^c^ \^. ^ . BRIEF SKETCHES OF THE of Drotcrstofoit m n THE COUNTY OF DUBLIN; WITH *, arntainittij Jtotes auto BV TH8 REV. BEAVKR H. BT.ACKKR, A.M., Incumbent oj Haute > stolen. "Attamen andenrlum est. et veritas inTestigandn, quam si non omninoasse- quereinur, tumeu yioyrius ad earn, quam nunc sumus, tandem ptrveukmus.'' DUBLIN : GEOEGE HERBERT, 117, GRAFTOX -STREET. LOXBON: BELL AJCD DALDY, 186, FLEET-STREET. 1860. DCBLIN : :n BY Eonii DRo b.Uachtlor'f-walk. PREFACE. THE substance of these Brief Sketches of the four churches in the parishes of Booters- town and Donnybrook lately appeared in the Christian Examiner, under the title of " Sketches of Suburban Churches" (Nos. I.- IV.) ; and having been carefully revised and enlarged by the writer, they are now pro- duced in a permanent form. A view of Booterstown Church (from the Cross-avenue) is prefixed ; but, as it does not convey an exact idea of the adjacent grounds, as they are at present, it is right to mention that many improvements have been effected since the copperplate was engraved ; and particularly, that the Right Honourable Sidney Herbert, M.P., in the year 1854, added considerably 2O6O589 to the grounds, and made a new and handsome approach from Mount Merrion- a venue. A view of the church on an enlarged scale, with descriptive particulars, has likewise appeared in the Church of England Magazine, vol. xlvi. p. 361 (London, 1859). The writer is indebted for several interest- ing particulars to the long-continued labours of Mr. D' Alton, who, in his " History of the County of Dublin," " Memoirs of the Arch- bishops of Dublin," and many other well- known works, has collected together a vast amount of useful information. Some of his statements, however, are not a little tinged with prejudice (e.g. in his account of the late Archbishop Magee, whose advancement to almost the highest ecclesiastical dignity in Ireland was justified, in the general opinion, by the eminent service he had performed in vindicating the doctrines of his Church, but who has been held up to public view as a flagrant instance of "arrogant and uncharita- ble bigotry") ; while other statements, perhaps from the want of proper answers to his in- quiries, are incorrect, and consequently leave him exposed to critical objections. Thus (to take an instance near home), he states in his "History of the County of Dublin," p. 861, that " the Incumbent [of Booterstown] has also a glebe-house and glebe " which unfor- tunately is not the case. A long and intimate connexion with Don- nybrook has enabled the writer to give many particulars of that parish ; and having spared neither time nor trouble, he hopes that he will not be found to be very inaccurate in any of his statements. Being indebted to some kind friends for assistance, he takes this oppor- tunity of acknowledging his obligations. ROKEBY, BLACKROCK, DUBLIN. 1st December, 1859. "311 only for to publisfi plaint, Cpme past, tptnt present totji; Oat tpinc to tomr, map torll rctainr Of tact) fool) trrne. tjje trotfi." THOMAS CHURCHYARD. PAEISH OF BOOTEBSTOWN, INCUMBENT, REV. BEAVER HENRY BLACKER, A.M. gff0hrst0fan fjsrisji THIS church, dedicated to St. Philip and St. James, and beautifully situated in the vicinity of Dublin, was consecrated and opened for Divine service on Sunday, 16th May, 1824, by the late Dr. Magec, Archbishop of the diocese (a) ; the site (with the sum of 1,000) having been given by George Augustus Earl of Pembroke (&). The parish, which is a portion of the corps of the archdeaconry of Dublin (c), had been formed out of the parish of Donnybrook in the year 1821 (d) ; and the patron- age is vested in the Archdeacon. The structure, which was designed by Joseph Welland, Esq., and completed at the cost of nearly 5,000 (e), is handsome, in the later English style, with a square embattled tower with crocketed pinnacles at the angles, and surmounted by a lofty spire ; the walls (a) Notes applicable to the reference-marks will be found in the Appendix. 8 BRIEF SKETCHES OF are strengthened with buttresses terminating in pinnacles, and crowned with an embattled parapet. In the interior, which accommodates about 500, there are monuments to James Digges La louche (the early and devoted friend of Sunday Schools in Ireland) and Richard Verschoyle, Esqrs. (/) ; and also one to the Rev. R. H. Nixon (#), with this appropriate inscription : " Erected by the parishioners of Booterstown, to the memory of the Rev. Robert Herbert Nixon, A.M., who died on the 22nd of January, 1857, in the 75th year of his ajre, having been for 24 years Incumbent of this parish. Humble in his deportment, affectionate and impressive in his teaching, and uncompromising in his testimony to the truth, he strik- ingly exemplified the mild and attractive graces of the Gos- pel. ' Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth: Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours ; and their works do follow them.' Rev. xiv. 13." The Rev. James Bulwer was the first Incumbent of tho parish ; and Robert Alexander, of Seamount (now St. Helen's, the seat of Lord Viscount Gongh), and James Digges La Touche, of Sans Souci, Esqrs., the first Churdnvanlens. The Rev. Anthony Sil- lery, A.M. (" dututgaujhed for singleness of mind, genuine piety, unostentatious benevolence, and deep learning," and subsequently well known for his great exertions in behalf of the Waldenaes), succeeded Mr. Hulwer in 1825 ; and during his incumbency, THE PARISH OF BOOTERSTOWN. which lasted until 1832 (when he effected an ex- change with Mr. Nixon, who held the chaplaincy of Dr. Steevens' Hospital, Dublin), he established the Sunday and Daily Schools, and some of the other existing parochial institutions. The inhabitants are to this day reaping the fruits of his untiring exer- tions in the cause of God. (Ji) The parish of Booterstowu (termed Ballybotter, Ballyboother, Butterstown, and Boterstone in sun- dry old documents) comprises the villages of Boo- terstown and Williamstown, and a small part of the town of Blackrock, with an area of 541 acres (z) ; and forms a very flourishing portion of the large Irish estates of the Right Hon. Sidney Herbert, M.P., who some years since erected and endowed the neighbouring Church of St. John the Evangel- ist. The district is on the road from Dublin to Kingstown and Bray, and on the southern coast of the bay of Dublin, the shores of which here assume a highly interesting and picturesque appearance. The population, according to the census taken in 1851, amounted to 3,512 (/) ; of whom about 1,800 (the number varying considerably in summer and winter) are members of the United Church of England and Ireland. PAEISH OE DONNYBROOK, INCUMBENT. REV. FREDERICK FITZGERALD, A.M. |Ju:ri:s|) Clj THIS church, dedicated to St. Mary, is a handsome building, in the early style of English architecture, with a vaulted roof and lancet-formed windows. () It was erected in the year 1827. after a design of John Sernple, Esq., at Simraon's-court (likewise known as Syraond's-court and Smot's-court) (/), close to the river Do.Ller (//') :nnl about midway between the adjacent villages of Donnvbrook (in former days termed Dovenachbroc and Dona- brok) () and Hall's-brid^e. l>y mean- of a loan of 4,153 IGs. lid., from tlu> late Hoard of First Fruits. The tower was surmounted hy a well-pro- jmrtiiini'd spire, which was so much damaged l>y the dreadful storm in January, 1839, that it was soon after taken down ; and it has not as yet lieen rebuilt. There is accommodation for about 500 THE PARISH OF DONNYBROOK. 11 worshippers ; the attendance, as in all suburban churches, being larger in the summer than in the winter months. The old church, situated in the village from which the parish derives its name, and for many years surrounded by a highly respectable and thriv- ing population, was small and inconvenient : the materials of it were sold and removed shortly after the opening of the present church ; and of the monuments in the interior, not one was rescued from destruction ! (o) The graveyard is still in use, and contains the dust of many distinguished individuals, being " rich," according to Archdeacon Cotton, " in buried ecclesiastics." Of the laity we may specify sundry members of the Fitzwilliam family (now represented by the Right Hon. Sidney Herbert) ; Sir Edward Lovet Pearce, " a celebrated architect, and the builder of the Irish Parliament- house of his day" [ob. 1733] (p) ; Bartholomew Mosse, M.D., founder of the Dublin Lying-in Hos- pital [ob. 1759] (q) ; and the Rt. Hon. John Rad- cliff, LL.D., Judge of the Prerogative Court [ob. 1843] (r) ; and of the clergy, Archbishop King [ob. 1729], Bishop Clayton [ob. 1758], and Dean Graves, Regius Professor of Divinity [ob. 1829]. Tombstones, with particulars (which will soon, we hope, be regularly placed on record, in compliance 12 BRIEF SKETCHES OF with the notice of the Society of Antiquaries of Lon- don), cover the remains of Bishop Clayton and Dean Graves (s). Nothing, however, marks the grave of Archbishop King, who, whether we regard him as a prelate, a scholar, or a man of genius, is en- titled to a place in the foremost rank of eminent Irishmen; and in the Register of Burials (t) merely this concise entry appears : "Buried, Archbishop King, May 10th, 1729.' M Within the limits of the parish, and close to Sandford (t?), is a truly valuable and inn-resting institution the Hospital for Incurables. " The establishment of hospitals for the relief of the poor is, perhaps, one of the most judicious efforts of the human mind. It is to alleviate at once the two most afflicting incidents of human life, and to disarm of their seventy the associated evils of poverty and distemper. But there is yet a stage of wivtdied- ness beyond the scope of ordinary hospitals. The unhappy object may lie afflicted with a distemper which no medical aid can eradicate, and he then no longer finds an asylum." It is well known that Lord Mornington, father of the late Duke of Welling- ton (M>), was the first to interest himself, with effect, for this sorely afflicted cla considered by some as mere merriment and mirth, we venture to say there is more misery and madness, devilment and de- bauchery, than could be found crowded into an equal space of ground in any other part of this our globe, or in any other part of Ireland, during five times the same space which is spout at Donnybrook, in one given year ; and, be it remembered, the scenes here described are those which take place during the light of day ; the orgies of the night, when every species of dissipation and profligacy is practised without restraint, may be better imagined than described." Thanks to the public authorities, the nuisance had of late years considerably abated ; but, nevertheless, there >till remained far more than enough to give the locality an unenviable notoriety over the face of the globe. The parish of Donnybrook, with an area f 1687 acres, but yielding an inadequate income to the Incumbent, forms a large portion of the corps of the archdeaconry of Dublin, and lias hudy been consti- tuted a perpetual curacv. the patronage being \r-ted THE PARISH OF DONNYBROOK. 15 in the Archdeacon. Lying on the south-east side of the city, it embraces the villages of Donnybrook, Glonskeagh, Ball's-bridge, Ringsend, Irishtown, San- dymount, and Merrion. It has a good sprinkling of mansions and villas ; and presents, over much of its area, a medium character between town and country (z). The population, according to the census taken in 1851, amounted to 11,178 (ad), of whom the great majority of the upper classes, and a large proportion of the lower, are members of the United Church of England and Ireland. There are many interesting particulars connected with Sandymount, Merrion, Ringsend, and Irish- town, which we shall reserve for the Sketches of the new Church of St. John the Evangelist, Sandy- mount, and the old Royal Chapel of St. Matthew, Ringsend. CHAPLAIN. REV. WILLIAM DE BURGH, D.D. THIS church, dedicated to St. John the Evangelist, is in the parish of Donnybrook, close to the sea- shore, and midway between the villages of Sandy- 16 BRIEF SKETCHES OF mount and Merrion ; and is a specimen of the Anglo- Norman style of architecture, which has likewise been designated the Romanesque, the predominance of ho- rizontal lines marking its classical origin. Having been erected and endowed at the sole expense of the Right Hon. Sidney Herbert, to whom almost the entire district belongs, it was opened for Divine service on Sunday, 24th March, 18,30, by license from the Archbishop of the diocese, who preached on the occasion, and with whom the Domination to the chaplaincy rested. It was subsequently con- secrated by his Grace, the necessary arrangements respecting the grant of the ground not having been completed in the first instance ; and standing alone, forms a conspicuous object from the Dublin and Wicklow railway. In tliis building, which accommodates aboat 500, and (if which the Kcv. William dc Burgh, D.D., is the first Chaplain, may be seen many of the dis- tinctive characteristics of the Anglo-Norman >t vie ; and as buildings like it are by no means common in Ireland, we think it well to give, in the words of a friend, a brief description of its principal features. The semicircular arches channelled with chevron and other mouldings the strong, massive, circular piers or pillars ilie doorways deeply recessed, and composed of a succession of receding arches, more THE PARISH OF DONNYBROOK. 17 or less enriched in the soffits and faces, with diffe- rent sculptured mouldings these are distinctive characteristics of the period. The walls are of great thickness, and composed of external facings of cut stone, imported from Caen, the space between being filled with pointed rubble masonry. The narrow, oblong, and semicircular windows are only ornamented externally by a single shaft, and a suc- cession of carved mouldings ; and, from the small size of the apertures, and their distance from each other, they impart an appearance of solidity to the structure. The turret, or pinnacle (the summit of which is reached by a winding stone staircase), is placed at the north-west angle, and consists of a cylindrical shaft with a conical capping, pierced by narrow windows. The tower, which is entered from the turret, is short and massive, with a pyra- midical stone roof with overhanging eaves, on the four angles of which are sculptured symbolical figures, representing serpents and chimera. The buttresses, alternating with the windows, resemble flat pilasters, being a mass of masonry, with a broad surface slightly projecting from the walls. The in- terior, which is of beautiful workmanship, consists of a nave and side aisles, terminating with a semi- circular apse, which forms the chancel, with stained- glass windows. The roof is open, and of wood ; 18 BRIEF SKETCHES OF and the pulpit, which is placed at the south side of the nave, below the steps to the chancel, is of Caen stone, and elaborately carved, the reading-desk being in the opposite angle. In the nave are eight plain massive pillars of the same stone, with chisel- led capitals, supporting the same number of arches, decorated with chevron, or zig-zag, and other mouldings ; and the seats, which are so arranged as to form three aisles a centre and two sides are open benches, facing the chancel, and furnished with stools for kneeling forward. The more objec- tionable can-ings were removed previous to the consecration of the building, in compliance with the strongly-expressed opinion of the Archbishop. Sandymount, according to the " Parliamentary Gazetteer of Ireland " (1846) " was at one time a poor place ; but it became much improved, acquired many good houses, and boasted the presence, in summer, of numerous sea-bathing families from a distance ; yet, while still possessed of much elegance, and in all respects very superior as a village to its neighbours Irishtown, Riogsend, BalPs-bridge, and Donnybrook it is far from being unqualifiedly re- spectable or pleasant." Various improvements have of late years been effected upon an extensive >r,i] r ; and the locality, furnished with manv new and largo dwelling-houses, and frequented throughout the year THE PARISH OF DONNYBROOK. 19 by a respectable population, is unquestionably a thriving and agreeable suburb. Merrion, formerly spelt Meryon, or Meryonge (as, for example, in the inscription on the " handsome tomb of black marble " of Oliver Fitzwilliam, Earl of Tyrconnel, which was " in the chapel of the fa- mily's foundation in Donnybrooke-Church ") (Ji), is in the south-east quarter of the parish, and almost adjoins Booterstown, a very narrow portion of the parish of Taney (otherwise Tawney, or Tacheny) intervening. Here are several mansions and villas, and the first station of the Dublin and Wicklow railway ; and here likewise an old graveyard, in which interments still take place ; but when it was consecrated, and by whom, remains a mystery. There is in it, among other tombstones, one of some inte- rest, erected by order of the Earl of Harrington, Commander of the Forces in Ireland, to the memory of a large number of soldiers, chiefly volunteers from the South Mayo Militia into the 18th regiment of the Line, who were lost on the night of the 19th of No- vember, 1807 (when the Prince of "Wales packet was wrecked at Dunleary, and the Rochdale transport at Blackrock), and whose bodies, having been washed on the neighbouring shore, were buried in this place (cc). According to the census taken in 1851, the 20 BRIEF SKETCHES OF population of Sandymount (included in the general return of the parish) amounted to 1,419, with an area of 243 acres; and that of Men-ion to 725, with an area of 197 acres. The number of inhabitants is now much larger, the majority of them being members of the United Church of England and Ire- laud. !fn$jjt.oixrn: CHAPLAIN. REV. RICHARD HENRY WALL, D.D. THIS church, properly designated "The Royal Chapel of St. Matthew, Ringseud," but more gene- rally known by the name we have prefixed, is a royal donative chapclry, situated in the parish of I) miiyliroiik, without cure of souls, but subject to rpi.-cop.il jurisdiction. It was erected in the reign of Queen Anne (but at what cost, and from what funds, is unknown), for the revenue officers and other inhabitants of I'ingsend, who were " not only distant from Doiialiroko, their parish church, but prevented from resorting thither by tides and THE PARISH OF DONNYBEOOK. 21 waters overflowing the highway." Certainly it cannot be commended for architectural beauty, neither outwardly nor inwardly, its most prominent feature being an unsightly square tower ; it, how- ever, accommodates about 500 (the Protestant sol- diers from Beggarsbush Barracks attending), and is in a quarter where a church is much required ; and it is kept in very good repair by the Board of Public Works. The income of the Chaplain and other expenses are defrayed by an annual Parliamentary grant. In November, 1854, the present Chaplain kindly complied with the request of the clergymen of the Parish Church ; and, accordingly, Divine service has been conducted by them in both churches every Sunday evening. Riugsend, according to O'Halloran, was origi- nally called Rinn-Aun, signifying " the point of the tide," from its situation by the sea-side, at the confluence of the Dodder with the LifFey (dd). Like many other writers, Loi'd Blayney, in his scarce volume, entitled " Sequel to a Narrative" (1816), has given a very unfavourable report of its condi- tion. " On approaching the town [Dublin] you pass through a vile, filthy, and disgraceful-looking village, called Ringsend. This village [from which a mole, called the South-wall, and 17,754 feet in length, extends to the Pigeon-house and the Light- 22 BRIEF SKETCHES OF house (ee), and which was for a long period the chief landing and embarking place of Dublin] must make a deep impression on a stranger, certainly giving all the force and all the charm of interest to the grandeur and appearance of the interior of the town." And, according to the " Parliamentary Gazetteer of Ireland " (1846), it is a " dingy, dirty, disagreeable place ; and jointly with Irishtown, forms one of the most befilthified skirts of the city." Nevertheless, as a few facts out of many will suffice to prove, it is a locality of some little note in Irish history. In November, 1646, the Parliamentary forces landed at Ring-send ; and * in August, 1649, Oliver Cromwell, Lord Lieu- tenant of Ireland, with a formidable array of men and all the necessaries of war. In 1670, John Lord Berkeley, Baron of Stratton, Lord Lieutenant, landed here. In April, 1690, King James II. (as Stoiy graphically describes the scene in his ' Impartial History of the Wars of Ireland," p. 58), visited the village (ff)* In December* 1691, when De Ginckel was departing for England, the Lords Justices, and most of the nobility and gentry in and about Dublin, accompanied him to lliii^seinl, where he went on board the .Moiunonth yacht, and sailed next morning for England. And in 1709, Thomas Earl of Wharton, Lord Lietite- THE PARISH OF DONNYBROOK. 23 nant, landed here. In fact, from an early to a recent date, Ringsend was necessarily visited by almost all who crossed the channel between England and the Irish metropolis ; and, therefore, its name frequently appears in connexion with different personages and events. Though it may have been much better in former days (when it was a celebrated bathing re- sort of the citizens, and afforded, for their accom- modation, the public vehicles known as " Rings- end cars ") (gg\ it was undoubtedly, in our recollec- tion, a very wretched-looking place, and it still is open to serious objection ; but, owing to the well- directed plans of its wealthy proprietor, it presents a greatly-improved appearance within the last few years, and promises to become a more respectable and pleasing suburb. Only a few hundred yards to the south of Rings- end lies the village of Irishtown, in which, as before stated, we find the Royal Chapel of St. Matthew, Ringsend. In the building there are not any monuments of much note (M) ; while in the grave- yard are interred, amongst many others, the Rev. John Borough, first minister of "this royal chapel " [ob. 1726] ; Sir James Foulis, Bart., of Colinton, N.B. [ob. 1821] ; and Mr. John Macnamara, for- merly of Coolnahella, in the county of Clare, and latterly of Sandymouut, whose well-known collec- 24 BRIEF SKETCHES, ETC. tion of Irish MSS. was dispersed on his death in 1822. A reference to Brooking's curious " Map of the City and Suburbs of Dublin, and also the Arch- bishop and Earl of Heath's Liberties, with the bounds of each Parish" (1728), will show the great changes that have taken place in the neigh- bourhood during the last century. Irishtown and its church are represented in the map as almost surrounded by the sea, from which no small extent of ground has been since reclaimed ; and the desolate appearance of the country along the south- east side of the bay of Dublin, now so very thickly inhabited, is particularly striking. As a village, Irishtown is superior to Ringsend, and is stoadily improving under Mr. Herbert's care ; and from its proximity to Dublin and the sea, it is much fre- quented by strangers during the summer month*. According to the census taken in 1851, the popu- lation of Ringsend (included in the general return of the parish) amounted to 2,OG4, with an area of 54 acres ; and that of Irishtown to 1,244, with an area of 57 acres. There are more Protestants of the lower classes (for the most part of English origin) in Ringsend than in any other quarter of the parish. APPENDIX. Note (a), p. 7. CONSECRATION OF BOOTERSTOWN CHURCH. The follow- ing is an extract from the Act of Consecration : "We also consecrate the said church to the honor of God and holy uses by the name of the Parish Church of Booters- town, or the Church of Saint Philip and Saint James, Booters- town. And We do pronounce, decree, and declare, that the same hath been, and is, so consecrated, and that it ought so to remain to future times, openly and publickly reserving nevertheless unto Us and our successors, Archbishops of Dub- lin and Bishops of Glandelagh, a power of visiting the said church when We shall think it our office so to do, in order that We may see whether the same be taken care of in its repairs and ornaments, and whether all things be observed therein canonically and orderly ; but as to all the rest of the premises, We, by these presents, do decree and confirm the same, as much as in Us lies, and by law We can, for Us and our successors, Archbishops of Dublin and Bishops of Glan- delagh. In testimony whereof We have caused our archie- piscopal seal to be hereunto affixed the sixteenth day of May, in the year of our Lord One Thousand, Eight Hundred, and Twenty-four. " W. DUBLIN." The Yen. John Torrens, A.M. (afterwards D.D.), Arch- deacon of Dublin, was the preacher. Note (b), p. 7. GRANT OF THE SITE. The following is an extract from the Deed of Conveyance of Ground by the late George Au- 26 gust us Earl of Pembroke and Montgomery, dated 29th June, 1821: "Provided always that this present grant and conveyance is made upon the express conditions, that a church for the celebration of Divine worship according to the rites and ceremonies of the Established Protestant religion, and to be deemed and considered the chapel or church of the said new- parish, district, or cure of Booterstown aforesaid, be erected upon said piece of land with all convenient speed ; and also that no part of said ground shall at any time bs connected to, or used for the purpose of, a cemetery, or place of burial, within the walls of said church when erected, or without the same ; and also that in case it shall happen at any time here- after that the said piece or parcel of ground, and the build- ings thereon erected, shall be used for any other than the purpose hereby declared and intended as aforesaid, then upon any of the said events this present grant and conveyance shall become, and be considered absolutely null and void to all intents and purposes whatsoever." As already stated, Mr. Herbert has since made a consider- able addition to the church-grounds, with a new and hand- some approach from Mount Merrion-avenue. A large num- ber of wretched habitations, which were neither an ornament nor a benefit to the neighbourhood, disappeared about the same time from this locality. Note (c), p. 7. THB ARCHDEACONRY OP DUBLIN For some particulars of the archdeaconry of Dublin, see Monck Mason's " History of St. Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin," p. 44 ; and Erck's "Irish Ecclesiastical Register" (1830), p. 83. Archdeacon Cotton gives in his " Fasti Ecclesiae Hibernica;," Vol. II., pp. 127-132, the succession of the Archdeacons of Dublin, from the year 1180. Note (d), p. 1. FORMATION OF BOOTERSTOWN PARISH The following is an extract from the Deed : " Whereas the Reverend John Torrens, Archdeacon of Dub- lin, the Curate or Incumbent of said parish of Donnybrook, hath consented by writing or instrument under his hand and seal at the foot of these presents, that the several lands par- ticularly set out and described in the map or survey annexed to these presents, and situate in said parish of Donnybrook, be separated pursuant to said Act from the remaining part of said parish of Donnybrook, and annexed to the aforesaid church of Booterstown, and erected into a new parish, dis- tinct from the said parish of Donnybrook, and which new parish shall be called and known by the name of the Parish of Booterstown, We, the Most Reverend Father in God, John George, by Divine Providence Archbishop of Dublin, Primate and Metropolitan of Ireland, and Bishop of Glandelagh, in whose diocese the said parish lies, have pursuant to the power and authority to Us in this behalf given, with the consent of the said Incumbent, agreed, directed, ordered, consented, and ascertained, and do by these presents agree, declare, direct, order, consent, and ascertain, that the said several lands par- ticularly described and set forth in a map annexed to these presents, that is to say, All That and Those the townlands of Booterstown, situate in the county and diocese of Dublin aforesaid, containing 289A. 2R. 27P. [Irish], be the same more or less (meared and bounded as follows, that is to say, on the north by lands in the possession of Thomas Thorpe Franks, Esq., the representatives of the late Judge Fox, and Mr. Alford ; on the east by the sea ; on the south partly by the Blackrock, and partly by lands in the possession of the Right Hon. William Saurin, John Verschoyle, and John O'Neill, Esquires ; and on the west by the high-road leading from Stillorgan to Dublin), be and are hereby for ever sepa- rated, pursuant to said recited Act, from the remaining part of said parish of Donnybrook, and annexed to said church of Booterstown ; and We do accordingly erect the same into a new parish or cure, to be called and known by the name of the Parish of Booterstown ; and that the said parish of Boo- terstown is, and shall be, and continue from henceforth, a se- parate and distinct parish from the said parish of Donnybrook. 28 And We do constitute, appoint, and declare that the said church and district of Booterstown is, and from henceforth shall be, and continue for ever, a perpetual cure within the meaning of the said Act ; and that the curate of said church and his successors, when and as duly nominated and licensed, is, and do, and shall be perpetual curates from henceforth for ever of the said church or new parish, and capalile of receiv- ing endowments from all persons and bodies politic and cor- porate, agreeably to said recited Act and the laws now in being." It maybe well to observe, that by an improvident arrange- ment of long standing the Incumbent of the adjoining parish of Monkstown receives the tithe rent-charge of Booterstown, though there never has been any connexion between the parishes. Accordingly, when Booterstown was separated from Donnybrook, it was found necessary to provide an in- come for the new Incumbent from some other source ; and with Lord Pembroke's 1,000, and other money in hand, ground-rents in College-street and Fleet-street, Dublin, were purchased in 1821 from the Commissioners of Wide Streets for the sum of 1,333 6s. 8d., in the names of Robert Alex- ander and James Digges La Touche, Esquires, as detailed in the Deed of Endowment. These rents, amounting to .80 Irish per annum, form (with one or two small additions from other sources) the income of the incumbency of Booterstown. COST OF BCILDIMG BOOTERSTOWN CHURCH -- Amongst many other documents belonging to the parish, there is one relative to the cost of building the church, &c., with this note by Mr. Sillery : " The following document was found amongst the papers left by the late James Digges La Touche respecting the build- ing of the church, and is worth preserving, being the only document which I could find, that conveys an account of the expense attending the building, &c." Mr. Sillery, in his care of parochial documents, has set a good example to many of his brethren in the ministry. As stated in the " Fourth Report on Ecclesiastical Ee- venue and Patronage, Ireland" (1837), p. 19, the cost was "4,615 7s. Sid., British; whereof 3,230 los. 4Jd. was granted as gift, and 4G1 10s. 9d. as loan, by the late Board of First Fruits, and the residue of 923 Is. 6Jd. was raised by private subscriptions. Of the loan aforesaid, there remained 332 6s. Id. chargeable on the parish in 1832, repayable by annual instalments of 18 9s. 2d." Note 0,p.8. JAMES DIGGES LA TOUCHE, ESQ The following inscrip- tion is on his monument : " Sacred to the memory of James Digges La Touche, Esq., of Sans Souci, in this parish. ' To him to live was Christ, and to die was gain.' Gifted with great and rare endow- ments, he dedicated them all to the service of God. In his public life, fervent zeal for the advancement of religion was regulated by the humility of a heavenly wisdom, and consis- tency of life, with all Christian graces, adorned and illustrated the power of his faith. His was the charity that ' beareth, believeth, hopeth ;' while jealousy for the honour of God, and love to the souls of men, made him faithful to admonish. To the Sunday School Society for Ireland, of which he was gra- tuitous Secretary and Guardian for eighteen years, he devoted much of his heart, his time, his talents ; ami with holy joy he beheld it spreading its transforming power over this his beloved country. In the domestic circle he was the source, the life, the centre of an elevating and spiritual influence. In early youth he entered the service of a holy Master, and found in that service during his maturer years the felicity of per- fect freedom. In the prime of life, aged thirty-eight, his work was done ; and when his soul was required by the Lord, he knew the voice of the Good Shepherd, and was ' not afraid.' He entered into glory, Dec. 1 3th, 1826. ' Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth : Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours ; and their works do follow them.' " 30 For particulars of his character, see a " Sermon preached in Booterstown Church, on Sunday, December 17, 1S2G, noticing the lamented death of James Digges La Touche, Esq.," by the Rev. A. Sillery. (Dublin, 1827.) RICHARD VERSCHOYLE, ESQ The following inscription is on his monument: " Sacred to the memory of Richard Verschoyle, of Mount Merrion, who departed this life on the 27th of August, 1827, at Brighton, where, at his own desire, his mortal remains are deposited in a vault in the Parish Church. His unexampled fortitude at the awful moment of being summoned into eter- nity proved the feelings of a truly religions confidence in the mercy of his Creator. As a sincere and steady friend possess- ing a mind richly stored with intellectual knowledge, he died universally lamented by an extended circle of acquaintance, and has left a blank in society, as a social and esteemed com- panion, not easily to be filled up. This tribute of attachment is erected by his afflicted widow in memory of the best of husbands, whose many virtues must ever live in her heart, and who looks forward in the hope of again meeting him in a place of everlasting bliss. 1 ' THE REV. R. H. Nixox. " On Thursday morning, the 22nd of January, the Rev. Robert Herbert Nixon entered into rest, in the seventy- fifth year of his age. He has not left his surviving friends without that sense of comfort which springs from a true believer's course on earth; and confident may they be, ' in sure and certain hope of the Resurrection to eternal life through our Lord Jesus Christ,' that he is en- joying the blessed consummation of the prayer so beautifully expressed in Cowper's hymn : ' Oh ! for a closer walk with 0rd John the King, his father, commencing on tiiu vigil of the Invention of the Holy Cross, for fifteen days' duration, saving to the Venerable Father Lord Archbishop of Dublin and his successors, of the said fair two days, that is to say, the vigil and the day of the Translation aforesaid. Witnesses, VV. Bishop of VVoicester ; Ki.-hurd le Clare, Earl of Gloucester and Hertford; ,M ,^,-r William de Kilkenny, Archdeacon of Coventry. Given under the King's hand, 28th May. " By charter dated 1279, 8th Edward I., the time of com- mencing the fair was further postponed at the instance of the i-iti/.' MS, and for their greater convenience, as therein stated, to the eve of the Translation of St. Benedict the Abbot, in July, to be held for fifteen days. " Hy a subsequent charter the time of holding the fair was changed to a still later period ; ana from time immemorial the same lun Un n lurid in the Green of Donnybrook, on the 26th of August, continuing during periods varying from a wei-k to liftccn days. "Although some title on the part of the Archbishop of 47 Dublin to two out of the fifteen days during which the fair was to last, is alluded to in some of the late charters, there is no trace on record of its ever being exercised. "The corporation of the city of Dublin having in the course of time absolutely disposed of the right of holding this fair, with the tolls and customs thereof under the aforesaid charters, the same, upon the death of Henry Ussher (the preceding proprietor) in the year 1756, became vested in Sir William Wolseley, Bart., who in the year 1778 made a lease thereof to the late Joseph Madden, of Donnvbrook ; and in the year 1812 the then Baronet absolutely assigned same for ever to the late John Madden, his [Joseph Madden's] son, by the representatives of whom, and of Peter Madden his brother, the same were conveyed in the year 1855 to the Right Hon. Joseph Boyce, then Lord Mayor of the city of Dublin, and Edward Wright, Esq., LL.D., in trust for the Committee then formed for the abolition of said Donnybrook Fair, and for their fellow-citizens subscribing to the contri- bution." The following extracts are from the circular issued by the Committee for the Abolition of Donnybrook Fair : " The annals of social and commercial life in this metro- polis afford sad and abundant records of the ruin and degra- dation which, dating their commencement with a visit to this Fair, have befallen many who once enjoyed a character for industry and morality, and who, but for the contamination there contracted, might still have enjoyed it. " The facts, that large sums of money are annually drawn from the Savings' Banks, to be squandered at the Fair ; that every anniversary is followed by a fearful increase of disease, as attested by the Hospital and Dispensary Reports ; and that the amount of crime, as shown by the Police Reports, is fearfully augmented, afford conclusive evidence as to the vast- amount of social mischief generated on these occasions. " Deluded by the specious show of recreation and amuse- ment, multitudes are caught in the meshes of temptation, and allured into the snares of vice. Servants, mechanics, trades- men, and even clerks and shopmen, all in respectable employment, have been thus led into courses which have entailed the loss of situation, the forfeiture of character, and consequent misery to themselves and their families. To the young of both sexes it has been the source of unnumbered 48 evils, whilst, to young females especially, it has proved an easy and fatal descent into the lowest depths of infamy and " Happily, an opportunity for putting an end to the occa- sion of these evils now presents itself. The proprietors of the patent under which the Fair is held, are willing to sur- render their claims for^S.OOO ; a sum which, if considered in relation to their vested interests, is fair and reasonable, and if compared with the amount of good to be accomplished, is trifling amVinsignificant. " The Committee invite the aid and co-operation of every friend of religion and morality, to the completion of a work now auspiciously begun." Though the patent was purchased, and safely vested in the hands of those who will not abuse it, the expectations of the Committee and Subscribers were not at once realised. An individual, who lives in Donnybrook, and has had for some time past the lease and license of a public-house, with a field attached to her holding, persisted in having a fair on her premises, and occasioned no small amount of damage to the public ; but THE FAIR has been abolished, and it is to be hoped that ere long no traces of it may be found. For a strong, but not too strong article on the subject, see the Irith Times, 23rd August, 1859. It is satisfactory to be able to add, that cogent reasons against the renewal of the license having been urged by the Crown, and both sides of the case fully argued, in the College-street Police Office, the presiding Magistrates have given judgment against Miss Eliza Dillon, as detailed in Saunders's Neict-Letter, 9th November. The certificate for her license has been very properly refused ; and thus the so- called fair of Donnybrook is at an end. Note (z), p. 1 .". BOUWDS OP DOXXTBROOK PARISH Within the bounds of this parish (partly in the half-barony of Kathdown and 49 barony of Uppercross, but chiefly in the barony of Dublin), which are well defined in the Ordnance Survey, the fol- lowing, with other avenues, are comprised : Donnybrook- road, from Upper Leeson- street to Donnybrook ; Stillorgan- road, from Donnybrook to Priesthouse ; Clonskea-road, from Cullenswood-terrace to Clonskea ; Sallymouut ; Bushfield- avenue ; Belmont-avenue ; Seaview-terrace, ; Simmonscourt ; Blackrock-road, from the College Botanic Gardens to Trim- leston, Merrion ; Beggarsbush-road ; Bath-avenue, with Va- vasour-square ; Sandymount-road, from near Ringsend- bridge to Sandymount; Irishtown-strand ; London-bridge- road; Tritonville-avenue ; Serpentine-avenue; Sandymount- avenue ; Sandymouut-green ; Seafort-avenue ; Newgrove- avenue; Sandyraount- strand; Park- avenue ; Sydney-parade; Merrion-strand ; White's-avenue ; and Merrionview-avenue. Amongst the principal residences are Nutley, of Alder- man Roe, D.L. ; Woodview, of Captain Frederick J. Isacke ; Greenfield, of Randle H. M'Donnell, Esq. ; Thornfield, of Richard Wilson, Esq. ; Montrose, of Wm. Jameson, Esq. ; Airfield, of James Jameson, Esq. ; Mount Errol, of William Bredin, Esq. ; Shamrock-hill, of Edward Hornsby, Esq. ; Plantation, of John Hewson, Esq. ; Floraville, of Edward Wright, Esq., LL.D. ; Vergemount, of Patrick Donegan, Esq. ; Swanbrook, of the Rev. John L. Chute ; St. Ann's, of Colonel O'Neill ; Simmonscourt Castle, of Bartholomew M. Tabuteau, Esq. ; Erith Lodge, of John Spain, Esq. ; Will- field, of Mrs. Clarke ; Willfield House, of Miss O'Reilly ; Sandymount Castle, of Robert Corbet, Esq. ; Claremont, of Mrs. Lovely; Belvedere, of the Hon. Mrs. Butler; Fairfield House, of Thomas Reilly, Esq. ; Kirkville, of Alex. Sanson, Esq. ; Elm Park, of Joseph Watkins, Esq. ; Low- ville, of Robert Murray, Esq.; Bloomfield, of Mrs. Aylmer ; and Merrion Castle, of Mrs. Low. Amongst the maps of the Down ( i.e., "laid down") Survey, safely deposited in the Custom-house, Dublin, there is one of " the Parishes of Donnabrook and Tannee [Taney], somewhat D 50 worn at the edges." See the "Supplement to the Third Report of the Irish Record Commissioners" (1813); and also Sir William Petty's " History of the Down Survey " (1655-6), edited by the present Major-General Larcom for the Irish Archaeological Society. In Hardiman's " Catalogue of Maps, Charts, and Plans relating to Ireland, preserved amongst the MSS. in Trinity College, Dublin * (1824), p. 10, there is mention of " a ma- nuscript plan of an encampment, without name or date. It appears, however, to have been in the neighbourhood of Dub- lin, from the outlet marks, as follow : St. Steven's-street waye ; Colledge-green waye ; Baggatrough-waye ; Dunna- broke-waye ; St. Kevan's-street waye ; and may have refer- ence to the situation of the Marquis of Ormond's camp before the fatal battle with Colonel Michael Jones, near Dublin, in 1649." By Act of 5 and 6 Viet. c. 96., the townlands of Bagot- rath, Ballsbridge, Beggarsbush, Clonskeagh (formerly Clan- skiagh) Donnybrooke east and west, Forty-acres, Irish town, Merrion, Ringsecd, Sandymouut, and Smotscourt, in this parish, have been transferred from the ancient county of the city to the new barony of Dublin. The exact area of the parish is as follows: 1313A. 2R. 9i>. in the barony of Dublin ; 363A. SB. 26p. in the half- barony of Rathdown ; and 10 A. 2u. in the barony of Upper- cross ; total, 1G87A. 3n. 35r.- Note (), p. 15. POPULATION or DOXNTBUOOK PARISH. According to the census taken in the year 1821, which (as already mentioned) is the first authentic statement of the actual number of souls in Ireland, the population of the parish of Donnybrook, in- cluding Booteratown, amounted to 9,219 ; comprising 4,267 males and 4,952 females; forming 2,049 families; and oc- 51 cupying 1,235 houses. There were also 96 houses uuinhabit- ed or building. In 1831, when the next census was taken, the population amounted to 10,394; comprising 4,729 males and 5,665 females; forming 2,170 families; and occupying 1,212 houses. There were also 100 houses uninhabited or building. In 1841 the population amounted to 9,825 ; comprising 4,464 males and 5,361 females; forming 1,865 families; and occupying 1,244 houses. There were also 106 houses uninhabited or building. In 1851, as stated in the text, the population amounted to 11,178; comprising 4,971 males and 6,207 females; form- ing 2,229 families ; and occupying 1,524 houses. There were also 175 houses uninhabited or building. [For some particulars not here repeated, see Note (/), p. 34.] Note (bb\ p. 19. OLIVER EARL OF TYRCONNEL " In ArchdalFs edition of ' Lodge's Peerage of Ireland,' Vol. IV., p. 318, it is stated that the Earl of Tyrconnel lies buried under a handsome tomb of black marble, in the chapel of the family's founda- tion in Donnybrooke-Church, with this inscription, over which are the arras of Fitzwilliam, and the coronet, but no crest or supporters: " ' Here lyeth the Body of the Right Honourable and most Noble Lord Oliver, Earl of Tyrconnel, Lord Viscount Fitzwilliams of Meryonge, Baron of Thorn-Castle, who died at his House in Meryoug April llth, 1667, and was Buried the L2th day of the same month.' " As I can testify from my own observation, the church, chapel, and this and many other tombs (Archbishop King's included [if he had one]) have disappeared ; but when and how, 1 cannot tell." Notes and Queries, 2nd S., iv. 90. 52 APPENDIX. Note (cc), p. 19. TOMBSTONE is MERRION GRAVEYARD. The following inscription is on the tombstone : " Sacred to the memory of the soldiers belonging to his Majesty's 18th Regiment of Foot, and a few belonging to other corps, who, actuated by a desire of more extensive ser- vice, nobly volunteered from the South Mayo and different regiments of Irish Militia into the Line, and who were unfor- tunately shipwrecked on this coast in the Prince of Wales packet, and perished on the night of the 19th of November, 1807. This tribute to their memory has been placed on their tomb by order of General the Earl of Harrington, Com- mander of the Forces in Ireland." In the old churchyard of Carrickbrennan, in the parish of Monkstown, there is a stone in memory of Major Charles Gormocan, who perished in the Rochdale transport ; and near the entrance is a mound thrown over, and a stone commemo- rative of the unfortunate officers and soldiers of the 97th regiment. THE " PRINCE OF WALES " AND THE " ROCHDALE." The Rev. C. H. Minchin has supplied these particulars from an old scrap among his disjecta membra variorum : "Dublin, 19th November, 1807 On Wednesday morn- ing the ' Prince of Wales,' Captain Edwards, sailed from our port for Liverpool, in company with two transports. They were perceived working about the bay on Thursday morn- ing ; and when the fall of snow commenced, it was supposed they were endeavouring to regain the harbour. The snow fell so thickly, that they were not able to discern their way ; and the surge, even if they did, broke so violently against the beach, that they could not come to an anchor. The 1 Prince of Wales' struck immediately under the battery of Dunleary point, when Captain Edwards, the crew, and two oflicers immediately hoisted out the boat, jumped into it, and gained the shore. The remainder of the passengers, 120 in number, volunteers from the South Mayo regiment for the 97th and 18th, unfortunately perished in the wreck. The NOTES. 53 point at which she struck is immediately opposite Sir John Lees' house, Seapoint. The transports which sailed in com- pany with the ' Prince of Wales ' have not yet been heard of. Among those lost in the ' Prince of Wales ' was Lieutenant Maclean, a promising young man, who had the care of the recruits. " The ' Rochdale ' of Liverpool sailed on the same day, in company with seven transports, for England. On Thursday she was discovered in the offing off Blackrock, in great dis- tress. The blue lights were hoisted, and the guns repeatedly fired. The state of the weather and the violence of the surge prevented any succour from reaching them. She had on board part of the 97th, or Queen's Germans; and some volunteers from the South Cork and Mayo regiments were also on board. The embarkation-return of this vessel is aa follows : 1 major, 2 lieutenants, 1 ensign, 8 Serjeants, 9 cor- porals, 173 rank and file, 42 women, and 29 children ; in all 2'Jo souls, not one individual of whom is known to have escaped. The names of the officers were Major Gormocan, 97th Foot ; Lieutenants Long and Power, and Ensign Way. The vessel lies alongside of the Tower. Her bottom is com- pletely bilged, though her decks are said to remain entire. A great part of the beach from Dunleary to the Hock was covered with the dead bodies, &c." Note (dd),p. 21. DERIVATION OF " RINGSEND." According to a writer in Notes and Queries, 2nd S., ii. 315, " the explanation of this apparent bull, ring's end, is very simple. Previous to the formation of that portion of Dublin which is now called Sir John Rogerson's-quay, there were great piles of wood driven into the sand, and to each of these piles were attached large iron rings, for the convenience of the shipping moored there. The outermost of those piles having a ring was called ring't end, that is, the end, or last of the rings ; and hence the name given to the place at the end of Sir John Rogerson's- quay. Sir John Rogerson, the maker of the quay, was at one time [1693-4] Lord Mayor of Dublin ; and my informa- 54 tion as to the derivation of the name Ring's End was received from old Jemmy Walsh, a Dublin pilot, who remembered seeing the ships moored, and their ropes run through the rings of the wooden piles on the river." The foregoing is quoted merely to be refuted in the words of another correspondent, who well observes (2nd S., iv. 298) that " Ringsend was so called for generations before ' old Jemmy Walsh ' was born. His derivation, fanciful as it is, I could almost imagine was given to try how far Irish wit could impose on English credulity." Mr. Lascelles, in " Liber Munerum," &c., Part V., p. 142, writes as follows : " Ringsend or Rinksen \forsan a northern word, signify- ing a sewer, which the river Dodder is to that part of the county.]" However, the derivation given in the text is probably the correct one, namely, Rinn-Aun " the point of the tide." In fact, the name of Ringsend, as in the case of the Phoenix Park, is a corruption of an Irish word or words, for which a more familiar English one resembling it in sound was sub- stituted. Bishop O'Brien, it may be added, gives in his " Irish-English Dictionary" (Paris, 1768), " Abhan, a river; rectius Amhan" ; and remarks, that the names of places in Ireland with a similar beginning (Rinn) would more than fill a sheet. Note (ee), p. 22. THE Pjr.Kox-norsE AND THE LIGHT-HOUSE. From the " Point " of Ringsend, the South- wall extends into the bay 17,754 feet; nearly three English miles and an half. It was commenced in 1748, and finally completed in 1796; and is composed of blocks of mountain granite, strongly cemented, and strengthened with iron cramps. The breadth of the road to a strong artillery station called the Pigeon-house 55 (which was erected near the close of the last century, and is 7,938 feet from Ringsend), is nearly forty feet, and thence to the Light-house thirty-two feet at bottom, but narrows to twenty- eight feet at top; the whole rising five feet above high- water. There is a basin at the former place, 900 feet long by 450 broad, and a landing-place raised 200 feet broad, on which are several convenient wharfs, now but little frequented. The pier at this point is 250 feet wide ; and on it are raised buildings, which were formerly used as a magazine, an arsenal, and a custom-house. In the channel between the Pigeon-house and the Light-house is the anchor- age called Poolbeg (formerly denominated Cleer-rode, Clare- road, and Clarade) where vessels may lie in fifteen feet at low water. At the extremity of the Wall is the Light-house, commenced in 1761, and completed in 17G8, under conside- rable difficulties, by Mr. Smith. See Whitelaw and Walsh's " History of Dublin," Vol. II., p. 1084 ; Brewer's " Beauties of Ireland," Vol. I., p. 178 ; and D' Alton's " History of the County of Dublin," p. 853. Woodcuts of the Light-house and the Pigeon-house are given in the Dublin Penny Journal, Vol. III., p. 281 ; and a view of the Light-house in " Illus- trations of the Scenery and Antiquities of Ireland," Vol. I., p. 104. In an interesting and authentic MS. in the writer's pos- session, entitled " Observations made by Colonel [afterwards Major- General] Roy during a Short Tour in Ireland, 1766 " (see Notes and Queries, 2nd S., vii., 358, 442), the follow- ing passage occurs : " If at any time hence it should be thought necessary to build a fort or citadel near Dublin, the sandy point where now the village of Ringsend stands would seem to be a pro- per situation to make choice of, as it would effectually secure the entrance of the harbour, in some degree command the bay, might always be supplied by sea, and being overlooked by nothing, might therefore be made strong, especially by means of the little river Dodder. The tide might be made to flow round it." The Pigeon-house Fort was subsequently erected, and formed, in the plans of Robert Emmet in 1803, one of his chief points of attack. See Dr. Madden's " Life and Times of Robert Emmet," pp. 89, 110, 127. Note (ff), p. 22. KIXG JAMES'S VISIT TO RINGSEXD. " Sir Cloudesly Shovel came on the 12th to Belfast, as convoy to several ships that brought over necessaries for the army ; and there having intelligence of a frigate at anchor in the bay of Dub- lin, and several other small vessels loaden with hides, tallow, wools, some plate, and several other things designed for France, he sailed April the 18th (being Good Friday), to the mouth of the bay of Dublin, and there leaving the Monk, and some more great ships, he took the Monmouth yacht, and one or two more, with several long-boats, and went to Polebeg [Poolbeg], where the frigate lay (being one half of the Scotch tieet that was taken in the Channel the year be- fore), having sixteen guns and four pattereroes. King James when he heard it, said, It was some of his loyal sub- jects of England returning to their duty and allegiance ; but when he saw them draw near the ship, and heard the firing, he rid out towards Rings-end, whither gathered a vast crowd of people of all sorts, and there were several regiments drawn out, if it were possible, to kill those bold fellows at sea, who durst on such a good day perform so wicked a deed (as they called it). Captain Bennet that commanded the frigate, run her on ground, and after several firings from some other ships of theirs, as also from that, when they saw a fireship coming in (which Sir Cloudebly had given a sign to; they all quitted the frigate, bein at first about forty; but they lost six or seven in the action. Sir Cloudesly was in the Monmouth yacht where Captain Wright was very serviceable both in carrying in the fleet, and in time of action. In going off, one of our hoys ran a-ground, and was dry when the tide 57 was gone ; the rest of the boats were not far off, being full of armed men; and a Frenchman, one of King James's Guards, coming nigh the boats to fire his pistols in a bravo, had his horse shot under him, and was forced to fling off his jack-boots and run back in his stockings to save himself; some of the sea-rnen went on shore, and took his saddle and furniture. When the tide came in, they went off with their prize to the ships below. King James went back very much dissatisfy'd, and 'twas reported he should say, That all the Protestants in Ireland were of Cromwell's breed, and deserved to have their throats cut : but whatever his thoughts might be, I suppose his discretion would not allow him to say so. However all the Protestants that walked that way during the action, were secured in prison, and two made their escape to our boats." Story's " Impartial History of the Wars of Ireland," p. 58. Note (gg\ p. 23. RINGSEND CARS " The hackney-coaches we borrowed from our English neighbours, as their name imports ; but our one-horse vehicles have always been peculiar to ourselves, and were in use long before anything of a similar kind was introduced into England. The earliest and rudest of these were the ' Ringsend cars,' so called from their plying princi- pally to that place and Irishtown, then the resort of the beau monde for the benefit of sea-bathing. This car consisted of a seat suspended in a strap of leather, between shafts, and without springs. The noise made by the creaking of the strap, which supported the whole weight of the company, par- ticularly distinguished this mode of conveyance." (" Sketches of Ireland Sixty Years Ago," p. 77.) See also Whitelaw and Walsh's " History of Dublin," Vol. II., p. 1173. This " History '' may not be particularly well arranged ; but con- taining a great mass of useful information, and very little extraneous matter, it is oftentimes too hastily condemned. 58 Note (M), p. 23. MONUMENTS IN IRISHTOWN CHURCH In the church there are four small-sized monuments i. " In remembrance of Elizabeth, the beloved wife of Co- lonel Munro, Royal Artillery. She died in Dublin, 20tb December, 1843." " Sacred to the memory of John Babington Smyth, M.D., Belmont House, Stillorgan. Born in 1822 ; Died Septem- ber 27th, 1845. " ' Iloi'a yap y wr) viiiav ; aT/xis.' JAMES, iT. 14." " To Robert Hanna, A.B., T.C.D. This tablet was erected by his pupils in the Rev. Dr. Wall's School. He died Oct. 25th, 1848, aged 23 years." " S. M. of John Smyth, A.M., M.D., T.C.D., of Belmont House, Stillorgan, Co. Dublin. Esteemed by his acquaint- ances, endeared to his friends, beloved by his family, through a life of varied usefulness his path was that of the just, ' as the shining light that shineth more and more unto the per- fect day.' Released from his labours, he rested with his Redeemer, December 4th, 1852." Mr. D' Alton, in his " History of the County of Dublin," p. 857, enumerates several, besides those mentioned in the text, who have been interred in the churchyard, and whose tombstones may be found. Accurate copies of many of the inscriptions, for which there ia not room here, are in the writer's possession. 0f % [Many particulars recorded in the preceding pages are here repeated, or referred to, in chrono- logical order.] The following early mention of this part of Ireland may prove interesting to the reader ; A.M. 2820. " The Annals of Clonmacnoise, after detailing the mi- gration of Parthalon from Greece to Ireland, thus describe the plague which destroyed his colony on the plain of Dublin: 269 years after its arrival, when 'all that then remained alive of them, to the number of 9,008 persons, from the first Monday in May untill the next Monday after, died of a sudaine infection, upon the plaine of Moynealta. It was called Moynealta, because all the foule in the king- dom for the most part gathered themselves there to sun themselves.' This plain of Magh-Nealta must have included the strand of Clontarf, the mouth of the Liffey, and as far as Blackrock, along the shore, and extended back into the old plain of the flocks, stretching along the valley of the Liffey, and southward to Tallaght." _ " Re- port of the Census Commissioners " (1851), Part V., vol. i. p. 41. A.D. 1173. Richard (Strongbow) Earl of Pembroke gaveDovenal- broc (Donnybrook), with other lands, to Walter de Rid- dlesford, Baron of Bray. Rot. in Cane. Hib. 1178. About this time Archbishop O'Toole confirmed the townland of Siramonscourt, inter alia, to the cathedral of Christ Church. 60 1192. In the charter of King John (then Lord of Ireland) to the city of Dublin, the river Dodder is mentioned as the " Dother," and its course from Donnybrook to the sea prescribed as a part of the boundaries of the liberties of the city. See Note (i). 12 . Pope Innocent III., in the beginning of the thirteenth century, confirmed to St Patrick's Cathedral the tithes of the land in Donnybrook previously granted by King John to the citizens of Dublin. 1204. King John granted to the corporation of Dublin license for an annual eight-day fair at Donnybrook, commencing on the day of the finding of the Holy Cross (3rd M:iy), with similar stallages and tolls as established in Water- ford and Limerick. The greater part of the lands of Don- nybrook were at this date the property of Henry de Vernuil. (Rot in Turr. Lond.) See Note (y). 1228-55. The church of Donnybrook, dedicated to St Mary, and (as appears from an award of Archbishop Comyn, 1181-1212) a member of Taney, was for a time disunited therefrom, and conferred by Archbishop Luke upon his chaplain, William de Romney. The same prelate afterwards reduced it to the condition of a chapelry, and made it sub- servient to Taney, and consequently to the archdeaconry of Dublin Repe'rt Virid. Alani. 1234. Between 1 186 and this year, the priory of All-Hallows received, with other grants, forty acres of land in the terri- tory of Dovenachbroc (Donnybrook) towards the north; the Canons to pay yearly 1 lb of pepper for pottage. This pound of pepper, and all hereditary rights belonging to the land, were afterwards assigned by John, de Hoethe, jun., to Sir Robert Bagod. 1252. King Henry III., by charter, extended the duration of Donnybrook Fair to fifteen days, and changed the day of its commencement to the 7th of July ; which was further altered to the 10th of the same month, and by a subse- quent charter fixed to the 2Gth of August. 1280. Soon after the Invasion, "the rath near Dovenad- broc " was given to Theobald Walter, the first Butler ; and in 1280 the manor of " Rath " was granted to Sir Ro- bert le Bagod, witli the water of the Dodder hence to the sea, and the commons of the woods of Maynooth. This 01 grant, however, was contested by the Butlers down to the year 1320. (Rot. in Cane. Hib.) The above-named Sir Robert granted to the nunnery of St. Mary de Hogges three acres of Bagotrath, as it was then called, in exchange for a messuage and curtilage in the suburbs of Dublin, be- longing to said nunnery ; the Prioress thereof also rendering to him and his heirs a pair of gloves, or threepence, in lieu of all services. For some particulars of this nunnery, &c., see Gilbert's " History of Dublin," vol. iii. p. 2. 13 . In the fourteenth century the Fitzwilliam family were seised of a carucate in Donnybrook, but the manor was in the Powers ; one of whom, Eustace le Poer, aliened it to the Archbishop of Dublin without the royal license, but was pardoned on account of his great services against the O'Byrnes and other Irish enemies in Leinster. Rot. in Cane. Hib. 1331. In this and the foregoing year, when a grievous famine afflicted all Ireland, the citizens of Dublin received, about the 24th of June, an unexpected relief at the mouth of the Dodder, where a prodigious number of large fish called Tur- lehydes were cast ashore. " They were from thirty to forty feet long, and so bulky, that two tall men placed one on each side of the fish could not see one another. The Lord Justice, Sir Anthony Lucy, with his servants and many of the citizens of Dublin, killed above two hundred of them, and gave leave to the poor to carry them away at their pleasure " (Harris's " History of Dublin, 1 ' p. 265). These Turlehydes, or Thurlheads, were probably the species of cetacea known as the bottle-nozed whale. We read in Slew's " Chronicle," under A.D. 1532, that two great fishes called Hurlepooles (probably the same description of animal) were taken in the Thames; and in A.D. 1552 they are styled in the same work Whirlepooles. See " Report of the Census Commissioners " (1851), Part V., vol. i. p. 84. 1373. On the occasion of convening the great council to be held in Dublin, the Sheriff was directed to summon, with others, John Cruys, of Meryon. 1374. By a royal mandate of this year, William Fitzwil- liam was I'emoved from the custody of the manor and castle of Bagotrath, which bad been the property, as the writ recites, of William Bagot, and the same were com- 62 milled lo the Bishop of Mealh. (Rot. in Cane. Hib.) From this time the Bagot family have had no connexion, save in the name, with this locality. 1389. In this year William Fitzwilliam and John Cruys, with others, were appointed Guardians of the Peace iu the county of Dublin ; with which authority the former was solely invested in 1391. 1392. By writ reciting an ordinance of Parliament, to pre- vent merchants from buying up for the foreign markets falcons, " austercos vel trecellos," in Ireland, John Cruys, of Meryon, was appointed to inquire into any violation of the order. (Rot. Pat in Cane. Hib.) This member of the Cruise family was then seised of the manors of Merrion, Thorncastle, Kilsallaghan, &c. ; very soon after which the former two passed to the Fitzwilliams. 1394. In this year, and in 1397, William Fitzwilliam was Sheriff of the county of Dublin, and had the custody of the Staines (" between the site of the present College-grounds and the sea "), in order to preserve the watercourse free and clean for the benefit of the citizens. He died in 1397. 1399. By a writ reciting that, whereas John Cruys, " che- valer," who had been summoned to a great council in 1394, held 160 acres at Thorncastle, the rent of which to the Crown he was unable to discharge, by reason of the premises being subject to be burned and laid waste by adjoining Irish enemies of the mountains, it was thereupon directed that he should be exempted from any such pay- ments during his life. An inquisition of 1407 finds that he died seised, in his own right and in right of his wilV, f the manors of Merrion, etc., of which Thomas, their son and heir, afterwards became possessed. 1403. Sir Edward Ferrers and Johanna, his wife, obtained a grant of Bagotrath, stated to be within the liberties of Dublin, and to be thenceforth held of the Mayor and Commons of that city Rot. in Cane. Hib. 1408. Henry Fitzwilliam and two more, by roynl mandate, were directed to levy " smok-silver " (i.e., one penny for each hou-e through which smoke passed) over the county of Dublin. 1418. The Prior of All-Hallows was seised of certain lands and tenements in Dounybrook and Baldoyle. King's 0:3 1420. King Henry V. granted to Hugh Burgh the custody of the manor of Thorncastle, and all its appurtenances in Merrion, Ballyboother, Donnybrook, and elsewhere, in the county of Dublin, as lately held by James Fitzwilliam, deceased. 1432. Richard Fitzwilliam was living at Donnybrook in this year. 1442. Philip Fitzwilliam, presumed to be the son of the above-named Richard, was living at Meryong at this date ; and in 1446, being one of the Counsellors to Richard Duke of York, had a remittal of all the chief rent he was to pay the King, during life. Henry VI. granted him a sum of money out of the crown-rents, which he was to pay for his manor of Thorncastle, in order to enable him to rebuild a fort there, which had been destroyed by the Irish in 1437. 1488. By an act of the Parliament of Drogheda, in which the bounds of " the four obedient shires," constituting the Pale, were traced, the following relates to Dublin : " From Merryon, inclusive, to the water of the Dodder, by the new ditch to Sagganl, Rathcoole, Kilhell, Ratlimore, and Ballymore, &c. Thence to the county of Kildare, into Ballycutlan, Harristown, and Naas ; and so thence to Clane, Kilboyne, and Kilcock, in such manner that the towns of Dalkey, Carrickbrennan, Newtown, Rochestown, Clonken, Smethistown, Ballyboteer (Booterstown), w jth Thorneastle and Bullock, were in Dublin- shire." 1488. The form of " riding the franchises," as the same was - done on the 4th September in this year, taken from the White Book of Christ Church, is given in Whitelaw and Walsh's " History of Dublin," vol. i. pp. 95-98. 1511. Thomas Fitzwilliam, of Meryon, Brey, and Bagot- rath, was Sheriff of the county of Dublin, in 1511 (3 Henry VIII.), and is proved by inquisition to have died in 1529. 1535. Sir Nicholas Fitzwilliam (third son of William Fitz- william, of Meryon) was Treasurer of St. Patrick's Ca- thedral ; which dignity he held until its suppression in 1546, when he was granted by King Edward VI. a a pension for life of 66 13s. 4d., Iii^h. 1538. In a list of the lands and possessions of the late dis- 64 APPENDIX. of AD-HaDovs, which remains in the Chief It urn ! ..... * Office, mention is made of forty acres of lad with their appurtenances in Donabrook.* Whftdaw and Walsh's "History of Dublin,* voL L p. 411. 154*. So- Thomas, son of Bichard Fitzi^riani, had KVT of main of aD the manors, &t, of Dundnun and Tborn- castle, and all BBemuages and other possessions in Dnn- drum, Thomeastle, Balljbot (Bootentown), and Orenb- ton. For particulars of him, s AnAdalTs - Lodge's Peerage of Ireland,'' voLir. p. 312. 1546. At the time of the dissolution of St. Patrick's Cathe- dral, which happened in this year, the Archdeacon of Dublin had, with other tithes, those of Donabroke, extend- mgovertbetownl&Ddsof Donabroka, Meryon, Smothes- eort, Balesdatter, the lands of All- Hallows, and Bagotrath, besides a mfmmemmmA three stangs of arable land. His (WfflH. Power's) poMsdons being eonfisated in like manner with those of the other members of the Chapter, the parish of Donabroke was leased to John Sharps (Rot! Pipe). -Donabroke demesne,* belonging to the Rector, was worth 3s. 4d. per annum ; and the tithes, together with the tithes of fish, aherago, and oblations (besides the Curate's stipend and repair of the chancel), 15: total, 15 3s. 4d,_ Monek Mason's "History of St. Patrick's Cathedral,- p. 46. 1565. Sir Henry Sydney, Lord Deputy, baring landed at Da-key, proceeded the next morning to the hove of Thomas Fdzwflfiam, of Meryon. irhence he made his so- lemn entry into Dublin Harris's "History of Dublin," p.J5. 1578. Sr Thorns* ftewunam, of Bagotnth and Meryon, had a gnat of the monastery of Hoimpatriek, with its : --- --- ' : ' -;.- -:-:' . :. :..-...: ::...-. 131A. arable, 12*. meadow, 18*. pasture and fane, and the custom of the *uid cotu^a in the town of Holmpa- 1580. Henry Ussfaer, D.D, was in this year appointed AichdeMm of Dublin, and consequently Sector of Donny- brook,ke. In 1595 he became Archbishop of Armagh; 0-3 until his death in 1613. Donnybrook, therefore, was held for twenty-three years by one of the Primates of all Ire- land. 1582. A grant of certain dues of the port of Dublin for eighty-one years, by lease from the Corporation, was made to Nicholas Ball, in consideration of which he was to build a tower at Ringsend, like Maiden Tower in Drogheda, and to keep perches in the river. 1592. Sir Richard Fitzwilliam, of Meryon, who succeeded his father in this year, was Constable of the castle of Wykynglow ( Wicklow), and Lord Warden of the marches of Leinster, in the reign of Queen Elizabeth ; and brought two archers on horseback to the general hosting at Tarah, 24th September, 1593. He died 5th March, 1595, being seised of Bagotrath, &c, 16_ A Manuscript Book of Obits in Trinity College, Dub- lin (F 4, 18), contains links of the pedigree of the O'Maddens, of Bagotratb, through six generations of the 16th and 17th centuries. D' Alton's " King James's Irish Army List," p. 519. 1602. The form of " riding the franchises," as the same was done this year, is given in Whitelaw and Walsh's " His- tory of Dublin," voL i. pp. 98-103. " The modem manner of surveying and perambulating the city liberties every third year " is given in pp. 103-105. See also -Vote* and Queries, 2nd S., viiL 295. 1605. To Sir William Ussber, of Donnybrook, and his son, Arthur, was granted, 28th June (3 James I.), the office of Constable of the castle of Wicklow, and of the other places to said castle belonging : which office " had been granted on 16th Feb., 39 Eliz., to William Ussher, who surrendered same, and prayed that it might be granted to him and his son." Erck's " Repertory of Patent Rolls of Chancery," voL i. p. 2ol. 1610. Sir Thomas Fitzwilliam, of Meryon, who had succeeded his father in 1595, and was knighted in 1608, suffered a recovery of Booterstown, two messuages, and 140A , &c. ; all which he held of the King in capite. 1615. The regal visitation of this year reports the rectory of Donnybrook as appertaining to the archdeaconry of Dublin, and that the church and chancel were in good repair. E 66 1618." James Crelie, of Newrie, drowned in the Harboroughe of Dublin, about the Ringsende," 2nd April Funeral Entries, Ulster Office, vol. iii. p. 73. 1628. Arthur Ussher, of Donnybrook, elder son and heir of Sir William Ussher (jointly with whom he had been appointed Clerk of the Council General of Irel-md in 1603), was "drowned in Donabrook river" (the Dodder), of Monday, 2nd March. _ Dan. Molyneux's MSS. in Trinity College, Dublin (F. 3, 27, p. 14). 1629. Sir Thomas Fitzwilliam, created Viscount Fitzwilliam, of Meryon, and Baron Fitzwilliam, of Thorneastle, 5th August, with the annual creation fee of 13 6s. 8d., pay- able out of the customs of the port of Dublin. The patent for his English earldom, granted in 1645, was not per- fected. 1635. Nicholas Fitzwilliam, of Holmpatrick and Balldungan, in the county of Dublin, died 5th December, and " was buried with his ancestors in the church of Donnybrooke." 1640. An act of Parliament was sought, for confirming the i<>ns of the Dean and Chapter of Christ Clniivh in Simmonscourt ; but it was resisted by the Lord of Merrion, as prejudicial to his right in a moiety of said hinds in fee- simple by ancient inheritance, and in the other moiety by lease. The proposed bill was thereupon thrown out. KM.'. Sir Simon Harcourt marched against the castle of Carrickmayne (Carriekmines), to dislodge its Irish garri- son. He was shot in the attack, and died the following day at Lord Fitzvvilli mi's house in Merrion, whither he had Ixen with iliili.'idty removed. Borlase's " History of the Irish Rebellion," p." 97 (Dublin, 1743). 1G-1G. The Parliamentary forces landed at Kingsend, 14th November. 101'.). According to Bo.ite's "Ireland's Natural Ili-torv," ], Gil (London, K5.V2), Mr. John I'sslier, father of Sir Win. Ussher, though in tin- ]>n->i-nri; of many of hi-; friends on both sides of the river, was drowned in crossing the r. But them must be an error in this statement, AMerman -John I's-hcr (to whose. munihVence and reli- giiuiM zeal we owe tin' jmMiratioii, in 1571, of the first book ever printed in the Iri.-h language, and who was Sir 67 William's father) having died 1st May, 1600. (Elring- ton's " Life of Archbishop Ussher," Appendix 1, p. x ; and Gilnort's " History of Dublin," vol. i. p. 382.) Arthur Ussher, Sir William's elder son, was drowned in the Dodder, as already stated, in 1628. 1649. In thtt immediate vicinity of Bal'sbridge, and on the right of the road from Dublin, stood Bagotrath Castle, which was seized during the night by the forces of the Marquess of Ormonde, on his meditated investiture of the city in this year ; but soon aftfr daybreak the next mom- ing, the assailants were driven out by the garrison of Dublin, and completely defeated. In 1651 the Castle was taken by storm by Oliver Cromwell. All remains of it have long since disappeared ; and within the last few years several handsome houses have been erected on its site. 1649. Oliver Cromwell, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, landed at Ringsend, 14th August, with 8,000 foot, 4,000 horse, a formidable train of artillery, and all other necessaries of war. Here Henry Cromwell also subsequently landed. "Upon his arrival in the bay of Dublin, the men-of-war that accompanied him, and tther ships in the harbour, rung such a peal with their cannon, as if some great good news had been coming to us ; and though the usual land- ing for those who came in ships of war was near my house [at Monkstown], yet he and his company went up in boats to the Ringsend ; where they went ashore, and were met there by most of the officers, civil and militiary, about the town." Ludlow's " Memoirs," vol. ii. p. 86 (Edinburgh, 1751). 1650. About this year the first bridge over the Dodder at ftingsend was erected, when it singularly occurred, that the bridge was scarcely finished, and a safe passage effected over this heretofore d'angerous stream, than it suddenly altered its channel, leaving the bridge on dry ground and useless ; " in which perverse course," says Boate, " it con- tinued, until perforce it was constrained to return to its old channel, and to keep within the same." " Ireland's Natu- ral History," p. 60. 1654. A survey of this date represents " Butterstown " as containing '240A., of which 200A. were arable, 35.\. pas- ture, and 5 A. meadow, the property of Sir William Kteves, of Rathsallagh, an English Protestant, by virtue of a mortgage from the Lord of llerrion, " an Irish papist ;" that there was on the grounds a castle in repair ; that the premises were a manor, with courts leet and baron ; and that the tithes belonged to Christ Church. 1654. A survey of this date states that Merrion had been the property of the Lord of Merrion ; that the premises were an old decayed castle and an extensive burrow ; that said premises constituted a manor, with courts leet and baron ; and that the tithes belonged to the College of Dublin. 1654. A survey of this date makes Simmonscourt to contain 110A., of which 80A. were arable, 20A meadow, and 10A. pasture ; that it had been the property of the Lord of Merrion ; and that the tithes belonged to the College of Dublin. 1657. Sir William Ussher, of Donnybrook, Clerk of the Council, died in this year, though Lewis, in his " Topo- graphical Dictionary of Ireland, 1 ' vol. ii. p. 516, falling into the error of Messrs. Whitelaw and Walsh, makes him to have been drowned in the Dodder in 1649. In his house in Dublin, in 1602, had been printed the first Irish version of the New Testament See Gilbert's " History of Dublin," voL i. p. 385. 1660. At this time, the Archdeacon of Dublin's glebe in Don- ii} brook was one park and three slangs, demised to Mr. William Scott. 1663. Oliver, second Viscount Fitzwilliam, of Merrion, created Earl of Tyrconnel by patent, dated 20th April, 1663 ; or rather 1661, as we find him Earl of Tyrconnel 29th July in that year, ami 9th July, 1662, he took his seat by proxy in the House of Peers. Lords' Jour. i. 274, 317. 1664. " Ringsend and out-Liberties," as stated in an old MS. (Imminent in the writer's possession, relative to Hearth- Money in Dublin, 1664-5, were charged ,16 10s. for 165 chimneys. 1666. In a grant of 178A. statute measure, part of Simmons- court, to the Earl of Tyrconnel, the rights of the Dean and Chapter of Christ Church were especially saved. 1666. His Majesty's patent, bearing date 8th June, 1664, and containing a gracious pardon to the Earl of Tyrcon- ANNALS. CO nel for all crimes, treasons, &c., committed before the 29th December, 1660, in relation to any war in England and Ireland, and a clause of restitution to his estate, having been confirmed, he passed patent accordingly, llth July, 1666, for Ringsend, Merrion, &c. ; and that year made a settlement thereof to the use of himself and his Countess Eleanor, for their respective lives ; remainder to their heirs male ; remainder to his brother William for life ; remain- der to Thomas, son of the said William, and his heirs male; with other remainders over. Archdall's "Lodge's Peerage of Ireland," vol. iv. p. 317, n. 1667. Oliver Earl of Tyrconnel buried in the churchyard of Donnybrook, 12th April. See Note (bb). The earldom became extinct ; but in his other titles he was succeeded by his brother William, third Viscount Fitzwilliam, of Merrion, who died before the year 1681, and was succeeded by his only son Thomas. The King granted to the Earl's widow an abatement of quit-rents and a pension of 300 a year for life. 1670. A great storm happening at new moon, in the month of March, the tide overflowed the banks of the Dodder at Ringsend, flooded up to the College, and very high into the city ; some houses were swept down, and many cellars and warehouses laid under water. 1670. John Lord Berkeley, Baron of Stratton, Lord Lieu- tenant of Ireland, landed at Ringsend, 21st April. 1674. Proposal made to form a harbour at Ringsend Yar- ranton's "England's Improvement by Sea and Land," pp. 151-155 (London, 1677). 1684. The glebe of Donnybrook denned in a lease of this date, as adjoining the churchyard on the north side, and containing half an acre. 1690. King James II. visited Ringsend. See Note (ff). 1691. December 5th, when De Ginckel was departing for England, the Lords Justices, and most of the nobility and gentry in and about Dublin, accompanied him to Rings- end Story's " Impartial History of the Wars of Ire- land," Part ii. p. 288. 1697. About this time the corporation of Dublin conveyed their right of holding a fair at Donnybrook to the Ussher family. 70 1698. "Abram le Grove executed and hung in irons below Ringsend, for a horrid murder he committed on a Dutch skipper," 7th February. " Chronological Remembrancer." 1703. The inhabitants of Ringsend having become numerous by the accession of many officers of the port, seamen, and strangers, and being not only distant from Donnybrook, their parish church, but prevented from resorting thither by tides and waters overflowing the highway, an Act was passed, on the application of the Archbishop and Archdea- con of Dublin, authorising Thomas Lord Viscount Mer- rion to convey any quantity of land, not exceeding two acres, for a church and churchyard for their accommoda- tion; and the Archbishop was empowered to apply 100 out of the forfeited tithes towards building same. (2 Anne, c. xi. s. 8) The endowment afterwards took effect in the adjacent village of Irishtown Strangely enough, almost even' one who has written about Irishtown Church, has stated that it was built "for the use of the garrison of Pigeon-house " (ur in such like words) ; whereas, though the exact date of its erection is not known, the former build- ing preceded the latter by little less than a ceutury. 1704. Thomas, fourth Viscount Fitzwilliam, of Merrion, who had been outlawed as a supporter of King James II., but whose outlawry was reversed, died 20th February, and was succeeded by his only son Richard, fifth Viscount, who conformed to the Established religion in 1710. and whose elder daughter Mary was married, in 1733, to Heury Earl of Pembroke. 1709. Thomas Earl of Wharton, Lord Lieutenant of Ire- land, lauded at liingsend, 21st April. 1711. About this year, agreeably to a plan suggested by a Mr. Corneille, and also in consequence of an opinion of Captain Burgh, his Majesty's Surveyor- General, a new channel for the river Liffoy was made between the city and Kingsend. " While these works were going on, a proposal was made in the year 1713, by Captain John IVrry, for the improvement of the harbour : his phn was to make a low wharf or pier of drift-work, from Irislitown to the outermost point of the South Bull, and to make a dam from the Hingsend to the high lands on the n >rth side, to pen the water of the LiflVy and Dodder to some- what above the high water of a spring tide, with a stone sluice in the embankment to admit vessels into the basin. This plan does not seem to have been attended to. ... It seems, however, pretty evident from the works which were afterwards carried into execution, that the low pier of drift-work recommended by him was the principle on which they proceeded." " Reports on Dublin Harbour " (1800-2), p. 63. 1712. The extant parish registers of Donnybrook commence with this year. The earliest book is entitled " An Ac- count of the Marriages, Christnings, and Burialls, of the Protestants [and others] within the Parish of Donebroke, since March the 27th, 1712. George Fitzgerald, Clerke. This Book was boght at the Parish-charge. Mr. Patrick Kelley and Mr. Thomas Freeman, Churchwardens." See Note (t). 1714. About this year surveys were ordered relative to the propriety of piling below Ringsend ; and in consequence thereof, the preparatory work was soon after begun, by sinking wicker-work kishes filled with stones : and in 1717 the piling commenced. 1715. From the following entry in the parish register of Donnybrook, the Kev. Walter Tiiomas, who was Curate of the parish in the same year, would appear to have had some connexion with St. Matthew's, Ringsend : " Sep. 1st, 1715, Mr. Lewis bought of the Rev. Walter Thomas his seat in the Chappie of St. Mathew's in Irishtown," etc., for .4. Mr. Thomas was perhaps the Minister of St. Matthew's before it was endowed in 1723, the yearly expenses having been defrayed by a tax levied on" every sailor who crosbed Dublin Bar. 1716. "Buried, Madam Cleton, in the Chancell of Done- brook," 1st February [? the mother of Bishop Clayton, who was buried in 1758.] Donnybrook Parish Register. 1719. "July 27th. It is agreed on between Mr. Thomas Thomas, of Donebrook, and Mr. Thomas Wilkinson, of " Ringsend, Churchwardens for the ensuing year, dividing 60 sterling between them, y* is to sav, thirtv-seven pounds sterling on the upper ward or country part of the parish of Donebrook, and twenty-three pounds sterling on Ringsend and Irishtown, being the lower ward." arish Register. 1719. Charles Whittingham, D.D., appointed to the arch- deaconry of Dublin in December, 1719, on the resignation of Archdeacon Dougatt ; and died in 1743. His name appears in almost every page of the parish register of Donnybrook during his incumbency ; and he probably re- sided constantly in the glebe-ho'use in the village of Donnybrook. This house, situated at one end of Church- lane (which in former days was the resort of many of the beau mondeof Dublin, and from which was the entrance to the churchyard), was subsequently well known as the Rose- tavern, the " Salt-hill " of its day : in later times it dege- nerated into a public-house ; but happily it is once more a private dwelling, though one of an humble character. "Buried, Madam Whittingham, Sept 13th, 1731." Donnybi-ook Parish Register. 1723. A King's Letter issued (10 Geo. I.) " for establishing a minister at Ringsend," 23rd May ; and the Rev. " John Buherean " (or Boherean, as in the attested copy of his appointment in the possession of the present Chaplain, Dr. Wall) appointed " to the ministry or curacy of the chapel in Ringsend." (" Liber Muneruin," Part v. p. 142.) "Buherean" is evidently a misprint for Buhe- reau, al. Bohereau, a/. Borough ; the last being the form of the name on his tombstone. He died in 172G, and (as stated in the parish register of Donnybrook) was buried, lltli May, in the churchyard of St Matthew's. Ringsend. A writer in the Christian Examiner (March, 1857) refers to soni" interesting French MSS., which were placed in Abp. Marsh's Library, Dublin, by the Rev. Elias Bohereau, D.D., Precentor of St. Patrick's Cathedral, and the first Librarian, who died in 1719; and states that he has " heard it asserted that Sir E. Borough [of Dublin] is a descendant of the Rev. Elias Bohereau," who was a French refugee, and whose third son was the Rev. John Borough, of Ringsend. See " Burke's Baronetage." 1726. The Rev. Michael Hartlib (not Isaac Hartlitt, as he is called l.y Mr. D'Alton), Ki-.-t,,r of Killary. or Kilhrvey, in the diocese of Meath (1703), appointed to the chap- laincy of St. Matth-w's Itingscnd, 1st June, on the death of the Rev. John Borough. Mr. Hartlil) died in 1741, and was buried in St. Und-.-t's churchyard, Dublin, 2Uth August (Parish RegitUr of St. Bridget's'). His burial is recorded likewise in the parish register of Donnybrook. 73 1726. The bay of Dublin witnessed a very memorable scene, when Dean Swift, on his return to Ireland in the month of August, was received with all the honours which the " Drapier's Letters " had earned for him, and brought to his landing-place in triumph. 1726. According to Dr. Threlkeld, a broad-leaved variety of the absinthium maritimum was found between Merrion and Blackrock. The country people in his time [1726] made the common kind into sheaves, and brought it to Dublin, where it was used in brewing an ale called purl. " Sy- nopsis Stirpiurn Hibernicarum," sub voce. 1726. Eighteen persons, men, women, and children, drowned near Ringsend, by the oversetting of a boat. " Chronolo- gical Remembrancer." 1728. Mr. John Day, one of the Churchwardens of Donny- brook for this year, was unable to write, as appears from " his mark " in the parish register ! His case, we have every reason to believe, was singular. 1728. A reference to Brooking's curious " Map of the City and Suburbs of Dublin," published in this year, will show that very great changes have taken place in Irishtown and the neighbouring districts during the last century. 1729. William King, D.D., Archbishop of Dublin, buried in the churchyard of Donnybrook, on the north side, 10th May. See Note (). For some particulars respect- ing portraits of him, see Bishop Mant's " History of the Church of Ireland," vol. ii. p. 496 ; or, Wills' " Lives of Illustrious and Distinguished Irishmen," vol. iv. p. 308. 1729. Ringsend-bridge rebuilt. 1730. "Buried, Robert Dougket, Late AD.," 13th August (Donnybrook Parish Register). Robert Dougatt, A.M., was appointed to the archdeaconry of Dublin in 1715, which he resigned in 1719 ; and became Precentor of St. Patrick's, and Keeper of Abp. Marsh's Library, on the death of Dr. Bohereau in that year. He was nephew to Archbishop King Cotton's " Fasti Ecclesiae Hibernica?," vol. ii. pp. 112, 130. 1732. "Married [in Donnybrook Church] Jeffery Foot and Jane Lnndy, 13th April." Alderman Lundy Foot was baptized 21st April, 1735, and buried oth January, 1805. Donnybrook Parish Register. 71 1733. Sir Edward Lovet Pearce, M.P., buried in the church- yard of Donnybrook, 10th December. There also was interred, 20th January, 1738, his brother, the Right lion. Lieut.- General Thomas Pearce, who " was at once Go- vernor, Mayor, and Representative in Parliament, of the city of Limerick;'' and Lady Pearce. 17t!i July, 1749 {Donnybrook Parish Register}. Sue Xote (p). 1735. A light- ship, being a small sloop, with a lantern at her mast-head, was placed at the end of the Piles, near to the situation of the present Lighthouse. 1737. "Buried, William Jones, of Brickfield," 24th July {Donnybrook Parish Register). In Rocque's " Plan of the City of Dublin and the Environs," published not many years after this date, " Brickfield Town " and the " Con- niveing House" appear where Sandymount now is ; and in his "Actual Survey of the Environs of the City of Dublin" (first sheet), we find, inter alia, "Black Rock Avenue" (now the Cross-avenue) ; " Merrion Lane " (now Booters- town-avenue) and the " Mass House ;" " Lord Merriou's Brick Fields ;" and "The Piles," witli the Light-ship, &c. These maps contain some curious particulars, and^de.-ei ve a careful inspection. 1737. William Duke of Devonshire, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, landed at Ringsend, 7th September. 1740. " The strand in the neighbourhood of Irishtown was famous for the quantities of shrimps caujjht there; but the ^reat frost of 17-iO destroyed them, and the few that are now [1776] found are neither so large or delicate." Exshttw's Magazine. 1740. About this year the factory at Ballsbridge, for print- ing linen, calico, and cotton, was opened. It was subse- quently in'icli extended and improved by Messrs. Duffy & Co.; but for several y.-ur- p.i-t it has been discontinued, and the buildings applied to other uses. 1741. The Rev. Isaac Mann, D.D., appointed to the chaplaincy of St. Matthew's, Rintjsend, -Itli November, on the death of the Rev. Mi.-hael Hartlib. He held at the sune time the rectory of Killary, or K illarvey, in the diocese of Meath. In 1757 he became Archdeacon of Dublin; and in 1772 was raised to tin; bislmprick of Cork and Ross Cotton's " l-'a-ti Ecclesiaj Iliberniea;," vol. ii. p. 131. 1742. "Buried, Henry Lord Power, in y 9 Vault of St. Mathew's Chappel [Ringsend], May 6th " (Donnylrook Parish Register). "Tlii.s individual," as Mr. D'Altou writes, " but for the effect of attainders, was the Lord Power of Curraghmore, and should be commemorated by the Waterford family, who eirjoy what were once the estates of the Peers. His name you will find in the Civil Establishment of 1727, for an annuity of 550, although the Irish Parliament had objected to the grant. He had claimed the estate of Curraghmore, as heir male of [James Earl of Tyrone] the father of Lady Catharine Poer, who on her marriage had brought over that property to Sir Marcus Beresford [afterwards created Earl of Tyrone] ; but of course he failed in his suit." For particulars of the family, see Archdall's " Lodge's Peerage of Ireland," vol. ii. p. 303. See also Notes and Queries, 2nd S., viii. 518. 1742. "Buried, Frances Trotter, in the Cabbage Garden [near St. Kevin's Church, Dublin, and long a favourite place of burial with the Wesley ans], 10th December." Donnybrook Parish Register. 1743. Richard, fifth Viscount Fitzwilliam, of Merrion, who had succeeded his father in 1704, died at Thorpe, in Sur- rey, 6th June. 1744. "Buried, Governor Richd. Fitzwilliams " (?), 18th May. Donnybrook Parish Register. 1746. Archdeacon Pococke (a learned man and accomplished traveller, and subsequently Bishop of Meath) held a Visi- tation in St. Patrick's Cathedral, " which perhaps is the latest of such visitations on record in Ireland." 1747. "Buried, Lady Newport," 28th February (Donny- brook Parish Register). She was the daughter and co- heiress of Anderson, Esq., of Worcestershire: and became the wife of Robert Lord Newport, who was Lord Chancellor of Ireland, and twelve times sworn one of the Lords Justices, and died "in the government," 3rd De- cember, 1756, having been advanced to the dignity of Viscount Jocelyn in the preceding year. Ladv Newport died 23rd February, 1747, being the mother "of Robert, afterwards first Earl of Roden. In the same register is recorded the burial, 16th July, 1762, of Lieut.-Colonel George Jocelyn, who was wounded at the battle of Fonte- noy iu 1745, was appointed Deputy- Governor of Carlisle, 70, and diod at Leixlip, unmarried, 14th July ; and also that of John Jocelyn, Esq., an officer in the army, who died suddenly in Dublin, 16th December, 1765, aged 45, and was buried two days after " in the family-vault at Irish- town." Archdall's "Lodge's Peerage of Ireland," vol. iii. pp. 268, 269. 1748. " Buried, July y 23, Lord Mayo's Son" (Donnybrovk Parish Register)" This was Sir Aylmer Bourke, only son of John, eighth Viscount Mayo, by Catharine, daugh- ter of Major Whitgift Aylmer, descended from Dr. John Aylmer, Bishop of London, and from Dr. John Whitgift, Archbishop of Canterbury, both in the reign of Queen Elizabeth. He was born 17th November, 1743; died 21st July, 1748 ; and two days after "was buried in the church of Irishtown, near Dublin." Archdall's " Lodge's Peerage of Ireland," vol. iv. p. 249. 1748. Henry Ussher granted several denominations of land at Donnybrook, together with the Green, to Catherine Downes, in fee, excepting and reserving unto said Henry Ussher, his heirs and assigns, the benefit and profit of holding the yearly fair in the usual place. Ulysses de Burgh, Lord Downes, is the present proprietor in fee of the ground. 1748. The South-wall, nearly three English miles and a- half in length, commenced in this year, and finally completed in 1796. It was carried as far as the site of the Pigeon- house within the first seven years. See Note (ee). 1750 Proposals were issued in Dublin for publishing an English, Irish, and Latin Dictionary, by a Mr. Crab, of Uingsend; but the book was never printed. " Finding its way into the library of the late General Vallancey, it was purchased, when his books were sold, at the price of forty guineas, for a gentleman of Irish birth, the Rev. Dr. Adam Clarke" (Anderson's " Sketches of the Native Irish," p. 98). Is this to be identified with "General Vallancey's Gaelic Dictionary," 2 vols., folio ? These vo- lumes were sold in 1836, on Dr. Clarke's death, for 52 10s., to Mr. Thorpe, of London; being "one of the most important manuscripts on the ancient Irish language extant, and on which tlie indefatigable and enthusiastic author spent upwards of thirty yc ir>." The annexed note is from the inside of the cover uf the first volume : 77 "Bought against the Dublin University and the king- dom of Ireland, at the sale of General Vallancey's books, in 1813, for 57, by me, A. C." 1750. The Very Rev. Theophilus Brocas, A.M., Dean of Killala, appointed to the chaplaincy of St. Matthew's, Ringsend, 4th December, on the resignation of the Rev. Dr. Isaac Mann. He held it until 1764 ; and dying in 1770, was buried in St. Anne's Church, Dublin. 1750. A survey of about this date, makes the Archdeacon of Dublin's glebe in Donnybrook to contain 2 roods, 24 perches, besides a garden of 24 perches between it and the churchyard, doubted whether part of the glebe or not : the churchyard itself measures 1 rood, 8 perches. 1751. Hires of coaches for set-downs from Dublin to Black- rock, 2s. 2d. ; Butterstown, 2s. 2d. ; Donnybrook, Is. Id. ; Merrion, 2s. 2d. ; Mount Merrion, 2s. 2d. ; and Ringsend, Is. Id. " No more to be demanded if they return imme- diately, or in ten minutes. Otherwise, to have 6^d. by the hour, over the time spent in going and returning." Hires of Ringsend cars or chaises for set-downs from Dub- lin to Blackrock, 9d. ; Butterstown, 9d. ; Donnybrook, 3d. ; Merrion, 9d. ; Mount Merrion, 9d. ; and Ringsend, 3d. " They are to have 3d. by the hour over and above the time spent in going and coming. Or for waiting, 6d. the first hour, and 3d. every hour after. And a British half-crown for the whole day." " Watson's Almanack." 1753. "The Lord Mayor, attended by several of the city officers, went to Donnybrook [Monday, 20th August], where his Lordship issued a proclamation forbidding any person to erect tents or booths there till the Fair-day ap- pointed by patent, and to take them down and disperse at the end of the day, on pain of incurring such penalties as the law directs in case of disobedience." Universal Ad- vertiser, 25th August. 1753. The Very Rev. Robert Watts, D.D., "Dean of Ossory" (more correctly, Dean of Kilkenny, or Dean of St. Canice), buried 20th December {Donnybrook Parish Register). See Cotton's "Fasti Ecclesias Hibernicas," vol. ii. p. 291. 1754. It is set forth in a return made this year by the Rev. Thomas Heany, of Monkstown, relative to the parishes of Monkstown, &c., that " two third-parts of the Blackrock 78 and Booterstown tythe, although in the parish of Donny- brook, belong to the Dean of Christ Church, and one- third to the Curate of Monkstown. The tythe of fish be- longs to the Curate, and is usually set at the yearly rent of 4.5." See Note (d). 1754. " The damage, occasioned by the heavy rain this day [14th June] and the preceding night, exceeds any tiling of the like nature that can be remembered. A few instances out of many will be sufficient to evince the melancholy truth. . . . the Paper-mill at Ballsbridge, together with Mr. Grant's improvements, and a large quantity of stamped linens, were born away by the current." Universal Ad- vertiser, 18th June. 1754. " We hear a subscription is set on foot for building convenient bathing places at the Blackrock, for the accom- modation of such as resort thither for the benefit of the water." Universal Advertiser, 23rd July. 1756. On the death of Henry Ussher in this year, the right of holding Donnybrook Fair became vested in Sir William Wolseley, Bart, who in 1778 made a lease thereof to Joseph Madden, of Donnybrook; and in 1812 the then Baronet absolutely usigned MOM for ever to John Madden, son of the aforesaid Jo.-eph. liy the representatives of whom, and of his brother Peter, the same was sold in 1855. See Note O). 1758. Robert Clayton, D.D., Bishop of Clogher, buried in the churchyard of Donnybrook, 1st March. See Note (). " Cutliren Clayton, y 1 ' ISp.'s wile," buried in same place, 8th January, 1766 Donnybrook Parish Register. 1758. As would appear from advertisements in Skater's J'liblic Gazetteer of this year, Donnybrook and I5alKbi-idgi> linens, printed by Messrs. Thomas . \shworlh and Co., were in great demand. Mr. Ash worth's name frequently ap- pears in the parish register. 1759. Bartholomew Mo.se, M.D., the founder of the Dub- lin Lying-in Hospital (the lirst establishment of the kind in her Majesty's dominions), buried in the churchyard of Donnybrook,' 18th February. See Note (//). 1759. It ha- !> n -aid that the Archdeacon of Dublin has a dormant power of granting marriage-licenses within his archdeaconry ; and the following entries in the parish re- 79 gister of Donnybrook tend to confirm the idea : "Married by the Archdeacon's License, by the Rev. Michael Heatly, Mr. Charles Christian to Mrs. Mary Lovett, 24th May, 1759 '' ; and, " Married by the Archdeacon's License, Mr. Henry Hopley to Mrs. Jane Brown, by the Rev. Dr. Mann, Archdeacon of Dublin, 19th February, 1764." 1761. The foundation of the Lighthouse in Poolbeg, near Dublin Bar, laid. In Scale and Richards' " Directions for Navigating into the Bay of Dublin." etc. (Dublin, 17(55), p. 22, it is stated that " as the Light-house on the Piles is not finished, the Light-ship continues to display her ensign from half-flood to half-ebb in the day, and her lanthorn's-light from half-flood to half-ebb in the night." The Light-house finished in 1768, under considerable difficulties, by John Smith, Esq. See Note (ee). 1761. George Earl of Halifax, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, landed at Ringsend, 6th October; and embarked at same place for England, 1st May, in the following year. 1762. " Buried, Rev. Dr. John Winn," 21st January (Don- nybrook Parish Register}. This was the Rev. John Wynne, A.M., Precentor of St. Patrick's Cathedral, and " Keeper of [Archbishop Marsh's] the publick Library of Dublin." 1763. "Married, the Hon. William Beresford to Miss Elizabeth Fitzgibons," 12th June (Donnybrook Parish Register}. The Hon. and Rev. Win. Beresford, brother of the first Marquess of Waterford, was appointed to the see of Dro- more in 1780, and translated to Ossory in same year. In 1794 he became Archbishop of Tuam ; and having been created Lord Decies in 1812, died in 1819. Miss Eliza- beth Fitzgibbon was the second daughter of John Fitz- gibbon, Esq., a barrister of eminence, who had a house close to Donnybrook -green ; and the sister of the subse- quently well-known Earl of Clare Cotton's " Fasti Ec- clesiaj Hibernicae," vol. iii. p. 285, iv. p 18; and Arch- dall's " Lodge's Peerage of Ireland," vol. ii. p. 309. 1763. A violent storm of wind and rain, which did much damage to the shipping at Poolbog, 25th September. Two new houses in Ringsend blown down. Freeman's Journal. 1763. In the rental of the estate of All- Hallows, taken from the rental of the estate of the city of Dublin, as it was 80 in this year, and printed in Harris's " History of Dublin," p. 492, William Ussher, Esq., appears as tenant of land near Donnybrook, at the annual rent of i.100. 1764. The Rev. John Brocas, A.M. (likewise Dean of Kil- lala from 1770), appointed to the chaplaincy of St. Mat- thew's, Rinjrsend, 29th March, on the resignation of the Very Rev. Theophilus Brocas. He died in 1795. 1764. "Yesterday their Excellencies the Lords Justices, attended by the Lord Mayor, Sheriffs, and Committee of Directors of the Ballast Office, were graciously pleased to go in barges down the water, to visit the South-wall, the Cassoon, and the new Light-house erecting for the secu- rity of this harbour. . . . Their Excellencies were pleased to accept of a cold repast provided for them and their friends at the Block-house, and expressed their ap- probation of the conduct of these great works, to the great satisfaction of the Committee." Freeman's Journal, llth August. 1764. Donnybrook Parish charged at this date with Minis- ter's Money to the amount of 60 Freeman's Journal, 2nd October. 1765. Died "at Mount Merrion, near this city, aged 112 years and 3 months, Francis Jones, by trade a brogue-maker. He retained his senses to the last, and never lost a tooth." Freeman's Journal, 4th May. 1765. " Our High Sheriff, attended by the proper officers, a strong guard, and about twenty-five cars, went to Donny- brook [3 1st August], and caused the tents to be pulled down ; with which the cars were loaded, also with pots, tables, forms, &c., and brought to the Tholsel. The tents were pulled down the day before, but daringly erected again, notwithstanding the orders given to the contrary. In all probability much mischief would have been done, if the vigilance of the Sheriff had not put a stop to the con- tinuing the Fair." Freeman's Journal, 3rd September. 1766. " Married, by Consistory Licence, by the Rev. Thomas Heany, Capt. Charles Vallancey, Esq., to Mrs. Julia [?] Blosett," 15th Jan., 1766. Donnybrook Parish Reyisttr. 1766. The Rev. John Leland, D.D., a Presbyterian minister in Dublin, and author of " A View of Delstical Writers " (first published in 1754), and of other works, buried 19th January. Donnybrook Parish Register. ANNALS. 81 1766. A house at Ringsend taken by the Governors of the Hibernian Nursery for the Marine. (Freeman's Journal, 28th June.) The funds and the number of the boys in- creasing, ground was taken at the lower end of Sir John Rogerson's-quay, and the present building opened in 1773. 1776. Richard, sixth Viscount Fitzwilliam, of Merrion, who had succeeded his father in 1743, died 25th May, and " was interred in Donnybrook-Chapel." 1782. For some particulars of these parishes, see "A Tour through Dublin and its Environs, in 1782," in Walker's Hibernian Magazine for 1783, p. 239. 1782. " About two in the morning [16th August] the most dreadful fall of rain began in Dublin and its neighbour- hood that was ever remembered in that country ; it con- tinued for fourteen hours with a violence that was truly alarming ; the distress of the inhabitants of Dublin is beyond description. Ringsend-bridge [erected in 1729] was borne down by the flood." (Annual Register.) It was not until 1786 that statutory enactments were passed for restoring the communication, and supplying Ringsend and Irishtown with water from the Dodder. 1784. Great floods in Dublin and its neighbourhood, caused by the overflow of the Liffey, Dodder, and Poddle water- course, 3rd January. Walker's Hibernian Magazine. 1786. Fort Lisle (now Elmctiff), Blackrock, was at this date, and for some years after, the residence of John Lysaght, Lord Lisle. Lisaniskea, which adjoins, was then called Elmcliff. 1787. In this year occurred one of those remarkable floods, by which the Dodder has been so frequently affected. " Ringsend was in a very melancholy situation. It re- sembled a town which had experienced all the calamities of war, that had been sacked by an enemy, or that had felt the hand of all-devouring time. The unfortunate in- habitants were in a manner excluded from all intercourse with Dublin. They were attacked by the overbearing floods, which issued from the mountains in irresistible torrents, and completely demolished the bridge. The new bridge [as in 179t>] is a very handsome one, and cost only 815." Ferrar's " View of Dublin," &c., p. 74. 1789. The Duke of Wellington's first victory. See Note (le). F APPElfDIX. 1790. For some fond allusions to Irish town at this date, see " Life of Theobald Wolfe Tone," vol. i. p. 35. 1790. Sir Jonah Barrington gives in his " Personal Sketches,". vol. iii. pp. 230-259, an amusing, but very questionable, account of his visit in this year to Donnybrook Fair. 1791. Cranfield's Baths, situated on Irishtown-strand, and said to be the earliest public baths in Ireland, opened by Mr. Richard Cranfield, who " shut out the sea, and made land [many years known as Scal'd Hill] from Irish town to Sandy mount." He died there, 24th December, 1859. 1791. A bridge of three arches erected over the Dodder at Ballsbridge. Rebuilt in 1835. 1791. " Died at Donnybrook the Right Hon. [Wm.] Lord [Viscount] Chetwynd." (Dublin Chronicle, 15th Novem- ber.) His "principal country residence" was close to Donny brook-green. 1792. An inundation of the sea, which made several breaches in the South-wall, and laid all the low grounds between Sir John Rogerson's-quay and Ringsend-brulge under wa- ter, 24th January. 1792. The Hospital for Incurables, which had been esta- blished in 1743, transferred from Townsend-strcet, Dub- lin, to Donnybrook. See Note (*). 1793. Died on the Donnybrook-road, 23rd July, the Hon. Robert Ilellen, one of the Justices of the Court of Common Pleas. ("Anthologia Hibernica,'' vol. ii., p. 78.) He was one of" the characters which figure in ' Baratariana '." Notes and Queries, 2nd S., viii. 21. 1793. Miss Anne Keon, of St. Stephen's-green, Dublin, left, with many other large legacies, 1,000 to the Hospital for Incurables. " Anthologia Hibernica," vol. ii. p. 155. 1794. The lion. Richard Power, one of the Barons of the Ex- chequer, having been ordered by Lord Clare to appear in the Court of Chancery, of which he was Usher, and to answer certain charges, threw himself into the sea from the South-wall, near the Pigeon-house, and perished, 2nd February. See Daunt's " Personal Recollections of O'Con- nell," vol. ii. p. 115 (an amusing book); and Gilbert's " History of Dublin," vol. iii. p. 290. 88 1794. A portion of Bagotrath Castle, much frequented by robbers, was standing in this year, a view of the ruins being given in Grose's " Antiquities of Ireland," vol. i. p. 10 ; but not a vestige of them remains. 1794. " Last Wednesday night [17th December] the house of Lady Barry, at Sandymount, near BalUbridge, was broken into by a gang of miscreants, and robbed of valuable arti- cles to a considerable amount. These savage ruffians, on entering into Lady Barry's chamber, fired a pistol at her, which fortunately missed its aim, but strewed the room with the slugs with which it was loaded." " Anthologia Hibernica," vol. iv. p. 477. 1795. When his Excellency Earl Fitzwilliam was leaving Ireland, 25th March, his carriage was stopped in College- green by the populace, who took out the horses, and drew it from thence to the Pigeon-house, where he embarked. " His Lordship was accompanied by nearly every dignified character at present in the metropolis, whose carriages formed a line beyond precedent extensive." Newspaper paragraph. 1795. The Rev. Robert Ball, LL.B., appointed to the chap- laincy of St. Matthew's, Ringsend, on the death of the Very Rev. John Brocas. Mr. Ball died in May, 1828, having held likewise the prebend and vicarage of Drum- holm, in the diocese of Rapho'e, and was buried in the churchyard of Stillorgan, loth of same month. 1795. " Riding to Ringsend, we were presented with a strik- ing proof of the vast extent of human labour and human genius in the docks building there ; and we were highly pleased to find Counsellor Vavasour reclaiming the great tract of waste ground near the bridge. ... At Sandymount we found a very convenient salt-water bath, erected by a Mr. Cranfield. ... To ride over the extensive strand from hence to Booterstown, added an in- describable gaiety to our spirits. . . . Going to the county of Wicklow, the road to the Blackrock is evidently the pleasantest, most frequented, and level. At Booters"- town the fields are disposed in a style of judicious hus- bandry. The villas are neat and commodious, particu- larly Lord Carleton's [Willow Park], Mr. White's, Mr. La Touche's [Sans Souci], Mr. D'Olier's [Collegnes], Mr. Alexander's [Seamount], and Sir Boyle Roche's, and 84 denote the neighbourhood of a large commercial city. . . Williamstown is adjoining Blackroek, and has been much improved by Counsellor Vavasour " (Ferrar's " View of Dublin," &c,, pp. 74-76). Frescati, near Black- rock (then belonging to the Duchess of Leinster, but sub- sequently a well known boarding-school, and now divided into four dwelling-houses), was about this time a favour- ite resort of Lord Edward Fitzgerald. 1795. Willow Park, Booterstown, had been erected by, and (as already stated) was at this time the residence of, Hugh Lord Carieton, Chief Justice of the Court of Common Pleas. He was created a Viscount in 1797 ; and having resigned office in 1800, died in London, without issue, 25th February, 1826. See the Gentleman's Magazine for 1826, Part i. p. 270, where is given a just tribute to his cha- racter from Duhigg's "History of the King's Inns r (Dub- lin, 1806). 1795. If John Sidney Taylor, who became well known for " his maintenance of the principles of constitutional liberty, Christian morality, and successful exertion in advocating the alx>lition of the punishment of death," was not born about this year in his father's house in Donnybrook, he certainly passed there some of his early days. 1796. The corporation for improving the port of Dublin, with the view of helping to clear the channel of the Liffey, diverted the Dodder from its natural bed (which ran through the ground on which the Rev. Dr. Wall's houses are built) into a new channel through the low grounds between Irishtown and Dublin. 1796. Mr. Benjamin Ilig^ins was the author of a very inte- resting " Account of the Rise and Progress of the Lying- in Hospital in Dublin, with an Attempt towards the Life and Character of Doctor Bartholomew Mosse," which ap- peared (almost in full, and for the first time) in the Dublin Quarterly Journal of Medical Science, November, 1846. Mr. Higgins In'ld the re-istrar.ship of the Hospital : and at a meeting of the Governors, 14th May, 1796, it was " resolved, that this Board will place a tombstone in the churchyard of Donnybrook, over the grave of the said Benjamin Higgins, as a lasting [?] testimony of their at his loss, and of their grateful sense of his unre- mitting zeal for this institution." 1797. " This day [28th August] the Lord Mayor and his attendants perambulated the franchised boundaries of Dublin. When they arrived at the strand of Booterstown, the tide being at the lowest ebb, his Lordship, from the water's edge, threw a dart into the sea. The spot where it fell was noted as the extreme of the municipal jurisdic- tion, according to ancient custom." Newspaper paragraph. 1798. " Detachments from the U.C. Fusileers and St. Sepul- chre's Infantry seized some arms in the environs of Mer- rion-avenue," 2nd April. Idem. 1798. " Last Sunday [27th May] the whole of the male in- habitants of Williamstown, and most of those of Blackrock, Newtown, Dunleary, and Monkstown, went voluntarily before the Magistrates, and took a strong and solemn oath of allegiance to his Majesty, and against associating with United Irishmen, or any unlawful society. And on Tues- day the whole of the inhabitants of Williamstown entered into resolutions, declaring their readiness to take up arms in defence of their king and country, and the laws of the realm, against any traitors or conspirators." Idem. 1798. " This morning [1st June] a body of about 500 or 600 persons, inhabitants of Ballsbridge, Donnybrook, and their vicinities, repaired to Sandymount, there to take the oath of allegiance before Alderman Truelock," who, in the month of October following, being in a state of mental derangement, shot himself in his house at Simmonscourt. Idem. 1799. " We are sorry to observe that the Magistrates of Dublin are so inattentive to its peace as to suffer the con- tinuance of that annual nuisance. Donnybrook Fair, so many days beyond the time for which it has unfortunately a legal claim to exist .... The Fair continued until yesterday, and will probably last until it shall grow into such an enormity of riot and outrage as shall cure itself." Faulkner's Dublin Journal, 3rd September. 1799. " Xapper Tandy and his associates landed yesterday evening [18th November] at the Pigeon- house, from the Loftus packet, and were conveyed to Kilmainham goal. Tandy was clad in a white serge wrapper, resembling a friar's gown, and wore a very large hat, turned up with a loop on one side." Newspaper paragraph. 86 1800. King George III. granted a charter of incorporation to " the Governors and Guardians of the Hospital for In- curables, near the City of Dublin," 7th January. See " Report of Commissioners appointed to inspect Chari- table Institutions, Dublin" (1824), pp. 118-135. 1800. The Rev Gore Wood, who had been for many years Curate of the parish, buried in the churchyard of bunny- brook, 25th May. Donnybrook Parish Register. 1800. Bloomfield, Merrion, was at this date the country resi- dence of John Ball, Esq., M.P. for Drogheda, who "in his progress to the highest professional eminence never stooped to any unworthy condescension," and " though the ablest lawyer of his day, was passed over in all Lord Clare's promotions." A plain serjeant-at-law, he died 24th Au- gust, 1813. " By the unanimous vote of the Irish Bar." a monument was erected to his memory in St. Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin ; and another by the corporation of Drogheda, in St. Peter's Church, in that town, where he was buried. See Monck Mason's " History of St. Patrick's Cathedral," Appendix, p. lix. ; Phillips' "Specimens of Irish Eloquence," p. 300 ; Barrington's " Rise and Fall of the Irish Nation," p. 393 (Paris, 1833); and D' Alton's ' History of Drogheda," vol. i. p. 35, Sec. 1802. In this year the late Sir Thomas Fowell Buxton, Bart., was placed under the care of the Rev. John Moore, M:istrr of Donnybrook School ; and in the following year he entered the Dublin University, where his career was particularly brilliant See Notes and Queries, 1st S., vii. 452. 1802. " Donnybrook Fair has been long compla : ned of as a nuisance, and a most dangerous one it is ; as the recruit- ing service is at an end, that excuse can no lonir.-r he used," &c Dutton's " Observations on Archer's Statis- tical Survey of the County of Dublin," p. 56. 1802. Captain Huddart lias given in his Report on Dublin Harbour, presumed in this year to the Directors-General of Inland Navigation of Ireland, an historical sketch of the works carried on for the improvement of the harbour, iluring the past century, at a very great expense ("Re- |...rt- on Dublin Harbour," pp. G2-80). Amongst other things, he proposed to extend the South-wall 770 yards, and to erect a new Light-house, at a cost of 155,600. 87 For a biographical sketch of Captain Huddart, distin- guished as a geographer and mechanist, see the Annual Register {or 1816, p. 220. 1802. Early in December an inundation destroyed the bridge at Ringsend, whereupon was erected the present one of mountain granite, which is supposed capable of resisting any force of water. At this time the number of wherries here was returned as seven. 1803. In the plans of Robert Emmet (who had a depot at Irishtown, in charge of a timber merchant, Mr. Thomas Brangan, residing in that village), the Pigeon-house was a chief point of attack. He "was frequently at Bran- gan's; and on several occasions they walked across the strand, when the tide was out, to take plans of the Pigeon- house, and make observations." (Dr. Madden 's " Life and Times of Robert Emmet," p. 110.) See also p. 127 of same work, wherein is given a copy of Emmet's own state- ment of his plans and intentions. The writer has an inte- resting MS. (pp. 60), in which frequent reference is made to the Pigeon-house, entitled "Lord Hardwicke's Vindica- tion against the Calumnies of General Fox, Commander of the Forces in Ireland, which attributed the most lethargic indifference, on the part of the Irish Government, to the projected Insurrection of 1803 ;" and which was drawn up for the perusal of the Cabinet. 1805. John O'Neill directed by his will, that whoever should enjoy a certain interest in the lands of Simmonscourt, should pay, during the continuance thereof, one guinea yearly to the support of Townsend-street Chapel, Dublin. 1807. " Having escaped from the plucking of the Pigeon- house, I am safely lodged upon one of the quays of the Liffey. 1 ' Milner's " Tour in Ireland," p. 6. 1807. Ground taken for the College Botanic Gardens, near Balkbridge. 1807. " Sandymount, 19th October, 1807. I certify that I did this day, at one o'clock in the afternoon, marry Doctor Patrick Duigenan to Mrs. Esther Hepenstal, widow, at Sandymount, in the parish of Donnybrook, and county of Dublin, in the presence of the Rt. Honble. John Mo'nck Mason and sundry other persons. Chars. Dublin [Karl of Normanton] " (Donnybrook Parish Register). For a 88 biographical sketch of the Eight Hon. Patrick Duigenan, LL.D., who died llth April, 1816, see the Gentleman's Magazine for that year, Part i. p. 871. 1807. The Prince of Wales packet wrecked at Dnnleary, and the Rochdale transport at Blackrock, 19th No- vember. See Note (cc). 1811. Frescati School, Blackrock, was at this time, and for many years after, under the direction of the Rev. Robert Craig, A.M., who put forth the following advertisement : "Frescati, 16th Jan., 1811. Mr. Craig, having learned with much concern, that the rumour of an intention to ofler himself a candidate for the Mastership of Drogheda School has been industriously circulated, thinks it his duty publicly to state, that such an idea never once entered his contemplation." There were several schools, as appears from the newspapers of this year, in the vicinity of Black- rock. 1811. Aldborough Lodge, opposite Peafield, Blackrock, was at this time the residence of John Earl of Aldborouyh. 1811. The Roman Catholic Chapel of Booterstown erected, at the expense of Richard, seventh Viscount Fitzwilliam, of Mcrrion, who had succeeded his father in 1776. The French editor of " The Letters of Atticus" has written of Lord Fit/william, that " a native of Ireland [born 30th July, 1745], where he had very large estates, he expended six thousand pounds sterling in building, in a parish of his domains, a Catholic Church, and took a pleasure in super- intending the labours of the workmen." The foregoing statement may not be strictly correct in every particular. 1812. The registers of baptisms and burials in St. Matthew's, Ringsond, commence with this year, being very imperfect until 1818. The parochial clergymen discharged the " occasional duties " until 1812, when Mr. Wogan (who was murdered near Ballsbriilge in 1826) declined to do so ; and therefore reference for baptisms and burials in this quarter previous to 1812 should be made to the registers of Donnybrook. 1814. The Rev. Matthew West, A.M., Rector of Clane, in the diocese of Kildiire. buried in the churchyard of Donny- brook, l:Hh September. Mr. West had been Curate of the parish of Donnybrook for some years, and published a 89 volume of poetry ; and was " a gentleman whose impres- sive eloquence as a preacher, and cultivated talents as a scholar, were highly and deservedly appreciated by all who were acquainted with him." 1815. The Rev. George Molden, A ssisf ant- Chaplain, buried in the churchyard of St. Matthew's, Ringsend. 1816. Richard Viscount Fitzwilliam died in London, 4th February, being succeeded in his titles (with an annuity) by his brother John, eighth and last Viscount Fitzwilliam, but leaving his large estates to George Augustus Earl of Pem- broke and Montgomery, with remainder to the present Right Hon. Sidney Herbert and his heirs male. Playfair, in his " British Family Antiquity," vol. v. pp. 38-44, gives a very high character of Lord Fitzwilliam, with parti- culars of his family. See also, for notices of his death, munificent bequests to Cambridge University, &c., the Gentleman's Magazine for 1816, Part i. pp. 189, 367, 627 ; and the Annual Register for same year, p. 213. Though he lived and died a Protestant, he was the re- puted author of a remarkable, and rather scarce publica- tion, entitled "The Letters of Atticus" [" or, Protes- tantism and Catholicism, considered in their comparative Influence on Society "], which, having been written in French, and published at different times, were collected and reprinted in London, anonymously, in the year 1811. Another edition appeared in Paris in 1825; and in the following year, in London, an English translation, with Lord Fitzwilliam's name on the title-page. 1816. Erasmus Smith's Schoolhouse, near Donnybrook, for boys and girls, erected. The late Lord Downes, of Mer- ville, and the late Dr. Perceval, of Annfield, gave each 100 ; about three-fourths of the amount being soon after vested in Government Stock for the benefit of the schools, in the names of the Archdeacon of Dublin and two others. Here the parish of Taney (in which are Donnybrook Cot- tage, the residence of the late Hon. Judge Plunket, Beech- hill, and Beaver-row) adjoins the village of Donnybrook. 1817. The first show of flowers by the Horticultural Society held in Erasmus Smith's Schoolhouse, Donnybrook. 1818. " The Grand Duke Michael, from a wish probably to see society under all its forms, visited this scene [Donny- brook Fair] on Thursday se'nnight [27th August], and 0.) was much gratified with the amusements, which the Iri-h editor is careful to tell us, were as usual ' knocks down for love,' and cut heads, with the never- failing accompaniment of picking pockets. The Irish editor thinks these diver- sions a certain remedy against treasons, stratagems, and spoils. We are sorry to differ from such high authority ; but we really think, from his showing, that Donnybrook Fair is no better a school for virtue than that abominable nuisance which is now infesting Smithfield." Newspaper paragraph. 1818. In the Appendix, No. V., to Whitelawand Walsh's " History of Dublin," published in this year, a list of the "Salaries of the Officers of the Customs in the Port of Dublin " is given, including the following items : li Rings- end, four surveyors, each 200 ; forty-four tide-waiters, each 80 ; fifty five super, ditto, each 60 ; two cox- swains, one carpenter, and eleven boatmen, each 50 ; curate of Ringsend, 200 ; surgpon for sick and wounded officers, 100; clerk of the King's yard, Ringsend, 120, house and allowance." 1818. "The want of churches is much felt and complained of in this neighbourhood [of Monkstown], where thrre is a more numerous population of the Established religion than in any other part of Ireland. Yet, witli the excep- tion of Stillorgan, this [at Monkstown] is the only church from Ringsend to Bray, the extremity of the county, an extent including eleven populous Tillages, and a 'very thickly inhabited country." Wlritelaw and Walsh's " His- tory of Dublin," vol. ii" p. 1272, n. 1820. Leonard MacNally, barrister- at-law, whose name is now too well known in connexion with Iri.-h afl'.urs in 1798, buried in the churchyard of D.mnybrouk, 8th June. A false report of his death, with age and other particulars, having appeared in the newspapers (probably in conse- quence of the death of his son Leonard, who was buried in Donnybrook, 17th February), the following note (kindly supplied by Wm. J. Fitzpatrick, Esq., of Stillurgan) was sent to the proprietor of Saunders's News-letter: " Sir I am advised, from the severe injury I have received in consequence of the great circulation your paper gave of my death on the eve of the A>si/i'-s. and my practice in the City of Dublin, to apply to the calm determination of a City of Dublin Jury for damages against you Your obed/St., Leonard MacNally. 20, Cuffe-street, Mon. 6 March, 1820." 1821. The population of the parish of Donnybrook, including Booterstown, amounted to 9,219 ; comprising 4.267 males and 4,952 females. See Notes (_/ and ad). 1821. The parish of Booterstown formed out of the parish of Donnybrook. See Note (y " and " MissKells" attended the vestry held on Easter Monday, 7th April. In the same book may be found many particulars respecting the parish, from 20th July, 1821. 1828. The Rev. John Evans Johnson, A.B. (now D.D., and Archdeacon of Ferns), appointed to the chaplaincy of St. Matthew's, Ringsend, in May, on the deatli of the Rev. Robert Ball. 1828. For an account of His Excellency the Marquess of Anglesey's visit to Donnybrook Fair on Saturday, 30th August, see the Freeman's Journal, 3rd September. 1829. Mary Myers, of Ringsend, buried in the churchyard of St. Matthew's, 21st March, aged 103 years. She had never (as she informed Dr. Wall) slept a night out of Ringsend, which in her youthful days " was very clean, healthy, and beautiful, with vines trained up against the walls of the houses," &c. 1829. The Very Rev. Richard Graves, D.D., Dean of Ar- dagh, buried in the churchyard of Donnybrook, 3rd April. See Note (s). 1830. St. Mary's Church, Donnybrook, opened for Divine service. 1830. Sandymount Loan-Fund instituted, 1st October. 1831. The Rev. Richard H. Wall, A.M. (now D.D.), ap- pointed to the chaplaincy of St. Matthew's, Ringsend, 22nd April, on the resignation of the Rev. J. E. Johnson, having held the assistant-chaplaincy from 18th October, 1818. 1831. The population of the parish of Booterstown amounted to 3,549 ; comprising 1,454 males and 2,095 females ; and that of Donnybrook to 10,394 ; comprising 4,729 males and 5,665 females. 1832. The Rev. Robert H. Nixon, A.M., appointed to the incumbency of Booterstown, in July, on the resignation of the Rev. A. Sillery. He died 22nd January, 1857. See Note (g}. 1832. Anglesey-bridge erected over the Dodder at Donny- brook. 1832. Irishtown Schoolhouse completed, at an expense of 800, defrayed by subscription. Ground having been granted by the late Earl of Pembroke, the building was begun in 1824 ; and after many delays from various causes, a public meeting of the subscribers was held in the vestry of St. Matthew's, Ringsend, 31st December, 1831, when it was unanimously resolved to vest the trust of the building in the Chaplain of St. Matthew's for the time being, for a Protestant male school, an almshouse for Pro- testants, and a general dispensary. 94 1833. For a very interesting " story of the last century," entitled " The Pidgeon House," see the Dublin Penny Journal, vol. ii. p. 99, published in this year. It was compiled from information supplied by old inhabitants of Ringsend ; and gives the history of Pidgeon and his family. " Buried, Richard Pigeon [?], "lOth July. 1713 " (Donny- brook Parish Register'). Pidgeon's House, as described in the Journal, was succeeded by Tunstall's Tavern, for many years a great resort of the people of Dublin ; and no country gentleman, if he had not dined at Mrs. Tunstall's, was considered to have setn the metropolis. The Pigeon- house Fort, as already stated, was erected towards the close of the last century. 1833. The Schoolhouse (now the Courthouse) in Sandymount- green erected by subscription. 1833. On the death of John, eighth Viscount Ficzwilliam, of Merrion, the honours of the family became extinct. The Rev. Mervyn Archdall, in his edition of "Lode's Peerage of Ireland," vol. iv. pp. 306-321, gives many particulars of this family, to the year 1789 ; and a little additional information may be gained from the third issue of " Burke's Extinct and Dormant Peerage" (London, 1846). Playfair likewise devotes some space to the family in his "British Family Antiquity," vol. v. pp. :>-<-l t (London, 1810). More, however, might well bo in print respecting the Fitzwillums of Merrion. 1834. In the "Second Report on Ecclesiastical Revenue and Patronage, Ireland " (1834). p. 219, John Madden ap- pears as the tenant of a " house and garden near Duimy- brook, containing IA. OR. 8r.," u.ider a lease for 40 years, of which twenty-three remained uut-xpired on 29th Sept., 1832. Annual rent, 2 Is. 6Jd. 1834. According to Mr. Wm. Tighe Hamilton's " Abstract of the Census of the Population of Ireland," p. 74, Booter.-town ParMi contained in this year 980 members of the Kstabli.sh.-d Church, 1,751 Roman Catholics, 19 Presbyterians, and 8 .,ther Protestant Dissenters: total, 2,758. Dunnybrook Parish, 3,536 members of the E>tab- li.-hed Church, 6,712 Roman Catholics, 50 Presbyterians, and 17 other Protestant Dissenters: total, 10,315. See Notes (j and ao). 1834. Ballsbridge Schoolhouse erected in this year, and sub- sequently enlarged. 1834. The Hammersmith Iron- works, Ballsbridge, estab- lished by Mr. Richard Turner. 1834. An inundation of the Dodder in the month of No- vember, whereby a temporary bridge at Ballsbridge was swept away, the neighbouring country flooded, and much injury done to the buildings of the Dublin and Kingstown railway. 1834. The Dublin and Kingstown (now Dublin and Wick- low) railway, running through these parishes, first opened to the public, 1 7th December. 1835. Died at Herbert House (now Cherbury), Booters- town-avenue, where he had resided for many years, 22nd January, the Right Hon. James Fitzgerald, aged 93. He married, in 1782, Catherine, second daughter of the Rev. Henry Vesey, who was created an Irish Peeress in 1826 ; and well known as "the silver-tongued Prime Serjeant" (1 784-1799), was the father of the late, and of the present Lord Fitzgerald and Vesey. For a biographical sketch, see the Gentleman's Magazine for 1835, Part i. p. 318. " Bully Egan " had previously occupied the same house. 1835. The present bridge over the Dodder at Ballsbridge erected. 1836. About the middle of August, Dublin,was visited by a violent storm, which caused a great inundation of the Dodder, and seriously injured the Dublin and Kingstown railway. For some particulars of the " effects produced by the vicinity of a railroad," as observed about this time in this locality by the Rev. Thomas Romney Robinson, D.D., of Armagh, see the " Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy," vol. v. p. 287. The observations were made in the (now-vanished) Dodder- bank Distillery, belonging to Mr. Haig. 1838. Close to Anglesey-bridge, near Donnybrook, and in front of St. Ann's (formerly Annfield, for many years the residence of the late Robert Perceval, M.D., whose cha- racter is well known), stands a small column with the following inscription : " MDCCCXXXVIII. Erected to the memory of the late Alderman Arthur Morrisson. As a Christian and citizen, there were few to equal, none to surpass him. He was a sincere friend, charitable, kind, and generous. As Lord Mayor of the City of Dublin, he was respected and esteemed." It may serve perhaps to encourage others, to be told that Alderman Morrisson, when Lord Mayor of Dublin, dined at Annfield with Dr. Perceval, towards whom he had there stood in a very different relation in early life. 1839. The spire of St. Mary's Church, Donnybrook, seriously damaged by the great storm, 6th January, and soon after taken down. 1841. The population of the parish of Booterstown amounted to 3,31 8; comprising 1,312 males and 2,006 females; and that of Donnybrook to 9,825 ; comprising 4,464 males and 5,361 females. 1842. By 5 aud 6 Viet. c. 23 (" Local and Personal Sta- tutes") further power was granted " to lease parts of the estates devised by the will of Richard, late Viscount Fitz- william, deceased, situate in the city of Dublin, and the neighbourhood thereof," &c. The Act details a large amount of information respecting the Fitzwilliam Estate in these parishes. 1842. The townland of Intake (i.e., "taken in" from the sea), in the parish of Booterstown, and the townlands of Bagotrath, Ballsbridge, Beggarsbush, Clonskeagh, Donny- brooke east and west, Forty-acres, Irishtown, Merrion, Kingsend, Saudymount, and Smotscourt, in the parish of Donnybrook, transferred, by 5 and 6 Viet. c. 96, from the ancient county of the city to the new barony of Dublin. 1843. The Right Hon. John Radcliff, LL.D., buried in the churchyard of Donnybrook, 21st July. See Note (r). 1845. Mr. and Mrs. Orson, and two children, buried in the churchyard of Donnybrook, 5th February ; their bodies having been " found in the ruins of their house [on Dodder-bank, near Donnybrook-grecn], which was con- sumed by fire under very mysterious circumstances on the morning of the 3rd instant." (Donnybrook Parish Register.) For a full report of the coroner's inquest, see Saundcrs's News-Letter, 6th February. 1846. Ringsend National Schoolhouse for boys and girls, erected by the Kij-'ht Hon. S. Herbert, opened in January. An Infant School was soon after added. 97 1846. A violent storm in Dublin, and great floods in the Dodder, 21st November. For particulars of damage done in these parts, see Sauuders's News-Letter of the 23rd. 18-17. Many improvements effected in the old churchyard of Donnybrook, which had been for some years in a very neglected condition. See p. 37. 1849. Queen Victoria, having landed at Kingstown, 6th August, with Prince Albert, the Prince of Wales, and the Princesses, proceeded, by the Dublin and Kingstown railway, to Sandymount-avenue, whence they went through Ballsbridge to Baggot-street, on their way to the Viceregal Lodge. Her Majesty returned by railway to Kingstown, 10th August 1850. The Church of St. John the Evangelist, Sandymount, opened for Divine service on Sunday, 24th March, as fully reported in Saunders's News-Letter of the following morning. The Rev. William de Burgh, A.M. (now D.D.) r appointed to the chaplaincy. A view of the building, which cost about 6,000, is given in the Irish Ecclesias- tical Journal, vol. vi. p. 58. 1851. TheVen. John Torrens, D.D., Archdeacon of Dublin, and Rector of Donnybrook, &c., died at Narraghmore, county of Kildare, 9th June, aged eighty-two years, and was buried in St. Peter's Church, Dublin. A half-length portrait, painted by Middleton, has been engraved by Mr. George Sanders, late of Booterstown. 1851. The Ven. John West, D.D., Archdeacon of Dublin, " read himself in " as Rector of Donnybrook, on Sunday, 3rd August. 1851. The population of the parish of Booterstown amounted to 3,512; comprising 1,336 males and 2,176 females; and that of Donnybrook to 11,178; comprising 4,971 males and 6,207 females. 1853. The Roman Catholic Chapel of "St. Mary, Star of the Sea," near Irishtown, erected. See " A Letter to the Committee of Management," &c., bv William de Burgh. B.D. (Dublin, 1853); and the Freeman's Journal, 16th August. 1854. The Right Hon. S. Herbert added to the grounds of Booterstown Church, and made a new and handsome ap- proach from Mount Merrion-avenue. G 1854. For particulars of the several Parochial Institutions of Donnybrook at this date, see the " Donnybrook Parish Almanack, 1854." 1854. Sunday Evening Service commenced in St. Matthew's, Ringsend, 26th November. See p. 21. 1855. Donnybrook Fair the Bartholomew of Dublin abo- lished, 26th August, in the mayoralty of the Right Hon. Joseph Boyce, the patent having been purchased for 3,000. See Note (y). 1856. London-bridge over the Dodder, near Irishtown, re- built, the wooden bridge in same place having fallen into decay. 1857. The Rev. Beaver H. Blacker, A.M., appointed to the incumbency of Booterstown, 18th February, on the death of the Rev. R. H. Nixon. 1858. The Rev. Frederick Fitzgerald, A.M., appointed to the incumbency of Donnybrook, 6th January, the parish having been constituted a perpetual curacy, 1st of same month. 1858. For particulars of the several Parochial Institutions of Booterstown at this date, see the "Booterstown Parish Almanack, 1858." The Almanack was issued likewise for the following year. 1858. The Presbyterian Church, near Irishtown, erected. 1859. The enlargement of St. Mary's Church, Donnybrook, by the addition of a chancel and transepts, commenced in the latter part of this year, under the direction of Joseph Welland, Esq., Architect to the Ecclesiastical Commis- sioners for Ireland. 0f (FEOM THE TEAK 1580.) [For a list of the Archdeacons of Dublin, with particulars, see Cotton's " Fasti Ecclesiae Hiber- nica," vol. ii. pp. 127-132.] 1580. Henry Ussher, D.D., the first Fellow of Trinity Col- lege, and Treasurer of Christ Church, Dublin. In 1595 he became Archbishop of Armagh ; but continued to hold the archdeaconry until his death in 1613. See p. 64. 1613. Launcelot Bulkeley, A.M.; became Archbishop of Dublin in 1619. 1G19. Anthony Martin, D.D., Prebendary of Castleknock. In 1623 he was likewise Dean of Waterford : in 1625 he became Bishop of Meath ; and in 1645 Provost of Trinity College, of which he had been a Fellow. 1625. John Haines. 1636. William Bulkeley, A.M. (son of the Archbishop), Chancellor of St. Patrick's, Dublin (?) ; died in 1671. 1672. Michael Delaune, A.M. 1675. John Fitzgerald, B.D., late Prebendary of Donogh- more ; resigned in 1689. 1690. Dive Downes, B.D., Senior Fellow of Trinity Col- lege ; became Bishop of Cork and Ross in 1699. 1699. Richard Reader, D.D., Chancellor of Christ Church, and Dean of Emly. In 1700 he resigned the deanery and archdeaconry, and became Dean of Kilmore. 1700. Enoch Reader, D.D., Dean of Kilmore: died in 1709, having held likewise the deanery of Emly. 100 1710. Thomas Hawley : died in 1715. 1715. Robert Dougatt, A.M. ; became Precentor of St. Pa- trick's in 1719. See p. 73. 1719. Charles Whittingham, D.D. ; died in 1743. See p. 72. 1743. Nicholas Synge, D.D., Prebendary of Malahiderr, and Precentor of Elphin ; became Bishop of Killaloe in 1745. 1745. Richard Pococke, LL.D., Precentor of "Waterford, and of Lismore; in 1756 became Bishop of Ossory, and was translated to Meath in 1765. See p. 75. 1757. Isaac Mann, D.D., likewise Precentor of Christ Church ; became Bishop of Cork & Ross in 1772. See p. 74. 1772. Edward Bayly, D.D., Dean of Ardfert; died in 1785. 1785. Thomas Hastings, LL.D., Precentor of St. Patrick's ; died in 1794. 1794. Robert Fowler, A.M., son of the Archbishop ; became Bishop of Ossory in 1813. 1813. James Sanrin, A.M., Dean of Cork; in 1818 be- came Dean of Deny, and Bishop of Dromore in 1819. 1818. John Torrens, D.D., likewise Rector of Narragh- more, in the diocese of Kildare ; died in 1851. See p. 97. 1851. John West, D.D., Prebendary of Yagoe, and Vicar of St. Anne's, Dublin. The present Archdeacon. Incumbents uf gaotmtoiw. 1824. Jamea Buhver, A.M. 1825. Anthony Silleiy, A.M. 1832. Robert Herbert Nixon, A.M. 1857. Beaver Henry Blacker, A.M., the present Incumbent. 101 01 g 1858. Frederick Fitzgerald, A.M., the present Incumbent. Chaplain 0f $1 MK'S, 1850. William de Burgh, D.D., the present Chaplain. s of St. SJattljeiu's, ptpntfr, 1723. John Bohereau, alias Borough. 1726. Michael Hartlib, likewise Rector of Killary, or Kil- larvey, in the diocese of Meath. 1741. Isaac Mann, D.D., likewise Rector of Killary, or Killarvey, and afterwards Archdeacon of Dublin. 1750. Theophilus Brocas, A.M., likewise Dean of Killala. 1764. John Brocas, A.M., likewise Dean of Killala. 1795. Robert Ball, LL.B., likewise Prebendary and Vicar of Drumholm, in the diocese of Raphoe. 1828. John Evans Johnson, A.B., now D.D., and Archdeacon of Ferns. 1831. Richard Henry Wall, D.D., the present Chaplain. 0f 1821. 7 1822. > Robert Alexander and James Digges La Toache. 1823. ) 1825 ( Robert Al exand er and Isaac Matthew D'Olier. 1826. Isaac Matthew D'Olier and Samuel John Pittar. 102 APPENDIX. 1827. Robert Roe and Henry Lanauze. 1828. John Elliott Hyndman and Charles Smith. 1829. John Elliott Hyndman and Henry Laiiauze. 1830. Hill Wilson and Patrick Stack. 1831. Jonathan Deverell and John Gillman. 1832. Henry Cole and William Henry. 1833. Henry Higinbotham and John Woods. 1834. Isaac Matthew D'Olier and Charles Smith. 1835. Sir J. H. Cairncross, K.C.B., and Hickman Kearney. 1836. Thomas Beasley and Joseph Webster Talbot. 1837. Arthur Ormsby and John Gillman. 1838. Captain J. F. Cockburn and Charles Fletcher. 1839. Capt William Osborne and Nicholas W. Monsarrat. 1840. James Kelly and Henry Carey Field, M.D. 1841. George Bury and Richard Purdy. 1842. Robert Kelly and Captain Charles Woodward. 1843. Major William St. Clair and Digby Marsh. 1844. Edmund Ball and Charles John Bond. 1845. Captain William Smyth and Edward Browne. 1846. Colonel Joseph Kelsall and Henry \Vm. Mulvany. 1847. Captain Richard J. Annesley and Wm. Penncfathcr. 1848. Hugh Carmiclmel and James Wright. Captain An- nesley, vice Wright, resigned. 1849. Edward Browne and D.ivid Wilson llutcheson. 1851 I Co}onQl Josc P h KeUa11 and Jose l )h Webstcr Talbot. 1852. John Fitzgerald and George Reade Mac Mullen. 1853. John Maturin and John Fitzgerald. 1854. William P. Alcock and George Reade Mac Mullen. 1855. John Fitzgerald and George Reade Mac Mullen. ANNALS. 103 1856. George Reade Mac Mullerf and Eugene LeClerc, M.D. Richard Waring Pittar, vice Mac Mullen, deceased. 1857. John Maturin and Henry Loftus Tottenham. 1858. Henry Leland Keily and Edward Clark. 1859. George Charles Armstrong, M.D., and John Reid. 0f ga (FROM THE TEAR 1825.) 1825. Francis Thos. Russell and Robert Wright. 1826. Francis Thos. Russell and Daniel Ashford. 1827. Thomas Wright and James Hill. 1828. Capt. Christopher Foss and Thos. Popham Lascombe. 1829. James Jameson and Alderman Thomas Abbott. 1830. Captain C. Foss and Henry D'Anvers. 1831. Charles Tisdall and Crofton Fitzgerald. 1832. Captain C. Foss and Courtney Kenny Clarke. 1833. Crofton Fitzgerald and J. V. E. Cartwright. 1834. Alderman Arthur Morrisson and William Power. 1835. Captain Wm. Loftus Otway and Sir Richard Baker. 1836. Theophilus Page and Captain W. L. Otway. 1837. Robert Corbet and James F. Madden. 1838. John Porter and John Semple, jun. 1839. Captain W. L. Otway and Robert Lovely. 1840. Thomas Bridgford and George M. Waltliew. 1841. Henry Humphry? and John Hawkins Askins. 1842. Patrick William Brady and William Henry Murray. 1843. John Hewson and Robert Lovely. 1844. Patrick Wm. Brady and George M. Walthew. 104 APPENDIX. 1845. Robert Lovely and C&ptain William Harris. 1846. John Hewson and Wm. V. R. Ruckley. J 847. Henry Forde and Edward R. P. Colles. 1848. Daniel Kinahan and John Wight 1849. Captain John W. Welsh and Robert Lovely. 1850. Wm. V. R. Ruckley and James Kildahl Atkin. 1851. John Taylor Hamerton and Henry Humphreys. 1852. Alexander Sanson and James Jameson. 1853. Bartholomew M. Tabuteau and Thos. H. Taylor. 1854. Edward J. Quinan, M.D., and Robert B. Brunker. 1855. Wm. V. R. Ruckley and Francis Salmon. 1856. John Browne Johnston and John Richardson. 1857. Edward Blacker and George Torrauce. 1858. Wm. V. R. Ruckley and Edward C. F. Hornsby. 1859. William Henry Morris and John Brereton. 000 031 846 9 pilili B II f I jl i I i! Mi i BiMfgwira