B 3 bb? 202 THE COLLECTION ....O. METEORITES CHICAGO, 1900. EARTH SCICNCgS LIBRARY THE COLLECTION OF METEORITES CANON DIABLO MKTKORITE. CHICAGO, IQOO. PREFACE. Meteorites, as Humboldt pointed out, are the only medium with which the inhabitants of the earth are brought into inter- planetary and also into interstellar space. They have, there- fore, a fascination for the ordinary man's mind which nothing terrestrial can have. A survey of the heavens, with the naked eye or by the aid of a telescope, fills our minds with wonder and awe, mingled with intense curiosity as to what the brilliant celestial bodies may possibly mean. But when the meteoric globe sails across the sky and falls as a solid mass, our awe is none the less, but our curiosity is largely satisfied ; the meteorite has told us one of the tales of other worlds than ours. The writer has for more than a half century felt the fascination of this subject. And for more than twenty years past he has given much time to collecting and studying these interesting cosmic bodies in every part of the world where he has travelled, and where they have been found. The collection enumerated on the following pages is the result of these activities. It represents 424 distinct " falls " and " finds," about four-fifths of all the meteorites known to science, and which are stored mainly in the great museums of the world, as well as in the cabinets of private amateur collectors. It contains specimens -of the oldest falls those of the fourteenth to eighteenth centuries which were observed and collected at those early periods, as well as those which, at the commence- ment of the present century, first challenged and secured accept- ance by European savants of their extra-terrestrial character. Among the former are Elbogen and Ensisheim ; among the latter the Pallas Iron and 1'Aigle. The collection contains more than the usual quantity of nota- ble specimens. Among those represented by particularly large and choice specimens are Ballinoo and Roebourne (Australia), Costilla Peak, Luis Lopez and Oscuro Mountains (New Mex.), St. Genevieve and Central (Missouri), Oakley and Brenham (Kansas). MacKinney (Texas), and Veramin (Persia). The four masses of Canon Diablo (diamondiferous) weigh together a full ton. The rare, curved octahedral structure is well brought out in sections of the Toluca and Glorieta Irons ; "Slickenside " surfaces, which occur prominently in some few ^Erolites, show well in the Stall- dalen, Manbhoom and Lixna specimens. The Puquios Iron (first brought by us from Chili), alone among meteorites shows a 931154 IV PREFACE. clear /^ /////// in some of the Kamacite bands. In the Brenham (Haviland) section, one end of a slice represents a typical Sider- ite, while the other end shows (by a like considerable surface) a typical Siderolite. Large, prominent and abundant nodules of troilite are shown in the great sections of Toluca, Canon Diablo and Bella Roca ; large plates of Schreibersite in La Primitiva and Tombigbee River. The carbonaceous meteorites are repre- sented by all which are known Cold Bokkeveldt, Alais, Orgueil, Nagaya and Mighei. The 'metallic veins, found penetrating some few /Erolites, are well shown in the Schonenberg and Farmington masses. We have, also, a small piece of the only meteorite of geological (Quaternary) age the Villa Lnjan, brought by us from Buenos Ayres in 1889. In frequent cases, the considerable number of specimens of the same fall makes it possible to show varieties of extreme form and of vinner structure. In nearly every case we are able to show both the outside crust of the specimen and, by fracture or artificial section, its inner features. The authenticity of the specimens has been carefully studied. All doubtful falls have been sternly rejected. And we have refused to increase our list by giving duplicate names of what are undoubtedly of the same fall, as among Tolucas, Coahuilas, Mocs, etc. Our sources of supply have been the large museums of the world, nearly everyone of which we have visited in bring- ing together this collection. We have adopted the general divisions of the collection of the British Museum Siderites, Siderolites and ^Erolites. Under these divisions our arrangement, for ready convenience, has been alphabetical. We will only say in defining the fullness of the collection that, of the 61 classes or divisions of meteorites adopted by Brezina. we have all but 3 ; while, of the 62 types of Meunier, we have all but 4. Few meteorite collections in the world (we believe only four) have an equal number of kinds, with, at the same time, an average so large (/^ Ibs.) in the weight of their individual specimens. Each specimen is separately mounted on a choice mahogany pedestal, bearing a printed celluloid label. The entire collection tills four cases 12 feet long by 4 feet wide, with plate-glass sides through which, on their pedestals and shelves, the individual specimens may be seen and studied. HENRY A. WARD. 620 Division Street, Chicago, 111. January 30, 1900. OF THE WARD-COONLEY COL ; LCT1QN ,, 1 * ' * * 1 J * ' \ ' > }'> '> > ** OF , > >V' |s j ;' , i- , * *' J MKTKORITKS. I. SIDEFMTES. Or Meteoric Irons. No. Date of Fall or Find. DESCRIPTION. Weight in grammes. 1 1780 Known Adargas, Concepcion Hacienda, Chihuahua, 70 Mexico. Described, Bartlett, Personal Narrative of Explora- tions in Texas, New Mexico, California, Sonora and Chihuahua. New York, 1854, Vol. 2, p. 457. Rectangular slab 34x47 mm., exterior surface on one edge, one face etched, showing large prominent Widmanstfttten figures. 2 1857? Found Alexander County, North Carolina. 76 Described, Bailey, 1891, Jour. Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc., Vol. 8, Part I. Semicircular slab 39 x 44 mm. Face and one edge polished. Face shows no Widmanstatten figures, but numerous irregularly-shaped plates of schreibersite; the back shows exterior surface of the mass. 3 1894 Found Arlington, Sibley County, Minnesota. 94 March. Described, Winchell, 1896, The American Geologist, Vol. 1 8, No. 5, pp 267-271. Triangular slice 35 x 57 mm. One face etched, show- ing coarse Widmanstiitten figures; also a fissure aver- aging some two lines in thickness, extending in a zigzag course across the face. 4 1867 Found Auburn, Macon County, Alabama. 17 Described, Shepard, 1869, Amer. Jour. Sci., Ser. 2, Vol. 47, pp. 230-233. A triangular piece 19 x 21 mm. much oxydized, with a few plates of taenite showing on surface. WARD-COONLEY COLLECTION OF METEORITES. No. Date of Fall or Find. DESCRIPTION. Weight in grammes *>. 1890 Found Augustinowka, Govt. Ekaterinoslaw, Rus. 1,077 % / : ;I)dsc3-ibed, Alexejeu, 1893, Verb. russ. Min. Ges., < * ;*.. Vol. *2, pp. 30 and 470. 1 1 , . " >: ; >% j , Fragments entirely oxydized. 70 grammes. 'End piece 45 x 72 x 95 mm. Surface etched show- ing well-marked Widmanstatten figures, one troilite 17 mm. in diameter and several irregular shaped fissures filled with troilite. 1007 grammes. 6 1842 Babb's Mills, Green County, Tennessee. 44 mentioned Described. Troost, 1845, Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. i, Vol. 49, PP- 342-344. A triangular section of a slice, 28 x 43 mm., two faces, one edge polished, two edges show exterior of the iron. On being etched, the surface only darkens, but shows no figures. 7 1893 Found Ballinoo, Murchison River, 10 miles south 11,049; of Ballinoo, West Australia. Described, H. A, Ward, 1898, Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. 4, Vol. 5, pp. 136-137. End piece with etched face, 70 x 150 mm. The Widmanstatten figures, though well developed, are very minute and scarcely visible to the naked eye. Etched face shows one troilite 10 mm. in diameter. On the exterior surface of back is shown a pitting within a pitting, the inner one being formed by the troilite having been worn away to a greater depth than the iron surrounding it. (This was a prominent fea- ture in the original mass). 2757 grammes. End piece with etched face 145 x 263 mm., with troilite 20 x 30 mm. ; exterior surface of back showing four of the peculiar pittings noted above. 8292 grms. 8 1855 Found Barranca Blanca, San Francisco Pass, Chili. 13 Described, Fletcher, 1889, Mineral Magazine, Vol. 8, pp. 224, 262-263. Fragment 13 x 24 mm., ragged exterior on all edges, with two etched surfaces showing very peculiar figures surrounding small nodules of troilite. 9 1897 Found Beaconsfield, Kirchspiel, Berwick, Morn- 815 iugtou County, Victoria, Australia. Described, 1897. SLDERITES. No. Date of Fall or Find. DESCRIPTION. Weight in grammes. A section 100 x 120 mm., etched face showing broad figures, somewhat thickly spotted with plates of schrei- bersite. Also two troilites from 15 to 22 mm. in diam- eter, the larger partly surrounded by schreibersite. 10 1866 Found Bear Creek, Denver County, Colorado. 62 Described, Shepard, Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. 2, Vol. 42, pp. 250, 251. Fragment, etched face 22 x 46 mm., showing well marked Widmanstatten figures. Crust on back, and good octahedral cleavage on edges. 11 1888 Found Bella Roca, Sierra de San Francisco, Santi- ago Papasquiaro, Duraiigo, Mexico. 754 Described, Whitfield, Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. 3, Vol. 37, pp. 439, 440. A complete section 60 x 290 mm., one face etched, showing rather coarse Widmanstatten figures, angl also dark diagonal bands of troilite, largest troilite on sur- face 27 x 84 mm. 12 1784 Found Bendego, Babia, Brazil. 1,678 Described, Mornay, 1816, Phil. Trans. (i8i6), 270. A triangular shaped slab 99 x 195 mm., one face etched showing coarsely crystalline structure with broad plates of kamacite and two small troilite nod- ules from 5 to 9 mm. in diameter; also three or four , zigzag fissures from 26 to 55 mm. in length. Outside surface on two edges. 755 grammes. A rectangular slab 89 x 145 mm., markings as above, with troilite 5 x 42 mm. on etched face. Exterior sur- face shown on two edges. 923 grammes. 13 1888 Found Bischtiibe, Nikolaev, Turgai, Russia. 37 Described, Kislakovsky, 1890, Bull. Soc. Imp. des Naturalistes de Moscou, 1890, Nr. 2, pp. 187-199. Rectangular slab 30x38 mm., one face etched show- ing Widmanstatten figures of large size and numerous small plates of schreibersite. 14 1835 Found Black Mountain, Asbeville, Buncombe Co., N. Carolina. 7 Described, Shepard, 1847, Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. 2, Vol. 4, pp. 82-83. Four fine octahedral cleavages from 10 to 15 mm. in diameter. WARD-COONLEY COLLECTION OF METEORITES. No. Date of Fall or Find. DESCRIPTION. Weight in jrammes. 15 1890 Found Blue Tier, Tasmania, Australia. 9 Described, Petterd, 1893, Catalogue of Minerals of Tasmania, p. 40. A fragment 14 x 19 mm., two surfaces sawed, other showing partly crust and partly hackeled fracture. 16 1802 Found Bitburg ( Albacher Mtihle), Rhenish Prussia. 777 Described, Gibbs, 1814, Bruce's Am. Min. Jr., Vol. i, pp. 219-221. A porous mass 42 x 44 x 44 mm., looking like an iron slag owing to its having been passed through a furnace at Treves. 205 grammes. Bnd piece, polished surface 62 x 95 mm., thickly strewn with large pores. 572 grammes 17 1,703 1829 Found Bohumilitz, Prachin, Bohemia. Described, Verh. Ges. mus. Bohmen, April 3d, 1830, P- 15- Etched section 70 x 85 mm., showing broad, well defined Widmanstatten figures. Exterior surface on two thirds of edge. 98 grammes Complete section 130 x 220 mm. , markings as above, with several long stringy troilites from 20 to 35 mm. ; also numerous fissures following edges of the kamacite plates. 1605 grammes 18 1847 Fell Braunau, Hauptmannsdorf, Bohemia. 73 July 14 Described, Humboldt, 1847. Comptes Rendus, Vol. v 25, p. 627. Rectangular slab 20 x 25 mm., one face and two edges polished, one of the latter showing a section of troilite 3 mm. in diameter. One end shows crust, the other magnificent cubic cleavage, while the etched face show Neumann lines sufficiently clear to show all the features of Widmanstatten figures. 23 grammes. A mass 14 x 18 x 22 mm., crust on one end, all other faces partly sawed and partly broken displaying fine cubic cleavage. 50 grammes 19 1890 Found Bridgewater, Burke Co., North Carolina. 83 Described, Kunz, 1890, Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. 3, Vol. 40, pp. 320-322. Rectangular slab, 36 x 57 mm., one face etched showing well marked Widmanstiitten figures; two edges showing crust. SIDERITES. No. 20 Date of Fall or Find. DESCRIPTION. Weight in grammes. 1819 Found before 21 1874 Found 22 1818 Found 23 1783 Found 24 1891 Found Burlington, Otsego County, New York. Described, Pierce, 1844, Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. i, Vol. 46, pp. 401-403. A mass 18 x 20 x 38 mm., one edge showing crust, the face etched showing well marked Widmanstatten figures with unusually broad bands of taenite. Back shows a hackeled, torn surface. Butler, Bates County, Missouri. Described, Broadhead, 1875, Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. 3, Vol. 10, p. 401. A rectangular slab 21 x 54 mm., with crust showing on one end. Etched surface covered with beautiful, rather fine, WidmanstBtten figures, bands of taenite extending clear across the surface in an unbroken line. Cambria (Lockport), Niagara County, N. Y. Described, Silliman, 1845, Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. i, Vol. 48, pp. 388-392. A mass 20 x 36 x 42 mm., one edge polished, face etched, shows most beautiful Widmanstatten figures; rest crust and hackeled fracture. Campo del Cielo, Tucuman, Otumpa, Ar- gentine Republic. Described, Don Rubin de Celis, 1788, Phil. Trans., Vol. 78, pp. 37-42. Irregular slab 43 x 53 mm., two-thirds of edge show- ing crust, etched face showing peculiar figures, con- sisting of unusually broad and somewhat in-definite plates with two troilite sections 15 and 28 mm. in diameter. 261 grammes Irregular slab, 69 x 150 mm., similar to above, troi- j lite 25 mm. in diameter on etched face; also numerous [ small cracks or fissures dividing plates into irregular i polygonal masses. 532 grammes Canon Diablo, Arizona. Described, Foote, Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. 3, Vol. 42, pp. 4I3-4I7- Complete mass 13 x 35 x 81 mm. showing character- istic pittings. 135 grammes Mass similar to above 94 x 103 mm. with a natural perforation 6 mm. in diameter. 425 grammes 61 82 89 793 ! 657,8 4 o WARD-COONLEY COLLECTION OF METEORITES. , No. Date of Fall or Find. DESCRIPTION. Weight in grammes. Mass similar to above 43 x 62 x 95 mm. 812 grms Mass similar to above 43 x 62 x 95 mm. 1,070 grms Mass similar to above 40 x 87 x 170 mm. 2, 250 grms Complete mass 300 x 395 x 515 mm., with beautiful characteristic pittings on all sides, with a number of small but exceedingly deep ones, one of which is 56 mm. in depth and one complete natural penetration. 170, loo grammes A mass similar to above 375 x 545 x 630 mm., show- ing one unusually large pitting 350 mm. in diameter from the bottom of which is a complete penetration 55 mm. in diameter. A short distance from this is another natural penetration 30 mm. in diameter. 383,292 grammes End piece 93 x 305 x 385 mm., face etched showing large prominent figures with broad plates of kama- cite, shows eleven sections of troilite some of which are surrounded by graphitic carbon and this by schrei- bersite; also three complete natural perforations, back characteristic pittings. 31,752 grammes End piece 80 x 290 x 350 mm., etched face similar to above, containing eleven troilites some of which are from 1 10 to 130 mm. in length; also numerous small patches of schreibersite. 48,081 grammes A triangular section of slice 55 x 57 mm. Face etched showing usual markings and large patches of 1 schreibersite. Exterior surface shown on portion of one edge. 1 1 1 grammes Complete slice 100 x 240 mm., face etched with usual broad Widmanstatten figures and numerous patches of schreibersite; also four sections of troilite, from 9 to 27 mm. in diameter, surrounded by schreibersite. 1286 grammes Complete slice, 350 x 470 mm. Etched face similar to above, with patches of schreibersite and nine sec- tions of large-size troilites, some of which are sur- rounded by schreibersite. 18,526 grammes 25 1894 Found Canton, Cherokee County, Georgia. I 9 2 March Described by Howell, 1895, Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. 3, Vol. 50, p. 252. A mass much oxydized 25 x 33 x 55 mm., showing well marked octahedral cleavage. 160 grammes A slab 39 x 45 mm. Face etched showing well marked Widmanstatten figures, exterior of mass on all edges but one. 32 grammes SIDERITES. No. Date of Fail or Find. DESCRIPTION. Weight in grammes. 26 1793 Found Cape of Good Hope, Bathurst, Cape Col- ony, South Africa. 56 Described, Barrow, 1801. Account of Travels into the interior of Southern Africa, London, 1801, p. 226. A section 24 x 32 mm. Exterior surface of mass on two sides. Two faces etched, showing no Widman- statten figures but broad bands, and a few minute sec- tions of troilite. 27 1888 Found Carlton, Hamilton County, Texas. 5,992 Described, Howell, 1890, Proc. Rochester Acad. of Sci., Vol. i, pp. 87-89. Complete slice, 170 x 250 mm. Face etched showing beautifully distinct but delicate Widmanstatten figures. Also numerous sections of troilite distributed in radi- ating veins, one of which is terminated by a star- shaped cluster. All the sections of troilite are com- pletely bordered by a layer of kamacite. 2,757 grms. Complete section 220 x 295 mm. Widmanstatten fig- ures and sections of troilite, similar to above. 3,235 grammes 28 1844 Found Carthage, Smith County, Tennessee. 78 Described, Troost, 1846, Am. Jr. Sci., Ser. 2, Vol. 2, PP- 356-357- Triangular slab 39 x 42 mm. One face polished, the other etched showing coarse typical Widmanstatten figures. Crust on one edge. 29 1804 Charcas, San Lui Potosi, Mexico. r,ooo mentioned Described, Sonneschmid, 1804, Mineralog. Beschrei- bung der vorzliglichsten Bergwerks-Reviere in Mexico oder Neuspanien, p. 288. A slice about 125 x 175 mm. One face etched show- ing typical Widmanstatten figures. "Now being sawed." , 30 1847 Found Chesterville, Chester County, S. Carolina. 72 Described, Shepard, 1849, Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. 2, Vol. 7, pp. 449-450. A slab 35 x 41 mm. One face polished, the other etched. A portion of one edge shows crust. The etched face brings out no Widmanstatten figures, but consists of a granulated surface over which are raised characters resembling Chinese letters. Also a few small fissures or cavities. WARD-COONLEY COLLECTION OF METEORITES. No Date of Fall or Find. DESCRIPTION. Weight in grammes. F 1781? Fell Chilcat, Portage Bay, Chilcat Inlet, Alaska. 62 An end piece 34 x 74 mm., the face etched showing typical and prominent Widrnanstatten figures with an unusual abundance of taenite bands. The crust can I be seen only on a small section of the back. This, like the face, has been etched allowing the numerous bands of taenite to stand out prominently in relief over nearly the entire surface. 32 1873 Found Chulafinnee, Cleberne County, Alabama. 28 Described, Hidden, 1880, Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. 3, Vol. *9> PP- 370-371. A rectangular slab 23 x 48 mm. One face polished, the other etched, showing well-marked Widrnanstatten figures. Portion of one edge shows crust. 33 1581 Known Chupaderos, Chihuahua, Mexico. ~46 Described, Bartlett, 1854. Personal Narrative of Explor. in Texas, New Mexico, California, Sonora and Chihuahua. New York, 1854, Vol. 2, pp. 453-458. Triangular piece 27 x 53 mm. Two edges and por- tion of back show crust. Face etched showing deli- cate but well-marked Widrnanstatten figures. 34 1837 Since Coahuila, Desert of Mapini, Coahuila, Mex. 3,429 Described, Smith, 1855, Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. 2, Vol. 19, pp. 160-161. A triangular section of slice 80 x 84 mm., showing crust on one edge. This slice has been tempered so that it shows brilliantly the various colors of the rain- bow, blue and red predominating. 157 grammes A triangular section 80 x 83 mm. One face polished, other etched, showing faintly the Neumann lines. Two of the edges show crust. 185 grammes Semicircular slab 116x180 mm. Two-thirds of edge show crust. Face etched showing well-marked Wid- manstJitten figures in some sections, with one section of troilite 13 mm. in diameter partly surrounded with a rim of daubreelite. Also a number of sections of very small troilites. 925 grammes Slice 150 x 330 mm. Crust on all edges but one. Etched face shows similar figures to above, with sec- tions of two large troilites, one of which is partly sur- rounded and penetrated by daubreelite; shows also a crack 1 10 mm. long extending from the edge nearly across the face of the slice. 2,162 grammes SIDERITES. No. Date of Fall or Find. DESCRIPTION. Weight in grammes. 35 1880 Found Colfax, Rutherford County, N. Carolina. 42 Described, Eakins, 1890, Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. 3, Vol. 39, PP. 395-396. A rectangular piece 26 x 43. Face etched, showing well-marked Widmanstatten figures; back torn surface showing distinct octahedral cleavage. 36 I860 Known Coopertown, Robertson County, Tennessee. 51 Described, Smith, 1861, Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. 2, Vol. 31, p. 266. A triangular section of slice 30 x 34 mm. One face etched, showing well marked Widmanstatten figures. One edge sawed, one showing a fracture, while the other two show exterior surface of the mass. 37 1837 Found Cosby's Creek, Cocke County, Tennessee. 71 Described, Troost, 1840, Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. i, Vol. 38, pp. 250-254. A rectangular mass 17 x 28 x 40 mm., showing well- marked octahedral cleavage, with numerous plates of bright taenite on suface. Mass much oxydized. 38 1881 Found Costilla Peak, Cimarron Range, New Mex. 16 Described, Hills, 1895, Proc. Colorado Sci. Soc., p. i. A triangular piece 23 x 45 mm. Two-thirds of edge showing crust, face etched, showing well-marked and characteristic Widmanstatten figures. 39 1888 Before Cowra, New South Wales. 25 Described, Card, 1897, Records of the Geol. Surv. of N. S. W., Vol. 5, part 2, p. 51. A rectangular slab 30 x 80 mm. Crust on two-thirds of edge. Etched face shows very delicate Widman- statten figures, with numerous small crystals of schrei- bersite. 40 1854 Found Cranbourne, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. 85 Described, Haidinger, 1861, Wien. Akad. Ber., Vol. 43, Abth. 2, p. 5*3- A fragment 10 x 23 x 30 mm., much oxydized, and showing well-marked octahedral cleavage. 23 grms. A rectangular mass 22 x 43 mm. One etched face, showing very broad perfect Widmanstatten figures; 10 WARD-COONLEY COLLECTION OF METEORITES. No. Date of Fall or Find. DESCRIPTION. Weight in grammes. back shows partly crust and partly torn surface with well-marked octahedral cleavage. Silvery plates of taenite are numerous throughout the mass. 62 grms. 41 1808 Found Cross Timbers, Red River, Texas. 3 Described, Bruce, 1810-14, Am. Mineralogical Jour., Vol. i, p. 124. A fragment 15 x 15 mm. One face etched, shows well-marked Widmanstatten figures. 42 1877 Found Dalton, Whitfield County, Georgia. 17 Described, Smith, 1877, Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. 3, Vol. 14, p. 246. A small slab 18 x 20 mm., showing well-marked Wid- manstatten figures and crust. 43 1846 Found Deep Springs, Rockingham Co., N. Car. 47 Described, Venable, 1890, Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. 3, Vol. 40, pp. 161, 162. A rectangular slab 25 x 43 mm. Etched face, shows no Widmanstatten figures; back and edges, show crust. 44 1873 Found Duel Hill, Madison County, North Carolina. 23 Described, Burton, 1876, Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. 3, Vol. 12, p. 439. An irregular chiseled mass 17 x 29 mm. One face etched, showing poor Widmanstatten figures but num- erous particles of schreibersite. 45 181 1 Elbogen, Bohemia. 25 Recognized Described, Neumann, 1812, Gilb. Ann., Vol. 42, p. 197. A small section 17 x 22 x 23 mm. One face etched, showing very perfect Widmanstatten figures and num- erous so-called Laphamite lines. A portion of the back shows crust. 46 1895 Found El Capitan, New Mexico. 2,099 July Described, Howell, 1895, Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. 3, Vol. 50, pp. 253, 254. A nearly complete section 115 x 130 mm. Crust shown on edges. One face polished, the other etched, showing well-defined Widmanstatten figures, with SIDERITES. 11 No. Date of Fall or Find. DESCRIPTION. Weight in grammes. broad bands of kamacite. Face shows two sections of troilite, one of which is 14 mm. in diameter; also num- erous small cracks or fissures generally following the edges of the kamacite bands, 485 grammes Complete slice 115 x 200 mm., similar to above. 1614 grammes 47 1854 Found Emmitsburg, Frederick County, Maryland. 21 Described, Brezina, 1885, Wiener Sammlung, pp. 211, 234. A thin rectangular slab 23 x 48 mm. Crust showing on two edges; etched face, showing well-marked Wid- manstatten figures with a second series of very fine lines similar to the Neumann lines. 48 1895 Forsyth County, Georgia. 550 Described Described, Brezina, 1895, Wiener Sammlung, p. 307. Complete section 100 x 130 mm. , with crust all around edge. Ktched surface, shows no Widmanstiitten fig- ures, but a granulated surface containing two cross sections of troilite, one 20 mm. in diameter. 49 1882 Found Fort Duncan, Maverick County, Texas. 347 Described, Hidden, 1886, Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. 3, Vol. 32, pp. 304-306. A triangular section 65 x 135 mm. Crust on two- thirds of edge; etched face, shows no Widmanstatten figures, but numerous prisms of Rhabdite and small grains of troilite. 50 1856 Found Fort St. Pierre, Nebraska. 64 Described, Chouteau, 1858, Trans. St. Louis Acad. of Sci., Vol. i, p. 307. Section of slice 33 x 50 mm. Crust on two edges. One face polished, other etched, showing good Wid- manstatten figures. 51 1884 Found Glorieta Mountain, Santa Fe County, New i,533 Mexico. Described, Kunz, 1885, Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. 3, Vol. 30, p. 235. A complete mass 30 x 47 x 125 mm., of a reddish- brown color showing characteristic pittings. 359 grms. A complete section 46 x 72 mm., with crust on edges. One face polished, other etched, showing an unusual and most beautiful curved octahedral structure. 68 grammes 12 WARD-COONLEY COLLECTION OF METEORITES. No. Date of Fall or Find. DESCRIPTION. ^ammes 1 An end piece 53 x 83 mm. Etched face, showing ;ypical Widmanstatten figures; deeply pitted crust on Dack and edges. 286 grammes A slab 90 x 145 mm. One face polished, other etched, markings as above. Face shows two long stringy troi- lite sections, one 55 mm. long. Crust on three edges. 820 grammes 52 883 Found Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan. 3,94i Described, Eastman, 1884, Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. 3, Vol. 28, pp. 299, 300. Complete section 160 x 230 mm. Crust on edge. Etched face, exhibiting very striking Widmanstatten figures made up of thin plates packed together in bun- dles. 1679 grammes Complete slice, similar to above, 160 x 240 mm. 2,262 grammes 53 884 Found Hammond, St. Croix County, Wisconsin. 9 S Described, Fisher, 1887, Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. 3, Vol. 34, pp. 381-383- Triangular section of slice 45 x 62 mm. Crust on two-thirds of edge. Two faces etched, showing well- marked Widmanstatten figures and numerous plates of schreibersite. Also two sections of troilite, one 10 mm. in diameter surrounded by schreibersite. 54 1895 Found Hayden Creek, Lemhi County, Idaho. 42 To be described. End piece 36 x 45 mm. Etched face, shows well- marked Widmanstatten figures. Back covered with a bright black shiny crust. 55 1882 Found Hex River, Cape Colony, South Africa. 248 Described, Brezina, 1896, Ann. d. k. k. Naturh. Hof- mus., Vol. 10, pp. 291, 349. Section of slice 70 x 80 mm. Crust on two edges. Etched face, shows Neumann lines and the parallel systems of troilite plates, with a section of troilite 7 mm. in diameter. 56 1887 Foun Holland's Store, Chattooga Co., Georgia. 248 | Described, Kunz, 1887, Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. 3, Vol. 34, pp. 471, 472. A complete section 80 x 118 mm. One face etched, but shows no Widmanstatten figures, but numerous small flakes of schreibersite and small troilite grains. SIDERITES. 13 No. Date of Fall or Find. DESCRIPTION. Weight in grammes. 57 1751 Fell Hraschina, Agram, Croatia, Austria. 9 May 26th Described, Gussman, 1785, Lythophylaceum Mitisi- anum Dissertatione praeuia et observationibus per- petuis physico mineralogicis explicatum a Francisco Gussman. Viennae typis Joseph! Nobilis de Kurzbeck, 1785, Vol. 2, pp. 127-131. Small rectangular slab 14 x 17 mm. Etched on six sides, showing fine Widmanstatten figures. 58 1871 Found Iquique, Province Tarapaca, Peru, S. A. 17 Described, Raimond, 1873, Fetschr. d. Ges. nat.- forsch. Freunde, Berlin, 1873. Section of slab 24 x 29 mm. One face polished, other etched, showing no figures. Crust on three edges. 59 1880 Ivanpah, San Bernardino Co., California. 221 Described Described, Shepard, 1880, Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. 3, Vol. 19, pp. 381, 382. A semicircular slab 44 x 100 mm. Crust on two- thirds of edge. Etched face, shows well-marked, rather large Widmanstatten figures. 60 1846 Jackson County, Tennessee. 117 Described Described, Troost, 1846, Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. 2, Vol. 2, p. 357- A mass 20 x 30 x 36 mm. One face etched, showing faint Widmanstatten figures with an abundance of tae- nite in narrow bands. Balance of mass shows well- defined octahedral cleavage. 61 1885 Found Jamestown, Stutsman County, N. Dakota. 583 Described, Huntington, 1890, Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts and Sci., Vol. 25, pp. 229-232. End piece 24 x 44 x no mm. Face etched, giving typical Widmanstatten figures, showing plates not over one mm. thick, closely interlaced, and frequently bent. Back crust with very small pittings. 62 1882 Found Jenny's Creek, Wayne Co., W. Virginia. 3 Described, Kunz, 1885, Proc. Amer. Asso., Vol. 34, p. 246. Two rough fragments showing plates of taenite on surface. 14 WARD-COONLEY COLLECTION OF METEORITES. No. Date of Fall or Find. DESCRIPTION. Weight in grammes. 63 1854 Known Jewell Hill, Walnut Mountains, Madison County, N. Carolina. 15 Described, Smith, 1860, Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. 2, Vol. 30, p. 240. Small slab 20 x 21 mm. One face polished, other etched, showing most beautiful fine Widmanstatten figures. Portion of one edge shows crust. 64 1884 Found Joe Wright Mountain, Independence Co., J 75 Arkansas. Described, Hidden, 1886, School of Mines Quarterly, Vol. 7, No. 2, Jan., j8S6. Triangular slab 80 x no mm. Crust on one edge. Etched face, shows well-marked Widrnanstatten figures with broad bands of kamacite. A section of troilite on edge. 65 1866 Found Juncal, Atacaraa, Chili. 2 Described, Daubree, 1868, Comptes Rendus, Vol. 66, pp. 568-571. Thin slab 12 x 15 mm. Face etched, showing well- marked Widmanstatten figures. Portion of back show- ing crust. 66 1887 Kendall County, San Antonio, Texas. 286 Described Described, Brezina, 1887, Neue Meteoriten III Ann. Hof-Mus., Yol. 2, p. 115. Nearly complete section 69 x 150 mm. Crust on edges. One face polished, other etched, exhibiting a granular brecciated surface, with numerous irregular- shaped troilite nodules and small flakes of schreiber- site. 67 1889 Found Kenton County, 18 miles south, of Indepen- 17,930 dence, Kentucky. Described, Preston, 1892, Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. 3, Vol. 44, pp. 163, 164. Complete section 200 x 500 mm. Crust on edges. One face polished, other etched, showing very beauti- ful and regular Widmanstatten figures, with numerous small troilite sections. 8,660 grammes Complete slice 210 x 480 mm., similar to above with the exception that the portion of one edge shows fine octahedral cleavage. 9,270 grammes SIDERITES. 15 No. Date of Fall or Find. DESCRIPTION. Weight in grammes 68 1828 La Caille, near Grasse, Alpes Maritimes, 34 Recognized France. Described, Brard, 1828, Mineralogie, uuter dem Artikel " Fer." An end piece 23 x 28 mm. Three faces etched, one showing well-marked Widmanstatten figures with numerous so-called Laphamite lines, while the large face shows no well-defined figures but bands of taenite crossing the surface in curved lines. Back shows crust. 69 I860 Found La Grange, Oldham County, Kentucky. 33 Described, Smith, 1861, Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. 2, Vol. 3i, P- 151- Section of slice 28 x 30 mm. Crust on one edge. One face polished, other etched, shows very narrow and somewhat indistinct Widmanstatten figures. |70 1888 Found La Primitiva, Salitra, Tarapaca, Chili. 30 Described, Howell, 1890, Proc. Rochester Acad. of Sci., Vol. i, p. 100. An irregular-shaped slice 52 x 52 mm. Crust on all edges but one. Etched face show no figures but large broad plates of schreibersite. 71 1814 Found Lenarto, Saros, Hungary. 133 Described, Tehel, 1815, Gilb. Ann., Vol. 49, pp. 181, 182. A section of slice 52 x 66 mm. One edge showing crust. Etched face exhibits rather small and some- what indistinct Widmanstatten figures, Laphamite markings and numerous small patches of schreibersite. 72 1880 Found Lexington County, South Carolina. 20 Described, Shepard, 1881, Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. 3, Vol. 21, pp. 117-119. A triangular piece 19 x 25 mm. Back showing crust. Two faces etched, showing broad bands of kamacite with some schreibersite. 73 1879 Found Lick Creek, Davidson County, K Carolina. 15 Described, Hidden, 1880, Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. 3, Vol. 20, pp. 323-326. Rectangular slab 22 x 32 mm. Etched face shows no figures but a granulated surface with prisms of rhabdite, and flakes of schreibersite. 16 WARD-COONLEY COLLECTION OF METEORITES. No. Date of Fall or Find. DESCRIPTION. Weight in grammes. 74 1834 Found Lime Creek, Claiborne, Clark County, Ala. Described, Jackson, 1838, Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. i, Vol. 14 34, pp. 332-337- Section of slice 18 x 23 mm. Crust on two thirds of edges. Etched face shows no Widmanstiitten figures, but schreibersite is plainly visible in streaks and spots. 75 1853 Described Lion River, Great .Namaqualand, S. Africa. Described, Shepard, 1853, Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. 2, Vol. 15, pp. 1-4. Rectangular piece 21 x 38mm. Exterior of mass on one edge. Beautifully regular Widmanstiitten figures on etched face, with section of long narrow troilite. 4 6 76 1857 Found Locust Grove, Henry County, Georgia. Described, Brezina, 1895, Wiener Sammlung, 1895, 227 PP- 302, 353- Complete section 65 x 73 mm. Crust on edges. Etched face shows no Widmanstiitten figures, but prisms of rhabdite, numerous small flakes of schrei- bersite and small troilite nodules. 77 1854 Found Madoc, Hastings County, Ontario, Canada. Described, Hunt, 1855, Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. 2, Vol. 24 19, p. 417. A rectangular slab 17 x 22 mm. Face etched, show- ing no Widmanstatten figures, but a granular or pitted surface thickly strewn with fine irregular bands of taenite. Back, exterior surface of mass. 78 1899 Found Magdalena, Socorro County, New Mexico. To be described. 3> I2 4 End piece 120 x 190 mm. Face etched, showing dis- tinct Widmanstiitten figures. Also four sections of troilite from 8 to 28 mm. in diameter. There are also numerous fissures extending across the etched face that are apparently filled with troilite. The back, of a reddish brown color, shows the usual characteristic pittings, some of which are of large size. 79 1840 Found Magura, Szlanicza, Hungary. Described, Haidinger, 1844, Wiener Zeitung, I7th April, 1844. End piece 25 x 62 x 95 mm. Face etched showing no Widmanstiitten figures, but numerous grains or patches of schreibersite, with several small troilite sec- 1,366 SIDERITES. 17 No. Date of Fall or Find. DESCRIPTION. Weight in grammes.; tions, some of which are surrounded by schreibersite. Also numerous small irregular fissures or cracks ex- tending over etched surface. Cleavage structure prom- inent on back of mass. 520 grammes Mass 40 x 60 x 118 mm. Exterior of mass on one surface, balance hackeled fracture showing cleavage structure. 846 grammes 80 1876 Found Mantos Blancos (Mount Hicks), Atacama, 2 Chili. Described, Fletcher, 1889, Mineral. Mag., Vol. 8, pp. 224, 230, 257, 258. Fragment 6x9 mm. One face etched, showing sharp but small Widmanstatten figures. Another face fracture, showing octahedral cleavage; while a third face is outside surface of iron. 81 I860 Marshall County, Kentucky. 17 Described Described, Smith, 1860, Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. 2, Vol. 30, p. 240. End piece 17x34 mm. Etched face, shows well- marked Widmanstatten figures. Back, exterior of mass. 82 1884 Known Merceditas, Chafiaral, Atacama, Chili. 729 Described, Howell, 1890, Proc. Rochester Acad. of Sci., Vol. i, p. 99. Section of slab 75 x 165 mm. Crust on two-thirds of edge. One face polished, other etched, showing very large well-defined Widmanstatten figures, with broad blades of kamacite and a few small sections of troilite. 83 1855 Found Missouri. 2,535 To be described. End piece 115 x 160 mm. Back showing crust and characteristic pittings. Etched face, shows numerous small troilite sections partly surrounded by schreiber- site. It shows no typical Widmanstatten figures. 84 1804 Known Misteca, Oaxaca, Mexico. 70 Described, Del Rio, 1804, Tablas Mineralog., p. 57. Section of slab 31 x 49 mm. Exterior of mass on one edge. Etched face shows well-marked but some- what indistinct Widmanstatten figures, with an abun- dance of laphamite lines. 18 WARD-COONLEY COLLECTION OF METEORITES. No. Date of Fall or Find. DESCRIPTION. Weight in grammes. 85 1893? Found Mooranoppin, 160 miles east of York, West- 74 ern Australia. Described, H. A. Ward, 1898, Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. 4, Vol. 5, p. 140. Complete section 42 x 68 mm. Crust on edges. Etched face shows indistinct Widmanstatten figures on account of the broad kamacite bands. Face shows a few small nodules of troilite and a nodule of gra- phitic carbon 15 mm. in diameter surrounded with schreibersite; also numerous small fissures filled with graphitic carbon. 86 1892 Known Moscow, Russia. 727 Not described. Balance in Agricultural Museum at Moscow. Bnd piece 29 x 65 x no mm. Etched face shows no Widmanstatten figures, but numerous small flakes or patches that may be schreibersite. Back shows exte- rior of surface, of a reddish-brown color, covered with long finger-like depressions or pittings. 87 1887 Found Mount Joy, Adams County, Pennsylvania. 15,000 Described, Howell, 1892, Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. 4, Vol. 44, pp. 415, 416. A complete section 520 x 760 mm. Exterior of mass on edge. Face etched, showing a coarsely brecciated surface with large plates of schreibersite. The Neu- mann lines are prominent, as well as the parallel sys- tem of troilite plates. 88 1892 Known Mount Stirling, West Australia. 952 Described in the Records of the Australian Museum. Complete slice in x 240 mm. Crust on edges. Etched face shows Widmanstatten figures, with very broad plates of kamacite and numerous patches of schreibersite; also five sections of troilite from 9 to 31 mm. in diameter most of which are surrounded by schreibersite, and one complete penetration 27 mm. in diameter through the slice, where a troilite had been weathered out. 89 1897 Found Mungindi, Queensland, Australia. 1,387 Described, Card, 1897, Rec. Geol. Surv. N. S. Wales, Vol. 3, p. 121. End piece 45 x 74 x 180 mm. Etched face shows Widmanstatten figures of great clearness and beauty; SIDERITES. 19 No. Date of Fall or Find. DESCRIPTION. Weight in grammes.: several small troilite sections, and one long thread-like mass 26 mm. in length. The exterior surface on back shows in some places the original crust, and is com- pletely covered with characteristic pittings. 90 1899 Found Murphy, Cherokee County, N. Carolina. 567 i Described, H. L. Ward, Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. 4, Vol. 8, pp. 225, 226. Complete slice 43 x 81 mm. Exterior surface of mass on edges. Etched face shows the Neumann lines prominently; also two sections of troilite 8 and 13 mm. in diameter. Daubreelite is also shown along the edges of the troilite. 259 grammes Complete slice 82 x 105 mm., similar to above, with the exception that the troilites are very much smaller and show no Daubreelite. 308 grammes 91 1890 Found Nagy-Vazsony, Veszprim, Hungary. 2 Described, V. Hauer, 1891, Ann. Hof-mus., Vol. 6, P- 54- Thin section 16 x 50 mm. Etched face shows well- marked Widmanstiitten figures, with broad bands of kamacite. The laphamite lines are quite prominent in some sections. 92 1863 Fell? Nejed, (Waiiee Bailee Khaled), Central 30 Arabia. Described, Fletcher, 1887, Mineral Mag., Vol. 7, x* pp. 179-182. Section of slice 30 x 46 mm. Crust on two-thirds of edge. Face etched, showing large and prominent Widmanstiitten figures, with numerous laphamite lines. 93 I860 Found Nelson County, Kentucky. 435 Described, Smith, Am. Jr. Sci., Ser. 2, Vol. 30, p. 240. Section of slice 16 x 33 x 51 mm. Crust on two edges. One face etched, does not show distinct Wid- manstatten figures but very broad plates. 153 grins. Section 88 x 130 mm. Crust on three edges. Etched face shows well-marked Widmanstiitten figures in un- usually broad plates; also a number of fissures follow- ing usually the edges of these plates. 282 grammes WARD-COONLEY COLLECTION OF METEORITES. No. Date of Fall or Find. DESCRIPTION. Weight in grammes. 94 1872 Found Nenntmannsdorf, Pirna, Saxony. 5 Described, Geinitz, 1872, Im Dresdener Journal vom 31 December, 1872 (Nr. 303). Small section 13 x 20 mm. Crust on one edge. Etched face shows large plates, but no Widmanstatten figures. 95 1846 Found Netschaevo, Tula, Russia. 180 Described, Auerbach, 1858, Bull, de la Soc. imper. des Naturalistes Moskou, Vol. 31, pp. 331, 332. Mass 27 x 34 x 41 mm. Three edges and back show- ing exterior of mass. One face etched, showing no distinct figures but numerous plates of schreibersite; other polished. 96 1827 Found Newstead, Roxburgshire, Scotland. 52 Described, Smith, 1862, Edinburgh New Phil. Jour., new series, 1862, Vol. 16, p. 108. Triangular section 25 x 36 mm. Back shows crust, three faces polished, one etched, showing no Widman- statten figures but numerous small flakes of schreiber- site. 97 1895 Known Nocoleche, five miles S. W. of Nocoleche Station, near Wanaarhig, N. S. Wales. 1,125 Described, Cooksey, 1897, Records Austr. Mus., Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 51-54. Complete slice uox 180 mm. Crust on all edges. Etched face shows well-defined large Widmanstatten figures, with broad plates of kamacite. Also numer- ous sections of troilite, the largest 18 mm. in diam- eter, most of which are entirely or partially surrounded by schreibersite. Many plates of schreibersite are vis- ible on etched face, one of which being 16 x 40 mm. in diameter. 98 1863 Recognized Obernkirchen, near Biickeburg, Scliaum- burg-Lippe, Germany. 60 Described, Wohler and Wicke, 1863, Gott. Gel. Anz. (Nachr.) 1863, pp. 364-367. Triangular section of slice 16 x 40 mm. One edge exterior of mass. Etched face shows very distinct, fine, Widmanstatten figures. SIDERITES. No. Date of Fall or Find. DESCRIPTION. Weight in grammes.; 99 1856 Orange River, South Africa. 22 Described Described, Shepard, 1856, Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. 3, Vol. 21, pp. 213-216. Section of slice 16 x 50 mm. Crust on three edges. Both faces etched, showing typical Widmanstatten figures. 100 1893 Found Oroville, Butte County, California. 579 To be described. Complete slice 60x135 mm. Crust on edges. Etched face shows clear, well-defined Widmanstatten figures, with several long, stringy, troilite sections, one of which is 22 mm. in length. Also numerous fissures filled in part by troilite and graphitic carbon. 262 grammes Another complete slice 65 x 140 mm. Character of etched face similar to above. 317 grammes 101 1895 Found Oscuro Mountains, Socorro County, New 640 Dec. 10. Mexico. Described, Hills, 1897, Proc. of the Colo. Sci. Soc., 1897, pp. 1-4. End piece 74 x no mm. The back is the exterior surface of the iron, covered with a thin dark-brown crust and numerous characteristic pittings. The etched face shows rather well-defined Widmanstatten figures, with numerous small patches of schreibersite. The face exhibits also numerous cracks or crevices filled with graphitic carbon. 102 1850 Pittsburgh (Miller's Run), Alleghany Co., 9 Described Pennsylvania. Described, Silliman, 1850, Proc. Amer. Asso. for the year 1850, Vol. 4, p. 37. Section of a slice 9 x 14 x 17. Crust shown on two edges. Three faces polished, one etched, showing sections of broad Widmanstatten figures. 103 1893 Found Plymouth, Marshall County, Indiana. 1,090 Described, H. A. Ward, 1895, Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. 3, Vol. 49, pp. 53-55. Complete slice 58 x 150 mm. Crust on edges. One face polished, other etched, showing well-marked Widmanstatten figures, with laphamite lines promi- nently present. Also section of troilite 21 mm. in WARD-COONLEY COLLECTION OF METEORITES. No. Date of Fall or Find. DESCRIPTION. Weight in grammes. diameter, with one fissure 45 mm. in length partially filled with troilite. 462 grammes Complete slice 70 x 180 mm. Characters similar to above. 628 grammes 104 1885 Found Puquios, Chili, South America. | 61 Described, Howell, 1890, Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. 3, Vol. 40, pp. 224-226. Section of slice 34 x 55 mm. Crust on three edges. Two faces etched, showing well-marked Widmanstat- ten figures, laphamite markings and sections of sev- eral small troilites. Also a fracture, causing a distinct faulting of the Widmanstatten figures. 105 1839 Found Putnam County, Georgia. 23 Described, Willet, 1854, Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. 2, Vol. 17, PP- 331, 33 2 - A mass 12 x 16 x 35 mm. One face crust, balance fracture, showing remarkably well-defined octahedral cleavage, with bright plates of taenite on cleavage faces. 106 Found Queensland, Australia. 72 To be described. A triangular slab 40 x 44 mm. Exterior of mass on back. One edge shows fracture, exhibiting octahedral structure. Etched face well-marked Widmanstatten figures, with broad bands of kamacite. 107 1804 Known Rancho de la Pila, Durango, Mexico. 42 Described, Del Rio, 1804. Tablas Mineralogicas, Mexico, 1804, p. 57. Triangular section of slice, 22 x 35 mm. Crust on two edges. Face etched, showing well-marked Wid- manstatten figures with two small sections of troilite and- numerous flakes of schreibersite. 108 1895 Found Rasgata, New Granada, South America. 14 Described, Mariano de Rivero and Boussingault, 1824, Ann. Chim. Phys., Vol. 25, pp. 438-443. Rectangular slice 15 x 35 mm. Back shows crust of reddish-brown color, with numerous, small, typical pittings. Etched face, a granulated surface with small flakes of schreibersite, but no Widmanstatten figures. SIDERITES. No. 109 110 Date of Fall or Find. 1892 Found 1897 Found 111 112 113 1872 Fell April 20 1844 Found 1863 Found DESCRIPTION. Roebourne, nr. Hammersley Range, North- west Australia. Described, H. A. Ward, 1898, Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. 4, Vol. 5, pp. 135, 136. Complete slice 148 x 288 mm. Crust on edge. Etched face shows magnificent Widmanstatten figures with a number of small and one large section of troi- lite, the largest 16 mm. in diameter. Face is also thickly scattered with small flakes of schreibersite. 1,407 grammes End piece 100 x 190 x 250 mm. Face etched, show- ing characters similar to above. Back exterior of mass of a reddish-brown color, showing typical pit- tings. 13,778 grammes Rosario, Honduras, Central America. To be described. Complete section 75 x 115 mm. Crust on edge. Etched face shows no distinct Widmanstatten figures, but numerous troilite sections, in long narrow strings or bands surrounded by schreibersite. These sections, being arranged in parallel lines in three directions, give somewhat the appearance of Widmanstatten fig- Rowton, near Wellington, Shropshire, Eng. Described, Flight, 1882, Philos. Trans. Royal Soc., Vol. 3 (1882), pp. 894-896. Section of slice 8 x 20 mm. Exterior of mass on one edge. One face etched, showing well-marked Widmanstatten figures. Ruff's Mountain, Lexington County, South Carolina. Described, Shepard, 1850, Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. 2, Vol. 10, p. 128. Triangular piece 39 x 50 mm. Crust on back. Pitched face shows Widmanstatten figures but with an indefin- iteness about them, probably due to small flakes of schreibersite. Also numerous small sections of troilite. Russel Gulch, Gilpin County, Colorado. Described, Smith, 1866, Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. 2, Vol. 42, pp. 218, 219. Section of slice 76 x 90 mm. Crust on one edge. Weight i grammes 15,185 461 118 277 WARD-COONLEY COLLECTION OF METEORITES. No. Date of Fall or Find. DESCRIPTION. Weight in grammes Both faces etched, showing well-marked Widman- statten figures, with the blades of kamacite curved or bent. Laphamite lines are also well marked. The slice is filled with numerous fissures following the edges of the blades of kamacite. 114 1876 Fell? Sacramento Mountains, Eddy County, New 836 Mexico. Described, Foote, 1897, Am. Jr. Sci., Ser. 4, Vol. 3, pp. 65, 66. Complete slice 69 x 305 mm. Crust on edges. Face etched, showing well-marked Widmanstatten figures, with a few small sections of troilite. 115 1863 Found Saint Francois County, Missouri. 753 Described, Shepard, 1869, Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. 2, Vol. 47, pp. 233, 234. , ":_ 1 Complete slice 94 x 118 mm. Crust on edges. Etched face shows clear, distinct, large Widmanstatten figures, with broad plates of kamacite, and numerous minute sections of troilite. 116 1827 Known Sancha Estate, Coahuila, Mexico. 77 Described, 1890, Mineralog. Magazine, 1890, Vol. 9, p. 113. A rectangular section of slab 23 x 86 mm. Crust on two edges. Etched face shows a granulated surface, but no Widmanstatten figures. 117 1897 Feund San Angelo, Tom Green County, Texas. 4,5i6 July Described, Preston, Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. 4, Vol. 5, pp. 269-272. Complete slice 130 x 270 mm. Exterior of mass on edges. Etched face shows beautifully-distinct, large Widmanstatten figures, with numerous small and one large section of troilite 25 mm. in diameter. The etched face shows many cracks or fissures following along the edges of the kamacite bands, the larger of these being filled with graphitic carbon. 1871 grms. A complete slice 96 x 235 mm. Characters similar to above. 2,645 grammes 118 1875 Known Santa Catarina, Rio San Francisco do Sul, 2,33 6 Brazil, S. A. Described, Guignet and Ozorio de Almeida, 1876, Comptes Rendus, Vol. 83, pp. 917-919. _l SIDERITES. No. D ^ F ? nd Fa11 DESCRIPTION. Weight in grammes. Section of slice 20 x 31 mm. Exterior of mass on one edge. Etched face, showing rather poor, imper- fect Widmanstatten figures. 15 grammes A mass 55 x 73 mm. Altered, having the appear- ance and color of limonite. 163 grammes A porous mass 37 x 80 x 125 mm., similar to above, with the exception that one face is polished. 556 grammes A mass 95 x 95 x 135 mm., similar to above. 1,602 grammes 119 1883 Known Sao Juliao de Moreira, Ponte de Lima, 9 68 Miiiho, Portugal. Described, Ben-Saude, 1888, Comm. da commiss d. trab. geol. de Portugal, Vol. 2, pp. 14-16. A section 55 x 105 mm. Exterior of mass on one edge, other edges fractured, showing bright plates of taenite. Etched face shows a strongly brecciated sur- face, with large plates of schreibersite, and a bunch or group of small sections of troilite. Neumann lines are well developed on different portions of the face. Be- sides these there are numerous cracks or fissures fol- lowing the edges of the schreibersite plates. 183 grammes A section 115 x 150 mm., similar to above, with the exception that there is very much more troilite, occur- ring in meandering, stringy masses. 785 grammes 120 1854 Found Sarepta, Saratov, Russia. 15 Described, Auerbach, 1854, Bull. Soc. Imp. des Nat- uralistes de Moscou, 1854, Nr. 4, p. 504. Section of slice 21 x 22 mm. Crust on two edges. One face polished, other etched, showing broad plates most beautifully marked with Neumann lines; also a few small plates of brilliant nickeliferous iron. 121 1867 Found Scottsville, Allen County, Kentucky. 1,153 Described, Whitfield, 1887, Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. 3, Vol. 33, pp. 50, SOL End piece 47 x 65 x 130 mm. Crust on back. Face etched, showing a network of delicate Neumann lines overlaying a granular base. Also one circular troilite section 9 mm. in diameter. WARD-COONLEY COLLECTION OF METEORITES. No. Date of Fall or Find. DESCRIPTION. Weight in rammes 122 834 Found Scriba, Oswego County, New York. 19 Described, Shepard, 1841, Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. i, Vol. 40, pp. 366-369. Section of end piece 20 x 34 mm. Crust on back. Etched face shows mottled surface but no Widman- statten figures. 1 00 Sedacrzim, Finnlaiid. T21 XjvO 3 \ From old Finnlaiid collection of N. Nordenskjold (father of Baron Nordenskjold), Helsingfors Museum. Rectangular slab 33 x 46 mm. Etched face shows Widmanstatten figures with very broad plates. Neu- mann lines are distinctly brought out on some parts of the face. There are, also, a few small cracks or fis- sures filled with graphitic carbon. 124 847 Found See-Lasgen, Brandenburg, Prussia. I0 9 Described, Goppert, 1847, Verh. Berlin. Akad, 1847, p. 488. Rectangular slab 29 x 45 mm. Crust on one edge. Etched face shows Widmanstatten figures, with large plates on which the Neumann lines are well developed. 40 grammes Section of slice 31 x 40 mm. Face etched, charac- ters similar to above. 69 grammes 125 1850 Found Seneca Falls, Seneca County, N. Y. 104 Described, Shepard, 1851, Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. 2, Vol. n, pp. 39, 40- Complete section 37 x 62 mm. Crust on edges. Face etched, showing well-marked Widmanstatten figures, and a circular troilite section 14 mm. in diameter, sur- rounded by schreibersite. 126 1845 Found Sevier County, Tennessee. 37 Described, Shepard, 1847, Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. 2, Vol. 4, pp. 83-85. A mass 21 x 25 x 36 mm. Exterior of mass on one side. Balance shows well-marked octahedral cleavage, with bright plates of taenite. 127 1887 Found Silver Crown, Crow Creek, Laramie Co., 105 Wyoming. Described, Kunz, 1888, Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. 3, Vol. 36, pp. 276, 277. SIDERITES. No. Date of Fall or Find. DESCRIPTION. Weight in grammes. A section of slice 48 x 76 mm. Crust on two edges. Etched face shows coarse, well-marked Widmanstatten figures in large plates, on which Neumann lines in some sections are well developed. Lines of taenite very distinct. 128 716 Found Siratik, Senegal, West Africa. 4 Described, Compagnon, 1748, Schwabe's Allgemeine Historic der Reisen zu Wasser und L,ande, Leipzig, 1748, Vol. 2, Book 5, Chap. 13, p. 510. A chiseled fragment 14 x i6'mm., showing fracture, with bright plates of taenite. 129 839 or '40 Smithland, Livingston County, Kentucky. 49 Found Described, Troost, 1846, Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. 2, Vol. 2, pp. 357, 358. A worked piece 13 x 15 x 58 mm. 130 1863 Found Smith's Mountain, Rockingham County, 40 North Carolina. Described, Tschermak, 1872, Meteoriten, m. m., Vol. 2, p. 172. A triangular section of slice 39 x 56 mm., with crust on two-thirds of edge. Etched face shows well-marked Widmanstatten figures, with two long stringy patches of troilite. 131 1892 Found Smithville, DeKalb County, Tennessee. 4,042 Nov. Described, Brezina, 1895, Wiener Sammlung, pp. 255, 256. Complete slice 130 x 175 mm. Exterior of mass on edges. One face polished, showing three sections of troilite. The largest 20 mm. in diameter, surrounded by graphitic carbon and this by schreibersite. Also numerous small patches and strings of schreibersite. Other face etched, showing well-defined Widmanstat- ten figures, composed of very broad plates. 1,899 grammes End piece 26 x no x 170 mm. Back shows exterior ' of mass of a reddish-brown color. Face etched, with characters similar to above. 2, 143 grammes 132 1873 Found Ssyromolotovo, Kishma, Jenisseisk, Asi- 3 atic Russia. Described, Gobel, 1874, Bull. Ac. Imp. des Sc. de St. Petersb., Vol. 19, pp. 544-554- WARD-COONLEY COLLECTION OF METEORITES. No. Date of Fall or Find. DESCRIPTION. Weight in rammes. Small fragment n x 17 mm. Crust on one side. Face etched, showing well-marked Widmanstiitten figures. 133 1869 Found Staunton, Augusta County, Virginia. 2,364 Described, Mallet, 1871, Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. 3, Vol. 2, pp. 10-15. Section of slice 115 x 145 mm. Crust on two edges. One face polished, other etched, showing sharp, well- defined Widmanstatten figures. 592 grammes End piece 36 x 100 x 145 mm. Back crust. Face etched, characters similar to above. I ,7O2 grammes Planer shavings. 70 grammes 134 1840 Found Tarapaca Desert, Hemalga, Chili, South 25 America. Described, Greg, 1855, Phil. Mag., Ser. 4, Vol. 10, pp. 12-14. Section of slice 15 x 18 mm. Exterior of mass on all edges but one; etched face shows no Widmanstat- ten figures. 7 grammes A section n x 18 mm. Exterior of mass on three edges, other fractured surface. This iron is entirely different from the one mentioned above, and is de- scribed as being known in 1894. The etched face shows indistinct Widmanstatten figures which are gen- erally outlined by small cracks or fissures. 18 grms. 135 1853 Found Tazewell, Claiborne County, Term. 279 Described, Smith, 1854, Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. 2, Vol. 17, p. 131. Rectangular slab 23 x 45 mm. Crust on one end and portion of back. One face and one edge polished. One face and two edges etched, showing most beauti- ful, minute Widmanstatten figures, with a few very small troilite sections. 82 grammes A mass 20 x 44 x 70 mm. Portion showing exterior v of mass; rest cleavage surfaces with bright plates of taenite. 197 grammes 136 I860 Found Tennessee, Cleveland, Bradley County, 76 Tennessee. Described, Shepard, 1866, Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. 2, Vol. 43, pp. 251. A rectangular slice 29 x 56 mm. Crust on one edge. One face etched, showing well-marked Widmanstatten figures. SIDERITES. No. Date of Fall or Find. DESCRIPTION. %& 137 1886 Found Thunda, Windorali, Diamantina District, 1,181 Queensland, Australia. Described, Liversidge, 1886, Jour, and Proc. Roy. Soc. of New South Wales, Vol. 20, pp. 73, 285. Rectangular slice 59 x 84 mm. Crust on one edge. Face etched, showing characteristic Widmanstatten figures, with some laphamite lines. Section of troilite 23 mm. in diameter, in one corner. 181 grammes End piece 90 x 125 mm. Crust on back. Face etched, showing characters similar to above. (Now being cut.) ^ 1,000 grammes 138 1895 Found Thurlow, Ontario, Canada. 209 End piece 33 x 37 x 83 mm. Crust and characteris- tic pittings on back. Face etched, showing rather fine, well-marked Widmanstatten figures. With a few * irregular-shaped troilite sections on face. 139 1784 Found Toluca, Mexico. 60,655 Described, Del Rio, 1804, Tablas Mineralogicas, 1804, p. 57. Complete individual 26 x 48 x 60 mm. Ends and corners much flattened by being used prehistorically as a pounder. 416 grammes Complete individual 40 x 50 x 63 mm. Ends rounded from same cause as above, 541 grammes Complete individual 49 x 65 x 72 mm. Ends rounded, similar to above, 670 grammes Complete individual 86 x 92 x 112 mm. Ends rounded, similar to above. 2,687 grammes Complete mass 69 x 86 x 235 mm., showing charac- teristic deep pittings. 5,825 grammes Complete mass 90 x 93 x 200 mm., similar to above. 8,271 grammes Complete mass 120x210x270 mm., similar to above. 19,249 grammes End piece 40 x 54 x 115 mm. Back shows exterior of mass with usual pittings. Face etched, showing well-marked, characteristic Widmanstatten figures, and one section of troilite 17 mm. in diameter. 619 grms. End piece 51 x 55 x 90 mm. Back exterior of mass. Face etched, showing beautifully-curved, octahedral Widmanstatten figures. 900 grammes 30 WARD-COONLEY COLLECTION OF METEORITES. No. Date of Fall or Find. DESCRIPTION. Weight in grammes. Bnd piece 55 x 16 x 170 mm. Back exterior of mass with numerous, well-defined pittings. Face etched, showing prominent Widmanstittten figures, and 9 sec- tions of troilite, the largest 40 mm. in diameter. 4,610 grammes End piece 100 x 175 x 390 mm. Face etched, with characters as above, showing four large troilite sec- tions, the largest a stringy mass 160 mm. in length. 16,329 grammes Complete slice 77 x 83 mm. Crust on edges. Etched face, showing prominent Widmanstatten figures. 103 grammes Complete slice 123 x 130 mm. One face polished, other etched, showing characters similar to above, with several small and two large sections of troilite. 435 grammes 140 1886 Found Tonganoxie, Leaven worth County, Kansas. 709 Described, Snow, 1891, Science, Jan. 2, 1891. Complete slice 85 x 140 mm. Crust on edges. Face etched, showing well-defined Widmanstatten figures. 350 grammes Eud piece 20 x 65 x 92 mm. Back crust. Face etched, with characters similar to above. 359 grins 141 1891 Found Toubil, CROLITES. Or Meteoric Stones, 170 1814 Fell Agen, Lot-et-Garoune, France. 40 Sept. 5 Described, M. de Saint-Amans, and M. Thiebaut de Berneaud, Sept lyth, 1814, Ann, Chim., Vol. 92, pp. 25-32. A fragment 16 x 21 x 30 mm. One edge shows a very black, thick, granulated crust, balance fractured surface of an ash-grey color, with white chondri and metallic grains scattered through it, and transversed by blackish veins. 1 1 grammes A mass 17 x 25 x 39 mm., similar to above. 29 grammes 171 1806 Fell Alais, Gard, France. 5 March 15 Described, Pages and Dhombres-Firmas, 1806, Jour. Phys., Vol. 62, pp. 440-442. Coarse brown-black powder. 172 1766 Fell Albareto, Modena, Italy. 3 July Described, Troili, 1766, Delia cadutadiun sasso dall' aria, Modena. A fragment 10 x n x 19 mm., showing interior of stone of a grey color with many chondri, giving it a strongly oolitic structure, with minute grains of iron and a few olivine nodules scattered through it. 173 1835 Fell Aldsworth, near Cirencester, Gloucester- 2 Aug. 4 shire, England. Described, Greg, 1854, Catalogue, Philos. Magaz., Vol. 4, No. 8, p. 460. A fragment 7 x 10 x 20 mm., showing interior of stone, dark grey in color, with numerous chondri, and flecked with small grains of iron. 174 1873 Fell Aleppo, Syria. 19 about Described, Brezina, 1893, Ueber neuere Meteoriten (Niirnburg), p. 159. A fragment n x 17 x 26 mm. Of a light grey color, 40 WARD-COONLEY COLLECTION OF METEORITES. No. Date of Fall or Find. DESCRIPTION. Weight in grammes transversed by dark veins, and containing numerous iron grains and many rusty brown spots. 9 grammes Another 13 x 21 x 25 mm., similar to above. 10 grammes 175 1883 Fell Alfianello, Brescia, Italy. 8 5 6 Feb. 16 Described, Bombicci, 1883, Reale Accademia dei Lincei, 1882-83, p. n. A fragment 28 x 36 x 83 mm. Of a pale-grayish, white color, with finely crystalline surface thickly sprinkled with bright grains of iron and rusty brown spots. One surface shows thick, granulated crust of a brownish-black color. 86 grammes A mass 72 x 87 x 92 mm. Interior of stone. Char- acter similar to above. 770 grammes 176 1899 Fell Allegan, Allegan County, Michigan. 8 5 July 10 To be described. 8 a.m. Internal fragment 24 x 48 x 55 mm. A very fine, friable, light-grey groundmass, filled with numerous chondri of a much darker color and sprinkled with bright, silvery grains of metallic iron. 177 1895 Fell Ambapur Nagla, Sikandra Rao Tahsil, Ali- 4 May 27 garh District, N. W. Provinces, India. A fragment n x 17 x 20 mm. One face showing thick granulated crust of a greyish-black color. Inte- rior strongly chondritic, of a very dark-grey color, thickly flecked with metallic grains and small, rusty spots. 178 1822 Fell Angers, Maine-et-Loire, France. 6 June 3 Described, Gilbert, 1822. Fragment from interior n x 16 x 27 mm. Light grey in color, thickly strewn with bright metallic grains and minute rusty spots. ,179 1879 Fell Angra dos Reis, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. i January Described, Tschermak, 1885, Sitzber. Wien. Akad., Vol. 92, Part I, p. no. A fragment 8 x 10 mm., of a dark, brownish -black color, showing an olivine base with inclusions of mon- ticellite. AEROLITES. 41 No. Date of Fall or Find. DESCRIPTION. Weight in grammes. 180 1805 Pel! Asco, Corsica. 5 Nov. Described, Partsch, 1843, Meteoriten, p. 64. Fragment 11x12x21 mm. One end with very black, thick, granulated crust. Balance interior, of light grey color, thickly impregnated with bright iron grains, with one mass of troilite 9 mm. in diameter. 181 1886 Fell Assisi, Perugia, Italy. 1-5 May 24 Described, Bellucci, 1887, Tipografia di Vincenzo Santucci, Perugia, 1887, 8 Seiten. Interior fragment 6 x n x 15 mm. Very chondritic, of a clear, grey color, with many rusty-brown spots and numerous grains of bright iron. 182 1836 Fell Aubres, Nyons, Drome, France. 3 Sept. 14 Described, Gregory, 1887, Geol. Mag. (3) IV, Nr. 12. Fragment showing brecciated structure with whitish groundmass. 183 J842 FelJ Aumieres, Lozere, France. '9 June 4 Described, de Malbos, 1842, Comptes Rendus, Vol. H, PP. 9 T 7> 9 T 8. A fragment 20 x 20 x 31 mm. A brownish -black granulated crust on one end. Balance interior, of light grey color, with silvery specks of iron and small, yel- ' lowish-brown, rusty spots. 184 1858 Fell Ausson, Haute Garonne, France. 183 Dec. 9 Described, Petit, 1858, Comptes Rendus, Vol. 47, pp. 1053-1055. Interior fragment 31 x 46 x 52 mm. Light grey groundmass, with numerous darker colored chondri, bright metallic iron, and rusty iron particles scattered through it. 185 1856 Fell Avilez, Duraiigo, Mexico. 6 June " Described, Wohler, 1867, Gott, Gel. Anz., pp. 57, 58. Fragment 15 x 18 x 21 mm. Brownish-black crust on one edge. Balance interior, of a dark grey color and a strongly chondritic structure. 186 1814 Fell Bachmut, Ekaterinoslav, Russia. 26 Feb. 15 Described, Giese, 1815, Gilb. Ann,, Vol. 50, pp. 117, 118. Rectangular fragment 10 x 26 x 40 mm. Black, WARD-COONLEY COLLECTION OF METEORITES. No. Date of Fall or Find. DESCRIPTION. Weight in grammes granulated crust on one end. One face polished, show- ing a compact, light grey groundmass flecked with numerous bright specks of iron surrounded by a yellowish brown stain, and many cross sections of chondrules. 187 1871 Fell Bandong, Java. 17 Dec. 10 Described, Everwijn, 1872 Jaarboek van het Myn- wezen in Nederlandsch, Ost India, Deel 2, p. 197. A fragment 12 x 30 x 31 mm. Two sides showing black crust, with small characteristic pitting. Balance interior, of a dark grey color and brecciated structure, with numerous small rnsty specks of iron and several small nodules of pyrrhotite. 188 1790 Fell Barbotan, Landes, France. -.14" July 24 Described, Bertholon, 1790, Journ. des Sc. utiles, Nr. 23 und 24, p. 305. End piece 12 x 25 x 40 mm. Back crust, of a black color mingled with a dark yellow rust. Face fractured surface, of a mottled light and dark grey color, with many chondri and rusty specks of iron. 189 1892 Fell Bath, South Dakota. i,744 Aug. 29 Described, Foote, 1893, Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. 3, Vol. 45, P- 64. A section 53 x 115 x 140 mm. A greyish black crust on two edges, showing large, well -defined pittings, one edge a broken surface, two a sawed surface, and the face polished, showing a groundmass of light grey color thickly besprinkled with bright silvery specks of iron, cross sections of chondri, and small spots of yel- lowish brown rust. The face is also traversed by sev- eral small black veins, and two cracks or crevices. 190 1893 Fell Beaver Creek, West Kootenai District, 165 May 26 British Columbia. Described, Howell, 1893, Science, July 21, 1893, p. 41. A fragment 36 x 39 x 53 mm. One face and part of end covered with a brownish black crust. Balance interior fractured surfaces, of a dark grey color much stained by yellowish brown rust. Is very chondritic in structure, with numerous grains of iron. REROUTES. 43 No. Date of Fall or Find. DESCRIPTION. Weight in grammes. 191 1798 Fell Benares, Krakhut, India. I Dec. 19 Described, Howard, 1802, Philos. Trans., 1802, pp. I75-I79. Fragments of a light grey groundmass filled ;with dark grey chondrules and specks of iron. One frag- ment shows thick, black granulated crust. 192 1811 Fell Berlanguillas, near Burgos, Spain. 9 July8 Described, Comte Dorsenne, 1811, Bibl. Brit., Vol. 48, pp. 162-164. Interior fragment 12 x 20 x 22 mm. One face pol- ished, showing a very compact dark grey groundmass thickly spotted with iron grains and traversed by two small, dark veins. 193 1859 Fell Bethlehem, near Albany, New York. i Aug. 1 1 Described, Shepard, 1859, Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. 2, Vol. 28, pp, 300-303. Interior fragment 12 x 12 mm. Dark grey color, flecked with iron grains. 194 1843 Fell Bishopville, Sumter County, S. Carolina. 20 March 25 Described, Shepard, 1846, Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. 2, Vol. 2, p. 379, 384, 392. Interior fragment 15 x 19 x 25^ mm. Light grey, with white nodules of the chladnite of Shepard. The whole resembling a partially decomposed silicate. 7 grammes Another 15 x 25 x 38 mm., characters similar to above, with the exception that one side is partially cov- ered with a smooth, vitreous grey and white crust. 13 grammes 195 1887 Fell Bielokrynitschie, Zaslavl, Volhyuia, Rus. 50 Jan. 1st Described, Agafonov, 1891, Trav. Soc. Nat. Pet., Vol. 21, p. 2O. A fragment 18 x 19 x 25 mm. Two surfaces, show- ing a very black, granulated crust, with characteristic pittings; balance fractured surfaces of a yellowish brown color, due to the stains from the iron grains abundantly scattered through it. 21 grammes A fragment 21 x 28 x 35 mm. Crust showing on one side. One face polished, balance fractured surfaces. The groundmass is of a light grey color covered with small yellow rust spots, and specks of bright iron. Also numerous dark grey chondri scattered through it. 29 grammes 44 WARD-COONLEY COLLECTION OF METEORITES. No. Date of Fall or Find. DESCRIPTION. Weight in grammes 196 1833 Fell Blansko, Briinn, Moravia, Austria. I Nov, 25 Described, v. Reichenbach, 1834, Neues Jahrbuch fiir Mineralogie, Geologie, etc., 1834, pp. 125-126. Fragment showing brecciated structure. 197 1878 Found about Bluff, 3 miles south-west of La Grange, Fayette County, Texas. '4,174 Described, Whitfield and Merrill, 1888, Am. Jour, Sci., Ser. 3, Vol. 36, pp. 113-119. A complete slice 305 x 460 mnu With exterior of mass on edges, of a reddish brown color. One face sawed, other polished, showing a dark, compact, greenish grey groundmass- filled with small chondri and thickly scattered metallic grains. The face is also traversed by numerous black veins ranging from i to 9 mm. in width. 5,556 grammes A complete slice 275 x 555 mm. Characters similar to above, with the exception that there are a greater number of the black veins. 8,618 grammes 198 1808 Fell April 19 Borgo San Donino, Cusiguano, Parma, Italy. i Described, Guidotti, 1808, " Encyclopedic," Vol. 5, 1808, pp. 596-602. Interior fragment 8 x 1 1 mm. Of a dark grey color, showing numerous metallic grains. 199 1894 Fell May 9 Bori, Badnur, Betul District, Central Prov- inces, India. 497 Described, Brezina, 1895, Wiener Sammlung, p. 248. A fragment 54 x 55 x 77 mm. A greyish black crust on two edges. Fractured surfaces show light grey groundmass with numerous, small, yellowish brown spots and bright metallic grains. 200 1852 Fell Borkut, Marmoros, Hungary. i Oct. 13 Described, Leydolt, 1856, Sitzber. Wien. Akad., Vol. 20, 1856, II, pp. 398-406. Fragment 9 x 15 mm., of a dark grey color, highly chondritic, with numerous grains of iron. ^ROLITES. 45 No. D ?rVfnd Fa11 DESCRIPTION. Weight in grammes 201 1823 Fell Botchetschki, Kursk, Russia. II Described, Partsch, 1843, Meteoriten, p. 70. Interior slice 26 x 34 mm. Two faces polished, showing dark-brown, compact groimdmass, flecked with bright metallic grains. 202 1855 Fell Bremervorde (Gnarrenburg), Province of 12 May 13 Hanover, Germany. Described, Wohler, 1855, Gott. gel. Anz. (Nachr.), 1855, p. 142. A fragment 12 x 19 x 32 mm. Black, granulated crust on one side. One end polished, balance frac- tured surfaces, of a light grey color, thickly flecked with bright, silvery grains of iron. 203 1863 Fell Buschhof, Courland, Russia. 14 June 2 Described, Grewingk, 1863, Rigaer Zeitung, Nr. 127. Fragment 6 x 21 x 23 mm. A very black, thick crust on one edge. Balance fractured surfaces, of light grey color, thickly flecked with bright grains of iron. 5 grammes Interior fragment 13 x 21 x 21 mm. Characters sim- ilar to above. 9 grammes 204 1870 Fell Cabezo de Mayo, Murcia, Spain. j Aug. 18 Described, D. Juan de Velasco, 1870, El Tiempo, Nr. 247, vom. 20 Okt., 1870. Interior fragment 10 x 12 mm. Compact and light grey in color, flecked with numerous bright metallic grains. 205 1866 Fell Cangas de Onis, Asturias, Spain. I Dec. 6 Described, Romer, 1873, Geologische Reisenotizen aus der Sierra Morena, N. J. 1873, p. 257. Two interior fragments 7 x 17 and 10 x 14 mm. Groundmass dark grey, with numerous small rusty spots, and bright grains of iron. 206 1846 Fell Cape Girardeau, Missouri. 18 Aug. 14 Described, Dana and Penfield, 1886, Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. 3, Vol. 32, pp. 229, 230. A fragment 17 x 20 x 29 mm. Greyish black crust on one end. Balance fractured surfaces, of a light grey color, thickly sprinkled with small, rusty brown spots and bright iron grains. 46 WARD-COONLEY COLLECTION OF METEORITES. No. Date of Fall or Find. DESCRIPTION. Weight in grammes. 207 1874 Fell Castalia, Nash County, North Carolina. 28 May 14 Described, Kerr, 1875, Rep. Geol. Surv., N. Carolina, Vol. I, App., p. 313. Interior fragment 22 x 25 x 32 mm. One half dark grey, with numerous light-colored grains; the other half light grey with occasional light-colored grains, both parts flecked with bright metallic grains. The light and dark halves of the specimen are divided by a sharp line at the plane of contact. 208 1840 Fell Cereseto, near Ottiglio, Alessandria, Pied- 10 July 17 mont, Italy. Described, Sismonda, 1840, Atti della secunda ruini- one degli scienziati Italiani tenuta in Torino nel Set- tembre del 1840. A fragment 15 x 18 x 32 mm. One end greyish-black crust. Balance fractured surfaces, groundmass very compact, bluish grey in color, thickly flecked with bright metallic grains and small nodules of troilite, one face very much darker in color with a slickenside effect. 209 1838 Fell Chandakapur, Berar, India. II June 6 Described, Greg, 1854, Philos. Magaz. (4), Vol. 8, p. 460. Fragment 20 x 50 mm. Dull black crust on one edge. Two faces polished, showing a yellowish brown groundmass (due to iron stain), with a few light-grey spots filled with bright iron grains. 210 1812 Fell Chantonnay, Vendee, France. 4 6 Aug. 5 Described, Chladni, 1819, Vierte Fortsetzung, Gilb. Ann., Vol. 60, pp. 239, 247, 248. Interior fragment 20 x 40 x 42 mm. Very compact, nearly black groundmass, with metallic grains of iron. Some portions flecked with dark yellow spots. 211 1810 Fell Charsonville, Meung, Loiret, France. 20 Nov. 23 Described, Moniteur, Dec., 1810, Auszug in Bibl. Brit., Vol. 45, Nr. 360, pp. 397-400. Internal fragment 15 x 26 x 34 mm. Light grey groundmass, with rusty brown spots, and a great abun- dance of bright metallic grains. Shows, also, a very narrow black vein completely penetrating and .sur- rounding the specimen. ZEOLITES. No. Date of Fall or Find. nTiXPRTPTrnv Weight in grammes. 212 1815 Fell Chassigny, Haute Marne, France. 10 Oct. 3 Described, Pistollet, 1816, Ann. Chim. Phys., Vol. I, pp. 45-48. Interior fragment 16 x 21 x 22 mm. Groundmass dark brownish yellow, with occasional small white flakes or crystals. Metallic iron not visible. 213 1841 Fell Chateau-Renard, Trigueres, Loiret, France 78 June 12 Described, Delavaux, 1841, Comptes Rendus, Vol. 12, pp. 1190, 1191. Fragment 16 x 17 x 33 mm. One end dull black crust. One face polished, showing grey groundmass, thickly flecked with bright iron grains and traversed by one or two small, minute, black veins. 15 grms. Interior fragment 26 x 28 x 41 mm. Characters sim- ilar to above, with the exception that it is traversed by many more of the minute black veins. 63 grammes 214 1838 Fell Cold Bokkeveldt, Cape Colony. 4 Oct. 13 Described, Maclear and Watermeyer, 1839, Phil- Trans. Royal Soc., London, 1839, I> PP- 83-85. Fragment 6 x 24 x 24 mm. One side a very fine, granulated, dull black crust. Balance interior surface, dead black with white specks. 215 1890 Fell Collescipoli, Terni, Italy. 5 Feb. 3 Described, Terenzi, 1890, Rivista di Scienze Naturali di S. Brogi, Anno X, Nr. 3. Interior fragment 13 x 14 x 18 mm. Groundmass bluish grey filled with iron specks and numerous darker grey chondrules. 216 1892 Fell Cross Roads, Wilson County, N. C. 18 May 24 Described, Howell, 1893, Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. 3, Vol. 46, p. 67. A fragment 18 x 22 x 32 mm. Black, granulated crust on one side. Balance fractured surfaces, dark grey groundmass, thickly spotted with rusty brown spots, with occasional bright iron grains. 217 1877 Fell Cynthiana, (9 miles from) Harrison County, 6 Jan. 23 Kentucky. Described, Smith, 1877, Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. 3, Vol. 14, pp. 224-229. 48 WARD-COONLEY COLLECTION OF METEORITES. No. Date of Fall or Find. DESCRIPTION. Weight in grammes. Fragment 6 x 12 x 18. One face brownish -black crust full of small round pittings. Groundmass of fractured surface a dull grey, with a few bright grains of iron. 2 grammes Fragment 9 x i8x 21 mm. Crust on one edge with well-defined pittings. Other characters similar to above. 4 grammes 218 1878 Fell Dandapur, Gornckpur, India. 65 Sept. 5 Described, Meunier, 1884, Meteorites, p. 209. Interior fragment 18 x 30 x 46 mm. Some faces sawed, others fractured surfaces. Groundmass a very light grey, with numerous small rusty brown spots and thickly flecked with bright iron grains. Some faces are traversed by minute dark veins. 219 1868 Fell Daniel's Kuil, Griqualand, South Africa. -15" March 20 Described, Gregory, 1868, Geol. Magaz., Vol. 5, pp. 53i, 532. Fragment 8 x 18 x 18 mm. One side black, granu- lated crust. Groundmass dark grey, fine grained, much stained with dark-brown rusty patches, and flecked with small, bright grains of iron. 220 1868 Fell Danville, Morgan County, Alabama. . 5 Nov. 27 Described, Smith, 1870, Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. 2, Vol. 49, pp. 90-93. Interior fragment 10 x 22 x 23 mm. Groundmass grey, intersected by a network of darker grey veins, with grains of iron and troilite sprinkled through it. 221 1829 Fell Deal, near Long Branch, Monraouth Co., i Aug. 14 New Jersey. Described, Vaux and M'Euen, 1829, Trans. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., Vol. 16, p. 181. Interior fragment 6 x 10 mm. Very light grey color, thickly flecked with bright grains of iron and traversed by a fine, black vein. 222 1887 Fell De Cewsville, Ontario, Canada. i Jan. 2 1 Described, Huntington, 1888, Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts and Sci., Vol. 23, p. 102. Interior fragment 8 x 10 mm. Light grey color with small, yellowish -brown spots, and thickly sprinkled with bright iron grains. AEROLITES. 49 No. Date of Fall or Find. DESCRIPTION. Weight in grammes. 223 I860 Fell Dhurmsala, Kangra, Punjaub, India. 988 July 14 Described in a letter from Deputy Commissioner Dhurmsala to the Secretary to Government Punjaub, July 30, 1860. Fragment 70 x 103 x 105 mm. One side brownish- black crust, deeply pitted. Fractured surface light grey, with rusty iron grains. 224 1884 Fell Djati-Pengilon, Java. 28 March 19 Described, Verbeck and Retgers, 1886, Jaarbock van het Mijnwezen Nederlandsch Oost-Indie Wetens. Ged., Vol. 15, pp. I45-I7 1 -' Fragment 23 x 26 x 27 mm. Two surfaces sawn, one an old cleavage, balance fresh fractures. Ground- mass dark grey, crystalline, with bright specks of iron. 225 1864 Fell Dolgovoli, Volliynia, Russia. 7 June 26 Described, Heis, 1864, Wochenschrift f. Astronomic, 1864, p. 328. Interior fragment 13 x 15 x 27 mm. Light grey groundmass, thickly necked with bright metallic grains. 226 1805 Fell Doroninsk, Irkutsk, Asiatic Russia. 53 April 6 Described, Gilbert, 1808, Gilb. Ann., Vol. 29, pp. 2F2, 213. Fragment 26 x 29 x 52 mm. Dull black crust, show- ing typical pittings on two faces. Groundmass light grey, with numerous small, yellowish brown spots, thickly sprinkled with bright iron grains, 227 1827 Fell Drake Creek, Nashville, Teun. 9 May 9 Described, Silliman, 1837, Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. I, Vol. 17, pp. 326-328. Fragment 15 x 19 x 24 mm. Dull brownish-black crust on one side. Groundmass light grey, sprinkled with iron grains. Portion next to crust yellowish brown, from the oxidation of the numerous iron grains. 228 1492 Fell Ensisheim, Elsass, Germany. 37 Nov. 16 Described, Sebastian Brand, 1492 (ein lateinisches Gedicht mit Uebersetzung). 50 WARD-COONLEY COLLECTION OF METEORITES. No. Date of Fall or Find. DESCRIPTION. j Weight in jrammes Fragment 24 x 29 x 40 mm. Dark greenish grey, with rusty spots of iron and small troilite nodules. One surface shows exterior of stone, showing partly crust and partly a calcareous deposit. One face a pol- ished slickenside surface. 229 1822 Fell Epinal (La Baffe), Vosges, France. 12 Sept. 13 Described, Parisot, 1822, Gilb. Ann., Vol. 72, pp. 323-327- Interior fragment 14 x 20 x 30 mm. Groundmass light grey, filled with dark grey chondrules and minute grains of iron. 230 1812 Fell Erxleben, Magdeburg, Prussia. 6 April 15 Described, Hausmann and Vieth, 1812, Gilb. Ann., Vol. 40, pp. 450-459. Fragment 8 x 18 x 22 mm. Dull black crust on one end. Groundmass dark greenish grey, very crystal- line, and made up of siliceous grains, with a vitreous lustre and thickly sprinkled with fine metallic grains. 231 1890 Fell Farmington, Washington County, Kansas. 6,753 June 25 Described, Snow, 1890, Science, July 18, 1890, Vol. 1 6, pp. 38, 39. Complete section 170 x 390 mm. Edges exterior of mass, showing the bead-like projections of metallic nodules which resisted fusion. Both faces polished, showing a greyish black compact groundmass, with numerous cross sections of light-colored chondrules, and thickly sprinkled with bright, silvery grains of iron. 3, 185 grammes Complete slice 180 x 380 mm. Characters similar to above, with the exception that the polished faces show several delicate veins filled with metal. 3,568 grms. 232 1894 Fell Fisher, Polk County, Minn. 277 April 9 Described, Winchell, 1894, Am. Geol., Vol. 14, p. 389- A fragment 40 x 58 x 62 mm. One side and end cov- ered with a thick, brownish black crust, showing numerous characteristic pittings. The groundmass is light grey, with numerous small, rusty, yellowish brown spots, from oxidation of the iron, and is flecked with bright iron grains and bronze-colored grains of troilite, in about the same proportion as the iron. ^ROLITES. 51 No. Date of Fall or Kind. DESCRIPTION. Weight in grammes. 233 1890 Fell Forest, Winnebago. County, Iowa. 1,067 May 2 Described, Torrey and Barbour, 1890, Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. 3, Vol. 39, pp. 521, 522. Nearly complete stone n x 19 x 26 mm., coated with brownish -black crust. Where broken, shows a light grey groundmass, with numerous bright metallic grains, and yellowish-brown rust spots. 9 grammes Same as above, 14 x 17 x 23 mm. 12 grammes Entirely complete stone 12 x 20 x 25 mm. 13 grms. Entirely complete stone 16 x 16 x 29 mm. 14 grms. Entirely complete stone 18 x 21 x 24 mm. 17 grms. About half of a complete stone 64 x 85 x 120 mm., exterior of stone showing characteristic pittings. 1,002 grammes 231 1829 Fell Forsyth, Monroe County, Georgia. 7 May 8 Described, Silliman, 1830, Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. i, Vol. 18, p. 388. Interior fragment 15 x 19 x 21 mm. Groundmass brownish grey, with small scattered grains of iron. 235 1568 Fell Frankfort, Franklin County, Alabama. 7 Dec. 5 Described, Brush, 1869, Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. 2, Vol. 48, pp. 240-244. Fragment 12 x 18 x 24 mm. One end shows black vitreous crust, with raised veins, like the markings left by the palm of the hand on an oily surface. Two faces sawed, other fractured. Groundmass very light grey, with grains of darker colored nodules and but few metallic grains. 236 1822 Fell Futtehpur, North-west Provinces, India. 2 Nov. 30 Described, Tytler, 1822 ? in einer indischen Zeit- schrift. Interior fragment 8 x n x 14 mm. Groundmass light grey, flecked with rusty-brown spots and bright metallic grains. 237 1897 Fell Ghambat, Khaipur, India. 75 Sept. 15 Fragment 31 x 32 x 35 mm. Thick dull-black crust on one edge. Groundmass light grey, thickly spotted with small, rusty -brown spots and flecked with bright metallic grains. One face sawed, one polished, show- ing numerous cross sections of light-colored chondri, one of which is 6 mm. in diameter. WARD-COONLEY COLLECTION OF METEORITES. No. Date of Fall or Find 238 1853 Fell Feb. 10 239 240 241 242 1868 Found 1861 Fell June 28 1881 Fell Nov. 19 1841 Fell March 22 DESCRIPTION. Girgenti, Sicily. Described, Greg, 1854, Catalogue, p. 460. Fragment 7 x 10 x 13 mm. Dull black crust on one face. Groundmass light grey, very fine grained, with bright metallic grains. i gramme Thin slice 16 x 24 mm. Both faces polished, char- acters similar to above with the exception of a heavy black -vein across one end of the slice. i gramme Goalpara, Assam, India. Described, Haidinger, 1869, Sitzber. Wien. Akad., Vol. 59 II, pp. 665-678. Two fragments 9x12x12 mm. and 6 x u x 16 mm. Both showing brown crust. Fractured surface curious blue-black mass of irregular grains loosely packed together. 2 grammes Slice 17 x 22 mm., both faces polished, characters similar to above. 2 grammes Grosnaja, Banks of tlie Terek, Caucasus, Russia. Described, Rose, 1862, Mon. Ber. Berlin Akad., 1862, p. 186. Fragments in vial. Groundmass greenish black, with small light-colored spots scattered through it. Gross - Llebenthal, 12 miles S. S. W. of Odessa, Russia. Described, Daubree, 1884, Comptes Rendus, Vol. 98, pp. 323-324- Fragment 15 x 28 x 34 mm. One side covered with an extremely thick, dull, brownish-black crust. Inte- rior very light grey, thickly sprinkled with bright iron and bronze-colored troilite grains; also traversed by one minute sharp black vein. Griineberg, Heinrichsau, Prussian Silesia. Described, Pogg. Ann., 1841, Vol. 52, pp. 495, 496. Fragment 6 x 11x14 mm. Dull black crust on one side. Fractured surface dark grey, much stained with iron oxide, and flecked with small, bright, metallic grains. Weight in rammes AEROLITES. 53 No. Date of Fall or Find. DESCRIPTION. '^ammes"! 243 1851 Fell Giitersloh, near Mindeu, Westphalia. 2 April 17 Described, Dove, 1851, Mon. Ber. Berlin Akad., 1851, pp. 269, 270. Fragment. Interior grey, showing brecciated struc- ture, with chondri and iron grains. J244 1847 Fell Hartford, Linn County, Iowa. 105 Feb. 25 Described, Shepard, 1847, Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. 2, Vol. 4, pp. 288, 289. Fragment 23 x 35 x 36 mm. Dull black crust, show- ing pittings on one side. One face polished, balance fractured surfaces. Groundmass light grey, full of bright iron grains, and intersected with numerous black veins. 45 grammes Fragment 21 x 33 x 50 mm. One face crust, one polished, two sawed, and one a fractured surface. Groundmass darker than above, and shows no veins. 60 grammes 245 1857 Fell Heredia, San Josy, Costa Rica. 5 April 1 Described, Harris, 1859, Dissert. Gott., pp. 99-100. Fragment 8 x 18 x 23 mm. Dull black granulated crust on two edges. Groundmass bluish grey, flecked with minute iron grains, and traversed by a small black vein. 246 1869 Fell Hessle, near Upsala, Sweden. 407 Jan. 1 Described, Fahnehjelm, 1869, Oefversigt af Vetensk. Akad. Forhandl. Nro. I, pp. 59, 60. Nearly complete stone 28 x 29 x 43 mm. Entirely covered with a rather smooth black crust, showing typical pittings, with the exception of one corner that is slightly chipped, showing a light grey groundmass, thickly sprinkled with minute bright iron grains. 43 grammes Complete stone 43 x 56 x 60 mm., completely cov- ered with crust, except a small fragment from one corner. 364 grammes 247 1804 Fell High Fossil, near Glasgow, Scotland. 2 April 5 Described, Tilloch, 1806, Gilb. Ann., Vol. 24, pp. 369-376. Interior fragment 9 x 19 mm. Light grey color with minute grains of iron. 54 VVARD-COONLEY COLLECTION OF METEORITES. No. Date of Fall or Find. DESCRIPTION. ^Vs' 248 1875 Fell Homestead, West Liberty, Iowa Co., Iowa. 5,402 Feb. 12 Described, Hinrichs, 1875, Popular Sci., Sept., 1875. Nearly complete stone 125 x 150 x 175 mm., mostly covered with a dark -brown crust deeply pitted. One fractured surface is partially covered with a very thin skin-like crust, showing that the fracture " occurred while close to the ground. Interior a dull grey, with iron grains sprinkled through the mass. 249 1825 Fell Honolulu, Hawaii, Sandwich Islands. 18 Sept. 27 Described, Kotzebue, 1823-1826, Reise um die Welt in den Jahren 1823-24-25-26. Fragment u x 18 x 28 mm. One face covered with brownish-black crust. Interior very light grey, but intersected by a network of black, narrow veins. Bright grains of iron abundantly scattered through the mass. 6 grammes Fragment n x 24 x 32 mm. Crust on one edge, characters similar to above. 1 2 grammes 250 1877 Fell Hungen, Hesse, Germany. i May 17 Described, Buchner, 1877, Mineralogische Mitthei- lungen, 1877, pp. 313-315. Fragment. Groundmass grey, flecked with iron grains. 251 1870 Fell Ibbenbiihren, WestpLalia, Prussia. 2 June 17 Described, vom Rath, 1871, Verh. naturh. Ver. Bonn, Vol. 28, pp. 127, 128. Interior fragment 7 x 9 x 12 mm. Light yellowish grey, with only a few grains of iron visible. 252 1887 Fell Iharaota (Lalitpur), North-west Provinces, I April 7 India. Described, Mallet, 1887, Rec. Geol. Surv., Vol. 20, PP. 153, 154. Fragment 6 x 9 x 12 mm. Dull black crust on two faces. Interior very light grey, flecked with small, bright metallic grains. 253 1891 Fell Indarch, Chonche, Elizawetpol, Russia. 97 April 7 Described, Siemaschko, 1891, Catalogue de la Col- lection des Meteorites de Julien de Siemaschko, St. Petersbourg, 1891, pp. 55, 56. ZEOLITES. 55 1 Date of Fall No - or Find. 1 DESCRIPTION. Weight in grammes Fragment 15 x 19 x 34 mm. Finely granulated black crust on one edge. Fractured surface black- grey, with scattered darker colored chondri, and minute grains of metallic iron. 13 grammes Fragment 30 x 35 x 51 mm. Crust on one side, balance fractured surfaces with characters similar to above. 84 grammes 254 1889 Fell Jelica, Servia. 81 Dec. 1 Described, Doll, 1890, Verh. K. K.geol. Reichsanst., pp. 70, 77. Fragment 16 x 36 x 37 mm. Brownish-black crust with typical pittings. Groundmass light grey filled with dark -grey, angular fragments, giving it a strongly brecciated appearance. The whole sparsely flecked with bright grains of iron and bronze-colored troilite nodules. 37 grammes Fragment 22 x 35 x 38 mm. Crust on two faces, characters similar to above. 44 grammes 255 1873 Fell Jhung, Punjaub, India. 2 June Described, Meunier, 1884, Meteorites, p. 231. Fragment 9 x 9 x 13 mm. Dark -brown crust on one side. Fracture light grey, with numerous specks of iron. 256 1819 Fell Jonzac, Charente Inferieure, France. 5 June 13 Described, Chladni, 1819, Funfte Fortsetzung, Gilb. Ann., Vol. 63, p. 24. Two fragments 7 x n x 18 and 9 x 16 x 16 mm. Both showing a black, vitreous crust with a curious veining like that formed by the palm of a hand on an oiled surface. Interior very light grey, the grains of iron scarcely perceptible. 257 1821 Fell Juvinas, near Libonnez, Ardeche, France. 36 June 15 Described, 1821, Extrait d'une lettre de M. Jules de Malbos, cet extrait a ete communique a 1' Academic des Sciences, Ann. Chim. Phys., Vol. 17, pp. 434-439. Fragment 19 x 35 x 46 mm. Black vitreous crust on one edge. Groundmass dark grey, coarsely granular, with no metallic grains visible. 56 WARD-COONLEY COLLECTION OF METEORITES. No. 258 Date of Fall or Find. DESCRIPTION. Weight in grammes. 259 260 261 262 1840 Fell Karakol, Ajagus, Kirghiz Steppes, Russia. May 9 Described, Partsch, 1843, Meteoriten, p. 143. Fragment n x 14 x 20 mm. Crust brownish -black, much oxidized. Interior light grey, flecked with bright iron grains. 1 897 Found Kansada, Ness County, Kansas. To be described. A mass 68 x 115 x 125 mm. One face covered with a thick dark -brown crust. Two edges covered with thin crust, showing that the fractures or separation were made when near the ground. One end, one face polished, showing a dark-brown groundmass due to oxidation with large, prominent, irregular grey patches, the whole sparsely flecked with bright iron grains. 1869 Fell Kernouve, Cleguerec, Morbihan, France. May 22 Described, de Limur, 1869, Comptes Rendus, Vol. 68, pp. 1338, 1339. Interior fragment 29 x 42 x 55 mm. Groundmass light grey, granulated, flecked with minute iron grains. 1850 Fell Kesen, Iwate, Japan. June 13 Described, Ward, 1893, Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. 3, Vol. 45, PP- 153-155. Interior mass 43 x 95 x 115 mm. One face polished, mottled surface of dark brown and light grey in about equal proportions, with numerous cracks and fissures, and sprinkled with bright iron grains. Back shows a decidedly slickenside effect. 610 grammes A mass 54 x 80 x 125 mm. One side coated with a coarsely granulated, dark -brown crust. Other charac- ters similar to above minus the slickenside. 679 grammes 1 873 Fell Khairpur, :>5 miles east of Bhawalpur, India. Sept. 23 Described, The Pioneer, Sept., 1873. Slice 9 x 45 x 54 mm. Thin black crust on one end. One face sawed, other polished, showing dark colored compact groundmass, full of fine iron particles. AEROLITES. 57 No. Date of Fall or Find. DESCRIPTION. Weight in grammes. 263 1867 Fell Khetrie (Sankhoo, Phulee, etc.), Rajpoo- 6 Jan. 19 tana, India. Described, Oldham, 1867, Catalogue from Calcutta, p. 8. Interior fragment 7 x 14% 18 mm. Dark grey com- pact groundmass, sprinkled with minute grains of iron. 264 1862 Fell Klein- Menow, Alt-Strelitz, Mecklenburg, 7 Oct. 7 Germany. Described, Pogg. Ann., 1862, Vol. 117, pp. 637, 638. Interior fragment 9 x 15 x 29 mm. Dull brown granulated groundmass, full of iron grains. 265 1843 Fell Klein-Wenden, near Nordhausen, Erfurt, 2 Sept. 16 Prussia. Described, Pogg. Ann., 1843, Vol. 60, pp. 157, 158. Fragment 8 x 9 x 16 mm. Dull black crust on one side, one face polished, showing compact brownish- grey groundmass, thickly sprinkled with bright grains of iron. 266 1866 Fell Knyahinya, near Nagy-Berezna, Hungary. 3,499 June 9 Described, Haidenger, 1866, Sitzber. Wien. Akad., Vol. 54 II, pp. 200-205. Nearly complete individual 56 x 100 x 135 mm., mostly covered by a dull brownish-black crust, with small typical pittings. One end slightly fractured, shows a dark -grey groundmass, necked with bright grains of iron and bronze-colored troilite. / 1,529 grammes End piece 69 x 135 x 150 mm. Back crust strongly pitted. Face polished, with dark -grey and brown groundmass, strewn with light-grey chondrules. The whole is necked with bright metallic grains. Also a broad, deep fissure across one edge of face. i 1,970 grammes 267 1871 Fell Laborel, Drome, France. 5 June 14 Described, Brezina, 1895, Wiener Sammlung, p. 249. Interior fragment 7 x 17 x 28 mm. Groundmass light grey, with many rusty-brown spots, sprinkled with iron grains. 58 WARD-COONLEY COLLECTION OF METEORITES. No. 268 Date of Fall or Find. DESCRIPTION. 1803 Fell April 26 269 270 1897 Fell June 20 1845 Fell Jan. 25 271 272 1857 Fell Oct. I 1896 Fell April 13 273 1813 Fell Sept. 10 L'Aigle, Orne, France. Described, Biot, 1803, Mem. de 1'Institut, Vol. 7, p. 224. Fragment 29 x 34 x 40 mm. Dull brownish -black crust on three sides. Interior dark grey, filled with light grey chondri, the whole sparsely flecked with small iron grains. 73 grammes About one-half of complete stone 34 x 35 x 54 mm. Greater portion covered with smooth crust, showing typical pittings. Fractured surface similar to above, except that it is much less stained with iron. 95 grammes Lancon, Bouches-du-Rhone, France. Described, Interior fragment 10 x 21 x 38 mm. Groundmass very light grey, flecked with bright metallic grains, small portion of one side showing slickenside effect. Le Pressoir, Louans, France. Described, Daubree, 1881, Comptes Rendus, Vol. 92, pp. 984, 985- Interior fragment 9 x 17 x 34 mm. Light grey, with small rusty yellow spots, and sprinkled with bright iron grains. Les Ormes, near Joigny, Yonne, France. Described, Seguier, L'Institut, 1857, Vol. 25, p. 363. Interior fragment 8x9 mm. Dark grey ground- mass flecked with bright metallic grains. Lesves, Nanrnr, Belgium. Described, Fragment 20 x 37 x 37 mm. A dull brownish-black crust on two sides. Groundmass light grey, with small rusty-yellow spots, and sprinkled with bright grains of iron. Limerick, Adare, Ireland. Described, 1813, Gentleman's Magazine, p. 390. Nearly complete stone 25 x 30 x 35 mm. Smooth, dull, dark -brown crust. Interior dark grey, with iron grains thickly distributed. AEROLITES. 59 No. Date of Fall or Find. DESCRIPTION. Weight in! grammes 274 1808 Fell Lissa, Bunzlau, Bohemia. I Sept. 3 Described, v. Schreibers, 1808, Gilb. Ann., Vol. 30, PP- 358-36r. Fragment 8 x 9 x 14 mm. Dull black crust on one side. Interior light grey, with small, bright, metallic grains and traversed by dark-colored veins. 275 1820 Fell Lixna, Dtinaburg, Vitebsk, Russia. 62 July 12 Described, Meinecke, 1820, Schweigg. Journ., Vol. 29, pp. 511-513. Fragment 27 x 32 x 60 mm. Dull black crust on one end. Groundmass light grey, sprinkled with bright iron grains. Slickenside effect on three sides, giving a lustrous steel-grey appearance. 276 1891 Found Long Island, Phillips County, Kansas. 2,086 Described, Weinschenk, 1895, Mineralogische und Petrographische Mittheilungen, Vol. 14, pp. 471-473. Fragment 47 x 65 x 67 mm. One face coated with dull black crust much stained with iron, giving it a brown appearance, with the typical elongated shallow pittings of this fall. Interior entirely coated with dark yellow rust from oxidation of the iron parti- cles. 270 grammes Fragment 52 x 70 x 1 10 mm. Crust similar to above on one end. Fracture a mottled surface of light grey and dark yellowish brown, the brown predominating, thinly flecked with bright metallic grains. 800 grms. Fragment 42 x 100 x 135 mm. Two edges with the dull brown crust, one of them partly coated with aragonite. One face polished, showing a compact bluish-grey groundmass flecked with minute, bright, silvery, metallic grains. 1,016 grammes 277 1892 Lujan, Villa Lujan, Argentine Republic. I Described Described, Ward, 1892, The Ward Collection of Meteorites, p. 37. Fragment 10 x 12 mm. Dark -brown color, some- what resembling limonite. Outer surface shows small pittings partly filled with yellowish-white aragonite. This meteorite was found in an undisturbed Quater- nary formation at a depth of nearly six meters, and about 5 meters below a megatherium rib. 60 WARD-COONLEY COLLECTION OF METEORITES. No. Date of Fall or Find DESCRIPTION. Weight in grammes. 278 1869 Fell Lumpkin, Stewart Co., Georgia. 3 Oct. 6 Described, Smith, 1870, Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. 2, Vol. 5o, p. 293. Slice 14 x 21 mm. Dull black crust on one side. Groundmass light grey, with dark grey fragments abundantly scattered through it. Sparingly flecked with bright iron grains. o 279 1889 Fell Lundsgard, Ljungby, Sweden. 34 April 3 Described, Svedmark, 1889, Geol. Foren i Stockolm F6rh., 1889, Vol. XI, pp. 245, 246. Fragment 17 x 30 x 33 mm. Dull black crust on two faces. Interior light grey flecked with bright metallic grains. 280 1813 Fell Luotolax, Wiborg, Finland. i Dec. 13 Described, Scherer, i8i5-'i6, Bull. Petersburg Akad. Vol. 7. Fragments in vial. Light grey groundmass with numerous nodules of olivine. Sparingly flecked with iron grains. 281 1870? Fell MacKinney, Collin County, Texas. 1,486 Described, v. Hauer, Ann. Hof-Mus., Vol. 10, p. 34. End piece 38 x 130 x 190 mm. Back showing exte- rior of mass, of a dark reddish-brown color. Face polished, groundmass black and very compact, thinly flecked with bright grains of iron and bronze-colored troilite nodules. 282 1886 Fell Maeme, Hislugari, Prov. Satsuma, Japan. 244 Nov. 10 Described, Clarke, 1888, Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. 3, Vol. 35, P- 264. Complete stone 36 x 37 x 42 mm., entirely covered with a dark-brown crust and small but characteristic pittings. 85 grammes Fragment 38 x 38 x 47 mm. One face covered with dark-brown crust. Two with very thin crust, showing recent fracture. Balance fractured surfaces, ground- mass light grey with numerous small, yellowish -brown rust spots, and thickly sprinkled with bright iron and bronze-colored troilite grains. Fractured surface trav- ersed by a narrow dark vein which completely pene- trates the stone. 159 grammes ^ROLITES. 61 No. Date of Fall or Find. nFSCRTPTFOV ! Weight in [grammes. 283 1850 Found Mainz, Hesse, Germany. 12 Described, Seelheim, 1857, Jahrb. d. Ver. far Naturk. im Nassau, Heft 12, p. 405. Fragment 15 x 25 x 30 mm. One face polished, showing compact brown groundmass, somewhat spar- ingly specked with bright metallic grains. 284 1879 Found Makariwa, Invercargill, New Zealand. 3 Described, Ulrich, 1893, Proc. Royal Soc., Vol. 53, pp. 54-64. Slice 15 x 25 mm. Dull brown crust on one end. One face sawed, other polished, showing a compact, brownish-black groundmass, sparsely flecked with minute bright iron grains. A micro-section of same. 285 1863 Fell Manbhoom, Bengal, India. 18 Dec. 22 Described, Haidinger, 1864, Sitzber. Wien. Akad., Vol. 50 II, pp. 241-246. Fragment 19 x 26 x 35 mm. Back covered with dull brownish-black crust. Balance fractured surface, showing light-grey groundmass, with darker grey angular fragments, giving it a brecciated appearance. Slickenside on one end. But a small amount of bright iron and bronze-colored troilite grains are visible. 286 1768 Fell Mauerkirchen, Upper Austria. 4 Nov. 20 Described, Chladni, 1803, Gilb. Ann., Vol. 15, pp. 310, 316, 317. Interior fragment 12 x 14 x 15 mm. Two faces pol- ished, balance fractured surfaces. Groundmass light grey, with fine iron grains. 287 1852 Fell Mezo-Madaras, Transylvania. 1 66 Sept. 4 Described, Knopfler, 1852, Verh. d. Siebenburg. Ver., Vol. 3, pp. 153, J54- Slice 24 x 42 x 70 mm. Dull black crust, showing characteristic pittings on two edges. One face sawed, other polished, showing compact dark-brown ground- mass with numerous light-colored chondri, many of which are entirely surrounded by iron. The whole is sparingly flecked with small bright iron and bronze- colored troilite grains. i WARD-COONLEY COLLECTION OF METEORITES. No. Date of Fall or Find. DESCRIPTION. Weight in grammes. 288 1827 Fell Mhow, Azamgarli District, North - west 2 Feb. 16 Provinces, India. Described, Edinburgh Jour. Sci., July, 1828, p. 172. Interior fragment 8 x 12 x 19 mm. Fine grained light-grey groundmass, slightly stained with iron. One side polished, showing numerous bright metallic grains. 289 1881 Fell Middlesbrough, Yorkshire, England. I Mar. 14 Described, Herschel, 1881. Notice printed by Ben Johnson & Co., Micklegate. Small fragments in vial. Groundmass light grey, thickly sprinkled with bright iron grains. 290 1889 Fell Mighei, Olivopol, Elizabetgrad, Kherson, 15 June 18 South Russia. Described, V. Siemaschko, 1890, Nature, Vol. 41, p. 272. Interior fragment 17 x 30 x 32 mm. Groundmass greyish black, resembling pyrolusite, with complete and broken sections of dark-grey chondrules scattered through it. 291 1842 Fell Milena, Warasdin, Croatia, Austria. 4 April 26 Described, Kocevar, Pogg. Ann., Vol. 56, pp. 349, 350. Interior fragment 6 x 13 x 22 mm. One face pol- ished, balance fractured surfaces, showing light-grey groundmass, with large grains of bright iron. 292 1888 Minas Geraes (?), Brazil. 4 Described Described, Derby, 1888, Revista do Obsorvatorio, Rio de Janeiro, 1888, p. 12, Sept. Fragment 14 x 15 x 20 mm. Small portion of thick, brownish-black crust on one side. Two faces frac- tured, two polished surfaces, showing a light-grey groundmass, sparsely speckled with bright metallic grains. 293 1890 Fell Misshof, Baldon, Courland, Russia. 1 66 April 10 Described, Doss, 1891, Arbeiten d. Naturf. Ver. RigaN. F., Heft 7. Fragment 40 x 40 x 70 mm. Dull black crust on one side. One face polished, balance fractured surfaces. AEROLITES. 63 No. Date of Fall or Find. DESCRIPTION. Weight in grammes. Groundmass light grey, with numerous small, yellow- ish-brown rust spots, and thickly necked with bright metallic grains. Structure very chondritic. 127 grammes Slice 10 x 35 x 43 mm. Crust on one edge, both faces polished, characters similar to above with the exception that it is much more rust stained. 39 grammes 294 1882 Fell Mocs, Kolos, Transylvania. 1,651 Feb. 3 Described, Hauer, 1882, Verh. k. k. geol. Reichsanst, > Feb. 21, 1882, pp. 77, 78. Complete stone 16 x 18 x 24 mm. Entirely covered with a dull brownish -black crust. 14 grammes Stone 28 x 33 x 35 mm. All but one end covered with crust of two different thicknesses, while this end has been but slightly stained by fusion, showing that the fracture occurred before reaching the ground. 53 grammes Stone 20 x 34 x 45 mm. One face fractured, slightly stained by fusion; balance covered with crust. 44 grammes Stone 27 x 37 x 38 mm. One end sawed surface, balance covered with crust. 71 grammes Stone 27 x 41 x 55 mm. Completely covered with crust of three different thicknesses. 120 grammes Stone 50 x 60 x 76 mm. One end fractured, balance covered with crust. 339 grammes Fragment 43 x 75 x 85 mm. One side covered with crust, balance fractured surface. Groundmass light grey, flecked with small brown and yellow spots, and traversed by fine black veins; portion of one side showing slickenside surface. The whole sprinkled with coarse bright metallic grains. 446 grammes Stone 55 x 70 x 92 mm. One side showing slicken- side effect, balance covered with crust of two different thicknesses. 564 grammes 295 1858 Fell Molina, Mnrcia, Spain. , Dec. 24 Described, Daubree and Meunier, 1868, Comptes Rendus, Vol. 66, pp. 639-642. Interior fragment 8x8x12 mm. Groundmass dark grey, somewhat stained with iron rust, and thickly sprinkled with bright metallic grains. WARD-COONLEY COLLECTION OF METEORITES. No. 296 297 298 Date of Fall or Find. 1849 Fell Oct. 3 1 1838 Fell July 22 1810 Fell Aug. DESCRIPTION. i Weight in | grammes 299 1826 Fell May 19 300 1875 Fell Sept. 301 1868 Fell Dec. 22 Monroe, Cabarras Count)". North Carolina. Described, Gibbon, 1850, Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. 2, Vol. 9, pp. 143-146. Interior fragment 30 x 35 x 42 mm. Groundmass dark grey, with light grains and thickly sprinkled with bright iron grains. Montlivault, Loir-et-Cher, France. Described, Daubree, 1873, Comptes Rendus, Vol. 76, PP- 3*4, 3!5. Interior fragment 4 x 9 x 10 mm. Groundmass light grey, thickly strewn with iron and troilite grains. Mooresfort, County Tipperary, Ireland. Described, Higgins, 1811, Philos. Magaz., Vol. 38, pp. 262-268. Fragment 6 x 14 x 24 mm. A small patch of dull, brownish-black crust on one edge. Balance fractured surface, showing dark-grey groundmass, with iron grains thickly distributed through it. Mordvinovka, Pavlograd, Ekaterinoslav, Russia. Described, Arch, des decouvertes, 1826, p. 186. Interior fragment 13 x 20 x 26 mm. Groundmass light grey, with darker grains scattered through it, also numerous small, yellowish -brown rust spots. The whole abundantly sprinkled with small iron grains. Mornans, Bourdeaux, Drome, France. Described, Gregory, 1887, Geol. Mag., Ser. 3, Vol. 4, Nr. 12. Fragment 9 x 12 x 14 mm. Dull black crust on one side. One face polished, balance fractured surfaces. Groundmass light grey, with darker colored grains, and flecked with small bright iron grains. Moteeka Nugla, Ghoordha, Bhurtpur, India. Described, 1880, Popular Guide to the Geological Collections in the Indian Museum, Calcutta, No. 3, Meteorites, p. 26. Interior fragment 8 x 18 x 19 mm. Groundmass dark grey, thickly sprinkled with bright iron grains. AEROLITES. 65 No. D ?; F ?nd Fa11 DESCRIPTION. Weight in grammes. 302 1865 Fell Muddoor, Mysore, India. 5 Sept. 21 Described, Bowring, 1865, Proc. Asiatic Soc., Bengal, P- 195. Interior fragment 10 x 15 x 23 mm. Groundmass grey, filled with darker grey chondri, and sparsely flecked with bright iron grains. 303 1897 Fell Meuselbach, Schwartzburg, Thuringia. 3 May 19 Described, Fragment 6 x 15 x 19 mm. Back covered with dull black crust. Face sawed, showing light grey ground- mass, with large bright iron grains and a few bronze- colored troilite grains. 304 1879 Fell Nagaya, Entre Rios, Argentine Republic. 10 July 1 Described, Websky, 1882, Stitzber. Berlin Akad., 1882 I, pp. 395, 396. Interior fragment 17 x 20 x 30 mm. Groundmass dull black, sprinkled with small dark -grey grains. No iron visible. 305 1886 Fell Nammianthal, South Arcot, Madras, India. i Jan. 27 Described, Medlicott, 1886, Rec7 Geol. Surv., India, Vol. 19, p. 268. Interior fragment 5 x 10 x 13 mm. Groundmass light grey, with numerous yellowish-brown rust spots and sprinkled with bright iron grains. 306 1825 Fell Nanjemoy, Charles County, Maryland. 32 Feb. 10 Described, Carver, 1825, Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. i, Vol. 9> PP- 351-353- Fragment 21 x 32 x 33 mm. Portion of one side covered, with dull, brownish -black crust. Balance ', fractured surfaces. Groundmass light grey, with darker grains and considerable iron. 307 1890 Fell Nawapali, Sambalpur District, Central 2 June 6 Provinces, India. Described, Proc. Asiatic Soc., Bengal. Interior fragment 8 x 12 x 17 mm. Groundmass dull black, no iron visible. 66 WARD-COONLEY COLLECTION OF METEORITES. No. Date of Fall or Find. DESCRIPTION. Weight in grammes. 308 1864 Fell Nerft, Courlaiid, Russia. 62 April 12 Described, Grewingk and Schmidt, 1864, Arch. f. Naturk. Liv. Ehst. u Kurl., Ser. i, Vol. 3, p. 554. Fragment 24 x 47 x 48 mm. Portions of two sides covered with a dull, greyish-black, granulated crust. Balance fractured surfaces. Groundmass light grey, sprinkled with iron and troilite grains. Also traversed by several minute black veins, that are generally paral- lel to each other. 309 1897 Found Ness County, Kansas. 972 about Oct. Described, Ward, 1899, Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. 4, Vol. 7> P- 233- Fragment 8 x 20 x 39 mm. Reddish-brown crust on edges. One face polished, showing dark-brown groundmass, flecked with small grains of iron. 17 grammes Fragment 50 x 88 x 120 mm. One face polished, one end fractured, balance covered with a reddish- brown crust, showing typical pittings. Polished sur- face a yellowish-grey, and dark -brown mottled ground- mass sparingly flecked with small bright iron grains. (This is half of a stone found in the spring of 1899, but doubtless of the same fall as the above. ) 955 grammes 310 I860 Fell New Concord, Muskingum Co., Ohio. 4,257 May 1 Described, Andrews, Evans, Johnson and Smith, 1860, Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. 2, Vol. 30, pp. 103-111. Fragment 63 x 80 x 83 mm. Two faces fractured surfaces, the balance covered with dull black crust. Groundmass light grey, stained in spots yellowish- brown, with small iron and. troilite grains scattered through it. 531 grammes A section 21 x 120 x 125 mm. One face polished, showing characters similar to above, with the excep- tion that it is traversed by a narrow black vein, the iron grains being of large size. The back and sides are entirely covered with crust, with typical pittings. 1,001 grammes End piece 95 x 135 x 140 mm. Face polished, char- acters similar to above, with the exception that one troilite nodule is of unusual size, 8 mm. in diameter. Balance entirely covered with crust, well pitted. 2,725 grammes AEROLITES. 67 No. Date of Fall or Find. DESCRIPTION. Weight in grammes. 311 1883 Fell Ngawi, Djogorogo, Java. 2 Oct. 3 Described, v. Baumhauer, 1884, Arch. Neerl des Sci- ences exactes et naturelles, Vol. 19, Part II, pp. 175- 185- Fragment. Brecciated structure, with chondri and grains of metallic iron. 312 1823 Fell Nobleboro, Lincoln County, Maine. I Aug. 7 Described, Cleaveland, 1824, Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. i, Vol. 7, pp. 170, 171. Fragment of light grey color, showing iron grains. 313 1855 Fell Oesel, Kaande, Livonia, Baltic Sea. 26 May 1 1 Described, Goebel, 1856, Arch. Naturk. Liv. Ehst. u Kurl., Vol. i, pp. 477-482. Interior fragment 18 x 24 x 44 mm. L/ight grey groundmass, with grains of iron and troilite sparsely scattered through it. 314 1864 Fell Orgueil, Montauban, Tarn - et - Garonne, 8 May 14 France. Described, Rose, 1863, Meteoriten, pp. 126, 156. Two fragments 12 x 13 x 18 mm. and 13 x 22 x 24 mm., both showing a dull black crust, very much crackeled. Interior dull black with no iron, but num- erous small, white, crystalline efflorences, very friable. 315 1868 Fell Ornans, Doubs, France. 50 July 1 1 Described, Pisani, 1868, Comptes Rendus, Vol. 67, pp. 663-665. Fragment 25 x 38 x 41 mm. Thick, porous, dull- black crust on one side. Interior bluish-grey, with darker colored chondrules, and almost no iron. 316 1872 Fell Orvinio, Umbria, Italy. 5 Aug. 31 Described, Ferrari, 1872, 46 Seiten u. Karte. Ref. Worchenschr. f. Astr., Met. u Geogr., 1873, pp. 230- 232, 239, 240. Fragment 10 x 16 x 17 mm. Dull, granulated, black crust on one side. One surface sawed, balance frac- tured, showing a blackish compact groundmass sprin- kled with minute grains of iron. 68 WARD-COONLEY COLLECTION OF METEORITES. No. 317 318 319 320 321 Date of Fall or Find 1896 Fell April 9 1881 Fell June 18 1857 Fell Feb. 28 1882 Fell Aug. 2 1855 Fell Aug. 5 DESCRIPTION. Ottawa, Franklin County, Kansas. Described, 1896, Ottawa Weekly Times, April i6th, 1896. Fragment 26 x 26 x 33 mm. Dull black crust on one side. Interior light grey, flecked with small bright iron and troilite grains. Pacula, Tacal, Hidalgo, Mexico. Described, Castillo, 1889, Catalogue, pp. 12-15. Fragment 30 x 40 x 40 mm. Dull brownish -black crust on one side. Interior light grey, blotched with numerous yellowish-brown rust spots, and sprinkled with minute iron grains. Is also traversed by several narrow black veins. Parnallee, Madras, India. Described, Taylor, 1857, Trans. Geog. Soc., Bombay. Slice 37 x 47 mm. One faced sawed, other polished, showing dark grey groundmass, with light grey, dark grey and brown grains, with small specks of iron and troilite distributed through the mass. One troilite nodule 9 mm. in diameter. 19 grammes Slice 81 x 1105 mm. Dull black crust on two edges. Polished face shows characters similar to above. 1 60 grammes End piece 35 x 80 x 105 mm. Back covered with crust, nicely pitted. Polished face shows characters similar to above. 486 grammes Pavlovka, Balachev, Saratov, Russia. Described, Tschernyschow, 1883, Zeitschr. d. d. Geol. Ges., Vol. 35, pp. 190-192. Fragments in vial, light grey color, flecked with iron grains. Petersburg, Lincoln County, Tenn. Described, Smith, 1856, Geol. Reconnoissance Surv. Tenn., Nashville, 1856. Fragment n x 23 x 27 mm. Back covered with shiny black crust, prominently ridged or veined. Groundmass light grey, spotted with yellowish-brown rust spots, and sprinkled with minute iron grains. 8 grammes Fragment 9 x 9 x 27 mm. Crust on one side, char- acters similar to above. 1 1 grammes Veight in ammes AEROLITES. G9 No. Date of Fall or Find. DESCRIPTION. Weight inS grammes. 322 1863 Fell Pillistfer, Aukoma, Li viand, Russia. 39 Aug. 8 Described, Rose, 1863, Mon.-Ber. Berlin. Akad., pp. 441-443. Fragment 16 x 32 x 58 mm. One edge covered with a thin dull black crust. Interior dark grey, fine grained, thickly sprinkled with minute iron and troi- lite grains. 323 1887 Found Pipe Creek, Bandera County. Texas. 370 Described, Ledoux, 1888-89, Trans, of New York Acad. of Sci., Vol. 8, pp. 186, 187. End piece 45 x 64 x 70 mm. Back covered with a weathered brown crust. Interior, greyish black, com- pact groundmass, more or less porous, and flecked with bright metallic grains. 324 1884 Fell Pirthalla, Hissar District, Punjaub, India. i Feb. 9 Described, Medlicott, 1885, Rec. Geol. Surv., India, Vol. 18, p. 148. Fragments in vial, some with dull black crust. Interior dark grey, flecked with iron grains. 325 1723 Fell Plescowitz, near Reichstadt, Bohemia. 6 June 22 Described, Rost, 1725, Versuch, Winter -Quartal, 1725, pp. 44-47. Fragment 1 1 x 15 x 15 mm. One side partly cov- ered with a dull brownish-black crust. Interior yel- lowish-grey, much stained with iron and very chon- dritic, flecked with minute iron grains. 3 grammes Fragment without crust. 3 grammes 326 1819 Fell Politz, near Gera, Reuss, Germany. 3 Oct. 13 Described, Braun, 1819, Gilb. Ann., Vol. 63, pp. 217-228. Fragment n x 12 x 15 mm. One side with dull brownish-black crust. Interior light grey sprinkled with iron grains. 327 1893 Known Prairie Dog Creek, Decatur Co., Kansas. 63 Described, Weinschenk, 1895, Tschermak's Min. und Petrog. Mittheil, Wien, 1894-95, Vol. 14, pp. 473 -475- Fragment 30 x 33 x 40 mm. Three sides covered with a dull brownish-black crust. Interior a dark yellowish -brown, mainly due to oxidation, and spar- ingly sprinkled with iron grains. 70 WARD-COONLEY COLLECTION OF METEORITES. No. Date of Fall or Find. DESCRIPTION. Weight in! grammes. 328 1893 Fell Pricetown, Highland County, Ohio. 4 Feb. 13 Described, Fragment 9 x n x 25 mm. Dull black crust on one side. Interior ash grey, sprinkled with bright grains of iron and bronze-colored troilite. 329 1868 Fell Pultusk, Sielce Nowy, Poland. 779 Jan. 30 Described, Szymanski, 1868, Briefl. Mitt. N. J., 1868, p. 326. Complete stone 19 x 23 x 31 mm. Entirely covered with a dull brownish-black crust. 23 grammes Complete stone 20 x 23 x 32 mm., similar to above. 25 grammes Complete stone 18 x 24 x 29 mm., similar to above. 28 grammes Complete stone 25 x 27 x 32 mm., similar to above. 40 grammes Fragment 27 x 29 x 32 mm., covered with crust, except one fractured surface which shows light grey groundmass, sprinkled with small brown rust spots and flecked with iron grains. 41 grammes Fragment 14 x 37 x 50 mm. One side covered with crust, balance fractured surface, showing slickenside. 50 grammes Complete stone 25 x 30 x 43 mm. 56 grammes Complete stone 26 x 34 x 58 mm. One side covered with a much thinner crust than balance, showing a more recent fracture. 87 grammes Stone 22 x 50 x 68 mm. Covered with two different thicknesses of crust. One surface showing slicken- side. 153 grammes Complete stone 45 x 58 x 70 mm. 276 grammes 330 1857 Fell Quenggouk, Pegu, British Burmah. 302 Dec. 27 Described, Haidinger, 1860, Sitzber. Wien. Akad., Vol. 41, pp. 750, 751. Fragment 37 x 69 x 88 mm. Small patch of dull, brownish-black crust on one corner. Interior light grey, strongly chondritic, and sparingly flecked with minute grains of iron. One chondri 8 mm. in diam. 331 1878 Fell Rakovka, Tula, Russia. 163 J Nov. 20 Described, Trautschold, 1879, Briefl. Mitt. N. J., 1879, pp. 144, 145. Fragment 35 x 52 x 60 mm. Black crust with typi- cal pittings on one side. One face polished, balance fractured surfaces. Groundmass light grey sprinkled with bright iron and troilite grains. ZEOLITES. 71 No. Date of Fall or Find. DESCRIPTION. Weight in grammes. 332 1824 Fell Renazzo, Cento, Ferrara, Italy. 4 Jan. 15 Described, Orioli, 1824, Nuova Collezione di opus- culi scientific! di Bologna, Vol. 3, p. 151. Fragment 8 x 15 x 20 mm. Dull brownish-black crust on one side. Interior compact black ground- mass holding numerous light grey spherules. Iron grains not visible. 333 1828 Fell Richmond, Henrico County, Virginia. 2 June 4 Described, Cocke, 1829, Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. i, Vol. 15, Pp. 195, i9 6 - * Fragments in vial. Light grey coarse granular groundmass, with dark grey chondri and sparingly flecked with minute bright iron grains. 334 1876 Fell Rochester, Fulton County, Indiana. I Dec. 21 Described, Newton, 1877, Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. 3, Vol. 13, pp. 166, 167. Fragment 5 x 10 x 17 mm. Mainly a dull, spongy, dark-brown crust. 335 1871 Fell Roda, (4 miles from) Huesca, Spain. 2 Spring Described, Pisani, 1874, Comptes Rendus, Vol. 79, pp. 1507-1509. Three fragments, two showing a dull-black crust. Interior grey, with darker grey chondri, and sparingly flecked with minute iron grains. 336 1855 Fell St. Denis-Westrem, near Ghent, Belgium. 7 June 7 Described, Duprez, 1855, Bull. Acad. Belgique, Vol. 22 II, pp. 54-58. Fragment 15 x 17 x 24 mm. Black crust on one end, typically pitted. Interior light grey, specked with small, yellowish-brown rust spots and flecked with bright iron grains. 337 1866 Fell Saint Mesmin, Aube, France. 4 May 30 Described, Ray, 1866, Mem. Soc. Academique de 1'Aube, Vol. 30. Interior fragment 9 x 18 x 25 mm. Light grey, trav- ersed by minute black veins and sprinkled with iron and troilite grains. WARD-COONLEY COLLECTION OF METEORITES. No. Date of Fall or Find. DESCRIPTION. Weight in grammes. 338 1887 Found San Emigdio Range, San Bernardino Co., 27 California. Described, Merrill, 1888, Proc. U. S. National Muse- um (1888), pp. 161-167. Fragments in vial. Groundmass yellowish -brown color due to oxidation of the iron, with darker colored chondrules, sparingly flecked with iron grains. 4 grammes Fragment 13 x 40 x 40 mm. Back partly covered with smooth black crust. Face polished, showing characters similar to above. One iron grain 4 mm. in diameters. 23 grammes 339 1887 Found San Pedro Springs, San Antonio, Texas. 3 Described, Wiener Sammlung, 1895, p. 306. Fragment 10 x 12 x 23 mm. Brownish-black crust on one side. Interior yellowish-grey, with bright iron grains sprinkled through it. 340 1868 Fell Sauguis, St. Etienne, Basses -Pyrenees, 3 Sept. 7 France. Described, Daubree, 1868, Comptes Rendus, Vol. 67, pp. 873-877. Interior fragment 9 x 13 x 17 mm. Dark grey with numerous bright grains of iron. 341 1894 Fell Sawtschenskoje, Cherson, Russia. .9 July 27 Described, Prendel, 1895, Katalog. der Meteoriten sammlung in Odessa, Feb., 1895. Fragment 9 x 21 x 37 mm. One side covered with brownish-black crust. Interior dark grey with darker colored spherules, and flecked with grains of iron and troilite. 342 1846 Fell Schonenberg, Mindelthal, Schwaben, Ba- 24 Dec. 25 varia. Described, Augsburger Allg. Zeitung vom i. Jan., 1847. Slice 6 x 39 x 41 mm. Dull black crust on two edges. Interior light grey, with darker grey chondrules. Two faces sawed, showing bright iron grains and several small veins or fissures filled with bright iron. Also one troilite section 9 mm. in diameter. ZEOLITES. 73 No. Date of Fall or Find. DESCRIPTION. Weight in grammes. 343 1871 Fell Searsmont, Waldo County, Maine. 5 May 21 Described, Shepard, Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. 3, Vol. 2, pp. 133-136. Fragment 10 x 20 x 23 mm. Back and one edge covered with dull-black crust. Interior light grey, with numerous iron and troilite grains. 344 1853 Fell Segowlie, Bengal, India. 3 March 6 Described, Sherwill, 1854, Journ. Asiatic Soc., Ben- gal (Proc.), Vol. 23, pp. 746, 747. Fragment 8 x 9 x 20 mm. One end yellowish-brown crust. Balance interior, entirely stained to a dark and light-brown mottled color by oxidation of the iron grains. 345 1773 Fell Sena, Sigena, Aragon, Spain. 3 Nov. 17 Described, Proust, 1803, Journ. Phys., Vol. 60 (an XIII, 1803), pp. 185-202. Fragment 4 x 16 x 24 mm. Back a dull grey -black crust. Interior dark grey, with darker colored chon- dri, sparsely flecked with iron grains. 346 1865 Fell Senhadja, Aumale, Constantiiie, Algeria. 3 Aug. 25 Described, Daubree, 1866, Comptes Rendus, Vol. 62, pp. 72-78. Interior fragment 10 x n x 13 mm. Light grey, flecked with bright iron grains. 347 1818 Fell Seres, Macedonia, Turkey. 2 June Described, Chladni, 1819?, Oesten. Bl. f. Lit., 1847, Nr. 86, p. 343- i Interior fragment 8x9x15 mm. One face polished, showing dark -grey groundmass with light-grey chon- drules, and large bright iron grains. 348 1874 Fell Sevrukovo, near Belgorod, Kursk, Russia. 26 June 6 Described, Moskauer Nachrichten (Wedomosti 31. May, 1874, Nr. 135). Slice 8 x 30 x 54 mm. Two faces sawed surfaces, showing black compact groundmass, thinly sprinkled with bright iron grains. 74 WARD-COONLEY COLLECTION OF METEORITES. No. Date of Fall or Find. DESCRIPTION. Weight in grammes. 349 1850 Fell Shalka, Bancoorah, Bengal, India. 6 Nov. 30 Described, Piddington, 1851, Journ. Asiat. Soc., Bengal, Vol. 20, pp. 299-307. Interior fragment 10 x 15 x 18 mm. Light grey, with but few grains of iron visible. 350 1865 Fell Sherghotty, near Gya, Bebar, India. 40 Aug. 25 Described, Bayley and Costley, 1866, Proc. Asiat. Soc., Bengal, pp. 193-195. Fragment 14 x 42 x 46 mm. Bright, prominently veined or ridged black crust on one end. Interior dark grey, coarsely crystalline groundmass, with but few grains of iron visible. 351 1794 Fell Siena, Cosona, Italy. 13 June 16 Described, Domenico Tata, 1794, Also Antologia Romana, Vol. 21, p. 94. Fragment 17 x 19 x 27 mm. Dull brown crust on three sides, two faces polished, showing a brecciated structure in a dark grey groundmass, sparingly flecked with minute iron grains. 352 1875 Fell Sitathali (Nurrah), South-east of Raepur, 2 March 4 Central Provinces, India. Described, Medlicott, 1876, Proc. Asiatic Soc., Ben- gal, pp. 115, 116. Interior fragment 7 x 9 x 12 mm. Light grey, abun- dantly sprinkled with bright iron grains. 353 1868 Fell Slavetic, Agrain, Croatia, Austria. 4 May 22 Described, v. Haidinger, 1868, Sitzber. Wien. Akad., Vol. 58 II, pp. 162-168. Fragment 9 x 15 x 23 mm. Dull brownish-black crust on back. Face polished, showing dark-grey groundmass much stained with iron, with darker- colored chondri, and thickly sprinkled with bright iron grains. 354 1877 Fell Soko-Banja, N. E. of Alexinatz, Servin. 394 Oct. 13 Described, Doll, 1877, Verh. k. k. geol. Reichsanst, Nr. 1 6, pp. 283-287. Fragment 28 x 42 x 45 mm. One side covered with a dark -brown pitted crust. Interior light grey, with AEROLITES. 75 1 No. Date of Fall or Find. DESCRIPTION. Weight in grammes. numerous darker grey chondrules scattered through it, and sparingly sprinkled with iron grains. Also one troilite nodule 6 mm. in diameter. 75 grammes Interior fragment 31 x 40 x 52 mm., with unusually large spherules, one 10 and another 25 mm. in diam- eter. Otherwise, characters similar to above. 75 grammes Interior fragment 42 x 55 x 59 mtn. Characters sim- ilar to above, with smaller spherules. 244 grammes 355 1876 Feli Stalldalen, Nya Kopparberg, Orebro, 343 June 28 Sweden. Described, v. Nordenskiold, 1877, Foredrag i Miner- alogi vid Akademiens iirshogtid den 3 April, Stock- holm, 1877. Fragment 50 x 55 x 78 mm. Dull black crust on one side, showing characteristic pittings. Interior light grey, much stained with iron oxide. Several portions showing bright glazed slickenside surfaces. The whole flecked with small iron grains. 356 1808 Fell Stannern, Iglau, Moravia, Austria. 92 May 22 Described, v. Jacquin, 1808, Gilb. Ann., Vol. 28, p. 491- Nearly complete stone 30 x 33 x 54 mm. All but one surface covered with a black jvitreous crust, curi- ously veined like the imprint of the palm of a hand on a freshly oiled surface. Interior light grey, flecked with minute iron grains. 357 1753 Fell Tabor (Plan, Strkovv), Bohemia. 5 June 3 Described, Stepling, 1754, Typis Francisci Ignatii Kirchner. Prag., 1754, 33 Seiten ; e, insbesondere, ,. pp. 3-6. Interior slice n x 16 mm. Face polished, showing dark grey groundmass, much stained with iron oxide, and flecked with bright metallic grains. i gramme Interior fragment 10 x u x 20 mm. Two faces pol- ished, characters similar to above. 4 grammes 358 1887 Fell Tabory, Ochansk, Perm, Russia. i,9 r 5 Aug. 30 Described, Daubree, 1887, Comptes Rendus, Vol. 105, pp. 987, 988. Interior fragment 80 x 88 x 205 mm. L4ght grey groundmass, with darker colored chondrules. Two 76 WARD-COONLEY COLLECTION OF METEORITES. No. 359 360 361 362 363 364 Date of Fall or Find. 1867 Fell June 9 1875 Found before 1872 Fell June 28 1807 Fell March 25 DESCRIPTION. 1869 Fell Sept. 19 1879 Fell Sept. 17 Weight in grammes. surfaces entirely covered with slickensides. The whole lightly sprinkled with bright, minute iron grains. Tadjera, near Guidjel, Setif, Algeria. Described, Augeraud, 1867, Comptes Rendus, Vol. 65, pp. 240-242. Fragment 19 x 36 x 64 mm. One side covered with smooth black crust. Interior black and compact, con- taining small grains of troilite. Taltal, Chili, S. A. Described, Fragment 10 x 25 x 37 mm. Back covered with dark brown crust, much crackled. Interior dark brown, resembling limonite, with but few bright grains of iron visible. Tennassilm, Esthlaud, Russia. Described, v. Schilling, 1873, Arch. f. Naturk. Liv. Ehst. u. Kurl., Vol. 8, pp. 1-20. Interior fragment 18x45 x ^4 mm., with small patch of dull, dark -brown crust on one end. Interior light grey, with numerous dark -grey chondrules scattered through it, and thinly flecked with minute iron and troilite grains. Timochin, Juclinov, Smolensk, Russia. Described, Gilbert, 1807, Gilb. Ann., Vol. 26, pp. 238, 239. Interior fragment n x 16 x 21 mm. Light grey, spotted with small, yellowish-brown stains, and enclos- ing dark grey chondrules. The whole sprinkled with small iron grains. Tjabe, Padaugan, Java. Described, v. Baumhauer, 1871, Arch. Weerl, Vol. 6, Nr. 4, pp. 305-325. Fragment 9 x 13 x 13 mm. Dull brown crust on one end. Interior dark grey, thickly sprinkled with iron grains. Tomatlan, Jalisco, Mexico. Described, Shepard, 1885, Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. 3, Vol. 30, pp. 105-108. Interior fragments in vial. Light grey, enclosing dark grey chondrules, and flecked with bright iron grains. AEROLITES. No. Date of Fall or Find. DESCRIPTION. Weight in grammes 365 1863 Found Tomhannock Creek, Rensselaer Co., N. Y. 18 Described, Bailey, 1887, Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. 3, Vol. 34, pp. 60-62. Interior slice 51 x 57 mm. One face sawed, other polished. Compact, nearly black groundrnass, filled with bright iron grains. 366 1812 Fell Toulouse (Grenade), Haute Garonne, H April 12 France. Described, Gilbert, 1812, Gilb. Ann., Vol. 41, pp. 445-449. Nearly complete stone 17 x 19 x 24 mm. Covered with two different thicknesses of crust. One end pol- ished, showing a dark -grey interior, somewhat stained with iron oxide, and thickly sprinkled with, bright iron grains. 367 1863 Fell Tourinnes-la-Grosse, Tirlemont, Belgium. II Dec. 7 Described, Van Beneden, 1863, Bull. Acad. Roy. Belgique, Vol. 16, p. 621. Fragment 14 x 20 x 25 mm. Dull black crust on one end. Interior light grey, fine grained, thickly sprinkled with bright metallic grains. 368 1890 Travis County, Texas. 7 Described Described, Eakins, 1890, Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. 3, Vol. 39, P- 59- Interior fragment 14 x 16 x 18 mm. Almost black, sprinkled with iron and troilite grains. 369 1856 Fell Trenzano, Brescia, Italy. 47 Nov. 12 Described, Curioni, 1860, Atti R. Instit. Lomb. di Scienze, Lettere et Arti., Milano, 1860, Vol. I, pp. 357-364. Fragment 16 x 25 x 26 mm. Dull black crust on two sides. Interior light grey, with numerous fine iron grains. 16 grammes Fragment 18 x 21 x 41 mm. Crust on two sides, characters similar to above with the exception that the interior is much stained with iron oxide. 31 grms. 370 1884 Fell Tysnes Island, Hardanger Fiord, Norway. 428 May 20 Described, Reusch, 1886, Neues Jahrbuch B. B. IV, pp. 473-486. 78 WARD-COONLEY COLLECTION OF METEORITES. No. Date of Fall or Find. DESCRIPTION. Weight in grammes. Fragment 53 x 61 x 82 mm. Two sides coated with dull black crust, showing deep characteristic pittings. One surface entirely covered with slickenside. Inte- rior light grey, but mostly stained to a dark yellowish brown by iron oxide, and sprinkled with iron grains. 371 1866 Feil Udipi, South Canara, India. I April Described, Meunier, 1884, Meteorites, p. 209. Slice 13 x 24 mm. One face polished, showing dark grey groundmass thickly sprinkled with iron. 372 1822-3 Umballa (-10 miles south-west of). Punjaub. 5 Fell in India. Described; Atkinson, 1859, Jour. Asiat. Soc., Bengal, Vol. 28, p. 260. Fragment 6 x 7 x 10 mm. Dull brown crust on one side. Interior dark grey, with but few grains of bright iron. i gramme Interior fragment 12 x 16 x 16 mm. Characters sim- ilar to above. 4 grammes 373 1843 Fell Utrecht (Blnanw-Kapel), Netherlands. 109 June 2 Described, Quetelet, 1843, Comptes Rendus, Vol. 16, pp. I3II, I3[2. Fragment 25 x 50 x 73 mm. Dull black crust on one edge. Interior light grey, filled with darker grey chondrules, and flecked with iron and troilite grains. 374 1876 Fell Vavilovka, Kherson, Russia. 23 June 19 Described, Prendel, 1877, Mem. de la Soc. Nation des Sc. Nat., Cherbourg, Vol. 21, p. 205. Fragment 10 x 23 x 30 mm. Dull brown crust on one side. Interior light grey, with yellowish-brown iron oxide stains, and sprinkled with small iron and troilite grains. n grammes Fragment 17 x 19 x 21 mm., similar to above. 12 grammes 375 1865 Fell Vernon County, Wisconsin. 8 March 26 Described, Smith, 1875, Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. 3, Vol. 10, p. 314. Interior fragment 13 x 15 x 35 mm. One face pol- ished. Groundmass dark grey, filled with small darker grey spherules, and abundantly flecked with bright iron grains. ZEOLITES. 79 No. Date of Fall or Find. DESCRIPTION. ^ammes 376 1813 Fell Vouille, near Poitiers, Viemie, France. 668 May 13 Described, 1831, Ann. Chini. Phys., Vol. 47, p. 442. Interior fragment 34 x 49 x 96 mm. One face pol- ished, showing fine light-grey groundmass, thinly sprinkled with iron and troilite grains. 212 grammes Fragment 44 x 55 x 125 mm. Dull dark -brown crust on one side and end. One face polished, characters similar to above. 456 grammes 377 1873 Found Waconda, Mitchell County, Kansas. 1,099 Described, Shepard, 1876, Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. 3, Vol. n, p. 473. Fragment 34 x 57 x 75 mm. Dull brown crust on one end. Interior light grey, much blotched by yel- lowish-brown iron oxide stains, and but thinly flecked with bright metallic grains. 229 grammes Fragment 57 x 69 x 118 mm. Characters similar to above, with the exception that it is less stained with iron oxide. 870 grammes 378 1877 Fell Warrenton, Warren County, Missouri. 28 Jan. 3 Described, Smith, 1877, Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. 3, Vol. 13, P. 243- Fragment 20 x 26 x 43 mm. One side coated with a porous black crust. Interior bluish grey, with very little iron. 379 1807 Fell Weston, Fairfield County, Conn. 65 Dec. 14 Described, Medic. Reposit., 1807, p. 202. Slice 19 x 34 x 46mm. Two faces polished. Light grey, much stained with iron oxide, and filled with small, darker grey chondri, the whole thickly sprinkled with bright iron grains. 380 1795 Fell Wold Cottage, Yorkshire, England. 10 Dec. 13 Described, Topham, Gentleman's Magazine, Feb. 8, 1796. Interior fragment 10 x 15 x 25 mm. Two faces pol- ished, showing light grey groundmass, thinly flecked with iron and troilite grains, and traversed by a heavy black vein. so WARD-COONLEY COLLECTION OF METEORITES. No. Date of Fall or Find. DESCRIPTION. Weight in grammes. 381 1852 Fell Yatoor, Nellore, Madras, India. 5 Jan. 23 Described, Haidinger, 1861, Sitzber. Wien. Akad., Vol. 44 II, pp. 73, 74. Fragment 8x i8x 21 mm. Thick, dull, granulated, dark -brown crust on portions of two sides. Interior light grey, much stained with iron oxide, containing dark -grey chondrules. One face polished, flecked with bright metallic grains. 382 1869 Fell Yorktown, Westchester Co., New York. 6 Described, 1 Slice 4 x 19 x 25 mm. Smooth black crust on edges. . 1 Both faces polished, showing light grey groundmass much stained with iron oxide, and sprinkled with bright iron grains. 383 1818 Fell Zaborzika, Czartorya, Volhynia, Russia. i Apr. 10 Described, Laugier, 1823, Gilb. Ann., Vol. 75, pp. 264-266. Interior fragment 5 x TO x 15 mm. Light grey, flecked with small grains of iron and troilite. 384 1893 Fell Zabrodge, Govt. Wilna, Russia. 4 Sept. 22 Described, Melikoff, 1894; Ber. d. d. Chem. Ges., Vol. 27, pp. 1235-1238. Interior fragment 9 x 14 x 20 mm. One face pol- ished, groundmass light grey, sprinkled with bright iron grains. 385 1897 Fell Zavid, Bosnia, Bohemia. 161 Aug. 1 Fragment 1 1 x 25 x 36 mm. Dull brown crust on one end. Interior light grey, sprinkled with small iron and troilite grains. 1 2 grammes Interior fragment 30 x 57 x 60 mm. Characters sim- ilar to above, with the exception that one side is a lustrous slickenside surface. 149 grammes 386 1824 Fell Zebrak (Praskoles), near Horowitz, Bohe- 2 1 Oct. 14 mia. , Described, v. Martius, 1825, Kastner's Archiv. f. d. gesammte Naturlehre, Vol. 30, pp. 421, 422. Fragment 10 x n x 18 mm. Dull brownish black granulated crust on one side. Interior light grey, flecked with minute iron grains. ^ROLITES. 81 ADDENDA. (Several months having transpired since the printing of the pre- vious 80 pages, as also during their printing, we have acquired numerous other kinds, which we give in the following pages.) No. Date of Fall or Find. DESCRIPTION. Weight in grammes. >EROLITES. 387 1838 Fell Akburpur, Saharanpur, North-west Prov- 7 April 18 inces, India. Described, Greg, 1854, Catalogue, p. 460. Fragment 9 x 20 x 22 mtn. One side covered with 1 bright black crust, with bright metallic grains protrud- ing through it. One face polished, showing dark grey groundmass, thickly flecked with iron grains. 388 I860 Fell Alessandria, San Guiliano, Yecchio, Pied- i Feb. 2 mont, Italy. Described, Missaghi, 1861, Nuovo Cimento, Vol. 13, p. 272. (Pisa, 1861.) Interior fragment, light grey color, flecked with bright iron grains. 1899 Fell Allegan, Allegan County, Michigan. 405 July 10 In place of No. 176, p. 40. Fragment 29 \ 42 x 66 mm. Thick dull-black crust on one side. 124 grammes Fragment 30 x 45 x 77 mm., showing no crust. 139 grammes Fragment 40 x 45 x 47 mm. Crust on one face. 142 grammes 389 1803 Fell Apt (Saurette), Vaucluse, France. 5 Oct. 8 Described, Bourdon, 1803. Philos. Mag., Vol. 17, pp. 271-274. Fragment 9 x 14 x 29 mm. Dull black granulated crust on one side. Other side fractured surface, show- ing a bluish-grey groundmass, covered with numerous small rust stains, and thickly flecked with iron and troilite grains. WARD-COONLEY COLLECTION OF METEORITES. No. 390 Date of Fall or Find. DESCRIPTION, Weight in grammes. 1852 Found Barratta, Deniliquin, New South Wales. 3 Described, Liversidge, 1872, Trans. Roy. Soc., N. S. Wales, 1872, p. 97. . Triangular fragment 15 x 19 x 23 mm. Dull, granu- lated, reddish-brown crust on one side. Groundmass black-grey, thickly sprinkled with bright iron grains. 391 1861 Fell May 14 Canellas, near Barcelona, Spain. Described, Greg, 1861, Philos. Mag., Vol. 22, pp. 107, 108. 3 Interior fragment 5 x 15 x 19 mm. Light grey groundmass, thickly spotted with small, yellowish- brown rust spots, and flecked with minute iron grains. 392 1848 Fell May 20 Castine, Hancock County, Maine. Described, Shepard, 1848, Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. 2, Vol. 6, pp. 251-253. i Interior fragment, light grey color, sprinkled with minute bright iron grains. 393 1853 Fell March 6 Duruma, Wanikaland, East Africa. Described, Greg, 1862, Philos. Mag., Vol. 24, p. 538. 5 Interior fragment 12 x 12 x 16 mm. One face pol- ished, showing a grey groundmass much stained with iron oxide, giving it a mottled grey and brown appear- ance, and thickly sprinkled with bright iron grains. 394 1889 Found Eli Elwah, fifteen miles west of Hay, New South Wales. Described, Liversidge, 1891, Proc. Austr. Assoc. Adv. Sci., ii., p. 388. Interior fragment 9x12 mm. Groundmass dark brown from oxidation. One face polished, showing bright iron grains scattered through it. 395 1844 Fell Favars, Aveyron, France. 5 Oct. 21 Described, Boisse, 1844, L'lnstitut, Nr. 570, Vol. 12, P- 399- Fragment 9 x 21 mm. Small patch of black crust on one end. Two surfaces polished, showing a dark grey groundmass, thickly flecked with bright iron grains. AEROLITES. 83 No. Date of Fall or Find. DESCRIPTION. Weight in grammes. 1890 Fell Forest, Winnebago County, Iowa. 1^50 May 2 For where described, see No. 233, p. 51. A fragment 38 x 42. x 83 mm. Two-thirds of it cov- ered with thick black crust. One face shows a thin secondary crust, while another shows fractured surface somewhat stained. 273 grammes 7 additional stones. 877 grammes 396 1826 Fell Galapian, nr. Agen, Lot-et-GarOnne, France 3 May 25 Described, Ferussac, Bull, des Sc. Naturelles, Vol. II., p. 420. Interior fragment 8 x 15 x 17 mm. Coarse, crystal- line, light-grey groundmass, flecked with troilite and bright iron grains. 397 1879 Fell Gnadenfrei, Prussian Silesia. 6 May 17 Described, Galle, 1879, Jahresber. schles. Ges. f. vaterl. Cult., Vol. 37, pp. 166-169. Interior fragment 12 x 15 x 22 mm. A rather fine- grained, bluish-grey groundmass, thickly filled with \ darker grey chondrules, and flecked with minute iron and troilite grains. 398 1859 Fell Harrison County, Indiana. 2 March 28 Described, Smith, 1859, Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. 2, Vol. 28, pp. 409-411. Three interior fragments of light grey color, spotted with brown rust stains, and sparsely flecked with bright iron grains. 399 1894 Found Jerome, Gove County, Kansas. 63 April 10 Described, Washington, 1898, Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. 4, Vol. 5, pp. 447-454- Fragment 25 x 32 x 39 mm. Portions of two sides covered by a thin dark -brown crust. Balance frac- tured surface, showing a fine-grained, compact ground- mass of a dark rusty brown color, flecked with bright iron grains. 400 1845 Fell Le Teilleul, LaVivionnere, Manche, France 2 July 14 Described, Daubree, 1879, Comptes Rendus, Vol. 88, pp. 544-547- Fragment 7 x 10 x 12 mm. Dull, brownish -black, 1 granulated crust on one side. One face polished, showing a yellowish-brown groundmass, due to iron ' stains, sparingly flecked with bright iron grains. 84 WARD-COONLEY COLLECTION OF METEORITES. No. Date of Fall or Find. DESCRIPTION. Weight in' grammes. Long Island, Phillips County, Kansas. 4, no For where described, see No. 276, p. 59. Slice 160 x 170 mm. 1,925 grammes Slice 135 x 180 mm. Crust on one edge. 2,185 grammes 401 1836 Fell Macao, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. 5 Nov. 1 1 Described, Berthou, 1837, Comptes Rendus, Vol. 5, p. 211. Interior fragment 10 x 21 x 22 mm. One face pol- ished, showing a light grey groundmass, sprinkled with yellowish-brown rust spots, and flecked with bright iron grains. 1870? Fell MacKinney, Collin County, Texas. 49,744 In place of No. 281, p. 60. Slice 280 x 320 cm., exterior of mass on edges, one face polished. 2,570 grammes Half of large octagonal mass, showing polished face, 290 x 360 mm., depth 250 mm. All the exterior of the mass is of a yellowish brown color. 47,174 grammes 402 1801 Fell Mauritius, Isle de France, Indian Ocean. 6 Dec. 22 Described, Bory de Saint- Vincent, 1804, Voyage dans les quatre principales iles des mers d'Afrique (1801 to 1802), Vol. 3, an XII (1804), pp. 254-262. Fragment 12 x 15 x 31 mm. Dull black crust on one side. One face polished, showing a light grey groundmass with numerous irregular darker grey frag- ments, giving it a strongly brecciated appearance, the whole being moderately flecked with bright iron grains. 1899 Found Ness County, Kansas. 185 See No. 309, p. 66, for where described. Complete stone, a somewhat elongated octahedron in form, 44 x 46 x 67 mm. Entirely coated with a dull brown crust. 403 1895 Found Oakley, Logan County, Kansas. 8,910 Spring Described, Preston, 1900, Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. 4, Vol. 9. Complete slice 245 x 295 mm. Crust on edges. One face polished, showing a greyish-black compact AEROLITES. 85 No. Date of Fall or Find. DESCRIPTION. Weight in grammes. groundmass, thickly flecked with small bright iron grains. 2,347 grammes End piece 45 x 240 x 290 mm. Back entirely cov- ered with a dull reddish-brown crust. Face polished, showing characters similar to above. 6,563 grammes 1868 Fell Pultusk, Sielce Nowy, Poland. 8,000 Jan. 30 For where described, see No. 329, p. 70. A very interesting suite of about two hundred speci- mens of this fall, ranging in size from a gooseberry to a small apple. 404 1866 Found Rushville, four or five miles south-east of 20 about Brock ville, Franklin County, Indiana. Fragment 5 x 7 x 20 mm. Dull black crust on one surface, balance fractured surface, showing a dark- grey groundmass, more or less spotted with small, reddish-brown rust spots and flecked with bright iron grains. I gramme Fragment 10 x 15 x 20 mm. 5 grammes Fragment 19 x 20 x 23 grammes. 14 grammes 405 1848 Fell Ski, Amt Akershuus, Norway. I Dec. 27 Described, Ditten, 1854, University programme, Christiana, 1854, p. 82. Interior fragment 5 x 6 x 17 mm. Light grey groundmass, flecked with bright iron and troilite grains. 406 1857 Fell Stavropol, north side of the Caucasus, Rus. 2 April 5 Described, Abich, 1860, Bull. Petersburg Akad., Vol. 2, pp. 404-422, 433-440. Interior fragment 5 x 11 x 21 mm. One face pol- ished, showing a compact, greenish-black groundmass, flecked with bright iron and troilite grains. 407 1883 Fell St. Caprais-de-Quinsac, Gironde, France. 4 Jan. 28 Described, Lespiault et L. Forquignon, 1883, Comp- tes Rendus, Vol. 97, pp. 1022, 1023. Interior fragment 9 x 18 x 20 mm. Groundmass light grey, with numerous minute yellowish-brown rust spots, and flecked with bright iron grains. WARD-COONLEY COLLECTION OF METEORITES. No. Date of Fall or Find. DESCRIPTION. Weight in grammes. SIDEROLITES. 408 Prehistoric Anderson, Altar of Mound 3, Turner Group, I Little Miami Valley, Ohio. Found by F. W. Putnam, 188:3. Described, Kinnicut, 1884, Rep. Peabody Museum, Vol. 3, pp. 171-173, 202, 381-384. Fragment 9 x 10 mm., very much oxidized; from an ornament from the ashes of the altar. 409 1842 Fell Barea, Logrono, Spain. 5 July 14 Described, Greg, 1854, Catalogue, Philos. Magaz., Vol. 8, p. 460. Fragment 8 x 18 x 22 mm. One face polished, show- '.""*- T-v'r;! ing a reddish-brown groundmass thickly flecked with bright iron grains. 410 1857 Found Macquaire River, New South Wales. 14 Slice 31 x 40 mm. Crust on edges. Two faces pol- ished, showing a black, compact groundmass, thickly sprinkled with bright iron grains. SIDERITES. 411 1887 Abert Iron (from the United States National 49 Described Museum Collection.) Described, Riggs, 1887, Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. 3, Vol. 34, P- 59- Slice 35 x 50 mm. Crust on edges. One face etched, showing well marked Widmanstatten figures. 412 1839 Baird's Farm, Asheville, Buncombe Co., 5 Described North Carolina. Described, Shepard, 1839, Am - Jour. Sci., Ser. i, Vol. 36, pp. 81-85. A small slice 17 x 24 mm. One face etched, show- ing well marked Widmanstatten figures. SIDERITES. No. Date of Fall or Find. 1888 Found 1891 Found 1804 Mentioned 1881 Found 413 414 1854 Found DESCRIPTION. Bischtiibe, Nikolaev, Turgai, Russia. For where described, see No. 13, page 3. Slice about 130 x 230 mm., showing large well- marked Widmanstatten figures. Canon Diablo, Arizona. For where described, see No. 24, page 5. Complete mass 265 x 475 x 605 mm. Beautifully pitted on all sides, the front with large size pittings, while the back is remarkable for the number of narrow, deep, finger-like pittings. Charcas, San Luis Potosi, Mexico. In place of No. 29, p. 7. A slice 200 x 330 mm. Costilla Peak, Cimarron Range, New Mex. In place of No. 38, page 9. Complete section 113 x 305 mm. Characters similar to No. 38, p. 9, with the exception that this slice con- tains one troilite 9 mm. in diameter, and numerous smaller ones. i , 740 grammes Section 100 x 310 mm. One face etched, one end polished. Back and other three sides crust, showing typical- pittings. 6,350 grammes Cranbourne, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia For where described, see No. 40. Slice 105 x 210 mm. Face etched, showing very broad, distinct Widmanstatten figures. Also six troilite nodules surrounded by schreibersite, the largest 55 mm. in diameter. 1856 Known Denton County, near Austin, Texas. Described, Shumard, 1860, Trans. St. Louis Acad. of Sci., Vol. i (1856-60), pp. 623-629). A section of slice 18 x 27 mm. Crust on one edge. One face etched, showing well marked Widmanstatten figures, and sharp laphamite lines. 1897 Found Illinois Gulch, Deer Lodge Co., Montana. Described, Preston, 1900, Am. Jr. Sc., Ser. 4, Vol. 9. End piece 58 x 58 x 100 mm. Face polished, back exterior of mass. Btched face shows no figures, but a Weight in grammes. 1,890 252,574 3,200 8,090 2,615 830 88 WAKD-COONLEY COLLECTION OF METEORITES. No. Date of Fall or Find. DESCRIPTION. Weight in grammes. series of indistinct bright plates associated with a darker colored iron, with an obscure mark of contact between them. Over this surface are a number of brighter small crystals which are probably rhabdite. The section shows two troilites, one 6 mm. largest diameter, with numerous small fractures or fissures extending in various directions from it, which are like- wise filled with troilite. 415 1898 Found Iredell, Bosque County, Texas. 19 June Described, Foote, 1899, Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. 4, Vol. 8, pp. 415, 416. End piece 19 x 35 mm. Back shows exterior of mass. Face etched, showing no figures, but numerous minute pittings. 8 grammes End piece 20 x 35 mm. Characters similar to above. ii grammes 416 1862 Found Kokomo, Howard County, Indiana. 22 Described, Smith, 1874, Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. 3, Vol. 7, PP- 391, 39 2 - Thin slice 33 x 60 mm. Crust on three edges. One face etched, showing no Widmanstiitten figures, but one section of troilite, 2 mm. in diameter, entirely penetrating the slice. 417 1855 Found Lucky Hill, St. Elizabeth, Jamaica. 2 Described, Harris, 1859, Dissert. Gott, p. 58. Dark yellow powder and fragments in vial resem- bling Limonite. 418 1892 Found Morradal, Grjotlien, Norway. 5 Described, Brezina, 1895, Vienna Collection, p. 297. Slice 15 x 24 mm. One face etched, showing no Widmanstittten figures, but a commingling of silver- white flakes through a dark grey groundmass. 419 Mount Ouray, Chaffee County, Colorado. 120 End piece n x 47 x 76 mm. Face etched, showing somewhat obscure Widmanstatten figures, due to the great breadth of the kamacite bands. Over the sur- face are scattered several patches of schreibersite, the largest being 4x12 mm. in its greatest diameter. SIDERITES. 89 No. 420 Date of Fall or Find. DESCRIPTION. 1866 Found Mukwonago, Waukesha Co., Wisconsin. in Spring of To be described. Fragment 9 x 22 x 26 mm. One face polished, showing somewhat indistinct Neumann lines. Por- tion of one side shows exterior of mass which is an oxidized surface rather than crust. 421 1847 Found; Murfreesboro, near Nashville, Rutherford County, Tenn. Described, Troost, 1848, Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. 2, Vol. 5, PP- 35 1 , 35 2 - Rectangular slab 21 x 35 mm. Crust on one end. One face etched, showing large, characteristic Wid- manstatten figures. 422 1854 Found Narraburra, twelve miles east of Temora, New South Wales. Described, Russel, 1890, Jour. Roy. Soc.. New South Wales, XXII, 1890, p. 8r. A section 18 x 29 mm., much fissured or fractured. One face polished and etched, showing Widinanstatten figures. 1846 Found Netschaevo, Tula, Russia. For where described, see No. 95, page 20. Rectangular slice 12 x 20 x 42 mm. Face etched, showing no distinct figures, but numerous plates of schreibersite. 1876? Fell Sacramento Mountains, Eddy Co., New Mexico. In place of No. 114, page 24. Complete slice 145 x 525 mm. 423 1600 Known San Gregorio, El Morito, Mexico. Described, Luis Cabrera de Cordoba, 1619, Historia de Felipe Segundo Rey de Espagna, Madrid, 1619, j Lib. 13, p. 1163. Section of slice 14 x 32 mm. Crust on one edge. Three edges and both faces etched, showing rather ! large, distinct Widmanstatten figures. 15 t6 10 6,115 90 WARD-COONLEY COLLECTION OF METEORITES. No. Date of Fall or Find. DESCRIPTION. Weight in grammes. 1827 Known 424 1888 Found 425 1878 Found 1870 Found Santa Rosa, Saltillo, Coalmila, Mexico. Described, Burkart, 1856, Neues Jahrbuch, 1856, pp. 277, 278. Complete slice 138 x 175 mm. Face etched, show- ing Neumann lines, and numerous small troilite sec- tions. (As being a part of the Coahuila group, we do not individualize Santa Rosa by giving it a number.} St. Genevieve County, Missouri. To be described. End piece 230 x 390 x 390 mm. Face etched, show- ing well-marked Widmanstatten figures. Back exte- rior of mass, though showing none of the original crust. This mass recently received, and now being cut. 114,000 grammes Complete slice 390 x 390 mm. Face etched, show- ing well-marked Widmanstatten figures. 5,100 grms. Tombigbee River, Clioctaw and Sumter County, Alabama. Described, 1899, Foote, Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. 4, Vol. 8, pp. 153-156. Complete slice 103 x 140 mm. Face etched, show- ing a dark -grey groundmass, with numerous small, bright, silvery colored flakes, scattered in groups over the surface. Also many large plates of schreibersite in form like Chinese characters. The Widmanstatten figures are small in size and scarcely perceptible to the naked eye, but with the aid of a lens are brought out sharp and distinct. In certain lights, over the more compact portions of the slice, is visible a bluish-grey sheen, that adds much to the beauty of the section. 752 119,100 530 TERRESTRIAL. Ovifak, Disko Island, West Greenland. 7)I5 s Rounded mass much fissured and very much oxi- dized, 120 x 160 x 210 mm. SUMMARY AND ERRATA. 91 SUMMARY OF COLLECTION. Total number of falls and finds, 424 From North America, - 174 " South America, 18 " Europe, - 154 " Asia, - 48 " Africa, - 12 " Australia, 18 Total weight of entire collection, - 1,399,094 grammes. (= 3,084i pounds). Average weight of each kind, - 3,300 grammes. (= 7i pounds). Average weight, counting nothing over 50 kilograms to a kind, 1,087 grammes. (= 3 pounds). ERRATA. No. 78, p. 16. For Magdalena, read Luis Lopez. Found 1896. " 83, p. 17. For Missouri, read Central, Missouri. '' 123, p. 26. Sedacrzim, omit entirely, not authentic. " 138, p. 29. For Found 1895, read May 12, 1888. WARD-COONLEY COLLECTION OF METEORITES. STYLE OF MOUNTING USED IN ENTIRE COLLECTION. (Pedestals solid mahogany, with celluloid labels. ) CASTS OF METEORITES. CASTS OF METEORITES. We have as an adjunct to the collection a series of sixty-four casts of meteorites, which were made before cutting the specimens into slices. Being carefully colored, they are exact facsimiles of the original masses as found, showing clearly the external charac- teristics, as dimensions, pittings, form, color, etc. CHUPADEROS. SIDERITES. Babb's Mills, Greene County, Tennessee. Mentioned 1842. Size, 5% x 10 x 35^ inches. Original weight about 30 pounds. Ballinoo, West Australia. Found 1893. Size, 4*4 * 10% x 15^ inches. Original weight 93 pounds. Bella Roca, Durango, Mexico. Found 1888. Size, S l /4 x 8 x i$y 2 inches. Original weight 72% pounds. Bingara, New South Wales. Found 1880. Size, i% x i^x2^ inches. Original weight 8^ ounces. 94 WARD-COONLEY COLLECTION OF METEORITES. Braunau, Hauptmannsdorf, Bohemia. Fell July 14, 1847. Size, 5)4 x j)4 x 8^ inches. Original weight 42 pounds, 3 ounces. Cabin Creek, Johnson County, Arkansas. Fell March 27, 188(3. Size, 5 x 15)4 x 17 )4 inches. Original weight 107^ pounds. Carlton, Hamilton County, Texas. Found 1887. Size, 9 x 13 x 17)4 inches. Original weight 179 pounds. Chilcat, Portage Bay, Chilcat Inlet, Alaska. Fell 1871 ? Size 6x 12)4 x 13 inches. Original weight 96^ pounds. Chupaderos, Chihuahua, Mexico. Found 1581. Size 20 x 66 x 73 inches. Original weight 20,480 pounds. (This model, made by the Mexican Government, is of papier macht.} Cleveland (Lea Iron), East Tennessee. Found I860. Size, 8 x i6)4 x i8)4 inches. Original weight 254 pounds. Costilla Peak, New Mexico. Found 1881. Size, 5% x 9 x 12^ inches. Original weight 78 pounds. Glorieta Mountain, Santa Fe County, New Mexico. Found 1884. Size, 6)4 x 10 x i6)4 inches. Original weight 115 pounds. Hex River, Cape Colony, South Africa. Found 1882. Size, 8 x 9_^j x 12% inches. Original weight 123 pounds, 12 ounces. Joe Wright Mountain, Independence Co., Arkansas. Found 1884. Size, 8)4 x 8)4 x 16% inches. Original weight 94 pounds. Juncal, Atacama, Chili, S. A. Found 1866. Size, 6^4 x 7*4 x 12 )4 inches. Original weight 229 pounds, 4 ounces. Kenton County, Kentucky. Found August, 1889. Size, 8 x 14 x 21 inches. Original weight 359/^ pounds. Kokstad, Griqualand, South Africa. Described 1887. Size, 3)4 x 12)4 x,26 inches. Original weight 93 pounds, 14 ounces. Luis Lopez, Socorro County, New Mexico. Found 1896. Size, 3X" x 5 x 7^ inches. Original weight 15 pounds, 3^ ounces. Merceditas, Chanaral, Atacama, Chili. Known 1884. Size, 6)4 x 8 x 13 inches. Original weight 94)4 pounds. Mungindi, Queensland, Australia. Found 1897. Size, 6% x 9^ x 15)4 inches. Original weight 62 pounds. Nocoleche, New South Wales. Known 1895. Size 6 x 9^ x 9% inches. Original weight 44 pounds 2 ounces. CASTS OF METEOFilTES. 95 Plymouth, Marshall County, Indiana. Found 1893. Size 2 x 7^5 x \2 l / z inches. Original weight about 32 pounds. Puquios, Chili, South America. Found 1885. Size 3^ x 5^ x 9^ inches. Original weight 14 pounds 7^ ounces. Roebourne, West Australia. Found 1892. Size 6% x 13^ x 22^ inches. Original weight 191 ^ pounds. Rosario, Olaijcho, Honduras, Central America. Found 1897. Size 2% x 3^ x 4/6 inches. Original weight 6 pounds 9 ounces. Sarepta, Saratov, Russia. Found 1854. Size 4 x 8 x S% inches. Original weight 31 pounds 9 ounces. Scottsville, Allen County, Kentucky. Found 1867. Size 5% x 6 l / 2 x 7 inches. Original weight 22 pounds. Staunton, Augusta County, Virginia. Found 1858. Size, 7^ x 10^ x 17^ inches. Original weight 152 pounds. Thurlow, Ontario, Canada. Found May 13, 1888. Size, 4x6x6 inches. Original weight 1 1 pounds. Welland, Ontario, Canada. Found 1888. Size, 2% x 6 x 8 inches. Original weight 17^ pounds. Werchne-Udinsk, Niro River, Russia. Found 1854. Size, 4% x 6 l / 2 x n inches. Original weight 40 pounds 12 ounces. Wichita County, Brazos River, Texas. Found 1836. Size, 7 x 12^ x 1 6^ inches. Original weight 320 pounds. SIDEROLITES. Breitenbach, Erzgeberge, Bohemia. Found 1861. Size, 5^ x 7 x 9^ inches. Original weight 22 pounds 14 ounces. Brenham, Kiowa County, Kansas. Found 1885. Size, 5> x 6>6 x 7^ inches. Crab Orchard, Rockwood, Tenn. Found 1887. Size, 9 x 10 x 15 inches. Original weight 85 pounds. 96 WARD-COON LEY COLLECTION OF METEORITES. AEROLITES. Akburpur, Saharanpur, North-west Provinces, India. Fell April 18th, 1838. Size, 3^ x 4)^ x 5 inches. Original weight 4 pounds. Bluff, Fayette County, Texas. Found 1878. Size, i2 l /2 x 1 8)4 x 20^ inches. Original weight 321 pounds 3 ounces. Bustee, near Goruckpur. India. Fell December 2, 1852. Size, $% x 4^ x 5 inches. Original weight 3 pounds. Butsura, Qutahar Bazaar, Bengal, India. Fell May 12, 1861. Size, 7# x 8> x 14^ inches. Butsura, Piprassi, Bengal, India. Fell May 12, 1861. Size, 2>/4 x 5 1 X x ic-X inches. Butsura, Chireya, Bengal, India. Fell May 12, 1861. Size, 3^ x 4^ x 8^ inches. Butsura, Bulloah, Bengal, India. Fell May 12, 1861. Size 1)4 * 2% x 2^ inches. Butsura, Bengal, India. Fell May 12, 1861. (Five pieces, includ- ing above four, put together, forming one stone.) Size, nX x J 4X x T 4/^ inches. De Cewsville, Ontario, Canada. Fell January 21, 1887. Size, 2 x 2^ x 2^ inches. Original weight 12 ounces. Durala, N. W. of Kurnal, Punjaub, India. Fell Feb. 18, 1815. Size, 7 x S}4 x 10 inches. Original weight 29 pounds. Farmington, Washington County, Kansas. Fell June 25, 1890. Size, 8 x 15^ x 18% inches. Original weight 180 pounds. Goalpara, Assam, India. Found 1868. Size, 234: x 5> x 5^ inches. Goalpara, Assam, India. Found 1868. Size, 2# x 3^ x 4^ inches. Homestead, West Liberty, Iowa Co., Iowa. Fell Feb. 12, 1875. Size, 7*4 x 9^ x 9^ inches. Karakol, Ajagus, Kirghiz Steppes, Russia. Fell May 9, 1840. Size, 3% x 5 x 5^6 inches. Original weight 6 pounds 6 ounces. Khiragurh, S. E. of Bhurtpur, India. Fell March 28, 1860. Size, 2 x 2^ x 3 inches. CASTS OF METEORITES. 97 Krahenberg, Zweibriickeii, Rhenish Bavaria. Fell May 5, 1869. Size, 4% x 8^ xn inches. Original weight 36 pounds 5 ounces. MacKinney, Collin County, Texas. Fell 1870 ? Size, 6 x 6% x 8 inches. Middlesbrough, Yorkshire, England. Fell March 14, 1881. Size, 3^ x 4^ x 6 inches. Original weight 3 pounds 8^ ounces. Misshof, Baldoii, Coin-land, Russia. Fell April 10, 1890. Size, 5 x 5^ x 7 inches. Original weight 12 pounds 12 ounces. Nagy-Divina, near Budetiu, Trentschin, Hungary. Fell July 24, 1837. Size, 6 x 9 x 9}^ inches. Original weight 23 pounds \% ounces. New Concord, Muskingum County, Ohio. Fell May 1, 1860. Size, 2 x 2^ x 3# inches. Parnallee, Madras, India. Fell February 28, 1857. Size, io l / 2 x 14 x 17 inches. Original weight 163 pounds ij ounces. Segowlie, Bengal, India. Fell March 6, 1853. Size, 5% x 6^ x 8 inches. Segowlie, Bengal, India. Fell March 6, 1853. Size, 3^ x 4 x 4 inches. Segowlie, Bengal, India. Fell March G, 1853. Size, 2^ x 2^ x 3^ in. (T.he above three are portions of the same stone.) Segowlie, Bengal, India. Fell March 6, 1853. Size, 1^x1^x2^ inches. Wold Cottage, Thwing, Yorkshire, England. Fell Dec. 13, 1795. Size, 6x9x9 inches. Original weight 56 pounds. Yatoor, Nellore, Madras, India. Fell January 23, 1852. vSize, 6% x 8 x 8% inches. Original weight 30 pounds. 98 WARD-COONLEY COLLECTION OF METEORITES. MEDALS OF METEORITES. The people of antiquity looked upon the heavenly bodies as the places of abode of gods and beings higher than mankind. Thus it came to pass that they gave divine worship to objects which were seen to fall from the celestial spaces. They built special temples, in which they preserved them with sacred care. They were also displayed for public worship under a priest appointed for the especial purpose. These Meteorites received from the early Greeks the name Betyls (BeruXo;). probably from the earlier Hebraic Beth-el, or home of God. In the early centuries both B. c. and A. D. the habit prevailed in Macedonia, Cyprus, Mallos, Perge. Sidon, Tripolis, Tyrus and many other places to make medals to commemorate the fall of meteorites. Such medals were struck by order of Philip II, Alexander III, Augustus, Caligula, Vespasian. Trajan, Marcus Aurelius, Septimus Severus, Heliogabalus, Tacitus and others. Dr. Aristid Brezina. of Vienna, has given much study to this numismatic meteorology. From him our collection has obtained a series of (50 casts of Meteorite Medals. We restrict our mention to four of these 'which are figured below. They are: Paphian Venus. (Fig. 1.) A pointed, conical stone; the sacred simulacrum of Paphian Venus, which was worshipped for many ages in the Isle of Cyprus. Medals struck by Galba, (68-69); Vespasian (69-79); Trajan (98-117) A. D. FIG. i. FIG. 2. MEDALS OF METEORITES. 99 Diana Pergaa. (Fig. 2.) A bee-hive shaped stone in a two-pillared temple; the simulacrum of Diana of Perge (Pamphylia, Asia Minor). Copper and silver coins of Trajan (98-117 A. D. ). Also silver coin struck by the same emperor (showing same stone simul- acrum) in Rome. Zeus Kasios. (Fig. :-J.) The stone (a simulacrum of Zeus Kasios) is hanging by a chain from a four- pillared temple or frame, in Seleucia, Pieria, Northern Syria. Medal of Trajan us 1 98-1 17 A. D.). FIG. 4. Emisa. (Fig. 4 ) A conical stone, carried on a quadriga under four sunshades. Medals struck by Antonius Pius (138-161 A. D. ) in Emisa, Syria. Afterwards taken to Rome by Elagabulus (218-222), where he struck three silver denarii. Herodotus says of this Batyl : "A large stone, which on the lower side is round, and above runs gradually to a point. It has nearly the form of a cone, and is of a black color. People say of it in earnest that it fell from Heaven.' 1 '' 100 WARD-COONLEY COLLECTION OF METEORITES. EXPLANATIONS TO PLATES, Plate I. Fig. i. Toluca, showing curved octa- hedral structure. X natural size Fig. 2. El Capitan. l / 3 natural size Fig. 3. Glorieta Mountain, showing curved octahedral structure. Ys natural size Fig. 4. Grand Rapids. Ye natural size Fig- 5- Plymouth. y natural size Fig. 6. Mount Stirling. X natural size Fig. 7. Staunton. X natural size Fig. 8. Seneca Falls. X natural size Fig. 9. Beaconsfield. l / 3 natural size Fig. 10. Wetland. Yz natural size Fig. ii. Hayden Creek. Y* natural size Plate II. Fig. i. Waldron Ridge. 1 A natural size Fig. 2. Bella Roca. Ye natural size Fig. 3. Thurlow. i/j natural size Fig. 4. Joe Wright Mountain. 1/3 natural size Fig. 5. Canon Diablo. Y 3 natural size Fig. 6. Saint Francois County. J-3 natural size Fig. 7. Youndegin. }/< natural size Fig. 8. Tonganoxie. Y 3 natural size Fig. 9. Wichita Co. X natural size Fig. 10. San Angelo. Ye natural size Fig. ii. Mungindi. X natural size Fig. 12. Bohumilitz. V 3 natural size Fig. 13. Merceditas. }< natural size Fig. i. Fig. 2. Fig. 3. Fig. 4. Fig. 5. Fig. 6. Fig. 7. Fig. 8. Fig. 9. Plate III. Sacramento Mountains. y z natural size l natural size Oroville. Cranbourne. Roebourne. Nocoleche. August! nowka. Glorieta. Russel Gulch. Thunda. natural size natural size natural size natural size natural size natural size natural size Plate IV. Fig. i. HamblenCo. l / 3 natural size Fig. 2. Brenham ("Haviland" Mete- orite). Fig. 3. Veramin. Fig. 4. Mincy. Fig. 5. Medwedewa. Fig. 6. Homestead. natural size X natural size # natural size y 2 natural size l / z natural size Fig. 7. Knyahinya, polished face. y^ natural size Fig. 8. Knyahinya, nearly complete stone. Ys natural size Fig. 9. New Concord, polished face. Ys natural size Fig. 10. New Concord, showing pit- tings. YT, natural size Fig. ii. Hessle, complete stone. l / 2 natural size Plate V. Carlton, Hamilton Co. Y 2 natural size Plate VI. Brenham, Kiowa Co. % natural size \ JBI^y . ^^ Hfcv ,*, ,* m 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED EA^TH SCIENCES LIBRARY This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. LD 21-50m-6,'60 (Bl321slO)476 General Library University of California Berkeley U.C. BERKELEY LIBRARIES