UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES SCHOOL OF LAW LIBRARY George W. Parker William A. Tucker, S. Reed Anthony, Philip L. Saltonstall, Nathan Anthony, CO-PARTNERS UNDER THE FIRM NAME OF TUCKER, ANTHONY & COMPANY. 24 Gordon Abbott, Charles F. Adams, 2d, S. Reed Anthony, John N. Beckley, Amos P. Breed, Everett W. Burdett, Charles E. Cotting, Eugene N. Foss, Walter Hunnewell, Stillman F. Kelley, E. Rollins Morse, Richard Olney, Percy Parker, S. E. Peabody, Philip L. Saltonstall. Agreement and Declaration of Trust of the MASSACHUSETTS ELECTRIC COMPANIES. For three years : Richard Olney, Eugene N. Foss, Charles E. Cotting, Percy Parker, Charles Francis Adams, 2d. For two years : Gordon Abbott, John N. Beckley, Amos F. Breed, Stillman F. Kelley, Walter N. Hunnewell. For one year: S. Endicott Peabody, Everett W. Burdett S. Reed Anthony, Philip L. Saltonstal E. Rollins Morse. 25 OFFICERS. President — Ames F. Breed. Vice-President— Charles E. Cotting. Secretary — Everett W. Burdett. Treasurer — Joseph H. Goodspeed. General Manager— P. F. Sullivan. Executive Committee: Gordon Abbott, Chairman, Charles F. Adams, 2d, Percy Parker, Eugene N. Foss, Philip L. Saltonstall. 26 INDEX References are to Pages. A. Acknowledgment to Declaration of Trust, Same as of Deed 11 Advantages of Incorporation Compared With Trust Agreements . . 5-7 Advantages of the Trust Method Over Incorporation 7 Amendments to Trust Agreements — How Made 13-14, 23-24 To Be Recorded 10 To Be Filed 24 Application of Trust Funds, Liability of Third Parties to See to, How Limited 14, 19 B. By-Laws Adopted by Trustees 19 C. Certificates of Stock to Cestuis Qui Trust 6, 9 Committee, Executive, May Be Chosen by Trustees 20 Common Law, Organization Under, as Protection 4 Compensation of Trustees 9-10 Continued Existence, as Advantage of Incorporation 5 How Limited in Trust Agreement 23 D. Death of Member Will Not Terminate Trust 22 Dividends, How Declared and Paid 21 Directors of Corporations and Trustees Compared 6 Dissolution of Trust Compared With Dissolution of Corporation.. 7 E. Eliot vs. Freeman et al 3, 7 Evidence of Regularity of Meeting 10-11 Executive Committee of Trustees 20 Existence of Trust, Limiting Time of 11 27 F. Fiscal Year, Provided for in Trust Agreements 22 Fixed Interest Rates on Certificates May Be Provided For 9 Form of Declaration of Trust to Handle Personal Property 15-26 To Hold Real Estate 80 4 Franchise Taxes, Trust Agreements Not Subject to 7 H. Holding Companies, Powers of May Be Provided in Trust Agree- ments rj Form Providing For -. ig Hussey vs. Arnold et al g J. Joint Stock Companies Distinguished From Trust Agreements.. 4 L. Liability of Trustees and Shareholders, How Limited ... 8-9, 17, 20, 23 Litigation, in Corporate Name as Advantage of Incorporation 7 Brought and Defended by Trustees 18 Lost Certificates, New May Be Issued for, by Trustees 21 M. Maine Baptist Missionary Convention vs. Cotting et al 3, 7 Management of Trusts in Hands of Trustees 17 Massachusetts Electric Companies, Form of Organization 15-26 Meetings, Safety and Convenience of 6 Of Shareholders, How Called 10 Of Trustees 19 Mortgages, Powers of Trustees in Respect to 6 Mortgagee Relieved From Liability to See to Application of Money Loaned 14 N. Notice of Meetings 10, 22 O. Officers of Trust Estate, Chosen and Named Same as of Corpora- tions 19.20 Olney, Richard, Reputed Author of Trust Agreement of Massa- chusetts Electric Companies 4 P. Partition, Right of Denied to Shareholders 22 Perpetuities, Rule Against, How Avoided by Trust Agreements.. 5 Personal Liability Limited in Trust Agreements 5 Preferred Shares, Provided for in Trust 20-21 Promoters, Compensation of, Provided for in Trust Agreement. . 9 Proxy, Shareholders in Trust May Vote by 10, 22 28 R. Real Estate Business, General Laws of Massachusetts do Not Per- mit Incorporation for 3 Reports Required of Corporations as Such, Not Required of Trusts 7 Resolution Authorizing Trustees to Borrow Money 14 Rule Against Perpetuities, Violation of, How Avoided in Trust Agreements 5 S. Seal May Be Adopted by Trustees, Equivalent to Corporate Seal . . 17 Shares in Trust, Transferable 6 T. Taxation of Corporations as Such Does Not Apply to Trust Agreements 7 Trustees, Liability of, How Limited 20 U. Unissued Shares in Trust May be Provided for 21 V. Vacancies in Number of Trustees, How Filled 10, 11, 17 29 LAW LIBRARY UNIVERSITY QF CAUFSRNIA UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below.