biomed PE 1475 A508b 1909 THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES THE BIBLIOGRAPHIC STYLE OF THE AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION PRESS THE BIBLIOGRAPHIC STYLE OF THE American Medical Association Press PRICE TEN CENTS AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION PRESS 103 DEARBORN AVENUE CHICACO li+7^ /\ 5 'Of m THE BIBLIOGRAPHIC STYLE OF THE AMEK- ICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION PRESS INTRODUCTION The following extract from the Style-Book of the American Medical Association Press is here printed for the convenience of authors and as an aid toward uniformity and accuracy in style, especially in biblio- graphic work. The fact that this pamphlet is to be circulated among authors justifies the inclusion here of (A) some general remarks on the preparation of manuscripts, and (B) some publishers' rules concerning proof, reprints and exclusive publication. A. MANUSCRIPT PREPARATION 1. Manuscripts should be type written, well spaced between the lines and with ample margins. Lines should not be close-spaced for case reports or for any other matter. This point is of great importance, since the manuscript editors need to place some directions to the printer on the margin, and others between the lines of the manuscript. In some instances it may be impos- sible to prepare a close-spaced manuscript for the printer. Illegibility, close spacing, or other mechanical defects in the preparation of a manuscript — as well as errors in spelling, grammar and diction — -may some- times turn the scale against the acceptance of an article. Manuscripts should not be rolled, and preferably not folded, and, we repeat for emphasis, not closely written. 2. The ambiguous and inconsistent use of pronouns should be avoided. Sometimes an author will refer to himself in one place as "the writer," in another as "the author," in a third as "I," and in still another as "we." He- may then go on to use the pronoun "we" with ref- erence to the medical profession or the world at large. G,'*52i8 and to refer to the writer of some previously cited lit- erature as "the author." We have seen this confusion so complete that it was impossible to be sure when the author was referring to himself and when to some other person. Consistency here is important. An author should refer to himself in the same terms throughout; and certainly the first personal pronoun — I, me — is the clearest and most satisfactory term to use. In re- ferring to another writer an author should give the name of the writer in question, if it is known, instead of referring to him as "the writer," or "the author." 3. In direct quotations the words of the original should be given exactly; each direct quotation should be enclosed in quotation marks. 4. In case reports especially, time should be defined exactly. "A month ago" (which signifies "a month be- fore the time at which I write or speak" ) is a meaning- less phrase in an undated article. "A month previous to the patient's death," "six weeks after the last exam- ination," "January 21, 1907," convey precise ideas to the reader's mind; such expressions are therefore to be preferred. 5. Corrections on proof should be made on the mar- gin, and lines should be drawn from the correction to the point in the text which is to be changed. Correc- tions in manuscript, if slight, may be inserted at the point in the text at which they are to be read. If numerous radical changes are required in manuscript, it is better to rewrite and provide clean copy. 6. Authors are requested to bear with patience the slight alterations in form which it is frequently neces- sary to make in the besl and most carefully prepared manuscripts in order that variations in the individual styles of contributors may not result in unpleasing dis- crepancies in the style of Ttie Jourxal. The editors make such changes with reluctance and only beca us ■ experience has shown that slight editorial supervision may -ave authors from criticism oe minor points and readers from needless confusion and misapprehension. B. PUBLISHERS RULES Proof, is submitted of all articles except very brief clinical notes or unless otherwise arranged in advance. A reprint order blank, giving prices, is sent with proof. Reprints are not given free, except in special cases, as, for example, for the encouragement of re- search. Half-tones, zinc etchings and other illustrations will be furnished by The Journal when satisfactory pho- tographs or drawings are supplied by the author. Pho- tographs and drawings will be returned after the article is published if the word "return" is written on the back of each. Articles are Accepted for Publication on Con- dition that They Are Contributed Solely to this Journal. The above important notice, together with much other useful information, appears in The Journal each week on the second advertising page following the reading pages. BIBLIOGRAPHIC REFERENCES ACCURACY In bibliographic references, more important than style, punctuation, spelling, or other felicity of presen- tation, is accuracy. A reference is useless if not correct. Therefore, the first, last and most essential rule is scrupulous care in verifying and transcribing. The co- operation of authors, editors, proofreaders and all others concerned is especially requested on this point. Work on footnotes is not suited to times of fatigue or haste. COMPLETENESS Next to accurac}', the most important point is a serv- iceable completeness. References to literature should contain the following data, arranged in the order given : Author's last name, initials or Christian name, title of book or article; if book, number of edition, place and year of publication, name of publishers, and, if neces- sary, volume and page ; if article, name of periodical in which it appeared, volume, year and page; or, if that can not be given, exact date of issue. Titles of articles cited should be given, if possible, as they are often of great assistance to the reader in determining what spe- cial phase of the subject has been considered. A period- ical should not be cited by the editors name unless the full title is given as well. Thus, the Zeitschrift fur allgemeine Physiologic should not be cited simply as Vcrworn's Zeitschrift. PLACING OF FOOTNOTES Footnotes that concern the article as a whole are starred and placed at the beginning. For example : PROBLEMS IN DIAGNOSIS* •Head in the Section on Nervous and Mental Diseases of the American Medical Association, at the Fifty-ninth Annual Session, held at Chicago, June, 1908. Or: ♦From the Medical Clinic of Johns Hopkins University. All other comments or bibliographic references on various matters mentioned in an article should be used as individual footnotes, numbered consecutively through the article, each to be placed at the foot of the required column, rather than grouped at the end as a bibli- ography. The latter method may be followed, however, if an author desires merely to give a general survey of the literature on the subject. When the same reference is used twice, instead of duplicating the note or using the words "loc. cit./' it is better to repeat in the text the reference number of the original note. IXDEX-CATALOGUE STYLE ACCEPTABLE The bibliographic style given here is based on that of the Index-Catalogue of the Surgeon-Generaly's Li- brary. Close comparison will show some slight varia- tions which it is not necessary to enumerate. Biblio- graphic notes prepared in accordance with the style of the Index-Catalogue of the Surgeon-General's Library will be entirely acceptable. SAMPLE FOOTNOTES The following are examples of various styles of foot- notes : 4. Brissaud : Traite de inedecine, 1894, vi, 53. 7. Beevor, Charles E., and Horsley, Victor : Phil. Tr. Roy. Soc. London. 1890, clxxi, 49-SS, 129-138. 12. Brown, S. E. : Edinburgh Med. and Surg. Jour., 1832, xxxvii, 261. Gray, T. D. : Ibid., 1831, xxxvi, 15. 8. Hoche, A. : Zur Frage der elektrischen Erregbarkeit des menschliohen Riickenrnarkes, Neurol. Centralbl., 1895, No. 14, p. 754 : Neuroi. Centralbl., 1900, p. 994 ; Ueber Reizungsversuche am Riiekenmarke von Enthaupteten, Berl. klin. Wchnschr., 1900, No. 22. p. 479. 47. In addition to the articles previously cited, the following references will be found of interest : Barr : Brit. Med. Jour.. 1907, i. 725. Georgopulos : Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berlin, 1906, lx, 411. Josue : Presse med., 1907, xv. 233. Lutheus : Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol., 1906, lv, 116. Paessler : Samml. klin. Vortr., 1906, new series, No. 2, p. 408. 12. Vulpian, A. : Lecons sur la physiologie generate et eoniparee du systeme nerveux, Paris, 1866, p. 360. Some of the points in style may be formulated as follows for the sake of emphasis : Neither italics nor quotes should be used to distin- guish titles of books, articles or periodicals in bib- liographic references. The word "Vol." is not to be used. Numbers of vol- umes are distinguished by being put in roman lower- case numerals. Numbers of periodicals, if specified, are 8 indicated by arabic numerals preceded by "No." X um- bers of pages are ordinarily indie? ted by arabic numer- als, preceded by "p.," unless a roman numeral imme- diately precedes, in which case the. a p." may be omitted. Words of reference should precede their numerals. Thus: ed. 2, Bull. 23, series 13. Not: 2d ed., 23 Bull., 13 series. Foreign words of reference, such as Seite (page), Theil (part) should be translated. LISTS OF REFERENCES Following are, first, a list of full and abbreviated titles of the more common periodicals; and, second, a list of the more common foreign words used in the for- mation of titles of periodicals, with the accepted abbre- viations. It should be noted that, in some instances, there are two or more periodicals with the same title. Care should be taken to distinguish between such journals by giving the place of publication of each one cited. The name of the place of publication, when it accom- panies the abbreviated title in the following list, is meant to call attention to the fact that another journal of the same name exists. LIST OF ABBREVIATED TITLES OF PERIODICALS Abeille m6d., Paris Abeille niedicale, Paris. Abhandl. d. schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Kult Abhandlungen der schlesischen Gesellsehaft fill- vaterlandische Kultur, Breslau. Acad. d. belles-lettres de La Roehelle Acadomie des belles-lettres, sciences et arts de La Roehelle. Acad. d. Montpellier Academie des sciences et lettres de Mont- pellier. Acta phil.-med. Soc. Acad. ..-Acta philosophico-medica Societatis Acade- mic scientiarum (HassiaciE), Frankfort and Leipsic. Actes Soc. de med. de Bruxelles. -Actes de la Societe de medecine de Bruxelles. Aerztl. Ber. d. k. k. allg. Krankenh. zu Wien Aerztliche Berichte des kais.-koniglicheu allgemeinen Krankenhauses zu Wien. Aerztl. Cor.-Bl. f. Bohmen .... Aerztliches Correspondenzblatt fiir Bohmen, Prague. Aerztl. Vereinsbl. f. Deutschl. .Aerztliches Vereinsblatt fur Deutschland, Dresden. .Esculap. Reg .Dsculapian Register, Philadelphia. Alabama Med. Jour Alabama Medical Journal, Birmingham. Albany Med. Ann Albany Medical Annals. Alger med Alger medical, Algiers. Alienist and Neurol Alienist and Neurologist, St. Louis. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg Allgemeine medicinische Central-Zeitung, Berlin. Allg. wien. med. Ztg Allgemeiner wiener medizinische Zeitung. Vienna. Allg. Ztg. f. Chir Allgemeine Zeitung fiir Chirurgie, innere Heilkunde and ihre Hiilfswissen- schaften, Augsburg. Allg. Ztg. f. Mil.-Aerzte Allgemeine Zeitung fiir Militair-Aerzte, Brunswick. Allg. Ztschr. f. Psychiat Allgemeine Zeitschrift fiir Psychiatrie und psychisehgerichtliche Medicln, Berlin. Aim. f. Aerzte U. Nicbtiirzte. ..Almanach fiir Aerzte und Nichtarzte, Jena. Am. Chem. Jour American Chemical Journal, Baltimore. Am. Druggist American Druggist, New York. Am. Jour. Anat American Journal of Anatomy, Philadelphia. Am. Jour. Clin. Med American Journal of Clinical Medicine, Chir cago. Am. Jour. Insan American Journal of Insanity, Utica, N. Y. Am. Jour. Med. Sc American Journal of the Medical Sciences, Philadelphia. Am. Jour. Nursing American Journal of Nursing, Philadelphia. Am. Jour. Obst American Journal of Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Children, New York. Am. Jour. Oplith., St. Louis. .. American Journal of Ophthalmology, St Louis. 10 Am. Jour. Orthop. Surg American Journal of Orthopedic Surgery, Boston. Am. Jour. Pharm American Journal of Pharmacy, Philadel phia. Am. Jour. Physiol American Journal of Fhysiology, Boston. Am. Jour. Sc. and Arts American Journal of Sciences and Arts. New Haven. Am. Jour. Surg American Journal of Surgery, New York. Am. Jour. Urol American Journal of Urology, New Y"ork. Am. Med American Medicine, Philadelphia. Am. Med. Compend American Medical Compend, Toledo. Am. Med. Jour., St. Louis. .. -American Medical Journal, St. Louis. Am. Pract. and News American Practitioner and News, Louisville. Am. Quart. Roentgenol American Quarterly of Roentgenology, Pitts- burg. Amtl. Ber. ii. d. Versamml. deutseh. Naturf. u. Aerzte. Amtliche Berichte iiber die Versammlung deutscher Naturforscher und Aerzte. An. de cien. med Anales de ciencias mfidicas, Madrid. An. de oftal., Mexico Anales de oftalmologia, Mexico. An. r. Acad, de med Anales de la real Academia de medicina, Madrid. An. Soc. ginec. espan Anales de la Sociedad ginecologica espafiola. Madrid. Anat. Anz Anatomischer Anzeiger, Jena. Anat. Rec Anatomical Record, Philadelphia. Ann. clin. de Montpel Annales cliniques de Montpellier. Ann. d. Geburtsh Annalen der Geburtshulfe iiberhaupt und der Entbindungsanstalt zu Marburg insbe- sondere, Leipsic and Mannheim. Ann. de dermat. et de sypli. . Annales de dermatologie et de syphiligraphie, Paris. Ann. de gynec. et d'obst Annales de pynecologie et d'obstetrique, Paris. Ann. d'liyg. pub Annales d'hysiene publique et de medecine legale, Paris. Ann. d" ig. sper Annali d' igiene sperimentale, Rome. Ann. d. 1st. Maragliano p. la (lira d. tuberc Annali dell' Istituto Maragliano per lo studio e la cura della tubercolosi e di altri malattie infettive, (ienoa. Ann. d. mal. d. org. genito-urin. Annales des maladies des organes ggnito- urlnalres, Paris. Ann. d. mal, de la peau Annales des maladies de la peau et de la syphilis, Paris. Ann. de l'Inst. Pasteur Annales de I'Institut Pasteur, Paris. Ann. de m§d. et cliir. inf Annales de medecine et chirurgle infantiles. I'aris. Ann. di ottal.. Pavia Annali di o'ttalmologia, Pavia. Ann. d'ocul., Brussels Annales d'oculistique, Brussels. Ann. f. d. ges. lleilk Annalen fiir die gesammte Ileilkunde, Karls- ruhe. Aim. Gynec. and Pediat Annals of Gynecolotrv and Pediatry, Phila- delphia and Boston. Ann. Opliili Annals of Ophthalmology, St. Louis. 11 Ann. Soc. de med. d'Anvers. ... Annales de la Societe de medecine d'Anvers. Ann. Soc. de med. de Gand. . . -Annales de la Societe de medecine de Gand. Ann. Soc. med.-chir. d'Anvers. .Annales de la Society mgdico-chirurgicale d'Anvers. Ann. Surg Annals of Surgery, Philadelphia. Ann. Trop. Med. and Parasit. . Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasit- ology, Liverpool. Apoth.-Ztg Apotheker-Zeitung, Berlin. Apothecary, Boston Apothecary, Boston. Arb. a. d. k. Gsndhtsamte Arbeiten aus dem kaiserlichen Gesundheit- samte, Berlin. Arch, brasil. de psychiat Archivos brasileiros de psychiatria, neuro- logia e sciencias afines, Rio de Janeiro. Arch. clin. ital Archivio clinico italiano, Rome. Arch. d. mal. dn coeur Archives des maladies du cceur, des vais- seaux et du sang, Paris. Arch. d. Pharm Archiv der Pharmazie, Berlin. Arch. d. sc. biol., St. Peters- burg Archives des sciences biologiques publiees par l'lnstitut imperial de medecine ex- perimentale a St. Petersbourg. Arch, de med. exper. et d'anat. path Archives de medecine experimentale et d'anatomie pathologique, Paris. Arch, de neurol Archives de neurologie, Paris. Arch, de oftal. hispano-am. . . Archivos de oftalmologia hispano-ameri- canos, Madrid. Arch, de physiol. norm, et path. Archives de physiologie normale et path- ologique, Paris. Arch. Dermat Archives of Dermatology, New York and Philadelphia. Arch. Diagnosis Archives of Diagnosis, New York. Arch, d'opht Archives d'ophtalmologie, Paris. Arch. f. Anat., Physiol, u. wis- sensch. Med Archiv fur Anatomie, Physiologie und wis- senschaftliche Medicin. Leipsic. Arch. f. Anat. u. Physiol Archiv fur Anatomie und Physiologie, Leipsic. Arch. f. Augenh Archiv fur Augenheilkunde, Wiesbaden. Arch, f . d. ges. Physiol Archiv fur die gesammte Physiologie des Menschen und der Thiere, Bonn. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph Archiv fiir Dermatologie und Syphilis, Vienna. Arch. f. Entwcklngsmechn. d. Organ Archiv fur Entwickelungsmecbanik der Or- ganismen, Leipsic. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Phar- makol Archiv fiir experimentelle Pathologie und Pharmakologie, Leipsic. Arch. f. Gyntik Archiv fiir Gynakologie, Berlin. Arch. f. Hyg Archiv fiir Hygiene, Munich and Leipsic. Arch. f. Kinderh Archiv fiir Kinderheilkunde, Stuttgart. Arch. f. klin. Chir Archiv fiir klinische Chirurgie, Berlin. Arch. f. Laryngol. u. Rhinol. . .Archiv fiir Laryngologie und Rhinologie, Berlin. Arch. f. Ohrenh Archiv fiir Ohrenheilkunde, Leipsic. 12 Arch. f. Ophth Archiv fur Ophthalmologie, Leipsic. Arch. f. Physiol Archiv fur Physiologic Leipsic. Arch. i. Fsycniat Archiv fur Psychiatrie und Nervenkrank- heiten, Berlin. Arch. f. Verdauungskr Archiv fur Verdauungs-Krankheiten, Berlin. Arch. gen. de chir Archives generates de chirurgie. Paris. Arch. gen. de med Archives generates de medecine. Paris. Arch. Int. Med Archives of Internal Medicine (footnotes of Journal). The Archives Int. Med Archives of Internal Medicine (footnotes of Archives). Arch, internat. de laryng. ...Archives internationales de laryngologie, de rhinologie et d'otologie, Paris. Arch, internat. de pharmacod. Archives internationales de pharmacody- namic, Ghent and Paris. Arch, internat. de physiol Archives internationales de physiologie, Liege and Paris. Arch, internaz. di med. e chir.Archivio internazionale di medicina e chi- rurgia, Naples. Arch. med. de Toulouse Archives medicales de Toulouse. Arch. Ophth Archives of Ophthalmology, New York. Arch. Otol Archives of Otology. New York. Arch. p. le sc. med Archivio per le scienze mediche, Turin. Arch. Pediat Archives of Pediatrics, New York. Arch. Physiol. Therapy Archives of Physiological Therapy, Boston. Arch. Roentg. Ray Archives of the Roentgen Ray, Ixjndon. Arch. Soc. de estud. clln. de la riabana Archivos de la So'ciedad de estudios clinicos de la Habana. Army and Navy Jour Army and Navy journal. Atlanta Jour.-Eec. Med Atlanta Journal-Record of Medicine. Atti d. r. Accad. d. fisiocrit. di Siena Atti della reale Accademia dei fisiocritici di Siena. Atti d. xi Cong. med. internaz. Atti dell' XI Congresso medico internazion- ale, Rome, 1894. Australasian Med. Gaz Australasiau Medical Gazette, Sydney. Balneol. Centralztg Balneologische Centralzeitung. Berlin. Beitr. z. ehem. Phys. U. Path.R e itrage zur chemischen Physiologie und Pathologic. Brunswick. Beitr. z. exper. Therap Beitrage zur experimentellen Therapie, Ber- lin. Beitr. z. Geburtsh. u. Gynlik.. Berlin Beitriige zur Geburtshiilfe und Gyniikologie, Berlin. Beitr. z. klin. Chir Beitrage zur klinischen Chirurgie. Tiibingen. Beitr. z. Klin. d. Tuberk Beitriige zur Klinik der Tuberkulose, W'iirz- burg. Beitr. z. path. Anat. u, z. allg. Path Beitrage zur pathologischen Anatomic und zur allgemeinen I'athologie, Jena. Bcr. d. deutsch. chem. Gesellsch. Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesell- schaft, Berlin. Ber^d. deutsch. pharm.Gesellsch. Berichte der deutschen pharmaceutisrhen Gesellschaft, Berlin. 13 Ber. d. Gsndhtsrath. in Zurich. Berichte des Gesundheitsrathes an die hohe Regierung in Zurich. Berl. Klin, . Berliner Klinik. Berl. klin. Wchnsehr Berliner klinische Wochenschrift. Bibliot. d. ges. med. Wissensch.Bibliothek der gesammten medicinischen Wissenschaften, Vienna and Leipsic. Bibliot. f. Laeger Bibliothek for La?ger, Copenhagen. Bijdr. t. geneesk. Staatsreg. . Bijdragen tot geneeskundige Staatsregeling, Amsterdam. Biochem. Ztsehr Biochemische Zeitschrift, Berlin. Bl. f. Gsndhtspflg Blatter fur Gesundheitspflege, Zurich. Bol. d. Cons. sup. de sahib., Mexico Boletin del Consejo superior de salubridad, Mexico. Bol. d. Inst, patol Boletin del Instituto patol6gico, Mexico. Bol. de med. y cirug., Madrid Boletin de medicina y cirugia, Madrid. Boston Med. and Surg. Jour. -Boston Medical and Surgical Journal. Brazil-med Brazil-medico, Rio de Janeiro. Bristol Med.-Chir. Jour Bristol Medico-Chirurgical Journal. Brit, and Colon. Druggist British and Colonial Druggist, London. Brit. Jour. Child. Dis British Journal of Children's Diseases, Lon- don. Brit. Med. Jour British Medical Journal, London. Buffalo Med. Jour Buffalo Medical Journal. Bull. Am. Acad. Med Bulletin of the American Academy of Medi- cine, Easton, Pa. Bull. Am. Pharm. Assn Bulletin of the American Pharmaceutical Association, Chicago. Bull. d. trav. Soc. de pharm. de Bordeaux Bulletin des travaux de la Societe de phar- ruacie de Bordeaux. Bull, de l'Acad. de med., Paris.Bulletin de l'Academie de medecine, Paris. Bull, et. mem. Soc. de ehir. de "aris Bulletin et memoires de la SocieU' de chirurgie de Paris. Bull, et mem. Soc. med. d. hop. ue Fans Bulletins et memoires de la Societe mSdicale des hopitaux de Paris. Bull. gen. de therap Bulletin general de therapeutique medicale et chirurgicale, Paris. Bull. Hyg. Lab., U. S. P. H. and M.-H. S Bulletin Hygienic Laboratory. T*. S. Public Health and Marine Hospital Service. Bull. Johns Hopkins Hosp. ...Bulletin of Johns Hopkins Hospital, Balti- more. Bull. Lying-in Hosp Bulletin of the Lying-in Hospital of the City of New York. Bull. med. de Quebec Bulletin medical de Quebec. Bull. med.. Paris Bulletin medical, Paris. Bull. off. Soc. franc, d'electro- ther. et de radiol Bulletin officiel de la Societe- franoaise d'electrotherapie et de radiologie, Paris. Bull. Pharm Bulletin of Pharmacy, Detroit. Bull. Soc. anat. de Paris Bulletin de la Societe. anatomique de Paris. 14 Bull. Soc. beige de gynec. et d'obst Bulletin de la Societe beige de gynecologie et d'obstetrique, Brussels. Bull. Soc. d. sc. d'Alger Bulletin de la Society des sciences physiques. naturelles et climatologiques d'Alger, Bull. Soc. de pediat. de Paris. .Bulletin de la Society de pediatric de Paris. Bull. Soc. de pharm. de Paris. . Bulletin de la Societe de pharmacie de Paris. Bull. Soc. franc*, de dermat. et de syph Bulletin de la Societe franchise de dermatol- ogie et de syphiligraphie, Paris. Caducee Caducfie : Journal de chirurgie et de mede- cine d'armee, Paris. Calcutta Med. Jour Calcutta Medical Journal. California Med. and Surg. Re- porter California Medical and Surgical Reporter, Los Angeles. California State Jour. Med. ..California State Journal of Medicine, San Francisco. Canad. Pract. and Rev Canadian Practitioner and Review, Toronto. Canada Lancet, Toronto Canada Lancet, Toronto. Carolina Med. Jour. Carolina Medical Journal, Charlotte, N. C. Centr. States Med. M.onit Central States Medical Monitor, Indian- apolis. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. ; Centralblatt fiir Bakteriologie, Parasiten- _ kunde und Infectionskrankheiten, Jena. Centralbl. f. d. Grenzgeb. d. Med. u. Chir Centralblatt fur die Grenzgebiete der Medi- -, , „ . zin und Chirurgie, Jena. Centralbl. f. d. Krankb. d. Harn- u. Sex.-Org Centralblatt fiir die Krankheiten der Harn- und Sexual-Organe. Leipsic. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch.Centralblatt fiir die medicinischen Wissen- _, ,, , schaften, Berlin. Centralbl. f. Nervenb. u. Psychiat Centralblatt fiir Nervenheilkunde und Tsy- chiatrie, Coblenz and Leipsic. Centralbl. f. Stoffweehsel. u. Verdauungskr Centralblatt fiir Sttfffwechsel- und Ver- dauungs-Krankheiten, Gottingen. Charitfj-Ann Charite-Annalen, Berlin. Charlotte Med. Jour Charlotte Medical Journal. L-hem. Abstr Chemical Abstracts (published by the Ameri- can Chemical Society), Easton, Pa. Chem. Zentralbl Chemisches Zentralblatt, Leipsic. Chem.-Ztg Chemiker-Zeirung, Cothen. Chicago Clin, and Pure "Water " our Chicago Clinic and Pure Water Journal. Chicago Med. Recorder Chicago Medical Recorder. Chicago Med. Times Chicago Medical Times. Cleveland Med. and Surg. Re- porter Cleveland Medical and Surgical Reporter. Cleveland Med. Jour Cleveland Medical Journal. Clin. Jour Clinical Journal, London. Clin, mod Clinica moderna, Florence. Clin, ostet Clinica ostetrica, Rome. Clin. Rev., Chicago Clinical Review, Chicago. Colorado Med Colorado Medicine, Denver. Colorado Med. Jour Colorado Medical Journal, Denver. Columbus Med. Jour Columbus Medical Journal. Lompt. rend. Acad. d. sc Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des seances de l'Academie des sciences, Paris. Compt. rend. Acad. roy. de med. de Belg Compte-rendu des travaux de l'Academie royale de medecine de Belgique, Brussels. Lompt. rend. Soc. de biol Comptes rendus des seances et memoires de la Societe de biologie, Paris. Compt. rend, xiii Cong, inter- nat. de med Comptes rendus du xiii Congres interna- tional de medicine, Paris, 1900. Cong, period, de gynec, d*obst. et de pediat Congres periodique de gynecologie, d'ob- stetrique et de' pediatric (organise par la Societe de . . . Bordeaux), Paris. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte . . . -Correspondenz-Blatt fur schweizer Aerzte, Basel. Critic and Guide Critic and Guide, New York. Cron. med., Lima Cronica medica, Lima. Cron. med. mexicana Cr6nica medica mexicana. Dental Cosmos Dental Cosmos, Philadelphia. Dental Digest Dental Digest, Chicago. Denver Med. Times and Utah Med. Jour Denver Medical Times and Utah Medical Journal. Dermat. Ztschr Dermatologische Zeitschrift, Berlin. Detroit Med. Jour Detroit Medical Journal. Deutsch. Arch. f. klin. Med. ..Deutsches Archiv fur klinische Medicin, Leipsic. Deutsch. Klin Deutsche Klinik, Berlin and Vienna. Deutsch. med. Wchnschr Deutsche medizinische Wochenschrift. Leip- sic and Berlin. Deutsch. Ztschr. f. Chir Deutsche Zeitschrift fur Chirurgie, Leipsic. Deutsch. Ztschr. f. Nervenh. .-Deutsche Zeitschrift fur Nervenheilkunde, Leipsic. Dietet. and Hyg. Gaz Dietetic and Hygienic Gazette, New York. Dominion Med. Month Dominion Medical Monthly, Toronto. Drug. Circ Druggists Circular and Chemical Gazette, New York. Dublin Jour. Med. Sc Dublin Journal of Medical Science. Echo med. du nord Echo med ical du nord, Lille. Eclect. Med. Jour., Cincinnati. Eclectic Medical Journal, Cincinnati. Eclect. Rev Eclectic Review, New York. Edinburgh Med. Jour Edinburgh Medical Journal. Estr. di mem. d. Accad. med.- chir. di Ferrara Estratto di. . . . memorie . . . lette . . . dell' Accademia medico-chirurgica di Ferrara, Bologna. 16 Expose d. trav. Soc. d. sc. med. de la Moselle Expose des travaux de la Societe des sci- ences medicales du departement de la Moselle, Metz. Forli. Svens. Liik.-Sallsk. Sam- mank Forhandlingar vid Svenska LUkare-Salls- kapets Sammankomster, Stockholm. Fort Wayne Med. Jour.-Mag. -Fort Wayne Medical Journal-Magazine. Fortschr. a. d. Geb. d. Rontgen- strahlen Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der Rontgen- strahlen, Hamburg. Fortschr. d. Med Fortschritte der Medicin, Berlin. Gac. med., Mexico Gaceta medica, Mexico. Gaz. d. hop Gazette des hopitaux civils et militaires (La Lancette franchise), Paris. Gaz. d. mal. infant Gazette des maladies infantiles . . . Paris. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Bor- deaux Gazette hebdomadaire des sciences medi- cales de Bordeaux. Gaz. hebd. de med Gazette hebdomadaire de medecine et de chirurgie, Paris. Gaz. lek Gazeta lekarska, Warsaw. Gaz. med. beige Gazette medicale beige, Liege. Gaz. med. da Bahia Gazeta medica da Bahia. Gaz. med. de Paris Gazette medicale de Paris. 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Byg. g«'n. et a]>pliq Hygiene g^nerale et appliquee, Paris. Hyg. mod Hygiene moderne, Taris. 17 Hyg. Rundschau Hygienische Rundschau, Berlin. Hygsea Uygaea, Copenhagen. Hygea Hygea, Carlsruhe. Hygie Hygie, Brussels. Hygiea, Stockholm llygiea, Stockholm. Hygiea, Vienna and St. Peters- burg Hygiea, Vienna and St. Petersburg. Hygieia, Amsterdam Hygieia, Amsterdam. Hygiene Hygiene, London. Iatrike proodos Iatrike proodos, Syra, Greece. Illinois Med. Bull Illinois Medical Bulletin, Chicago. Illinois Med. Jour., Springfield. Illinois Medical Journal, Springfield. Indian Med. Gaz Indian Medical Gazette, Calcutta. Indian Med. Rec Indian Medical Record, Calcutta. Indiana Med. Jour., Indianapolis Indiana Medical Journal, Indianapolis. Intercolonial Med. Jour. Aus- tralasia Intercolonial Medical Journal of Australasia, Melbourne. Internat. Centralbl. f. d. ges. Tuberk.-Forsch Internationales Centralblatt fur die gesamte Tuberkulose-Forschung, Wiirzburg. Internat. 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Med Jahresbericht iiber die Leistungen und Fortschritte in der gesamten Medizin, Berlin. Janus, Harlem Janus, Harlem. Jour. Abnorm. Psychol Journal of Abnormal Psychology, Boston. Jour. Advanc. Therap Journal of Advanced Therapeutics, New York. Jour. Am. Chem. Soc Journal of the American Chemical Society, New York- 18 Jour. Am. Med. Assn Journal of the American Medical Associa- tion (in footnotes of Archives). The Journal A. M. A Journal of the American Medical Association ( in footnotes of Jouknal) . Jour. Am. Soc. for Psych. Re- search Journal of the American Society for Psy- chical Research, New York. Jour. Anat. and Physiol Journal of Anatomy and Physiology, Lon- don. Jour. Arkansas M e d. Soc Journal of the Arkansas Medical Society, Little Rock. Jour. Biol. Chem Journal of Biological Chemistry, New York. Jour. Boston Soc. Med. Sc. . . Journal of the Boston Society of Medical Sciences. Jour. Cutan. Dis Journal of Cutaneous Diseases, including Syphilis, New York. Jour. d. Chir. u. 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Medical Advance, Batavia, Illinois. Med. and Surg. Rep. City Hosp., Boston Medical and Surgical Reports of the City Hospital of the City of Boston. Med. Brief Medical Brief, St. Louis. Med. Bull., Philadelphia Medical Bulletin. Philadelphia. 20 Med.-Chir. Jour., Philadelphia. Medico-Chirurgical Journal, Philadelphia. Med. Chron., Manchester Medical Chronicle, Manchester, England. Med. Council Medical Council, Philadelphia. Med. Era, St. Louis Medical Era, St. Louis. Med. Exam, and Praet Medical Examiner and Practitioner, New York. Med. Fortnightly Medical Fortnightly, St. Louis. Med. Herald, St. Joseph Medical Herald, St. Joseph. Med. Klin Medizinische Klinik, Berlin. Med. Libr. and Hist. Jour. . . . Medical Library and Historical Journal, Brooklyn. Med. Monatschr Medicinische Monatsschrift, New York. Med. News, London Medical News. London. Med. Xotes and Queries Medical Notes and Queries, Lancaster, Pa. Med. Obozr Meditsinskoye Obozrienie, Moscow. Med. Press and Circular Medical Press and Circular, London. Med. Rec, Xew York Medical Record, New York. Med. Recorder Medical Recorder, Shreveport, La. Med. Rev Medische Revue, Haarlem. Med. Rev., Bergen Medicinsk revue, Bergen, Norway. Med. Rev. of Rev Medical Review of Reviews, New York. Med. Sentinel, Portland, Ore. .Medical Sentinel, Portland, Ore. Med. Standard Medical Standard, Chicago. Med. Summary Medical Summary, Philadelphia. Med. Times and Gaz Medical Times and Gazette, London. Med. Times, Xew York Medical Times, New York. Med. Weekbl Medisch Weekblad, voor Noord- en Zuid- Nederland, Amsterdam. Med. World, Philadelphia Medical World, Philadelphia. Medicine Medicine, Detroit. Mem. Acad. imp. d. sc. de St. Petersbourg Memoires de l'Acadgmie imperials des sciences de St. Petersbourg. Memphis Med. Month Memphis Medical Monthly. Merck s Arch Merck's Archives of the Materia Medica and Its Uses, New York. Merck's Rep Merck's Report, New York. Meyer Bros. 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Unfallheilk Monatsschrift fiir Unfallheilkunde mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Me- chanotherapie und der Begutachtung Unfallverletzter, Leipsic. Monde med Monde medical, Paris. Month. Cycl. Pract. Med Monthly Cyclopedia of Practical Medicine, Philadelphia. Montreal Med. Jour Montreal Medical Journal. Munchen. med. Wchnschr. . . . Mlinchener medicinische Wochenschrift, Munich. Nashville Jour. Med. and Surg.Nashville Journal of Medicine and Surgery. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Verlosk. en Gynaec Nederlandsch Tijdschrift voor Verloskunde en Gynaecologie, Harlem. Neurol. Centralbl Neurologisches Centralblatt, Leipsic. New England Med. Month. .-New England Medical Monthly, Danbury, Conn. New Orleans Med. and Surg. Jour New Orleans Medical and Surgical Journal. New York Med. Jour New York Medical Journal. New York Med. Jour, and Obst. Rev New York Medical Journal and Obstetrical Keview. New York State Jour. Med.... New York State Journal of Medicine, New York. 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A Transactions of the Section on Obstetrics and Diseases of Women of the Ameri- can Medical Association, Chicago. Tr. Sect, on Ophth. A. M. A. . Transactions of the Section on Ophthalmol- ogy of the American Medical Associa tion, Chicago. Tr. Sect, on Path, and Physiol. A M. A Transactions of the Section on Pathology and Physiology of the American Med- ical Association, Chicago. Tr. Sect, on Pharmacol, and Therap. A. M. A Transactions of the Section on Pharmacol- ogy and Therapeutics of the American Medical Association, Chicago. Tr. Sect, on Pract. Med. A. M. A Transactions of the Section on Practice of Medicine of the American Medical As- sociation, Chicago. Tr. Sect, on Stoniat. A. M. A.. Transactions of the Section on Stomatology of the American Medical Association, ■ Chicago. 26 Tr. Sect, on Surg, and Anat. A. M. A Transactions of the Section on Surgery and Anatomy of the American Medical As- sociation, Chicago. Tr. South. Surg, and Gynec. Assn Transactions of the Southern Surgical and Gynecological Association, published in various places. Tribuna med., Rio de Janeiro. . Trihuna medica, Rio de Janeiro. Tribune m§d., Am. ed., New York Tribune nn-dieale, American edition, New York. Tribune med., Paris Tribune medicale, Paris. Ugesk. f. La?ger Ugeskrift for Lseger, Copenhagen. Ungar. med. Presse Ungarische medizinische Press, Budapest. Univ. Med. Mag University Medical Magazine (edited by the University of Pennsylvania), Philadel- phia. Univ. Penn. Med. Bull University of Pennsylvania Medicai Bul- letin, Philadelphia. Upsala Lakaref. Fork Upsala Lakareforenings Forhandlingar. U. S. Nav. Med. Bull United States Naval Medical Bulletin, Washington. Verhandl. d. Cong. f. inn. Med. Verhandlungen des Congresses fiir innere Medicin, Wiesbaden. Verhandl. d. deutseh. Gesellseh. *• Chir Verhandlungen der deutschen Gesellschaft fur Chirurgie, Berlin. Verhandl. d. deutseh. path. Gesellseh Verhandlungen der deutschen pathologischen Gesellschaft, Berlin. Verhandl. d. Ver. f. inn. Med. Med. zu Berlin Verhandlungen des Vereins fiir innere Med- icin zu Berlin. Vermont Med. Month Vermont Medical Monthly, Burlington. Virchows Arch. f. path, Anat .Virchows Archiv fiir pathologische Anatomie und Physiologie und fiir kliuische Medi- cin, Berlin. Virginia Clin. Rec Virginia Clinical Record, Richmond. Virginia Med. Semi-Month. . . Virginia Medical Semi-Monthly. Richmond. Vrach Vrach, St. Petersburg. Vrach. Gaz Vrachebnaya Gazeta, St. Petersburg. Vrtljschr. f. geriehtl. Med. . . Viertel.jahrssehrift fiir geriehtliche Medizin und offentliches Sanitiitswesen. Berlin. Vrtljschr. f. prakt. Pharm. . . .yierteljahrsschrift fiir praktische Phar- mazie, Berlin. Washington Med. Ann Washington Medical Annals, Washington, D. C. Wchnschr. f. Therap. u. Hyg. d. Auges Wochenschrift fiir Therapie und Hygiene des Auges, Breslau. West. Canada Med. Jour Western Canada Medical Journal, Winnipeg. West. Druggist Western Druggist, Chicago. West. Med. Rev Western Medical Review, Omaha, Neb. West Virginia Med. .lour West Virginia Medical Journal, Wheeling. Wiin. klin. Rundschau Wiener klinische Rundschau, Vienna. Wien. klin. Wchnschr Wiener klinische Wochenschrift, Vienna. Wien. med. Bl Wiener medizinische Blatter, Vienna. 27 Wien. med. Presse Wiener medizinische Presse, Vienna. Wien. med. Wchnschr Wiener medizinische Wocnenschrift, Vienna. Wisconsin Med. Jour Wisconsin Medical Journal, Milwaukee. Wisconsin Med. Recorder Wisconsin Medical Recorder, Janesville. Woman's Med. Jour Woman's Medical Journal, Toledo. Wyandotte Co. Med. Jour. ...Wyandotte County Medical Journal, Kan- sas City, Kansas. Yale Med. Jour Yale Medical Journal, New Haven, Conn. Zentralbl. f. Cliir Zentralblatt fur Chirurgie, Leipsic. Zentralbl. f. d. ges. Physiol, u. Path. d. Stoffwechs Zentralblatt fiir die gesamte Physiologic und Pathologie des Stoffwechsels mit Einschluss der experimentellen Ther- apie, Berlin and Vienna. Zentralbl. f. Gyniik Zentralblatt fur Gynakologie, Leipsic. Zentralbl. f. inn. Med .Zentralblatt fiir innere Medizin, Leipsic. Zentralbl. f. Physiol. . '. Zentralblatt fiir Physiologie, Leipsic and Vienna. Ziegler's Beitrage ; see Beitr. z. path. Anat. u. allg. Patb. Ztschr. d. allg. osterr. Apoth.- Ver Zeitschrift des allgemeinen osterreichischen Apotheker-Vereines, Vienna. Ztschr. f. anal. Chem Zeitschrift fiir analytische Chemie, Wies- baden. Ztschr. f. iirztl. Fortbild Zeitschrift fiir arztliche Fortbildung, Jena. Ztschr. f. diiitet. u physik. Therap ; Zeitschrift fiir diiitetische unc" physikalische Therapie, Leipsic. Ztschr. f. exper. Path. u. Therap Zeitschrift fiir experimentelle Pathologie und Therapie, Berlin. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gyniik. Zeitschrift fiir Geburtshiilfe und Gynakol- ogie, Stuttgart. Ztschr. f. Heilk.. Prague Zeitschrift fiir Heilkunde, Trague. Ztschr. f. Hyg. u. Infections- krankh Zeitschrift fiir Hygiene und Infections- krankheiten, Leipsic. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Berl Zeitschrift fiir klinische Medicin, Berlin. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Breslau. . Zeitschrift fiir klinische Medizin, Breslau. Ztschr. f . Krebsforsch Zeitschrift fiir Krebsforschung, Jena. Ztschr. f . Ohrenh Zeitschrift fiir Ohrenheilkunde. Wiesbaden. Ztschr. f. orthop. Chir Zeitschrift fiir orthopedische Chirurgie, Stuttgart. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem Zeitschrift fiir physiologische Chemie, Strassburg. Ztschr. f. soziale Med., Berlin. Zeitschrift fiir soziale Medizin, Medizinal- statistik, Arbeitsversicherung, soziale Hygiene und die Grenzfragen der Med- izin und Volkswirtschaft, Berlin. Ztschr. f. Tuberk. u. ITeilstiit- tenw Zeitschrift fiir Tuberkulose und Heilstiit- tenwesen, Leipsic. , Ztschr. f. Untersuch. d. Nah- rungs- u. Genussmittel. .. -Zeitschrift fiir TJntersuchung der Nahrungs- und Genussmittel, Berlin. 2. LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS. If the title of a periodical can not be verified on the list of abbreviated titles given above, it may be abbre- viated according to the code of abbreviations whieh fol- lows : In forming abbreviation? the following points are to be borne in mind: The article with which the title of a periodical begins should be omitted. Tims The Army and Navy Journal should be cited as Army and Navy Jour. A title consisting of a single word should not be abbre- viated. Thus. Ophthalmology and the Lancet should be cited as Ophthalmology and Lancet respectively. In English, "of" and "of the" should be omitted. Thus, the Transactions of ttic Medical Society of New York should be cited as Tr. Med. Hoc. New York. The first word in a title should be capitalized and (a) in English, all nouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs; (b) in German and Danish, all nouns; (c) in Dutch, all nouns, and adjectives derived from proper names: (d) in French, Italian. Spanish and Swedish, the first noun of a title or proper name (but, if a second proper name occurs within, as a part of the first, the first noun of the second title is likewise cap- italized). Thus: Bulletin de lei Socie/i clinique de Paris contains three proper names, consequently three capitals. (e) in Latin, proper nouns and adjectives. In the following code only those words and their ab- breviations have been capitalized which must be capital- ized under all circumstances: that is, German nouns and adjectives derived from proper" names. LIST OF ABBEEVIATIONS USED IX THE FORMATION OF THE TITLES OF PEEIODICALS. abd abdominal -e Abhandl Abhandlung -en abnorm abnormal -e. abnorm -er -e -es abstr abstract -ed acad academia, acaoernie, academy A^kad Akademie akad akademlja, akademisch -er -e -es allg allgemeine aim almanac -co Aim Almanach 29 Am American amtl amtlich -er -e -es an anales anal analitica, analitico. analytic, analytique, analytisch -er -e -es anat anatomia, anatomic, anatomica, anatomico, anatomie. anatomique, anatomisch -er -e, -es, anatomy. Anat Anatomie ann annaes, annales, annali, annals, annual Ann Annal -en Anst Anstalt -en Anz Anzeiger Apoth Apotheker appliq applique -e Arb Arbeit -en Arch -Archief, Archiv arch archives, archivii, archivio, archivos arg argentina Ark Arkif, Arkiv iirztl. (Aerztl.) iirztlich (Aerztlich) -er -e -es assn association a auf, aus Augenh Augenheilkunde bacteriol bacteriologic, bacteriologie, bacteriologiscb -er -e -es, bacteriology bacteriol bacteriologie, bacteriologique Bacteriol Bacteriologie Bakteriol Bakteriologie bakteriol bakteriologii, bakteriologisch -er -e -es balneol balneologisch -er -e -es, balneology Beitr Beitrag, Beitrage Beob Beobachtungen Ber Bericht -e berl berliner bibliog. ._ bibliographic, bibliographie, bibliography Bibliog Bibliographie bibliot biblioteca, bibliotheque Bibliot Bibliotek, Bibliothek bijdr bijdragen biochem biochemical, biochemisch -er -e -es, biochem- istry. Biochem Biochemie biol biologia, biologic, biologie, biologisch -er -e es, biology Biol Biologie bl blad Bl Blatt, Blatter bol boletin boll bollettino brasil brasileira, brasileiro Brit British bill buletinul bull.\' bulletin centr central -e Centralbl Centralblatt c 'iem chemical, chemiker, chemisch -er -e -es, chem- ist, chemistry 30 Cliem Chemie child children -'s chim chimica, chimie chir chirurgia, cbirurgica, chirurgical -e, chirur- gico, chirurgie, chirurgisch -err -e -es cien ciencia cirug cirugia ciruj cirujia din clinica, clinical, clinici, clinico, clinique colon colonial com comision, commission compt. rend compte -s, rendu -s cong congres, congreso, congress, congresso Cong Congress cons conseio contrib contribution Cor.-Bl Correspondenz-Blatt cour courier cron cronaca cron cronica cutan cutane -e. cutaneous cycl cyclopedia, cyclopedie d der, die. das, des, dem, den, dei, del, degli, della, dello Denkschr Denkschrift dent dental, dentaire dennat dermatologie, dermatologie, dermatologisch -er -e -es, dermatology Dermat Dermatologie deutsch deutsch -er -e -es diiitet diatetisch -er -e -es diet dictionnaire, dictionary dietet dietetic dis disease I )iss Dissertation diss. dissertation east eastern cclcct eclectic ed edit -ed -ion -or electrother electrotherapie electrother electrotherapy elettroter elettroterapia Entwcklngsmeclm. Kntwickelungsmechanik Ergebn Ergebnisse estr estratto est ud estudio exam examiner, examination. exper experimental, experimentell -er -e -es exp€r experimental -e extr extract farm farmaceuta, farmaceutica, farmacia, farma- cologia, farmatsevt, farmatsevticbeskiy Festschr Festschrift fis fisica, fisico fi'irh forbandlingar Fori l>ild Fortbildung 31 Fortschr Fortschritt -e franc frangais -e f fur, for gac gaceta gaz gazeta, gazette gazz gazzetta Geburtsh Geburtshelfer, Geburtshilfe, Geburtshiilfe Geneesk Geneeskunde geneesk geneeskundig -e gen general gen general -e gerichtl gerichtlich -er -e -es ges gesamt (gesammt) -er -e -es Gesellsch Gesellschaft (isndhtsamte Gesundheitsamte Gsndhtspflg Gesundheitspflege Gsndhtsrath Gesundheitsrath ginec ginecologia, ginecologica Grenzgeb ■ Grenzgebiete -n Gynak Gyn&kologie gyniik gyniikologiscb -er -e -es gynec gynecologia, gynecologic -al, gynecology gynec gynecologie, gynecologique Handb Handbuch liebd hebdomadaire Heilk Heilkunde Heilstiittenw Heilstiittenwesen hetil hetilap hist histoire, bistoria, historic -al. historisch -er -e -es, history hop hopital, hopitaux hosp hospice, hospital hyg hygieninske, hygiene, hygiene, hygienic, hy- giSnique, hygienisch -er -e -es, hygieniska Hyg Hygiene iconog iconographie ig igiene illust. . illustrated, illustre -e, illustrirt -er -e -es inaug inaugural incl including inebr inebriety infect infectious inn inner -er -e -es insan insanity Inst Institut inst institut. institute, institution, instituto, in- stitutul, institutum int internal, interne internat international -e ist istituto ital italian -a -o, italien -ne Jahrb Jahrbuch Jahresb Jahresbericht jour journal jur jurnal k kaiserlich -er -e -es, koniglich -er -e -es Kinderh Kinderheilkunde Kinderkr Kinderkrankheit -en Klin klinicky, klinicheskoi. kliniki, kliniscb -er -e -es, klinisk Klin Klinik know! knowledge Krankli Krankheit -en Kult Kultur laringol laringologia Laryngol Laryngol -en, Laryngologie laryngol. laryngologie, laryngologie, laryngologisch -er e- -es, laryngologist lek lekarska Lit Llteratur lit Ilteratura, literature, Iitterature IMaandbl Maandblad Mag Magazin mag magazine, magazin mal maladie, malady, malattie med medecin -e, medica, medical -e, medico med medica, medical, medicina, medicine, medi- cinisch -er -e -es, mediciniskt, medico, medische. meditsin, meditsinskoye, rnedi- zinisch -er -e -es, and others. Med Medicin, Medizin mem memo'ires Mem Memorabilien 111(1,11 memorias, memorie, memoirs mens mensual, mensuel -le ment mental -e, mentali mil militar, militair -e, militar -e, military miSC miscellanea, miscellanee, miscellanees. mis- cellaneous, miscellanies Mitt Mitteilungen, Mittheilungen mod modern -er -e -es, moderna, moderno Monatsb Monatsbericht -e Monatsbl Monatsblatt, Monatsblatter Monatsli Monatsheft -e Monatschr Monatsscbrift monii moniteur. monitor -e month monthly Miinchen Miinchener mus musee. museum Nachr Nachricht -en nat national -e Nederl Nederlandsch Nervenh Nervenheilkunde nerv nervosi, nervous Neurol Neurologie neurol neurologic-, neurtflogli, neurologique. neurolo- gist, neurology neuropatol neuropatologla nord nordlsch -er -e -es. nordisk -t norm normal -e n nortb north northern nouv ncmveau, nouve'.le obozr obozrienie obst obstetric, obstetrica, obstetrical, obstetrical -e, obstetriciske. obstetrics, obstetrique ocul oculaire. ocular, oculist -ica. oculistique Jiff. (Oeff.) offentlich (Oeffentlicb) -er -e -es osterr. (Oesterr.) . . osterreichisch (Oesterreichisch) -er -e -es off official, officiel -le oftal oftalmologia ophth ophthalmiatrisch -er -e -es, ophthalmic, oph- thalmologie -al, ophthalmologic ophthal- mologisch -er -e -es, ophthalmology. Ophth Ophthalmologic Org Organ -e org organ -ic organ organism -e Organ Organism -en ong original -e orthop orthopiidisch (orthopedisch) -er -e -es. ortho- pedic. orthop€die ns p ospedale, ospedali. ospizio ostet ostetrica, ostetrico °tol otologia, otologic -al. otologic otology ottal ottalmologia P par, para, pei, pel, per, por, pour, pri parasitol parasitology P a ^h pathologic, pathologic pathologisch -er -e -es, pathology Path Pathologie patol patologica. patologico. patologii pediat pediatria. pediatric -a -o. pediatrics, pediatry pediat pediatrie period periodic -al. periodico period periodique pest pester pharm pharmaceutic, pharmaceutique. pharmaceu- tisch -er -e -es. pharmacia. pharmacic pharmacy Pharm Pharmacie pliarmacod pharmacodynamic, pharmacodynamic Pharmacol pharmacologic, pharmacologic pharmacolo- gique. pharmacology Pharmakol pharinakologie pliarmakol pharmakologisch -er -e -es philosophic -o physiat physiatrisch -er -e -es phys physical -c physicalsk. physician, physico. physikalisch (physicalisch) -er -e -es physiol physiologic, physiologic physiologique, physi- ologisch -er -e -es, physiology Physiol Thysiologie pict pictorial policlin policlinico. policlinique pop popular postgrad postgraduate pract practical, practice, practician, practisch -er -e -es, practitioner 34 P ra £J prager prakt praktisch -er- e- es prat. . pratica, pratico', pratique P roc proceedings progr progres, progress, progressive Protok Protokol protok protokoli, protokol] Przegi. ■ • '• przeglad psichiat psichiat ria psych- psychic -al psychiat psychiatric, psychiatrie, psychiatrii, psychi- atrique. psyehiatrisch -er -e -es, psychi- atry Psychiat Psychiatrie psychol psychologic -al, psychologie, psychologique, psychologisch -er -e -es, psychology Psychol Psychologie P u '} public, publique P u bb pubblica, pubblicazione, pubblicazioni. pub- blico quart quarterly quer queries rac raccolta rap rapport r real -e rec record, recueil rendic rendiconti, rendiconto repert repertorio rf'pert repertoire Repert Repertorium iep report repr reprint resic resiconti resoc resoconto rev review, revista, revue Rev Revue RWnol Rhinologie rhino] rhinologie, rhinology HV rivista r °y royal -e HISS russisch -er -e -es russk russkiy St Saint St. Petersb st. Petersburger salub salubridnd Samml Sammlung san sanative, sanidad, sanitst, sanitaire, sani- taria, sanitario, sanitariscb -er -e -es, sanitary San Sanitilt shorn sbo'rnik schles schlesisch -er -e -es Sehrift Schriften sehweiz schweizer, schweizerisch -er -e -es sc science, sciencia, scienza, scienze Scient scientific, scientifique 35 Scot Scottish s c e t section sex sexual -er -e -es, sexuel -ler -le -les Sitzungsb Sitzungsbericht -e skandin skandinavisch -er -e -es, skandinaviska soc sociedad -e, societft, soeiete, societii. society south southern Smithson Smithsonian sper sperimentale ,Stoff\vechs Stoffwechsel stomat stomatologic, stomatology Stud Studien s tud studies, studii sup superior, supererieur -e surg surgeon, surgery, surgical syph syphiligraphie, syphilis, syphilography Syph Syphilis syst system terap terapeutica, terapeiitica. terapevtichesky, terapia therap therapeutic, therapeutisch -er -e -es therap therapeutique, therapie Therap Therapie tidskr tidskrift, tidsskrift Tidskr Tidsskrift Tijdschr Tijdschrift tr transactions tratt trattato trav travail, travaux trop tropical tuberc tuberculosi, tubercular, tuberculose, tubercu- losis, tuberculous Tuberk Tuberkulose ii. (Ue.) iiber (Ueber) Ugesk Ugeskrift u und ungar ungarisch -er -e -es U. (in proper names )(_'nited univ universal, universidad, universita, universite. universitetskiya, university Univ Universitat L T ntersuch Untersuchungen urin urinaire, urinary urol urology vaterl vaterlandisch -er -e -es Verdauungskr Verdauungs-Krankheit -en Ver Verein Vereinsbl Vereinsblatt Verliandl Verhandlungen verlosk verloskunde Veroftentl Yeroffentlichungen vet veterinary Vrtljsehr Vierteljahrschrift v voor 36 vraeh vracbebnaya Weekbl Weekblad wien wiener Wissensch Wissenscbaft -en wissensch wissenschaftllcb -er -c -es Wchnschr Wocbenscbrift Ztg Zeitung Zentralbl Zentralblatt z zur, zum zwangl zwanglos -er -e es UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. U\ 31865. MAY 2 8 REC'O MO JUN 2 6 1981 BlOM£D Lie J UL 3 UBTfl Form L.9-116m-8,'62(D1237s8)444 3 1158 00693 5596