:^ THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES SCHOOL OF LAW A TREATISE ON THE LAW OF TRUSTS AND TRUSTEES BY JAIRUS WARE PERRY t 'I FIFTH EDITION EMBODYING RELEVANT CASES DOWN TO DATE By JOHN M. GOULD IN TWO VOLUMES Vol. I. BOSTON LITTLE, BROWN, AND COMPANY 1899 Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1872, By Jairus Ware Perry, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1874, By Jairus Ware Perry, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. Copyright, 1S82, By William Perry. Copyright, 1889, 1899, By Leverett S. Tuckeeman and Andrew Fitz, Trustees. vJ ©nibersitg ^ress: John Wilson and Son, Cambridge, U.S.A. TO THE HONOKABLE HORACE GRAY, JR., ONE OF THE ASSOCIATE JUSTICES OF THE SDPEEME JUDICIAL COURT OF MASSACHUSETTS, THIS WORK IS INSCRIBED IN ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF THE ASSISTANCE RECEIYED FROM HIS JUDICIAL OPINIONS, AND FROM HIS PEHSONAL INTEREST IN THE PROGRESS OF ITS CONSTRUCTION, BY THE AUTHOR. 66781^ PREFACE TO THE FIFTH EDITION. Mr. Perry's learned and exhaustive treatise upon the law of Trusts and Trustees has, in its different editions, been so constantly consulted, tested, and relied upon by the profession, and is so interwoven with the decisions of the courts, as to make it at the present time one of the leading monuments of the law. As nearly every relation of life, or course of dealing, may readily give rise to a trust, the subject is evidently capable of in- definite expansion, and many extensions or qualifica- tions of the author's statements of principles could now be well made in the text, and pointed illustrations of the application of general rules be there added ; but this, although done to some extent by the preceding editors, has not been thought advisable in the present edition, as the judicial opinions, in which the author's sentences are quoted, are now so numerous that the importance of accurately preserving such quoted clauses is clearly apparent. The notes added in this edition, which are indicated by letters, and are in double columns at the foot of the pages, should therefore be consulted with added care, as they often indicate new lines of departure, or qualifications, limitations, or lucid Vi PREFACE TO THE FIFTH EDITION. illustrations of the author's rules. This is especially true of resulting and constructive trusts, where part payment of the consideration, or fraud or theft, give rise to delicate problems of substantial justice as to the adjustment of equities between investors, or deceived or trusting property-owners, on the one hand, and innocent purchasers and those familiar with legal rules on the other. Discretionary and implied powers, the duties of life-tenants and remainder-men to each other, agents as trustees, the following of trust funds, and investments, are prominent among the other topics which have been specially developed in this edition, in which about four thousand new decisions and authorities have been added. Examination of the new notes will best disclose the amount of care and labor devoted to the new edition. JOHN M. GOULD. Boston, Sept. 1, 1899. PREFACE TO THE FOURTH EDITION. In" all the courts of last resort in this country, the judges, continually and as a perfectly understood and settled thing, refer to Perry on Trusts as the standard authority upon all questions of law and equity pertain- ing to its subject-matter. Many times eminent judges in writing their opinions have deemed it sufficient proof of a principle or rule they wished to make use of, simply to state it with a reference to Perry; and indeed few judges could hope to arrive at more correct conclusions or more convincing proof of them than the clear, strong mind and intense industry of the author enabled him to attain. The heart's blood of his best manhood he poured into this study ; many buried years bloom in this book, — it is the flower of a vigorous life. It is analytic, orderly, and symmetrical, and every- where marked by comprehensive generalization, accu- rate detail, and exhaustive citation. So perfect is it that the new cases have not called for a single new chapter, and for less than twenty-five new sections. Three thousand cases decided since the last edition, and referring in some way to trusts or trustees, have been examined by the present editor. Most of them were found not to involve any principle of the law of VIU PREFACE. trusts, being merely related in name to our subject, because a trustee was involved in a dispute as to whether a certain contract was within the statute of frauds, or parol evidence was admissible for a given purpose, etc., — matters which pertain to other depart- ments of law than that with which we are dealing. The results of about one thousand new cases have been embodied in the text of this edition. There is a marked tendency in the suits of each decade to leave the old battle-grounds and cluster about a few comparatively new and unsettled points. The existence of an im- plied or resulting trust, the right of a cestui to follow trust property and its proceeds, and the rights of cred- itors, have been such muster-fields during the last few years, and many new phases of these old questions will be found in the chapters that treat of them. The old section numbers have not been disturbed, but the figures at the top of each page refer to sections, not to pages as heretofore. The section indices at the heads of the chapters have been much improved by group- ins; the references under sub-heads, and the main index has been bettered in the same way, and also somewhat enlarged. Every case inserted in this edition has been carefully examined by the editor in person, and it has been his effort throughout to put no work upon the book that would not be in keeping with its high character. FRANK PARSONS. Boston, October, 1889. ADVERTISEMENT TO THE THIRD EDITION. The steady demand for the former editions of this treatise on the Law of Trusts, and the frequent refer- ences to it in the reported cases, attest the estimation in which the work is held by the profession, and its assured place among the standard text-books of the law, such as was anticipated for it by those who knew the author best, and were familiar with his studious habit, his ability and learning. It is very much to be regretted that by Mr. Perry's lamented death, at an age when some of the best work might reasonably have been expected from him, we have lost the ripe fruits of the study and thought which he was con- stantly giving to the subjects of which his book treats, so long as health and strength allowed him to study. In the preparation of the present edition, notes and references have been made to the decisions, since the publication of the last edition, bearing upon the topics discussed in the book, with occasional additions of old cases which have come under observation, leaving the author's text and notes generally as they were written, without incurring the risk of marring what was well X ADVEKTISEMENT TO THE THIRD EDITION. done before. The arrangement and numbering of sec- tions remain as in the last edition. Much time and labor have been expended in revising the citations ; and a large proportion of them have been verified or corrected, and inaccuracies which, in the haste of prep- aration of the former edition, had crept in, have been corrected. I am indebted, for assistance in this work of verification, to my young friends, Messrs. William Perry and Alden P. White of the Essex bar, upon the former of whom now devolves the duty of upholding in the profession the name and fame of a worthy father. The index of subjects has also been revised and enlarged with many additional references, by which, it is hoped, the body of learning in the text has been made more easily accessible, and the general usefulness of the book increased. C. Salem, February, 1882. ADVERTISEMENT TO THE SECOND EDITION. The rapid absorption of the first edition of this work into the hands of the profession has not left to the Author so much time as could have been desired for the preparation of a second edition ; nor could the necessary work have been done at all, unless it had been constantly in his hands. Even before the first edition had been sent forth, work was done, and mate- rials accumulated, to improve the second, if it should ever be called for. At no time has there been a re- laxation of thought and study upon the subject. The new cases have been assimilated as the Reports came along, and old cases have been added as they fell under notice in business or study. The Author owes a debt of gratitude to his professional brethren in every part of the country, for many valuable criticisms, sug- gestions, and references to authorities. Thirty-three new sections upon the trusts that arise under power of sale mortgages, and deeds of trust in the nature of mortgages, have been added ; and many new sections upon important questions are scattered through the work. The numbers of the sections of the first edition Xii ADVEETISEMENT TO THE SECOND EDITION. are preserved, that there may be no confusion in the citations of the two editions. The Author has been reluctant to swell the book into two volumes, but it was found impossible to compress the materials into a single volume of a form and size reasonably convenient for use. In sending forth this edition the Author hopes that it may do something to lighten the toils of a laborious profession, and that it may meet with the same kind indulgence which was so liberally bestowed upon the first. Salem, Mass., Sept. 15, 1874. PREFACE. An American book upon the subject of Trusts has long been needed by the profession. At the solicita- tion of too partial friends, the writer was induced to undertake its preparation. The result is now given to the public. The writer of a law-book would be inexcusable if he failed to use all the materials at his command, which could in any way enable him to state and illustrate the law. The treatises and opinions of eminent writers, as well as the reports of the decisions and opinions of judges, must all be studied and mastered. And where the book is intended for the daily use of the lawyer in busy practice, it must contain a notice and citation of the latest cases and authorities. To this end all the treatises and essays, as well as the reported decisions, upon the subject, have been used. In addition to the original opinions of judges con- tained in the Reports, the excellent treatise on the Law of Trustees, by Mr. Hill, and the notes and com- mentaries of the learned American editors, have been carefully considered upon all the subjects treated by them. The most complete work upon the Law of Trusts is the fifth edition of Mr. Lewin's Treatise. This work, first printed more than thirty years ago, has received xiv PREFACE. in its various editions the most careful emendations, corrections, and additions by its author, until in the last edition it has grown into a remarkably full and clear exposition of the Law of Trusts, as administered in England. It has been the constant object of the writer to cover all the ground embraced by the treatises of Mr. Lewin and Mr. Hill, so far as the same is important to the American lawyer ; and, in addition, to include such other subjects and matters, relating to the Law of Trusts, not treated fully in those works, as are useful and necessary in American practice. Perhaps the accumulation of authorities upon the many topics discussed may call for some explanation. A large and increasing number of States and courts are yearly sending out a great number of volumes of Re- ports. Few lawyers can have access to the whole num- ber, but all desire to see the cases in their own State Reports bearing upon each proposition of the text. It has therefore been the aim of the writer to cite the cases in all the States, although the citation of a few leading cases is always sufficient to sustain an elemen- tary proposition. He cannot hope that he has cited all the cases upon the many matters treated ; but it has been his purpose to do so, and this has caused an accumula- tion of cases which to some may seem unnecessary. Conscious of defects in the execution of his work, he trusts that a liberal profession will rather consider how much of a difficult task has been accomplished, than how much has been omitted or imperfectly done. The writer cannot send this book forth to the public without acknowledging the constant kindness and en- couragement which he has received from his friends during the labor of its composition ; and it is his espe- PREFACE. XV cial duty and pleasure to acknowledge his obligations to his friend and associate in business for nearly twenty years, William Crowninshield Endicott, Esquire, whose sound learning and clear judgment have been a never-failing resource in matters of doubt and difficulty, and whose refined and severe taste has been freely em- ployed in pruning redundancies and softening asperities of manner and style. Salem, Mass., Nov., 187L CONTENTS OF VOLUME I. Page Index to Cases Cited xxix CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION. Section Origin, History, Definition, and Division or Classi- fication OF Trusts 1-27 § 1. The general nature of trusts. § 2. The technical nature of trusts, and their origin in the Jidei commissa of the Roman law. § 3. The origin of uses. § 4. The inconveniences that arose from the prevalence of uses. § 5. The statute of uses. §§ 6, 7. The effect of the statute of uses, and the origin of trusts. §§ 8, 9, 10. Development of trusts in England and America. § 11. Advantage of the late adoption of trusts in America. § 12. Object of this treatise. §§13-17. Definition of trusts. Classification of trusts. § 18. Simple and special trusts. § 19. Ministerial and discretionary trusts. § 20. A mixed trust and power, and a power annexed to a trust. § 21. Legal and illegal trusts. § 22. Public and private trusts. § 23. Duration of a private trust and of a public trust. §§ 24-27. Express trusts, implied trusts, resulting trusts, and constructive trusts. CHAPTER II. Parties to Trusts ; and what Property may be the Subject of a Trust 28-72 I. §§ 28-37. Who may create a trust. § 28. All persons competent to contract or make wills may create trusts. § 29. The king may create trusts. § 30. The State may create trusts ; and so may all its officers. § 31. Corporations may create trusts. VOL. I. — b XVlll CONTENTS OF VOLUME I. § 32. The power of married women to create trusts. § 33. Capacity and power of infants to create trusts. § 34. The marriage settlements of infants. § 35. Of the ability of lunatics to create trusta § 36. Of conveyances in trust l)y aliens. § 37. Trusts by bankrupts and insolvents. II. §§ 38-59. Who may be a trustee. § 38. A person may convert him.self into a trustee. § 39, Any person capable of taking the legal title may take as trustee. Rules that govern courts in appointing trustees. § 40. The sovereign may be trustee. Question as to remedy, § 41. The United States and the several States may be trustees. §§ 42-45. Corporations may be trustees. § 46, Unincorporated societies may be trustees for charitable pur- poses. § 47. Public officers as trustees. §§48-51. Married women as trustees. §§ 52-54. Infants as trustees. § 55. Aliens as trustees. § 56. Lunatics as trustees. § 57. A religious person or nun as trustee. § 58. A bankrupt as trustee. § 59. Cestui que trust may be a trustee for himself and others. III. §§ 60-66. Who may be cestui que trust. § 60. All persons may be cestuis que trust who may take the legal title. §§ 61, 62. The Crown and the State may be cestuis que trust. § 63. Corporations as cestuis que trust. § 64. Aliens as cestuis que trust. § 65. Those who cannot take a legal interest cannot take an equi- table interest. § 66. Except in certain charitable trusts. IV. §§ 67-72. What property may be the subject of a tru.st. § 67. A trust may be created in every kind of valuable property, § 68, Possibilities, choses in action, expectancies, and property not at the time in esse may be assigned in trust. § 69. Choses in action and expectancies that cannot be assigned in trust. §§ 70-72. Trusts in land lying in a foreign jurisdiction, and their ad- ministration. CHAPTER III. Express Trusts, and now Express Trusts are created AT Common Law, since the Statute of Frauds, and IN Personal Property, and Herein of Voluntary Conveyances or Settlements in Trust . . . . 73-111 a § 73. Division of trusts, according to the manner of their creation. §§ 74-77. Trusts at common law. § 74. At common law, a writing not necessary to convey land. CONTENTS OF VOLUME I. xix § 75. Uses might also be created without writing, and so may trusts, in States where the statute of frauds is not in force. § 76. Parol cannot control a written trust nor engraft an express trust on an absolute conveyance. § 77. Same rule as to trusts created by parol. § 78. The statute of frauds, and its form in various States. § 79. Effect of the statute upon the creation of express trusts. §§ 80, 81. Effect of the different forms of the words of the statutes in the several States. § 82. IIow express trusts may be proved or manifested under the statute. § 83. Certainty of the terms of the trust, and the person by whom it is to be declared. §§ 84, 85. Trusts declared or proved by answers in chancery. § 86. Trust in personal property may be created by parol. §§ 87, 88. Trusts arising from gifts mortis causa and for charitable uses. § 89. Statute of wills, and the execution of wills. § 90. Trust cannot be cre.atcd in a will, unless it is properly executed, to pass the property. §§ 91, 92. But might be manifested by a recital in a will not properly exe- cuted. § 93. The effect of the necessity of probate of wills. § 94. Parol evidence cannot convert a bequest in a will into a trust. An executor is a trustee of the surplus. § 95. When a trust is completely created. An agreement upon a valuable and legal consideration will be carried into effect as a trust or a contract. §§ 96-98. If a complete trust is created without consideration, it will be carried into effect. § 97. But if anything remains to be done to complete the trust, it will not be carried into effect, if without consideration. § 99. Whether a lawful trust is completely created or not a question of fact in each case. § 100. Trust for a stranger without consideration not completed without transfer of the legal title. § 101. But if the legal title cannot be transferred, a different rule will apply. § 102. If the subject of the proposed trust is an equitable interest, the legal title need not be transferred. § 103. The instrument of trust need not be delivered. § 104. If once perfected cannot be destroyed, though voluntary. § 105. Notice not necessary to trustee or cestui que trust. §§ 106, 107. Voluntary settlements upon wife and children. § 108. When they will not be enforced. § 109. Tendency of the rule in the United States. § 110. Marriage a valuable as well as meritorious consideration. § 111. Effect of a seal. § 1 1 1 a. New York Statute Law. XX CONTENTS OF VOLUME I. CHAPTER IV. Implied Trusts 112-123 § 112. The manner in which trusts are implied, and the words from which they are implied. § 113. Words from which a trust will not be implied. §§ 114-116. Rules by which trusts will or will not be implied. §§ 117, 1 18. Implied trusts from directions as to the maintenance of children or others. § 119. "When trusts for maintenance are not implied. § 120. Rules that govern implied trusts. § 121. Trusts arising by implication from the provisions of a will. § 122. Implied trusts arising from contracts. § 123. A direction to employ certain persons does not raise an implied trust. CHAPTER V. Resulting Trusts 124-165 a § 124. Creation and character of a resulting trust. § 125. Divisions of this kind of trust. § 126. Resulting trust where the purchase-money is paid by one, and deed is taken to another. See § 142. § 127. Resulting trust where trust funds are used to purchase property, and title taken in the name of another. § 128. In what cases a trust results, and when a trust does not result. See §§ 143, 156, 160. § 129. When a person uses his fiduciary relation to obtain an interest in or affecting the trust property. § 130. Same rules apply to personal property unless it is of a perishable nature. § 131. Where a resulting trust will not be permitted as against law. § 136. No resulting trust in a joint purchase. § 132. Rules as to a resulting trust. §§ 133, 134. Time and circumstances in the creation of a resulting trust. § 135. Parol evidence as to a purchase by an agent not admissible. §§ 137, 138. Resulting trusts may be established by parol. § 139. May be disproved by parol — the burden of proof. § 140. Cannot be changed by parol after they arise. § 141. Will not be enforced after a great lapse of time. § 142. Resulting trusts under the statutes of New York and other States. § 143. A resulting trust does not arise if the title is taken in the name of wife or child. § 144. What persons it embraces. § 145. Doubts and overruled cases. § 146. When it will be presumed to be an advancement. § 147. The presumption may be rebutted. § 148. Is rebutted by fraud in the wife or child. § 149. Creditors may avoid such advancements. When and how. § 150. A resulting trust from the conveyance of the legal title without the beneficial interest. CONTENTS OF VOLUME I. X3d § 151. Every case must depend npon its particular writing and circnm- stances. § 152. Instances and illustrations. §§ 153, 154. If there is an intention to benefit tlie donee, there is no resulting trust. § 155. Gifts to executors may create resultiiif^ trusts. § 156. Resulting trusts do not arise upon gifts to cliaritable uses. § 157. A gift upon trust or to a trustee and no trust declared. § 158. Always a matter of intention to be gathered from the whole instru- ment. § 159. Where a special trust fails it will result. § 160. Where a special trust fails from illegality or lapses, it results. § 160 a. To whom it results. §§ 161, 162. Whether a trust results from a voluntary conveyance without con- sideration. § 163. Equity docs not favor such conveyances; they may be void for fraud, but no trust results. § 164. Voluntary conveyances to wife or child. § 165. No trust results from a fraudulent transaction. § 165 a. How a resulting trust is executed. CHAPTER VI. Constructive Trusts 166-230 § 166. General nature of constructive trusts. They arise from fraud. § 167. Jurisdiction of equity over them, and the relief given by converting the offending party into a trustee. § 168. Classification of constructive trusts. § 169. General definition of a fraud in equity. § 170. Principles upon which equity gives relief against fraud. § 171. Actual fraud, or sugr/est in falsi. § 172. Elustrations of actual fraud. § 173. The misrepresentations and frauds that equity will relieve against. § 1 74. The misrepresentation must be of facts material to the contract. § 175. The misrepresentation must be of something peculiarly within the party's knowledge. § 176. The relief will depend upon the form in which it is sought. § 177. Fraud that arises from concealment, or sti})pressio veri. § 178. This kind of fraud depends much upon the relation of the parties. § 179. When a person may not be silent. § 180. Supprfssio veri is generally in law an affirmative act. § 181. Courts will relieve where acts are fraudulently prevented from being done — illustrations. § 182. Trust estahlislied where a party fraudulently prevents a will from bciup made in another's favor. § 183. Trust established in odium spolidtoris. § 1 84. Trust established upon a conveyance made in ignorance or mistake. § 185. But if the conveyance is a compromise, courts will support it if possible § 186. Trust established when a deed by mistake contains more land tlian was intended. § 187. Misrepresentation of the value of property and inadequacy of considera- tion. XXU CONTENTS OF VOLUME I. § 188. Catching bargains with young heirs and reversioners. § 189. Trust arising from mental incapacity or imbecility of parties. § 1 90. Mental weakness — old age. § 191. Drunkenness. § 192. Duress — oppression and distress. § 193. Where several of these circumstances are found combined. § 194. Frauds that arise by construction from the fiduciary relations of parties. § 195. Between trustee and cestui que trust. § 196. Renewal of leases in his own name by trustee. §§ 197, 198. Contracts prohibited between trustee and cestui que trust, but the cestui que trust alone can avoid them. § 199. Rule does not apply to dry trustees. § 200. Guardians and wards. § 201. Parents and children. §§ 202, 203. Attorney and client. § 204. Rule applies to all confidential advisers. § 205. Administrators and executors. § 206. Principal and agent. § 207. Directors of corporations. § 208. Trusts that arise out of inducements held out for marriage. § 209. Other fiduciary relations. § 210. Undefined fiduciary and friendly relations. § 211. Trusts arising from the frauds of third persons. § 212. Frauds upon third persons as creditors, etc. § 213. Conveyances by man or woman on the point of marriage. § 214. Illegal and immoral contracts. § 215. Fraud by pretending to buy for another. § 216. Devises or conveyances upon secret illegal trusts. § 217. Purchases from trustees with knowledge of the trusts. § 218. Purchases without notice of the trust. § 219. The safeguards thrown around such purchases. § 220. The consideration in such cases. § 221. The consideration must have been actually paid. § 222. Notice of the trust — to whom it may be. § 223. Notice may be actual or constructive. § 224. Purchase of property from executors or administrators — real estate. § 225. Personal property. § 226. Constructive trusts may be proved by parol — statute of frauds does not apply. § 227. The right to set aside a conveyance for fraud is an equitable estate that may be conveyed and devised. §§ 228-230. Statute of frauds and the time within which steps must be taken to avoid a fraudulent conveyance. CHAPTER VII. Trusts that arise by Equitable Construction in THE Absence of Fraud 231-247 a §231. Trust by equitable construction. Illustration. § 232. Vendor's lien for the purchase-money of this description. States in which it exists. CONTENTS OF VOLUME I. XXlll § 233. This lien does not contravene the statute of frauds. § 234. The nature of the iiiterest of the vendor under this lien. §§ 235-237. When the lien exists and when not. §§ 238, 239. The parties between whom the lien exists. § 240. Trust by construction where a conveyance is made that cannot operate at law. § 241. Constructive trust where trust property is transferred by gift from the trustee. § 242. Constructive trust where a corporation distributes its capital stock with- out paying its debts. § 243. A person holding the legal title as security is a constructive trustee. § 244. Executor indebted to the testator's estate is a constructive trustee. § 245. A person may become a trustee de son tort by construction. § 246. An agent may become a constructive trustee. § 246 a. Other equitable trusts. See § 247 a. § 247. A person holding deeds or papers or property belonging to another may be a constructive trustee. CHAPTER Vin. Trusts that arise by Construction from Powers . 248-258 § 248. The nature of powers that imply a trust. § 249. Court will execute such powers as trusts. §§ 250, 251. Instances of powers which the court will execute as trusts. § 252. Instances of powers that are not trusts. § 253. Where the power is too uncertain. § 254. The power must be executed as given, or it will remain a trust to be ex- ecuted by the court. §§ 255, 256. In what manner the court will execute a trust arising out of a power. § 257. Whether courts will distribute per stirpes ot per capita. § 258. And -whether to those living at the death of donor or of the donee. CHAPTER IX. Appointment, Acceptance, Disclaimer, Removal, Resignation, Substitution, and Number of Trus- tees, AND Appointment under a Power .... 259-297 § 259. Acceptance of the trust — how and when it should be accepted. § 260. What is an acceptance, and its effect § 261. How an acceptance may be shown. § 261 a. Trustee's bond. §§ 262, 263. Where an executor is also named as trustee. § 264. Of the executor of an executor, or the executor of a trustee. § 265. Trustee de son tort. § 266. No such thing as a passive trustee. § 267. Disclaimer by trustee. § 268. Cannot disclaim after acceptance. § 269. Whether an heir can disclaim after the death of the trustee. §§ 270, 271. Parol disclaimer sufficient, but a writing more certain. § 272. Where a legacy or other benefit is given to the trustee or executor. Xxiv CONTENTS OF VOLUME I. § 273. Effect of a disclaimer. Removal or resignation. § 274. How a trustee may be removed or resign. § 275. For what causes may be removed. § 276. For what causes may be allowed to resign. § 276 a. A trust shall not fail for lack of a trustee. See § 731. §§ 277, 278. IIow the court proceeds iu substituting trustees. § 279. Bankruptcy of trustee. § 280. The resignation of trustees. § 281. Where the same person is executor and trustee. § 282. The proceedings to remove and substitute trustees. § 283. Where all parties consent. § 284. Of the vesting of the property in the new trustees. § 285. Duty of trustee where all consent to his discharge. § 286. Of the number of trustees. Appointment of trustees under a power. § 287. Trustees cannot appoint their successors or new trustees unless power is given in the instrument of trust. § 288. Caution necessary in new appointments. § 289. Powers of appointment frequently matters of personal confidence. § 290. Occasions or events upon which new appointments may be made. §291. An appointment may bo made to fill a vacancy occurring before the death of the testator. § 292. Unfitness and incapacity. § 293. Power cannot be exercised if the trust is already in suit in court. § 294. By whom the power may be exercised. § 295. The power must be strictly followed. § 296. Who may be appointed to exercise the power. § 297. Who may be appointed under a power. CHAPTER X. Nature, Extent, and Duration of the Estate taken BY Trustees 298-320 § 298. Where trustees take and hold no estate, although an express gift is made to them. Statute of uses. § 299. Effect of the statute of uses upon conveyancing in the several States. § 300. Effect of the statute in the rise of trusts. §§ 301, 302. Rules of construction which gave rise to trusts. § 303. The word " seized." § 304. The primary use must be in the trustee to raise a trust. §§ 305, 306. Personal property not within the statute. §§ 307, 308. Where the statute executes trusts as uses, and where it does not. § 309. Where a charge upon an estate will vest an estate in trustees, and where not. § 310. Where the trust is for the sole use of a married woman. § 311. Trusts of personalty are not executed by the statute. § 312. The statute only executes the exact estate given to the trustee ; but the trustee may take an estate commensurate with the purposes of the trust where it is unexecuted by the statute. Rules. §§ 313, 314. Courts may imply an estate in the trustee where none is given. CONTENTS OF VOLUME I. XXV §§ 315, 316. May enlarge the estate of the trustee for the purposes of the trust. § 317. Illustrations, explanations, and modifications of the role. §§ 318, 319. Rule in respect to personal estate. § 320. Distinctions between deeds and wills in England and the United States. CHAPTER XI. Properties and Incidents of the Legal Estate in THE Hands of Trustees 321-356 § 321. Common-law properties attach to estates in trustees. § 322. Dower and curtesy in trust estates. §§ 323, 324. Dower and curtesy in equitat)le estates of cestui que trust. § 325. Forfeiture and escheat of trust estates. § 326. Trustees must perform duties of legal owners. § 327. Forfeiture and escheat of the equitable estates of cestui que trust. § 328. Suits concerning legal title must be in name of trustee. § 329. Who has possession and control of trust estates. §§ 330, 331. Who has possession of personal estate. Rights and privileges of trustees. § 332. Who proves debt against bankrupt. § 333. Who has the right of voting. § 334. Trustee may sell the legal estate. § 335. May devise the legal estate. But see § 341. § 336. By what words in a devise the trust estate passes. § 337. Where a trust estate passes by a devise, and where not. § 338. The interest of a mortgagee in fee. § 339. Propriety of devising a trust estate. § 340. Whether a devisee can execute the trust. § 341. Rule in New York, &c. § 342. Where a testator has contracted to sell an estate. §§ 343, 344. Rights of the last surviving trustee, and his heirs or executors. § 345. Trust property does not pass to bankrupt trustee's assignee. § 346. A disseizor of a trust estate is not bound by the trust. §§ 347, 348. Merger of the equitable and legal titles. §§ 349, 350. Presumption of a couveyauce or surreuder by trustee to cestui que trust. §§ 351-353. Where the presumption will be made, and where not. § 354. Must be some evidence on which to found the presumption. § 355. Is made in favor of an equitable title, not against it. CHAPTER XII. Executory Trusts 357-376 §§ 357-359. Nature of an executory trust. The rule in Shelley's case. § 360. Distinction between marriage articles and wills. § 361. Construction of n)arriage articles and their correction. § 362. Where strict settlements will not be ordered. §§ 363, 364. Settlement of per.sonal property. § 365. Construction of marriage settlements. § 366. Executory trusts under wills. XXVI CONTENTS OF VOLUME I. § 367. Who may enforce the execution of executory trusts. § 368. Inducements for marriage. §§ 369, 370. Constructiou of executory trusts under wills. § 371. The words " heirs of the body " and " issue." § 372. When courts will reform executory trusts. § 373. How courts will direct a settlement of personal chattels. § 374. Whether courts will order a settlement in joint-tenancy. § 37.5. What powers the court will order to be inserted iu a settlement. § 376. Settlement will be ordered cy pres the intention. CHAPTER XIII. Perpetuities and Accumulations 377-400 § 377. Definitions of a perpetuity. § 378. Executory devises — springing and shifting uses. § 379. Growth of the rule against perpetuities. § 380. Application of the rule. Indefinite failure of issue. § 381. Applies to the possible vesting of estates — not to the actual. § 382. Applies equally to trust and legal estates. § 383. An equitable interest that may not vest within the rule is void. § 23. § 384. Distinction between private trusts and charitable trusts. § 385. A proper trust to raise money to be applied contrary to the rule. Making estates inalienable. § 386. Equitable estates cannot be made inalienable in England. §§ 386 a, 386 b. How they may be made inalienable in some of the United States. § 387. Exception in the case of married women. § 388. How trusts can be limited, so that cestui que trust cannot alienate. See § 81.5 a. § 389. Limitation of personal estate to such tenant in tail as first attains twenty-one. § 390. When courts will alter trusts and when not. §§ 391, 392. Statutes of various States in relation to perpetuities. Accumulations. § 393. Rule respecting trusts for accumulations. § 394. In England the rule was altered by the Thellusson Act. § 395. Construction of the Thellusson Act. § 396. Rule against accumulations — when it applies and when not. § 397. Application of the income in cases of illegal directions to accumu- late. § 398. Statutes in various States as to accumulations. § 399. Accumulations for charitable purposes. § 400. Accumulations in cases of life insurance. CHAPTER XIV. General Properties and Duties of the Office of Trustee 401-437 5 § 401. A trustee, having accepted the oflSce, is bound to discharge its duties. § 402. He cannot delegate his authority except to agents in proper cases. § 403. Kot responsible if he follow directions in employing agents. CONTENTS OF VOLUME I. XXVll § 404. Where agents must be employed. § 405. When resi)oiisil)le for agents and attorneys. § 406. When not responsible. § 407. Difference of liability in law and equity. § 408. Trustees responsible for all mischiefs arising from delegating dis- cretionary powers. § 409. Employing agents or attorneys may not be a delegation of authority or discretion. § 410. A sale or devise of the trust estate not a delegation of the trust. § 411. Several trustees constitute but one collective trustee. §§ 412, 413. When they must all act and when not. § 414. As to the survivorship of the office of trustee. § 415. General rule as to liability for cotrustees. § 416. May make themselves liable, where otherwise they would not be. § 417. Trustees must use due diligence in all cases, or they will be liable for cotrustees. § 418. Cases of a want of due care and prudence. § 419. In case of collusion or gross negligence, a trustee will be liable for acts of cotrustees. § 420. When cotrustees are liable for others upon sales of real estate under a power. § 420 a. Indemnifying of one trustee by another. § 421. As to liability of coexecutors for the acts of each other. § 422. An executor must not enable his coexecutor to misapply the funds. § 423. When executors must all join they are not liable for each other's acts ; but tliey must use due diligence. § 424. An executor must not allow money to remain under the sole control of his coexecutor. § 425. Executors and administrators governed by tlic same rules. § 426. Ilule where coexecutors or cotrustees give joint bonds for security of the administration of the estate. § 427. Trustees can make no profit out of the office. § 428. Cannot buy up debts against the estate or cestui que trust at a profit. § 429. Cannot make a profit from the use of trust funds in business, trade, or speculation. § 430, 431. All persons holding a fiduciary relation, subject to the same rule. § 432. Can receive no profit for serving in their professional characters a trust estate. § 433. Trustees can set up no claim to the trust estate, and ought not to betray the title of the cestui que trust. § 434. In England, upon failure of heirs to the cestui que trust, trustee may hold real estate to his own use. § 435. Speculative questions. § 436. In the United States, the interest of the cestui que trust in real estate escheats. § 437. So it does in England and the United States in personalty. § 437 a. Contracts of trustee. § 437 b. Signature of trustee. XXVIU CONTENTS OF VOLUME I. CHAPTER XV. Possession — Custody — Conversiox — Investment of Trust Propektt, and Interest that Trustees may BE MADE to PAY 438-472 § 438. Duty of trustee to reduce the trust property to possession. § 439. Time witliin which possession should be obtaiued. § 440. Diligence necessary in acquiring possession. § 441. The care necessary in the custody of trust property. § 442. In what manner certain property should be kept. § 443. Where the property may be deposited. §§ 444, 445. How money must be deposited in bank. § 446. "Within what time trustee should wind up testator's establishment. § 447. Trustee must not mix trust property with his own. § 448. When a trustee is to convert trust property. § 449. General rule as to conversion. § 450. When a court presumes an intention that property is to be converted. § 451. When the court presumes that the property is to be enjoyed by ces- tui que trust in specie. § 452. Of investment. § 453. As to investment in personal securities. § 4.54. As to the employment of trust property in trade, business, or specu- lation. § 455. Eule as to investments in England. § 456. Eule in the United States. §§ 457, 458. Rule as to real securities. § 459. Of investments in the different States. §§ 460. 461. Construction, where the instruments of trust direct how investments may be made. § 462. Within what time investments must be made. § 463. Trustees must not mingle their own money in investments. § 464. Must not use the trust-money in business. § 465. Original investments and investments left by the testator. § 466. Changing investments. § 467. Acquiescence of cestui que trust in improper investments. § 468. Interest that trustees must pay upon trust funds for any dereliction of duty. § 469. When he is directed to invest in a particular manner. § 470. When he improperly changes an investment. § 471. When compound interest will be imposed, and when other rules will be applied. § 472. Rule where an accumulation is directed. INDEX TO CASES CITED. References are to sections. All sections up to 472 are in Vol. I. ; all after 472 are in VoL II. A. & B., Tn re 603 Abbey v. Dewey 215 Abbott, Ex parte 649 Pet'r 282, 287, 334, 340 V. Amer. Hard Rubber Co. 404 V. Baltimore 918 V. Bradstreet 891, 899, 903 a V. Foote 330 V. Geraghty 3G1 V. Gibbs 795, 790 V. Massie 272 V. Reeves 832, 877, 884, 926 Abby V. Dego 678 Abeel v. Kadcliff 83 Abel I'. Heathcote 769 Abell V. Abell 474 t'. Howe 221, 222 Abend i'. End. Fund Commission 736 Abercrombie v. Bradford 590 Aberdeen v. Blaikie 206 Abernaithy v. Abemaithy 275, 627 Abnev v. Kingsland 149 V. Miller 196 Aborn v. Padelford 166 Abraham v. Almon 112 t'. Ordway 855 Abshire v. Carter 770 Acherley v. Roe 872 Acker v. Phoenix 97 V. Priest 145 Ackernian v. Emott 430, 456, 459, 460, 471 Ackland v. Gaisford 122 V. Lutley 317 Ackleston v. Heap 204 Ackroyd r. Smithson 160, 449, 499 Acton V. White 670 V. Woodgate 585, 593, 596 Adair r. Brimmer 422, 407 I'. New Kiver Co. 885 V. Shaw 217, 847, 892 Adams v. Adams 38, 182, 312 V. Angell 347 V. Brackett 562, 570 t'. Bradley 215 V. Broke 460, 778 r. Buckland 414 V. Carey 83, 200 Adams v. Chaplin 380 V. Claxton 443 914 V. Clifton 402, 466, 851 900 V. Cole 635, 706 714 V. Collier 147 V. Gale 464 V. Gamble 656 V. Green 231 V. Guerard 299 V. Jones 929 V. Lambert 718 V. Lavender 639 V. Leavens 438 V. Lopdell 114 V. Mackey 661 . V. Paynter 274 287 288 V. Perry 305 748 V. St. Leger 873 881 V. Taunton 270, 273, 502 806 Adams and Kensington Vestry, In re 114 Adams Female Academy v. Adams 727 Adamson v. Armitage 648 Addams v. Heffernau 2-34 Addis V. Campbell 187, 188 Addison v. Bowie 612 V. Dawson 189 t'. Mascall 189 Adev V. Arnold 260 AdlJr V. Sewell 328 Adlington v. Cann 75, 77, 83, 88, 90, 92, 93, 7.39 Adlum V. Yard 590, 596 Adye v. Feuilleteau 453, 464 iEtna Life Ins. Co. v. Middleport 60 Affleck V. James 499 Agar V. Fairfax 871 Agar-Ellis, In re 603 Agassiz V. Squire 511 a Aggas V. Pickerell 855, 862 Agiiew V. Fetterman 559 Aguilar v. Aguilar 634, 658, 059 Ahearne v. Hogan 193, 204 Ahrend i'. Odiorne 232 Aiken i'. Smith 318, .353 Ainslev v. Mead 680 Ainslie v. Medlycott 34, 171 Airey v. Hall 98, 100, 101, 821 Aislabie v. Rice 518 Akin V. Jones 60 XXX INDEX TO CASES CITED. [References are to sections.] Alaniz v. Cassenave IGG Albany Ins. Co. v. Bay 655, 656, 600, 708 Albany's Case 705 Albee v. Wyman 672 Albert v. Savings Bank 242 V. Ware 14 Albright v. Oyster 124 Alcock t'. Sloper 451, 547 V. Sparhawk 570 Aldborough v. Frye 188 Alden i'. Gregory 861 V. St. Peter's Parish 384, 701 Aldersen, Ex parte 68 V. Temple 587 Alderson v. Peel 97 Aldrich v. Aldrich 114 V. Cooper 567. 573 Aldridtje v. Dunn 237; 239 V. Westbrooke 888, 898 Alemany v. Wensinger 820 a Alexander, In re 482 V. Alexander 112, 385, 408, 440, 510, 511a, 811 V. Brame 103 V. Crittenden 639 V. Crosbie 220 V. Kennedy 205 V. McCullo'ch 634 V. McMurray 234, 559 V. Mills 784 V. MuUins 882 V. Pendleton 218, 219 V. Saulsbury 685 V. Summey 456 V. Warrance 140, 143, 144, 324 V. Wellington 29, 69 V. Williams 863 Aleyn v. Belchier 511, 511 « Alger V. Fay 602 k V. North End Savings Bank 82 Alison V. Goldtree 875 Alkire v. Alkire 122 Allcard v. Skinner 184 Allen, Ex parte 189, 618 V. Addington 179 V. Allen 41, 629 V. Arkenburgh 127 V. Backhouse 581, 597 V. Bartlett 869 V. Baskerville 315 V. Chambers 84 V. Chatfield 199, 602 v V. Coburn 678 V. Coster 614, 615 V. De Groodt 856 V. De Witt 705 V. Gaillard 458, 460 V. Gillette 195 V. Henderson 366, 380 V. Hightower 678 V. Imlett 17, 328 V. Jackson 200 V. Knight 218 V. Macpherson 182 V. Maddock 93 V. Mattison 568 V. Montgomery Railway 757 V. Papworth 654 V. Parkham 380 Allen V. Rumph 361 V. Russell 828 V. Sayer 621 858 V. Stevens 448, 729 V. Watts 451 V. Wilkins 640 V. Withrow 86 V. Worley 863 Allen's Appeal 411 Allerton v. Knowell 634 Alley V. Lawrence 493, 5116, 783, 784 AUeyne v. Darcy 246, 848 876, 907 Allhusen v. Whittell 551 Alliance Trust Co. v. Nettleton Har- wood Co. 223 Allis V. Billings 35, 189 Allison V. Allison 183 V. Drake 223 V. Kurtz 162, 511 c V. Wilson 500 Allman v. Pigg 171 Alloway v. AUoway 248 I'. Braine 869 Almond v. Wilson 126 Almy V. Jones 705 Alsager v. Spaulding 212 Alsbrook v. Reid 476 a Alsbury, In re 545 Alsop V. Bell 908 Alston V. Trollops 481 Alsworth V. Cordly 131 Altimius v. Elliott 915 Alverson v. Jones 677 Amand v. Bradboume 894 Ambrose v. Ambrose 77, 82, 126, 137 Amer. Acad. v. Harvard College 700, 701, 724, 748 Amer. Bible Soc. v. Marsh 748 V. Wetmore 748 Am. Box M. Co. v. Crosman 894 American Exchange Bank v. Inloes 590 V. Walker 593 Amer. Sugar Ref. Co. r. Fancher 166, 837 Ames V. Armstrong 426 V. Browning 205 V. Downing 428, 520, 847, 910 V. Fo.ster 686 V. Heslet 242 V. Holderbaura 511 b V. Parkinson 440, 461, 409 V. Port Huron 194 V. Scudder 471 Amesbury v. Brown 571 Amherst "College v. Ritch 171 Ammont v. New Alexandria, &c. Turnpike Co, 757, 759 Amory v. Green 460 V. Lord 391, 396 V. Lowell 552, 554 V. Meredith 337, 511 c V. Reilly 239 Amos V. Heme Bay P. &c. Co. 877 Amphlett v. Parke 151 Ancaster v. Mayer 562, 507 Anderson, In re 280 V. Anderson 646, 652, 672 V. Austin 602 n V. Baumgartner 602 n V. Burchell 228 INDEX TO CASES CITED. [References are to sections.] XXXI Anderson v. Burwell V. Culleri i". Dale_v V. Dawson I', Earle V. Fuller V. Holloinan V. Jones V. Lemon V. Mather V. Miller V. Neff V. Northrop V. Simnis V. Stacher Anderton v. Yates Anding v. Davis 22'J, 809 (.58 3;jo 511 b, cr^b 262, 281 5!)1 C()2 i 126, (H)2j 538 334, 603, 605, 610 420 918 277, 428, 850 921 873 GI3 75, 91 Andover v. Merrimack County 642 Andres v. Miller 599 Andrew v. Andrew 547 V. Bible Society 45, 402 V. Cooper 873 V. Ludlow 592 t'. Schmitt 409 V. Trinity Hall 272 V. Wrifflev 228, 809, 810, 830, 805 Andrews, Kx'pnrte 427, 433, 487, 803 lie, Edwards v. Dewar 671 V. Andrews 700, 701, 730 V. Atlanta K. E. Co. 82 r. Bank of Cape Ann 117 V. Barnes 894 V. Bishop 501 V. Clark 154 V. Essex Ins. Co. 180 V. Hobson 98, 428 V. Jones 200, 627, 632, 642, 645 V. M'Guffog 727 V. Partington 117, 612, 615, 620 V. Salt 603 V. Sniithwick 804 V. Sparhawk 598, 795, 798, 802 Angell r. Dawson 400, 470 Aiigerstein v. Martin 461, 550, 551 Angier v. Angier 672, 673 V. Stannard 351, 476 a, 901, 922, 927, 928 Angle, Kx parte 848, 870 Angus V. Angus 72 V. Clifford 177 Ankeney v. Ilannon 655 Annesley v. Ashurst 474 V. Simeon 330, 520 Annis v. Wilson 124 Annis's Case 693 Anon. 116, 126, 136, 144, 157, 192. 219, 220, 244, 255, 270, 275, 330, 402, 415, 410, 421, 428. 431, 432, 453, 463, 474, 511 b, 581, 596, 097, 600, 602 q, 618, 621, 649, 003, 095, 701, 710, 712, 725, 770,782, 795, 790, 810, 815, 816, 818, 819, 827, 835, 839, 841, 903 «, 904 Ansley i*. Pace 820 n V. Pasahro 233 Anson, Petitioner 277 Anstice v. Brown 803 Anthony v. Rees 805 Aulones v. Eslava 730, 731, 743 Antrim v. Buckingham 48 -Vntrobus v Smith 97, 100, 103, 107, 108, 367 Aplyn V. Brewer 416, 421 Ap|) V. Lutheran Congregation Apple r. Allen Appleton f. Boyd Ai)i)lutz 124, 120 Billing r. Brogden 440 Berkelej' v. King's College 09 V. Southee 204, 210 V. Partington 117 Billingliam i'. Lawthea 108 V. Kyder 512, 517 Billings V. Billings 590 V. Swinburne 118, 020 V. Clinton 133 Berkhanistead School, Ex parti 742 Billingslea v. Moore 272 Berkin v. Marsh 863 Billingsley r. Crichett 613 Berkuieyer i'. Kellerman 197 r. Matthew 414 Berniingiiam v. Wilcox 848 Billington's Appeal 607 Bernard v Bongard 132. 133 Bills V. Bills 114 V. Minshull 112 Bingham, lie 448 Bernstein, Re 493 V. Bingham 184 Berrien v. Thomas 783 V. Clanmoris 270 Berry v. Briant 117, 118 V. Stewart 158, 814 V. Hamilton 511 V. Weiderwax 757 V. Norris 48, 80 Bingham's Appeal 511c V. Skinner 602 A Binion v. Stone 54, 145 V. Uslier 244 Binks V. Kokeby 597, 787 792, 795, 796 V. W led man 126, 145 liinney v. Plumly 330 V. Williamson 276, 359 Binsse v. Page 432 Berryhiil's Appeal 851, 912, 918 Birch, In re 518 Bertiiold v. Holmes 602? V. Blagrave 103, 147, 151, 105 Bertie v. Falkland 514 V. EUames 217 Berwick r. ^Murray 468 V. Wade 112, 258 Besland i\ Hewett 239 Birch's Trustees, In re 612 Bessey v. Windham 587 Bircliall, In re 264 Besson v. Eveland 145 Bird V. Bird 456 Best V. Blackburn 173 V. Graham 863 V. Campbell 141, 805 V. Hunsden 516 V. Donmall 619 r. Johnson 386 V. Storr 173 V. Maylniry 117 Bethea r. McColI 612,615 V. Pograni 668 Bethune v. Dougherty 250 V. Pickford 382 1'. Kennedy 451, 547 V. Stride 5116 Bettle V. Wilson 673 Bird's Estate 918 Bett.s V. Betts 678 Birdsall v. Hewlett 575, 903 a Betty V. Elliott 357 Birdwell v. (Jain 195 Beulali Marble Co. v. Mattice 127 Hirkett v. Ilibbert 636 Beurliaus ?'. Cole 699 Birkhamstead School Case 725 Bevan's Trusts, In rc 622 Birkhead r. Edwards 84 Beverley v. Brooke 818 Birks V. Micklethwait 848. 901 Beverleys r. Miller 403, 408 Birley v. Birley 511a Beverly's Case 191 Birls V. Betty 417, 848, 876 Bhokii V. (Cleveland 438 Birmingham" r. Kirwin 572 Bibb V. Hunter 80, 126 V. Lesan 511a V. McKinley 639 Birmingham School, In re 742 V. Pope 680 Biron v. Mount 593 V. Smith 97 V. Scott 875 Bibhy V- Thompson 117 Biscoe r. Jackson 727 Bick V. Matthews 423 V. Kennedy 657 V. Motley 423 V. Perkins 306, 307 xl INDEX TO CASES CITED. [References are to sections.] Bishop V. American Preservers' Co. 21 V. Curtis 327 V. Halcomb 438 V. McCellaiid 97 V. Talbot 216 Bishop Gore's Charity 701, 714 Bishop of Oxford v. Leighton 294 Bissell V. Continental Trust Co. 280 Bittenger v. Uailroad Co. 589 Bixler v. Taylor 260 Bi/.zell V. McKinnon 482 Black V. Black V. Blakely V. Creighton V. Irwin V. Ligon V. McCaulay V. Kay Blackburn v. Blackburn V. Byne Blackburne, Ex parte V. Edgeley 79, 137 918 827 402, 779 528, 529, 538 380 546 79 612 276, 504 201 V. Gregsou 232, 236, 237, 239 V. Stables 359, 360, 366, 390 Blackeley v. Holton 109 Blacket v. Langlands 219 Blackford v. Christian 189 Blackie v. Clarke 172, 204 Blacklev v. Fowler 199, 602 v Blacklow V. Laws 649, 783 Blackmore v. Shelby 200 Blackshear v. Burke 815 b Blackstone v. Henworth Hospital 694 Blackstone Bank v. Davis 386, 386 a 555, 652 Blackville ». Ascott 511 6 Blackwood v. Burrows 419, 453, 778, 851 Blagden v. Ex parte 626, 632 Blagge V. Miles 511 c, 610 Blagrave v. Blagrave 309, 312, 315 V. Hancock 376, 383, 390 V. Routh 202 Blair v. Bass 137 f. Bromley 172, 236, 801 V. Nugent 863 V. Ormond 869 V. Owles 222 Blaisdell v. Locke 99 V. Stevens 836 Blake v. Allman 621 V. Blake 82, 918 V. Bunbury 329 v. Foster 856 V. Heyward 218 V. Hungerford 218 V. O'Reilly 549 V. Sanderson 709 V. Trader's Nat'l Bk. 229 Blakeley v. Brady 98, 101 Blakely, Petitioner 460 Blakeiiey v. Blakeney 117 Blaker v. Cooper 672 Blanchard, Re 292 V. Moore 226 V. Tyler 221 Blanchet v. Foster 213 Bland v. Bland 113, 116, 160, 827 a v. Dawes 337, 647 V. Fleeman 809 Blandford v. Thackerell 379, 710 Blanev v. Bianey 566 Blann iJ. Bell 450, 451 Blasdell v. Locke 98 Hlatch V. Wilder 121, 501, 787 Blatchford v. Woolley 658, 849 Blauvelt, Re 415, 453 V. Ackerman 429, 469, 918 Bledsoe v. Games 232 Bleeker v. Bingham 367 Bleight V. Bank 499 Blenkinsop v. Blenkinsop 213. 641 Blennerhasset v. Day 228, 229, 230, 782, 861, 867 Blennon's Estate 748 Blevins v. Buch 573, 677, 802 Biewitt V. Olin 246 Blight V. Bank 218, 219, 239 V. Ewing 765 V. Schenck 404, 409, 591, 779 Blin V. Pierce 58, 330 Blindell v. Hagan 21 Blinkhorne v. Feast 54, 153 Bliss V. American Bible Society 701, 724, 747, 748, 892, 903 a V. Bridgewater 260 V. Matteson 207, 212 V. West 122 Blithe's Case 48, 489 Blithman, In re 927 Blodgett V. Hildreth 81, 162 Blogg V. Johnson 468, 472 Blois V. Hereford 636 Blood V. Blood 299 Bloodgood V. Bruen 785 V. Sears 186 Bloom V. Rensselaer 602 d, 602 a;, 60266 V. Waldron 581, 768, 774 Bloomar, In re 56 Bloom field v. Evre 245, 871 V. Stowe Market 724 Blound V. Bestland 639 Blount V. Burrow 900 V. Carroway 602 g V. Robeson 863 Blue V. Everett 855 V. Marshall 482, 528 V. Patterson 182, 843, 803 Blumenthal v. Brainard 702 Blundell, In re 246, 702, 902 Blunder v. Barker 201 Blunt V. Blunt 72 V. Burrow 87 Blvholder v. Gilson 75, 137 Blvth V. Fladgate 846 BoVrd V. Wilson 234 Board of Ed. v. Bakewell 700 Boardman v. Halliday 586, 590 V. Larrabee 347 V. Mossman 419 V. Willard 99 Boards, In re 568 Boaz 1'. Boaz 275 Boazman v. Johnson 585, 596, 597 Bobb V. Bobb 162 Bochlert v. McBride 770 Boddington v. Castelli 345 Boddv V. Dawes 616 V. Lefevre 244 INDEX TO CASES CITED. [References are to aectious.] Boden v. Jaco Budmihan v. Iloskins Bodiiie I'. Edwards r. Moore Bodley v. Goodrich Bodwell V. Nutter Boehl V. WadK.vmar Boehiii I'. Clark 602/" 24C, 81.3, 907 142, 143 602 bl), W-2f 5'JO 82, 128 n-i 380 Bujjai'dus I'. Trinity Church 45 Bogort I'. Ilertell 501, 7G8 V. Perry 1'32 Boggs V. Varner 221, 222 Bogle V. Bogle 276, 280, 4 Brock lebank r. Johnson 118 Brocksopp V. Barnes 904, 906, 910 Brockway Maiiuf. Co., In re 242 Broder v. Coiiklin Broderick r. Broderick Brodie r. Barry V. St. Paul Brodley's Ann. Brogden v. Walker Brokaw r. Brokaw Brome v- Berkeley Bromtield , A> pa rte V. W^'therley 747 195, 865 171 605, 818 891, 892 927 189 873 578 605, 611 464 xliv INDEX TO CASES CITED. [References are to sections.] Bromlev v. Holland 873, 878 V. kelley 460, 461, 467 V. Smith 885 Brompton v. Barker 219 Bronsoii v. Kinsie 602 c, 602 x V. Strouse ' 706 Brooke v. Berry 172, 187, 189, 206 V. Brooke 32, 112, 116, 248, 664 V. Bulkeley 217, 828 V. Ki:ig 122 V. Turner 511 c Brooke's A])p. 82 Brook er v. Brooker 890 Brookman v. Hales 157, 196 Brooks V. Brooks 51, 843 V. Burt 878 V. Dent 127 r. Egbert 918 n V. Fowle 133 V. Hatch 68 V. Jackson 917 V. Jones 312 V. Marbury 591, 593 V. Kaynokls 827 a Brookshank i'. Smith 857 Broom v. Curry 540 V. Summers 734 Broomfield, Ex parte 611 Brophy v. Bellamy 612 V. Lawler 171 Broswell v. Downs 348 Brothers v. Brothers 602 iv V. Porter 132, 136, 836 Brotherton v. Hutt 222 Brough V. Higgins 553 Brougham v. Paulett 263, 908 Broughton v. Brand 127 V. Broughton 432, 895, 904 V. James 662 V. Langlev 298 Browell v. Reid 273, 818, 819 Browers v. Fromm 748 Brown, Ex parte 282 In re 498, 701, 730, 773 V. Addison G. Hospital 378 V. Alden 668 V. Anderson 760 V. Armistead 184, 500 V. Bamford 670 V. Bartie 602 i, 602 aa, 602 hb V. Black 246 a V. Blount 883 V. Bontee 347 V. Bradford 96, 216 V. Brown 77, 83, 93, 206, 212, 277, 287, 315, 668, 672, 682 V. Bryant 358 V. Budd 28 V. Campbell 465 V. Carter 201 V. Casamajor 117, 612, 620 1'. Cave 133 V. Cavendish 98, 104, 593 V. Chambers 511 h V- Cheney 126 V. Cherry 874 V. Clark 632, 633, 634, 636, 649 V. Concord 724, 748 V. Cowell 195 Brown v. Cross V. De Tastet V. Dewey V. Doane V. Dysinger V. East V. Elton I'. French V. Gellaty V. Gilman V. Groombridge V. Guthrie V. Heathcote V. Hicks 467, 850, 869 430, 454, 470, 906 2-26 245 215 231 627 456 551 237 908 141 239 556 a V. Higgs 68, 112, 160, 248, 249, 251, 256, 257, 258, 272, 507, 508, 714 V. Hobson 499, 500 ». How 900 V. Hummell 742 V. Ingham 184 v. Johnson 648 V. Jones 151, 157, 158 V. Kelsey 263, 574, 748 V. Kemper 675 V. Kennedy 202 V- Knox 592 V. Lake 670 V. Lambert's Adm'rs 846 V. I-amphear 186 V. Litton 457, 464, 906 V. Lockhart 880, 891, 892, 900 V. Lutheran Church 734 V. Lynch 215 V. Lyon 592 V. McGill 671, 827 a V. Meeting St. Baptist Sec. 737, 743 V.Meigs 254,498,511a V. Mercantile Trust Co. 104 V. Miller 451 V. Minturn 593 V. Oakshott 823 V. Paull 118, 612, 620 V. Petnev 137 V. Phillips 252 V. Pocock 250, 251, 252, 258, 652, 671 V. Postall 661 v. Pring 185 V. Eamsden 305 V. Ricketts 429, 464, 468 V. Sansome 468, 472 V. Selwvn 244 V. Smith 615 V. Southhouse 464, 472 V. Stead 347 V. Stoughton 160, 393 V. Temperly 616 V. Vanlier 232, 239 V. "Whiteway 309, 312 V. Williamson 386 a V. Wood 218 V. Wright 397, 455, 456, 459, 843 V. Yeall 713, 719 Brown's Case 610 Estate 603 Trusts 438, 668 Will, /Ze 119 Browne v. Stamp 137 Browne's Hospital, Re v. Stamford 727 Brownell v. Downs 259 INDEX TO CASES CITED. [References are to sections.] xlv Brownell r. Stoddard 145 Browuinfi v. Hart 590 v. Ileadley 627, 632, 633, 636, 639 Brownlie v. Campbell 178 Bruce v. Child 229, 2.iU v. Presbytery, &c. 698, 7IJ9 V. Roiiey 12G, I'-io V. Kuler 179 Bruch I'. Laiitz 195, 205, 428, 598, 795, 853 Bruderiell r. Bougbtoii 92, 570 Brueu r. Gillet 415 I', lloiie 855 Bruin v. Knott 613, 615 Brunifield r. I'almer 238, 239 Bruuimell r. IMcl'herson 01 Bruniridge v. Bruniridf^e 417 Brundage i^. Ciiene worth 96 Bruiidy v. Maytield 127 Brunei'. Martyn 519 Bruner v. First Nat. Bank 122 Brunnenmayer v. Buhre 732. 742 Brunsden v'. Wooldredge 255, 25<>, H'Ji) Brunsen v. Hunter 112, 115 Brunson v. Henrv 104, 145 V. Martin ' 252 Brush r. Kinsley 2.38 r. Ware 224 Bryan r. Bradley 2'J9 V. Brvan G27 V. CoUins 393 V. Duncan 195, 649 I'. Howland 82 V. McNaughton 206 V. Weems 312 Bryant, In re 248, 612 V. Craige 471 V. Hendricks 137, 226 r. Mansfield 165 V. Russell 594, 660, 914 Brydges v. Brvdgea 357, 358, 540 V. Wotton 272 Bryon v. Metropolitan, &c. Co. 752 Bryson r. Nichols 100 Buchanan v. Deshon 5') V. Hamilton 30, 275, 282, 283 V. Harrison 13, 347 V. Hart 766 V. Matlock 183 V. Monroe 602 li Buck, Jn re 699, 730 V. Gibson 784 V. Paine 127 V. Pike 126, 1-33, 137 V. Swazey 132, 166, 244 V. Ullrich 127 V. Vorei3 212 V. Warren 132 Buckels V. Carter 891 Buckeridge v. Glasse 260, 275, 467, 835, 849, 851 Buckford v. Wade 141 Backhaul r. Smith 910 Buckintrham v. Clark 171 V. Morrison 915 a Buckintrhamshire v. Drury 34, 53 V. Hobart 348 Auckland V. Pocknell 235, 230 Buckles V. LaiTerty 205 Buckley v. Buckley 570 Buckley v. Frasier 371 17. Howell 774 V. Laiiauze 196 V. Wells 678 Bucklin v. Bucklin 341 Buckner v. (Jaicott 863 Budd V. Basti 232 V. Hiler 275 V. Slate 380 Budge r. Gummon 458 Budgett V. Budgett 401, 902 Buei V. Buckingham 195 V. Yeherton 272 Buerhaus r. iJe Saussure 465 Buffalo K.K.Co.D.Lamson 127,142,207,759 Uul'falow V. Buffalow 189, 194, 203 Buffington I'. Maxam 112, 131 Buford V. Caldwell 172 V. M'Kce 109 Bugden v. Tylee 822 Bugg V. Franklin 638 iiuggins V. Yates 112, 113, 116, 151 Biilbv, Ex parte 051 Bulkley V. I)e Peyster 259 V. Redmond 183 V. Staats 815 6 V. Wilford 171, 178, 181, 182, 195 Bull, In matter of 499, 610 V. Bull 112, 251, 254, 255, 559, 748 V. Odell 873 V. Vardv 116, 248, 252 Bullard v. Chandler 262, 699, 7-32 Bulleiikainp v. Bullenkamp 142 Bullin i'. Dillage 686 Bullock, lie 827 a V. Knight 633 V. Mcnzies 634 V. Sadlier 220 V. Stones 379, 616, 622 Bullowa V. Orgo 243 Bul[)in V. Clark 652, 657 Buingarner v. Coggswell 412, 501 Bump V. Pratt 97 Bunipus V. Platncr 218 Bunburv r. Bunburv 71, 72 Bui ice V. Reed 602 r, 602 s, 602 t, 602 v Bundy i\ Bundy 38 V. Monticello 828 Bunn, In re 622 V. Winthrop 98, 103, 104, 109, 162, 307 V. 331 Bunner v. Storm 511, 783 Bunnett v. Foster 885 Biiiitin V. French 232, 237 Burbank r. Burbank 732 V. Sweenej' 252 V. Whitney 46, 724, 748 Burch r. Brcckenridge 659, 660 Hurcliett v. Durdant 306 Burden r. Burden 904, 906 )'. Sheridan 135 Burdett r. Spilsbury 511 b V. WiUet 835 Burdick f. Garrick 468, 471 !•. Goddard 282, 503 Burdon r. Burdon 665 V. Dean 632, 633, 635 Buren v. Buren 127 Burge V. Brutton 432. 910 xlvi Burger v. Duff V. Potter Burges v. Lamb Burgess v. Burgess V. Fairbanks V. Knapp Smith INDEX TO CASES CITED. [References are to sections.] 402 540, 770 272 238 763 72 V. Wlieate 8, 15, 40, 64, 217, 232, 248, 301, 321, 323, 325, 327, 357, 427, 434. 747, 828, 891 Burgoyne v. Fox Burgwyn v. Daniel Burham r. James Burke v. Adair V. Chrisman V. Gray V. Jones V. Roper V. Tiiite V. Valentine Burkett V. Wliittemore Burleigh v. Clough Burleson v. McDermott Burley v. Russell Burling V. Newlands Burlingame v. Robbins Burlington Uni. v. Barrett Burmester v. Norris Burn V. Carvalho Burnaby v. Baillie Burnet v. Brundage Burnett v. Davis V. Denniston V. Kinnaston V. Preston Burne}' v. McDonald V. Spear Burnham v. Barth V. Bennett V. Dalling Bumly V. Evelyn Burns v. Allen V. Ford V. Taylor Bumside v. Wayinan Burr V. McEwen V. Sherwood ■17. Sims V. Smith Burr's Ex'r Burrage, Tn re Burrill v. Boardman 577, 785 869 863 770 238 237 600, 601 710 658 119, 308 511 c 316 223 170 77, 827 a 239 90 486 68, 105 06 782 647 602 q, 602 X, 602 bb 641 17 64 918 828 639 900 385 568 929 235 95 526, 527, 780, 894, 910 640 308, 499, 769 701, 724, 730, 748 694 248 382, 730, 732, 748 V. Shell 411, 413, 417, 420, 460, 466 Burritt v. Silliman 259 Burrough v. Philcox 248, 250, 251, 2.58 Burroughs v. De Couts Burrows v. Alter V. Gore r. Greenwood V. Lncke V. Rapland V. Walls V. Williams Burrus v. Meadors Burson's Appeal Burt V. Dennett V. Freeman V. Gamble V. Gill 104 596 863 900 171 182 467, 851 821 863 676 877 800 223 472 Burt V. Herron 119 V. Sturt 397, 584 Burling v. Stonard 809, 815 Burton, Ex parte, 246, 848 V. Cook 119 V. Hastings 361 V. Mount 450, 451 V. Pierpont 647 V. Wookey 904 Burton's Appeal 737 Burtt V. Wilson 232 Burtt's Est., Re 340, 495 Bury V. Oppenheim 188, 201 Bush V. Allen 310 V. Bush .219, 221, 764, 836, 877 V. Marshall 232 V. Shearman 197 V. Stamps 602 jB V. Stanley 126 Bush's Appeal 299, 901 Bushby v. Munday 72 Bushell V. Bushell 5116 Bushnell v. Parsons 118 Bushong V. Taylor 437 a, 437 b, 766 Bust V. Wilson 162 Butcher v. Johnson 509 a V. Musgrove 69 Butcher, Ex parte 332 Butler, In re 560 V. Bray 414, 505 V. Butler 454, 647, 873, 878 V. Carter 863 V. Dun comb 578 579, 768 V. Gazzam 5116 V. Godlej' 347 V. Harrison Land Co. 242 t). Haskell 187 V. Hildreth 596 ». Hyland 865 V. Ladue mgg V. Merchants' Ins. Co. 58, 14^ , 146, 147 V. Portarlington 82 V. Prendergast 873, 878 V. Robertson 680 V. Rutledge 133 V. Trustees T20, 729 V. Van Wyck 591 V. Weeks 166 Butler & Baker's Case 270 Butler's Trusts, In re 678 Buttanshaw v. Martin 520 Butterbaugh's App. 554 Butterfield, Re 83 V. Reed 382 Buttrick v. Holden 814 Butts V. Wood 207 Buxton V. Buxton 439 Bvam V. Bvam 294 , 364, 503 , 505, 807 Byant v. Pickett 918 Bybee v. Thorp 618 Byers v. Danley 139 V. Wacknian 137 Byington v. Moore 206 Byne v. Blackburn 113 , 117. 612 Bynum v. Frederick 678 Byrchall v. Bradford 263, 462, 469, 574, 844, 849 Byrd v. Bradley 590 Byrne v. Frere 857 , 861, 86T INDEX TO CASES CITED. [ReferenceB are to sections.] xlvii Byrne v. Gunning V. Norcott V. Van Iloesen Byron i'. liayner D-20 463, 472, 'JOO G()8 I'M c. Cadburv v. Duvall 559, 598, 795, 797 Cado I'.'Davis 1-27 Cadcll r. I'almer 379, :i8() V. Wilcoi'ks 511 b Cadnian v. Horner 176 Cadof^aii V. Essex 4<)() V. Ewart 308, 315, 4'.)9 1'. Keniiett 542 Cadwaladcr's App. 195, 774 Cadwell's Hank, Re 901 Cafe V. Bent 293, 294, 450, 474, 508 Caffev 1'. MfMichael 018 CafYrey v. Darby 438, 847, 900, 910 Cage I'. Cassidy 72 Caf^win v. Buerkle 131 Caliill V. Cahill 647 Calioun V. Robinson 2;i2 Cain f. Cox 76 Cairns v. Chaubert 547, 554, 918 V. ("olbura 147 V. Grant IW Calais Steamboat Co. v. Van Pelt 814 Caldecott v. Brown 475, 477, 552, 913 I'. Caldecott 551 Caldwell V. Brown 437 a, 783 V. I'aldwell 137 V. Carrington 217 V. Chapline 602 ^W V. Fulton 76 V. Lowden 328 «. Williams 97, 109, 111, .591 Calhoun v. Burnett 223, 843 V. Calhoun 65.") V. Ferguson 546, 547 r. King 818 Calkins r. Ishell 60266, 602/ V. Lock wood 68 V. Long 672 Call i". Ewiiig 421 V. Gibbons 188 Callaghan v. Hall 891, 918 Callahan v. Patterson 675 Callender v. Calgrove 230 V. Kevstone 891 Call is I'. Folsom 8t;3 Callow t). Howie 654, 657, 6.-)9 Calloway v. Calloway 453 V. Wetherspoon 191 Calmes, Ex pnrte 458 Calvert v. Eden 2!t9 V. Godfrey 605 Calvin v. Currier 677 Cahvell's Ex'r v. Prindle's Adm'r 476 Cambridge v. Kous 160 Camden v. Anderson 131 V. Bennett 126, 145 V. Benson 1 18 f. Vail 237. 685 Cameron r. Irwin 602 J, 602 a- V. Mason 232 V. Nelson 79 Cameron and Wells, Re 367 Camp, In re 212 Cauipati r. Campan 247 a Campbell v. Baldwin 2.32, 2.37 V. Campbell 126, 129, 228, 441, 456, 554, 905 V. Carter 184 V. Day 438 V. Dearborn 226, 602 6 V. Drake 128, 135 V. First Nat. Bank 124 V. Foster 386 a V. Foster Ass'n 511 6 V. French 630 V. Graham 869 V. Hamilton 33U V. Harding 380 V. Hooper 35 V. Home 476 a, 511 a, 901, 922, 928 V. Johnston 195, 205, 786 V. Kansas City 727 V. Leach 530 V. McLain 209, 851 V. Miller 456, 914 V. Moulton 210 V. Prestons 321, 329 V. Kadner 741 V. Sheldon 93 V. Walker 128, 195, 197, 770, 869 V. Wallace 93 V. Williams 468 Campbell's Estate 109 Trusts, In re 51 Campden's Charities, Re 727 Canal Bank v. Cox 591, 592 Can by v. Lawson 367 Candler v. TiUett 419, 421, 422, 424, 440 Caiidv V. Marcy 186 CaneV. Allen 197, 202 V. Roberts 437 Canev v. Bond 438. 440 Cantield v. Bostwick 570, 918 Cann v. Cann 185 Cannel v. Buckle 34 Canning v. Kensworthy 122 Cannings v. Flower 616, 619 V. Hicks 13 Cannon v. Handley 171 Canoy v. Troutman 17, 328, 334 Cant lev. In re 338 Cape V. Bent 284, 293, 294, 450, 474, 508 V. Cape 118, 647, 649 Capehart v. Huey 891, 894 Capel V. Wood 533 Caperton v. Callson 891 Capital Nat. Bank v. Coldwater Nat. Bank 44 Caplo V. McCollum 126 (^aplin's Will 510 Caplingor v. Stokes 127, 200 V. Sullivan 633 Capron v. Attleborough Bank 199 Cardigan v. Montague 530 (^arc V. Ormond 821 Carew v. .Fohnson 904 Carew's Case 178. 179 Carey r. Brown 815 c V. Callan 1.37 V. Goodinge 244 xlviii INDEX TO CASES CITED. [References are to sections.] Carey r'- Kemper 8156 Carter v. Balfour 570 724, 726, 748 V. Kawson 22(J V. Bank of Georgia 239 Carleton v. lia.uk 627, 028 V. Bennett 803 V. Dorset 2ia V. Bernadiston 317 Carley r. Graves 8:J7 r. Carter 218,223,261, 202, 627, 628, Carniichael v. Foster 828 633, 672, 673, 676, 829 V. Huglies G15 V. Cutting 424, 462, 408 V. Trustees 43 V. Gibson 82, 83 V. Wilson 615, OlS 1'. Home 428, 431 Came v. Lons; 704, 712 V. McManus 204 Games v. Colburn 102 r. Montgomery 357 v. Ilulibard 2;3'j V. RoUand 618 V. Polk 783, 78(3 a V. T.igt;art 645 Carney v. Byron 520 I'. Ulilein 805 D.'Kain 259,312, 315, 448, 920 V. Wolf 748 Carow V. Mo watt 8'Jl Carter and Kenderdine's Contract, In Carpenter, lie 277, 284 re 593 V. Am. Ins. Co 171 Carter Bros. v. Challen 126, 815 c V. Cameron 705 Carteret v. Carteret 351 V. Canal Co. 230, 8G3 Cartledge v. Cutliff 471 V. Carpenter 441 Ciirtmell v. Perkins 863 V. Elliott 1U2 Cartwright, Jn i-e 477 V. Heriot 201 V. Pettus 72 V. Leonard 680 V. Wise 143, 144, 147 V. Marnell 58, 345 Caruthers v. Williams 133 V. Miller 748 Carver v. Bowles 511a V. Mitchell 686 I'. Richards 511a, 808 Carpenter's Appeal 900 Carver's Estate 408 Estate 181 Carvill v. Carvill 121 Carr, £x parte 171 Carwardiue v. Carwardine 298. 379 V. Atkinson 254 Gary v. Abbott 718, 724. 729 V. Bedford 256, 510 V. Cary 112, 116 V. Bob 803 V. Eyre 217 V. Burlington 585, 597, 600 V. Mansfield 200 V. Eastabrook 633 V. Whitney 328 V. Ellison 326 Cary Library v. Bliss 700. 727 V. Erroll 373 Casaday v. Bosler 602 ee V. Halliday 35 Casborn v. English 322 V. Hertz 411 Casborne v. Scarfe 324, 336 V. Hilton 225, 814, 801 Casburne v. Casburne 323 V. Hobbs 232 Case V. Codding 126, 132 V. Houser 209 V. Gerrish 212, 591 V. Laird 468 V. Green 671 V. Living 117, 118 V. James 217 V. Richardson 299 V. Kelly 477, 915 a V. Taylor 627, 632, 635, 640 Casey v. Wiggin 640 Carr, petitioner 5116 Casey's Estate 891 Carrick v. Errington 160 Caspari v. Cutcheon 460 Carrier's Appeal 918 n Cass V. Cass 552 Carrigan v. Drake 520 V. Stearns 891 Carrington v. Abbott 559 Cassamajor v. Pearson 550 V. Goddin 602 an Cassard v. Hinman 172 Carritt v. Real & P. A. Co. 849 Cassell, Ex parte 910,914 Carroll v. Connett 880 V. Ryss 782, 783 V. Farmers' Bank 72 Cassell's' Appeal 748 V. Lee 647 Cassidy v. Hynton 507 V. Moore 918 v.'McDaiiiel 881 V. Renick 361 Castle V. Castle 118, 620 V. Shea 252 Caswell r. Sheen 56 V. Stewart 501 Cater v. Eveleigh 601, 675 V. Van Renselaer 232 Cater' s Trust 922, 925 Carroll Iron Co. v. Maclaren 72 Cathcart v. Nelson 82, 163 Carruth v. Carruth 264 Cathorpe, F.x pnrte 457 Carruthers v. Carruthers 404 Catlin r. Eagle Bank 31, 588 Carsey v. Barshaw 416 Caton V. Caton 208 Carson v. Carson 66, 250 254, 2R2, 511 V. Pembroke 239, 837 V. Murray 672, 673 V. Rideout 665 V. O'Bannon 644 Cattlin V. Brown 385 Carter v. Abshire 774 Caul field v. Maguire 554 INDKX TO CASES CITP:D, [References are to Bections.] xlix Cavagnaro i'. Don 129 Cave V. Cave 34 Caveiider r. Cavender 275 Cavendish V. Fleming 018 I'. Mercer 616, 01 'J Caverly v. I'UWp 87;{ Cavin v. Gieason 44, 828 Cawood r. Tlmnipson 15'J Cecil V. Butcher 103, 104, 105, 161, 1G2, 1(15 Cecil Bank v. Snivelv 120 Cecil Xat. Bank r. fiiurber 122 Central Bridge v. Baily 754 Chadwii-k v. Chadwick 82 V. Heat ley 922, 925 Chadwin, /\x parte 574 Chaffe r. Watts 650 Chatfees r. Ui>k 58'..' Challiii V. Hull 200 Chahoon r. Hollenback 330 Cliaigneau v. Bryan 260 Chaires v. Brady 187 Chalfant v. Williams 220 Challen r. Shippam 402, 403 Chalmers v. Bradley 228, 230, 274, 287, 401 803, 807 V. Hack 72 Chamberlain v. Agar 84 181, 210 V. Brackett 728, 7;i7 V. Chamberlain 181 182, 741, 748 V. Crane 29'J V. Dummer 540 V. Maynes 328 V. Stearns 711, 712 t'. Taylor 705 r. Temple 165 V. Thompson 305 312, 315, 318 Chambers, Ex parte 616, 017, 618 V. Atkins 117 V. Caulfield 672 V. Chambers 362, 451, 856 V. Crabbe 851 V. Emery 137 V. Goldwin 615 V. Goodwin 905 V. Tlowell 430 V. Kerns 462 V. Manchester, &c. Ry. 752 V. Mauldin 330 V. Minchin 402, 404, 411,416, 419 421, 423 V. Perry t'. St. Louis 631 694, 699. 724 V. Smith 827 a V. Taylor 312 Chambersburg Ins. Co. V. Smith 520 Chamness v. Crutchfield 220 Champion, In re 100. 848 V. Brown 232, 239 V. Kigby 202, 228, 229 V. Smith 099 Cham pi in v. Champlin 124, 13.3, 142. 169, 672, 783 f. Haight 810 ?'. Laytin 171 Chance r. MoWharter 232, 239 Chancellor, In re 547 v. Windham 299 Chandler, In re 846 VOL. I. — d Chandler r. Hill 600 Chandos v. Brownlow 230 V. Talbot 641 Chanet v. Villeponteaux 499 Chancy f. May 885 V. Smallwood 245 Chapin r. Holyoke Young Men's Ch. Ass'n 729 V. School District 45, 730, 744, 748 V. Universalist Society 17. 299, V. Vermont, &c. Railway f. Weed petitioner Chaplin, Kx parte V. Chaiilin V. Givcns V. McAfee V. Mdore V. Young Chapman, /n re V. Beardsley V. Blissett V. Butler V. Chapman V. Foster V. Gibson V. Gray V. Kimball V. Tanner V. "Wilbur Charity Corp. r. Sutton Charles v. Burke Dubois Charlton v. Durham I'. Low V. Kendall Charter v. Trevelyan Chase v. Chapin V. Chase V. Lockerman 305. 328 758, 701 21)9 448 461 151, 165, 323 261, 262, 264, 208, 914 120 012 430 465, 848, 910 232, 235 298, 305, 312 855 419 686 108 672 277 232, 239 77 402, 879, 904 104 428 421 218 375 923 86, 99 70, 71, 112, 117, 118, 380 fl, 623 243, 402. 408, 562, 565, 566, 571, 918 V. Palmer 627 V. Parker 602 Jf V. Perley 79 V. Roberts 843 V. Stockett 91 V. Van Meter 347 V. York C. S. Bank 827 n Chassaing v. Parsonage 636 Chastain v. Smith 127 Chastcauncuf r. Capeyron 67 Chathatr. v. Audley 905 V. Brainard 748 Chattanooga, &c. R. Co. v. Evans 242 Chauncy r. Graydon 515 Chauve'te v. ^lason 678 Chawner's Will, In re 708 Cheatham v. Rowland 477 Chedworfh v. Edwards 446, 835, 837, 863 Cheek v. Watson 171 Cheever i'. Wilson 084 (^helmsford's Case 694 Chencry v. Davis 440 Chenev v. Watkina 299 Cheney's Case 701 Cherry r. Greene 5116, 764, 795 ffJarratt 918 INDEX TO CASES CITED. [References are to sections.] Cherry v. Mott 72-t, 726 Chertsey Market, In re 419, 742, 745, 770, 816, 848, 849, 875 Cheshire v. Cheshire 544, 8;J6 V. Payne 213 Cheslev v. Ciiesley 770 Cheslyii v. Dalby 202 Chesson v. Ciiesson 554 Ciiester v. Grier I'J^ V. Pratt 658 V. Kolfe 480,487,915 Chesterfield v. Janssen 167, 169, 171, 185, 187, 189,194, 195, 212,851 Chestnut St. Nat. Bank v. Fidelity Ins. Co. 104 Chew V. Beall 060 V. Chew 308, 511 Chew's Appeal 827 Chibnal v. Whitton 993 Chicago, &c. R. Co. v. Hay 803 V. Titterington 8(il Chicago Att. Co. v. Davis S. M. Co. 82 Chicago, &c. Land Co. v. Peck 482 Chidgev v. Harris 261 Chilcott V. Hart 382 Child V. Bruce 195 V. Child 453, 607 V. Gibson 464 V. Stephens 696, 597 Childers v. Childers, 76, 82, 84, 131, 151, 165, 220 Childs V. Gramold 137 V. Jordon 86, 343 V. Wesleyan Cem. Ass'n 77 V. Woodson 75 Chillingworth v. Chambers 848 Chilton V. Braiden 232 Cliion, Ex parte 835 Chipchase v. Simpson 649, 651 Chippendale, Ex parte 486, 907, 909 Chishulm v. Chisholm 615, 616 V. Gadsden 171 V. Newton 330 V. Starke 541 Chism V. Williams 380 Chitwood V. Brittaia 84 Choice V. Marshall 359 Cholmeley v. Paxton 774, 776 Cholmoiideley tJ. Cholmondelev 112 V. Clinton 228, 855, 856, 857, 805. 807 Chowning v. Cox 602 'hi Chrichton's Trust 927 Christ's Church, In re 742 V. Trustees 701, 730 Christ's Coll., Cambridge 700, 739 Christ's Hospital y. Budgin 144, 149, 151 V. Diffenbach 226 V. Grainger 23, 384, 736 V. Hames 739 Christian v. Foster 903 a V. Yancey 261, 602 an Christie v. Bishop 221 Christleri'. Meddis 499 Christopher v. Covington 590. 591 Christophers v. White 432. 904 Christy V. Courtnay 143, 146, 147 V. Flpmiugtoa 601 V. Pulliam 254 Church V. Church 748 V. Cole 126 V. Ja(iues 27 V. Marine Ins. Co. 206 V. Ruland 171, 181, 182, 222 V. Sterling 127 V. Stewart 328 V. Wood 127 Church of Donington-on-Baine, In re 701 Church of Latter Day Saints v. United States 727, 736 Church on Brattle St. v. Grant 736 Churclier v. Martin 131 Churchill v. Churchill 254 V. Corker 320 V. Dibben 604 V. Hobson 261, 402, 411, 416, 421 V. Marks 388, 555 Chwatal v. Schreiner 371 Citizens' Nat. Bank v. Jefferson 466 Citv Council v. Paige 218 ' V. Walton 277 City National Bank v. Hamilton 127 Clack V. Carlon 432 V. Holland 438, 440, 831, 845 Cladfield V. Cox 438 Clatlin V. Ambrose 124 V. Claflin 382, 386 V. Van Wagoner 600 Clagett V. Hall 76, 420 Clairborne v. Henderson 324 V. Holland 466, 790 Clairhorn v. Crockett 238 Clamer t'. Rawlings 237 Clanricaide v. Heuning 202, 850, 855 Clapp V. Emery 86 Clapper v. House 227 Clapton V. Buhner 256 Clare v. Bedford 53 Clark V. Andersoa 453, 910 V. Beers 460 V. Burgh 633 V. Burnhara 140 V. Cantwell 129 V. Chamberlain 142 V. Clark 126. 132, 147, 248, 347, 417, 418, 419, 423, 460, 547, 803 V. Cook 633 V. Cordis 482 V. Crego 341 V. Evorhart 174, 178 V. Flannery 554 V. Fuller 590 V. Garfield 453, 4.59 V. Girdwood 203 V. Hanev 171 V. Hilton 152 V. Holland 195 V. Hornthal 511 c V. Hunt 237, 239 V. Jones 225, 766 V. Lee 206 V. McMahoa 122 V. Maguire 647 V. Makenna 647, 601 V. Mai pus 189, 194 V. Marlow 568 r. Alartin 240 rt V. Patterson 147, 658 INDEX TO CASES CITED. [References are to sections.] li Clark V. Peatridge V. Piatt V. liiddle V. lioyle r. Sawyer V. Seymour V. Taylor r. Teniiison F. Timmons r. Trflawney t'. Vail Surley V. Ward f. Washington Corp. V. Wilson 0. Wright Clark's Appeal Estate Clarke, In re 0. Herkeley t). Hlount V. Boyce V. Clarke V. Danvers V. Deveaux V. Hackerthorne V. Hart V, Jenkins V. Eott V. JlcCreary V. Moore 220 383,917, '.H8 7tiG 236 894 773 724, 726 347 126 466 610 189 757 594 8:28 417,418 468 618 513, 517 421 235 171 126, 144 539, 816, 922 217 869 421 97 639 764 V. Parker 262, 413, 502, 507, 508, 511, 514,517, 518, 519 V. Quackenboss 137 V. Royal Panopticon 19, 768 V. Sawyer 182 V. Saxon 48, 50, 540, 541 V. State 420 V. Turner 257, 510 V. Windham 648, 652, 653 Clarke's Appeal 448, 520 Trusts, Jn re 671 Clarkson r. Clarkson 358, 545 V. Creely 770 V. De Pevster 654 V. Hanwky 187, 189 Clary, In re 454 Claussen r. La Franz 48, 126 Clavering v. Clavering 103, 104, 162 Clay V. Hart 499 V. Selah V. Ir. Co. 248 V. Sharpe 602 c, 002 hh 17. Willis 602 c V.Wood 114 Clavton V. Cagle 8.-)8 Clayton v. Glengall 580, 584 v. Greshain 644, 545 Cleaver v. Mutual R. F. Life Ass'n. 181 Clegg r. I'dmondson 141, 196 V. P'ishwick 196 V. Rowland 528, 5.30 Cleghorn v. Obernalte 145 Cleland v. Clelan Ivi INDEX TO CASES CITED. [References are to sections.] Crosby v. Mann V. Mason Croskill V. Bower Cross V. Beavan V. Cross V. Kennington V. Norton V. Petree V. Smith V. U. S. Trust Co. Cross's Instate, Re Crosslin^; v. Crossling Croton, &c. Co. v. Ryder Croughton's Trusts, In re Crowe V. Ballard V. Crisford Crowley v. Richardson Crowther, In re V. Crowther Croxall V. Shererd Croxton, Ex parte Crozier v. Crozier V. Young Cruce 17. Cruce Crue V. Caldwell Cruder v. Cruder 928 476 a 195, 432, 461 617 380 570 82 438 407 72, 382 150 252, 507 761 671 192, 206 451 858 348, 466 858, 871 6, 301, 321 891 371 149 471 104 660, 667 V. Halliday 268, 274, 280, 285, 401, 901 V. Heywood 612 V. Jones 334 Cruikshank v. Parker 506 Cruikshanks v. Roberts 72 Cruise v. Christopher 189 Cruiston v. Olcott 452 Crump, In re 654 V. Baker 913 V. Gerack 468 Cruse V. Barley 152, 160, 499 V. McKee 251, 254, 255 Cruselle v. Chastain 437 b Crutcher v. Hord 215 Crutchfield, Ex parte 606 Cruwys v. Colman 112, 248, 256, 285 Cryder's Appeal 795, 798 Cuddy V. Waldron 886 Cueman v. Broadnax 301 Cuff V. Hall 490, 771 Culbertson v. The H. Witbeck Co. 166 Culpepper v. Aston 152, 597, 764, 770. 785, 789, 795, 796 Culross V. Gibbons 83 Cuh^er v. Culver 205 Cumberland v. Codrington 98, 562 Cumberland Coal Co. v. Hoffman Coal Co. 206 Cumberland Coal Co. v. Sherman 207 Cumick V. Tucker 11.3 Cuming v. Robins 137 Cummings v. Boswell 544, 545 V. Cummings 127 V. Fullam 438 V. Miller 680 V. Sharp 662 V. Williamson 660, 768 Cummins v. Bromfield 888 V. Cummins 260, 261, 262, 264, 429, 454 Cumston v. Bartlett 511 c Cunard's Trusts, Re 264 CunistoQ V. Bartlett 253 Cunliffe v. Cunliffe Cunnack v. Edwards Cunningham v. Autrobus V. Davenport V. Foot V. Freeborn V. Gray V. McKinley V. Moody V. Parker V. Pell V. Schley 112 727, 730 633 82, 225 166 585, 593 577 863, 864, 865 323 511a, 570 876, 879, 881 539 Cunningham & Frayling, In re 248 Curd V, Field 790 Cureton v. Watson 456 Curling v. Curling 724, 728 V. Shuttleworth 602 c, 602 ;» Cumick V. Tucker 113 Curran v. Green 277 Currant v. Jago 144 Currence v. Ward 126, 166 Currer v. Walkley 795 Currey, Re, Gibson v. Way 671 Currie v. Hart 590 V. Pye 747 V. Steele 185 V. White 82, 122, 231 Currier v. Studley 865 Curry v. Allen 861 V. Hill 764 V. Shrader 675 Curteis v. Candler 280, 476 «, 894, 899, 922, 928 Curtis, In re 593 V. Brown 728 V. Buckingham 602 ee V. Curtis 871 V. Daniel 864 V. Engel 660 V. Fullbrook 501 V. Hutton 709, 741 V. Lakin 861 V. Lanier 218 V. Leavitt 592 V. Luken 160, 381, 385, 393, 532, 535 V. Mason 417, 419 V. Perry 165 V. Price 305, 319 V. Ripon 112, 113, 116 V. Smith 71, 275, 280, 615, 843 Curtis's Estate 917 Curtiss, In re 280 Curton V. Jellicoe 797 Cusack V. Cusack 361 V. White 214 Gushing v. Blake 324, 357, 358, 359 r. Danforth 206 V. Spaulding 299, 386 Custman v. Bonfield 428, 760 V. Coleman 359 Cushney v. Henry 38^ 240 Custance v. Cunningham 151 Cuthbert v. Baker 793 V. Chauvet 920 V. Rolf 648 Cutler V. Babcock 245 V. Griswold 149 V. Tuttle 126, 131, 132, 133, 137, 149, 165 INDEX TO CASES CITED. [References are to aectioiiB.] Ivii Cutler's Trusts 63;j, 030 D'Arcy ». Ilall 428, 431 Cuyler v. liradt 82, 130, 805 Dare r. Allen Dargan r. Richardson Durke r. Martyti 639 589, 593 443, 453 D. V. Williamson Darkiii v. iJarkin 476, 907 127 Dabnev v. Manning 308 Da Costa v. Da Pas 702, 715, 718, 724, 729 Daggett V. White 264 Dagley v. Tol ferry 624 D'Aguilar v. Driiikwater 511, 517, 518 Dailev V. New Haven 43, 277 Dakin v. Beresford 649 V. Dcmining 918 V. Savage 2H8 Daland 1'. Williams 245 Dale V. Hamilton 82 Daley v. Desbouvierie 512, 517, 518. 519 Dalheguey v. Tabor 246 « Dallam v. Fitler 591 V. Wampole 667, 679 Dallmeyer, Jn re 397, 622 D'Almaine v. Anderson 286 Dalrymple v. Taneyhill 610 Dalston c. Coatsworth 183 Dalton V. Dalton 828 V. Hewen 795 V. Jones 200 «. Young 802 Dalton's Settlement 612 Daly V. Beckett 530 V. Bernstein 260 Dalzell V. Crawford 598, 794, 795, 796, 798 Dame v. Annas 784 Dammert v. Osbom 382, "29 Damon v. Bibber 602 . Smith 166 Dickenson v. Davis 143 Dickerman v. Abmhams 660 Dickerson v. Carroll 815c V. Smith 175 Dickerson's App. 86, 104 Dickinson, Kx parte 332 r. Chase 238 V. Coates 87 V. Codwise 127, 129 V. Conniff 526 V. Dickinson 76 582, 772 V. Hoomes 71 V. Player 454 V. Shaw 145 V. Teasdale 863 Dickinson, Appellant 453 Dickson, In re 615 V. Harrison 877 V. Lockyer 225 V. Montgomery 724 728 731, 748 Dickson's Trust 555, 930 Diefendorf v. Spraker 268 401, 921 Dietterich v. Heft 471 Diffenderffer v. Winder 463, 468, 471, 472, 918 Digby V. Irvine 653 Digges's Case 5116 Diggles, In re 114 Diggs V. Walcott 72 Dike V. Ricks 785, 789 Dilkes V. Broadmead 932 Dill r. McGehee 843 Dillard v. Crocker 126 219, 221 V. Dillard 149, 248 V. Tomlinson 462, 468 Dillaye v. Commercial Bank 218, 225 t'. Greenough 95, 158 Dillor i'. Brabaker 851 Dillinger v. Llewelyn 97 Dillon V. Bone 100 V. Coppin 97, 98. 100, 103, 107, 111 r. Grace 656 Dilworth V. Rice 500 Dimes v. Scott 402, 422, 450, 467, 547. 548, 549 ,551,847 Dinn v. Grant 231 Dinsmore ?'. Biggert 318, 319 V. Racine 757 D'Tnvornois v. Leavitt 590 Dinwiddle t". Bailey 871 Dipple V. Tories 86,97 Disher r. Disher 97 Dismukes r. Terry 137 DisRcnger, Re 613 Ditmars r. Smith 76 Dix t'. Akcrs 674 r. Burford 263, 417, 419 Ix INDEX TO CASES CITED. [Belerences are to sections.] Dix V. Cobb V. Read Dixon V. Caldwell V. Dixon V. Gavfere V. Hiil V. Homer V. Horner V. McCue V. Miller V. Olmius V. Saville V. Smith Dobbins v. Stevens Dobson V. Land V. Leadbeater V. Pearce V. Racey 195, 197, Docker v. Somes 427, Dockey v. McDonald V. McDowell Docksey v. Docksey Dod V. Dod Dodd V. Geiprer V. Ghiselin V. Wake V. Winship Dodds V. Hills Dodge V. Cole V. Essex Ins. Co. V. Hogan V. Hollinshead V. Manning V. Pond V. Stevens V. Tulleys V. Williams V. Woolsey Dodkin v. Brunt Dodson V. Ball 304, V. Dodson V. Hay V. Samnell V. Simpson Doe V. Aldridge V. Bennett 17. Biggs v. Cafe V. Cavan V. Claridge 308, V. Collier V. Cook V. Copesteak V. Duval V. Edlin V. Ewart V. Field V. Godwin V. Halcombe V. Hardwicke V. Harris V. Hawthorne V- Hicks V. Hilder V. Hole V. Homfray V. Howells V. Howland 438 272 211, 218 238, 640 235 221 275, 287, 918 272 456 661, 675 181, 648 323 817 202 431, 437 219 72 , 199, 206, 228 429, 430, 454, 464, 470 914 456 150 361 642 52 380, 383 927 829 127 855 568, 583 685 576 748 195, 816 a 875 398, 448 816 38, 240 311, 320, 652 366 323, 324, 371 455 225, 810 703 338 297, 305, 306 308, 315, 357 5116 310, 312, 317 298 355 703 602 A 305 305 304, 312 414, 505 530 530 261, 267, 270 702 312, 319 349 530 305. 313 698, 699 315 Doe V. Hughes V. Ironmonger V. Keen V. Keir V. Langdon V. Lightfoot V. Lloj'd V. Martin V. Nepeau V. Nichols V. Passingham 17. Phillips V. Pitcher V. Pratt V. Price 17. Read V. Roake V. Robinson V. Roe V. Routledge V. Scott V. Scribner V. Simpson V. Smeddle V. Smith V. Stace V. Steaple V. Stephens t". Sybourn V. Thorley V. Vincent V. Walbank V. Walker 17. Willan V. Williams 17. Woodhouse 17. Wrighte Doebler's App. Doering v. Doering D'Oeschener i7. Emerson 1'. Scott Doggett 17. Hart V. Lane Dolan, In re 17. Jlayor of Baltimore 17. McDerinot Dolbiac v. Dolbiac Dold V. Geiger Dolder v. Bank of England Dole 17. Lincoln V. Wilson Dollinger's Appeal Dolliver v. DoUiver Dolman 17. Nokes Domestic & F. Mis. Society v. Gaither 729 Dominick v. Michael 34, 499, 500 17. Sayre 250, 414 Dommett i7. Bedford 388, 555 Donahoe v. Chicago Cricket Club 96, 202 V. Con rah V 83 Donalds v. Plumb 347, 660 Donaldson v. American Tract Soc. 391, 748 17. Donaldson 98, 100, 102, 105 17. Pusev 918 17. West Bank 640 Doncaster i7. Doncaster 359, 372, 373 Donegal's Case 189 Doniphan i7. Paxton 602^ 501, 597, 802, 803, 805 305 871 5116 349 338 354 785 929 311 301, 304 866 706 570 346 350 511c 408, 602 A, 602 rta 490 165, 303 305 592 308, 313 312 270 809 353 529 530 349, 350, 351, 352^ 355 5116 511c 308 93 308, 312, 318 530 313 352, 355 3.58 260 171, 230 670 17, 328 204 305 768 699, 705 665 628 826 87 863 77 828 179 INDEX TO CASES CITED. [References are to Bectioos.] bd Donisthorpcr. Porter 348 Don 1 in r. IJradley 126 Donne v. Hart 633 V. Lewis 563 Donneli\- f. Boston Oath. Gem. Ass'n 72y Donohue v. Chase 602 a Doolan v. Blake G70 Doolittle V. Lewis 500, 602 <7, 602 «, 602 ee Doran i-. Doran 127 V. Simpson 225 r. Wiltshire 597, 776, 794, 7'JG Dorance r. Scott 601 Dorchester v. Effingham 390, 443 Doreinus v. Lewis 591 Dorland r. Dorland 499, 501 Dormer i'. Fortescue 871, 872 V. Thurland 511 b Dornford v. Dornford 468, 472, 847 Dorr V. Clapp 315 V. Davis 127 V. Wainwright 262, 263, 574 Dorrah v. Hill 60 Dorranee's Estate 913 Dorris v. Miller 468 Dorsett v. Dorsett 555 Dorsev f. Banks 878 r." Clarke 126,133,135 V. Dorsey 209, 918 V. Garcey 15, 843 V. Gilbert 610 V. Thompson 275 V. Wolcott 189 Doswell V. Anderson 118, 380 a V. Buchanan 221 Dotv V. Hubbard 607 'v. Mitchell 655, 661 V. Wilson 100 Dougars v. Rivaz 742 Dougherty r. Shillingsburg 163 Douglas, In re 347 V. Corrj' 803 V. Cruger 920 Douglass t'. Allen 597 V. Andrews 613 V. Archbutt 432, 904 V. Browne 402 V. Congreve 359, 551 V. Culverwell 202 V. Horsefall 874 V. Lucas 141 V. Price 143 V. Russell 68 I'. Satterlec 421 V. Stephenson's Ex'or 443 Douthitt V. Stinson 890 a Pove r. Everard 261 Dover. Ex parte 263, 281 V. Gregory 570 V. Kennedy 780 V. Rhea " 79 Dow V. Dawson 438 V. Dow 276 r. Jewell 126, 132, 140, 141, 865 V. Plainer 590 Dow's Petition 610 Dowd t'. Tucker 171, 181, 182 Dowel 1 V. Dew 650 Dowlinff r. Belton 611 V. Eeeley 209 Dowling V. Hudson 795 V. Maguire 653, 657, 658 Dowman r. Rust 569, 570, 796 Down V. Morris 327, 435 r. Worrall 714, 721, 731 Downer v. Church 152 V. Downer 507 Downes v. Bullock 851, 932 r. Grazebrook 128, 195, 347, 770, 786 V. Harper Hospital 729 f. Hodgson 931 V. Jeimings 183, 208 V. Thomas 883 r. Timperon 656 Downey v. Bullock 618 Downing r. Marshall 894 V. Townsend 109 Downs f. Richards 129 Dowse V. Gorton 466 Doyle V. Blake 259, 261. 202. 264, 268. 401, 403, 421, 422, 914, 927 v. Coyle 511 c V. Peerless 246 a V. Sleeper 12G, 149 V. Whalen 727 Doyley v. Att.-Gen. 249, 255, 258, 503 D'Oylevf. Loveland 598 Doyly V. Sherratt 411 Drake v. Crane 455, 466 r. Drake 371 r. Moore 602 dd V. Pywall 17 V. Rogers 592 V. Whitmore 768 f. Wild 863 Drakeford v. Wilks 226 Drane v. Davliss 500 t'. Guuter 268, 274, 336, 602 m Draper v. Minor 275 I'. Stone 844 Drapers' Company r. Davis 203 Drasier v. Brereton 96, 417, 447 Drayton v. Drayton 501 V. Grimke ' 500 V. I'ocock 764, 770, 787, 807 Drennen v. Walker 215 Dresser v. Dresser 112 Drever v. Mawdesley 600 Drew r. Martin 144 V. Norbury 223 V. Waketield 891, 899 Dringr. Greetham 481 Drinkwater v. Combe 348 Driver r. Fortner 602 o, 602 oc Drohan r. Drohan 484, 809 Drovers' & M. Nat. Bank v. Roller 828 Druce r. Denison 635 Druid Park Heights Co. v. Oetticger 249, 508 Drummond v. St. Albans 872 r. Tracy 49, 50 Drur}- r. Connor 245 r. Cross 207 r. Drury 34 V. Hook 214 r. Natick 500, 700, 724, 748 V. Scott 626, 668 r. Smith 87 Drusadow v. Wilde 611 c, 783 Ixii Drydeii r. Frost V. Ilannaway Dryden Ad. v. Stephens Drysdale's Appeal Duberly v. Day Dubless V. Flint INDEX TO CASES CITED. [References are to sections.] 238 133 770 205, 918 633 820, 8-27 Dublin Case 42, 732, 733, 734, 744, 745, 748 Dubois, Ex parte 332 V. Hall '232 Dubose V. Dubose 602 Dubs V. Dubs 323, 324, 652 Ducie v. Ford 79 Ducker v. Burnham 252 Duckett V. National M. Bank 122, 860 V. Skinner 610 Duckworth v. Ocean S. Co. 411 Dudgeon, In re 699 V. Connley 988 Dudley, £x parte 613 V. Batchelder 133 V. Bosworth 139, 143, 146, 147 V. Dudley 122 Duff V. McDonough 223 V. Wilson 211 Dufford V. Smith 453, 803, 917 Duffy V. Calvert 284, 598, 602 w. 787, 791, 796, 797 V. Duncan 468, 918 V. McGuiness 347 V. Masterson 134 Duffy's Trust, In re 634 Dugan V. Vattier 221 Dugas V. Gilbeau 204, 205 Dugdale, In re 378 V. Dugdale 903 a Duggam V. Kelly 515 Duggan V. Slocum 472, 700, 709, 741 Du Hourmelin v. Sheldon 64 Duke V. Fuller 705, 710, 730, 748 Duke of Norfolk v. Brown 161 Duke of Norfolk's Case 377, 379, 382, 383 Dulanev v. Willis 95, 260 Dulany V. Middleton 382 Dulin V. McCaw 658 Dumas, Ex parte 345 Dummer v. Chippenham 42, 511 a V. Pitcher 144, 146, 162 Dumoncel v. Dumoncel 64 Dumond v. Magee 627, 629 Dunbar, In re 77, 83 V. Mever 680, 680 V. Tre'dennick 206, 217, 828 r. Woodcock 451 Duncan v. Camberlayne 438 V. Campbell 634 V. Dixon 627 V. Findlater 744. 914 V. Forrer 136 V. Jaudon 225, 814 V. Johnson 221 V. McCalmont 72 Duncan's Appeal 213 Dunch V. Kent 428, 585, 593, 597, 795, 79'', Duncklee v. Butler 398 Duncomb v. N. Y. H. & No. R.R. Co. 129 Duncombe v. .\lston 480, 487 Duncommer's Appeal 417, 419 Dundas v. Biddle 48, 511 b V. Blake 559 Dungannon v. Smith 385, 389 Duuhani v. Chatham 75 V. Isett 757 V. Milhous 539 V. Presby 21 V. Waterman 590 Dunkley v. Duiikley 626, 632, 635, 636 Dunklin v. Wilkins 69 Dunlap I'. Dunlap 82 V. Harrison 65 V. Mitchell 195, 205, 428 V. Plumb 655 Duulop V. Burnett 232, 239 V. Dunlop 85 V. Hepburn 55 V. Hubbard 891 Dunnian, Ex parte 780 Dunn V. Berkshire 82 V. Chambers 187, 188, 189 V. Dunn 195, 453, 455, 460, 847 V. Raley 95 V. Sargeant 639 V. Seymour 873 V. Zwilling 245 Dunnage v. White 157, 184, 185 Dunne v. Dunne 457, 552 Dunnica v. Coy 164 Dunning v. National Bank 500, 501 V. Pike 686 Dunscomb v. Dunscomb 240, 462, 468, 900 V. Greenacre 629, 633 Dunster v. Glengall 438 Dunwoodie v. Reed 523 Duplex V. Roe 295 Dupont, Ex parte 55 V. Johnson 612 Dupre V. Thompson 98 Durand v. Durand 672 Durant v. Fitley 672 V. Lallev 639 V. Ritchie 32, 299, 301 V. Smith 114 Durfee, In re 276 Durham v. Crackles 633 Durkin v. Langley 437 o Durling v. Hammer 429 Durnford v. Lane .34 Durour v. Motteux 701, 706 Durpee v. Pavitt 142 Durr V. Bowver 627, 632 Durrett v. Com'th 453 Dustan v. Dustan 901 Dutch Church v. Mott 349, 351 Dutch Reformed Church v. Bandon -393 Dutton V. Cotton 6027>, 602 g V. Morrison 587, 590 V. Poole 181, 182 Duval t'. Getting 110 Duval's App. 768 Du Val V. Mar.«hall 133 Duvale v. Duvale 82 Duvall V. Bibb 232, 239, 299 V. Covenhoven 843 V. Fanners' Bank 627, 632 V. Graves 647 Dwight V. Pomroy 226 Dve r. Beaver Creek Church 7.J0 Dyer v. Dyer 12G, 14a, 145, 140, 101, 102, GU V. Jacoway 830 V. Leacli 277 V. Potter 891 V. Uiky 415 V. Sliuflleff 199 Dver's A pp. 82 Dyett I'. Central Trust Co. 299 520, 790 V. Coal Co. 655, G<;u Dvkes V. McVay 849 D3-oU's Estate 463, 408, 918 E. Eade v. Eade 112, 113, 116 Eager v. Barnes 418, 840 Eagle Fire Company v. Lent •i'i Eales r. England 112, 116, 325 Eames t'. Hardin t'. Wheeler Earl, In re Earl of Bath's Case Earl of Bute v. Short Earl of Darlington r. Putney Earl of Oxford v. Albemarle Earle r. Earle V. Huntingdon r. Wood Earle's Trusts, In re Earlom v. Saunders Early v. Doe Earnhart v. Eamhart Earp's Appeal Will Ease r. Howard East r. East V. Lowndes V. Kyall v. Twyford East Greenstead's Case Easterbrooks v. Tilliughast 160, 724, 748 Easterly r. Keney 386 a Eastern R. K. Co. In re 280 Eastham v. Roundtree 127 Eastman v. Cooper 814 V. Davis 863 Easton t'. Carter 262 Eaton V. Eaton 75,77 V. George 685 V. Green 220 V. Landor 902 V. Smith 273, 284, 290, 294, 497 507, 508, 721 V. Wason 680 V. Whiting 602 bb, 602 d r. Wits 115 Eaves i\ Ilickson 402 851, 929, 931 Ebberts's App. 127 Eberhardt v. Perolia 114 Eberts v. Eberts 200 Ebrand v. Dancer 54, 130, 144 Eccleston r. Skelmersdale 876 Echliff V. Baldwin 602 ee Echols V. Dimik 602 (Vrf Eckels V. Stewart 304 Eckford v. De Kay 458, 606 INDEX TO CASES CITED. [References are to sectiona.] Edd lesion v. Collins Eddowes, In re Eddy V. Ilartshorne V. Smith V. Traver Edelen v. Edelen Eden v. Foster Edgar v. Doniially Edge V. Salisbury Edgell r. Haywood Kiigerly v. Barker Edgington v. Williams Edie V. Applegate Edmands v. Bird r. Crenshaw 205, V. Dennington V. Peake V. Townshend Ednieston v. Lyde Edminster v. I'liggins Edmondson v. Dysod V. Walsh Edmund's App. Edson V. Bartow Edwards i'. Bates p. Bohaunon V. Burt V. Carter V. Culberson V. Edwards V. Fashion V. Field V. Freeman V. Graves V. Grove V. Hall V. Harvey V. Jones V. Lewis f. Lowndes V. Meyrick V. Miilbank r. Morgan V. Pike ». Roberts V. Sheridan V. Tuck V. Warwick V. Williams Eedes v. Eedes Etiand v. Efland Egbert v. Brooks I'. Butler V. Schultz Egertou v. Brownlow 17. Carr V. Conklin V. Egerton Eglin V. Sanderson Kpmoiit V. Smith Ehlen I'. Elilen Eichelberger v. Barnitz Eidsforth v. Armistead Eipper 1". r.enner Eland r. Baker V. Eland 597, 795, Elborne r. Goode F-lder, Ex parte Eldredge r. Greene 126 98 460 171, 180 112 5116 708 260, 417 858 705, 724, 733, 748 93 401 602 r 358 299, 305, 545 556 298 440 395 747, 901 359, 372 830 bdii 52 252 121 602/ 238 679 734, 742 127 256 570 277, 371, 382, 736 149 818 189 418, 422, 432, 918 653 444, 786 630 594 232 359, 370 602 t, 602 w 310 o 160 843 238 188 34,627 166, 245 126, 133, 144 136 144 17, 577 17, 249 615 709 747, 774, 891 97, 98, 101 196 17 197, 202 529 871, 872 216 228 639 397, 584 367 869 633, 634 324 910, 916 419, 424, 440 380 359, 380 99 500 900 900 877 275 380, 541. 547 802. 80.-5, 805 79, 82, 83 768 800, 801, 802, 810 307, 903 a 605 465 Ixiv INDEX TO CASES CITED. [References are to sections.] Eldredpe v. Heard V. Knott V. Preble V. Smith Eldridge v. Putnam Elias V. Schweyer Klibank v. Montolieu Elijah V. Taylor Elkins V. Tresham Ellenborough v. Canterbury Ellerson v. Westcott Ellett V. Paxson El lice, Ex j)arte Ellicombe v. Gompertz Ellicott V. Barnes V. Chamberlia V. Welch Elling V. Naglee Elliot V. Ince Ellinwood v. Holt Elliott V. Armstrong V. Boaz V. Connell V. Cordell V. Deason V. Edwards V. Elliott V. Hancock V. Hart V. Lewis V. Merriman V. Pool V. Sparrell V. Waring 248, 510,511 8t)fi 676, 677 195, 199 882 275, 873 629, 6;i5 679 173 891, 894 181 780 457 380 122 209 239 918 35 347 126, 137, 139, 347 174 226 626, 634 520 236, 239 54, 143, 145, 146, 147, 151, 161, 851 569, 570 149 880 597, 598, 795, 796, 798, 802, 810, 814, 807 195 263, 468, 471 632 V. Wood°199, 602 fi, 602 .9, 602 p, 602 r Elliott's Executors, Appeal of 101 Ellis V. Allen 202 V. Amason 438 V. Atkinson 670 V. Baldwin 639 V. Barker 427, 433, 900 V. Boston, Hartford & Erie R. K. Co. 273, 284 V. Carv 613 V. Ellis 113, 253, 901, 908 V. Essex Merrimack Bridge V. Fisher V. Guavas V. Hill V. Kenyon V. Maxwell V. Nimmo V. Selby V. Woods Ellis's Trusts, In re Ellison V. Airey V. Ellison V. Elwin V. Moses V. Woody Ellison's Trust, In re Ells V. Lynch 312, 315 243 79 680 395, 397 107, 108, 109 151, 159, 711, 712 648 671 569 96, 98, 100, 104, 107, 367 626 828 546 270, 271 385 Ellsworthy v. Hinds Elniendorf v. Beirne V. Lansing V. Ta3'lor Elmer v. Scott 640 238 418 228, 855 694, 724 Elmlie v. McAulay 225 Klinore's Trusts 451 I'jhns V. Hughes 639 l^^lmsley v. Young 257 lilsee, 'Ex parte 910 Klsej' V. Lutyens 47, 891 Elstner v. Fife 259, 500 Elthan Parish v. Warreyn 704 Elton V. Elton 375 V. Harrison 501, 802 V. Shepherd 318, 655 Elve V. Bo3'ton 453 Elwell V. Chamberlain 172 Elworthy v. Bird 672, 673 V. Wickstead 633 Elwyn V. Williams 641 Ely V. Cook 591 V. Hair 590 V. Turpin 602 Emblym v. Freeman 157 Emelie v. Emelie 455 Emerick v. Emerick 229 Emerson v. Cutler 920 V. Galloupe 83 V. Spicer 608 Emery v. Batchelder 452 Emery v. Chase 299 V. Grocock 349, 352 r. Hill 741 Emery's Trusts, Re 627 Emmet v. Clarke 286 V. Dewhirst 184 V. Emmet 471 Emmons v. Cairns 541, 547 V. Shaw 288 Emperor v. Rolfe 580 Encking v. Simmonds 602 A, 602 3 Enders v. Public Works 764 Enfield Toll Bridge t>. Hartford 757 Engel's Estate 169 England, In re 613, 618 V. Downes 213, 267, 901 V. Slade 349, 351, 355 English V. Mclntyre 72, 467, 4C8 V. Miller 72 V. Kussell 232 Ennis v. Leach 602 nrt Enniss v. Smith 511 c Enos V. Hunter 137 Ensley v. Balentine 126, 128, 134, 135, 137 Entwistle v. Markland 550 Episcopal Church v. Wiley 71 Erickson v. Willard 112, 248 Erisnian v. Directors of Poor 511 a Ernest v. Croysdill 839, 840, 859 Errat v. Barlow 616, 619 Errington, Re 400, 472 V. Chapman 616. 619 V. Evans 245 Erskine v. Townsend 226 Erskine's Trusts 634 Ervin's Appeal 610. 783 Erwin v. Hall 815 c V. Parham 187, 188 V. Seigling 918 Escheator v. Smith 55, 310 Eschrich, In re 471 Esham v. Lamar 187 Eshelman v. Lewis 127 INDEX TO CASES CITED. Eshelman v. Shuman Eskridge v. McClure Espoy V. Lake Espin V. rembertoa Essex V. Atkins Estabrook r. Earle Estes V. Tillinghast Estwick V. Callaud Etches V. Etches Ettiiig V. Bank of U. States Etty V. Hriilges European Kru. Co. r. Poor 194, 207 Eustace v. Seamen f>'^ Evangelical Ass'n's App. 730, 733, <4« Evangelical Synod i'. Schoeneich 8--i» Evans I'. Bagwell [Eelerences are to Bections.] G41 Ewing v. Furness 232, 239 V. Iligby 194 V. Osbaldiston 222 V. Stiannahan 653, GO" I'. Warner 68ti Exel V. Wallace 104 Exeter v. Exeter 590 t'. Odiorne 386, 386 n, 555 Kxton v. Scott 178, 179 Eyre, Jie 438 V. Dolphin Battle V. Benyon V. Bicknell V. Caiman V. Cheshire V. Chew V. Coventry V, Davies V. Ellis V. Enloe V. Evans V. Gibson V. Gillespie V. Goodlett V. Heilier V. Islehart V. Jackson V. John V. Kingsburj' V. Kneeland V. Knoar V, Llewellyn V. London V. Massey V. Potter V. Russell V. Scott V. Secrest V. Stokes V. Tweedy Evans's Estate Evarts v. Nason Evelyn v. Templar Everett v. Carr V. Drew V. Henry V. Prytliieregch V. Texas M. Ry. Co. Everitt v. Everitt Evcrson v. Pitney Everston v. Mayhew Everts v. Agnes V. Everts Evertson r. Tappan Evroy v. Nickolas Ewbank r. Paston Eweu V. Bannerman V. Smith Ewer V. Corbett Ewers r. White's Estate Ewing V. Barnes V. Bass V. Buckner VOL. I. — e 593 97 467, 828 171, 438 658 188 500 818 66 202 238 358, 373 127 647 232, 237 584 546, 547 769 259, 261 Fitton V. Marsden V. Potter V. Shaftesbury Eyrick v. Hetrick Eyton V. Eyton Ixv 891 774 231 341, 346, 858 104 359 186 299, 305, 307 103 517 196, 538 5116 160, 395, 397 187 414, 505, 003, 631, 694, 695, 724 55, 259, 555 183 179 647, 649 171, 184, 185, 192 697 615, 618, 619 243 104 580 640 885 558, 559 418, 419, 894 863, 918 107, 109, 111 697, 705, 720, 722, 733 926 195 275, 816, 818 828 104 918 828 220, 221 520 428 53 235, 239 714 655, 661 225, 809, 810, 812 8(i3 378 189 260 Fadness v. Braunborg Fagg's Case Fahnestock v. Fahnestock Fairbanks v. Lamson Fairchild v. Edson Fairfield S. Bank v. Small Fairhurst v. Lewis Fairman v. Bavin V. Green Fairtitle v. Gilbert Falk V. Turner ^„.. Falkland v. Bertie 499 I Falkner v. Equitable Society V. O'Brien V. Wynford Fall t'. Simmons Fallen, In Matter of Faloon i'. Flannery Fambro v. Gantt Fane v. Devonshire V. Fane Fanning v. Ker Fansler v. Jones Fant V. Dunbar Farie's Appeal Paris V. Dunn Farley v. Blood V. Bryant V. Bu'cklin V. Kittson 730 218 448, 451 701. 748 171, 720, 729 82 148 206 616, 618 750 204, 210 871 786 192 248, 250 471, 918 54 254 225 189 94 602 d 1.38 463 652, 668 1.37 127 184, 186 398 206 V. St. Paul, M. & M. R. R. Co. 427 V. Shippen 64, 71, 131, 136 Farlow v. Farlow Farmer v. Compton V. Dean V. Farmer V. Lesley V. Martin Farmers' Bank v. Douglass r. King V. Waynian Farmers' Loan, &c. Co. ■ Bank r. Ilondrickson t'. Hughes r. Lake St. Ry. Co. V. Maltby 253 517 780 192 591 511a 187, 590 127, 128 242 Commercial 759 759 275 242, 885 221 Ixvi INDEX TO CASES CITED. [References are to sections.] Farmers' Loan &c. Co. v. New York & N. Ry. Co. 242 Farmer's Nat. Bank v. Moran 312, 520 Farmers and Traders' Bank v. Kimball Milling Co. I«f5 Farnam v. Brooks 178, 195, 206, 210, 2;i0, 855, 803 Farneyhough v. Dickersoa 918 Farnsworth v. Child 223 Farquliarson v. Eichelberger 314 V. Seton 876 Farr v. Farr 229, 230 V. Gilreath 300 V. Sherriffe 886, 888, 903 a Farrance v. Viley G24 Farrand v. Beshoar 79 V. Land Co. 861 Farrant v. Blanchford 8.jl Farrar r. Barraclough 457, 467 V. Farley 205 Farrell v. Lloyd 137, 142 V. Smith 294, 928 Farrelly v. Ladd 343, 843 Farrier v. Cames 891 Farringer v. Ramsey 126, 137 Farrington v. Barr 162 V. Knightly 17, 154 V. Putnam 160, 699 Farris v. Dunn 223 Farwell v. Kloman 828 Fassit V. Phillips 592 Fast V. McPherson 212 Fatheree v. Fletcher 143 Fatjo V. Swasey 274 Faucett v. Faucett 195 Faulkner v. Daniel 347 V. Davis 249 V. Hendy 828 Fawcett v. Fawcett 145, 863 V. Gere 212 V. Lowther 327 Fawell V. Heelis 236, 239 Fawknerv. Watts 612 Fay V. Fay 75, 126, 308 V. Howe 471 V. Morrison 147 V. Petis 757 t'. Slaughter 739 V. Taft 121 Feamster v. Feamster 828 Fear v. Bartlett 242 Fearns v. Young 449, 450, 547, 549, 910 Fearon v. Desbrisay 511 n V. Webb 23, 384 Fears v. Brooks 646, 647, 649, 655, 660 Featherstonaugh v. Fenwick 196, 453, 470, 538 Feedej-'s App. 313 Feeney v. Howard 142 Fehliiiger v. Wood 437 a Feistal V. King's College 69 Felix V. Patrick 60, 861 Fell V. Brown 71, 72, 883 V. Lutwidge 900 Fellows V. Dow 347 V. Gwydvr 172 V. Heerm'ans 95, 318, 334 V. Mitchell 411, 416, 446, 809, 849 ». Tann 646 Fellrath v. Peoria G. S. Ass'n 848 Feltham v. Clark 438 V. Turner 511 Felton V. Deal 757 Feudall v. Nash 619 Fenner v. Tucker 602 r Fennimore v. Fennimore 421 Fenno v. Sayre 231 Fenwick v. Chapman 571 V. Greenwell 248, 250, 260, 417, 845 Ferchen v. Arndt 828 F'erdey's Appeal 313 F^erebee v. Pritchard 122 Ferebere v. Proctor 765 Fergerson v. Fergerson 184 Fergus v. Gove 601 Ferguson v. Franklin 55 V. Hass 226 V. Livingston 862 V. Sutphen 133 V. Tadman 122 V. Williamson 172 Ferraby v. Hobson 528 Ferraria v. Vasconcellos 733 Ferraris v. Hertford 93 Ferrars v. Cherry 217, 828, 830 Ferres v. F'erres 189 Ferrier v. Trepannier 437 a Ferrin v. Errol 828 Ferris v. Gibson 380 V. Henderson 229, 230 Ferry v. Laible 121, 511 6 Ferson v. Sanger 173 Fesmire v. Shannon 421 F^esmire's Estate 415, 421, 848 Festing c. Allen 385 Festorazzi v. St. Joseph's Cath. Church 715, 729 Fettiplace v. Gorges 655, 668 Feversham v. Ryder 704, 709 Fiddler v. Higgins 611 Fidelity Ins. Co.'s App. 903 a Field r. Arrowsmith 195, 240, 200, 280, 602 e, 602 v V. Brown 611 V. Donoughmore 593, 600, 927 V. Evans 20, 670 V. Field 738 V. Girard College 734 V. Lonsdale 144, 165 t'. Ma3'or of New York 68 V. Moore 34 V. Peckett 439, 479, 570 V. Schieffelin 225, 608, 610, 809, 812, 814 V. Sowle 658, 661 V. Wilbur 477, .526 V. Wilson 229, 230 Field's Mortgage 338 Fields V. Dennen 2-37 Fi field V. Van Wvck 720 Fifth National Bank v. Hyde Park 815 c Filbv V.Miller 218 Filch V. Weber 157 Filler v. Tyler 658 Fillman v. Divers 127 Fillmer v. Gott 189 Finch I'. Finch 126, 143, 145, 146, 147, 468 Finch V. Hollinsworth 250, 258 INDEX TO CASES CITED. [References are to sectiona.] Ixvii Finch r. Raynad 918 V. Shaw 222 V. Winchelsea 108, 122 Finch's Case 13, 14, 7G, 241, 34G, 347 Finilen v. Stephens 123, U07 Findlay t;. Kiddle 35'J, 370 Findley v. I'atterson 201 Fink V. Fink 748 Finlay v. Darling 841 V. Howard 275, 282 Finley t>. Hunter 715 V. Isett 83 t'. Jones 891 Finn v. Holin 328' Finney v. Cochran 8G3 Finnev's Kstate, In re 337 Fimiiii i". Pulhain 900 First baptist Society in Andover v. Hazen " 312, 520 First Congregational Society of South- ington V. Atwater 43, 46, 714 First Constitutional Presbyterian Church V. Cong. Soc. 733 First Mortgage Bondholders v. Mays- ville, &c. Kaihvay 75!) First National liank, In re 678 V. Dwelley 815 6 V. Fries 76, 163 V. Michigan Trust Co. 511 6 V. Miller 729 V. Nat'l Broadway Bank 72, 223, 511 6 V. Owen " 918 V. Salem Capital F. M. Co. 238 V. Smith 594 First Nat. Ins. Co. v. Salisbury 873 First Parish in Sutton v. Cole 43 Fischbeck v. Gross 181, 915 Fischili r. Dnniaresley 134 Fish V. Howland 232, 237 V. Miller 851 17. Prior 305 V. Wilson 863 Fishbourne, In re 806 Fisher r. Bassett 602 ee V. Boody 172 V. Dickenson 277 V. Fields 82, 312, 315, 320 V. Filbert 648 V. Fisher 556 V. Fobes 142 V. Johnson 238, 239 «;. Knox 438 V. Shropshire 233 V. Smart 918 V. Taylor 918 r. Webster 380 V. Wigg 920 t'. Worth 594 Fisher's Will, Tn re 284 Fisk V. Att.-Gen. 698, 706, 726 V. Keen 380 V. Pafton 127 V. Sarber 205, 209, 538 V. Stubbs 275 Fiske V. White 748 Fitch V. Aver 649 V. Fitch 188 Fitler v. Maitland 591 Fitzer v. Fitzer 673 Fitzgerald, /n re 817 V. Chapman 627 V. Faucouberge 511c V. Field 580 V. Fitzgerald 79, 162, 901 V. Jervoise 771 V Jones 908 V. O'Flaherty 901 V. Peck 184 V. Pringie 453, 460, 461, 898, 901, 902 f. Rainsford 192, 538 V. Topping 334 V. Vestal C8 Fitzgibbon v. Blake 657, 671 V. Scanlan 196, 538 Fitzpatrick v. Fitzgerald 17, 328 I'. Fitzpatrick 602 r Fitzroy v. Howard 533 Fitzsimmons v. Joslin 172, 179 Flack V. Holm 72 Flagg V. Ely 454 V. Mann 135, 218, 221, 226, 602 d, 843, 844 Flanapan v. Nolan 462, 900, 901 Flanders v. Clark 249, 505, 510 V. Thompson 239 Flarty v. Odium 249, 505, 510 Flavett I'. Foster 423 Fleming v. Armstrong 671 V. Buchanan 573 V. Cuthbert 803 V. Donohoe 75, 143 V. Gilmer 858 V. McHale 133 V. Page 828 V. Teran 205 r. Wilson 918 Fletcher I'. Ashbarner 150 V. Ashley 213 V. Bartlett 206 V. Fletcher 98, 103, 111, 672 V. Green 461, 847, 848, 849. 876 V. Peck 218, 222 V. Stephenson 551, 924 V. Walker 443, 463, 900 V. W 11 lard 226 Flint V. Clinton Co. 260, 262, 264, 602 e V. Hughes 116 V. Sheldon 302 t". Steadman 66 r. Warren 157 Florentine r. Barton 610 V. Wilson 672 Flory t". Becker 640 V. Houck 122 Flournoy v. Johnson 349, 353 Flower r. Buller 658 Flowers r. Franklin 546 Floyd V. Barker 160 V. Floyd 918 Fioyer v. fcankes 383 'v. Gilliam 262 V. Sherrard 183, 187 Flud r. Kumsey 244 Fluke V. Fluke 766, 768 Flynn v. Flynn .324 Foden v. Finney 633 Fogarty i'. Sawyer 602 c, 602 d, 602 g Fogg V. Middleton 98 Ixviii INDEX TO CASES CITED. [References are to sections.] Foley V. Burnell 373. 541 V. Hill 855 V. Parry 112 V. Wontner 284, 414, 490, 505 Foliambe v. Willoughby 615 Foliansbee v. Kilbreth 127, 135 Follett V. Badeau 82, 134 V. Follett 511 f) V. Tyrer 324 Fonda v. Penfield 383 Fontain v. Ravenell 499, 687, 721, 724, 729, 731 Foose V. Whitmore 114 Foote V. Br3-ant 137, 142 V. Colvin 126 V. Foote 179 Foote's App. 545, 556 Forbes v. Allen 471 V. Ball 112, 248, 256 V. Forbes 704 V. Hall 223 V. Halsey 205 V. Lathrop 815 a V. Linwood 593 V. Moffatt 347 V. Peacock 499, 501, 597, 765, 786, 790, 795, 796, 800, 801, 802, 812 V. Phillips 639 V. Ross 453, 461, 462, 408 V. Ware 471 Ford V. Battey 119 V. Belmont 765 V. Cook 858, 890 a V. Ford 448, 706 V. Hopkins 837 V. Lewis 131 V. Rvan 794 Forde iJ.Herron 187, 602 s Fordham v. Wallis 932 Fordvce v. Bridges 248, 251, 255, 503 i. Willis 29, 75, 76, 77, 86, 102 Forest v. Forest 100 Forman v. Marsh 610, 611 Forney v. Remey 163 Forney's Estate 520 Forrest v. Elwes 466, 905 V. Porch 66 V. Robinson 660 Forrester v. Moore 126 Forshaw v. Higginson 476, 482, 786 Forster v. Blackstone 438 V. Cockerell 438 V. Hale 79, 81, 82, 83, 86 V. Hoggart 602 c V. Ridley 906 Forsvthe v. Clark 126, 133, 226 Fort'i;. Fort 639 Fortescue v. Barnett 98, 101, 247 a, 438 Forward v. Armstead 97 Fosbrook v. Balguy 196, 428 Foscue ti. Foscue 863 Fosdick V. Fosdick 393 V. Hempstead 699 Foss V. Crisp 55 V. Foss 665 V. Sowles 264 Foster v. Athenaeum Trustees 126, 133, 237 V. Bailey 910 V. Boston 961 Foster v. Charles 171 t). Coe 318 V. Craige 501 V. Crenshaw 562 V. Davies 276, 441 t'. Dawber 270, 271 V. Deacon 122 V. Dennison 299 V. Durant 142 V. Foster 144, 815 a V. Glover 299 V. Goree 602 p V. Gover 602 (Id V. Hodgson 862 V. Kerr 649 V. Latham 585 V. Marriott 538 V. McMahon 928 V. Mix 438 V. Pennsylvania Ins. Co. 645 V. Roberts 188 V. Saco Manuf. Co. 591 V. Willson 114 Foster's Will, In re 282, 453 Fothergill v. Fotlierg ill 107 Fountain Spring Park Co. v. Roberts 207 Fountaine v. Pellett 526, 554, 912, 913,915 Fourdrin v. Gowdy 64 Fournier v. Ingraham 918 Fourth St. Nat. Bank v. Yardley 87 Fouvergue v. New Orleans 182 Foveaux, In re 705 Fowey's Charities 282 Fowke V. Slaughter 133, 135 Fowle V. Merrill 199 Fowler, In re 275 V. Bowery S. Bank 559 V. Colt 462 V. Fowler 6G5 V. Garlike 112, 159, 711, 712 V. Hunter 117, 251 V. Ingersoll 382 V. Jones 308 V. Revnall 453, 461, 466. 875 V. Rust 232, 237 V. True 828 V. Webster 126 V. Willoughby 571 V. Wyatt 922, 923 Fowler's Appeal 72 Fox V. Adams 592 V. Citizens' Bank & Trust Co. 225 V. Cook 863 V. Dougherty 127 V. Fox 112, 113, 119, 144, 146 V. Jones 679 V. Mackreth 180, 189, 195, 197, 201, 206 V. Phelps 583 V. Rumery 511 a V. Storrs 312 V. Tay 863 V. Wright 188 Foxworth V. White 197 Fozier v. Andrews 900, 901 Frail V. Ellis 235, 239 Frampton v. Frampton 509 c, 672, 673 France v. Woods 443 Francis «. Brooking 636 V. Clemen 570 INDEX TO CASES CITED. [Eeferences are to sections.] Ixix Francis v. Cline 127 V. Francis 453, 4C1, U04 V. Gower ^^'^ V. Harrison 27'J, 875 V. Ilazelrigg's Executors 2iJ7 V. lioades 137 c. Wigzell 658, f!f;2 V. Wilkinson 143, 1«'J Franciscus v. Ueigart 2'J'J, -'510 Franco v. Holton 214 V. Franco 419, 633, 884 Frank i'. Frank 185 Frank's App. 420 1-rauklin v. Armfield 694, 737, 748 V. IJank of England 242 V. Firth 408 V.Green 602 1, 602 c/d, 615, 618, 61 'J, 015 17. Haves 275 V. Mctlroy 4ti8 r. Osgood 411,499,602 m Franklin's Appeal 600 Franklin Bank v. Cooper 179 Franklin S. Bank v. Taylor 873 Frankly n. Ex parte 456 F'ranks v. Price 372 Frary v. Booth 660 Fraser v. Murdoch 485 I'rauenfeldt's Estate 640 Frayser v. Kd. Co. 438 Frazee v. Frazee 658 Frazer r. Bailie 633 17. Beville 541 V. Moore 862 V. Page 476 a V. Palmer 432, 902 Frazier v. Brownlow 660 V. Center 32, 661 V. Frazier 65, 160, 251, 255 17. Smart 918 17. Vaux 918 Freake v. Cranefeldt 558, 559 Frederic v. Haas 126, 132 V. Hatwell 667 Freedman's S. Co. v. Earle 346 Freelaud v. Pearson 254, 258 Freeman v. Butters 28S V. Cook 184, 540, 541, 843, 844, 027 17. Curtis 184 17. Fairlee 463, 821, 826, 827, 905 17. Flood 670, 671 17. Freeman 75, 77, 647 17. Harwood 1''5 17. Kelly 127, 133, 137, 138 17. Mebane 238 17. Moore 667 17. Parsley 632, 633 17. Prendergast 873 17. Tatham 85 11. Thompkins 915 Freeman's Estate 511 b, 769 Freemoult r. Dedire 122 Freeport v. Bartol 83 Freer v. Lake 82 Frekc v. Lord Carbery 395 Frelick v. Turner 618 Frelinghuvsen 17. Nugent 828 Freme 17. Woods 443, 914 French v. Barron 904 French v. Davidson 507, 508, 511 17. French 191, 299 17. Griswold College 907 17. Harrison 835 17. Hobson 419, 454, 851 17. St. George 533 Freto i>. Brown 613 Frewen v. Frewen 873 Krev V. Frey 462, 000 FreVer, In re 415, 416, 418, 890 FreVvogle t7. Hughes 304, 310 a, 311, 652 Frick Ca). t;. 'laylur 82 Frickett v. Durham 133 Friend v. Young 246 Frier v. Peacock 730 Kriesenhahii v. Bushnell 467 Frink v. McComb 202, 248 Frith 17. Cartland 433, 463, 835, 837, 863 Fritts' Estate 472 Fromme v. Gray 903 a Frost, In re 382 V. Beekman 220, 221 V. Belmont 214 Frothingham t'. March 602 r Fry V. Capper 671 V. Fry 487, 629, 771 V. Lane 184, 188 17. Tapson 404 Frv's Estate 511c Frye v. Porter 357, 514, 517 V. Shelbourne 580 Fulbright 17. Yoder 315 Fullager i-. Clark 167 Fullam V. Rose 669 Fuller 17. Bennett 222 17. Cushman 869 17. Dame 214 17. Johnson 770 17. Knight 770, 877, 884 17. O'Neil 779 r. Redman 481 V. Wilson 172 Fuller's Will 729 Fulton V. Gilmore 922 17. Whitney 196 Fulton Bank i7. New York Coal Co. 222 Funk V. Eggleston 253 17. Lawson 82 Furguson t7. Smith 654 Furiam i7. Saunders 521 Furman r. Coe 624, 914 V. Fisher 82, 259 17. Rapelje 848 Furness v. Caterham Ry. 752 Furrin i'. Newcombe 160 Fursaker v. Robinson 109, 111 Fussell t'. Dowding 920 Fust, Ex parte 457 Futter 17. Jackson 826, 827 Fyler v. Fvler 246, 466, 847, 849, 907 V. Pole 862 G. Gabb 17. Prendergast Gabee v. Sneed Gabriel i'. Sturgis I Gadsden, Exparte 66 232 901 812 Ixx INDEX TO CASES CITED. [References are to sections.] Gadsden v. Whaley Gaffee, In re Gage, In re Gage V. Dauchy V. Gage V. Rogers Gaillard v I'ardon Gaines v. Chew V. Drakeford V. Hennen V. Poor Gainus v. Cannon Galbraith v. Elder Gale I'. Coburn V. Gale V. Ilarby V. Mensing Gale's Petition Gallagher v. Yosemite M. Co. Gallagher's Appeal Gallatian v. Cunningham V. Erwin Gallego V. Att.-Gen. V. Gallego Galley v. Panther Galliers v. Moss Gallion v. McCaslin Galloway v. Finley V. Hamilton Galway v. Butler Gambell v. Trippe Gamber v. Gamber Gamble v. Queen's County W. Co. Gambril v. Gambril V. Roberts Game, In re Gandy v. Gandy Gann v. Chester Gannon v. McGuire V. Ruffin V. White Gantert, Re Gapen v. Gapen Gardenhire v. Hind3 Gardiner I'. Tyler Gardner, In re Gardner v. Adams V. Astor V. Barker V. Brown V. Downes V. Fell V. Gardner V. Heyer V. Hooper V. Marshall I'. Merritt V. Ogden V. Rowe V. Stevens V. Walker V. Weeks Gardner Bank v. Wheaton Garesche t'. Levering Inv. Co Garey v. Whittingham Garfield v. Hatmaker Garf oot v. Garfoot 79, 86 653, 670, 071 380 679 142 891 361 126, 142, 182, 183 137 183 672 76, 127 538 299 169 127, 137 602 a a 275 917 570 200 218 724, 748 627, 643 500 337 218 232 234 888 248 677 242 552, 554 553 450 875 238, 239 97 843 102 448 863 312, 648 918 114 69 347 118 262 276, 476 a, 922, 928 871 347, 560, 598, 647,;660, 666, 678, 680, 795, 797 66 324 636 97 203 58, 77, 82, 86 360 629 277 137 5116 903 rt 144 121 Garforth v. Bradley Garland, Ex parte V. Harrington V. Loring Garner v. Dowling V. Garner 38, 95, V. Ger. L. Ins. Co. V. Moore V. Stroude Garnett v. Armstrong V. Macon 225, 562, Garniss v. Gardner Garnistone v. Gaunt Garnous v. Knight Garnsey v. Gardner V. Gothard V. Mundy Garr v. Drake Garrard v. Fankell V. Lauderdale 98, 635, 640 454 438 610 259 , 109, 240, 359, 370 104 438, 474 891 347 598, 794, 795, 800, 801 462, 463, 468, 471 581, 605 103 247 a 260 104 603 186 100, 108, 585, 593, 596, 597 V. Railroad Co. 225, 810 V. Tuck 354, 866 Garrett v. Carr 468 V. Garrett 126, 127, 836 V. Noble 771 V. Pretty 512, 513 V. Wilkinson 144 Garrick v. Taylor 1.30, 139 Garrison v. Little 384, 705 Garrow v. Davis 69 Garson v. Green 232, 236, 237, 239 Garth v. Baldwin 305, 315, 357, 358 V. Cotton 871 V. Townsend 254 Gartland v. Mayatt 294 Gartside v. Isherwood 178, 189 V. Gartside 275, 875 V. Radcliffe 183,187 Garvey v. McDavitt 386 a V. Owens 891, 910 Garvin v. Williams 200 Garwood r. Eldridge 226 Gary v. Colgin 782 'v. ISIay 601 V. Whittingham 889 Gascoigne v. Thwing 137 Gashe v. Young 206 Gaskell v. Chambers 206, 207 V. Gaskell 165, 262 Gaskill V. Green 277 Gasque v. Small 187 Gass V. Gass 126 V. Mason 194 I'. Porter 783 V. Ross 748 V. Wilhite 384, 705 715, 724, 728, 730, 748 Gassett i*. Grout 627, 632 Gaston v. Frankum 657 Gaston's Trust 821 Gate V. Debrett 602 e Gatens v. Madderly 648 Gates V. Jones 710 Gault V. Saffin 677 Gaunt I'. Taylor 886, 888 Gause v. Hale 361 Gaves v, Hickson 441 INDEX TO CASES CITED. [References are to aections.] Ixxi Gay V. Ballou 613 V. Edwards 8G.'i Gayden i'. Gayden 4-.'G Gaylord r. Lafayette 104 Gaylords v. Kelshaw 8M Gazzam r. I'oyntz 590, b'.)2 Geary v. Ikarcroft 325 Gedtfes r. I'enninpton 174 Geddings v. Geddings 12'J Gee V. Gee 133 V. Liddell 96 V. Thrailkill 142 Genet v. Beekman 386 a I'. Hunt 511c V. Talraadge 608, 611 Gent V. Harris 636 Gentry r. Law 172 I'.' McKeynolds 664 George, Jn re 615 V. Bank of England 86 V. Braddock 705 V. Goldsby 639 V. Howard 151 V. Lansley 511c Georges v. Pye 836 Gerard i'. Buckley 520 Gerard Ins. Co. i'. Chambers 305 Gerber v. Bauerline 613 German v. Gabbald 75 German Am. Sem. v. Keifer 8G5 German, , 602 V V. Thomas 184 Guntert r. Guntert 79 Guphiil V. Isbell 330 Gurney, In re 861 Gutch V. Fosdick 860 Guth V. Guth 672, 073 Guthrie v. Gardner 126, 143, 144, 149 Gutwillig, In re 593 Gutzwillcr V. Lackman 596 Guy V. Dormer 511c V. Hancock 602 ee V. Mcllree 589 Guj'er V. Maynard 308. 705 Guyton v. Shane 411, 900 Gwillianis r. Kowell 121, 414 Gwinii V. Williams 2L'n V. liethclsen 7G Hanson v. l'..'Verly 799, 808 V. Clia|)niau 018 V. Edgerly 179 V. First Fres. Church 137 V. Jacks 891 V. Keating 633 V. Little Sisters of the Poor 720 V. Miller 630, G43 V. Worthington 261, 2G2, 809, 877 Hapgood r. Perkins 441, 444 V. Rout 499 Happv V. Morton 733 Harbi'n v. Ijell 433 V. Darby 904 Harbison i'. Lemon 191 Harbster's Estate 520 Harcourt v. Harcourt 601 V. Knowle 218 I'. White 809 Hardage v. Stroope 358 Hardcastle v. Fisher 590, 000 Harden r. Darwin & Pulley 48, 120 Harden v. Parsons 416, 421, 441, 453, 850 HardenburLTh r. Blair 380 Harder v. Harder 126, 137, 138 Hardin v. Baird 82. 98 Harding v. Glyn 112, 248, 249, 250, 251, 256, 258, 699, 714 r. Handy 181), 190 V. Hardrett 220 828 V. Larntd 453, 010 V. Kaiidall 171 Hardinghani v. Nichols 219 Hardinan r. Ellanier 219 Hard wick v. Mynd 402, 495, 503, 779, 795, 804 800 807 I'. Vernon 821, 803 Hardy v. Boaz 677 V. Caley 246, 907 V. Call 891 V. Metropolitan Land Co 444 V. Reeves 637 802 V. Sanborn 540 V. Simpson 590 V. Skinner 590, .591 Hare v. Sherewood 226 Harford r. Baker 680 V. Lloyd 835 V. Purrier 122 Hargreaves v. MitrhcU 601, 863 Ilargthoriie r. Milforth 421 Ilarincktll r. Orndorll 602 n Marker v. Reilly 160 Harkin v. Darb'y 432 Harkkader I'. Leily 589 Darkness and Allsopp's Contract, In re 277 Harlan r. Brown 788 Uarland v. Binks 593 V. Trigg 112, 113, 116 Harland's Appeal 918 Ilarley v. llarley 626 v'. Platts 311 Harlow V. ftHster 873 Ilannon v. Carver 602 r V. Siler 658 I'. Smith 223 Harmood v. Oglander 13, 347, 5C3, 800, 872 Harnard v. Webster Harnett v. Maitland r. McDougall Harpending v. Dutch Church Harpar v. Archer V. Harper I'. Hayes V. Munday V. Phelps r. Straws V. Williams Harrald, In re Harrigan i'. Smith Harrington v. Brown V. Duchattel 847 477, 552 070 45 127 75 770, 780 901 113, 116, 251, 2.53 275 239 903 a 803 195, 205, 428 214 V. Erie County Savings Bank 195 Harris v. American Bible Society 715, 748 Barnett t'. Carter V. Collins f. Daugherty V. Dole V. Du Pasquier V. F^iliott V. Fly V. Haines V. Harlan 76, 77, 83 171 228 142, 169 680 711 133, 330 569, 570, 576 109 237 V. Harris 58, 275, 279, 451, 460, 002 na, 060, 931 V. Ingledew V. Martin I". Ml' Bane r. Molntvre V. M..tt " I". Newton f. Norton V. Pepperell V. Pounds V. Poyner I'. Pugli r. Po(ip r. S.nvell V. Slaght V. Sunmer V. Taylor r. Tremenheere r. Tvson V. Ifnion Bank 539, 595 918 £73 126. 141 654, e.-iS 257 221 186 890 a 451, 552 304 214 865 715, 716 591 642 202, 206 180 126 Ixxviii INDEX TO CASES CITED. [References are to sections.] Harris v. Williamson 171 Harrisburgh Bank v. Tyler 127, 133, 137, 138 Harrison, Jn re, 549, 551 V. Andrews 640 v. Asher 929 V. Battle 602y, 602?, 602/ V. Boswell 8(;2 V. Brolaskej- G52, 653, 804 V. Brophy 715 V. Forth 222 V. Foster 451 V. Graham 261, 402, 41G, 419, 421 V. Guest 187, 195 V. Gurney 72 V. Harrison 94, 114, 248, 251, 255, 379, 380 V. Hill 658 V. Hollins 855 V. Howard 226 V. McMennomy 77 V. Manson 195 v. Mock 209, 596, 890 V. Naylor 306, 372 V. Prise 877, 929 V. Randall 476 V. Rowan 475 r. Rowley 272 V. Smith 828 V. Stewardson 873, 885 V, Thexton 440 V. Union Trust Co. 275 V. Warner 891 Harrison's Trusts, Re, 275 Harrod v. Fountleroy 229 Harrold v. Lade 126, 129, 206 Harrop v. Howard 670 Harshman v. Lowe 580 Harston v. Tenison 803 Hart V. Bayliss 305 V. East Union Railway 752 V. McFarland 590 V. Middlehurst 301 V. Sevmour 83, 225, 382, 520 V. Stephens 640 V. Ten Eyek 847 V. Tribe 112, 117, 620, 623 Hart's Appeal 863 Hartga v. Bank of England 242 Hartley v. Hurle 310, 649 Hartman v. Dowdell 640, 641 Hartnian's Appeal 282 Hartopp V. Hartopp 201 Hartshorne v. Nichols 714 V. Nicholson 700, 729 Hartson v. Elden 382 Hartwell v. Hartwell 214 Hartzell v. Brown 900 Harvard College r. Amory 450 V. Balch 253 V. Soc. for Promoting Theol. Ed- ucation 724, 735, 739 Harvey, In re 348, 555 V, Alexander 109 V. Ashley 34 V. Aston 512, 514, 515, 517, 518 V. Cook 185 V. Cubbedge 815 h. 820 n v. Gardner 75, 200 Harvey v. Harvev 451, 532, 614, 616, 647, 885 V. Lcdbetter 120 r. Mix 589 V. Mount 187, 189, 192 V. Penny backer 133, 137 Harwodd v. Fisher 640 V. West 112 Hascall v. King 472 Hasell, Kx parte 805 V. House 765 Hasher v. Hasher 863 Haskc-ll V. Hervey 763 Ilaskill V. Freeman 95 Haslen v. Kean 254 Hassam v. Hazen 511 r Hassanclever v. Tucker 570, 571 Hassard v. Rowe 600 Hassel v. Hassel 570 Hastie & Silver v. Aiken 803 Hastings v. Baldwin 602 V. Belknap 592 V. Drew 242 V. Ord 104 Hatch V. Hatch 195, 200 V. St. Joseph 104 V. Smith 585 Hatchell v. Eggleso 633 Hatcher v. Hatcher 232 V. Massey 815 a V. McNaniara 769 Hatfield v. Montgomery 228 Hathaway v. Hathaway 121 Hathorn v. Mavnard 815 c Hathorne v. Root 920 Hathornthwaite v. Russell 816, 819 Hattersley v. Bissett 500 Hatton v'. Weems 910 Haup;hton v. Haughton 515 Ilault V. Townshend 708 Hauser v. Lehman 420, 421 V. Shore 597, 794, 795, 797, 798 Havelock v. Havelock 615 Havers v. Havers 818, 819 Haviland v. Bloom 027 V. Mvers 631, 632 Hawes v' Chaille 239 V. Oakland 242 V. Wyatt 192 Hawken v. Bourne 486 Hawker v. Hawker 308, 315 Hawkesworth ». Hawkesworth 603 Hawkin's Appeal 200 Trust, In re 272 Hawkins i;. Barney 855 V. Chapman 314, 806, 809 V. Chappell 427, 771 ». Gordon 86 V. Hawkins 843 V. Kemp 273, 290, 502, 511 b, 602 p, 800 V. Luscombe 309, 310 V. May 602/, 602 m, 602 p V. Oheen 336 V. Obin 641 Hawks V Sailors 124 Hawkslev v. Barrow 008 Hawley v. Cramer 195, 197, 202, 205, 228,480 INDEX TO CASES CITED. [References are to sections.] Ixxix Hawley v. James 72, 117, ICO, 240, 312, 324, 380, 890, 3'.t7, 398, 404, 40!i, 511, 502, 583, 779, 900 V. Ross 282, 341 Hawtayiie v. Bourne 480 Hawtliorne v. Browne 128 Haxall V. Sliippen 553 Ha.\ton V. Corse 396, 398 V. McClaren 104 Hay V. Master 112 V. rainier 550 Ilaydel v. Hurck 5U a, 910 Hayden v. Bucklin 855 V. Conn. Hospital 727 V. Stone 658 V. Stuart 238 Haydon v. Stone 863, 805 Haye v. Brewer 502 Hayes, Ex parte 617, 618, 623 ' V. Applegate 400 V. Baylev 584 V. Carroll 127 V. Doane 590 V. Goode 229, 803 V. Hayes 380 V. Heidelberg 596 V. HoUis 1.39 V. Horine 232 V. Jackson 94, 562 V. Kershaw 97, 98, 109 V. Kindersley 140, 147 V. Kingdome 136 , 146, 151, 101 V. Otelly 921 V. Pratt 248, 720, 729 V. Tabor 299 V. Ward 72, 210 Hayne v. Hayne 183 V. Mclntlre 865 Haynes v. Forshaw 809, 811 V. Redington 455 Haynesworth v. Cox 511a Hays I'. Jackson 94, 562 ' V. Quay 82, 139 V. Reger 79 Hayter v. Trego 722, 729, 731 Hayton v. Wolfe 264 Hayward r. Cope 179 'v. Hayward 637, 642, 644 V. Ovey 878 Haywood i*. Craven 748 V. Ensley 75 Hazard v. Irwin 171 Hazel V. Hogan bor, V. Woods 5(15 Hazeltine v. Foumey 82S Hazclton v. Valentine 440 Heacock v. Coateswortb 135 V. Fly 184 Head v. Egerlon 219 I'. Gould 343, 454, 407 V. Head 672, 673 V. I'rnvidence Ins. Co. 44 V. Tcyiiham 878 Head's Trustees, In re 308, 507 Headen r. Quillian 705 Header's Ex'rs 538 Heaiey, In re 630 Healy r. Alston 347 V. Rowan 34 Heap V. Tongue 185 Heard r. Eldredge 545, 918 i\ I'illev 206 V. Read 490, 498. 5116 Heardson v. Williamson 312, 317 Hearie v. Botelers 239 V. Greenback 33, 48, 52, 324, 489, 615 Hearn v. Crutcher 602 V. Hearn 843 Hearns r. Savage 918 V. Waterbury Hospital 699 Heartley v. Nicholson 96 Heath v. Bishop 386 a, 555 V. Carter 145 V. Erie R. R. Co. 875, 876, 877 V. Heath 628, 632 V. Henly 863 V. Knapp 336, 337 V. Lears 555 V. Lewis 616 V. Page 129 V. Percival 878 V. Slocum 127 I'. Withington 288 Heathcote v. Hulme 468, 470 V. Paignon 187 Heathnian ». Hall 647, 648 Heath's Appeal 181 Heatlev v. Finster 221 V. 'Thomas 511 b, 657, 602 Heaton, Ex parte 454 Matter of 610 V. Hassell 635 V. Marriott 416 Ilebblethwait v. Cartwright 578 Hebron v. Kellv 76 Hecht V. Slanev 865 Heck V. Clippenger 647, 648, 651 Heckert's Appeal 918 Hedges v. Ricker 528, 709 Hefferman v. Addams 511 c Heiglie v. Littig 546 Heidenheimer v. Bauman 83, 729 Heighington v. Grant 471, 902 Heighten v. Grant 903 a Heilner v. Imbrie 218 Heinz v. White 212 Heiskell v. Powell 126 V. Trout 127 Heist V. Baker 232 Helan v. Russell 701 Ilclfensteiiio v. Garrard 299 Ilfllugas r. H.-Ilcgas 602« H.llman v. McWilliams 86, 104 Hellman's Will 927 Helm's Ex'r. v. Rogers 803 Helmev r. Heitcamp 602 jf Heiins'r. Franciscus 627, 631, 636, 645 Ilim V. Rushowski 602 66 Henienway r. Hemenway 547 Hemnier i'. Cooper 173 Ilemmings v. Munckly 514, 515, 517 Hemmingway t'. Mathews 640 Hempfield R. R. Co. v. Thomburv 2'^2 Hemi)hill's Appeal 440, 456, 459," 400, 4nr,, G18 Estate 018 Hempstead v. Hempstead 126 Ixxx INDEX TO CASES CITED. [References are to sections.] Ilemstreet v. Wheeler 76 Henchey v. Henchey 82 843 Heiicluiianv. Att.-Gen. 329 Iluiulerson v. Adams 299 V. Atkius 576 V. Burton 232 V. Cross 152 V. Downing 590 5:)1 V. Henderson 100 V.Hill 300,312,815 a V. Hoke 12G 133 V. Hunter 312, 744 748 V. Kennicott 580 V. Mclver 912 V. Vaulx 541 V. Virden Coal Co. 386 V. Warmack 127 V. Williams 765 Henderson's Appeal 589 Handle}' v. Westmeath 672 Hendrick v. Hopkins 191 Hendricks v. Nunn 166 V. liobinson 428 Hendrickson v. Decow 730 733 V. Hendrickson 863 865 Heneke v. Florin 137 Heiigst's Appeal 416, 417 Henkle v. Koyal Ins. Co. 226 Henley v. Axe 188 V. Cook 185 V. Phillips 900 V. Stone 873 Hennershotz's Estate 154 Hennessey v. Bray 265 846 V. Western 591, 592, 599 Henrj' v. Dilley 676 V. Doctor 282 V. Morgan 222 330 ■c. Raiman 202 V. Smith 660 Henry County v. Winnebago 230 728 Henschel v. Mamero 171 V. Maurer 163 Henshaw v. Morpeth 694 V. Sumner 586 Hensman v. Hackney 724 Henson v. Kinard 98 V. Wright 520 Henvell v. Whittaker 570 Hepburn v. Dunlop 173 V. Snyder 232 Hepburn's Appeal 652 899 Herbergham v. Vincent 92 Herbert v. Blunden 359 V. Hanrick 782 V. Herbert 477 V. Lownes 182 V. Scoffield 232 V. Smith 195 V. Webster 671 Hercy v. Dinwoody 867 809 Hereford v. Adams 698, 699 725 V. Ravenhill 461 Heriots's Hospital v. Ross 744, 907, 910, 914 Hermstead's Appeal 918 Herndon v. Pratt 858 Heme v. Meeres 187, 195, 428 Heron v. Heron 137, 210 Herr v. Payson 202 Herr's Appeal Herr's Estate Ilerrick's Estate Herriott v. Prime Hertell v. Bogert Hertzfeld v. Bailej* Hervey v. Audland Hesing v. Att.-Gen. llesketh v. Murphy Hess V. Dean Hess's Estate Hester v. Hester V. Wilkinson Hetlield v. Debaud Heth V. Richmond lletzel V. Hetzel Heugh V. Jones Heuser v. Harris Hewes v. Dehon Hewett, In re V. Foster V. Hewett V. Wotton Hewit V. Hewit Hewitt V. Crane V. Loosemore V. Morris Hews V. Kenney Heyer v. Burger Hej'sham v. Heysham Hevwood V. Buffalo Hibbard D. Lamb 19,275, Hibbert v. Cook V. Hibbert Hichens v. Kelly Hickens v. Congreve Hickey v. Burt V. Young HickJey v. Farmers Hicklius V. Boyer Hickman v. Stewart V. Upsall Hickox V. Elliott Hicks V. Hicks V. Sallitt V. Wrench Hickson v. Fitzgerald Hidden v. Hidden V. Jordon Hide V. Ha_vwood Hieronymous v. Mayhall Higbee v. Higbee V. Rice Higginbottom v. Hulme V. Peyton Higgins V. Joyce Higginson v. Barneby V. Turner High V. Batte Highway v. Bauner Hildreth v. Eliot Hileman v. Bouslaugh Hill, Ex parte V. Anderson V. Atkinson V. Bean V. Brown V. Buckley V. Burns 647 195, 428 453 248 225, 814 239 111 732 699 779 468 500r, 602, 8;)4 438, 439, H18 4(J2 458, 836, 847 254,498, 511a 680 699, 748 562, 566 658 419, 424, 902 249, 255, 492 693 508, 510 201 236 550, 551 145 674 614 660 497, 503,-504, 721 477, 552, 913 123, 907 873 885 330 137 585 552 195 929 873 851 872 899 271, 898 448 75, 134 909, 910 861 143, 145 302 555 86 178 275 43 218, 221, 239 362 104 358 207, 555 53 480 568 431 770 705, 724 &c. Bank 871. INDEX TO CASES CITED. [References are to sections.] Ixxxi Hill V. Chapman 614 V. Conrad 253 V. Cook 152 V. Cornwall 104 t;. Davis 426 V. Diirand 873 V. Edmonds 633 V. Fo{,^g 242 V. Gouime 840 V. Gray 173 V. Hill 87, 94, 114, 375, 627, 645, 7C7 V. Jossclya 411 V. London IIG, 151, 152, 158 V. Ma^an 891, U07 V. i\Ianchester W. Works 752 V. Meinhard 145 V. Morgan 747, 891 V. I'age 114, 540 V. I'alil G9 V. Pine River Bank 143 V. Reardon 70 V. Simpson 225, 810, 811, 814, 815 V. Tierney 845 V. Walker 481 Hill, Fontaine & Co. v. Coolidge 828 Hillary v. Waller 349, 351, 352, 354, 8G6, 8G7 Hilleglass v. Hilleglass 782 Hillen f. Iselin 511 b Hilliard, Kx parte 463, 4G4 V. Beattie 248 Hillier v. Jones 578 Hillnian i;. Westwood 286 Hillyard v. Miller 393, 399, 738, 748, 7G5 Hillyer v. Bennett 53 Hilton V. Girard 86 V. Ken worthy 308 Hinchel v. Daley 905 Hinchenbroke v. Seymour 511 a Hinchmal v. Kmans 184 Hinckley v. Hinckley 335 V. Maclaerns 257 Hinckley's Estate 737 Hind t\"Poole 414, 495 V. Sellv 451 Plinde V. B'lakc 585, 593, 826. 827 Ilindman v. Dill 590, 591 Hindmarsh v. Southgate 53 Hind's Estate 639 Hinds V. Hinds 261 a V. Mooers 602 n Hindson v. Weatherill 199, 202 Hincs V. SpruiJl 559 Hinkle v. Landis 122 V. Wanzer 68 ITinney v. Phillips 679 Hinnings v. Hinning3 9.'!0 Hinson v. Williamson 248, 415 Plinton, Ex parte 388 V. Hinton 192, 322 V. Kennedy 456 V. Pritchard 169 riintze 1'. .Stingel 781 Hinves v. Hinves 450, 451, 554 Hinxman v. Poyndcr 112 Hipkins v. Bernard 918 Hipp V. Ilutchell 602 e Hir.'ih V. Aiier 79 Hiserodt v. Hamlett 104 Hitch V. Lewortiiy 408, 508 VOL. I.—/ Hitch V. Stonebraker 277 Hitchcock I'. Bank of United States 2G3 llitchens v. Hilchens 317 Hile V. Hite 229, 453, 545, 575, 918 Hitner's Appeal 672 llitt ». Applewhite 60 Hitz V. National Met. Bank 145 Hoag V. Kfiiney 250 Hoare v. Hoare' 672, 727 V. Osborne 706, 714 V. Parker 542 V. Peck 862 Hoare's Case 486 liobart i'. Andrews 595 152, 153 672 894 175 485 203, 440, 845, 848, 849 201 602 0, 78U 573 873 596 V. Suffolk Hobbs V. Hull V. McLean V. Parker V. Wavet Hobday v. Peters Hoblyn v. lloblyn Hobson V. Bell V Blackburn V. Staneer V. Thelluson V. Trevor 68, 872 V. Wliitlow 828 Hockenbury i'. Carlisle 202 Hocking, Jn re 66 Hocklev V. Bantock 469 V. Mawlcy 250, 251 Hodgdon v. Sliannon 275 Hodge V. At t. -Gen. 40 V. Hawkins 471, 472, 918 V. Wyatt 590 Hodgens v. Hodgens 6.36 Hodges, In re 511, 828 V. Blacrrave 78G V. Bullock 828 V. Cobb 678 V. Hodges 671 V. New England Screw Co. 207 Hodges' Estate 281, 4G6 Ilodgkinson, In re 902 Hodgson V. Bibby 850 V, Bussey 363 V. Hodgson 613 Hodgson's Settlement 297 Hod'kinson t-. Quinn 802, 8'^3 Hodle V. Healey 862 Ilodnett's Estate 171 Hodson V. Ball 385 Hodson's Settlement, In re 658 Hoeffer v. Clogan 715 Hoes V. Van Hoesen 569, 571 Hoffen's Estate 699 Hoffman v. Anthony 602 q V. Canow 128 Hogan V. Jaques 162 V. Txpret re 602 k V. Staghorn 150 V. Wvman 58 Hoge 1'. Iloire 181,185,206 Iloilhton V. Hoghton 185, 194, 201 Hoile r. Bailev 843 Holbrook r. Allen 585 V. Comstock 672 I'. Waters 629, 642 Holcomb V. Coryell 275 Ixxxii INDEX TO CASES CITED. [References are to sections.] Holcomb V. Holcomb 411, 419, 510, 910 Holden, Jn re 277 V. Crawford 187 V. New York & Erie Bank 242 V. Strickland 60 Holder, Jn re 448 V. Durbin 277, 287 V. Nunnelley 137 Holdom V. Ancient Order of United Workmen 181 Holdridge v. Gillespie 538 Holdship V. Patterson 386 a Holdsworth v. Goose 784 V. Shannon 770 Holford V. Phipps 901, 921 V. Wood 571 Holgate V. Eaton 127 Holgate »'. Hayworth 900 V. Jennings 451, 551 HolIada}''s Estate 4G2 Holland v. Alcock 99, 260, 701, 710, 713, 715, 723 V. Baker 873, 874, 885 V. Citizens' Bank 223 V. Holland 200 V. Hughes 467 V. Peck 713, 724, 748 Holland's Case 17 Hollenbeck v. Pixley 672 Holliday v. Coleman 541 Hollins V. Brierfield Coal Co, 242 Hollinshead's Appeal 76 Hollinshed v. Allen 82 I'. Simms 16G Hollis V. Hollis 126 Hollis's Case 803 Hollis-street Meeting-house v. Pierpont 734 Hollowav, In re 511 b V. Headington 108, 170, 367 Holraan, Ex parte 352 V. Loynes 202 Holman's Appeal 562 Holme V. Williams 708 Holmes, Be 72, 671 V. Bell 883 V. Campbell 129 V. Coates 705 V. Coghill 108, 511 b V. Dring 453, 621 V. Fresh 187 V. Oilman 828 V. Holmes 920 V. Joslin 618 V. Lysight 514 V. Mead 748 V. Mitchell 546 V. Penney 386 6 V. Pickett 299 V. Reynolds 658 V. Stone 218 V. Trustees 384 V. Turner's Falls Co. 199 Holrovd V. Marshall 68 Holt V. Agnew 204 V. Hogan 254 V. Holt 129, 196, 538 Homan n. Hague 886 Home V. Patrick 654 Homer v. Homer 82, 127 Homer v. Shelton 64T Hon V. Hon 86 Hone V. Van Schaick 380 Honner v. Morton 626, 639 Honor v. Honor 361, 302 Honore v. Bakewell 237, 238, 239 V. Bridport 606 V. Hutchins 1.33 Hooberrj- v. Harding 300 Hood V. Bramlett 511 « V. Clapham 451, 467, 931 V. Fahnestock 217, 222 V. Haden 408 V. Oglander 113, 115, 386 V. Phillips 348 Hood-Barrs v. Heriot 671 Hook V. Dyer 341, 464 V. Dundas 512, 555 V. Kiiinear ' 874 V. Lowry 471 Hooper v. Eyles 137 V. Feigner 299 V. Holmes 86 V. Hooper 393, 737 V. Rossiter 544, 545 V. Savage 462 V. Scheimer 328 V. Tuckerman 590 Hoot V. Sorrell 664 Hoover v. Hoover 571, 796 V. Samaritan Society 667 Hope V. Brewer 72 V. Carnegie 71 V. Clifden 580 V. D'Hedouville 450 V. Fox 889 V. Gloucester 869 V. Harman 103 V. Hayley 68 V. Hope 603 V. Johnson 308 V. Liddell 245 ,337 , 806, 846 V. Stone 246 rt Hopkins v. Burr 828 V. Glunt 112 V. Grimshaw 315 , 384, 706 V. Hopkins 151, 299, 301, 304, 385, 863 V. Mvall 460, 467, 655 r. Ray 590 V. Turnpike Co. 31 V. Upshur 748 V. Ward 17, 328 Hopkinson v. Burghly 821 V. Dumas 126, 322, 347 V. Ellis 903 rt V. Roe 912 Hopper V. Adee 414 V. Conyers 837, 839, 842 V. Hopper 195 Hoppes V. Check 770 Hora V Hora 118 Hord V. Hord 632 Horde v. Suffolk 705, 712 Hore V. Beecher 184, 633 V. Woufle 639 Horn V. Barton 767 V. Horn 796 V. Lockhart 456 Hornbeck v. Am. Bible Soc. 730 INDEX TO CASES CITED. [References are to Bections.] Home V. Askham V. Barton V. Lyeth Horner i'. Swann Horns Ijy r. Lee Horrey v. Glover Horrock v. Ledsam Horseley v. Chaloner V. l'"awcett Horsey r. Hough Horsfall, In re Horton v. Urocklehurat V. Horner V. Horton r. Kiley V. Sledge V. Smith Horto-pp i'. Hortopp Horwitz c. Norris Horwood V. West 511a 361, 371, 375 350, 370 7t)5 g;j'j 540, 546, 547 878, 8'J2 171, 443 884 187, 602 2 337 440, 821 238 309, 310 212 2'M 347, 348 172 254 112 Hosack V. Rogers 593, 826, 894, 918 Hosea v. Jacobs 381, 748 Hosford, In re 448 V. Merwin 98 Hoskins v. Nichols 468, 887 Hospes V. Northwestern Manuf. Co. 242 Hotchkins v. Gallatin Turnpike 588 Hotchkiss V. Fortson 191 Hotchkj's, In re 477 Hotel Co. I'. Wade 206 Hotz's Estate 514 Houck V. Houck 501 Hough, In re 309 V. Blythe 685 V. Harvev 918 n V. Kichar'dson 171, 173, 174, 175, 228 Hougham v. Sandvs 511 c, 785 Houghton, Ex parte 126, 130, 131 V. Davenport 815 b, 828 V. Davis 595 V. Hapgood 324 House I'. Kountze 87 V. Way 449 Household S. M. Co. v. Vaughan 449 Houston V. Embry 649, 651 V. Nowland 593 V. Thornton 177 Hovenden v. Anneslev 40, 228, 229, 325, 855, 857, 858, 8(Jl, 8(!2, 805 Hovey v. Blakeman 417, 421, 422, 423, G70 V. Blanchard 222 V. Bradbury 8G3 r. Dary 451 How V. Bishop 142 V. Camp 216, 585 r. Godfrey 904,910 V. Hutch 299 I'. Sherewood 22'! V. Weldon 171, 187, 188 V. Winterton 8()3 Howard v. Aiken 803 V. American Peace Society 262. 699 724, 748 r. Ames 002 o V. Chaffers 576, 805 V. Digby 605 V. Duncora 787 V. Edgell 187 V. Fay 828, 838 Howard v. Gilbert V. Hatch V. Henderson t". Hooker V. Howard V. Jenimet r. Manning r. Moffatt V. Morton V. I'apera t'. (iuattlebaum Ixxxiii 282, 881 602 r 300 213, 653 147 837 468 545 627 816, 818, 819 453, 863 V. Rhodes 276, 280, 282, 283, 901 V. Savings Bank 98 V. Thornton 402 V. Waters 275 t'. Whitfield 495 Howard Ins. Co. v. Halsey 222 Ilowarth v. Mills 66 llowden v. Haight 212 V. Rogers 72 Howe, In matter of 43, 44 V. Dartmouth 440, 444, 450, 455, 467, 541, 547, 548, 549, 848 V. Freeman 759 V. Howe 126, 450, 451, 547 V. Medcraft 572 V. North 658 V. School District 734 V. Waldron 920 Howell r. Ashmore 218 V. Baker 135 V. Barnes 493, 765 V. Edgar 592 V. Hanforth 556 V. Howell 126, 362, 541, 633, 865, 872 V. Price 564 V. Ransom 202 V. Tvler 511 c V. Whitchurch 182 Howell's Estate 472 Hower V. Geesaman 330 Howgrave v. Cartier 580 Howland v. Blake 137 Howman r. Currie 640 Howorth I'. Dewell 116 Howse V. Chapman 704, 903 a Howth V. Owens 875 Hoxie r. Carr 126, 137, 814 V. Finney 252 I". Hoxie 121 Hoy V. Master 113, 115 Hovle V. Jones 861 ■ V. Stowe 530 Hovsradt, In re 275 Hoyt, In re 453, 541, 545 V. Hilton 624 V. Latham 195 Hubbard v. Elmer 769 V. Fi. Currin 380 V. Deloney 82 V. Dorsev 602 x, 782 r. Dougherty 126, 137 Johnson v. Eason 602 o, 602 q, 602 u, 602a;, 602 te V Fesemeyer 202 V. Kreeth 671 V. Gallagher 658, 659, 663 V. Giles 166 V. Glasscock 182 V. . Morton t'. Reading — : ---, V. Universalist Society in Sweden 748 Kime v. Welpitt 616 Kimm v. Weippert 680 Kimmel v. McRight 144, 149 V. Smith 171 Kinard v. Hiers 25, 215 715 873 122 891 275 875 182 587 307 591, 592 443 104 602 n 304 371, 391 172 5116 100, 929 801 40, 71 571 204 313, 393, 398 639 226 151, 152, 154 048 196, 538 396, 398, 738 239 75, 77, 86, 144, 146, 147 815 a 714 550 863 396, 398, 738 86 440. 459, 465 Kincaid v. Thompson Kincaird's Trusts, In re Kincell v. Feldman Kinch V. Ward Kinchant v. Kinchant Kinder t- . Miller V. Shaw King, Re V. Akerman V. Bellord V. Boston V. Bushnel V Carmichael V. Coggan V. Cotton V. Cushnian V. Denison V. Donnelly V. Duntz V. Eggington V. Hake V. Hamlet V. Holland v. Jenkins V. King V. Lawrence V. Leach V. Lucas V. Merchants' Exchange Co 129, 54, 151, 138, 240, 602 441, 827 a, Mildmay Mitchell Morrison MuUins Pardee Parker 312, 320 Phillips Remington Roe Rundle Savery Stone Strong , St. Catharine's Hall , Talbott 441, 454, 455, I'. Taylor V. Townshend V. Whitely V. Whiton V. Wilson V. Wise V. Woodhull King's Mortgage Kingdom v. Bridges Kingdon, In re Kingham v. Lee Kingland v. Rapelye Kingman v. Winchell Kingsbury v. Bumside V. Powers Kingston v. Lorton Kinmouth v. Brigham Kinnard v. Kiunurd V. Thomjjsou Kinne r. Webb Kinner v. Walsh Kinney v. Ensminger v.'Harvey 160 245 633, 636 22G 297 201 137 243 901, 902 312 19.52 135 822 866 434 a 213 428, 915 152, 153 259, 280 X, 602 aa 837 580 183 64 17 898, 914 264, 343 343 658 299, 602 i 325 153 927 922 141 705, 737 269 195 474 718 201, 202 411 903 a 743 459, 400, 468 90S a 299, 351 307 709 434, G:)0 209 , 272, 748 338 144, 146 5116 49, 121 359 827 rt 82 200, 607 112, 855 545, 547 541 593 122 680 237 238 INDEX TO CASES CITED. [References &re to sectiuna.] XCl Kinney v. Ileatley Kiiisey v. State Kinsler v. Clark Kinslev r. Auies v.'ljoyd Kintncr v. Jones Kintzinger Estate Kinzie v. Penrose Kip c. Bank of New York r. Deniston Kirby v. Masly V. Schoonmaker V. Taylor Kiricke r." IJrausbcy Kirk t. Clark r. I'uulin V. Webb Kirkbank r. Hudson Kirkey v. Lacy Kirkliam v. Smith 918 612 2a9 602 M 130 127 63'J 84 463 416, 420 900 599 851 152 874, 878 310, 048 137, 841 700 078 348 Kirk land v. Cox 312, 315, 320, 328, 520 V. Narramore 272 Kirknian v. IJooth 433, 454, 877, 904 Kirkpatrick v. Beauford 678 V. Davidson 86, 120 V. McDonald 77, 98, 127, 133, 330 V. Kogers 5"0 Kirsch r. Tozier 790 Kirwan v. Daniels 593 Kirwan's Trusts, Jn re 248 Kirwin r. Weippert 655 Kirwood v. Thompson 199 Kisler V. Kisler 126, 127, 134, 215 Kissam v. Anderson 122 V. Dierkes 602 £f, 784 V. Edmundson 591 Kitchen i'. Bradford 828 Kittel's Estate 800 Kittleby v. Lamb ^28 Kittredge v. Fulsome 93 Klanip I'. Klamp l-iS Klapp V. Shurk 591, 593 Kleberg v. Bond 456 Kleiser v. Scott 238 Klepner f. Laverty -^71 Kline's Appeal 127, 144 Kline's EsUite 213 Klock t). Cronkhite 602 5 Klotz's Estate 908 Knapn v. Noyes 513 V. Smith 678, 686 Knatchbull v. Fearnhead 846, 848, 877, 924 V. Hallett 837 Kneeling v. Brown 569 Kneller V. Shreve 815 « Knight V. Boughton 112, 114, 116 V. Bowyer 745, 850, 863 V. Brawneer 639 V. Cameron 514 V. Fisher 122 V. Garborough 254 V. Havnie 415 V. Hunt 212 V. Knight 114, 116, 237, 653, 654, 828. V. Leak 633 V. Leary 126 V. Loomis 262, 204, 500 V. Maioribanks 199 V. Martin 476 a, 901, 922, 928 Knight V. Packer V. Plymouth V. Robinson V. Selby t'. Whitehead Knight's Trust 590 406, 457, 465, 914 338 357 667 ...... 927 Kniskern v. Lutheran Churchea 733, 748 Knoch V. Van I'.ernuth 790 Knorr v. Kavmoud 858 Knott, Kx parte 218,618 V. Cottee 115, 116, 461, 468, 471, 472 898, 902, 907 V. Hill 188 Knottman v. Peyton 213 KnoufF V. Thompson 143, 149 Kuowies, In re 580 V. Knowles 891 V. McCamley 600 V. Spence 855 Knowlton v. Atkins 83 V. Bradv 453, 468 Knox V. Bigelow 891 V. Hotham 119 V. Jenks 302 V. Jones 382, 391 V. Knox 112 V. McFarran 75, 77, 82, 133, 137 V. Pickett 421, 891 Knox's Trusts, In re 900 Knuckolls V. Lea 175 Knust, J-:x parte 240, 282 Knye v. Moore 438, 877, 878 Kobarg i'. Greeder 145 Koch V. Koth 239 Koeber v. Sturgis 634 Koenig's Appeal 304, 312 Kofoed V. Gordon 202 Kopp V. Gunther 91 Korns i'. Shaffer 195 Kountze v. Kennedy 177 Kraemer v. Dustermann 206 Kraft V. Lohman 275 Kraken v. Shields 456 Kramer v. Arthur 218 Krankel v. Kraukel 104 Krauth v. Thiele 82 Kreb's Estate 305, 502 Kreider v. Boyer 640 Kreitz v. Frost 892 Krumbaar v. Burt 639, 641 Krupp V. SchoU 213, 641 Kruse r. Stephens 205 Kuhn I'. Newman 299 Kuntzleman's Trust Estate 920 Kupferman t'. McGehee 815 a, 815 66 Kuster r. Howe 344 Kutz's Appeal 803 Kvle r. Barnett 454, 404, 470, 471 V. Tait 221, 236, 237 V. Wills 79 Lacev, Ex parte 195, 197, 209, 285, 428 Lachlan r. Reynolds 380 Lackey's Estate 461 Lacon r. Lacon 862 Lacoste v. Splivalo 453 xcu INDEX TO CASES CITED. [References are to sections.] Lacy V. Wilson 218, 222 Lad broke, Ex parte 780 Ladbrook v. Bleaden 271 Ladd V. Chase 252, 511 a V. Ladd 5116 Laddington v. Kine 379 Lade v. Holford 349, 350, 355, 3!>5 Lade v. Lade 12G Lad}' Mice's Charity 724 Lady Wellesley v. Earl of Mornington 511a Lafferty v. Farley 863 Lagow V. Badollet 232, 237, 238 Lahey v. Kortright 277, 499 Laidfaw i;. Organ 171, 180 Laing's Settlement, In re 453 Lajoye v. Prirnm 929 Lake v. Currie 511 c V. De Lambert 48, 51, 54, 275, 282 V. Freer 82 V. Gibson 132, 136 V. Lake 150 Lakin v. S. B. M. Co. 231 Lallance v. Fisher 786 Lamar v. Pearre 856 V. Simpson 62 V. Walton 264 Lamas v. Baj'ley 135 Lamb v. Davenport 231 V. Goodwin 602 d" Ledvard V. Chapin 602 j- Lee 'v. Alston S^l V. Balcarras •'•"' V. Brown 476, 615, 618, 619, 624, 915 V. Delane 476 a, 923 Lee V. Egremont 632 V. Enos 34ti V. Fernie 511 a V. Ferris 77, 83. 93 V. Fox 127 V. Huntoon 77, 8.3 V. Kennedy 82 V. Lee 464 V. I'atten 206 V. Pennington 918 V. Prideaux 647, 648 V. Randolph 240, 280 V. San key 806 V. Simpson 253, 511 c V. Stuart 34 I'. Tinken l'*^ V. Young 276, 508, 509, 510, 511 Leech v. Leech 107, 584 Leed v. Beene 863 Leedham v. (Jhawmer 907, 909, 910 Leedoin v. Plymouth Railway 757 Leeds V. Amherst 446, 540, 869, 870 V. Munday 330, 337 V. Wakefield 493, 784 Leeds Banking Co. 654, 659 Leeke v. Bennett 541 Leeper ?'. Taylor 83 Lees V. Nuttall 206 V. Sanderson 422 Lees' Settlement Trusts, In re 295 Leferve v. Leferve "^48 Leffler v. Annstrong 260, 602 7' Le Fort v. Delafield 245 Lefroy v. Flood 112, 116 Legiird v. Hodges 82, 122 V. Johnson 673 Legare v. Ashe 183 Legatt V. Sewell 366 Le Gendre v. Byrnes 863 Legg V. Goldwire 361 V. Legg 639 V. Mackrell 271 Legge V. Asgill 699, 705, 712 Lecirett v. Dubois 64, 131, 140 V. Grimmett 290, 297 V. Hunter 273, 281, 404, 414, 610 V. Leggett 133 V. Perkins ""O Lech V. Legh 330 L'llerminier, In re 541 Lehman v. Lewis 13| V. Rothbarth 128, 246, 468, 471, 917 Leicester r. Foxcroft 182 V. Rose 212 Leichrist's Appeal 135 Leich r. Ashburton '69 ^t;. Barry 411, 415, 416, 417, 421 V. Evans 803 V. Leigh 117 V. Llovd '''S Leighton v. Leighton 245, 552 Leiper v. Hoffman 65, 126, 131 Leisenring v. Black 202 Loitchr. Wells 223,814 I.eith r. Irwin 'J"5 Leith Banking Co. v. Bell 1'9 I.e Jeune c. Budd 517 Leland v. Hayden ■ 545 Le Lievre v. Gould 1' * XCIV INDEX TO CASES CITED. [References are to sections.] Le Maitre v. Bannister 113, 116 Le Marchant v. Le Marchant 113 Lenian v. McComas 1^20 V. Sherman 2'JG V. Whitley 76, 83, 162, 226, 232 Lemmond v. People 160, 900 Leinoine v. Dunklin County 803 Lenaglian v. Smith 882 Lench V. Lench 127, 128, 137, 138, 836, 839 Le Neve v. Le Neve 217, 222, 223 Lengenfitter v. Ritching 210 Lennard v. Curzon 876 Lent V. Howard 452, 920 Leon, In re 56 Leonard, Re 547 V. Bell 391, 748 V. Diamond 309 V. Ford 602 b V. Green 133, 149 V. Haworth 281 V, Leonard 185 V. Sussex 389 V. Powell 915 Le Page v. McNamara 724, 748 Le Prince v. Guillemont 592, 594 Lerow v. Wilmarth 487, 553 Leslie v. Bailie 927 V. Devonshire 159 V. Guthrie 68, 345 V. Leslie 83, 91 Lesser v. Lesser 248, 511 b Lester v. Frazer 34 V. Garland 395 L'Estrange v. L'Estrange 69 Letch V. Hollister 159 Letcher v. Letcher 126, 132, 137 Letterstedt v. Broers 275 Leuppie v. Osborn 658 Le Vasseux v. Scratton 641 Lever v. Andrews 126 Levering v. Heighe 34 V. Levering 34 Levet V. Needham 150, 152 Levi V. Evans 133 V. Gardner 845 Levin v. Ritz 52 Levis V. Kengla 79 Levy V. Commonwealth 748 'v. Home 750 V. Levy 41, 45, 384, 716, 738, 741, 748 Lewellin v. Cobbald 213, 826 Lewes, Ee 929 r. Lewes 119, 388, 555 Lewin's Trusts, In re 633 Lewis, Fx parte 774 V. Adams 647 r. Baird 259,261 V. Beacon 559 V. Beall 299 V. Bradford 221 V. Building & Loan Ass'n 126 V. Castleman 864 V. Covillaud 238 V. Darling 570, 571 V. Duane 60 V. Hill 475 V. Hillman 202, 206 V. James 324 V. Johns 678 Lewis V. Limlley V. Lewis V. Madocks V. McLemore V. Mathews V. Merritt V. Nelson V. Nobbs V. Pead V. Phillips V. Price V. Reed V. Rees V. Robinson V. Scaperton V. Stanley V. Starke V. Taylor V. Thornton V. Wells V. Yale 166 76 122, 837, 841, 842 171 272, 337, 648, 649, 651 189 21, 71 422 190 221 639 404, 409 319 141 236 145 347 133 562 124 660 Library Company of Philadelphia v. Williams 511 a Liddard v. Liddard 112 Lidderdale i'. Montrose 69 Lide V. Law 186 Life Assoc, v. Siddall 265, 337, 476, 846, 849, 850, 853, 860, 863, 869 Liffler v. Armstrong Liggett V. Wall Light V. Scott V. Zeller Lignon v. Alexander Like V. Bearsford Liles V. Terry Liley v. Hey Lill V. Neafie Li Hard v. Turner Lillia V. Ayre Linch V. Cappey V. Thomas Lincoln v. Aldrich V. Allen V. Newcastle V. Winsor V. Wright Lindenberger v. Metlock Lindley v. Cross Lindo V. Lindo Lindow v. Fleetwood Lindsav v. Harrison V. Lindsay Lindsell v. Thacker Lindsley v. Dodd Lines r. Darden r. Lines Lingan v. Henderson Lingard v. Bromley Lingenfelter v. Richey Lining v. Peyton Link V. Link Linker v. Smith Linley v. Taylor Linn v. Davis Linsley v. Sinclair Linton v. Boley V. Shaw Linville v. Golding ' Lippincott v. Barber 602 e 217 104 145 234 636 202 113, 255, 710, 732 275 660 655, 657 464 874 876 a 468 359, 360, 373, 389, 390 432, 895, 904 226, 418, 419, 424, 848 765 680 186 288, 375 646, 653 863 336, 337, 648 861 116, 253 104 84. 234 848, 876, 879 226 598, 794 75 213 9('8 827 a 142 598, 602 .9 277 299 592 INDEX TO CASES CITED. [Befereaces are to aectionu.] XCV Lippincott v. Davis V. Evens V. Lippincott V. Kidf^way V. Warder V. Wikoff Lipscomb v. Nichols Liptrot V. Ildlmea 358 501 254 541 411 12»j 320 Liquidation Estates P. Co. v. Wil- louRhbv 347 Lister v. Ilodgsoa 97, 98, 102 V. Lister 195, 198, 635 r. Feck ford 864 V. Stubbs 200, 345 Litchfield I'. Baker 449, 451, 547 V. Pickering 547 V. White 417, 590, 914 Litt r. Randall 385 Littell V. Grady 171, 848 Little V. Bennett 284 V. Brown 237 V. Chadwick 122, 828 V. Little 477 r. Thome 476 a V. Wilcox 24 V. Willford 701 Little, Re, Harrison v. Harrison 671 Littlefield r. Cole 511 V. Smith 438 Littlehales v. Gascoigne 468, 903 Little Rock & F. S. Ry. Co. v. Page 12!) Litton V. Baldwin 655, 661, 900 Litzenberger's Estate 415 Livermore v. Aldrich 126, 137, 138 V. Jenckes 592 Livesay v. Livesay 931 Livesey v. Jones 712, 720 Livingston, /« re 282 Livingston Pet'r 282 V. Ball 592 V. Hammond 613 V. Livingston 38, 48, 51, 95. 277, 562, 564, 565, 566 V. Newkirk 562, 566 V. Stickles 537 V. Wells 468, 471 Livingston's Case 918 Llewellin v. Mack worth 858, 803 Llewellyn's Trusts 451, 551 Llovd r. Attwood 851 't). Baldwin 597,795,796,800 V. Banks 438 t>. Branton 512, 513, 514 V. Brooks 97 V. Carew 379 V. Carter 126, 137 V. Currin 215 V. Gooid 112. 487 V. Griffiths 787 V. Hart 605, 611 r. Inglis 76 V. Lloyd 388, 555, 706 V. Loaring 885 V. Lvnch 137 V. Read 130, 144, 145, 146, 147 V. Rowe 918 V. Spillett 88, 125, 126, 138, m. 152, 162, 9(10 V. Taylor 501 Lloyd r. Williams 600, 645 r. Woods 145 Lobdell V. ilayea 324 I^>ck r. Lock 532, 533 I^)ckart r. Forsythe 248 Locke I'. Farmers' L. & T. Co. 83, 541 f. Lomas 475, 597, 794, 799, 806 Lockev r. Lockey 871 Lockhart v. Canheld 328 r. Hardy 119 f. Northington 499, 501 V. Reillv 260, 457, 467, 848, 876 V. Wya'tt 690, 591 Ixjckridge v. Foster 171 Lock wood V. Abdy 246, 907 V. Canfield 75 V. Fenton 623 V. Rilev 418 V. Stockholm 576 Lockyer r. Savage 388, 555 Loclon I'. Locton 121 Loddington v. Kline 597 Loder v. Allen 330 Lodge V. Hamilton 639 Loften V. Witboard 127 Loft house, /n re 612 Loftia V. Loftis 60, 145 Loftus t". Heriot 671 Logan V. Birkett 672 V. Ueshay 569 V. Fairlee 623 V. Fontaine 918 r. Johnson 137 r. Logan 918 V. Simmons 213 Lomax v. Lomax 616, 619 r. Pendleton 462. 468 V. Ripley 77, 83, 84, 93, 159, 511 a Lombard v. "Morse 200 Londeuschlager v. Benton 759 Londesborough v. Somerville 544 London v. Garway 157 r. Richmond 885 London Ass'n v. London & India Docks Joint Committee 732 London Bridge, In re 787 London Gas Light Co. v. Spottiswood 877 London & County Banking Co. v. Bray 646 London R. Co. v. Winter 226 Long V. Blackall 379 V. Cason 621, 863 V. Clapton 431 V. Dennis 512, 515 V. Fox 171, 843 V. Israel 891 r. King 145, 206, 865 V. Lonsr 286, 520, 615, 796 V. Mathieson 7.02 V. Norcom 618 V. Rankin 784 r. Ricketts 514, 517 V. Serge r 126 V. Vallean 863 V. White 647, 660. 855 Lonpbotham's Estate 869 Longfurd v. F.yre 51 1 b Louglev r. Hall 9i8 V. Lougley 157 XCVl INDEX TO CASES CITED. [References are to sections. ] Longman v. Brown 714 Longinate v. Ledger 18'J Lougmore v. Broom 251, 255, 258, 468, 507 r. Elcum 112, 116, 117, 118, 620 Longwith v. Butler 602 c, 602 x Longworth v. Goforth 215 Longworth's Estate 556 Lonsdale t'. Beckett 291 V. Berchtoldt 119 Lonsdale's Estate 100 Loomis V. Lift 212 V. Loomis 134, 438 V. McClintock 783 V. Spencer 56 Loomis' s Appeal 573 Lord V. Bishop 127 V. Brooks 545, 547 V. Bunn 386 b, 555, 807 V. Fisher 589 V. Godfrey 451, 508, 509, 547 Lord and Fullerton's Contract, Jn re 264 Lord Paget' s Case 585 Lord Sandwich's Case 511 a Lorillard v. Coster 380 Loring, Ex pai-te 236 V. Blake 381, 490, 507, 508 V. Brodie 511 6 V. Elliott 152 V. Hildreth 103, 158 V. Hunter 359, 370 V. Loring 117, 386 a, 620 V. Mass. Horticultural Society 288 V. Palmer 82 V. Salisbury Mills 242, 670 V. Steinman 476 a, 928 V. United States Co. 588 Lorings v. Marsh 499, 721, 724, 731 Lorman v. Clarke 855 Loscombe v. Wintringham 705, 725, 729 Losey v. Stanley 476 a, 511 0, 920 Losley V. Losley 817 Loss V. Obrv 186 Lothrop V. King 212, 591 Lott r. Kaiser 171 Louch, Ex parte 587 Louisville Trust Co. v. Stockton 828 Loud V. Barnes 137 Lounsbury J'. Purdy 58, 126, 133, 142 Lovat V. Leeds 627 Lovatt v.jKnipe 194 Love V. Gaze 94, 150 V. Love 855, 858 V. ISIorris 910 V. Robertson 676 Lovegrove, Ex parte 910 Loveland v. Clark 770 Lovell V. Minot 456 Loveman v. Taylor 281. 918 Loveridge ?'. Cooper 438, 926 Lovering v. Minot 551 V. Worthington 382 Lovesv V. Smith 213 Lovett V. Famham 104, 248 V. Lovett 288 V. Taylor 76, 162 Low V. Barchard 1^7 V. Bouverie 177, 554 V. Brinnan 764 Low V. Carter V. Geuiley V. Manners Lowden v. Lowden Lowe V. Convention V. Fox V. Morgan V. Morris V. Peers V. Suggs V. Swift Lowell V. North Lowell's Appeal Lowenstein v. Evans Lowery v. Erskine Lowman, Jn re 846, 924 246 514 841 460 646 873 918 516 277 764 602 o 700 21 206 382 Lowndes v. Garnett & Mosely Co. 752 i;. Lane 173, 176 V. Lowndes 616 Lowrie's Appeal 891, 918 Lowr}' V. Commercial Bank 242 V. Commercial & Farmers' Bank 814 V. Farmers' Bank 225 V. Fulton 259, 261, 401, 463 V. Houston 641 V. Ticrnan 768 Lowson V. Copeland 438, 440, 465 Lowther v. Charlton 222 V. Lowther 206 Lucas V. Atwood 594 V. Braudreth 357 V. Coe 910 V. Doe 500 V. Harris 602 n V. Lock hart 112, 117, 248 V. Oliver 60^2 v V. Putney 754 V. Sanbury & Erie R. R. Co. 589 Luckett V. White 570 Luckin v. Rushworth 196 Lucknow V. Brown 613 Luco V. De Toro 863 Luddy's Trustee v. Peard 203 Ludlam v. High 733 Ludlow V. Flournov 171 V. Greenhouse' 693, 724, 732, 896 V. Hurd 159 Ludwig V. Highley 58, 334 Luke V, Kelmorey 119 Luken's Appeal 463, 468, 851, 918, 919 Lulham, In re 196 Lumb V. Milnes 634, 649 Lumley, Jn re 671 Lummis v. Big Sandy Land Co. 845 Lund V. Blanshard 877 V. Lund 463, 468 Lundv V. Lundy 181 Lunham v. Blundell 443 Luplon r. Lupton 562, 569, 570, 796 V. White 447 Lurton v. Rodgers 770 Luscomb V. Ballard 262, 812 Luscombe v. Grigsby 206 Luse V. Reed "45 Lush V. Wilkinson 149 Lush's Trusts 634 Lusk V. Lewis 715 Lusk's Appeal 1^5 Luther v. Bianconi 8, 440, 532, 845 INDEX TO CASES CITED. LReferences ue to Bections.] XCVU Lutheran Cong, v. St. Church Luttrell V. Ohnius Lycan v. Millt-r Lyddoii V. Ellison V. Moss Lyell V. Kennedy Lyford v. Thurston Lypon V. Lord Lylus r. Hattan Lyinan v. Parsons Lyn V. Ash ton Lynch v. Cox V. Dearth V. Swayne Lyne, Ex parte V. V. Crouse V. Guardian Lyne's Ex'rs i'. Crouse Lynn v. Beaver V. Bradley V. Lvnn Lynn's Appeal Lyon V. Baker V. Foscue V. Lj'on V. Marclay V. Kiciimond V. Saunders V. Swayne Lyons r. Beard r. Bodenhamer V. Chamberlin V. Jones Lypet V. Carter Lysaght v. Royse Lyse V. Kingdom 457, 462, Lyster v. Burroughs Ly tie's Appeal M. Michael's 733 181,211 901 37G 809 803, 805 137, 217, 828 GIT) 408 608 679 126 237 520 414 648, 652 661 182 652 94 639 134 540 432, 904 918 195, 205, 428 863 184, 226 184 680 918 217 403 602 y 569, 570 511 a 520, 818, 876, 877, 900 122 680 M., In re Maberly v. Turton 249, 255, Mabie v. Bailey McAdam v. Logan McAfee v. Ferguson McAlister r. Burgess McAllister v. Barry V. Commonwealth V. Marsliall V. Montgomery McAlpin V. liurnett 232, 238, McAlpinc V. Potter McArtee v. Engart McArthur v. Gordon V. Uobiiison V. Scott Macartney r. Blackwood Macaulav i". PiiiUips 630, 632, 633, 639, McAuley v. Wilson 724, McAulev's Estate 83, McBee V. Loftes McBride v. Mclntyre 260, 281, 877, V. Porter r. Smyth 310 a, McBurney v. Carson VOL. I. — g 56 615 82 294 213 705 171 463 591 136 239 917 187 142 790 873 872 645 720 163 221 910 733 052 456 459, 918 79 803 231 244 592 33 460, 918 828 803 471 226 1.38 562 82 863 235 277, 820 a 199 773, 800 38, 748 34 855 184, 851 69 511 a, 803 562 861 848 McCahan's Appeal McCahill V. McCahill McCain v. Peart McCall r. Coover V. Harrison V. Hinkley I'. Parker V. Peachy V. Rogers McCallam v. Carswell McCall's Estate McCalmoiit r. Rank in McCammon v. Petitt McCamj)bell v. McCampbell McCandless v. Warner McCandlcss's P^state McCandlish v. Keen Mc(,'ann v. Randall McCants v. Bee McCarogher v. Whieldon McCartee v. Orph. iVsy. See. V. Teller McCarter v. Cornel McCarthy v. Decaix V. Gould V. McCarthy I'. McCartie V. Tyle JlcCartin v. Traphagen McCartney v. Bostwick 17, 126, 142, 149, 240 V. Calhoun 195 V. Ridgwav 163 McCarty v. Ball 855 V. iilevins 67 V. Pruet 2.32 McCaskev v. Graff 215 McCaskill v. Lathrop & Co. 815 c McCauly t'. Givens 757 McCauseland's Appeal 918 McCaw r. Blunt 918 V. Galbraith 64, 131, 305, 327, 436 McClain v. McClain 226 McClanahan r. Henderson 538 McClane t'. Shepherd 865 McClean, Ke 52 McClellan v. McClellan 52 McClelland v. Norfolk So. R. Co. 225 McClintie v. Ocliiltree 655 McClintock r. Irvine 357 McClug V. Leckv 591 McClure v. Miller 98, 213 V. Purcell 165 V. Raben 183 McClurg V. Wilson 520 McCluse V- Doak 132 McColgham i'. Hopkins 585 McCol lough r. Sommerville 585 McComas v. Long 128 McComb V. Frink 225 McCdmbie v. Davis 243 ISIcCord V. O'Chiltree 701, 724, 748 McCormick v. Garnett 632 r. Grogan 181 V. Malin 187 McCosker r. Brady 280, 305, 341 !•. Golden 603 McCown r. .lones 237 McCoy V. liorwitz 456 XCVUl INDEX TO CASES CITED. [References are to sections.] McCoy V. Poor 800, 801 V. Scott 245 McCralien v. McCrahen 918 McCrary v. Cleineuts SOi McCraw v. Davis 189 McCrea v. Purmont 843, 855 McCreary v. Bomberger 253 V. Gewinner 82, 103 McCreery v. Hamlin 780 McCrockliii v. McCrocklin 672 McCrory v. Foster 127, 640 MacCubbin v. Cromwell 79, 82, 84, 85, 259, 201,202,404,416,420,890 McCue V. Gallagher 139 McCuUoch V. Cowher 172 V. Hutchinson 591 McCullough V. McCullough 453 McCullough's Appeal 614 McCullum V. Coxe 330 McCurdy's Appeal 926 McDearmon v. Burnham 79 McDermith v. Voorhees 76, 81 McDermott v. Kealy 610 V. Lorillard 782 V. Strong 594 McDevitt V. Frantz 169 McDonald v. Black 118 V. Bryce 160, 397 V. Donaldson 82 V. Hanson 774 V. King 500 i V. Mav 230 V. McDonald 132, 863 V. Neilson 187 V. Richardson 430 V. Sims 863 V. Walgrove 546 V. Walker 339, 340, 494 McDonnell v. Eaton 627 V. Harding 417, 443, 463 V. Hesilrigde 213 McDonough v. McDonough 736 V. Murdoch 41, 42, 43, 126, 142 McDougald v. Cary 341 V. Dougherty 594 McDowell V. Brantley 817 t). Caldwell 618,911,918 V. Goldsmith 229, 230, 863 I'. J-awless 502 r. Peyton 182 V. Potter 639, 863 Macduff, In re 712 McEIhennv's Appeal 469, 471, 891, 910 McElvoy V. McElvoy 152, 312, 359 Macey v. Shurmer 112 McFiidden v. Hefley 449 V. Jenkyns 86, 96, 102, 105 McFadin v. Catron 189, 295 Macfarland v. Heim 658 McFarland's Appeal 511 a McFerrin v. White 680 McGachen v. Dew 438, 467, 878, 885 McGar v. Nixon 456 McGarger v. Nogles 320, 652 McGaughev v. Brown 196 McGee v. Wells 126 McGeorge v. Bigstones Gap Imp. Co. 411 McGibbon v. Abbott 253, 254 McGill, In re 238 V. Doe 328 McGillivray, Re 275 McGinity v. McGinity 137 McGinn v. SchaeSer 890 McGinnis v. Jacobs 137 McGinness v. Barton 75 McGirr v. Aaron 731, 748 McGivney v. McGivney 141, 870 McGlaughlin v. McGlaughlin 508, 570 McGlinsey's Appeal 065, 606 McGovern v. Knox 82, 126, 144 McGowan v. Gowan 126, 1.32, 133, 181 McGrath, In re 603 McGraw r. Daly 124 McGregor v. Gardner 206 V. Hall 602 d, 602 j, 602 I V. McGregor 884 McGuire v. Devlin 803 V. McGowan 126, 139 V. Ramsey 126 McHan v. Ordway 248 McHardy v. Hitchcock 826, 827 Machemer's Estate 448 McHugh V. McCole 448,715, 729 McIUvaine v. Smith 386 a, 555 Mcllvaine v. Gether 512 Mcllwrath v. Hollander 223 Mclntiie v. Agricultural Bank 602 / V. Hughes 109, 111 V. Janesville 38 V. Knowlton 678 V. Lanesville 724 V. Prior 861 V. Skinner 75 Mclntire Poor School v, Zanesville Canal Co. 38, 43, 121, 240, 460, 698, 700. 742 Mcintosh's Estate 520 Mclntyre, In re 568 V. Farmers' Bank 87 Mack's Appeal 701 McKamey v. Thorp 127, 815 c Mackason's Appeal 555 Mackay v. Coates 328 V. Douglass 108 V. Green 562 V. Langley 602 ./f V. Martin 215 McKay, In re 336 w.'Carrington 38, 231 McKee v. Griggs 79 V. Judd 69 V. Lamon 206 V. Vail 171 Macken v. Hogan 438 McKenna, In re 122, 850 McKennan v. Phillips 240, 608, 672 McKenney v. Burns 162 Mackenzie v. Mackenzie 585 V. Taylor 900 McKenzie v. Sumner 299 McKeown v. Collins 233 V. McKeown 137 McKern v. Handy 891, 804 Mackey v. Maturin 605 McKey, Ex parte 618 Mackie v. Cairnes 591 V. Mackie 439, 450, 551 McKilHp V. McKillip 235 INDEX TO CASES CITED. [References are to sectiooB.] XCIX McKim V. Aulbach 426 V. lilake 845 V. Doaiie 277 284 V. Duncan 918 V, Glover 407 V. Handy 2'j4 V. Hibbard 408 V. Voorhiea 72 McKinlfv V. Irvine 196 881 MeKiniiJv v. I'iukard 187 V. lilioadus 6'J3 Mackiiitosli V. Ogilvie 72 i». Towiiseiid 741 McKissick r. Tickle 227 McKnij;lit r. Brady 232 231» V. I'iivlor 228 8G'J V. Wilsii 468, 471, 472 612, 613, 614, 615 91S McKonke3''s Appeal 113 ll'J Mackri'll v. Walker 920 Makrctli v. Syiumons 38, 217, 232, 233, 235 , 236 239 V. Walmesley 178 Mackwortii i". Hinxman 380 MeLaiii v. Scliool Directors 732 748 McLaiiahaii v. McLaiiahaa 75 t'. W^'aiit 570 McLune i'. Jolinsoa 1G6 V. McDonald 640 Maclaren i'. Stainton 72 McLaren v. Stainton 545, 556 n McLarrcn i'. IJrewer 127 128 Maciar}- v. Kezner ITS McLaughlin v. Detroit 545 V. Fulton 133 828 McLaurie v. Parthlow 82,84 McLaurin v. Fairly 75 832 840 Maclay v. Love 662 676 685 McLean v. Wade 715 748 McLearn v. McLellan 232 McLernore v. Good 541, 556 McLennan v. Sullivan 120 ^L'lcleod V. Annesley 457 McLeod V. Hullard 171 V. Drummond 225, 809 810, 811, 814, 815 V. Evans 122, 828 V. First National Bank 828, 836 McLoud V. Burchall 502 V. IJdberts 032 McLoutli ('. Hunt 465, 545 McMahill V. McMahill 613 Mc^Lilion V. Featherstonhaugh 828 r. Harrison 292 Mc^Ieukin r. Edmonds 594 Mc.Millun !'. Deerinfj 253 Mi-Monai;Ie v. Mc(jlinn 801 McMullen V. Heatty 304 V. O'Reilly 810 V. Scott 918 McMurrav v. jrontgomery 416 418, 421 McMurry v. Mnbley 200 IMacnab v. Wliitbread 112 McN'air v. Pope 171 McNair's Appeal 225 421 McNamara v. Garrity 120 V. Jones 910 IStcNeil V. McDonald 539 McNeilage v. HoIIoway 640 M. Xeill V. McNeill 248 McNuille V. Acton 60, 225, 454, 800, 810 McNeilledf,'e v. Galbrath 251, 255 McNish V. Guerard 299, 305, 310 Macomb v. Kearney 766 Macon, itc. Railway v. Parker 675 Macpherson v. Macplierson 550 Mcpherson v. Cox 276 V. Rollins 104 V. Snowdon 357, 366, 371, 374 McQueen v. Farquhar 511 a, 769, 830 V. Lilly 508 V. Meade 350 McRaeny v. Johnson 330 McRarey v. Huff 215 McRee v. Means 112, 380 McKcinnKjn r. Martin 239 McKoljiTts r. Carneal 246, 869 V. iMoudy 733 McTif,'lu; V. Dean 827 McVey V. Boj,'gs 636 McWhorter v. Agnew 498 V. Benson 919 V. Wright 586 McWillianiH v. Nisby 68 Macy v. Williams 225 Maddeford v. Austwick 178, 210 Maddison v. Andrew 139, 144, 251, 507, 510 Maddocks v. Wren 243 Maddox V. Allen 858 V. Maddox 512, 515, 555 V. Staine 379 Mades i'. Miller 910 Madox V. Jackson 250, 878 Maennel v. Murdock 590, 591 Maliit r. Hvnd 86 Magdalen Ccdlege v. Att.-Gen. 737, 866 Magdalena Steam Nav. Co., Vn re 754 Magee r. Carpenter 602 d V. Cowperthwaite 918 Magccs, In re. 603 Magill V. Brown 46, 696, 699, 700, 701, 704, 715, 721, 730, 748 Maginn v. Green 917 Magruder r. Peter 232, 238, 601 Maguiac v. Thompson 184 Maguire v. Scully 360, 361 Magwood V. Johnston 661 Mahan v. Mahan 109, 111 Mahar v. O'llara 576 Mahlor v. Lees 226 Mahon v. Savage 255, 256, 699 V. Stanhope 539, 777 Mahony i'. Hunler 202 Mahorner v. Harrison 126 Mais, In re 275 Mail land r. Backhouse 201 V. Bateman 440 V. Irving 201 r. Wilson 219 Major t'. Herndon 93 V. Lansley 647, 656 V. Sommes 680, 685 Makepeace t'. Rogers 803 Malcolm v. O'Callaghan 613, 514, 517, 910 Matins, In re 774 V. l?arker 112 V. Keighley 112, 116 INDEX TO CASES CITED. [References are to eections.] Mai ins V. Malin 38, 82, 137, 189, 227 Mallabar v. Mallabar 150, 151, 900 Mallalieu v. Hodgson 212 Mallet V. Smith 499 Mallory v. Mallory 127 Malone v. Geraghty 845, 878 V. O'Connor 112 Maloney v. Kennedy 664, 608 V. Kernan 217 V. L' Estrange 229, 230 V. Tilton 163 Maltby's Case 179 Malzy V. Edge 261, 267 Man V. Warner 559 Manahan v. Gibbons 416 Manby v. Bewicke 803 Manchester v. Bonhatn 903 rt V. Manchester 328 V. Mathewson 855 V. Sahler 680 Manchester Royal Infirmary, In re 453 Manchester School Case 725 Manderson's Appeal 815 6 Mandeville v. Solomon 211 Manes r. Durant 213 Mangles v. Dixon 438, 831 Manhattan Bank v. Walker 122 Manice v. Manice 305 Manion v. Titsworth 641 , 863, 865 Manly v. Slason 232, 233 236 237, 239 Mann v. Ballott 733 V. Betterly 187, 189 V. Darlington 212 V. Ricketts 863 Mannen v. Bradberry 843 Manners v. Furze 818 Manning v. Albee 173 V. Cox 330, 520 V. Manning 429, 462, 464, 468, 900, 916 V. Pippen 226 V. Spooner 563 V. Thesiger 881, 885 V. Wopp 118 Mannings v. Randolph 556 Mannix v. Purcell 142 , 169, 477 Mannsell v. Hedges 208 V. Mansell 217, 241, 344, 509 b, 784, 828, 844 Mansell v. Vaughn 414 , 491, 505 Manser r. Dix 768 Mansfield v. Danieron 237 V. Mansfield 602 h, 672 V. McGinness 866 V. Shaw 816, 818 Mansfield's Case 189 Manson v. Bailie 401, 432 Mant V. Leith 458 ,460 , 467, 655 Manuf. & Mech. Bank v. Bank of Penn. 589 Manufacturers Nat. Bank V. Swift 44 Mapp V. Elcock 152, 157 Mapps V. Sharpe 199, 602 V V. Tyler 766 Mara v. Browne 846 V. Manning 969 Marbury v. Ehlen 225,814 March v. Berrier 611 V. Eastern R. R. Co. 554 March v. Head 633, 636 V. Russell 467, 846, 851, 867 Marcy v. Amazeen 82 Mare v. Sandford 591 Mareck v. Minneapolis Trust Co. 787 Marlield v. Ross 602 z Margetts v. Barringer 648 V. Perks 418 Marigny v. Remy 593 Marine Fire Ins. Co. v. Early 232 Marker v. Marker 540, 851 Markle's Estate 195 Mark 1 63' v. Singletary 648 Marks v. Morris 602 ee V. Semple 910, 917 Markwell v. Markwell 104 Marlborough, Duke of. In re 162 Marlborough v. Godolph in 93, 252, 383, 507 508, 714 V. St. John 477, 552 Maries v. Cooper 218 Marlow v. Johnson 602/ Maroney v. Maronej' 133 Marples v. Brainbridge 512, 516 Marr v. Oilman 351 V. Peay 270 Marrett v. Paske 428 Marrick v. Grice 667 Marriott v. Kinnersley 402, 845 V. Marriott 182 Marryatt v. Marryatt 280, 826 V. Townley 359, 361, 364, 366, 371, 374 Marsden's Estate 275 Mavsden's Trusts, In re 511a Marsh, In re 511 c V. Alford 680 V. Att.-Gen. 724 V. Hunter 469 V. Marsh 562, 647 666, 684 V. Means 700, 724, 726 V. Oliver 863 V. Putnam 72 V. Renton 721, 725 V. Turner 232 V. Wells 536 V. Wheeler 160, 765 Marshall, Ex parte 337 Marshall, Ee 511c V. Baltimore & Ohio Railway 214 V. Blew 542 V. Bousley 366 V. Brenner 451 V. Carson 195 V. Christmas 232, 237 V. Collett 184 V. Crowther 551 V. Fisk 299, 302 V. Fleming 137 V. Fowler 633, 636 V. Frank 219 V. Gibbings C32 V. Holloway 169, 393, 395, 619, 906, 918 V. Lovelass 55 V. IMiller 680 V. Sladden 282, 297 329, 539 769, 777 V. Stevens 195, 655 661, 782 Marshall's Estate 305 , 451, 865 INDEX TO CASUS CITED. CI Marstellcr's Appeal ISIartelli v. Ilolloway Martidall v. Martin Martin, lie V. Aliter V. Bainl V. UiiKlwin t'. Ucll V. BliL'lit V. Coles V. Fort V. Kraiitz V. Fr\'e V. Funk V. (iraves V. Greer V. Jackson V. Joliffe [References are 918 381 c'j;j 62'2 602 c/ 137 815 6 648, 04 y 172 243 299, 055 803 502, 503 97, 'J'J 107 127, 83(1 803 830 V. Margham 388, 396, 399, 709, 7_2i^, ». Martin 71,72,142,238,304,427, 629, 631, 035, 843 V. McCord If} V. Mitchell \^' V. Morgan I'O. \'Jl V. Parnell °«' V. Kamsey 1 '« V. Kaybora ^o*' ^'j'' r. Read °'3 D. Kemington {^^ V. Sedgwick 438 V. Sherman ^t^ «. Smith 334, 801 V. Swaunell '^|» Martin's Appeal o^^ "^^^ Martindale v. Picquot ^J» Martzell f. Stauffer 8^;^ Marvel v. Phillips »G6 Marvin v. Brooks ^;^:^ Marwood t'. Darell ^OJ- Maryland Ins. Co. v. Dalrymple 199 Mason, in re ^fj V. liaker i''5 V. Bank of Commerce 700, t'Ji V. Chambers J*^ V. Crosby 171, 230 V. Dry '^11 r. Jones 503, 020 V. Limbury l'" V. Martin 428, 785 V. Mason 347, 508, 511, 611, 858, 859 V. McNeill 639, 040 t". Morgan 640 V. Morley 44t, V. Pewabic M. Co. 242 V. Pomeroy 400 V. Uosevelt ^'° V. Smallwood 299 V. Wait 404, 409, 606, 009 V. Wheeler 253 V. Whitehorn 443, 444 V. Williams l^'-^ Mass. Hosp. V. Amory 275, 280 V. Fairbanks 607 Mass. Soc. for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals v. Boston 712 Massenburgh v. Ash 379, 38'- Massett v. Pocock 894 I to Bectiouh.] Massey v. Banner 406,441, 443, 444, 463, •^ 901, 914 V. Davies 206 V. Fi»her 44 V. Huntington 98, 99 V. McUwaiue 217 r. ( )' 1 )ull «''3 V. Parker 646, 647, 648, 652, 653, 671 V. Sherman H2 Massie v. Watts 70, 71, 72 Massy V. Stout 276 Master r. DeCroismar 04,304 V. Fuller 657, 058 Masters r. Masters 572, 573 Mastin r. Barnard 202 Mather r. Bennett 803 V. Norton 796, 801 V. Tliomas 338 Mathers v. Prestman 780 Mathes v. Bennett 403 Mathew i'. Hanbury 171 Mathews v. Bliss 178, ISO V. Brise 443, 444, 401, 403 V. Gutss 639 V. Jlevward 458 V. Keble 393 V. Masters 706 V. Mathews 421 Mathias v. Mathiaa 841 Mathis V. Matliis 918 Mathison v. Clarke 431, 432, 904 Matson v. Abbey 856 Mattex I'. Weand 237 Matthew r. Brise 871 V. Holman 610 I'. Marow 724 Matthews v. Bagshaw 905 V. Dellicker 827 a V. Dragand 195, 915 V. Leaman 85 V. McPherson 328, 329 V. Ward 0, 17, 299, 301, 321, 327, 328, 349, 430, 520 Matthie v. Edwards 602 o, 602 5, 602 ee, 770, 782 IMattocks V. Moulton 281, 460 IMattoon v. McGrew 145 Mattox V. Eberhart 780 Maud V. Maud 112 Maul r. Keder 210, 223, 851 r. Kider 851 Mauldin r. Armstead 264, 343, 602 e, 602 m Maundrell v. Maundrell 511c ISlaundv v. Maundy 182 MaunsL-U v. Hedges 208 Maupin v. Delany 6|8 Maverick, &c. Soc. v. Lovejoy 243 Maw V. Pierson 246 Maxwell r. Barringer 127, 498, 803 V. Finnic ^'5 V. Kennedy 229, -30 V. Pittinger 191 I'. Wettenhall 600 May I'. Armstrong 900 V. Frazer 404, 500 V. Mav 248, 274, 275 V. Selbv 884 f. Steele 126 V. Tavlor 328 cu INDEX TO CASES CITED. [References are to sections.] Mav's Heirs v. Frazer "79 Mayall v. Mayall 610, 7G4 May berry v. Neely 649 Maj'bury v. Briun 323 Mavcl V. Field 652 Maver v. Galluchat 432, 661, 895 'v. Gould 848 17. Montreon 509, 826, 827, 877, 884 V. PuUan 602 e V. Townsend 360 Mayfield v. Clifton 639 V. Donovan 275 V. Forsyth 79, 84, 166, 8G5 V. Kegour 329 Mayham v. Coombs 232, 23G Mayhew v. Crickett 210 MaVnard v. Cleveland 437 a ■«. Tyler 189 t;. Williams 676 Maynel v. Massey 581 Mayor v. Davenport 2G0 V. Nixon 732 V. Williams 223 Maj'or of Coventry v. Att.-Gen. 42, 275 Mayor of London's Case 694, 699 Mavor of Lyons v. Advocate-General of Bengal 727 Maj'or of Lyons v. East India Co. 741 Mayor of South Melton v. Att.-Gen. 745 Ma3'wood v. Lubcock 218 Mazelin v. Rouyer 277 Mazj-ck V. Vanderhost 380 Meacham v. Sternes 596, 918 Meachey v. Young 612 Mead v. Langdon 183 V. Merritt 72 V. Orrerv 217, 225, 809, 810, 811, 815 V. Phillips 591 Meads v. Martin 658 Meakings v. Cromwell 64, 499, 501 Means v. Rosevear 770 Meason v. Kaine 134 Mebane v. Mebane 386 a Mechanics' Bank, In re 411, 413, 760 V. Der Bolt 816 V. Edwards 347 V. Gorman 592 V. Seton 242 Meconkey's Appeal 511 c Medbur}' v. Watson 173 Medecai v. Parker 520 Medland, In re 457 Medley v. Davis 232 V. Horton 347, 670 Medlicott v. O'Donnell 228, 861 Medworth v. Pope 66 Meecham v. Steetle 305 Meek v. Briggs 827 n V. Kettlewell 98, 100, 101, 102, 105, 111 Meeker v. Puvallup 705, 720 Meeting St. Bapt. See. v. Hail 312, 734, 748 Megargal v. Saul 232 Megargel u. Naglie 310 a, 652 Meggison v. Moore 112, 114, 116 Meggott V. Meggott 871 Megod's Case 17 Mehrtens v. Andrews 467, 869 Meigs V. Dimock 232 V. Meigs 103 Meikel v. Greene 39 Meinertzhagen v. Davis 55, 286, 297 Meldon v. Devlin 645, 848 Meldrum v. Scorer 873 Melery v. Cooper 238 Melick V. Voorhees 845 Mellick V. Asylum 706 Melling v. Leak 866 Mellingen i>. Bausmann 642 Mellish V. Robertson 184 Mellish's Estate 850 Mellor V. Porter 52 Melone)', In re 280 Memphis Barrel Co. v. Ward 242 Mence v. Mence 157 Meudenhall v. Leivy 658 V. Mower 276 a Mendes v. Guedella 412, 418, 442 Mendon v. Merrill 98 Menier v. Hooper's Tel. Works 242 Mennard v. Welford 275, 284, 292 Mer. Man. Co. v. Smith 58G Mercantile Nat. Bank v. Parsons 225 Mercein v. People 672 Mercer v. Hall 517 V. Stock 77, 140 Mercers' Co. v. Att.-Gen. 725 Merchant Tailor's Co. v. Att.-Gen. 725 Merchants' Bank, In re 275, 280 Merchants' Nat. Bank v. Haverhill Iron Works 790 Merchants' Ins. Co. v. Abbott 790 Meredith v. Heneage 112, 113, 115, 116, 153 Merest v. James 13, 347 Merket v. Smith 127 Merino v. Munoz 127 Merkel's Estate 462 Merlin v. Blagrave 385, 476 a, 922, 928 Merriam v. Harsen 667 V. Hassam 860, 864 Merrick's Estate 462, 463, 468 Merrill v. Fowle 602 s V. Moore 918 V. Neill 599 V. Peaslee 95 V. Smith 127 V. Swift 593 Merriott r. Givens 602 .9.9 Merritt v. Farmers' Ins. Co. 336, 337 V. Jenkins 918 n V. Lambert 202 V. Lvon 6G4 V. M'erritt 448, 455 V. Wells 232, 239 V. Wilson 599 Merriweather v. Booker 633 Merrv v. Abney 277 v. Rvves 517, 519 Mersey Docks, &c. v, Gibbs 744, 914 Mershon v. Duer 324 Mervin, In re 382 Meserole v. Meserole 398 Mesgrett v. Mesgrett 511, 517, 518, 519 Messena v. Carr 547 Messenger v. Clark 664 V. Gloucester 694 Messingbred, Re 457 Mestaer v. Gillespie 181 MetcaU v. Cook 655, 661 INDEX TO CASES CITED. [References are to aectioiu.] cm Motcalf r. FraminRham Parish 451 Metcalfe i'. Ilutciiinsou 581 Metford Schdol l.jfi Median v. Devon 8G, 'J3 Methodist Church v. Jaques 655, fifiO, Gt;5 V. Kemniiiigtou 40, 715, 724, 728, 7.11. 748 V. Stpwart 41. 'J V. Warren 748 Methodiift Soc. of Georgetown r. Ben- nett Met hold V. Turner Metropolitau Nat. Bank v. Campbell C Co. 518 C15 V. Ropers Men re v. Men re Meux r. Bell V. Howell I'. Maltby Mews V. Mews Meyer r. llolie I'. Sinionson Meyer's Appeal Michael v. Baker r. Jones Michael's Trusts, In re Michell I'. Michell 828 147 366, 371, 372 105 590 71, 72, 885 604 131 457, 458, 551 918 32 437 a 671 671 Michigan State Bank v. Gardner 243 Michoud V. Girod 195, 197, 205, 207, 229, 230, 745, 855 Middaugh v. Fox 805 Middlebrook v. Merchants' Bank 331 Middleton v. Clithrow 701 V. Dodswell 484,818, 819 V. Middleton 169, 181, 183 V. Keav 293 V. SpiJer 61, 327, 427, 437, 701 Midland Counties Railw. Co. r. West- combe 494 Midland Great Western Railw. v. John- son 184 Midlcott V. O'Donel 855 Midnier r. Midmer 138 Miggett's Appeal 195 Mikel V. Mikel 914 Miibank r. Collier 885 Mildniay r. Mildmay 220 Miles !'. Baoon 596. 891, 910 V. Durnford 225,809,810, 811 V. Ervin 202 V. Fisher 320 V. Knight 765 V. Leigh 569 V. Neave 270 I'. Thome 800 V. Wheeler 205, 805 Miles's Will, /n re 4.55 Millions t». Dunham 458, 814 Jlillar «>. Craig 923 Millard v. Eyre 275, 282. 283, 293 V. Hathawny 126. 137, 803 Millard's Case 219, 521, 828 Milledge v. Lamar 546 Millen V. Giierrard 547 Miller t'. Atkinson 700 720, 748 V. Antle 215 V. Argyle 602 ee V. Baker 145, 803 V. Beverleys 324, 464, 468, 910, 912, 918 Miller t». Bingham V. Blose V. Brown r. (Jhittenden V. CAark V. Congdon V. Conklin V. Cotton V. Cramer V. Davis V. Evans r. Fenton V. Franciscus V. Ciable V. Harwell V. Hiiie V. Hull 602 <, V. Knight V. Lerch V. Macomb I'. Mclntire V. Meetch 248, V. Miller r. Morrison V. Pearce V. Porter 697, V. Priddon V. Proctor V. Race V. Hosenberger V. Rowan V. Rutland, &c. Railway V. Scamnion V. Sharp r. Stanley I'. Stokely V. Stump t'. Texas & Pac. Ry. Co. V. Thatcher V. Welles V. Wetherby V. Whittier V. W'illiams V. Williamson V. W^ilson Miller's Case Estate 606, Millet V. Rowse Milligan v. Mitchell I'. Pleasants Milliken v. Ham Milling V. Leak Millinger v. Bausman Mills V. Argall r. Banks 578, t". Britton V. Davison V. Dugmore V. Farmer 156, 693, 705. 724, I'. Hoffman V. Hurd r. Mills 428,440,451,455 V. Newbury V. Osborne V. Post V. Robarts r. Swearingen t'. Tavlor 646, 6.52. 653 133, 141, 143 080 384, 748 82 263, 574 592 226 920 165, 612 774, 779 879 230 733, 734, 748 562, 573 685 602 w, 602 aa 282 42, 45 380 228, 855 262, 308, 499 547, 672 863 181 715,731, 748 284, 806, 808 441, 458, 927 837 351 705, 712 757 167 82 638 137 324 610 75 178 685 911 664 655, 660, 810 162 17 609, 639, 918 6.36 7.34, 816 457, 472 126 860 676 599 581, 597, 768 545 384 773 708,714.719. 725, 729, 739 452 166 , 467, 547, 848 732 438, 453 828 616 828 783 CIV Millspaugh v. Putnam Miliiio's Succession Milner v. Culmer V. Freeman V. Ilyland V. liucker V. Stanford V. Turner Milner's Settlement, Re Milnes v. Slater Milroy v. Lord Milsington v. Mulgrave Mimms v. Delk Minis I'. Chandler V. Mackliri Minchin v. Minchin V. Nance Mines v. Lockett V. Mason, &c. R. R. Minet v. Hvde INDEX TO CASES CITED. [References are to sections.] 98 44;j C.53 126, 147 828 206 147 35 671 563 96, 100, J 02 508, 532, 534 490 133 299 76 122 232, 237 232, 237 630 V. Vulliamy 741 Minneapolis Trust Co. v Menage 453 Minor v. Wicksteed 569 Minot V. Amory 551 V. Boston Asylum 730 V. Mitchell 135, 172, 215 V. Paine 545 V. Prescott 783, 785 V. Thompson 547 Minton v. Pickens 828 Minturn v. Seymour 97 , 98, 367 Minuse v. Cox 462, 568, 780, 782, 894 Mirehouse v. Seaife 569, 570, 573 Missionary Society 730, 748 Mitchell, 'lie 875 tJ. Adams 264 V. Beal 590 V. Bower 584 V. Bunch 72 V. Colburn 437 a, 539 V. Colglazier 127 V. Corbett 769 V. Gates 647 i;. Gazzam 586 V. Holmes 918 V. Kingman 35 V. Mitchell 578, 584, 684 V. Murphy 920 V. Nixon 291 V. O'Neil 137 V. Otej' 677 V. Pitner 282 V. Rice 262 V. Sevier 628 V. Stiles 590 t'. Thomson 869 V. Whitlock 437 fl V. Winslow 68 Mitchell's Estate 560 Mitchelson v. Piper 474 Mitchum v. Mitchum 205 Mitford V. Mitford 239, 633 635, 641 V. Reynolds 41, 47. 61, 697, 704, 706, 712, 720, 741 Mittenberger v. Schlegel 576 Mix V. King 181 Mobile, &c. Railway v. Tolman 754, 757 Mobile Life Ins. Co", v. Randall 828 Mocatta v. Murgatroyd 347 Moddewell v. Keever Modrell v. Riddle Mollatt v. Bingham V. McDonald V. McDowall V. Tuttle Mogg V. Hodges Mogg v. Mogg Moggeridge v. Grey 599 137 864 127, 836 585 815 6 57 385, 390 275 V. Thackwell Mohn V. Mohn Mohun V. Mohun Moir V. Brown Moke V. Norrie Mole V. Mole V. Smith Mollan V. Griffith Molony, In re V. Kenned}' V. Kernan Molton V. Camroux V. Morton Molum V. Molum Molyneux v. Fletcher Monahan v. Gibbons Monday v. Vance Monelfw. Monell 156, 690, 693, 705, 714, 719, 722, 724, 729, 739 86 747 273 59, 297 616 347 562, 573 901 626 206, 219 189 684 891, 894. 896 145 421 104 416, 419, 421 Money v. Herrick 75, 132, 133, 137, 181 MoneA'penny v. Bristow 871 i. Dering 376, 385, 390 Monk V. Mawdesley 511 c Monks V. Monks " 903 a Monro v. Allaire 195, 199 Monroe v. James 262 Monroe Cattle Co. v. Becker 127 Montacute v. Maxwell 226 Montagu, Jn re 603 V. Pacific Bank 122 Montague v. Dawes 199, 495, 602 w, 602 x, 602 fjg V. Gamett 843 V. Haves 82 Montefiore, jEx parte 836 V. Behrens 630 V. Browne 784 Montesquieu v. Sandvs 188, 202 Montford v. Cadogan 260, 261, 467, 532, 534, 847, 848. 849, 877 Montgomery v. Agricultural Bank 661 V. Bath 873, 882 V. Beavan 929 V. Commercial Bank 588 V. Dorion 55 V. Eveleigh 661 V. Hobson 230 17. Johnson 261 V. McElroy 569 V. McEwen 602 77 V. Milliken .500 Montgomery's Appeal 91 8 n Montpelier v. F>. Montpelier 275 Montpelier Seminary y. Smith's Estate 729 Moodv, In re 618 v. Fan- 328 V. Fulmer 500, 518 V. C-jv 72 V. Vandyke 195, 205, 500 INDEX TO CASES CITED. [Beferencea are to sectiona.] CV Moody & M. Co. I' Trustees 467 M00U8 r. De bernales 464, H47 Moor's Appeal 'J24 Moorcroft r. Dowd Dg 82, 400 Moore, In re 512 V. Hlack 871 V. Blake 877 V. IJrackin 203 I'. IJurnet 17 328, 5-20 V. liiirrows 231 V. ( aiiipbell 171 V. Clay 219 V. ("k-giiorn 357 I'. Crawford 147, 1G9 V. Crofton 107 108, 109 V. Darton 87 V. Diinond 254, 511 b V. Ellis 673 V. Eure 443 V. Erowd 432, 894, 895, 004 V. Green 135 V. llalcombe 233, 239 V. llamerstag 127, 171 V. IlaiiiiltoQ 453 V. Harris 653 r. Henderson 880 V. Hilton 205 V. Horsley 79, 131, 212 V. Hus.sey 48 V. Jackson 349 r. Jones 640 r. I^ampkin 815 6 I'. Loekett 706 V. McGlynn 4GG V. Moore 97, 133, 137, 145, 381, 600, 627, 629, 632, 665, 670, 671, 721, 724, 728, 731, 748, 931 V. Morris 647, 6(;8 V. Trance 900 r. Kavmond 238 I'. liead 191 r. Robbins 448 V. Scarborough 665 V. Sheppard 863 V. Shultz 298, 310, 498 V. Simonson 477 V. Smith 929 V. Stinson 310 r. Tandv 421 r. Thornton 633 r. Vinten 878 V. Waco 358 7'. Zabriskie 918 Mnorhead's Estate 520 Mnorliniise V. Calvin 208 Moorman f. Arthur 147 ('. Crockett 279 IMoors <•. Wyman 918 n I\Iora r. Manning 849 Moraii r. Moran 171, 715 !". Somes 79 Moravian Soc, In re 284 Mordecai v. Parker 17, 328 r. Schirmer 499 Morden »•. Chase 299 More r. Roimett 21 r. Calkins 260, 767, 910 V. Freeman 672 V. May how 219, 220, 221 ' ! Morehead v. Brown 918 Moreland r. Brown 122 .Moreton i'. Harrison 232, 234, 238 Morey r. Herrick 133, 181, 215 Morftew v. Sau Francisco, &c. li. Co. 254, 312 Morgan, Kx parte 209, 336, 337, 870 Morgan, In re 378 V. VAdxn 661 r. Halford 227 V. lianuas 918 V. lliggins 20 V. Honians 432 V. Malison 96, 97, 101 V. Morgan 324, 397, 450, 451, 547, 551,584, 871 V. Otey 456 V. Rogers 299 f. Stephens 907 V. Thomas 358 Moriarty r. Martin 112, 254 Morice v. Durham 116, 150, 157, 159, 507, 697,703,711,712 Morison v. Morison 907, 910 Morley, In re 348 v'. Bird 136 V. Hawke 840 V. Loughman 189 V. Morley 347, 441, 914 r. Iteniioldson 515 Morley 's Trusts 337 Mornington v. Keane 122 V. Selbv 183 Morony v. Vincent 892 Morrel'l r. Dickey 891 Mt)rret i-. Paske 206, 430, 431 Morrill r. Lawson 878, 881 Morriman's Trusts 633 Morris r. Burroughs 201 V. Clare 131 V. Hanson 143 V. Joseph 206 V. Kent 272 V. McCulloch 214 V. Morris 162, 540, 610. 771 V. Mowatt 562 V. Nixon 206, 226 V. Preston 290 V. Remington 72 V. Thompson 748 V. Wallace 456, 459 V. Way 44, 602 t Aforris's Appeal 600 ]\Iorris Canal ;•. F.mmet 174 ]Vrorrissey r. Mulhern 658 Morrison, In re 623 V. Bean 602 77 V. Reirer 731, 7'4'8 I'. Kellv 296 V. Konstra 447, 463 V. McLeod 189, 191 V. Moat 67 V. Morrison 432 V. Thomas 202 Morrow v. IVvton 426 Morse r. Crofoot 600 r. Hill 195, 229 r. Mason 680 V. Morse 82 CVl INDEX TO CASES CITED. [References are to sections.] Morse v. Royal 195, 197, 209, 228, 428, 801, 809 Mortimer v. Ireland 294, 340, 494, 495 V. Moffatt 541 V. ricton 455 V. Shortall 226 V. Watts 508, 5;i2 Mortiinore v. Mortimore 400 Mortlock V. Buller 109, 176, 498, 507, 539, 770, 775, 777, 779, 781, 784, 787 Morton, In re 494 V. Adams 458, 910 V. Barrett 305, 891, 894, 910 V. Naylor 08 V. Southgate 511 V. Tewart 82, 83 Morton and Hallett, In re 339 Morville v. Fowler 412, 701 Mory V. Michael 32, 511 c Mosby V. Steele 37 Moseiev v. Eastern R. R. Co. 550 V. Marshal 329, 539, 540, 547 V. Moseley 249, 257 Mosely v. Garrett 232 Mosely & Eley r. Norman 815 6 Moser r. Lebenguth 184 Moses V. Levi 419, 422, 423 V. Murgatroyd 98, 343, 414, 593, 594, 602/; 891 Moshier v. Knox College 246 a Mosley v. Ward 900 Moss V. Bainbridge 202 V. McCall 647 Moss's Appeal 547 Moth V. Atwood 183, 187, 188 Mott V. Buxton 305 V. Clark 218, 222 V. Harrington 202 Moulton V. De M'Carty 614 V. Halev 143, 676 Mounce v. Byars 232, 239 Mountford, Ex parte 613, 617 V. Scott 222 Mouslev V. Carr 468, 901 Movan 'v. Hays 76, 79, 105, 226 Mower v. Hanford 590 Moyle V. Movie 259, 417, 443, 462, 563 Moyse V. Gyles 136 Mozingo V. Ross °63 Mucholland r. Belfast 770 Muckenfoss v. Heath 918 Muckleston v. Brown 84, 90, 93, 151, 160, 165, 216 V. Tuller 262, 416, 419, 438, 440 Mudge V. Brown 672 Muffett, In re 548 Muggeridge's Trusts 388, 555 Muir B. Cross 232 V. Schenck 438 V. Trustees 182 Mulcahy v. Kennedy 801 Miildrow V. Fox 499 Mulforrl V. Shurk 591 V. Winch 205 Mulhallen i'. Marum 200, 229, 230 Mulholland ?'. York 1"1 Mullen V. Bowman 152 V. Dovle 428 V. McKim 137 Muller, In re 468 Mulligan v. Mitchell 745 Mullins V. Mullins 79 Mulrein v. SmiUie 477 Mulry V. Mulry 277 Mulvanev v. Dillon 196 Mumford v. Murray 418, 419, 463, 408, 594, 026, 032, (;45 Mumma v. Mumraa 54, 143, 146 V. Potomac Co. 242 Mumper's Appeal 891 Munch V. Cockerell 404, 417, 454, 403, 407, 847, 851, 875, 878, 881, 923 Munden v. Bailey 815 a Mundine v. Pitts 218 Mundy v. Howe 612 V. Mundy 871 V. Vattier 598, 602^ Munnerlyn v. Augusta S. Bank 122, 443 Munro v. Collins 128 Munson i'. S. G. & C. R R. Co. 129 Muntorff v. MuntorfE 891 Murdoch v. Finney 438 V. Hughes 863, 805 Murdoch's Case 199 Murdock v. Bridges 712 V. Johnson 783 Murless v. F>anklin 126, 143, 145, 146, 147 Murphey v. Cook 351 Murjjh}-, In re 555 V. Abraham 555 V. Bell 590 V. Bright 685 V. Carlin 114 V. Dallam 748 V. Doyle 460 V. Grice 626 V. Hubert 75 V. Moore 330 V. Nathans 144 V. Peabody 126, 139 V. Whitney ^82 Murphy's Estate 720 Murray v. Able 238 V. Addenbrook 380, 381 V. Ballou 217, 221 V. Barlee 657 658 002, 003 V. Blatchford 425 V. Cosier 228 V. Dehon 503 i\ De Rottenham 915 V. Elibank 626, 627, 630, 645 V. Feinour 459 405 406, 407 V. Glass 82 454, 544, 545, 551 V. Green 671 V. Lylburn 836, 842 V. Murphy 182 V. Murray 122 r. Palmer 171, 187, 230 V. Pinkett 835 V. Sell 126 V. Vanderbilt 199, 207 Murrell v. Cox 416, 421 423, 809 Murthwaite v. Jenkenson 305, 308 Muscogee Lumber Co. v Hyer 918 w Muse V. Sawyer 203 Musham v. Mushara 127 Muskerry v. Chinnery 530 INDEX TO CASES CITED. [References are to sectiona.] cvu Musselman i'. Eshelman 20.5 Mus.sey v. Mussey 8o;j V. Noves 5'JO Mussoiirie Bank v. Raynor 114 Musters V. Wright C-20 Mut. Ace. Ass'ii V. Jiicobs 82cS Mutual Life Ins. Co. r. Armstrong 181 V. Everett 248 I'. Woods 2tJ4 Myatt c. St. Helen's, &c. Railw. -hi) Myercoiii^h, Ex parte 017 Myers, lit 454 408 V. Board of Education 828 V. .lack son 137, 162 2U'J V. McHride Ulc V. Mvers 70, 84, 89, 139, 471, 012, 627 910 V. Perigal 80 V. Trustees of Schools 275 V. Wade 618 V. Zelelle 450 Myers's Appeal 200 918 Myetsky v. (joery 685 Myler v. Fitzpatrick 240, 907 N. Nab V. Nab Nace V. Hoyer Naj;!e i'. Hayler Na^jle's Estate Naj^lee v. Iiij^ersoll Nail r. I'unter Nairn r. Majoribanks V. I'rowse Naklred v. Uilham Nance v. Coxe V. Nance Nanney v. Martin V. Williams Nantes r. ( "orrock Naiitz V. Mcl'lieraon Napier r. Howard V. Napier Narron j'. Wilmington & W. R. Co Nash r. Alien r. Coates 82, 84, 85, 80, 90 194 191 297, 506, 709 005 407, 849 477,552, 9i;5 2.i0 103 541 122, 457, 400 039 18], 182 189, 002, 003 219 627, 632, 030. 045 020, 032, 030 765 310 312 Nasln V. Minnesota Title Co. V. Morely V. Nash V. Ober V. I'reston V. Spofford i; 699, 711, 712 640 560 322 240 a ille Trust Co. v. Lannon 145, Ui2 V. Sinythe 238 Nathans r. ^[orrls 918 National Bank, &c. v. Lake Shore. &c. K. K. Co. 242 V. Ellicott 122 r. .Smith 7