f8, 240. D., H., diff. gl. as in D., H. 335. -a'da] a alt. f. MS. Cp. 109. 339. gal-~\ a alt. f. y. [IV. Il] L 305. Cp. 316. G. texta. 334. R. lufestran, 146 OLD ENGLISH GLOSSES opuscula, bee 345 tribunice, dugublicre desponsaret, 7 besce: a circio, westannorSan pitaciolis, .f*. mi fellum canonicarum, rejulicra 350 transmarinis, ofersaawiscum Que, seo inretita, jeraeped eruperit, up abrsec bilance, heolore 355 remugiet, oncwy'S exorbitantes, tealtri non dissona, na un; sententia, cwyde traduntur, betaehte 360 ingenitam, ./. nai borene larem, fyre clandestinis, of dyrnum conticinio, cwyldsetene denigrates, jesweartode 365 sartagines, cocorpanne caccabatus, smittud et uelud, 7 swa fthiopica, silhearnysse fuscatus, forsweorced 370 sibilans, swisliende inceptis, onjunnum numina, mihta fauorem, herunje 345. G.tribunitice. 346. Cp. f4555- 356. -ltri\ t alt. f. d. R. tealtriende. H. has the Lat. gl. titubantes, which answers to this. 368. R. silhearwenre : cp. f 4680. The orig. presumably had silhearwenre sivearnysse (for sweartn-~) t as in H, 369. D., H., diff. gl. One would expect for- rworcen : cp. WW. 246*. Had the ong.foi'Sivorcen, adeorcod\ 370. R. h-wistliende, as in D., H. 371. R. ogz*, asinZ)., //". 378. Cp. 1*4742. 381. R. haftenne: cp. t4755- 389. Cp. t48zi. 390. R. wyrt/atu : cp. t4824. 397. G. ere f ante. 399. So MS. R.fagmtnge. Ona. D. (cp. 4892). H. has ragiminge (also fotfagmmgi), whence the rcegiming in Leo, HI., BT. 63, 33 [et] . . . repropitiarent, . i. miti- 64, 2 garent, 7 jegladedon 67, 13 atwyrpte 64, 7 375 IMPEBAWTIBUS, wealden- .n 64, 10 du#z 67, 20 inis, boc- incanduisset, barn 67, 22 64, 16 paulisper, sume hwile 67, 27 ra f. 43. 64, 24 uehiculo, on faerelde 67, 28 iwiscum 64, 33 chiliarc(h)o, ealdre 67, 30 65, 4 380 cum equestri, mid ridenduw 67, 30 65, 7 mancipande, to hseft 67, 32 65, 7 fimi, gores f. 45. 68, 3 65, 13 horrebat, alaj?ode 68, 4 f. 43 b. 65,21 thermarum, batSa 68, 7 65, 32 385 imperantur, hi wgeron bebo- sswejuzw 65, 36 dene 68, 8 65, 36 labefacta, jewaeht 68, 11 66, 6 riparum, staba 68, 15 m, onje- obstupescens, aforhtiende 68, 17 66, 9 discriminalia, caefinja f. 45**. 68, 31 66, 11 390 olfactariola, pyr^fatu 68, 32 um 66, 12 liberalitate, sylene 68, 34 ne f. 44. 66, 13 ad agapem, .i. deliciem, to )de 66, 17 feorme 68, 37 ne 66, 18 pictacia, aerendjewritu 69, 3 66, 22 exiliata, utud 69, 9 66, 22 395 municipatus . . . [fueratj, ear- se 66, 23 dunj wses 69, 10 66, 23 trucidabatur, acweald 69, 19 66, 36 concrepante, scyllendre f. 46. 69, 28 67, 6 pullorum, cocca 69, 28 f.44*>. 67, 13 plausu, faejiminje 69, 28 67, 13 400 cursu, fserelde 69, 34 2. ALDHELM, DE LAUD. VJRG. apostatico, faeclicuw/ 70, 6 exosa, gehatud 70, 7 purulentus, geolstri 70, 10 inerguminum, monoj)seoc 70, 14 405 laruatos, jefaerede 70, 16 commitiales, .i.gerritores, ylfije 70, 16 marsum, jaldor 70, 17 incantatiomun, jaldra 70, 18 Frigidus, c61 70, 20 410 anguis, nseddre 70, 20 adacto, ./'. coacto, to jej>yduw f. 46 b 70, 24 parricidium, m^tSmor'Sor 70, 34 incitamenta, tihtinja 71, 12 uirus, wyrms 71, 14 415 eidem, }>zm f. 47. 71, 22 crista, cazrcbe 71, 33 cassidis, helmes 71, 33 ac thoraca, 7 healsbrynige 71, 33 ocreis, of scinhosuw 71, 34 420 aura, whitSe 72, 8 perfidi pelicatus, ortrues cyues- domes f. 47 b . 72, 14 ut, swa 72, 26 ostro, rednysse 72, 35 legulam, .i.fibulam, oferfenj f. 48. 73, 31 425 subripuit, forstael 73, 33 autentico, ealdorlicum f. 48 b . 74, 9 ostentationis, bounje 74, 25 incestarum, unclenra f. 49. 75, 3 hirsutas, rhuje 75, 15 430 lanas, wulla 75, 15 ueUera, flys 75, 16 conquilii, weolces 75, 16 baccinniorum, hortena 75, 17 profuturum, frawliendlic 75, 19 435 luto, fenne f. 49 b . 75, 24 sandix, ,i. tacincto, m3edere,wad 75, 25 adinuentionum, jemetinja 75, 29 iurisperitorum, rsedborena redimicula, snoda 440 mitr, ,i. tiger a, hufan theristro, halijrefte clangoribus, cyrmuw manipulorum, heria equitatu, of ridehere 445 obsidione, emsetnunje integro pleniluino, of wealhre monooTylenre petulantia, galscype insolentiam, ofermaete bissina, linnen 450 iacinctina, hsewen 75, 37 76, 6 76, 6 76, 8 76, 10 76, 14 76, 15 f. 50. 76, 25 an- 76, 32 76, 36 77, 6 77, 14 77, 14 401. R. wiftersceclicuml. >., H., diff. gl. 403. -stri\ r alt. f. s. 405. !aru-~\ u alt. f. b. Cp. t4936- 406. Cp. t4937- 47- ~&.galdre,a.s'mff. Cp. 4068. 412. Cp. 109. 418. G. thorace. The form brynige is noteworthy, being from ON. brynja, not OE. byrne. It corresponds to ME. brunie, &c. {Lag., &c.) : cp. NED. s.v. brinie. 420. Om. D., If. If whide is dat. (aura being abl.) it would, in conjunction with PsTh. io6 28 hwetiQu (nom. sg.), render likely the existence of a st. fern. hwiSu. But if it is nom., it might be a wk. fern., as might also be hweoSu (cp. Sievers, \ 278, Anm. i). Otherwise hwiSa is a wk. masc. 427. Cp. 5163. 432. -ces] e on erasure of s. 433. So H. (om. D.} ; f8, 340. Cp. WW. i^' 1 fadnia = hortan. The NE. hurtle(berry) is doubtless a derivative of this hortan ' whortleberries'; the OE. form would be *hyrtel. On NE. u for OE. y (as in hurdle, hurst, &c.) cp. Acad., May 7, 1892, p. 447. 434. R. framiendlic : cp. f5i99. 435. The lemma means 'yellow dye'; the gloss, has taken it for lutum 'mud.' 437. gemeting 'a finding, discovery.' Gemetan not unfrequently translates invenio (e.g. Vesp.Ps.; WW. 85'; 252', &c.). C p. also Vesp. Hy. 2 7 (0T., p. 402) adinventiones=gemoetinge. 440. Cp.f5242. 444. R.radehere1 Cp. +5253. 446. R. -lunio and -fylene. 448. Not in D., but H. has on the margin insolens = ofert>uzte. Had the orig. of RB. this also, or is the gl. ace. of ofermatoi. L 2 148 OLD ENGLISH GLOSSES capitie, haett 77, 15 manice, handstocu 77, 15 antif, foresex f. 5o b . 77, 16 cincinni, herloccas 77, 17 455 crispantur, sind a]?ra\vene 77, 17 mafortibus, wimpluw 77, 18 uittarum, snoda 77, 18 ungularum, clifra 77, 22 arpagine, spirrinje 77, 22 460 liuescant, andian 77, 35 assentatrix, jebwseriende 78, 3 non difficulter, na unearfoblice 78, 9 exacerbauit, tyrgde 78, 10 presidio, gebeorje f. 51. 78,20 465 contionator, bannend 79, 10 ratum, trum f-5i b . 79,12 scrupulosa, .i. dubitata, earful 79, 20 conferunt, to bringab 79, 24 uerbosa, wordful 79, 24 470 arithimeticam, .i. causam nu- merorum, rimcraeft 79, 29 geometricam, .i. terre men- suram, eortSgemet 79, 30 astronomiam, .**. legem astro- rum, tunjelae 79, 30 astrologiam, .i. cursum astro- rum, steorwijel 79, 30 mechanicam, .i. rerum peritiam, orbancscype 79, 31 475 tenorem, . i. rationem, swej 79, 32 distentionibus, of tobeninjuw 79, 37 Hec, beos 80, 1 morosa, idefulle 80, 1 tricatio, letting 80, 1 480 rimosa, hlec 80, 3 lacertorum, earma 80, 5 sero, late 80, 5 carbasa, seglas f. 52. 80, 8 antemnamm, msesta 80, 8 485 barbarismi, miscwedenes wordes 80, 9 Scopulosas, scilpije 80, 10 ferrei, hefies 80, 19 conuolatus, flyhtas 80, 19 tegulis, watelu/w 80, 23 490 frigenti, colre 80, 30 tabescit, awyrS 80, 30 urbanitatis, jewurdujnysse 80, 32 disertitudinis, jlsewnysse 80, 37 dulcis sapa, jeswett win 81, 1 495 a merulento, fra/w luttruwz 81, 1 temeto, wine 81, 2 petalis, leafruffz f. 52 b . 81, 7 deformes, aehiwe 81, 10 fedus, horxlic 81, 14 500 uersor, hwearftlije 81, 1 5 uacillare, . z'. titular e> tealtrian 81, 20 ansatas, .i. atejaras f. 53. 82, 3 451. G. capitium. 453. R./orefex, as in D., H. 459. Cp. t5342. 470. R. arithm-. 471. Before eorS- a g erased. H, has georti-. 478. R. idlf- (for Hdf-} : cp. t5454- The /miscopied as e : cp. 274. 485. Cp. WW.^\^. 486. Cp. 642. 487. G.ferreus. Cp. f548i. 498. Cp. 4897. 499. Cp. 1789. 502. Cp. 786. ALDHELM, DE LAUDIBUS VIRGINITATIS. (OPERA ED. GILES, OXONII, 1844.) 3. HEREFORD CATHEDRAL LIBRARY, MS. P. i. 17. pale, t to 15 cohortibus, exercrtibus, herium 2, 37 f. 2*>. 1, 18 gurgites. wae f. 4. 3,2 olloquium, liburnam, scehb, ceol 3,2 1, 18 hortante, monente, myniedu/w 3, 3 im, jesi- proreta, ancremen 3,3 f. 3 b. 2, 31 20 crepante, sonante, cearcienduw 3,3 2, 32 naucleri, steormannes 3, 3 en 2, 32 porticulo, hamele 3,3 ft 2, 33 spumosis, femjendes 3,4 Jtincje 2, 34 algosis, warihtu;H 3,4 tuwz 2, 35 25 remonim, robra 1 arena 3,4 Suluereum, tractibus, tyun 3,4 2, 35 trudit, scifb 3,4 2, 35 per gimnosophistas, burh witije aldende 2, 36 pleimen 1 jleawe jlijm 3, 5 2, 36 exerceri, jeworden 1 began 3, 6 2, 37 30 scolares, larlice 3, 6 manna 2, 37 disciplinas, crseftas 3,6 biscoplicuw conciliabulum, , t synotSe contribulium, amicot blinjuw falerato, jeredejedu/// 5 uectus, subleuatus, ahafen comunt, ornant, jlencatS facetus, .i.facundus, jetincje quadripedante, fiberfetuwz putrem, fetentem t j dustijne icquatitj per cult t, beateS implicans, ligans, befealdende metitur, amet classicis, sciplicuw nautarum, sebra 1 flodmanna With the exception of i and 2 all these gll. are contained in D. ; and, even in the case of 1-2, D. has the same Lat. gll., and, as there is also an erasure on the margin after the con of conciliabulum, D. may have had the Eng. gll. too. As the facsimile in Cooper's Report, App. B. shows, Jf. has the Lat. gll. : to i. episcopale ; to 2. .t. concilium, but no Eng. gll. 3. R. -linga, as in D., H. The -urn is due to the Lat. ending. 4. R. gerededum : cp. fl, 7. 5 and 7. So D. ; Lat. gll. om. H. 8. fiper-~\ ]> alt. f. another letter. 9. So D. ; Lat. gll. diff. in H. n. So D. ; H.gefyld-. 12. R.amet. 14. R. refra tflot-, as in D. ; H.hretira. 16. Cp. fl, 27. 18. R. myniendum, as in D. ; //. men-. 19. Cp. fl, 30. 23. The gl. is a compromise beivr.femgumanAftemendum; D.f(emigum(H.fam-'). 26. R. tyum ( =tyguni). 28. The gll. agree with D. ; H. omits witige. OLD ENGLISH GLOSSES olfactum, odorem, brsed f h\> i " 6 ,6 45 curriculo, cursu, ryne f-37 b - 29, 28 turpiter, despecte, fuliche f. io b . 8 ,8 examen, multitude, spearm f. 38. 29, 37 duricies, sti]?nes f. ii. 8, 21 quieti, .i. silentio t somno, reste 35 instrumentis, tol 8, 24 f. 38 b . 30, 18 purpurea, brun f" i i b . 8, 37 rostro, ore, bile f-43- 33, 20 diuturnum, lanjsum f. 1 6. 12, 10 respuerit, wi]?soc I *7 T "^ 54, 31 parrochiam, gubernationem , scire 50 furue, ./'. nigre, decrees f. 7 6. 58, 26 f. 1 7 b . 13, 15 fuliginis, sotes 58, 26 facula, blasan f. i8 b . 14, 27 atramentum, blsec 58, 26 40 rediuiua, restituta, linum, flex gremium, bosme 58, 28 f-25- 19, 30 ianitor, dureweard f. 94. 74 ,6 aliter, .i. elles 19, 31 55 pontiflcatu, dome 74, 9 muri, .z'.#/z)fcz. ; H. bla-. 40. So Z>. ; restit- 56. R. swerte. 57. Cp. ALDHELM, DE LAUDIBUS VIRGINITATIS. (OPERA ED. GILES, OXONII, 1844.) 4. CORPUS CHRISTI COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE, MS. 326. naturali, gecyndelic fertur, saed anelantium, J7raes agonista, cempa tiliae, .i. lindan turbine, hyste et barathrum, 7 grut 10 uoraginis, 7 edwindan neorum, smittena scoriae, syndran fedatos, gewlaette umectare, fyhtan 15 sentina, wlaetta ballenam, hran in conflictu, on gewinne parasitorum, on spilra buccis, smseruffz 20 uoraginem, edwindan [a] ... triclinio, fram recede 3. fir&stendra wonld not be a suitable gl. R. fnastiendra ? Cp. 5050. 6. aivyrd is the past ptc. of dwyrdan : cp. Sievers, Ang. xiii. 309. 8. N. yste. lo. edw~] after ed a letter erased. 1 1. neo-~\ betw. e and o a letter erased. R. neuorum. Cp. +648. 12. Cp. "\"6$i. 18. Cp. "H>79. 19. Cp. 1-697. 23. Cp. WW. 21 8 30 (prob. gl. to this same passage). Cp. 11, 95, where it glosses the foil, dandestinis. 24. Cp. LSc. I23 13 merceHnarius^tnedwyrkta. 26. R. forhradod : cp. fi232. 32. Cp. ceast ' strife.' 35. R. sum. 36. Cp. f 2 359- 38. Cp. fS. 119. 40. cios'~\ i alt. f. n : cp. f7, 161. p. 7. 2, 4 de latebrosis, of J?a#z J?ystorfullon 2,5 p. 23. 12,22 p. 8. 2, 26 recessibus, diglum 12, 23 2, 28 lixarum, medwyrhtena p. 24. 13, 8 carenum 2sstibio, tnebsealfe p. 32. 17, 23 p. 10. 3, 34 anticipatur, is for 17, 37 Defrutum 3, 35 glumula, nuclea t scale p. 36. 2O, 10 4,3 salebrosos . . . anfractus, t wo p. 20. 1O, 9 hyllceas p. 43. 24, 17 10, 10 necromantiae, t dry"craeftas p. 46. 26, 11 10, 10 30 purulentos, iulstrie p. 47. 26, 32 10, 17 cauterio, ,i. m(e)arciserne 26, 34 10, 18 certatim, cistme.lum p. 52. SO, 2 10, 18 ex ipsius elogio, of his gydde 10, 20 p> 56. 32, 5 10, 23 extitit, d 32, 21 10, 26 35 quidam, s 32, 21 ne 1O, 28 occa, felch p, 57. 32, 29 p. 21. 1O, 32 gulosa, of gifre p, 59. 34, 7 11,1 ingluuie , frecinesse 34, 7 11, 3 titionum, branda p. 60. 34, 16 recede 11, 10 40 in glarieris, on cioslegom 34, 24 OLD ENGLISH GLOSSES an p. 62. 35, 22 tabo, t worsm p. 82. 49, 16 p. 63. 36, 9 strictim, scortlice p. 83. 50, 18 liminium, obscenitas, sewisnes p. 84. 50, 26 p. 65. 37, 7 70 exorbitant, fram 51, 2 ide p. 6 7. 38, 15 circumquaque, aeghwser onbu- 38, 25 tan p. 86. 52, 5 p. 68. 39,7 signifer, wi bora p. 87. 52, 22 ebeshwon 39, 11 xeniura, sylen p. 88. 53, 10 39, 12 tempore praepostero, andelbaere i swa fyrn- tide 53, 12 p. 69. 39, 34 75 antes, tanas 53, 16 I gyltum 39, 34 uere, lencte 53, 17 40, 1 penetrauit, for p.pi. 55, 11 p. 70. 40, 14 marsuppia, seodas p. 92. 56, 13 40, 15 seuo, smerewe p. 95. 58, 5 csesa, t *'. 80 poposcit, hgir p. 97. 59, 5 40, 19 feminini sexus, wifh p. 104. 63, 24 isan p. 7 1 . 41, 2 famose, h is 63, 25 p. 73. 43, 36 pertesum est, satis longum, swa beard- sej>yrdte p. 106. 64, 27 p.8o. 48, 2 bucina, byman p. 107. 65, 21 ndruw 48, 17 Ssfuriis, hegitesum p. 108. 66, 16 n wauung- palestram, orotstowe p. no. 67, 24 48, 19 lenocii, tyhtinje p. 118. 72, 15 48, 20 urbano, getynaere p. 128. 79,9 48, 21 His, of J?ysum p. 129. 79, 33 p. 81. 48, 25 90 causis, byngum 79, 33 urn 48, 27 barca, bat p. 130. 80, 4 48, 31 rudentibus, rapuw 80, 10 48, 32 rata, jewiss p. 132. 81, 16 rulode 49, 5 apothecis, ealuclyfum [interdictum] . . . post forbodenne edcyr concinatasque, j gerej 45 inprecabatur, hals cunieulum, cry pel nequaquam, f>3ene nat caruerit, J?olode a tarn flagitiosis, fra;;, fulluw 50 facinoribus, lahgtru/w i gyltum rubor, rudu liuoris, leja interoapedine, fgce insectationes, rixa, persecutt'ones l et infamiam, 7 to ur elogium, gyd ut effebo h(i)rcitall Ieasu; rince spectatoribus, sceawendruw in circi spectacul stowe 60 cuparum, bydena sulphuris, swefles obolisci, flane compresso, .i. gewyldum macta, gehihte 65 liciis, heueldu/w carperenttir, wseron wulode 44. Cp. f7, 190. 45. hals on an erasure, ^.halsode. 47. C^.Arckiv Ixxxiv. ii 146 ; KBS. 38"; 87 1 . 48. Cp. WW. t382 19 . 50. N. hahtrum. 52. R. -le. 54. N. ceasa. 58. So also f7, 250 : cp. Sievers, 286, Anin. 2. 59. wauii ng-~\ betw. u and n a letter erased. 64. N.geihte. 66. ^.pullodei. 69. awisnes] isn on erasure. R. -scnes. 72. After wi a letter erased. Cp. f38o8. 73. sylen] le on erasure. 74. MS. .andel. baretide (the last de on erasure). 76. R. -ten. 80. R. gzrnde 1 Si. R. -wifhades. 82. After h a letter erased. R. hlisfullesl Cp. t45i9- 8 3- MS - P erte s "\ bet . w - ^ and J a letter erased. R. eefrytte : cp. f4582. 85. N. hagtessum. 87. After -cii about two letters erased. G. lenocinii. 90. -g um\ betw. g and a letter erased. ALDHELM, DE LAUDIBUS VIRGINITATIS. (OPERA ED. GILES, OXONII, 1844.) 5. MS. ROYAL 7. D. xxiv. strenua, arude scammatis, luctamin passiuos, gorettende densis, gebyllicu/ra 5 agminibus, . i . heapum circumseptus, embhlsened proreta, plihttere naucleri, nauderus nauis, nowendes sagacitatis, prouidentig, jlea 10 sollertiam, emb inuestigatam, aswabode careni, \carenum, aso defruto, t defrut , w lainentanduni, be i. and 2. Gil. on erasure. 3. gorett-'] the first t partly erased. Cf. f7, 6 goriende. H. 405 (om. Z>.) has widgille goretunge glossing pass, obtutus. Gorian, gorettan meant ' to gaze, let the eyes wander.' Cp. Archiv Ixxix. 89 Passiuis = widlese goretende ; Verc. fol. 69 b swylce eac be Sam micelum muntum 7 dunum J>a ]>e hyhst standa]) 7 goriaft ofer ealne middangeard; Wst. 234 $ he stande 7 gorette 7 lodge underbcec ut; ^EH. i. 530^ far wefaS So, eagan on Sam hellican lige, ]>e nu . . . goretende hwearftltafS. As a transitive vb. meaning 'to pour forth, emit,' it occurs PGH. 398 egerit gorette (spumasque frendens egerit). 4. So also f7, 7. Cp. ^S. 4 aettyllicum (Ang. xv. 206), where has been miscopied as ae (cp. 4936). R. gepiclicum ? 6. Cp. fl> 2 4- 7- Cp. j-1, 30. 8. Cp. fl, 32. 9. R. gleawnysse. 10. R. embhydignysse: cp. 11, 165. 12. R. asoden: cp. f4, 5, &c. 13. Cp. f4, 6. 17. R. bugend. 20. R. sigeleane: cp. 1117, &c. 24. Cp. t T 36i. 30. Cp. 12804. f. 86b. 2, 18 15 usurpare, jeahnian f. 95. 10, 31 oretstowe apostatarum, hinder jenjena 10, 33 f.8 7 . 2, 20 colonus, bu 10, 36 2, 23 Buccis, .t. oris, smsertitfz 11, 1 3, 1 ambronibus, jifruw 11, 1 i 3, 1 20 palma, ne f. 96 b . 12, 7 ned 3, 1 in summo, on mserum f. 99. 14, 22 3,3 scintillante, spircendre 14, 26 / dominus imis, incundu/w 14, 33 f. 87 b . 3, 3 tripertitis, on breo f. iO3 b . 19, 17 , jlea 3, 11 25 corpus, lie f. 104. 19, 29 3, 11 glumula, scalu f. iO4 b . 20, 10 ie 3, 16 elogio, .i. dido \ jydde f. H5 b . 32, 5 win botros, croppas f. 1 1 9 b . 36, 5 f 88 I. oo. 3, 34 racemos, clystru 36, 6 vyrd win 3, 35 30 musitantes, ba runiendan f. 94. 10, 5 f. 122. 38, 17 154 OLD ENGLISH GLOSSES caracteres, .i. mearca f. 122**. 39, 4 curriculum, .{.foramen, .i. cripel 39, 7 procaciter, jema f. 123^. 40, 7 censura, of f. 124. 40, 29 35 translatus, poriatur, alsed f. 134. 50, 28 paulisper, sume hwile reditus, sejifta pictacia, aerendgewritu 40 municipes, burjleode belu, waeljenjan exosa, jehatud racemis, croppum f. i36 b . 53, 18 ueniam, milse f. i49 b . 67, 27 f. 151. 68, 36 69, 3 69, 10 f. I5i b . 69, 35 f. 152. 70, 7 f. I58 b . 78, 8 33. gema] a on erasure. R. gemahlice, as in f2945- 38. Cp. f8, 300 ; CS. iii. 284 12 ' 17 . 41. So also f8, 305. W&lgenga means ' deep water goer.' The gloss, seems to have taken belua here to mean ' water monster,' since ' slaughter-goer ' is not a likely compound. ALDHELM, DE LAUDIBUS VIRGINITATIS. (OPERA ED. GILES, OXONII, 1844.) 6. MS. BODLEY, 97. dissertitudinem, t jleawnesse f. 4^. 2, 7 olimpiaci, pleilices 2, 16 scammatis, t oretstowe 2, 20 neruo, strgenge f. 5. 2, 25 5 anhelantium, stsenienden 2, 26 agens, .*. cogens, tscofende 3, 2 naucleri, t rowendes 3, 3 oareni, t carenum, asoden win f. 6. 3, 34 definite, t defruium, awyrd win 3, 35 losequestratim, t sundermaslutfz f. 6*". 5, 1 luxus, t wynne f. 8. 6, 9 ballenam, .*. diabolum, hwael f. lib. 10, 26 parasitorum, jliwera f. 12. 10, 32 toxa, atrre f. 14. 13, 19 15 thoracibus, .i. anlicnessum f. i6 b . 15, 27 pastinare, trydrian f. 17. stibio, nebsealfe f. 18. ind(r)uticans, t tygcende glumula, .i. scale f. 20^. 20 fiscale, gafollic f. 21. procacibus, gemagum f. 26. scindulis, scidum f 33- in glarigerls, .i. on se.num eulogif, bletsunge f. 34. 25 aduocato, .i. mundboran biothanatas, .i, bismortuos, sylf- cwala f. 35. curriculum, .i. crypel f. 37 b . ut effebo hircitallo, tswa swa beardleasuflz rince f. 46. insigniter, mserlice f. 61. 30 et setosa, t j racjije f. 70^. 16, 28 17, 23 17,27 20, 10 20, 31 26, 15 34, 12 34, 24 35, 18 35, 22 36, 30 39, 7 48, 2 64, 30 75, 15 The gll. 2, 4, and 5 are wr. in a hand of about 1200, but as they all occur in ff., they come no doubt f. the same orig. as H. Stanienden appears in H. (om. Z>.) as stenecendra, which points to a stenectatt 'to pant,' a derivative of stenan 'to groan' in PsTk. xxxvii. 8 rugiebam = if gry metige and stene. 6. N. scu-, sceo-. 15. G.toraddis. 16. R. tyd-, as in fii39. 23. As in f 2491, the gloss, has taken his lemma as equivalent to ' marinus.' Cp. f8, 128 scenum; -\-S. 125 stenegunt. I take MSS. Bod., RE. to be correct: cp. also 7, 201 ; 8, 157. The adj. sizn 'marine' is the regular representative of *satwinaz (with loss of w before i). Forms like ie-wen, h&wen are new formations. 26. R. sylfcwalan, as in f7, 181 ; f8, 145 ; f^ 1 . 142. It is not in BT. Cp. Verc. f. 59 b fa J>e her nellaS hyra synna andettan 7 betan, ludas J>onne 7 sylfcwalan 7 hceftene men, ne Surfon hie to fatn dome. On bismortuus cp. Sievers, Ang. xiii. 315 ; it frequently glosses biothanatus. ALDHELM, DE LAUDIBUS VIRGINITATIS. (OPERA ED. GILES, OXONII, 1844.) 7. MS. ROYAL 6. A. vi. celebrandis, bremendlicum f. 13. necessitudinum, maegtSrgdena inpendere, .z'. donare, brytnian sagacissima, wraet 5 scammatis, oretstowe f. 1 4 b . passiuos, goriende densis, of ge)?yllicum f. 15. agminibus, heapum circvunseptus, embhtenned 10 proreta, plihtere et crepante, 7 dynegendu/w naucleri, nowendes porticulo, hamure careni, t Carenum, asoden win f. 1 6. 15 defiruto, t defruto, awyrd win crocata, wylywe hederarum, iuia f. i6 b . leuissimos, leoh 1, 5 tiliae, lindan 1, 1 2 20 angulosis, hyrnynuw examen, swerm 1, 22 foramina, teol 2, 2 anagogen, ducens ad superiora, 2, 20 uplicu/w an(d)gite f. 1 7 b . 2, 23 et chronographorum, 7 cranic- 3, 1 writera 3, 1 25 tonis, of 3, 1 trutinatas, 7 aheolrude 3, 3 compactas, gefegede 3, 3 fugitiuis, fluguluw f. i8 b . 3, 3 disscursibus, rynum 3, 3 30 studio, cneortS dispendio, lyre f. ip b . 3, 34 ardui, sticoles f. 21. 3, 35 oriundam, acenned f. 2i b . 3, 37 scabrae, rusti f. 22. 4, 3 35 instrumentis, tolum 4, 3 tubo, .z'. iumba, Sry f. 22 b . 4,3 4,5 4, 11 4,11 4, 30 4, 32 4, 35 4 ; 36 4, 36 5, 23 5, 24 5, 34 6, 28 7, 24 8, 5 8, 20 8, 24 8, 33 2. Cp. 2, 109. 4. R. wratlicestan ? 6. Cp. f5, 3. 7. Cp. f5, 4. 9. Cp. fl, 24. 12. Cp. fl> 32- 15- Cp. t4, 6. 16. R. gyly-we=geolwe'\ Cp. fl> 107. 1 8. R. kohtestan. 22. R. teoljyrl: cp. fl, 133. 24. The uncompounded crawzV (not in BT.} occurs 79 164 ; 95* occur elsewhere : cp. MS. i. 52*'; ECPs. xxvii. 4. 30. R. cneofftnesse : cp. fl> 2 95- Forms with 9 for rf 36. R. cp. 7. ALDHELM, DE LAUD. VIRG. 157 lenocinia, womlustas f. 23 b . 9, 36 et grassante,7bereauigendre f. 24. 1O, 8 tempestatis, hreohnesse 10, 9 40 turbinae, yste et barathrum, 7 rut uoraginis, swelgendes scopulorum, stanrocca scoriae, syndran atramento, atrume 45 sentina, wlaettan ballenam, coetum, hran 10, 9 10, 10 10, 10 10, 14 f. 24*. 10, 18 10, 18 1O, 23 10, 26 glorueratus, . i. tune/us, geferlaeht f. 25. 10, 34 protoplastus, frumscepen 50 recentis, niwgs buccis, smaeruTft ambronibus, gifrum lurconibus, reaflum strofosae, braednes 55 ballista, of uenabulis, eofursperum salpiste, heargan quae, ba apparatu, gebrece 60 mancipantur, sint ge patrocinium, mund municipes, dugutnaemerasf. 27. 12, 22 gurgitibus, on 12, 27 et proceres, 7 deman f. 27^. 13, 9 profanes, man 13, 12 66 a emeritos, .i.perfectos, heah f. 28. 13, 18 10, 36 10, 36 11, 1 11, 1 11,2 f. 25*>. 11, 18 11, 19 11, 20 11, 21 11, 26 f. 26. 12, 1 12, 1 f. 26 b . 12, 6 f. 35 f. 66 b K"on modo, * na f an parrochiaa, scire cedit, synd f. 29^. coniugatorum, jemaecca 70 collegio, gesomnuge f. 30. multabitur, bilp jewinod lamina, . i. petalum \ euer f. 30^. dracontia, gimrodur passionum, . *'. uitiorum, uncysta f. 3i b . 75 stibio, neabselue indruticans, tigcende glumula, scale insultantes, onhys faucibus, of 80 archana, gerynum oraculorum, dihta praefiguratur, waes stipitum, boga congrua . . . coniectura, tof gedafenlicu#2 rasdelse 85 instrumento, of tole f. 38. operam, .*. studium, tbegym- yne naptarum, elegreouena malleoli, firfodan progenie, cnosle 90 et cursim, 7 ryn obolisci, flane qui, ba potiuntur, synt - 37- 37 b - 39- f. f. 40. 13, 26 13, 27 15, 4 15, 4 15, 17 15, 23 15, 36 16, 1 16, 27 17, 23 17, 27 20, 10 21, 2 21, 4 21, 16 21, 30 21, 33 22, 2 22, 4 22, 10 22, 22 23, 5 23, 8 23, 12 23, 24 23, 28 24, 7 24, 8 38. Cp. Ang. xiii. 309. 44. Cp. f6si. 45- Cp. -\-S. 25 ; also Aug. xiii. 28 note, and 18 b , 52. 54. Cp. f8, 84 ; -fvS 1 . 39. 57. R. seargan ? The gloss, seems to have taken salp- to mean ' trumpet ' (cp. 743). 62. N. dugufinameras ; as though municipes meant ' benefit (mtinus) takers.' 65. R. manfulle. 66 b . The gl. is scratched without ink. 70. R. -nunge. 71. R. gewitnod. 72. R. letter ( = l(efer). 75. R. neb-. 78. R. onhyspende or -scende ? 86. Fol. 38 b begins with operam. The Eng. gl. is wr. after twluptatibus on fol. 38. 87. Cp. f8, 99. The uncomponnded greofa 'pot' occurs WW. 276" ; 46o 36 . Cp. KIEW. s. v. Griebe. 88. fyrfoda ' food for fire.' Cp. LSc. 56 16 Incrementum ignis sihia =f oda fyres holt. Cp. also 1655. 90. So also \S. 78. R. rynelice ? Cp. Ang. xiii. 310. 158 OLD ENGLISH GLOSSES paranymphus, wituma, t driht- man f. 40 b . 24, 18 95 scopulorum, stanrocca f. 41. 25, 1 glareas, ceoslas 25, 1 lapillulos, stanclu 25, 2 sablonibus, moldum 25, 2 cum . . . [sequestra, .i.acceptd\, mid onbyrgedum f. 4i b . 25, 11 100 contendunt, .?'. dicunt, tgese- tSatS f. 42. 25, 26 ebulliat, critS 25, 29 flaminia, bisceopdom f. 42**. 25, 35 pudicos, sideuullan 25, 36 concrepans, dynijende 26, 6 105 dum, tfonne 26, 7 phitonissam, .i. diuinatricem, .i. helrunan 26, 11 procacibus, ,i. uerbosis t inpu- dentibus, .i, gemagum 26, 15 abdicare, witfcwe^an f. 43. 26, 27 eliminare, lit aidan 26, 27 no scita, .i. lura, laja 26, 28 purulentas, iulstrie f. 43 b . 26, 32 torrido, birnendan 26, 33 cauterio, bsernic" 6 26, 34 medullitus, . i. mtime, inweardlice 27, 9 1 15 quod, bset f. 44. 27, 12 prestantissimum, selost 27, 12 constat, is 27, 12 usurpans, jeaulijende 27, 14 propagiaes, tealgran 27, 17 120 scrobibus, on h61an 27, 18 itinerarium, forrake 27, 20 glaciales, gylicie 27, 26 preruptis, tobrocenan f. 44^. 27, 27 speleo, hole, 1 1 scraefe 27, 30 125 fanaticf, templicre, deouolicre 27, 36 lustrationis, jearkinge 27, 36 collario, sweorteaje 27, 37 animaduersione, wiberwerdnise 27, 37 tricarum, .i. morarum, latunja f. 45- 28, 10 130 absurdum, ,i. inconueniens, dyselic 28, 11 uilesceret, alatode 28, 13 delitesceret, asdjlide 28, 14 94. -wituma (also in -j-8, 102 ; -\S. 82) means 'dowry.' R. witumbora: cp. t I 774- 97- R- staninclu, as ^S. 86. 99. cum om. G. Cp. f-S". 8o. b (Ang. xv. 208) ; fll, 142 ; WW. f493 33 ; and note to 3812. loi. In 8 and S. it is not ebulliat that is glossed, but scaturiat in the foil, line (G. 25 30 ) : 8/104 has crij>e\ S. 93 (cp. Ang. xv. 206) has crifi, after which a letter is erased. Cp. WW. 4S 27 scaturit = criid ; AhdG. i. 298 30 scaturirent = cridu. The form cripe (and S. prob. had the same) would seem at first sight to be the pres. subj. of an OE. st. vb. *criban (the OG. cridu(n) might be pret. pi. of a st. vb. *cridan) ; but the criid in WW. shows this to be impossible (it would be *cri8i$ : cp. WW. 17" mitiiS, and Sievers, Ang. xiii. 310) ; we must therefore assume that a gloss., not under- standing crid, added e (the subj. ending). Sievers suggests either a st. vb. *creon, or a wk. vb. *crlgan, pret. *crtde ; the OG. cridu however (which in the absence of a dental in the stem must be a wk. pret.) proves that only the latter is possible. The gll. cited show that the orig. of RA, RE, S. had crid as gl. to scat-, not to ebull-. 109. Cp. f8, 108 aydan; -^S. 97 b (cp. Ang. xv. 208) ut aidan; WW. 39I* 2 eliminat aide]>. The agreement betw. RA, RE, S. and the independent WW. points to a vb. \uf) aidan ' eliminare,' otherwise the gll. might have arisen f. contamination of aytan (cp. 4080) and ut dnydan (cp. WW. 277 2a ). in. N. geolstrige. 113. barnic for bcsrnit (cp. figSs) or -nine (cp. 7, 160)? The sene (altering it to barnisene) is in a diff. hand. 115. G. quid. 1 18. R. geahniende (cp. 5307). The hn got reversed, the nh being then miscopied as uli. 1 22. R. gycelie. 125. Cp' WW. f236 2 ; and 3232. 131. So also -\S. ioo b with add. gl. tardaret (cp. Ang. xv. 208). 132. Gl. on erasure. R. .). 140. So also f^- 106. 144. Cp. f8, u8; 7, 249; 8, 187; WW. 7i 28 . 146. So also -\-S. 11 [. Cp. Ang. xiii. 316. 147. N. midle. 151. Cp. 4784. I 54~5- gyf- wr. o. ingl-, was- o. gul-. 157. Cp. 2456. 158. So MS. R. scidum, as in f8, 126. 159. So also t^S 1 . I23 b (cp. Ang. xv. 208). In 13, I egor glosses dodrans 'flood, high tide,' as also in WW. i8 20 (cp. OET. p. 614) ; 225"; 386 29 ; 474*. See my note in the Modern Language Quarterly, p. 51 (Nov. 1897). 160. So also ^S. 124. R. upsprinc. The gloss, took the in of inrup- for an independent prep. (cp. Ang. xiii. 315). 164. Cp. f8, 13 be geradre. The gloss, seems to have taken consttlta as abl. sg. fern, of the past ptc. governed by the prec. ^\, &c. This wtg(e}l occurs in ME. We find it not only in the OE. sense (cp. Lag. 19250 Merlines wigel ' Merlin's magic art '), but also in that of 'guile, deceit' (cp. Lag. 16256, and -wigelfulle 'guileful,' Lag. 31659. Cp. Ancr. R. p. 92 pes deofles wieles ; p. 300 his ivigeles and his wrenches ' his wiles and tricks,' &c.). This latter meaning it apparently owes to the influence of the Romance wile f. OFr. *wile (besides guile}, which appears for the first time in Eng. in the Peterborough Chron., A.D. 1128, and survives as NE. wile (cp. Zupitza, Trans, of the Cambr. Philol. Soc., 1881-2, p. 253; and my note in Acad., Jan. 20, 1894, p. 62). The native OE. wig(e}l would during the ME. period get merged in form with this Romance word, so that correct reading (cp. GrW. iii. 145). 166. Not in G. : cp. 2539. i6o OLD ENGLISH GLOSSES armonia, dreme 35, 24 175 canora, of geswegre 35, 28 iubilationis, dremes f. 55. 35, 30 cerimonias, wiglum 35, 36 et genesi, 7 cneornesse 35, 37 iuxta . . . constellationem,t sefte r steorwiglunge 35, 37 180 nundinarum, cypedaga f. 55 b . 36, 12 biothanatas, bismortuus, sylf- cwalan f. 56. 36, 30 optentu, for be f. 56 b . 36, 37 cognate, maegcutfre 37, 1 propinquitatis, sibbe 37, 1 185 uerna, .i. seruus, tinbyrdlincg 37, 6 interdictum, forbodene 37, 7 postliminium, reuersionem, ge- ancyr 37, 7 pestilentiae, wole f. 58. 38, 4 fribula, faecne 38, 15 190 concinnatas, rsedde 38, 15 factiones, facnu 38, 16 musitantes, runigende 38, 17 rancidis, J>rogum f. 58 b . 38, 29 caracteres, mearca f. 59. 39, 4 195 periodos, .t. intellectus, locu 39, 5 colo, lime 39, 5 cuniculum, crypel 39, 7 aetatula, tiuguSe f. 59 b . 39, 11 ludorum, t plega 39, 12 200 inuestes, . i. sine uerba, t berd- lease 39, 15 in marinis, on ssenunum 39, 15 et competentes, j geleafhly- stende 39, 17 serio, on eornyst 39, 19 strofas, facnu 39, 22 205 commentis, . i. relationibus, sear- wuw f. 60. 39, 29 pulpito, .*'. analogio, flarew- settle 39, 32 ualentem, sanum, t mihtigne f. 6o b . 40, 1 confutati, t ouerdryuen 40, 4 comminiscuntur,/>r. 73, 31 ad speoiem, to wlite f. ioi b . 74, 30 345 oonluotatio, w 74, 34 oertatio, campung 74, 35 pudor, sid 75, 1 incestarum, unclsenra 75, 3 inpudioarum, ungehealdsumera 75, 3 350 luparum, forlira 75, 4 conditor, .i. endebyrded f. 102. 75, 14 conquilii, .i. weolces 75, 16 utilitati, .i. note 75, 19 sollerti, of embehydigwra 75, 19 355 prescientia, forebance 75, 19 croceo, j 75, 24 refragatur, wiScwy]? f. iO2 b . 75, 36 oracula, gescead 75, 36 iurisperitorum, .i. raedborena obbe witena 75, 37 360 ridiculosum, .i. gamelicne 76, 2 elogio, .i. gylde 76, 4 theristro, wseuelse 76, 8 manipulorum, wsereda f. 103. 76, 14 natiua, gecyndelicre 76, 18 365 et conopeo, 7 wahrefte f. 103^. 76, 29 plenilunio, .i. monotSfylene 76, 32 inpudentiam, sceamleaste insolentiam, t oferme*tto ob id solum, for bam anum 370 orustu, .i. ornata, glenge f. 104. bissina, twinen iaointhia, waeden et manice , 7 handstocu clauatf, .i. gestefnode 375 antiae, foreloccas oinoinni, .i. loccas obunoa, won fuscinula, awele arpagine, .i. spyrrincge 380 publicatam, gemaeniflydre proteruorum, .i. rancra f. 104^. inueotionis, steore stipulatorem, trymmend exaoerbauit, .i. gremede 385 passiua, .i. widgille specialis, .i. aenlype continetur, s. sy tutatur, s. is quam, bonne 390 arithmeticam, jerimcraeft geometricam, .i. eorbjemet musicam, .i. soncraeft astronomiam, .i. tungelaa astrologiam, .i. tungelgescead f. io6*>. 395 et mechanicam, 7 orSancscipe tenorem, .i. ordinem, gescead f. 105. f. 1 06. 77, 6 77, 6 77, 11 77, 11 77, 14 77, 14 77, 15 77, 15 77, 16 77, 17 77, 22 77, 22 77, 22 77, 24 77, 30 77, 32 77, 34 78, 10 78, 10 78, 12 78, 21 78, 22 79, 13 79, 29 79, 30 79, 30 79, 30 79, 30 79, 30 79, 32 340. R. he, as in t5o74- It refers to Abel. 345. R. ivinn\ 346. Cp. f8, 326 ; WW. t375 3a - 347- R - sidefulnys. 350. Cp. 5292. 351. R. -dend, as in f8, 335. 355. Gl. wr. o. sollerti in prec. line. 356. R. geolewre ? Cp. 1, 525. 361. R. gydde, as in t5233, &c. 370. Cp. f8, 371 ; ^S. 283; WW. 384 22 erustu = ornatu, frczt-wunge \ CGH. p. 38 895 crustu = ornatu. 371. So also f8, 373; f-S 1 . 285. 372. R. iacinthina. Cp. f8, 374, and OHG. weitin < iacinctus' (Graff, i. 773). Cp. also 1058. 374. Cp. 5323. 375. -cas] c alt. f. e, So also f8, 378 ; f-S". 290. This is the earliest instance of ' forelock.' 380. R. -fyldre, as in f8, 389. 383. So also f8, 396 ; WW. f5i4 24 . 384. So also f8, 399 ; WW. tSH 28 - 392. So also f8, 408 ; f S. 306. Cp. 55, 3. Logeman (Ang. xiii. 38) is wrong in thinking that it stands for songcraft ; the first part is son 'sound, music.' M 2 ALDHELM, DE LAUDIBUS VIRGINITATIS. (OPERA ED. GILES, OXONII, 1844.) 8. MS. ROYAL 5. E. xi. f. II. luotamina, wra sinuosis, bosmijuw ciroumseptus, embhlaened f. proreta, plyhtre 5 et orepante, 7 dynijendum naucleri, nowende portioulo, hamure algosis, coluw quf , ba we 10 depromsimus, yp corruptibilem, tjebrosnod f. i i b . 3, 19 inoorruptam, je 3, 20 sic, swa 3, 20 maceriffl, weal f. 13. 4, 23 i5 a historiam, tgewyrde 4, 30 i5 b allegoriam, .i. parabolam, tgast- \icum 7syte 4, 30 15 tropologiam, gehiwudre spraece, t aefter gastlicre gebycnucge 4, 30 f. 10. 2, 18 2, 19 3, 1 3, 3 3,3 3, 3 3,3 3,4 3,5 3, 6 anagogen, uplicum andgyte, t aefter upplicuwz 72ite i7 a historiographorum, je 17^ fortuitas, ba f. i3 b . tradiderunt, taeh gramatiooruxa, stae 20 inquam, t wi ultroneum, spontaneam, tjewil f. M . famulatum, beow f. 15. potissimum, .i. optimum, tswi f. 1 6. propinaret, he 25 inrogabat, Ise inmaoulata, ba un oontubernia, beod prisois, on sanctionis, ./. iudicii, fae 30 futurg , bae f.i 7 . f. 4, 30 4, 31 4, 32 4, 34 4, 34 5,3 5, 15 5, 37 6, 30 7,4 7, 14 7, 25 7, 25 7, 29 7, 29 7, 32 In the case of gll. already annotated in 1, references are only given in exceptional instances, as with the side references to Giles' edition the corresp. gl. in 1 can at once be found. I. R. wraxlunga : cp. WW. 150*. 3. Cp. 1, 24. 7. porti-'] after i a letter erased. 10. ~&.ypton : cp. WW. 2I9 22 ; 387** ; Si? 10 . n. R. -snodlic. 13. MS. sic pugno non quasi ; (7. om. sic pugno. 15. R. -nuncge. 18. R. ttzhton. 19. R. stafcrceftiira : cp. fl, 194- 20. R. witodlice or witodl. Cp. 8, 73. 21. R.gewilsum: cp. fl, 235. 22. R. feowdome, as fl, 301. 23. R. swidost: cp. W7f. f487 a *. 24. Is ^ for Ae^^ and gl. to foil, uerticem ? Cp. 1, 384. 26. 'R.ungewemmedan. 27. R.]>eodnyssa! 29. R. fastnungel. Cp. ' 30. ^.pcerc. 8. ALDHELM, DE LAUD. VIRG. 165 est, is sceptrum, cy eoruscante, sci inquit, he 35 rutilantis, sci preferatur, t si fo reset patitur, bo rubentis, s predicetur, bicS 40 librorum, rinda contexta, to ne et mulsum, 7 ba s\ve spreta, ho despioitur, sa 45 confecta, wort preferatur, set clrculus, hri patitur, bo exanthlamus, 50 putamus, S purissimi, bass precellere, hli fornicibus, bijelsu in edito, ./. in alto, 55 tubo, of bryh prestare, beon confunditur, see oontempnitur, ho experimentis, mid 60 contempnitur, ho 32. R. cynegyrd. 33. R. scinendum. 35. R. scinendes. 37. 42. R. swetan. 43. ~R. forhogod : cp. -J-ll, 72. 44. R.forsawen. 45. ~R.worht. On fol. 29 there is a scratched geworht as gl. to confecta. 46. R.foreset : cp. 8, 36. 47. R. hring. 48. ~R.J>o!aS. 52. R. oferhlifian. 53. R. -hum, as in fl, 512. 56. R. ofer)eon, as fl, 517. 57. R. scend: cp. fl, 520. 58 and 60. 'R.forhogod. 61. R. twyg-um. 62. R. yenes, as fl, 550. 63. R. smicror. 64. R. swcecce. 65. R. bladesiaS, as fl, 554. 69. R. gestreone. 70. R. stofna, as f 1, 562. 72. R. wylme, as fl, 571. 73. Cp. 8, 20. 74. R. gefomgennes. 76. R. talwyrSlice : cp. J^JF. f454 a5 . 77. Under the gl. is scratched ^ 9, 20 8, 24 notabiliter, tal 9, 23 8, 25 uideo, jite 9, 24 8, 25 censeo, de 9, 25 $ f. 19. 8, 29 scopulorum, stanrocca f. 21. 10, 14 8, 30 8o a scoriae, sindran 1O, 18 8, 30 8o b buccis, smaeruztf f. 22. 11, 1 8, 31 ambronibus, jifrum 11, 1 8, 32 lurconibus, reaflum 11,2 se 8, 32 uoraginem, edwindan 11, 3 8, 33 strofosae, braedynes f. 22 b . 11, 18 8, 33 85 uenabulis, eofur 11, 20 8, 34 que, ba f. 23. 11, 26 8, 35 apparatu, gebrece f. 23 b . 12, 1 f. i9 b . 9, 6 facula, sp^lda f. 2f b . 14, 27 9,9 collegio, gesownunge f. 28 h . 16, 17 i66 OLD ENGLISH GLOSSES 90 prestantiorem, selran stibio, nebsealue indruticans, .i. tigcende corpus, Ifc glumula, hose 95 insultantes, hys oraculorum, dihta prefiguratur, waes stipitum, boga naptarum, elegreouena 100 qui, ba potiuntur, synt paranymphis, wit contendunt, sebatS scaturiat, cri]?e 105 dum earn, }?senne J>a phitonissam, helrunan procacibus, .i. gema eliminare, aydan scita, .i. iura, laga no artatur, wees perrexit, for saliuaribus, midlum parcarum, wiccyna grassatrix, bereafigende 115 aspexit, he* diruta, to scedarum, kaertena attonitis, .i. arehtu/w elementa, gedryhtu 120 interpretum, walcst emergeret, up come familice, hunjrijre 92. G, infrut-. 95. Cp. f7, 78. 99. Cp. f7, 87. 102. G. -mphus. After wit about two letters erased. Cp. f7, 94. 104. Cp. f7, 101. 108. Cp. f7, 109. 116. R. tohrerede, as f226i ? 120. Cp. 2422 and note to 4495. 124. Gl. wr. o. gulosa. 125. Cp. 1-2456. 127. R. oferforen, as f 2 479- O n top margin of fol. 57 is wr. by a later hand ticio . nis . tysun. It refers to titionum (G. 34 16 ). 128. Cp. f6, 23. 130. Cp. f7, 164. 132. Cp. f7, 165. 133. Not in G. ; cp. 2539. 145. Cp. f6, 26. 152. G. rauc-. n f. 30. 16, 15 paleis, of 34 ,1 f. 32. 17, 23 ingluuie, .i. gastrimargia, wa- mde 17, 27 sende f. <= [6 b 34, 7 f-35- 19, 29 125 strue, .i. ffne 34, 11 f-36- 20, 10 soindulis, .i. sciduw 34, 12 f- 37- 21 ,2 egrederentur, ofer f. 57- 34, 19 f. 38. 21, 30 in glarieris, .i. on ssenuw 34, 24 21, 33 in eumulum, .i. on heap 34, 26 f. 3 8b. 22 ,2 i3oconsulta, antswara, be jersedre na f. 40. 23 ,5 f- 57 b - 35 ,6 f. 4i b . 24, 7 liniamento, jelicnyssoe f. 58. 35, 10 24, 8 diuinationis, wigles 35, 11 uma f. 42. 24, 18 inuisi, la}>es f. 44. 25, 26 fortunatum, se]?ele f. f 35, 15 25, 30 135 eulogie, bletsunje 35, 18 f. 44 b . 26 ,7 augustum, rum 35, 21 an 26, 11 aduocato, .i. mundboran 35, 22 gum f. 45. 26, 15 consona, of geswegum 35, 24 f. 45 b - 26, 27 armonia, dreme f. 59- 35, 24 26, 28 140 canora, jeswejre 35, 28 f. 48 b . 28, 36 iubilationis, swejes 35, 30 f. 49 b . 29, 20 constellationem, steorwijle 35, 37 f. 5 b - 30, 13 gnarus, gleaw f. ; J9 b . 36, 4 f. 51. 30, 24 nundinarum, cypedaga 36, 12 nde 30, 24 14=, biothanatas, bismortuus, .i.sylf- f. 5i b . 30, 34 cwalan f. 6o b . 36, 30 f. 52. 31, 7 reputabitur, is 36, 30 f-53- 31, 36 cognate, msegcu]?re 37, 1 ' f - 53 b - 32, 11 propinquitatis, sibbe 37, 1 f- 54 b - 32, 34 seuo, .i. smeorwe f. 62. 37, 35 Dda f. 55 b . 33, 28 150 pestilentise, wole f. f >2 b . 38 , 4 f. 5 6- 33, 30 musitantes, runigende f. 63- 38, 17 33, 36 rancidis, broguw 38, 29 8. ALDHELM, DE LAUD. V1RG. 167 oaracteres, .i. mearca periodos, .i. intellectus, locu 155 cuniculum, .i. crypel inuestes, .i. sine barba, in marinis, on ssenuw et conpetentes, 7 stende strofas, facnu 1 60 ranoida, of bron inuidia, aefbancan postorali, of et alternis uicibvu lu/rc sibu/w [ad] . . . uolutabri 165 pedetemptim, sencnetrym instrumentis, .i. toluwz quas, ba nequeunt, ne geometrica, eor'Sgemet 170 uestalis, gyddenlic eos, hi documento, bys commentis, smea calculo, on 175 fanatica, templicre superstitione, aefgaelbe prestrigia, scincrsefte putentissimis, fulestuw et marsorum, y galra 180 gestibus, anjinnuzw 157. Cp. 6, 23. 158. conp-~] n alt. f. m. 165. Cp. f7, 221. 172. R. bysnunge (cp. 4539) or bysne (cp. WW. i6^ 3 ]l 173. R. smeaungum. 175. Cp. t3232. 179. Cp. f327i. 181. So ^S. 186; f/f. 491 (om. /).) ; cp. 3607. 200. ^S. 211 ahwedere (cp. ^w. 42, 24 conticinio, cwyldsetene 52, 1 42, 25 aut, .i. o]?be 52, 8 et f. 69. 43, 5 200 aliorsum, ahwydere 52, 8 f. 70 b . 44, 4 ulterius, .i. ultro, ofer J?9et 52, 8 44, 8 in fauillam, on spelde f. 8i b . 52, 13 f. 71. 44, 15 signifer, .i. wiobora 52, 22 44, 21 gerulis, .i. aerendracuw f. 82 b . 53, 3 44, 22 205 lateroulis, je 53, 7 . 44, 24 xenium, datum, sylen 53, 10 >e 44, 24 tempore prepostero, .i. andel- f. 7i b . 44, 36 bserre tide 53, 12 alestuw 44, 37 granata, gecyrnlude 53, 14 f. 72. 45, 1 caricarum, .i. fica 53, 15 f. 73. 45, 33 210 racemis, croppum 53, 18 i68 botris, botrus, clyster tortellis, .i. cicluw itidem, .i. eftsona atria, in 315 preconium, loue leuirum, .i. tacor atrox, . i . atol acra, .i. tearte scopulus, .i. cluud 220 indigena, bugynd municeps, buruhliod fauillis, spelduw sulphureis, sweflenuw oanone, regole 225 lupanar, .i. myll oumularent, j> g tabuerunt, .i. ac archipirata, .i. heahsceaba senatu, .i. dome 230 generosis, .i. ofcynr scrupulum, wenena lupanaris, forlirinys calumniarum, hearma innotesoat, gecytSlsece 235 moecharum, fyrynyc tiara, .i. hsette porreotam, gehydne ut adholeret, j> hu r cogeretur, hio waere 240 stuprorum, nydhaemedra parracida, msegmyrbra 214. R. inbyrigl Cp. 3828 ; WW. 333 7 , &c. 225. So also ^S. 236. Sievers, Ang. xiii. 317, suggests myltestrena hus. May it not be a compound, myltestr-ern 1 230. Cp. f4i49- 231. Why gen. pi. T R. wenan ? 232. The gl. seems to be the gen. of an otherwise unrecorded adj. forligeren 'lupanaris.' 235. Cp. 2940. 237. Cp. 1470. 238. Cp. BT. s. v. recan, and Sievers, PBB. xiv. 367. The hu^heo. 245. Cp. 4068. 250. hltsig not elsewhere recorded. 257. G. desiidavit. 265. Cp. 4890. 267. stip-~\ after / a letter erased. 273. Cp. WW. +421* inrcesan. OLD ENGLISH GLOSSES f. 83. 53, 18 oonexum, gecnytne 62, 25 53, 23 cesaries, fex 62, 28 f. 83 b . 53, 36 [neo] . . . inclinat, ne ne ahylde 62, 29 54,11 245 marsi, galdras f. 94^. 62, 31 f. 84. 54, 26 et ineptas, s. ad, 7 to won 63, 1 f. 84 b . 54, 37 oauillatione, hyspyncge f. 95. 63, 11 f. 85. 55, 13 integerrimae, .i. anwalhgystes 63, 20 55, 14 pret&rum, .i. demena f. 95 b . 63, 23 55, 16 250 fames, hlisies 63, 25 55, 18 ratus est, he geteohchode f. 96. 64, 3 55, 19 apparatu, .i. gebrece 64, 10 55, 20 a ciroio, westannorban 64, 10 n f. 85 b . 55, 21 perferre, acuman 64, 11 55, 31 255 passim, wel hwser 64, 15 ne f. 86 b . 56, 22 pitaciolis, bocfelluw 64, 16 nigfyldan 56, 28 desudat, beswanc f. 96 b . 64, 26 veornodon insigniter, .i. moerlice 64, 30 f.*87. 56, 29 oaraoteribus, .i. mearcu?# f. 97. 64, 33 ;cea]?a 56, 36 260 inretita, gerseped 65, 7 57, 1 mutarit, 7 hio awende 65, 8 gum f. 89. 58, 23 trutinabit, wig]? f. 97 b . 65, 14 f. Spb. 59, 6 exorsusest, .i. dixit, he cwyS 65, 14 f. 90. 59, 15 stridulg, cyrmyndre 65, 15 ia f. 90 b . 59, 33 265 remugiet, onscilb, oncwyS 65, 21 e f. 91. 60, 4 palattnas, hyrydlice f. 98. 65, 33 2;ynaf-9i b . 60, 16 stipis, wiste 66, 3 f. 93. 61, 32 edulium, set 66, 3 f. 93 b 62, 13 etibio, of nebsealue f. 98 b . 66, 7 ?cte 62, 15 270 oirris, loccum 66, 8 f. 94. 62, 17 contietnio, cwyldsetene 66, 13 edra 62, 19 concentum. sang 66, 14 >ra 62, 22 inrumpere, in a 66, 14 8. ALDHELM, DE LAUD. VIRG. 169 culine, .i. cicenan 375 utensilia, .i. andluman lebetes, cytelas oaocabos, .i. hweras sartagines, cocurpannan instinetu, of lare f. 99. 280 effeta, gewanedu/w tam . . . [quam], ge ge oaccabatus, .i. gesmittad conamine, hogan ederet, .i. enarraret, .i. rehte 285 sublime, heah f. 99 b . obscenf , unclaenre inceptis, .i. anginnu/// deliberaret, .i. geteohode cassaretur, aidlod 290 prediolum. .i. tune f. ioo b . prodentibus, .i. belaewenduw identidem, .i. ednfwan fimi, gores horrebat, .i. alabode 99: [et] . . . redolet, j stanc f. 101. Uerum, ac uioibus, .i. sijmw [dum] . . . reoitantur, )?aenne f. ioi b . olfaotariola, gewyrtboxas obbe stencfatu 300 reditus, aegifta f. 102. pictacia, .i. legationes, aerynd- gewritu 69, 30 69, 35 f. ios b . 70, 7 f. I04 b . 71, 8 f. 105. 71, 21 f. io5 b 71, 27 71, 28 71, 30 71, 34 f. 1 06. 72, 16 66, 15 non ferentes, na araefnigende 66, 15 f. io2>>. 69, 12 66, 17 aroeretur, .i. adraeued f. 103. 69, 25 66, 18 metioulosis, igum 66, 18 305 belue, waelgengan 66, 19 exosa, .i. gehatud 66, 21 multo, mittle 66,21 obstrusa, behydde 66, 27 argutis, hluduw 66, 27 310 limphaticum, wodan 66, 29 uesania, wodnessae 66, 36 falarica, aetgare 67, 1 cincinnorum, .i. locca 67, 6 indumentorum, wseda f. io7 b . 73, 22 67, 7 315 sententia, cwyde f. 108. 73, 24 67, 7 [cum] . . . refragetur, baenne 67, 27 witfcwy}> 73, 25 67, 29 quit, to hwy" 68, 2 coccineum, wolcenreadne 68, 3 et legulam, 7 bulan 68, 4 320 sodalibus, geboftuffz 68, 6 hoc, biss 68, 10 non, na 68, 10 hoc, $ compta, .i. geglenged 68, 24 325 forme, s. 7wlitan certatio, .i. campung 68, 32 prostitutis, forlisu/ra 68, 36 oongruunt, .i. risab incestarurn, .i. unclaenra 73, 26 73, 31 73, 31 73, 34 f. 109. 74, 20 74, 20 74, 22 74, 28 74, 30 74, 35 74, 36 74, 37 75, 3 f. 109* 69, 3 330 inpudioarum, .i. ungehaldsu/wra 75, 3 283. The wk. masc. hoga otherwise means ' fear.' It occurs Archiv Ixxxiv. 7 se micla hoga para ]>ystra (cp. Znpitza's note), and RBS. 85' Sara ricra manna ege agnd hoa^divitum terror (the st. fern. hogu ' care, solicitude ' occurs on the same page). 304. Before the gl. some letters erased. 307. So MS. for miccle. 319. bula 'an ornament' (Lat. bulla) occurs WW. $6o K bulla*=bula. Cp. WW, I95 37 bulliferbulberendc. We have a str. form DRit., p. 4 2 murenulas aureas = bvlas gyldenno. Cannot the Corp. Gl, 1337 (= WW, 33'*) murenula = bool, be miswr. for this word? Sweet takes it to mean 'eel.' 327. N. -ligesum. 170 OLD ENGLISH GLOSSES luparum, forligrena comas, .i. glensj) inlicias, cnytt Hactenus, .i. oj> bis 335 conditor, .i. endebyrdend bidentum, .i. sceapa setosa, .i. rysige berbioum, webera conquilii, .i. weolces 340 bacciniomm, .i. hortena tincture, .i. deh(h)e utilitati, .i. note [et] . . . profuturum iendlic sollerti presoientia, hydigum forebance 345 sandix, .i. msedre plastioa, .i. on gesceape refragatur, witcwyj? oracula, gescead . iurisperitorum, .i. i beodwitena 350 gentiles, .i. beodisce ridiculosum, .i. gamilicne elogio, .i. gydde mitre, .i. hufan theristro, .i. wgeuelse 355 [in] . . . solario, .i. on solre manipulorum, .i. wereda natiua, .i. gecyndelicre 331. Gen. pi. of forligr. Cp. f7, 350 forlira; 5292. 332. N. glen(g)st. 333. R. cnytst. 337. I take rysige = hrisige ' bushy' (from hrls 'twig'). Cp. WW. +513' 8y hrisehtan. 338. G.vervecwn. 340. Cp. f2, 433. 344. R. embe- : cp. 8, 358. 346. Cp. f5222. 350. So also f-S". 268 (-isse for -isce). 355. So also f-S 1 . 272 (cp. Ang. xv. 207). 358. The stroke through the ft (so MS., not 9) is contraction sign. R. -dum. Cp. 7, 293. 363. R. -gres : cp. t5292. 365. So also f-5"- 277. 366. So MS. for sceam-, 371. -stu~\ u alt. f. a. Cp- t7, 370. 374. Cp. f7, 372. 377. -\S. 289 syn eblarg (cp. Ang. xv. 207, and my note). Emblargian means ' to provide with a larig or border ' ; on larig ' rim (of a shield) ' cp. Pog. 238. 75, 4 municipibus, .i. beorleod 75, 5 f. 112. 76, 28 f. no. 75,7 et conopeo, 7 wahrefte 76, 29 75, 14 360 plenilunio, mona|?fy]yne 76, 32 rdend 75, 14 ornatu meretricio, .i. of forlis- i 75, 15 glenge 76, 32 75, 15 luxu, .i. galnesse 76, 33 75, 15 prostitute, forligre 77, 1 s 75, 16 transfigat, .i. stincge 77, 2 rtena 75, 17 365 frontosam, ge/wlatade 77, 5 : 75, 17 inpudentiam, seea;wleaste 77, 6 75, 19 insolentiam, ofermetto f. 1 1 2 b . 77, 6 , .i./fram- sanctimon(i)alium, nunnena 77, 7 75, 19 in clero, .i. on hirede 77, 9 .i. of emt>- 370 ob id solum, for baw anuw 77, 11 ce 75, 19 orustu, .i. glenge 77, 11 f. nob. 75, 25 subuoula, .i. ham 77, 14 eape 75, 34 bissina, twinen 77, 14 f. in. 75, 36 iaointhina, waeden 77, 14 75, 36 375 manicf, .i. handstocu 77, 15 rsedborsena clauate, .i. gestefnode 77, 15 75, 37 ambiuntur, .i. syn emblaergide 77, 16 e 76, 1 antie, .i. foreloccas 77, 16 nilicne 76, 2 timporiim, .i. bunwangena 77, 16 76, 4 380 cincinni, .i. loccas 77, 17 76, 6 talo tenus, .i. olp ancleow 77, 19 56 76, 8 prolixius, .i. to side 77, 19 on solre 76, 13 obunca, won f. 113. 77,22 ereda fuscinula, awele 77, 22 f. iii b . 76, 14 385 ungtilarum, clawa 77, 22 icre 76, 18 arpagine, spyrringe 77, 22 8. ALDHELM, DE LAUD. VIRG. 171 sorices, mys insectando, hsettende publicatam, .i. gema 390 insolentiam, ofermodnesse traductam, gewidmsersodre oriminemur, .i. leahtrode derogemur, .i. taelede proteruorum, rancra 395 inuectionis, .i. steore stipulatorem, tryi liuescant, andien ueniam, miseratio exacerbauit, .i. g(r)emede 400 generalitas, .i. g( specialis, senlype continetur, .i. sy tutatur, .i. is in, on 405 quam, J>onne 388. hattende pres. ptc. of hatian ; otherwise only the subst. ptc. hettend is recorded (cp. Sievers, 416, Anm. 10). 412. R.gesc-. 417. So also f^S". 322. Ream, win or reamwint Here they are wr. separate, and in f8 b , 1 2 not only separate, but by diff. hands at diff. levels. 420. R. waroSe. 77, 23 arithmeticam, rimcrasft f . 1 1 5^. 79, 29 5 77, 23 geometrioam, eor)r$emet 79, 30 enigfyldre 77, 24 musicam, soncrseft 79, 30 dnesse 77, 24 ast(r)onomiam, tunjelse 79, 30 jrsodre 77, 25 410 astrologiam, tunjeljescead 79, 30 itrode 77, 27 mechanicam, or]?anscipe 79, 31 le 77, 28 tenorem, gscead 79, 32 L 77, 30 parcarum, gewyrda f. 1 1 6 b . 80, 19 e 77, 32 tricauerit, gelet 80, 20 end f. H3 b . 77, 34 415 inponam, on 80, 25 77, 35 totidem, wel oft f. 117. 80, 30 i, li]?unge 78, 8 dulcisapa, .i. ream, win 81, 1 emede 78, 10 temeto, wine 81, 2 enelicnes 78, 11 ad, to f. 1 1 7 b . 81, 14 78, 12 420 litus, warode 81, 14 f. 114. 78, 21 equip aratur, is f. n8 b . 81, 33 78, 22 quasi, swa 82, 2 f. 114^. 78, 30 et inextricabile, j se 82, 2 f. 115. 79, 13 ALDHELM, DE LAUDIBUS V1RGINITATIS. (OPERA ED. GILES, OXONII, 1844.) SB, MS. ROYAL 5. E. xi (foil, i and 120). fascia, yldinje desoriptio, jengewrit transfretauerint, yn identidem, aedniwan 5 paroarum, gewyrda trieauerit, let parietibus, wagum f. I. 80, 1 inponam, on 80, 25 80, 2 totidem, wel oft f. 120. 80, 30 80, 10 jo facundia, worn a, tjewyrdi f. i b . 80, 16 nesse 80, 19 opusculi, bee 80, 20 dulcisapa, ream, win 80, 23 temeto, win 80, 32 80, 34 81, 1 81, 2 I. So also fS. 311. Both ^RA. (f. io6 b ), and \RE. (f. 116), as well as D, (cp. 5453) have the corresp. Lat. gl. morce. Fastis here means 'weight' (cp. WW. 234 21 fasce = onere uel hefe}, but as Aldhelm is speaking of the delay in completing his work, the glossators seem to have taken it in that sense. 2. G. rescriptio. The MS. from which the gl. was copied must have had resc- : the gen- renders the re-. 7. Over wagum is wr. in a later hand ivoge. 10. Betw. worn and a a letter gone, and betw. gewyrdi and nesse one or two (the gew is on a film of parchment which has got detached). R. gewyrdiltcnesse (cp. ^-S. 321) or -rdi(g}nesse (cp. 5488)? ALDHELM, DE LAUDIBUS VIRGINITATIS. ED. GILES, OXONII, 1844.) 9. MS. ROYAL 5. F. HI. dejiotae, baere holdan f. 2 b . 1, 2 germanitatis, msejsibbe 1, 3 et monastioae, 7 mynsterlicere 1, 1 1 oontribulibus, jesybbuw 1, 12 5 necessitudinum, niedsybba 1,12 conglutinatae, jelimedre 1, 13 fida, jaere jlaewestan 2, 2 10 pernicibus, ueloa'bus, swiftuwz 2, 3 pupillarum, seona 2, 3 uberrimam, ba jimihtsumestan 2, 5 urbanitatis, .i. eloquentiae, burh- spaece 2, 6 disertitudinem, enarrationem, jlsewnysse 2, 7 15 magnopere, bearle 2, 7 En, efene 2, 7 adoptiuas, ba j^rseddan 2, 10 ex fecundo, of baz tiddriendan 2, 10 celibatus, clasnnisse f. 15. 19, 36 5. Cp. WW. f454 3 * neadsibba. 13. So also -\H. 404 (om. Z.). Cp. also WIV. 19. clan-] ce alt. f. ^. This gl. is in a diff. hand. ALDHELM, DE LAUDIBUS VIRGINITATIS. (OPERA ED. GILES, OXONII, 1844.) 10. MS. HARLEY 3013. tilia, lind uiminis, ui'rge, oser glumula, scale f. I3 b . 4, 3 naptarum, 7 tudar, ftun f. 33. 23, 5 f. 14. 4,23 5 ocoa, tfelg f. 43 b - 32, 29 f. 30. 20, 10 antes, tanas f. 6s b . 53, 16 i. R. lindan, as in f2, 8, &c. 2. NE. osier. An early instance of this French loan-word. Cp. WW. 647* uimen = osere. 4. R. tundar (=tynder} ? Cp. WW. 33", &c. 5. Cp. note to ALDHELM, DE LAUDIBUS VIRGINITATIS. (OPERA ED. GILES, OXONII, 1844.) 11. MS. PHILLIPPS (CHELTENHAM) 8071 ampla, wdjill" iubare, t leomon diremptas, todaelede disoretas, toscadene 5 peculiaris, asceredre typum, hiw TO indubitata, untwihcere auotoritate, aealderlicnessa inleoebrosa, ba unalefdan 10 consortia, gemana spectaculo, scsewugcce huiuscemodi, bus geraddere inhabitare, buian fouere, 7 gehertan 15 cauatis, ceholeduw oodicibus, rindu/w fugitiuis, fluguluzrc discursibus, renum et passiuis uolatibi flihtu/w 20 nice, gewrixla extorrem, aelelendiscne i. The gl. has been erased, but can still be read. R. ividgilhim. 7. yo added by diff. hand. 9. J>a una-~] both a's on erasures. n. R. -ungce. 16. So also WW. f487 20 . Cp. WW. i 4 8 37 ; 2I3 1 . G. corticibus. 24. N. eoroda. 25. Similarly WW. t345 28 J t487 21 - G. incolarum. 38. N. unged-. 32. R.fog-. 33. J>e o/ervrr. o. Qu$, zndjiyo o. praec-. 35. N. esta. 39. N. ivyrt-: cp. \\, 313. 41. for/at'] a alt. f. e. f. 2. 3, 24 pulsum, ut adraefedna 5, 28 3, 30 exercituum, heriea 5, 29 f. 3. 5, 1 legionum, yroda 5, 29 5,2 25 ad incolatum, to aelbyodinessa 5, 31 5, 3 contentae, .i. eShelde 5, 32 5, 4 queso, ic byfryne 5, 33 ; 5, 5 intaetae uirginitatis, onjede- essa 5, 5 redes fsehades 5, 36 dan 5, 8 et spontaneum, 7 (ge)wilsuman 5, 36 5, 8 30 famulatum, byowedte 5, 37 j f. 3*>. 5, 14 neotareum, werede f. 4 \ e, 2 iddere 5, 17 eduliiun, figene 6,2 5, 20 Quf . . . praecellat, be oferbyo e, 4-5 5, 20 ounota, call? 6,4 5,21 35 dilieiarum, ysta 6,4 5, 22 feroula, sanda 6,4 5, 23 flagrantis, stym^wdes 6,5 5, 24 ambrosiae, swsecces 6,6 ' widgilluw thymiama, wort^emanc 6,6 5, 24 40 olfactum, brgtS 6,6 f. 4. 5, 26 oinisa specialitate, forlsetenre i 5, 28 synderlicnessa 6, 7 176 OLD ENGLISH GLOSSES mundane, middenjeatlicre suauitatis, werednesse opulenti, jenihsu/wre 45 luxus. wenng oblectamenta, jelustfullunj? inlatum, on belaed foederatorum, gebyoddra satis euidens, ful swutol 50 indicium, jebycnunc oonstat, wuna?5 incontaniinatae, onlx uirginali, fJehadlicuTW puerperio, hamsen 55 praeditae, jewaeljedr [ut] . .*. non auferet sy afered gentium, byoda et, 7 explanans, geswitliende 60 ita (e)leganter, swa obrizum, jeplatod mala punioa, corn cittis, fylminuw nioolaum, swetnesse 65 longe inconparabiliter, onwidmetenlice praestare, forSeon 42. R. middangeardlicre. 43. -ties se] betw. nes and se a letter erased. 45. wen n$] betw. -wen and ng about three letters erased. 52. N. unbesm-. 55. R. -l^edre. Cp. WW. 340*; 464 M . 56. JSed^pcet. 59. R. geswutl-. 62. ~R.corna.ppla: cp. 3840. 63. Cp. f 1, 464. 64. swetn- is prob. meant for the prec. nectaris. 65. N. ttnwiSm-, as f 1, 476. 66. R. ofortieon : cp. fl, 477, &c. 67. N. unsm-. Note form and gender (fern.) of anfealt, which seems to represent a Germanic *anafaltd (fern.) with the same ablaut as OHG. anafah (masc.). The ordinary form (cp. fl, 479 anjiltes ; WW. 26 38 onfilti, &c. ; NE. anvil) points to a Germanic *anafeltjaz, with diff. ablaut. 68. -nes] after s an s erased. N. nytweorftnes : cp. WW. 2o6 6 . 74. T3 . J>am ytem-, After wale one or two letters erased. 75. I believe that we have here the same word as in 5028 obtruncasse=forj>wyrtan (cp. note). We have here / written for J>, as elsewhere in these gll. (cp. 79; 80; 144), and w miscopied as J> (hence fortf- for forjnv-) ; e for y and y for e are ordinary Kenticisms (hence -erty for -yrte). It seems less likely that it stands for forj>erhty ( = -frehty= -]>ryhte] orforfersty (*=forj>r. 8, 15 rudibus, niwu#z 12, 18 8, 15 colonis, jeburuw 12, 19 8, 18 euom(u)it, swau 12, 19 ;er, Dearie explodatur, sy etwgscet 12, 20 8, 19 90 truoulentus, se wselreuw 12, 20 8, 19 natrix, netdre 12, 21 11. ALDHELM, DE LAUD. V1RG. 177 7 acneres 12, 22 milites, cmpa 13, 19 ilestruw 12, 22 intellectualis, bes anjetelen 13, 20 12, 23 120 in uasse fiotili, on Isemenu/w Z\um 12, 23 faete f. 10. 17, 35 et 12, 24 factiosam, faecne f. io b . 18, 10 f. 7 b . 12, 26 fessa, gewseh 18, 16 12, 26 Congruis, beslicuw f. n b . 19, 2 wn 12, 27 effectibus, cewyrde 19, 3 fortSresme- 125 tributum, gaual f. 13. 20, 31 12, 28 reboasse, hlydan 20, 35 atur, bruh sacramentorum, halidome 12, 29 f.i 4 . 21, 25 12, 30 florentem, blowende f. i 4 b . 22, 2 12, 30 anfractus, hilces f. 16. 24, 17 rabant, be 130 dispensans, dihtende 24, 19 12, 30 asperrimae, bere stibestan 24, 26 rdes 12, 30 huius rei, bus ceraduw f in(ce) 24, 27 12, 31 putidos, fule 24, 27 12, 31 squalores, horewes 24, 27 12, 32 135 fibrarum, seddru7# 24, 28 nincju/ra 12, 32 riuulis, enduw 24, 29 12, 33 historiae, race 24, 31 seres 12, 33 glareas, cyseles f. i6b. 25, 1 12, 34 dispersa, ba tostrydd 25, 5 miessa 12, 35 140 fragmina, gebricu 25, 5 rictus 12, 36 oratione, gebede 25, 11 jnne 12, 36 sequestra, ambyriendu^ 25, 12 ;s f. 9. 13, 9 furibunda, yrlicere 25, 12 f. 9 b 13, 18 ferocitate, retnessa 25, 13 recessibus, ferelduffz 95 et clandistinis, 7 di eliminatus, ut adrsefet peditum, feba Auido, jraduuw summerso, besenceduw 100 [et] . . . suffocat don [per quern] . . . f ba is jehiwot cuneos, wgreda typice, jastlice [quae] . . . obu hiwedon 105 internicionis, forwordes ambronis, frecces orci, deaSes decalogi, tenbebodes sancxionibus, j no sorte, jehlette ter(r)itorii, landjemseres prosapia, maej]? posteritatis, jecyneornessa iure perpetuo, ecum rictus 115 possidendam, to sejenne satrapae, hirtcynihttes emeritos, tSongene 92. N. agneras ' owners' ? This word is not in the dictionaries, but occurs /EG. no". 97. Gl. is nom. sg. 98. R. gradium ( = -igum). 101. R.Jntrh. 102. Gl. wr. o. a scratched gl. 104. hiw-~\ h alt. f. another letter. 105. N. ->wyrdes : cp. t^SS- 105-7. Gil. wr. on scratched gll. 106. 'N.freces. Cp. WW. l?! 36 , &c. 108. The sing, inflexion shows the gl. to be a compound. no. R. be hlete, as in ^H. 426 (om. Z>.) ? 1 13. N. gecn-: cp. 116. 114. R. ricte ( = rikte). 115. N. ag-. 1 16. N. hiredcn-. 117. N. Sun-. 118. Cp. f893 cempan. 121. Cp. WW.\qt)\^ tiafacnan. 122. R. gewaht, as 1-1276. 132. After Jtin about two letters erased. 135-6. Cp. 1, 376. teddrum prob. glosses fibrarum riuulis. For endum r. readiendum (as gl. to prec. rubris} ? 139. After -dd traces of letters. R. tostryddan (=tostreddatt). 140. Cp. WW.i^'i 1 . 142. N. onbyrgendum. Cp. f7, 99, and note to 3812. 144. N. rel-. [iV. II.] N 178 OLD ENGLISH GLOSSES 145 pallidus, blac f. if. 25, 20 concrepans, ende f. I7 b . 26, 6 incolomitati,gesuntfulnessa f. 21. 61, 5 pristinae, sealdere 61, 5 cruentis, blodigufl/ f. 2i b . 61, 15 150 manibus, handu/# 61, 15 et feroces, j styrne 61, 1 8 rapacitatis, hetelnessa 61, 19 inuiolabilem, unteworpanlice 61, 20 duplici, twi 61, 23 155 propemodum, ne ah f. 23. 63, 23 tribunicae, calicere f. 23 b . 64, 2 potestatis, mihte 64, 2 nuptiali, giftlicuwz 64, 6 dote, wedde 64, 6 1 60 passim, segiwern f. 24. 64, 15 librorum, boca 64, 18 opinio, hlise 64, 21 crebra, sincalre 64, 21 sed, ac 64, 24 165 sollertia, semhidinessse 64, 25 pertesum est, sehbrot is 64, 27 philo(so)phiam, wisdom 64, 28 f. f. 25. librorum, boca de, be 170 seruanda, ge edidit, cesette uagabunda, wid furiis, wedende uesaniae, widtlseste 175 quasi, swa swa lymphaticus, oed(w)olan uel freneticus, ofbe cemyndlses sartagines, pannan instinctu, tyhtnesse 1 80 ridiculoso, hipsfulre ludibrio, oebismujce caccabatus, aswaearted parasitis, lyffeteruz lupercalia, set bazrc gylde f. 26. 185 oompetalia, set bse/rc wejelaetan uel portunalia, obtSe sehytSu/w suouetaurilia, swynenan 7 set sceaplican 7 set fearlc luctatorum, casepena f. 26 b . uehiculo, fserelde 64, 28 64, 29 64, 30 64, 30 64, 32 66, 16 66, 16 66, 17 66, 17 66, 17 66, 18 66, 19 66, 20 66, 20 66, 22 66, 23 67, 10 67, 11 67, 11 67, 12 67, 24 67, 28 146. Gl. erased, only ende still legible. 148. -re] e added in another hand. 153. The prefix te ( = OS. ti-, (e-; OHG. za-, zi-, ze-) appears in EWS.: e.g. CP. 443 33 teweorpanne ; 49" tefieowe. Cp. also OET. 48 195 (Epinal Gl.) concidit = tislog. Also GET. 5? 65t (Corp. Gl.) desicit** tetridit (cp. Ang. xix. 106)? 154. R. twifealdum. 155. Betw. ne and ah a letter erased. 156. G. tribunitia. R. campl-. 160. R. cegwern 'everywhere': cp. Oros. i54 w . Cp. also Menologium 101 awyrn (with prefix a-) ' anywhere,' which is unnecessarily altered by Grein and Walker to a fyrn. 165. N. embhydig-. 166. Betw. perte and sum a letter erased (?). R. afrot. Did the gloss, mean the sb. lAnt ' tedium, &c.' (cp. OET. 361, note 3 ; WW. 234 13 - 17 ; RBS. I38 2 ), or the adj. cefirotsum (cp. WW. fsio 2 ) ? Cp. t458a. 173. So MS. Wedende was prob. meant to gl. the foil, lymphaticus (cp. WW. 30"; 31 19 ; 439'). It might also (though to judge from the ordinary methods of glossators, this is less likely) be intended to render furus uesaniae correptus. 174. N. ivitleaste. 176. The gl. suits neither in meaning nor ending (-). Can it have been meant for uesaniae \ Cp. BdSch. 28 oS J>a tide ]>e se Arrianisca gedivola aras = usque ad iempora Arriana vesania (though here, of course, ' heresy' is meant). 177. Have we here an OE. form corresponding to OS. ofthe, &c. (cp. Holthausen, Altsachs. Elementarbuch, 208 note), OFris. qftha, ioftha, ieftha ? 179. Cp. WW. fsio 27 . 180. N. hysp-. 181. The last three letters are some- what uncertain. R. gebismrungce. 184. Cp. WW. \-c>io 3 *=e at ySum waran gesette. 187. R. fearlican. Cp. WW. f395 30 o$$aj>ape cet pc. 2. MS. C has typo. ALDHELM, DE LAUDIBUS VIRGINUM. (OPERA ED. GILES, OXONII, 1844.) 14. MS. BODLEY 577. sambuoa, sweglhorn f. n b 146, 21 tesellis, stanflorum f. 36. 172, 20 metaUis, orum f. 35 b . 172, 8 uibrabat, sceoc f. 6a b . 201, 32 3. fidrstan (as in WW, 150") would have been more suitable. ALDHELM, DE LAUDIBUS VIRGINUM. (OPERA ED. GILES, OXONII, 1844.) 15. MS. BODLEY 49. occas, .i. felja f. 7 b . 142, 20 uirguncula, .i. ides f. 53 b . 191, 7 Carpere, taelan tuituperare f. 8. 143, 1 5 uirguncula, .i. ides f. 56 b . 194, 14 rugossB, soles f. 17. 152, 22 translator, tSeodend 194, 20 i. Cp. note to 2359. 2 - tctlari\ an alt. f. em. 6. Cp. gepeodan 'to translate ' Lcdm. iii. 440^ ; gejteode, -dnes 'a translation.' ALDHELM, DE LAUDIBUS VIRGINUM. (OPERA ED. GILES, OXONII, 1844.) 16. CAMBRIDGE UNIV. LIBR. MS. GG. V. 35. . bigis, craetuwz f. 285 b . 143, 25 inuestes, beardlease f. 297 b . 165, 10 i. Cp. JfW. t359" 5 ALDHELM, DE LAUDIBUS VIRGINUM. (OPERA ED. GILES, OXONII, 1844.) 17. MS. RAWLINSON C. 697. dispensat, dih occas, .i. felja torquerent, * witnode terrentis, * brej f. 1 8. f. 21. f. 23. 137, 142, 145, 145, 24 20 30 32 20 rupit, * brsec teneant, * men f. 3i b . sacramentis, . i. iuramentis, ac5um 159, 29 159 31 159, 35 5 flagra, * swyp 145, 32 f. 3 2 b - 162, 2 tonantis, * jodes 145, 32 infamare, onhyscan f - 33- 163, 14 clangoribus, hlynnuw f. 23 b . 146, 19 noscunt, je f- 33 b - 163, 28 marmora, * c selas f. 24 b . 147, 36 25 quos, tSa f-35- 166, 16 chaos, . i. tenebre, t sax. dwolma cipporum, .i. cospa f. 36 b - 168, 27 f. 25 b . 150, 10 cippum, cosp 168, 29 lofotu, .*'. medtcamine, *hyrtinje Lotia, .i. mije'San 168, 31 f. 26. 150, 16 contigit, sethran f-37- 169, 34 Natricis, * nae f. 26 b 151, 12 30 pubesceret, jrywe f. 37 b 170, 21 explodens, t * ut adrifende 151, 20 fascia, .i. wrsed f. 39 b 174, 20 sacelli, . i. templi, * tern 151, 22 Tune, ba 174, 22 imnunem, unwemme f. 27. 152, 10 Hortantur, witnedan 174, 23 15 horrebat (?), tlad f. 27 b . 153, 21 Postumus, sefterbora f. 40. 174, 28 ritus, * Seawas f. 28 b 155, 2 35 cupas, .i. bydena 174, 30 ludicra, t * bysmerjle f. 30 b 158, 8 mandibulas, ceacan 175 ,6 indigenas, * landleode 158, 11 fusa, spinle f. 4 o b 175, 34 i. R. dihteS. 2. Cp. 2359. 3. wit-} the * cannot be read with certainty. 4. R. bregendes. 5. R. swypan. 8. selas clear, c uncertain. R. ceoselas (as though the lemma meant ' pebbles ') ? n. R. nadran. 13. R. temples. 15. lad is wr. on margin to left of Femina (G. I53 20 ). Is it for latSode, and meant to gl. horrebat ? 1 7. R. bysmergleo. 18. The gl. is scratched o. miseros (G. I58 10 ). ai. Is men part of an Eng. or Lat. word? 23. -scan] .rait. f. another letter. 26. Cp. WW. t374 15 ; t526 6 . 30. N. greowe. 34. R. -boren. 37. fusa} a alt. f. o. 17. ALDHELM, DE LAUD. VIRG. 183 ferine, .i. huru Botros, croppas 40 tortas, Mortis, * cicelum Fercula, .i. sanda sportas, ^sporta, *wy] gabulum, .i. galgan Contrectare, handlian 45 limp(h)atiea, wode tseminecem, * healfcwice Deformare, jemyscan maculoso, t wcw/ focus, bael 50 schammate, .i. oretfelda f. 49. preferre, foresettan 41. Gl. wr. in ink o. Fercula in the text. On the margin fercula is wr. a second time, and o. it is scratched sanda. 46. Lemma and gl. are wr. on the r. margin after tyrannus (G. i85 19 ). 47. Cp. PsTh. xli. ii dum affligit me inimicus = J>onne me mysceaS mine fynd] 48. The gl. might also be r. wetn. R. wommum, womfullum, gewemmedum ? 53. his = is. 56. Gl. wr. on erasure. 57. N. a]wm. 60. R. efenhlyttan (cp. BT. ; H. 506 consortibus = efenhlyttum; /EG,f>g; SHy. iS 1 ; 38"; 42 7 )or^/-? 61. R. geyppendum. 62. R. spannan. f. 41. 177, 10 uirguncula, .i. ides 191, 7 f. 42^. 170, 22 qua tenditur, ]?yder his J?ened im 179, 22 f. 49*>. 191, 12 179, 29 Percula, sanda 191, 16 lie f. 43. 179, 36 55 fragore, dyne 191, 26 180, 26 opulentes, spedig f. 50. 192, 19 f. 44 b . 183, 5 gener, a]?umb 192, 24 f. 46. 185, 17 pretor, dema 192, 37 dee uirgunoula, .i. ides f. 51. 194, 14 f. 47 b . 188, 13 60 consortes, lyt(t)an f. 52. 196, 2 f. 48*>. 189, 20 prodentibus, jeyp f. 5 3 t>. 198, 23 190, 9 adiuugere, spanan f. 54 b 200, 10 da f. 49. 19O, 23 salebras, . i. loca lufosa, . i . moras 190, 31 f. 55. 201, 13 ALDHELM, DE LAUDIBUS VIRGINUM. (OPERA ED. GILES, OXONII, 1844.) 18. CORPUS CHRISTI COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE, MS. 285. matrioe, * meder plantet, * sete corbes, * cypan f. 81*. f. 84. stomaohatur, * hathert 5 Mitia, * bile thalamum, * jif inoestans, * w thororum, * bed ostro, .i. rude loueotifere, * ten 3 (?) torpens, . t.pigrescens, * sc(l)eaj ende f. 85. confusio, * jmianj aprioo, * hwee f. 90^. mole, * hefe f. 93. 15 Algida, * cole f. 97^. 150, 10 15O, 10 157, 24 159, 21 166, 5 flagrabat, * stemde soeleratis, * seel scortis, * forlijru/w Aurora, * daejrim 20 fuluis, * ausu#z lutea, .1. rubicunda, * bigis, * scridduw roseos, * reade radios, * le(o)man 25 armoniis, * dreamuTw [fatu] . . . amico, lufwyndre saje f. no b . tedas iugales, candelas, * msecli- can anten f. n6 b . singultu, t * jalre sinccetun(c)ge uirguncula, ides f. 117. f. 9 9 t>. 168, 35 f. IOO. 169, 28 169, 28 f. IO2 b . 173, 8 173, 8 sejer 173, 8 173, 8 173, 10 173, 10 f. 109. 182, 30 185, 8 193, 35 194, 3 194, 14 i. The gloss, seems to have misr. the lemma as matri, overlooking the ce. Or did he mean medernum hrife (cp. 1496) ? 2. R. sette. 3. Cp. note to 3657. 5. R. bilewite. 6. R.giftdurl Cp. ECPs. xviii. 6 thalamo = brydbure tgyftbure; Ang. viii. i^g 1 swyke . . . cyngofhis giftbure steppe, 7. G. prints wrongly incertans. R. wemmende ? 9. rude] d alt. f. e ? 10. teng\ the n is uncertain. R. stengbares ? n. A fter room for one letter. N. sleaciende ? Cp. SHy. i8 15 /a sleacgicndan=pigritantes, 12. R. gemangnys. 13. R. hwearmum (for wearmum)\ Cp. WIV. f522 2a wearman. 17. R. sceldigum! The gloss, can scarcely have meant to repeat the lemma sceleratis. 18. Cp. 5292. 19-21. Cp. Virg. Aen. vii. 26. dagrim (after m trace of a letter) is o. lutea, but is meant for Aurora, ceger is o. Aurora and may gl. it ([d]ager[ima~]V) or lutea ([/]<>'?). ausum is o. fuluis and the ending agrees (basuum = -wum would scarcely be suitable). 22. R. scridum. 27. R. gemaclican antendnyssa. 28. R. singalre st'cet- ? 18. ALDHELM, DE LAUD. VIRG. 185 30 pela(s)gos, * dijle 194, 22 clientel, associate, * fer f. 119. 107, 15 rexerat, * for e f. 121. 199, 37 orbem, * burh 199, 37 Sceptrinum uimen, * cy 200, 20 35 pellite, * ny 200, 22 salebras, .*'. loco, lutosa, * sea]?as f. 122. 201, 13 inrumperet, * slanj Turificare, * ste litare, * ofrian 40 macheram, * mece marcescens, * weo efflauit, * pyfte flamen, * jast 201, 18 201, 30 201, 30 201, 32 201, 36 202, 1 202, 1 30. Owing to the foil, edidit in lucent the gloss, took thesauros Pelasgos to mean ' hidden treasures.' 31. R. ferradenne. 33. The gloss, thought of urbem. 34. R. cynegyrd. 35. R. nydad. 37. We must assume an OE. slingan 'to creep' ( = OHG. slingari) besides slincan. Cp. Ang. vii. 28 259 J>onne slingS heo (seo naddre) mid ealle inn ; Ang. viii. 310" he gescop call wyrmcynn 7 creopende ... 7 slincgende. 38. R. steman. 39. G. offerre. 41. R. -weorniende : cp. 1032. 42. Cp. 1886. ALDHELM, DE LAUDIBUS VIRGINUM. (OPERA ED. GILES, OXONII, 1844.) 18 B. BODLEIAN LIBRARY, MS. AUCT. F. 2. 14. GLOSE f. ii. Armenia, Sanj 149, 10 Armentum, Hry]?erhyrd 152, 14 Antes, Winclystra 141, 11 Apex, Boc 163, 5 5 Adultus, je]x> 147, 15 Heec Absida, Weocsteall 164, 27 Bratea, Swegende f. n b . 141, 5 Biga, Craet 143, 25 Comma, Todal 1 Cyrf f. 12. 137, 3 10 Cola, lim 137, 27 Clustella, Hwicce 138, 23 Crepundium, Anj 141, 20 Corbes, Wylian 145, 4 heo Ciolas. dis, Orl 152, 35 15 Crepundia, daejrima hoc Centrum, Tren Caries, forrotodness hec Claua, Batt Diruo, Ic adyljie 20 Delituo, Ic lutie Delubrum, hearh Digero. ris, Ic adreoje Dehisoo. scis, Ic toga. Explodo. dis, Ic besceawie f. 13. 139, 11 25 Elisia, Paradisus 143, 30 Extirpo. pas. at, Ic awyrtwalie 14O, 25 Hfflc Esperies. ei, Westdael 154, 2 Exeubia, Waecce 163, 8 Fastus. tus, Pryte f. I3 b . 152, 36 161, 7 153, 28 172, 29 f. I2 b . 144, 36 151, 16 151, 22 154, 21 170, 6 Published by me in ES. xi. 64 (referred to in the following notes as ES.}. 2. eo added by the 2nd hand. 3. Cp. LSc. I54 2 . 5. Part of the o is gone ; t.ftfae*, 6. On weoc- = weoh- (f. wih-} cp. ES. and note to 4495. After ^Weocsteall the 2nd hand has wr. a number of Lat. words with Lat. explanations (printed in ES.*), amongst which two Eng. gll. occur : Ater . swert . 7 niger . bloc. 7. As Swegende cannot gl. bratea, we may assume that the gl. to the latter is lost, Swegende being the gl. to a lost lemma. Had the orig. \bombosa, G. I3f~\=swegende, bratea = [ ]? If one refers to WW. f5i7 2 *it will be seen that the next lemma before it beginning with b is bombosa (WW. 5i6 36 ). ii. Hwicce= 'ME. whicche, whucche. 12. R. Angin : cp. WW. 2i6 8 cunabula, ,i. crepundia, iniiia, &c. 15. Did the gloss, mean ' beginning (of the day),' or was he thinking of crepusculum 1 16. R. Trendel ' : cp. 2761. 18. After Batt the 2nd hand has wr. a number of Lat. words with Lat. explanations (printed in .). 20. Delituo for -itesco has been deduced by the gloss, f. the perfect delituit, G. 151". 24. Over the dis, which is wr. after besceawie, is a sign to show that it should follow explode. Had the gloss, explore in his mind ? 25. G. has parodist in the text ; but cp. \AhdG. ii. I4* 1 Elisium paradysum . sunnavelt. 26. myrt-\ y alt. f. another letter. 29. I have not noted any instance of fas tus ' pride ' in the De laud, virg., but it occurs in De octo princ. vit., G. 2io 17 - ". Was it here suggested by gl. no. 70 ? 18 B . ALDHELM, DE LAUD. VIRG. 187 30 Furuus, Sweart 142, 8 Fotus. ta. turn, Generod 15O, 16 Fatus. ta. turn, Gewyrd 153, 9 Frugalis, Clsene 153, 13 Fulcio, VnderwretSie 160, 28 35 Faustus. ta. turn, G6d 161, 12 Fiscus, Purs t Seod 167, 10 Hfflc Facula, Gled 166, 18 Findo. dis. it, Ic toclsefe 1 dsele 168, 29 Glisco, Ic jewilnie 1 jyrne f. 14. 139, 19 4 o Glarea, Read corSe 140, 28 Gleba, Hefe 140, 34 Glesco, Ic jrowe 143, 23 Gimnicus. ca. cum, Geornfull 153, 8 Grasso, Ic wede 161, 12 45 Hoc Gramma, Bocstsef 167, 1 Heroicus, id est nobile, hlaford- lic f. i4 b . 136, 33 Inormis, Ormaete f. 15. 139, 11 Incisiones, Todala Infindo, Ic todsele 153, 33 50 Hec Imbrex, Tijelstan 153, 35 Ligustra, hwite blosma 141, 25 Hec Lodix, attruw 168, 13 Laturus.ra. rum, To forberende 168, 24 SllliC Monarch(i)a, Sunderanweald f. I5 b . 140, 3 55 Massa, Bloma 146, 4 Murex, Dech 1 Merenseddre 140, 31 Mechus. cha. chum, Forlijr 164, 2 Multo. tas. aui, Ic witnie 174, 18 Nectar, Swaecc f. 16. 142, 34 60 Nequiquam, On idel 138, 7 Matrix, Nzeddre 151, 12 Olimpus, Hunt 1 heofen f. r6 b . 135, 18 Ostrum, Pur pur a 148, 23 Optorpeo. es. et, Aslawie 160, 36 65 Obtundo. is. it, Aslaewe 164, 2 Obunco. as. at, Aidlie 1 byrlie 164, 3 Paradigma, Raedels 1 By sen f. 17. 141, 6 141, 28 154, 19 137, 1 147, 17 140, 31 141, 10 154, 33 164, 27 166, 21 Palestrum, Gewrixl Portendo, Ic jetacnie 70 Phastus. sti, Boc Paranimphus, Brydboda Puniceus, Read Pampinus, Winleaf Peplum, hraejl 75 Pullus. la. lum, Sweart HCBC Pira, Fyr Bedoleo. les. redolui, Ic steme f. 1 8. 146, 14 Bugosus, rifelede Regalis, Hreoflic SoStropha, Gepscipe Squalidus, Ful 7 Spurcus, (ful 1 ho)rij Sterna, WurtSscipe Stipulor, Ic j. 135, 17 139, 19 139, 23 140, 23 136, 33 31. The gloss, has confused Aldhelm'sfotu 'a fomenting' with the past ptc. fotus. 32. Fatus . ta. turn for Fatum is due to prec. gl. 36. Fiscus may possibly not come f. G. i67 10 , but may be itself a gl. to marsupia, G. i65 35 . 38. R. tocleofei. But cp. also ES. 41. G. glebula. 42. R. glisco. 44. G.grassator. 48. Incisiones was prob. gl. to commata, G. 137*: in both MSS. Bodl. 49 and Rawl. C. 697 the commata of this passage is glossed by incisiones : cp. also 1, 202. 52. Cp. ES. and Logeman, Ang. xiii. 28. 57. Cp. 5292. 65. Cp. forsliz wan, CP. 284* ; LSc. 202*. 68. R.gewrajcH 71. Cp. AhdG. ii. fi5 8 ; fi8 69 brutiboto, &c. Cp. also 1774. 78. rifelede adj. = ME. riveted, NE. rivelled. Cp. 26, 24 rtigoso=geryjlodre, and ^EH. i. 6i4 12 on ealdltcum gearum biS Jxzs mannes wastm gebiged, . . . his neb gerifod. 79- G. Sic mea non pereant regali corpora morbo: cp. also G. i62 10 . Leprosy was called morbus regius. On hreoflic cp. 4927. 80. G. strophosus. i88 OLD ENGLISH GLOSSES 85 Sablum, Sand 141, 4 Salpix, horn 144, 1 Sacellum, Tempi 145, 37 Salebrosus. sa. sum, Wis 149, 5 Spina, bodij 153, 30 90 Strictim, Nearolice 164, 3 Sopio. is. it, Ic reste 166, 8 Hoc Tignum uel tigillum, Fyrst on huse f. 19. 164, 8 Trapezeta, mynetere 93, 34 Vibramen, Cwecfinj f. ip b . 136, 2 95 Vimen, Tel^re 145, 2 Voticompos, Wilfanjen 151, 35 88. Is Wis gl. to some lost lemma (e. g. sapiens} ? 92. G. tecta tigilli. 94. The c added by diff. hand. R. Cwecting, 95. G, ctilmine, but MSS. Bodl. 49 and 577, Rawl. C. 697 all read uimine; cp. also AhdG, ii. f" 32 ; t^ 3 - 9 6 - R - Wilfcegen cp. WW. 5O2 35 . ALDHELM, DE OCTO PRINCIPALIBUS VITIIS. (OPERA ED. GILES, OXONII, 1844.) 19. MS. BODLEY 577. Ingluuiem, frecnesse f.6^ 3 . 204, 18 pila, pselas f. 71. 210, 15 ambro, gifre 204,32 mails, msesjnim f- 73 b - 213,8 3. Is pcelas miswr. for falas, or does it represent an earlier borrowing f. Lat. palus (as in nap f. napus: cp. Pog. p. 119)? 4. N. mastum : cp. WW. t446 18 ; 535 2 . ALDHELM, DE OCTO PRINCIPALIBUS VITIIS. (OPERA ED. GILES, OXONII, 1844.) 20. MS. BODLEY 49. acoidia, slseuS f. 70. rumen, cwudu f. 72^. 212, 16 ruotans, cylcende f. 72. 211, 24 poroaster, for 212,17 i. Over the line Hinc, &c. (G. 2O9 15 ) is the heading de accidia, and steud (the alt. f. a) is wr. o. it. 2. Cp. NHG. kolken ? 4. Cp. f21, 3 ; f22, 3. ALDHELM, DE OCTO PRINCIPALIBUS VITIIS. (OPERA ED. GILES, OXONII, 1844.) 21. MS. RAWLINSON C. 697. lurcatur, * rypet5 f. 56 b . 204, 24 ludicra, .i. tnhonesta, t aewiscu 214, 19 patrabant, * t5ur f. 57. 205, 16 masearum, ejesjrimana 214,22 porcaster, .i. f6r f. 60. 212, 17 calculus, jetael 214, 27 obesus, .i.pinguis fofgete 212,17 lustrent, * % f. 6i b . 214, 33 5 scita, .i. laja f. 61. 214, 12 10 resoluant, *bi 214, 35 2. R. tiurhtugon. _4. They partly gone in consequence of a hole. Cp. f22, 4. R. offat {-oftrf&t : cp. WW. 172') or ofcete { = oferSte 'gluttonous' : cf.felatete 23, 15). ALDHELM, DE OCTO PRINCIPALIBUS VITIIS. (OPERA ED. GILES, OXONII, 1844.) 22. CORPUS CHRISTI COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE, MS. 285. clangor, .i. dine f. 126. 207, 36 porca, .i. for f. 129. 212, 17 simul, *aet 208, 16 obesus, .i.pinguis \ ofeten 212, 17 i. dine is wr. o. salpicis. 2. R. atgcedere, atsomne ? 4. Cp. f21, 4. R. of erf at, or did the gloss, intend it for the past ptc. of a vb. *ofetan, *oferetan ? ALDHELM, AENIGMATA. (OPERA ED. GILES, OXONII, 1844.) 23. CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY LIBR. MS. GG. V. 35. Sic, swa larbula, puca Setigero, jebyrstum odorato, risiendum 5 flagrantior, stemendre purpureis, readum conexa, jewiSelode rosetis, rosbedduw putresco, rot 10 arcitenens, hefonwealdend orno, to jeare ramnis, fyrrsum algis, warum pruina, hrime 2. Though not in BT. or Sw., OE. puca ' a goblin,' whence NE. Puck (cp. ON./wz), is a well authenticated word. Kluge (ES. xi. 511) pointed out that in the gl. vagantes daemones - wandrigende ivucan (PGJif. 388) we should prob. r. pucan, and this, not uaucan, turns out to be the actual reading of the MS. (cp.Acad., June 16, 1894, P- 498)- In my note, Acad., June 2, 1894, p. 457, I cited this instance f. MS. Gg. v. 35 as well as the Pucan wylle ' goblin's well,' in a Somerset Charter (CS. ii. 575*' 5> 18 )- Mr. W. H. Stevenson also kindly calls my attention to Puchehole in the parish of Battle, co. Sussex (Chronicon monasterii de Bella, London, 1846, pp. n and 18), and to Pukenhale, co. York, mentioned A. D. 1312, Close Rolls, p. 426. 3. gebyrst(ed) 'furnished with bristles' (cp. gebyrd(ed) ' bearded ' f. beard, &c.). 4. -ato\ o alt. f. u. 7. R. gewrifielode (f. *(ge)wri6elian ' to bind ' : cp. wriSan, wriSels, and the OHG. (gi}ridilon, which is used synonymously with witton ' to bind the hair with a fillet ' : cp. AhdG. i. 483 46 "") ? 9. R. rotie. n. G. horna. To geare ' in this year ': cp. Ang. viii. 327 10 ; SAm. 8$ n . C p. also WW. 25 3T . 39 . 18. ^.mushafoce. 21. Is byrdlingc conn, with bord ' shield' ? 25. Did the gloss, r. pomposis ? 26. Have we here a *J>riewel ' an instrument for twisting,' or is it miswr. for Drawing- (cp. 1200) ? f. 395- 250, 5 15 mordax, felaaete 271, 35 f. 406. 271, 11 ciclopum, enta 271, 35 271, 12 zepheri, westernes windes 271, 37 271, 15 accipitre, mush 272, 1 271, 15 Lumbrious, anjeltwicce 272, 2 271, 17 20 Umax, rensnaejl 272, 2 271, 17 testudo, byrdlinjc 272, 2 271, 17 funi, tordes 272, 3 271, 19 oantarus, scarabeus, scernwibba 272, 3 snd 271, 21 extis, snsedel'Searmuwz 272, 8 271, 26 25 pompis, mid jejlencdum 272, 10 f. 4o6b 271, 28 oalamistro, firewelspinle 272, 12 271, 28 scrofarum, jemaestra swina 272, 13 271, 31 auxungia, rysele 272, 13 192 OLD ENGLISH GLOSSES a, bonne 45 pensa, toppa 272, 24 272, 14 In gracilem, to bynnu/w 272, 25 272, 14 tender, ic com tobraedd 272, 27 272, 15 ballena, ssefisce 1 hrane 272, 30 las sulcat, jnaehS, ciwj> 272, 31 272, 16 50 uerme, handwyrme 272, 31 272, 17 uibrat, scimera'S, brodacS 272, 32 272, 18 atomo, dustswerme otStS mote 272, 32 272, 18 mselscaua, 272, 33 272, 19 pedester, fetSa 272, 34 f. 407. 272, 21 55 caumate, wallendre hsete 1 swo- a$ 272, 21 loSan 273, 1 272, 22 insulsior, ferscre 273, 4 272, 22 ero, ic hwearwlie 273, 4 272, 22 machina, wlite 273, 6 272, 23 Lurida, latSlic 273, 7 272, 24 60 fraudata, bensemed 273, 7 hij jemaestatS 30 fagis, be*ctreow subulci, swanas t Bubuloi, xenhyrdas maoie, mid hlaennesse Pallida, wann 35 Limphida, burhsyne clarior, scirre nimbus, flaetS ambit, befehS tartarus, jrundleas se< 40 globus, clyne teres, sinew rotunda, hwyrflede pile, ooo serica, seoloken 32. R. oxen-; the o has been cut off. Both lemma and gl. are wr. on the margin opposite the line beginning Atque saginata (G. 272 15 ). Oxanhyrde, which is not in Sw., occurs also WW. 90"; 9i 23 ; Zfda. xxxiii. 238. 37. It is scarcely likely that we have here an OE. instance of ME. flathe 'a. cake,' NHG. Floden ; it seems more prob. that^fed is identical with the first part ofjA^MfiM*! 'a weaver's comb' (IV W, i87 10 ; 294") ; in which case it might perhaps mean 'wool, fleece,' and be intended to gl. the prec. vellere. 41. R. sinewealt. 42. R. sinhivyrflende \ Cp. fl, 114, and sinhwyrfel. 43. So is wr. a 2nd time o. sen and rubbed out again. R. SoSor. 44. s er-~\ betw. s and e a letter erased. 51. brodian = brogdian ' vibrare' : cp. brogdettan, brod-, WW. II* 1 ; 57. R. hwearftlie. rusois, \>y oonuexa, ohelde simulabo, linj ALDHELM, AENIGMATA. (OPERA ED. GILES, OXONII, 1844.) 24. MS. RAWLINSON C. 697. f. 9. 262, 6 taxus, iu 266, 10 f. 9 b . 256, 13 5 [sio] . . . non spernitur, swa ne f. ii. 266, 9 bit hije f. nb 266, 13 i. K.J>yfclum. 5. hige not clear. Did the gloss, intend swa ne MJ> forhogod '? ALDHELM, AENIGMATA. (OPERA ED. GILES, OXONH, 1844.) 25. MS. ROYAL 15. A. xvi. uerme, .t. Iriensis, hondweorm f. 73. 272, 31 [iv. 11] ALDHELM, AENIGMATA. (OPERA ED. GILES, OXONII, 1844.) 26. MS. ROYAL 12. C. xxin. cola, .*'. duo pedes, .i. lim f. 80. commata, .i. limes dsel erroK, hi f. 83*. mentis, j^oht 5 Sole, of f. 84 b . Sic, swa conspicinrur, beoS f- 85. telas, .i. webb replentur, sint f. 85 b . 10 squamis, finnutfz rimis, cinuw f. 86 b . asperrima, tunsmejmst Garrio, tic jyrre rauco cum nrurmure, tmid ha- swre hwotSrunje isSerratas, j^cyrnode .87. cristas, cawbas non . . . adnumerandas, suder- borene f. 87 b . 229, 19 Calciamenta, Jjwancjas f. 88. 263, 10 229, 19 tergora, hyda 263, 10 248, 33 20 seres, .i. orientalis, fassirisce 257, 22 248, 34 rubetae, ican f. 88 b . 257, 31 249, 33 trudo, ic ]?y 258, 9 250, 5 retrograda, thinderjenja f. 89. 254, 30 252, 6 rugoso, f j-. 15. Serralas is here used of the serrated edge of a cock's comb. The gloss, apparently took it to refer to the rough, warty- looking surface ; hence the gl. f. corn in the sense of ' warty excrescence,' or, supposing that corn was not thus used in OE. (cp. JVD.~), in the ord. sense of ' seed, small hard particle.' 17. -boren\ after the n traces of e. R. sunderborene ? Does it gl. non adnum- ' born apart,' hence ' not to be numbered (with the others),' or the prec. nothas ' bastard born ' ? 20. The gloss, has misunder- stood his lemma. 24. Cp. 18 b , 78. 25. R. wista. 28. R. gefufl 34. R. gearwe. 36. G. solissequa. Cp. WW. 301* solsequia=golde. Both gold and goldwort were 26. , AENIGMATA. errat, hwearfl succumbere, t asijan uentris, wa/wbe 40 pandit, undeS ripis, statSum belliger, f kene pestemque, je wole lapsu, fylle 45 aoeruos, cumu/os, mu; uaga, wo lustra, denn 1 fgreldu ruminat, ceuwtS FURFURAE, tsyfeda 50 hoc, Sa nectar, swe conpressis, to aset constet, hit wunatS cglestis, t upli 55 coronis, hel cautes, .i. naessas EBVLO, waelwyrt fronde, on rubescit, hit used in ME. as plant names : cp. Matzn. and SB. s. v. gold, and PP. i. 202 Goolde, herbe, Solsequium, &c. Cp. Britten and Holland, Dictionary of Plant Names, Dialect Soc., 1879, P- 2O 9- Goldwort occurs in Mowat's Alphita, pp. 86 and 88. 37. R. hwear/laS = -ftlaS. 46. R. -vaoriende. 47. Cp. WW. iS? 1 and f437* /***. 49. R. syfeSa. It is wr. after fenestris (G. 265'). The heading to the riddle is De crebello quo furfurae a farina sequestrantur, and the gl. is evid. intended for furfurae ( = -res}. 51. R. swetnysse. 54. R. Jxzs uplican. 55. ~R.kelmum: cp. WW. 29o 20 . 57. N. -weal-. 61. Before forsceof about eight letters are illegible, before pet about five, before rigum one or two. 63. R. tunsingw-. 64. R. brunbasu : cp. WW. 36 28 ; 46o 7 . 67. Cp. f23, 17. 69. Cp. 3549. 70. R. zwz/c- : cp. #W. I98 1 calamistmm 'walcspinl. 71. ~R. ablate 1 * Cp. 1868. 72. R. sinewealt di-wen 1 f. 9 i b . 264, 15 60 amis, on 266, 16 f. 92. 264, 18 DE SCILLA, t . . . for(s)ceop 258, 24 . . . bet hi of bem . . . rigum 264, 21 gewiton on sse 7 wurdon to 264, 30 hundum. Scilla Set is sse- 264, 31 hund gecweden f. ioo b . 269, 24 f. 9 2 b 264, 37 bino, t je 269, 29 f. 93 b . 259, 11 ELLEBORO,tunsinwyrtf.ioi b . 260, 20 ^an f. 94. 265, 5 Ostriger, brunba 260, 21 265, 7 65 Conquilio, weolcscille 260, 22 265, 7 halans, reocende f. 102. 271, 15 f. 94 b . 259, 23 zephiri, tsutfernes f. iO2 b . 271, 37 la 265, 11 certamine, on 272, 4 f. 97. 267, 8 calamistratis, jewalcuduw 267, 8 f. 103. 272, 12 f. 97 b . 266, 2 70 calamistro, of wolcspinle 272, 12 f. 98 b . 256, 24 Pallida, se 272, 17 f. 99 b 268, 3 Sperula, sinewea 272, 23 268, 4 ceu serica pensa, swa seolcen 267, 24 tSrsed 272, 24 f. 100. 266, 14 atomo, mote f. iO3 b . 272, 32 266, 15 75 que , tSa 273, 9 266, 15 u 2 AUGUSTINE, ENCHIRIDION. (MiGNE, PATROL. LAT. XL.) 27. TRINITY COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE, MS. O. i. 18. oonquiaitor, strina f. 12. expressus, swutulud f. 13. quonam niodo . . . [sit], hwil- cum jemete sy profecto, eallunja 5 dieturus es, bu relegas, rsede non est, heo [ut] . . . recolas, $ bu j "mune Vis, bu f. I3 b . 10 habeas, habb' contendat, efste diflnitionis, toscades scies, bu heretious, dwola f. 14. 1 5 oonfecta, worhta hseo, t qug \ bis f. I4 b . nomine, b" disputatio, talu f. 15. armaria, boccysta 231, 5 20 operosioris, weorcfulran f. 1 5 b . 234, 1 232, 1 inuocabunt, cyj'b hy 234, 15 attinet, belimp]? f. 17. 235, 6 232, 5 qua, baw 232, 8 usi sunt, brucon 232, 8 25 euidentise, swutulnesse 232, 14 absurdus, unbgeslic 232, 14 [ut] . . . reprehendatur, j? sy 232, 15 fanj'-n f. i7 b . 232, 17 consequens, bseslic 232, 18 saltern, furban f. 40. 247, 25 232, 22 30 [ne] . . . adrogarent, .1. iactarent, 232, 24 .i. ne boden 247, 25 233, 2 [non] . . . grauidam, .i. unecene 233,6 \ ungehefegude f. 46 b . 251, 19 233, 6 aut pinguea, obbe swaeSelyne 233, 22 f. 86. 274, 3 233, 30 humiles, heane f. 96 b . 280, 34 233, 37 [ad] . . . indigentiam, to be- 233, 41 hofe f. 105. 286, 10 235, 8 235, 8 235, 13 235, 14 235, 14 235, 16 i. Augustine is here quoting i Cor. i. 20, where conquisitor means 'disputer.' The gloss, took it in the sense of 'gainer.' Cp. (Eadric] Streona, which is explained by Ordericus Vitalis as 'acquisitor' (or was it in this case merely a pet-foim ? Cp. W. H. Stevenson, Acad., July n, 1885, p. 29; June 4, 1887, p. 397). 8. R.gemune. A single dot denotes a (cp. 21), two dots e (cp. 10; 17; 27). Cp. introductory note to 56. 10. R. habbe, 15. R. worht. 17. R. be: cp. 8. 19. BT. only has one instance of boccyst: viz. WW. ii? 36 : cp. also ApT. 5 24 ( = ApZ. 2O 33 ) A. into his huse eode 7 his bocciste untynde. 20. -Iran alt. f. -llan. 21. R. cygaj>: cp. 8. 24. u si\ betw. u and si a letter erased. 27. R.fangen : cp. 8. 34. beAofhere means 'need, want.' The earliest instance in faeNED. is from Lagamon, but it occurs in Chron. 780 (MS. F) ; 1094 (MS. E). AVI AN US, FABLES. (ROBINSON ELLIS, THE FABLES OF AVIANUS, OXFORD, 1887.) 28. MS. RAWLINSON G. in. ripis, of agebat, fered inops, wedle Fas, lifed f. 5. xi, 1. E. 13 xi, 2. E. 13 f. 5 b . xii, 12. E. 15 xii e; liuida, .i. m'gra, blace f. 6. xv, 6. E. 17 proeellas, stormas f. 7. xvi, 13. E. 18 austros, su xvi, 15. E. 18 nothis, sirf west' xvi, 16. E. 18 pr ruptus, sof re xvi, 17. E. 18 10 t eta c eo . es . ri, swug diripuit, steng f. 7 b . xviii, 14. E. 21 deductum, g]?en f. 8. xix, 5. E. 21 inplumes, unfiijje f. 8 b . xxi, 5. E. 24 feret, bsere f. 9. xxii, 8. E. 25 i 5 debita, n dw f. p b . xxiii, 6. E. 26 mercibus, t uox merccs. cis, waru xxiii, 7. E. 26 protractum, lenj xxiv, 1. E. 27 conderet, . i. clauderet, luce f. 10. xxiv, 16. E. 28 dissoluisse, nrf xxv, 6. 2opelleret, fS f. lo b . xxvii, 4. alumnus, faunus, fost f. ii. xxix, 7. rostro, neb f. 12. xxxi, 3. dispositis, to' Stfh f. 1 2 b . xxxii, 3. congressum, . i. adgressum, understanden xxxii, 9. 25 foetibus, brod xxxiii, 10. ereptos, t J grip f. 13. xxxiv, 5. Aruaque sub rigido dili- tuere gelu,tstafd(?) xxxiv, 8. succedit, the if. I3 b . xxxv, 13. thoris, lyre f. 14. xxxvii, 4. 3oaffirmes, tsoSlf. 15. xxxix, 10. uolumina, welunj f. 1 5 b . xii, 9. t hoc argillum, lam f. 16. Sic quotiens duplici sub- euntur tristia casa, ttoj' /(?) xlii, 15, E. 28 E. 30 E. 32 E. 35 E. 35 E. 36 E. 37 E. 37 E. 38 E. 39 E. 41 E. 43 E. 45 E. 47 i. R. ofrum. 2. R.ferede* 3. N. wadla. 4. The line Fas est et uacua sint tibi uota tua is the last line of Fable XII ; it is wanting in Ellis. 7. R. supawwind. 8. R. sufanivestanwind. 10. After swug (which is wr. o. etaceo) two letters erased. ~&.s-wugie,taceo,&c. n. R. stencte ' scattered '? 12. R. geftened. 13. N. unflycge 'unfledged.' This is the only recorded OE. instance of the word (cp. Acad., June 2, 1894, p. 457). 15. Betw. n and dw two letters are gone. R. neadwise'( Cp. 1113. 17. R. lenged. 19. Ellis desiluisse. R.mfer. 20. Betw./and 8, and above the line, is a contraction mark. R.fordrifel 21. R. fosterbearn or did. 23. Ellis depos-. R. to gestihtum ? 26. R. gegripene. 37. The gl. is very indistinct and I am not sure of the reading. 28. R. hefeng to ? 29. R. legere ? 30. R. sotisecge. 31. welung 'a revolution' f. wylwan 'to roll.' 32. Lemma and gl. are on r. margin opposite Fable XLII, 11. 8-9. E. 46. ' BEDA, HISTORIA ECCLESIASTICA. (En. G. H. MOBERLY, OXONII, i88i = M; ED. A. HOLDER, FREIBURG, 1882 = H.) 29. MS. BODLEY 163. ammissarium, stede f. 66. fiala, credic f. 112. M. 123, 19. H. 01, 37 M. 204, 27. H. 157, 6 sodalem, ^retSe f. m b . ceruioal, pylu f. 154. M. 204, 6. H. 156, 23 M. 271, 22. H. 211, 28 i. N. steda. 2. Cp. 56, 275 sodalis=gr. 4. On the form/j//w see my note in Modern Language Quarterly, Nov. 1897, p. 52. BEDA, DE ARTE METRICA. (KEIL, GRAMMATICI LATINI, vn.) 30. WORCESTER CATHEDRAL LIBRARY, MS. Q. 5. palus, spreot f. io b . 236, 2 allec, sweorsaga f. 12. 237, 7 2. Has the gloss, misunderstood his lemma, and does the gl. stand for sweord, saga ' sword, saw ' ? BEDA, DE TEMPORUM RATIONE. (MiGNE, PATROL. LAT. xc.) 31. MS. VESPASIAN B. vi. catarrum, .*'. anguslia pec tor is, Colera, incoba f. 39. 458,28 .i. posa f. 33. 427, 22 flegmata, hraca I snofol 459, 1 i. catarrum alt. f. cattarum. Cp. geposu in BT. and Ang. viii. 299^ flegmata .f by$ hraca oftfie geposit. 2. Cp. Ang. viii. 299 30 colera rubea .;? synt reade incoSa. BEDA, VITA SANCTI CUTHBERTI. (MIGNE, PATROL. LAT. xciv.) 32. VATICAN LIBRARY, MS. REGINA 204. en, nu f. 4 b . 578, 54 seruauerat, weardude 592, 16 pontus, sse f. 5. 579, 27 icCedere, fleon f. 2O b . 592, 28 fragor, cyrm f. 8 b . 582, 45 gremio, on faebme 592, 39 patrias, gecynde 582, 49 medium, healf f. 21. 592, 56 5 sub umbras, under scada 582, 49 memorabilia, jemyn 592, 56 cono, coppe f. 17. 589, 55 liuor, Isel f. 24. 595, 17 Qua, on tSaere f. 20. 592, 16 isadurens, swaelende 595, 17 uigil, weart 592, 16 These gll. were printed, but incompletely, by Dr. Whitley Stokes in Acad., Jan. 18, 1890, p. 46, [ in Bezzenberger's Beitrdge xvii. 145 (cp. also Archiv xcix. 425). 6. Cp. 1563. 8. N. O - ~ f m and in Bezzenberger s Beitrdge vo ear d. 13. R. gemyndelic BEDA, DE DIE IUDICIL (MIGNE, PATROL. LAT. xciv.) 33. MS. DOMITIAN I. ignitis, of f. 53 b . 636, 25 uertigine, swinj 636, 42 arridet, onjrynt o<5<5e onjrataS 636, 31 2. Migne arrident. I cannot explain the gll. Neither an *ongrindan nor an *ongratian (related to MHG. gra) ' angry ') would make any sense here. 3. R. swinglunge ? BOETHIUS, CONSOLATIO PHILOSOPHIAE. (D. PEIPER, LIPSLE, 1871.) 34. BODLEIAN LIBRARY, MS. AUCT. F. i. 15. in rugam, in conplicationem, on asspirare, . z'. accedere, adflare, on fyld f. 7 b . 7, 16 jeblawan 0, 45 stetit, . t. inhorruity . i . wertS je- 5 exagitantis, . i. commouentis, nipen 7, 4 wealcendes 10, 6 diripiendas, to tobredenne f. 8 b . 0,42 Exarmaueris, .i. pronichilo dux- en's, tSu bewaepnast f. 9. 10, 14 i. Bk. I, last 1. of Pr. 2. Cp. 3746. 2. Bk. I, Met. 3, 1. 4 nimbosisque polus stetit imbribus, 1 is darkened by the stormy showers.' 3. -denne] d alt. f. i. BRIHTWALD, VITA S. EGWINI. 35. MS. NERO E. i. gymnosophist, .i. plejmen f. 24. uermiculo, wealhbasu 1 maedre hiaoincto, uiridts, hsewen f. 2 7^. 5 cum bisso retorto, mid hwitum ooooo, rubeo, weol(c)read twine i. Cp. 1, 39. 2-5. Cp. 1058-1062, and WW. 49I 7 * 15 (Gil. to Aldhelm, G. 15"). Cp. Exod. xxx ix, 2 and 22. -FELIX OF CROWLAND, VITA S. GUTHLACI. (B = BIRCH, MEMORIALS OF SAINT GUTHLAC OF CROWLAND, WISBECH, 1881. AS = AcxA SANCTORUM, APRIL. TOM. II.) 36. MS. ROYAL 13. A. xv. uersat, }x>h f. 9 b . B. 21, 22. AS. 41* uersuta, fse B. 21, 23. AS. 41^ antecommissa, tdonan f. 10. B. 22, 6. AS. 41e strofosus, fa f. 12. B. 24, 18. AS. 42 b 5 uideretur, ]?u B. 24, 22. AS. 42 b adsumpta, fa B. 24, 22. AS. 42 b cateruis, wi f. I2 b . B. 25, 12. AS. 42 b discurrentes, yr f. 14. B. 27, 15. AS. 42e fUruae, *deor f. 15. B. 28, 12. AS. 42* loleuare, *he f. 16. B. 30, 10. AS. 43 b flagitiosas, fac f. 1 7 b . B. 31, 25. mugitans, *hlowende f. 18. B. 32, 22. stagnosa, * fenne gan f. 1 9 b . B. 34, 17. ligistra, * hopu B. 34, 18. isexegisset, dy f. 29 b . B. 47, 8. dampnum, hy f. 30. B. 48, 2. stupescere, fo f. 32. B. 50, 12. uelut, f/ swa f. 33 b . B. 52, 9. effecta, jfor f. 43. B. 62, 19. AS. 43c AS. 43d AS. 44 b AS. 44 b AS. 46* AS. 46* AS. 47 b AS. 4?c AS. 49 i. "B..}>ohte. 2. R.ftzcne. 3. ~&. J>a fore gedonan ? 4. R.facenfuL 5. R. Jwhte, 6. R.fangen. 7. R. wigheapum ? 8. R. yrnende. 9. R. deorc. 10. R. hebban. n. R. facenfulle. 14. AS. ligustra. Cp. WW. 434 ai lygistra = hopu. As it is ace. pi. we must assume a hop neut., not -&0/M fern, as in Sw. 16. R. hyn$(o) : cp. 2993 ; WW. 74 40 , &c. 19. gfor\ the/not quite certain. FELIX OF CROWLAND, VITA S. GUTHLACI. BIRCH, MEMORIALS OF SAINT GUTHLAC OF CROWLAND, WISBECH, 1881. AS = ACTA SANCTORUM, APRIL. TOM. II.) 37. MS. NERO E. i. framea, arwan f. i88 d . 5 distabuerunt, weor B. 41, 2. AS. 45 C B. 23, 28. AS. 42 a infigens,hwolf.i92 d B. 47, 3. AS. 46<* uersutias, .i. calliditates, locu f. 1 89-1. B. 30, 21. AS. 43 b garrulantes, wri f. ipi a . B. 37, 6. AS. 44 uastaretur, sesceue f. 191. B. 41, 1. AS. 45 qui, be f. i93 a . B. 48, 1. AS. 46* lentis, i. habundantibus, libe- wacum f. 195*. B. 59, 15. AS. 49* trophea, sigeas f. i95 d . B. 63, 9. AS. 49 e i. Cp. 4238. 2. R. lotu. 3. R. writiende. On writian, wreo- 'to chirp, rattle, chatter, &c., f cp. Kluge, ES. xi. 512. He cites WW. 377 3S crepitat=wreota8 ; 5I6 26 pipant =-voritigeaS (so MS. 47*? > Femx, i o t . heriaS of the next line. These two last instances are wrongly assigned in a supposed writian ' to draw, write, compose.' 5. AS. distabescerent. wear is wr. o. prec. uires. R. -weomodon. 9. Cp. SHy. I3I M trophea- sigas ; Ang. iv. i6o 571 (cp. Narr. 59) tropheis-sigutn; Oros. i82 3 . FRITHEGOD, VITA S. WILFRIDI. = RAINE, HISTORIANS OF THE CHURCH OF YORK, ROLLS SERIES, I, 1879. M = MIGNE, PATROL, LAT. cxxxm.) 38. MS. CLAUDIUS A. i. antemnis, segelgyrduffz f. 1 3^. suffragine, hamme f. 3 1 . R. 119, 338. M. 989, 44 R. 149, 1143. M. 1006, 44 parcas, burgrunan f. i4 b . R. 121, 376. M. 990, 31 These gll. were printed by Raine in the footnotes. GREGORY, CURA PASTORALIS. (MiGNE, PATROL. LAT. LXXVII.) 39. ST. JOHN'S COLLEGE, OXFORD, MS. 28. luterem, .i. ceac f. 14. 34, 6 (hi)striones, mimarii ycce, .i. fse])elas f. 49. 85, 23 2. R.Jife/eras ? Cp. fruS, which renders both liticen and histrio. ISIDOR, CONTRA JUDAEOS. (MiGNE, PATROL. LAT. LXXXIII, PP. 536-8.) 40. MS. BODLEY 319. XXVII. RECAPITULATIO OPERATIC:- f-74- eala ungesaelijra infelicium )>es haelendes. saluatoris efne. ecce of ealdorlicnesse auctoritate. iudea iudeorum tocyme aduentu. bewependlic deflenda ne nee cyjmesse testamenti hi onjytab. ne hine intellegunt. nee eum jecyrrednesse hi rsedaf) conuersionem legunt hi beo)> jescende confunduntur. cuman uenisse fob beoda piunt ; Gentium aworpennesse natobeshwon reprobatione minima begyminge hi onfoj) J>one ti obseruationem suscipiunt. quern halites Rewrites jecyfnesse hi oncnawa)). scripturae testificatione cognoscunt. flsesces carnis CJ dementia. ealdre ueteris hi on acci- 7 be hyra et de sua restedaejes Sabba- aworpenne reprobatu ymbsnidenesse circum- cisionem nesse ditiam hi arwurbiab. bd heortan claen- uenerantur. qui cordis mun- forspildun. we soblice under jyfe perdiderunt; Nos autem sub gratia Published by me in ES. xiii. 25. In the heading r. operis. 6. Migne quam teprobatam 206 OLD ENGLISH GLOSSES jesette. ealle }>as positi omnia hsec towearde waerun futura erant daeda facta jebycnunga. indicia 7 et masrsunja caelebrationes. we oncnawaj? cognoscimus quae wesan esse jefyllede. swa hwaet swa completa ; Quicquid waes jewitjud eallunja. prophetabatur. iam towurpan soluere )>a aswe. legem. ac sed soj>lice. enim crist. xps jefyllan adimplere ; mid Jms jeradu. huiusmodi jefylde s6 impleuit. qui to cumendre Adueniente jerynum sacramtis ne non com uenit go flassclice naliter so)>faestnesse ueritate seo scadu umbra we ne beo]> ymbsnidene non circumcidimur. ablann. 7 for )>y cessauit. Ideoque for j>on }>e. on quia in fulwihtes baptismatis eornostlice er~ eallunja. iam car- ymbsnide circum- jeryne sacramen- nesse hiwe. behatenum cisionis tipo. promisso we syn jeclsensude. }>aes restedaejes. a?nethwile. idle we tella]>. to mundamur; Sabbati otium sup^ruacuum du- for jjon J>e. eallunja. |ione onwrijenan hyht. reste }>aere ecean cimus. quia we habbaj). ne. tenemus ; offriaj). for ]>on molamus. quia J>rowunge. o] passionem iam offrunja Sacrificia 5 Jmrh per reuelatam spem quietis seter- f>aere ealdan aewe. we nd ne ueteris legis non im- }>a sylfan. eadem aut flassclicra carnalium offrunja. sacrificia leahtra uitiorum oe aut cristes xpi cationem jeswytelude insinuatam we n ne bejyma)). non obseruamus. for |>on quia we oncnawa}). cognoscimus ; afeormudre. expurgata cwylminje mortifi- \>a. offrinjdajas Azimas 3s ealdan ueteris lifes uitae yfelnesse. malitia. on mwre. in noua jeleafan. fidei gratia II. futuro] a alt. f. u, and a letter erased after it. Migne futworum. we janja)> ambulamus; 1 8. R. cemeth- ; cp. 40. ISIDOR, CONTRA JUDAEOS 207 35 toddl j>sera metta Differentias ciborum we na ne healda]> for j>on )>e. non custodimus. quia ealle cuncta j>a. jastlice ilia spiritaliter we understanda)>. discernimus ; on }>eawum In mori- bus manna hominum unclaenra inmundorum. waes jetacnud significabatur agm ure. nostrum. esu jeoffrud immolatus s. est wi|)erweardnes J^aera nytena. be J>aes lambes. aete. eastrun. we aduersitas animalium ; De ne maersiaj>. for )>on }>e. eastrun celebramus. quia pascha )>urh J>aat lamb. per ilium agnum to snide ad occisionem for j>on. quia he wass jetacnud. figurabatur. seep ouis beforan coram J>am scyrendan. tondente hit. se. }>a bijenju Neomenias eallunja. on J>aes niwan. nou monan. lune. lam in criste. xpo mwre noua pascha non crist. xps. se swa swa qui tamquam swa swa lamb quasi agnus he ne ontynde mu)> his non ap^ruit os suum ; for J>on )>e quia Jesceafte. \>a ealdan for}) jewitun. creatura. uetera transieruNT. wass gelasdd. ductus est. 7 et swa Sic we na" ne healda]). non custodimus. 7 efne hi waerun jewordene. niwe templhaljunja. Jjaet is symbel '*" et ecce facta sunt noua; Schenofegias id est sollem- nessa hyra eardunjstowa nitates tabernaculorum we na ne bejyma}>. non obseruamus. for )>on }>e qui(a) ta- eardunjstow. bernaculum Jodes. dei his haljan sancti eius synt. sunt. on J>am in quibus he earda}) habitat 39 on in ecnesse :~ aeternum :- EXPLICIT DO GRATIAS: A1VEN-': 34. Cp. 5153. ISIDOR, DE NATURA RERUM. (OPERA ED. AREVALUS, TOM. VII, ROM^E, 1803.) 41. MS. DOMITIAN i. luligines, .i. mereswin f. 3i b . 52, 6 delfini, . i. simones t seolas 52, 7 Aestuaria, ostia t muj?an f. 34^. 58, 4 i. So the MS., but mereswin was no doubt meant as add. gl. to delfini. JULIAN, BISHOP OF TOLEDO, PROGNOSTICON. (MIGNE, PATROL. LAT. XCVI.) 42. MS. ROYAL 12 C. xxm. remuneratur, bytS jeleanod f. 6p b 515, 19 i. Migne numerantur. JUVENCUS. (MIGNE, PATROL. LAT. XIX.) 43. CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY, MS. GG. V. 35. statuit, firmauit tprcedestina- uit, fore insistere, on regio, kynedome ambos, t begen, butu 5 auricolor, jyldenhiwe furores, wodnysse Perueniat, becume erratis, gedwolum f. i. 57, 4 f. 2. 67, 3 f. 5- 06, 1 f. 6b. 105, 340 f. 7- HI, 1 f. 8*>. 120, 1 f. 9. 122, 516 f. ii. 133, 639 suasit, speon 10 uentosa, windbere pupim, steorsetl proram, anker subulci, nas ciborum, metta 1 5 tondent, mawab subigant, underhnigan f. 12^. 140, 724 141, 727 f. I4*>. 150, 30 15O, 30 f. 15. 153, 70 f. i8b. 172, 305 f. 20*>. 182, 2 f. 21. 183, 2 i. R.foresette. 3. regio] o alt. to another letter. 4. Over begen is wr. m, o. butu an/. 12. R.ankersetl: cp. WW. i66 u , &c. 13. R. s-wanas : cp. 2451, &c. 16. Migne subigat. [iv. n.J MILO ; DE SOBRIETATE. (DESPLANQUE, ETUDE SUR UN PO&ME INEDIT DE MILON, LILLE, 1871.) 44. CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY, MS. GG. V. 35. tcucuma, .*. cacabus, caldarius, fyrcruce f. 332. 402, 221 Lemma and gll. are wr. on r. margin after the line Et uenit ad mentem cucumis pcrriqut pepones. Cp. WW. i6' a . PHOCAS, DE NOMINE ET VERBO. (KEIL, GRAMMATICI LATINI, V.) 45. BODLEIAN LIBRARY, MS. AUCT. F. 2. 14. Preses, dema 1 ealdorm f. 8o b . 417, 26 Deses, asolcen 417, 27 reses, aswunden 417, 27 Obses, ^isel 417, 27 Printed by me in ES. xi. 64. PRUDENTIUS. (Eo. DRESSEL, LIPSI.S, 1860.) 46. BODLEIAN LIBRARY, MS. Aucx. F. 3. 6. t scurfede hors f. i * b degener, .t. ignobilis, abro]?en f. 9 b . 40, 12 peregrine puluere, .i. musco . Muscus est mus peregrinus, $ is disme 51. 142, 296 Menta, cinn f. 6o b . 160, 748 5 sequestra, . i. sequestrata, t Sequester, sema f. 64. 166, 912 sonantia, cerm^da f. p2 b . 177, 95 docta, gewis 177, 102 formata, ,i. facta, gestrenijd f. 93 b refert, redit, ajeaf io in peruersos, to hearmfulluw f-94. 179, 152 figit, hyppede 179, 153 transit, jerashte 179, 154 179, 140 179, 141 discrimine, .i.periculo, hearme 179, 157 genus, vvisan 179, 158 1 5 paupertinis, s. cum, mid earmli- cu/w f. 95. 181, 198 gramine, of dincje 182, 209 capta manu, t for genumenan werede f. 95 b . 182, 214 Spargimus, damus, tostraeda]? 182, 219 [albo, cum pallido\ , . . uultu, facie, on seblaetan andw f. 96. 183, 244 2oiudice, .i. iudicante, redendan 183, 247 perfringere, striplijan 183, 250 offert, bead 97. 184, 278 uitium, superbiam, scinlac 184, 284 Magna, ofermi 185, 286 25 cadunt, afe 185, 286 minaris, ofermo 185, 288 i. The Eng. words have no connection with the text. 3. ' Musk' is here meant, but can the Eng. gloss, have taken muscus in the sense of 'moss' ? The only other recorded instance of the Eng. word, Lcdm. iii. io 29 disman (ace. sg.), occurs amongst a number of plants and, in this case at least, presumably denotes a plant. 5. Cp. ^.'(7. 43 16 . 6. R. -ende. 8. R. -enged. 12. transit} an/'wr. o. j by diff. hand. 16. Have we here dyncge ' dung, newly ploughed land' (cp. 1409) ? It is not very suitable. 17. The gl. is wr. on margin after the line aruaque capta manu . . . aratro. The gloss, has taken capta as agreeing with manu, which latter he understood to mean 'troop.' i9._Should we r. abltzcan (cp. 1868), or have we an ablate (f. blaf) ? R. andwlitan. 21. Have we here a stryplian f. (be]strypan ' to strip of, rob '? 34. R. ofermicle, 25. afe~\ the e might also be r. t. R. afeallad ? 26. R. ofermodgast. P 2 212 OLD ENGLISH GLOSSES uiget, ualt, gestra 185, 289 sententia, dom 185, 289 territat, Jearcs 185, 297 30 continet, befencj f. 98. 187, 339 uerrat, ./'. trahat, swseptS f. p8 b . 188, 362 SCBIPTA sunt, awritene sint f. in. 301, 1 pessulos, f Pessulus, scettels f. n8 b . 327, 480 quo, on ]?am f. 124. 35O, 3 35 satelles, weajesyj? 350, 1 3 Captator, .*'. raptator, bereafre 351, 19 [ut] . . . adludit, ealswa bysmraj> 351, 20 prfsint, wfbldwn 351, 33 Hio, tune, ]?a 351, 41 4 ofelix, 2 352 ' 42 iubente, tue tnuentionis, jemetta 352, 47 exere, exerce, arefna f. I24 b . 352, 56 ungulf, awlas 352, 61 uanitas, unnitres 353, 65 45 elinguia, aetinge 353, 72 hiulcis, openuw f. 125. 355, 113 Euiscerando, asceotende 355, 122 tortus, jeswunjen 355, 132 Manus resulcans, iierum ape- riens, onjean firijende hand f. i25 b . 356, 144 5ocan\im, carnificum, sltra 356, 147 Quocumque, sumuflz 356, 164 lacesse, jrema 356, 169 27. After gestra about two letters erased. R. gestrangaft : cp. sEG. 154**. 29. ]>earcs i.]>erscan. The gloss, understood territat auras = '\& beats the air.' 38. R. wealdun. 41. Dressel iuventae. The gloss, seems to have had inventae in his mind. 43. awel is often regarded as fern., but this pi. form, as well as the ace. sg. awel } Ang. ix. 264, show it to be masc. The early ME. forms without final e point in the same direction. 44. R. unnitnes, 46. hiulcis alt. by diff. hand to bisulcis. 49. Cp. 2492. 50. R. slitera. PRUDENTIUS. (Eo. DRESSEL, LIPSI^E, 1860.) 47. DURHAM CATHEDRAL LIBRARY, MS. B. iv. 9. obambulat, .i. dwelet f. 7. 20, 159 imminentis, t on wuniendre parsimoniis, t forhseuenessuw f. 15^. 44, 102 f. 14. 40, 3 5 Mors, deab f. 22. 63, 120 socordia, torpor, dementia, wit- t troohus, top f. 7 7 b . leasnes 40, 12 i. N. dweleji. 2. R.forhauedn-. 6. On the margin is wr. with a reference-sign to turbini (Dressel 39I 6S ), Turbo turbinis .i. uis uenti. Turbo . turbonis est pila seu torreuma. Turmen . turminis trochus (o. the last word is wr. top}. Cp. 56, 8, and ApT. I3 13 {ApZ. 25 18 ), and Zupitza's note, Ang. i. 465. PRUDENTIUS. (Eo. DRESSEL, LIPSI.E, 1860.) 48. ORIEL COLLEGE, OXFORD, MS. 3 mercator, *ma f. 8. 11, 43 piger, swaer f. 10. 21, 174 [quadrifluo, quatuor fluminibus coeunte, conglutinato, coadunato, current] . . . amne, fy]?er- tosomne jeganre 22, 195 flowendre ea f. 9 b . 18, 105 5 anhelitu, blsede f. 13. 31, 101 I. R. manure. 2. Cp. -^PGH. 390 fyperfledendre ta. PRUDENTIUS. (Eo. DRESSEL, LIPSI.E, 1860.) 49. CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY, MS. Go. V. 35. lassauerat, jewearjode f. 152. 178, 134 iactibus . . . uacuis, mid ideluw Sescotum 178, 136 i. After -gode a g erased. R. PRUDENTIUS. (Eo. DRESSEL, LIPSIJE, 1860.) 50. MS. CLEOPATRA, C. vm. t dwimer f. 7. 173, 20 intercept!, t efangenne f. 7 b . 174, 34 Transfigit, transfodit, urh aj?idde f. 8b. 175, 50 auras, blaedes f. 14. 181, 189 5 hiatum, opertionem tfoueam terre, swelh f. 1 6. 184, 271 inlecebras, uoluptates, lustfulnes f. 18. 186, 315 lapsanti, titubanti, spurnende f. i8K 186, 319 lora, strenges f. ip b . 187, 335 ganearum, cauponum, taberna- riorum, jliwinjmanna 187, 343 10 oroceo, geolwuzra f. 20. 188, 359 religamine, wrsede 188, 359 nefanda, manfulre f. 21. 189, 395 fertur, fered f. 21^. 190, 412 15 sufflamine, underscyte increpitans, cydende 190,416 f. 22. 191, 428 Fibula, arpones, oferfe(n jes) f.23- 191, 449 iuuat, tjeli f. 24. 192, 459 fiscos, saccos pubh'cos, tpoh 192, 460 20 Abradit, colh'git, aufert, clifrode 192, 463 classioa,/<5aj,herebyme f.25 b . 194, 500 fors, beliwp 194, 501 cute summa, super ficietenus, ex- trema, utewardre hyde 194, 506 [neo] . . . perfert, sustinet, tenet, ne ne tSurhtyh]? 194, 511 25 praeualidas, tSurhstranje f. 26. 194, 524 emblemata, uarietates, uasa uari sculpta, jrseftas 195, 527 TOBVAM, terribilem, crudelem, horrendam, seuam, wrajslice f. 26*>. 196, 551 CO APT AT, . z'. equiparauit, con- struit, jeeuenlaehte f. 27." 196, 557 quid amicum, fidum, wset hy holdlices .27^. 196, 570 I. Gl. on margin after the line viribus . . . notare. Is it meant for portenta ? 2-3. R.gef-, furh ; the g and/ are cut off. Cp. 4229. 4. blades'] 198, 600 marsupia, sacculos, seodes 198, 600 Exesa, consumpta, fornumene 198, 601 40 Ingluuie, gula, sorde, jyuernis f. 2 9 b. 198, 608 abigit, repellit, aflyjde f. 30. 199, 632 deflu(i)t, nytfer asah 199, 634 rapidum . . . [gressum], uelocem, hrsedne gang 199, 635 CVBVA, wohe f. so b . 199, 636 45 AEKA, erea, hornas 199, 636 sedato, residente, aleduw 199, 637 AD FAVCES, ad introitum, to ingangu/rc f. 3i b . 200, 665 ASTV astutia dolt, of 16te f. 32. 200, 667 sutis, comer tis, seowede 201, 675 5ohamis, circuits loricg, hrinjuwz 201, 675 Squama, .*'. or a loricg, hem 201, 680 uibrat, mittit, blyccyt f. 32 b . 202, 696 Subductus, und^rtSeod f. 36. 210, 872 retractat, jesmsej 211, 877 55 horrida, ejslic f. 37. 212, 902 fremit, jritetS 212, 903 substantia, aedwist 212, 909 texat, componat, struat, tiwbretS 212, 913 31. R. griped. 32. N. onhryre ? The gloss, seems to have understood fulmen as ' a calamity falling upon one.' 34. Cp. PGH. 392 palpitet=spreawlige. 35. Cp. 4. This is the earliest instance of 'flank.' 37. R. moh]>um = mop]>um. The spelling with h]> occurs in the Lindisf. and Rushw. Gospels (Matth. vi. 19-20; Lk. xii. 33). The Kentish Hatton MS. has hj> (Matth. vi. 19-20), ,# (Lk. xii. 33). Cp. Hali Meidenhad 29 moMe. 38. Cp. 4. 51. Cp. WW. 125 13 ; KlZs. ^Q fealdfu pane hem pines wynstran earmstoces of er pitim wynstran scytefinger. 52. N. blicett, 54. R. gesmeaged. 56. ~R.grime(e$. SEDULIUS, CARMEN PASCHALE. (MIGNE, PATROL. LAT. XIX.) 51. CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY, MS. GG. V. 35. setiger, selas gerens, seta, byrst f. 78. 728, 215 WULFSTAN, VITA S. SWITHUNI. 52. BODLEIAN LIBRARY, MS. AUCT. F. 2. 14. plectro, t.i. hearpsleje f. 39. muorone, ecje Plecteret, crypte f. 4o b . reteoti, abrodenes I published these gll. in ES. xi. 64. 2. The line runs, Plecteret hum gladii tortor mucrone retecti.On cryppan (f. m?//)=NHG. krupfen, kropfen cp. my note in ES. Elsewhere it occurs in the sense of 'to bend (the finger or hand)': cp. KlZs. 119" crip pinne puman ; 124" cryp pu J>inne swipran purnan to middewearde pinre handa ; Lcdm. ii. 2*1* gecrypte handfulle. Cp. Wicl. Levit. xxii. 24 crippid= ( crushed.' PRISCIAN, DONATUS, ETC. (KEIL, GRAMMATICI LATINI.) 53. BODLEIAN LIBRARY, MS. ADDITIONAL, C. 144. Abusiue, brucendlice f. i53 b . ii, 7, 1 flagella, tuig sagintos, insula ii, 36, 20 Ilium, ciuitas ii, 70, 6 5 oollarium, sal ii, 75, 8 herus, eorl ii, 114, 1 Inuisus, lath neue flagella, ne tuig mussB aonide, dea montium iv, 369, 10 (var.) lonotha, commix ta iv, 373, 20 carybdis, eduuallg ii, 137, 5 oummi, ibigteru iv, 376, 16 frugi, nep uel luxuriosus iv, 376, 1 6 iv, 376, 26 iv, 377, 7 unio, ynnileac 1 5 manes, heagotho nugegerulus, ybilberende gerula, nutrix appendices, etheacan iv, 377, 17 tabo, helabr iv, 377, 31 (var.) 2omusa, dea iv, 378, 7 uulcanus, deus ignis iv, 379, 12 ex conlatione, olymbeact iv, 379, 14 stegma, ornamentum iv, 379, 13 petisso, spetlo iv, 382, 4 25 facesso, genuito iv, 385, 5 infula, thusel? iv, 389, 31 pro nefas, man iv, 392, 1 First published by me in Archiv Ixxxv. 310 (referred to in the following as Archiv}, where further details will be found as to the sources, age, dialect of the gll., &c. Reprinted f. the Archiv by Kluge, Angehachs. Lesebuch, and Ed., 1897, p. 12. i. The gloss, prob. had an *usive in his mind. 5. Cp. WW. 210 s *. 6. R. eorL 8. After tuig three or four letters erased. On the source of the gl. cp. Archiv 314. ii. Cp. WW. 45'* Scylla = eduuelle. 12. For instances of ifigtearu cp. BT.\ PBB. ix. 199; PGH. 389 ederas =yukterum (=yuit-), 13. R. nepos. On this gl. cp. Archiv 310. 14. y nni-] betw. y and n part of a letter erased. On the source of the gl. cp. Archiv 314. 15. R. hellgodo ? A // with short upper strokes might be mistaken for an open topped a: cp. 2, i ; 255, where Ii has been miscopied as ii; in MS. 154 (St. John's Coll., Oxf.), f. 2oo b industria is glossed by souertia (for sollertia). Cp. WW. 388 19 ; 529" Ditis = helgodes \ and AhdG. ii. 5S2 29 Manes = helligota 653. But cp. also note in Archiv 311. 16. -ende] n alt. f. r. Nugigerulus occurs glossed turpis nuntius (cp. Loewe, Prodromus Corp. Glos. Lat. p. 260), which explains the Eng. gl. 18-19. MS. ethea . cantabo (the an of can- partly on erasure). 18. etheacant='WS. ai-eacan (cp. Archiv 311). 19. helabr for helubr, later heolfor (cp. helustr, Epin. Gl., later heolstor). 21. On source of gl. cp. Archiv 315. 22. R. ob ymb-. Cp. WW. 37i 9 ; 490 M collationes=ymbeahtas; Epin. Erf. gl. 187; WW. is 43 ; 364 38 ; ES. xi. 492. 24. R. pytisso. Spetlo belongs to WS. spatlan. 25. So MS. R. geuuito (f. gewitan). 26. Jnuale ' a fillet ' (the form here shows that the nom. ends in e) seems only to occur in the oldest gll. 53. PRISCIAN, DONATUS, ETC. 219 uicta, nostlze cratis, hyrthir oimentum, Him emissarius, stoedia gomantile, rulio fimur, gor filu, traed 40 excreo, hrgceo consutum, gesiuuid ceres, deus frumenti hincus, anfilte liber pater & bachus, uini lima, fill rotabulum, hlabr^cae 35 puls, briu feusa, flicci catullus, metallus. nomina uiro- 45 perna, genus piscis rum sun/ (cp. OET. 594). If, as is assumed, it goes back to a Germanic *J>wahZjon (cp. OHG. dwahila), it should rather mean ' towel' ; the OWS. form would be *pwiele. 28-45. ^> n t^ e source of these gll. cp. Archiv 315. 28. R. uitta. 31. ~&.filum, thraed. 32. After -turn a letter erased. 37. R. kyrthill Cp. WW. i6 7 Cratem^hyrfil. 38. R. stoeda = VJS. steda. The -dia for -da seems to be a misspelling, as we are scarcely justified in assuming preservation of the old i. 39. R.jfimus. 40. hr$ceo f. hrcecan. 43. -r$cce] the loop under the e almost erased. Hlafracu is not elsewhere recorded, but cp. WW. io6 39 ; I27 12 r.=ofenraca; Ang. ix. 265 ofnrace (ace. sg.). 44. feusa is a Lat. word glossed both byfltccz and by the foil, perna. It occurs in an unprinted Lat. glossary in the Bodl. MS. Auct. T. 2, 24, fol. 160: Perna . quod rusticae fiosa dicunt, and also in AhdG. i. 708' Perna fossa flycci. This furnishes the explanation for the fioza in Ducange iii. 504, and foijfieusa iii. 493. 45. Perna denotes not only ' ham,' but also ' a kind of shellfish.' GLOSSAE IN PSALMOS. 54. VATICAN LIBRARY, MS. PALATINE 68. (1) Fol. i2 b (Ps. 74. 14): Dedisti eum escam, .i, eo quod timore eius pisces ad terram aethiopiae ueniunt. Timet enim et manducat unumquodque animal in mart alterum. Et dicunt quod vii minoribus saturantur maiores, ut vii fiscas selaes fyllu, sifu selas hronaes fyllu, sifu hronas hualaes fyllu. (2) Fol. 15 (Ps. 78. 45): Et ranam .i. frosc. Et dedit erugini .i. brondegu?. Et labor es eorum locustae. Et occidit in grandine .i. grando cum igne. Et murus eorum .i. pro omni feraci arbor e possuit .i. aliquando fructus eius albus, aliquando rufus, aliquando niger .i. herutbeg. (3) Fol. 2ob(Ps. 90. 13): Conuertere, domine .i. ad nos rogantes. Usquequo .i. nu du hiru scaealt. Printed by me in Acad., Aug. 24, 1889, p. 119. Cp. also Acad., 1889, May 18, p. 342; June 29, p. 449. On age and Northumbrian peculiarities cp. Introduction. 2. On the obscure brondeguf cp. Acad., 1889, Aug. 10, p. 89; Aug. 24, p. 119 ; Sept. 7, p. 154. It has not yet been satisfactorily explained. Herutbeg is synonymous with heorotberge (cp. WW. 33 12 ; 443*" ; 2O3 22 ; 409"), NE. dial. hartberry: cp. Acad., Sept. 7, 1889, p. 154. The 2nd element beg is presumably an old os, es stem : cp. WW. 8 18 baccinia = beger\ 357"*; Efin. Erf. gl. 143, and beigbeam, Luke xx. 37. 3. R. nu Su huru scealt ' now indeed thou shalt.' GLOSSES FROM MS. DOMITIAN I. 55. Arithmetica, rimcraeft f. 2. 5 Astrologia, tungeljescad Geometries, eorj>jemet Mechanica, weorccraeft Musica, soncrseft Medicina, laecedom Astronomia, tungelae Mathematici, ste(o)rwijleras Printed by Th. Gottlieb, Ueber mittelalterliche Bibliotheken, Leipzig, 1890, p. 279. Such lists are common, but that these particular gll. are taken f. Isidor's Differentia (Migne, Ixxxiii. p. 94, 1. 4) is prob. on account of the Mathematici. In Isidor the list is followed a few lines further on (1. 22) by Hanc mathematid sequuntur. Note too that the MS. contains Isidor's De natura rerum. DATA'S VERSION OF ^ELFRIC'S COLLOQUIUM. 56. ST. JOHN'S COLLEGE, OXFORD, MS. 154. fortasse, * we nan f. 163. reuerentiae, *arwur nyss cogitatione, *je]?ancje in simplicitate, *on bilewytnyse 5 sinaxes, ure tfda f. 164. accessimus, we nea lugubriter, wependlice f. i64 b . troche, toppas f. i6s b . p:"to, t puto, ic wene f. i66 b . looffulam, sopp f. 167. Ventus, cume f. i67 b . rasam, jesce(o)rene crinitus, loccad cuncti euax, tealle bliSe f. i68 b . 1 5 celeriter, repe ceruical, pylewer f. 170. f. 172 f. puluinar, bolster appresenta, irec dicione, laje 20 sessorem, gesettlan cotem, hwettstan mappellam, bor(d)wastcla?$ iacere, warpan f-*73 haetenus, oSS J)iss 25 animaduerte, be)?e(n)c J?e f. 174. non brumosa, no ofersceadewad f. 176. extimplo, sona prolixi, lanje securim, gexe 30 dolium, cumb consuta, geseowade f. In the foil. gll. the vowels are not unfrequently denoted by dots, = a (81, &c.) ; : = * (78, &c.), rarely a (227; 231; 255); : = * (225, &c.) ; :: = o(ifi; 301), sometimes #(224; 229); :': = (295; 299). In 172 the : stands for the : (e) and (a) combined. Cp. 27, 8. i. R. wenungal. 2. R. arwur]>nysse ; the/ and e are cut off. 5. Cp. WW. go 12 . 6. R. nealahton. 8. R. toppe. The passage runs, Pergamus omnes simul iocare foris cum baculis nostris et pila nostra seu trocho nostro. Cp. 47, 6. u. R. cumen : cp. 1, 300. 16. The wer is added by a diff. but contemporary hand. Cp. a gl. in the twelfth-cent. MS. Bodley 730, fol. I44 b Hoc auriculare et hie pulvillus idem sunt . s. oreiler .i. puleivar . et hoc cervical; WW. 742 24 Hoc cervical ' = a peloware (fifteenth cent.). The wer seems to be ON. ver ' case, cover.' Cp. my note in Mod. Lang, Quarterly, 1897, p. 52. 20. gesettla ' one who sits beside another.' Cp. sS. i. 38 237 Sas Sine gescetlan synd mine gebroftra ; Loewe, Glossae nominum, Leipzig, 1884, 37 51 * consessor^gised (r. gisetla, not gisetha, as Gallee does in his 0. Sax. Texts, p. 359). 22. The gloss, evid. meant to write -watersceat ' a towel or napkin' (cp. WW. 127* mappa = "W.\ then noticing f. the context (unam mappellam ut . . .passim illam sternere stiper mensam meant) that it was unsuitable, altered to bordcldS. 23. The form -warpen occurs in early ME. : cp. Bulbring, QF. 63, 81. 26. The gloss, misr. his lemma zsumbrosa. 56. &LFRIC DATA'S VERSION OF JELFRIC'S COLLOQUIUM 223 secate, heawetS frica, jnudda germane, sustro f. 178. 35 perditio, lyre, t forwyrd .185. uersipellis, pseti Taxus, Rubus, byrne Cerpillum, fil Anetum, di 4oB,ubia, me'dewyrt Kapa, nsep Eliborum, tunsinj Senitia, jru Epicurium, hels 45 Tanicetum, held Vinca, per m Camicula, arjen Fraga, stre Helena, hors 50 Ambrosia, hind Artemesia, mucj Pastinaca, weald Agrimonia, jar Lagena, buc 55 Peluis, wseter f. 189. f. 191' Sportella, spyr Cophinus, bi Massa, 1 daj Cribra, sy 60 Cupa, tu Forceps, t abnegare, wibsacan f. i92 non possum, ic no mgei no sed, ac 65 oessare, swican uolo, ic wille amodo, heononforb Sumite, nimaj) et sic inuicem, y swa eow bet 70 buccellam, bryce causas, jaf freneticus, br Appresenta, do clarnum, sticce 75 celeriter, ard de culina, fram cycene grata fercula, estmet abstinuimus, w: fses magnificauimus, h:r: f. 196. f. 198. 33. This otherwise unrecorded gnuddian appears in ME. as gmidden, gno- : cp. SB. and Mdtzner. The ON. gnudda 'to rub' (cp. Erik Jonsson, Oldnordisk Ordbog, 1863, p. 179) corresponds exactly in form. 34. Why not n>fcr ? 38. Cp. 416 Cerpilhtm = ch(erepkyllum = x(upf (f. MS. 41, C.C.C. Cambr. p. 268. This passage occurs also in Verc. f. I9 b ). Cp. also Verc. f. I7 b ( = MS. 41, C.C.C. Cambr. p. 260) 7 ]>a nitSigan j ]>a afstigan 7 ]>a yftbylgean 7 Pa hatheortan 7 J>a gramhydigan. ioo. bycgan here = ' to pay dearly for, suffer.' 104. R. a leofestan. 106. R. leorneras. 108. zfarowitol not elsewhere recorded ; in S-w, given only as a hypothetical form. Cp. ME. garew itele {Lag.}, and OE. geara-witolnes , Wst. 53 1 '. 109-10. R. lufe. in. ultroneo affectu et non acticio famulamine. 112. After styr about four letters erased ; t te also on erasure. R. styrnum t teartum, 114. R. my 'eel. 116. R. ivexenran. 1 1 7. gleawe] we by diff. hand. 118. R. gelarede. 119. R. wexen. 120-1, /e. 138. R. gyliende ? Cp. 142. Is it f. the same vb. as gylede ( shouted 'Judith 25 (gyllan, gyliari) ? The corresponding sb. is meant in 141. 139. R. fungele f. *tungol'\ Cp. OHG. zungal 'linguosus.' 140. R. Verbosa, swyftspecende. MS. Verbositas garrulitas out garrula uerbositas, but the ist Verbositas is evid. miswr. for Verbosa. 141. R. gylung ? Cp. 138; 142. 142. R. gyliende\ Cp. 138. 143. R. mafielung: cp. 1419; 2947. 145. be eow in one hand, re J>earfe in another. 146. R. wilfullice. Cp. 1235 (where //. 435 has wilfulice} and 300. 147. R. inwerdlice. 148. R. be eallum mode. 149. R. be eallumj>inge ? Should not gll. 148-9 change places ? Or is fine; miswr. for fane: ? 151. R. -lice. 152. R. ge. 153. R. 5 : beon affabilis, luftyme habitum, ref iuuenilem, cild 220 aetatem, iuju sollicite, jeorn Nam, witod arbitraris, w: oaritatem, 1 : : fr : 225 corrige, r:-h ampla, mycel inopes, n:fti barbari, cyrlisc stolidi, ::nw:-t-n 230 presta, sy egenos, n:f inmites, unbylewitan arrogantes, modij: 1 prud: scientissime, wisest f. 201, f. 2OO b . 181. R. rumheortnysse. 182. R. betere. 185. R. wop ahebban or woperian \ 186. R.J>oterian. 187. ~R.froforlice. The gloss, merely r. consolabiliter. 188. R. tydriap: cp. 1139; 2019. 189. R. Ian] 190. R. beheflic : cp. Ang.*v\\\. 308"; 3I4 18 . 191. R. swelled}. 192. R. ]>is. 194. ^.Jicere. 199. R. mycelnysse. 200. R. adeorcaft. 201. R. stormig*. I know of no OE. instance of the adj., but an adj. is evid. meant here. Somner, Lye, &c. give it without reference. 202. R. swolotShat : cp. 203; 205. 203. fyr-~\ y alt. f. another letter. R. -hat. 205. R. sunhat. 206. R. -wlitigan. 207. R. leorneras. 208. R. crtzftigestan. 210. R. flitmalum. 211. The boys, who are sollertissim$ apes spiritalium rerutn, are exhorted to gather flowers ' et conferte certatim ad apiaria uestra.' 212. R. leominghus : cp. 3223; IVW. 184"; 424 20 . 213. R.fonge hrjtigene : cp. 1, 304, &c. 215. R. tacniati. 216. R. geornaft Jl ge. 219-20. R. cildlice iugutSe. 221. ~R. geornlice. 222. R. witod or witodlice 1 223. R. wenest. 224. R. lufrceden. 225. R. riht. 227. R. naftige : cp. 231. BT. does not record fueftig, but cp. LSc. 190' inopem = nceftigne. Cp. also 233. ' want,' Z6V. I57 3 229. R. unwitan. 230. R. 231. Cp. 227. 56. ^ELFRIC DATA'S VERSION OF &LFRICS COLLOQUIUM 227 235 aspernaris, ascun- Melior, roc barathrum, hill: supplicii, tr:-nd saltus, h 240 hortuli, tun colles, hyl alta, d:o iubilant, blis concrepant, .i. cantant, sinja5 245 altas, je rupes, clu transiliunt, br mitibus, witufl* crepaoula, crc:lun f. 20 i b . 250 dilatant, br: pelago, d:ow:t: asperarum, st:r procellarum, unw: ampleotende, luftymlica f. 202. 255 Dedueat, 1: nos, unc dirigit, li nauiter, caflice incorruptibile, moj 260 preceptores, .i. mslruclores, lareo disciplina, lar pullulat, w:x interminabilia, lie: f. 202^. scolastice, ef:nl:or 265 nos, wyt exerceamus, j- ipsum, yl effectibus, g:orn largiter, sy 270 cellarium, met:clyf reficit, met ciues, l:odan uenustate, aenli amoenissime, se wynsume 275 sodalis. jr nobis, unc periculosa, pi: protendimus, .*'. ascendimus^ we ' farat? in sublime, nysse 280 nesotmus, wyt sumus, wy ad sufferendum, wibst-n eum, bam instruat, laer: 285 aduersus, wib ba encenia, niwe cyrchaljung f. 203. seenophegia, j : timberhaljun j hoc, bis:s 2 35- R- ~ na - 236- Did the gloss, misr. his lemma as melotes 1 237. N. helle. This hille is for hylle ( = EWS. hielle) ; cp. syllan besides sellan. Cp. Wst. 8 s hyll (two MSS.). In SHy, 5 13 we have hylle, but this may be one of the not unfrequent Kenticisms in SHy. The same holds good of the hylle in Satan 338 ; 433 ; 717 (cp. PBB. x. 196). 238. R. tintregesl 239. R. holt. 240. R. tunas. 242. R. deope. 243. R. blissiafi. 246. R. cludas. 248. R. byle- witum : cp. 232. 249. crc-~\ the 2nd c alt. f. another letter. R. cracelunga \ 250. R. bradaS. 251. So MS. R. deopete (*deopet ' depth ') or deopwcetere 1 252. R. sterc. 253. R. unwedera. 255, R. lade. 259. Is mog corrupted f. urig (for ungewemmedlic] 1 260. R. lareowas. 262. R. wexeV. 263. R. ecelice ? 264. R. efenleornere. 266. R. began. 270. R. meteclyfa. 275. Cp. 29, 2. 282. R. wifistandan. 267. j// wr. twice, and the first erased. R. ylce. 269. R. syde ? 271. R.metsaSl 273. .R. (Enlicnyssel 274. R. -mesta. 277. R.pleolic. 279. R. heahnysse. 281. R. wj^ ' we two.' 286-7. Both lemmata and gll. are wr. on the top margin, and have no connection with the text. Cp. WW. iof Enc--niwe circhalgung ; 107" Sce-=-getimbra halgung. Q 2 228 OLD ENGLISH GLOSSES allubescant, ti 290 perferre, bo cruoiatus, pi eminentissimorum, h : h bellatorum, c:m delictorum, synn 295 kare, J>:'; gratus, :rl:ofcum, jecwem: potissimum, betst delioatissimum, estlicost gratanter, l;';f 1 fr:on 300 uolupe, wilful proferimus, f : : r dotS paupertino, selmysli sumptuosas, spedi primores, rice m- f. 2O3 b . 305 sed post, ac on commoditatibus, behef Blandus, taes: moderator, fadiend luora, tilba 310 utilium, fremfulra nos inuicem, sylfe primo omnium, ealra birrja agr formosis, aen frequentemus, secan 315 celebremus, sinjan sollicite, earful f. 204. canonicas horas, cyrclice tidsanj excolamus, b:j catholicorum, cristenra 320 Desistamus, laetan quantotius, hraed nenias, unnytnys inlecebras, misl affectemus, lu 325 ad plenum, lice digessit, fadode limpidissimam, beorht suadente, Ice qui, b : 330 abba pater, arwyr lueret, browo Extollamus, maersi ultro, sylfwil precluis, mae 335 patronus, forrspc celeberrimus, widmae cardines, mae dominator, r: Mullos, heardran 340 Merulas, jjros parraces, wrae naufragium, *forly<$enisse f. 2o8 b . patior, *bolode iactura, *lire f. 207. f. 289. R. tidie. 290. R.folian. 291. ~&. pinunga, 292. R. hehstra. 293. R. cempena. 295. R.Ju 'thou.' 296. The text runs : Euge, kare, gratus es nobis admodum. R. arleof (very dear) cuma (or -men) ? On the intensive prefix ar- cp. Cosijn, PBB. xx. 101. 299. R. luflice tfreondlice. 300. R. wilfullice : cp. 146. 301. R.for. 302. R. -licum. 304. R. man (for men ?). 305. ac on wr. o. prec. word. 306. R. behefnyssum. It is not in BT., but cp. WW. 2o6 6 commoditas = behef nes ; SHy. 5"; 114* commoda = behefnyssa. 312. R. drest. 313. R. cenlicum. 316. R. -llice. 317. R. -ngas. ' 318. R. began. 321. R. hrtzdlice. 322. R. -nyssa. 323. R. mislaral Cp. LSc. $-$'suggestiones = mislara. 324. R. lufian. 327. R. -estan. 328. R. larendum. 330. R. arwyrfe. 331. R.frowode. 332. R. mcersian. 333. R. -willes. 334. R. mcere. 335. R.forespreca. 336. R. widmceresta. 337. R. maru ' boundaries '? Cp. PGff. 388 cardo= finis. 338. R. reccend or -i f. 131. 218, 17 5 propter, for 218, 18 emendationem, jebetendnysse 218, 18 ad inducias, to fyrstan 218, 19 relaxantur, synt jelaetene 218, 19 246, 18 qu ? , *j> f.i 39 b. 371,33 sed, *ac 371, 36 prohibemur, *we sind 372, 13 uespera, t/ on rep f. 145. 456, 29 i50peram, nfulnesse f. 157^. 736,64 I. Fol. 130 contains Simplicius's preface followed by some notes on words; the first of these is o. which is wr. leoht. 3. Some word glossing ecce has been cut off on the margin. 6. The more usual form would be gebetednysse, the abstracts in -nys being formed f. the past ptc., not f. the pres. Isolated forms f. pres. ptc. however occur; Von Bahder, Die Verbalabstracta, Halle, 1880, P- I2 3> gives three instances: swelgendnes, oferswidendness, awestendnes. Further examples are WW. !53 25 oferflowendnys ; AZG. 79* (MS. K) tqflowendnyss ; 8o s (MS. U) gebigendnysse; SES. ii. 8 ablinnendnys. 7- induc-~\ c alt. f. t. 9. Gl. on margin with reference sign to sarab- ; before it letters are cut off. It is evid. a pres. ptc. ; r. sylfdemendra ? In the Eng. version of the Rule sarabaita is rendered by sylfdema (cp. RBS. 9 10 ; ro 1 ; I36 la ), and in the interlinear Eng. version by sylfdemere (RBL. io 6 ; n*). 14. End of gl. cut off. R. repsunge : cp. Ang. viii. sig 28 OSer (division of the night) ys uesperum, p ys cefen oSSe hrepsung; Verc, f. 14 Wacia]> forj>am ge nyton hwcenne dryhten cumende bid, on repsunge, oSSe to middre nihte, o3Se to hancredes. 15. Begin- ning of gl. cut off; r. geornfulnesse : cp. 57, u. JOHANNES DIACONUS, VITA S. GREGORII. (MIGNE, PATROL. LAT. LXXV.) 59. MS. BODLEY 381. satagerent, ^satago, ic J>injije f. 185. 236, 25 GLOSSES FROM A LIBRI MS. 60. Istoriographus, Stserwritere ul jewyrd R. gewyrdwritere : cp. 1, 187; 1971; 2664. NEW TESTAMENT GLOSSES. 61. MS. IN POSSESSION OF JOHN WHITHAM, ESQ., RIPON. et saddu(c)orum, 7 jyj? f. 26. Matth. iii. 7 securis, sex f. 26 b . Matth. iii. 10 et decapoli, 7 heafodburj f. 27 b . Matth. iv. 25 euanuerit, ameal a f. 28. Matth. v. 13 5 Uide nemini dixeris, naenig bu hit seje f. 31*". Matth. viii. 4 Tollit, hit fyr)? f. 33. Matth. ix. 16 et turbam tumultuantem, 7 hlydende menio f. 33 b . Matth. ix. 23 domum, ham Matth. ix. 28 dominum, hla f. 34. Matth. ix. 38 lonon fuerit, heo f. 34 b . Matth. x. 13 opertum quod non reuela- bitur, oferwrijen $ ne beo jeopenad f. 35. Matth. x. 26 nurum, snore Matth. x. 35 socrum, swejre Matth. x. 35 Ecce, her f. 36. Matth. xi. 19 i5sagen, wade f. 40. Matth. xiii. 47 quam, seo Matth. xiil. 48 pedestres, feban f. 41. Matth. xiv. 13 irritum, awse f. 42. Matth. xv. 6 senioribus, wituffz f. 44. Matth. xvi. 21 20 adhibe, to ge f. 46. Matth. xviii. 16 eos, ba Matth. xviii. 1 7 septuagies septies, hundseo- fontijun sibon seofon sibon Matth. xviii. 22 fecit, worhte f. 46 b . Matth. xix. 4 quae, hwylce f. 47. Matth. xix. 18 25 subiugalis, bsere f. 49. Matth. xxi. 5 osanna, hael f. 49^. Matth. xxi. 9 quern reprobauerunt, J?aene ge wi]?curon f. 5o b . Matth. xxi. 42 i. R. gyj>ea ' of the Jews ' ? That by the side of ludeas there existed a form with J> is shown by the Giufeam of the Frank's Casket. Cp. OS. Jutieo, QFris.fotAa (cp. Kluge, Zs.f. rom. Phil. xx. 325). 4. ameal aj>] betw. / and a]> a t erased. R. ameallaj) (f. a vb. ameallian 'to become insipid')? In the interlinear Psalters we meet app. with the past ptc. of the same vb. as gl. to exinanita, Ps, Ixxiv. 9. MS. 256 (Cambr. Univ. Libr.) has ameallud, MSS. Junius 27 and Arundel 60 r. ameallad. MS. 35 (Trin. Coll. Cambr. =ECPs.} has amalled, in which the a very possibly stands for ea (as in celle, Ps. Ixxv. 10, &c.). In the anicellad of the Vesp.Ps., on the other hand, we have umlauted root-vowel corresponding to WS. ie. This Anglian amcellad, WS. *amiellod, is, as pointed out in Sw., related to iftnelle (cp. WW. 429 s0 insipidum =cem-~} i cemelnys, amylnys, in which latter forms the e and y represent EWS. ie. 6. Cp. afyrran ' tollere,' Mark xi. 23 ; xvi. 18 ; ZfdA. xxxi. is 591 . 7. After 7 two letters erased. 9. R. hlaford. 15. The gl. may also be r. witde. Is it the dat. of the poet, wad ' the sen,' and intended to gl. the foil, mare 1 18. R. aivaged. 61. NEW TESTAMENT GLOSSES. 235 Super quern uero caeciderit, ofer basne be he jefyl]? Matth. xxi. 44 altilia, msestlinj f. 51. Matth. xxii. 4 30 ad exitus uiarum, to weje Matth. xxii. 9 inierunt, ongun f. 5i b . Matth. xxii. 15 nummisma, mynet Matth. xxii. 19 cuius erit . . . [uxor], hwilces \vif bi]? heo Matth. xxii. 28 legis, se f. 52. Matth. xxii. 35 35 philacteria sua, heora wrsedas f. 52 b . Matth. xxiii. 5 magnificant, mic Matth. xxiii. 5 primos recubitus, ba forman hlinunja Matth. xxiii. 6 primas, ba yldstan Matth. xxiii. 6 in foro, on ceap Matth. xxiii. 7 4oculicem, jnget f. 53. Matth. xxiii. 24 parapsidis, disc Matth. xxiii. 25 pestilentiae, cwylda f. 54. Matth. xxiv. 7 abii, ic f. 56. Matth. xxv. 25 usura, mid jemete Matth. xxv. 2 7 45 dolo, facne f. 57. Matth. xxvi. 4 adpraeciati, wUfpe f. 59 b . Matth. xxvii. 9 quern adpreciauerunt, be Matth. xxvii. 9 f. 64 b . Mark i. 19 hi mihton f. 6s b . Mark ii. 2 Mark ii. 4 f. 67 b . Mark iii. 32 Mark iii. 34 Mark iii. 34 hi pusillum, hwene ut non caperent, $ 50 erat, he Ecce, lo eos, ba circuitu, ymhwerfte et aeramentorum, 7 aruata f. 72. Mark vii. 4 55 in praedium, on ha/wstealle f. 83. Mark xiv. 32 usque intro, of> in f. 84. Mark xiv. 54 quae tibi obiiciuntur, t be synd ajen weorpene Mark xiv. 60 colaphis, ear f. 84 b . Mark xiv. 65 alapis, slejum Mark xiv. 65 60 ex ancillis, of beowemm Mark xiv. 66 anathematizare, wibsacan Mark xiv. 7 1 satisfacere, jequeman f. 85. Mark xv. 15 29. mastling ' a fading/ f. mastan ' to fatten.' Cp. the Northumbrian mastelberg (Matth. vii. 6\ 31. R. ongunnon. 36. R. micliap. 39. R. ceapstrate (cp. WW. 241') or -stowe\ 44. The gloss, app. had mensura in his mind. 46. R. Jxzs gewurfedan ? 51. R. loco. (cp. Luke ii. 34), loco, hu (cp. Mark xi. 21), or loca mi (cp. Mark ii. 24 ; John xi. 36 ; sG. 23I 6 ) ? 57. Gl. is wr. on bottom margin, bnt evid. refers to Mark xiv. 60. It seems to be in a somewhat later (possibly twelfth cent.) hand. 58. R. earplattum. NEW TESTAMENT GLOSSES. 62. TRINITY COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE, MS. B. 10. 5. in macello, .?'. in ceopstoue super commonicatione, .?. f. 4. i Cor. x. 25 bi gemaensuwnissae f. 31. Philipp. i. 5 i. Gl. seems to be early twelfth cent. N. ceapslowe. 2. Gl. wr. as one word. INDEX. I. ENGLISH WORDS 1 . abarian 2928; 2, 122. aberstan (fit) 4597. abltan 1924. ebloecung 4897 (cp. note}. ablaest ' afflatus ' 2537. ablicgan 2330 ; 3506. ablinnan 565 ; 40, 15. ablinnendllce 969. abogen 1278. abrecan (up) 3481; 3962; 5071; 2, 353- abredan 52, 4 ; agean - 5440. abregdan, cp. abredan. abrerd p.ptc. , cp. abryrdan. abroden, cp. abredan. abroften 46, 2. abryrdan 973 ; 4122. abryrdnes 601 ; 1184; 1768. abiigan, cp. abogen. abutan 3775. ac 928 ; 1066 ; 1659 '> 2860 ; 2917 ; 2971 ; 3202 ; 3323; 3537 ; 49 6 > & c- ac 'quercus' 56, 353. acennan 549; 1400; 2316; 4150; 7, 33- acennednes 1244. acennendlic 1243 ; 2419. acneres ' municipes,' cp. agnere. acuma ' oakum,' cp. acumba. acuman 1349; 7, Z 1 4> 8, 2 54- acumba 3293; 3728 ; 2, 187. acumendlicnys 3393. acwellan 4869 ; 2, 396. acwencan 4125 ; 4391. acwincan 2384 ; 3298 ; 4065. ad 1432; 2455; 3519; 3554; 3951; 4025; 12, 10. adela 666 ; 1738; 3416. adelseaj) 3319; 4290; 474454754. adeorcian 56, 200. adll(e)gian 1263; 18 b , 19. adl 4679. adlig 1977 ; 4938. adrsefan 276; 814; 4053; 4886; 7,33658,303; ut~ 822 54079 ; 11, 22; 96. adrencan 832. adreogan 1944; 2011; 2512; _ 3368 ; 18 b , 22. adrlfan 3654; ut~17, 12. adwaescan 814 ; 1134; 11, 89. ss 40, 14 ; 20; 61, 34. ajblsice 1868. Cp. notes to 26, 71 andlQ, 19. Eeblrete ? 46, 19 (cp. note). aecelma 1386. sees, cp. sex. sed-, cp. ed-. ddre376; 515; 11, 135. asfserede ' larbatos' 4936 (cp. note], Cp. gefserede. sefesne ' obscenitas ' ? 3674 (cp. note}. sefest 2771; 2964; 5351. sefestig 2963. sefgselj) 3231 ; 3233; 3933; 4021; _ 8, 176 ; 186. Jefnung 85. Sfre 56, 104. *sefreda 'putamen, stamen '3728; 7, 266. sefri if ' deinceps ' ? 56, 103. aefter prep. 572 ; 2619 ; 3707 ; 7,179; 8, 15; 16; adv.~fyl- gan 556 ; 4749. aefterbora, cp. sefterboren. sefterboren 17, 34 (cp. note], seftergenga 584; 1957; 1996; 337- asftergengnes 849 ; 1401 ; 2695 ; 3610. aefSanca 7, 211 ; 8, 161. sefwyrdla353; 452; 965; 1864. sefyrmjja 3918. wghwaer 2, 251 ; 4, 71. eg(b.wse)])er 4259; 2, 309. aegift 5, 38 ; 8, 300. 3eg)>er (ge) conj. 'both' 873; _ 2845; 4820; 4823. segwern 11, 160. sebiw ' pallor ' 4897. sehlwe adj. 2, 498. Cp. note to _ seat 3150; 3155. aeh]>rot, cp. se|>rot. selc 310; 970. selelendisc 275; 11, 21. eelic 1017 ; 4949 ; 5144. Cp. also sewlic. aelmesllc 56, 302. aeljeodelice 284. gelj>eodignes 1618 ; 11, 25. semethwil 40, 18. semhldines, cp. embhydignes. sencnetrym ' pedetemptim ' ? 7, 221 (cp. note) ; 8, 165. Snet n. 2383 ; 3638 ; 2, 233. senig 1958; 2012; 2689; 5416. senile 1266; 1438; 1461; 2113; _ 3082; 3164; 3721; 56, 313. aenlicnys ' venustas' ? 56, 273. senlipe 1 147 ; 2, 30 ; 7, 386 ; 8, 401. Eppel46s; 2394; 3841; 3844; 2, 258. *sepsen 'frontosus'? 7, 301 (cp. note). *sepsenyss ' dedecus,' cp. note to 7, 301. An asterisk denotes that the word or form to which it is prefixed is not included in Sweet's Student's Dictionary of Anglo-Saxon, or that its meaning is different from that there given. 2 3 8 INDEX ser adv. 1920 ; 2431 ; 5483 ; 56, _ 93 J prep. 7, 152. 3erendgewrit457o; 4839; 2,393; _ 5, 39 ; 8, 301. serendraca 7, 281 ; 8, 204. serest adj. 5067 ; 5075 ; adv. 56, _ 3I2 ' Srist 2753. *serleof ' very dear '? 56, 296. rra 1675; 1831; 1875; 3056; 4354; 4 86 7- rcsceue ' vastaretur ' ? 37, 4 (fp. note). *iswepe 608 ; 4155. aiswic 4842. v&prep. 815 ; 11, 184 ; 185 ; 186 ; 187. set 3762 ; 8, 268 ; 40, 29. setberstan 56, 346. setbregdan 3647. *seteaca 53, 18. setforan 1749. setgar 8, 312. Cp. also ategar. setglidan 7, 132. sethrlnan 17, 29. sethwega 638 ; 5390. *setinge 'elingnis' 46, 45. *setstyntan 'elidere' 2779. Bettor ( = ator) 11, 85. gettren 4929. Jettrig720 (cp. note) 895 ; 1849 ; 1862. setwindan 4392. *ietynge, cp. setinge. se)>el 'gnarus'? 2637 (cp. note). sepelborennes 4518. 3ej>eleioi3; 1094; 2082; 2421; 2869; 3601; 4149; 4276; 4362; 4516; 2, 114; 7, 167; _ 8, 134- a}>m 4778. secret sb., ae)>rotsum adj. ? 11, 166. sejnytte 4582 ; 4, 83. ej>yrdte, cp. ian 4456; 4771; 4958; 2, 383 ; 8, 294. alecgan 50, 46. aleogan 1734. aleonian (ut) ' evellere,' cp. aly- nian. alijnan (up) 2903. air 56, 356. alucan (ut) 2903. alyfan 3392. *alymdan (up) ' emersisse,' 4784 (cp. note). alynian, -nnan (fit) 1134; 3464; 4424 ; 12, 5. ambyriendnm 'sequestra' 11, 142. Cp. note to 7, 99. *ameallian ' to become insipid ' ? 61, 4. ametan 20; 947; 3, 12. ampulla 3876. *amylde (up) 'emergeret' 2427 ; 7, 151. Cp. note to 4784. an 626 ; 1008 ; 4506 ; na J)ret an ' non modo ' 7, 66 b ; for J>am anum 'ob id solum' 7, 369; 8, 37. ana wk. m. ' sola' 1281 (cp. note). ancerman 30 ; 3, 19. ancersetl 'prora' 43, 12. ancersetl ' anachoresis ' 2 s 1 7 ; 3638. ancle_ow n. 5335; 8, 381. ancnawan, cp. oncnawan. and (never written out in full, tLe sigti 7 being always tised), 52 ; 86 ; 202 ; 246 ; 264 ; 278 ; 300; 361; &c. andbidung ' a delay ' 3396. *andelbaer, -brere ' preposterus ' ? 2, 25754, 7457, 28258, 207. andfeng, cp. anfencg. an(d)gyt 182; 184; 7, 23; 8, I5 b ; 16. andgytful 897 ; 3101. an(d)gytfullice 83;i5i8;56,i2i. andgytol, 11, 119. andian 5372 ; 2, 460; 8, 397. andig 364; 2708. andluma, -ama 4664 ; 4665 ; 7, 318; 8, 275. an(d)sete 1897; 2728; 4017. andswaru 2524; 8, 130. and)>racian 3185. andweald 1594; 2902; 4046; 4541 ; 4616. andwealhnys, cp. anwealhnys. andweard, cp. andwyrd. andweardnes 3015. andweorc, cp. anweorc. andwlatod, cp. geandwlatod. andwlita 5169; 8, 325; 46, 19. Cp. also note to 4976. andwyrd, -u- , e- ( = -weard) 994 ; 99 6 5 2 4335 2506; 3634. anege 7, 225. anegede 2, 142. anfeald 2376. *anfealt / ' incus ' 11, 67 (cp. note). anfencg 105 ; 3907. anfilte 479 ; 53, 33. Cp. aiso anfealt. angeltwicce 23, 19. angetel ' intellectualis,' cp. and- gytol. angin 2214; 2872; 4342; 7, 241; 326; 8, 180; 287; 18 b , 12. angit, cp. andgit. angsumnes, cp. anxumnes. *anhlwe 'uniformis' 1046. anlsecan 2802; 3112. Cp. also geanlaecan. anlec ' respectus,' cp. onlec. anlic 172; 1359; 1800; 5105; 18 b , 54- anlician, cp. geanlician. anlicnes 1637; 3472; 3706; 4448; _ 5496; 6,15- anhpes ' singulariter ' ? 5027. anm5dlice 2595. anrSdlice 771 ; 56, 124. anrakhies 75; 1163; 165354468. ansregednes 3010. ansund 5280. ansundnys 1630; 1696. ansyn 1888. antendan, antendnes, cp. ontend-. antimber 1833 > ^75- anpracian, cp. and)>racian. anum adv. 'tantum' 3627. anweald, cp. andweald. anwealh 5280; 2, 446; 7, 310; 8, 248. anwealhnys 627; 1104; II 4> 1948; 2344; 2428; 2529. anweorc 1484. anwille 2955; 3613; 5171. anwilllce 3239 ; 3391 ; 4411. anwlata ( = andwlita) 5169. anxumnes 985. apinsung 1757. aplatod 450; 2118. Cp.also^^. apostolic 3383. apuldre 56, 358. apyffan (ut) 4931. Cp. also pyffan. ar 'oar' 36; 3, 25. ar ' bronze' 1371. arsefnian 8, 302 ; 46, 42. arseran33o; 1638; 1843; 2110; 2137; 2425; 3420; 3502; 4105; 4438. are ( = anre,/;w an) 626. /. ENGLISH WORDS areccan 2910; 2, 118. areht ' attonitus ' 7, 144 ; 249 ; 8, 118; 187. are we, cp. arwe. arfset 61, 54. arganga ' latrinarum ' ? 391 7. argentille 56, 47 ; 408. arisan 1710. arod 5, i. ar(o)dlice 56, 75. arwe 4238 ; 37, i. arwurjnan 40, 8. arwurflic 2012. arwur)>lice 56, 162 ; 178. arwurjmes 282; 56, 2. arwyr|>e 1112 ; 56, 330. asceotan 46, 47. ascufan (ut) 823; 4697. ascunelic 4016. ascunian 3763; 56, 235. Cp. also onscunian. ascuniendllc 1900. ascyllan, -lian 1367; 5410; 5434; _ ascyran (of) 4464 ; 2, 337. ascyrian 361 ; 1366; 1963; 5389; 11,5- asecgan 3449. asencan (on) 829. asendan 3335; 5118. asendran, cp. asyndran. aseoftan 103 ; 4, 5 ; 5, 12 ; 6, 8 ; 7, 14. asettan 26, 52. asigan 1579; 26, 38; nyfter ~ 50, 42. aslsewan 18 b , 65. aslawian 18 b , 64. aslidan465i; 4746; 4789. asmeagan 54; 174; 198; 324; 2796 ; 3007; 5101. asolcen ' deses ' 45, 3. aspendan 1841. asplwan 11, 88. aspringan (up) 86 ; 445 ; 3804. *Assirisc 26, 20. astandan (up) 4784. asteorfan 3661 ; 2, 238. astigan 2053. astihting 'instinctus' 2707? (cp. note}. astreht 2157. astrofenes ' proceritas ' ? 1558. astyntan 2101 ; 4235. astyrian 3709; 4199; 4523. *aswa)>ian ' investigare ' 5, n. asweartian 11, 182. 2 39 aswindan 597. aswunden ' reses ' 45, 2. asynderllc, cp. synderlic. asyndran 1366; 2626; 3407; 3648; 4372. ategar786; 5023; 2, 502. Cp. also setgar. atelic 4959. atendan, cp. ontendan. ateon 3579; 4239; for]) ~ 552; 988; 2316. ateorian 432 ; 2249. ateoriendlic 3718. ateorung 1270; 5268. *atihting 2, 304. Cp. also note to 2707. atol 7, 291 ; 8, 217. atolic, cp. atelic. ator 6, 14. Cp. eettor. atrahtnian 2300. atrum ' atramentum ' 7, 45. attrum 'lodix'? 18 b , 52. aS 17, 22. ajirawan 5329; 2, 34; 455. a>um 2377; 17, 57. ajwean 322 1. *a>yddan (J)urh) 50, 3. Cp. )>yddan. a})ystrian 1737. awacian 2087. awsegan 1734; 4266; 2, 237; 61, 1 8. aweccan 4420. aweg 2169; 3590; 4904. awegan 1440; 4603. awel m. 7, 37 8 5 8, 384 5 46, 43. awendan 158; 792; 3642; 8, 261. awendednes 191. awendendlic 1151. awendennes, cp. awendednes. aweorpan 40, 6 ; 56, 89. aweorj>an 5487 ; 2, 491. awestan 2715; 5343. awidlian 2743. awindan, cp. awunden. awletan449; 650; 3586. awlancian 1159. awoffian 2350; 4668. aworpenlice 2736. aworpennes 40, 5. awreon, awrigenes, cp. onwr-. awritan 1222; 1965; 2789; 46, 32. awunden p.ptc. 254; 469; 1041. awyrdan 4493. Cp. also awyrd 240 awyrd win 'defrutum' 4, 6 ; 5, 13; 6, 9; 7, 15. awyrgan 2807 ; 4666. *awyrn 'anywhere,' cp. note to 11, 1 60. awyrtwalian 12, 3 ; 18 b , 26. axung 5214. aydan 'eliminare,' cp. aldan. ayrnan 947. aytan 4080. bx\ 17, 49. bjere ' gestus ' 45 (cp. note). bsernan 569. bsernet 1983; 3244; 3779. Cp. note to 7, 113. *bs9rnisen 7, 113. bsetJ 4777 ; 2, 384. bannend ' gerulus ' 56 ; ' con- tionator' 2321 ; 5415; 2, 74; 465- bannuc 2402. barspere 737. basing 1471 ; 2117. bat 5457 ; 4, 91. batt 'clava'18 b , 18. be prep. 231; 626; 711; 917; 1067; mi; 1283; 1494, &c. beacen 345 ; 2870. beag 5260. bealcettan 1884. beanscalu 608. beardleas 2876; 3476; 4, 57; 6, 28; 7, 200; 8, 156; 185; 16, 2. beam 850. bearnleast 4873. beam 1807 ; 2036. beatan 16; 480; 3, 10. bebeodan 1301; 2717; 4782; 2, 385- bebod 841 ; 1017; 1247; 4632. beclyppan 2956. *beclypping 1551; 3174; 3714; 5041. beclysan 1149; 3148. beclysing 1522; 3210; 4142; 5357_- *bectreow 23, 30. becuman 43, 7. becyrran 5258. bed_18, 8. bedselan 2174; 3371. bediglan 1442. bedydrian 50, 30. bedyppan 1414. INDEX bedyrnan 983. befaestan 274; 605; 839; 1711; 4998. befealdan 17 ; 3, u. *befeon 'infiscare' 3157. beflean 3280. befon 696 ; 1024 ; 2040 ; 4294 ; 23,38; 46,30. beforan 3827; 40, 33. befrinan 3020; 11, 27. befrinung 2309. befylan 4156 ; 4682. began 40; 845; 3639; 3800; 3, 29; 56, 318. begeat 2698; 3915; 7, 182. begen 43, 4. begleddian, 380. begripan 11, 79. begyman 1993; 4353; 40,24; 37- begymen 3915 ; 7, 86. begyming 4995 ; 40, 6. begytan 794; 2528; 4925. behsettod ' decalvatus ' 4466. behatan 1351; 4623; 5455; 40, I?; 57, 7- beheafdian 3022 ; 3092 ; 5255. beheafdung 3042. beheafodlic 4042. beheflic 56, 190. behefnes 56, 306. *behof 27, 34. behreowsian 5267. behreowsung 4496. behydan 8, 308. behydi(g)nes ' sollicitudo ' 906; 5430. behyldan 3280; 2, 186. behypian 3322. beladiendllc 2299; 2793; 2957; 4f33- belsedan (on) 3944; 4319; 4764; 11, 47. belsewan 7, 330; 8, 291. belifende 3313; 2, 190. belimp 388 ; 7, 170 ; 50, 22. belimpan872; 3203; 27, 22. belisnian 4307. belt 486. belucan 1522. bemlfan trans. 983; 2334; in- trans. 2089; 2102; 4204; 4687; 5095. benaeman 3157 ; 23, 60. bend 972; 2399; 3291 ; 4935; 5004. beniSan 580. beod 1838. beodan75 5 ; 4319; 27,30; 46, 22. beomoder 240 ; 258. beon 590; 1190; 1197; 1257; 2291, &c. bi>44; 432; 520; I0 33 ; 1050; 1055, &c. beoS 76; 973; iooi ; 1265; 1303; Z 363, &c. beo subj. 823; 1232; 61, n. Cp. also com, wesan. beorh 2496. beorhleod, cp. burg-. beorht439; 1193; 1266; 2969; 3295 ; 3324 ; 577 ; 5Q > 327- beorhthwil 2370 ; 3247. *beorhtnian 534. beornan 4731 ; 2, 376; 7, 112. beotian 4958; 2, 217 (cp. note}. bepsecan 801 ; 1826; 2378; 3190; 3929; 4960; 5045; 5286; 5348. bepsecung, -ing 2898; 4015 ; 4838; 4981. ber-in 28, 14 ; ongean ~ 755. *bereafere 46, 36. bereafiani39;i583; 2715:4563; 5343J 7, 38; 138; 263; 8, 114. ber}>en 953. berj^estre 3900. berjiling ' gerulus ' 4922. besargian 903 ; 5266. *besceatwyrpan 4555 ; 2, 346. besceawian 371 ; 18 b , 24 (cp. note). *besceawiendlic 991. besceawung 244 ; 706. bescufan 3769 ; 5477. besencan 1739; 2004; 3078; 11, 99. Cp. also note to 2670. besettan (on) 2670 (cp. note} ; 4229. *beslgan (on) 4126. besmitenys 1516 ; 3482. besmittian 4156. Cp. also smit- tian, gesm-. beswican 5286. beswincan 8, 257. betScan 1479; 322 55 397 5 3395 5 4643 5 2, 359. betere comp. 56, 182. betonice 56, 390. betst 56, 297. betwynan ? 56, 69. betwyoh 2687. betwyx prep. 634 ; 3789; 5465 ; adv. 3645. *betwyxfsec ' intervallum ' 3861. betyning 3210. bej>encan 56, 25. bewsegan 3660. bewsepnian 34, 6. bewarian 4023. beweddendlic 1122. beweddian 1398; 3618; 4293; 4553- bewependlic 40, I. bewerian 2987 ; 3557 ; 4968. bl prep. 62, 2. biddan 2820. Cp. also 1325. bifiende 2994; 4896. blgan 2099 ; 2105. bige 3500 ; 3696 ; 3888. bigels 512 ; 2228 ; 8, 53. bigeng m. 2224; 2283; 2624; 4557- bigenga 1256; 3934. blgenge n. 5153 (cp. note); 40, 34- blgengestre 1358; 2065; 4431. bile 2410; 3, 48. blleofa992; 1571; 2193; 4833. bilewit 18, 5 ; 56, 248. bilewitnes 1827 ; 56, 4. bin ' lividis ' ? 56, 113. bindan 963 ; 3290. *bindingc ' strictura ' 3246. biren ' ursinus,' cp. byren. birnan, cp. beoraan. bisc(e)opdom4i3 4 ; 5055; 5152; 3, 55 ; 7, 102. biscophad 2989 ; 5056. biscoplic 2029 ; 3, i. biscoprice 2033. bismer, cp. bysmer. biswic 763 ; 785 ; 787 ; 857 ; "35; 2, 15. biter 2828; 2991 ; 2, in. biternys 4816. bij>, cp. beon. biwist 4833. *biwyrde 5232. blac 11, 145. *bladesian 554 ; 2469 ; 8, 65. blsec adj. 18 b , 6 (note); 28, 5. blsec ' atramentum ' 652 ; 4159 ; 3,52. blaed 1527; 1887; 4864; 48, 5; 50^. bliehaewen 528. blsese 'facula' 3522; 4427; 2, 22 ; 216. [IV. II] /. ENGLISH WORDS blase ' facula, globus' 976; 3085; 3,39- bledu 56, 94. bleofah 521. bleo(h) 529; 1047; 5203; 5495. bletsung 2490; 6, 24; 7, 168; 8, 135- blican 1196. blicettan 50, 52. blician 1499. blind 5288 ; 56, 402. bliss 1345; 1346; 2610; 4892. blissian 5111 ; 56, 243. bll])e 809 ; 56, 14; 134. hlriH AII*I blodegian, cp. geblSdegian. blodig 3023 ; 11, 149. blodsex 1984 ; 2, 62. bloma 18 b , 55. blostma 18 b , 51. blost(m)bsere 139; 442 ; 812. b!5stmfreols 4720. *blostmgild ' floral festival,' cp. note to 4720. blowani5Oo; 1712; 5052; 11, 128. Cp. also note to 3602. boc 341 ; 2027; 4535; 4586; 5178; 2, 344; 8 b , n ; 11, 161; 168; 18 b , 4; 70; 56, 136. boccyst 27, 19. bocfell 4570; 2, 348; 7, 315; 8, 256. boclic 3099; 4141; 4434; 2, 150. bocstaef 18 b , 45. boctreow 56, 355. bodiend (e) 56 ; 1524. bodig 18 b , 89. bodung 3128 ; 3129. bog 1557; 2016; 2223; 2457; 3084 ; 7, 83 ; 8, 61 ; 98. boga 511. bogian ' incolere ' 845. Cp. also buian. bogincel 548; 1556. bolster 56, 17. *bordcla3 56, 22, borgian 3812. borian 230. bosm 3513; 4162; 3, 53. bosmig 8, 2. boung 5163; 2, 427. box 56, 351. bradnys 1888; 3636. brsecseoc? 56, 72. briedan 250. 2 4 I britden ( = brsegden) 'strofosus ' 7, 54 ; 8, 84. *braedingc 'assatura' 3760. *brsegenpanne 2815. braegenseoc 4668 ; 5011; 56, 72 (cp. note). brseff 315; 2511; 3279; 3325; 3487; 8,32; 11,40; 56, 214. brsew 1731. brand 2459; 2470; 3520; 2,89; 4, 39- brastlian 1057; 2791; 3961; 4386. brastlung 2235. brecan 17, 20. bred 3032; 2, 139. bregan 4419 ; 17 4- breman 2612; 2754; 48i2;495i. breme 55 ; 2331 ; 4999. bremel 1268. bremendlic 4614; 7, I. bremm, cp. brymm. breost 356. *breostgyrd 3303 ; 2, 188. *bretmjelum, cp. brytmaelum. bridel 2188. bringan 3572; 3658; 3936; on ~ 2247; 2976; to ~ 112; 1603; 5435 ; 2, 468. briu 53, 35. - brod 28, 25. broddian ' indruticare ' 1218. *brodian 'vibrare' 23, 51. brogdettan, brod-, cp. note to 23, fi- broin 2, 7. brondeguf ? 54, 2. brosniendlic 1250. *brottetende 'indruticans,V/. note to 1218. broSorrseden 232. brojjorsunu 5081. briican 2328; 3757; 3766; 27, 24. brucendlTce 53, i. brunbasu 96; 526; 1037; 1269; 2119; 5072; 5125; 5139; 3, 36 ; 26, 64. bryce 'buccella' 56, 70. bryce 'imbrex' 2256. bryda ' sponsalia ' ? 3914 (cp. note}. brydboda 18 b , 71. brydbur3i99; 3376; 4527. brydcofa 1661. brydgyftu, //. 1398. brydleoj) 3181 ; 2, 165 ; 7, 232. 242 INDEX brydllc455i. bryht(m)hwll 2, 78. brymendlic, cp. bremendlic. brymm m. ' sea, water, wave ' 2478 ; 2, 90. bryne 1432; 2706; 3524; 4314; 4387; 439o; 2, 322. brynige (~OJV. brynja), cp. healsb-. brysan, cp. note fa 2, 248. *brytmaelum, bret- 'minutatim' 1553; 1829. brytnian 7, 3. *brytsnian 2195. buc ' lagena ' 56, 54. bugan 3429. biigend 'accola,&c.' 2230; 5, 17; 7, 292 ; 8, 220. buian 11, 13. Cp. also bogian. bnla 'legula' 8, 319. bur 718; 3163. burg 4848; 5123; 18, 33. burgleod sg. ' municeps ' 3957 ; 7, 293 (beorh-); 8, 221; /'/. -de, -da_4852; 6,40; 8, 358(beor-). bnrgrune 38, 2. burhscipe 4853. burhsclr 5400. btirhspnec 9, 13. burne 1714. butan 1549; 3462; 3729; 4526; 5096 ; 56, 86. bycgan 56, 100. bydel 5112. byden 3657 ; 4, 60 ; 17, 35. byge, cp. bige. byrne, 742 ; 5246; 4, 84. *byrdlingc 'testudo' 23, 21. byren 'ursinus'i476. byrhtan ? 4203. byric 56, 364 ; 365. byrielssang 3504. byriensang 902 ; 2, 20. byrigels, -en 4346 (cp. note]. *byrigleo]> 901. byrst 'seta' 51, i. byrstig ' preruptus, confractus ' 2037. byrj>en, byrfestre, byrjling, cp. ber]>-. bysen 180 ; 997 ; 1688 ; 2306 ; 4915; 18 k , 67. Cp. also note to 8, 172. bysmer 2933; 4309; 4757; 5230. bysmergleo 17, 17. bysmerleoS 5104 ; 5227. bysmerllc 2251. bysmrian 1474 ; 46, 37. bysnung 4539. Cp, also note to 8, 172. *CEefing ' hair-pin '482 1 ; 2, 389. caerse 56, 414. caflice 56, 258. Cp. also 56, 96. camb 5019 ; 2, 416 ; 26, 16. campdom 750 ; 868. campealdor 4433 ; 2, 330. campgefera 3578. camphad 616. campian 1349. *campllc 858; 2, 17; 11, 156; 12, 9. campung 7, 346 ; 8, 326. Cappadonisc 2302. earful 364 ; 5429 ; 2, 467. carfullice 3909 ; 56, 316. carfulnes 906 ; 4184. carte 2308; 7, 142; 8, 117. cam 2986. caserdom 12, 13. caul 56, 369. ceac 4322 ; 39, I. ceace 1206 ; 17, 36. ceafl 838; 1478; 2048; 3342; 3575; 4382; 4475 ; 5015; 50I7- ceahhetan 4499 ; 5234. ceahhetung 3171 ; 4500. ceap 4838 ; 7, 227. ceapian 1697. ceapstow 62, i. cearcian 31 ; 3, 20. ceas 4, 54. ceaster 818. ceastergewaran pi. 329; 703; '95* ; 39s; 4884- cempa 387; 719; 741 ; 751; 893; 1 334; 3045 14735; 4, 4; 11, 118; 188; 56, 293. cempestre 3992. cene 26, 42. cenning227; 1540; 1764. ceol 28 ; 3, 17. *ceorig ' complaining' 623 ; 2828 (cp. note). ceorl 5166. ceorung 4692. *ceoslen 'glariger'7, 161. *ceoslig ' glariger' 4, 40. ceosol 2879; 4102; 2, 51 ; 287; 7,96; 11, 138. ceowan 101 ; 23, 49 ; 26, 48. cerfille 56, 416. Chaldeisc 4471. chor ' sacrarium ' 2990. cicel 3859 ; 2, 262 ; 7, 288 ; 8, 212 ; 17, 40. clcena mete 56, 411. cidan 50, 16 ; 56, 91. cifes 3904 ; 4540. cifesboren 5042. *cifesborenes ? 5042. cifesdom 5042 ; 2, 421. cigan 27, 21. cild 2591; 2866. cildcradol 2156. cildhad 967 ; 2276. cildhama 1245 ; 1764. cildlic 56, 115 ; 219. cinn 46, 4. cinu 26, ii. cirpsian, cp. cyrpsian. *cistmelum 'certatim' 4, 32. clsefre 94 ; 56, 429. clame 615; 1256; 2176; 4511; _54 T 9 ; 18 b , 33. clsennys 715; 2198; 2565; 2614; 3451; 4176; 4479; 5176; 9, 19; 40, 8. clsensung 3918. clam 964; 4439; 2, 331. elate 56, 412. clawu 8, 385. cleofian 3108. cleo)>a, cp. cli)>a. cleowen, cp. cliwen. clifer 5341 ; 2, 458. clifrian 50, 20. clipung, cp. clypung. cli})a, -y-, -eo- 964; 1973; 2078; 305; 305 1 ; 5359; 26 > 33- cliwen, cleowen 457; 492; 1658; I75(?); 3736. clott 3514; 3846. clxid 642; 1548; 2039; 395 2 ; 8, 219 ; 56, 246. clufjmng, cp. clyf Jrang. cliise 3110; 2, 152. clyfjnmg ( = cluf-) 896. clyne 49 2; 1705(1) 2639; 3514; 35 2 7; 3846; 2, 260; 7, 253; 255 ; 23, 40. clypung 8 78; 1503; 4737; 4847. clysing 2849; 2, 291. clyster 472; 2639; 2641; 3850; 2, 10 ; 99; 5, 29; 7, 287; 8, 211. cnseplingc 2579. cnawan 76. cneatung 1085. /. ENGLISH WORDS 243 cneatian927; 1318; 2,54. Cp. gecn-. cneordlsecan, cp. gecn-. cneordnys 995; 2508. Cp. also gecn-, cneorftnys. encores 585 ; 846; 2629; 4180; 7, 178. cneornes 7, 178. Cp. also ge- cneornes. cneorSnys 7, 30. cniht 4165. cnihthad 2382. cnoll 883. cnosl 1601; 5033; 7, 89; 26, 31- cnotta 3188; 2, 167. cnyttan 8, 333. cnyttels 2935. cocc 4891 ; 2, 398. cocerpanne 4673 ; 2, 365 ; 7, 321; 8, 278. coitemaeres 'careni'? 103. col 5486 ; 2, 409 ; 490 ; 8, 8 ; 18, 15. copp 1563; 32, 6. cops, cp. cosp. cornappla//. 3840; 11, 62. cornbaere 1410; 2360; 2, 40; 76. cornwurma /., -me f. ' murex ' 1064; 1067; 5141. cosp 3251; 17, 26 ; 27. coss 3180. cost 'costmary' 56, 392. costian 12, 7. costnung 1260. *cracelung? cp. note to 56, 249. cracian 31. crseft 42; 120; 1668; 3122; 4801; 3, 31; 9, 8. crseftig 56, 208. crset 2185; 16, i ; 18 b , 8. crammian 3517 (note). Cp. gecr-. *cranicwrltere 'chronographus' 7,2 4 . crcelun 'crepacula' ? 56, 249. *creasllc. Cp. note to 1108. creasnes ' elatio' 1108. credic 'fiala'? 29, 3. *crlgan 'scaturire' 7, 101 ; 8, 104. crisma 2127 ; 2, 66. crispian, cp. cyrpsian. Crist 40, 13; 21 ; 30; 35. cristen 56, 319. cristnian, cp. gecristnod. crocca 4672. croft 3790. cropp 116; 1812; 2641; 3851; 2, 100 ; 5, 28; 36 ; 7, 286; 8, 210; 17, 39- craft 2046 ; 3350 ; 4889 ; 4907. crypel ' cuniculus ' 2856 ; 3320 ; 2, 113; 191; 4, 46; 5, 32; 6, 27; 7, 197; 8,155. cryppan 52, 2. cucu 56, 345. cuhyrde 2450; 2, 87. cuma? 56, 296. cuman 5083; 40, 3; 13; 56, n; 296(?); ongean~46io; samod ~ 2095 ; 3_6si ; 4888 ; to ~ 570; 40, 14; up ~ 8, 121. cumb 56, 30. cunnan, 422. cuj> 2488 ; 4217; 8, 66. cwawan = cnawan, cp. note to 76. cwearten (= -tern) 2553 ; 4633 ; *cwearte(r)nweard, cp. note to 2553- cweccing 18 b , 94. cwellan 3071; 4508 ; 2, 144. cweornstan 4457. cwe}>an 1730; 5411; 8,263; 58,2. *cwiccliende 'nutabundus' 2234. cwice 2, 28. cwicsusl 1249 ; 2216. cwiddian, cwide, cp. cwyd-. cwild, cp. cwyld. cwudu 20, 3. cwyddian 1881; 1953; 4188. cwyde 170; 2849; 4629; 5113; 2, 358; 8,315. cwyld m. or n. 2787; 2, 106 ; /. 61, 42. cwyldful 1223. Cp. also gecw-. cwyldseten 3771 ; 4658 ; 2, 250; 363; 7, 273; 8, 198; 271. cwylmbaere 920 ; 4882 ; 11, 83. cwylming 3235 ; 40, 22. cycene 3755 ; 8, 274; 56, 76. cyf 2, 236. Cp. also note to 3657. *cylcan 'ructare' 20, 2. cymen, 56, 410. cynedom 3943; 4045; 12,14; 43, 3. cynegyrd 8, 32 ; 18, 34. cynehelm 2202; 3093. cynellc673; 1189; 1454; 2996; 3447; 4844; 2, 132. cynewij)})e 5241. cyning 4472. cynn 1057; J 543 '> 2083; 4517; 4587; 26, 32. R 2 *eynnig 'generosus' 4149; 7' 299 ; 8, 230. cynning ' nativitas,' cp. cenning. cynren 1057; 12 97; 1664. *cyp 'dolium, modius' ? cp. note to 3657. *cype wk.f. ' corbis' 18, 3. cypedagas ' nundince "7, 180; 8, 144. cyping 2655. cypman 2655. cyrce_i998; 5117. cyrchalgung 56, 286. cyrcllci78; 2272; 369154082; 56, 317. eyre 1290; 1315; 2682; 5398. cyrf ' comma ' 18 b , 9. cyrlisc 56, 228. cyrm 1642; 1915; 4417; 4607; 5247 ; 2, 59 ; 326 ; 442 ; 32, 3. cyrmende 4605 ; 8, 264 ; 46, 6. cyrpsian 1201. cyrtenlaican, cp. gecert-. cyrtenlice 5185. cyrtenys 1053; 4644; 5108; cysel, cp. ceosol. cyst 'litteratura' 3031. cysti(g)nys 1183; 2576; 3066; 3833. cyte 'tugnrium' 2515. cytel 4127; 7, 319; 8, 276. cyj>an 2139; 4364; 5274(?)._ cyj>lxcan 4284. Cp. also gecyj>- Isecan. cy]>nys 1676; 40, 2. Cp. also gecyjmys. cySS 4214. daed 45 ; 2183 ; 2502 ; 40, 10. dsedllc 994. dreg 4506. daegesege 56, 385. dsegrima 18, 19; 18 b , 15. dasgwine 56, 122. dael 1443 ; 1590; 26, 2. djelan 18 b , 38. daelmEelum 52 ; 2703; 3587. dajlnimend 1902. dselnimendnys, -nimung ? 707. dafnlic 1331. dag 56, 58. dal 2294. dale 5126. deadbsere 1872 ; 2020. deadbaernes 3946. 244 INDEX deadlice 379. deag 1048; 1058; 1060; 1205; 2934; 4645; 5140; 5195; 5197; 5204; 5205; 5218; 5237; 5239; 2 23; s, 34 1 ; 18 b , 56- deagian 1208; 5196; 5220; 533- deaSll, 107; 47, 5. deawig 84 ; 655. dema4245; 4760; 4799; 7,64; 311; 8, 249; 17, 58; 45, i. deman 2014; 3455; 3459; 8, 78. denn 26, 47. deofel 721 ; 2471. deofelgyld 1 899; 2620(1); 3705 (?). deofelseoc 3057 ; 4934; 493*6. deoflic 1157; 1927; 2058; 3232; 7, 125. deop, 1942 ; 56, 242. deope wk. f. 3667. Cp. depe, dype. deoplic 3523. deopnys 4340. deor ' bestia' 2471; 4900. deorc 1248; 4157; 4772; 3, 50; 36, 9. deorcung 85. deoren ' ferinus' 3341. deorwurj>e 4377. depe wk. f. 4794. Cp. deope, dype. deriendlic 765. dlgelnes392; 1 95 2 ; 2952; 3318; 3354- digle sb. 1506 ; 4, 23. digle adj. 819; 1842; 2045; 2215; 2798; 2855; 3144; 4209; 4211; 4766; 4994; 5128; 2,300; 7, 213; 11,95; 18, 30. diht7, 81; 8,96. clihtan 11, 130 ; 17, i. dihtend ' dispensator ' 1997. dile 56, 39; 381. dimhof82i; 1677; 3768. dimhus3774; 4993. dimlic 820. dimm 3853; 2, 261. dimnes 3144; 3297. disc 61, 41. disme 46, 4. docce 56, 371. dofung 1614 ; 2801 ; 4194. Cp. ged-. dolhdrenc 383. dolhswa]ni/". or -swse]> n. 4495. dom 260 (cp. note) ; 842 ; 1313 ; 1315; 2676; 2719; 3349; 3509; 4043; 4803; 5149; 5164; 2, 329; 3, 57; 7,217; 297 ; 8, 229; 12, i ; 12 ; 46, 28. domern 4498. domlic 2889 (cp. note]. don 36, 3; 66,73; 135; 301. dox 532. drasfan 4865. dre ' marsus,' cp. dry. dream 402; 982; 1343; 2594; 3053; 4660; 4726; 4913; 7, 174; 176; 8, 139; 18, 25- dreamlic 3923. drefan 2680. dremani344; 2608. drenc 4990 ; 56, 349. dreorig 657. drihtenlicsss; 2753. *drihtman ' paranymphus ' 7, 94. *drihtwemend ' paranymphus ' 1774- *drihtwemere ' paranymphus '7 74- drincan 56, 82. drohtnian 1446. drohtnung 933 ; 2507 ; 2567. dropa 646. dr? 34 6 7J 4 OI 9; 4476; 49395 2, 338. drycrseft 4, 29. dryht-, cp. driht-. drylic 2907 ; 3261 ; 4699. dugo)> 4041. dugo]>gyfu 362; 1183; 2577; dugoj>lic_4544 ; 2, 345. *dugoj>naemere 7, 62. dumb 1936. duntre ' bombose, argute '? 1463 (cp. note}. dureweard 5147; 3, 54. duru 2128. *dustig 15; 3, 9. *dustswerm 23, 52. dufaman ( = du)>hamar) ' mal- Ieoli'i655. dwelian 347; 3697; 4619; 47, i. dwimer 50, i. Cp. also gedw-. dwola 2854; 27, 14. dwolma 2483 ; 2, 92 ; 17, 9. *dybbian ' incumbere ' ? 645. dygle, cp. digle. dyncge ' novalis, letamen ' 1409 ; 2367; 4773! 46, 16. dyne 4417; 2, 326; 17, 55; 22, I. dynian 7, n ; 104; 8, 5. dype wk. f. 4767. Cp. deope, depe. dyrli ' satrape ' ? 4760. dyrne 3778 (?) ; 4215; 4655; 2, 362. dyrstelice 753. dysllc 1216; 7, 130. *dySe 'malleoli' 2, 43. ea 48, 2. eac swylce 2917 ; 4096. eaca, cp. )>artoeacan. eacniendlic 1078. eacnung 1000 ; 1487; 1764; 3629; 2, 48; 161. eadig 1488 ; 2559. eadm5di278; 1329; 4121. eahring 3690 ; 4686. eahsealf, eh- 3051; 2, 141; 7, 224. eahtafeald, cp. ehtafeald. eala 40, i. eald436; 1663; 4243; 11,148; 40, 2; 20; 24; 35; 56, 350; 61, 38. ealdfseder 1600. ealdor 2_523; 3906; 2, 379. ealdordom 876 ; 1994 ; 2598 ; 2873; 3030. ealdorlic 3890 ; 4010 ; 4544 ; 5151 ; 2, 269-, 426. ealdorlicnes 216 ; 11, 8; 40, 3. ealdorman 3453; 4515; 454 6 1 4712 ; 45, i. ealdwritere 5449. call 691; 2584; 4179; 11, 34; 40, 10; 27; 56, 14; 148; 149; 312. eallunga 2901; 4081; 27, 4; 40, 13; 15; 19; 35. ealseolcen 3161 ; 2, 164. ealswa 316 ; 4258 ; 4762 ; 46, 37. *ealuclyfa 4, 42. *ear 'occa' 2359; 2735. ear 'spica' 1411 ; 2361; 2, 77. eardian 40, 38. eardung 4853 ; 2, 395. eardungstow 40, 37 ; 38. earfojjlice 56, 151. earh 739; 1865; 4 8 94! 4 8 9 6 J 5 2 ? 1 - earhhce 744. /. ENGLISH WORDS 245 earm sb. 5458; 2, 481. earm adj. 3646 ; 3853 ; 4883- earmllc 1730; 3938; 46, 15. *earmstoc ' sleeve ' 50, 51 (note}. earnian 1338. earplaett ? 61, 58. earpreon 4821. east adj. ? 1 894. easte w&.f.l 1894. eastrun 40, 29 ; 30. eawunge, sew- ' openly ' 3536 ; on ~ 47 ; 1485 ; 2826. ece 11, 114; 40, 19. ecg 52, 3. ecnes 40, 39. edcyr 4, 43. edhwyrft 8, 68. edljecan, cp. edlsecende, edlaeht. edlsecende ' reciprocus ' 2307 ; 2j$63; 2752; 4787. edlffiht ' reciprocus ' 3314. *edlesende (aeorje?) 1885. Cp. also geedl-. edlean 3217. edleaniend 2549. *edlesende, cp. edloesende. edniwan 7, 332 ; 8, 292 ; 8 b , 4. edsta]?elung 2214. eduuallg 53, n. edwinde 636 ; 701 ; 5474 ; 4, 10 ; 20 ; 8, 83. edwist 50, 57. edwit 4208; 2, 299. edwitful 2783; 2913; 2, 119. edwylle, cp. eduuallg. efenfeala 4509. efenhlytta ' censors ' ? 17, 60. efenlsecere 1957. efenhscung 5353. *efenleornere 56, 264. efenmSdllce 2978. efesung 4174; 2, 292. efne 9, 16 ; 40, 2 ; 36. efstan 27, n ; samod - 1333. eft 506; 5167; 5411. eftsona 7, 289; 8, 213. egeful 2929 ; 4894. egesgrlma, 21, 7. egesllc 163; 777; 784; 1852; 1866; 1940; 2984; 3480; 3523 ; 3635 ; 3810; 4418 ; 4435 ; 4831 ; so, 55. egl 1412 ; 2361. egor, eogor 7, 159 ; 13, i. egsian, 2481. ehtafeald 774; 3716. ehtan, 4749. ehting 'insectatio' 2974. eigscu ' terrore ' ? 2489. elcra adv. ' secus, aliter' 3202. electre 56, 382. *elegreoua 7, 87; 8, 99. elelendisc, el{>eed-, cp. ael-. ellenwSd 364. elleoht 5471. ellesisSo; 5183; 3, 41; ~ hu 3202; -hwyder 3781; 2, 252; 7, 276. elj>eod-, cp. sel}>eod-. em ( = emn, efn) 3722. em(b)clypping 4529. Cp. also 37I4- em(b)fara 669. em(b)feng 'tegmen' 468. em(b)gang5i2 4 . em(b)habban 697. *em(b)hlfenan 'to surround'? cp. note to 24. *em(b)hlennan 'to surround' 24; 109 ; 118; 681; 5, 6; 7, 9 ; 8,3- em(b)hringan 25. em(b)hwyrft 1685 ; 61, 53. em(b)hydig 364; 2277; 7, 354; 8,344- em(b)hydigllc 164. em(b)hydignes 854; 1328; 5, 10 ; 11, 165. emblserigian 8, 377. em(b)ryne 396 ; 948 ; 1533 ; 259J 37I7- em(b)setnung 5265 ; 2, 445. em(b)settan 683. em(b)swapen 1024. em(b)wlatiend 3507. em(b)wlatung 244; 1224; 1707; 2116. emleoht 5473. emne ( = efne) 4261. emnettan 2, 311. Cp. geemn-. ende 1990. endebyrdan 185. endebyrdend 'conditor' 7, 351; 8, 335- endebyrdnys 4870. endenehst 1834. endian 1336. engel 703. engelic 1750. ent 23, 16. code (in) 4316. *eofurspere 7, 56 ; 8, 85 (?). eofurspreot, cp. note to 8, 85. eogor, cp. egor. eolcsand ( = eolh-) 1071. Cp. twte to 4495. com 23, 47; 58, 3. is 217; 2 7; 555; "4 2 ; I35 1 ; M49! 1514, &c. synd, sind 779; 1065; 1127; 1387; 1624, &c. sint, synt 7, 60 ; 93 ; 26, 9 ; 40, 38 ; 46, 32, &c. synden 242 ; 2287. syn (indie.} 40, 18. si, sy noo; 1164; 1236; 1291 ; 4571, &c. Cp. also beon, wesan. eorl 53, 6. eornere? 58 (cp. note). eornest 7, 203. eornestlice 2891; 3211 ; 2, 116; 40, 14. eorod 279; 11, 24. eorodman 776. eorjrasm ? 3312 (cp. note], eorj>crseft 3119. eorj>cund 691. eorfte 18 b , 40. *eor]>en? adj. 3312 (cp. note). eor^gealla 56, 423. eor{>gemet 5442; 2, 157; 471; 7, 230; 391; 8, 169; 407; 55, 2. eorjjlic 1253; 2654. eor}>tilia 2449. eower 56, 145. esol 3663. estas 'deliciae ' 11, 35. estful 1088; 1935; 2509; 3166; 4358; 459 1 - estfulnes 369. estllc 56, 298. estmete 3169; 56, 77. etan 56, 81. ftemest, cp. ytemest. etwgscet, cp. adwsescan. etfhelde 11, 26. e]?wilte ' versatilis' 1151. facen 2896; 2908; 2914; 3650; 5129; 7, 191; 204; 8, 159; 61, 45. facenful 1258; 2708; 2780; 36, 4 ; ii ; 56, 170. fadian 56, 326. fadiend 56, 308. fsec 1178; 1181; 2401; 2967; 3035 : 3626 ; 3723 ; 4410 ; _49i7; 2, 32; 4,53. fsecne 7, 189 ; 11, 121 ; 36, 2. fseder 3604. faedergestreon 4624; 4818. 246 f%er 1052; 2115; 3410; 4978; W 2, 205. fsegerian trans. 5309. fzlgernys 527; 4298. fegnung 1345 ; 2, 399 (cp. note). fsegre adv. 3046. faeman 152. fiemig 34 ; 4334. Cp. also note Jo 3, 23. fsemne 393 ; 1174; 2112. fjemnhad 574; 11, 28. Cp. also 1906. fjemnhadlic, 535; 1483; 1717; 2280; 11, 53. Cp. also 1803. fsereld 263; 2134; 4164; 4857; 493; 2, 378; 400; 11, 94; _i89; 26,47. faerlic 190; 4185. *fsesceaftnes ( = fea-J 'paupertas' 1171. faest 793. festan 56, 78. fsestenii46; 2443; 3252; 3419; 3990; 5123; 5396; 57, 6. fsesthafol 192; 4595. fset 11, 1 20. fsetels 1921 ; 5112. f seines 2395; 3*79- *fse>elas ' histriones '? 39, 2. fsejrni 32, u. fahnys ' qualitas, varietas' 525; 1019; 1038. fana ' citsana ' 56, 397. fana ' labarum, vexillum' 1762 ; 4804. *fanbyrd 'vexillatio' 1744; 2, 45- faran 2462 ; 4902 ; 4, 77 ; 8, 1 1 1 ; 56, 278; for J>~ 4036. Fariseisc 1259. feala 3722 ; 4762. fealgian, cp. note to 2359. fealh 2359 ; 2, 75 ; 4, 36 ; 10, 5 ; 15, i ; 17, 2. feallan 2742; 2778; 3352. fealle 4074 ; 4979. fealu 5485. *fearlic 'of a bull' 11, 187. fearn 56, 432. *feasceaftnes, cp. faes-. feax, cp. fex. feferfuge 56, 373. fela, cp. feala. *felaaete 23, 15. felde ' defruto ' ? 104. felg ' occa/ cp. fealh. feltwyrt 56, 376. INDEX femgendes 'spumosis' 3, 23 (cp. note}. fenn 2, 435. fennig 'stagnosus' 36, 13. feohtend 3805. feol 'lima' 1769. Cp. ill. feond 746; 2242; 2709; 5367. feondlic 'spiritalis' 377; 762; 856 ; 1 980 ; ' superstitiosus ' 3933; 'furibundus' 4312. feor 3743; 3939; 4806; 5115. feorhbana 2356. feorm 4834 ; 2, 392. feormung 609. feowerfeald 1542. *feowung ' tripudium, gaudium ' 1118. feran 3590. fercian 1635. ferian 28, 2 ; 50, 13. fernllc, cp. fyrenlic. ferrieden 2354; 2662 ; 5037 ; 18, 3i (?) fersc 23, 56. ferscype 2544; 3596. festerlincg 3021. *festrian, cp. note to 3753. fe))a 826; 11, 97; 23, 54; 61, 17. fejjehere 776. *fe$rian 'plumescere' 26, 27. fex 1199; 1212; 1214; 4172; 4463; 5 49; 2,36; 8, 243. fie ' carica ' 8, 209. ficseppel 3845 ; 2, 259. flctreow 56, 362. fif 824 ; 3035. fiffetede 130. flfleafe 56, 404. flfta 203. fiftyne 3036. flfwintre 4144. f Ihtan ' humectare,' cp. fyhtan. f il ' lima ' 53, 34. Cp. also feol. filian ( = fylgan) 2694; 3362. filiestre 1228. fille ' cerpillum ' 56, 38. Cp. also cerfille. fin/, 'strues'7,157 ; 8, 125. Cp. also note to 2456. fingerseppel 472 ; 3843. Cp.also 2394- finn, 26, 10. finol 56, 380. firen-, cp. fyren-. first, cp. fyrst. iisc 54, I. fiscdeah 5193. fijierbaere 1565 ; 2404. fi)>erdaeled 167; 495; 1795. fi>erfete 14; 1854; 3, 8. Cp. also note to 1568. *fi)>erfl5wende 48, 2. fijjerhiwe 177. fi]>errica 1799. fiperscyte 1295; 1568; 1589; 1702. fi}>ersleht 4892. fla 1 103. Cp. also flan. flEesc 40, 8. flsescgebyrd ' incarnatio' 429. flSsclic 40, 22. rlEesclice 40, 16. flsescllcnys 1530. flseS 'vellus'? 23, 37 (cp. note]. flan 3524 ; 2, 218 ; 4, 62 ; 7, 91. Cp. also fla. *flanc 50, 35. fleard 1517. Cp. gefl-. fleardian 1218. fleax, cp. flex, fleon 3703 ; 32, 10 ; onweg - 2169 ; 2171. flex 1379; 3, 40. flicci 53, 44. flitan 3002. flitcrseft 3116; 3207; 2, 155. flltere 2895. flitful_3222; 3356. flitmselum 106; 56, 210. fl5d 2476 ; 2477 ; 3668. flodlic 56, 198. flor 3432. flotman 22 ; 4039 ; 3, 14. flowan 3602 (cp.note); eft ~ 506; ongean ~ 506. Cp. also note to 2363- flugol 262; 7, 28; 11, 17. *flycge ' fledged,' cp. unflygge. flyht 5482 ; 2, 488 ; 11, 19. flyma 682 ; 4494 ; 7, 212. *flymig 'profugus' ? 2965. *flyming ' profugus ' ? 2965. flys5i92; 5207; 2,431. flytme 1984. fnsest 2050; 2452; 2472. fnaestian ' anhelare ' ? cp. note to 4,3- fodai572; 1652; 3862; 4028; 4636. folc 2094. folclic 3789 ; 4887 ; 5097. folme 1549. fon 27, 27 ; 36, 6. font 358. /. ENGLISH WORDS 247 for 211 ; 282 ; 300; 504; 1078 ; 1504; 2280, &c. ; ~]>am 4012 ; ~>I 664; 1351 ; 2519; 2744; 4727, &c. ; ~ pon 40, 31 ;~ J3on J?e40, 16 ; 19; 21 ; 24 ; 26, &c. for ' vehiculum ' 4742. for ' porcaster ' 20, 4 ; 21, 3 ; 22,3. forbaernan 1434; 4120. forbeodan 1780; 2498; 2720; 5159; 4, 43; 7, 186. Cp. also note to 4983. forberan 2979; 4856; 2, 131; 18", 53- forboc 2023. forbod 2975. forbugan 670; 2558; 4983 (cp. note}. forceorfan 1578; 2233; 2642. forcu}>llc 2081. forcuj)llce 5044. fordeman 3479 ; 4845. *fordeming 3149. fordrlfan ? 28, 20 (cp. note). fordwlnan 1679; 2089; 2152; 3272; 4032; 4063; 4711. fordyttan 1725 ; 2086 ; 2335 ; 3577- forealdod 2109. forebeacen 2068 ; 2442 ; 2550 ; 3493! 49 6 9- *forebisegian 1236. foreburh 3790. foredure 135 (cp.nole); 2999. foredyre, cp. note to 135. *forefex ' antise' 5326 ; 2, 453. foregenga 619. foregeswutelian 1504. foregleaw 3707 ; 4846. for(e)hradian 1232 ; 4, 26. *forelocc 7, 375 ; 8, 37. foressed'predictus,&c.'79o;i6i6; 2461; 3044. foresceawung 2567. foresettan 344; 2001 ; 8, 36; 46 ; 17, 51. Cp. also note to 43, I. foresmeagan 1 93 ; 1504. foresprtec 2298 ; 2, 73. forespreca 56, 335. forestaeppend 619. fores teppan 5165. *forestig(e) ' vestibulum ' 4688. forestihtan 790. forestihtung 1489. foret>anc7, 355; 8, 344. foreweall 3972. foreweard 772. forewitegian 1541. forewitegung 431 ; 949 ; 1497 ; 2103; 2155; 256313409; 4970. forewittiendlic 1502. forewittig7o; 1968; 2536; 2868; 377- forfaran 2126; 8, 43. forferan 4490 ; 4621. forfleon 4992. forfon (forne) 603 ; J 236. forgregan 4571. forgan 3949. forgifan, cp. forgyfan. forgitan 2558 ; 4962. forgnagan 3343; 3565; 3820; 2, 255. forgnidan 3747- forgyfan 274; 1327; 1354; 1776; 2573; 3572; 3839; 4384- forgyfenys 3462 ; 4795. forgymeleasian 4571. forgytan, cp. forgitan. forhasbbende 1002 ; 1254. forhsefednys 3748; 47, 2. *forhellan, -lian ' to hide, cover,' cp. note to 5410. forhogian 520; 3920; 8, 43; 58; 60; 11, 72; 24, 5. Cp. also forhycgan. forht3773; 4733; 4896; 5273. forhtian 1869 ; 2995 ; 3406 ; 4800. forhycgan 1162? Cp. also for- hogian. forlseten 317; 3348; 4571; 11,41. forlicgan 4307. forliger n. 1220; 2941 ; 4219; 4221 ; 4300; 4450; 4965 ; 5043 ; 2, 307. forliger m. 5292 ; 7, 350; 8, 331 ; 363518, i8;18 b , 57. Cp.also note to 5 1 74. *forligerena^'.'lupanaris'?8,232. forligerhus 3328; 5293. forligerlic 4246 ; 4249 ; 5174 (cp. note). forlls ( = -liges), 8, 327. Cp. also 5174. *forlisgleng 8, 361. forlipan 4490 ; 4621. forlij>ennys 629 ; 56, 342. forma 1766; 61, 37. *formolsnung 1251. formyltan 3976; 2, 278. forne forfon 603 ; 1 236 ; - forgan 3949- fornean 2674; 3719. forneh 3421 ; 3788. forniman 3979 ', 50, 39. *forracu ' itinerarium ' 7, 121. forrotodnes 18 b , 17. *forssewestre ' contemtrix ' 4430. forsawendrmn ' contemtibilibus ' 5438. forsawenllc 470 ; 935. forscrencan 865 ; 4926. forscrincan 4064. forscyldig, -digian ? 4707. forscyppan 26, 61. forseon 1399; 3921; 4091. forsijj (=for))slj)) 4128. *forslaewan 18 b , 65 (note). forsmorian 1481. forspan(n)ing 3192. forspennen 612 (cp. note). forspennende ptc. 3190; 4626. forspennendllc 2 2 2 ; 5283. forspenning 1724; 3159; 3175; 4599 54627 54985 15122; 5245. Cp. also notes to 612 ; 5173. forspillan 4165 ; 4964; 40, 9. forstelan 5130; 2, 425. forsucan 3343. forsuwung 'silentium' 2085. forswselan 1433 ; 3086. forswelgan 516; 2453; 3573. forswelgend 2209. forsweorcan 2, 369. *fortrendan, cp. note to 114. fort]>erty ' obtruncati ' ? 11, 75. Cp. note to 5028. fortyhtigend 'incestator' 3337. for]> adv. 2362 ; ~ ateon 552 ; 988 ; 2316; ~faran 4036; ~gangan 7, 278; ~geteon228 ;~gewitan 40, 35; -teon 808. The ac- companying -verb is not ex- pressed 1215; 1871; 3537; 2, 220. for}>feder 847. forj>rsestan 805 ; 1481. fortJresman 11, 100. forfrysman, cp. fortJresman. forj>si]>, cp. forsi]) and note to 2685. for])tlge 'vestibulum' 3828. *forj>wyrtan, -Jwyrftan 'obtrun- care' 5028. Cp. afsoll, 75. forpyldigian 4270. forwandian 4663. forwel 3346. forweornan 4796. Cp. also for- wyrnan. forweornian 1273; 8, 227. forwered 2109; 2411; 2522. forwisnian 59. INDEX forworcn 2109. forwregan 7, 146. forwyrd 804; 835; 1467; 11, 105 ; 56, 35. forwyrnan 1782. Cp.also forweor-. foster 3863. Cp. also 2, 263. fosterbearn, -cild ? 28, 21. fosterfseder 2841. fosteino)? ? 2, 263 (cp. note], fat 199; 203. fotadl n. 2792 ; 2817. fotcojm 2792 ; 2817. *fotgangende 5254. fotwylm 2816. fracednes 4455. frsec, cp. free. frrcfellice i ; 3131. fraefelnes 46 ; 4579. frsetewung 2204. Cp. also 540 ; 5109. fram prep. 1117; 1490; 2377; 2 555; 3 9 22 ; 3028; 3425; 4192; 4491; 5493; 2, 121 ; 138; 495; 4,2i ; 49; 7,140; 56, 76; 57, 8. fram adv. 4, 70 ; 7, 156. framiendlic 2, 434 ; 8, 343. *framlece ' looking away,' cp. note to 3462. freabeorht 87 ; 1716. freatorht 1680; 4530; 11, 73. free 2445; 3569; 2, 84; 225; 11, 106. frecednys 1595 ; 4952. Cp.also 3 r 39- frecenful 628. frecennys 641. Cp. also 3139. *frecful ' gulosus ' 2445. frecnes ' ingluvies' 4, 38 ; 19, J. frecnes 1873. fremfull 56, 310. fremian 56, 347. fremiendllc 5199 (cp. note). fremming 1332. freo 1287. freolic 1287 ; 1312. freols 3831 ; 2, 256. freolstid 2601. freondllce 56, 299. froforllce 56, 187 (cp. note], fromllce, 738. frosc 54, 2. frnmcenned 1775. frumgyfu 2154. frumlice 1155. *frumlida ' chief sailor,' cp. note to 32. frumsceapen 687 ; 3884 ; 7, 49. *frumspellung ' recapitulatio ' 1153; 2, 31. frymphc 5061. frym)>llce 5211. frymj>yld adj. ' primevus ' ? cp. notes to 2381 ; 7, 242. frym}>yldu 2381 (cp. note) ; 7, 242. fugel 2405 ; 5297. fugellim 3105. ful 1783; 1975; 2545; 2821; 2949 ; 3263 ; 3273 ; 3597 ; 4222; 4289; 4454; 4751; 4959; 2, 313; 336; 7, 238; 8, 178; 11, I33;'l8 b , Si; 82. fulfremedllce 2375. fulfremednys ion. fulian 1213. full adj. 2849 5 2, 9. full adv. 11, 49. fullice ' affatim ' 3686. fullice ' turpiter ' 448 ; 3, 33. fulluht ? 4083. Cp. also fulwiht. fulluhtbsej) 4087 ; 4360. fulnys 1727; 3674. fultum 1010; 3882 ; 5499. fultumiend 3807. fulwiht 40, 17. furh 2018 ; 2733 ; 2, 103, *furian 'to furrow' 2492. Cp. also gefurian, (ge)fyrian. furpan 4012 (cp. note); 27, 29. fustra ' focus, ignis'? 1428. fyhtan ' humectare ' 658 ; 3470 ; 4,I 4 . *fyld 'volumen, ruga' 3746; 34, i. fylgan, fylgestre, cp. filian, filiestre. fyll ' lapsus ' 26, 44. fyllu 54, I. fylmen 464; 11, 63. fylnys 7, 228. fyl|> 666; 1790; 2060; 2948; 304 1 ; 3323; 4399; 2, 125. fyr 3520; 3555; 4 6 5 2 ; 2 36i; 18", 76. *f) ran ' to furrow,' cp. note to 2492. fyrbaere 4421 ; 2, 327. fyrcruce 44, I. fyrding, -ung 825 ; 4560 ; 5080 ; 2, 1 6. fyren 4024. fyrenful 875 ; 917 ; 2005 (cp. note) ; 2922 ; 4, 49. fyrenhycge, -hycgend, cp. fyrn- hicge, &c. fyrenlic 2005 (cp. note). fyrewit adj. 905. fyrewitnes 'ardor' 975. *fyrfoda 7, 88. fyrhat 56, 203. fyrian (ongean) 'rcsulcare' 46, 49. Cp. also gefyrian, (ge)- furian. fyrnhicge 2940; 8, 235. *fyrnhicgend 3327 ; 2, 192. fyrran ' tollere ' 61, 6. fyrs 26, 12. fyrst ' intercapedo, indticiae ' 2967; 4917; 5428; 58, 7. fyrst ' tignum, tigillum ' 18 1 ', 92. fyrsthrSf 2812. fyrstmearc 7, 134. fyr])olle 4485 ; 2, 340. fyst 4694. fyj>er- 'four-, cp. fi[)er-. gsederung 1753. Cp. also gegosd-. gaels? m. or gSshf. ? 61 1. gafel 1448 ; 11, 125. gafeluc 1103; 4238. gaffetung, gafspraec ? 56, 71. gafollic 6, 20. gal 3336 ; 475- gald(e)re 'aruspex,marsus' 4068; 419358,245. Cp. also 2-2^; a, 407. galdori927; 2021; 2909; 4055; 4056; 4132; 4477; 4700; 4940 ; 2, 339 ; 408. Cp. also 2239; 2, 407. gal(e)re 'marsus' 7, 240; 308; 8, 179. galfreols 4715; 4861. galluc 56, 388. galnys 4221 ; 8, 362. Cp. also note to 2180. galscipe 5290 ; 2, 447. Cp. also note to 2180. galung 4940. gamen 2871 ; 2886 ; 2887. game(n)lic 2251 ; 4369; 7, 360; 8, 35i. gang 50, 43. gangan 40, 25; 56, 177 (or gan ?) ; 180 ; forS ~ 7, 278. ganian 8, 190. gar 2098; 4481. garclife 56, 53 ; 430. gast 1458; 4666; 18, 43. /. ENGLISH WORDS 249 gastlic 171; 182; 342; 1081 ; 1529; 1922; 2432; 2863; 2883; 3226; 5053; 8, I5 b ; I5 C - gastlice 11, 103; 40, 27. ge 'ye' 1904; 56, 152; 216. eow 56, 69. ge, ge . . . ge ' and, both . . . and ' 2 745; 2 748; 2848; 3195; 4823; 2, 168; 8, 281; 26, 43- gesewned ioc6; 1265. geagl 1206; 2444; 5015; 2,83. geahnian 5307; 5, 15; 7, 118 (cp. note). gealdere, gealdor, cp. galdere, &c. gealga 391 ; 1860 ; 3089 ; 17, 43. gealh (for gealhmSdnes ?) ' ob- stinatio' 56, 157. gealla 2950. gealladl 7, 223. *geancyr 7, 187. *geandwlatod ' frontosus ' 8, 365. gean(h)wurf 'reditus' 559. geanlaJcan 41 78. geanlician 863. geannys 4610. geapscipe, cp. gepscipe. gear 3035; 3036; 4917; to geare 23, u. gearcian 749; 1225; 4488; 4638. gearcing 3617 ; 7, 126. *gearowitol 56, 108. gearowitolnes, cp. note to 56, 108. gearwe ' millefolinm ' 26, 34 ; 56, 394. _ gebsere 2183; 4895. Cp. also note to 45. geban 1302; 3037; 3435. gebed 11, 141. gebeodan 2543; 3595; 3910. gebeorh 2260; 5395 ; 2, 464. *gebetendnys 58, 6. gebiddan 4152 ; 4580. geblgan 1279; 2 95 6 '> 3201; 3724; 4469- geblgednes 2468. gebindan 4458. gebismrung 11, i8r. geblawan (on) 34, 4. geblodegian 4251. gebod 1940; 4130. gebringan 1265 ! ~ on 335 ! 4689; 5368 ; ~ ongean 3953. gebrosnodlic 8, n. gebrucan 2042. gebryce n. ' fragment ' 11, 140. gebryrdan, cp. note to 2, 248. gebrysed ' conditus' ? 2, 248 ; 7, 271. *gebrytsnian, cp. note to 2195. gebur 11, 87. gebycgan 4006. gebycnung 8, 15; 11, 50; 40, n. gebygan, cp. geblgan. gebyld /. ptc. ' fretus, preditus ' 126 ; 781 ; 2042 ; 3682 ; 4135. gebyldan, cp. gebyld. gebyrd 3137; 4151; 4739. gebyrdtid 2842. *gebyrst(ed) ' setiger' 23, 3. gecamp 4169 ; 2, 5. gecanc 1473 ; 4504. geceosan 1141. gecerran, cp. gecyrran. gecertenlsecan 5405. gecigan 2533. gecigednys 1503. gecliKnsian 40, 18. gecneatian 176. Cp. cneatian. gecneordlaecan 241 ; 1086. gecneordnes 295; 2290; 3100; 3127; 3224. *gecneorednes < genealogia'?5O96. gecneornes 11, 113. gecnyttan 5005 ; 7, 306 ; 8, 242. gecorennys 1314. gecrammian 3517- Cp. cram-, gecristnod 2207; 2881 ; 4084. *gecroged 'croceus' 5204 (cp. note). gecweman 61, 62. gecweme 1695; 2574; 3065; 45 2 ; 5 36 ; 5418 ; 56, 296. *gecwemsum 5000. gecwe'San 26, 61. gecwidrseden 2975. *gecwis 4955. gecwyldful 920. Cp. also cwyld- ful. gecwylmbaeran 'to torture' 2740. gecynd 542 ; 5094. gecyndboc 50 ; 1154. gecynde adj. 4648 ; 32, 4. gecyndellc 5092 ; 4, i ; 7, 364 ; 8. 357- gecyndlim 1496. *gecyrnlod 3841 ; 2, 258 ; 7, 283 ; 8, 208. *gecyrnod 'serratus' 26, 15. gecyrran 2069. gecyrrednes 40, 4. gecyrtenlScan, cp. gecertenlaecan. gecyj)lsecan 2, 312; 8, 234. Cp. also cyj>lak:an. gecyjjnes 1547; 1765; 40, 7. gedaelan 1686; 1841. gedafeniende 5356. gedafenlic 7, 84. gedafenlice 389. gedafniendlic 1 1 26 ; 3891. gedeman 1967. gediht 'digestus' 147; 2024; 2175- gedihtan, cp. gediht. gedofung 418. Cp. dof-. gedon 44 ; 3402. gedragan 4467. gedreccan 2779. gedrecednes 149; 3948. gedrefan 5433. gedrefnes 2420. gedreme 2593; 2603; 4628 (cp. note] ; 4911. gedrihtu//. ' elementa' 2371 ; 7, 145 ; 8, 119. gedropa ' nicolaus(akind of date)' 474- gedryhtu, cp. gedrihtu. gedwimer 3269 ; 4059 ; 4695 ; 4701. gedwola 11, 176 ; 43, 8. gedwolman 417. gedwyld 4021 ; 4429. geeacnian 3134; 3542. geeacnung 3136; 5093. geeadmedan 1005. geearnian 2342; 5421. geearnung i i i i ; i 285. geedcuced ' redivivus '221 3; 4338; 11, 81. *geedlsesend (x or ee?) 3205; 3216 ; 3538. Cp. also edl-. geedleanian 1519. *geedlesende, cp. geedlsesend. geednlwian 1832. geedsta]>elian 2137; 11, 80. *geed]>rawen 'retortus' 1062. geefenlsecan 50, 28. geemnettan 4262. geendebyrdan 5412 ; 5489. geendian 2144. gefserede ' laruatos ' ? 2, 405 . Cp. sefserede. gefaestnian 3777. gefea 1346. gefeallan 61, a8. 250 INDEX gefedan 3753. gefeg34i2; 4440. gefegan 200; 2254; 7, 27. gefeoht 11, 78. geferian 4698. geferlsecan 7, 48. geferrseden 223; 2148; 2532; 2809; 3330; 4282. *gefe strian 3753 ; 5035. gefleeschamod 944. gefleard 418. Cp. also fleard. geflit 2267; 5391. geflites (to) adv. ' certatim ' 106 ; 2232. geflitful 4094. gefon 2528 ; 50, 2. gefrsetewung 4819. gefredmailum 3245. gefrefran 2279. gefremman 2518; 3344. gefreolsian 1012 ; 1493. gefultumian 1691. *gefurian ' to furrow' 4323. Cp. also furian, (ge)fyrian. gefylan 653. gefylca ' commanipularis ' ? 859. gefylce 2555 ; 3688. Cp. also 859. gefyllan 1298; 2146; 40, 12 ; 13; 14- gefyrian 2, 319. Cp. also fyrian, (ge)furian. gefyrn 56, 93. gegaederian 3497. gegsederscipe 221; 583; 1360; !373; 53- gegsederung 435 ; 1822 ; 4402 ; 4780. gegan (tosomne) 48, 4. gegeolwian 108. gegladian 4724; 2, 137; 374; 7, 328. geglengan 128 ; 539 ; 4393 ; 3729; 8, 324; 23, 25. geglengendllce 1202. gegodian, cp. gegSdod. gegSdod 126:911; 1743; 2561; 37575 4133; 4 6 47- gegripan 28, 26. gegyrnende ' competentes ' 2882. gehabban 3606. {_ehseftan 779; 1164; 1170; 2352; 5397- getueg 551; 1422. gehsemed 'nupta' 1176. gehalsian 4084 ; 4147. gehatheortan 3019; 4009. gehatud ' exosus' 4923 ; 2, 402 ; 5, 4 2 5 7, 337 ; 8, 306. gehealdan 640 ; 1801 ; 4033 ; 447 ; 4313 ; 4385- gehealdsum, gehealt- 665 ; 2666 ; 4511. gehealdsumnes, gehealt- 210 ; 354; nai; 1395; 1777; 1985. Cp. also healds- . gehefeldian 3731. gehelpan 4123 ; 57,4- gehendnys 2713; 4180; 2, 293. gehlwian 4837; 8, 15 j 11, 101. gehladan 466. gehljensian 2123. . gehleotan 3619. gehlette 'sorte'? 11, no. gehlow 1465. gehlyd 1417; 1612; 3811; 5432. gehlytta ' consors ' ? 17, 60. gehogian 2688. geholian 255 ; 11, 15. gehremman 3675. gehwjede 710 ; 3749 ; 4048 ; 542_2. gehwsednys 2596. gehwiere, &c., cp. gejwsere. gehwar 3775. gehwylc 724; 2713. gehwyrfan 978 ; 4558. gehycgan, cp. gehogian. *gehyn ' to raise, exalt' 1470 ; 8, 237- gehyrsumian 288 ; 296. gehyrtan 3059 ; 11, 14. gehyrwan 590. gehyspan 1474. gehy>e4i83; 2, 294. gehyj>ellc 2755. gelcan 'to increase, magnify ' 4, 64. geinseglian 752. geisned 'ferratus' 4232. Cp. also isned. gelacnian 2076. gelseccan 5291. geliedan 4750 ; 40, 32 ; on ~ 1, 3355 3322. gelaered 56, 118; 160; 168. gel^stan 1991 ; 2397 ; 3818 ; .4327. gelsetan 58, 8. gela))ian 4088 ; 56, in. geleafa 40, 25. geleafful 172; 1359; 2768; 4406; 4574; 5116; 5302. geleaffulllce 1335. geieafhlystend 22O7;2, 6957,202; 8_, 158. Cp. also leaf hi-, geleanian 42, i. gelecgan 2905. *gelenda ' locuples' 3154. gelengan 5355 ; 5451. geleorednes 405 ; 2278. Cp.also leorednes. gelettan 3675 ; 3949 ; 8, 414. gelic 248 ; 4601 . gelice 2303. gelician 50, 18. gelicllc 4271. gellcnys 1969; 2530; 8, 131. gellman 3106; 2, 151 ; 9, 6. gelimp 1835; 2165; 3793 14186. gelimpan 2636; 4262; 56, 104. *gelimplKcan 80. geliJewEecan (geleo]>e-) 2056 ; 3108; 4031; 4791. gelogian 308 ; 4324. gelSmlsecan 3824. Cp. 16m-. gelSmlic 2, 70. Cp. lorn-, gelustfullung 990 ; 5377 ; 11, 46. gemwcca 7, 69. gemseclic 'jugalis ' 18, 27. gemaJnelic 1447; 2353. gemaenelicnes 5385 ; 8, 400. gemaenigfyldan 7, 296 ; 380 ; 8, 226 ; 389. gemsensumian 2140. Cp. also mains-. gemsensumnis 62, 2. gemjEstan 23, 27 ; 29. gemjete 4271. gemag,-h8o7;8ii; 1939; 5277; 6, 21 ; 7, 107; 8, 107; 11, 77- gemagnes 3614. gemahllce 2945 ; 3391 ; 5, 33. gemana 704; 1549; 1784; 3220; 333; 3379; 3702; 3912; 4076; 4491 ; 11, 10. gemangnys 1857; 18, 12. gemanian 602 ; 4366. gemearcian 3899. gemengan 3854. gemet572; 1076; 1230; 1252; 3895 ; 27, 3 : 61, 44. gemetan ' to paint' 5236. gemetan 'to find' 3401 ; 46, 41. gemet(e)gung 2122; 4996. gemeting 2, 437. gemildsian 4124. gemot 2093. gemotstow 2322. /. ENGLISH WORDS 251 gemunan 663 ; 1514 ; 1598 ; 2206 ; 2814; 3484; 27, 8. gemynd 2560 ; 2834 ; 3005 ; 3102; 4350. gemyndelic? 32, 13. gemyndleas 11, 177. gemyntan 2699. *gemyscan ' deformare ' 17, 47. geneadian 1257; 1846; 1941; 254* ; 3592 ; 4365- geneosian 1954; 3637. generian 18 b , 31. *genettian 4596. *gengewrit (=gegn-) 8 b , 2. genihtsum 81 ; no; 1840; 8, 67 ; 9, 12; 11, 44. genihtsumian 558 ; 1690. genihtsumnys 3345. geniman 46, 17. genlpan 34, 2. geni[>erian, cp. geny]>-. genSh 2782; 4538; 5161. genyrwan 4851. geny^erian 2916; 3769. genyjjerung 2727. geoffrian 40, 20 ; 30. geogelere, geogof), cp. iug-. *geoht ' subiugalis,' cp. iuht. geolacan 3004. geolstor 3585; 4855; 4991; 2, 228. geolstrig, iuls- 1849; 53 6j '> 2 > 403; 4, 30; 7, in. geolu 525; 1667; 4462; 5191; 7, 16 (?) ; 356 (?) ; 50, 10. geolwian, cp. gegeol-. geond 136; 397; 1778; 3426; 5184. geondblawan 49. geondferan 2129; 3945. geondflowan 2363 (cp. note). geondgeotan 91 ; 1729. *geondscrI5ing 263. geondspringan 2840. geong, geonglacan, &c., cp. iung-, &c. geonian 2409; 3574. geopenian 61, 11. geormanleaf 97. georn? 3372; 2, 96. geornan 56, 216. geornful 363 ; 18 b , 43. geornfulliee 281; 855; 3104; 4373- geornfulnes 43 ; 143; 165; 295; 907; 1328; 2526; 4581; 56, 268; 57, ii ; 58, 15. geornllce 591; 56, 123; 131; 132 ; 221. geplatod 11, 61. gepos, cp. pos. gepscipe 18 b , 80. gerad (}>us) ' hujuscemodi, hujus- modi ' 243 ; 588 ; 998 ; 3062 ; 11, 12 ; 132 ; 40, 12. gerjecan 46, 12. genedan 4, 44; 8, 130. gersedd 'adoptivus' 9, 17. gersedod ' phaleratus ' 7 ; 3, 4. gersepan 4596; 2, 352 ; 8, 260. gereccan2i7; 344; 916; 1555; 1986; 2026; 2206; 2287; 2844 ; 4070. gerecednes 51 ; 181 ; 1082; 1585; 1676; 1796; 2273; 3142. gerefscir 1382. gereonian 863 ; 2802 ; 2823 ; 289952918. Cp. also reonian. gereonung 2243. Cp. also reo- nung. gereordian ' to feed, eat ' 993 ; 56, 348. geriflod 26, 24. Cp. also rifelede. gerihte 3984. gerim 3227. geriman 3832 ; 4762. gerimcrseft 7, 390. *ger5sod ' rosatus ' 3278 ; 2, 185. gerynei505; 1520; 2074; 2141; 2211; 2535; 2875; 2884; 3218; 4216; 5054; 7, 80; 40, 12 ; 17. gerynelic 1083; 2581 (cp. note). gerynelice 5088. gesseli ' signifer' ? 3808. gesSlig 2588; 4185; 4549. gesseli(g)nes 2582 ; 2627; 3995 ; 4260; 4514. gesselj? 3633. gesamnian (togaedere) 1403. gesamnung, cp. gesom-. gescafan 255. gescead 249; 319; 941; 1756; 7, 35 8 ; 396; 8, 348; 412. *gesceadhc 'scenicus' 2, 115. Cp. also note to 2885. gesceaft692; 5222; 40,35- gesceap 8, 346. gescendan 520; 40, 5. gesceotan 4240. gescert ' brachicatalecticus ' 130. gescola ' condiscipulus ' 2271. *gescola ' a companion,' cp. note to 2271. gescot 49, 2. gescrifan 1452: 2, 42. gescrydan 1024. gescyldan 2960. gescyldnes 394; 1995; 2100; 2390; 2795; 3556; 4967. gescyran 56, 12. gescyrtan, cp. gescert. gesecgan 1514; 1610 ; 3873; 443 2 ; 455- geseowian 5334; 53, 32 ; 56, 31. geset 2997 ; 7, 215. Cp. also set. *gesetl 'consessus' 1753. *gesetla ' one who sits beside another ' 56, 20. gesettan344; 419; 904; 1301; 1305; 1967; 2316; 5138; 5427; 11, 171; 40, 10 ; betwyx - 3645 ; on ~ 2760. gesettnes 247 ; 424 ; 437 ; 842 ; 1315; 1629; 1676; 1765; 1966; 3448; 4242; 5143; 53"- gese>an 217; 1326; 3897; 7, 100. Cp. also sej>an. gesejnmg 2067. Cp. also sejmng. gesibb 2810; 3989; 2, 280; 9,4; gesibling 3, 3. gesih]) 404; 406 ; gesij>]> 2107 ; 2170; 3015. gesinscipe 1662; 2540; 3593; 4288 ; 5002. gesi>(-J)a?) 1185; 4 28 3; 4732. gesl]>man 874. gesi>}j, cp. gesih>. gesiwian, cp. geseowian. gesmacian 3004. gesmeagan 2688 ; 50, 54. gesmea(gu)ng 5214. gesmittian 7, 323; 8, 282. Cp. also smitt-, besm-. gesmyrwan 2764. gesod 3759. gesomnung 1027 ; 7,70; 8,89. gespedsumian 3630. gespinnan 3738 ; 7, 269 ; 8, 196. gespnec 2, 169. gesp(r)ecan 3459 ; 4899. gesta)>eliend 365. gestefned ' clavatus ' 5323 ; 7, 374; 8, 376. gestrangian 4353 ; 46, 27. gestrangung 1445. gestredd ' conditus,' cp. gestrydd. gestregdan, cp. gestrydd. gestrengan 46, 8. 252 INDEX gestreon 557 ; 712; 1114; 2656; 2673; 3064; 3151; 3604; 4007 ; 4832 ; 8, 69 ; 12, 8. gestreonan 796 ; 3387. gestreonendlic 1402 ; 1665. gestreonfull 1570; 1930; 3603. gestrydd ( = gestredd) ' condttus ' 3754- gestrynendllc, cp. gestreon-. gesund 4783; 5269. gesundfull 2581; 3632; 3664; 3994; 2, 232. gesundfulnys4866;5Oio;ll, 147. geswsesnys 607. gesweartian 4669 ; 2, 364. geswebban 4031 ; 4975. geswege 7, 173; i?55 8 > I ^> 140. geswelg 635 ; 701 ; 4620. Cp. also note to 50, 5. geswetan 5492 ; 2, 494. gesw!can659; 3852; 3980; 4096. geswincfull 994 ; 996; 1115. geswingan 10; 46, 48. geswutelian 544; 912; 1545; 1562; 2380; 2874; 3365; 3 6 53; 5059; 5137; 11. 59; 40, 23. geswutelung 4841. gesyh)), cp. gesih|>. gesyrnan 2644. gesyrwan 2258 ; 3/94- getacnian 214; 1541; 17945 251; 37*5; 557; 5089; 5279; 18 b , 69; 40, 28; 31. getacnung 213 ; 1802 ; 5136 ; 5278. getsel 21, 8. Cp. also getel. getselsum 390. getarged ' scutatus' 2259. getel 1535 ; 3036 ; 3 22 9 ; 8 2 5- Cp. also getael, tel. getelcraeft 3117. *getelfers 127. getellan 1537; 1624; 1733; 3228; 3830. geteohhian42i3; 2, 302; 7,312; 8, 251 ; 288. geteon - 4467 ; 4531 ; 2, 343 ; for> - 1, 228 ; to ~ 675. geter 3946. getihtan 'to instigate' 602. getilj) 1408. *getimberhalgnng ' scenopegia ' 56, 287. getimbrung 4106. gctinge adj. 13; 70; 1501; 2304 ; 3096; 3122; 3357 (cp. note); 3, 7; 4,88. getinge adv. 2853. getingllc 3357. getinglice adv. 1689. getingnesi25; 319; 2297; 3357 (cp. note) ; 5403. getreagian 256. getriwe 9, 7. getrymman 810 ; 4329; 18 b , 84. getrymming 11, 109. *getwanc(g) 'colludium'? 1517. getwinn 1459; 2605; 4166. getwis 3012. getyhtan, cp. getihtan. getyn 4133. getynge, &c., cp. getinge, &c. gej)sef 289. ge>2eslsecan 4263 ; 5175. gej>seslice 3891. gefafian 4001. ge)>anc 56, 3. ge)>eaht 123 ; 2093. gejennan 28, 12. ge]>eodan 340; 749; 2533; 3112; 4071 ; 5031 ; 11, 48 ; to ~ 2355 ; S3 62 ; 464! ; 47 61 ; 4916. ge]>eodnes 1605 ; 2809 ; 3200. gefeon, cp. gej>ogen. ge)?inc]>o 930 ; 968; 1404; 1708; 2191 ; 2861 ; 3451 ; 3456; 3622 ; 3693; 3885 ; 4052 ; 4281 ; 4817; 5051 ; 5078. ge>ingian 4724. ge])ofta 3141 ; 8, 320. gej>oftraeden 414 (cp. note). gefogen ' adultus ' 3607 ; 18 b , 5. gefoht 26, 4. gefolian 2897. gej>raec ' apparatus ' 778 ; 4560 ; 7>_59! 3!3; 8, 87; 252. gefraestan 1164; 1452; 2121; ge)>rawan 11 ge>rean 1452 ; 4013; 5349. gefuf ? 26, 28. gejmngen 892. gejrangennes 1706 ; 8, 74 ; 57, i. gepwaere 231. gejjwserian 5376 ; 2, 461. gejwaerlsecan 66. ge))yld? 5062. ge))yldigian 3238. ge)>yllic 'densus'? 5, 4 ; 7, 7- gej>yn4946; to ~ 2, 411. ge)>yncj)o, cp. ge)nnc]>o. genferian 398 ; 513; 931; 1470; 2859; 3996. geundremedre, cp. note to 4000. geunnan 4000. geutian 4849. gewsecan 1276; 2441; 4011; 479; 535; 2 > 281 ; 3 s6 ; 11, 122. gewaatan 347- gewalcud 'calamistratus' 26, 69. gewanian 5047 ; 8, 280. gewarian 2616. gewealcian, cp. gewalcud. geweaxan 2578. gewed ' dementia' 40, i. gewefan 2391; 3742; 3935. gewelgian 951; 2551; 3630; 11, 55. Cp. also 352. gewemman 4964 ; 2, 119. gewemmednys 3712 ; 3999. gewemmendlic 2912. gewemming 2, 318; 11, 8^. gewenan 803. gewendan 3260. geweorc 5222. gew^orcllc 'textrinus'? 1042. geweorpan 4781. geweorSan 40 ; 1754 ; 3, 29 ; 40, 36. gewergian 49, I. gewesan 5196. gewidlian 4428. gewidmsersian trans. 1305 ; 8, 391 ; intrans. 2374 ; 2585 ; 2769; 2840. *gewilian ' to bind together/ cp. note to 3560. gewilnian 2737 ; 4287 ; 4676 (cp.note}; 2, 230; 18 b , 39. gewilnung 1184; 2077; 2183; 2526; 2698; 4676; 5158. gewilsum 8, 2 1 ; 11, 29. gewilsumlic 235 (cp. note}. gewind 2392 ; 2, 79. gewindan 459. gewinn 1116 ; 3000 ; 3026 ; 3204; 4170; 2, 134; 4, 17; 11, 81. gewiss 555; 8/7; 4, 93; 46, 7. gewissan (to) 'prsesertim' 1882. gewistfullung 1632 ; 1931. gewitan 1495 ; 3203 ; 3582 ; 4062 ; 26, 61 ; 53, 25 ; aweg - 35_ 9 o ; for}) - 40, 35. gewitgian 40, 13. gewitleas 3057. gewltnian 7, 7 1 * /. ENGLISH WORDS 2 53 gewiSelode 'conexa'? 23, 7. gewl^etan 4, 13. gewlitegian 1020 ; 1197. gewraxl ? cp. note to 18 b , 68. gewrit 2008 ; 2308 ; 4612 ; 4809; 5103; 5455; 40, 7. gewrij>an 3579. *gewrioelian ' to bind ' ? 23, 7. gewrixl sb. 272; 4272; 4788; 7, 236 ; 11, 20. gewrixl adj. 2310 ; 3001 ; 7, 216 ; 8, 163. gewrixl ' palestrum ' ? 18 b , 68. *gewrixlic 2, 135. gewun 287. gewuna 740 ; 1627 ; 1820 ; 4920. gewunellce 2765; 5145. gewyldan noo; 2189; 2681; 4,63. gewylian, cp. gewil-. gewyrcan 1544; 2120; 2138. gewyrd ' fortuna, fatum, historia, &c.' 2628 ; 5479 ; 5480 ; 8, i5 a ; 4'35 8", 5; 11, 124; 18 b , 32- gewyrd 'verbositas' 1419. gewyrdelic 1 90 ; 3028; 3792. gewyrdelice 'verbatim' 56, 120; ' sagaciter ' 1, 208. gewyrdelice ' historialiter ' 4261. gewyrdellcnes ' facundia ' 8 b , 16 (?). *gewyrdignes ' urbanitas ' 5488 ; 2, 492. Cp. also 8 b , 10. gewyrdwritere 60, i. Cp. wyrd- wr-. gewyrtbox 8, 299. gewyrtrumian 3111; 2, 153. gewyscan 806. geycan ' to increase,' cp. geican. geyppan 2379; 2921; 4505; 17, 61. gicelig 2034; 2497; 7, 122. gidd, cp. gydd. gidig ' limphaticus ' 5009. gif 201 2. giferlice 766. gifernes 2447 ; 50, 40. glfre698; 4, 37; 5, 19; 7, 52; 154; 8, 81 ; 19, 2. gifta, gifu, gilm, gilp, &c., cp. gyfta, &c. gimbsere 487 ; 1191; 4827. gimeleast 2, 208 (cp. note}. gimrodor 1075 > 7, 73- gimstan 1073; 3194. simian, cp. geon-. g!s(e)l 3905 ; 45, 4. git 'ye two' 1904; 2, 57. gltsung 7, 226. gladian 3004. glser 1074. glseterian 532. gleaw 39; 3095; 3109; 3213; 5200; 3, 28; 7, 234; 8, 143; 9, 9 ; 56, 117. gleawlice 3131 ; 3104. gleawnes 43; 71; 618 ; 852; 1324; 2314; 2315; 4581; 5212; 5461 ; 5490; 2, 493; 5, 9; 6, I ; 9, 14. gled 18 b , 37. gleng 63; 538; 1217; 7, 37; 8, 37 1 - glengan n; 1203; 5107; 5312; 3,6; 8, 332. gleo, cp. glig, gligman, gliwere, &c. gliddrian 4104. gligman 39; 3310; 3, 28. glitenian 531; 1023; 1196; 1719; 4295; 4310; 2, 315. gliwere 679; 4165 ; 6, 13. *gliwingman 50, 9. gliwung 1472. glowaii 4409. gnset 61, 40. gnagan 2, 224; 23, 49. gneaSlIcnys 2437. gneajmys 2437 ; 3748. *gnuddian 'fricare' 56, 33. god 'good' 589; 18 b , 35. god 'God' 146; 2607; 17, 6; 40, 38. godcund423; 1531; 1628. godcundlic 705 ; 2516; 2566. godewebb 461 ; 1059; 1 37&- godewebben 3162 (cp. note] ; 5322. gSdian 1932. godspellic 1797; 2592; 3067. Cp. also 1622; 1970; 2066; 5I57- gold 3534- *golde ' solsequia,' cp. note to 26, 36. *goldgewefen 4297; 2, 316. *goldora 1810. *goldwecg 451. *goldwyrt ' solsequium ' 26, 36. gor 4769 ; 2, 382 ; 7, 333 5 8, 293: 53,39. gorettan 5, 3. goretung, cp. note to 5, 3. *gorian 7, 6. Gotonisc 4606. grSdig 518; 700; 836; 1475; 3338 ; 11, 98. grsef 'cave' 1889; 3311. graeft 50, 26. grsg 1876. gram 4484. grama 4320; 5032. greada 2954. gremman, -mian 4478 ; 4942 ; 7, 3 8 4; 8, 399; 46, 52. grene 550; 3281; 8, 62. grennys 530; 1581. greting 2571 ; 3182. greSe 'sodalis' ? 29, 2. grim 2217; 3435. grimlic 3947 ; 4379 ; 5340. grimlice 728; 2714; 4875. grimnys 1477; 4714. grin 961 ; 2, 21. gripa ' pugillus ' 3877; 2, 266. gnpan 50, 31. gristbitian ? cp. gyrst-. gripian 2473. growan 17, 30; 18 b , 42. grand 1942. grundeswylie 56, 43 ; 379. grundleas 23, 39. grundlunga 1678. grundweall 3880. grun(n)ian 4337. grun(n)ung 2387 ; 4378. grutt 701; 1814; 4340; 5466; 4,9! 7, 4 i. grymet(t)an 3684 ; 50, 56. grymet(t)ung 2388; 4378. grype 'cloaca, cuniculus' 3320; 4290; 4745. gu)>fana 1 746 ; 2 1 30. gycelig, cp. gicelig. gydd 2318; 3182; 3708; 5233; 2, 166; 4, 33; 56; 5, 27; 7, 143; 361; 8, 352. gyddung 2534; 2, 97. gyden4i87; 4449; 4666. gydenlic 3193; 7, 233; 8, 170. gydig, cp. gidig. gyfes (to) ' gratis ' 3069. gyft sg. 'marriage* 7, 235; gyfta, -tu//. 1781; 3377; 5003; 2, 199. gyftbur ? 18, 6. gyftlicii22; 1660; 3612; 4401; 5244; 11, 158. gyfu 342; 367; 1183; 2293 ; 254 INDEX 257254210; 450354552:40, 9; 25. gyld 11, 184. *gyldenhiwe 43, 5. gyliende'garrulus'56,138; 142. gylm 2366 ; 3431 ; 5252 ; 7, 270. gy 1 ? 5374- gylpan 4196; 2, 296. gylplice 954. gylt 2784; 2919; 4, 50. gylung ' garrulitas'? 56, 141. gymeleast, cp. glme-. gymen 245 ; 1607 ! 34 2 3; 53 O1 5 5424. Cp. also note to 5476. *gymmian 'jugulare, perfodere' 3799- gyr ' letamen, virus ' ? 4773. gyrd 156 ; 1806. gyrdels 3767. gyr(e)la 1194; 3364. gyrnan 2820; 5426; 18 h , 39. gyrning 5289. gyrran 4337; 26, 13. gyrst ' stridulus ' ? gyrstbitian ? 4605 (cp. note). gyt 1296. habban 1385; 1904; 2, 57; 27, 10 ; 40, 20; 56, 84. hacele 5316. had 2326; 2329; 3890; 5314. haef ' fermentum ' 57, 3. hseftan 4755; 2, 381. hseftllc 3208; 2, 170. hsegsteald 3476. hoegstealdhad 1395. haegtesse 4, 85. haelend 40, 2. hoslendllc 1538. hel(o) 1875 ; 2607 ; 4354 ; 4866 ; 61, 26. hcemed 416 ; 1781 ; 2942 ; 3617 ; 4219; 4220; 4450 (note); 5043; 5245. *hsemedrim ' lenocinium ' 5046. haamedscipe 3219 ; 5046. hsepse 4003. hair 1199; 1214. haerfestlic 3838. hserlocc 2, 454. *hernsedl 1200. hses 1294. haesel 56, 354. haete wk.f. 4226. hseto 23, 55. hsett 4404 ; 5242 ; 5320 ; 2, 325 ; 45 1; 7, 303: 8, 236. haettende (pres. pic. enscipe 2623. hsewenio58; 5318; 2, 450; 35,2. hagol 360. hal 3471. halig96o; 1526; 2936; 4082; 4533 ; 40, 7 ; 38. haligdom 11, 127. haligern 3237. haligreft 5243; 2, 441. halsian 4, 45. halsung 4083. halwende 374; 1538; 1773; 1972; 3051; 4550. ham 1265; 474 1 > 4^4; 61,8. ham 'subucula' 5316; 8, 372. hama ' puerperium ' 351 ; 11, 54. hamele ' porticulo ' ? 33 (cp. note] ; 3, 22. hamm ' the ham ' 3724 ; 38, 3. hamor 481 ; 7, 13; 8, 7. hamsteall 61, 55. hancred 4893. hand 3428; 3547; 11, 150; 46, 49. handbred 1549. handgeweorc 3710. handgewrit 3710. handlian 17, 44. handstoc n. 5240; 5321; 2,452; 7, 373! 8,375- handwyrm 23, 50; 25, I. harehune 56, 407. harnes 1877 ; 3367. hasu 26, 14. hat 1779; 1982; 2705; 3243. hatan 2111. hathyrtan 18, 4. hatian 4731. hatian, cp. haettende. he 1033; "oo; mo; 1348; H49! J 59 8 J 20I 4; 2I 33, &c. heo 598 ; 711; 904; 1016; 1050; 1120; 1291, &c. hlo 8, 239; 261, &c. hu ( = heo) 8, 238. hit 1055; 1 1 10 ; 1576; 2015, &c. his 2I 34! 2527, &c. heore, hyre 1207; 4741, &c. hine 2132, &c. hi (//.) 112 ; 292 ; 407 ; 660; 779; 973; 989; 1045, &c. heora, hyra 68; 40, 4, &c. him, heom 887; 936, &c. heafodburg 61, 3. heafodlic 773. Cp. also 671 ; heage (//. <7/"heah) 3027. heagotho ' manes' ? 53, 15. heahi7oo; 3027; 7,66"; 324; 8, 285; 56, 292. heahfaeder 3720. heahfore 1462. heahhyrde 910. heahlareow 3359. heahleornere 910. heahnys 930 ; 1559 ; 2458 ; 3456 ; 4436. Cp. also 384. *heahsceaj>a ' archipirata' 8, 228. heahseld 2322. heahtorras 'the Alps' 2035. healdan 40, 26 ; 34. healdsumnes 1101. Cp. also geheald- . healf sb. 3679; 32, 12. healf adj. 2402. healfcwic 17, 46. healhihte 'angulosus' 121. heallc 510; 576; 929; 1698; 2070; 2221; 2572; 2588; 2597; 2988; 3454; 3531; 44_7- healice adv. 5058. healicnys 3529. heall 4368 ; 5251. *heall ' petra' 4111. heallic ' palatinus ' 2996 ; 4622. healm ' porticulus ' ? 33. healsbeorg 725; 759; 5021. *healsbrynige 2, 418. healsmyne 1188 ; 2203; 4828. healswyrt 56, 44 ; 393. healtsumnes, cp. heald-. hean 27, 33. heap 827; 1566; 2877; 5, 5; 7, 8 ; 163 ; 8, 129. heard 890 ; 1293. heardra ' mullus' 56, 339. hearg, herg 1468; 1898; 3237; 3705 ; 18", 21. heargan 'salpiste ' ? 7, 57 (cp. note). hearm 3869; 8, 233 ; 46, 13. *hearmfull 46, lo. hearpslege 52, i. heawan 56, 32. hebban 36, 10. heden 1471. hedendlic 'captiosus' 3208. hefe 4793; 18, 14; 18 b , 41. hefeld 3550 ; 4, 65 ; 7, 256. hefehtyned 3545 ; 2, 222. hefig 4348; 5429; 5481; 2, 487. hefli ' commodum,' cp. behefllc. heh>o 3525 ; 3528 ; 4408 ; 4437. Cp.also $$4; 1640; 1699. helabr ( = heolfor) 'tabo'53, 19. heldan 'to bend, incline' 2105. helde ' tansy' 56, 45 ; 395. *hellegrutt 684. hellewlte 1249; 2218. hellgodo ' manes'? 53, 15. hellrune, cp. helrune. helm ' porticulus ' ? 33. helm ' vertex, cassis, corona ' 1564; 5020; 2, 417; 26, 55; 'foliage' 1, 95 ; 924; 1132. help 782; 1654; 3079; 54 6 3. helrune 1926; 2, 60; 7, 106; 8, 106. hem 50, 51. hemej>e 3725. hennebelle 56, 374. heof 2829. Cp. also 644. heofen 5148; 18 b , 62. heofendllc 900. heofenlic 184; 328; 381; 426; 945; II2 4; I2 55; H 2 ?; 143; 1539; *573; !747; 1751; 1823; 1950; 2433; 2 57; 2575; 39 02 ; 3934; 4092 ; 4395. heofenwealdend 23, 10. heofian? 4191. heofung 3366; 1345 (?). Cp. also 644. heolfor, cp. helabr. heolor 1757 ; 4602 ; 2, 46 ; 354. heolrian 1597. heolstor sb. 2052 ; 2968 ; 3289 ; 3354; 4212 ; 2, 301. heolstor adj. 11, 93. heolstrig, 2952; 3317. heonon 3503. heononforj) 56, 67. heora, -re, cp. he. heorcnian 2825. heordan//. 'napta, stuppa' 1649; 3292; 3726. *heorotbeg, cp. herutbeg. heorte 40, 8. heor)> 3761 ; 2, 249. heowung, cp. hlwung. her 61, 14. here 23; 5253; 5254; 5502; 2, 443! 3, 15; 11, 23. herebeacen 575 ; 1701. herebVme 2602 ; 50, 21. /. ENGLISH WORDS herelof 1761; 1908; 452154564; 2,47. herereaf 1925. hereword 717* hergian 2712. herian 2612 ; 56, 79. heriendlic 573 (?) ; 2774. heriendlice ? 56, 163. herto 56, 80. herung 64 ; 402 ; 939 ; 2424 ; 3982; 4723; 4950; 5379; 2, 81; 373- *herutbeg 54, 2. hetol 3640. *hetolnes 11, 152. hider 1040; 4103. hif ( = hiw), cp. note to 3913. hlhjjo, cp. hehjxx hill ( = hell) 56, 237. hike 4945. *hilting ' a sword ' 758. *hindergenga ' an apostate ' 5, 16; 'one who walks back- wards' 26, 23. hinderscipe 378. hindheoloft 56, 50 ; 417. hired 817; 3307; 3386; 8,369. hiredcniht 11, 116. hiredlic 2414; 2996; 4181; 7, 215 ; 8, 266. his, hit, cp. he. hiw 79; 299; 410; 529; 533; 536; 1044; 2285; 2530; 2684; s^s; 34 11 ; 3784; 393; 4355; 2, 206; 11, 6; 40, 17. hiwcu}>87o; 2808; 4183; 5132. hlwcuj>lic 2531. hiwere 2781 ; 4244. hiwfsest 453; 1054. hiwian 2804; 4061; 11, 104. hiwiend ' informator ' 365 (cp. note}, hiwleasnes, -least? 4461. hiwlic 1084. hiwung(heo-) 1929; 2238; 2911 ; 457 ; 459- hladan (up) 503. *hlabrgcse 'rotabnlnm' 53, 43. hlsedel 501. hlsedtrendel 502. hlsennes 23, 33. hlrensian 1156. hlaford 2729; 61, 9. hlaforddom 271. hlafordlic 18 b , 46. *hlafraece ' rotabulum,' cp. hlab- rgcae. 255 hland, cp. hlond. hleahtor 3171. hleapan 2142. hleapere 775. hlec'5456; 2,480. hlecan ' grannire ' ? 4337. hlennan, cp. hlynnan. hleo)?rian 197 ; 1916 ; 2593 ; 3924; 4914. hhd 1521 ; 3970. *hllfan, cp. note to 3530. hlinung 61, 37. hlisa7i7; 1918; 4564; 7, 150; hllsbsere 2836; 2, 112. hlisfull 4397 ; 4519; 4, 82(?). *hlisig 'famosus' 8, 250. hlond 3264; 3274. hlosnere 2333. hlot 1838; 1990. Cp. also note to 223. hlowan 1466 ; 36, 1 2 ; ongean - 4609. hlud 8, 309. hlut(t)or494; 264953167; 5493; 2, 495- hladan 1646; 1955; 4195; 5437; 11, 126; 61, 7. hlydig 1418. hlynn 17, 7. hlynnan 1647. hlystan 2331. hlyt 2294. Cp. also note to 11, no. hlywan 252. hnsepp 1847. hmgan (on) 630. hnigla 7, 267; 8, 194. hnipian 1279. *hnippan ' procumbere ' ? 1579. hnygela, cp. hnigla. hocleaf 97; 56, 375. hof 19. hoferiend 3662. *hoflic 2996. *hof(h)ring ' orbis' 18. *hoga m. 8, 283. hogian 1209; 1320; 2939; 3446; 3803; 4218; 4230; 4374; 5121; 5160; 5393. Cp. also hycgan. hohful 2277. hohhwyrfing, cp. note to 18. hold adj. 9,1. holdllc 50, 29. holen 56, 363. holh 2047; 3560; 7, 120; 124. 256 INDEX holt? 56, 239. hop n. ' ligustrum ' 36, 14. hopian 940 ; 3034. hord m. 4216 ; 2, 303. hore 2940 ; 3329. horh 2545; 3598; 11, 134. horig 18 b , 82. horn!8 b , 86; 50, 45. hors 2186 ; 46, i. *hors(c)lic, horxlic ' putidus, squalens' 1789; 2430; 4752; 2, 499. horselene 56, 49; 413. horsern ' hippodromus ' ? 2998 (cp.note); 2, 133. horsryne ' hippodromus ' ? 2998 (cp.note); 2, 133. horsfen 1383. hortan pi. ' whortle-berries ' 2, 433 : 8, 34- horxlic ' putidus,' cp. horsclic hosebend 4822. hosp 471; 1261; 4207; 4268; 4500; 5201; 5228. hoss ' pampinus ' 564. hosu 'gluinula' 8, 94. hraca 31, 3. hrsecan 53, 40. hraed 2343 ; 50, 43. hrseding_ 3347. (h)rsedlice 89; 2212; 3676; 4321 ; 56, 321. hrsegl 3588; 2, 229; 18 b , 74. hraw, cp, TXW. hran 668 ; 4, 16 ; 7, 47 ; 23, 48 ; 54, i. hra)>e, cp. ra]>e. hreaw 3241 ; 4113. *hreawnes 3283. hremmesfot 56, 384. hremming, cp. remming. hreod 56, 398. *hreoflic 4927 (note); 7, 262; 18 b , 79- hreoflig 2073; 3584; 4927. (h)reohnes 632 ; 1599 ; 2420 ; 2475; 2500; 4415; 4559; 7, 39. (h)reosan 1575; 2234; 3582. hreosendlic 686 ; 2237; 3973. hreowlic 4868. hreppan 4325. hrif 1496. hrim 23, 14. (h)ring 1192; 4944; 8, 47; 50, 50. hringsetl 3510; 3535. hringsittend 65. (h)risel 3739; 2, 246. *(h)rlsig ' setosus ' 8, 337. hri]>er, cp. hry)?er. hrof 346; 2257 ; 2, no. hroftimber 2256. hrycg 2467. *hryran (causative of hreosan), cp. a-, tohryran. hryscan 3740 ; 5006. hryj>er 2448 ; 2, 86. hryjierfreols 4719. hryjjerheord 18 b , 2. hu 708; 1266; 2015; 2374; 3202; 3665. hiife 5242; 2, 440; 8, 353. hulc 2515. hulu 1412 ; 2, 41. hund 'dog' 26, 61. hund ' hundred' 824. hundred 882 ; 3036. hundseofontig 61, 22. hundteontigfeald 950. hungor 2440. hungrig 2436 ; 3685 ; 3829 ; 3864^ 4634; 7, 153; 8, 122. hunigbsere 93; 2153. hunigswete 336; 3183. hum 17, 38 ; 54, 3. hus 291; 2941; 3620; 4018; 4300; 4659; 5174; 2, 175; 18 b , 92; 56, 164. hiij) 219; 5084. hux 5201. hwsel 6, 12 ; 54, i. hweer (wel) 8, 255. hwarlsecan, cp. Jwairlaecan. hwiest ' flatus, spiritus,' cp. notes to 2452 ; 2 472. hwset 50, 29 ; swa ~ swa 40, 12. hwsete 3870' 2, 264. hwsetlice 1874. hwsestrung 2975 (cp. note). hwearftlian 2, 500; 23, 57; 26, 37- hwebbung, cp. webbung. hwene 61, 48. hweorfan (ongean) 1125. hweowl 502. hwer 4115; 4127; 4670; 4672; 7, 320; 8, 277. hwetstan 56, 21. hwi, to hwl 1066; 1659; 2831; 5165; 7, 342; 8, 317- hwicce 18 b , u. hwider 3781 ; 7, 276. hwilii78; 4740; 2.377; 5 > ?'7- hwilc 5119; 5416; 27, 3; 61, 24; 33- hwiltidum adv. 92 ; 107. hwilum 3/87. hwistlian 4703 ; 2, 370. hwit52 4 9; 5317; 18 b , 51; 35,5- hvvitel 1035. hwiSuy; ' aura' 2, 420. hwol ' infigens ' ? 37, 6. hwOnllce 1015; 1890; 3656; 3878; 2, 555 235; 7, 264. *hwoSrung 'murmur' 26, 14. hwy, hwylc, cp. hwi, hwilc. hwyrlic, &c., cp. J>w5"'rlic. hwyrfan (ongean) 151 ; 2713 ; 4241. *h\vyrflede ' rotundus ' 23, 42. hwyrfling 'orbis' 1992. hycgan 1391; 3375! 47 10 ! 2 > 198. Cp. also hogian. hyd 3282 ; 3285 ; 26, 19 ; 50, 23. hyf H3_; 253; 307 ; 3822. *hygeleasllc 3170. hyht 40, 19. hyhfto, cp. hehjio. hylci772; 3427; 3696; 2,49; 209 ; 4, 28 ; 11, 129. hyldan 'to bend, incline,' cp. heldan. hyll 56, 241. hyllwyrt 56, 419. *hyn ' to raise, exalt,' cp. gehyn. hyndenlic ' captiosus,' cp. he- dendllc. hyngrian 3829. hynXo) 2993 ; 3156 ; 36, 16. hype 1822 ; 4780. hypel 1822 ; 2496 ; 3978 ; 2, 53 ; 95; 279- hyppede ' figit ? 46, II. hyra, -re, cp. he. hyidel 2466 ; 3888 ; 4485 ; 2, 268. Cp. also hyrthir. hyrdelic 2986; 5423. Cp. also note to 2996. *hyrrien ' angulosus' 7, 20. hyrnfull 121. *hyrnig ' angulosus '121. hyrnstan 1546. hyrtan 791 ; 3866. hyrthir 'cratis'? 53, 37 (cp. note). *hyrting 17, 10. hyrwendlic 5503. hyscan 5229. hyse, cp. hysse. h\'seberj>or, -byrj>or 3908 ; 4947. /. ENGLISH WORDS 2 57 hysebyrding 946. hyspan 4756 ; 8, 95. *hyspfull 11, 1 80. hysping 8, 247. hysse 3476 ; 7, 247. hyS 11, 1 86. *hySgyld 'harbour sacrifice or worshi p'(not'portdue')47i7- Ibigteru, 53, 12. ic 1156; 1349; 3348; 3936; 4762; 4765; 11, 27; 18 b , 19, &c. idel 1109; 3568; 3933; 4677; 40, 18; 49, 2 ; on ~ 2000; 2586; 18 b , 60. Tdelnys 4021 ; 4429. ides 2136; 15, 4; 5; 17, 52 ; 59 ; 18, 29. idlian 4711. ieora ' extorqueo '? 56, 150. Ifig 115; 7, 17. Ifigtearu, cp. Ibigteru. ilca, cp. ylca. in adv. 4316 ; 8, 273. in prep. 62, i. inburg 3828 ; 8, 214 (?). inbyrdling 3957 ; 2, 275 ; 7, 185. inca 4198. incer 2, 204. incniht 870; 4684. incofa 5407. incojm 1978 ; 1981 ; 3049 ; 31, 2. incund 1184 ; 5, 23. inelfe 987. infoereld 135 ; 3894. ingang 50, 47. ingehyd 411; 614; 968; 1609; 2281; 3628; 3893. ingeoting 3275 ; 2, 184. inge]>anc 3566. inhired 2809; 3309; 5133. inlenda 2434; 2539; 3591. inlendisc 2415. inlic 986. inn 56, 183. inno]> 105 ; 2446 ; 4086. inorf 4664. inseg! 4 i77. inseglian, cp. geins-. intinga 926. inweard, cp. inwyrd. inweardlice, inwurdl- 2007 ; 7, 114; 56, 147. inwyrd 175. irnan, cp. yrnan. is, cp. com. [IV. II.] isen adj. 2187. Isned ' ferratus ' 736. Cp. also geisned. ludeas 40, I. iugelere 4020 ; 4069 ; 4089 ; 4476. iugu}> 2843; 7, 198; 56, 220. iugujhad 1095. *iuht 'subjugalis' 7, 135. iulstrig, cp. geolstrig. iungio93; 1491; 1673; 2275; 2591; 2843; 2876; 3476; 3750; 4119; 56, 207. iunglsecan 4361. iunglic 966 ; 3360. iungling 3608. Iw24, 4; 56, 352. la 2015; 2374; 56, 133. lac 362; 3834; 4210; 4503; 54_i6. lacdsed 3833. lacniende 1974 ; 3047. lacnung 382 ; 3050 ; 4352 ; 5360. laece 3027. Itiececrseft 3124. Cp. also 956. l^cedom 375 ; 1973 ; 55, 7. Cp. also 956. Isedan 56, 255. Isefel 56, 435. Isefer 5497 ; 2, 26 ; 497 ; 7, 72. Isel 4, 52; 7, 246; 8, 184; 32, _ T 4- Isemen 1229 ; 11, 120. lairan 884 ; 56, 284_; 328. laes ' minus ' 643 ; ]>e laeste 3675. lEes(w)ian 5210. Isetan 56, 320. laf 3313- lagu ' law ' 1 964 ; 2178; 4844; 5226; 7, no; 8,109; 21 55 56, 19; 166. lam 28, 32. lamb 40, 29; 31 ; 32. land 4273. landgemaca 3140; 2, 162. landgemsere 844; 11, in. landleode 17, 18. Iandspedig3i54. lang adj. 2726; 3997; 56, 28. langeodz/. 250; 2250; 3743; 2, 247. langfsere 2072. langsumSoo; 1444; 2072; 3498; 3625; 39975 3,37- langsumnys 1699. lar 196; 1098; 1099; 1406; 2010; 2088; 2270; 2305; 2635; 3128; 5100; 2, 2; 7, 322; 8, 279; 56, 189; 261. Cp. also note to 2071. lareow 2096; 3720; 4363; 56, 260. lareowdom 3100; 4547. Cp. note to 260. lareowllc 1471 ; 4584. lareowsetl 7, 206. larhlystend 2881. larlic 41 ; 2282 ; 3, 30. late 5460 ; 2, 482. latteow 3358; 5154. latteowdom 3014. *latung 7, 129. 15 > 885; 3567; 4301; 5406; 7, 166; 8, 133; 53,7. labile 2388 ; 23, 59. lawerbeam 56, 357. leac 56, 370. leaf 'fas' 5070. leaffull 1329. leafhlystend 2190. Cp. also PC.' leafhl-. Ieahtor672; 2678; 2786; 4250; 5363; 4, 50; 40, 22. leahtrian 4255; 8, 392. lean 2633. leaniende 767 ; 3816. leas 2377; 2 94o; 4236; 5068. *leasuht 'leno' 4014. Ieasung2238; 2243; 2803. lee 3462 (note). lecgan (under) 3518. lencten 4, 76 ; 7, 285. lenctentlma 3837. leng adv. ' longer' 2542 ; 3594. lengan 28, 17. leng(o) 1640. leoda 56, 272. Ieof22o; 2353; 3369; 66,296. leofllc 3919. leoht s&. 3324. leoht ' not heavy' 1692 ; 7, 18; 58, i._ *leohtbrednes 'wantonness, fri- volity ' (not ' illumination, manifestation ') 4706. leoma 88; 1658; 2813; 2970; 3772 ; 11, 2 ; 18, 24. leorednes 3405. leornere 56, 106; 207. Cp. also note to 1, 56. leorninghus 3223; 56, 212. leorningmann 2, 175. leo]>39o; 1347. 2 5 8 leo)>ewa:can, cp. li)>e-. leo]>sang 902. lettan 8", 6. letting 971; 1671; 5135; 5454; 2, 479- lie 1377; 1870; 5, 25; 8,93. liccettan 2944; 4061. licgan 4898. llchama 1275 ; 1870. lic(h)amlic 610; 1604; 1723; 2552. licleo> 899. licrest 4347. licsanggoi; 3504; 2, 19. Hctun 4347. lif 594; 1365; 2214; 2822 ; 3699 ; 4533 ; 40, 24. liflic 72. Iig4_422. ligbaere 1152. Hget 1429. lilie 56, 427. lira 131; 201; 2850; 7, 196; 18 b , 10 ; 28, i ; 2. lim 1669; 53, 29. *limfin 'lime-heap,' cp. note to 2456. liming 4439. limmjelum 1554; 3413. limrseden (' chlamys ' or ' linea- mentum ' ?), cp. note to 2530. linde 2, 8 ; 4, 7 ; 7, 19 ; 10, i. linen 5317; 2, 449. lippa 699; 3186. litig 4058 ; 2, 284. litlan and litlan 1553. li))' joint' 1587; 3546. l!J>e 1310; 2649; 3177. li>ere 695. li>ewac 923 ; 4693 ; 4987 ; 37, 8. li})awaecan (leo]>e-) 3176; 3802. ll[>ian 3852. Hjmng 8, 398. loc 2981; 3209; 4003; 5396; 2, 171; 7, 195; 258; 8, 154. locc mi; 4173; 5039; 5048; 5327; 7, 339! 376; 8, 270; 313; 38o. *loccad 'crinitus' 56, 13. Cp, also 5191. locian 61, 51. lof 1903; 3982; 8, 215. *lofas 'redimicula'? 5241. lofsingende 4912. lomlsecan 2164. Cp. also gel-, lomlic 984. Cp. also gel-, losian 5187. INDEX lot 37, a ; 50, 48. lo}>a 3725 ; 2, 242. lucan 28, 18. lufestice 56, 372. lufestre 4451 ; 2, 334. lufian 56, 324. lufiend 363. lufiendlic 334. lufiendlice or lufllce? 56, 179; 299. lufrseden 56, 224. luftyme 56, 217. *luftymlic 56, 254. lufu 238; 1234; 56, 109; no; 127. lufwynde 18, 26. lust 1606; 1907; 4528; 4650; 5285. lustfullung 325 ; 5285. lustfulnes 50, 6. lutian 3745 ; 18 b , 20. lyfan ' to allow ' 28, 4. lyffetere 11, 183. lyft 2168; 3711. lyre 353; 3152; 7, 31; 66,35; 344- lystere ' fautor ' ? 4674. lytel, lytig, cp. litlan, litig. ma.6|4; 709; 2542; 3594. mseclic ' jugalis' ? 18, 27. mjed 138. mseden 1002; 1283; 4359. msedenlic 350; 535 ; 4280. msedere 5209 ; 2, 436 ; 8, 345 ; 35, 4. mseg ' I can' 56, 63 ; 61, 49. imeg 2417; 3140. msegcuj) 2700; 7, 183; 8, 147. msegden, cp. maklen. mseg(en)})rymness 428 ; 3398. maigmortfor 2, 412. Cp. also note to 4957. mgmyrj)ra 4452; 4957 (cp. note); 2,335; 7,305; 8,241. masgrseden 281052,109 (maegj>-) ; 7,2. msegsibb 5131 ; 9, 2. mSg}) 1297; 11, 112. msegj)had, mse])- 212; 298; 327; 1014; 1089; 1510; 1620; 2002 ; 4520. Cp. also 1906. maegfhadlic 1469. Cp. note to _i8o 3 . maegJjmor'Sor, -rseden, &c., cp. mzelscafa 23, 53. msenifeald 1 1 1 ; 119; 324; 563; 834; 1028; 1043; 2229; 2632; 4576. maenifealdian 5215. msenifealdllce 1689. msenit'yldan 1460 ; 2899. msenig-, cp. mseni-. maenigu 1 36 ; 61, 7. mseniteaw 77; 4572. mseniteawnes 46 ; 907. maenlic, cp. gemffinelic. msnsumian 2590. Cp. also gem-, msere 137; 1007; 1266; 2296; 34 l8 5 39375 4153; 4276; 5270; 5, 21 ; 7, 148; 56, 334- maerlice 4585 ; 6, 29; 8, 258. msersian 4661 ; 40, 30; 56, 332. msersung 40, 10. mSrJ(o) 4762 ; 5172; 5181. msest ' mast, sail-yard ' 5464 ; 2, 484; 19, 4. msestan 3540. *msestling 'altilis* 61, 29. moestling ' electrum' 2, 27. mal 'clasma' 3815. *mam(e)ra 'sopor' 3404; 2, 203. mamrian, cp. note to 3404. man indef.pron. 56, 102. man 1107; 53, 27. mandakl 921 ; 1137; 2006; 2677; 29 2 3; 34*5; 55 01 - manfull 860; 867; 917; 1848; 2622; 2783; 3495; 4428; 7, 65 ; 50, 12. mangere 48, i. mangung 3064 ; 4007. manian4i2; 1917; 56, 130 ; 176. manig-, cp. mseni-. mann 938 ; 3699 ; 5344 ; 40, 28 ; 56, 304. manswerian 2806. mara 1284. maj>elian 2321 ; 2323. majelung 1419; 2947; 56, 143. mawan 43, 15. mearc 2847; 5, 31; 7, 194; 8, 153; 259. mearcere 5447. mearcian 2492 ; 2, 94. mearcise(r)n 2, 61 ; 4, 31. Cp. also note to 1983. mearcung 1983 (cp. note} ; 2631 ; 2847. mearh 9. mearu 1633 ; 2162 ; 2865 ; 5038. mearuness 1492. /. ENGLISH WORDS 259 mece 758; 891; 1151 ; 2739; 18, 40. meddern 1486; 1496; 3135. Cp. also note to 18, i. medemlic 4048. medemlicnys 2596 ; 1372 (?). medren, cp, meddern. medu 2650; 3167. meduwyrt 56, 40. medwyrhta 4, 24. mene, cp. myne. menging 1857. menigu, cp. msen-. mennisc 2661. menniscnys? 1272. meolu 3870; 3872. meowle 2112. meox 3321. tneoxen 3486. Cp. also myxen. merce 56, 406. meremenn 3927 ; 2, 270. merenjedre I8 b , 56. mereswm 41, i. mete 3681 ; 40, 26 ; 43, 14 ; 56, 411. *meteclyfa 'cellarium' 56, 270. metelest 3147 ; 3868; 4850. meter 1437. meterlic 124; 199. metsian 2564 ; 3687. mettrum 372. micel 261 ; 294 ; 643 ; 654 ; 708; 1179; 2054; 2205; 3665; 3860; 8,307; 56,114; 226. micelnys 1004; 4793; 56, 199. micga3264; 3274; 3469. micgern 2763 ; 2, 105. miclian 61, 36. mid 74; too ; 127; 130; 131 ; 142; 163; 164; 171; 177; 192 ; 199, &c. middaneard 4566. middangeardlic 11, 42. *midgesIS 680. midl 12; 2188; 2, 68 ; 7, 136; 147 ; 8, 112. migetJa 17, 28. miht 959; 999; 1158; 1237; *323 ; 1574; *592 ; l8 5; 1824; 2345; 2351; 3062; 3 2 59; 3394; 3652; 4545; 4722; 2, 372; 11, 157; 12, n. mihtig 7, 207. milisc, cp. mylisc. milts 5, 43. miltsian 4792. miltsung 3462. mm 56, 105. minsung 3748. minte 56, 415. miscweden 2, 485. mishworfen 3836. mishwyrfed 4870. mislar? 56, 323. mistlic 3695; 3854; 4594; 5120; 5202. mistllcnes 1077. mitta 4202. mixen, cp. myxen. mod 56, 148. moderlic 1763 ; 2691 ; 5090. modig 56, 233. modor 4000 (cp. note). Cp. also note to 18, i. mohj>e ( = mo)>J)e) 50, 37. molde 7, 98. molsniendllc, 60. mona 40, 34. m5na])fylen 5281; 2, 446; 7, 366 ; 8, 360. monaSlic 491. monaj)seoc 2, 404. m5r 17, 63. 10033178; 3762. mot ' atom ' 23, 52 ; 26, 74. moth us 2998. motung 4522 ; 2, 342. mucgwyrt 56, 51 ; 421. muga ' heap ' 26, 45. mund 789 ; 7, 61. mundbora 2587 ; 4877 ; 4, 41 ; 6, 25; 7, 172; 8, 137. mundbyrd 789 ; 3883 ; 4383. munt 5465 ; 18 b , 62. murcmmg624; 2829; 4874. mus 8, 387. muscle 447. mushafoc 23, 1 8. mu> 100 ; 837 ; 40, 33. mu]>a 41, 3. mu])hrof 332. mylisc 3844 ; 4989. myltan 2756. myltesterne 'lupanar'? 8, 225. myltestre 4018 ; 5282. myne, mene 538; 1195; 3198; 4005 ; 4376 ; 4826. mynegian29; 4525; 5339; 5393; 3, 18. mynegung 3374 ; 3384. mynet 61, 32. mynetere 18 b , 93. S 2 mymendlic 3381. mynsterllc 9, 3. my reels 4034; 4177. *myscan 'affligere,' cp. note toll, 47- myxen 3486; 4154. na 1028; 1264; 1296; 2860; 3838; 4171; 4628; 4676; 5382; 2, 357, &c. na j> an 7, 66 b . nsecednys, cp. note to 3672. nddrei57; 1856; 1863; 4943; 2, 410;!!, 91; 17,ii ; 18 b ,6i. nseft ' want,' cp. note to 56, 227. nseftig 56, 227 ; 231. menig 2173; 61, 5. nsep 56, 41. naes, nseron 1296; 3747. nsess 26, 56. naht 504. nama 2329; 4405; 4611; 4847. nammselum 880. nateshwon 1148; 2586; 2724; nato]>eshwon 4, 47 ; 40, 5. ne432; 659; 749; 1055; 1265; 2374; 2438; 4571; 4634; 4663 ; 5187, &c. nead, nead-, cp. neod, n^d-. neadbehefe 5223. neadian 928 ; 1456; 1621 ; 2463; 2484; 2660; 4131; 4919. Cp. also note to 267. neadignys 2106. neadsib, cp. nydsib. neadfearflic 768; 1113; 1126; 2015 ; 3025 ; 3981 ; 4274 ; 12, 2. neadSearfnes 269 ; 1987. neadung 1237. neadwis 1113. Cp. also note to 28, 15. neadwisnes 2396. neah 11, 155. neahsibb 2810. nealsecan? 56, 6. nearus78; 1239; 5264; 66,95. nearulice 18 b , 90. nearuness 979. nearu^anc 378 ; 763; 857. nebb 100 ; 2931 ; 28, 22. *nebsealf ' stibium ' 4, 25 ; 6, 17; 7, 7_5 J 8, 91 ; 269. nebwlatful 2, 317. Cp. also note to 4306. *nebwlatnng 4306. 260 INDEX nedan, ned-, cp. nydan, nyd-. nediende ' execrandum ' ? 4725. nefaSso; 1663; 3370; 5029. neod ' causa, debitum ' 266 ; 1448; 2106. neorxnawang 357; 689; 1713. nerung 5395. netele 56, 401 ; 402. next 815. nicumen 3138. mgecyrred 3477. nigonteo]>a 2521. nihtgild 4721. nihtsum 322 ; 1129. mhwyrfed 3138. nllsered 3138. ninian 56, 68. nirwian 3145. nis ' is not ' 2860. *nisoden 326. n^er 5337; 28, 19; 60,42. ni>era 593. *ni]>ersceotende 2669. ni]>erung 1864. niferwyrd 3968. nl))full 2240 ; 2963; 4954. *mj>ig, cp. note to 56, 99. nijjlice 744. nlw-, cp. ni-. niwe 688 ; 7, 50 ; 11, 86 ; 40, 25: 34! 35; 36; 56, 286. niwelic 1942. nlwiend 365 (cp. note}. niwung 914. no (=na) 56, 26; 63. nor|>anwestan 4561. norjjdsel 2032 ; 4566. nostle 53, 28. notere 2846. notu 7, 3*3 ; 8, 342. nowend ' nauclerus ' 32 ; 5, 8 ; 7,12; 8,6. Cp. also rSwend. nu 32, i ; 54, 3 ; 56, 158 ; 165 ; 200 ; 209. numol 3101. nunne 8, 368. nyd, nyd-, cp. neod, nead-. nydan 267 (c^>. note} ; 3508 ; 18, 35-_ nydhsemed 2, 333; 7, 304; 8, 240. nydhajmestre 4451. nydsib 9, 5. nyrwan, cp. nirwian. nyten 2186 ; 40, 29. nytende ' ignarus' 2332. nytweortfnes 11, 68. of 102; 248; 261; 532; 628; 716; 820; 898; 923; 1058; 1061 ; 1246, &c. ofer 2584; 3782; 2, 253; 7, 277 ; 8, 201; 61, 28. ofer 4798 ; 28, I. ofercuman 50, 33. oferdrifan 7, 208. oferfsereld 1602. oferfset ' obesus ' ? 21, 4 ; 22, 4. oferfaran 2479; 3701 ; 8, 127. oferfeng 5126; 2, 424; 50, 17. *oferferian 3680. oferflowendllce 5387. *oferfundennes ' experimentum ' 543- ofergylded ' deauratus 1022. oferhleofian, cp. oferhlifian. *oferhlifan 1003; 3530. Cp.also note to 8, 52. oferhlifian 309. Cp. also notes to 1003 ; 8, 52. oferlijjan 3669. ofermjeto 2, 448. ofermede 1128. ofermetto 7, 368 ; 8, 367. ofermicel 46, 24. ofermodigian 46, 26. ofermodignys 5162 ; 5300. ofermSdnes 8, 390. oferriedan 1390. oferssewisc 2, 350. ofersceadewian 56, 26. *oferspreca 2819. ofersprecol 1939; 4318. oferstaelan 1262; 2937. oferstigan 507 ; 3530. oferstigennes ' extasis ' 405. ofer>eon 477; 517; 3133; 8, 56 (T); 11,335 66. oferweorc 3501. oferwinnan 3855. oferwreon 469 ; 61, II. ofet 1634; 375 2 - offrian 370 ; 5087 ; 18, 39. offringdagas 40, 23. offrung3473; 4444; 5066; 5086; 40, 20 ; 21. ofgeorn? cp. note to 3372. ofhreosan 3091 ; 3445; 4257. ofscacan 4160. ofsettan 3091. ofslean 1837 ; 3022. ofspring 433. ofstlice 1694; 3 10 7- oft (forwel) 3346. *of J>e ' vel* 11, 177. of)>ryccan 2501; 3532; 3571; 4125. ohelde 24, 2. ol (on) ' nequiquam ' 2000. olaxung 4955 ; 5375. omig 478 ; 483. on prep. 47; 121; 197; 291; 306 ; 390 ; 391 ; 392 ; 404 ; 701 ; 740; 772, &c. on adv. 335 ; 829; 2247; 2322; 2670; 2760; 2976; 3322; 3867; 3944; 4112, &c. onbindan, cp. unbindan. onblawan 1528. onbryce 2480. onbutan 2, 251 ; 4, 71. *onbyrgan ' to be surety' 7, 99 ', 11, 142. Cp. also note to 38 1 2. oncnawan 242 ; 1449 ; 3986 ; 40, 7; ii, 23. oncnyttan, cp. uncnyttan. oncwej>an 4609 ; 2, 355 ; 8. 265. ondon, cp. undon. ondradan 2725; 3153; 4474. onettan 5216. onfon 40, 3 ; 6. ongean prep. 764 ; 1819; 4333. ongean, ag- adv. (with verbs') is 1 ; 5 6 ; 755; II2 5; 2713; 2790; 3953; 424 1 ; 4609; 4610; 5440; 46,49; 61 > 57- ongeancyme 2721. ongeancyrding? 2721. *ongeanhworfenes 2713. *ongeanwyrdnes 3975. ongeboren ' ingenitus ' 4648 ; 2, 360. onginn 4709 ; 2, 371. onginnan 3731 ; 2, 243 ; 61, 31. ongrataft ' arridet ' ? 33, 2. ongrynt ' arridet ' ? 33, 2. ongytan 8, 77 ; 40, 3 ; 56, 126 ; 153. *onl.etting 'insectatio 2, 130. *onhigian ' grassari, ingruere ' 3438; 4952. Cp. alsobso. *onhigiende 'grassatrix' 2209. onhnlgan, cp. hnigan (on), onhryre ' fulmen '? 50, 32. onhyriend 364. onhyscan (y ?) 17, 23. Cp. also note to 7, 78. onhyspan? 7, 78. onlec, -sec 'respectus' 3462. onlihtan 1683; 1722. Cp.also note to 7, 237. onrSs 2480; 2, 91. /. ENGLISH WORDS 261 onsecgednes, cp. anseegednes. onsaet ' retorsit ' ? 2, 306. onscrydan, cp. unscrydan. onscunian 1785. Cp. also ascu- nian. *onscyllan 8, 265. Cp. also scyllan. onsittan 98. onstal 1787 ; 2, 50. onsund, cp. anstind. onsundran 160. onsyn, cp. ansyn. ontendan, ant-, at- 977; 2460; 2772; 4315. ontendnes, ant- 1432 ; 1648 ; 3555; 396o; 4247; 4984; 18, 27. ontimber, cp. ant-, ontynan 40, 33. on)>racian, cp. andj>racian. on]>yddan ' inpingere,' cp. pyddan (on). onwealg, cp. anwealh. onweg 2171. onwinnan, cp. winnan (on), onwreon, aw- 5178; 40, 19. onwrigen(n)es, aw- 179 ; 1221. onwunian, cp. wunian (on), onwunung ' instantia ' 75. open 2245 ! 35 11 ! 46, 46. openian 2925 ; 4685. openllce 83; 2313; 56, 154. open(n)es 1485; 5184. ora ' metallum' 14, 2. ore ' calix' 1219. orceapes 3068. orceasi74o; 2924. orceasnys 1145 ; 1169; 2341. ordjiele 3286. *6retfeld 17, 50. oretstow 3072; 2, 145; 4, 86; 5, 2 ; 6, 3 ; 7, 5. *orfyrmj) 609. organe ' origanum ' 56, 420. orgelnes 1108. orl 3414; 18 b , 14. orleahter 1867. ormsete 18 b , 47. ormjetnys 2055. oro]), cp. or}), orped 3361. ortreowe, ortrywe 386 ; 5042 ; 2,421. or]) 2049; 2452 ; 2, 64. orfanc 53; 73; 123; 1389; 3008; 3123; 3214; 3225; 3399- or])ancscipe 3122; 4090; 5445; 2, 160; 474; 7, 395; 8, 411. oser ' vimen ' 10, 2. ost 3250. ostig 2464; 3250; 3299; 3304; 2, 179. o> 175; r 57; l8 76; 2521; 2816; 4945; 5335; 2, 173; 8, 334; 381; 56, 24; 61,56. 537; 9*95 5 l82 ! 54 l6 - o])}e 4718; 2, 252:7,275; 359; 8, 199 ; 299 ; 11, 186 ; 23, 52 ; 27, 32 ; 40, 21 ; 22. *oxanhyrde 23, 32. pail 'pilum' 19, 3. psetig 4980 ; 56, 36. pal, cp. pajl. palm 56, 366. panne 11, 178. papolstan, cp. popelstan. *peall ' defrutum ' 326 ; 4988. pearruc 3332; 3562; 4371; 2, 194. perfince 56, 46 ; 405. petersilie 56, 391. pihtin 3741. pinca ' punctum ' ? 3683. plnian 4129. pinsian 209; 1597. pmtreow 2222; 56, 359. pinung4O98; 4118; 66,291. *pionie 56, 418. *plplic 1644. pirige 56, 360. platum ' obrizum ' ? 3534. platting, cp. note to 3534. plega-2888; 7, 199. *plegestre 4735. pleghus 1752. plegllc 2885; 3172; 3552; 2,4; 6,2. plegman 39; 61 ; 3, 28 ; 35, I. plegscyld 761. plegstow 3073 ; 2, 146. pleoh 2161. pleolic 56, 277. plihtere 30; 5, 7; 7, 10; 8, 4. pluccian 101 ; 3889. plumtreow 56, 361. pohha 50, 19. popelstan 1815. popig 56, 399. pos 31, i. praett 765; 2244. preon 1195 : 2204. preosthad 3692 ; 3765 ; 5303. *preosthlred ' clerus ' 3006. preowthwil 2369. prica ' punctum ' ? cp. note to 3683- pricels 4228; 4656. princ (or -nce?j 'ictus' 2369. Cp. also note to 3683. prud 56, 233. prutscipe 1106. prutung 1161. pryte 18 b , 29. *puca 23, 2. pullian ' carpere ' ? 4, 66. *pundern'perpendiculum' 3005 ; 2, 138- pundernian ' ponderare,' cp, note to 3005. purs 18 b , 36. pyffan 1886; 18, 42. Cp. also apyffan. pyle 56, 16. *pylewer ' cervical ' 56, 16. *pylu ' cervical ' 29, 4. racenteag 2062. racu 51 ; 169 ; 192 ; 909 ; 1119 ; 1798; 2273; 3029; 3142; 4242 ; 5106 ; 5402 ; 5478 ; 2, 119; 11, 137; 56, 87. rsecan 56, 18 ; to ~ 4489. reed 1123; 2524; 2676; 4041; _4i97; 4836; 2, 297; 7, 164. rsedan 2323 ; 2337 ; 2696 ; 361 1 ; 4785; 4814; 7, 164; 190; _27, 6; 40, 4; 46, 20. radbora 5225; 2,438; 7, 359; _8, 349- rasde ' mounted' 5253. ngdehere, rade- 775 ;' 5253. Cp. also 2, 444. rsedels m.f. 'conjectura, contio, paradigma' 1561; 2289; 2319; _232 4 ; 7, 84; 18", 67. rseden 1 242 ; 3644 ; 2, 38. rsedere 'soothsayer' 4192. nedgifa 5225. raedgyft 271. rsedic 56, 431. nedingsceamol 4813. rsedlice, cp. hrsed-. rsesc ' imber ' 3974. rsescetung 4423 ; 2, 328. rsew ( = hrsew) 'cadaver' 1480; 2213; 4871. ramm 3444; 7, 243; 8, 183. ranc7, 381; 8, 394. 262 INDEX randbeag 731; 748; 3796; _ rap 5469 ; 4, 93. ra>e( = hra>e) 2075; 3125; 3130; 56, 15. read 454 ; 463 ; 465 ; 828 ; 1 204 ; 1791 ; 1809 ; 1821 ; 2119 ; 3184; 3580; 4509; 5206; 18, 23; 18 b , 40; 72; 23,6. readgoldlsefer 1070. readian 4139. *readlesc ' rubricata (pellis) ' ? readnys 4138; 5073; 2, 290; 4 2 3- reaf 56, 218. reafere2766; 4038. reafol 7, 53; 8, 82. reafomys 4381 ; 2, 321. ream or reamwm? 8, 417; 8 b , 12. recan 'adolere' 8, 238. reccan 57 ; 2320; 5167; 8, 284. Cp. also note to 4997. reccere, reccend ? cp. note to 56, 338. reced 4, 21. recednes 2900. Cp, gerecednes. recedom ( = reccenddom) 273. recels 1513. recend 'regendum' 4997 (cp. regol 7, 295 ; 8, 224. regollic 246 ; 1959 ; 4578 ; 5305 ; 2, 349- remming ( = hremming) 971 ; 1426; 2080; 3563; 5135; 5450- *rensnsegl ( = regn-) 23, 20. reocan 4768; 26, 66. reonian27O4; 2788; 2804. Cp. also gereon-, run-, reonung 2631. Cp. also gereo- nung. repsung 'vespera' 58, 14. rest 2197; 3, 47; 40, 19. restan 18 b , 91. restedaeg 40, 5; 18. ref>e 631; 745; 858; 2097; 4879. re>nes 1788 ; 1845 ; 2985 ; 3302 ; 11, 144; 13,2. rcpra 22 ; 3, 14. ribb 2465 ; 2467. rice adj. 56, 304. rlceter(e) 331 ; 674; 1994; 2504; 4513. ridehere ( = rsedeh-?) 2, 444. ridende 'equester ' 4748 ; 2, 380 ; 7, 33 1 - rifelede 18 b , 78. Cp. also geri- flod. rift 5276. riht adj. 1357 J '-^- !34; H, 114. rihtan 56, 225. rihtgelyfed 2634. rihting ' regula ' 1079. rihtliecan 66. rihtlaicing 3215. rihtlic 2292. rihtlice 1666 ; 56, 161. rihtregul 5304. rihtwis 1755 ; 2718. rihtwritere 195. rim 2, 176. riman 3230. rimcrseft 3117; 5441; 2, 156; 470; 8, 406 ; 55, I. rinc3476; 2,212; 4,57; 6, 28; 8, 185. rind 467; 566; 2403; 3826; 3858 ;_ 8, 40; 11, 16. rinnan (up) 1891. ripian 561. risan ' congruere' 8, 328. rise, rix 3306 ; 2, 189 ; 56, 434. risiendum ' odorato ' ? 23, 4. ri> 498; 1413; 1714; 1792 ; 3024; 3581; 3966. ri]>e, wk. f. ? cp. note to 1714. roc 'melior ? 56, 236. rod 3088. rodor 1778; 5034. rodorlic 7, 218. Romane 2028. *rosbedd 23, 8. rose 4509 ; 56, 428. rotian 23, 9. r5J>or 36; 3, 25. rowend 'nauclerus' 2, 6; 6, 7. Cp. also note to 1, 32. rowett 5459. rude ' ruta ' 56, 389. rudig 2932. radu4344; 4, 51 ; 18, 9. ruh325o; 3583; 5189; 2,429. rum adj. 1180; 3447; 3700; 3942; 2, 210; 272; 7, 171; 244; 8, 136; 183. rumheortlice ? 56, 97. rumheortnes 56, 181. rumlice 591. runian 5, 30; 7, 192; 8, 151. Cp. also reon-. rustig 7^34. rycan, rycels, cp. rec-. ryne 509; 1569; 2147; 3, 45; 7, 29; 11, 18. rynellce ' cursim ' ? 7, 90. rypan 21, I. rypere 2712. ryping 3149. rysel 2762; 4027; 23, 28. rysige ' setosa'? 8, 337 (cp. note). ry>}>a 3641 ; 4745. sacan 3003. sacerdhad 1901 ; 2031 ; 5056 ; 2, 56. sacerdlic 2880. sacfull 56, 88. sacu 3764. sae 1943; 2475; 26, 61; 32, 2. ssed 66, 128. ssedere 2358. saedraca 770. ssefisc 23, 48. *Sehnnd 26, 61. sselic 2491 ; 2878. *sajn ' marinus' 6, 23 (cp. note} ; _7, 201; 8, 128; 157. ssensess 577. ssep 226; 567; 1851. saspig 546. safene ' savin (plant)' 56, 367. sagu 188; 1119; 1793; 3130; _ 4 253; 18, 26. sal 972 ; 53, 5. salfige ' sage (plant) ' 56, 422. sambserned 4388 ; 2, 323. samodisss; 2095; 363154888. samswseled 4388. samwist4i4; 1376; 1662; 3191; 337 8 ; 44 2 ; 4554; 5 01 - sand 7, 162 ; 18 b , 85. sanda 'fercula' 1631; 11, 36; 17, 41 ; 54- sandhrycce ' scylla ' ? 634. sandhrycg ' scylla ' ? 634. sandig 1816 ; 4100; 2, 52; 285. sang 403 ; 2606; 2611; 4911; 494i; 5378; 7,317; 8, 272; 18 b , I. sangcrseft 3118. sarga 'trumpet' 1641. Cp. also 7,57- sarlic 1730. scacan 14, 4. /. ENGLISH WORDS 263 scalu 1412; 4, 27; 5, 26; 6, 19; 7,77; 10, 3. sceabbede 4929. sceadewung 438. *sceadlic ' scenicus,' cp. note to 2885, and also gesceadlic. sceadu 2920; 32, 5 ; 40, 15. sceaf 4974. scealfor 519. sceamfsest 3671. *sceamfEestnys ? 3672 (cp. note). sceamleas 4304 ; 5277. sceamleast 5299 ; 7, 367 ; 8, 366. sceamlic 3671 ; 2, 240. sceamu 2927 ; 2933. sceanca 3254. sceandlic 1726; 5228. sceandlic ' scenicus ' 2885 (cp. note). sceap 8, 336; 40, 32. *sceapllc ' of a sheep ' 11, 187. sceara//. 'forfex' 485. scearnwibba 23, 23. sceawian 193. sceawiend 4, 58 ; 7, 250. sceawung 11, n. sceg)> 28 ; 3, 17. scendan 8, 57. sceotan 2099; 2, 65 ; ongean ~ 4241. Cp. also note to 2, 306. scicels 1471. scid 6, 22 ; 7, 158 ; 8, 126. scilfor ' flavus' 532. stilling 348. scimerian 23, 51. scinan 306; 1720; 2172; 2248; 3602; 4409; 4573; 8,33; 35. scincrasft 3268; 7, 239; 8, 177. scinhosu 5022 ; 2, 419. scinlac 3262 ; 3496 ; 4021 ; 4056 ; 4060 (?); 4429; 2, 72; 181; 46, 23. Cp. also 2239. scinlaca ' nebulo ' 2239. Cp. also 4060. scinu 3254. scipllc 21 ; 3, 13. stir sb. 886 ; 1896 ; 2302 ; 4562 ; 3,38; 7,67. scir adj. 23, 36. scoplic 199. scort 1856. scortlice 3655 ; 5358 ; 4, 68. scrsef 1889; 3311 ; 7, 124. scraette ' a prostitute ' 4305 ; 5180. scrid, scri]> ' chariot, carriage ' 2185; 4163; 4742; 18, 22. serin 2904. serin can 568. scri}>, cp. scrid. scrud 3670. scrutnian 166. scua 7, 139. scufan 38 ; 3, 27 ; 6, 6. sculan 54, 3. scur36o; 3974; 4030; 4414. scurfede 46, i. scylcen 2112. scyld 'shield' 3795. scyldig? 18, 17. scyldtruma 731 ; 2959 ; 3796. scylf 1814. Cp. also note to 642. scylfig ' rocky ' ? 5470. Cp. also note to 642. scylfor ' flavus,' cp. scil-. scyll ' concha' 447. scyllan 4890; 2, 397. Cp. also onscyllan. scylp ' a rock ' 642. Cp. also scylf. scylpig ' rocky ' 5470 ; 2, 486. Cp. also note to 642. scyran 40, 33. scyte ' sindon ' 3732. scyte 3090 ; 2, 148. scyttels 46, 33. se 55; 604; 925; 1102; 1435; 1555; 1922; 2026; 2131; 2301, &c. J>get 579; 1611; 1700; 1834; 2432, &c - J^ 8 225; 327; 593; 866; 897; J 539 5 I 75 I > 2414, &c. >am 146; 248; 270; 957; 1246; r 494! I 534> &c - ^ I2 9> 300; 1124; 1441; 2265, &c. J)on40, 16; 19; 21, &c. faene 119; 495; 833; 1150; 1353; 1423; 1450; 1507, &c. ]>enne 500 ; 4269. ]>ane 2906. )>one 3051540,6; 19. ]n 664; 1351; 2 5 I 9; 2744; 47 2 7 & c- seo 218 ; 258 ; 259 ; 702; 816 ; 1226; 1241; 1286, &c. se (for seo) 1093; 1239. faere ( 77; 87; 122; 261 ; 436; 599; 790; 828; 1259; '49' & c - ^ 7; 239; 361; 1875; 1876; 1953; 2179; 241 1, &c (//.)] 76; 81 ; 108 ; 137 ; 167 ; 190; 3H; 539; 757; II2 9. & c. J>sera 40, 26 ; 29. J>am 745 ; 779 ; 1143, &c. J>sm 11, 185. ; 4825. sealmscop 1021. seam 5425. searu 123; 7, 205. searucrseft 1656 ; 2776 ; 2892 ; 29381,?); 3 8 ; 3 OI 6; 3075 ; 33 8 o; 3443! 49; 4473 (?) searuj>anc 2938 (?) ; 3016 ; 4072. sea]) 684 ; 3478 ; 4399 ; 18, 36 ; 23, 39- secan 56, 314. secg' sedge' 56, 433. secgan 1730; 1881; 2814; 4501; 4948 ; 4, 2 ; 61, 5. segel ' labarum ' (for segen) 2 1 30 . segel 'sail' 2, 483. segelgyrd 5464; 38, I. self, &c., cp. sylf. selra, selost 7, 116; 8, 90. sema 46, 5. seo ' pupilla' 9, n. seod4004; 4, 78; 18 b , 36; 50, 38. seofon 3036 ; 3113 ; 54, i (sifu); 57, 10 ; 61, 22. *seofongetel 1533. seofo])a 204. seolcen, sil- 460 ; 462 ; 23, 44 ; 26, 73- seolh 41, 2 ; 54, i. seowian 50, 49. sere 3725. ser(e)wian, syr- 889 ; 2939 ; 2946; 3446; 4256; 4453; 4963 ; 7, 209. serewung 3075. set 2, 132. Cp. also geset. setlung 1753. settan 1424 ; 18, 2 ; on - 4112 ; tinder ~ 4779. sej>an 8, 103. Cp. also ges-. se>nd 5371. sejmng 145; 1623; 5261. Cp. also ges-. si, cp. com. sibb 795; 2701; 7, 184; 8, 148. sibgesyhj) ' Hierosolyma ' 1748. sibling 6; 2811. sic(c)etung 621 ; 622 ; 985 ; 2827 ; 4190 ; 4532 ; 4691 ; 18, 28. Sicilisc ' Sicilian ' 3956 ; 2 , 274. side 'widely' 2839; 5336; 8, 382; 56, 269(?). sidefull 932; 1396 ; 7, 103. 264 INDEX sidefullnys 1144; 1469; 1718; 1804; 2041; 2340; 2666; 5420 ; 7, 347. siden46o; 3161; 3162. sife 56, 59. sifefta//. 26, 49. sifu, cp. seofon. sige 1760; 2091; 2858; 2936; 37, 9. sigebeacn 1861. sigefsest 1745; 3533. sigelean 769; 1117; 1909; 3217; 5, 20 (?). sigor 798 ; 4394. sigorian 2090. sigorlic 1347 ; 2858. silcen, cp. seol-. Silhearwen 4680; 2, 368. simeringwyrt 56, 383. sind, cp. com. sinder 651 ; 4, 12 ; 7,44; 8, 80. sinewealt49o; 522; 1703; 1813; 35 26 ; 3734; 23, 4 1 ; 26, 72. singal 74 ; 508 ; 11, 163. singalnys 1163; 4577. singan 1348; 56, 244; 315. sinhwyrfende 'round' 114. sino)>, cp. synoj). sinscipe 339; 413; 444; 2697; .39"; 4625. sint, cp. com. *sintrendende 'round' 114. sinu 3242. sij> 592; 7, 216; 8, 163; 297; 11, 76; 61, 23. si))boc 2023. si)>fet 2143; 4618. si}>}>an 1674; 1979. sixfete 127. sixtig 3036. sixtigfeald 952 ; 1407. slacian, slea- 3094; 18, II. slSp 2104; 3403. slaewS 20, I. slarege ' slaregia (a plant) ' 56, 387. slawian 3094. slawynn 1856. sleac 2824. sleacian, cp. slacian. slean 5332 ; 11, 70. slecg 11, 71. siege 835; 3017; 4114; 61, 59- slldan 1467. slide, cp. note to 1467. slingan 'to creep 1 18, 37. slitan 722; 2051; 3599. slite 2546. Cp. also 3599. slltere 46, 50. silting 3946. smoel, cp. smalum. *smser (-re ?) m. ' bucca, labrum ' 697; 2160; 2163; 3187; 4, 19; 5, 18; 7,51; 8, 8o b . smSte 1808; 3534. smalum dot. as adv. 1553. smeag ' subtle ' 4142. smeagan 1080; 1504; 4213. Cp. also gesm-. smeagelegen ' syllogism ' ? 4142. smeaung 1085 ; 2010 ; 2309 ; 3127 ; 8, 173. Cp. also ge- smeagung. smea)>ancol 192. smea]>ancollice 1068. smedma 175 ; 3871. smeru 2762; 4116; 2, 289; 4, 79; 8,149. sme}>ian 1771. smicere 8, 63. smitte wk. f. 648 ; 3491 ; 4, n. smittian 4678 ; 2, 366. Cp. also be-, gesmittian. smijnan 489. smocc 3725. smocian 3553. smorian ? cp. note to 1431. smugan 5381 ; up ~ 7, 248. smyc 4062. smylte 3770; 4657; 7, 169. snaca 157. snsed 4026. snaJdelSearm 23, 24. snearh 962. snell 3361 ; 4542. snide 40, 32. Cp. also 3070. snif'e (for snide?) 'occisio' 3070. snod 5333 ; 2, 439 ; 457. snofol 31, 3. snoru 61, 12. snotorsio9; 3195; 5413 (cp. note); 2, 168. snotorlice 208. *snotorscipe 3215; 2, 172. snytrian 5392. sol 'volutabrum' 3041 ; 2, 140; 314 ; 7, 220; 8, 164. soles ' rugosse ' ? 15, 3. solor 2, 21 1 ; 8, 355. solsece 56, 386. sona 56, 27. soncraeft 7, 392; 8, 408; 55, 3. sopp ' offula' 56, 10. sorhleas 797. 5014158; 4671; 3, 51. sott 56, 173. s5J>an (to) 'pro certo" 421. soj)f3estnes 40, 15. soj)lice 40, 9 ; 12. soSsecgan ? 28, 30. spserlic 3749. spserlira 3076 ; 3255; 3287. spsernes8i3; 981; 2044; 2122; 3825 ; 4635. spsetlan 53, 24. spanan 5186; 43, 9. spannan 17, 62. spearcian ? cp. note to 4029. spearnlian 2438. specca 651. sped 'glaucoma' 1728 ; 2, 44. sped 1316; 4593. spedig 17, 56 ; 56, 303. spedignes 3605. speld 7, 279, 294; 8, 88; 202; 222. spellung 1 88; 4253. spillend 'parasitus,' cp. note to 679. *spill(e)re 'parasitus' 679; 2, 12; 4, 18. spinl 3737; 2 . 2 45 '< 7, 268; 8, 195 J 17, 37- spircan 974; 3961; 4029; 5, 22. sp(r)sec 162 ; 183; 1084; 1531; 2318; 3067; 3197; 4109; 4254; 4878; 5491; 8, 15". spraec ' labrusca ' 2, 63. sp(r)ecan 3998. spranca 2022 ; 2640. spreawlian 50, 34. spreot 30, i. sprind 3607; 2, 197; 8, 181. sprin(d)lice 738. springan (wide) ' crebrescere ' 2769; 4615; 4807; 4933. sproti6si; 2022; 3083; 3521. sprytting 958; 1130; 1582; 3629. spura 4248. spurnan 50, 7. spyrcan, cp. spircan. spyrian 186; 3103; 3898. spyrring ' arpago ' 5342 ; 2, 459 ; 7, 379 : 8, 386. spyrte 3857 ; 56, 56. *spyrung 5214. stsef 2009; 2311; 4141. staefcrseft 3031 ; 3114. /. ENGLISH WORDS 26s staefcrseftig 194; 2266; 2848; 5475 ; 8, 19. staefgefeg ' litteratura' 7, 219. *stsefleahtor ' barbarismus ' 5467. stsefleornere 3126. Cp. also note to 4145. stseflij>ere 733 ; 3442 ; 5026. staenen 1816. stsepmaelum 3881. stserblind 1735; 3058. staerleornere 4145. *stgerlice ' historialiter ' 2, 310. stserwritere 60, i. stse]> 3679 ; 4797 ; 2, 387 ; 26, 41. stae])J)ignys 2692. stamor 3054 ; 4330. stan 1704; 2972; 3229; 3524; _395 2 ; 4 111 -' 2 ' !77- stanclud, cp. note to 3952. stancysel 1812 ; 1818. *stanflor 14, 3. Stanhrycg 5465. stanincel 7, 97. stanrocc 1811 ; 2038; 7, 43; 95 ; 8. 79- stan weal 159. stanwurma 1061. stanwyrhta 2253. sta}>elfaest 1420. staj^elfaestnes 232. sta]>elung 4099. sta])ol 2679. stealu (for steola ?) ' cauliculus ' 547- steap 'poculum' 1847. stearc 56, 252. steartlian 2438 ; 2, 82. steda 29, i ; 53, 38. stede 2192 ; 2679. stefn ' vox ' 1464 ; 2604. stela 547; 2, n. stemansii; 553; 1511; 3276; 4768; 4774; 4776; 11, 37; 18, 16; 38; 18,77; 23, 5. steming 3490 ; 4775. stemn 'time, turn 1 3001; 2, 136. stenc 3265; 3487; 4770. stencan? 28, n. *stencfaet 'olfactoriolum' 8, 299. stenecian 'anhelare' 6, 5. steng 3460 ; 7, 245. steor 'invectio' 7, 382; 8, 395. steorgleaw 2630 ; 2, 98. steorman 32 ; 3, 21. steorsetl 43, n. steorwig(e)! 2631 ; 5444 ; 2, 473 ; 8, 142. *steorwiglere 55, 8. steorwiglung 7, 1 79* steran 3038-; 4443; 4642. stering 1512. sticca 'clarnus' 56, 74 (cp. note}. sticce (=sty-) 1830; 3785. sticels 600. sticmaelum (=sty-) 52. sticol 7, 32. *sticolnys 4437- stlfian 3305. stig34 2 5; 3694; 4 6lS - stihtan? 28, 23. stille 4657. stilnys 290; 1672; 1911; 2084; 4144. stincan 314; 3468; 4776; 7, 334; 8, 295. stingan 8, 364. stlpel 3971. sti)>4O9; 599; 1097; 1271; 1451; 1608 ; 1767; 1786; 2177; 2208; 4729; 5365; 11, 69; stTfllce 1231; 4662; 5439. stijmes 482; 661; 1240; 3256; 4763 ; 4816 ; 3, 34. stocc325i; 2,179; J 8o. stocllf 3993. stocweard 5272. stofn 117; 562; 1665 ; 8, 70. st5l 2030. storm 632 ; 1425 ; 28, 6. *stormig? 56, 201. storssep 4027. stow 5182. strael ' stragula' 1035. strand 1817; 2494; 3081; 2, 286. strang 730; 4110. stream 2668. streawberige, cp. streow-. strec (e?) 408; 1238. streclic 1292. strecnys 1166. streng 2935 ; 5008 ; 6, 4 ; 50, 8. streon 1934. streowberige 56, 48 ; 409. stricai588; 2009; 2847; 4050; 4569; 4589; 4 6l s; 4810. *stnna ' conquisitor ' 27, I. stripligan ' perfringere ' ? 46, 21. *stryna, cp. strma. strynan? 349. strudere 2711 ; 4631. stundmselum 1368 ; 1890 ; 2710 ; 3245. stunt 56, 87. stuntscipe 56, 137. stycce, cp. sticce. stj'man, styming, cp. stem-, stypel, cp. stipel. styrne 11, 151 ; 56, 112. styrung 2077. sulhandla 2357 ; 2732. sum 224; 941; 1076; 1230; 4740; 5221; 2, 377; 4, 35; 5,37; 46,5i. sundcorn 56, 396. sunderanweald 18 b , 54. sunderboren? 26, 17. sunderllpes 206. Cp. synder-. sundermaelum 6, 10. *sunhat 56, 205. *suselstede 56, 184. . sustor 56, 34. suj>(an)wind ? 28, 7. su)>(an)west(an)wind ? 28, 8. suSerne 26, 67. suSerne wudu 56, 377. swa25o; 277; 278; 294:643; 654; 660; 1133; 2542;_2723; 2794; 2828, &c. swa swa 9345 1093; 1340; 2482; 2789; 2820; 3467 ;_ 3476; 4062; 4107, &c. swa hwset swa 40, 12. swsecc 312; 3277; 3489; 4774; 8,64; 11, 38; 18, 59. swaelan 32, 15. *swaep 'persuasion, instigation,' cp. note to 2894. *swjepig ' fraudulentus ' 2894. swser 48, 3. swsesnys 3175. swaeSelyne 'pingues'? 27, 32. swan 2451 ; 2, 88 ; 23, 31 ; 43,13. swapan 46, 31. swearm 132; 2159; 3821; 3, 46; 7, 21. swearti736; 2950; 314454653; 4758; 5155; 3, 56; 18", 6 (note); 3! 75- sweartnys 4681. swebban 1880. swefl 3516 ; 4, 61 ; 7, 254. sweflen 3963 ; 8, 223. swegi9i2; 1961; 5414; 5446; 2,475; 8, 141. swegan 1643; 5431; 18 b , 7. sweger, 61, 13. 266 INDEX sweglhorn 1645; 14, I. swelgend636; 4340; 5468; 7,42. swelh 'hiatus'? 50, 5. swellan 3778. sweltan, cp. swyltan. sweng 4924. sweorbeag 1188. sweorsaga ' allec ' ? 30, 2. sweorteag 4040 ; 7, 127. sweotelian, &c., cp. swut-, &c. swete 225 ; 3326; 8, 42. swetnes 175; 2150; 3488; 2, 67 ; 11, 64 ; 26, 50. swican 56, 65. swicdom 787 ; 4073 ; 7, 298 (?). swice wk. f., -ca wk. m. ? ' deci- pula' 4982; 7, 338. swicfull732; 1613; 2241; 2894; 4835; 5040; 5284; 5352. swift 264 ; 508 ; 2408 ; 2667 ; 9, 10. swige 1937; 2085; 4144. swin 23, 27. swinen 4332; 11, 187. swing 'vertigo' (cp. note) 33, 3. swingel4486; 5364. *swinn 'melodia' 2611 ; 4726. swinsung 1343; 2594; 3925; 4911. swipe wk. f., -pu st. f. 3461 ; 34 6 5 5 5366 ; 17, 5 ; 56, 101. swij>-, cp. swyjj-. swoloj>3244; 3779. *swoloSa wk. m. (-Ce wk.f. ?) 23, 55- *swoloShat 56, 202. swot 'sweet' 56, 214. swugian 28, 10. s(w)utel 1700; 3400; 3511; 4538; 5 2 5o; 11, 49. swutelian 916; 2336; 27, 2. s(w)utelice 915; 2025; 2312; 2765. swutelnes 27, 25. swutelung 145; 2870; 4611; 5102; 5262. swylc 41 1 7. swylce adv. 1700; 1913; 2114; 2327; 2917; 2949; 3294; 3476 ; 3926 ; 4096 ; 4462 ; 4987; 5296; 5465; 2, 127. swyltan 1274; 2742; 56, 191. swySe adv. 389 ; 709 ; 937 ; 980 ; 1625; 2075; 2108; 2312; 3718; 2741; 2750; 2765; 3125; 4426; 4713; 8, 23; 56, 178. swy)>lic 1177. swyf>ra ' dexter' 3428. *swyftspecende 56, 140. swy])swege 401 ; 1436. sy, cp. com. *syce ' sucking' 57, 8. syfling 3756. syla ' stibarius ' 2357. sylew. 'volutabrum' 3417 ; 4291. sylen 342; 2577; 2863; 4830; 2, 39 1 : 4, 73; 8, 206. sylf(a) 887; 936; 1490; 3060; 3798; 4863; 5187; 40, 21 ; 56, 311. sylfbana 2687. sylfcwala 6, 26; 7, 181 ; 8, 145. *sylfdemere 'sarabaita,' cp. note to 58, 9. *sylflic adj. 'voluntary' 1288; 56, 1 10. sylfwille adj. 236; 300; 368; 1233; 1394; I5 9; l6 '9- sylfwilles adv. 4862 ; 56, 333. syllan 56, 92 ; 230. symbelnys 3823 ; 3985 ; 40, 36. syn 'pupilla' 3463. synd, cp. com. syndergifu 2589; 2657. synderlic 211 ; 343; 716; 1056; 1842; 1949; 2514; 2572. synderlicnes 318 ; 11, 41. synderlipe 1879. synderllpes 1362; 2852; 3315; 5114. Cp. also 206. syndrig 4805. synn 4921 ; 56, 294. syno> 2890 ; 3984 ; 3, 2. syrc, cp. sere. syrw(i)an, syrwnng, cp. screw-. tacn 2490; 2618. tacnian 56, 215. tacor 3932 ; 7, 290; 8, 216. tJecan 8, 18. tlan 5235; 5354; 8, 393; 15, 2 ; 57, 5. tainel 2643 ; 3875. taenen 3303. tsese 56, 307. talian 41 9 ; 504. talu 1415; 1472; 2267; 3206; 27, 18. talwyrSlice? 8, 76. tan 922; 3843; 3847; 4, 75; 7, 284; 10,6. tange 484 ; 56, 61 (?). targa 726; 2958. te- ( = OS. ti-, te-, OHG. za-, zi-), cp. note to 11, 153. tealtrian 3879; 4104; 5500; 2, 35 6 ; 5i- team 585. tearig 620. teart 1946; 8, 218; 56, 112. teartllce 3011; 4336; 4730. teartnes 3158 ; 7, 231. tel 1536. Cp. also getel. telgor 562. telgra 257; 1138; 3300; 3847; 7, 119. telgre 18", 95. tellan 505; mo; 4357; 4548; 47 6 5; 5256; 40, 18. tempi 2620; 17, 13; 18 b , 87. templhalgung 40, 36. templic 3232; 7, 125; 8, 175. *tenbebod 'decalogus' 11, 108. teohhian 2699. *teol}>yrl 'fenestra' 133; ' lora- men' 134; 7, 22. teon 5287; for>~ 808. teona 4207 ; 4267 ; 4690. teran 722. *ticgende ' indruticans ' 1218; 2, 37; 6, 18; 7, 76; 8, 92. tid 197; 1337; 3836; 3938; 4, 74; 7, 282; 8, 207; 66,5. tidsang 56, 317. tidwritere 189. tigele 2255; 2256; 3950; 2, 2 73- tigelstan 18 b , 50. tilia 690. tiljj 1934; 56, 309. tilung 560. tima 397 ; 2265. timbran 4908 ; 50, 58. timbrung 2125 ; 3, 42. tin 1072. tintreg st. n. 685 (?). tintrega wk. m. 399 ; 4097; 4786. tintregian 3236. tintregung 685 (?) ; 1947. titelung 1153. *titolose ' tidulosa (a plant) '56, 425. tiSian ? 56, 289. t5 prep. 268; 283; 330; 394; 420; 421; 504; 807; 941; 1051 ; 1066; 1076, &c. to adv. 'too* 5337; 8, 382; (with verbs) 112 ; 675 ; 1603 ; 2355 ; 4489 ; 4 6 4 T ; 47 6j ; ; 5435 > &c. 267 tSbgedan ' to exalt' 1919. toblawan 625; 713. tobnedan 23, 47. tobrecan 3258; 7, 123. tobredan (= -bregdan) 34, 3, tobrytan639; 1825; 2926; 3258; _ 4 _2 5 7; 4702. tocinan 5456. *toclEefan ' findere ' (for tocleo- fan ?) 18 b , 38. tocweSan 662. tScyme 40, 2. todselan 91 ; 205 ; 1361 ; 1369 ; 2372 ; 3812 ; 4512 ; 4568; 4858 ; 5408 ; 11, 3 ; 18 b , 49. tSdal 131; 202; 203; 1182; 1356; 1388; 1756; 2851; 4002 ; 18 b , 9 ; 48 ; 40, 26. toflowan 2857. toforlastan 605. togsedere 1403. togan 18 b , 23. togeanes 4265. ton 4693. tohreran ' to shake to pieces ' ? 2261 (cp. note) ; 3475. *tohryran (causative of tohreo- san?) 2261 (cp.note); 3475. tol 488; 756; 1577; 3047; 3, 3_5! 7, 355 85; 222; 8, 166. tolsetan 3. tolcendlice ' petulanter,' cp. note to 1218. tolcetende ' indruticans' 1218. *tolcetung 'titillatio' 2182. tolesan ( = -lysan) 4066 ; 4984. toll 1455. topp 'top (plaything)' 47, 6; 56, 8. toppa ' pensa ' ? 23, 45. tord 23, 22. torht 26. torr 1811 ; 2038; 3977; 5472. tosca ' toad,' cp. toxa. toscead 27, 12. tosceadan 207; 441 ; 1405 ; 11, 4. toscirian (= -scyrian) 5408. toslgan 3747. toslitan 729. t5slupan 4066. tosomne 48, 4. tostencan 2621. tostre(g)dan 11, 139; 46, 18. toswellan 1732. tosweorcan 1737. tosyndrian 207. toteon 4708. toteran 5016; 5386; 7, 259. totw^man 1369. toj> 4335- tofenednys 5452. *t5)>ening ' distentio* 2, 476. to)>mdan 714; 1105; 2495; 5346; 5373. toSreoma 723; 2, 13. to)mnde(n)lice 667. toweard, cp. towyrd. towendan 1136; 2262. toweorpan 2619 ; 3475 ; 4556 ; 40, 14. *towritan ' describere, ascribere ' _ 1065. towyrd, -wurd,-weard 848; 3609; 40, ii. toxa 'toad' 1855. traht 4575. trahtnian 443 ; 4604. trahtnung 173 ; 192 ; 3132. treagian 1670. Cp. also getrea- gian. *trendan 'to turn, revolve,' cp. note to 114. trendel493; 496; 523; 2557; 2761; 35io; 35 2 7; 2 > 214; 219; 18 b , 16. treow'tree' 391; 545. treowj), cf. trywj?. trind ' supplicium'? 56, 238. triacian 2671. trum76o; 5417; 2,466. truma 731 ; 862 ; 1721. tru]>horn 743. trymman 1092. trymmend 7, 383 ; 8, 396. trymming 1421. tryw]>, treow]) 425 ; 2690. *tud m. n., tudu f. ? ' a shield ' 5025. Cp. also note to 747. tudder 5091. tudderfull 3135 ; 2, 161. tudenarda ' scutorum ' ? 747. tun 4843; 7, 329; 8, 290; 56, 211 ; 240. tungel 1681 ; 4973. *tungel ' verbosus ' ? cp. note to 56, 139. tungelse 2, 472 ; 7, 393 ! 8, 409; 65,4. tungelbsere 2556; 3689. tungelcneft 3120; 5443; 2, 158. tungelgescead 3121; 2, 159; 7, 394; 8,410; 55, 5. tungelwltega 2630. tunggelaslle 'verbosi'? 56, 139. tunglere 3267. tunincel 4741. tunne 3512 ; 56, 60. tunsingwyrt 26, 63 ; 56, 42 ; 378. turf 2734; 2, 104. turnian 694. tux 3564; 4335; 2, 223. twa, twam, cp. twegen. twsetnendlice 1368. twegen 1870; 3044. twa 1870; 3036. twam 3789; 4480. tweo 4526. tweonian 2234. tweoniendllc 676; 5103. tweonung 6775 4198; 2, 298. twibill 2231. twiddled 1172. *twideagod 'bistinctus' 1060. twiecgede 229. twifeald 1457; 5085; 11, 154. twig 922 ; 8, 61 ; 53, 2 ; 8. twige ( = twiwa) 3430. twihiwe 2, 24. *twihiwede 1060. twihwyrft 2513. *twimylt ' twice melted ' 4462. twin 1062 ; 35, 5. twlnen 7, 371 ; 8, 373. twinn 1836; 5085. twiwa, cp. twige. tyd 'learned' (from tyn) 56, 159. tydderfull ' fetosus,' cp. tudder- full. tyddernes ' fragilitas '1277; 1 309. *tyddemes ' propago, soboles,' _ 3849- tyd(d)rian 1139; 2019; 2, 29; 6, 16; 9, 18; 56, 188. tyddrung ' sterilitas ' ? 1031. tyder ' thither,' cp. )>yder. tyge 37 J 3> 26. tyhtan 29; 808; 3621; 4524; 495 s ; 5339- tyhtend 3806 ; 2, 254. tyhting 1311; 3382; 4986; 2, 413; 4,87. tyhtnes 11, 179. tyn 'to teach' 56, 159. tyn 'ten' 841. *tynbebod, cp. ten-, tynder 1650; 10, 4; 12, 4. tyr(e)we ' tar, resin ' 1649 ; 3515 ; 4027. tyrgan 5383 ; 2, 463. tyrnan 4811. 268 tyrning ' rotunditas ' 524; 'ver- tigo' 693; 26, 29; 50, 14; 'versutia' 56, 86. fa dent and rel. pron., cp. se. J>a adv. and conj. 1296; 2274; 3143; 3363; 4905; 17, 19; 32546,39. >aj)a2io5; 2481; 2492; 4447; 4482; 2, 94. )>seder 2, 193. Cp. also note to 3331. };senne, cp. J>onne. J>aere, )>ses, /. se. J>3eslsecan 4356. J>seslic 1331; 1560; 5401; 11, 123; 27,28. J>sesllce 446; 1715. ]?aesllce ' ita, taliter,' cp. note to 446. J>set rel. and dent., cp. se. )>set conj. 293 ; 303 ; 598 ; 904 ; "335 243 1 ; 2438; 2723; 2773, &c. J>am, cp. se. fancian 5111. j>ancwyrj>e 366; 427; 617; 1508; Js^; 4502. ]>anon mo; 2362; 3505. J>ar J>ar 2837. J>arrihtes 3797. J>artoeacan 1350. J>as, cp. }>es. )>e rc/. 259; 270; 6375943; 1001; i no; 1392; 1397; 1693; 1710, &c. }>e, cp. J)Q. )>eah, J>eah J>e 637 ; 943 ; 3470 ; 5098; 5187. J>earf sb. 56, 114; 145. Jjearfa 1839; 2I 945 4829. J>earfllc 2015; 56, 172. )>earflicnes 1374. ]>earle 475; 2013; 5370 (?) ; 9, 15; 11,65. J^earlwis 3422. Cp. also note to 2, 207. Jiearm 1978 ; 5007. J>eaw 740; 4143; 17, 16; 40, 27. )>eawfbestnes 1098 ; 3013. peawllc 183; 1084; 2, 207 (cp. note}. fecen 2256 (cp. note}; 5484. Jjefele ' defruto ' ? 104. Jjegn, &c., cp. Jien, &c. fcelcrseft (=J>yl-1 3115; 2, 154. J>elman 'tenticulam' ? 962. INDEX ]>en 874; 3310; 4165; 4683. jjencan 1069 ; 36, i. fenestre 1358. ]>ennan 1919 ; 17, 53. Jenrseden 4182. ; 2407; >eodll, 57; 40, 4. Jeodan 80; 3189; 4910. Cp. also gep-. *5eodend ' translator ' 15, 6. Jieodisc ' gentilis ' 8, 350. Jeodwita 8, 349. )>eon 595; 1282; 1500; 2580; 4537 ; 4977 ; 5 6 (fp- ^) 5 56, 169 (?). J>eote 497 ; 514. feowdom 237 ; 301 ; 3730. Cp. also 8, 22. )>eowen 61, 60. ]>eowet 11, 30. J>eowetlic 3308. Jeowian 288. J>eowracu 1787. jjerscan, ferscwold, cp. }>rex-. fes 1281. Jiis 1250; 2, 39; 8, 321; 334; 27, 16; 56, 24; 156; 158. Jjises56, 288. Jjy- sum 2797. ]>usne 1008. J>eos 54545 2 ,477- )>asii72; 1173. (//) Jas 40, Jo. fysum 2290; 4, 89. Jricce 102 ; 1267; 1682. ]>icfeald 278. Jjicgan 1859. Jricnys 3964 ; 4928. ])ider, cp. j>yder. J)ig ' invidus ' ? 56, 99. Jrigen 304; 4637; 11, 32; 56, 213 (cp. note}. >inc, ping 1523; 1958; 2012; 23355 339; 3 8 56; 5^9 ; 5221; 4, 90; 11, 132; 56, 149; 312. J)incJ)o ( = ge]>-) 2200. Jnnen ( = J>ignen) 3901 ; 5142. ]>ing, cp. fine. J>ingere 2587. J)ingian 59, I. J>ises, cp. ]>es. >istel 56, 424. Jiolemod 1319. >olian 2749 5 4, 48 ; 8, 37 ; 48 ; 56, 290; 343. >olle 4115; 2, 288. }>on ( = J?onne) 3758. J>onne 286; 293; 555; 1690; 2368 ; 2431 ; 2658 ; 2864 ; 3929; 5421, &c. J>seimei29i; 2568; 4269; 4808; 5176; 8, 105 ; 298; 316, &c. >oterian ? 56, 186. J>5]>er 23, 43. Jr*d 3735; 26, 73; 53,31. Jmestan 2683; 3145; 4, 3 (?). Jrafung 3441. J>rawan 1201. J>rawingspinl ' calamistrum ' 1 200 ; 4646 ; 5328. Cp. also J>rewel- spinl. >reagan2i8i; 2930; 3316 54851. J>reagend 5380. ]>reagung, cp. ]>reaung. J>real 1787. *freap ' commanipularis ' 3033 ; 345- )>reat 279. preatian 4365. Jireaung 2992. }>reo 1361; 4512; 4917; 5, 24. >reodffiled,J)ry- 1355; 1684; '895. preofeald, J>ry- 1639 ; 2400. Cp. aLo 1596. *]>rewelspinl 'calamistrum' 23, 26. Cp. also }>rawingspinl. Jrexan 3433 ; 46, 29. )>rexwold 4640. ]>ridung, cp. jryd-. froh 7, 193; 210; 8, 152; 1 60. ]>rostle 56, 340. Jrotbolla 3576; 2, 226 ; 7, 260; 8, 191. J>rowend 1853. J>rowian 3351 ; 3452 ; 4345 ; 56, 331- )>rowung 40, 22. ]>ruh 514; 1883; 3969; 7, 36; 8, ?5- ]>rydung 678. pryfeald, &c., cp. )>reo-. >u 2438; 3818; 5187; 2, 82; 27, 5; 8; 9; 13; 34, 6; 54, 35_56, 295. J>e56, 25; 61,5. Jmtbsere 2222. Jmma 3548. Jmnerllc 1914; 2, 58. ]mner(r)ad 4416. Jjungen 11, 117. Jranwange 8, 379. Jmrh prep, -with ace. 39 ; 201 ; 203; 2850; 2, 204; 3, 28 ; 11, 101 ; 40, 21 ; 31 ; with dat. 1471 ; adv. 50, 3. /. ENGLISH WORDS 269 Jmrhdelfan 4035. Jmrhfaran 1567. Jmrhhalig 155; 2600; 3434; 4136. *J>urhholian 4035. Jmrhsceotan 5295. *>urhstrang 50, 25. *J)urhsyne ' limpidus' 23, 35. Jmrhteon 21, 2 ; 50, 24. )>urh)>yn 230. jmrhwacel 853. *{>urhwered ' prsedulcis ' 2393. Jmrstig 142. >us 1300; 2454; 3389; 2, 202; ~ gerad 243 ; 588 ; 998 ; 3062 ; 11, 12 ; 132 ; 40, 12. Jmsend 824; 3430. )-usendealdor, Jmsendmann ' chili- archus,' cp. note to 4747- Jmsendealdorman ? 4747. Jmsendfeald 434 ; 764 ; 2365. Jnvsele ' infula ' 53, 26. ^wserlKcan 2525. Cp. also ge]>. 1 wang 3282 ; 26, 18. jjweal 2003; 3275. Jjwyr 1160; 2770. pwyrian 4492 (cp. note]. Jnvyrllc 1160; 2751. *]>yd(d)an (on) 4229 ; 2, 305. Cp. also a-, wi)5])yddan. Jiyder 3331 ; 4103 (cp. note*] ; 17, 53. Cp. also Jiseder. };yderes 1040. J)yffe ' defruto'? 104. fyfel, cp. notes to 104; 24, i. j^yften 2349 '> 2716- |)ylc ( = pylllc) 2936. Jiylcrseft, cp. J>el-. ]>yn 26, 22. Jjyncan 36, 5. }jync)>o, cp. J>incJ;o. jynne 23, 46. >yrlian 18 b , 66. >yrne 56, 37. >yrnett 1268; 2418; 2, 80. J>yrs 1637; 3271; 2, 183. }>ystrefull 2215; 3296; 4, 22. J>ystrefullnys 3492. jysum, cp. J)es. uferor 5058. ule 5338. unablinnendlice 969. unacumen(d)lic 359 ; 3887. unafuliende 2613. unalyfed 11, 9. unalyfedllc 4227. unarimed in. unasecgendllc 3373. unateored 2373 ; 2412. unateoriende 2406. Cp. also note to 359- unateoriendlic 1165. O*- a ^ so note to 359. uiiateoriendlice 788. unbegan 1210; 2, 35. unbelimp 3061 ; 2, 143. unbesmiten 11, 52. *unbilewit 56, 232. unbindan 2554. unc, cp. wit. uncla-ne 2, 428 ; 7,' 325 ; 348 ; 8,_286; 329; 40, 28. unclsennys 1393; 4225; 4302; 4455- *uncnyttan 3249. uncujj 2, 93. nncyst 813; 7, 74. uncystig? 56, 98. under prep. 2127; 2151; 3014; 3284; 3930; 5301 ; 2, 66; 207; 32, 5; 40, 9; oafe. 3518; 47795 2, 215. *undercrammian, cp. note ^03517. underfSn 2413; 3819; 5409. undergytan 908; 1001 ; 1307; 2291. underhnigan 3043 ; 43, 16. underlecgan, cp. lecgan (under), underscyte ' sufflamen ' 50, 15. understandan 1306 ; 1387; 1391 ; 2688; 3835; 5306; 28, 24; 40,2 7 ; 66,155(1). nnder])eodan 4339 ; 4445 ; 50, 53- underwrejnan, -wreo-, -wri- 1018 ; 2599; 18 b , 34. undon 3052 ; 3561 ; 26, 40. *uneacen 27, 31. uneacniendllc 1030. unearfojilice 5382 ; 2, 462. unearh 4093. unfeor 3704. *unflygge 'inplumis' 28, 13. unforbugendlic 1453. unfordytt 3613. unforedlic 2061 ; 2398 ; 5069. unforrotiendlic 2613. unforwandedllce 2158; 2915; 4446. unforwordenlic, -wurSendlic? 60. unfremfull 5224. unfroforllce ? 56, 187 (cp. note}. unfuliendllc 541. ungestwed 5248. ungebiged 2977. ungebigendlic 799. ungebyrd(ed) 7, 247. ungedafenlic 3673. ungedered 11, 28. ungeended 2548. ungeglenged 1210. ungehsemed 1174. ungehealdsum 7, 349; 8, 330. *ungehefegod 27, 31. ungehwEernes, cp. ungejwjer-. ungeleaf(f)ull 1892 ; 2785. ungelic 937; 1063; 1364; 2325 ; 443; 2 > 3 2 4- *ungemet(ed) 'inexpertus' 2488. ungerim adj. 1687; 5082. ungeriped 4326. ungerisende 3673. ungerisene adj. 2, 241. ungeris(e)ne sb. 4309. ungesalig 40, I. ungesawenlic 3257. ungeswege 4252 ; 4628; 2, 308 ; 357- ungeteorod, cp. ungetyred. ungetyred (=-teorod) 2412. nngejwrernes 3801 ; 5079. ungewemmed 1227; 2520; 4333; 4536; 5; 8, 26(?). ungewemmed lie 2613. ungewemmednes 1169. ungewiss 56, 174. ungewyld 1167; 2184; 2346. unhlwed 1742. unhlisa 4, 55. unhlisfull 4206 ; 5231. unhufed 4466. unleas 1087 ; 3955. unlybwyrhta 4054. *unmolsniendllc, cp. note to 60. unnytnes 46, 44; 56, 322. unoferwinnendllc 759. unrsedllce 2915; 4446; 2, 120. unriht 4205. umihthaimed 4299. unsceamfaest 2818. unscr^dan 727. unsmeSe 11, 67; 26, 12. unsoS 26, 26. unswicel 1090. unswiSe 56, 83. *unteworpenllc 11, 153. untobrocen 4375. untodsellic 1026. *untoworpenllc, cp. untevv-. 270 INDEX untmmnys 1976. untweollc 215 ; 11, 7. untyddrung ' sterilitas ' ? cp. note to 1031. unjjseslic 4483 ; 27, 26. unSanc 56, 90. un}>eawfaest 5347. unwser 3928 ; 2, 271. unwsestmbjere 1029. unweder 56, 253. unwemme 1515; 174; 17, 14. unwita 56, 229. unwiftmetenlice 337 ; 476; 2269; 11,65. *unwio"meten(n)es 587 (cp. note). unwraiste 2081. unwrenc 56, 85. unwurj>ian, unwy- 581 ; 2386. up 86; 445; 503; 1580; 1709; 1891; 2425; 2427; 2903; 3481; 3804; 3962; 4784; 5071; 5076; 2, 353; 7,151 ; 248 ; 8, 121. upahafenllce 667. upahafen(n)es 5345. upcund 703 ; 5462. uplic 184; 404; 2214; 4264; 7, 23; 8, 16; 26, 54. upriht ' supinus' 2157. upspring 7, 160. ure 5 1 54; 40, 30; 56, 5. 111822; 823; 1134; 2857; 2 903; 3464 ; 4079 ; 4424 ; 4597 ; 4697; 4860; 4931 ; 5012; 7, 109; 11, 22; 96; 12, 5; 17, 12. uteweard 50, 23. iitian 2, 394. utlaga 275. utlenda 400. uton 1333; 2, 267. QtsTjj 4128. iijwita 1828; 3095 ; 2, 149. wac 57, 9. wacian 2386. waclic 2722 ; 5177. wacllce 2736. wacnys 1384. wad 1058 ; 2, 436 ; 56, 368. wsecce 3494 ; 18 b , 28. wsed 8, 314. *wjeden ' hyacinthinns ' 7, 372; 8, 374- wsedla 28, 3. wafels 2117; 2151; 2392; 3588; 3732; 2, 244; 7, 362; 8, 354- wseferlic 62. wasfernes 4465. *waefersolor 'pulpitttm' 3458. waefersyn 234; 1224; 2758; 3457; 4044; 4370; 4465; 5134; 7, 252 ; 8, 189. wag ' gurges, limpha' 27 ; 499; 2487 ; 3, 16. waeg ' balance ' 4602. waige wk.f. ' balance' 26, 35. wsel' slaughter '3 73; 898; 11,74. wail 'flood, river, sea' 831; 3678. wselcyrie 4449. *wselgenga ' belva ' 5, 41 ; 8, wa;lhreow, cp. weal-. wailwyrt 26, 57. wain ( = wsegn) 1381; 4164; _47 4 2. waspenbora 751. waepenleas 724. wajpnung 735. wser 1398; 3814. wserscipe, -nes? 1091. wsestling 1035. wsestm 958. wsestmbaire 224. wait 3240; 4343; 2, 178. wseta 1851 ; 2755. waetan 647 ; 1414. wseter_497; 506; 2364; 3967. waftera^ddre 515. *waeterberend 871. wsetermele ? 56, 55. wseterseaj) 498. wreterseoc 3048 ; 4667. wseterjieote ? 497. wafian 4474- wafiende 233. wafung 3_5ii ; 4425. wafungstow 4, 59; 7, 251; 8, 1 88. wag 8 b , 7. wahreft 1034 ; 7, 365 ; 8, 359. walu m. or f. ? 3466 ; 4487 ; 4759; 5365- wamb 26, 39. wamm, cp. worn, wana 3865. wandrian 265 ; 3340. wanhafenes 3146. wann 4758 ; 23, 34. *wanseoc ' epileptic, lunatic ' ? 4937- wapelian 1891; 3481; 3962. war 23, 13. wara, -rum ' sablonum, -nibus' ? 1818 (cp. note}; 4101. waran ' cives ' ? 3903 (cp. note} ; 4884. warihte 35 ; 3, 24. warotJ 8, 420. warn 'defence' 2615; 2795; 3334: 4 2 34- waru ' ware ' 28, 16. wasend 2447 ; 3570 ; 2, 85 ; 225 ; 7, 155 ; 8, 124. wasu/. ' sablo ' ? 2493. Cp. also 1818 (see note} ; 4101. watel 2, 489. we 419; 500; 505; 749; 1069; 3897; 4351; 8,9; 40, 9, &c. Cp. also wit. weagesl]) 46, 35. wealcan 2474 ; 34, 5. wealcian 3549. Cp. gew-, *wealcspinl ' calamistrum/ cp. wolcspinl. wealdan 4728 ; 2, 375 ; 46, 38. wealdend 913. wealhbasu 35, 4. wealhreow 1157; r 59 r ! 2982; 3301 ; 47*3 ; 5 2 75 ! U> 9- wealhreowlice 2731. wealhstod, weak- 2422 ; 7, 149; 8, 1 20. Cp. note to 4495. weall 2322 ; 8, 14. weallan 3965 ; 4930 ; 23, 55. wealmorn 56, 52 ; 426. wealwyrhta 7, 140. wealwyrt, cp. walwyrt. weard / 2980 ; 32, 8. weardian 32, 9. wearm ? 18, 13. wearn 2080. wearp456; 1039; 3727. wearrihte 2073. wearrihtnys 3583 ; 2, 227 ; 7, 261 ; 8, 192. weax, weaxan, cp. wex, wexan. webb 2246; 3733 ; 4311 ; 26, 8. webllc 1042. webbung ' conspiratio' ? 2975. webbung ' scena ' ? 2920 (cp. note}. wecg 1810; 50, 36. wedan 2485 ; 2499 ; 3809 ; 4815 ; 11,173; 18", 44. wedd 11, 159. wedlac 3914. wefan 1424; 1532. wefl/. 458; 1036; 3730. /. ENGLISH WORDS 271 weg 61, 30. wegan 1758 ; 8, 262. wegbrajde 56, 403. weggelffite 4716; 11, 185. weggesl]) (-}>a?) 86 1 ; 2, 18. wel hwser 8, 255 ; ~ oft 894 ; 8, 416 ; 8 b , 9; ~ swiSe 980 ; ~ wide 4565. Cp. forwel. wela_i933; 3604; 3605. weldsed 3544. weler 1938; 4331. *welung 'volumen 1 28, 31. wemman ? 17, 48 ; 18, 7. wemmend 3339. wemming 431 7. wena 2776 ; 8, 231. wenan 5098 ; 56, 9 ; 223. wendere 5259. wenunga ? 56, i. weoce ' wick ' 2759. weocsteall ( = weoh-) 18 b , 6. weolc 5193; 2,432; 7, 35 2 5 8, 339- weolcbasu 1061. weolcread 5217; 35, 3. Cp. also wolc(en)read. weolcscill 26, 65. *weorccrseft 55, 6. weorcfull 27, 20. weorf 2186. weornian 1032 ; 18, 41 ; 37, 5. weorpan 56, 23 ; 61, 57. weorj)-, cp. wur])-, wyr)>-. weorpan 3791 ; 26, 61 ; 34, 2. wependlice 56, 7. wered ' a troop ' 3408 ; 4608 ; 7, 363; 8, 356; 11, 102 ; 46, 17; 57, 2. wered 'nectar' 2149. wered ' sweet ' 99 ; 302 ; 305 ; 473; 11, 3i- werednes 11, 43. werllc 1186; 1549; *55; 475- wermod 56, 400. wesan40, II. wses 1541 ; 1846 ; 22 79 5 2 55 X > & c- waerun 40, ii ; 36. Cp. also beon, com. wesing ' confectio, debilitatio ' 1857 (cp. note). westannorSan 2, 347 ; 8, 253. west(an)wind? 28, 8. westdsel 2583; 18 b , 27. westen 3744. westensetla 2503. westerne 23, 17. wefer 8, 338. wex 4462. wexan 150; 1131 ; 2248 ; 2317 ; 2419; 2580; 3608; 3940; 56, 116 ; 119 ; 262. wexbred 4396. wlc 3958 ; 2, 276. wicbora ( = wig-) ' signifer' 3808 ; 4, 72 ; 7, 280 ; 8, 203. wicce 1926 ; 3270 ; 4192 ; 2, 295; 7, 137; 8, "3- wiccecrseft 4055 ; 2, 283. wiccliende ' nutabundus ' ? cp. note to 2234. wicg 9. wicnere 1997. wide 2769 ; 2839 ; 4565; 4615 ; 4806 ; 4807 ; 4933. *widgenge adj. ' gyrovagus ' 58, 10. widgil 69 ; 1 1 80 ; 5384 ; 2, 32 ; 7, 385 ; 11, i ; 19- widgilnes 2799. widmsere 56, 336. widmjiersian, trans. 4567. wldsa 153. wif 3649 ; 4292 ; 61, 33. wifel ' spiculum,' cp. note to 1103. wifer 'jaculum' 1103. wifhad 4, 81. wifian 1264 ; 3385 ; 2, 200. wlflic 4223 ; 4961. wiflice 4171- wigbora, cp. wicbora. *wig(e)l 'divination' 7, 165; 177; 8, 132. wigelere 3267. wigelung 2627. wigheard 783. wighus 3972. wiglic 756; 2, 14. wlgsteall 864 ; 3439; 5504. *wihtmearc ' perpendiculum ' 3005. wila ' cavearum,' cp. wyla. wild ' lascivia ' ? 4706. wilfsegen 18 b , 96. wilful lice 56, 146 ; 300. Cp. also note to 1235. *wilian ' copulare,' cp. note to 35 6 - wilige 2645 : 3874 ; 17, 42 5 18 b , 13; 56, 57(?). willa 1289 ; 3160. willan 56, 66. wilnian 2882. wilsum 1233. wilsumlice 1235. *wi}t*J>e ' voti compos' 2219; 3589. wimpel 3165 ; 3414 ; 4296 ; 474 : 5331 ; 2, 456. win 103; 326; 2650; 3167; 549 2 ; 54945 2 > 4945 49 6 ; 4, 5; 6; 5, 12; 13; 6, 8; 9; 7, 14; 15; 8, 417; 418; 8 b , 12; 13. winberige 5194. winbog 2638 ; 3848. winclyster 18 b , 3. wind 23, 17. *windbsere 'ventosus' 43, 10. windel 2, 265. windwigceaf 2439. wingeard 2017; 3842. wlnhus 2651. wmleaf 18 b , 73. winnan (on) 888 ; 3437 ; 3867. winnstow 3073; 3551. wintseppere 2652. wintredde 2647. wlntreow 2838. winwringe 2646; 2, 101. wis adj. 18 b , 88 (?) ; 56, 234. wis sb.f. 'manner' 1252 ; 2690. wisdom 11, 167. wise /. ' manner, &c.' 1 207 ; 1230; 2166; 4243; 46, 14. wissian 1993. wissiend 'gubernator' 2264. wissum, -an (to) 'prsesertim, profecto ' 420 ; 1051. wissung 273 ; 1999. wist 3168; 3178; 7, 316; 8, 267; 26, 2 5 (?). wit 'we two' 56, 265; 280; 281. unc 2288; 56, 256; 276. wita7, 3595 61, J 9- wite 1945 ; 3353 ; 3436 ; 3543 ; 3817; 3954- witedom 144; 1524 ; 1531 ; 3708 ; 4972. witegeard ? 3333. wltegung 1793. wltehus 3333 ; 3558 ; 4753. witesteng 3087 ; 2, 147; 7, 229. witig, cp. wittig. witi(g)endlic 430; 1498; 1584; 3651 ; 4201 ; 4971. *witleasnes 47, 3. witleast 11, 174. witnian 2064; 3018; 17, 3 ; 33 ; 18 b , 58. witodlTce, witod ? 8, 20 ; 73 ; 56, 222. INDEX wittig 39 ; 3, 28. *wittignes 78. wituma (for witumbora ?) ' para- nymphus' 7, 94 ; 8, 102. witumbora 1774. Cp. also note to 7, 94. wij> prep. 56, 285. wi}>ceosan 61, 27. \vi)>cwe)>an 3616; 4412; 4600; 7, 108; 341; 357; 8, 316; 347- wi)>ercoren ' inprobus ' ? 5188. *vvi])ercwida 'negator' 1893. wij>erian 843 ; 4492 (?). wipersaca 682 ; 1960 ; 4095 ; 4494- wijjersacian 3039 ; 3698 ; 4492 ; 4617. \vij>ersacung 3040 ; 4743. vvi}>erweard, cp. wijierwyrd. wi)>erweardnes 7, 128 ; 40, 29. *wij)erwinn ' certamen ' 2, 3. wij>erwinna 754; 1341; 2800; 2961. wij>erwyrd, -wurd ( = -weard) 386 ; 8n ; 1 1 60; 1611 ; 1770; 2751 ; 4078. Cp, note to 175. wi)>innan fan 129; 1441. wiSmetenes 587 (cp. note). wij)sacan 613 ; 942; 1962 ; 2547; 3600 ; 3615 ; 3763 ; 3916 ; 3922; 4160; 4400; 4598; 3, 49; 56, 62 ; 61, 61. wi]>standan 843 ; 56, 282. *wij>J>yddan 4235. Cp. ]>yddan. wijmtan 2686. wlseclice 596. wljetta 2951; 3483; 4461; 4, 15 ; 7, 46. Cp. also note to 648. wliettung 4461. wlanc5298; 5344; 5362 (?). wlancian 4361 ; 2, 320. wlips 3055. wlite 4976; 5168; 7, 344; 23, 58. wlitig 4978 ; 56, 206. *wlott ' nsevus ' ? 648. wocia ' cabearum ' ? 3560. wocie ' tenticulam ' ? 962. wod 3080 ; 8, 310 ; 17, 45. wodnes 2057; 2983; 8, 311; 43,6. woffian 3776; 4303. wogere 3913 (cp. note} ; 3931 ; _405i ; 4148; 4285. woh, //. wo, woge 1770; 2226 ; 3426; 2, 49; 4, 28; 7, 309; 377 ; 8, 246 ; 383 ; 50, 44. wo!7, 1 88; 8, 150; 26, 43. wolc(en)read 5179; 5219:5319; 7, 343; 8, 318. Cp. also weolcread. *wolcspinl 'calamistrum' 26, 70. worn 3491 ; 4885. worn adj. ? womfull ? 17, 48. woma ' facundia* ? 8 b , 10. *womlust 7, 37. wop? 56, 185 (cp. note). wopleo)) 3504. woplic 2830; 4189; 4872. word 3196 ; 2, 485. wordfull 5436 ; 2, 469. wordig 1416. wordlian 2337 ; 2339 ; 5388 ; 539 2 ; *wordliend ' contionator ' 2321. wordsnoter 2426 ; 3212. *wordsnoterlic 2270; 4146. wordsnoterung 2268. worian 3340; 4588; 4^57; 26, 46. worsm 4, 67. worSig 3790 ; 4843. wracu 3817. wrsecnian 2966. wrcecsIS 4932. wrsecsiSian 268 ; 283. wrd 3499 ; 5241 ; 5252 ; 5453 ; 2, 213; 17, 31; 50, ii ; 61, 35. wrsene2i79; 2435; 3336; 4224; 4649 ; 4705. wraenna 56, 341. wnennesiO96; 1187. wra-nsa 2347. wrsenscipe 5290. wrsestlung 4736. wraetlic ? 7, 4. *wrangwis 1770. wrastltmg (for hwastrung) 2975. wrap 1844 ; 4484. wra]> ' ci udelitas ' ? 4880. wra]>llc 50, 27. wraxlere 3541 ; 2, 221. wraxlian 2, i. wraxlung 8, I. wrenc ? 765. wringan 2648. wiitan 4351. vvrltere 2846 ; 5447. *writian ' to chirp, chatter, &c.' 37,3- wri))an 3288. wroht 4237 ; 4842. wudewanhad 1375. wudewe 4829. wudu 56, 377. wudubsere 1806. *wudubyrpra ' calo ' 869. wudufmy. 2456. Cp. also fin. wudulic 545. wulder 1109. wulderbeah 1352; 2199; 2286; 4394- wuldrian 4049; 5110; 5170; 2, 282. wulf 1923. wull 5190; 2, 430. wund4i75 ; 5361. wunder286o; 3493. wunderfull 2757. wunderlic 1252 ; 2672. wundrung ' spectaculum ' 4370. wunian 292 ; 1025 ; 4543 ; 4966 ; 5315; 11, 51; 26, 53; on ~ 645; 47, 4- wunung 251 ; 2192 ; 2663 ; 4162. wurmaio6o; 5073; 5198; 5208; 2,25. wur])-, cp. wyrj?-. wurjnan ? 61, 46. wyla (wi-) ' cavearum ' ? 3560 ; 7, 257- wyldan 2348. vvylen ' verna' 2167. wylfen 'cigneus'? 1876. *wylian, cp. wil-. wyllen 455. wylm 571 ; 2511 ; 2702 ; 8, 72. wylspring 656 ; 4413. *wylung (from wylwan ' to roll'), cp. welung. wynn 323; 6, n ; 11, 45. wynsumi342; 2115; 4590; 56, 274. Cp. also note to 338. wynsumllc 1695. wynsumlice 11, 60. wynsumnes 321 ; 5310. wyrcansos; 8,45 ; 27, 15 ; 61, 23. -wyrd, -wurd ( = -weard), cp. note to 175. wyrd ? 802. wyrding ' macula ' 649. wyrdwiitere 187; 1971; 2664. Cp. gewyrdwr-. wyrgan 2, 108. wyrgung 2063. wyrhta 2781 ; 4244. wyrmgalere 3271 ; 4939- wyrms 3585 ; 4991 ; 2, 414. vvyr(re)st 148; 4901. 77. DOUBFFVL AND SPURIOUS WORDS AND FORMS wyrt 1634; 1850. wyrtfset 4824; 2, 390. wyrtgeard ' amphitheatrum ' ? 3333- wyrtgemang 11, 39. wyrtgemangnessi 3; 348854824. wyrt(t)ruma 918 ; 12, 6. wyrt(t)un 3751. wytyful 55 : 2423. wyrj>lic 5060. wyr>mynt 211; 1949; 2154; 2 57 2 5 4 8 5J 5394- wyr]>scipe, wu- 1009; 2200; 2692 ; 18 b , 83. *ybilberende 53, 16. yce ' toad ' 26, 21. *yfelberende, cp. ybil-. yfeldseda 3467. yfelnes 40, 25. ylca 397 ; 866 ; 1615 ; 2265 ; 3895; 4279; 505 o ; 56, 267. yldcung? 56, 129. *yldfull ' dilatory, delaying ' 5454 ; 2, 478. ylding 2079 ; 8 b , I. yld(o) 1280; 1988; 2867. ylfig ' commitialis ' 4937 ; 2, 406. ymb-, cp. also em(b)-. *ymbeaht 'conlatio' 53, 22. ymbsniden(n)es 40, 7 ; 16. ymbsm)>an 40, 1 6. ynneleac 53, 14. yppan 2, 341 ; 8, 10. ypplen 2862. yrfe 3151. yrfweard 1402. yrlic 1844; 11, 143. yrmXo) 3973; 4953; 2, 129. yrnan 141 ; 395 ; 36, 8 ; up 1581 ; fit - 2857. ysel ' asellus,' cp. esol. ysle 3786. yst 633 ; 4, 8 ; 7, 4- ystan 2474; 2499. ystas ' deliciae,' cp. estas. ytemest 1989; 2294; 11, 74. yttra 3677. yj> J 54; 5 6 ; 2486; y])ung 506. II. DOUBTFUL AND SPURIOUS WORDS AND FORMS 1 . sescetung ' cavillatio, &c.' 4500. afgydel ' superstitiosus ' 3933. anpselgnis 'naufragium* 627. anscut 'phalarica' 786. ansum 'integer' 1696. ansumnes ' integrity, virginity ' 1696. bepincge ' deceptio ' 4981. besceotan 'spondere, desponsare' 4555- bismorcwes'Selbstmorder' 2687. bogung ' crookedness, perversity' 5163. bol 'eel' 8, 319. brycmSlum, brec- ' piecemeal ' 1829. bryda ' sponsalia ' 3914. brymllc ' celebrandus ' 4614. brymme ' border, shore ' 2478. bufantig ' high ' 5242. byde wk.f. ' a vessel' 3657. bydel ' a vessel ' 5112. ced 'a boat' 28. ceorig ' evil-smelling, rancid ' 2828. cncedreaw ' redivivus ' 2213. dryhtweman 'a bride' 1774. earsgang 'latrina' 3917. egisc 'terror' 2489. em far ' a small ship ' 669. face 'clasma' 3815. fanbynde ' vexillatio ' 1 744. feorig 'schlammig, iibelriechend ' 2828. flygewll ' a flying wile' 7, 165. fSgere 'procus' 3913. fornefa 'a great-graodson ' 1663. framlic ' aversus, turned away from' 3462. fustrendel ' focus ' 1428. gaf 'base' 56, 71. gebyft ' domesticus ' 4183. gedof 41 8. gedwimere ' a sorcerer' 4695. gefefte 'lying at the feet, con- textus, constrictus ' 3935. gehseftfsest ' captive ' 1171. gendniss ' obstacle ' 3975. geondreman ' to consent ' ; geon- drymian 'mit Freude entgegen kommen ' 4000. gerinelic 'prosperous' 2581. gestende ' tumens ' 2499. gestreagung ' vegetatio ' 1445. gej>ylan 'succumbere, consentire' 3238- giestan ' to ferment ' 2499. goldgeren, -gerene ' ornamented with gold 4297. gyrst ' strident ' 4605. hseletoS ' greeting, Hosanna ' 2607. heallchad 'loftiness' 1699. heofnng 'jubilatio' 1345. hiltine 'a sword' 758. hletan ' to grunt ' 4336. hrilsecung ' ratiocinatio ' 3215. hunigswses 3183. hwid(a) ' stragula ' 1035. hyftgyld ' port due '4717. inhoh'evidens, manifestns'5i6r. lac ' medicine' 382. lenctentlme ' vernal ' 3837. leohtbrakmes ' illumination, manifestation, display ' 4706. lystere ' fautor ' 4674. 1 Genuine words to which incorrect meanings have been assigned are also included. [iV. II.] T 274 INDEX msegtud 'cognatus'; msegtuSer 'relative,' msegtudor 2700. maletung 'verbosity' 1419. metcund(llc) 'metrical' 124. oferwundennes ' experimentum ' 543- ofspraec 'utterance' 2318. orgalscipe 'wantonness' 5290. psecig ' callidus ' 4980. pince ' amplexus maritalis '3714. plicitere 'proreta' 30. pritian ' to chirp ' 37, 3. rsegiming ' laetitia,' ' flapping of wings' 2 399- riscende ' sounding ' 3740. scruft ' speleum ' 4889. scryfe, screfe ' cloaca ' 4742. selflices adv. 'voluntarily' 1288. snaS ' a killing ' 3070. spearcian 4029. stalaS 'stability' 2679. steness 'a prison' 4639. swinel ' palma ' 4486. tag 'twig '4693. taxe 'toad' 1855. tindting 'suasio' 3382. titegar ' large spear ' 786. toste 'toad' 1855. tofeorfian ' diruere ' ; toSsearf ' di- rnif 3475. tyddrung ' branch ' 3849. jjjerriht adj. ' straight ' ; J>arriht adj. 'unsheathed, bared' 3797. J>edum 'teste' 5274. upaliman, upalyman ' emergere ' 4784. upamyldan ' to come to light, appear' 4784. unaseolcendlic 'energetic' 3373. wsellic 'deep' 1942. wal ' protervus ' 5362. weall ' defrutum' 326. wegtJ 'weight' 451. welic ' surging' 1942. werscipe ' married state ' 3596. wildnes ' lascivia ' 4706. wirgunggalere 4939. woplig 2830. writian 'to draw, write, compose' 37,3- wurpan ' spondere, desponsare ' 4555- wyling ' fervor 571. III. LATIN WORDS. a, abi49o; 2005; 2377; 2 38i ; 2555; 2 933; 3005; 3028; 3425 ; 4192, &c. abba 56, 330. abdico (-care) 1 962 ; 4860 ; 7, 108. abditus 4215. abduco 1603. abigo 3654; 7, 263; 50, 41. ablacto 57, 8. abnego 56, 62. abrado 50, 20. abrotanum 56, 377. abscedo 3590 ; 4904. abscido 1552. absida 18 b , 6. absinthium 56, 400. absque 56, 86. abstineo 56, 78. abstrusus 1952 ; 2335 ; 2798. Cp. also obstrusus. absum 5115. absurdus 2081 ; 7, 130 ; 27, 26. abusive 53, I. ac 361; 613; 749; 1554; 2,418. acsi93 4 ; 3926; 2, 127. accede 56, 6. accidia 20, i. accipio 2413; 40, 3. accipiter 23, 18. accola 2230 ; 2415 ; 2539 ; 3591. accusatio 4237. acer adj. 599; 1946; 2991; 8, 218. acerbitas 3158 ; 4816; 7, 231. acervus 26, 45. acies 862; 1721; 57, 2. acquire 796. acriter 3011 ; 4336; 4730; 4875. acticius ( = accitus ?) 56, 1 1 1 . actualis 996. acutus 229. ad 175; 283; 807; 815; 1400; 1708; 7995; 2056; 2214; 2342, &c. addico 1452 ; 2, 42. adeo vb. 1954. adeo adv. 2750. adhaereo 3362. adhaeresco 2355. adhibeo 4071. adigo 4946; 2, 411. adimpleo 40, 14. adinventio 5214; 2, 437. adipiscor 2528. adjumentum 1010; 5499. adjungo 17, 62. adminiculum 3882. admissarius 29, I. Cp. also emissarius. adoleo 4443 ; 8, 238. adolesco 1282; 4361; 2, 320. Cp. also adultus. adoptivns 9, 17. adriaca 56, 388. adulatio 5375. adulterinus 4246. adultus 3361; 3607; 2, 197; 8, 181 ; 18", 5. aduro 32, 15. adveho 112. advenio 40, 14. advento 570. adventus 40, 2. adversitas 40, 29. ad versus prep. 56, 285. advocatus sb. 2587 ; 4, 41 ; 6, 25; 7, 172; 8, 137. .aegrotus 372 ; 1977. aemulus 754; 1341; 2242; 2800; 2961; 53 6 7- aequanimiter 2978; 56, 124. aeque 2303. aequus 4601. aeramentum 1371 ; 61, 54. ///. LATIN WORDS 275 aenigo 54, 2. aes 50, 45. aestuarium 41, 3. aetas 56, 220. aetatula 2867 ; 7, 198. aeternus 40, 19 ; 39. aether 1778 ; 2168. aethereus 5034 (cp. note). Aethiopicus 4680 ; 2, 368. aethra 5148. aethralis 7, 218. affabilis 56, 217. affabiliter 2853. affatim 1689; 3686. affectio 56, 127. affecto 56, 324. affectus sb. 238 ; 1234 ; 56, 109 ; no. affero 3936. afficio 4011 ; 2, 281. affinis 31405 2, 162. affirmo 28, 30. afflictio 149. afflo 49 ; 2537. agape 4834; 2, 392, agglomero 3497. aggredior 3637; 4316. agiliter 56, 96. agmen 5, 5 ; 7, 8. agnus40, 29; 31; 32. ago 44; 6, 6; 28, 2. agon 2, 5. agonista 4, 4. agonitheta 1334; 354 1 ', 2 > 221. agricola 2449. agrimonia 56, 53 ; 430. alapa 61, 59. alba ' chrisom ' 2127 ; 2,66. album ' tablet ' 3032 ; 4396 ; 2, 139- albus 46, 19. ales 5297. alga 23, 13. algidus 18, 15. algium ( = allium) 56, 370. algosus 35; 3, 24; 8, 8. alibi 5182. alimonia 3863 ; 2, 263. alimonium 1572. aliorsum 3781 ; 2, 252 ; 7, 276; 8, 200. aliquando 3787. aliquantulum 638. aliqui 970. aliquis 56, 102. aliter 1380 ; 3, 41. alms 5416. allec 30, 2. allegoria 182 ; 8, 15". allium, cp. algium. allophylus 881 ; 5018. alloquor 2287; 4899. allubesco 56, 289. alludo 46, 37. alnus 56, 356. Alpes 2035. alte 5058. altercor 3003. alternating 1368. alternus 3001; 2, 135; 7, 216; 8, 163. altilis 61, 29. altor 2841. altrinsecus 160. altum (in) 1559; 1709. altus 3454 ; 56, 242 ; 245. alumnus 3021 ; 28, 21. alvearium 3822. alveus 2668 ; 3678 ; 4794. amantissimus 56, 105. amator 4292. amatrix445i; 2, 334. ambages 3500. ambiguitas 677. ambiguus 5099. ambio 8, 377 ; 23, 38. ambitus 1685; 5124. ambo 43, 4. ambro 698; 836; 5, 19; 7, 52; 8, 81; 11, 106; 19, 2. ambrosia 312; 2150; 3277; 3488 ; 2, 67 ; 11, 38. ambrosia 'plant name' 56, 50; 417. ambulo 40, 25. amen 56, 104. amicus adj. 18, 26 ; 50, 29. amitto 4091. amminiculum, cp. adminiculum. ammissarius, cp. admissarius. amnis 48, 2. amodo adv. 56, 67. amoenus 137; 56, 274, amor 1184. amphitheatrum 3333; 3558. apiplectendus 56, 254. amplexus 3174; 4529. amplifico 5215. amplus 69; 11, i; 56, 226. anachoresis 2517 ; 3638; 2,233. anagoge 184; 4264; 7, 23; 8, 16. anastasis 2753. anathema 5122. anathematizo 61, 61. T 2 anceps 676. ancilla 61, 60. anethum 56, 39; 381. anfractus sb. 1772 ; 3427 ; 3696 ; 2, 49; 209; 4, 28; 11, 129. angelicus 1750. ango 4851. anguis 4943 ; 2, 410. angularis 1546. angulosus 121 ; 7, 20. angustus 56, 95. anhelitus 2050 ; 48, 5. anhelo3623; 2,230; 4,3; 6,5. animadversio 2063; 7, 128. animadverto 908 ; 2291; 66,25. animal 40, 29. annumero 26, 17. ansata 'a javelin' 2, 502. Cp. also note to 786. ante 1749. antecessor 619. antecommissus 36, 3. antenna 5464; 2, 484; 38, I. antes 3847; 4, 75; 7, 284; 10, 6; 18 b , 3. antiae5326; 2,453; 7,375? 8 > 378. anticipo 603; 1232; 4, 26. antidotum 383. antiquarius sb. 5449. antiquitus 4243. antlia 501. antrum 1889. aniilus 1192. aperio 3561 ; 40, 33. apex 1588; 2009; 3528; 4050; 4569; 4613; 4810; 5078; 18 b , 4- apiarium 56, an. apium 56, 406. apocalypsis 1221; 5178. apocryphus 1960; 5103. apologeticus 2299; 2793; 2957; aporior 1785. apostasia 3040 ; 4743. apostata 682 ; 4494; 5, 16. apostaticus 4920; 2, 401. apostate 3039 ; 3698 ; 4492 ; 4617. apostolicus 3383. apotheca 2651 ; 4, 42. apparatus 778; 4560; 7, 59; 313; 8, 87; 252. appellatio 2569. appendix 53, 18. appetitus 5158. 276 applaudo 4196; 2, 296. applico4489; 4761; 66, 135. appraesento 56, 18; 73. appretio 61, 46 ; 47. apricus 18, 13. aptns 4271. aptid 2028. arbitrium 1290; 1315; 2682; 5398. arbitror 5098; 56, 223. arbor 545. arcanus 1506; 4216; 2, 303; 7, 80. arceo 4886 ; 7, 336 ; 8, 303. archangelica 56, 402. archiatrus 3027. archimandrita 910; 3720. archipirata 4039 ; 8, 228. arcitenens 23, 10. arcus 511. ardeo 1431 ; 2389. ardor 975. arduus 409; 7, 32. area 3432. arenosns, cp. harenosus. argillum 28, 32. argumentum 1389; 2290; 2777; 2938; 3016; 3127; 3214; 338o; 3399; 344M 4 72. arguo 2930; 56, 91. argutus 5006 ; 8, 309. aridus 4926. aries 3444; 7, 243; 8, 182. ariolus 3270. arithmeticasii?; 5441; 2, 156; 47: 7, 39; 8, 46; 55, I. armarium 27, 19. armatura 735. armentum 2448 ; 2, 86 ; 18 b , 2. armo 752 ; 3794. armonia 2594; 3053; 3925; 7, 174; 8, 139; 18, 25; 18*>, i. arpago 5342; 2, 459; 7, 379; 8, 386. arrideo 33, 2. arrogans 56, 233. arroganter 667. arrogantia 1106 ; 5162. arrogo 27, 30. ars 765; 2244; 3207. artemisia 56, 51 ; 421. articnlus 1587 ; 3546. arto 2121; 3145; 3316; 4876; 7, 133- artus adj. 578; 1239; 1608; 5264. aruspex4O2o; 4068; 4193. INDEX arvina 2, 105. arx 4052; 4817. ascendo 2142. ascisco 2533; 4088; 4178. asellus 3663. asper 1767; 1786; 5365; 11, 131; 26, 12; 56, 112; 252. aspernor 56, 235. aspiro 34, 4. assatura 3760. assentatrix 5376; 2, 461. assertio 2067 ; 5261. assiduitas 45/7. assiduus 74. assisto 1025. assuesco 287. assnmo 36, 6. assuo 5334. astipulatio 145 ; 1623 ; 5262. astipulor 2 1 7 ; 3897. astrifer 2556 ; 3689. astringo 3288. astrologia 3121; 5444; 2, 159; 473! 7, 394; 8, 410; 55,5. astronomia 3120 ; 5443; 2,158; 47 2 ; 7, 393; 8, 409; 55, 4. astns 50, 48. atomo (in) 2370; 2, 78. atomus 23, 52 ; 26, 74. atqtie 2, 87. atramentum 652; 4159; 3, 52; 7, 45- atrium 8, 214. atrocitas 4714. atrociter 728 ; 2714; 2731. atrox 3947; 7, 291; 8, 217. attestor 1326. attineo 27, 22. attollo 330. attonitus 2330; 3506; 7, 144; 249; 8, 118; 187. attritus ptc. 2926. auctoritas 216; 2598; 2873; 5149; 11,8; 40, 3. audacter 753. auditor 2331. aufero 432; 5440; 11, 56. aufugio 2171 ; 4992. augeo 1078. augustus adj. 3447 ; 3942 ; 2, 210; 272; 7, 171; 244; 8, 136; 183. aura 2, 420 ; 50, 4. aureus 1438; 1461. auricolor 43, 5. aurora 18, 19. aurum45i; 1070; 1810; 4297; 2, 316. auscultator 2333. ausculto 2825. auster 28, 7. austeritas 66 1. aut 2, 252 ; 7, 275 ; 8, 199 ; 27, 32; 40, 21 ; 22. autem 40, 9. authenticus 2597 ; 5151 ; 2, 426. autumnalis 3838. avadonia 56, 376. ave 56, 133. averto 7, 156. avidus 11, 98. avitus 1600. axnngia 2762 (aus-) ; 23, 28 (aux-). azyraa 40, 23. bacchor 3809. baccinium 5194; 2, 435; 8, 340. balbus 3054 ; 4330. balena 668; 4, 16; 6, 12; 7, 47 ; 23, 48. ballista 733; 3442. balteus 486. baptisma 40, 17. baptisterium 4087 ; 4360. barathrum 635; 684; 2216; 5468; 4,9; 7, 41; 56, 237. barbarismus 5467 ; 2, 485. barbarus 4037 ; 56, 228. barca 5457; 4,91. barritus 2387. basilica 5117. basterna 4163. beatns 1488; 2559. bellator 56, 293. bellicosus 783; 3805; 2, 14. bellicus 756. belliger 26, 42. belua 721; 5, 41; 8, 305. berbex 8, 338. bestia 2471 ; 4900. betonica 56, 390. betulus (=-la) 56, 365. bibliotheca 2027. bibulus 142. bidens 8, 336. biga 2185 ; 16, i ; 18, 22 ; 18 b , 8. bilanx 4602 ; 2, 354. bilustrum 2513. biothanatus 2687 ; 6, 26 ; 7, 181 ; 8, 145- bipennis 2231 ; 2, 71. ///. LATIN WORDS 277 bipartitus 1172. bis 229; 774; 1060; 3430; 2, 24. bismortuus, cp. note to 6, 26. bistinctus, cp. tingo. bitumen 3515. blaesus 3055. blandimentum 607 ; 3175. blandus 56, 307. bombosus 1463. bombycinus 460 ; 3162. bonus 589. botrus 2639; 3851; 2, 99; 5, 28; 7, 287; 8, 211 ; 17, 39. brachycatalecticus 130. bractea 18 b , 7. brumosus 56, 26. bubulcus 2450; 2, 87 ; 23, 32. bucca 697 ; 4, 19 ; 5, 1 8 ; 7, 51 5 8, 8o buccella 2402 ; 56, 70. buccina 4, 84. bullifer 487. bullio 3962. buxus 56, 351. byrsa 3285. byssinus53i7; 2, 449; 7, 37 1 5 8, 373. byssus 1062 ; 35, 5. cabea 3560; 7, 257. caccabatus 4156; 4678; 2,366; 7, 323; 8, 282; 11, 182. caccabus 4672 ; 7, 320; 8, 277. cachinno 4499 ; 5234. cachinnus 3171. cadaver 1480 ; 2213. cado 46, 25 ; 61, 28. caecus 4653 ; 5288. caedo 10; 5332. caelebs 665 ; 1254; 2176. caeles 1256. caelestis 161 ; 381; 945; 1427; 1573; 1586; 1747; 175'; 257; 4395 ; 26, 54- caelibatus 1395; 2002; 9, 19. caelicola 3934. caementarius, cp. citnentarius. caerefolinm, cp. cerpillum. caerimonia 2224; 2624; 7, 177. caerula 2478 ; 2, 90. caeruleus 4758. caesaries 1212; 4463; 5049; 2, 36; 8, 243. calamistratus 26, 69. calamistrum 1 200 ; 4646; 5328; 23, 26; 26, 70. calamitas 2973; 4953; 2, 129. calamitosus 3853 ; 4868; 2,261. calamus 56, 398. calcar 4248. calciamentum 26, 18. calcitro 2438 ; 2, 82. calculo 1537; 3830. calculus 3229; 2, 177; 21, 8. caligo sb. 3297. calix 1219. callidus 4058 ; 4980; 2, 284. callositas 3583; 4928; 2, 227; 7, 261 ; 8, 192. calo sb. 869. caltha 94. calumnia 471; 1261; 4207; 4267; 4690; 8, 233. camicula 56, 47 ; 408. candens 5249. cani sb. ' gray hairs' 3367. canis 46, 50. canities 1877. canon 3984; 5304; 7, 295; 8, 224. canonice 1959. canonicus 4578 ; 2, 349 ; 56, 317. canorus 2603; 7, 175; 8, 140. cantharus 23, 23. capax 3101. capesso 11, 79 ; 50, 31. capillatnra 1214. capio .1306; 1307; 5258; 5291; 46, 17. capitalis 3042 ; 4042 ; 4802. capitium 5320; 2, 451. Cappadox 2302. captator 46, 36. captiosus 3208; 2, 170. captivus 1170. capulo tenus 4945. caput 3022 (capite truncatur). carbasus 2, 483. carceralis 3^4. cardo 56, 337. carduus 56, 424. carenum 103 ; 4, 5 ; 5, 1 2 ; 6, 8 ; 7, 14. careo 4, 48. carex 56, 433. carica 3845; 2, 259; 8, 209. caries 18 b , 17. caritas 56, 224. carmen 390; 899; 1347; 4941. carnalis 610 ; 1604 ; 1 723 ; 2552 ; 40, 22. carnaliter 40, 16. carnifex 2356. carol 2 75 ; 40, 8. carpo 4, 66 ; 7, 259 ; 15, 2. carruca 1381. cassabundus 686 ; 2237. cassis 5020; 2, 417. casso 4711 ; 7, 327; 8, 289. castigatio 2992. castigo 4013. castimonia 210; 715; 1121; 1777. castitas354; 1375; 1620; 1985. castra 113. castus 615. casus 3061 ; 3793 ; 4186 ; 2, 143. cataclysmos 2477; 7, 159. catalecticus 127; 2, 9. catalogus 341. cataplasma 1973; 2678; 3050; 26, 33- catapulta 4238. cataracta 515. catarrhus 31, I. catasta 4485 ; 2, 340. catechizo 4084. catechumenus 21905 2207; 2881. categoria 3128. caterva 2877; 5080; 36, 7. cathedra 2030. catholicus 172; 1359; 2768; 4406; 5105; 5116; 56, 319. catus 56, 117; 159; 168. caula ( = caulis) 56, 369. cauliculus 547 ; 2, 1 1. caulis, cp. caula. cauma3244; 3779; 23, 55. caupo 2652. causa 266; 926; 4, 90; 56, 71. cautela 1091. cauterium 1983; 2, 61 ; 4, 31 ; 7, "3- cautes 2039 ! 26 > S^. cavanna 5338. cavea, cp. cabea. cavillatio 4500 ; 8, 247. caviller 5235. cavo 255; 11, 15. cedoioo5; 3203; 4096; 32, 10. celeber 55; 2082; 2301; 2421; 34 l8 ; 39375 5270; 7, 148; 56, 336. celebratio 40, 10. celebro2754; 4614; 466154812; 7, i; 40, 30; 56, 315. celeriter 56, 15; 75. cella 4659. cellarium 56, 270. cellula 291. 278 INDEX celsus 510. censeo 8, 78. centaureum 56, 424. centenus 950. centrum 2761 ; 18 b , 1 6. centuria 882. cerebrum 2815. Cerethi 775. cereus adj. 113. cernuus 1278. cerpillum 56, 38 ; 416. certamen 1116; 2,3; 11, 81. certatim 106; 2232; 4, 32; 56, 210. certatio 7, 346 ; 8, 326. certo vb. 1349. certus 421 ; 877. cervical 29, 4 ; 56, 16. cesso 565; 40, 15; 66,65. ceteri 938. cetero (de) 1350. ceterum adv. 5183. ceu 2327 ; 26, 73. chaerephyllum, cp. cerpillnm. Chaldaeus 3267. Chaldaicus 4471. chaos 2483 ; 2, 92 ; 17, 9. character 2847 ; 4589 ; 5, 31 j 7, 194; 8, 153; 259. charaxo 4351. charisma 342 ; 2863. Charybdis 4620; 53, n. chiliarchus 4747 ; 2, 379. chirographo 2789. chlamys 2117. cholera 31, 2. Christus 40, 13; 21; 30; 35. chronographus 189; 7, 24. cibus 4850; 26, 25; 40, 26; 43, 14. cicatnx4i75; 4495. cicindile 2759. ciccum, cp. cittum. cimentarius 2253; 7, 140. cimentum 53, 29. cimiterium 4347. cincinnus 1199; 4172; 5048; 5327; 2, 454; 7, 339; 376; 8, 313 5 38o. cingo 2040. cingulum 3767. cippus 3251; 2, 179; 180; 17, 26; 27. circensis 65. circilus 669. circiter 3421 ; 3719. circius456i; 2, 347; 8, 253. circuitus 61, 53. circulus493; 523; 8, 47. circumamictus 1024. circumcido 40, 16. circumcisio 40, 7 ; 16. circumdo 4294. circumeo 2129. circnmgyro 696. circumquaque 3775; 2, 251; 4, 7'. circumsepio 25 ; 5, 6 ; 7, 9 ; 8, 3. circumvallo 109. circus 3510; 3535; 2, 214; 4, 59; 7, 251; 8, 188. cirrus 8, 2 70. cisteraa 498. citerior 3677. cito adv. 2075 ; 3130. citro 1040; 4103. citsana 56, 397. cittum 464 ; 11, 63. Cp. Addenda. civis 329; 703; 1951; 3903; 4884; 56, 272. civitas 8 1 8. clanculus adj. 4211 ; 2, 300. clandestinus 820; 2045; 4655; 5128; 2, 362; 7,213; 11,95- clangor 1642; 191254607; 5247; 2,442; 17, 7; 22, i. claregis; 2025; 2312; 2765. claresco 4573. clarnus 58, 74. clarus 439 ; 3082 ; 23, 36. clasma 3815. classicum 742 ; 50, ai. classicus 21 ; 3, 13. classis 2602 ; 5502. clatri 3332 ; 3562 ; 4371 ; 2, 194. claustrum 1146; 3252; 57, 6. clausula 5357. clausus 1522. clava 18 b , 18. clavatus 5323; 7, 374; 8, 376. clemens 1310. clericalis 3765. clericatus 3692. clerus3oo6; 5303; 8, 369. cliens 870; 4684. clientela 2809; 3309; 4182; 5133; 18, 31. clima 1443. clipeus 2100. cloaca 3319 ; 3416 ; 4290 ; 4399 ; 4744- clustellum 4003 ; 5396 ; 7, 258 ; 18 b , ii. coapto 80 ; 50, 28. coarto 2181. coccineus 5125; 5179; 5217; 5319; 7,343; 8, 318. coccum 1060; 2, 25; 35, 3. coctura 3759. codex 11, 1 6. coemeterium, cp. cimiterium. coenaculum 5251. coenobialis 4168. coenodoxia 1109. coenum 2545 ; 3598. coeo 48, 4. cogitatio 56, 3. cognatus 2700 ; 7, 183 ; 8, 147,, cognosce 3986; 4217; 40, 7; ii ; 23. cogo267; 928; 1456; 184651941 ; 2484; 4131 ; 4365; 4919; 5399. cohors 23 ; 279 ; 3, 15. cohortor 791 ; 1917. colaphus 61, 58. collarium 2062; 7, 127; 5?, 5. collare 4040. collatio 249; 909; 53, 22. collegium 1027; 7, 70; 8, 89. colligo ' hycgan, understandan ' i39 r ; 3835- collis 1548 ; 56, 241. collisio 5472. colloquium 162; 4522; 2, 342. colluctatio 7, 345. colludium 1517. colobium 3725; 2, 242. colon 201 ; 2850; 7, 196; 18 b , 10 ; 26, I. colonus 690; 5, 17; 11, 87. colophus 131. color 529; 1047; 5203. coloratus 5330. colossus 1637. coluber 157. comburo 1433. comes 1185; 4283; 4712. comitialis 4937 ; 2, 406. comma 202 ; 2851; 18 b , 9; 26, 2. commanipularis 859 ; 3033 ; 345- commemoro 56, 144. commentarium 173. commentum 2911 ; 3123; 3132; 3 22 5; 4575J 7, 205; 8, 173. Cp, also note to 2, 119. commercinm 2540; 3064; 3220; 3593; 7, 227; 236. commilito sb. 3578. comminiscor 1069; 7, 209. committo 274; 3395; 4998. commoditas 11, 68 ; 56, 306. commodus 56, 172; 190. commoror 292. commoveo 3709. communico 2140. como ii ; 5312; 8, 6; 8, 324; 332. compactus, cp. compingo. com pages 4440. comparatio 67; 587. comparo 4006. compatior 903 ; 5267. compello 1257; 2463; 2660; 2683; 4366; 4580. compendium 3347. comperio 3143. compesco 1782; 2498; 5159. competens 2882; 5356; 2, 69; 7, 202; 8, 158. compingo 200; 2254; 7, 27. compitalia 4716 ; 11, 185. complano 1771. completus 40, 12. complexus sb. 1551 ; 3714; 5041. compono9O4; 1203. compos (voti) 809; 2219; 3589; 18", 96. comprimo 2501 ; 3532 ; 3571 ; 4125; 4,63; 26, 52. comprobo 544; 1141 ; 12, 7. compunctio 601. compungo 973. compute 3230; 4765. conamen 8, 283. concelebro 2612; 4951. concentus 403 ; 2606 ; 4660 ; 49*3; 7, 317; 8, 272. concertatio 3204. concha 447. conchylium, cp. conquilium. conciliabulum 3, 2. concilium 2093. concinno 2788; 2802; 2823; 2899; 2918; 4,44; 7, 190. concipio 3134; 5409. concito 4420. conclave 3110; 2, 152. conclusio 3210. Cp. also note to 2, 171. concorditer 2595; 5503. concors 231. concrepo 1916; 3924; 4890; 4914; 2, 397; 7, 104; 11, 146 ; 56, 244. concretio 227. concurro 1333. condemno 2916. ///. LATIN WORDS coudiscipulus 2271. conditio 1242; 3644; 2, 38. conditor 7, 351; 8, 335. conditus ' seasoned ' 3754 ; 2, 248; 7, 271. condo 28, 18. confabulor 3998. confectio 1857. confero 5435 ; 2, 468. confick>303; 2441; 8,45; 27,15. confido 940 ; 3034. conflictus 3000; 2, 134; 4, 17. confluo 2095 ; 3631 ; 4888. confodio 4035. confundo 520; 8, 57; 4.0, 5. confusio 18, 12. confute 1262; 2101; 2937; 7, 208. congeries 435; 1822; 3978; 47 8 o; 2 53; 279. congestus 3344. conglutino 9, 6. congredior 28, 24. congruenter 1715. congruo 66; 3891 ; 4263; 4356; 5175; 8,328. congruus 13315 1560; 7, 845 11, 123. conibentia 3617. conjectura 1561; 2289; 2319; 7,8 4 . conjicio 1390; 2688. conjugatus 1006; 7, 69. conjugium 221. connecto 963; 4458; 7, 306; 8, 242 ; 23, 7. conniventia, cp. conibentia. connubium 416; 4288; 5003. conopeum 5276 ; 7, 365 ; 8, 359. conquilium 5193 ; 5219 ; 2, 432 ; 7,352; 8, 339; 26,65. conquisitor 27, i. consecro 1493. consentio 3238; 4000; 4001. consequens 27, 28. conserve 1801 ; 2429; 266654385. considero 371. consessus sb. 1753. consilium 4836. consolda 56, 385. consonus 2593; 4911; 7, 173; 8, 138. censors 1902 ; 17, 60. consortium 223; 2148; 2662; 2697; 33795 39 1 *; 4/6; 449 1 ; 5037 5 11, 10. conspiratio 2975 ; 4955. 279 censpiratus 863. constantia 1653. constellatio 2631; 7, 179; 8, 142. constipo 1 1 8. consto 555; 5315; 7, 117; 8, 66; 11, 51; 26, 53. construe 2138; 3420. consulatus 271. consulo 2696; 3611; 4123. consultum 2524; 4197; 2, 297; 7, 164; 8, 130. consummo 2146. consume 1859; 2126; 3, 43. consuo 2565 2391 ; 53, 32; 56, 3 1 - contego 469 ; 8, 41. contemno 606 ; 11625 1399; 3920; 8, 58 ; 60. contemplatio 244; 706; 1707; 2116. contemplativus 991 ; 2432. contemptibilis 470 ; 935 ; 5438 ; 554- contemptor 4278. contemptrix 4430. contendo 1881 ; 5216; 2, 54; 7, 100; 8, 103; 27, II. contentus 289 ; 11, 26. contexo 254; 1424; 3935. conticinium 3771. continens 1002 ; 4658 ; 2, 250 ; 363; 7, 273; 8, 198; 271. contineo 1385; 5397; 46, 30. contingo4325; 17, 29. contio 2324. contionator 2321; 5415; 2, 74; 465. contionor 2323; 3337; 3459. contra 764; 1819; 3953; 4333. contrarins 4078. contrecto 17, 44. contribulis 6; 28115 3989; 2, 280; 3, 3; 9,4. contritus 3258 ; 4122; 4702. contubernalis 2353; 3141. contubernium 414; 74 1 ?84 2663; 3330; 37025 4554; 8, 27. contumelia 4268. conturbo 2680. conus 1563; 3529; 32,6. conversatio 9335 2507; 4533; 57, i. conversio 40, 4. converto 4558. convexus 24, 2. convitium 5363. 280 INDEX convolatus sb. 5482 ; 2, 488. cophinns 56, 57. copia 3345. copiosus 2632. copula 1605; 1662; 3200; 3378; 4402; 5001. coquo 2469. cor 40, 8. Cp. also corde tenus. coram 40, 33. corbis 2645 ; 3874 ; 2, 265 ; 18, 3; 18 b , 13. corde tenus 56, 145. corium 3282. cornipes 9. cornutus 163. corona 1352; 2199; 2286; 26, 55- corpus 1377; 5, 25; 8, 93; 23, 29. corrector 5380. corrigo 2069; 56, 225. corrodo 3820; 2, 255. corrumpo 2051. corruptibilis 59 ; 1250; 8, u. corruptio 3712; 3999. cortex 257. cortina 1034. coruscatio 4423; 2, 328. corusco 1719; 4203; 8, 33. coruscus 4310. corylus 56, 354. corymbus 116. cos 2973; 56, ai. costa 'rib' 2465. costa ( = costus) 'plant name' 56, 392. crassus 1682. crates 2466; 53, 37. creatura 692 ; 40, 35. creber 834; 984; 2229; 4576; 2, 70; 11, 163. crebresco 2585; 2769; 3940; 4567; 4615; 4807; 4933- credo 1711. cremo 3086. crepaculum 56, 249. crepito 1657 ; 2791 ; 4386. crepo 31 ; 3, 20; 7, n ; 8, 5. crepundium 538; 2203; 3198; 4005; 4376; 4826; 18 b , 12 515. crepusculum 85. cresco ' cress ' 56, 414. cribram 56, 59. crimen 2786; 4250; 5378. criminor 8, 392. criniculus 1211 ; 4173. crinis 5039. crinitus 56, 13. crispo 1201; 5329; 2, 455. crista 5019; 2, 416; 26, 16. crocatus 108 ; 7, 16. croceus525; 5206; 7,356; 50, 10. crocus 5237. cruciatus sb. 3235 ; 3436 ; 4098 ; 56, 291. crucio 4129. crudelitas 4880. crudesco 4713. cruditas 3283. crudus 3241 ; 4113. cruento 4251. cruentus 3301 ; 11, 149. crnor 4137. crustula 2403 ; 3826 ; 3858. crustus ' decoration ' 7, 370 ; 8, 37i- crypta 2046 ; 3350 ; 4907. cubiculum 3620. cucuma 44, i. culex 61, 40. culina 3755; 8, 274; 56, 76. culmen 1708 ; 3456. cultrix 1358; 2065; 4431. cultura3783; 3933; 4557. cultus 1194; 5153. cum prep. 760; 1062; 2574; 4509; 4748; 2, 380; 7/99; 26, 14; 35, 5; conj. 555; 1690; 2105; 2274; 2368; 2864; 3143; 3758; 3929; 4447; 4482; 2, 271, &c. cumulo 1932 ; 7, 296; 8, 226. cumulus 2496; 7, 163; 8. 129. Cp. also 2, 95. cunabula 2842 ; 3137. cunae 2156. cunctus 11, 34; 40, 27 ; 56, 14. cuneus 11, 102. cuniculus 2856; 3311; 3320; 2, 113; 191; 4, 46; 5, 32; 6, 27; 7, 197; 8, 155. cupa 3512; 4, 60; 17, 355 56, 60. cupiditas 5289. cupidus 363. cura 5424. curiositas 143. curiosus 905. euro 2076; 5160. curriculum 948 ; 2147; 8,45. cursim 1694; 7, 90. cursus 1569; 4903; 2, 400. curvatura 2228; 2468. curvus 1279; 37 2 4! 50, 44- custodio 40, 26 ; 34. cutis 50, 23. cyclas 3165 ; 3414 ; 4296 ; 4704 ; 18 b , 14. cyclops 23, 16. cygneus 1876. cyminum 56, 410. dactylus 472; 2394; 3843; 2 10. damno 3479. damnum 2993; 36, 16. dapsiliter 56, 97. de 231; 626; 628; 711; 917; 1067; 1283; 1494; 1496; 1816; 1883; 1910, &c. deauratus 1022. debacchor 3776 ; 4303. debitum 1448; 1987; 2106; 2396. debitus 768 ; 1113; 28,15. decalogus 841 ; 11, 108. decalvo 4466. decanto 1348. decapolis 61, 3. decencer 56, 162. deceptio 787; 4073; 4981; 2, '5- decerno 2699; 5393. decerpo 101. decipioi826; 2378; 5045. decipula 4982 ; 7, 338. declare 2925. declino 670 ; 3429 ; 4983. decollo 3092. decoro 1020 ; 1197. decrepitus 2109 ; 2411; 2522. decretalis 1966. decretum 1123; 2676; 2889; 3349; 3509; 2 , 329; 12 > *; 56, 167. decursus sb. 509. decus 4976. dedecus 4309. deditus 4445. deduce 28, 12 ; 56, 255. defectus sb. 1270; 5268. defendo 2960. defensaculum 2390. defensio 2795; 4234. defero 2905 ; 3658. definitio 5102; 27, 12. defleo 40, I. .defluo 2857; 50, 42. deformatio 4461. deformis 2, 498. deformo449> 650; 17,4?. defrutum 104 ; 326 ; 265053167; ; 4, 6; 5, 13; 6, 9; 7, defunctus 1871. degener 46, 2. deglubere 3280; 2, 186. dego 1446. dehisco 18 b , 23. dehonesto 590. deificus 705. dein 1979. deinceps 56, 103. delectabilis 334. delectabiliter 56, 179. delecto 5377. delibero 4213; 2, 302; 8, 288. delicate adv. 1202. delicatus 1088; 3166; 5120; 56, 298. deliciae 1632; 3168; 11, 35. deliciosus 1935. delictum 56, 294. deliramentum 418 ; 1614; 4194. delitesco 2089; 2152; 3745; 4204; 4687; 5095; 7, 132. delituo 18", 20. delphinus 41, 2. delubrum 3705; 18 b , 21. dementia 40, I. demerge 3078. demo 5047. demulceo 3004 ; 2, 137. den ego 4796. denigro 4669 ; 2, 364. dens 4335. densus 5, 4; 7, 7. depecnlor 3648. dependo 5337. depravo 4493. deprehendo 5306. depromo 3365 ; 8, 10. depute 1624; 2225. derogo 5354 ; 8, 393. descendo 2053. describe 1065 ; 1222. descriptio 8 b , 2. desertus 3744. deses 45, 3. designo 5137. desino 659. desisto 56, 320. despicio 3921 ; 8, 44. desponso 4555 ; 2, 346. destine 5427. destruo 2263. desudo 8, 257. ///. LATIN WORDS detego 2928; 2, 122. detestabilis 4016. detestor 4301. detractor 57, 5. detraho 4708. detrimentum 452; 965; 1864; 2727; 3i5 6 - detrudo 4053. deturpo 3586. deus 40, 38. devoro 1924. devotio 369. devoto 2807 ; 2, 108. devotus 4358; 9, i. dextra 3428. dextrale 1189; 5260. diadema 2202. dialectica 3116; 2, 155. dialecticus 3207 ; 3222; 3356. dico 1953; 58, 2; 61, 5. dictum 170; 3130. didascalus 3359. differentia 1182 ; 1388; 40, 26. difficulter 5382 ; 2, 462. diffundo 91 ; 4568. digero 147; 185; 2024; 2175; 5412; 5489; 18 b , 22; 66,326. dignitosus 5060. dilaceratio 3946. dilatio 56, 129. dilato 56, 250. diligentia 1328. dilla 56, 371. dimitto 605. dinosco 1449. dinumero 3228. dingo 3335; 4240; 56, 257. dirimo 205; 1367; 11, 3. diripio 3647 ; 28, 1 1 ; 34, 3. diruo 2261; 2619; 3475; 8, 116; 18 b , 19. dirus 631 ; 890; 1271; 1848; 2097; 2208. discepto 927. discerno 207 ; 1405 ; 11, 4 ; 40, 27. discerpo 729 ; 5016. disciplina 42 ; 196 ; 1098 ; 2305 ; 3013; 2, 2 ; 3, 31 ; 56, 261. discretio 1756. discrimen 641 ; 1595 ; 1867 ; 3139: 3 86 95 4952; 46, 13. discriminate 4821 ; 2, 389. discurro 36, 8. discursus 263; 7, 29; 11, 18. disertitudo 2315 ; 5490; 2, 493 ; 6, i ; 9, 14. 28l disectus 56, 118; 160. dispar937; 1063; 1364; 2325; 4403 ; 2, 324. dispareo 4063. dispendium 353; 7, 31. dispensator 1997. dispense 1776; 11, 130; 17, i. dispergo 1825; 4858; 11, 139. dispono 28, 23. disputatio 1415; 2267; 3206; 27, 18. disputo 3002. dissero 4364. dissilio 28, 19. dissimulo 983 ; 4837 ; 5348. dissipo 2621. dissolvo 4066. dissonus 4252; 4628; 2, 308; 357- distabesco 37, 5. distantia 1356. distensio 5452 ; 2, 476. distinguo 1369. disto 441. distractio 4002. districtus 3422 ; 2, 207. ditio 56, 19. diuturnus 800; 1444; 2072; 3, 37- diversus 1043; 3234. dives 4591. divinatio 2534; 2, 97; 7, 165; 8, 132. divinus423; 780; 1299; 1628; 1956; 2566. divum 3778. do 1327; 2105. doctus 46, 7. documentum 2071 ; 4539 ; 8, 172. dodrans 13, I. dogma 2270; 2635. dogmatista 4363. doleo 1730; 5266. dolium 3657 ; 2, 236 ; 56, 30. dolus 61, 45. domesticus 2531; 2808; 4183; 5132; 2, 294. dominator 56, 338. dominicus 355 ; 5146. dominus 61, 9. domus 61, 8. donee 2, 173. dono 2551; 3643; 2, 234. dos4552; 11, 159. drachma, cp. dragma. draco 1863. 282 INDEX dracontia 1075 ; 7, 73. dragma 348. ducentesimus 3036. duco 419; 3368; 4357; 4531; 5287; 2, 343; 40, 18; 32. dudum 1920. dulcis 220; 1342. dulcissapa5492; 2,49458,417; 8 b , 12. dulcisonus 401. dam 3659; 4808; 7, 105; 8, 105 ; 298; 23, 29. duntaxat 3211; 4526. duo 3789. duplex 11, 154. duplus 1457. duritia 3256. durities 482 ; 3, 34. durus 1097. ebullio 1884; 3481; 7, 101 ; 248. ebulum 20, 57. ecce40, 2; 36; 61, 14; 51. ecclesia 1998. ecclesiasticus 178; 2272; 3691; 4082; 5302. ecstasis, cp. extasis. eculeus3o87; 2, 147; 7, 229. edictnm 1302; 3037; 3435; 4130. editus 576; 929; 1698; 24585 4105 ; 4437 ; 8, 54. edo 2316; 8, 284; 11, 171. edulium 304; 992; 3762; 4637; 8, 268; 11, 32 ; 56, 213. effectus sb. 1332; 11, 124; 56, 268. effems 3080. effetus 4677 ; 8, 280. efficio 4676 ; 36, 19. effigies 3411; 3784; 4448; 2, 206. efflo 18, 42. effor 3449. effrenatus 1167. effulgeo 2172. egenus 56, 231. ego 4762. egredior 2479; 8, 127. egregius 4362. eja 56, 165. ejicio 4424. ejulo 56, 186.' elatio 1108; 1128. electio 1314. electrum 'amber' 1071; 2, 27. electrum 'plant name' 56, 382. elegans 5401. eleganter 446 ; 11, 60. elementa 2371; 7, 145; 8, 119. elephantinosus 2073. elephantinus 3584; 4927; 7, 262. elicio 5286. elido 2779; 4789. elimino 822 ; 1963 ; 4080; 4697 ; 7, 109 ; 8, 108 ; 11, 96. elimo 916 ; 2026. elinguis 46, 45. elogium 2318; 3182; 5233; 2, 166; 4, 33; 56; 5, 27; 7, 143; 361; 8, 352. eloquentia 2314; 5491. elucubro 5101. emarcesco 4064. emblema 50, a6. emendatio 58, 6. emereor 892 ; 7, 66*; 11, 117. emerge 2427; 4784; 7, 151; 8, 121. emetior 947. eminens 1003 ; 66, 292. emissarius 53, 38. Cp. also admissarius. emolumentum 557; 712; 1114; 2633. emulator 4277. en 9, 16; 32, i ; 56, 200. encaenia 56, 286. energumenus, cp. inerguminus. enerviter 5044. enim 40, 12. eniteo 1499. enixe3i04; 4373. enodo 2554; 3249. enucleo 176; 3898. Eons adj. 1 894. ephebus 3476; 4, 57; 6, 28; 7,247; 8, 185. epicedion 901 ; 2, 19. epicurium 56, 44 ; 393. epitaphion 902 ; 2, 20. epithalamium 3181; 2, 165; 7, 232. epulae 3178. epulor 56, 81. equester 4748 ; 2,380; 7,331. equitatus 5253; 2, 444. eremita, cp. heremita. ergastulum 979 ; 2553; 4753. ergo 40, 14. eripio 2473 ; 28, 26. erogo 1841; 2195. enabundus 3695. erraneus 347. erratum 43, 8. erro 23, 57 ; 26, 37. erumpo 4597 ; 2, 353. eruo 1136; 4556; 12, 5. esus sb. 40, 29. et 52 ; 86 ; 202 ; 246 ; 264 ; 300 ; 974; 1665, &c. ethnicus 2416. etiam 4096. etsi 5187. euge 56, 134. eulogia 2571; 6, 24; 7, 168; 8, 135- Europa 2032 ; 4566. evado 4392 ; 56, 346. evanesco 1679; 3272; 4062; 61,4. evangelicus 168; 1622; 1797; 1970; 2066; 2592; 5157. evangelium 3067. evax 56, 14. eveho 1440. evello 2903 ; 3464. eventus 388; 2165. everto 2262. evidens 3400; 4538; 5161; 11, 49. evidentia 27, 25. eviscero 46, 47. evolo 2169. evomo 11, 88. ex 261; 1422; 2027; 2288; 2519; 3666; 3734; 4540; 2, 239; 4 > 335 9, 18; 53, 22; 57,2. exacerbo 5383; 2, 463; 7, 384; 8, 399- exagito 34, 5. examen 132; 1313; 2159; 3821; 8,46; 7, 21. examussim 1666. exantlo 503 ; 8, 49. exardesco 4815. exarmo 34, 6. excipio 4571 ; 4698 ; 5448. excolo 56, 318. excubiae 2980; 3494; 18 b , 28. exedo 50, 39. exemplum 1688; 4915. exerceo 40; 241; 3639; 3, 29; 56, 266. exercitus sb. 3408 ; 11, 23. exhalo 4931. exhibeo 4488 ; 4638. exhorresco 4160; 4400. exhortatorius 4584. exigo 2512; 36, 15. exitium 1873; 2685; 4128. exorbito 3697; 4619; 2, 356; 4, 70. exorcismus 4083. exordior 8, 263. exorior 86 ; 549 ; 3804. exosus 4923; 2, 402 ; 5, 42 ; 7, 337 5 8, 306. expavesco 1 869 ; 2995. expeditio 825 ; 2, 16. experimentum 82 ; 543 ; 3896. experiori3i7; 2174; 2538; 2893; 3401; 5369; 56, 126. expers 2626; 3286. Cp. also note to 2174. explanatio 1082. explano443; 1562; 11,59. explode 814; 1263; 5012; 11, 89 ; 17, 1 2 ; 18 b , 24. expono 174; 1555; 2300; 4604. exprimo 2648 ; 27, 2. expurgo 40, 24. exquiro 2796. exquisitus 324; 3007. exscreo 53, 40. exsecror 1897; 4725; 56, 89. exsero 46, 42. exsilio ' to exile ' 4849 ; 2, 394. exsilium 4932. exsisto 4543 ; 4966 ; 4, 34 ; 56, 197. exsolvo 3818; 4327. exstirpo 1134; 12, 3; 18 b , 26. exsufflo 4696. exsulo 2966. exta 23, 24. extasis 405. extemplo 89; 3676; 56, 27. extermino 4079. externus 1617. extollo 2425 ; 56, 332. extorqueo 2740; 56, 150. extorreo 1434. extorris 275; 400; 11, 21. extraneus 2686. extremum (ad) 815. extrico 3747. exuberantia 56, 199.* exubero 558; 1690; 8, 67. exuo 727. fabrefacio 1544. fabricator 2781 ; 4244. fabrico 489. fabula 1 88; 56, 87. ///. LATIN WORDS facesso 53, 25. facetus 13 ; 3, 7. facinus 921 ; 2677; 2 ?845 2923; 3415; 4921; 4, 50. facio 1754; 40, 36; 61, 23. factio 2243; 2803; 2898; 2914; 2, 119 (cp. note}; 7, 191. factiosus 1258; 11, 121. factum 2502 ; 40, 10. facula 976; 3522; 4390; 4427; 2, 22; 216; 3, 39; 8, 88; 18", 37- facultas 1316; 3393. facundia 125; 3197; 8 b , 10. fagus23, 30; 56, 355. falarica 786; 5023; 8, 312. faleratus 7; 539; 5309; 3, 4. fallo 801 ; 1734; 3660; 4960; 2, 237. falsitas 1928. falsus 1090; 2775. famelicus, cp. familicus. fames 2440; 3146. familia8i7; 3307; 3386. familiaris 4181. familicus 2436 ; 3685 ; 3829 ; 3864; 4634; 7, 153; 8, 122. famosus45i9; 4, 82; 8, 250. famulatus 301 ; 2407; 2730; 8, 22 ; 11, 30. fanaticus 2058; 2622; 3232; 34955 44 28 ; 7, 125; 8, 175. fantasma 3269; 4059. far 3870; 2, 264. farcio 3517. Farisaicus 1259. farus 575; 1701. fas 2015 ; 2292 ; 5070 ; 28, 4. fascia 3499; 2, 213; 17, 31. fasciculus 953 ; 4974; 7, 270. fascis 5453; 8 b , I. fastigium 346 ; 930; 1706; 2862; 3622; 4408. fastus 'pride' 1161 ; 18 b , 29. fastus ' a book ' 18 b , 70. fateor 4501. fatesco 2249 ; 2384 ; 3298 ; 4065. fatum 2627 ; 5479 ; 18", 32. fatus 'a saying' 18, 26. fauces 838 ; 2048 ; 3575 ; 50, 47. faustus 18 b , 35. fautor 3807; 4674. favilla 3786; 7, 279; 294; 8, 202 ; 222. favor 4723 ; 2, 373. favorabilis 2774. favorabiliter 56, 163. 283 febrifhgia 56, 373. fecundus 9, 18. fel terrae 56, 423. Felethi 776. felix 2588. femininus 2284; 4, 8l. femur 433. fenestra 133. feniculum 56, 380. feralis 3435. ferculum 1631; 3169; 11, 36; 3681; 17,4i; 54; 56, 77. feriatus 1012. ferinna 2984; 3341. ferme 17, 38. fermentum 57, 3. fero 2749; 4188; 4856; 4, 2; 8, 302; 18 b , 53; 28,14; 50, 13. ferocitasi477; 1845; 2985; 11, 144. ferox4379; 11, 151. ferratus 736; 2187; 4232. ferreus 5481 ; 2, 487. fertilis no. fervens 2474. fervidus 3965. fervor 571; 2511; 2702; 8, 72. feSSUS 1276; 11, 132. festivitas 3823. fetosus 224; 3135 ; 2, 161. fetus sb. 28, 25. feusa ' a ham ' 53, 44. fiala 29, 3 ; 56, 94. fibra 3 76; 1978; 5007; 11,135. fibula 50, 17. fictilis 1229; 11, 120. fictus 1742; 3955. ficus 56, 362. fidelis 1329. fidenter 1335. fides 'belief 40, 25. fides ' a string ' 5008. fidus 9, 7. fi g 3777; 46, n. figuro 11, 101 ; 40, 31. filix 56, 432. filum 3735; 53, 31. fimus 4769; 2, 382; 7, 333; 8, 293; 23, 22 ; 53, 39. findo 18 b , 38. finio 1336. fiola, cp. fia-. firmus 1420. fiscalis 1454; 4844; 6, 20. fiscellus 2643 ; 3875. fiscus 18 b , 36 ; 50, 19. flagellum 53, 2 ; 8. 284 flagitiosus 875; 917; 2922; 4, 49; 36, n. flagitium 2678 ; 5501. flagrum 3465; 5364; 17, 5. flamen sb. n. 18, 43. flaminium 1901; 5056; 2, 56; 7, 102. flamma 3554 ; 4314. flammifer 1152. flammivomus 4024. flammo 2459. flatus ,?. 1527; 1887; 2472. flavens 1667 ; 1809. flavesco 306. flavus 532 ; 4462. flebilis 4872. flebotomus 1984; 2, 62. flegma 31, 3. floralia 4720. floreoiisi; 1500; 1712; 2317; 4537J 49775 552; U> "8; 56, 119. floridus 442. florulentus 140; 812. fluctus 2486. fluentum 2364; 3668. flumen 3967. fluminalis 56, 198. flustra 154; 831; 2476; 3077. foculare 3761 ; 2, 249. focus 1428 ; 17, 49. foedero 340 ; 5031 ; 11, 48. foedo653; 4, 13. foedus ^.425; 3814. foedus adj. 2, 499. foeteo 3273. foetidus 2821 ; 2949. foetor 4770. fomentnm 4028. fomes 1135; 1650; 12, 4. {0113656; 4413. foramen 134; 7, 22. forceps 484; 56, 61. fores 3827. forfex 485. forma 410; 4355; 5169; 8, 325- formidolosus 4733 ; 4894. formo 46, 8. formosus453; 1054; 3410; 4978; 2, 205; 56, 206; 313. formula 79; 536. fornix 512; 8, 53. fors 50, 22. fortasse 56, i. fortuitus 190; 3792; 4185. fortuna 802 ; 2628. INDEX fortunatus 2561 ; 7, 167 ; 8, 134. forum 61, 39. fotus sb. 17, 10. foveo 252; 4353; 11, 14; 18 b , 3i- fraga 56, 48 ; 409. fragilitas 1277 ; 1309. fragmen 11, 140. fragor 1915; 2235; 4417; 2, 595 3 26 ; 17, 55; 32,3. fragrans (wr. fragl-, flagr-) 311 ; 553 (fP- no**}', ^"J S 2 ? 6 ; 11,375 23,5- fragrantia (wr. fragl-, flagr-) 553 (cp. note}; 3490; 4775; 8, 64. fragro (wr. fl-) 18, 16. framea 891 ; 37, I. fraternus 4956 ; 5063. fratruelis 5081. fraudo 1583; 3371 ; 23, 60. fraudulentus 2241 ; 2894; 4835 ; 5040; 5284. fraus 2908; 5129; 56, 85. fremitus 2388. fremo 2485; 5014; 50, 56. freneticus 4668 ; 5011 ; 11, i 77 ; 56, 72. frequento 2164; 3824; 56, 314. fretus adj. 126 ; 398 ; 781 ; 1470 ; 2042; 3682; 4133. frico 56, 33. frigens 5486 ; 2, 490. frigidus 2, 409. frivola sb. 1929. frivolus 1087; 1613; 7, 189. frondens 2222. frons ' foliage ' 95 ; 924; 1132. frons 'forehead' 772. frontosus 4304; 5298; 2, 317; 7, 30 1 ; 8 , 3 6 5- frugalis 3749; 18 b , 33. frugalitas8i3 ; 981; 2122; 2437; 3825 ; 4635. fruniscor 2328. frustra 2586. frustror 3616. frustum 1830; 3785. frutectum 2, 28 (cp. note). fuco 1208. fucus 1048; 5195; 5495; 2,23. fugitivus 262 ; 7, 28 ; 11, 17. fulcimentum 1421 ; 5498. fulcio 1 01 8; 18 h , 34. fulgens 1193; 5238. fulgesco 531. fulig04i58; 4671; 3. 51. fulmen 1429; 4422; 50, 32. fulmino 4409. fulvus 5485 ; 18, 20. fumigabundus 3553; 4768. fumus 4062. fundamen 4099. fundamentum 3880. fundibalus 695 ; 5026. funditus 1678. fundus 'bottom' 1942; 3478; 4767. fundus ' farm ' 4843. funebris 899. fungor 3766. funus 4871. furfur 26, 49. furiae 4666; 4, 85 ; 11, 173 (cp. note). furibundus 1844; 3019; 3810; 4312; 4484; 4831; 11, 143. furor sb. 43, 6. furvus 4157; 4772; 3, 50; 18 b , 30; 36, 9. fuscinula 7, 378 ; 8, 384. fusco 4682 ; 2, 369. fusti? 3460 ; 7, 245. fusus ' a spindle ' 3737 ; 2, 245 ; 7, 268; 8, 195; 17,37. futurus 848; 40, ii. gabulum 3088 ; 17, 43. gallicinium 4893. ganea 50, 9 (cp. note). gannitura 1472; 4504; 4757; garrio 1955; 4195; 26, 13. garrulans 37, 3. garrulitas 1417; 1612; 2947; 56, 141. garrulus 1418; 5437; 56, 138; gaza 1933. gehenna 56, 184. geminus 1459; 1836; 1870; 2605 ; 4166; 4480. gemma 1073; 3194. gemmifer 1191 ; 4827. gemmo 128. genealogia 5096. gener 2377 ; 17, 57. generalis 1447 ; 1878. generalitas 5385 ; 8, 400. generatio 846. generosus 1013; 3601; 4149; 45 l6 ; 473 8 ; 7, 299; 8, 230. genesis 50; 1154; 2629; 7, 1/8. genesta 2, 7. gens 11, 57 ; 26, 32 ; 40, 4. gentilis 8, 350. gentilitas 2623; 5156. genuinus adj. 1243; 5092. genuinus ' a molar tooth,' cp. note to 723. Cp. also 3564; 2, 13; 223. genus 1057; 1543; 2083; 46, 14. geometrica3ii9; 5442; 2,157; 4?i; 7, 230; 391; 8, 169; 407; 55, 2. germanitas 9, 2. germanus 3012 ; 56, 34. gero2oii; 2888; 3791. gerula 3900. gerulus 56; 4922; 7, 281; 8, 204. gesticulatio 2872. gestus 45; 2077; 2183; 4895; 7, 241 ; 8, 180. gibbus 3662. gingiva, cp. notes to 723 ; 3564. Cp. also 2, 1 3. glacialis 2034; 2497; 7, 122. glarea 1812; 2879; 4102; 2, 51; 287; 7, 96; 11, 138; 18 b , 40. glariger 2491 ; 4, 40; 6, 23; 7, 161; 8, 128. glaucoma 1728; 2, 44. glaucus 528. gleba!8 b , 41. glebula 2734; 2, 104. glisco 18 b , 39; 42. globus492; 1658; 1705; 2813; 3 8 5; 3555; 39 6 45 2 3, 4- glomero 683; 7, 48. glomus457; 3736. gloria 4762. glorior 4049; 5110; 5170; 2, 282. glnmula 1412; 2, 41; 4, 27; 5, 26; 6, 19; 7, 77; 8, 94; 10, 3- glus 1669. glutino 3106 ; 2, 151. gnarus 2637; 8, 143. Gothi 4606. gracilis 710; 5038; 23, 46. gradatim 3881. gradus 1404 ; 2191 ; 2861 ; 3693; gramen 1850; 46, 16. Cp. also note to 2, 28. gramma 18 b , 45. grammatica 3114. ///. LATIN WORDS grammaticus 194; 2266; 2848; 5475 5 8. *9- granatus 3841; 2, 258; 7, 283; 8, 208. grandis 1177. graniger 1410 ; 2360; 2,40; 76. grassator 2712 ; 2766; 4631. grassatrix 2209; 7, 138; 8, 114. grasso(r)63o; 3438; 3855; 5343; 7, 38 ; 18 b , 44. gratanter 56, 299. gratia 3856; 40, 9; 25. gratis 3068 ; 3069. grator 5111. gratuitus 617; 1525; 2574; 3065. gratus 366; 427; 1508; 5036; 5418 ; 56, 77 ; 296. gravidus 27, 31. gravis 4348. gravitas 2692. gremium 2954; 3513; 4162; 3, 53! 32, ii. gressus 50, 43. grossesco 1732. grunnio 4337. gubernaculum 4995 ; 5476. gubernator 2264. guberno 1993. gulosus 2445 ; 3569 ; 2, 84 ; 225 ; 4,37: 7, 154- gummi 53, 12. gurges 27; 358; 2487; 3667; 3, 16. gurgulio 3576; 2, 226; 7, 260; 8, 191. gtirgustium 307. gymnasium 3223; 2, 175; 56, 212. gymnicus sb. 58 ; 61. gymnicus adj. 2282 ; 18 b , 43. gymnosophistae 39 ; 3095 ; 2, 149 ; 3, 28 ; 35, I. gyro vagus 58, 10. habeo 1904; 3606; 2, 57; 27, 10 ; 56, 84. habitator 2434. habito 40, 38. habitus sb. 3364; 56, 218. hactenus 8, 334 ; 56, 24 ; 80. haeresco 3112 ; 3185 ; 4641 ; 4916. haereticus 27, 14. halec, cp. allec. halo 26, 66. hamus 50, 50. harenosus 1816; 4100; 2, 52; 285. hariolus, harmonia, harpago, haruspex, cp. ar-. hastatus 2258. hand 2586; 3704. hauritorius 502. hebdomas 1533. hedera 115; 7, 17. helena 56, 49; 413. helenium ' plant name,' cp. helena. helleborus 26, 63 ; 56, 42 ; 378. hephthemimeris 204. heremita 2503. hermodactula 56, 425. heroicus 1436; 18 b , 46. hems 2729; 53, 6. Hesperia 2583. Hesperies 18 b , 27. hexameter 1437. hiatus 50, 5. hie (haec, hoc) 1008; 1172; 1173; 1250; 1281; 2290; 2 5 X 9 ; 2 797; 3 6 66; 5454> &c - hie adv. 46, 39. hierophanta 3268 ; 7, 239. Hierosolyma ' sibgesyh])' 1748. hippodromus 2998; 2, 133. Hipponensis 5400. hircitallus 2, 212 ; 4, 57 ; 6, 28; 7, 247 ; 8, 185. hirsutus 5189; 2, 429. historiaiSi; 1796; 2273; 2900; 8, 15'; 11, 137. historialiter 4261; 2, 310. historicns 3028. historiographus 187; 1971 ; 2664; 60, I. histrio 39, 2. hiulcus 2409; 3574; 8, 190; 46, 46. holocaustoma 5066. holocaustum 4444. holosericus, cp. olosericus. holusculum 3752. Homerus 2426. homo 40, 28. hora 56, 317. horama, cp. oroma. horno, adv., cp. orno. horrendus 777. horrens 3635. horreo477i; 2, 383; 8, 294. horresco 3406 ; 4456. horridus 1866; 3480; 50, 55. horrisonus 2236; 4418. 286 INDEX hortamentum 3374. hortor 29; 884; 3381; 3, 18 ; 17, 33; 56, 176. hortulus 56, 240. hortus 3751. hostia 3010. hostis 746 ; 2709. hujnscemodi 243 ; 588 ; 998 ; 2936 ; 3062 ; 11, 12. hujusmodi 40, 12. hnmanus 1308 ; 2661 ; 5070. humecto 658; 34/0; 4, 14. humilis 27, 33. hyacinthus, -inus, cp, iacinthus, &c. hydropicus 3048. hymenaeus 1781; 3219; 7, 235. hymnizo 4912. iacinthinus 5318; 2, 450; 7, 372 5 8, 374- iacinthus 1058; 35, 2. ictus 2369; 3017; 3090; 4924; 2, 148. idem 397; 866; 1615; 2265; 2805; 3895; 4279; 5050; 2, 107; 415; 40, 21. identidem 7, 332 ; 8, 292 ; 8 b , 4. ideo 40, 15 ; 58, 4. ignarus 2332 ; 56, 174. ignifer 4421 ; 2, 327. ilia 987 ; 50, 35. illaesus 1227. ille 146; 258; 2527; 4534; 40, 27 ; 31. illecebra 1724; 4599; 4627; 50, 6 ; 56, 323. illecebrosus 222; 3190; 4227; 11,9. illibatus 2520; 4536; 5000. illicio5iS6; 8, 333. illinc 3505. illustris 2296 ; 4276. illustro 1683 ; 1722. illuvies 3491. imago 5496. imber36o; 646; 3974; 4030. imbrex 2256 ; 5484 ; 18 b , 50. immaculatus 8, 26. immarcescibilis 2613. immaturas 4326. immensus 261. immergo 2670. immineo 3867 ; 47, 4. immitis 56, 232. immolo 40, 20 ; 30. immnndus 40, 28. immunis 1515; 1740; 2924; 4333; 17, 14. immunitas 1145 ; 1169; 2341. impavidus 4093. impendo 3839 ; 7, 3. impensus 56, 122. imperfectus 5224. imperium 1247; 1940; 2345; 4045; 4632; 12, 13. impero 4728 ; 4782 ; 2, 375 ; 385- impetro 1325. impingo 4229 ; 2, 305. impleo 40, 13. implico 17 ; 3, n. implumis 28, 13. impono 4112 ; 8, 415 ; 8 b , 8. importunitas 3614. importunus 807 ; 811; 1611; 2, 96 ; 11, 77. imprecor 2820; 4, 45, improbus 5188. improperium 4208 ; 2, 299. improviso (ex) 2158. impudens 2818. impudentia4so6; 5299; 7, 367; 8, 366. impudicus 7, 349 ; 8, 330. imputribilis 541. imus 986 ; 5, 23. in 47; 291; 404; 572; 701; 772 ; 883; 1022, &c. inanis 3568. inauditus 2785 ; 3373. incandesce 4731 ; 2, 376. incantatio 4477; 4940; 2, 339; 408. incarnatio 429 ; 1530. incarnatus 944. incendium 1432; 1648; 3951; 3960 ; 4470. incensum 1512. incentivum 4226; 2, 304. incentor 3806; 2, 254; 56, 171. inceptnm 4709; 2, 371 ; 7, 326; 8, 287. incestator 3337. incesto 18, 7. incestum 2948 ; 4249 (cp. note) ; 2, 125; 307. incestus adj. 4222 ; 4249 (cp. note} ; 2, 428 ; 7, 348; 8, 329. incisio 18 b , 48. incitamentum 4986 ; 2, 413. incite 4523. incline 3201 ; 4469 ; 7, 307 ; 8, 244. include 3148. incolatus 283 ; 11, 25. incolo 845. incolumis 3471. incolumitas4354 ; 4866; 11, 147. incommoditas 1981. incomparabiliter 337; 476; 2269; 11, 65. inconsolabiliter 56, 187. inconsulte 2915; 4446; 2, 120. incontaminatus 4022 ; 11, 52. inconvenienter 389. incorruptibilis 56, 259. incorruptio 1251. incorruptus 60. incredulus 1892. incrementum 958 ; 3629. increpito 50, 16. increpo 1643; 5349. incubo 98. incultus adj. 1210; 2, 35. incumbo 645. incus 479 ; 11, 67 ; 53, 33. indagoi86; 1318; 1504. indecens 3673; 2, 241. indef.ssus 1165 ; 2205; 2406. indicium 345; 5164 (cp. note); 3, 57 (cp. note}; 11, 50; 40, ii. indico 2139. indigena 3957; 2, 275; 7 ? 292; 8, 220; 17, 18. indigentia27, 34. indigitamenta 4442. indipiscor 794 ; 4647. indisciplinatus 5347. indisruptus 4375. indoles 2869; 4518; 2, 114. indomitus 2184; 2346. indruticans 1218; 2, 37; 6, 18 ; 7, 76; 8, 92. indubitatus 215 ; 11, 7. indnlco 5405, indulgeo 3910. indumentum 8, 314. industria43; 71; 785618; 1324; 4581; 5212. indutiae 3396 ; 58, 7. inedia 3147; 3868. ineffrenatus 3170. ineo 61, 31. ineptus 1900; 4483; 7, 309; 8, 246. inerguminus 3057 ; 4934 ; 2, 404. inermis 724. inevitabilis 1453. inexhaustus 359 ; 2373; 2412. inexpertus 2488; 3928; 2, 93; 271. inextricabilis 759 ; 2061 ; 2398 ; 3887; 5069. infamia 4, 55. infamis 4206 ; 4308 ; 5231 ; 7, 302. infamo 17, 23. infans 2866. infantia967; 1095; 2276. infatigabiliter 788 ; 969. infecundus 1030. infelix 40, r. inferior 593. inferius 580. infero 335 ; 3953 ; 5368 ; 11, 47. inficio 380; 5196. infigo 37, 6. infimus 1184. infindo 18 b , 49. infinitus 2548. infisco 3157. inflammo 977 ; 4009. inflecto 2977. inflexibilis 799. inflo 625 ; 713. informator 365. infra 129; 1441 ; 5167. infructuosus 1029. infula 2200; 53, 26. iufundo 2760. ingenitus 4648 ; 2, 360. ingenium 73. ingens 294. ingero 2247 ; 3322. ingluvies 2447; 3570; 2, 85; 225; 4, 38; 7, 155; 8, 124; 19, i ; 50, 40. ingratia 56, 90. ingredior 56, 180. ingruo888; 3437; 4126; 4952. inhabito 11, 1 3. inl-, inm-, cp. ill-, imm-. innotesco 4284; 2, 312; 8, 234. innumerns 1687. innupta 1174; 5248. inp-, cp. imp-, inopia 3865 ; 4850. inops 28, 3; 56, 227. inormis 18 b , 47. inquam 5411 ; 8, 20; 73. inquire 209. inr-, cp, irr-. insania 2500. insectatio 2974; 2, 130; 4, 54. insector 8, 388. inseparabilis 1026. ///. LATIN WORDS insequor 4749. insigne 5172 ; 5181. insigniter 4585 ; 6, 29; 8, 258. insimulatio 4842. insimulo 2944; 4255. insinuo 40, 23. insolentia 5300; 5345; 2, 448; 7, 368 ; 8, 367 ; 390. insolesco 1159; 2350. insono 1647. inspire 1528. instantia 75; 1166. instauro 11, 80. instigo4i2; 602; 4525; 5339. instinctus sb. 2707; 7, 322; 8, 279; 11, 179. institutum 247. instrumentum 437 ; 488 ; 756 ; 1577; 1676; 1765; 3047; 3, 35; 7, 355 85; 222 ; 8 *66. instruo 810; 56, 284. insulsus 23, 56. insultator 4328. insulto 1474; 7, 78; 8,95. insurgo 2790. intactus 297; 5404; 11, 28. integer 4511; 5280; 2,446; 7, 310; 8, 248. integritas 627; 1104; 1140; 1630; 1696; 1948; 2198; 2344; 2428; 2529. intellectual is 897; 11, 119. intelligo 40, 3. intempestus 3770 ; 4657. intentio 165 ; 2526. intento 4958. inter 634; 2687; 3789; 5465. intercapedo 1181 ; 2401; 2967; 3626; 4410; 5428; 2,32; 4, 53 5 7, 134. intercipio 50, 2. interdico662; 272014,4357, 186. interdum 894 ; 3346. interminabilis 56, 263. internicio 804; 835; 11, 105. interpello 4147. interpono 3645. interpres 2422; 7, 149; 8, 120. intervallum 1178; 3861. intro 61, 56. intromitto 5118. intuitus sb. 245. intumesco 714. invado 50, 33. invaletudo 1976. invectio 1787; 5365; 2, 50; 7, 382 ; 8, 395. 287 investigabilis 2675. investigo 54; 5, II. investis 2876; 7, 200; 8, 156; 16, 2. invicem 56, 69 ; 311. invidia 7, 211 ; 8, 161. invidus 56, 99. inviolabilis 11, 153. invisibilis 3257. invisus 'hateful' 885; 2728; 3567; 4017; 7, 166; 8, 133; 53,7. invitus 1621 ; 2541 ; 3592 ; 5406. invoco 27, 21. ipse 1490; 3060; 5187; 4, 33. ira 4320; 5032 ; 56, 267. ironia 5201. irretio 4596 ; 2, 352 ; 8, 260. irrito 4478 ; 4942. irritus26, 26; 61, 18. irrogo2976; 3944; 4319; 4689 ; 4764 ; 8, 25. irrumpoS, 273; 18, 37. irruptio 2480 ; 2, 91 ; 7, 160. is 68; 654; 925; 1599; 2132 ; 2420; 3644; 3936; 3938; 4012, &c. istinc 3503. ita 2901; 3211; 3389; 4081; 2, 202 ; 11, 60. itidem 7, 289 ; 8, 213. itinerarium 2023; 7, 121. jacio 56, 23. jactanter 954. jactantia 5374. jacto 4781. jactura 3152 ; 56, 344. jactus 49, 2. jaculum 1103. jam 3797; 4905; 5483; 40,13; 15: J 9; 35! 56,93. janitor 5147 ; 3, 54. jocosus 3172. jocundus 333 ; 2609. jocus 2887. jubar 88; 11, 2. jubeo 2iii ; 2717; 46, 41. jubilaeus 3831 ; 2, 256. jubilatio 1345; 2610; 7, 176; 8, 141. jubilo 56, 243. Judaei 40, i . judex 46, 20. judicium 2719. Cp. also 5164 (note) ; 3, 57. jugalis 18, 27. 288 jugalitas 339; 440; 444; 583; 1168; 1360; 1370; 1373; 1376; 39"; 53o. jugis 2043. jugulo 3799. juncus 56, 434. jurisperitus 5225 ; 2, 438 ; 7, 359 ; s > 349- jus 4844; 11, 114. Justus 1755; 2718. juvencula 2112 ; 2136. juvenilis 56, 219. juvo 50, 1 8. juxta 7, 179. labarum 1762; 1860; 2130. labdacismus, cp. lautacismus. labefacio 4790 ; 2, 386. labellum 2163. labesco 4651. labium 3186. labor vb. 395. laboriosus 1115. labrum 'lip' 699; 1938; 2160; 3180; 3187; 4331. labrusca 2022; 2, 63. lacero 5386. lacertosus 730. lacertus 5458; 2, 481. lacesso 46, 52. lacrimabnndus 2830. lacrimosus 620 ; 4189. lacto 2591. laetamen 4773. lagena 56, 54. lamentabilis 900. lamentor 4191 ; 5, 14; 56, 185. 1 amentum 644. lamina 1070 ; 2, 26 ; 7, 72. lana 5190; 2, 430. laneus 455. lanx 1757; 2, 4 6. lapillulus 1815; 7, 97. lapis 1546. lappa 56, 412. lapso 50, 7. lapsus sb. 1467 ; 26, 44. lar 4652 ; 2, 361. largiter 56, 269. largus 1 1 79. - larvatus 4936 ; 2, 405. larvula 23, 2. lascivia 1096; 1187; 2347; 4706. inscivus 2 1 y 9 j 2435 ' 333^ * 4 ^ ^ 4 ' lassabundus 3718. lasso 40, i. late 2584; 2839. INDEX latebra 2052; 2968; 3289; 3492 ; 4212 ; 2, 301. latebrosus 819; 2215; 3317; 4766; 4, 22; 11, 93. latens 2102 ; 4209. laterculum 1536 ; 3227; 2,176; 8, 205. latex 497 ; 1714. latibulum 392 ; 821; 1677; 3144; 33i8; 3354? 3768; 47545 4993- latito 4898. latrina 3917. laudabilis 3919. laudo 573. laurus 56, 357. laus 1903; 5379. lautacismus 5471- lautumiae 3774; 4633; 4639. lavacrum 2003. lebes 4670; 7, 319 ; 8, 276. lecythus 3876. legalis 1017; 4949; 5144. legio 11, 24. legitimns 415 ; 582 ; 851. lego ' to read ' 4785 ; 40, 4. legula 5126; 2, 424; 8, 319. legumen 1634. lenis 58, I. leno sb. 4014. lenocinium 612; 3159; 3192; 4015; 4317; 4985; 5046; 5*13; 5245; 2 318; 4, 87; 7,37- lenocinor 2912; 4626; 4964; 5283. Cp. also note to 2, 119. lentesco 3108; 4987. lentus 102 ; 923 ; 4693 ; 87, 8. lepidus 4590. letalis 895 ; 1872. letaliter 379. letifer 2020; 4882. leviathan 770. levir 3932 ; 7, 290; 8, 216. levis 7, 1 8. levo 36, 10. lex 1304; 2178; 40, 14; 20; 61, 34- libamen 367 ; 3473 ; 5064 ; 5086. libenter 281. liber ' rind, book ' 467 ; 566 ; 8, 40; 11, 161; 168. liber adj. 1287; 1312. liberalis 3099; 4141; 44345 2, 150. liberalitas 2576; 3066; 4830; 2. 391 ; 7, 228. libere 2. liberi 584; 1402. libestica 56, 372. libido 1907. libitus 3160. libro 1758. liburna 28 ; 3, 17. licet conj. 637. licium 3545; 3550; 2, 222; 4, 65 ; 7, 256. ligamen 3248; 3291. ligustrum 18 b , 51 ; 36, 14. lilium 56, 427. lima 1769; 53, 34. limax 23, 20. limen 2 1 2 8 ; 4640 . Cp. also notes to 2214; 4342. limpidus 87 ; 1680; 1716; 2969; 3295; 453; 23,35; 86,327. lineamentum 2530; 3412; 8, 131- liquefacio 3976; 2, 278. liquido adv. 83 ; 1518. liquidum (ad) 2313. liquidns 2756. liquor sb. 2755. lito 370; 5087; 18, 39. littera 2008 ; 2088; 231 1541 41. litteratura 3031 ; 7, 219. Iitura4439; 2, 331. litus ' shore ' 1817; 2494 ; 308 1 ; 7, 162; 8, 420. livesco 5372; 2, 460; 8, 397. lividus 2240; 4954; 28, 5; 56, "3- Iivor277i; 2964; 5.^51; 4,52; 32, 14. lixa 871 ; 4, 24. locuples 3154. locupleto 951. lodix 18 b , 52. loligo 41, i. longanimis 1319. longe 475 ; 937 ; 2839 ; 11, 65. longiuscule 3743; 3939! 4806; 2, 247. lorica 725 ; 759. lorum 50, 8. lotium 3264; 3274; 3469; 17, 28. lubrico 50, 30. lucrum 56, 309. luctamen 8, i. luctator 4735 ; 11, 188. luculentus 494 ; 11, 73. ludibrium 1473; 11, 181. ludicrum 17, 17; 21, 6. ludus 4; 2871; 2886; 3173; 7, 199- lues 4885. lugubriter 56, 7. lumbricus 23, 19. lumen 2214; 4342. luminaria 1681 ; 4973. lima 40, 34. Innaris 491. . lunulauSS; 2204; 4828. luo 56, 331. lupasiSo; 7, 350; 8, 331. Iupanar40i8; 4300; 5293; 8, 225. lupanaris 4221 ; 8, 232. lupati 'a bit' 12. Lupercalia 4715 ; 4861 ; 11, 184. lurco sb. 700; 7, 53; 8, 82. lurco(r) vb. 3573; 21, i. luridus 4289; 2, 313 ; 23, 59. lustramentum 1899; 3275; 2, 184. lustratio 2059; 7, 126. lustro 3221 ; 7, 237. lustrum 396; 3717. lustrum ' a den ' 26, 47. luter 39, I. luteus ' rose coloured ' 18, 21. lutum ' dyer's weed,' 'yellow dye' 5208; 2,435. lutum 'mud,' cp. note to 2, 435. lux 2312; 3324. luxurio 1580. luxus 323; 6n; 4528; 4650; 6, ii ; 8, 362; 11,45. lympha 499. Iymphaticus4667; 5009; 8, 310; 11, 176; 17,45. maceria 159; 8, 14. macero 1156. machaera 758; 2739; 18, 40. machina 120; 1656; 1668; 2892; 3443 ; 4473 5 23, 58. machinamentum 2801 ; 3008 ; 3075. machinor 2946; 4256; 4453; 4963. macies 23, 33. macilentus 2123. macto 3071 ; 2, 144. mactus 2578 ; 3542 ; 4, 64. macula 649. maculosus 17, 48. madefacio 2764. maestns 657. mafors 5331 ; 2, 456. [iv. ii.] ///. LATIN WORDS magicus 2907 ; 3261 ; 4699 ; 4801. magis adv. 654; 709; 2015; 2 54 2 ; 3594- magister 1471; 4433; 2, 330. magisterium 3231. magistratus 260; 4547. magnifico 56, 79 ; 61, 36. magnitude 1004 ; 2055. magnopere 5370; 9, 15. magnus 46, 24. magus sb. 3467; 4019; 4069; 4089. majestasssS; 428; 3398. malagma 375; 3051; 5359; 2, 141 ; 7, 224. maleficus 4054. malitia 40, 25. malleolus 1655 ; 2, 43 ; 7, 88. malleus 481 ; 11, 71. malo 2741. malum 'apple' 463; 384053841; 2, 258; 11,62. malus ' apple-tree ' 56, 358. malus ' mast ' 19, 4. malva 97 ; 56, 375. malva crispa 56, 383. mancipo779; Il( M; 2 35 2 ; 2681; 4755 5 2, 381. mandibula 1206; 2444; 5015; 2, 83 ; 17, 36. mandra 2981. manes 53, 15. manicae5240; 5321; 2,452; 7,373! 8, 375- manipularis sb. 4732. manipulus 2366; 2555; 3431; 3688; 5252; 2,443; 7,363; 8, 35.6. manubiae 1925. manufacture! 3710. manus 4608; 11, 150; 46, 17; 49- mappella 56, 22. marcesco568; 1032; 1273; 18, 4 1 - mare 1943. margo 3679 ; 4/98. marinus 2878; 7, 201; 8, 157. maritalis 1186; 1550; 4075. maritus sb. 5166. marmor 17, 8. marrnbium 56, 407. marsupium 4004 ; 4, 78 ; 50, 38. marsus 'snake-charmer* 3271; 4476;4939; 2, 1 83 5338; 407; 7,240; 308; 8, 179; 245. U 289 rrrartyrium 3543. martyrizo 3351 ; 3452 ; 4345. masca 21, 7. massa 3514; 3846; 2, 260; 7, 253 ; is b , 55 ; 56, 5 8. mastigia 3461 ; 5366. mater 4000. materia 1484. materies 50, 36. maternus 385 ; 1486 ; 1763 ; 2691 ; 4161 ; 5090. mathematicus263o; 2,98; 55,8. matricularii 4829. matrimonium 413 ; 3191 ; 4625 ; 5002. matrix 1245 ; 1764; 2,48; 18, i. matronalis 4223 ; 4961. mature 5358. maturesco 561. maturus 1988 (cp. note); 56, 116. meatus 4857. mechanica 3122 ; 5445; 2, 160; 474; 7, 3955 8,411; 55,6. medicamen 4352. medicamentum 5360. medicina 382; 3124; 55, 7- medicinalis 1972 ; 3047. mediocris 4048 ; 4121. mediocritas 1372 ; 2596. medium 32, 12. medulla 175. medulliter 56, 148. medullitus 2007; 7, 114. melancholia 2950 ; 3049 ; 7, 223. melior 56, 236. melleus 3183. mellifluus 2153. melliger 93. mellitus 336. melodia4O2; 1343; 2611; 4726; 4911. melote 1471 ; 3670. membratim 1554; 3413. memini 663. memorabilis 32, 13. memoria 2560 ; 3102. memoro 1514; 1598; 1610 ; 1986; 2206; 2814; 2844; 3873; 4070. mens 26, 4. menta 56, 415. mentaliter 56, 149. mentio 4350. mentior 4266. men turn 46, 4. mercator 48, i . 290 INDEX mercatus sb. 2656. merces 'merchandise' 28, 16. mercimonia 1408. mercimonium 4007 ; 12, 8. mercor 1697. mereor 1338. meretricius 5282 ; 8, 361. meretrix 3329. Cp. also note to 5282. mergo 2004. mergula 519. merittimiin; 1285; 3544. merula 56, 340. merulentus 2649 ; 5493 ; 2, 495. metacismus, cp. motacismus. metallum 451 ; 1810; 14, 2. meticulosus 5271 ; 8, 304. metior 20; 3, 12. metricus 124. miles 387 ; 741 ; 893 ; 4433 ; 2, 330; 11, 1 1 8. militia 750 ; 868 ; 3026 ; 4169. mille 764. millefolium 26, 34 ; 56, 394. millenus 434 ; 2365. minax 3523; 4435; 2, 217. minime 2724; 40, 5. minor vb. 2481 ; 46, 26. minus adv. 643; 1015. minusculus 5422. minutatim 1553; 1829. mirandus 2672. minis 1252; 2054; 2860. miseresco 4124; 4792. miseror 4883. mitesco 3852 ; 4791. mitigo 3802. mitis 18, 5 ; 56, 248. mitra5242; 2, 440; 8, 353. mitto 4918. modera 56, 411. moderamen 4996. moderator 56, 308. modius 4202. modo adv. modo . . . modo 92 ; 107 ; non modo 7, 66 b . modulor 1344. modus 572; 1252; 2454; 3895; 27, 3. Cp. also quodammodo. moecha 4305; 8, 235. moechus 18 b , 57. moles 4793 ; 18, 14. molimen 123; 4090. moliorSSg; 2939; 3446; 4230; 4710. mollesco 3176. molossus 3641 ; 4745. monarcha, cp. monarchus. monarchia 331; 674; 1594; 1994; 2504; 4513; 18'', 54. monarchus 3906. monasticus 9, 3. monile 1195. monophthalmus 2, 142; 7, 225. mora 1671. morbus 2817 ; 4679. mordax 23, 15. moribundus 1274. morior 56, 191. morosus 5454; 2, 478. mors 47, 5. morsus 2546; 3599. mortalitas 1272. mortificatio 40, 22. mos 740 ; 40, 27. motacismus 5473. moveo 4199. mucro 52, 3. mugito 36, 12. mugitus 1465. mula ' chilblain ' 1386. muliebriter 744 ; 4171. muliercula 3649. mulio 1383. mullus 56, 339. mulsus 99; 305; 473; 3177; 4989; 8, 42. multiformis 119. multo adv. 8, 307. multo vb. 1837; 2064; 7, 71; 18", 58. mundanus 320 ; 2385 ; 11, 42. munditia 40, 8. mundo 40, 18. municeps 4852; 5, 40; 7, 62; 293; 8, 221; 358; 11, 92. municipatus 3030 ; 4853 ; 2, 395. municipium 2443 ; 3419; 3990; 5123. munificentia 362; 1183; 2293; 2577; 3063; 3833; 56, 181. munus 4210. munusculum 4503 ; 5416. murex 1064; 1067; 5141; 5198 ; 5205; 5239; 18 b , 56. murmur 26, 14. murus 2125 ; 3, 42. muscipula 4074 ; 4979 ; 7, 298. musica 3118; 7, 392; 8, 408; 55,3. musicus 1644. mussito 2804 ; 5, 30 ; 7, 192 ; 8, 151. mutabilis 2751. muto 8, 261. mutus 1936. rnysticusi7i; 1081; 2883; 5053. naevus 648; 4, n. nam 56, 222. nanciscor 4925. naphtha, cp. napta. napta 1649 ; 7,87-; 8, 99 ; 10, 4. nardus3i4; 4774; 4825. narro 4432. nascens 966 ; 2419. natalis4i5i; 4739. nativitas 1 244 ; 1 540. nativus 7, 364 ; 8, 357. natrix 11, 91 ; 17, n ; 18 b , 61. natura 542 ; 5094. Cp. also note to 1988. naturalis 4, I. nauclerus 32 ; 2, 6 ; 3, 21 ; 5, 8 ; 6, 7; 7, 12; 8, 6. naufragium 629; 56, 342. naufrago 4490 ; 4621. nausea 2951; 3483. nauta 22 ; 3, 14. naviter 738 ; 56, 258. ne 3075 ; 4634 ; 27, 30. nebulo 2238; 4060; 4695; 7, 139- nee 1055; 2, 336; 7, 307; 8, 244 ; 40, 253; 50, 24. necessarius 5223. necessitas 269. necessitudo 2810; 2, 109 ; 7, 2; 0,5- necromantia 1927 ; 2021; 2909; 4055; 4132; 4701; 2, 283; 4,2 9 . nectar 2149; 3489; 18 b , 59; 26, 50. nectareus 302 ; 3326; 11, 31. nefandus 867 ; 50, 12. nefas 53, 27. negator 1893. negotium 2673; 4838; 5391. nemo 2173; 61, 5. nemus 1807. nenia 5104 ; 5227 ; 56, 322. neo 3738; 7, 269 ; 8, 196. neomenia 40, 34. neophytus3i38; 3477. neotericus 1673. nepos 3370. Cp. also note to 1663. nequam 4901. nequaquam 1148; 3988; 4571; 4676 ; 4, 47. neqne 1265. nequiquam 2000 ; 18 b , 60. nequitia 378 ; 763 ; 857. nervus 2935; 3242; 6, 4. neve 53, 8. nexus 3188 ; 4935 ; 5004 ; 2, 167. nicolaus 474 ; 3844 ; 11, 64. nidor 3265. nigredo 4681. nimbus 1425; 23, 37 (cp. note]. nitor vb. 3375 ; 3803 ; 4374 ; 2, 198. nobilis 1094. noceo 765. noctu 56, 196. nocturnus 2196. nodo 1403; 3189; 5005. nodosus 3250; 3299; 3304; 2, 179. nominatim 880. non 432; 659; 1028; 1264; 2 438; 3838; 4171; 4628; 4663, &c. nonagenarius 2521. nondum 1296. nonne 2374. norma 997 ; 2306. normaliter 56, 161. normula 180. nos 2288 ; 40, 9 ; 66,256; 265; 276. nosco 76; 242; 422; 1001 ; 1387- noster 5154; 40, 30. notabiliter 5185 ; 8, 76. notarius 2846 ; 5447. nothus adj., cp. note (o 26, 17. notitia 4214. notus ' south wind ' 28, 8. novalis sb. 1409 ; 2367. novus40, 25; 34; 35; 36. nubes 3711. nubo 1264 ; 1265 ; 3385 ; 2, 200. nuditas 3672. nugaciter 2736. nugigemlus 53, 16. nullatenus 749. numen 1574; 4722 ; 2, 372. numero 4762. numerosus 1 1 1 ; 5082. numisma 61, 32. nunc 56, 158. nundinae 2655; 7, 180; 8, 144. nunquam 3747. nuptialis 1660; 3612; 4367; 4401; 4551; 11, 158. nuptus adj. 1176. ///. LATIN WORDS nuras 61, 1 2. nutabundus 15/5; 2234; 2 778; 3879; 4104. nutrimen 1652. nutus 2351. nyctelia 4721. O interj. 1 266 ; 40, I. ob 282; 1504; 1949; 2928; 5"95 5308; 2, 122; 7, 369; 8, 37; 56, 195. obambulo 47, I. obeliscus, cp. oboliscus. obeo 3661 ; 4036; 2, 238. obesus 21, 4 ; 22, 4. objicio 61, 57. oblectamentuni325 ; 990; 5285; 11, 46. obliquus 2226; 2770; 3426; 5350 ; 2, 208. obliviscor 4962. oboliscus 1704; 3524; 2, 218; 4, 62 ; 7, 91. obruo 3091 ; 4257. obryzum j^. 3534. obryzus adj. (obrizum aurum ; obr. auri metallum ; auri obriza lamina) 450; 1070; 1808; 2118; 11, 61. obscenitas 1727; 3674; 4225; 4302 ; 4, 69 ; 7, 265 ; 300 ; 8, 193- obscenus 4959; 7, 325 ; 8, 286. observatio 40, 6. observe 40, 24; 37. obses 3905 ; 45, 4. obsidio 5265 ; 2, 445. obsorbeo 2453. obstaculum 1426; 2080; 3563; 5*35; 5450- obstinatio 56, 157. obstinatus 3613 ; 5171. obstrusus 2855; 4994; 8, 308. Cp. also abstrusus. obstupesco, obstip- 4474 ; 4800 ; 2, 388. obtentus 2698; 3915; 7, 182. obtorpeo 18 b , 64. obtrunco 805 ; 5028 ; 5255 ; 11, 75- obtundo 1725; 18 b , 65. obturbo 5433. obturo 1737. obtutus 406. obumbro 5279; 11, 104. obunco 2956 ; 18 b , 66. obuncus 7, 377 ; 8, 383. U 2 obvia sb. ' a going to meet ' 4610. obvius27i 3; 3975. obvolvo 3549. occa23 59 ; 2735; 2,75; 4,36; 10, 5 ; 15, I ; 17, 2. occisio 3070; 40, 32. occumbo 2742 ; 3352 ; 3582. oceanus 2475. ocrea 5022 ; 2, 419. octoni 3716. oculus 4686. odor 3279. odoramentum 3325; 56, 214. odoratus 23, 4. offendiculum 971. offendo 3675 ; 3800. offero 755 ; 2543 ; 3572 ; 3595 ; 46, 22. officium 2145; 2884. offula 4026 ; 56, i o. olfactoriolum 4824 ; 2, 390 ; 8, 299. olfactus sb. 315; 3487; 3, 32; 11, 40. olidus 1783; 4454; 2, 336. olosericus 3161 ; 2, 164. oluscnlum, cp. holusculum. Olympiacus 2,4; 6, 2. olympias 3035. Olympus 18 b , 62. omitto 317; 11, 41. omnis 310; 4179; 40, ro; 56, 312. onustns 2644. opera 1607 ; 7, 86; 57, n ; 58, 15- operae pretium 1126; 3025; 3981 ; 4274; 12, 2 ; 56, 114. operculum 1521. operio 61, n. operosus 27, 20. opes 4593. opinatns 4999. opinio 2424 ; 2, 81 ; 11, 162. opinor mo. oppidanus 5272. oppidum 3958; 3993; 2, 276. oppilo 2086; 3577. opprobrium 5228. opportunus 2755. optatus8o6; 2737; 3369; 4287. optentus, optorpeo, &c., cp. obt-. opulentia 1931 ; 3605. opulentus 322; 1028; 11, 44 ; 17, 56. opusculum 4535 ; 4586 ; 2, 344 ; 8 b , u; 56, 136. 292 oraculum 144 ; 1531 ; 2535 ; 3067; 3384; 4109; 4878; 7, 81; 358; 8,96; 348. oratio 319 ; 11, 141. orator 3212. orbis 18; 19; 1992 ; 2557; 4686 ; 18, 33- orbitas 4873. orcus 837 ; 11, 107. ordior 3731 ; 2, 243. ordo 3690; 4870. organicus 3923. origanum 56, 420. originalis 2005 ; 5061. originaliter 1155 ; 5211. orior 4150. oriundus 445 ; 7, 33. ornamentum 540 ; 4819. ornatus sb. 5109 ; 8, 361. orno adv. 23, n. orno vb. 2120; 4393; 5107. oroma 404 ; 2278; 3405. orthodoxus 1357; 2634; 4574. orthographus 195. os ' mouth ' 40, 33. osanna 2607 ; 61, 26. ostensus 2245. ostentatio 5163; 2, 427. ostriger 26, 64. ostrum 4138; 5073; 2, 290; 423; 18, 9. otium 1672 ; 40, 18. ovis 40, 32. pabulum 1571. pactum 1398; 2690. paedagogium 1099 ; 3014. paedagogus 3358; 5154. paeonia, cp. pionia. pagina 1590. Palaestinus 2414 (cp. note). palaestra 3073; 4736; 2, 146; 4, 86 ; 18 b , 68. palaestricus 3552 ; 2, I. palatinus 2996; 4622; 2, 132; 7, 215 ; 8, 266. Cp. also note to 2414. palatum 332. palea 2439. pallidus 1868 ; 11, 145 ; 23, 34; 26, 71. pallor 2927 ; 4897. palma 5; 1117; 3093; 3217; 3547; 4486; 5, 20; 56, 366. palmes2638; 2838; 3848. palmetum 3842. palpebra 1731. INDEX palpito 50, 34. palus 'a stake' 30, i. pampinus 564; 8, 71 ; 18 b , 73. pando ' to open, relate ' 5059 ; 26, 40. panucula 458 ; 1036 ; 3730. papaver 56, 399. papyrus 3306; 2, 189. paradigma 1406 ; 18 b , 67. paradisus 357; 689; 1713. paranymphus 1774; 7, 94; 8, 102 ; 18 b , 71. parasitus 679 ; 3310; 4165; 4683; 2, 12; 4, 18; 6, 13; 11, 183. Parca 5480; 7, 137; 8, 113; 413 ; 8, 5 ; 38, 2. parcus 56, 98. parens 2417. parent ela 5131. pareo 296. paries 8 b , 7. parma 726 ; 5025. parochia, cp. parro-. paropsis 61, 41. parrax 56, 341. parricida 4452 ; 2, 335 ; 7, 35 5 8, 241. parricidium 4957; 2,412. parrochia 886 ; 2033 ; 3, 38 ; 7,67. parsimonia 2044; 374^; 47, 2. participium 707. participo 2590. particulatim 52 ; 3587. parturio 4085. partus sb. 1487 ; 3136; 5093; 2, 161. parvum 504. Pascha 40, 29 ; 30. pasco(r) 2564; 5210. passim 4565 ; 8, 255; 11, 160. passio 1137; 7, 74; 40, 22. passivus ' spread about ' 264 ; 5384; 5, 3; 7, 6; 385; 11, 19. pastinaca 56, 52 ; 426. pastino 1139; 2019; 2, 29; 6, 16; 56, 188.. pastoralis 5423. patefacio 2336. patens 90 ; 4685. pater 3386. paternus 1626. patibulum 391 ; 3089. patientia 5062. patior 2525 ; 8, 37 ; 48 ; 56, 343. patrimonium 3151; 3604; 4624; 4818. patrius 32, 4. patro 21, 2. patrocinium 789 ; 3883 ; 4383 ; 4909; 5463; 7, 61. patronus 4877 ; 56, 335. pauculus 1692. paulatim 2703. paulisper 4740; 5390; 2, 377; 5,37- pauperculus 1839; 2194; 3646. paupertas 1171; 1374. paupertinus 46, 15 ; 56, 302. pax 795. pecten 3741. pectus 356. peculiaris 11, 5. pedes 826; 11, 97. pedester 23, 54; 61, 17. pedetemptim 3046; 7, 221; 8, 165. peditatus 5254. pelagus 153; 56, 251. Pelasgus 18, 30. pellax 2377 ; 2940. pellex 3904 ; 4540. pellicatus 5042; 2, 421. pellicio 3929. pello 276; 11, 22; 18, 35; 28, 20. pelta 761; 2958; 3795. pelvis 56, 55. pendo 504. penetralia 5407. penetro 1567; 3701; 3945; 4, 77- penniger 1565 ; 2404. penso 1597. pensum 23, 45 ; 26, 73. penthemimeres 203. peplum 2246 ; 3733 ; 4311 ; 18 b , 74. per 39; 136; 201; 397; 1778; 2265; 3426; 4465; 5184; 2, 204; 3, 28; 11, 101 ; 40, 21; 31- perago 3402. percreb(r)esco 2374; 2840. perctinctor 3020. perditio 56, 35. perdo 40, 9. peregre 284. peregrinatio 1618. peregrinor 268. peregrinus 46, 3. pereo 5187. ///. LATIN WORDS 293 perfectio ion. perfero 2897; 2979; 2, 131; 7, 314; 8, 254; 50, 24; 56, 290. perfidus 386 ; 5042 ; 5068 ; 2, 421. perfringo 46, 21. pergo 8, in. perhibeo 4948. perhorresco 3153. periclitor 2671. peri culosus 628 ; 56, 277. periculum 2161. periodus 2849; 7, 195; 8, 154. peripsema 609 ; 4155. periscelis 4822. peritia 5403. perjuro 2806. permitto 2573 ; 3392. permutatio 191. perniciosus 920 ; 1223. perniciter 1874; 2212; 4321. pernix 9, 10. perpendiculum 3005; 2, 138. perpendo 56, 107; 153; 155. perpes 508. perpetuus 1905; 11, 114. perpropere 3107. perseverantia 1163. persolvo 1991. persona 2329. persuadeo 3621. persulto 1 646 ; 2608. pertaedet 4582 ; 4, 83; 11, 166. pertimesco 2725. pertinaciter 766 ; 771 ; 3239 ; 339 1 5 44 11 - pertineo 872. pervenio 43, 7. perversus 46, 10. pervicax 4094. pervigil 853. pes 199. pessulus 46, 33. pestifer 11, 83. pestilentia 2787 ; 2, 106 ; 7, 188 ; 8, 150; 61, 42. pestis 2792 ; 26, 43. petalum 5497 ; 2, 497. peto 4152. petra 4111. petroselinum 56, 391. petulans 4705 ; 2, 447. petulantia 2 1 80 ; 5290. petulcus 3336 ; 4649. phaleratus, cp. faleratns. phantasma, cp. fantasma. Pharisaicus, cp. Farisaicus. pharus, cp. farus. Phelethi, cp. Felethi. phiala, cp. fiala. philargyria 7, 226. philosophia 11, 167. philosophicus 2270. philosopher 5392. phitones 4192 ; 2, 295. phitonissa 1926; 2, 60; 7, 106; 8, 1 06. phlebotomus, cp. flebotomus. phlegma, cp. flegma. phreneticus, cp. freneticus. phylacterium 61, 35. piaculum 1107 ; 2006. pictacium 4839 ; 2, 393 ; 5, 39 ; 8, 301. piger 48, 3. piget 3094. pila ' a ball ' 23, 43. pilum 19, 3. pingo 5236. pinguis 27, 32. pinus 2222 ; 56, 359. pionia 56, 418. pirus 56, 360. pisticus 4774. pitaciolum 4570; 2, 348; 7, 3 1 5! 8, 256. plane 56, 154. plantago 56, 403. plantaria 1130. plantatenus 2816. planto 18, 2. plastica 5222 ; 8, 346. plausus sb. 4892 ; 2, 399. plecta 2392 ; 3888 ; 2, 79 ; 268. plecto 52, 2. plectrum 52, i. plene 2375. plenilunium 5281; 2, 446; 7, 366 ; 8, 360. plenum (ad) 56, 325. plumarius 1041. plumesco 26, 27. plumo 3889. poculum 1847. poenitudo 1768; 4496. poeticus 199. pollegia 56, 419. pollen 3872. polleo 56, 169. pollesco 2580. pollex 3548. polliceor 4623 ; 5455. polypodium 56, 384. pompa63J 1217; 23, 25. pompulentus 3729. pono 942 ; 40, 10. pontificalis 2029; 3, i. pontificatus 2989; 4134; 5152; 3, 55- pontificium 5055. pontus 32, 2. poples 3724. populor 139; 4563. populosus 3789; 4887. populus 2094. populus ' tree name ' 56, 364. porcaster 20, 4 ; 21, 3 ; 22, 3. porcinus 4332. porrigo 1638 ; 4438 ; 8, 237. portendo2i4; 1794; 2874; 18 b , 69 ; 56, 215. portentum 4969. porticulus 33; 3, -22; 7, 13; 8,7. portisculus, cp. porticulus. Portunalia 4717 ; 11, 186. posco 4, 80. possessio 1321. possideo 11, 115. possum 56, 63. post 942 ; 2619. posteritas 585 ; 849; 1401; 2695; 3610; 11, 113. postliminium 2721; 4, 43; 7, 187. postquam 1674. postumus 17, 34. potatio 4990. potentatus 1592. potestas 1158; 1824; 325953394; 3943; 4545; n> J 57; 12,11. potforri. 1743; 3757. potior comp. adj. 1284; 4153. potissimum adv. 8, 23. potissiinus adj. 56, 297. poto 56, 82. potus sb. 56, 349. practicus994; 2433; 2506; 3634. pratum 138; 551 ; 1422. prae 3892. praebeo 749. praecello 309 ; 507 ; 3530; 8, 52 ; 11, 33- praecelsus 4407. praeceps 2669; 3968. praeceptor 56, 260. praeceptum 1017; 1294. praecipuus 2070. praeclarus 1266; 3721; 5077. praecluis 56, 334. 294 INDEX praeconium 64; 939 ; 3982 ; 4950 ; 8, 215. praecordia 3566. praeda 219 ; 5084. praedestinatio 1489. praedestino 790. praedicamentum 3129. praedictus 3044. praediolum 4741 ; 7, 329; 8, 290. praeditus 352 ; 911 ; 1460 ; 4135 ; 11. 55- praedium 3790; 4840; 61, 55. praedo 2711 ; 4038. praedulcis 2393. praefatus 1616 ; 2338; 2461. praefectura 1382. praefero 1215 ; 2001 ; 8, 36 ; 46 ; 17,51. praefiguratio 1802. praefiguro 1541; 2510; 3715; 5089. praeoccupo 598 ; 1236. praepedio 3949. praepes 2405. praepollens 2248; 3602. praepono 344. praeposterus3836; 4870; 2,257; 4, 74; 7, 282; 8, 207. praerogativa 1009 ; 1949; 2154; 2572; 2657. praeruptus 2037 ; 7, 123 ; 28, 9. praesagium 431 ; 949 ; 1497 ; 2*03; 2155; 2563; 3409; 4970. praesagmen 1793. praesagus 1502; 1529; 1968; 2536; 2868; 3707; 4846. praescientia 7, 355. praesentia 3015. praesertim 420 ; 1882. praeses 3453; 45, i. praesidiutn 2260; 5395; 2, 464. praesigno 5057. praestans 1112; 1700; 2012; 24 2 3; 4542; 7, 116; 8,90. praestigia, cp. praestrigia. praesto vb. 477; 517; 1225; 3133; 4384; 8, 56; 11, 66; 56, 92 ; 230. praestrigia 2239; 3262; 4056; 4700; 2, 72; 181; 8, 177. praesul 913. praesum 46, 38. praesumo 955. praeterea 2744'; 4727. praetereo 2558 ; 3348. praetextus sb. 2684 ; 3930. praetor 4515; 7, 311; 8, 249; 17, 58- praetorium 4498. praevalidus 50, 25. praevaricatio 11, 84. prelum 2646; 2, 101. presbyter 4245. pretiosus 4377. pretium (operae pr-) 1 1 26 ; 3025 ; 3981; 4274; 12, 2; 56, 114. prex 1330. pridem 4506. primaevus 2381; 7, 242; 56, 115. primitivus 1775. primo adv. 56, 312. primores 56, 304. primus 1766; 5067; 5075; 61, 37 5 38. princeps 240. principalis67i; 773; 389055150; 2, 269. prior 1675. pristinus 1831; 1875; 3056; 4354; 4867; 11, 148. prius 2431 ; 7, 152. privatus 361. privilegium 211; 2589; 4805; 5394- privo 4372. pro 421; 1078; 2322; 2666; 3485; 3823; 3827. probabilis 2295. probrosns 2783; 2913; 2, 119. procacitas 4254. procaciter 2945 ; 5, 33. procaxi939; 2819; 2955; 4318; 5277 ; 6, 21 ; 7, 107 ; 8, 107. procedo 1495 ; 3537 ; 5165 ; 2, 220 ; 56, 177. procella 4414 ; 28, 6 ; 56, 253. procellosus 56, 201. procer 4546; 7, 64. proceritas 1558; 1640; 1699; 3525 ; 4436. procerus 2221. processus 57, i. procreo 1402 ; 3387. procul 2250 ; 3704. procumbo 1579. procure 1974. procus 3913 ; 3931 ; 4051 ; 4148 ; 4285. prodigium 2442; 2550; 2870; 3493- prodo 2379; 2921; 7, 330; 8, 291 ; 17, 61. produce 228. proelium 11, 78. profano 2743. profanus 7, 65. profecto 1051 ; 27, 4- profero 57 ; 988 ; 4239 ; 4505 ; 2, 341 ; 56, 301. proficio 595 ; 56, 347. proficiscor 285. profiteer 57, 7. profligo 3886. profugus 2965 ; 7, 212. profundus 1942. profuturus 5199; 2, 434; 8, 343- progenies 1665 ; 7, 89. progigno 552. progredior 7, 278. projicio 3290. proles 5033; 26, 31. prolixe 5336; 8, 382. prolixus 2726; 3498; 36^5; 3997; 56, 28. prologus 2298 ; 2, 73. promereor 2342 ; 5421. promiscuus 3854. promitto 40, 17. promontorium 577. promulgo 1305. pronepos 850; 5029. Cp. also note to 1663. propago sb. 2016 ; 3849 ; 5091 ; 7, "9- propago vb. 1400; 1665. propalo 912; 3653. propatulo (in) 47 ; 1485 ; 2826. propemodum 2674 ; 3788 ; 11, 155- prepense 591. pr6phetia, cp. note to 1524. propheticus 430; 1498; 1584; 2617; 3651; 4201; 4971. propheto 40, 13. propinquitas 2701 ; 4180; 2, 293; 7, 184; 8, 148. propinquus 2810. propositum4ii; 614; 968; 1609; 2281; 2565; 3451; 3628; 3893; 4281; 5051; 5106. proprietas 879. proprius 1322 ; 2327. propter 211 ; 2280; 5060; 58, 5. propugnaculum 864; 3439; 3972; 5505. prora 43, 12. proreta 30; 3, 19; 5, 7; 7, 10; 8,4- ///. LATIN WORDS 295 prorsus adv. 2901 ; 4081. prosa 5402. prosapia 1297; 1664; 11, 112. proscribe 4845. proscriptio 3149; 2, 163. prosequor 1919 ; 2320. Proserpina 4187. prosper 3994 ; 4550. prospero 3630. prostibulum 1220; 2941; 3328; 4219; 4299; 4965. prostituta 2940; 5292; 8, 363. prostitutus 5174; 8, 327. protego 2616; 3557; 4023; 4968. protelo 5355. protendo 56, 278. protervus 1160; 5344; 5362; 7,381; 8,394- protoplastus 687 ; 3884; 7, 49. protraho 28, J 7. provenio 2636. proverbium 5232. provincia 1896; 4562. provoco 808. pruina 23, 144 prunus 56, 361. psalmodia 982. psalmographus 1021. pubertas 2382. pubesco 3608 ; 17, 30. publico 2380; 7, 146; 380; 8, 389- publicus 3536; 4465; 5184; pudibundus 3671 ; 2, 240. pudicitia noi ; 1144; 1469; 1718 ; 1804; 2041 ; 2340 ; 2614; 2666; 2747; 5420. pudicus 932; 1396; 5419; 7, 103. pudor 4176; 4479; 5176; 7, 347- puer 2579. puerperium 351; 946; 3908; 4947 ; 11. 54- pugil 751. pugillus 3877 ; 4694 ; 2, 266. pulcher 1052 ; 2113; 3164. pulchre 8, 63. pulchritude 4298. pulegium, cp. pollegia. pullulo 56, 262. pullus sb. 4891 ; 2, 398. pullus adj. 18 b , 75. pulmentarium 3756. pulpitum 3458; 4813; 2, 21 1 ; 7, 206. puls 53, 35. pulso 4865. pulvinar 56, 17. pulvis 46, 3. punctum 3247 ; 3683. puniceus 18 b , 72. Pnnicus(malaPunica)463; 3840; 11, 62. pupilla 3463; 9, ii. puppis 43, ii. purgamentum 3918. purpura46i; 1059; I 37 8 - purpuresco 4139. purpureus96; 526; 1037; 1269; 2119; 2932; 4509; 5072; 5'39; 3,36; 23,6. purulentus 1975; 4929; 5361; 2, 403; 4, 30; 7, in. pusillum 61, 48. putamen 3293; 3728; 2, 187; 7, 267 ; 8, 194. putens 3263; 3468; 7, 238; 8, 178. puter 15; 3, 9. putidus 1789; 4751; 11, 133. puto 505; 803; 1733; 8, 50; 66,9. putor 3323. putresco 23, 9. pyra 2455 ; 4389 ; 18 b , 76. pythones, pythonissa, cp. phito-. pytisso 53, 24. qua adv. 17, 53. quadrageni 1945. quadratus 1589 ; 1702. quadrifarius 167. quadrifluus 48, 2. quadriformis 177. quadripartitus 1795. quadripedans 14 ; 1568 ; 3, 8. quadro 4262 ; 2, 311. quadrupes 1462 ; 1854. quaere 349. quaeso 11, 27. quaestus 560 ; 1934; 8,69. qualitas 48 ; 525. quam adv. 286; 873; 1291; 2568; 2658; 2748; 2848; 4823; 5176; 5421; 7, 389; 8, 281 ; 405. quamdiu 250. quamvis 3470 ; 5098. quanto 708; 2015. quantocius (-cies) 980; 3125; 56, 321. quantus 3665. qnasi 1093; 5465; 8, 422; 11, 175; 40,32. quasso 639. quatemi 774 ; 1542. quatinus 1133; 2653; 2723; 3987 ; 42865*2, 102. quatio 16 ; 3, 10. que conj. 278 ; 1435. quercus 56, 353. querimonia 3366 ; 4692. querulosus 623. questus624; 2829; 4874. qui (quae, quod) 122 ; 218; 239; 259; 270; 293; 500; 579; 757; 779! 816; 833; 957; 1 102, &C. quia 40, 16; 19; 21; 24; 26; 30; 3i; 34; 37- quicunque 46, 51. quid adv. 1066; 1659; 2831 5 5165; 7,342; 8,317. quidam 224 ; 4, 35. quies 290; 2197; 3, 47; 40, 19. quilibet 2689; 5416. quinam 27, 3. quingenteni 3430. quinquageni 824. quinquefolium 56, 404. quinquennis 4144. quippiam 1958; 5221. quis 2860 ; 50, 29. Cp. also notes to 2012 and 7, 115. quisque 724; 2713. quisquiliae 608. quisquis 40, 12. quo adv. 3331 ; 2, 193. quod conj. 664 ; 4012. quodammodo 941 ; 1076; 1230. quoquomodo 56, 151. Rabbites 2096. rabidus 722 ; 1475 ; 3640. rabies 2983. racemus 2641; 3850; 2, 100; 5, 29; 36; 7, 286; 8, 210. radicor 3111 ; 2, 153. radio 1023. radius ' shuttle ' 3739 ; 2, 246. 'ray of light' 2970; 3772; 18, 24. radix 91 8; 12, 6. rado4464; 2, 337; 56, 12. rafanum 56, 431. ramusculus 548 ; 1556; 8, 6l. rana 54, 2. 296 INDEX rancidus 2828; 2963; 2, in; 7, 193 ; 210; 8, 152 ; 160. rapa 56, 41. rapacitas 4381 ; 2, 321 ; 11, 152. rapax 2667 ; 5340. raphantis, cp. rafanum. rapidus 50, 43. ratio 2, 172. ratiocinatio 3215. ratns4502; 5417; 2, 466; 4,93. raucus 26, 14. reboo 1466; 11, 126. recapitulatio 1153; 2, 31. recens 688; 3281 ; 3750; 7, 50. receptaculum 105 ; 3907. recepto 3819. recessus sb. 2952 ; 4, 23 ; 11, 94. reciprocus 151; 506; 1885 ; 2307; 2363; 2408; 2752; 3205; 3216; 3314; 3538; 4787. recito 4814. reclinis 2227. recludo 1149 ; 2334. recolo 27, 8. reconcilio 4313; 7, 328. recondo 308 ; 4324. recordatio 2834. recubitus 61, 37. reddo 1354; 1482. redigo 3260. redimiculum 5241 ; 2, 439. reditusssg; 4832; 6,38; 8,68; 300. rediviva 'linum, flex' 1379; 3 > 40. redivivus 2213; 4338; 11, 81. redoleo 554; 4776; 7, 334! 8 > 65 ; 295 ; 18", 77. reduce 4750 ; 5083. redundantia 506. refercio 466. refero 2910; 2, 118; 23, 29; 46, 9 . reficio 56, 271. refocillo 3059 ; 3866. reformo 1832. refragator 4095. refragor843; 2547; 3600; 7, 34M 3575 8, 3i6; 347. refreno noo; 2189; 2348. refute 613; 3615; 3763; 3916. regalis 1593; 18 b , 79. regenero 2210. regimen 273; 1999; 3423; 5301. regio 43, 3. regius 2792; 2817. regnator 4472. rego4997; 18, 32. regula 1079. regularis 246; 5305. regulus ' Jjrowend ' 1853. relabor 4746. relatioi69; 1585; 1798; 3029; 3142- relatus sb. 51 ; 5478. relaxo 3 ; 58, 8. rel ego 27, 6. religamen 50, n. religio 2567 ; 3424. reliquus 537; 919. reluctor 4412. remedium 956. remigium 5459. reminiscor 3484. remotio 5434 (cp. note). remotus 2514; 5389. remugio 4609 ; 2, 355 ; 8, 265. remunerator 767 ; 2549. remunero 42, i. remus 36 ; 3, 25. rennntio 4600. reor4548; 5256; 7, 312 ; 8,251. repagulum 972; 2399; 7, 147. repedo 1125. repenso 1519. repleo 1298. repono 1351. reprehendo 27, 27. reprobatio 40, 5. reprobo 40, 6. repropitio 4724; 2, 374. res 2166; 3150; 5119; 11,132. rescriptio 5455. resero ' to open ' 3052. reses 45, 2. resina 4027. respectus 3462 ; 4795. respuo 3922 ; 4598 ; 3, 49. restinguo 4391. resulco 46, 49. retego 52, 4. retiaculum 961 ; 2, 21. retorqueo 1062 ; 4241 ; 2, 306 ; 35, 5 . retracto 50, 54. retrogradus 26, 23. retundo 4235. revelo 40, 19; 61, n. reverenter 56, 178. reverentia 282 ; 56, 2. revolvo 459. rhamnos 23, 12. rhetor 3096. rhetorica 3115 ; 2, 154. rhetoricor 5388. rhetoricus 2304; 3357. rhomphaea 1151. rhythmicus 390. rictus 1478 ; 3342 ; 4382 ; 4475 ; . ridiculosus 4675 ; 5228; 7,360; 8, 351 ; 11, 1 80. Cp. also note to 2251. ridiculum 2251 (cp. note). rigeo 3305. rigidus 408 ; 1293; 11, 69. rigo 647. rigor 2706. rima 26, II. rimor 193 ; 1080. rimosus 5456 ; 2, 480. ripa 4797 ; 2, 387 ; 26, 41 ; 28, i. rite 5145. ritus 1820; 4920; 17, 16. rivulus 1792; 3024; 11, 136. rivus 1413; 3581. rixosus 56, 88. robustus 4110. rodo 3565 ; 2, 224. rogus 3519; 12, 10. Roma 2028. roro 1414. rosa 4509 ; 56, 428. rosatus 3278 ; 2, 185. roscidus 84 ; 655. rosetum 23, 8. roseus 3184; 4343; 18, 23. rostrum 100; 2322; 2410; 3, 48; 28, 22. rota 496 ; 502. rotabulum 53, 43. roto 694; 4811. rotunditas 524. rotundus 1703; 1813; 3526; 23, 42. rubens454; 465; 5204; 8, 38. ruber 828; 1204; 1791; 3023. Cp. also note to 11, 135. rubeta 1855 ; 26, 21. rubia 56, 40. rubicundus 1821 ; 3580. rubiginosus 483. rubor 2933; 4344; 4, 51. rubricatus 5324. ructo 20, 2. rndens 5469 ; 4, 92. rudimentum 914. rudis 1491 ; 2275 ; 11, 86. rudo 3684. ruga 34, i. rugitus 4378. rugosus 15, 3 ; 18 b , 78 ; 26, 24. rumen 20, 3. rumigerulus 2836; 4397 ! 2, 112. rnmino 26, 48. rumor 1918 ; 4521. rumpo 5071 ; 17, 20. rumusculus 717; 4564; 7, 150. ruo 3973. rapes 56, 246. ruscum 24, i. rusticitas 5461. ruta 56, 389. rutilo 1196; 8, 35. sabanum 3588 ; 2, 229. sabbatum 40, 5 ; 18. sabina 56, 367. sablo 1818 ; 2493 ; 4101 ; 2, 286 ; 7,98. sablum 18 b , 85. sabulo, sabulum, cp. sablo, &c. sacellum 1898 ; 2620; 3237; 17, 13 ; 18 b , 87. sacerdotalis 2880. sacerdotium 2031. sacramentnm 1520; 2074; 2141 ; 2211; 2875; 3218; 5054; 11, 127 ; 17, 22; 40, 12; 17. sacrarium 2990. sacrificium 5065; 40, 20; 21. sacrosanctus 155; 1526; 2600; 3434; 4136. Sadducei 61, i. saevitia 3302. saevus 148 ; 745. sagacitas 852 ; 5, 9. sagaciter 208. sagax 70; 3109; 3213; 7, 45 234; 9, 9; 56, 108. sagena 61, 15. sagina 2395; 3179. sagino 993 ; 3540 ; 3687. salebra 17, 63 ; 18, 36. salebrosus 1770; 2, 49; 4, 28; 18 b , 88. salivaris 2188; 2, 68; 7, 136; 8, 112. salpista 743 ; 7, 57- salpix 1641 ; 5246 ; 18 b , 86. saltern 27, 29. saltus 2036; 56, 239. salubris 374; 1773. salvator 40, 2. salvatrix 1538. sal via 56, 422. salvus 640 ; 4033 ; 5269. sambuca 1645; 14, i. ///. LATIN WORDS sancio 1301 ; 1967; 5138. sanctimonialis 8, 368. sanctio424; 842; 1629; 8,29; 11, 109. sanctuarium 56, 164. sanctus96o; 2833; 2936; 40, 38. sandix 5209; 2, 436; 8, 345; 56, 368. sapa, cp. clulcis sapa. Sarabaita 58, 9. sarcina 5425. sarcio 1670. sarcophagus 2904 ; 3501 ; 3969. sarmentum 1651; 2640; 3083; 3521. sartago 4115; 4127; 4673; 2, 288; 365; 7, 321; 8, 278; 11, 178. satago 1209 ; 4218 ; 5121 ; 5426 ; 56, 216; 59, I. satelles 861 ; 2, 18; 46, 35. satis 2108; 2782; 4538; 4713; 11, 49; 56, 182. satisfacio 61, 62. sator 2358. satrapa 874 ; 4760 ; 4799 ; 11, 116. saxifraga 56, 396. scaber 478 ; 7, 34; 11, 67. scaevus 4205. scamma 3072; 3551; 2, 145; 5, 2 ; 6, 3 ; 7, 5 ; 17, 50. scando 2462. scaturio 1891 ; 4930; 8, 104. sceleratus 860; 4707; 18, 17. scelus 2919. scena 2920 ; 4057. scenicus 2885 ; 2, 115. scenopegia 40, 36 ; 56, 287. sceptrinus 3303 ; 2, 188 ; 18, 34. sceptrum 2902 ; 4046 ; 4541 ; 4616; 8,32; 12, 14. scheda 2308; 4612; 4809; 7, 142; 8, 117. schematize 4061. schismaticus 417; 2854; 2895. scholaris 41 ; 3, 30. scholasticus 56, 106 ; 264. sciens 56, 234. sciffus 56, 435. scindula 2459; 6, 22; 7, 158; 8, 126. scintillo 974 ; 3961 ; 4029; 5, 22. sciscitatio 2309. scitum 1964; 5226; 7, no; 8, 109 ; 21, 5 ; 56, 166. sclareia, cp. slaregia. 297 scopulosus 5470 ; 2, 486. scopulus642; 1811 ; 2038; 3952; 39775 44575 7, 43; 955 8, 79; 219. scoria 651 ; 4, 12 ; 7, 44; 8, 80. scortator 3339. scortum, scorta 3327 ; 2, 192 ; 18, 18. scotomaticus 1735 ; 3058. scribo 1965 ; 46, 32. scriptura 40, 7. scrobis 2018 ; 7, 120. scrofa 23, 27. scrupeus 1814. scrupulosus 5429 ; 2, 467. scrupulus 678 ; 4198 ; 2, 298 ; 8, 231. scrutinium 1085. scrutor 166; 1086; 3103. scutatus 2259. scutica 56, 101. scutum 747. Scylla63 4 ; 5465; 26, 6 1. scyphus, cp. sciffus. se pron. 660; 887; 936; 3798; 4863 ; 4906 ; 40, 33. sebum, cp. sevum. seco 56, 32. secretum 1505. secretus 1442. Cp. also note to 5434- secta 4143. sectatrix 1228. secularis 3440. secundum 3707. secundus 2581 ; 3632; 4549; 2, 232; 7, 169. securis 56, 29 ; 61, a. securitas 1911. securus 797. secus 3202. sed 928; 1066; 1659; 2860; 2971; 3202; 3323; 3537; 4677; 2, 220; 11, 164; 40, 14; 56, 64; 305; 350; 58,12. sedes 251. sedo 2056 ; 50, 46. segniter 56, 83. seminex 17, 46. semiplenus 2402. semita 2143. semiustus 4388; 2, 323. senatus 4041 ; 7, 297; 8, 229. senecio 56, 43 ; 379. senex 56, 350. senior 61, 19. sensatim 56, lai. 298 INDEX sensimi89o; 2710; 3245; 2,55. sententia 3042 ; 4043 ; 4629 ; 4803; 5113; 2, 358; 7, 217; 8,315; 12, 12; 46,28. senticosus 1267. sentina 666 ; 1738 ; 4, 15 ; 7, 46. separatim 1362. separo 3407. septem 3113. septies 61, 22. Septimus 3036. septuagies 61, 22. sequester 46, 5. sequestra 1842; 3812; 7, 99; 11, 142. sequestratim 206; 2852; 6, 10. sequestro 1366; 2372. sequipeda 1957. sequor 556 ; 3609. serenus 3324. Seres 26, 20. sericus 462; 5322 ; 23, 44; 26, serio 2891 ; 2, 116; 7, 203. sermo 1119 ; 4253. sermoclnor 2339. sero adv. 5460; 2, 482. serpo 5381. serratus 26, 15. serus 2824. servitus 237. servo 4047 ; 32, 9. sessor 56, 20. seta 51, I. setiger 23, 3. setosus 5191; 6, 30; 8, 337. seu 2482. severitas 1788. sevum 2763; 4116; 2, 289; 4, 79; 8, 149. sexageni 952. sexagesimus 1407 ; 3036. sexus2326; 3890; 5314; 4, 81. si 943; 2012 ; 3926; 2, 127. sibi, cp. se. sibilo 4703 ; 2, 370. sic 8, 13 ; 23, i ; 24, 5 ; 26, 6 ; 40, 33 ; 56, 69. Siculus 3956 ; 2, 274. sicut 3832. signaculum 4034 ; 4177. signifer 3808 ; 4, 72 ; 7, 280 ; 8, 203. significo 40, 28. signo 1545 ; 3899. signum 2068 ; 2490; 2618. silentium 2085. silvestris 545; 1806. simila 3871. similis 248. simplicitas 1827 ; 56, 4. simplus 2376. simul 22, 2. simulacrum 1468; 1969; 2285; 3472. simulo 24, 3. simultas 3801 ; 5079. sindon 3732 ; 2, 244. sine 1549; 3462; 3729; 5096. singillatim 1049; 3315. singularis 1056. singulariter 5027. singultus 621 ; 2827 ; 4190 ; 4691 ; 18, 28. sinuosus 8, 2. sirena 3927 ; 2, 270. sive 4718; 56, 204. slaregia 56, 387. soboles 4517. socordia 47, 3. socrus 61, 13. sodalis 680 ; 8, 320 ; 29, 2 ; 56, 275- sodalitas 232 ; 2354 ; 2532 ; 4282. solarium 8, 355. solifluus 56, 205. solitarius 1147; 2, 30. solitude 2383. solitus 2765. sollemne 3985. sollemnitas 2601 ; 40, 36. sellers 77; 4572; 5200; 7,3545 8, 344; 56, 208. sollerter i ; 855 ; 3131 ; 56, 123; 131; 132. sollertia 46; 907; 2986; 4579; 5, 10 ; 11, 165. sollicite 3909; 56, 221; 316. sollicitudo 854; 906; 4184; 5430. sollicitus 164. soloecismus 5466, solor 2279. solsequium 26, 36 ; 56, 386. solus 626 ; 1008; 1281; 7,369; 8, 37- solvo 2124; 2397; 40, 14. somnus 3403. sono 46, 6. sophisma 2268; 4146. sophista 1828. sopio 3980; 4031 ; 4975 ; 18 b , 91. sopor 2104; 3404; 2, 203. soporo 1880. sorex 8, 387. sors 1835; 1990; 2294; 2544; 3596; 11, no. sortior 3619. sospes 3664 ; 4783. sospitas 5010. spalangius 1856. spargo 1686; 46, 18. spatiosus 1 1 80; 2, 32. spatium 3723. specialis 343 ; 716; 1879; 5114; 7, 386; 8,401. specialitas 3.18; 11, 41. species 533; 3113; 5168; 7, 344- spectaculum 234; 1224; 2758; 3511; 4044; 4370; 4425; 5134; 4 , 59; 7, 252; 8, 189; 11, ii. spectator 3507; 4, 58; 7, 250. speleum 2047; 4889; 7, 1:4. spera 3527; 2, 219; 7, 255. sperma 56, 128. sperno 8, 43 ; 11, 72 ; 24, 5. sperrla 26, 72. spes 40, 19. sphaera, sphaerula, cp. spera, &c. spica 1411 ; 2361 ; 2, 77. spicula 448 1 . spiculum 2098. spina 2467 ; 18 b , 89. spinetum 2418; 2, 80. spira 4944. spiraculum 2822 ; 4864. spiritalis 'feondlic' 377; 734; 762; 856; 1980; 'gastlic' 3226. spiritaliter 40, 27. spiritus 1458 ; 2049 > 2 45 3 > 2,64. spiro 314 ; 1886. spissus 278; 563. splendesco 534. splendidus 1720. sponsalia 3914. sponsalis 1122; 1398; 5244. spontaneus 300; 368; 1288; 1394; 1509 ; 11. 2 9- sponte 1235. sporta 17, 42. sportella 56, 56. sportula 3857. spumo 152. spnmosus 34; 4334; 3, 23. spurcalia 2060. spurcitia 1393; 1516. spurcus 1726; 18 b , 82. squaleoi2i3; 2430; 254553597; 4752- squalesco 586. squalidus 18 b , 81 ; 58, 202. squalor 1790; 3482; 4455; 11, 134- squama 26, 10 ; 50, 51. squamiger 2464. stabilio 4329. stagnosus 36, 13. stagnum 'tin' 1072. stamen 456; 1039; 3727; 7, 266. statuo 43, i. statura 5311. status sb. 1833; 1875; 2192; 2679; 3885; 4468. statutum 5143. stemma 18 b , 83. stercus 3321. sterilitas 1031. sterquilinium 3486; 4154. stiba 2732. stibarius 2357. stibium 1205; 2934; 4645; 4, 25; 6, *7; 7,75; 8,91; 269. stimulus 600; 4228; 4656. stipendium 4636 ; 4833. stipes 1557; 2223; 2457; 3084; 7, 83 ; 8, 98. stipo 24. slips 2193; 7, 316; 8, 267. stipulator 5371 ; 7, 383 ; 8, 396. stipulor 18 b , 84. stirps 1601 ; 4587. stiva, stivarius, cp. stiba, &c. sto 34, 2. stoicus3i26; 4145. stoliditas 56, 137. stolidus 1216; 56, 87; 173; 229. stomachor 18, 4. strages 373 ; 898 ; 11, 74. stragula 1035. strenuus 2343 i 5, I. strepitus 3811; 5432. strictim 3655 ; 4, 68 ; 18 b , 90. strictura 3246. strictus 2177. strideo 3740. stridulus 4605 ; 8, 264. stringo 3579. strofa 785 ; 2896 ; 3650 ; 7, 204 ; 8, 159; 18 b , 80. strofosus 732 ; 2708; 278054236; 5352; 7, 54; 8, 84; 36, 4; 56, 170. ///. LATIN WORDS stropha, strophosus, cp. strofa, fee. structura 4106. strues 2456; 7, 157; 8, 125. struo 4908. studeo 1320. studium295; 995; 2010; 2283; 25085310053224^ 7, 30; 9, 8. stupendus 2757. stupesco 36, 17. stuppa 3292 ; 3726. stupro 4307. stuprum 2942 ; 4220 ; 4450 ; 543 ; 2, 333 ; 7, 34 ,' 8, 240. suadela 56, 189. suadeo 4524; 43, 9; 56, 130; 328. suasio 3382. suatim (i. suo more) 1207. suavis 225. suavitas 321 ; 11, 43. sub 2151; 3014; 3284; 3930; 5301; 2, 207; 32, 5; 40,9. subarro36i8; 4293; 4553. subdo 5167. subduco 50, 53. subeo 3043. subigo 43, 16. subjugalis 2186; 7, 135. subjugo 4910. sublimis 1007; 7, 324; 8, 285; 56, 279. sublimitas 8, 74. sublimo5i3; 931; 2859; 399^- submergo 829; 1739; 11, 99. submoveo 5408. snbnixus 2599; 3372; 4339; 5076. subripio 5130; 2,425. subruo 865 ; 3445. subsanno 4756 ; 5229. substantia 50, 57. subterfugio 3703. subterraneus 3312. subtiliter 53 ; 1068. subucula 5316; 8, 372. subulcus 2451; 2, 88; 23, 31; 43, 13. subvenio 57, 4. succedo 2694; 28, 28. succendo 2460 ; 2772; 4315. successor 1996. successus 2582 ; 3633 ; 3995 ; 4260; 4514; 7, 170. succldoi578; 2233; 2642. succumbo 26, 38. sucinum 1074. 299 suculcntus 546. SUCUS226; 567; 1851; 5218. suffero 56, 282. sufflamen 50, 15. suffoco 832 ; 1481 ; 11, 100. suffragium 782 ; 1654; 3079. suffrage 38, 3. suffundo 1729. suggestio 1311. suggillatio 5353. suggillo 3343. sulco 2492; 4323; 2, 94; 319; 23, 49. sulcus 2733; 2, 103. sulphur 3516 ; 4, 61 ; 7, 254. sulphureus 3963; 8, 223. sumz>#. subst. 1050 ; 2015 ; 3665 ; 4 8 54 : 2, 341 ; 395 ; 8, 31 ; 11, 166 ; 27, 3 ; 40, 1 1 ; 30 ; 32 ; 36 ; 38 ; 46, 32. Cp. also futurus. summatim 3656 ; 3878 ; 2, 235 ; 7, 264. summus 2988; 4592; 5, 21; 50, 23. sumo 56, 68. sumptuosus 1570; 1840; 1930; 3603 ; 56, 303. suo vb. 50, 49. suovetaurilia 11, 187. Cp. also note to 4719. supellex 4664. super 61, 28. superficies 1888. superfine 5387. superfluus 5213. supernus328; 426; 703; 1124; J255; X 43o; 1539; 1823; !95; 3575; 3397; 3531; 3902 ; 4092 ; 5462. superstes 3313 ; 2, 190. superstitio 3233; 3496; 4021; 4429; 8, 176; 1 86. superstitiosus 3933. superus 2220. supervacuus 40, 18. supinus 2157. suppedito 1691. supplementum 1000. supplicium 56, 238. supponossiS; 4779; 2, 215. supputatio 1535. supputo 3832. supremus 1834; ^89 ', 2294; 11, 74. sura 3076; 3255; 3287. surculus 117; 562; 1138; 1268; 1582 ; 8, 70. 300 surgo 1710. snscipio 40, 6. suscitoi843 ; 2110 ; 2137 ; 3502. suspicio sb. 2776. suspirium 622 ; 985 ; 4532. sustento 1635. suus 2134; 4741 ; 40, 4; 33. syllogismus32O9; 4142 ; 2, 171 ; 291. symphoniaca 56, 374. synaxis 56, 5. synodalis 2092 ; 2890. tabernaculum 40, 37 ; 38 ; 56, 183. tabesco 4032 ; 5487 ; 2, 491 ; 8, 227. tabum 3585; 2, 228; 4, 67; 53, 19. taceo (?) 28, 10. taciturnitas 1937; 2084; 4144. taeda 3377; 2, 199; 18, 27. talis 4117. taliter 1300. talo tenus 5335 ; 8, 381. tarn 277; 278; 294; 2745; 2828; 2845 ; 2922 ; 3195 ; 3749 ; 4594 ; 4820; 2, in ; 121 ; 168; 4, 49 ; 8, 281. tamquam 40, 31. tanacetum 56, 45 ; 395. tanto adv. 643. tantopere 2013. tantum 3627; 3860. tantum (in) adv. 1625 ; 4426. tantus 3890 ; 2, 269. tartarus685; 1249; 2218; 28,39. taurilia 4719 (cp. note}. Cp.also suovetaurilia. taxo 2014. taxus 24, 4 ; 56, 37 ; 352. tectum 2257. tegmen 468. tego 5410. tegula 225,5; 2 > 4 8 9- tela 26, 8. temetum 5494; 2, 496 ; 8, 418 ; 8 b , 13- tempestas 632; 1599; 2420; 3938; 4559; 7,39- tempora ' the temples,' cp. tim- pora. temptatio 1260. tempus 197; 397; 1337; 2265; 3836; 4, 74; 7, 282; 8,207. tenax 192; 4595. tendicula 962. INDEX tendo 17, 53 ; 23, 47 ; 56, 175. tenebrosus 3296. teneo 40, 20. teneri093; 1633; 2162; 2865; 3360; 4119. teneritudo 1492 ; 2843. tenor 5414; 5446; 2, 475; 7, 396; 8, 412. tenus, cp. talo tenus, corde tenus. tepesco 2704. tepidus 596. teres 114; 490; 522; 3734; 23,41. tergum 942. tergus 26, 19. ternus 2400. terra 4273. terrens 1940; 4419; 17, 4. terrenus 1253; 2654. terrestris 691. territo 46, 29. territorium 844 ; 4848; 11, in. terror 2489. tessella 14, 3. testamentum 1547; 40, 2. testificatio 40, 7. testis 5274. testudo 731 ; 2959; 3796 ; 23, 21. testula395o; 2, 273. teter 1248; 1736; 5155; 3, 56. tetrarcha 1799. tetricus 56, 200. texoi532; 3742; 4297; 2,316; 50, 58. textrinus 1042. textus 192 ; 3448; 4242. thalamus 1661 ; 3199; 3376; 4527; 18,6. theatralis 62 ; 233 ; 4369. theatrum 1752; 3457. theoricus 2516. theriaca 964. theristrum 5243 ; 2, 441 ; 7, 362 ; 8, 354- thermae 4777; 2, 384. thoraca 5021 ; 2, 418. thoracicla 1044; 3706. Cp. also note to 6, 15. thorax 6, 15 (cp. note). thorus 18, 8 ; 28, 29. thymiama 313; 1513; 11, 39. tiara 4404 ; 2, 325 ; 7, 303 ; 8, 236. tibia 3254. tidulosa 56, 425. tigillum 2812 ; 2, no ; 18 b , 92. tignum 18", 92. tilia2, 8; 4, 7; 7, 19; 10, I. timidus 739. timpora 8, 379. tingo 1060; 5220; 2, 24. tinctura 5140; 5197; 8, 341. tinea 50, 37. tirocinium 616 ; 4170. tirunculus 719 ; 3045 ; 3992 ; 56, 207. titillatio 2182; 4247; 4984. titio 2470 ; 2, 89 ; 4, 39. titulus 4405 ; 4611 ; 4841. tolero 4270. tollo 61, 6. tonans 17, 6. tondeo40, 33; 43, 15. tonitrualis 1914 ; 2, 58. tonitruum 1961 ; 4416. tonsnra 4174 ; 2, 292. tonus 197 (cp. note). torcular 2647. tormentum 399; 1947; P2i8 ; 3353; 3954; 4097; 4 IJ 8; 4786. torpeo 597 ; 18, n. torqueo 1198; 2099; 3236; 2, 34 ; 65 ; 17, 3 5 46, 48. torrens sb. 3966. torreo 4120. torridus569; 1779; 1982; 2705; 3243; 4729; 7,112; 66,203. torris 3520; 4025; 4387; 2, 322. torta 'a cake' 17, 40. tortella 'a cake' 3859; 2, 262; 7, 288; 8, 212. torus, cp. thorus. torvus 50, 27. tot 4762. totidem 3722; 4509; 8, 416; 8 b , 9. totus 691. toxa 896 ; 6, 14. tractus sb. 37 ; 3, 26. traditio 179; 1627; 5100. trado 839; 1479; 397; 4^43! 2, 359; 8, 18. traduco 5346; 8, 391. tragoedia 3504. traho 4467 ; 5294. trames 3425; 3694; 4618. transeo 3669; 40, 35 ; 46, 12. transfero 978 ; 3680 ; 5, 35. transfigo 5295 ; 8, 364; 50, 3. transfigure 158. transigo 1944 ; 2144; 2518. transilio 56, 247. ///. LATIN WORDS 301 transitus sb. 2134. translator 5259 ; 15, 6. transmarinus 2, 350. transmigratio 1602. transverbero 230. trapezeta 18 b , 93. tremebundus 1865 ; 292952994; 3773J 4896. trepido 5273. tribunal 3455 (cp. note). tribunatus 876. tribunicus 4010; 4544; 2, 345; 11, T 5 6; 12, 9 . tribunus 2523. tributum 1455 ; 11, 125. tricae 2079; 7, 129. tricatio ' delay, hindrance ' 5454 ; 2, 479- tricenus 1639. triclinium 718; 3163; 4368; 4, 21. trico vb. 'to delay' 5451; 8, 414; 8 b , 6. triennium 4917. trinus 1596. tripartitus 1355; 1361; 1895; 4512 ; 5, 24. tripudium 1118; 1346. triquadrus 495 ; 1295; 1684. tritavus 847. trituro 3433. triumphabilis 3533. triumphalis 1347; 2858. triumpho 2090. triumphus 769 ; 798; 1760. trochus 47, 6 ; 56, 8. tropaeum (troph-) 1761; 1908; 2858; 4394; 2, 47; 37, 9. tropice 5088. tropologia 183; 1084; 8, I5 C . trucido 4869 ; 2, 396. truculentus 784 ; 1852 ; 2388 ; 2982 ; 4879; 11, 90. trudo 38; 823; 3769; 5477; 3, 27; 26, 22. trunco 3022 ; 4508. trutina 26, 35. trutino 198 ; 4603 ; 7, 26 ; 8, 262. trux 2217. tubus 514; 7, 36; 8, 55. tueor 2987. tugurium 253; 2515. tumba 1883; 3970; 4346. tumeoiso; 1105; 2499; 5373- tumultuor 5431 ; 61, 7. tumulus 2, 95 (cp. note in Ad- denda}. tune 17, 32. tundo 480 ; 11, 70. tunsio 4114. turba 61, 7. turbo sb. 633; 4415; 4, 8; 7, 40. turgesco 2495. turifico 3038 ; 4642 ; 18, 38. turma 136; 827 ; 1566. turpiter 448 ; 3, 33. turris 3971. tutamen 394. tutelai995; 2615; 3334 53556; 4967. tuto vb. 1092. tutus 760 ; 793. typhus 13, 2. typice 11, 103. typicus 1083; 1922; 5085. typus 213; 299; 5136; 5278; 11, 6; 40, 17. tyrannicus 673 ; 858; 1157; 1591 ; 2,17- tyrannis 3764. tyrannus 5275. uber 81 ; 1129; 0, 12. ubi 2837. udus 3240; 2, 178. ulcia 56, 363. ulterius 3782; 2, 253; 7, 277; 8, 201. ultrix 3816. ultro 1040; 4103; 56, 333. ultroneus 235; 1233; 1619; 4862 ; 8, 21 ; 56, no. umbe 748 ; 5024. umbra 32, 5 ; 40, 15. umbraculutn 438. umbrosus 56, 26 (note). unde mo; 2362. ungula 5341; 2, 458; 8, 385; 46, 43. unions 1800. uniformis 1046. unio sb. 53, 14. urbanitas 2297; 5488; 2, 492; 9, 13- urbanus 1501; 3195; 5413; 2, 168; 4, 88. urgeo 3508 ; 4630. urna 1838 ; 4322. ursinus 1476 ; 4380. urtica 56, 401. usquam 3780; 7, 274. usque 1507; 1876; 2521; 61, 56. usura 61, 44. usurpo675; 5127; 5307; 6,15; 7, 118. ut 316; 1340; 2438; 2773; 2789; 2794; 2820; 3467; 3476; 4062; 4107; 4258; 4 2 75 5 55 8 > &c. ntensilia 4665 ; 7, 318; 8, 275. uterque 4259 ; 2, 309. utilis 56, 310. utilitas 7, 353 ; 8, 342. utor 27, 24. uxor 61, 33. vacillo 5500; 2, 501. vacuus 49, 2. vado 4902. vagabundus 3340; 4588; 4857; 11, 172. vagor vb. 141 ; 265. vagus 26, 46. valens 7, 207. valetudinarius 4938. vallo 68 1. vanitas 46, 44. vapor 4778. vapulo 3018; 56, 100. varietas 1019; 1038; 1077. varius 4594 ; 5202. vas 'a vessel' 1921; 5112; 11, 1 20. vastitas 2799; 3636. vasto 2715; 37, 4. vastus 3700. vaticinatio 4972. vaticinium 3708. vaticinor 1524. vectifer 18, 10. vegetatio 1445. vehiculum 4164; 4742 ; 2, 378 ; 11, 189. veho 8; 3, 5. vel 11, 177; 186. velamentum 2151. vellus 5192; 5207; 2,431. Cp. also note to 23, 37. veluti7oo; 1913; 2114; 2949; 3294; 4231; 4987; 5296; 2, 367; 36, 18. venabtilum 737 ; 7, 56; 8, 85. venenatus 1862. veneror 40, 8. venia 5, 43 ; 8, 398. venio 1523; 40, 3; 13; 56, II. venter 2446; 26, 39. ventosus 43, 10. Venus 4449. 302 INDEX 53; 53 IO > 5108; 5257; 56, 273. venustus 2115. ver 4, 76; 7, 285. verbatim 56, 120. verbositas 1419; 56, 140 (cp. note); 143. verbosus 1416; 5436; 2, 469; 56, 139; 140 (cp. note). verbum 3196; 2, 169. vereor 4663. veritas 40, 15. vermiculus 1061 ; 35, 4. vermis 23, 50; 25, i. verna 2167; 2716; 7, 185. vernacula sb. 2349; 3901 ; 5142. vernacnlus adj. 288 ; 3308. vernalis 3837. vernans 550; 4295; 2, 315; 8, 62. verro 46, 31. versa vice 592 ; 11, 76. versatilis 1151. versicolor 521. versipellis 56, 36. verso 36, I. versor 2, 500. versus sb. 127. versutia 37, 2 ; 56, 86. versutus 36, 2. vertex 384; 883; 1564. vertigo 693; 26, 29; 33, 3; 50, 14. verto 792 ; 3642. Cp. also versa vice, verum adv. 2917; 4096; 5263; 7, 335 5 8, 296. vervex, cp. berbex. vesania 2057; 5^Z> 8 > 3 11 J 11, 174- vescor 3753 ; 5035 ; 56, 348. vespera 58, 14. vestalis3i93; 7, 233; 8, 170. vester 2, 204. vestibulnm 135; 2999; 3828; 3894; 4688. veto 1780. vetus436; 40, 2; 20; 24; 35. vetustas 1280. vexatio 3948. vexillatio 1 744 ; 2, 45. vexillum 1746 ; 1861 ; 4804. vibex 3466 ; 4487 ; 4759 ; 7, 246; 8, 184. vibramen 18 b , 94. vibro 14, 4; 23, 51 ; 50, 52. vicarius 2310. vicis 272 ; 592 ; 3001 ; 4788 ; 2,136; 7, 216; 8,163; 297; 11, 20 ; 76. vicissitude 4272. victoria 1909; 2091; 2936. victrix adj. 1745. victus sb. 3862. video 8, 77; 36, 5. vigeo 46, 27. vigil 32, 8. vilesco 581 ; 2087 ; 2386 ; 7, 131. vilis 2722 ; 5177; 57, 9. vilitas 1384. vimen 156; 922; 1806; 3300; 10, 2 ; 18, 34 ; 18 b , 95 ; cp. also note to 1, 257. vinca 56, 46 ; 405. vindicta 381 7. viola 56, 429. violenter 1231 ; 4662; 5439. violentia 1240; 4763. violentus 1238; 1292; 1451. violo 3813. vir 3699. viresco 26, 28. virga 3303. virginalis 350; 535; 1469; 1483; 1 7 1 7 ; 1 759 > , l8 3 52280 52746; 4280; 11, 53. virginitas 2 1 2 ; 298; 327; 574; 1014; 1089; 1510; 1906; 4520; 11, 28. virgo 393 ; 1 283. virguncula, 4359 ; 15,4; 5! !7, 52; 59; 18, 29. viriditas 1581. virilis 1549; 3713. viror 530. virtus 959; 999; 1323; 1805; 3062; 3652. virulentus 720 ; 1 849. virus 4855 ; 4991 ; 2, 414; 11, 85, vis 1237. viscum 3105. visio 2107. visus sb. 2170. vita 594; 1365; 1875; 2214; 3699 ; 40, 24. vitis 2017. vitium 672 ; 40, 22 ; 46, 23. vitreus 26. vitta 5333 ; 2, 457 ; 53, 28. vivax 72. vivo 3009. vivus 56, 345. vocabulum 878; 1503; 2562; 47375 4847. vola 1549. volatus 11, 19. volenter 56, 146. volo 56, 66. volumen 3746; 28, 31. voluntarius 236. voluntas 1289; 4676. voluntative 56, 147. volupe 56, 300. voluntas 1606. volutabrum 3041 ; 3417 ; 4291 ; 2, 140 ; 314 ; 7, 220 ; 8, 164. vorago 636 ; 701 ; 4340 ; 5474 ; 4, 10 ; 20; 7, 42 ; 8, 83. vorax 518. voro, 516; 3979. voti compos 809; 2219; 3589; 18", 96. votivus 1695 ; 2509. votum 28, 15. Cp. also voti compos. vox 1464; 2604. vulgatus 5097. vulnus 5361. vultus 2931 ; 46, 19. vulva 1496 ; 4086. xenium 3834 ; 4, 73 ; 8, 206. zelotypus 364; 2277. zephyrus 23, 17; 26, 67. zeta 2997; 2, 132; 7, 215. ANECDOTA OXONIENSIA PARTS ALREADY PUBLISHED. I. CLASSICAL SERIES. I. The English Manuscripts of the Nicomachean Ethics. By J. A. STEWART, M.A. y. 6d. II. Nonius Marcellus, de Compendiosa Doctrina, Harleian MS. 2719. Collated by J. H. ONIONS, M.A. y. 6d. III. Aristotle's Physics. Book VII. With Introduction by R. SHUTE, M.A. zs. IV. Bentley's Plautine Emendations. From his copy of Gronovius. By E. A. SONNENSCHIEN, M.A. 2S. 6d. V. Harleian MS. 2610; Ovid's Metamorphoses I, II, III, 1-622; XXIV Latin Epigrams from Bodleian or other MSS. ; Latin Glosses on Apollinaris Sidonins from MS. Digby 172. Collated and Edited by ROBINSON ELLIS, M.A., LL.D. ^s. VI. 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