GIFT OF Professor B.H. Lehman m -> 1 ii > > ' - *i$'- H . M* TiC(indsor A NOTICE Private & State Apartments BY LEONARD COLLMANN, (Inspector of the Palace.) FOR PRIVATE CIRCULATION ONLY. 1893- Gasfle. A NOTICE Private & State Apartments BY LEONARD COLLMANN, \\ (Inspector of the Palace.) FOR PRIVATE CIRCULATION ONLY. WINDSOR : OXLEY AND SON, PRINTERS TO THE QUEEN. I893- H.L.I, HIS small book has been compiled for the use of Visitors having the privilege of visiting the Private Apartments. It is intended to serve as a Souvenir of a visit to the Castle, not as an Explanatory Guide. L. C. Winchester Tower, Windsor Castle. 787427 CONTENTS. WINDSOR CASTLE ....... . ............................. 5 Windsor A Royal Castle Chaucer Round Tower Ceilings Improvements Terraces Castle famous for. PRIVATE APARTMENTS ............................ 8 Visitors' Entrance and Staircase Corridor Vestibule Grand Corridor Queen's Private Audience Room Oak Breakfast Room Tapestry Room White Drawing Room Green Drawing Room Crimson Drawing Room Large Dining Room Octagon Dining Room North Corridor -Chapel Retiring Room Private Chapel. STATE APARTMENTS.. .................................. 22 St. George's Hall Grand Reception Room Throne Room Ante-Throne Room Rubens Room Council Room King's Closet Queen's Closet Zuccarelli Room Vandyck Room Audience Chamber Presence Chamber Guard Chamber Grand Vestibule Waterloo Cham- berState Ante-Room Grand Entrance and Staircase. DECEASED PAINTERS, c ............................ 32 KINGS AND QUEENS OF ENGLAND SINCE THE CONQUEST ........................... 35 V WINDSOR CASTLE. Windsor from the Saxon Windleshora winding banks. Windsor as a Royal Castle, dates back to the Norman era of our history. It is mentioned in Domesday Book. Henry I. commenced to enlarge the Castle in 1107. King John lay at Windsor during the Con- ference at Runnymede. Little is known as to the extent of the Castle previous to the reign of Edward III. 1327-77. Much of the work was intrusted to William of Wykeham (1356). Geoffrey Chaucer, Poet, resided in Win- chester Tower at end of i4th Century, following William of Wykeham. WINDSOR CASTLE. The Round Tower was probably built by Edward III. Charles II. added the Star buildings. Grinling Gibbons carved all the beautiful floral festoons, which are seen in the various rooms. Antonio Verrio painted most of the ceilings, three of which exist at the present time. Improvements to Castle by Sir Jeffry Wyatville, reign of George IV. Sir Jefifry resided in the Winchester Tower. The Terraces were made by Queen Eliza- beth. The Castle was plundered during the Civil War of the iyth Century. WINDSOR CASTLE Is famous for its OIL PAINTINGS. MINIATURES. DRAWINGS by Old Masters. COLLECTION of ENGRAVINGS. WATER COLOUR DRAWINGS. BOOKS and MANUSCRIPTS. OLD CHINA. BRONZES. ARMOUR and ARMS. OLD CARVINGS. OLD FRENCH FURNITURE. OLD ENGLISH FURNITURE. TAPESTRIES. GOLD PLATE. v WINDSOR CASTLE. The following route is that by which privileged Visitors are conducted through the Private and State Apartments : PRIVATE APARTMENTS. THE VISITORS' ENTRANCE AND STAIRCASE. A Picture of Her Majesty the Queen, by H. von Angeli, 1885. Two Statuary Marble Busts of George II. and his consort, Queen Caroline, by Rysbrack, placed here from St. James's Palace by George IV. THE CORRIDOR VESTIBULE. Here are Pictures by Zuccarelli, Canahtto, and Pannini. Statuary Marble Group of Her Majesty the Queen and Prince Consort, life size, by William Theed, 1867. J PRIVATE APARTMENTS. THE CORRIDOR. A Bust of Her Majesty at the age of 10, by W. Behnes, 1829. The celebrated Picture, by Winterhalter, " First of May 1851." The Portrait Group consists of Her Majesty holding the Duke of Connaught in her arms, to whom the Duke of Wellington, who was his Godfather, is pre- senting a Casket. A Boule China Cabinet, containing some beautiful examples of Porcelain, viz. : A Pair of Sevres Bleu du Roi Jardinieres ; a Pair of Dark Blue Dresden Bowls and Covers with fine bold Louis XV. Ormolu Mounts. Here are some beautiful old Lac Cabinets and fine examples, by Canaletto, well worthy of the Visitor's special attention. The Second Cabinet on the left hand side contains some lovely specimens of Old China " Porcelaine de Sevres " all of one colour, Vert Pomme. Sevres China Factory flourished 1753 to 1777. Dresden China Factory flourished 1720 to I77 WINDSOR CASTLE. The Corridor Continued. The next object of interest to which the Visitor's attention is directed is a model of the Arch of Constantine, in Statuary Marble and Ormolu. Close to this object is a Picture, by Cornelius Janssens, "The Ball given to Charles II. at the Hague on his departure to England." A fine example of this Master, full of exquisite detail and brilliant colouring and well preserved. The Pictures in the Corridor illustrating notable events during Her Majesty's reign, are : " The Queen's First Council," by Sir David Wilkie. " The Queen in her Coronation Robes," by Sir George Hayter, R.A. " The Queen Receiving the Sacrament at Her Coronation," by C. R. Leslie, R.A. " The Marriage of Queen Victoria," by Sir George Hayter, R.A J PRIVATE APARTMENTS. The Corridor Continued. " The Christening of the Princess Royal," by C. R. Leslie, R.A. " The Christening of the Prince of Wales," by Sir George Hayter, R.A. 66 The Reception of Louis Philippe at Windsor Castle," by F. Winterhalter. "The Marriage of the Princess Royal," by John Philip, R.A. "The Queen and Prince Consort at Aldershot," by G. H. Thomas. " The Marriage of the Prince of Wales," by G. H. Thomas. u The Marriage of Princess Helena," by C. Ma gnus sen. " The Marriage of Princess Louise," by Sydney P. Hall. " The Queen and Royal Family on their way to St. Paul's, on the occasion of the Thanks- giving Service for the recovery of the Prince of Wales," by N. Chevalier. WINDSOR CASTLE. The Corridor Continued. " The Marriage of the Duke of Edinburgh," by N. Chevalier. "The Marriage of the Duke of Albany," by Sir J. Union, P.R.L Facing this last-named Picture are two Busts in Statuary Marble of Her Majesty the Queen, by Sir F. Chantrey, 1839, and Prince Consort, by Marochetti, 1849. A charming work of Gainsborough " The Duke and Duchess of Cumberland, and Lady Elizabeth Luttrell." The next object of interest is a Picture by Cosway, the Miniaturist "Elizabeth, Viscountess Melbourne." Two contemporary Bronze Busts of Henry IV. of France, and Marie de Medicis. A Boule Clock on a pedestal, and fine Boule Armoire. PRIVATE APARTMENTS. The Corridor Continued. Midway looking towards Her Majesty's Apartments, on Her Private Staircase, are Four Modern Historical Pictures : " Her Majesty's Jubilee Thanksgiving at West- minster Abbey," by W. E. Lockart, R.S.A. " Prince Henry of Prussia presenting his fiancee, Princess Irene, daughter of Princess Alice of Great Britain and Grand Duchess of Darmstadt, to his Grandfather, the Emperor of Germany, on his goth birth- day," by A. v Werner, of Berlin. "The Marriage of the Duke of Connaught," by Sydney P. Hall. " Her Majesty the Queen, with the whole of the Royal Family, in the Green Drawing Room," by L. Tuxen. An Armoire by Boule. A Bronze Bust of the Prince de Conde. J) 13 WINDSOR CASTLE. The Corridor Continued. / " A fine Louis XV. Parqueterie Clock with Ormolu mounts. A fine Picture by Sir Joshua Reynolds " Princess Sophia Matilda." A Picture by Hogarth "Garrick and his Wife." A small Picture by Gainsborough, " Mrs. Robinson," and some fine examples of Zuccarelli and Canaletto. Two very fine Boule Cabinets. Two Pictures " Head of a Girl," by Sir Ihonias Lawrence, and " Head of a Boy," by Gainsborough. The China Cabinet contains some fine specimens of Dresden China, date 1730. A Carved Ebony Cabinet of the iyth Century. The China Cabinet contains a beautiful collection of Sevres Porcelain in turquoise blue. PRIVATE APARTMENTS. The Corridor Continued. The next object of interest is General Gordon's Bible, which was presented to Her Majesty after his sad death. It is contained in a fine Casket of Crystal, with silver-gilt mounts, enamelled, and crystal columns and panels, this is work of the i;th Century. Here are also two Fine Bronzes, "A Boy, seated, with open Bird Cage in his hand," and U A Girl, seated, with Bird and Fruit," signed Pigalle, 1733. A China Cabinet containing specimens of Crown Derby Porcelain, and a copy of the Sevres Vaisseau a Mat, Bleu du Roi. A beautiful plate of Sevres Porcelain Blue " CFil de Perdrix," Cupid and doves, and two Jardinieres, " Bleu de Vincennes." A Picture of " The Mall," by Hogarth. Two i yth Century Busts of Roman Fmperors, in Red Porphyry and Oriental Alabaster. WINDSOR CASTLE. The Corridor Continued. The next China Cabinet contains the most important pieces of the whole collection of Porcelain. There are here displayed the rare examples of Rose da Barry Sevres Vases, of priceless value. On the front are, Amorini in panels, on the back, flowers on a white ground. Two of the Vases are bulbous shaped, and the centres have perforated tops and lids. Another China Cabinet is rich in Dresden, and it also contains two rare Chelsea Vases, blue ground with Watteau scenes, probably made about 1760 to 1765, this being the best time of Chelsea Porcelain. There are here Four Pedestals which deserve notice, they are not unlike Oriental Alabaster, but they are made from stone, hewn from the Rock of Gibraltar. 16 f PRIVATE APARTMENTS. QUEEN'S PRIVATE AUDIENCE ROOM. One of the Gems of the Castle, the carved satin-wood and marqueterie framing on the walls is work of the highest order, the panels on all sides contain Portraits, by Gainsborough, of George III., Queen Charlotte, and their Children, and Portraits, by Winterhalter, of Her Majesty's Children. Underneath these portraits are cases, let into the woodwork, containing, in all, over 200 enamels from Henry VII. and Elizabeth of York to the Queen and Prince Consort, their Children and Grandchildren. Among the many interesting objects in this room are cases of Antique and other Gems, Snuff Boxes, &c. ; and Jewels of various Orders which have belonged to Crowned Heads. Inscribed in the elaborately carved over- door, we read : " This Chamber was altered and decorated, under the superintendence of H.R.H. the Prince Consort, in the 24th year of the reign of Queen Victoria." '7 WINDSOR CASTLE. f-l OAK BREAKFAST ROOM. The Visitor's attention is drawn to the Five Portraits of Her Majesty and her Daughters-in- law. TAPESTRY ROOM. Four Panels Gobelins Tapestry, " The Seasons." These Tapestries were gifts from the Court of France and bear evidence of the fact by the Fleur-de-lis being woven in the four corners of the border. The date of these Tapestries is about 1779. WHITE DRAWING ROOM. The Sevres Cabinet in this room demands more than a cursory glance. It is of the period of Louis XVI., and doubtless from its elaborate character was made for a present to a Royal personage. The Porcelain panels are CEil de Perdrix Turquoise. The plaques in the doors have bouquets of flowers in baskets, suspended by a ribbon ; the remaining concave plaques have bouquets of flowers with turquoise borders. The exquisitely chased and finished metal mounts are the work of Gouthiere. 18 PRIVATE -APARTMENTS. White Drawing Room Continued. A second Cabinet with plaques of Sevres Porcelain, period Louis XVI., with mountings in Ormolu by Gouthiere. Two Portraits by Hoppner "Princess Mary" and "Princess daughters of George III. GREEN DRAWING ROOM. The Bronze and Ormolu Candelabra repre- senting the Four Seasons, made in the Louis XIV. or early Louis XV. period, deserve more than a passing remark. The drawing, model- ling, chasing, and exquisite finish of these Candelabra are extremely fine. A grand Collection of Sevres China, made for Louis XVI. and purchased by George IV. The ground is of exquisite transparent blue, known as " Bleu du roi." There are here also some fine Bronzes. A Library Table of Red Boule, and an Inkstand of Black Boule should be noticed. 19 WINDSOR CASTLE. CRIMSON DRAWING ROOM. Two Pictures, the Portraits of the Duke and Duchess of Kent, the Parents of Her Majesty. There are Six Ormolu Candelabra in the Empire style, loft, high, having sconces for many candles. The finely-carved and elaborate wood ornamentations on the door panels are by Chippendale. LARGE DINING ROOM. The decorations of this room are white and gold ; the architecture and enrichments are in the Gothic style, forming a great contrast to the last rooms visited. On the Mantel Piece is a very fine Empire Bronze and Ormolu Clock. Here is also displayed the Large Silver-gilt Punch Bowl designed by Flaxman, made for George IV. OCTAGON DINING ROOM. A beautiful Clock, by Boule. /r PRIVATE APARTMENTS. NORTH CORRIDOR. The Collection is so fraught" with interest, each individual piece, either as a work of art, antiquarian, or cf historical note, that volumes might be written on the objects here displayed ; it is not possible to even enumerate them in a small work of this kind. This Armoury was altered and arranged under the direction of H. R. H. the Prince Consort in the nth year of the reign of Her Majesty. CHAPEL RETIRING ROOM. The remarkable collection of Holbeins, Janets, and others, is one of the glories of the Windsor Collection, and is worth study. A small Bracket Clock in metal should be noticed, it was given by Henry VIII. to Anne Boleyn on the morning of their Marriage. THE PRIVATE CHAPEL Is a good example of modern work, Gothic in style and in perfect harmony with much of the Castle. STATE APARTMENTS. ST. GEORGE'S HALL. Here the State Banquets are given. The decoration is Gothic. Length 200 feet, breadth 34 feet, and height 32 feet. This magnificent Apartment is of great interest, being associated with the Order of the Garter. The Arms of the Knights are emblazoned on the ceiling and walls The Banners of the Twenty-six Original Knights are here displayed. The North Wall is adorned with Portraits of English Sovereigns from James I. to George IV., by Old Masters. THE GRAND RECEPTION ROOM. The Tapestry adorning the walls are from the famous Gobelins Factory. The designs are by De Troy, date about 1740, and the work was executed by Gazette and others. The subject is "The Story of Jason and Medea." If* STATE APARTMENTS. THE THRONE ROOM. This Room has not been used since the death of the Prince Consort, when Investitures of Knighthood were held here. The Pictures on the walls " The First Installation of the Garter," Edward III., 1349, by B. West. Portraits of English Sovereigns from George III to Queen Victoria, and also of the Prince Consort. The Throne Chair is of Carved Ivory and Precious Stones, and was presented to the Queen by the Maharajah of Travancore. ANTE-THRONE ROOM. Fine Carving, by Grinling Gibbons. An Ebony and Silver-mounted Medicine Cabinet, Italian work, i6th century, the interior most completely fitted. Its history is unknown. RUBENS ROOM. Clock and Pedestal, by Boule. A Vase of Jewelled Sevres with Candelabra in Ormolu, and a massive Ormolu mount repre- senting a flight of steps, in the Louis XV. style. 23 WINDSOR CASTLE. Rubens Room Continued. Two rare Celadon Vases with Louis XV. Ormolu mounts. The Furniture is covered with Beauvais Tapestry portraying, " The Fables of La Fontaine." Portrait of " Helena Fourment," the second wife of Rubens. This picture was purchased 1820, by King George IV., for 800 guineas. " Rubens's " Portrait by himself (from King Charles' own collection). " St. Martin dividing his mantle with a beggar" (i). " The Virgin supporting the Infant Christ," who is standing on her lap. " King Philip IV. of Spain." Two Landscapes, "Summer" and "Winter." "The Archduke Albert of Austria." "The Family of Sir Balthasar Gerbier." (2). (i). Smith in his Catalogue Raisonne, published in 1830, thinks this picture is probably by Vandyck. Waagen also shares this belief. This beautiful picture was valued by Smith at ^"3,500. (2). Smith and Waagen both think this is also a Vandyck. Smith's Catalogue Raisonne. Waagen's Art Treasures of Great Britain. 24 /r STATE APARTMENTS. COUNCIL ROOM. A Louis XVI. Marqueterie Commode, mounted with Ormolu and Griotte marble slab and two Angle Cabinets en suite, are here worthy of notice. Many Pic f ures of interest by Old Masters. KING'S CLOSET. Silver Furniture, presented to Charles II. and to William III. by the Corporation of London. Pictures by Wouwerman, Jan Steen, Vermeer, and others. QUEEN'S CLOSET. The Pictures most worthy of remark " The Duke of Norfolk," by Holbein. " Henry VIIL," by Holbein. Landscape, by Claude. "A Sea-Port," by Claude. Portrait of " Derick," by Holbein. Portrait of " Sir Henry Gilford," by Holbein. Portrait of " Dr. John Stokesley," by Holbein. 2 5 WINDSOR CASTLE. Queen's Closet Continued. Portrait of " Man Opening Letter," by Holbein. Landscape, with figures, by D. Teniers, Senr. Portrait of " Henry VIII.," by Holbein. " The Misers," by Quentin Matsys. "Jonah thrown on the Sea," by N. and G. Poussin. '- The Holy Family," by A. del Sarto. 11 St. Matthew at the Receipt of Custom," by Martin Van Cleeve. " The Holy Family," by Sebastiano del Piombo. ZUCCARELLI ROOM. An Ebony Louis XVI. Clock, mounted with Ormolu. Also one of the same period, which requires re-winding but once in twelve months. Cabinets full of fine Sevres China (Turquoise Blue), and other examples of Old China. Boule Cabinets, with Ormolu mounts. A Porphyry Vase. f STATE APARTMENTS. VANDYCK ROOM. There are some good Bronzes and a fine Clock, Boule and Ormolu. Vandyck is here seen at his best. There are twenty-two grand Portraits of almost priceless value by this eminent Master: 1. "Henry, Count de Berg." 2. " Charles I. in his Royal Robes with Queen Henrietta Maria." 3. " The Duchess of Richmond." 4. "Thomas Killigrew" and ''Thomas Carew," (Poet). 5. "Queen Henrietta Maria." 6. "Venetia, wife of Sir Kenelm Digby." 7. " George and Francis Villiers, sons of the Duke of Buckingham." 8. " Prince Thomas of Carignan." 9. " Henrietta Maria," in profile, half-length. 10. " Beatrice de Cusance." 11. "The Children of Charles I." 12. Front, profile, and three-quarter face of "Charles I.," three times on one canvas. 27 WINDSOR CASTLE. Vandyck Room Continued. (This Picture was bought by George IV. for 1,000 guineas in 1822.) It was painted by Vandyck to serve as the model for a bronze bust by the Italian Sculptor Bernini. 13. " Henrietta Maria." 14. " Lucy, Countess of Carlisle." 15. "Sir Kenelm Digby." 16. "Charles II." when a boy. 17. Portrait of " Vandyck," by himself. 18. " Henrietta Maria," full length. 19. " Prince Charles," " Princess Mary," and the " Duke of York," when children. 20. " Mary Countess of Dorset." 21. " Charles I." on a grey horse with the Master of the Horse, M. de St. Antoine. (This chef-d'ceuvre of this Master far exceeds in quality the Picture by him of the same subject, which is now in the National Gallery, purchased by the Nation from the Duke of Marlborough for 22. Portrait of "Jan Snellincx." 28 STATE APARTMENTS. AUDIENCE CHAMBER. The. Tapestries are from the celebrated Gobelins Factory and were presented to the Prince Regent by Louis XVIII. in 1816. They are from drawings by Jean Francois de Troy, Director of the Academy at Rome, and they represent the history of Esther ; other Cartoons of this history will be found in the Presence Chamber. The Gouthiere Cabinet, is a triumph ,of the designer's and cabinet-maker's art, the chased Ormolu mountings are fully equal to goldsmiths' work, it is of the Louis Seize period, the Cabinet work by Reisner. The Ceiling was painted by Antonio Verrio, reign Charles II. PRESENCE CHAMBER. The Ceiling here is by Antonio Verrio. The Carvings by Grinling Gibbons. The Chimney-Piece by Bacon. The Portraits of Henrietta Maria (Duchess of Orleans) and her two Children, by Mignard. 29 WINDSOR CASTLE. GUARD CHAMBER. The Cellini Shield : it is under glass and in a bad light. It is said that Francis I. of France presented this Shield to Henry VIII. on the Field of the Cloth of Gold, 1520. It was made by Benvenuto Cellini and designed by Andrea Mantegna. Some Suits of Armour worthy of notice are those of The Duke of Brunswick I 53- Lord Howard 1588. Earl of Essex J 596. Henry, Prince of Wales 1612. Charles, Prince of Wales 1620. Prince Rupert GRAND VESTIBULE. Built during the reign of George III. This Vestibule contains the Jubilee Presents received by the Queen in 1887. The only other object of special interest is the Statue of the Queen by Sir Edgar Boehm, 1871. 30 STATE APARTMENTS. WATERLOO CHAMBER. A fine Apartment with good top light, admirably adapted for the display of pictures. It is named after the celebrated Battle ; it is panelled with portraits of Kings, Statesmen, and Generals living at that period. Formerly this was a Court-yard. Portraits are mostly by Sir Thomas Lawrence. Occasionally this Chamber is converted into a handsome Theatre. STATE ANTE-ROOM. The ceiling is by Antonio Verrio. The Gobelins Tapestry Panels are not seen to perfection, owing to the apartment being dimly lighted. GRAND ENTRANCE AND STAIRCASE. Display of old Armour and Arms, which form the chief features of decoration. Full length Statue of George IV., by Chantrey. f WINDSOR CASTLE. DECEASED PAINTERS. Deceased Painters and others mentioned in this work Name. Born. Died. Behnes, William I 79- 1864, Boule, Charles Andre 1642. 1732- Boehm, Sir Edgar 1834. 1890. Bacon, John 1740- J 799- Bernini I 59%- 1680. Cleeve, Martin Van 1520. 1556. Claude 1600. 1682. Cosway, Richard, R.A. ^74. 1821. Chantrey, Sir Francis 1781. 1841. Cellini, Benvenuto 1500. 1571. Canaletto, Antonio I ^97- 1762. Chippendale (flourished 1750) ... Dyck, Anthonius Van T 599- 1641. Flaxman, John T 755- 1826. Gainsborough, Thomas, R.A. 1727. 1788. Gibbons, Grinling 1648. 1721. Gouthiere, Pierre 1740. J 796- 32 WINDSOR CASTLE. Deceased Painters, &c. Continued. Name. Born. Died. Hogarth, William 1697. 1764. Holbein, Hans 1497. 1543- Hoppner, John, R.A. 1759- 1810. Hayter, Sir George, R.A. 1792. 1871. Janssens, Cornelius 1590. 1664. Janet 1516. 1573- Leslie, Charles Robert, R.A. 1794. 1859. Lawrence, Sir Thomas, P. R. A . 1769. 1830. Marochetti, C. B. 1805. 1861. Matsys, Quentin 1466. I53 1 - Mignard, Pierre 1 6 1 o. 1695. Mantegna, Andrea I43-J- 1506. Piombo, Sebastian o del 1485. 1547- Poussin, Nicolas 1594- 1665. Poussin, Caspar 1613. 1675- Pannini, Giovanni Paolo 1691. 1764 Phillip, John, R.A. 1817. 1867. Pigalle, Jean Baptiste 1714. 1785- WINDSOR CASTLE. Deceased Painters, &c. Continued. Name. Born. Died. Reisner I730- 1806. Rubens, Peter Paul I577- 1640. Reynolds, Sir Joshua, P.R.A. I723- 1792. Rysbrack, John Michael 1693. 1770. Steen, Jan 1626. 1679. Sarto, A. del 1488. T53- Troy, Jean Frangois de 1679. 1752- Thomas, George Housman 1824. 1868. Teniers, D., sen. 1582. 1649. Theed, William 1804. 1891. Verrio, Antonio 1639. 1707. Vermeer, Johannes 1632. 1675- Wouwerman, Philips 1614. 1668. West, Benjamin, P.R.A. 1738. 1820. Wilkie, Sir David 1785- 1841. Winterhalter, Franz Xaver 1806. 1873- Wyatville, Sir Jeffry 1766. 1840. Wykeham, William of 1324- 1404. Zuccarelli, Francesco T 702. 1788. v 34 WINDSOR CASTLE. KINGS AND QUEENS OF ENGLAND SINCE THE CONQUEST. THE HOUSE OF NORMANDY. Name. Access. Died. Age. Rgncl. William I. 1066. 1087. 60. 21. William II. 1087. IIOO. 40. 13- Henry I. IIOO. 1135- 6 7 . 35- Stephen. 1135. 1154- 60. 19. THE HOUSE OF PLANTAGENET. Henry II. 1154. 1189. 56. 35- Richard I. 1189. 1199. 42. 10. John. 1199. 1216. 49. 17- Henry III. 1216. 1272. 65- 56. Edward I. 1272. 1307. 68. 35- Edward II. 1307. 1327. 43- 20. Edward III. 1327. I377- 65- 5- Richard II. 1377. Dep. 1399- 34- 22. THE HOUSE OF LANCASTER. Henry IV. 1399- X 4i3- 47- I 3- Henry V. 1413- J 422. 34- 9- Henry VI. 1422. Dep. 1461. 49- 39- ^ 35 WINDSOR CASTLE. 4 Kings and Queens of England Continued. THE HOUSE OF YORK Name. Access. Died. Age. Rgnd. Edward IV. 1461. 1483. 41. 22. Edward V. 1483. 1483. 13. o. Richard III. 1483. 1485. 35- 2. THE HOUSE OF TUDOR. Henry VII. 1485. 1509. 53- 24. Henry VIII. 1509. 1547- 56. 38- Edward VI. 1547- J 553- 16. 6. Mary I. 1553- 1558. 43- 5- Elizabeth 1558. 1603. 70. 44. THE HOUSE OF STUAR T. James I. 1603. 1625. 59. 22. Charles I 1625. 1649. 4 8. 2 4 . Commonwealth declared May 19, 1649. Common- Oliver Cromwell, Lord wealth Protector, 1653. 1658-9. Richard Cromwell, Res. Lord Protector, 1658. 1659. V J) 3<3 WINDSOR CASTLE. Kings and Queens of England Continued. THE HOUSE OF STUART RESTOR ED. Name. Access. Died. Age. Rgnd. Charles II. 1660. 1685. 55 . 25- James II. 1685. Dep. 1688. Dec. 1701. 68. 3- William III. 1 fi7o2. 51. i3- and [-1689. - Mary II. ) ,1694. 33. 6. Anne. 1702. 1714. 49. 12. THE HOUSE OF HANO VER. George I. 1714. 1727. 67. 13- George II. 1727. 1760. 77. 33- George III. 1760. 1820. 82. 59- George IV. 1820. 1830. 68. 10. William IV. 1830. 1837. 72. 7- Victoria. 1837. Whom God Preserve. V 37 J THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO SO CENTS ON THE FOURTH DAY AND TO $1.OO ON THE SEVENTH DAY OVERDUE. 1X : //A / " T Hi-Kir v*SlS/| U.C. 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