A SYMPOSIUM ON SCIENTIFIC MANAGEMENT AND EFFICIENCY IN COLLEGE ADMINISTRATION COMPRISING AMONG OTHERS THE PAPERS PRESENTED AT THE EFFICIENCY SESSION OF THE TWENTIETH ANNUAL CONVENTION OF THE SOCIETY FOR THE PROMOTION OF ENGINEERING EDUCATION, HELD AT BOSTON, MASS., JUNE 26-29, 1912 OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY ITHACA, N. Y. 1913 PRESS of THE NEW ERA PRINTING COMPANY LANCASTER. PA. TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE. INTRODUCTION. T. B. Gilbreth 1 EDUCATIONAL DEMANDS OF MODERN PROGRESS. Harrington Emerson. 4 PRACTICE VERSUS THEORY IN THE SCIENCE OP MANAGEMENT. F. A. Parklmrst 32 EDUCATION AND EFFICIENT LIVING. Meyer Bloomfield 32 THE ENGINEER AS A MANAGER. H. L. Gantt 37 THE MEN WHO SUCCEED IN SCIENTIFIC MANAGEMENT. H. K. Hathaway 46 THE PLACE OF THE COLLEGE IN COLLECTING AND CONSERVING THE DATA OF SCIENTIFIC MANAGEMENT. Wilfred Lewis 55 AN AUXILIARY TO COLLEGES IN THE TRAINING OF SCIENTIFIC MAN- AGERS. E. T. Kent ' . 62 TEACHING SCIENTIFIC MANAGEMENT IN ENGINEERING SCHOOLS. R. B. Wolf 65 THE TEACHING OF SCIENTIFIC MANAGEMENT IN ENGINEERING SCHOOLS. Hollis Godfrey 69 TEACHING THE PRINCIPLES OF SCIENTIFIC MANAGEMENT. Walter Rautenstrauch 82 TEACHING SCIENTIFIC MANAGEMENT IN THE TECHNICAL SCHOOLS. H. F. J. Porter 94 A BROADENED VIEW OF EFFICIENCY IN ENGINEERING INSTRUCTION. L. J. Johnson 108 ABSENCES FROM CLASSES ONE MEASURE OF INEFFICIENCY. F. P. McKibben 112 THE PROBLEM OF EFFICIENCY IN TEACHING. W. A. Hillebrand .... 118 THE ADMINISTRATION OF COLLEGE SHOP LABORATORIES. W. F. M. Goss 129 SETTING TASKS FOR COLLEGE MEN. S. E. Thompson 133 DEPARTMENTAL ORGANIZATION AND EFFICIENCY. Hugo Diemer 139 ACADEMIC EFFICIENCY. William Kent 145 OPERATING ENGINEERING SCHOOLS UNDER SCIENTIFIC MANAGEMENT. H. Wade Hibbard 161 EFFICIENCY IN ENGINEERING EDUCATION. G. H. Shepard 182 THE APPLICATION OF SCIENTIFIC MANAGEMENT TO THE OPERATION OF COLLEGES. S. E. Whitaker 205 SCIENTIFIC MANAGEMENT IN THE COLLEGES. E. F. Palmer 217 iii 267887 INTRODUCTION.* BY FEANK B. GILBRETH, Consulting Engineer, New York, N. Y. The purposes of the papers of this session are to show : 1. What scientific management is. 2. What it can do. 3. Its possible bearing upon, and application to, academic efficiency. Scientific management is measured, functionalized manage- ment, management that has submitted to measurement, and that has, through the results of this measurement, so divided and arranged its work as to demand and utilize individuality in its workers. We may well represent such management by the following functional chart. "X-x" represents the division between the planning and the performing. The five circles above the line "x" represent the superintendent and the four functions of the planning department, the five circles below the line "x," the four functions of the performing department and the individual worker. The lines connecting the various circles represent the lines of authority, if read downward ; the paths from which direction and teaching come, if read upward. This chart not only shows the method of operation of scien- tific management, but also indicates the universality of its field of application. It is this universality that the various speakers and writers at this session will show. They are all men of action, whom I have persuaded to leave their work for today to tell you of their interpretations and applications of the principles of * Introductory remarks by Chairman Gilbreth at the session of the Boston Convention of the S. P. E. E. devoted to scientific management. 1 2 INTEODUCTION. scientific management as laid down by its founder, Dr. Frederick W. Taylor. Men of widely varying training and experience, they are all versed in the practice as well as the theory of scientific management, and all believe that through scientific management alone can the problems of the academic as well as the industrial world be attacked and solved. It is to this belief that they have come here to testify today, and they will bring to you such justification for their belief that we know you too must believe. With measurement has come the day of science. With scientific management, the result of measurement, has come the application of the laws of science to all work, yours and ours. This is the message that we bring to you today, and it is to this message that I know you desire to listen. We all, President Raymond, Dean Anthony, Professor Norris and myself, have cooperated to make it possible that FRANK B. GILBBETH. o this message be brought to you. It has back of it a unity of purpose and will. We ask, now, your cooperation in carrying it to all the great schools and colleges that you represent. Through your cooperation only can it be made possible that scientific management shall come into its own as the great bridge connecting and unifying the academic and the indus- trial worlds. EDUCATIONAL DEMANDS OF MODERN PROGRESS. BY HAEEINGTON EMEESON, President of The Emerson Company, New York City. Erie is a fairly peaceful lake, quite navigable by sailors of ordinary prudence and skill. Ontario, further down stream, is another peaceful lake, also quite navigable by sailors of ordinary prudence and skill. Between the two lakes courses the Niagara River. No amount of skill, no prudential methods insuring success on Lake Erie are of any use in the rapids above and below the falls, especially of no use in the thousand feet of swirl which include the cataract. If the boatman can make the portage from the upper to the lower lake, he may again use his old skill. But Lake Ontario narrows into the St. Lawrence and in time this river broadens out into the Atlantic. Even the skill of the French Canadian pilot through the rapids of the St. Lawrence would not avail, would not fit him to navigate either sailer or steamer across the great oceans. The qualities of courage, resourcefulness, calmness will count, but not previ- ously-acquired specific knowledge of streams and shores. Time is also a river. It also has its lakes, its rapids and its issuance into a limitless ocean. We, voyagers down the river, are now already in the stormy channel between two epochs. As never before in the history of the world has past knowledge, past experience, past skill, counted for so little, and never before in the history of the world have men been so poorly prepared for what was ahead of them. Go back in Europe, one, five, ten, fifteen centuries, and it is routine that counted. The lives of 95 per cent, of men and women were fixed by status. The men died of old age near 4 HAKRINGTON EMERSON. 5 where they were born, working at their fathers' and grand- fathers' trade. As with Chinese women, it was absolutely necessary to begin mental, physical, moral foot-bindery at the earliest possible age. The Arabs are living to-day as they lived in the time of Abraham. Neither their language, nor their customs, nor their clothes, nor their food has changed. Forty years ago in Germany, in Italy, in Greece little girls were taught to knit and spin and were kept at it every possible minute from dawn until dusk, until death came to them as old women. Routine training was all important because routine work constituted nearly all of the world's work. But routine training has not fitted the boatman on the waters of life to cope with the rapids between one epoch and another, has particularly not fitted the boatman who has floated down a narrow river confined by the banks of routine to navigate a limitless ocean. At El Tovar, on the brink of the Grand Canon of the Colorado, is a battered boat. It belonged to two inexperienced men who, in it, came down the full length of the river. Although the Colorado is one of the most difficult and danger- ous rivers in the world, even danger can belong to routine. Each rapid is largely a repetition of the others. These men acted with typical routine inspiration. They floated their boat down stern foremost, rowing against the current, point- ing at what was behind and not at what was ahead. This simile likening time to a river, likening disturbing epochs to cataracts, likening the future to the limitless ocean, may be picturesque, but I shall justify it. , When previous experience of an industrial kind is not avail- able, then we must use contemporary experience of a similar kind. Races of plants, of insects, of animals, have met crises for which previous experience was not available. Those who made the most mistakes perished ; those who made the fewest, survived. The survivors can give us suggestions. The aphides, plant insects, are normally without wings. One generation succeeds another with monotonous regularity. b EDUCATIONAL DEMANDS OF MODERN PEOGEESS. There is nothing to do but stick fast to the particular plant until its leaves have been devoured or are withered. When famine occurs what do the aphides do? The next generation has wings and flies away. Those who fail to grow wings perish. Bees similarly work day after day with all the discipline and habit of routine. It looks as if no change could ever come. Suddenly routine is wholly forgotten. A swarm gathers, abandons the hive, the accumulated stores, the loca- tion, everything that made bee life worth while, and, hanging to some tree, waits while scouts seek some new refuge, the hollow of a tree, a crevice in the rocks. The race of bees is preserved in these crises, not by routine, but by desperate and to man inconceivable initiative. Among the migratory birds we find the same hints. The stork is the emblem of domesticity. On the roof tree it occupies the same nest year after year; it is counted on to bring babies to human homes, but when winter comes it forgets domestic routine and departs. A stork marked in Norway was captured a few weeks later in South Africa. Hatched in the cool waters of a mountain stream, salmon, when partly grown, swim down and out into the salt sea. Where they stay for three years no one knows. They break away from the routine of the river and go out into a new life for which no previous experience has prepared them. At the end of four years, giving up the routine of the sea, they return to ascend rivers, to leap up waterfalls, to lead a life which is wholly and absolutely new. In man, infancy and youth are marked by crises by which a comparatively long period of routine is broken by great and revolutionary initiative. There are sudden and tremendous changes, from ovum to embryo, from foetus to breathing life, from birth to weaning, from childhood to puberty. Whether insects, fish, birds or men, when the crises come, only those who develop intiative, who forget routine, who look ahead and not backwards, survive. We therefore find that initiative alternates with routine as part of the law of progress. HARRINGTON EMERSON. 7 But are we now in a period of transition, a peculiar epoch, an age requiring for survival initiative and not routine? If we are in such an epoch, then it is immensely important to free ourselves from the trammels of routine and to grow the wings of initiative. Those who do not will perish. Let me demonstrate to you by a single example that we are in this epoch of transition. To bring out the difference be- tween the old order and the new, I shall compare the genera- tion of power in China and in America. Make no mistake! The difference is not one of race capacity. The yellow race is as numerous as the white, it has counted among its members great religious teachers, the greatest of conquerors, the greatest of artists, it has evolved a civilization that has en- dured two thousand years. We fear the Chinese as we do not fear negroes, Indians or Mexicans. We fear them on account of their superlative qualities. The difference at the present time between the white and yellow is not one of race capacity but solely of opportunity. In China men are paid $0.01 an hour for climbing tread- mills actuating stern wheels which propel river boats. These coolies convert their stored human muscular energy into mechanical foot-pounds. From experience with treadmills in British prisons we know exactly the mechanical equivalent of hard labor. It is a climb of 8,640 feet each 24 hours. This is the limit of human endurance for a succession of days. To convert this into horse-power we must know the man's weight and the number of hours he works each day. The average weight of man is about 150 pounds. A man of this weight climbing 8,640 feet in 24 hours yields 1,296,000 foot-pounds. A horse-power for 24 hours is 47,520,000 foot-pounds. It would therefore take 36.6 Chinamen to yield a continuous horse-power and the wages of these Chinamen would amount to $3.66 per day, or $1,336 a year. From Niagara you can buy a horse-power year for $20. It costs the paper mills which have their own power about $12 a year for continuous horse-power. Human energy at $0.10 a day costs one hundred and ten times as much as this water- 8 EDUCATIONAL DEMANDS OF MODEKN PKOGKESS. power energy, although the supervising human labor receives an average of $3 a day. The substitution of uncarnate energy for human muscular energy has increased wages thirty-fold and has cheapened power to 1 per cent, of its cheapest muscular price. This is not all. When men are used as power generators the supply is strictly limited and can be easily monopolized. Uncarnate energy is without limit as long as there is coal and oil and gas, as long as the sun shines and makes organic fuels or draws up water from the surface of the ocean. For strictly limited horse-power at $1,336 a year we now have unlimited horse-power at a minimum price of $12. We have brought about this gigantic change in conditions not by adhering to routine but by abandoning it. This example could be paralleled in every direction. The ability to use without limit cheap power has revolu- tionized all conditions. To spade up a section of land would take an active man's energy for 500 years. With oil power tractors and gang plows three men can turn over 640 acres of land in 36 hours. It is good hard work to make a broad jump of 20 feet at a speed of 10 miles an hour, rising 4 feet from the ground, but aeroplanes at the international contest this year will fly 80 miles at a speed which may reach 110 miles an hour, and fly as easily at an altitude of 5,000 feet as at 50. Formerly a man could carry a maximum load of 100 pounds; to-day his trains drag 6,000 tons and his ships carry 30,000 tons. Formerly a man's voice carried 500 feet; now as he sits at his desk he can reach with his voice 20,000,- 000 people, some of them a thousand miles away. I do not consider myself an old man, yet almost nothing of engineering importance to-day was taught when as a youth 1 went to one of the foremost technical schools in the world, and almost nothing that I there specifically learned has any value to-day. I learned from Weisbach's great work how to design Dutch windmills and overhead water wheels, but not a word of dynamos or motors, of telephones, of gas engines or of gas producers, of storage batteries or of aeroplanes. I HARRINGTON EMERSON. 9 was trained looking backwards into the past. I was not trained for what was ahead of me. There was never a period since the world began when man had so rapidly to abandon the practices of the past and to put his trust in what his father and mother knew nothing about. The changes in the last fifty years have therefore scrapped most of the technical experiences of the past and have pro- foundly modified moral obligations. Our parental training, our religious training, our school training and our social training have been governed by the ideals of the routine past. Although progress absolutely de- pended on initiative and to a very small extent on routine, we have not been equipped morally, mentally or physically to do good original work. Much of Socialism, for instance, rests on the assumption that the good things in the universe are strictly limited in quantity and if any man has more than the average he must have robbed somebody else. The same assumption underlies the aspiration for suffrage by women. If anything was ever a routine survival from the foolish past it is the idea that suffrage is a panacea. I would give suffrage to those who want it, as I would give away a worn-out garment. Far more important than suffrage is the realization that the home, the school, the church and the ball-room, where men and women work side by side, are cleaner and more efficient than busi- nesses managed by men alone. The good things in the universe are not limited. The tele- scope shows that there are billions of suns in reserve, most of them larger and finer than our sun. We have reached out with our nerves of sight and rescued these suns from the bottomless void. We may in time harness their heat for our service, even as we now make the oscillations of the ether carry our messages. Grand opera is no longer limited to the rich, nor moving scenes in distant lands to bold travelers. The phonograph, even making alive the voices of the dead, brings into the lone, cold, winter camp in Northern Alaska 10 EDUCATIONAL DEMANDS OF MODEBN PBOGKESS. a wealth of music which twenty years ago no emperor could have commanded. A tramp, for the price of a beer, can sit in comfortable, cool and restful darkness, watching living scenes out of the long ago, scenes that not even the greatest traveler could formerly have witnessed. It is not true that the few are growing richer because they are impoverishing the many. It is true that our greatest men, the men to whom on account of their initiative we owe most, were not trained to use their great gifts. They received a routine education, and as they found it of no use, like children who have found a box of matches, they did not know how to use the blessing of fire. The old rules of the road, the turning to the right, the halt at grade crossings to look and to listen, the speed limit of six to eight miles an hour, cannot be applied to aeroplanes, yet we have tried to keep our Rockefellers, our Carnegies, our Harrimans, our Hills, within routine bounds. We have not even advanced to the state of using modern devices. We are still teaching our children to read fairy tales instead of watch- ing moving pictures ; we teach them to write instead of train- ing them on typewriters ; we painfully drill into them multi- plication tables instead of initiating them into the mysteries of the slide rule; we teach them to add and subtract instead of drilling them on comptometers; we teach them to draw in- stead of carefully training them to use photography ; we have them drum for years on the piano even if they have no musical ability, when they ought to be trained to put a soul into mechanical records. What is the fault of the whole educational system? As is always the case, when routine is placed above initiative, we are relying on methods and devices and systems instead of on principles; we codify our laws and add countless new ones instead of branding every one of us with the fundamentals. So absolutely unprepared are we by past training and teach- ing that we would have great difficulty in agreeing as to what the fundamentals are. The need of the age is clearly HARRINGTON EMERSON. 11 to see and practice, not a Christian era conception, nor a Crusade conception, not a Reformation conception, not an American revolution conception, but a twenty-first century conception of the golden rule, of ethical ideals worthy of the telephone, wireless, gas engines, aeroplanes and radium. The new era must produce a new man. Will he prove a Franken- stein ? I have no right to assume that I can see further into the starry night ahead than any other on the lookout, but it seems to me that what we most need is to come to some under- standing of the relative responsibilities of individual, of corporation and of state. The collective average is always weaker than the best units. The average duration of human life is determined by a means in which the shortest has as much weight as the longest. The average wisdom of government is the mean between the fool and the wise man. The way to better man in the aggregate is not to lessen the responsibility of each unit, but to increase it ; to bring, from within, the poorest units up to the level of the present best and to have the present best establish a higher standard. What is the particular application to engineering schools? Engineers more than any others ought to be able to appre- ciate the value of initiative. The courses in the engineering schools ought to be modified so as to develop initiative. Engi- neering students ought to be taught to distrust all the tradi- tions of the past. The engineering teacher ought to warn away from anything that has already been tried out. The assumption ought always to be that "what is" is probably wrong, and the absurdities of "what is," for instance, a locomotive engineer on the tail end of the engine, ought to be unmercifully pilloried. The student ought to be taught to guide himself, not by landfalls and landmarks, but by the eternal stars. It can be done and it is the duty of teachers of engineering to do it. PRACTICE VERSUS THEORY IN THE SCIENCE OF MANAGEMENT. BY FREDERIC A. PARKHUEST, Organizing Engineer, Detroit, Mich. It is not the author's intention to imply by the title of this article that practice and theory do not each bear a most im- portant part in the science of management. These two words are symbolic of two chief factions, one for and one against our new science of management. To the layman, scientific management is a theory, pure and simple. To the manufac- turer, who has put his plant under this form of management, it stands for prosperity to the firm and all its employees, a new era of industrial peace and contentment, low costs and high wages. It is not at all remarkable that there should be such a wide difference of opinion on this subject. It would indeed be remarkable if it were not so. History repeats itself. "What is now true of scientific management has been in the past true of all great steps or changes, tending to the advancement of the human race. The march of progress in all things would cease were there no obstacles to surmount. Columbus, Watt, Ericson, Morse, Marconi, Langley, Chanute and the Wright Brothers, as well as many others, were each and every one at first considered theorists or cranks. Their dreams of the possibilities of their chosen lines of work at first seemed ridiculous to their contemporaries but the practical applica- tion of their ideas has far outstripped their broadest concep- tion of these subjects. There is no doubt that the new science of management will come into its own through exactly the same process of tran- sition. The few chief exponents of scientific management are in exactly the same position as were the inventors and investi- 12 FREDERIC A. PARKHURST. 13 gators mentioned above. No one can deny that the field of the organizing engineer opens into vast fields of progress. The benefits which will accrue from the universal application of the new science of management will affect in a greater or less degree all of the working class in this country, eventually the world. The author once predicted that the science of management was ''slowly but surely becoming universal in this country. ' ' That was nearly eight years ago, and he now reiterates the same prophecy. In fact, the striving for effi- ciency in life as well as business is becoming universal much faster than any one, except the best informed, realizes. This is primarily due to the fact that in the last year or two, sci- entific management has been prominently brought to the attention of the entire country on several great occasions. Chief of these are : 1. The Interstate Commerce Commission investigation last year into the proposed increase in railroad freight rates. 2. The formation in New York, December, 1911, of the Society to Promote the Science of Management. 3. The conference on scientific management at the Amos Tuck School of Administration and Finance at Dartmouth College, in October, 1911. 4. Formation of the Efficiency Society in New York, in the spring of 1912. 5. Congressional Committee's investigation and report on the Taylor and similar methods of scientific management. In addition to the above mentioned events there has been a general exploitation and discussion of the subject in nearly, if not all, of the trade journals, monthly magazines and society transactions, to say nothing of the newspaper reports, etc. All of this publicity has of course had its effect. Fortunately and justly, the majority of the articles and discussions have been favorable in their attitude. The few which have not been so were obviously written by persons scanning the sub- ject superficially or with distorted vision. I am sure that all the chief supporters and exponents of scientific management will join me in heartily inviting a 2 14 PBACTICE VEKSUS THEOBY. thorough and impartial investigation of its principles and the results which follow a practical application of those principles. Such an investigation is the easiest, most logical and surest way of enlightening oneself on the subject. It is unfortu- nate that a number of would-be critics have apparently not made a thorough and impartial study of this subject "on the ground." They have evidently passed the door and guessed as to what was within. They have a perfect right to guess, form their own opinions, etc., for their own personal satisfac- tion. When they attempt, however, to exploit their sup- posed knowledge of the subject to the detriment, intentionally or otherwise, of those directly to be benefited by the adoption of scientific management, it is time they and their followers become enlightened. There are undoubtedly many "theorists" who believe that scientific management can be studied, rehearsed and memo- rized in the school room or library and ' ' presto ! " an efficiency engineer is born. It must be acknowledged that many effi- ciency engineers have sprung into the field in just this way. They are full of theory but not the theory, and without the practical knowledge of their subject or of men. Many theories may of course be formed by as many differ- ent men. These theories but reflect the scope of each man's imagination or grasp of the fundamentals. There may be many theories as to scientific management, what it is, its scope, value, etc. That these theories vary so widely is but natural. They are due entirely to a lack of understanding, or full com- prehension of the fundamental principles. Mr. Fred W. Taylor defines scientific management as a combination of the following elements : A. "Science, not rule of thumb." B. "Harmony, not discord." C. "Cooperation, not individualism." D. "Maximum output in place of restricted output." E. "Development of each man to his greatest efficiency and prosperity." Many people consider the above combination of elements a FREDERIC A. PARKHURST. 15 theoretical proposition which works out easily on paper but will not resolve itself into a practical solution. Let us analyze Mr. Taylor ? s principles separately : A. "Science, not rule of thumb." There has been much criticism of the word "science" or "scientific" as applied to the problem of management. Many critics claim that there can be nothing scientific in works-management and that the word so used is incorrect. Webster 's definition of science is : "Systematized knowledge of the conditions and relations of mind and matter; accepted facts and principles as demon- strated by induction, observation or experiment. ' ' If systema- tized investigation and compilation of data pertaining to knowledge of the conditions and relations of mind and matter do not represent the most important feature of proper man- agement, then what does? A common-sense method of pro- ceeding with each piece of work is to find (a) What must be done, (ft) What material used. (c) How must it be done. (d) With what tools. (e) How long will it take. (/) When will it be done. (g) What will it cost. To answer these preliminary questions satisfactorily one must have a complete knowledge of the equipment and material involved, of the qualifications of the individual workers and of the various other elements entering into the completion of each piece of work. This comprehensive knowledge comes through specially trained men, detailed to carry on and record all investigations necessary. It is most certainly in line with scientific methods of procedure. B. l i Harmony, not discord. " It is needless to say much in the way of advocating the desirability of harmony over dis- cord. This of course is axiomatic and there can possibly be no sustained criticism of such a feature in any form of man- agement, whether scientific or otherwise. C. "Cooperation, not individualism." Another common- sense element which allows of little controversy. 16 PKACTICE VEKSUS THEORY. D. "Maximum output in place of restricted output. " A concern to be successful, and to run its business profitably, must realize from its equipment and working force a maxi- mum output and each must maintain that condition if it hopes to stay in business in the face of modern competition. The country is suffering to-day from over equipment in the way of plants and accessories. The result shows a great waste both in first investment and indirect charges including depreciation while the plant is running, to say nothing of the great over- head charge and depreciation in slack times when the plant is lying idle. Why deny that maximum production is too often striven for in a most unintelligent way? As far as the personnel is concerned, maximum production can only be obtained by surrounding them with the elements mentioned above science, harmony and cooperation. E. ' ' Development of each man to his greatest efficiency and prosperity. " Here again we have an element which should need but little argument in support of it. In point of fact, however, we often find opinions to be diametrically opposed to what we would naturally expect to find. The trouble, how- ever, is not with the principle involved or with the theory that it is a desirable and necessary thing to strive for this maxi- mum efficiency and prosperity. The cause is often a lack of knowledge of what is involved and a deplorable misunder- standing of the objects and intentions of those striving to bring about maximum efficiency. I have discussed these principles at some length and many may think I am going over ground which has already been covered. My object, however, in doing this is to again bring before those who have not clearly analyzed the principles of scientific management what is involved and just what the ideal is. There has been too much taken for granted on the part of some critics. The result has been a certain factor of opposition, which is wholly uncalled for. May this resume help to clear the subject. One of the common criticisms heard is to the effect that "scientific management may do for some kinds of work, but FKEDEBIC A. PAEKHUKST. 17 it will not do in ours. ' ' The exponent of the science of man- agement must ever bear in mind that he faces an educational proposition continually. It is easy to condemn something which one does not understand. This being an admitted fact and bearing in mind that many of the persons directly affected by the introduction of scientific management are not in a position to understand these things, it behooves every organiz- ing engineer to pay special attention to this one feature namely, education. In considering the educational feature one must not over- look the psychological element involved. To the author's mind this is the most important factor in the successful in- stallation of the science of management, and is the one thing which has made failures from what would otherwise have been successes. That such failures have existed cannot be denied. It is equally true that the trouble has never been with the principles involved but usually with the general unfitness of those attempting to carry out the work. Other failures can be traced to the attempt to copy and install some particular feature of scientific management without the rest of the ele- ments necessary. Men attempting to do this usually have a superficial book-knowledge of the subject and are wholly lack- ing in the true conception of the ideals and principles in- volved. Practical shop experience and the ability to handle men are absolute requisites for the successful introduction of the principles by any engineer. Before taking up in detail some examples to illustrate the difference between the theoretical feature, or the bare outline of principle, and the practical method of installing those prin- ciples, I want to emphasize the fact that it is not so much what you do in the way of radical changes as in how you make them. Again I repeat that the true conception and real- ization of the psychological element and its bearing on every branch of management work must be recognized as the most important of all the elements. To be successful the organiz- ing engineer must master the psychological feature of each and every problem first, last and always. 18 PKACTICE VERSUS THEORY. Now as to the methods used in the practical application of the above mentioned principles, the organizer must thoroughly acquaint his client with what is involved in order to realize from these principles maximum results. Stockholders, direc- tors and officers of the company must be informed as to what may be expected in the way of results. They should thor- oughly study all phases of the problem and try to realize the difficulties likely to be met. Not the least of these will be the idiosyncrasies and biased ideas of some of the personnel. The fact must not be lost sight of that at least some of the older and most valuable employees must be patiently and carefully weaned from some or most of their old traditions and habits. Those of the old school must not be blamed if at first they show ignorance or disapproval of radical changes. Their environment and training is responsible for this frame of mind. These same men will be the most enthusiastic and the strongest supporters of the new regime when they begin to see its advantages. They will be the first to show a new and lasting sense of satisfaction and contentment with the elimina- tion of friction, the maintenance of schedules and the in- creased results easily accomplished with a minimum of mental and physical outlay. The period of transition is often a long and annoying one for all concerned. This is due to the many variables to be overcome. Patience and tact will win out in the end if each and every one realizes that every one is human after all. Time is the essential factor, and the time required depends upon the mental attitude of each. The author to-day enjoys the friendship and cooperation of many men now working under scientific management, who at first opposed him at every turn and condemned new methods before sufficient time had elapsed to prove their worth. Men must be shown, edu- cated, led, not driven. It is only the extreme case where in the end a man has to be removed for failure to abide by the new order of things. Study each man's character, find the avenue of approach and he can be educated and made efficient in spite of himself. Many men, particularly those in the more FREDERIC A. PARKHURST. 19 responsible positions, have a natural and deeply rooted antipathy for being shown by others. They wish to be known and recognized as the originator of all that is new or an im- provement over the existing order of things. It has been my experience that one of the best and surest ways of handling persons of this make-up is to accomplish the desired end through suggestion. In the majority of cases a few words followed judiciously with concrete examples to illustrate your point will sow the seed of desire. This seed will immediately take root and sprout forth as an original and newly discovered method sure to meet the exigencies of the occasion. This method will not do with all men of this mental attitude. Some will not be influenced or convinced until shown by actual accomplishment. Others can be recruited by the proper pre- sentation of the results of an analytical study of conditions followed by cold, impartial figures. Figures talk, especially if they are always recapitulated into a bare statement of value in dollars and cents. Other men will be found in every organization who have an inherent faith in any new departure ordered by their supe- riors. Such cases do not offer the same kind of handicap, as do those above cited. They do offer another possible source of trouble however: that of a too earnest wish to reach the desired goal, without due appreciation of the difficulties and conditions to be overcome and changed. Material difficulties can be removed with comparative ease. Changes directly affecting the personnel are often far from easy and continual restraint must be exercised for this reason. If this restraint is not present the too enthusiastic department head or some subordinate will find himself opposed by a stone wall of per- sonal opposition. Many men can be led but only the few can be pushed. Education of the rank and file is fully as important as the education of the principals and heads of departments. The education of the former is much easier, however, when the latter have graduated, so to speak. Let those at the top set the example. Shop men as a rule have the erroneous idea 20 PKACTICE VEKSUS THEORY. that their superiors and office force are inclined to consider themselves on a much higher plane and seemingly force them- selves to the necessary intercourse with those beneath them. There is no doubt but that in many cases this condition ex- ists. That it is often so is most unfortunate as well as unneces- sary and most undesirable. One of the greatest advantages of real scientific management lies in the fact that such a demoralizing and disastrous condition of affairs is eliminated. I do not mean to imply by this statement that scientific man- agement is the sole remedy for such a condition, but it is never- theless a sure remedy. In point of fact, under scientific man- agement the rank and file are placed in position to demand and get from their superiors proper working conditions, and as to maintenance of equipment and supply of material, to get cooperation, and the " square deal." Responsibility is placed where it belongs. No one high or low can ''put it over" on another, because the responsibilities and duties of each are clearly defined in writing. The pressure of respon- sibility is not one sided and concentrated in one place, or directed towards the weak. It is equalized. Instead of tur- moil and contention like the troubled and restless sea, which makes smooth running impossible, we have the calm and reliable medium of a harbor sheltered by the bulwarks of harmony. The least opposing influence immediately becomes apparent. It can be localized and remedied at once. The best influence is an honest confidence in the entire per- sonnel. An efficient organization with reliable heads and a spirit of cooperation in touch, through these mediums, with all of the personnel, lays the foundation for a lasting and trouble-free industrial or business condition. To bring about these conditions eternal vigilence is necessary. No one must be allowed to harbor any misunderstanding as to the intent of the reorganization. Investigate and trace to its source every disturbing influence. Let no one misunderstand the ultimate object in view. Openly advertise and propound the chief elements or principles of our new science of management. FKEDEBIC A. PAKKHUKST. 21 A. SCIENCE, NOT RULE OP THUMB. Having observed the above essentials, the next step is to bring under control equipment, methods and output. This has formerly been left to the foreman and bosses. Details and responsibilities have been thrust upon them which should be borne by others. Specialization is the order of the day under scientific management. The modern planning room is the first really radical inno- vation. The production clerk, order-of-work clerk, route clerk, material boss, shop engineer, time-study man and speed bosses, are new functional men. These are created to take off of the shoulders of foremen and others, duties for which they are specially trained. Through this department we begin to control shop equipment, methods and material. The different planning-room men begin through analytical study of conditions to determine the shop conditions. Work for the shops is planned and distributed in the most efficient way. Delays due to faulty equipment are investigated and a recurrence made impossible. Equipment is tuned up, cared for and kept in repair. The result is that each machine and man is made more productive. There are no waits or delays on account of absence of material with which to work. Some men or machines are not piled up with work while others work from hand to mouth. The work ready for processing is evenly and judiciously distributed. I have known of cases where one third (J^) of a day of man and machine, often of gangs of men, has been wasted, due to such causes. This condition is common; the effect is demoralizing and tends to gradually decrease the daily output per man. Over equip- ment due to lack of planning and to pure guesswork is also largely responsible for a decreased output per capita. Pro- duction clerk, order-of-work clerk, route clerk, and material boss remedy this. Having provided for the maintenance of standardized equipment, conditions and flow of material, the methods must be investigated. The shop engineer determines the tools and methods; the time-study boss determines the standard time, 22 PRACTICE VEKSUS THEORY. and the data is available for the issuance of instruction cards. The speed bosses then see that the instruction cards are fol- lowed and the standard time realized. It will be seen by the above brief explanation that what is ordinarily done by one or two men is done under scientific management by six or seven or more, depending upon the kind of business. What is the result? Each of the chief planning room men becomes highly proficient in his particular branch. Through them it is possible to itemize and analyze into small elements all details of a business. They have com- plete and up-to-date records of all work which has been done. Comparison can be made, both of methods, quality, time and cost. Kelative capacity of machines, men, productive units and departments can be made, and work planned and dis- tributed accordingly. Elemental operations can be standard- ized, and men can be trained to do them in standard time with a minimum of effort. Each man's efficiency can be kept track of and his work and pay regulated, independent of his fellow workmen. The accumulation of data makes possible the correct determination of how much men as well as machines can do daily without undue fatigue and eventual break-down. We can safeguard our machines by not over- loading them, because stresses due to tool pressure, torque and vibration, can be controlled through instruction cards. Fewer accidents will occur on this account because detailed study of operations determines the best and safest way to do a given piece of work. Not many people realize how comparatively few different elemental operations are actually necessary for the performing of all kinds of work in any one trade, until they have analyzed and studied them personally. Consider the above carefully and then answer the following questions for yourself. Can any foreman who is in charge of the average sized department with all its variety of equipment and its twenty-five to fifty or more men, keep track of all the above elements and so obtain maximum efficiency? Were he mentally and physically capable of all the work necessary, could he be an expert and highly proficient in so many different FREDERIC A. PARKHURST. 23 lines? Could he even find time to both plan and execute on the scale required? Would he be in possession of the data necessary to absolutely control methods, conserve the time of each man, eliminate delays, etc. ? Could he be always fair and just and impartial in handling his men? The answer is most emphatically no. A jack of all trades is master of none. Yet ordinary management often demands of its foreman all of the above and more. What will the planning room accomplish for a concern? Combined with bonus system of extra remuneration, it will result in doubling, tripling, and sometimes quadrupling the output of a plant. It will reduce labor costs, including the extra overhead from 30 per cent, to 50 per cent, and increase wages from 35 per cent, to 50 per cent. in some cases even more. A word will not be out of place regarding obvious advan- tages of these methods in setting correct rates. It is not un- usual to find piece or premium rates set by the usual guess- work methods that allow a man to earn $7.00 to $8.00 per day for much less return than represents a fair day's work. I have known of several cases where a piece rate was cut nearly in halves because the man was earning about $8.00 per day. After the cut he still earned $8.00. Obviously the original rate was four times what it should have been. The work did not require skilled help and $4.00 per day would be a gener- ous wage. Aside from this, the man was limiting output dur- ing the time he was making on the original rate. He doubled his output when the rate was cut. Had stop watch observa- tions been made by a properly trained time study man, pref- erably one who was skilled in the trade under observation, this could not have happened. The result of improperly set rates need not be discussed here at length. They include dis- satisfaction on the part of the firm; the inevitable cut and continual dissatisfaction on the part of the men ; limitation of output ; increase of discontent and deceit and eventually labor troubles. The elimination of these troubles will save many times more each year than it costs to run a planning room. 24 PBACTICE VEKSUS THEOKY. When a foreman sets a rate, he estimates it by using day- work output as a basis. He adds something to it for luck and sets his rate. Actually the rate of day-work under ordinary shop conditions as compared to bonus work under scientific conditions is 1 to 3 or 4 on the average ; some cases 1 to 10 or even more. There are certain difficulties to overcome when establishing bonus in a plant accustomed to piece or premium improperly set. These difficulties consist chiefly of a marked difference in the maximum earning power of a man based on a bonus rate set after an itemized time study, as compared to the arbitrary piece or premium rate. The preceding paragraph has ex- plained in part what these differences are. In addition, how- ever, to the difference in the ultimate day's earnings, more trouble is met with in trying to educate the workman to an entirely new viewpoint. This can best be explained by call- ing attention to the fact that what we purchase is a man's time and not his output. It is up to the organization to see that a fair output per day is realized. When this output reaches a fair average maximum, the extra remuneration is in the form of a bonus, the result being an increased daily earning. Comparing a differential bonus scale of prices, how- ever, the tendency on the part of the man is to consider it only as a piece rate. To further illustrate this point, if we have a job that has been paying seven cents (7 c.) a piece and the production has been about fifty pieces per day, the piece rate earning of the man is $3.50. If this method of payment is replaced with differential bonus, the tendency is to com- pare the difference in earnings of the day for the last few pieces. The result is that the man feels he is being paid at only the rate of say, two cents (2 c.) a piece, losing sight alto- gether of the fact that he has been assured of his nominal day rate irrespective of his production. The above mentioned troubles are not found where improp- erly set piece or premium rates do not exist. Neither is there similar trouble in establishing bonus rate in a shop which has worked only under regular hourly or daily wage. One often FKEDEKIC A. PARKHUKST. 25 has to contend with the natural antagonism of some men who feel that the installation of bonus is some means in disguise of further reducing their earning power. This objection, however, can readily be overcome after the men realize that the rates will be established correctly in the first place, and remain unchanged so long as the piece or job remains un- changed, in design, method or equipment. Of course guaranty not to change rates would as readily apply to piece or premium work under like conditions. The trouble, however, is that piece or premium work is usually priced arbitrarily and so results in unfair rates, both to the man and to the firm. Therefore, it is practically impossible to guarantee any per- manency. B. HARMONY, NOT DISCORD. This is the second element of the combination defined by Mr. Taylor. How often we hear the criticism that harmony is realized in almost all lines of business and that it has nothing whatever to do with, neither should it be particularly identi- fied with, scientific management. If this is so, and if harmony is such a well-understood and common element, why don't we see more of it in the average manufacturing or industrial establishment? The fact remains that in a great many in- stances, harmony is conspicuous by its absence. Many of the chief reasons for this condition can be traced directly to the case illustrated in the last few preceding paragraphs. Its absence is often due to that great variable the personal factor. This is particularly so in large plants which have grown rapidly and abnormally. Their sudden growth has demanded the mushroom type of organization which must of necessity lack the refinement of one more deliberately planned. There are a great many factors tending to create discord, some of which require an immense amount of time to remove. As far as the personnel is concerned, this can be handled and developed in the way previously referred to in this article. When that is accomplished the next move is to inspire every- one with the policy that only the square deal will prevail. 26 PEACTICE VEESUS THEOEY. To bring about this condition, extremely strict order of dis- cipline must be maintained and the policy of the company clearly defined so that everyone can work in harmony with it. Each member of the organization must be forced to realize the fact that everyone is employed to work for the company's interests, and cooperate and work in harmony with his asso- ciates. Discrimination of individuals must be absolutely prohibited. This latter dictum is one likely to be far-reaching in its nature. Men have to be trained to lay aside their per- sonal likes and dislikes and to regard their work from an entirely different viewpoint. This is hard at .first, but after they become accustomed to the new order of things and begin to realize the certain advantage, it is as natural to work harmoniously as otherwise, and much more comfortable. One of the greatest disturbing elements in connection with building an efficient and harmonious organization is the one of poor pay. It is a mistaken idea on the part of many managers and heads of departments that they are earning money for the company and running their department cheaply by the employment of cheap help. This is as true of office employees as it is of the rank and file. The layman little real- izes the actual difference between output per man as com- pared to large differences in pay per man. For example, many cases can be cited where a man earning $2.50 has an output which can be expressed by unity; by an expenditure of more money for sufficient supervision, proper maintenance of equipment, etc., plus extra incentive to the man for follow- ing instructions and putting up a fair day's work, a pro- duction can be realized which may be expressed by 3 or 4 and sometimes much more. The difficulties in the way of remedying this condition while promoting harmony are very many. This statement may seem strange, but it is nevertheless true. In many cases the great- est objection comes from those who are eventually to be directly benefited by this change of condition. The average shop man presents another stumbling block by considering his own par- ticular work more or less his private asset, of which the firm FREDERIC A. PARKHURST. 27 should know little or nothing. In other words, he feels that the more dependent the firm is upon him for information, the more secure his position with them will be. The fact is lost sight of that promotion is often denied a man because through lack of organization and knowledge on the part of the firm, he is forced to remain in a minor position. When data of each man's ability is in the hands of the firm, advancement can be made commensurate with his ability without in any way tending to disrupt or retard his work or that of his de- partment. In order to bring about this condition and estab- lish a self-sustaining organization, each incumbent of impor- tant positions, including heads of departments, should train and have immediately under him a successor competent to take over his duties and responsibilities at a moment's notice. This condition can pertain to a small organization as well as to a large one. A man may often fulfill the duties of several positions where the duties of one do not require all of his daily time. C. COOPERATION, NOT INDIVIDUALISM. This element in a general way can be considered in the same manner as harmony. Individualism in the ordinary form of management can be likened to cooperation under scientific management in much the same way as individual effort among a body of men can be compared to well-trained and highly-organized team work. Our modern professional baseball team is probably one of the greatest examples of scientific management before the world to-day. The fact is little realized by the thousands of enthusiastic fans who watch one of our league games. Great enthusiasm is often manifested over some startling or spectacular play on the part of an individual which may appear to be absolutely spon- taneous. The truth of the matter is that the majority of such plays have been carefully worked out by long and tedious practice and intricate time studies. The result is that with the player on base and the ball in a certain part of the field, or in the hands of a pitcher about to be played, the success 28 PBACTICE VEKSUS THEOEY. of the proposed play can almost invariably be predetermined. This has been brought down to an exact science. It may seem ridiculous to say that the modern battleship is handled and controlled by a planning department; never- theless this is exactly true. The handling of a battery of large guns in record time and the percentage of hits which ten years ago seemed absolutely impossible, involves the co- operation of a great many different men. The use of highly perfected instruments, combined with the predetermined con- dition of the atmosphere, variations and speed of the wind, weight and condition of powder, etc., all enter into the prob- lem. In the report of the battle of Santiago, our patriotic and enthusiastic populace marveled at the feats of gunnery and markmanship displayed by the United States battleships. The truth is that to-day it would be considered a most dis- graceful exhibition. Only five per cent, of the shots fired at Santiago reached the mark and at comparatively short ranges. To-day, under like conditions from sixty-five to seventy-five per cent, of the shots would reach their marks and at ranges mounting as high as eight or nine thousand yards, and at speeds double those involved in 1898. In industrial establishments like comparisons can be made. Investigation will show an immense amount of duplication between departments. Similar operations in like trades will be found to vary widely in method and more widely yet in time consumption. Each journeyman has his own particular idea of how his work should be prepared, how his tools should be forged or ground, and the condition of the material with which he works. Thus these elements become great variables because the whim and biased notions of the individual make them so. Standardization of these elements greatly simpli- fies them. Lack of unity of purpose and ideals results in the individual limiting himself and his chances of advancement as well as limiting that most vital of all interests, his earning power. Complete cooperation and unity of men, methods and equipment will revolutionize the entire tone and capacity of a FREDERIC A. PAEKHUEST. 29 plant. Where departmental functions, both as a whole and in detail, do not thoroughly dovetail into a harmonized whole, friction and disruption will exist. It is a well-known fact that we are not to-day, as a rule, turning out the high-class, all-around mechanics that we did years ago. The reason for this is obvious, although the remedy for it is not so obvious to the layman. There can be no dispute over the fact that scientific management favors the apprentice, handyman and journeyman rather than the firm itself. When organized labor realizes what scientific management actually is, they will find they have much more to gain by cooperation and acceptance of its principles than they can hope to gain by any other method. This statement can be easily proved by investi- gating the plants working to-day under its form of manage- ment. It may be well here to cite a remark made by the superinten- dent of a large and well-established industrial plant in the East. In speaking to one of our noted efficiency engineers of the work which was being accomplished, he said that his firm would be thoroughly satisfied if the only benefit they realized from scientific management was the increased wage and higher moral standing of their men and the attendant pros- perity which would accrue from the change. This statement expresses a sentiment which many of the laboring class cannot acknowledge exists on the part of the manufacturer. Such sentiment is growing, however, and that the fact is not more fully realized by the working man is to be regretted. J>. MAXIMUM OUTPUT IN PLACE OF EESTRICTED OUTPUT. Reference has previously been made in this article to the ratio of production under ordinary management to that under scientific management. A great part of this is due, of course, to the change in organization, plant methods, etc. The balance is due to the increased effort and interest ex- hibited by the men, encouraged by a higher average of wage. The natural incentive on the part of the men is lacking un- 3 30 PKACTICE VEKSUS THEOBY. less all elements referred to are present. As soon as a better- ment of condition has been realized, men are mentally in a different attitude, and will naturally exert themselves to earn the additional compensation. The demoralizing effect of incorrect rate setting cannot be over emphasized. It tends to promote a disposition to deceive and restrict output. Such a condition naturally breeds dis- content and lack of confidence in the management. One must rely largely on the individual's tendency to better his own condition when the opportunity presents itself. When the man learns how to produce his maximum with the prospect of a definite and immediate reward, he finds more pleasure in his work. He is mentally in condition to aspire to do the best that is in him and he develops the natural pride which is more or less latent in everyone. E. DEVELOPMENT OF EACH MAN TO HIS GREATEST EFFI- CIENCY AND PROSPERITY. This development comes as a natural result of the preceding elements working in accord. The highly-trained and effi- cient men receiving a large weekly pay make better citizens than the inefficient and underpaid. They are enabled to do better for their families, as to housing, clothing, and feeding them, and they are enabled to give their children better education. There are many children of to-day denied the education that belongs to them with the result that their entire after-life is handicapped. They are denied the ad- vancement and opportunities which are more and more becom- ing subject to the individual's mental development. If the little red schoolhouse is to represent one of our chief consti- tutional pillars in which we take so much pride, it must be supported by a high standard of American citizenship. What this really means can only be fully appreciated by the study of home conditions in a largely foreign community employ- ing low-grade and comparatively ignorant help. The develop- ment of a healthy mind and body while young is the only possible mainstay to a cosmopolitan nation such as this FEEDEEIC A. PAEKHUEST. 31 United States is growing into. As efficiency will bring about the increase in wages, so it will ultimately result in the decreased cost of the necessities of life. In other words, when we become universally efficient, both individually and collectively, in all walks of life ranging from the farm to the banking house, our net return per capita is going to be greatly increased. We must make radical changes in most of our traditional ways of doing things and we must realize a new standard of ideals. This can only be brought about by a long and pains- taking course of hard knocks and experience. Students of this subject should study it from the practical standpoint and by close detailed investigation of its actual workings. It is not in any sense a subject to be learned from books, but one which must be learned from close contact with and thorough understanding of the personal element involved. Only in this way can the psychological conditions be fully appreciated and understood. EDUCATION AND EFFICIENT LIVING. BY MEYER BLOOMFIELD, Director of the Vocation Bureau, Boston, Mass. Mankind has passed through various ' ' ages, ' ' picturesquely described by the historian as the, ages of steam, of iron, of steel, of electricity. But all indications, all the signs of the day in which we find ourselves, the industrial unrest, the changes in our legal and political institutions, the acid test of organized enterprise through scientific management, and the transformation of our educational policies, point to an age which transcends in value all the historic ages preceding the age of man that period in which society sets out to dis- cover how the energies of men can be liberated for the most effective living, livelihood, and social service. To the engineer and to the methods of our technical schools, the social reformer and the progressive educator owe a larger debt than is generally recognized. The antiquated idea of education as the privilege of a fortunate few, enjoyed for the most part in a cloistered aloofness from the problems of common life, has been fast crumbling away under insistent modern demands for democratic training of "all the children of all the people"; demands arising not only because of the necessity for civic self-preservation, but also because a truer understanding of human capacities makes us all impatient with the present waste of gifts, talents, and human possi- bilities. We have been so busy trying to catch up with our tasks of spreading the common schools, lessening illiteracy, and pro- moting good citizenship, that we could not pause long enough to consider differences in human nature and the fundamental importance of differentiating our approach to each individual. In times of stress and emergency we do not inquire too closely into personal merits. All must be dealt with alike, all who 32 MEYEK BLOOMFIELD. 33 seek must be supplied. When normal conditions are restored, however, more scientific methods must be followed or the resulting harm may far outweigh the good. So with our schools. As the basic need for the elementary instruction of the masses in elementary subjects is met (and there is yet much to be done in this country) then stock-taking and a scrutiny of methods and accomplishments become a part of intelligent administration. During the extension of popular opportunities for schooling, for several decades past, there have developed the modern schools of applied science and the specialization in the engineering branches. No greater con- tribution to educational progress has come during this period than in the lesson, taught by these schools, of the value of the laboratory and of contact by the student with things as well as with ideas. l ' How can a man learn to know himself ? ' ' asked Goethe. ' ' Never by thinking, but by doing. ' ' Two purposes mark any intelligent system of training men ; first, to enable men to know themselves, and, second, to enable them to find themselves. Schooling of the conventional kind leaves out most of the senses in the training scheme; it is devised for inert masses of pupils; its tools are printer's ink and the teacher's voice. President Eliot has pointed out the defect in making our schools for "listening." This is surely a stock-taking period in business, in politics, in education. The employer has been complaining of the product of the public school. "We find that nearly half the school children of the land drop out before they even complete the grammar grades. We find, too, that our system of secondary education, admirable though it is in many respects, is ministering mostly to the four per cent, or so of its pupils who go to college, and has scarcely faced the life-work needs of the vast majority who must go to work. This dropping out of school, therefore, of so many unprepared boys and girls at a time when they should be laying the foundations of voca- tional efficiency, is now recognized as a national calamity. Many thorough investigations, one by the United States Bureau of Labor, have shown that pressure of circumstances 34 EDUCATION AND EFFICIENT LIVING. accounts for only about one third of this exodus from school to work. Two thirds could have remained to further fit them- selves if opportunity and intelligent organization could have been provided. The abrupt ending of school influence for so many on the fourteenth birthday is only one of a train of evils. Dropping out as they do, their entrance into working life is no less deplorable. They do not knew anything about the work they go into and they leave one job for another, just as they left school. Few have any idea of preparing themselves for a career. They drift until manhood responsibilities are upon them; then it is too late to prepare for anything. It is now known that a large part of the misemployment and unemploy- ment problems can be traced to these early blind driftings in the uncharted employments. The school has failed to connect with the vocational needs of its pupils, has failed to take into account the probable careers and experiences of most of its children. On the other hand, the kind of work these young people go into is not of a sort to develop them, to train them, or make anything out of them. Therefore both school and job are now up for investigation. President Eliot has spoken of the "life-career motive" in education. Any education which fails to build on this most fundamental purpose, or fails to arouse an interest in it, does not belong to our militant age of effort and service. Any occupation which does not deepen and enlarge this purpose and motive, which does not in some way offer both a life and a career, is one which probably needs the attention of public opinion and the legislature. School and work, then, must minister to the life-career motive, to the bread-winning effectiveness of our workers and citizens. The movement for vocational guidance has grown out of a deep recognition of the price society pays for the aimless driftings, the economic waste, and the social wreckage attributable to the unbridged chasm between school and work, to the unprotected and unguided transition from school life to working life. Vocational guidance looks upon both school and shop as means for investing the capacities of the young people MEYER BLOOMFIELD. 35 to their own and society's utmost good. Investment, not ex- ploitation, is the goal. The child's good, and the community's good must be placed above all else. Experience has demonstrated that where a school looks in- telligently to the life-career there is hardly any dropping-out problem. The employer, who fulfills his responsibility, re- duces his losses, which in many an establishment amounts to a turn-over of employees every four or five years. If education does not lead to self -discovery, what else does it do? In this desideratum the technical schools have been quite fortu- nate. They have greatly aided their students to find them- selves. Are they all living up to their opportunities and their privileges? There is no little danger of complacency and backsliding on their part. Let me say that vocational train- ing does not in itself carry any guarantee that it will not deteriorate into abstractions and academic routine, that it will not lose touch with reality. With the doors of our technical-training schools wide open, as they should be, there is no assurance that fitness alone will seek admission. Mass instruction here, as in the academic schools, is prevalent. The time for ' ' hand-picked engineers " as a professor in one of our technical schools has phrased it, has gone by. Never was greater need than now to formulate standards and to organize a selective process for the future engineers. This plea is made not so much for the benefit of the schools and the profession, as for the young men who may be misled into wasting years on preparation for pursuits for which they are not fitted and in which they never can be happy. The student of the vocations marvels at the unbusinesslike hiring of men in various establishments. The employment manager is supposed to be the mind-reader and fortune-teller of the firm. If his guesses turn out well he holds on to his place. How many firms can you recall which have drawn up specifications of what they need in the way of employees, drawn up their requirements so definitely as to exclude auto- matically those who cannot succeed? "Trial and error" is the prevailing method, with all the waste and discouragement this involves to all parties concerned. 36 EDUCATION AND EFFICIENT LIVING. I have not observed that the engineering callings have framed their demands so that parent, teacher, and prospective applicant can base a choice of occupation on the data set forth. Nor have I found a surplus of accessible, vital information concerning the new and most promising developments in the engineering pursuits, chosen to direct attention to the less crowded departments. Many of us believe that the engineer, the technically-trained man-, will more and more rank with the most socially-advanced agencies for the promotion of human welfare, with the practitioner in preventive medicine and the trained philanthropic agent. We have only to look over the contributions to public health, comfort and efficiency, made by our institutions of applied science during the half century just passed, to realize that what has been accomplished for public sanitation, protection of the milk, water, and food supply, factory hygiene, ventilation of public buildings, and elimina- tion of polluting wastes is only prophetic of what is yet to come. Indeed already from the field of the efficiency engineer has come, perhaps, the most important message since ma- chinery came to do man's work, since the factory system re- placed the home as a producing center. Messrs. Taylor, Gil- breth, Brandeis, and others have made the nation think. And in the field of efficiency engineering I find an analogy for what vocational guidance regards as the true function of the school and of education. The teachers are the functional foremen, the courses of study are the planned and routed tasks. The aim of all these forces should be to produce an individual equipped for the scientific management of all his endowments and resources; whose faculties are organized for economy of effort in reaching results, ease in exertion, persist- ence in traveling toward the set goal, and vision to understand his relationship to his fellows. THE ENGINEER AS A MANAGER. BY H. L. GANTT, Consulting Engineer, New York City. The industrial developments of the past fifty years have been so great as to modify profoundly, if not to revolutionize the methods of living in the whole civilized world. If we will compare the conditions and methods of living just previous to the Civil War with those of today, and itemize these differ- ences, we shall find that they are due in a large measure to the development in the mechanic arts. Fifty years ago the peaceful methods of accumulating wealth were substantially those that had been in vogue since the dawn of history, and consisted of buying, transporting and selling, with the lending of money to finance such under- takings. Ancient Persia, for instance, owed its great wealth largely to its position, by which it controlled all the trade routes between India and China on the one hand, and Europe and Africa on the other. "When, however, the Greeks extended their colonies along the shores of Asia Minor to the eastern end of the Black Sea, and finally even founded settlements at the eastern end of the Caspian Sea, the conditions began to change. Persia no longer had a monopoly of the trade between the East and the West, for the Greeks had a nearly continuous water route by means of the rivers of southern Russia to their markets on the shores of the Mediterranean. The competition of a cheaper route soon awakened the Persians to their danger, which they tried to avert by the conquest of Greece. Failing in this they were themselves subdued by the Greeks, and the greatness of Persia passed away. A continuous series of similar illustrations might be cited, bringing us down to the present time, where a situation simi- 37 38 THE ENGINEER AS A MANAGER. lar to that between Persia and Greece has arisen between England and Germany. The other time-honored method of accumulating wealth is that of Rob Boy: "They should take who have the power, and they should keep who can." This method is not only just as much in vogue today as when the tribes living in the mountains made excursions into the valleys and carried off the corn and cattle of their more thrifty neighbors, but it seems to be quite as respectable and to be carried on with far less personal risk. In the past these two methods have as a rule been operated by different classes of people who were in the main hostile. In recent times, however, when the physical methods of Rob Roy have been suppressed, more subtle and effective ones have been developed, which apparently do not violate our time-honored laws, and which can be successfully operated in connection with legitimate trade. Thus the already wealthy traders and bankers have been able to add to their methods those of the outlaw, and to become in the words of the great Senator Dolliver, whose untimely death was such a loss to the country, "the boldest set of buccaneers the world ever saw." In the past the great traders individually exerted but small influence over the markets in which they bought and sold, and prices were governed by supply and demand. Today, however, in this country at least, the great trusts are in many cases able to fix both the buying and selling price of the commodities in which they deal. A dawning realization of this fact was the reason for the enactment of the Sherman anti-trust law, and is now the strongest force behind the agi- tation for a decrease in the tariff. Further the enormous wealth thus accumulated has enabled the possessors in many cases to become absolute owners of the sources of wealth and the means of transportation, and their training to get as much as possible and to give as little as possible in return is doing much to increase the present industrial unrest in the world H. L. GANTT. 39 While these developments have been taking place, others have been going on which up to this time have produced even greater results. The invention of the steam engine, by furnishing cheap power, made possible the factory system of today; but it was nearly a century before the engine was sufficiently perfected and the mechanic arts sufficiently developed, to make the factory system very profitable on a large scale. Although the advance of scientific knowledge was very marked during the latter part of the eighteenth century and the early part of the nineteenth, there was a strong feeling that knowledge for its own sake was the true ideal to be striven for, and to make any practical use of it was degrad- ing. Such men, however, as Rankine and Isherwood rose above this prejudice, and although they showed the advantage of applying scientific methods to mechanical problems, and especially to the steam engine, it was not for some years that a large enough body of scientifically educated men was en- gaged in this work to make any substantial progress. Soon after the close of the Civil War the need of such a body of men was recognized, and schools were founded with the express object of teaching men how to apply scientific knowledge to industrial problems. In a few years the gradu- ates of these schools began to make their influence felt, and the scientific methods of the engineer began to supplement the empirical methods of the mechanic. Labor-saving devices and automatic machinery began to be developed that often multiplied many times the power of the individual to produce wealth, and almost all the machinery in use at that time has been improved and made more efficient. In the art of transportation, the steam loco- motive has been enormously enlarged and perfected, while the electric motor has made possible the rapid transit of our cities with all that implies. The steamship of today has robbed ocean travel of its discomforts, and cut in half the time between Europe and America. The automobile enables 40 THE ENGINEER AS A MANAGES. us to travel at sixty miles per hour along country roads, and the aeroplane makes possible a like speed through the air. The developments of electricity have been more marvellous still. The telephone, the electric light, the wireless telegraph, the long distance transmission are familiar to us all, but we realize their importance^ only when we consider what would happen if they were all destroyed. These facts which are so well known are typical of the developments that the engineer and the mechanic have been making in all shops and factories throughout the country, and producing the wealth that has so much increased the splendor of our great cities in the last few years. True to his traditions of buying at the lowest price and sell- ing at the highest, the commercial man has continued to apply these principles to all his dealings, including the purchase of labor. The combinations, or trusts, derive their strength and profit, not from their ability to produce more cheaply, as was at first claimed, but largely from their ability to fix both the buying and the selling price. The workmen, on their part, recognize these facts, and realize that the only effort to get a greater reward for their work is one backed by force. Hence under these methods of doing business, the growth of trusts on one side, and hostile labor unions on the other, is a natural development. Further, the workmen, realizing that they get but a small share of the increase in wealth produced by greater efforts on their part, or by improved machinery, are not only slow in exerting greater efforts, or adopting improved machinery, but often opposed to both. Thus, much of our industrial development is carried on under conditions where one party and often both are hostile to such developments, for the commercial man is also often opposed to improved methods. Such meth- ods usually cost money to install, and he being interested only in profits, does not see any advantage in effecting economies if his competitor is able ultimately to do the same. Thus where the control of a plant is in the hands of a man of com- H. L. GANTT. 41 mercial instincts or training, there is apt to be but little interest in effecting economies that cost money ; and, as many of our plants are under such control, this condition is wide- spread. Such a man too often does not appreciate differences be- tween workmen, and groups them into classes of uniform pay, thus discouraging initiative in mechanical production, and driving it into union leadership. Under such management there does not seem to be any possible method of harmonizing the interests of employer and employee, and unless these methods are modified, the industrial unrest is bound to in- crease, with results which no one can foresee. Until recently the engineer has regarded his work done, when he has developed an improved machine or apparatus, and proved by operating it for a short while that its capacity was all he claimed for it. It has then too often been acquired by men imperfectly trained mechanically, but who had the commercial instinct highly developed. Such men usually turn it over to a "cheap" man to operate, and its main- tenance is nearly always looked after by a second-rate mechanic, for the commercial man can seldom see why he should have a high-priced man doing repairs. The efficiency of the machine naturally decreases, and a factory run on these principles must necessarily be more inefficient still. Fortunately this condition is not universal, for the advan- tage of having an engineer for a manager has for years been recognized by some, and the number of such is increasing. This number is not sufficiently great, nor has the engineer yet had sufficient training in the art of management to make untrue the statement, which has been so loudly proclaimed recently, that the majority of our industries are very ineffi- ciently managed. In as much as most factories are controlled by men of com- mercial instincts or training, their gauge is necessarily not efficiency, of which they know nothing, but profits, of which they know a great deal. 42 THE ENGINEER AS A MANAGER. If we would increase the efficiency of a plant, the problem must be put up to a man who knows at least what the word means. Fortunately the man who knows most about efficiency also knows most not only about the application of science to the mechanic arts, but also about workmen, by whose side he has obtained his knowledge and acquired his skill in the use of tools. This man is th,e engineer. He is the only man who spans the whole gap between the capitalist and the workman, and knows the mental attitude and necessities of each. It is on his shoulders therefore that must fall the burden of har- monizing their interests. As said before the engineer has too often been content when he has built his machine or plant, and his training has largely been confined to preparation for this work. Now, however, when the larger responsibility of management thrusts itself upon him, his education and training should include at once the elements of his new duties. The greatest problem before us today is not that of de- veloping new and better appliances, but that of properly utilizing those we have. The recognition of this fact has given rise to the tremendous interest in the subject of man- agement which has become manifest in the last few years. Interest, however, is not enough. Knowledge must be obtained before great progress can be made. The subject of management may be divided into three groups, management of men, management of machines, management of materials. The one to which the engineer has given the most study in the past has been the management of machines. How to care for materials and to move them through the factory as they are wanted, so that there may be no delay, has been given but little attention. This has often been left more or less to chance, and it is very seldom that we can find a proper system of storekeeping and routing material. We almost never find that material moves along its route according to a prearranged schedule. Such a sched- ule, however, is necessary in order to keep the workmen prop- erly employed, and we have found that proper routing and H. L. GANTT. 43 scheduling of material has not only done much to promote harmony and efficiency in every shop in which it has been installed, but has prepared the way for a satisfactory method of managing men. The men are thus largely relieved of the innumerable annoyances with which they are troubled in shops without a proper system of management, and where everything is done on the spur of the moment by the direct order of a foreman. In studying how to use workmen efficiently, we must recog- nize the fact that they are just as susceptible to petty annoy- ances as their superiors, and that as a rule they are just as anxious to take advantage of any opportunities that are offered them, if they are benefited by so doing. No sooner do we, as a rule, afford opportunities for men to show their ability and to advance themselves, than some begin to come to the front. We must not, however, expect by any system of management to produce a revolution. If we can put in a system by which the workman is benefited and enabled to utilize his powers to the best advantage, although he will gradually recognize it, we must not expect him to do so at once, for his experience in the past has taught him that his employer has no interest in his advancement and will give him only such compensation as he is forced to give. Having lived under such a condition for years, which is necessarily one of antagonism for his employer, time must always elapse before he will believe that the opportunities apparently offered him are real. If, however, the work is done under a properly trained engineer, who recognizes the advantages of proper coopera- tion, and is willing to share them with the workmen, we have no difficulty in ultimately bringing him to a proper frame of mind. Our difficulty has been mainly with the commercial man, who often seems incapable of considering anybody's interest except his own, and has not yet recognized that the prosperity of all is directly helped by the prosperity of each. As yet he 44 THE ENGINEEE AS A MANAGEB. has no idea of what real cooperation means. His idea of cooperation is that of the pack, or herd, whose cooperation is for attack or defense. Geo. W. Perkins and Samuel Gompers are the most prominent public advocates of this kind of cooperation, which aims to spoil the outsiders for the benefit of those in the ring. For that broader idea of cooperation which benefits the country and people in general, I refer you to the address of Hon. "William C. Eedfield, before the National Democratic Club of New York City on January 3, 1912, printed as a part of the Congressional Record. Mr. Redfield recognizes the fact that the civilization of today is an industrial civilization, and that the nation that first realizes this fact, and acts upon it intelligently will put itself far in advance of all the others. In as much as it must not be expected that the commercial man will thoroughly understand this for many years, it is all the more incumbent upon the engineer to assume the re- sponsibility for showing what true cooperation between em- ployer and employee means. The great development of what is popularly known as "efficiency engineering, " but what might more properly be called "management engineering, " is a recognition of the readiness of men having even a little engineering knowledge to assume the new responsibilities. The fact that the movement is still growing, although many now engaged in it must neces- sarily be incompetent, is evidence that some good is being done. How much faster it will grow, when all engaged in it have had a proper preparation for their work ! This prepara- tion it is the duty of the engineering schools to give. In as much, however, as the peaceful solution of our indus- trial problems will bring far greater financial gain to the commercial man than to the engineer, it would seem to be to his interest to finance liberally such engineering schools as will undertake this work. In the past, merchants and financiers, like nations, have been ever ready to spend money to fight their opponents, even when they realized what enormous losses these fights H. L. GANTT. 45 involved. Now, however, when the way of avoiding such fights becomes clear, it would seem logical for them to invest a small fraction of the money needed for fighting in the only rational scheme that presents itself for the insurance of in- dustrial peace and cooperation. THE MEN WHO SUCCEED IN SCIENTIFIC MANAGEMENT. BY H. K. HATHAWAY, Consulting Engineer, Philadelphia, Pa. Perhaps from the subject it might be expected that I would be able to wojk up an instruction card that would enable the would-be scientific manager to achieve, through following it, immediate and unqualified success. The best I can do, how- ever, in that direction is to enumerate what seem to me to be the fundamental elements which, when properly grouped and combined in the right proportions in an individual, enhance his chances of success. These qualities are : Steadfastness of purpose. Common sense balance. Honesty. Tact. Enthusiasm. Appreciation of the value of facts. Energy or push (willingness to assume responsibility). Experience training education. Humility. Of the qualifications making up this list it is difficult to say that any one of them is in all cases more important than another. Under varying circumstances each one of them as- sumes, at times, preeminent importance. STEADFASTNESS OF PURPOSE. The man who is easily discouraged can not hope for success under scientific management. It is to this quality probably more than to any other that, after over twenty years of patient, persistent, and uncompromising struggle, the world 46 H. K. HATHAWAY. 47 today recognizes that there is a science of management, and honors Dr. Taylor as its founder. With dogged perseverance he met and overcame what to most men would have been over- whelming opposition, heart-breaking ridicule, and utter lack of sympathy or even understanding from those in whose inter- est he labored. This quality is essential to success, both in the man who desires to apply scientific management to the run- ning of his business, and in those who undertake the work of its installation. The former, as will be attested by owners and managers, to the management of whose business the prin- ciples of Scientific Management have been successfully ap- plied, will have many dark moments when the undertaking seems hopeless, and when the strain imposed upon his faith by the criticism and opposition of his associates and his em- ployees is almost beyond endurance; at such times steadfast- ness of purpose is the only thing that prevents the failure of the undertaking and the loss of months of endeavor. There will be times when it is undertaken to put into opera- tion certain mechanism essential to the application of the principles of scientific management that the scheme devised will fail to work, not once but repeatedly ; under such circum- stances the average man would say : ' ' we have tried it and it won't work," and would complacently return to the old method, or proceed to try some other scheme which would in turn meet with the same fate. It is here that steadfastness of purpose is needed in the man upon whom depends the development and installation of the new system. As often as it fails to work he must straighten it out, strengthen the weak points, and start over again, persistently and patiently keep- ing at it until finally the scheme works. In such cases it is usually impossible to find any specific reason why the scheme should work finally any more than the first time it is started, and in my own experience I have been amazed to find something that had given so much trouble to get going, that I almost despaired of a successful outcome, all at once, for no apparent reason, commence to work smoothly and easily. The reason for this is probably that there are 48 THE MEN WHO SUCCEED. innumerable kinks and obstacles so minute that they are almost invisible which become smoothed out and removed as all concerned gain a better understanding of the scheme. This is somewhat analogous to getting a new engine or other piece of machinery worked down to a bearing. The fact that it is easier to "let a thing go" than to make it go is, in many undertakings, accountable for their having an unsuccessful outcome. COMMON SENSE BALANCE. In the last analysis scientific management is the systematic and consistent application of common sense. It is nothing more or less than common sense : To plan what is to be done, before doing it. To systematically keep tools and machines in the best work- ing conditions. To ascertain what is the best and adopt it as a standard. The man who does not use common sense in connection with scientific management has little chance of success. One must have the right sense of proportion and the proper per- spective in straightening out the numerous troubles and dif- ficulties that arise, both during the development stage of the application of scientific management to any business, and in the operation of the business to which it has been applied. This qualification one would naturally expect to be pos- sessed by a majority of men, yet it is amazing to see how many men, often brilliant and exceptionally able, fail to suc- ceed simply because they lack common sense while men of rather mediocre talent succeed as a result of its possession. HONESTY. Any system of management that is not honest is not sci- entific management, nor has the man who is not honest with himself as well as those with whom he is associated any place in it. The old style of management bred deceit largely as the H. K. HATHAWAY. 49 result of ignorance. For example: the workman constantly endeavored to keep his foreman or his employer from know- ing how much work could be done in a given time. The fore- man in turn was expected by the management to know not only more than they did about the practical end of the busi- ness, but more than any or all of his workmen, and it often took a pretty stiff " bluff" on his part to make them think he knew as much as he knew they expected him to. The man who is to succeed under scientific management in any capacity must not be afraid to admit his own mistakes and to correct them, nor must he make pretense to know things that he does not. Workmen appreciate honesty probably more than any other quality in the men under whom they work, and it has been my experience that they meet honesty and frank- ness with honesty and frankness, but that deceitful practices in dealing with them engenders deceit upon their part. I have seen a number of promising men meet with failure in connection with scientific management simply because they were not honest with themselves. There is no place under scientific management for the ''foxy" men or the ones who depend upon ' ' bluff ' ' to get them by. TACT. This qualification must not be confounded with vacillation. The men in responsible positions under scientific management must be firm and aggressive, but they must also be able to determine when such a course is desirable knowing when to insist and when not to do so. It is found, usually, that in dealing with the higher officials this qualification is called into use to a much greater extent than when dealing with foremen and workmen. By tact I mean the ability to present things to men in such a way as to interest them and secure their enthusiastic cooper- ation, whereas if the same thing were presented in a slightly different manner it would result in incurring opposition and animosity. The old saying that "it is not so much what one 50 THE MEN WHO SUCCEED. says as the way he says it" is quite true in the matter of presenting totally new and radical ideas to men who are to be affected by their adoption. It is perfectly possible, for ex- ample, to give an order in such a manner that the one to whom it is given will feel insulted, yet the same order may be given in a manner just as unequivocal, but in a perfectly courteous way. Avoidance of misunderstandings can be accomplished through being specific and definite in all of one's dealings with others, and would also overcome, in many instances, the necessity for the employment of what is commonly called ''tact." ENTHUSIASM. An absolute belief in scientific management as an unquali- fied agency of good for all concerned is a prime requisite, and one which the man endeavoring to apply scientific manage- ment must possess in order to inspire others with confidence, and to gain the hearty cooperation necessary to success. Enthusiasm is the force that must be depended upon to overcome inertia and to buoy up the spirits of all concerned when progress seems hopelessly slow, and everything seems to go wrong. APPRECIATION OF THE VALUE OF FACTS. The first principle of scientific management as enunciated by Mr. Taylor is the development of a science in the place of ' ' rule of thumb ' ' or traditional knowledge. Unless the one who is undertaking to apply the principles of scientific manage- ment possesses this qualification, he will, in the first place, be unable to appreciate the value of this first great principle, as well as being incapable of utilizing the science after it had been developed. Perhaps no other thing has stood so much in the way of industrial advancement as the lack of this single qualification. Innumerable illustrations might be given on this point, but it would take too much time to go into it any further. H. K. HATHAWAY. 51 ENERGY OR PUSH. This qualification is as essential in attaining success under scientific management as it is in connection with any other undertaking. In developing and applying the system of sci- entific management to any business, the man who is directing the work must see that real progress is constantly being made at every point. He must be willing to take the initiative, and to assume responsibility, putting his shoulder to the wheel at every point that lags, and encouraging by example as well as by precept those whom he undertakes to direct. EXPERIENCE, TRAINING, AND EDUCATION. A college education is, other things being equal, of un- doubted value to the man who identifies himself with scien- tific management, either in the management of an industry in which this type of management has been installed, or as an engineer in working out its application to various industries. Practical training, however, such as can only be acquired through starting as a workman in the shop and progressing to the position of gang boss, foreman, etc., is, even in the case of a college trained man, an absolute essential. Without this sort of training the graduate of an engineering school is of little use under scientific management, and, until he has ac- quired it, it is not fair either to him or to those who would be under him to put him in a responsible position where the direction of men devolves upon him. In speaking of practical training I do not mean working a part of one or two summer vacations in a shop, but a suffi- cient time to master a trade in a machine shop from two to three years. Not only long enough to acquire manual pro- ficiency, but long enough to become acquainted with work- men, to know their point of view, to acquire a respect for them, and to lose any unwarranted feeling of superiority. Just as the college graduate is handicapped if he lacks practical training, so is the practical man who has not had an opportunity to go to college handicapped. Either one, 52 THE MEN WHO SUCCEED. however, can overcome his handicap if he only is willing to make the necessary sacrifice in order to do so. The judgment and foresight that enables one to get results without a pitched battle, to start at the source in correcting an evil or in effecting an improvement that is to be perma- nent, can only be had as a result of experience of a practical nature. As a matter of fact most of the other qualifications that make for success in this line are, to some considerable extent, the outcome of training and education. HUMILITY. The writer has seen a number of promising men fail com- pletely, or jeopardize their chances of success through de- veloping a case of swelled head. Humility does not necessitate being a cringing sycophant, willing to subserve one's own will and convictions to the whims and opinions of others for the purpose of temporarily gaining their good graces, but it is the opposite of the sort of "bull-headed" ignorance that leads a man to believe that he "knows it all." It is the lack of this spirit of humility that leads some men, when placed in positions of authority, to assume an air of superiority toward those working under them, and to dis- regard the laws of decency and courtesy that they observe when dealing with those under whom they work. The great discoveries of science, and the inventions that have added so much to the world's advancement have not been made by men who knew it all. The more one learns the more it should be apparent how vastly much more there is to be learned, and this must be the constant frame of mind of the man who is to succeed under scientific management. He must size up his own short- comings and regard with sympathy those whose opportuni- ties have been limited, and must have respect for the opinions and knowledge of others, even in the case of the humblest worker. H. K. HATHAWAY. 53 MEASURE OF SUCCESS. Of course there are various degrees of success under sci- entific management. There is, for example, the degree of success achieved by Mr. Taylor and the men such as Mr. Carl G. Barth and Mr. H. L. Gantt who have been closely associ- ated with him in his work. This is the type of success for which the man making the application of scientific manage- ment to various industries, seeks. On the other hand, we have the success of those working in various capacities in the plants where scientific management is being practised, and who owe their success to its influence and the opportunities that it has brought out. A few cases of this sort that have come under the writer's observation may be interesting. During the past month two men, both of whom started in the same shop run under scientific management as machin- ists, secured positions paying them $50.00 per week, whereas a few years before they had earned but machinists ' pay. These men had been promoted successively from workmen to functional foremen in the shop, and then to the planning department. The opportunities that came to them were the direct result of their training and development under scien- tific management. Under scientific management the ability and worth of each man is brought out and recognized, whereas, under the old type of management, "bluff" frequently masquerades, un- detected, as the real thing. A few years ago a concern employing about three hundred people started to install a system of scientific management, and at that time there was employed, in charge of their ship- ping department, a man who had not attracted any especial attention except as an efficient shipping clerk, in which posi- tion his employer would probably have kept him on account of his handling his job well. This department showed up so favorably in comparison with others in the plant, that the consulting engineer directing the development of the new system persuaded the management to place this man in active 54 THE MEN WHO SUCCEED. charge of certain features of the work, gradually increasing his scope, until finally, when the new system had been fully developed, the management realized that he was the real superintendent of the plant, and made him so in name as well as in fact. They had formerly had a superintendent in name only. Incidentally the old superintendent was not injured at all, having assumed during the period of development duties for which he had a natural inclination and for which he was better fitted. It is not at all uncommon for laborers to become mechanics in plants run under scientific management, nor for the mechanics whom these men succeed, to become functional foremen. One of the most interesting cases that has come under the writer's observation is that of a laborer who became first a drill press hand, then an all round machine hand, and finally a gang boss. The surprising feature in this case is that when this man first came under scientific management he could scarcely write could not add 1 1/4" to 15/16". These are only a few of a vast number of cases that could be cited, but they serve to show that scientific management is not only a good thing for the employer but for the employee as well. THE PLACE OF THE COLLEGE IN COLLECTING AND CONSERVING THE DATA OF SCIEN- TIFIC MANAGEMENT. BY WILFRED LEWIS, President of the Tabor Mfg. Co., Philadelphia, Pa. By scientific management is understood that type of man- agement which is made to rest upon certain well-defined prin- ciples, in the application of whic 1 ! the highest efficiency in human labor is attainable. Mr. Taylor has laid down four fundamental principles of management as follows : The development of a true science. The scientific selection of the workman. His scientific education and development. Intimate friendly relations between the management and the men. These principles have been expanded by other writers into many more, but in their application to any given line of work, the development of the science leads to vast accumulations of data which must be classified and arranged to be available for immediate use when needed, and the question suggested by my subject is: In what way can the college be made to collect and conserve the data of scientific management? Hitherto these data have been accumulated at enormous expense, and their possession in the hands of different indi- viduals or companies has meant practically the doing of the same work with slight variations again and again, simply because there has been no common depository of the data ob- tained. If a true science in management is really attainable, there must be a common pool into which the rivulets of in- formation may flow, and out of which broad streams of knowl- edge can be drawn. The mere accumulation of data without intelligent classification and arrangement counts for little, 55 56 CONSERVING DATA OF SCIENTIFIC MANAGEMENT. and this fact was borne in upon me very forcibly when, after great diligence in the accumulation of certain records, it became more expedient to make new ones than to attempt to find what was wanted in such a heterogeneous mass of details. To a certain extent the scientific selection of the workman can be studied in our colleges, and, by introspection, students can obtain very helpful suggestions as to the career best suited to their abilities; but the scientific education and de- velopment of the workman, and the intimate friendly rela- tions between the management and the men, when applied to teachers as managers and to students as workmen, takes on an unusual significance which may well arrest the attention of thinking men. In modern industry, to which these principles are generally applied, the product is some material thing, the output of which is to be increased for the benefit of the labor employed, the management which directs it, and the public which con- sumes it ; but in the college, the product is the workman him- self, a living force fired with the energy of youth and full of promise to himself and all the world beside. The molding of this material for the market which awaits it, or the develop- ment of young men fitted for the battle of life, is surely an industry of preeminent importance, and it can hardly be doubted that the place of the college as an institution for col- lecting and conserving the talents of the rising generation for the best uses of the world depends more upon the scientific management it displays than upon anything else. I am not sure that Mr. Taylor had in mind the college as a factory for the development of men when he framed his four great underlying principles of management, but he has always contended that there were no exceptions to their appli- cation, and I am inclined to think the up-to-date college must not only be alive to the importance of scientific management, but it must also absorb and disseminate the principles upon which its own efficiency and that of its alumni can be built up and maintained. Scientific management has hitherto been considered chiefly WILFKED LEWIS. 57 as a means for increasing the products of labor in industrial operations, and as such it is known to include the wage worker, the employer, and the consumer, in its benefits. If "he who maketh two blades of grass to grow where but one grew before" is a public benefactor, what can be said of him who lights the way for every worker to vastly increase his output and so raises the standard of living throughout the civilized world? It matters not whether the principles enunciated are new or old if they are made to bear fruit as living forces, and although scientific management is a new term for the general development of all industry, it is frankly admitted by its chief exponent to have been well established for centuries in certain limited fields, and the following extract from the "Meditations of Marcus Aurelius" shows that he was alive to the wastefulness of misdirected effort nearly eighteen hundred years ago. "They will say commonly, meddle not with many things, if thou wilt live cheerfully. Certainly there is nothing better than for a man to confine himself to necessary actions; to such and so many only, as reason in a creature that knows itself born for society, will command and enjoin. This will not only procure that cheerfulness, which from the goodness, but that also, which from the paucity of actions doth usually proceed. For since it is so, that most of these things, which we either speak or do, are unnecessary; if a man shall cut them off, it must needs follow that he shall thereby gain much leisure, and save much trouble, and therefore at every action a man must privately by way of admonition suggest unto himself, What? May not this that I now go about, be of the number of unnecessary actions! Neither must he use himself to cut off actions only, but thoughts and imagination also that are unnecessary; for so will unnecessary consequent actions the better be prevented and cut off." But it remained for Mr. Taylor to prepare the way for the accurate determination of a fair day's work by the scientific analysis of the elementary operations and the time required in detail. With these data properly classified and arranged, it is now possible to determine the time required on work 58 CONSEBVING DATA OF SCIENTIFIC MANAGEMENT. never done before, and when the elementary operations in all lines of industry shall have been so analyzed, classified and arranged, it will be possible to determine the time required for the performance of manual labor under any given condi- tion, and even mental effort to a certain extent can be so formulated. All labor must be resolved by analysis into its elementary units, and these units may then be combined for any desired result. The combinations to a given end may also vary, and the result will depend upon the skill of the expert who prepares the instructions which he must know to be practicable. These instructions are not unlike the labora- tory instructions given to college students when they are expected to do certain things in a very definite and exact way, and very often in a certain limited time, and it may be said that the laboratory method is the method of scientific management in the progressive workshops of to-day. It typi- fies the art of learning by doing, in a very definite clear-cut way. It does not tolerate the initiative of the unskilled, but it gives more freedom to those better qualified to plan and direct. Some of the data of scientific management were therefore col- lected and conserved by our colleges long before the term itself was coined, and if a department were formed for teaching the science of management, it might become the reservoir into which the working data of all industries might be poured for analysis and redistribution in a more helpful form. Such a department would have an important influence upon the study of political economy and trade unionism, and it might help labor to see its real interest in production rather than in the highest possible wages for the least amount of work. It should be apparent to the dullest intellect that the rewards of labor can not exceed the products of labor, that the producers of the world are its principal consumers, that high wages for a low product increases the cost of living, and that a large product adds to the general welfare of the community re- gardless of wages, which can not rise above their source as measured in the actual return of the same labor applied to mining the standard of value, gold. WILFRED LEWIS. 59 All this should be apparent but it is not, because the struggle still goes on to get more than is to be had out of everything, and by innumerable strikes and lock-outs, the products avail- able for distribution are continually depreciated and reduced, to the irreparable injury of common labor, which suffers most from its own blind folly. In natural rights all men are equal, and it should be the aim of a beneficent government to insure equal opportunities to all. But in ability to embrace opportunities men will always differ, and compensation must be apportioned to results, if the highest efficiency is to be maintained and the largest product realized. The welfare of common labor depends, therefore, upon the welfare of skilled men who are not content with the same reward and naturally forge ahead. Those who cannot direct or control must follow the leader or come to grief, and in taking their proper places in the world of industry they contribute in the fullest degree to their own happiness and that of the community in which they live. The law of supply and demand, freely exercised and applied to individuals, can be safely trusted to distribute the rewards of labor more justly and more advantageously to all men than any of the Utopian schemes which cut out incentive and en- deavor to reduce the leaders of men to the ranks, because with- out incentive, the efforts of able men will be relaxed, and civilization will surely decline. So, in the mining of gold, this industry will not continue unless the product is at least equal to the outlay in salaries, wages, and fixed charges, and what common labor realizes in this industry can not be exceeded in any other industry without stopping or retarding the min- ing of gold upon which the maintenance of high wages depends. The matter of wages is therefore under automatic control, and since it does not affect the welfare of common labor so much as the total output in which labor participates, the main interest of labor clearly lies in the cause of efficiency. But how long will it be before this is recognized by the rank and file, and have we not in the philosophy of scientific man- agement another field for the activities of college men ? Effici- 60 CONSEKVING DATA OF SCIENTIFIC MANAGEMENT. ency suffers for want of expounders, and a vast amount of energy is misdirected by unworthy leaders to mischievous ends. When properly understood and applied there is no conflict between capital and labor under scientific manage- ment, and capital is recognized as a factor equal in importance to labor itself, without which the condition of labor would indeed be discouraging. On the other hand, the concentra- tion of fabulous wealth in a few hands, when heralded as it is in the newspapers and flaunted in the eyes of the desperately poor, cannot fail to cause discontent with mutterings of resent- ment and threats of violence and revolution. And while it is true that prosperity depends upon the energy born of ambi- tion, the time will surely come when the conditions which permit such monstrous accumulations will no longer exist, and by the operation of beneficent laws, predatory wealth will be automatically returned to the community from which it was drawn. This can be done in such a way as to impose no obstacle to the realization of any reasonable ambition, and yet to make the acquisition of unlimited wealth attended by increasing difficulties. The data of scientific management would then be applied to the functions of government, as well as to ways and means for the accumulation and distribution of wealth, and there is really no limit to their fruitful possi- bilities. I conceive it to be the function of colleges to collect and conserve the data of the sciences which they undertake to teach, and if scientific management is to be one of them, the data upon which it rests should be included. In my own business, these data consist, roughly speaking, of certain elements which have been arranged in the form of a chart beginning with the charges for general expense divided into auxiliary, business, and manufacturing, followed by classifications for stores, worked materials, tools, machine tools, and materials. These classifications are subdivided and their subdivisions are again and again divided until we finally arrive at our slide rules for machine time and tabulated records for the determination of handling time. The former WILFRED LEWIS. 61 apply especially to the particular tools and machines in actual use, and the latter to information more general in character which would be applicable to machine shops anywhere. It may be impracticable to collect and conserve for general use the data for slide rules or the slide rules themselves designed especially for certain machines. This might be done by the machine tool builders, and the results obtained might or might not be their best selling arguments. The handling time, how- ever, is of more general application, and some clearing house should be provided for its reception and distribution to avoid the expense consequent upon the repetition of this work by independent investigators. I had thought at one time of the college as the natural depository and distributor of this information, and for this reason I believe my subject was assigned, but we now have engineering societies, some devoted in part to scientific man- agement, others to it exclusively, and this Society for the Pro- motion of Engineering Education, any one of which might act as custodian for the data of scientific management, and with all these avenues open to those interested in the results, it seems to me that the subject belongs more particularly to the Society to Promote the Science of Management than to any other, and that the place of the college is to participate in the results and lend itself as far as possible to the development of a true science from the data obtained. Its help is also needed in the art of teaching, for under scientific management every plant of whatever description becomes in effect a trade school where unskilled labor is trained and directed to a broader and better sphere of usefulness. The acquisition of knowledge is one thing, and the art of imparting it to others is necessarily in the hands of men who have never been trained as teachers. College methods could therefore be studied to advantage by scientific managers, and the mutual interchange of ideas and experiences between managers and teachers could hardly fail to be of great benefit to both. AN AUXILIARY TO COLLEGES IN THE TRAINING OF SCIENTIFIC MANAGERS. BY EGBERT THURSTON KENT, Editor of Industrial Engineering, New York. The writer has always had a high opinion of the plan inau- gurated by Dean Herman Schneider at the University of Cin- cinnati for the training of engineers, that is, the spending of a portion of the college course which is five years in length in the shops of Cincinnati or nearby towns, during which period in the shops the students work side by side with the regular workmen, receiving instruction and training in shop methods which it would be impossible to give them in the college shop. Although the length of the course seems excess- ive, the plan is an admirable one in many respects for training engineers who are to become machine shop superintendents, managers, or to hold positions of similar character in other manufacturing lines. Without doubt, the same idea could be successfully applied to other lines of engineering work, such as the various phases of civil engineering, electrical engineer- ing, power plant practice, heating and ventilating or any one of the many specialties in which the mechanical engineer finds occupation. While scientific management is comparatively new, yet, in a number of industries in this country its principles have been applied with uniform success. These shops, in the writer's opinion, will form the best auxiliaries to the colleges in the training of scientific managers, operating with respect to scien- tific management courses in the colleges, exactly as do the shops of Cincinnati to the engineering course in the Univer- sity of Cincinnati. It is not necessary for the purposes of training an engineer in the principles of scientific management that he study the operation of these principles in a machine shop. The principles underlying scientific management are 62 ROBERT THURSTON KENT. O3 the same in every industry, and the student in a management course can study their operation fully as well in a textile mill or a printing establishment, as in a machine shop. It may be that he can study them even better, for in many industries there is not the complexity of operations that obtains in machine work, which might appear to befog the clear discern- ment of the underlying principles. The most powerful auxiliary to the college in the training of scientific managers, therefore, is the shop in some line of industry which is operated according to the principles laid down by Dr. Taylor. It is not to be expected that a student should become a finished textile worker, printer or machinist should he use one of these industries as an auxiliary to a management course, but he can learn in the most thorough manner in any of these industries, the principles of routing, of scheduling, of planning, of time-keeping, store-keeping, and he also can learn by acting under the instructions of one of these officials, the functions of the speed boss, the gang boss, the inspector and the disciplinarian. In the planning depart- ment, he can act, always under supervision if necessary, as instruction card man, time and cost clerk, route clerk, etc. The plan the writer advocates in the training by colleges of men to fill positions under scientific management, is that each college having such a course arrange with one or more indus- tries in its vicinity to have its students spend a part of their time in that industry, much along the lines that the students in the University of Cincinnati spend their time in the shops of that city. The course should be arranged so that the stu- dents will spend several consecutive days or weeks each month in the shop, performing the functions of one or more of the planning department officials or of the functional foremen out in the shop. The writer is of the firm belief that engineering education is of comparatively little commercial value until it is supple- mented by practical training in commercial work, whether that work be shop practice, construction work or any other line which the student elects to follow subsequent to the com- 64 TKAINING OF SCIENTIFIC MANAGEKS. pletion of his college course. This idea applies just as much to engineering work which specializes in management as it does to engineering which specializes in machine design, power- plant practice or any other line of engineering. The student who has studied the theory of management from books and depends upon this theory alone is apt to encounter many pit- falls in his attempt to apply what he has learned. The big problems in management are not those of following a certain fixed set of forms or rules based on the fundamental prin- ciples enunciated by Dr. Taylor. The vital problem in man- agement is that which involves a human element. It is psy- chological and until the would-be manager actually comes in contact with the workmen and comes to understand the atti- tude of the workmen toward all in authority above him and toward his work, he will inevitably fail in his attempt to be a successful manager. This knowledge cannot be gained in the class-room. It must be gained by actual physical contact with the workmen. It is, therefore, the writer's opinion that no college giving a course in scientific management can have a better auxiliary than a close working connection with some industry that is operating under the principles of scientific management. TEACHING SCIENTIFIC MANAGEMENT IN ENGINEERING SCHOOLS. BY EGBERT B. WOLF, Managing Engineer, Burgess Sulphite Co., Berlin, N. H. It is not my purpose to go into an elaborate discussion of the principles of scientific management, but simply to give briefly my reasons for believing that it should be taught in our engineering schools. In this day of keen competition no manufacturing establishment can be conducted successfully by the old "rule of thumb" methods. This is especially true in that class of manufacturing which has been established for some time and where competition and increased cost of raw materials have reduced the margin of profit. There are quite a number of establishments, such as machine shops, foundries, etc., where the principles of scientific management have been worked out to a very fine point by Dr. Taylor and others. Any one starting out in this line of work need not be put to the trouble and expense of conducting a long series of costly experiments to determine such a question, for instance, as the proper method of cutting metals. A thorough course out- lining these principles can well be added to the curriculum of our engineering schools. This course should describe in detail the methods used in up-to-date machine shops, going into the subject of "time study" work, store system, and general ac- counting, which will undoubtedly save many a young engineer from spending his time going over the ground already covered by others. He could then devote his energies to extending the field still further. In some industries the principles of scientific management have been so well worked out that it is hardly any longer a question as to what are the best methods to pursue. If the engineering schools will take up this subject, it will enable the students to profit by the experiences of others, thereby 65 66 TEACHING SCIENTIFIC MANAGEMENT. tending towards ultimate economy in manufacturing methods. The very excellent treatise on the art of cutting metals, by Dr. Taylor, might well be used as a text-book, even though the student does not intend to follow machine-shop work. A careful study of this book, so that the principles involved are recognized, will assist materially in pointing out the general methods that should be followed in pursuing any line of investigation. These identical principles have been adopted, for instance, in the cooking or boiling of pulp in sulphite digesters. A course describing the methods in use in making motion- study might well be added, as this is an important part of scien- tific management. As an illustration of this, there is one large pulp manufacturing concern that was able to save over $200 per day in freight paid to the railroad companies, by a careful motion-study to eliminate lost time in the operation of its hydraulic press equipment for pressing moisture out of the pulp. There should also be included a course describing the various methods of rewarding men for their increased effi- ciency. This must be gone into very carefully in order to point out the danger of attempting any kind of piece work or bonus system, without scientifically determining in advance the best methods to follow. Mistakes made by imitators of scientific management might have been avoided if a more thorough knowledge on these subjects had been available. The methods for rewarding foremen and department heads, so that they will be stimulated to their best efforts, should also be studied, as well as those used to determine the depart- mental efficiencies. Another important subject is the use of graphical methods for analyzing the results of investigation and keeping track of operating conditions. Considering the extreme simplicity of this method and the impossibility of obtaining intelligent re- sults in any other way, it surely seems that this subject should be given a great deal more attention in our technical schools. There is nothing new, of course, about graphics, but its general application to business is new and should be studied. EGBERT B. WOLF. 67 All of this, of course, involves experience and it is highly desirable that the subjects previously referred to in this paper be taught by men who have had experience in putting these principles into operation. In my judgment it would be im- proper and might be productive of harm rather than good if college instructors simply took up the subject by text-book and attempted to teach it. The true principles of scientific management cannot be comprehended in this way alone, as the practicable conditions can only be learned by actual con- tact with the work and have a great bearing on the final con- clusions. If this subject must be taken up by the regular instructors in the engineering schools, they should be given permission and time to go into the manufacturing establish- ments now operating under this system, to become thoroughly familiar with it. After having done this they will be in a much better position to teach the subject in an authoritative and interesting way. After having acquired a knowledge of the mechanism of scientific management the student should also be taught the general philosophy of the subject and it would be well to include in this connection a course in biology and practical psychology, for the reason that the true test of scientific man- agement is that it improves and elevates the mental and physical condition of the workman. A wrong impression has been given by some of the opponents of scientific management, who claim that it tends to make automatons of men. If this has been done in any of the industries it is because the true principle has been departed from and for this reason, if for no other, the treating of the subject in a comprehensive way in our engineering schools would be a great advantage, and would tend to prevent mistakes of this character. One other thing that scientific management has pointed out very clearly is that the physical condition of the men should be considered to its fullest extent and that the men who are overworked and working in unhygienic surroundings are in the very nature of things bound to be more or less inefficient. A general treatment, therefore, of hygienic law is necessary 68 TEACHING SCIENTIFIC MANAGEMENT. as well as a course in physiology and personal hygiene. A great many men are inefficient largely because they lack a knowledge of how to take care of themselves, so that it is part of the system of scientific management to conduct a campaign of education along these lines. This, of course, cannot be done intelligently unless the men at the head of the organization realize to the fullest extent what this means. It seems to me, in view of the fact that our engineering schools are turning out the men who become the heads of our large manufacturing concerns, that it is of the utmost im- portance that they send out their students thoroughly equipped with a knowledge of the principles of scientific management and in this connection I believe that the course should include visits by the students to establishments now operating under this system. This would not .only tend to make the course more interesting, but would fix in a more permanent way the things learned from the text-books. In conclusion, I can say that the large progressive manufacturers of the country would welcome the thought of our engineering schools taking up this subject. THE TEACHING OF SCIENTIFIC MANAGEMENT IN ENGINEERING SCHOOLS. BY HOLLIS GODFREY, f. Consulting Engineer, West Medford, Mass. Two problems confronted the writer of this paper when he began his work : First, to take the engineering school as it commonly exists today and use its equipment effectively in the creation of a practicable course for men who desire to follow the profes- sion of industrial or management engineers. Second, to take the student as he is and to equip him well for his work, giving him studies which will be of real value and which he cannot as well acquire afterwards in the shop. It is merely good management to use all the facilities which now exist in the engineering schools. Their regular courses are, in my belief, admirably adapted to their purposes and admirably conducted as a general thing. I propose to use those courses in the training of the industrial engineers so far as possible. There is room in scientific management for the man trained in every type of engineering. I propose that the student of the science of management shall take three years out of four in some one of the regular courses in engineering, devoting one year's work, made up of half the work of the junior year and half the work of the senior year, to the direct courses in scientific management and to their allied courses. The allied required courses are often given in engineering schools, and are almost always given in the colleges of arts, which commonly exist combined with engineering schools. The direct courses advised here are given in the form pro- posed, so far as I know, in no engineering school, and amount to four half courses. The progress of the work, as will be noted later, requires that the work in scientific management shall be begun in the junior year. I believe that the plan outlined here is practicable and will enable an engineering 69 70 TEACHING SCIENTIFIC MANAGEMENT. school to make the best use of its present equipment in the training of the industrial engineer. I believe that all the content of these courses can be much better acquired in the engineering school than in the shop after graduation. The American undergraduate today, both in the college and in the technical school, appears to me marked by a most pro- found ignorance of industrial conditions, both in general and in detail. Whether that condition comes from modern city life or not it is not the province of this paper to discuss. All the evidence at my disposal goes to show that it exists. I do not believe that any lecture course can conquer that ignorance, for I do not believe that the average student has any basic knowledge, apperceptive basis, if you will, on which to build the theory of the science of management. For that reason I should prefer to make it a prerequisite to the junior and senior courses in industrial engineering that the student elect- ing these courses should be required to spend the sophomore and junior vacations in the shop. I should assign more hours a week to shop or laboratory work than to lecture and reci- tation, but not more laboratory periods. It is partly because of the undergraduate's ignorance of industrial conditions and partly because the opportunities of the shop to give training in the science of management are limited, that I state my firm belief that a man trained for four years by the plan outlined here will be far better equipped to handle industrial problems than a man graduating from one of the regular courses who attempts to obtain his knowledge of the science of management in the shop. I had believed that the basic theory of the technical school, namely, that the student could advance far more rapidly in the school than in the shop, had been settled long since. It is on that basic edu- cational theory that I propose the training of the industrial engineer in the engineering school, yet to my surprise I find some engineers proposing to make shop training alone serve the special needs of the industrial engineer, thus proposing a theory which is quite outworn for the other branches of engi- neering. Shop and school are too firmly welded to-day to allow either to stand alone. HOLLIS GODFREY. 71 As regards the question of whether it might not prove wise to give one or two extra years to the training of the industrial engineer, I have expressly excluded this proposition from my paper, as I have limited myself to the discussion of the engi- neering school as it is. I, therefore, took the four year course as my basis. With the assumption that the work of the student of scien- tific management during the first two years will be the same as that of the student in one of the existing engineering courses and with the assumption that the student has spent his sophomore vacation in the shop, suppose we start the student selecting scientific management, at the beginning of his junior year and discuss the direct and allied courses in scientific management which he will take in the two years before graduation. That brings us directly to the question of what powers and what information should be given the student of this subject. As regards the powers, the best way that I know to obtain some statement of those is to turn to the powers possessed by successful industrial engineers of my acquaintance. According to my analysis the essential powers possessed by those successful engineers are the following : First, the power of using the work done by other men. That power saves a man from repeating uselessly work done before, saves him from repeating the mistakes of others and enables him to build on the foundation of the best work already done. Second, the power of perspective, of adjustment to environ- ment, of seeing the proper relation which a process bears to the other processes in a plant, or that a plant bears to its in- dustry as a whole. Third, the power of research, of so collecting, correlating and translating masses of facts as to obtain their meaning. Fourth, the power of the making of designs and the carry- ing out of construction in the basis of the facts obtained by research. Fifth, the power of expression, gained largely through the study of English, which makes both research and construe- 72 TEACHING SCIENTIFIC MANAGEMENT. tion so intelligible and useful that no time is wasted through unintelligibility. After powers comes information or perhaps it would be better to say that powers and information combined bring us to courses allied and direct. The first allied course that I should require of the student is economics. The industrial engineer must work with both men and machines. It is his task to produce, to bring order out of industrial disorder, and the history of economic advance, as well as the advances of present day economic research, must be placed before him if he is not to waste time in repeating needlessly the economic mistakes of the past. The industrial engineer must have the light of economics upon his work. He must be able to use intelligently the new work in economics, but it must never be forgotten that he is personally a scientist, not an economist; that, to use Ely's phrase, he is to deal mainly with natural rather than descriptive science. So much for the necessity of the work in economics to which I have assigned a course and a half. Two full years have been assigned to those courses which aid the industrial engi- neer to understand the physical and mental condition of the worker, one year of physiology, hygiene and sanitation and one year of psychology, including experimental psychology. I believe that no single factor is to take more commanding place in the development of the next years in scientific man- agement than the work to prevent the evil effects of the old type of management, of speeding up, of rush work and of disa- greeable and dangerous processes. The effect of industry on the human frame and the human mind, the replacing of false theory with scientifically determined facts as regards the phys- ical and mental condition of the worker, will be a part of the work of every industrial engineer. The graduate in this course must not only have acquaintance with the present state of knowledge in the subjects specified, he must be able to use the advances of knowledge obtained by the sanitarian and the psychologist. Of the necessity for a half course in the theory and practice HOLLIS GODFREY. 73 of accounting it is perhaps merely necessary to speak of the necessity for the industrial engineer to have a thorough knowl- edge of costs and of their relation to the books of the regular accounting system. The industrial engineer must, in the last analysis, have his eye constantly upon costs, for in no pro- fession is it more necessary not to have the work cost more than it is worth. Summarizing the allied courses we find that the list is as follows: One year and a half of eco- nomics; one year of physiology, hygiene and sanitation; one year of psychology including experimental psychology; one half year of the theory and practise of accounting. I assume that equal amounts of lecture and recitation time are allotted to each full course, so that Scientific Management 1 A and 1 B for example, would use the same number of lecture and reci- tation hours as Economics 1. The laboratory hours required for the Scientific Management courses would be additional to this. As regards the content of the allied courses proposed here, it seems to me that the conditions existent in different insti- tutions vary so greatly as to make it impossible at present to advise specifically the ground that these courses should cover. In each case the relations between the direct and allied courses must be determined by the cooperation of the men in charge of the work, and the content of the allied courses will be affected by those relations. I advise specifically here as re- gards the content of the courses in Scientific Management, but I feel that the welding of these courses with those now existent is an individual problem which each institution should solve for itself. Turning directly from the allied courses to the direct courses in the science of management, we find that these courses divide naturally into four half courses. Scientific Management 1 A, the first, is intended to give the student a general view of industry and of the principles of scientific management. Scientific Management IB considers the prob- lems presented in the planning of work and of all operations preceding the actual shop operations. It lays especial stress 74 TEACHING SCIENTIFIC MANAGEMENT. upon the lesson to be taught throughout, namely, that scien- tific management is a science to be solved by scientific meth- ods. Scientific Management 2 A takes up the problems of work in the shop with especial reference to the workman and his machine. Scientific Management 2B considers the re- sults of the work done in 1 A, 1 B and 2 A, and takes up prob- lems of costs, of purchasing and of sales and especially con- siders the scientific determination of the policy of a business. Each of these courses is aimed to meet certain definite needs or to furnish certain necessary information. Sum- marizing these needs in the case of Scientific Management 1 A we may say that this course is designed : 1. To meet the ignorance of the student concerning industry and to give him some understanding of the flow of work. To give him some understanding of the principles of the science of management and of general methods of the scientific attack of industrial problems. 2. To make him realize the main common factors in in- dustry. 3. To make him realize the main differing factors which make every plant in every industry a new problem. 4. To show him the methods of statistical research by which laws and principles are determined. 5. To train him in observation, to enable him to separate process from process and function from function. 6. To give him actual examples of the application of other sciences to the problems of management. To accomplish the purposes just laid down I propose that the student in this course shall make an examination of four industries, taking one representative plant from each industry, and that he shall examine every step in the flow of work from the first inquiry of the customer to the final settlement of the account, examining these steps broadly without going into their details. To put it another way I propose that the stu- dent in this course shall study the broad divisions of four plants in actual operation, leaving the study of the subdivi- sions to follow in the next three courses. Together with this HOLLIS GODFREY. 75 examination of actual conditions I propose that the student shall examine those factors common to all the industries and the factors which are different in each industry. Few things are more important in the very beginning of the student's work than to have him see that a system built for a given plant and working admirably for that plant will not apply in another plant as it stands, for the simple reason that the different factors in the second plant require study before the systems involving these new factors can be designed or constructed. It is most essential at the very start to make the student realize that he must rely on science and not on a previously obtained mechanism to solve the problems of each new case, that he must solve his problems by the use of the principles of scientific management and not by the application of any ironclad system. That lesson once learned opens the road to the proper study of the principles of the science of management and of the methods used by that science. These methods are, of course, practically those used by every other science, yet one part of them, the methods of statistical re- search, the proper translation of masses of statistics, the ob- taining of the significant figures, if you will, needs more emphasis in the case of the student of industrial engineering than would normally be required of students in most of the other engineering courses. Our knowledge of methods of sta- tistical research is increasing daily. They offer too valuable a tool for the industrial engineer to be omitted from a course in scientific management. In this connection it is important for the student to learn that the mere accumulation and even the correlation of data may have no value and may be an extremely expensive habit, provided judgment is not used in the selection of the data to be studied and provided the data, once assembled and corre- lated, is not rightly translated into usable form. Few things need the control of common sense more than statistical re- search. Few things are more valuable, once that control is exercised. Work in graphical analysis should prove of assist- ance here. It is extremely necessary in a course such as is here out- 76 TEACHING SCIENTIFIC MANAGEMENT. lined that the student should be required to test and retest his knowledge. No student should be allowed to complete this course without handing in a report showing a careful study of the main processes in some plant in actual operation, prefer- ably a plant engaged in some industry not among the four industries chosen for the course. Having gained his perspective in the first course in scien- tific management the student may begin the study of detail in the second course in which, as has already been said, it seems advisable to consider the planning and preparation processes which occur previous to the passage of the work into the shop. This course involves the detailed study of a group of the main factors involved in management, routing, stores, etc., determining the subdivisions of these factors for individual cases but excluding direct machine operations. Methods of collecting all available data concerning these factors of industry, the making of a science out of the opera- tions of an industry through the collection, correlating and expression in useful form of all data concerning an operation, should be shown here with especial reference to the working out of the first principle of scientific management as given by Dr. Taylor. Mechanisms derived from scientific study and already in use in different places should be considered and basic likenesses in these mechanisms discussed. Differences, existing in different industries, should be considered and it should be made plain that these mechanisms, being based on scientific study of principles, will differ outwardly in different cases but will be basically the same. The fact that men and machines, and not machines alone, are studied in the science of management must be brought out here in connection with physiology, hygiene and sanita- tion. The effect of heat, light and air on the workman, the problems of fatigue and the deleterious effect of the rush work of the old type of management should be especially con- sidered here. The student in this course should not go back of the point where the orders are transmitted from the sales department HOLLIS GODFBEY. 77 into the factory, but his study of the preliminary processes should begin at this point, pass through the study of design, of preparation of material or stores, through study of the principles of stores, through routing, order of work and the control of work going through the shop, and should include some symbolization and some studies of the general articula- tion and f unctionalization of the planning department. Study of the problems of tools, of time study and of instruction cards, although technically, perhaps, included in this division of the subject, should be left until the following course. When the student has completed the course outlined above he should have a fair knowledge of the best practice of indus- trial engineering in its relation to the planning of work. He should have a fair conception of the methods of attack by which industrial difficulties have been solved and the way in which they may be solved by the application of the science of management. He should himself have gained some power in the solution of practical problems and he should be required at the end of this course to prove his ability by the actual solution of an actual problem of the planning room. Scientific Management 2 A purposes to take up the prob- lem of the passage of work through the shop from the begin- ning of the first machine or hand process applied to the raw material to the delivery of the finished article to stores or to the shipping room. It involves a study of machine and hand processes but this is but a part of its work. It is in this course that the student first meets the great problem of the task, of the substitution of the justice of science for the guess- work of man as a basis for the cooperation of employer and employee, and meets the problems of education that are in- volved in the theory of functional foremanship. We may outline briefly the subject matter of the course as follows : 1. Study of the task with a view to the elimination of all disagreeable and dangerous elements. 2. Study of the task with a view to determining the duties of the management in obtaining the right task. 78 TEACHING SCIENTIFIC MANAGEMENT. 3. Study of the task with a view to machine improvements. (These studies should be done in the shops of the school.) 4. Study of the education of the workman. 5. Study of functionalization in the shop. 6. Proper methods of instruction card writing. 7. Proper methods of record. The following subjects should also be considered here: 8. The selection of the workman. 9. The study of physiological and psychological factors in- volved in certain given cases. The student who gains what he should from the course in Scientific Management 2 A should gain far more than the technique of time study. He should make appreciable gains in his power of observation and of analysis. He should gain the conception that time study, far from being a weapon to wrongly speed up a worker, furnishes a means of removing the disagreeable, inefficient and dangerous elements of a work- er's task. He should gain facility of expression in the practice of making out instruction cards, improve his power of choice in the selection of tools for tool lists, and gain a considerable appreciation of the best methods in vogue to-day for the in- crease of the efficiency of men and machines. No part of his work should give the student more under- standing of the problem of obtaining the workman's coopera- tion than his study, towards the end of this course, of the problems of the scientific selection and development of the workman as laid down in the second and third of Dr. Taylor's principles of scientific management. The year's work in physiology, hygiene and sanitation which has preceded this course, the work in psychology which goes on with it, should be of great aid to the student in his effort to comprehend these most important principles. At the end of this course, the student should present a re- port of a rather comprehensive nature involving the deter- mination and expression of a task. This report should involve not only time studies, but all the expression of the task as shown in the writing of instruction cards, tool lists, work of HOL.LIS GODFREY. 79 functional foremen, etc. The work in English should show its value here. Scientific Management 2B, the final course, considers the results and records of planning and of work in the shop. It should consider the effect upon design of the records made in both of the previous courses and especially the effect upon the policy of the firm of the weak and strong points brought out by the scientific study of the various problems involved. The latter part of the course should be given up to a general re- view of the whole subject and should give especial considera- tion to the fourth of Dr. Taylor's principles of scientific management, the new division of the total burden between management and operative, as shown in all the courses. Summarizing the general subject matter of this course, we may say that this fourth section should concern itself, first, with the proper recording of the work done in respect to time and to costs; second, with methods of wage and bonus deter- mination; third, with methods of inventory taking and pur- chasing curves; fourth, with methods of design in scientific management ; fifth, with a general review. Then, as determin- ing future policy, should come the study of sales curves and cost curves, those great aids in determining what classes of business really pay. The wide-reaching possibilities of using the investigations of scientific management in determining the policy of a busi- ness, in respect to design, to classes of product, to choice of customers, and to determining the field of sales has received as yet but little outside notice. Of the two functions of cost, one, the use of costs in determining prices, has received a fair share of attention. The other, the use of costs in determining the most profitable classes of business, receives to-day nothing like the attention that it merits. The work in costs should not only teach the student methods of cost distribution which will distribute every penny expended in a given time upon the product manufactured in that time. It should teach him also to use costs as a constant check upon the progress of his own work and as a guide to the future direction of a business. 80 TEACHING SCIENTIFIC MANAGEMENT. Sales curves added to cost curves throw still more light upon the problems of the most favorable fields to attack and the classes of goods which seem best suited .to both the produc- tion possibilities of the factory and the requirements of the customers. In a great number of the factories of the United States to-day the sales and the manufacturing departments live in a state of warfare. Service is pitted constantly against production. It is peculiarly the province of the industrial engineer to determine by study the actual basis on which the most profitable service and production can be given and to bring the sales department and the factory into harmony. The problems of the maximum and minimum quantities to be carried in stores, requires careful study if a plant is to avoid the two extremes of being out of material or of locking up too much money in stores. Both extremes are dangerous and both should be avoided by scientific study and not by guesswork. Work of this sort begun earlier may be amplified in course 2 B. The application of these investigations to design, governed largely by the charted studies of time and costs, has pro- duced remarkable results both in the adaptation of design to the needs of the customer and consumer, and in the cutting down of the costs of the article. The final course, Course 2 B, is the place for the discussion of these points. At the nd of the course the student should make a report embodying actual reports of time and cost, of sales and pur- chasing curves for a given plant. As regards the methods of instruction, lecture, recitation and laboratory are all mingled in about the usual proportions. The laboratory work must largely be done in allied friendly plants, but the present day interest of manufacturers in tech- nical education should make this easily possible. No task setting should, however, be done elsewhere than in the shops of the school. That is too delicate a matter for student hands and involves too many possible difficulties when done by others than experts. I left teaching a considerable time ago when I took up HOLLJS GODFBEY. 81 the study and practice of the science of management, but I believe I have not lost any of my interest in effective teach- ing or any of my beliefs in education. This paper is the outcome of my interests and beliefs in education and in scien- tific management. And I believe in scientific management because in the period during which it has been my good fortune to have been associated with Frederick Winslow Taylor, I have never found any industrial problem which the science of management would not solve. I have seen with my own eyes marked savings in money, marked advances in serv- ice and production, marked improvement in the condition of the worker. With that personal experience it is perhaps no wonder that I have become an enthusiast on the subject, that I look for its advancement in every way and that the teaching of scientific management should interest me deeply. I believe that with the training outlined above, properly given by qualified men and properly assimilated by the pupil, the student should reach the end of his course a thorough believer in the science of management, with the desire and ability to use the scientific spirit in the solution of the prob- lems of industry. He should have a mind that is willing to accept and use all that is best of the work of other men, yet he should be constant in the pursuit of knowledge. The industrial engineer will never be a man who " knows his own business " for he knows that no man can measure or limit the advance of science. Free from dogma and from prejudice, blessed with the open mind and with the equipment of modern science the industrial engineer, so trained, should be prepared to do his part in bringing justice and betterment to every worker everywhere in the new industrial day. Note. In the preceding paper I recognize that I present the view of one man, aided by friendly criticisms. The de- velopment of a course of the kind proposed here must be, in the last analysis, the work of many men. It has been my aim throughout this paper to make definite statements which can be definitely shown to be practicable or impracticable in a given case. Deeply interested in the problem as I am, I shall welcome all constructive criticism. TEACHING THE PRINCIPLES OF SCIENTIFIC MANAGEMENT. BY WALTER RAUTENSTRAUCH, Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Columbia University. The records of this society, the transactions of engineering institutes, articles in the public press and the reports of many conferences give evidence of an ever increasing interest in the subject of engineering education in preparation for service in the manufacturing industries. The remarkable results be- ing accomplished by American manufacturers in the produc- tion of commodities at lower costs than were obtained in earlier years have awakened the people to the possibilities of accomplishment in all lines of human endeavor through a more accurate knowledge of the factors of cost incident to these activities. Efficiency societies, committees of the national and local engineering organizations and special pub- lications devoted to the Science of Organization, Management and Production are springing into being, for the purpose of spreading far and wide a knowledge of those principles of production which have been so effective in the industries where they have been sanely tried. While many commercial institu- tions have been put on a more substantial foundation to the benefit of both producer and consumer, and industries over- burdened with financial obligations, occasioned by errors in operation and management, have been given a new start, yet some manufacturers and managers of the old school have held themselves aloof from partaking in this new movement be- cause of years of prosperity under the older conditions of manufacture. It is not surprising, therefore, to find the same attitude in some of our universities and colleges where the policies are dictated by professors schooled and experi- enced in means and methods of instruction which no longer parallel the modern requirements of engineering service, and 82 WALTER RAUTENSTRAUCH. 83 whose knowledge of present engineering practice is mainly derived from text-books. Our successful industries to-day are those which have adapted themselves to the changing economic conditions of the times and are not judging their present condition by the results of past performance. So also will it be found that our engineering schools will progress to the extent to which they keep the subject matter of their courses and methods of instruction abreast with the practice of the profession for which they propose to give preparation and also not to judge their excellence by the records of graduates who have become successful in practical life. Serious attempts are being made not only within the universities but without, to have the courses of instruction in engineering more closely identified with modern conditions of service but the changes proposed lead one to believe that emphasis is not being placed on the most important factors. As it has been found true in the case of the factory that modern improvements are wrought not by additions in organization, equipment and accounting but rather by a complete change of policy and ideals even extending to the organic design of buildings and equipment and the occupation of new ground, so also will it be found in the engineering schools that the preparation of young men for engineering service is not much improved by mere addi- tion to the curriculum but there must be complete changes in ideals, methods and means of instruction. Accordingly, therefore, those schools in which the purely technological aspect of engineering problems has for years predominated the courses of instruction, will never effect a successful change when they attempt to retain the old presentation of subject matter and simply add courses in "scientific man- agement" to satisfy the popular demand. No separate course of instruction pretending to deal with the science of organiza- tion, management and production, divorced from vital contact with problems of design and performance in which these prin- ciples are embodied, will ever be effective when standing alone. Whatever instruction is offered in these lines must always be 84 TEACHING SCIENTIFIC MANAGEMENT. paralleled by applications and illustrations in all courses of the curriculum. Universities attempting to teach the ' * science of management " to non-technical students; bookkeepers and accountants engaging in the business of advising manufactur- ers in the matter of lowering the cost of productive processes of which they know nothing, only serve to misguide many an earnest youth who seeks to prepare himself for real and sub- stantial service. No one would dare suggest the revision of legal procedure or scientific management of the courts by one not well versed in the law, nor can it be imagined that the great problems of public health should be attacked by one not thoroughly drilled in the science of medicine, yet our great industrial institu- tions are continually embarrassed and even persecuted by men wholly incapable of comprehending their problems. The time is not so long ago when the architectural features of a bridge or a factory building together with the maximum limit of appropriation of funds allowed had more influence in the design of such structures than the relation of their income producing capacities to their cost. The technical excellence of the design and perfection and accuracy of workmanship were matters of considerable pride to producers and were not to be degraded through considerations of a mere utilitarian nature. In some quarters this point of view still lingers and is fostered by municipalities and governments requiring of their engi- neers of public works to judge their expenditures by the limit of appropriation available. But the manufacturing in- dustries compel the engineer to render an entirely different kind of service. Some professors having knowledge of the older form of service, a magnified regard for excellence in technic and a tendency toward the academic, find great diffi- culty in adapting themselves to the pressing demands of modern times. No attempt is being made to belittle the worth of a high degree of scientific ability ; we cannot have too much of it in our schools. But it is believed that it alone may be far re- moved from an ability to solve commercial problems. The WALTER EAUTENSTRAUCH. 85 most highly skilled artisan may be a very poor man to decide the policies to be followed in manufacturing a line of goods for a given market. So also the most scientific professor, understanding all the laws of thenno-dynamics, may be wholly incapable of selecting the most economic commercial equip- ment of power machinery for a station to meet a given service condition ; or being able to solve the most complicated problems in stress analysis, may not be able to determine the type of bridge which will burden the transportation system with minimum capital charges or perform its service with minimum weight. This feeling on the part of the professor that he possesses a superior sort of knowledge, far above that possessed by the business man is conducive to a wholly in- adequate treatment of the subject he professes to teach and is evidence that he does not appreciate the nature of the service for which his students should be prepared. Any course of in- struction, no matter how excellent in its treatment of scientific facts and methods of analysis, highly desirable as these may be, is incomplete when it fails to impart to the student a knowledge of the conditions under which this information may become commercially serviceable. Our engineering schools are supposed by employers to have for their aim the prepara- tion of young men for service in our great industrial institu- tions engaged in the manufacture of commodities such as shoes, hats, typewriters, jewelry, glassware, brick, cement, soaps, cloth, paper, paints, automobiles, locomotives, steel and iron products in endless variety, form and complexity, and the creation of services such as light, heat, power refrigera- tion, communication, transportation and information. Ac- cording to the 1910 census the manufacturing industries alone in the United States represent an investment of capital of about 13 billions of dollars and produce an annual output of nearly 20 billions of dollars value, employing 6 million people who directly support through these earnings about 25 millions or nearly one fourth of our population. These manufacturing industries, having such important economic relations to our welfare, are brought into being and sustained through the TEACHING SCIENTIFIC MANAGEMENT. labors of the engineer and the capitalist supported by the people investing in industrial securities. That the engineer and the capitalist may successfully cooperate, each must understand the laws which condition the existence and pros- perity of the manufacturing industries. As the banker is guided in his investment in industrial securities through his knowledge of their probable earning capacities so the manu- facturer or engineer wisely invests in machinery and plant, materials and the labors of men according to his ability to forecast their probable earning value. That the bond is a mortgage on an electric railway, a gas plant or a municipality is merely incidental to the banker, so also that the commodity is steel rails, alarm clocks, collars, or steam machinery is in- cidental to the manufacturer and engineer. Because of the knowledge of scientific facts necessary for the engineer to enable him to deal with these commercial problems it was once believed that instruction in these alone was a sufficient preparation for the practice of the profession. Hence this sort of teaching characterized our engineering schools in the early days and still exists in some institutions at the present time. But the more alert minds in our engi- neering schools, in touch with practical affairs, are aware that this is not sufficient. Thermodynamics most positively indi- cates the superiority of the gas engine over the steam engine ; yet the progress of the gas engine has depended little if at all on this long-known principle but rather on entirely outside practical considerations such as difference in first cost, size, space occupied, repair and maintenance charges, the nature and quantity of labor required for their operation, and the availability of fuel supply in gaseous form. All these conditions and many more enter into the question of true economy and are entirely outside of the consideration of thermodynamic economy. Therefore, any theory of power- generating machinery which fails to include the various factors of cost, including labor as well as capital charges, and their variation with local conditions, is not a complete theory and therefore not a theory to teach engineering stu- WALTER RAUTENSTRAUCH. 87 dents. These mathematical laws are very valuable in ex- plaining results attained and preventing attempts at the im- possible but not nearly so useful in that prediction of results, which is the prerequisite for design of whatever sort, as many of their professional advocates have for years taught their students to believe. For many years past the average course of study absolutely ignored all those subjects or methods of treating subjects that were not capable of algebraic formula- tion. The labor and cost questions, although they are at least of equal importance, have been ignored, while the mathemat- ical or purely technological has often been carried to absurd extremes. Those parts of engineering subjects which admit of treatment by the theory of numbers are always beyond doubt absolutely essential. It is not the purpose here to belittle them but rather to place them in their proper position as partially and not by any means wholly preparatory sub- jects. It is indeed important to teach students to lay out machines, to determine the forces in the mechanism, and to proportion the parts for stiffness and strength but it is equally important that they be taught that a variety of machines might be designed to perform precisely the same service, and that there will result perhaps varying degrees of goodness but certainly great variations in cost not only to build them but to operate them. Unless a machine can be built at a cost sufficiently low to meet the demand it will never get beyond the experimental stage and there is absolutely no use in de- signing a machine if its cost of production or operation exceeds what can be properly paid. It is certainly important to teach the students how a bar can be turned round or a plate made flat or how every operation necessary to making a machine may be carried out by a mechanic ; but it is equally important that he should know their relative costs so that he may avoid the expensive operations or reduce their use to a minimum. He should also be taught that the maximum economy in pro- ducing that machine will result when it is made in quantity, and why, and that quantity production will involve changes in design, changes in shop processes because it permits the use 88 TEACHING SCIENTIFIC MANAGEMENT. of special instead of standard tools and finally and most im- portant, that quantity production involves many men and that many men require management that each may produce the maximum for his wages, and that such an organization for economic production is subject to laws and principles of far greater consequence than all the thermodynamics that was ever formulated ; and yet laws of essentially the same nature as those that control the design of his machine. The teaching of each subject in the engineering school from this point of view seems to furnish the only means through which an understanding of the foundational factors in the economics of production can be acquired. Any ideal short of this will only serve to further the feeling, all too prevalent even in practice, that the science of production may be con- sidered apart from the very forces which it proposes to control. It is believed therefore that a knowledge of the principles of economic production is a necessary part of every engineer 's equipment, be he designer of machines, structures, water- ways or public works, employee or employer, in order that he may be able to successfully cooperate with or coordinate the labors of many men, working in many fields but all endeavor- ing to create a given commodity or render a service to satisfy a real demand. This ideal has been the end toward which every course of instruction in the department of mechanical engineering at Columbia University has for years past been directed. This course of instruction which was developed under the leader- ship of Dr. Charles E. Lucke, head of the department, in- cludes courses in principles of organization, management, cost accounting, wage payment methods, economics and business laws as a necessary part but by no means the whole of an adequate treatment of the principles of economic production. The aim of the course is not to train managers but engineers. Should our studies through personal qualifications prove to be adapted to the problems of management, well and good. Limitation of time will not permit a survey of the out- lines of all courses of instruction given in this institution, but WALTER EAUTENSTBAUCH. 89 it is hoped that the consideration of a few will lead to a clearer exposition of what is believed to be a proper presenta- tion of subject matter. To this end there have been chosen the courses in steam power, elevators and conveyors, shop processes, organization and management, and the factory and power plant work required of the students in the second and third summers respectively. Steam Power. Three hours and two afternoons. Eelation Between the Cost of Power and Thermal Efficiency of the Plant. Commercial Value of Eefinements Determination of engine and boiler ratings and corresponding efficiencies and probable coal and water consumption for plant on given load curve. Essential relation between processes and dimensions of the steam plant. Steam plant refinements for raising efficiency of part or complete plant and relations between dimensions and effect. Use of unit costs of apparatus in estimating, examination of cost sheets to determine prime unit of cost. Cost of power. Fixed and operating charges, ratio of each individual item to total, and effect of labor and fuel rates, load factor and refinements on the fractional part. Value of refinements of design on basis of capital- ized annual saving by comparing the cost of waste and the cost of its elimination, including all charges. Specifications and contracts; standard and special methods and forms for defining purchaser's requirements and builder's proposals, contracts, methods of power plant erection. Design- ing and erecting office organization and field systems. The work consists in laying out a simple power plant for assigned units in the drafting room or the detailing of existing general plant drawings, preparation of the bill of materials, estimating the first cost, fixed charges, probable coal, water, labor and supply cost for an assumed load curve and total power cost. The plants so designed or detailed are exchanged by students and redesigned for an increase of 100 per cent, peak and 50 per cent, mean daily load and for the maximum power cost reduction by the use of plant refinements and auxiliaries when it can be shown that additions and alterations will pay. Specifications are written for the alteration and proposals submitted. Fourth year Mechanical Engineering. Shop and Factory Work. Practical Work and Directed Study in the Shops and Drafting Eooms of Eepresentative Manufacturing Establishments with Eeport Each student is provided with a printed copy of the things to be studied and reported on in detail, of which the following is a general summary. 90 TEACHING SCIENTIFIC MANAGEMENT. Machine Shop. Functional operation, characteristics and powering of machine tools, capacities, layout of shop, size of shafting, belting and motors for independent and group drive. Eange of cutting speeds, feeds, depth of cut. Shape and size of tools used. Eeport on specific observa- tions on time of setting work, time of forming and finishing, number of pieces turned out per hour. Facilities for handling work at the ma- chine. Facilities for producing pieces in quantity. Hand processes for finishing and tools used. Pattern Shop. Materials of which patterns are made and methods of treating. Machine tools used in the pattern shop, arrangement, capacities, adaptability, handling and storing of material and finished product. Foundry and Forge, Description of hand and machine tools and appli- ances used in the foundry and forge. Compositing and treatment of foundry sands. Methods of molding. Time involved. Methods of power- ing, venting and chilling, cooling and finishing, handling the cupola. Composition of the charges and mixtures, temperatures, pressures, time required to charge, to melt, to pour, cool and clean. Appliances in the forge shop. Operation of power hammers, bull-dozers, shears, heating and annealing furnaces and hand processes of forging. Time involved in production. Drafting Boom. Standards and conventions used. Filing and marking of drawings and recording of patterns. Bills of material parts to be made standard parts in stock. General Management and Organization. Methods of recording time of workmen and their time distribution over different jobs. Paying of men, methods, rates, forms and records used. Drawing of materials used from storeroom and charging to orders. Prerequisite course is second year shop work. Elevators and Conveyors. One hour. Mechanical Handling of Solid Materials by Standard Elevating and Conveying Machinery, Characteristics, Speed, Tonnage and h.p. per Ton, Computations and Adaptability to Special Service Hand handling of materials, limits, cost and conditions warranting use of machinery. Con- tinuous conveyors, screw, bucket, scrapers, pusher, belt and pneumatic types. Intermittent conveyors; telephers, rope and cable ways, cable cars. Loaders, unloaders, storage facilities. Skips, grab buckets, tips and tipples. Short and long hoists, friction drum and direct connected hoists. Pneumatic and hydraulic elevators for freight. Fixed and travel- ling cranes. Passenger elevators, rope and plunger types. Safety de- vices. Automatic weighers of materials; coal and ore storage systems. Excavating machine and dredges. Coal and ore-handling machinery. Railroad terminal and steamship loaders and unloaders. Coke oven WALTER RAUTENSTRAUCH. 91 chargers and dischargers. Grain handling. Special adaptation to ma- terial such as sand, plaster, glass, cement, broken rock, coal, coke, pack- ages, barrels, corrosive, erosive, sticky, packing, and hot materials. Third year Mechanical Engineering. Shop Processes, Tools and Time Study. Two hours. The Economic Elements in Shop Processes, Time and Power per Unit of Surface Finished or Cut and per Unit of Metal Eemoved with the Conditions for Most Economic Production Processes in the shop, func- tional operation of machine tools and limits of economic production, time of setting, handling, forming and finishing of parts for job and repetition work in quantity. Limits of time, power and cost for finish- ing surfaces per sq. in. and removing per cu. in. and per Ib. by hand and machine operations. Machine for performing specific operations, their functional operation, capacities, adaptability and rate of production. Conditions warranting jigs and fixtures for the production of parts in quantity and for interchangeability. Economy of portable tools, devices and methods of inspection. The selection of economic cutting conditions and analysis of recent experiments. Adaptation of economic cutting speeds to machine tools. Labor-saving devices in the pattern shop, tools and appliances used, capacity and adaptability; built-up patterns, single- piece patterns, metal patterns, comparative cost and life of each ; patterns for repetition work, rights and lefts, a line of sizes, interchangeable pat- terns, jobbing patterns, relative economy of alternating practice. Eco- nomic production in the foundry, relative value of various methods of molding large and small parts, core making, venting, pouring and hand- ling the work, managing the cupola. Limits of labor, power and fuel per ton of castings as affected by size and form and fraction chargeable to pattern, molding and cupola and finishing. Processes of forging, hand and machine, conditions warranting power hammers, hydraulic presses, bull-dozers, presses, dies and forming devices for the production of duplicate and standard pieces. Labor and power per Ib. of forging as affected by tools, size and form of work. Heating and annealing furnaces, consumption of gas and oil, labor, power and fuel per unit annealed. Distribution of cost of machine production between different processes, power, labor, material and effect of shop or tool capacity factor on fixed charges. Organization and Management. Three hours. Manufacturing Organizations and Methods of Cost Accounting Effect of methods of manufacture and capacity on systems of management of mills and factories. Analysis of the elements of factory accounting and 92 TEACHING SCIENTIFIC MANAGEMENT. determination of the factors entering into the cost of production. Methods for keeping record of the cost of labor and materials in the production of specific articles. The determination of establishment charges. Interpretation of costs and use of comparative values. Deter- mination of costs and use of comparative values. Determination of the depreciation of buildings, machinery, patterns, drawings and other assets. Organization and functions of the departments of the business. Pur- chase of raw material and sale of product. Utilization of scrap and waste. Methods of labor compensation. Critical analysis of the methods of accounting in representative factories. Factors affecting the cost of production. Fourth year Mechanical and Chemical Engineering. Steam Power Plant, Summer Work. Eeport based on not less than six weeks' practical work in an Operat- ing Power Plant, including the Output, Load Conditions, Labor and Ma- terial for Operation and Maintenance, Operating Cost per Unit and the Essential Dimensional Eelations between the Various Units and Auxil- iaries Producing this Eesult This work is done entirely by the student in the field, his only assistance being the blank report form which is put into his hands after a brief lecture before leaving the University for the vacation. Third year Mechanical Engineering. Reference to the catalogue of the school will serve to show how all the courses have been prepared with a view to that interrelation of subject matter so necessary to the broad and comprehensive treatment of engineering problems. While rigorous treatment of the laws of mathematics, mechanics, physics and chemistry obtains in the subject matter of all courses yet the commercial relations and limitations in which these laws operate are as prominently set forth for the pur- pose of developing that judgment so necessary to their proper use. The foundational principles of engineering practice as in the practice of law are comparatively few while their applications and interrelations are by no means simple nor permit of ready interpretation. Accordingly therefore, that the practice of engineering may be presented from the broader point of view and that the economic and technological aspects may have their fullest meaning, there is incorporated a series WALTER RAUTENSTRAUCH. 93 of courses, the treatment of which is according to the system of "Case Law." The limitations of human accomplishment and the necessity for authoritative presentation of subject matter required in the search for underlying fundamental principles have lead to the handling of such courses by men who are daily practicing in each of these fields of engineering service. The work of these special lecturers is not accompanied by any departure from the regular methods of instruction pursued in other courses and is not to be confused with the general system of special lectures in isolated and non-related subjects obtain- ing in almost all of our universities and colleges. The prin- ciples of economic relations intertwining these and other courses of a technological nature together with problems of purely commercial aspect are again brought together for ex- position and formulation in courses dealing with the use of materials, machinery and men in administering to the needs of the commonwealth. Thus there has been built that founda- tion upon which a proper consideration of the problems of production will rest and an adequate treatment has been given to that body of principles which in a narrow sense is popu- larly termed the "principles of scientific management." TEACHING SCIENTIFIC MANAGEMENT IN THE TECHNICAL SCHOOLS. BY H. F. J. POBTEB, Secretary of The Efficiency Society, New York, N. Y. In order to treat in a logical manner the subject which has been assigned to me I shall first define what I understand scientific management to be and then state how I think it should be taught. As I understand management, it is the second of the two attributes of government, the first being its form or organiza- tion, and the second its function or action. In order to have good government, there must first be the right kind of organi- zation. When such organization operates we have manage- ment. We must know, therefore, something about the prin- ciples of government before we can obtain proper organization, and after the latter is secured, then management is possible, and how scientific it is, will depend largely on the perfection of the organization. We hear nowadays a great deal about management, systematic, scientific or other, but very little about organization of any kind, and yet, as I have stated, the latter is the more important of the two attributes of govern- ment, because without it the former can not be obtained. Now what is the basis of government which involves these subjects to which I shall direct your attention? Government involves the control or direction of people, and we find when we study its history that there are several kinds of govern- ment varying in their fundamental principles, some which include the element of human nature in their program, while others fail to do so ; the first, of necessity, bringing about suc- cessful results; the others constantly resulting in failure. In the first place, we know that man is, by nature, a social animal, and as such, seeks the company of those of his fellows 94 H. F. J. PORTER. 95 having a common interest. That common interest may be for mutual benefit or for protection from a common enemy. This natural instinct causes men to come together in groups. Now as a natural sequence of this formation of a group for one or the other of the above purposes there is evolved a personality who is generally recognized as best fitted for directing the movement in hand. This is the method of establishing gov- ernment by leadership through a perfectly natural process. This is the earliest and most primitive form of patriarchal or tribal government, and exists to-day whenever small groups of people have simple matters to be attended to, and even in more complex affairs where a committee takes up a project. It is not, however, a stable form of government owing to the changing interests of the members of the group or their loss of confidence in their leader. Experience proves also that when a leader finds that he is for some reason losing his power, he makes an effort to retain it and that then usually serious consequences ensue. If, for instance, a rival aspirant to his leadership threatens his over- throw, he resists the efforts to replace him. This resistance leads to his drawing closer to him his adherents and apportion- ing among them privileges in return for which they agree to control certain smaller groups which he can no longer control. Or it may be that the original group has grown so large that the leader can no longer keep in personal contact with all of its members, and is thus forced to divide among those who, he feels, are competent to assume the responsibility, the con- trol of such groups as become formed by one cause or another. Here, it should be noted, that a radical change has taken place in the form of government, and in this change may be seen a fundamental difference in the principles dominating the two forms, one kind being that of the group voluntarily select- ing a leader and, on account of his being their choice, assum- ing responsibility for him and therefore according him their earnest support; the other, that of the group having imposed upon them the choice of another person and being compelled to do what he, who represents interests entirely different from 96 TEACHING SCIENTIFIC MANAGEMENT. theirs, may dictate. This change from volition to compulsion characterized the development in government which took place when a tribe became a nation, and the patriarch a monarch. It is monarchy or oligarchy depending upon whether the ulti- mate authority is vested in one individual or several. It is the change which takes place in the control of every group when it grows so large that one cannot keep in close touch with all its members. One induces loyal support, the other disaffection; one is, therefore, the absolute antithesis of the other. The psychology of the situation gradually developed a return to first principles by a change to democracy where the people themselves say who shall govern them and what shall happen to them. In the small industrial groups which formed themselves during the second quarter of the last century throughout the eastern states of our country, the master craftsman and his men worked together in close association and in friendly accord. This was the patriarchal stage of industrial govern- ment. When, however, in the middle of the century, the steam engine and the steel rail made industry no longer de- pendent upon the stream for water power and transportation, factories started up by the thousand at the site of the raw material, and .the industrial groups grew to large proportions. So great was the demand for workmen to compose these groups that the supply in this country was soon exhausted, and the labor market of Europe was tapped. Then came about the change in the control of the factory group which I have indicated had occurred in the political group. The master craftsman became the general manager and delegated his authority to a superintendent and foreman, who, instead of being leaders of the groups over which they were placed, became their drivers. This was the monarchic stage in in- dustrial government. The foreign element, of which these groups became largely composed, were accustomed to sub- servience and readily complied with the form of industrial government which they found established. Government has always been an art, and probably always H. F. J. PORTER. 97 will be as long as human nature is involved in the relationship between the governor and the governed. Nevertheless, out of the experiences of the past there are now gradually being established, certain principles which are considered funda- mental in the application of this art. In the days of which we are speaking, however, when men were needed to control and direct these factory groups, no such principles had even been considered. The situation presented thousands of industrial groups composed of hundreds of thousands of subservient individuals to be controlled, without anyone informed of the essential principles of either organization or management, to control them. This situation was met by placing over these groups, men who seemed to possess inherent powers of control. In some instances the self devised methods of these men were successful, but in the great majority they failed. In the latter cases compulsion was resorted to in an effort to make the methods which were applied succeed. When we realize that the individual in the factory is absolutely subservient to this control during the greater number of his waking hours it is evident how serious may be its effect upon him. So we see that the history of the development of political government has been paralleled by that of industrial govern- ment, that human nature is the element entering into both and that the problems involved in both cases are group prob- lems which vary according to the size of the group. In polit- ical government, the people, realizing the fundamental fallacy in the change from leadership to ruler, have in part rectified it in practically every country in the world, Russia being now the sole exception, by the substitution of democracy where the consent of the governed must be secured regarding the meth- ods of control which are applied to them. But this change has not come about without the stubborn resistance of the ruler to the abdication of his powers. Nor has the complete change as yet taken place according to its advocates, who claim that the faults democracy now possesses can be eliminated only by the application of more democracy, and that this will come about by publicity of the facts, thus establishing en- 98 TEACHING SCIENTIFIC MANAGEMENT. lightened public opinion, which, in the long run, is the im- pelling force which controls the new system. On this point Hon. James Bryce says in "The American Commonwealth' ': "Towering over presidents and state governors, over Congress and state legislatures, over conventions and the vast machinery of party, public opinion stands out in the United States as the great source of power, the master of servants who tremble before it. ... It grows up not in Congress, not in state legislatures, not in those great conventions which frame platforms and choose candidates, but at large among the people. It is expressed in voices everywhere. It rules as a pervading and impalpable power like the ether which passes through all things. It binds all the parts of the complicated system together and gives them whatever unity of aim and action they possess. " And now since the principles entering political government have been shown to be the same as those involved in industrial government, experience is leading the students of government to recommend that in industrial government similar develop- ments should take place, that compulsory methods should give way to more democratic methods. This thought is expressed in the report of the "Special Committee" appointed by the House of Representatives in Washington "to investigate the Taylor and other systems of shop management" where the statement is made that "government in a mill should be like government in a state 'with the consent of the governed.' " This nation has changed during the past one hundred years from an agricultural and trading nation to an industrial one. Our legislatures, state and national, are devoting themselves to questions almost entirely affecting our industries. Our public school system, our free press, and our public forms have given the foreign element, which flocked to our shores to meet the industrial demand, an insight into the benefits of self government. These foreigners, for so many years subservient to compulsory control, have become informed as to the prin- ciples of political democracy and they have now come to realize that although they are in a free country, yet during the greater number of their waking hours they are under personal control regarding which they have nothing to say. They have become restless, and are expressing their dissatisfaction. H. F. J. PORTER. 99 At this very time we see taking place in parallel, two very portentous movements. One is political in which the rank and file of the people of the two dominating parties are led by progressive politicians, who, having a great following, demand that the people shall in no sense be governed, but that the representatives of the people shall carry out the will of the people. They believe that the mass of men are better able to govern themselves than are the few to govern them. That the perils from the ignorance of the governed are less than the perils from the selfishness of the governors. The other movement inspired by the same thought is industrial, led by progressive men in the field of industry demanding that the workers shall be represented in the councils of the employers. Resistance is being encountered by both these movements raised by the interests which have so long been entrenched behind special privilege. Great changes do not take place suddenly. It is well that they should! be evolutionary rather than revolutionary. "We must now, as students of history and of events and affairs, take cognizance of these movements, analyze them and determine the direction in which they are tending and from our deductions devise methods of directing them. When we have determined the form of democratic govern- ment which we are to have in our nation and in our state and municipal groups, the logic of the situation should lead us to extend it to our industrial groups. We can no longer harbor industrial monarchies and oligarchies in our political democ- racy. The inconsistence is too apparent to be longer retained. People who have learned to think become discontented with inconsistencies. The psychology of the situation is becoming understood. In dealing with human nature in government the latter must be taken into consideration. Dr. Joseph H. Odell, in a recent address, said on the subject of discontent, "Well, supposing we let it alone, what will happen? One of two things. In the first place it may settle down into a permanent and paralyzing pessimism and consign men to a life of spiritless drudgery. They will become an animate, but 100 TEACHING SCIENTIFIC MANAGEMENT. soulless part of the vast mechanism of industrial society. Life, upon those terms, is little better than death. On the other hand, this discontent may become suddenly explosive and result in anarchy. Long brooding over the ills that are not understood, changes a man into an Ishmael and turns his hand against every man's hand. Discontent is a negative quality and when a negative quality becomes active, it grows destructive. "We must know how to transmute a negative element into a positive. We must change discontent into desire. We have done this to a large degree in political affairs and we should use the same means in our industrial affairs." The form of our government is its attribute which we call organization. Without a well-defined organization we can have no well-defined system of management. A well-defined organization can be shown on a chart and any organization which cannot be thus visualized is defective and the manage- ment resulting from a defective organization is bound to be defective. A government is like a coaching outfit. The coach must be built right for its purpose with all its four wheels of the same size and its axles straight and parallel. The horses must be well matched and strong enough to pull the coach. One must not be a dray horse and another a trotter. The harness must be properly fitted to the horses so that the collars will not chafe and irritate them and the traces must be of the same length, so as to pull evenly and not permit one horse to get his leg over the other horse's trace and inter- fere with him. If all of these requirements are not met there will be danger of the outfit not running straight. Merely speaking to the horses kindly or patting them on the neck or giving them sugar or plying the whip is not going to reach the cause of the trouble. But when this organization is properly arranged so that everything is in its right place without overlapping or interference, then a skilled coachman may get up onto the box and take the reins and guide the coach over such roads as he may meet. There is some assur- ance that it will stay in the middle of the road without any H. F. J. PORTER. 101 inherent tendency to go over into the ditch at either side. The man on the box is the manager and upon his general knowledge of conditions and his skill in handling his organiza- tion will depend the efficiency of its team work. This man Is an entirely different one, however, from the one who designed the coach or the harness, although he should have very much to say about the selection of the horses. It is not my province here to chart the various schemes of organization which are adapted to different shop conditions. It will be sufficient for present purposes to say that, generally speaking, any organization has four basic departments which may be comparable to the four horses of the coach. They are the financial, the sales, the production and the record depart- ments. Each of these should be as independent in its action as any one of the horses, but all should be so related by their harness as to constitute a team. The duty of the first of these departments is to collect and disburse money; to collect the money for the product which the second, or sales department, has disposed of and to dis- burse money to all the other departments for the work which they have done. The duty of the second is to obtain orders for work for the third or production department to perform. This latter department converts the orders received, into finished goods. It is dependent upon the second and the first departments for its existence just as the second and first are dependent upon it, and all three must be so equally balanced as to be normally independent or there will be a maladjustment which will cause trouble. The fourth or record department is intended to keep account of all that transpires in the other departments so as to main- tain this balance. It receives all the raw material; holds it until it is needed by the production department, keeps track of what the latter does with it, takes it back as finished product, hands it over to the sales department and tells the financial department how much it has already cost, how much more it will cost before it is sold and how much should be added for profit in order that all the departments may be kept in good condition continuously. 102 TEACHING SCIENTIFIC MANAGEMENT. Now a chart of organization of the kind outlined should be drafted before any industrial enterprise gets farther than the stage of being contemplated in order that it may be properly capitalized and promoted. It is essential that such a chart should exist in every enterprise and be in constant view for reference but I think I am safe in saying that 99 per cent, of the enterprises now in existence have none, and 50 per cent, of the managers have never heard of such a thing. The man who can do this work to-day is rare. He is not taught in any school of which I know. He is the man to develop the organization before which no management, which can have the slightest claim to being scientific, can come into effect. I believe he should have a university education first and a special post- graduate course in business organization subsequently. But suppose we have secured such a proper or scientific organiza- tion and we need a man to operate it or perform the work of managing it, what kind of an education should he have? In the first place he should be capable of knowing all about the operation of the organization, i. e., the physical part of the chart so that the finances, the advertising, the celling, the methods of production (including the purchasing), the record keeping (including the stock keeping and the cost accounting) are working as they were intended to work. There are schools which have been teaching these subjects independently for some time. There are schools of finance, schools of salesmanship, schools of mechanical engineering and schools of accountancy. These schools make specialists, but there is no school that I know of that teaches all of these branches and their interrelations so that there is not, there- fore, any school that teaches the elements of management. There are colleges and universities in which lectures in some of these branches are given by practical men who have special- ized in them, but from all that I can gather from the graduates of these courses and from the deans of the schools themselves, these courses are as yet only in the primitive or formative stage. So we see that teaching the subject of government, of which organization and management are only parts, has not as H. F. J. PORTER. 103 yet been begun. There are not yet, to my knowledge, ade- quate institutions for preparing men to be managers. Nor are there ways of preparing men to go out into the field to diagnose the troubles which afflict existing industrial enter- prises. This will account for the fact that so many essays on the part of "efficiency" or "industrial" engineers fail. They may be competent to improve methods existing in the pro- duction department but by doing so they simply over-develop one of the four wheels of the coach which cannot run satis- factorily with one wheel larger than the rest. The financial, the selling and the record departments must be developed equally to obtain successful results, and the education of the day does not equip a man for all these fields. On the con- trary, the tendency of the times is to develop specialists. There have been men who have realized this condition and have organized groups of specialists in these various fields who have been able through the correlation of their efforts to ac- complish success where the single specialist who has tried to cover the whole field has failed. This, to my mind, is the best method of reaching the situation in the present emergency. If I am right in my conjecture, efforts should be made to clarify the situation and let it be understood that schools of government should be established and managers should go there to learn the principles of organization and management. When they have gained a knowledge of these principles, they should realize that they will need specialists as heads of their departments of finance and selling, of production and record and they then, and then only, will be able to secure efficient team work. "We must realize that the great body of the people are employees and that the employer has a greater effect upon his employees physically, morally and mentally, owing to the continuity of his influence over them during the greater num- ber of their waking hours, than their physician, their minister or their teacher. Each of these must have a diploma or a li- cense, therefore the manager whose responsibilities are greater, should not be allowed to assume them until he is properly equipped to do so. We now know that every ruined health, 104 TEACHING SCIENTIFIC MANAGEMENT. every crippled body, every demoralized or warped character, every blunted mind is an industrial or social waste and a charge upon the community, and yet our industrial managers of the past and present have been allowed to furnish this waste in increasing quantities every year. To meet these industrial responsibilities not only calls for a more scientifically-trained intelligence in the managerial chair of the single industrial enterprise than has heretofore been supplied, but it requires a man capable of organizing all the industrial enterprises com- prising an industry so that,' as a whole, it will be a benefit rather than an injury to the State which, grants charters for its existence. To do this properly he must understand the industrial group problems in which his enterprise is a factor. It is generally understood that a manager of the modern type is meeting the requirements of scientific management if he operates his individual enterprise efficiently by reducing his wastes of time, effort and material to a minimum so that his product can be marketed at a fair profit. As means to these ends he establishes well-constructed factory buildings, he maintains sanitary conditions, he supplies an environment for his employees that is beneficent. He introduces systems of functional management and time and motion study to ensure fair treatment and equable wage determination. He institutes works committees composed of employees and installs a suggestion system. All of these features are excellent as far as they go, but they go nowhere in meeting the larger serious group problems which exist and which no efforts have as yet been made to solve, and which cannot be solved in any one factory or in any group of factories such as compose a trust, but only in the harmonious cooperation of all the factories which compose an industry through the collective administration of the industry as a whole. A knowledge of how to accomplish work of this kind involves questions of government and embodies studies which have little to do with the scientific management of a shop. They are not especially germane to technical schools, but, beginning in the primary schools and continuing in the H. F. J. PORTER. 105 secondary and high schools, should follow in the college, the university and the postgraduate school. In order that I may make myself clear, let me show by a specific case how intimately the affairs of a community and an industry are related and how helpless is the manager of a single enterprise in that industry with regard to some of the troubles with which he has to cope. The cloak and suit industry in New York City comprises some two thousand shops of various sizes, employing all the way from 25 to 300 hands, 80 per cent, of whom are men. The work is what is termed light manufacturing, in which, outside of what is performed on sewing machines, the work is done by hand. The employees are mainly Italians and Russian Jews. These people came from Europe with their packs on their backs, and went directly into the congested East Side tenements of the city to live and worked in the cloak factories under sweat shop conditions. Many, being of a thrifty nature, saved money until they possessed enough to open sweat shops of their own. Thus practically over night they stepped from the employee to the employer class. All they know about organization and management they learned from their employer, who used sweat shop principles. They felt that the only way they could succeed in the market was by more severe " sweating " than their competitors practiced. The result of this unrestricted competition was starvation wages, unlimited hours of work, unsanitary shops, unhygienic conditions of living and un- speakable misery. Such a state of affairs would have been bad enough if it had been continuous, but each year it was made immeasurably worse by two periods of enforced idle- ness. The warm weather trade developed a busy season through three and one half months in the spring, followed by two and one half months of idleness in the summer; the cold weather trade caused a busy three and one half months in the fall and two and one half months idleness in the winter. When it is realized that scarcely a living wage was paid dur- ing the busy seasons, owing to the overcrowded condition of the labor market, it can readily be imagined how poorly pre- 106 TEACHING SCIENTIFIC MANAGEMENT. pared financially the employees were to meet the enforced idle- ness of the slack seasons. Affairs finally reached such a pass that they could no longer be borne, when a strike ensued. It was one of the most severe ever experienced in New York City. It lasted some twelve weeks, bankrupting many of the employ- ers, while some of the employees died from privation. Finally the merchants who needed the product of the factories brought the strike to a close by the formation of an association of the employers and an affiliation of the various unions of em- ployees. Each of these two bodies appointed two representa- tives to a joint board and with them on this board they asked three public spirited citizens to sit. This board was asked to consider the situation and recommend remedies. We are not apt to realize how large some of these light manufacturing industries are. In the one described above, for instance, the 2,000 shops contained 80,000 employees, who, with their families, constituted an industrial community of 200,000 people, as large as the city of Providence or Indian- apolis. When we consider that this number of people, or a very large proportion of them, were thrown onto the City of New York for support twice each year and that this is only one of several other industries in which similar seasonal fluc- tuations occur, it is not surprising that the city's charity organizations are so strained that the almshouse, the work- house and the jails are crowded ; that the gambling house and policy shop and pool room thrive; that the saloon and dis- orderly house abound ; that the bread line and the park bench are filled. The seasonal fluctuation is only one of the difficulties with which the manager in every industrial enterprise has to con- tend and which cannot be remedied even by any amount of scientific management in his individual plant but only by a control affecting the whole industry. The democratic prin- ciple of having the employee represented in the councils of the industry, works well in the instance just referred to and in others as well. The illustration I have given is only one of several which I might mention of industries which have done H. F. J. POUTER. 107 the same thing. But all about us we see wastes occasioned by others who have not done it. By some of these wastes our high cost of commodities is easily explained. In the block where I live in New York City there are twenty dwelling houses, and an apartment house in which there are twenty-four families. Every morning there come into that block eight different milk companies' wagons, four ice com- panies' wagons, six grocery companies' wagons, etc. The question of distribution can be settled only by organizing these various industries so that the milk industry, the ice industry, the grocery industry do not duplicate their truck- ing in such a ridiculous manner. This means that we must educate our people in the principles of political and industrial science, beginning in the primary school and extending all the way up into the postgraduate schools of business adminis- tration. People should know that the cure of our present troubles will not be by breaking up our industrial combina- tions but by fostering further combinations where labor and capital are represented under public supervision. No man should be allowed to become a manager until he has completed a course in one of the graduate schools. No enterprise should be allowed to exist until it has secured a license obligating it to meet certain requirements and if it lapses in observing them the license should be revoked. This is what I think should be included in a knowledge of scientific management, the only kind that will be really effective in the efficient opera- tion of industry. The Efficiency Society, three months old, with already over 1,000 members, is now inaugurating a campaign of investi- gation into the results of present methods of management in industrial establishments following up the legislative investi- gation carried out by Congressman Eedfield last winter. A frank and generous contribution of experiences is hoped for by employers, employees, and efficiency engineers. A con- ference on the subject will be held in the fall, at which time it is expected, sufficient data will have been collected to be analyzed and studied, and deductions made for intelligent discussion. We trust that the results will be most helpful. A BROADENED VIEW OF EFFICIENCY IN ENGINEERING INSTRUCTION. BY LEWIS J. JOHNSON, Professor of Civil Engineering, Harvard University. I certainly favor efficiency in engineering instruction as well as in other things. I believe that we owe a great debt already to Mr. Taylor, Mr. Gilbreth and the rest for what they have done to wake us up and show us the way on these lines. Particularly do I rejoice that Messrs. Taylor and Gilbreth recognize as indispensable the cultivation of good will between employer and employee by simply making it automatic with honest and intelligent efforts for just and fair relations. They see the moral and human side, hence I believe that they are in a fair way to lead us to success. But to my mind efficiency is a pretty broad subject, broader than mere questions of economical production and trans- portation. It involves to an equally high degree the cor- rect distribution of emphasis and attention. This, to my way of thinking, means a high degree of emphasis and atten- tion upon the basic, but sadly neglected (when not mis- directed, perverted, or sterilized) lines of activity, political economy and the science of government. For while, of course, it profits us much to extend our already relatively efficient means of production, our work will fall far short of its purpose if we do not do something to put our whole industrial and political structure on a firmer basis through getting in line with the fundamental laws of justice and human nature. If this be done, I feel confident that progress toward self-sustaining industrial order and peace will be not only possible but rapid and certain. Other- wise our present chaotic conditions can hardly fail to grow worse. The " conservative, " as he loves to call himself, who 108 LEWIS J. JOHNSON. 109 seeks quiet and peace by sitting on the social safety-valve, and his compeer in social value, the man who seeks to secure relief for bad conditions by putting grit into the bearings of his employer's machinery, are both abroad in the world. The normal man must begin to put efficiency into his citizenship if we are to find the true way out. No one, whether lawyer, clergyman, journalist, office- seeker, office-holder or the ordinary academic essayist, is so well equipped, I believe, to deal with this great field of scien- tific management fundamentally and constructively as the man with the engineer's or the applied science man's train- ing and attitude of mind. If we are to have a society in which securely to practice the fine and noble art of scientific management in the production of wealth, the scientific rather than the traditional point of view must, in my opinion, get into effect in our biggest and most far-reaching public relations. Our customary habit of thought in business and commercial relations is still nearly as greedy, because as misguided, as in the time of the Pharaohs. Our political machinery, even in this land of progress, has been but little improved since the invention of the steam-engine. Here I believe is an immense and most promising field for scientific management. As a first step we should seek and establish a true and sane definition of property. For thus only can the property of the capitalist and of the laborer be secure and a proper economic incentive (and that means a chance for industrial peace) be maintained. This I believe is no insoluble task even if it is largely abandoned for the consideration of far less important matters. In the political field, scientific management would set in motion the old ideas expressed in the Bills of Rights of the early state constitutions. These were particularly well stated a century and a third ago in the Massachusetts Bill of Rights ; well stated, but for reasons then unavoidable, imperfectly set in motion. This subject I venture to bring before the society at this time because here is a body of men whose instincts and habits 8 110 EFFICIENCY IN ENGINEERING INSTRUCTION. are fundamental and constructive who will quickly see, if they do not already see, that, important as scientific manage- ment of the production of wealth certainly is, a scientific management of the distribution of wealth and the main- tenance or establishment, if necessary, of peace, contentment and order in society is even more important, and that it is both their right and duty as citizens to do their full share in this work, and perhaps to take the lead. I think that engineers, if no one else, will dare believe that the distribution of wealth in society can be made as automatic, smooth-working, and satisfactory as the circulation of blood in a healthy animal ; that they will realize that such results can come only from proper guidance of natural forces, and not from arbitrary and shallow legislative interference with such forces. I certainly believe that we have only to get in line with the fundamental laws of economics and human nature, and let them, like gravity taking water down hill, do the work. And we need not feel concerned if the school of thought which got humanity into its present and century-old fix, denies the existence of such laws or the possibility of getting into harmony with them. The work of the next few decades is a new work, a work for applied-science men and others who can comprehend that there can be no social or industrial peace so long as human traditions, conventions and laws are kept flying in the face of the fundamental laws of the nature of men and things. Noth- ing is so much needed by engineers and applied-science men as a realization of this point of view. It opens to them a vastly broadened prospect of service as citizens and, in common with all other useful workers, greatly heightened satisfactions of the durable sort, to use President Eliot's admirable phrase. Hence nothing can contribute so much to the efficiency of engineering instruction in the biggest and broadest sense, as to make clear to the young engineer-citizens that their training in careful and responsible construction can apply, and ought to be made to apply, to the whole range of civic and industrial problems; and that they need feel neither surprised nor dis- LEWIS J. JOHNSON. Ill turbed if popularly accepted " experts, " apologists for exist- ing evils, oppose their conclusions. George Stephenson had to struggle hard in the face of the " experts" to get recognition for his "travelling engine,'* and the responsibilities and op- portunities of the civic engineer of to-day are perhaps greater than those which confronted the mechanical engineer, George Stephenson. ABSENCES FROM CLASSES ONE MEASURE OF INEFFICIENCY. BY F. P. McKIBBEN, Professor of Civil Engineering, Lehigh University. To persons in charge of schools or colleges a study of student absences from classes is of great value, because the absences are to a certain extent a measure of the efficiency of the system. If the system is working well there are few absences from classes. If it is jogging along with friction and kept going only by the continuous effort on the part of those in control, the number of absences will be large. Viewed from this standpoint, therefore, efficiency can be said to vary inversely as the number of absences. In analyzing the problem of absences at any institution one should first make a systematic study of the underlying causes. Such an in- vestigation will show that students absent themselves from classes because of the following reasons: Poor teaching; lack of interest on the teacher's part; uninteresting subject matter; sickness, either of the student or of his friends or relatives; conflicts between recitations because exercises in two different subjects occur at the same hour; other legitimate matters which take students away from their work ; idleness ; laziness ; dissipation; and youthful neglect. There are two general ways of dealing with the absence evil. In one, frequent written tests during the term and a final examination constitute the basis for determining each student's standing. In this system no attention is paid to absences by the instructor except that the student is graded zero at each written test or examination from which he absents himself. Clearly, the effectiveness of this method is dependent upon excellence of instruction and upon keeping the students ignorant as to when written tests are to be given. This is a good system, because few students will be absent if they realize 112 F. P. MCKIBBEN. 113 that a written test may be given at any exercise and that an absence from such a test is of very decided value in determin- ing their academic status. The other system, which is in vogue at some schools, is that in which each student is graded in Q sq 0<*)CO2; 00 s<* t^Q) M 1003 co ., -, ^ > . < vi Vj)