cUL POPULAR EDITION FARTHEST NORTH Being the Record of a Voyage of Exploration of the Ship ''Fram " i8gj-g6 and of a Fifteen Months Sleigh fourney by Dr. Nansen and Lieut, fohansen BY DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN^ /2t° 20'), but at the cost of enormous exertion and loss ; and Nares was of opinion that the impossibility of reaching the Pole by this route was fully demonstrated for all future ages. During the stay of the Greely expedition (from 1881 to 1884) in this same region, Lockwood attained a somewhat higher record, viz., 83° 24', the most northerly point on the globe that human feet had trodden previous to the expedition of which the present work treats. By way of the sea between Greenland andSpitzbergen, several attempts have been made to penetrate the secrets of the domain of ice. In 1607 Henry Hudson endeavored to reach the Pole along the east coast of Greenland, where he was in hopes of find- ing an open basin and a water-way to the Pacific. His progress was, however, stayed at 73° north latitude, at a point of the coast which he named " Hold with Hope." The German expedition under Koldeway (1869-70), which visited the same waters, reached by the aid of sledges as far north as 77° north latitude. Owing to the enormous masses of ice which the polar current sweeps southward along this coast, it is certainly one of the most unfavor- able routes for a polar expedition. A better route is that by Spitzbergen, which was essayed by Hudson, when his progress was blocked off Greenland. Here he reached 80° 23' north lati- tude. Thanks to the warm current that runs by the west coast of Spitzbergen in a northerly direction, the sea is kept free from ice, and it is without comparison the route by which one can the most safely and easily reach high latitudes in ice-free waters. It was north of Spitzbergen that Edward Parry made his attempt in 1827, above alluded to. Farther eastward the ice-conditions are less favorable, and therefore few polar expeditions have directed their course through these regions. The original object of the Austro-Hungarian ex- pedition under Weyprecht and Payer (1872-74) was to seek for the Northeast Passage ; but at its first meeting with the ice it was set fast off the north point of Novaya Zemlya, drifted north- ward, and discovered Franz Josef Land, whence Payer endeavored to push forward to the north with sledges, reaching 82° 5' north 8 FARTHEST NORTH latitude on an island which he named Crown-Prince Rudolf's Land. To the north of this he thought he could see an extensive tract of land, lying in about 83° north latitude, which he called Petermann's Land. Franz Josef Land was afterwards twice visited by the English traveller Leigh Smith in 1880 and 1881-82 ; and it is here that the English Jackson-Harmsworth expedition is at present established. The plan of the Danish expedition under Hovgaard was to push forward to the North Pole from Cape Chelyuskin along the east coast of an extensive tract of land which Hovgaard thought must lie to the east of Franz Josef Land. He got set fast in the ice, however, in the Kara Sea, and remained the winter there, returning home the following year. Only a few attempts have been made through Bering Strait. The first was Cook's, in 1776 ; the last, th^ Jeafineite expedition (1879-81), under De Long, a lieutenant in the American navy. Scarcely anywhere have polar travellers been so hopelessly blocked by ice in comparatively low latitudes. The last-named expedition, however, had a most important bearing upon my own. As De Long himself says in a letter to James Gordon Bennett, who supplied the funds for the expedition, he was of opinion that there were three routes to choose from — Smith Sound, the east coast of Greenland, or Bering Strait ; but he put most faith in the last, and this was ultimately selected. His main reason for this choice was his belief in a Japanese current running north through Bering Strait and onward along the east coast of Wrangel Land, which was believed to extend far to the north. It was urged that the warm water of this current would open a way along that coast, possibly up to the Pole. The experi- ence of whalers showed that whenever their vessels were set fast in the ice here they drifted northward ; hence it was concluded that the current generally set in that direction. '' This will help explorers," says De Long, " to reach high latitudes, but at the same time will make it more difficult for them to come back." .The truth of these words he himself was to learn by bitter ex- perience. TYiQ Jean7tette stuck fast in the ice on September 6th, 1879, i^ 71° 35' north latitude and 175° 6' east longitude, southeast of Wrangel Land — which, however, proved to be a small island — and drifted with the ice in a west - northwesterly direction for INTRODUCTION 9 two years, when it foundered, June 12th, 1881, north of the New Siberian Islands, in 77° 15' north latitude and 154° 59' east longi- tude. Everywhere, then, has the ice stopped the progress of man- kind towards the north. In two cases only have ice-bound ves- sels drifted in a northerly direction — in the case of the Tegethoff and the Jeannette — while most of the others have been carried away from their goal by masses of ice drifting southward. On reading the history of Arctic explorations, it early oc- curred to me that it would be very difficult to wrest the secrets from these unknown regions of ice by adopting the routes and the methods hitherto employed. But where did the proper route lie? It was in the autumn of 1884 that I happened to see an article by Professor Mohn in the Norwegian Morgenblad^ in which it was stated that sundry articles which must have come from the Jeannette had been found on the southwest coast of Greenland. He conjectured that they must have drifted on a floe right across the Polar Sea. It immediately occurred to me that here lay the route ready to hand. If a floe could drift right across the unknown region, that drift might also be enlisted in the ser- vice of exploration — and my plan was laid. Some years, how- ever, elapsed before, in February, 1890, after my return from my Greenland expedition, I at last propounded the idea in an ad- dress before the Christiania Geographical Society. As this ad- dress plays an important part in the history of the expedition, I shall reproduce its principal features, as printed in the March number of Naturen^ 1891. After giving a brief sketch of the different polar expeditions of former years, I go on to say : " The results of these numerous attempts, as I have pointed out, seem somewhat discouraging. They appear to show plainly enough that it is impossible to sail to the Pole by any route whatever ; for everywhere the ice has proved an impenetrable barrier, and has stayed the progress of invaders on the threshold of the unknown regions. " To drag boats over the uneven drift-ice, which, moreover, is constantly moving under the influence of the current and wind, is an equally great difficulty. The ice lays such obstacles in the way that any one who has ever attempted to traverse it will not hesitate to declare it wellnigh impossible to advance in this 10 FARTHEST NORTH manner with the equipment and provisions requisite for such an undertaking." Had we been able to advance over land, I said, that would have been the most certain route ; in that case the Pole could have been reached "in one summer by Norwegian snow-shoe runners." But there is every reason to doubt the existence of any such land. Greenland, I considered, did not extend farther than the most northerly known point of its west coast. " It is not probable that Franz Josef Land reaches to the Pole ; from all we can learn it forms a group of islands separated from each other by deep sounds, and it appears improbable that any large con- tinuous tract of land is to be found there. " Some people are perhaps of opinion that one ought to defer the examination of regions like those around the Pole, beset, as they are, with so many difficulties, till new means of transport have been discovered. I have heard it intimated that one fine day we shall be able to reach the Pole by a balloon, and that it is only waste of time to seek to get there before that day comes. It need scarcely be shown that this line of reasoning is untenable. Even if one could really suppose that in the near or distant fut- ure this frequently mooted idea of travelling to the Pole in an air-ship would be realized, such an expedition, however inter- esting it might be in certain respects, would be far from yielding the scientific results of expeditions carried out in the manner here indicated. Scientific results of importance in all branches of research can be attained only by persistent observations dur- ing a lengthened sojourn in these regions, while those of a bal- loon expedition cannot but be of a transitory nature. " We must, then, endeavor to ascertain if there are not other routes — and I believe there are. I believe that if we pay atten- tion to the actually existent forces of nature, and seek to work zvith and not against them, we shall thus find the safest and easiest method of reaching the Pole. It is useless, as previous expeditions have done, to work against the current ; we should see if there is not a current we can work with. Th^ /ea7inette expedition is the only one, in my opinion, that started on the right track, though it may have been unwittingly and un- willingly. " The Jeannette drifted for two years in the ice, from Wrangel Land to the New Siberian Islands. Three years after she foun- INTRODUCTION n dered to the north of these islands there was found frozen into the drift-ice, in the neighborhood of Julianehaab, on the southwest coast of Greenland, a number of articles which appeared, from sundry indubitable marks, to proceed from the sunken vessel. These articles were first discovered by the Eskimo, and were afterwards collected by Mr. Lytzen, Colonial Manager at Juliane- haab, who has given a list of them in the Danish Geographical Journaliox 1885. Among them the following may especially be mentioned : " I. A list of provisions, signed by De Long, the commander of t\i& Jeamiette. " 2. A MS. list of Wi^Jeannette's boats. " 3. A pair of oilskin breeches marked * Louis Noros,' the name of one of the Jeannette's crew, who was saved. " 4. The peak of a cap on which, according to Lytzen's state- ment, was written F. C. Lindemann. The name of one of the crew of the Jeayinette^ who was also saved, was F. C. Nindemann. This may either have been a cleri- cal error on Lytzen's part or a misprint in the Danish journal. " In America, when it was reported that these articles had been found, people were very sceptical, and doubts of their genu- ineness were expressed in the American newspapers. The facts, however, can scarcely be sheer inventions ; and it may therefore be safely assumed that an ice-floe bearing these articles from the Jeaniiette had drifted from the place where it sank to Ju- lianehaab. "By what route did this ice-floe reach the west coast of Greenland ? " Professor Mohn, in a lecture before the Scientific Society of Christiania, in November, 1894, showed that it could have come by no other way than across the Pole.* * Mr. Lytzen, of Julianehaab, afterwards contributed an article to the Geografisk Tzdsskrt/t {^ih. Vol., 1885-86, pp. 49-51, Copenhagen), in which he expressed himself, so far at least as I understand him, in the same sense, and, remarkably enough, suggested that this circumstance might possibly be found to have an important bearing on Arctic exploration. He says : " It will therefore be seen that polar explorers who seek to advance towards 12 FARTHEST NORTH " It cannot possibly have come through Smith Sound, as the current there passes along the western side of Baffin's Bay, and it would thus have been conveyed to Baffin's Land or Labrador, and not to the west coast of Greenland. The current flows along this coast in a northerly direction, and is a continuation of the Greenland polar current, which comes along the east coast of Greenland, takes a bend round Cape Farewell, and passes upward along the west coast. " It is by this current only that the floe could have come. " But the question now arises : What route did it take from the New Siberian Islands in order to reach the east coast of Greenland ? " It is conceivable that it might have drifted along the north coast of Siberia, south of Franz Josef Land, up through the sound between Franz Josef Land and Spitzbergen, or even to the south of Spitzbergen, and might after that have got into the polar current which flows along Greenland. If, however, we study the directions of the currents in these regions so far as they are at present ascertained, it will be found that this is ex- tremely improbable, not to say impossible." Having shown that this is evident from the Tegethoff drift and from many other circumstances, I proceeded : "The distance from the New Siberian Islands to the 8oth degree of latitude on the east coast of Greenland is 1360 miles, and the distance from the last-named place to Julianehaab 1540 miles, making together a distance of 2900 miles. This distance was traversed by the floe in iioo days, which gives a speed of 2.6 miles per day of 24 hours. The time during which the relics drifted after having reached the 80th degree of latitude till they arrived at Julianehaab can be calculated with tolerable precision, as the speed of the above-named current along the east coast of Greenland is well known. It may be assumed that it took at least 400 days to accomplish this distance ; there remain, then, the Pole from the Siberian Sea will probably at one place or another be hemmed in by the ice, but these masses of ice will be carried by the cur- rent along the Greenland coast. It is not, therefore, altogether impossible that, if the ship of such an expedition is able to survive the pressure of the masses of ice for any length of time, it will arriv^e safely at South Greenland ; but in that case it must be prepared to spend several years on the way." INTRODUCTION 13 about 700 days as the longest time the drifting articles can have taken from the New Siberian Islands to the 80th degree of lati- tude. Supposing that they took the shortest route — i, ^., across the Pole — this computation gives a speed of about 2 miles in 24 hours. On the other hand, supposing they went by the route south of Franz Josef Land, and south of Spitzbergen, they must have drifted at much higher speed. Two miles in the 24 hours, however, coincides most remarkably with the rate at which the Jeannette drifted during the last months of her voyage, from January i to June 12, 1881. In this time she drifted at an aver- age rate of a little over 2 miles in the 24 hours. If, however, the average speed of the whole of \.h.Q/ea?metie's drifting be taken, it will be found to be only i mile in the 24 hours. " But are there no other evidences of a current flowing across the North Pole from Bering Sea on the one side to the Atlantic Ocean on the other ? " Yes, there are. " Dr. Rink received from a Greenlander at Godthaab a remark- able piece of wood which had been found among the drift-timber on the coast. It is one of the 'throwing -sticks' which the Eskimo use in hurling their bird -darts, but altogether unlike those used by the Eskimo on the west coast of Greenland. Dr. Rink conjectured that it possibly proceeded from the Eskimo on the east coast of Greenland. " From later inquiries,* however, it appeared that it must have come from the coast of Alaska in the neighborhood of Bering Strait, as that is the only place where 'throwing-sticks' of a similar form are used. It was even ornamented with Chinese glass beads, exactly similar to those which the Alaskan Eskimo obtain by barter from Asiatic tribes and use for the decoration of their * throwing-sticks.' " We may, therefore, with confidence assert that this piece of wood was carried from the west coast of Alaska over to Green- land by a current the whole course of which we do not know, but which may be assumed to flow very near the North Pole, or at some place between it and Franz Josef Land. " There are, moreover, still further proofs that such a current * See, on this point, Dr. Y. Nielsen, in Forhandlinger i Videnskabssel- skabet i Christiania. Meeting held June 11, 1886. H FARTHEST NORTH exists. As is well known, no trees grow in Greenland that can be used for making boats, sledges, or other appliances. The driftwood that is carried down by the polar current along the east coast of Greenland and up the west coast is, therefore, essen- tial to the existence of the Greenland Eskimo. But whence does this timber come ? " Here our inquiries again carry us to lands on the other side of the Pole. I have myself had an opportunity of examining large quantities of driftwood both on the west coast and on the east coast of Greenland. I have, moreover, found pieces -drift- ing in the sea off the east coast, and, like earlier travellers, have arrived at the conclusion that much the greater part of it can only have come from Siberia, while a smaller portion may pos- sibly have come from America. For amongst it are to be found fir, Siberian larch, and other kinds of wood peculiar to the North, which could scarcely have come from any other quarter. Inter- esting in this respect are the discoveries that have been made on the east coast of Greenland by the second German Polar Ex- pedition. Out of twenty-five pieces of driftwood, seventeen were Siberian larch, five Norwegian fir (probably Picea obovata), two a kind of alder (A/nus incaiia f), and one a poplar {Populus treimila? the common aspen), all of which are trees found in Siberia. " By way of supplement to these observations on the Green- land side, it may be mentioned that th^Jeafmette expedition fre- quently found Siberian driftwood (fir and birch) between the floes in the strong northerly current to the northward of the New Siberian Islands. "Fortunately for the Eskimo, such large quantities of this driftwood come every year to the coasts of Greenland that in my opinion one cannot but assume that they are conveyed thither by a constantly flowing current, especially as the wood never appears to have been very long in the sea — at all events, not without having been frozen in the ice. " That this driftwood passes south of Franz Josef Land and Spitzbergen is quite as unreasonable a theory as that the ice-floe with the relics from Xh^/eannette drifted by this route. In further disproof of this assumption it may be stated that Siberian drift- wood is found north of Spitzbergen in the strong southerly cur- rent against which Parry fought in vain. INTRODUCTION 15 " It appears, therefore, that on these grounds also we cannot but admit the existence of a current flowing across, or in close proximity to, the Pole. " As an interesting fact in this connection, it may also be men- tioned that the German botanist Grisebach has shown that the Greenland flora includes a series of Siberian vegetable forms that could scarcely have reached Greenland in any other way than by the help of such a current conveying the seeds. "On the drift-ice in Denmark Strait (between Iceland and Greenland) I have made observations which tend to the conclu- sion that this ice too was of Siberian origin. For instance, I found quantities of mud on it, which seemed to be of Siberian origin, or might possibly have come from North American rivers. It is possible, however, to maintain that this mud originates in the glacier rivers that flow from under the ice in the north of Green- land, or in other unknown polar lands ; so that this piece of evi- dence is of less importance than those already named. " Putting all this together, we seem driven to the conclusion that a curre7it flows at some poiiit between the Pole and Franz Josef Land from the Siberian Arctic Sea to the east coast of Green- land. " That such must be the case we may also infer in another way. If we regard, for instance, the polar current — that broad current which flows down from the unknown polar regions between Spitz- bergen and Greenland — and consider what an enormous mass of water it carries along, it must seem self-evident that this can- not come from a circumscribed and small basin, but must needs be gathered from distant sources, the more so as the Polar Sea (so far as we know it) is remarkably shallow everywhere to the north of the European, Asiatic, and American coasts. The po- lar current is no doubt fed by that branch of the Gulf Stream which makes its way up the west side of Spitzbergen ; but this small stream is far from being sufficient, and the main body of its water must be derived from farther northward. " It is probable that the polar current stretches its suckers, as it were, to the coast of Siberia and Bering Strait, and draws its supplies from these distant regions. The water it carries off is replaced partly through the warm current before mentioned which makes its way through Bering Strait, and partly by that branch of the Gulf Stream which, passing by the north of Nor- i6 FARTHEST NORTH way, bends eavStward towards Novaya Zemlya, and of which a great portion unquestionably continues its course along the north coast of this island into the Siberian Arctic Sea. That a current coming from the south takes this direction — at all events, in some measure — appears probable from the well-known fact that in the northern hemisphere the rotation of the earth tends to compel a northward-flowing current, whether of water or of air, to assume an easterly course. The earth's rotation may also cause a southward-flowing stream, like the polar current, to direct its course westward to the east coast of Greenland. " Biit even if these currents flowing in the polar basin did not exist, I am still of opinion that in some other way a body of water must collect in it, sufficient to form a polar current. In the first place, there are the North European, the Siberian, and North American rivers debouching into the Arctic Sea, to sup- ply this water. The fluvial basin of these rivers is very considera- ble, comprising a large portion of Northern Europe, almost the whole of Northern Asia or Siberia down to the Altai Moun- tains and Lake Baikal, together with the principal part of Alaska and British North America. All these added together form no unimportant portion of the earth, and the rainfall of these coun- tries is enormous. It is not conceivable that the Arctic Sea of itself could contribute anything of importance to this rainfall ; for, in the first place, it is for the most part covered with drift- ice, from which the evaporation is but trifling ; and, in the next place, the comparatively low temperature in these regions pre- vents any considerable evaporation taking place even from open surfaces of water. The moisture that produces this rainfall must consequently in a great measure come from elsewhere, principally from the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, and the amount of water which thereby feeds the Arctic Sea must be very con- siderable. If we possessed sufficient knowledge of the rainfall in the different localities it might be exactly calculated.* " The importance of this augmentation appears even greater * Since writing the above I have tried to make such a calculation, and have come to the conclusion that the aggregate rainfall is not so large as I had at first supposed. See my paper in The Norwegian Geographical Society's Annual, III., 1891-92, p. 95; and The Geographical Journal, Lon- don, 1893, p. 5. INTRODUCTION ij when we consider that the polar basin is comparatively small, and, as has been already remarked, very shallow, its greatest known depth being from 60 to 80 fathoms. " But there is still another factor that must help to increase the quantity of water in the polar basin, and that is its own rainfall. Weyprecht has already pointed out the probability that the large influx of warm, moist atmosphere from the South, at- tracted by the constant low atmospheric pressure in the polar regions, must engender so large a rainfall as to augment con- siderably the amount of water in the Polar Sea. Moreover, the fact that the polar basin receives large supplies of fresh water is proved by the small amount of salt in the water of the polar current. " From all these considerations it appears unquestionable that the sea around the Pole is fed with considerable quantities of water, partly fresh, as we have just seen, partly salt, as we in- dicated further back, proceeding from the different ocean cur- rents. It thus becomes inevitable, according to the law of equi- librium, that these masses of water should seek such an outlet as we find in the Greenland polar current. " Let us now inquire whether further reasons can be found to show why this current flows exactly in the given direction. " If we examine the ocean soundings, we at once find a con- clusive reason why the main outlet must lie between Spitzbergen and Greenland. The sea here, so far as we know it, is at all points very deep ; there is, indeed, a channel of as much as 2500 fathoms* depth ; while south of Spitzbergen and Franz Josef Land it is remarkably shallow — not more than 160 fathoms. As has been stated, a current passes northward through Bering Strait and Smith Sound, and the sounds between the islands north of America, though here, indeed, there is a southward cur- rent, are far too small and narrow to form adequate outlets for the mass of water of which we are speaking. There is, there- fore, no other assumption left than that this mass of water must find its outlet by the route actually followed by the polar cur- rent. The channel discovered by th^ Jea?tneite expedition be- tween Wrangel Land and the New Siberian Islands may here be mentioned as a notable fact. It extended in a northerly direc- tion, and was at some points more than 80 fathoms deep, while at the sides the soundings ran only to 40 or 50 fathoms. It is i8 FARTHEST NORTH by no means impossible that this channel may be a continuation of the channel between Spitzbergen and Greenland,* in which case it would certainly influence, if not actually determine, the direction of the main current. " If we examine the conditions of wind and atmospheric press- ure over the Polar Sea, as far as they are known, it would ap- pear that they must tend to produce a current across the Pole in the direction indicated. From the Atlantic to the south of Spitz- bergen and Franz Josef Land a belt of low atmospheric pressure (minimum belt) extends into the Siberian Arctic Sea. In ac- cordance with well-known laws, the wind must have a prepon- derating direction from west to east on the south side of this belt, and this would promote an eastward-flowing current along the north coast of Siberia, such as has been found to exist there. f The winds on the north side of the minimum belt must, how- ever, blow mainly in a direction from east to west, and will con- sequently produce a westerly current, passing across the Pole towards the Greenland Sea, exactly as we have seen to be the case. " It thus appears that, from whatever side we consider this question, even apart from the specially cogent evidences above cited, we cannot escape the conclusion that a current passes across or very near to the Pole into the sea between Greenland and Spitzbergen. " This being so, it seems to me that the plain thing for us to do is to make our way into the current on that side of the Pole where it flows northward, and by its help to penetrate into those regions which all who have hitherto worked agaifist it have sought in vain to reach. " My plan is, briefly, as follows : I propose to have a ship built as small and as strong as possible — just big enough to contain supplies of coals and provisions for twelve men for five years. A ship of about 170 tons (gross) will probably suffice. Its engine should be powerful enough to give a speed of 6 knots ; but, in addition, it must also be fully rigged for sailing. *The discovery during our expedition of a great depth in the polar basin renders it highly probable that this assumption is correct. tThe experience of our expedition, however, does not point to any such eastward-flowing current along the Siberian coast. INTRODUCTION 19 " The main point in this vessel is that it be built on such prin- ciples as to enable it to withstand the pressure of the ice. The sides must slope sufficiently to prevent the ice, when it presses together, from getting firm hold of the hull, as was the case with the Jeannette and other vessels. Instead of nipping the ship, the ice must raise it up out of the water. No very new departure in construction is likely to be needed, for the Jcannette^ notwith- standing her preposterous build, was able to hold out against the ice pressure for about two years. That a vessel can easily be built on such lines as to fulfil these requirements no one will question who has seen a ship nipped by the ice. For the same reason, too, the ship ought to be a small one ; for, besides being thus easier to manoeuvre in the ice, it will be more readily lifted by the pressure of the ice, not to mention that it will be easier to give it the requisite strength. It must, of course, be built of picked materials. A ship of the form and size here indicated will not be a good or comfortable sea-boat, but that is of minor*, importance in waters filled with ice such as we are here speaking of. It is true that it would have to travel a long distance over the open sea before it would get so far, but it would not be so bad a sea-boat as to be unable to get along, even though sea-sick passengers might have to offer sacrifices to the gods of the sea. " With such a ship and a crew of ten, or at the most twelve, able-bodied and carefully picked men, with a full equipment for five years, in every respect as good as modern appliances permit of, I am of opinion that the undertaking would be well secured against risk. With this ship we should sail up through Bering Strait and westward along the north coast of Siberia towards the New Siberian Islands * as early in the summer as the ice would permit. " Arrived at the New Siberian Islands, it will be advisable to employ the time to the best advantage in examining the condi- tions of currents and ice, and to wait for the most opportune moment to advance as far as possible in ice-free water, which, * I first thought of choosing the route through Bering Strait, because I imagined that I could reach the New Siberian Islands safer and earlier in the year from that side. On further investigation I found that this was doubtful, and I decided on the shorter route through the Kara Sea and north of Cape Cheliuskin. 20 FARTHEST NORTH judging by the accounts of the ice conditions north of Bering Strait given by American whalers, will probably be in August or the beginning of September. "When the right time has arrived, then we shall plough our way in amongst the ice as far as we can. We may venture to conclude from the experience of the Jeannette expedition that we should thus be able to reach a point north of the most northerly of the New Siberian Islands. De Long notes in his journal that while the expedition was drifting in the ice north of Bennett Island they saw all around them a dark ' water-sky ' — that is to say, a sky which gives a dark reflection of open water — indicating such a sea as would be, at all events, to some extent navigable by a strong ice-ship. Next, it must be borne in mind that the whole Jeannette expedition travelled in boats, partly in open water, from Bennett Island to the Siberian coast, where, as we know, the majority of them met with a lamentable end. Nordenskiold ad- vanced no farther northward than to the southernmost of the islands mentioned (at the end of August), but here he found the water everywhere open. " It is, therefore, probable that we may be able to push our way up past the New Siberian Islands, and that accomplished we shall be right in the current which carried the Jeannette. The thing will then be simply to force our way northward till we are set fast.* "Next we must choose a fitting place and moor the ship firmly between suitable ice-floes, and then let the ice screw itself to- gether as much as it likes — the more the better. The ship will simply be hoisted up and will ride safely and firmly. It is possi- ble it may heel over to a certain extent under this pressure ; but that will scarcely be of much importance. . . . Henceforth the current will be our motive power, while- our ship, no longer a means of transport, will become a barrack, and we shall have ample time for scientific observations. " In this manner the expedition will, as above indicated, proba- bly drift across the Pole and onward to the sea between Green- * As subsequently stated in my lecture in London {Geographical Society's Journal, p. i8), I purposed to go north along the west coast of the New Siberian Islands, as I thought that the warm water coming from the Lena would keep the sea open here. INTRODUCTION 21 land and Spitzbergen. And when we get down to the 80th degree of latitude, or even sooner, if it is summer, there is every likeli- hood of our getting the ship free and being able to sail home. Should she, however, be lost before this — which is certainly pos- sible, though, as I think, very unlikely if she is constructed in the way above described — the expedition will not, therefore, be a fail- ure, for our homeward course must in any case follow the polar current on to the North Atlantic basin ; there is plenty of ice to drift on, and of this means of locomotion we have already had experience. If the Jeanyiette expedition had had sufficient provi- sions, and had remained on the ice-floe on which the relics were ultimately found, the result would doubtless have been very dif- ferent from what it was. Our ship cannot possibly founder under the ice-pressure so quickly but that there would be time enough to remove, with all our equipment and provisions, to a substan- tial ice-floe, which we should have selected beforehand in view of such a contingency. Here the tents, which we should take with us to meet this contingency, would be pitched. In order to pre- serve our provisions and other equipments, we should not place them all together on one spot, but should distribute them over the ice, laying them on rafts of planks and beams which we should have built on it. This will obviate the possibility of any of our equipments sinking, even should the floe on which they are break up. The crew of the Hansay who drifted for more than half a year along the east coast of Greenland, in this way lost a great quantity of their supplies. " For the success of such an expedition two things only are required — viz., good clothmg and plenty of food^ and these we can take care to have with us. We should thus be able to remain as safely on our ice-floe as in our ship, and should advance just as well towards the Greenland Sea. The only difference would be that on our arrival there, instead of proceeding by ship, we must take to our boats, which would convey us just as safely to the nearest harbor. "Thus it seems to me there is an overwhelming probability that such an expedition would be successful. Many people, how- ever, will certainly urge : " In all currents there are eddies and backwaters ; suppose, then, you get into one of these, or perhaps stumble on an unknown land up by the Pole and remain lying fast there, how will you extricate yourselves ?' To this I would 22 FARTHEST NORTH merely reply, as concerns the backwater, that we must get out of it just as surely as we got into it, and that we shall have provi- sions for five years. And as regards the other possibility, we should hail such an occurrence with delight, for no spot on earth could well be found of greater scientific interest. On this newly discovered land we should make as many observations as possible. Should time wear on and find us still unable to get our ship into the set of the current again, there would be nothing for it but to abandon her, and with our boats and necessary stores to search for the nearest current, in order to drift in the manner before mentioned. " How long may we suppose such a voyage to occupy? As we have already seen, the relics of Xh^Jcannette expedition at most took two years to drift along the same course down to the 8oth degree of latitude, where we may, with tolerable certainty, count upon getting loose. This would correspond to a rate of about two miles per day of twenty-four hours. " We may, therefore, not unreasonably calculate on reaching this point in the course of two years ; and it is also possible that the ship might be set free in a higher latitude than is here con- templated. Five years' provisions must therefore be regarded as ample. " But is not the cold in winter in these regions so severe that life will be impossible ? There is no probability of this. We can even say with tolerable certainty that at the Pole itself it is not so cold in winter as it is (for example) in the north of Siberia, an inhabited region, or on the northern part of the west coast of Greenland, which is also inhabited. Meteorologists have cal- culated that the mean temperature at the Pole in January is about —zz Fahr. ( — 36° C), while, for example, in Yakutsk it is -43° Fahr. (-42° C), and in Verkhoyansk -54° Fahr. (-48° C). We should remember that the Pole is probably covered with sea, radiation from which is considerably less than from large land surfaces, such as the plains of North Asia. The polar region has, therefore, in all probability a marine climate with comparatively mild winters, but, by way of a set-off, with cold summers. " The cold in these regions cannot, then, be any direct ob- stacle. One difficulty, however, which many former expeditions have had to contend against, and which must not be overlooked here, is scurvy. During a sojourn of any long duration in so cold INTRODUCTION 23 a climate this malady will unquestionably show itself unless one is able to obtain fresh provisions. I think, however, it may be safely assumed that the very various and nutritious foods now available in the form of hermetically closed preparations of dif- ferent kinds, together with the scientific knowledge we now possess of the food-stuffs necessary for bodily health, will enable us to hold this danger at a distance. Nor do I think that there will be an entire absence of fresh provisions in the waters we shall travel through. Polar bears and seals we may safely cal- culate on finding far to the north, if not up to the very Pole. It may be mentioned also that the sea must certainly contain quan- tities of small animals that might serve as food in case of neces- sity. " It will be seen that whatever difficulties may be suggested as possible, they are not so great but that they can be surmounted by means of a careful equipment, a fortunate selection of the members of the expedition, and judicious leadership ; so that good results may be hoped for. We may reckon on getting out into the sea between Greenland and Spitzbergen as surely as we can reckon on getting into the Jeannette current off the New Siberian Islands. " But if this Jeannette current does not pass right across the Pole? If, for instance, it passes between the Pole and Franz Josef Land, as above intimated? What will the expedition do in that case to reach the earth's axis ? Yes, this may seem to be the Achilles' heel of the undertaking ; for should the ship be carried past the Pole at more than one degree's distance, it may then appear extremely imprudent and unsafe to abandon it in mid -current and face such a long sledge- journey over uneven sea-ice, which itself is drifting. Even if one reached the Pole it would be very uncertain whether one could find the ship again on returning. ... I am, however, of opinion that this is of small import : it is not to seek for the exact mathematical point that forms the northern extremity of the earth's axis that we set oiit^ for to reach this poiftt is intrinsically of s^nall moment. Our object is to investigate the great nnktwwn region that surrounds the Pole, and these investigations will be equally important, from a scientific point of view, whether the expedition passes over the polar point itself or at some distance from it." In this lecture I had submitted the most important data on 24 FARTHEST NORTH which my plan was founded ; but in the following years I con- tinued to study the conditions of the northern waters, and re- ceived ever fresh proofs that my surmise of a drift right across the Polar sea was correct. In a lecture delivered before the Geographical Society in Christiania, on September 28th, 1892, I alluded to some of these inquiries.* I laid stress on the fact that on considering the thickness and extent of the drift-ice in the seas on both sides of the Pole, one cannot but be struck by the fact that while the ice on the Asiatic side, north of the Si- berian coast, is comparatively thin (the ice in which tho, Jeati- nette drifted was, as a rule, not more than from 7 to 10 feet thick), that on the other side, which comes drifting from the north in the sea between Greenland and Spitzbergen, is remark- ably massive, and this notwithstanding that the sea north of Siberia is one of the coldest tracts on the earth. This, I sug- gested, could be explained only on the assumption that the ice is constantly drifting from the Siberian coast, and that, while passing through the unknown and cold sea there is time for it to attain its enormous thickness, partly by freezing, partly by the constant packing that takes place as the floes screw themselves together. I further mentioned in the same lecture that the mud found on this drift-ice seemed to point to a Siberian origin. I did not at the time attach great importance to this fact, but on a further examination of the deposits I had collected during my Greenland expedition it appeared that it could scarcely come from anywhere else but Siberia. On investigating its mineralogical composi- tion, Dr. Tornebohm, of Stockholm, came to the conclusion, that the greater part of it must be Siberian river mud. He found about twenty different minerals in it. "This quantity of dis- similar constituent mineral parts appears to me," he says, " to point to the fact that they take their origin from a very exten- sive tract of land, and one's thoughts naturally turn to Siberia." Moreover, more than half of this mud deposit consisted of hu- mus, or boggy soil. More interesting, however, than the actual mud deposit were the diatoms found in it, which were examined by Professor Cleve, of Upsala, who says : " These diatoms are decidedly marine {i. e.^ take their origin from salt - water), with * See the Society's Annual, III., 1892, p. 91. INTRODUCTION 25 some few fresh -water forms which the wind has carried from land. The diatomous flora in this dust is quite peculiar, and un- like what I have found in many thousands of other specimens, with one exception, with which it shows the most complete con- formity — namely, a specimen which was collected by Kellman during the Vega expedition on an ice-floe off Cape Wankarem, near Bering Strait. Species and varieties were perfectly iden- tical in both specimens." Cleve was able to distinguish sixteen species of diatoms. All these appear also in the dust from Cape Wankarem, and twelve of them have been found at that place alone, and nowhere else in all the world. This was a notable co- incidence between two such remote points, and Cleve is certainly right in saying : " It is, indeed, quite remarkable that the diato- mous flora on the ice-floes off Bering Strait and on the east coast of Greenland should so completely resemble each other, and should be so utterly unlike all others ; it points to an open con- nection between the seas east of Greenland and north of Asia." "Through this open connection," I continued in my address, "drift-ice is, therefore, yearly transported across the unknown Polar Sea. On this same drift-ice^ and by the same route^ it must be no less possible to transport an expedition'' When this plan was propounded it certainly met with ap- proval in various quarters, especially here at home. Thus it was vigorously supported by Professor Mohn, who, indeed, by his explanation of the drift of thQ Jea7tnette relics, had given the original impulse to it. But as might be expected, it met with opposition in the main, especially from abroad, while most of the polar travellers and Arctic authorities declared, more or less openly, that it was sheer madness. The year before we set out, in November, 1892, I laid it before the Geographical Society in London in a lecture at which the principal Arctic travellers of England were present. After the lecture a discussion took place,* which plainly showed how greatly I was at variance with the generally accepted opinions as to the conditions in the interior of the Polar Sea, the principles of ice navigation, and the meth- ods that a polar expedition ought to pursue. The eminent Arctic traveller, Admiral Sir Leopold M'Clintock, opened the * Both my lecture and the discussion are printed in The Geographical Journal, London, 1893, Vol. I., pp. 1-32. 26 FARTHEST NORTH discussion with the remark : " I think I may say this is the most adventurous programme ever brought under the notice of the Royal Geographical Society." He allowed that the facts spoke in favor of the correctness of my theories, but was in a high de- gree doubtful whether my plan could be realized. He was es- pecially of opinion that the danger of being crushed in the ice was too great. A ship could, no doubt, be built that would be strong enough to resist the ice pressure in summer ; but should it be exposed to this pressure in the winter months, when the ice resembled a mountain frozen fast to the ship's side, he thought that the possibility of being forced up on the surface of the ice was very remote. He firmly believed, as did the majority of the others, that there was no probability of ever seeing the Fram again when once she had given herself over to the pitiless polar ice, and concluded by saying, " I wish the doctor full and speedy success. But it will be a great relief to his many friends in Eng- land when he returns, and more particularly to those who have had experience of the dangers at all times inseparable from ice navigation, even in regions not quite so far north." Admiral Sir George Nares said : "The adopted Arctic axioms for successfully navigating an icy region are that it is absolutely necessary to keep close to a coast line, and that the farther we advance from civilization the more desirable it is to insure a reasonably safe line of retreat. Totally disregarding these, the ruling principle of the voyage is that the vessel — on which, if the voyage is in any way successful, the sole future hope of the party will depend — is to be pushed deliberately into the pack-ice. Thus, her commander — in lieu of retaining any power over her future movements — will be forced to submit to be drifted helplessly about in agreement with the natural movements of the ice in which he is imprisoned. Sup- posing the sea currents are as stated, the time calculated as necessary to drift with the pack across the polar area is several years, during which time, unless new lands are met with, the ice near the vessel will certainly never be quiet and the ship herself never free from the danger of being crushed by ice presses. To guard against this the vessel is said to be unusually strong, and of a special form to enable her to rise when the ice presses against her sides. This idea is no novelty whatever ; but when once frozen into the polar pack the form of the vessel goes for nothing. INTRODUCTION 27 She is hermetically sealed to, and forms a part of, the ice block surrounding her. The form of the ship is for all practical pur- poses the form of the block of ice in which she is frozen. This is a matter of the first importance, for there is no record of a vessel frozen into the polar pack having been disconnected from the ice, and so rendered capable of rising under pressure as a separate body detached from the ice block, even in the height of summer. In the event of the destruction of the vessel, the boats — necessarily fully stored, not only for the retreat, but for continuing the voyage — are to be available. This is well in theory, but extremely difficult to arrange for in practice. Prepa- ration to abandon the vessel is the one thing that gives us the most anxiety. To place boats, etc., on the ice, packed ready for use, involves the danger of being separated from them by a movement of the ice, or of losing them altogether should a sudden opening occur. If we merely have everything handy for heaving over the side, the emergency may be so sudden that we have not time to save anything. . . ." As regards the assumed drift of the polar ice, Nares ex- pressed himself on the whole at variance with me. He insist- ed that the drift was essentially determined by the prevailing winds : " As to the probable direction of the drift, the Fram^ starting from near the mouth of the Lena River, may expect to meet the main pack not farther north than about latitude 76° 30'. I doubt her getting farther north before she is beset ; but taking an ex- treme case, and giving her 60 miles more, she will then only be in the same latitude as Cape Chelyuskin, 730 miles from the Pole, and about 600 miles from my supposed limit of the effective homeward - carrying ocean current. After a close study of all the information we possess, I think the wind will be more likely to drift hex towards the west than towards the east. With an ice-encumbered sea north of her, and more open water or newly made ice to the southward, the chances are small for a northerly drift, at all events at first, and afterwards I know of no natural forces that will carry the vessel in any reasonable time much farther from the Siberian coast than the Jeannette was carried ; and during the whole of this time, unless protected by newly discovered lands, she will be to all intents and purposes immova- bly sealed up in the pack and exposed to its well-known dangers. 28 FARTHEST NORTH There is no doubt that there is an ocean connection across the area proposed to be explored." In one point, however, Nares was able to declare himself in agreement with me. It was the idea " that the principal aim of all such voyages is to explore the unknown polar regions, not to reach exactly that mathematical point in which the axis of our globe has its northern termination."* Sir Allen Young says, among other things : " Dr. Nansen assumes the blank space around the axis of the earth to be a pool of water or ice ; I think the great danger to contend with will be the land in nearly every direction near the Pole. Most previous navigators seem to have continued seeing land again and again farther and farther north. These Jeannette relics may have drifted through narrow channels, and thus finally arrived at their destination, and I think it would be an extremely dan- gerous thing for the ship to drift through them, where she might impinge upon the land and be kept for years." With regard to the ship's form, Sir Allen Young says : " I do not think the form of the ship is any great point, for, when a ship is fairly nipped, the question is if there is any swell or movement of the ice to lift the ship. If there is no swell the ice must go through her, whatever material she is made of." One or two authorities, however, expressed themselves in favor of my plan. One was the Arctic traveller Sir E. Inglefield, an- other Captain (now Admiral) Wharton, Director of the Hydro- graphic Department of England. In a letter to the Geographical Society, Admiral Sir George H. Richards says, on the occasion of my address : " I regret to have to speak discouragingly of this project, but I think that any one who can speak with authority ought to speak plainly where so much may be at stake." With regard to the currents, he says : " I believe there is a constant outflow (I prefer this word to current) from the north, in consequence of the displacement of the water from the region of the Pole by the ice-cap which covers it, intensified in its densi- * After our return home, Admiral Nares, in the most chivalrous fashion, sent me a letter of congratulation, in which he said that the Pram's re- markable voyage over the Polar Sea proved that my theory was correct and his scepticism unfounded. INTRODUCTION 29 ty by the enormous weight of snow accumulated on its surface." This outflow takes place on all sides, he thinks, from the polar basin, but should be most pronounced in the tract between the western end of the Parry Islands and Spitzbergen ; and with this outflow all previous expeditions have had to contend. He does not appear to make any exception as to the Tegcthoff or /eannette, and can find no reason "for believing that a current sets north over the Pole from the New Siberian Islands, which Dr. Nansen hopes for and believes in. . . . It is my opinion that when really within what may be called the inner circle, say about 78° of latitude, there is little current of any kind that would in- fluence a ship in the close ice that must be expected ; it is when we get outside this circle — round the corners, as it were — into the straight, wide channels, where the ice is loose, that we are really affected by its influence, and here the ice gets naturally thinner and more decayed in autumn and less dangerous to a ship. Within the inner circle probably not much of the ice escapes ; it becomes older and heavier every year, and in all prob- ability completely blocks the navigation of ships entirely. This is the kind of ice which was brought to Nares's winter quarters at the head of Smith Sound in about 82° 30' north ; and this is the ice which Markham struggled against in his sledge journey, and against which no human power could prevail." He attached "no real importance " to the /cabinet ie relics. ^' If found in Greenland, they may well have drifted down on a floe from the neighborhood of Smith Sound, from some of the Amer- ican expeditions which went to Greely's rescue." " It may also well be that some of De Long's printed or written documents in regard to his equipment may have been taken out by thes» expeditions, and the same may apply to the other articles." He does not, however, expressly say whether there was any indica- tion of such having been the case. In a similar letter to the Geographical Society the renowned botanist Sir Joseph Hooker says : "Dr. Nansen's project is a wide departure from any hitherto put in practice for the purpose of polar discovery, and it demands the closest scrutiny both on this account and because it is one involving the greatest peril. . . . " From my experience of three seasons in the Antarctic regions I do not think that a ship, of whatever build, could long resist destruction if committed to the movements of the pack in the 30 FARTHEST NORTH polar regions. One built as strongly as the Fram would no doubt resist great pressures in the open pack, but not any pressure or repeated pressures, and still less the thrust of the pack if driven with or by it against land. The lines of the Fram might be of service so long as she was on an even keel or in ice of no great height above the water-line ; but amongst floes and bergs, or when thrown on her beam-ends, they would avail her nothing." If the Fram were to drift towards the Greenland coast or the American polar islands he is of opinion that, supposing a landing could be effected, there would be no probability at all of salva- tion. " Assuming that a landing could be effected, it must be on an inhospitable and probably ice-bound coast, or on the moun- tainous ice of a palaeocrystic sea. With a certainly enfeebled and probably reduced ship's company, there could, in such a case, be no prospect of reaching succor. Putting aside the possi]pility of scurvy (against which there is no certain prophylactic), have the depressing influence on the minds of the crew resulting from long confinement in very close quarters during many months of darkness, extreme cold, inaction, ennui, constant peril, and the haunting uncertainty as to the future been sufficiently taken into account ? Perfunctory duties and occupations do not avert the effects of these conditions ; they hardly mitigate them, and have been known to aggravate them. I do not consider the at- tainment of Dr. Nansen's object by the means at his disposal to be impossible ; but I do consider that the success of such an en- terprise would not justify the exposure of valuable lives for its attainment." In America, General Greely, the leader of the ill-fated expedi- tion generally known by his name (1881-84), wrote an article in The Forum (August, 1891), in which he says, among other things : " It strikes me as almost incredible that the plan here advanced by Dr. Nansen should receive encouragement or support. It seems to me to be based on fallacious ideas as to physical con- ditions within the polar regions, and to foreshadow, if attempted, barren results, apart from the suffering and death among its members. Dr. Nansen, as far as I know, has had no Arctic ser- vice ; his crossing of Greenland, however difficult, is no more polar work than the scaling of Mount St. Elias. It is doubtful if any hydrographer would treat seriously his theory of polar currents, or if any Arctic traveller would indorse the whole INTRODUCTION 31 scheme. There are, perhaps, a dozen men whose Arctic service has been such that the positive support of this plan by even a respectable minority would entitle it to consideration and con- fidence. These men are : Admiral M'Clintock, Richards, Collin- son, and Nares, and Captain Markham of the Royal Navy, Sir Allen Young and Leigh - Smith of England, Koldewey of Ger- many, Payer of Austria, Nordenskiold of Sweden, and Melville in our own country. I have no hesitation in asserting that no two of these believe in the possibility of Nansen's first proposi- tion — to build a vessel capable of living or navigating in a heavy Arctic pack, into which it is proposed to put his ship. The sec- ond proposition is even more hazardous, involving as it does a drift of more than 2000 miles in a straight line through an un- known region, during which the party in its voyage (lasting two or more years, we are told) would take only boats along, encamp on an iceberg, and live there while floating across." After this General Greely proceeds to prove the falsity of all my assumptions. Respecting the objects from the Jeannette, he says plainly that he does not believe in them. " Probably some drift articles were found," he says, "and it would seem more reasonable to trace them to the Porteiis^ which was wrecked in Smith Sound, about 1000 miles north of Julianehaab. ... It is further important to note that, if the articles were really from ihQ Jeannettc\ the nearest route would have been, not across the North Pole along the east coast of Greenland, but down Ken- nedy Channel and by way of Smith Sound and Baffin's Bay, as was suggested, as to drift from the Porteus^ We could not possibly get near the Pole itself by a long dis- tance, says Greely, as " we know almost as well as if we had seen it that there is in the unknown regions an extensive land which is the birthplace of the flat-topped icebergs or the palaeocrystic ice." In this glacier-covered land, which he is of opinion must be over 300 miles in diameter, and which sends out icebergs to Greenland as well as to Franz Josef Land,* the Pole itself must be situated. " As to the indestructible ship," he says, " it is certainly a most * With reference to his statement that Leigh-Smith had observed such icebergs on the northwest coast of Franz Josef Land, it may be remarked that no human being has ever been there. 32 FARTHEST NORTH desirable thing for Dr. Nansen." His meaning, however, is that it cannot be built. "Dr. Nansen appears to believe that the question of building on such lines as will give the ship the great- est power of resistance to the pressure of the ice-floe has not been thoroughly and satisfactorily solved, although hundreds of thousands of dollars have been spent for this end by the seal and whaling companies of Scotland and Newfoundland." As an au- thority he quotes Melville, and says " every Arctic navigator of experience agrees with Melville's dictum that even if built solid a vessel could not withstand the ice-pressure of the heavy polar pack." To my assertion that the ice along the " Siberian coast is comparatively thin, 7 to 10 feet," he again quotes Melville, who speaks of ice "50 feet high, etc." (something we did not dis- cover, by-the-way, during the whole of our voyage). After giving still more conclusive proofs that the Frain must inevitably go to the bottom as soon as it should be exposed to the pressure of the ice, he goes on to refer to the impossibility of drifting in the ice with boats. And he concludes his article with the remark that "Arctic exploration is sufficiently credited with rashness and danger in its legitimate and sanctioned methods without bearing the burden of Dr. Nansen's illogical scheme of self-destruction." From an article Greely wrote after our return home, in Har- per's Weekly for September 19th, 1896, he appears to have come to the conclusion that the Jeannette relics were genuine, and that the assumption of their drift may have been correct, mentioning " Melville, Dall, and others " as not believing in them. He allows also that my scheme has been carried out in spite of what he had said. This time he concludes the article as follows : " In contrasting the expeditions of De Long and Nansen, it is neces- sary to allude to the single blemish that mars the otherwise magnificent career of Nansen, who deliberately quitted his com- rades on the ice-beset ship hundreds of miles from any known land, with the intention of not returning, but, in his own re- ported words, *to go to Spitzbergen, where he felt certain to find a ship,' 600 miles away. De Long and Ambler had such a sense of honor that they sacrificed their lives rather than separate themselves from a dying man, whom their presence could not save. It passes comprehension how Nansen could have thus de- viated from the most sacred duty devolving on the commander INTRODUCTION 33 of a naval expedition. The safe return of brave Captain Sver- drup with the Fram does not excuse Nansen. Sverdrup's con- sistency, courage, and skill in holding fast to the Fram and bringing his comrades back to Norway will win for him, in the minds of many, laurels even brighter than those of his able and accomplished chief." One of the few who publicly gave to my plan the support of his scientific authority was Professor Supan, the well-known editor of Petermann's Mittheilungen. In an article in this journal for 1891, (p. 191), he not only spoke warmly in its favor, but supported it with new suggestions. His view was that what he terms the Arctic "wind-shed" probably for the greater part of the year divides the unknown polar basin into two parts. In the eastern part the prevailing winds blow towards the Bering Sea, while those of the western part blow towards the Atlantic. He thought that, as a rule, this "wind-shed" must lie near the Bering Sea, and that the prevailing winds in the tracts we purposed travers- ing would thus favor our drift. Our experience bore out Pro- fessor Supan's theory in a remarkable degree. 3 CHAPTER II PREPARATIONS AND EQUIPMENT Foolhardy as the scheme appeared to some, it received pow- erful support from the Norwegian Government and the King of Norway. A bill was laid before the Storthing for a grant of ;£i 1,250 (200,000 kroner), or two -thirds of the estimated cost. The remaining third I hoped to be able to raise from private sources, as I had already received promises of support from many quarters. On June 30, 1890, the amount demanded was voted by the Storthing, which thereby expressed its wish that the expedition should be a Norwegian one. In January, 1891, Mr. Thomas Fearnley, Consul Axel Heiberg, and Mr. Ellef Ringnes set to work to collect the further sum required, and in a few days the amount was subscribed. His Majesty King Oscar gave ;£"ii25 (20,000 kroner), while private individuals in Norway gave as follows : £ s- d. Consul Axel Heiberg 562 10 o Ditto (later) 393 15 o Mr. Anton Chr. Houen 11 25 o o Mr. A. Dick, Hovik 281 5 o Ditto (later) 393 15 o Mr. Thomas Fearnley (merchant) 281 5 o Ditto (later) 56 5 o Messrs. Ringnes & Co. (brewers) 281 5 o Ditto (later) 56 5 o Mr. A. S. Kjosterud (merchant), Drammen .... 281 5 o Ditto (later) . . 56 50 Mr. E. Sundt (merchant), Bergen 281 5 o Consul Westye Egeberg 562 10 o Mr. Halver Schou 281 5 o Baron Harald Wedel Jarlsberg and C. Icivenskiold, Minister of State 562 10 o Consul Nicolay H. Knudtzon, Christiansund .... 281 5 o PREPARATIONS AND EQUIPMENT 35 Among foreign contributors may be mentioned the Royal Geographical Society of London, which showed its sympathy with the undertaking by subscribing jQz^o sterling. Baron Oscar Dickson provided at his own cost the electric installation (dynamo accumulators and conductors). As the work of equipment proceeded, it appeared that the first estimate was not sufficient. This was especially due to the ship, which was estimated to cost £^az1 io-^- (150,000 kroner), but which came to nearly double that sum. Where so much was at stake, I did not think it right to study the cost too much, if it seemed that a little extra outlay could insure the successful result of the expedition. The three gentlemen who had taken the lead in the first collection, Mr. Thomas Fearnley, Consul Axel Heiberg, and Mr. Ellef Ringnes, undertook at my request to constitute them- selves the committee of the expedition and to take charge of its pecuniary affairs. In order to cover a portion of the deficiency, they, together with certain members of the Council of the Geo- graphical Society, set on foot another private subscription all over the country, while the same society at a later period headed a national subscription. By these means about ^956 5^. was col- lected in all. I had further to petition the Norwegian Storthing for an additional sum of ;^45oo, when our national assembly again gave proof of its sympathy with the undertaking by granting the amount named (June 9, 1890). Finally Consul Axel Heiberg and Mr. Dick subscribed an ad- ditional jQzZI lo-^- each, while I myself made up the deficiency that still remained on the eve of our departure. Statement of Accounts of the Expedition on Setting Out, 1893. Income. Kroner Ore State Grant 280,000 o H.M. The King, and original private subscribers. . . 105,000 o Private subscription of the Geographical Society . . 12,781 23 National subscription 2,287 23 Interest accrued 9,729 7^ Guaranteed by private individuals 5'400 o Deficit covered by A. Heiberg and A. Dick .... 12,000 o Ditto F. Nansen 5400 o Geographical Society, London (;£30o) H. Simon, Manchester (^100) A Norwegian in Riga (1000 roubles) and others . • . 9.278 6 2 Total 444,339 36* Nearly ;^25,ooo. 36 FARTHEST NORTH Expenditure. Kroner Ore Wages account 46,440 o Life-insurance premiums of married participators . . 5,361 90 Instruments account 12,978 68 Ship account 271,927 8 Provisions account 39»i72 98 Expenses account 10,612 38 Equipment account 57,846 34 Total 444»339 36 It will be evident from the plan above expounded that the most important point in the equipment of our expedition was the building of the ship that was to carry us through the dreaded ice regions. The construction of this vessel was accordingly carried out with greater care, probably, than has been devoted to any ship that has hitherto ploughed the Arctic waters. I found in the well-known ship-builder Colin Archer a man who thoroughly understood the task I set him, and who concentrated all his skill, foresight, and rare thoroughness upon the work. We must gratefully recognize that the success of the expedition was in no small degree due to this man. If we turn our attention to the long list of former expeditions and to their equipments, it cannot but strike us that scarcely a single vessel had been built specially for the purpose — in fact, the majority of explorers have not even provided themselves with vessels which were originally intended for ice navigation. This is the more surprising when we remember the sums of money that have been lavished on the equipment of some of these ex- peditions. The fact is, they have generally been in such a hurry to set out that there has been no time to devote to a more care- ful equipment. In many cases, indeed, preparations were not begun until a few months before the expedition sailed. The present expedition, however, could not be equipped in so short a time ; and if the voyage itself took three years, the preparations took no less time, while the scheme was conceived thrice three years earlier. Plan after plan did Archer make of the projected ship ; one model after another was prepared and abandoned. Fresh improvements were constantly being suggested. The PREPARATIONS AND EQUIPMENT 37 form we finally adhered to may seem to many people by no means beautiful ; but that it is well adapted to the ends in view I think our expedition has fully proved. What was especially aimed at was, as mentioned on page 19, to give the ship such sides that it could readily be hoisted up during ice-pressure with- out being crushed between the floes. Greely, Nares, etc., etc., are certainly right in saying that this is nothing new. I relied here simply on the sad experiences of earlier expeditions. What, however, may be said to be new is the fact that we not only realized that the ship ought to have such a form, but that we gave it that form, as well as the necessary strength for resisting great ice-pressure, and that this was the guiding idea in the whole work of construction. Colin Archer is quite right in what he says in an article in the Norsk Tidsskrift for Sovcesen, 1892 : ** When one bears in mind what is, so to speak, the fun- damental idea of Dr. Nansen's plan in his North Pole Expedi- tion ... it will readily be seen that a ship which is to be built with exclusive regard to its suitability for this object must differ essentially from any other previously known vessel. . . . " In the construction of the ship two points must be especial- ly studied: (i) that the shape of the hull be such as to offer as small a vulnerable target as possible to the attacks of the ice ; and (2) that it be built so solidly as to be able to withstand the greatest possible pressure from without in any direction what- soever." And thus she was built, more attention being paid to making her a safe and warm stronghold while drifting in the ice than to endowing her with speed or good sailing qualities. As above stated, our aim was to make the ship as small as possible. The reason of this was that a small ship is, of course, lighter than a large one, and can be made stronger in proportion to her weight. A small ship, too, is better adapted for naviga- tion among the ice ; it is easier to handle her in critical moments, and to find a safe berth for her between the packing ice-floes. I was of opinion that a vessel of 170 tons' register would suffice, but the Fram is considerably larger, 402 tons gross and 307 tons net. It was also our aim to build a short vessel, which could thread her way easily among the floes, especially as great length would have been a source of weakness when ice-pressure set in. But in order that such a ship, which has, moreover, very sloping sides, 38 FARTHEST NORTH shall possess the necessary carrying capacity, she must be broad ; and her breadth is, in fact, about a third of her length. Another point of importance was to make the sides as smooth as possible, without projecting edges, while plane surfaces were as much as pos- sible avoided in the neighborhood of the most vulnerable points, and the hull assumed a plump and rounded form. Bow, stern, and keel — all were rounded off so that the ice should not be able to get a grip of her anywhere. For this reason, too, the keel was sunk in the planking, so that barely three inches protruded, and its edges were rounded. The object was that " the whole craft should be able to slip like an eel out of the embraces of the ice." The hull was made pointed fore and aft, and somewhat re- sembles a pilot-boat, minus the keel and the sharp garboard strakes. Both ends were made specially strong. The stem con- sists of three stout oak beams, one inside the other, forming an aggregate thickness of 4 feet (1.25 m.) of solid oak ; inside the stem are fitted solid breasthooks of oak and iron to bind the ship's sides together, and from these breasthooks stays are placed against the pawl-bit. The bow is protected by an iron stem, and across it are fitted transverse bars which run some small distance backwards on either side, as is usual in sealers. The stern is of a special and somewhat particular construction. On either side of the rudder and propeller posts— which are sided 24 inches (65 cm.) — is fitted a stout oak counter-timber following the curvature of the stern right up to the upper deck, and form- ing, so to speak, a double stern-post. The planking is carried outside these timbers, and the stern protected by heavy iron plates wrought outside the planking. Between these two counter-timbers there is a well for the screw, and also one for the rudder, through which they can both be hoisted up on deck. It is usual in sealers to have the screw arranged in this way, so that it can easily be replaced by a spare screw should it be broken by the ice. But such an arrangement is not usual in the case of the rudder, and, while with our small crew, and with the help of the capstan, we could hoist the rudder on deck in a few minutes in case of any sudden ice-pressure or the like, I have known it take sealers with a crew of over 60 men several hours, or even a whole day, to ship a fresh rudder. The stern is, on the whole, the Achilles' heel of ships in the polar seas ; here the ice can easily inflict great damage, for in- PREPARATIONS AND EQUIPMENT 39 stance, by breaking the rudder. To guard against this danger, our rudder was placed so low down as not to be visible above water, so that if a floe should strike the vessel aft, it would break its force against the strong stern-part, and could hardly touch the rudder itself. As a matter of fact, notwithstanding the violent pressures we met with, we never suffered any injury in this re- spect. Everything was of course done to make the sides of the ship as strong as possible. The frame timbers were of choice Italian oak that had originally been intended for the Norwegian navy, and had lain under cover at Horten for 30 years. They were all grown to shape, and lo-ii inches thick. The frames were built in two courses or tiers, closely wrought together, and connected by bolts, some of which were riveted. Over each joint fiat iron bands were placed. The frames were about 21 inches (56 cm.) wide, and were placed close together, with only about an inch or an inch and a half between ; and these interstices were filled with pitch and sawdust mixed, from the keel to a little distance above the water-line, in order to keep the ship moderately water- tight, even should the outer skin be chafed through. The outside planking consists of three layers. The inner one is of oak, 3 inches thick, fastened with spikes and carefully calked; outside this another oak sheathing, 4 inches thick, fast- ened with through bolts and calked ; and outside these comes the ice-skin of green-heart, which, like the other planking, runs right down to the keel. At the water-line it is 6 inches thick, gradually diminishing towards the bottom to 3 inches. It is fast- ened with nails and jagged bolts, and not with through bolts ; so that if the ice had stripped off the whole of the ice sheathing the hull of the ship would not have suffered any great damage. The lining inside the frame timbers is of pitch-pine planks, some 4, some 8 inches thick ; it was also carefully calked once or twice. The total thickness of the ship's sides is, therefore, from 24 to 28 inches of solid water-tight wood. It will readily be under- stood that such a ship's side, with its rounded form, would of it- self offer a very good resistance to the ice ; but to make it still stronger the inside was shored up in every possible way, so that the hold looks like a cobweb of balks, stanchions, and braces. In the first place, there are two rows of beams, the upper deck and between decks, principally of solid oak, partly also of pitch pine ; 40 FARTHEST NORTH and all of these are further connected with each other, as well as with the sides of the ship, by numerous supports. The accom- panying diagrams will show how they are arranged. The diagonal stays are, of course, placed as nearly as possible at right angles to the sides of the ship, so as to strengthen them against external pressure and to distribute its force. The vertical stanchions be- tween both tiers of beams and between the lower beams and keelson are admirably adapted for this latter object. All are connected with strong knees and iron fastenings, so that the whole becomes, as it were, a single coherent mass. It should be borne in mind that, while in former expeditions it was thought sufficient to give a couple of beams amidships some extra strengthening, every single cross beam in the Fram was stayed in the manner described and depicted. In the engine-room there was, of course, no space for supports in the middle, but in their place two stay ends were fixed on either side. The beams of the lower deck were placed a little under the water-line, where the ice pressure would be severest. In the after- hold these beams had to be raised a little to give room for the engine. The upper deck aft, therefore, was somewhat higher than the main deck, and the ship had a poop or half-deck, under which were the cabins for all the members of the expedition, and also the cooking-galley. Strong iron riders were worked in for the whole length of the ship in the spaces between the beams, extending in one length from the clamp under the upper deck nearly to the keelson. The keelson was in two tiers and about 31 inches (80 cm.) high, save in the engine-room, where the height of the room only allows one tier. The keel consists of two heavy American elm logs 14 inches square ; but, as has been mentioned, so built in that only 3 inches protrude below the outer planking. The sides of the hull are rounded downward to the keel, so that a transverse section at the midship frame reminds one forcibly of half a cocoanut cut in two. The higher the ship is lifted out of the water, the heavier does she, of course, become, and the greater her pressure on the ice, but for the above reason the easier also does it become for the ice to lift. To obviate much heeling, in case the hull should be lifted very high, the bottom was made flat, and this proved to be an excellent idea. I endeavored to determine experimentally the friction of ice against wood, and, taking into account the strength of the ship and the angle of her ' nS -^ o ^ 5-T2. •♦.era ^ • S "^ 3 , p O V) Co ^' 3 . O JT" P o P 3 .^«» ^^-P^ c« -• Cos 3 O) P . s ^ ? ^ t> Si p p -. « 3 2 £• 3 - o ^ g ■ ^^ ^ n _ p o 03^? « si • P ? K^ o <* o ^ ^330 . pog P r.3 32: Pi- o n 3 42 FARTHEST NORTH sides with the surface of the water, I came to the conclusion that her strength must be many times sufficient to withstand the press- ure necessary to lift her. This calculation was amply borne out by experience. The principal dimensions of the ship were as follows : Length of keel, I02 feet ; length of water-line, 113 feet ; length from stem to stern on deck, 128 feet ; extreme breadth, 36 feet ; breadth of water-line, exclusive of ice-skin, 34 feet ; depth, 17 feet ; draught of water with light cargo, 12^ feet; displacement with light cargo, 530 tons ; with heavy cargo the draught is over 15 feet and the displacement is 800 tons ; there is a freeboard of about 3 feet 6 inches. The hull, with boilers filled, was calculated to weigh about 420 tons, and with 800 tons' displacement there should, therefore, be spare carrying - power for coal and other cargo to the amount of 380 tons. Thus, in addition to the requi- site provisions for dogs and men for more than five years, we could carry coal for four months' steaming at full speed, which was more than sufficient for such an expedition as this. As regards the rigging, the most important object was to have it as simple and as strong as possible, and at the same time so contrived as to offer the least possible resistance to the wind while the ship was under steam. With our small crew it was, moreover, of the last importance that it should be easy to work from deck. For this reason the Fram was rigged as a three- masted fore-and-aft schooner. Several of our old Arctic skippers disapproved of this arrangement. They had always been used to sail with square-rigged ships, and, with the conservatism peculiar to their class, were of opinion that what they had used was the only thing that could be used in the ice. However, the rig we chose was unquestionably the best for our purpose. In addition to the ordinary fore-and-aft sails we had two movable yards on the foremast for a square foresail and topsail. As the yards were attached to a sliding truss, they could easily be hauled down when not in use. The ship's lower masts were tolerably high and massive. The mainmast was about 80 feet high, the maintop- mast was 50 feet high, and the crow's-nest on the top was about 102 feet (32 m.) above the water. It was important to have this as high as possible, so as to have a more extended view when it came to picking our way through the ice. The aggregate sail area was about 6000 square feet. PREPARATIONS AND EQUIPMENT 43 The ship's engine, a triple expansion, was made with particular care. The work was done at the Akers Mechanical Factory, and Engineer Norbeck deserves especial credit for its construction. With his quick insight he foresaw the various possibilities that might occur, and took precautions against them. The triple- expansion system was chosen as being the most economical in the consumption of coal ; but as it might happen that one or other of the cylinders should get out of order, it was arranged, by means of separate pipes, that any of the cylinders could be cut off, and thus the other two, or, at a pinch, even one alone, could be used. In this way the engine, by the mere turning of a cock or two, could be changed at will into a compound high-pressure or low-pressure engine. Although nothing ever went wrong with any of the cylinders, this arrangement was frequently used with advantage. By using the engine as a compound one, we could, for instance, give the Fram greater speed for a short time, and when occasion demanded we often took this means of forcing our way through the ice. The engine was of 220 indicated horse- power, and we could in calm weather with a light cargo attain a speed of 6 or 7 knots. The propellers, of which we had two in reserve, were two- bladed, and made of cast-iron ; but we never used either the spare propellers or a spare rudder which we had with us. Our quarters lay, as before mentioned, abaft under the half- deck, and were arranged so that the saloon, which formed our dining-room and drawing-room, was in the middle, surrounded on all sides by the sleeping-cabins. These consisted of four state- rooms with one berth apiece and two with four berths. The ob- ject of this arrangement was to protect the saloon from external cold ; but, further, the ceiling, floors, and walls were covered with several thick coatings of non-conducting material, the sur- face layer, in touch with the heat of the cabin, consisting of air- tight linoleum, to prevent the warm, damp air from penetrating to the other side and depositing moisture, which would soon turn to ice. The sides of the ship were lined with tarred felt, then came a space with cork padding, next a deal panelling, then a thick layer of felt, next air-tight linoleum, and last of all an inner panelling. The ceiling of the saloon and cabins consisted of many different layers : air, felt, deal panelling, reindeer-hair stuffing, deal panelling, linoleum, air, and deal panelling, which, 44 FARTHEST NORTH with the 4-inch deck planks, gave a total thickness of about 15 inches. To form the floor of the saloon, cork padding, 6 or 7 inches thick, was laid on the deck planks, on this a thick wooden floor, and above all linoleum. The skylight which was most ex- posed to the cold was protected by three panes of glass, one within the other, and in various other ways. One of the greatest difficulties of life on board ship which former Arctic expeditions had had to contend with was that moisture, collecting on the cold outside walls, either froze at once or ran down in streams into the berths and on to the floor. Thus it was not unusual to find the mattresses converted into more or less solid masses of ice. We, however, by these arrangements, entirely avoided such an un- pleasant state of things, and when the fire was lighted in the saloon there was not a trace of moisture on the walls, even in the sleeping-cabins. In front of the saloon lay the cook's galley, on either side of which was a companion leading to the deck. As a protection against the cold, each of these companion-ways was fitted with four small solid doors consisting of several layers of wood with felt between, all of which had to be passed through on going out. And the more completely to exclude the cold air the thresholds of the doors were made more than ordinarily high. On the half-deck over the cook's galley, between the mainmast and the funnel, was a chart-room facing the bow, and a smaller work-room abaft. In order to secure the safety of the ship in case of a leak, the hold was divided into three compartments by water-tight bulk- heads. Besides the usual pumps, we had a powerful centrifugal pump driven by the engine, which could be connected with each of the three compartments. It may be mentioned as an improve- ment on former expeditions that the Fra7n was furnished with an electric light installation. The dynamo was to be driven by the engine while we were under steam ; while the intention was to drive it partly by means of the wind, partly by hand power, dur- ing our sojourn in the ice. For this purpose we took a windmill with us, and also a " horse-mill " to be worked by ourselves. I had anticipated that this latter might have been useful in giving us exercise in the long polar night. We found, however, that there were plenty of other things to do, and we never used it ; on the other hand, the windmill proved extremely serviceable. For illumination when we might not have enough power to produce PREPARATIONS AND EQUIPMENT 45 electric light, we took with us about i6 tons of petroleum, which was also intended for cooking purposes and for warming the cabins. This petroleum, as well as 20 tons of common kerosene,* intended to be used along with coal in the boiler, was stored in massive iron tanks, eight of which were in the hold, and one on deck. In all, the ship had eight boats, two of which were espe- cially large, 29 feet long and 9 feet wide. These were intended for use in case the ship should, after all, be lost, the idea being that we should live in them while drifting in the ice. They were large enough to accommodate the whole ship's company, with provisions for many months. Then there were four smaller boats of the form sealers generally use. They were exceedingly strong and lightly built, two of oak and two of elm. The seventh boat was a small pram, and the eighth a launch with a petroleum engine, which, however, was not very serviceable, and caused us a great deal of trouble. As I shall have frequent occasion later on to speak of other details of our equipment, I shall content myself here with men- tioning a few of the most important. Special attention was, of course, devoted to our commissariat with a view to obviating the danger of scurvy and other ailments. The principle on which I acted in the choice of provisions was to combine variety with wholesomeness. Every single article of food was chemically analyzed before being adopted, and great care was taken that it should be properly packed. Such articles, even, as bread, dried vegetables, etc, etc., were soldered down in tins as a protection against damp. A good library was of great importance to an expedition like ours, and thanks to publishers and friends, both in our own and in other countries, we were very well supplied in this respect. The instruments for taking scientific observations of course formed an important part of our equipment, and special care was bestowed upon them. In addition to the collection of instru- * This oil, by means of a specially constructed steam-jet apparatus, was injected into the furnaces in the form of a fine spray, where it burned in a very economical and saving manner, giving forth a great amount of heat. The apparatus was one which has been applied to locomotives in England, whence it was procured. It appeared, however, that it tended to overheat the boiler at one particular point, where it made a dent, so that we soon abandoned this method of firing. 4^ FARTHEST NORTH ments I had used on my Greenland expedition, a great many new ones were provided, and no pains were spared to get them as good and complete as possible. For meteorological observations, in addition to the ordinary thermometers, barometers, aneroids, psychrometers, hygrometers, anemometers, etc., etc., self-register- ing instruments were also taken. Of special importance were a self-registering aneroid barometer (barograph) and a pair of self-registering thermometers (thermographs). For astronomical observations we had a large theodolite and two smaller ones, intended for use on sledge expeditions, together with several sextants of different sizes. We had, moreover, four ship's chro- nometers and several pocket-chronometers. For magnetic obser- vations, for taking the declination, inclination, and intensity (both horizontal and total intensity) we had a complete set of in- struments. Among others may be mentioned a spectroscope especially adapted for the northern lights, an electroscope for determining the amount of electricity in the air, photographic apparatuses, of which we had seven, large and small, and a photo- graphometer for making charts. I considered a pendulum ap- paratus with its adjuncts to be of special importance to enable us to make pendulum experiments in the far North. To do this, however, land was necessary, and, as we did not find any, this instrument unfortunately did not come into use. For hydro- graphic observations we took a full equipment of water-samplers,' deep-water thermometers, etc. To ascertain the saltness of the water, we had, in addition to the ordinary areometers, an electric apparatus specially constructed by Mr. Thornoe. Altogether, our scientific equipment was especially excellent, thanks in great measure to the obliging assistance rendered me by many men of science. I would take this opportunity of tendering my special thanks to Professor Mohn, who, besides seeing to the meteoro- logical instruments, helped me in many other ways with his valua- ble advice ; to Professor Geelmuyden, who undertook the super- vision of the astronomical instruments ; to Dr. Neumeyer, of Hamburg, who took charge of the magnetic equipment ; and to Professor Otto Petterson, of Stockholm, and Mr. Thornoe, of Christiania, both of whom superintended the hydrographic department. Of no less importance were the physiologico- medicinal preparations, to which Professor Torup devoted par- ticular care. PREPARATIONS AND EQUIPMENT 47 As it might be of the utmost importance in several contin- gencies to have good sledge-dogs, I applied to my friend, Baron Edward von Toll, of St. Petersburg, and asked him whether it was possible to procure serviceable animals from Siberia.* With great courtesy Von Toll replied that he thought he himself could arrange this for me, as he was just on the point of undertaking his second scientific expedition to Siberia and the New Siberian Islands. He proposed to send the dogs to Khabarova, on Yugor Strait. On his journey through Tiumen in January, 1893, by the help of an English merchant named Wardroper, who resided there, he engaged Alexander Ivanovitch Trontheim to undertake the purchase of thirty Ostiak dogs and their conveyance to Yugor Strait. But Von Toll was not content with this. Mr. Nikolai Kelch having offered to bear the expense, my friend procured the East Siberian dogs, which are acknowledged to be better draught dogs than those of West Siberia (Ostiak dogs), and Johan Torgersen, a Norwegian, undertook to deliver them at the mouth of the Olenek, where it was arranged that we should touch. Von Toll, moreover, thought it would be important to establish some depots of provisions on the New Siberian Islands, in case the Fram should meet with disaster and the expedition should be obliged to return home that way. On Von Toll's mentioning this, Kelch at once expressed himself willing to bear the cost, as he wished us in that event to meet with Siberian hospitality even on the New Siberian Islands. As it was difficult to find trust- worthy agents to carry out a task involving so much responsibil- ity. Von Toll determined to establish the depots himself, and in May, 1893, he set out on an adventurous and highly interesting journey from the mainland over the ice to the New Siberian Islands, where, besides laying down three depots for us,t he made some very important geological researches. * I had thought of procuring dogs from the Eskimo of Greenland and Hudson Bay, but there proved to be insuperable difficulties in the way of getting them conveyed from there. t These depots were arranged most carefully, and every precaution so well taken that we certainly should not have suffered from famine had we gone there. In the northernmost depot at Stan Durnova on the west coast of Kotelnoi, at 75° 37' N. L., we should have found provisions for a week ; with these we could easily have made our way 65 miles southward along the coast to the second depot at Urassalach, where, in a house built 48 FARTHEST NORTH Another important matter, I thought, was to have a cargo of coal sent out as far as possible on our route, so that when we broke off all connection with the rest of the world we should have on board the Fram as much coal as she could carry. I therefore joyfully accepted an offer from an Englishman, who was to accompany us with his steam-yacht to Novaya Zemlya or the Kara Sea and give us loo tons of coal on parting company. As our departure was drawing nigh I learned, however, that other arrangements had been made. It being now too late to take any other measures, I chartered the sloop Urania, of Bronosund, in Nordland, to bring a cargo of coals to Khabarova, on the Yugor Strait. No sooner did the plan of my expedition become known than petitions poured in by the hundred from all quarters of the earth — from Europe, America, Australia — from persons who wished to take part in it, in spite of the many warning voices that had been raised. It was no easy thing to choose among all the brave men who applied. As a matter of course, it was abso- lutely essential that every man should be strong and healthy, and not one was finally accepted till he had been carefully ex- amined by Professor Hialmar Heiberg, of Christiania. The following is a list of the members of the expedition : Otto Neumann Sverdrup, commander of the Fram, was born in Bindal, in Helgeland, 1855. At the age of seventeen he went to sea, passed his mate's examination in 1878, and for some years was captain of a ship. In 1888-89 he took part in the Greenland expedition. As soon as he heard of the plan of the polar expedition he expressed his desire to accompany it, and I knew that I could not place the Fram in better hands. He is married, and has one child. Sigurd Scott-Hansen, first lieutenant in the navy, undertook the management of the meteorological, astronomical, and mag- netic observations. He was born in Christiania in 1868. After passing through the naval school at Horten, he became an offi- cer in 1889, and first lieutenant in 1892. He is a son of Andreas Hansen, parish priest in Christiania. by Baron von Toll in 1886, we should have found provisions for a whole month. Lastly, a third depot in a house on the south side of Little Liak- hofl Island, with provisions for two months, would have enabled us to reach the mainland with ease. PREPARATIONS AND EQUIPMENT 49 Henrik Greve Blessings doctor and botanist to the expedition, was born in Drammen in 1866, where his father was at that time a clergyman. He became a student in 1885, and graduated in medicine in the spring of 1893. Theodore Claudius Jacobsen^ mate of the Fram, was born in Tromso in 1855, where his father was a ship's captain, afterwards harbor-master and head pilot. At the age of fifteen he went to sea, and passed his mate's examination four years later. He spent two years in New Zealand, and from 1886 to 1890 he went on voyages to the Arctic Sea as skipper of a Tromso sloop. He is married, and has one child. Anton Aniiindseji^ chief engineer of the Fram^ was born in Horten in 1853. In 1884 he passed his technical examination, and soon afterwards his engineer's examination. For twenty- five years he has been in the navy, where he attained the rank of chief engineer. He is married, and has six children. Adolf J ue 11^ steward and cook of the Fram^ was born in the parish of Skato, near Kragero, in i860. His father, Claus Niel- sen, was a farmer and ship-owner. In 1879 he passed his mate's examination, and has been captain of a ship many years. He is married, and has four children. Lars Pettersen, second engineer of the Fram^ was born in i860, at Borre, near Landskrona, in Sweden, of Norwegian par- ents. He is a fully qualified smith and machinist, in which capacity he has served in the Norwegian navy for several years. Is married, and has children. Frederik HJalmar JoJiansen^ lieutenant in the Reserve, was born in Skien in 1867, and matriculated at the University in 1886. In 1891-92 he went to the Military School and became a supernumerary officer. He was so eager to take part in the expedition that, as no other post could be found for him, he accepted that of stoker. Peter Leonard Henriksen, harpooner, was born in Balsfjord, near Tromso, in 1859. From childhood he has been a sailor, and from fourteen years of age has gone on voyages to the Arctic Sea as harpooner and skipper. In 1888 he was shipwrecked off Novaya Zemlya in the sloop Enigheden^ from Christiansund. He is married, and has four children. Bernhard Nordahl was born in Christiania in 1862. At the age of fourteen he entered the navy, and advanced to be a 50 FARTHEST NORTH gunner. Subsequently he has done a little of everything, and, among other things, has worked as an electrical engineer. He had charge of the dynamo and electric installation on board, acted, moreover, as stoker, and for a time assisted in the meteor- ological observations. He is married, and has five children. Ivar Otto Irgens Mogstad was born Aure, in Nordmore, in 1856. In 1877 passed his examination as first assistant, and from 1882 onward was one of the head keepers at the Gaustad Lunatic Asylum. Bernt Bentzen, born in i860, went to sea for several years. In 1890 he passed his mate's examination, since which he has sailed as mate in several voyages to the Arctic Sea. We en- gaged him at Tromso, just as we were starting. It was 8.30 when he came on board to speak to me, and at lo o'clock the Fram set sail. CHAPTER III THE START "So travel I north to the gloomy abode That the sun never shines on — There is no day." It was midsummer day. A dull, gloomy day ; and with it came the inevitable leave-taking. The door closed behind me. For the last time I left my home and went alone down the garden to the beach, where the Fram's little petroleum launch pitilessly awaited me. Behind me lay all I held dear in life. And what before me ? How many years would pass ere I should see it all again ? What would I not have given at that moment to be able to turn back ; but up at the window little Liv was sitting clapping her hands. Happy child, little do you know what life is — how strangely mingled and how full of change. Like an arrow the little boat sped over Lysaker Bay, bearing me on the first stage of a journey on which life itself, if not more, was staked. At last everything was in readiness. The hour had arrived towards which the persevering labor of years had been incessant- ly bent, and with it the feeling that, everything being provided and completed, responsibility might be thrown aside and the weary brain at last find rest. The Frain lies yonder at Pepper- viken, impatiently panting and waiting for the signal, when the launch comes puffing past Dyna and runs alongside. The deck is closely packed with people come to bid a last farewell, and now all must leave the ship. Then the Fram weighs anchor, and, heavily laden and moving slowly, makes the tour of the little creek. The quays are black with crowds of people waving their hats and handkerchiefs. But silently and quietly the Fram heads towards the fjord, steers slowly past Bygdo and Dyna out on her unknown path, while little nimble craft, steamers, and pleasure- boats swarm around her. Peaceful and snug lay the villas along 52 FARTHEST NORTH the shore behind their veils of foliage, just as they ever seemed of old. Ah, " fair is the woodland slope, and never did it look fairer !" Long, long will it be before we shall plough these well- known waters again. And now a last farewell to home. Yonder it lies on the point — the fjord sparkling in front, pine and fir woods around, a little smiling meadow -land and long wood -clad ridges behind. Through the glass one could descry a summer-clad figure by the bench under the fir-tree. . . . It was the darkest hour of the whole journey. And now out into the fjord. It was rainy weather, and a feel- ing of melancholy seemed to brood over the familiar landscape with all its memories. It was not until noon next day (June 25th) that the Frant glided into the bay by Raekvik, Archer's ship-yard, near Laurvik, where her cradle stood, and where many a golden dream had been dreamed of her victorious career. Here we were to take the two long-boats on board and have them set up on their davits, and there were several other things to be shipped. It took the whole day and a good part of the next before all was completed. About three o'clock on the 26th we bade farewell to Raekvik and made a bend into Laurvik Bay, in order to stand out to sea by Fred- eriksvaern. Archer himself had to take the wheel and steer his child this last bit before leaving the ship. And then came the farewell hand-shake ; but few words were spoken, and they got into the boat, he, my brothers, and a friend, while the Fram glided ahead with her heavy motion, and the bonds that united us were severed. It was sad and strange to see this last relic of home in that little skiff on the wide blue surface. Anker's cutter behind, and Laurvik farther in the distance. I almost think a tear glittered on that fine old face as he stood erect in the boat and shouted a farewell to us and to the Fram. Do you think he does not love the vessel ? That he believes in her I know well. So we gave him the first salute from the Frani's guns — a worthier inauguration they could not well have had. Full speed ahead, and in the calm, bright summer weather, while the setting sun shed his beams over the land, the Fram stood out towards the blue sea, to get its first roll in the long, heaving swell. They stood up in the boat and watched us for long. THE START 53 We bore along the coast in good weather, past Christiansand. The next evening, June 27th, we were off the Naze, I sat up and chatted with Scott-Hansen till late in the night. He acted as captain on the trip from Christiania to Trondhjem, where Sverdrup was to join, after having accompanied his family to Steenkiaer. As we sat there in the chart-house and let the hours slip by while we pushed on in the ever-increasing swell, all at once a sea burst open the door and poured in. We rushed out on deck. The ship rolled like a log, the seas broke over the rails on both sides, and one by one up came all the crew. I feared most lest the slender davits which supported the long-boats should give way, and the boats themselves should go overboard, perhaps carrying away with them a lot of the rigging. Then twenty -five empty paraffin casks which were lashed on deck broke loose, washed backward and forward, and gradually filled with water ; so that the outlook was not altogether agree- able. But it was worst of all when the piles of reserve timber, spars, and planks began the same dance, and threatened to break the props under the boats. It was an anxious hour. Sea-sick, I stood on the bridge, occupying myself in alternately making libations to Neptune and trembling for the safety of the boats and the men, who were trying to make snug what they could for- ward on deck. I often saw only a hotch-potch of sea, drifting planks, arms, legs, and empty barrels. Now a green sea poured over us and knocked a man off his legs so that the water deluged him ; now I saw the lads jumping over hurtling spars and barrels, so as not to get their feet crushed between them. There was not a dry thread on them. Juell, who lay asleep in the " Grand Hotel," as we called one of the long-boats, awoke to hear the sea roaring under him like a cataract. I met him at the cabin door as he came running down. It was no longer safe there, he thought ; best to save one's rags — he had a bundle under his arm. Then he set off forward to secure his sea-chest, which was floating about on the fore-deck, and dragged it hurriedly aft, while one heavy sea after another swept over him. Once the Fram buried her bows and shipped a sea over the forecastle. * There was one fellow clinging to the anchor-davits over the frothing water. It was poor Juell again. We were hard put to it to secure our goods and chattels. We had to throw all our good paraffin casks overboard, and one prime timber balk after another went the 54 FARTHEST NORTH same way, while I stood and watched them sadly as they floated off. The rest of the deck cargo was shifted aft on to the half- deck. I am afraid the shares in the expedition stood rather low at this moment. Then all at once, when things were about at their worst with us, we sighted a bark looming out of the fog ahead. There it lay with royals and all sails set, as snugly and peacefully as if nothing were the matter, rocking gently on the sea. It made one feel almost savage to look at it. Visions of the Flying Dutchman and other devilry flashed through my mind. Terrible disaster in the cook's galley ! Mogstad goes in and sees the whole wall sprinkled over with dark-red stains — rushes off to Nordahl, and says he believes Juell has shot himself through despair at the insufferable heat he complains so about. '' Great revolver disaster on board the Fram ! . . ." On close inspection, however, the stains appeared to proceed from a box of chocolate that had upset in the cupboard. Owing to the fog we dared not go too near land, so kept out to sea, till at last, towards morning, the fog lifted somewhat, and the pilot found his bearings between Farsund and Hummerdus. We put into Lister Fjord, intending to anchor there and get into better sea trim ; but as the weather improved we went on our way. It was not till the afternoon that we steered into Eker- sund, owing to thick weather and a stiff breeze, and anchored in Hovland's Bay, where our pilot, Hovland,* lived. Next morning the boat davits, etc., were put in good working order. The Fram. however, was too heavily laden to be at all easy in a sea- way ; but this we could not alter. What we had we must keep, and if we only got everything on deck shipshape and properly lashed, the sea could not do us much harm, however rough it might be : for we knew well enough that ship and rigging would hold out. It was late in the evening of the last day of June when we rounded Kvarven and stood in for Bergen in the gloom of the sullen night. Next morning when I came on deck Vagen lay clear and bright in the sun, all the ships being gayly decked out * Both Hovland, who piloted us from Christiania to Bergen, and Johan Hagensen, who took us from Bergen to Vardo, were most kindly placed at the disposal of the expedition by the Nordenfjeldske Steamship Com- pany, of Trondhjem. THE START 55 with bunting from topmast to deck. The sun was holding high festival in the sky — Ulriken, Floiren, and Lovstakken sparkled and glittered, and greeted me as of old. It is a marvellous place, that old Hanseatic town ! In the evening I was to give a lecture, but arrived half an hour too late. For just as I was dressing to go a number of bills poured in, and if I was to leave the town as a solvent man I must needs pay them, and so the public perforce had to wait. But the worst of it was that the saloon was full of those ever- lastingly inquisitive tourists. I could hear a whole company of them besieging my cabin door while I was dressing, declaring "they must shake hands with the doctor !"* One of them act- ually peeped in through the ventilator at me, my secretary told me afterwards. A nice sight she must have seen, the lovely creat- ure ! Report says she drew her head back very quickly. Indeed, at every place where we put in we were looked on somewhat as wild animals in a menagerie. For they peeped unceremonious- ly at us in our berths as if we had been bears and lions in a den, and we could hear them loudly disputing among themselves as to who was who, and whether those nearest and dearest to us whose portraits hung on the walls could be called pretty or not. When I had finished my toilette I opened the door cautiously and made a rush through the gaping company. *' There he is — there he is !"* they called to each other as they tumbled up the steps after me. It was no use ; I was on the quay and in the carriage long before they had reached the deck. At 8 o'clock there was a great banquet, many fine speeches, good fare and excellent wine, pretty ladies, music, and dancing till far into the night. Next morning at ii o'clock — it was Sunday — in bright, sun- shiny weather, we stood northward over Bergen Fjord, many friends accompanying us. It was a lovely, never-to-be-forgotten summer day. In Herlo Fjord, right out by the skerries, they parted from us, amid wavings of hats and pocket-handkerchiefs ; we could see the little harbor boat for a long while with its black cloud of smoke on the sparkling surface of the water. Outside, the sea rolled in the hazy sunlight ; and within lay the flat Man- gerland, full of memories for me of zoological investigations in * English in the original. 56 FARTHEST NORTH fair weather and foul, years and years ago. Here it was that one of Norway's most famous naturalists, a lonely pastor far removed from the outer world, made his great discoveries. Here I myself first groped my way along the narrow path of zoologi- cal research. It was a wondrous evening. The lingering flush of vanished day suff^used the northern sky, while the moon hung large and round over the mountains behind us. Ahead lay Alden and Kinn, like a fairyland rising up from the sea. Tired as I was, I could not seek my berth ; I must drink in all this loveliness in deep, refreshing draughts. It was like balm to the soul after all the turmoil and friction with crowds of strangers. So we went on our way, mostly in fair weather, occasionally in fog and rain, through sounds and between islands, northward along the coast of Norway. A glorious land — I wonder if an- other fairway like this is to be found the whole world over? Those never-to-be-forgotten mornings, when nature wakens to life, wreaths of mist glittering like silver over the mountains, their tops soaring above the mist like islands of the sea ! Then the day gleaming over the dazzling white snow-peaks ! And the evenings, and the sunsets with the pale moon overhead, white mountains and islands lay hushed and dreamlike as a youthful longing ! Here and there past homely little havens with houses around them set in smiling green trees ! Ah ! those snug homes in the lee of the skerries awake a longing for life and warmth in the breast. You may shrug your shoulders as much as you like at the beauties of nature, but it is a fine thing for a people to have a fair land, be it never so poor. Never did this seem clear- er to me than now when I was leaving it. Every now and then a hurrah from land — at one time from a troop of children, at another from grown-up people, but mostly from wondering peasants who gaze long at the strange-looking ship and muse over its enigmatic destination. And men and women on board sloops and ten-oared boats stand up in their red shirts that glow in the sunlight, and rest on their oars to look at us. Steamboats crowded with people came out from the towns we passed to greet us, and bid us God-speed on our way with music, songs, and cannon salutes. The great tourist steamboats dipped flags to us and fired salutes, and the smaller craft did the same. It is embarrassing and oppressive to be the object of 2 > THE START 57 homage like this before anything has been accomplished. There is an old saying : " At eve the day shall be praised, The wife when she is burnt, The sword when tried. The woman when married, The ice when passed over, Ale when drunk." Most touching was the interest and sympathy with which these poor fisher-folk and peasants greeted us. It often set me won- dering. I felt they followed us with fervent eagerness. I re- member one day — it was north in Helgeland — an old woman was standing waving and waving to us on a bare crag. Her cottage lay some distance inland. " I wonder if it can really be us she is waving to," I said to the pilot, who was standing beside me. "You may be sure it is," was the answer. "But how can she know who we are ?" " Oh ! they know all about the Fram up here, in every cabin, and they will be on the look- out for you as you come back, I can tell you," he answered. Aye, truly, it is a responsible task we are undertaking, when the whole nation are with us like this. What if the thing should turn out a huge disappointment ! In the evening I would sit and look around — lonely huts lay scattered here and there on points and islets. Here the Nor- wegian people wear out their lives in the struggle with the rocks, in the struggle with the sea ; and it is this people that is sending us out into the great hazardous unknown ; the very folk who stand there in their fishing-boats and look wonderingly after the Fram as she slowly and heavily steams along on her northward course. Many of them wave their sou'-westers and shout " Hurrah !" Others have barely time to gape at us in wonderment. In on the point are a troop of women waving and shouting ; outside a few boats with ladies in light summer dresses, and gentlemen at the oars entertaining them with small- talk as they wave their parasols and pocket-handkerchiefs. Yes ; it is they who are sending us out. It is not a cheering thought. Not one of them, probably, knows what they are paying their money for. Maybe they have heard it is a glorious enterprise ; but why ? To what end ? Are we not defrauding them ? But 58 FARTHEST NORTH their eyes are riveted on the ship, and perhaps there dawns be- fore their minds a momentary vision of a new and inconceivable world, with aspirations after a something of which they know naught. . . . And here on board are men who are leaving wives and children behind them. How sad has been the separation ! what longing, what yearning, await them in the coming years ! And it is not for profit they do it. For honor and glory, then ? These may be scant enough. It is the same thirst for achieve- ment, the same craving to get beyond the limits of the known, which inspired this people in the Saga time that is stirring in them again to-day. In spite of all our toil for subsistence, in spite of all our " peasant politics," sheer utilitarianism is perhaps not so dominant among us, after all. As time was precious I did not, as originally intended, put in at Trondhjem, but stopped at Beian, where Sverdrup joined us. Here Professor Brdgger also came on board, to accompany us as far as Tromso. Here, too, our doctor received three monstrous chests with the medicine supply, a gift from Apothecary Bruun of Trondhjem. And so on towards the north, along the lovely coast of Nord- land. We stopped at one or two places to take dried fish on board as provision for the dogs. Past Torghatten, the Seven Sis- ters, and Hestemanden ; past Lovunen and Traenen, far out yon- der in the sea ; past Lofoten and all the other lovely places — each bold, gigantic form wilder and more beautiful than the last. It is unique — a fairyland — a land of dreams. We felt afraid to go on too fast, for fear of missing something. On July 1 2th we arrived at Tromso, where we were to take in coal and other things, such as reindeer cloaks, *' komager " (a sort of Lapp moccasin), Finn shoes, "senne" grass, dried reindeer flesh, etc., etc., all of which had been procured by that indefatiga- ble friend of the expedition, Advocate Mack. Tromso gave us a cold reception — a northwesterly gale, with driving snow and sleet. Mountains, plains, and house-roofs were all covered with snow down to the water's edge. It was the very bitterest July day I ever experienced. The people there said they could not remember such a July. Perhaps they were afraid the place would come into disrepute, for in a town where they hold snow- shoe races on Midsummer Day one may be prepared for anything in the way of weather. THE START 59 In Tromso the next day a new member of the expedition was engaged, Bernt Bentzen — a stout fellow to look at. He originally intended accompanying us only as far as Yugor Strait, but as a matter of fact he went the whole voyage with us, and proved a great acquisition, being not only a capital seaman, but a cheerful and an amusing comrade. After a stay of two days we again set out. On the night of the 1 6th, east of the North Cape, or Magero, we met with such a nasty sea, and shipped so much water on deck, that we put into Kjollefjord to adjust our cargo better by shifting the coal and making a few other changes. We worked at this the whole of two days, and made everything clear for the voyage to Novaya Zemlya. I had at first thought of taking on board a fresh supply of coal at Vardo, but as we were already deeply laden, and the Urania was to meet us at Yugor Strait with coal, we thought it best to be contented with what we had already got on board, as we might expect bad weather in crossing the White Sea and Barents Sea. At ten o'clock in the evening we weighed anchor, and reached Vardo next evening, where we met with a magnifi- cent reception. There was a band of music on the pier, the fjord teemed with boats, flags waved on every hand, and salutes were fired. The people had been waiting for us ever since the previous evening, we were told — some of them, indeed, coming from Vadso — and they had seized the opportunity to get up a subscription to provide a big drum for the town band, the " North Pole." And here we were entertained at a sumptuous banquet, with speeches, and champagne flowing in streams, ere we bade Norway our last farewell. The last thing that had now to be done for the Fram was to have her bottom cleaned of mussels and weeds, so that she might be able to make the best speed possible. This work was done by divers, who were readily placed at our ser- vice by the local inspector of the Government Harbor Depart- ment. But our own bodies also claimed one last civilized feast of purification before entering on a life of savagery. The bath- house of the town is a small timber building. The bath-room it- self is low, and provided with shelves where you lie down and are parboiled with hot steam, which is constantly kept up by water being thrown on the glowing hot stones of an awful oven, worthy 6o FARTHEST NORTH of hell itself ; while all the time young quaen (lasses) flog you with birch twigs. After that you are rubbed down, washed, and dried delightfully — everything being well managed, clean, and comfortable. I wonder whether old Father Mahomet has set up a bath like this in his paradise. CHAPTER IV FAREWELL TO NORWAY I PELT in a strange mood as I sat up the last night writing letters and telegrams. We had bidden farewell to our excellent pilot, Johan Hagensen, who had piloted us from Bergen, and now we were only the thirteen members of the expedition, to- gether with my secretary, Christofersen, who had accompanied us so far, and was to go on with us as far as Yugor Strait. Every- thing was so calm and still, save for the scraping of the pen that was sending off a farewell to friends at home. All the men were asleep below. The last telegram was written, and I sent my secretary ashore with it. It was 3 o'clock in the morning when he returned, and I called Sverdrup up, and one or two others. We weighed anchor, and stood out of the harbor in the silence of the morning. The town still lay wrapped in sleep ; everything looked so peaceful and lovely all around, with the exception of a little stir of awaken- ing toil on board one single steamer in the harbor. A sleepy fisherman stuck his head up out of the half-deck of his ten-oared boat, and stared at us as we steamed past the breakwater ; and on the revenue-cutter outside there was a man fishing in that early morning light. This last impression of Norway was just the right one for us to carry away with us. Such beneficent peace and calm ; such a rest for the thoughts ; no hubbub and turmoil of people with their hurrahs and salutes. The masts in the harbor, the house- roofs, and chimneys stood out against the cool morning sky. Just then the sun broke through the mist and smiled over the shore — rugged, bare, and weather-worn in the hazy morning, but still lovely — dotted here and there with tiny houses and boats, and all Norway lay behind it. . . . While the Fram was slowly and quietly working her way out 62 FARTHEST NORTH to sea, towards our distant goal, I stood and watched the land gradually fading away on the horizon. I wonder what will hap- pen to her and to us before we again see Norway rising up over the sea ? But a fog soon came on and obscured everything. And through fog, nothing but fog, we steamed away for four days without stopping, until, when I came on deck on the morn- ing of the 25th of July, behold clear weather ! The sun was shining in a cloudless sky, the bright blue sea was heaving with a gentle swell. Again it was good to be a living being, and to drink in the peacefulness of the sea in long draughts. Towards noon we sighted Goose Land on Novaya Zemlya, and stood in towards it. Guns and cartridges were got ready, and we looked forward with joyful anticipation to roast goose and other game ; but we had gone but a short distance when the gray, woolly fog from the southeast came up and enveloped us. Again we were shut off from the world around us. It was scarcely prudent to make for land, so we set our course eastward towards Yugor Strait; but a head -wind soon compelled us to beat up under steam and sail, which we went on doing for a couple of days, plunged in a world of fog. Ugh ! that endless, stubborn fog of the Arctic Sea ! When it lowers its curtain, and shuts out the blue above and the blue below, and everything becomes a damp, gray mist, day in and day out, then all the vigor and elasticity of the soul is needed to save one from being stifled in its clammy embrace. Fog, and nothing but fog, wherever we turn our eyes. It condenses on the rigging and drips down on every tiniest spot on deck. It lodges on your clothes, and finally wets you through and through. It settles down on the mind and spirits, and ev- erything becomes one uniform gray. On the evening of July 27th, while still fog-bound, we quite unexpectedly met with ice ; a mere strip, indeed, which we easily passed through, but i-t boded ill. In the night we met with more — a broader strip this time, which also we passed through. But next morning I was called up with the information that there was thick, old ice ahead. Well, if ice difficulties were to begin so soon, it would be a bad lookout indeed. Such are the chill sur- prises that the Arctic Sea has more than enough of. I dressed and was up in the crow's-nest in a twinkling. The ice lay ex- tended everywhere, as' far as the eye could reach through the FAREWELL TO NORWAY 63 fog, which had lifted a little. There was no small quantity of ice, but it was tolerably open, and there was nothing for it but to be true to our watchword and "ga fram " — push onward. For a good while we picked our way. But now it began to lie closer, with large floes every here and there, and at the same time the fog grew denser, and we could not see our way at all. To go ahead in difficult ice and in a fog is not very prudent, for it is impossible to tell just where you are going, and you are apt to be set fast before you know where you are. So we had to stop and wait. But still the fog grew ever denser, while the ice did the same. Our hopes meanwhile rose and fell, but mostly the latter, I think. To encounter so much ice already in these waters, where at this time of year the sea is, as a rule, quite free from it, boded anything but good. Already at Tromso and Vardo we had heard bad news ; the White Sea, they said, had only been clear of ice a very short time, and a boat that had tried to reach Yugor Strait had had to turn back because of the ice. Neither were our anticipations of the Kara Sea altogether cheerful. What might we not expect there? For the Urania, with our coals, too, this ice was a bad business ; for it would be unable to make its way through unless it had found navigable water far- ther south along the Russian coast. Just as our prospects were at their darkest, and we were pre- paring to seek a way back out of the ice, which kept getting ever denser, the joyful tidings came that the fog was lifting, and that clear water was visible ahead to the east on the other side of the ice. After forcing our way ahead for some hours be- tween the heavy floes, we were once more in open water. This first bout with the ice, however, showed us plainly what an ex- cellent ice-boat the Fram was. It was a royal pleasure to work her ahead through difficult ice. She twisted and turned " like a ball on a platter." No channel between the floes so winding and awkward but she could get through it. But it is hard work for the helmsman. " Hard a-starboard ! Hard a-port ! Steady ! Hard a-starboard again !" goes on incessantly without so much as a breathing-space. And he rattles the wheel round, the sweat pours off him, and round it goes again like a spinning-wheel. And the ship swings round and wriggles her way forward among the floes without touching, if there is an opening only just wide enough for her to slip through ; and where there is none she 64 FARTHEST NORTH drives full tilt at the ice, with her heavy plunge, runs her sloping bows up on it, treads it under her, and bursts the floes asunder. And how strong she is, too ! Even when she goes full speed at a floe, not a creak, not a sound, is to be heard in her ; if she gives a little shake it is all she does. On Saturday, July 29th, we again headed eastward towards Yugor Strait as fast as sails and steam could take us. We had open sea ahead, the weather was fine and the wind fair. Next morning we came under the south side of Dolgoi, or Langoia, as the Norwegian whalers call it, where we had to stand to the north- ward. On reaching the north of the island we again bore east- ward. Here I descried from the crow's-nest, as far as I could make out, several islands which are not given on the charts. They lay a little to the east of Langoia. It was now pretty clear that the Urania had not made her way through the ice. While we were sitting in the saloon in the forenoon, talking about it, a cry was heard from deck that the sloop was in sight. It was joyful news, but the joy was of no long duration. The next moment we heard she had a crow's- nest on her mast, so she was doubtless a sealer. When she sighted us she bore off to the south, probably fearing that we were a Russian war-ship or something equally bad. So, as we had no particular interest in her, we let her go on her way in peace. Later in the day we neared Yugor Strait. We kept a sharp lookout for land ahead, but none could be seen. Hour after hour passed as we glided onward at good speed, but still no land. Certainly it would not be high land, but nevertheless this was strange. Yes — there it lies, like a low shadow over the horizon, on the port bow. It is land — it is Vaigats Island. Soon we sight more of it — abaft the beam ; then, too, the mainland on the south side of the strait. More and more of it comes in sight — it in- creases rapidly. All low and level land, no heights, no variety, no apparent opening for the strait ahead. Thence it stretches away to the north and south in a soft, low curve. This is the threshold of Asia's boundless plains, so different from all we have been used to. We now glided into the strait, with its low, rocky shores on either side. The strata of the rocks lie end-ways, and are crum- pled and broken, but on the surface everything is level and smooth. No one who travels over the flat, green plains and tun- FAREWELL TO NORWAY 65 dras would have any idea of the mysteries and upheavals that lie hidden beneath the sward. Here once upon a time were moun- tains and valleys, now all worn away and washed out. We looked out for Khabarova. On the north side of the sound there was a mark ; a shipwrecked sloop lay on the shore ; it wac a Norwegian sealer. The wreck of a smaller vessel lay by its side. On the south side was a flag-staff, and on it a red flag ; Khabarova must then lie behind it. At last one or two buildings or shanties appeared behind a promontory, and soon the whole place lay exposed to view, consisting of tents and a few houses. On a little jutting-out point close by us was a large red building, with white door-frames, of a very homelike appearance. It was, indeed, a Norwegian warehouse which Sibiriakoff had imported from Finmarken. But here the water was shallow, and we had to proceed carefully for fear of running aground. We kept heav- ing the lead incessantly — we had 5 fathoms of water, and then 4, then not much more than we needed, and then it shelved to a little over 3 fathoms. This was rather too close work, so we stood out again a bit to wait till we got a little nearer the place before drawing in to the shore. A boat was now seen slowly approaching from the land. A man of middle height, with an open, kindly face and reddish beard, came on board. He might have been a Norwegian from his appearance. I went to meet him, and asked him in German if he was Trontheim. Yes, he was. After him there came a number of strange figures clad in heavy robes of reindeer-skin, which nearly touched the deck. On their heads they wore pecul- iar " bashlyk "-like caps of reincalf - skin, beneath which strongly marked bearded faces showed forth, such as might well have belonged to old Norwegian Vikings. The whole scene, indeed, called up in my mind a picture of the Viking Age, of expeditions to Gardarike and Bjarmeland. They were fine, stalwart-looking fellows, these Russian traders, who barter with the natives, giv- ing them brandy in exchange for bearskins, sealskins, and other valuables, and who, when once they have a hold on a man, keep him in such a state of dependence that he can scarcely call his soul his own. " Es ist eine alte Geschichte, doch wird sie immer neu." Soon, too, the Samoyedes came flocking on board, pleasant- featured people of the broad Asiatic type. Of course it was only the men who came. ^ FARTHEST NORTH The first question I asked Trontheim was about the ice. He replied that Yugor Strait had been open a long while, and that he had been expecting our arrival every day since then with ever -increasing anxiety. The natives and the Russians had begun to jeer at him as time went on and no Frani was to be seen ; but now he had his revenge and was all sun- shine. He thought the state of the ice in the Kara Sea would be favorable ; some Samoyedes had said so, who had been seal- hunting near the eastern entrance of the strait a day or two previously. This was not very much to build upon, certainly, but still sufficient to make us regret that we had not got there before. Then we spoke of the Urania^ of which no one, of course, had seen anything. No ship had put in there for some time, ex- cept the sealing sloop we had passed in the morning. Next we inquired about the dogs, and learned that everything was all right with them. To make sure, Trontheim had purchased forty dogs, though I had only asked for thirty. Five of these, from various mishaps, had died during their journey — one had been bitten to death, two had got hung fast and had been stran- gled while passing through a forest, etc., etc. One, moreover, had been taken ill a few days before, and was still on the sick list ; but the remaining thirty-four were in good condition : we could hear them howling and barking. During this conversation we had come as near to Khabarova as we dared venture, and at seven in the evening cast anchor in about 3 fathoms of water. Over the supper-table Trontheim told us his adventures. On the way from Sopva and Ural to the Pechora he heard that there was a dog epidemic in that locality ; consequently he did not think it advisable to go to the Pechora as he had intended, but laid his course instead direct from Ural to Yugor Strait. Tow- ards the end of the journey the snow had disappeared, and, in company with a reindeer caravan, he drove on with his dogs over the bare plain, stocks and stones and all, using the sledges none the less. The Samoyedes and natives of Northern Siberia have no vehicles but sledges. The summer sledge is somewhat higher than the winter sledge, in order that it may not hang fast upon stones and stumps. As may be supposed, however, summer sledging is anything but smooth work. After supper we went ashore, and were soon on the flat beach of Khabarova, the Russians and Samoyedes regarding us with FAREWELL TO NORWAY 6y the utmost curiosity. The first objects to attract our attention were the two churches— an old, venerable-looking wooden shed, of an oblong rectangular form, and an octagonal pavilion, not unlike many summer-houses or garden pavilions that I have seen at home. How far the divergence between the two forms of religion was indicated in the two mathematical figures I am unable to say. It might be that the simplicity of the old faith was expressed in the simple, four-sided building, while the rites and ceremonies of the other were typified in the octagonal form, with its double number of corners to stumble against. Then we must go and see the monastery — " Skit," as it was called — where the six monks had lived, or rather died, from what people said was scurvy, probably helped out by alcohol. It lay over against the new church, and resembled an ordinary low Russian timber- house. The priest and his assistants were living there now, and had asked Trontheim to take up his quarters with them. Tron- theim, therefore, invited us in, and we soon found ourselves in a couple of comfortable log-built rooms with open fireplaces like our Norwegian "pels." After this we proceeded to the dog-camp, which was situated on a plain at some distance from the houses and tents. As we approached it the howling and barking kept getting worse and worse. When a short distance off we were surprised to see a Norwegian flag on the top of a pole. Trontheim's face beamed with joy as our eyes fell on it. It was, he said, under the same flag as our expedition that his had been undertaken. There stood the dogs tied up, making a deafening clamor. Many of them appeared to be well-bred animals — long-haired, snow-white, with upstanding ears and pointed muzzles. With their gentle, good-natured-looking faces they at once ingratiated themselves in our affections. Some of them more resembled a fox, and had shorter coats, while others were black or spotted. Evidently they were of different races, and some of them betrayed by their drooping ears a strong admixture of European blood. After having duly admired the ravenous way in which they swallowed raw fish (gwiniad), not without a good deal of snarling and wrangling, we took a walk inland to a lake close by in search of game ; but we found only an Arctic gull with its brood. A channel had been dug from this lake to convey drinking-water to Khaba- rova. According to what Trontheim told us, this was the work 68 FARTHEST NORTH of the monks — about the only work, probably, they had ever taken in hand. The soil here was a soft clay, and the channel was narrow and shallow, like a roadside ditch or gutter ; the work could not have been very arduous. On the hill above the lake stood the flagstaff which we had noticed on our arrival. It had been erected by the excellent Trontheim to bid us welcome, and on the flag itself, as I afterwards discovered by chance, was the word "Vorwarts." Trontheim had been told that that was the name of our ship, so he was not a little disappointed when he came on board to find it was Frain instead. I consoled him, however, by telling him they both meant the same thing, and that his welcome was just as well meant, whether written in German or Norwegian. Trontheim told me afterwards that he was by descent a Norwegian, his father having been a ship's captain from Trondhjem, and his mother an Esthonian, settled at Riga. His father had been much at sea, and had died early, so the son had not learned Norwegian. Naturally our first and foremost object was to learn all we could about the ice in the Arctic Sea. We had determined to push on as soon as possible ; but we must have the boiler put in order first, while sundry pipes and valves in the engine wanted seeing to. As it would take several days to do this, Sverdrup, Peter Henriksen, and I set out next morning in our little petro- leum launch to the eastern opening of the Yugor Strait, to see with our own eyes what might be the condition of the ice to the eastward. It was 28 miles thither. A quantity of ice was drift- ing through the strait from the east, and, as there was a norther- ly breeze, we at once turned our course northward to get under the lee of the north shore, where the water was more open. I had the rather thankless task of acting as helmsman and en- gineer at one and the same time. The boat went on like a little hero and made about six knots. Everything looked bright. But, alas ! good fortune seldom lasts long, especially when one has to do with petroleum launches. A defect in the circulation-pump soon stopped the engine, and we could only go for short dis- tances at a time, till we reached the north shore, where, after two hours' hard work, I got the engine so far in order as to be able to continue our journey to the northeast through the sound between the drifting floes. We got on pretty well, except for an interruption every now and then when the engine took it into FAREWELL TO NORWAY 69 its head to come to a standstill. It caused a good deal of mer- riment when the stalwart Peter turned the crank to set her off again and the engine gave a start so as nearly to pull his arms out of joint and upset him head over heels in the boat. Every now and then a flock of long-tailed duck {Harelda glacialis) ur other birds came whizzing by us, one or two of them invariably falling to our guns. We had kept along the Vaigats shore, but now crossed over towards the south side of the strait. When about the middle of the channel I was startled by all at once seeing the bottom grow light under us, and had nearly run the boat on a shoal of which no one knew anything. There was scarcely more than two or three feet of water, and the current ran over it like a rapid river. Shoals and sunken rocks abound there on every hand, especially on the south side of the strait, and it required great care to navigate a vessel through it. Near the eastern mouth of the strait we put into a little creek, dragged the boat up on the beach, and then, taking our guns, made for some high-lying land we had noticed. We tramped along over the same undulating plain-land with low ridges as we had seen everywhere round the Yugor Strait. A brownish-green carpet of moss and grass spread over the plain, bestrewn with flowers of rare beauty. During the long, cold Siberian winter the snow lies in a thick mass over the tundra ; but no sooner does the sun get the better of it than hosts of tiny Northern flowers burst their way up through the fast-disappearing coating of snow and open their modest calices, blushing in the radiant summer day that bathes the plain in its splendor. Saxifrages with large blooms, pale-yellow mountain poppies {Papavcr yiiidicaiile) stand in bright clusters, and here and there with bluish forget-me-nots and white cloud-berry flow- ers; in some boggy hollows the cotton-grass spreads its wavy down carpet, while in other spots small forests of bluebells softly tinkle in the wind on their upright stalks. These flowers are not at all brilliant specimens, being in most cases not more than a couple of inches high, but they are all the more exquisite on that account, and in such surroundings their beauty is singularly attractive. While the eye vainly seeks for a resting-place over the boundless plain, these modest blooms smile at you and take your fancy captive. And over these mighty tundra-plains of Asia, stretching in- 70 FARTHEST NORTH finitely onward from one sky-line to the other, the nomad wanders with his reindeer herds, a glorious, free life ! Where he wills he pitches his tent, his reindeer around him ; and at his will again he goes on his way. I almost envied him. He has no goal to struggle towards, no anxieties to endure — he has merely to live ! I wellnigh wished that I could live his peaceful life, with wife and child, on these boundless, open plains, unfettered, happy. After we had proceeded a short distance, we became aware of a white object sitting on a stone heap beneath a little ridge, and soon noticed more in other directions. They looked quite ghostly as they sat^ there silent and motionless. With the help of my field-glass I discovered that they were snow-owls. We set out after them, but they took care to keep out of the range of a fowl- ing-piece. Sverdrup, however, shot one or two with his rifle. There was a great number of them ; I could count as many as eight or ten at once. They sat motionless on tussocks of grass or stones, watching, no doubt, for lemmings, of which, judging, from their tracks, there must have been numbers. We, however, did not see any. From the tops of the ridges we could see over the Kara Sea to the northeast. Everywhere ice could be descried through the telescope, far on the horizon — ice, too, that seemed tolerably close and massive. But between it and the coast there was open water, stretching, like a wide channel, as far as the eye could reach to the southeast. This was all we could make out, but it was in reality all we wanted. There seemed to be no doubt that we could make our way forward, and, well satisfied, we returned to our boat. Here we lighted a fire of drift-wood and made some glorious coffee. As the coffee-kettle was singing over a splendid fire, and we stretched ourselves at full length on the slope by its side and smoked a quiet pipe, Sverdrup made himself thoroughly com- fortable, and told us one story after another. However gloomy a country might look, however desolate, if only there were plenty of drift-wood on the beach, so that one could make a right good fire, the bigger the better, then his eyes would glisten with delight — that land was his El Dorado. So from that time forth he con- ceived a high opinion of the Siberian coast — a right good place for wintering, he called it. FAREWELL TO NORWAY n On our way back we ran at full speed on to a sunken rock. After a bump or two the boat slid over it ; but just as she was slipping off on the other side the propeller struck on the rock, so that the stern gave a bound into the air while the engine whizzed round at a tearing rate. It all happened in a second, before I had time to stop her. Unluckily one screw-blade was broken off, but we drove ahead with the other as best we could. Our progress was certainly rather uneven, but for all that we managed to get on somehow. Towards morning we drew near the Frani^ passing two Samo- yedes, who had drawn their boat up on an ice-floe and were looking out for seals, I wonder what they thought when they saw our tiny boat shoot by them without steam, sails, or oars. We, at all events, looked down on these " poor savages " with the self-satisfied compassion of Europeans, as, comfortably seated, we dashed past them. But pride comes before a fall ! We had not gone far when — whir, whir, whir — a fearful racket ! bits of broken steel springs whizzed past my ears, and the whole machine came to a dead stop. It was not to be moved either forward or backward. The vibration of the one-bladed propeller had brought the lead line little by little within the range of the fly-wheel, and all at once the whole line was drawn into the machinery, and got so dreadfully entangled in it that we had to take the whole thing to pieces to get it clear once more. So we had to endure the humiliation of rowing back to our proud ship, for whose flesh-pots we had long been anhungered. The net result of the day was : tolerably good news about the Kara Sea; forty birds, principally geese and long-tailed ducks; one seal ; and a disabled boat. Amundsen and I, however, soon put this in complete repair again — but in so doing I fear I for- feited forever and a day the esteem of the Russians and Samo- yedes in these parts. Some of them had been on board in the morning and seen me hard at work in the boat in my shirt- sleeves, face and bare arms dirty with oil and other messes. They went on shore afterwards to Trontheim, and said that I could not possibly be a great person, slaving away like any other workman on board, and looking worse than a common rough. Trontheim, unfortunately, knew of nothing that could be said in my excuse ; there is no fighting against facts. 72 FARTHEST NORTH In the evening some of us went on shore to try the dogs. Trontheim picked out ten of them and harnessed them to a Sa- moyede sledge. No sooner were we ready and I had taken my seat than the team caught sight of a wretched strange dog that had come near, and off dashed dogs, sledge, and my valuable per- son after the poor creature. There was a tremendous uproar ; all the ten tumbled over each other like wild wolves, biting and tearing wherever they could catch hold ; blood ran in streams, and the culprit howled pitiably, while Trontheim tore round like a madman, striking right and left with his long switch. Samo- yedes and Russians came screaming from all sides. I sat passive- ly on the sledge in the middle of it all, dumb with fright, and it was ever so long before it occurred to me that there was perhaps something for me too to do. With a horrible yell I flung myself on some of the worst fighters, got hold of them by the neck, and managed to give the culprit time to get away. Our team had got badly mixed up during the battle, and it took some time to disentangle them. At last everything was once more ready for the start. Trontheim cracked his whip and called " Pr-r-r-r, pr-r-r-r," and off we went at a wild gallop, over grass, clay, and stones, until it seemed as if the dogs were going to carry us right across the lagoon at the mouth of the river. I kicked and pulled in with all my might, but was dragged along, and it was all that Trontheim and I with our united strength could do to stop them just as they were going into the water, although we shouted " Sass ! sass !" so that it echoed over the whole of Khabarova. But at last we got our team turned in another direction, and off we set again merrily at such a pace that I had enough to do to hold on. It was an extraordinary summer ride ; and it gave us a high opinion of the dogs' strength, seeing how easily they drew two men over this, to put it mildly, bad sledging ground. We went on board again well satisfied, also the richer by a new experience, having learned that dog- driving, at any rate to begin with, requires much patience. Siberian dog-harness is remarkably primitive. A thick rope or a strap of sail-cloth passes round the animal's back and belly. This is held in its place above by a piece of cord attached to the collar. The single trace is fastened under the belly, goes back between the legs, and must often plague the animal. I was unpleasantly surprised when I noticed that, with four excep- FAREWELL TO NORWAY 73 tions, all the dogs were castrated, and this surprise I did not conceal. But Trontheim on his side was at least equally aston- ished, and informed me that in Siberia castrated dogs are con- sidered the best.* This was a disappointment to me, as I had reckoned on my canine family increasing on the way. For the present I should just have to trust to the four " whole " dogs and " Kvik," the bitch I had brought with me from home. Next day, August ist, there was a great religious festival in Khabarova, that of St. Elias. Samoyedes from far and near had come in with their reindeer teams to celebrate the day by going to church and then getting roaring drunk. We were in need of men in the morning to help in filling the boiler with fresh water and the tank with drinking-water, but on account of this festival it was difficult to get hold of any at all. At last, by dint of promising sufficient reward, Trontheim succeeded in collecting some poor fellows who had not money enough to drink them- selves as drunk as the day required of them. I was on shore in the morning, partly to arrange about the provision of water, partly to collect fossils, in which the rock here abounds, espe- cially one rock below Sibiriakoff 's warehouse. I also took a walk up the hill to the west, to Trontheim's flag-staff, and looked out to sea in that direction after the Urania. But there was nothing to be seen except an unbroken sea-line. Loaded with my find, I returned to Khabarova, where I, of course, took advantage of the opportunity to see something of the festival. From early morning the women had been dressed in their finest clothes — brilliant colors, skirts with many tucks, and great colored bows at the end of plaits of hair which hung far down their backs. Before service an old Samoyede and a comely young girl led out a lean reindeer which was to be offered to the church — to the old church, that is to say. Even up here, as already mentioned, religious differences have found their way. Nearly all the Samoyedes of these parts belong to the old faith and at- tend the old church. But they go occasionally to the new one too ; as far as I could make out, so as not to offend the priest and Sibiriakoff — or perhaps to be surer of heaven? From what I got out of Trontheim on the subject, the chief difference between * The ordinary male dog is liable to get infiammation of the scrotum from the friction of the trace. 74 FARTHEST NORTH the two religions lies in the way they make the sign of the cross, or something of that sort. To-day was high festival in both churches. All the Samoyedes first paid a short visit to the new church and then immediately streamed over into the old one. The old church was for the moment without a priest, but to-day they had clubbed together and offered the priest of the new church two roubles to hold a service in the old one too. After careful consideration, he agreed, and in all his priestly pomp crossed the old threshold. The air inside was so bad that I could not stand it for more than two minutes, so I now made my way on board again. During the afternoon the howling and screaming began, and in- creased as time went on. We did not need to be told that the seri- ous part of the festival had now begun. Some of the Samoyedes tore about over the plain with their reindeer teams like furious animals. They could not sit on their sledges, but lay on them, or were dragged behind them, howling. Some of my comrades went on shore, and brought back anything but an edifying ac- count of the state of things. Every single man and woman appeared to be drunk, reeling about the place. One young Samoyede in particular had made an ineffaceable impression on them. He mounted a sledge, lashed at the reindeer, and drove " amuck " in among the tents, over the tied-up dogs, foxes, and whatever came in his way ; he himself fell off the sledge, was caught in the reins, and dragged behind, shrieking, through sand and clay. Good St. Elias must be very much flattered by such homage. Towards morning the howling gradually died away, and the whole town slept the loathsome sleep of the drunkard. There was not a man to be got to help with our coal-shifting next day. Most of them slept all day after the orgy of the night. We had just to do without help ; but we had not finished by evening, and I began to be impatient to get away. Precious time was passing ; I had long ago given up the Urania. We did not really need more coal. The wind had been favorable for several days. It was a south wind, which was certainly blowing the ice to the northward in the Kara Sea. Sverdrup was now positive that we should be able to sail in open water all the way to the New Siberian Islands, so it was his opinion that there was no hurry for the present. But hope is a frail reed to lean on, FAREWELL TO NORWAY 75 and my expectations were not quite so bright ; so I hurried things on, to get away as soon as possible. At the supper-table this evening King Oscar's gold medal of merit was solemnly presented to Trontheim, in recognition of the great care with which he had executed his difficult commis- sion, and the valuable assistance thereby rendered to the expedi- tion. His honest face beamed at the sight of the beautiful medal and the bright ribbon. Next day, August 3d, we were at last ready for a start, and the 34 dogs were brought on board in the afternoon, with great noise and confusion. They were all tied up on the deck forward, and began by providing more musical entertainment than we desired. By evening the hour had come. We got up steam — everything was ready. But such a thick fog had set in that we could not see the land. Now came the moment when our last friend, Christofersen, was to leave the ship. We supplied him with the barest sufficiency of provisions and some Ringnes's ale. While this was being done last lines were added in feverish eagerness to the letters home. Then came a last hand-clasp; Christofersen and Trontheim got into the boat, and had soon dis- appeared in the fog. With them went our last post ; our last link with home was broken. We were alone in the mist on the sea. It was not likely that any message from us would reach the world before we ourselves brought the news of our success or defeat. How much anxiety were those at home to suffer between now and then ! It is true we might possibly be able to send let- ters home from the mouth of the Olenek, where, according to the agreement with Baron Toll, we were to call in for another supply of dogs ; but I did not consider this probable. It was far on in the summer, and I had an instinctive feeling that the state of the ice was not so favorable as I could have wished it to be. trontheim's narrative Alexander Ivanovitch Trontheim has himself given an ac- count, in the Tobolsk official newspaper, of his long ^nd difficult journey with our dogs. The account was written by A. Kryloff from Trontheim's story. The following is a short rdsunii: After having made the contract with Baron Toll, Trontheim was on January 28th (January i6th by Russian reckoning) already 76 FARTHEST NORTH at Berezoff, where there was then a Yassak-meeting,* and conse- quently a great assembly of Ostiaks and Samoyedes. Trontheim made use of this opportunity and bought ^t, (this ought probably to be 40) choice sledge dogs. These he conveyed to the little country town of Muzhi, where he made preparations for the "very long journey," passing the time in this way till April i6th. By this date he had prepared 300 pud (about 9600 lbs.) of dog provender, consisting chiefly of dried fish. For 300 roubles he engaged a Syriane, named Terentieff, with a reindeer herd of 450, to convey him, his dogs and baggage, to Yugor Strait. For three months these two with their caravan — reindeer, drivers, dogs, women, and children — travelled through the barren tracts of northern Siberia. At first their route lay through the Ural Mountains. " It was more a sort of nomadic life than a journey. They did not go straight on towards their destination, but wan- dered over wide tracts of country, stopping wherever it was suit- able for the reindeer, and where they found lichen. From the little town of Muzhi the expedition passed up the Voikara River to its sources ; and here began the ascent of the Ural Mountains by the Pass of Kjaila [Kjola]. In their crossing of the chain they tried to skirt along the foot of the mountains, climbing as little as possible. . . . " They noticed one marked contrast between the mountains in the northern and those in the southern part of the Ural chain. In the south the snow melts quickly in the lower regions and remains lying on the tops. Here (in the northern Ural), on the contrary, the mountain-tops are free from snow before the sun's rays penetrate into the valleys and melt it there. In some val- leys, especially those closed by mountains to the south, and more exposed to north winds, the snow lies the whole summer. When they had got across the Ural Mountains they first followed the course of the River Lemva, then crossed it, and now followed a whole system of small rivers, for which even the natives have no names. At last, on May 4th, the expedition reached the River Ussa, on the banks of which lay the hut of the Syriane Nikitsa." This was "the one inhabited spot in this enormous tract of country," and here they stopped two weeks to rest the reindeer and get provender for them. " The country lying between the * Yassak is a tax paid in fur by the Siberians. FAREWELL TO NORWAY 77 sources of the Voikara and the Ussa is wooded in every direc- tion." " Between the River Ussa and the River Vorkuta, and even beyond that, Trontheim and his company travelled through quite luxuriant wood. In the middle of May, as the caravan ap- proached the tundra region, the wood got thinner and thinner, and by May 27th it was nothing but scattered underwood. After this came quite small bushes and weeds, and then at last the interminable tundra came in sight. Not to be without fuel on the tundra, they felled some dead trees and other wood — eight sledge loads. The day after they got out on the tundra (May 29th) the caravan set off at full speed, the Syrianes being anx- ious to get quickly past a place where a whole herd of reindeer had perished some years before. The reindeer-drivers take good note of such places, and do everything possible to avoid them, as the animals may easily be infected by gnawing the bones of their dead comrades. God help the herd that this happens to ! The disease passes rapidly from animal to animal, and scores may die of it in a day.* " In this region there are many bogs ; the low land forms one continuous morass. Sometimes we had to walk up to the waist in water ; thus on June 5th we splashed about the whole day in water, in constant fear of the dogs catching cold. On the 6th a strong northeast wind blew, and at night the cold was so severe that two reindeer-calves were frozen to death ; and, besides this, two grown ones were carried off by wolves." The caravan had often to cross rapid rivers, where it was sometimes very difficult to find a ford. They were frequently obliged to construct a bridge with the help of tent-poles and sometimes blocks of ice, and it occasionally took them a whole day to get across. By degrees their supply of wood was used up, and it was difficult to get food cooked. Few bushes were to be found. On June 17th they met a Syriane reindeer -driver and trader ; from him they bought two bottles of wine (brandy) at 70 kopecks each. " It was, as is customary, a very friendly en- counter, and ended with treatings on both sides. One can see a long way on the tundra ; the Syriane's keen eye detects another herd, or smoke from inhabited tents, 10 versts off ; and a nomad who has discovered the presence of another human being 10 or * This disease is probably anthrax, or something of the same nature. 78 FARTHEST NORTH 12 versts off never lets slip the opportunity of visiting him in his camp, having a talk, and being regaled with tea, or, in prefer- ence, brandy. The day after, June i8th, some Samoyedes, who had heard of the caravan, came on four sledges to the camp. They were entertained with tea. The conversation, carried on in Samoyede, was about the health of the reindeer, our journey, and the way to Yugor Strait. When the scanty news of the tundra had been well discussed they took their departure." By the end of June, when they had got through all the rami- fications of the Little Ural Mountains, the time was drawing near when, according to his agreement, Trontheim was due at Yugor Strait. He was obliged to hasten the rate of travelling, which was not an easy matter, with more than 40 sledges and 450 reindeer, not counting the calves. He therefore determined to divide the caravan into two parts, leave the women, children, and domestic animals behind, and push forward without any baggage, except the necessary food. So, on June 28th, "thirty sledges, tents, etc., were left with the women and children, who were to live their nomadic life as best they could. The male Syrianes took ten sledges and went on with Trontheim." At last, on July 9th, after more wanderings, they saw the sea from a " high hill," and next day they reached Khabarova, where Trontheim learned that no steamer had arrived yet in Yugor Strait, nor had any sail been seen. At this time the whole shore of Yugor Strait and all the sea within sight was covered with ice, driven there by northerly winds. The sea was not quite open till July 22d. Trontheim passed the time while he was waiting for the Fram in hunting and making excursions with his dogs, which were in excellent condition. He was often in the Sibiriakoff colony, a meeting-place for the Samoyedes of the district, who come here in considerable numbers to dispose of their wares. And it was a melancholy phase of life he saw here in this little "world-for- saken" colony. "Every summer two or three merchants or peasant traders, generally from Pustozersk, come for the purpose of bartering with the Samoyedes, and sometimes the Syrianes, too, for their wares — bear-skins, blubber, and seal-skins, reindeer-skins, and such like — giving in exchange tea, sugar, flour, household utensils, etc. No transaction takes place without the drinking of brandy, for which the Samoyede has an insatiable craving. When the trader has succeeded in making a poor wretch quite FAREWELL TO NORWAY 79 tipsy, he fleeces him, and buys all he wants at some ridiculous price — the result of the transaction generally being that the Samoyede is in debt to his ' benefactor.' All the traders that come to the colony bring brandy, and one great drinking - bout goes on all the summer. You can tell where much business is done by the number of brandy casks in the trader's booth. There is no police inspection, and it would be difficult to organize any- thing of the kind. As soon as there is snow enough for the sledges, the merchants' reindeer caravans start from the colony on their homeward journey, loaded with empty brandy casks and with the proceeds of this one-sided bartering. " On July 30th [this ought to be 29th] Trontheim saw from the shore, first smoke, and soon after a steamer. There could be no doubt of its being the Frain. He went out in a little Samoyede boat to meet her, and called out in Russian that he wanted to be taken on board. From the steamer they called back, asking who he was, and when they heard his name he was hauled up. On deck he met Nansen himself, in a greasy working-jacket. He is still quite a young man, of middle height. . . ." Here follows a flattering description of the leader of the expedition and the state of matters on board. " It is evident," he then goes on, "that we have here one family, united and inspired by one idea, for the carrying out of which all labor devotedly. The hard and dirty work on board is fairly divided, no difference being made between the common sailor and the captain, or even the chief of the ex- pedition. The doctor, too, takes his share in the general work, and this community of labor is a close bond between all on board. The existence of such relations among the ship's company made a very favorable impression on Trontheim, and this most of all (in his opinion) justified the hope that in difficult crises the ex- pedition would be able to hold its own. " A. I. Trontheim was on board the Frain every day, breakfast- ing and dining there. From what he relates, the ship must be admirably built, leaving nothing whatever to be desired. The cabins are roomy, and comfortably fitted up ; there is an excellent library, containing the classics of European literature ; various musical instruments, from a beautiful grand-piano * to flutes and * By this he probably means our organ. Our other musical instru- ments were as follows : An accordion, belonging to the ship, and a flute, violin, and several Jew's-harps, belonging to one of the ship's company. 8o FARTHEST NORTH guitars; then chess, draughts, etc. — all for the recreation of the company." Here follows a description of the Fram, her general equip- ments and commissariat. It seems to have made a great im- pression on him that we had no wine (brandy) on board. " I was told," he exclaims, " that only among the medicine stores have they some 20 or 30 bottles of the best cognac — pure, highly recti- fied spirit. It is Nansen's opinion that brandy-drinking in these northern regions is injurious, and may, if indulged in on such a difficult and dangerous voyage, have very serious consequences ; he has therefore considered it expedient to supply its place by fruit and various sorts of sweets, of which there are large supplies on board." " In harbor the crew spent most of the day together; in spite of community of work, each individual's duties are fixed down to the minutest detail. They all sit down to meals together, with the exception of the acting cook, whose duty they take by turns. Health and good spirits are to be read on every face ; Nansen's immovable faith in a successful and happy issue to their expedition inspires the whole crew with courage and confidence. ** On August 3d they shifted coal on board the Fra^n from the ship's hold down to the stoke-hold (coal-bunkers). All the mem- bers of the expedition took part in this work, Nansen at their head, and they worked unitedly and cheerfully. This same day Nansen and his companions tried the dogs on shore. Eight [this should be ten] were harnessed to a sledge on which three per- sons took their places. Nansen expressed his satisfaction with the dogs, and thanked Trontheim for the good selection he had made, and for the excellent condition the animals were in. When the dogs were taken over and brought on board,* Trontheim ap- plied to Nansen for a certificate of the exact and scrupulous way in which he had fulfilled his contract. Nansen's answer was : * No ; a certificate is not enough. Your duty has been done with absolute conscientiousness, and you have thereby rendered a great service to the expedition. I am commissioned to present you with a gold medal from our king in recognition of the great help you have given us.' With these words Nansen handed to Trontheim a very large gold medal with a crown on it. On the * It will be observed that there is some slip of memory here— it was the evening before. FAREWELL TO NORWAY 8i obverse is the following inscription : ' Oscar II., King of Norway and Sweden. For the Welfare of the Brother - Nations.' And on the reverse : ' Reward for valuable service, A. I. Trontheim.' Along with this Nansen also gave Trontheim a written testi- monial as to the admirable manner in which he had carried out his commission, mentioning that for this he had been rewarded with a medal. " Nansen determined to weigh anchor during the night of this same day,* and set sail on his long voyage without waiting for the coal sloop Urania^ which he thought must have been delayed by the ice. In the evening Trontheim took leave of the whole party, with hearty wishes for the success of the expedition. Along with him Herr Ole Christofersen, correspondent of one of the chief London newspapers,! left the ship. He had accom- panied Nansen from Vard5. At parting, Nansen gave them a plentiful supply of provisions, Christofersen and Trontheim hav- ing to await the arrival of the Urania^ as they were to go home by her. Precisely at 12 o'clock on the night between August 4th and 5th the signal for starting was given, and the Fram stood out to sea." On August 7th the Urania at last arrived. As I had sup- posed, she had been stopped by ice, but had at last got out of it uninjured. Christofersen and Trontheim were able to sail for home in her on the nth, and reached Vardo on the 22d, food having been very scarce during the last part of the time. The ship, which had left her home port, Brono, in May, was not pro- vided for so long a voyage, and these last days they lived chiefly on dry biscuits, water, and — weevils. * It was, in fact, the day after. 1 1 do not believe that Christofersen ever in his life had anything to do with a London newspaper. CHAPTER V VOYAGE THROUGH THE KARA SEA It was well into the night, after Christofersen and Trontheim had left us, before we could get away. The channel was too dangerous for us to risk it in the thick fog. But it cleared a little, and the petroleum launch was got ready ; I had deter- mined to go on ahead with it and take soundings. We started about midnight. Hansen stood in the bow with the lead line. First we bore over towards the point of Vaigats to the north- west, as Palander directs, then on through the strait, keeping to the Vaigats side. The fog was often so thick that it was with difficulty we could catch a glimpse of the Fram, which followed close behind us, and on board the Fram they could not see our boat. But so long as we had enough water, and so long as we saw that they were keeping to the right course behind us, we went ahead. Soon the fog cleared again a little. But the depth was not quite satisfactory ; we had been having steadily 4^ to 5 fathoms ; then it dropped to 4, and then to 3^. This was too little. We turned and signalled to the Fram to stop. Then we held farther out from land and got into deeper water, so that the Fram could come on again at full speed. From time to time our petroleum engine took to its old tricks and stopped. I had to pour in more oil to set it going again, and as I was standing doing this the boat gave a lurch, so that a little oil was spilled and took fire. The burning oil ran over the bottom of the boat, where a good deal had been spilled already. In an instant the whole stern was in a blaze, and my clothes, which were sprinkled with oil, caught fire. I had to rush to the bow, and for a moment the situation was a critical one, especially as a big pail that was standing full of oil also took fire. As soon as I had stopped the burning of my clothes I rushed aft again, seized the pail, and poured the flaming oil into the sea, burning VOYAGE THRO UGH THE KARA SEA 83 my fingers badly. At once the whole surface of the water round was in flames. Then I got hold of the baler, and baled water into the boat as hard as I could, and soon the worst was over. Things had looked anything but well from the Fram, however, and they were standing by with ropes and buoys to throw to us. Soon we were out of Yugor Strait. There was now so little fog that the low land round us was visible, and we could also see a little way out to sea, and, in the distance, all drift-ice. At 4 o'clock in the morning (August 4th) we glided past Sokolii, or Hawk Island, out into the dreaded Kara Sea. Now our fate was to be decided. I had always said that if we could get safely across the Kara Sea and past Cape Cheliuskin, the worst would be over. Our prospects were not bad — an open passage to the east, along the land, as far as we could see from the masthead. An hour and a half later we were at the edge of the ice. It was so close that there was no use in attempting to go on through it. To the northwest it seemed much looser, and there was a good deal of blue in the atmosphere at the horizon there.* We kept southeast along the land through broken ice, but in the course of the day went farther out to sea, the blueness of the atmosphere to the east and northeast promising more open water in that direction. However, about 3 p.m. the ice became so close that I thought it best to get back into the open channel along the land. It was certainly possible that we might have forced our way through the ice in the sea here, but also possible that we might have stuck fast, and it was too early to run this risk. Next morning (August 5th), being then off the coast near to the mouth of the river Kara, we steered across towards Yalmal. We soon had that low land in sight, but in the afternoon we got into fog and close ice. Next day it was no better, and we made fast to a great ice-block which was lying stranded off the Yalmal coast. In the evening some of us went on shore. The water was so shallow that our boat stuck fast a good way from the beach, and * There is a white reflection from white ice, so that the sky above fields of ice has a light or whitish appearance ; wherever there is open water it is blue or dark. In this way the Arctic navigator can judge by the appear- ance of the sky what is the state of the sea at a considerable distance. 84 FARTHEST NORTH we had to wade. It was a perfectly flat, smooth sand-beach, cov- ered by the sea at full tide, and beyond that a steep sand -bank, 30 to 40 feet, in some places probably 60 feet, high. We wandered about a little. Flat, bare country on every hand. Any drift-wood we saw was buried in the sand and soaking wet. Not a bird to be seen except one or two snipe. We came to a lake, and out of the fog in front of me I heard the cry of a loon, but saw no living creature. Our view was blocked by a wall of fog whichever way we turned. There were plenty of reindeer tracks, but of course they were only those of the Samo- yedes' tame reindeer. This is the land of the Samoyedes— and, oh, but it is desolate and mournful ! The only one of us that bagged anything was the botanist. Beautiful flowers smiled to us here and there among the sand-mounds — the one message from a brighter world in this land of fogs. We went far in over the flats, but came only to sheets of water, with low spits running out into them, and ridges between. We often heard the cry of loons on the water, but could never catch sight of one. All these lakelets were of a remarkable, exactly circular conformation, with steep banks all round, just as if each had dug out a hole for itself in the sandy plain. With the oars of our boat and a large tarpaulin we had made a sort of tent. We were lucky enough to find a little dry wood, and soon the tent was filled with the fragrant odor of hot coffee. When we had eaten and drunk and our pipes were lit, Johansen, in spite of fatigue and a full meal, surprised us by turning one somersault after another on the heavy, damp sand in front of the tent in his long military cloak and sea -boots half full of water. By 6.30 next morning we were on- board again. The fog had cleared, but the ice, which lay drifting backward and forward according to the set of the tide, looked as close as ever towards the north. During the morning we had a visit from a boat with two stalwart Samoyedes, who were well received and treated to food and tobacco. They gave us to understand that they were living in a tent some distance inland and farther north. Pres- ently they went off again, enriched with gifts. These were the last human beings we met. Next day the ice was still close, and, al there was nothing else to be done, some of us went ashore again in the afternoon, partly VOYAGE THROUGH THE KARA SEA 85 to see more of this little-known coast, and partly, if possible, to find the Samoyedes' camp, and get hold of some skins and rein- deer flesh. It is a strange, flat country ; nothing but sand, sand everywhere; still flatter, still more desolate, than the country about Yugor Strait, with a still wider horizon. Over the plain lay a green carpet of grass and moss, here and there spoiled by the wind having torn it up and swept sand over it. But trudge as we might, and search as we might, we found no Samoyede camp. We saw three men in the far distance, but they went off as fast as they could the moment they caught sight of us. There was little game — just a few ptarmigan, golden plovers, and long- tailed ducks. Our chief gain was another collection of plants and a few geological and geographical notes. Our observations showed that the land at this place was charted not less than half a degree, or 36 to 38 minutes, too far west. It was not till next forenoon (August 9th) that we went on board again. The ice to the north now seemed to be rather looser, and at 8 p.m. we at last began once more to make our way north. We found ice that was easy to get through, and held on our course until, three days later, we got into open water. On Sunday, August i8th, we stood out into the open Kara Sea, past the north point of Yalmal and Bieloi-Ostrov (White Island). There was no ice to be seen in any direction. During the days that followed we had constant strong east winds, often increas- ing to half a gale. We kept on tacking to make our way east- ward, but the broad and keelless Fram can hardly be called a good "beater"; we made too much leeway, and our progress was correspondingly slow. In the journal there is a constantly recurring entry of "Head -wind," "Head -wind." The monot- ony was extreme ; but as they may be of interest as relating to the navigation of this sea, I shall give the most important items of the journal, especially those regarding the state of the ice. On Monday, August 14th, we beat with only sail against a strong wind. Single pieces of ice were seen during the middle watch, but after that there was none within sight. Tuesday, August 15th. The wind slackened in the middle watch ; we took in sail and got up steam. At 5 in the morning we steamed away east over a sea perfectly clear of ice ; but after mid-day the wind began to freshen again from E.N.E., and we 86 FARTHEST NORTH had to beat with steam and sail. Single floes of ice were seen during the evening and night. Wednesday, August i6th. As the Kara Sea seemed so extraor- dinarily free from ice, and as a heavy sea was running from the northeast, we decided to hold north as far as we could, even if it should be to the Einsamkeit (Lonely) Island. But about half -past three in the afternoon we had a strip of close ice ahead, so that we had to turn. Stiff breeze and sea. Kept on beating east along the edge of the ice. Almost lost the petro- leum launch in the evening. The waves were constantly break- ing into it and filling it, the gunwale was burst in at two places, and the heavy davits it hung on were twisted as if they had been copper wires. Only just in the nick of time, with the waves washing over us, some of us managed to get it lashed to the side of the ship. There seemed to be some fatality about this boat. Thursday, August 17th. Still beating eastward under sail and steam through scattered ice, and along a margin of fixed ice. Still blowing hard, with a heavy sea as soon as we headed a little out from the ice. Friday, August i8th. Continued storm. Stood southeast. At 4.30 A.M. Sverdrup, who had gone up into the crow's-nest to look out for bears and walrus on the ice-floes, saw land to the south of us. At 10 A.M. I went up to look at it — we were then prob- ably not more than 10 miles away from it. It was low land, seemingly of the same formation as Yalmal, with steep sand- banks, and grass - grown above. The sea grew shallower as we neared it. Not far from us, small icebergs lay aground. The lead showed steadily less and less water ; by 11.30 a.m. there were only some 8 fathoms ; then, to our surprise, the bottom suddenly fell to 20 fathoms, and after that we found steadily increasing depth. Between the land and the blocks of stranded ice on our lee there appeared to be a channel with rather deeper water and not so much ice aground in it. It seemed difficult to conceive that there should be undiscovered land here, where both Nor- denskiold and Edward Johansen, and possibly several Russians, had passed without seeing anything. Our observations, however, were incontestable, and we immediately named the land Sver- drup's Island, after its discoverer. As there was still a great deal of ice to windward, we continued VOYAGE THRO UGH THE KARA SEA 87 our southwesterly course, keeping as close to the wind as possible. The weather was clear, and at 8 o'clock we sighted the mainland, with Dickson's Island ahead. It had been our intention to run in and anchor here, in order to put letters for home under a cairn, Captain Wiggins having promised to pick them up on his way to the Yenisei. But in the meantime the wind had fallen : it was a favorable chance, and time was precious. So gave up sending our post, and continued our course along the coast. The country here was quite different from Yalmal. Though not very high, it was a hilly country, with patches and even large drifts of snow here and there, some of them lying close down by the shore. Next morning I sighted the southernmost of the Kamenni Islands. We took a tack in under it to see if there were animals of any kind, but could catch sight of none. The island rose evenly from the sea at all points, with steep shores. They consisted for the most part of rock, which was partly solid, partly broken up by the action of the weather into heaps of stones. It appeared to be a stratified rock, with strongly marked oblique strata. The island was also covered with quantities of gravel, sometimes mixed with larger stones ; the whole of the northern point seemed to be a sand-heap, with steep sand-banks towards the shore. The most noticeable feature of the island was its marked shore -lines. Near the top there was a specially pro- nounced one, which was like a sharp ledge on the west and north sides, and stretched across the island like a dark band. Nearer the beach were several other distinct ones. In form they all re- sembled the upper one with its steep ledges, and had evidently been formed in the same way — by the action of the sea, and more especially of the ice. Like the upper one, they also were most marked on the west and north sides of the island, which are those facing most to the open sea. To the student of the history of the earth these marks of the former level of the sea are of great interest, showing as they do that the land has risen or the sea sunk since the time they were formed. Like Scandinavia, the whole of the north coast of Siberia has undergone these changes of level since the Great Ice Age. It was strange that we saw none of the islands which, accord- ing to Nordenskiold's map, stretch in a line to the northeast from Kamenni Islands. On the other hand, I took the bearings of one 88 FARTHEST NORTH or two other islands lying almost due east, and next morning we passed a small island farther north. We saw few birds in this neighborhood — only a few flocks of geese, some Arctic gulls {Lestris parasitica and L. buffonii)^ and a few sea-gulls and tern. On Sunday, August 20th, we had, for us, uncommonly fine weather — blue sea, brilliant sunshine, and light wind, still from the northeast. In the afternoon we ran in to the Kjellman Isl- lands. These we could recognize from their position on Norden- skiold's map, but south of them we found many unknown ones. They all had smoothly rounded forms, these Kjellman Islands, like rocks that have been ground smooth by the glaciers of the Ice Age. The Fram anchored on the north side of the largest of them, and, while the boiler was being refitted, some of us went ashore in the evening for some shooting. We had not left the ship when the mate, from the crow's-nest, caught sight of rein- deer. At once we were all agog ; every one wanted to go ashore, and the mate was quite beside himself with the hunter's fever, his eyes as big as saucers, and his hands trembling as though he were drunk. Not until we were in the boat had we time to look seriously for the mate's reindeer. We looked in vain — not a liv- ing thing was to be seen in any direction. Yes — when we were close inshore we at last descried a large flock of geese waddling upward from the beach. We were base enough to let a conjecture escape us that these were the mate's reindeer — a suspicion which he at first rejected with contempt. Gradually, however, his con- fidence oozed away. But it is possible to do an injustice even to a mate. The first thing I saw when I sprang ashore was old reindeer tracks. The mate had now the laugh on his side, ran from track to track, and swore that it was reindeer he had seen. When we got up on to the first height we saw several reindeer on flat ground to the south of us ; but, the wind being from the north, we had to go back and make our way south along the shore till we got to leeward of them. The only one who did not approve of this plan was the mate, who was in a state of fever- ish eagerness to rush straight at some reindeer he thought he had seen to the east, which, of course, was an absolutely certain way to clear the field of every one of them. He asked and received permission to remain behind with Hansen, who was to VOYAGE THROUGH THE KARA SEA 89 take a magnetic observation ; but had to promise not to move till he got the order. On the way along the shore we passed one great flock of geese after another; they stretched their necks and waddled aside a little until we were quite near, and only then took flight; but we had no time to waste on such small game. A little far- ther on we caught sight of one or two reindeer we had not noticed before. We could easily have stalked them, but were afraid of getting to windward of the others, which were farther south. At last we got to leeward of these latter also, but they were grazing on flat ground, and it was anything but easy to stalk them — not a hillock, not a stone to hide behind. The only thing was to form a long line, advance as best we could, and, if possible, outflank them. In the meantime we had caught sight of another herd of reindeer farther to the north, but suddenly, to our astonishment, saw them tear off across the plain eastward, in all probability startled by the mate, who had not been able to keep quiet any longer. A little to the north of the reindeer nearest us there was a hollow, opening from the shore, from which it seemed that it might be possible to get a shot at them. I went back to try this, while the others kept their places in the line. As I went down again towards the shore I had the sea before me, quiet and beau- tiful. The sun had gone down behind it not long before, and the sky was glowing in the clear, light night. I had to stand still for a minute. In the midst of all this beauty, man was doing the work of a beast of prey. At this moment I saw to the north a dark speck move down the height where the mate and Hansen ought to be. It divided into two, and the one moved east, just to the windward of the animals I was to stalk. They would get the scent immediately and be off. There was nothing for it but to hurry on, while I rained anything but good wishes on these fellows' heads. The gully was not so deep as I had expected. Its sides were just high enough to hide me when I crept on all fours. In the middle were large stones and clayey gravel, with a little runnel soaking through them. The reindeer were still grazing quietly, only now and then raising their heads to look round. My " cover " got lower and lower, and to the north I heard the mate. He would presently succeed in setting off my game. It was imperative to get on quickly, but there was no 90 FARTHEST NORTH longer cover enough for me to advance on hands and knees. My only chance was to wriggle forward like a snake on my stomach. But in this soft clay — in the bed of the stream ? Yes — meat is too precious on board, and the beast of prey is too strong in a man. My clothes must be sacrificed ; on I crept on my stomach through the mud. But soon there was hardly cover enough even for this. I squeezed myself flat among the stones and ploughed forward like a drain-cutting machine. And I did make way, if not quickly and comfortably, still surely. All this time the sky was turning darker and darker red be- hind me, and it was getting more and more difficult to use the sights of my gun, not to mention the trouble I had in keeping the clay from them and from the muzzle. The reindeer still grazed quietly on. When they raised their heads to look round I had to lie as quiet as a mouse, feeling the water trickling gently under my stomach ; when they began to nibble the moss again, off I went through the mud. Presently I made the disagreeable discovery that they were moving away from me about as fast as I could move forward, and I had to redouble my exertions. But the darkness was getting worse and worse, and I had the mate to the north of me, and presently he would start them off. The outlook was anything but bright either morally or physically. The hollow was getting shallower and shallower, so that I was hardly covered at all. I squeezed myself still deeper into the mud. A turn in the ground helped me forward to the next little height ; and now they were right in front of me, within what I should have called easy range if it had been day- light. I tried to take aim, but could not see the bead on my gun. Man's fate is sometimes hard to bear. My clothes were drip- ping with wet clay, and after what seemed to me most meritori- ous exertions, here I was at the goal, unable to take advantage of my position. But now the reindeer moved down into a small depression. I crept forward a little way farther as quickly as I could. I was in a splendid position, so far as I could tell in the dark, but I could not see the bead any better than before. It was impossible to get nearer, for there was only a smooth slope between us. There was no sense in thinking of waiting for light to shoot by. It was now midnight, and I had that terrible mate to the north of me ; besides, the wind was not to be trusted. I held VOYAGE THROUGH THE KARA SEA 91 the rifle up against the sky to see the bead clearly, and then low- ered it on the reindeer, I did this once, twice, thrice. The bead was still far from clear ; but, all the same, I thought I might hit, and pulled the trigger. The two deer gave a sudden start, looked round in astonishment, and bolted off a little way south. There they stood still again, and at this moment were joined by a third deer, which had been standing rather farther north. I fired off all the cartridges in the magazine, and all to the same good purpose. The creatures started and moved off a little at each shot, and then trotted farther south. Presently they made another halt, to take a long, careful look at me ; and I dashed off westward, as hard as I could run, to turn them. Now they were off straight in the direction where some of my comrades ought to be. I expected every moment to hear shots and see one or two of the animals fall ; but away they ambled southward, quite unchecked. At last, far to the south, crack went a rifle. I could see by the smoke that it was at too long a range ; so in high dudgeon I shouldered my rifle and lounged in the direction of the shot. It was pleasant to see such a good result for all one's trouble. No one was to be seen anywhere. At length I met Sverdrup ; it was he who had fired. Soon Blessing joined us, but all the others had long since left their posts. While Blessing went back to the boat and his botanizing box, Sverdrup and I went on to try our luck once more. A little farther south we came to a valley stretching right across the island. On the farther side of it we saw a man standing on a hillock, and not far from him a herd of five or six reindeer. As it never occurred to us to doubt that the man was in the act of stalking these, we avoided going in that direction, and soon he and his reindeer disappeared to the west. I heard afterwards that he had never seen the deer. As it was evident that when the reindeer to the south of us were startled they would have to come back across this valley, and as the island at this part was so narrow that we commanded the whole of it, we determined to take up our posts here and wait. We accordingly got in the lee of some great boulders, out of the wind. In front of Sverdrup was a large flock of geese, near the mouth of the stream, close down by the shore. They kept up an incessant gabble, and the temptation to have a shot at them was very great ; but, considering the reindeer, we thought it best to 92 FARTHEST NORTH leave them in peace. They gabbled and waddled away down through the mud and soon took wing. The time seemed long. At first we listened with all our ears — the reindeer must come very soon — and our eyes wandered in- cessantly backward and forward along the slope on the other side of the valley. But no reindeer came, and soon we were having a struggle to keep our eyes open and our heads up — we had not had much sleep the last few days. They must be coming ! We shook ourselves awake, and gave another look along the bank, till again the eyes softly closed and the heads began to nod, while the chill wind blew through our wet clothes, and I shivered with cold. This sort of thing went on for an hour or two, until the sport began to pall on me, and I scrambled from my shelter along tow- ards Sverdrup, who was enjoying it about as much as I was. We climbed the slope on the other side of the valley, and were hardly at the top before we saw the horns of six splendid reindeer on a height in front of us. They were restless, scenting westward, trotting round in a circle, and then sniffing again. They could not have noticed us as yet, as the wind was blowing at right angles to the line between them and us. We stood a long time watching their manoeuvres, and waiting their choice of a direction, but they had apparently great difficulty in making it. At last off they swung south and east, and off we went southeast as hard as we could go, to get across their course before they got scent of us. Sverdrup had got well ahead, and I saw him rushing across a flat piece of ground : presently he would be at the right place to meet them. I stopped, to be in readiness to cut them off on the other side if they should face about and make off north- ward again. There were six splendid animals, a big buck in front. They were heading straight for Sverdrup, who was now crouch- ing down on the slope. I expected every moment to see the fore- most fall. A shot rang out ! Round wheeled the whole flock like lightning, and back they came at a gallop. It was my turn now to run with all my might, and off I went over the stones, down towards the valley we had come from. I only stopped once or twice to take breath, and to make sure that the animals were coming in the direction I had reckoned on — then off again. We were getting near each other now; they were coming on just where I had calculated ; the thing now was to be in time for them. I made my long legs go their fastest over the boulders, and took VOYAGE THROUGH THE KARA SEA 93 leaps from stone to stone that would have surprised myself at a more sober moment. More than once my foot slipped, and I went down head-first among the boulders, gun and all. But. the wild beast in me had the upper hand now. The passion of the chase vibrated through every fibre of my body. We reached the slant of the valley almost at the same time — a leap or two to get up on some big boulders, and the moment had come — I imist shoot, though the shot was a long one. When the smoke cleared away I saw the big buck trailing a broken hind-leg. When their leader stopped, the whole flock turned and ran in a ring round the poor animal. They could not understand what was hap- pening, and strayed about wildly with the balls whistling round them. Then off they went down the side of the valley again, leaving another of their number behind with a broken leg. I tore after them, across the valley and up the other side, in the hope of getting another shot, but gave that up and turned back to make sure of the two wounded ones. At the bottom of the valley stood one of the victims awaiting its fate. It looked imploringly at me, and then, just as I was going forward to shoot it, made off much quicker than I could have thought it possible for an animal on three legs to go. Sure of my shot, of course I missed ; and now began a chase, which ended in the poor beast, blocked in every other direction, rushing down towards the sea and wading into a small lagoon on the shore, whence I feared it might get right out into the sea. At last it got its quietus there in the water. The other one was not far off, and a ball soon put an end to its sufferings also. As I was proceeding to rip it up, Henrik- sen and Johansen appeared ; they had just shot a bear a little farther south. After disembowelling the reindeer, we went towards the boat again, meeting Sverdrup on the way. It was now well on in the morning, and as I considered that we had already spent too much time here, I was impatient to push northward. While Sverdrup and some of the others went on board to get ready for the start, the rest of us rowed south to fetch our two reindeer and our bear. A strong breeze had begun to blow from the northeast, and as it would be hard work for us to row back against it, I had asked Sverdrup to come and meet us with the Fram^ if the soundings permitted of his doing so. We saw quantities of seal and whitefish along the shore, but we had not 94 FARTHEST NORTH time to go after them ; all we wanted now was to get south, and in the first place to pick up the bear. When we came near the place where we expected to find it, we did see a large white heap resembling a bear lying on the ground, and I was sure it must be the dead one, but Henriksen maintained that it was not. We went ashore and approached it, as it lay motionless on a grassy bank. I still felt a strong suspicion that it had already had all the shot it wanted. We drew nearer and nearer, but it gave no sign of life. I looked into Henriksen's honest face, to make sure that they were not playing a trick on me ; but he was staring fixedly at the bear. As I looked, two shots went off, and to my astonishment the great creature bounded into the air still dazed with sleep. Poor beast ! it was a harsh awakening. Another shot, and it fell lifeless. We first tried to drag the bears down to the boat, but they were too heavy for us ; and we now had a hard piece of work skinning and cutting them up, and carrying down all we wanted. But, bad as it was, trudging through the soft clay with heavy quarters of bear on our backs, there was worse awaiting us on the beach. The tide had risen, and at the same time the waves had got larger and swamped the boat, and were now breaking over it. Guns and ammunition were soaking in the water ; bits of bread, our only provision, floated round, and the butter-dish lay at the bottom, with no butter in it. It required no small exertion to get the boat drawn up out of this heavy surf and emptied of water. Luckily, it had received no injury, as the beach was of a soft sand ; but the sand had penetrated with the water everywhere, even into the most delicate parts of the locks of our rifles. But worst of all was the loss of our provisions, for now we were ravenously hungry. We had to make the best of a bad business, and eat pieces of bread soaked in sea-water and flavored with several varieties of dirt. On this occasion, too, I lost my sketch - book, with some sketches that were of value to me. It was no easy task to get our heavy game into the boat with these big waves breaking on the flat beach. We had to keep the boat outside the surf, and haul both skins and flesh on board with a line ; a good deal of water came with them, but there was no help for it. And then we had to row north along the shore against the wind and sea as hard as we could. It was very tough VOYAGE THROUGH THE KARA SEA 95 work. The wind had increased, and it was all we could do to make headway against it. Seals were diving round us, white whales coming and going, but we had no eyes for them now. Suddenly Henriksen called out that there was a bear on the point in front. I turned round, and there stood a beautiful white fellow rummaging among the flotsam on the beach. As we had no time to shoot it, we rowed on, and it went slowly in front of us northward along the shore. At last, with great exertions, we reached the bay where we were to put in for the reindeer. The bear was there before us. It had not seen the boat hitherto ; but now it got scent of us and came nearer. It was a tempting shot. I had my finger on the trigger several times, but did not draw it. After all, we had no use for the animal ; it was quite as much as we could do to stow away what we had already. It made a beautiful target of itself by getting up on a stone to have a better scent, and looked about, and, after a careful sur- vey, it turned round and set off inland at an easy trot. The surf was by this time still heavier. It was a flat, shallow shore, and the waves broke a good way out from land. We rowed in till the boat touched ground and the breakers began to wash over us. The only way of getting ashore was to jump into the sea and wade. But getting the reindeer on board was another matter. There was no better landing-place farther north, and hard as it was to give up the excellent meat after all our trouble, it seemed to me there was nothing else for it, and we rowed off towards our ship. It was the hardest row I ever had a hand in. It went pretty well to begin with ; we had the current with us, and got quickly out from land ; but presently the wind rose, the current slacken- ed, and wave after wave broke over us. After incredible toil we had at last only a short way to go. I cheered up the good fellows as best I could, reminding them of the smoking hot tea that awaited them after a few more tough pulls, and picturing all the good things in store for them. ' We really were all pretty well done up now, but we still took a good grip of the oars, soaking wet as we were from the sea constantly breaking over us, for of course none of us had thought of such things as oilskins in yes- terday's beautiful weather. But we soon saw that with all our pulling and toiling the boat was making no headway whatever. Apart from the wind and the sea we had the current dead against 96 FARTHEST NORTH us here ; all our exertions were of no avail. We pulled till our finger-tips felt as if they were bursting; but the most we could manage was to keep the boat where it was ; if we slackened an instant it drifted back. I tried to encourage my comrades ; '' Now vfQ made a little way! It was just strength that was needed !" But all to no purpose. The wind whistled round our ears, and the spray dashed over us. It was maddening to be so near the ship that it seemed as if we could almost reach out to her, and yet feel that it was impossible to get on any farther. We had to go in under the land again, where we had the current with us, and here we did succeed in making a little progress. We rowed hard till we were about abreast of the ship ; then we once more tried to sheer across to her, but no sooner did we get into the current again than it mercilessly drove us back. Beaten again ! And again we tried the same manoeuvre with the same result. Now we saw them lowering a buoy from the ship — if we could only reach it we were saved ; but we did not reach it. They were not exactly blessings that we poured on those on board. Why the deuce could they not bear down to us when they saw the straits we were in? or why, at any rate, could they not ease up the anchor, and let the ship drift a little in our direction ? They saw how little was needed to enable us to reach them. Perhaps they had their reasons. We would make our last desperate attempt. We went at it with a will. Every muscle was strained to the utmost — it was only the buoy we had to reach this time. But to our rage we now saw the buoy being hauled up. We rowed a little way on, to the windward of the Fram, and then tried again to sheer over. This time we got nearer her than we had ever been before ; but we were disappointed in still seeing no buoy, and none was thrown over ; there was not even a man to be seen on deck. We roared like madmen for a buoy — we had no strength left for another attempt. It was not a pleasing prospect to have to drift back, and go ashore again in our wet clothes — we would get on board ! Once more we yelled like wild Indians, and now they came rush- ing aft and threw out the buoy in our direction. One more cry to my mates that we must put our last strength into the work. There were only a few boat-lengths to cover ; we bent to our oars with a will. Now there were three boat-lengths. Another des- perate spurt. Now there were two and a half boat-lengths — VOYAGE THROUGH THE KARA SEA 97 presently two — then only one ! A few more frantic pulls, and there was a little less. " Now, boys, one or two more hard pulls and it's over ! Hard ! hard ! ! Keep to it I Now another I Don't give up ! One more ! There, we have it ! / /" And one joyful sigh of relief passed round the boat. " Keep the oars going or the rope will break. Row, boys !" And row we did, and soon they had hauled us alongside of the Fram. Not till we were lying there getting our bearskins and flesh hauled on board did we really know what we had had to fight against. The current was running along the side of the ship like a rapid river. At last we were actually on board. It was evening by this time, and it was splen- did to get some good hot food and then stretch one's limbs in a comfortable, dry berth. There is a satisfaction in feeling that one has exerted one's self to some purpose. Here was the net result of four-and-twenty hours' hard toil : we had shot two reindeer which we did not get, got two bears that we had no use for, and had totally ruined one suit of clothes. Two washings had not the smallest effect upon them, and they hung on deck to air for the rest of this trip. I slept badly that night, for this is what I find in my diary : " Got on board after what I think was the hardest row I ever had. Slept well for a little, but am now lying tossing about in my berth, unable to sleep. Is it the coffee I drank after supper ? or the cold tea I drank when I awoke with a burning thirst ? I shut my eyes and try again time after time, but to no purpose. And now memory's airy visions steal softly over my soul. Gleam after gleam breaks through the mist. I see before me sunlit landscapes — smiling fields and meadows, green, leafy trees and woods, and blue mountain ridges. The singing of the steam in the boiler- pipe turns to bell-ringing — church bells — ringing in Sabbath peace over Vestre-Aker on this beautiful summer morning. I am walking with father along the avenue of small birch-trees that mother planted, up towards the church, which lies on the height before us, pointing up into the blue sky and sending its call far over the country-side. From up there you can see a long way. Naesodden looks quite close in the clear air, especially on an autumn morning. And we give a quiet Sunday greeting to the people that drive past us, all going our way. What a look of Sunday happiness dwells on their faces ! "I did not think it all so delightful then, and would much 7 98 FARTHEST NORTH rather have run off to the woods with my bow and arrow after squirrels — but now, how fair, how wonderfully beautiful that sunlit picture seems to me ! The feeling of peace and happiness that even then no doubt made its impression, though only a passing one, comes back now with redoubled strength, and all nature seems one mighty, thrilling song of praise ! Is it because of the contrast with this poor, barren, sunless land of mists — without a tree, without a bush — nothing but stones and clay? No peace in it either — nothing but an endless struggle to get north, always north, without a moment's delay. Oh, how one yearns for a little careless happiness !" Next day we were again ready to sail, and I tried to force the Fram on under steam against wind and current. But the cur- rent ran strong as a river, and we had to be specially careful with the helm ; if we gave her the least thing too much she would take a sheer, and we knew there were shallows and rocks on all sides. We kept the lead going constantly. For a time all went well, and we made way slowly, but suddenly she took a sheer and refused to obey her helm. She went off to starboard. The lead indicated shallow water. The same moment came the order, " Let go the anchor !" And to the bottom it went with a rush and a clank. There we lay with 4 fathoms of water under the stern and 9 fathoms in front at the anchor. We were not a moment too soon. We got the Pram's head straight to the wind, and tried again, time after time, but always with the same result. The attempt had to be given up. There was still the possibility of making our way out of the sound to leeward of the land, but the water got quickly shallow there, and we might come on rocks at any moment. We could have gone on in front with the boat and sounded, but I had already had more than enough of rowing in that current. For the present we must stay where we were and anoint ourselves with the oint- ment called Patience, a medicament of which every polar ex- pedition ought to lay in a large supply. We hoped on for a change, but the current remained as it was, and the wind cer- tainly did not decrease. I was in despair at having to lie here for nothing but this cursed current, with open sea outside, per- haps as far as Cape Chelyuskin, that eternal cape, whose name had been sounding in my ears for the last three weeks. When I came on deck next morning (August 23d) winter had VOYAGE THROUGH THE KARA SEA 99 come. There was white snow on the deck, and on every little projection of the rigging where it had found shelter from the wind ; white snow on the land, and white snow floating through the air. Oh, how the snow refreshes one's soul, and drives away all the gloom and sadness from this sullen land of fogs ! Look at it scattered so delicately, as if by a loving hand, over the stones and the grass flats on shore ! But wind and current are much as they were, and during the day the wind blows up to a regular storm, howling and rattling in the Pram's rigging. The following day (August 24th) I had quite made up my mind that we must get out some way or other. When I came on deck in the morning the wind had gone down considerably, and the current was not so strong. A boat would almost be able to row against it ; anyhow, one could be eased away by a line from the stern, and keep on taking soundings there, while we "kedged" the Ft am with her anchor just clear of the bottom. But before having recourse to this last expedient I would make another at- tempt to go against the wind and the current. The engineers were ordered to put on as much pressure of steam as they dared, and the Fram was urged on at her top speed. Our surprise was not small when we saw that we were making way, and even at a tolerable rate. Soon we were out of the sound, or " Knipa " (nipper), as we christened it, and could beat out to sea with steam and sail. Of course, we had, as usual, contrary wind and thick weather. There is ample space between every little bit of sun- shine in these quarters. Next day we kept on beating northward between the edge of the ice and the land. The open channel was broad to begin with, but farther north it became so narrow that we could often see the coast when we put about at the edge of the ice. At this time we passed many unknown islands and groups of islands. There was evidently plenty of occupation here, for any one who could spare the time, in making a chart of the coast. Our voyage had another aim, and all that we could do was to make a few occa- sional measurements of the same nature as Nordenskiold had made before us. On August 25th I noted in my diary that in the afternoon we had seven islands in sight. They were higher than those we had seen before, and consisted of precipitous hills. There were also small glaciers or snow -fields, and the rock formation showed lOO FARTHEST NORTH clear traces of erosion by ice or snow, this being especially the case on the largest island, where there were even small valleys, partially filled with snow. This is the record of August 26th : " Many new islands in various directions. There are here," the diary continues, "any number of unknown islands, so many that one's head gets con- fused in trying to keep account of them all. In the morning we passed a very rocky one, and beyond it I saw two others. After them land or islands farther to the north and still more to the northeast. We had to go out of our course in the afternoon, because we dared not pass between two large islands on account of possible shoals. The islands were round in form, like those we had seen farther back, but were of a good height. Now we held east again, with four biggish islands and two islets in the offing. On our other side we presently had a line of flat islands with steep shores. The channel was far from safe here. In the evening we suddenly noticed large stones standing up above the water among some ice-floes close on our port bow, and on our starboard beam was a shoal with stranded ice-floes. We sounded, but found over 21 fathoms of water." I think this will suffice to give an idea of the nature of this coast. Its belt of skerries, though it certainly cannot be classed with the Norwegian one, is yet of the kind that it would be dif- ficult to find except off glacier - formed coasts. This tends to strengthen the opinion I had formed of there having been a glacial period in the earlier history of this part of the world also. Of the coast itself, we unfortunately saw too little at any dis- tance from which we could get an accurate idea of its formation and nature. We could not keep near land, partly because of the thick weather, and partly because of the number of islands. The little I did see was enough to give me the conviction that the actual coast line differs essentially from the one we know from maps ; it is much more winding and indented than it is shown to be. I even several times thought that I saw the openings into deep fjords, and more than once the suspicion occurred to me that this was a typical fjord country we were sailing past, in spite of the hills being comparatively low and rounded. In this supposition I was to be confirmed by our experiences farther north. Our record of August 27th reads as follows : " Steamed aniong VOYAGE THROUGH THE KARA SEA loi a variety of small islands and islets. Thick fog in the morning. At 12 noon we saw a small island right ahead, and therefore changed our course and went north. We were soon close to the ice, and after 3 in the afternoon held northeast along its edge. Sighted land when the fog cleared a little, and were about a mile off it at 7 P.M." It was the same striated, rounded land, covered with clay and large and small stones strewn over moss and grass flats. Before us we saw points and headlands, with islands outside, and sounds and fjords between ; but it was all locked up in ice, and we could not see far for the fog. There was that strange Arctic hush and misty light over everything — that grayish-white light caused by the reflection from the ice being cast high into the air against masses of vapor, the dark land offering a wonderful contrast. We were not sure whether this was the land near Taimur Sound or that by Cape Palander, but were agreed that in any case it would be best to hold a northerly course, so as to keep clear of Almquist's Islands, which Nordenskiold marks on his map as ly- ing off Taimur Island. If we shaped our course for one watch north, or north to west, we should be safe after that, and be able again to hold farther east. But we miscalculated, after all. At midnight we turned northeastward, and at 4 a.m. (August 28th) land appeared out of the fog about half a mile off. It seemed to Sverdrup, who was on deck, the highest that we had seen since we left Norway. He consequently took it to be the mainland, and wished to keep well outside of it, but was obliged to turn from this course because of ice. We held to the W.S.W., and it was not till 9 a.m. that we rounded the western point of a large island and could steer north again. East of us were many isl- ands or points with solid ice between them, and we followed the edge of the ice. All the morning we went north along the land against a strong current. There seemed to be no end to this land. Its discrepancy with every known map grew more and more remarkable, and I was in no slight dilemma. We had for long been far to the north of the most northern island indicated by Nordenskiold.* My diary this day tells of great uncertainty. * It is true that in his account of the voyage he expressly states that the continued very thick fog " prevented us from doing more than map- ping out most vaguely the islands among and past which the Vega sought her way." 102 FARTHEST NORTH " This land (or these islands, or whatever it is) goes confounded- ly far north. If it is a group of islands they are tolerably large ones. It has often the appearance of connected land, with fjords and points ; but the weather is too thick for us to get a proper view. . . . Can this that we are now coasting along be the Tai- mur's Island of the Russian maps (or, more precisely, Lapteff' s map), and is it separated from the mainland by the broad strait indicated by him, while Nordenskiold's Taimur Island is what Lapteff has mapped as a projecting tongue of land ? This sup- position would explain everything, and our observations would also fit in with it. Is it possible that Nordenskiold found this strait, and took it for Taimur Strait, while in reality it was a new one ; and that he saw Almquist's Islands, but had no sus- picion that Taimur Island lay to the outside of them ? The dif- ficulty about this explanation is that the Russian maps mark no islands round Taimur Island. It is inconceivable that any one should have travelled all about here in sledges without seeing all these small islands that lie scattered around.* " In the afternoon the water-gauge of the boiler got choked up ; we had to stop to have it repaired, and therefore made fast to the edge of the ice. We spent the time in taking in drinking- water. We found a pool on the ice, so small that we thought it would only do to begin with ; but it evidently had a 'subter- ranean ' communication with other fresh-water ponds on the floe. To our astonishment it proved inexhaustible, however much we scooped. In the evening we stood in to the head of an ice bay, which opened out opposite the most northern island we then had in sight. There was no passage beyond. The broken drift-ice lay packed so close in on the unbroken land-ice that it was im- possible to tell where the one ended and the other began. We could see islands still farther to the northeast. From the atmos- * Later, when I had investigated the state of matters outside Norden- skiold's Taimur Island, it seemed to me that the same remark applied here with even better reason, as no sledge expedition could go round the coast of this island without seeing Almquist's Islands, which lie so near, for instance, to Cape Lapteff, that they ought to be seen even in very thick weather. It would be less excusable to omit marking these islands, which are much larger, than to omit the small ones lying off the coast of the large island (or, as I now consider it, group of large islands) we were at present skirting. VOYAGE THROUGH THE KARA SEA 103 phere it seemed as if there might also be open water in that di- rection. To the north it all looked very close, but to the west there was an open waterway as far as one could see from the masthead. I was in some doubt as to what should be done. There was an open channel for a short way up past the north point of the nearest island, but farther to the east the ice seemed to be close. It might be possible to force our way through there, but it was just as likely that we should be frozen in ; so I thought it most judicious to go back and make another attempt between these islands and that mainland which I had some difficulty in be- lieving that Sverdrup had seen in the morning. " Thursday, August 20th. Still foggy weather. New islands were observed on the way back. Sverdrup's high land did not come to much. It turned out to be an island, and that a low one. It is wonderful the way things loom up in the fog. This remind- ed me of the story of the pilot at home in the Drobak Channel. He suddenly saw land right in front, and gave the order, ' Full speed astern !' Then they approached carefully and found that it was half a baling-can floating in the water." After passing a great number of new islands we got into open water off Taimur Island, and steamed in still weather through the sound to the northeast. At 5 in the afternoon I saw from the crow's-nest thick ice ahead, which blocked farther progress. It stretched from Taimur Island right across to the islands south of it. On the ice bearded seals {Phoca barbata) were to be seen in all directions, and we saw one walrus. We approached the ice to make fast to it, but the Fram had got into dead-water, and made hardly any way, in spite of the engine going full pressure. It was such slow work that I thought I would row ahead to shoot seal. In the meantime the Fram advanced slowly to the edge of the ice with her machinery still going at full speed. For the moment we had simply to give up all thoughts of get- ting on. It was most likely, indeed, that only a few miles of solid ice lay between us and the probably open Taimur Sea; but to break through this ice was an impossibility. It was too thick, and there were no openings in it. Nordenskiold had steamed through here earlier in the year (August 18, 1878) without the slightest hinderance,* and here, perhaps, our hopes, for this year * In his account of his voyage Nordenskiold writes as follows of the 104 FARTHEST NORTH at any rate, were to be wrecked. It was not possible that the ice should melt before winter set in in earnest. The only thing to save us would be a proper storm from the southwest. Our other slight hope lay in the possibility that Nordenskiold's Taimur Sound, farther south, might be open, and that we might manage to get the Fram through there, in spite of Nordenskiold having said distinctly " that it is too shallow to allow of the passage of vessels of any size." After having been out in the kayak and boat and shot some seals, we went on to anchor in a bay that lay rather farther south, where it seemed as if there would be a little shelter in case of a storm. We wanted now to have a thorough cleaning out of the boiler, a very necessary operation. It took us more than one watch to steam a distance we could have rowed in half an hour or less. We could hardly get on at all for the dead-water, and we swept the whole sea along with us. It is a peculiar phenomenon, this dead-water. We had at present a better opportunity of studying it than we desired. It occurs where a surface layer of fresh water rests upon the salt water of the sea, and this fresh water is carried along with the ship, gliding on the heavier sea be- neath as if on a fixed foundation. The difference between the two strata was in this case so great that, while we had drinking-water on the surface, the water we got from the bottom cock of the engine-room was far too salt to be used for the boiler. Dead-water manifests itself in the form of larger or smaller ripples or waves stretching across the wake, the one behind the other, arising sometimes as far forward as almost amidships. We made loops in our course, turned sometimes right round, tried all sorts of antics to get clear of it, but to very little purpose. The moment the engine stopped it seemed as if the ship were sucked back. In spite of the Frames weight and the momentum she usually has, we could in the present instance go at full speed till within a fathom or two of the edge of the ice, and hardly feel a shock when she touched. condition of this channel : " We were met by only small quantities of that sort of ice which has a layer of fresh-water ice on the top of the salt, and we noticed that it was all melting fjord 6r river ice. I hardly think that we came all day on a single piece of ice big enough to have cut up a seal upon." VOYAGE THRO UGH THE KARA SEA 105 Just as we were approaching we saw a fox jumping backward and forward on the ice, taking the most wonderful leaps and enjoying life. Sverdrup sent a ball from the forecastle which put an end to it on the spot. About mid-day two bears were seen on land, but they disap- peared before we got in to shoot them. The number of seals to be seen in every direction was some- thing extraordinary, and it seemed to me that this would be an uncommonly good hunting-ground. The flocks I saw this first day on the ice reminded me of the crested-seal hunting-grounds on the west coast of Greenland. This experience of ours may appear to contrast strangely with that of the Ve^a expedition. Nordenskiold writes of this sea, com- paring it with the sea to the north and east of Spitzbergen: "An- other striking difference is the scarcity of warm-blooded animals in this region as yet unvisited by the hunter. We had not seen a single bird in the whole course of the day, a thing that had never before happened to me on a summer voyage in the Arctic regions, and we had hardly seen a seal." The fact that they had not seen a seal is simply enough explained by the absence of ice. From my impression of it, the region must, on the contrary, abound in seals. Nordenskiold himself says that "numbers of seals, both Phoca barbata and Phoca hispida^ were to be seen " on the ice in Taimur Strait. So this was all the progress we had made up to the end of August. On August 18, 1878, Nordenskiold had passed through this sound, and on the 19th and 20th passed Cape Chelyuskin ; but here was an impenetrable mass of ice frozen on to the land lying in our way at the end of the month. The prospect was anything but cheering. Were the many prophets of evil — there is never any scarcity of them — to prove right even at this early stage of the undertaking ? No ! The Taimur Strait must be attempted, and should this attempt fail another last one should be made outside all the islands again. Possibly the ice masses out there might in the meantime have drifted and left an open way. We could not stop here. September came in with a still, melancholy snowfall, and this desolate land, with its low, rounded heights, soon lay under a deep covering. It did not add to our cheerfulness to see winter thus gently and noiselessly ushered in after an all too short summer. io6 FARTHEST NORTH On September 2d the boiler was ready at last, was filled with fresh water from the sea surface, and we prepared to start. While this preparation was going on Sverdrup and I went ashore to have a look after reindeer. The snow was lying thick, and if it had not been so wet we could have used our snow-shoes. As it was we tramped about in the heavy slush without them, and without seeing so much as the track of a beast of any kind. A forlorn land, indeed ! Most of the birds of passage had already taken their way south ; we had met small flocks of them at sea. They were collecting for the great flight to the sunshine, and we, poor souls, could not help wishing that it were possible to send news and greeting with them. A few solitary Arctic and ordinary gulls were our only company now. One day I found a belated straggler of a goose sitting on the edge of the ice. We steamed south in the evening, but still followed by the dead-water. According to Nordenskidld's map, it was only about 20 miles to Taimur Strait, but we were the whole night doing this distance. Our speed was reduced to about a fifth part of what it would otherwise have been. At 6 a.m. (September 3d) we got in among some thin ice that scraped the dead-water off us. The change was noticeable at once. As the Fra^jt cut into the ice crust she gave a sort of spring forward, and, after this, went on at her ordinary speed ; and henceforth we had very little more trouble with dead-water. We found what, according to the map, was Taimur Strait entirely blocked with ice, and we held farther south to see if we could not come upon some other strait or passage. It was not an easy matter finding our way by the map. We had not seen Hovgaard's Islands, marked as lying north of the entrance to Taimur Strait ; yet the weather was so beautifully clear that it seemed unlikely that they could have escaped us if they lay where Nordenskiold's sketch - map places them. On the other hand, we saw several islands in the offing. These, however, lay so far out that it is not probable that Nordenskiold saw them, as the weather was thick when he was here ; and, besides, it is impossible that islands lying many miles out at sea could have been mapped as close to land, with only a narrow sound sepa- rating them from it. Farther south we found a narrow open strait or fjord, which we steamed into, in order if possible to get some better idea of the lay of the land. I sat up in the crow's- VOYAGE THROUGH THE KARA SEA 107 nest, hoping for a general clearing up of matters ; but the pros- pect of this seemed to recede farther and farther. What we now had to the north of us, and what I had taken to be a projection of the mainland, proved to be an island ; but the fjord wound on farther inland. Now it got narrower — presently it widened out again. The mystery thickened. Could this be Taimur Strait, after all ? A dead calm on the sea. Fog everywhere over the land. It was wellnigh impossible to distinguish the smooth sur- face of the water from the ice, and the ice from the snow-cov- ered land. Everything is so strangely still and dead. The sea rises and falls with each twist of the fjord through the silent land of mists. Now we have open water ahead, now more ice, and it is impossible to make sure which it is. Is this Taimur Strait ? Are we getting through ? A whole year is at stake ! . . . No! here we stop — nothing but ice ahead. No! it is only smooth water with the snowy land reflected in it. This must be Taimur Strait ! But now we had several large ice-floes ahead, and it was dif- ficult to get on ; so we anchored at a point, in a good, safe harbor, to make a closer inspection. We now discovered that it was a strong tidal current that was carrying the ice-floes with it, and there could be no doubt that it was a strait we were ly- ing in. I rowed out in the evening to shoot some seals, taking for the purpose my most precious weapon, a double-barrelled Express rifle, calibre 577. As we were in the act of taking a sealskin on board the boat heeled over, I slipped, and my rifle fell into the sea — a sad accident. Peter Henriksen and Bentzen, who were rowing me, took it so to heart that they could not speak for some time. They declared that it would never do to leave the valuable gun lying there in 5 fathoms of water. So we rowed to the Fram for the necessary apparatus, and dragged the spot for several hours, well on into the dark, gloomy night. While we were thus employed a bearded seal circled round and round us, bobbing up its big, startled face, now on one side of us, now on the other, and always coming nearer ; it was evidently anxious to find out what our night work might be. Then it dived over and over again, probably to see how the dragging was getting on. Was it afraid of our finding the rifle ? At last it became too intrusive. I took Peter's rifle and put a ball through its head ; but it sank before we could reach it, and we gave up io8 FARTHEST NORTH the whole business in despair. The loss of that rifle saved the life of many a seal ; and, alas ! it had cost me ;£"28. We took the boat again next day and rowed eastward, to find out if there really was a passage for us through this strait. It had turned cold during the night and snow had fallen, so the sea round the Fram was covered with tolerably thick snow-ice, and it cost us a good deal of exertion to break through it into open water with the boat. I thought it possible that the land farther in on the north side of the strait might be that in the neighbor- hood of Actinia Bay, where the Vega had lain ; but I sought in vain for the cairn erected there by Nordenskiold, and presently discovered to my astonishment that it was only a small island, and that this island lay on the south side of the principal en- trance to Taimur Strait. The strait was very broad here, and I felt pretty certain that I saw where the real Actinia Bay cut into the land far to the north. We were hungry now, and were preparing to take a meal be- fore we rowed on from the island, when we discovered to our disappointment that the butter had been forgotten. We cram- med down the dry biscuits as best we could, and worked our jaws till they were stiff on the pieces we managed to hack off a hard dried reindeer chine. When we were tired of eating, though anything but satisfied, we set off, giving this point the name of " Cape Butterless." We rowed far in through the strait, and it seemed to us to be a good passage for ships — 8 or 9 fathoms right up to the shore. However, we were stopped by ice in the evening, and as we ran the risk of being frozen in if we pushed on any farther I thought it best to turn. We cer- tainly ran no danger of starving, for we saw fresh tracks both of bears and reindeer everywhere, and there were plenty of seals in the water ; but I was afraid of delaying the Fram^ in view of the possibility of progress in another direction. So we toiled back against a strong wind, not reaching the ship till next morning ; and this was none too early, for presently we were in the midst of a storm. On the subject of the navigability of Taimur Strait, Norden- skiold writes that, " according to soundings made by Lieutenant Palander, it is obstructed by rocky shallows ; and being also full of strong currents, it is hardly advisable to sail through it — at least, until the direction of these currents has been carefully in- VOYAGE THRO UGH THE KARA SEA 109 vestigated." I have nothing particular to add to this, except that, as already mentioned, the channel was clear as far as we penetrated, and had the appearance of being practicable as far as I could see. I was, therefore, determined that we would, if nec- essary, try to force our way through with the Fram. The 5th of September brought snow with a stiff breeze, which steadily grew stronger. When it was rattling in the rigging in the evening we congratulated each other on being safe on board — it would not have been an easy matter to row back to-day. But altogether I was dissatisfied. There was some chance, in- deed, that this wind might loosen the ice farther north, and yes- terday's experiences had given me the hope of being able, in case of necessity, to force a way through this strait ; but now the wind was steadily driving larger masses of ice in past us ; and this approach of winter was alarming — it might quite well be on us in earnest before any channel was opened. I tried to reconcile myself to the idea of wintering in our present sur- roundings. I had already laid all the plans for the way in which we were to occupy ourselves during the coming year. Besides an investigation of this coast, which offered problems enough to solve, we were to explore the unknown interior of the Taimur Peninsula right across to the mouth of the Chatanga. With our dogs and snow-shoes we should be able to go far and wide ; so the year would not be a lost one as regarded geography and geology. But no ! I could not reconcile myself to it ! I could not ! A year of one's life was a year ; and our expedition prom- ised to be a long one at best. What tormented me most was the reflection that if the ice stopped us now we could have no assur- ance that it would not do the same at the same time next year ; it has been observed so often that several bad ice-years come to- gether, and this was evidently none of the best. Though I would hardly confess the feeling of depression even to myself, I must say that it was not on a bed of roses I lay these nights until sleep came and carried me off into the land of forgetfulness. Wednesday, the 6th of September, was the anniversary of my wedding-day. I was superstitious enough to feel when I awoke in the morning that this day would bring a change, if one were coming at all. The storm had gone down a little, the sun peeped out, and life seemed brighter. The wind quieted down altogether in the course of the afternoon, the weather becoming calm and 1 10 FARTHEST NORTH beautiful. The strait to the north of us, which was blocked be- fore with solid ice, had been swept open by the storm ; but the strait to the east, where we had been with the boat, was firmly- blocked, and if we had not turned when we did that evening we should have been there yet, and for no one knows how long. It seemed to us not improbable that the ice between Cape Lapteff and Almquist's Islands might be broken up. We therefore got up steam and set off north about 6.30 p.m. to try our fortune once more. I felt quite sure that the day would bring us luck. The weather was still beautiful, and we were thoroughly enjoying the sunshine. It was such an unusual thing that Nordahl, when he was working among the coals in the hold in the afternoon, mis- took a sunbeam falling through the hatch on the coal dust for a plank, and leaned hard on it. He was not a little surprised when he fell right through it on to some iron lumber. It became more and more difficult to make anything of the land, and our observation for latitude at noon did not help to clear up matters. It placed us at 76° 2 north latitude, or about 14 miles from what is marked as the mainland on Nordenskiold's or Bove's map. It was hardly to be expected that these should be correct, as the weather seems to have been foggy the whole time the explorers were here. Nor were we successful in finding Hovgaard's Islands as we sailed north. When I supposed that we were off them, just on the north side of the entrance to Taimur Strait, I saw, to my surprise, a high mountain almost directly north of us, which seemed as if it must be on the mainland. What could be the explanation of this ? I began to have a growing suspicion that this was a regular labyrinth of islands we had got into. We were hoping to investigate and clear up the matter when thick weather, with sleet and rain, most inconveniently came on, and we had to leave this problem for the future to solve. The mist was thick, and soon the darkness of night was added to it, so that we could not see land at any great distance. It might seem rather risky to push ahead now, but it was an oppor- tunity not to be lost. We slackened speed a little, and kept on along the coast all night, in readiness to turn as soon as land was observed ahead. Satisfied that things were in good hands, as it was Sverdrup's watch, I lay down in my berth with a lighter heart than I had had for long. VOYAGE THROUGH THE KARA SEA m At 6 o'clock next morning (September 7th) Sverdrup roused me with the information that we had passed Taimur Island, or Cape Lapteff, at 3 a.m., and were now at Taimur Bay, but with close ice and an island ahead. It was possible that we might reach the island, as a channel had just opened through the ice in that direction ; but we were at present in a tearing "whirlpool" current, and should be obliged to put back for the moment. After breakfast I went up into the crow's-nest. It was brilliant sunshine. I found that Sverdrup's island must be mainland, which, however, stretched remarkably far west compared with that given on the maps. I could still see Taimur Island behind me, and the most easterly of Almquist's Islands lay gleaming in the sun to the north. It was a long, sandy point that we had ahead, and I could follow the land in a southerly direction till it disappeared on the horizon at the head of the bay in the south. Then there was a small strip where no land, only open water, could be made out. After that the land emerged on the west side of the bay, stretching towards Taimur Island. With its heights and round knolls this land was essentially different from the low coast on the east side of the bay. To the north of the point ahead of us I saw open water ; there was some ice between us and it, but the Frant forced her way through. When we got out, right off the point, I was surprised to notice the sea suddenly covered with brown, clayey water. It could not be a deep layer, for the track we left behind was quite clear. The clayey water seemed to be skimmed to either side by the passage of the ship. I ordered soundings to be taken, and found, as I expected, shallower water — first 8 fathoms, then 6i, then 5^. I stopped now, and backed. Things looked very suspicious, and round us ice-floes lay stranded. There was also a very strong current running northeast. Constantly sounding, we again went slowly forward. Fortunately the lead went on showing 5 fathoms. Presently we got into deeper water — 6 fathoms, then 6^ — and now we went on at full speed again. We were soon out into the clear, blue water on the other side. There was quite a sharp boundary-line between the brown surface water and the clear blue. The niuddy water evidently came from some river a little farther south. From this point the land trended back in an easterly direction, and we held east and northeast in the open water between it and 112 FARTHEST NORTH the ice. In the afternoon this channel grew very narrow, and we got right under the coast, where it again slopes north. We kept close along it in a very narrow cut, with a depth of 6 to 8 fathoms, but in the evening had to stop, as the ice lay packed close in to the shore ahead of us. This land we had been coasting along bore a strong resem- blance to Yalmal. The same low plains, rising very little above the sea, and not visible at any great distance. It was perhaps rather more undulating. At one or two places I even saw some ridges of a certain elevation a little way inland. The shore the whole way seemed to be formed of strata of sand and clay, the margin sloping steeply to the sea. Many reindeer herds were to be seen on the plains, and next morning (September 8th) I went on shore on a hunting expedi- tion. Having shot one reindeer, I was on my way farther in- land in search of more, when I made a surprising discovery, which attracted all my attention and made me quite forget the errand I had come on. It was a large fjord cutting its way in through the land to the north of me. I went as far as possible to find out all I could about it, but did not manage to see the end of it. So far as I cojild see, it was a fine, broad sheet of water, stretching eastward to some blue mountains far, far in- land, which, at the extreme limit of my vision, seemed to slope down to the water. Beyond them I could distinguish nothing. My imagination was fired, and for a moment it seemed to me as if this might almost be a strait, stretching right across the land here, and making an island of the Chelyuskin Peninsula. But probably it was only a river, which widened out near its mouth into a broad lake, as several of the Siberian rivers do. All about the clay plains I was tramping over, enormous erratic blocks, of various formations, lay scattered. They can only have been brought here by the great glaciers of the Ice Age. There was not much life to be seen. Besides reindeer there were just a few willow-grouse, snow-buntings, and snipe ; and I saw tracks of foxes and lemmings. This farthest north part of Siberia is quite uninhabited, and has probably not been visited even by the wandering nomads. However, I *saw a circular moss - heap on a plain far inland, which looked as if it might be the work of man's hand. Perhaps, after all, some Samoyede had been here collecting moss for his reindeer ; but it must have been long VOYAGE THROUGH THE KARA SEA 113 ago ; for the moss^ loa^d quite black and rotten. The heap was quite possibly only one of Nature's freaks — she is often ca- pricious. What a constant alternation of light and shadow there is in this Arctic land. When I went up to the crow's-nest next morn- ing (September 9th) I saw 'that the ice to the north had loosened from the land, and I could trace a channel which might lead us northward into open water. I at once gave the order to get up steam. The barometer was certainly low — lower than we had ever had it yet ; it was down to 733 mm. — the wind was blowing in heavy squalls off the land, and in on the plains the gusts were whirling up clouds of sand and dust. Sverdrup thought it would be safer to stay where we were ; but it would be too annoying to miss this splendid opportunity ; and the sunshine was so beautiful, and the sky so smiling and reassuring. I gave orders to set sail, and soon we were pushing on northward through the ice, under steam, and with every stitch of canvas that we could crowd on. Cape Chelyuskin must be vanquished ! Never had the Fram gone so fast ; she made more than 8 knots by the log ; it seemed as though she knew how much depended on her getting on. Soon we were through the ice, and had open water along the land as far as the eye could reach. We passed point after point, discovering new fjords and islands on the way, and soon I thought that I caught a glimpse through the large telescope of some mountains far away north ; they must be in the neighborhood of Cape Chelyuskin itself. The land along which we to-day coasted to the northward was quite low, some of it like what I had seen on shore the previous day. At some distance from the low coast, fairly high moun- tains or mountain chains were to be seen. Some of them seemed to consist of horizontal sedimentary schist; they were flat-topped, with precipitous sides. Farther inland the mountains were all white with snow. At one point it seemed as if the whole range were covered with a sheet of ice, or great snow-field that spread itself down the sides. At the edge of this sheet I could see pro- jecting masses of rock, but all the inner part was spotless white. It seemed almost too continuous and even to be new snow, and looked like a permanent snow mantle. Nordenskiold's map marks at this place "High mountain chains inland"; and this agrees with our observations, though I 114 FARTHEST NORTH cannot assert that the mountains are of any considerable height. But when, in agreement with earlier maps, he marks at the same place "High, rocky coast," his terms are open to objection. The coast is, as already mentioned, quite low, and consists, in great part at least, of layers of clay or loose earth. Nordenskiold either took this last description from the earlier, unreliable maps, or possibly allowed himself to be misled by the fog which beset them during their voyage in these waters. In the evening we were approaching the north end of the land, but the current, which we had had with us earlier in the day, was now against us, and it seemed as if we were never to get past an island that lay off the shore to the north of us. The mountain height which I had seen at an earlier hour through the telescope lay here some way inland. It was flat on the top, with precipitous sides, like those mountains last described. It seemed to be sandstone or basaltic rock; only the horizontal strata of the ledges on its sides were not visible. I calculated its height at looo to 1500 feet. Out at sea we saw several new islands, the nearest of them being of some size. The moment seemed to be at hand when we were at last to round that point which had haunted us for so long — the second of the greatest difficulties I expected to have to overcome on this expedition. I sat up in the crow's-nest in the evening, look- ing out to the north. The land was low and desolate. The sun had long since gone down behind the sea, and the dreamy even- ing sky was yellow and gold. It was lonely and still up here, high above the water. Only one star was to be seen. It stood straight above Cape Chelyuskin, shining clearly and sadly in the pale sky. As we sailed on and got the cape more to the east of us the star went with it ; it was always there, straight above. I could not help sitting watching it. It seemed to have some charm for me, and to bring such peace. Was it my star ? Was it the spirit of home following and smiling to me now ? Many a thought it brought to me as the Fram toiled on through the melancholy night, past the northernmost point of the old world. Towards morning we were off what we took to be actually the northern extremity. We stood in near land, and at the change of the watch, exactly at 4 o'clock, our flags were hoisted, and our three last cartridges sent a thundering salute over the sea. Al- VOYAGE THROUGH THE KARA SEA 115 most at the same moment the sun rose. Then our poetic doctor burst forth into the following touching lines : " Up go the flags, off goes the gun ; The clock strikes four — and lo, the sun !" - As the sun rose, the Chelyuskin troll, that had so long had us in his power, was banned. We had escaped the danger of a winter's imprisonment on this coast, and we saw the way clear to our goal — the drift-ice to the north of the New Siberian Islands. In honor of the occasion all hands were turned out, and punch, fruit, and cigars were served in the festally lighted saloon. Something special in the way of a toast was expected on such an occasion. I lifted my glass and made the following speech : " Skoal, my lads, and be glad we've passed Chelyuskin !" Then there was some organ-playing, during which I went up into the crow's-nest again, to have a last look at the land. I now saw that the height I had noticed in the evening, which has already been described, lies on the west side of the peninsula, while farther east a lower and more rounded height stretches southward. This last must be the one mentioned by Nordenskiold, and, according to his description, the real north point must lie out beyond it ; so that we were now off King Oscar's Bay ; but I looked in vain through the telescope for Nordenskiold's cairn. I had the greatest in- clination to land, but did not think that we could spare the time. The bay, which was clear of ice at the time of the Vega's visit, was now closed in with thick winter ice, frozen fast to the land. We had an open channel before us ; but we could see the edge of the drift-ice out at sea. A little farther west we passed a couple of small islands, lying a short way from the coast. We had to stop before noon at the northwestern corner of Chelyuskin, on account of the drift-ice, which seemed to reach right into the land before us. To judge by the dark air, there was open water again on the other side of an island which lay ahead. We landed and made sure that some straits or fjords on the inside of this island, to the south, were quite closed with firm ice ; and in the evening thQ Fram forced her way through the drift-ice on the out- side of it. We steamed and sailed southward along the coast all night, making splendid way ; when the wind was blowing stiffest we went at the rate of 9 knots. We came upon ice every now and then, but got through it easily. ii6 FARTHEST NORTH Towards morning (September nth) we had high land ahead, and had to change our course to due east, keeping to this all day. When I came on deck before noon I saw a fine tract of hill coun- try, with high summits and valleys between. It was the first view of the sort since we had left Vardo, and, after the monotonous low land we had been coasting along for months, it was refresh- ing to see such mountains again. They ended with a precipitous descent to the east, and eastward from that extended a perfectly flat plain. In the course of the day we quite lost sight of land, and, strangely enough, did not see it again ; nor did we see the islands of St. Peter and St. Paul, though, according to the maps, our course lay close past them. Thursday, September 12th. Henriksen awoke me this morning at 6 with the information that there were several walruses lying on a floe quite close to us. " By Jove !" Up I jumped and had my clothes on in a trice. It was a lovely morning — fine, still weather ; the walruses' guffaw sounded over to us along the clear ice surface. They were lying crowded together on a floe a little to landward from us, blue mountains glittering behind them in the sun. At last the harpoons were sharpened, guns and car- tridges ready, and Henriksen, Juell, and I set off. There seemed to be a slight breeze from the south, so we rowed to the north side of the floe, to get to leeward of the animals. From time to time their sentry raised his head, but apparently did not see us. We advanced slowly, and soon we were so near that we had to row very cautiously. Juell kept us going, while Henriksen was ready in the bow with a harpoon, and I behind him with a gun. The moment the sentry raised his head the oars stopped, and we stood motionless ; when he sank it again, a few more strokes brought us nearer. Body to body they lay close-packed on a small floe, old and young ones mixed. Enormous masses of flesh they were ! Now and again one of the ladies fanned herself by moving one of her flippers backward and forward over her body ; then she lay quiet again on her back or side. " Good gracious ! what a lot of meat !" said Juell, who was cook. More and more cautiously we drew near. While I sat ready with the gun, Henriksen took a good grip of the harpoon shaft, and as the boat touched the floe he rose, and off flew the harpoon. But it struck too high, glanced off the tough hide, and skipped over the backs of the animals. VOYAGE THROUGH THE KARA SEA n? Now there was a pretty to do ! Ten or twelve great weird faces glared upon us at once ; the colossal creatures twisted themselves round with incredible celerity, and came waddling with lifted heads and hollow bellowings to the edge of the ice where we lay. It was undeniably an imposing sight ; but I laid my gun to my shoulder and fired at one of the biggest heads. The animal staggered, and then fell head foremost into the water. Now a ball into another head ; this creature fell too, but was able to fling itself into the sea. And now the whole tierd dashed in, and we as well as they were hidden in spray. It had all happened in a few seconds. But up they came again immediately round the boat, one head bigger and uglier than another, their young ones close beside them. They stood up in the water, bellowed and roared till the air trembled, threw themselves forward towards us, then rose up again, and new bellowings filled the air. Then they rolled over and disappeared with a splash, then bobbed up again. The water foamed and boiled for yards around — the ice-world that had been so still before seemed in a moment to have been transformed into a raging bedlam. Any moment we might expect to have a walrus tusk or two through the boat, or to be heaved up and capsized. Something of this kind was the very least that could happen after such a terrible commotion. But the hurly-burly went on and nothing came of it. I again picked out my victims. They went on bellowing and grunting like the others, but with blood streaming from their mouths and noses. Another ball, and one tumbled over and floated on the water ; now a ball to the second, and it did the same. Henriksen was ready with the harpoons, and secured them both. One more was shot ; but we had no more harpoons, and had to strike a seal-hook into it to hold it up. The hook slipped, however, and the animal sank before we could save it. While we were towing our booty to an ice-floe we were still, for part of the time at least, surrounded by walruses ; but there was no use in shooting any more, for we had no means of carrying them off. The Fram presently came up and took our two on board, and we were soon going ahead along the coast. We saw many walruses in this part. We shot two others in the after- noon, and could have got many more if we had had time to spare. It was in this same neighborhood that Nordenskiold also saw one or two small herds. ii8 FARTHEST NORTH We now continued our course, against a strong current, south- ward along the coast, past the mouth of the Chatanga. This eastern part of the Taimur Peninsula is a comparatively high, mountainous region, but with a lower level stretch between the mountains and the sea — apparently the same kind of low land we had seen along the coast almost the whole way. As the sea seemed to be tolerably open and free from ice, we made several attempts to shorten our course by leaving the coast and striking across for the mouth 6f the Olenek ; but every time thick ice drove us back to our channel by the land. On September 14th we were off the land lying between the Chatanga and the Anabara. This also was fairly high, moun- tainous country, with a low strip by the sea. " In this respect," so I write in my diary, " this whole coast reminds one very much of Jaederen, in Norway. But the mountains here are not so well separated, and are considerably lower than those farther north. The sea is unpleasantly shallow ; at one time during the night we had only 4 fathoms, and were obliged to put back some distance. We have ice outside, quite close ; but yet there is a sufficient fairway to let us push on eastward." The following day we got into good, open water, but shallow — never more than 6 to 7 fathoms. We heard the roaring of waves to the east, so there must certainly be open water in that direc- tion, which, indeed, we had expected. It was plain that the Lena, with its masses of warm water, was beginning to assert its influ- ence. The sea here was browner, and showed signs of some mixture of muddy river-water. It was also much less salt. " It would be foolish," I write in my diary for this day (Sep- tember 15th), "to go in to the Olenek, now that we are so late. Even if there were no danger from shoals, it would cost us too much time — probably a year. Besides, it is by no means sure that the Fra^n can get in there at all ; it would be a very tiresome business if she went aground in these waters. No doubt we should be very much the better of a few more dogs, but to lose a year is too much ; we shall rather head straight east for the New Siberian Islands, now that there is a good opportunity and really bright prospects. " The ice here puzzles me a good deal. How in the world is it not swept northward by the current, which, according to my calculations, ought to set north from this coast, and which indeed VOYAGE THROUGH THE KARA SEA 119 we ourselves have felt. And it is such hard, thick ice— has the appearance of being several years old. Does it come from the eastward, or does it lie and grind round here in the sea between the 'north-going ' current of the Lena and the Taimur Peninsula ? I cannot tell yet, but anyhow it is different from the thin, one- year-old ice we have seen until now in the Kara Sea and west of Cape Chelyuskin. ''Saturday, September i6th. We are keeping a northwesterly course (by compass) through open water, and have got pretty well north, but see no ice, and the air is dark to the northward. Mild weather, and water comparatively warm, as high as 35° Fahr. We have the current against us, and are always consid- erably west of our reckoning. Several flocks of eider-duck were seen in the course of the day. We ought to have land to the north of us ; can it be that which is keeping back the ice ?" Next day we met ice, and had to hold a little to the south to keep clear of it ; and I began to fear that we should not be able to get as far as I had hoped. But in my notes for the following day (Monday, September i8th) I read : "A splendid day. Shaped our course northward, to the west of Bielkoff Island. Open sea ; good wind from the west ; good progress. Weather clear, and we had a little sunshine in the afternoon. Now the decisive moment approaches. At 12.15 shaped our course north to east (by compass). Now it is to be proved if my theory, on which the whole expedition is based, is correct — if we are to find a little north from here a north-flowing current. So far everything is better than I had expected. We are in latitude 75^° N., and have still open water and dark sky to the north and west. In the evening there was ice-light ahead and on the starboard bow. About seven I thought that I could see ice, which, however, rose so regularly that it more resembled land, but it was too dark to see distinctly. It seemed as if it might be Bielkoff Island, and a big light spot farther^to the east might even be the reflection from the snow-covered Kotelnoi. I should have liked to run in here, partly to see a little of this interesting island, and partly to inspect the stores which we knew had been deposited for us here by the friendly care of Baron von Toll ; but time was pre- cious, and to the north the sea seemed to lie open to us. Prospects were bright, and we sailed steadily northward, wondering what the morrow would bring— disappointment or hope ? If all went I20 FARTHEST NORTH well we should reach Sannikoff Land— that, as yet, untrodden ground. " It was a strange feeling to be sailing away north in the dark night to unknown lands, over an open, rolling sea, where no ship, no boat had been before. We might have been hundreds of miles away in more southerly waters, the air was so mild for September in this latitude. "Tuesday, September 19th. I have never had such a splen- did sail. On to the north, steadily north, with a good wind, as fast as steam and sail can take us, and open sea mile after mile, watch after watch, through these unknown regions, always clearer and clearer of ice one might almost say ! How long will this last? The eye always turns to the northward as one paces the bridge. It is gazing into the future. But there is always the same dark sky ahead, which means open sea. My plan was standing its test. It seemed as if luck had been on our side ever since the 6th of September. We see 'nothing but clean water,' as Henriksen answered from the crow's-nest when I called up to him. When he was standing at the wheel later in the morning, and I was on the bridge, he suddenly said : ' They little think at home in Nor- way just now that we are sailing straight for the Pole in clear water.' * No, they don't believe we have got so far.* And I shouldn't have believed it myself if any one had prophesied it to me a fortnight ago ; but true it is. All my reflections and in- ferences on the subject had led me. to expect open water for a good way farther north ; but it is seldom that one's inspirations turn out to be so correct. No ice-light in any direction, not even now in the evening. We saw no land the whole day ; but we had fog and thick weather all morning and forenoon, so that we were still going at half-speed, as we were afraid of coming suddenly on something. Now we are almost in 77° north latitude. How long is it to go on ? I have said all along that I should be glad if we reached 78° ; but Sverdrup is less easily satisfied ; he says over 80° — perhaps 84°, 85°. He even talks seriously of the open Polar Sea, which he once read about ; he always comes back upon it, in spite of my laughing at him. " I have almost to ask myself if this is not a dream. One must have gone against the stream to know what it means to go with the stream. As it was on the Greenland expedition, so it is here. VOYAGE THROUGH THE KARA SEA I2i '"Dort ward der Traum zur Wirklichkeit, Hier wird die Wirklichkeit zum Traum!' " Hardly any life visible here. Saw an auk or black guillemot to-day, and later a sea-gull in the distance. When I was hauling up a bucket of water in the evening to wash the deck I noticed that it was sparkling with phosphorescence. One could almost have imagined one's self to be in the South. " Wednesday, September 20th. I have had a rough awakening from my dream. As I was sitting at 11 a.m., looking at the map and thinking that my cup would soon be full — we had almost reached 78° — there was a sudden luff, and I rushed out. Ahead of us lay the edge of the ice, long and compact, shining through the fog. I had a strong inclination to go eastward, on the pos- sibility of there being land in that direction ; but it looked as if the ice extended farther south there, and there was the proba- bility of being able to reach a higher latitude if we kept west ; so we headed that way. The sun broke through for a moment just now, so we took an observation, which showed us to be in about 77° 44' north latitude." We now held northwest along the edge of the ice. It seemed to me as if there might be land at no great distance, we saw such a remarkable number of birds of various kinds. A flock of snipe or wading b\rds met us, followed us for a time, and then took their way south. They were probably on their passage from some land to the north of us. We could see nothing, as the fog lay persistently over the ice. Again, later, we saw flocks of small snipe, indicating the possible proximity of land. Next day the weather was clearer, but still there was no land in sight. We were now a good way north of the spot where Baron von Toll has mapped the south coast of Sannikoff Land, but in about the same longitude. So it is probably only a small island, and in any case cannot extend far north. On September 21st we had thick fog again, and when we had sailed north to the head of a bay in the ice, and could get no far- ther, I decided to wait here for clear weather to see if progress farther north were possible. I calculated that we were now in about 78i° north latitude. We tried several times during the day to take soundings, but did not succeed in reaching the bottom with 215 fathoms of line. 122 FARTHEST NORTH "To-day made the agreeable discovery that there are bugs on board. Must plan a campaign against them. "Friday, September 2 2d. Brilliant sunshine once again, and white, dazzling ice ahead. First we lay still in the fog because we could not see which way to go ; now it is clear, and we know just as little about it. It looks as if we were at the northern boundary of the open water. To the west the ice appears to ex- tend south again. To the north it is compact and white — only a small open rift or pool every here and there ; and the sky is whitish-blue everywhere on the horizon. It is from the east we have just come, but there we could see very little ; and for want of anything better to do we shall make a short excursion in that direction, on the possibility of finding openings in the ice. If there were only time, what I should like would be to go east as far as Sannikoff Land, or, better still, all the way to Bennet Land, to see what condition things are in there ; but it is too late now. The sea will soon be freezing, and we should run a great risk of being frozen in at a disadvantageous point." Earlier Arctic explorers have considered it a necessity to keep near some coast. But this was exactly what I wanted to avoid. It was the drift of the ice that I wished to get into, and what I most feared was being blocked by land. It seemed as if we might do much worse than give ourselves up to the ice where we were — especially as our excursion to the east had j)roved that follow- ing the ice-edge in that direction would soon force us south again. So in the meantime we made fast to a great ice-block and pre- pared to clean the boiler and shift coals. " We are lying in open water, with only a few large floes here and there ; but I have a presentiment that this is our winter harbor. " Great bug war to-day. We play the big steam hose on mat- tresses, sofa-cushions — everything that we think can possibly harbor the enemies. All clothes are put into a barrel, which is hermetically closed, except where the hose is introduced. Then full steam is set on. It whizzes and whistles inside, and a little forces its way through the joints, and we think that the animals must be having a fine hot time of it. But suddenly the barrel cracks, the steam rushes out, and the lid bursts off with a violent explosion and is flung far along the deck. I still hope that there has been a great slaughter, for these are horrible enemies. Juell tried the old experiment of setting one on a piece of wood to see VOYAGE THROUGH THE KARA SEA 123 if it would creep north. It would not move at all, so he took a blubber hook and hit it to make it go ; but it would do nothing but wriggle its head — the harder he hit the more it wriggled * Squash it, then,' said Bentzen. And squashed it was. " Friday, September 23d. We are still at the same moorings, working at the coal. An unpleasant contrast — everything on board, men and dogs included, black and filthy, and everything around white and bright in beautiful sunshine. It looks as if more ice were driving in. "Sunday, September 24th. Still coal-shifting. Fog in the morning, which cleared off as the day went on, when we discov- ered that we were closely surrounded on all sides by tolerably thick ice. Between the floes lies slush-ice, which will soon be quite firm. There is an open pool to be seen to the north, but not a large one. From the crow's-nest, with the telescope, we can still descry the sea across the ice to the south. It looks as if we were being shut in. Well, we must e'en bid the ice welcome. A dead region this ; no life in any direction, except a single seal i^Phoca foetidd) in the water ; and on the floe beside us we can see a bear-track some days old. We again try to get soundings, but still find no bottom ; it is remarkable that there should be such depth here." Ugh ! one can hardly imagine a dirtier, nastier job than a spell of coal-shifting on board. It is a pity that such a useful thing as coal should be so black ! What we are doing now is only hoisting it from the hold and filling the bunkers with it ; but every man on board must help, and everything is in a mess. So many men must stand on the coal-heap in the hold and fill the buckets, and so many hoist them. Jacobsen is spe- cially good at this last job ; his strong arms pull up bucket after bucket as if they were as many boxes of matches. The rest of us go backward and forward with the buckets between the main- hatch and the half-deck, pouring the coal into the bunkers ; and down below stands Amundsen packing it, as black as he can be. Of course coal-dust is flying over the whole deck ; the dogs creep into corners, black and tousled; and we ourselves — well, we don't wear our best clothes on such days. We got some amuse- ment out of the remarkable appearance of our faces, with their dark complexions, black streaks at the most unlikely places, and eyes and white teeth shining through the dirt. Any one happen- 124 FARTHEST NORTH ing to touch the white wall below with his hand leaves a black five-fingered blot ; and the doors have a wealth of such memen- tos. The seats of the sofas must have their wrong sides turned up, else they would bear lasting marks of another part of the body ; and the table-cloth — well, we fortunately do not possess such a thing. In short, coal-shifting is as dirty and wretched an experience as one can well imagine in these bright and pure surroundings. One good thing is that there is plenty of fresh water to wash with ; we can find it in every hollow on the floes, so there is some hope of our being clean again in time, and it is possible that this may be our last coal-shifting. " Monday, September 25th. Frozen in faster and faster ! Beautiful, still weather ; 13 degrees of frost last night. Winter is coming now. Had a visit from a bear, which was off again before any one got a shot at it." CHAPTER VI THE WINTER NIGHT It really looked as if we were now frozen in for good, and I did not expect to get the Frain out of the ice till we were on the other side of the Pole, nearing the Atlantic Ocean. Autumn was already well advanced ; the sun stood lower in the heavens day by day, and the temperature sank steadily. The long night of winter was approaching — that dreaded night. There was nothing to be done except prepare ourselves for it, and by degrees we converted our ship, as well as we could, into com- fortable winter quarters ; while at the same time we took every precaution to assure her against the destructive influences of cold, drift - ice, and the other forces of nature to which it was prophesied that we must succumb. The rudder was hauled up, so that it might not be destroyed by the pressure of the ice. We had intended to do the same with the screw ; but as it, with its iron case, would certainly help to strengthen the stern, and especially the rudder-stock, we let it remain in its place. We had a good deal of work with the engine, too ; each separate part was taken out, oiled, and laid away for the winter ; slide-valves, pis- tons, shafts, were examined and thoroughly cleaned. All this was done with the very greatest care. Amundsen looked after that engine as if it had been his own child ; late and early he was down tending it lovingly ; and we used to tease him about it, to see the defiant look come into his eyes and hear him say : " It's all very well for you to talk, but there's not such another engine in the world, and it would be a sin and a shame not to take good care of it." Assuredly he left nothing undone. I don't suppose a day passed, winter or summer, all these three years, that he did not go down and caress it, and do something or other for it. We cleared up in the hold to make room for a joiner's work- 126 FARTHEST NORTH shop down there ; our mechanical workshop we had in the engine-room. The smithy was at first on deck, and afterwards on the ice ; tinsmith's work was done chiefly in the chart-room ; shoemaker's and sailmaker's, and various odd sorts of work, in the saloon. And all these occupations were carried on with in- terest and activity during the rest of the expedition. There was nothing, from the most delicate instruments down to wooden shoes and axe-handles, that could not be made on board the Frain. When we were found to be short of sounding-line, a grand rope-walk was constructed on the ice. It proved to be a very profitable undertaking, and was well patronized. Presently we began putting up the windmill which was to drive the dynamo and produce the electric light. While the ship was going, the dynamo was driven by the engine, but for a long time past we had had to be contented with petroleum lamps in our dark cabins. The windmill was erected on the port side of the fore-deck, between the main-hatch and the rail. It took sev- eral weeks to get this important appliance into working order. As mentioned on page 44, we had also brought with us a " horse- mill " for driving the dynamo. I had thought that it might be of service in giving us exercise whenever there was no other physical work for us. But this time never came, and so the " horse-mill " was never used. There was always something to occupy us ; and it was not difficult to find work for each man that gave him sufficient exercise, and so much distraction that the time did not seem to him unbearably long. There were the care of the ship and rigging, the inspection of sails, ropes, etc., etc.; there were provisions of all kinds to be got out from the cases down in the hold, and handed over to the cook ; there was ice — good, pure, fresh -water ice — to be found and carried to the galley to be melted for cooking, drinking, and washing water. Then, as already mentioned, there was always something doing in the various workshops. Now " Smith Lars " had to straighten the long-boat davits, which had been twisted by the waves in the Kara Sea ; now it was a hook, a knife, a bear- trap, or something else to be forged. The tinsmith, again " Smith Lars," had to solder together a great tin pail for the ice-melting in the galley. The mechanician, Amundsen, would have an order for some instrument or other — perhaps a new current-gauge. The watchmaker, Mogstad, would have a thermograph to examine THE WINTER NIGHT 127 and clean, or a new spring to put into a watch. The sailmaker might have an order for a quantity of dog-harness. Then each man had to be his own shoemaker — make himself canvas boots with thick, warm, wooden soles, according to Sverdrup's newest pattern. Presently there would come an order to mechanician Amundsen for a supply of new zinc music-sheets for the organ — these being a brand-new invention of the leader of the expe- dition. The electrician would have to examine and clean the accumulator batteries, which were in danger of freezing. When at last the windmill was ready, it had to be attended to, turned according to the wind, etc. And when the wind was too strong some one had to climb up and reef the mill sails, which was not a pleasant occupation in this winter cold, and involved much breathing on fingers and rubbing of the tip of the nose. It happened now and then, too, that the ship required to be pumped. This became less and less necessary as the water froze round her and in the interstices in her sides. The pumps, there- fore, were not touched from December, 1893, till July, 1895. The only noticeable leakage during that time was in the engine-room, but it was nothing of any consequence ; just a few buckets of ice that had to be hewn away every month from the bottom of the ship and hoisted up. To these varied employments was presently added, as the most important of all, the taking of scientific observations, which gave many of us constant occupation. Those that involved the greatest labor were, of course, the meteorological observations, which were taken every four hours day and night ; indeed, for a considerable part of the time, every two hours. They kept one man, sometimes two, at work all day. It was Hansen who had the principal charge of this department, and his regular assistant until March, 1895, was Johansen, whose place was then taken by Nordahl. The night observations were taken by whoever was on watch. About every second day, when the weather was clear, Hansen and his assistant took the astronomical observation which ascertained our position. This was certainly the work which was followed with most interest by all the members of the expedition ; and it was not uncommon to see Hansen's cabin, while he was making his calculations, besieged with idle spectators, waiting to hear the result— whether we had drifted north or south since the 128 FARTHEST NORTH last observation, and how far. The state of feeling on board very much depended on these results. Hansen had also at stated periods to take observations to de- termine the magnetic constant in this unknown region. These were carried on at first in a tent, specially constructed for the purpose, which was soon erected on the ice ; but later we built him a large snow hut, as being both more suitable and more com- fortable. For the ship's doctor there was less occupation. He looked long and vainly for patients, and at last had to give it up and in despair take to doctoring the dogs. Once a month he too had to make his scientific observations, which consisted in the weighing of each man, and the counting of blood corpuscles, and estimating the amount of blood pigment, in order to ascertain the number of red-blood corpuscles and the quantity of red coloring matter (haemoglobin) in the blood of each. This was also work that was watched with anxious interest, as every man thought he could tell from the result obtained how long it would be before scurvy overtook him. Among our scientific pursuits may also be mentioned the de- termining of the temperature of the water and of its degree of saltness at varying depths ; the collection and examination of such animals as are to be found in these northern seas ; the as- certaining of the amount of electricity in the air ; the observa- tion of the formation of the ice, its growth and thickness, and of the temperature of the different layers of ice ; the investigation of the currents in the water under it, etc., etc. I had the main charge of this department. There remain to be mentioned the regular observation of the aurora borealis, which we had a splen- did opportunity of studying. After I had gone on with it for some time. Blessing undertook this part of my duties ; and when I left the ship I made over to him all the other observations that were under my charge Not an inconsiderable item of our scien- tific work were the soundings and dredgings. At the greater depths it was such an undertaking that every one had to assist ; and, from the way we were obliged to do it later, one sounding sometimes gave occupation for several days. One day differed very little from another on board, and the- description of one is, in every particular of any importance, a description of all. THE WINTER NIGHT 129 We all turned out at eight, and breakfasted on hard bread (both rye and wheat), cheese (Dutch -clove cheese, Cheddar, Gruyere, and Mysost, or goat's-whey cheese, prepared from dry powder), corned beef or corned mutton, luncheon ham or Chi- cago tinned tongue or bacon, cod-caviare, anchovy roe ; also oat- meal biscuits or English ship-biscuits — with orange marmalade or Frame Food jelly. Three times a week we had fresh-baked bread as well, and often cake of some kind. As for our bever- ages, we began by having coffee and chocolate day about ; but afterwards had coffee only two days a week, tea two, and choco- late three. After breakfast some men went to attend to the dogs — give them their food, which consisted of half a stockfish or a couple of dog-biscuits each, let them loose, or do whatever else there was to do for them. The others went all to their different tasks. Each took his turn of a week in the galley — helping the cook to wash up, lay the table, and wait. The cook himself had to ar- range his bill of fare for dinner immediately after breakfast, and to set about his preparations at once. Some of us would take a turn on the floe to get some fresh air, and to examine the state of the ice, its pressure, etc. At i o'clock all were assembled for dinner, which generally consisted of three courses — soup, meat, and dessert ; or soup, fish, and meat ; or fish, meat, and dessert ; or sometimes only fish and meat. With the meat we always had potatoes, and either green vegetables or macaroni. I think we were all agreed that the fare was good ; it would hardly have been better at home ; for some of us it would per- haps have been worse. And we looked like fatted pigs ; one or two even began to cultivate a double chin and a corporation. As a rule, stories and jokes circulated at table along with the bock-beer. After dinner the smokers of our company would march off, well fed and contented, into the galley, which was smoking- room as well as kitchen, tobacco being tabooed in the cabins ex- cept on festive occasions. Out there they had a good smoke and chat ; many a story was told, and not seldom some warm dispute arose. Afterwards came, for most of us, a short siesta. Then each went to his work again until we were summoned to supper at 6 o'clock, when the regulation day's work was done. Supper was almost the same as breakfast, except that tea was always 9 130 FARTHEST NORTH the beverage. Afterwards there was again smoking in the gal- ley, while the saloon was transformed into a silent reading-room. Good use was made of the valuable library presented to the ex- pedition by generous publishers and other friends. If the kind donors could have seen us away up there, sitting round the table at night with heads buried in books or collections of illustra- tions, and could have understood how invaluable these compan- ions were to us, they would have felt rewarded by the knowledge that they had conferred a real boon — that they had materially assisted in making the Fram the little oasis that it was in this vast ice desert. About half-past seven or eight cards or other games were brought out, and we played well on into the night, seated in groups round the saloon table. One or other of us might go to the organ, and, with the assistance of the crank- handle, perform some of our beautiful pieces, or Johansen would bring out the accordion and play many a fine tune. His crown- ing efforts were " Oh, Susanna !" and " Napoleon's March Across the Alps in an Open Boat." About midnight we turned in, and then the night-watch was set. Each man went on for an hour. Their most trying work on watch seems to have been writing their diaries and looking out, when the dogs barked, for any signs of bears at hand. Besides this, every two hours or four hours the watch had to go aloft or onto the ice to take the meteorological observations. I believe I may safely say that on the whole the time passed pleasantly and imperceptibly, and that we throve in virtue of the regular habits imposed upon us. My notes from day to day will give the best idea of our life, in all its monotony. They are not great events that are here recorded, but in their very bareness they give a true picture. Such, and no other, was our life. I shall give some quotations direct from my diary : "Tuesday, September 26th. Beautiful weather. The sun stands much lower now ; it was 9® above the horizon at mid-day. Winter is rapidly approaching ; there are 14^" of frost this even- ing, but we do not feel it cold. To-day's observations unfortu- nately show no particular drift northward ; according to them we are still in 78° 50' north latitude. I wandered about over the floe towards evening. Nothing more wonderfully beautiful can exist than the Arctic night. It is dreamland, painted in the "THE SALOON WAS CONVERTED INTO A READING-ROOM ' THE WINTER NIGHT 131 imagination's most delicate tints ; it is color etherealized. One shade melts into the other, so that you cannot tell where one ends and the other begins, and yet they are all there. No forms — it is all faint, dreamy color music, a far-away, long-drawn-out melody on muted strings. Is not all life's beauty high, and delicate, and pure like this night ? Give it brighter colors, and it is no longer so beautiful. The sky is like an enormous cupola, blue at the zenith, shading down into green, and then into lilac and violet at the edges. Over the ice-fields there are cold violet- blue shadows, with lighter pink tints where a ridge here and there catches the last reflection of the vanished day. Up in the blue of the cupola shine the stars, speaking peace, as they always do, those unchanging friends. In the south stands a large red- yellow moon, encircled by a yellow ring and light golden clouds floating on the blue background. Presently the aurora borealis shakes over the vault of heaven its veil of glittering silver — changing now to yellow, now to green, now to red. It spreads, it contracts again, in restless change ; next it breaks into wav- ing, many-folded bands of shining silver, over which shoot bil- lows of glittering rays, and then the glory vanishes. Presently it shimmers in tongues of flame over the very zenith, and then again it shoots a bright ray right up from the horizon, until the whole melts away in the moonlight, and it is as though one heard the sigh of a departing spirit. Here and there are left a few waving streamers of light, vague as a foreboding — they are the dust from the aurora's glittering cloak. But now it is grow- ing again ; new lightnings shoot up, and the endless game begins afresh. And all the time this utter stillness, impressive as the symphony of infinitude. I have never been able to grasp the fact that this earth will some day be spent and desolate and empty. To what end, in that case, all this beauty, with not a creature to rejoice in it? Now I begin to divine it. This is the coming earth — here are beauty and death. But to what purpose ? Ah, what is the purpose of all these spheres ? Read the answer, if you can, in the starry blue firmament. "Wednesday, September 27th. Gray weather and strong wind from the south-southwest. Nordahl, who is cook to-day, had to haul up some salt meat which, rolled in a sack, had been steep- ing for two days in the sea. As soon as he got hold of it he called out, horrified, that it was crawling with animals. He let 132 FARTHEST NORTH go the sack and jumped away from it, the animals scattering round in every direction. They proved to be sand- hoppers, or Amphipoda.Yfhich had eaten their way into the meat. There were pints of them, both inside and outside of the sack. A pleasant discovery ; there will be no need to starve when such food is to be had by hanging a sack in the water. " Bentzen is the wag of the party ; he is always playing some practical joke. Just now one of the men came rushing up and stood respectfully waiting for me to speak to him. It was Bentzen that had told him I wanted him. It won't be long before he has thought of some new trick. " Thursday, September 28th. Snowfall with wind. To - day the dogs' hour of release has come. Until now their life on board has been really a melancholy one. They have been tied up ever since we left Khabarova. The stormy seas have broken over them, and they have been rolled here and there in the water on the deck ; they have half hanged themselves in their leashes, howling miserably ; they have had the hose played over them every time the deck was washed ; they have been seasick ; in bad as in good weather they have had to lie on the spot hard fate had chained them to, without more exercise than going backward and forward the length of their chains. It is thus you are treated, you splendid animals, who are to be our stay in the hour of need ! When that time comes you will, for a while at least, have the place of honor. When they were let loose there was a perfect storm of jubilation. They rolled in the snow, washed and rubbed themselves, and rushed about the ice in wild joy, barking loudly. Our floe, a short time ago so lone- some and forlorn, was quite a cheerful sight with this sudden population ; the silence of ages was broken." It was our intention after this to tie up the dogs on the ice. " Friday, September 29th. Dr. Blessing's birthday, in honor of which we of course had a fete, our first great one on board. There was a double occasion for it. Our mid-day observation showed us to be in latitude 79° 5' north ; so we had passed one more degree. We had no fewer than five courses at dinner, and a more than usually elaborate concert during the meal. Here follows a copy of the printed menu : THE WINTER NIGHT i33 'FRAM' Menu. September 29, 1893 Soupe a la julienne avec des macaroni-dumplings. Potage de poison {sic) avec des pommes de terra. Pudding de Nordahl. Glace du Greenland. De la table biere de la Ringnaees. Marmalade intacte. Music a Dine {sic) 1. Valse Myosotic. 2. Menuette de Don Juan de Mozart. 3. Les Troubadours. 4. College Hornpipe. 5. Die letzte Rose de Martha. 6. Ein flotter Studio Marsch de Phil. Farbach. 7. Valse de Lagune de Strauss. 8. Le Chanson du Nord (Du gamla, du friska. . . .). 9. Hoch Habsburg Marsch de Krai. 10. Josse Karads Polska. 11. Vart Land, V art Land. 12. Le Chanson de Chaseuse. 13. Les Roses, Valse de Metra. 14. Fischers Hornpipe. 15. Traum-Valse de Millocher. 16. Hemlandssang. ' A le miserable.' 17. Diamanten und Perlen. 18. Marsch de ' Det lustiga Kriget.' 19. Valse de ' Det lustige Kriget.' 20. Priere du Freischiitz." I hope my readers will admit that this was quite a fine enter- tainment to be given in latitude 79° north ; but of such we had many on board the Fram at still higher latitudes. " Coffee and sweets were served after dinner ; and after a better supper than usual came strawberry and lemon-ice (alias granitta) and limejuice toddy, without alcohol. The health of the hero of the day was first proposed ' in a few well - chosen 134 FARTHEST NORTH words ' ; and then we drank a bumper to the seventy-ninth de- gree, which we were sure was only the first of many degrees to be conquered in the same way. " Saturday, September 30th. I am not satisfied that the Pram's present position is a good one for the winter. The great floe on the port side to which we are moored sends out an ugly projec- tion about amidships, which might give her a bad squeeze in case of the ice packing. We therefore began to-day to warp her back- ward into better ice. It is by no means quick work. The com- paratively open channel around us is now covered with tolerably thick ice, which has to be hewn and broken in pieces with axes, ice-staves, and walrus-spears. Then the capstan is manned, and we heave her through the broken floe foot by foot. The temper- ature this evening is —12.6° C. A wonderful sunset. "Sunday, October ist. Wind from the W.S.W. and weather mild. We are taking a day of rest, which means eating, sleep- ing, smoking, and reading. " Monday, October 2d. Warped the ship farther astern, until we found a good berth for her out in the middle of the newly frozen pool. On the port side we have our big floe, with the dogs' camp — thirty - five black dogs tied up on the white ice. This floe turns a low, and by no means threatening, edge towards us. We have good low ice on the starboard too ; and between the ship and the floes we have on both sides the newly frozen surface ice, which has, in the process of warping, also got packed in under the ship's bottom, so that she lies in a good bed. " As Sverdrup, Juell, and I were sitting in the chart-room in the afternoon, splicing rope for the sounding-line, Peter* rushed in shouting, ' A bear ! a bear !' I snatched up my rifle and tore out. 'Where is it?' 'There, near the tent, on the starboard side ; it came right up to it, and had almost got hold of them !' " And there it was, big and yellow, snuffing away at the tent gear. Hansen, Blessing, and Johansen were running at the top of their speed towards the ship. Onto the ice I jumped, and off I went, broke through, stumbled, fell, and up again. The bear in the mean time had done sniffing, and had probably determined that an iron spade, an ice-staff, an axe, some tent-pegs, and a canvas tent were too indigestible food even for a bear's stomach. * Peter Henriksen. THE WINTER NIGHT 135 Anyhow, it was following with mighty strides in the track of the fugitives. It caught sight of me and stopped, astonished, as if it were thinking, ' What sort of insect can that be ?' I went on to within easy range ; it stood still, looking hard at me. At last it turned its head a little, and I gave it a ball in the neck. With- out moving a limb, it sank slowly to the ice. I now let loose some of the dogs, to accustom them to this sort of sport, but they showed a lamentable want of interest in it ; and ' Kvik,' on whom all our hope in the matter of bear-hunting rested, bristled up and approached the dead animal very slowly and carefully, with her tail between her legs — a sorry spectacle. " I must now give the story of the others who made the bear's acquaintance first. Hansen had to-day begun to set up his ob- servatory tent a little ahead of the ship, on the starboard bow. In the afternoon he got Blessing and Johansen to help him. While they were hard at work they caught sight of the bear not far from them, just off the bow of the Fram. " * Hush ! Keep quiet, in case we frighten him,' says Hansen. " * Yes, yes !' And they crouch together and look at him. " ' I think I'd better try to slip on board and announce him,' says Blessing. " ' I think you should,' says Hansen. '* And off steals Blessing on tiptoe, so as not to frighten the bear. By this time Bruin has seen and scented them, and comes jogging along, following his nose, towards them. " Hansen now began to get over his fear of startling him. The bear caught sight of Blessing slinking off to the ship and set after him. Blessing also was now much less concerned than he had been as to the bear's nerves. He stopped, uncertain what to do ; but a moment's reflection brought him to the conclusion that it was pleasanter to be three than one just then, and he went back to the others faster than he had gone from them. The bear followed at a good rate. Hansen did not like the look of things, and thought the time had come to try a dodge he had seen recommended in a book. He raised himself to his full height, flung his arms about, and yelled with all the power of his lungs, ably assisted by the others. But the bear came on quite un- disturbed. The situation was becoming critical. Each snatched up his weapon — Hansen an ice-staff, Johansen an axe, and Bless- ing nothing. They screamed with all their strength, ' Bear ! 136 FARTHEST NORTH bear !' and set off for the ship as hard as they could tear. But the bear held on his steady course to the tent, and examined everything there before (as we have seen) he went after them. " It was a lean he-bear. The only thing that was found in its stomach when it was opened was a piece of paper, with the names ' Liitken and Mohn.' This was the wrapping-paper of a ' ski ' light, and had been left by one of us somewhere on the ice. After this day some of the members of the expedition would hardly leave the ship without being armed to the teeth. " Wednesday, October 4th. Northwesterly wind yesterday and to-day. Yesterday we had — 16°, and to-day — 14° C. I have worked all day at soundings and got to about 800 fathoms depth. The bottom samples consisted of a layer of gray clay 4 to 4^ inches thick, and below that brown clay or mud. The temperature was, strangely enough, just above freezing-point (-i-o.i8° C.) at the bottom, and just below freezing-point (—0.4° C.) 75 fathoms up. This rather disposes of the story of a shallow polar basin and of the extreme coldness of the water of the Arctic Ocean. " While we were hauling up the line in the afternoon the ice cracked a little astern of the Frani^ and the crack increased in breadth so quickly that three of us, who had to go out to save the ice-anchors, were obliged to make a bridge over it with a long board to get back to the ship again. Later in the evening there was some packing in the ice, and several new passages opened out behind this first one. " Thursday, October 5th. As I was dressing this morning, just before breakfast, the mate rushed down to tell me a bear was in sight. I was soon on deck and saw him coming from the south, to the lee of us. He was still a good way off, but stopped and looked about. Presently he lay down, and Henriksen and I started off across the ice, and were lucky enough to send a bullet into his breast at about 310 yards, just as he was moving off. " We are making everything snug for the winter and for the ice-pressure. This afternoon we took up the rudder. Beautiful weather, but cold, — 18° C. at 8 p.m. The result of the medical in- spection to - day was the discovery that we still have bugs on board ; and I do not know what we are to do. We have no steam now, and must fix our hopes on the cold. " I must confess that this discovery made me feel quite ill. If bugs got into our winter furs the thing was hopeless. So the THE WINTER NIGHT I37 next day there was a regular feast of purification, according to the most rigid antiseptic prescriptions. Each man had to deliver up his old clothes, every stitch of them, wash himself, and dress in new ones from top to toe. All the old clothes, fur rugs, and such things were carefully carried up onto the deck, and kept there the whole winter. This was more than even these animals could stand ; 53° C. of cold proved to be too much for them, and we saw no more of them. As the bug is made to say in the pop- ular rhyme : " ' Put me in the boiling pot, and shut me down tight ; But don't leave me out on a cold winter night!' "Friday, October 6th. Cold, down to 11° below zero (Fahr.). To-day we have begun to rig up the windmill. The ice has been packing to the north of the Pram's stern. As the dogs will freeze if they are kept tied up and get no exercise, we let them loose this afternoon, and are going to try if we can leave them so. Of course they at once began to fight, and some poor creatures limped away from the battle-field scratched and torn. But other- wise great joy prevailed ; they leaped, and ran, and rolled them- selves in the snow. Brilliant aurora in the evening. " Saturday, October 7th. Still cold, with the same northerly wind we have had all these last days. I am afraid we are drift- ing far south now. A few days ago we were, according to the observations, in 78° 47' north latitude. That was 16' south in less than a week. This is too much ; but we must make it up again ; we must get north. It means going away from home now, but soon it will mean going nearer home. What depth of beauty, with an undercurrent of endless sadness, there is in these dreamily glowing evenings ! The vanished sun has left its track of melancholy flame. Nature's music, which fills all space, is instinct with sorrow that all this beauty should be spread out day after day,week after week, year after year, over a dead world. Why ? Sunsets are always sad at home too. This thought makes the sight seem doubly precious here and doubly sad. There is red burning blood in the west against the cold snow — and to think that this is the sea, stiffened in chains, in death, and that the sun will soon leave us, and we shall be in the dark alone ! 'And the earth was without form and void'; is this the sea that is to come ? 138 FARTHEST NORTH "Sunday, October 8th. Beautiful weather. Made a snow- shoe expedition westward, all the dogs following. The running was a little spoiled by the brine, which soaks up through the snow from the surface of the ice — flat, newly frozen ice, with older, uneven blocks breaking through it. I seated myself on a snow hummock far away out ; the dogs crowded round to be patted. My eye wandered over the great snow plain, endless and solitary — nothing but snow, snow everywhere. " The observations to-day gave us an unpleasant surprise ; we are now down in 78° 35' north latitude ; but there is a simple enough explanation of this when one thinks of all the northerly and northwesterly wind we have had lately, with open water not far to the south of us. As soon as everything is frozen we must go north again ; there can be no question of that ; but none the less this state of matters is unpleasant. I find some comfort in the fact that we have also drifted a little east, so that at all events we have kept with the wind and are not drifting down westward. " Monday, October 9th. I was feverish both during last night and to-day. Goodness knows what is the meaning of such non- sense. When I was taking water samples in the morning I dis- covered that the water - lifter suddenly stopped at the depth of a little less than 80 fathoms. It was really the bottom. So we have drifted south again to the shallow water. We let the weight lie at the bottom for a little, and saw by the line that for the moment we were drifting north. This was some small comfort, anyhow. " All at once in the afternoon, as we were sitting idly chatter- ing, a deafening noise began, and the whole ship shook. This was the first ice-pressure. Every one rushed on deck to look. The Frani behaved beautifully, as I had expected she would. On pushed the ice with steady pressure, but down under us it had to go, and we were slowly lifted up. These ' squeezings ' continued off and on all the afternoon, and were sometimes so strong that the Fram was lifted several feet ; but then the ice could no longer bear her, and she broke it below her. Towards evening the whole slackened again, till we lay in a good -sized piece of open water, and had hurriedly to moor her to our old floe, or we should have drifted off. There seems to be a good deal of move- ment in the ice here. Peter has just been telling us that he hears the dull booming of strong pressures not far off. THE WINTER NIGHT 139 *' Tuesday, October loth. The ice continues disturbed. "Wednesday, October nth. The bad news was brought this afternoon that ' Job ' is dead, torn in pieces by the other dogs. He was found a good way from the ship, ' Old Suggen ' lying watching the corpse, so that no other dog could get to it. They are wretches, these dogs ; no day passes without a fight. In the day-time one of us is generally at hand to stop it, but at night they seldom fail to tear and bite one of their comrades. Poor ' Barabbas ' is almost frightened out of his wits. He stays on board now, and dares not venture on the ice, because he knows the other monsters would set on him. There is not a trace of chivalry about these curs. When there is a fight, the whole pack rush like wild beasts on the loser. But is it not, perhaps, the law of nature that the strong, and not the weak, should be protected ? Have not we human beings, perhaps, been trying to turn nature topsy-turvy by protecting and doing our best to keep life in all the weak ? " The ice is restless, and has pressed a good deal to-day again. It begins with a gentle crack and moan along the side of the ship, which gradually sounds louder in every key. Now it is a high plaintive tone, now it is a grumble, now it is a snarl, and the ship gives a start up. The noise steadily grows till it is like all the pipes of an organ ; the ship trembles and shakes, and rises by fits and starts, or is sometimes gently lifted. There is a pleas- ant comfortable feeling in sitting listening to all this uproar and knowing the strength of our ship. Many a one would have been crushed long ago. But outside the ice is ground against our ship's sides, the piles of broken-up floe are forced under her heavy, invulnerable hull, and we lie as if in a bed. Soon the noise be- gins to die down ; the ship sinks into its old position again, and presently all is silent as before. In several places round us the ice is piled up, at one spot to a considerable height. Towards even- ing there was a slackening, and we lay again in a large, open pool. "Thursday, October 12th. In the morning we and our floe were drifting on blue water in the middle of a large, open lane, which stretched far to the north, and in the north the atmos- phere at the horizon was dark and blue. As far as we could see with the small field-glass from the crow's-nest, there was no end to the open water, with only single pieces of ice sticking up in it here and there. These are extraordinary changes. I wondered I40 FARTHEST NORTH if we should prepare to go ahead. But they had long ago taken the machinery to pieces for the winter, so that it would be a matter of time to get it ready for use again. Perhaps it would be best to wait a little. Clear weather, with sunshine— a beauti- ful, inspiriting winter day — but the same northerly wind. Took soundings, and found 50 fathoms of water (90 metres). We are drifting slowly southward. Towards evening the ice packed together again with much force ; but the Frain can hold her own. In the afternoon I fished in a depth of about 27 fathoms (50 metres) with Murray's silk net,* and had a good take, espe- cially of small crustaceans {Copepoda, Ostracoda, Amphipoda, etc.) and of a little Arctic worm (Spadelld) that swims about in the sea. It is horribly difficult to manage a little fishing here. No sooner have you found an opening to slip your tackle through than it begins to close again, and you have to haul up as hard as you can, so as not to get the line nipped and lose everything. It is a pity, for there are interesting hauls to be made. One sees phosphorescence \ in the water here whenever there is the small- est opening in the ice. There is by no means such a scarcity of animal life as one might expect. "Friday, October 13th. Now we are in the very midst of what the prophets would have had us dread so much. The ice is pressing and packing round us with a noise like thunder. It is piling itself up into long walls, and heaps high enough to reach a good way up the FrairCs rigging ; in fact, it is trying its very utmost to grind the Frain into powder. But here we sit quite tranquil, not even going up to look at all the hurly-burly, but just chatting and laughing as usual. Last night there was tre- mendous pressure round our old dog-floe. The ice had towered up higher than the highest point of the floe and hustled down upon it. It had quite spoiled a well, where we till now had found good drinking-water, filling it with brine. Furthermore, it had cast itself over our stern ice-anchor and part of the steel cable which held it, burying them so effectually that we had afterwards * This silk bag-net is intended to be dragged after a boat or ship to catch the living animals or plant organisms at various depths. We used them constantly during our drifting, sinking them to different depths under the ice, and they often brought up rich spoils. t This phosphorescence is principally due to small luminous Crustacea {Copepoda). THE WINTER NIGHT 141 to cut the cable. Then it covered our planks and sledges, which stood on the ice. Before long the dogs were in danger, and the watch had to turn out all hands to save them. At last the floe split in two. This morning the ice was one scene of melancholy- confusion, gleaming in the most glorious sunshine. Piled up all round us were high, steep ice walls. Strangely enough, we had lain on the very verge of the worst confusion, and had escaped with the loss of an ice-anchor, a piece of steel cable, a few planks and other bits of wood, and half of a Samoyede sledge, all of which might have been saved if we had looked after them in time. But the men have grown so indifferent to the pressure now that they do not even go up to look, let it thunder ever so hard. They feel that the ship can stand it, and so long as that is the case there is nothing to hurt except the ice itself. " In the morning the pressure slackened again, and we were soon lying in a large piece of open water, as we did yesterday. To-day, again, this stretched far away towards the northern hori- zon, where the same dark atmosphere indicated some extent of open water. I now gave the order to put the engine together again ; they told me it could be done in a day and a half or at most two days. We must go north and see what there is up there. I think it possible that it may be the boundary between the ice-drift the Jeannette was in and the pack we are now drift- ing south with — or can it be land ? " We had kept company quite long enough with the old, now broken -up floe, so worked ourselves a little way astern after dinner, as the ice was beginning to draw together. Towards evening the pressure began again in earnest, and was especially bad round the remains of our old floe, so that I believe we may congratulate ourselves on having left it. It is evident that the pressure here stands in connection with, is perhaps caused by, the tidal wave. It occurs with the greatest regularity. The ice slackens twice and packs twice in 24 hours. The pressure has happened about 4, 5, and 6 o'clock in the morning, and almost at exactly the same hour in the afternoon, and in between we have always lain for some part of the time in open water. The very great pressure just now is probably due to the spring-tide ; we had new moon on the 9th, which was the first day of the pressure. Then it was just after mid-day when we noticed it, but it has been later every day, and now it is at 8 p.m." 142 FARTHEST NORTH The theory of the ice-pressure being caused to a considerable extent by the tidal wave has been advanced repeatedly by Arc- tic explorers. During the Franis drifting we had better oppor- tunity than most of them to study this phenomenon, and our experience seems to leave no doubt that over a wide region the tide produces movement and pressure of the ice. It occurs es- pecially at the time of the spring-tides, and more at new moon than at full moon. During the intervening periods there was, as a rule, little or no trace of pressure. But these tidal pressures did not occur during the whole time of our drifting. We noticed them especially the first autumn, while we were in the neighbor- hood of the open sea north of Siberia, and the last year, when the Fram was drawing near the open Atlantic Ocean ; they were less noticeable while we were in the polar basin. Pressure oc- curs here more irregularly, and is mainly caused by the wind driving the ice. When one pictures to one's self these enormous ice - masses, drifting in a certain direction, suddenly meeting hinderances — for example, ice-masses drifting from the opposite direction, owing to a change of wind in some more or less dis- tant quarter — it is easy to understand the tremendous pressure that must result. Such an ice conflict is undeniably a stupendous spectacle. One feels one's self to be in the presence of titanic forces, and it is easy to understand how timid souls may be overawed and feel as if nothing could stand before it. For when the packing begins in earnest it seems as though there could be no spot on the earth's surface left unshaken. First you hear a sound like the thundering rumbling of an earthquake far away on the great waste ; then you hear it in several places, always coming nearer and nearer. The silent ice world re-echoes with thunders ; nat- ure's giants are awakening to the battle. The ice cracks on ev- ery side of you, and begins to pile itself up ; and all of a sudden you too find yourself in the midst of the struggle. There are bowlings and thunderings round you ; you feel the ice trembling, and hear it rumbling under your feet ; there is no peace any- where. In the semi-darkness you can see it piling and tossing itself up into high ridges nearer and nearer you — floes lo, 12, 15 feet thick, broken, and flung on the top of each other as if they were feather-weights. They are quite near you now, and you jump away to save your life. But the ice splits in front of you, THE WINTER NIGHT I43 a black gulf opens, and water streams up. You turn in another direction, but there through the dark you can just see a new- ridge of moving ice-blocks coming towards you. You try an- other direction, but there it is the same. All round there is thundering and roaring, as of some enormous waterfall, with ex- plosions like cannon salvoes. Still nearer you it comes. The floe you are standing on gets smaller and smaller ; water pours over it ; there can be no escape except by scrambling over the rolling ice-blocks to get to the other side of the pack. But now the disturbance begins to calm down. The noise passes on, and is lost by degrees in the distance. This is what goes on away there in the North month after month and year after year. The ice is split and piled up into mounds, which extend in every direction. If one could get a bird's-eye view of the ice-fields, they would seem to be cut up into squares or meshes by a network of these packed ridges, or pressure-dikes, as we called them, because they reminded us so much of snow-covered stone dikes at home, such as, in many parts of the country, are used to enclose fields. At first sight these pressure-ridges appeared to be scattered about in all possi- ble directions, but on closer inspection I was sure that I discov- ered certain directions which they tended to take, and especially that they were apt to run at right angles to the course of the pressure which produced them. In the accounts of Arctic ex- peditions one often reads descriptions of pressure - ridges or pressure - hummocks as high as 50 feet. These are fairy tales. The authors of such fantastic descriptions cannot have taken the trouble to measure. During the whole period of our drifting and of our travels over the ice-fields in the far North I only once saw a hummock of a greater height than 23 feet. Unfortunately, I had not the opportunity of measuring this one, but I believe I may say with certainty that it was very nearly 30 feet high. All the highest blocks I measured — and they were many — had a height of 18 to 23 feet ; and I can maintain with certainty that the packing of sea ice to a height of over 25 feet is a very rare exception.* * Markham's account gives us to understand that on the north side of Grinnell Land he came across hummocks which measured 43 feet. I do not feel at all certain that these were not in reality icebergs; but it is no doubt possible that such hummocks might be formed by violent pressure against 144 FARTHEST NORTH "Saturday, October 14th. To-day we have got on the rud- der ; the engine is pretty well in order, and we are clear to start north when the ice opens to-morrow morning. It is still slack- ening and packing quite regularly twice a day, so that we can calculate on it beforehand. To-day we had the same open chan- nel to the north, and beyond it open sea as far as our view ex- tended. What can this mean ? This evening the pressure has been pretty violent. The floes were packed up against the Fram on the port side, and were once or twice on the point of toppling over the rail. The ice, however, broke below ; they tumbled back again, and had to go under us, after all. It is not thick ice, and cannot do much damage ; but the force is something enormous. On the masses come incessantly without a pause ; they look ir- resistible ; but slowly and surely they are crushed against the Fram's sides. Now (8.30 p.m.) the pressure has at last stopped. Clear evening, sparkling stars, and flaming northern lights." I had finished writing my diary, gone to bed, and was lying reading, in The Origin of Species^ about the struggle for exist- ence, when I heard the dogs out on the ice making more noise than usual. I called into the saloon that some one ought to go up and see if it was bears they were barking at. Hansen went, and came back immediately, saying that he be- lieved he had seen some large animal out in the dark. " Go and shoot it, then." That he was quite ready to do, and went up again at once, accompanied by some of the others. A shot went off on deck above my head, then another ; shot followed shot, nine in all. Johansen and Henriksen rushed down for more cartridges, and declared that the creature was shot, it was roar- ing so horribly ; but so far they had only indistinctly seen a large grayish-white mass out there in the dark, moving about among the dogs. Now they were going on to the ice after it. Four of them set off, and not far away they really did find a dead bear, with marks of two shots. It was a young one. The old one must be at hand, and the dogs were still barking loudly. Now they all felt sure that they had seen two together, and that the other also must be badly wounded. Johansen and Henrik- sen heard it groaning in the distance when they were out on the land or something resembling it. After our experience, however, I cannot believe in the possibility of their occurring in open sea. THE WINTER NIGHT I45 ice again afterwards to fetch a knife they had left lying where the dead one had lain. The creature had been dragged on board and skinned at once, before it had time to stiffen in the cold. "Sunday, October 15th. To our surprise, the ice did not slacken away much during last night after the violent pressure ; and, what was worse, there was no indication of slackening in the morning, now that we were quite ready to go. Slight signs of it showed themselves a little later, upon which I gave orders to get up steam ; and while this was being done I took a stroll on the ice, to look for traces of yesterday evening. I found tracks not only of the bear that had been killed and of a larger one that might be the mother, but of a third, which must have been badly wounded, as it had sometimes dragged itself on its hind-quarters, and had left a broad track of blood. After following the traces for a good way and discovering that I had no weapon to despatch the animal with but my own fists, I thought it would be as well to return to the ship to get a gun and companions who would help to drag the bear back. I had also some small hope that in the meantime the ice might have slackened, so that, in place of going after game, we might go north with the Fram. But no such luck ! So I put on my snow-shoes and set off after our bear, some of the dogs with me, and one or two men following. At some distance we came to the place where it had spent the night — poor beast, a ghastly night ! Here I also saw tracks of the mother. One shudders to think of her watching over her poor young one, which must have had its back shot through. Soon we came up to the. cripple, dragging itself away from us over the ice as best it could. Seeing no other way of escape, it threw it- self into a small water opening and dived time after time. While we were putting a noose on a rope the dogs rushed round the hole as if they had gone mad, and it was difficult to keep them from jumping into the water after the bear. At last we were ready, and the next time the creature came up it got a noose round one paw and a ball in the head. While the others drew it to the ship, I followed the mother's tracks for some way, but could not find her. I had soon to turn back to see if there was no prospect of moving the Fram; but I found that the ice had packed together again a little at the very time when we could generally calculate on its slackening. In the afternoon Hansen and I went off once more after the bear. We saw, as I expected, h6 farthest north that she had come back, and had followed her daughter's funeral procession for some way, but then she had gone off east, and as it grew dark we lost her tracks in some newly packed ice. We have only one matter for regret in connection with this bear episode, and that is the disappearance of two dogs — ' Narrifas ' and ' Fox.' Probably they went off in terror on the first appearance of the three bears. They may have been hurt, but I have seen nothing to suggest this. The ice is quiet this evening also, only a little pressure about 7 o'clock. "Monday, October i6th. Ice quiet and close. Observations on the 12th placed us in 78° 5' north latitude. Steadily south- ward. This is almost depressing. The two runaways returned this morning. " Tuesday, October 17th. Continuous movement in the ice. It slackened a little again during the night ; some way off to star- board there was a large opening. Shortly after midnight there was strong pressure, and between 11 and 12 a.m. came a tremen- dous squeeze ; since then it has slackened again a little. " Wednesday, October i8th. When the meteorologist, Johansen, was on deck this morning reading the thermometers, he noticed that the dogs, which are now tied up on board, were barking loudly down at something on the ice. He bent over the rail astern, near the rudder, and saw the back of a bear below him, close in at the ship's side. Off he went for a gun, and the animal fell with a couple of shots. We saw afterwards by its tracks that it had inspected all the heaps of sweepings round the ship. " A little later in the morning I went for a stroll on the ice. Hansen and Johansen were busy with some magnetic observations to the south of the ship. It was beautiful sunshiny weather. I was standing beside an open pool a little way ahead, examining the formation and growth of the new ice, when I heard a gun go off on board. I turned, and just caught a glimpse of a bear mak- ing off towards the hummocks. It was Henriksen who had seen it from the deck coming marching towards the ship. When it was a few paces off it saw Hansen and Johansen, and made straight for them. By this time Henriksen had got his gun, but it missed fire several times. He has an unfortunate liking for smearing the lock so well with vaseline that the spring works as if it lay in soft soap. At last it went off, and the ball went through the bear's back and breast in a slanting direction. The animal THE WINTER NIGHT H? stood up on its hind-legs, fought the air with its fore-paws, then flung itself forward and sprang off, to fall after about 30 steps ; the ball had grazed the heart. It was not till the shot went off that Hansen saw the bear, and then he rushed up and put two revolver-balls into its head. It was a large bear, the largest we had got yet. " About mid-day I was in the crow's-nest. In spite of the clear weather I could not discover land on any side. The opening far to the north has quite disappeared ; but during the night a large new one has formed quite close to us. It stretches both north and south, and has now a covering of ice. The pressure is chiefly confined to the edges of this opening, and can be traced in walls of packed ice as far as the horizon in both directions. To the east the ice is quite unbroken and flat. We have lain just in the worst pressure. '' Thursday, October 19th. The ice again slackened a little last night. In the morning I attempted a drive with six of the dogs. When I had managed to harness them to the Samoyede sledge, had seated myself on it, and called ' Pr-r-r-r ! pr-r-r-r !' they went off in quite good style over the ice. But it was not long before we came to some high pack - ice and had to turn. This was hardly done before they were off back to the ship at lightning speed, and they were not to be got away from it again. Round and round it they went, from refuse-heap to refuse-heap. If I started at the gangway on the starboard side, and tried by thrashing them to drive them out over the ice, round the stern they flew to the gangway on the port side. I tugged, swore, and tried everything I could think of, but all to no purpose. I got out and tried to hold the sledge back, but was pulled off my feet, and dragged merrily over the ice in my smooth sealskin breeches, on back, stomach, side — just as it happened. When I managed to stop them at some pieces of pack-ice or a dust-heap, round they went again to the starboard gangway, with me dangling behind, swearing madly that I would break every bone in their bodies when I got at them. This game went on till they probably tired of it, and thought they might as well go my way for a change. So now they went off beautifully across the flat floe until I stopped for a moment's breathing space. But at the first movement I made in the sledge they were off again, tearing wildly back the way we had come. I held on convulsive- 148 FARTHEST NORTH ly, pulled, raged, and used the whip ; but the more I lashed the faster they went on their own way. At last I got them stopped by sticking my legs down into the snow between the sledge- shafts, and driving a strong seal-hook into it as well. But while I was off my guard for a moment they gave a tug. I lay with my hinder-part where my legs had been, and we went on at light- ning speed — that substantial part of my body leaving a deep track in the snow. This sort of thing went on time after time. I lost the board I should have sat on, then the whip, then my gloves, then my cap — these losses not improving my temper. Once or twice I ran round in front of the dogs, and tried to force them to turn by lashing at them with the whip. They jumped to both sides and only tore on the faster ; the reins got twisted round my ankles, and I was thrown flat on the sledge, and they went on more wildly than ever. This was my first experience in dog driving on my own account, and I will not pretend that I was proud of it. I inwardly congratulated myself that my feats had been unobserved. " In the afternoon I examined the melted water of the newly formed brownish - red ice, of which there is a good deal in the openings round us here. The microscope proved this color to be produced by swarms of small organisms, chiefly plants — quan- tities of diatomas and some algae, a few of them very peculiar in form. "Saturday, October 21st. I have stayed in to-day because of an affection of the muscles, or rheumatism, which I have had for some days on the right side of my body, and for which the doc- tor is ' massaging ' me, thereby greatly adding to my sufferings. Have I really grown so old and palsied, or is the whole thing imagination ? It is all I can do to limp about ; but I just won- der if I could not get up and run with the best of them if there happened to be any great occasion for it : I almost believe I could. A nice Arctic hero of 32, lying here in my berth ! Have had a good time reading home letters, dreaming myself at home, dreaming of the home-coming — in how many years? Successful or unsuccessful, what does that matter ? *' I had a sounding taken ; it showed over 73 fathoms (135 m.), so we are in deeper water again. The sounding-line indicated that we are drifting southwest. I do not understand this steady drift southward. There has not been much wind either lately ; THE WINTER NIGHT 149 there is certainly a little from the north to-day, but not strong. What can be the reason of it ? With all my information, all my reasoning, all my putting of two and two together, I cannot account for any south-going current here — there ought to be a north -going one. If the current runs south here, how is that great open sea we steamed north across to be explained? and the bay we ended in farthest north ? These could only be pro- duced by the north -going current which I presupposed. The only thing which puts me out a bit is that west -going current which we had against us during our whole voyage along the Siberian coast. We are never going to be carried away south by the New Siberian Islands, and then west along the coast of Siberia, and then north by Cape Chelyuskin, the very way we came ! That would be rather too much of a good thing — to say nothing of its being dead against every calculation. " Well, who cares ? Somewhere we must go ; we can't stay here forever. ' It will all come right in the end,' as the saying goes ; but I wish we could get on a little faster wherever we are going. On our Greenland expedition, too, we were carried south to begin with, and that ended well. "Sunday, October 2 2d. Henriksen took soundings this morn- ing, and found 70 fathoms (129 m.) of water. ' If we are drifting at all,' said he, ' it is to the east ; but there seems to be almost no movement.' No wind to-day. I am keeping in my den. " Monday, October 23d. Still in the den. To-day, 5 fathoms shallower than yesterday. The line points southwest, which means that we are drifting northeastward. Hansen has reck- oned out the observation for the 19th, and finds that we must have got 10 minutes farther north, and must be in 78° 15' N. lat. So at last, now that the wind has gone down, the north-going current is making itself felt. Some channels have opened near us, one along the side of the ship, and one ahead, near the old channel. Only slight signs of pressure in the afternoon. " Tuesday, October 24th. Between 4 and 5 a.m. there was strong pressure, and the Pram was lifted up a little. It looks as if the pressure were going to begin again : we have spring-tide with full moon. The ice opened so much this morning that the Pram was afloat in her cutting ; later on it closed again, and about 1 1 there was some strong pressure ; then came a quiet time ; but in the afternoon the pressure began once more, and 150 FARTHEST NORTH was violent from 4 to 4.30. The Frani was shaken and lifted up ; didn't mind a bit. Peter gave it as his opinion that the pressure was coming from the northeast, for he had heard the noise ap- proaching from that direction. Johansen let down the silk net for me about 11 fathoms. It was all he could do to get it up again in time, but it brought up a good catch. Am still keep- ing in. ''Wednesday, October 25th. We had a horrible pressure last night. I awoke and felt the Pram being lifted, shaken, and tossed about, and heard the loud cracking of the ice breaking against her sides. After listening for a little while I fell asleep again, with a snug feeling that it was good to be on board the Fram ; it would be confoundedly uncomfortable to have to be ready to turn out every time there was a little pressure, or to have to go off with our bundles on our backs like the Tegethoff people. " It is quickly getting darker. The sun stands lower and lower every time we see it ; soon it will disappear altogether, if it has not done so already The long, dark winter is upon us, and glad shall we be to see the spring ; but nothing matters much if we could only begin to move north. There is now southwesterly wind, and the windmill, which has been ready for several days, has been tried at last and works splendidly We have beautiful electric light to-day, though the wind has not been especially strong (5-8 m. per second). Electric lamps are a grand institution. What a strong influence light has on one's spirits ! There was a noticeable brightening-up at the dinner- table to-day ; the light acted on our spirits like a draught of good wine. And how festive the saloon looks ! We felt it quite a great occasion — drank Oscar Dickson's health, and voted him the best of good fellows. " Wonderful moonshine this evening, light as day ; and along with it aurora borealis, yellow and strange in the white moon- light ; a large ring round the moon — all this over the great stretch of white, shining ice, here and there in our neighborhood piled up high by the pressure. And in the midst of this silent, silvery ice -world the windmill sweeps round its dark wings against the deep-blue sky and the aurora. A strange contrast : civilization making a sudden incursion into this frozen, ghostly world. THE WINTER NIGHT 151 "To-morrow is the Pram's birthday. How many memories it recalls of the launch-day a year ago ! "Thursday, October 26th. Fifty - four fathoms (90 m.) of water when the soundings were taken this morning. We are moving quickly north — due north — says Peter. It does look as if things were going better. Great celebration of the day, beginning with target - shooting. Then we had a splendid dinner of four courses, which put our digestive apparatus to a severe test. The Pram's health was drunk amidst great and stormy applause. The proposer's words were echoed by all hearts when he said that she was such an excellent ship for our purpose that we could not imagine a better (great ap- plause), and we therefore wished her, and ourselves with her, long life ('Hear, hear!'). After supper came strawberry and lemon punch, and prizes were presented with much cereniony and a good deal of fun ; all being ' taken off ' in turn in suitable mot- toes, for the most part composed by the ship's doctor. There was a prize for each man. The first prize -taker was awarded the wooden cross of the Order of the Pram^ to wear suspended from his neck by a ribbon of white tape ; the last received a mirror, in which to see his fallen greatness. Smoking in the saloon was allowed this evening, so now pipes, toddy, and an animated game of whist ended a bright and successful holiday. " Sitting here now alone, my thoughts involuntarily turn to the year that has gone since we stood up there on the platform, and she threw the champagne against the bow, saying, ' Pram is your name !' and the strong, heavy hull began to glide so gently. I held her hand tight ; the tears came into eyes and throat, and one could not get out a word. The sturdy hull dived into the glittering water ; a sunny haze lay over the whole pict- ure. Never shall I forget the moment we stood there together, looking out over the scene. And to think of all that has hap- pened these last four months ! Separated by sea and land and ice ; coming years, too, lying between us — it is all just the con- tinuation of what happened that day. But how long is it to last ? I have such difficulty in feeling that I am not to see home again soon. When I begin to reflect, I know that it may be long, but I will not believe it. " To-day, moreover, we took solemn farewell of the sun. Half of its disk showed at noon for the last time above the edge of the 152 FARTHEST NORTH ice in the south, a flattened body, with a dull red glow, but no heat. Now we are entering the night of winter. What is it bringing us ? Where shall we be when the sun returns ? No one can tell. To console us for the loss of the sun, we have the most wonderful moonlight ; the moon goes round the sky night and day. There is, strange to say, little pressure just now ; only an occasional slight squeeze. But the ice often opens consider- ably ; there are large pieces of water in several directions ; to- day there were some good-sized ones to the south. " Friday, October 27th. The soundings this morning showed 52 fathoms (95 m.) of water. According to observations taken yesterday afternoon, we are about 3' farther north and a little farther west than on the 19th. It is disgusting the way we are muddling about here. We must have got into a hole where the ice grinds round and round, and can't get farther. And the time is passing all to no purpose ; and goodness only knows how long this sort of thing may go on. If only a good south wind would come and drive us north out of this hobble 1 The boys have taken up the rudder again to-day. While they were working at this in the afternoon, it suddenly grew as bright as day. A strange fire-ball crossed the sky in the west — giving a bluish- white light, they said. Johansen ran down to the saloon to tell Hansen and me ; he said they could still see the bright trails it had left in its train. When we got on deck we saw a bent bow of light in the Triangle, near Deheb. The meteor had disap- peared in the neighborhood of Epsilon Cygni (constellation Swan), but its light remained for a long time floating in the air like glowing dust. No one had seen the actual fire-ball, as they had all had their backs turned to it, and they could not say if it had burst. This is the second great meteor of exceptional splendor that has appeared to us in these regions. The ice has a curious inclination to slacken, without pressure having occurred, and every now and then we find the ship floating in open water This is the case to-day. " Saturday, October 28th. Nothing of any importance. Moon- shine night and day. A glow in the south from the sun. . " Sunday, October 29th. Peter shot a white fox this morn- ing close in to the ship. For some time lately we have been see- ing fox-tracks in the mornings, and one Sunday Mogstad saw the fox itself. It has, no doubt, been coming regularly to feed on THE WINTER NIGHT 153 the offal of the bears. Shortly after the first one was shot an- other was seen ; it came and smelled its dead comrade, but soon set off again and disappeared. It is remarkable that there should be so many foxes on this drift-ice so far from land. But, after all, it is not much more surprising than my coming upon fox- tracks out on the ice between Jan Mayen and Spitzbergen. "Monday, October 30th. To-day the temperature has gone down to 18° below zero ( — 27° C). I took up the dredge I had put out yesterday. It brought up two pails of mud from the bot- tom, and I have been busy all day washing this out in the saloon in a large bath, to get the many animals contained in it. They were chiefly starfish, waving starfish, medusae {Astrophyton)^ sea-slugs, coral insects {Alcyonaria), worms, sponges, shell-fish, and crustaceans ; and were, of course, all carefully preserved in spirits. " Tuesday, October 31st. Forty-nine fathoms (90 m.) of water to-day, and the current driving us hard to the southwest. We have good wind for the mill now, and the electric lamps burn all day. The arc lamp under the skylight makes us quite forget the want of sun. Oh I light is a glorious thing, and life is fair in spite of all privations. This is Sverdrup's birthday, and we had revolver practice in the morning. Of course a magnificent dinner of five courses — chicken soup, boiled mackerel, reindeer ribs with baked cauliflower and potatoes, macaroni pudding, and stewed pears with milk — Ringnes's ale to wash it down. " Thursday, November 2d. The temperature keeps at about 22° below zero ( — 30° C.) now ; but it does not feel very cold, the air is so still. We can see the aurora borealis in the day- time too. I saw a very remarkable display of it about 3 this afternoon. On the southwestern horizon lay the glow of the sun ; in front of it light clouds were swept together — like a cloud of dust rising above a distant troop of riders. Then dark stream- ers of gauze seemed to stretch from the dust-cloud up over the sky, as if it came from the sun, or perhaps rather as if the sun were sucking it in to itself from the whole sky. It was only in the southwest that these streamers were dark ; a little higher up, farther from the sun - glow, they grew white and shining, like fine, glistening silver gauze. They spread over the vault of heaven above us, and right away towards the north. They cer- tainly resembled aurora borealis ; but perhaps they might be 154 FARTHEST NORTH only light vapors hovering high up in the sky and catching the sunlight ! I stood long looking at them. They were singularly still, but they were northern lights, changing gradually in the southwest into dark cloud - streamers, and ending in the dust- cloud over the sun. Hansen saw them too, later, when it was dark. There was no doubt of their nature. His impression was that the aurora borealis spread from the sun over the whole vault of heaven like the stripes on the inner skin of an orange. " Sunday, November 5th. A great race on the ice was adver- tised for to-day. The course was measured, marked off, and decorated with flags. The cook had prepared the prizes — cakes, numbered and properly graduated in size. The expectation was great ; but it turned out that, from excessive training during the few last days, the whole crew were so stiff in the legs that they were not able to move. We got our prizes all the same. One man was blindfolded, and he decided who was to have each cake as it was pointed at. This just arrangement met with general approbation, and we all thought it a pleasanter way of getting the prizes than running half a mile for them. " So it is Sunday once more. How the days drag past ! I work, read, think, and dream ; strum a little on the organ ; go for a walk on the ice in the dark. Low on the horizon in the southwest there is the flush of the sun — a dark, fierce red, as if of blood aglow with all life's smouldering longings — low and far off, like the dreamland of youth. Higher in the sky it melts into orange, and that into green and pale blue ; and then comes deep blue, star-sown, and then infinite space, where no dawn will ever break. In the north are quivering arches of faint aurora, trem- bling now like awakening longings, but presently, as if at the touch of a magic wand, to storm as streams of light through the dark blue of heaven — never at peace, restless as the very soul of man. I can sit and gaze and gaze, my eyes entranced by the dream -glow yonder in the west, where the moon's thin, pale, silver sickle is dipping its point into the blood ; and my soul is borne beyond the glow, to the sun, so far off now — and to the home-coming ! Our task accomplished, we are making our way up the fjord as fast as sail and steam can carry us. On both sides of us the homeland lies smiling in the sun ; and then . . . the sufferings of a thousand days and hours melt into a moment's inexpressible joy. Ugh ! that was a bitter gust — I jump up and THE WINTER NIGHT 155 walk on. What am I dreaming about ! so far yet from the goal — hundreds and hundreds of miles between us, ice and land and ice again. And we are drifting round and round in a ring, be- wildered, attaining nothing, only waiting, always waiting, for what? " ' I dreamt I lay on a grassy bank, And the sun shone warm and clear ; 1 wakened on a desert isle, And the sky was black and drear.' " One more look at the star of home, the one that stood that evening over Cape Chelyuskin, and I creep on board, where the windmill is turning in the cold wind, and the electric light is streaming out from the skylight upon the icy desolation of the Arctic night. "Wednesday, November 8th. The storm (which we had had the two previous days) is quite gone down ; not even enough breeze for the mill. We tried letting the dogs sleep on the ice last night, instead of bringing them on board in the evening, as we have been doing lately. The result was that another dog was torn to pieces during the night. It was 'Ulabrand,' the old brown, toothless fellow, that went this time. ' Job ' and ' Moses ' had gone the same way before. Yesterday evening's observa- tions place us in 77° 43' north latitude and 138° 8' east longitude. This is farther south than we have been yet. No help for it ; but it is a sorry state of matters ; and that we are farther east than ever before is only a poor consolation. It is new moon again, and we may therefore expect pressure ; the ice is, in fact, already moving ; it began to split on Saturday, and has broken up more each day. The channels have been of a good size, and the move- ment becomes more a id more perceptible. Yesterday there was slight pressure, and we noticed it again this morning about 5 o'clock. To-day the ice by the ship has opened, and we are almost afloat. " Here I sit in the still winter night on the drifting ice-floe, and see only stars above me. Far off I see the threads of life twisting themselves into the intricate web which stretches un- broken from life's sweet morning dawn to the eternal death- stillness of the ice. Thought follows thought — you pick the whole to pieces, and it seems so small— but high above all towers 156 FARTHEST NORTH one form. . . . Why did you take this voyage? . . . Could I do otherwise ? Can the river arrest its course and run up hill ? My plan has come to nothing. That palace of theory which I reared, in pride and self-confidence, high above all silly objections has fallen like a house of cards at the first breath of wind. Build up the most ingenious theories and you may be sure of one thing — that fact will defy them all. Was I so very sure? Yes, at times ; but that was self-deception, intoxication. A secret doubt lurked behind all the reasoning. It seemed as though the longer I defended my theory, the nearer I came to doubting it. But no, there is no getting over the evidence of that Siberian drift- wood. " But if, after all, we are on the wrong track, what then ? Only disappointed human hopes, nothing more. And even if we perish, what will it matter in the endless cycles of eternity ? " Thursday, November 9th. I took temperatures and sea- water samples to-day every 10 yards from the surface to the bot- tom. The depth was 9J fathoms. An extraordinarily even tem- perature of 30° Fahr. ( — 1.5° C.) through all the layers. I have noticed the same thing before as far south as this. So it is only polar water here ? There is not much pressure ; an inclination to it this morning, and a little at 8 o'clock this evening ; also a few squeezes later, when we were playing cards. " Friday, November loth. This morning made despairing ex- aminations of yesterday's water samples with Thornoe's electric apparatus. There must be absolute stillness on board when this is going on. The men are all terrified, slip about on tiptoe, and talk in the lowest possible whispers. But presently one begins to hammer at something on deck, and another to file in the en- gine-room, when the chief's commanding voice is at once heard ordering silence. These examinations are made by means of a telephone, through which a very faint noise is heard, which dies slowly away ; the moment at which it stops must be exactly as certained. " I find remarkably little salt all the way to the bottom in the water here ; it must be mixed with fresh water from the Siberian river. " There was some pressure this morning, going on till nearly noon, and we heard the noise of it in several directions. In the afternoon the ice was quite slack, with a large opening alongside THE WINTER NIGHT ^ I57 the port side of the ship. At half-past seven pretty strong press- ure began, the ice crashing and grinding along the ship's side. About midnight the roar of packing was heard to the south. " Saturday, November i ith. There has been some pressure in the course of the day. The newly formed ice is about 15 inches thick. It is hard on the top, but looser and porous below. This particular piece of ice began to form upon a large opening in the night between the 27th and 28th October, so it has frozen 15 inches in 15 days. I observed that it froze 3 inches the first night, and 5 inches altogether during the three first nights ; so that it has taken 12 days to the last 10 inches." Even this small observation serves to show that the formation of ice goes on most easily where the crust is thin, becoming more and more difficult as the thickness increases, until at a certain thickness, as we observed later, it stops altogether. " It is curi- ous that the pressure has gone on almost all day — no slackening such as we have usually observed." "Sunday, November 19th. Our life has gone on its usual monotonous routine since the nth. The wind has been steadily from the south all week, but to-day there is a little from N.N.W. We have had pressure several times, and have heard sounds of it in the southeast. Except for this, the ice has been unusually quiet, and it is closed in tightly round the ship. Since the last strong pressure we have had probably 10 to 20 feet of ice packed in below us.* Hansen to-day worked out an observation taken the day before yesterday, and surprised us with the welcome intelli- gence that we have travelled 44' north and a little east since the 3th. We are now in 78° 27' north latitude, 139° 23' east longitude. This is farther east than we have been yet. For any sake, let us only keep on as we are going ! " The Fram is a warm, cosey abode. Whether the thermometer stands at 22° above zero or at 22° below it we have no fire in the stove. The ventilation is excellent, especially since we rigged up the air sail, which sends a whole winter's cold in through the ventilator ; yet in spite of this we sit here warm and comfortable, with only a lamp burning. I am thinking of having the stove removed altogether ; it is only in the way. At least, as far as * On a later occasion they bored down 30 feet without reaching the lower surface of the ice. 158 FARTHEST NORTH our protection from the winter cold is concerned, my calculations have turned out well. Neither do we suffer much from damp. It does collect and drop a little from the roof in one or two places, especially astern in the four-man cabins, but nothing in compari- son with what is common in other ships ; and if we lighted the stove it would disappear altogether. When I have burned a lamp for quite a short time in my cabin every trace of damp is gone.* These are extraordinary fellows for standing the cold. With the thermometer at 22° below zero Bentzen goes up in his shirt and trousers to read the thermometer on deck. " Monday, November 27th. The prevailing wind has been southerly, with sometimes a little east. The temperature still keeps between 13° and 22° below zero ; in the hold it has fallen to I2°." It has several times struck me that the streamers of the aurora borealis followed in the direction of the wind, from the wind's eye on the horizon. On Thursday morning, when we had very slight northeasterly wind, I even ventured to prophesy, from the direction of the streamers, that it would go round to the southeast, which it accordingly did. On the whole there has been much less of the aurora borealis lately than at the begin- ning of our drift. Still, though it may have been faint, there has been a little every day. To-night it is very strong again. These last days the moon has sometimes had rings round it, with mock- moons and axes, accompanied by rather strange phenomena. When the moon stands so low that the ring touches the horizon, a bright field of light is formed where the horizon cuts the ring. Similar expanses of light are also formed where the perpendicu- lar axis from the moon intersects the horizon. Faint rainbows are often to be seen in these shining light-fields ; yellow was gen- erally the strongest tint nearest the horizon, passing over into red, and then into blue. Similar colors could also be distin- guished in the mock-moons. Sometimes there are two large rings, the one outside the other, and then there may be four mock- moons. I have also seen part of a new ring above the usual one, * When we had fire in the stoves later, especially during the following winter, there was not a sign of damp anywhere — neither in saloon nor small cabins. It was, if anything, rather too dry, for the panels of the walls and roof dried and shrank considerably. THE WINTER NIGHT 159 meeting it at a tangent directly above the moon. As is well known, these various ring formations round the sun, as well as round the moon, are produced by the refraction of rays of light by minute ice crystals floating in the air. " We looked for pressure with full moon and spring-tide on 23d of November ; but then, and for several days afterwards, the ice was quite quiet. On the afternoon of Saturday, the 25th, however, its distant roar was heard from the south, and we have heard it from the same direction every day since. This morn- ing it was very loud, and came gradually nearer. At 9 o'clock it was quite close to us, and this evening we hear it near us again. It seems, however, as if we had now got out of the groove to which the pressure principally confines itself. We were regular- ly in it before. The ice round us is perfectly quiet. The proba- bility is that the last severe pressure packed it very tight about us, and that the cold since has frozen it into such a thick, strong mass that it offers great resistance, while the weaker ice in other places yields to the pressure. The depth of the sea is increasing steadily, and we are drifting north. This evening Hansen has worked out the observations of the day before yesterday, and finds that we are in 79° 11' north latitude. That is good, and the way we ought to get on. It is the most northern point we have reached yet, and to-day we are in all likelihood still farther north. We have made good way these last days, and the increasing depth seems to indicate a happy change in the direction of our drift. Have we, perhaps, really found the right road at last ? We are drifting about 5' a day. The most satisfactory thing is that there has not been much wind lately, especially not the last two days ; yesterday it was only i metre per second ; to - day is perfectly still, and yet the depth has increased 21 fathoms (40 m.) in these two days. It seems as if there were a northerly current, after all. No doubt many disappointments await us yet ; but why not rejoice while fortune smiles? '' Tuesday, November 28th. The disappointment lost no time in coming. There had been a mistake either in the observation or in Hansen's calculations. An altitude of Jupiter taken yester- day evening shows us to be in 76° 36' north latitude. The sound- ings to-day showed 74 fathoms (142 m.) of water, or about the same as yesterday, and the sounding-line indicated a southwest- erly drift. However anxious one is to take things philosophically, i6o FARTHEST NORTH one can't help feeling a little depressed. I try to find solace in a book ; absorb myself in the learning of the Indians — their happy faith in transcendental powers, in the supernatural faculties of the soul, and in a future life. Oh, if one could only get hold of a little supernatural power now, and oblige the winds always to blow from the south ! " I went on deck this evening in rather a gloomy frame of mind, but was nailed to the spot the moment I got outside. There is the supernatural for you — the northern lights flashing in match- less power and beauty over the sky in all the colors of the rain- bow ! Seldom or never have I seen the colors so brilliant. The prevailing one at first was yellow, but that gradually flickered over into green, and then a sparkling ruby-red began to show at the bottom of the rays on the under side of the arch, soon spread- ing over the whole arch. And now from the far-away western horizon a fiery serpent writhed itself up over the sky, shining brighter and brighter as it came. It split into three, all brilliant- ly glittering. Then the colors changed. The serpent to the south turned almost ruby-red, with spots of yellow ; the one in the middle, yellow ; and the one to the north, greenish white. Sheaves of rays swept along the side of the serpents, driven through the ether-like waves before a storm-wind. They sway backward and forward, now strong, now fainter again. The serpents reached and passed the zenith. Though I was thinly dressed and shivering with cold, I could not tear myself away till the spectacle was over, and only a faintly glowing fiery ser- pent near the western horizon showed where it had begun. When I came on deck later the masses of light had passed northward and spread themselves in incomplete arches over the northern sky. If one wants to read mystic meanings into the phenomena of nature, here, surely, is the opportunity. "The observation this afternoon showed us to be in 78° 38' 42" north latitude. This is anything but rapid progress. "Wednesday, November 29th. Another dog has been bitten to death to-day — ' Fox,' a handsome, powerful animal. He was found lying dead and stiff on the ice at our stern this evening when they went to bring the dogs in, ' Suggen ' performing her usual duty of watching the body. They are wretches, these dogs. But now I have given orders that some one must always watch them when they are out on the ice. THE WINTER NIGHT i6i " Thursday, November 30th. The lead showed a depth of ex- actly 83 fathoms (170 m.) to-day, and it seemed by the line as if we were drifting northwest. We are almost certainly farther north now ; hopes are rising, and life is looking brighter again. My spirits are like a pendulum, if one could imagine such an in- strument giving all sorts of irregular swings backward and for- ward. It is no good trying to take the thing philosophically ; I cannot deny that the question whether we are to return success- ful or unsuccessful affects me very deeply. It is quite easy to convince myself with the most incontrovertible reasoning that what really matters is to carry through the expedition, whether successfully or not, and get safe home again. I could not but undertake it ; for my plan was one that I felt must succeed, and therefore it was my duty to try it. Well, if it does not succeed, is that my affair ? I have done my duty, done all that could be done, and can return home with an easy conscience to the quiet happiness I have left behind. What can it matter whether chance, or whatever name you like to give it, does or does not allow the plan to succeed and make our names immortal ? The worth of the plan is the same whether chance smiles or frowns upon it. And as to immortality, happiness is all we want, and that is not to be had here. " I can say all this to myself a thousand times ; I can bring myself to believe honestly that it is all a matter of indifference to me ; but none the less my spirits change like the clouds of heaven according as the wind blows from this direction or from that, or the soundings show the depth to be increasing or not, or the observations indicate a northerly or southerly drift. When I think of the many that trust us, think of Norway, think of all the friends that gave us their time, their faith, and their money, the wish comes that they may not be disappointed, and I grow sombre when our progress is not what we expected it would be. And she that gave most — does she deserve that her sacrifice should have been made in vain ? Ah, yes, we must and will succeed ! " Sunday, December 3d. Sunday again, with its feeling of peace, and its permission to indulge in the narcotic of happy day-dreams, and let the hours go idly by without any prickings of conscience. " To-day the bottom was not reached with over 133 fathoms i62 FARTHEST NORTH (250 m.) of line. There was a northeasterly drift. Yesterday's observation showed us to be in 78° 44' north latitude, that is 5' farther north than on Tuesday. It is horribly slow ; but it is forward, and forward we must go ; there can be no question of that. "Tuesday, December 5th. This is the coldest day we have had yet, with the thermometer 31° below zero (—35.7° C.) and a biting wind from the E.S.E. Observation in the afternoon shows 78° 50' north latitude ; that is 6' farther north than on Saturday, or 2' per day. In the afternoon we had magnificent aurora borealis — glittering arches across the whole vault of the sky from the east towards the west ; but when I was on deck this evening the sky was overcast : only one star shone through the cloudy veil — the home star. How I love it ! It is the first thing my eye seeks, and it is always there, shining on our path. I feel as if no ill could befall us as long as I see it there. . . . " Wednesday, December 6th. This afternoon the ice cracked abaft the starboard quarter ; this evening I see that the crack has opened. We may expect pressure now, as it is new moon either to-day or to-morrow. " Thursday, December 7th. The ice pressed at the stern at 5 o'clock this morning for about an hour. I lay in my berth and listened to it creaking and grinding and roaring. There was slight pressure again in the afternoon ; nothing to speak of. No slackening in the forenoon, " Friday, December 8th. Pressure from seven till eight this morning. As I was sitting drawing in the afternoon I was startled by a sudden report or crash. It seemed to be straight overhead, as if great masses of ice had fallen from the rigging onto the deck above my cabin. Every one starts up and throws on some extra garment ; those that are taking an afternoon nap jump out of their berths right into the middle of the saloon, calling out to know what has happened. Pettersen rushes up the companion-ladder in such wild haste that he bursts open the door in the face of the mate, who is standing in the passage holding back 'Kvik,' that has also started in fright from the bed in the chart-room, where she is expecting her confinement. On deck we could discover nothing, except that the ice was in motion, and seemed to be sinking slowly away from the ship. Great piles had been packed up under the stern this morning THE WINTER NIGHT 163 and yesterday. The explosion was probably caused by a violent pressure suddenly loosening all the ice along the ship's side, the ship at the same time taking a strong list to port. There was no cracking of wood to be heard, so that, whatever it was, the Fram cannot have been injured. But it was cold, and we crept down again. " As we were sitting at supper about 6 o'clock, pressure sud- denly began. The ice creaked and roared so along the ship's sides close by us that it was not possible to carry on any con- nected conversation ; we had to scream, and all agreed with Nordahl when he remarked that it would be much pleasanter if the pressure would confine its operations to the bow instead of coming bothering us here aft. Amidst the noise we caught every now and again from the organ a note or two of Kjerulf's melody — * I could not sleep for the nightingale's voice.' The hurly-burly outside lasted for about twenty minutes, and then all was still. ' "Later in the evening Hansen came down to give notice of what really was a remarkable appearance of aurora borealis. The deck was brightly illuminated by it, and reflections of its light played all over the ice. The whole sky was ablaze with it, but it was brightest in the south ; high up in that direction glowed waving masses of fire. Later still Hansen came again to say that now it was quite extraordinary. No words can de- pict the glory that met our eyes. The glowing fire-masses had divided into glistening, many-colored bands, which were writh- ing and twisting across the sky both in the south and north. The rays sparkled with the purest, most crystalline rainbow colors, chiefly violet -red or carmine and the clearest green. Most frequently the rays of the arch were red at the ends, and changed higher up into sparkling green, which quite at the top turned darker and went over into blue or violet before disap- pearing in the blue of the sky ; or the rays in one and the same arch might change from clear red to clear green, coming and going as if driven by a storm. It was an endless phantasma- goria of sparkling color, surpassing anything that one can dream. Sometimes the spectacle reached such a climax that one's breath was taken away ; one felt that now something extraordinary must happen — at the very least the sky must fall. But as one stands in breathless expectation, down the whole thing trips, as l64 FARTHEST NORTH if in a few quick, light scale-runs, into bare nothingness. There is something most undramatic about such a denouement^ but it is all done with such confident assurance that one cannot take it amiss ; one feels one's self in the presence of a master who has the complete command of his instrument. With a single stroke of the bow he descends lightly and elegantly from the height of passion into quiet, every-day strains, only with a few more strokes to work himself up into passion again. It seems as if he were trying to mock, to tease us. When we are on the point of going below, driven by 6i degrees of frost (—34.7 C), such magnificent tones again vibrate over the strings that we stay until noses and ears are frozen. For a finale, there is a wild display of fire- works in every tint of flame — such a conflagration that one ex- pects every minute to have it down on the ice, because there is not room for it in the sky. But I can hold out no longer. Thinly dressed, without a proper cap and without gloves, I have no feeling left in body or limbs, and I crawl away below. "Sunday, December loth. Another peaceful Sunday. The motto for the day in the English almanac is : 'He is happy whose circumstances suit his temper : but he is more excellent who can suit his temper to any circumstances' (Hume). Very true, and exactly the philosophy I am practising at this moment. I am lying on my berth in the light of the electric lamp, eating cake and drinking beer while I am writing my journal ; present- ly I shall take a book and settle down to read and sleep. The arc lamp has shone like a sun to-day over a happy company. We have no difficulty now in distinguishing hearts from diamonds on our dirty cards. It is wonderful what an effect light has. I believe I am becoming a fire- worshipper. It is strange enough that fire-worship should not exist in the Arctic countries. " ' For the sons of men Fire is the best, And the sight of the sun.' " A newspaper appears on board now. Framsjaa * (news of, or outlook from, the Frani) is its name, and our doctor is its * Apparently modelled on the title of the well - known magazine, Kringsjaa, which means " A Look Around " or " Survey." Framsjaa might be translated " The Fram's Lookout." ^ < THE WINTER NIGHT l6s irresponsible editor. The first number was read aloud this even- ing and gave occasion for much merriment. Among its con- tents are : "•WINTER IN THE ICE (Contribution to the Infant Framsjad) Far in the ice there lies a ship, boys, Mast and sail ice to the very tip, boys; But, perfectly clear, If you listen you can hear. There are life and fun on board that ship, boys. What can it be.? Come along and see — It is Nansen and his men that laugh, boys. Nothing to be heard at night but glasses' clink, boys ; Fall of greasy cards and counters' chink, boys ; If he won't " declare," Nordahl he will swear. Bentzen is stupid as an owl, boys. Bentzen cool, boys. Is not a fool, boys ; •' You're another !" quickly he replies, boys. Among those sitting at table, boys. Is " Heika,"* with his body big and stable, boys ; He and Lars, so keen, It would almost seem They would stake their lives if they were able, boys. Amundsen, again. Looks at these two men. Shakes his head and sadly goes to bed, boys.t Sverdrup, Blessing, Hansen, and our Mohn.J boys. Say of " marriage," "This game is our own," boys; * The name Peter Henriksen generally went by on board. t Refers to the fact that Amundsen hated card-playing more than any- thing else in the world. He called cards " the devil's playbooks." X Nickname of our meteorologist, Johansen, Professor Mohn being a distinguished Norwegian meteorologist. i66 FARTHEST NORTH Soon for them, alas ! The happy hour is past; And Hansen he says, " Come away, old Mohn !" boys. " It is getting late, And the stars won't wait, You and I must up and out alone," boys. The doctor here on board has naught to do, boys ; Not a man to test his skill among the crew, boys; Well may he look blue. There's nought for him to do, When every man is strong and hearty, too, boys. " Now on the Fram" boys. He says " I am," boys, "Chief editor of newspaper for you!" boys. "'Warning!!! " ' I think it is my duty to warn the public that a travelling watchmaker has been making the round of this neighborhood lately, getting watches to repair, and not returning them to their owners. How long is this to be allowed to go on under the eyes of the authorities ? " ' The watchmaker's appearance is as follows : Middle height, fair, gray eyes, brown full beard, round shoulders, and generally delicate-looking. "'A. JUELL.* "'The person above notified was in our office yesterday, ask- ing for work, and we consider it right to add the following par- ticulars as completing the description. He generally goes about with a pack of mongrel curs at his heels ; he chews tobacco, and of this his beard shows traces. This is all we have to say, as we did not consider ourselves either entitled or called upon to put him under the microscope. " ' Ed. Framsjaa' "Yesterday's observation placed us in 79°©' north latitude, 139° 14' east longitude. At last, then, we have got as far north ♦This signature proved to be forged, and gave rise to a lawsuit so long and intricate that space does not permit an account of it to be given. THE WINTER NIGHT , 167 again as we were in the end of September, and now the norther- ly drift seems to be steady : 10 minutes in 4 days. " Monday, December i ith. This morning I took a long ex- cursion to westward. It is hard work struggling over the packed ice in the dark, something like scrambling about a moraine of big bowlders at night. Once I took a step in the air, fell for- ward, and bruised my right knee. It is mild to - day, only 9^^° below zero (—23° C). This evening there was a strange appear- ance of aurora borealis — white, shining clouds, which I thought at first must be lit up by the moon, but there is no moon yet. They were light cumuli, or cirro-cumuli, shifting into a brightly shining mackerel sky. I stood and watched them as long as my thin clothing permitted, but there was no perceptible pulsation, no play of flame ; they sailed quietly on. The light seemed to be strongest in the southeast, where there were also dark clouds to be seen. Hansen said that it moved over later into the northern sky ; clouds came and went, and for a time there were many white shining ones — * white as lambs,' he called them — but no aurora played behind them. "In this day's meteorological journal I find noted for 4 p.m.: ' Faint aurora borealis in the north. Some distinct branchings or antlers (they are of ribbon crimped like blond) in some dif- fused patches on the horizon in the N.N.E.' In his aurora bo- realis journal Hansen describes that of this evening as follows : 'About 8 P.M. an aurora borealis arch of light was observed, stretching from E.S.E. to N.W., through the zenith ; diffused quiet intensity 3-4 most intense in N.W. The arch spread at the zenith by a wave to the south. At 10 o'clock there was a fainter aurora borealis in the southern sky ; eight minutes later it extended to the zenith, and two minutes after this there was a shining broad arch across the zenith with intensity 6. Twelve seconds later flaming rays shot from the zenith in an easterly direction. During the next half-hour there was constant aurora, chiefly in bands across or near the zenith, or lower in the south- ern sky. The observation ended about 10.38. The intensity was then 2, the aurora diffused over the southern sky. There were cumulus clouds of varying closeness all the time. They came up in the southeast at the beginning of the observation, and disappeared towards the end of it ; they were closest about 10 minutes past 10. At the time that the broad shining arch i68 FARTHEST NORTH through the zenith was at its highest intensity the cumulus clouds in the northwest shone quite white, though we were un- able to detect any aurora borealis phenomena in this quarter. The reflection of light on the ice-field was pretty strong at the same time. In the aurora borealis the cumulus clouds appeared of a darker color, almost the gray of wool. The colors of the aurora were yellowish, bluish white, milky blue — cold coloring.* According to the meteorological journal there was still aurora borealis in the southern sky at midnight. "Tuesday, December 12th. Had a long walk southeast this morning. The ice is in much the same condition there as it is to the west, packed or pressed up into mounds, with flat floes between. This evening the dogs suddenly began to make a great commo- tion on deck. We were all deep in cards, some playing whist, others * marriage.' I had no shoes on, so said that some one else must go up and see what was the matter. Mogstad went. The noise grew worse and worse. Presently Mogstad came down and said that all the dogs that could get at the rail were up on it, barking out into the dark towards the north. He was sure there must be an animal of some sort there, but perhaps it was only a fox, for he thought he had heard the bark of a fox far in the north ; but he was not sure. Well — it must be a devil of a fox to excite the dogs like that. As the disturbance continued, I at last went up myself, followed by Johansen. From diff'erent positions we looked long and hard into the darkness in the di- rection in which the dogs were barking, but we could see noth- ing moving. That something must be there was quite certain ; and I had no doubt that it was a bear, for the dogs were almost beside themselves. * Pan ' looked up into my face with an odd ex- pression, as if he had something important to tell me, and then jumped up on the rail and barked away to the north. The dogs' excitement was quite remarkable ; they had not been so keen when the bear was close in to the side of the ship. However, I contented myself with remarking that the thing to do would be to loose some dogs and go north with them over the ice. But these wretched dogs won't tackle a bear, and besides it is so dark that there is hardly a chance of finding anything. If it is a bear he will come again. At this season, when he is so hungry, he will hardly go right away from all the good food for him here on board. I struck about with my arms to get a little heat THE WINTER NIGHT 169 into me, then went below and to bed. The dogs went on bark- ing, sometimes louder than before. Nordahl, whose watch it was, went up several times, but could discover no reason for it. As I was lying reading in my berth I heard a peculiar sound ; it was like boxes being dragged about on deck, and there was also scraping, like a dog that wanted to get out scratching violently at a door. I thought of ' Kvik,' that was shut up in the chart- room. I called into the saloon to Nordahl that he had better go up again and see what this new noise was. He did so, but came back saying that there was still nothing to be seen. It was dif- ficult to sleep, and I lay long tossing about. Peter came on watch. I told him to go up and turn the air sail to the wind, to make the ventilation better. He was a good time on deck doing this and other things, but he also could see no reason for the to-do the dogs were still making. He had to go forward, and then noticed that the three dogs nearest the starboard gangway were missing. He came down and told me, and we agreed that possibly this might be what all the excitement was about ; but never before had they taken it so to heart when some of their number had run away. At last I fell asleep, but heard them in my sleep for a long time. " Wednesday, December 13th. Before I was rightly awake this morning I heard the dogs ' at it ' still, and the noise went on all the time of breakfast, and had, I believe, gone on all night. After breakfast Mogstad and Peter went up to feed the wretched creatures and let them loose on the ice. Three were still miss- ing. Peter came down to get a lantern ; he thought he might as well look if there were any tracks of animals. Jacobsen called after him that he had better take a gun. No, he did not need one, he said. A little later, as I was sitting sorrowfully ab- sorbed in the calculation of how much petroleum we had used, and how short a time our supply would last if we went on burn- ing it at the same rate, I heard a scream at the top of the com- panion. ' Come with a gun !' In a moment I was in the saloon, and there was Peter tumbling in at the door, breathlessly shout- ing, ' A gun ! a gun !' The bear had bitten him in the side. I was thankful that it was no worse. Hearing him put on so much dialect,* I had thought it was a matter of life or death. I * He says " ei borsja " for " a gun," instead of " en bosse." lyo FARTHEST NORTH seized one gun, he another, and up we rushed, the mate with his gun after us. There was not much difficulty in knowing in what direction to turn, for from the rail on the starboard side came confused shouts of human voices, and from the ice below the gangway the sound of a frightful uproar of dogs. I tore out the tow-plug at the muzzle of my rifle, then up with the lever and in with a cartridge ; it was a case of hurry. But, hang it ! there is a plug in at this end too I poked and poked, but could not get a grip of it. Peter screamed : ' Shoot, shoot ! Mine won't go off !' He stood clicking and clicking, his lock full of frozen vaseline again, while the bear lay chewing at a dog just below us at the ship's side. Beside me stood the mate, groping after a tow - plug which he also had shoved down into his gun, but now he flung the gun angrily away and began to look round the deck for a walrus spear to stick the bear with. Our fourth man, Mogstad, was waving an empty rifle (he had shot away his cartridges), and shouting to some one to shoot the bear. Four men, and not one that could shoot, although we could have prodded the bear's back with our gun-barrels. Hansen, making a fifth, was lying in the passage to the chart-room, groping with his arm through a chink in the door for cartridges ; he could not get the door open because of * Kvik's ' kennel. At last Johansen appeared and sent a ball straight down into the bear's hide. That did some good. The monster let go the dog and gave a growl. Another shot flashed and hissed down on the same spot. One more, and we saw the white dog the bear had under him jump up and run off, while the other dogs stood round, barking. Another shot still, for the animal began to stir a little. At this moment my plug came out, and I gave him a last ball through the head to make sure. The dogs had crowded round barking as long as he moved, but now that he lay still in death they drew back terrified. They probably thought it was some new ruse of the enemy. It was a little thin one-year-old bear that had caused all this terrible commotion. " While it was being flayed I went off in a northwesterly di- rection to look for the dogs that were still missing. I had not gone far when I noticed that the dogs that were following me had caught scent of something to the north and wanted to go that way. Soon they got frightened, and I could not get them to go on ; they kept close in to my side or slunk behind me. I held THE WINTER NIGHT 171 my gun ready, while I crawled on all - fours over the pack-ice, which was anything but level. I kept a steady lookout ahead, but it was not far my eyes could pierce in that darkness. I could only just see the dogs like black shadows, when they were a few steps away from me. I expected every moment to see a huge form rise among the hummocks ahead, or come rushing towards me. The dogs got more and more cautious ; one or two of them sat down, but they probably felt that it would be a shame to let me go on alone, so followed slowly after. Terrible ice to force one's way over. Crawling along on hands and knees does not put one in a very convenient position to shoot from if the bear should make a sudden rush. But unless he did this, or attacked the dogs, I had no hope of getting him. We now came out on some flat ice. It was only too evident that there must be something quite near now. I went on, and presently saw a dark object on the ice in front of me. It was not unlike an ani- mal. I bent down — it was poor ' Johansen's Friend,' the black dog with the white tip to his tail, in a sad state and frozen stiff. Beside him was something else dark. I bent down again and found the second of the missing dogs, brother of the corpse- watcher * Suggen.' This one was almost whole, only eaten a lit- tle about the head, and it was not frozen quite stiff. There seemed to be blood all round on the ice. I looked about in every direction, but there was nothing more to be seen. The dogs stood at a respectful distance, staring and sniffing in the direc- tion of their dead comrades. Some of us went, not long after this, to fetch the dogs' carcasses, taking a lantern to look for bear tracks, in case there had been some big fellows along with the little one. We scrambled on among the pack-ice. 'Come this way with the lantern, Bentzen ; I think I see tracks here.' Bentzen came, and we turned the light on some indentations in the snow ; they were bear-paw marks, sure enough, but only the same little fellow's. ' Look ! the brute has been dragging a dog after him here.' By the light of the lantern we traced the blood- marked path on among the hummocks. We found the dead dogs, but no footprints except small ones, which we all thought must be those of our little bear. * Svarten,' alias ' Johansen's Friend,' looked bad in the lantern -light. Flesh and skin and entrails were gone ; there was nothing to be seen but a bare breast and backbone, with some stumps of ribs. It was a pity that the fine 1/2 FARTHEST NORTH strong dog should come to such an end. He had just one fault : he was rather bad-tempered. He had a special dislike to Johan- sen ; barked and showed his teeth whenever he came on deck or even opened a door, and when he sat whistling in the top or in the crow's-nest these dark winter days the ' Friend ' would an- swer with a howl of rage from far out on the ice. Johansen bent down with the lantern to look at the remains. " * Are you glad, Johansen, that your enemy is done for ?' " ' No, I am sorry.' "'Why?' " ' Because we did not make it up before he died.* "And we went on to look for more bear -tracks, but found none ; so we took the dead dogs on our backs and turned home- ward. "On the way I asked Peter what had really happened with him and the bear. ' Well, you see,' said he, ' when I came along with the lantern we saw a few drops of blood by the gangway ; but that might quite well have been a dog that had cut itself. On the ice below the gangway we saw some bear-tracks, and we started away west, the whole pack of dogs with us, running on far ahead. When we had got away a bit from the ship, there was suddenly an awful row in front, and it wasn't long before a great beast came rushing at us, with the whole troop of dogs around it. As soon as we saw what it was, we turned and ran our, best for the ship. Mogstad, you see, had moccasins (komager) on, and knew his way better and got there before me. I couldn't get along so fast with my great wooden shoes, and in my confusion I got right onto the big hummock to the west of the ship's bow, you know. I turned here and lighted back to see if the bear was behind me, but I saw nothing and pushed on again, and in a minute these slippery wooden shoes had me flat on my back among the hummocks. I was up again quick enough ; but when I got down onto the flat ice close to the ship I saw something coming straight for me on the right-hand side. First I thought it was a dog — it's not so easy to see in the dark, you know. I had no time for a second thought, for the beast jumped on me and bit me in the side. I had lifted my arm like this, you see, and so he caught me here, right on the hip. He growled and hissed as he bit.' " * What did you think then, Peter ?' THE WINTER NIGHT i73 *' ' What did I think ? I thought it was all up with me. What was I to do? I had neither gun nor knife. But I took the lantern and gave him such a whack on the head with it that the thing broke, and went flying away over the ice. The moment he felt the blow he sat down and looked at me. I was just taking to my heels when he got up ; I don't know whether it was to grip me again or what it was for, but anyhow at that minute he caught sight of a dog coming and set off after it, and I got on board.' " * Did you scream, Peter ?' " * Scream ! I screamed with all my might.' " And apparently this was true, for he was quite hoarse. " * But where was Mogstad all this time ?' " * Well, you see, he had reached the ship long before me, but he never thought of running down and giving the alarm, but takes his gun from the round-house wall and thinks he'll manage all right alone ; but his gun wouldn't go off, and the bear would have had time to eat me up before his nose.' "We were now near the ship, and Mogstad, who had heard the last part of the story from the deck, corrected it in so far that he had just reached the gangway when Peter began to roar. He jumped up and fell back three times before he got on board, and had no time to do anything then but seize his gun and go to Peter's assistance. " When the bear left Peter and rushed after the dogs he soon had the whole pack about him again. Now he would make a spring and get one below him ; but then all the rest would set upon him and jump on his back, so that he had to turn to defend himself. Then he would spring upon another dog, and the whole pack would be on him again. And so the dance went on, back- ward and forward over the ice, until they were once more close to the ship. A dog stood there, below the gangway, wanting to get on board ; the bear made a spring on it, and it was there, by the ship's side, that the villain met his fate. " An examination on board showed that the hook of ' Svar- ten's ' leash was pulled out quite straight ; * Gammelen's ' was broken through ; but the third dog's was only wrenched a little ; it hardly looked as if the bear had done it. I had a slight hope that this dog might still be in life, but, though we searched well, we could not find it. 174 FARTHEST NORTH "It was altogether a deplorable story. To think that we should have let a bear scramble on board like this, and should have lost three dogs at once ! Our dogs are dwindling down ; we have only 26 now. That was a wily demon of a bear, to be such a little one. He had crawled on board by the gangway, shoved away a box that was standing in front of it, taken the dog that stood nearest, and gone off with it. When he had sat- isfied the first pangs of his hunger, he had come back and fetched No. 2, and, if he had been allowed, he would have continued the performance until the deck was cleared of dogs. Then he would probably have come bumping down-stairs 'and beckoned with cold hand ' in at the galley door to Juell. It must have been a pleasant feeling for ' Svarten ' to stand there in the dark and see the bear come creeping in upon him. "When I went below after this bear affair, Juell said as I passed the galley door, ' You'll see that " Kvik " will have her pups to-day ; for it's always the way here on board, that things happen together.' And, sure enough, when we were sitting in the saloon in the evening, Mogstad, who generally plays * master of the hounds,' came and announced the arrival of .the first. Soon there was another, and then one more. This news was a little balsam to our wounds. ' Kvik ' has got a good warm box, lined with fur, up in the passage on the starboard ; it is so warm there that she is lying sweating, and we hope that the young ones will live, in spite of 54 degrees of frost. It seems this evening as if every one had some hesitation in going out on the ice unarmed. Our bayonet-knives have been brought out, and I am providing myself with one. I must say that I felt quite certain that we should find no bears as far north as this in the middle of winter ; and it never occurred to me, in making long excursions on the ice without so much as a penknife in my pocket, that I was liable to encounters with them. But, after Peter's experience, it seems as if it might be as well to have, at any rate, a lantern to hit them with. The long bayonet-knife shall accompany me henceforth. " They often chaffed Peter afterwards about having screamed so horribly when the bear sei'zed him. ' H'm ! I wonder,' said he, *if there aren't others that would have screeched just as loud. I had to yell after the fellows that were so afraid of frightening the bear that when they ran they covered seven yards at each stride.' THE WINTER NIGHT i75 "Thursday, December 14th. 'Well, Mogstad, how many pups have you now?' I asked at breakfast. 'There are five now.' But soon after he came down to tell me that there were at least twelve. Gracious ! that is good value for what we have lost. But we were almost as pleased when Johansen came down and said that he heard the missing dog howling on the ice far away to the northwest. Several of us went up to listen, and we could all hear him quite well ; but it sounded as if he were sitting still, howling in despair. Perhaps he was at an opening in the ice that he could not get across. Blessing had also heard him dur- ing his night-watch, but then the sound had come more from a southwesterly direction. When Peter went after breakfast to feed the dogs, there was the lost one, standing below the gang- way wanting to get on board. Hungry he was — he dashed straight into the food-dish — but otherwise hale and hearty. " This evening Peter came and said that he was certain he had heard a bear moving about and pawing the ice ; he and Pettersen had stood and listened to him scraping at the snow crust. I put on my ' pesk ' (a fur blouse), got hold of my double-barrelled rifle, and went on deck. The whole crew were collected aft, gazing out into the night. We let loose ' Ulenka ' and * Pan,' and went in the direction where the bear was said to be. It was pitch-dark, but the dogs would find the tracks if there was anything there. Hansen thought he had seen something moving about the hum- mock near the ship, but we found and heard nothing, and, as several of the others had by this time come out on the ice and could also discover nothing, we scrambled on board again. It is extraordinary all the sounds that one can fancy one hears out on that great, still space, mysteriously lighted by the twinkling stars. "Friday, December 15th. This morning Peter saw a fox on the ice astern, and he saw it again later, when he was out with the dogs. There is something remarkable about this appearance of bears and foxes now, after our seeing no life for so long. The last time we saw a fox we were far south of this, possibly near Sannikoff Land. Can we have come into the neighborhood of land again. " I inspected ' Kvik's ' pups in the afternoon. There were thir- teen, a curious coincidence — thirteen pups on December 13th, for thirteen men. Five were killed ; ' Kvik ' can manage eight, but 176 FARTHEST NORTH more would be bad for her. Poor mother ! she was very anxious about her young ones — wanted to jump up into the box beside them and take them from us. And you can see that she is very proud of them. " Peter came this evening and said that there must be a ghost on the ice, for he heard exactly the same sounds of walking and pawing as yesterday evening. This seems to be a populous region, after all. " According to an observation taken on Tuesday we must be pretty nearly in 79° 8' north latitude. That was 8 minutes' drift in the three days from Saturday ; we are getting on better and better. " Why will it not snow ? Christmas is near, and what is Christ- mas without snow, thickly falling snow ? We have not had one snowfall all the time we have been drifting. The hard grains that come down now and again are nothing. Oh, the beautiful white snow, falling so gently and silently, softening every hard outline with its sheltering purity ! There is nothing more deli- ciously restful, soft, and white. This snowless ice-plain is like a life without love — nothing to soften it. The marks of all the battles and pressures of the ice stand forth just as when they were made, rugged and difficult to move among. Love is life's snow. It falls deepest and softest into the gashes left by the fight — whiter and purer than snow itself. What is life without love? It is like this ice — a cold, bare, rugged mass, the wind driving it and rend- ing it and then forcing it together again, nothing to cover over the open rifts, nothing to break the violence of the collisions, nothing to round away the sharp corners of the broken floes — nothing, nothing but bare, rugged drift-ice. " Saturday, December i6th. In the afternoon Peter came quietly into the saloon, and said that he heard all sorts of noises on the ice. There was a sound to the north exactly like that of ice^ packing against land, and then suddenly there was such a roar through the air that the dogs started up and barked. Poor Peter ! They laugh at him when he comes down to give an account of his many observations ; but there is not one among us as sharp as he is. " Wednesday, December 20th. As I was sitting at breakfast, Peter came roaring that he believed he had seen a bear on the ice, * and that " Pan " set off the moment he was loosed.' I rushed THE WINTER NIGHT 17 7 on to the ice with my gun. Several men were to be seen in the moonlight, but no bear. It was long before ' Pan ' came back ; he had followed him far to the northwest. " Sverdrup and ' Smith Lars' in partnership have made a great bear-trap, which was put out on the ice to-day. As I was afraid of more dogs than bears being caught in it, it was hung from a gallows, too high for the dogs to jump up to the piece of blubber which hangs as bait right in the mouth of the trap. All the dogs spend the evening now sitting on the rail barking at this new man they see out there on