- THREE - MIDNIGHT STORIES- University of California Berkeley From the Bequest of DOROTHY K. THOMAS THIS EDITION IS LIMITED TO FIVE HUNDRED COPIES, PRINTED FROM TYPE, OF WHICH THIS COPY NO. THREE MIDNIGHT STORIES THREE MIDNIGHT )RD Portrait with Autograph Ni RY CO. THREE MIDNIGHT STORIES BY ALEXANDER W. DRAKE NEW YORK THE CENTURY CO. 1916 Copyright, 1893, 1894, 1916, by THE CEKTURY Co. Published, October, 1916 CONTENTS PAGE A MEMORY ix Albert Bigelow Paine THE YELLOW GLOBE . . . . . 3 INTERLUDE KENSAL GREEN . . 8 THE CURIOUS VEHICLE . . . . . 31 INTERLUDE PADEREWSKI . . . 7 THE LOOSENED CORD . 75 ALEXANDER W. DRAKE THE MAN A BRIEF BIOGRAPHY . . . . . . 93 Clarence Clough Duel AN APPRECIATION ...... 103 William Fayal Clarke A WORD OF TRIBUTE ..... 113 Robert Underwood Johnson LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Portrait with Autograph . . Frontispiece FACING PAGE Alexander W. Drake ix From a photograph by Albert Bigelow Paine A Corner of the Drawing Room . . 1 Library in the Residence of A. W. Drake 9 A Doorway Bottle-Cabinet . . . . 71 Portrait, . . , - 91 From a photograph by Hollinger East Side of Dining Room . . , . .103 West Side of Dining Room . . . . Decorations: Bird Cages, Bottles, and Little Ships, from objects in Mr. Drake's Collections. [EMORY It was nearly a quarter of a century ago that I read, in closely succeeding >bers of "The Century" ma ble Alexander W. Drake ife; g bird, whose attached to a miniature balloon had d upward to the stars. I read each of these stories several times, and after that waited from month to month for others e same hand. But there were no more. I often wondered why. For