-s/ / r Business Directory Oj PHCENIX, ARIZONA, 1888. GEORGE E. LORING, HATTER AND FURNISHER. AGENT FOR E,ftl. COLLARS AND CUFFS. Flannel Shirts. PHCENIX, Dunlap Hats, AND A FUIJ, IJNE OF STETSON'S Celebrated Cow BOY HATS. ARIZONA. Ill House GOLDMAN & CO. Importers and Dealers in General Merchandise. Anything from a Needle to a Threshing Machine you can find in our stock at Prices that DEFY COMPETITION. Goldman & Go's Liquor Department Only Wholesale Liquor House San Francisco Prices Guaranteed. AGENTS FOR Leinp'8 Breiviny Co.; AnJieuser-Busch Bottled Beer; Gamess Private Stock Whisky; May field Whisky. Crate's KEY WEST MEYER'S BUSINESS DIRECTORY PHCENIX, ARIZONA. CONTAINING A Classified Business and Professional Guide ; a List of all the City and County and Federal Officials ; Correct Tables of Railroad Fares, Ex- press Tariffs and Telegraph Tolls to All Points of the Compass, AND OTHER VALUABLE INFORMATION. Copyrighted.} COMPILED AND PUBLISHED BY A. LEONARD MEYER, PHCENIX, 1888. THE CITY OF PHCENIX. * Embowered in the mass; of verdant foliage, which line every street and surround every dwelling-place, adorned by a wealth of flowers and shrub- bery, and with beautiful gardens, vineyards and orchards about every suburban home, Phrenix can justly boast of being one of the handsomest little cities on the Pacific Slope. Through every street streams of pure, clear water are conducted along the edge of the sidewalks, cooling the atmosphere during the summer months, and bringing life and verdure and productiveness to flowers and fruits and shade trees. The ground upon which the town is built has a gradual slope toward the Salt river, distant about one mile. The original town-site embraces one-half section a mile in length by a half-mile in width. To this, however, have been added during the past year more than a dozen additions. Situated very near the center of the great valley, and about thirty-five miles north of Mari- copa station, on the Southern Pacific Railroad, the site of the city is everything that could be desired. The facilities for drainage toward the river are perfect, as are also those for the establishment of a comprehensive water supply system. The important question of sanitation is therefore settled for all time, and the healthfulness of the city assured. The grading and paving of streets, and the construction of sidewalks will be here an easy task, and the cost reduced to a minimum owing to the level contour of the surface. THE BUILDINGS, Public and private, of this rapidly-growing young city, are creditable to the enterprise of its people. The old adobe of the early pioneer is fast dis- appearing before the march of progress. The streets cross each other at right angles, and there are three plazas, or public squares. In one of these the county court-house stands, a commodious brick structure of two stories, crowned by a handsome clock tower. The other pla/.a will soon be occupied by a city hall. It will be of brick and stone, two stories in height. Adorned with shrubbery, grass and shade trees, these squares will be an attractive feature of the town. The public school-house is a roomy and comfortable edifice of bricl and accommodates at present over 500 pupils. But so rapid is the inci in population that the school trustees have decided to erect at once tin *The following sketch is from the i'acile pen of Hon. Patrick Hamilton, recently pub in the Albuquerque Democrat, with such minor changes as the march of progress have 7 . [ X K C orner Center and Washington Streets, PHCENIX, A. T. A FULL LINE OF ALL CLASSES OF GOODS USUALLY FOUND IN A FIRST-CLASS DRUG STORE. 'RESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY PREPARED, Day or Night. PHOENIX BUSINESS DIRECTORY. more school buildings, which will give the city four public schools, or one to each ward. Washington street, which runs from east to west through the center of the city, is the main business thoroughfare. A mile in length exclusive of additions and 120 feet in width, it can boast of many handsome mer- cantile establishments. These are mostly of brick, many of them carrying immense stocks and doing a volume of business, running into the hundreds of thousands annually, besides supplying the immense valley, of which it is the center. The trade of Phoenix embraces all the mining camps and cattle ranges within a radius of seventy-five miles. Already the young city is supplied with many churches, nearly all the leading Christian sects being represented. Catholics, Methodists, (north and south) Presbyterians, Baptists, Episcopalians and Congregation alists. have places of worship, the Catholic and Methodist churches being com- modious edifices. The secret orders are prosperous here. The Masons, Odd Fellows, Order of United Workmen, Knights of Pythias, Red Men, Chosen Friends and Good Templars, have flourishing lodges. There is a Library Association, supported by popular subscriptions, and a num- ber of social and charitable organizations attached to the several churches. With such a showing for moral and intellectual progress, the charge of "general cussedness" so often heard against the "rowdy west," cannot affect Phoenix . The newspaper is the truest mirror of a people's moral and material condition. In this respect Phoenix need not fear comparison with more pretentious places. The Arizonian, Herald and Gazette issue daily and weekly editions, while the Advance is published once a week. A perusal of their local and advertising columns will give an outsider an excellent idea of the growth and prosperity of the town and of the enterprise and public spirit of its citizens. That the people of Phoenix appreciate the work of its press is evinced by the liberal support which they extend to it. THE POPULATION Of this coming city of the southwest is estimated at 5,000, which is being rapidly augmented since the completion of the branch railroad. Three banks, with a heavy capitalization, are required to meet its steady growing business. There are several hotels, and yet another, a large brick struc- ture, will be finished within two months. There are two manufactories of artificial ice, a large flouring mill, a planing mill and a meat packing establishment near the town. A three-story opera house, is recently com- DILLON & KENEALY, Leaders in CLOTHING. 'J PHCENIX, ARIZONA. Capital Paid Up, - - $1OO 9 OOO. DIRECTORS: M. W. KALES, SOL. LEWIS, J. Y. T. SMITH, CHAS. GOLDMAN, GEO. W. HOADLEY. CORRESPONDENTS : THK BANK OF CALIFORNIA, San Francisco. AGENCY OF BANK CALIFORNIA, New York. Messrs. N. M. ROTHS- CHILD & SONS, London. M. W. KALES, SOL. LEWIS, GEO. W. HOADLEY, President. Vice -President. Cashier. The VALLEY BANK of PfflENIX ARIZONA. Paid Up Capital, $5O,OOO. Surplus, - 13,000. OKKICERS: ANDREW CRAWFORD, President. WM. CHRISTY, Cashier. E. J. BENNITT, Assistant Cashier. DIRECTORS : A. CRAWFORD, F. C. HATCH, M. H. SHERMAN, WM. CHRISTY, E. J. BENNITT. CORRESPONDENTS : PACIFIC BANK, San Francisco. FIRST NATIONAL BANK, Los Angeles. AMERICAN EXCHANGE NATIONAL BANK, New York City. S. A. KEAN & CO., Chicago. Drafts Drawn on all the Principal Cities off Europe. 6 PHCENIX BU8IXKSS [HIM-XToIiY. pleted. Another hotel of 200 hundred rooms is now projected, and will soon be built. The city is lighted by gas, and will soon have electric light, a company having been organized for that purpose. Street cars traverse the city and several of the additions. There is an excellent fire department, supplied with the latest improved apparatus. In a word, Phoenix has fairly entered upon the road which leads to prosperity, and is rapidly forging ahead. Her's will be no mushroom growth, no ephemeral " boom." Sustained and supported by the vast tract of rich and productive soil which surrounds it on all sides, with abundance of water and a perfect climate, she can look to the future with serene con- fidence. She has the unfailing resources which build cities and support prosperous communities. Now that her superb gifts and advantages are becoming known, property values are rapidly rising. The past six months have witnessed many improvements both in the city and suburbs, and prices have fully doubled within that period. There has been no feverish "boom," but a steady advancement, born of confidence in the future. The field for the investor or speculator is an inviting one, and many fortunes will be made in this valley in real estate within the next twelve months. At present there are about fifteen firms engaged in the business, which will give some idea of the transfers made. Lots in this city, which could be had for $150 six months ago, now command S500 and $600, and so it is with suburban tracts and business locations. This year will bring to the valley many visitors from the east and west, and transactions in realty promise to be lively enough to suit the most sanguine " boomer." "THE GARDEN OF THE SOUTHWEST," Is the name which has not been inaptly applied to this vale of beauty and productiveness. Columns might be filled descriptive of the many gifts which generous nature has showered upon it. There is no necessity for the writer to indulge in hyperbole or exaggeration. The plain facts speak louder than any highly painted picture. Only yesterday reclaimed from the desert, its fruitful fields, orchards and vineyards are already a glorious promise of the future. When its hundreds of thousands of untilled acres will smile beneath their burdens of the fruits of every clime ; when hand- some houses with their wealth, shrubbery and flowers shall adorn the land- scape ; when the air with its musical feathered songsters and heavy with odors as delicious as those from the isles of the eastern seas, and when over all are the skies of a cloudless clime, then indeed may the visitor exclaim " if there be an elysium on earth, it is this, it is this. " DILLON & KENEALY, Leaders in Hats. H. WOHLER & CO., Dealers in all kinds of II I H Hill i nff Itnnrts w wiW UPHOLSTERING and REPAIRING A. P. PETIT, Architect and Practical Builder, OFFICE AND RESIDENCE : Cor. Madison and Papago Sts., Phoenix, Arizona. and Specifications, with Estimates of Building of any class furnished at shortest notice. Will superintend the construction of building on moderate terms, with strict attention. 0. J. THIBODO, M. D. AND- AND DEALER IN Drugs, Medicines, Toilet Articles, Perfumery, Brushes, Kte. CITY OF PHCENIX. MUNICIPAL DIRECTORY. De Forest Porter Mayor John R. Loosley.\ /1st Ward Sam'l Franklin.. I 2d Ward /-. TT T> ^ i yCouncilmen 1 , , XT , Geo. H. Rothrock j j 3d Ward Lincoln Fowler . . j ^4th Ward Frank Baxter Recorder A. Leonard Meyer Treasurer Frank D. Wells Marshal A. C. Baker Attorney Dr. T. D. McGlasson Health Officer Andrew Barry Engineer Jas. M. Creighton Architect Henry Garfias Zanjero PHCENIX FIRE DEPARTMENT. F. M. Czarnowski Chief Engineer Frank D. Wells Assistant Chief Engineer PHCENIX ENGINE Co. No. 1. W. J. Carrier Foreman W. F. Schaller 1st Assistant Foreman T. L. Davenport 2d Assistant Foreman John Beck Secretary E. J. Bennitt . , . Treasurer PIONEER HOSE Co. No. 1. W. H. Levins Foreman A. E. Hinton 1st Assistant Foreman Wm. Black . . . 2d Assistant Foreman YUCATEC HOSE Co. No. 2. C. Ceschetti Foreman Fernando Serrano 1st Assistant Foreman W. Scott. . . .2d Assistant Foreman DILLON & KENEALY, Leaders in DRY GOODS. GEO. PRICE, The Leading Tobacconist. Go to Geo. Price's for FINE CIGARS, NEXT DOOR TO VALLEY BANK, PHCENIX. M. JACOBS. H. GOODMAN. M. JACOBS & CO., DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE, PHCENIX, ARIZONA. WILL. j. CURET PRACTICAL Watchmaker and Jeweler, - DEALER IN FINK - WATCHES, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY. A Full Line of FINE SPECTACLES and EYE GLASSES. Fine WATCH REPAIRING a Specialty. All Work Warranted. Washington Street, Near Post Office, Phoenix, Arizona. '. QL FASHIONABLE Milliner and Dressmaker. Carries a Full Stock of Millinery Goods. Washington Street, Two Doors East of Maricopa Street, PHCEIVIX, 10 PHCENIX BUSINESS DIRECTORY. AZTEC HOOK AND LADDER Co. No. 1. J. L. Grant Foreman T. L. Schultz 1st Assistant Foreman M. B. Fleishman ... . . 2d Assistant Foreman FEDERAL AND COUNTY OFFICERS. Hon. W. W. Porter District Judge J. Elliott Walker Clerk J. W. Crenshaw Court Commissioner Frank Cox District Attorney . Deputy U. S. Attorney W. M. Breakenridge Deputy U. S. Marshal Joseph Campbell Probate Judge A. J. Halbert Sheriff Geo. F. Kemper Treasurer Henry L. Wharton Recorder Jno. B. Montgomery ^ H. H. Linville > Supervisors N. Petersen j J. L. B. Alexander Clerk Board of Supervisors Jas. Richards Justice of the Peace, Phoenix Precinct W. T. Woods Justice of the Peace, Phoenix Precinct Wm. Blankenship Constable, Phoenix Precinct H. C. McDonald Constable, Phoenix Precinct BOARD OF DIRECTORS TERRITORIAL INSANE ASYLUM. E. H. Hiller Chairman Emil Ganz (Vacancy) J. L. B. Alexander Clerk Dr. O. L. Mahoney Superintendent ARIZONA INDUSTRIAL EXPOSITION ASSOCIATION. T. J. Trask President Valley Bank Treasurer J . McMillan Secretary DILLON & KENEALY, Leaders in Boots and Shoes. Arctic Ice Works AND COLD STORAGE ROOMS. Works, Near M. & P. R. R. DEPOT. Ice Made from Distilled and Filtered Water. For Terms for Storage and Ice Contracts, APPLY TO Proprietor and Manager Arctic Ice Works, PHCENIX, ARIZONA. 12 PIKENIX BUSINESS DIRECTORY. MARICOPA COUNTY IMMIGRATION UNION. T. J. Trask President Valley Bank Treasurer T. E. Farish . . . . Secretary SECRET SOCIETIES. MASONIC. Arizona Chapter No. 1, R. A. M. Stated convocation on second Tues- day each month. F. A. Shaw, H. P.; J. B. Creamer, Secretary. Arizona Lodge No. 2, F. & A. M. Stated meetings on lirst Tuesday each month. J. Y. T. Smith, W. M.; J. B. Creamer, Secretary. Alsap Chapter No. 3, O. E. S. Stated meetings second and fourth Wednesdays each month. Mrs. A. M. Morford, W. M.; J. Y. T. Smith, Secretary. A. O. U. W. Endymion Legion No. 5, A. O. U. W. Meets second and fourth Wednesday each month. Joseph Campbell, Commander, J. L. B. Alex- ander, Secretary. Phoenix Lodge No. 5, A. O. U. W.* Meets first and third Wednesday of each month. I). H. Recarte, M. W.; Joseph Campbell, Recorder. I. O. O. F. Canton Arizona No. 1, Patriarchs Militant, I. O. O. F. Meets third Tuesday evening each month. P. K. Hickey, Commandant ; D. A. Reed, Clerk. Floral Encampment No. 2, I. O. O. F. Meets second and fourth Tues- day evenings each month. P. K. Hickey, C. P.; D. A. Reed, Scribe. Phoenix Lodge No. 2, I. O. O. F, Meets every Saturday evening. Robert Kern, N. G.; D. A. Reed, Secretary. Arizona Degree Lodge No. 2, Daughters of Rebekah. Meets second and fourth Thursday evenings each month. Mrs. A. Schwartz, N. G.; C. S. Scott, Secretary. DILLON & KENEALY, One Price Square Dealers. AEIZONA leal Estate and (! W. BfGALLS & CO. Opera House, - - Phoenix, Arizona. Real Bsfeate Bug]?b and Particular attention given to the sale of Country Property, including Stock Ranges and lands suitable for colonization. Mines reported upon and assessment work of non-residents attended to. Catalogues of prop- erties furnished on application. Abstracts furnished and loans nego- tiated. Largest collection of Pre-historic Indian Curiosities and many specimens of Arizona mineral and other productions, on exhibition at our office, which strangers are invited to examine. Directly North of Phoenix, On Arizona Canal. Orange Trees and Apricots a Specialty. ORCHARDS and VINEYARDS Planted toy Contract or Ottoerwise. Mr. TURNER is an experienced nurseryman and orchardist, and only reliable trees are sent out. Also a large stock of PALMS, PEPPERS, TEXAS UMBRELLA TREES, ASH and other orna- mental trees and shrubs. 14 I'IKKMX JirsINKSS DIKKCTORY. I. 0. G. T. Garden Valley Lodge No. 1, I. O. (1. T. Meets every Monday evening. T. L. Schultz, C. T.; W. T. Woods, Jr., Secretary. G. A. R. John W. Owen Post No. 83, G. A. R. Meets in Masonic Hall on first Wednesday of every month. J. B. Creamer, P. C.; Allen T. Bird, Adj. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. Phoenix Lodge No. 2. Meets on the first and third Fridays of each month in Pythian Hall. Webster Street, C. C.; J. A. Agard, K. of R. O. C. F. Phcenix Council No. 1. Meets first and third Thursdays of each month at Pythian Hall. Mrs. E. A. Ingalls, C. C.; Withrop Sears, Secretary. U. O. OF H. Cactus Lodge No. 137. Meets second and fourth Fridays of each month. J. E. W barton, President ; E. Irvine, Secretary. PHCENIX TYPOGRAPHICAL UNION, No. 237. Meets first Sunday in each month. Curt. W. Miller, President; J. E Bland, Secretary. P. O. S. OF A. Washington Camp No. 2. Meets every Thursday night in Masonic Hall. Robert Kern, President ; L. H. Chalmers, Secretary. DILLON & KENEALY, Sole Agents for Jas. Mean's S3 Shoes. BOB KERN, Proprietor Enlarged and Improved. New Furniture for the Year 1888 I shall pay special attention to the Dining Room, and all guests may depend on satisfactory attention, and a CUISINE that will embrace all delicacies obtain- able. NEATNESS, PROMPTNESS, ATTENTION. Washington Street, CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY CITY OF PHCENIX. Accountants Hickey, P K Reed, D A Neustadter, I Moore, Chas H Amusements Places of Patton Opera House Garden City Theatre Roller Skating Rink Apothecaries (see Druggists) Architects Creighton, J M McGinnis, W A Petit, A P Artists' Materials Catton Brothers Woods, W T, Jr Attorneys at Law Alexander, H N Baker & Campbell Chalmers, L H Churchill, Clark Cox, Frank I Cox, Ivy H Crenshaw, J W Edwards, E J Ford, J B [rich Goodrich, Smith, Street & Good- Hancock, Wm A Lemon & McCabe Lighthizer, H B Millay & Hine Perley, Peleg S Pinney, D H Porter & Baxter Wallace, D H Auctioneers Blankenship, J W Mauk, G W Bakeries French Bakery Phoenix Bakery Vienna Bakery Banks Hartford Banking Co National Bank of Arizona Valley Bank, The Barbers Cota, Francisco Lohman, E Luhrs, J C H McMurray, H E Shumaker, H Romero, Lazaro Baths Lohman, E Shumaker, H Swimming Bath Bill Posters Levins, Wm H Mills, J H Billiard Saloons Commercial Hotel Ceschetti & Bersanti Luke & Johnson Blacksmiths Blake, W H Burger, Jno H Carrier, W J & Co DILLON & KENEALY, Emporium for FINE SHOES, L. H. GOODRICH, IR/IESIIDEIfcTT IDIElsrTIST, OFFICE : Center Street, Opposite Goldman's, PHCENIX. ARIZONA. L. H. CHALMERS, Attorney-at-Law, Rooms 7 and 9, Thibodo Building, PHCENIX, ARIZONA. Pioneer Wine Vaults AND SAMPLE ROOMS. The Only Reliable House at which to get Pure Wines and Liquors for Family and Medicinal Purposes. PORTER BUILDING, Center and Washington Sts.. PHCENIX. ARIZONA. J. M. MONTANO, - - Proprietor. OTIS ANDREWS & CO., Wholesale and Retail G Packing and Shipping Salt River Valley Fruits and Produce A SPECIALTY. KEEN GROCERIES, TOBACCO, FISH, GAME, ETC. 0- K. FRUIT STORE, STREET, F'noenix, Arizona. 2 18 PHCENIX BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Gardiner, J J & Co Hulbert, W P Nichols & Murray McCarthy, James H Orozco & Vasquez Boarding: Houses Harriman, Mrs J Knapp, Mrs C H Philes, Mrs C E Whitesides, Mrs R Booksellers (see News Depots) Bowling Alleys Brix, Peter Breweries Arcade Brewery Brick Manufacturers Foushee, A S Cox, M B Marsh, J H A Builders (see Carpenters and Builders) Butchers Amando, Manuel Balsz & Co Johnson, W M Kelly & Marlow Murray, D L & Co Canal Companies Arizona Canal Co Buckeye Canal Co Grand Canal Co Highland Canal Co Maricopa Canal Co Salt River Valley Canal Co Candy Manufacturers Thomas, E W Carriage and Wagon Makers Moss, F B McDonald, A Nichols & Murray Carriage and Wagon Repositories Kemp, H E & Co Goldman & Co Carpenters and Builders Bond & Hayden Bury, C H Byers, J S & Son Creighton, J M Gardiner, J J & Co Harriman, J Hershey, E S Mills, C W Patton, S E Schriver, J M Bridgeman, E E Duhring, C Collier, W C Thomas, J H Chinese Stores See Yuen Sam Wo Chung Woh Lung & Co Lem Quee Hang Hong Cigars and Tobacco Hardy, Alex Price, Geo Seelig, T H Civil Engineers Barry, A Breakenridge, Wm M Davidson, S A Hine, T W Patrick, H R Trott, F P Clergymen Cooper, E K (Baptist) Fulton, S D (Presbyterian) Jouvencean, F (Catholic) McMullen, Thos H (Christian) Norton, N F (ME) Pearson, R W (Episcopalian) Wright, C C (ME South) Clothing(see Dry Goods) Commission Merchants Reynolds, J S Commissioners of Deeds Farish, T E DILLON & KENEALY, Ladies' Fine French Shoes at $3.50. HENRY E. KEMP & CO PHCENIX, ARIZONA, Agricultural Implements BY THE CARLOAD. AGENTS FOR Columbus Buggies, Bain Farm Wagons, Racine Wagons and Carriages, John Deere Plows, Acme Harrows and MeCormiek Mowers. WE HAVE PURCHASED THE STOCK OF THE CO. And are Making Large Additions. 20 PHCENIX BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Contractors Foushee, A S Harmsen, B Myers, L W (See also Carpenters and Builders) (Copyists Barbey, L E Morris, C H Neustadter, I Dentists Goodrich, L H Happy Hour Dental Co Small; K W Draymen Bewley, D S Burnett, James K Cable, W S Coyle, P H Green, Martin McKean, F J Dressmakers Blythe, Mrs E A Glassford, Miss M Drug-gists Eschman, C L & Co Thibodo, O J Dry Goods Dillon & Kenealy Ellis & Brown Goldman & Co Jacobs, M & Co Winters, E H & Co Employment Offices Gallardo, Antonio G Express Wells, Fargo & Co Fish Markets Andrews & Hattox Flour Mills Smith, J Y T Fruit Dealers Andrews, Otis & Co Dorris, R B Donofrio, C Micca, G Steinegger, Alex Thomas, E W (See. also Grocers) Furnishing 1 Goods Asher, A Loring, Geo E (See also Dry Goods) Furniture Schoenfeld & Heyman Wohler, H & Co* Gas and Electric Light Co's Phoenix Electric Light Co Phoenix Illuminating Gas and Electric Light Co Grocers Farley & Grant Goldberg, H Goldman & Co Jacobs, M & Co Jeffries, L H McNulty, W F Sweeney & Recarte Tauton v & Kellner Trask & Kays Whepley, W L Gunsmiths Spangenberg, G F Hackmen Marshall, Alex Hardware Coon, Burtis & Coon Goldman & Co Kemp, Henry E & Co Long, J B Fowler, C D Pesqueira, E Harness and Saddlery Andre, Robt G Tulburt, H L DILLOM & KENEALY, Leaders in CLOTHING. ICE FACTORY. S. D. LOUNT, Proprietor. COR. FINAL & WASHINGTON STS., PHCENIX, ARIZONA. MARECOPA oan and trust MONEY LOANED On Real and Personal Security, long or short time, as desired. Correspondents and Eastern Agents : Northern Banking Co,, Portland, Me, JOSEPH W. SPAULDING, President, Portland, Me. JERRY MISLAY, General Manager, Phoenix, Arizona. MILFORD E. SPAULDING, Cashier, - Phcenix, Arizona. 22 PHOSNIX BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Hatters Loring, Geo E (See also Dry Goods) Horse Slioers (see Blacksmiths) Hospitals Maricopa Co Hospital Terr Asylum for the Insane Hotels ami Lodging 1 Houses Brown House Commercial Hotel Lemon Hotel Phoenix Hotel Gregory House Gilbert Lodging House Harriman Lodging House Ice Factories Lount, S D & Son Minor, P Insurance Agents Bennitt, E J Hickey Bros Fickas & Farish Finch, J H Kales, M W Interpreters Barbey, L E (French) Holland, Jos (Chinese) Gallardo, A G (Spanish) Righetti, J P (Italian) [copa Morgan, Henry (Pima and Mari- Japanese Bazaars Lem Que Hang Hong Jewelers Curry, W J Humphrey, R J Joyeau, Victor Nilson, P F Laundries Phoenix Steam Laundry Laundries Chinese Wing Lee Wan Sing Quong Lee Gee Hop Sing Lee Sam Wing Chung Hing Fang Sang Wing Hi Quong Woh Lawyers (see Attorneys at Law) Libraries Phcenix Library Association W C T U Library Liquor Dealers, Wholesale Goldman & Co R Ruben, Son & Co Ganz, E Montano, J M Liquor Dealers, Retail Barnard, Geo W Brix, Peter Ceschetti & Bersanti Daneri, Estefano Ganz, E Jensen, J H W Kern, Robt Loosley, J R Luke & Johnson Luke, John Montano, J M McNamara J M Martini, J Pimm & Butler Pawley, James Righetti, James Sanders, M M Short, O A Thalheimer, J Livery Stables Herrick & Luhrs Fuqua, Frank Grant, J L Gibson, J M McCann, W S Ward, J L & Sons Locksmiths Byers, J S Spangenberg, G F DULL ON & KENEALY, Leaders in Hats. PHCENIX BAKERY, Confectionery and lee Cream -rz^r z$s-z$s-z$x-z$s; z$5"/$s ^^z^r T$S-Z$S-Z$S- | PARLORS, Sfc-xflz rz_^7.^z_s? sz ^z-s^r-jto .xOz_s$z_rflz_ MANUFACTURERS OF Candies and all Muds of Confectionery, CARRY A FULL LINE OF NUTS, FRESH FRUITS, BREAD, ROLLS, BUNS, All hinds of Pies, which are baked and delivered free, daily, to all parts of the City. WE ALSO CARRY THE Choicest Brands of Cigars, Smoking & Chewing Tobacco. PORTER BUILDING, PHCENIX, ARIZONA. LEWIS & HERLICK, Proprietors. E. PESQUEIRA, DEALER IN STOVES, TINWARE, GRANITE And Agate Ironware, Etc., Etc. Roofing and Gas Fitting receives our special and careful attention. Driven Wells a Specialty, East Side of Capital Plaza, - Phoenix, Arizona. I AND DEALER IN FRESH FRUITS, NUTS, CIGARS AND TOBACCO. ICE CREAM, SODA WATER & FRESH OYSTERS IN THEIR. SEASON. Washington Street, opposite City Hall, PHCENIX, ARIZONA. 24 PHOENIX BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Lumber Yards Notaries Public Blinn, L W & Co Baxter, Frank Gregory, J M Cox, Frank Ryder, H W Chalmers, L H Fickas, B A Lunch Counters Fowler, L Butler, Ben Franklin, A M Schlessinger, S V Fulwiler, W D Gallardo, A G Meat Markets (see Butchers) Hickev, Jno J Miscellaneous Corporations (Not otherwise classified) Arizona Improvement Co Phoenix Street Railway Co Phoenix City Water Works Co Maricopa Co Immigration Union Hoadfev, Geo W Hickev^ P K Hirschield, G H Hancock, Wm A Ingalls, G W Martin, Geo T Pf>rlp\7 P <3 Maricopa Loan & Trust Co Arizona Indust'l Exposit'n Assc'n Maricopa Brownstone Quarry Co Maricopa Vineyard Co Valley Abstract Co i enev, i io Reed," D A Utley, A A Walker, J W Wallace, D H Milk Dealers Nurseries Hurley, C C Kellogg, Wm Montgomery, J B Garden City Nursery, Devereux, F B, prop Phoenix Nursery, Farrington, R E, prop Milliners Paradise Nursery, Turner, D, prop Blythe, Mrs E A Collier's Nursery,Collier, W C, agt Curtis, Mrs N J Oyster Saloons Mineral Water Thomas, E W Josselyn & Smyley Steinegger, A Mining- Companies Painters Phoenix Mining Co Fritz, the Painter Union Mining Co [M & M Co Rixen, Henry Trinidad and Castle Creek Sears, Winthrop Clarence Ruby Gold M & M Co White, Jno Q Music Teachers Photographers Shook, Prof L B Catton, C W Schulenburg, Prof Ad Rothrock, G H News Depots Physicians Catton Bros Pourquie, L Woods, W T, Jr Hong Kong, ( Chinese ) Hughes & McGlasson Newspapers Ingalls, Mrs E A Arizona Gazette (daily & weekly) Lightburne, R E Arizonan, The (daily & weekly) McDougall, E Phoenix Herald (daily & weekly) Osborne, R T Phoenix Weekly Advance Rosson, R L DILLON & KENEALY, Leaders in DRY GOODS. L. W. BLINN L. W. BLINN, General Manager, SAN FRANCISCO OFFICE, - - Tombstone, Arizona. 4 California Street. * -LUMBER-*- Fancy and Plain Doors, Sash, Blinds, Lime, Hair, Cement, Plaster, Laths, Wood Ornaments, And Gut and Embossed Fancy Glass. OKKICE, Cor, Montezuma and Adams Sts. Yards, on Tonto St., NEAR M, & P, R, R, DEPOT. PHCENIX BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Stern, L Thibodo, O J Wharton, J E Mahoney, O L Mahoney, Mrs Virginia Piano Dealers Kedeuil, A Shook, L B Planing Mills Gardiner, J J & Co Plasterers Atkinson, J P Harmsen, B Evans, Henry Printing Offices (see Newspapers) Produce and Vegetables C See Grocers.) Railroads Maricopa & Phoenix R E Phoenix Street Railway Co K. B. Ticket Brokers Goldberg, Aaron Price, George Seelig, T H Real Estate Dealers Arizona Land & Reclamation Co Bird, Allen T Collins, M E Evans, J W Fowler Bros Franklin & Thomas Hickey Bros Hancock, Win A Holmes & Hewins Irvine, E Jackman, S H Johnstone, C W Logan & Allen Perkins & Walker Phoenix Land Investment Co Porter & Baxter Real Estate & Mining Exchange Symonds & Bird Wallace, D H Schultz & Franklin Restaurants Boss Restaurant Cabinet Restaurant Garden City Restaurant Grand Central Restaurant Chung Ty Restaurant Star Restaurant French Restaurant Capitol Restaurant Second-hand Store Dorris Bros Sewing Machine Agencies Dillard, P F Lewis, Q A Shoemakers Moreno, A Pfeiffer, Geo A Sanchez, A Stables (see Livery Stables) Stage Lines Arizona Stage Co Tempe & McDowell Stage Line Stationers (see News Depots) Steamship Agencies Meyer, A Leonard Stenographers Pinney, W L Rosenberg, G A Stoves aiul Tinware (see Hardware) Surveyors (see Ciml Engineers) Tailors Eisenbardt, F Landgraf, Geo Martinez, Victoriano Merchant Tailor Agency, H S Bridge & Co Teachers Public and Private Schools Baker, Miss M Bury, Mrs C H Davis, Mrs W A Dalton, ProfT A Dole, Miss Julia DILLON & KENEALY, Leaders in Boots & Shoes. Washington Street, near Hartford Bank, - Pho3iiix, Arizona, WHOLESALE DEALER AND JOBBER IN SMOKERS' ARTICLES. Anthoney & Kulin's Brewery ST. LOUIS, MO. HUGHES & McGLASSON. H. A. HUGHES, M. D. Surgeon and Oculist. T. D. McGLASSON, M. D. - Diseases of the Nasal Passages and Chest a Specialty. Office at Gregory House f Pluvnix, Arizona. Mrs. E. A. INGALLS, M. D. Obstetrics and Diseases of the Womb PHCENIX, ARIZONA. PHOENIX NUESEEIES, R. E. FARRINGTON, Proprietor. ALL KINDS OF i! and Ornamental ROSES, SHRUBS, ETC. CATALOGUE MAILED FREE ON APPLICATION. 28 PHfENIX BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Fulton, Mrs A A Fry, Miss Lillian Kelly, Miss Ada Kelly, Miss Addie Lynch, Miss M McDermott, Miss Letitia Sweeney, Mrs J J Warren, Miss Edna V Telegraph Companies U S Military Tel Arizona Telegraph Co Tobacconists (see Cigars and Tobacco) Undertakers Bacon, J A Gregory, J M ' Ryder, H W Wohler, H & Co Veterinary Surgeons Chandler, A J Keefer, Geo H Watchmakers (see Jewelers] SOUTHERN PACIFIC Co. (PACIFIC SYSTEM.) TICKET RATES BE AKD STATIONS NAMED BELOW. Children under twelve years of age, half Fare. Children under five years of age, free. To obtain Rates from Phoenix, add $3.00 to Rates from Maricopa. Stations. Unlimited 1st Class. San Franeueo 33 85 Oakland, 16th St ..33 80 West Berkeley 33 85 Stege 33 85 San Pablo 33 Sobrante 33 Pinole 33 Vallejo Junction . . . 33 Port Costa 33 Martinez . . . 33 Stations. Unlimited 1st Class. 2d Class Avon 33 60 25 00 Cornwall 33 30 25 00 Los Medanos 33 20 25 00 Antioch 33 15 25 00 Brentwood 32 90 25 00 Byron 32 75 25 00 Bethany 32 45 25 00 Tracy 32 25 25 00 Banta '....32 15 25 00 Lathrop 31 85 25 00 DILLON & KENEALY, One Price Square Dealers. FRANK COX, Special attention given to collections. District Attorney for Maricopa County. A. C. BAKER. JOE CAMPBELL. BAKER c3c CAMPBELL, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, Rooms 1 and 2, Thibodo Building, Phoenix, Arizona. STEAM FLOUR MILLS AND FAMILY GROCERY STORE, Cor. Montezuma and Jefferson Sts., - Phoenix, Arizona. JOHN Y. T. SMITH, Proprietor. F. O. Box 7Q. H. L. TTJLBTJRT, DEALER IN AND MANUFACTURER OF SADDLES, HARNESS, AND Horse Furnishing Goods of all Descriptions. CARRIAGE TRIMMING AND REPAIRING NEATLY DONE AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. SHOP, WASHINGTON STREET, NEAR HARTFORD BANK, PHOENIX, ARIZONA. Have served apprenticeship in all lines of my business and have worked in over twenty States and Territories. I am thoroughly posted in all t styles of Stock Saddles and Light and Heavy Harness. All my work is hand-made, and THE BEST OF LEATHER USED. 30 PHCENIX BUSINESS DIRECTORY. .Stations. Ripon Unlimited 1st Class. 31 55 2d Class. 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 27 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 40 25 65 26 25 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 Stations. Unlimited SaugilS 1st Class. 2d Class. 19 80 20 50 20 80 21 05 21 15 21 30 21 85 22 05 22 15 19 80 19 75 19 45 19 15 19 10 19 00 18 85 19 15 19 20 19 35 18 85 19 00 19 15 19 15 19 30 19 35 19 45 18 85 19 00 19 20 19 35 19 65 19 80 19 85 18 85 18 65 18 60 18 55 18 50 18 45 18 25 17 95 17 85 17 65 17 55 17 10 17 00 16 90 Salida . 31 45 Fillmore . . . Alodesto .31 25 Santa Paula Ceres 31 15 Saticoy Turlock . . 30 85 Conejo Delhi . . 30 70 San Buenaventura . Carpinteria Livingston Atwater . . 30 55 30 35 Monticeto Alerced 30 15 Santa Barbara . . . . Saugus Athlone . . 29 85 Minturn . . 29 65 Newhall Berenda . 29 35 Fernando Raymond - .31 35 Burbank Berenda . . 29 35 Sepulveda Madera . . 29 15 Tropico Borden .29 05 Los Angeles Sycamore 28 80 Ballona Fresno . . . . . ..28 50 The Palms Malaera . ..28 35 Santa Monica . Fowler . . . . 28 20 Los Angeles Selma . . . . 28 05 Florence Kingsburg Traver . . . . . . .27 90 Lynwood 27 70 Compton Cerritos Goshen . . 27 50 Hanford . .27 85 Wilmington Lemoore . 28 10 San Pedro Huron 28 75 Los Angeles. . Goshen . . . 27 50 Florence Downey Tulare . 27 15 Tokay .27 00 Norwalk . Tipton 26 85 Anaheim Pixley . . 26 65 Orange Alila 26 50 Santa Ana Delano . . . . 26 25 Los Angeles Sunnier . 25 25 Shorb Pampa .24 65 Alhambra . Caliente . . 24 35 San Gabriel Keene . . . . .23 80 Savanna Girard 23 60 jVlonte Tehachapi Cameron 23 35 Puente 23 00 Spadra Mojave . . . Lancaster Alpine . . 22 55 21 55 Pomona . . . . . Ontario . . .21 10 Cucamonga Southside . Lane . 20 55 20 25 Colton Mound City Kent . 20 15 Brookside DILLON & KENEALY, Sole Agents for Jas. Mean's $3 Shoes. CAPITOL CIGAR STORE. T. H. SEELIG, DEALER IN FINE IMPORTED & DOMESTIC CIGARS SMOKERS' ARTICLES, CUTLERY, ETC, RAILROAD TICKET BROKER. Railroad Tickets Bought, Sold and Exchanged, Every Ticket Sold by me is Guaranteed or the money returned. GOOT>RICH BLOCK, PHCENIX, A. T. FOWLER BROS. l Estate, FINE FRUIT LAPS A SPECIALTY. We can furnish Alfalfa Lands and Pasturage for Cattle. Correspondence with Stock Men Solicited. PROPRIETORS OF WEST FIELD FRUIT FARM. Office, next door to Hartford Bank, Plio?nix, Arizona. 32 PHOENIX BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Stations. Unlimited 1st Class. 2d Class. ElCasco 16 65 San Gorgonio 16 40 Banning 16 20 Indio 14 05 Yuma 8 10 Gila City 7 40 Adonde ". 6 60 Tacna 6 10 Mohawk Summit ... 5 30 Texas Hill 4 95 Aztec 4 30 Stanwix 3 85 Sentinel 3 60 Painted Rock 2 90 Gila Bend 2 15 Bosque 1 65 1 20 75 25 50 05 55 00 70 Estrella Montezuma ....... Heaton .......... Sweet Water ...... Casa Grande ____ 1. 1 Toltec ............ 1 Picacho .......... 2 Red Rock ........ 2 Sandair .......... 3 20 Rillito ........... 3 50 Jaynes ........... 4 00 Tucson ........... 4 35 Wilmot .......... 4 65 Papago ........... 5 05 Pantano . . ........ 5 75 Mescal ........... 6 20 Benson ........... 6 65 Ochoa ........... 7 Dragoon Summit. . . 7 Cachise .......... 8 10 60 10 Willcox .......... 8 65 Bowie ............ 9 80 San Simon ........ 10 60 Steins Pass ........ 11 35 Lordsburg ........ 12 30 Lisbon ........... 12 85 Separ ............ 13 30 Deming .......... 15 30 El Paso.. ,.19 65 Stations. Unlimited 1st Class. San Francisco 33 85 Oakland, Market St . 33 85 East Oakland 33 85 Fruit Vale 33 85 Melrose 33 85 San Leandro 33 85 Lorenzo 33 85 Haywards 33 85 Decoto 33 75 Niles 33 65 Irvington 33 75 Warm Springs .... 33 85 Milpitas 33 85 San Jose 33 85 Niles 33 65 Sunol '. 33 45 Pleasanton 33 30 Livermore 33 10 Altamont 32 80 Midway 32 55 Tracy 32 25 Lathrop 31 85 Stockton 32 20 Charleston . . . 32 Milton 45 33 40 80 Peters ............ 32 Farmington ....... 33 00 Oakdale .......... 33 55 Stockton .......... 32 20 Lodi ............. 32 65 Gait ............. 32 90 Carbondale ....... 33 75 lone ............. 34 00 Gait ............. 32 90 Elk Grove ........ 33 30 Florin ........... 33 55 Brighton ......... 33 65 Sacramento ....... 33 85 Antelope ......... 34 30 Junction ......... 34 40 Lincoln .......... 34 75 Sheridan ......... 34 95 Wheatland ....... 35 05 Yuba ............ 35 40 Marysville ........ 35 45 Gridley ....... ..35 95 Biggs ............ 36 05 2d Class. 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 2500 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 25 26 20 25 60 25 80 26 35 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 85 26 10 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 45 25 55 25 90 26 10 26 20 26 55 26 60 27 10 27 20 DILLON & KENEALY, Emporium of FINE SHOES. H. W. ETDER, PHCENIX AND TEMPE, DEALER IN -AND- BUILDING MATERIAL, Mouldings, Pickets, Posts, Shingles, Shakes, Lath, Doors, Sash, Blinds, Lime, Hair, Plaster, Cement. 9 AND Builders' Hardware of every Description. ALSO TERKA COTTA CHIMNEY PIPE. HAY AND BARLEY. Am always pleased to show people my stock, even if they do not buy. Give us a call. South Side of Plaza, opp. City Hall, j BRANCH YARD, JEFFERSON STREET, ^ *' PHCENIX, - - ARIZONA. TEMPE, - ARIZONA. 3 34 PHCENIX BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Stations. Unlimited 1st Class. Nelson 36 35 Durham 36 55 Chico 36 75 Nord 36 95 Vina 37 00 Tekama 37 00 Red Bluff . ; . 37 35 Cotton wood *. 37 85 Anderson 38 05 Redding ' 38 40 Middle Creek 38 55 Kennet 39 10 Elraore 39 45 Smithson 39 75 Delta 39 95 Gibson 40 25 Castle Creek 40 70 Lower Soda Springs . 40 80 Dunsmuir 41 00 Upper Soda Springs . 41 00 McCloud 41 45 Sisson. . . . 41 55 Edgewood 42 25 Montague 43 10 Snowdon . .43 35 Hornbrook 43 80 Coles 44 15 Junction 34 40 Rocklin . .. , . .34 55 Peuryn ...... ....34 70 Newcastle 34 80 Auburn 34 95 Clipper Gap ...... 35 30 Lander 35 75 Colfax 35 90 Cape Horn Mills. ..36 10 Gold Run 36 40 Dutch Flat 36 50 Shady Run 36 85 Blue Canon 37 10 Emigrant Gap ..... 37 35 Cisco 37 75 Tamarack . . . 37 Cascade . 95 .38 15 Summit 38 45 Truckee 39 15 Boca . . . 39 55 2d Class. 27 50 27 70 27 90 ] 28 10 28 35 28 35 I 28 70 ! 29 20 29 40 I 29 75 29 90 30 45 30 80 31 10 31 30 31 60 32 05 32 15 32 35 32 35 32 80 32 90 33 60 34 45 34 70 35 15 35 50 25 55 25 70 25 85 25 95 26 10 26 45 26 90 27 05 27 25 27 55 27 65 28 00 28 25 28 50 28 90 29 10 29 30 29 60 30 30 30 70 Stations. Unlimited 1st Class. 2d Class. Reno . .. 40 90 32 05 Wadsworth . 42 60 33 75 Oreana 46 30 37 45 Humboldt 47 40 38 55 Winnemucca 49 40 40 55 Golconda 50 20 41 35 Battle Mountain ... 52 40 43 55 Beowawe 54 05 45 20 Palisade 54 95 46 10 Carlin 55 40 46 55 Moleen ..56 00 47 10 Elko 56 55 47 10 Halleck 57 75 47 10 Wells 59 40 47- 10 Independence .... .60 15 47 10 Toano . , 61 20 47 10 Montello .62 00 47 10 Tecoma 62 50 47 10 Terrace 64 15 47 10 Kelton 65 75 47 10 Promontory 66 85 47 10 Corinue 66 85 47 1 Brigham 66 85 47 10 Bormeville 66 85 47 10 Ogden .66 85 47 10 South Vallejo 34 00 25 15 Napa Junction 34 25 25 40 Cordelia 34 45 25 60 Napa Junction 34 25 25 40 Napa 34 50 25 65 Yountville 34 75 25 90 Oakville 34 85 26 00 Rutherford ....... 34 90 26 05 St. Helena 35 05 26 20 Calistoga 35 30 26 45 Port Costa 33 85 25 00 Btnicia . ..33 95 25 10 DILLON & KENEALY, Ladies' Fine French Shoes at $3.50. BLACK CANON ROAD, ONE-HALF MILE NORTH OF PHCENIX. ~ Orange, Fig, Olive, Peach, Apricot, }4sh, Umbrella, Pepper and Catalpa Trees. FAN PALMS. Water Shares in Grand Canal for Rent. Address, F. B. DEVEREUX, Phoenix, Arizona, F. Balsz & Co. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BUTCHERS, Montezuma Street, west of Plaza, PHCENIX, ARIZONA. Buy the Choicest Reef, Mutton, Pork, Veal, Sausage, etc. Everything in the line is First-class and Fresh. ARCSDG AND N. E. COR. WASHINGTON AND MARICOPA STS. PHCENIX, ARIZONA. SIRED BY THE GREAT ALMONT, Will Make the Season at $3O. Two or more Mares owned by one person $25 each. Jan'ry 1st to August 1st. mil Pedigree Kurnished on application. J. T. SIMMS, PHCENIX, ARIZONA. PHCENIX BUSINESS DIRECTORY. SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY, THROUGH RATES OF FARE. (SUBJECT TO CHANGE.) To obtain rates from Phoenix, add $3.00 to rates from Maricopa. _., , f . Unlimited. Limited. From Maricopa. lgt c , ass 2d Clags 45 $59 00 90 60 00 20 46 70 63 50 56 95 Baltimore, Md $81 Binghampton, N. Y . 79 Birmingham, Ala. . . 63 Boston, Mass 85 85 Buffalo, N. Y 75 20 Burlington, la 61 85 Cairo, 111 57 20 Chattanooga, Tenn..64 30 Chicago, 111 66 05 Cincinnati, Ohio. . ..69 80 Cleveland, Ohio.... 72 30 Columbus, Ohio 71 30 Council Bluffs, la... 59 65 Dayton, Ohio 70 30 Denver, Col 45 65 Detroit, Mich 73 80 Erie, Pa 73 50 Evansville, Ind....64 80 Fitchburg, Mass 89 60 Fort Wayne, Ind . . . 69 50 Fort Worth, Tex ... 38 10 Galveston, Tex 46 00 Harrisburg, Pa.... 82 20 Houston, Tex 45 15 Indianapolis, Ind ... 65 15 Kansas City, Mo... 54 90 London, Can 72 60 Louisville, Ky 66 00 Memphis, Tenn 54 75 42 50 49 00 50 50 54 45 52 65 39 75 50 50 30 00 53 35 55 85 46 70 63 75 50 50 35 00 35 90 59 00 35 00 35 00 56 75 49 25 42 50 From Maricopa. Unlimited. Limited. 1st Class. 2d Class. Milwaukee, Wis. . .$65 00 $48 50 Montreal, Can 84 35 62 50 Nashville, Tenn.... 61 75 46 70 New Orleans, La. . .57 10 42 50 New York, N. Y ... 84 45 61 50 Omaha, Neb 59 70 39 75 Pacific Junction, la. 59 70 39 75 Philadelphia, Pa. ..84 15 60 00 Pittsburg, Pa 74 75 55 50 Portland, Me 89 35 66 50 Quebec, Can 86 20 63 85 Quincy, 111 59 70 Richmond, Va 86 50 61 60 Rochester, N. Y .... 76 60 58 30 Rock Island, 111.... 62 95 Salamanca, N. Y. . .76 15 56 90 Sandusky, Ohio. . . .73 30 53 00 Springfield, 111 61 45 46 95 Springfield, Mass... 84 15 62 50 Springfield, Ohio. . .71 30 51 20 St. Louis, Mo 59 45 St. Joseph, Mo 55 75 37 05 St. Paul, Minn 69 95 45 00 Syracuse, N. Y 78 20 59 90 Toledo, Ohio 71 30 52 20 Washington, D. C. .81 45 59 00 Wheeling, W. Va..73 00 55 75 Youngstown, Ohio.. 75 20 56 25 Zanesville, Ohio. . . .71 85 53 40 Above rates apply via direct routes only. Ask agents for rates to other and intermediate destinations. Children under twelve (12) years of age, half fare. Children under five (5) years of age, free. 150 Ibs. free baggage will be allowed per each whole ticket. DILLON & KENEALY, Leaders in CLOTHING. TRASK & KAYS, Make a Specialty of First-class Family I I LAMPS AND GLASSWARE. Highest market price paid for Country Produce of all kinds. One Door above the Post-office, Phcenix. Also Breeders and Dealers in GALLOWAY CATTLE. Ranch, four miles Northwest of Phoenix. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. PHCEfflX NEWS DEPOT, W. T. WOODS, Jr., - PROPRIETOR, (Successor to E. G. Wheeler & Co.) DEALER IN 'ftlanlr VnnlrQ , iJldili DUUJLo, , Magazines, Notions, Picture Frames, ARTISTS' MATERIALS, TOBACCO, CIGARS, CIGARETTES, ETC. Receives Subscriptions for all Eastern and Western Papers. Also receives orders for ROTHROCK'S VIEWS OF ARIZONA. 38 PHCENIX BUSINESS DIRECTORY. WELLS, FARGO & CO TS A NKTNfl. Capital, $6,250,000. JNO. J. VALENTINE , General Manager, San Francisco E. M. COOPER .... General Sup't, Western Department, San Francisco L. F. ROWELL ... Sup't, Southwestern Division, San Francisco A. LEONARD MEYER, Agent, Phmox, Arizona. (Over 1,900 Agencies throughout the United States and Mexico.) The business of Wells, Fargo & Co's Express, is to forward, by rapid conveyance, Merchandise, Packages, Parcels, Jev^elry, Gold, Silver, Bank: Notes, Bonds, Valuable Papers, Etc., and to deliver the same promptly ; to make collections, with or without goods ; to fill orders, attend to commissions and to carry and deliver letters. The Company's lines extend throughout the Western States, from the ^ACIFIC ^CEAN TO ;pHICAQO, >T. |>OUI AND J^EW K^LE^N^, where connections are made with responsible Express Companies for other points in the United States and Canada, throughout the Republic of Mexico, to Asiatic ports and to nearly all the principal Cities of Europe. WHO IS H. SHUMAKER ? Replying to the Question you just asked, we will quote from a local Newspaper. "He has without doubt the neatest Barber Shop in this country; it is supplied with sixMonaicu Chairs, made by E. Berminghaus, Cincinnati, Ohio. For beauty and comfort these chairs stand without an equal. Grand in construction, stately in appearance, ornamental in design, fine in finish, the leading chair of the nineteenth century. The mirror case standing in front of these chairs is thirty feet long; all the woodwork is black walnut, carved, veneered and engraved. The shelf is of pure Italian marble. The whole is fitted with French plate mirrors, 50 by 60 inches. A large plate glass mirror is placed over the wash stand and a magnificent dressing case ornaments one side of the room. " The wash stand and bathrooms are supplied with hot and cold clear water. The barber shop and bathrooms are illuminated by gas, giving the whole place a brilliant appearance, and, as we said before, making without exception, the finest and most complete barber shop and bathrooms in this country. Six men who thoroughly understand their business are continually employed to attend to the wants of patrons. Mr. Shumaker is too well known among our people to need any further mention; he is an old-time barber and an old Arizonian. Phoenix ought to be proud that she possesses a man of his stability and enterprise." ISAAC OROZCO. ADOLFO VASQUEZ. Wagon-making and Repairing a Specialty. All Kinds of Wagon and Iron Work Skillfully Executed. OROZCO & VASQUEZ, Cor. Cortez & Madison Sts., - PHCEKIX, ARIZONA. 40 PHCENIX BUSINESS DIRECTORY. IELLS, FARGO & MONEY ORDERS ARE THE Cheapest, Safest and Most Convenient Method -OF- TRANSMITTING MONEY, ABSOLUTE SAFETY FROM THEFT OR Loss is secured by this system, and the orders are safer for travelers and more convenient than money. No written application is required when purchasing these Orders, A RECKIRT IS GIVKN to the purchaser of these Money Orders. If an order should be lost, the money will be refunded without unnecessary delay. MERCHANTS, BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATIONS, INSURANCE COMPANIES, PUBLISHERS, and all to whom money is remitted, will find the system greatly to their convenience, if they will in their advertisements and otherwise, request that funds be sent by Express Money Orders. For $ 5 and under .... 5 Cents. Over 5 to 10 8 " 10 to 20. . ..10 Over $20 to $30 12 Cents. " 30 to 40 15 " 40 to 50. ..20 " Larger sums in proportion. LEMON HOTEL LIVERY. FEED IJI SjiLE STHBLES, J. L. CANT, Proprietor, Jefferson Street, - - Back of Lemon Hotel, PHCEIVIX, Teams sent to any part of the Territory with or without drivers. No extra charge for delivering rigs in town. DRUMMERS' PATRONAGE SOLICITED. jncDoweii STAGE LINE POMEROY BROS., - - Proprietors. Stages of the TEMPE & McDOWELL Stage Line leave TEMPE daily, Sundays excepted, on arrival of train from MARICOPA, for MESA CITY, JONESYILLE f Fort McDOWELL and Extras from MESA CITY to FLORENCE, FINAL and SILVER KING, when called for. LOW RA.TES and QUTOK TIME Guaranteed. R. A. DAVIS, Agent at Tempe. R T. OSBORNE, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, DISEASKS of the MIND and NECRVOUS SYSTEIS^I a Specialty. DE FOREST PORTER. FRANK BAXTER, Notary Public. PORTER & BAXTER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, WASHINGTON STREET, - - - PHCENIX, MARICOPA COUNTY, ARIZONA. Land, and Mining Laws a Specialty. 42 PHCENIX BUSINESS DIRECTORY. PURCHASING -AN] COMMISSION DEPARTMENT. TRADING, ETC,, BY EXPRESS, The object of this Department is to give the public the use of the vast facilities controlled by and within the reach of Wells, Fargo & Co's Express, for satisfying their most peculiar wants in the well-furnished markets of cities and towns. A Trial will convince any Person of its Great Advantages over the old-fashioned and inconsiderate practice of imposing upon friends and acquaintances, when traveling, all sorts of troublesome and unprofitable com- missions, or intrusting them to unknown and irresponsible parties. o Invasion of Local Mercantile Interests is made or contemplated by it; for it is more particularly designed to meet those cases of frequent occurrence when a particular article is wanted something that cannot possibly be had in the home market. The truth of this assertion will not be disputed if the expense of service and express charges, added to cost of purchase, are taken into account. In its legitimate province, the PURCHASING AND COMMISSION DEPARTMENT of this Company is not hurtful to any business interest, and those who have tried it business firms and private families understand well that it is A GREAT PUBLIC CONVENIENCE, and find many occasions to resort to it. Through their agents in every city, village or railway station of any importance, and the thousands of employees, scattered up and down the country within their own jurisdiction, and their correspondents and Business Connections in Large Cities, at Home and Abroad, and with other Express Companies, they certainly have the appliances at command for operating this peculiar branch of business in the most thorough and satisfactory manner. VARIETY STOCK FARM, 6 Miles West of Phoenix, on the Yuma Road. Register, No. 1934. Forrest Clay, the celebrated Ken- tucky trotting horse, the only standard bred Stallion in the Ter- ritory, will make the season, begin- ning MARCH ist and ending JUNE ist, 1888, in PHCENIX the first four days of each week, and at VARIETY STOCK FARM the last three days of each week . TERMS $50.00 to insure. Se- cured note taken, payable at end of the season. A few standard bred stallion colts, from Forrest Clay, out of imported mares from Gen. W. T. Withers' Fairlawn Stock Farm, Lexington, Ky., for sale. All mares b6ingbred to Forrest Clay will be given pasture free during season. No. 65,285. The thoroughbred Durham Bull, from the Abe Reuick's Rose of Sharon tribe, is at the Variety Stock Farm. Service $10.00 per cow, a calf guaran- teed. Thoroughbred and graded bull calves for sale from this noted bull, which was purchased from W. W. Hamilton, of Lexington, Ky., and imported by Geo. T. Beckers. THOROUGHBRED Registered Berkshire and Poland Having purchased the entire band of thoroughbred Berkshire and Poland China Hogs, imported by G. W. F. Johnson, for the Calistoga Stock Farm, I will sell pigs in lots of three (one boar and two sows) for $25.00. The pedigree of all thoroughbred stock guaranteed. For further particulars inquire of or address, GEO. T. BJECKEHS, Phcenix, A. T. 44 PHCENIX BUSINESS DIRECTORY. PlIRCHASING^COMMISSION DEPARTMENT. TELEGRAPHIC ORDERS. Special telegraphic orders through the Company's agents will always receive prompt attention, the cost of telegram being prepaid by the party for whom it is sent. BAGGAGE CHECKS May be sent to this Department. Care should be taken to keep a memoran- dum of the numbers. They should be regularly way-billed, with charges prepaid. PAWNBROKERS' TICKETS Sent to redeem property, must be accompanied by the full amount due. Pawn- brokers as a rule, will not forward pledges C. O. D. SPECIAL COMMISSIONS. In connection with the Purchasing and Commission Department, proper attention will be given to the Recording of Deeds, and the Service of Legal Papers in any county where the Company have an agency, and to business con- nected with the various Departments at State and Territorial Capitals. The public should bear this fact in mind. The Funking and Commission Department is under the supervision of Mr. Aaron Stein, an experienced and conscientious gentleman, well and favorably known to the business community of San Francisco, and to the Express fraternity throughout the entire country, who will spare no pains to give prompt and entire satisfaction. All orders will be filled and returned as soon as possible. i ELLIS & BROWN, (Successors to GUSS ELLIS A CO.) Corner Washington and /(/fontezuma jStreets, riX, A. T. Leaders in Elegant! Stylish Goods. DIRECT IMPORTERS IN THE LATEST LIHE OF CLOTHING From the BEST Manufacturers in the UNITED STATES. ladies' and lents' furnishing loods, Ladies' WRAPS and GARMENTS of all kinds. The Mammoth Boot & Site Buns, And every article appertaining to a first-class store. GOODS DELIVERED in any part of the City FREE of CHARGE, Orders from the Country solicited and satisfaction guaranteed GOODS SOLD AT THE LOWEST PRICES. 46 PHCENIX BUSINESS DIRECTORY. ; Express rates, per 100 lbs.,from to ALL offices in ARIZONA. Ash Fork Phcenix $11 2 11 50 4 25 5 50 5 25 12 25 1 75 8 75 4 75 5 00 4 50 . 7 75 4 75 11 75 5 25 2 25 12 75 10 75 12 25 4 75 10 '50 1 00 12 25 5 25 3 75 10 75 8 50 17 75 11 25 6 00 3 00 50 3 50 6 25 3 25 5 00 11 50 12 25 10 25 4 75 Phcenix $8 00 8 00 21 00 8 00 Alviso $ 8 00 Amador 10 50 Anaheim. . . . 7 50 Antioch 7 50 Arcata 10 25 Bellemont Arroyo Grande 13 25 Benson Auburn ... 8 50 Bowie Bakersfield 7 50 Calabasas Banning 7 00 Cafion Diablo Casa Grande Barstow 8 50 Benicia 8 10 Clifton Berenda 7 50 Berkeley 7 50 Crittenden Bishop Creek 15 00 Dragoon Bloomfield . . . . 9 00 Duncan . Blue Cafion ... 9 50 Fairbank Bodega 9 10 Flagstaff . . Bodie . . 17 00 Florence Borden 7 50 Gila Bend.. Butte City 10 25 ;dv ^ ^ Globe Caliente 7 50 Hackberry Calistoga . ... 8 50 14 75 Holbrook . Cambria .... Huachuca Camp Taylor . . . . 8 25 Kingman Castroville 8 26 IVtaricopa Carlsbad 8 25 Navaio Springs Cloverdale 8 50 Nogales . Colfax .... .... 9 00 Pantano ... .....,: Colton 7 00 Peach Springs Colusa 9 10 Final , Concord . ... 8 50 Prescott Copperopolis 9 75 Prescott Junction Cordelia . . ... 8 25 San Simon Crescent City 10 50 Sentinel Cucamonga . 7 00 Tempe Daggett . 8 50 Texas Hill Davis\ r ille 8 10 Tombstone Delano 7 50 Tucson ... . . -. Delta 10 00 Willcox Diamond Springs . . . . 9 50 AVilliams Dixon 8 25 \Vinslow Downey . . . . 7 50 Yucca Downieville 15 50 Yuma Duncan Mills 8 90 Express rates, per 100 lbs.,from to following offices in CALIFORNIA. Alameda Dutch Flat 9 25 East Oakland 7 50 Elmira 8 25 Elsinore 8 00 Emigrant Gap 9 50 8 25 Alma Eureka , . . 9 75 Alturas Farmington . . . . 8 00 Alvarado . . . Felton 8 50 DILLON & KENEALY, Leaders in Hats. Phoenix Daily Herald PHOENIX, AKIZONA. THE OLDEST, THE LARGEST, THE BEST, THE ONLY Paper in Central Arizona that Takes the Associated Press Dispatches. Larger Circulation than any other Paper in Arizona. It is read by more people than any other publication distributed in Arizona, and is therefore the BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM. Weekly, - $3. GO per year. \ Daily, $1O.OO per year. Inquire for Advertising Rates to N. A. MORFORD, Editor and Proprietor. ESTABLISHED IN 1880. DAILY AND WEEKLY. PHCENIX, ARIZONA. THE OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE CITY. Arizona Gazette Co,, Publishers, I C, W, Johnstone, Manager, Phoenix, being situated in one of the finest agricultural and grazing valleys in the Territory, is the only distributing point for supplies of all the mining country in Central and Northern Arizona; and as THE GAZETTE is taken in almost every family, mining camp and hamlet in this region, makes it one of the best advertising mediums in the Territory. Daily, One Year, $10,00, Weekly, One Year, $2,50, Advertising Rates given on Application, 48 PHCENIX BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Ferndale $11 75 Firebaughs 11 00 Folsom 8 00 Fort Jones 14 00 Fowler 7 50 Freestone 8 75 French Gulch 11 50 Fresno 7 50 Fulton 8 25 Gait 7 50 Gilroy 8 00 Glen Ellen 8 40 Glenwood 8 25 Gold Run 9 25 Goshen 7 50 Grass Valley 9 50 Grayson 9 25 Gridley 8 50 Gualala 12 50 Guerneville 8 50 Hanford 7 50 Haywards 7 50 Healdsburg 8 50 Highland Springs 10 90 Hildreth 9 75 Hill's Ferry 9 25 Hollister 8 25 Howards 8 90 Hueneme 10 00 Huron 7 50 Independence 16 00 lone 8 00 Iowa Hill 10 75 Irvington 7 50 Jackson 10 50 Jamestown 12 25 Keeler 16 00 Kelseyville 11 25 Kernville 12 50 Kingsburg 7 50 Knight's Landing 8 40 Knoxville 11 50 Lakeport 11 25 Lamanda 7 50 Lancaster 7 50 La Porte 14 50 Lathrop 7 50 Lemoore 7 50 Lincoln 8 25 Livermore 7 50 Lodi 7 50 Lompoc 15 75 Lone Pine. . . 16 00 Los Alamos $13 75 Los Angeles 7 00 Los Banos 12 25 Los Gatos 8 00 Lower Lake 12 00 Madera 7 50 Madison 8 75 Mariposa 12 50 Martinez 7 50 Marysville 8 25 Mayfield 8 00 Mendocino 15 00 Menlo Park 8 00 Merced 7 50 Michigan Bar 9 50 Millbrae 8 00 Millville 11 00 Milpitas 7 50 Milton 8 00 Modesto 7 50 Mojave 7 50 Monterey 8 50 Mountain View 8 00 Napa 8 10 National City 8 25 Needles 9 75 Nevada 9 50 Newark 8 00 Newcastle 8 50 Newhall 7 50 Niles 7 50 Nord 9 00 Norwalk 7 50 Oakdale 8 00 Oakland 7 50 Oceanside 8 25 Olema 8 50 Ontario 7 00 Orange 7 50 Oroville 8 75 Pasadena 7 50 Paso Robles 9 25 Pescadero 11 25 Petaluma 8 00 Placerville 9 50 Pleasanton 7 50 Plymouth 10 50 Point Arenas 13 50 Pomona 7 00 Port Costa 7 50 Portersville 9 50 Quincy 14 75 Raymond 8 00 DILLON & KENEALY, Leaders in DRY GOODS. A. BAEEY, City Engineer and County Surveyor, H. N. ALEXANDER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Irvine Building, Washington Street, - - PHCENIX, ARIZONA. Collins' Addition TO THE OF One-half mile east of Depot, with street railway in operation through Wash- ington Street. Rapidly improving and advancing in value. A splendid chance for investments. j w EVdAhHr8f Agent. C. J~. MAPS Phoenix Weekly Advance. ISAAC R. BIRT, Editor and Proprietor. OFFICIAL PAPER OF MARICOPA COUNTY. The Biggest Little Paper on the PACIFIC COAST. THRIVES : - - $3.OO 4 50 PHCENIX BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Red Bluff $9 40 Bedding 9 50 Redwood City 8 00 Rio Vista 8 25 Riverside 725 Rocklin 8 25 Rohnerville 11 75 Sacramento 7 50 St. Helena 8 50 Salinas 8 50 San Andreas 10 00 San Anselmo 8 10 San Ardo 9 00 San Bernardino 7 25 San Buenaventura 9 00 San Diego 8 25 San Fernando 7 50 San Francisco 7 50 San Gabriel 7 00 San Gorgoni . . . . 11 00 San Jose 7 50 San Juan 9 25 San Leandro 7 50 San Luis Obispo 12 75 San Mateo 8 00 San Miguel 9 00 San Pablo 7 50 San Pedro 7 50 San Quentin 8 00 San Rafael 8 00 Santa Ana 7 50 Santa Barbara 9 50 Santa Clara 8 00 Santa Cruz 8 25 Santa Maria 13 50 Santa Monica 7 50 Santa Paula 8 50 Santa Rosa 8 25 Saucelito / 8 00 Selma 7 50 Shasta 10 25 Sierra City 17 00 Smartsville 10 00 Soledad 8 75 Sonoma 8 25 Sonora 12 25 Soquel 8 25 Spadia 7 00 Spanishtown 10 00 Stockton 7 50 Strawberry Valley 12 75 Suisun 8 10 Sumner . . 7 50 Susanville $14 Sutter Creek 10 Sweetland 11 Tahoe.. 11 Tehachapi . Tehama . . . Teinecula . Templeton Tipton Tomales . . Yolo 50 50 50 50 50 25 75 25 50 8 50 Tres Pinos 8 50 Truckee ................... 10 Tulare .................... 7 25 50 Ukiah ..................... 12 00 Upper Lake ................ 11 75 Vacaville .................. 8 75 Vallejo ..................... 8 00 Vina ...................... 910 Visalia .................... 8 00 Watsonville ................ 8 25 Weaverville ................ 13 50 West Berkeley .............. 7 50 West Oakland .............. 7 50 Westport ................... 16 50 Wheatland ............ ____ 8 25 Williams ................... 8 75 Willows ......... .......... 8 75 Wilmington ................. 7 50 Windsor ................... 825 Winters .................... 8 75 Woodland .................. 8 25 8 50 00 Yosemite .................. 16 Yountville ................. 8 25 Yreka .................... 12 50 Express rates, per 100 Ibs., from Phoenix to following offices in COLORADO. Denver .................... $13 50 Fort Morgan ............... 14 80 Las Animas ................ 13 00 La Junta .................. 13 00 Longmont ................. 14 25 Pueblo ....... ............. 12 50 Trinidad ................... 12 50 Express rates, per 100 Ibs. , from Phoenix to following offices in DAKOTA. Bismarck .................. $23 50 Colfax.. . 19 90 DILLON & KENEALY, Leaders in Boots and Shoes. I HOTEL, HERRICK & LUHRS, Proprietors. Leading Business and Family Hotel ITV Containing 100 Rooms. Business Center of City. Cor. Jefferson a Phoenix, = = < - - Arizona 52 PHCENIX BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Deadwood $24 00 Elk Point 16 30 Fargo 19 65 Jamestown 23 50 Montpelier 23 50 Northwood 20 50 Ordway 18 40 Kapfd Gity 20 50 Salein ... 1 20 65 Sterling 23 50 Vermillion 16 40 Watertown 18 40 Yankton 16 50 Express rates, per 100 lbs.,from PJicenix to following offices in IDAHO. Albion $17 25 Bellevue 17 25 Blackfoot 15 50 Boise City 18 25 Caldwell 16 75 Challis 23 50 Eagle Rock 15 75 Franklin 14 25 Hailey 17 50 Ketchum 17 75 Lewiston 20 00 Moscow 17 25 Pocatillo 15 25 Soda Springs 15 50 Weiser 16 00 Express rates, per 100 lbs.,from Phoenix to following offices in KANSAS. Arkansas City $13 50 Atchison ". 13 50 Burlingame 13 50 Caldwell 13 50 Carbondale 13 50 Chanute 14 50 Cherryvale 14 50 Coffeyville 14 75 Concordia 14 75 Dodge City 13 25 El Dorado". 13 50 Emporia 13 50 Eureka 13 50 Fredona 14 75 Garden City 13 25 Great Bend $13 25 Halstead 13 50 Independence 14 50 lola 14 50 Lawrence 13 50 Leavenworth 13 50 Manhattan 1 3 50 McPherson 13 50 Newton 13 50 Olathe 13 50 Osage City 13 50 Ottawa./. 13 90 Princeton 14 25 Richmond 14 25 Sedgwick 13 50 Strong City 13 50 Topeka 13 50 Valley Center 13 50 Waverly 14 25 Wichita 13 50 Winfield 13 50 Wyandotte 13 50 Express rates, per 100 lbs.,from Phoenix to following points in MONTANA. Anaconda $18 50 Billings 20 25 Bozeman 19 75 Butte 18 50 Custer 20 50 Deer Lodge 18 50 Dillon 18 25 Fort Keogh 21 00 Garrison 18 75 Helena 19 75 Jefferson 19 00 Marysville 20 25 Miles City 21 00 Missoula 18 50 Trout Creek , . 17 50 Virginia City 21 00 Express rates, per 100 lbs.,from Phoenix to following offices in NEBRASKA. Ashland $15 00 Auburn 14 50 Beatrice 1475 Bellevue 15 00 Brownville 14 75 DILLON & KENEALY, One Price Square Dealers. THOS. BROWN, Prop'r. Phoenix, - Arizona ELEGANTLY FURNISHED ROOMS, Transient s i 1 1 < i This new house, situated on the corner of JEFFERSON and PIMA STREETS, is within one block of the City Hall and convenient to the Railroad Depot and business portion of the town. The rooms are commodious, light and airy and furnished throughout in an elegant and tasty manner, with all modern conveniences. First- Class Patronage Solicited. JAS. K. BURNETT, ^^fe^ Expressman, WILL DELIVER TRUNKS, VALISES and Other BAGGAGE To all parts of town with care and promptness. Will also call for same to be delivered at all outgoing trains. Passengers Coming into Phoenix would save time by handing their checks to the Baggage Master on the train, with instructions to deliver their baggage to me; or, they will find me in charge of W., F. & Go's wagon at the Depot. Orders left at W., F. & Go's Office, in Phoenix, will receive Prompt Attention. JAS. K. BURNETT. 54 PHCENIX BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Central City $15 25 Columbus. " 15 25 Crete 15 00 Dakota 15 25 David City 16 25 Delvitt..." 14 75 Dorchester 15 00 Dunbar 14 75 Endicott 14 75 Exeter 15 00 Fairmont '. 15 00 Falls City 14 25 Fremont 15 25 Grand Island 15 25 Harvard 15 25 Hastings 15 00 Inland 15 25 Juniata 15 25 Kearney 15 50 Lincoln 14 75 McCook 15 75 Nebraska City 15 00 Norfolk 15 75 Omaha 15 00 Plattsmouth 15 00 Red Cloud 15 25 Republican 15 50 Seward 15 00 South Bend 15 00 Syracuse 15 00 Tecumseh 14 50 Unadilla 15 00 Verdon 14 25 Waverley 15 00 West Point 16 00 York 15 00 Express rates, per 100 lbs.,from Phcenix to following offices in NEW MEXICO. Albuquerque $10 25 Bernalillo 10 25 Coolidge 11 75 Deming 7 50 Engle 8 50 Gallup 11 75 Georgetown 11 00 Lake Valley 8 25 Lamy 10 75 Las Cruces 8 50 Las Vegas 11 50 Lordsburg 675 Los Lunas $9 75 Manuelito 12 00 Nutt 800 Rincon 825 San Antonio 9 25 San Marcial 9 00 San Miguel 11 25 Santa Fe 11 00 Separ 7 00 Silver City 8 50 Socorro 9 25 Stein's Pass 6 25 Wallace.: 10 50 Wingate 11 75 Express rates, per 100 lbs.,from Phcenix to following offices in OREGON. Albany $11 75 Ashland 10 50 Astoria 1175 Baker City 14 75 Canyonville 12 50 Corvallis 11 50 Dallas 12 00 Dalles (The) 12 25 East Portland 11 25 Empire City 9 00 Eugene 12 00 Hillsboro 11 50 Jacksonville 11 75 La Grande 14 50 Marshfield 9 00 Oakland 12 00 Oregon City 11 50 Pendleton ' 13 75 Phoenix 10 75 Portland 11 00 Bosebury 11 75 Salem 11 50 Umatilla 13 25 Union 14 50 Weston 14 25 Yaquina 11 75 Express rates, per 100 Ibs., from Phcenix to following offices in TEXAS. Albany $11 75 Austin 12 00 Brenham.. 12 75 DILLON & KENEALY, Sole. Agents for Jas. Mean's $3 Shoes. Stoves and Ranges TIN, COPPER, AGATE PUMPS, IRON PIPE ' MANTELS, Bath Room Furnishings B%A Utf'jS ELECTRIC M UP Sherwood's Novelty Steel Harness. PHOENIX BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Bryan $13 00 Calvert 12 75 Cisco 10 50 Corsicana 11 75 Dallas 11 25 Denison 11 50 Eagle Pass 10 75 El Paso 7 50 Fort Worth 11 00 Galveston 12 50 Hearne 12 25 Hempstead 13 00 Houston 12 50 Kaufman 11 75 La Grange 12 00 Luling 11 50 Marfa 9 00 Morgan 12 00 Murphysville 9 25 Piano' 12 25 Bichmond 12 50 Eosenberg 12 50 San Antonio 11 25 Sherman 11 50 Spofford Junction 10 50 Victoria 13 00 Waco 11 75 Wacahache 12 50 Ysleta 8 00 Express rates, per 100 Ibs., from Phoenix to following offices in UTAH. Corinne $13 00 Frisco 17 25 Kellton 13 00 Logan 14 00 Milford 17 00 Nephi 15 00 Ogden 13 00 Park City 14 50 Provo 14 00 Salt Lake City 13 75 St. George 27 00 Silver Reef. 27 00 Tintic 15 50 Wahsatch 13 75 Express rates, per 100 Ibs., from Phoenix to following offices in WASHINGTON TERR. Colfax $16 75 Dayton 14 50 Goldendale $15 00 Kalama 11 50 Palouse Junction 15 50 Port Gamble 13 00 Port Ludlow 13 00 Port Townsend 13 00 Seattle 12 50 Spokane Falls 16 50 Tacoma 12 00 Vancouver 11 50 Walla Walla 14 25 Wallula Junction 14 25 Yakima 16 00 Express rates, per 100 Ibs., from Phoenix to following offices in WYOMING. Aspen $14 00 Bryan 14 75 Carbon 16 50 Cheyenne 15 00 Evanston 13 75 Granger 14 50 Green River 15 00 Laramie 15 75 Rawlings 16 25 Rock Creek 16 25 Express rates, per 100 Ibs., from Phoenix to following offices in MEXICO. Aguascalientes $17 50 Celaya 17 50 Chihuahua 11 00 ElSalto 17 50 Ensenada 9 25 Fresnillo 17 25 Guanajuato 17 50 Guaymas 7 00 Guadalajara 27 50 Hermosillo 6 50 Jimenez 12 50 Jimulco 14 75 Lagos 17 50 Lerdo 14 00 Magdalena 5 75 Mapimi 14 00 Matamoras 14 25 Mazatlan , 9 00 Mexico (City of) 17 50 Orizaba.. . 20 75 DILLON & KENEALY, Emporium for FINE SHOES. M. B. COX. BARNEY HARMSEN. COX & HAEMSEN, "^^tt ii-iii ^ "*&r ^S&S^jL^ff ~^ak ifaS-saa^BF '^f ^^ ^Sl *^^r ^'~ tn^SbWii *^TTL. PHCENIX, ARIZONA. Will furnish Estimates for all kinds of Building Work, including Stone, Brick ^ Frame Buildings, Culverts^ Bridge Work, Have Extensive Brick Kilns near Town. Will Plaster, Cement and do any class of work performed by any Building Contractors. DIRECT LINE TO England, Frances Germany. Steamers Leave New York Thursdays and Saturdays. UNSURPASSED ACCOMMODATIONS FOR AX LOW RATES. Prepaid Tickets from European Points to Phoenix, Arizona, for sale at their Agency here. A. LEONARD MEYER, Agent. At Office of Wells, Fargo & Co. 58 PHCENIX BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Paso del Norte $ 8 00 Puebla 19 75 Queretaro 17 50 San Luis Potosi 27 50 San Juan del Rio 17 50 Santa Rosalia 12 00 Silas 17 50 Vera Cruz 22 00 Zacatecas 17 50 Express rates, per 100 lbs.,from Phoenix to the following Cities East of the Missouri Kiver. Baltimore, Md $17 00 Binghampton, N. Y 18 00 Birmingham, Ala 15 00 Boston, Mass. 17 50 Buffalo, N. Y 17 25 Burlington, la 15 00 Cairo, Ills 15 50 Chattanooga, Tenn 17 50 Chicago, Ills 15 50 Cincinnati, Ohio 16 00 Cleveland, Ohio 17 00 Columbus, Ohio 16 50 Council Bluffs, la 14 50 Dayton, Ohio 16 25 Detroit, Mich 16 50 Erie, Pa , 1.7 50 Evansville, Ind 15 75 Fitchburg, Mass 17 50 Fort Wayne, Ind 16 25 Harrisburg, Pa 17 75 Indianapolis, Ind 15 75 Kansas City, Mo 13 00 London, Can 17 25 Louisville, Ky 16 00 Memphis, Tenn 14 75 Milwaukee, Wis 16 00 Montreal, Can 18 50 Nashville, Tenn. 16 50 New Orleans, La 13 00 New York, N. Y 17 50 Philadelphia, Pa 17 25 Pittsburg, Pa 16 75 Portland, Me 17 75 Quebec, Can 19 20 Quincy, 111 14 50 Richmond, Va 18 25 Rochester, N. Y 17 50 Rock Island, 111 15 00 Salamanca, N. Y 17 75 Sandusky, Ohio $17 25 Springfield, 111 15 25 Springfield, Mass 17 50 Springfield, Ohio 16 25 St. Louis, Mo 14 50 St. Joseph, Mo 13 00 St. Paul, Minn 16 50 Syracuse, N. Y 17 50 Toledo, Ohio 16 50 Washington, D. C 17 00 Wheeling, W. Va 16 75 Youngstown, Ohio 17 25 Zanesville, Ohio 16 75 Express rates, per 100 lbs.,from Phoznix to following FOREIGN COUNTRIES. 50 Austria $24 Belgium 26 00 Denmark 26 00 England 24 50 Finland 30 50 France 27 50 Germany 24 50 Holland 26 00 Ireland 24 50 Italy 27 50 Norway 26 00 Poland 30 50 Portugal 27 50' Russia 30 50 Sweden 26 00 Switzerland 26 50 Turkey 29 50 DILLON & KENEALY, Ladies' Fine French Shoes at $3.50 LEMON HOTEL, E. M. MILLS, Proprietor, Leading Hotel of Arizona. CENTRALLY LOCATED, Sunny and well Ventilated, Noted for its Excellent Table, Street Cars pass the House every few minutes, Free ^ Bus from the Depot. The Patronage of Tourists, Business Men and Families Solicited. ARMY HEADQUARTERS. E. M:. MILLS, - - Manager. 60 PHCENIX BUSINESS DIRECTORY. TELEGRAPHIC TARIFFS FROM IXDCA.Iv RATES. 10 Words. Each Additional Word. Tempe Ft. McDowell Whipple Bks. and Verde. .. 15c. and Ic. Maricopa 25 2 Prescott, via Whipple Bks 40 3 Gila Bend, Casa Grande, Sentinel and Texas Hill 50 4 Tucson and Pantano 65 5 STATE RATES. Arizona, New Mexico and Southern California 75 Colorado, Utah, Nevada, West Texas and North Cala. 85 British Columbia, Idaho, Kansas, Montana, Wyo- ming, Nebraska, Oregon, East Texas, Washington Territory 1 00 7 All other points on WESTERN UNION lines 1 25 9 Where the Day rate is 10 Words. 65c 75 85 1 00 1 25 Each Additional Word. and 5c 5 6 7 9 Night is 55 65 75 90 1 25 and 4 5 5 6 9 IT STILL LEADS! A strictly Local Newspaper, devoted to the Interests of Central Arizona. THE LARGEST CIRCULATION, THE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM. RATERS OR SUBSCRIPTION. DAILY Six Months, " One Year, $3 oo 6 oo WEEKLY Six Months, One Year, Jtefe 1 Address, CHAS. L. MORHER, - FHCE1MIX, ARIZONA. 1 50 2 50 Manager, MONEY BROKER. City and Country Property Bought and Sold. Correspondence Solicited. Office, Irvine Block, - Phoenix, Arizona. GHLJIND CANAL GO. This new enterprise, now under construc- tion, will open up to settlement 25 sections, or 16,000 acres, of the finest Fruit, Grape and Alfalfa Land to be found in the Salt River Valley. The soil is similar in character to that around Mesa City, a few miles west, which Hon. J. DeBarth Shorb pronounces "the only natural sherry district on this continent." The Canal now being built will be 22 miles inilength, 16 feet wide, and 2|- feet deep, with a carrying capacity of 6,000 inches of water. JAMES A. BAYARD, . J. F. MEADOR, President. Sec'y and Treasurer. AUSTIN CARRINGTON, Gen' I Manager. KELLY & MARLO W, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BUTCHERS IRVINE BLOCK, WASHINGTON ST, PHCENIX, ARIZONA. 1850. J. E. WHARTON, M. D 1888. THIRTY-EIGHT YEARS' PRACTICE. Thirteen Years at N. E. Corner Maricopa and Adams Streets, P*HCE1VIX, JT. M Office, Porter Block, . Phoenix, Arizona. PHCENIX, ARIZONA. J. W. BLANKENSHIP, state and Seneraf Careful attention given to sales of every description. Oonsttl>le of "Phoenix:. Office, Corner Center and Adams Sts. PHCENIX, ARIZONA. Miss KATIE A. BAGLEY, TEII>E T DEALS ALSO IN CANDIES, NUTS, FRUITS, STATIONERY AND TOBACCO. J. L. \VARD & SON, Proprietors. Special Attention given Fine Stock. Norses Bought and Sold. ELEGANT CARRIAGES AND TEAMS \VITH CAREKUL DRIVERS, FOR LADIES. K$@MiMlTM W. J. CARRIER & CO. Cor, Center and Adams Sts,, - - Phoenix, Arizona, CARRIAGE AND WAGON MAKING Carefully and Promptly attended to by MR. A. MCDONALD. CA.L1L, ^LT OUR, !>LACE OF BTJSI1VESS. i TEMPE, ARIZONA. anil io tie Latest Style. 0000000000000 Rooms Large and Airy. Elegant Dining Room. oooooo ooooooo We Employ only wmte Help. Table Supplied with all the Delicacies of the Season. R. A. DAVIS, Proprietor. G IF Upper Tempe, A. T. HARRY BERNARD, Proprietor. New Store! New Goods! Low Prices! The Cleanest and Freshest Goods to be had in the markets of the United States are daily arriving. Owing to the Kailroad blockade a portion of my Stock was detained Two Months, therefore on account of the lateness of the season I will Sell Every Article BEGARDLESS OF COST. FOR BIG BARGAINS CALL AT TTP3 FT 1 * T7 1 A T Jtrd tj Ji 1 -ZA L HARRY BERNARD, - - - UPPER TEMPE. LON EOKSEE, DEALER IN Staples Fancy Groceries FRUITS AND PROVISIONS. MININO RANCH SUPPLIES A SPECIALTY. ALSO AQENT KOR Wells, Fargo & Cos Express. Cor. MYRTLE and FIFTH STS, ? fPWfl P J LI grill. LU, H. OHNICK, SUP'T. Office, Cor. Washington and Cocopa Sts. - Phmnioc, Arizona. Carrying U. S. Mail f Wells, Fargo & CD'S Express. PHCEISTIX as Follows : For Prescott and Northern Arizona 8.30 A. M. daily, connecting for Tip Top at Hudson's ; for Stoddard's at Big Bug ; for Fort Verde, at Aqua Fria. For Vulture, Wickenburg, Stanton's and Prescott: TUESDAYS, THURS- DAYS AND SATURDAYS, connecting for Walnut Grove at Antelope. For further particulars, apply at General Stage Office, Fry Building, Phoenix, Arizona. J. E. BEGGS, Supt. A. LEONARD MEYER, Agt. JOSSELYN & SMYLY, Proprietors. Manufacturers of all Carbonated Drinks SOLE AGENTS FOR PURE Lake County Champagne, Sweet Cider, Nerve Food and Cream Phosphate. T. DAVIS. H. S. BRIDGE. Merchant I Tailors, 103 MONTGOMERY ST., (Up STAIRS.) SiHJV FRANCISCO. The FINEST LINE of Goods on the Coast. A GOOD FIT GUARANTEED. We have sold more goods in Arizona during the past five years, and given better satisfaction than any othrer house in the trade. Whenever you meet a really well-dressed gentle- man on the streets of Phoenix, or any other town in the territory, you will find that H. S. BRIDGE & CO. ARE HIS TAILORS. Our Mr. Tom Davis, or some competent agent, is con- stantly traveling in Arizona and will at all times be happy to show samples and take your measures. Fine Shirts, to Order, a Specialty. L. W. BLLNN. President. J. C. ABBOT, First Vice-President, E. R. THOM: ideut. E. II. HiLLEi;, Cashier. Incorporated, \nm 10, 1887. PHCENIX, A. T. CORRESPONDENTS: CHEMICAL NATIONAL BANK New York, N. Y. FIRST NATIONAL BANK -. . Chicago, 111. BANK OF BRITISH COLUMBIA San Francisco, Cal. KNAUTH, NACHOD & KUHNB, Foreign Bankers . . . New York, N. Y. INCORF-ORATORS : E. H. HITLER, Investment Securities. PWnix, A. T.: L. W. BLINN, L. W. Blinn Lum!> '. c. ABBO'i -urer of the S IIartlV.nl. Conn.; K. R. THOMPSON, President, Sei-mid National Bank, Norwich, IAWFOKD, Capitalist, Chicago. 111.; CHAS. T. WELLS, Cashier, City Bank, ILi, ranc,'ti,-ut Mutual Life Insurance Co. .liar! \V. (i. ABJ'.OT, Sf-civtarv (.'onix-i-ticut Mutual Life Insurance Co., Hartford, Conn : i LLES, Capitalist, Hartford, Conn.; J. C. STOCKWELL, Mortgage Loans, Hartford, T. L. SCHULTZ. A. M. FRANKLIN. SCHULTZ & FRANKLIN, Real Estate Brokers I Auctioneers BRILL, BAT VIEW, HIGHLAND, NORTH PARK, AND OTHER ADDITION'S. CITY PROPERTY, AND Property in All Parts of MA RICO PA COUNTY. A Specialty made of Large Tracts of Land, with Water, for Colonies. Correspondence Solicited, and Promptly Ans-wered. WASHINGTON STREET, ; 252. iMioenix, Arizona.