LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY ' OF CALIFORNIA, GIFT OF Class OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES OF THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR 1908 OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES OF THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR 1908 WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1908 V COMPILED BY THE DIRECTOR OF THE CENSUS, UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE SECRETARY OF COMMERCE AND LABOR CONTENTS. Page. Official duties Bureaus and divisions of Department Summary of employees, May 1, 1908 Method of appointment Historical register 15 Officers and employees: Office of the Secretary 17 Bureau of Manufactures 21 Bureau of Corporations 22 Bureau of Labor 25 Experts and special agents employed in the investigation of the con- dition of woman and child workers 27 Light-House Establishment 31 Light-House Board 31 Office of the Light-House Board 31 Light-House Service at Large 33 Engineer service 108 Vessel service 123 . Bureau of the Census 135 Coast and Geodetic Survey 151 Bureau of Statistics 161 Steamboat Inspection Service 163 Steamboat Inspection Service at Large 163 Bureau of Fisheries 173 Office of the architect and engineer 174 Division of fish culture 174 Central station and aquaria 174 Division of inquiry Food fishes 174 Biological station Beaufort, N. C 175 Division of statistics and method of the fisheries 175 Vessel service 175 Stations 176 Employees at large 182 Distribution employees 182 Miscellaneous expenses 183 Salmon fisheries of Alaska 183 Bureau of Navigation 184 Shipping Service 184 Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization 187 Immigration Service at Large 189 Bureau of Standards 234 Number of officials and employees, official designations, and salaries in the Department of Commerce and Labor, May 1, 1908 237 Ships and vessels of the Department of Commerce and Labor 262 (5) DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR. OFFICIAL DUTIES BUREAUS AND DIVISIONS. SECRETARY OP COMMERCE AND LABOR. The Secretary of Commerce and Labor is charged with the work of promoting the commerce of the United States, and its mining, manufacturing, shipping, fishery, transportation, and labor interests. His duties also comprise the investigation of the organization and management of corporations (excepting railroads) engaged in interstate commerce; the gathering and publication of information regarding labor interests and labor controversies in this and other countries; the administration of the Light-House Service, and the aid and protection to shipping thereby; the taking of the census, and the collection and publication of statistical information connected therewith; the making of coast and geodetic surveys; the collecting of statistics relating to foreign and domestic commerce; the inspection of steamboats, and the enforcement of laws relating thereto for the protection of life and property; the super- vision of the fisheries as administered by the Federal Government; the supervision and control of the Alaskan fur-seal, salmon, and other fisheries; the jurisdiction over merchant vessels, then* registry, licensing, measurement, entry, clearance, transfers, movement of their cargoes and passengers, and laws relating thereto, and to seamen of the United States; the supervision of the immigration of aliens, and the enforce- ment of the laws relating thereto, and to the exclusion of Chinese; the custody, con- struction, maintenance, and application of standards of weights and measurements; and the gathering and supplying of information regarding industries and markets for the fostering of manufacturing. He has power to call upon other Departments for statistical data obtained by them. For the proper accomplishment of any or all of the aforesaid work, it is by law provided that all duties performed, and all the powers and authority possessed or exercised, at the date of the creation of said Department, by the head of any Execu- tive Department in and over any bureau, office, officer, board, branch, or division of the public service transferred to said Department, or any business arising therefrom or pertaining thereto, or in relation to the duties and authority conferred by law upon such bureau, office, officer, board, branch, or division of the public service, whether of appellate or advisory character or otherwise, are vested in and exercised by the Secretary of Commerce and Labor. It is his further duty to make such special investigations and furnish such informa- tion to the President or Congress as may be required by them on the foregoing subject matters and to make annual reports to Congress upon the work of said Department. CHIEF CLERK. The chief clerk, under the immediate direction of the Secretary, has the superin- tendency of all buildings occupied by the Department in Washington, D. C.; the direction of the watchmen, engineers, mechanics, firemen, laborers, and other em- ployees connected with the care and protection of the Department buildings; the care of the horses, wagons, and carriages employed; the expenditure of the appro- priations for contingent expenses and rents; the receipt, distribution, and transmission of the mail; the custody of the records and files of the Secretary's Office; and the charge of all business of the Secretary's Office unassigned. (7) 8 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR. DISBURSING CLERK. The disbursing clerk is charged by the Secretary of Commerce and Labor with the duty of preparing all requisitions for the advance of public funds from appropriations for the Department of Commerce and Labor to disbursing clerks, special disbursing agents, and officers of the Light-House Establishment charged with the disbursement of public funds; the keeping of appropriation ledgers relating to the advance and expenditure of three hundred and twenty -five items of appropriations; the adminis- trative examination required by the Department of all accounts submitted by bureau disbursing officers and agents. He has charge of the issuing, recording, and account- ing for Government requests for transportation issued to officers of the Department for official travel; the audit and payment of all vouchers and accounts submitted from the Office of the Secretary of Commerce and Labor, the Bureaus of Corporations, Manufactures, Labor, Light-House Board, Statistics, Office of the Supervising In- spector-General, Steamboat Inspection Service, Steamboat Inspection Service at Large, Navigation, Immigration and Naturalization, Immigration Service at Large, Standards, and Fisheries, and the general accounting of the Department. DIVISION OP APPOINTMENTS. The chief of the division of appointments is charged by the Secretary with the supervision of all matters relating to appointments, transfers, promotions, reductions, and removals, including applications for, and recommendations concerning the same, and the correspondence connected therewith; the consideration of applications for leave of absence of clerks and employees in the District of Columbia; the preparation and submission of all questions affecting the personnel of the Department in its relation to the civil service law and rules; the preparation of nominations sent to the Senate and of the commissions and appointments of all officers and employees of the Depart- ment; the preparation of official bonds; the compilation of matter for the Official Regis- ter and other statistics in regard to the personnel, and the custody of oaths of office, records pertaining to official bonds, service records of officers and employees, the corre- spondence and reports relating to the personnel, the reports of Bureau officers respect- ing the efficiencyjof employees, and the records relating to leaves of absence. ^DIVISION OP PRINTING. The chief of the division of printing is charged by the Secretary of Commerce and Labor with the conduct of all business the Department transacts with the Government Printing Office, excepting that of the Bureau of the Census; the general supervision of printing, including the editing and preparation of copy, illustrating, and binding, and the distribution of all publications issued by the Office of the Secretary. All blank books and blank forms, and the printed stationery of all kinds used by the bureaus and offices of the Department in Washington and the various outside services of the Department are in his custody and are supplied by him. The advertising done by the Department is in his charge. He also keeps a record of all expenditures for the publishing work of the Department, conducts the correspondence it entails, and is a member of the Department's advisory committee on printing. DIVISION OP SUPPLIES. Under the direction of the chief clerk, the chief of the division of supplies has personal supervision of all the work incident to the purchase and distribution of supplies for the Department proper and for the services of the Department outside of Washington, and of the keeping of detailed accounts of all expenditures from the appropriation for con- tingent expenses of the Department. He receives, verifies, and preserves the semi- annual returns of property from the offices and bureaus of the Department which are supplied from the contingent appropriation, and examines and reports on the semi- annual property returns of all other bureaus and services. OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. 9 BUREAU OP CORPORATIONS. The Bureau of Corporations is authorized, under the direction of the Secretary of Commerce and Labor, to investigate the organization, conduct, and management of the business of any corporation, joint stock company, or corporate combination engaged in interstate or foreign commerce, except common carriers subject to the interstate-com- merce act; to gather such information and data as will enable the President to make recommendation to Congress for legislation for the regulation of interstate and foreign commerce; to report the data so collected to the President from time to time as he may require, and to make public such part of said information as the President may direct. It is also the duty of the Bureau of Corporations, under the direction of the Secretary of Commerce and Labor, to gather, compile, publish, and supply useful information concerning corporations engaged in interstate or foreign commerce, including corpora- tions engaged in insurance. BUREAU OP MANUFACTURES. It is the province and duty of the Bureau of Manufactures, under the direction of the Secretary, to foster, promote, and develop the various manufacturing industries of the United States, and markets for the same at home and abroad, by gathering and publish- ing all available and useful information concerning such industries and markets, and, through the Secretary of State, to gather and compile from the reports of consular offi- cers and commercial agents such valuable and material information as will accomplish the objects above set forth. The Bureau publishes daily and monthly the reports received from United States consuls and special agents of the Department, and special reports on various subjects made by consuls from time to time; also, the annual reports of consular officers laid before Congress, entitled "Commercial Relations of the United States." BUREAU OF LABOR. The Bureau of Labor is charged with the duty of acquiring and diffusing among the people of the United States useful information on subjects connected with labor in the most general and comprehensive sense of that word, and especially upon its relations to capital, the hours of labor, the earnings of laboring men and women, and the means of promoting their material, social, intellectual, and moral prosperity. It is especially charged to investigate the causes of and facts relating to all con- troversies and disputes between employers and employees as they may occur, and which may happen to interfere with the welfare of the people of the several states. It is also authorized, by act of March 2, 1895, to publish a bulletin on the condi- tion of labor in this and other countries, condensations of state and foreign labor reports, facts as to conditions of employment, and such other facts as may be deemed of value to the industrial interests of the United States. This bulletin is issued every other month. By section 76 of an act to provide a government for the Territory of Hawaii, approved April 30, 1900, it is made the duty of the Bureau to collect and present in annual reports statistical details relating to all departments of labor in the Territory of Hawaii, especially those statistics which relate to the commercial, industrial, social, educa- tional, and sanitary condition of the laboring classes. LIGHT-HOUSE BOARD. The Light-House Board has charge, under the superintendence of the Secretary of Commerce and Labor, of all administrative duties relating to the construction and maintenance of light-houses, light- vessels, light-house depots, beacons, fog signals, buoys, and their appendages, and has charge of all records and property appertaining to the Light-House Establishment. 10 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR. BUREAU OF THE CENSUS. The Bureau of the Census is charged with the duty of taking the decennial censuses of the United States and of collecting such special statistics as are required by Congress, including the collection in 1905, and every ten years thereafter, of the statistics of manufacturing establishments conducted under the factory system, the collection, every five years, of statistics of electrical industries, and the collection annually of statistics of births and deaths in registration areas, statistics of the cotton produc- tion of the country as returned by the ginners, the consumption of cotton, and (by transfer from the Bureau of Labor) statistics of cities of 30,000 or more inhabitants. The Bureau also compiles and publishes the Official Register of persons in the civil, military, and naval service of the United States. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY. The Coast and Geodetic Survey is charged with the survey of the coasts of the United States and coasts under the jurisdiction thereof and the publication of charts covering said coasts. This includes base measure, triangulation, topography, and hydrography along said coasts; the survey of rivers to the head of tide-water or ship navigation; deep-sea soundings, temperature, and current observations along said coasts and throughout the Gulf and Japan streams; magnetic observations and re- searches, and the publication of maps showing the variations of terrestrial magnetism; gravity research; determination of heights; the determination of geographic positions by astronomic observations for latitude, longitude, and azimuth, and by triangulation, to furnish reference points for state surveys. The results obtained are published in annual reports, and in special publications; charts upon various scales, including sailing charts, general charts of the coast, and harbor charts; tide tables issued annually, in advance; Coast Pilots, with sailing directions covering the navigable waters; Notices to Mariners, issued monthly and containing current information necessary for safe navigation; catalogues of charts and publications, and such other special publications as may be required to carry out the organic law governing the survey. BUREAU OP STATISTICS. The Bureau of Statistics collects and publishes the statistics of our foreign com- merce, embracing tables showing the imports and exports, respectively, by countries and customs districts; the transit trade inward and outward by countries and by customs districts; imported commodities warehoused, withdrawn from, and remaining in warehouse; the imports of merchandise entered for consumption, showing quantity, value, rates of duty, and amounts of duty collected on each article or class of articles; the inward and outward movement of tonnage in our foreign trade and the countries whence entered and for which cleared, distinguishing the nationalities of the foreign vessels. The Bureau also collects and publishes information in regard to the leading com- mercial movements in our internal commerce, among which are the commerce of the Great Lakes; the commercial movements between interior centers, at Atlantic, Gulf, and Pacific seaports; shipments of coal and coke; ocean freight rates, etc.; and is also charged with the duty of collecting and publishing information in regard to the tariffs of foreign countries. STEAMBOAT INSPECTION SERVICE. The Steamboat Inspection Service is charged with the duty of inspecting steam vessels, the licensing of the officers of vessels, and the administration of the laws relating to such vessels and their officers for the protection of life and property. OFFICEES AND EMPLOYEES. 11 The Supervising Inspector-General and the supervising inspectors constitute a board that meets annually at Washington, and establishes regulations for carrying out the provisions of the steamboat inspection laws. BUREAU OF FISHERIES. The work of the Bureau of Fisheries comprises (1) the propagation of useful food fishes, including lobsters, oysters, and other shellfish, and their distribution to suit- able waters; (2) the inquiry into the causes of decrease of food fishes in the lakes, rivers, and coast waters of the United States, the study of the waters of the coast and interior in the interest of fish culture, and the investigation of the fishing grounds of the Atlantic, Gulf, and Pacific coasts, with the view of determining their food resources and the development of the commercial fisheries; (3) the collection and compilation of the statistics of the fisheries and the study of their methods and relations. BUREAU OF NAVIGATION. The Bureau of Navigation is charged with general superintendence of the com- mercial marine and merchant seamen of the United States, except so far as super- vision is lodged with other officers of the Government. It is specially charged with the decision of all questions relating to the issue of registers, enrollments, and licenses of vessels and the filing of those documents, with the supervision of laws relating to the admeasurement, letters, and numbers of vessels, and with the final decision of questions concerning the collection and refund of tonnage taxes. It is empowered to change the names of vessels, prepares annually a list of vessels of the United States, and reports annually to the Secretary of Commerce and Labor the operations of the laws relative to navigation. BUREAU OF IMMIGRATION AND NATURALIZATION. The Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization is charged with the administration of the laws relating to immigration and of the Chinese exclusion laws; also the naturalization laws. It supervises all expenditures under the appropriations for "Expenses of regulating immigration," "Enforcement of the Chinese exclusion act," and "Enforcement of the naturalization laws." It causes alleged violations of the immigration, Chinese exclusion, and alien contract-labor laws to be investigated, and when prosecution is deemed advisable submits evidence for that purpose to the proper United States district attorney. It also has charge of distributing information to arriving aliens regarding desirable places of settlement, etc. BUREAU OF STANDARDS. The functions of the Bureau of Standards are as follows: The custody of the stand- ards; the comparison of the standards used in scientific investigations, engineering, manufacturing, commerce, and educational institutions with the standards adopted or recognized by the Government; the construction, when necessary, of standards, their multiples and subdivisions; the testing and calibration of standard measuring apparatus; the solution of problems which arise in connection with standards; the determination of physical constants and properties of materials, when such data are of great importance to scientific or manufacturing interests and are not to be obtained of sufficient accuracy elsewhere. The Bureau is authorized to exercise its functions for the Government of the United States, for any state or municipal government within the United States, or for any scientific society, educational insti- tution, firm, corporation, or individual within the United States engaged in manu- facturing or other pursuits requiring the use of standards or standard measuring instru- ments. For all comparisons, calibrations, tests, or investigations, except those per- formed for the Government of the United States or state governments, a reasonable fee will be charged. SUMMARY OF EMPLOYEES. BUBEAU OR OFFICE. Statu- tory. Nonstat- utory. In Dis- trict ol Columbia. Outside District of Co- lumbia. Total. Total 1 1, 884 7,922 1,709 8,097 9,806 Office of the Secretary 141 137 4 2 141 Bureau of Manufactures 24 10 27 7 3 34 Bureau of Corporations 59 45 4 104 6 104 Bureau of Labor 80 115 4 195 6 195 T/ight-TTonRfi TCstahlish merit 39 5,353 45 5 347 7 5, 392 Bureau of the Census . 636 728 647 717 8 1, 364 Coast and Geodetic Survey 246 105 207 144 8 351 Bureau of Statistics 55 2 57 57 Steamboat Inspection Service 106 9 145 8 243 251 Bureau of Fisheries . . . 307 3 78 232 10 310 Bureau of Navigation 23 53 23 53 11 76 Bureau of Immigration and Naturaliza- tion 58 1 363 71 1,350 12 1,421 Bureau of Standards 110 110 13 110 i Increased 4 over statutory provisions of July 1, 1907 (urgent deficiency bill, Feb. 15, 1908, division of naturalization). 8 Includes 4 Alaskan seal agents. Includes 7 special agents investigating trade conditions abroad and 3 persons engaged in collating tariffs of foreign countries. * Employees engaged in work in the field for a part of each year. Does not include 1 temporary special examiner and 28 temporary special agents. Includes 18 experts (Miscellaneous expenses) and 97 experts and special agents investigating the condition of woman and child workers. 7 Includes 1,549 post light keepers not appointed by the Department. Includes 72 vacancies of keepers and assistant keepers and officers. Includes 1,097 employees comprising the complements of vessels who are not appointed by the Department. * Includes vacancies existing on May 1, 1908, and temporary employees. . Assistant inspectors and clerks to local boards. 10 Does not include 2 temporary employees 1 supervisor of oyster culture and 1 scientific assistant. 11 Does not include 4 vacancies in shipping service nor 8 office attendants. 13 Does not include 6 confidential appointments, 1 temporary special inspectress, 5 temporary drafts- men, and 4 Treasury employees at $1 per annum each, 4 Treasury employees without compensation, 2 United States marshals without compensation. Does not include existing nonstatutory vacancies nor temporary employees serving during absence on leave of regular employees. Does not include 5 members of the visiting committee. (12) METHOD OF APPOINTMENT. APPOINTMENTS BY THE PRESIDENT. The Secretary of Commerce and Labor. The Assistant Secretary of Commerce and Labor. Chief, Bureau of Manufactures. Commissioner of Corporations. Deputy Commissioner of Corporations. Commissioner of Labor. Members of the Light-House Board, consisting of two officers of the Navy of high rank, two officers of the Corps of Engineers of the Army, two civilians of high scientific attainments whose services may be at the disposal of the President, and one officer of the Navy and one officer of the Engineers of the Army who shall act as secretaries. Director of the Census. Supervisors of each Decennial Census. Superintendent of the Coast and Geodetic Survey. Supervising Inspector-General, Steamboat Inspection Service. Ten supervising inspectors of steam vessels, one in each district. Commissioner of Fish and Fisheries. Agent, salmon fisheries of Alaska. Assistant agent, salmon fisheries of Alaska. Commissioner of Navigation. Commissioner-General of Immigration. One commissioner of immigration at each of the ports of New York, N. Y.; Boston, Mass.; Philadelphia, Pa.; Baltimore, Md.; San Francisco, Cal.; and San Juan, Porto Kico. Director, Bureau of Standards. Such officers as may be necessary to superintend the construction and renovation of light-houses are detailed from the Engineer Corps of the Army by authority of the President to the Light-House Establishment, and one officer of the Army or Navy is assigned to each light-house district as an inspector. All the Presidential officers of the Department, except the Chief of the Bureau of Manufactures (who is appointed by the President alone), are appointed "by and with the advice and consent of the Senate." There is no statutory limitation upon the tenure of the Presidential officers except in the cases of the Commissioner of Labor, who serves for "four years unless sooner removed," and the commissioners of immigration at the several ports, who serve for "four years unless sooner removed, and until their successors are appointed. " APPOINTMENTS BY THE SECRETARY. All persons in the service of the Department who receive appointments, except Presidential officers, are appointed by the Secretary of Commerce and Labor. The names of all such persons are shown in this Register. (13) 14 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR. EMPLOYMENTS BY SUBORDINATE OFFICIALS UNDER GENERAL AUTHORITY OF THE SECRETARY. Keepers of post lights in the Light-House Service are employed by the light-house inspectors. As a rule, the pay of these positions is small, and it is usually necessary to select some one who owns the property on which the light is located or who lives conveniently near. Crews of vessels in the Light-House Establishment (except masters, mates, pilots, engineers, and assistant engineers, who are appointed by the Secretary) are engaged under the direction of the light-house inspectors. Temporary laborers and mechanics in the Light-House Establishment are engaged under the direction of the light-house engineers. Special agents engaged in the collection of statistics for the Bureau of the Census are appointed by the Director of the Census, by direction of the Secretary. In the Coast and Geodetic Survey crews of vessels are enlisted under regulations approved by the Department, and foremen, rodmen, chainmen, cooks, laborers, mechanics, etc., are employed by chiefs of field parties in such number and at such rates of compensation as shall be approved by the Superintendent of the Survey, also under departmental regulation. Persons temporarily employed in connection with the field operations of the Bureau of Fisheries are employed under the direction of the Commissioner of Fish and Fisheries. Temporary interpreters, guards, and watchmen in the immigration service are employed in emergencies by officers in charge of the various posts under the direction of the Commissioner-General of Immigration. HISTORICAL REGISTER. 1 NAME. Whence appointed. Commissioned (oath of office). Date of retire- ment. SECRETARIES. George B. Cortelyou Victor H Metcalf N. Y Cal Feb. 18,1903 July 1, 1904 June 30,1904 Dec. 16,1906 Oscar S Straus N Y Dec. 17, 1906 ASSISTANT SECRETARIES. Lawrence O Murray N. Y Jan. 20, 1904 Apr. 27,1908 William R Wheeler Cal May 1, 1908 2 CHIEFS, BUREAU OF MANUFACTURES. Pa Jan. 17, 1905 May 31, 1905 John M Carson Pa June 1, 1905 COMMISSIONERS OF CORPORATIONS. James Rudolph Garfield Ohio .... Feb. 25,1903 Mar. 4, 1907 Herbert Knox Smith Conn ... Mar. 5, 1907 COMMISSIONERS OF LABOR. Carroll D. Wright Mass Jan. 31, 1885 Jan. 31, 1905 Charles P Neill D. C .. Feb. 1, 1905 MEMBERS OF THE LIGHT-HOUSE BOARD. 3 Ex ojfficio presidents. G eorge B . Cortelyou ..... . Feb. 18, 1903 June 30,1904 Victor H. Metcalf July 1, 1904 Dec. 16, 1906 Chairmen. Rear- Admiral George C. Remey, IT. S. N.. June 2, 1902 Aug. 8, 1903 Rear- Admiral J. J. Read, U. S. N Aug. 8, 1903 June 17,1904 Rear- Admiral R D Evans U S N June 20 1904 Jan 5 1905 Rear- Admiral B P. Lamberton, U. S. N.. Jan. 6, 1905 Feb. 25,1906 Rear- Admiral G. C. Reiter, TJ. S. N . Feb. 25,1906 Dec. 31,1907 1 Does not include bureau officers retiring prior to the organization of the Department. 8 Nominated. Includes only members who have served and retired since organization of Department. For present membership, see page 31. (15) 16 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR. HISTORICAL REGISTER Continued. NAME. V Whence appointed. Commissioned (oath of office). Date of retire- ment. Engineer secretary. Lieut. Col. D. W. Lockwood, U. S. A May 31, 1901 Sept. 4, 1906 Naval secretaries. Capt. C T Hutchins U S N Nov. 1, 1902 Nov. 14,1904 Capt. Uriel Sebree, U. S. N Nov. 15, 1904 Sept. 30,1907 Members. Col. Alex. Mackenzie, U. S. A Aug. 24,1895 Mar. 8, 1904 Col. Amos Stickney, U. S. A Apr. 28, 1903 June 4, 1907 Capt Albert Ross U S. N May 1, 1905 Nov. 15,1907 Capt. B. P. Lamberton, U. S. N July 3, 1900 Sept. 8, 1903 Capt. G. C. Reiter, U. S. N Sept. 8, 1903 Apr. 5, 1905 DIRECTOR OP THE CENSUS. S. N. D. North Mass .... June 8, 1903 SUPERINTENDENT, COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY. Otto H Tittmann . Mo Dec 8, 1900 CHIEF, BUREAU OP STATISTICS. Oscar P Austin D C May 9 1898 SUPERVISING INSPECTOR-GENERAL, STEAM- BOAT INSPECTION SERVICE. George TJhler . Pa. . Mar. 18, 1903 COMMISSIONER OF FISH AND FISHERIES. George M. Bowers W Va Feb. 16, 1898 COMMISSIONER OF NAVIGATION. Tzigane T (ThambprlaiTi N Y Dec. 1, 1893 COMMISSIONER-GENERAL OF IMMIGRATION. Frank P. Sargent 111 June 25, 1902 DIRECTOR, BUREAU OF STANDARDS. Samuel W. Stratton 111 July 1, 1901 OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES, MAY 1, 1908. OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. Straus, Oscar S Secretary Bavaria. . N. Y $12, 000 Wheeler, William R Assistant secretary Cal Cal .. 5,000 Weed Theodore L Private secretary to Conn D C 2,500 Stevens, Herbert A the Secretary. Confidential clerk to Mass Mass 1,600 Goodall, Otis B the Secretary. Private secretary to N. H Va 1,800 Bowen, Frank H assistant secretary. Chief clerk and supt Mass Mass 3 000 Soleau, William L Disbursing clerk Mich Md .. 2,750 Leadley, George W Chief of appoint, div N. Y N. Y 2,250 Fowler Wilbur W Chief of div (supplies) Mass Mass 2 000 Havenner, George C Chief of div (printing) Md D C 2 000 Blackford, William R Clerk D. C N Dak 1 800 Box, George G Clerk Canada . N. Y 1,800 Dickinson, James A Clerk Ohio Ohio 1 800 Hawley, Everett M Clerk 111 Kans 1 800 Johannes, George ... . Clerk 111 Ohio 1 800 Lee, William J Clerk Va D C 1 800 McDonald, James J Census clerk N. Y Va 1 800 Pierce, Harry H Clerk Cal N Mex 1 800 Pindell, Robert M., jr Clerk Md Md 1 800 Zieber, Charles W Clerk Md Md 1 800 Anderson, John H Clerk Mo Ind 1 600 Block, William E Clerk Mass N Y 1 600 Harsch, George W Clerk Ohio Ohio 1 600 Houseknecht, William W. . . Luckett, Harry M Clerk Clerk Pa D C Pa D C 1,600 1 600 Molster, Charles E Clerk Ohio Ohio 1 600 Nuber, Jacob L Clerk Del Del 1 600 4606408 2 t 17) 18 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR, OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY Continued. Potts, Noble N Richardson, Daniel J Shore, Francis M Bartlett, Everett E Evans, Francis C Gompers, Samuel J Graff, Charles T Greenawalt, Frank F King, Thomas J. , jr Libbey, Eddie W Oertel, John F Rider, Charles W Scott, William G Shelse, Ronne C Vaughan, Dan C Carpenter, William R Dessez, H. Louise Gilchrist, Walter S Horner, Adrian L Lenihan, Robert Love, George W Paddock, Roy M Pettis,HughS Ruff , William A Wood, Clyde A Erwin, Walter S McLaughlin, George B Olsen, Harry E Pelton, Charles R Salomon, Sidney H White, Walter B Willson, Harry A Young, Francis H Fitzgerald, Thomas J Harrington, George L Power, William H Smith, Leland S Cadmus, Richard Y Luckett, Thomas I Cordua, Harney M Official title. Birthplace. Clerk j 111 Clerk i N. J.... Clerk j 111 Clerk i Mass England N. Y. .. Pa Ind D. C. ... N.H.... N. Y. .. Md N. C.. Clerk Clerk Clerk Clerk Clerk Clerk Clerk Clerk Clerk Clerk D.C.... Clerk i Ga Clerk Mich. .. Clerk N. C.... Clerk j Pa Clerk W. Va.. Clerk ! Ky Clerk ! Ohio.... Clerk i 111 Clerk i Ky Clerk Clerk.. Ind Ohio... Clerk ! Ky Clerk Pa Clerk Wis Clerk Mich.... Clerk N. Y.... Clerk N. J .... Clerk i N. Y.... Clerk i D. C Clerk Pa Clerk Minn Clerk D. C Clerk. . .i Iowa Place from ' which ap- ! Compensa- pointed. | tion. Ill N. Y.... Ohio Mass D. C N. Y. . Pa.. Ind. D. C D. C Va.. Md N. C D. C Ga.. 111. Cal. D. C W. Va. i N. Y. 111. Kans. D. C Ind.. Ohio.. Miss... W. Va. Mich N. Y. . Pa N. Y.... 111.. Telegraph operator i N. Y Telegraph operator j D. C . . . . :... .Tex.. N. Y.. Minn . D. C.. Mich . . Mich . . D. C.. Tex.. OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. 19 OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. Dixon Frank Messenger Va D. C $840 Gray, De Forest Messenger Ohio N. Y .. 840 Pumphrey, Walter Messenger Md Md 840 Spriggs, Tolly Messenger Md Md 840 Baker, Thomas M Assistant messenger . . . Md Md 720 Broaddus William L Assistant messenger Va D C 720 Carpenter, Edwin A Assistant messenger Mass N. Y 720 Evans, Robert L Assistant messenger . . . Va D. C 720 Green wald, William R Assistant messenger . . . N. J N. J 720 Henderson Richard Assistant messenger Md D C 720 Mclnturff, George F., jr.... Marvin, Francis E Assistant messenger . . . Assistant messenger Tenn.... N. Y Tenn .... N. Y 720 720 Rapp, Gates G Assistant messenger D. C Pa .. .. 720 Bose, Herbert Assistant messenger . . . Cal Cal 480 Colwell, Herbert R Assistant messenger Wyo.. Wyo... 480 Evans, Earl D Assistant messenger Kans Mo 480 Schulteis, Henry C Assistant messenger D C Wis 480 Tansill, Charles C... Assistant messenger Tex Tex 480 Whitman, John E Assistant messenger . . D. C N.J 480 Bumpus, Lorenzo D Captain of the watch Pa Pa 1,200 Parsons, John Engineer Ky Ky 1 000 Cade, William B Conductor of elevator Ohio Ohio 720 Groves, Price T Conductor of elevator. . Va Va . 720 Flagg, Edward Fireman Mass D C 660 Quails, Ralph Fireman Ohio Ohio 660 Erskine. William J Skilled laborer N. Y N. Y 840 Cooke, Edward A Laborer S. C .. S. C 660 Dickerson, William Laborer Md D. C 660 Dorsey, Richard Laborer Md D C 660 Elder, Herbert W Laborer Ky Ind 660 Mickev, Harry L Laborer Va Ohio 660 Moss, Samuel A Laborer D. C D. C 660 Reese, Mrs. Johanna Laborer Ireland D C 660 Williams, Charles E Laborer . Va D C 660 Shaw, Augustus Laborer D. C D. C 660 Larry, Solon Packer Fla Fla.... 840 Burke, William R Driver and foreman of D C D C 840 Brown, Richard stables. Hostler D. C D. C 660 Campbell, George W . Hostler . . Md.. D. C. . 660 20 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR, OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. Jackson, James Hostler Va Md $660 Lewis, James Hostler Va Va 660 Madden Harry A Hostler Md D C 660 Myers Louis S ... Hostler D. C ... B.C. .. 660 Richard, Justin E Cabinetmaker France . . Idaho 1,000 Rice John P Carpenter Va Va 900 Smith John R Watchman Ohio Ind 720 Brurein, Charles J Watchman Pa . ... N. Y 720 Weiss, Charles Watchman N. Y.... D. C 720 Johnson William B Watchman Md Va 720 Lees Henry E Watchman Wales 111 720 Shorey, G. Ley burn Watchman Md D. C 720 Anderson, Mrs. Mary C . Charwoman D. C D. C 240 Berry Mrs Maggie C Charwoman Pa D C 240 Butler, Mrs. Maud E Charwoman D. C D. C . 240 Contee, Clara L Charwoman D. C D. C 240 Cryer Mrs Mary A Charwoman Md D C 240 Dulany Mrs Massie Charwoman Va Va 240 Gaines, Mrs. Mary E Charwoman . ... Va .. D. C. .. 240 Kelley, Mrs. Sarah C Charwoman Mo D. C 240 Kemp Mrs Louise F Charwoman Va D C 240 Lee Mrs Jennie E Charwoman Va D. C 240 Mankins, Mrs. Mary J . Charwoman .... Md.. D. C 240 Monroe, Mrs. Eliza Charwoman Va Va 240 Pinyon, Mrs. Josephine.. . . Shiver, Mrs. Mary A Charwoman Charwoman D. C.... S. C D. C.... D. C 240 240 Wolfree, Martha A Charwoman . ... Va Va 240 SEAL FISHERIES ALASKA. Lembkey, Walter 1 Agent Pa Pa 3,650 Judge, James Assistant agent Ohio Ohio 2,920 Chichester, Harry D Assistant agent Tex . . Tex 2,190 Clark, Ezra W Assistant agent Ohio Wash 2,190 BUREAU OF MANUFACTURES. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. Carson John M Chief of bureau Pa Pa $4 000 Gibson, Edgar J Assistant chief Canada N. Y 2 500 Donaldson, Charles S Chief of division Pa Pa 2,100 Brand, Etherd A Stenographer to chief Va Va 1,400 Hacker, Arthur N of bureau. Clerk Tenn Tenn 1 800 Scanlon, Michael Clerk Ireland N. Y 1 800 Allison, Matthew L Clerk Pa Pa 1 400 Bennett, Robert R Clerk Ohio Ind 1 400 Casey, Daniel E Clerk Me. Me 1,200 Collins, Augustus F Clerk Ind Ind 1,200 Miller, Charles H Clerk D C D C 1 200 Heimhankj Arlnlph J Clerk Iowa 111 1 200 Hovey, Ralph E Clerk Me Mass 1 000 Roberts, Frederic L Clerk Pa Pa 1 000 Fuller, William S Clerk Ga D. C 900 Lillie, James H Clerk N Y N Y 900 Norton, Thomas H Clerk N Y N Y 900 Savoy, William Clerk D C D C 900 Dorsett, Walter B Assistant messenger Va Va 720 Henry, Newport F Assistant messenger N Y N Y 720 Miller, Dayton B . Assistant messenger . . N. J N. J 720 Wolfe, Willis T Skilled laborer Pa.. .. Ohio 720 Brown, Maltimore Laborer Md Md 660 Houston, William H Laborer Ala Ala 660 NONSTATUTORY. Butman, Arthur B Special agent 1 N. Y Mass p d 10 Clark, W. A. Graham Special agent * N C Nn PH 10 Davis, MackH Special agent 1 Ohio p d 10 Dennis, Roland R . Special agent 1 N Y N Y n (\ 10 Pepper, Charles M Special agent 1 Ohio 111 p d 10 Perkins, Albert G Special agent l Tex Tenn D d 10 Stone, Nahum I ... Tariff expert Russia NY 9 ^00 Domeratzky, Louis Clerk Russia N Y 1 400 Pollock, William McC . . . Clerk W Va W Va i 900 1 Abroad/ 1 ^, ^1*^7^. 'HE A IVERSITY I (21) BUREAU OF CORPORATIONS. [Many of the employees oi the Bureau of Corporations are engaged in work in the field for at least a part of each year, but these have no regular stations, their headquarters being in Washington.] Official title. Smith, Herbert Knox Durand, Edward D Choate, Warren R Taggart, Giles R Burket, Edward P Hildebrandt, Franklin M . . Rodgers, Charles H Waring, Luther H I Biggs, John S | Tarwell, Clarence G Stout, J. Kennedy Twombly , Walter M Gardner, Burton E Haas, Edwin B Harris, John T Mason, Wardlaw M Windle, Charles T Ballon, John C Burkett, John M Busick, Adrien F Calfee, Lee P Gibson, Leon S Hoffman, Charles G Nichol, James W Owen, Edward J Spiess, Louis A Agnew, Albert C Belt, Robert E Dalton, George T., jr Dillard, William E Garrettson, Edwin C Gordon, Ray B Gower, William J Macdonald, Morton Q Moloney, Benjamin J (22) Commissioner Deputy commissioner.. Birthplace. Mass Mich . . B.C.... N. J D. C.... Md S. C Pa Ind Mass . . Chief clerk Clerk to commissioner . Clerk Clerk Clerk Clerk Clerk Clerk Clerk | Pa Clerk I Mass Clerk ! Ind Clerk Md Clerk | Mo Clerk ! Md Clerk Pa Clerk Mass Clerk I Ind Clerk | Va Clerk | Va Clerk.. .|Md.. Pa Mich Wis . . Clerk Clerk Clerk Clerk | D. C.... Clerk | Ireland.. Clerk ! Ohio Clerk | 111 Clerk Ill Clerk Md Clerk Mass Clerk La Clerk i N. Y Clerk.. . Mass... Place from which ap- pointed. Conn Cal.. Md.. Compensa- tion. N. J. D. C Md.. D. C. Pa... Kans Wash. Ill . . . Ind.. Md.. Mo.. Md.. Pa.. Ind... Va... Va.. Md.... Pa Mich . . Minn .. D. C.. Ind. T. Ohio... Ill Ark... Md.. Miss.. Md... Mass.. OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. 23 BUREAU OF CORPORATIONS Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. Patterson Francis X Clerk Pa Pa $1, 000 Rowland G Edwin Clerk D. C . Tex 1,000 Schwickardi Rudolph. B Clerk Va Ill 1,000 Shrout Samuel F Clerk Mo Mo ],000 Barrett William A Clerk N C La 840 Rougeon Charles F Clerk La La 840 Burch, James W Clerk Md D.C 720 Anderson Herbert L Copyist ni Ill 900 Clark, William M Copyist . . Mass Mass 900 Cookerow, Martin W Copyist . . Ill Ill 900 Duns worth, Martin J Copyist . . Ill Ill 900 Huebsch, Harvey J Copyist. . Wis Wis 900 Jones James R Copyist Pa Pa 900 Kelleher, George E Copyist Me . R. I ... 900 Mulloney, William L Copyist . Me Me 900 Oren, J. Paul Copyist . . Pa Pa 900 Stratton Ruloff V L Copyist N J N J 900 Thibodeau Thomas A Copyist Mass Mass 900 Van Emon, Walter C Messenger 111 111 840 Dunmire, Roy F Assistant messenger Pa Pa 720 Turnburke, Vernon P Messenger boy D.C. ... Fla 480 Morse, George B Messenger boy Pa Mass 480 Potter, Laurence J Messenger boy D C Pa 480 NONSTATUTOKY. Packer, Launcelot Special attorney p m 250 Ramage, Burr J Special attorney S. C... Tenn 2 250 Chaddock, John B Special attorney Mich Mich 2 000 Flannery, M. Markham . Special attorney Tenn Md 2 000 Hillyer, Clair R Special attorney Fla Fla 2 000 Connor, Charles Special attorney Iowa Iowa 1 800 Sheldon, James, jr Special attorney N Y N Y i GOO Baldwin, William H . . Special examiner Ohio N Y p m 40Q Conant, Luther, jr Special exa/miner Mass N Y 3 250 Walker, Francis Special examiner D C Mass 2 500 Edgerton, Charles E Special examiner N Y N Y 2 250 Hunter, William B Special examiner Nebr Nebr 2 250 Pool, Frank J Special examiner Ohio N Y 2 250 Dynes, John H Special examiner Ohio Ohio 2 000 Stems, Worthy P Special examiner Iowa Nebr 2 000 West, Max.. Special examiner . . Minn . . N. Y.. 2.000 24 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR. BUREAU OF CORPORATIONS Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. NONSTATUTORY COn. Wing, David L Special examiner Chile.... N. Y ... N. Y.... N. Y $2,000 1, 600 1,600 4,000 3,000 2,500 2,250 2,250 2,000 ,800 ,800 ,600 ,600 ,600 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,400 1,400 1,400 1,400 1,400 ,200 ,200 ,200 ,200 ,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,000 1,000 900 Hawes, Francis L Special examiner Huntington, Charles C Special examiner Ohio Ohio TToovfir, T\fi CJa/jrfi Special agent Iowa Ala Schindler, Theodore C. M. . Muhse , Albert C Special agent Md. Mich .... N. Y.... Mass Special agent Germany Mass Carroll Timothy A Special agent Robertson, Thomas M Special agent N. C N. C Wright, Ben F Special agent Mich.... Ill Cal Ill Caswell, Lewis F Special agent Cook, Howard H Special agent Mass Ohio Minn Mass N.Y.... Pa . ... Beales, Le Verne. Special agent Bradford, Ernest S Special agent Gelink, William J Special agent Ohio Ohio McCarty, Harry C Special agent Special agent Me Me Me Mass Martin, Selden O Moore Charles S Special agent Special agent Special agent Ky N. Y.... N. Y Ohio Banning, Archibald T., jr. . Cook, Frank A N. Y.... Mass Hickok, Eugene H Special agent N. Y.... N. Y Jacobstein Meyer Special agent N Y N Y Sakolski, Aaron M Special agent Special agent Md D C N. Y.... D. C Altdorfer, William L Bowlby, John H Special agent Nebr .... Mass Ill Nebr .... N. Y.... Ill Herschel, Arthur H Special agent Kalisher, Samuel S Special agent Masten, George L Special agent Iowa Md S. Dak. r . Md Simmons, Roger E Special agent Smith, John A Special agent Special agent Pa Ind Pa Ind Wooden, Walter B Bendz, Waldemar R Special agent D. C .... Md Skaggs, John H Special agent Kans S. Dak... Okla Md...*... Zimmerman, Paul I Special agent BUREAU OF LABOR, [Many of the employees of the Bureau of Labor are engaged in work in the field for at least a part of each year, but these have no regular stations, their headquarters being in Washington.] NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. Neill, Charles P Commissioner of labor Ill . . .. D. C .. .. 15,000 Hanger, G. Wallace W , Chief statistician l ... Va Miss 3,000 Baldwin, Charles E Statistical expert Iowa Iowa 2,000 Bowen, Jesse C Statistical expert Mich Mich 2,000 Verrill, Charles H Statistical expert Me Md 2,000 Weber, Gustavus A Statistical expert Mo Mo 2,000 Amiss, Herman L . . Clerk ... W. Va Md 1,800 Etz, Christian H Clerk W.Va . Ohio . 1,800 Hildebrand, Adolph Clerk Prussia . . Ind.. 1,800 Kerr, William H Clerk Ohio Mo 1 800 Mull, Moses D Clerk Pa Pa 1,800 Clark, Newton H Clerk Ind Mo 1,600 Dane, Harry H Clerk Iowa Iowa 1 600 Depue, George M Clerk Ind Ind 1 600 Logan, Eugene A Clerk . Mo Mo 1 600 Olmsted, Hirah F Clerk N. Y Mich 1 600 Bell, Charles A Clerk Ga Ga 1,400 Bird, Frank W Clerk Mass Mass 1 400 Eastlack, Jesse E Clerk N J N J 1 400 Hobbs, MillardF Clerk . . Md Minn 1 400 Landvoigt, Frank J Clerk Tenn Tenn 1 400 Warren, Charles F Clerk Pa Md 1 400 Bomsteen, Helmer E Clerk 111 Wis 1 200 Burkes, George H Clerk. . Ga Ala 1 200 Cram, Matthew A Clerk Kv Kv 1 200 Cutler, Mary H Clerk - tv j Ohio L ^y Ohio 1 200 Deibert, Arthur H Clerk Pa Pa 1 200 Flohr, Lewis B Moncure, Paul H Clerk Clerk Pa Va Pa Va 1,200 1 200 Pierson, Emma L Clerk N J Va 1 200 Ringgold, Mary E Clerk S C S C 1 200 1 Also acts as chief clerk. (25) 26 DEPAKTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR. BUREAU OF LABOR Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. Waggaman, Mary T. Clerk D. C... . D. C . $1,200 Walport, Charles T Clerk Conn D.C 1,200 Wilson John E Clerk D. C D. C 1 200 Acker, Mrs. Jessie B Clerk . . Ind .... N. Mex 1,000 Armstrong, Thomas J Clerk Ala Tex 1,000 Bartley, Thomas A Clerk N.Y Md 1,000 Boyd, William A Clerk N. C N. C 1,000 Carter, Thomas R .... Clerk 111 Ky.. 1,000 Freeman Leroy A Clerk D C D C 1 000 Hayward Mabel P Clerk D. C Nev 1,000 Osborn, Charles F Clerk Mass Mass 1,000 Owen, Mary A Clerk Ga Ga 1,000 Wait, Charles Bernard Clerk Mich Ind. T. . . 1,000 Dudley Samuel M Copyist Ala Ala 900 Rockwood, Gilbert Copvist N.Y Pa 900 Russell, John O Messenger W. Va . . . D. C 840 Faustman Edward H Assistant messenger N Y N Y 720 Stickell William H Watchman D C D. C 720 Swain, William E Watchman Md D. C 720 Travers, Richard B Watchman Ireland . D. C 720 Griggs Allen R Skilled laborer Tex Tex 660 Cantey Henry James Laborer Fla D. C 660 Coates, Joseph H Laborer Md D. C 660 Stewart, Thomas F . Laborer D. C D. C 660 Cage Mrs Anna Lee Charwoman D C D C 240 Prather, Mrs. Sarah Sprigg . Walsh, Mrs. Hattie E Charwoman Charwoman Md W. Va D.C Va 240 240 NONSTATUTORY. Adams, Np\pt.on C Special agent N.Y N.Y .. 1,800 Buffington, Henry T Special agent Mass N.Y 1,800 Clark, Lindley D Special agent .... Ind Ind 1,800 Foster, John M Special agent Ind Mo . 1,800 Ellis, Charles W Special agent Ind Ill 1,600 Groves, James H Special agent Del Del 1,600 TTam d PTI Frp.d p.ri c Special agent Mass Mass 1,600 Ihmsen, Herbert L Special agent Pa .. . Pa 1,600 Nichols, David T Special agent Pa Pa 1,600 Waudby, William S Special agent England . N.Y 1,600 Ball, Henry B ... Special agent Wis Ga 1,400 Britton. James C . . Special aeent.. Ireland . . Conn . . 1,400 OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. 27 BUREAU OF LABOR Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. ft Compensa tion. NONSTATUTORY COD. Davisson Mrs Harriet H Special agent Md . N.C $1, 400 Durham Robert M Special agent . . . . Ky.. Ky.. 1,400 Smitli Harry L ... Special agent Pa Pa 1,400 Tilden, Leonard E Special agent N.H N.H 1,400 Traylor George A Special agent Va Va 1,400 Tucker James F Special agent Ind Fla. 1,400 Billups Robert S Special agent Ky Ky.. 1,200 Kirk, William F Special agent N. C Tex 1,200 Pettit, William B Special agent Miss Miss 1,200 Sullivan, Jeremiah J Special agent N. Y N. Y 1,200 Morris, Charles W Expert D. C Pa 2,000 Rubinow Isaac M Expert Russia N. Y 1 800 Bevard, William A Expert Pa Pa 1,600 O'Brien, Edmund V Expert Md D.C 1,600 Blake, Edwin M Expert . . . . Ga . .. Fla 1,400 Hargrove, John L Expert Ark Ark 1,400 Harris, Henry J Expert Pa Pa 1,400 Healy, James A Expert Va Va 1,400 Jones, Grosvenor M Expert Ohio Ohio 1,400 Washington, Bushrod C., jr. Expert W.Va . W.Va .. 1 400 Campbell, James I Expert Ohio Pa 1,200 Brown, Henry P Expert N J N J 1 200 Haderman, Matthew I. Expert Pa Pa 1 200 King, Edward S Expert . S. C N. Y 1 200 Loudenslager, George H Expert 111 Minn 1,200 McCarthy, John B Expert D. C D. C 1,200 Reider, Edith S Expert Pa 111 1 200 Rand, William H . . . Expert N H Mass p m 100 EXPERTS AND SPECIAL AGENTS EMPLOYED IN THE INVESTIGATION OF THE CONDITION OF WOMAN AND CHILD WORKERS. Elkin, Zach. C Palmer, Walter B... Sheridan, Frank J. . Stewart, Ethelbert.. Bliss, William D. P. Perry, Arthur R.... Conyngton, Mary K Mangold, George B . Expert Ill Ill Expert Ga Tenn Expert Ireland Iowa Expert Expert 111 Turkey 111 N Y Expert Mass Mass Expert Expert... Ind Iowa . . R.I Pa.. $2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 1,800 1,800 1,600 1,600 28 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR. BUREAU OF LABOR Continued. EXPERTS AND SPECIAL AGENTS EMPLOYED IN THE INVESTIGATION OF THE CONDITION OF WOMAN AND CHILD WORKERS Continued. * NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. Walsh, Louis C Expert D. C Ohio $1, 600 Wilkinson Edith Expert N Y N. Y 1,600 Boshard, John A Special agent Utah . Utah . 1,600 Forman, Samuel E .... Va D. C 1,600 McCord, Annie E Special agent Pa Pa 1,600 Baron Albert H N Special agent Poland Colo 1,400 Bisno, Abraham Special agent Russia 111 .. . 1,400 Bronson, Minnie Special agent Iowa . Va 1,400 Chaney Lucian W Special agent Minn Minn 1,400 Hamilton Margaret I Special agent Conn Iowa 1,400 TTa.'W'fis, Dharles S .... .... Special agent Mass Mass 1,400 Lewis, Elizabeth D. L Special agent .... Va Va 1,400 Liebig Mrs Rosa Special agent Mich Iowa 1 400 McKenna, Charles E Special agent N Y N Y 1,400 Obenauer, Marie L Special agent Mich Minn 1,400 Sargent, Frank B Special agent Wis Wis . . 1,400 Vogt Paul L Special agent Ohio N Y 1 400 Abbott, Bonnie E Special agent 111 111 1,200 Adams, Mrs. Mattie Special agent Ky Ga 1,200 Addison, John W Special agent Va ... Va 1,200 Allen, NilaF . Special agent Ind Ind 1,200 Applebee Inez A Special agent Minn Minn 1,200 Barnes, Charles M Special agent Va Va 1,200 Beach, Samuel H . . . Special agent Wis Cal 1,200 Binder, Rudolph M Special agent Aus.-Hun. N. Y.... 1,200 Bledsoe, William R Special a^ent Va Va 1,200 Boone, Caroline E. Special agent N J N. J 1,200 Bradley, Marie M . . Special agent Ores: . Ore? . . 1,200 Burrill, Harry R Special agent N. Y D. C 1,200 Cahan, Morris Special agent Russia N Y 1,200 Chadsey, Mildred .... Special agent Kans Kans . . . 1,200 Childs, Clinton S Special agent Mo .. .. Mo 1,200 Dawley Thomas R. jr Special agent N Y Conn 1,200 Dever, May. Special agent Ohio Ohio 1,200 Donnelly, C. Jessica J Special agent Pa . .. Pa 1,200 Duke Emma Special agent D C D C 1,200 Eaker, Jay F Special agent 111 Utah . 1,200 Elliot, William P Special agent D. C D. C 1,200 Evans, Anne M . . Special asrent.. Mo.. Mo.. 1,200 OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. 29 BUREAU OF LABOR Continued. EXPERTS AND SPECIAL AGENTS EMPLOYED IN THE INVESTIGATION OF THE CONDITION OF WOMAN AND CHILD WORKERS Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. Friedman Harry G Special agent Russia N. Y ... $1, 200 Gardiner Evelyn G Special agent Spain . . Mich 1,200 Garic Henry L . . . Special agent La La 1,200 Goff Charlotta Special agent Wis Iowa . 1,200 Haley Theresa S Special agent Mass Mass 1,200 Hamilton Mrs Anna S Special agent N. Y . N. Y 1,200 Hanna Hugh S Special agent. .. Md Md . . 1,200 Hare Butler B Special agent S. C.. . . S. C 1,200 Higgins Mabel Special agent R. I Conn 1,200 Home William B Special agent S C S C 1 200 Horvitz Samuel J Special agent Pa Pa 1,200 Hoss Henry G Special agent Ind Ind 1,200 Hunter Marie H. C Special agent Va Ky 1,200 Hyde Arthur E Special agent N. Y N. Y . . 1,200 Igo, Mrs. Katherine Special agent N. H Ill 1,200 Keisker, Laura B Special agent Ky.. Mont 1,200 Kelsey Edith L Special agent N Y N. Y 1 200 Little, John F Special agent Ga Ga 1,200 McCabe, Margaret V Special agent Va Tfinn 1,200 Manly Basil M Special agent S C Va 1 200 Martin Anna H '. Special agent 111 111 1 200 Menet, Margaret Special agent Kans D C 1 200 Merritt, Ella A Special agent . . Wis Minn 1,200 Miller, Edith M Special agent Ohio . . Ohio 1,200 Moore Thomas B Special agent Kv N Y 1 200 Paley, Mrs. Louise Special agent N Y Colo 1 200 Parsons, Arthur V Special agent Mass Mass 1 200 Parsons, Mrs. Edith Special agent 111 Iowa 1 200 Peck, IdaM Special agent N. Y N. J 1 200 Peirce, Florence E Special a^ent Pa Md 1 200 Sanders, Vergil A Special agent Ind Ind 1 200 Shatto, Edith Special agent. .. Cal Wis 1 200 Simmons, Belle C Special agent 111 Minn 1 200 Stecker, Margaret L Special agent N Y N Y 1 200 Stern, Renee B . Special agent Pa 111 1 200 Stewart, Zelda E Special agent N Y 111 1 200 Stewartson, Arthur J. P Special agent Pa Pa 1,200 Tucker, Helen A. Special agent Mass Mass 1 200 Valentine, Frances W . . Special agent.. Mass . . Mass . . 1.200 30 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR. BUREAU OF LABOR Continued. EXPERTS AND SPECIAL AGENTS EMPLOYED IN THE INVESTIGATION OF THE CONDITION OF WOMAN AND CHILD WORKERS Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. Vogt, Sophia A Special agent D.C.... D. C $1, 200 Ward Mrs Jeannette B Special agent Minn Minn 1,200 Whitney, Jessamine S Special agent. .. N. Y... P. R 1,200 Whetstone, Mrs. Mary S . . . Special agent Pa Minn . . . 1,200 Worthington Daisy L Special agent Ky N. Y 1,200 Worcester Wood F Special agent Ohio Ohio 1,200 Wyatt, Hardee . . Special agent. ... Tenn . . . N. Mex.. 1,200 Yancey, Ella B Special agent Ga Fla 1,200 LIGHT-HOUSE ESTABLISHMENT. LIGHT-HOUSE BOARD. MEMBERS OP THE LIGHT-HOUSE BOARD. Hon. Oscar S. Straus, Secretary of Commerce and Labor, and ex officio President. Capt. Adolph Marix, U. S. Navy, Chairman. Col. Walter S. Franklin. Dr. Henry S. Pritchett, Institute of Technology, Boston, Mass. Col. Daniel W. Lockwood, Corps of Engineers, U. S. Army. Capt. Samuel P. Comly, U. S. Navy. Lieut. Col. Harry F. Hodges, Corps of Engineers, U. S. Army. Capt. J. M. Helm, U. S. Navy, Naval Secretary. Lieut. Col. Thomas L. Casey, Corps of Engineers, U. S. Army, Engineer Secretary. EXECUTIVE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD. Capt. Adolph Marix, U. S. Navy, Chairman. Capt. J. M. Helm, U. S. Navy, Naval Secretary. Lieut. Col. Thomas L. Casey, Corps of Engineers, U. S. Army, Engineer Secretary. OFFICE OF THE LIGHT-HOUSE BOARD. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. Hindmarsh, Walter B Chief clerk Pa . . . . Va $2, 400 Gwyer, William A Title and contract clerk N C Nebr 2 000 Gushing, Lyinan F. W Accountant Mass Mass 2 000 Harman, Walter P Clerk Vt Vt 1,800 Burlingame, Harry Clerk Iowa D. C 1,600 Billin ', Margaret M Clerk D C N C 1 400 Levin, Michael Clerk Russia Wis 1 400 Saxton, S. Willard Clerk Mass Mass 1 400 Bernstein Max M Clerk Russia Conn 1 200 Hile, Ralph E Clerk Pa Pa 1 200 Maguire, Robert F Clerk . . . Ohio Ohio 1 200 Moriarty, Francis B Clerk D C Conn 1,200 Rose, Francis C Clerk D C Md 1 200 Wasser, Henry R . . Clerk D C D C 1 200 Chafnot, Emanuel A Judd, M. Carl Clerk Clerk D. C N C D. C N C 1,000 1 000 Price, Robert E... Clerk.. England . Va.. 1,000 (31) 32 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR. OFFICE OF THE LIGHT-HOUSE BOARD Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. Burghardt, Caroline A... Clerk Mass .... Mass .... $900 Cassel Florence Clerk Ohio Ohio 900 Collins, Mrs. Catherine R Clerk Md D. C 900 Doyle Catherine R Clerk D C D C 900 Fowler Wallace W Clerk N. B .Mass 900 Jackson Susan D Clerk Md . Md.. .. 900 Jenkins, Alice T . . . Clerk Md S. C... . 900 Levering, Jennie E Clerk Ohio Tenn . . . 900 Rebbel William L Clerk Md Md 900 Robinson, Emily E . . Clerk Mass . . Conn 900 Wheatley, Mrs. Anna G Clerk Ohio .... N. Y.... 900 Jones Martha C Clerk Va Va 840 Tilton Elizabeth L Clerk Md Md 720 Hopkins, Albert B A ssi stan t, m p.ssfm gftr Va.. Va.. 720 Schuckers, Frank M Assista/nt mfissfingfir D. C Ill 720 Strohm, Jacob Laborer Ohio Iowa . 660 Shea George M. W Messenger boy D. C Conn 480 Jos, Jacob Assistant civil engineer Germany N. Y 2,400 Becker, Edmund Draftsman France... N. Y 1,560 Hansmann, Max Draftsman D. C D. C 1,800 Lang Theodore Draftsman D. C Pa 1,440 Miller E Vance Draftsman 111 . 111 1,200 LIGHT-HOUSE SERVICE AT LARGE. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. Wanington, George Superintending engineer Ill Ill p m. $250 Bowerman, Horatio B Superintending engineer Md Md p m 200 Savage, S. Anthony ... Assistant superintending Mass p.m. 175 Gillette, Edward C engineer. Supt. of construction . Mass Pa p.m. 200 Zirpel Rudolph. Supt of construction Germany D C p m 175 Damon, Edward O., jr . . . La Varre, William J. .. Supt. of construction . . . Assistant superintendent Mass .... Ga Mass Ga p.m. 150 p m 150 Thompson, Lawrence M.. of construction. Draftsman Mich . Mich p.m. 125 Barton, Charles G Draftsman Va Md p.m. 100 Trott, Everett M Master 1 Me Me p.m. 150 Demeritt, William W Engineer 2 Fla Fla p m 100 McDennott, William O'Brien, John S Engineer 2 Engineer ~ Pa S. C N. Y S. C p.m. 95 PTTI 95 Pospeshil, Frank J Engineer 2 Mich ... Mich P.m. 95 Cory, Isaac N . Assistant engineer 2 Mass Mass p m 80 Stebbins, Thomas P . . Assistant engineer 2 Conn Conn p m 75 Cameron, Charles N Assistant engineer 2 Mich Mich p m 70 FIRST DISTRICT. McDonald, Lieut. Comdr. Inspector (8) John D., U. S. Navy. Hinkley, Thomas H Chief clerk, Portland Me. Me.. Me p m 150 Bass, Arthur C . . Clerk, Portland Me Mass Me p m 100 Knight, flharlep L Clerk, Portland, Me Me Me p m 85 Martin, Mrs. Martha Janitor, Portland, Me Me Me p m 15 Brisbin, William T Kpr (depot) Little Dia- P Me 1 000 Baker, Dexter W mond L, Me. Kpr., Abagadasset Pt. Me Me .. 250 Ames, Mrs. Blanche E. . . Myers, Leroy L Rg. Lts., Me. Lab., Ames Ldg. Lt. S., Me. Kpr., Avery Rock Me Me Me Me Me 200 600 Connors, Georee S... Kr>r.. Baker I. . Me.. Me.. Me. 540 1 Temporarily acting as Inspector of Equipment. 2 Temporarily acting as Inspector of Machinery. 'Pay of rank. 4606408 3 (33) 34 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR. LIGHT-HOUSE SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. FIRST DISTRICT COn. Dolliver, Willis Kpr., Bass Harbor Head Me Me $500 Sawyer, Lewis F Tapley, Edward K Lt., Me. Kpr., Bear I., Me Kpr., Blue Hill Bay, Me. Me Me Me Me .. 600 540 Williams, William C Kpr., Boon I., Me Me Me 760 Blackwood Mitchell 1st asst kpr Boon I Me Me Me 480 Allen, Charles W . 2d asst kpr Boon I Me Me Me 450 Burgess, Charles T Kpr., Browns Head, Me Me Me.. 500 Milan, Orrin L Kpr. 4 Burnt Coat Hbr., Me Me 540 Holbrook, William T Me. Kpr., Burnt I., Me N.H.... Me 500 White, Leander Kpr. , Cape Elizabeth, Me N. H.. . Me... . 760 Richardson, William P... 1st asst. kpr., Cape Eliza- Me Me 480 Holt, Allen C beth, Me. 2d asst kpr. Cape Eliza- Me Me . 460 White, Arnold B beth, Me. 3d asst. kpr., Cape Eliza- N. H.... Me 450 Brooks, William M beth, Me. Kpr., Cape Neddick, Me Me.. . Me 540 Chester, Charles F . . Kpr., Crabtree Ldg., Me. Pa Me 540 Thurston, Charles W Asst. kpr., Crabtree Ldg., Me Me 450 Marr Preston L Me. Kpr. Cuckolds Fog Sig. Me . . Me.. 540 Norton, Uriah L S., Me. Asst. kpr., Cuckolds Fog Me Me 450 Stanley, Charles E B Sig. S., Me. Kpr Deer I. Thorofare, Me. .. Me 540 Gott, Charles A Me. Kpr Dice Head Me Me Me 500 Pinkham, Merritt P Pierce, Edward H Kpr., Doubling Pt., Me. . Kpr. Doubling Pt. Me Me Me Me 500 520 Ball, Howard T Sawyer, Heber G Range, Me. Kpr., Eagle I., Me Kpr., Egg Rock, Me.. . . Me Me Me Me 500 624 Purington, John E Asst kpr Egg Rock Me Me Me 480 Thurston, John B Kpr. Fort Point Me Me Me 500 Oliver, Llewellyn Kpr., Fort Popham, Me.. Me Me 500 Spurling, Edward T Kpr Franklin I Me Me Me 560 Wakefield, George Kpr., Goat I., Me Me Me 500 Mills, Albert R Kpr., Goose Rocks, Me... Me Me 540 OFFICEKS AND EMPLOYEES. 35 LIGHT-HOUSE SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. FIRST DISTRICT COn. Kelley Nelson L Asst. kpr., Goose Rocks, Me Me $450 Stanley William F Me. Kpr Great Duck I , Me . Me Me 720 Gray Joseph M 1st asst. kpr., Great Duck Me .... Me 480 Reed Nathan A L, Me. 2d asst. kpr., Great Duck Me Me 450 Hall James E L, Me. Kpr. Grindel Pt Me Me Me 500 Dewyea John B Kpr. Halfway Rock, Me Canada Me 800 Burns William H 1st asst. kpr., Halfway Me .. .. Me 480 Godfrey, Thomas L Rock, Me. 2d asst. kpr., Halfway Me Me 450 Marr Walcott H Rock, Me. Kpr. HendricksHd Me Me Me 500 Farnham, Levi L Coffin, Edmund .... Kpr., Heron Neck, Me... Kpr., Indian I., Me Me Me Me Me 500 500 Holbrook, Elmer F Kpr., Isle au Haut, Me . Me Me. 540 Burke, James Kpr., Isle of Shoals, N. H. N. H.. Me 760 Moore, Fairfield H Asst. kpr., Isle of Shoals, Me Me 480 Becker, Henry, jr N. H. Kpr., Jaffrey Pt., N. H N. H N H 520 Cuskley, Henry M Kpr., Libby Is., Me . Me. . Me .. 720 Kenney, Charles A 1st asst. kpr., Libby Is., Me Me 480 Kent, Winfield P Me. 2d asst. kpr Libby Is , Mass Me 450 Morong, Fred W Me. Kpr., Little River, Me. . Me Me 540 Myers, Loring W.. Kpr., Lubec Channel, Me. Me Me 540 Mitchell, Almon Asst. kpr., Lubec Chan- Me Me 450 Pierce, Frank C nel, Me. Kpr., Manana I. Fog Sig. Me Me 540 Farren, Edward S S., Me. Asst kpr , Manana I Fog Me Me 450 Skinner, Charles C Sig. S., Me. Kpr Marshall Pt Me Me Me 500 Tolman, Merton E Kpr Matinicus Rock Me Me 820 Dyer, Charles G. Me. 1st asst kpr Matinicus Me MP 480 Rock, Me. 36 DEPAETMENT OF COMMEKCE AND LABOE. LIGHT-HOUSE SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. FIRST DISTRICT COB. Hutchins, Harold I 2d asst. kpr., Matinicus Rock, Me. Kpr., Monhegan I., Me. . . Asst. kpr., Monhegan I., Me. Lab. -kpr., Moosabeck Reach, Me. Kpr., Moose Peak, Me . . . Asst. kpr., Moose Peak, Me. Kpr., Mount Desert, Me. . Me Mass Me...... Me Me Me Me Me $460 700 480 200 700 480 820 480 450 540 540 500 500 500 500 720 480 450 540 500 600 480 500 500 500 540 700 Stevens, Daniel Allen, Leo Faulkingham, James B . . Robinson, Herbert Me Me Me Me Anderson James M Robbins, Fred M . Me Me Newman, Charles H 1st asst. kpr., Mount Des- ert, Me. 2d asst. kpr., Mount Des- ert, Me. Kpr., Narraguagus, Me... Kpr., Nash I., Me Kpr. Negro I., Me Me Me Me Me Dodge, William H. C Gott, William C Me Me Me Me Me Me Robinson, Thomas A Gilley Howard M Norwood, Llewellyn. Kpr., Owls Head, Me. . . Me Me Marr, Clarence E Kpr., Pemaquid Pt., Me. Kpr., Perkins I., Me Kpr. Petit Manan, Me Me Me Me. .. . Me Me Me Haley, Jacob W Cotton Frank L Morong Alonzo 1st asst. kpr., Petit Ma- nan, Me. 2d asst. kpr., Petit Ma- nan, Me. Kpr., Pond I., Me Kpr., Portland Brkwtr., Me. Kpr., Portland Head, Me. Asst. kpr., Portland Head, Me. Kpr., Portsmouth Har- bor, N. H. Kpr., Prospect Harbor, Me. Kpr., Pumpkin I., Me. . . Kpr., Ram I., Me Ki>r., Ram I. Lde.,Me... N. B.... Me Me . Me . .. Larrabee Eugene N Morrisen, Ezra W Haley, Parker Me Me Me Me Me Me Strout, Joseph W Cameron, John W Me N.H.... Me Me N.H.... Me Card, Joshua K Wasgatt Ambrose H Holt, Charles S Me N. S Me.. Me Me Me.. Cavanor, Samuel J Tat>lev, William C . . OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. 37 LIGHT-HOUSE SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. FIRST DISTRICT COH. Merritt Edward T 1st asst kpr., Ram I. Me Me $480 Latham \Vellin2rton M Ldg., Me. 2d asst kpr Ram I Me Me 450 Robbins Howard P Ldg., Me. Kpr Rockland Brkwtr. Me Me 540 Robbins Clifford M Me. Asst. kpr., Rockland Me Me 450 Brown, Jerome C Kins' Vurney L Brkwtr., Me. Kpr., Saddleback Ldg., Me. 1st asst kpr Saddle- Me Me Me Me . 660 480 Corbett Willie W back Ldg., Me. 2d asst kpr Saddleback Me . ... Me 450 Lewis George A Ldg., Me. Kpr., Sequin, Me Me Me 720 Stetson, William A 1st asst. kpr., Sequin, Me. Me Me 480 Adams Walter S 2d asst kpr Sequin Me Me Me 450 Wilson, Otto A Kpr., Spring Pt. Ldg., Me. Me Me 540 Elwell LeRoy S Asst kpr. Spring Pt Me Me 450 Matthews, George P Ldg., Me. Kpr., Squirrel Pt., Me. . . Me Me 500 Jellison, Frank N . . . . Kpr., St. Croix Rvr., Me. Me Me 540 Jellison, Joseph W Kpr., Tennant Hbr., Me. Me Me 540 Norton, Alleverd A Kpr., Two Bush L, Me . . Me Me 540 Dolliver, Lewis W Asst. kpr. Two Bush I., Me . . Me 450 Johnson, Ephraim N . Me. Kpr., West Quoddy Me Me 660 Ingalls, Eugene C Head, Me. Asst kpr West Quoddy Me Me 480 Amee, Walter S Head, Me. Kpr., Whaleback, N. H.. Me Me 700 Wetzel, John W 1st asst. kpr., Whaleback, Fla N. H 480 Brooks, John P . N. H. 2d asst. kpr., Whaleback, Me Me . 450 Reed, Elmer N. H. Kpr Whitehead Me Me Me 700 Faulkingham, Albion T.. Ingalls, Frank B 1st asst. kpr., Whitehead, Me. 2d asst. kpr., Whitehead, Me Me Me Me 480 450 Me. 38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR. LIGHT-HOUSE SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. NAME. FIRST DISTRICT COD. Tucker, Aaron V Leighton, Adelbert C . . . . Burke, Charles A . . SECOND DISTRICT. Boush, Comdr. C. J., U. S. Navy. Bass, George Walter Dean, Miss Nena B Yeager, Walter G Sawyer, Edward W Nelson, Edward L Crosby, Herbert F Wilde, Dupont Hilton, Oscar R Cook, Francis J. Gorham, John.. Davis, John W . Rogers, Walter S . . . Cameron, George I.. Eastman, Russell B. Bailey, George W... Robinson, Zimri T Hinckley, Charles H Howland, William A Montcalm, Joshua A ... Pingree, Henry L Sousa, Joseph P Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. Lab. -kpr., Whitlocks^ Me Me $200 Mill, Me. Kpr., Winter Harbor, Me. Me ..... Me . 540 Kpr., Wood I., Me N. H N. H.... 540 Inspector . Chief clerk, Boston, Mass. Mass .... Mass .... p.m. 166 Clerk, Boston, Mass N. S Mass .... p.m. 100 Clerk, Boston, Mass Pa Mass . p.m. 100 Clerk, Boston, Mass Me Mass . p.m. 85 Messenger, Boston, Mass . Mass .... Mass .... p.m. 60 Kpr., Lo veils I. Buoy Mass .... Mass .... 1,000 Depot, Mass. Kpr., Woods Hole Buoy Mass .... Mass .... 1,000 Depot, Mass. Blacksmith, Woods Hole Me Mass .... 600 Lt. S. Depot, Mass. Shipkpr., Relief Lt. V. Mass .... Mass .... p.m. 60 No. 9. Lab., Boston Hbr., Mass. . Mass .... Mass .... 240 Kpr., Annisquam Hbr., JMass. Mass . Mass . 500 Kpr., Baker I., Mass .... Mass .... Mass .... 520 Asst. kpr., Baker I., Mass. Me Mass .... 440 Kpr., Bass River, Mass. . . Mass . Mass .... 500 Kpr . , Billingsgate I . , Mass .... Mass .... 560 Mass. Kpr Bird I Mass Mass .... Mass . 560 Kpr., Bishop and Clerks, JVlass. Mass .... Mass .... 750 1st asst. kpr., Bishop and Cal .... Mass . 550 Clerks, Mass. 2d asst. kpr., Bishop and Mass .... Mass .... 550 Clerks, Mass. Kpr Boston Mass Me Mass . 800 1st asst. kpr., Boston, Mass .... Mass .... 500 Mass. 1 Pay of rank. OFFICEES AND EMPLOYEES. 39 LIGHT-HOUSE SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. SECOND DISTRICT COD. Nickerson, Andrew S Joy, Everett Baker, Amos C., jr Baker Charles A 2d asst. kpr., Boston, Mass. Kpr., Brant Pt., Mass Kpr., Butler Flats, Mass. . Asst kpr Butler Flats, N.H.... Mass .... Mass .... Mass Mass .... Mass .... Mass .... Mass $475 500 600 450 Tarr, Addison F Mass. Kpr., Cape Ann, Mass . . Mass .'... Mass . 800 Creed, Thomas J 1st asst. kpr., Cape Ann, Canada . . Mass . 500 Jennings, Charles H Mass. 2d asst kpr Cape Ann Mass Mass 475 Howard, George A Mass. 3d asst kpr Cape Ann, Mass Mass 465 Lowther, William H Mass. 4th asst. kpr., Cape Ann, Mass . Mass . 450 Rich, Stephen D Faulkner, George A Mass. Kpr., Cape Cod, Mass .... 1st asst kpr Cape Cod Mass .... Mass Mass .... Mass 760 475 Thomson, William Mass. 2d asst. kpr. Cape Cod Scotland Mass 450 Eldredge, Wallace A Barms, Joseph E Mass. Kpr. , Cape Poge, Mass Asst kpr Cape Poge Mass . Mass Mass .... Mass 560 400 Allison, James T Mass. Kpr. Chatham Mass Me Mass 700 Joy, Charles A Kpr. , Cottage City Mass Mass 365 Terpeny, Eugene Brkwtr., Mass. Kpr., Cuttyhunk, Mass N. Y Mass . 560 Jordon, Charles W Kpr Deer I Mass D C Mass 600 Sweeney, Robert J Asst kpr Deer I . Mass Mass Mass 450 Sawyer, Shepley P . . Kpr. , Derby Wharf, Mass Me Mass 450 Rush, Maynard F Kpr., Dumpling Rock, Me Mass 600 Brewer, Edward E., sr. . . Kezer, George E Mass. Asst. kpr., Dumpling Rock, Mass. Kpr. , Duxbury Pier, Mass Mass .... Mass Mass .... Mass 500 600 Francis, Manuel A Asst kpr Duxbury Pier Mass Mass 450 Fisher. George H . . Mass. Kpr., East Chop, Mass Mass Mass 500 Bailey, George E.. Kpr.. Eastern Pt.. Mass . . Me.. Mass . . 600 40 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR. LIGHT-HOUSE SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. SECOND DISTRICT COD.. Larson, Anton F Hamblen, Isaac Asst. kpr., Eastern Pt., Mass. Kpr., Edgartown, Mass. . . Kpr., Egg Rock, Mass. . . . Kpr., Fort Pickering, Mass. Kpr., Gay Head, Mass. . . . Asst. kpr., Gay Head, Mass. Kpr., Hospital Pt., Mass. . Kpr Hyannis Mass Sweden. . Mass Mass Mass . Mass Newfound- land. Mass Mass Norway. . Mass.... Me.. Mass.... Mass.... Mass .... Mass .... Mass.... Mass .... Mass Mass .... Mass .... Mass .... Mass .... Mass.... Mass .... Mass . Mass Mass .... Mass $450 500 600 450 720 475 500 600 600 560 540 600 400 500 500 1,000 550 550 550 700 640 450 540 444 600 650 500 600 Lyon, George L Harris, John, jr Crocker Crosby L Purdy George W Herrick, Joseph H Peak John A Gunderson, Mills Tarr, Edwin Lopaus, Roscoe G Kpr., Ipswich, Mass Kpr., Long I. Head, Mass. Kpr., Long Pt., Mass Eisener Alfred G Kpr., Lovells I. Range, Mass. Kpr., Lynn Hbr., Mass. . . Kpr., Marblehead, Mass. . Kpr., Mayo Beach, Mass. . Kpr., Minots Ldg., Mass. . 1st asst. kpr. , Minots Ldg. , Mass. 2d asst. kpr. , Minots Ldg. , Mass. 3d asst. kpr. , Minots Ldg. , Mass. Kpr. , Monomoy Pt. , Mass . Kpr., Nantucket (Great Pt.), Mass. Asst. kpr., Nantucket (Great Pt.), Mass. Kpr., Nantucket Cliff, Mass. Kpr. , Nantucket Brkwtr. , Mass. Kpr., Narrows, Mass Kpr. , Nauset Beach, Mass . Kpr., Ned Point, Mass . . . Kpr.. NewburvDort. Mass Me Halliday, Robert W Drayton, Henry T Turner, Charles E N.S.... Barbados. Mass Mass .... Azores... Me Reamy Milton Frates, Joseph E Clark, Levi B Mass Mass Small, Ernest H Mass Smith, James P Tarr, Frederick E Denmark Mass .... England. Mass Mass .... Me Mass .... Mass Mass . . Mass Mass .... Mass .... Mass Mass. . . . N.H.... Mass. . . . Mass .... Mass . . Dixon, Richard F Dolby, George E Stackpole, Charles H Freeman, Gershom C Lewis, Stephen S Howard, William P Woods. Arthur W.. OFFICEES AND EMPLOYEES. 41 LIGHT-HOUSE SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. SECOND DISTRICT COn. BftTTPtt "Remark W Kpr Newburyport Up- Mass Mass $365 Nickerson, Oliver A per Hbr., Mass. Kpr., Nobska Pt., Mass Mass Mass 500 Clark, Charles A Kpr., Palmer I., Mass Mass Mass 540 Higgins Willis Kpr Plymouth (Gur- Mass Mass 600 Stnithj Sa.miif>l S net), Mass. Kpr Race Pt Mass Mass Mass 650 Leigh ton, Waldo 1st asst. kpr. Race Pt Me Mass 475 Dennen, John L Mass. 2d asst. kpr., Race Pt., Mass Mass 450 Pierce, William H Mass. Lab -kpr Salisbury Mass Mass 300 Jorgensen, James Beach, Mass. Kpr. Sandy Nek Mass Denmark Mass 540 Remsen, Joseph G Kpr. Sankaty Head Mass Mass Mass 700 Kelley, Thomas J Asst. kpr., Sankaty Mass Mass 475 Cushman, John F Creed, Winfield L Head, Mass. Kpr., Scituate Brkwtr., Mass. Kpr. Spectacle I Mass Mass .... Mass Mass Mass 200 600 Tibbetts, Fred W Asst. kpr. Spectacle I Me N H 450 Howard, Alfred A Newcomb, Thomas W Carson, Frank S Mass. Kpr., Stage Hbr., Mass.. Kpr., Straitsmouth, Mass . Kpr., Tarpaulin Cove N.Y Mass .... Vt Mass .... Mass .... Mass 560 500 560 Hooper, Winfield S. S Hadley, Elliott C Mass. Kpr., Tenpound I., Mass . Kpr The Graves Mass Mass Mass Mass Mass 500 1 000 Reamy, Octavius H . 1st asst. kpr The Graves Mass Mass 550 McAfee, Robert M Mass. 2d asst kpr The Graves Canada 550 West, Charles P Mass. Kpr. West Chop Mass Mass Mass fi20 Day, William A Asst. kpr., West Chop Me Mass 500 Cleverly, Robert M Gifford, Albert B.. Mass. Kpr., Windmill Pt., Mass. Kpr \Vinsrs Neck Mass Mass .... Maaq Mass ~Maas 240 KflA Smith, Philip R.. Kpr.. Wood End. Mass . . BOO 42 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR. LIGHT-HOUSE SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. THIRD DISTRICT. Rodgers, Capt. John A., U. S. Navy. Conover, Arthur V Inspector O $2,700 p.m. 175 p.m. 150 p. m. 175 p. m. 115 p.m. 125 p. m. 125 p.m. 115 p.m. 115 p. m. 100 p. m. 100 p. m. 100 p.m. 75 p.m. 75 p.m. 60 p.m. 75 p.m. 60 p.m. 25 Superintendent, Tomp- kinsville, N. Y. Superintendent of constr., Tompkinsville, N. Y. Chief clerk, Tompkins- ville, N. Y. Storekeeper, Tompkins- ville, N. Y. Asst. storekeeper, Tomp- kinsville, N. Y. Supply clerk, Tompkins- ville, N. Y. Clerk, Tompkinsville, N. Y. Clerk, Tompkins v i 1 1 e, N. Y. Clerk, Tompkinsville, N. Y. Clerk, Tompkins v i 1 1 e, N. Y. Clerk, Tompkinsville, N. Y. Clerk, Tompkins v i 1 1 e, N. Y. Clerk, Tompkinsville, N. Y. Clerk, Tompkinsville, N. Y. Clerk, Tompkins v i 1 1 e, N. Y. Kpr. laboratory, Tomp- kinsville, N. Y. Laborer-janitor, Tomp- kinsville, N. Y. Messenger boy, Tomp- kinsville, N. Y. 1 Pay of rank. N.J Me N.Y Conn Pa N.J N.J N.Y Conn N Y Very, Edward W Ockenf els, Frank W... . Goddard Ralph H Carter Lewis S Bingham, R. Edward Gammon, Mrs. Emily C. . Newbold, Albert Vt Me Pa. . . N.Y N.Y Cal . . . Voorhees, Willis A N.J N.Y Ireland . . N.Y N.J..... N.Y England . Sweden.. Portugal . N.Y N.Y N.Y N.Y N.Y N.J N.Y N.Y N.Y N.Y N.Y Bingham, Harry E Burke, James Shea, John A Morgenweck, Robert L. . . Serrick, John H Openshaw, Edward Swainson John Maury, Joseph Knudson, Folke O OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. 43 LIGHT-HOUSE SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. THIRD DISTRICT COD. Murphy, Patrick J Porter, Tompkinsville, N. Y. Bookkeeper, Tompkins- ville, N. Y. Blacksmith, Tompkins- ville, N. Y. Blacksmith, Tompkins- ville, N. Y. Blacksmith, Tompkins- ville, N. Y. Blacksmith, Tompkins- ville, N. Y. B lacksmith 's helper, Tompkinsville, N. Y. B lacksmith 's helper, Tompkinsville, N. Y. Blacksmith 's helper, Tompkinsville, N. Y. Blacksmith 's helper, Tompkinsville, N. Y. Blacksmith 's helper, Tompkinsville, N. Y. Laborer-gardener, Tomp- kinsville, N. Y. Lab. , Tompkins v i 1 1 e , N. Y. Lab. , Tompkins v i 1 1 e , N. Y. Lab. , Tompkins v i 1 1 e , N.Y. Lab. , Tompkins v i 1 1 e , N.Y. Lab. , Tompkins v i 1 1 e , N.Y. Lab. , Tompkins v i 1 1 e , N.Y. Lab. , Tompkins v i 1 1 e , N.Y. 1 When actually employed. Ireland . . N.Y Sweden.. Germany England . Pa . N.Y N.Y N.Y N Y p. m. $70 p.m. 90 p.m. 90 p.m. 90 p.m. 100 p.m. 90 p.m. 75 p.m. 70 p.m. 70 p.m. 70 p.m. 1 70 p.m. 55 p.m. 50 p.m. 50 p.m. 50 p.m. 50 p.m. 50 p.m. 50 p.m. 50 Klett, Andrew S Anderson Gustaf A Bender Frederick Galloway, David N.Y N.Y. Kreidler, Edwin V Lea, John N.Y N.Y Germany N.Y N.Y Germany N.Y N.Y N.Y N.Y Leibackery, Henry Menz, Joseph Murphy, John N.Y N.Y N.Y. . Falvey, Michael J Rosemund, Charles F Bryan, Thomas Conn N.Y N.Y N.Y N.Y N.Y N.Y Cowan, John . . N.J N.Y Norway.. Ireland . . N.Y N.Y Hensler, Charles Knudson Bernard McDonald , Michael Pape, William Rodeck, Alfred A 44 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR. LIGHT-HOUSE SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. THIRD DISTRICT COn. Tormey, John L Lab. , Tompkins v i 1 1 e , N.Y. Lab. , Tompkins v i 1 1 e , N. Y. Lab. , Tompkins v i 1 1 e , N.Y. Capt. of watch, Tomp- kinsville, N. Y. Watchman, Tompkins- ville, N. Y. Watchman, Tompkins- ville, N. Y. Watchman, Tompkins- ville, N. Y. Watchman, Tompkins- ville, N. Y. Watchman, Tompkins- ville, N. Y. Watchman, Tompkins- ville, N. Y. Watchman, Tompkins- ville, N. Y. Engineer, Tompkinsville, N.Y. Engineer, Tompkinsville, N.Y. Engineer, Tompkinsville, N.Y. Engineer, Tompkinsville, N.Y. Marine machinist, Tomp- kinsville, N. Y. Marine machinist, Tomp- kinsville, N. Y. Carpenter, Tomp k i n s- ville, N. Y. Carpenter, Tomp k i n s- ville, N. Y. Carpenter, Tompkins- ville, N. Y. 1 When actually employed N.Y N.Y N.C D.C Sweden.. N.Y N.Y Sweden.. N.Y N.Y N.J Iowa Finland . Finland . Mass N.J Canada . . England . N.Y N.Y N.Y N.Y N.Y N. Y.... N. Y.... N.Y N.Y Conn N.Y N.Y N.Y N.Y N.Y N.Y..,.. N.Y N.Y N.Y N.Y N.Y N.Y p. m. $50 p.m. 50 p.m. 50 p.d. 2.25 p.d. 2 p.d. 2 p.d. 2 p.m. 40 p.d. 1 2 p.d. 2 p.d. 2 p.m. 75 p.m. 75 p.m. 75 p.m. 150 p. m. 100 p.m. 90 p.m. 65 p.m. 70 p.m. 90 Van Riper Harry B White, Henry Sullivan, John Brown, Frederick Egbert, Frank McKenna, Michael Rehn, Axel Simonson, Alfred G Van Pelt, Charles Warrender, William . Holleron William E Wennstrom, Paul Wennstrom, Werner Yates, Joseph T Holzka, Joseph J . Mattimore, John Eastham, William Martling, Daniel D O'Neill Patrick OFFICEES AND EMPLOYEES. 45 LIGHT-HOUSE SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. NAME. Official title, Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. THIRD DISTRICT COH. Van Nostrand, John Carpenter, Tompkins- N. Y N.Y.... P. m. $50 Campbell James H ville, N. Y. Pa^kp.r, Tompkinsville N. Y N. Y p m 75 Cody, William N. Y. Packer, Tompkinsville Ireland N.Y . . p. m 65 Hanna, Dermott W N. Y. Packer, Tompkinsville, Me Me P. m. 65 Murray, George N. Y. Packer, Tompkinsville N Y N. Y p m 65 Knoblock, Jacob N. Y. Foreman, Tompkinsville Germany N. Y p m 100 Wygant, George W N. Y. Fore m an- blacksmith N Y N Y p m 100 Sivertsen, Theodore Tompkinsville, N. Y. Asst. sailmaker Tomp- Norway N Y p m 65 Myles, Frederick kinsville, N. Y. Sailmaker-laborer Tomp- Scotland N. Y p m 75 Daly, Byran W kinsville, N. Y. Boatbldr Tompkins- Ireland N Y p m 85 Hall, J. Edward ville, N. Y. Lampist Tompkinsville N J N Y ~ p m 90 Olsen, Alexander N. Y. Shipkpr. , Tompkinsville Norway N Y p m 70 Johansen, Carl N. Y. Lt V kpr Tompkins- Sweden Conn Pm 4fi Stevens, Charles E ville, N. Y. Kpr., Barber Pt.,N.Y. . N. Y N. Y 480 Overton, Joshua A Kpr. , Beavertail, R. I N. Y.. . N. Y 600 Wales, John S Asst. kpr., Beavertail R. I R I 500 Carlsson, John R R. I. Kpr Bergen Pt N J Finland Conn 540 Davies, John D Littlefield, Elam P Kpr. , Black Rock, Conn. . Kpr , Block I. (N),R. I Ireland . . R I N. J R I 500 560 Hoxsie, Everett A Kpr., Block I. (Brkwtr. R. I R I 600 Dodge, Simon Lts.), R. I. Kpr , Block I. (S. E ) R I R I 700 Clark, Willet H R. I. 1st asst kpr Block I R I R I 500 (S. E.), R. I. 46 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR, LIGHT-HOUSE SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. THIRD DISTRICT COD. Hoxsie George L 2d asst. kpr , Block I. R. I R. I $450 Nelson, Andrew (S. E.), R. I. Kpr., Bluff Pt.,N.Y Norway.. N. Y.... 480 Meyer, Joseph Kpr. , Borden Flats, Mass . France . . N. Y.... 500 McNeil Mrs Flora Kpr , Bridgeport Brk- Me Conn 500 Wright., SftnuiAl wtr., Conn. Kpr. , Bridgeport Hbr. , Mass Conn 600 Sherman Edward Conn. Kpr Bristol Ferry, R. I Mass . R. I 480 Banning, Herbert E . Kpr., Brockway Reach, Conn Conn 250 Tengen, William Chiott Edgar Conn. Kpr., Bullock Pt., R.I... Kpr , Burlington Bea- Sweden.. Vt R. I Vt 500 600 Miller, Ansel L cons, Vt. Kpr., Calves I., Conn Conn Conn 200 Powell, George H Lab. in chg., Canarsie N. Y N. Y 120 Parmele, Frank W Nordstrom, Adolf . Dike, N. Y. Kpr., Castle Hill,R. I.... Kpr., Cedar I., N. Y Conn Sweden.. R.I N. Y 520 500 Gregoire, Jules H Kpr., Chapel Hill, N.J... La R. I 520 Howard, H Kpr. , Colchester Rf ., Vt. . Vt Vt 560 Rowland, Chester Arnold, Horace W Kpr., Cold Spring Hrbr., N. Y. Kpr., Conanicut I., R. T. . Conn R. I Conn R. I 500 500 Higginbotham, Thomas.. Reardon, Daniel L Kpr., Coney L, N.Y Kpr , Conimicut, R. I Md N. Y ... N. Y.... N. Y.... 580 550 Dahlman, John Kpr., Conover Beacon, Germany Conn 520 Hoose, Frank L N.J. Kpr Coxsackie N.Y N. Y N. Y ... 580 Kelsey, Ezra L.. . . Kpr , Crown Pt. , N. Y Conn .... Conn 480 Tabberrah, Mrs. Emma D. Wiest, James H Smith, Joseph Kpr. , Cumberland Head, N.Y. Kpr., Danskammer Pt., N.Y. Lab in chg Duck Island N. Y.... N. Y.... Pa N. Y.... N. Y.... Conn 480 500 300 Porter Albert H Brkwtr., Conn. Kpr Dutch I R I N. Y R. I 540 Burke, Michael T.. Kor., Batons Nek.. N.Y.. N. Y.. R. I.. 650 OFFICEES AND EMPLOYEES. 47 LIGHT-HOUSE SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. THIRD DISTRICT COH. McGovern, Hugh W Aflst. kpr., Batons Nek., N. Y. Kpr. , Elm Tree Beacon, N. Y. Kpr., Esopus Meadows, N. Y. Kpr., Execution Rocks, N. Y. Asst. kpr., Execution Rocks, N. Y. Kpr. , Falkner I., Conn. . . Asst. kpr., Falkner I., Conn. Kpr., Fire I.,N.Y N. Y.... N. J N. Y.... Conn R. I England. Norway.. N. Y N. Y.... N. Y.... N. Y.... Conn R. I Conn N. Y.... N. Y... $500 520 520 650 500 600 500 740 500 450 300 250 250 520 420 500 500 p. m. 9 p. m. 15 p. m. 15 500 249 Burdge Edward B Murray, Thomas J Godfrey, Arthur E Paul, John H Poe, Howard Hawk, Conrad Mott, EzraS Lake, William H. H. 1st asst. kpr., Fire I., N. Y. 2d asst. kpr., Fire L, N. Y. Lab. in chg., Fitchs Pt., Conn. Kpr., Ft. Lafayette, N. Y. Kpr., Fort Adams, R. I. (Fog Sig. S.). Kpr., Fort Wadsworth, N. Y. Asst. kpr., Fort Wads- worth, N. Y. Kpr., Four Mile Pt., N. Y. Kpr., Fuller Rock R I N. Y.... N. Y.... N. Y.... Germany Tenn... . N. J Conn N. Y.... R I N. Y.... N. Y.... Conn N. Y.... R. I N. Y.... Conn N. Y.... R I Burkhardt, Henry Lassen, Francis J Lassen, Detlef Steffey, Shields . . . Ackerman, Nelson L Toocker, Louis F McCann, James Mullen, John J Pardue, Samuel Kpr. , Glencove Brkwtr. , N. Y. Lab. in chg., Goat I. Shoal, R. I. Lab. in chg., Gordon Landing, Vt. Kpr., Gould L, R. I Kor.. Governors I.. N. Y. N. Y.... R. I N. Y.... R.I Gfirmanv N. Y.... R. I Vt R. I N. Y.. Evans, Frank L Davis, Irvine; . . Taylor, Edmund Delattre, Edmond.. 48 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR. LIGHT-HOUSE SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. THIRD DISTRICT COn. Netter, Matthew Osterdahl, John Asst. kpr., Governors I., N.Y. Kpr., Great Beds, N. J... Asst. kpr., Great Beds, N. Y. Kpr., Great Captain I., Conn. Asst. kpr., Great Captain I., Conn. Lab. in chg., Greenport Hbr., N. Y. Kpr., Green Ldg., Conn.. Asst. kpr., Green Ldg., Conn. Kpr., Gull Rocks, R. I.. Kpr., Hog I. Shoal, R. I. Asst. kpr., Hog I. Shoal, R. I. Kpr., HortonPt., N. Y.. Lab. in chg., Housatonic Rvr. Brkwtr., Conn. Kpr., Hudson City, N.Y. Kpr., Isle la Motte, Vt.. . Kpr Juniper I Vt Mich.... Sweden.. N. Y.... Me Pa N. Y.... Germany Denmark Conn Mass .... R. I N. Y-... Conn N. Y.... Vt Me N. Y.... N. J N. Y.... N. Y.... N. Y.... N. Y.... N. Y.... N. Y.... R. I R.I R.I N. Y.... Conn N. Y.... Vt Vt $150 580 425 600 500 180 600 450 500 600 450 560 p. m. 17 520 480 600 150 120 600 420 750 680 500 450 500 Emmonds, William Oliver, Charles W Fisher, Harry H Conklin, George Buske, Robert Kiarskon, John T Porter George H Fishburne, Thomas S De Arruda, Manuel Ebbitts, Robert Judson Henry D Best, Frank M Hill, Wilbur F Perry, Herbert L Lane, Barent H Lab. in chg., Lamphere Dock, N. Y. Lab. in chg., Larchmont Hbr., N. Y. Kpr., Latimer Rf., N. Y. Asst. kpr., Latimer Rf., N.Y. Kpr., Lime Rock, R. I . . Kpr., Little Gull I., N.Y. 1st asst. kpr., Little Gull I., N. Y. 2d asst. kpr., Little Gull I., N. Y. Kt)r..LlovdsHbr..N.Y.. N. Y.... N. Y.... Conn N. Y.... R. I Norway.. Sweden.. Ohio N. Y.. N. Y.... N. Y.... Conn N. Y.... R. I Conn N. Y.... Conn N. Y.. Dexter, William J Noyes, Charles E. P Murray, William J Lewis, Mrs. Ida W Peterson, Peter M Bloom Ernest Peeper, John T McGlone. Robert.. . OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. 49 LIGHT-HOUSE SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. THIRD DISTRICT COH. Janse William Kpr., Long Beach Bar, N. Y N. Y.... $560 Chapel, William M N. Y. Asst. kpr., Long Beach Conn N. Y.... 400 Maxfield Olin H Bar, N. Y. Kpr., Maxfield Pt. x Vt. . Vt Vt 200 Platt, Charles L Kpr., Milford Hbr., Conn. Conn Conn 120 Scott, James G Kpr., Montauk Pt., N. Y. England. N. Y.... 720 Anderson John F 1st asst. kpr., Montauk Sweden R. I. ... 500 Baker William. A ... Pt., N. Y. 2d asst. kpr., Montauk N. Y.... N. Y 450 Pecor, Thaddeus Jansen Evard Pt., N. Y. Kpr., Morgan Pt., Conn.. Kpr Muscle Bed Shoals Conn Denmark Conn N. Y 480 500 Bishop, Hobert A . R. I. Kpr., Navesink, N. Y Conn . . . N. J 1,075 Anderson, Ole N. A 1st asst. kpr., Navesink, Norway . . N. Y 875 Blume Robert N. Y. 2d asst kpr Navesink Pa N. Y 555 Price, John J . ... N. Y. 3d asst. kpr., Navesink, N.B.Can. N. Y 525 Coons, Joseph N. Y. Kpr., New Dorp., N. Y. . N. Y N. Y 520 Wilson, Thomas Kpr New Haven Long Conn Conn 365 Tutty, William L Wharf, Conn. Kpr., New Haven Outer Nova Sco- R. I 680 Card, Frank H Brkwtr., Conn. Asst kpr New Haven tia. U. S R. I 515 Goddard, George H Outer Brkwtr., Conn. Kpr., New London Lt. Conn Conn p. m. 100 Field, Charles B H. Dpt., Conn. Kpr New London Hbr , N Y Conn 600 Rathbun, Elmer J Conn. Asst. kpr., New London Conn Conn 500 Schoeneman, Charles Hbr., Conn. Kpr., Newport Hbr., Pa R. I 800 Bowley, Zadoc B R. I. Lab in chg Newport Vt Vt p m 25 Wharf and Whipple Pt.,Tt. 46064- 50 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR. LIGHT-HOUSE SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. THIRD DISTRICT COH. Hurlburt Victor Lab in chg North and Vt Vt Pm $20 Hallgren, A. Douglas Fowler Joseph T South Hero Lts., Vt. Kpr., North Brother I., N. Y. Kpr., North Dumpling, Sweden.. S. C ... N. J N. Y . 1,170 560 Stanton William N. Y. Kpr. North Hook and Ireland . . N. J 650 Cox George South Hook Beacon, N. J. 1st asst. kpr., North Hook Scotland. Vt 500 Locke, William F and South Hook Bea- con, N. J. 2d asst. kpr., North Hook R.I R. I 450 Ray, Richard E Markuson, John Church Clarence A and South Hook Bea- con, N. J. Kpr., Old Field Ft., Conn. Kpr., Old Orchard Shoal, N. Y. Asst. kpr., Old Orchard Ireland.. Sweden.. R. I N. Y.... N. Y.... R. I 520 600 500 Bakken, Jorgen Hansen, George E Shoal, N. Y. Kpr., Orient Pt., N. Y... Asst. kpr., Orient Pt., Norway.. Mich.... N. Y.... N. J 600 450 Eagan Thomas N. Y. Lab in chg Otter Creek Mass Vt .. 120 MacCashin, Mrs. Eliza. . . MacCashin, Hugh O Beacon, Vt. Kpr., Passaic and Elbow Beacons, N. J. Asst. kpr., Passaic and Ireland . . N. J N. J N. J 600 200 Odell, George EL, jr Lorenz August Elbow Beacons, N. J. Lab. in chg., Patchogue Brkwtr., N. Y. Kpr Pecks Ldg Conn N. Y Germany N. Y.... N. Y p.m. 10 600 Heizman, Ferdinand .... Newton Elmer V Asst. kpr., Pecks Ldg., Conn. Kpr Penfield Rf., Conn. N. Y. ... N. Y N. Y.... N. Y 500 600 Burke Joseph D Asst. kpr., Penfield Rf., Me Conn 420 Palmer. John W... Conn. Lab., Pine I., Conn. . N. Y. . Conn . . p.m. 20 OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. 51 LIGHT-HOUSE SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. THIRD DISTRICT COH. Bulley, Harry N Kpr., Plattsburg Brkwtr., N. Y N. Y $480 Ehrhardt George N. Y. Kpr., PlumBch., R. I N. Y R. I 600 Brown, George A Asst. kpr., Plum Bch., R. I R. I.. .. 420 Parks, WilliamS R. I. Kpr., Plum I., N.'Y N. Y N. Y 560 Savage, Peter Kpr., Pointe aux Roches, N. Y N. Y 480 Compton, Thomas . . N. Y. Kpr., Point Comfort, N. J. N. J N. J.. .. 520 Whaley, Henry A Kpr., Point Judith, R. I . R. I R. I 650 Green, Willis A Asst. kpr., Pt. Judith,R.I. Mass R. I 500 Aronson Adolf H Kpr Ponham Rocks Sweden R I 480 Pausch, Hermann D . . . R. I. Lab. in chg., Port Ches- Denmark N. Y 144 Burke, Herman Davison, William G . . . . ter, Conn. Kpr., Port Jefferson, N. Y. Kpr. Princess Bay, N. Y N. Y.... N. J N. Y. ... N. Y 480 540 Thompson, Martin Kpr., Prudence I., R. I.. Norway Mass 500 Collins, Harry B Kpr., Race Rock, N. Y. . D. C. .. D. C 600 Blish Arthur W 1st asst kpr Race Rock, Conn Conn 500 Obman, Adolph N. Y. 2d asst. kpr., Race Rock, Germany N. Y 450 Walker, Mrs. Kate Walker, Jacob N. Y. Kpr., Robbins Rf., N. Y. Asst kpr Robbins Rf Germany Germany N. Y.... N Y 600 450 Creed, James E N. Y. Kpr., Rockland Lake, P. E. Is- N. Y 560 Smith, William H N. Y. Asst kpr Rockland land. Mass Conn 450 Nielsen, Frederick Lake, N. Y. Kpr., Romer Shoal, N. Y. Conn D C 600 Jensen, Nicolai i Asst kpr Romer Shoal Norway N Y 500 Murdock, James B N. Y. Kpr., Rondout, N. Y N. Y N Y 600 Curtis, Charles S Kpr., Rose I., R. I R. I R. I 540 Laundrie, Joseph Weeden, John F Kpr., Rouse Pt., N. Y... Kpr Sabine Pt R I N. Y. ... R I N. Y.... R I 240 500 Lawson, Thomas . . Kor.. Sakonnet. R. I.. Norwav.. N. Y. . 600 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR. LIGHT-HOUSE SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. ..; THIRD DISTRICT COn. Douglass, Cornelius Jewell Samuel Kpr., Sands Ft., N. Y... Kpr Sandy Hook, N. J Ireland . . N. J N. Y.... N. J $520 600 De Shong, Theodore Kpr., Saugerties, N. Y... Pa N. Y 580 Gildersleeve, Elmer E. . . Knowles Herbert S Kpr., Saybrook (Lynde Pt.), Conn. Kpr. Saybrook Brkwtr., N. Y.... R. I N. Y.... R. I 540 560 Raynor, John F Conn. Kpr., Shinnecock Bay, N. Y N. Y 700 Penny John H N. Y. 1st asst. kpr., Shinne- N. Y. . N. Y 480 Olsson, Olof cock Bay, N. Y. 2d asst. kpr., Shinne- Sweden.. N. Y 420 Fonnesen, Jorgen Rollka, Curt A ... cock Bay, N. Y. Kpr., Southwest Ldg., Conn. Asst. kpr., Southwest Norway. . Germany Conn N. Y 680 515 Wakefield, James, jr Ldg., Conn. Kpr., Split Rock., N. Y.. N. Y. ... N. Y.... 480 Cook, John J Kpr., Stamford Hbr., Germany N. Y. ... 600 Redfern, Charles Conn. Kpr., Stepping Stones, Mass. . . . Mass. . . . 620 Fuller, Joseph J N. Y. Kpr., Stonington Mass. . . . Conn 600 Guyette, Frank Judson, Theodore Brkwtr., Conn. Kpr., Stony Pt., N. Y... Kpr., Stratford Pt., Conn. Vt . Conn Yt Conn . 560 600 Rulon, Gilbert L Kpr., Stratford Shoal,N.Y N. J N. Y.... 650 Hulse Morell E 1st asst kpr Stratford N. Y N. Y.... 500 Hawkins, James B Shoal, N. Y. 2d asst. kpr., Stratford N. Y.... N. Y.... 450 McAllister, Edwin M Kjelberg, August Shoal, N. Y. Kpr., Stuyvesant, N. Y. . Kpr., Tarry town, N. Y.. N. Y.... Sweden. . N. Y.... N. J 500 560 Ferreira, Alexander Kpr., Throgs Neck, N. Y. Portugal . N. Y.... 520 Welch, William Kpr., Van Wies Pt., N.Y N. Y ... N. Y.... 160 Morris, Abram Kpr., Waackaack, N. J.. N. J N. J 520 Wilson, Stephen E Mulford, Charles I.. Asst. kpr., Waackaack, N. J. Kor., Warwick, R. I.. N. Y.... N. Y.. N. J N. Y.. 546 500 OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. 53 LIGHT-HOUSE SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. THIRD DISTRICT COn. Youncr Julius B Kpr Watch Hill, R. I N. Y R. I $500 Trombley , Fred Lab.-kpr., Watch Pt., Vt. N. Y.... Vt 96 Sisson Herbert W Kpr., West Bank, N. Y . R. I R. I... . 600 Burke Hyacinth. J Asst. kpr., West Bank, Conn Conn 500 Aichele William F N. Y. Kpr Whale Rock R. I Germany N. J Anderssen, Hans Chr Pittinger, Edward Asst. kpr., Whale Rock, R. I. Kpr. Whitehall Narrows, Norway. . N. Y R.I N. Y 600 420 500 Belden Myron N. Y. Asst kpr Whitehall Nar- N Y N. Y 320 Burgess William rows, N. Y. Asst kpr Whitehall Nar- N. Y N. Y 300 Adams John rows, N. Y. Asst kpr Whitehall Nar- N. Y N. Y 320 Mellon, Charles G . rows, N. Y. Asst kpr , Whitehall Nar- N. Y N. Y . 320 Andrews, Edward rows, N. Y. Kpr., Wickford Hbr.,R.I. R. I R. I 500 Hill Edward W Kpr Windmill Pt., Vt Vt Vt 480 Third Subdistrict (Porto Rico.) Wood Capt ANUS Inspector (i) Navy. O'Melia Edward T Chief clerk San Juan, P. R. N. Y N Y v / p m 150 Cifredo Fulgencio . . . Clerk San Juan, P. R Spain P. R 900 John, Napoleon F Lab., San Juan, P. R. . . . Br. W. I P. R P. m. 45 Castillo, Manuel P Kpr., Arecibo, P. R P. R .. P. R 540 Carrero Jose F Asst kpr Arecibo, P. R P R P R 400 Rosa, Domingo S Molina, Juan V Kpr., CapeRojo, P. R... Asst kpr., CapeRojo, P. R. P.R.... P. R P.R P R 600 450 del Olmo, Manuel Kpr., Cape San Juan, P. R. P. R P. R 600 Romero Ramon Asst kpr Cape San Juan, P R P R 450 Castro, Arturo P. R. Kpr., Cardona I., P. R... P. R P R 700 Huber, Adolph Kpr., Catano and Ane- Switzer- P. R 700 gado Range, P. R. 1 Pay of rank. land. 54 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR. 'LIGHT-HOUSE SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. THIRD DISTRICT COD. Third Subdistrict (Porto Rico) Continued. * Ruiz, Teofilo Sanabia, Francisco Asst. kpr., Catano and Anegado Range, P. R. Lab., Catano and Ane- P.R. ... P. R P.R.... P.R $420 p.m. 20 Moraza, Jose" N Cuenca, Antonio S Liano, J. Gimenez gado Range, P. R. Kpr., Culebrital., P. R.. Asst. kpr., Culebrita I., P. R. Kpr., Guanica, P. R P.R P.R P. R P.R P.R P. R 700 540 500 Lucero, Servando C Kpr., Jobos Hbr., P.R . P. R P. R .. 420 Delgado, Pedro de los Santos. Martin, Simeon Kpr., Mayaguez Hbr., P. R. Kpr., Mona I. P. R P. R Spain P.R P. R 420 850 Velez, Jose Escalera 1st asst. kpr., Mona I., P. R P. R 700 Porrata, Jose P. R. 2d asst kpr Mona I P R P R P R 640 Bermudez, Alfonso S Castillo, Jose* P Larsen, Gustav Kpr., MuertosL, P. R... Asst. kpr., Muertos I., P. R. Kpr Point Borinquen P. R P.R.... Norway P.R P.R.... Mass 650 500 600 Velilla, Rafael Castro, Lorenzo P.R. Asst. kpr., Point Borin- quen, P. R. Kpr., Point Figuras, P.R. P.R P. R P.R.... P. R 450 500 Prieto, Jose Kpr., Point Jiguero, P. R. P. R P. R 500 Vincente, Alfredo Kpr Point Mulas P R P. R P. R 500 Rengel, Julio L Bonilla, Gabriel C Furniz, Esteban P Kpr., Point Tuna, P. R. . Asst. kpr., Point Tuna, P.R. Kpr PortFerro P R P.R.... P. R P. R P.R P.R P. R 600 450 600 Reguera, Robustiano del Olmo, Severo . Asst. kpr., Port Ferro, P. R. Kpr Port San Juan P R Spain P. R P.R P. R 450 700 Ferrer, Arturo M Asst. kpr., Port San Juan, P. R P. R 550 P. R. OFFICEKS AND EMPLOYEES. 55 LIGHT-HOUSE SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. FOURTH DISTRICT. Craven, Comdr. John E., IT. S. Navy. Smith, J. Parsons Inspector (>) p.m. $150 1,200 p. m. 100 p. m. 60 1 p. m. 80 2 p. d. 2 760 480 460 760 480 460 460 500 760 480 460 500 600 700 550 Chief clerk, Philadelphia, Pa. Clerk, Philadelphia, Pa. . N. J Pa Reed, Elijah S Pa. Pa. .. Wenzell, G. Carleton . . . Keith, William H Clerk, Philadelphia, Pa. . s N. J Pa Mes., Philadelphia Pa Pa Pa Marker, Isaac J Custodian, Port Penn Rng. (Rear), Del. Kpr. , Edgemoor, Del . . . Del. Del Holland , Lawson Ratledge, Ernest M. Va . . Del Lab. Edgemoor Del Del Del Bills, Thomas Kpr., Absecon, N. J. . . . Pa N. J... Adams, Samuel F 1st asst. kpr., Absecon, N. J. 2d asst. kpr., Absecon, N. J. Kpr. , Assateague, Va N. J Norway . Va N. J N J Hanson, Knud Anderton, John L Va Quillin, Samuel E 1st asst. kpr., Assa- teague, Va. 2d asst. kpr., Assateague, Va. 3d asst. kpr., Assateague, Va. Kpr., Baker Rng., Del... Kpr., Barnegat, N. J. . Md N. J Del Del N. J Va N. J Del Del N. J Westcott, Walter J Collins, William T Spencer, Harry E Woodmansee, William T. Cranmer, Clarence H Schellenger, William H. . Sharp, Henry H 1st asst. kpr., Barnegat, N. J. 2d asst. kpr., Barnegat, N. J. Kpr. , Billingsport Range (Front), N. J. Kpr., Bombay Hook and Smyrna Rng., Del. Kpr., Brandywine Shoal, Del. 1st asst. kpr. , Brandywine Shoal, Del. ank. 2 W hen ac N. J Del N. J Del N. J Del Pa Del Salmons, William J Hasting, Thomas Kiminey, Aaron S Del Del Del Del 1 Pay of r tually emplo; red. 56 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR. 'LIGHT-HOUSE SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. FOURTH DISTRICT COH. Wilgus Aloin F 2d asst. kpr., Brandywine Shoal, Del. Kpr., Cape Henlopen,Del. 1st asst. kpr., Cape Hen- lopen, Del. 2d asst. kpr., Cape Hen- lopen, Del. Kpr Cape May N J Del Del Del Del Del Del $500 760 480 460 760 480 460 500 500 730 500 700 550 500 500 500 700 550 500 500 Joseph, Dagworthy D . . . Marshall Charles E Manlove, Charles R Del Del Woolson Caleb S N. J N.J Hughes, Edward 1st asst. kpr., Cape May, N.J. 2d asst. kpr., Cape May, N.J. Kpr., Cherry I. Rng. (Front), Del. Kpr., Cherry I. Rng. (Rear), Del. Kpr., Christiana, Del N.J N. Y.... Md N.J N.J Del Benstead, El wood E Knowles, William H. C. . Patterson, John A Spicer, William E Pa Del Del ... . Del Marts David F Kpr Cohansey N J N J N. J Duffield, Ethan A Bacon Julian Kpr Cross Ldg N J N J N.J 1st asst. kpr., Cross Ldg., N.J. 2d asst. kpr., Cross Ldg., N.J. Kpr., Deep Water Pt. Rng. (Front), N. J. Kpr., Deep Water Pt. Rng. (Rear), N. J. Kpr., Delaware Brkwtr. Rng. (Front), Del. 1st asst. kpr., Delaware Brkwtr. Rng. (Front), Del. 2d asst. kpr., Delaware Brkwtr. Rng. (Front), Del. Kpr., Delaware Brkwtr. Rng. (Rear), Del. Del Del ... . Sheppard, Harry W N.J Pa N.J Del ... . Spear William Torton, William D N.J Md N.J Del Saulsbury, Francis M Wilson James D Del . . Del 'Winprate Henry C Del . . Del Baker, Samuel S Del Del OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. 57 LIGHT-HOUSE SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. FOURTH DISTRICT COH. Manlove Edward B Asst kpr Delaware Del Del .. $480 Steller Walter Brkwtr. Rng. (Rear), Del. Kpr 22 1 N J N J N J 500 Soper, Samuel Kpr., Fenwick 1., Del . . N. J N. J 600 Pusey John S Asst kpr Fenwick I. Ill N. J 480 Hann Harry F Del. Kpr., Finns Pt. Rng. N. J. N. J. . 500 Norton, Charles W (Front), N. J. Kpr., Finns Pt. Rng. N. J N. J 500 Wright Thomas (Rear), N. J. Kpr Ft Mifflin Bar Cut Del Pa 500 Perkins, Thomas Harrison, Joseph M . Rng. (Rear), N. J. Lab.-kpr., Ft. Mifflin Fog Sig., Pa. Kpr., Fourteen -Foot Pa Del Pa Del... . p. m. 20 700 Lynch, IrVin S Bank, Del. 1st asst. kpr., Fourteen- Del Del 550 Wilson, Herbert C Foot Bank, Del. 2d asst. kpr., Fourteen- Del Del 500 Watterson, George E.. . . Foot Bank, Del. Lab. in chg., Grubbs Pa Del ... . p. m. 25 Moore, Thos. T Landing, Del. Kpr Hbr. of Refuge Del Del 700 Kirby, Gather F . . Brkwtr., Del. 1st asst. kpr., Hbr. of Md Md 550 Buchanan, George H . . . . Refuge Brkwtr., Del. 2d asst. kpr., Hbr. of Ky.. Del 500 Hewett, Freeling H Refuge Brkwtr., Del. Kpr., Hereford Inlet, N. J N. J N. J 500 Scull, John B Kpr., Horseshoe Rng. E. N. J N. J 500 Millis. John H Group, N. J. and Pa. Kpr., Horseshoe Rng. W. Del Del ... . 500 Parker, William M Long, Edward W Group, N. J. and Pa. Kpr., Killick Shoal, Va.. Kpr., Listens Rng. Va Del ... Va Del 500 500 Harrington, William (Front), Del. Kpr., Listens Rng. (Rear), Del. Del N. J 500 58 DEPAETMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR. LIGHT-HOUSE SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. NAME. Official title. | Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. FOURTH DISTRICT COn. Cropper William S Asst. kpr. Listons Rng. Del Del $480 Reeves, Joshua H Burton Theodore H (Rear), Del. Kpr. , Ludlam Bch. , N. J . Kpr Mahon Rvr. Del N.J Del N.J Del ... 550 500 Bailey, Daniel Kpr., Maurice Rvr. Rng., N.J N.J 500 Spicer Linwood N.J. Kpr Maurice Rvr. S. Del Del .. 500 Graham Walter P N.J. Kpr., Mispillion Creek, Del Del 500 King William Del. Kpr Murderkill Creek Del .. Del... . p. m. 20 Cafield, Joseph Duncan George W Rng., Del. Kpr., Newcastle Rng. (Front), Del. Kpr Newcastle Rn^. N. Y.... Del Del Del .. 500 500 Jones, George W (Rear), Del. Kpr., Old Reedy I., Del . Del Del ..... 550 Rider, Charles H . Kpr., Reedy I. Rng. N. J N.J 500 Stellar, John D (Front), Del. Kpr., Reedy I. Rng. N.J N.J 500 Nicholson, James B Maltman, William T. . . . (Rear), Del. Kpr., Salem Creek, N. J. Kpr., Schuylkill Rvr., Pa. Ind Pa N.J Pa 300 500 Sutton Edward F Kpr Schooner Ldg. Rng. N. J . . Pa 500 Butler, Joseph Yfttfia Ahrftm TJ (Front), Pa. Kpr., Schooner Ldg. Rng. (Rear), Pa. Kpr Sea Girt N.J Pa Pa Pa N.J. 500 550 Johnson, Alex Kpr., Ship John Shoal, Sweden.. N.J 700 Palmer, Harry H N.J. 1st asst. kpr., Ship John Del Del 550 Magee Orrie B Shoal, N. J. 2d asst kpr Ship John Del Del 500 Pardee Willis B Shoal, N. J. Lab in erg St. Jones Del Del 240 English, Charles B Creek Rng., Del. Kpr., Tinicum I. Rng. N.J N.J 500 Rider. Arthur H. T . . (Rear), N. J. Kpr., Tucker Bch., N. J. . N.J.. N.J.. 550 OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. 59 LIGHT-HOUSE SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. FIFTH DISTRICT. Lloyd, Comdr. Edward, Inspector (i) jr., U. S. Navy. Johnson, Arnold B Supt Baltimore Md Mass Mass $2,100 Howe, Edward S . Chief clerk Baltimore Me Md p.m. 166 Hartmann, Louis C Md. Clerk, Baltimore, Md N. J Md p.m. 100 Keily, James F Clerk, Baltimore, Md D.C Md p.m. 100 Dykman, William Mes , Baltimore, Md Germany. Md p. m. 60 Gallop, Peter G Suit, John B Kpr., L. H. depot, Wash- ington, N. C. Kpr., Buoy depot, Ann- N. C Md . N.C Md . p.m. 75 p. m. 50 Merritt, Thomas apolis, Md. Buoy kpr Bougue In- S C N C 100 Davis, William H., sr let, N. C. Painter field Mass Md 2 p.d. 3 Staples, Samuel A Kpr., Portsmouth depot, N Y Va p. m. 100 Simpson, Fabius E., jr. . . Creech, Jefferson J Va. Lab., Portsmouth depot, Va. Lab. Portsmouth depot N.C Ga N.C Va p. m. 50 P. m. 45 Lupton, Frederick A Va. Lab Portsmouth depot N C N C p m 50 SiTYiTnoTipj "Robert E. L Va. Lab. Aaron Shoal Va N C Va 300 Lee, Abram Lab. in chg. Adams N C N C 120 Belangia, Washington W. Lewellen, James E Creek, N. C. Lab. in chg., Alligator Rvr., N. C. Kpr. Back Bvr., Va N.C Va N.C Va 180 560 Washington, James W Kpr., Bells Rock, Va Va Va 576 Freeman, Josephine Kpr., Blakistone I., Md. . Md Md 560 Midgett, Christopher C. . . Shockley, Elisha T Lab. in chg., Blockade Shoal, N. C. Kpr Bloody Pt Bar Md N.C Md N.C Md 180 560 Donald, William T Willis, AlpheusB... Asst. kpr., Bloody Pt. Bar, Md. Krr.. Bluff Shoal. N. C . . Md N. C._. Md N. C... 420 600 Pay of rank. 2 When actually employed. 60 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR. LIGHT-HOUSE SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. FIFTH DISTRICT COH. Etheridge, William H.... Meekins, Ephraim, jr Bliven George A .... Asst. kpr., Bluff Shoal, N. C. Kpr , Bodie L, N. C N.C N.C N.C N.C .... $440 720 500 450 575 600 440 240 720 500 450 p. m. 50 800 500 450 820 550 500 720 500 450 560 120 576 1st asst. kpr., Bodie I., N. C. 2d asst. kpr., Bodie L, N. C. Kpr., Bowlers Rock, Va. . Kpr., Brant I. Shoal, N. C. Asst. kpr., Brant I. Shoal, N. C. Lab. in chg., Brant I. Slue, N. C. Kpr Cape Charles, Va N.C N.C Va N.C N.C N.C Va N.C N.C Va N.C N.C N.C Va Twiford John T Spence John . . . English, Alonzo J Newton William English James E Diggs Joseph R Staubly Leonard H 1st asst. kpr., Cape Charles, Va. 2d asst. kpr., Cape Charles, Va. Lab. kpr., Cape Charles City, Va. Kpr., Cape Hatteras, N.C. 1st asst. kpr., Cape Hat- teras, N. C. 2d asst. kpr., Cape Hat- teras, N. C. Kpr. , Cape Henry, Va . . . 1st asst. kpr., Cape Henry, Va. 2d asst. kpr., Cape Henry, Va. Kpr., Cape Lookout, N. C. 1st asst. kpr., Cape Look- out, N. C. 2d asst. kpr., Cape Look- out, N. C. Kpr., Cedar Pt., Md Lab. , Cherry Pt., Va.... Kpr., Cherrystone, Va . . . W.Va... Va Md...... Va Davis Allie L Fulcher William H N.C N.C N.C N.C N.C Italy... Va N.C N.C N.C N.C Md. Simpson Fabious E Watson, Victor L Fulcher Charlie H Riggs, Ephraim H . Beloso Petro Thomas Joseph B Va N.C N.C N C . . Va N.C N.C N. C .... Hooper Alfred B Gillikin, James W Rollinson, William G Edwards, Eugene M Borum John T Va Va Va Va Va V a Hudgins, George P OFFICEES AND EMPLOYEES. 61 LIGHT-HOUSE SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. FIFTH DISTRICT COD. Austin Homer T Asst kpr Cherrystone N C N C $435 Faulkner John E ... Va. Kpr. , Choptank Rvr. , Md Md 576 Sinclair, James H Md. Asst. kpr. , Choptank Md Md 435 Bowen John It Rvr., Md. Lab in chg Clubfoot N C N C 120 Slacum, William K Creek, N. C. Kpr., CobbPt. Bar, Md.. Md Md 576 Hayden, Charles F Asst. kpr., Cobb Pt. Bar, Md Md 435 Daniels, Richard S Riggs Grover C Md. Kpr., Cove Pt., Md Asst. kpr. Cove Pt Md N.C N C Va N C 660 440 Berentsen, John Kpr. , Craighill Channel Norway Md 575 Quidley, John A Rng. (Front), Md. Asst. kpr., Craighill Chan- N. C N C 435 Wills, Harry H nel Rng. (Front), Md. Kpr., Craighill Channel Germany Md 575 Williams, Robert Rng. (Rear), Md. Asst. kpr., Craighill Chan- Va Md 435 Small, Arthur L nel Rng. (Rear), Md. Kpr. , Craney I. , Va Va Va 576 Parham Edward D Asst kpr Craney I Va Va Va 435 Burfoot, Jabez W Kpr Croatan N. C N C Md 560 Harrison, William S . . Asst. kpr., Croatan, N. C N C N C 420 Swain, Nathan H Kpr., Currituck Bch., N. C N C 720 Austin, Wesley N. C. 1st asst kpr Currituck N C N C 500 Austin, William R Bch., N. C. 2d asst. kpr., Currituck N C N C 450 Talbott, Joseph. F . . Bch., N. C. Asst. kpr., Currituck Md .. N.C 840 Burmeister, Frederick . . . Sound, N. C. Kpr., Cutoff Channel Germany. Md 560 Burmeister, Frederick W. M. Green, Charles A (Front), Md. Asst. kpr., Cutoff Chan- nel (Front), Md. Kpr Cutoff Channel Md Md Md Md 420 560 (Rear), Md. 62 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR. LIGHT-HOUSE SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. FIFTH DISTRICT COH. Hurst Alexander P Kpr Deep Water Shoals Va Va $576 Powell, Robert F . . . . Va. Asst. kpr., Deep Water Va Va 435 Weems, James L Kirwan, Charles E Shoals, Va. Kpr., Drum Pt., Md Kpr. , Dutch Gap Cutoff, Md Va . . Md Va 575 600 McDonald Philip Va. Kpr EdentonHbr N C N C N C 200 Mitchell, George W Overton, Wallace M Kpr., Fishing Battery, Md. Lab. in chg., Fleet Pt., Md N. Y Md Va 575 120 Mish, Henry S Va. Lab. in chg., Fork Pt., N.C N.C 120 Culleton, George F Stinchcomb, William S . . Midgett, William F N. C. Kpr., Ft. Carroll, Md Kpr., Ft. Washington, Md. Lab. in chg., Garbacon Md Md N. C .. . Md Md N. C .... 575 560 180 Smith Somerfield Shoal, N. C. Kpr Great Shoals Md Md Md 560 Truitt, Julius W Asst. kpr. Great Shoals Md Md 420 Nelson, Samuel L Md. Kpr. , Great Wicomico Md Va 575 Farmer, Joseph D Rvr., Va. Asst. kpr , Great Wi- Va . Va .. 435 Gray, Clinton B comico II vr., Va. Kpr. , Greenbury Pt. Md Md 560 Larsen, Charles A Spencer, Thomas B Shoal, Md. Asst. kpr. , Greenbury Pt. Shoal, Md. Kpr Gull Shoal N C Norway. . N.C . Md N. C . 420 600 Cox, Walter C Asst kpr Gull Shoal, N.C .... N. C 440 Leonard, Levi B . N. C. Lab Hambrook Bar Md Md 300 Elliott, John J . ... Md. Lab in chg Hampton Va Va 120 Willis, Thomas G Creek, Va. Kpr., Hbr. I. Bar, N. C.. N.C N.C 560 OFFICEES AND EMPLOYEES. 63 LIGHT-HOUSE SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. FIFTH DISTRICT COEL. Styron, Cornelius W Jennett John B Aast. kpr., Hbr. I. Bar, N. C. Kpr., Hatteras Inlet, N.C N.C N.C N.C N. C .. $450 600 Burrus, Joseph. M Asst. kpr., Hatteras In- N.C N.C 440 O'Neill, Henry E Peterson, John let, N. C. Kpr., Havre de Grace, Md. ' Kpr., Hawkins Pt., Md Md Germany Md Md 500 575 Williams, James G Kpr., Hog I., Va Va. Va 720 Fowler, George A 1st asst. kpr., Hog I., Va. Va Va 500 Jarvis, Andrew J 2d asst. kpr., Hog I., Va. . Va Va 450 Somers, Edward R Kpr., Holland I. Bar, Md. Va Va 560 Hoffman George S Asst. kpr. Holland I Va Md 420 Applegarth, Charles H. . . Bar, Md. Kpr., Hooper I., Md Md Md 600 Wingate, George B Asst. kpr., Hooper I., Md. Md Md 440 Hart, George A Kpr., Hooper Strait, Md Md Md 575 Bradford, Ernest H Asst. kpr., Hooper Strait, Md Md 435 Smith, George Md. Lab Hospital Wharf, Va Va Va 120 Springer, Whilldin, jr Moore, Henry S Lab. in chg., Indian I. Slue, N. C. Kpr. , Janes I . , Md N.C Md N.C Md . 120 555 Holland, George S Asst. kpr., Janes I., Md. . Md Md 435 Wilkins, Francis E Kpr Jones Pt., Va Va Va 500 Fenner, Thomas E Kpr. Jordan Pt., Va Va Va 540 Martin, Jonathan . . . Lab. in chg., Lambert Pt. Va.. Va 120 Cox, Benjamin F Fog Sig., Va. Kpr., Laurel Pt., N. C. . . N.C N. C.. 560 Kemp, Frederick F Asst kpr Laurel Pt., N.C N C 420 Brown, William S Ellis, James M N.C. Kpr., Lazaretto Pt., Md.. Asst. kpr., Lazaretto Pt., Md N.C... Md Md 560 420 Raabe, William Md. Kpr., Leading Pt., Md Germany Md 520 Baum, Thomas H Kpr., Long Shoal, N. C N. C N.C 600 Peel, Barney F Asst kpr., Long Shoal N C N C 440 N.C. 64 DEPAETMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR. LIGHT-HOUSE SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. FIFTH DISTRICT COH. Schoenfelder William R Kpr Love Pt. Md Md Md $576 Hall, AddisonS Asst. kpr., Love Pt., Md. Md Md 435 Arnold, James A Kpr., Lower Cedar Pt., Va Va 695 Williams John H Md. Asst kpr Lower Cedar Md Md 500 Parker, John R Pt., Md. Kpr. , Lower Green N. C... . N.C 540 Spruill, Hope G Spring, N. C. Lab., Mackays Creek, N.C N.C 120 TTuTTiplirfiyHj T'f>fh W N. C. Kpr., Maryland Pt., Md Md.. . . Md 576 Morris, Clarence D Grym^Sj T3@nja,mir Asst. kpr., Maryland Pt., Md. Kpr. Mathias Pt. Shoal, Md...... Va Md Va. .. 435 525 Van Houter, S. R Gaskill, David W Md. Asst. kpr., Mathias Pt. Shoal, Md. Lab., Mauls Pt., N. C.... Pa N.C Pa N.C 420 120 Mayo Elie E Lab., Maw Pt. Shoal, N. C... . N. C 180 Ripley Temple N. C. Kpr Nansemond Rvr Va Va 576 Hudgins Robert G Va. Asst kpr. Nansemond Va Va 435 Shipp John T Rvr., Va. Kpr Neuse Rvr N C N. C N. C 600 Quidley, Thomas D.. . Asst. kpr., Neuse Rvr., N.C N.C 440 Ripley Wesley Foster N. C. Kpr New Pt Comfort Va Va 560 Farrow Edward Va. Kpr Newport News N. C Va 600 Smith, Sanders B . . Middle Ground, Va. Lab. in chg., North Pt. N.C N.C 300 Midgett, Arthur and Muddy Slue, N. C. Kpr North Rvr., N. C . N. C N.C 560 Johnson, George G Asst. kpr., North Rvr., N.C N.C 420 Smith Tillman F N. C. Kpr., Ocracoke, N. C. . . . N. C N.C 560 Fulcher, Martin L Lab. in chg., Ocracoke N.C N.C 300 Wreck Pt., N. C. OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. 65 LIGHT-HOUSE SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. TTPTH DISTRICT COn. Salter, Clarence W Kpr., Old Plantation N. C-... N. C.... $575 TTo7/ier ; TVIijah A Flats, Va. Kpr., Old Pt. Comfort, Va.. Va.. . 600 Latham, John W Va. Lab., Otter Creek and N. C.... N. C.... 240 Sutton, Claudious Johnson Pt., N.-O. Kpr., Pages Rock, Va... Va Va 560 Riley Eugene S Asst kpr Pages Rock Va Va 420 Guynn, Mumford Va. Kpr., Pamlico Pt., N. C Va N. C.... 560 Gallop, Peter G., jr . Asst. kpr., Pamlico Pt., N. C.... N.C... . 450 Cone, James H N. C. Lab., Pantego Creek, Md N. C.... 240 Costin, Thomas W N. C. Kpr., Piney Pt Md Va Md 560 Yeatman, William, sr Kpr., Pt. Lookout Md Va.. . Md 800 Simonsen, Anders Kpr., Pt. No Pt., Md Norway Md 600 Kuhn, Robert Asst. kpr., Pt. No Pt., Md Germany. Md 440 Curtis, Alexander B . Lab. in chg., Pt. of N.C N.C 360 Curtis, Benjamin T Marsh, N. C. Lab. Pt of Marsh, N. C N. C.. N. C 180 Curtis, Thomas H Kpr., Pt. of Shoals, Va Va Va 575 Edwards, John B Cohee, Stephen A Asst. kpr., Pt. of Shoals, Va. Kpr., Pooles I., Md Va Md Va Md 435 560 Cowell, William J Lab in chg., Poquoson N.C... N. C.. .. 240 Braddy, John T Pt., N. C. Lab., Pungo Rvr., N. C N. C N.C 120 Jones, John F Lab in chg Queenstown Md Md 240 Howell, Leo R Creek, Md. Lab. in chg., Reeds Pt., N.C N.C 180 Pugh, Charles W N. C. Kpr., Roanoke Marshes, N.C N. C 560 Meekins, Isaac C Clifton, William B N. C. Asst. kpr., Roanoke Marshes, N. C. Kpr., Roanoke Rvr., N.C. N.C N. C N.C N. C 420 560 Cooper, Joseph W Asst kpr , Roanoke Rvr., N. C N. C .. 420 N.C. 4606408- 66 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR. LIGHT-HOUSE SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. FIFTH DISTRICT COD. Ware, Robert L., jr Lab., Ross Rock, Va Va Va $120 Paul, Daniel T Lab., Rumlev Marsh, N.C N.C 120 Jansen, Edward Willis, George M., sr N. C. Kpr., Sandy Ft., Md Asst. kpr., Sandy Ft., Norway. . N.C Md N.C 560 420 Davenport, Leon L Grain John H Md. Lab., Scuppernong Rvr., N. C. Kpr Seven Foot Knoll, N.C Md N.C Md 180 560 Collison David W Md. Asst. kpr., Seven Foot Md . Md 420 Brooks Archie F Knoll, Md. Lab. in chg., Severn Va Va 180 Jones, John B Rvr., Va. Lab. in chg., Shark N.C N.C 240 Carew Walter C Shoal, N. C. Kpr., Sharkfin Shoal, Md Md 560 Bozman Calvin H Md. Asst kpr Sharkfin Md Md . . 440 Shockley Jesse M Shoal, Md. Kpr Sharps I Md Md . .'. . Md 560 Bounds Otho Asst. kpr., Sharps I., Md. Md Md 420 Yeatman, William, jr Williams, James B Hudgins, Charles S Kpr., Smith Creek, Md. . . Kpr. , Smith Ft. , Va 1st asst. kpr., Smith Ft., Md Va Va Md Va Va 240 700 550 Fulcher Thomas L Va. 2d asst. kpr., Smith Ft., Va. N.C N.C 500 Sterling, Henry C Kpr. , Solomons Lump, Md Md. 560 Johnsen, Ole O Md. Asst. kpr., Solomons Norway. . Md 420 Somers Edgar T Lump, Md. Kpr Somers Cove, Md . . Md Md 575 Banks Henry T Lab South Rvr N C N C . . N.C 120 Simpson, Amasa J Kpr. , Southwest Ft. Roy- N.C N.C 600 Owen, Hugh E al Shoal, N. C. Lab., Spinhouse Ft. Wales.... Va 180 Marohant. Levi D.. ir . . Shoal, Va. Kor.. Stinerav Ft.. Va.. Va.. Va.. 560 OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. 67 LIGHT-HOUSE SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. FIFTH DISTRICT COH. Her, Andrew B . . . . Daniel, Henry T Harris, William J Sterling, Charles A Thomas, Edward L Shawn, Walter M Hill, James M Wingate, Henry C Kerley, John R Jarvis, John F Irison, Elijah Brumfield, Mrs. Georgia S. Speake, Thomas E Speake, Buena V Benson, Thomas H. Clifton, Charles W Mercer, Joseph F Sibley, Edward H. A Tyler, Charles C Quidley, John B Reed, Robert B Simonson, Millard F Holloway, George W Lee, Noah B. Wheeler, Elmer F. . . Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. Asst. kpr., Stingray Ft., Va Va $420 Va. Lab., Sturgeon Creek Va Va 150 Shoal, Va. Lab. in chg. , Swan Quar- N.C N.C 240 ter Rng., N. C. Kpr., Tangier Sound, Va. Asst. kpr., Tangier Va Va. . Va Va 576 435 Sound, Va. Kpr., Thimble Shoal, Va. Md Va 640 1st asst. kpr., Thimble N.C N.C 460 Shoal, Va. Kpr., Thomas Pt. Shoal, Md Md 600 Md. Asst. kpr., Thomas Pt. Del Del 440 Shoal, Md. Kpr., Tue Marshes, Va. . . Asst. kpr., Tue Marshes, Va Va Va Va.. . . 575 435 Va. Kpr., Turkey Pt., Md Md Md 560 Kpr. , Upper Cedar Pt. ,Md. Md Md 575 Asst. kpr., Upper Cedar Md Md . 360 Pt., Md. Lab. in chg., Urbana England . Va 180 Creek, Va. Kpr., WadePt., N. C.... N.C N.C 560 Asst. kpr., Wade Pt., N.C N.C 420 N. C. Kpr., Watts I., Va Asst. kpr., Watts I., Va. . Va Md Va Md 560 420 Kpr., Western Channel, N.C N.C 420 N. C. Lab White Pt , Va Va Va 180 Kpr , White Shoal, Va Va . Va 575 Asst. kpr., White Shoal, Va Va ... . 435 Va. Lab. in chg., Wilkinson N.C N.C 120 Pt. Shoal, N. C. Lab., Willoughby Bay, Va Va 240 Va. 68 DEPAETMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR. LIGHT-HOUSE SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. FIFTH DISTRICT COH. Respess, Charles E Kpr., Windmill Pt., Va.. Va Va $600 Davis, Edward Asst. kpr., Windmill Pt., Va Va 440 Hurst James B Va. Kpr Wolf Trap Va Va Va 700 Hudgins John F ... 1st asst kpr., Wolf Trap, Va Va 550 Groom Horace C Va. 2d asst kpr Wolf Trap Va Va 500 Guthrie, Joseph Va. Lab., Wreck Pt., N. C... N.C N.C 150 Hudgins, Walter S Kpr., York Spit, Va Va Va 600 White Charles A Asst kpr York Spit Va N C N C 440 SIXTH DISTRICT. Hodman OftTpdi* TTugh Inspector (i) U. S. Navy. Farrow, Pattillo Chief Clerk, Charleston, Ga S.C p. m. 150 King Edna M S. C. Clerk Charleston S C N.Y S.C 1,200 Johnson, James L. . Clerk Charleston S. C S.C .... S.C p. m. 75 Allen, Edward C Buoy master, St. Augus- Fla Fla 360 Pringle Samuel tine, Fla. Lab Charleston S C S C s.c p.m. 25 Pacetti, Bartolo J . . . Buoy master, Mosquito Fla Fla p.m. 20 Larsen Iver Inlet, Fla. Kpr (depot) Castle Norway S C p. m. 100 Hammett, Joel E.. Pinckney, S. C. Asst kpr. (depot), Cas- S.C s.c p.m. 50 O'Hagan, Thomas P tle Pinckney, S. C. Kpr Amelia I Fla N.Y Fla 720 Dosher, James H Miles, Clarence H Kpr., Bald Head, N. C... Kpr., Barn well Place, Ga. N.C Fla N.C Ga 560 600 Sisson, Charles L Svendsen, Halvor S., jr. . Honeywell Clinton P Kpr., Bloody Pt., S. C... Kpr., Bull Bay, S. C Kpr Cape Canaveral S.C N.Y Md S.C s.c Fla.. .. 720 600 760 TCViight Thorn iv? Fla. 1st asst kpr Cape Ca- Fla Fla 540 Butler, John B naveral, Fla. 2d asst. kpr., Cape Ca- S.C Ga 490 naveral, Fla. 1 Pay of rank. OFFICEES AND EMPLOYEES. 69 LIGHT-HOUSE SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. SIXTH DISTRICT COB. ^w9T) flharlps N Kpr Cape Fear N C Fla N C $750 Smith. James 1st asst. kpr., Cape Fear, England. S.C 530 Larsen Peter N. C. 2d asst. kpr., Cape Fear, Norway. . N.C 480 Thelning, Victor E Anderson Carl . . N. C. Kpr., Cape Remain, S. C. 1st asst. kpr., Cape Ro- Sweden. . Sweden.. Ga Ga 760 540 Malloy Clarence main, S. C. 2d asst kpr Cape Ro- Ala . . s.c 490 Wieking John main, S. C. Kpr Charleston, S. C Germany S.C 720 Bringloe Lewis H 1st asst. kpr., Charleston, s.c s.c 500 Jacobson, Ludwig S. C. 2d asst. kpr., Charleston, Sweden.. S.C 450 Whitney, Jno. J S. C. Lab., Charleston, S. C... S.C S.C 180 Ohman, Gustaf . Kpr. , Cockspur, Ga Sweden.. Ga 744 Magwood, Edward B Asst. kpr., Cockspur, Ga. S.C s.c 576 Seabrook, Washington C. . Stonebridge, Richard Shriver, Frederick Lab. in chg., Gumming Pt., S. C. Kpr., Daufuskie I., S. C. Kpr. East Marsh I., S. C. S.C Norway. . S. C S.C S.C S. C 240 720 600 Coker, Priestley C Lab., Elliott Cut, S. C. . . S. C S. C p. m. 7 Morris Arthur Kpr Fig I Ga Ireland Ga 480 Foheson, Anton Lab in chg Ft. George Denmark Fla p m. 15 ' Duncan, Daniel J Creek, Fla. Kpr. Ft. Jackson, Ga S. C Ga 420 Nielson, Thomas F Kpr., Ft. Ripley Shoal, S. C S. C 560 i Britt, Thomas Bennett, Angus G S. C. Kpr., Ft. Sumter, S. C... Kpr. Georgetown, S. C .. N. Y S. C .... S.C S. C 560 720 pruggeman, Frederick H. Kpr., Hilton Head, S. C. S. C Ga 580 1 Bimmons, Edward Asst. kpr., Hilton Head, S. C s. c 440 i ohansen, Theodore S . . . ^ichmann, August F S. C. Kpr., Hunting I., S. C... 1st asst. kpr., Hunting I., Norway.. Germany Fla S. C 740 540 f. rrisillo, Joseph S. C. 2d asst kpr Hunting I Austria Ga 490 S. C. 70 DEPAETMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR. LIGHT-HOUSE SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. SIXTH DISTRICT COH. Wells Joseph A ... Kpr. Jupiter Inlet, Fla . Ind Fla $732 Eriksson John E 1st asst. kpr., Jupiter In- Sweden.. Fla 532 Curling Newnan D let, Fla. 2d asst kpr Jupiter In- Fla Fla 487 Robertson John let, Fla. Kpr Little Cumberland Scotland S C 700 Kin cr John L L, Ga. Asst kpr. Little Cum- S. C s. c 550 Lindquist John berland I., Ga. Kpr. Mosquito Inlet, Sweden.. Fla 760 Rowell Walter C Fla. 1st asst kpr. Mosquito Ga .. . s. c 540 Lindquist William . Inlet, Fla. 2d asst. kpr., Mosquito Sweden. . s. c 490 Swan James E Inlet, Fla. Kpr Mt Pleasant S. C . S C s. c . 660 Anderson Charles Kpr Paris I. S. C Sweden s. c ... 560 Wright Paul Asst kpr. Paris I., S. C.. S. C s. c 420 Carlin James H . Kpr. Plantation Creek, Fla Ga 860 Jackson William L Ga. Lab - kpr Plantation S. C S. C . .. 360 Hartnett, Michael F Cromley, James Cromlev Daniel H Creek, Ga. Kpr., SampitRvr., S. C.. Kpr., Sapelo, Ga Asst kpr Sapelo Ga S. C Ga Ga s. c Ga Ga .... 600 600 450 Wright Samuel D Lab Skull Creek, S. C . . . S. C s. c p. m. 10 O'Hagan, John J Johnson, Charles Kremser, Kajetan E Kpr., South Channel, S. C. Kpr., South I.,S.C Kpr., South Jetty Chan- N. Y Norway. . Austria . . s. c s. c s. c 660 840 600 Rasmusson Peter nel, S. C. Kpr St Augustine Fla Denmark Fla 720 Enslow, Douglas M 1st asst. kpr., St. Augus- Fla Fla 500' Jackson Arundius T tine, Fla. 2d asst kpr St Augus- Pa Fla 450 Buford, Amos Svendsen. Carl O... tine, Fla. Kpr., St. Johns Rvr., Fla. Kor.. St. Simon. Ga... Fla Eneland. Fla S. C... 780 600 OFFICEES AND EMPLOYEES. 71 LIGHT-HOUSE SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. ( SIXTH DISTRICT COH. Nauman, George B Traugott Franz Asst. kpr., St. Simon, Ga. Kpr. Tybee Ga . . Fla Germany Fla S. C $450 720 Minges John H 1st asst. kpr., Tybee, Ga. S. C S. C 500 Sullivan Scudday W . 2d asst kpr., Tybee, Ga. . S. C S. C 450 Floyd Edward L Kpr., Tybee Knoll Cut, S. C S. C 700 Cantey, Ollie P Ga. Asst. kpr., Tybee Knoll S. C S. C 420 Martus George W Cut, Ga. Kpr. Upper Flats Ga D. C Ga 720 Grimm, Charles W Kpr. Volusia Bar, Fla . . Germany Fla . .. 600 Hart, William R Kpr., Wadmelaw Rvr., S. C S. C 360 SEVENTH DISTRICT. Tappan Comdr. Benja- S. C. Inspector (i) min, U. S. Navy. Brost, Alfred Chief clerk Key West, Germany Fla p. m. 150 Haskins, Henry B Fla. Clerk, Key West, Fla. ... Fla Fla p. m. 100 Winton Silas J Blacksmith Key West England Fla p. m 90 Ewert, Gustave Fla. Depot kpr. Key West Germany Fla P. m. 75 Brost, Harvey Fla. Blacksmith's helper, Key Fla Fla p. m. 60 Hoos, Adolph West, Fla. Mes Key West Fla Germany Fla p m 50 Stran, William T Kpr Alligator Reef Fla Fla Fla 840 Kelly, Thomas M ... 1st asst kpr. Alligator Bahama Fla 600 Morrow, Charles L Reef, Fla. 2d asst. kpr., Alligator Islands. Fla Fla 500 Hamblett, Arthur C. E . . Reef, Fla. Kpr., American Shoal, England Fla 820 Spencer, Henry Fla. 1st asst. kpr., American Bahama Fla 550 Pierce, William H . . . Shoal, Fla. 2d asst. kpr. American Islands. Bahama Fla 480 Meyer, Robert S Shoal, Fla. Kpr Anclote Keys Fla Islands. Fla Fla 640 1 Pay of rank. 72 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR. LIGHT-HOUSE SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. SEVENTH DISTRICT COIL. Klingner, David D Asst. kpr. Anclote Keys N. Y Fla |490 QniriTi William M Fla. Kpr Apalachicola Rng Conn Fla 550 Cullen, William W .... Front, Fla. Kpr. , Apalachicola Rng. , Fla Fla 400 Hamilton, Montovillo Walker, Edward F Roberts, Walter A Rear, Fla. Kpr., Big Marco Pass, Fla. Kpr., Cape Florida Shoal, Fla. Kpr., Cape San Bias, Fla N.C Fla Fla Fla Fla Fla 400 820 640 Silva David D Asst kpr Cape San Bias Fla Fla 440 Gibson, James Fla. Custodian Cape San Bias Ga Fla 1 Porter, Edwin G Kinckmeyer, William J. . Wathen Charles T Fla. Kpr., Cape St. George, Fla. Asst. kpr., Cape St. George, Fla. Kpr Carrabelle Rvr N. Y Fla Kv Fla Fla..... Fla 730 540 500 Tabal, Miguel Sawyer, Theophilus Bar, Fla. Kpr., Carysfort Reef, Fla. 1st asst. kpr. Carysfort j - v j r Spain Bahama Fla Fla 840 600 Albiiry, William A, Reef, Fla. 2d asst. kpr., Carysfort Islands. Bahama Fla 500 Gardner, Charles H Reef, Fla. Kpr. Cedar Keys Fla Islands. Ga Fla 675 Gardner, Sterling C Fine, Robert J Asst.kpr., Cedar Keys,Fla. Kpr., Charlotte Hbr.,Fla Fla Fla . Fla Fla 555 600 Sharit, George E Asst kpr Charlotte Fla Fla 480 Marler, William Hbr., Fla. Kpr., Choctawhatchee, Ga Fla 350 Williams, Albert A Fla. Kpr , Crooked Rvr , Fla . Fla 600 Williams, Charles H Fla. Asst kpr Crooked Fla Fla 450 Clarke, Landon J Russell, Edgar J Rvr., Fla. Kpr., Deer Pt.,Fla Kpr. , Dry Tortugas Ala Bahama Fla Fla 600 820 Fla. Islands. OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. 73 LIGHT-HOUSE SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. SEVENTH DISTRICT COEL Johnson Willard R 1st asst. kpr., Dry Tor- Fla Fla $500 Billberry, George E tugas, Fla. 2d asst. kpr., Dry Tor- Fla Fla 480 Destin, Alfred Moore, Charles tugas, Fla. Kpr. , East Turtle Shoal, Fla. Kpr. , Egmont Key, Fla . Fla Conn Fla Fla 750 600 Woodward, Edward Asst. kpr., Egmont Fla Fla 450 Lewis, Henry J Doyle William J Key, Fla. Kpr. ,Escribano Pt. ,Fla. Kpr., Ft. Barrancas, Ala Fla Fla Fla 450 720 Wilson, Carl Fla. Kpr., Ft. McRee Cut- Finland . Fla 650 Darby, George Weatherford, Henry P off Rng., Fla. Asst. kpr., Ft. McRee Cutoff Rng., Fla. Kpr., Fowey Rocks, Ala Fla Fla Fla 510 820 Anderson, Victor Fla. 1st asst kpr Fowey Sweden Fla 600 Curry, Samuel R. A Rocks, Fla. 2d asst. kpr., Fowey Bahama Fla 500 Warner George C Rocks, Fla. Kpr Gadsdens Pt Fla Islands. Mass Fla 1,200 Lester, William Johnson, Charles BergheU, Alfred A Kpr. , Gasparilla I. , Fla. Asst. kpr., Gasparilla I., Fla. Kpr., Hillsboro Inlet, Fla Denmark Finland . Fla Fla Fla 600 450 800 Albury, Thomas E Fla. 1st asst. kpr., Hillsboro Bahama Fla 550 Thompson, Robert H Inlet, Fla. 2d asst. kpr. , Hillsboro Islands. Bahama Fla 500 Bethel, William A Inlet, Fla. Kpr Key West, Fla Islands. Fla Fla 720 Bethel, Mrs. Mary E Asst. kpr., Key West, Bahama Fla 420 Demere, William L. M Taylor, Edgar A Fla. Kpr. , Mangrove Pt. ,Fla Kpr., Middle Ground, Islands. Fla Fla Fla Fla 550 300 Albury, William D Fla. Kpr., Mosquito Bank, Fla. Bahama Islands. Fla..... 700 74 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR. LIGHT-HOUSE SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. NAME. t Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. SEVENTH DISTRICT COn. Bahrt, Carl W Kpr. , Mullet Key Shoal, Fla Fla $1 000 Gibson George H Fla. Kpr Northwest Pas- Bahama Fla 700 Felton, William sage, Fla. Asst. kpr., Northwest . Islands. Bahama Fla ... 520 Curry Hiram L Passage, Fla. Kpr Peace Creek Fla Islands. Ind Fla 500 Knowles Thomas M Kpr., Pelican Key, Fla Fla Fla 500 Clifford, George T Kpr., Pensacola, Fla . . Fla Fla ... 760 Whiting, Adrian 1st asst. kpr., Pensa- Mass . Fla 520 Miller, Jefferson D cola, Fla. 2d asst kpr , Pensa- Miss Fla 490 Peterson, John Lopez Clifton H cola, Fla. Kpr., Rebecca Shoal, Fla. 1st asst kpr , Rebecca Denmark Fla Fla Fla 750 550 Roberts, Richard C Shoal, Fla. 2d asst. kpr., Rebecca Bahama Fla 500 Johnson Charles G Shoal, Fla. Kpr Sand Key Fla Islands. Fla Fla ... 800 Elden Charles W 1st asst kpr Sand Key, Bahama Fla 500 Finder, Ramon Fla. 2d asst. kpr., Sand Key, Islands. Bahama Fla 480 Shannahan Henry Fla. Kpr SanibelL, Fla Islands. Fla . .. Fla 740 Shannahan, Eugene H Brooks Clairmon Asst. kpr., Sanibel I., Fla. Kpr Santa Rosa Fla Ala Fla Fla ..... 600 450 Williams, James C . Sound, Fla. Kpr., Six Foot Spot, Fla ..... Fla 800 Fogarty, Bartholomew Watkins, John Curry, William H Fla. Kpr., SneadPt. Shoal, Fla. Kpr., Sombrero Key, Fla. 1st asst. kpr., Sombrero Fla England . Fla Fla Fla Fla 750 840 600 Knowles John T Key, Fla. 2dasst. kpr., Sombrero Fla Fla 500 Key, Fla. OFFICEKS AND EMPLOYEES. 75 LIGHT-HOUSE SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. SEVENTH DISTRICT COU. Moody, Thomas A Kpr., South Cut Lower, No. 6, Fla. Kpr., Southwest Chan- nel, Fla. Kpr., St. Andrews Bar, Fla. Kpr., St. Joseph Pt. Rng., Fla. Lab., St. Joseph Pt. Rng., Fla. Kpr., St. Marks, Fla . . Fla Ill Fla Fla $700 450 600 640 250 600 640 500 950 970 650 400 p. m. 150 p. m. 125 1,000 p.m. 50 1,000 500 710 485 675 600 Pillsbury Edward I Studebaker, Robert L . . . Lupton, Charles Lupton, Mrs. Minnie I . . Fine, Mrs. Sarah J Ohio Fla Fla Fla Fla Fla Fla Fla Italy, William H Kpr., Tortugas Hbr., Fla. Kpr., West Pass Bar, Fla. Kpr., White Pt., Fla Fla Pa Fla Fla Fla Fla . Wefing, George F Hurd, Frederick Niles, Nathaniel, jr Destin, Andrew Morris, Charles E Kpr., Windward Pt., 111 Fla Cuba. Asst. kpr., Windward Pt., Cuba. Kpr. , Withlacoochee River, Fla. Inspector Fla Ga Fla Fla EIGHTH DISTRICT. Purcell, Comdr. J. L., U. S. Navy. Vaughn, George W.. . Chief clerk, New Or- leans, La. Clerk, New Orleans, La.. La La Lanphier, Edward S La La Klein, Arnold C Clerk, New Orleans, La. . La La Woods, Henry B Mes., New Orleans, La. . . Kpr., Port Eads, La La Australia La La La Fitzgerald, Richard A ... Crawford, James M Kpr., Amite Rvr., La La Stephenson, Frank Roberts, Thomas P Kpr., Aransas Pass, Tex . Asst. kpr., Aransas Pass, Tex. Kpr., Barataria Bay, La. . Kpr., Battery Gladden, Ala. 1 Pay of rank. Tex . . . Tex Tex Tex Miller, Robert G Tex Sweden.. Tex Tex Lambert, Peter OF THE 76 DEPAETMENT OF COMMEECE AND LABOE. LIGHT-HOUSE SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. NAME. * Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. EIGHTH DISTRICT COB. Lambert, Theodore Doucet Edgar Asst. kpr., Battery Glad- den, Ala. Lab in chg Bayou Bon- Sweden.. La Conn La $500 p m 20 Gonzales, Joseph fuca, La. Lab Bayou du Pre\ La. . La . . La P. m. 20 Treadway, Daniel Lab. in chg., Bayou La- La La p.m. 20 Coteron, Mrs. Minnie E.. FaHfirrnaTij Victor combe, La. Kpr., Bayou St. John, La. Lab in chg , Bayou Ala La La La 600 Pm. 10 YouTighaus, Mrs, Maria,. . Teche, La. Kpr., Biloxi, Miss La Miss 600 Som m p.r A 1 b^^t Kpr Biloxi Hbr Miss Germany Miss 600 Claibome, Harry C Kpr Bolivar Pt. Tex La Tex 700 Bauler, William Asst. kpr., Bolivar Pt., Fla Fla 480 Brockenbrough Marias Tex. Kpr Brazos Rvr Tex Va Tex 700 C. Brockenbrough, Joseph B Egly William Asst. kpr., Brazos Rvr., Tex. Kpr Brazos Santiago Tex La Tex Tex 480 715 Garza, Pancho Tex. Asst kpr., Brazos San- Tex Tex 490 Grossman, Charles F tiago, Tex. Kpr., Calcasieu, La La La 680 Clarisse Thomas N Kpr Cat I Miss La La .. . 665 Lassabe Ramie M 1st asst kpr Chande- Miss .... Miss 490 Hobden, Arthur B leur, La. 2d asst. kpr., Chande- La La 465 Groux, Joseph P leur, La. Kpr Chefuncte Rvr., La Mass La 625 Savage John B Kpr Cubits Gap La Belgium La 600 Danlev. EDDS Kpr East Pascagoula Ala Miss 615 Poitevin, Gaston R Rvr., Miss. Asst. kpr., East Pasca- Ala Miss 490 Edgecomb, Leonard F goula Rvr., Miss. Kpr., Ft. Point Tex La Tex 680 Pose Mannie Lab Great Pt Clear Ala Ala Ala . 240 Larson Lawrence Kpr. Gulf port Channel, Norway.. La 600 Miss. OFFICEKS AND EMPLOYEES. 77 LIGHT-HOUSE SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. EIGHTH DISTRICT COH. Thompson, Charlea A . . . Asst. kpr., Gulfport La La $490 Gordon Ralph. Channel, Miss. Kpr Head of Passes La England Miss 665 O'Brien William Asst kpr Head of Pass- N.Y La 490 Hill, William es, La. Kpr., Horn I., Miss Tex Tex 670 Hansen, Thorwald Asst. kpr., Horn I., Miss. . Ala Miss 490 MliTirh John A Kpr Lake Borgne Miss La Miss 665 McKean, Albert Lab Long Pt Miss La La Pm 20 Forrestier, Joseph Kpr Matagorda Tex Tex Tex 710 Cooke, Daniel L. Asst. kpr., Matagorda, Ala Tex 485 Swain, Joseph Tex. Kpr., Merrill Shell Bank, La La 670 Olsen, Hans J. G Miss. Kpr. Mobile Pt Ala Norway Ala 665 Riddle, Mrs. Caroline Mary, John M Kpr., New Canal, La Kpr., Oyster Bayou, La La La . . La La 600 640 Terreson, James Kpr., Pascagoula Rvr., Alaska... La 600 Falgout, Prosper Miss. Kpr., Pass a Loutre, La . . La La 680 Bilos, Joseph F Asst. kpr Pass a Loutre Austria La 490 Succow, Mrs. Mary J La. Kpr., Pass Manchac, La. . La La 625 Cooney, Frank Lab., Pearl Rvr., La La Miss p.m. 20 Dunn, Charles J Kpr., Pointe auxHerbes, Tex Ala 640 Nor veil, Mrs. Maggie R.. La. Kpr. , Port Pontchartrain, D. C. ... La 600 Smith, George R La. Kpr Red Fish Bar Cut Tex Tex 675 Asplund, John Tex. Asst. kpr., Red Fish Bar Sweden La 490 Streckert, Mathias W Cut, Tex. Kpr Round I Miss England Ala 625 Gibbon, Sydney Asst. kpr., Round I., Mich Miss 450 Thompson, William B . . . . Miss. Kpr., Sabine Bank, Tex. . Fla.. .. La 720 Johnson, Charles A 1st asst kpr., Sabine Sweden Ala 525 Shuman, Fred Bank, Tex. 2d asst kpr Sabine Miss Miss 500 Bank, Tex. 78 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR. LIGHT-HOUSE SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. 1 NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. EIGHTH DISTRICT COn. Bierschenk William G 3d asst kpr., Sabine Germany La $475 Hill, Stephen D Bank, Tex. Kpr., Sabine Pass, La Tex Tex 680 Kelley Hugh Asst kpr Sabine Pass La 440 Andersen, Kristian La. Kpr., Sabine Pass, east Denmark Ala 600 Nilsen Niels jetty, La. Kpr Sand I. Ala Norway Ala 760 Portman, John H 1st asst. kpr., Sand I., La Miss 490 Bayly, William W Ala. 2d asst. kpr., Sand I., Ala. Fla Miss 465 Clarisse, Peter Kpr., Ship I., Miss La Miss 680 Rollingson Edward L Kpr Ship Shoal, La La La 720 Beney Louis 1st asst. kpr., Ship Shoal, La La 525 Mason John B La. 2d asst kpr Ship Shoal Mich La 500 McCormick Ferrington La. 3d asst. kpr., Ship Shoal, Cal La 475 M. Fitzgerald Edward W La. Kpr South Pass La La La 840 Fullerton George W 1st asst kpr South Pass Pa Ala 490 Brown, William Hansen Jacob La. Kpr., South Pass jetty, La. Kpr Southwest Pass La Sweden.. Denmark La La 700 760 Hansen Jacob M 1st asst. kpr., Southwest Ala La 490 Angelo Joseph W Pass, La. 2d asst kpr Southwest La .. . La 465 Jones, Samuel Pass, La. Kpr., Southwest Reef, La. Conn La 700 Keefe Daniel Asst kpr Southwest N Y La 450 Flannigan, Jack. Reef, La. Lab. in chg., Tickfaw N. J La p.m. 20 Oliver, William H Gray John C Rvr., La. Kpr. , Timbalier, La Asst kpr Timbalier La Md La La La 735 460 Stamps Lorenzo D Lab Trinity Rvr Tex Miss Tex p.m. 25 Read. Mrs. Anna M.. Kt)r.. West Rierolets. La. . Germanv La.. 680 OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. 79 LIGHT-HOUSE SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. NINTH DISTRICT. Orpharrl Cotndr Tolm Inspector (i) M., U. S. Navy. Picking Samuel Chief clerk, Chicago 111 Pa ... Ill p.m.$150 Shadinger John A Clerk, Chicago, 111. Pa 111 p. m. 100 Wood Thomas Clerk, Chicago, 111 England . 111 ... P. m. 75 Young John C Mes., Chicago, 111.' Canada . . Ill p.m. 60 Clark Lloyd Depot kpr., St. Joseph, Vt Mich 1,000 Wrege, Rudolph L Mich. Depot kpr., Milwaukee, Mich.... Wis P. m. 75 Shields William H Wis. Depot kpr., Charlevoix, Scotland. Mich . 600 Scott, Roy H . . Mich. Asst. depot kpr., St. Jo- Mich Mich.. . 500 Umberham, Gustavus . . . seph, Mich. Kpr., Ahnapee, Wis Wis Wis 600 Gattie Henry Kpr., Bailey Hbr., Wis Belgium Wis 540 Spencer, Medad Gallagher, Dominick D . . McCormick, James Kpr., Beaver I., Mich . . . 1st asst. kpr., Beaver I., Mich. 2d asst. kpr., Beaver I., N.Y.... Mich .... Mich .... Mich.... Mich.... Mich .... 600 450 425 Winter, Ernst E Mich. Kpr., Beaver I. Hbr., Germany Mich . 540 McKinnon, John C Mich. Kpr., Calumet Hbr., 111.. Me Mich 625 Mentch, William C 1st asst. kpr., Calumet Wis Wis 525 Davenport, Andrew J Berg, William Brown, Jesse T. . Hbr., HI. Kpr., Calumet Pierhead, 111. Asst. kpr., Calumet, 111.. Kpr., Cana I., Wis Mich.... Mich .... Wis . . 111 Mich .... Wis 600 450 600 Pfiel, Rhinhart Knudsen, Nelson Relief son, Jens J Drew, George W Asst. kpr., Cana I., Wis. . Kpr., Cedar Rvr., Mich.. Kpr., Chambers I., Wis. . Asst. kpr., Chambers I., Wis Wis Norway.. N. Y 111 Mich.... Wis Wis 450 560 620 450 Ripley, Wright Bailey, Thomas J Wis. Kpr., Charlevoix, Mich.. Kpr., Chicago Hbr. Canada . . England Mich.... Ill 600 750 Brkwtr. S., 111. 1 Pay of rank. 80 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR. LIGHT-HOUSE SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. NAME. Officiattitle. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. NINTH DISTRICT COD. Hariri), Frpptjnff C,, M--, 1st asst. kpr., Chicago Wis Wis $500 Conway , Peter Hbr. Brkwtr. S., 111. 2d asst. kpr., Chicago Mich Mich 450 Erickson, Alfred Hbr. Brkwtr. S., 111. Kpr., Chicago Hbr. Outer Denmark Wis 650 Braemer, Louis R Brkwtr. 111. 1st asst. kpr., Chicago Wis Wis .. 550 Johnson Kn^il Hbr. Outer Brkwtr., 111. 2d asst kpr Chicago Sweden Mich 500 Sanderson, Clifford W Hbr. Outer Brkwtr., 111. Kpr., Dunlap Reef, Wis . Wis Wis 540 Duclon William Kpr Eagle Bluff Wis N Y Wis 560 Rose, Lewis A Wilmot, Joseph H Kpr., Escanaba, Mich Kpr., Frankfort, Mich N. Y.... Mich Mich.... Mich 560 600 Straubel, Albert F . . Asst. kpr., Frankfort, Germany Mich ... 450 Fraga, Frank Douglass, Joseph Mich. Kpr., Grand Haven, Mich. 1st asst. kpr., Grand Ha- Portugal. N. Y Mich.... Mich 600 550 Grenell, Charles S ven, Mich. 2d asst. kpr., Grand Ha- N. Y Mich 540 Buttars, George Taylor Frank ven, Mich. Kpr., Grand Traverse, Mich. Asst. kpr Grand Trav- England. Mich Mich.... Mich 600 450 Gagnon, Samuel erse, Mich. Kpr., Grande Pointe au Wis Wis 625 Johnson, Carl J Hutzler, Louis Sable, Mich. Asst. kpr. , Grande Pointe au Sable, Mich. Kpr., Grassy I., Wis Sweden.. Mich .... Mich .... Wis 450 600 Burdick, William H Asst kpr Grassy I Wis Mich Mich .... 450 Wachter, James Kpr., Green I., Wis Mich .... Wis 580 Drew, Frank A Moore, Edwin J Asst. kpr., Green I., Wis. . Kpr Grossepoint 111 . Wis Ky.. Wis Ill 400 675 Blanchard Isaac N 1st asst kpr Grossepoint Mich Ill 500 Donovan, Walter 111. 2d asst. kpr., Grossepoint, Mich .... 111 425 111. OFFICEKS AND EMPLOYEES. 81 LIGHT-HOUSE SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. NINTH DISTRICT COB. Bavry Charles Kpr., Holland, Mich .... Wis Wis $650 Fish John C 1st asst. kpr., Holland, Mich Mich.... 550 Baker George H Mich. Kpr., Kalamazoo, Mich. Ohio Mich 540 Young Charles E Kpr. , Kenosha, Wis ... . Wis Mich 600 Kimmes Joseph 1st asst kpr Kenosha Wis Mich 450 Schaefer Tony Wis. 2d asst kpr. Kenosha, 111 Wis 425 Kimball, Eugene V Wis. Kpr., Kewaunee, W T is . . . Me Wis 660 Stodola Joseph J Asst kpr Kewaunee Wis Mich 450 Williams, Mrs. Elizabeth. Slyfield, Edwin R Wis. Kpr., Little Traverse, Mich. Kpr., Ludington, Mich Mich.... Mich Mich.... Mich 560 660 Dibble, Alexander R 1st asst. kpr., Ludington, Pa Mich 500 Bennett, Fred G Mich. 2d asst. kpr. Ludington Mich Mich 425 McClure, Milton Mich. Kpr., Manistee, Mich. Mich Wis 600 Robinson, Thomas W 1st asst. kpr., Manistee, Wis Ill 450 Hinman, Fred A Ahlgrim Charles Mich. 2d asst. kpr., Manistee, Mich. Kpr Manitowoc Wis Conn Wis Mich.... Wis 425 600 Warren, Joseph E 1st asst kpr Manitowoc Conn Wis 450 Grant, Roy J Wis. 2d asst. kpr., Manitowoc, Mich Mich . 425 Lenz, Henry Wis. Kpr., Menasha River, Wis Wis 300 Arft, John Lower, Wis. Kpr., Menasha River, Wis.. .. Wis 300 Hanson, Hans J Upper, Wis. Kpr., Menominee, Mich Wis Wis 660 Ottosen, Walter 1st asst. kpr., Menominee, Wis Wis 465 Armstrong, Thomas J Sheridan, George H Mich. Kpr., Michigan City, Ind. 1st asst kpr Michigan Mich.... Mich Mich.... Ill 600 540 City, Ind. 4606408 -6 82 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR. LIGHT-HOUSE SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. NINTH DISTRICT COn. Lettau, Edward C 2d asst. kpr Michigan Mich Ill $510 Schroeder, William City, Ind. Kpr., Milwaukee, Wis Germany Wis 625 Tews Emil C 1st asst. kpr Milwaukee Germany Wis 500 Wright, ROBS F Wis. 2d asst. kpr., Milwaukee, Wis Wis 450 Davenport James Wis. Kpr Mission Pt Mich Mich Mich 540 Robinson, Thomas Kpr., Muskegon, Mich England Mich 625 Erickson, John 1st asst. kpr., Muskegon, Sweden Mich 500 Jackson, William Mich. 2d asst kpr. Muskegon Mich Mich 450 Edlund, Joseph Mich. 3d asst. kpr., Muskegon, Sweden Mich 425 Samuelson, Fred Mich. Kpr. North Manitou Wis Mich 600 Johnson, Reynold W Mich. ]stasst. kpr., North Man- Sweden Mich 450 Nelson Nels itou, Mich. 2d asst kpr North Man- Mich Mich 425 Marshall, George W.. . itou, Mich. Kpr., Old Mackinac Pt., N. Y Mich 600 Sterritt, Everritt C Mich. Asst. kpr., Old Mackinac N. Y.... Mich .... 450 Evers, Barney Hunter, Joseph A Chamberlin, George W. . . Hurkett, William Pt., Mich. Kpr., Pentwater, Mich... Kpr. , Petite Pointe au Sable, Mich. Asst. kpr., Petite Pointe au Sable, Mich. Kpr Petoskey Mich N. Y.... Mich .... N. Y.... Mich.. . Mich .... Mich .... Mich .... Mich. .. 600 625 450 450 Boshka, Joseph . Kpr., Plum I., Wis . ... Wis Mich .... 600 Kilgore, Joseph 1st asst. kpr., Plum I., Wis Wis 450 Weiss, Morris Wis. 2d asst. kpr., Plum I., Wis Wis 425 Sheridan, Phil Wis. Kpr. Point Betsie, Mich. Mich .... Mich .... 600 Gray Edward L 1st asst kpr Point Bet- Vt. . Mich .... 450 sie, Mich. OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. LIGHT-HOUSE SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. NINTH DISTRICT COH. Nelson, Knut A 2d asst. kpr., Point Bet- Norway.. Mich .... $425 Armstrong James D sie, Mich. Kpr., Point Peninsula, N. Y.... Mich 600 Lewis, Charles H Bevry Henry R Mich. Kpr., Port Washington, Wis. Kpr., Porte des Morts, Wis Wis Wis Wis 520 600 Cornell, Edward H Wis. 1st asst. kpr., Porte des Ill Wis 450 Trucker John T Morts, Wis. 2d asst kpr. Porte des Wis \Vis 425 Langland, John Boshka, Charley Morts, Wis. Kpr.. Portage Lake, Mich. Kpr., Pottawatomie, Mich .... Wis Mich .... Wis 600 580 Fitzgerald John Wis. Asst. kpr. Pottawato- Mich Mich 425 Danielsen, Severin M Cater, Arthur J mie, Wis. Kpr. , Poverty I. , Mich. . . 1st asst. kpr., Poverty I., Norway.. N. Y.... Mich .... Mich .... 620 470 Ball, John G Mich. 2d asst. kpr. Poverty I. Mich Wis 445 Knudsen, Martin Mich. Kpr., Racine, Wis Denmark Wis 600 Knudsen, Edward W Asst. kpr., Racine, Wis . . Wis Wis 425 Cornell, George J Kpr Racine Reef Wis Wis Wis 650 Graan, Carl J . 1st asst. kpr., Racine Sweden Mich 550 Skilling, Edward J Reef, Wis. 2d asst. kpr., Racine Wis Wis 500 Townshend, Joseph W. . . Blanchard, Willie Reef, Wis. Kpr., Seul Choix Pointe, Mich. 1st asst kpr Seul Choix England . Mich Mich.... Mich 600 450 Townshend, Ivan Pointe, Mich. 2d asst. kpr., Seul Choix Mich. Mich 425 Hansen, Godtfred M. S . . Pointe, Mich. Kpr., Sheboygan, Wis Denmark Wis 660 Paul, Robert E 1st asst kpr Sheboygan Wis Wis 500 Wis. 84 DEPAETMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR. LIGHT-HOUSE SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. 1 NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. NINTH DISTRICT COn. Pitschler, Paul G 2d asst. kpr., Sheboygan, Wis ... . Wis $425 Wis. Kpr. Sherwood Pt , Wis Wis Wis 560 Cochems, Mrs. Minnie Beloungea Louis Asst. kpr., Sherwood Pt., Wis. Kpr Skilligallee Mich N. Y.... Mich Wis Mich 400 620 Barnum, William 1st asst. kpr., Skilligallee, Iowa Mich 450 Lauer, Frank Mich. 2dasst. kpr., Skilligallee, Mich .... Mich. 425 Bourissan, Lewis G . Mich. Kpr. South Fox I., Mich Mich Mich 600 Green, William F 1st asst. kpr., South Fox Mich Mich 450 Dame Oscar E I., Mich. 2d asst kpr South Fox Mich Mich 425 Donahue, James S I., Mich. Kpr., South Haven, Mich. Vt . Mich 540 Burdick, James P McKillop, Robert A Kpr., South Manitou, Mich. 1st asst. kpr., South Mani- Mich .... Canada Wis Mich 600 450 Wheeler, Herbert H tou, Mich. 2d asst. kpr., South Mani- Wis Wis ... . 425 McCauley, Owen C Hall, Wallace tou, Mich. Kpr., Squaw I., Mich 1st asst. kpr., Squaw I., Mich .... Mich . . Mich .... Mich 620 450 Beloungea, Louis P., jr. . . Ollhoff , Ferdinand Mich. 2d asst. kpr., Squaw I., Mich. Kpr., Squaw Pt., Mich . . Mich .... Wis Mich .... Wis 425 550 Fountain, Joseph Mallette, Edward . . Kpr., St. Helena, Mich . . Kpr. St. Joseph Pier- Mich .... N. Y Mich.... Mich 560 650 Jacobson, Samuel C head ling., Mich. 1st asst kpr St Joseph W 7 is Mich 550 Eadus, Fred A Pierhead Pvng., Mich. 2d asst kpr St Joseph Mich Mich 500 Platt Daniel E, Pierhead ling., Mich. Kpr St Joseph Mich Mich Mich 600 Pizzalar, Bernhard . Kpr St Martin I Mich Wis Wis 600 Jensen, Niels Peter 1st asst. kpr., St. Martin Mich 450 I., Mich. OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. 85 LIGHT-HOUSE SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. NINTH DISTRICT COD. Engberg Nels 2d asst kpr., St. Martin Sweden.. Mich $425 Chapman, Charles Witzman Carl I., Mich. Kpr., Sturgeon Bay Ca- nal, Wis. 1st asst kpr Sturgeon Ill Germany Wis Wis 700 500 Schmiling Otto H Bay Canal, Wis. 2d asst. kpr., Sturgeon Wis Wis 450 Chapman, Claude F Bay Canal, Wis. 3d asst. kpr., Sturgeon Wis Wis 425 Hansen Ole Bay Canal, Wis. Kpr Tail Pt Wis Norway Wis 600 Hutzler Ernest Asst. kpr., Tail Pt., Wis. . Mich Mich 450 Napeiziniski, Joseph Lynd, Orland Kpr. , Twin Rvr. Pt. , Wis . 1st asst. kpr., Twin Rvr. N. Y.... Wis Wis Wis 600 450 Scott Sanford Pt., Wis. 2d asst kpr Twin Rvr. Mich Idaho . 425 Gauthier, Anthony . Pt., Wis. Kpr., Two Rvrs. Pier- Wis Wis 600 Olsen Ingvald head, Wis. Kpr Wa ugoshance Norway Mich 700 Marshall, James M Mich. 1st asst. kpr. Waugo- Mich . . Mich 450 Wheaton, Edward M Larson, William P Fesnow, Charlie E shance, Mich. 2d asst. kpr., Waugo- shance, Mich. Kpr. , Waukegan Hbr. , 111. 1st asst. kpr., Waukegan Mich .... Wis Germany Mich .... Wis Wis 425 600 450 Herdina, Joseph Hbr., 111. 2d asst kpr., Waukegan Wis Wis 425 Robinson, William Lee, OrvilleW Petersen, Peter J . . Hbr., 111. Kpr., White Rvr., Mich. . Lab., White Rvr., Mich.. Kpr Wind Pt., Wis England . Mich .... Norway Mich .... Mich .... Wis 600 p. m. 30 600 Meengs, George J 1st asst. kpr., Wind Pt., Mich Mich 450 Lonne, Julius Wis. 2d asst. kpr., Wind Pt., Norway Wis 425 Wis. 86 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOE. LIGHT-HOUSE SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. TENTH DISTRICT. Bostwick, Comdr. Frank M., U. S. Navy. Jones William M ... Inspector C 1 ) p.m.$150 p.m. 100 p.m. 50 600 1 560 520 450 520 600 490 560 450 525 450 580 560 580 550 520 540 450 560 640 490 440 Chief clerk, Buffalo, N.Y Clerk, Buffalo, N. Y N. Y.... Conn N. Y.... N. Y.... Switzer- land. N. C N. Y.... N. Y.... N. Y-... N. Y.... N. Y.... Mich.... Ohio N. Y.... Nebr.... N. Y.... N. Y.... Pa Gwyer Sarah E Poppert, Charles A Mes., Buffalo, N. Y Kpr., Buffalo, N.Y Custodian, Erie Hbr., Pa. Kpr., Ashtabula, Ohio... Kpr., BigSodus, N. Y... Asst. kpr., Big Sodus, N.Y. Kpr.,BraddockPt.,N.Y. Kpr., Buffalo, N.Y Asst. kpr., Buffalo, N.Y. Kpr., Buffalo Breakwa- ter, N. End, N. Y. Asst. kpr., Buffalo Break- water, N. End, N. Y. Kpr., Buffalo Breakwa- ter, S. End, N. Y. Asst. kpr., Buffalo Break- water, S. End, N. Y. Kpr. , Cape Vincent Break- water, N.Y. Kpr.,CarletonI.,N. Y... Kpr., Cleveland, Ohio... 1st asst. kpr., Cleveland, Ohio. 2d asst. kpr., Cleveland, Ohio. Kpr., Conneaut, Ohio Asst. kpr., Conneaut, Ohio Kpr., Cross Over I., N. Y. Kpr., Detroit Rvr., Mich. 1st asst. kpr. , Detroit Rvr. , Mich. 2d asst. kpr. , Detroit Rvr. , Mich. 1 Pay of rank. * Gunn, Amherst E Wellman Thomas M Crawford Joseph F Ohio Phillips Daniel N. Y.... N. Y.... N. Y.... N. Y.... N. Y.... N. Y.... Ohio Lewis Wilfred A Coleman, Frank Safe John Wendell, Edward C Stram, Howard A Sellman Charles C Codding, George V Froelich Louis C Ohio...,. N. Y.... N. Y.... Ireland . . N. Y.... N. Y.... Mich.... Germany. N. Y.... N. Y.... Mich.... N. Y.... N. Y.... Ohio N. Y.... N. Y.... Pa Ohio Ohio Larock John Allen Robert Hatch, Frederick T Chapman Charles F Sutherland David C Ohio Pfister, Edward Tryon, Lewis L Ohio N. Y.... N. Y.... Mich.... N.Y.... N. Y.... Fitz Patrick, Michael A. . Scribner Enoch W Ward George H Tryon Milford OFFICEES AND EMPLOYEES. 87 LIGHT-HOUSE SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. TENTH DISTRICT COD. McDonough John T Kpr. Dunkirk N.Y N. Y N. Y.... $560 450 560 560 560 450 500 600 450 600 450 560 585 640 500 560 560 490 500 600 560 560 520 450 580 475 560 500 500 560 500 560 Holton, Tom Havnes TVilliam Asst. kpr., Dunkirk, N. Y Kpr Ecorse Mich Norway. . Ohio N. Y.... Ohio Vaught, Theodore Kpr., Fair Haven, N. Y. . Kpr Fairport Ohio N. Y.... Ohio N. Y.... Ohio Babcock Joseph C Babcock Daniel I Asst. kpr., Fairport, Ohio. Kpr., Fort Niagara, N. Y. Kpr Galloo I N Y Ohio . . Ohio Mason Orlo J ... N. Y.... N Y Ohio .. . Graves Robert C N Y Garant Joseph A Asst. kpr., Galloo I., N.Y. Kpr Genesee N Y Canada . . Ceylon . . Scotland. Mich.... Pa Ohio Tonge, Richard Bernard Lawrence N. Y.... N. Y.... Mich.... Mich.... Ohio Asst. kpr., Genesee, N. Y. Kpr., Grassy I., N.Chnl. Rng., Mich. Kpr., Grassy L, S. Chnl. Rng., Mich. Kpr Green I. Ohio Bruce, Andrew J Van Natta, Edward Ferguson George F Ohio Kean Thomas L Kpr. , Grosse Isle, N. Chnl. Rng., Mich. Kpr. , Grosse Isle, S. Chnl. Rng., Mich. Kpr., Horseshoe Reef, N.Y. Asst. kpr., Horseshoe Reef, N. Y. Kpr Huron Ohio Ireland . . Mich N. Y.... N. Y.... Ohio Mich.... Mich.... N. Y.... N. Y.... Ohio Northrup, Charles D Joseph Thomas Herman, Edward M Mansell, Richard L Waterfield, Robert P Story, James T Kpr Lorain Ohio Ohio Ohio Kpr., Mamajuda, Mich. . . Kpr. Manhattan, Ohio. . . N. Y.... N. Y .. Mich.... N. Y Ahart, Edward Hunter Charles A Kpr., Marblehead, Ohio. . Asst. kpr., Marblehead, Ohio. Kpr., Maumee Bay, Ohio. Kpr Monroe Mich Pa Ohio Ohio Mapes, Earle Ohio Jennings, William H Ohio Ohio Sanners, August H Mich.... Norway. . Germany. N. Y.... England. N. Y.... Me Mich.... N. Y.... N. Y.... N. Y.... N. Y.... N. Y.... N. Y.... Lawson, Frederick Kpr., Niagara Rvr., N.Y. Kpr., Oak Orchard, N.Y. Kpr., Ogdensburg, N. Y.. Kpr Olcott N Y Safe, George Penfield, Samuel A Matthews, Richard Tucker, Charles H Sullivan, Daniel Kpr.. Oswego. N. Y Kpr.. Oswego Breakwa- ter, N. Y. 88 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR. LIGHT-HOUSE SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. TENTH DISTRICT COn. Pope George H .... Kpr. Port Clinton Ohio N. Y ... Ohio . .. $500 Shaw, Andrew, jr Kpr. , Presqu 'ile, Pa Mich .... Mich .... 640 Wilkins, Thomas L Arnold Francis D Kpr., Presqu 'ile Pier- head, Pa. 1st asst kpr Presqu 'ile Pa Pa Pa N Y 520 450 Zoss John C Pierhead, Pa. 2d asst kpr Presqu 'ile N Y N. Y 400 Butler, Eugene. Pierhead, Pa. Kpr., Rock I., N. Y N. Y.... N. Y.... 560 Holloway, Horace G Hitter Frank Kpr., SackettsHbr., N.Y. Kpr Sandusky Bay In- N. Y.... Ohio N. Y.... Ohio 500 580 Fitzmorris, Chancie ner Rng., Ohio. Kpr. , Sandusky Bay, Canada . Ohio 580 Dodge, William Duggan, Charles Eggleston, Mial E Outer Rng., Ohio. Kpr., Sister Is., N. Y.... Kpr., South Bass L, Ohio. Kpr., Stony Pt., N. Y Mass N. Y.... N. Y.... N. Y.... N. Y.... N. Y.... 560 560 500 de Grasse, Hector V Kpr. , Strawberry I. , Low- Mich .... N. Y 560 Smith John A er Cut, N. Y. Kpr. Strawberry I. Up- Mich Ohio 560 Belden, John C per Cut, N. Y. Kpr., Sunken Rock, N.Y. N. Y ... N. Y.... 580 Seeley, Glenn R Hill, Daniel D Montonna, William E Gramer, August McNulty, Joseph Kpr., Thirty Mile Pt., N.Y. Asst. kpr., Thirty Mile Pt., N. Y. Kpr.,TibbettsPt.,N. Y. Kpr., Toledo Hbr., Ohio. Asst. kpr., Toledo Hbr., N. Y.... Ind N. Y.... N. Y.... N. Y N. Y.... N. Y.-.. N.Y.... Mich.... Ohio 520 450 500 580 490 Burns John H Ohio. Kpr Vermilion Ohio Pa N. Y.... 500 Curd, Horace N Kpr. West Sister I., Ohio. England . N. Y 580 ELEVENTH DISTRICT. Smith Comdr James T Inspector (i) U. S. Navy. Sides, Fred B Chief clerk, Detroit, N. H.... Mich p. m. 150 Mich. 1 Pay of rank. OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. 89 LIGHT-HOUSE SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. ELEVENTH DISTRICT continued. Krafft Sarah E Clerk Detroit Mich Canada Mich. .. p.m.$100 Bovay M Blanche Clerk Detroit Mich Canada Mich .... p.m. 75 TeGrootenhuis, Theodore. Cummings, Patrick J Supply clerk, Detroit, Mich. Lab., Detroit, Mich Mich.... Canada . . Mich .... Mich.... p. m. 75 p. d. 1.75 Morris Richard W Kpr Detroit Mich Mich Mich p.m. 80 Prior James Kpr Minnesota Pt England Minn.. . p.m. 80 Shulz, Charles Minn. Kpr., Sugar I., Mich Germany Mich .... p.m. 50 Wallace, John C Kpr., Alpena, Mich Pa Mich .... 500 Hendrickson, Tom Fetes, Louis Kpr., Au Sable pier- head, Mich. Kpr. Belle Isle Mich Norway.. Mich Mich.... Mich 560 540 Bergan, James H Kpr., Big Bay Pt., Mich N. Y ... Mich .... 600 Sommer, Frank G 1st asst. kpr., Big Bay Mich Mich 450 Dissett, Louis A Pt., Mich. 2d asst kpr Bier Bav Ohio Mich 425 Irvine, Thomas E Pt., Mich. Kpr., Big Sable, Mich .. Canada . Minn . . 600 Young, Orren P 1st asst. kpr., Big Sable, Ohio... Mich 450 Kohnert, Emil E Mich. 2d asst kpr. Big Sable Mich Mich 425 Metivier, Henry Mich. Kpr., Bois Blanc, Mich . Mich .... Mich .... 560 McKoy, Angus Lab. in chg., Catholic Mich .... Mich .... p.m. 20 McDonald, Charles Brown, James W Mission Rng., Mich. Kpr., Charity I., Mich... Asst. kpr., Charity I., Mich .... Canada Mich.... Mich . . 600 400 Louisignan, Charles J Kling, Fred L Mich. Kpr., Cheboygan, Mich.. Asst. kpr., Cheboygan, Mich.... Mich Mich.... Mich 500 450 Duffy, John Both, Otto . Mich. Kpr. , Cheboygan Rvr. Rng., Mich. Asst kpr Cheboygan Ireland . . Mich Mich.... Mich 540 400 Corgan, Henrv... Rvr. Rng., Mich. Kur.. CoDDer Hbr.. Mich. Canada . . Mioh . . 560 90 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR. LIGHT-HOUSE SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. * NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. ELEVENTH DISTRICT continued. Davis, Charles T Kpr. , Copper Hbr. Rng. , Mich .... Mich .... $560 Burrows Herbert N Mich. Kpr., Crisp Pt., Mich N. Y Mich 600 Campbell, Roger W .... 1st asst. kpr., Crisp Pt., Mich .... Mich 450 Hawkins Norman P Mich. 2d asst kpr Crisp Pt Mich Mich 425 Campbell, William L Mich. Kpr., Detour, Mich Canada . . Mich .... 600 Rice, Andrew Asst. kpr., Detour, Mich. Mich .... Mich .... 450 McLean Alexander Kpr Devils I Wis Canada Wis 600 Benton Lu E 1st asst kpr. Devils I Iowa Mich . . 450 Shaw, Alexander Wis. Kpr., Duluth Rng., Minn. Canada . . Minn 640 Richardson, Clement E.. Jermin Ellis . . 1st asst. kpr., Duluth Rng., Minn. 2d asst. kpr., Duluth Mich .... Mich .... Mich.... Mich .... 450 425 Nolen, John Rng., Minn. Kpr., Eagle Hbr., Mich. . Mich .... Mich .... 600 Smith Norman W Kpr Eagle Hbr. Rng N. Y Mich . 540 Bennetts, Thomas J Lawrence, George Mich. Kpr., Eagle Rvr., Mich.. Kpr., Encampment Crib, England . Scotland - Mich .... Mich .... 540 P. m. 75 Kimball Frank E Mich. Kpr Fort Gratiot, Mich. Mich .... Mich .... 600 Redman Otto Asst. kpr., Fort Gratiot, Germany Mich .... 450 Vollett, William Mich. Lab. -kpr., Fort Gratiot N. Y.... Mich .... p.m. 20 Rains, Xavier Rng., Mich. Kpr., Forty Mile Point, Canada . . Mich .... 600 Smith, John E Mich. Asst. kpr., Forty Mile England . Mich .... 450 Heater, Ralph Point, Mich. Kpr., Fourteen Mile Pt., N. Y.... Mich.... 600 Noel, Henry W Mich. 1st asst. kpr., Fourteen Mich .... Mich.... 450 Shorkey Joseph A Mile Pt., Mich. 2d asst. kpr., Fourteen Vt Mich .... 425 Mile Pt., Mich. OFFICEES AND EMPLOYEES. 91 LIGHT-HOUSE SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. ELEVENTH DISTRICT continued. Abear Nelson Kpr Frying Pan I., Mich .... Mich $500 Genry George Mich. Kpr. , Grand I. , Mich Mich .... Mich .... 600 Morrison Edward S Asst kpr Grand I Mich Mich 400 Prior George Mich. Kpr Grand I. Hbr., England Mich 600 Dee, Timothy E Mich. Kpr., Grand I. Hbr. England . Mich .... 600 Barkley George A Rng., Mich. Kpr Grand Marais Hbr Mich Mich 600 Woods, John of Refuge, Mich. Kpr., Grand Marais, Mich Mich 600 Wheatleay, James Minn. Kpr., Granite I., Mich... England . Mi:h 650 Smith George W Kpr Gull Rock Mich Canada Mich 640 De Champlain, Arthur. . . Weber, Michael F., jr Rains, Allen W Asst. kpr., Gull Rock, Mich. Lab. in chg., Harrington I., Mich. Kpr., Harwood Pt., Mich. Canada . . Mich.... Canada . . Mich.... Mich Mich .... 400 p. m. 1 20 p. m. 1 80 Warner Fred Kpr St Marys Rvr Ohio Mich 540 Lacroix, Peter L Witte, Frank F Rng., Mich. Lab. -kpr., Herson I., Mich. Kpr., Huron I., Mich Mich.... Mich .... Mich.... Mich .... p.m. ! 30 600 Kuhn Caspar L 1st asst Icpr TTnron T Mich Mich 450 Gates, William Mich. Kpr Indian Pt. , Mich. . . Mich Mich .... P. m. J 45 Kerby, John F Kpr., Isle aux Peches, Mich .... Mich 500 Fisher, William C Mich. Asst kpr Isle aux Mich Mich 425 Malone, John H PSches, Mich. Kpr., Isle Royale, Mich. . Mich .... Wis 650 Malone, John A Sexton, Joseph Asst. kpr., Isle Royale, Mich. Kpr La Pointe Wis Mich.... Mich Wis Wis 400 600 Mersy. Frank 1st asst kp" La Pointe Mich Mich 450 Wis. 1 When actually employed 92 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR. LIGHT-HOUSE SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. ; ELEVENTH DISTRICT continued. Barsen, Martin 2d asst. kpr., La Pointe, Wis. Kpr., Little Rapids Cut, Mich. Asst. kpr., Little Rapids Cut, Mich. Kpr., Lower Hay Lake Cut, Mich. Kpr. , Lower Reach, Mich. Kpr Manitou Mich Mich.... Norway.. Mich.... Mich .... N. Y.... Canada . . Germany Norway.. Mich.... Norway. . Mich .... Mich.... Mich.... Md Mich.... Mich.... Mich.... Mich .... Mich.... Mich .... Mich.... Mich .... Mich .... Mich.... Mich.... Wis Mich.... Mich.... Mich.... Mich.... Mich.... Mich.... Mich.... Canada . . Mich .... Minn. ... Wis $425 600 450 p.m. 1 45 p.m. l 60 640 450 425 600 450 500 560 400 p.m. 1 70 600 450 425 600 450 560 p.m. 1 40 600 450 Peterson, George B Dolsen, Frank W Nolan, Frank Jarvis, Henry Coughlin, Peter Kannowski Paul E 1st asst. kpr., Manitou, Mich. 2d asst. kpr., Manitou, Mich. Kpr., Marquette, Mich... Asst. kpr., Marquette, Mich. Kpr., Mendota, Mich Kpr. , Michigan I. , Wis . . . Asst. kpr., Michigan I., Wis. Kpr. , Middle Hay Lake, Mich. Kpr., Middle!., Mich.... 1st asst. kpr., Middle I., Mich. 2d asst. kpr., Middle I., Mich. Kpr., Middle Neebish Cut, Mich. Asst. kpr., Middle Nee- bish Cut, Mich. Kpr., Ontonagon, Mich . . Kpr., Osceola Pt., Mich. . Kpr., Outer I., Wis Jonas, Charles Kimball Charles Evensen Alf Jilbert, William G Lane, Edward J Daniels, Walter Mitchell, R. L Garraty, Patrick H Mich.... Mich.... Ireland . . Mich.... Mich.... Canada . . Mich .... Scotland. Mich.... l. Irving, James H Hassett, George J Sweet, John M Rice, William H Corgan, James Wickley, Joseph Irvine, John Olson, Otto 1st asst. kpr., Outer I., Wis. 1 When actually employee OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. 93 LIGHT-HOUSE SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. ELEVENTH DISTRICT continued. Lawrence, George, jr . . . . 2d asst. kpr., Outer I., Mich Mich.... $425 McDonald John A Wis. Kpr., Passage I., Mich. . . 1st asst. kpr., Passage I., Mich. 2d asst. kpr., Passage I., Mich. Ohio Holland . Mich.... Minn. Mich.... Mich.... 620 450 425 Hamringa Klaas L Metivier Joseph. Bertrand, Royce Irving. . Pottinger William Lab., Pilgrim Pt., Mich. . Kpr., Pilot I., Mich Mich .... Mich Canada . . Canada . . Mich.... Mich Mich .... Mich .... p.m. 1 15 540 540 600 Bernard, Frank Richards, Peter L Kpr., Pipe I., Mich Kpr., Point e aux Harris, Frank Barques, Mich. Asst. kpr., Pointe aux Barques, Mich. Canada . . Mich.... 400 Carter, Arthur M Kpr. , Point Iroquois, W.I Mich.... 600 Sweet, Garfield Mich. 1st asst. kpr., Point Iro- quois, Mich. 2d asst. kpr., Point Iro- quois, Mich. Mich .... Mich Mich Mich 450 425 Pigeon Joseph A Bennetts, Noah Kpr., Portage Lake Ship England . Mich.... 600 Marshall, Frank W Canals, Mich. 1st asst. kpr., Portage Lake Ship Canals, Mich .... Mich.... 450 Mich. Bennetts, Thomas W 2d asst. kpr., Portage Mich .... Mich .... 425 Lake Ship Canals, Mich. Whelan, Bartholomew . . . Kpr. , Portage Lake Ship Ireland. . Mich.... 500 Johnson, Martin Canals Rng., Mich. Kpr., Portage Rvr. Rng., Mich. Sweden. . Mich.... 600 Schindehette, George M.. Asst. kpr., Portage Rvr. Mich. ... Mich.... 400 Dimet, Jean M Rng., Mich. Lab., Portage Rvr. Rng., Mass .... Mich p. m. 25 Mich. Dimet, Jean C Kpr., Portage Rvr., France . . Mich.... 600 Mich. 1 When actually employed. 94 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR. 'LIGHT-HOUSE SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. ELEVENTH DISTRICT continued. Witz Franklin . . Kpr., Portage Rvr., Mich Mich $540 Bufe Otto Mich. Kpr Port Austin Reef Germany Mich 600 McDonald, Lauchling . . . Towns Edward C Mich. 1st asst. kpr., Port Aus- tin Reef, Mich. 2d asst kpr Port Austin Mich Mich Mich.... Mich 450 425 Holmes, William H Garraty, Thomas Garrity, John Reef, Mich. Kpr., Port Sanilac, Mich. Kpr., Presque Isle, Mich. Asst. kpr., Presque Isle, Canada. . Mich.... Mich Mich.... Mich.... Mich. 540 600 450 Garraty Anna T Mich. Kpr Presque Isle Hbr. Mich Mich 540 Hendrickson, Charles Price, Charles J Mich. Kpr., Raspberry I., Wis. . 1st asst. kpr., Raspberry Finland.. Mich Wis Mich 600 450 Burzlaff, George H. A . . . Gramer, William J I., Wis. 2d asst. kpr., Raspberry I., Wis. Kpr., Round I., St. Mich. ... N. Y.... Mich. ... Mich 425 500 Gibb, Jacob H Marys Rvr., Mich. Kpr., Round I., Straits Canada. . Mich 600 Ken worthy, John Burke William A of Mackinac, Mich. Lab. -kpr., Russell I., Mich. Kpr Saginaw Rvr. Rng., Mich.... Ireland Mich. ... Mich p. m. 35 540 Henderson, Andrew W . . Trescott, Loren J Mich. Asst. kpr., Saginaw Rvr. Rng., Mich. Kpr., Sand Beach, Mich. Canada . . Ohio Mich.... Mich 400 600 Trescott, Alva J. . 1st asst. kpr.. Sand Bch., Ohio . . Mich. . 450 Mahan, George E Luick, Emanuel Mich. 2d asst. kpr., Sand Bch., I Mich. ... Mich. . . . Mich. Kpr., Sand I., Mich ! Ohio I Wis Thomson, Thomas G ; Kpr., Sand Pt., Mich Mich. . . . j Mich. . . . Marshall, Walter G Kpr. , Spectacle Reef, Mich. Mich. . .; Mich. . 425 600 540 800 OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. 95 LIGHT-HOUSE SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. ELEVENTH DISTRICT continued. Bishop Edwin C 1st asst kpr Spectacle Iowa . . . Mich. .. $500 Marshall Arthur S Reef, Mich. 2d asst. kpr., Spectacle Mich Mich 475 Thompson Richard Reef, Mich. 3d asst kpr Spectacle England Mich 450 Allen John B Reef, Mich. Lab. Stag I. Mich Ontario Mich . p. m. 1 30 Davenport, Robert Kpr., Stannard Rock, Mich Mich . . 800 Clifford, Charles W Mich. 1st asst. kpr., Stannard Mich Mich 500 La Pine Frank Rock, Mich. 2d asst kpr Stannard Mich Mich 475 Rattray, Andrew E Rock, Mich. Kpr St. Clair Flats Mich Mich 500 Lappin, Thomas Canal, Mich. Kpr., St. Clair Flats Mich Mich 500 Pottinger James Canal, Mich. Kpr St Marys Rvr Canada Mich 600 Sweet, William Cordy, Louis Lower Rng., Mich. Kpr., St. Marys Rvr., Upper Rng., Mich. Kpr., Sturgeon Pt., Mich. Canada . . Mich Mich. ... Mich 600 540 Doody, Thomas Kpr., Superior Pierhead, Canada . . Wis 600 Olson, Knut McSpadden, John L Wis. Asst. kpr., Superior Pier- head, Wis. Lab., Sweets Pt., Mich . . Norway. . Canada Mich. ... Mich 450 D m 18 Palmer, Samuel C St. Andre, Oliver A Kpr., Tawas, Mich Asst kpr Tawas Mich N. Y.... Mich Mich. ... Mich 600 450 Bennetts, William R Kay, James Kpr., Thunder Bay I., Mich. 1st asst kpr Thunder Mich.... Scotland Mich.... Mich 600 450 Gill, William H Bay I., Mich. 2d asst. kpr., Thunder Mich Mich 425 Lederle, Charles Salby, Henry . . Bay I., Mich. Kpr. , Two Harbors. , Minn . 1st asst. kpr., Two Har- Germany. Mich Minn . . . Minn 600 450 bors, Minn. 1 When actually employee . 96 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR, LIGHT-HOUSE SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. ELEVENTH DISTRICT continued. Nelson, Martin Kpr., Vidal Shoals Chnl., Norway. . Mich $600 TTerroT) "Foptei* L Mich. Asst. kpr., Vidal Shoals N. Y Wis . . . 475 Carlson, Robert Chnl., Mich. Kpr., Whitefish Pt., Finland . Mich 600 Crittenden, Herbert P . . . Gates, William Mich. 1st asst. kpr., Whitefish Pt., Mich. 2d asst. kpr., Whitefish Iowa Mich Mich .... Mich 450 425 Chambers, Edward Pt., Mich. Kpr., Windmill Pt., Mich.... Mich.... 600 Stratton William Mich. Asst kpr Windmill Pt Scotland Ill 400 Griffin, John.. Mich. Lab., Winter Pt., Mich. . . Canada . . Mich.... p. m. 35 TWELFTH DISTRICT. Lopez Comdr Robert F Inspector (i) U. S. Navy. Thompson Charles H Chief clerk, San Fran- N. J Cal P. m. 175 Norton Mrs Alice B cisco, Cal. Clerk San Francisco Cal Ohio Cal p. m. 100 Hewitt, Louis A Clerk, San Francisco, Cal . Mich.... Iowa p. m. 75 Sweeney, Jasper M Linnc John C Mes., San Francisco, Cal. Kpr Yerba Buena Cal Md Denmark Md Cal 840 1,320 Leahy, James Blacksmith, Yerba Bue- Ireland. . Cal p. m. 2 75 Cheda Archie A na, Cal. Blacksmith 's helper, Yer- Cal Cal p. m. 60 Srpith T^rpd prick ba Buena, Cal. Watchman Yerba Buena, Cal Cal P. m. 50 Young Henry \V Cal. Kpr Alcatraz Cal England Cal 800 Liljefelt, August A 1st asst. kpr., Alcatraz, Finland.. Cal 550 Brewer Alexis Cal. 2d asst kpr Alcatraz Md Cal 500 Nichols. Mrs. Juliet E. . Cal. Kur.. Ans?el I.. Cal.. China.. Cal.. 750 1 Pay ol rank. When actually employed. OFFICEKS AND EMPLOYEES. 97 LIGHT-HOUSE SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. TWELFTH DISTRICT COn. Gunter, Edwin F Kpr., Ano Nuevo I., Cal. Nev Cal $800 Biemel, Andrew Splaine, David K Ingersoll John F Asst. kpr., Ano Nuevo L, Cal. Kpr., Ballast Pt., Cal.. . Kpr Bonita Pt , Cal Ohio Ireland. . Mich Cal Cal Cal 600 800 800 Fngpl, T-ferrnqnTi 1st asst kpr Bonita Pt Prussia Cal . 600 Admiral, Peter S Cal. 2d asst. kpr., Bonita Pt., Holland . Cal 550 Walford, Harry M Cal. 3d asst kpr Bonita Pt Cal Cal 500 Jensen, Peter Cal. Kpr. , Cape Mendocino Denmark Cal. . . 800 Hunter, Paschal Cal. 1st asst kpr Cape Men- Cal Cal 600 Hunter, Perry S. docino, Cal. 2d asst kpr Cape Men- Cal Cal 550 Jeffrey, John H docino, Cal. Kpr., Crescent City, Cal England Cal 800 Stenmark, John Kpr., East Brother I., Sweden Cal 800 Astrom, John W Rosen dale, Henry Cal. Asst. kpr., East Brother I., Cal. Kpr., Farallon, Cal. Sweden. . Finland. Cal Cal 600 800 Pooley, Arthur W 1st asst kpr Farallon England Cal 600 Palmer, J. Lee . . . Cal. 2d asst kpr. Farallon Cal. Cal 550 Winthar, Carl L Cal. 3d asst kpr Farallon Wash Cal 550 Rankin, James Cal. Kpr., Fort Point Cal Ireland Cal 800 Cobb, George D 1st asst. kpr., Fort Point, Wash. Cal 600 Kunder, John . Cal. 2d asst kpr Fort Point Germany Cal 550 Schmoll, Tony . . Cal. Kpr., Humboldt, Cal. . Cal. . Cal 800 Harrington, Frederick A. 1st asst. kpr., Humboldt, Cal Cal. . . 600 Cady, Malcom. . . Cal. 2d asst kpr Humboldt Cal Cal 550 4606408 7 Cal. 98 DEPARTMENT OF COMMEKCE AND LABOR. LIGHT-HOUSE SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. TWELFTH DISTRICT COH. Smith Henry ..... Kpr HumboldtBay Cal England Cal I960 Allen, William I Lab La Playa Cal . . Mass Cal p m 15 Nelson, Peter C Kpr., Lime Pt., Cal Germany Cal 800 Wiborg Edward Asst kpr Lime Pt Cal Sweden Cal 600 McDougal, Mrs. Kate C.. Murray, Angus Kpr., Mare I., Cal Lab., Mare I., Cal Ala N.Scotia. Cal Cal 800 375 Nutz, William D Kpr., Mare I. Strait Bea- Cal Cal 720 Olson, Gottfrid T con, Cal. Kpr., Mile Rocks Cal . . Sweden Cal. . 900 Hoddinott, Harry H 1st asst. kpr., Mile Rocks, England. Cal 700 Berg, John Cal. 2d asst. kpr Mile Rocks, Finland Cal 600 Jeffrey, George D Olfvnde r , TFTftrrrian K - T Cal. Kpr., Oakland, Cal Asst kpr Oakland Cal Cal Sweden Cal Cal 750 500 Kaneen, Charles S Kpr , Piedras Blancas Nev . Cal 800 Nixon John Cal. 1st asst kpr Piedras Ireland Cal 600 Williams, George C Blancas, Cal. 2d asst. kpr., Piedras Cal . . Cal. .. 550 Sutton Sftirniel Blancas, Cal. 3d asst kpr Piedras N C Cal 500 Lind, John E Reit Carl E Blancas, Cal. Kpr., Pigeon Pt., Cal.... 1st asst kpr Pigeon Pt Sweden. . Norway Cal Cal 800 600 Watters George F Cal. 2d asst kpr., Pigeon Pt., Cal . .. Cal ... 550 Lindley Elihu E Cal. 3d asst kpr Pigeon Pt Cal Cal 500 Williams Richard H Cal. Kpr Pt Arena Cal England Cal 800 Newlin Oscar 1st asst kpr Pt Arena Finland Cal 600 Dunn James Cal. 2d asst kpr Pt Arena England Cal 550 Below, Charles M Cal. 3d asst kpr Pt Arena, N. Y Cal 500 Beeman. William A . Cal. Kor.. Pt. Areuello. Cal.. Cal.. Cal.. 800 OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. 99 LIGHT-HOUSE SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. TWELFTH DISTRICT COH. Henderson, William A 1st asst. kpr., Ft. Argu- Me Cal $600 Hussey George A ello, Cal. 2d asst. kpr., Ft. Argu- Me Cal 550 Weeks, Harley A ello, Cal. Kpr., Ft. Conception, Vt Cal 800 Baumgartner, Wilhelm . . Cal. 1st asst. kpr., Ft. Con- Germany Cal 600 Austin, Willie L ception, Cal. 2d asst. kpr., Ft. Con- Cal Cal.. 550 Newhall, Arthur A ception, Cal. 3d asst. kpr., Ft. Con- Cal Cal 500 Engles, Irby H ception, Cal. Kpr., Ft. Fermin, Cal Cal Cal 800 Allen, Charles F JCpr., Pt,. TTiifinemfi, Dal Ohio Cal 800 Weiss, Richard A Kpr., Ft. Loma, Cal Germany Cal 800 Laney, William Asst. kpr., Ft. Loma, Cal. Canada . . Cal... . 600 Hall, Henry Dempsey, Patrick J Fish, Mrs. Emily A Kpr., Ft. Montara, Cal.. Asst. kpr., Ft. Montara, Cal. Kpr., Ft. Finos, Cal . . Norway. . Ireland . . Mich. . Cal Cal Cal. 800 600 800 Dahill, Edward Lab., Ft. Finos, Cal Mass Cal 375 Anderson, James Kpr Ft Reyes Cal Sweden Cal 800 Nilsson, Paulus 1st asst. kpr., Ft Reyes, Sweden Cal 600 Harrington, Joseph Cal. 2d asst. kpr., Ft. Reyes, Ireland . . Cal... 550 Grout, Silas E Cal. 3d asst kpr Ft Reyes, Nev Cal 500 Newhall, Ora Brooke, Charles H. A Cal. Kpr., Ft. Sur, Cal 1st asst. kpr., Ft. Sur, Cal England. Cal Cal... 800 600 Clark, Charles E Cal. 2d asst. kpr., Ft. Sur, Me. . . Cal 550 Elston, Albert M Cal. 3d asst. kpr., Ft. Sur, Nev Cal... . 500 Nilsson, John M Cal. Kpr Roe I Cal Sweden Cal 800 Lidman, John Sweet, James R Asst. kpr., Roe I., Cal... Kpr., San Diego Bay, Cal. Sweden. . Cal Cal Cal 550 720 100 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR. LIGHT-HOUSE SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. 1 NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. TWELFTH DISTRICT COH. Smith, William J Kpr., San Luis Obispo Wis Cal $800 Silva, Antonio J .... Cal. 1st asst kpr San Luis Azores Cal 600 Czarnecke Andrew Obispo, Cal. 2d asst kpr San Luis Mass Cal 550 Grunau, Robert R Obispo, Cal. Lab. in chg., San Pedro Germany Cal 325 Morse, Mrs. Caroline Bay, Cal. Kpr., Santa Barbara, Cal Va Cal 750 Hecox, Laura J. F Kpr., Santa Cruz, Cal Cal Cal 750 Hounsell, Samuel D Kpr. , Southampton Shoal, Scotland. Cal 800 Winthar, Thomas L Cal. Asst. kpr Southampton Norway Cal 600 Mortensen, Anton Shoal, Cal. Lab. in chg. South San Norway Cal 240 Olsen, John Bassett, George E. . Francisco, Cal. Kpr., St. George Reef, Cal. 1st asst kpr St George Norway. . Conn Cal Conn 1,000 800 J/U pieman John Reef, Cal. 2d asst kpr St George Finland Cal 600 Weller, Frank. Reef, Cal. 3d asst. kpr. St George Germany Cal 550 Smith, Albert L Reef, Cal. Lab., St. George Reef, Cal . . Cal 500 Harrington, Frederick L. Luff, Herbert Cal. Kpr., Trinidad Head, Cal. Kpr., Yerba Buena, Cal Mass .... England CaL Cal ... 800 800 Kofod, John P Asst kpr Yerba Buena Denmark Cal 600 Twelfth Subdistrict (Ha- waiian Service). Carter, Lieut. Comdr. Cal. Inspector (i) James F., U. S. Navy. Horton, Eugene C Chief clerk, Honolulu, Pa 111 p.m. 150 Lesros. Emil C.. Hawaii. Ki>r.. Honolulu. Hawaii.. Hawaii . . Hawaii . . D.m. 75 1 Pay of rank. OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. 101 LIGHT-HOUSE SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. TWELFTH DISTRICT COH. Twelfth Subdistrict (Ha- waiian Service) Con. Gregson, Harry Kpr Barbers Pt Hawaii England Hawaii $750 Fitzgerald, John Lab. in chg Cocoanut Me Hawaii p m 25 Kaukaliu, John Pt., Hawaii. Kpr., Diamond Head, Hawaii Hawaii p Tn 7-^ Beazley, George A Hawaii. Kpr Honolulu Rng England Hawaii 800 Williams, William F., jr. . Reid, Robert I Hawaii. Lab. in chg., Honolulu Hbr., Hawaii. Kpr Ka Lae Hawaii Hawaii . . Hawaii Hawaii . . p.m. 25 750 Andersen, John Kpr Kanahena Pt Norway Hawaii 750 Moealoha, Edward K Uahinui, Joseph N Hawaii. Lab. in chg., Kauhola Pt., Hawaii. Lab in chg Kaunaka- Hawaii . . Hawaii Hawaii . . Hawaii p.m. 25 p m 25 Amalu, Samuel A kai, Hawaii. Kpr., Kawaihae Hawaii Hawaii Hawaii 750 Makahi, John Lab in chg Keahole Hawaii p m 25 Burrows, John R Pt., Hawaii. Kpr Lae o Ka Laau Pt Hawaii Hawaii p m 75 Ako, Sam Hawaii. Lab. in chg Lahaina Hawaii Hawaii p m 25 Rickard, Harry S Hawaii. Lab in chg Laupahoe- England Hawaii p m 25 Cornwell, James L. hoe Pt., Hawaii. Lab in chg McGregors Hawaii Hawaii p m 25 Elgin, Robert R Pt., Hawaii. Lab. in chg., Mahukona, Ala Hawaii p m 25 Keanu, James M Hawaii. Kpr Makanalua Hawaii Hawaii Hawaii 750 Varney, Walter Lab. in chg., Midway I England p rn 20 McLaughlin, John Hawaii. Kpr., Nawiliwili, Hawaii N. Y Hawaii 750 Kapahua, Sam Lab. in chg Paukaa Hawaii p m 25 Dillon, John K Pt., Hawaii. Lab. in chg., Pepeekeo La Hawaii p m 25 Pt., Hawaii. 102 DEPAETMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR. LIGHT-HOUSE SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. THIRTEENTH DISTRICT. Werlich, Comdr. Percival J., U. S. Navy. Barker, Theodore Inspector C 1 ) p.m.$150 p. m. 150 p. m. 150 p. m. 125 p.m. 75 p.m. 60 1,200 p.m. 50 800 800 800 600 800 600 800 600 550 800 600 " 600 Chief clerk, Portland, Oreg. Supt. of construction, Portland, Oreg. Supt. of construction, Portland, Oreg. Superintendent, Port- land, Oreg. Clerk, Portland, Oreg Mes Portland Oreg N. J Oreg . Gregg, Tom. H Mass Mass Pace Augustus G N J Oreg Oreg Ores: Hart, Richard C Canada . . Oreg English, William J Ruhl, Lewis J Ohio Oreg Oreg Evans, Joseph E Kpr., Tongue Pt., Oreg.. Watchman, Tongue Pt., Oreg. Kpr., Admiralty Head, Wash. Kpr., Browns Pt., Wash. . Kpr., Burrows I., Wash. . Asst. kpr., Burrows I., Wash. Kpr., Cape Arago, Oreg.. Asst. kpr., Cape Arago, Oreg. Kpr., Cape Blanco, Oreg. 1st asst. kpr., Cape Blan- co, Oreg. 2d asst. kpr., Cape Blan- co, Oreg. Kpr., Cape Disappoint- ment, Wash. 1st asst. kpr., Cape Dis- appointment, Wash. Kpr., Cape Flattery, Wash. 1st asst. kpr., Cape Flat- tery, Wash. 2d asst. kpr., Cape Flat- tery, Wash. 1 Pay of rank. Md Germany Me Halkett, Hermann G Oreg Wash.... Wash.... Wash.... Cal Oreg Oreg Oreg Oreg Oreg Davis, Charles H . . . Brown, Oscar V N. Y.... G.Britain Norway. . Norway. . Ores... Thomas William J Ellingson, Gustave A Amundson, Lars F Langlois, Oscar R Langlois, James Oreg Hughes, James S Oreg . . Marr, Ezra E Iowa Oreg Smith, Isaac L Wash.... Wash.... Wash.... Ores Larsen, Martinus Norway. . Cal Cowan, John M JTermfvnTi Clifford Tl Oreg Cowan, Forrest Oreg .. Wash.... OFFICEKS AND EMPLOYEES. 103 LIGHT-HOUSE SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. THIRTEENTH DISTRICT continued. Karr Cyrus J 3d asst. kpr., Cape Flat- Wash Wash.... $550 Hissins George H tery, Wash. Kpr CapeMeares Oreg . Wis Ores... 800 Jansen Gust 1st asst kpr., Cape Sweden. . Oreg... 600 Eriksen, Jacob Meares, Oreg.. 2d asst kpr., Cape Finland . Oreg... 550 Hansen, Lars Meares, Oreg. Kpr., Cape Sarichef, Denmark Oreg 1,000 Jones, Thomas Alaska. 1st asst. kpr., Cape Sari- England . Wash 800 Matela, John ... ... chef, Alaska. 2d asst. kpr., Cape Sari- Finland . Wash.... 600 Albee, Ira A chef, Alaska. Kpr., Coos Bay, Oreg Me Oreg 384 Lane Mrs Jerry Lab in chg Coquille N. Y.... Ores. . . P.m. 8 Wiren, Oscar Gary William H Pt., Oreg. Kpr., Coquille Rvr., Oreg. Asst kpr Coquille Rvr., Sweden.. Nev . . Oreg Ores .. 800 600 Karlson Axel A. Oreg. Kpr Desdemona Sands Finland Ores 800 Pearson, William J Oreg. Asst. kpr., Desdemona England . Wash 600 Enquist John F Sands, Oreg. Kpr Destruction I., Finland . Ores . . 900 Collins, John W Wash. 1st asst. kpr., Destruc- Ill Oreg . . 700 McKlem Robert tion I., Wash. 2d asst kpr. Destruc- Ireland. . Ores 600 Thomas, Jesse E tion I., Wash. Kpr., Ediz Hook, Wash. . Wis Wash 800 Osterberg Gustaf Asst kpr Ediz Hook, Finland Wash 600 Adamson, Nils P Cunie, John Wash. Kpr., Eldred Rock, Alaska. 1st asst kpr Eldred Sweden. . Scotland Oreg.... Alaska 1,000 800 Arentsen, Elling J. M Rock, Alaska. Kpr., Fairway I., Alaska. Norway. . Oreg 800 104 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR LIGHT-HOUSE SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. THIRTEENTH DISTRICT continued. Zauner, Christian Kpr., Grays Hbr., Wash.. Austria . . Wash.... $800 Alden, Eugene B 1st asst kpr Grays Hbr Ill Ores 600 Hansen, Hans C Wash. 2d asst. kpr. , Grays Hbr. , Denmark Wash. . . . 550 Smith, Elmer V Carlson, John A Wash. Kpr., Grays Hbr. and Chehalis Rvr., Wash. Kpr., Guard I., Alaska... Oreg .... Sweden. . Wash.... Wash. . . . 720 900 Mercer, Charles P Asst. kpr., Guard I., N. Y.... Oreg . . 700 Hansen, Olof L Alaska. Kpr., Heceta Head, Oreg Norway Oresr . . 800 Smith, William 1st asst. kpr., Heceta Scotland. Ores: . . 600 Louks, Charles E Head, Oreg. 2d asst. kpr. Heceta Ohio Wash 550 Mann, Luther G Head, Oreg. Kpr., Hog Rocks, Alaska 111 Alaska. . . p.m. 70 Spuhn Carl Lab in chg Killisnoo Germany Alaska t> m. 10 Claboe, Elmer J Hovi, Anton Hbr., Alaska. Kpr., Lincoln Rock, Alaska. 1st asst. kpr., Lincoln Norway. . Norway. . Wash Oreg . . 1,000 800 Rustad, Axel Rock, Alaska. Kpr. Marrowstone Pt Norway Wash.... 800 Shepard, Sylvenus F Carlson, John Wash. Kpr., Mary I., Alaska... Asst. kpr., Mary I., Alaska N. Y.... Sweden. . Alaska. . . Alaska. . . 900 700 Christiansen, Peter N Denning, William S Kpr., Muckilteo Pt., Wash. Asst. kpr., Muckilteo Pt., Norway. . Oreg . . Wash,... Oreg 800 600 Brooks, Edward A Somerville, David H McBride, Harry F Wash. Kpr., New Dungeness, Wash. 1st asst. kpr., New Dun- geness, Wash. 2d asst. kpr., New Dun- Oreg Scotland . N. Y.... Wash.... Oreg.... Oreg . 800 600 550 Pesonen, Alexander K. . . geness, Wash. Kpr., North Head, Wash. Finland . Wash.... 800 OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. 105 LIGHT-HOUSE SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which, ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. THIRTEENTH DISTRICT continued. Granberg John G 1st asst kpr North Head Finland Wa=h ... $600 Siniluoto, Andros G . Wash. 2d asst. kpr., North Head, Finland . Oreg . . 550 Durgan, Edward Wash. Kpr., Patos I., Wash N. Y.... Wash.... 800 Pettersen Louis A Asst kpr Patos I , Wash Norway Oree 600 Scannell, Edward Meagher, Bernard B . Kpr., Pt. No Pt., Wash. Asst. kpr., Pt. No Pt., Ireland . . Cal Wash.... Wash. . . . 800 600 Galvin Mort Wash. Kpr Pt Retreat Alaska Ireland Wash 800 Jackson, Andrew Kpr Pt Sherman Kv Wash 800 Stitt, Thomas J Alaska. Kpr. Pt. Wilson Wash Pa Wash 800 Stonefield, Henry H Asst. kpr., Pt. Wilson, Wl3 .... Wash ... 600 Holden, David W Anderson, Gustaf Atherton, Charles E Wash. Kpr., Pony Bend, Oreg. . Kpr., Robinson Pt., Wash Asst. kpr Robinson Pt Me Sweden. . Ind Oreg Wash.... Wash 180 800 600 Olsen, Ole Wash. Kpr Scotch Cap Alaska Norway Qr62T 1 000 Larson, Frits W 1st asst kpr Scotch Cap Sweden Ores? 800 Olsen, Sigvart G Alaska. 2d asst. kpr. Scotch Cap Norway Oree 600 O'Neill, Martin Alaska. Kpr Semiamoo Hbr Ireland Wash 800 Douglas, Norval S Wash. Asst kpr. Semiamoo Mich Wash 600 Peterson, Carl E Bohm, Charles B Hbr., Wash. Kpr., Sentinel I., Alaska. Asst kpr Sentinel I Sweden. . Germany Alaska. . . Alaska 900 700 Clement, John Alaska. Lab Sitka Hbr Alaska Italy Alaska p m 10 Score, Hans P Kpr Slip Pt Wash Norway Ores 800 Heins, Otto Asst kpr. Slip Pt., Wash Germany OrGff 600 Dunson, Joseph Kpr., Smith I., Wash Ohio Orcsr 800 Dunson, Ray E Asst kpr Smith I W T ash Wis Wash 600 Lonholt, George L Kpr Southeast Five- Denmark Alaska 900 Finger Is., Alaska. 106 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR. LIGHT-HOUSE SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. t NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. THIRTEENTH DISTRICT continued. Hall, Bennv M 1st asst. kpr., Southeast Norway. . Wash. . . . $700 Betteker Louis Five-Finger Is., Alaska. 2d asst kpr., Southeast Wash. . . . 600 Arnquist, John Dimmick, Thomas M Langlois, William T Five-Finger Is., Alaska. Kpr., Stave Mill, Oreg. . . Lab., Stave Mill, Oreg... Kpr., Tillamook Rock, Oreg. 1st asst kpr Tillamook Sweden. . Ill Oreg.... Oreg.... Oreg.... Oreg.... Oreg 660 120 1,000 800 Gerlof Robert Rock, Oreg. 2d asst. kpr., Tillamook Germany Oreg . . 600 Sanders, Alex Rock, Oreg. 3d asst. kpr., Tillamook Russia Oreg . . 550 Lee George A Rock, Oreg. 4th asst. kpr., Tillamook Norway. . Oreg . . 550 Foosness, Rolf Rock, Oreg. Kpr., Tree Pt., Alaska... Norway. . Oreg . . 1,000 Ludescher, Michael 1st asst. kpr., Tree Pt., Austria . . Oreg . 800 Jewett Alphues Alaska. 2d asst. kpr., Tree Pt., Wash. . . . 600 Borchers, Louis A Alaska. Kpr. , Turn Pt. , Wash Cal Wash 800 Chevalier Paul A Asst kpr. Turn Pt., Wash Iowa .... Wash.... 600 Hald Andrew P. C Kpr. , Umpqua Rvr. , Norway. . Oreg . . 800 Fahy, Isidore P Oreg. 1st asst. kpr., Umpqua Oreg Oreg 600 Dowell Overton jr Rvr., Oreg. 2d asst. kpr., Umpqua Oreg . . Oreg . . 550 TTayhiirn Jnppph Rvr., Oreg. Kpr Warrior Rock, Oreg Ind Oreg . . 800 Mahler, Harry D Kpr. West Pt. , Wash N. Y.... Oreg . . 800 Clark, Noah A Asst. kpr., West Pt., Wash Tenn Wash 600 Dunphy John Kpr Willamette Rvr. , Ireland. . Wash.... 800 Petersen, Rasmus Oreg. Kpr., Willapa Bay, Wash. Denmark Wash 800 Gjertsen Anders Asst. kpr., Willapa Bay, Norway. . Wash.... 600 Booth, Fred J Wash. Lab., Yaquina Bar Rng., Oreg. Minn Oreg.... p.m. 40 OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. 107 LIGHT-HOUSE SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. THIRTEENTH DISTRICT continued. "Wilson Henry E Kpr Yaquina Head Mass Oree $800 Ford William P Oreg. 1st asst. kpr , Yaquina Oreg . Oreg... 600 TUgginp TTfvrhfirt R Head, Oreg. 2d asst. kpr., Yaquina Wis Oreg... 550 FOURTEENTH DISTRICT. Stone Lieut Comman- Head, Oreg. Inspector (i) der Clarence M., U. S. Navy. Southgate, Bernard W.. Hanshew, John W Chief clerk, Cincinnati, Ohio. Supply clerk, Cincinnati, Ky N. Y Ky Ky.. 1,800 p. m. 100 Long Mrs Gertrude M Ohio. Charwoman Cincinnati N Y Ohio P. m. 15 Lindenburn, Henry Ohio. Pilot, Cincinnati, Ohio Ky Ky.. p. m. 125 FIFTEENTH DISTRICT. Knapp Commander John Inspector (') J., U.S. Navy. Rose, Joseph A Chief clerk, St. Louis, D. C N. Y p. m. 150 Edmonds, Albert B Mo. Clerk, St. Louis, Mo Wis Iowa 1,200 Fenor, Fred W Mes., St. Louis, Mo Ill IU p.m. 70 Blaze Charles Carpenter St Louis Mo Ind Mo P.m. 60 SIXTEENTH DISTRICT. Tillman, Commander, Inspector (i) Edwin H., U.S. Navy. Gregg, Ralph C Chief clerk, Memphis Mass Mo p m 150 Malone, James A Tenn. Clerk, Memphis, Tenn Miss Tenn p. m. 100 Pace, James W Mep., Memphis, Tenn La ... La p.m. 50 Harrington, John A Carpenter Memphis Ill Tenn p m. 70 Tenn. 1 Pay of rank. 108 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR. LIGHT-HOUSE SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. ENGINEER SERVICE. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensation. FIRST AND SECOND DISTRICTS. Burr, Lieut. Col. Edward, U. S. Army. Luther, Royal Engineer, Boston, Mass. Superintendent 0) p.m |200. 00 p.m. 135. 00 p. m. 135. 00 p. m. 125. 00 p. m. 175. 00 1, 800. 00 1, 600. 00 1, 200. 00 p. m. 175. 00 p.m. 65.00 p.d. 2 4.50 p.d. 2 3.00 p.d. 2 3.75 p.d. 2 3.50 p.d. 2 3.50 p.d. 2 3.25 p.d. 2 3.25 p.d. 2 3.75 p.d. 2 2.75 p.d. 2 2.75 p.d. 2 3.00 p.d. 2 2.75 p.d. 2 2.75 p.d. 2 2.25 p.d. 2 3.75 p.d. 2 3.75 p.d. 2 3.50 p.d. 2 3.25 p.d. 2 3.00 p.d. 2 3.00 p.d. 2 3.0o p.d. 2 3.00 p.d. 2 3.00 p.d. 2 3.00 p.d. 2 3.00 Mass Me Mass Me Howard, James W Superintendent . .'. . Luther, Oscar C Superintendent Mass Mass. . . . Little, Lewis J Superintendent Me Me Clark, Henry J Chief clerk Scotland. Mass N. Y Mass Wolley, James C Clerk Mass N.Y HoilSfi } HopPOe . , Clerk Livermore, Charles C Morse, Frank J Clerk Mass Mass Draftsman Me Mass Latimfir George Messenger W. I Mass O'Leary, Dennis. . .. Foreman Mass Mass Arnold, Philip A Engineer N.Y .... Me Purdy, Charles W Machinist Mass Mass Dorgan, Harry Machinist Mass Mass Me Go wan, Peter J Machinist Mass Mass Mass Mass Allen, Warren W Machinist O'Leary, Michael T. Machinist Mass Mass Reinbold, Charles H. . . . Machinist . Machinist N.H.... Mass Mass Kelleher, Richard W. . . . Lovitt, Rufus C Mass Machinist Me Mass Stone, Axel Machinist's helper Machinist's helper Machinist's helper Machinist's helper Carpenter Sweden. . Mass Mass Tarr, Frank P. . Mass Cullen, Herbert E Mass Mass Argersniger Albert N.Y Me Mass Clark, Will A Me Lunt, Edward A Carpenter . . . Me Me Luther Adam A Carpenter Mass Mass Strout, Fred Carpenter Me Me Bisson, George H Carpenter Mass Mass Burgess Augustus S Carpenter Mass Mass Dolliver, Stillman S Fernald, George H Carpenter Me Me.. Carpenter Me Me Files, Fred. W Carpenter Carpenter Me Me Me Me.. . . Haggett Howard S Harshman John H Carnenter N. B .. Mass employed. 1 Pay of rank. 2 When actually OFFICEES AND EMPLOYEES. 109 LIGHT-HOUSE SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. ENGINEER SERVICE Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensation. FIRST AND SECOND DIS- TRICTS continued . Hathaway Lynds V Carpenter Mass Mass p. d. ^S.OO Orne Albert F Carpenter Me Me. p. d. 1 3. 00 Plummer Aid en H Carpenter Me.. Mass p. d. 3. 00 Seeley James I Carpenter . N. B ... Me p. d. l 3. 00 Therriault David Carpenter Canada . . Mass p. d. l 3. 00 Webster, Thomas D Carpenter N. S Me p. d. 1 3. 00 "Wilson Lewis A Carpenter Me Me p. d 1 3. 00 Doughty George W Carpenter Me Me p. d. *2. 75 Hathorn George G Carpenter Me Me. p.d. 1 2. 75 Jeffers Moses B Carpenter Mass Mass . p.d. : 2. 75 Murphy, Michael Carpenter Me.. . Me.. . . p.d. *2.75 Noyes, Fred. Carpenter N.H . Me p.d. 1 2.75 Robinson, Lewis K Carpenter Me Me p. d. 1 2. 75 Smith, Ellsworth L Carpenter Me Me p. d. 1 2. 75 Bray Henry D Carpenter Mass Mass p. d. * 2. 50 Foster Bartlett W Carpenter Me Me p. d. 1 2. 50 Fullerton, Charles W Carpenter Me Me p. d. 1 2. 50 Look, Everett W Carpenter. . . Me Me. p. d. 1 2. 50 Lunt, Basil R Carpenter Me.. .. Me p.d. ^.50 Peterson, Augustus H Carpenter Me Me p.d. *2.50 Rand, Benjamin W Carpenter Me Me p. d. l 2. 50 Reed Arthur C Carpenter Me Me p. d. 1 2. 50 Robinson, Joseph K Carpenter Me Me p.d. 1 2. 50 Sprague, Smith W Carpenter Me Me p. d. 1 2. 50 Vincent, James M Carpenter Mass Mass p.d. 1 2.5Q Dewyea, Frank X Carpenter Canada . . Me p.d. *2.25 Peterson, Marcus R Carpenter Me Me p d ^.00 Harris, Edward W Laborer Me Me p.d. J 2. 50 Orr, Edmond S. H Laborer Me Mass p. d. l 2. 50 Armstrong, Clarence W. . Alexander, David R Laborer Laborer Me Me Me Me p.d. 2.25 p d 1 2 25 Bennett, William F . . Laborer Me Me p d J 2.25 Bernard, Joseph Laborer Mass Mass p.d. *2.25 Brewer, Herman E Laborer Me Me p d J 2 25 Coolen, Benjamin L Dow, Daniel M Laborer 1 Laborer Me Me Me Me p.d. '2.25 p d. 1 2.25 Hawkes, Melville E . . i Laborer... Me.. Me.. D.d. '2.25 1 When actually employed. 110 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR. LIGHT-HOUSE SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. ENGINEER SERVICE Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensation. FIRST AND SECOND DIS- TRICTS continued. Holgerson John A Laborer Sweden Mass p d *$2 25 Lopans, Ashbury A . . Laborer Me Me p d 1 2 25 McFarland, David Laborer Me Me p d 1 2 25 Mclntyre, Owen Laborer Me Me p.d. : 2 25 Mclntyre Royal E Laborer Me Me p d X 2 25 Pierce, Harvey T . . Laborer Me Me p d 1 2 25 Webber, Richard E Laborer . . .... Me . . Me p d. 1 2 25 Alley, Thurman E Laborer Me . Me p.d. ^.00 Bickford John E Laborer Me Me p d J 2 00 BricrhtTna.nj Art,h\ir TT Laborer Mass Mass p d 1 2 00 Cameron, Irving Laborer Me Me p.d. 1 2 00 Cushman, George F Laborer Mass Mass .... p.d. ^.00 Enoch Frank Laborer Azores Mass p d ^00 Fielding, Robert . . Laborer Me Me p d ^00 Fielding, William L . . . . Laborer . . ... Me ... Me p.d. 1 2 00 Johnson, Frank A Laborer Me Me p.d. ^.OO Loveitt Warren E Laborer Me Me p d *2 00 Love Merton W Laborer Me Me p d 1 2 00 Me Known, Wadsworth Laborer Me Me p.d. *2 00 Haddock, Willard C Laborer Mass Mass p.d. ^.00 Moore, Richard Laborer Me Me p.d. ^.00 Orne Fred M Laborer Me Me p d *2 00 Pierce, Wallace M . . Laborer Me Me p.d. ^.00 Ross, Freeman Laborer Me Me p.d. X 2.00 Sherman William W Laborer Mass Mass p d *2 00 Sullivan Harry A Laborer Me Me p.d. '2.00 Sykes, Aaron . Laborer Me .. . Me p.d. '2.00 Tarr, Robert W Laborer Mass Mass p.d. ^.00 Thurston John Laborer Mass Mass p d. X 2 00 Upton, George H Laborer Me Me . ... p.d. ^.00 Poole, Burrill C Blacksmith N. C Mass p.d. '2.40 Bourne Chester W Mason Mass Mass p d. X 3. 75 Buker, William F.. . . Mason Me .. . Me .... p.d. '3.50 Clark, Samuel H Mason Me Me p.d. 1 3.50 Doughty Albert P . Mason Me Me p.d. 1 3.5Q Doughty, William H Mason . . Me Me p.d. ^.SO Kinghom, William H Mason Me Me p.d. ^.SO 1 When actually employed. OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. Ill LIGHT-HOUSE SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. ENGINEER SERVICE Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensation. FIRST AND SECOND DIS- TRICTS continued. Little George E Mason Me Me. . p d ^S 50 Mason, William E Mason 1 1 Me Me p d J 3 50 Merchant, Alfred M Mason Me Me p.d ^50 Nelson Daniel E Mason Mass Mass p d ^50 Nelson William N Mason . Mass Mass p d ^50 Shea, Joseph T Mason Me. Me p d *3 50 Stevens William A Mason England Me Pd l 3 50 Farnham James S Quarryman Me Me D d *2 50 Lindsey Jonas E Quarryman Me Me p d 1 2 25 Merchant, Gifford S . . Quarryman Me Me p d 1 2 25 Wall, Frank Quarryman Me Me p d 1 2 25 Hamilton, Alfred E . . Rigsrer. . . Me Me p d 1 3 75 Lewis, Wellman H Cook Me . Mass p d 1 2 00 Bennett, Stephen F Carpenter and black- Me... . Me ... p d 1 2 40 Nickerson, Theodore smith. Storekeeper Mass Mass p m 1 75 00 Grant, Isaac H Storekeeper . . Me Me p m *75 00 THIRD DISTRICT. Potter, Maj. Charles L., Engineer, Tompkins- C 2 ) U. S. Army. Lamy, Camille A ville, N. Y. Assistant engineer France N. Y \ / p m 250 00 Gardner, Watts D Superintendent . . N. Y N. Y . p m 150 00 Verner, Wilders Superintendent Ohio N Y Pm 150 00 Genez, Robert S uperintendent N J N J p m no 00 Aspinwall, Dennis I Chief clerk England N Y p m 175 00 Butler, Addison R Clerk 111 N. Y p m 125 00 Gavigan, Joseph H Clerk N. Y ... N. Y . p ni 125 00 Moran, John. ... Clerk N Y N Y D m 125 00 Keveney, Charles H. . . Clerk.. N. Y N Y p m 100 00 Dunn, John E Clerk Iowa N. Y p m 110 00 Kite, Melville P Draftsman Ohio Ohio T) m 125 00 Sillenbeck, John G Draftsman N Y N Y p m 125 00 Skinner, Guy B Draftsman N. Y N Y p m 100 00 Butler, John J Mess enger D o N Y PTn fi^i 00 Heger, Martin Foreman of lamp shop Austria N Y r> m 150 00 Fink, William B . . Engineer... N. J. . N. Y.. TV m 80 00 1 When actually employed. 2 Pay of rank. 112 DEPAETMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR. LIGHT-HOUSE SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. ENGINEER SERVICE Continued. * NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensation. THIRD DISTRICT COH. Jones Frank E Machinist Pa N. Y p.d. ^3. 75 Berger Charles Machinist Austria N. Y p. d. *3 50 Doblinger Joseph J Machinist Austria N. Y p. d. 1 3. 50 Fleming Walter Machinist N. Y N. Y p. d. 1 3. 50 Gill Walter Machinist N. Y N. Y p. d. ' 3. 50 Irsch Jacob Machinist Germany N. Y . p. d. 1 3. 50 Littlefield, Albert E Machinist Me N. Y. ... p. d. 1 3. 50 Murphy Barney Machinist England . N. Y p.d. !3.50 Reagan Timothy J Machinist . N. Y N. Y. ... p. d. 1 3. 50 Rockow George Machinist Germany N. Y .. p. d. 1 3. 50 Rund Jakob Machinist . . Germany N. Y .. p.d. X 3. 50 Schaffer Charles ... . Machinist Switzer- N. Y p. d. 1 3. 50 Staderman Charles Machinist land. Germany N. J . .. p. d. 1 3. 50 Berger Gustav L/ampmaker .... Germany N. Y p.d. X 3. 75 Staats Michael Lampmaker Germany N. Y p. d. 1 3. 75 Ahner Jacob Lampmaker N. Y N. Y p. d. : 3. 50 Kcililc August Lampmaker Germany N. Y . p. d. 1 3. 50 Schwamm Gottlob Lampmaker . . Germany N. Y p. d. : 3. 50 Serrick John F Lampmaker N. Y ... N. Y p. d. * 3. 50 Baumann Fred .... Lampmaker N. Y N. Y. ... p. d. 1 3. 00 Baumann Hermann Lampmaker N Y N. Y ... p. d. 1 3. 00 Burckhardt T-fermanTi Lampmaker Germany N. Y p.d. '3. 00 Nobenhauer Karl Lampmaker Germany N. Y p.d. 1 3.00 Eccleston James J . . Lampmaker 's helper. . N. Y N. Y. ... p. d. 1 2. 50 Goblet, James Lampmaker 's helper. . N. Y. ... N. Y. ... p.d. '2.50 Henry Eduard Lampmaker 's helper N. Y . N. Y. ... p. d. 1 2. 5C Burger Ernest Tinsmith Germany N. Y. ... p. d. l 3. 00 Gerwer, Joseph A . . . Tinsmith Switzer- N. Y. ... p.d. *2.75 Lucey Jeremiah Tinsmith . . land. Ireland . . N. Y p.d. '2.75 Martens John Tinsmith N Y N. Y ... p.d. X 2.75 Uhrie George D. C . . N. Y p.d. 1 2.75 Bryan William T Tinsmith Va N. Y p.d. '2.75 Tiernan, Peter F Tinsmith N. Y N. Y. ... p.d. '2. 00 Fett Charles M Plumber Germany N. Y p. d. * 3. 50 Norris Albert .... Storekeeper Sweden. . N. Y. . p. m. 100. 00 Knierim, George... Master carpenter. . . Germany N. Y... p.d. 4.00 1 When actually employed. OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. 113 LIGHT-HOUSE SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. ENGINEER SERVICE Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensation. THIRD DISTRICT COD.. Sienier Henry Carpenter Germany N. Y N. Y.... N. Y p.d. '$3.50 p.d. J 3.25 p.d. : 3.25 p.d. X 3.25 p.d. '3.25 p.d. !3.25 p. d. 1 3. 25 p.d. 1 3.25 p.d. !3.25 p.d. *3.25 p.d. iS. 25 p.d. J 3.25 p.d. iS. 25 p.d. ^.dO p. d. 1 3. 50 p.m. 80.00 p.d. *2.00 p.d. ^.00 p.d. !2.00 p. d. 1 2. 00 p. d. 1 2. 00 p.d. J 2.00 p.d. ^.00 p.d. '2.00 p.d. ^.00 p.d. '2.00 p.d. ^.00 p.d. ^.00 p.d. ^.00 p.m. 55.00 p.d. ^.00 p. d. 1 2. 00 p.m. 60.00 p.m. 55.00 p.m. 55.00 p.m. 20.00 1.00 p.d. ^.50 Costello, John Carpenter Demsey, John Carpenter Ireland. . N J N. Y N. Y Judge Thomas L Carpenter Knoblock Jacob jr Carpenter N Y N. Y . Meyer Ajndrew Carpenter Germany N. Y N. Y.... N. Y . O'Neill John Carofinter Porazzi, Carlo Carofmter. _ _ _ Italy N Y N. Y N Y Riley David Carpenter Strieker Henry Carpenter Germany Germany Sweden.. N. Y N. Y N. Y.... N. Y.... N. Y Vetter Charles Carpenter Westin, Christoffer D Winant, Stephen B Carpenter Carpenter Hay wood, Charles H. Clockmaker i Pa N. Y. . Mezny , Joseph Electrician machinist. Insp. of repairs Hungary. Me N. Y N. Y Navarre, Jerome McD... Barry David Laborer Ireland . . N. Y.... N. Y N. Y N. Y. ... N. Y Bell George Laborer Laborer Brown, Read B. . Coppinger, Frank Laborer. . N. Y . N. Y Ellett, Charles D... Laborer N. Y .. N. Y ... \ Finley John Laborer N Y N Y Folev, Thomas Laborer Ireland . . N Y N. Y. ... N. Y Hanna, James Laborer Keenan, John Laborer Ireland.. N. Y. . N. Y.... N. Y .. Lepol, George Laborer Martineau, Peter H Laborer i Mo Laborer N. Y N. Y.... N. Y Mertens Frederick O'Reilly, Hugo Laborer N. "V N. Y Reddy , Edmond Laborer . . . ... Ireland . . D C N. Y . . . . N Y Sullivan Daniel Laborer Wells, Edward E Laborer N. Y N Y Wakeham, John T.. Laborer N. Y N Y Gormley, John Laborer Ireland . . N. Y. ... Conn N. J N. Y.... yed. N.Y N.Y Conn N. J N.Y McCarthy, James Laborer Custodian Lassen, Mrs. Emma M Simpson, John Custodian Spinner 1 When actually emplc Meyer, William 4606408 114 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR. LIGHT-HOUSE SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. ENGINEER SERVICE Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensation. THIRD DISTRICT COD. Halliday, George W Mason N.Y N.Y p d l $3 75 Larkin James Mason N Y N Y p d 1 3 75 Marshall, Henry J . Mason N. Y N Y p d l 3 75 Lodge, Charles Mason's helper Ireland N Y p d 1 2 50 Vaughey, Thomas lacker Ireland N.Y p m 65 00 Webber, Sumner Packer Me N Y p m 65 00 Sullivan, Daniel J Asst packer N Y N Y p m 60 00 Schlamp, Adam. . Painter N Y N Y p d J 3 00 Third Subdistrict (Porto Rican Service). Stierle, Adam . ... Superintendent Germany P R p m 150 00 Davila, Alberto Insp. of repairs P R P R p d 1 2 85 Salva Joseph B Insp of repairs P R P R r> d : 2 85 Griffith, Aloah B Clerk Tex Tex p m 50 00 Paweck, Ignatz Lampist Austria N Y p m 125 00 Millin, Victor Carpenter P R P R p d 1 2 50 Estrada, Pablo Charman P R P R p m 3 00 FOURTH DISTRICT. Flagler, Major Clement Engineer, Wilming- H A. F., U. S. Army. B amber, Herbert ton, Del. Asst engineer Mich Pa p m 200 00 Arledge, Arthur E Superintendent Miss Miss p m 150 00 Hankinson, Ray L . . Superintendent Wis Wis p m 150 00 Maul, Theodore R Superintendent . Pa Pa p m 150 00 Ruffhead, Fred C Clerk England N Y p in 150 00 Flood, Thomas Clerk Ireland Pa p m 100 00 Morton, Harry F Clerk Pa Pa p m 100 00 Miller, J. Frank Draftsman Pa Pa p m 125 00 Rout, Thomas J Draftsman D. C .. Pa p m 125 00 Neal, JohnH.... Expert mechanic N H Pa p m 100 00 Mayo, Julius W Master mechanic Va Md p m 130 00 McVey, Ambrose Master mechanic Md.. Del p m 100 00 Woodrow, Isaac Mastpr mprha,Tiir Pa Del ^ ei p m 100 00 Bedford, Frank W Master mechanic Del Del p d M 00 Kitchens, Gideon W Master mechanic .... Del Del p d 1 4 00 Maul, Charles H Master mechanic N J Pa p d l 4 00 Owen, Horace H.. Master mechanic . . . England. Pa.. D.d. '4.00 1 When actually employed. 2 Pay of rank. OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. 115 LIGHT-HOUSE SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. ENGINEER SERVICE Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensation. FOURTH DISTRICT COn. Graff Max Laborer Germany Del N. J Del p. d. l $2. 00 p.d. 2.00 p. m. 1 55. 00 p.d. ^.50 p. d. l 3. 50 p.m. 80.00 ( 2 ) p. m. 175. 00 p. m. 175. 00 p. m. 200. 00 p. m. 175. 00 p. m. 150. 00 p. m. 100. 00 p.m. 75.00 p.m. 60.00 p.d. ^.00 p.d. ^.50 p.d. ^.50 p.d. ^.50 p. d. 1 3. 50 p.d. ^.50 p.d. '3.50 p.d. ^.50 p.m. 1 55. 00 p.m. ^5. 00 p.m. ^5. 00 p.m. ^5.00 p.m. 1 55. 00 p. m. 100. 00 p.d. ^.OO p.d. ^.OO p.d. ^.50 p.d. M.25 p. d. 1 3. 00 p.d. X 2.75 D.d. X 2.00 Yarnall Willard S Laborer Commeau Harry W Laborer Pa Pa Johnson Thomas S Carpenter Pa, Del Lauer John E Carpenter . Pa Del Snyder Harry K Storekeeper Pa Del FIFTH DISTRICT. Craighill, Maj .William E., U. S. Army. Arthur, Frank C Engineer, Baltimore, Md. Superintendent . . . Til Pa, Lewis, John W Superintendent ' D. C i Va Murdock, John Asst. engineer Md i Md Sangmeister Rudolf Draftsman Germany D.C Md Md Lewis Charles M Chief clerk Clerk Md Md Walsh JohnW .. Douglas, George H Clerk Mass .... Mass .... Va Md Roberts Frank "M" PSSPT! CTpr Marshall John W rnprVumip ! N V 'Dpi Daneker Marion M Carpenter Md Md Carpenter ! Md Daniels, Harry B DeCaindry, Daniel . . . Carpenter Ala Md Fields, William T Carpenter .... Md . Md Leonard, Paul Carpenter Md i Md Poulsen, Paul Carpenter Denmark Md Md Seward, Henry C Carpenter Md Berry, August Scowman Finland.. Md Md Md Davis, George E Scowman Esposito, Anton Scowman Italy.... Md Md i Md Md . Md Gaphardt, Harry Scowman Scowman Johnson, Joseph Vinson. Charles H Machinist Md.. . Md Humphreys, Charles K... Murray, Benjamin A . . Machinist Md Md Painter Blacksmith D.C Md Md Md Rarick, Charles H Oorsuch, John T Bricklayer Tinner Tinner Laborer... Md Md Va Md.. Md Md Va Md.. Dorries, Charles H . Partin, Charles W Horcher, George... 1 When actually employed. 2 Pay of rank. 116 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR. 'LIGHT-HOUSE SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. ENGINEER SERVICE Continued. - NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensation. FIFTH DISTRICT COH. Davis, William H., jr V Custodian Md.. Md p m $80 00 Weeks, Harry E Custodian Md D.C p m 10 00 Hitchens George D Custodian Va Va 1 00 SIXTH DISTRICT. Stuart, Capt. Edwin R., Engineer, Charleston, (i) U. S. Army. Gaillard William D S. C. Asst engineer S C S C s / p m 200 00 Mew, John R Superintendent Ala S.C p m 100 00 Spencer, James A Clerk S.C . S.C p m 100 00 Degen, Andrew. Machinist Switzer- S. C .. p. m. 100 00 Anderson, Charles G., jr. . Burkhardt, John Carpenter Carpenter land. S.C Germany S.C S.C p.d. 2 2.40 p d 2 2 50 Nelson, Johannes Carpenter Norway S.C p.d. 2 2 40 Redmond, Stephen J Bricklayer Ireland . . S.C p.d. 2 3. 60 SEVENTH AND EIGHTH DISTRICTS. Craighill, Maj. William Engineer, Mobile, Ala (i). E., U. S. Army. Brown Thomas P Superintendent Ala Ala p m 175 00 Thompson Conrad Superintendent Norway Ala p. m 166 67 Farley, James W Foreman Fla Fla p. m. 2 100. 00 Granen, James J Foreman La La p. m. 100. 00 Johnstons Fergus H Foreman La La p m 100 00 McCall James L Foreman Miss Ala . . p. m 100 00 Petterson, Peter A . Foreman Sweden . Ala p.m. 100. 00 Pratt, Arthur L Foreman Minn Fla p. m. 100. 00 Sellars, Griffin Foreman Ala La p. m. 100. 00 Sullivan, Jeremiah J Foreman La La p. m. 100. 00 Voelker, Joseph A Foreman La La p.m. 100.00 Con way Thomas J Chief clerk Miss Ala p. m 175 00 Tisdale, Robert R Clerk La Ala p.m. 150.00 Damerell, Kenneth E . . Skilled laborer ... . Ala Ala p.m. 75.00 Holcey John H Messenger La Ala p.m. 60.00 Say as, Leon.. Watchman.. La.., Ala.. p.m. 40.00 of rank. 2 When actually employed. OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. 117 LIGHT-HOUSE SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. ENGINEER SERVICE Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. SEVENTH AND EIGHTH "'; ^DISTRICTS COI1. Taylor Albert Storekeeper Ala Ala . Meloncon Patrick Launchman ... Tex Ala Gerth Henry C Carpenter and black- Germany Ala Tillmon James smith. Bricklayer Ala Miss Brackel, Bernard T Carpenter La La Briggs George M Carpenter Ala Ala Dickman Adolf Carpenter La La Engvall William Carpenter Sweden Ala . Fagan Henry P Carpenter La. . Miss Faulk, Thomas F Carpenter . . . . . Ala Ala.. Haynes, James P Carpenter Miss Ala Howell, Frank N Carpenter Ala Ala Koehl, John Carpenter La La Larson Dan Carpenter ' Norway La Lunden Charles Carpenter Sweden Ala McCall Carl A Carpenter Miss Ala Morel, Alexander Carpenter Switzer- Ala Obermark, Henry Carpenter land. Ky.. La Pratt Edmund S Carpenter Minn Fla Pratt, Willard C Carpenter Minn Fla Sullivan, Jeremiah C-... Carpenter Ireland La Thompson, Conrad L Carpenter La La Thompson, Frank Carpenter La La Tisdale Edward S Carpenter Miss Miss Bell, Gilbert S Machinist Fla Ala Wade, Hue-h Machinist Tex Ala Imsand, Louis Mechanic Ala Ala Renaud Jules M Laborer France La Chisholm, Daniel . Laborer Canada La Gage, Robert C Laborer Ala La Sherman Frank Laborer Me Ala Sullivan, James Laborer La La Swenson, Peder Laborer Norway Ala Ravmond, John M . . Slater... La.. La Compensation. p. m. $75.00 p. m. 60.00 p.m. 75.00 p.m. 75.00 p.m. 75.00 p.m. 75.00 p.m. 75.00 p. m. 75.00 p. m. 75.00 p.m. 75.00 p.m. 75.00 p.m. 75.00 p.m. 75.00 p.m. 75.00 p.m. 75.00 p.m. 75.00 p. m. 75.00 p. m. 75.00 p.m. 75.00 p.m. 75.00 p.m. 75.00 p.m. 75.00 p.m. 75.00 p. m. 75.00 p. m. 125. 00 p.m. 75.00 p.m. 75.00 p.m. 45.00 p.m. 45.00 p. m. 45.00 p. m. 45.00 p.m. 45.00 p.m. 45.00 p. m. 75.00 118 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR, LIGHT-HOUSE SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. ENGINEER SERVICE Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensation. NINTH DISTRICT. Judson, Maj. William V., Engineer, Milwaukee, U. S. Army. Woodruff, Edward L Brust Frederick Wis. Assistant engineer . . . Superintendent N. Y.... Mich Wis Mich p.m. $200.00 p rn 125 00 Comfort Louis H Sup erintendent Mich Mich p m 125 00 Guest Edward Superintendent Ohio Wis p m 125 00 Wrege, Richard C Superintendent Mich Wis 1, 500 00 Brust, Peter Superintendent Mich ... Mich ... p. m. 125.00 Butler Charles O Superintendent Wis Mich p m 90 00 Adams Samuel P Chief clerk Pa Wis p m 150 00 Foster, Amos P Clerk N Y Wis p. m. 100 00 McGinnis, Edward Clerk 111 Wis p. m. 100 00 Davie John B Draftsman Ohio Wis p m 125 00 Otter Francis J Draftsman England Ohio p m 125 00 Davenport, James, jr Care taker Mich Mich p m. 5 00 Kliner, Edward J Structural iron worker Mich Mich p. d. 2 2 50 Guest, Louis S Structural iron worker Canada Mich ... p. d. 2 2. 25 Hansen Fred Structural iron worker D fin mark Wis p d 2 2 25 Hill George H Bricklayer 111 Mich p d. 2 4 00 Markham Frank Painter Ohio Mich p.d. 2 2. 00 Van Nostrand, Henry W.. Painter Wis Wis p.d. 2 2. 25 Foster, William W Carpenter Mich .... Wis p.d. 23.00 Kindlund Ben Carpenter Sweden Wis p d 23 oo Sinnott Thomas M Carpenter Wis Wis p.d. 2 3.00 Thomas, John Carpenter 111 Mich ... p.d. 2 3.00 Zerzanek, William Carpenter . Wis Wis p.d. 2 3.00 Solberg, Peter T Carpenter Tex Wis p.d. 2 2. 75 Backman Claes J Carpenter Sweden Wis p.d. 2 2. 50 Bigelow, George G Carpenter Mich ... Mich p.d. 2 2. 50 Haesebrouck, Henri Carpenter . ... Belgium. Mich .... p.d. 2 2. 50 Mason John J Carpenter Denmark Mich p.d. 2 2. 50 Thelen, Clemens Carpenter Wis . . . Wis p.d. 2 2. 50 Wilda, James Carpenter Wis Wis p.d. 2 2. 50 Carpenter Ill Mich p d 2 2 25 Fitzgerald , James Carpenter Mich Mich .... p.d. 2 2.00 French, Joseph W Carpenter England . Mich .... p.d. 2 2.00 Ludwisr, Henrv . . Laborer... Mich . . Mich . . p.d. 2 2.00 1 Pay of rank. 2 When actually employed. OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. 119 LIGHT-HOUSE SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. ENGINEER SERVICE Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensation. NINTH DISTRICT COD. Moon, Herbert E Laborer Mich Mich p. d. ! $2 00 Campbell Glenn Laborer Minn Wis p d 1 2 00 Steiff, Charles Laborer Ind Ind p d *2 00 Noble, Robert C Laborer Wis Wis p d l l 76 Conawav, Clyde E Laborer . . . Mich Mich p. d J l 76 McCarty, Thomas G Laborer Wis Wis p. d. l l 75 Zerzanek Frank Laborer Wis Wis p d l l 75 Ayres, Peter Laborer Mich Mich p d x l 75 Brown, Harry Laborer Mich Mich p d l l 75 Fisher, Leonard Laborer Nebr Nebr p d l l 75 Johnson, John Laborer Wis Wis p d l l 75 Kvapil, Frank . . Laborer Wis Wis p d l l 75 Schmidt, George Laborer Mich Mich p d 1 l 60 TENTH DISTRICT. Fisk , Lieut . Col . Walter L . , Engineer, Buffalo, N Y. (2) U. S. Army. Seeley, Linns Superintendent Canada N Y p m 165 00 Bumpus, Jesse P Superintendent N Y Mich p m 150 00 Works, Norris M Superintendent N Y N Y p rn 150 00 Bartlett, Charles C Chief clerk Me N Y p m 175 00 Dealing, William P Clerk N. Y N. Y p m 100 00 Voth, John H Draftsman Germany N Y p m 125 00 Helbig, William C Master mechanic Germany N Y p m 120 00 Barker, Frederick P Master mechanic Me N Y p d l 4 00 Oldenburg, Frank H. F . . Laborer Wis p d a 1 76 Hunter, Edwin Carpenter N. Y Mich p d J 2 50 Keefe, William Ship carpenter Wales N Y p d 1 4 00 Hazen, Gerald Carpenter N Y N Y p d ^50 Hearsey, Frank E Carpenter Mich Mich p d X 3 20 Robertson, William Carpenter Mass N Y p d l 3 20 Lisner, Philip Carpenter Mich Mich p d 1 2 75 Helbig, W T illiamC., jr... ELEVENTH DISTRICT. Keller, Maj. Charles, Laborer Engi n e e r , Detroit, N. Y.... N. Y.... p. d. '2.00 ( 2 ) U. S. Army. Bennett, Andrew W.. Mich. Superintendent . . N. Y.. Wis.. n. d. U.OO 1 When actually employed. 2 Pay of rank. 120 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR. LIGHT-HOUSE SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. ENGINEER SERVICE Continued. * NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensation. ELEVENTH DISTRICT continued. Todt, Bernard A Superintendent Germany Mich .... Mich Canada . . Canada . . Cal Mich .... Mich .... Mich .... Va Mich .... Scotland . Scotland . Mich .... Wis Mich .... Mich .... Mich.... Mich .... Mich.... Mich .... Mich. ... Mich.... Mich Mich.... Mich .... Mich .... Mich.... Mich .... Wis p.m.$175.00 p. m. 175.00 p. m. 120.00 p. m. 120. 00 p. m. 100.00 p. m. 125. 00 p. m. 166. 66 p. m. 125. 00 900.00 720.00 p. m. 120. 00 p. m. 120. 00 p.m. 1 100. 00 p. d. 4.24 p. d. 3.60 p. d. 2.25 p. d. 2.75 p. d. 3.25 p. d. 3.00 p. d. 2.50 p. d. 2.50 p. d. '2. 50 p. d. '2.50 p. d. : 2.50 p. d. '2. 50 p. d. '2.50 p. d. ^.00 p. d. U.75 p. d. '1.75 p. d. U.75 p. d. '1.75 p. d. l l.75 p. d. l l.75 p. d. U.75 p. d. L 1.75 Beyer Walter F Superintendent Hurst Robert G Superintendent McDonald James Superintendent .... Young, Alexander H Van Valkenburg, Charles C., jr. Common George R Superintendent Superintendent Chief clerk . ... Bentley, Alva A Clerk Peshek, Anthony W Clerk Miner John Messenger Master mechanic . Lauzon Jerome Millar, Thorny H . Master mechanic MiUar, John W Machinist Faber Albert L Mason Lemuie Joseph Mason Ginn, Freeman Painter Canada . . ! Mich Mich....j Mich.... Mich 1 Mich Canada . . Mich Canada . . Mich Canada . . Mich Canada . . Mich Canada . . Mich Wis.. 1 Wis.. Cowling, Edward Blacksmith Wattyna, William Carpenter Lough Edward Carpenter Dechene Charles M Carpenter Dickeson Elijah Carpenter Lough, Alexander Carpenter Martin Jules Carpenter Meverden, Leander J Patterson Thomas Carpenter Carpenter N. Y Mich.... Wis Sampson Charles M Carpenter i MP Hull Oscar Carpenter Finland.. Wis Wis Wis Bennett, Frank H Laborer Cadorette, Louis Laborer Canada . . Wis Mich .... Wis Glosser August Laborer Jolie, Joseph Laborer Canada . . Mich.... Mich.... Ireland. . Ireland. . >yed. Mich .... Mich.... Mich.... Mich.... Mich.... Morris, Robert Laborer Nelkie Frank Laborer O 'Connor Pierce Laborer Shay Daniel Laborer 1 When actually empl( OFFICEKS AND EMPLOYEES. 121 LIGHT-HOUSE SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. ENGINEER SERVICE Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensation. TWELFTH DISTEICT. McKinstry Mai Charles Engineer San Fran- (i) H., U. S. Army. Russell John A cisco, Cal. Superintendent . . Conn Cal p m.$175 00 Brown Thomas Superintendent ...... Ireland Cal ... p. m. 150.00 Waterman Douglas Superintendent N. J Cal p. m. 150. 00 Headley, Milo Superintendent Cal Cal p. m. 150.00 Sperry, Charles Superintendent Conn N. Y.... p. m. 150.00 Eoff Jesse R Superintendent Cal Cal p m 125 00 Wilson William Chief clerk . . . Cal Cal p m. 175 00 Wilson Ernest L Clerk Wis . . . 111 . p m. 125 00 Mikkelsen, Martin W Grail egos, Ignacia Clerk Clerk Cal Cal Cal Cal p. m. 75.00 p. m. 75. 00 Anderson Arthur C Draftsman N. Y.... Cal p. m. 150.00 Browne Frederick A Draftsman . New Zea- Cal p m 100 00 Baker Ray H Carpenter land. Cal Cal p d. 2 4.00 Mortenson Andrew C Carpenter Denmark Cal .. . p. d. M.OO Seeger Robert E Carpenter Mich Cal p d 2 4 00 Vanzandt, Robert Carpenter Miss Cal p. d. 2 4. 00 Bo wen John H Carpenter Cal Cal p d 2 3 50 Greene, Wheeler M Carpenter's helper Cal.. Cal p d. 2 3. 00 Rear don, William H Carpenter's helper Cal Cal .. p. d. 2 3. 00 Tunison, Peter M Lardner George Mason Mason N. Y.... Ireland Cal Cal p. d. 2 6.00 p d 2 5 00 Barrow Joseph P Pliimher Mass Cal p d 2 4 50 Dougherty Phillip Concrete worker . . Ireland . Cal p d 2 3 50 Nicholls, Frederick G Painter England . Cal . p d 2 3 50 Vandervort James Foreman Ohio Cal p d 2 5 00 Farmer, George Foreman carpenter Mich Cal p. d. 2 5. 00 Logan Isaac S Foreman carpenter R. I Cal p d 2 5 00 Sullivan, Daniel Mortar man Ireland . . Cal p d 2 3 00 Twelfth Subdistrict (Hon- olulu Service). Otwell, Capt. C. W., Engineer (i) U. S. Army. Kales, Francis H.. Supt. of construction . 111.. Hawaii . . D. m. 150. 00 Pay of rank. When actually employed. 122 DEPAKTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR. 'LIGHT-HOUSE SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. ENGINEER SERVICE Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensation. p.m. $150. 00 p. m. 125. 00 p.m. 75.00 p. m. 100. 00 p. m. 100. 00 p.d. !2.50 p.d. M.OO p.d. 1 5.00 p.d. M.OO p. m. 135. 00 p.m. 50.00 p.m. 50.00 p.d. U.OO p.d. 1 4.00 ( 2 ) p. m. 175. 00 p. m. 140. 00 p. m. 200. 00 p. m. 150. 00 p. m. 100. 00 p.m. 75.00 p. m. 150. 00 p. m. 125. 00 p. m. 120. 00 p. m. 125. 00 p.d. J 4.50 p.d. '5.00 p.d. M. 00 p.d. M.OO p.d. M. 00 p.d. 1 3. 75 p.d. '3.00 p.d. '4.00 TWELFTH DISTRICT con. Twelfth Subdistrict (Hon- olulu Service) Con. Lord Harold Supt. of construction . Supt. of construction . Timekeeper England . N. Y.... Cal .... Mass Richley, Anthony .... Hawaii . . Hawaii . . Hawaii . . Cal Hawaii . . Hawaii . . Hawaii . . Hawaii . . Hawaii . . Hawaii . . Hawaii . . Hawaii . . Hawaii . . Willard, Charles R James Walter E Receiver of material Clark Wesley G Clerk Mich .... Hawaii . . Austria . . Mich.... Nebr Cal Me Alama, David A Blacksmith Maket, William M Engineer Van Wagner, Eugene B . . Wilson Neal R Foreman Foreman Palmer Frank C Carpenter Watchman Cook, Henry Perry, William A Watchman . .... N. Y ... Paty George W Carpenter Mass Haggarty George Carpenter Mich .... THIRTEENTH DISTRICT. Roessler, Lieut. Col. Solo- mon W., U. S. Army. Worth Edward G Engineer , Portland , Oreg. Superintendent Oreg . Oreg .... Wash.... Ores. Superintendent England . Scotland. Mich .... Mo Ohio Warrack, Robert Asst engineer Wells, Harry J Chief clerk Oreg.. Grantham, Winifred A. . . Lankford, Milton B Clerk Clerk Oreg Oreg Leick, Carl W Draftsman Germany 111 Oreg.. Sherman Edric L Ms chinist Ores Wright William J Machinist Pa Ores Withers, Albert E Master mechanic Canada . . England . Canada . . Pa Oreg Oreg... Moore, John Foreman/ Morin Pierre Carpenter Ores Berger, John H Carpenter Ores Harris, Michael Carpenter Norway.. Va Ohio Austria . . Norway.. Pay Oreg Oreg Oreg Oreg Oreg of rank. Hess David H Carpenter Carpenter Langhead James A Miehlstien, Stephan Watnee Andrew C Carpenter Cfj.rnpntpr 1 When actually employed. OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. 123 LIGHT-HOUSE SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. ENGINEER SERVICE Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. THIRTEENTH DISTRICT continued. Wiltshire, William Carpenter England Oreg p.d *$4 00 Eichler Frank H Plumber Minn Orej? p d *4 50 Starr William H Concrete finisher Ohio Oree p d l 4 00 Sneve, Peter Painter Norway p d 1 4 00 FOURTEENTH DISTRICT. Rossell, Lieut. Col. Will- Engineer , Cinci n n a t i , (2) iam T., U. S. Army. FIFTEENTH DISTRICT. Lukesh, Capt. Gustave, Ohio. Engineer, St. Louis Mo (2) U. S. Army. SIXTEENTH DISTRICT. Connor, Capt. William Engineer, Memphis, Tenn. ( 2 ) D., U. S. Army. VESSEL SERVICE. Stoddard, Lewis M Master, tender Amaranth. 1st mate, tender Ama- ranth. 2d mate, tender Ama- ranth. Eng. , tender Amaranth . . Asst. eiig., tender Ama- ranth. Master, tender Arbutus. . . 1st mate, tender Arbutus. 2d mate, tender Arbutus. Eng. , tender Arbutus . . Ohio Canada . . Canada . . Austria . . Mich.... Sweden.. Fla Denmark Fla... Mich.... Mich .... Mich .... Mich .... Mich .... Ala Fla Miss La p. m. $150 p.m. 80 p.m. 55 p. m. 95 p.m. 70 p. m. 135 p.m. 80 p. m. 55 p.m. 95 p.m. 75 p. m. 250 p. m. 100 p.m. 85 p. m. 150 Roy, Hilaire Pearse, Forrest F Pospeshil, Jacob B Klette, Anthony Mellgren, Harold A . . Simmons, George W Skousgard, Frederick Black, George W Solari, John A Asst. eng., tender Arbu- tus. Master, tender Armeria.. 1st mate, tender Armeria. 2d mate, tender Armeria Ind Ireland.. Finland.. N Y Ala Oreg Oreg Cal Gregory, William E Nikander, Gustaf A Shultz, George S Startup, Joseph Eng., tender Armeria tually employed. England . 2 Pay of TI Wash.... ink. 1 When ac 124 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR. LIGHT-HOUSE SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. VESSEL SERVICE Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. Binder Henry C Istasst. eng., tender Ar- meria. 2d asst. eng., tender Ar- ineria. Crpntr. , tender Armeria . . Master, tender Aspen 1st mate, tender Aspen. . Engineer, tender Aspen . 1st asst. eng., tender As- pen. Master, tender Azalea... Master, tender Azalea... 1st mate, tender Azalea. . 2d mate, tender Azalea.. Engineer, tender Azalea. 1st asst. eng., tender Azalea. Master, tender Cactus Oree Oree p.m.$100 p.m. 85 p.m. 70 p. m. 150 p.m. 80 p.m. 90 p.m. 70 p. m. 150 p. m. 150 p.m. 80 p.m. 55 p. m. 100 p.m. 75 p. m. 150 p.m. 80 p. m. 100 p.m. 75 p.m. 175 p. m. 100 p.m. 85 p. m. 150 p. m. 100 p.m. 135 p.m. 80 p.m. 55 p.m. 90 p.m. 70 p.m. 150 p. m. 150 p.m. 80 p.m. 85 p.m. 70 p.m. 50 Smith, Gilbert R Canada . . Finland.. Mich .... N.Y Ireland.. Canada . . Mass Wash.... Wash.... Mich.... Mich .... Mich .... Mich .... Mass .... Mickelson Victor A Lanstra, Jacob N Taylor, William J Galbraith George Collins, Albert Eaton, George E Gibbs Charles I Mass Mass Ttamsfin William G Mass Mass Bass, Harold B Mass Mass Jackson, Albert N.Y Mass Williams, Frederick A ... Percy, Harry P N.B Mass Me . . N.Y Sherman, Alonzo W 1st mate, tender Cactus . Engineer, tender Cactus. Asst. eng., tender Cactus. Master, tender Colum- bine. 1st mate, tender Colum- bine. 2d mate, tender Colum- bine. Eng tender Columbine Me Conn Conn Conn Oreg Oreg Wash.... N.Y Trolan, Richard W Conn Conn Conn Ireland . . Me Fletcher William M Richardson, Charles Warriner, Frank T Leadbetter John W Thomas, Harry Worrell William I Pa Asst. eng., tender Col- umbine. Master, tender Crocus . . . Tex Wash.... Md Dorry, Benjamin B . . . . Md Vaux, Arthur T 1st mate, tender Crocus. . 2d mate, tender Crocus. . Engineer, tender Crocus. Asst. eng., tender Crocus. Master, tender Dahlia... 1st mate, tender Dahlia. . 1st mate, tender Dahlia. . Engineer, tender Dahlia. Asst. eng., tender Dahlia. Carpenter, tender Dahlia. Me Mich .... Mich .... Scotland . Norway. . Ireland. . Ireland . . N Y Md Mich .... Mich .... Mich 111 Mich 111 Ill .. Wyb rands, William Burdeno, Fred J Robertson, Alexander M . Olsen, John K Powell Patrick Brown John Sloss David I Helmer, Rex M Dauffhertv. Charlev C... Mich....j Mich.... Md.. . Md.. OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. 125 LIGHT-HOUSE SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. VESSEL SERVICE Continued. NAME. t Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. Klan 01 Victor Master, tender Daisy Engineer, tender Daisy.. Sweden.. N.Y N. Y.... N.Y p.m.$100 p.m. 95 p. m. 150 p.m. 80 p.m. 95 p.m. 75 p. m. 150 p.m. 80 p.m. 85 p. m. 75 p. m. 150 p.m. 80 p.m. 95 p.m. 60 p.m. 60 p. m. 175 p. m. 100 p.m. 85 p. m. 150 p. m. 150 p. m. 100 p.m. 70 p. m. 150 p.m. 80 p. m. 55 p. m. 100 p.m. 75 p. m. 125 p.m. 80 p.m. 55 p.m. 85 p. m. 75 Van Hoesen, Thomas W. . Sherman Carl E Master, tender Gardenia. 1st mate, tender Garde- nia. Enp - tender Gardenia Me N.Y N. H .. Me N.Y N. H Quirk James Sides, Robert C Murray, William Asst. eng., tender Gar- denia. Master, tender Geranium. 1st mate, tender Gera- nium. Eng tender Geranium Ireland. . Me N.Y Me Cotter, Benjamin D Tapley Angier W Me Me Me Me Howe, Alfred E Lord, Millard J Asst. eng., tender Gera- nium. Master, tender Golden- rod. 1st mate, tender Golden- rod. Eng., tender Goldenrod. . Asst. eng., tender Gold- enrod. Carpenter, tender Gold- enrod. Master, tender Heather . . 1st mate, tender Heather. . 2d mate, tender Heather. . Engineer, tender Heather. Engineer, tender Heather. Asst. eng., tender Heather Carpenter, tender Heather Master tender Holly Me Me . .. Horten Horace M Ohio Ohio Mo Ky Ky Ireland.. Sweden.. Ireland. . Oreg Ohio.... Ohio Ohio Ky Ky Ores Hill, Leslie T Handley James W Allen, Ernest W Adams, William N Byrne, Patrick J Hammarstrom Emil Oreg .... Wash.... Oree . Leonard, John J Rickards, Albert MacGregor, James M Scotland. Sweden.. Russia. . . Md Ores? Gunderson, John H Wash.... Oreg Talp, Mihkel Miles, Thomas J Md Tull, Ernest C Mate, tender Holly N. Y. Md Outten, Wilbur F 1st mate, tender Holly Va Va Bryan, Thomas J Engineer, tender Holly . . Asst. eng., tender Holly. . Master, tender Hyacinth . 1st mate, tender Hyacinth 2d mate, tender Hyacinth Eng. , tender Hyacinth . . . Asst. eng., tender Hya- cinth. Md Md Mich.... Norway. . Wis Md Md Wis Wis Wis Reed, George R Bronson, Charles T Larson, Nils L Molitor, Peter Thatcher, Thomas L Larson, Ole T. Ohio Norway. . Wis Wis 126 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR. LIGHT-HOUSE SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. VESSEL SERVICE Continued. % NAME. Official title. Birthplace. * Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. Webber Sumner D Master tender Iris Me N Y p m $150 Andersen Carl 1st mate tender Iris Norway N Y p m 80 Loring, Fred C 2d mate, tender Iris Mass N Y p m 55 Cogswell , John D Engineer, tender Iris N. Y N Y P. m. 95 Hinsen, Christopher C . . . Murphy Frank H Asst. eng., tender Iris Master tender Ivy Del Me N. Y.... Ala p. m. 75 p m 150 Jetmundsen Knut A .... 1st mate, tender Ivy Norway Ala D. m. 80 Tannaw, John G 2d mate, tender Ivy Russia. . Md P. m. 55 Steadman John A Engineer tender Ivy Ala Ala p m 85 Fowler Thomas P A.sst eng tender Ivy Ala Ala p m 75 Cruk Lenox Master tender Jessamine . Md Md p. m. 150 Nowell William E 1st mate tender Jessa- D C D c p m 80 Humphreys, William T.. mine. Engineer, tender Jessa- Md Md p. m. 95 Curry, Charles mine. Asst. eng., tender Jessa- Md Md P. m. 75 Hawkins Irving V ... mine. Master tender John Rod- N Y N Y p m 150 Walz, Jacob J gers. 1st mate, tender John N. Y N. Y p. m. 80 Oliver Miles Rodgers. Engineer tender John N Y N Y p m 65 Farley, Jerome P Rodgers. Asst eng , tender John N. J N. Y p. m. 75 Shinault William Rodgers. Master tender Juniper Va N C p m 100 Gray Walter Engineer tender Juniper N C N C p m. 70 Ruland, Edward C Master tender Larkspur. . N. Y N. Y p. m. 150 Ball, VernonM 2d mate, tender Larkspur. N. Y.... N. Y.... p. m. 55 Brown, William L Engineer tender Lark- Md N Y p.m. 80 Murray, James spur. Asst. eng , tender Lark- Ireland . . N. Y p. m. 75 Taylor, Archibald W. G spur. Master tender Laurel Bahamas Fla p.m. 125 Curtis Thomas H 1st mate tender Laurel Fla Fla p m 80 Knowles Robert R 2d mate tender Laurel Bahamas Fla p m. 55 Peterson, Charles Engineer tender Laurel Norwav Fla p.m. 90 McMillian, Arthur J Asst. eng., tender Laurel . Ala Fla p. m. 75 Sterling James W ... Master tender Lilac Me Me p. m. 150 Ingalls, Herman M 1st mate, tender Lilac. . . Me. . . Me. . .. p.m. 80 Foster. Henrv L... 2d mate, tender Lilac. . Me.. Me.. p.m. 55 OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. 127 LIGHT-HOUSE SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. VESSEL SERVICE Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. Gould, Thomas W Engineer, tender Lilac Me Me . p. m. $90 Grant William W Asst. eng., tender Lilac Me Me p m 65 Eagan, William C Master, tender Lily Va Mo p m 150 Hunt, Campbell . Pilot, tender Lily 111 Mo p m 150 Schlueter, Gustav A 1st mate, tender Lily. . . . Ohio Mo p. m. 80 Critchfield, Samuel A Engineer, tender Lily 111 . . . . Mo p.m. 90 Koehler, Fred H Asst. eng.. tender Lily . . Mo Mo p. m. 60 Anderson, Mark Master tender Madrono Germany Cal p m 175 Sellman, Johan A . . . . 1st mate, tender Madrono Sweden Cal p m 100 Anderson, Andrew 2d mate, tender Madrono Sweden Cal p m 85 Black, Edwin C Engineer, tender Madrono N. B Cal p. m. 150 Bunting, William L Asst. eng.. tender Ma- N.J. . Cal p. m. 100 Johnson, Arthur drono. Carpenter, tender Ma- Cal Cal . p. m. 60 drono. Field. William H Master, tender Magnolia Me La p m 150 d'Almboe, Caesar F 1st mate , tender Magnolia Austria La p m 80 Rupprecht, Frank 2d mate tender Magnolia Germany La p m 55 Williams, James P Eng., tender Magnolia England La p. m. 100 Covert, Joseph L Asst. eng., tender Mag- Pa La P. m. 75 Goldsborough, Henry B . . Cosgrove, Philip L., jr.. nolia. Carpenter, tender Mag- nolia. Master, tender Mangrove . N.Y Fla . La Fla p.m. 50 p. m. 150 Adams, James . 1st mate tender Man- Norway 111 p m 80 Boyle, William H grove. 2d mate, tender Man- Ireland Fla p m 55 Demeritt, William. H grove. Eng. , tender Mangrove . . . Fla Fla p m 100 Huston, William E Asst. eng., tender Man- Ala Fla P. m 75 Soderqvist, Victor grove. Carpenter tender Man- Sweden Fla PTn 50 Almy, Holder, jr.. j> , j grove. Master, tender Maple Va.. . . Md p. m 150 Brooks, Rufus A 1st mate tender Maple Va Md Pm 80 Miles, Robert R 2d mate, tender Maple Va Va p m 55 Krug, William F Engineer, tender Maple Md Md P Q 100 Richardson, Norwood B. O'Brien, Joseph H Asst. eng.. tender Maple. Asst. eng., tender Maple. N.C Mass Va Md p.m. 75 p.m. 75 Cummings, Wain- wright B. Master, tender Marigold . . Mass..... Mich .... p. m. 150 128 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR, LIGHT-HOUSE SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. VESSEL SERVICE Continued. * NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. Bemier, Alfred 1st mate, tender Marigold. 2d mate, tender Marigold . Eng. , tender Marigold . . . 1st asst. eng.. tender Mari- gold. 2d asst. eng., tender Mari- gold. Carpenter, tender Mari- gold. Master, tender Mayflower. 1st mate, tender May- flower. 2d mate, tender May- flower. Engineer, tender May- flower. Asst. eng., tender May- flower. Master, tender Mistletoe . Mate, tender Mistletoe. . . Eng tender Mistletoe Canada . . Sweden.. Canada . . Mich.... Mich .... Mich.... N.Y Mich.... Mich .... Mich .... Mich.... Mich.... Mich .... Mass p. m. $80 p.m. 55 p.m. 85 p.m. 70 p.m. 50 p.m. 50 p.m. 150 p.m. 80 p.m. 55 p.m. 90 p.m. 75 p. m. 150 p.m. 80 p.m. 95 p.m. 75 p. m. 135 p.m. 80 p.m. 55 p.m. 95 p.m. 75 p.m. 100 p.m. 75 p.m. 135 p.m. 90 p. m. 125 p.m. 90 p.m. 60 p. m. 150 p.m. 80 p.m. 150 p.m. 80 Gustafson, Andrew Mickle, Herbert A Roach, John Burdeno, Richard H Buckley John Bartow, Aquilla P Monteiro, John R Azores... Mass Mass Iverson, Andrew J Mass Moore, Joseph H Mass Mass Vaux, Gregson Nova Scotia. Mass Conn N.Y Mass Loring, Walter G N.Y Conn N.Y Baldwin, Frank H Lannan, Michael Cogswell, William F Oliver George W Asst. eng., tender Mistle- toe. Master, tender Myrtle 1st mate tender Myrtle N.Y Me Me N.Y Mass McKown Samuel F Me Costa, Antonio 2d mate, tender Myrtle. . Engineer, tender Myrtle . Asst. eng., tender Myrtle. Master, tender Nettle Asst. eng., tender Nettle. Master, tender Oleander. 1st mate, tender Oleander Pilot, tender Oleander. . . Eng., tender Oleander. . . Asst. eng., tender Ole- ander. Master, tender Pharos. 1st mate, tender Pharos . . Master, tender Sumac . . . 1st mate, tender Sumac. . Azores. . . Me Mass. Grant, John F Me Grant, John F., 2d Gorham Willard S Me Mass Me Conn N.Y Tenn Tenn.... Mo Tenn Tenn.... S. C S. C Ill Gullikson, Ole C Good, Thomas B . . Norway.. Ky.. Leonard John N.Y Hiner, Augustus J Ky Ky Tenn Sweden.. Sweden.. Ohio... Cunningham, Achilles C. Anthony, John D Anderson, Charles G Rose Charles Hubbard Charles H . . Km*?. De Witt A . . Pa.. 111.. OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. 129 LIGHT-HOUSE SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. VESSEL SERVICE Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. Gallagher Owen 2d mate, tender Sumac... Mich.... Wis P.m. $55 Crawford George W Engineer, tender Sumac . Mich.... Ill p. m. 90 Donahue Calvin C Asst eng tender Sumac Mich Ill p m 70 Benton Tom Carpenter tender Sumac N. Y N. Y Pm 50 Atkins Custis W Master, tender Sunflower Del Del p. m 150 Andersen Altmar 1st, TYifrt^, tender Sun- Norway Pa... p. m. 80 Clark, Oliver flower. 2d mate, tender Sun- Va Va p. m. 55 McEwan Frank C flower. Engineer tender Sun- Pa Pa p m 95 Steel, Thomas P flower. Asst. eng., tender Sun- Del Pa p m 75 Brownley, Herbert R flower. Master, tender Thistle . Va Va p. m 100 Clarke, John H Engineer, tender Thistle Md. . Md. . P. m. 75 Howes Samuel J Master tender Verbena Mass Mass p m 150 Bartow Elbert W 1st mate tender Verbena N Y Mass p m 80 Swift Benjamin H Eng tender Verbena Mass Mass p m 95 O'Connell, William D.'... Outten, Isaac Asst. eng., tender Ver- bena. Master, tender Violet . Mass .... Va Mass .... Va p.m. 75 p. m 150 Mullin, William 1st mate, tender Violet. . Va Va p. m 80 Brittingham, Edward J . . 2d mate, tender Violet Md.. Md P. m. 55 O'Brien, John Engineer tender Violet Md Md p m 95 Herbert, Fred Master tender Warring- Wis N Y p m 150 Gibson, James ton. 1st mate, tender Warring- N. Y N. Y p m 80 Diffley, Peter L . ton. 2d mate tender Warring- Ohio Ohio p m 55 Gordon, Joseph F. V .... Helander, John A ton. Asst. eng., tender War- rington. Master tender Water Italy Finland N. Y S C p.m. 70 p jfl 115 Johnson, John P Lily. Master tender \Vistaria Sweden S C p JQ J5Q Wichart, John 1st mate tender Wistaria Norway S C Pm 80 Halversen, Einar 2d mate tender Wistaria Norway S C p jn 55 Touchstone, William H . . Engineer,tender Wistaria . Md S. C p. m. 90 Murphy, Peter P Asst. eng., tender Wis- taria. Ireland.. S. C p.m. 75 4606408 9 130 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR. LIGHT-HOUSE SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. VESSEL SERVICE Continued. * NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. Lee Anthon E Carpenter, tender Wis- Norway.. S. C p. m. $50 Ludlam Thomas S taria. Master tender Zizania N. J N. J p. m. 150 Davidson, Andrew J . . . . Steele Carl 1st mate, tender Zizania . 2d mate, tender Zizania. . Del Del Del Del p.m. 80 P. m. 55 Morgan William T Engineer, tender Zizania. N. J N. J p.m. 90 Maaj? Clarence E Asst eng tender Zizania Del Del P. m. 75 Howe William H Master schooner Drift . . N. C Va 540 Nielson, Antoni Master, L. V. No. 1 Norway.. S. C 1,000 Anderson Olaf M Mate L. V. No. 1 Sweden.. N. C 720 Doscher Henry L Engineer L V No 1 S C S C 900 Nolen Thomas J Asst. eng., L. V. No. 1... S. C 720 Nordblom Ernest T Master L V No. 3 . . Sweden. . Mass 750 Chase Arthur F Mate L V. No. 3 Mass .... Mass .... 500 Richardson Joshua Master, L. V. No. 4 Mass .... Mass 750 Hatch Josiah P Mate, L. V. No. 4 Me Mass .... 500 Springer, Gustav Master, L. V. No. 5 Germany Mass .... 750 Studley, Abner J Mate, L. V. No. 5 Mass .... Mass 500 Nickerson Joseph W Master L. V. No. 6 Mass Mass 700 McDonald Zemira Mate L. V. No. 6 Mass Mass 500 Seastedt Frank E Master, L. V. No. 11 Sweden.. N. Y 750 Smith John A Mate, L. V. No. 11 Sweden.. N. Y.... 500 Ortman Julius Master L V. No. 13 . . Germany Conn 650 Carlson James Mate L. V. No. 13 Sweden.. Conn 480 Nelson Nicholas Master, L. V. No. 23 Norway.. Conn 650 Peters John G Mate L V No 23 Germany P. R 480 Colson Theodore Master L V. No. 28 Sweden.. La 900 Hendrickson Knut W Mate L. V. No. 28 Sweden. . Tex 600 Henrikson Henrik "W" Master L V No 29 Russia S. C 900 Shierlock Alexander G Mate L V No. 29 Scotland. S. C 720 Stoesen Andrew Master L. V. No. 34 Norway. . S. C Hasell Nathaniel I Mate L V No 34 S. C . . S. C fiOO Fogarty Edward Master L V No 39 Ireland . . R. I 900 Steijen Charles Mate L V No. 39 Sweden. . R. I 720 Coppinger Thomas Engineer L. V. No. 39... Mass .... Mass .... 960 Kleinert, Gustav Asst. eng., L. V. No. 39. . Germany N. J 780 West Ernest Master L V. No. 41 W. I Mass .... 900 Robbins Lucas .... Mate, L. V. No. 41.. Mass .... Mass .... 600 Splaine John H Engineer, L. V. No. 41.. . Mass .... Mass .... 900 Kelley, Josiah M Asst. eng., L. V. No. 41.. Mass .... Mass .... 720 OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. 131 LIGHT-HOUSE SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. VESSEL SERVICE Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. Kelley Joseph. H ... Master, L. V. No. 42 Mass Mass $900 Carrie John J Mate, L. V. No. 42 Cape Mass 600 Morris Frank J Engineer L V No. 42 Verde I. R I Mass 900 Nieman Albert C Master L. V. No. 43 Germany La 1,000 Thates Alex Mate, L. V. No. 43 Austria La 720 Carthey, Peter P Engineer, L. V. No. 43 . Ireland La 900 Wood, Thomas M Falkinburg Josiah C Asst. eng., L. V. No. 43.. Master L V No 44 Canada . . N J La N J 720 1 000 Max Nagel Mate L V. No 44 Germany N J 720 Hawkey, John L Engineer L. V. No 44 Mass N J 900 Chambers, Joseph. B Asst. eng., L. V. No. 44 N. J N. J 720 Mason, James F Master, L. V. No. 45.. .. Va Va 1,000 Peterson, Isaac D Mate, L. V. No. 45 Va Va 720 West, Charles E Engineer, L. V. No. 45... Del Va 900 Murray, Elmer S Bowling, Joseph I Asst. eng., L. V. No. 45.. Master, L. V. No. 46 Del Md Del Md 720 1 000 Knight Berry M Mate L V No 46 Va Md 720 Myers, Samuel D Engineer, L. V. No. 46 . . Md . Md 900 Bell, John F Rounds, Henry W .... Asst. eng., L. V. No. 46.. Master L V No 47 Pa.. RI Md Mass 720 900 Phillips, Richard E. B. . . Mate L. V. No. 47 Mass Mass 600 Warner, Frederick Engineer, L. V. No. 47 W. I Mass 900 Baker, Frank L Beebe, John A Asst. eng., L. V. No. 47. . Master L V No 48 vt Conn Mass .... Conn 720 900 Man waring, James H . . . . Mate L. V No 48 Conn Conn 720 Pierce, William M Engineer L. V. No. 48 Del Conn 900 Dee, Harry H Moody, William Asst. eng., L. V. No. 48.. Master L V No 49 Conn Mass Conn Md 780 1 000 Thistel, Andreas M . . . . Mate L V No 49 Norway Md 720 Lynch, Thomas E Engineer L. V. No. 49 Va D C 900 Fulcher, Junius H Olsen, Peter Asst. eng., L. V. No. 49. . Master L V No 50 N. C.... Denmark N.C Cal 720 1 300 Rasmussen, Lars R . Mate L V No 50 Wash 1 000 O'Rourke, Michael Engineer, L. V. No. 50 Ireland Cal 1 100 Berglund, Sven G Master L V No 51 Sweden N Y 1 000 Lange, Gustav A. A. E.. . Mate, L. V. No. 51 Germany N Y 720 Larsson, John A Engineer, L. V. No. 51 Sweden N Y 960 Ohlsson, John E Hudson, Arthur M Asst. eng., L. V. No. 51.. Master L V No 52 Sweden. . Del N. J Del 780 1 000 Johnson, John B... Mate. L. V. No. 52... Del. . Dfil 720 132 DEPAKTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR. LIGHT-HOUSE SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. VESSEL SERVICE Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. Steel James Engineer, L. V. No. 52 . . Asst. eng., L. V. No. 52.. Master, L. V. No. 53 Engineer, L. V. No. 53 . . Master, L. V. No. 54 Mate, L. V. No. 54 Del Del Norway.. S. C N. B.... Mass . N.H.... Sweden.. Scotland. Norway.. Ky Ohio Mich Mich .... Ohio N. Y.... Mich .... Mich .... Norway.. N. Y.... Mich.... Canada . . Wis Ireland.. Norway.. Canada . . Mass .... Mass .... Mass . Finland . Finland . Sweden.. Sweden.. Sweden.. Va Del Del S. C s.c Mass .... Mass . Mass .... Mass .... Mich .... Mich .... Mich .... Mich .... Mich .... Mich .... Mich .... Mich.... Mich .... Mich.... Mich .... Mich.... Mich .... Mich .... Mich .... Mich .... Ohio Mich .... Mass .... Mass .- Mass .... Oreg .... Oreg .... Wash.... N. Y.... N. Y.... N. Y.... Del. $960 780 1,000 960 900 600 900 720 750 650 550 750 650 450 750 650 550 600 720 600 480 600 600 480 600 600 1,000 780 960 1,300 1,200 1,000 1,000 720 960 1,000 780 960 780 Johnson, Charles H Danielsen, Thorwald .... Mason, John W Warnock Walter H Nickerson, Harry D ... Du Wors, Robt. J Engineer, L. V. No. 54 . . Asst. eng., L. V. No. 54.. Master, L. V. No. 55 Engineer, L. V. No. 55 . . Asst. eng., L. V. No. 55.. Master, L. V. No. 56 Engineer, L. V. No. 56 . . Asst. eng., L. V. No. 56.. Master, L. V. No. 57 . ... Engineer, L. V. No. 57 . . Asst. eng., L. V. No. 57.. Master, L. V. No. 59 . . . . Master, L. V. No. 60 . . . . Engineer, L. V. No. 60 . . Asst. eng., L. V. No. 60.. Master, L. V. No. 61 . ... Master, L. V. No. 62 .... Ship keeper, L.V. No. 63. Master, L. V. No. 64 . ... Master, L. V. No. 65 Master, L. V. No. 66 .... Mate, L. V. No. 66 Lindberg, John E Green Thomas Knudsen, Oscar H Baader, Joseph F Corlett, Charles E Evans John D Wanke, August Corlett, Maynard S Wright Wilem Walters, Paul A Wilkinson, Edwin J Kristiansen, Soren Erikson, Leif Paxton, Walter T Jones, James M .... McGinn, Walter J Ellis, Thomas Christiansen, Conrad .... Canniff, James Allen, Joseph Frizzell, James B Engineer, L. V. No. 66 . . Master, L. V. No. 67 .... Engineer, L. V. No. 67 . . Asst. eng., L. V. No. 67.. Master, L. V. No. 68 Brander, Matt N ... Foreman, Charles Osman, William C Borgstrom, Ernest W Lowenhjelm, Charles H. . Hanson, Peter . . Mate L V. No 68 Engineer, L. V. No. 68 . . Master L V No 69 Birch John S Johansen, Alfred Mate L. V. No. 69 Norway.. Del Pa Del Del Del Murphy, Charles J Engineer, L. V. No. 69 . . Asst. eng., L.V. No. 69.. Tracy, William B OFFICEES AND EMPLOYEES. 133 LIGHT-HOUSE SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. VESSEL SERVICE Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. Kenealy, William Master, L. V. No. 70 Ireland Cal $1 300 Murk, George A Mate, L. V. No. 70 . Holland Cal 1 000 Smith Edward C Engineer L V No 70 Wash Cal 1 200 Prussmann, Fred Asst. eng., L. V. No. 70. .. Germany Cal . . 1,000 Jacobson, Thomas Master, L. V. No. 71 Norway Md 1 000 Nelson, George Mate, L. V. No. 71 Norway Md 780 Roberts, Alonzo C Engineer, L. V. No. 71 Md . Md 960 Axer, Charles H Hfl.nsoTtj John Asst. eng., L. V. No. 71.. Master L V No 72 Md Sweden Md Md 780 1 000 Swanberg, Charles L Mate, L. V. No. 72 Sweden. Md 780 Fitzpatrick, Thomas B. . . Styron, Edwin L Studley, Simeon C., jr. . . Baxter, Joseph F Engineer, L. V. No. 72 . . Asst. eng., L. V. No. 72.. Master, L. V. No. 73 . Mate L V No 73 Md N. C... Mass . . . Mass Md N.C.... Mass.... Mass 960 780 900 720 Nickerman, John . . Engineer L V No 73 Germany Mass 900 Ladd, John E Master, L V. No 74 Mass Mass 900 Huntley, Harry Mate, L. V. No. 74 Me Me . 720 Weatherbee, John B Engineer, L. V. No. 74 Mass Me 900 Eaton, Edwin L Calnon, Charles Asst. eng., L. V. No. 74.. Master, L. V. No. 75 Me Ireland Me Mich 720 600 Desjardines, Joseph Mate L V No 75 Canada Mich 500 Pierotti, Henry C.. Master, L V No 76 England Cal 1 300 Mellin, Charles B Mate, L. V. No. 76 Sweden Cal 1 000 Newton, Burtis S Engineer L V No 76 N Y N Y 1 200 Burke, Michael J Asst. eng., L. V. No. 76 .. Ireland . . Oreg... 1,000 Stram, Conrad A Master, L. V. No. 76 Wis.. Wis 684 Norton, Ezra Master, L. V No 79 N J N J 1 000 Brent, James H Mate, L. V. No. 79 Md Md 720 Stilwell, Albert H Engineer, L. V. No. 79 N. J N J 960 Homer, Charles H Reynolds, George B Asst. eng., L. V. No. 79 .. Master, L. V. No. 80 N. J Md Del Md 780 1 000 Bertram, Robert H Mate, L. V. No. 80 England Md 780 Macklem, George W Engineer, L. V. No. 80 Del Md 900 Bernagozzi, Hugo Clinch, Thomas E... Asst. eng., L. V. No. 80 .. Master, L. V. No 81 Italy N Y Va N Y 720 1 000 Austin, Henry Q Mate L V No 81 Nn N f! 720 Caughey, James H Engineer L V No 81 111 La QOO Ward, Edward A.. Master, L.V. No. 83.. England. Cal.. 1,300 134 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR. LIGHT-HOUSE SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. VESSEL SERVICE Continued. 4 NAME. Official title. , Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. Jobson Thomas Mate L V No 83 Scotland Cal $1 000 Turkington, Richardson R. Mathisen, Hans Engineer, L. V. No. 83... Master, L. V. No. 84 Ireland . . Norway.. Cal S. C 1,200 1,000 Larsen George Mate L V No 84 Norway S C 720 MacCulloch James Engineer, L. V. No. 84 England Pa 960 Fernandez, Jose .... Asst. eng., L. V. No. 84 . Spain . . s.c . 780 Doane, Franklin S Master, L. V. No. 85 Mass Mass 1,200 Chase Ruf us T 1st mate L V No 85 Mass Mass 780 Acorn Charles E 2dmate L. V No. 85 Mass Mass 780 Johnson, John A Engineer, L. V. No. 85 Sweden Mass . 960 Sweetser, Daniel H Asst. eng., L. V. No. 85.. Me Md 780 Snow, Alexander F Master, L. V. No. 86 Mass Mass 1,000 Bearse Abram E Mate L. V No 86 Mass Mass . 720 Davis Stephen S Engineer, L. V. No. 86 Mass Mass 960 Bayliss, William A Asst. eng., L. V. No. 86 111 Mass . 780 BUREAU OF THE CENSUS. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. North S N D Director N. Y Mass .... N. Y Mass .... Mass .... Minn Mich $6, 000 3,000 2,500 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 1,500 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,400 Rossiter ^Villiam S Chief clerk and acting chief of publication division. 1 Disbursing and ap- pointment clerk. Chief statistician Mass .... D. C.... Mass .... N. Y Merrill Thomas S Hunt William C Powers Le Grand Chief statistician Steuart William M Chief statistician Tex . ... Wilbur Cressy L Chief statistician . Mich Mich Sloane Charles S Geographer Expert chief of division Expert chief of division Expert chief of division Expert chief of division Expert chief of division Expert chief of division Expert chief of division Expert chief of division Acting expert chief of division. Stenographer Clerk Clerk Pa Ill N. Dak.. Kans Md D. C Pa Md Crane George W^ Koch, Edward W D.C.... Ill Wales. . . . Germany S C Lappin Richard C Lewis Joseph D Momsen, Hart . . Roper Daniel C S. C Sanford, Frank L . Mass .... Ga . . Mass .... Ga Whelchel Jasper E Jarvis William H Conn N. Y Ky Conn Minn N Y N. J N. Y Ky Conn D. C N. Y Farnum, Emily I Childers, Hickman P Countryman, William A ... Merriam Robert H Clerk Seymour Arthur E Clerk Cragg, William B Clerk Clerk Clerk Pa N. Y Ohio Pa W T ash Pa .... Goodwin, Mrs. Etta R Hathaway William A Maling, Ernest H Clerk Clerk Clerk Clerk .... Me N. Y N. Dak. . Ohio N. C >f that officer Me Va N. Dak.. Kans Ala Olcott, W. Harry.. Ward, Horace Wright, Charles H . . Albritton, Jessie A Clerk ,s as Director in the absence c iAlsoad (135) 136 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR. BUREAU OF THE CENSUS Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. Barrows William J Clerk Mo Mo $1, 400 Bartlett Florence Clerk Mass Me 1,400 Belt, David G Clerk Ohio. ... Iowa . 1,400 Cilley Wesley E Clerk N H N H 1,400 Dunning Daniel A Clerk Kans Utah 1,400 Emrich, Mrs. Katharine Clerk Pa ... 111 . . . 1,400 Gordon - Gumming, Alas- Clerk Scotland Me 1,400 tair P. Hole Morris J . .... Clerk Ohio Ohio 1,400 Kiernan, Henrietta ... . Clerk R. I R. I 1,400 Ladd, Story B Clerk Mass .... D. C 1,400 Macdonald, Mrs. Edith M . . McKenzie William A Clerk Clerk Pa Mass . Pa R. I 1,400 1,400 Meriam, Lewis Clerk (acting chief of Mass .... Mass .... 1,400 Raney Roscoe division). Clerk Iowa Iowa 1,400 Riddleberger Olive M Clerk Va Va ... 1,400 Rouzer, M. Isabelle Clerk Md Md 1,400 Schreiner, Edmund Clerk D. C D. C 1,400 Speake Mrs Katherine G Clerk 111 D. C 1,400 Van Buren George H Clerk N. Y Ohio 1,400 Williams, Clyde D Clerk Ohio Ohio . . 1,400 Wilson, Mrs. Kate B Clerk (librarian) D. C D. C 1,400 Woodward, Frank M Clerk 111 Nebr 1,400 Wright Cassius E Clerk Ohio Minn 1,400 Zimmerman Harvey J Clerk Pa Pa 1,400 Aarons Minnie B Clerk Ky.. Minn 1,200 Alden, Maria . . . Clerk Ill N. Dak.. 1,200 Alexander Annie M Clerk Pa Pa 1,200 Allen, Joe B Clerk Tenn Tenn 1,200 Andrews, John W Clerk Pa .... Mich 1,200 Annett, Arthur S . Clerk N. H.... N. H.... 1,200 Arledge, Carrie M Clerk Tex Tex 1,200 Austin, William L Clerk Miss Miss 1,200 Bacon, Marvin H Clerk Wis Wis 1,200 Bailey, Anna J Clerk Mass Mass . . . 1,200 Baird, Jennie . ... Clerk Md Pa 1,200 Baker, Ethel D Clerk . D. C D. C 1,200 Baker Katharine E Clerk Md . Md 1,200 Barker Anna Clerk . . Minn . Minn 1,200 Barnev. Harriett L . . Clerk.. Mich.. Mich.. 1,200 OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. 137 BUREAU OF THE CENSUS Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. a7i c SoT sa - pointed. tlon ' Barr James Clerk Clerk Wis Ireland . . Conn Ind ... Wis Ill Conn Ind $1, 200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 Barrinfirton Caroline G Bartlett Charles R Clerk Bartron Mrs Ella L Clerk Battison S. Albert Clerk Mass .... D. C Va...... Kans .... Wis Mass .... Mo Va Mo Wis Beach. Clarence N Clerk Clerk Clerk Beach, Sallie S Beatty Margaret Becker Charles H Clerk . . Bibby, Frances A .... Clerk W. Va W. Va . Billings, William P Clerk Ind . .. Ind Bingman, John F Clerk Ohio Ohio Blanchard Stella Clerk Clerk La Kans D. C Wis La Kans N. J Wis Bolinger William A Booraem Ella Clerk Clerk Booth, Walter H Boykin, Edwin T Clerk N. C N. J... Boyle, James D Clerk N. Y N. Y . Brady John M Clerk Ohio Iowa .... Pa N. Y N. Y Ind Brinton John M . . Clerk Clerk Clerk Clerk Pa N. Y N. Y Ind Brown Frank D Brown, Nellie C Bryant, George C Bullock, Edmund C Clerk Tenn Tenn Burch Mrs Ella W Clerk Md D C Burdett, Mary E Clerk Clerk Ky Md Ky Md Burger, Magdalen H Burger, Mary A Clerk D C N Y Burton, Harry E Clerk Mich . Mich. . Busby, Oliver F Clerk Tex Tex... . Caldwell, Joseph J Clerk Ind Ind Carmody, Charlotte L .. Clerk Clerk . N. Y Ohio N. Y Ohio Carruthers, Lemuel A Casey, Jules G Clerk La . . La Chase, Fred W Clerk Clerk Me Mass Me Mass Cheney, Harriet M Chenoweth, Lillie Clerk Tenn Miss Childs, Mrs. Annie C Clerk Md Pa Clark, Charles A Clerk Clerk . N. Y. . . . Iowa .... Kans . . N. Y Iowa .... Cal.. Clark, Harry H. . Clarke, Mrs. Lulie R . . Clerk.. 138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR. BUREAU OF THE CENSUS Continued. * NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. Colby Lucile M de V Clerk China N J $1 200 Cole Horace Clerk Conn Conn 1,200 Coles Adelaide C Clerk . . Va . .. Va .. . 1,200 Collins B Clerk Pa Pa 1,200 Conway Charles L Clerk Va Va 1,200 Cooke Mrs Katie B Clerk Ky Ky 1,200 Cooper Clara G Clerk DC.. D. C. 1,200 Copley William G Clerk . ... Iowa .... Iowa . 1,200 Couffer, Alice C Clerk Iowa . Nebr 1,200 Grain William M Clerk 111 Ill 1,200 Crandall Bo wen . ... Clerk Wis . . Wis .... 1,200 Crans Emma C Clerk N. Y N. Dak. . 1,200 Craycroft Lucy Clerk Kv Kv 1,200 Crew Clara A Clerk Ohio Ohio 1,200 Crissey Claude I Clerk Mich Mich .. 1,200 Crosland Carlisle Clerk S. C . . S. C 1,200 Cross, Anne G Clerk . . Va D. C 1,200 Curry John W Clerk Oreg Oreg 1,200 Daly John F Clerk Mass Mass 1,200 Dampier Arthur W . . Clerk Minn . . Minn.. 1,200 Dann Mrs. Laura V Clerk D. C D. C 1,200 Darby Blanche E Clerk Md Ga 1,200 Darby Ethel M Clerk Md Md 1,200 Darrow Ella M Clerk N Y . N Y ... 1,200 Davis Charles W Clerk Kans Kans. . . . 1,200 Defandorf Daniel A Clerk . .. N. Y N. Y 1,200 Deisher, Estelle E Clerk Pa Pa 1,200 De Pue Hanson J Clerk Ill Ill .... 1,200 Devor Thomas A Clerk Ind . .. Ind 1,200 Dillenback, Mrs. Mary W. . Ditto, Carolyn K Clerk Clerk N. Y.... Md R.I W. Va.... 1,200 1,200 Dodge Cornelia B Clerk D C Ark .... 1,200 Doeing, Adolph J Clerk Germany Ill 1,200 Dorris, Mabel Clerk N. Y N. Y 1,200 Eaton Edith Clerk Iowa Iowa . . . 1,200 Elias Jacque J Clerk N Y N. Y 1,200 Elliott, William J., jr Clerk Ohio Ohio 1,200 Ellsworth Emmons K Clerk NY.. N. Y 1,200 Estes Robert M . . Clerk Kv-- Ky.. 1,200 Etheridge Janie H Clerk Ala Ala . . 1,200 Evans. Kate... Clerk.. Va.. Va.. 1,200 OFFICEES AND EMPLOYEES. 139 BUREAU OF THE CENSUS Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. Farquhar Henry Clerk Md D C $1 200 Farrar, John W Clerk . Me Me 1,200 Feder, Harry N Clerk Cal . . Cal 1,200 Feeney Mary E Clerk Mass Me 1 200 Finch, Edward B Clerk Ga Ala 1 200 Ford, Rosa A Clerk D C D C 1,200 Frost, William W Clerk England Wyo 1,200 Fry, William T Clerk . Ohio Ind 1,200 Fuller, George W Clerk Wis Wis 1,200 Gardes, Henry W Clerk Ark La 1,200 Garfield, Mrs. Edna B Clerk D. C.. N. J . 1,200 Garrett, Lucile V Clerk Iowa Iowa 1 200 George, Birdie Clerk Md Md 1,200 Gibson, Flora M Clerk D C D C 1,200 Gibson, George W., jr Clerk Md Md 1,200 Giddings, Mrs. Sallie D Gillan, Edward F Clerk Clerk . . D. C R. I Va R I 1,200 1,200 Gooding, Clarence F Clerk 111 111 1,200 Gordon, Oscar H Clerk Ga Ga . . 1,200 Grogan, Starke M Clerk Ga Ga 1,200 Hall, AnnaE Clerk D C Mass 1,200 Hall, Charles E Clerk 111 111 1,200 Hamaker, Ida R Clerk . . Pa N J 1,200 Harding, Mrs. Marv C Clerk Wis... . Wis 1,200 Harrison, John H., jr Clerk Tenn Tenn 1 200 Harrison, Maude M. . Clerk Md Md 1,200 Harriss, Lincoln E Clerk 111 111 1,200 Hart, John W Clerk Mass Mass 1,200 Hartnett, Daniel Clerk N. Y 111 1,200 Hastings, John E Clerk N. Y . N Y 1,200 Hawkins, William L Clerk Wis Wis 1 200 Haynie, Mrs. Olive R. L. . . Herr, Leonard C Clerk Clerk N. Y.... Kv Mo Md 1,200 1 200 Hersey, Mrs. Adelaide C . .. Clerk AV J Minn Mont 1,200 Hildreth, Walter H . . Clerk Mass N Y 1 200 Hirsch, Arthur J Clerk Wash 111 1 200 Hoblitzell, William A Clerk .. Md Mont 1,200 Holcombe, Alice W Clerk Va Va 1 200 Howe, Lillian C Clerk N. Y N Y 1,200 Hull, Margaret. . Clerk Wis Wis 1 200 Hunt, Minnie C... Clerk.. Tex.. Tex.. 1.200 140 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR. BUREAU OF THE CENSUS Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. Huseey, Mattie T Clerk N. Y Cal $1, 200 Hutchinson Alice R Clerk D C Vt 1 200 Irwin, Minnie L Clerk Ky Ky 1,200 Jermane, Clifton C Clerk 111 Minn 1,200 Johns, William Clerk Ohio Minn . . . 1,200 Johnson, Hattie A Clerk Md Md 1 200 Johnson, Theodore H Clerk Norway N. Dak 1,200 Johnston, Sadie M Clerk 111 .. . . S. Dak 1,200 Kaiser, J. Henry Clerk D. C.... D. C.. .. 1,200 Kean Agnes J Clerk W Va W Va 1 200 Keech, Grace E . Clerk N. Y Md 1,200 Kelbaugh, Willis H Clerk Ohio . W. Va 1,200 Kem, Claude J Clerk Ind Colo 1,200 Kenner, Sarah V Clerk D C D C 1 200 Kerr, Edwin W., jr Kiddoo, Mary L Clerk Clerk N. C Ga N. C Ga 1,200 1,200 Kirker, Alice N Clerk Ky.. Colo 1,200 Kitch, Frederick W Clerk D. C Ky.. 1,200 Knapp, Milton M Clerk Ill Ill 1,200 Kribs, Marie H Clerk Pa Minn 1,200 Lamson, Fanny P Clerk Mass Md 1,200 Lane, Mrs. Ida K Clerk Kans Kans 1,200 L/each Richard Clerk 111 111 1 200 Lee, Joyce Clerk Ohio Ohio 1,200 Le Roy, Charles H Clerk N. Y Conn 1,200 Lewis, Lillian M Clerk N. Y .. Md ... 1,200 Mabee, Fred L. , jr Clerk Iowa. Iowa. 1,200 McAnally, Thomas F Clerk D. C D. C 1,200 McClure, William Clerk Ind N. C 1,200 McConnell, Thomas C . Clerk Ind Pa 1,200 McCord, Mary B Clerk Tenn Tenn 1,200 McCoy, Jennie L Clerk Ohio Ohio 1,200 McDaniel, William F Clerk Ohio . .. Ohio 1,200 McGilley, Mrs. Clara G Clerk Ohio Mo 1,200 McGinley, Michael E Clerk Pa Pa 1,200 McHugh, Charles H . . . . Clerk N. Y ... N. Y 1,200 McKee, Archibald V Clerk Mo Mo 1,200 McKenna Margaret . Clerk D C N. Y 1,200 McLaughlin, William D . . . Clerk Mass .... Mass . . . 1,200 McMorris. Georere W. . Clerk.. Pa.. N. Y. . 1,200 OFFICEKS AND EMPLOYEES. 141 BUREAU OF THE CENSUS Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. McNulty Benjamin L Clerk N. Y N. J $1 200 Me Quad e Thomas J Clerk Pa Pa 1,200 Maddux Mattie H Clerk Va Va 1,200 Matlack Agnes J Clerk Md Md 1,200 Matthews, Mrs. Rosalie L . . Meloy Hugh B Clerk Clerk D. C..... D C La Ohio 1,200 1,200 Mitchell John B Clerk Pa Mont 1,200 Moore Darwin D Clerk Mo .... Wyo . 1,200 Morris Frank G Clerk Ohio Kans . 1,200 Morris John P Clerk Va Va 1,200 Munson William H Clerk N. Y N. Y. ... 1,200 Murphy Timothy F Clerk Me Me 1,200 Murray Mrs Elizabeth R Clerk Pa N. Y 1,200 Nairn Mrs Sallie L Clerk Pa N. Y ... 1,200 Nail Corinne T Clerk Ga Ga 1,200 Nance Mollie Clerk Ark. ... Ark 1,200 Neely Frank E Clerk Ind Ind 1,200 Nevius Marian B Clerk N J N J 1,200 Newcomb Irving Clerk Mich Fla 1,200 Nickerson Azor H Clerk Ohio Wash 1,200 Nutting Ralph Clerk N. Y N. Y 1,200 O'Donnell George K Clerk D. C D. C 1,200 Oiler George E Clerk Ill Ill 1,200 Ordway, William W Clerk Mass Mass 1,200 Papson Mrs Edith T Clerk 111 Mich ... 1,200 Patch Margaret A Clerk D. C.... D. C 1,200 Paul, Marie L Clerk La La 1,200 Payne, James E Clerk Ky.. Mo 1,200 Pearman Silas D Cle k S C S. C 1,200 Peavey Simon F Clerk N. H Mass . 1,200 Pelham Robert A Clerk Va Mich 1,200 Pettis John B Clerk Ky D C 1 200 Phillips, Ethel N Clerk La La 1,200 Phillips Morton H Clerk Ohio Pa 1,200 Platt, Mabel V Clerk D. C.... Conn . . . 1,200 Rae, Mrs. Agnes Clerk D. C N. Y 1,200 Ranger, William Raymond, William H Clerk Clerk Mass .... N Y N. Dak.. N. Y 1,200 1,200 Rhoads, Samuel D Clerk Pa ... . Pa 1,200 Riddle, Albert T... Clerk.. Ohio... D.C... 1,200 142 DEPARTMENT OF COMMEECE AND LABOR. BUREAU OF THE CENSUS Continued. * NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. Rolle, August H. 6 Clerk Minn Md Minn D. C $1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 Ronsaville Katharine Clerk Rose J. Emerson Clerk . Pa Pa Roseman, Justine J Clerk N. J Minn Md . .. Rosenberg Rena Clerk Va Rowley Alonzo A Clerk . . .. 111 Kans Kans Me Rudolph. Louella Clerk Ill Russell Annie L Clerk Me Sanderson Elmore W Clerk N. J N. J . . Sandford Henry Clerk England. Ill Wis Sandmeyer Henry W . . Clerk Ill Sands Herbert R Clerk Ill Ill Sawyer Mrs Sarah H Clerk Clerk Ky Md . ... Ky N. J . . Sawyer William W Schwartz Henry C Clerk Mo Mo Shoemaker, Madge A Clerk Clerk N. Y Ill N.Y Ill Slick Sherman S Sloan Paul Clerk W. Va W. Va Sloane Mersene E . . Clerk Minn Cal Minn Cal Smith, Agnes E .... Clerk ... : Smith, Alice Clerk Ohio Ohio Smith Charles P Clerk N. H Mass Spangler, Mrs. Annie McC. . Spinks Ada Clerk Md Md . ... Clerk Va ... N.Y Squyer Frederick B Clerk Clerk Clerk N.Y Va R. I. ... N.Y Va Wis Stanford, Mrs. Evelyn Or- rison. Stanley, William S Staples, Eugene W Clerk Clark . Me Minn Ala . .. Me Minn Ala Stearns Alice W Stephens, William L Clerk Stewart, Roy J . . . ' Clerk . . . Mich Mich Stinson, Clara ' Clerk Ohio Ohio Stott, Malissa i f!lrV Ind . . . Ind Street, Delia P Clerk Md Iowa Stuart Marie V Clerk D. C N. Y Stuart, Thomas J Clerk N.Y ... Ind Stuhrman, Augustus W Swafford Wilber B Clerk Clerk Ind Iowa 111.. Wash.... Iowa N. J.. Swinburn. James. . Clerk.. OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. 143 BUREAU OF THE CENSUS Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. Sylvester Ruth. Clerk Mo . . D. C.. .. $1, 200 Ten Eyck Adelaide Clerk .. Mich Minn 1,200 Talcott Mary G . . . . Clerk Va Va 1,200 Tate Lizzie B Clerk Mich Kans 1,200 Tate Lola Clerk Ala Fla 1,200 Tayler Olive S Clerk Ohio . . Ohio.. .. 1,200 Thomas Le Roy Clerk Wis Wis 1,200 Thorwarth, Julia H Clerk ... ' Ill Minn 1,200 Tolson, Marion T Clerk Miss Mo 1,200 Tournier Mrs Nina B Clerk N. Y N.Y 1,200 Van Emon George H Clerk 111 111 1,200 Vandercook Ara L Clerk Mich Mich . . 1,200 Voorhees, Lesley E Clerk N. Y.... N.Y 1,200 Waddell, Theodore N .. Clerk Ohio Ohio 1,200 Walker, James E Clerk Ind Ind 1,200 Waters, Lulu I Clerk Iowa . Iowa .... 1,200 Watt C Luverne Clerk Mich Mich 1,200 Webb Thomas C Clerk Tenn Tenn 1,200 Weil, Henry J Clerk Cal . N.Y .... 1,200 West, Katharine T Clerk . . N. J.. . Minn... . 1,200 Wetzel, George B Clerk Pa Pa 1,200 Whitaker, Gertrude Clerk Ga Ga 1,200 White Charles C Clerk Ind Ind 1,200 White Edward B Clerk Md Md 1,200 Wickham, William S Clerk . . Ohio.. Ohio 1,200 Wildman, Frederick J Clerk Conn . Conn 1,200 Wilhelm Adam A Clerk N C N C 1,200 Williams Charles A Clerk Ind Ind 1,200 Williams Florence B Clerk Ohio Ohio 1,200 Williams, Martha W Clerk Ga Ga 1,200 Wilson, Marshall H Clerk Md Md 1,200 Wilson, Pink Clerk Ark Ark 1,200 Winne Matie O Clerk Va N.Y 1,200 Winslow, Mrs. Hannah. F Clerk .. . N.Y . N.Y 1,200 Withers Rose L Clerk D C Nebr 1 200 Wood, Samuel W Clerk Ark Ark 1,200 Woodson, Frank G Clerk Va Va 1,200 Worcester, William F Clerk Wis Wis 1,200 Yeomans, Evelyn L Clerk Conn . . Conn .... 1,200 York, John L... Clerk.. Tenn.. Tenn.. 1,200 144 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR. BUREAU OF THE CENSUS Continued. * NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. Aldridge, Allan W Clerk Ala Ala $1 000 Allen, Mrs. Alice A Clerk 111 Cal 1 000 Anderson, Everett I. A Clerk Sweden N. H 1 000 Arnall, Emma Clerk Tex Tex 1 000 Aubright, Mrs. Theresa S Clerk . . N. Y N Y 1 000 Bahret, James L Clerk N. Y N. Y 1,000 Bailey, Mrs. Helen P Clerk S C S C 1 000 Balkam, Henry G Clerk. Mass Mass 1 000 Barnes, Agnes E Clerk Ala . Ala 1 000 Barnes, Elizabeth M Clerk Kans Minn 1 000 Battles, Julia V Clerk Miss Miss 1 000 Beach, John E Clerk Ky Ky 1,000 Beer Isabella G Clerk Ind Ind 1 000 Bonhflnrij Mrs. Marifi G Clerk Va Ga 1 000 Bowdle, Alice N Clerk Iowa Iowa 1 000 Bowman, Charles W Clerk Miss Colo 1,000 Boyd, Robert T Clerk Tenn Tenn 1 000 Bringhurst, Mary Clerk Tenn Tenn 1 000 Broun, Virginia M Clerk Va Ala 1,000 Brown, Reginald L Clerk N. H R. I 1,000 Buckey Anne G Clerk D C D C 1 000 Byrne, Catharine T Clerk N. Y N Y 1,000 Caldwell, Harry C. Clerk D. C Cal 1,000 Carlson, Edwin Clerk N. Y N. Y 1,000 Carruthers, Walter F Clerk Mass .... Mass .... 1,000 Carter, Martin L Clerk Tenn Tex 1,000 Carter, Mrs. Virginia S Clerk Va Va 1,000 Cart wright , Nellie Clerk Md D. C .... 1,000 Chalmers, Grace A Clerk Me Vt , 1,000 Chase, Mrs. Mary C Clerk N. Y 111 1,000 Childs, Mrs. Vinnie C . Clerk N. Y N. Y 1,000 Christiansen, Elmer E Clerk Utah Utah 1,000 Colson, Mrs. Jennie M Clerk Ind Minn 1,000 Colt, Eleanor C Clerk Va Va 1,000 Couden, Mrs. Carrie M Clerk Ohio Ohio 1,000 Covall, Maude W Clerk Iowa . . Ores . 1,000 Cox, Mrs. Clara M Clerk D.C D.C 1,000 Cox, George H Clerk D.C . D.C 1,000 Cox, Henry A Clerk . . . Tenn Tenn 1,000 Crooks. Joseph M. . Clerk.. 111 .. 111.. 1,000 OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. 145 BUREAU OF THE CENSUS Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. Crumb JOG A Clerk Nebr Ill $1,000 Culbcrtson Mrs Anna G Clerk Ill Mont 1,000 Davis Annie A Clerk Iowa Iowa 1 000 Davis Annie M Clerk Pa Pa 1,000 Dawes Mrs Alice M Clerk .. . N. Y.... Colo... 1,000 Dent Thomas M . ... Clerk Ga Ga 1,000 Dickinson, Mrs. Ella Clerk Miss Tenn 1,000 Dill Lillian A Clerk Mo Mo 1,000 Earnest Mrs Laura V Clerk D. C D.C 1,000 Eastwood, Mrs. Marie S . Clerk . . . Iowa . . 111 1,000 Engel, Richard D Clerk D.C D.C 1,000 Etheridge, Florence Clerk Conn Mass 1,000 Ewing Paul A Clerk Nebr Nebr 1 000 Fax Mayme A Clerk Wis Wis 1,000 Ferguson, Wade D Clerk Ga Ga. . 1,000 Ferry, Ella L Clerk Ohio. . Ill 1,000 Finckel Helen Clerk D C D C 1 000 Foster Isaac C Clerk Va Va 1 000 Foster, Mary . Clerk Pa Pa 1,000 Foster, Ruth M Clerk . ... Tenn Tenn. 1,000 Foster, Winthrop D Clerk N. J Mass . . . 1,000 Franke Linda Clerk Mich D C 1 000 Freeman, Mrs. A. M Clerk Ky Ky 1 000 Frost, Mrs. M. Kendall. . Clerk Tex Tex 1,000 Gardiner, Mrs. Pearl F Clerk Gal Cal 1,000 Garland Gertrude T Clerk D C D C 1 000 Gibson, Warner Clerk Ky Tex 1 000 Giddings , Emily F Clerk Mass Vt 1 000 Golden, Mrs. Mary E Clerk Ky . Wyo 1 000 Graffam, George M Clerk Me Me 1,000 Griffin, Mary F Clerk Mass D C 1 000 Guild, Mabel E Clerk Vt N H 1 000 Halterman, Myrtle N Clerk Ohio . . Ohio 1 000 Handlan, Mary L Clerk W Va W Va 1 000 Hansen, Christian Clerk Denmark Minn 1 000 Hansen, Wilhelm G Clerk Derjmark N J 1 000 Harris, Mrs. May Clerk Minn Minn ] 000 Hartley, Eugene F Clerk N C N C 1 000 Hawes, John G Clerk Conn N Y 1 000 Hayes, Lilian M Clerk N Y N Y 1 000 4606408 10 146 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR. BUREAU OF THE CENSUS Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from, which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. Heitman, Minnie V Clerk D.C Nev $1,000 Hellman Hazel J Clerk Wyo Wyo 1 000 Hilnian Joseph. G Clerk Ala . Ala 1 000 Hodgkins, Ethel Clerk Me Me.. 1,000 Hogue, Alice Clerk Pa Pa 1,000 Hopkins Mrs Fannie R Clerk Ohio Ohio 1 000 JTopkinpj John TJ Clerk N.C N.C 1,000 House, Mattie M Clerk Mo Mo.. 1,000 Howard Herbert Clerk Ala Ala 1 000 H<~>we, Gil man Ti . , , - Clerk Mass Mass 1,000 Hunter, William G Clerk N. C N.C 1,000 Jackson Carrie Clerk Ill W Va 1,000 Jarvis Arthur A Clerk . . . N. Y N. J 1,000 Jenness, Howard C Clerk Mass Mass 1,000 Jennifer, William Clerk Md Tex 1,000 Johnson J Wesley Clerk W Va W Va 1,000 Johnston, Finlay McN.. Clerk Pa Pa 1,000 Jost, Frances M Clerk Ala Ala 1,000 Kerr Helen S Clerk D C D C 1 000 Kibbpy IRtnTna P Clerk Wis Wis 1,000 Kimball Eva E Clerk Ga S. C . . 1,000 Kippen, Delia . Clerk Ky.. Ky.. 1,000 Clerk D.C D.C 1,000 Kostmayer Kate G Clerk La La 1,000 Langford Blanche A Clerk N. Y N. Y . . 1,000 Lanier Ruth . . Clerk N.C N.C 1,000 Latham, Mrs. Mary E Clerk Va Va 1,000 Leakin Hannah M Clerk Md Md 1,000 Leftwich Mrs Camilla S Clerk Sandwich Ga 1,000 Leonard Mary R Clerk Islands. D C Colo 1,000 Loeffler Lucy H Clerk D.C D. C . . 1,000 Lowell, Emma R Clerk 111 Ill 1,000 McCauley, Mary A Clerk Md Md 1,000 MacEwan, Mrs. Mary M McGee, Mary L Clerk Clerk S.C Pa Tex Utah 1,000 1,000 McNamara, Patrick Clerk Ireland . . Ky.. 1,000 Marti P Pin gharri Clerk Pa Pa . . 1,000 Mason Harriet N Clerk Iowa Iowa .... 1,000 Mercer. Charles S... Clerk.. Pa.. Pa.. 1,000 OFFICEKS AND EMPLOYEES. 147 BUREAU OF THE CENSUS Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. Miner Ethel G Clerk Ohio Ohio $1 000 Neale Ellen Clerk Va Idaho 1 000 Nelligan Mrs Mary E Clerk Ohio Kans.. . 1,000 Newkirk F. M Clerk Ohio Ohio 1,000 Newton, George V Clerk Mo Mo 1,000 O'Mara Grace B Clerk N. J N. J 1,000 Oursler Mary C Clerk .. Pa Pa 1,000 Page Lilla L Clerk Ky.. Md 1,000 Parker, Mrs. Emma C . . . Clerk Pa R. I 1,000 Phelps, Mrs. Mary M Clerk Ohio Ohio 1,000 Phillips Elizabeth Clerk Ohio Ohio 1,000 Pickford Mrs Grace D Clerk D. C D. C 1,000 Pierce, Anna L Clerk Mich . Mich 1,000 Pons, Mrs. Sadie R Clerk Fla Fla .... 1,000 Porterfield, Frank A Clerk Md Colo 1,000 Prentiss, Elizabeth Clerk S. C S. C 1,000 Price Bessie Clerk S C S. C 1,000 PiiTnphrpyj N^IHe E Clerk .. D. C N. J 1,000 Purdy, Ella ... Clerk N. Y N. Y . 1,000 Ragsdale, Julia T Clerk S. C S. C 1,000 Raison, Jean E Clerk Ky.. Ky.. 1,000 Reed, Mrs. May M Clerk Ark Ark 1,000 Reynolds, Roy Clerk . N. Y Del . 1,000 Rich, Mrs. Josephine A. ... Clerk D. C. . Mass .... 1,000 Roberts, John D Clerk Tex Tex 1,000 Rogers, Anna O. F Clerk N. Y N. Y 1,000 Ronald, Ethel M Clerk Iowa Iowa 1,000 Rose, Gustavus W . . Clerk Mich . Mich 1,000 Sammons, Margaret Clerk N. Y N. Y 1,000 Short Alice Clerk Pa N. J 1 000 Skerrett, Mrs. Sallie J Clerk Pa Mass 1 000 Slayton, Dollie A . . . Clerk Pa . Mont 1,000 Smith, Clara A Clerk. Pa Nebr . 1,000 Spring, Everett Clerk N Y N Y 1 000 Starkweather, Henry F Clerk Conn N Y 1 000 Steele, Glenn Clerk Minn Wash 1,000 Stevenson, James H Clerk Scotland Kans 1 000 Summers, Mrs. Clara H . . Clerk Ohio Ohio 1 000 Sutherland, Lucy Clerk N J D Q 1 000 Tieman, Mrs. Maude A Clerk Mo Mo 1,000 148 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR. BUREAU OF THE CENSUS Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. Toombs Butler Clerk Ga Ga $1 000 Trafelet Frank Clerk Ind Ind 1 000 Trego, Miriam Clerk Md N. Y 1,000 Turner, Mrs. Corinne W Waite Bertha Clerk Clerk Miss Ohio D.C Ohio 1,000 1,000 Warner May Clerk . . Ind . . Ind 1,000 Weaver, Alice B Clerk Pa Pa 1,000 Whelan Jennie Q Clerk Miss Miss 1 000 White Amy K Clerk Del Ohio 1,000 Williams Lue Clerk Va . . La 1,000 Wilson, Mrs. Jennie F Clerk D. C Md 1,000 Wilson, Mrs. Julia Clerk D. C Ky.. 1,000 Wolfe Mrs Isabel R Clerk Va Tex 1,000 Wysor Ethel Clerk. ... Va D.C 1,000 Young, Ludwick C Clerk Md D. C 1,000 Crane Alice L Clerk N Mex N Mex 900 Hart Raymond A Clerk Ohio D C 900 Huff Carrie Clerk Miss Miss 900 Kinney, Charles E Clerk N. Y.... N. Y . . 900 Koehl, William R Clerk Md Md 900 Leach Clara L Clerk Mass Mass 900 McCorkle Mrs Matt R Clerk N. C N. C 900 Petar John . . . Clerk England. N. C 900 Spence, Annie M Clerk Ireland. . N.Y 900 Wild Alfred E jr Clerk D C D.C 900 Willson Harvey S Clerk N.Y .. N.Y ... 900 Crowley, Michael D Expert map mounter . . Pa Pa 1,000 Hayden , Henry F Engineer Mass D. C 1,000 Elvidge Walter S Electrician Pa Minn * . 1,000 Dougherty Samuel R Skilled laborer Pa Pa 1,000 Suter, William H Skilled laborer Md Md 1,000 Brown Arthur E Skilled laborer Va Va 900 Deahl, Mary E Skilled laborer Va D.C 900 Evans, Mrs. Frankie M . Skilled laborer Wis Minn 900 McCann Ross J Skilled laborer Mass .... Mass .... 900 Beach, Mrs. Avilda E . Skilled laborer D. C D. C 720 Bill Duane C Skilled laborer N.Y. .. N.Y 720 Crown, Mrs. Sallie A . Skilled laborer D.C... D. C 720 Ferguson Mrs Margaret Skilled laborer D C . D C 720 Hutson, William A.. Skilled laborer . . D.C... D.C... 720 OFFICEES AND EMPLOYEES. 149 BUREAU OF THE CENSUS Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. Long William H . ... Skilled laborer Miss Ark $720 Mitchell Nelson Skilled laborer Va Va 720 Osborn Mrs Ella A Skilled laborer ... . D. C.... D.C 720 Redding Mary I Skilled laborer Pa Pa 720 Ulrey John W. S Skilled laborer Ohio Ind 720 Bond, Samuel H Messenger D. C Mass 840 Butler John Messenger . . Me Me 840 Campbell James C . Messenger W. Va . . W. Va . 840 Hart James F Messenger N.Y N.Y 840 Mason, William M Messenger Ky.. Ky.. 840 Bair Charles H Assistant messenger Pa Pa 720 Barrows Harry H Assistant messenger D C Md 720 Drake, John D ... Assistant messenger S. C Iowa . . 720 Steely, Lewis II Assistant messenger Ky . Ky 720 Thatcher, Edward T Assistant messenger . D. C Pa 720 Everett Melville C Messenger boy Mo Mo 480 Fagan Frank T J Messenger boy D C 111 480 Hart, John A Messenger boy D C Tex 480 Moore, Lyman M Messenger l>oy Ark. ... Ark . 480 Arnold, Eugene Watchman Ga Ga 720 Birdsall William Watchman N Y N Y 720 Carpenter Joseph R Watchman Mich Mich 720 Dalton, Joseph B WatcliniaD - - - 111 D.C .. 720 Field, Charles D Watchman R. I. ... Iowa . . . 720 Hale, William H Watchman Ind Ind 720 Hutchins Thomas H Watchman Ark Ark 720 McMullen, Philander . . Watchman Ohio Iowa 720 Murphy, Charles L Watchman . ... N.Y . .. N.Y . .. 720 Pollard, James Watchman Ireland . . N.Y 720 Osborn Emmett M Fireman Mo Mo 720 Steward, George W Fireman N. C N C 720 Adams, Mrs. Flora C Laborer Pa . . Pa 720 Harris, Mrs. Belle Laborer Va D. C... 720 Jackson, Benjamin F Laborer Md Md 720 Steuart, Abigail K . Laborer Md Md 720 Vaughan, Bettie M Laborer Va. . Va 720 Walker, Alexander Laborer D C D C 720 Washington, William . . Laborer. D C D C 720 Anderson, Mrs. Lavinia S. . Ayres, Mrs. Nancv J. . Charwoman Charwoman. . Va Mo.. D.C Colo.. 240 240 150 DEPAKTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR. BUREAU OF THE CENSUS Continued. + NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. Beckett Mrs Emma L Charwoman D C D C $240 Brown, Mrs. Adeline Charwoman Md D. C 240 Brown, Lizzie Charwoman Va Mass .... 240 Chase, Mrs. Mary J. Charwoman Va D. C 240 Cook, Laura A Charwoman D. C . D.C 240 Fisher, Mrs. Henrietta Charwoman Va D. C 240 Graves, Mrs. Mary A Charwoman Md Md 240 Hall Mrs Irene Charwoman Va D C 240 Hoffman, Mrs. Agnes B. Charwoman Ireland . D. C . 240 McLaughlin, Mrs. Mary Charwoman Ireland . . D. C 240 Macfarland, Mrs. Marge- rette A. Mellington, Mrs. Catharina. Charwoman Charwoman N.Y Md . N.Y D.C 240 240 Mitchell, Mrs. Lucinda S Charwoman Va Colo 240 Rollins Nellie Charwoman D C D. C 240 Small wood, Lucy Charwoman Md Iowa . 240 Stafford, Alice Charwoman Va . . . Va 240 Stewart, Mrs. Sarah V Charwoman Md Md 240 Stuart Mrs Mary Charwoman Ireland Va 240 Sullivan, Mrs. Mary . Charwoman D. C D. C .. 240 Thornburg, Mrs. Emma. ... Charwoman N.Y..... Pa 240 Ward, Lizzie Charwoman D. C D.C 240 Williamson Mrs Margaret Charwoman England D. C 240 FORCE EMPLOYED FOR DE- VELOPMENT OF TABULAT- ING MACHINERY. Allen Harry Hayward Expert N. H Mass .... 3,000 Spicer, Charles W Expert England . D.C 1,800 La Boiteaux, E. M Expert Ohio Conn.... 1,600 Cleven, O. Louis Expert Norway.. D.C 1,400 Powers, James Expert Russia N.Y 1,400 Hansen, Aksel Expert Norway.. Pa 1,200 Nelson, Edgar A jr Expert Md D. C .... 1,200 Wickham, James S Expert N.Y N.Y 1,200 Holley, Robert H Skilled laborer Tex Tex 720 Vollmer, Milton R Apprentice boy (ma- DC .. D.C 600 Haislip Lawrence D chinist). Apprentice boy (ma- D C D C 420 chinist). COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY. [Many of the employees of the Coast and Geodetic Survey are engaged in work in the field for at least a part of every year, but these have no regular stations, their headquarters being in Washington.] NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. Tittmann, Otto H Superintendent $6,000 Perkins, Frank W Assistant N. Y N. J 4,000 Rodgers, Augustus F Assistant D. C Cal 4,000 Braid Andrew Assistant Scotland Pa 3,200 Gilbert John J Assistant Va Wash . 3,000 Hayford, John F Assistant N. Y.... N. Y.... 3,000 Mosman, Alonzo T Assistant Mass. . . . Mass 3,000 Putnam, George R Assistant Iowa Iowa 3,000 Sinclair, Cephas H Assistant Va Va 3,000 Dickins Edmund F Assistant D. C Cal 2,500 Hodgkins William C Assistant Mass . Mass 2,500 Pratt, John F Assistant Vt. ... Wash 2,500 Wain wright, Dallas B Assistant D.C D. C 2,500 Winston Isaac Assistant Ala Ala 2,500 Welker Philip A Assistant Ohio Ohio 2,400 Baylor James B Assistant Va Va . . 2,200 Fairfield, Walter B .... Assistant Mass . . Mass 2,200 Faris, Robert L Assistant Mo Mo 2,200 Granger, Frank D Assistant Me N. Y 2,200 McGrath John E Assistant D C D C 2,200 Morse, Fremont Assistant Mass . . Cal 2,200 Ritter, Homer P Assistant Ohio Ohio 2,200 Smith, Edwin Assistant N. Y Md 2,200 Bowie, William Assistant Md Md 2 000 Bradford, Gershom Assistant Mass D C 2,000 Denson, Hugh C Assistant Ala Ala 2,000 Ferguson Oscar W Assistant Pa N Y 2 000 Forney, Stehman Assistant Pa D c 2,000 French, Owen B Assistant Ohio Ohio 2,000 Westdahl, Ferdinand Assistant Sweden Cal 2 000 Yates, Charles C. Assistant N Y Ohio 2 000 51) 152 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. Boutelle, John B Assistant Mass Mass $1,800 Burger William H Assistant Colo Colo 1,800 Derickson Richard B Assistant Pa . .. Tenn.. 1,800 Dibrell, Walter C ... . Assistant Tex Tex 1,800 Latham Ector B Assistant Tenn Ga 1,800 Parker William E Assistant Mass Mass 1,800 Rhodes Harry W Assistant Wis...;. Cal. . .. 1,800 Vinal, W. Irving Assistant Me Pa 1,800 Beck Henry L Assistant Tex Tex 1,600 Hill Joe S Assistant Cal Cal 1,600 Jewell Don R Assistant .. . . Iowa Nebr . . . 1,600 King, Harold D Assistant Me Me 1,600 Maupin, John W Assistant Va D. C 1,600 Miller James B Assistant Pa Pa 1,600 Quillian Clifford G . . . Assistant Ga Ga . ... 1,600 Whitney, Paul C Assistant D. C N.Y 1,600 Baldwin, G. Clyde Assistant Ohio Ohio 1,400 Collins Elmer B Assistant Colo Colo 1,400 Gauger John C Assistant Wis . Wis .. 1,400 Heck Nicholas H Assistant Pa Pa 1,400 Mueller Eberhardt Assistant . . . . Ohio Ohio 1,400 Pagenhart, Edwin H Assistant S. Dak... Minn. 1,400 Patton Raymond S Assistant Ohio Ohio .. 1,400 Trueblood Howard M Assistant .... Ind Ind 1,400 Bingham James B Assistant N. Y Wis 1,200 Crowell, Arthur Assistant Pa Pa 1,200 Hand Eoline R Assistant Ohio Ohio... . 1,200 Hardy Francis H Assistant . ... N. H. .. N.H.... 1,200 Hodgson Carey V Assistant Ohio Ohio . 1,200 Luce, Robert F Assistant Mass Mass 1,200 Rude Gilbert T Assistant Va Md 1,200 Sarason Samuel D Assistant Russia . . Conn 1,200 Schattschneider, Sylvester . Assistant Minn.... Wis 1,200 Steirnagle William M Assistant Ind .. Ind 1,200 Dailey Isaiah M Aid Ohio Ohio 1,100 Engle, Francis G Kurtz Ford Aid Aid N.Y Pa N.Y N.Y .... 1,100 1,100 Maher Thomas J. . . Aid N.Y N.Y 1,100 Schapiro, Samuel H Aid Russia.. . Md 1,100 Tav. Samuel W . . Aid.. Mass. . . Mass... 1,100 OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. 153 COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. Colbert Leo O Aid Mass Mass.. . $900 Thinning William B Aid Ill Ill 900 Farbman Jacob S Aid Russia. . . N.Y 900 Fletcher Arthur R Aid Utah .... Cal 900 Franks Fred L Aid Mass Mass 900 Garner, Clein L Jackson, Larry S Maynard, Henry W Purton Astley B Aid Aid Aid Aid N.C Ind D.C Kans .. N.C Ind D.C Kans .... 900 900 900 900 Seran Harry A Aid Ohio Ohio 900 Stanton Grove A Aid . .. N. Y N.Y 900 Swick, Clarence H Wells Alden Aid Aid N.Y Conn N.Y Conn 900 900 Hawley, Jean H Kinnear, Eugene C McChristie Minor E Aid Aid Aid N.Y Ill Ohio N.Y N.Y Ohio . . . 720 720 720 Peters John H Aid Ohio .. . Ohio 720 Rekate George H Aid Pa N.Y 720 Rockwood Nathan C . . . . Aid Mass Conn 720 Siems, Frederick B. T. Aid Md Md 720 Smith, L. Walter, jr Toll Roger W Aid Aid S. C Colo S. C Mass . . . 720 720 Vinal Elwin L Aid Mass . Mass .... 720 Nesbit Scott Disbursing agent Pa Mo 2,500 Brown, Ralph M . Chief of division (Li- Mont N.Y 1,800 Chilton William B brary and archives). Clerk D. C. D. C 1,800 Henry Nicholas G Clerk Md . ... D. C 1,800 Allen, Harlan C Clerk Iowa . Nebr .... 1,650 Maupin, William C . . Clerk Va Va 1,650 Wills, Eugene B Clerk . Mo Ky.. 1,650 Chase Royden D Clerk D. C... Pa 1,400 Griffin, James M Clerk Ga Ga 1,400 Sturgus, Minard B . . . . Clerk Ky.. Iowa . 1,400 Fitch, Mrs. Jennie H Clerk Wis Wis 1,200 Garland TTfvnry "R. Clerk Va Va 1,200 Jones, Calvin W Clerk Iowa . . Iowa . . . 1,200 Lawn, Katharine. . . Clerk.. Md.. Md.. 1,200 154 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY Continued. NAME. * Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. Meads, Eugene Clerk D. C D. C.. $1, 200 Rihl, Mrs. Laura W Clerk Ky.. Colo 1,200 Campbell, Virginia E Clerk Va D C 1 000 Ford, Chester A Clerk N. Y .. N. Y 1,000 Reville, Alice G Clerk Ky.. Ky.. 1,000 Cole Luke A Writer W Va W. Va 1,200 Collins, John S Writer N. C N. C 1,200 Davis, Joseph Wilford Writer Utah . . Ores 900 Ervin, Adrienne Writer Ohio .... W. Va. . . 900 Fairfield, Florence N Writer Mass Me 900 Murdoch, Herbert S Writer Mo Mo 900 Zust, Albert F Writer Iowa Iowa . . . 900 Sandberg, Gustaf A ... Writer . . ... Minn. Minn.... 800 Brown, Frank P Writer Va W. Va... 720 Chapman Bennie M Writer S.C S. C 720 Deck William H Writer D. C D. C. 720 Fowle, James H . Writer Va Utah 720 Norton , William H Writer D. C Va 720 Taylor Ocea Writer Ala Ala 720 McNeill La Fayette jr Writer Miss Miss 600 Simons, Adelbert B D. C Me 900 Ball, Francis M '.., Buoy colorist Va Alaska... 720 Lindenkohl, Henry Draftsman Germany D. C 2,400 Sommer Ernest J Draftsman Germany Mass . . . 2,200 Deetz Charles H Draftsman Pa ... . Pa 2,000 Flower George L Draftsman Mich .... Ky.. 2,000 Hildreth, David M Draftsman N. H.... N.H.... 2,000 Bacon Harlow Draftsman Ill Ill 1,800 Ellis Edmund P Draftsman D. C D. C.... 1,800 Watkins, John T Draftsman Va Va 1,800 Castles Percy B Draftsman N Y N. Y 1,600 McGuire James W Draftsman Ark Ark 1,600 Maize, Sully B Draftsman . . . Pa Ky.. 1,600 Bamette Dudley P jr Draftsman Md Md 1,400 Gamble, Henry S Draftsman Pa D. C 1,400 Simons, Harry L Draftsman . . . N. Y.... N. Y.... 1,400 McKenney Charles F Draftsman Md D. C .... 1,200 Storm Robert F Draftsman D. C D. C 1,200 Stubbs, James B., jr Draftsman Tex D. C 1,200 Von Erichsen Paul Draftsman Germany Md 1,000 Johnston. Ralt>h L... Draftsman.. D.C.. D. C.. 1,000 OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. 155 COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. Pritchett Leon C Draftsman S. C Ga $1,000 Ege Andrew Draftsman Norway. . Minn 900 Doolittle Myrick H Computer vt Md 2,000 Shidv, Leland P Computer Mo Mo 2,000 Baldwin Albert L Computer Ohio Ohio .... 1,800 Harris Rollin A Computer N Y N. Y 1,800 Duvall Charles R Computer Va Md 1,600 Hazard Daniel L Computer R. I. . R. I 1,600 Martin Artemas Computer N. Y Pa 1,600 Pike Lilian Computer Mo Ark 1,600 Mitchell Hugh C Computer Tex Tex 1,400 Schureman, Paul Computer N. J N. J 1,200 Armstrong Howard M Computer Pa Del . 1,000 Barnum Charlotte C Computer Mass Conn . . . 1,000 Beall Sarah Computer Md Mo 1,000 Beck William E Computer Iowa .... Iowa . 1,000 Blackburn, Merrill M Computer Iowa . Iowa . 1,000 Bowen, Everett H Computer N. Y N. Y.... 1,000 Dennis, William H Computer N. H Mass. . . . 1,000 Manner, Harry A Computer Russia. . . N. J 1,000 Reynolds Walter F Computer Md . ... Md 1,000 Davis, William H Copperplate engraver D. C D. C 2,000 Knight, Henry M Copperplate engraver. . Pa D. C 2,000 Wasserbach, Theodore Copperplate engraver. . N. Y N. Y.... 2,000 Peabody, William F Copperplate engraver. . D. C D. C 1,800 Thompson, Henry L Copperplate engraver. . D. C D. C 1,800 Van Doren, William A Copperplate engraver . D. C Va 1,800 HfirgfishfiiFiPT, George Copperplate engraver D. C Pa 1,600 Mackenzie, William Copperplate engraver. . Scotland . N. Y.... 1,600 Sefton, Alfred H Copperplate engraver. . D. C D. C 1,600 Holmes, William H Copperplate engraver . . England . Pa 1,400 Wiirdemann, Frank G Copperplate engraver. . D. C Kans 1,400 Franke Hugo E Copperplate engraver Mich D C 1,200 Rose, Joseph F Copperplate engraver . D. C . Md 1,200 Thompson, John W . . . Copperplate engraver. . D. C. .. D. C . . 1,200 Diggins, Louis B Copperplate engraver. . D. C D. C 1,000 Wayson, Edward B Copperplate engraver N. Y D C 1,000 Wright, Cecil R Copperplate engraver England Va 1,000 Falconer, William Alfred. . . McGrath, Thomas J Copperplate engraver. . Copperplate enraver D. C.... D C D. C.... D C 900 900 Thompson, Millard F.. CoDDerDlate eneraver. . D. C.. D. C.. 900 156 DEPAETMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY Continued. NAME. * Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. Fischer, Ernest G Instrument maker Md D C $2 000 Morrison, James D Tnstr\i merit maker Ohio Cal 1 200 Schmidt, Hmiry A Instrument maker Germany D. C 1,200 Whitman, William R Instrument maker Me N. Y.. 1,200 Asman, William F Instrument maker Germany Cal 1,000 Senior, Lucien F Instrument maker France N Y 1,000 ZimmipHK, Charles F . Instrument maker Md Md . 1,000 Fabritz, Adolph C Instrument maker Germany D. C 900 Blacklidge, Cassius F Photographer Ind Colo 1,600 TT<~>nvei* } "DVkerwn N Plate printer D. C D. C 1,800 Campbell, Edwin F Plate printer Va Va ... 1,200 Fondren, Richard J Plate printer Miss Miss 1,200 Fordan Eberhard Plate printer D C D C 1,200 TTarloWj CVi arl^f* J Plate printer Va D. C 1,200 Locraft, Charles F . . . Plate printer D. C. . D. C. . . 1,200 Kline, Edwin M Asst. plate printer D. C Pa 900 Fitzgerald, Thomas R Plate printer's helper. . D. C D. C 700 Graeves Leo. L Plate printer's helper Md Md 700 Ladson, Charles L Plate printer's helper D. C . Md . 700 Prather, Lloyd, 3d Plate printer's helper. . D. C Ky.. 700 Reier, Theodore H Plate printer's helper. . Md Md 700 Yoos John A J Plate printer's helper D C Md 700 French Horace O Carpenter N. H N. H . . 1,200 Clarvoe, George W Carpenter Va D. C 1,000 Darnall, Charles N Carpenter D. C Md 1,000 Rader, James P Carpenter and painter. . Ind Ind 900 Keyser Louis P Asst electrotyper and D. C . D. C 1,200 Kirby, Wallace W photographer. Plate and lithographic D. C D. C. ... 1,200 Robinette, Fred G printer. Eiectrotyper . . Pa D. C 1,200 Mellen, George H Lithographer's helper . D. C D. C 700 McDowell James A Watchman Pa Pa ... . 880 Parker, David Watchman Vt N. Y 880 De Mass, Martin. . . Watchman N. Y.... Mich .... 720 Whatley O. B Watchman Ga . . Ga 720 McGoines, Thomas Messenger D. C D. C 880 Butler, William H Messenger Md D. C 820 McLane William R Messenger N. C D. C 820 Over. Charles H. T... Messenger... D. C. . D. C. . 820 OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. 157 COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. Richardson Attrell Messenger N. C D. C $820 Newman George Messenger D C D C 720 Little William B Messenger La .. . La 700 Smart Ransom Messenger . S. C D. C 630 Dyer Horace Fireman Md D. C 700 Murray, Harrison Laborer Va Va 700 Strother, Charles H Laborer Va D. C 700 Hawkins Jeremiah . Laborer Md Md 640 Thomas Frank W Laborer ... Va.. Tenn 640 Mason John H Laborer Va D. C. . 630 Cannon Taylor W Laborer S C S C 550 Mure, Albert Laborer Ky.. D. C.. 550 Taylor Rufus Laborer N. C N C 550 Jones Johnnie W Laborer S. C S. C 365 Steele, Max K . . Laborer . ... Ga Ga 365 NONSTATUTORY. Wyvill Edward H Chart corrector Md Md 1,500 Edmonds Harry M. W Magnetic observer Wis Cal 1,700 Wallis, William F Magnetic observer Md . . Md . . . 1,600 Burbank, John E Magnetic observer Me Me 1,400 Deel, Samuel A Magnetic observer Kans Kans 1,400 Green John W Magnetic observer 111 Iowa 1,300 Keeling William B Magnetic observer Ohio Kans 1,200 Hill, Wallace M Magnetic observer . . . N. J N. J 1,100 Hartnell, George Magnetic observer N. Y.... N. Y.... 900 Townshend, Samuel G., jr.. Flemin^ John A Magnetic observer Magnetic observer Md Ohio Md Ohio 900 p.d. 1 6 Craft, Clarence C Magnetic observer S. C. . . S. C .. p.m. '85 Kuehne, John M . . Magnetic observer Tex Tex p.m. 2 100 Hahn, Charles M Expert lithographer . . . Pa D. C 1,600 Hahn, Frank Expert lithographer . . . D. C. ... D. C 1,500 Ross, John Nautical expert Mass . D. C 2,100 Dow, John C.. Nautical expert Mass . N. Y 1,800 Ford, Harry L Nautical expert N. J Cal 1,800 Graves Herbert C Nautical expert Va Ohio 1,800 Brown, John W Extra laborer Md.. Md P. m. 50 Evans, William F Extra laborer Va Va p.m. 50 McGlincy, Virginia Extra laborer W. Va . . . W. Va . . . p.m. 50 Holmes, Mrs. Laura.. Extra laborer. . . Md.. D. C.. 240 1 When actually employed. 2 For three months; $4 p. d. not exceeding 10 days in a month for remainder of year. 158 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOE. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY Continued . NAME. ft Official title. Birthplace. Place from, which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. NONSTATUTORY COH. Chewning, Ernest P. C Hammer William Laborer Va Va $660 700 1,800 p. m. 60 p. m. 60 1,800 p. m. 125 p. m. 110 2,200 900 1,600 1,400 p. m. 60 2,000 1,800 p. m. 15 p. m. 15 p. m. 75 p. m. 15 p. m. 25 p. m. 100 p. m. 15 p. m. 15 p. m. 15 p. m. 50 p. m. 95 p. m. 95 Litho-stone grinder . . . Signalman field D. C Ind D. C. ... Ind Bilby Jasper S Dans Jos6 Draftsman P. I ... P. I ... Flores, Placido Draftsman P. I P. I Christ/man, Reuben J Draftsman, P. I Pa Ill Pa P. I Cox Charles S Hart William J Extra observer P. I Cal ... Frisby Edgar R Computer Computer, P. I Computer PI D.C.... P.I Russia . . Md D.C.... P. I Mass.. . . Md Pangan Fulgencio F Rines David Williamson Philip H Computer P. I Panopio Eliseo M Computer P. I P. I Bach John Cartographer P I Norway. . N. Y.... N.C.... Ind Mich.... La Pa N. Y.... Ohio N.C.... La Md Tex Pa Do vale Arthur Cartographer, P. I Tide obs., Wilmington, N. C. Tide obs., field Tide obs., Baltimore, Md. Tide obs., Galveston, Tex. Tide obs., Philadel- phia, Pa. Tide obs., Fort Hamil- ton, N. Y. Tide obs., Colonial Beach, Va. Tide obs. , Galveston, Tex. Tide obs., San Diego, Cal. Tide obs., Fernandina, Fla. SMI. laborer and tide obs., San Francisco, Cal. Skil. laborer and tide obs., Seattle, Wash. Bowden L Tate Hinton Harley R Kummell Fred A Miller Frank H Olson Harry E Spaulding James Gr Me D.C.... N. Y.... W.Va... La N. Y.... Va Tex Cal Fla ... Walcott Frank W Warren James D Watkins John A Weeks Beverly W Ballard, Harris S D. C N.Y Cal Wash.... Meyer William C OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. 159 COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. MARYLAND SHELLFISH COM- MISSION. Torrey Jolm Day Topographic draftsman . Mass . Mass . $1, 500 Arbuckle Nelson L Topographic draftsman . Ind Ind p. m. 100 Moore Godwin C ..... Topographic draftsman. N.C Md...!.. 1,200 Phelan John J Triangulator Mass . Mass . p. m. 100 Seth Frank W Surveyman Baltimore, Md Md p. m. 100 VESSEL SERVICE. Hutchison George TV Md. Chief engineer P I Canada p. m 150 Hennessey William J Chief engineer, P. I ... N J N. J p. m. 140 Conover, Cornelius N ^Tyer John Chief engineer, P. I Chief engineer P. I N. J Cal N. J Cal. .. p. m. 140 p. m. 140 Flannery Michael F Chief enineer 1 Md Md ... p. m. 140 Hopkins Lewis M Chief engineer 1 ... Me Mass p. m. 140 Peerce Herbert W ... Chief engineer 1 Md Md p. m. 140 Chisholm William M . . . Chief engineer 1 Pa Pa p. m. 130 Sullivan James Chief engineer 1 Md Md p. m. 130 Miner Fred. Alvord Surgeon 1 Ohio P I p. m 150 Short Alfred T Surgeon 1 England p. m. 150 Marchand George E Surgeon 1 Pa Md .. . p. m. 125 Hawkes Robert H Surgeon 1 Cal Cal p. m. 125 Denne Thomas H Assistant surgeon 1 ... N. Y ... N. Y p. m. 110 Sommer Henry Otto Assistant surgeon 1 D C N Y p. m. 110 Hempel Eugene Mate 1 Russia P I p. m 150 Mason Hugh L Mate 1 England P. I p. m. 144 Berry George A Mate 1 . . . . D. C D. C p. m. 125 Courtney Edward ... . Mate 1 Md Md p. m. 125 Grayson, Nathaniel G Mate l Pa Pa p. m. 125 Straube Oscar M Mate 1 Norway Md p m 125 Whitehead Gustave A Mate 1 Germany N J p m 125 Bernhardt Henry Mate 1 Denmark Cal p. m 120 Duffy, John Mate x p. m. 110 Healy Roy W Mate 1 Iowa P I p m 110 Insley William G Mate 1 Md Md p m 110 Jamieson, Thomas Mate 1 Cal p m 110 Marsh, James E Mate 1 Md Md p m. 110 Seeley, George Mate l N.S Wash p. m. 110 Simpson, James H.. Mate 1 .. Tex.. Tex.. D. m. 110 1 On board ship. 160 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. VESSEL SERVICE COD. Stakes, Perry T Mate 1 Va Pa p.m $110 Thomas, George F Mate l p. m. 110 Cade Claude M Deck officer l Mich Mich p m 75 Ela Arthur J Deck officer l vt N. H p. m 75 Harger, Carroll Y Deck officer 1 Mich Wyo.. P. m. 75 Sanger William Captain's clerk 1 Mass Mass p m 110 Atkinson William M Watch officer 1 N. C N C p m 140 Coleman, John M ... Watch officer l . . England Cal p. m 140 Furman, Lawrence M Watch officer l ... Sweden. . Cal p. m. 130 Giacomini Alfred L Watch officer l Cal Cal p m 130 Hunter Albert R Watch officer 1 Pa N J p m 130 Olsen George Watch officer 1 Norway Fla p. m 130 Stanford, William H Watch officer l Pa ... Cal.. p. m. 130 Glover, William F Watch officer 1 Me Me p. m. 110 Crook Henry Pilot Alaska Germany Wash p m 175 1 On board ship. BUREAU OF STATISTICS. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. Austin Oscar P Chief of bureau' Ill D C $4 000 Whitney Joseph. N . Chief clerk Me Me 2,250 Thomson George H Chief of division Ohio . . Ohio 2,000 Daniel, John W. . Clerk Mo Tex. 1,800 Galloway, Sheridan B Clerk Pa Ill 1,800 Vanderhoef Lorenzo Clerk Ohio Mich 1 800 Welch Benjamin T Clerk Md D C 1 800 Whitney E d ward Clerk Me Mass 1 800 Eckhardt, Nicholas, jr Gray, Arthur S Clerk Clerk D. C Kans D. C Kans 1,600 1,600 Sleppy, Edwin W Clerk Pa Mo 1,600 Thrall Jesse G Clerk Vt Vt 1 600 Stein, Robert Stenographer and type- Germany D C 1 500 Burson, Edgar F writer. Clerk Tex Tex 1 400 Henderson, William B Hohn John . . Clerk Clerk Ky Germany Ky Tex 1,400 1 400 Lemmon William L Clerk N Y N Y 1 400 McDuffie, Joseph A Clerk . ... Ga Ga 1 400 Scott, Winfield Clerk 111 111 1 400 Young Edwin R Clerk N Y N Y 1 400 Bierman, Henry J ... Clerk 111 N C 1 200 Eddingfield, William T . . Clerk . . Ohio Utah 1 200 Davis, W 7 illiam H Clerk Kv Kv 1 200 Howard Frederick F Clerk N Y N Y 1 200 Jeffrey, James H Clerk Wis Wis 1 200 Ludwig, Edwin F Clerk . . N Y Kv 1 200 Sanford, Frank S Clerk N Y x\._y . . N Y 1 200 Smith, George W Clerk 111 111 1 200 Spencer, Mary A Clerk Canada D C 1 200 Talbert, Ansel D Clerk S C S C i 900 Brasel, Royal H Clerk Ind T Tnd T 1 000 Carpenter, Elmer B Clerk Mich Mich 1 000 Daly, Patrick M Clerk Minn Minn 1 000 dfiOfM ns 11 / i 1 \ 162 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOK. BUREAU OF STATISTICS Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. Gaskill, Loring D Clerk N. C. ... N. C $1 000 Grist Burt A Clerk Pa N C 1 000 Hall Francis C Clerk Pa Mo 1 000 Litchfield, Frank W . . . Clerk Mass P. R 1 000 Naghten, William A Clerk Ohio.. .. Ohio 1,000 O'Neill, Andrew J Clerk D. C D. C 1,000 Schubel Edward C Clerk Mich Mich 1 000 Sproul, Oliver J Clerk . ... Pa Pa 1 000 Stephenson, Charles H Clerk Iowa Iowa 1 000 Thompson Frank C Clerk Mass Mass 1 000 Allen Robert E Copyist Iowa Iowa 900 Fuller, Ben L Copvist Nebr D C 900 Geno, James C. F Copyist. . Italv N. Y 900 Scott, William H Copyist. . D. C.... Ala 900 Thompson Matthew A Copvist Okla Okla 90Q Tutwiler, Strudwick Y Coleman, Henry Copyist Messenger Ala Va Ala D. C 900 840 Johnson, Charles N Assistant messenger W. Va W. Va 720 Humphries, Walter J Laborer Ga Ga 660 Smith, Julien A Laborer Va Va 660 Davis, Mrs. Jeannette Laborer Tenn Tenn 480 Jacobson Morris Internal com expert Russia N Y 2 100 Asmuth Walter Clerk Wis Wis 1 400 STEAMBOAT INSPECTION SERVICE. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. C/hler George Supervising inspector- Del Pa $4,000 Gatchell William F general. Chief clerk 1 Ohio Ohio 2,000 Aycock Walter F Clerk Tenn Tenn 1,600 Norris Calvin C J Clerk 111 111 1,600 Adams Mrs Ada G Clerk Ohio Pa .. . 1,200 Hoover Dickerson N jr Clerk D. C D. C 1,200 Freeman Alexander Messenger W. Va... Ind 840 STEAMBOAT INSPECTION SERVICE AT LARGE. FIRST DISTRICT H E A D - QUARTERS, SAN FRAN- CISCO, CAL. Bermingham, John Supervising inspector... N. Y Cal Juneau, Alaska. Whitney George H Insp. of hulls Canada . . Cal Newhall Frank H Insp of boilers Mass Oregon Lan^ley Harry Clerk England Wash . Portland, Or eg. Edwards Edward S . Insp. of hulls Ky.. Oregon . . Fuller George F Insp of boilers Cal Oregon Merrill Arthur F Clerk Cal . Oregon San Francisco, Cal. Bolles Obed F Insp of hulls Mass Cal Bulger John K. Insp. of boilers Cal.. . . Cal Deering, Thomas P. 2 Asst. insp. of hulls Ireland . Cal Guthrie, James 2 Asst. insp. of hulls Cal Cal Howe William 3 Asst insp. of hulls Australia Wash Turner, Frank H . Asst. insp. of hulls Cal.. Wash Dolan, Joseph P. 2 ... Asst. insD. of boilers. . . Cal.. Cal.. $3, 000 2,000 2,000 1,200 1,800 1,800 1,400 2, 250 2,250 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,800 1 And acting supervising inspector-general in the absence of that officer. 2 Detailed to Seattle, Wash. > Detailed to Portland, Oreg. (163) 164 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR. STEAMBOAT INSPECTION S ERVICE AT LARGE Continued. NAME. * Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. FIRST DISTRICT H E A D - QUARTERS, SAN FRAN- CISCO, CAL. continued. San Francisco, Cal. Con. Lehners Carl F. 1 Asst insp. of boilers Germany Cal . Cal $1, 800 1,800 1,800 1,500 1,400 1,200 2,250 2,250 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,500 1,300 2,000 2,000 1,400 3,000 2,000 2,000 1,400 Cisco, Cal. Welters, John B Asst. insp. of boilers . Wash.... Cal Wynn, John E. 2 Asst. insp. of boilers Cal Craigie Thomas R Clerk Canada . . Cal Cal Cal SulHvan James J . . Clerk Hauser, Hugo Clerk Wis Wis Seattle, Wash. Whitney, Bion B Insp. of hulls Insp. of boilers Me N.Y Wash.... Wash.... Cal Turner, Robert A Ames Donald S 2 Asst insp of hulls N B Ansell John N Asst insp of hulls Tex Cal Griffiths, Evan 3 Asst. insp. of hulls Wales.... Wash.... Cal Cal England Del Me Wash.... Wash.... Wash.... Cal Wash.... Oregon . . Wash Wash Cal House, Edward G. 3 Asst. insp. of hulls Asst. insp. of boilers Asst. insp. of boilers Asst. insp. of boilers Asst. insp. of boilers. ... Clerk Lord Harry C 3 Quinn, George W 3 Short, Thomas 3 Weldin, George Q. 2 Rooks, Willis H Walker, Wesley E Clerk Iowa .... Cal St. Michaels, Alaska. Walton Austin N Insp of hulls Heeney, Thomas J . Insp. of boilers Clerk Cal New Zea- land. N Y Cal N. Y.... N. J Hart, Gustavus E SECOND DISTRICT HEAD- QUARTERS, NEW YORK, N. Y. Harris, Ira Supervising inspector Albany, N. Y. Keller, Robert B Insp. of hulls . . N. Y . . N. Y Gaul, Andrew Insp of boilers N Y N Y Reilly, Thomas J Clerk i Detailed to Seattle, Wash. 2 Detailed to Portland, Oreg. Detailed to San Fran OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. 165 STEAMBOAT INSPECTION SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. SECOND DISTRICT HEAD- QUARTERS, NEW YORK, N. Y. continued. Boston, Mass. Carleton William A. Insp. of hulls Mass . . . Mass .... $2, 250 Savage Andrew J Insp. of boilers Me Mass .... 2,250 Asst. insp. of hulls N. J N. J 1,800 Lane Frank C 2 Asst. insp. of hulls 1,800 Thorn PS^TI TTenrv T* 3 Asst. insp. of hulls Mass .... Mass .... 1,800 Gilman William M 3 Asst. insp. of boilers Mass .... Mass .... 1,800 Jackson Albert R 2 Asst. insp. of boilers N. Y.... Mass 1,800 Perry, Newall A 1 . . Asst. insp. of boilers Me Mass .... 1,800 Clerk Mass Mass 1,500 Kelly John M B Clerk Mass . Mass. . 1,400 Bangor, Me. Insp. of hulls Me Me 1 500 Blaisdell Walter L Insp. of boilers Me ... . Me 1,500 Crandlemire, Earl Clerk Me Me 900 New Haven, Conn. Wright Victor E Insp. of hulls Conn Conn . 1,500 Insp of boilers Conn Conn 1 500 Clerk Conn. . .. Conn 1,300 New London, Conn. Withey William E Insp. of hulls Conn. Conn 1,500 Stewart John Insp. of boilers Pa Pa.... 1,500 Mclntee John J Clerk . . . Conn Conn 1 300 New York, N. Y. Seeley , Henry M Insp of hulls N S Mass 2 500 Crone, John L Insp of boilers Canada N T 2 500 Campbell, Hector R 4 Asst insp of hulls Canada N Y 2 000 Charlton, George T . . Asst insp of hulls Australia N Y 2 000 Foster, Thomas H Asst. insp. of hulls N Y N Y 2 000 Johnstone, Alan S Asst insp of hulls Mass N Y 2 000 Jones, Humphrey 3 Asst insp. of hulls Ireland N Y 2 000 Millikin, Everett J Asst. insp. of hulls R I N Y 2 000 Smith, Cornelius H Asst insp of hulls N Y N Y 2 000 Smith, Frank J. 5 . . Asst. insD. of hulls . . N.J.. N. Y.. 2.000 1 Detailed to Philadelphia Pa. 2 Detailed to Providence, R. I. 3 Detailed to Baltimore, Md.-;' s?s Detailed to Norfolk, * Detailed to Boston, Mass. Va. T3 166 DEPAETMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR. STEAMBOAT INSPECTION SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. ^ NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. SECOND DISTRICT HEAD- QUARTERS, NEW YORK, N. Y. continued. New York, N. Y. Con. Taylor, Harry McG . . Asst. insp. of hulls u. s. ... N.Y $2,000 Terry, Albert H Asst. insp. of hulls N. Y N. Y.... 2,000 Watkinson , Joseph Asst. insp. of hulls N. Y.... N. Y.... 2,000 Wellman Henry Asst insp of hulls Mass ... N. Y.. . 2,000 Allen, Edward G l Asst. insp. of boilers. Md. . .. Pa 2,000 Arkebauer, Jesse O Asst. insp. of boilers Ill N.Y 2,000 Coleman, George F Asst. insp. of boilers N.Y N.Y 2,000 Dougherty Daniel J 2 Asst insp of boilers Pa Pa 2,000 Fenwick, William G Asst. insp. of boilers N.Y .... N.Y 2,000 Fleming, John W Asst. insp. of boilers. . . . N.B N.Y 2,000 Gunn, John E. 3 Asst. insp. of boilers N. J N.Y 2,000 Knight Alfred G Asst. insp of boilers England N. J . .. 2,000 McCarthy, John J Asst. insp. of boilers N.Y N.Y 2,000 Powers, William H Asst. insp. of boilers N.Y N.Y 2,000 Stewart, Charles Asst. insp. of boilers Pa N.Y 2,000 Waters John W Asst insp of boilers England N. J 2,000 Williams, Frank C 4 Asst. insp. of boilers . Canada . . N.Y 2,000 Wilson, Richard F. 6 Asst. insp. of boilers N.Y N.Y 2,000 Martin Thomas B Clerk Conn N.Y 1,500 Richards Walter Clerk N.Y . .. N.Y 1,500 Dunlea Frank J Clerk N.Y N.Y 1,400 Eckert, Harry S Clerk N. J N.Y 1,400 Groener John jr Clerk N Y . N.Y .. . 1,400 Osborne William C Clerk N. J ... N. J 1,400 Phelan, Daniel J Clerk N.Y N.Y..... 1,400 Trotter, Joseph C Guiremand Harry A Clerk Clerk N.Y N.Y ... N.Y N. Y 1,200 900 Halloran John J J Clerk Mass Mass 900 Philadelphia, Pa. Sargent, Redford A Insp. of hulls Me Pa 2,250 Howard, David H Insp. of boilers Wis Pa 2,250 MacPherson Hugh 6 Asst insp of hulls Scotland. Pa 1,800 Miller, HarrvS. 6 ... Asst. insD. of hulls. . . N. C... Fla.. 1,800 1 Detailed to Coatesville, Pa. s Detailed to Pittsburg, Pa. s Detailed to Norfolk, Va. * Detailed to Baltimore, Md. * Detailed to Boston, Mass. Detailed to New York, N. OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. 167 STEAMBOAT INSPECTION SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. SECOND DISTRICT HEAD- QUARTERS, NEW YORK, N. Y. continued. Philadelphia, Pa. Con. Power Hannon M Asst. insp. of hulls Asst insp of hulls Pa Germany N. J Canada Pa Pa $1, 800 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,500 1,400 1,300 2,000 2,000 1,400 2,000 2,000 1,400 3,000 2,250 2,250 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,500 1,400 900 Pa. Rickmers Peter Mattson Clement A. 1 Asst. insp. of boilers. . . . Asst. insp. of boilers.. . . Asst. insp. of boilers.. . . Asst. insp. of boilers N. J Pa Mills Samuel A 1 Wilson John E Ohio Pa .... Seltzer Joseph N J Pa... Pa Gallagher James E Clerk Pa.. Pa Loux Charles W Clerk Pa R I McFarland, William E Providence, R. I. Wilcox Edward Clerk Pa Pa Insp. of hulls . . R. I . . R. I Potter, Charles A Insp . of boilers Me R. I Stover, James N Clerk Ga Ga Portland, Me. Pollister, George A Insp. of hulls Insp. of boilers Me Me Me Me Trevett, John H O'Brion, William H Clerk Me Me THIRD DISTRICT H E A D - QUARTERS, NORFOLK, VA. Oast, John W ... Supervising inspector . . Insp. of hulls Insp. of boilers Va Md Md Va Md Md Baltimore, Md. Weight, Chas W White, Edwin F Dunn, Richard A Asst. insp. of hulls Md Md Powell, Lewis F. 2 Asst. insp. of hulls . . Va . . Va Sproul. Ernest D Asst. insp. of hulls Me Va Cotton. Joseph K.. Asst. insp. of boilers N. C Va Stanton, Michael Asst. insp. of boilers Insp. of boilers Md Pa Md Md Taylor, George L 2 Wiegand, Charles L Clerk Clerk Clerk N.Y. Md Va Vt 2 Detailed to Md Md Vt Philadelphia, Sprow, George B., jr Woodruff, Horace N 1 Detailed to New York, 168 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR. STEAMBOAT INSPECTION SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. NAME. + Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. THIRD DISTRICT H E A D - QUARTERS, NORFOLK, VA. continued. Charleston, S. C. Rice, Fred B Insp. of hulls Mass N.C $1,500 Borden John T Insp of boilers N.C... . N.C 1,500 Kabernagel Harry F Clerk Md Md 1,200 Jacksonville, Fla. Shaw William A Insp of hulls ... Ga Fla 1,500 Spencer Charles A In&p. of boilers N.Y Fla 1,500 Maxey Henry II Clerk Ky.. Fla 1,100 Norfolk, Va. Tapley Robert E Insp. of hulls Me Va 2,000 Bray Edward W . ... Insp. of boilers N.C Va 2,000 Calcott Alexander * Asst insp of hulls Scotland Va 1,600 Blom August E Asst insp of hulls . . . Norway . . Va 1,600 Simpson Henry L Asst. insp. of boilers Me Va 1,600 Hanlon Thomas J * Asst insp of boilers Ireland Va 1,600 Kitzmiller George M Clerk N.Y. .. Va 1,500 Collings, William G Clerk Pa Va 1,200 Savannah, Ga. Lee William G Insp of huHs Va Ga 1,500 Fitz Gerald, Edward B . . . Gregory George A Insp. of boilers Clerk N.H N.Y Ga Ga 1,500 1,200 FOURTH DISTRICT HEAD- QUARTERS, ST. LOUIS, MO. Dunn Joseph J Supervising inspector . . . Ky.. Ky.. 3,000 St. Louis, Mo. Gordon Archibald Insp of hulls Ohio . . Mo 1,800 Macdonald \Villiam J Insp of boilers Mich Mich 1,800 Folluo. Henrv E . . Clerk.. Ohio... Mo.. 1,400 Detailed to Boston; Mas OFFICEKS AND EMPLOYEES. 169 STEAMBOAT INSPECTION SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. FIFTH DISTRICT H E A D - QUARTERS, DUBUQUE, IOWA. Sloane, Jolm D Supervising inspector N.H.... Minn $3, 000 Dubuque, Iowa. Knapp, George B Insp. of hulls Wis Iowa 1 500 Gary, James I Insp. of boilers . . . 111. Iowa 1,500 Oliver, William R Clerk Iowa . . . Iowa 1,400 Duluth, Minn. Monaglian, Jolm Insp. of hulls Mich Minn 2 000 Chalk, Michael F Insp . of boilers ... R. I Minn 2 000 McLennan, Donald Clerk Canada Minn 1 400 SIXTH DISTRICT H E A D - QUARTERS, LOUISVILLE, KY. Dorsey , Eugene L Supervising inspector Ind Ind 3 000 Evansville, Ind. Williams, Richard H Insp. of hulls Ind Ind 1,500 Moore, John H Insp. of boilers Kv Ind 1 500 Kohlmeier, Emory F Clerk .... Ind Ind 1 000 Louisville, Ky. Abraham, John E . Insp. of hulls Kv Kv 1 500 Greenwood, Charles T . . . Insp. of boilers 111 "v Miss 1 500 Kimmerling, Arley R Clerk . . . Ind Ind 1 000 Memphis, Tenn. Hodge, William J Insp of hulls . . Ark Tenn 1 500 Waltz Henry C Insp of boilers Tenn Tenn 1 500 Reed James F Clerk Ind Ind 1 000 Nashville, Tenn. Green, George M Insp. of hulls Tenn Tenn 1 500 St. John, Joel M . Insp of boilers Kv Kv 1 500 Brumfiel. Orzo W . . Clerk.. *.j > Tnrl . **"jf TnH i onn 170 DEPAETMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR. STEAMBOAT INSPECTION SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. SEVENTH DISTRICT HEADQUARTERS, CIN- CINNATI, OHIO. Crumbaugh, Samuel R . . . Cincinnati, Ohio. Peyton, John K ... Supervising inspector Insp of hulls Ky Ohio.. .. Ky Ohio $3,000 1 500 Dameron George "W Insp of boilers Ohio Kv 1 500 Snyder Augustus W Clerk Ohio Ohio 1 000 Pittsburg, Pa. Williams Isaac B Insp. of hulls Pa Pa . . .. 1,500 Atkinson George H .... Insp . of boilers Pa Pa 1,500 Grubb Victor M Clerk Ohio Pa 1 400 ;'<, Point Pleasant, W. Va. Clark William H Insp. of hulls Ohio W. Va .. 1,500 Thomas, Charles G Insp. of boilers Ohio W. Va... 1,500 Meddaugh George E Clerk Pa Ohio 1 000 EIGHTH DISTRICT HEAD- QUARTERS, DETROIT, MICH. Wescott, Charles H Supervising inspector Mich .... Mich .... 3,000 Chicago, III. Mansfield Ira B Insp. of hulls Ohio Ill 2,000 Peck Roy L Insp. of boilers Conn Ill 2,000 Schutt Arthur E Clerk 111 Ill 1 200 Detroit, Mich. Meno Frederick J Insp. of hulls Mich Mich .... 1,800 Galwey John H Insp. of boilers Mich Mich .... 1,800 Doyle Alfred J Clerk Canada . Mich ... 1,400 Grand Haven, Mich. Pardee, George W Insp of hulls NY.. Mich ... 2,000 Eckliff , Charles C Insp. of boilers Mich Mich 2,000 Hurless Elmer C Clerk 111 111 1 200 Marquette, Mich. York Charles M Insp of hulls Mich . . Mich 1,500 Gooding Charles M Insp. of boilers Mich ... Mich 1,500 Becktell. Elmer H.. Clerk.. Mich . . 111.. 1,200 OFFICEKS AND EMPLOYEES. 171 STEAMBOAT INSPECTION SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. EIGHTH DISTRICT HEAD- QUARTERS, DETROIT, MICH. continued . Milwaukee, Wis. Van Patten, Frank W Collins, William A Insp of hulls - - NY.. Wis $2, 000 2,000 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,400 1,800 1,800 1,400 3,000 2,250 2,250 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,500 1,200 1,500 1,500 1,000 2,000 2,000 1,400 , Ohio. Insp of boilers Ill Wis McCallum, Henry C. 1 . . . . Reid Robert 2 Asst insp of hulls Mich.... Mich .... Wis Ohio Canada . . Wales.... N. Y ... Mich .... Mich .... Wis Wis Wis Ill Wis Swift Thomas W 3 Asst. insp. of hulls Asst. insp. of boilers Asst. insp. of boilers Asst. insp. of boilers Clerk Knaffffs Perrv N 2 Milne George M * Nicholas \Villiam 2 Whitney, Lee R Port Huron, Mich. Stewart, Willis W Insp of hulls Mich Ohio Mich .... Mich.... Mich .... Ohio Van Liew, Frank Insp of boilers McArron, David Clerk Mich .... Canada . . Germany N.Y NINTH DISTRICT HEAD- QUARTERS, CLEVELAND, OHIO. Stone, James . ... Supervising inspector. . . Insp. of hulls Bu/alo, N. Y. Pope, Frederick L. R N.Y Schumacher, Joseph G Gould, Thomas W. 3 . . . Insp. of boilers N.Y Asst insp of hulls Ohio Ohio Todd, James M. 2 Asst insp of hulls N Y N Y Haywood, John B. 3 Asst. insp. of boilers Asst. insp. of boilers Clerk Pa N.Y Pa .. Ohio Nolan William P l N.Y N.Y Mulroy , John E Bassett, Harold R Clerk Insp. of hulls N.Y N.Y N.Y N Y Burlington, Vt. Holt, Byron J . . Goodhue, Andrew I Insp. of boilers Clerk N.H.... N.Y Vt Vt Monty, Willis E Cleveland, Ohio. Nelson, Nils B Insp. of hulls Sweden. . Canada . . Canada . . Detaile< Ohio Ohio Ohio 1 to Cleveland McGrath, James Insp. of boilers Lawlor, Edward Clerk i Detailed to Detroit, Mich. 2 Detailed to Chicago, 111. 172 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR. STEAMBOAT INSPECTION SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. NINTH DISTRICT HEAD- QUARTERS, CLEVELAND, OHIO continued. Oswego, N. Y. Molther John R Insp. of hulls N. Y N. Y $1 800 Chestnut, Robert Insp. of boilers Scotland N. Y 1,800 Hager, Charles F Clerk Iowa N. Y 1,400 Toledo, Ohio. Potter, Charles A Insp. of hulls Minn N. Y 1,500 Plietz, William F Insp. of boilers Germany Ohio 1,500 Mansuy, Edward M Clerk Mich Ohio 1,200 TENTH DISTRICT HEAD- QUARTERS, NEW OR- LEANS, LA. Cotter, John A Supervising inspector England . La 3,000 Apalachicola, Fla. Whiteside, George H. Insp. of hulls N. Y Fla 1,500 Pierce, Alton Insp. of boilers Mich .... Fla. 1,500 Galveston, Tex. Murray Robert G Insp. of hulls Md Tex 1,500 Smith, Felix Insp. of boilers .. Ireland Tex 1,500 West, George J Clerk Ky.. Tex 1,000 Mobile, Ala. Taylor, Samuel Insp. of hulls Va Ala 1,800 O'Brien, Eugene Insp. of boilers Ala Ala 1,800 Clark, J. Brooks. .. Clerk Ala Ala 1,400 New Orleans, La. Kelly, Benjamin F Insp. of hulls Ireland . . La 2,250 Bean, Cecil N Insp. of boilers Tex Fla... 2,250 McBride, Robert J Asst insp. of hulls Mass . La... ' 1,800 Martin, William K Asst. insp. of hulls Pa La.. 1,800 Dromgool, Peter J Asst. insp. of boilers. . . . N. Y.... La 1,800 Hall Robert F Asst insp of boilers La .... La 1,800 Peavy, Paul W Clerk Ala Ala 1,400 Otto Walter S Clerk La La 1,000 BUREAU OF FISHERIES. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. Bowers George M Commissioner W Va W Va $5 000 Smith Hugh M Deputy commissioner D C D C 3 000 Dunlap, Irving H Chief clerk N Y N Y 2 400 Titcomb William P Accountant Mass Mass 2 100 Hayes Edward Stenographer to com- Ireland D c 1 600 MacDonald, Rose M. E Scudder, Charles W missioner. Librarian Clerk Va Conn Va Md F 1,200 1 800 Fennell, Francis P Clerk D. C D C 1 600 Hall, Ansley .... Clerk N S Mass 1 600 Brown, John E Clerk to commissioner N Y N Y 1 600 Rockwell, Julia L Clerk .. . Mass D C 1 200 Clagett, Margaret C Clerk S C S C 1 000 Bright, Frederick H Clerk D C Pa 900 Fearnow, Edgar C Clerk W Va W Va 900 McMaster, John L Clerk N Y Del 900 Van Horn Charles R Clerk Mo D C onn Ward, Ella A Clerk Md Md 900 Witz, Mrs. Laura J Clerk N Y W Va 900 Cassell, John S Engineer . . . Md Md 1 080 Nelligan, Patrick Fireman W Va D C fiOO Sims, Daniel Fireman Ga Ga 600 Williams, Robert E Fireman Va Pa 600 Maynard, William Watchman Conn Conn 720 Tune, Marcy N \Vatchman D C D C 790 Ball, Dallas D Janitor and messenger Va Va fiOO Butler, George E Janitor and messenger D C D C 600 Hughes, George F Janitor and messenger Kv Kv 600 Pay ton, William Janitor and messenger Ga -"v Ga fiOO Robinson, Washington Hall, Mrs. Hattie Janitor and messenger. . . Janitress Va Va D.C D C 600 480 Winans, Harold D Messenger Iowa Iowa 360 Bresnahan, Mrs. Kate Charwoman Ireland D C 240 Garvey, Johana Charwoman W Va W Va 240 Harley, Mary Charwoman W Va W Va 240 Ridgway, Mary J Charwoman D C D f) 940 Fassett, Harry C Inspector of fisheries in Cal Cal 1 800 Alaska. (173) 174 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR. BUREAU OF FISHERIES Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. OFFICE OF ARCHITECT AND ENGINEER. von Bayer, Hector. Architect and engineer. (rprma.ny N. Y $2, 200 Schneider, George A Assistant architect D. C D. C . . 1,600 Hill William F T) r?if t STTI an N C Va 1,200 Miller, Jay L Clerk N. Y Ohio 720 DIVISION OF FISH CULTURE. Titcomb John W Assistant in charge N. H Vt 2,700 Ellis, J . Frank Supt of car and messen- Mass. Mass 1,600 McDaniel Jesse ger service. Clerk Mo Iowa 1,600 Nicholson, Maria L Clerk D. C . D. C 1,400 Stilwell, Mary C Clerk Ky.. Mich 1,400 Hurdle Lillian K Clerk Ala D C 1,200 Smith, Ethel M Clerk 111 . 111 1,200 Butts, Edward H Clerk W. Va . . . W. Va 720 CENTRAL STATION AND AQUARIA. Harron, Leigh ton G Supt. of station and Md .. .. Md 1,500 Franklin, A. May aquaria. Clerk Mo Ala 900 Snyder, William H Skilled laborer W Va W Va . 720 Timbers, Robert Skilled laborer Va Va 720 Smith, George M Laborer N C N C 480 DIVISION OF INQUIRY FOOD FISHES. Evennann, Barton W Assistant in charge Iowa Ind 2,700 Moore, Henry F . . Scientific assistant Pa Pa 2,500 Kendall, William C Scientific assistant Me Me.. 1,600 Goldsborough, Edmund L. Scientific assistant Va Md 1,200 Pope, Thomas E. B Scientific assistant R. I R. I 1,200 Clark, H. Walton Scientific assistant Ind Ind . 900 Nichols, John T Scientific assistant Mass N Y 720 Zimmerman, George J Cheshire, Lillie A Clerk Clerk Mo N. C Mo Kans . . 1,200 900 Gillette, George H.. Clerk. . Iowa . . Kans . . 720 OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. 175 BUREAU OF FISHERIES Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. BIOLOGICAL STATION BEAUFORT, N. C. Aller, Henry D Superintendent and di- N. J N. J $1, 500 Hatsel Charles rector. Laborer N. C .. N. C 540 Whitehurst Edward C . . Laborer N. C ... N. C. ... 540 DIVISION OF STATISTICS AND METHOD OF THE FISHERIES. Alexander Alvin B Assistant in charge Me Mass 2,500 Addison, Anthony C Clerk D. C D. C 1,800 Stevenson, Charles H. . Clerk Md . ... Md . ... 1,800 Cogswell, Theodore M . Clerk N. J D. C. ... 1,400 Drayton, Jessie E Clerk S. C S. C 1,000 Lincoln Anne C Clerk Md D. C 1 000 Woodbury Emma A Clerk Vt 111 900 English, Annie M Clerk Va Va 720 Pritchard, S. Le Roy . ... Clerk D. C. D. C. . . 720 Roberts, Winthrop A Statistical agent .... Md . . . Md 1,400 Bower, Ward T Statistical agent Mich Mich 1 000 Greer, Rob. L Statistical agent W Va W. Va 1,000 Wilson, Allan E . . . Statistical agent D. C D. C 1,000 Dimick, Frederick F Local agent, Boston, Mass . . Mass . . . 300 Millet Arthur L Mass. Local agent Gloucester Mass Mass 600 VESSEL SERVICE. Steamer Albatross. Chamberlain Frederic M Mass. Naturalist Ind Ind 1 800 Radcliffe Lewis General assistant N. Y N. Y 1,200 Clark, Austin H Fishery expert . Mass Mass 1,200 Wells, Clarence E Clerk Cal Cal 1,000 Steamer Curlew. Crasser, Hugo Pilot Iowa . Iowa 1,100 Wollett William H Engineer W Va Ohio 1 100 Anderson Carl A Fireman Sweden Iowa 720 Williams, George W . . Cook. Va.. D. C. . 600 176 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR BUREAU OF FISHERIES Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. VESSEL SERVICE COn. Steamer Fish Hawk. Watson, Charles . . . . Cabin boy N. C. . . N. C. ... $480 Steamer Gannet. Greenleaf George W Master Me Me 1,200 Miller Joseph L Engineer Me Me 1,100 Thomas Scott W Seaman Me Me 540 Wells Ernest E Seaman Me Me.. 540 Schooner Grampus. Hanson, Gustav F. O . Master Sweden.. Mass . 1,500 Hoffs^s G Raymond Mate Me . Mass 1,080 Barrett Robert H Seaman N. S .. Mass 540 Carlson Gustav W Second mate .. . Sweden.. Mass . 840 Miller Carl E Seaman Sweden.. Mass . 540 Lunt George A. Cook Mass Mass 600 TTodgdon Donald F Cabin boy Me Me 420 Johnson Nels H Seaman Sweden.. Mass . 540 Steamer Phalarope. Veeder, Robert N Master Mass Mass 1 200 Rohmeling, Ernest W . . . . Engineer ... Germany Mass 1,100 Graves Harry Seaman Germany Mass . 540 Wilson, John M Mass 540 Erickson, Charles Cook Sweden Mass 600 Chamberlin, Fred L Mass Mass 720 STATIONS. Alpena, Mich. Thayer, William W Foreman Mich .... Mich.... 1,200 Cranson, Samuel E . Fish culturist Mich .... Mich.... 900 Baird, Cal. Superintendent Del. . . Cal 1,500 Bass Seymour S Foreman Cal Cal 1,080 Ball Edward M . Foreman Va Colo 900 Gray George H Laborer Md D.C 600 Mitchell Hugh C Laborer England . Colo 600 HasaelL Ernest V... Laborer. . . Cal.. Cal.. 540 OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. 177 BUREAU OF FISHERIES Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. STATIC N s continued . Baker Lake, Wash. Dinsmore Albert H Me Me $1, 500 Wentworth Edwin Fish culturist N. H.... N. H.... 900 Russell James R Laborer Nebr Wash 540 Whitney Henry G Laborer N. H .. N. H .. 540 Boothbay Harbor, Me. Hahn Edward E Superintendent Me Me 1,500 Rogers James R. B . . Fish culturist Del Mass .... 900 Sauerhoff Walter R Engineer Md Md 1,100 Reed Fred Fireman Me . . Me... 600 Gallant Prosper Fireman P. E. I . Me 600 Thomas Charles R Fireman Me Me 600 Mullins, John Me Me 600 Dorr Thomas H Laborer Me Me 600 Noyes Harry A Skilled laborer Me Me . . 780 Bozeman, Mont. Henshall, Dr. James A Jarvis William F Superintendent Fish culturist Md Mo Mont Mont 1,500 900 Grater Charles B Laborer N. H N. H 540 Bosworth, Homer C . . Laborer Colo Colo 540 Bryan Point, Md. Lindsey William T Custodian Md Md 360 Cape Vincent, N. Y. Green, Chester K Superintendent N. Y.... N. Y 1,500 Grant, George Skilled laborer N. Y.... N. Y.... 720 Snyder John P Machinist Pa . Pa 960 Maull, Harry C Fireman Pa Pa 720 Mason, Michael A Fireman N. Y.... N. Y.... 720 Day John A Laborer Md N Y 540 Goffin, Robert A Laborer Mass Mass 540 Clackamas, Or eg. O'Malley, Henry Superintendent Vt Wash 1,500 Kelly, Hercules L . Fish culturist Ores Wash 900 Rauch William E Laborer Oregr . Ores 720 4606408 12 178 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOK. BUREAU OF FISHERIES Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. STATIONS continued. Clackamas, Oreg. Con. L/euenberger John Laborer Switzer- Ore? ffifiOO Thompson, Anthony Laborer land. N. Dak Wash 600 Cold Springs, Ga. Stranahan John J . . Superintendent ... Ohio Ga 1 500 Guard, James E Fish culturist Va Ga 900 Lovejoy, Samuel Laborer Ga Ga 540 Self Edward M Laborer Ga Ga 540 Craigs Brook, Me. Atkins, Charles G Superintendent Me . Me 1 500 Grindle Clarence S Foreman Me Me 900 Gibbs Charles E Skilled laborer . . Me Me 600 Dorr, Roscoe E Laborer Me Me 540 Gray, Rufus E Laborer Me... Me 540 Duluih, Minn. Wires, Simon Peter . . Superintendent Ohio Minn 1 500 Baldridge, Lawyer E Foreman Ind.. . Minn 900 Pinkerton John A Fish culturist Mich Minn 900 Lindbck Lui Laborer Sweden Minn 600 Hughes Nelson R Laborer .... 111 111 600 Edenton, N. C. Worth Stephen G Superintendent N C N C 1 500 Haynes Edward M Fish culturist W. Va W Va 900 Bond, Dudley G Laborer N. C .... N. C , . 540 De Shields, Hoyt B Laborer Md N. C 540 Erwin, Tenn. Keesecker, Adrian G - Superintendent W. Va . . . Tenn. . . . 1,500 Gorham, William B Fish culturist D. C N. H.... 900 Allen George S Laborer ... Tenn . . . Tenn . . 540 Nelson, Isaac Laborer Tenn. . . . Tenn. . . . 540 Woodward Jacob E Laborer N C Tenn 540 Gloucester, Mass. Corliss Clifford G Superintendent Mass Mass ^ 1,500 Cunningham. Frederick W. Fish culturist . . Mass... Mass... 900 OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. 179 BUREAU OF FISHERIES Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. STATIONS continued. Gloucester, Mass. Con. Oliver Joseph. P Laborer Azores I . Mass .... $600 Davis Edwin D Laborer Mass Mass .... 600 Syms George J Laborer Mass Mass 600 Green Lake, Me. Race Edmund E Superintendent Me Me 1,500 Buck, William O . . . . Foreman Me Me 900 Drummpy ^/illiam J Fish culturist Me Me 900 Grace Frederick E Laborer Me Me 540 Spencer Rockwell S Laborer Me Me 540 Leadmlle, Colo. Thompson Western T Superintendent W Va Colo 1 500 Baldwin Owen N Foreman Pa Tex 1 200 Cokeley, Howard A Fish culturist W. Va... W. Va... 900 Kavana *!! Austin J Skilled laborer Mass Colo 720 Johnston Omar E Laborer W. Va Colo... 600 De Wolf, Stella I ... Cook Iowa . Colo 480 Mammoth Spring, Ark. Stapleton Mortimer F Superintendent Mich. Iowa 1,500 Cushman Oliver P Fish culturist Ind Ind.... 900 Oakes, Alfred Laborer Tenn Ark 540 Lucus John H Laborer Tenn Ark 540 Manchester t Iowa. Johnson Robert S Superintendent D. C Iowa . 1,500 Ainsworth George G Fish culturist Iowa Colo 900 Clark, IraB Laborer N. Y.... Iowa . 540 Rieger Frank J Laborer Iowa Iowa 540 Thorpe Alfred J Laborer Iowa .... Iowa 540 Nashua, N. H. Hubbard, Waldo F Superintendent N.H.... N. H 1,500 De Rocher James D Fish culturist Me N. H 900 Butterfield, Nathan E Laborer Vt N. H 540 Hubbard Harry E Laborer . . . Oreg N H 540 Neosho, Mo. Dean Herbert D Superintendent Mich Mo 1 500 Tribbs, Frank A.. Foreman. . Mich . . Mo.. 900 180 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR. BUREAU OF FISHERIES Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. STATIONS continued. Neosho, Mo. Continued. Neill George A Skilled laborer Mo Mo $720 Willis Henry C Laborer Tenn Mo 600 Northville, Mich. Clark Frank N Superintendent Mich Mich 1 500 Filkins Byron G Foreman Mich Mich 960 Stewart AT Fish culturist Mich .... Mich 900 Fuller Alfred E Skilled laborer Canada . . Mich .... 600 Van Atta Clyde H Laborer Mich Mich 540 Phillips Bert C Laborer Mich Mich 540 Put-in-Bay, Ohio. Downing Seth W Superintendent Ohio Ohio 1 500 Thomas William H Foreman Mass Mass 1,000 Leach Glen C Machinist Iowa . . . Mo 960 Bullock, Charles A Skilled laborer N. Y Ohio.. .. 600 Morrison Lloyd H Laborer Ohio Ohio 540 St. Johnsbury, Vt. Carter Edgar N Superintendent Wyo... Vt 1,500 Merrill Miltimore E Fish culturist Me Vt 900 Casler William A Skilled laborer N Y N Y 720 Butterfield George A . . Laborer Mich . . Mich 600 Weeks, Clarence B Laborer Vt Vt 600 San Marcos, Tex. Leary, John L Superintendent ... . Pa ... Tex 1,500 Biley, Mark Foreman N. J Tex 1,200 Forsyth, James, jr Fish culturist Tex Tex 900 Langguth, Theodore G Bagley, Ross Laborer Laborer Ill Tex Ind Tex 540 540 Burgess Albert Laborer Ill Tex 540 Spearfish, S. Dak. Booth, De Witt C Superintendent N Y S Dak 1,500 Allen, George R Fish culturist N. H . Vt 900 Bosanquet, George P Laborer England . Wvo... 540 Ainsworth, SethM.. Laborer... Iowa . . Iowa . . 540 OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. 181 BUREAU OF FISHERIES Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. STATIONS continued. Tupelo, Miss. Burnham Charles W Superintendent N. Y N. Y . . $1, 500 Vincent William S Fish culturist N. Y N. Y 900 Long Theodore D Laborer Tenn Miss 540 White Sulphur Springs, W.Va. Robinson Robert K. Superintendent W Va . W Va 1 500 Surber Thaddeus Fish culturist W Va .. W Va 900 Perry Archibald P Laborer W. Va W Va 540 Kipps Martin L Laborer Va. W Va .. 540 Surber, Ernest O Laborer W. Va . . W Va .. 540 Woods Hole, Mass. Locke Ezra F Superintendent Mass Mass 1 500 David George E .... Machinist Del Mass 960 Edwards Vinal N Fish culturist Mass Mass 900 Purdum, James K. P Pilot and collector Md Mass 720 Goffin, Robert G Fireman England Mass 600 Handy Harry H Fireman Mass Mass 600 Linnane Patrick C Fireman Mass Mass 600 Howes William L Skilled laborer Nebr Mass 600 Howes, Elijah S Laborer Mass Mass 540 Chapman, Edith M. Laborer Conn Mass 540 Voe^ele Frederick B Laborer W Va W Va 540 Wytheville, Va. Seagle, George A Superintendent Va Va 1 500 Culler, Clarence F Foreman W Va W Va 900 Davies, David Fish culturist Pa Ohio 900 Corvin James La F Laborer Va Va 540 Gilman, Michael G Laborer Va Va 360 Yes Bay, Alaska; Hatchery. Hancock, William K Superintendent Va Colo 1 500 Henkel, Carl P. ... Fish culturist Va Mo 900 Bowers, John S Skilled laborer . . W Va Orpe- 780 Caspersen, Thorerim. . Skilled laborer . . Nor wa v . Alaska 780 182 DEPARTMENT OF COMMEECE AND LABOR. BUREAU OF FISHERIES Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. STATIONS continued . Yes Bay, Alaska; Hatch- ery Continued. Hansen Louis H Laborer Norway . Alaska $720 Bradin, Clark Laborer N.Y N.Y 720 Kemmerich Joseph Laborer Wash Wash 720 Butler Joseph Cook Mass .. Alaska 900 EMPLOYEES AT LARGE. Baker Lake, Wash. Wallich Claudius Field superintendent Ohio Oreg 1,800 Quincy, III. Bartlett, Sylvester P Field superintendent 111 111 1,800 In the field. Sauerhoff, William P Fish culturist Md Md 960 Winn, Dennis Fish culturist Ireland . . N. H.... 960 Baur, John P Fish culturist D. C Ill 900 Brown George W. N Fish culturist Tenn Tenn 900 Glennan, James J Machinist . . . D. C D. C 960 Gleason, Michael Machinist Mass Md 960 Lynch, William H Machinist Pa Pa 960 Owens Robert W Machinist Va D. C .. 960 Sofford William H Machinist Md Mass 960 Gardner, Joseph W Coxswain Mass Mass 720 Story, John A Coxswain Me Me 720 DISTRIBUTION EMPLOYEES. In the field. Canfield Harry L Car captain Wis Wis 1,200 Daniels John L Car captain W. Va . . . W. Va . . . 1,200 Morgan, William E . . Car captain W. Va . . . W. Va . . . 1,200 Pearce Capt Thomas C Car captain Ohio . . Ill 1,200 Smith, William E Car captain N. Y.... Ill 1,200 Brittain, William H Car messenger D. C D. C 1,000 Burnham Edwin K Car messenger N. Y . Mich .... 1,000 Everette, John L Car messenger W. Va . . . W. Va . . . 1,000 Gill Gilbert H Car messenger Md Md ... . 1,000 Hopper George L .... Car messenger Md N. J 1,000 StumiD, Parran M.. Car messenger. . . W. Va.. Va.. 1,000 OFFICEKS AND EMPLOYEES. 183 BUREAU OF FISHERIES Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. DISTRIBUTION EM- PLOYEES con. In the field Con. Clendening Harry L . . Assistant car messenger . W. Va . . . W. Va . . . $900 Kerth, Alexander H Assistant car messenger . Ind Ind 900 Stapleton John J Assistant car messenger Mass Mass 900 Thompson, Eben P Assistant car messenger . N. Y N. H.... 900 Wiest Lewis Assistant car messenger . W. Va . . . W. Va . . 900 Fearnow, George S Car laborer W. Va . . . W. Va . . . 720 Holtzclaw, William B Car laborer Va W. Va . . . 720 Kerns, Jacob H. F Car laborer W. Va... W. Va 720 Lee James J Car laborer N. H N. H 720 Foley James P Car laborer Mass . . Mass 720 Boom John Car cook Md D. C . 600 Fraser Charles Car cook W Va Md 600 Parker, Joseph Car cook Md Md 600 Shorter, Henry B Car cook D. C D. C 600 Walker J Frank Car cook . . W. Va W. Va 600 MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSES. Brown, Albert K Laborer D. C N. Y P. m. 55 Flood William H Laborer Ill D C p m 55 Woodward, Charles A Laborer D. C W. Va . . . P.m. 55 Farmer Ernest Laborer England . D. C P. m. 55 Lynnhaven, Va. Croonenberghs Emile M H Supervisor of oyster cul- Belgium Va 480 Woods Hole, Mass. SiinrT>pr Dr Francis B ture. Scientific assistant . . Conn N Y p m 100 SALMON FISHERIES OP ALASKA. Marsh, Millard C Agent N. Y N Y 2 500 Cobb, John N Assistant agent N J Pa 2 000 BUREAU OF NAVIGATION. NAME. Official title- Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion.* Chamberlain, Eugene T . . N. Y N. Y.. .. $4,000 Sanders, T. Bradford Deputy commissioner. . . Mass Me 2,400 Lytle William M Chief clerk Ohio Ohio 2 000 Ferrow, George S Clerk Pa N. Y . 1 800 Tyrer, Arthur J Clerk Minn Wash. . . . 1,800 Gray, William H Clerk to commissioner. . . Ill Ill 1,600 Moran, Mary E Clerk Canada Minn 1 600 Bickel, Harvey C Clerk Pa .. . Pa 1,400 Curry, Cora C Clerk Ohio.. . Ind 1,400 Webber Charlotte B Clerk Kv Kv 1 400 Clarke Joseph F . Clerk N Y N Y 1 200 Lowell, Louise Clerk Me Me 1,200 Powell, Mrs. Catherine L. . Clerk Va Va 1,200 Wheeler Nellie Clerk Mo Mo 1 200 Thornton Ethel R Clerk D C Tex 1 000 Waldo, Mrs. Mary B Clerk Va 111 1,000 Alger, William Edwin Clerk . . N. Y N. Y 900 Gavagan, Edward F Clerk Ireland . . N. Y 900 Heath Clifton C Clerk R I R I 900 Keeler, Joseph M. Clerk N. Y N. Y 900 Rule, William S Clerk Ky Ky . 900 Earle, John Messenger N. J Mich 840 Brown George H Assistant messenger Va Va 720 SHIPPING SERVICE. Baltimore, Md. Kirwan, Albert C Shipping POTiimiiflsirtTier Md Md 2,500 Dunn, Thorny M, B, Clerk Md Md 900 Bath, Me. Morse George W Shipping commissioner Me Me 2,500 Belfast, Me. Burgess. Gershom L . . ShiDDin? commissioner . Me.. Me.. 2,000 1 Compensation shown for the employees in shipping service is the maximum compensation per annum. (184) OFFICEKS AND EMPLOYEES. 185 BUREAU OF NAVIGATION Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. SHIPPING SERVICE COn. Boston, Mass. Grant Ernest B Shipping commissioner Me . ... Mass . . . $2,500 Murphy Francis Clerk Mass .... Mass 1,200 Dyer Charles G Clerk Me Mass 1,000 Castine, Me. Goss John L Shipping commissioner N. Y . Me . .. 2,000 Gloucester, Mass. McDonald, Roderick Shipping commissioner . Canada . . Mass 2,000 Honolulu, Hawaii. Almy Henry M. Shipping commissioner . Mass . . . Hawaii 2,500 Mobile, Ala. Hotchkin Frank S Shipping rom mission fir N Y Ala p m 100 New Bedford, Mass. Hathaway, Henry C Shipping commissioner . Mass Mass 2,000 New Orleans, La. "RfllimfiTm Jjvmps f! Shipping rom mission fir La La 2,500 Flynne, James E Clerk N Y La 840 New York, N. Y. Hanbury Harry A Shipping fom mission fir England N Y 5 000 McGuirk, Michael J Clerk N Y N Y 1,320 Baer, Gustave Clerk N. Y N Y 1,200 Mahony, James Clerk Ireland . . N. Y . 1,200 Bullock, Marion L Clerk Mass N J 1 080 TTflTv^y, Ch&rles J Clerk . N Y N Y 1 080 Pasqualino, Frank Clerk N. Y N Y 1 020 Price, Theodore S Clerk 111 N Y 1,020 Symes, John J. N Clerk N Y N Y 900 Manner, John J Janitor N Y N Y 750 Norfolk, Va. Bullock, Alphonso M Shipping commissioner . Va Va . . 2,000 Pascagoula, Miss. Alley, Cadmus H. . Shipping commissioner . Va.. Miss.. 2,000 186 DEPAETMENT OF COMMEECE AND LABOE. BUREAU OF NAVIGATION Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. SHIPPING SERVICE COD. Pensacola, Fla. Potter, William W Shipping commissioner . N. B . . . . Fla $2,000 Philadelphia, Pa. Smith, Augustin R Shipping pommifisionpr Pa . . Pa 2,900 Hogan, John J Clerk Pa Pa .... 1,200 McKenna, Michael J Clerk Pa Pa 1 080 McGrogan, Edward J Clerk Pa Pa 1,020 Port Townsend, Wash. ICnox Jam PR Shipping rommipsionpr 111 Wash 3 000 Goodrich, Charles F . Clerk. 111 Wash 1,260 Swift, Orlando J. H .... Clerk Ohio . . Wash... 1,200 Peterson A Henry Clerk Sweden N Y 1 080 Reynolds Smith E Clerk Va Va 960 Gehr, Herbert B Clerk 111 Wash 900 Russell, Robert L Clerk Ores . . Oregr . 900 Portland, Me. Prindable John D Shipping commissioner Me . . Me . . 2,500 Gallagher, John T . . Clerk Me Me .... 800 Providence, R. I. Frppmfvn .Tqmpp "P Shipping rommiRflionpr R. I R. I . 2,000 Nichols Leonard . Clerk Mass . . R. I 600 RocJcland, Me. Tibbetts William F Shipping rnmmiRsioner Me . .. Me 2,000 Campbell, Joseph A Clerk (to act as janitor) . . Me Me...... 300 San Francisco, Cal. Knight Charles E Shipping commissioner . Cal Cal 4,000 Curtin, Joseph F . . . Clerk Mass Cal 1,620 Groth Henry W Clerk Cal . . Cal 1,320 Varnes, William J Clerk Pa Cal 1,020 Wochos, Jacob J Clerk Wis Oreg . . 1, 020 Banks John W Clerk La Cal. ... 960 Peach Clyde L Clerk Mo Wash. . . . 900 Robinson Leighton Clerk Great Cal 900 Britain. BUREAU OF IMMIGRATION AND N ATU R ALIZATION. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensation. Sargent Frank P CoTn mi PBl On Pr-PJPTlPT&l Vt Ill $5 000 00 Lamed Frank H of immigration. Assistant c o m m i a - Va Md . . 3, 000 00 Wiggin Aloysius R sioner-general of immigration. 1 Private secretary Mass D C 1 800 00 Andrews Wells F Statistician and ste- Mich Mich 2 000 00 Clark James A . . nographer. Clerk . N Y Md 1 800 00 Heberle, John J Clerk N Y N Y 1 800 00 Crosland, David F Clerk S. C Ga 1, 600 00 Gere A Raymond Clerk Pa Pa 1 600 00 Sheibley William B Clerk Pa Pa 1 600 00 Blandy, Howard M Clerk D C N J 1 400 00 Haas, Elmer F Clerk Pa Pa 1 400 00 Manville, Lor en R . . . Clerk Iowa Iowa 1 400 00 Avery Fred S Clerk Mich Mich 1 400 00 Peters William J ... Clerk Ohio Ohio 1 400 00 Molzahn, Herman E .... Clerk Germany Minn 1 200 00 Miller, Daniel E Clerk Pa Pa 1 200 00 Brand J Stewart Clerk Va Va 1 000 00 Carraway John F Clerk Miss Miss 1 000 00 Dutton, Clarence B ... Clerk Mass Mass 1 000 00 Mason, Samuel W Clerk Va Va 1 000 00 Russell, Leo B Clerk D. C D. C 1 000 00 Schnare, Lester L Clerk Wis Fla 1 000 00 Wixon, Irving F . . Clerk Mass Mass 1 000 00 Levy, Michael A Copyist Pa Pa 900 00 Bixler, J. Louis Copyist Pa Pa 900 00 Richards, James H., jr. . . Wagner, William H Copyist CoDvist . . Ga Mass Ga Mass 900. 00 900 00 Butler, Jeremiah M Messenger Md . . N Y 840 00 Washington, James H Robinson, John . . Messenger Assistant messene-er. . . Va W. Va.. Va W. Va. . 840.00 720 00 l Also acts as chief clerk and actuary. (187) 188 DEPAKTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR. BUREAU OF IMMIGRATION AND NATURALIZATION Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensation. DETAILED TO BUREAU. O'Donnell Roger .. Special immigrant in- spector. Special immigrant in- spector. 1 Chief inspector N. Y.... Va Ohio N. Y.... D. C.... Ohio $2, 500. 00 2, 750. 00 2, 250. 00 2,000.00 2, 250. 00 3, 500. 00 2, 500. 00 1, 800. 00 1, 800. 00 1, 800. 00 1, 600. 00 1, 600. 00 1, 600. 00 1, 400. 00 1, 400. 00 1, 400. 00 1, 400. 00 1, 400. 00 1, 200. 00 1, 200. 00 1, 200. 00 1, 200. 00 1, 200. 00 1, 200. 00 1, 200. 00 1, 000. 00 1, 000. 00 1, 000. 00 1, 000. 00 900.00 Parker, Alfred W Pittenger Hal L .. Watts, Frederick, jr Special immigrant in- spector. Immigrant inspector. . Chief, Division of Naturalization. Assistant chief, Div. of Naturalization. Clerk Pa Ill Va Ill Ohio W. Va... Mich .... Md N. Y.... Ill Va D. C.... Ind W. Va... Minn Ohio Wilkinson, Webster H . . . DIVISION OP NATURALI- ZATION. Campbell, Richard K Crist, Raymond F Bevington, Morris R . . . . Jacob Samuel jr Clerk Clerk Sturges Merton A Evans, Charles D Clerk Monk, Frederic H Clerk Clerk Clerk Clerk Clerk N. Y.... Pa N. Y. ... Va D. C N. Y.... Pa N. Y.... W. Va... DC.. Wagner, J. Henri Brown Robert P Earner Frank T Shoemaker, Thomas B . . . Weidemann, Clarence C.. Woulf e Louis V Clerk D. C D. C Clerk Clerk.. Clerk D. C Pa D C D. C Pa D. C ... Brooks J Lester Coombs John S Doran, Edward B Clerk Cal Clerk Pa Cal Minn Tenn.... D. C.... N J Greeley James P Pastorfield, Martin D . . . . Peake, William T Thomas George H Clerk 1 Del Clerk I T). fl Clerk N J Davis Archie W Clerk Clerk Clerk Clerk D. C R. I D. C Ohio D. C. . D. C. ... R.I Md Ohio .... N. J.. McKenna, Daniel P. J. . . Rynex Frank R Stanforth Homer L McRae Kenneth D CoDvist Employed in Alexandria, Va. OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. 189 BUREAU OF IMMIGRATION AND NATURALIZATION Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensation. DIVISION OF NATURALIZA- TION continued. .;'? . !.. Myers, Bert Copyist . . Pa Pa $900. 00 Wolfley, William Messenger N. Y.... N. Y.... 840. 00 Richardson Robert F Assistant messenger Va D C 720 00 DIVISION OP INFORMA- TION. Powderly, Terence V Chief .' Pa Pa 3, 500. 00 Donahue, Peter A Assistant chief N. Y IU 2, 500. 00 Eby, Charles S Clerk Pa Pa 1, 800. 00 Phillips Francis J Clerk N Y N. Y 1,600 00 Kimmel, George P Clerk Kans Kans 1,400 00 Watson, Robert Clerk Mass . Mass . . 1, 400. 00 Hagy, John K Clerk Pa Pa 1, 200. 00 Lingamfelter, Newton S. . Clerk W. Va... W. Va... 900.00 Blackwell Callos R Messenger Va Va 840 00 EMPLOYEES AT LARGE. Gain, Seid Chinese interpreter . . . Ores: . Ores: . . 1, 600. 00 Reynolds, James B Chinese inspector N. Y N. Y p. d. 20. 00 IMMIGRATION SERVICE AT LARGE. Ellis Island Station. Murray Joseph Asst. commissioner . . . Superintendent Ireland . . Germany N. Y.... N. Y.... N. J Germany N. Y.... N. Y.... Mont.... Russia . . Belgium . Del Pa Germany Italv . . N. Y.... N. Y.... N. Y.... N. Y.... N. J N.Y.... N. Y.... N. Y.... Mont N. Y.... N.Y.... N. Y.... Pa N. Y.... N. Y.. $4, 500. 00 p. d. 8.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 2, 500. 00 2, 500. 00 2, 500. 00 2,500.00 2,500.00 2, 000. 00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2, 000. 00 1, 800. 00 1. 800. 00 Dobler Roman Baker, Percy A . ... Immigrant inspector. . Immigrant inspector. . Immigrant inspector. . Immigrant inspector . . Immigrant inspector . . Immigrant inspector. . Immigrant inspector. . Immigrant inspector. . Immigrant inspector. . Immigrant inspector. . Immigrant inspector. . Immigrant inspector. . Immigrant inspector. . Cowen, Philip Crater Robert S Junker William E McKee, John J O'Connor, John J Rotz Homer W Bostroem, August W Parbury, Charles P Toner, James J Weihe, Frederick W. C . . Bock, William Di Miceli, Joseph . . 190 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR. IMMIGRATION SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. NAME. + Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensation. Ellis Island Station Con. Fitzgerald, Jeremiah B. . Jankovski, Vincent F Keep, Cassius L Immigrant inspector. . Immigrant inspector. . Immigrant inspector N. Y.... Russia . . Pa N. Y.... N. Y.... Pa $1,800.00 1, 800. 00 1,800.00 1,800.00 1, 800. 00 1,800.00 1,800.00 , 800. 00 ,800.00 ,800.00 , 800. 00 , 800. 00 ,800.00 1,800.00 1, 600. 00 ,600.00 ,600.00 , 600. 00 ,600.00 ,600.00 1, 600. 00 1,400.00 1,400.00 1, 400. 00 1,400.00 1,400.00 1, 400. 00 1, 400. 00 1, 200. 00 1, 200. 00 1, 200. 00 1,200.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 p. d. 7.00 p. d. 6. 85 p. d. 6.00 p. d. 6.00 Mann, John F Immigrant inspector. . Immigrant inspector. . Immigrant inspector . N. Y.... N. Y.... N.J. ... N. Y.... N.Y.... N. Y Mitchell, Robert C Newburn Walter jr Piaggio, Vincent Immigrant inspector . . La. La Scarlett William Immigrant inspector N -T N.J Schwartz Daniel Immigrant inspector. . Immigrant inspector. . Immigrant inspector . . Immigrant inspector. . Immigrant inspector. . Immigrant inspector Austria . . Russia . . Sweden.. Ohio N.Y.... Pa N. Y.... R. I Semler, Samuel J Smith, Sven A N. Y.... Ohio N. Y.... N Y Snider, Harvey E Tuttle Frederick A Wenrich, Richard C. N . . Levy William V Immigrant inspector. . Immigrant inspector. . Immigrant inspector N. Y.... N. Y.... Md N.J N.Y.... N. Y Murphy Charles E Sparklin, Norbourn J Tedesco, Andrew J Immigrant inspector. . Immigrant inspector. . Immigrant inspector. . Immigrant inspector Hungary N. Y.... D.C.... Va .. . N. Y.... N.J N. Y.... Va Watson, William S Willett John J Yates, J. William, jr . . . . Bawor, Karl Immigrant inspector. . Immigrant inspector. . Immigrant inspector. . Immigrant inspector. . Immigrant inspector . . Immigrant inspector. . Immigrant inspectress Immigrant inspector. . Immigrant inspector.. Immigrant inspector.. Russia . . Ireland . . N. Y.... Wis N. Y.... N. Y.... Mich D. C Ga Pa Ohio N. Y.... N. Y.... Wis N. Y.... N. Y.... N. Y.... N. Y N. Y N. Y Beggs, James Connor John A Folkmar, Dr. Daniel Schlamm, Nathaniel G.. Tompkins, Samuel C Bullis Helen M Johnson, Solomon Robinson, David Powers, Albert Raby, Robert C Immigrant inspector.. Immigrant inspector Tex N J N. Y N. Y.... South wick, Jonathan R. . Walker, Lome B Immigrant inspector N. S .. . N. J Schell, Augustus P . . . Immigrant inspector. . Immigrant inspector.. Immigrant inspector Ky Canada . . N. Y Mass Healy David Wash.... N. Y Eppler, Samuel A Lee. Timothv F.. Immierant inspector.. Ireland . . N. Y... OFFICEKS AND EMPLOYEES. 191 IMMIGRATION SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensation. Ellis Island Station Con. Semsey, Charles .... Immigrant inspector.. Immigrant inspector.. Immigrant inspector. . Immigrant inspector. . Tmmigra,Tit inspector . Hungary. Ohio N. Y Ohio p. d. $6.00 p. d. 6.00 p. d. 6.00 p. d. 5.00 p. d. 5.00 p. d. 5.00 p. d. 5.00 p. d. 5.00 p. d. 5.00 p. d. 5.00 p. d. 5.00 p. d. 5.00 p. d. 5.00 p. d. 5.00 p. d. 5.00 p. d. 5. 00 p. d. 5.00 p. d. 5.00 p. d. 5.00 p. d. 5.00 p. d. 5.00 p. d. 5.00 p. d. 5.00 p. d. 5.00 p. d. 5.00 p. d. 5.00 p. d. 5.00 p. d. 4.00 1,400.00 1, 400. 00 1, 400. 00 1,400.00 1,400.00 1, 400. 00 1,300.00 1,300.00 1, 300. 00 1. 300. 00 Smiley, Milton Weldon Joseph. N. Y Pa N. Y . . N. Y Pa N. Y Bechtel, Thomas E Behlert, Charles L . . . . Biglin, Philip S Immigrant inspector.. Pa N. Y . Brophy, Michael F Immigrant inspector.. N. Y N. Y . . Brown, Ray S Immigrant inspector.. Immigrant inspector.. Immigrant inspector.. Immigrant inspector. . N. Y Conn Sweden.. Cal . . . N. Y N. Y N. Y N. H Bruno, William Conradson, Richard W... Converse, Ralph D Doremus, Robert A Immigrant inspector.. N. Y.... N. Y Eager, James H. L Immigrant inspector.. Pa Pa Elliott, Richard B . Immigrant inspector.. Immigrant inspector.. Immigrant inspector.. Immigrant inspector. . Ohio Ohio English, Charles F . . . Iowa Mont N. Y N. Y Flannery, Edward L . . . . Howard, William V N. Y Miss . . Jackson, Milton P Immigrant inspector.. Immigrant inspector.. Immigrant inspector.. Immigrant inspector. . Immigrant inspector.. Ohio Ireland.. Md Oreg N. Y.. . N. Y N. Y Md N. Y N. Y Leonard, William. . Macatee, Frank B Odeneal, Arthur J Schlaar, William F Raczkiewicz, John Immigrant inspector.. Immigrant inspector German Poland. Pa N. Y N Y Spear, Charles W Thiess, Augustus Immigrant inspector.. Immigrant inspector.. Germany N. Y.... N. Y N. Y Thompson, Clarence A... Warren, Eugene M Immigrant inspector.. Immigrant inspector. . Interpreter Mich N. Y Italy Hungary. Hungary. Bohemia. Italy Hungary. Turkey.. Syria Russia. . . Turkev.. N. Y D. C N. J N Y Craigwell, Ernest Andreaccio, Domenico J. Grunik, George Interpreter Gyory, Joseph . . . Interpreter N Y Jenik, Louis Interpreter N. Y N. Y N. Y N. Y N. Y Ill N. Y... Martoccia, Frank Interpreter Stierheim, Julius.. Interpreter Arachtingi, August J Barbari, Samuel D Interpreter Interpreter Becker-man, Emanuel M . Christopher, Demetrius . . Interpreter Interpreter . . 192 DEPAKTMENT OF COMMEKCE AND LABOR. IMMIGRATION SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensation. Ellis Island Station Con. di Giovanni, Frederick C. Interpreter Italy... N. J $1,300 00 Forman Eniil Interpreter A u s t r o- N. Y 1 300 00 Holmgren Nels Interpreter Hun. Sweden.. Wash.... 1,300 00 Mikolainis, Peter Interpreter Russia . . . N. Y 1, 300. 00 Newman Edward L Interpreter Hungary N. Y 1,300 00 Prisco Nicola Interpreter Italy . . N. Y.... 1, 300 00 Rothe Frederick Interpreter Holland . N. Y 1, 300. 00 Backman, John Interpreter Finland.. N. J 1, 200. 00 Bishara Habib A Interpreter Syria N. Y . 1, 200 00 Camara John J Interpreter Portugal N. Y.... 1, 200. 00 Constantine, Menelas E . Interpreter Rouma- N. Y 1, 200. 00 Dworzecki Anthony Interpreter nia. Russia Pa 1, 200 00 Frabasilis Anthony Interpreter Italv N. Y 1, 200. 00 Hofherr Paul Interpreter Rouma- N. Y 1, 200. 00 La Guardia Fiorello H Interpreter nia. N. Y N. Y 1, 200 00 Lichtenstein Joseph M Interpreter Russia . . N.Y ... 1, 200. 00 Rahmu Magnus A Interpreter Sweden. . N.Y 1, 200. 00 Volovick, Reuben Interpreter Russia N.Y 1, 200. 00 von Stamp Hendric M Interpreter Denmark N.Y ... 1, 200. 00 F. V. Vulcheff Mindo G Interpreter Bulgaria. N.Y 1, 200. 00 Yovtcheff Mrs Eleonora Interpreter Turkey N.Y . 1, 000. 00 Uhl Byron H Chief clerk Ind N.Y .... 2, 500. 00 Paul Charles H Law clerk and insp Kans ... Nebr .... 2, 500. 00 Fry, Alfred B Chief engineer and N.Y N.Y 1, 200. 00 Howell Franks superintendent, etc. Civil engineer . N.Y .... N.Y 2, 500. 00 Lee, Lawrence P .... Clerk Ireland . . N.Y 2, 500. 00 Sherman Augustus F Clerk Pa N.Y 2, 000. 00 Dolfini, Henry J Clerk Switzer- N.Y 1, 400. 00 Easby Thomas B Clerk land. D. C .... N.Y 1, 400. 00 Greiner, John B Clerk Ohio N.Y 1, 400. 00 Hayes Frank Clerk N.Y .... N.Y. ... 1, 400. 00 Heinrich, Adolph J Clerk N.Y N.Y 1, 400. 00 Kane. John J. . Clerk.. 'N.Y.. N.Y... 1,400.00 OFFICEES AND EMPLOYEES. 193 IMMIGRATION SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensation. Ellis Island Station Con. Maasch Frederick W C Clerk Germany N J $1, 400. 00 Morrison Paul F Clerk Pa N.Y . . 1, 400. 00 Rankin Richard Clerk . .. N.Y N.Y 1, 400. 00 Sch wart ing John H Clerk . . N. Y N.Y 1, 400. 00 Van Norman, William R. V^yman John H Clerk Clerk Pa NY... N.J N.Y 1, 400. 00 1, 400. 00 Allen Lewis H Clerk . .' N.Y .... N.Y .. . 1, 200. 00 Ban* Archibald L Clerk N.Y..... N.Y 1, 200. 00 Briggs Owen L Clerk N.Y N.Y 1, 200. 00 Buckley Alice J Clerk Conn Conn 1, 200. 00 Darling Frank K Clerk 111 .... Nebr 1, 200. 00 Lynch Daniel E Clerk Md Md .. . 1, 200. 00 Marshall George Clerk S. C Nebr .... 1, 200. 00 Nicholson Thomas R Clerk England N Y 1, 200. 00 Nolte John J Clerk Germany N Y 1, 200. 00 Powlesland Ulysses G Clerk N.Y N.Y 1, 200. 00 Prokupek Anna Clerk Austria . . N.Y .. . 1, 200. 00 Rooney Annette M Clerk Scotland N Y 1, 200. 00 Smith William Clerk N Y N Y 1, 200. 00 Tuller William Clerk N.Y .... N.Y 1, 200. 00 Turner William H Clerk N.Y N.Y .... 1, 200. 00 Young, Samuel Clerk N.Y N.Y 1, 200. 00 Abbott Eugene P Clerk N.Y . . N Y 1, 000. 00 Bryant Charles W Clerk N. Y N Y 1,000.00 Bushman Grover D Clerk N. Y.... N. Y 1, 000. 00 Cheney Nora Clerk Mass Mass 1, 000 00 Coghlan Joseph J Clerk Ireland N Y 1,000 00 Doyle John E Clerk N. Y N Y 1,000 00 Fraser James S Clerk N. S N Y 1, 000. 00 Gillan Peter Clerk Ireland N Y 1 000 00 Goldfard Irving J Clerk England N Y 1 000 00 Kershaw, John L Clerk N. Y.... N. Y. . 1, 000. 00 Koepke Paul Clerk Germany N Y 1 000 00 Levegood, Earle E Clerk Pa N Y 1, 000 00 Lynch, James G Clerk N. Y.... N. Y 1, 000. 00 MacLennan, Frank Clerk Ireland N Y 1 000 00 Mclvor, Peter.. .. Clerk Ireland N Y 1 000 00 Merkle, Alfred I Clerk N. J N J 1 000 00 4606408 13 194 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR. IMMIGRATION SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. NAME. * Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensation. Ellis Island Station Con. Miles Francis J ... Clerk . . N. Y. .. N. Y $1 000 00 Montgomery, Walter Clerk N. Y N. Y . 1, 000 00 Simon, Nathan Clerk '. N. Y.... N. Y.... 1, 000. 00 Smith Clarence B Clerk N. Y . N. Y 1 000 00 Auchmoody, Wright L Clerk N. Y N. Y 900 00 Corcoran John A. Clerk Ireland N Y 900 00 Jenkins, John W Clerk N. Y N. Y... 900. 00 Mayper Joseph Clerk Russia N Y 900 00 Slauson Annie E Clerk N. Y . N Y 900 00 Vallely John S Clerk N. Y. N. Y 900 00 Young, Robert A Clerk Ohio N. Y. . 900 00 Busch Lillian E Stenographer and N Y N Y 1 000 00 Buttermilk, Emil E typewriter. Stenographer and NY' N Y 1 200 00 Clarke, Katherine M typewriter. Stenographer and N. Y.... N. Y .. 1, 200. 00 Conry Thomas J typewriter. Stenographer and Ireland N Y 1 400 00 Finn, S. Catharine .. typewriter. Stenographer and N. Y. N. Y 1, 200. 00 Findlay Alice typewriter. Stenographer and Pa N Y 1 200 00 Janneman, George H Kelly, James J typewriter. Stenographer and typewriter. Stenographer and N. Y.... N. Y.... N. Y.... N. Y 1, 100. 00 1, 400. 00 Lloyd Raymond S typewriter. Stenographer and Pa N. Y 1,400 00 Lovejoy, Clarence E typewriter. Stenographer and N. Y.... Ala 1, 400. 00 Lowrey, Vinnie M typewriter. Stenographer and N Y N. Y 1, 400. 00 Meyer, Charles M typewriter. Stenographer and N. Y.... N. Y.... 1, 000. 00 Morehouse, Eugene typewriter. Stenographer and N. Y N. Y.... 1, 400. 00 Stimpson, Norman M typewriter. Stenographer and typewriter. N. Y.... N. Y.... 1, 400. 00 OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. 195 IMMIGRATION SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensation. Ellis Island Station Con. Zikmund Louis Stenographer and N. Y... N. Y $1, 400. 00 Blumenthal, Frances Oosterhoudt, Emma B . . . Barlow Leuella S typewriter. Typewriter Typewriter Copyist N. Y.... N. Y.... N Y N. Y.... N. Y.... N. Y 1, 000. 00 1, 200. 00 1, 000. 00 Pellenz, Mrs. Emma M. . . Copyist , N. Y.... N. Y.... 1, 000. 00 Shotwell Ida F CoDvist N. Y. . N. Y .. 1, 000. 00 Siemers Marie L Copyist . N. Y N. Y 1, 000. 00 Tanner Harriet F Copyist . . Ind N. Y 1, 000.00 Alexander, Sara H Copyist . . N. Y.... N. Y 900. 00 Gibson Mary A Copyist N Y N. J 900.00 Kelly Genevieve C Copyist N. Y.. N. Y.. 900. 00 Linnett Edith K Copyist England . N. Y 900. 00 Martin , Alice M . . ... Copyist . N. Y.... N. Y.... 900. 00 Moran, Lillian A Copyist . . N. Y.... N. Y.... 900. 00 Pollak Frances M Copyist N Y N Y 900 00 Travis Grace E Copyist N. Y N. Y . 900. 00 Gilgar, Edward J Assistant telep hone N. Y... N. Y.... 1, 200. 00 Budde Frederick L operator. Bookkeeper Germany N. Y 1 400 00 Walsh Robert Special messenger Ireland N. Y 1, 000. 00 Berman, Harry Messenger N. Y.. N. Y.. 840. 00 Du^an Edgar M Messenger N Y N Y 840 00 Finley. Wayne Messenger W. Va... W. Va... 840. 00 Jackson Howard M Messenger Ohio N. Y 840 00 Johnson, Harry R . Messenger N. Y.. N. Y . 840.00 Zucker, Charles Messenger Russia . . N. Y 840. 00 Kraft, John Laborer N. Y.... N. Y.... p. d. 2. 50 Trueman Silas W Laborer N. J N. Y p d 2 50 Wilson, Alexander H . Laborer . . . N. C N. Y p d 2 50 Zimmon, William Laborer N. Y.. . N. Y.. p. d. 2 50 Acker, Biedrich S Laborer N. Y.... N. Y.. p. d. 2.25 Laborer N Y N Y p d 2 25 Barnett, Benjamin . . Laborer N. Y. N Y p d 2 25 Brown, Charles Laborer Ireland N. Y p d 2.25 Byrne, Edward T Laborer N Y N Y p d 2 25 Cahill , Cornelius Laborer N. Y N Y p d 2 25 Calabrese, James Laborer Italy N Y p d 2 25 Cambria, Frank . . Laborer... Italy.. N. Y.. p. d. 2.25 196 DEPAETMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR. IMMIGRATION SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensation. Ellis Island Station Con. D6vin6 Frank Laborer N. Y . N. Y . p d $2 25 Ewald Peter Laborer . . N. Y.... N. Y.. p. d. 2 25 Fitzgerald, Edmund P. . . Frankel Harry Laborer Laborer N. Y.... Russia N. Y.... N. Y p. d. 2.25 p d 2 25 Fridman Kalman Laborer Hungary N. Y.. p. d. 2 25 Friedlander Charles Laborer N. Y N. Y.... p. d 2.25 Garrity, Patrick Laborer N. Y.... N. Y.... p. d. 2.25 Kiernan Michael Laborer N. Y N. Y p. d. 2 25 Lehan Thomas Laborer Ireland N. Y.. p. d. 2.25 McEnroe, James . . Laborer Ireland . . N. Y.... p. d. 2.25 Martin Edward Laborer N Y N. Y p d 2 25 Masterson William T Laborer N. Y. N. Y p. d. 2.25 Reilly Thomas A Laborer N. Y.. . N. Y.... p. d. 2.25 Schuttinger August Laborer N Y N Y 'p d 2 25 Smith James Laborer N. Y N. Y p d 2 25 Stark Adolf Laborer Austria . N. Y.. p. d. 2.25 Steinbrecher, Frank Laborer Germany. N. Y.... p. d. 2.25 Zacro, Frank Laborer Italy . . N. Y.... p. d. 2.25 Begley James Laborer Ireland N. Y 720.00 Bambury Patrick Laborer Ireland . N. Y.. 720.00 Bannon John J Laborer U. S N. Y.... 720.00 Brown, Robert S . . Laborer N. Y.... N. Y.... 720.00 Christiansen Mathias Laborer Germany N. Y 720. 00 Connors James Laborer N. Y.... N. Y.. . 720.00 Creamer Thomas Laborer Ireland . . N. Y.... 720.00 Dohrenwend, Gustavus.. GilligfiTi Thorn 3,p Laborer Laborer N. Y.... N. Y . N. Y.... N. Y.. 720.00 720. 00 Higins Michael A Laborer N. J N. Y . . . . 720.00 Hughes, James Laborer Ireland . . N. Y.... 720.00 Kane John Laborer N. Y N.Y 720.00 Kiernan John J Laborer N. Y N. Y 720.00 Lundgren, John Laborer Sweden.. N.Y 720.00 Lynch Patrick Laborer Ireland N.Y 720.00 Madill, Robert Laborer Ireland . . N.Y 720.00 Merry, Patrick C Laborer N. Y N.Y 720. 00 Mickins William Laborer Fla N.Y 720. 00 Milewski Anton L Laborer Austria . . Md 720.00 Nelson, Lauemee J Laborer U. S N.Y 720.00 Perst. Auerust C.. ir... Laborer. . . N. J.. N. J.. 720. 00 OFFICEES AND EMPLOYEES. 197 IMMIGRATION SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensation. Ellis Island Station Con. Pryor Levi Laborer Va N.Y $720. 00 Ryan Cornelius E .... Laborer Ireland . . N. J 720. 00 Schweppenhauser Mat- Laborer N Y N Y 720 00 thew. Simons Joseph. F Laborer . . N.Y . .. N.Y.. .. 720. 00 Storch Dawid Laborer Austria . . N.Y 720.00 Strahle Louis F Laborer N Y N Y 720 00 Tilson, Richard Supt. of the watch N.Y N.Y 1, 600. 00 Abernethy Charles C Watchman Ireland N.Y 840 00 Ben vie William Y Watchman Scotland N.Y . . 840. 00 Butler Patrick B Watchman Ireland . . N.Y.. .. 840. 00 Christiansen, Christian H. Watchman Denmark N.Y 840.00 Col well, Frederic M Watchman N.Y N.Y 840.00 Crown John Watchman Ireland N.Y 840 00 Culver George M Watchman Ohio N.Y 840.00 Curtin Thomas Watchman Ireland . D. C . 840. 00 Egner, Henry Watchman N.Y N.Y .... 840.00 Fogarty John J Watchman Ireland N Y 840 00 Fox William H Watchman N Y N Y 840 00 Gaffigan Martin Watchman Pa N Y 840 00 Gautschi, Charles Watchman France . . N.Y . . 840. 00 Helmick Sterling Watchman D C D C 840 00 Hyman Solomon Watchman Mass Mass 840 00 Johnson Charles H . . . . Watchman Sweden N Y 840 00 Kelly, Richard Watchman Ireland N.Y 840. 00 Lapointe, Edward J Watchman Canada . . N.Y.. .. 840. 00 Logan James O'N Watchman Ireland N Y 840 00 Luick, Henry M ... Watchman Germany N Y 840 00 McCarten, Philip E Watchman D. C . D. C 840 00 McDevitt, William Watchman Ireland . . N.Y 840. 00 McGovern John J Watchman N Y N Y 840 00 McQuillan, William J . . . Watchman Md N Y 840 00 Mohr, Herman Watchman N.Y N.Y 840 00 Munson, Edward F Watchman N Y N Y 840 00 Nash, Andrew O . Watchman .... N.Y N J 840 00 Nicholson, Leonard H O'Neill, James . Watchman Watchman England . N Y N.Y N Y 840.00 840 00 Read, Herbert B Watchman . N Y N Y 840 00 Reardon, William A.. Watchman.. Ohio... Ohio... 840.00 198 DEPAKTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR. IMMIGRATION SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. ^ NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensation. Ellis Island Station Con. Samson Samuel Watchman . . N.Y N.Y $840. 00 Shanley George W Watchman N. Y N. Y 840.00 Shipper, Alva H Watchman W. Va... W. Va. . . 840. 00 Smith Leonard W Watchman Tenn. .. Tenn 840. 00 Sommer Franz Watchman Germany N.Y 840. 00 Stitt Joseph W Watchman N C N Y 840 00 Voelpel, John A Watchman N. Y N.Y 840. 00 Wall Thomas Watchman ... Ireland N.Y.. .. 840. 00 Wiesenberger Adolph . Watchman Germany N.Y 840. 00 Wood Carl G Watchman Ohio N.Y 840. 00 Yeagler Lawrence J Watchman Pa N.Y 840. 00 Russell Alfred A Chief gateman N. Y N.Y 1, 000. 00 Hagerman Sylvester Gateman N Y . N. J . 1, 000. 00 Albright William E . . . . Gateman Pa N. J 840. 00 Bell, John Gateman Ireland . . N. Y.... 840. 00 Colcock Rowland E . Gateman S C Ga 840.00 Donohue John Gateman N. Y . . N. Y ... 840. 00 Donovan John J .... GfltOTViaTI ........ N. Y.... N. Y . . . . 840.00 Haviland, James B Gateman N. J N. J 840. 00 Hillary Frank A Gateman N Y N Y 840.00 Jeannisson Alexander Gateman N Y . N. Y. . 840.00 Levit Jacob .... Gateman ... . Poland . . Pa 840.00 Ritz Henry C Gateman N. Y.... N. Y.... 840.00 Rowan Edward S Gateman N Y N Y . 840. 00 Weber Donatus Gateman Germany N. Y... 840.00 Weppler Ludwig Gateman .... Germany N. Y.... 840. 00 Biangullo, Francisco .... Deckhand Italy N. Y.... p. m. 65. 00 Caspersen Olaf F Deckhand Norway N. Y. .. p. m. 65. 00 Cawley Thomas Deckhand NY.. N. Y.... p. m. 65. 00 Frampton, Alfred . Deckhand England . N. Y.... p. m. 65. 00 Halvorsen Edward D e ckhand Norway N. Y ... p. m. 65.00 Jacobsen Alfred Deckhand Norway. . N.Y p. m. 65. 00 Lavelle, John A . Deckhand N. Y . . . . N. Y.... p. m. 65. 00 Locke, William S Deckhand England. N. Y.... p. m. 65. 00 Melo James Deckhand N. Y.... N. Y.... p. m. 65. 00 Nixon John D Deckhand . ... N. C N. Y.... p. m. 65. 00 Olsen Theodore Deckhand Norway . N. Y.... p. m. 65.00 Ottesen Olaf Deckhand . . Norway . N. Y.... p. m. 65. 00 Smith. Lawrence.. Deckhand . . N. Y.. N. Y.. p. m. 65. 00 OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. 199 IMMIGRATION SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensation. Ellis Island Station Con. Thorsen Neils C Deckhand Norway . N. Y.... N. Y.... N. Y.... p.m. $65.00 p. m. 65. 00 p. m. 65. 00 p. d. 3.75 p. d. 3. 75 p. d. 3. 75 p. d. 3.75 p. m. 120. 00 1,400.00 1, 000. 00 1, 200. 00 1, 200. 00 1, 200. 00 1, 200. 00 1, 200. 00 p. m. 120. 00 p. m. 120. 00 p. m. 120. 00 p. m. 100. 00 900.00 p. m. 75. 00 p. m. 75.00 p. m. 75. 00 p. m. 75.00 900. 00 p. m. 75. 00 925.00 925. 00 925.00 925.00 925. 00 925. 00 925.00 925.00 925.00 925. 00 925.00 925. 00 Tomaszewski John Deckhand Williams, John i Deckhand Ireland . . N. Y.... Pa N. Y N. Y.... N. Y.... N. Y.... N. Y . Jaeger William P : Carpenter Carpenter Carpenter Johnson, Fred E Owens Charles E Price, Thomas P . . Carpenter . . < Tnd . . N. Y.... Fay, Thomas F Engineer N. Y.... N. Y.... Finger George V EnTneer N Y N Y Mikkelsen Krist B Engineer Norway. . Scotland. Germany N. Y.... N. Y.... N. Y.... N. Y.... N. Y. . McCall John First asst. engineer. . . Asst engineer Courvoisier, Andrew Manix, James P Asst. engineer Neil, William H Asst. engineer N. J N. Y.... O'Brien Joseph J Asst. engineer Senior engineer N. Y.... Me N. Y.... N. Y Foist William F Munster, Matthew J . . ' Junior engineer N Y N. H Wriedt, George E Junior engineer Germany N J N. Y.... N Y Flues Robert C i Junior engineer Abbin Michael 1 Fireman Ireland . . N Y N. Y.... N. Y Eager, Edward F i Fireman Hughes, James Fireman Ireland . . Switzer- land. Pa Del N. Y.... N. Y.... N. Y.... Pa Krayer, William i Fireman McBride, Joseph Fireman Fireman .... Morrow, Frank Worth, John Fireman N. Y .. N. Y Boyle Owen Fireman Ireland . . N. Y.... Ireland . . Ireland . . Ireland . . Ireland. . Germany Spain Ireland . . Pa Ireland . . Sweden . . N. Y.... N. Y.... N. Y.... N. Y.... N. Y N. Y.... N. Y.... N. Y.... N. Y.... N. Y.... N. Y.... N. Y.. Cahill, John J Fireman Fireman . . . Carey, James. . . Condon, James Fireman Cronin, David Fireman English, George Fireman Emig, Konrad Fireman Garcia, Francisco B Hanratty, Michael Fireman Fireman Motley, Patrick Fireman Fireman Nolan, Felix Nvstrom, George E. . . Fireman . . 200 DEPAETMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR. IMMIGRATION SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensation. Ellis Island Station Con. O'Shea, Matthew Firfimfl,n Ireland N Y $925. 00 Painter, George Fireman England . N. Y.... 925. 00 Rail James Fireman Ireland N Y 925 00 Shinnprfl Jo}m Fireman Ireland N. Y 925. 00 Fireman N. C ... N. Y . 925. 00 Walsh, Thomas Fireman Ireland . . N. Y 925. 00 Whelan Robert Fireman England N Y 925 00 Rodden James C Oiler England N. Y p.m. 75.00 Fink, Charles Oiler Pa N. Y . 840. 00 Weder, Charles O Oiler Norway.. N. Y.... p.m. 75.00 Wendell, William F Wireman N. Y.... N. Y.... 1, 200. 00 Cleary, William F Wireman N. Y N. Y 1, 000. 00 Estee, Joseph L Wireman Mass N. J 1, 000. 00 Fearing, Robert W Wireman D. C Va 1, 000. 00 Van Home John S Wireman Ohio Ohio 1, 000. 00 O'Hara, Mrs. Kate Charwoman in charge Ireland N. Y 800. 00 Brands, Mrs. Lillie Charwoman N. Y .. N. Y ... 720. 00 Callahan, Mary A Charwoman N. Y.... N. Y 720. 00 Casey Mrs Katheran Charwoman N Y N J 720. 00 Donnelly Mrs. Lucy Charwoman N. Y N. Y 720. 00 Evans, Mrs. Honora . Charwoman Ireland N. Y.. . 720. 00 Gorden, Mrs. Annie Charwoman Ireland . . N. Y.... 720. 00 Holland, Mrs. Margaret. . . Kennedy Mrs Ellen Charwoman Charwoman N. Y.... Ireland N. Y.... N. Y 720.00 720. 00 Lapham, Mrs. Mary Charwoman N. Y .. N. Y ... 720. 00 Norton, Mrs. Mary Charwoman N. Y.... N. Y.... 720. 00 Scheu, Mrs. Maria Charwoman Germany N. Y 720. 00 Sullivan Mrs Maria Charwoman Ireland N. Y ... 720. 00 Sullivan, Mrs. Mary Charwoman . . N. Y.... N. Y.... 720. 00 Ward, Mrs. Margaret Charwoman Ireland . . N. Y.... 720. 00 Stucklen, Mrs. Regina Mooney, Mrs. Jennie J Matron and inspector. Matron N. Y.... Pa N. Y.... Pa 1,400.00 1, 200. 00 Cooper, Mrs. Clare A. C... Cooper, Susan D Matron Matron N. Y.... Ga N. Y.... Ill 840.00 840. 00 Ellis, Rachel Matron Tenn N. Y 840. 00 Fairman, Mrs. Anna C Matron Sweden.. N. Y.... 840. 00 Fitz Gerald, Elizabeth A. . Matron N. Y ... N. Y.... 840. 00 Jeffers Emma M Matron N Y N. Y 840. 00 Marsh. Emeline A.. Matron.. Conn . . Conn 840. 00 OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. 201 IMMIGRATION SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensation. Ellis Island Station Con. Pollak Ernestine Matron Hungary N Y $840 00 Ruf Mrs. Sophia Matron Germany N Y 840 00 Sweeney, Mrs Elizabeth Matron Ireland N. Y 840 00 Taylor, Helen A Matron N. Y N. Y . 840 00 Vencins, Mrs. Ursula Matron Russia.. . N. Y 840 00 Waters Mrs Sara E Matron Ill Utah 840 00 Williams, Annie L Matron N Y N Y 840 00 Curry, Mrs. Mary Matron N. Y N. Y 720 00 Green, Mrs. Mary E Matron .... Sweden Mass 720 00 Mandelstam, Mrs. Selma . Matron Germany N. Y 720 00 Sabin, Mrs. Kathryn L Matron N. Y N. Y . . 720. 00 Salisbury, Mrs. Matilda . . Matron Ky.. Ind 720. 00 Scott-Uda, Mrs. Mary B . . Matron Ill N. Y 720.00 Tedesco, Mrs. Regina Matron Hungary N Y 720 00 Hansen, Mrs. Bertha Matron Hungary N Y 720 00 Thompson, Mrs. Hulda. . Matron Russia N. Y. 720 00 Bertrand, Paul R. J Cook Germany Md p.m. 60.00 Halpin, John J Pilot N. Y N Y 1 200 00 McClellan, Edward Pilot ... N. Y N J p m 135 00 Moore, Herbert E Pilot N. Y. N. Y p m 135 00 Paige, Frank R Master and pilot N. Y N. J p. m. 135. 00 Railly, Christopher Pilot N Y N Y p m 135 00 Moore, Alfred H Gardener N. Y . N Y 1 000 00 Nixon, Elliott L Gardener Ohio Md 1 000 00 Winston, Robert Gardener Ireland N Y 1 000 00 Connell, John J Painter and glazier N Y N Y 1 000 00 Johnson, John Painter and glazier Russia N Y 1 000 00 Dienst, Frank M Quartermaster Belgium N. Y p m 75 00 Gorman, John J Quartermaster N. Y.. N. Y p m 75 00 Gould, Henry G... Quartermaster N. Y N Y p m 70 00 Hahesey , Richard Refrigerating machin- Ireland N Y 1 000 00 Lestrange, Matthew J . . . Pulle, Charles F. W ist. Refrigerating machin- ist. Refrigerating machin- N. Y.. Germany N. Y.... N Y 1, 000. 00 1 000 00 Herrick, Peter D ist. Janitor N Y N Y 1 000 00 Higgins, Walter Laundryman Ireland N Y p m 75 00 Ivy, William E... Laundrvman.. Mo.. N. Y.. 900. 00 202 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR. IMMIGRATION SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. . NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensation. Ellis Island Station Con. Madden John W Laundryman N Y N. Y $900 00 Wienecke Richard Laundryman Germany N. Y... 900. 00 Daly, John J Foreman Ireland . . N. Y p. d. 4. 50 Murphy John F Dynamo tender N Y N. Y 1,000 00 Smith Frank R Dynamo tender Me N. Y. 1, 000. 00 Gross, Edward Plumber and gasfitter. N. Y.. . N. Y 1, 200. 00 Reed, Joseph General mechanic Pa N. Y 900. 00 Kammerer Henry General mechanic N. Y N. Y 1, 000. 00 Maher Peter E General mechanic N. Y N. Y 1, 000. 00 Marsh William Elevator conductor N Y ** * * N Y 840. 00 Bird James Machinist Mass N. Y 1, 200. 00 Kreiner Arthur C Draftsman N. J N. J p.d. ^.00 L/indhe Rustan V Draftsman Sweden N. J p.d. ^.OO Schmidt, William A. P . . Draftsman N. Y.. . N. Y p.d. ^.OO Aberdeen, Wash. Nettleton Stiles R Inspector Ohio Wash p.d. 4.00 Alamogordo, N. Mex. Griffin Alfred Chinese inspector England Mass p.d. 5.00 Albuquerque, N. Mex. Green Wesley B Chinese inspector N. Y ... Tex p.d. 5.00 Anacortes, Wash. Smith Hugh W Immigrant inspector N. C Wash ... 1, 200. 00 Arivaca Junction, Ariz. Hodgman, John L Chinese inspector N. Y Nebr .... 1,600.00 Aros Ranch, Ariz. Coykendall, M. Arthur . Chinese inspector Iowa . . . . Nebr .... 1, 400. 00 Astoria, Oreg. Bonham, Raphael P . . Chinese inspector . . . Oreg . Oreg . . 1, 200. 00 Long Albert W Chinese inspector Pa Oreg 1, 200. 00 Baltimore, Md. Weis Louis T Commissioner Germany Md 4, 000. 00 StumD. Bertram N.. Immigrant insDector. . Pa.. Md.. 2, 500. 00 1 When actually employed. OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. 203 IMMIGRATION SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensation. Baltimore, Md. Con. Baldwin George E Immigrant inspector Md Md $1,800.00 1, 800. 00 1, 800. 00 1, 800. 00 1, 800. 00 1,800.00 1,800.00 1,800.00 1,600.00 1, 400. 00 p. d. 5.00 p. d. 5.00 p. d. 4.00 1, 200. 00 1,200.00 1, 200. 00 1,200.0( 840.00 720.00 720.00 p. d. *2.5C 840.00 840.00 840.00 840.00 300.00 1,600.00 p. d. 4.00 1,600.00 1, 800. 00 1, 600. 00 Doyas, William M .... Immigrant inspector. . Immigrant inspector. . Immigrant inspector. . Immigrant inspector Md Austria . . Germany Md Md Ill Md Grgurevich, John J Hoffmann Louis TTrvppe J^TTIPR O D. C Mahone George A Immigrant inspector Md Md Sperber, Oscar G Immigrant inspector. . Chinese inspector. . . . Russia... N. Y Md N. Y Opdyke, Walter L Gorrell, George P Assistant inspector and statistician. Immigrant inspector. . Immigrant inspector. . Immigrant inspector Md Md Moskowitz Morris Hungary. England . Md Md Browne, J. Edwin N. Y.... Md . Davis, Samuel G Jung, Moy G Interpreter China Feder, William Interpreter Roumania Russia... Austria . . Md Fla Laskowski, Charles Interpreter Md Md Md Smetanka Jaroslav Interpreter Mashall, William H Stenographer and typewriter. Watchman . ... Fouch, Leon R Md Md Croggon, Newton F Watchman D.C Md Schaub William Watchman Germany Germany Md Md Herman, Solomon Watchman Md Md Burley, George A Gateman Fanshaw, Caleb W.. Gateman Md Md . ... Kowzan, Julius Gateman Russia... Pa Austria . . Ill Term.... Iowa .... N. Y.... Md.. Md Va Md Wash.... Wash Ariz Irvine, Nannie Matron Assistant matron Kullman, Mrs. C. Rosa. . . Bellingham, Wash. Barker, John A Immigrant inspector. . Immigrant inspector. . Chinese inspector Hamer, Samuel H Benson, Ariz. Partch, Virgil F Black RocJc, N. Y. Lawton, Fred E Immigrant inspector. . Immigrant inspector . . N. Y.... Md.. Robinson, Edward L. . . 1 When actually employed. 204 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR. IMMIGRATION SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. ^ NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensation. Black Rock, N. Y. Con. Gold Benjamin T . . . Immigrant inspector N. Y N. Y $1, 400. 00 Gjessing , Erland Immigrant inspector. . Germany N. Y.... p. d. 5.00 Lehrhaupt David Immigrant inspector Austria . N. Y . . p. d. 5.00 Loper Louis N Immigrant inspector . N. Y.... N. Y.... p. d. 5.00 Pearlman, James M . ... Interpreter Russia ... Mass 1, 200. 00 Reilly, Francis Janitor N. Y N. Y.... p. m. 25.00 Blaine, Wash. Bartlett Henry W Immigrant inspector. . Mass Colo 2, 000. 00 Coryell Edwin N Immigrant inspector. . N. Y.... Wash. . . . 1, 200. 00 Galbraith, Joseph P Immigrant inspector. . Tenn Oreg. . . 1, 200. 00 Menifee Robert L Tm mi grant i n spp.r.tor . Mo Wash . 1, 200. 00 Monson Torkel L Immigrant inspector. . Norway. . Wash.... 1, 200. 00 Morgan Charles M Immigrant inspector. . Ill Oreg. . . 1, 200. 00 Peabody, Roy E Immigrant inspector. . Wis Wash.... 1, 200. 00 Selby, Charles E Immigrant inspector. . Va Wash.... 1, 200. 00 Swasey Will N Immigrant inspector. . Cal Cal 1, 200. 00 Sweeney Edward B Immigrant inspector. . Cal Cal 1, 200. 00 King William A ... Medical examiner N. Y-... Wash. . . . p.m. 25.00 Boissevain, Manitoba. Hryniewiecki Felix N Interpreter Russi a n D. C 1,400.00 Banner's Ferry, Idaho. Andrews Charles K Immigrant inspector Poland. Ohio Idaho.... 1, 800. 00 Boquillas, Tex. Thompson Perry P Immigrant inspector Mo P. I ... 1, 200. 00 Boston, Mass. Billings George B Commissioner Mass Mass 4, 000. 00 Hurley Jeremiah J ImmiTant inspector Mass Mass . . . 2, 500. 00 Hoe, Arthur W.. Immiorant inspector . Mass Mass 2, 000. 00 Abercrombie Frank S Immigrant inspector East In- Mass 1, 600. 00 Nitz, William H Immigrant inspector . dies. Conn Mass 1, 600. 00 Onessimo Angelo ImmiTant inspector Italy Mass 1, 200. 00 Bingham Henry T ... Immiorant inspector Mass Mass p.d. 5.00 Brekke, Johannes B Immigrant inspector . Norway. . Ohio p.d. 5.00 Burke William J Immigrant inspector Wis Mass p.d. 5.00 Dolan. John W.. Immigrant insuector. . Mass... Mass... p.d. 5.00 OFFICEES AND EMPLOYEES. 205 IMMIGRATION SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensation. Boston, Mass. Con. Hagberg John Gr Immigrant inspector Sweden Mass p. d. $5 00 Leonard Daniel J Immigrant inspector Mass. . . Mass p.d. 5.00 Leonard Martin J Immigrant inspector . . Mass Mass p. d. 5.00 Lundberg Frederick A Immigrant inspector. . Norway. . Mass p.d. 5.00 Maricle, Benjamin F Immigrant inspector. . Iowa Iowa p.d. 5.00 Quinn Frank W Immigrant inspector N. H Mass p d 5 00 Boot Olof L Immigrant inspector Finland Mass p d 5 00 Weiss Feri F Immigrant inspector Austria Pa p.d. 5.00 McCabe John A Chinese inspector Mass . . Mass 2, 000. 00 Mayer, Charles D Chinese inspector. . . Ohio Ohio.. 1, 600. 00 Domas, Louis J T Interpreter Russia... N. Y-. 1, 500. 00 Hartland, William R Interpreter Egypt. . Mass 1, 200. 00 Galotti Nicola A Interpreter Italy Mass 1 000 00 Silton Morris I Interpreter Russia Mass p. m. 25 00 Coluci Silas . ... Interpreter Italy Mass p.d. 1 5 00 De Avellar, Manuel J. . . . Interpreter Azores. . . Mass ... p.d. 1 5.00 Lawrence, John D Interpreter Azores. . . Mass p.d. 1 5.00 Piscopo John Interpreter Italy Mass p d l 5 00 Young Peter Interpreter Turkey Mass p d l 5 00 Shing, Moy Don Interpreter Asia. China . Mont p.d. 4 00 Stockwell, Alcott W Stenographer and Mass Mass . 1, 800. 00 Ryder John A typewriter. Stenographer and Mass Mass 1 600 00 Perry, Walter M typewriter. Stenographer and Mass Mass 1 400 00 Pierce Charles W typewriter. Clerk Me Me 1 400 00 Lyons, John M . Clerk Mass Mass 1 200 00 Drew, Ora S Clerk Vt . .. Mass 1 000 00 McCarthy, Frank A Clerk Mass Mass 1 000 00 West, William J Clerk Mass Mass 1 000 00 Cavanaro, John H Watchman N. Y Mass 840 00 Constantinides, Miltiades Watchman Asia Mass 840 00 M. Innella, Patrick Watchman Minor. Italy Mass 840 00 Kurtz, Nathan E Watchman Pa Mass 840 00 Markey, John J.. Watchman.. Mass . . Mass . . 840. 00 1 When actually employed, not to exceed $300 per annum. 206 DEPAKTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR. IMMIGRATION SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensation. Boston, Mass. Con. Crooks William R Laborer Mass Mass $720 00 Gustaf son William A Laborer Conn Mass 720 00 Kealey James K Laborer Va Mass .... 720. 00 Sullivan, Patrick J Laborer Mass . Mass 720. 00 Whalen, Patrick Laborer Ireland . . Mass p.d. 2.00 Collins Mrs Ida B Night matron N.Y Mass 840 00 Kelley Mrs. Mary A Matron and sten Mass . . . Mass .... 840. 00 Carter, Mrs. Ida G Matron Pa Pa 720. 00 Marshall, Mrs. Minnie M . Flaherty William J Matron Fireman Vt Mass Vt Mass 720.00 1, 000. 00 McDonald Archibald T Fireman Va Mass . . . 900. 00 Sullivan, James Fireman Mass Mass . 900.00 Foley, Joseph J Carpenter Mass Mass . 1, 000. 00 Beebe Mrs Maria G Charwoman England Mass p. d. 1. 50 Connors Mrs Bridget Charwoman Ireland Mass p.d. 1.50 Lawrence, Lucy A Charwoman Mass .... Mass .... p. m. 5. 00 Brockville, Ontario. Farrell James J Immigrant inspector Canada N. Y. . p. d. 5. 00 Brownsville, Tex. Dubose, Harry G Tmmigrfl/nt inspector. . Tex Tex 1, 600. 00 Perdomo Joseph J Immigrant inspector S. Amer- Cal 1, 400. 00 Joy, Albert H Immigrant inspector. ica. Iowa Oreg . . 1, 200. 00 Murrell, George C TmrmgTant inspp.rtor. . Mo Mo 1, 200. 00 Pearsall William C Immigrant inspector N.Y N.Y p. d- 5. 00 Sahualla, Miguel Interpreter Syria .... Tex p.d. ^.OO Miller, Harmon A Clerk Ky.. N. Mex . . 1, 000. 00 Brunswick, Ga. McGregor, James A Immigrant inspector Mass .... Md 1, 600. 00 Artau, Lazaro Interpreter Spain . . . Ga p.d. X 2.00 Buffalo, N. Y. Archibald Albert E. Chinese inspector Mass Mass 1, 800. 00 Thomas, Thomas Chinese inspector Ohio Ohio . .. 1, 800. 00 Coyne, Leonard S Chinese inspector Mass .... Mass 1, 200. 00 Gentrv. Arthur M.. Chinese inspector. . . Mo.. Mont . . 1, 200. 00 1 When actually employed, not to exceed $300 per annum. OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. 207 IMMIGRATION SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensation. Buffalo, N. Y. Con. McCullough, Frank S. . . . Pierce Frank S Chinese inspector Chinese inspector Ind R. I Oreg N.Y. .. $1,200.00 p. d. 6. 00 Cronin, John T Immigrant inspector. . Mass . Mass . p. d. 5,00 Lee William S Interpreter New Zea- 111 1, 200. 00 Griffith Frank W . . Sten. and typewriter. . land. N. Y.... N. Y 1, 200. 00 Calexico, Cal. Ames Robert N Immigrant inspector Ohio Utah 1, 200. 00 Chadney William H Chinese inspector England . Cal 1, 200. 00 Campo, Cal. Gripper Edward D Chinese inspector Ind Cal 1, 600. 00 Cape Vincent, N. Y. Weaver, Frank B Immigrant inspector Mass . . . Wash.... p. d. 5.00 Charlotte, N. Y. Martin Isaac Immigrant inspector Pa Pa 1, 600. 00 Chicago, III. Da vies, Daniel D Immigrant inspector.. Wales.... Ohio 2, 500. 00 Plumly, D. Arthur Immigrant .inspector. . Ohio Ill 1, 400. 00 Plummer, Lorenzo T Chinese inspector Me Me p.d. 6.00 Tippett Harry E Chinese inspector W.Va W.Va p. d. 6 00 Crawford Mark L Immigrant inspector Ind 111 p.d. 5.00 Schubert, George E . . . Immigrant inspector.. Austria . . 111 p.d. 5.00 Thompson, Ward E Immigrant inspector.. Ill Ill p. d. * 5. 00 Longchallon Joseph G C Interpreter Fr. West Mo p. d. 4 00 Calkins, William B . Clerk Indies. Ill 111 1, 000. 00 Wilson, Albert T Clerk Mass Ill 1, 000. 00 Clayton, N. Y. Luce, Alfred C Immigrant inspector N. Y... N. Y. p.d. 4.00 Cleveland, Ohio. Cullen, George R Immigrant inspector Mich N Y p d. 6 00 Brown, Jeremiah A Immigrant inspector . Pa Ohio p.d. 5.00 Apple, George K . Immigrant inspector. . Pa.. N. J.. 1. 200. 00 1 When actually employed. 208 DEPAETMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOE. IMMIGRATION SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensation. Columbus, Ohio. Vance Crenzet Immigrant inspector. . Immigrant inspector. . Immigrant inspector. . Immigrant inspector. . Immigrant inspector. . Immigrant inspector. . Immigrant inspector Ohio Ohio p. d. $5.00 p. d. 5.00 p. d. 5.00 1, 400. 00 1, 200. 00 1, 600. 00 p. d. 4. 00 1, 600. 00 p. d. 4.00 60.00 p.d. 5.00 p. d. 6.00 1, 600. 00 p.d. U.OO 1, 200. 00 2,000.00 p.d. 5.00 p.d. 5.00 p.d. 5.00 p.d. 5.00 1,800.00 Cornwall, Ontario. Laird, Peter B Vt N. Y.... Ind N. Y . . . . Ill La N. Y.... N. Y.... Wash.... N. Y Wash.... Tex . .. Wood George W Corpus Christi, Tex. Gould, Ray D Orowleys Well, Ariz. Thiess, William W Ouster, Wash. Fuller Lowell G . . Darwin, Tex. Raymond Gabriel C Del Rio, Tex. Smith, Elmer W Immigrant inspector. . Immigrant inspector. . Janitor Iowa Tex Germany Ind Ind N. Y.... China Iowa D.C. ... Tex White, John Eichman Gustav A Deming, N. Mex. Truck George G Immigrant inspector. . Immigrant inspector. . Chinese inspector .... Interpreter Ky Ohio Denver, Colo. Adams Louis Sterling Herbert N N.Y.... Hung Woo Q Derby Line, Vt. Gregoire Arthur T Chinese inspector Vt Vt Detroit, Mich. Frick, G. Oliver Immigrant inspector. . Immigrant inspector. . Immigrant inspector. . Immigrant inspector. . Immigrant inspector. . Immigrant inspector. . Pa Mich .... N. Y.... Mich Ege Charles Hoffmann Adam Mich Mich Marheineke, Bernhard B . Miller Cameron. . . . Germany Scotland . Conn Pa Ohio Va Browning, John W., jr . . . 1 When actually employed. OFFICEES AND EMPLOYEES. 209 IMMIGRATION SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensation* Detroit, Mich. Con. Jaatinen, Vaino Immigrant inspector. . Finland , D. C. . $1 800 00 Ross Thomas M Immigrant inspector Scotland Mich 1 800 00 Zuckriegel, Charles Immigrant inspector Austria Ind 1 600 00 Barnes, Bert E Immigrant inppprtor Kans . . . Iowa 1 400 00 Davis, Charles H Immigrant inspector. . Pa Mich 1 400 00 Chatfield Alfred C Immigrant inspector Mich Mich 1 200 00 Halstead Walter H Immigrant inspector N Y N Y 1 200 00 Azdued, Hamed Interpreter . Morocco D C 1 200 00 Jewell, James H. . Clerk Mich . . Mich 1 000 00 Douglas, Ariz. flonnpll, rharlfiH T Chinese inspector Iowa Ariz p d 5 00 Ohlin, Gustave R . Immigrant inspector Sweden Colo 1 200 00 Dayton, Frank L Interpreter . . . Mich ni 1 200 00 Dayton, Ross Janitor ni. . . Ariz p m 5 00 Duluth, Minn. Dean, William H Immigrant inspector N. Y Wis 2 000 00 Heath Frank W Immigrant inspector N J N Y i 900 00 Daly, James H Clerk Mich Mich i 200 00 Eagle Pass, Tex. Robb, William H Immigrant inspector Iowa Tex p d 5 00 Maher Walter J Immigrant inspf^tor D C D 1 800 00 Gate, Samuel G Immigrant inppp.ctor Tenn N C Pd 4 00 Harvin, James A Immigrant inspector. . Tex Tex 1 400 00 Milliken, Alden J Immigrant inspector Me Tex 1 400 00 Pulsford, George G Immigrant inspector England Tex 1 400 00 Hale, Edward A Immigrant inspector Ark Ark i 200 00 Marshall, Robert L Immigrant inspector. . Tex Tex 1 200 00 Notzon, Aloysius J. . . . immiGrant inspector Tex Tex 1 200 00 Ostrom, Clark Trnmigrant inspector N Y TPX 1 900 00 Overaker, Courtland E . . . Immigrant inspector. . Tex Tex 1,200 00 Bischof, William G. Interpreter Japan Cal 1 200 00 Sierra Antonio F Interpreter Tex TPT i onrj nn Zogheib, William Interpreter Syria Cal 1 200 00 Plowman, Elias A. . . . Clerk 111 Mo i 000 00 Rodriguez, Fernando 4606408 14 Janitor Tex Tex p. m. 25.00 210 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR. IMMIGRATION SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. ^ NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensation. Eastport, Idaho. Voligny Alfred Immigrant inspector. . Canada . . Cal $1, 400. 00 Davis Obed S Immigrant inspector. . Iowa Wyo. . . 1,200.00 Eastport, Me. Miller Charles E Immigrant inspector Me Me p d 5 00 Immigrant infipertor Mass Mass p d 4 00 El Paso, Tex. Burke Richard M Immigrant, inspector D C Mich 2 000 00 Immigrant inspector. D. C N Y 2, 000 00 Holland Thomas B Immigrant inspector Fla Mich p d 5 00 Tatley Clarence G Immigrant inspfirtor D C Tex p d 5 00 Wallis Joseph H Immigrant inspector Ga Ga 1 800 00 Corbin, John, jr Immigrant inspector - Ind ... Ind 1, 600 00 Hendrix, Elbert C Immigrant inspector. . Ill Fla 1, 600. 00 Phillips Maxwell G Immigrant inspector Ind Ind 1 600 00 Howe Peter A Immigrant inspector Ontario 111 1 600 00 Topping Thomas Immigrant inspector Ireland Tex 1 600 00 Bernard, Alphonse G Burnett Alfred E Immigrant inspector. . Immigrant, inspector N. Y.... Tex N. Y.... Tex 1,400.00 1 400 00 Johnson William M Immigrant inspfiotor D. C. D. C 1,400 00 Curtis Van V Immigrant inspector W Va W Va 1 200 00 Gates Almon A Immigrant inspertnr Vt Vt 1 200 00 Miller Oscar F Immigrant inspector Ark Ark 1,200 00 Bryan James B Chinese inspector . . . Ky Ky 1, 600. 00 Mallet, Charles V Chinese inspector D.C D. C 1, 600. 00 Murphy William S Chinese inspector Miss N Y 1 600 00 Sensner Charles F Chinese inspector Va D.C 1, 600. 00 Shapley, Fred A Chinese inspector. . . N.Y N.Y.... 1, 600. 00 Conover, Albert E Chinese inspector N. J N. J 1, 200. 00 Gonzales Genaro G Interpreter Mexico Ariz p d 5.00 Hoi way, James B Interpreter . . . . Syria . Ind 1, 200. 00 Ming Fung Interpreter China Mo 1 200 00 White Alfred T . . Interpreter Japan Wash 1, 200. 00 Denny, Roscoe Stenographer and Ind Mo 1, 200. 00 Davis Marie E typewriter. Clerk Va Va 1, 000. 00 Wilmoth Grover C Clerk Tex Tex 1,000.00 Cassiano. Gerome F. . Watchman.. Tex... Tex... 840.00 OFFICEES AND EMPLOYEES. 211 IMMIGRATION SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensation. El Paso, Tex. Con. Everett Newton C Watchman Tex Tex $840 00 Johnson Robert A Watchman . . ...... Tex . . Tex.. 840 00 Sanders Gaston Watchman Cal Tex 840.00 Boyce, Levy A ... Janitor Tex Tex 720.00 Everett, Wash. Rile, Joseph L Immigrant inspfirtor Pa Pa p. d. 5.00 Everson, Wash. Stewart George N Tm migrant in spar tor Md Md 1,200 00 Fernandina, Fla. Hise, Jesse C Immigrant inspector. Ind Ind p. d. 5.00 Ferndale, Wash. Fans, McKendree C Immigrant in_pp@rt<">r Ind Wash 1,200 00 Fort Ccvington, N. Y. Deal, Thomas M Immigrant inspector N. Y Vt p d 5 00 Fort Erie, Ontario. Buchanan, William L Immigrant inspector N. Y .. . N. Y ... p. d. 5 00 Fort Fairfield, Me. Atkinson, Daniel J Immigrant insp^^t^r Mo Tex 1 200 00 Fort Francis, Ontario. Swenson, Arthur W Interpreter Minn S D p d 5 00 Fort Kent, Me. Walters, Tom V Immigrant inspector England N Y 1 200 00 Galveston, Tex. Holman, Edward B Immigrant inspector Miss . . . Ark 2 500 00 Giles, Leonidas B Immigrant inspector. . Tex Tex . p. d 5 00 Moss, Benjamin F . Immigrant inspector Cal Tex p d 5 00 Barkman, Albion L Immigrant inspector N. Y .. N. Y 1 800 00 Muzar, Mathias Interpreter Austria . Pa 1 200 00 Knapp, Joseph Interpreter Austria Tex p d 1 2 50 Thiem, John Interpreter Russia Tex p d *2 50 Vukanowich, Mrs. F. S. . . Matron.. Austria . . Tex... D. d. ! 2. 50 * When actually employed. 212 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR. IMMIGRATION SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensation. Gateway, Mont. Lenwood Charles Immigrant inspector. . Immigrant inspector. . Immigrant inspector. . Tmmig'rfi'nt inspector N. Y Ohio Germany Ind Mont N. Mex.. N. Y Ind $1,800.00 2, 200. 00 p. d. 5.00 p. d. 5.00 p. d. 6.00 p. d. 5.00 1,400.00 p.m. 5.00 p. d. 5.00 p. d. 6.00 p. d. 5.00 1, 600. 00 1,200.00 1,200.00 300.00 1.00 3, 000. 00 2, 000. 00 1,400.00 2, 000. 00 1, 200. 00 Grand Forks, B. C. McKeehan Fred B Alexander William . . Gulf port, Miss. Folsom, Marion Halifax, Nova Scotia. Enright, Patrick Immigrant inspector N Y HI Sieniewicz, Ladislas C. . . Bullard Fred M Immigrant inspector. . Stenographer and typewriter. Janitress Russia- Poland. Vt Canada . . Va Pa Vt N.S W. Va Casey, Mrs. Ann Havre, Mont. Walker, Samuel C Immigrant inspector Helena, Mont. Hampton, Alfred Chinese inspector .... Chinese inspector .... Stenographer and typewriter. Immigrant inspector S.C Ill ni Mont Mont Ohio Ebey , Howard D Patrick, Pliny Hidalgo, Tex. Comings, Charles B vt Vt Howell, JohnW., jr TmmigraTit, inspfirtor Fla . . . . Fla Jefferds, Julius T Interpreter Immigrant inspector.. Tex Ill Tex Hilo, Hawaii. Bidgway, J. Castle Honolulu, Hawaii. Brown, Raymond C. . Immigrant inspector.. Immigrant inspector. . Immigrant inspector. . Chinese inspector Ohio N. Y Ohio D C Hawaii . . Cal Hawaii . . Pa Halsey, Richard L Brown, Harry B Curry, George S Joe, Loo . . Interpreter... China.. Hawaii . . OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. 213 IMMIGRATION SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensation. Honolulu, Hawaii Con. Katsunuma, Tomizo Interpreter Japan Hawaii . . $1, 200. 00 Kau Tong Interpreter China Hawaii 1, 200 00 Motokawa Gennosuke Interpreter Japan Hawaii p.d. ^.00 Yap Alfred K. F Interpreter Hawaii . . Hawaii p. d. 1 5. 00 Caesar, Louis Watchman Hawaii . Hawaii . p.d. 3.00 Kauwe, Moses Watchman. . : Hawaii . . Hawaii . p. d. 3. 00 Luther, William K Watchman Hawaii . . Hawaii . . p.d. 3.00 Lukua Stephen Watchman Hawaii Hawaii 1 000 00 Plunkett Robert Watchman Hawaii TT &wfl.i i 1 000 00 Prlrw'flTz'hfiTgj Elmer L Watchman Mo Hawaii 1, 000 00 Spencer, Manuel . Watchman TTa,wa.ii Hawaii 1, 000. 00 Fieldgrove, Walter Watchman Germany Hawaii 840. 00 Attwood, Barney H Laborer 111 TTfrWftii 720.00 Caesar, Peter P Laborer Hawaii . Hawaii . 720.00 TTpvrriolr TTfvnry IT Laborer Hawaii TT^wftii 720 00 Hough tailing, Benj. W... Laborer Hawaii . . Hawaii . . 720.00 Houghtailing Daniel T Laborer Hawaii TTaw^'i i 720. 00 Manuwai, Apaki Laborer TTawa.ii Hawaii 720. 00 Shaw, John E Laborer . Hawaii . Hawaii 720. 00 Houlton, Me. Johnson John B . . Immigrant inspector Sweden N Y 1 200 00 Island Pond, Vt. Wagner, Aaron H Immigrant inspector N.Y N.Y 1, 200. 00 Jacksonville, Fla. Wright John A Immigrant inspector Md Mass p d 6 00 Pittman, Dr. James H Jacumba, Mexico. Burke, Edmund A Examining surgeon. . . Chinese inspector Tenn.... Mass Fla Mass 300. 00 1 200 00 Kaliului Maui, Hawaii. Aiken, Worth O Immigrant inspector. . N.C.. .. 1 00 Ketchikan, Alaska. Krauczunas, Kazis Immigrant inspector Russia N Y 2 250 00 Key West, Fla. Smith. Isaac L... Immigrant insnector. . Kv__ TP.T 1. fJOO.OO 1 When actually employed. 214 DEPAETMENT OF COMMEKCE AND LABOR IMMIGRATION SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. NAME. + Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensation. Knights Key, Fla. Whalen, William A Immigrant inspector. . Ill Ill $1, 200. 00 Koloa Kanai, Hawaii. McBride, Walter D Immigrant inspector. . Hawaii . . Hawaii . . 1.00 Langtry, Tex. Hughes Robert F Immigrant inspector . Ind Ind p.d. 4 00 Laredo, Tex. Jones, Charles I. .. Immigrant inspector. . N.Y N.Y p.d. 5.00 Haynes, Robert A Immigrant inspector. . Tex Tex 1, 600. 00 Staver Wesley O Immigrant inspector . Ohio . . . Cal 1, 600 00 Donnelly William E Immigrant inspector. . N.Y N.Y 1, 200. 00 Garner, Edward B Immigrant inspector. . Mo Mo 1, 200. 00 Gilmore, William H Immigrant inspector. . Tex Tex 1, 200. 00 Rauterberg, Arthur C Trout, James E Immigrant inspector. . Immigrant inspector. . D.C Tex D.C Tex 1,200.00 1, 200. 00 Abdelmessit Michel Interpreter Egypt . . N.Y.... 1, 200. 00 Bates , Jfl/mpR B Watchman Kans Okla 840. 00 Didieu, Maurice Watchman La Tex 840.00 Moore, William B Watchman Ala Tex 840. 00 Warner, Henry R Watchman Tex Tex 840. 00 Rothstein Louis Janitor Germany Tex p.m. 25.00 Las Cruces, N. Mex. Stanley, Frank Immigrant inspector. . Nebr Colo 1, 400. 00 Lethbridge, Canada. Hart, Francis A Immigrant inspector. . Canada . . N. Dak.. p. d. 5. 00 Lochiel, Ariz. Cronni, Cornelius P Immigrant inspector Mass Cal 1, 200. 00 Lordsburg, N. Mex. Jack, Fred D Immigrant inspector Ores. . . Ores. . . 1, 200. 00 Los Angeles, Cal. Ridgway, Albert C Immigrant inspector. Ill Ill p.d. 6.00 Clendenin, William H... Nardini, Joseph C Chinese inspector Chinese inspector Mont Cal. . .. Mont Cal 1, 800. 00 1, 600. 00 Tuttle, Guy H Chinese inspector Ill Cal 1, 600. 00 Thing, Lee Interpreter Cal Cal 1, 200. 00 Bradv, Joseph J.. Clerk.. England. Cal.. 1,400.00 OFFICEES AND EMPLOYEES. 215 IMMIGRATION SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensation. Lynden, Wash. Greenblatt William . . Immigrant inspector. . Cal Cal $1, 200. 00 p.d. 5.00 2,000.00 p.d. 5.00 1, 400. 00 p. d. 5. 00 840.00 840.00 840.00 840.00 p. d. 2. 00 1, 400. 00 p.m. 25.00 1,600.00 1,600.00 1,200.00 p.d. 4.00 1,400.00 40.00 1,800.00 1,600.00 1,200.00 p.d. 'S.OO 1,200.00 Malone, N. Y. Reynolds, Stephen A Sperry, Elbert G Immigrant inspector. . Chinese inspector Chinese inspector Mass Pa Vt .. N.Y N.Y N.Y Ketcham George W Horton, Silas R Chinese inspector N. Y N.Y .. Wallace, Thomas W. G. . . Daily Corte"z M Interpreter Scotland. N.Y N.Y N.Y N.Y N.Y N.Y N.Y Watchman Watchman Watchman Geary, John W ... Kessler, Irving Lucas, George W Watchman Ohio .. Ind Tarbell, Foster D Laborer N.Y N.Y Marcus, Wash. Sanderson James P Immigrant inspector. . Janitor Ohio Wash Wash.... N.Y Cal Southwick, Burtis A Mich.... Canada . . Ohio Maricopa, Ariz. O'Leary, Jeremiah J Chinese inspector Matron's Ranch, Mexico. Hutchins, William A Megantic, Quebec. Waldo, Charles Chinese inspector Immigrant inspector. . Immigrant inspector. . Finland.. Ga N.Y Ga Miami, Fla. Morrow, John H Travis, Gideon B Interpreter Janitress N.Y Ga Mich.... Fla Sullivan, Mrs. Eliza- beth B. Minneapolis, Minn. Seaman, Charles W Chinese inspector Immigrant inspector. . Immigrant inspector. . Interpreter N.Y Me Nev China . . . Ill N.Y Me Minn Minn Minn . Davis, Robert F Sterns, Erwin W. . Chong, Wong Holden, George E Stenographer and typewriter. \When actually employ ed. 216 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR. IMMIGRATION SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensation. Mission Junction, B. 0. Beaudet, Theodore F. X. Mobile, Ala. Kirk Thomas V Immigrant inspector. . Immigrant inspprtor Canada . . N. C Minn Tex .. $1,800.00 2, 000 00 Worden John K Clerk . . W.Va .. W. Va . . . 1, 400. 00 Montreal, Canada. Clark JohnH Commissioner N.Y. N. Y.... 4, 000. 00 Wallace Everett J Assistant c o m m i s- vt Vt p.d. 7.00 Gorman Martin J sioner. Immigrant inspector Pa Pa 2, 200 00 Shields Charles A Tm migrant, inppp.ctor Pa Mich ... 2, 000. 00 Coe, Earl F Immigrant inspector Ohio N.Y p. d. 5. 00 McCulloch, Frederick A. Hartnett George M Immigrant inspector. . Immigrant inspector N.B D. C . Mass D. C p. d. 5. 00 1,800 00 Flynn, William . . . Immigrant inspector N.Y. .. N.Y 1, 600. 00 Prather, John W TmTnigrant inppfip.tor_ . N.C Md 1, 600. 00 Smith William B Immigrant inspector NY.. N.Y .. 1 600 00 Landis Harry R Immigrant inppfirtor Ohio Ohio . . . 1, 400 00 West Jalma Immigrant inppfirt* Ky.. N.Y 1, 400. 00 Donoghue Patrick A Immigrant inspector Mass Mass 1 200 00 Henry Everett Immigrant inspector N J . . N. J .... 1 200 00 Short JohnJ Immigrant inspector Mich . . Mich ... 1, 200. 00 Feinberg Isaac Interpreter Russia Ill p. d. 4. 00 Malouf , Nagyb K Interpreter Syria Canada . . 1, 200. 00 Scanlan Dr Henry Medical examiner Canada Canada 1 600 00 Barclay James Surgeon Scotland Canada 1, 400. 00 Doak, Euphan E Sten. and typewriter. . Canada . Canada . . 1, 400. 00 Sands, Mary T Sten. and typewriter.. Me Me 1, 400. 00 Watt Anna C Sten and typewriter m Ill 1,400.00 Mauder, Arthur M Sten and typewriter N.Y ... N. Y 1,200.00 Vollmer, Edward B Bookkeeper N. Y N. Y..... 1,400.00 Dougherty Philip Clerk La Ill 1, 200. 00 Harrington^ Jospph P Clerk Mass Mass 1,000.00 Masuret, Eugene A Clerk Canada . . N. J 1,000.00 Powfifs Morton TT Clerk Vt Vt 900.00 Howard Lillian M . . Clerk Canada p.m. 25.00 Howard. Barton.. Laborer. . . N.B... Canada . . 720.00 OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. 217 IMMIGRATION SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensation. Morden, Manitoba. Miller, Thomas C Immigrant iuspQCtOf. - Mo Mo $1, 200. 00 Naco, Ariz. Bishop Walter H Mo Ariz .... p. d. 5 00 Jones M. Hunter D. C D. C.. 1, 400 00 Tarbell, Dr. Brent C Lock wood, George Immigrant inspector. . N. Y England . Ariz Mass 1.00 1, 200. 00 Mead, Cephas F La Ariz 8.00 Neche, N. Dale. Steward Ernest C Immigrant inspector Tenn N Y 1 400 00 Nelson, B. C. Lawrence Edward L Immigrant inspector Cal Cal 1 200 00 New Bedford, Mass. Sullivan, James A Immigrant inspector Mass Mass p d. 6 00 Hinkley, William B Immigrant inspector. . Me Mass p. d. 5. 00 Dias Antonio F Interpreter Azores Mass p d 5 00 Perry Joseph Interpreter C a D e Mass p d ^00 Bullard John T . . Surgeon Verde Islands. Mass Mass 300 00 New Orleans, La. Stretton, Peter H Immigrant inspector Iowa 111 2 500 00 Brownlow, Henry C Immigrant inspector. . Tenn .. . Tenn 2 000 00 Course Hunter M Immigrant inspector Miss Ga p d 5 00 Trazivuk Daniel .... Immigrant inspfirtnr Austria N Y 1 800 00 Downing, Daniel Tm migrant, inppfirtor Conn N Y 1 400 00 De Hart Leon J Immigrant inspector N Y Ohio 1 200 00 Brough Alfred W Chinese inspector Pa Pa 1 200 00 Tape, Frank H Interpreter Cal Cal 1 200 00 Frazier, Maynard A Clerk Ky.. Tex 1 200 00 Patterson, George M Clerk Ill . ... 111 1 200 00 Becker, William jr Clerk ... La La 900 00 New York city. Watchorn, Robert Commissioner England N Y 6 500 00 Braun, Marcus... Immigrant insoector. . Hunffarv. N.Y... D.d. 8.00 ] When actually employed, not to exceed $300 per annum. 218 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR. IMMIGRATION SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensation. New York city Con. Green, Canon L Immigrant inspector Md N.Y $2 500 00 Paine Ansel W Immigrant inspector nr JYlass Mass p d 6 00 Wolf, Christian J Immigrant inspector N Y N Y 1 200 00 Sisson, Harry R Chinese inspector Ohio N.Y 2 250 00 Wiley, Albert B Chinese inspector .... Del . . N.Y . . 1, 600. 00 Dalessandro Antonio Chinese inspector Italy N Y 1 400 00 Coy Chui Tung Interpreter China Mass 1 200 00 Timoni, Alfred Interpreter .... Sweden N.Y 1,200 00 Wong, Warren Interpreter China 1, 000. 00 Kelley Howard J Sten and typewriter N Y N Y 1 400 00 Smith, Bartholomew J. . . Steele, James A Clerk Clerk N.Y N. Y N.Y N Y 1,400.00 1, 400. 00 Masterson, Francis J Clerk N.Y . . N.Y . 1, 000. 00 Morrison Alfred S Clerk N Y N Y 1 000 00 Feist Samuel Watchman N Y N Y p d 1 2 50 Michel, Henry Watchman N Y N.Y p. d. 2. 50 O'Brien, Henry F Watchman N.Y . N.Y . p.d. 1 2.QQ Schott, Joseph Watchman N.Y .... N.Y .... p.d. !2.50 Newport, Vt. McDermott Daniel J Immigrant inppprtrvr Mass Vt 2, 000. 00 Parker, Wallace H Immigrant iBSpGCtOT Vt Vt p. d. 5. 00 Davis Sydney F Immigrant inspector Vt Vt 1 200 00 TTinman Timothy Watchman -janitor Vt Vt p m 20. 00 Newport News, Va. Williams, James E Immigrant, inspprtor Va Va 1, 800. 00 Niagara Falls, N. Y. Zurbrick, John L Immigrant inspector N Y N.Y . . p.d. 6.00 Mass, John W Immigrant inspector Germany N.Y p.d. 5.00 O'Brien, Maurice Immigrant inspector N Y N Y p d. 5.00 Woods, James J., jr Velie, George E Immigrant inspector. . Immigrant inspprtor 111 N.Y . 111 N.Y p.d. 5.00 1, 800. 00 Baldwin, William R Immigrant inspector Mo Md 1, 600. 00 Boyd, Joseph B. D Tm.'migran.t inspector D C D.C 1, 600. 00 Gill J. Franklin Immigrant inspector N Y N Y 1, 600. 00 Pierce, James H. . Immigrant insDector. . Wis... Wis... 1, 600. 00 "When actually employed OFFICEES AND EMPLOYEES. 219 IMMIGRATION SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensation. Niagara Falls, N. Y. Continued. Tryon, Frank C Immigrant inspector. . N.Y N.Y $1, 600. 00 Allen, Harry C Immigrant inspector N. Y Mo 1 200 00 Roat, William W Immigrant inspector 111 . 111 1,200 00 Carminati, August A . Interpreter Austria N.Y.. . 1,200 00 Bingham, Elgin O Medical examiner Canada . . N.Y 1, 200. 00 Clark, Robert P Sten and typewriter N Y N Y 1 400 00 Bellenger, Mrs. Alice Janitress England N Y p m 10 00 Nogales, Ariz. Cook, Charles H Immigrant inspector . Ky.. Colo 1, 600. 00 Moore, George W Tmmigra.T\t jnppftctnr Ohio Ohio 1 600 00 Young, Frank C Immigrant inppertnr Ohio Wash 1 200 00 Park, Clarence M Sten. and typewriter Ohio Ind 1 400 00 Grimm, Arthur Janitor Mexico Ariz p m 5 00 Norfolk, Va. Morton, William R Immigrant inspector Minn N Y p d 6 00 Schmucker, Edwin B Williams, John C Immigrant inspector. . Immigrant inspector Va Pa Pa Md p. d. 5. 00 p d 5 00 North Stratford, N. E. Harris, James K. P.. . Immigrant inspector Pa N Y 1 200 00 Northport, Wash. Janni, Peter Interpreter Cal . . Wash 900 00 Noyau Junction, P. Q. Conway, Edward J Immigrant inspector N.Y N.Y p d 5 00 Ogdensburg, N. Y. Robinson, Oliver P Immigrant inspector. . Ind Ind.. p d 5 00 Conaty , Joseph A Immigrant inspectoi Mass Mass 1 800 00 Stevens, Riley Immigrant inspector N Y N Y 1 200 00 Wright, William Chinese inspector N Y N Y p d 5 00 Omaha, Nebr. Mansfield, William R. . . . Immigrant inspector. . Ohio .... Ariz. p. d. 5.00 Oroville, Wash. Dufield, Albert M.. Immigrant insDector. . 111. Wash l.fiOO.OO 220 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR. IMMIGRATION SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensation. Pascagoula, Miss. Turnbull, Martin Immigrant inspector. . La Miss . $300 00 Pearce, Ariz. Waters, Lewis D . Immigrant inspector . Ill Utah 1 200 00 Pembina, N. Dak. Eyford, Bogi Chinese inspector Iceland N. Dak p. d 5 00 Smith, Shirley D Immigrant inspector . . N. Y . Iowa . 1, 800 00 Nicholls, William J . . Immigrant inspector. . South N.Y ... 1, 400. 00 Paden, Charles W Immigrant inspector. . Amer- ica. Ohio . . . Ill 1, 200. 00 Pensacola, Fla. Leary, Robert J Immigrant inspector D. C D. C 1 600 00 Kelly, Alonzo ... Watchman at large Fla . Fla. .. p. d. *2. 50 Philadelphia, Pa. Rodgers, John J. S Commissioner Pa Pa 4, 000. 00 Hughes James L Chief immigrant insp . . Pa. . Pa 2, 500. 00 frfihrmgfir, TTfvnry A Immigrant inspector . . Pa Pa 2, 000. 00 Robbins, James P Immigrant inspector. . Pa Pa 2, 000. 00 Benkhart, Albert G Harper John T Immigrant inspector. . Immigrant inspector . Pa D. C. . Pa Pa p. d. 5.00 1, 800. 00 Ehrlich Joseph Immigrant inspector. . Rouma- Pa 1, 600. 00 Bauer, Herman R Immigrant inspector. . nia. N. Y.... N. Y.... 1, 400. 00 McLaughlin Adrian F Chinese inspector N. Y . . Pa 2, 000. 00 Garbarino, Frank L Chinese inspector N. J N. J 1,600.00 Moy, Shere F Interpreter China . . . N. Y.... p. d. 4.00 Woyshuar Martin Interpreter Russia Pa . ... 1, 300. 00 Goldberger, William Interpreter Hungary. Pa 1, 200. 00 Busha, Socrates Interpreter Turkey . . Pa p. d. 2 4.00 Berkowitz, Joseph Interpreter Hungary Pa. . . 300. 00 Berkowitz, William . Interpreter Hungary. Pa 300.00 Schwartz Lewis Interpreter Hungary Pa 300.00 Horton Karl Interpreter Sweden Pa . ... p. m. 25.00 Tenny Harry L Clerk N. Y Pa 1, 600. 00 Davis. Harrv Y . . Clerk.. B.C.. Pa.. 1, 400. 00 1 Not to exceed $300 per annum. * When actually employed, not to exceed $300 per annum. OFFICEES AND EMPLOYEES. 221 IMMIGRATION SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensation. Philadelphia, Pa. Con. Reiss, Charles C Ettin^er James A. Clerk Clerk Pa Pa Pa Pa $1,400.00 1, 200. 00 Kline Monroe H Clerk . Pa .... Pa 1, 000. 00 Brodrick James J Watchman Pa Pa 840. 00 Riebel William Watchman Pa Pa 840.00 Kaney Mrs Alice L Matron Ireland Pa 600. 00 Hart Charles E Janitor Md Pa 300. 00 Donnelly William Janitor Ireland . . Pa 240.00 Pittsburg, Pa. Lay ton, Robert D Immigrant inspector . . Pa Pa 2, 000. 00 Sibray, William W Chinese inspector . Ind Oreg . . 1, 800. 00 Spaun, Lemuel B Clerk W. Va.. . Pa 1, 000. 00 Plum Coulee, Manitoba. Wubbenhorst, John H . . . Point Adams, Oreg. Anderson Bernard C Immigrant inspector . . Boatman N. Y.... Sweden N. Y.... Oreg 1, 200. 00 J 1.00 Farley Robert Boatman Sweden Ores . ^.OO Johnson Herman Boatman Sweden. . Ores . . ^.OO Patterson, Carl W Boatman Sweden. . Oreg . . ^.OO Pearson Charles Boatman Sweden Oreg ^.00 Petersen Gottfried F Boatman Germany Oreg ^.oo Potter William Boatman . . . . Mo Ores ^.oo Wickland Oscar S Boatman Sweden. Ores . ^.oo Point Roberts, Wash. Adams Homer H Immigrant inspector . Iowa Wash p. d. 4. 00 Ponce, P. R. Hatch, Mark B Immigrant inspector. . Ohio Tex p.d. 6.00 Port Arthur, Tex. Palmer, Ora J Immigrant inspector . . Ind Ind 1, 400. 00 Winter, William S Medical examiner Ohio Tex p.d. 2 2.50 Port Huron, Mich. Deal, Horace M Immigrant inspector. . Ohio .... Ohio p.d. 5.00 Francis, Joseph... Immigrant inspector. . Ohio... Ohio... 1.800.00 1 Per trip, not to exceed $300 per annum. 2 When actually employed. 222 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR. IMMIGRATION SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. , NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensation. Port Huron, Mich. Con. Macintosh, Vivian G . . . . Rutledge Bruce .... Immigrant inspector. . Immigrant inspector. . Chinese inspector . Interpreter N. Y.... Mich.... Mich.... Hungary. Ohio Iowa .... Wvo N.H.... Mich.... Mich.... N. Y.... Wash.... Wash.... Wash.... N. Y.... Wash Mont Mont Wis N. Y.... N. Dak.. Ohio $1,800.00 1,200.00 p.d. 6.00 1, 000. 00 1, 600. 00 4.00 4.00 1, 400. 00 p. d. ^.OO 840.00 840. 00 2,000.00 p.d. 5.00 1, 800. 00 1, 600. 00 1, 400. 00 1, 200. 00 1, 000. 00 840. 00 840.00 840.00 720. 00 300. 00 p.d. 5.00 1, 800. 00 1, 600. 00 840.00 p.d. 'S.OO p.d. ^.OO 2 3. 00 1,000.00 Petit Edwin Farber James Port Townsend, Wash. Wyckoff Tom L Immigrant inspector. . Immigrant inspector. . Chinese inspector .... Interpreter Palmer C Alfred Fisher, Thomas M. , jr Weiss Henry Turkey . . China . . . England. England . Iceland.. England. Minn. . . . Ohio June Ng Tung Interpreter Jarvis James W Watchman Currie James F Watchman Portal, N. Dak. Abel, John J..- Immigrant inspector. . Immigrant inspector. . Chinese inspector .... Chinese inspector .... Chinese inspector .... Chinese inspector . Interpreter Beaumont Ralph Holton Olaf B ... McNa<*hten Roy T Turner Harry F Nebr .... Wis Cal . . Iowa Minn. . . . Wash.... N Dak Thue, Peter J Chung Ener... Daly Ambrose M Watchman N Dak McDill Robert T Watchman 111 111 Marsh John V Watchman Laborer Wis Norway. . Canada . . Mass .... Mass .... N.S Russia. . . Russia . . Finland.. Sweden. . Me *p Iowa Canada . . N. Dak.. Mass .... Mass.... Me Me Me Me Me Me er ship. Lovig, Reidar J MacCallum, Charles Medical examiner Immigrant inspector. . Immigrant inspector. . Immigrant inspector. . Tnt.rnrt.fir Portland, Me. O'Neill, Thomas P. H... Howes, Samuel H Elliott, Timothy Rosenberg, David . Cohen, Harman Hakans, Charles V Interpreter Holmberg, Axel F Interpreter Henry Rose A Clerk tuilly employed. i When ac OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. 223 IMMIGRATION SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensation. Portland, Or eg. Barb our John H Chinese inspector Ill Ores . . $2, 500. 00 Hussey Robert E Immigrant inspector Cal Cal p d 5 00 Sawyer Jolm B Immigrant, inspector Wis Cal . p. d. 5 00 Watkins William F Sten. and typewriter Mo Ores:. . 1, 400 00 Lowe Herman Interpreter Cal Cal 1, 200. 00 Bon John F .... Clerk S. Dak . . Oreg . . 1, 000. 00 Alisky Charles Watchman Cal Ores 900 00 Green Charles B Watchman S. Dak S. Dak 840 00 Kurz Charles Watchman . . Germany Ores 840 00 Meyer Ferd Watchman Germany Ores . 840. 00 Stevenson John R ... Watchman Iowa .... Ores . . 840.00 Tuite, James M Watchman Cal Cal 840. 00 Bachrodt August G Watchman Germany Ores p d 1 2 50 Beck George Watchman Ores Ores p d *2 50 Brown Sylvester J Watchman Iowa Ores p. d. 1 2 50 Clark Ralph R Watchman Iowa Oreg p. d. 2 2. 50 Ha^ue, Richard Watchman N. Y Ores . . p. d. !2.50 Hoeye Joseph BL Watchman Iowa Ores p d 1 2 50 Jackson Julius D Watchman Vt Ores p d 2 2 50 Lombard, John P Watchman Me Ores p d. 2 2 50 McGalliard, Thomas J . Watchman Mo . ... Ores p. d. 2 2.50 Rankin John H Watchman Ores Ores p d 2 2 50 Rowe Charles E Watchman Conn Ores p d 2 2 50 Stanton Harry L Watchman Kans Ores p d 2 2 50 Stipe Ralph . . . Watchman 111 Ores p d 2 2 50 Presidio, Tex. Skinner Henry T Immigrant inspfiotor N. J N. J 1 200 00 Quebec, Canada. Arndt Fred W Immigrant inspector Ohio Ohio 1 400 00 Aiorlund, TT firman Immigrant inspector Finland Mass 1 200 00 Coyne. William J Immigrant inspector Mass Mass 1 200 00 Detwiler, Jacob D Immigrant inspector. . Pa Pa 1 200 00 '/' Rainier, Minn. Watson. James T . . Immigrant inspector. . N. Y.. N. J.. 1.200.00 1 When actually employed. 2 When actually employed, not to exceed $300 per annum. 224 DEPARTMENT OF COMMEKCE AND LABOK. IMMIGRATION SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensation. Rainy River, Ontario. Clark, George H Immigrant inspector. . Chinese inspector N. Y.... Vt N. Y.... Vt $1,200.00 2,000.00 1, 400. 00 p. d. 4.00 840.00 840.00 840.00 840.00 720.00 1, 200. 00 1, 800. 00 p. d. 5. 00 p. d. 4.00 1,200.00 p. d. 5.00 p.d. 5.00 p. d. 5. 00 1,600.00 2, 200. 00 p. d. 6. 00 p.d. 5.00 1, 600. 00 1, 200. 00 1, 600. 00 1,400.00 Richford, Vt. Weeks, Arthur L Sullivan, John G ... Chinese inspector .... Interpreter ... Mass China ... Vt Mass N. Y.... Vt Mass D.C.... Vt Mass N. Y.... Vt Kwai, Moy B Austin, Charles H Watchman Watchman Dunton, James N Gates, Charles F . ... Watchman Watchman Knight, Tioomip J Lindstrom John G Janitor Sweden.. Ohio N. Y.... N. Y.... Wis Mass .... Md Vt Mass .... Mo N. Y.... N. Y.... Cal Mass .... Idaho Vt. Rio Grande City, Tex. Hopkins, Stephen B . . . . Rossland, B. C. Quigley, Martin J Immigrant inspector. . Immigrant inspector. . Immigrant inspector. . Immigrant inspector. . Chinese inspector .... Immigrant inspector . . Immigrant inspector. . Rouse Point, N. Y. Yale, James Bowman } TTarold f\ Dunton, John F Rykerts, B. C. Thews, William B . . St. Albans, Vt. Forbes, Charles S Lewis, William D . . Immigrant inspector. . Immigrant inspector. . Immigrant inspector. . Immigrant inspector. . Immigrant inspector. . Immigrant inspector. . Immigrant inspector. . Stenographer and typewriter. Interpreter . . N. J N. Y.... Canada . . Germany Mich .... N. Y. ... England. Md Austria . . N. Y.... N. Y.... Mich .... N. Y. ... Mich. ... D. C N. Y. ... N. Y. ... N. Y. . St. Clair, Mich. Sullivan, John M St. John, New Brunswick. Harrison, Ralph P... Miller, Peter E Willard Eugene W Porter, Richard B Haynes, Thomas R Burton, Joseph H Fischler, William . . OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. 225 IMMIGRATION SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensation. St. John, New Bruns- wick Continued. Wakim Arthur Interpreter .... Syria . N. Y $1, 200. 00 Chisnell Mrs Lucinda A Matron . Ohio.. Ohio 900. 00 Neren Mrs Cora Janitress Canada New 180 00 St. Louis, Mo. Dunn, James R Immigrant inspector. . N. Y Bruns- wick. Ohio p. d. 8.00 Maguire, Michael F Immigrant inspector. . Mo 111 p. d. 5. 00 Moler Henry H Immigrant inspector Ohio 111 p d. 5 00 Whitfield, Samuel L Clerk. N. Y 111 1,400 00 Lich, Charles A Clerk Mo Mo 1,000 00 Quai, Li Him Interpreter China.... N. Y 1, 200. 00 Chesnut James W Messenger Ky Ky 840 00 St. Stephen, New Bruns- wick. Gillis, Herbert C Immigrant inspector . . Me Me 1, 600. 00 Salt Lake City, Utah. McCabe, James Immigrant inspector . Ireland. . Mass . p. d. 6 00 L/ongley, Thomas J Immigrant inspector Ga Ga p d 5 00 San Antonio, Tex. Berkshire, Frank W Supervising inspector. Ky.. 111 4,000 00 Steward, Luther C Immigrant inspector Tenn N Y 2 500 00 Moore, Risdore M Immigrant inspector 111 Tex p. d 5 00 Brown, William W Immigrant inspector Tenn N. Y 1 800 00 Callahan , Riley G Immigrant inspector Mo. .. . Mo 1, 800 00 Stone, Frank R Immigrant inspector N Y N Y 1 400 00 Stephens, Robert W Stenographer and Ga Tex 1 400 00 Kuykendall, Dan S typewriter. Clerk 111 .. Mo 1 000 00 Lewis, Frank A Clerk Colo Colo 1 000 00 Harris, William G . . . . Clerk . ... Tex Tex 1 000 00 San Diego, Cal. Engelcke, Emil Immigrant inspector Germany Cal 2 000 00 Agard, William E Tm mi grant, inspector Cal Cal 1 600 00 Armstrong, Clayton P 4606408 15 Immigrant inspector. . Mo Mo 1,200.00 226 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR. IMMIGRATION SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensation. San Diego, Cal. Con. Farmer, Edwin Immigrant inspector. . Interpreter N. Y.... China Ky Cal Hawaii . . Oreg.... Cal Cal $1, 200. 00 1,200.00 1, 000. 00 4,000.00 p.m. 150.00 1,500.00 2, 200. 00 p. d. 5.00 p. d. 5.00 p. d. 5.00 1, 600. 00 p. d. 8.00 p. d. 6.00 2, 000. 00 2,000.00 1,600.00 1, 600. 00 p. d. 4.00 p. d. 4.00 1, 400. 00 1, 400. 00 1,400.00 1,200.00 1, 200. 00 1,200.00 1,200.00 p. d. 4.00 p. d. 4.00 p. d. 4.00 1,400.00 1, 200. 00 1, 200. 00 1, 200. 00 1,000.00 1,600.00 1, 600. 00 Lee H Embert Erwin, Samford Clerk Commissioner . . San Francisco, Cal. North Hart H Adams Boardman C Supt. of construction . Statistician Mich.... N. Y Wash.... Cal Eccleston Richard Crawford Thomas M Immigrant inspector . . Cal Cal de La Torre, Anthony, jr. Gassaway, William M Griffiths David J Immigrant inspector. . Immigrant inspector. . Immigrant inspector. . Immigrant inspector . . Chinese inspector Cal Ohio Cal Cal Ohio Cal . ... Heitmann, William D Mehan Charles Iowa Canada . . China Cal Cal Ariz Gardner, Jno. Endicott . . Boyce William T Chinese inspector Cal Cal Chinese inspector Kennah Henry C Chinese inspector Ohio Wash.... Cal Strand Joseph X Chinese inspector Cal Webber Wilfred H Chinese inspector Pa ... Cal Crawshaw, Benjamin F . . Montgomery, Percy F Lorenzen Lauritz Chinese inspector. . . . Pa Cal Chinese inspector Chinese inspector D.C Germany N. Y . Cal Cal McChesney, Joseph B Warner, John B . . . . Chinese inspector Cal . . Chinese inspector Wis Cal Robinson, John A Chinese inspector Chinese inspector Cal Pa Cal Pa . . Rosis Eugene Schulze Charles F Chinese inspector . . Cal Cal Scully, Joseph H . . . . Chinese inspector Interpreter Cal China Cal Cal Cal Mass Cal Gubbins Joseph H Kay, Yong Interpreter McClymont, Julius S Gardiner, J. L. McD Park, Edward L Interpreter Australia. Japan Cal Interpreter ! Cal Cal.. Interpreter Shuck, Haw Lin Interpreter China.... Cal China ' Cal . . . Way Tarn Interpreter Jack, Chin Interpreter China....! Wash Ind Cal Ind.. . Cal.. Kimmel, Emil L Clerk Clerk.. Kimmel, Harry - - OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. 227 IMMIGRATION SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from winch ap- pointed. Compensation. San Francisco, Cat. Con. Lissak Madeline Clerk (stenographer and typewriter). Clerk (stenographer and typewriter). Clerk Cal Cal p. d. $4.00 1, 400. 00 1,400.00 1, 400. 00 1,400.00 1, 200. 00 1,200.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 1, 200. 00 1, 000. 00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1, 000. 00 p. d. 3. 50 p.d. 3.00 1,000.00 1, 000. 00 1, 000. 00 1,000.00 1, 000. 00 1, 000. 00 1, 000. 00 840.00 840.00 840. 00 840. 00 840. 00 1,000.00 3,000.00 2, 000. 00 1, 500, 00 Cunningham, Harry W... Plumb Thomas J Cal Cal N. Y Cal Strange Alice M Clerk (stenographer) Cal Cal Trumbly Charles A Clerk (stenographer and typewriter). Clerk (stenographer and typewriter). Cleric Cal Cal . . . Fergusson, Robert T Ky Minn Mexico . . N. Y Cal Tex Kohler Frank O Lohse Paul ' Clark Cal N. Y. McFetridge, Edward L . . Weaver, George L Clerk Clerk Minn Cal Minn Cal Butler James P Clerk Murphy, Thomas P Pritchard, Joseph A Clerk Ireland . Cal . . Cal Clark - Cal.. Jacobs Lurline E Clprlr Cal Cal Blackburn Mason S Chief watchman Watchman Ohio Cal Cal Cal "RagaTi John J, . . . Ball, Guilf ord Watchman Conn Kans Mass.. Mass . Cal Cal Cal Cal Cal Cal Cook August F Wa.trlinna.Ti Duffy Michael J Watchman Flynn, Daniel J ' Watchman . . . Hawkins, Hart Watchman Noblitt James M Wfl.tohma.n N C Tex Plummer, Shepherd D... Graham, David F Watchman Ohio Ireland . . Pa Cal N. Y.... Kans Wash.... Cal Watchman Kurtz Louis Watchman Mitchell, John L Watchman Mo Newman, John M Watchman England . Va Pa Taylor Charles J Watchman Messenger Ind. T... Cal Harrison, Alexander S . . . San Juan, P.R. Rice, Graham L Commissioner Immigrant inspector. . N. Y.... Til Wis Cal Sisson, Benson H Hibler, Arthur S Immigrant inspector. J Egypt . . . N. Y.. 228 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR. IMMIGRATION SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. * NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensation. San Juan, P. R. Con. Nantz Freeman P Deckhand P. R p. m. $20. 00 p.m. 12.00 p. d. 6.00 p. d. 5.00 p. d. 5.00 1, 800. 00 1, 800. 00 1, 600. 00 1, 600. 00 p. d. 4. 00 1, 200. 00 1, 000. 00 p.m. 12.00 1, 800. 00 2, 750. 00 p.d. 6.00 p.d. 5.00 p.d. 5.00 1,800.00 1, 800. 00 1, 800. 00 1, 600. 00 p.d. 4.00 1, 400. 00 1, 400. 00 1, 200. 00 1, 200. 00 1, 800. 00 1, 800. 00 1, 600. 00 p. d. 4. 00 1, 400. 00 D. d. 4. 00 Gimenez Enrique Janitor Immigrant inspector. . Immigrant inspector. . Immigrant inspector . . P.R.... Ind Canada . . Pa P.R.... Ill Mich .... Ill ... Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. Jewell, Frank M Povey David G Warwick, Edward W Benner Harrison A Immigrant inspector . . Immigrant inspector. . Immigrant inspector . D. C Mo Ind D. C.... Wash.... Ind Perry Alma H Ingle John Wiley, Edgar J Immigrant inspector. . Immigrant inspector. . Interpreter Mich.... Canada . . Finland.. Md Mich.... Mich .... Mich Watson John H L/indstrom Charles Bosley , George F Clerk Md Scott Mrs Sarah Janitress Canada . . Ga Mich .... Ga Savannah, Ga. Whatley , Edgar T Immigrant inspector. . Seattle, Wash. Sargent, John H Immigrant inspector Ill Wash.... Wash.... Wash.... N. J..... Hawaii . . Wash.... Cal Cal Fisher, Thomas M. , sr Sparling, Fred. W Immigrant inspector . . Pa .... Immigrant inspector . . Immigrant inspector. . Immigrant inspector . . Immigrant inspector. . Immigrant inspector. . Immigrant inspector Ireland . . N. Y.... Pa Canada . . Cal Cal Turner Charles A Bechtel Fred. M Ellis, Parker Lynch, Thomas W Nicholson Joseph W Wells, Edward L Immigrant inspector. . Immigrant inspector. . Immigrant inspector. . Immigrant inspector. . Immigrant inspector. . Chinpsp insDftrtor Mo Ohio Alaska... Mich Myers Henry A Steele, Frank N 111 Utah Wash.... Wash.... Mo Minn Tenn Cal Wash.... Ill Pa.. Wilkes, James A Wood, Lawrence 111 Canada . . Tenn Cal India 111 China.. Monroe, Henry A Stewart, John V Chinese insrmrtor Mangels, Gustav H Chinese inspector ; Chinese inspector ! Chinese inspector ; InterDreter... Thomson, Conway Keagy, Charles E Jett. Chin M . . OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. 229 IMMIGRATION SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensation. Seattle, Wash. Con. Okajima Kinya Interpreter Japan Wash .. $1, 200. 00 Yoshioka Seimei Interpreter Japan .... Wash.... p.d. 3.00 Jackson Arba De H Clerk Iowa .... Wash.... 1, 400. 00 TTaaaorij Charles A Clerk Utah Wash.... 1, 200. 00 Strench, William G Clerk (stenographer Mo Mo 1, 000. 00 Barks Wilber J and typewriter). Stenographer and Nebr Wash 1, 200. 00 Dougherty, Thomas A typewriter. Chief watchman Wash.... Wash 1, 000. 00 Bates Fred E W'at c h man N Y N Y 840. 00 Brown, Josiah S Watchman New Wash.... 840. 00 Harlan, Joseph S Watchman Bruns- wick. Ind Wash 840. 00 Mount, Thomas G Watchman 111 Ores 840.00 Patterson, George H Watchman N. H. .. Wash.... 840. 00 Reaney, Charles Watchman La La 840. 00 Smith Lproy B Watchman Iowa Nebr 840. 00 Stanton, William E Watchman Cal Cal 840. 00 Towey, Michael C . . W^atchman Ireland Wash 840. 00 Conover, Herbert W T atchman . Wash .. Wash p.d. X 2.50 McLean Allan Watchman N Y Wash p d X 2. 50 Perkins John W Watchman Me Wash p d. 1 2.5Q W T est, John W. Watchman Ohio Wash p.d. 1 2.5Q Alcorn, Francis J Messenger Pa Mo 840. 00 Aikens, Ella Matron Ind Wash 840. 00 Mulkey, Mrs. Mary E Matron Mo Wash.... 840. 00 Smiley, Charles F Janitor Cal Wash 720. 00 Lewis, Hugh H Assistant janitor Kans Kans 660. 00 Seligman, Ariz. Nielsen, Adolph II Immigrant inspector Denmark Wash 1 200 00 Skagway, Alaska. Maskeviczius, Domianus. Spofford Junction, Tex. Meeds, LlovdT... Immigrant inspector. . Immigrant insDector. . Russia. . . D. C N. Y. ... Til 1, 800. 00 n. d. 5.00 1 When actually employed, not to exceed $300 per annum. 230 DEPARTMENT OF COMMEECE AND LABOR. IMMIGRATION SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensation. Spokane, Wash. Den Lewis Interpreter China.... Wash.... p.d. J $3.00 Sprague, Manitoba. Edwards Lee A Immigrant inspector. . Ohio Ohio p. d. 5 00 Sumas, Wash. Edsell Harry S Chinese inspector Ohio Ores: 2, 000 00 Hannum, Charles H .... Chinese inspector. .... Cal Wash p.d. 5.00 Fov Ouan Interpreter China N Y p d ^4 00 Blee Harry B Immirant inspector 111 Wash 1, 200. 00 Bonham, Francis P Clerk S. C Cal 1, 000. 00 Engels, Henry N Watchman Nebr .... Wash.... 840. 00 Engels Louis H Watchman Nebr Nebr 840.00 Latham Thomas Watchman Cal Wash 840. 00 Manning, George S Watchman Oreg . Oresr. 840. 00 S wanton, Vt. Twohey, Edward H., jr. . Tacoma, Wash. Fulton Alexander S Immigrant inspector. . Immigrant inspector Vt Canada Vt Wash p. d. 5. 00 p. d. 5. 00 Eisele, Wilbert E Clerk Pa Colo 1, 000. 00 Long, Dong On Interpreter China . . Wash.... p. d. l 3. 00 Tappan Josiah E Chief watchman Mass Wash 1, 000. 00 Acheson Herbert W Watchman Ireland Wash 840. 00 Freeland, Hesten H Watchman Kans . . . Wash.... 840. 00 Gerspacher, H. Otto Watchman Germany Wash. . . . 840. 00 Beers Charles H Watchman Minn Wash p.d. 2 2.50 Berry, Frank S Watchman Mass Wash p.d. 2 2.50 Tampa, Fla. Seraphic, Alcibiades A ... Schmucker, George B Miller, Raymond G Immigrant inspector. . Immigrant inspector. . Clerk Turkey.. Va Ind N. Y.... La Ky.. 2, 200. 00 1, 800. 00 1, 200. 00 Texas City, Tex. Snyder, Charles W.. . . Immigrant inspector Pa Cal 1, 400. 00 Uster. William F . . Immigrant inspector. . N. Y.. N. Y.. 1. 400. 00 1 When actually employed. 2 When actually employed, not to exceed $300 per annum. OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. 231 IMMIGRATION SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensation. Tia Juana, Mexico. Canfield John Chinese inspector N J.... Cal $1, 600. 00 Manning Bernard Chinese inspector R. I Cal 1, 600. 00 Toledo, Ohio. Marrow Isaac H Immigrant inspector i Md Ohio . . . p. d. 5. 00 Fluckey J Arthur Chinese inspector Ill . .. Ill 1, 600. 00 Way Charles J Interpreter .... Cal Cal p. d. : 3. 00 Toronto, Ontario. Lavin James P .... Chinese inspector Ga Ga 1, 800. 00 Kemp Charles D Immigrant inspector . . N. Y.... Ohio 1, 600. 00 Toyah, Tex. Dilworth Eugene R Immigrant inspector Miss .... Tex 1, 400. 00 Tucson, Ariz. Webb George W Immigrant inspector . . Cal Ariz p. d. 6. 00 Murphy John J Immigrant inspector Mass Mass . . . p. d. 5. 00 Webb Robert E L Chinese inspector Ariz .... Ariz 1, 000. 00 Faung Harry K Interpreter Nev Mass 1, 200. 00 Wiebe Adolph J Interpreter Japan Wash.... 1, 200. 00 Musgrave Archibald A Clerk Canada Mass 1 200 00 Theisin^er Louis "W Watchman Kans Ariz .... 840. 00 Vestal Caleb N Watchman Ark . Ark 840. 00 Crepin Dr Henry E Medical examiner Iowa Ariz 300 00 Smith Sidney Janitor 'Ky.. Ariz p. m. 10. 00 Tucumcari, Ariz. Dodds Samuel D Chinese inspector Ill Ill 1, 400. 00 Van Bur en, Me. Cohen, Adolph H Immigrant inspector . . Germany. N. Y.... 1, 200. 00 Vancouver, B. C. Prentis Percy L Immigrant inspector . . Ind Iowa . . . p. d. 6. 00 Reed, William H Immigrant inspector . . Ohio Mo p. d. 6. 00 Brunjes George E Immigrant inspector . . N Y . N Y p d 5.00 Huestis Edmond Immifirant inspector . . Ill Wash p. d. 5. 00 Bur ford, Sherman J Immigrant inspector. . Pa Ores 1, 800. 00 Frost. Frank B.. Immigrant inspector . . N. H.. N. J.. 1. 800. 00 1 When actually employed. 232 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR. IMMIGRATION SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Vancouver, B. C. Con. Hunter, Benjamin A Immigrant inspector. . Ill Ill Morgan Albion B Immigrant inspector Me N. Y .. Chalker Alfred W Immigrant inspector . England Cal.. .. Ebey Clarence E Immigrant inspector . . 111 Cal Shearer, William M Immigrant inspector. . Cal Cal Haworth Barnabas C Interpreter Ind Ill Hopps Frank W Interpreter Cal Cal Borio, John Interpreter Italy . . B.C Carozzi Cyrus Interpreter Italy B C Ober Louis Clerk Mass Mass Sametz Stephen J Clerk N. Y .. Wash.... Murakami Ikunoshin Janitor Japan B C Vanceboro, Me. Brosnahan James A .... Immigrant inspector . . D. C Mass Vantana Ranch, Ariz. Milton Jeff D Immigrant inspector . . Fla Ariz .... McDonald Brown Chinese inspector Tex N. Y Victoria, B. C. Smyre William E Immigrant inspector. . N C . N. C Becktell Willard G Immirant inspector. . Mich ... Mich .... Tomkins, William H Wallawalla, Wash. Tung Charles L Clerk Interpreter Wis Cal Minn Wash Winnipeg, Manitoba. Carr Walter E Immigrant inspector. . Wis Wis Felstyner Max Immigrant inspector . . Austria . . Mass Weishaar, Isidor Immigrant inspector . . Germany. N. Y . . . - Jones, Phillips B Immigrant inspector . . N. Y.... N. Y.... Rob bins Person A Immigrant inspector . . Vt Vt Johnson Albert L Clerk Nebr Nebr ... Lidholm John E Interpreter Sweden . Canada . . Lakacs, Mrs. Katalin... Janitress.. Hungary. Canada . . 11, 800. 00 1, 800. 00 1, 200. 00 1, 200. 00 1, 200. 00 1, 400. 00 1, 200. 00 p. m. 15. 00 p. m 15.00 1, 000. 00 1, 000. 00 p. m. 20. 00 p. d. 5. 00 p. d. 5. 00 1, 200. 00 p. d. 5.00 1, 600. 00 1, 200. 00 p. d. l 3. 00 2, 200. 00 1, 800. 00 1, 400. 00 1, 200. 00 1, 200. 00 1, 200. 00 p. d. '2. 00 p. m. 15. 00 1 Whea actually employed. OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. 233 IMMIGRATION SERVICE AT LARGE Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensation. Yarmouth, Nova Scotia. Turner Harry M Immigrant inspector . . W. Va . . . W. Va . . . p. d. $6. 00 Ware Joseph T Immigrant inspector Miss Mis= 2, 000. 00 Creelman George C Clerk Canada N. Y 1, 400. 00 Yuma, Ariz. Brazie AVilliam A Chinese inspector W Va . W. Va .. 1, 600 00 BUREAU OF STANDARDS. M NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. Stratton, Samuel W Director Ill Ill $5,000 Bosa, Edward B Physicist N. Y Conn 4,000 Stokes Henry N Associate chemist N. J N. J 2,500 Fischer, Louis A Associate physicist D. C . D. C 2,500 Waidner, Charles W . . . Associate physicist Md Md 2,500 Wolff, Frank A Associate physicist ..... Md Md 2,500 Burgess George K. Associate physicist Mass Cal 2 200 Dorsey Noah E Associate physicist Md ... Md 2,000 Hyde, Edward P Associate physicist "... Md Md 2,000 Hubbard, Henry D Secretary Pa Ill 2,000 Brooks Herbert B Assistant physicist Ohio Ohio 1 800 Douty Daniel E Assistant physicist Wis Wash 1,800 Lloyd, Dr. Morton G Assistant physicist N. J Pa 1,800 Nutting, Perley G Assistant physicist . ... Wis N. Y.... 1,800 Waters, Campbell E Assistant chemist Md Md 1,800 Buckingham, Dr. Edgar. . Coblentz William W Assistant physicist Assistant physicist Pa Ohio Wis Ohio 1,600 1,600 Dickinson Hobert C Assistant physicist Me Mass .... 1,600 Durston, Franklin S Assistant physicist N. Y N. Y 1,600 Ferner, Roy Y Assistant physicist Ill Minn 1,600 Osborne Nathan S Assistant physicist ' N. Y Mich 1,600 Cain, John R Assistant chemist Ohio Ohio 1,600 Weber, Henry C. P Assistant chemist N. J N. J 1,400 Burrows Charles W Assistant physicist Canada Mich 1,400 Cady, Francis E Assistant physicist Ohio Mass .... 1,400 Curtis, Harvey L Assistant physicist . . . Mich Mich 1,400 Middlekauff , George W . . . Mueller, Eugene F Assistant physicist Assistant physicist Md Iowa . . . Md Iowa .... 1,400 1,400 Pienkowsky, Arthur T Agnew Paul G Assistant physicist Laboratory assistant Wis Mich Ind Mich . . . 1,400 1,200 Brooks, Benjamin T . . Laboratory assistant . . Ohio Ohio 1,200 Gibson Harry C Laboratory assistant Pa Pa 1,200 Lewis Walter S Laboratory assistant N S Mass 1,200 Miller, John M Laboratory assistant Pa Conn 1,200 (234) OFFICEES AND EMPLOYEES. 235 BUREAU OF STANDARDS Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. Wenner Frank Laboratory assistant Iowa Pa $1 200 Fisher, James V. S Laboratory assistant Wis Minn 1 000 Fitch, Theodore T Laboratory assistant Iowa . Iowa 1 000 Jackson, Richard F Laboratory assistant Mass .... Mass 1,000 McKelvy Ernest C Laboratory assistant Ohio Ohio 1 000 Post, George E Laboratory assistant N Y N J 1 000 Priest, Irwin G Laboratory assistant Ohio Ohio 1 000 Dellinger, John H Laboratory assistant Ohio . . Ohio 900 Heald, Walter Laboratory assistant Iowa Nebr 900 McDermut, Grace C. U Laboratory assistant N. J Colo 900 Schaaf August H Laboratory assistant Md Md 900 Veazey, Bayard H Laboratory assistant Me Conn 900 Wenderoth, Ernest F . Laboratory assistant N Y N Y 900 Bishop, Walter C Aid Iowa D C 720 Crowe, John J Aid D. C D. C 720 Shoemaker, Maynard P . . . Aid Md . . Md 720 Kengla, Herbert L Lasier, Emery L Aid Laboratory apprentice D.C.... D C D.C.... N H 600 540 Love, Joseph E Laboratory apprentice Wis Iowa 540 Schladt, George J Laboratory apprentice Md D. C 540 Middleton George E Laboratory apprentice D C D C 480 Smith, J. Bond Laboratory apprentice . . Md Md 480 Truesdell, Stephen R . Laboratory apprentice D C D C 480 Sponsler, Charles F Engineer Pa Pa 1 800 Cavalier, George P Assistant engineer Mass R I 1 200 Mcllvaine, Luther J Assistant engineer Del Ohio 1 000 Macmillan, T. H. Smith . . Assistant engineer S. C ... S. C 1 000 Whallon, Henry A Assistant engineer D C Va 900 Fitch, Theodore A Storekeeper. . . D C Cal 1 000 Cohen, Louis Librarian Russia 111 1 400 Thomas, David E Clerk Wales Pa 1 600 Forbes, Harvey D Clerk N Y N Y 1 400 Larzelere, Charles L Clerk Mich Mich 1 200 Lowe, Victor L Clerk Md D O 1 000 Sherfy, Raphael Clerk Pa Pa i 000 Glaze, Albert A Clerk Ohio Minn 900 Morales, Leon E Clerk Va Vn QOO Braithawaite, William E. . Moriarty, Daniel J Clerk Clerk W. Va... R I W. Va... R I 720 720 De Pue, James P.. Messenerer bov . . Pa. Pa 480 236 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR. BUREAU OF STANDARDS Continued. NAME. Official title. Birthplace. Place from which ap- pointed. Compensa- tion. TTnsp TCfmnpth Messenger boy Mass Mass $360 Perron, Louis R . . . . Messenger boy Pa Pa 360 Thome Harold C Messenger boy Minn Minn 360 Fewell William C Elevator boy Va Va 360 Lange Oscar G Chief mechanician Germany 111 1,600 Ludewig Joseph. Mechanician Mich Pa 1,400 Hellbach Rudolph Mechanician Md Md 1,200 Mann Fred E Mechanician Germany N. J 1,200 Sperling Edward O Mechanician Mich 111 1,000 Volz Frederick W Mechanician Germany N. J... 1,000 Brunner, Peter W ... Mechanician Pa Pa 900 Specht Edward M Watchman Ill Okla 720 Struhs Martin C Watchman Germany D. C 720 Downs, Lee R Skilled woodworker . . Del Del. . 840 Carty, Roy F Skilled laborer Md D. C. . . 720 Kuhns, William H Skilled laborer Pa Pa 720 McKeon James P Skilled laborer N. B ... Mass 720 Hairing Harry K Draftsman Denmark D. C 1,200 Laux Frederick Assistant messenger Germany Mo 720 Lesh, Karl R .... Assistant messenger Ind Md 720 Jeter, Thomas Fireman Va Va 720 Thomas Noble E Fireman D. C. .. D. C 720 Robinson, Willis B Electrician Md D. C 900 Lyon Lafayette L Laborer N. Y.... N. Y.... 660 Marsh Hedleigh Laborer Wis Ind 660 Stearns Orlo F Laborer vt Mass 660 Wehrle Charles Laborer Germany D. C 660 Homer Mrs Mary O Laborer D. C D. C 360 Hunter, Mrs. Mary E Laborer Va D. C.... 360 Thomas, Zachariah T. Janitor Miss Tenn . . . 660 Byars Rufus G Tex Tex 600 Nichols, Dr. Edward L . . . Pritchett Dr Henry S Member of visiting com- mittee. Member of visiting com- England. Mo N.Y.... Mass ( l ) (!) Remsen, Dr. Ira mittee. Member of visiting com- N. Y.... Md O Thomson, Dr. Elihu mittee. Member of visiting com- mittee. England . N. Y.... C) 1 No compensation. OFFICEKS AND EMPLOYEES. 237 J treeing -UOU-BZI UOTI jo nueing saiaeqsT j jo msaing jo nraaing ' K of the Census in ions. i COCOOO GO :""* S 1 ^s l for acting tending -Biodioojon-eeing ^iBa -eioeg eq^ jo aotjjo 88888888 8888888888 8888888888 3 Siaffl ia' So'S3 M "3'wbcoj^ 1M _ ft.2 a^S g a ff-a 51 ap,-S'3.>;.2.. ^OOO^M^ 60 ^^^^ oooft<1fiofiP<^ PHOO 238 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR. spxe E OF EMPLOYEES. -rsin^N ptre'uoii -B.t3iuiuii jo nuajng; sauaqstj jo nuama aOTAjag UOIi -oadsuj ^'Boqin'Baig SOT^ ^aAing sns o i s : -uao aq^ jo rveaing -qB^su as noTT-^q^TT joq i B r [ jo n^ama suoi^. jtj'Bq. -ajoag aq^ jo ao^go 1 _ : :^ ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: i || 88888S888888888S888888888S88S8888 fiT- ft ft ft ft ft ,.S 3 5 3 3 5 < WCJOM^^QOOOOOOOOOOOOOO .2.2.2 S.Q.S SSS5S$S rt fl g s S^IB as to to oa to to to to to to B .5.2flflflP!flc3(3p!e!P!P!PlPlClP! OFFICEKS AND EMPLOYEES. 239 8g8S88SS888SSSS88SS8S8SSS8888888888SS8S88SS8S888 240 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR. jo -rwnj'Bjtf pcre uoiq. HOT; jo -oadsuj ^'Boqni'Ba^s jo , rM . rH T-l (N rH C<> O C 00 9T jo 90^90 0<0drHOOOOOOOOOOOi r ggg8g88S8S888888838gS88888SSSS8 i-Tr'''' "~ : >>>>> > .

>>>!2 5 "9 "3 "S *9 tititifilllfif IlllllSi fcr - OFFICEES AND EMPLOYEES. 241 :::::::: I , g ^e, ^ eo -ST^B^S JO' ' ' N co co i i i ! Is -U9Q gq^ jo tiBamg ' '^ j ;N^COC,- ;JO ; ::::::::::: :^ iJlllliiiNlJUNiiiiiiinni!!! Pfjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjlttt raEH&-ioo5oooaooooooooooooooooooSooo OFFICEES AND EMPLOYEES. 245 i 888888S8S888S8888888S888888888888888S8888888S88888 i i S -g , p.'p.'.'a.'a' ' jj)^ | fc? P< r a a BS 246 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR. 1 jo HOT* jo tiding -oaasuj ^'Boqra^a^g sou J -^jodioo jo n*9ing -9J09S 91^ JO < > > < O ^ t-l fH ^882 OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. 247 -; s 88888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 ^o^o^ooooooo^ooo^oo^ooooo^ooooooooo^ !>-OCOOT^OOOOOC^OQCOO^CO!>-'OCOC^OOC^^^C^C^rM(X)OQOQOC^OO^^OO^OC a^^^ eeaas^'- 7 aaaaa^^a aaaa 8 a P* ftfiftftp, ftftft&p, ft -" 248 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR. JO -uiSTimni jo n^aing aoiq. jo rvBaing 30TAJ9S aoi^ -oadsnr ^'eoqni'Baig sot* jo ens aqi jo snow sain'; -aioag aq^ jo aoigo 88888888888888S888g88S88S8SSS8S8S a as PI fid o-a p< OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. 249 S88SS8888SS8888888S88888888888JS88aS88S83888888888S pjg+s-^SSgggfl.yplug J3 S 3 as 5 ^ ' B * S? 8S S S S w C?C? fc? PS , t*. 3 a S os 5 o a '3 "a '3 '3 '3 '3 '3 'S '3 '3 'fi '3 'S '3 'H 'S 'S "S "S ft 5 5 'S -2 -2 12 1i ^ "S 1i -3 a^&|&oa^ 4 J'S'3^'3^^33 ; : ; ; ; :^&^&&&^o^ siifii s iiiiiiiii giiiiiiii 1 lil^^lllllllilillllllllllllllllli OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. 255 & i^ !,ol? W-^"-^^^;^^^^^-?!-^-^ OOOO^^wcnoocnOTtgggSggOO^^Q^ g^ .SsjcaoSjJj^ojoJoS OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. 259 :-: S888S888888S88SS88888S88888888888888888S8S888888888 wOOO^^^^^OC^O^C^tX)^^C S9JI9USTJ JO tlB9Itig -09dsui SOT JO )AJ >P1 sns -U9Q 9qi jo tiB9ing o ; I ; ; I j j J ; I * ; ; I ; ; ; -BJOOJOO jo' iiBaing -OBjnuBK jo tiB9ing -9J09S eq* jo 9ogjo o 88: Qg 60-d'd'd'd g -d-d 'd-d'd'd P, p, ftftftft ft& & ftft P\P4ftft I 03 03 ( ffijl o o o o o o o OFFICEKS AND EMPLOYEES. 261 8888888888888888 -6 ssa ft ft ftftft 3 I SHIPS AND VESSELS OF THE DEPART COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY. NAME. Propulsion. Type or rig. Hull. TONNAGE. Gross. Net. Dis- place- ment. Bache Steam Schooner Composite.. Wood 370 252 25 86 228 ""ill 130 453 469 79 62 25 25 94 21 198 197 87 472 Oosmng Steam Endeavor . . . Steam Schooner Wood Wood 130 335 431 244 220 500 690 116 95 54 38 118 44 411 411 156 Explorer . Steam Schooner 450 550 Fathomer Gedney Steam Schooner Schooner Steel Composite.. Wood . Steam McArthur Steam Schooner 299 719 875 146 Patterson Steam Barkentine Wood Ppthfindp.r . Steam .... .... Schooner ... . .. Steel Hydrographer. . Research. Steam Schooner Wood Steam Schooner Wood Taku Steam . Schooner . . . Wood Yukon Steam Schooner Composite.. Wood Matchless Sails Schooner Transit Sails Schooner Wood Composite.. Composite.. Wood "'345' 345 Romblon Steam Schooner Marinduque Drift Steam Schooner Sails Schooner BUREAU OF FISHERIES. Albatross . Steam and sails Brigantine Iron 638 1 384 1,074 Fish Hawk Steam Schooner Iron . 441 : 205 Grampus Sails Schooner Wood 87 1 83 Phalarope Steam Wood 55 ! 27 Petrel Steam Wood 4 ! 3 Shearwater Steam Wood.. . 20 ! 10 Curlew . . Steam . . Wood . 50 40 Blue Wing Steam Wood 13 Gannet StPfl;TT| Two mast schooner Wood 32 ; 16 IMMIGRATION SERVICE. EDis Island Screw Steamer Steel 802 Immigrant Screw Steamer Steel 220 125 Samoset . . . Alco vapor . . Launch ... . Wood ' 12 6 LIGHT-HOUSE SERVICE. LIGHT VESSELS. No 1 Sails Two masts Wood 275 No. 2... Sails Schooner Wood . . . 120 No. 3 Sails Schooner Wood 140 No 4 Sails Wood 104 No. 5 Sails Schooner Wood . . . 104 No. 6 Sails Schooner Wood 120 No 7 (relief) Sails Schooner Wood 142 No. 9 (relief) . . . Sails.. Schooner Wood 103 No. 11 . Sails Schooner Wood 320 No 13 Sails Wood 155 No. 16 (relief) . . Sails... Schooner Wood 280 No. 20 (relief)... Sails . Schooner Wood 105 235 Sails... Schooner . . . Wood . . 186 (262) MENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY. Indicated horse- | power. 1 t-5 I ? A O < ""4 "135" 90 348 "ioo" 100 100 "356" "350" 350 370 350 350 "360" "386" 368 500 "380" 672 400 1,400 440 400 200 800 720 255 60 200 210 152 750 400 878 700 720 350 260 300 82 98 95 114 114 114 114 116 121 119 112 112 112 112 110 119 112 110 100 100 100 80 81 80 80 40 38 38 112 112 112 113 112 112 112 112 118 71 118 75 113 114 113 113 113 151 144 202 118 154 141 155 155 141 74 117 156 173 165 167 165 142 173 146 151 95 22 24 23 27 27 27 26 25 27 28 27 27 29 27 26 27 27 26 20 20 20 22 22 22 22 14 12 12 29 29 28 29 29 29 29 27 29 24 29 22 28 29 29 29 28 28 25 35 25 25 21 27 29 25 14 20 22 27 2S 24 28 30 30 40 27 18 8 11 10 13 11 11 12 11 12 12 10 12 14 13 12 12 11 11 9 9 9 9 9 9 ! 4 10 13 13 14 11 11 13 5 13 4 13 13 15 13 13 13 8 15 10 10 8 15 9 11 6 9 8 4 13 8 12 10 9 8 9 5 $15; 000 $2,027.79 2.900.00 4,300.00 8,923.61 Fair . 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 5 4 4 6 5 5 1 6 l ] 1 1 1 1 1 1881 1864 1864 1875 1876 1877 1880-81 1881-82 1887 1887 1890-91 1891 1890 1892 1892 1892 1892 1892 1891 1891 1891 1893 1893 1893 1893 1893 1893 1893 1896 1897 1897 1897 1897 1898 1900 1901 1902 1902 1904 1906 1905 1904 1904 1904 1905 1892 1879 1889 1905-6 1890-91 1863 1892 1904 1874 1892 1879 1863 1888 1902 1881 1903 1897 1904 1881 1883 1903 New Orleans, La.^ Philadelphia Pa. Philadelphia! Pa, City Island, N. Y. Portland, Conn. Brooklyn, N. Y. Wilmington, Del. Wilmington, Del. Linwood, Pa. Linwood, Pa. Boston, Mass. Boston, Mass. Boston, Mass. San Francisco, Cal. West Bay City, Ind. West Bay City, Ind. West Bay City, Ind. West Bay City, Ind. Toledo, Ohio. Toledo, Ohio. Toledo, Ohio. Toledo, Ohio. Toledo, Ohio. Toledo, Ohio. Toledo, Ohio. Wyandotte, Mich. Wyandotte, Mich. Wyandotte, Mich. Bath, Me. Portland, Oreg. Bath, Me. Bath, Me. Portland, Oreg. Bath, Me. Quincy, Mass. Baltimore, Md. Petersburg, Va. Ferrysburg, Mich. Staten Island, N. Y. Ferrysburg, Mich. Camden, N. J. Camden, N. J. Camden, N. J. Camden, N. J. Camden, N. J. Cleveland, Ohio. Baltimore, Md. Camden, N. J. Toledo, Ohio. New York, N. Y. New York, N. Y. Cleveland, Ohio. Staten Island, N. Y. Philadelphia, Pa. New Bedford, Mass. East Deering, Me. Newburg, N. Y. Jeffersonville, Ind. Seattle, Wash. Baltimore, Md. Port Huron, Mich. Philadelphia, Pa. Baltimore, Md. Baltimore, Md. Newburg, N. Y. Baltimore, Md. Vejygood.. Verv good . . Good 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 2 2 5 4 3 4 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 42,200 Good 6,769.66 8,514.17 13,289.63 9,297.10 6', 089. 37 7,276.94 10,056.07 7,287.50 6,887.44 11,478.24 11,398.01 5,900.00 8,258.96 12,571.04 12,163.88 12,612.31 Good Fair . . 50,000 50,000 58,500 60,000 Good........ Good . . .. Fair Good 52,780 57,900 60,150 53,325 62,000 Good Fair . . Fair Very good.. Good Good . . Good 13,600 13,600 13,600 25,000 13,990 14,098 14,098 1,807 1,807 1,807 Excellent... Excellent... Excellent... Very good.. Very good.. Good 2,888.10 2,893.09 3,282.21 Good Very good Very good . . Very good . . Good 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 1 6 1 1,895.55 13,282.68 9,171.57 13,273.83 14,364.30 16,255.00 13,578.97 11,976.10 9,050.78 10,820.97 2,582.70 21,505.00 1, 443. 79 2,515.44 10,603.13 9,818.56 9, 407. 61 15, 813. 00 24, 175. 11 22, 409. 45 8,972.16 14,554.21 23,908.58 17,913.59 31, 163. 30 "i8," 352." 73" 7,512.64 16,724.46 18,503.97 22, 653. 66 32,298.67 24,915.55 27, 892. 22 27,612.02 32,449.74 21,799.99 21,059.23 5, 367. 39 7 5 4 5 6 5 5 4 4 "e" ? 1 1 1 69,750 74,750 79,500 79,000 70,700 89,000 Fair Very good. . Good Good Good Good Good Good... 14,983 90,000 13,950 89,030 89,000 85,000 90,000 90,000 75,000 43,000 179,000 70,429 Very good . . Good Excellent... Excellent... Good. ... 2 2 2 2 3 3 4 2 3 2 3 3 3 2 9 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 6 6 5 6 15 5 17 4 12 7 14 13 7 2 7 12 13 1 12 11 8 9 7 2 4 4 5 6 4 4 12 4 4 4 5 4 4 2 4 I 5 4 4 5 4 5 2 "7 6 2 3 2 2 3 4 1 2 "5" 9 3 12 4 4 1 Good Good Good Fair... Fair Good Very good.. Good Serviceable . Fair 50,000 94,000 120,000 90,000 6,500 15,600 Very good.. Serviceable . Good Serviceable . Poor 26,400 118,000 42,000 114, 479 85,000 117,949 45,000 60,000 29,500 Good Good Good Good Poor Excellent . . . Good Good. Good 266 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR. LIGHT-HOUSE SERVICE Continued. NAME. Propulsion. Type or rig. Hull. TONNAGE. Gross. Net. Dis- place- ment. TENDERS COn. Larkspur Twin screw Derrick mast . . . Stfifil . 685 312 700 Laurel Twin sr.rp.w Schooner Wnnd. 212 Lilac 1 Steam Schooner Steel... 550 Lilv Pflddlo whp.p.1 . Steamer Wood . 507 ' 550 572 392 507 Leal Naphtha screw Launch Madrono Magnolia Steam Schooner Iron . 205 Twin sp.rp.w Schooner Schooner Steel... Steel Mangrove . . ; Twin screw 392 205 Maple j Twin screw Schooner Steel Marigold Single screw Steamer Trnn 587 Mayflower j Twin screw 572 332 348 18 344 348 168 32 681 392 176 230 11 Mistletoe Paddle wheel Steamer i Wood. Myrtle stpnm SPTPW Schooner Wood Nettle Oleander Screw Stern wheel Steamer . . Wood. Steamer Schooner Steel Steel Pansy Pharos Twin screw Sails Two mast schooner .... Launch Wood. 160 19 386 Naphtha, twin screw. Steam, twin screw Twin screw Wood Sumac Schooner Step.l Sunflower Thistle Schooner st.pp.1 797 Screw. Tow . .... Wood. . . . 32 295 231 410 33 450 417 16 Verbena Paddle wheel Schooner Wood Wood Wood. Violet Paddle wheel Derrick mast 103 244 19 Warrington. ... Water Lily Wistaria Zizania Steam Fore and aft Naphtha, twin screw. Steam, side wheel Twin screw Launch Two masts and derrick. Schooner Wood Iron . Steel 330 SHIPS AND VESSELS. 267 LIGHT-HOUSE SERVICE Continued. Indicated horse- power. I 4 I e 10 7 13 5 '12 10 8 8 11 9 9 11 4 7 8 8 4 12 12 7 8 8 12 4 8 9 Cost. i _c s l ti 8 Condition. FORCE. When built. Where built. 3 3 8 O 10 8 13 o || r | 1 3 750 250 750 172 6 700 720 650 650 550 400 356 225 35 600 125 "36" 700 893 45 300 300 485 32 350 327 162 134 155 178 25 163 165 165 155 150 155 153 140 58 189 147 98 66 160 164 55 135 143 152 66 168 150 30 25 27 28 6 27 30 30 30 27 30 26 26 10 34 25 26 11 30 31 16 26 23 26 11 25 27 $123,259 50,000 $27,806.52 21,970.71 26,341.85 24,655.78 Good 6 4 5 8 2 1903 1876 1892 U875 1884 1885 1904 1897 1893 1890 1897 1872 1872 1878 1903 1877-78 1872 1896 1903 1906-7 1890 1870 1861-71 1868 1895 1881-82 1887-88 Port Richmond, N. Y. Baltimore, Md. Cleveland, Ohio. Louisville, Ky. New York, N. Y. Camden, N. J. Baltimore, Md. Elizabethport, N. J. Elizabethport, N. J. Wyandotte, Mich. Bath Iron Works, Me. Chester, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. New York, N. Y. Dubuque, Iowa. Philadelphia, Pa. Port Jefferson, N. Y. Morris Heights. N. Y. Port Richmond, N. Y. Wilmington, Del. Baltimore, Md. Philadelphia, Pa. Staten Island, N. Y. Detroit, Mich. Morris Heights, N. Y. Wilmington, Del. Baltimore, Md. Fair Good 25,000 16,000 88.500 125,000 75,000 94.000 83,002 Fair 3 10 5 7 Poor 34,129.66 37,023.80 23,070.87 30, 801. 55 25, 827. 69 25,863.89 21,508.99 24,398.60 5, 411. 66 30,279.71 20,325.77 9,301.67 4, 811. 24 35,324.92 8,766.96 7,642.95 19,971.14 21,306.66 17,205.00 4,600.00 22,000.00 23,551.45 Good Good 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 1 3 3 2 "3" 3 9 10 13 11 11 9 13 9 7 1 14 3 6 2 8 14 5 6 8 6 6 4 4 4 1 6 4 "i" 4 6 3 4 4 4 5 5 4 5 5 3 3 5 1 "4" 3 1 4 5 1 3 5 5 Good Good ,... Very good.. Good 45,833 50,000 3,900 60,000 45,000 Fair Good Poor Good Bad Poor. . . 8,970 114,982 125,000 9,000 Good Excellent . . . Excellent... Bad Poor . 2 3 3 1 3 3 10 10 8 4 10 8 32,827 25,000 9,500 Fair Serviceable . Good Very good.. Poor 4 4 5 5 140,000 i Rebuilt in 1884 at Madison, Ind. INDEX. Page. Aarons, Minnie B 136 Abbin, Michael 199 Abbott, Bonnie E 28 Abbott, Eugene P 193 Abdelmesslt, Michel 214 Abear, Nelson 91 Abel,JohnJ.. 222 Abercrombie, Frank S 204 Abernethy, Charles C 197 Abraham, John E 169 Acheson, Herbert W 230 Acker, Diedrich S 195 Acker, Mrs. Jessie B 26 Ackerman, Nelson L 47 Acorn, Charles E 134 Adams, Mrs. Ada G 163 Adams, Boardman C 226 Adams, Mrs. Flora C 149 Adams, Homer H 221 Adams, James 127 Adams, John 53 Adams, Louis 208 Adams, Mrs. Mattie O 28 Adams, Newton C 26 Adams, Samuel F 55 Adams, Samuel P 118 Adams, Walter S 37 Adams, William N 125 Adamson, Nils P 103 Addison, Anthony C 175 Addtson, John W 28 Admiral, Peter S 97 Agard, William E :. . 225 Agnew, Albert C 22 Agnew, Paul G 234 Ahart, Edward 87 Ahlgrim, Charles 81 Ahner, Jacob 112 Aichele, William F 53 Aiken, Worth O 213 Aikens, Ella ' 229 Ainsworth, George G 179 Ainsworth, Seth M 180 Akerlund, Herman 223 Ako, Sam .... 101 Alama, David A 122 Albee, Ira A 103 Albright, William E 198 Albritton, Jessie A 135 Albury , Thomas E 73 Albury, William A 72 Albury, William D 73 Alcorn, Francis J 229 Alden, Eugene B 104 Alden, Maria 136 Aldridge, Allan W 144 Alexander, Alvin B 175 Alexander, Annie M 136 Alexander, David R 109 Alexander, Sara H 195 Alexander, William 212 Alger, William Edwin 184 Alisky, Charles 223 Allen; Mrs. Alice A 144 Allen, Charles F 99 Allen, Charles W 34 Allen, Edward C 68 Allen, Edward G . . 1 166 Allen, Ernest W 125 Allen, George R 180 Allen, George S 178 Allen, Harlan C 153 Page. Allen, Harry C 219 Allen, Harry Hay ward .... 150 Allen,JoeB 136 Allen, John B 95 Allen, Joseph 132 Allen, Leo 36 Allen, Lewis H 193 Allen, NilaF 28 Allen, Robert 86 Allen, Robert E 162 Allen, Warren W 108 Allen, William 1 98 Aller, Henry D 175 Alley, Cadmus H 185 Alley, Thunnan E 110 Allison, James T 39 Allison, Matthew L 21 Almy, Henry M 185 Almy, Holder, jr 127 Altdorfer, William L 24 Amalu, Samuel A 101 Amee, Walter S 37 Ames, Mrs. Blanche E 33 Ames, DonaldS 164 Ames, Robert N 207 Amiss, Herman L 25 Amundson, Lars F 102 Andersen, Altmar 129 Andersen, Carl 126 I Andersen, John 101 Andersen, Kristian 78 Anderson, Andrew 127 | Anderson, Arthur C 121 Anderson, Bernard C 221 Anderson, Carl 69 Anderson, Carl A 175 Anderson, Charles 70 Anderson, Charles G 128 Anderson, Charles G., jr . . 116 Anderson, Everett I. A ... 144 Anderson, Gustaf 105 Anderson, Gustaf A 43 Anderson, Herbert L 23 Anderson, James 99 Anderson, James M 36 Anderson, John F 49 Anderson, John H 17 Anderson, Mrs. Lavinia S. 149 Anderson, Mark 127 Anderson, Mrs. Mary C . . . 20 Anderson, Olaf M 130 Anderson, Ole N. A 49 Anderson, Victor 73 Anderssen, Hans Chr 53 Anderton, John L 55 Andreaccio, Domenico J... 191 Andrews, Charles K 204 Andrews, Edward 53 Andrews, John W 136 Andrews, Wells F 187 Angelo, Joseph W 78 Annett, Arthur S 136 Ansell, John N 164 Anthony, John D 128 Apple, George K 207 Applebee, Inez A 28 Applegarth, Charles H 63 Arachtingi, August J 191 Arbuckle, Nelson L 159 Archibald, Albert R 206 Arentsen, Elling J. M 103 Arft, John 81 Page. A rgersniger, A Iber t 108 Arkebauer, Jesse O 166 Arledge , Arthur E 114 Arledge, Carrie M 136 Armstrong, Clarence W . 109 Armstrong, Clayton P . . 225 Armstrong, Howard M. . 155 Armstrong, James D... . 83 Armstrong, Thomas J . . 26 Armstrong, Thomas J . . 81 Arnall, Emma 144 Arndt, Fred W 223 Arnold, Eugene 149 Arnold, Francis D 88 Arnold, Horace W 46 Arnold, James A 64 Arnold, Philip A 108 Arnquist, John 106 Aronson, Adolf H 51 Artau, Lazaro 206 Arthur, Frank C 115 Asman, William F 156 Asmuth, Walter 162 Aspinwall, Dennis I Ill Asplund, John 77 Astrom, John W 97 Atherton, Charles E 105 Atkins, Charles G 178 Atkins, Custis W 129 Atkinson, Daniel J 211 Atkinson, George H 170 Atkinson, William M 160 Attwood, Barney H 213 Aubright, Mrs. Theresa S. 144 Auchmoody , Wright L . . . . 194 Austin, Charles H. 224 Austin, Henry Q 133 Austin, Homer T 61 Austin, Oscar P 16,161 Austin, Wesley 61 Austin, William L 136 Austin, William R 61 Austin, Willie L 99 Avery, Fred S 187 Axer, Charles H 133 Aycock, Walter F 163 Ayres, Mrs. Nancy J 149 Ayres, Peter 119 Azdued, Hamed 209 Baader, Joseph F 132 Babcock, Daniel 1 87 Babcock, Joseph C 87 Bach,John 158 Bachrodt, August G 223 Backman, Claes J 118 Backman, John 192 Bacon, Harlow 154 Bacon, Julian 56 Bacon, Marvin H 136 Baer, Gustavo 185 Bagley, Ross 180 Bahret, James L 144 Bahrt, Carl W 74 Bailey, Anna J 136 Bailey, Daniel 58 Bailey, George E 39 Bailey, George W 38 Bailey, Mrs. Helen P 144 Bailey, Thomas J 79 Bair, Charles H 149 Baird, Jennie 136 (269) 270 INDEX. Page. Baker, Amos C., jr 39 Baker, Charles A 39 Baker, Dexter W 33 Baker, Ethel D 136 Baker, Frank L 131 Baker, George H 81 Baker, Katharine E 136 Baker, Percy A 189 Baker, Ray H 121 Baker, Samuel S 56 Baker, Thomas M 19 Baker, William A 49 Bakken, Jorgen 50 Baldridge, Lawyer E 178 Baldwin, Albert L 155 Baldwin, Charles E 25 Baldwin, Frank H 128 Baldwin, G. Clyde 152 Baldwin, George E 203 Baldwin, Owen N 179 Baldwin, Robert 195 Baldwin, William H 23 Baldwin, William R 218 Balkam, Henry G 144 Ball, Dallas D 173 Ball, Edward M 176 Ball, Francis M 154 Ball, Guilford 227 Ball, Henry B . . . 26 Ball, Howard T 34 Ball, John G 83 Ball, VernonM 126 Ballard, Harris S 158 Ballon, John C 22 Bamber, Herbert 114 Bambury , Patrick 196 Banks, Henry T 66 Banning, Archibald T., jr. 24 Banning, Herbert E 46 Bannon, John J 196 Barbari, Samuel D 191 Barbour, John H 223 Barclay, James 216 Barker, Anna 136 Barker, Frederick P 119 Barker, John A 203 Barker, Theodore 102 Barkley, George A 91 Barkman, Albion L 211 Barks, Wilber J 229 Barlow, Leuella S 195 Barnes, Agnes E 144 Barnes, Bert E 209 Barnes, Charles M 28 Barnes, Elizabeth M 144 Barnett, Benjamin 195 Barnette, Dudley P., jr. . . 154 Barney, Harriett L 136 Barnum, Charlotte C 155 Barnum, William 84 Baron, Albert H. N 28 Barr, Archibald L 193 Barr, James 137 Barrett, Bernard W 41 Barrett, Robert H 176 Barrett, William A 23 Barrington, Caroline G . . . 137 Barrow, Joseph P 121 Barrows, Harry H 149 Barrows, William J 136 Barrus, Joseph E 39 Barry, David 113 Barsen, Martin 92 Bartlett, Charles C 119 Bartlett, Charles R 137 Bartlett, Everett E 18 Bartlett, Florence 136 Bartlett, Henry W 204 Bartlett, Sylvester P 182 Bartley, Thomas A 26 Barton, Charles G 33 Bartow, Aquilla P 128 Bartow, Elbert W 129 Bartron, Mrs. Ella L 137 Bass, Arthur C 3C Bass, George Walter 38 Bass, Harold B 12-; Bass, Seymour S 17t. Bassett, George E IOC Page. Bassett, Harold R . . . 171 Bates, Fred. E 229 Bates, James B 214 Battison, S. Albert 137 Battles, Julia V 144 Bauer, Herman R 220 Bauler, William 76 Baum, Thomas H 63 Baumann, Fred 112 Baumann, Hermann 112 Baumann, James C 185 Baumgartner, Wilhelm ... 99 Baur, John Paul 182 Bavry, Charles 81 Bawor, Karl 190 Baxter, Joseph F 133 Bayliss, William A 134 Baylor, James B 151 Bayly, William W 78 Beach, Mrs. Avilda E 148 Beach, Clarence N 137 Beach, John E 144 Beach, Sallie S 137 Beach, Samuel H 28 Beales, Le Verne 24 Bean, Sarah 155 Bean, Cecil N 172 Bearse, Abram E 134 Beatty, Margaret 137 Beaudet, Theodore F. X. . 216 Beaumont, Ralph 222 Beazley, George A 101 Bechtel, Fred. M 228 Bechtel, Thomas E 191 Beck, George 223 Beck, Henry L 152 Beck, William E 155 Becker, Charles H 137 Becker, Edmund 32 Becker, Henry, jr 35 Becker, William, jr 217 Beckerman, Emanuel M . . 191 Beckett, Mrs. Emma L . . . 150 Becktell, Elmer H 170 Becktell, Willard G 232 Bedford, Frank W 114 Beebe.JohnA 131 Beebe, Mrs. Maria G 206 i Beeman, William A 98 Beer, Isabella G 144 Beers, Charles H 230 Beggs, James 190 Begley , James 196 Behlert, Charles L 191 Belangia, Washington W . 59 ! Belden, John C 88 Belden, Myron 53 Bell, Charles A 25 Bell, George 113 Bell, Gilbert S 117 Bell, John 198 Bell, John F 131 Bellenger, Mrs. Alice 219 Beloso, Petro 60 Beloungea, Louis 84 Beloungea, Louis P., jr .. . 84 Below, Charles M 98 Belt, David G 136 22 43 24 78 220 i 228 119 69 120 I 81 I 21 I 111 Bennett, William F 109 Bennetts, Noah 93 Bennetts, Thomas J 90 Bennetts, Thomas W 93 Bennetts, William R 95 Benson, Thomas H 67 Benstead, Elwood E 56 Bentley, Alva A 120 Benton, LuE 90 Belt, Robert E. Bender, Frederick Bendz, Waldemar R Beney, Louis Benkhart, Albert G Benner, Harrison A Bennett, Andrew W Bennett, Angus G Bennett, Frank H Bennett, Fred G Bennett, Robert R Bennett, Stephen F. Page. Benton, Tom 129 Ben vie, William Y 197 Be rent sen, John 61 Berg, John 98 Berg, William 79 Bergan, James H 89 Berger, Charles 112 Berger, Gustav 112 Berger, John H 122 Berghell, Alfred A 73 Berglund, Sven G 131 Berkowitz, Joseph 220 Berkowitz, William 220 Berkshire, Frank W 225 Berman, Harry 195 Benningham, John 163 Bermudez, Alfonso S 54 Bernagozzi, Hugo 133 Bernard, Alphonse G 210 Bernard, Frank 93 Bernard, Joseph 109 Bernard, Lawrence 87 Bernhardt, Henry 159 Bernier, Alfred 128 Bernstein, Max M 31 Berry, August 115 Berry, FrankS 230 Berry, George A 159 Berry, Mrs. Maggie C 20 Bertram, Robert H 133 Bertrand, Paul R. J 201 Bertrand, Royce Irving... 93 Best, FrankM 48 Bethel, Mrs. Mary E . . . 73 Bethel, William A 73 Betteker, Louis 106 Bevard, William A 27 Bevington, Morris R 188 Bevry, Henry R 83 Beyer, Walter F 120 Biangullo, Francisco 198 Bibby, Frances A 137 Bickel, Harvey C 184 Bickford, John E 110 Biemel, Andrew 97 Bierman, Henry J 161 Bierschenk, William G . . . . 78 Bigelow, George G 118 Biggs, JohnS 22 Biglin, Philip S 191 Bilby, Jasper S 158 Bill, DuaneC 148 Billberry, George E 73 Billing, Margaret M 31 Billings, George B 204 Billings, William P 137 Bills, Thomas 55 Billups, Robert S 27 Bilos, Joseph F 77 Binder, Henry C 124 Binder, Rudolph M 28 Bingham, Elgin O 219 Bingham, Harry E 42 Bingham, Henry T 204 Bingham, James B 152 Bingham, R. Edward 42 Bingman, John F 137 Birch, JohnS 132 Bird, Frank W 25 Bird, James... .... 202 Birdsall, William 149 Bischof , William G 209 Bishara, Habib A 192 Bishop, Edwin C 95 Bishop, Robert A 49 Bishop, Walter C 235 Bishop, Walter H 217 Bisno, Abraham 28 Bisson, George H 108 Bixler, J. Louis 187 Black, Edwin C 127 Black, George W 123 Blackburn, Mason S 227 Blackburn, Merrill M 155 Blackford, William R 17 Blacklidge, Cassias F 156 Blackwell, Callos R 189 Blackwood, Mitchell 34 Blaisdell, Walter L 165 INDEX. 271 Page. Blake, Edwin M 27 Blanchard, Isaac N 80 Blanchard, Stella 137 Blanchard, Willie 83 Blandy, Howard M 187 Blaze, Charles 107 Bledsoe, William R 28 Blee, Harry B 230 Blish, Arthur W 51 Bliss, William D. P 27 Bliven, George A 60 Block, William E 17 Blom, August E 168 Bloom, Ernest 48 Blume, Robert 49 Blumenthal, Frances 195 Bock, William 189 Bohm, Charles B 105 Bolinger, William A 137 Bolles, Obed F 163 Bomsteen, Helmer E 25 Bon, John F 223 Bond, Dudley G 178 Bond, Samuel H 149 Bonham, Francis P 230 Bonham, Mrs. Marie G . . . 144 Bonham, Raphael P 202 Bonilla, Gabriel C 54 Boom, John 183 Boone, Caroline E 28 Booraem, Ella 137 Booth, De Witt C 180 Booth, Fred J 106 Booth, Walter II 137 Borchers, Louis A 106 Borden, John T 168 Borgstrom, Ernest W 132 Borio, John 232 Borum,JohnT 60 Bosanquet, George P 180 Bose, Herbert 19 Boshard, John A 28 Boshka, Charley 83 Boshka, Joseph 82 Bosley, George F 228 Bostroem, August W 189 Bostwick, Com. Frank M., U. S. N 86 Bosworth, Homer C 177 Both, Otto 89 Bounds, Otho 66 Bourissan, Lewis G 84 Bourne, Chester W 110 Boush, Com. C. J., U. S. N. 38 Boutelle, John B 152 Bovay, M. Blanche 89 Bowden, L. Tate 158 Bowdle, Alice N 144 Bowen, Everett H 155 Bowen, Frank H 17 Bowen, Jesse C 25 Bowen, John H 121 Bowen, John R 61 Bower, Ward T 175 Bowerman, Horatio B 33 Bowers, George M 16, 173 Bowers, John S 181 Bowie, William 151 Bowlby, JohnH 24 Bowley, Zadoc B 49 Bowling, Joseph 1 131 Bowman, Charles W 144 Bowman, Harold E 224 Box, George G 17 Boyce, Levy A 211 Boyce, William T 226 Boyd, Joseph B. D 218 Boyd, Robert T 144 Boyd, William A 26 Boykin, Edwin T 137 Boyle, James D 137 Boyle, Owen 199 Boyle, William H 127 Bozman, Calvin H 66 Brackel, Bernard T 117 Braddy, John T 65 Bradford, Ernest H 63 Bradford, Ernest S 24 Bradford, Gershom 151 Page. Bradin, Clark 182 Bradley, Marie M 28 Brady, John M 137 Brady, Joseph J 214 Braemer, Louis R 80 Braid, Andrew 151 Braithawaite, William E . 235 Brand, Etherd A 21 Brand, J. Stewart 187 Brander, Matt N 132 Brands, Mrs. Lillie 200 Brasel, Royal H 161 Braun, Marcus 217 Bray, Edward W 168 Bray, Henry D 109 Brazie, William A 233 Brekke, Johannes B 204 Brent, James H 133 Bresnahan, Mrs. Kate 173 Brewer, Alexis 96 Brewer, Edward E., sr 39 Brewer, Herman E 109 Briggs, George M 117 Briggs, Owen L 193 Bright, Frederick H 173 Brightman, Arthur H 110 Bringhurst, Mary 1 44 Bringloe, Lewis H 69 Brinton, John M 137 Brisbin, William T 33 Britt, Thomas 69 Brittain, William H 182 Brittingham, Edward J . . 129 Britton, James C 26 Broaddus, William L 19 Brockenbrough, Joseph B. 76 Brockenbrough, Marias C. 76 Brodrick, James J 221 Bronson, Charles T 125 Bronson, Minnie 28 Brooke, Charles H. A 99 Brooks, Archie F 66 Brooks, Benjamin T 234 Brooks, Clairmon 74 Brooks, Edward A 104 Brooks, Herbert B 234 Brooks, J. Lester 188 Brooks, John P 37 Brooks, Rufus A 127 Brooks, William M 34 Brophy, Michael F 191 Brosnahan, James A 232 Brost, Alfred 71 Brost, Harvey 71 Brough, Alfred W 217 Broun, Virginia M 144 Brown, Mrs. Adeline 150 Brown, Albert K 183 Brown, Arthur E 148 Brown, Charles 195 Brown, Frank D 137 Brown, Frank P 154 Brown, Frederick 44 Brown, George A 51 Brown, George H 184 Brown, George W. N 182 Brown, Harry 119 Brown, Harry B 212 Brown, Henry P 27 Brown, James W 89 Brown, Jeremiah A 207 Brown, Jerome C 37 Brown, Jesse T 79 Brown, John 124 Brown, John E 173 Brown, John L 118 Brown, John W 157 Brown, Josiah S 229 Brown, Lizzie 150 Brown, Maltimore 21 Brown, Nellie C 137 Brown, Oscar V 102 Brown, Ralph M 153 Brown, Ray S 191 Brown, Raymond C 212 Brown, Read B 113 Brown, Regi nald L 144 Brown, Richard 19 Brown, Robert P 188 Brown, Robert S 196 Brown, Sylvester J 223 Brown, Thomas 121 Brown, Thomas P 116 Brown, William 78 Brown, William L 126 Brown, William S 63 Brown, William W 225 Browne, Frederick A 121 Browne, J. Edwin 203 Browning, John W.. jr. . . 208 Brownley, Herbert R 129 Brownlow, Henry C 217 Bruce, Andrew J 87 Bruggeman, Frederick H 69 Brumfiel, Orzo W 169 Brumfield, Mrs. Georgia S. 67 Brunjes, George E 231 Brunner, Peter W 236 Bruno, William 191 Brurein, Charles J 20 Brust, Frederick 118 Brust, Peter 118 Bryan, James B 210 Bryan, Thomas , 43 Bryan, Thomas J 125 Bryan, William T 112 Bryant, Charles W 193 Bryant, George C 137 Buchanan, George H 57 Buchanan, William L 211 Buck, William O 179 Buckey, Anne G 144 Buckingham, Dr. Edgar. . 234 Buckley, Alice J 193 Buckley, John 128 Budde, Frederick L 195 Bufe, Otto 94 Buffington, Henry T 26 Buford, Amos 70 Buker, William F 110 Bulger, John K 163 Bullard, Fred M 212 Bullard, John T 217 Bulley, Harry N 51 Bullis, Helen M 190 Bullock, Alphonso M 185 Bullock, Charles A 180 Bullock, Edmund C 137 Bullock, Marion L 185 Bumpus, Jesse P 119 Bumpus, Lorenzo D 19 Bunting, William L 127 Burbank, John E 157 Burch, Mrs. Ella W 137 Burch, James W 23 Burckhardt, Hermann 112 Burdeno, Fred J 124 Burdeno, Richard H 128 Burdett, Mary E 137 Burdge, Edward B 47 Burdick, James P 84 Burdick, William H 80 Burfoot, Jabez W 61 Burford, Sherman J 231 Burger, Ernest 112 Burger, Magdalen H 137 Burger, Mary A 137 Burger, William H 152 Burgess, Albert 180 Burgess, Augustus S 108 Burgess, Charles T 34 Burgess, George K 234 B urgess, Gershom L 184 Burgess, William 53 Burghardt, Caroline A .... 32 Burke, Charles A 38 Burke, Edmund A 213 Burke, Herman 51 Burke, Hyacinth J 53 Burke, James 42 Burke, James 35 Burke, Joseph D 50 Burke, Michael J 133 Burke, Michael T 46 Burke, Richard M 210 Burke William A 94 Burke, William J 204 Burke, William R 19 272 INDEX. Burkes, George H 25 Burket, Edward P 22 Burkett, John M 22 'Burkhardt, Henry 47 Burkhardt, John 116 Burley, George A 203 Burlingame, Harry 31 Burmeister, Frederick 61 Burmeister, Frederick W.M 61 Burnett, Alfred E 210 Burnham, Charles W 1 81 Burnham, Edwin K 182 Burns, John H 88 Burns, William H 35 Burr, Lieut. Col. Edward, U.S.A 108 Burrill, Harry B 28 Burrows, Charles W 234 B urrows, Herbert N 90 Burrows, John R 101 Burrus, Joseph M 63 Burson, Edgar F 161 Burton, Harry E 137 Burton, Joseph H 224 Burton, Theodore H 58 Burzlaff, George H. A 94 Busby, Oliver F 137 Busch, Lillian E 194 Busha, Socrates 220 Bushman, Grover D 193 Busick, Adrien F 22 Buske, Robert 48 Butler, Addison R Ill Butler, Charles O 118 Butler, Eugene 88 Butler, George E 173 Butler, James F 227 Butler, Jeremiah M 187 Butler, John 149 Butler, John B 68 Butler, John J Ill Butler, Joseph 182 Butler, Joseph 58 Butler, Mrs. Maud E 20 Butler, Patrick B 197 Butler, William H 156 Butman, Arthur B 21 Buttars, George 80 Butterfleld, George A 180 Butterneld, Nathan E 179 Buttermilk, Emil E 194 Butts, Edward H 174 Byars, Rufus G 236 Byrne, Catharine T 144 Byrne, Edward T 195 Byrne, Patrick J 125 Cade, Claude M.. 160 Cade, William B 19 Cadmus, Richard Y 18 Cadorette, Louis 120 Cady, Francis E 234 Cady, Malcom 97 Caesar, Louis 213 Caesar, Peter P 213 Cafield, Joseph 58 Cage, Mrs. Anna Lee 2G Cahan, Morris 28 Cahill, Cornelius 195 Cahill, JohnJ 199 Caui, John R 234 Calabrese, James 195 Calcott, Alexander 168 Caldwell, Harry C 144 Caldwell, Joseph J 137 Calfee, Lee P 22 Calkins, William B 207 Callahan, Mary A 200 Callahan, Riley G 225 Calnon, Charles 133 Camara, John J 192 Cambria, Frank 195 Cameron, Charles N 33 Cameron, George 1 38 Cameron, Irving 110 Cameron, John W 36 Campbell, Edwin F 156 Campbell, George W 19 Page. Campbell, Glenn 119 Campbell, Hector R 165 Campbell, James C 149 Campbell, James H 45 Campbell, James 1 27 Campbell, Joseph A 186 Campbell, Richard K.. .. 188 Campbell, Roger W 90 Campbell, Virginia E. . . . 154 Campbell, William L 90 Canfield, Harry L 182 Canfield, John 231 Canniff, James 132 Cannon, Taylor W 157 Cantey, Henry James 26 Cantey, Ollie P 71 Card, Frank H 49 Card, Joshua K 36 Carew, Walter C 66 Carey, James 199 Carleton, William A 165 Carlin, James H 70 Carlson, Edwin 144 Carlson, Gustav W 176 Carlson, James 130 Carlson, John 104 Carlson, John A 104 Carlson, Robert 96 Carlsson, John R 45 Carminati, August A 219 Carmody, Charlotte L 137 Carozzi, Cyrus 232 Carpenter, Edwin A 19 Carpenter, Elmer B 161 Carpenter, Joseph R 149 Carpenter, William R 18 Carr, Walter E 232 Carraway, John F 187 Carrero, Jose F 53 Carrie, John J 131 Carroll, Timothy A 24 Carruthers, Lemuel A 137 Carruthers, Walter F 144 Carson, Frank S 41 Carson, John M 15,21 Carter, Arthur M 93 Carter, Edgar N 180 Carter, Mrs. Ida G 206 Carter, Lt. Com. James F., U.S.N 100 Carter, Lewis S 42 Carter, Martin L 144 Carter, Thomas R 26 Carter, Mrs. Virginia S. . . . 144 Carthey, Peter P 131 Cart wright, Nellie 144 Carty, Roy F 236 Gary, James 1 169 Cary, William H 103 Casey, Mrs. Ann 212 Casey, Daniel E 21 Casey, Jules G 137 Casey, Mrs. Katheran 200 Casey, Lt. Col. Thomas L., U.S.A 31 Casler, William A 180 Caspersen, Olaf F 198 Caspersen, Thorgrim 181 Cassel, Florence 32 Cassell, Ernest V 176 Cassell, John S 173 Cassiano, Gerome F 210 Castillo, Jose" P 54 Castillo, Manuel P 53 Castles, Percy B 154 Castro, Arturo 53 Castro, Lorenzo 54 Caswell, Lewis F 24 Gate, Samuel G 209 Cater, Arthur J 83 Caughey, James H 133 Cavalier, George P 235 Cavanaro, John H 205 Cavanor, Samuel J 36 Cawley, Thomas 198 Chaddock, John B 23 Chadney, William H 207 Chadsey, Mildred 28 Chaffiot. Emanuel A 31 Page. Chalk, Michael F 169 Chalker, Alfred W 232 Chalmers, Grace A 144 Chamberlain, Eugene T.. 16,184 Chamberlain, Frederic M.. 175 Chamberlin, Fred L 176 Chamberlin, George W . . . . 82 Chambers, Edward 96 Chambers, Joseph B 131 Chaney, Lucian W 28 Chapel, William M 49 Chapman, Bennie M 154 Chapman, Charles F 86 Chapman, Charles O 85 i Chapman, Claude F 85 i Chapman, Edith M 181 ' Charlton, George T 165 Chase, Arthur F 130 Chase, Fred W 137 Chase, Mrs. Mary C 144 Chase, Mrs. Mary J 150 Chase, Royden D 153 Chase, Rufus T 134 Chatfield, Alfred C 209 Cheda, Archie A 96 Cheney, Harriet M 137 Cheney, Nora 193 Chenoweth, Lillie ... 137 Cheshire, Lillie A 174 Chesnut, James W 225 Chester, Charles F 34 Chestnut, Robert 172 Chevalier, Paul A 106 Chewning, Ernest P. C. . . . 158 Chichester, Harry D 20 Childers, Hickman P 135 Childs, Mrs. Annie C 137 Childs, Clinton S 28 Childs, Mrs. Vinnie C 144 Chilton, William B 153 Chiott, Edgar 46 Chisholm, Daniel 117 Chisholm, William M 159 Chisnell, Mrs. Lucinda A. . 225 Choate, Warren R 22 Chong, Wong 215 Christiansen, Christian H. 197 Christiansen, Conrad. ... 132 Christiansen, Elmer E . . 144 Christiansen, Mathias. .. 196 Christiansen, Peter N. .. 104 Christman, Reuben J . . . 158 Christopher, Demetrius .. 191 Chung, Eng 222 Church, Clarence A 50 Cif redo, Fulgencio 53 Cilley, Wesley E 136 Claboe, Elmer J 104 Clagett, Margaret C 173 Claiborne, Harry C 76 Clarisse, Peter 78 Clarisse, Thomas N 76 Clark, Austin H 175 Clark, Charles A 41 Clark, Charles A 137 Clark, Charles E 99 Clark, Ezra W 20 Clark, Frank N 180 Clark, George H 224 Clark, H. Walton 174 Clark, Harry H 137 Clark, Henry J 108 Clark, Ira B 179 Clark, J. Brooks 172 Clark, James A 187 Clark, John H 216 Clark, LeviB 40 I Clark, Lindley D 26 I Clark, Lloyd 79 | Clark, Newton H 25 Clark, Noah A 106 Clark, Oliver 129 Clark, RalphR 223 Clark, Robert P 219 Clark, Samuel H 110 Clark, W. A. Graham 21 Clark, Wesley G 122 Clark, Will A 108 Clark, Willet H 45 INDEX. 273 Clark, William H 170 Clark, William M 23 Clarke, John H 129 Clarke, Joseph F 184 Clarke, Katherine M 194 Clarke, Landon J 72 Clarke, Mrs. Lulie R 137 Clarvoe, George W 156 Cleary , William F 200 Clement, John 105 Clendenin, William H 214 Clendening, Harry L 183 Cleven, O . Louis 150 Cleverly, Robert M 41 Clifford, Charles W 95 Clifford, George T 74 Clifton, Charles W 67 Clifton, William B 65 Clinch, Thomas E 133 Coates, Joseph H 26 Cobb, George D 97 Cobb.JohnN 183 Coblentz, William W 234 Cochems, Mrs. Minnie 84 Cochems, William 84 Codding, George V 86 Cody, William 45 Coe, Earl F 216 Coffin, Edmund 35 Coghlan, Joseph J 193 Cogswell, John D 126 Cogswell, Theodore M 175 Cogswell, William F 128 Cohee, Stephen A 65 Cohen, Adolph H 231 , Cohen, Harman 222 ' Cohen, Louis 235 I Cokeley, Howard A 179 j Coker, Priestley C 69 j Colbert, Leo O 153 ! Colby, Lucile M. de V 138 ! Colcock, Rowland E 198 ' Cole, Horace 138 I Cole, Luke A 154 I Coleman, Frank 86 | Coleman, George F 166 j Coleman, Henry 162 i Coleman, John M 160 Coles, Adelaide C 138 i Collings, William G 168 i Collins, Albert 124 I Collins, Augustus F 21 i Collins, Mrs. Catherine R . . 32 j Collins, Elmer B 152 | Collins, Harry B 51 i Collins, Mrs. Ida B 206 I Collins, John S 154 i Collins, John W 103 ! Collins, Joshua B 138' Collins, William A 171 ! Collins, William T 55 Collison, David W 66 I Colson, Mrs. Jennie M 144 | Colson, Theodore 130 i Colt, Eleanor C 144 | Coluci, Silas 205 Colwell, Frederic M 197 Colwell, Herbert R 19 I Comfort, Louis H 118 | Comings, Charles B 212 j Comly, Capt. Samuel P., U.S.N 31 i Commeau, Harry W t 115 I Common, George R 120 Compton, Thomas 51 Conant, Luther, jr 23 ! Conaty, Joseph A 219 Conaway , Clyde E 119 Condon, James 199 i Cone, James H 65! Conklin, George 48 Connell, Charles T 209 ! Connell, John J 201 ! Connor, Charles 23 j Connor, John A 190 : Connor, Capt. William D., U. S. A 123 i Connors, Mrs. Bridget 206 ! 46064-08 18 Page. Connors, George S 33 Connors, James 196 Conover, Albert E 210 Conover, Arthur V 42 Conover, Cornelius N 159 Conover, Herbert 229 Conradson, Richard W . . . 191 Conry , Thomas J 194 Constantine, Menelas E . . . 192 Constantinides, Militades M 205 Contee, Clara L 20 Converse , Ralph D 191 Conway, Charles L 138 Conway, Edward J 219 Conway, John S 165 Conway, Peter 80 Conway, Thomas J 116 Conyngton, Mary K 27 Cook, August F 227 Cook, Charles H 219 Cook, Francis J 38 Cook, Frank A..- 24 Cook, Henry 122 Cook, Howard H 24 Cook, John J 52 Cook, Laura A 150 Cooke, Daniel L 77 Cooke, Edward A 19 Cooke, Mrs. Katie B 138 Cookerow, Martin W 23 Coolen, Benjamin L 109 Coombs, John S 188 Cooney, Frank 77 Coons, Joseph 49 Cooper, Clara G 138 Cooper, Mrs. Clare A. C . . . 200 Cooper, Joseph W 65 Cooper, Susan D 200 Copeland, George A 165 Copley, William G 138 Coppinger, Frank 113 Coppinger, Thomas 130 Corbett, Willie W 37 Corbin, John, jr 210 Corcoran, John A 194 Cordua. HarneyM 18 Cordy, Louis 95 Corgan, Henry 89 Corgan, James 92 Corlett, Charles E 132 Corlett, Maynard S 132 Corliss, Clifford G 178 Cornell, Edward H 83 Cornell, George J 83 Cornwell, James L 101 Cortelyou, George B 15 Corvin, James La F 181 Cory, Isaac N 33 Coryell, Edwin N 204 Cosgrove, Philip L., jr . . . . 127 Costa, Antonio 128 Costello, John 113 Costin, Thomas W 65 Coteron, Mrs. Minnie E 76 Cotter, Benjamin D 125 Cotter, John A 172 Cotton, Frank L 36 Cotton, Joseph K 167 Couden, Mrs. Carrie M 144 Couffer, Alice C 138 Coughlin, Peter 92 Countryman, William A.. 135 Course, Hunter M 217 Courtney, Edward 159 Courvoisier, Andrew 199 Cousins, Charles O 165 Co vail, Maude W 144 Covert, Joseph L 127 Cowan, Forrert 102 Cowan, John 43 Cowan, John M 102 Cowell, William J 65 Cowen, Philip 189 Cox, Benjamin F 63 Cox, Charles S 158 Cox, Mrs. Clara M 144 Cox, George 50 Page. Cox, George H 144 Cox, Henry A 144 Cox, Walter C 62 Coy, Chui Tung 218 Coykendall, M. Arthur 202 Coyne, Leonard S 206 Coyne, William J 223 Craft, Clarence C 157 Cragg, William B 135 Craighill, Maj. William E., U.S. A 115,116 Craigie, Thomas R 164 Craigwell, Ernest 191 Cram, William M 138 Cram, Matthew A 25 Crandall, Bowen 138 Crandlemire, Earl 165 Crane, Alice L 148 Crane, George W 135 Cranmer, Clarence H 55 Crans, Emma C 138 Cranson, Samuel E 176 Crasser, Hugo 175 Crater, Robert S 189 Craven, Com. John E., U.S.N 55 Crawford, George W 129 Crawford, James M 75 Crawford, Joseph F 86 Crawford, Mark L 207 Crawford, Thomas M 226 Crawshaw, Benjamin F. . . 226 Craycroft, Lucy 138 Creamer, Thomas 196 Creech, Jefferson J 59 Creed, James E 51 Creed, Thomas J 39 Creed, Winfield L 41 Creelman, George C 233 Crepin, Dr. Henry E 231 Crew, Clara A 138 Crissey, Claude 1 138 Crist, Raymond F 188 Critchfield, Samuel A 127 Crittenden, Herbert P 96 Crocker, Crosby L 40 Croggon, Newton F 203 Cromley, Daniel H 70 Cromley, James 70 Crone, John L 165 Cronin, David 199 Cronin, John T 207 Cronni, Cornelius P 214 Crook, Henry 160 Crooks, Joseph M 144 Crooks, William R 206 Croonenberghs, Emile M.H 183 Cropper, William S 58 Crosby Herbert F 38 Crosland, Carlisle 138 Crosland, David F 187 Cross, Anne G 138 Crossman, Charles F 76 Crowe, John J 235 Crowell, Arthur 152 Crowley, Michael D 148 Crown, John 197 Crown, Mrs. Sallie A 14g Cruk, Lenox 126 Crumb, Joe A 146 Crumbaugh, Samuel R 170 Cryer, Mrs. Mary A 20 Cuenca, Antonio S 54 Culbertson, Mrs. Anna G. . 145 Cullen, George R 207 Cullen, Herbert E 108 Cullen, William W 72 Culler, Clarence F 181 Culleton, George F 62 Culver, George M 197 Cummings, Patrick J 89 Cummings, Wainwright B. 127 Cunningham , Achilles C . . . 128 Cunningham, Frederick W 178 Cunningham , Harry W . . . 227 Curd, Horace N 88 Curling, Newnan D 70 Currie, James F . . . 222 274 INDEX. Page. Currie, John 103 Curry, Charles 126 Curry, Cora C 184 Curry George S 212 Curry, Hiram L 74 .Curry, John W 138 Curry, Mrs. Mary 201 Cur ry, Samuel R. A 73 Curry, William H 74 Curtin, Joseph F 186 Curtin, Thomas 197 Curtis, Alexander B 65 Curtis, Benjamin T 65 Curtis, Charles S 51 Curtis, Harvey L 234 Curtis, Thomas H 65 Curtis, Thomas H ... 126 Curtis, Van. V 210 Gushing, Lyman F. W 31 Cushman, George F 110 Cushman, John F 41 Cushman, Oliver P 179 Cuskley, Henry M 35 Cutler, Mary H 25 Czarnecke, Andrew 100 Dahill, Edward 99 Dahlgren, William 106 Dahlman, John 46 Dailey, Isaiah M 152 Daily, Cort^z M ;. 215 D alessandro , Antonio 218 d'Almboe, Caesar F 127 Dalton, George T., jr 22 Dalton, Joseph B 149 Daly, Ambrose M 222 Daly, ByranW 45 Daly, James H 209 Daly, John F 138 Daly JohnJ 202 Daly, Patrick M 161 Dame, Oscar E 84 Damerell, Kenneth E 116 Dameron, George W 170 Damon, Edward O.,jr 33 Dampier, Arthur W 138 Dane, Harry H 25 Daneker, Marion M 115 Daniel, Henry T 67 Daniel, John W 161 Daniels, Harry B 115 Daniels, John L 182 Daniels, Richard S 61 Daniels, Walter 92 Danielsen, Severin M 83 Danielsen, Thorwald 132 Danks, John W 186 Danley, Epps 76 Dann, Mrs. Laura V 138 Dans, Jose" 158 Darby, Blanche E 138 Darby, Ethel M 138 Darby, George 73 Darling, Frank K 193 Darnall, Charles N 156 Darrow, Ella M 138 D augherty , Charley C 124 Davenport, Andrew J 79 D avenport, James 82 Davenport, James, jr 118 Davenport, Leon L 66 Davenport, Robert 95 David, George E 181 Davidson, Andrew J 130 Davie, John B 118 Davies, Daniel D 207 Davies, David 181 Davies, John D 45 Davila, Alberto 114 Davis, AllieL 60 Davis, Annie A 145 Davis, Annie M 145 Davis, Archie W 188 Davis, Charles H 102 Davis, Charles H 209 Davis, Charles T 90 Davis, Charles W 138 Davis, Edward 68 Davis, Edwin D 179 Page. Davis, George E 115 Davis, Harry Y 220 Davis, Irving 47 Davis, Mrs. Jeannette 162 Davis, John W 38 Davis, Joseph Wilf ord 154 Davis, Mack II 21 Davis, Marie E 210 Davis, Obed S 210 Davis, Robert F 215 Davis, Samuel G 203 Davis, Stephen S 134 Davis, Sydney F 218 Davis, William H 155 Davis, William H 161 Davis, William H., jr 116 Davis, William H., sr 59 Davison, William G 51 Davisson, Mrs. Harriet H . 27 Dawes, Mrs. Alice Masters. 145 Dawley , Thomas R., jr 28 Day,JohnA 177 Day, William A 41 Dayton, Frank L 209 Dayton, Ross 209 Deahl Mary E 148 Deal, Horace M 221 Deal, Thomas M 211 Dean, Herbert D 179 Dean, Nena B 38 Dean, William H 209 Dearing, William P 119 De Arruda, Manuel 48 De Avellar, Manuel J 205 DeCaindry, Daniel 115 De Champlain, Arthur 91 Dechene, Charles M 120 Deck, William H 154 Dee, Harry H 131 Dee, Timothy E 91 Deel, Samuel A 157 Deering, Thomas P 163 Deetz, Charles H 154 Defandorf , Daniel A 138 Degen, Andrew 116 de Grasse, Hector V 88 De Hart, Leon J 217 Deibert, Arthur H 25 Deisher, Estelle E 138 de La Torre, Anthony, jr. . 226 Delattre, Edmond 47 Delgado, Pedro de los Santos 54 Dellinger. John H 235 del Olmo, Manuel 53 del Olmo, Severo 54 De Mass, Martin 156 Demere, William L. M 73 Demeritt, William H 127 Demeritt, William W 33 Dempsey , Patrick J 99 Demsey, John 113 Den, Lewis 230 Denne, Thomas H 159 Dennen, John L 41 Denning, William S 104 Dennis, Frederick L 165 Dennis, Roland R 21 Dennis, William H 155 Denny, Roscoe 210 Denson, HughC 151 Dent, Thomas M 145 Depue, George M 25 De Pue, Hanson J 138 De Pue, James P 235 Derickson. Richard B 152 De Rocher, James D 179 De Shields, Hoyt B 178 De Shong, Theodore 52 Desjardines, Joseph 133 Dessez, H. Louise 18 Destin, Alfred 73 Destin, Andrew 75 Detwiler, Jacob D 223 Dever, May 28 Devine, Frank 196 Devor, Thomas A 138 De Wolf, Stella 1 179 Dewyea, Frank X 109 Page. Dewyea, John B 35 Dexter, William J 48 Dias, Antonio F 217 Dibble, Alexander R . . 81 Dibrell, Walter C 152 Dickerson, William 19 Dickeson, Elijah 120 Dickins, Edmund F 151 Dickinson, Mrs. Ella 145 Dickinson, Hobert C 234 Dickinson, James A 17 Dickman, Adolf 117 Didieu, Maurice 214 Dienst, Frank M 201 Diffley, Peter L 129 Diggins, Louis B 155 Diggs, Joseph R 60 di Giovanni, Frederick C. . 192 Dill, Lillian A 145 Dillard, William E 22 Dillenback, Mrs. Mary W . 138 Dillon, John K 101 Dilworth, Eugene R 231 Dimet, Jean C. 93 Dimet, Jean M 93 Di Miceli, Joseph 189 Dlmick, Frederick F 175 Dimmick, Thomas M 106 Dinsmore, Albert H 177 Dissett, Louis A 89 Ditto, Carolyn K 138 Dixon, Frank 19 Dixon, Richard F 40 Doak, EuphanE 216 Doane, Franklin S 134 Dobler, Roman 189 Doblinger, Joseph J 112 Dodds, Samuel D 231 Dodge, Cornelia B 138 Dodge, Simon 45 Dodge, William H. C 36 Dodge, William 88 Doeing, Adolph J 138 Dohrenwend, Gustavus... 196 Dolan, JohnW 204 Dolan, Joseph P 163 Dolby, George E 40 Dolnni, Henry J 192 Dolliver, Lewis W 37 D olli ver, Stillman S 108 Dolliver, Willis 34 Dolsen, Frank W 92 Domas, Louis J 205 Domeratzky , Louis 21 Donahue, Calvin C 129 Donahue, James S 84 Donahue, Peter A 189 Donald, William T 59 Donaldson, Charles S . . . 21 Donnelly, C. Jessica J . . . 28 Donnelly, Mrs. Lucy. ... 200 Donnelly, William 221 Donnelly, William E . . . . 214 Donoghue, Patrick A ... 216 Donohue, John 198 Donovan, John J 198 Donovan, Walter 80 Doody, Thomas 95 Doolittle, Myrick H 155 Doran, Edward B 188 Doremus, Robert A 191 Dorgan, Harry 108 Dorr, Roscoe E 178 Dorr, ThomasH 177 Dorries, Charles H 115 Dorris, Mabel 138 Dorry, Benjamin B 124 Dorsett, Walter B 21 Dorsey, Eugene L 169 Dorsey, Noah E 234 Dorsey, Richard 19 Doscher, Henry L 130 Dosher, James H 68 Doucet, Edgar 76 Dougherty, Daniel J 166 Dougherty, Philip 216 Dougherty, Phillip 121 Dougherty, Samuel R 148 Dougherty, Thomas A 229 INDEX. 275 Page. Doughty, Albert P 110 Doughty, George W 109 Doughty, William H 110 Douglas, George H 115 Douglas, Norval S 105 Douglass, Cornelius 52 Douglass, Joseph 80 Douty, Daniel E 234 Dovale, Arthur 158 Dow, Daniel M 109 Dow, JohnC 157 Dowell, Overton, jr 106 Dowling, Edward 120 Downing, Daniel 217 Downing, Seth W 180 Downs, Lee R 236 Doyas, William M 203 Doyle, Alfred J 170 Doyle, Catherine R 32 Doyle, John E 193 Doyle, William J 73 Drake, John D 149 Drayton, Henry T 40 Drayton, Jessie E 175 Drew Frank A 80 Drew, George W 79 Drew, Ora S 205 Dromgool, Peter J 172 Drummey, William J 179 Dubose Harry G 206 Duclon William 80 Dudley, Samuel M 26 Duffield, Ethan A 56 Duffy, John 89 Duffy, John 159 Duffy, Michael J 227 Dufield, Albert M 219 Dugan, Edgar M 195 Duggan, Charles 88 Duke, Emma 28 Dulany, Mrs. Massie 20 Duncan, Daniel J 69 Duncan, George W 58 Dunlap, Irving H 173 Dunlea, Frank J 166 Dunmire, Roy F 23 Dunn, Charles J 77 Dunn, James 98 Dunn, James R 225 Dunn, John E Ill Dunn, Joseph J 168 Dunn, Richard A 167 Dunn, Thomas M. B 184 Dunning, Daniel A 136 Dunning, William B . . 153 Dunphy, John 106 Dunson, Joseph 105 Dunson, Ray E 105 Dunsworth, Martin J 23 D unt on, James N 224 Dunton, John F 224 Durand, Edward D 22 Durgan, Edward 105 Durham, Robert M 27 Durston, Franklin S 234 Dutton, Clarence B 187 Duvall, Charles R 155 Du Wors, Robt. J 132 DworzecM, Anthony 192 Dyer, Charles G 35 Dyer, Charles G 185 Dyer, Horace 157 Dykman, William 59 Dynes, John H 23 Eadus, Fred A 84 Eagan, John J 227 Eagan, Thomas 50 Eagan, William C 127 Eager, Edward F 199 Eager, James H. L 191 Eaker, Jay F 28 Earle, John 184 Earnest, Mrs. Laura V 145 Easby, Thomas B 192 Eastham, William 44 Eastiack, Jesse E 25 Eastman, Russell B 38 Page. Eastwood, Mrs. Marie S . . 145 Eaton, Edith 138 Eaton, Edwin L 133 Eaton, George E 124 Ebbitts, Robert 48 Ebey, Clarence E 232 Ebey, Howard D 212 Eby, Charles S 189 Eccleston, James J 112 Eccleston, Richard 226 Eckert, Harry S 166 Eckhardt, Nicholas, jr 161 Eckliff, Charles C 170 Eddingfleld, William T . . . 161 Edgecomb, Leonard F 76 Edgerton, Charles E 23 Edlund, Joseph 82 Edmonds, Albert B 107 Edmonds, Harry M. W . . . 157 Edsell, Harry S 230 Edwards, Edward S 163 Edwards, Eugene M * . 60 Edwards, John B 65 Edwards, Lee A 230 Edwards, Vinal N 181 Egbert, Frank 44 Ege, Andrew 155 Ege, Charles 208 Eggleston, Mial E 88 Egly, William 76 Egner, Henry 197 Ehrhardt, George 51 Ehrlich, Joseph 220 Eichler, Frank H 123 Eichman, Gustav A 208 Eisele, Wilbert E 230 Eisener, Alfred G 40 Ela, Arthur J 160 Elden, Charles W 74 Elder, Herbert W 19 Eldredge, Wallace A 39 Elgin, Robert R 101 Elias, Jacque J 138 Elkin, Zach. C 27 Ellett, Charles D 113 Ellingson, Gustavo A 102 Elliot, William P 28 Elliott, John J 62 Elliott, Richard B 191 Elliott, Timothy 222 Elliott, William J., jr 138 Ellis, Charles W 26 Ellis, Edmund P 154 Ellis, J. Frank 174 Ellis, James M 63 Ellis, Parker 228 Ellis, Rachel 200 Ellis, Thomas 132 Ellsworth. Emmons K 138 Elston, Albert M 99 Elvidge, Walter S 148 Elwell, LeRoy S 37 Emig, Konrad 199 Emmonds, William 48 Emrich, Mrs. Katharine... 136 Engberg. Nels 85 Engel, Hermann 97 Engel, Richard D 145 Engelcke, Emil 225 Engels, Henry N 230 Engels, Louis H 230 Engle, Francis G 152 Engles, IrbyH 99 English, Alonzo J 60 English, Annie M 175 English, Charles B 58 E ngli sh, Charles F 191 English, George 199 English, James E 60 English, William J 102 Engvall, William 117 Enoch, Frank 110 Enquist, John F 103 Enright, Patrick 212 Enslow, Douglas M 70 E off. Jesse R 121 Eppler, Samuel A 190 Erickson, Alfred C 80 Page. Erickson, Charles 178 Erickson, John 82 Eriksen, Jacob 103 Erikson, Leif 132 Eriksson, John E 70 ErsMne. William J 19 Ervin, Adrienne 154 Erwin, Samf ord 226 Erwin, Walter S 18 Esposito, Anton 115 Estee, Joseph L 200 Estes, Robert M 138 Estrada, Pablo 114 Etheridge, Florence 145 Etheridge, Janie H 138 Etheridge, William H 60 Ettinger, James A 221 Etz, Christian H 25 Evans, Anne M 28 Evans, Charles D 188 Evans, Earl D 19 Evans, Francis C 18 Evans, Frank L 47 Evans, Mrs. Frankie M 148 Evans, Mrs. Honora 200 Evans, John D 132 Evans, Joseph E 102 Evans, Kate 138 Evans, Rear-Adm. R. D., U. S. N 15 Evans, Robert L 19 Evans, William F 157 Evensen, Alf 92 Everett, Melville C 149 Everett, Newton C 211 E verette, John L 182 Evermann, Barton W 174 Evers, Barney 82 Ewald, Peter 196 Ewert, Gustave 71 Ewing, Paul A 145 Eyford, Bogi 220 Faber, Albert L 120 Fabritz, Adolph C 156 Fagan, Frank T. J 149 Fagan, Henry P 117 Fahy, Isidore P 106 Fairfleld, Florence N 154 Fairfield, Walter B 151 Fairnian, Mrs. Anna C 200 Falconer, William Alfred.. 155 Falgout, Prosper 77 Falkinburg, Josiah C 131 Falterman, Victor 76 Falvey, Michael J 43 Fanshaw, Caleb W 203 Farber, James 222 Farbman, Jacob S 153 Faris, McKendree C 211 Faris, Robert L 151 Farley, James W 116 Farley, Jerome P 126 Farley, Robert 221 Farmer, Edwin 226 Farmer, Ernest 183 Farmer, George 121 Farmer, Joseph D 62 Farnham, James S Ill Farnham, Levi L 35 Farnum, Emily 1 135 Farquhar, Henry 139 Farrar, John W 139 Farrell, James J 206 Farren, Edward S 35 Farrow, Edward 64 Farrow, Pattillo 68 Fassett, Harry C 173 Faulk. Thomas F 117 Faulkingham, Albion T ... 37 Faulkingham, James R . . . 36 Faulkner, George A 39 Faulkner, John E 61 Fating, Harry K 231 Faustman, Edward H 26 Fax, MaymeA 145 Fay, Thomas F 199 Fearing, Robert W 200 276 INDEX. Fearnow, Edgar C Page 173 183 139 203 139 216 218 232 74 173 63 107 166 87 148 151 145 227 108 134 234 52 54 184 145 85 89 112 236 49 149 127 213 110 110 115 108 180 139 145 194 72 75 199 200 111 113 195 194 156 234 224 99 81 48 39 48 150 235 119 222 228 91 119 153 235 235 196 168 78 200 118 190 83 101 75 18 156 88 86 133 19 114 206 191 23 159 Flannigan. Jack Page. 78 157 166 112 153 124 25 114 183 158 154 71 231 199 227 216 185 74 130 197 199 183 206 113 190 168 212 156 52 106 224 235 154 157 139 107 156 192 28 151 77 132 180 118 109 126 145 26 145 145 165 118 145 203 84 154 63 50 126 32 17 197 230 192 80 198 221 39 155 145 196 174 31 153 183 193 40 217 230 145 163 40 186 59 26 156 118 151 Frick, G. Oliver Page. 208 196 196 29 158 132 86 231 145 139 192 139 60 131 64 66 60 180 162 163 139 52 208 21 109 78 230 160 54 197 117 80 116 189 20 124 204 79 167 186 129 177 121 59 65 43 161 205 105 170 154 42 115 87 220 199 139 29 226 145 22 72 226 182 72 111 139 15 29 145 153 153 214 94 92 94 139 22 94 196 173 76 64 162 226 163 210 Feder, Harry N . . . Feder, William ^ Feeney, Mary E Feinberg, Isaac Feist, Samuel Felstyner. Max Fleming, John A Fleming, John W . . Fleming, Walter..., Fletcher, Arthur R . . . Fletcher, William M Flohr, Lewis B Flood Thomas Fridman, Kalman... Friedlander, Charles Friedman, Harry G Frisby, Edgar R Frizzell, James B Froelich, Louis C Felton, William Fennell, Francis P Fenner, Thomas E Fen or, Fred W... Fenwick, William G. Ferguson, George F Ferguson, Mrs. Margaret. Ferguson, Oscar W Flood, William H Flores, Placido Flower, George L Floyd, Edward L Fluckey, J. Arthur. . . Flues, Robert C Frost, Mrs. M. Kendall Frost, William W Fry, Alfred B . . . Fry, William T Fulcher, Charlie H Flynn, Daniel J.. Flynn, William Fulcher, Martin L Fulcher Thomas L Ferguson, Wade D Fergusson, Robert T Fernald. George H Fernandez, Jose Ferner, Roy Y Ferreira, Alexander Flynne, James E Fogarty, Bartholomew.. Fogarty, Edward Fogarty, John J Foist, William F... Foley, James P Fulcher, William H... Fuller, Alfred E Fuller, Ben L Fuller, George F Fuller, George W . Fuller, Joseph J Ferrow, George S Ferry, Ella L Fesnow, Charlie E Fetes, Louis Foley, Joseph J Foley, Thomas Folkmar, Dr. Daniel Folluo, Henry E Folsom, Marion Fuller, Lowell G . . . Fuller, Williams Fullerton, Charles W . . . Fullerton, George W Fewell, WilliamC.. Field, Charles B Field, Charles D Field, William H Fieldgro ve, Walter Fielding, Robert . . . Fielding, William L Fields, William T Files, Fred. W Filkms.Byron G Finch, Edward B Finckel, Helen Findlay, Alice Fine, Robert J Fondren, Richard J Fonnesen, Jorgen Foosness, Rolf Forbes, Charles S Forbes, Harvey D Ford, Chester A Ford, Harry L . . Ford, Rosa A.... Ford, William P Fordan, Eberhard Forman, Emil Forman, Samuel E Forney, Stehman Forrestier, Joseph Fiirman, Lawrence M Furniz, Esteban P Gaffigan, Martin Gage, Robert C Gagnon Samuel Gaillard, William D... Gain, Seid Gaines, Mrs. Mary E Galbraith, George Galbraith, Joseph P Gallagher, Dominick D . . . Gallagher, James E Gallagher, John T Fine, Mrs. Sarah J Finger, George V Fink, Charles Fink, William B Finley, John Finley, Wayne Finn, S. Catharine Fischer, Ernest G Fischer, Louis A Fischler, William... Fish, Mrs. Emily A Fish, JohnC Fishburne, Thomas S Forsyth, James, jr Foster, Amos P Foster, Bartlett W Foster, Henry L Foster, Isaac C Foster, John M Foster, Mary Foster, Ruth M Foster, Thomas H Foster, William W Foster, Winthrop D Fouch, Leon R Fountain, Joseph Gallagher, Owen Gallant, Prosper Gallegos, Ignacia Gallop, Peter G Gallop, Peter G., jr Galloway, David Galloway, Sheridan B Galotti, Nicola A Galvin, Mort Galwey, John H Gamble, Henry S Gammon, Mrs. Emily C... Gaphardt, Harry Garant, Joseph A Fowle, James H Garbarino Frank L Fisher' Mrs. Henrietta. .. Fisher James V S Fowler, George A Fowler, Joseph T Gardes Henry W Fowler, Thomas P Gardiner, Evelyn G Fisher, Thomas M., jr Fisher, Thomas M., sr... . Fisher William C Fowler, Wallace W . Gardiner J L McD Fowler, Wilbur W Gardiner, Mrs. Pearl F Gardner, Burton E Fox, William H Fisk, Lt. Col. Waiter L., USA Foy, Quan Frabasilis, Anthony Gardner, Jno. Endicott... Gardner Joseph W Fitch Mrs Jennie H Fraga, Frank Fitch Theodore A Frampton, Alfred Gardner, Sterling C Fitch Theodore T Francis, Joseph Gardner, Watts D Fitzgerald, Edmund P... Fitz Gerald, Edward B .. . Fitzgerald, Edward W. . . . Fitz Gerald, Elizabeth A.. Fitzgerald James Francis, Manuel A Garfield, Mrs. Edna B Garfield, James Rudolph.. Garic Henry L Franke, Hugo E . Franke, Linda Frankel, Harry Garland Gertrude T Franklin, A. May Garland, Henry R Fitzgerald, Jeremiah B Fitzgerald, John Franklin, Col. Walter S. . . Franks, Fred L Garner, Clem L Garner, Edward B . . . Fitzgerald John Fraser, Charles . Garraty, Anna T Fitzgerald, Richard A Fitzgerald, Thomas J Fitzgerald, Thomas R Fitzmorris, Chancie Fraser, James S Garraty , Patrick H Frates, Joseph E Garraty , Thomas Frazier, Maynard A Garrett Lucile V Freeland, Hesten'H Garrettson, Edwin C Fitz Patrick, Michael A... Fitzpatrick, Thomas B . . . Flagg, Edward. . Freeman, Mrs. A." M ...... Garrity, John. . Freeman Alexander Garrity Patrick Freeman, Gershom C Garvey, Johana Flagler, Mai. Clement A. F.,tU. S. A Flaherty, William J Freeman James F Garza, Pancho Freeman, Josephine Freeman, Leroy A. Gaskill David W Gaskill, Loring D Flannery, Edward L Flannery, M. Markham. . . Flannery, Michael F . . French Horace O Gassaway , William M Gatchell William F French Joseph W French, Owen B . . . Gates, Almon A.. INDEX. 277 Gates, Charles F 224 Gates, William 91 Gates, William 96 Gattie, Henry 79 Ganger, John C 152 Gaul, Andrew 164 Gauthier, Anthony 85 Gautschi, Charles 197 Gavagan, Edward F 184 Gavigan, Joseph H Ill Geary, John W 215 Gehr, Herbert B 186 Gehringer, Henry A 220 Gelink, William J 24 Genez, Robert Ill Geno, James C. F 162 Genry, George 91 Gentry, Arthur M 206 George, Birdie 139 Gere, A. Raymond 187 Gerlof, Robert 106 Gerspacher, H. Otto 230 Gerth, Henry C 117 Gerwer, Joseph A 112 Giacomini, Alfred L 160 Gibb, Jacob H 94 Gibbon, Sydney 77 Gibbs, Charles 'E 178 Gibbs, Charles 1 124 Gibson, Edgar J 21 Gibson, Flora M 139 Gibson, George H 74 Gibson, George W., jr 139 Gibson, Harry C 234 Gibson, James 129 Gibson, James O 72 Gibson, Leon S 22 Gibson,MaryA 195 Gibson, Warner 145 Giddings, Emily F 145 Giddings, Mrs. Sallie D . . . 139 Gifford, Albert B 41 Gilbert, John J 151 Gilchrist, Walter S 18 Gildersleeve, Elmer E 52 Giles, Leonidas B 211 Gilgar, Edward J 195 Gill, Gilbert H 182 Gill, J. Franklin 218 Gill,Walter 112 Gill, William H 95 Gillan, Edward F 139 Gillan, Peter 193 Gillette, Edward C 33 Gillette, George H 174 Gilley , Howard M 36 Gilligan, Thomas 196 Gillikin, James W 60 Gillis, Herbert C 225 Gilman, Michael G 181 Oilman, William M 165 Gilmore,WilliamH 214 Gimenez, Enrique 228 Ginn, Freeman 120 Gjertsen, Anders 106 Giessing, Erland 204 Glaze, Albert A 235 Gleason, Michael 182 Glennan, James J 182 Glosser, August 120 Glover, William F 160 Goblet, James 112 Goddard, George H 49 Goddard, Ralph H 42 Godfrey, Arthur E 47 Godfrey, Thomas L 35 Gofl, Charlotta 29 Goffin, Robert A 177 Goffin, Robert G 181 Gold, Benjamin T 204 Goldberger, William 220 Golden, Mrs. Mary E 145 Goldfard, Irving J 193 Goldsborough, Edmund L 174 Goldsborough, Henry B . . . 127 Gompers, Samuel J 18 Gonzales, Genaro G 210 Gonzales, Joseph 76 Page. Good, Thomas B 128 Goodall, Otis B 17 Goodhue, Andrew 1 171 Gooding, Charles M 170 Gooding, Clarence F 139 Goodrich, Charles F 186 Goodwin, Mrs. Etta R . . . . 135 Gorden, Mrs. Annie 200 Gordon, Archibald 168 Gordon, Joseph F. V 129 Gordon, Oscar H 139 Gordon, Ralph 77 Gordon, Ray B 22 Gordon - Cumming, Alas- tairP 136 Gorham, John 38 Gorham,WillardS 128 Gorham, William B 178 Gorman, John J 201 Gorman, Martin J 216 Gormley, John 113 Gorrell, George P- 203 Gorsuch, John T 115 Goss, John L 185 Gott, Charles A 34 Gott, William C 36 Gould, Henry G 201 Gould, Ray D 208 Gould, Thomas W 127 Gould, Thomas W 171 Go wer, William J 22 Graan, CarlJ 83 Grace, Frederick E 179 Graeves, Leo L 156 Graff, Charles T 18 Graff, Max 115 Graffam, George M 145 Graham, David F 227 Graham, Walter P 58 Grain, John H 66 Gramer, August 88 Gramer, William J 94 Granberg, John G 105 Granen, James J 116 Granger, Frank D 151 Grant, Ernest B 185 Grant, George 177 Grant, Isaac H Ill Grant, John F 128 Grant, John F., 2d 128 Grant, Rov J 81 Grant, William W 127 Grantham, Winifred A. ... 122 Grater, Charles B 177 Graves, Harry 176 Graves, Herbert C 157 Graves, Mrs. Mary A 150 Graves, Robert C 87 Gray, Arthurs 161 Gray, Clinton B 62 Gray, De Forest 19 Gray, Edward L 82 Gray, George H 176 Gray, John C 78 Gray, Joseph M . .'. 35 Gray, Rufus E 178 Gray, Walter 126 Gray, William H 184 Grayson, Nathaniel G. . . . 159 Greeley, James P 188 Green, Canon L 218 Green, Charles A 61 Green, Charles B 223 Green, Chester K 177 Green, George M 169 Green, John W 157 Green, Mrs. Mary E 201 Green, Thomas 132 Green, Wesley B 202 Green, William F 84 Green, Willis A 51 Greenawalt, Frank F 18 Greenblatt, William 215 G reene, Wheeler M 121 Greenleaf , George W 176 Greenwald, William R 19 Greenwood, Charles T 169 Greer, Rob. L 175 Gregg, Ralph C 107 Gregg, Tom. H 102 Gregoire, Arthur T 208 Gregoire, Jules H 46 Gregory, George A 168 Gregory, William E 123 Gregson, Harry 101 Greiner, John B 192 Grenell, Charles S 80 Grgurevich, John J 203 Griffin, Alfred 202 Griffin, James M 153 Griffin, John 96 Griffin, Mary F 145 Griffith, AloahB 114 Griffith, Frank W 207 Griffiths, David J 226 Griffiths, Evan 164 Griggs, Allen R 26 Grimm, Arthur 219 Grimm, Charles W 71 Grindle, Clarence S 178 Gripper, Edward D 207 GrisiUo, Joseph 69 Grist, BurtA 162 Groener, John, jr 166 Grogan, Starke M 139 Groom, Horace C 68 Gross, Edward 202 Groth, Henry W 186 Grout, Silas E 99 Groux, Joseph P 76 Groves, James H 26 Groves, Price T 19 Grubb, Victor M 170 Grunau, Robert R 100 Grunik, George 191 Grymes, Benjamin 64 Guard, James E 178 Gubbins, Joseph H 226 Guest, Edward 118 Guest, Louis S 118 Guild, Mabel E 145 Guiremand, Harry A 166 Gullikson, Ole C 128 Gunderson, John H 125 Gunderson, Mills 40 Gunn, Amherst E 86 Gunn, John E 166 Gunter, Edwin F 97 Gustaf son, Andrew 128 Gustaf son, William A 206 Guthrie, James 163 Guthrie, Joseph 68 Guyette, Frank 52 Guynn, Mumford 65 Gwyer, Sarah E 86 Gwyer, William A 31 Gyory, Joseph 191 Haas, Edwin B 22 Haas, Elmer F 187 Hacker, Arthur N 21 Haderman, Matthew I .... 27 Hadley, Elliott C 41 Haesebrouck, Henri 118 Hagberg, John G 205 Hager, Charles F 172 Hagerman, Sylvester .'. 198 Haggarty, George : . . . 122 Haggett, Howard S 108 Hague, Richard 223 Hagy, John K 189 Hahesey , Richard 201 Halm, Charles M 157 Hahn, Edward E 177 Hahn, Frank 157 Haines, Oscar G 165 Haislip, Lawrence D 150 Hakans, Charles V 222 Hald. Andrew P. C 106 Hale, Edward A 209 Hale, William H 149 Haley, Jacob W 36 Haley, Parker 36 Haley, Theresa S 29 Halkett, Hermann G 102 Hall, AddisonS 64 278 INDEX. Page. Hall.AnnaE 139 Hall, Ansley 173 Hall, Benny M 106 Hall, Charles E 139 Hall, FrancisC 162 Ball, Mrs. Hattie 173 Hall, Henry 99 Hall, Mrs. Irene 150 Hall, J.Edward 45 Hall, James E 35 Hall, Robert F 172 Hall, Wallace 84 Hallgren. A. Douglas 50 Halliday, George W 114 Halliday, Robert W 40 Hallo ran, John J. J 166 Halpin, John J 201 Halsev, Richard L 212 Halstead, Walter H 209 Halterman, Myrtle N 145 Halversen, Einar 129 Halvorsen, Edward 198 Hamaker, Ida R 139 Hamblen, Isaac 40 Hamblett, Arthur C. E . . . 71 Hamer, Samuel H 203 Hamilton, Alfred E Ill Hamilton, Mrs. Anna S . . . 29 Hamilton, Margaret 1 28 Hamilton, Montovillo 72 Hammarstrom, Emil 125 Hammer, William 158 Hammett, Joel E 68 Hampton, Alfred 212 Hamringa, Klaas L 93 Hanbury, Harry A 185 Hancock, William K 181 Hand, Eoline R 152 Handlan, Mary L 145 Handley, James W 125 Handy, Harry H 181 Hanger, G. Wallace W . . . . 25 Hankinson, Ray L 114 Hanlon, Thomas J 168 Hann, Harry F 57 Hanna, Dermott W 45 Hanna, Hugh S 29 Hanna, James 113 Hannum, Charles H 230 Hanratty, Michael 199 Hansen, Aksel 150 Hansen, Mrs. Bertha 201 Hansen, Christian 145 Hansen, Fred 118 Hansen, Freetjoff C. M 80 Hansen, George E 50 Hansen, Godtfred M. S.. . . 83 Hansen, Hans C 104 Hansen, Jacob 78 Hansen, Jacob M 78 Hansen, Lars 103 Hansen, Louis H 182 Hansen, Ole 85 Hansen, OlofL 104 Hansen, Thorwald 77 Hansen, Wilhelm G 145 Hanshew, John W 107 Hansmann, Max 32 Hanson, Gustav F. O 176 Hanson, Hans J 81 Hanson, John 133 Hanson, Knud 55 Hanson, Peter 132 Harding, Mrs. Mary C 139 Hardy, Francis H 152 Hare, Butler B 29 Harger, Carroll Y 160 Hargrove, John L 27 Harlan, Joseph S 229 Harley, Mary 173 Harlow, Charles J 156 Harman, Walter P 31 Harnden, Frederic 26 Harner, Frank T 188 Harper, John T 220 Harring, Harry K 236 Harrington, Frederick A. . 97 Harrington, Frederick L.. 100 Harrington, George L 18 Page. Harrington, John A 107 Harrington, Joseph 99 Harrington, Joseph P 216 Harrington, William 57 Harris, Mrs. Belle 149 Harris, Edward W 109 Harris, Frank 93 Harris, George J 210 Harris, Henry J 27 Harris, Ira 164 Harris, James K. P 219 Harris, John, jr 40 Harris, John T 22 Harris, Mrs. May 145 Harris, Michael 122 Harris, Rollin A 155 Harris, William G 225 Harris, William J 67 Harrison, Alexander S 227 Harrison, John H., jr 139 Harrison, Joseph M 57 Harrison, Maude M 139 Harrison, Ralph P 224 Harrison, William S 61 Harriss, Lincoln E 139 Harron, Leighton G 174 Harsch, George W 17 Harshman, John H 108 Hart, Charles E 221 Hart, Francis A 214 Hart, George A 63 Hart, Gustavus E 164 Hart, James F 149 Hart.JohnA 149 Hart.JohnW 139 Hart, Raymond A 148 Hart, Richard C 102 Hart, William J 158 Hart, William R 71 Hartland, William R 205 Hartley, Eugene F 145 Hartmann, Louis C 59 Hartnell, George 157 Hartnett, Daniel 139 Hartnett, George M 216 Hartnett, Michael F 70 Harvey, Charles J 185 Harvin, James A 209 Hasell, Nathaniel 1 130 Haskins, Henry B 71 Hassett, George J 92 Hasson, Charles A 229 Hasting, Thomas 55 Hastings, John E 139 Hatch, Frederick T 86 Hatch, Josiah P 130 Hatch, Mark B 221 Hathaway, Henry C 185 Hathaway, Lynds V 109 Hathaway, William A 135 Hathorn, George G 109 Hatsel, Charles 175 Hauser, Hugo 164 Havenner, George C 17 Haviland, James B 198 Hawes, Charles S 28 Hawes, Francis L 24 Hawes, John G 145 Hawk, Conrad 47 Hawkes, Melville E 109 Hawkes, Robert H 159 Hawkey, John L 131 Hawkins, Hart 227 Hawkins, Irving V 126 Hawkins, James B 52 Hawkins, Jeremiah 157 Hawkins, Norman P 90 Hawkins, William L 139 Hawley, Everett M 17 Hawley, Jean H 153 Haworth, Barnabas C 232 Hayburn, Joseph 106 Hayden, Charles F 61 Hayden, Henry F 148 Hayes, Edward 173 Hayes, Frank 192 Hayes, Lilian M 145 Hayford, John F 151 Haynes, Edward M 178 Page. Haynes, James P 117 Haynes, Robert A 214 Haynes, Thomas R 224 Haynes, William 87 Haynie, Mrs. Olive R. L . . 139 Hay ward, Mabel P 26 Hay wood, Charles H 113 Hay wood, John B 171 Hazard, Daniel L 155 Hazen, Gerald 119 Headley, Milo 121 Heald, Walter 235 Healy, David 190 Healy, James A 27 Healy, Roy W 159 Hearsey, Frank E 119 Heater, Ralph 90 Heath, Clifton C 184 Heath, Frank W 209 Heberle, John J 187 Heck, Nicholas H 152 Hecox, Laura J. F 100 Hedley, Thomas 122 Heeney, Thomas J 164 Heger, Martin Ill Heunbeck, Adolph J 21 Heinrich, Adolph J 192 Hems, Otto 105 Heitman, Minnie V 146 Heitmann, William D 226 Heizman, Ferdinand 50 Helander, John A 129 Helbig, William C 119 Helbig, William C . , i r 119 Hellbach, Rudolph 236 Hellman, Hazel J 146 Helm, Capt. J. M., U. S. N. 31 Helmer, Rex M 124 Helmick, Sterling 197 Hempel, Eugene 159 Henderson, Andrew W 94 Henderson, Richard 19 Henderson, William A 99 Henderson, William B 161 Hendrickson, Charles 94 Hendrickson, Knut W 130 Hendrickson, Tom 89 Hendrix, Elbert C 210 Henkel, Carl P 181 Hennessey, William J 159 Henrikson, Henrik W 130 Henry, Eduard 112 Henry, Everett 216 Henry, Newport F 21 Henry, Nicholas G 153 Henry, Rose A 222 Henshall, Dr. James A 177 Hensler, Charles 43 Herbert, Fred 129 Herdina, Joseph 85 Hergesheimer, George 155 Herman, Edward M 87 Herman, Solomon 203 Hermann, Clifford B 102 Herr, Leonard C 139 Herrick, Henry H 213 Herrick, Joseph H 40 Herrick, Peter D 201 Herron, Foster L 96 Herschel, Arthur H 24 Hersey, Mrs. Adelaide C. . . 139 Hess, David H 122 Hewett, Freeling H 57 Hewitt, Louis A 96 Hibler, Arthur S 227 Hickok, Eugene H 24 Higginbotham, Thomas . . 46 Higgins, George H 103 Higgins, Herbert E 107 Higgins, Mabel 29 Higgins, Michael A 196 Higgins, Walter 201 Higgins, Willis 41 Hildebrand, Adolph 25 Hildebrandt, Franklin M.. 22 Hildreth, David M 154 Hildreth, Walter H 139 Hile, Ralph E 31 Hill, Daniel D 88 INDEX. 279 Page. Hill, Edward W 53 Hill, George H 118 Hill, James M . . . 67 Hill, Joe 8 152 Hill, Leslie T 125 Hill, Stephen D . 78 Hill, Wallace M ........... 157 Hill, Wilbur F. Hill, William... Hill, William F ........... Hillary, Frank A. ... Hillyer, Clair R 48 77 174 198 23 Hilman, Joseph G ........ 146 Hilton, Oscar R .......... 38 Hinckley, Charles H ....... 38 Hindmarsh, Walter B ____ 31 Hiner , Augustus J ......... 128 Hinkley , Thomas H ....... 33 Hinkley, William B ....... 217 Hinman, Fred A .......... 81 Hinman, Timothy ........ 218 Hinsen, Christopher C ____ 126 Hinton, Harley R ......... 158 Hirsch, Arthur J .......... 139 Hise, Jesse C .............. 211 Hitchens, George D ....... 116 Hitchens, Gideon W ...... 114 Hite, Melville P ........... Ill Hobbs, Millard F ......... 25 Hobden, Arthur B ........ 76 Hoblitzell, William A ..... 139 Hoddinott, Harry H ...... 98 Hodgdon, Donald F ...... 176 Hodge, William J ......... 169 Hodges, Lt. Col. Harry F., U.S.A .................. 31 Hodgkins, Ethel .......... 146 Hodgkins, William C ...... 151 Hodgman, John L ........ 202 Hodgson, Carey V ........ 152 Hoe, Arthur W ........... 204 Hoeye, Joseph H .......... 223 Hoffler, Mrs. Mary ...... 236 Hoffman, Mrs. Agnes B . . . 150 Hoffman, Charles G ....... 22 Hoffman, George S ....... 63 Hoffmann, Adam ......... 208 Hoffmann, Louis ......... 203 Hoff ses, G. Raymond ..... 176 Hofherr, Paul ............. 192 Hogan, John J ............ 186 Hogue, Alice .............. 146 Holm, John ............... 161 Holbrook, Elmer F ....... 35 Holbrook, William T ..... 34 Holcey, John H ........... 116 Holcombe, Alice W ....... 139 Holden , Da vid W ......... 105 Holden, George E... 215 Hole, Morris J . . Holgerson, John A JLJ.V/l^t>A B\f*lj / \JL1H .TX ....... \J Holland, George S 63 Holland, Lawson 55 Holland, Mrs. Margaret... 200 Holland, Thomas B 210 Holleron, William E 44 Holley, Robert H 150 Holloway, George W 67 Holloway, Horace G 88 Holman, Edward B 211 Holmberg, Axel F 222 Holmes, Mrs. Laura 157 Hohnes, \Villiam H 94 Holmes, William H 155 Holmgren, Nels 192 Holt, Allen C 34 Holt, Byron J 171 Holt, Charles S 36 Holton, OlafB 222 Holton, Tom 87 Holtzclaw, William B 183 Holway, James B 210 Holzka, Joseph J 44 Honeywell, Clinton P 68 Hooper, Alfred B 60 Hooper, Winfield S. S 41 Hoos, Adolph 71 Hoose, Frank L 46 Hoover, Dickerson N 156 Page. Hoover, Dickerson N., jr. . 163 Hoover, Le Claire 24 Hopkins, Albert B 32 Hopkins, Mrs. Fannie R . . 146 Hopkins, John B 146 Hopkins, Lewis M 159 Hopkins, Stephen B 224 Hoppe, James O 203 Hopper, George L 182 Hopps, Frank W 232 Horcher, George 115 Home, William B 29 Horner, Adrian L 18 Horner, Charles H 133 Horten, Horace M 125 Horton, Eugene C 100 Horton, Karl 220 Horton, Silas R 215 Horvitz, Samuel J 29 Hoss, Henry G 29 Hotchkin, Frank S 185 Houghtailing, Benj. W. . . . 213 Houghtailing, Daniel T . . . 213 Hounsell, Samuel D 100 House, Mattie M 146 House, Roscoe 108 Houseknecht, William W . 17 Houston, William H 21 Hovey, Ralph E 21 Hovi, Anton 104 Howard, Alfred A 41 Howard, Barton 216 Howard, David H 166 Howard, Frederick F 161 Howard, George A 39 Howard, H 46 Howard, Herbert 146 Howard, James W 108 Howard, Lillian M 216 Howard, William P 40 Howard, William V 191 Howe, Edward S 59 Howe, Oilman B 146 Howe, Lillian C 139 Howe, William 163 Howell, Frank N 117 Howell, Frank S 192 Howell, John W., jr 212 Howell, Leo R 65 Howes, Elijah S 181 Howes, Samuel H 222 Howes, Samuel J 129 Howes, William L 181 Howland, James F 132 Howland, William A 38 Hoxsie, Everett A 45 Hoxsie, George L 46 Hozier, Elijah A 65 Hryniewiecki, Felix N 204 Hubbard, Charles H 128 Hubbard, Harry E 179 Hubbard, Henry D 234 Hubbard, Waldo F 179 Huber, Adolph 53 Hudgins, Charles S 66 Hudgins, George P 60 Hudgins, John F 68 Hudgins, Robert G 64 Hudgins, Walter S 68 Hudson, Arthur M 131 Huebsch, Harvey J 23 Huestis, Edmond 231 Huff, Carrie 148 Hughes, Edward 56 Hughes, George F 173 Hughes, James 196 Hughes, James 199 Hughes, James L 220 Hughes, James S 102 Hughes, Nelson R 178 Hughes, Robert F 214 Hull, Margaret 139 Hull, Oscar 120 Hulse, Morell E 52 Humphreys, Charles K . . . 115 Humphreys, Loch W 64 Humphreys, William T . . . 126 Humphries, Walter J 162 Hung, Woo Q, 208 Hunt, Campbell Hunt, Minnie C Hunt, William C Hunter, Albert R Hunter, Benjamin A Hunter, Charles A Hunter, Edwin Hunter, Joseph A Hunter, Marie H. C Hunter, Mrs. Mary E Hunter, Paschal Hunter, Perry S Hunter, William B Hunter, William G Huntington, Charles C . . . Huntley, Harry Hurd, Frederick... Hurdie, Lillian K Hurkett, William Hurlburt, Victor Hurless, Elmer C Hurley, Jeremiah J Hurst, Alexander P Hurst, James B Hurst, Robert G Huse, Kenneth Hussey, George A Hussey, Mattie T Hussey, Robert E Huston, William E Hutchins, Capt. C. T. U.S.N Hutchins, Harold I Hutchins, Thomas H Hutchins, William A Hutchinson, Alice R Hutchison, George W Hutson, William A Hutzler, Ernest Hutzler, Louis Hyde, Arthur E Hyde, Edward P Hyman, Solomon Igo, Mrs .^Catherine . Ihms sen, Herbert L. Imsand, Louis Ingalls, Eugene C Ingalls, Frank B Ingalls, Herman M . . Ingersoll, John F Ingle, John Innella, Patrick Insley, William G.... Irison, Elijah Irsch, Jacob Irvine, John Irvine, Nannie Irvine, Thomas E Irving, James H Irwin, Minnie L Italy, William H Iverson, Andrew J . . . Ivy, William E Jaatinen, Vaino Jack, Chin Jack, Fred D Jackson, Albert Jackson, Albert R Jackson, Andrew Jackson, Arba De H . . Jackson, Arundius T . Jackson, Benjamin F. Jackson, Carrie O Jackson, Howard M . . Jackson, James Jackson, Julius D Jackson, Larry S Jackson, Milton P Jackson, Richard F... Jackson, Susan D Jackson, William Jackson, William L . . . Jacob, Samuel, jr Jacobs, Lurline E Jacobsen, Alfred Jacobson, Ludwig Page. 127 139 135 160 232 87 119 82 29 236 97 97 23 146 24 133 75 174 82 50 170 204 62 68 120 236 99 140 223 127 16 36 149 215 140 159 148 85 80 29 234 197 29 26 117 37 37 126 97 228 205 159 67 112 92 203 89 92 140 75 128 201 209 226 214 124 165 105 229 70 149 146 195 20 223 153 191 235 32 82 70 188 227 280 INDEX. Jacobson, Morris Page. 162 84 133 24 199 122 159 190 194 219 49 66 49 103 63 146 92 222 67 177 135 198 212 200 109 98 161 97 37 37 191 32 194 146 63 146 39 87 51 84 97 140 90 236 126 228 152 228 209 52 106 92 134 212 17 132 45 69 69 53 140 66 232 58 59 127 80 70 73 77 74 132 197 162 80 37 110 199 64 195 140 221 146 68 119 201 134 131 213 , Johnson, John P 'age. 129 115 93 176 82 211 179 190 140 115 73 20 210 146 179 154 140 165 116 120 92 153 214 112 58 27 165 132 23 66 65 157 217 32 232 78 103 86 39 41 32 56 87 146 206 39 39 31 20 113 48 52 118 222 203 189 168 112 140 121 24 202 196 192 98 221 92 101 103 103 213 213 101 213 179 95 226 228 206 140 87 101 140 78 119 184 157 Keenan, John Page. 113 Jacobson, Samuel C Johnson, Joseph Keep Cassius L 190 Jacobson, Thomas Jacobstein, Meyer Johnson, Martin Keesecker, Adrian G . . . Keisker, Laura B ... 178 29 Johnson, Nels H J^aeger, William P. Johnson, Reynold W Keith William H 55 James, Walter E Jamieson, Thomas Jankovski, Vincent F Janneman, George H Johnson, Robert A Kelbaugh W illis H 140 Johnson, Robert S . . . . Kelleher, George E 23 Johnson, Solomon Johnson, Theodore H Johnson, Thomas S . . Kelleher Richard W 108 Keller, Maj. Charles, U.S Keller, Robert B .A. 119 164 Janni, Peter Janse, William Johnson, W illard R Kelley Howard J 218 Jansen, Edward Johnson, William B Kelley, Hugh 78 Jansen, E vard Johnson, William M Kelley, Joseph H 131 Jansen, Gust Johnston, Finlay McN J ohnston, Omar E Kelley JosiahM 130 Jarvis, Andrew J Kelley, Mrs. Mary A . . 206 Jarvis, Arthur A Johnston, Ralph L Kelley, Nelson L 35 Jarvis, Henry Johnston Sadie M Kelley Mrs Sarah C 20 Jarvis, James W Johnstone, Alan S . Kelley, Thomas J 41 Jarvis, John F . . . Johnstons, Fergus H Kellv Alonzo 220 Jarvis, William F Jolie Joseph Kelly Benjamin F 172 Jarvis, William H Jonas, Charles . . Kelly Genevieve C 195 Jeannisson, Alexander Jefferds, Julius T Jones, Calvin W Kelly Hercules L 177 Jones, Charles I Kelly, James J . . 194 Jeffers, Emma M Jones, Frank E Kelly John M B 165 Jeffersj Moses B Jones George W Kelly Richard 197 Jeffrey, George D Jones, Grosvenor M... Kelly, Thomas M 71 Jeffrey, James H Jones, Humphrey Kelsey Edith L 29 Jeffrey, John H Jones, James M Kelsev, Ezra L. . . 46 Jellison, Frank N Jones, James R . Kern Claude J 140 Jellison^ Joseph W Jones John B Kemmerich Joseph 182 Jenik, Louis Jones, John F . Kemp, Charles D* 231 Jenkins, Alice T. . Jones, Johnnie W TTp.Tnpj Tfrp.dp.rick F 63 Jenkins, John W Jones M Hunter Kemp. Mrs. Louise F. . Kendall, William C 20 174 Jenness^ Howard C Jones, Martha C . Jennett, John B . . Jones Phillips B Kenealy William 133 Jennifer, William Jones Samuel 235 Jennings, f!harlfis H . . Jones, Thomas Kennah Henry C 226 Jennings, William H Jones, William M 200 Jensen^ Nicolai 140 Jensen, Niels Peter Jorgensen, James Kenney Charles A 35 Jensen, Peter Jos<5 Jacob Kent W infield P 35 Jermane, Clifton C Joseph, Dagworthy D . Joseph Thomas Kenworthy John 94 Jermin, Ellis . Kerby John F 91 Jeter, Thomas Jost, Frances M Kerley, John R 67 Jetmundsen, Knut A . . Joy, Albert H Kerns Jacob H F 183 Jett, Chin M Joy Charles A Kerr, Edwin W ., jr Kerr, Helen S ... 140 146 Jewell, Don R... . Joy, Everett Jewell, Frank M Judd M Carl Kerr W illiam H 25 Jewell, James H Judge, James Kershaw, John L 193 Jewell, Samuel Judge Thomas L Kerth Alexander H 183 Jewett, Alphues Judson, Henry D Kessler, Irving 215 Jilbert, William G . Judson, Theodore Ketcham, George W 215 Jobson, Thomas Judson, Maj. William V., U.S.A. . . Keveney Charles H 111 Joe, Loo Keyser, Louis P 156 Johannes, George June Ng Tung Kezer, George E 39 Johansen! Alfred Jung Moy G Kiarskon, John T Kibbey, Emma S 48 . . 146 Johansen, Carl Junker, William E Johansen, Theodore S Joheson, Anton Kabernagel, Harrv F . Kiddoo, Marv L 140 Kiernau, Henrietta 136 John, Napoleon F Kahle August Kiernan, John J 196 Johns William Kaiser J Henry Kiernan Michael 196 Johnsen, Ole O Kales, Francis H Kilgore, Joseph 82 Johnson Albert L Kalisher Samuel S Kimball, Charles 92 Johnson Alex Kimball Eugene V 81 Johnson, Arnold B Kane, John Kimball, Eva E 146 Johnson, Arthur Kane John J Kimball Frank E 90 Johnson, Carl J Kaneen, Charles S . . . Kimmel, Emil L 226 Johnson Charles Kaney, Mrs. Alice L Kannowski Paul E Kimmel, George P . . 189 Johnson Charles Kimmel Harry 226 Johnson, Charles A Kapahua, Sam Kimmerling. Arley R . ., J oseph ... 169 81 Johnson, Charles G Karlson Axel A Johnson Charles H Kimmey Aaron S 55 Johnson, Charles H Katsunuma Tomizo Kinckmeyer, W iliiam J Kindlund, Ben . . 72 118 Johnson, Charles N Kau Tong Johnson Emil C King De Witt A 128 Johnson, Ephraim N Kauwe, Moses King, Edna M 68 Johnson Frank A Kavanagh Austin J King EdwardS 27 Johnson Fred E King Harold D 152 Johnson, George G Kay Yong 70 Johnson Harrv R Keagy Charles E King, Thomas J., jr 18 Johnson Hattip A King Vurney L 37 King William 58 Johnson, J. Wesley Johnson, James L Johnson John 'K'pflTi TnnjnflsT, King, William A . . 204 Kinghom, William H . . Kinnear, Eugene C . . . 110 ... 153 Keech Grace E Johnson John Keefe Daniel Kinney, Charles E 148 Keefe W illiam Kippen Delia . 146 Keeler Joseph M Kipps Martin L 181 Johnson, John B... Keeling, William B . . . Kirby, Gather F... 57 INDEX. 281 Kirby, Wallace W 156 Kirk, Thomas V 216 Kirk, William F... 27 . Kirker, Alice N 140 | Kirwan, Albert C 184 I Kirwan, Charles E 62 Kitch, Frederick W . . 140 ! Kitch, James B 146 ! Kitzmiller, George M 168 j Kielberg, August 52 i Klang, Victor 125 ! Klein, Arnold C 75; Kleinert, Gustav 130 , Klett, Andrew S 43 i Klette, Anthony 123 | Kline, Edwin M 156! Kline, Monroe H 221! Kliner, Edward J . . . 118 i Kling, Fred L 89 i Klingner, David D 72 ' Knaggs, Ferry N 171 j Knapp, George B 169 Knapp, Commander John J., U. S. N 107 I Knapp, Joseph 211 Knapp, Milton M 140 i Knienm, George 112 ! Knight, Alfred G 166 ! Knight, Berry M 131 i Knight, Charles E 186 ! Knight, Charles L 33 ! Knight, Henry M 155 i Knight, Loomis J 224 j Knignt, Thomas 68 ! Knoblock, Jacob 45 Knoblock, Jacob, jr 113 i Knowles, Herbert S 52 i Knowles, John T 74 Knowles, Robert R 126 Knowles, Thomas M 74 ' Knowles, William H. C . . . 56 i Knox, James 186 i Knudsen, Edward W 83 i Knudsen, Martin 83 | Knudsen, Nelson 79 ! Knudsen, Oscar H 132 i Knudson, Bernard 43 ! Knudson, Folke O 42 ; Koch, Edward W 135 Koehl, John 1171 Koehl, VV T ilham R 148 ! Koehler, Fred H 127 ' Koepke, Paul 193 j Kofod.JohnP 100 i Kohler, Frank O 227 ! Kohlmeier, Emory F Io9 ' Kohnert, Emil E 89 j Kostmayer, Kate G 146 ' Kowzan, Julius 203 i Krafft, Sarah E 89 i Kraft, John 195 I Krauczunas, Kazis 213 Krayer, William 199 Kreidler, Edwin V 43 Kreiner, Arthur C 202 Kremser, Kajetan E 70 Kribs, Marie H 140 Kristiansen, Soren.. 132 Krug, William F 127 Kuehne, John M 157 Kuhn, Caspar L 91 Kuhn, Robert 65 Kuhns, William H 236 Kullman, Mrs. C. Rosa ... 203 Kummell, Fred A 158 Kunder, John 97 Kurtz, Ford 152 Kurtz, Louis.. 227 Kurtz, Nathan 205 Kurz, Charles 223 Kuykendall, Dan S 225 Kvapil, Frank 119 Kwai, Moy B 224 La Boiteaux, E. M 150 Lacroix, Peter L 91 Ladd, John E 133 Ladd, Story B 136 Ladson, Charles L . . . 156 Page. La Guardia, Fiorello H . . . 192 Laird, Peter B 208 Lakacs, Mrs. Katalin 232 Lake, William H. H 47 Lambert, Peter 75 Lambert, Theodore 76 Lamberton, Rear- Admiral B. P., U. S. N 15,16 Lambson, Giles H 176 Lamson, Fanny P 140 Lamy, Camille A Ill Landis, Harry R 216 Landvoigt, Frank J 25 Lane, BarentH 48 Lane, Edward J 92 Lane, Frank C 165 Lane, Mrs. Ida K 140 Lane, Mrs. Jerry 103 Laney, William 99 Lang, Theodore 32 Lange, Gustav A. A. E ... 131 Lange, Oscar G 236 Langf ord, Blanche A 146 Langguth, Theodore G 180 Langhead, James A 122 Langland, J ohn 83 Langley , Harry 163 Langlois, James 102 Langlois, Oscar R 102 Langlois, William T 106 Lanier, Ruth 146 Lankford, Milton B 122 Lannan, Michael 128 Lanphier, Edward S 75 Lanstra, Jacob N 124 Lapham, Mrs. Mary 200 La Pine, Frank 95 Lapointe, Edward J 197 Lappin, Richard C 135 Lappin, Thomas 95 Lardner, George 121 Larkin, James 114 Larned, Frank H 187 Larock, J ohn 86 Larrabee, Eugene N 36 Larry, Solon 19 Larsen, Charles A 62 Larsen, George 134 Larsen, Gustav 54 Larsen, Iver 68 Larsen, Martinus 102 Larsen, Peter 69 Larson, Anton F 40 Larson, Dan 117 Larson, Frits W 105 Larson, Lawrence 76 Larson, Nils L 125 Larson, Ole T 125 Larson, William P 85 Larsson, John A 131 Larzelere, Charles L 235 Lasier, Emery L 235 Laskowski, Charles 203 Lassabe, Ramie M 76 Lassen, Detlef 47 Lassen, Mrs. Emma M 113 Lassen, Francis J 47 Latham, Ector B 152 Latham, John W 65 Latham, Mrs. Mary E . . . . 146 Latham, Thomas 230 Latham, Wellington M . . . 37 Latimer, George 108 Lauer, Frank 84 Lauer, J ohn E 115 Laundrie, Joseph 51 Laux , Frederick 236 Lauzon, Jerome 120 La Varre, William J 33 Lavelle, John A 198 Lavin, James P 231 Lawlor, Edward 171 Lawn, Katharine 153 Lawrence, Edward L 217 Lawrence, George 90 Lawrence, George, jr 93 Lawrence, John D 205 Lawrence, Lucy A 206 La wson, Frederick 87 Page. La wson, Thomas I* 51 Lawton, Fred E 203 Layton, Robert D 221 Lea, John 43 Leach, Clara L 148 Leach, Glen C 180 Leach, Richard 140 Leadbetter, John W 124 Leadley , George W 17 Leahy, James 96 Leakin, Hannah M 146 Leary, John L 180 Leary, Robert J 220 Lederle, Charles 95 Lee, Abram 59 Lee, AnthonE 130 Lee, George A 106 Lee, H. Embert 226 Lee, James J 183 Lee, Mrs. Jennie E 20 Lee, Joyce 140 Lee, Lawrence P 192 Lee, Noah B . . . 67 Lee, OrvilleW 85 Lee, Timothy F.... 190 Lee, William G 168 Lee, William J 17 Lee, WilliamS 207 Lees, Henry E 20 Leftwich, Mrs. Camilla S.. 146 Legros, EmilC 100 Lehan, Thomas 196 Lehners, Carl F 164 Lehrhaupt, David 204 Leibackery , Henry 43 Leick, CarlW 122 Leighton, Adelbert C 38 Leighton, Waldo 41 Lembkey, Walter 1 20 Lemmon, William L 161 Lemuie, Joseph 120 Lenihan, Robert 18 Lenwood, Charles 212 Lenz, Henry 81 Leonard, Daniel J 205 Leonard, John 128 Leonard, John J 125 Leonard, Levi B 62 Leonard, Martin J 205 Leonard, Mary R 146 Leonard, Paul 115 Leonard, William 191 Lepol, George 113 Le Roy, Charles H 140 Lesh, KarlR 236 Lester, William 73 Lestrange, Matthew J 201 Lettau, Edward C 82 Leuenberger , J ohn 178 Levegpod, Earle E 193 Levering, Jennie E 32 Levin, Michael 31 Levit, Jacob 198 Levy, Michael A 187 Levy, William V 190 Lewellen, James E 59 Lewis, Arthur E 210 Lewis, Charles H 83 Lewis, Charles M 115 Lewis, Elizabeth D. L . . . . 28 Lewis, Frank A 225 Lewis, George A 37 Lewis, Henry J 73 Lewis, HughH 229 Lewis, Mrs. Ida W 48 Lewis, James 20 Lewis.JohnW 115 Lewis, Joseph D 135 Lewis, Lillian M 140 Lewis, Stephen S 40 Lewis, Walter S 234 Lewis, Wellman H Ill Lewis, Wilfred A 86 Lewis, William D 224 Liano, J. Gimenez 54 Libbey, Eddie W 18 Lich, Charles A 225 Lichtenstein, Joseph M.. . . 192 Lidholm, John E 232 282 INDEX. Page. Lidman, John... 99 Liebig, Mrs. Rosa 28 Liljefelt, August A 96 Lillie, James H 21 Lincoln, Anne C 175 Lind, John E... 98 Lindbck, Lui 178 Lindberg, John E 132 Lindenburn, Henry 107 Lindenkohl, Henry 154 Lindhe, Rustan V 202 Lindley, Elihu E 98 Lindquist, John 70 Lindquist, William 70 Lindsey, Jonas E Ill Lindsey, William T 177 Lindstrom, Charles 228 Lindstrom, John G 224 Lingamfelter, Newton S... 189 Linnane, Patrick C 181 Linne", John C 96 Linnett, Edith K 195 Lisner, Philip 119 Lissak, Madeline 227 Litchfield, Frank W 162 Little, George E Ill Little, John F 29 Little, Lewis J 108 Little, William B 157 Littiefleld, Albert E 112 Littlefieid, Elam P 45 Livermore, Charles C 108 Lloyd.Comdr. Edward, jr., U. S. N 59 Lloyd, Dr. Morton G 234 Lloyd, Raymond S 194 Locke, Ezra F 181 Locke, William F 50 Locke, William S 198 Lockwood, Lt. Col. D. W., U. S. A 16,31 Lockwood, George 217 Locraft, Charles F 156 Lodge, Charles 114 Loeffler, Lucy H 146 Logan, Eugene A 25 Logan, Isaac S 121 Logan, James O'N 197 Lohse, Paul 227 Lombard, John P 223 Long, Albert W 202 Long, Dong On 230 Long, Edward W 57 Long, Mrs. Gertrude M . . . 107 Long, Theodore D 181 Long, William H 149 Longchallon, Joseph G. C. 207 Longley Th omas J 225 Lonholt, George L 105 Lonne, Julius 85 Look, Everett W 109 Lopans, Ashbury A 110 Lopaus, Roscoe G 40 Loper, LouisN 204 Lopez, Clifton H 74 Lopez, Comdr. Robert F., U. S. N 96 Lord, Harold 122 Lord, Harry C 164 Lord MillardJ 125 Lorenz, August 50 Lorenzen, Lauritz 226 Loring, Fred C 126 Loring, Walter G 128 Loudenslager, George H . . 27 Lough, Alexander 120 Lough, Edward 120 Louisignan, Charles J 89 Louks, Charles E 104 Loux, Charles W 167 Love, George W 18 Love, Joseph E 235 Love, MertonW 110 Loveitt, Warren E 110 Lovejoy, Clarence E 194 Lovej oy , Samuel 178 Lovig, Reidar J 222 Lovitt, Rufus C 108 Lowe, Herman 223 Page. Lowe, Victor L 235 Lowell, Emma R 146 Lowell, Louise 184 Lowenhjelm, Charles H . . . 132 Lowrey, Vinnie M 194 Lowther, William H 39 Lucas, George W 215 Luce, Alfred C 207 Luce, Robert F 152 Lucero, Servando C 54 Lucey, Jeremiah 112 Luckett, Harry M 17 Luckett, Thomas 1 18 Luckman, John 100 Lucus, John H 179 Ludberg, Frederick A 205 Ludescher, Michael 106 Ludewig, Joseph 236 Ludlam, Thomas S 130 Ludwig, Edwin F 161 Ludwig, Henry 118 Luff, Herbert 100 Luick, Emanuel 94 Luick, Henry M 197 Lukesh, Capt. Gustave, U.S.A 123 Lukua, Stephen 213 Lunden, Charles 117 Lundgren, John 196 Lunt, Basil R 109 Lunt, Edward A 108 Lunt, George A 176 Lupton, Charles 75 Lupton, Frederick A 59 Lupton, Mrs. Minnie I 75 Luther, Adam A 108 Luther, Oscar C 108 Luther, Royal 108 Luther, William K . . .' 213 Lynch, Daniel E 193 Lynch, Irvin S 57 Lynch, James G 193 Lynch, Patrick 196 Lynch, Thomas E 131 Lynch, Thomas W 228 Lynch, William H 182 Lynd, Orland 85 Lyon, George L 40 Ly on , Lafayette L 236 Lyons, John M 205 Lytle, William M 184 Maag, Clarence E Maasch, Frederick W. C. Mabee, Fred L., jr McAfee, Robert M McAllister, Edwin M McAnally, Thomas F McArron, David Macatee, Frank B McB ride, Harry F McBride, Joseph McBride, Robert J McBride, Walter D McCabe, James. . . McCabe, John A McCabe, Margaret V McCall, Carl A McCall, James L McCall, John MacCaUum, Charles McCaUum, Henry C McCann, James McCann, Ross J McCarten, Philip E McCarthy, Frank A McCarthy, James McCarthy, John B McCarthy, John J McCarty, Harry C McCarty, Thomas G MacCashin, Mrs. Eliza... MacCashin, Hugh O McCauley, Mary A McCauley, Owen C McChesney, Joseph B McChristie, Minor E McClellan, Edward McClure, Milton... 130 193 140 41 52 140 171 191 104 199 172 214 225 205 29 117 116 199 222 171 47 148 197 205 113 27 166 24 119 I 50 50 146 I 84 I 226 | 153 : 201 81 I Page. McClure, William 140 McClymont, Julius S 226 McConnell, Thomas C 140 McCord, Annie E 28 McCord, Mary B 140 McCorkle, Mrs. Matt R.. . . 148 McCormick, FerringtonM. 78 McCormick, James 79 McCoy, Jennie L 140 McCulloch, Frederick A ... 216 MacCulloch, James 134 MQCullough, Frank S 207 McDaniel, Jesse 174 McDaniel, William F 140 McDermott, Daniel J 218 McDermott, William 33 McDermut, Grace C. U 235 McDevitt, William 197 McDill, Robert T 222 McDonald, Archibald T . . . 206 McDonald, Brown 232 McDonald, Charles 89 Macdonald, Mrs. Edith M . 136 McDonald, James 120 McDonald, James J 17 McDonald, John A 93 McDonald, Lieut. Comdr. John D. , U.S. N 33 McDonald, Lauchling 94 McDonald, Michael 43 Macdonald, Morton Q 22 McDonald, Philip 62 McDonald, Roderick 185 MacDonald, Rose M. E... . 173 Macdonald, William J 168 McDonald, Zemira 130 McDonough, John T 87 McDougal, Mrs. Kate C . . . 98 McDowell, James A 156 McDuffie, Joseph A 161 McEnroe, James 196 McEwan, Frank C 129 MacEwan, Mrs. Mary M . . 146 McFarland, David Ho Macfarland, Mrs. Marge- rette A 150 McFarland, William E . . 167 McFetridge, Edward L. . 227 McGalliard, Thomas J . . 223 McGee, Mary L 146 McGilley, Mrs. Clara G. . 140 McGinley, Michael E . . . . 140 McGinn, Walter J 132 McGinnis, Edward 118 McGlincy, Virginia 157 McGlone, Robert 48 McGoines, Thomas 156 McGovern, Hugh W 47 McGovern, John J 197 McGowan, Peter J 108 McGrath, James 171 McGrath, John E 151 McGrath, Thomas J 155 McGregor, James A 206 MacGregor, James M 125 McGrogan, Edward J 186 McGuire, James W 154 McGuirk, Michael J 185 McHugh, Charles H 140 Mcllvaine, Luther J 235 Mclntee, John J 165 Macintosh, Vivian G 222 Mclnturff, George F., jr. . . 19 Mclntyre, Owen 110 Mclntyre, Royal E 110 Mclvor, Peter 193 McKean, Albert 77 McKee, Archibald V 140 McKee, John J 189 McKeehan. Fred B 212 McKelvy, Ernest C 235 McKenna, Charles E 28 McKenna, Daniel P. J 188 McKenna, Margaret 140 McKenna, Michael 44 McKenna, Michael J 186 McKenney, Charles F 154 Mackenzie, Col. Alex., U.S.A... 16 INDEX. 283 Mackenzie, William 155 McKenzie, William A 136 McKeon, James P 236 McKillop, Robert A 84 McKinnon, John C 79 McKinstry, Mai. Charles H., U. S. A 121 Macklem, George W 133 McKlem, Robert 103 MeKnown, Wadsworth. . . 110 McKown, Samuel F 128 McKoy, Angus 89 McLane, William R 156 McLaughlin, Adrian F 220 McLaughlin, George B 18 McLaughlin, John 101 McLaughlin, Mrs. Mary. . . 150 McLaughlin, William D . . . 140 McLean, Alexander 90 McLean, Allan 229 McLennan, Donald 169 MacLennan, Frank 193 McMaster, John L 173 Macmillan, T. H. Smith. . . 235 McMiUian, Arthur J 126 McMorris, George W 140 McMullen, Philander 149 McNaghten, Roy T 222 McNamara, Patrick 146 McNeil, Mrs. Flora 46 McNeill, La Fayette, jr . . . 154 McNulty, Benjamin L 141 McNulty, Joseph 88 MacPherson, Hugh 166 McQuade, Thomas J 141 McQuillan, William J 197 McRae, Kenneth D 188 McSpadden, John L 95 McVey, Ambrose 114 Madden. Harry A 20 Madden, John W 202 Maddock, Willard C 110 Maddux, Mattie H 141 Madill, Robert 196 Magee, Orrie B 58 Maguire, Michael F 225 Maguire, Robert F 31 Magwood, Edward B 69 Mahan, George E 94 Maher, Peter E 202 Maher, Thomas J 152 Maher, Walter J 209 Mahler, Harry D 106 Mahone, George A 203 Mahony, James 185 Maize, SuUy B 154 Makahi, John 101 Maket, William M 122 Maling, Ernest H 135 MaUet, Charles V 210 Mallette, Edward 84 Malloy , Clarence 69 Malone, James A 107 Malone, John A 91 Malone, John H 91 Malouf , Nagyb K 216 Maltman, William T 58 Mandelstam, Mrs. Selma.. 201 Mangels, Gustav H 228 Mangold, George B 27 Manix, James P 199 Mankins, Mrs. Mary J 20 Manlove, Charles R 56 Manlove, Edward B 57 Manly, Basil M 29 Mann, Fred E 236 Mann, John F 190 Mann, Luther G 104 Manner, John J 185 Manning, Bernard 231 Manning, George S 230 Mansell, Richard L 87 Mansfield, Ira B 170 Mansfield, William R 219 Mansuy, Edward M 172 Manuwai, Apaki 213 Manville, Loren R 187 Manwaring, James H 131 Mapes, Earle O 87 Page. Marchand, George E 159 Marchant, Levi D. , jr 66 Marheineke, Bernhard B.. 208 Maricle, Benjamin F 205 Marix, Capt. Adolph U. S. N 31 Marker, Isaac J 55 Markey, John J 205 Markham, Frank O 118 Markuson, John 50 Marler, William 72 Manner, Harry A 155 Marr, Clarence E 36 Marr, Ezra E 102 Marr, Preston L 34 Marr, Walcott H 35 Marrow, Isaac H 231 Marsh. Emeline A 200 Marsh, Hedleigh 236 Marsh, James E 159 Marsh, John V 222 Marsh, Millard- C 183 Marsh, William 202 Marshall, Arthur S 95 Marshall, Charles E 56 Marshall, Frank W 93 Marshall, George O 193 Marshall, George W 82 Marshall, Henry J 114 Marshall, James M 85 Marshall, John W 115 Marshall, Mrs. Minnie M . . 206 Marshall, Robert L 209 Marshall, Walter G 94 Martens, John 112 Martin, Alice M 195 Martin, Anna H 29 Martin, Artemas 155 Martin, Bingham 146 Martin, Edward 196 Martin, Isaac 207 Martin, Jonathan 63 Martin, Jules 120 Martin, Mrs. Martha 33 Martin, Selden O 24 Martin, Simeon 54 Martin, Thomas B 166 Martin, William K 172 Martineau, Peter H 113 Martling, Daniel D 44 Martoccia, Frank 191 Marts, David F 56 Martus, George W 71 Marvin, Francis E 19 Mary, John M 77 Mashall, William H 203 Maskeviczius, Domianus.. 229 Mason, Harriet N 146 Mason, Hugh L 159 Mason, James F 131 Mason, John B 78 Mason, John H 157 Mason,JohnJ 118 Mason, John W 132 Mason, Michael A 177 Mason, OrloJ 87 Mason, Samuel W 187 Mason, Wardlaw M 22 Mason, William E Ill Mason, William M 149 Mass, John W 218 Masten, George L 24 Masterson, Francis J 218 Masterson, William T 196 Masuret, Eugene A 216 Matela, John 103 Mathisen, Hans 134 Matlack, Agnes J 141 Matthews, George P 37 Matthews, Richard 87 Matthews, Mrs. Rosalie L. 141 Mattimore, John 44 Mattson, Clement A 167 Mauder, Arthur M 216 Maul, Charles H 114 Maul, Theodore R 114 Maull, Harry C 177 Maupin, John W 152 Maupin, William C 153 Maury, Joseph 42 Max, Nagel 131 Maxey, Henry R 168 Maxfield, Olin H 49 Mayer, Charles D 205 Maynard, Henry W 153 Maynard, William 173 Mayo, ElieE 64 Mayo, Julius W 114 Mayper, Joseph 194 Mead, Cephas F 217 Meads, Eugene 154 Meagher, Bernard B 105 Meddaugh, George E 170 Meeds, Lloyd T 229 Meekins, Ephraim, jr 60 MeeMns, Isaac C 65 Meengs, George J 85 Mehan, Charles 226 Mellen, George H 156 Mellgren, Harold A 123 Mellin, Charles B 133 Mellington, Mrs. Catharina 150 MeUon, Charles G 53 Melo, James 198 Meloncon, Patrick 117 Meloy, HughB 141 Menet, Margaret 29 Menifee, Robert L 204 Meno, Frederick J 170 Mentch, William C 79 Menz, Joseph 43 Mercer, Charles P 104 Mercer, Charles S 146 Mercer, Joseph F 67 Merchant, Alfred M Ill Merchant, Gifford S Ill Meriam, Lewis 136 Merkle, Alfred 1 193 Merriam, Robert H 135 Merrill, Arthur F 163 Merrill, Miltimore E 180 Merrill, Thomas S 135 Merritt, Edward T 37 Merritt, Ella A 29 Merritt, Thomas 59 Merry, Patrick C 196 Mersy, Frank 91 Mertens, Frederick 113 Metcalf, Victor H 15 Metivier, Henry 89 Metivier, Joseph 93 Meverden, Leander J 120 Mew, John R 116 Meyer, Andrew 113 Meyer, Charles M 194 Meyer, Ferd 223 Meyer, Joseph 46 Meyer, Robert S 71 Meyer, William 113 Meyer, William C 158 Mezny, Joseph 113 Michel, Henry 218 Mickelson, Victor A 124 Mickey, Harry L 19 Mickins, William 196 Mickle, Herbert A 128 Middlekaufl, George W . . . 234 Middleton, George E 235 Midgett, Arthur 64 Midgett, Christopher C . . . 59 Midgett, William F 62 Miehlstien, Stephan 122 Mikkelsen, Krist B 199 Mikkelsen, Martin W 121 Mikolainis, Peter 192 Milan, Orrin L 34 Miles, Clarence H 68 Miles, Francis J 194 Miles, Robert R 127 Miles, Thomas J 125 Milewski , Anton L 196 Millar, John W 120 Millar, Thomas H 120 Miller, Ansel L 46 Miller, Cameron 208 Miller, Carl E 176 Miller, Charles E 210 Miller, Charles H 21 284 INDEX. I Miller, Daniel E 'age. 187 21 32 29 158 206 166 114 152 174 74 234 176 210 224 230 75 217 175 209 165 114 57 34 167 171 232 147 159 120 210 71 62 35 62 155 176 141 227 150 149 92 190 101 197 225 53 125 22 17 172 187 135 169 25 188 20 228 204 38 128 226 194 88 171 75 131 119 200 201 73 24 141 80 35 219 159 174 63 201 15 122 169 128 149 110 225 29 57 Moore William B Page. 214 ] Murphy William S 'age. 210 98 115 141 131 45 157 126 189 15 172 47 125 48 206 231 211 189 228 33 35 20 131 45 162 141 141 141 228 85 214 197 71 113 114 147 141 199 15,25 180 120 147 173 46 111 150 38 133 178 116 83 196 96 82 130 171 98 62 111 225 153 48 202 141 42 190 141 41 99 163 99 147 98 36 192 157 227 133 50 147 60 22 171 121 220 26 236 174 Miller, Dayton B . . . Morales, Leon E 235 Murray, Angus Miller, E. Vance . Mo ran, John 111 Murray' Benjamin A Miller, Edith M Moran Lillian A 195 Murray, Mrs. Elizabeth R. Murray Elmer S Millar, Frank H Moran, Mary E 184 Miller, Harmon A Moraza, Josd N 54 Murray' George Miller, Harry S... Morehouse, Eugene 194 Murray, Harrison. Miller, J. Frank . Morel, Alexander 117 Murray^ James Miller, James B Morgan, Albion B 232 Murray Joseph Miller, Jay L Morgan, Charles M 204 Murray, Lawrence O . Miller, Jefferson D Morgan, William E 182 Murray Robert G Miller, John M Morgan William T 130 Miller, Joseph L. . Morgenweck, Robert L Moriarty, Daniel J . 42 235 Murray' William Miller, Oscar F Murray, William J Miller, Peter E Moriarty, Francis B 31 Murrell,' George C Miller, Raymond G Morin, fierre 122 Musgrave, Archibald A. . . Muzar, Mathias Miller, Robert G . . . Morong, Alonzo 36 Miller, Thomas C Morong, Fred W 35 Myers Bert Millet, Arthur L Morris Abram 52 Myers Henry A Millikon, Alden J Morris, Charles E 75 Myers, Leroy L Millikin, Everett J. Morris, Charles W 27 Myers Loring W Millin Victor Morris Clarence D 64 Millis, JohnH Morris, Frank G 141 Myers, Samuel D Mills, Albert R Morris Frank J 131 Myles Frederick Mills, Samuel A Morris, Johrj P 141 Naghten, William A Milne, George M Morris, Richard W 89 Milton, Jeff D Morris Robert 120 Nairn Mrs Sallie L Miner, Ethel G Morrisen, Ezra W 36 Nail Corinne T Miner, Fred Alvord Morrison Alfred S 918 Nance Mollie Miner, John Morrison, Edward S 91 Nantz, Freeman P Ming, Fung . . Morrison, James D 156 Napeiziniski, Joseph Minges, John H Morrison Lloyd H 180 Nardini Joseph C Mish, Henry S Morrison, Paul F 193 Nash A'ndrew O Mitchell, Almon Morrow Charles L 71 Nauman George B Mitchell, George W Morrow, Frank 199 Navarre, Jerome McD . Neal John H Mitchell, Hugh C . ... Morrow, John H 215 Mitchell Hugh C Morse Mrs Caroline 100 Neale Ellen Mitchell, John B Morse, Fremont 151 Neely' Frank E Mitchell', John L . . Morse, George B 23 Neil William H Mitchell, Mrs. Lucinda S.. Mitchell, Nelson .... Morse, George W 184 Neill Charles P Morse, Frank J 108 Neill George A Mitchell R L Mortensen Anton 100 NelMe Frank Mitchell, Robert C Mortenson, Andrew C. . Morton Harry F ... 121 114 Nelligan, Mrs. Mary E.... Nelligan Patrick Moealoha Edward K Mohr, Herman Morton, William R 219 Nelson, Andrew Moler, Henry H Mosko'W'it.z Morris 203 Nelson Daniel E Molina, Juan V Mosman, Alonzo T 151 Nelson, Edgar A., jr Nelson Edward L Molitor, Peter Moss, Benjamin F 211 Moloney Benjamin J Moss Samuel A 19 Nelson George Molster Charles E Motley Patrick 199 Molther John R Motokawa, Gennosuke. Mott Ezra S ... 213 47 Nelson Johannes Molzahn Herman E Momsen, Hart Mount, Thomas G 229 Nelson J Monaghan, John Moy Shere F 220 Nelson Martin Moncure Paul H Mueller Eberhardt 152 Nelson Nels Monk Frederic H Mueller Eugene F 234 Nelson Nicholas Monroe Mrs Eliza Muhse Albert C 24 Nelson Nils B Monroe, Henry A Mulford, Charles I 52 Nelson Peter C Monson Torkel L Mulkey Mrs Mary E 229 Nelson Samuel L Montcalm, Joshua A ... Mull, Moses D 25 Nelson, William N Monteiro John R Mullen JohnJ 47 Neren 'Mrs. Cora Montgomery, Percy F Montgomery, Walter Mullin William 129 Nesbit Scott Mullins, John 177 Netter, Matthew Montonna, William E Monty, Willis E Mulloney William L 23 Nettleton Stiles R Mulroy, John E 171 Nevius, Marian B Newbold, Albert Moody, Thomas A Munch John A 77 Moody, William Munson, Edward F Munson, William H 197 141 Newburn Walter, jr . ... Moon, Herbert E Mooney, Mrs. Jennie J Moore Alfred H Munster, Matthew J . . . 199 Newcomb, Thomas W Newhall Arthur A Murakami, Ikunoshin. . Murdoch, Herbert S. . . . Murdock James B 232 ... 154 51 Moore, Charles Newhall, Frank H Moore, Charles S Newhall Ora O Moore' Darwin D 115 Newkirk F M Moore, Edwin J Mure Albert 157 Newlin, Oscar Moore, Fairfleld H Murk George A 133 Newman Charles H Moore, George W Murphy, Barney 112 Newman, Edward L Moore, Godwin C Murphy Charles E 190 Newman, George Newman John M Moore' Henry F Murphy, Charles J Murphy, Charles L 132 149 Moore, Henry S Newton, Burtis S Moore, Herbert E Murphy Francis 185 Newton' Elmer V Moore, J. Hampton Murphy, Frank H 126 Newton, George V Moore, John Murphy, John 43 Newton, William Moorej John H Murphy John F 202 Nichol, James W Moore Joseph H Murphy John J 231 Nicholas William Moore, Lyman M Murphy, Michael 109 Nicholls,' Frederick G Nicholls, William J Moore Richard O Murphy Patrick J 43 Moore' Risdore M Murphy, Peter P Murphy, Thomas P 129 227 Nichols David T Moore, Thomas B Nichols, Dr. Edward L.. . Nichols, John T... Moore, Thos. T... Murphy. Timothy F. . 141 INDEX. 285 Page. Nichols, Mrs. Juliet E 96 Nichols, Leonard 186 Nicholson, James B 58 Nicholson, Joseph W 228 Nicholson, Leonard H 197 Nicholson, Maria L 174 Nicholson, Thomas R 193 Nickerman, John 133 Nickerson, Andrew S 39 Nickerson, Azor H 141 Nickerson, Harry D 132 Nickerson, Joseph W 130 Nickerson, Oliver A 41 Nickerson, Theodore Ill Nielsen, Adolph R 229 Nielsen, Frederick 51 Nielson, Antoni 130 Nielson, Thomas F 69 Nieman, Albert C 131 Nikander, Gustaf A 123 Niles, Nathaniel, jr 75 Nilsen, Niels 78 Nilsson, John M 99 Nilsson, Paulus 99 Nitz, William H 204 Nixon, Elliott L 201 Nixon, John 98 Nixon, John D 198 Nobenhauer, Karl 112 Noble, Robert C 119 Noblitt, James M 227 Noel, Henry W 90 Nolan, Felix 199 Nolan, Frank 92 Nolan, William P 171 Nolen, John 90 Nolen, Thomas J 130 Nolte, JohnJ 193 Nordblom, Ernest T 130 Nordstrom, Adolf 46 Norris, Albert 112 Norris, Arthur 69 Norris, Calvin C. J 163 North, Hart H 226 North, S. N. D 16, 135 Northrup, Charles D 87 Norton, Mrs. Alice B 96 Norton, Alleverd A 37 Norton, Charles W 57 Norton, Ezra 133 Norton, Mrs. Mary 200 Norton, Thomas H 21 Norton, Uriah L 34 Norton, William H 154 Norvell, Mrs. Maggie R . . . 77 Norwood, Llewellyn 36 Notzon, Aloysius J 209 Nowell, William E 126 Noyes, Charles E. P 48 Noyes, Fred 109 Noyes, Harry A 177 Nuber, Jacob L 17 Nutting, Perley G 234 Nutting, Ralph 141 Nutz, William D 98 Nystrom, George E 199 Oakes, Alfred 179 Oast, John W 167 Obenauer, Marie L 28 Ober, Louis 232 Obermark, Henry 117 Obman, Adolph 51 O'Brien, Edmund V 27 O'Brien, Eugene 172 O'Brien, Henry F 218 O'Brien. John 129 O'Brien, John S 33 O'Brien, Joseph H 127 O'Brien, Joseph J 199 O'Brien, Maurice 218 O'Brien, William.. O'Brion. William H '. 167 Ockenfels, Frank W 42 O'Connell, William D 129 O'Connor, John J 189 O'Connor, Pierce 120 Odell, George H., jr :,; 50 Odeneal, Arthur J " 191 Page. O'Donnell, George K 141 O'Donnell, Roger 188 Oertel, John F 18 O'Hagan, John J 70 O'Hagan, Thomas P 68 O'Hara, Mrs. Kate 200 Ohlin, Gustave R 209 Ohlsson, John E 131 Ohman, Gustaf 69 Okajima, Kinya 229 Olander, Herman K Olcott, W. Harry 135 Oldenburg, Frank H. F . . . 119 O'Leary, Dennis 108 O'Leary, Jeremiah J 215 O'Leary, Michael T 108 Oliver, Charles W 48 Oliver, George W 128 Oliver, Joseph P 179 Oliver, Llewellyn 34 Oliver, Miles... 126 Oliver, William H 78 Oliver, William R 169 Oiler, George E 141 Ollhoff, Ferdinand 84 Olmsted, Hirah F 25 Olsen, Alexander 45 Olsen, George 160 Olsen, Hans J. G 77 Olsen, Harry E 18 Olsen, Ingvald 85 Olsen, John 100 Olsen, John K 124 Olsen, Ole 105 Olsen, Peter 131 Olsen, Sigvart G 105 Olsen, Theodore 198 Olson, Gottfrid T 98 Olson, Harry E 158 Olson, Knut 95 Olson, Otto 92 Olsson, Olof 52 O'Malley, Henry 177 O 'Mara, Grace B 147 O'Melia, Edward T 53 O'Neill, Andrew J 162 O'Neill, Henry E 63 O'Neill, James 197 O'Neill, John 113 O'Neill, Martin... 105 O'Neill, Patrick 44 O'Neill, Thomas P. H 222 Onessimo, Angelo 204 Oosterhoudt, Emma B 195 Opdyke, Walter L 203 Openshaw, Edward 42 Orchard, Comdr. John M., U.S.N 79 Ordway, William W 141 O'Reilly, Hugo 113 Oren, J.Paul 23 Orne, Albert F 109 Orne, Fred M 110 O'Rourke, Michael 131 Orr, Edmond S. H 109 Ortman, Julius 130 Osborn, Charles F 26 Osborn, Mrs. Ella A 149 Osborn, Emmett M 149 Osborne, Nathan S 234 Osborne, William C 166 O' Shea, Matthew 200 Osman, William C 132 Osterberg, Gustaf 103 Osterdahh John 48 O strom, Clark O 209 Otter, Francis J 118 Ottesen, Olaf 198 Otto, Walter S 172 Ottosen, Walter 81 Otwell,Capt.C.W., U.S.A. 121 Oursler, Mary C 147 Outten, Isaac 129 Outten, Wilbur F 125 Over, Charles H.T 156 O veraker, Courtland E 209 O verton, Joshua A 45 O verton, Wallace M 62 Owen, Edward J 22 Page. Owen, Horace H 114 Owen, HughE 66 Owen, Mary A 26 Owens, Charles E 199 Owens, Robert W 182 Pace, Augustus G 102 Pace, James W 107 Pacetti, Bartolo J 68 Packer, Launcelot Paddock, Roy M is Paden, Charles W 220 Page, LillaL 147 Pagenhart, E dwin H 152 Paige, Frank R 201 Paine, Ansel W 218 Painter, George 200 Paley, Mrs. Louise 29 Palmer, C. Alfred 222 Palmer, Frank C 122 Palmer, Harry H 58 Palmer, J. Lee 97 Palmer, John W 50 Palmer, OraJ 221 Palmer, Samuel C 95 Palmer, Walter B 27 Pangan, Fulgencio F 158 Panopio, Eliseo M 158 Pape, William 43 Papson, Mrs. Edith T 141 Parbury, Charles P 189 Pardee, George W 170 Pardee, Willis B 53 Pardue, Samuel 47 Parham, Edward D 61 Park, Clarence M 219 Park, Edward L 226 Parker, Alfred W 188 Parker, David 156 Parker, Mrs. Emma C 147 Parker, John R 64 Parker, Joseph 183 Parker, Wallace H 218 Parker, William E . . . . 152 Parker, William M 57 Parks, William S 51 Parmele, Frank W 46 Parsons, Arthur V 29 Parsons, Mrs. Edith 29 Parsons, John 19 Partch, Virgil F 203 Partin, Charles W 115 Pasqualino, Frank 185 Pastorfield, Martin D 188 Patch, Margaret A 141 Patrick, Pliny 212 Patterson, Carl W 221 Patterson, Francis X 23 Patterson, George H 229 Patterson, George M 217 Patterson, John A 55 Patterson, Thomas 120 Patton, Raymond S 152 Paty, George W 122 Paul, Charles H 192 Paul, Daniel T 66 Paul, John H 47 Paul, Marie L 141 Paul, Robert E 83 Pausch, Hermann D 51 Paweck, Ignatz U4 Paxton, Walter T 132 Payne, James E 141 Payton, William 173 Peabody, Roy E 204 Peabody, William F 155 Peach, Clyde L 186 Peak, John A 40 Peake, William T 188 Pearce, Capt. Thomas C. . . 182 Pearlman, James M 204 Pearman, Silas D 141 Pearsall, William C 206 Pearse, Forrest F 123 Pearson, Charles 221 Pearson, William J 103 Peavey, Simon F 141 Peavy, Paul W 172 Peck, IdaM 29 286 INDEX. Peck, Roy L 170 Pecor, Thaddeus 49 Peel, Barney F 63 Peeper, John T 48 Peerce, Herbert W 159 Peirce, Florence E 29 Pelham, Robert A 141 Pellenz, Mrs. Emma M. . . . 195 Pelton, Charles R 18 Penfield, Samuel A 87 Penny, JohnH 52 Pepper, Charles M 21 Percy, Harry P 124 Perdomo, Joseph J 206 Perkins, Albert G 21 Perkins, Frank W 151 Perkins, John W 229 Perkins, Thomas 57 Perron, Louis R 236 Perry, Alma H 228 Perry, Archibald P 181 Perry, Arthur R 27 Perry, Herbert L 48 Perry, Joseph 217 Perry, Newall A 165 Perry, Walter M 205 Perry, William A 122 Perst, August C., jr 196 Peshek, Anthony W 120 Pesonen, Alexander K 104 Petar, John 148 Peters, John G 130 Peters, JohnH 153 Peters, William J 187 Petersen, Gottfried F 221 Petersen, Peter J 85 Petersen, Rasmus 106 Peterson, A. Henry 186 Peterson, Augustus H 109 Peterson, Carl E 105 Peterson, Charles 126 Peterson, George B 92 Peterson, Isaac D 131 Peterson, John 63 Peterson, John 74 Peterson, Marcus R 109 Peterson, Peter M 48 Petit, Edwin 222 Pettersen, Louis A 105 Petterson, Peter A 116 Pettis, HughS 18 Pettis, JohnB 141 Pettit, William B 27 Peyton, John K 170 Pflel, Rhinhart 79 Pfister, Edward 86 Phelan, Daniel J 166 Phelan, JohnJ 159 Phelps, Mrs. Mary M 147 Phillips, Bert C 180 Phillips, Daniel 86 Phillips, Elizabeth 147 Phillips, Ethel N 141 Phillips, Francis J 189 Phillips, Maxwell G 210 Phillips, Morton H 141 Phillips, Richard E . B . . . . 131 Piaggio, Vincent 190 Pickford, Mrs. Grace D . . . 147 Picking, Samuel 79 Pienkowsky, Arthur T 234 Pierce, Alton 172 Pierce, Anna L 147 Pierce, Charles W 205 Pierce, Edward H 34 Pierce, Frank C 35 Pierce, Frank S 207 Pierce, Harry H 17 Pierce, Harvey T 110 Pierce, James H 218 Pierce, Wallace M 110 Pierce, William H 41 Pierce, William H 71 Pierce, William M 131 Pierotti, Henry C 133 Pierson, Emma L 25 Pigeon. Joseph A 93 Pike, Lilian 155 Page. Pillsbury, Edward 1 75 Pindell, Robert M., jr 17 Pinder, Ramon 74 Pingree, Henry L 38 Pinkerton, John A 178 Pinkham, Merritt P 34 Pinyon, Mrs. Josephine ... 20 Piscopo, John 205 Pitschler, Paul G 84 Pittenger, Hal. L 188 Pittinger, Edward 53 Pittman, Dr. James H . . . . 213 Pizzalar, Bernhard 84 Platt, Charles L 49 Platt, Daniel R 84 Platt, Mabel V 141 Plietz, William F 172 Plowman, Elias A 209 Plumb, Thomas J 227 Plumly, D. Arthur 207 Plummer, Alden H ....... 109 Plummer, Lorenzo T 207 Plummer, Shepherd D 227 Plunkett, Robert 213 Poe, Howard 47 Poitevin, Gaston R 76 Pollak, E rnestine 201 Pollak, Frances M 195 Pollard, James 149 Pollister, George A 167 Pollock, William McC 21 Pons, Mrs. Sadie R 147 Pool, Frank J 23 Poole, Burrill C 110 Pooley, Arthur W 97 Pope, Frederick L. R 171 Pope, George H 88 Pope, Thomas E. B 174 Poppert, Charles A 86 Porazzi, Carlo 113 Porrata, Jose" 54 Porter, Albert H 46 Porter, Edwin G 72 Porter, George H 48 Porter, Richard B 224 Porterfleld, Frank A 147 Portman, John H 78 Pose, Mannie 76 Pospeshil, Frank J 33 Pospeshil, Jacob B 123 Post, George E 235 Potter, Charles A 167 Potter, Charles A 172 Potter, Maj. Charles L., U.S. A Ill Potter, Laurence J 23 Potter, William 221 Potter, William W 186 Pottinger, James 95 Pottinger, William 93 Potts.NobleN 18 Poulsen, Paul 115 Povey, David G 228 Powderly, Terence V 189 Powell, Mrs. Catherine L. 184 Powell, George H 46 Powell, Lewis F 167 Powell, Patrick 124 Powell, Robert F 62 Power, Hannon M 167 Power, William H 18 Powers, Albert 190 Powers, James 150 Powers, Le Grand 135 Powers, Morton H 216 Powers, William H 166 Powlesland, Ulysses G . . . . 193 Prather, John W 216 Prather, Lloyd, 3d 156 Prather, Mrs. Sarah Sprigg 26 Pratt, Arthur L 116 Pratt, Edmund S 117 Pratt, John F 151 Pratt, Willard C 117 Prentis, Percy L 231 Prentiss, Elizabeth 147 Price, Bessie 147 Price, Charles J 94 j Page. Price, JohnJ 49 Price, Robert E 31 Price, Theodore S 185 Price, Thomas P 199 Priest, I rwin G 235 Prieto, Jos6 54 Prindable, John D 186 Pringle, Samuel 68 Prior, James 89 Prior, George 91 Prisco, Nicola 192 Pritchard, Joseph A 227 Pritchard, S. Le Roy 175 Pritchett, Dr. Henry S. . 31,236 Pritchett, Leon C 155 Prokupek, Anna 193 Prussmann, Fred 133 Pryor, Levi 197 Pugh, Charles W. Pulle, Charles F. W 201 Pulsf ord, George G 209 Pumphrey, Nellie E 147 Pumphrey Walter 19 Purcell, Comdr. J. L., U. S.N 75 Purdum, James K. P 181 Purdy, Charles W 108 Purdy, Ella 147 Purdy, George W 40 Purington, John E 34 Purton, Astley B 153 Pusey , John S 57 P utnam, George R 151 Quai, Li Him 225 Quails, Ralph 19 Quidley, John A 61 Quidley, John B 67 Quidley, Thomas D 64 Quigley , Martin J 224 Quillian, Clifford G 152 Quillin, Samuel E 55 Quinn, Frank W 205 Quinn, George W 164 Quinn, William M 72 Quirk, James 125 Raabe, William... 63 Raby, Robert C 190 Race, Edmund E 179 Raczkiewicz, John 191 Radcliffe, Lewis 175 Rader, James P 156 Rae, Mrs. Agnes 141 Ragsdale, Julia T 147 Rahmu, Magnus A 192 Rail, James 200 Railly, Christopher 201 Rains, Allen W 91 Rains, Xavier 90 Raison, Jean E 147 Ramage, Burr J 23 Rand, Benjamin W 109 Rand, William H 27 Raney, Roscoe 136 Ranger, William 141 Rankin, James 97 Rankin, JohnH 223 Rankin, Richard 193 Rapp, Gates G 19 Rarick, Charles H 115 Rasmussen, Lars R 131 Rasmusson, Peter 70 Rathbun, Elmer J 49 Ratledge, E rnest M 55 Rattray , Andrew E 95 Rauch, William E 177 Rauterberg, Arthur C 214 Ray, Richard E 50 Raymond, Gabriel C 208 Raymond, John M 117 Raymond, William H 141 Raynor, John F 52 Read, Mrs. Anna M 78 Read, Herbert B 197 Read, Rear-Admiral J. J., U.S.N 15 Reagan, Timothy J 112 INDEX. 287 Page. Reamy, Milton 40 Reamy , Octavius H 41 Reaney, Charles 229 Reardon, Daniel L 46 Reardon, William A 197 Reardon, TV illiam II 121 Rebbel, William L 32 Redding, Mary 1 149 Reddy, Edmond 113 Redfern, Charles 52 Redman, Otto 90 Redmond, Stephen J 116 Reed, Arthur C 109 Reed, Elijahs 55 Reed, Elmer 37 Reed, Fred 177 Reed, George R 125 Reed, James F 169 Reed, Joseph 202 Reed, Mrs. May M 147 Reed, Nathan A 35 Reed, Robert B 67 Reed, William H 231 Reese, Mrs. Johanna 19 Reeves, Joshua H 58 Reguera, Robustiano 54 Rehn, Axel 44 Reid, Robert 171 Reid, Robert 1 101 Reider, Edith S 27 Reier, Theodore H 156 Reilly, Francis 204 Reilly , Thomas A 196 Reilly, Thomas J 164 Reily, James F 59 Reinbold, Charles H 108 Reiss, Charles C 221 Reit, Carl E 98 Reiter, Rear-Admiral G. C., U. S. N 15,16 I Rekate, George H 153 I Remey, Rear - Admiral George C., U.S. N 15 I Remsen, Dr. Ira 236 Remsen, Joseph G 41 Remsen, William G 124 Renaud, Jules M 117 Rengel, Julio L 54 I Respess, Charles E 68 I Reville, Alice G 154 I Reynolds, George B 133 | Reynolds, James B 189 i Reynolds, Roy 147 I Reynolds, Smith E 186 ! Reynolds, Stephen A 215 Reynolds, Walter F 155 Rhoads, Samuel D ... 141 Rhodes, Harry W 152 Rice, Andrew 90 Rice, Fred B 168 Rice, Graham L 227 Rice, John P 20 Rice, William H 92 Rich, Mrs. Josephine A 147 Rich, Stephen D 39 Richard, Justin E 20 Richards, James H., jr 187 Richards, Peter L 93 Richards, Walter 166 Richardson, Attrell 157 Richardson, Charles 124 Richardson, Clement E . . . 90 Richardson, Daniel J 18 Richardson, Joshua 130 Richardson, Norwood B . . 127 Richardson, Robert F 189 Richardsoa, William P . . . 34 Richley , Anthony 122 Rickard, Harry S 101 Rickards, Albert 125 Rickmers, Peter C 167 Riddle, Albert T 141 Riddle, Mrs. Caroline 77 Riddleberger, Olive M 136 Rider, Arthur H. T 58 Rider, Charles H 58 Rider, Charles W 18 Ridgway, Albert C 214 Ridgway, J. Castle 212 Page. , MaryJ 173 Riebel, William 221 Rieger, Frank J 179 Riggs, Ephraim H 60 Riggs, Grover C 61 Rihl, Mrs. Laura W 154 Rile, Joseph L 211 Riley, David 113 Riley, Eugene S 65 Riley, Mark 180 Rines, David 158 Ringgold, Mary E 25 Ripley , Temple 64 Ripley, Wesley Foster 64 Ripley. Wright 79 Ritter, Frank 88 Ritter, Homer P 151 Ritz, Henry C 198 Roach, John 128 Roat, William W 219 Robb, William H 209 Robbins, Clifford M 37 Robbins, Fred M 36 Robbins, Howard P 37 Robbins, James P 220 Robbins, Lucas 130 Robbins, Person A 232 Roberts, Alonzo C 133 Roberts, Frank 115 Roberts, Frederic L 21 Roberts, John D 147 Roberts, Richard C 74 Roberts, Thomas P 75 Roberts. Walter A 72 Roberts, Winthrop A 175 Robertson, Alexander M. . 124 Robertson, John 70 Robertson, Thomas M 24 Robertson, William 113 Robinette, Fred G 156 Robinson, David 190 Robinson, Edward L 203 Robinson, Emily E 32 Robinson, Herbert 36 Robinson, John 187 Robinson, John A 226 Robinson, Joseph K 109 Robinson, Leighton 186 Robinson, Lewis K 109 Robinson, Oliver P 219 Robinson, Robert K 181 Robinson, Thomas 82 Robinson, Thomas A 36 Robinson, Thomas W 81 Robinson, Washington 173 Robinson, William 85 Robinson, Willis B 236 Robinson, Zimri T 38 Rockow, George 112 Rockwell, Julia L 173 Rockwood, Gilbert 26 Rockwood, Nathan C 153 Rodden, James C 200 Rodeck, Alfred A 43 Rodgers, Augustus F 151 R odger s, Charles H 22 Rodgers, Capt. John A., U.S.N 42 Rodgers, John J. S 220 Rodman, Comdr. Hugh. U.S.N 68 Rodriguez, Fernando 209 Roessler, Lieut. Col. Solo- mon W., U. S. A 122 Rogers, Anna C. F 147 Rogers, James R. B 177 Rogers, Walter S 38 Rohmeling, Ernest W 176 Rolle, August H. O 142 Rollef son, Jens J 79 R ollingson , E d ward L 78 Rollins, Nellie 150 Rollinson, William G 60 Rollka, Curt A 52 Romero, Ramon 53 Ronald, Ethel M 147 Ronsaville, Katharine 142 Rooks, Willis H 164 R ooney , Annette M 193 Page. Root, OlofL 205 Roper, Daniel C 135 Rosa, Domingo S 53 Rosa, Edward B 234 Rose, Charles 128 Rose, Francis C 31 Rose, Gustavus W 147 Rose, J. Emerson 142 Rose, Joseph A 107 Rose, Joseph F 155 Rose, Lewis A 80 Roseman, Justine J 142 Rosemund, Charles F 43 Rosenberg, David 222 Rosenberg, Rena 142 Rosendale, Henry 97 Rosis, Eugene 226 Ross, Capt. Albert, U. S. N 16 Ross, Freeman 110 Ross.John 157 Ross, Thomas M 209 Rossell, Lieut. Col.William T., U. S. A 123 Rossiter, William S 135 Rothe, Frederick 192 Rothstein, Louis 214 Rotz, Homer W 189 Rougeon, Charles F 23 Rounds, Henry W 131 Rouse, Edward G 164 Rout, Thomas J 114 Rouzer, M. Isabelle 136 Rowan, Edward S 198 R owe, Alfred E 125 Rowe, Charles E 223 Rowe, Peter A 210 Rowe, William H 130 Rowell, Walter C 70 Rowland, Chester 46 Rowland, G. Edwin 23 Rowley, Alonzo A 142 Roy, Hilaire 123 Rubinow, Isaac M 27 Rude, Gilbert T 152 Rudolph, Louella 142 Ruf, Mrs. Sophia 201 Ruff, William A 18 Ruifhead, Fred C 114 Ruhl, Lewis J 102 Ruiz, Teofllo 54 Ruland, E dward C 126 Rule, William S 184 Rulon, Gilbert L 52 Rund, Jakob 112 Rupprecht, Frank 127 Rush, Maynard F 39 Russell, Alfred A 198 Russell, Annie L 142 Russell, Edgar J 72 Russell, James R 177 Russell, John A 121 Russell, John O 26 Russell, Leo B 187 Russell, Robert L 186 Rustad, Axel 104 Rutledge, Bruce 222 Ryan, Cornelius E 197 Ryder, John A 205 Rynex, Frank R 188 Sabin, Mrs. Kathryn L . . . 201 Sadler, Andrew B 67 Safe, George 87 Safe.John 86 Sahualla, Miguel 206 St. Andre, Oliver A 95 St. John, Joel M.. 169 Sakolski, Aaron M 24 Salby, Henry 95 Salisbury, Mrs. Matilda... 201 Salmons, William J 55 Salomon, Sidney H 18 Salter, Clarence W 65 Salva, Joseph B 114 Sametz, Stephen J 232 Sammons, Margaret 147 Sampson, Charles M 120 Samson, Samuel 198 Samuelson, Fred 82 288 INDEX. Page. Sanabia, Francisco 54 Sandberg, Gustaf A 154 Sanders, Alex 106 Sanders, Gaston O 211 Sanders, T. Bradford 184 Sa*nders, Vergil A 29 Sanderson, Clifford W 80 Sanderson, Elmore W 142 Sanderson, James P 215 Sandf ord, Henry 142 Sandmeyer, Henry W 142 Sands, Herbert R 142 Sands, Mary T 216 Sanf ord, Frank L 135 Sanford, Frank S 161 Sanger, William 160 Sangmeister, Rudolf 115 Banners, August H 87 Sarason, Samuel D 152 Sargent, Frank B 28 Sargent, Frank P 16,187 Sargent, John H 228 Sargent, Redford A 166 Sauerhoff, Walter R 177 Sauerhoff, William P 182 Saulsbury, Francis M 56 Savage, Andrew J 165 Savage, John B 76 Savage, Peter 51 Savage, S. Anthony 33 Savoy, William 21 Sawyer, Edward W 38 Sawyer, Heber G 34 Sawyer, John B 223 Sawyer, Lewis F 34 Sawyer, Mrs. Sarah H 142 Sawyer, Shepley P 39 Sawyer, Theophilus 72 Sawyer, William W 142 Saxton, S. Willard 31 Sayas, Leon 116 Scanlan, Dr. Henry 216 Scanlon, Michael 21 Scannell, Edward 105 Scarlett, William 190 Schaaf, August H 235 Schaefer, Tony 81 Schaffer, Charles 112 Schapiro, Samuel H 152 Schattschneider, Sylvester 152 Schaub, William 203 Schell, Augustus P 190 Schellenger, William H. . . . 55 Scheu, Mrs. Maria 200 Schindehette, George M . . . 93 Schindler, Theodore C. M . . 24 Schlaar, William F 191 Schladt, George J 235 Schlamm, Nathaniel G . . . . 190 Schlamp, Adam 114 Schlueter, Gustav A 127 Schmidt, George 119 Schmidt, Henry A 156 Schmidt, William A. P 202 Schmiling, Otto H 85 Schmoll, Tony 97 Schmucker, Edwin B 219 Schmucker, George B 230 Schnare, Lester L 187 Schneider, George A 174 Schoeneman, Charles 49 Schoenfelder, William R . . 64 Schott, Joseph 218 Schreiner, Edmund 136 Schroeder, William 82 Schubel, Edward C 162 Schubert, George E 207 Schuckers, Frank M 32 Schulteis, Henry C 19 Schulze, Charles F 226 Schumacher, Joseph G 171 Schureman, Paul 155 Schutt, Arthur E 170 Schuttinger, August 196 Schwamm, Gottlob 112 Schwarting, John H 193 Schwartz, Daniel 190 Schwartz, Henry C 142 Schwartz, Lewis 220 Page. Schwarzberg, Elmer L 213 Schweppenhauser, Mat- thew 197 Schwickardi, Rudolph B . . 23 Score, Hans P 105 Scott, James G 49 Scott, Roy H 79 Scott, Sanford 85 Scott, Mrs. Sarah... 228 Scott, William G 18 Scott, William H 162 Scott, Winfield 161 Scott-Uda, Mrs. Mary B... 201 Scribner, Enoch W 86 Scudder, Charles W 173 Scull, John B 57 Scully, Joseph H 226 Seabrook, Washington C.. 69 Seagle, George A 181 Seaman, Charles W 215 Seastedt, Frank E . . . 130 Sebree, Capt. Uriel, U. S. N 16 Seeger, Robert E 121 Seeley, George 159 Seeley, Glenn R 88 Seeley, Henry M 165 Seeley, James 1 109 Seeley, Linns 119 Sefton, Alfred H 155 Selby, Charles E 204 Self, Edward M 178 Sellars, Griffin 116 Sellman, Charles C 86 Sellman, Johan A 127 Seltzer, Joseph N. J 167 Semler, Samuel J 190 Semsey, Charles 191 Senior, Lucien F 156 Sensner, Charles F 210 Seran, Harry A 153 Seraphic, Alcibiades A 230 Serrick, John*F 112 Serrick, John'H 42 Seth, Frank W 159 Seward, Henry C 115 Sexton, Joseph 91 Seymour, Arthur E 135 Shadinger, John A 79 Shanley, George W 198 Shannahan, Eugene H 74 Shannahan, Henry 74 Shapley, Fred A 210 Sharit, George E 72 Sharp, Henry H 55 Shatto, Edith 29 Shaw, Alexander 90 Shaw, Andrew, jr 88 Shaw, Augustus 19 Shaw, John E 213 Shaw, William A. ... 168 Shawn, Walter M 67 Shay, Daniel 120 Shea, George M. W 32 Shea, John A 42 Shea, Joseph T Ill Shearer, William M 232 Sheibley, William B 187 Sheldon, James, jr 23 Shelse, Ronne C 18 Shepard, Sylvenus F " 104 Sheppard, Harry W 56 Sherry, Raphael 235 Sheridan, Frank J 27 Sheridan/George H 81 Sheridan, Phil 82 Sherman, Alonzo W 124 Sherman, Augustus F 192 Sherman, Carl E 125 Sherman, Edric L 122 Sherman, Edward 46 Sherman, Frank 117 Sherman, William W 110 Shidy, Leland P 155 Shields, Charles A ' f 216 Shields, William H 79 Shierlock, Alexander G. . . -' 130 I Shinault, William 126 Shing, Moy Don 205 I Shlnners, John 200 Page. , Shipp John T 64 Shipper, Alva H 198 Shiver, Mrs. Mary A 20 Shockley, Elisha T 59 Shockley, Jesse M 66 Shoemaker, Madge A 142 Shoemaker, Maynard P . . . 235 Shoemaker, Thomas B 188 Shore, Francis M 18 Shorey, G. Leyburn 20 Shorkey, Joseph A 90 Short, Alfred T 159 Short, Alice 147 Short, John J 216 Short, Thomas 154 Shorter, Henry B 183 Shotwell, Ida F 195 Shriver, Frederick gg Shrout, Samuel F 23 Shuck, Haw Lin 226 Shultz, George S 123 Shulz, Charles 89 Shuman, Fred 77 Sibley, Edward H. A. . . . 67 Sibray , WilliamiW ... 221 1 Sides, Fred B ..! "/. g8 Sides, Robert C 125 Siemers, Marie L 195 Siems, Frederick B. T 153 Sienier, Henry 113 Sieniewicz, Ladislas C 212 Sierra, Antonio F 209 Sillenbeck, John G. . Silton, Morris I '."'. 205 Silva, Antonio J loo Silva, David D 72 Simmons, Belle C 29 Simmons, Edward 69 Simmons, George W '123 Simmons, Robert E. L P 59 Simmons, Roger E f 24 Simon, Nathan 194 Simons, Adelbert B 154 Simons, Harry L 154 j Simons, Joseph F 197 t Simonsen, Anders 65 | Simonson, Alfred G 44 Simonson, Millard F 67 Simpson, Am asa J "" 66 Simpson, Fabious E 60 j Simpson, Fabius E., jr 59 I Simpson,JHenry L 168 Simpson, James H 159 Simpson, John 113 Sims, Daniel 173 Sinclair, Cephas H 151 Sinclair, James H 61 Siniluoto, Andros G 105 Slnnott, Thomas M 118 Sisson, BensonJH 227 Sisson, Charles L ' 68 Sisson, Harry R 218 Sisson, HerbertTW 53- Sivertsen, Theodore 45 Skaggs, JohnH 24 Skerrett, Mrs. Sallie J 147 Skilling, Edward J 83 Skinner, Charles C 35 Skinner, Guy B Ill Skinner, HenryST 223 Skousgard, Frederick 123 Slacum , William K 61 Slauson, Annie E 194 Slayton, Dollie A 147 Sleppy, Edwin W 161 Slick, Sherman S 142 Sloan, Paul 142 Sloane, Charles S 135 Sloane, John D 169 Sloane, Mersene E 142 Sloss, David 1 124 Slyfield, Edwin R 81 Small, Arthur L 61 Small, Ernest H 40 Smallwood, Lucy 150 Smart, Ransom 157 | Smetanka, Jaroslav