BR l^Y ti /TEL l4j~4*±Se^h^£z ^/ A SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY OP iCCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. COMPILED AND ANNOTATED BY J. A. FISHER, Graduate Member or Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore. Reprinted from '• Methods op Teaching and Studying History," edited by Dr. G-. Stanley Hall, op Johns Hopkins University. ggS* 2 BOSTON: D. C. HEATH & COMP 1885. SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. COMPILED AND ANNOTATED BY J. A. FISHER, Graduate Member of Johns IIopkins University, Baltimore. Reprinted from " Methods of Teaching and Studying History, edited by dr. gr. stanley hall, of johns Hopkins University. BOSTON: D. C. HEATH & COMPANY. 1885. Copyright, 1885, By D. C. HEATH & COMPANY. J. S. Cushing & Co., Printers, Boston, Mass. CONTENTS. PAGE. I. Introductory 343 II. General Church History 344 A. Eastern. 1. Armenian 344 2. Coptic 344 3. Georgian 344 4. Grreco-Kussian 344 5. Nestorian 345 6. Syrian 345 B. Western. 1. North African 345 2. European 345 III. Early Christianity 350 1. General 350 2. Catacombs 354 3. Charity 355 4. Controversies and Heresies 355 5. Patristies 355 6. Persecutions 355 IV. Mediaeval Christianity 356 1. General 356 2. Celibacy of the Clergy 357 3. Crusades 357 4. Lollards 357 5. Myths 358 6. Waldenses 358 340 CONTENTS. PAGE. V. Modern Christianity 358 1. General Histories of the Reformation Period 358 2. The Roman Catholic Church 360 I. General 360 II. The Inquisition 361 III. Jansenists 361 IV. Jesuits 361 V. Port Royalists 361 VI. Ultramontanism and Vaticanism 362 3. Old Catholics 362 4. Modern Ecclesiastical History, by Countries 362 I. Bohemia 362 II. England 362 A. The Church of England established by Law 362 B. Dissenters 363 III. France 364 IV. Germany 365 V. Holland 365 VI. Hungary 365 VII. Ireland 365 VIII. Italy 365 IX. Poland 365 X. Scandinavia 366 XL Scotland 366 XII. Spain 366 XIII. Switzerland 366 XIV. United States of America 366 A. General 366 B. Denominational 367 VI. Special Topics 371 1. Art 371 2. Biography 372 A. Biblical 372 I. Lives of Christ 372 II. Lives of Apostles 373 B. General 374 I. Collections 374 II. Individual 375 CONTENTS. 341 VI. Special Topics — Continued. page. 3. Church and State 377 4. Councils 377 5. Creeds 378 C. Doctrines 378 7. Fiction 379 8. Liturgies 381 9. Martyrs 382 10. Miracle Plays and Mysteries 382 11. Missions 382 12. Monastic Orders 383 13. Rationalism 383 14. Reference Books 383 15. Sacred Seasons 385 16. Symbolism 385 Appendix 386 Index to Authors 387 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS. App. for Appleton ; B., for Boston ; Ber., for Berlin ; C, for Cassell; C. & H., for Chapman & Hall; Ch., for Chicago; E. & L., for Estes & Lauriat; Ed., for Edinburgh; H., for Harper; L., for London ; Lip., for Lippincott ; Longm., for Longmans ; Lp., for Leipsic ; L. & B., for Little, Brown, & Co. ; L. & S., for Lee & Shepard; M., for Murray; Macm., for Macmillan; O., for Osgood; P., for Paris; Ph., for Philadelphia; Put., for Putnams; P., for Roberts ; Scr., for Scribner ; S. & E., for Smith, Elder, & Co. ; W. & N., for Williams & Norgate. E.S. stands for Epochs Series (Scribner); and Soc, for Society for the Diffusion of Christian Knowledge (Young). A Select Bibliography of Ecclesiastical History. 1 By JOHN ALONZO FISHER, Graduate Student of Church History and Philosophy at Johns Hopkins University. I. INTRODUCTORY. Crooks, G. R., and Hurst, J. F. Theological Encyclopaedia and Methodology. Based on Hagenbach. 8vo. pp. 596. N.Y. Phillips & Hunt. 1884. 84.00. An admirable introduction to all departments of theological study. It contains valuable bibliographies, German and English. Dowling, John G. An Introduction to the Critical Study of Ecclesi- astical History, attempted in an account of the progress, and a short notice of the sources of the history of the church. L. 1838. Hitchcock, R. D. The True Idea and Uses of Church History. N.Y. 1856. Newton, J. Review of Ecclesiastical History, etc. Works, p. 369 (pp. 88). Schaff, Philip. General Introduction to Church History, Bibli- otheca Sacra, v. 6, 1819, p. 109 (pp. 33) ; and Progress of Church History as a Science, Bib. Sac, v. 7, 1850, p. 54 (pp. 37). Id. What is Church History ? A vindication of the idea of histori- cal development. 12mo. pp. 128. Ph. Lip. 1816. S?nith, II. B. Nature and Worth of the Science of Church History. Andover. 1851. In Bib. Sac, v. 8, 1851, p. 112 (pp. 30). 1 For abbreviations, see opposite page. 344 A SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY OF Smyth, Egbert C. Value of the Study of Church History in Minis- terial Education. A lecture delivered to the senior class of Andover Theological Seminary, pp. 31. Andover. Draper. 1871. Paper, 25 cents. Of practical value to pastors. Stanley, A. P. Three Introductory Lectures on the Study of Eccle- siastical History. Svo. Oxford. J. II. & J. Parker. 1857. Republished as an introduction to the American edition of the author's History of the Eastern Church. 1861. N.Y. : Scr., 1867. Scribner, Armstrong, & Co., 1873, 82.50. Compare the introductory pages of the church histories by the Roman Catholic writers Flenry, Mohler, Alzog, Dolliiujer, and _ Ilergenrother, and the Protestant writers Mosheim, Schroeckh, Gieseler, Hase, Niedner, Kurtz, and Schaff. II. GENERAL CHURCH HISTORY. A. Eastern. — 1. Armenian. Davis, (Mrs.) Tamar. A General History of the Sabbatarian Churches. Embracing accounts of the Armenian, East Indian, and Abyssinian Episcopacies. 8vo. pp. 255. Ph. Lindsay & Blakiston. 1851. 2. Coptic. Malan, 8. C. A Short History of the Copts and of their Church. 12mo. pp.115. L.- Nutt. 1873. 2s. Qd. 3. Georgian. Joselan, P. A Short History of the Georgian Church. Translated from the Russian, and edited with additional notes by S. C. Malan. Svo. L. Saunders. 1865. $1.50. 4. Grceco-Russian. Neale, J. M. A History of the Holy Eastern Church, the Patri- archate of Antioch, etc. Edited, with an introduction, by George Williams. Svo. L. 1873. $5.00. ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. 345 Stanley, A. P. Lectures on the History of the Eastern Church. L. & X.Y., 1862. X.Y. : Scribner, Armstrong- cSc Co., 1873. $2.50. Contains three introductory lectures on Church history. These lectures were delivered at ( »xford. Not a continuous and exhaustive history, hut, like all of Dean Stanley's writings, fascinating and scholarly. The sections on the Arian controversy are, according to Dr. Schaff, who also criticizes Stanley's omission to discuss the Xestorian and the other Chf istological controversies of the Eastern Church, " more brilliant than solid." 5. Nestorian. Badger, Geo. Percy. The Xestorians and their Rituals. Illustrated (with colored plates). 2 v. L. 1852. 6. Syrian. Wortabet, John. Researches into the Religions of Syria ; or, Sketches, Historical and Doctrinal, of its Religious Sects. Svo. L. Nis- bet. 1860. Cf. paper hy II. II. Jessup in Proceedings of the Sixth Session of the Evangelical Alliance. J$.Y. H. 1871. B. Western. — 1. North African. Lloyd, Julius. The Xorth African Church. Svo. With map. L. Soc. 1880. 3.9. Qd. 2. European. Allen, Joseph Henry. Christian History in its Three Great Periods. 16mo. 3 v. B. R. $1.25 each. Convenient; liberal; readable. Alzog, John. A Manual of Universal Church History. Translated from the ninth enlarged and improved German edition, and edited and brought down to the present time, by F. J. Pabisch and Thomas S. Byrne. 3 v. I. Early Church History ; II. The Middle Ages ; III. To the Present Time. 8vo. Cincinnati. Clarke & Co. 815.00. At once the latest and the highest Roman Catholic authority. " Alzog aims to be the Roman Catholic Hase as to brevity and 346 A SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY OF condensation. . . . The American translators censure the French translators for the liberties they have taken with Alzog, hut they have taken similar liberties, and, by sundry additions, made the author more Romish than he was." — P. Schaff. Arnold, Matthew. St. Paul and Protestantism ; with an Introduc- tion on Puritanism and the Church of England. 12mo. N.Y. 1875. $1.75. L. Smith, Elder, & Co. 4s. M. Blackburn, W. M. History of the Christian Church, from its Origin to the Present Time. 8vo. pp. 719. Cincinnati. Hitchcock & Walden. 1879. $2.50. Comprehensive and convenient. By a Presbyterian. Dollinger, John Joseph Ignatius. Manual of Church History. Translated from Dr. Dollinger's unfinished Handbook of Chris- tian Church History, 1833, and Manual of Church History, 1836, by Edw. Cox. 4 v. 8vo. , pp. 287, 375, 351, 215. L. Dolman. 1840-12. This work extends to the Reformation. Dr. Dollinger, since 1870 the leader of the Old Catholic movement, is the most learned Roman Catholic historian of the nineteenth century. Gieseler, John C. L. Text-Book of Church History. 5 v. Bonn. 1824-5G. Fourth edition, 1844 sqq. " Translated into English first by Cunningham, Ph., 1816 ; then by Davidson and Hall in England ; and last and best, on the basis of the former, by Henry B. Smith. 5 v. N.Y. H. 1857-80. The fifth and last volume of this edition was completed after Dr. Smith's death (1877) by Prof. Stearns and Miss Mary A. Robinson, with an introductory notice by Philip Schaff. " Vols. 1, 2, 3, and 4, $2.25 each ; vol. 5, $3.00. "Profoundly learned, acute, calm, impartial, conscientious, but cold and dry." — P. Schaff. "The standard complete history of the church." — W. F. Allen. The great merit of this work is its wealth of choice extracts from the original authorities. It is gener- ally considered the best of all the text-books on church history. Guericke, H. E. F. Handbook, etc. Translated, in part, by W. G. T. Shedd. 8vo. 2 v. pp. xvi, 433; pp. viii, 160. Andover. Draper. 1857 and 1870. Vol. I. (to a.d. 590), $2.75; Vol. II. (to a.d. 1073), 81.25. The tone of the book is that of a Lutheran polemic. ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. 347 Hardwick, Charles. A History of tha Christian Church. 2 v. 12mo. Vol. I. : Middle Ages, with maps constructed for the work by A. Keith Johnson. Vol. II. : The Reformation. 12mo. Cain- bridge and London. 1861-65. J&3.00 per vol. Written for students by a representative of the Church of England. Hase, Charles. A History of the Christian Church. Translated from the seventh and much improved German edition, by C. E. Blumenthal and C. P. Wing. Svo. X.Y. 1855; 1870. $3.50. Since the publication of the translation, the German work has been revised. Condensed, skilfully arranged, and well written. Hurst, J. F. Outlines of Church History. N.Y. Philips & Hunt. Kurtz, John Henry. Text-Bo^k of Ch. Hist. Tr. from the German. Svo. 2 v. pp. 534, 454. Ph. Lindsay & Blakiston. 1861-62. 9th ed., thoroughly revised and partly rewritten. 1885. $3.00. Concise. By an Evangelical professor in the University of Dorpat. Vol. 1 is a revised reprint of Kdersheim's Edinb. ed.; Vol. 2 is an original translation by J. II. A. Bomberger, aided by John Berk. Latere n ce, Eugene. Historical Studies. Svo. pp. 508. N.Y. H. 1876. Contents : The Bishops of Rome ; Leo and Luther ; Loyola and the Jesuits ; Ecumenical Councils ; The Vaudois ; The Huguenots ; The Church of Jerusalem ; Dominic and the Inquisition ; The Conquest of Ireland ; The Greek Church. Protestant. Clear, strong, and accurate. Lea, Henry C. Studies in Church History : The Rise of the Temporal Power ; Benefit of Clergy ; Excommunication. Svo. pp. xiii, 518. Ph. H. C. Lea. 1869. 62.50. Milman, H. H. History of Latin Christianity ; including that of the Popes to the Pontificate of Nicholas V. 8 v. 12mo. pp. 554, 551, 525, 555, 530, 539, 570, 561. X.Y. Armstrong & Son. 1881. $14.00. Of great value alike to students and to general readers. See under Mediaeval Christianity. Milner, Joseph. History of the Church of Christ. L. 1794-1812. New corrected edition, 4 v., 1847, I860, etc. L. 1875. 18s. Pietistic; neither scholarly nor polemic. 348 A SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY OF Mosheim, John Lawrence. Institutes of Ecclesiastical History, Ancient and Modern. A new and literal translation from the original Latin, with copious additional notes, original and selected, by James Murdoch. 3 v., fifth edition, X.Y., 1854 ; 3 v. in one, Svo, pp. 470, 485, 506. N.Y. Carter & Bros. 1881. .$5.00. (There is a translation by A. Madeline. N.Y. H. $4.00.) The distinguished author, a moderate Lutheran, is "the father of church historiography as an art, unless we prefer to concede this merit to Bossuet." Skilful, clear, impartial. Mosheim wrote in unrivalled Latin. He died in 1755. Neander, J. Augustus W. General History of the Christian Religion and Church. Translated from the second improved German edition by Joseph Torry. 5 v., Svo, Boston, 1854 ; also, 8 v., 12mo, L. & N.Y., 1861. Twelfth edition : B. Houghton. 1881. $18.00. This well-known history is "distinguished for thorough and con- scientious u^e of the sources, critical research, ingenious combina- tion, tender love of truth and justice, evangelical catholicity, hearty piety, and Toy masterly analysis of the doctrinal systems and the subjective Christian life of men of God in past ages. . . . The poli- tical and artistic sections, and the outward machinery of history, were not congenial to the humble, guileless simplicity of Neander. His style is monotonous, involved, and diffuse, but unpretending, natural, and warmed by a genial glow of sympathy and enthusi- asm." — P. Schaff, his pupil. Newman, John Henry. Essays Critical and Historical. 2 v., with notes. Poetry ; Rationalism ; De la Mennais ; Palmer on Faith and Unity ; St. Ignatius ; Prospectus of the Anglican Church ; The Anglo-American Church ; Countess of Huntingdon ; Catho- licity of the Anglican Church ; The Antichrist of Protestants ; Milman's Christianity ; Reformation of the Eleventh Century ; Private Judgment ; Davison ; Kemble. L. Pickering. 1872-77. 12s. By the able Roman Catholic prelate, formerly of the Church of England. Id. Historical Sketches. 3 v. Primitive Christianity ; Church of the Fathers ; St. Chrysostom ; Theodoret ; St. Benedict, etc. L. Pickering. 1873 sqq. 18s. ^ ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. 349 Robinson, James E. History of the Christian Church (a.d. G4-1517). 4 v., 1851 sqq. ; 8 v., 12mo, L., 1874. The best general history yet written from the Anglican point of view. Scliaff, Philip. History of the Apostolic Church. 8vo. X.Y. 1853, etc. $3.75. Excellent, but superseded by his magnum opus, History of the Christian Church. Id. History of the Christian Church. 3 v. Svo. 1850-07. Revised and enlarged, with maps : Vol. I., Apostolic Christianity (a.d. 1-100), pp. 863 ; Vol. II., Ante-Xicene Christianity (a.d. 100- 325), pp. 866; Vol. III., Xicene and Post-Xicene Christianity (a.d. 311-600), pp. 1039. X.Y. Scr. 1882-84. (Other volumes are promised.) $4.00 per volume. The greatest monument of American scholarship in the field of church history. Orthodox, liberal, readable. Though designed especially for students, it meets the wants of studious men in all the walks of life. It is peculiarly rich in bibliographies. Smith, Philip. The Student's Manual of Ecclesiastical History. A history of the Christian church from the time of the Apostles to the full establishment of the Holy Roman Empire and the Papal power. Illustrated. 12mo. X.Y. II. 1879. 81.50. An excellent manual. It contains chronological tables, and has an index. Stanley, A. P. Essays on Ecclesiastical Subjects: Baptism and the Eucharist, Absolution, Ecclesiastical Vestments, the Basilica, the Clergy, the Pope, the Litany, the Roman Catacombs, the Creed of the Early Christians, the Lord's prayer, the Council and Creed of Constantinople, and the Ten Commandments. 12mo. X.Y. H. 50 cents. By a scholarly genius. Waddington, George. History of the Church, from the Earliest Ages to the Reformation. Svo. N.Y. II. $2.00. Washburn, E. A. Lectures on the Apostolic Age, the Xicene Age, the Latin Age, the Reformation, the English Church, the Church of America, the Church of the Future, Richard Hooker, etc. 12mo.* pp. 400. X".Y. Dutton & Co. 81.75. 850 A SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY OF Wkately, Richard. A General View of the Rise, Progress, and Corruption of Christianity. 12mo. pp. 288. N.Y. W. Gow- ans, 18(30. N". Tibbals & Sons, 1876. $1.50. White, James. The Eighteen Christian Centuries. 12mo. L. & N.Y. Second edition. 18G2. App. 82.00. " Its merit is in the fact that the spirit of each age is generally well apprehended and correctly represented ; while its weakness shows itself in what must he considered an altogether artificial division of history into exact periods of a hundred years each. The author's style is at all times bright and vigorous." — C. K. Adams. III. EARLY CHRISTIANITY. (See Lives of Christ, under Biography.) 1. General. Baumgarten, M. Apostolic History. The Acts of the Apostles ; or, the History of the Church in the Apostolic Age. Translated by A. J. W. Morrison. 3 v. Svo. Ed. 1854. $9.00. Baur, Ferd. Christ. The Christians and the Christian Church of the First Three Centuries. Tubingen, 1853. 2d rev. ed., 1860 (pp. 536). The 3d ed. is a reprint of the second, forming Vol. I. of Baur's General Church History, edited by his son, in 5 v., 1863. Tr. by A. Menzies. ' Svo. 2 v. L. W.&K 1878,1879. 10s. 6^/. " The last and ahlest exposition of the Tubingen reconstruction of the Apostolic History from the pen of the master of that school. . . . Baur's critical researches have compelled a thorough revision of the traditional views on the apostolic age, and have so far been useful, notwithstanding their fundamental errors." — P. Schaff. Blunt, J. H. A Christian View of Christian History, from Apos- tolic to Mediaeval Times. 12mo. L. Rivingtons. 1866. New edition, 1872. Is. Qd. Delitzsch, Franz. Jewish Artizan Life in the Time of Jesus. Translated by Bernhard Pick. 12mo. X.Y r . Funk & Wagnalls. 1884. Paper, 15 cts. ; cloth, 75 cts. Scholarly; but entertaining as a romance. The author refers, in foot-notes, to his authorities. Well translated. ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. 351 Dollinger, Johann Joseph Ignaz. The First Age of Christianity. Translated by H. N. Oxenhams. 2 v. Svo. L. 1866. $8.00. " Dr. Dollinger has long been held as one of the ablest historians in the Roman Catholic Church; and this work may be regarded as the most successful representation of the early history of the Church from the Catholic point of view." — C. K. Adams. Eusebius. Ecclesiastical History (Greek). Translated by C. F. Cruse; with an Historical View of the Council of Nice, by Isaac Boyle. Svo. L., 1842. Ph., 18G0. Lip. 82.50. Another translation in Greek Ecclesiastical Historians of the First Six Centuries, q.v. Eusebius, "the Christian Herodotus," was intimately associated with Constantine the Great. Died 340. Farrar, F. W. Early Days of Christianity. KY. Funk & Wag- nails. Paper, 40 cts. ; cloth, 75 cts. A standard work. Fisher. George P. The Beginnings of Christianity, with a View of the State of the Roman World at the Birth of Christ. 8vo. pp. 580. X.Y. Scr. 1877. $3.00. Scholarly, but popular. In this volume the orthodox but liberal author incidentally discusses the theories of the Tubingen school. Id. Supernatural Origin of Christianity, with special reference to the theories of Renan, Strauss, and the Tubingen school. Svo. pp.620. X.Y. Scr. Xew and enlarged edition, 1870. |3.00. Suited to the needs of all classes of readers.' Clear, strong, readable. Gibbon, Edward. Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. See chapters on the Growth of Christianity. Xumerous editions. Contains many depreciatory references to the Christian church. "To counteract the influence of these arguments and insinuations of Gibbon, both Milman and Guizot have edited special editions of this history, with abundant notes. The Student's Gibbon, pre- pared by W. Smith in a similar spirit, is an edition greatly abridged." — X. Porter. The best edition is Milman's. Hatch, E. The Organization of the Early Christian Churches. Bampton Lectures for 1880. Svo. pp. 216. Oxford and Cam- bridge. Rivingtons. 1881. 10s. 6d. Learned, eloquent. Shows the development of church polity from a democracy into a monarchy. 352 A SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY OF Historians (Greek) of the First Six Centuries. Translations in Bonn's Ecclesiastical Library. 4 v. 8vo. L. 1851. Eusebius, Socrates, Sozomen, Theodoret, and Evagrius. 6 v. L. 1813-47. 12.00 each. Cf . Geo. A. Jackson : The Apostolic Fathers of the Second Century, with extracts, pp. 203. N.Y. 1878. Jackson, Samuel M. Lipsius on the Roman Peter-Legend. In the Presb. Quar. and Princeton Rev. (N.Y.) for 1876. p. 265 sqq. A summary of the views of R. A. Lipsius, who has examined "carefully the heretical sources of the Roman Peter-legend, and regards it as a fiction from beginning to end." John, St. The Fourth Gospel. See Baur, Strauss, Eenan, and their followers. The genuineness of this Gospel has been defended by Priestley, Andrews & Norton, Van Oosterzee (trans, by Hurst), Lange (Com. trans, by Sehaff), Sanday (Authorship and Historical Character of the Fourth Gos- pel, London, 1872), Lightfoot (in Cont. Rev., 1875-77), George P. Fisher (Beginnings of Christianity, chap, x., and art. " The Fourth Gospel" in the Princeton Rev. for July, 1881, pp. 51-84), Westeott (Introduction to the Gospels, 1862, 1875, and Commentary, 1879), McClellan (The Four Gospels, 1875), Milligan (in the Cont. Rev. for 1867, 1868, 1871, and in his Moulton's Commentary, 1880), and Ezra Abbot (The Authorship of the Fourth Gospel, External Evi- dences, Boston, 1880; paper, 50 cents. A work of great merit). Lightfoot, J. B. In "Contemporary Review, 1875-77. A series of articles against "Supernatural Religion," q.v. Cf. the reply of the anonymous author in the preface to the sixth edition of S. R. Maurice, F. D. Lectures on the Ecclesiastical History of the First and Second Centuries. 8vo. Camb., 1851. L. Macm. §3.50. Milman, Henry Hart. The History of Christianity, from the Birth of Christ to the Abolition of Paganism in the Roman Empire. 3 v. 8vo, L. ; and 12mo, N.Y. New and revised edition : N.Y. Armstrong. 1871. $5.25. For the person that can read but one church history, this, perhaps, is the best. It is pervaded by the spirit of enlightened faith. It treats especially of the relations of Christianity to the Roman Em- pire, ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. 353 Mosheim, J. L. History of the Ante-Nicene Period. Translated from the Latin by Vidal. 3 v. 1813 sqq. 2 v. New Haven, 1852. New edition. 2 v. X.Y., 1853. Neander, J. .1. IT. History of the Planting and Training of the Christian Church. Translated by J.E. Ryland. Ed., 1842; and in Bonn's Standard Library, L., 1851; reprinted in I'll., 1844; revised by E. G. Robinson, X.Y., 18G5. $4.00. " This book marks an epoch, and is still valuable." — P. Schaff. Priestley, J. General History of the Christian Church to the Fall of the Western Empire. In Works, Vols. 8-10. Pressense, Edmund de. The Early Years of Christianity. Trans- lated by Annie Harwood-Holmden. 4 v. 12mo. L., Hodder & Stoughton, and X.Y. 1870 and 1879. 81.50. By a scholarly Protestant pastor. Written in a popular style. Renan, Ernest. The Apostles. 12mo. X.Y. Carleton. 1870. 81.75. Id. The Influence of the Institutions, etc., of Rome upon Christi- anity. The Hibbert Lectures for 1880. L. W. & N. 1880. $3.50. In Kenan's best spirit. He shows, clearly and conclusively, that in its external organization, the early church was by degrees con- formed to the existing institutions of the Roman Empire, and that these institutions thus have been perpetuated to the present day. Simcox, Win. H. Lectures on the Beginnings of the Christian Church. 12mo. L. 1881. $3.00. Supernatural Religion, an Inquiry into the Reality of Divine Revelation. Anonymous. L., 1873; 2 v., 8vo, B., R., 1875, 88.00; 7th ed., "carefully revised," 1879, 3 v., Svo, L., Longm., 36s. "An English reproduction and repository of the critical specula- tions of the Tubingen School of Baur, Strauss, Zeller, Schwegler, Hilgenfeld, Volkmar. etc. . . . Dr. Schiirer, in the ' Theol. Litera- tur Zeitung' for 1870, No. 2(3 (p. (322), denies to this work scientific value for Germany, but gives it credit for extraordinary familiarity with recent German literature, and great industry in collecting historical details. Drs. Lightfoot, Sanday, Ezra Abbot, and others, have exposed the defects of its scholarship and the false premises from which the writer reasons." — P. Sen \vv, 354 A SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY OF Taylor, Isaac. Ancient Christianity and the Doctrine of the Ox- ford "Tracts for the Times." Fourth edition, with a supple- ment. 2 v. Svo. L. Bonn. 1844. By an Independent. Polemic; against "Puseyism" and the Ro- man Catholic Church. Wadsworth, Charles. A Church History. [To the Council of Chalcedon, a.d. 451.] 4 v. 12mo. L. and N.Y. 1881(?). Vol. I., $2.50; II., III., and IV., .$2.00 each. Churchly; not critical. 2. Catacombs. The best original authorities are in Italian. The highest is Rossi. The works of Padre-Marchi and Perret are superbly illustrated. D'Agincourt wrote from a personal knowledge of fifty years. Lundy, John P. Monumental Christianity; or, the Art and Sym- bolism of the Primitive Church as Witnesses and Teachers of the one Catholic Faith and Practice. X.Y. Bouton. 1876. New edition ; enlarged, 1882, pp. 453. Illustrated. $7.50. The writer is an Episcopalian. Mommsen, Theodor. Roman Catacombs, in The Contemporary Review, Vol. XVII. (1871), pp. 100-175. Northcote, J. S., and Brownlow, W. R. Roma Sotterranea. L. Longmans, Green & Co., 1869. Second edition, "rewritten and greatly enlarged." 1879. 2 v. $22.50. Northcote, Canon of Birmingham, and Brownlow, Canon of Ply- mouth, here present to English readers the results of Commendatore De Rossi's celebrated researches. The book is liberally illustrated with chromo-lithographic plates and with wood engravings. Northcote, J. Spencer. Epitaphs of the Catacombs; or, Christian Inscriptions in Rome during the First four Centuries. L. Burns & Oates. 10*. (Vol. III. of B. & O.'s edition of Roma Sotterranea. Vols. I. and II. £1 4s. each.) 1'arher, John Henry. The Archaeology of Rome. Illustrated. Ox- ford and L. 1877. (Parts IX. and X., $6.00; and XII., $6.00.) Standard. Consult, also, Kip, Maitland, McCaid, Stanley (in his Christian Institutions), Smyth (pamphlet, 1882), Stokes (in Con- temporary Review, 1880, 1881). Venables (in Smith and Cheetham, i. 2<>I-317), Marriott, and Withrow. ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. 355 3. Charity. Uhlhom, Gerhard. Christian Charity in the Ancient Church. Svo. X.Y. Scr. $2.50. The best work on the subject. Cf. Chastel: Charity of the Primi- tive Churches. Trans, by G. A. Matiles. Ph. Lip. 1857. $1.25. 4. CONTROVERSIES AND HERESIES. Dollinger, J. J. I. Hippolytus and Callistus. In German, 1853. Translated by Alfred Plummer. Svo. Ed. 1870. pp.360. $3.60. " An apology for Callistus and the Roman See against Hippolytus, the supposed first anti-Pope." See Wordsworth for a defence of Hippolytus. Mansel, Henry L. The Gnostic Heresies. Edited by J. B. Light- foot. L. Murray. 1875. $4.75. Mansel was dean of St. Paul's. Cf. Dr. LightfooVs Excursus in his Commentary on Colossians and Philemon for a satisfactory account of Gnosticism. C. W. King's Gnostics and their Remains (L., 1864) contains illustrations of Gnostic symbols and works of art. See, also, Norton : History of the Gnostics. B. 1845. Newman, J. II. The Arians of the Fourth Century. L. 1838. Second edition, unchanged, 1854 ; third edition, 12mo. L. 1871. 83.50. De Soyres, J. Montanism and the Primitive Church : a Study in the Ecclesiastical History of the Second Century. (Hulsean Prize Essay, 1877.) Svo. pp. 163. L. Bell & Son. 1878. Qs. 5. Patristics. Donaldson, James. A Critical History of Christian Literature and Doctrine from the Death of the Apostles to the Xicene Council. L., 1864-66. Svo, 3 v., L., Macm., 1874. $3.00. Valuable. Cf. Blunt and Jackson. 6. Persecutions. Mason, A. J. The Persecutions of Diocletian. (Hulsean Prize Essay, 1874.) Svo. pp. 370. L. Bell & Sons. 1876. 10s, 6d. In defence of Diocletian. 356 A SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY OF Uhlhorn, Gerhard. The Conflict of Christianity with Heathenism. Translated by Egbert C. Smyth and J. C. II. Pcopes. 8vo. pp. 508. N.Y. Scr. $2.50. " IV. MEDIAEVAL CHRISTIANITY. 1. General. Bryce, James. The Holy Roman Empire. Seventh edition, 12mo. pp. xxvii, 479. K.Y. Macm. 1877. $3.00. Standard. An excellent introduction to mediaeval history, both ecclesiastical and secular. Church, R. W. The Beginnings of the Middle Ages. With three Maps. lGmo. L. and N.Y. Longm. 1877. $1.00. Small, but readable and instructive. Discusses the relation of the Franks to the Church, and the ecclesiastico-political relations of Gregory the Great, Charlemagne, and Otto the Great. Creighton, M. A History of the Papacy during the Period of the Reformation. 8vo. 2 v. L., Longm.; B., Houghton, Mifflin & Co. 1S82. 810.00. The volumes treat of the events that led to the Reformation. Yol. II. ends with the death of Pius II., in 14GL Greene, G. W. Lectures on the Middle Ages. 12mo. N.Y. App. 81.50. " A useful and trustworthy manual." — X. Porter. Hallam, Henry. State of Europe during the Middle Ages. 8vo. N.Y. H. 82.00. Student's edition, 12mo, 81.25. " Though exceedingly dry and condensed in its matter and manner, it is indispensable, even to a general reader." — N. Porter. Hardivick, C. A History of the Christian Church. Middle Ages. L. Macm. 82.25. Lacroix, Paul. Works on the Middle Ages. 5 v. Imperial Svo. L. 1880. N.Y. App. 812.00 per volume. The title of the third volume is " Military and Religious Life in the Middle Ages and at the Period of the Renaissance." Well translated, and richly illustrated. In collecting materials for his work, the author made good use of his opportunities as curator of the Im- perial Library at the Arsenal of Paris. ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. 357 Milman, Henry Hart. History of Latin Christianity. Including that of the Popes to the pontificate of Nicholas V. (For price, etc., see under General Church History, European.) "To the student of the middle ages this work is second in import- ance only to that of Gibbon. ... Of the numerous works on the history of the church in the Middle Ages, this will generally he found at once the most readable, the most impartial, and the most satisfactory." — C. K. Adams. Trench, Richard C. Lectures on Mediaeval Church History. Being the substance of lectures delivered at Queen's College, London. 8vo. N.Y. Scr. 1878. $3.00. " A good popular sketch." — W. F. Allen. Ulhnann, C. Reformers before the Reformation. Principally in Germany and the Netherlands : I. John of Goch ; II. John of Wesel; III. The Brethren of the Common Lot and the German Mystics; IV. John Wessel. Translated by Robert Menzies. 2 V. Svo. pp. xxv, 416; xiv, 630. Ed." T. & T. Clark. 1855. 83.00 per volume. Woodhouse, F. C. Military Religious Orders of the Middle Ages. Soc. 1879. 3.?. Qd. 2. Celibacy of the Clergy. Lea, Henry C. Historical Sketches of Sacerdotal Celibacy in the Christian Church. Svo. pp.601. B. Houghton, Mifflin & Co. 1884. Ph. Lip. 83.75. Highly valued, as embodying the results of independent and thorough research. 3. Crusades. (See Appendix, p. 386.) 4. Lollards. Wycldiffe, John de. Apology for Lollard Doctrine, attributed to WycMiffe. With introduction and notes by J. H. Todd. 4to. L. Camden Soc. 1812. See Biography, Wyckliffe. 358 A SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY OF 5. Myths. Baring-Gould, S. Curious Myths of trie Middle Ages. 12mo, L., 1866; IGnio, B., R., 1880. $1.50. " The book is instructive, but it entertains and amuses even more than it instructs." — C. K. Adams. Cox, George W., and Jones, E. H. Popular Romances of the Mid- dle Ages. First American, from the second London, edition. 8vo. N.Y. Holt & Co. 1880. $2.25. " Probably the most valuable of the several manuals on the subject of the folk-lore of Europe." — C. K. Adams. Dollinger, J. J. I. Fables Respecting the Popes of the Middle Ages, together with Dr. Bollinger's essay on the Prophetic Spirit and the Prophecies of the Christian Era. Translated by Alfred Plummer, with an introduction and notes by H. B. Smith. 12mo. N.Y. Dodd, Mead, & Co. 1872. $2.25. 6. Waldenses. Wylie, J. A. History of the Waldenses. L. Cassell. 2d edition. 1880. $1.25. Worsfold, J. N. The Vaudois of Piedmont, A Visit to their Val- leys, with a Sketch of their History to the Present Date. 8vo. L. J. F. Shaw & Co. 1873. 3s. V. MODERN CHRISTIANITY. 1. General Histories of the Reformation Period. Balmes, James. European Civilization : Protestantism and Cathol- icism Compared in their Effects on the Civilization of Europe. 8vo. 16th edition. Baltimore. Murphy. 1850. $2.50. By a learned Spanish priest, whose purpose in writing was to refute Guizot's reflections upon the Roman Catholic Church. Con- troversial. Contains interesting chapters on " Tolerance in Matters of Religion," "The Right of Coercion," and "The Inquisition in Spain." ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. 359 Bossuet, J. B. The History of the Variations of the Protestant Churches. Translated from the last French edition. 2 v. Svo. pp. 432, 421. Dublin. R. Coyne. 1820. Translated from the classic French of a celebrated Roman Catholic prelate. D'Aubigne', J. H. Merle. History of the Great Reformation of the Sixteenth Century in Germany, Switzerland, etc. Translated from the French. 5 v. 12mo. N.Y. Carter Bros. 18-16, etc. $4.50. The most widely read, but by no means the best, history of the Reformation. C. K. Adams justly pronounces it "simply one side of a great question, presented with great power by a skilful and brilliant advocate." D'Aubigne was an ardent Protestant. Fisher, George P. The Reformation. Svo. X.Y. Scr. 1873. $3.00. Perhaps the best short history of the Reformation. Froude,J.A. Short Studies. 12mo. 3 v. X.Y. Scr. 81-50 each. Contain essays on "Erasmus and Luther," "Influence of the Reformation on Scottish Character," " Philosophy of Catholicism," and on "Calvinism." Hagenbach, K. R. Hist, of the Ref. in Ger. and Switzerland chiefly. Tr. from the 4th rev. ed. of the Ger. by Evelina Moore. 2 v. Svo. Vol. 1, 1878, pp. 422 ; vol. 2, 1879,j>p. 436. Ed. T. & T. Clark. 10s. 6c?. each. See also his Hist, of the Church in the 18th and 19th Centuries, tr. by John F. Hurst. Svo. 2 v. pp. 504,489. N.Y. Scr. 1869. L. Hodder & Stoughton. 1870. 8<>.00. Hardwick, C. The Reformation. Svo. L. Macm. 1873. $2.25. Hdusser, Ludwlg. Period of the Reformation (1517-1648). 12mo. L. and N.Y. 1874. 82.50. " A course of lectures of high scholarship and historic insight." — "W. F. Allen. Eleven of the fifty lectures discuss the Thirty Years' War. Not controversial. The book is translated by Mrs. G. Sturge, and edited by Prof. Wm. Oncken. Hurst, John F. Short History of the Reformation, pp. 120. X.Y. H. 18S4. 40 cts. The shortest history of the Reformation, and, for a beginner, the best. It contains portraits and maps. 360 A SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY OF Ranke, Leopold von. The History of the Popes, their Church and State, and especially of their Conflicts with Protestantism in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries. Translated by E. Foster, 3 v., 12mo, L., 1840. Translated by Sarah Austin, 3 v., 8vo, pp. 385, 414, 481. L., Murray, 18(3(3. L., Bell. $3.75. "First published as early as 1837, this great work did more than any other to raise its author to that supreme rank among historians, ' which he has now long enjoyed. ... As a portrayal of the interior rjolicy of the church, and of the course that led to the reaction against the Reformation, these volumes have no equal." — C. K. Adams. Seebohm, Frederic. The Era of the Protestant Eevolution. Sec- ond edition, with notes on books in English relating to the Reformation, by George P. Fisher. lGmo. N.Y. Scr. 1875. $1.00. "A convenient and popular summary. . . . The hook is less com- prehensive in scope and less able in manner of treatment, than the work of Hausser." — C. K. Adams. The book is one of the Epochs of History series. Spalding, M. J. History of the Protestant Reformation in Ger- many and Switzerland ; and in England, Ireland, Scotland, the Netherlands, France, and Northern Europe. 8vo. Baltimore and N.Y. 18G0. Many other editions. $3.50. By the late archbishop of Baltimore. Intended as a reply to D'Aubigne. "It is consequently too controversial to be of the greatest historical value, but it is scarcely more one-sided than the work of D'Aubigne, and it is perhaps the strongest presentation we have of the Catholie side of the Reformation." — C. K. Adams. 2. The Roman Catholic Church. I. General. Wiseman, (Cardinal) N. Recollections of the last four Popes and of Rome in their Times. 12mo. N.Y. P. O'Shea. 4 v. $1.50 each. See under the Reformation Period, Church and State, and Councils. ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. 361 1 1. The Inquisition. "The Catholic Inquisition is best described by Llorente, is most heartily justified by Balmes, and most vigorously denounced by Buckle.'' — C. K. Adams. Llorente, D. Jean Anionic. The History of the [iiquisition of Spain, from the time of the Establishment to the Reign of Fer- dinand VII. Composed from the original documents in the archives of the Supreme Council, and from those of subordinate tribunals of the Holy Office. 8vo. L. 1826. An abridged translation from the Spanish. There is no more authentic history of the Spanish Inquisition. Rule, William II. History of the Inquisition, from its Establish- ment in the Twelfth Century to its Extinction in the Xineteenth. 2 v. Svo. L. Hamilton. 1874. 25s. By a TVesleyan minister. Controversial, but fair, and ably written. III. Jansenists. Neale, J. M. History of the so-called Jansenist Church of Hol- land. Svo. Oxford. Parker. 1858. 5s. Tregelles, S. P. The Jansenists : their Rise, Persecutions by the Jesuits, and Existing Remnant. 12mo. L. Bagster. 1851. $1.60. IV. Jesuits. Carlyle, Thomas. See his essay on Jesuitism in his "Latter-day Pamphlets." Svo. L. C. & H. 9s. Macaulay, T. B. See his essay on Ranke, in which he maintains that the Jesuits, in their history, represent the Catholic reaction from the Protestant Reformation. Stephen, (Sir) James. See his essay on Loyala, in Ecclesiastical Essays. "The best brief account of the rise of the Jesuits." — C. K. Adams. V. Port Royalists. Beard, Charles. Port Royal. A Contribution to the History of Religion and Literature in France. Xew edition. 2 v. Svo. L. W. & X. 1873. 81.80. Cf. Stephen's Essays. 362 A SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY OF VI. Ultramontanism and Vaticanism. (See Church and State, under Special Topics.) 3. Old Catholic. " Theodorus." The New Reformation ; a narrative of the Old Catholic movement from 1870 to the present time, with au historical introduction. Svo. L. Longm.(?) 12s. For periodical literature, consult Poole's Index. 4. Modern Ecclesiastical History, by Countries. I. Bohemia. Gillett, E. II. The Life and Times of John Huss ; or, the Bohe- mian Reformation of the Fifteenth Century. 2 v. Svo. pp. 632, 651. B., Gould & Lincoln, 1863 ; X.Y., Randolph. $7.00. II. England. — A. The Church of England established by Law. Bede. Historia Ecclesiastica. Oxford. 1846. In Bonn's Anti- quarian Library, with the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, $2.00. Blunt, J. H. The Reformation of the Church of England. 2 v. N.Y. Young. $8.50. " The best complete history. Extends from 1514 to 16G2. From the point of view of the Church of England." — W. F. Allen. Id. Sketch of the Reformation in England. Young. $1.50. Cobbett. Reformation in England and Ireland. 12mo, Baltimore, Murphy, 1851, 75 cts.j N.Y., Sadlier, $1.25. Roman Catholic. Wholly unsympathetic. Diocesan Histories. Maps. [Canterbury, Chichester, Durham, Sheffield, Oxford, Peterborough, Salisbury, Worcester, York.] L. Soc. N.Y. Young. 2s. Qd. each, except Canterbury and York, 3s. Qd. Valuable. Intended to form a complete library of English Ecclesi- astical History. Dixon, R. W. History of the Church of England. 2 v. Rout- ledge. 16s. each. "The most thorough and important work; not yet completed." — W. F. Allen. ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. 363 Fuller, Thomas [edited by J". S. Brewer']. The Church History of Britain; from the Birth of Jesus Christ until the year 1648, etc. Gv. Svo. Clarendon Press, Oxford. 1845. £1195. Geikie, Cunningham. The English Reformation, How it came about and why we should uphold it. 12mo. pp. xviii, 512. N.Y. App. 18G9 and 1879. 82.00. Haddan and Stuhbs. Councils and Ecclesiastical Documents relat- ing to Great Britain and Ireland. Svo. 3 v. pp. 704, 285, GGO. Oxford. Clarendon Press. 1869-78. Vols. 1 and 2, £1 Is. each ; vol. 2, part 1, 10s. Qd. ; vol. 2, part 2, 3s. 6d. Herford, Brook. The Story of Religion in England. 12mo. pp. 391. Ch. Jansen, McClurg, & Co. 81.50. Perry, G. G. A History of the Church of England from the Ac- cession of Henry VIII. to the Silencing of Convocation in the Eighteenth Century. With an Appendix containing a Sketch of the History of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America, by J. A. Spencer. Svo. X.Y. H. 1879. 82.50. Excellent. " The best that has yet been written." — N.Y. Church- man. Short, (Bp.) Thomas V. Sketch of the History of the Church of England, to the Revolution, 1688. 8th edition. Svo. L. Longm. 1870. 7s. Gd. Stanley, A. P. Historical Memorials of Canterbury Cathedral. Svo. L. Murray. 1855. 5th edition, 1869. 7s. Qd. Id. Historical Memorials of Westminster Abbey. Svo. L. Mur- ray. 1S67. 4th edition, 1874. 15s. Important ; entertaining. Strype, J. Works : Ecclesiastical Memorials, Annals, etc. [Orig. fol. 1694-1733.] An excellent edition is that of the Clarendon Press, 1820-28, Svo, 27 v., including two index volumes, £7 13s. GcZ. Important. For histories of the Book of Common Prayer, see Liturgies. B. Dissenters. Neal, Daniel. The History of the Puritans ; or, Protestant Non- Conformists, from the Reformation (1517) to the Revolution in 364 A SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY OF 1G88. Reprinted from the Text of Dr. Toulmin's edition, with his life of the author, etc. Revised, corrected, and enlarged. 3 v., Svo, L., Tegg, 1837; and with notes by J. 0. Choules, 2 v., 8vo, N.Y., H., 1803. |4.00. See Denominational Histories of the United States, for American churches having their origin in England. III. France. Bairdj Henry M. History of the Rise of the Huguenots of France. Maps. 2 v. 8vo. N.Y. Scr. 1879. -$3.50. "An excellent account . . . from . . . 1515 to . . . 1574. . . . Written with judicial moderation." — C. K. Adams. Poole, Reginald Lane. A History of the Huguenots of the Disper- sion at the Recall of the Edict of Nantes. 12mo. L. Macm. 1880. Qs. " A very learned, and a very successful, attempt to show what be- came of the Huguenots after the dispersion." — C. K. Adams. Pressen^e, E. de. Religion and the Reign of Terror ; or, the Church during the French Revolution. Translated by /. P. Lacroix. 12mo. pp. 416. N.Y. Carlton and Lanahan. 18G9. $1.75. Smiles, S. The Huguenots in France. Svo. N.Y. H. $2.00. Id. The Huguenots in England, Ireland, and America. Svo. N.Y. H. $2.00. Weiss, Charles. History of the French Protestant Refugees. Translated from the French by H. W. Herbert. With an American Appendix. 2 v. Svo. pp. 382, 419. N.Y. Stringer & Townsend. 1854. - A fine work, well translated. White, Henry. The Massacre of St. Bartholomew, preceded by a History of the Religious Wars in the Reign of Charles IX. With illustrations. Svo. N.Y. H. 1871. $1.75. " Written in a judicious spirit. . . . Adopts the view of Ranke and of Soldan in believing that the famous massacre was not the result of a long-premeditated plot. . . . Many new materials tending to confirm this view. . . . The book, however, does not show the same intellectual grasp as that manifested in the pages of Baird." — C. K. Adams. ECCLESIASTICAL H1ST0LY. 365 IV. Germany. Lloyd, Julius. Sketches of Church History in Germany. L. Soc. 1882. Is. GV. See, also, Doctrines, Biography, and General Histories of the Refor- mation Period. V. Holland. Martyn, W. C. The Dutch Reformation : a History of the Struggle in the Netherlands for Civil and Religious Liberty in the Six- teenth Century. 12mo. pp. 823. X.Y. American Tract Society. 1SG8. §1.75. VI. Hungary. D'Aubigne, J. H. Merle. History of the Protestant Church in Hungary to 1850. Translated by the Rev. J. Craig, D.D., with an introduction by J. II. Merle D'Aubigne, D.D. Svo. pp. xxviii, 401. L. J. Xisbet & Co. 1811. VII. Ireland. Mant, Richard. History of the Church of Ireland, from the Refor- mation to the Revolution, with a Preliminary Survey from the Papal Usurpation in the Twelfth Century to its legal abolition in the Sixteenth. Large Svo. 2 v. pp. S09, 811. L. Parker. 1815. 17s each. VIII. Italy. Baird, Robt. Sketches of Protestantism in Italy. 12mo. B. 1815. 81-75. McCrie, Thos. History of the Progress and Suppression of the Reformation in Italy in the Sixteenth Century. Including a Sketch of the History of the Reformation in the Grisons. 12mo. Ph. Presb. Bd. of Pub. 81.00. IX. Poland. Krasinski, Valerian. Historical Sketch of the Rise, Progress, and Decline of the Reformation in Poland. 2 v. Svo. pp. xxi, 415; xxiii, 573. L. Murray. 1838. 366 A SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY OF X. Scandinavia. Crichton, A., and Wheaton, H. Scandinavia, Ancient and Modern : being a History of Denmark, Sweden, and Norway ; compre- hending . . . an account of the Mythology . . . Religion, etc. 2 v. 16mo. pp. xvii, 373 ; x, 403. N.Y. H. 1872. $1.50. XI. Scotland. Lawrence, E. The Scottish Covenanters, pp. 14. Harper's Maga- zine, v. 46, 1873, p. 103. Stanley, A. P. Lectures on the History of the Church in Scotland. Svo. pp. 180. L. Murray. 1872. 7s. M. " Delighted the moderate and liberal, but displeased the orthodox " people of Scotland. XII. Spain. McCrie, Thos. History of the Progress and Suppression of the Reformation in Spain in the Sixteenth Century. Svo. pp. viii, 424. Ed. Blackwood & Son. 1829. Cf. PrescotVs History of the Reign of Philip II. Yonge, (Miss) C. M. Christians and Moors of Spain. L. Macm. $1.25. N.Y. H. Paper. 10 cents. A popular sketch. XIII. Switzerland. D'Aubigne', J. H. Merle. Reformation in Switzerland. 2 v. 1864. See Biographies of Calvin, Servetus, and Zwinglius. XIV. United States of America. — A. General. Baird, Robert. Religion in America. Svo. pp. 338. X.Y. H. 1844. $3.00. By a Presbyterian minister. The best book on the subject. Belcher, Joseph. The Religious Denominations in the United States. Illustrated. New and revised edition. Large Svo. pp. 1024. Ph. John E. Potter. 1861. $5.00. A voluminous and somewhat crude work, which is, nevertheless, useful for reference. It contains many extracts from official docu- ments not elsewhere easily accessible. ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. 367 Mather, Cotton. Magnalia Christ! Americana. [1702.] With notes and translations by Robbins and Robinson. 2 v. 8vo. pp. 622, 682. Hartford. S. Andrews & Son. 1853. Confined chiefly t<> New England. Editions without critical notes are misleading. Rupp, I. D. An Original History of the Religious Denominations in the United States. 8vo. pp. 734. Ph. Humphreys. 1844. Chapters contributed by prominent members of the several churches. Sprague, William B. Annals of the American Pulpit. 8 v. 8vo. X.Y. 1859-65. Biographical; impartial. Vols. 1 and 2, Trinitarian Congregation- alists; vols. 3 and 4, Presbyterians; vol. 5, Episcopalians; vol. 6, Baptists; vol. 7, Methodists; vol.8, Unitarians. There is a later edition published by Carter in 9 v. ($30.00). B. Denominational. Baptist. Backus, I. History of Xew England, with Particular Reference to the Denomination of Christians called Baptists. Svo. B., 1777; Providence, 1781; B., 1796; Newton, 1871. 2 v. pp. x, 538; vi, 584. Ph. Am. Bap. Pub. Society. 90 cents. Moss, Lemuel [Ed.]. The Baptists and the National Centenary. A Record of Christian Work. 8vo. Ph. 1876. $1.75. Stewart, J. D. The History of the Free Will Baptists, for Half a Century. 12mo. pp. 479. Dover, X.H. Free Will Baptist Printing Establishment. 1862. Christian. Summerbell, N. History of the Christians. Dayton, O. Christian Publishing Association. Congregational. Bacon, Leonard. The Genesis of the Xew England Churches. Svo. KY. H. 82.50. Dexter, Henry Martyn. Congregationalism. Svo. pp. 1082. X.Y. H. 1880. 86.00. A complete bibliography is appended. Cf. Waddington (London, 1880) and Punchard (Boston, 18G5-80). These three are the best authorities on general Congregational history. 368 A SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY OF Friends. Hodgson, Wm. The Society of Friends in the Nineteenth Century. Svo. 2 v. pp. 340, 441. Ph. Smith, English & Co. 1875. Cf. Penn and Wagstaff. Lutheran. SchmucJcer, S. S. The American Lutheran Church, Historically, Doctrinally, and Practically Delineated in Several Occasional Discourses. 12mo. Ph. 1852. 75 cents. Cf. Hazeline (Zanesville, O., 1846) and Cong. Quar., 18G2, article Lutheran Church in the United States. Seiss, Joseph A. Ecclesia Lutheran a. A Brief Survey of the Lutheran Church. 32d edition. 12ino. Ph. Luth. Bd. of Pub. 18G7. (Cf. Krauth. -$5.00.) Methodist. Simpson, Matthew. Cyclopedia of Methodism. Revised edition. 4to. pp. 1031. Ph. L. H. Evarts. 1880. Valuable as a work of reference. Stevens, Abel. History of Methodism. 3 v. 12mo. N.Y. Meth- odist Book Concern. 1858-61. $4.50. Id. History of the Methodist Episcopal Church in the United States of America. 4 v. 12mo. N.Y. Methodist Book Con- cern. 1864. $6.00. Dr. Stevens is the highest authority on Methodist history. Wood, E. M. Methodism and the Centennial of American Inde- pendence. With a brief History of the Various Branches of Methodism, and full- Statistical Tables. 12mo. pp. 412. N.Y. Nelson & Phillips. 1876. 81.50. Cf. Atkinson, John: Centennial History of American Methodism, N.Y., 1884. $2.00. Mormon. Stenhouse, (Mrs.) T. B. H. Rocky Mountain Saints: History of the Mormons. Svo. pp. xxiv, 761. N.Y. App. 1873. 85.00. Tucker, Pomeroy. Origin, Rise, and Progress of Mormonism. 12mo. N.Y. App. 1807. $1.25. ECCLESTASTICAL HISTORY. 309 Moravian. Schweinifz, E. de. The Moravian Manual, containing an Account of the Protestant Church of the Moravian United Brethren. 12mo. Ph. 1869. 81.00. Cf. Reichi I, Memorials. Ph., Lip., 1870. Presbyterian. Gillett, E. H. History of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America. 2 v. Ph. 1864. $5.00. Hodge, Charles. The Constitutional History of the Presbyterian Church in the United States. 8vo. Ph. Presb. Bd. of Pub. 83.00. Presbyterian Reunion: A Memorial Volume, 1837-1871. By the Rev. Drs. Miller, Stearns, Sprague, Humphrey, Adams, Jacobus, Fowler, Hall, Irving, Hatfield, and Knox, and the Rev. G. S. Plumley. Illustrated. Large 8vo. pp. 568. X.Y. Lent & Co* 1870. Valuable for the history of Old School and New School Presby- terian Churches from the separation in 1S37 to the reunion in 1871. Protestant Episcopal. Perry, IV. S. [editor in chief]. The History of the American Episcopal Church, 1587-1883. 2 v. 4to. Illus. B. O. In course of preparation. It will surpass all existing histories of the Protestant Episcopal Church. Wilberforce, (Bp.) S. A History of the Protestant Episcopal Church in America. 2d edition. 12mo. X.Y. Stanford & Swords. 1846. 12mo. pp. 357. 1849. Pott. $3.50. Cf. White's Memoirs, lH'M), and Hawk's Contributions, 1836. Reformed Episcopal. Aycrigg, Benjamin. Memoirs of the Reformed Episcopal Church, and of the Protestant Episcopal Church, with Contemporary Reports respecting these and the Church of England, extracted from the Public Press. 5th edition. Svo. pp. lxvi, 373. X.Y. and Passaic, X.J. Aycrigg. 1880. A collection of materials. Indexed. This work is not of a popular character, but will be invaluable to future historians of the Protes- tant Episcopal and the Reformed Episcopal Churches. 370 A SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY OF Cummins, (Mrs.) G. D. Memoir of G. D. Cummins, First Bishop of the Reformed Episcopal Church. 12mo. pp. 544. N.Y. Dodd, Mead, & Co. 1870. $2.50. It contains an excellent account of the origin and organization of the Reformed Episcopal Church. Reformed Church in America (Dutch). Demurest, Darid D. History and Characteristics of the Reformed Protestant Dutch Church. 12mo. pp. xxviii, 221. N.Y. 185G, 1859. $1.00. Reformed Church jn the United States (German). Mayer, Lea-is. The History of the German Reformed Church. Vol. I. Svo. pp. 477. Ph. Lip. 1851. Cf. article by E. V. Gerhart in Bib. Sac, vol. XX., 1863. Roman Catholic. Clarke, R. LI. Lives of the Deceased Bishops of the Catholic£hurch in the United States. 2 v. Svo. N.Y. P. O'Shea. 1872. $8.00. Murray, J. 0. A Popular History of the Catholic Church in the United States. 8vo. pp. 619. 2d edition. N.Y. Sadlier & Co. 1876. $2.50. An Appendix contains valuable statistical tables and biographical sketches. Cf. Le Clercg, translated by Shea, Cin. ($12.00) ; and Parkman, Jesuits in North America. Shakers. Evans, F. W. Compendium of the Origin, History, etc., of the United Society of Believers in Christ's Second Coming - . 16mo. N.Y. App. 1859. United Brethren. Lawrence, John. History of the Church of the United Brethren in Christ. 2 vols, in one. Svo. Dayton, O. U. B. Pub. House. $2.50. Cf. Spayth, Circleville, Ohio; Conference Office, 1851. Unitarian. Ellis, Geo. E. A Half Century of the Unitarian Controversy. B. American Unitarian Association. 1859. $1.50. Cf. Ware, American Unitarian Biography. 2 v. B. 1S50-51. ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. 371 Universalist. Thomas, Abel C. A Century of Universalism. B. Universalist Publishing House. Cf. Adams, Fifty Notable Years ; and Eddy, Universalism in America. VI. SPECIAL TOPICS. 1. Art. Heaphy, Thomas. The Likeness of Christ. Being an Inquiry into the Verisimilitude of the Received Likeness of Our Blessed Lord. Edited by Wyke Bayliss. "With 12 colored plates. Folio, pp. 78. L. David Bogue. 1880. £3 6s. Cf. Schaff, History of the Christian Church. X.Y. 1882. Vol. I, pp. 167-170. Jameson, (Mrs.) Anna. Sacred and Legendary Art. Portrait of Leonardo da Vinci. 2 v., 32mo, $3.00 ; 6 v., Svo, L., Longm., £5 15s. 6c?. Popular. Jameson, (Mrs.) Anna, and Eastlake, (Lady). The History of Our Lord as Exemplified in Works of Art. Illustrated. 2 v. L. Longm. 2d edition. 1865. 42s. Liibke, W. Ecclesiastical Art in Germany during the Middle Ages. High authority. Norton, C. E. Studies of Church Buildings in the Middle Ages. Svo. pp.331. X.Y. II. 1880. 83.00. The result of careful study. Written in good style. Poole, Geo. A . History of Ecclesiastical Architecture in England. Svo. L. 1818. |3.50. Scott, G. G. Lectures on the Rise and Development of Mediaeval Architecture. Illustrated. 2 v. Svo. pp. xv, 365; xvi, 347. L. Murray. 1879. 42s. Id. An Essay on the History of English Church Architecture, prior to the Separation of England from the Roman Obedience. Illustrated. 4to. pp. 195. L. Simpkin, Marshall, & Co. 1881. 372 A SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY OF Tyrwhitt, R. St. John. The Art Teaching of the Primitive Church. L. Soc. 8vo. 76*. Gd. 2. Biography. A. Biblical. — I. Lives of Christ. Ebrard, A. Wissenschaftliche Kritik der Evangelischen Ge- schichte. Condensed translation. 8vo. Ed. Clark. 18G9. 105. Gd. Against Strauss, Bruno Bauer, etc. Eicald, H. Geschichte Christus' und seiner Zeit. (Vol. 5 of his His- tory of Israel.) Tr. by 0. Glover. Cambridge. Bell. 18G5. 9s. Farrar, Frederic W. Life of Christ. 2 v. L. 1874. About thirty editions have since appeared, many of them in America. One is illustrated. $1.00. Geikie, C. The Life and Words of Christ. L. Strahan & Co. 1878. 2v. Illustrated. 30s. Several editions. X.Y. Munro. Paper, 40 cts. Hardwick, Chas. Christ and Other Masters. L. Macm. 4th edition. 1875. lO.s. Gd. A comparison of Christ with founders of Eastern religions. Keim, Theodore. Geschichte Jesu von Xazara. Zurich. 1867-72. 3 v. Translated into English by Geldart and Ransom. L. W. & N. 2d edition. 1873-70. 2 v. 10s. Gd. each. Based chiefly upon Matthew. In the preparation of this work the Fourth Gospel was not used. Lange, John Peter. The Life of the Lord Jesus Christ : a Complete Examination of the Origin, Contents, and Connection of the Gospels. New edition. 4 v. Svo. Ph. 1872. 810.00. By a distinguished German commentator. Neander, J. A. W. The Life of Jesus. Translated by McClintock and Blumenthal. X.Y. II. 1848. 82.50. " A positive refutation of Strauss." — P. Schaff. Pressense', E. de. Jesus Christ : His Times, Life, and Work. 4th edition. Revised. 8vo. L. 1871. 83.40. Written in reply to Renan. ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. 373 Renan,. Ernest. Life of Jesus. Translated by E. Wilbour. 12mo. pp.376. X.Y. Carleton & Co. 1801,1870. $1.75. Renan professed to write without any other passion than a very- keen curiosity. "This book created even a greater sensation than the Leben Jcsu of Strauss, but is very superficial, and turns the gospel history into a novel with a self-contradictory and im- possible hero. Eloquent, fascinating, superficial, and contradic- tory." — P. Schaff. "In it the learning of the Orientalist vied with the enrapturing rhetoric of the fine writer to warp the judg- ment of sentimental amateurs." — J. F. Hurst in "Crook's & Hurst's Theological Encyclopaedia and Methodology." Strauss, I). F. Life of Jesus. Translated by Marian Evans {George Eliot). L. 1846. 3 v. Republished in N.Y., 1850. Authorized translation. 2d edition. 2 v. 8vo. pp. xxii, 440 ; iv, 439. L. AY. & X. 1870. 24.?. Refuted by Xeander, q.v. Weiss, Bernard. The Life of Christ. Translated by John W. Hope. 3v. Svo. Ed. 1883-4. $3. 00 each. Liberal evangelical. Dr. Weiss is professor of theology at Berlin. Young, J. The Christ of History. L. & X.Y. 1855. 5th edi- tion. 18G8. L. Strahan. 6s. Evangelical. Popular. These are excellent lives of Christ, original and translated, by Lyman Abbott, S. J. Andrews, H. W. Beecher, C. E. Caspari, Howard Crosby, C. F. Deems, Z . Eddy, C. J. fjMlcott, Fleet- wood, Wm. Hanna, Carl Hase, Mrs. Jameson ("as exemplified in works of art '*), E. H. Plumptre, Clir. Fr. ScJtmld, D. Schenkel, and /. R. Seeley. Cf. G. Uhlhorn : Modern Representatives of the Life of Jesus. Translated by Grinnell. 16mo. B. L. & B. 1868. II. Lives of the Apostles. Baur, Ferd. Chr. Paul the Apostle of Jesus Christ. Translated by Allan Menzies. 2 v. L. W. & X. 1873 and 1875. 10s. Qid. each. The standard work of the Tubingen school. 874 A SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY OE Conybeare and Howson. Life and Epistles of St. Paul. L. 1853. Many reprints, both English and American. A standard work; of especial value to Christian teachers. Farrar, F. W. Life and Work of St. Paul. 2 v. L. & N.Y. 1870, and other editions. N.Y. Funk & Wagnalls. 1880. Paper, 50 cts. Canon Farrar is a learned and rhetorical writer. Pearson (Bj).). Annates Paulini. Works. Also separately. Cambridge. 1824. Renan, E. St. Paul. Translated by Ingersoll Lockwood. 12mo. pp. 422. N.Y. Carleton. 1869. $1.75. Entertaining, but fanciful and illogical. Tholuck, Aug. The Life, Character, and Style of the Apostle Paul. In Selections from German Literature (pp. 1-72). Trans- lated by B. B. Edwards and E. A. Park. 8vo. pp. iv, 472. Andover. Gould, Newman, & Saxon, 1839. B. General. — I. Collections. Baring-Gould, Sabine. Lives of the Saints. 15 v. 12mo. X.Y. Pott, Young, & Co. 1879. $2.50 each. Butler, Alban. Lives of the Fathers, Martyrs, and other Saints. 12 v. 24mo. L. Duffy. 186G. First American edition, 2 v. 8vo. Baltimore. J. Murphy & Co. 1850. $7.00. Roman Catholic. Hook, W. F. 9 Lives of the Archbishops of Canterbury from St. Augustine to Juxon. 12 v. Svo. L. R. Bentley & Son. 18G0-76. 15s. each-, vol. 12, 21s. In two series. The last volume is an index to the others. Piper, Ferdinand. Lives of the Leaders of our Church Universal from the Days of the Succession of the Apostles to the Present Time. Translated from the German, with valuable American additions, by McCracken. Svo. J. & T. Clark. 1880. 2 v. pp. 430, 443.* $3.00. For popular use, this is the hest book of Christian biography. Its tone is Protestant, but not sectarian. Sprague, W. B. See General Histories, under United States. ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. 375 Stephen, (Sir) J. Essays in Ecclesiastical Biography. 1st edition. 1850; 4th, 1860. L. Longm. 7s. 6c?. Few subjects, but well treated. Tulloch, John. Leaders of the Reformation : Luther, Calvin, Lati- mer, and Knox. 2d edition. Svo. Ed. W. Blackwood & Sons. 1S60. 3d edition, enlarged, $3.00. IL Individual. Ambrose, St. R. Thornton. Soc. 2s. Anselm, St. By R. W. Church. Macm. 81.75. Arnold, Thomas. A.P.Stanley. Scr. 1880. $2.50. Augustine, St. E. L. Cutis. Soc. 1880. Cf. Clark, Pott. 75 cts. Id. Possidius (personal friend of Augustine) ; Pressense, in Smith andWace; S chaff, 1854; Poriarty and Tulloch, in Encycl. Brit. Basil, St. R. T. Smith. Soc. 1879. 2s. Becket. J. A. Froude in Nineteenth Century, 1877. Id. By E. A. Freeman in Contemporary Review, 1878. A reply to Froude's article in tbe Nineteenth Cent. ; more favorable. Bede. G. F. Browne. Soc. 2s. Calvin. Wm. Blackburn . 2 books. Ph. Presb. Bd. 70 and 75 cts. Chrysostom, John. Aug. Neander. Translated by Stapleton. Bohn. 1845. Id. W. R. W. Stephens. L., 1872; 2d ed., 1880. L., Murray, 12s. Constantine. E. L. Cutts. L., Soc. X.Y., 1881. Erasmus. R. B. Drummond. 2 v. S. & E. 21s. Farel. Wm. Blackburn. Ph. Presb. Bd. of Pub. $1.50. Fox, George. /, Marsh. B. 1847. Id. S. M. Janney. Ph. Lip. $1.25. Gregory the Great. /. Barmbij. Soc. 2s. Gregory VII. A. F. Villemani. 3 v. Bentley. 26s. Huss, John. E. H. Gillett 2 v. X.Y. 1864. $7.00. A learned monograph. Id. A. H. Wratislaw. L. Soc. 3s. Qd. 376 A SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY OF Hutten, Ulricli von. D.F.Strauss. L. Daldy & Isbister. 1874. 10s. Gd. Jerome. E. L. Cutts. 12mo. Soc. 1878. 2s. Julian. Randall. L. 1879. % Kempis, Thomas a, and the Brothers of the Common Life. S. Kettlewell. 8vo. 2 v. N.Y. Put. 1882. 88.00. Knox, John. Thomas McCrie. Ph. Presb. Bd. of Pub. $2.00. Cf. Carlyle, Hero Worship. Laud. Peter Bayne in the Chief Actors in the Puritan Revolution. Originally in the Contemporary Review. Cf. Motley's Essays, 2 v., L.j 21s. ; and J. E. T. Roger s Historical Gleanings, L., Macm., $1.75. Leo the Great. C. H. Gore. Soc. 2s. Louis, St., and Calvin. F. Guizot. 8vo. Macm. 6s. Luther. A udin (strongly denunciatory) ; Peter Bayne , T. Carlyle, in Hero Worship ; J.'A. Froude (Longm., 1883); Julius Kozstlin (Longm., IGs.) ; Rein, based on Kcestlin and translated by Beh- ringer (X.Y., Funk & Wagnalls, 25 cts. and $1.00) ; and /. 77. Tread well (Put,, 81.00). Cf. Essays by Mozley. Patrick, St. Wm. M. Blackburn. Ph. Presb. Bd. of Pub. 81-00. Savonarola. W. R. Clark. 3s. Qd. X.Y., 1879, Pott, 81-50. Id. Villari. Schleiermacher, F. E. Autobiography and Letters. L. S. & E. 1860. Sixtus V. Baron Ilubner. L. Longm. 24s. Swedenborg. Ilobart, B., 1832; it. L. Tafel (translated; the most complete) ; Worcester, B., R., 1S83. 82.00. Theresa, St. L. Macm. 82.00. Wesley, John. Robert Southey, with notes by S. T. Coleridge. N.Y. 1820. Id. Luke Tyerman, 3 v. N.Y. H. 1872. 87.50. The hest that has yet heen written. Id. R. Denny Urlin. (The Churchman's Life of Wesley.) L. Soc. 3s. 6d. Cf. J. Hampson, 2 v.; II. Moore, 2 v.; and R. Watson (best edition, with notes in reply to Southey, 6s.). ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. 377 Whitefield, George. Luke Tyerman. 2 v. N.Y. Randolph & Co. 1878. $2.00. Wyclif. G. V. Lechler, tr. by Peter Lorimer. 2 v. L. Paul. 21s. Id. J. E. T. Bayers. Vol. II. of Historical Gleanings. L. Macm. $1.75. Zwingli. Jean Grab. Translated. 12mo. N.Y. Funk & Wag- nails. 25 cts. and $1.00. Cf. Blackburn. Presb. Bd., $1.25. Xavief. Coleridge. Also Venn, and Bouhours (translated by Dryden, 1088). 3. Church and State. Bryce, James. Holy Roman Empire. L. Macm. 7s. Qd. " Invaluable for clearing up the relations of Germany and Rome." — C. K. Adams. Geffcken, HeinricJi. Church and State; their Relations Historically Considered. Translated and edited, with the assistance of the author, by Edward Fairfax Taylor. 2 v. 8vo. L. 1877. 42s. " For knowledge, acumen, and fairness, the work is worthy of high praise." — C. K. Adams. The author, a conservative Protestant, is professor of international law in the University of Strasburg. Thompson, JR. W. The Papacy and the Civil Power. 8vo. N.Y. H. 1876. $3.00. "Carefully prepared. . . . A powerful indictment of the temporal policy of the Catholic Church. It contains several ecclesiastical documents that enhance its value. ... It is the best easily acces- sible sketch of the subject of which it treats." — C. K. Adams. 4. Councils. Bungener, L. F. History of the Council of Trent. Edited by John McCUntock. 12mo. N.Y. II. 1855. $1.50. Hefele, C. J. A History of the Councils of the Church. 4 v. have been translated by IF. R. Clark and H. N. Oxenham. Ed. T. & T. Clark. 1871-1881, $4.80 each. By a Roman Catholic bishop of great learning. Independent, original, authoritative. Vol. Y. covers the Nestorian and Eutycbian controversies. Cf. E. II. Landon (Anglican). 12mo. L. 1846. 378 A SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY OE Pusey, E. B. The Councils of the Church, from the Council of Jerusalem, a.d. 51, to the Council of Constantinople, a.d. 381 ; chiefly as to their Constitution, but also as to their Object and History. Svo. L. 1857. $3.50. By the Tractarian leader. Died 1882. Sarpi,P. Council of Trent. Tr. by N. Brent. 4to. pp. 889. L. 1070. " A work of genius, concerning which see Dr. Johnson's account in his ' Lives of Eminent Persons ' ; also a charming account in Howell's 'Venetian Life.'" — C. K. Adams. "Ranked hy Mac- aulay with Thucidides." — W. F. Allen. 5. Creeds. S chaff, P. The Creeds of Christendom, with a History and Critical Notes. Svo. 3 v. I. The History of Creeds; II. The Greek and Latin Creeds, with Translations ; III. The Evangelical Protestant Creeds, with Translations. N.Y. H. 1877. $15.00. Of great value. 0. Doctrines. Alger, William R. A Critical History of the Doctrine of a Future Life. 1st edition, Ph., 1864. 0th edition, Svo, pp. 070, N.Y., Widdleton, 1809. New edition, with additions, 1878, $3.50. A valuahle bibliography, hy Dr. Ezra Abbot, is appended. Donaldson, James. A Critical History of Christian Literature and Doctrine, from the Death of the Apostles to the Nicene Council. 3 v. 8vo. London. 1804-00. $12.00. Dorner, J. A . History of the Development of the Doctrine of the Person of Christ. With a Review of the Controversies on the Subject in Britain since the Middle of the Seventeenth Century. Translated by W. Lindsay Alexander, D.D., and D. W. Simon, D.D. 5 v. Svo. pp. xviii, 407; viii, 544; 450; viii, 402; xxviii, 502. Ed. T. & T. Clark. 1802-04. £2 12s. 6d. " By far the most learned and instructive discussion of the theme which has ever been undertaken. . . . The book is a fine examine of the mingling of intellectual freedom with due reverence, and of the spirit of science with genuine devoutness." — G. P. Fisher, in the The Independent, July 24, 1884. ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. 379 Id. History of Protestant Theology; particularly in Germany. Translated by G. Robson and Sophia Taylor. 2 v. Svo. pp. xxiii,444; 511. Ed. T. & T. Clark. 1871. 21s. By a popular and profound theologian, who died in 1884. Hagenbach, K. R. Text-Book of the History of Doctrine. The Edinburgh translation of C. W. Bush, revised, with additions from the fourth German edition, by Henry B. Smith, D.D. 2 v. Svo. pp. 47S, 558. X.Y. Sheldon & Co. 1801-02. $6.00. The additions are from Neander, Gieseler, Baur, etc. An edition of Hagenbach' s History of Christian Doctrine, translated from the fifth German edition, with an introduction by E. II. Plumptre, is published by T. & T. Clark, Edinburgh. Vol. II. Svo. pp. 466. 1880. $3.00. Neander, A . Lectures on the History of Christian Dogmas. Trans- lated by /. E. Ryland. 2 v. 12mo. pp. 350, 204. L. H. G. Bohn. " 1858. $3.00. Maclay, R. W. The Tubingen School and its Antecedents. A Review of the History and Present Condition of Modern The- ology. Svo. L. W. & X. 1803. Reuss, Edward. History of Christian Theology in the Apostolic Age. Translated by Annie liar wood . With preface and notes by R.W.Dale. 2 v. Svo. L. Hodder & Stonghton. 1872-74. 24s. Shedd, W. G. T. A History of Christian Doctrines. 3d edition. 2v. Svo. pp. viii, 412 ; vi, 508. X.Y. Scr. 1809. 85.00. Clear, Calvinistic, and vigorous. Dwells on theology, anthropol- ogy, and soteriology, and entirely omits the doctrines that relate to the sacraments. There are other important omissions, which greatly lessen its value. Tulloch, John. Rational Theology and Christian Philosophy in England in the Seventeenth Century. 2 v. Svo. Ed. Black- woods. 1872. 28s. Wiggers, G. F. An Historical Presentation of Augustinianism and Pelagianism from the Original Sources. Translated from the German, with notes and additions, by Ralph Emerson. Svo. pp. 383. Andover. Draper. 1840. $1.25. 380 A SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY OF 7. Fiction. {Illustrating Periods of Church History.') Anonymous. Arius, the Libyan. 12mo. X.Y. App. 1884. $1.50. Entertaining, but in many historical points inaccurate. See Boston Watchman for Aug. 14, 1884. Anonymous. The Days of Knox. L. 18G9. $3.00. Banvard, Joseph. Priscilla; or, Trials for the Truth. An Historic Tale of the Puritans and the Baptists. Svo. pp. 400. B. 1855. Bungener, L. The Priest and the Huguenot. An historical noveJ of the time of Louis XV. B. Lothrop. 1874. $1.50. Id. The Preacher [Bourdaloue] and the King [Louis XIV.]. $1.50. Carpenter, Boyd. Narcissus. A Tale of Early Christian Times. Svo. L. Soc. 3s Gd. By the author of " The Chronicles of the Schonberg-Cotta Family." Charles, (Mrs.) Elizabeth. Diary of Kitty Trevilyan. A Story of the Times of Whitfield and the Wesleys. 12mo. pp. 304. L. T. Nelson & Sons. 1805. N.Y. Dodd. 1804. $1.00. Clarke, James Freeman. The Legend of Thomas Didymus, the Jewish Sceptic. [Life of Christ as it appeard to co-tempo- raries.] 12mo. pp. 448. B. L. & S. 1881. $1.75. Croly, Geo. Salathiel. Cincinnati. U. P. James. $1.50. Davies, Samuel. From Dawn to Dark in Italy. A Tale of the Reformation in the 10th Century. Ph. Presb. Bd. of Pub. $1.25. Ehers, G. Homo Sum. [A tale of the early Anchorites.] X.Y. Munro. 10 cents. Eliot, George [Alarion Evans - ]. Romola. [Savonorola.] N.Y. Munro. 15 cents. " Deserving all the high encomiums it has received." — N. Porter. Hale, E. E. In His Name. [Waldenses.] B. 1877. 40 cents. Kingsley, C. Hypatia. [Alexandria.] L. and N.Y. Macm. $1.75. Lockhart,J. G. Valerius. Ed. and L. Blackwood & Son. 1849. 3s. Excellent. Mille, Helena's Household. Svo. N.Y. Carter. 1809. $1.50. "Gives an interesting and faithful picture of the workings of Christianity in a Roman household, and interweaves also much of the history of a part of the first and second centuries." — N. Porter. ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. 381 Newman, (Cardinal) J. H. Callista. Svo. L. B. &0. 1873. 5s. 6d. Reade,C. Cloister and the Hearth. [Germany, 15th cent.] 2s. 6d. Spindler, C. The Jew. [Council of Constance, 1414-18.] X.Y. H. 75 cents. Wallace, Lew. Ben-Hur, a Tale of the Christ. X.Y. H. $1.50. Recognized as a work of unusual worth. Ware, W. Aurelian, Julian, and Zenobia. 3 v. X.Y. Miller. 82.00 each. " Excellent examples of good historical tales of the earlier Christian centuries." — N. Porter. Webb, (Mrs.). Pomponia ; or, the Gospel in Caesar's Household. [Rome, Nero, and Britain.] Ph. Presb. Bd. of Pub. 81.25. Id. Alypius of Tagaste. Ph. Presb. Bd. of Pub. $1.25. Wiseman, (Cardinal) X. Fabiola. [The Catacombs.] X.Y. Sadlier. $1.50. 8. Liturgies. Hammond, C. E. Liturgies, Eastern and Western : being a Re- print of the Texts, either Original or Translated, of the most representative Liturgies of the Church from various sources. With Introduction, Xotes, and a Liturgical Glossary. 12mo. L. Macm. 1878. 10s. Qd. Humphrey, Wm. G. An Historical and Explanatory Treatise on the Book of Common Prayer. 12mo, cloth. L. Bell & Sons. 1856, 1875. 4s. 6d. Excellent. Maskell, W. The Ancient Liturgy of the Church of England, ac- cording to the Lses of Sarum. Bangor, York, and Hereford, and the Modern Roman Liturgy, arranged in parallel columns. 3d ed. Svo. pp. lxxxiv, 338. Oxford. Clarendon Press. 1882. 15s. Neale, J. M. Essays on Liturgiology and Church History. Svo. pp. 527. L. Saunders, Otley, & Co. 1863 and 1867. Scholarly. Dr. P. Schaff says of Xeale that he was a ''most learned Anglican ritualist and liturgist, who studied the Eastern liturgies daily for thirty years, and almost knew them by heart. . . . The . . . work of . . . the English Episcopal divine. Freeman. . . . treats much of the old liturgies, with a predilection for the West- ern, while Xeale has an especial reverence for the Eastern ritual." 382 A SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY OF Neale, J. M. The Liturgies of St. Mark, St. James, St. Clement, St. Chrysostom, St. Basil, or according to the use of the Churches of Alexandria, Jerusalem, Constantinople. L. 1859 (in the Greek original, and the same liturgies in an English translation, with an introduction and appendices, also in L., 1859). 2d edition. 12mo. L. Hayes. 18G8. 6s. Of permanent value. 9. Martyrs. See works by Fox (standard, comprehensive, Protestant ; best edi- tion by G. Townsend, 8 v., L., 1843), Bulkley, Chateaubriand (translated by 0. W. Wight; not critical, very poetical), and Pressense (translated, L., 1871). 10. Miracle Plays and Mysteries. See Wm. Hone, 1823 ; /. P. Jackson (Passion Play at Oberammer- gau, historical introduction), 1873, and Marriott (A Collection of English Miracle Plays or Mysteries), 1858. 11. Missions. Christlieb, Theodor. Protestant Foreign Missions. Translated from the Fourth German edition, by David Allen Read. 16mo, pp. 264, N.Y., Randolph, 1880; 16mo, pp. 280, B., Cong. Pub. Soc. $1.00. Compact, but complete. Sufficient for the needs of the general reader. Maclear, G.F. Apostles of Mediaeval Europe. Svo. L. Macm. 4s. 6d. Protestant; standard. Mericale, C. Conversion of the West. 5 v. Maps. 16mo. I. The Continental Teutons, by C. Merivale, pp. 180 ; II. The Celts, by G. F. Maclear, pp. 189 ; III. The English, by G. F. Maclear, pp. 186 ; IV. The Northmen, by G. F. Maclear, pp. 202 ; V. The Sclavs, by G. F. Maclear, pp. ii, 202. L. Soc. N.Y. Pott, Young, & Co. 1879. 60 cts. each. Seelye, J. II. Christian Missions. 12mo. pp. 207. N.Y. Dodd, Mead, & Co. 1876. $1.00. ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. 383 Smith, Thomas. History of Mediaeval Missions. 12mo. L. Hamilton. 1881). 4s. Gd. Protestant; standard. 12. Monastic Orders. The development of Monastic institutions is impartially and skil- fully traced by Mi/men, in his History of Latin Christianity. Montalembert, Count de. The Monks of the West, from St. Bendict to St. Bernard. Translated from the French. 7 v. 8vo. Ed. and L. Blackwoods. 1860-70. Vols. 6 and 7, 25s. B. Noonan. 2 v. $6.00. " The ablest plea that has ever been made for the several orders of monks, being at once scholarly, sympathetic, and conscientious." — C. K. Adams. Cf. Sir James Stephen's Ecclesiastical Essays, and Mrs. Jameson's Legends of the Monastic Orders. Ruffher, H. The Fathers of the Desert; or, an Account of the Origin and Practice of Monkery among the Heathen Nations, its passage into the Church ; and some wonderful stories of the fathers concerning the primitive monks and hermits. 2 v. N.Y. 1850. The author, a Presbyterian, is by no means friendly to monastic institutions. 13. Rationalism. Hurst, John F. History of Rationalism. Embracing a Survey of the Present State of Protestant Theology. "With appendix of literature. Svo. N.Y. Scr. 1865. 9th rev. ed. 1875. §3.50. Lecky, W. E. H. History of the Rise and Influence of the Spirit of Rationalism in Europe. 2 v. Svo. L. & N.Y. App. 1865. ST.00. " His sympathies are obviously rationalistic, though he usually succeeds in maintaining a moderate and judicious spirit." — C. K. Adams. 14. Reference Books. Abbott, Lyman, and Conant, T. J. A Dictionary of Religious Knowledge, for Popular and Professional l\se ; comprising full Information on Biblical, Theological, and Ecclesiastical Sub- jects. "With nearly One Thousand Maps and Illustrations. Royal Svo. pp. 1000 +. N.Y. II. 86.00. Adapted to the needs of general students. 384 A SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY OF Bingham, Joseph. Origines Ecclesiasticas ; or, the Antiquities of the Christian Church. With two sermons and two letters on the Nature and Necessity of Absolution. Edited by R.Bingham. 8vo. L. Macm. Also in 7 vols, in Bingham's complete works. 9 v. 1840. L. W. Straker. 1843. 10 v. Oxford. Clarendon Press. 1855. £3 6s. Standard. Blunt, J. H. Dictionary of Sects, Heresies, Ecclesiastical Parties, and Schools of Thought. Imperial 8vo. pp. 648. $10.00. Anglican. Not always unprejudiced and impartial. Edwards, B. B., and Brown, J. N. Encyclopaedia of Religious Knowledge ; comprising Dictionaries of the Bible, Theology, Biography, Religious Denominations, Ecclesiastical History, and Missions. Illustrated. Imperial Svo. pp. 1276. Brat- tleboro, Yt. 1850. " This valuable work comprises a complete library in itself, on the above subjects, from the most authentic sources ; with copious original articles by the ablest American writers, — Episcopal, Con- gregationalist, Presbyterian, Methodist, and Baptist." — Nicholas Trubner, in his " Bibliographical Guide to American Literature," published in London, 1859. Now superseded, in most points, by Abbott and Conant, McClintock and Strong, and Schaff-Herzog. McClintock, John, and Strong, J. A. Cyclopaedia of Biblical, Theo- logical, and Ecclesiastical Literature. Maps. Illustrated. 10 v. 8vo. N.Y. H. 1867 sqq. |5.00 each. Contains many articles on American biography and history, — too large a proportion being upon Methodist subjects, as might be ex- pected from the church relations of its editors. Notwithstanding this imperfection, and the inferior literary qualifications of some of its contributors, it is the largest and most useful work of the kind that has yet appeared in the English language. Scliaff, Philip. A Religious Encyclopaedia; or, Dictionary of Bib- lical, Historical, Doctrinal, and Practical Theology. 3 v. Royal 8vo. N.Y. Funk & Wagnalls. 1882-84. 86.00 each. A condensed and otherwise greatly modified translation of the Real-Encyclopiidie fiir Protestantische Theologie und Kirche, by Herzog, Pitt, and Hauck. In the work of translation, Dr. Schaff was aided by his son, D. S. Schaff, and Samuel Jackson. The work is convenient and authoritative. ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. 385 Smith, Henry B. History of the Church of Christ in (16) Chrono- logical Tahk-s. NT.Y. Scr. 1860. $5.00. Useful as an introduction to the study of church history; also valua- ble for reference and review. Nowhere can be found so clear and impartial an outline of American church history to a.d. 1• C . HE A TH & CO:S PUBLIC A TIONS. S. S. Kohn, Pastor of Synagogue, Miskkan Israel, Boston, Mass. : It is admirably adapted to the wants of be- ginners. This book promises to relieve both teacher and student of all unnec- essary drudgery, and make the study of the language interesting and delightful. Thos. Lawrence, Prof. Hebrew, Diddle Univ., Charlotte, N.C. : I have had our agent order for our Junior Class in Hebrew. I am much pleased with the book and have adopted it. A. F. Hoyt, Pres. New Orleans Univ., La. : I consider it wellnigh per- fect for beginners. We shall use it as a text-book in our School of Theology. "Wilbur P. Thirkield, Dean of School of Theol., Clark Univ., Atlanta, Ga. : Your " Hebrew Lessons " are just what we need. In method, arrange- ment, and typography it is all that could be desired for practical and thorough class-work. We shall adopt it as a text-book in our School of Theology. {Sept. 23, 1884.) Thomas Chase, Pres. Haverford College, Pa. : It is an admirable book for beginners, clear and methodical, and calculated to facilitate greatly the study of the noble language of the Old Testament. Jas. E. Latimer, Dean of School of Theology, Boston Univ. ; The book more than meets all my expectations, in its admirable plan, its marvellous condensation, and lastly, its beautiful Hebrew type. We shall of course use it in our school, and hereby commend it unqualifiedly to all teachers of Hebrew. P. B. Denio, Prof, of Hebrew, Ban- gor Theological Sem., Me. : I know of no text-book which is so well fitted to the needs of teachers who can employ this method, for the contents of the voiume are well arranged, the state- ments and definitions are succinct and clear, and the whole is compact. D. M. Welton, Prof of Hebrew, McMaster Hall, Tor onto, Can.: Its type, contents, arrangement, and principle of treatment are admirable. {Oct. 4,1884.) E. I. Badg-ley, Victoria Univ., Cobourg, Ont., Can.: It answers the pur- pose the best of anything I have seen. I have put an order for first supply in the hands of our college book-agent. John P. Peters, Prot. Epis. Div. School, Phi/a. : I approve thoroughly of the general plan of the book. It seems to me a practical, sensible hand-book for use with the Junior Class in a theo- logical school, well calculated to intro- duce a learner to a reading knowledge of biblical Hebrew, and not clogging his advance by a burden of knowledge of details and exceptions which can best come with experience. The chies- tomathy contained in the book seems admirably adapted to its purpose. George H. Schodde, Prof of Greek, Capital Univ., Columbus, O. : In my opinion its great merits lie in this, that it is eminently practical and well arranged ; that it gives the facts (not theories) of the language, but all these in a systematic manner. It is evidently the product of the school- room, and hence eminently adapted for the school-room. I know of no other book which I could recommend more heartily to beginners. {Sept. 19, 1884.) F. A. Gast, Prof. Hebrew, P. and M. College, Lancaster, Pa. : It is all that the beginner could desire. My only regret is that the book reached me too late for introduction this year. {Sept. 30, 1884.) Methods of Teaching and Studying History. ( Vol. I. Pedagogical Library.) Second Edition. Entirely recast and rewritten. Edited by G. Stanley Hall, Professor of Psychology and Pedagogy in Johns Hopkins University. l2mo. 400 pages Mailing price, Si. 55; Introduction price, Si. 40. This book was intended to be the first of a series entitled a Pedagogical Library, devoted to methods of teaching, one volume of which was to be occupied with each of the more important branches of instruction in grammar and high schools. The design and plan of the work was not to produce systematic treatises, and still less to develop anything ultimate or absolute in method ; but to gather together, in the form most likely to be of direct practical utility to teachers, and especially students and readers of history, generally, the opinions and modes of instruction, actual or ideal, of eminent and representative specialists in each department. About half the material of the first edition has been eliminated from this second edition, and new matter substituted to an extent which somewhat enlarges the volume, and of a kind which, it is believed, so increases its value and utility that readers of the old edition will find this essentially a new work. The following Table of Contents will give a good idea of the plan and scope of this valuable book : — Introduction. By the Editor. Methods of Teaching American History. By Dr, A. B. Hart, Harvard University. The Practical Method in Higher Historical Instruction. By Professor Ephraim Emerton, of Harvard University. On Methods of Teaching Political Economy. By Dr. Richard T. Ely, Johns Hopkins University. Historical Instruction in the Course of History and Political Science at Cornell University. By President Andrew D. White, Cornell University. Advice to an Inexperienced Teacher of History. By W. C. Collar, A.M., Head Master of Roxburv Latin School. A Plea for Archaeological Instruction. By Joseph Thacher Clarke, Director of the Assos Expedition. D. C. HEATH & CO:S PUBLICATIONS. The Use of a Public Library in the Study of History. By William E. Foster, Librarian of the Providence Public Library. Special Methods of Historical Study. By Professor Herbert B. Adams, Johns Hopkins University. The Philosophy of the State and of History. By Professor George S. Morris, Michigan and Johns Hopkins Universities. The Courses of Study in History, Roman Law, and Political Economy at Harvard University. By Dr. Henry E. Scott, Harvard University. The Teaching of History. By Professor J. R. Seeley, Cambridge University, England. On Methods of Teaching History. By Professor C. K. Adams, Michigan University. On Methods of Historical Study and Research in Columbia University. By Professor John W. Burgess, Columbia University. Physical Geography and History. Why do Children Dislike History ? By Thomas Wentworth Higginson. Gradation and the Topical Method of Historical Study. Part I. — Historical Literature and Authorities. Part II. — Books for Collateral Reading. Part III. — School Text-Books. Supplement. History Topics. By Professor W. F. Allen, Wisconsin University. Bibliography of Church History (see special index to this article). By Rev. John Alonzo Fisher, Johns Hopkins University. The following were notices of the first edition of the book : — The Nation : The general excel- lence and helpfulness of the book before us ought to secure it many readers. We can heartily recommend it, as well to teachers who are con- scious of deficiencies in their prepara- tion, as to principals and school boards who wish for assistance in laying out courses of study. It contains few de- tails of fact, but an excellent summary and analysis of principles. The American : The volume is certainly an excellent one, and one that ought help to fill a need where a need has been felt, and to create a desire for something better where in- dolence or brainlessness has brought about a perverse satisfaction. The question is whether the proportion of teachers anxious for and capable of something better will outnumber those " who merely hear recitations, keeping the finger on the place in the text-book, and only asking the questions conven- iently printed for them in the margin or back of the book." Yale Courant : It would certainly be a most decided improvement on the cut-and-dried text-book recitations that some of us have known. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY BERKELEY THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW Books not returned on time are subject to a fine of 50c per volume after the third day overdue, increasing to $1.00 per volume after the sixth day. Books not in demand may be renewed if application is made before expiration of loan period. MAR 7 1918 TO 23 J 923 , -*»w^ v LIBRARY USE SEP 1 9 1956 • REC'D LD SEP l l J 1356 *f*S4*t>* REC'D LD FEB26 70-6PM MAY 5 1970 9 REC'D LD JUN 13 70 -WAM R l 50w-7,'16 Gay lord Bros. Makers Svracuse, N.V. U.C. BERKELEY LIBRARII PAT. 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