BANCROFT LIBRARY THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation No. 231 Jhe Book of Mormon Verified j Established by Forty Eminent Archaeologists and Authors BY ELDER A. B, PHILLIPS LAMONI. IOWA Published by Herald Publishing House 1912 NO. 231. r ' 3 The Book of Mormon Verified. Established by Forty Eminent Archaeologists and Authors. BY ELDER A. B. PHIULIPS. The Book of Mormon was published in 1830, copy- righted June 11, 1829, and the plates from which it was translated were first received by Joseph Smith in 1827. It comes to us as the record of the ancient inhabitants of America, of whom but little was then written and much less known. But much has been discovered concerning these mysterious aborigines in recent years which almost perfectly accords with the Book of Mormon record in its prominent features, thus confirming it as a true history of these ancient people of whom numerous ideas have been advanced concerning their origin. On this point A. J. Gonant says, page 113: "None of the many theories, some of which seemed quite probable at first view, have withstood the test of later investigations." — Foot- prints of Vanished Races, published 1879. Notwithstanding the failure of all these theories, we confidently present the only work ever claiming to give a true record of these ancients, believing inves- tigation will show it to be genuine. Short's North Americans of Antiquity, published in 1880, says, on pages 144 and 145: "Closely alHed to the theory of the ten lost tribes, is the claim set forth in that pretentious fraud, the Book of Mormon. . . . The claim, of course, merits mention only on the ground of its romantic character, and not on the supposition, for a moment, that it contains a grain of truth.'' As the Book of Mormon shows that the first peo- ple came to America nearly or quite five hundred years before any of the twelve tribes were in exist- ence, and the second colony consisted of less than twenty grown people, as recorded, of the tribe of 2 BOOK OP MORMON VERIFIED. Joseph, we fail to see that it is **closely allied to the theory of the ten lost tribes.'' But it is hardly proper to insert romances in a scientific work which is evidently what Mr. Short feels that he has done, and we expect to show that the Book of Mormon is not a romance, but contains **a grain" of truth in each of its statements that we shall examme, which will relieve Mr. Short of the result of his conclusions, which, however, he has p-iven without showing wherein the Book of Mormon con- tains anything untrue. It is claimed that in 1827 the Book of Mormon plates were delivered by an angel into the hands of Joseph Smith, being inscribed in characters called reformed Egyptian, and was translated by means of Urim and Thummim, instruments similar to those used anciently by Jewish priests. (1 Samuel 28:6; Exodus 28: 30.) It is a record of the descendants of Jared and his people who came from the Tower of Babel about 2240 b. c. (Gene- sis 11:9), and also of a people who were of the tribe of Joseph who came from Jerusalem 600 b. C., and of the people of Zarahemla who came to America at the time Zedekiah was carried a can- tive to Babylon. ^ At the time the Book of Mormon was published what little was written of the antiquities of this continent was almost entirely in foreign publica- tions, and so expensive that few even knew of their existence; in fact it was not until several years afterward that the more important discoveries were made, and these discoveries have corroborated the Book of Mormon. The Book of Mormon statement that a colony came from the Tower of Babel, not only agrees with Genesis 11:9, but also with the traditions had by the American aborigines, of which St. Giles says in his Faiths of the World, page 298, ''almost all tribes preserved the story of BOOK OF MORMON VERIFIED. 3 a flood and a great destruction and repeopling of the earth; there were many legends, too, reminding us of the scriptural Babel Tower. ... As in the Bible, the differences of dialect are accounted for by the interposition of Deity causing confusion of tongues." Charnay's Ancient Cities of the New World, pub- lished in 1860 and 1884, says on pages 15 and 16 of introduction: "Wo are constantly referred to the tradition of a foreign origin and the native flood myths. ... As a sequel to the flood myths we come upon traditions of the building of a tower of refuge, and this has. led some writers to identify the Ameri- cans with certain of the builders of Babel, who were scattered over the earth after the confusion of tongues." How does the Book of Mormon, which was published before these works containing the aforementioned traditions, happen to agree with dis- coveries since made known to the public, unless it is a true record? On pages 501 and 502 (small edition) of the Book of Mormon, we find: ''The brother of Jared did cry unto the Lord, and the Lord had compassion upon their friends, and their families also, and they were not confounded" in their language. This is con- firmed by Bancroft in "Native Races," volume 5, pages 20 and 21, published in 1875, as follows: "It is found in the histories of the Toltecs . . . that man and all the earth were destroyed by great showers and by lightning^ from heaven, so that nothing remained, and the most lofty mountains were covered up and submerged to the depth of caxtolmoletltU, or fifteen cubits ; and here they add other fables of how men came to multiply again from the few who escaped the destruction in a toptUpetlacali ; which word very nearly signifies a closed chest; and how, after multiplying, the men built a zacuali of great height, and by this is meant a very high tower, in 4 BOOK OF MORMON VERIFIED. which to take refuge when the world should be a second time destroyed. After this their tongue became confused, and, not understanding efoh other, they went to different parts of the world '' Fnest s American Antiquities, edition of 1835 fnFiX ?T °,V^^ confusion of tongues, accoS^^ ing to their traditions: "Among them were fifteen speak the same language, and these were the Taltecs Aculhucans and Azteca nations, who embodied themselves together, which was very natural, and traveled, they knew not where, but at length arrived Amiica'''"''^ ^^*^^^" °'' *^^ lake country in The Book of Mormon states that they went north- ward into the valley of Nimrod, and from there "into the wilderness, yea into that quarter where there never had man been;" they crossed many waters ri1!^i^P^^e*?03.*'^* ^''' ^'^ Which Videth Nineveh and Calah were about four hundred miles nor h and Calneh and Erech east and southeast, and Fhilistim southwesterly from Babel, (see Gen. 10- 10 Ih i*'.^^u° ^?^® ™^P'> Therefore it logicall^^ follows that they traveled west or northwest if thev went where "never had man been," and after arriv- ing on the border of the ocean they built boats "tight i'S.'^Ki" ^- ^'!^ ^^^ ^'•«"^^ e =- D X Urn WerM, No. 3 contains, on the first line, Egyptian hieratic characters as discovered by ChampoUion and shown '^^ L,e Plongeon's Sacred Mysteries Among the Mavas and Quiches, preface, p. 12, the next line being Book BOOK OF MORMON VERIFIED. " 43 of Mormon characters. Some of these characters it will be noticed are reversed in the Book of Mormon characters, — as the third in line No. 1, — and this it should be explained does not necessarily imply that they do not stand for the same characters, as the authors quoted show that they are sometimes reversed; also the tenth character of No. 2, we are informed, was made both with the loop and with the perpendicular cross marks, and a few others which are slightly different, resemble each other enough to show a common origin, but also that, as the Book of Mormon states, both the Egyptian and Hebrew *'hath been . . . altered by us according to our manner of speech." The first line of No. 4 shows the ancient characters of the American aborigines called by Le Plongeon, "the Maya Hieratic," which is shown on page 12 of the work previously quoted, and which he says was "discovered by me" while making a tour of research in the regions of Central America, and among the remains of this prehistoric race. (See page 113, also 11 of preface.) This work it must be borne in mind was not published until 1886, at which time the dis- covery of these characters was first made known to the world; and Atwater said, more than five years after Joseph Smith received the Book of Mormon plates, that no characters within his knowledge had been found, -of either letters or hieroglyphics; hence the fact that Le Plongeon discovered these charac- ters, which are so identical with those had by Joseph Smith more than fifty-eight years before, proves to unbiased minds that they are genuine; and with other confirming evidences which have been pre- sented, enough has been evidenced to satisfy the minds of any impartial jury on earth that the Book of Mormon is indeed a true record of the people who anciently inhabited America; and the dealings of God with them are therein contained; therefore our ^* BOOK OF MORMON VERIFIED. hearts swell with gratitude to our gracious Gk)d as we hft our voices and sing: ^ «» we Book of Mormon, hid for ages On Cumorah's lonely hill, Written by those ancient sages Whom Jehovah taught his will: Glad we hail it, Fullness of the gospel stilll *^^,?^ov® ^^e add our humble testimony that the ZT^^^ f.T^- ¥^y '^' ^^^"^^^^ %^* shine forth to all men as it has to us, until they are led to worship -m spirit and in truth" Him who is "no resplcter S In^S -""Ir ^""^"^ ""^^^'^^ h^ <^h^* feareth him and worketh righteousness is accepted with him. 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