GIFT OF [ Franklin E. Parker, 218 Tremont St. Room 303, Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation CHRISTIAN WISDOM CHRISTIAN WISDOM A KEY TO LESSONS IN EARTH LIFE BY FRANKLIN E. PARKER Divine character is the crown of life, studded with jewels of worthy acts and radiant with the spirit of God THE UNIVERSITY PRESS CAMBRIDGE, MASS. F3> Copyright, 1916 By Franklin E. Parker Boston, Mass. All rights reserved hy the author Oift c* .•..• ' Ded;icated To the interest of Humanity, with veneration for Omnipotent God through the blessings of Truth, as taught by the Christ Spirit within us Then it matters not who is your kith or kin Seek the gviidance of God, who dwelleth within Recognized as the true voice of Conscience Supplication May the blessings of heaven sanctify the conscientious effort of mortals, when by that effort they seek the direct guidance of Divinity within their own soul, in preference to serving the importance of a selfish Personality in some other soul Where the abomination of hero worship is eliminated forever CONTENTS Page A universal prayer 1 Spirit and matter 3 Atoms 5 Spirit -and matter summarized 9 The conception of a solar system 10 The birth of a planet system 11 Constellations 13 Premature dissolution of a planet 14 Magnetic and electric sun 15 Planet adjustment 16 Atmosphere 18 Geology. Professor Denton 20 Composition of the earth crust 21 Oxygen. Citations 25 Professor Bose 26 The trinity of Divinity 29 Soul conception. A Soul Atom 31 Soulmates 32 Soul nature. The physical nature 33 Sex 35 Soul trinity 36 Soul expression 38 12 Incarnations 39 The divine Spark 40 Reincarnation 41 Animal Souls. Domestic Souls 43 Conquer self 46 The pedigree of mortal. Evolution 47 The key of evolution 50 Era. Kingdom 51 Degree. Circuit 52 Chart 53 Evolution 56 Physical conception 58 CONTENTS Page Physical form 59 Summarized 60 Progenitors 61 Seven root races *..... 63 Seven continents 64 First root race 64 Second root race 66 Third root race 68 Prenatal conditions 70 Sex separation. Animal 75 Sex separation. Human 76 The divine spark 77 Ape 80 Race color . 81 Mammal 82 Fourth root race. Atlantean Age 83 Atlantis 89 Atlantean kings 92 American and European customs 100 Bible 101 Fifth root race 102 Sixth root race 104 Seventh root race 105 Physical nature. Film 106 The complex body of seven 108 Seven incarnations 109 Nerve system. Brain 110 Seven ganglia 112 Sympathetic system for the astral 112 Astral eye and retina 116 Brain 118 Heart 119 Blood circulation. Lacteals and food 120 Liver. Spleen. Lungs 122 Kidneys. Solar plexus 123 Sex function 125 Physical conception 126 Soul inception 127 Germs . 128 Teeth. The views of Plato 130 Astral body 131 Christian Science 133 Willpower. Thought 135 Aura 138 1 CONTENTS xi Page We do not seek in vain 139 Death. Beyond the Parting 140 Radium 145 Astral. Dr. Tuck 149 Atmosphere. Mediumship 156 The underworld 159 Suicide 161 The theatre and church 162 Magic 165 Colors 167 Gautama Buddha 168 Esoteric 170 Secret doctrine 172 Bible reference 174 Jesus 176 12 Apostles 178 Paul 179 Apocalypse 180 Spirituality 183 Theology 187 Jew 188 Mind cure 190 Historic selections 191 Personal spirit messages 196 Christianity 198 Review of reviews 217 Prophets 225 A few historic events 227 Bible review 229 Faith 230 Moses. The wrath of God 231 The heart 233 Jewish customs 239 Jesus 240 The Rosicrucians. Cabala 241 The arcanes 242 Sibyl 243 Solar force 246 Levi 247 The tenets of Masonry 249 The lost word 251 The confessional 252 Three degrees of Masonry 253 Three initiations of Masonry 254 xii CONTENTS Page Quotations from modem Freemasonry 259 Modem Freemasonry 265 The Crusaders 267 The Knights Templars 268 Summary 271 The Masonic requiem 274 A UNIVERSAL PRAYER O thou ! Omnipotent God who ruleth on high, guide our thought and impulse unto thee in earnest prayer. Teach us thy bidding, that the footprints of our thoughts pilot the weary wanderer to rest upon the wisdom of thy love. Bestow thy blessings upon us, that the Christ spirit within burst forth as with an outstretched hand, and up- lift some wayward soul who has stumbled in the dark through the misery of distress, to sink beneath the gloom of despair. Help us to raise the unfortunate soul beyond the blind- ness of ignorance and the oppression of fear, that we learn to reverence the grace of thy loving touch and truthfully understand the profoundness of thy wisdom. We ask it to honor thy name and glory in thy work. We implore thy reverence for repentant souls, with pity for the unrelenting that the shadow of remorse rebuketh their wickedness until through the atonement they seek to honor thy name. We ask it in the name of humanity for the humblest of thy servants. O thou! our Heavenly Father, help us to conquer Self, the selfish personality within that meaneth weakness in the flesh. Inspire our minds to teach the world through the divine spark that self-reliance is the keystone and birthright of all humanity as a universal blessing and protection, when free from the cowardice of superstition and fear. CITRI^TStAN' WISDOM I Guide us with thy divine wisdom in the reconstruction of our Constitution, that it shall honor thee in each and every act, that as humble servants we realize the sublimity of Independence as meaning freedom for the flesh to honor thee and unshackle humanity from the fetters of serfdom embodied in a political, financial, or social sense. Perfect us in the truth until humanity understands and appreciates with sincerity the sacredness of honor and the moral obligation of righteousness. Climbing the ladder round by round that maketh us worthy to enter into thy understanding and receive the blessing of thy benediction, " Well done, thou good and faithful servant." We ask it in thy name for the sake of all humanity and the humblest of beings that dwelleth beneath thine Infinite Eye. CHRISTIAN WISDOM SPIRIT AND MATTER There are two distinct elements in existence, both relat- ing to Divinity as Cooperative, Coexistent, and Eternal. One is Spirit. One is Matter. Spirit is Omnipotent God recognized as the divine spark or Christ spirit vi^ithin the soul of each and every mortal. Soul is the spirit essence with a magnetic and electric nature. There is but one spirit essence infinitely individualized throughout the universe and recognized on earth as the individual soul of mortal, when reaching the human con- dition. Matter is solid or fluid organic magnetism and a point of crude electricity that is outlined with substance. It is infinitely differentiated throughout the universe known as form. Omnipotent God or Divinity is the divine spark or Spirit. Soul is " Spirit or Divine Essence." Matter is form. Substance is the outline of form. Spirit is the power of expression. Matter is the form of conveyance for that expression. All things have their origin within the Spirit Realm. The spark of Divinity within our soul can be compared only to the purest of electricity, as electricity is the power of Omnipotent God. CHBISTIAN WISDOM I A descriptive expression of pure electricity is best under- stood as the dazzling white radiance of an internal reflection, \ Electricity is the seed of all life either organic or^ spiritual. In fact electricity is the father of all individualities as the positive soul nature. While organic magnetism is the mother of all forms tha exist as the negative nature. When each individual seeks the natural intelligence and reason of the divine spark within one's own soul and is ac- tuated by a sincere desire to know and appreciate that truth, the result of a personal investigation will not appear so mysterious, but unfold as a natural consequence from a universal God-given birthright. When mortal accepts a " superficial or incredible " rul- ing of divine law from the viewpoint as being customary or hereditary, it only signifies the result of " excessive edu- cation " or a " slothful indifference," either one of which is the extreme of ingratitude. The polish of an education is a beautiful climax to in- tellect, providing the polished surface covers an area that is substantial to the core. Otherwise the unlimited access to " permanent knowledge and universal law " does not rely on excessive education. As ordinary common sense and reason are quite suffi- cient for honest souls, which is a truth within the scope of all sensible thinking people. When mortals have risen above the slag or bewildering fog of antiquated custom, they will realize the spark of Divinity within their own souls and insist on being their own Saviour. CHRISTIAN WISDOM ATOMS Creation is revealed through the law of atoms. As creation is revealed through the mighty atom, then a thorough sifting of this principle is absolutely essential, so that mortal can appreciate the fundamental basis of all construction. All atoms possess both the magnetic and electric princi- ples in some proportion to each other, outlined in form with substance. Atoms never cease in their motion as they forever obey the law of attraction. Exhausted or depleted atoms are revivified and put in circulation again. There are two kinds of atoms in the earth life. One is the Soul Atom. One is the Atom of Matter. A Soul Atom is the spirit essence of a magnetic and elec- tric nature with equal parts. The Electric essence has a positive nature. The Magnetic essence has a negative nature. The Atom of Matter is composed of " organic magnet- ism," with a point of crude electricity as the seed center of organic life outlined with substance. The electric element gives the atom organic life until depleted. CHRISTIAN WISDOM After an atom has become depleted from the loss of organic magnetism, the shell or substance that remains is gathered up by the atmosphere and thrust beyond its limit. There countless numbers of atomic shells are held in a helpless condition until revivified by a comet or spirit torch from the electric sun. When revivified they have the power of attracting and being attracted to perform similar duties in the organic construction of natural law. Matter is composed of atomic substance and organic magnetism energized. Evoluting through myriad princi- ples of form development consistent with the soul develop- ment it conveys. Matter in itself is a gross element subject to refinement or grading — from a dense or crude formation to an almost invisible ethereal tissue. There are five states of matter. Solid. Liquid. Gaseous. Astral. Spiritual. Matter feels " pressure not pain " as it grows by draw- ing away from pressure, but is subject to decay or dis- integration. Matter in itself is devoid of intelligence and therefore not responsible for acts committed through its agency of form. Matter is the outline or form by which a personality can be expressed and become distinct as a part of your in- dividuality. CHRISTIAN WISDOM It is the structure which outlines a division between en- tities and all known things. The refinement of matter depends upon the soul prin- ciple or quality of soul essence which is transported on its onward path to perfection. Organic magnetism is an invisible flame, the electric nucleus of which, being the central point, coalesces the elements of substance and magnetism in equal proportion, making a perfect atom of matter. This little flame of magnetic principles generates heat through the electric agency within the atom, completing the battery from which the nature of worlds is formed. The organic magnetism in an atom is of an amber hue. Heat. The electric nucleus of the atom is white. Light. If mortal did not possess this magnetic and electric bat- tery there would be a void, as the coalescing of these two forces produces all light and heat. The Atom of Matter has an eternal existence as the " covering of form " for conveying the spirit and soul to eternity. Form is regulated according to the quality of organic magnetism and soul development. There is nothing lost or totally destroyed, as all forms change from gross to fine with a grading to absolute purity. The act of dissolution reacts only to a fresh creation. CHRISTIAN WISDOM Without matter Divinity could not express the divine principle within an individual soul, as matter is the expres- sion of form with soul as the impetus. This proves that matter is a most essential and con- venient commodity for all purposes. In fact it is indispensable to eternity. 1 Matter in the mineral formation is crude and dense. Matter in the vegetable formation is pulpy and pliable. Matter in the animal formation is heavy and fibered. Matter in the human formation is finer fibered. Matter in the astral formation is refined and weblike. Matter in the celestial formation is ethereal tissiie. Matter in the divine formation is almost invisible. The divine spark has a covering of invisible matter. The soul has a distinct covering of ethereal matter. The realms have a covering of refined matter. The electric sun Sirius has a covering of refined matter. The magnetic sun Osiris has a covering of energized matter. The planets are a body of crude matter within them- selves. The physical body is a covering of matter within itself. Atoms of matter have principles of development that correspond to the soul atom, but of a cruder nature. The electric element in matter is only a minimum ratio of inferior quality. While the soul atom has the electric element of a spirit essence in a more uniform proportion. CHRISTIAN WISDOM SPIRIT AND MATTER SUMMARIZED Spirit is the divine spark of Omnipotent God. On earth it is identified as the Christ spirit centered within the soul and therefore a part of the human body. Wherein the responsibiHty of an individuality is estab- lished and the spirit essence of the soul through this divine guidance reaches the perfection of Wisdom and Love. Soul is spirit essence comprising the magnetic and elec- tric nature. The Negative magnetic essence of the soul is Sympathy and Devotion. When perfected through the Spirit ruling it is Love. The Positive electric essence of the soul is Light and Power. When perfected through the Spirit ruling it is Wisdom. Matter is form comprising organic magnetism and sub- stance energized. Organic magnetism is Heat and Passion. Substance is Outline and Strength. Each mundane planet has a spiritual counterpart, called a Realm, that is located beyond the north pole or 82 de- grees latitude in the higher atmosphere. 10 CHBISTIAN WISDOM THE CONCEPTION OF A SOLAR SYSTEM A solar system is the -creation of Infinite will. It is created through the agency of the electric and the mag- netic sun as a soul center. The union of this soul center with matter forms the body. One element expresses the positive electric nature, while the other element expresses the negative magnetic nature. By uniting the electric and magnetic essence they be- come as soul mates or one in the seed with the soul power of expression. Through the law of attraction this soul seed comprising the magnetic and the electric sun in embryo is wedded to substance and matter both solid and fluid. It is by cooperating with substance and matter that form is given to the power of expression in the eternal evolution of propagation and destination. The result of this union from natural law consists of 12 globes from crude matter called planets, and their counter- parts of etherealized matter called Realms. The auxiliaries attendant to complete a solar system are the 12 constellations. They are the residue or component parts from each planet expressing the 12 fixed character- istics of a solar system. CHRISTIAN WISDOM 11 THE BIRTH OF A PLANET SYSTEM The birth of a planet system originates from the wed- ding of spirit and matter, after the magnetic and electric seed that generates through matter has fulfilled its func- tional duties to the fundamental principles of natural and divine law. Existing forever within the vast ocean of spirit and mat- ter in the higher atmosphere are numberless seeds that generate a magnetic and electric flame of spirit essence called soul atoms. This: is the elementary construction of all souls. They attract atoms of matter with an invincible force until the seed is sufficiently clothed to form a perfect union of spirit and matter. These perfect atoms are attracted to each other and cling with tenacity as one and inseparable until the size of a small orange, when they become the visible nucleus that establishes the material seed of a sun from which a solar system is constructed. The magnetic and electric flame of spirit essence that forms the original seed is in reality the soul formation of a sun. The magnetic essence is negative and the electric essence is positive. United they are as soul mates. Owing to the enormous size which a sun reaches, a mul- tiple of soul essence is necessary to form a sun seed and produce the required effect. 12 CHRISTIAN WISDOM The proportion of soul essence and matter is adjusted to meet the demands of nature. ^ The " individual atom of soul essence " is sufficient for an infant soul. But the acquisition of the divine spark in the human soul gives a soul the responsibility of an indi- viduality from within as the internal ruling. While the " soul essence in a sun atom " is devoid of the divine spark within and accordingly the responsibility of an individu- ality. The sun is operated on by divine law from without as. the external ruling. This miniature ego of sun seeds, by attracting and holding matter as' it revolves with great rapidity in the ocean of spirit and matter, increases in size and power until it reaches a state of maturity necessary for propagation. It is the visible accumulation of matter gathered around this sun seed that produces the external body of the sun, from which all organic forms are created. The sun body at this period of propagation is similar to a soft, smooth globe composed of solids and fluids evenly mixed. The outer surface is somewhat harder, like a shell, while the inner part with the sun seed is soft and pliable. The sun seed and pulp, by a rapid interior motion, is loosened from the outer shell until the outer shell cracks open, when gradually the inner part with the sun seed escapes, causing a separation from the outer shell. This is the final struggle, completing a planet birth. By the law of attraction this outer shell, which is cast off by the sun as a planet birth, gathers itself together at a central point in order to radiate and become a round globe. CHRISTIAN WISDOM 13 This same prenatal condition of hardening the outer sur- face of the sun body continues until the surface of the sun cracks open again to become a separate globe. This is repeated until the shedding process has evolved 12 planets, which is the full quota necessary to complete a planet system. When a planet at birth gathers itself together from a rotary evolution to become a globe, the residue or frag- ments thrown off from each planet is carried to the outer surface or circumference of the planet system and there deposited as a constellation, retaining for all time the unchangeable characteristic of its nature. CONSTELLATIONS As there are 12 planets each with a distinct characteristic of its own, so there are 12 constellations, each one bearing a separate characteristic that corresponds to the identical planet of which it is a part, where each constellation pre- serves its original unchangeable characteristic to the end. With the planets it is different, as in the course of cycle progression they become seasoned with the different in- fluences from each one of the constellations in order to complete a perfect development. Through preordained law the planets after birth repel and attract each other at a fixed distance. Regulating their position to the path or orbit they occupy and the cycle or distance from the sun with which they are identified in the evolution of planet progression. Comets are gross electricity and substance. They gather atoms that are partly useful and attract them until large enough to form a. planet, after being re- vivified by the electric sun influence. 14 CHRISTIAN WISDOM PREMATURE DISSOLUTION OF A PLANET As the 12 realms are permanently established at the birth of a solar system, it is not absolutely imperative that these original 12 earth planets shall be kept intact and their original form preserved, as the fragments or atoms can be drawn together after a premature dissolution or com- bustion and revivified or established at a later period for habitation. As nothing is lost in the original planet system every- thing in time is worked out to a state of perfection or poise. The greatest inconvenience, however, is manifested to the original souls of a planet whose planet is missing in the constellation orbit. They are forced to occupy a for- eign planet for the physical expression of an earth pil- grimage. Unless a soul is born on the planet of its original birth in matter it has no direct inheritance or claim to promi- nence of a material benefit. It also places a realm as hors de combat, not having an original counterpart planet through which to operate. As, for example, the moon planet is passe for habitation, there- fore all the original moon souls are forced to dwell on a foreign planet for physical expression as the Moon Realm has no working counterpart at the present time. Souls whose birth is foreign to a planet seldom reach any material prominence on that planet as the prestige be- longs to the original owners of the land. That is why the original earth souls are dominant on earth in a material sense. Spirituality being universal and foreign to No planet, all souls have an equal chance spiritually on any or all planets in the same solar system. ^ CHRISTIAN WISDOM 15 MAGNETIC AND ELECTRIC SUN After a planet system is thoroughly established gradu- ally the electric or paternal element within the sun body yields up its positive spiritual essence to preside over the spirit counterpart of the planets known as the realms. Whose abode is in a higher ether beyond the north pole. In separating these two elements within the sun seed known as the magnetic and electric essence the distinct action of each influence is regulated by establishing two separate suns and two separate solar systems. The magnetic sun with its body of gross matter and substance, centered within the 12 planets, and the electric sun with its body of etherealized matter, in touch with the realms complete the two systems. The ratio of essence in the Electric sun is Two thirds Electric essence. One third Magnetic essence. The ratio of essence in the Magnetic sun is Two thirds Magnetic essence. One third Electric essence. When the electric essence separated from the magnetic essence and departed from the original sun body, the elec- tric essence clothed itself with a body of ethereal substance and became an eternal sun of exact shape as the magnetic sun body in our planet system. Previous to the electric essence dissolving union with the magnetic essence the sun body exhibited no light of its own. It did not shine. 16 CHRISTIAN WISDOM It was similar to the divine spark dwelling within our own soul when we bury Divinity deep within our material desires. Divinity cannot shine biecause we are so dense there is no opportunity for reflection. It is now the invisible electric sun Sirius, as counterpart or soul mate to the magnetic sun Osiris in the planet system. Although apart from each other in point of position, the electric sun supplies the rays of light and the organic mag- netism of the magnetic sun supplies the heat. This cooperation or magnetic and electric union forms a perfect battery for heat, light, and power. The electric essence is light and power. The magnetic essence is sympathy and devotion. The organic magnetism is heat and passion. PLANET ADJUSTMENT At this period of evolution there is a scarcity of water and atmosphere. In order to produce a change it is neces- sary to bake or squeeze the planet until the water is ex- tracted from this evenly mixed mass of solid and fluid. As the planet is in close proximity to the magnetic sun the intense magnetic heat effects the change by causing a thick vapor to surround the planet some three miles in thickness. When a planet is hung in space like a fiery drop or a gaseous sphere, it is subject to the external influence of the solar heat and the internal influence of gaseous atoms. Gradually the planet contracts a certain amount of solar energy which forces it to move in a circle, where a rotary motion is established. CHRISTIAN WISDOM 17 This is the origin of planet rotation on its axis. The centrifugal action forcing the water to the atmosphere, and the fluid condition revolving, hardened the surface in contact with the atmosphere. While the internal heat dried up the moisture, making a planet void and hollow. From the vapor, air was evolved, introducing the four component parts of fire, air, water, and earth. As a planet matures it recedes from the magnetic heat of the sun and the vapors cool, provoking storms and electric flashes which shatter the rocks and level the soil in a marked degree by leaving a planet more evenly balanced in physical construction. According to the laws of nature the chemical elements are adjusted first, then vegetation comes to view. As the waters are incessantly but gradually changing their bed, there is left a rich formation of soil suitable for a prolific growth of vegetation. After intermittent periods of organic struggle as a natu- ral development the animal kingdom is established, which gradually merges into the semi-human and savage mortal whose culmination on earth is a human being of refined matter. The grading of atmosphere adjusts itself according to the distance from the magnetic sun and the influence of the electric sun. The atmosphere under the magnetic sun becomes oxy- genized, while the atmosphere under the electric sun be- comes etherized. 18 CHRISTIAN WISDOM ATMOSPHERE The fluid air we breathe which surrounds the earth is called atmosphere. It is invisible, inodorous, transparent, compressible, and elastic. It is a mixture of 20 per cent oxygen and 79 per cent nitrogen, with i per cent hydrogen — a purely magnetic or physical compound adapted for dense physical organisms. The atmosphere is about 300 miles thick and merges into etherized air through the agency of hydrogen. By ascending 1000 miles beyond the atmosphere you reach Borderland or the shores of the Realms in the spirit world. As a scientific citation — Balloons have risen 8 miles. Aurora or daybreak begins at 37 miles. Twenty miles up, the atmosphere is a mixture of i per cent argon, 14 per cent oxygen, and 85 per cent nitrogen. This shows that nitrogen is the refined form of oxygen or the dissipating magnetic element that merges with hy- drogen — the cruder form of ether as an electric agency. H At 100 miles the oxygen has become thoroughly dissi- pated in nitrogen, which in turn is absorbed by the hydro- gen and the result is an etherized air. This is the beginning of the space paths that lead to the spirit realms of earth. CHRISTIAN WISDOM 19 Carbon is present in all organic compounds as magnetic heat. Nitrogen is a part of all living tissue as magnetism. Hydrogen is organic life or the electric element in atoms of matter as gas thrown off. It is the father of primitive physical man in the seed of his body. Physical germ. Hydrogen is the vital electric principle in a sun atom or sunbeam. Radium is a crystallized form. Water represents the first and lowest step toward the regeneration of matter. HgO. (Magnetic.) Fire represents the last step to cleanse it. (Electric.) Heat lightning is to adjust harmony in the atmosphere. If certain parts of the atmosphere were adjusted with certain parts of electric force, sight would be possible from one planet to another. Electricity, when free from all the lower elements of magnetism and dross, has a pure white radiance so intense that nothing of a physical nature can withstand the power. That is why the divine spark of pure electricity is cen- tered within the soul of mortal to protect the physical body from electric annihilation and at the same time cleanse and educate the soul of mortal while passing through the cruder forms of physical development. Serving a dual pur- pose, as divinity acting direct from without would absorb the physical expression in electric force. 20 christia!m wisdom GEOLOGY PROFESSOR DENTON All matter when analyzed is reduced to four elements. I. Carbon Magnetic Solid Earth. I. 2. Oxygen Magnetic Liquid Water. 2. 3. Nitrogen Magnetic •Gaseous Air. 3. 4- Hydrogen Electric Solid or Gas Fire. 4. Although the chemist bases his calculations on atoms or molecules, never has one been isolated, weighed, or defined by science. Carbon is an element that is found in all organic com- pounds of a non-metallic and combustible nature. Oxygen is eight ninths water, one fifth atmosphere, colorless, odorless, tasteless, forming one half the solid crust of earth. Nitrogen is four fifths atmosphere, colorless, odorless, and tasteless, being non-metallic and incapable of support- ing organic life. It is a constituent of all physical tissue, animal or vege- table. Hydrogen is the lightest known quantity, it being 11,000 times lighter than water, very abundant, and inflammable. Colorless, Odorless, Tasteless. CHRISTIAN WISDOM 21 Water is the most important in tissue of animals and plants, while the human body is two thirds weight in water. Colorless, Odorless, Tasteless. Ether pervades all space, even the interior of- solid bodies, as the means for transmitting heat and light. It is mostly hydrogen on earth and a mirror by which all thoughts and acts are reflected, except when anxiety im- pairs the reflection. Ether in the atmosphere comes from the soul vibration that is thrown off by mortal. There are immense amalgamations of gases thrown off from planets similar to our earth planet. These fuse and become solid as mineral, which burn across the air and develop into shooting stars. COMPOSITION OF THE EARTH CRUST [50% Oxygen (10% Slate — Porcelain 150% Quartz [25% Silicon 112% Carbon [25% Mineral l2o% Iron A SCIENTIFIC REVIEW (DENTON) At one time this planet was a volcanic globe, the thin crust being in continual motion by the internal heaving tides. Ages passed and the rocks thickened. Volcanoes and Earthquakes of to-day are but shadows of a once mighty host that are destined to disappear. 22 CHRISTIAN WISDOM The earth planet was first fire made, being crude and shapeless as a mass of iron. The water covered the face of the earth, washed the rocks, and ground down layers of sediment until a founda- tion was securely laid. It was subsequently shell made and so on. 1 The central heat of this planet is no scientific dream, but a stern reality. The more geologists become familiar with the earth crust the more evidence there is of fire. Nearly all active volcanoes are near oceans. At one time the earth was a volcanic planet with a thin crust, and from the continual internal heaving, volcanoes and earthquakes prevailed. Finally the crust hardened and the internal heat subsided until to-day active eruptions are counted as few in comparison with the thousands extinct. The ocean volcanoes produce islands and continents. The temperature of the earth steadily increases with the depth. At a depth of 60 feet a thermometer would show a uni- form heat throughout the year. For every 50 feet add one degree. This has been tested from Siberia to the torrid zone. A well in Russia was 17 degrees at 50 feet and at 388 feet it was 26 degrees or one degree to every 40 feet in descent. A 1500-foot coal mine in England increased one degree to every 59 feet. An 1800-foot mine in Cornwall has a permanent heat of 100 degrees. Even in the coldest day of winter it is only half a mile from mid-summer weather. CHRISTIAN WISDOM 23 Science explains that nine tenths of the strata formation of planet crust was gradually constructed at the bottom of the ocean. A peculiar fact is that the Atlantic, Mediterranean, and Pacific oceans appear and disappear, while the Antarctic Ocean is the ever living and concealed. The oceans above the equator are under the electric sun. All waters comprising the oceans were originally a part of the atmosphere. At one time water covered nearly the entire earth sur- face. At present the surface is three elevenths land. The crust of the earth is estimated at lOo miles in thick- ness, although it varies in some places. The oceans have a combination of 12 salts with which to cleanse the cruder atom. The north pole under the electric sun changed the sea- sons according to the angle at which it penetrated the center of our earth planet. When the two axes and poles were no longer parallel eternal spring had disappeared. When the earth assumes a normal condition the poles agree with the equator. When it runs slower and tilts there is a great disturbance on land and water. New lands rise and old ones are submerged. Rocks have a construction of two formations. One is water made and one is fire made. Granite is water made and of the deepest rock forma- tion. It is found on Mt. Washington, showing that some time it lay at a great depth. n 24 CHRISTIAN WISDOM If coal mines are 2000 feet deep they must have formed forests on continents that were previously covered by oceans and the water preserved and petrified the carbon within them. When this continent was thrown up by up- heaval it brought them to the surface. We all know that trees do not have roots 1000 feet deep or long. In Jovello, Mexico, a mass of lava 1600 feet thick has not cooled off in a century, showing how long it must have taken the earth to lose the intensity of heat. There are seven classifications of animals. I. Radiata. Raylike and circular. Starfish, sponge, coral, sea eggs. The oceans contain 10,000 species of Radiata. Although animal, they resemble plants with the principle of feeling. 2. Mollusca. Soft bodies with shells and nerve center, heart, veins, and colorless blood. Cuttlefish, oyster, snail, scallop, clam. 3. Articulata. Joints with an external skeleton. Worms, crabs, beetles, flies with symmetrical bodies. 4. Vertebrata. Backbone with an internal jointed skele- ton. Fishes. 5. Vertebrata. Reptiles. 6. Vertebrata. Birds, animals. 7. Vertebrata. Mammals. CHRISTIAN WISDOM 25 There are six classifications in the vegetable kingdom. 1. Seaweeds. 2. Mosses, liverworts. 3. Ferns. 4. Firs, cycods. 5. Palms, lilies. 6. Birch, walnut, and all plants having seeds with two lobes. OXYGEN (ORGANIC MAGNETISM) Silicon and oxygen make quartz. Ground quartz makes sand. Sulphur resembles oxygen and comes from volcanoes. Aluminum united with oxygen makes pure clay. Crys- tallized it is sapphire. Charcoal is nearly all carbon. Crystallized it is diamond. Phosphate of lime makes bone. The physical form is clay. Sand is 50 per cent oxygen. This is a scientific deduction. Gold is electric fluid of golden hue the same as the sun, but mixed with copper it acquires firmness and density. Copper is Magnetism. CITATIONS Gladstone claims that the earliest known fossil continued in a chain where every link was welded to the crustacean, then fish, reptile, frog, animal, mammal, and mortal, com- pleting our physical growth. The continuity of nature in both race and land evolution is never broken. 26 CHRISTIAN WISDOM The first vegetable forms were known as seaweeds, but during the Carboniferous age following the fishes the earth was a wilderness of moss and ferns without grains. « The first fossils give reason to believe that life com- mences in the simple forms in the ocean. This is scientific reasoning and research. i Fossil remains of fruit in London resemble the date and cocoanut. The remains of tropical trees were found in Vermont. The earliest remains of reptiles resemble fishes. The earliest mammal was a small insect-eating animal found in Germany. Oil was found 2300 years ago and quoted by Herodotus. The Egyptians used asphaltum to embalm bodies, show ing that petroleum existed. In fact the Dead Sea had as phaltum floating on its surface. SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY PROFESSOR BOSE The true test that life exists in any form of matter is its sensitiveness to external response. A bar of iron is as sensitive and irritable as a human body and can be killed or poisoned in a similar manner as the human body. Life pervades all nature, either organic life or soul life. 4 i CHRISTIAN WISDOM 27 A human body possesses a soul, and the killing of a human body is in separating a soul from that human body. So it is with metals. When you drive out the soul you kill the life of the metal and nothing but matter with sub- stance remains. Metals have an organic makeup of certain principles the same as the human body. The residue is pulp or a petri- fied condition of substance. If any part of our body is pinched the nerves transmit that sensation to the brain through the electric force of the soul essence vibrating under the pinch. As the mind operates through the brain the mind alone feels the pain inflicted upon any part of our body. This is proved by the fact that no pain is felt by us if our mind is deadened through the nerves by the applica- tion of chloroform. The Galvanometer is a well known and very delicate scientific instrument for detecting the pressure of an elec- tric current. It is constructed with a needle on a pivot, and the faint- est electric current will cause a deflection of this needle. If at any intervening part of the electric current bearing on the human body the galvanometer be applied and the end of the nerve pinched or otherwise irritated, immedi- ately the needle of the galvanometer will deflect, showing that the irritation of the nerves produced a current like that of electricity. All metals show visible signs of sensitiveness when twisted or tapped. The greater the irritation the greater the signs of sensitiveness. Every single peculiarity in the animal matter is a simi- lar reproduction from the metal kingdom. 28 CHRISTIAN WISDOM Professor Bose has proved that metals not only go to sleep, but are subject to being poisoned or killed similar to a human being, plant, or animal. The effect of heat and cold in extremes produces similar results in both animal and metal. The identical poison which kills both animal and metal is itself endowed with life and can also be killed. i The three kingdoms of mineral, vegetable, and animal are but one in organic principles and it matters not which kingdom the soul passes through. The soul is as sensitive in one kingdom as the other. Soul progression is regulated according to the density of substance and matter repre- senting the external makeup. A lump of earth — a vegetable growth or a piece of metal — all possess the undeveloped principles of organic magnet- ism as does the animal or mortal form. They cannot give visible expression to the external be- cause they have no opening or organs through which to manifest. CHRISTIAN WISDOM 29 THE TRINITY OF DIVINITY SOUL, BODY, AND PLANET GROWTH The Trinity of Divinity embraces the three cardinal prin- ciples essential to express the Infinite power of Universal Law. Soul growth. Body growth. Planet growth. These three expressions are conceived through the two fundamental elements in existence referred to in the open- ing chapter as Magnetism and Electricity Classified as Spirit and Matter. Spirit, represented by the individual soul as spirit essence, expresses the refinement of the electric and magnetic es- sence with Intelligence. Matter expresses the density of the electric and magnetic principle known as form without Intelligence. Both are capable of the highest refinement consistent with their nature. They cooperate through the varied forms of evolution, where reincarnation from inception to perfection records a perfect growth. In order for the Spirit or divine spark to individualize itself in unlimited number, souls are created for that ex- pression. 30 CHRISTIAN WISDOM As the soul requires a covering or instrument through which to operate, a body is constructed for that purpose. 1 As the body requires a place for action and expansion to multiply, planets are constructed for that convenience. First is soul growth. The soul from infancy is guided by the universal law of organic nature through instinct and will power, while evo- luting to the human form. On reaching the human kingdom the soul has evolved from the infant stage to a point of manhood, where the Spirit or divine spark becomes a living part within each and every soul. Instinct merges into a higher understanding and the will power surrenders to a divine inheritance. When this last is accomplished and the individual soul essence has blended with the divine spark within it, a spiritual matur- ity is realized through a perfect unfoldment of Wisdom and Love, as the soul dwells in the light of Divinity forevermore. Second is body growth. The body is a vehicle or covering through which the soul can operate and express itself. The organic principles within the body are developed with the spirit principles within the soul on corresponding lines of consistency for a mutual growth. CHBISTIAN WISDOM 31 Third is planet growth. The solar system of planets and their auxiliaries represent the physical abode and scene of action for organic develop- ment and soul growth. The refinement of terra firma or matter is exquisitely consistent with the vibrations that operate through the organic structure, from a soul progression to a soul depression. This is the Trinity of Divinity wherein the soul, body, and planet conditions are all cooperating and coexistent. The growth is directly or indirectly through the In- finite power of Universal Law. The soul undergoes three distinct periods of develop- ment in its individual unfoldment of the magnetic and electric principles, called Soul Trinity or Trinity of the Soul. According to ancient research these magnetic and elec- tric principles have been enumerated as numbering 12 mag- netic and 12 electric or 24 complete. The exact number of subdivisions is not imperative, being purely a matter of personal interest or curiosity. SOUL CONCEPTION Souls are first conceived in the spirit realm as an atom. A SOUL ATOM Twinlike in construction they possess an electric and a magnetic essence comprising two individualities in one. 32 CHEISTIAN WISDOM This Soul Atom is outlined or rimmed with a tissue cover- ing of etherealized matter and designated as the positive and negative natures. The positive nature is identified as electric. The nega- tive nature is identified as magnetic. The migration of the Soul Atom in matter is with equal parts of the electric and magnetic natures. Evoluting through the myriad forms of mineral and vegetable life they journey on as two in one to reach the animal kingdom. Here the introduction of sex organs in the animal life for generating purposes and the visible expression of the positive and the magnetic natures cause a separation of this twinlike creation. It is the fulfillment of natural law that governs soul growth and establishes two distinct individualities that forever after are classified as Soul mates. n SOUL MATES The ratio of the positive soul is two thirds electric and one third magnetic essence. The ratio of the negative soul is two thirds magnetic and one third electric essence. The soul separation into male and female physical bodies is decidedly imperative for soul blending. The change and interchange of sex conditions produce experiences which demand that each individual must have a personal understanding of both natures in order to com- plete a perfect unfoldment. As nothing is permanently acquired or indelibly im- pressed upon the soul except through a personal experi- ence, you cannot evade the issue of a personal experience in both sex conditions. CHRISTIAN WISDOM 33 THE SOUL NATURE The positive soul is called the soul of Man. The negative soul is called the soul of Woman. THE PHYSICAL NATURE The positive physical form is called the Male. The negative physical form is called the Female. The positive soul can inhabit a negative physical form called the Female. The negative soul can inhabit a positive physical form called the Male. Both natures: are corresponding, except that one is of the spirit, while the other is of matter. As matter is the vehicle for the visible expression of Spirit, then the inter- change of sex conditions is a definite conclusion to express both soul natures in each individuality from a point of per- sonal experience. Recognizing the fact 'that the male physical form has positive principles and the female physical form has nega- tive principles, how can the positive soul of man, possess- ing two thirds positive and one third negative nature, real- ize what a negative nature implies except by passing through a visible expression of the magnetic essence? As matter is the visible means for spirit expression and the female form a construction of matter, how can the positive soul of man realize or recognize the negative na- ture except through a personal communion or living expe- rience in the female form, where it is prominent in that personality? 34 CHRISTIAN WISDOM The same law applies to the one third positive nature within the soul of woman when her soul occupies the male form for an opposite experience. As a consistent conclusion it is quite evident that souls must occupy opposite sex forms to blend the ratio of es- sence within their own soul and attain a perfect under- standing with an eternal respect for each other. Is consistency then such a bewildering fact for cultured minds to grasp and absorb without a scientific indorse- ment? As these two soul natures in infancy grow together, first by developing the magnetic principles from the grain of sand to the animal form, all the magnetic principles of the s:oul are opened by the one magnetic principle called In- stinct. 1 While the soul is evoluting to the animal form the mind is unable to develop more than instinct. The reason is that, before the human form can be approached or the mind blossom instinct into understanding with the electric prin- ciples, it is requisite for the divine spark to betome a per- manent part within the soul. It is absolutely impossible to acquire intelligence, wisdom, or understanding through any other source except by communion with the Christ spirit or divine spark. The inception of the divine spark within the soul essence in matter is the establishing of an individuality in mortal, and a personal consciousness of possessing eternal life with the responsibility,of one's acts. When a soul has evolved to the human condition, that soul is sufficiently prepared to receive the divine spark from Omnipotent God acknowledged as the Christ spirit within us. CHRISTIAN WISDOM 35 At this point of development the spirit enters the soul as a permanent abode to insure eternal life, eternal knowl- edge, and to establish the responsibility of that individual ego. These corresponding soul natures of positive and nega- tive complete a soul atom when united. SEX Sex belongs to the planet or astral life in a physical body. The male body is positive and electric. The female body is negative and magnetic. The quality of magnetic or electric force is graduated by physical inheritance and soul development. Soul belongs to the spirit world in any body. The soul of a man is positive and electric. The soul of a woman is negative and magnetic. The character of the magnetic and electric essence is graduated by soul undierstanding or unfoldment and never by inheritance. Substance, although devoid of visible life or feeling, has an eternal existence. As life is motion from within, then existence is motion from without. 36 CHRISTIAN WISDOM SOUL TRINITY RESPONSIVE, RESPONSIBLE, REVERENT These are the three distinct periods of soul growth ex- pressing Soul Trinity or Trinity of the Soul. First period. The Responsive soul is expressed in Soul Infancy by the brain through Instinct and Will Power. Second period. The Responsible soul is expressed in the Soul of Mortal by the brain through Intellect and Will Power. ' Third period. The Reverent soul is expressed in Soul Maturity by the Mind and Spirit through Inspiration. The Responsive soul is where the soul at birth responds to the vibrations of instinct and will power. It is where the Soul Atom, generating a magnetic and electric essence, enters the planet soil in the mineral state, where progression is by organic law through the vege- table and animal state as it develops the lower magnetic principles of the soul first. As the laws of nature are part of the universal plan, then all infant souls evolute under this primary adminis- tration. They are guided indirectly through preordained law that has been established by the Creator as natural or planet law. CHRISTIAN WISDOM 37 It is an external magnetic condition that is governed through organic or planet ruling which operates from Pleas- ure to Pain and is often recorded as the Primal school- masters of inflexible Law. The First period is the Instinct of Impressions. The Responsible soul is where the soul at manhood is in touch with Divinity. Where instinct has blossomed into the mind principle of understanding or intellect. Where the soul atom has reached the human condition and the divine spark is introduced as a permanent part to create the responsibility of an individuality through un- derstanding. It is apparently a human existence where mortal is given a name and place in the Universe as a part of the whole. Where the soul growth is directly through the divine spark or Christ spirit. From Gratitude to Greed. The Second period is the Intuition of Intellect. Instinct of the First period is but the shadowy prepara- tion for understanding in the Second period. While intuition and understanding are but the prepara- tion for Wisdom in the Third period. Will power is the positive electric essence of the soul atom that clings with tenacity in the Second period until the spirit awakening raises mortal above the planet ruling to a point of wisdom. The Reverent soul is where the soul at maturity is a part of Divinity. Where intellect and will power culminate with a radi- ance of Wisdom and Love through communion with Di- vinity at all times. 38 CHRISTIAN WISDOM Where the soul atom has developed every magnetic and electric principle through the divine spark and the mind blends with an expression of blessedness that unites the trinity of spirit, will power, and mind. Where peace and harmony reign supreme and you live with Divinity through an eternal understanding evermore. 1 Where the soul becomes a saviour or divine being ex- pressing the spiritual nature of soul mates as the Image of Omnipotent God. The Third period is the Inspiration of Wisdom. The wedding or reunion of soul mates as one and insep- arable forevermore transpires in the seventh sphere of the Realms. . That is your permanent wedding day to eternity and the only one. SOUL EXPRESSION Soul principles during the 12 incarnations are developed through countless rebirths in the planet system and per- fected in the spirit realm. CHRISTIAN WISDOM 39 THE 12 INCARNATIONS First incarnation is expressed through the Mineral form. Second incarnation is through the Vegetable form. Third incarnation is through the Animal form. Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, Eighth, Ninth, Tenth in- carnations are through the Human form. Eleventh incarnation is through the Astral or Occult form. Twelfth incarnation is through the Celestial form. In the stages of soul unfoldment every succeeding prin- ciple which is unfolded retains the preceding principle. The first step of soul unfoldment is by opening the pas- sage of one principle called the sense of feeling or pressure. From the grain of sand through myriad rebirths the soul evolves to the vegetable form as moss or a blade of grass, then to the fern, shrub, plant, and tree life, where the soil, coming in contact with stronger magnetic vibrations, be- comes identified as a species of animal growth. At first it is the form of an animalcule and then a worm. As a worm more principles are opened. Tasting: The Palate. Gripping: The Mouth. Moving: The Feet. Seeing: The Eyes. Excreting: The Throwing Off. Generating: The Reproducing. When the mind principle of intellect is opened the human form is established through the divine spark. When the mind principle of intellect is opened and only partially developed in the human form the soul is respon- sible only in proportion to the degree of intellect. ^ 40 CHKISTIAN WISDOM The instant your intellect conceives the divine impression of what is right and wrong then the soul within your phys- ical body is held completely responsible. That, however, is a question for the divine spark within your own soul to pass judgment upon. That is why it is impossible to deceive Divinity, for the divine spark is ever present within your soul as a silent witness to each and every thought or act. THE DIVINE SPARK If it was possible for souls at birth to possess the divine spark there would be an understanding without the pre- liminary stage of instinct and preparation. But, as the power of the divine spark is: too intense for the lower order of organic life and magnetic principles to encounter, this condition is modified and prepared by a planet ruling called the Laws of Nature. The soul as a natural consequence is forced to pass through the crude preliminary experiences by instinct in order to preserve root reflection through the opening of the lower principles. When the root is destroyed it blights the blossom, or without a substantial root there is a puny blossom. When your soul is sufficiently seasoned or prepared and the organic matter purged enough to admit the power of Divinity, the divine spark enters your soul in the human form to become a living part as your future guide. It is then that the real true birth for the individual soul of man and mate takes place. CHRISTIAN WISDOM 41 SOUL EXPRESSION REINCARNATION COMPARISONS Can Divinity teach an infant soul the wisdom of respon- sibility at birth? No! Then instinct is a natural course and the practical method of preparation. Can mortal teach a babe to realize or understand in in- fancy before the organic structure of the brain is properly developed? No! Then it is impossible for a soul to understand in its in- fancy before the fundamental soul principles are properly opened. Can a babe digest strong nourishment or soKd food be- fore a physical development is accomplished? Can an infant soul digest too strong an understanding of Divinity before a spiritual development is accomplished? If a babe is not legally responsible for its acts before physical manhood is reached Can you expect to hold an infant soul morally responsible before the human form is reached? Is not the human form the physical expression of man- hood for the soul? Are not these comparisons convincing proofs that a gradual preparation is the natural law of evolution and imperative with all things eternal? Do not these citations prove the necessity of reincarna- tion in order to acquire a natural growth and perfect understanding? A Preparation! A Realization! A Confirmation! 42 CHBISTIAN WISDOM Does it not dispel the illusion and absurdity of a spon- taneous growth as possible for a perfect or reasonable understanding? Understanding is a gradual unfoldment as the keystone of self-reliance, and self-reliance is the practical individ- uality of the soul. Without the self-reliance of a clear understanding souls are in servitude to idolatrous customs in some form of expression, as universal law is based on equity and not on partiality or personality. The expression of Legal Law is based on the equivoca- tion of Universal Law. Is it safe or sound? The deeper you consistently think the more you realize. The more you realize the more self-reliant you become, as self-reliance is the corner *stone of emancipation. Unless there is a clear understanding you will never reach the realization of emancipation. Without a realization you are simply in line with the processional automaton, who is nothing more in life than a vacant stare. Then Wake up. The instant your mind principle of intellect conceives the divine impression of what is right and what is wrong, that instant your soul is completely responsible. The divine spark within your soul will hold you to the precepts of eternal judgment through universal law. There is no evasion, but adjustment or poise, with the seasoning of experience that is tempered by remorse and atonement. Take your time, but a word to the wise is sufficient. CHRISTIAN WISDOM 43 ANIMAL SOULS DOMESTIC Souls progressing from the domestic animal condition to the human form develop instinct into understanding more rapidly than a soul coming direct from the wild animal condition. The magnetic essence of their soul, being in touch with the higher vibrations from human associations, naturally absorbs the reflection. Both conditions, however, are perfectly consistent with the divine plan to promote soul poise, from the extreme of self-indulgence to self-control. The souls of domestic animals progressing to the human form with a mild and placid nature require a stern experi- ence to develop the principles of self-reliance and self- defense, as a preparation to cope with the combativeness of cruder natures that exist in the human form. It is here that mind development helps the domestic ani- mal soul to realize the necessity of strengthening the will power with determination and discretion. WILD Souls passing from the wild animal condition into the human form are slower in developing the mind principle than those coming from the domestic animal form, as the magnetic essence of their soul is in touch with the lower vibrations and naturally absorbs the cruder reflections of instinct. 44 CHRISTIAN WISDOM Souls of wild animals passing to the human form require a firm but gentle experience in submissive seasoning and harmonious influence to assist them in acquiring a peace- ful attitude of poise. Continued experiences and the mirrored reflection of their own nature cause them finally to realize the necessity of self-control with a proper use and not abuse of magnetic passion. Although the animal form opens up passages of the mag- netic principles, it is only through the guidance of the divine spark in the human form that a complete realization of their true purpose is understood. .1 The souls of wild animals in the human form require a much longer time on the same mother planet in rebirths before they bow to Divinity. The mind principle of instinct is slower in developing than the mind principle of reason with understanding in the souls of domestic animals. The souls of domestic and wild animals after a third in- carnation in the human form on the same planet realize and recognize the Omnipotence of Divinity. The ultimatum of both is the same — a perfect under- standing. When the use and not the abuse of magnetic principle is understood mortals can fortify the soul with a resolu- tion to endure persecution and organic passion without flinching. The extremes of the two natures, wild and domestic, are gradually drawn together, resulting in perfect poise, as perfection tempers all souls alike in point of moral understanding. CHBISTIAN WISDOM 45 Between the periods of reincarnation the soul is reem- bodied on other planets in the same solar system. Animals who are in touch with mortals develop a soul understanding, when coming to the human, quicker than wild animals who roam at large and are persecuted. Therefore it is wise and intelligent to be kind and con- siderate with all animals. The abuse of animals in any form by mortals not only exposes the ignorance of soul growth, but incurs as well a self-inflicted penalty for con- tempt of divine law. All of which has a similar reaction that is measured out with exactitude to the prime offender. The universe is embodied in mortal the same as an oak tree is concealed within the acorn. Remember that the magnetic element of Instinct through the nerves precedes the mind principle of Intellect through the brain, and that will power is the positive electric ele- ment of the soul essence known as Self or I. It is interesting to note the stages of mind as related to the will power. First comes Impression, Instinct, Intellect, Intuition, Inspiration, all commencing with I. As mind is the instrument of expression for the will power and will power is the positive I or Self, you can readily understand that, without a spirit ruling, I is the positive and all-important factor of the personality as in Brahmin, which is the power behind the throne of a Jupiter ruling. Without the divine spark within the soul ruling, I is a transgression on Universal Law. All worshipers at the shrine of Jupiter take notice. People who bestow a reasonable amount of affection or consideration on animals help those animal souls to pro- gress. And in return they are rewarded by absorbing from the animal magnetic vitality as a physical recompense. 46 CHRISTIAN WISDOM Does it pay to be thoughtless or vicious as the expression of a brutal nature? I CONQUER SELF Although the^ will power of Self is the electric soul es- sence, it only precedes the awakening of the divine spark from within. For in time that divine spark becomes your ruler in place of Self, when you bow to the acknowledg- ment of the divine spark centered within your own soul as the voice of conscience. Conquer self by making room For purer thoughts to bud and bloom. Conquer self and then you learn That love and truth are joys you earn. First it is planet law and then it is spirit law. Realms are established about the same time that the planets are adjusted. They are inhabited by progenitors called the Spirit Fathers and Mothers, who create souls while the planet is cooling off. Souls created by these Spirit Fathers and Mothers are those that are born to the Mineral and Vegetable kingdoms — kingdoms of the root that promote a perfect growth and blossom. CHRISTIAN WISDOM 47 THE PEDIGREE OF MORTAL EVOLUTION Each and every planet in our solar system is subject to the law of evolution. Each and every soul in our planet system is subject to the law of evolution. Then souls and planets have an analogous growth through the law of evolution. Planets are guided by the laws of nature. (Organic Law.) Souls are guided by the laws of spirit. (Spirit Law.) The laws of nature represent matter. (Material Evolu- tion.) The laws of spirit represent soul essence. (Spiritual Evolution.) Through the law of evolution matter becomes refined. Through the law of evolution souls become cultured. Therefore the growth of each must be identified as com- parative and analogous in order for each to be cooperative, coexistent, and eternal. 48 CHKISTIAN WISDOM The organic or physical body apart from the soul is nothing but matter of a planet inheritance and subject to the same laws of nature as a planet. When the refinement of matter through the law of evo- lution is accomplished, then matter comes under a higher vibration called spirit Iqw, and the laws of nature identi- fied with matter become secondary to the spirit law. Be- cause, when the soul essence is completely under the spirit law, then the power of mind over matter is clearly under- stood and fully appreciated. This is the main point at issxie — to demonstrate the inseparable companionship of spirit and matter in some comparative degree of unfoldment or refinement, as their companionship is one and inseparable forever. I The vital question is which one shall preside over your individual destiny — Spirit or Matter. To effect a clear understanding of this essential point a diagram or chart is necessary to guide the initiated and present to view a comparative system or method of growth. In order to accomplish this task an ideal construction can be made practical, providing the fundamental princi- ples are firmly grasped and their relationship to each other properly applied. As mortal is the physical representative of a soul on earth and soul the paramount purpose of Divinity, then the soul of mortal on earth is the most important feature to be considered at present. As a prelude to guide the investigator, souls are com- posed of two distinct elements, one the positive electric element and the other a negative magnetic element envel- oped with an ethereal texture of refined substance. CHRISTIAN WISDOM 49 At birth, when the soul is embedded in crude matter, the principles involved in these soul elements are undeveloped. For a citation or comparison take the seed of an oak. When it is planted in earth the principles are involved in the seed, but they do not show forth until the tree appears above ground as visible through a development of material evolution. Both the seed and the soul possess hidden principles which are visible only through the law of evolution and unfoldment. It is an undisputed fact that all souls at their conception and birth possess undeveloped soul principles. The next point is to describe the modus operandi and the means employed to bring about the development of soul principles. Owing to a severe state of churning and chaos during the early stages of material evolution, a planet is phys- ically unfitted for habitation. This condition continues until a gradual subsiding through a satisfactory adjustment of the fiery elements permits the introduction of a preparatory physical course termed the elemental form. There are three initial features suitable for the ground- work of soul solution as a key to decipher this Universal Law. 50 CHRISTIAN WISDOM THE KEY First is three degrees of Descent — for the soul in matter. Second is one degree of Struggle — for the soul in matter. Third is three degrees of Ascent — for the soul in matter. 1 Previous to the descent of the soul in matter while a planet is in the process and throes of construction, the spirit fathers assigned to guide the destiny of undevel- oped souls and planets prepare, in the astral, physical for- mations suitable for each structure known as the seven organic classifications of nature or eras of organic growth. External forms. MATERIAL EVOLUTION 1. Mineral Form 1 These are the three 1 Through 2. Vegetable Form i degrees of descent the 3. Animal Form J in matter. J Laws of Nature. STRUGGLE OF SPIRIT AND MATTER 4. Human Form. One degree of vital struggle in matter. SPIRITUAL EVOLUTION 5. Astral Form 6. Occult Form 7. Celestial Form These are the three degrees of ascent in matter. Through the Spirit Law. CHRISTIAN WISDOM 51 THE KEY Each one of these classifications is a world centered within itself. They consist of formulas identical in mathe- matical construction that regulate each and every era through the law of evolution, either material or spiritual. Evolution is an eternal law that signifies the gradual preparation and the gradual separation in any degree of unfoldment. The mathematical formula giving a lucid description of each term governing these organic classifications or eras of form is as follows. ERA The period in which one special form predominates. An era is a cycle of time representing one of the seven distinct organic forms of a physical nature. The dominating era is named from the visible appear- ance of that specialized form on whatever planet it occurs. I, Mineral. 2, Vegetable. 3, Animal. 4, Human. 5, As- tral. 6, Occult. 7, Celestial. KINGDOM The separate forms in each era. A kingdom is one of the seven physical forms of nature identified with each and every era. They exist side by side in rotation, but only prominent in their own era. First, Elemental. Second, Elemental. Third, Elemental. Fourth, Mineral. Fifth, Vegetable. Sixth, Animal. Sev- enth, Human. 52 CHRISTIAN WISDOM STAGE The physical growth of each separate Form. A stage is one of the seven grades of physical growth or steps of organic refinement in each kingdom. First, Archetypal. Second, Dense. Third, Denser. Fourth, Substantial. Fifth, Refined. Sixth, Finer. Sev- enth, Perfected. DEGREE The subdivision of growth in each separate Form. A degree is a subdivision of seven in each stage as a minor preparatory step of physical growth in each stage of form, synonymous with Sixty seconds make one minute. Sixty minutes make one hour. Seven degrees make one stage. Seven stages make one kingdom. ROUND OR CIRCUIT A round is a circuit of the seven kingdoms in each stage. This makes a total of seven degrees in each kingdom. Seven kingdoms equal 49 degrees in each stage or a total of 343 degrees in each era. CHRISTIAN WISDOM 53 INVOLUTION AND EVOLUTION CHART A Progenitor is an advanced soul from the Realms who promotes the completion of form and guides the undevel- oped soul in each era. There are seven classes of progenitors or one class to each of the seven kingdoms. - Seven stages The Mathematical For- Ih -3 1 •o •2 mula for each Era < c (U Q c lU Q 1 0) S 1 «) c 1 0. A B C D E F G 09 Elemental, (l) Degree 7 Degree 7 Degree 7 Degree 7 Degree 7 Degree 7 Degree 7 Elemental. (2) 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 Elemental. (3) 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 B 1 Mineral. (4) 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 ta 1 Vegetable. (5) 7 '7 7 7 7 7 7 Animal. (6) 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 Human. (7) 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 54 CHRISTIAN WISDOM Seven degrees make one stage. Seven stages make one kingdom. Seven kingdoms make one era. Seven eras make a physical completion. The mineral era is the first organic form in nature, where the initiated soul first descends into visible matter. The first class progenitors descend with the archety- pals of the mineral as a liquid vapor and condense them into concrete forms. It is where the first elemental king- dom reaches the densest form on stage D and the highest type on stage G. The second and third elementals with the mineral kingdom remain as films in texture. The vegetable, animal, and human creations, being in embryo, remain in the atmosphere waiting their turn for visible production. The vegetable era is the second organic form in nature, where the second class progenitors continue the archetypal work in the vegetable and the second elemental kingdom reaches the densest form on stage D and the highest type on G. The animal and human embryos exist within the atmosphere. The animal era is the third organic form in nature, where the third class progenitors continue the archetypal work in the animal and the third elemental kingdom reaches the densest form on stage D and the highest type on G. The human embryo dwells within the atmosphere. The human era is the fourth organic form in nature, where the fourth class progenitors continue the archetypal work in the human and the mineral kingdom reaches the densest form on stage D and the highest type on G. It is the first physical conception of the human form. CHRISTIAN WISDOM 55 The astral era is the fifth organic form in nature, where the fifth class progenitors continue the archetypal work in the astral and the vegetable kingdom reaches the highest type on stage G. It is the first physical conception in refined matter of the third elemental as an astral human form. The occult era is the sixth organic form in nature, where the sixth class progenitors continue the archetypal work in the occult and the animal reaches the highest type on stage G. It is the first physical expression in refined matter of the second elemental kingdom as an occult human form. The celestial era is the seventh organic form in nature, where the seventh class progenitors continue the arche- typal work in the celestial and the human reaches a state of material perfection on stage G. It is the first physical expression in refined matter of the first elemental kingdom as a divine human form. On whatever planet a soul enters as the initial birth that soul is recognized physically as the offspring of that planet. If a soul is created by the ruling spirit of the moon planet that soul is classified as a moon soul. If created by the ruling spirit of earth it is known as an earth soul and so on. 56 CHRISTIAN WISDOM 1 EVOLUTION Souls after the initial birth in the mineral or first era pass to the vegetable era and then to the animal era, where the secrets of evolution are made manifest to mortal at the present time through historical reference. Up to the time of the human era little can be said of any historical events that transpired in preceding eras. But the endless law of evolution and its mathematical formulas are conclusive enough to govern the attitude of any reason- able student. As each era is based on the same mathematical conclu- sions, then the routine is similar and varies only as each one evolutes to a more refined and intellectual plane of development. Therefore the mineral, vegetable, and animal eras are left for the student to conjecture in conformity with the mathe- matical laws of nature that govern material evolution. When the earth was in its animal era of evolution the moon planet had reached a human state similar to our fourth root race. It was a premature growth of intelligence, as the moral status of the physical was inadequate to balance the two conditions. Consequently a moral degeneracy or physical collapse resulted. It was about that time that the animal souls from the moon planet incarnated on the earth planet and formed the principal part of our advanced animal creation in the animal era. CHRISTIAN WISDOM 57 As the ex-moon souls were more advanced than the earth souls they made excellent pioneers to establish the different kingdoms and the grading of physical forms until the earth souls were sufficiently developed to assume the leadership of their own birthright. Although the earth planet was older than the moon planet from a point of birth, the earth planet had been slower but more uniform in the equal development of soul and phys- ical principles. The moon planet forged ahead intellectually. In fact it was abnormally so as the organic or magnetic resources became depleted. The moon planet became the spectered shell of a living corpse, as the magnetic element that is essential for pro- ducing physical forms became extinct in the moon atom. That is why the progenitors from the moon planet were assigned to promote the human forms and guide the phys- ical evolution of our humanity in the fourth root race. The ex-moon souls in progression who were intellectu- ally more advanced than the earth souls entered the human form in the early fourth root race and became the leading classes of humanity until nearly the close of the fourth root race. The predominance of the advanced moon souls was then withdrawn in favor of the progressing earth souls, who had been serving apprenticeship under the leading moon souls in the early part of the fourth root race. In the closing subraces these earth souls indirectly came into possession of their physical birthright and assumed the leadership of the classes in the fifth root race under the dominating influence of Jupiter, which is the prevailing condition at the present time, particularly noticeable in the ruling of Kaiser Wilhelm. 58 CHRISTIAN WISDOM First era is governed by a magnetic Fire condition. Second era is governed by a magnetic Air condition. Third era is governed by a magnetic Water condition. Fourth era is governed by a magnetic Earth condition. Fifth era is governed by an astral Water condition. Sixth era is governed by an ether Air condition. Seventh era is governed by a spirit Fire condition. ^ PHYSICAL CONCEPTION As all physical formations for each organic structure were conceived and prepared in the spirit realms by the spirit fathers, they were promoted by the progenitors who were instrumental in having these forms produced and es- tablished on earth. In transmitting the embryos from the spirit realms to earth the atmosphere surrounding our planet became preg- nant with these filmy forms until the arrival of the proper time for their physical or visible birth. As the human race commands our immediate attention with a keener sense of interest and investigation than the preliminary outline of creation, we can safely continue in this imperative mission by applying the fundamental prin- ciples to the human era as a sacred duty to Divinity and the welfare of our own individual soul. CHRISTIAN WISDOM 59 PHYSICAL FORM The human era opens with the archetypal of mortals being brought to earth. These wondrous types of beauty show the paramount issue of mortals when they reach perfection. Descent is slow with multiplying and densifying until they touch terra firma and the progenitors are satisfied that the earth is ready for the predominance of mortal. As the density of the earth expanded with the advent of each root race, the earth appeared larger in exterior, less dense, and more hollow, which naturally divided the waters so that the land and water became more evenly balanced. The dense magnetism of the eai-th being softened, the soil in time became prolific and refined. The one significant feature attached to this fact is that land which naturally appeared at the north pole, called Sacred Land, was the birthplace of each kingdom and every human race, no matter to what locality their destination may have led after birth. As we approach the human era (which is the develop- ment of the seven root races) a short synopsis is in order governing the stages of growth, which will assist the stu- dent in realizing the methodical law of evolution. There are seven stages of physical development j Archetypal. Dense. Denser. Substantial. Re- [ fined. Finer. Perfected. attached to each one of the seven kingdoms /First Elemental. Second Elemental. Third Ele- 1 mental. Mineral. Vegetable, Animal. Human. in each and every one of the seven eras [Mineral. Vegetable. Animal. Human. Astral. 1 Occult. Celestial. which is automatic and systematic in routine. 60 CHRISTIAN WISDOM In the first stage of the seven kingdoms all the arche typals are formed simultaneously and the progenitors clothe themselves in the films they have prepared and pass quickly through these embryo forms in the atmosphere. Then they pass on to the second stage, where they shape the archetypal into concrete forms. 1 In the third stage denser forms are prepared and so on, until they come to earth in the mineral era, where the mineral touches the physical embodiment of substance, while the other forms remain in the atmosphere. The mineral first appears on earth as a luminous film. The mineral is formed in the realms as well as in phys- ical bodies before being brought to earth. SUMMARIZED First stage is the seven Archetypal forms for each kingdom. Second stage is the seven Multiplied forms for each kingdom. Third stage is the seven Densified forms for each kingdom. Fourth stage Shapes the forms in denser matter. Fifth stage is the Third stage refined. Sixth stage is the Second stage purified. Seventh stage is the First stage perfected. Seven stages equal one kingdom. Seven kingdoms equal one era. This is the method of every round in every era through ; which the progenitors work. It is only in the first round that they gather matter ' around themselves and dwell within it awhile for assimi- lation. I i CHRISTIAN WISDOM 61 PROGENITORS There were seven classes of progenitors or advanced souls who served as leaders. The First, Second, and Third classes came from Neptune as the intellectual or electric teachers. The Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, and Seventh classes came from the Moon element as the physical or magnetic teachers. They were directly under the supervision of the spirit fathers and represented the filmy or astral forms of matter classified with the seven kingdoms of form. They prepared and propagated these conditions in the archetypal for the young souls who were progressing to occupy when the time for the different eras came to pass. They appear on earth only in the human as rulers of matter in the archetypal. They do not incarnate in the physical form as leaders until the fourth root race, then as ancestors or molders of mortal. The first class progenitors were high spiritual beings who reached the human stage in the mineral era and the physical body in the fourth root race. They brooded over the embryo forms of the first root race by nursing the growth of the human organism, where the electric vibrations pulsed with energy this envelope of matter, until the time for molding them into the physical organism. The moon progenitors, having conquered matter on the moon planet, possessed a mastery over the organic or physical powers. They were not ex-moon souls progressing, but moon souls who had already progressed. 62 CHRISTIAN WISDOM 1 At the end of their evolution on the moon planet they were awarded magnetic or occult powers not greater than physical instinct or shape. ^ They have under their dominion vast hosts of nature spirits or elementals who are the workmen, while the pro- genitors are the planners. j The seven classes of progenitors or progressed souls rep- resent the filmy forms in each of the seven king^doms. The seven classes of human souls enter these filmy forms when they become physical and represent common human- ity or souls progressing. Each of the seven classes has subclass forms in each of the seven kingdoms as well. CHRISTIAN WISDOM SEVEN ROOT RACES There are seven root races in the human era, beginning with the archetypal form in the human kingdom. Each root race has as well seven subraces. Each root race is easily identified as being prominent in developing one of the seven senses. First root race Second root race Third root race Fourth root race Fifth root race Sixth root race Seventh root race Hearing Ether Feeling Air (Flood) Seeing Fire Tasting Water (Flood) Smelling Earth Intuition Air Inspiration Fire At the dawn of new cycle conditions the self-existing come first. They were divine beings as the " seed manus " of the coming races. The " root manus " is in the beginning of the first sub- race. The " seed manus " is the germ of the seventh subrace that precedes the first subrace of a new root race. The first appearance of living beings came through the spontaneous production of organism. Protoplasm is without structure or organism that takes in nutriment and reproduces by division. Physical nature when left alone in the creation of animal and man has failed. Nature can produce the chemical, vegetable, and animal forms, but in man intelligent powers are needed outside his skin and animal life. 64 CHRISTIAN WISDOM Every new cycle for a planet produced a new skin, a new race, and a new atmosphere. The laws of evolution compelled the moon fathers to pass through all the forms of life. But at the end of the third era (animal) they were called upon to incarnate and per- petuate form. ^ SEVEN CONTINENTS There are seven root races and seven continents. '^^ Each root race was developed under a new continent that appears just previous to the birth of each root race. Continent Form Sense First root race . . . . Sacred Land Protoplasm Sound Second root race . . . Hyperborea Semi-Astral Touch Third root race . . Lemuria Astral-Human Sight Fourth root race . . . Atlantis Human Taste Fifth root race . . Europe Human-Astral Smell Sixth root race . . America Astral-Occult Intuition Seventh root race . . Sacred Land Occult-Celestial Inspiration PHYSICAL EXPRESSION FIRST ROOT RACE The first race was self -born or the astral shadow forms of the first class progenitors. They were similar to a film with the sex functions un- developed, as the body was devoid of all understanding. They correspond to the materialized forms seen issuing from the body of a medium. They were indestructible shadows not affected by any element. CHRISTIAN WISDOM 65 The first class progenitors projecting these shadow forms from their bodies brooded over them at a distance external to the physical protoplasm and operated on it with their influence, thereby shaping the physical organs in embryo. The development of hearing or sound was the sense iden- tified with this root race, as magnetic fire is the first impact to which consciousness in the physical responds. The forms were moon colored in appearance, both mam- moth and bulky. They drifted about passively, but re- sponded more to the electric than the magnetic vibration, while multiplying came by the budding process which graduated through the seven subraces. Adam and Eve were types of the seventh subrace in each root race as the nucleus for a new root race. In all the root races There were seven classes of Progenitors as Teachers. There were seven classes of Advanced Souls as Leaders. There were seven classes of Souls Progressing as Hu- manity. During the latter part of the first root race more land appeared above the water, forming a second continent called Hyperborea. It occupied an area known as North Asia, Sweden, British Isles, Baffins Bay and Islands. The climate was tropical, with physical forms of a golden yellow expressing two types. 66 CHBISTIAN WISDOM 1 SECOND ROOT RACE The development of feeling or touch was the sense iden- tified with this second root race. In fact it is well to admit that in the embryo are all the hidden senses which are developed only as the law of evo- lution unfolds their usefulness. The first class of progenitors remained external to the second root race bodies, but nearer than in the first root race. It was a closer period of adjustment. When the time matured for the second root race the nature spirits or elementals built around these primitive forms denser particles of matter like heavy fiber. They were coarse featured without bone, forming a shell-like ex- terior or existence of form, where the outside body of the first race became the inside body of the second race. It was oviparous or egg method and emitted small round nuclei developing into egglike vehicles which gradually hardened. After a period of gestation it broke and the infant forms issued forth unaided, as do birds of the air at the present time. It was called the budding process. These bodies produced exudation of sweat as a vital fluid, the drops of which served as an extraneous vehicle to gen- erate a form. It was the first attempt of physical nature at building human forms of semi-astral monsters. These shadow forms prepared the intermingling of psy- chic and magnetic forces, which tempered the physical body suitable to receive the soul from an animal condi- CHRISTIAN WISDOM 67 tion to one of intelligence and will power as an electric awakening. They were of two types. The first type was where the sexes were concealed or undeveloped, where multiplying came by budding. When the forms became densified this method of pro- duction was impossible and the second type of small bodies extruded like beads of sweat, which gradually separated into form. This second type in time showed slight signs of sexual- ity as androgynous or both sexes equalized in one. The ex-moon souls of the first class entered these phys- ical bodies of the second root race, while the ex-moon souls of the second class completed one human subrace. The ex-moon souls of the third class completed the ani- mal kingdom and the ex-moon souls of the fourth class completed the vegetable kingdom. Although a great deal of this " vital fluid " was scattered to the winds by the sweat process, some of it was utilized by nature through the " astral mating " of the human and animal. This created the " mammal prototype " at the close of this second root race, which was physically produced and permanently established in the third root race. The animal below the mammal creation was formed by nature spirits and elementals from the animal kingdom of the third animal era as vertebrata and then mammal. The first flood came at the end of the second root race. In the early subraces the elders guide the younger humanity by instinct with unerring care and devotion. 68 CHRISTIAN WISDOM THIRD ROOT RACE Approaching the third root race more land appeared as the Himalaya peaks arose to view from out the watery depths, with Mongolia, Thibet, Ceylon, Australia, Siberia, and the Gobi Desert, which created a new continent known as Lemuria. Lemuria was christened the cradle of humanity, wherein human instinct or the shadow of intellect slowly appeared. Identified with the third root race was the compact of fire, air, and water, making the human form crude and clumsy, although with sufficient intelligence to generate a mortal being. At first the physical organism was inert and ignorant, drifting about like a rudderless boat, although to an astral influence it was fairly responsive, but, when the organic magnetic principles were developed through the separation of the sexes in the third subrace, then the physical organ- ism responded like a flash to the flow of animal magnetic instinct and the electric essence of the soul was powerless to check this organic magnetic impulse. This left the lower intelligence of magnetic vibration full sway to dominate and guide the next stage of physical evolution known as Passion. It is the mount of all mounts for mortal to surmount in point of discretion. Not until the soul received the birth of the divine spark within its soul did the higher electric soul principles gradu- ally develop. These electric soul vibrations were gradually imparted to the physical organism on corresponding lines until mat- ter was refined and the soul reached an intelligent recogni- tion of the divine spark as its supreme guide, with the understanding of an ultimate unity with Divinity. CHRISTIAN WISDOM 69 It was in the third root race that the physical sense of sight was developed through the organs of vision. Every class and family in the beginning was hermaphro- dite, with one eye situated in the middle of the forehead. The two eyes were a later development in both animal and human, although but little used until reaching the seventh subrace. On reaching the fourth root race this one eye receded and became the pineal gland in the physical form. It was the organ of astral or clairvoyant vision in some and intui- tion or impression in others. It is curious to note that this " one central eye " was in reality a spiritual organ adapted to the " mental sight " of a developed soul rather than the crude organism of the physical expression. It responded to electric instead of magnetic vibrations, for when the incoming humanity reached the fourth root race the one central eye disappeared from physical view. The mentality of humanity was not in touch with the higher vibrations of the astral world, but adjusted to the lower magnetic vibrations of the physical body. The two external eyes of physical limitation were suffi- cient to meet the requirements that govern the physical senses. The third root race had three types of physical growth. The first type was the same as the sweat born. Evo- luting from the first subrace the form became denser in the second subrace, where the sex scarcely showed within as the conditions were androgynous or of equal sex. 70 CHUISTIAN- WISDOM The language was confined to cries expressing pleasure or pain. The second type was in the third subrace, which evolved double sex organs, birth taking place by breaking the envelope. The forms were fully developed like birds of the air, being able to walk about. They were hermaphrodite, with a language that con- sisted of monosyllables. The third type was in the fourth subrace, where birth was produced by eggs. But in developing from the egg one sex would predominate, either as an individual male or an individual female form. As this process continued babes became more helpless, and by the end of the fourth subrace the infant could no longer walk at birth when liberated from the shell. By the end of the fifth subrace human beings were born under similar conditions that exist to-day. In fact the human race of to-day is produced on identical lines that correspond to the early stages of the root races. PRENATAL CONDITIONS The first root race in the Film condition was the same as a One month prenatal babe of to-day. The second root race in the Weaving condition was the same as a Two months' prenatal babe of to-day. The third root race in the Sex condition was the same as a Three months' prenatal babe of to-day. The fourth root race in the Form condition was the same as a Four months' prenatal babe of to-day. The fourth month established the prenatal babe, the same as the fourth root race established the human condition. CHRISTIAN WISDOM 71 When the time arrived for generating this third root race the progenitors of the second and third classes were selected as the most adaptable. They responded by promoting physical forms of strength and beauty through the radiance and intelligence of their own being. The first class progenitors did not refuse to incarnate, as often quoted and roundly censured. It was not the allotted hour for their physical appearance, but for the second and third classes, as the first class had a higher mission to perform later on. It must be remembered that, in order for the first class progenitors to have reached that point of eminence and be worthy of the position, it was absolutely imperative for them to respond at a moment's bidding to do the hum- blest service for the greatest good. To cast a slur on advanced souls who have won their way through self-sacrifice and devotion is beneath analysis or consideration except to enlighten the doubtful student. A personal inspection, however, will quickly convince the most skeptic student of the utter absurdity and stupidity of such a statement. The third root race was composed of earth souls, ex- moon souls, and advanced souls from Neptune as leaders, teachers, and progenitors. The early savages responded by instinct to the guidance of the progenitors and built cities containing temples of worship. The Holy City still remains as a testimonial of their service. 72 CHRISTIAN WISDOM The second and third class progenitors who incarnated as the divine hermaphrodite in the fourth subrace were called the Holy Fathers, as they created bodies for the an- cestors to perpetuate. They were the spiritual forefathers. .1 This race brought forth giant Matures, some of whom were deified as gods and heroes for their colossal strength and amazing physical beauty. The Neptune progenitors formed the various grades of humanity and began the task of imparting to animal man the spark of intelligence, evolving the sixth and seventh subraces in the lower forms of humanity through the astral vibration. The progenitors appear at the beginning of every new root race and remain long enough to impress the eternal truth they teach. This is done so as to insure them from being utterly lost or forgotten in the ages to come by later generations. Their mission is to emphasize the keynote of truth. The progenitors were recognized as representing two expressions. One class was the electric or passionless. One class was the magnetic or passionate. The progenitors who guided humanity intellectually and socially were called the Titian fathers of the seventh sub- race, from the sacred temples of the spirit realm. The ex-moon souls coming to the human era slip into the astral forms the progenitors shape and leave. CHRISTIAN WISDOM 73 As the seven classes are at different stages of evolution, the more electric the soul power the more rapid is soul progress through the seven kingdoms of form. All classes possess this electric soul principle in varied degrees of unfoldment. The lower ones fall further be- hind, owing to the fleetness of the more advanced souls, although in time all souls will develop an electric soul power of sufficient resource to meet the requirements of any emergency. The moon souls incarnated in this race as follows. The first and second classes worked in the human form exclusively. The third class reached the human in the closing sub- races. The fourth class finished in the animal form and entered the human kingdom in the fourth root race, which made the Atlantean age strongly of moon souls. The fifth, sixth, and seventh classes climbed up, so that in the fourth root race all souls had outlived the three ele- mental kingdoms. They are at present souls progressing in the mineral, vegetable, and animal forms of our present root race and will not reach humanity until the astral or fifth era, as human forms of inferior type are no longer produced by nature in the human era. The lower classes of moon souls that touched humanity in the seventh subrace were the narrow headed. They were not ready for the divine spark, being con- trolled by the animal instinct. Some mated with ape-like animals, and from that union sprang a half human and half animal race. 74 CHEISTIAN WISDOM Later on some of this ancestry bred with the most de- graded Atlanteans, and from this union came the anthro- poid ape, who will not reach the human form until the sixth and seventh subraces of our fifth root race and will enter humanity in the astral era. .1 The moon ancestors were those who represented and led the human conditions during the second and third eras as a preparation. Finally their shadows evolved in the early fourth era for the benefit of those who followed on in their footsteps. As a citation to prove the irresponsible condition of a soul previous to the entrance of the divine spark, the tiger and donkey or the hawk and dove are each pure as the other because each one follows its own instinct. The tiger and hawk kill with the same degree of un- concern as the donkey eats the thistle and the dove a grain of sand. The same characteristics are carried over in the human race between the strong and the weak, until the apprecia- tion of a governing influence from the divine spark equal- izes conditions and a realization of equal rights or respect for one another establishes the righteousness of humanity. The midway point of evolution is where the astral proto- types begin definitely to pass into the physical expression. Previous to sex separation all forms were astral matter resembling pulp. CHEISTIAN WISDOM 75 SEX SEPARATION The two most important epochs in the annals of organic growth and soul unfoldment are the separation of sex and the entrance of the divine spark in the soul of mortal. First was the period of sex separation in the animal form, which was followed by sex separation in the human form. Second was the entrance of the divine spark within the soul of mortal after the separation of sex conditions. The first is a physical epoch. The second is a spiritual epoch. In the evolution of " sex separation " the vehement force of " sex passion " is thoroughly developed, as before the period of sex separation all was peace and harmony. The third subrace that preceded sex separation in the human is regarded as the spiritual ancestry of our present generation. The separation of the human sex became gradual in the fifth subrace as the third type was produced by the egg process, within which the human infant matured. Gradually the egg was retained within the mother and the child was born as at the present time, feeble and helpless. In the sixth and seventh subraces the individual sex pro- duction was universal. From the entrance of the divine spark within the soul instinct is gradually unfolded into understanding through the light of reason. ANIMAL SEX SEPARATION In the animal form sex separation occurred near the close of the animal or third era. 76 CHRISTIAN WISDOM It was in this animal era that the mammal type origi- nated by the astral mating of the human with the animal. The moon progenitors were instrumental in providing this " passive link," as experience on the moon planet had perfected their understanding in manipulating organic magnetism. The mammal was a natural force working to an ulti- mate end, for the pulpy mammal came as a sort of prepara- tion between the animal and human form. In the first subrace of the third root race it became placental (breast) and in the third subrace the spine was added. The double evolution of man and animal is where the mammal follows the human, as the human received the spine first. Gradually the coarse crude forms dwindled in size to the ordinary form. HUMAN SEX SEPARATION In the human form sex separation occurred in the human era during the fourth subrace of the third root race. It was in this human era that the mammal had its visible physical form, as the ape was created by the "physical mating " of the mindless human with the she animal mammal. Gradually the ape creation has subsided through the chimpanzee until a complete extinction will terminate a condition that has puzzled the sages for ages. It was a forecast of trial and tribulation that regis- tered the initial test of animal magnetism under human conditions. CHRISTIAN WISDOM 77 THE DIVINE SPARK The divine spark entered the soul of woman in the fourth subrace and the soul of man in the closing subraces. Those unfitted for the divine spark received it in the fourth root race. When the student stops to consider the nature of a soul that is progressing from the animal kingdom to the human form, it is only natural to assume that a soul must inherit the animal reflection of " animal desire " from whence it so recently departed. Admitting this to be an established fact, then a soul mated through a physical " sex desire " in transit through the animal kingdom would find it impossible to express other than the same animal nature when evoluting to the human form. Is not this reflection the test or turning point that modifies " animal instinct " to " human intelli- gence "? How could human intelligence be brought about through the reflection of animal instinct except by controlling this " magnetic flame " of animal energy with prudence and understanding through the divine spark within the soul? It was certainly a critical stage where the marvelous wisdom of the divine plan shines forth to enlighten the bewildered student. Another indisputable fact is that " energy " exciting the sexes is the most difficult test to solve and subdue. In the animal kingdom it is free and unchecked. In the human kingdom it is guarded according to soul understanding and the wisdom of experience. Therefore the most essential consideration is to dispose of the exces- sive flow of animal magnetic inheritance. 78 CHEISTIAN WISDOM It is a sensitive and subtle link to weave or master and can be accomplished only by a thorough understanding of the divine spark within one's own soul. The master mind is ruled through the spirit. As a preludfe to establish this extraordinary truth it is necessary to refer to the baptism of the divine spark within the soul of, mortal. There are two classifications of souls. One is the positive soul of man. One is the negative soul of woman. Each one is a separate individuality. When a soul is passing through the animal form, that soul is called an animal soul. When the same soul has reached the human form, it is called a human soul. The vital difference between a human soul and an animal soul is this — the soul of an animal has never been baptized with the divine spark within, possessing only the magnetic and electric soul essence, whose highest qualification of in- telligence is the instinct of external attraction. When the animal soul passes to the human form in the fourth subrace as savage or serf, the negative soul of woman receives within her soul the baptism of the divine spark first. The positive soul of man does not receive the divine spark within his soul until the closing subraces of the third root race. In the fourth root race (Atlantis) most human souls had received the divine spark within their soul when entering the human form. CHRISTIAN WISDOM 79 As like attracts like it was then that the mating of human beings was in accord with natural law. The purpose of this divine plan is as follows. In order to avoid the excess of magnetic slag being car- ried over to the human kingdom by the transmission of the animal soul, the positive male souls progressing to the human form in the fourth and fifth subraces were per- mitted to " mate " with the large female mammals, thereby producing a half human and half animal species called the ape. This method proved successful in curbing the intensity of animal energy coming to the human form. In the follow- ing sixth and seventh subraces the human males were at- tracted to the human females, as the divine spark within the woman had beautified her appearance and prepared the soil for a richer sowing, which practically established humanity in the fourth, root race. Picture the overwhelming flow of animal desire in the animal nature " without " the " divine spark " to create a conscience or responsibility, where the instinct of external attraction is a predominant factor. Is it not reasonable to expect that an " animal soul " in the " human body " without the divine spark centered within it would continue where it had left off in the animal life? Was it such a sin then for " primitive man " without the divine spark to mate with the mammal type of female ani- mals or was it a natural conclusion to be expected when like attracts like? Is not the gradual preparation and a gradual separation the true law of evolution as a perfect understanding? 80 CHRISTIAN WISDOM Was not the human soul better prepared to receive the divine spark within — after an outlet had been prepared to dispose of the crude and dense magnetic slag through the ape — than it was before? The consistency of why the negative soul of woman re- ceived the divine spark first was to prepare the soil for a real humanity. Her condition applied to the blood or soil for the child to mature in and her soul needed a pure electric vibration. The positive or male soul possessed the seed that re- quired purging and pruning before the law of evolution demanded a perfect union. As the pulp of the animal body decreased the instinct was more acute. The animal has an astral body that survives the physical body but a short time, as the soul of an animal reincarnates in a higher species. APE Here is where the human male without the divine spark mated with huge mammals and developed the ape species. This was in accordance with the laws of nature to dis- pose of the dense magnetism clinging to the soul of man, acquired in the animal kingdom through the separation of sex in the animal era when as an animal soul. The male soul, being positive, would naturally be more tenacious in clinging to a habit. The mothers of these apes were large and ungainly. Being boneless mammals there is no trace of them left. The ape is a speechless animal whose soul is forced to incarnate in a higher animal form before entering the human kingdom. CHRISTIAN WISDOM 81 The gorilla and chimpanzee were a still later develop- ment from the lower ape mammal. The real anthropoid ape, who resembled man, came on Atlantis when the fourth root race renewed these conditions. The lowest Australian savages were not products of the ape, but human fathers and semi-human mothers whose souls were without the divine spark. Australia is one of the most ancient lands above water and the native wild men of Borneo were a half animal tribe called Tasmanians, now extinct. The degenerate Australians were the only direct descend- ants of Lemuria at the close of the third root race. RACE COLOR The race that gave birth to the fourth root race came from the fourth subrace of the third root race when the color was modified to a light yellow. It was this class who became inoculated with magic and sin. Finally the brown and white races appeared, which with the yellow race form the bulk of humanity to-day. In the fourth subrace Will Power of the soul was strongly developed. In the fifth subrace human instinct or a lower principle of the mind was developed. Language could not develop until the divine spark had entered the soul, as the divine spark is the power of reason- ing and inspiration. 82 CHRISTIAN WISDOM In the sixth subrace the Lemurians built rock cities of lava and the first city was on the island of Madagascar. Scime of the people were civilized and some were savage. Wherever a black race of negro is found it is a strong indication of Lemurianism or animal descent. Through the upheaval of earthquakes and volcanoes the continent Lemuria in time was scattered into numerous islands. It was in this age that the earth's axis tilted, changing the climate and disposing of the second and early third root races. When Atlantis appeared the continent Lemuria was de- stroyed and most of it at the present time lies under the Indian Ocean. MAMMAL Mammals are animals that suckle their young and are grouped into 12 divisions. 1. Man Ape. 2. Ape. 3. Bat. 4. Mole and Hedgehog. 5. Cat, Dog, Bear, Lion. 6. Whale, Porpoise, Seal. 7. Rat, Hare, Beaver, and gnawing animals: 8. Anteater. Toothless. 9. Elephant, Horse, Hog. Thick skin. 10. Cattle, Camel, Deer. Cud chewers. ii. Kangaroo, Possum. Pouch. 12. One excretory orifice like a bird. (New Holland.) At present they are recognized as Hog, Ox, Horse, Ele- phant, Rhinoceros, etc. CHRISTIAN WISDOM 83 FOURTH ROOT RACE ATLANTEAN AGE The Atlantean continent of the fourth root race was slowly rising when the continent Lemuria of the third root race separated and became submerged. This continent embraced Africa, North Asia, China, India, North America, Ceylon, Burma, Persia^ Arabia, Syria, Spain, Italy, Greece, Abyssinia, Scotland, Ireland, South America, and all islands in the Atlantic and Mediter- ranean oceans. The inhabitants were mostly copper colored, ranging from giant to dwarf. Other races in this period were brown, red, black, yellow, and white. The lower forms when reaching humanity in this fourth root race were crude and called narrow headed. However, recent critics in their shallow review claim they were neglected by their advanced brethren and in consequence became the source of a terrible lesson to hu- manity — when the high despise and neglect the low. This was not so, but the working of experience in the physical body, called the law of Karma or natural law. As the law of Karma is evolution working naturally through the undeveloped soul, it would be " mockery in mourning " for the high initiates to sustain the burdens of others or cloak their iniquities from view and thus impede the natural growth of that soul. Remember that soul growth is a personal conquest ac- quired through self-respect and not the crutch of another's support to bear or bury your burdens. 84 CHBISTIAN WISDOM You alone are responsible and you alone will pay the penalty, as neither Jesus nor Divinity can assume your indebtedness. When those in authority exercise a recognition of moral and divine law, that recognition will be protection and en- couragement enough for even the lowest of humanity in any age to foster and follow. When advanced souls neglect to honor Divinity with a moral obligation toward humanity, that desertion is to Divinity and not to the ignorant or narrow headed. However, the reflection they cast upon mortal is self- evident when the vibrations reach the mentality of crude humanity. The only lasting remedy is a recognition of re- spect for the divine spark within one's own soul. That is the positive panacea. ^ As the fourth root race added the sense of taste to the physical, they became prominent as epicureans of pungent taste all through the Atlantean age, where powerful stimu- lants answered to the developing sense of taste, as they were unable to detect or even distinguish a delicacy of refinement in flavor. Putrid food was acceptable as delicious and filth was in no way objectionable unless offensive to the sight. The first of this race were descendants of Lemuria. It was substantially a human period when the men took wives fair to see and entirely human, though mentally they were limited to a material instinct. Later on this physical worship of personal appearance became rooted in phallicism or sex worship. In the giant races it provoked the shedding of human blood as the result of man realizing that the wife and daughter of his brethren were fairer than his own to look upon. CHRISTIAN WISDOM 85 It was a race who were first to sacrifice to the god of matter and self-worship, with an inborn knowledge of ma- terial things through the art of sorcery. There was a large variety of mortals, from the semi-divine teachers to the narrow-headed ape-like mortals. The wild men of Borneo, with their animal cries like giant apes of dull instinct, were a feature of the early subraces. Some of these moon progenitors, who developed robust and magnetic bodies, mated with the inferior females and thereby produced a progeny of a lower type. That is apparently so, but on serious reflection proved to be a higher calling, as the electric issue from the pro- genitors, mixing with the lower magnetism of the females, helped to purify these conditions. The seed sown in the physical would in time raise the magnetic races to a higher standard. It was a self-sacrifice to taint their own condition for the welfare of a future humanity. As the fourth root race was the point of struggle between the material and spiritual, a separation arose between the divine and those intoxicated with magnetic sensation. The purer electric element went north and the coarser magnetic element journeyed south and west. They worshiped matter in preference to spirit and be- came the later Atlantean fathers. It was in this race that matter reached its densest state in the human form. The first subrace drifted north and dwindled in size. 86 CHRISTIAN WISDOM The second subrace journeyed south and intermarried with the Lemurian descendants. n The third subrace included the advanced Neptune and Moon progenitors, after the first and second subraces were practically swept away in the convuls:ions of nature that destroyed most of Lemuria. They were a tall, handsome race of bronzed complexion, with well-knit frames and steel-like muscles that could twist a bar of iron with ease. They were free from nervous shocks or physical torture, as the nervous system was strong but dense. They lacked the sensitiveness of a refined nature, but possessed wonderful recuperative powers, as their rock-like flesh healed rapidly when bruised or cut. It was in this third subrace that there appeared the greatest of astronomers, who constructed the zodiac and handed it down to the later Atlanteans, who in turn passed it along to the Egyptians. They were proficient in chemistry and air ships, with the use of subtle forces and elementals. Gold was used for decorations and deadly vapors as an implement of war. Education was universal and adapted to the conditions of the student, as each province established a central col- lege to spread knowledge of all advancement. Those who were too aged for manual labor were used as teachers to instruct the young. Those of minor intelligence were adapted to tilling the soil and manufacturing purposes. The government supplied food and clothing for all. CHRISTIAN WISDOM 87 The Titian fathers of the third subrace were benefactors of mortal and lived for ages in the memory of the people. They were from Neptune and carefully trained the ex- moon soul teachers thoroughly to transmit the truth to humanity. When the first class of ex-moon souls reached this root race they were ready for physical development in a higher model. Progressing from the animal era there were seven classes who evolved into the fourth root race. In the fourth subrace the first, second, third, and fourth classes from the animal era were advanced enough to enter the human as savages. The fifth, sixth, and seventh classes from the animal era touch humanity only at the close of our present human era, incarnating as common humanity in the astral or fifth era. At present they are climbing up slowly through the ani- mal, vegetable, and mineral forms. In the fourth subrace the spirit fathers decided that humanity should be self-reliant, so a long line of adept kings followed in succession, who were descendants from the Titian fathers of the third subrace. A glittering sun of gold was the central object or symbol for the spirit sun. The worship was in chants or stately dances crowned with incense. In the golden temple was the white hall of initiation, which gave to the temple a supreme sanctity that made it the focus of spiritual power. 88 CHRISTIAN WISDOM As these Atlantean kings increased in power and the spirit fathers withdrew their influence, the nations fell into a weaker grasp, where changes were introduced in religion — as worship was exchanged for luxurious feasts and daz- zling spectacles. Jupiter. Later on the moon souls built a new temple with a rival emperor. They summoned to their aid the powerful mag- netic elements of the lower astral world to receive the offerings of the people, who were clad in glittering guise. The offering of slain animals was introduced, then licen- tiousness and lust of all kinds followed in spectacular and bloody sacrifice. It was the negativeness of the moon souls under the posi- tive personality of a Brahmin ruling, where " vengeance is mine " saith the Lord. The next downward step came when the chiefs pro- claimed themselves gods and the spiritual praise was turned to carved idols of the Azures. It became the great super-physical power of elementals, which increased during the closing subraces. ^ The brown and yellow Atlantean giants became steeped in Karmic magic and lingered down to the time of Moses as terrible sorcerers. These secrets in nature have become secret only in our fifth root race, as in the fourth root race the knowledge was public property. Souls were not permitted to enter the human kingdom from the animal form after the fourth subrace of the fourth root race, as the door was closed for that era. This is a most important point in each era, being a pivot- ing point of evolution. Advanced souls in the fourth root race were the first race to develop intuitive perception in the fourth subrace. CHRISTIAN WISDOM 89 ATLANTIS In the Atlantic Ocean, opposite the mouth of the Medi- terranean Sea, there existed a large island known in history as the lost Atlantis. It was an island that flourished until 9600 B. C, when in a convulsion of nature the island was submerged and nearly all the inhabitants perished, as but few survived to record the facts. Uranos, a moon soul and descendant of the Titian fathers, who were prominent at the close of the third root race, was the first known king of the human race on earth. He ruled over Atlantis in the fourth subrace of the fourth root race, which was recorded as the Titian empire of the Atlantean age. The Titian empire included the island of Atlantis and adjacent isles, with colonies extending from the Gulf of Mexico up the Mississippi River, the Pacific coast of South America, the Mediterranean Sea, the west coast of Africa, Europe, Australia, Asia, Persia, Arabia, Egypt, and India, in fact all the available land not under submersion. It was a powerful and populous empire that extended from Peru to Egypt. To the reasoning mortal it was a self-evident fact that Atlantis was a chosen country for the progenitors of the human race and was selected as the most available head- quarters for the advancement and cultivation of humanity, wherein the soul of mortal could unfold the soul prin- ciples of understanding while evoluting through the phys- ical conditions of the fourth root race. 90 CHRISTIAN WISDOM Such being a definite conclusion, Atlantis was the region where the inferior soul of mortal could rise from a state of barbarism to a point of human cultivation through the teaching of progenitors or superior souls. These preparatory steps were essential in order to initiate inferior souls as civilized beings, when they followed in the footsteps of their superiors later on as heirs and relatives in the physical forms already established in the root races. As the law of evolution is the only reasonable method for a perfect soul growth, then the soul must accede to the natural laws of nature even from the souFs primeval in- ception in matter. They evolute through the varied forms that are con- sistent with the mineral, vegetable, and animal kingdoms. Up to and approaching the human condition the soul guidance has been under the vibration of magnetic princi- ples both soul and physical. On entering the human form souls are just budding the electric soul principles. Therefore an intermediate physical step must be recognized and established in order to dispose or remove the excess organic magnetic slag that would naturally cling to inferior souls when they leave the wild animal habitation for the human kingdom. This is accomplished, as previously described, in the fourth subrace of the third root race. The irrepressible male mortal mates with the female mammal to propagate an intermediate physical species known as the ape. This prepared an outlet for the excessive flow of animal slag that would otherwise destroy the human physical effect and continue the characteristics of the animal spe- cies indefinitely. CHRISTIAN WISDOM 91 Gradually these gross magnetic characteristics are suffi- ciently refined to permit the introduction of the divine elec- tric spark and the human characteristics are permanently adjusted, beginning in the fourth root race. It is at this critical period that the cultivation of the human race developed through the leadership of superior souls until the close of the sixth soibrace in the fourth root race, when the sudden withdrawal of these advanced souls from incarnating in the flesh as race leaders compelled the inferior souls of mortal to assume the forsaken leadership which was their birthright. Unfortunately the summit of cultivation reached by supe- rior effort was lost through the gradual adulteration of degenerate mannerisms from these inferior rulers and the cause of humanity was suspended for ages to come in the throes of chaos and confusion by Brahmin and Melchizedek. Through a lack of poise and the exercise of wisdom these inferior souls were unprepared to appreciate the responsi- bility of their power or the ability to resist the magnetic flow of overwhelming force, and the inevitable crash through greed and strife terminated the abuse of their op- portunities in the closing subraces of the fourth root race. The resurrection from these ashes is still an enigma for future generations to sift and solve. According to the review of historical critics, these pro- genitors or superior souls were over-confident in feeling that their mission of initiation had been thoroughly exe- cuted and permanently established, and were somewhat premature in withdrawing their leadership from the service of humanity. That it was a part of the divine plan unknown to mortal I do not question, but this I do know as a self-evident fact — the gradual preparation and the gradual separation are the only true and logical law of evolution. 92 CHRISTIAIT WISDOM Otherwise a revolution is precipitated that sooner or later spells disaster, with a realization that an " ounce of preven- tion " is worth a pound of cure. The history of our fifth root race, so forcibly expressed in ancient history and biblical translation under the rem- nant Atlantean heirs, is open to all honest investigators who are earnestly seeking a rational solution. For the past, usually chronicled as veiled in deep mys- tery, is easily penetrated by the ordinary consistent thinker if permitted to think — or courageous and persistent enough when free from the crushing influence of creedal customs that are governed by Jupiter. As the preceding analysis is a sufficient portrayal relat- ing to the human organism and soul growth, the next im- portant consideration is to enumerate the conditions and the alignment of rulers who were instrumental in promot- ing the Atlantean age in the fourth root race. ATLANTEAN KINGS GENEALOGY The Titian fathers were progenitors from the seventh subrace of the third root race. Their descendants were the Titian kings of Atlantis in the fourth subrace of the fourth root race. Uranos was the first king, with five chosen children who presided over certain domains of territory as follows. Titian, Spiritual: China, Greece, Rome. Oceanus, Spiritual: America, Peru. Atlas, Spiritual: North Africa, Egypt. Cyclops, Occult: Asia, Arabia, India, Persia. Chronos, Occult: Italy, Sicily, Spain. ^ i CHRISTIAN WISDOM 93 Chronos had three chosen children. Poseidon: Europe. Zeus: Asia. Pluto : America. Poseidon had ten chosen children as ten kingdoms of Atlantis. Gades, Ampheres, Evaemon, Antochlion, Elasipysus, Mneseus, Mestor, Azoes, Diaprepes, Atlas. Zeus had six chosen children. Hermes, Hercules, Apollo, Dionysus, Athena, Demeter. Enoch was the first born in Genesis, 24,000 years ago. Noah was a grandson of Enoch, who was a descendant of Hermes. Noah was the best qualified earth soul to direct progress- ing conditions at that period. This IS historical reference, over which I assume no re- sponsibility whatsoever. In time Uranus was deposed from his throne, it being the custom in those days, and retreated to Italy. He was succeeded by his son Chronos, who in turn later on was likewise dethroned by his own children — Poseidon, Zeus, Pluto. Chronos or Saturn, as he was called, established industry and social order with peace, pleasure, and plenty. It was known in Italy as the golden age during the fourth subrace. Later on the separation of this immense Titian empire was divided between Chronos's three chosen sons — Poseidon, Zeus, Pluto. 94 CHRISTIAN WISDOM Poseidon, the eldest son of Chronos, ruled over At- lantis proper and the ocean islands, with colonies extending along the Mediterranean, Egypt, Greece, Italy, Africa, and Corinth. ^ Zeus ruled over Asia, Arcadia, Persia, Arabia, India, and part of Italy. Pluto ruled over Spain, Peru, and America. During the reign of Zeus civilization reached a high state of advancement. Zeus was recognized as father of the whole world at that time, being noted for his honesty, kindness, faithfulness, and energetic power. After the death of Zeus his son Dionysus succeeded him and traveled all over the known world, completing the con- quest of India and establishing more colonies for the growth of humanity. Poseidon married Cleito, and from the union issued ten chosen children, among whom he divided his empire. Each child had a separate domain, with Atlas as a supreme ruler over all, from whom Atlantis was named. Poseidon was in reality the first ruler of Atlantis after the overthrow of the Titian empire. Poseidon fell heir to Atlantis proper and all the ocean islands, excelling as a maritime and commercial ruler. He was first to domesticate the horse and founded many colonies along the Mediterranean, including Athens and Troy. Athens he named after Athena, the chosen daughter of Zeus, whom history has credited with planting the first olive tree in Athens. CHRISTIAN WISDOM 95 Atlas, a Jupiter soul, the son of Poseidon, succeeded his father and was known as the supreme ruler. He governed with excellent ability and advancement, being the last of the advanced progenitors to maintain a satisfactory standard. From the ruling of Atlas a gradual deterioration was perceptible, especially in historic comparisons. The solution is plain, for Atlas was a Jupiter soul, which gave Brahmin the opportunity of an opening wedge to se- cure a foothold on the customs and ruling of humanity. Gradually the Brahmin code of a selfish personality has become dominant, until to-day the crisis has been reached and the dawn of a righteous future is fast approaching from the overtTirow of Brahmin in the spring of 19 1 6. As an interesting fact it is well to note that these ancient kings were quite pronounced in possessing unlimited fami- lies of miscellaneous unfoldment. The children who were not designated as " chosen rulers " or " superior beings " played an equally important mission by commingling with inferior and common races. This was to multiply the cause of humanity with a graded populace and establish the intermediate classes of organic magnetism as a preparation for the entrance of all souls in the human form, with a grading from the serf condition to a superior type of mortal. The ancient kings, being advanced souls with a progres- sive purpose, encouraged virtue and scorned vice. But, from the intermingling and initiating of undeveloped souls into their families and followers, gradually that purified condition began to fade. When the excess of crude magnetic physical qualities of human nature secured the upper hand of their spiritual purpose, then virtue was buried in greed and strife. 96 CHRISTIAN WISDOM So in our time it is only history repeating itself in a different age, with corresponding opportunities and cor- responding results. Who then in their saner moments can doubt the truth of Atlantis existing in a primeval age of civilization and evoluting until a remedy is effected with refinement and understanding? When the great Atlantean continent in part suddenly dis- appeared, an enormous gap was left, which was as quickly replaced by the receding waters that had previously cov- ered the deserts of Sahara, Brazil, etc. This completed the American and European continents and established as well the great Atlantic Ocean as it is to-day. What is now Sicily at one time lay deep beneath the sea until it apparently arose 3000 feet above the sea level. The Australian archipelago, strictly speaking, is nothing but the mountain tops of a submerged continent, reaching from India to South America, called Lemuria, where the human race originated until the fourth root race. The original Australians are proof of this fact, where the irresponsible mortal and animal mated to produce a semi- human species. The Atlanteans represented two distinct races. One was a dark brown, reddish race akin to Central America, Peru, North Africa, and Egypt, being mostly souls of the earth origin. CHBISTIAN WISDOM 97 The other was a white race akin to the Celts, Greeks, Romans, Scandinavians, and Goths, with a soul inheritance from Neptune and the Moon. Physically the dark race was of a smaller type, while the white race was of a larger build. They were the first founders of art and the sciences, colo- nizers, navigators, and merchants, as their civilization was established when Egypt was young. In fact every line of blood and belief dates back to Atlantis. On both sides of the Atlantic we find precisely the same conditions in science, religion, customs, and traditions, as many customs that once existed on both hemispheres are found only in America at the present time. The similarity of animals and plants in Europe with America proves beyond question that at one time Atlantis must have been one strip of land. If on both sides of the Atlantic customs were found to be substantially the same, the inhabitants must have de- scended from a common source. After the passing of Poseidon the gradual deterioration of Atlantean tribes became apparent until the conclusion of the Atlas period, when a rapid degeneration undermined the principles as set forth by the Neptune fathers, although in the east of Asia the effect was not so noticeable. Earth soul magicians of the darkest type in the closing subraces imposed a reign of terror over the land they ruled with the aid of half-breed women, who were survivors of the Lemurian third root race. 98 CHBISTIAN WISDOM They produced powerful monsters with brute strength and cunning, who were used as bodyguards or messengers. This estabUshed two forces, one representing the mag- netic or material power and the other representing the electric or spiritual force. The magnetic power, being augmented in numbers, was an early indication of Jupiter ruling, which represented the undeveloped or progressing earth souls who were drawn to physical matter and easily dominated in morals and cus- toms by the Brahmin code. When the golden temple was destroyed the Jupiter ele- ment ruled, as after this event sorcery spread in all direc- tions and the coarsest stage of materiality was reached, which is conspicuous to this day in the European war. The religion of Atlantis was the sun worship of Sirius, with the sacrifice of fruit and flowers. It was also the primitive religion of America. The Hindus, Egyptians, and Peruvians also worshiped the sun, as sun worship existed until the time of St. Patrick. The Gauls and Goths were a religious people who loaned money with the proviso that it was redeemable after death. The fifth subrace were earth souls called Semitic giants, of brutal force, with a turbulent and quarrelsome nature, who became the seed of the present fifth root race. The sixth subrace was born after the first Atlantis submersion. The seventh subrace or Mongolian earth souls developed from the Turanian giants of the fourth subrace, and from these came the inland Chinese, but not those of the coast or Japanese, as they evolved from a later extract. The Malays, Thibetans, Hungarians, Finns, Eskimos, and Red Indians have Mongolian blood in their physical body. CHBISTIAN WISDOM 99 Many of the seventh subrace went to Asia Minor and Greece. They became identified in the development of the second subrace in the fifth root race, known to history as Phoenicians. The majority of humanity to-day is descended from the seventh subrace of earth souls, who were renowned for their magic power and wickedness in defiance of the spirit guides. It was the degenerate descendants of the seventh subrace that built the first pyramids. They knew the coming of the floods and constructed sub- passages and retreats to preserve their mysteries. The pyramids of Egypt were not built alone by bone and muscle or apparatus. They were raised by those who un- derstood and could control the elements, so that the stone lost its physical weight and floated, being guided by the touch of a finger to place it in position. The second flood or deluge ended the fourth root race as the fifth root race was budding. It is the fate of all conti- nents when the magnetic goodness is extracted from the land without a proper restitution or a return in worthy liv- ing by mortal with respect for Divinity. 100 CHBISTIAN WISDOM COMPARISONS BETWEEN THE AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN CUSTOMS OF THE PAST Both worshiped the sun, moon, and planets. Both believed in immortality of the soul. Both counted by decimals. Both had the order of knighthood. Both had a resemblance in architecture. Both had bards and minstrels. Both drank toasts and invoked blessings. Both had caste, where the father's trade came to the son. Both had weapons that were similar. A year was 12 months. Agriculture was the principal industry. Society in Egypt was similar to our own. The Jews and Mexicans were identical in customs. The Mongolians and Indians were both minus a heavy beard. The Indian and Welsh languages were similar. The Egyptians and Mexicans had 365 days and six hours for the year, with one extra day every four years. Modern science differs only 50 seconds in a year. The Phoenician alphabet was the same as the Majas of America. The order of women called nuns was bound to celibacy. NEGROES The Negroes cannot be traced as physical descendants of Noah. They were earth souls evolving from the animal form. It will take many generations before their physical bodies of coarse, crude, magnetic animal issue are thoroughly ab- sorbed in intermingling and soul development. CHRISTIAN WISSOM, 101 BIBLE The Bible does not include the Negro, Chinese, Japanese, Finn, Australian, or American Redmen. The Bible refers chiefly to the Aryans, Cushites, Phoe- nicians, Hebrews, and Egyptians. How can the Bible be a universal book of Divinity with so many nationalities omitted? If Divinity is universal as a part within each and every human soul, then how can Divinity be divided by neglect- ing the other nations unless parallel teachings on identical lines are substituted? If Divinity did not authorize the Bible as a universal prop, who did? and how responsible are they as universal leaders ? If the Bible has inconsistent and unreliable teachings, how can cultured souls bow to the iniquity of credulous anecdotes when the avenue of investigation and consistent reasoning is free to all who dare honor the truth by openly confessing the same? The processional and professional automaton of to-day is but the shadow of fading antiquity floating on, as the approaching dawn of reason will unlock the opportunity of a truly righteous soul and genuine Christian soldier. Then wake up and take notice* ^02,...;;. ; ;PH6iSTiAN wisdom 1 FIFTH ROOT RACE As Europe at this period was the continent to achieve distinction, the fifth root race was purely a European development. It was prominent in unfolding the sense of smell, which completed the five physical senses in common with all humanity at the present time. Humanity of the first subrace was yellow, brown, black, red, and white, as the moon-colored feature had entirely disappeared in the deluge of the fourth .root race. The Hindus under Gautama Buddha (Jesus) were pro- genitors of the fifth root race with mind development of intellect as their all-absorbing purpose. Buddha was unquestionably responsible for the progeny of earth souls in the fifth root race in Central Asia. The first subrace, called the Aryans, emigrated to North India, where they received an understanding of the zodiac. The second subrace, called Semitic, went to Arabia, As- syria, Afghanistan, Syria, Babylonia, Egypt, and Greece. The third subrace was lonians, Persians, Arabians, and Egyptians. The instructors of the third subrace were forbidden the worship of planets or star angels as a consequence of the abuse which had occurred in connection with them. It was an inclination to idolize materialism instead of spiritualism. CHRISTIAN WISPOTVP •-?..*,'•:• li>3 The wise men of Persia, called magi, followed chemistry more than astrology or astronomy, on account of agricul- ture, to which the lonians were devoted. The fourth subrace, called Keltic, was led by Orpheus and settled in Greece, France, Italy, Ireland, Scotland, and England. This subrace witnessed the final destruction of Atlantis 11,000 years ago. The fifth subrace, which is our race at the present time, will decide whether the earth planet will live or run out and perish as did the moon planet. At present they are spreading all over the visible world — North and South America, Australia, Europe, Africa, New Zealand, and all known parts, but they shall pass away and the sixth subrace rise where North America stands to-day. The sequel is Neptune leaders, moon teachers, and earth souls progressing to establish a universal brotherhood, as- sisted by the worthy souls of other planet origin. It is approximated that each family race lasts about 3000 years and each subrace lasts 21,000 years, making a total of 150,000 years for a complete root race. This computa- tion has been applied to the earlier root races, but the introduction of each physical sense to each root race diminishes the time in accordance with the degree of elec- tric soul force that circulates in the atmosphere. At present the estimation is computed from various angles which are purely speculative and governed by condi- tions of time. Americans are the germ seed of the sixth subrace, as each subrace overlaps the other. 104 f . ; '■J ; . ' '. [ : [ ^ijRISiriAN- WISDOM The process of preparation for the sixth root race will last through the sixth and seventh subraces of the fifth root race. The last remnant of the fifth continent will not disappear until after the birth of the sixth root race, which will grad- ually outgrow the heavy flesh conditions to a more astral body. The Formarians settled in Ireland from Asia about 3000 B. C. Ireland knew of the Atlantis submersion, but was not affected by it. The mariner's compass came from Atlantis to Arabia. SIXTH ROOT RACE The sixth root race will be identified with an American development, as America will be the continent to promote intellectual and moral soul growth. It will be prominent in developing the sixth sense of intuition, a higher, clearer mind unfoldment of reasoning with a perfect understanding. This race will possess a perfect form, with the higher intellect of keen reasoning. CHHISTIAN WISDOM 105 SEVENTH ROOT RACE The seventh root race will be identified with the original continent called Sacred Land. The seventh root race will be prominent in expressing the seventh sense of inspiration. This is a divine guidance to complete the senses through the instrument of an astral human organism. The physical molders of the astral organism of the fifth astral era will be the intellectual builders of Neptune. 106 CHRISTIAN WISDOM ^ PHYSICAL NATURE FILM Fundamentally the atoms of man and animal are the same, with the exception that man has a living Divinity within his soul. Spirit essence is the soul life until the human form is reached, when the divine spark gives to the soul spirit life with a mind development. Organic life is a temporary or secondary power of phys- ical force from the crude electric nature called hydrogen. A film is the root of all form and the small fly that stays for an hour is the nearest thing to film that has life within it. Every organ is a castle and in the seventh sphere the power within it shines without. Spiritual protoplasm is electric fluid. Material protoplasm is organic magnetism. Science divides the periods as follows. 1. Primordial epoch. Shell, mineral, seaweed. Marine life. 2. Primary epoch. Fern, forest, fish, reptile. 3. Secondary epoch. Chalk, mammal, animal, bird. 4. Tertiary epoch. Placental mammal. 5. Quaternary epoch. Mortal. CHBISTIAN WISDOM 107 Sea monsters are the result of evil conditions that arise from ground covered by oceans which were formerly con- tinents and peopled by degenerate magnetic mortals. This is the method by which the laws of nature scatter the evil influence in the atom, while the soil is being re- plenished with magnetism from the oxygen in water and electricity from the hydrogen in water that is characteristic of the ocean. It is a cleansing process for the Atom of Matter, which is not responsible. The cleansing of the Soul Atom through remorse is held strictly accountable. With the increasing temperature of organic heat mortals die first, while insects and reptiles are the last to expire. Primitive man of the fifth root race was divided into three pronounced types. Europe: Aryan or Caucasian. Asia : Mongolian. Africa: Ethiopian. All the physical organs of the human body are coils of substance and, unless the astral is filled in to become ethe- real, the weight at death sinks the whole body back to earth as earthbound. Each part of the human body can be produced by seed in the astral, as the root is within the seed. The human body is composed of solid and fluid. Fluid being more abundant in youth, it gives softness and pliancy to the flesh. In old age the flesh is dry and hard. 108 CHEISTIAN WISDOM The human skeleton has 208 bones. Thirty bones in head: skull 8, face 14, ears 8. Fifty-four bones in body: ribs 24, spine 24, hips 4, tongue I, chest i. Sixty-four bones in upper limbs. Sixty bones in lower limbs. THE COMPLEX BODY OF SEVEN There are seeds of races and seeds of vegetation, but in reality it is a quality of organic magnetism. There are seven bodies that make up the human body, each one of which is capable of separation ; but when united it is complete within itself and called the complex mortal. - 1. The outer skin or epidermis, ruled by Venus. 2. The inner skin, ruled by Venus. 3. The veins, ruled by Jupiter. 4. The arteries, ruled by Jupiter. 5. The nerves physical, ruled by Moon and Mercury. (Brain.) 5. The nerves astral, ruled by Neptune and Herschel. (Mind.) 6. The muscles, ruled by Mars. 7. The bones (skeleton), ruled by Saturn. The magnetic sun supplies the hydrogen for the organic life of the physical body. Constitution. This is a distinct ruling from the astral body, as the astral body occupies the space between the atoms in the human physical body. Between all atoms there is space, recognized as being porous. The human body has 12 centers. 1. Hand power. 7. Breathing power. 2. Feet power. 8. Seeing power. 3. Speech power. g. Hearing power. 4. Excretive power. 10. Feeling power. 5. Generative power. 11. Tasting power. 6. Digestive power. 12. Smelling power. CHKISTIAN WISDOM 109 SEVEN INCARNATIONS The seven incarnations in the physical human structure for the soul are as follows. 1. Pleasure, ruled by Venus and Jupiter. Magnetic. 2. Wealth, ruled by Jupiter and Venus. Magnetic. 3. Power, ruled by Mars. Magnetic. 4. Atonement, ruled by Saturn. Electric and Magnetic. 5. Enlightenment, ruled by Sirius (sun), Mercury, and Neptune. Partial under- standing. Electric. 6. Unfoldment, ruled by Sirius, Herschel, and Neptune. Perfect understanding. Electric. 7. Wisdom, ruled by Sirius and Neptune. Polish. Electric. After the third incarnation of the soul in the human body the soul begins to realize that there is a spark of Divinity within itself. The four elements of the physical body are 1. Oxygen Water Magnetism 2. Nitrogen Air Magnetism 3. Carbon Earth (pulp) Magnetism 4. Hydrogen Fire Electricity The human body has four vital organic centers. 1. Heart: Soul and divine spark. 2. Brain: Mind.* 3. Solar Plexus: Passions, also the astral in Christian Science healing. 4. Sex organs: Seed of germination. NERVE SYSTEM The nerve system is composed of two distinct rulings for cooperation and unity. One is for the physical and one is for the astral. 110 CHRISTIAN WISDOM The cerebro-spinal or brain and spinal cord, including the five senses of intellect, is for the physical body. The sympathetic ganglion of nerve cells, filled with ex- crement, is for the astral body to draw from. A portion of the nerves start from the brain base and run to the eye, ear, and tongue, while another and a larger part spring from the spinal cord and run down the back- bone over the body and lower extremities. One part produces feeling or sensation. One part produces motion. Both kinds are widely distributed over the body. Those that spring from the spinal cord have two roots, one uniting with the back and one uniting with the front part of the cord. When you cut the back root the connecting part becomes numb, without feeling, although it has motion. When you cut the front root the connecting part becomes palsied, without motion, although it has feeling. An effect produced on the brain or mind through a nerve is called sensation, the same as hunger, thirst, pain, heat, cold, or sympathy. A strong sensation is the feeling of emotion or passion from the extreme of pleasure to pain. BRAIN The brain is a mass of nervous matter made up of three parts — the cerebrum, cerebellum, medulla oblongata. The cerebrum is the larger part at top of the skull. The cerebellum is the smaller part at base of the skull. The medulla oblongata is at the top of the spinal cord, like a bulb as a support, and furnishes nutriment for the brain. CHRISTIAN WISDOM 111 The spinal cord is the path of the five senses and extends from the medulla down to the second lumbar vertebra. It is a column that is divided between motion and sensation. The spinal cord is in the astral body, minus the organs and functions, being astralized by an ether fire or electric fluid. The spinal cord consists of the cranial nerves for the face and upper body, while the spinal nerves are for the body and lower extremities. Cranial nerves go out from the brain in 12 pairs. First pair : Nose, sense of smell. Second pair: Optic nerve, sight. Third pair: Muscle of the eye. Fourth pair: Muscle of the eye. Fifth pair: Three branches Eye, forehead, nose. Eye, teeth, upper jaw. Eye, teeth, tongue, lower jaw. Sixth pair : External eye muscle. Seventh pair: Internal ear. Eighth pair: Facial muscles. Ninth pair: Tongue and throat. Tenth pair: Pharynx, larynx, stomach, lungs, spleen, liver, pancreas, bowels. Eleventh pair: Muscles of neck. Twelfth pair: Tongue as the motion nerve for wagging. Spinal nerves have 31 pairs, connecting with the spinal cord, composed of 31 sensitive and 31 motion roots sheathed in one column, branched into cervical (neck), brachial (chest), dorsal, back, extremities, lumbar, loins, sacral, etc. 112 CHRISTIAN WISDOM ^ SYMPATHETIC SYSTEM FOR THE ASTRAL The sympathetic system for the astral consists of a series of nerve stations extending on each side of the spine from the head, terminating at the end of the spinal column. The number is estimated at 49, although seven are recog- nized as predominant factors. They are called involuntary and act while asleep or awake, forming a knotted chain except at the neck. These knots are composed of medullary matter, with each ganglion or knot as a center, that connects with branches to all the internal organs. They are called enunciators for the astral body to work through as a connecting link between the soul and the physical body. . The sympathetic ganglion of nerves preside over nutri- tion and secretion for the astral nature. The brain nerves preside over motion and sensation for the physical nature. Protoplasmic vapor is the original in cell substance, which moves along the nerves almost as a part of them and yet separate, which is moderated and adjusted by electricity. THE SEVEN GANGLIA OR NERVE STATIONS OF THE SYMPATHETIC SYSTEM 1. Sacral or rectum, at the base of the spine. 2. Prostatic or sex organs. 3. Epigastric or solar plexus. (The umbilical cord.) 4. Cardiac or heart and lungs. 5. Pharyngeal or throat and larynx. (The highest of sympathies.) 6. Cavernous or front of brain between the eyes. 7. Pineal or base of brain back of the ears. CHRISTIAN WISDOM 113 Nerves are as materialized electricity which branches through the body and carries sensation with messages out into words. A nerve is a string of electric atoms, whether in a human body, along the trunk of a tree, or running down a frog's back. The whole system of nerves is atomized electricity com- bined in a little sheath. The nerves carry the mind, whether instinct or intel- ligence. If the nerves were all taken out of bodies, there would be no transition of intelligence, for things would be mere toadstools or pulp. Nerves are conductors of force from one earth condition to another. In mediums they are nerve rails buried deep within the flesh so as to keep steady and flash back an unseen mean- ing by impulse, either in talking or writing. The coils of ganglia lie dormant until roused to activity through external forces, which energize the slow magnetic pulp nature with emotion and passion until acted upon by the will power, which is the electric essence of the soul. Herein lies the secret of conquest, for he who can con- quer the will power of self is greater than he who taketh a city. The coils of ganglia are physical avenues for the develop- ment of soul magnetic principles through the astral body. In the early stages of incarnation they are subject to ex- ternal rulings through instinct and the electric influence of a crude will power until the experience garnered from in- carnations and rebirths evolves an intelligent soul able to cope with the organic magnetism of the physical structure. To bear no cross is to wear no crown. 114 CHRISTIAN WISDOM The seven ganglia in the human body to a primitive soul are loose and slack, but to a seasoned soul they are tense and vibrant like the strings on a harp, having molded them into character and poise. In the early stages of soul unfoldment, when the soul was sheathed in the physical body, the organic magnetism composing the physical body was predominant. This was due to the five physical senses that corresponded and cooperated with the undeveloped magnetic principles in the soul essence. As the magnetic principles are developed first, then the magnetic conditions are supreme in organic law. When the organic magnetic physical influence is ex- pressed from an external force, the internal soul influence can be expressed only from a spirit desire of understanding. As the soul in youth is ignorant and unseasoned, these external and magnetic forces must be brought into moral subjection and reason before spirituality can be considered, much less understood or appreciated. It is the nerve sys- tem of vibrations that plays the important part as a soul enunciator through the visible expression of the human structure. In arousing the soul to activity by external impressions the vibration created is transported by soul tubes running along the marrow, from the spinal terminus to the base of the brain and acted upon by the mind principle according to the degree of mental unfoldment. If undeveloped mind it would be through instinct and graded from that to a spiritual awakening. CHRISTIAN WISDOM 115 The currents of the soul and the channels they pursue are called tubes. The three principal ones originate from the base of the spine and extend to the base of the cranium or skull. At this point one branches to the front in con- junction with the sixth or cavernous ganglion between the eyes, while the other branches to the back of the brain in conjunction with the seventh or pineal ganglion. The direct current continues oti to the top of the head, called the open door, where the vibrations pass out as ac- cepted or rejected thought. The three soul currents form a cross in the brain. A soul vibration, passing along the spinal marrow through each of the five ganglion stations en route, takes on a corresponding influence from a sympathetic ganglion. This causes a surging sensation that is due to an in- creased voltage until it reaches the brain, where the soul vibration branches, as the case may be, and passes out at the open door in the cranium with accepted or rejected thought. The seventh or pineal ganglion is a small conical dark- gray body situated in the back of the brain behind the extremity of the third ventricle in a groove between the nates. lie CHRISTIAN WISDOM ASTRAL EYE AND RETINA It is supposed to be an organ of spiritual vision when used by higher soul forces and is termed the third eye of the seer as keen perception. What is seen by the physical eye is reflected on the retina, and it is on the retina that the astral eye through the pineal gland sees the reflection as well. A spirit occupying the body of a medium can see the reflection on the retina in the same way. As the soul vibration reaches the brain the psychic colors are seen in the higher psychic unfoldment and there follows a clear consciousness of understanding. The perception is exalted above the five senses to realize Universal Law. The fifth ganglion (throat) is directly related to the lower creative centers, shown by the change of voice in puberty and castration. (Soft.) The sixth ganglion (called cavernous, between the eyes in front for intuition) is related to the cerebro-spinal axis and the five senses. It is an electric force which subdues the magnetic influ- ence of the spinal system, being a point of auric light where the color reveals the spiritual status of each individual. If the light is golden yellow it is good and spiritual. If the light is dull red or green it is gross and material. The seventh ganglion or pineal gland, at the base of the brain back of the ears, is pliable, being the focal point of all the forces in the nerve system and of the aura. It is here that they come to an equilibrium, where reigns the mystic silence of inspiration and exaltation. The pituitary or gland organ of unknown function that supplies the mucus for the nasal membrane is also a crea- tive organ for the brain. CHRISTIAN WISDOM 117 When energized it touches on the pineal gland, that awakens dual faculties, and a wrong use means moral de- struction to the unpurified psychic or medium. It affects also the sight by connecting with the optic nerve. When a medium returns to consciousness the soul vibra- tion recedes to the solar plexus. As each ganglion is awakened, corresponding psychic (soul) colors intermingle as in an opal. When the psychic senses of hearing and smell are aroused, odors of incense are perceptible and sounds are heard. The many glands and ganglia are storages for the future astral body. The sacral ganglion is a strong magnetic force that reaches the brain and to the undeveloped causes fear or blind suppression. The wag of a dog's tail is operated from this ganglion. At death nature draws the magnetic fire of the ganglion first and all the lines of sensation running down the nerves. It is fragile and resembles seaweed as it rises in the air, being scarcely substance because of its white fire. It is so active that the membrane is being spun before reaching the astral world, and again it will remain for weeks in embryo as only nerve sight. The pineal or seventh ganglion is known as the divine eye or the chief organ of spirituality in the human brain. It is the seat of genius, which opens all the avenues of truth to those who know how to use it. 118 CHBISTIAN WISDOM n BRAIN The optic, ear, and tongue nerves begin at the base of the brain. The nerves are acted upon by external forces that trans- mit sensation to the brain, which in turn forces the muscles to act. The brain is the temporary or physical registering organ of memory, but not memory itself, as the soul is the seat of memory through the divine spark. The brain embodies sensations to every part of the sys- tem, and by examining certain muscles or organs one can tell which spot in the brain is affected. Every cell in the brain is a piano key to some part of the body, and by turning the scalp skin, then passing over the key and at the same time touching the body at the point of disease, a response is evident. The insanity cure comes under this law. The brain is understood in the spirit world, for insanity can be cured with mind pus, where the diseased parts which afflicted mortal on earth are restored. At death the brain organ becomes pasty by closing the connecting doors that existed when life was present — be- tween the pineal organ of perception and the pituitary gland. The brain of high intellect is of silver yellow. The brain of low intellect is of grayish yellow. Each minute portion of the heart corresponds to parts of the brain, and wherever there are nerves you will find cor- responding blood vessels. The system of blood vessels is an exact picture of the nerve system like unto a shadow. CHRISTIAN WISDOM 119 Corresponding to the heart, the brain has an upper and a lower division. The heart branches into 12 tubes for blood. The brain branches into 12 pairs of nerves that coincide with the 12 signs of the zodiac. The navel is the seat of astral life. The heart is the seat of organic life. The soul is the seat of spirit life. These conditions are in the human organism. Science is the law of nature as physical mathematics. Reason is the law of Divinity as spiritual mathematics. The principal difference between the spinal and the car- diac centers is that the spinal runs crosswise, while the cardiac runs lengthwise, forming a cross. HEART Prana is the magnetic sun vibration. The influence of the magnetic prana develops two cur- rents of action in gross matter that form the human body. One is the brain. One is the heart. The heart is the most important organ in the human body, as the spot in the heart last of all to expire is the seat of organic life. When a Yogi is buried alive in a trance, as long as this spot lives the Yogi can be resurrected. The heart is also the center of spirit consciousness when the soul is within the physical body. 120 CHRISTIAN WISDOM The heart has four lower cavities and three higher divi- sions, being seldom lost except by dynamite. The heart is a hollow muscular organ to keep the circu- lation of blood in the organic life. BLOOD CIRCULATION Vital air comes through the aorta. Arteries are round tubes more muscular than the veins. The right side of the heart flows blood to the lungs through the veins. The left side of the heart flows blood to the system of arteries all over the body. The passage of blood from the left side of the heart through the aorta and arteries to all parts of the body and back to the right side is the greater circulation of arteries. The passage of blood from the right side of the heart through the veins to the lungs and back to the left side is the smaller circulation of veins. Pulmonary veins bring dark purple blood from the lungs to the left side of the heart after it is made red and vital by meeting atmospheric air in the lungs. LACTEALS AND FOOD Capillaries are vessels between the ends of veins and arteries that carry the red blood from the arteries and take the living particles out of the blood to vitalize the body. It is then passed along to the veins and carried to the lungs for purification. CHBISTIAN WISDOM 121 Lacteals are small vessels in the bowels that convey the chyle or fatty matter of food to the blood by a large vein connecting with the right side of the heart. Chyme is food. Chyle is the goodness extracted, which is taken up from the bowels by the lacteals and gradually changed into blood. It is then carried to a large vein in the lower part of the neck after going through the lungs and being poured into the blood to become material from which our bodies are hourly transformed. Food is digested with gastric juice that resembles spring water. It flows only a certain amount and when one is sick the flow is diminished. A cheerful disposition produces this juice, showing that harmony of being is one of the secrets to retain physical health as well as an efficient will power. The brain requires more blood than any other part of the system. An active brain is conducive to long life. Some food makes blood and tissue, while other food makes fat. One tenth part of foul air vitiates the blood and causes dizziness. Jesus' blood was the same as all others in order to have breathed oxygen. Earth is a blood planet with low pulse of electric fire. Anger acts on the blood. Passion. Fear acts on the nerve. Solar plexus. 122 CHRISTIAN WISDOM Mother love is due to blood masjnetism or a physical relationship, while soul love is based on justice and honor with a universal understanding. Anger rouses the secretion and produces bile, which poisons the physical system and disharmonizes the men- tality by draining the system spiritually. LIVER The liver takes carbon (magnetism) out of the blood to make bile for digestion and change the blood on its way back to the heart. SPLEEN The spleen is the reservoir for surplus blood of the liver. It is an organ formed to pass off poisoned conditions from a deranged liver. All that the liver fails to perform is taken up by the spleen and accomplished. LUNGS The lungs lie on each side of the heart as a repository organ to introduce oxygen into the system and remove carbonic acid. The lungs come into existence by the alternate working of the positive and negative pranas — blood as the mag- netic, nerve as the electric. Nobody is in exact health unless the electric and mag- netic beat in regular order. CHRISTIAN WISDOM 123 Muscles are bundles of fiber, 500 in a body, that obey the will power. All muscles and bones are mere projections of the nerve cell. The occult is governed by will power and not Divinity. KIDNEYS The kidneys lie one on each side of the backbone like a kidney bean. They are used for passing urine to the bladder and for taking away the worn-out particles con- taining nitrogen. SOLAR PLEXUS The physical center of the nerve system is the solar plexus, which is situated back of the stomach. It has an action on the physical body that is similar to the action of the magnetic sun on the planet system. It radiates a magnetic force which is organic life and is positively a link between the physical and the astral bodies. It obeys the slightest suggestion from the brain and is sometimes called the emotional brain, having such a re- sponsive nature. In fact any startling event or fear will create a sudden sinking at the pit of the stomach. The sinking sensation implies that the brain has com- municated to the solar plexus a thought expressing fear, grief, or violent emotion of a depressing nature and the opposite of joy. If the brain is active it will often feel a depression, as it causes the nerves of the solar plexus to collapse or be- come flat and inactive. 124 CHRISTIAN WISDOM Stop generating the magnetic force and the entire body and brain will feel like a flower in need of light when the sun has ceased to shine. The strongest chart significator in a horoscope for the solar plexus is the planet ruling the sign on the midheaven or a planet situated near the cusp. Saturn heliocentrically has ruled the midheaven as the final turnkey of the solar plexus in all horoscopes. It is Saturn whose mission is to weigh one in the bal- ance through the solar plexus from a physical standpoint. Every thought of a depressing nature, such as fear, worry, jealousy, or hatred and self-depreciation, goes straight from the brain to the solar plexus, weakening and contracting it, like one who has wilted from exhaustion. The more sensitive the system is to good impressions received and sent out from the brain, the more readily it will respond to beneficial thought messages. When you begin to send intelligently it is a method of wireless telegraphy that is swift and sure. The possibility of adding a little sense or reason to a great deal of sensitiveness is worth knowing. If then one is physically ailing and sensitive, the first thing to be thought of is the suggestion of health, and the first in the healing process is to expect to get well. It will bring into service the positive or electric element of the soul, where faith is in harmony with one's self- assertive nature. Physical faith leads to physical health, which is temporal. Christian Scientists take notice. Spiritual faith leads to soul understanding, which is eternal. All others taike notice. CHRISTIAN WISDOM 125 There is no necessity of discarding doctors or medicine. Use them sparingly as possible, but place more reliance in nature, sunshine, fresh air, pure water, and rational food than is the custom. Alternate the exercise in proportion to the invigoration. Breathe deeply and keep your thoughts busy with pleasant subjects connected with some humanitarian purpose or special activity of healthy mentality. There is a certain class, however, who appear as a mix- ture of selfishness, indolence, and conceit, whose delicate nerves are nothing but spleen. As the business world has no patience with such models, they are quickly brushed aside for those who are brave enough to do their own thinking or keep their burdens to themselves. SEX FUNCTION Sex exists only in the physical and the astral worlds. The abuse of sex function is a terrible crime and by natural law helps to destroy the personality. The animal world, with simple instinct to guide it, has seasons of procreation, while during the remainder of the year the sexes become neutralized. With human beings, however, there is no prescribed law except the limit of exhaustion. Why human beings are not restricted is to teach them the necessity of self-reliance and the folly of excessive abuse, as the divine spark will teach one reason and self-respect. Whereas the animal, with only instinct as a guide, if not restricted by nature, would abuse the privilege and termi- nate the physical issue of reproduction. 126 CHRISTIAN WISDOM As sexual action is identified with the spinal cord of sympathetic ganglia and gray matter of the brain, it exerts a corresponding response in the medulla oblongata and pineal gland in proportion to the degree of activity ex- pressed or suppressed. Males are not as sensitive as females, for the females, being negative, require the honor, respect, and protection of the male, that is, when the male realizes and recognizes that the female is but the soul mate of some male soul. When the males do recognize their true position to females they will bear the same respect for all women as they would have for their own soul mate and thus avoid the penalty of soul damnation from the abuse of a grave responsibility. Until then the male element will pose only as an animal reflector in the human form. PHYSICAL CONCEPTION The generating seedlike animalcules are drawn as by in- stinct to the female egg, and together they pass to the fallopian tubes and then to the ovaries. If an Ggg is found in a healthy condition, immediately the fluid contents commingle to generate a nucleus for conception. The umbilical cord takes the oxygenated blood from the mother to the foetus, and there two arteries take the used-up blood from the child to the placenta or after-birth. The umbilical cord is connected through the placenta with the receptacle in which is fructified the embryo of the race. (Astral cord.) Although a babe is fully formed in seven months, it re- quires an additional two months for strength and consoli- dation to complete the period of parturition of 280 days. CHRISTIAN WISDOM . 127 SOUL INCEPTION During the first three months of physical conception the soul hovers around the female and enters that physical body in a hypnotic state. It is withdrawn at intervals to prevent suffocation and give the soul strength until birth in the physical. Three months previous to birth the soul is permitted to realize past failures, as the realization of this fact rebukes one with a feeling of contrition and a determination to improve the future. But at birth the touch of earthly at- mosphere disperses these memories and promises, as all recollections of the soul are then suppressed in the physical body. If the earth conditions of customs and environments are moral and uplifting, then the soul reflections and promises shine out as a warning to correct past failures and establish soul progress. It is from the pain of this organic shock that the soul of an infant body cries out at birth. This will register the exact moment of physical birth from which to compute a horoscope. The physical body may resemble in appearance the mother and father. If possessing a stronger individuality than either, it may impress this upon the body and the child resemble neither parent. As seeds of Karma are stored up in the soul from past personalities, they confront us at some time in the future for fulfillment, with a settlement of all demands to com- plete a perfect adjustment. The only possible relief is to honor Divinity with a soul respect and moral obligation to humanity that will elevate and purify all conditions. 128 CHRISTIAN WISDOM As the responsibility of an adviser is great, few mortals who pose as leaders and advisers to humanity appreciate the wonderful importance of responsibility in their chosen position, especially when they inaugurate customs and establish environments for the undeveloped souls to pass through on earth. If the customs are moral and uplifting, the result is blessedness for the promoters. If the customs are degenerate, it is a scathing rebuke for the offenders. A word to the wise is sufficient in the public expression of moral sentiment. GERMS There are two kinds of germs in a physical body. One is the electric or white germ for the astral body. One is the magnetic or red germ for the physical body. Male germs are seeds that live for years, helping to build the man. Female germs are a milk germ never developed unless by mating with male seeds. As male and Temale germs are continually floating in the air, they are ready to be breathed into the nostrils while conditions and currents are being prepared. Should a swarm of male germs locate in the cerebrum, by the use of reason and principle in mating they would become loosened and rush along the nerves as balls of fire. At the same time the milk germs would rush from the female breast until the activity of attraction would find a means of descent that would unite them to fulfill the work- ings of natural law. CHRISTIAN WISDOM 129 A child formed under these conditions would partake of the cerebrum and tend to be learned, though easier to be- come insane than one of a lower germ seed. Germs are live atoms that act as builders and destroyers. Sometimes the builders are in advance, sometimes they are behind, and at times they balance. Unless nature was so regulated all the molecules would be at a standstill, while fat, muscle, and nerve would putrefy. It is well to remember that an excess of red germs will disease and rot the physical body. As all shapes are constructed from atoms, it makes a great difference what metal comes into the blood, for chem- ical formation shows the class. Reincarnation is an advanced stage of physical growth corresponding to soul unfoldment. Rebirth is having a new physical body for the soul to round out principles of the last incarnation on the same planet, only under new conditions and environments. There are countless rebirths for a soul in the physical form, which diminish as each one of the seven incarnations in the human is reached. Embodiment is similar to rebirth, with the exception that a soul is born on a different planet from the last one it occupied. Flesh on earth is water and pulp, while the corresponding condition in the spirit world is light and fiber, that in ap- pearance resemble a web. 130 CHEISTIANT WISDOM THE VIEWS OF PLATO Plato records the human desires as being chained down Hke a wild beast near the solar plexus. The solar plexus is like the handle to a pump or a lever for the physical action of the heart, as the heart plays on the solar plexus the same way one would manipulate a violin string. Knowing that this organic principle would not listen to reason, Divinity formed the liver to connect with this lower nature so that the energy proceeding from the in- tellect could be mirrored as images. The liver is the reflector of the brain in the solar plexus region, so the heart serves as the reflector of the higher intellect or psychic consciousness. The corresponding spirit reflector in the brain is the pineal gland, while the generative organs fulfill the same function in the lower division. That is why the allusion is made to the kidneys and the loins. Plato considered philosophy a knowledge of the true nature of things that are eternal and unchangeable and not of the temporary or changeable, being the product of our reasoning, which, partaking of the divine nature, by con- templating the innate ideas and comparing them with their copies in the visible world, can attain that true knowledge of things which is called philosophy. TEETH As souls progress, the teeth represent a power that radi- ates light in the seventh sphere. The teeth after death turn to enamel, having only a touch of enamel in the earth life. The palate is a storage battery for the spirit body and an embryo for a future tongue. CHRISTIAN WISDOM 131 ASTRAL BODY The astral or counterpart of the physical body is of a more refined substance than the physical form, but is iden- tified with the physical in having corresponding organs of seeing, hearing, etc. The germ of the astral body is coiled up in the astral spleen. From this the astral body is formed and evolves in a shadowy essence like smoke. The astral spleen is a delicate organ, as the physical spleen is only a cover for the real spleen. In appearance the astral body has a silvery sheen tinged with delicate violet expressing an aura of palest hue. The interchanging blend of all the prismatic shades gradu- ates a soul expression according to the stage of its present development. The mechanism of the astral body is composed of prin- ciples which work through their counterpart organs in the physical. The astral body is composed of fire, air, and water that last up to the third sphere, but not above it. All that the solar system comprises is made manifest in mortal through the spiritual, astral, and physical bodies. The soul is first to enter the female form, then comes the physical seed that fructifies it and after that it is clothed in matter. The material of our physical body is supplied by our parents, while the astral body is built by the character gained through experience. 132 CHRISTIAN WISDOM Up to seven years of age the astral body molds the phys- ical body, but after that the physical conditions mold the astral through experience. Ambition carried too far in earth life has a tendency to scorch the astral body, making it limpid and slow to emotion. Undeveloped souls shed tears and realize pain in the astral after death, as they remain earthbound until through the natural law of disintegration their astral body dis- appears. The astral body may become so thoroughly debased or morally inert from a life of lust or self as to lose all re- semblance to the physical structure even in outline. It is more like a shadowy form casting a cloudy aura of somber hue that clearly personifies the unclean soul as one on probation. CHRISTIAN WISDOM 133 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE The real secret of Christian Science healing is based upon the underlying principle of trying to harmonize the physi- cal body through the electric soul essence of an abnormal will power that is devoid of soul sympathy. Why? Because the shading of sympathy is measured from the extremity of pleasure and pain. As Jesus realized pain in the expression of his sympathy for all humanity, how can Christian Scientists claim a Christian healing when they absolutely deny the existence or presence of pain in any form of expression? This so-called healing (or relief) is accomplished through the electric essence of a positive soul bringing the physical nerves under subjection to the will power, as a personal physical relief and not through any spiritual understanding of soul unfoldment. It is only a temporary relief for that personality. But, when the effect is accomplished through a universal soul sympathy, it is a permanent adjustment for the soul and body with a universal enlightenment for all future per- sonalities. This hypnotic relief of Christian Science physical condi- tions for one personality (that is devoid of soul understand- ing through a cold, unsympathetic will power) can be com- pared only to the cold storage preservation of organic matter, where the physical condition is in a state of tem- porary preservation only and not a permanent condition as a future soul protection. For when the warmth of soul sympathy (or the voice of conscience) awakens the soul to a stern reality, the cold storage preservation will vanish like dew before a blazing sun. Why? Because decomposition (or remorse) will quickly expose the truth of a weak-kneed understanding. The umbilical cord that joins the astral body to the phys- ical body is a most important consideration. 134 CHRISTIAN WISDOM | As a citation I wish to comment on a prominent Theo- sophical theory to this effect. When the original soul occupant of a physical body has reached a certain age, it is claimed that another soul foreign to that physical body can take up a permanent abode within that mortal body and the original soul occupant depart in peace. This is not only an impossible theory but a perishable law, as no other soul can usurp the ownership of an um- bilical cord that united the astral body to a physical body except the original possessor at birth. Furthermore, if this was possible to accomplish, it would establish suicide for the original soul owner who deserted the physical body or murder for the soul who had driven out the original soul owner of that physical body against the will, either one of which would be detrimental to the holiness of Christian etiquette. When the umbilical cord connecting the physical body to the astral body is severed, it means instant death to that physical body and not an active relay station for other souls to manipulate or claim a permanent ownership. There are no exceptions to Universal Law. CHRISTIAN WISDOM 135 WILL POWER Will power is the electric essence of the soul. Will power is that principle within us which has the power of accepting or rejecting the external or internal reflections through its channels of communication. Will power in the physical is represented through the heart. Mind power is the magnetic essence of the soul. Mind is mentality or the channel for the individual soul to express itself. Mind in the physical is represented through the brain. THOUGHT Action proceeds from thought, as thought is the source of action. All our thoughts are impressed upon the mind and operated through the brain. A powerful though^ is deeply impressed upon the mind, while weaker thoughts wear off, although the impression of a powerful thought is often rubbed off by a counter thought. An angry thought prompts one to bad. action, but reason sometimes intervenes as a counter thought and argues against it. The stronger a counter thought of repentance acts, the more quickly and effectively is the impression effaced. But, if the thought has reached a point of action, then the thought is deeply rooted, which would require the sincerity of repentance before such an impression could be thor- oughly eliminated. These thought impressions are called seeds of Karma, with a constructive purpose that is similar to the seed of a tree in the process of development. 136 CHRISTIAN WISDOM Desire is the result of external impression, while philos- ophy is the result of internal impression. Curiosity comes first. Meditation comes next. Realization comes last. n Through curiosity and meditation the mind is assuming only the consistency of the soul, as the soul vibrations are as yet only awakening a mind development of under- standing. When realization is reached the mind can then grasp a clear image of the sixth sense, called intuition, which ap- peals to the mentality with satisfaction and contentment. The mind is developed through two channels. One is the organic or magnetic, expressing instinct. One is the spiritual or electric, expressing intelligence, which is carefully graded through intermingling with every possible shade from instinct to wisdorn. The sensation of eating endures just so long as food is on the palate, for the mind alone enjoys that sensation. If we can control the mind with fixed ideas and princi- ples, the restless mind becomes fixed in calm repose. If these fixed principles are not universal truths, then a change to repentance or atonement will follow, as the re- lief is acquired only through a temporary state of physical hypnotism. We feel no pleasure in eating when the mind is away from it, being similar to the physician's drugs that cover the mental perception with a dark veil, so that the patient may not feel the pain of an operation on the body. CHRISTIAN WISDOM 137 By remaining rigid or positive one can become impervi- ous to feeling and master pain without realizing it through an abnormal will power. The Yogi were masters in this respect, but it hardened their nature with too much positiveness, as not to feel within their soul true pity or sympathy was to develop too much Self and suppress the spirit power of poise. To recognize the spirit is to realize pain when one is sincerely in sympathy with humanity. If Jesus had so desired, his will power could have en- dured all misery without a visible expression, but as his Spirit control was greater than his self-control, the truth of his feeling was expressed in his countenance on the cross. O, you Christian Scientist! if in sympathy with human- ity, do you feel no pain? Or is your self-control for per- sonality greater than your spirit control for Divinity and humanity? If one constantly keeps in view the fact that the physical body is only the earthly home of the soul and the soul as centered within the astral body, one will be able to subdue but not eliminate the sensation of pain in the physical body. The joys of the realms are reserved as a fitting reward for worthy acts performed on earth, and the joys therein are but finer forms of material happiness called Nirvana. Nirvana is but the harmony of a righteous understanding. 138 CHRISTIAN WISDOM AURA Aura is the radiance which permeates and envelops our physical body in an oval shape and extends one cubit (i8 inches) outside of our physical body, visible to the spirit and psychic sight only. It is full of spokes like shoots of radiance that emanate from a center. Aura is soul radiance vibrating through the astral form, where every human impulse corresponding to the tempera- ment of the person is indicated by color and shading, sometimes sensed or felt rather than perceived, but visible to the clairvoyant and psychic. The human system islike a harp, and when the nerve vibration has enough of the astral element, the result is sound. Thought impressions called character of the soul are re- flected on the aura as hidden pictures of human conduct, which reveal the past, present, and future history of a human soul to those who can decipher them. From the aura these characters are reflected again upon the ether, which receives the impressions and keeps record of each external and internal event in nature. The ether is the storehouse of records for all human and natural vibrations. It is from this storehouse of all. mental records that the true clairvoyant draws the inspired messages and revela- tions of spirit return. CHRISTIAN WISDOM 139 The rays of prana surround the sun in which move all the planets. It is called the magnetic sun vibration. The rays of prana as they fall on the different organisms are reflected back* to the higher (electric) ether, where our smallest action, on whatever plane of existence, receives an everlasting record called the recorder on the ecliptic. WE DO NOT SEEK IN VAIN When thoughts awaken memories dear. To guide our impulse bright and clear, We seem to feel without a fear Departed souls are hovering near. And as our yearnings seek to find Communion with another mind, The way is clear, the pathway bright For those who walk within the light. Departed souls, where'er thou art. Gleam out and to us here impart The life that tends to make us pure. As free from taint and thought impure. Unfold to our bewildered gaze The realms above, whose golden rays Will thrill our hearts and voices raise To shout Hosanna! God be praised. 140 CHRISTIAN WISDOM ^ DEATH To a person who has yielded up the will power to the divine spark within the soul before death, the astral body is quickly disposed of after death, as the soul rises beyond the astral calling. Otherwise a soul is forced to encounter the astral condi- tions: and purge itself of the evil elements consistent to the law of Karma. These discarded astral elements lie in the atmosphere next to earth and afflict the weaker mortal with evil im- pulse and sexuality of a depraved nature. It is a constant inertia of vice and crime to selfish or lustful souls. As the divine spark within one's soul is the day of judgment at all times, it is wise to be constantly on guard to conquer and subdue one's failings. The devil that ac- cuses one day and night is the result of one's own per- sonal acts. In earth life the organic principles predominate. In the astral and spirit life the spirit law predominates, as rigid justice rules throughout all the spheres and not weak-kneed mercy. BEYOND THE PARTING At last the clouds have cleared away. Beyond that parting softly lay A vision fair of beauty bright, •That beams with an eternal light, Revealing to our startled gaze The realms above, wherein there lays Another world, another shore. 'T is there we meet old friends once more. Cheer up, dear friends, and cease to mourn. When mortals die their souls live on. CHRISTIAN WISDOM 141 Familiar forms we meet and greet, Their voices murmur soft and sweet. 'T is welcome in that promised land, Where love is linked from strand to strand. Why should we fear to face the test. When God is love, who knoweth best? Make pure our hearts with thoughts supreme, For worthy efforts gain esteem That reaps reward from seeds we sow, Through God, from whom all blessings flow. The usual method by which the soul of mortal leaves the physical body at death is for the astral body to pass into the volume of air that fills the human frame, and in this way the soul air enveloped passes out through the mouth. This is the common process by which most souls leave the physical body at death. But souls of a spiritual development can pass out through the open door at the top of the head, as their astral body is of a finer texture than the majority of astral bodies at death. The thought predominant in that supreme moment of death exerts a powerful influence on the destination of a soul when leaving the physical body. The earthbound souls are overcome by the change and remain quite inert for a time, although when they do re- cover, a full realization of rapid transit dawns upon them. They find the astral life to be of greater torment than earth life, as the digestion of past experiences awaits their coming. As ye sow so must ye reap. 142 CHRISTIAN WISDOM Life is not a fleeting fancy, Mirrored free from earthly debt. Life is true to what you make it, When you sin you pay the debt. This is eternal law. When the dead body of mortal comes in touch with the earth vibrations, the shock to that soul departing from the physical body is regulated by the character of that soul in life. The greater the shock to the astral body the quicker the soul is released from the clinging influence of the earth body. ^ A crude soul would scarcely feel the shock, but the astral body would be held in bondage to the decaying in- fluence of the earth body with pain and suffering until that body had thoroughly decomposed and become disintegrated. A spiritual soul would feel no pain, but snap the earth vibrations quickly and the body disintegrates without the slightest reflection of pain or remorse. Why? Because that soul returned to earth more purified vibrations than it borrowed at birth. It is the purified souls who cleanse the planet soil from which future generations build their physical bodies. When you abuse the gifts of nature allotted at birth you pay for the ingratitude with intense suffering and remorse in the astral life after death. When you return to nature a body of purified soul con- ditions you reap a reward of the blessed, for those who are pure in heart shall know God. CHRISTIAN WISDOM 143 It is quite an easy matter to compute the " temperature " of your own conditions at death by reviewing the nature of your own acts during life. Are you alive to your own conditions? As a guilty conscience needs no accuser, your acts will follow you to the grave and there find you out, where the scales of justice do the weighing. For life is not a mock parade, Where sinners are forgiven. All sinners pay their debts in full. And thus they are forgiven. Never until then. To preach that Jesus could forgive the sins of others was a direct violation of divine and consistent law. No conscientious mortals would expect and much less accept empty honors thrust upon them stained with sin, or seek favors that had not been honestly earned. As forgiveness is but a screen for sin, then usurpers would clutch at any convenience or consideration in order to screen their failings, irrespective of their un worthiness — with any port in a storm. Conscientious souls who never shirk or shrink from pay- ing a personal debt would insist on a complete payment before they could conscientiously consider themselves eli- gible of being classed as worthy beings. Would you or could you brazen the blush of shame, to sail under false colors, if you knew the penalty was soul damnation? Do you conscientiously believe that Jesus would encour- age usurpers and by so doing foster crime? Has Jesus fallen so low in your estimation as a fence for sinners? Think it over, but think beneath the surface clean down to the roots and secure an " under '* standing as a reliable evidence to build upon. 144 CHRISTIAN WISDOM Use your own common sense based on consistency, and not the dogmatic inconsistency of theology rooted in the selfish schemes of subtlety. If you cannot break a law in the spirit world without paying for it, you certainly cannot break a law on earth without paying for it. The marked difference is this — in spirit life you pay the debt instanter, while in earth life you pay at the finish, if not before. But the finish you cannot escape, as there are neither freaks nor misfits in the halls of justice or divine law. After leaving the earth life you appear for a short time much the same as when leaving earth. But the instant you learn heavenly wisdom or realize your mistakes, then you grow young and beautiful — not as in childhood, but as in maturity. What you gain by leaving earth is a lighter (astral) body and the privilege to work for merit instead of money, with a deeper insight into Universal Law. For souls who pass to Borderland with imperfect astral bodies the physicians in spirit life create the defective parts that are subject to the astral life. The first query when souls pass to Borderland is as to how much magnetic fire they have brought over. If souls are below loo pulse motion, that shows that a material life has been lived regardless of Universal Law. Souls with less than loo pulse motion cannot exist in the fifth sphere. When souls pass to the spirit side after a long illness, many weeks may intervene before they realize that death has occurred. They are sent to hospitals and given distilled remedies to raise their magnetic vitality. CHRISTIAN WISDOM 145 In the lower spheres magnetism is given in the liquid form. In the higher spheres one smell of the extract is sufficient to increase the vibration. In the fifth sphere there is more spirit than body and the ails diminish. RADIUM The day will come when drugs can be set aside and the physical system cleared of its clogs by radium. At present radium has a commercial value of $2,000,000 per ounce. Radium is a crude form of crystallized electricity known upon earth as hydrogen. It is absorbed from the atmos- phere by the mineral gases and crystallized through the shooting star as it falls to earth. The mineral of convey- ance is principally iron. The scientific acceptance is known as the mineral pitch- blende. After extracting the radium from the mineral the mud that is left affords a means of applying radioactivity to a diseased surface, which is superior to pure radium in many ways. Pure radium is too intensely active, being extremely difficult to concentrate upon any point without affecting the surrounding tissue. The muds are applied as plasters or in baths and are governed by the thickness of the plaster or the amount used in the bath. Water modifies the activity and produces a milder action. 146 CHEISTIAN" WISDOM DEATH On entering the astral life almost the first duty is to rest awhile, then bathe and eat. As a perfect simile, take the earthly newborn babe, which is first washed and then fed. This shows that the lower earth life is identical in ex- pression to spirit life, except that the earth life is under magnetic conditions, while the spirit life is under the elec- tric conditions of ether. Food in planet life is ripened by the magnetic sun Osiris. Food in spirit life is ripened by the electric sun Sirius. Spirit food and fruit exist on spirit vines and trees, which can be plucked and eaten as desired. Spirit souls in the spheres talk, walk, eat, dress, float, and work — with the accent on work. Clothes are worn for modesty and adornment. Heat or cold makes little difference, although at first it feels cold. This is due to the ether. If you require a change of clothing, you think it into being. When spirits are first approached they talk back the same as a human being, but when they find it is not com- pulsory a mental exchange is adopted. CHRISTIAN WISDOM 147 Departed souls have certain lanes or highways they travel, usually the straightest line between centers of popu- lation, and those who meet do so without ceremony. Work is not compulsory in the lower spheres unless progression is desired, as stealing is a lost art and private property an earthly bauble. Sex distinction in the astral is a reality as on earth, though the expression is not the same. At times reincarnation is foreseen and planned. Again a soul is swept away to begin life anew at another mother's human breast, where the life is not foreseen. Some are born to destiny and some are born to experience. In the astral a drunkard is a self-damned soul, who clings to mortal and tries to sop the fumes from the physical body. As a fragrant remembrance live as long as you can, but when you must die, let go, as it is easier for your astral body to cut the earthly tie. Flesh is never carried over to the spirit side, as the astral veins flow magnetism instead of blood and the air is ether instead of oxygen. The air or atmosphere is as full of curious bodies as are the oceans of earth. Most souls go to the second and third spheres. The ministers of the gospel seldom reach above the second sphere, because most of the preaching is devoted to the dropping of old habits and creeds. In the realms there is no deceit except what is brought over, for it shows in the flame of your eye and the lines of your face as to the sincerity of your work. The readiness with which the soul can recall the past after death depends on the density of the elements by which the soul was surrounded on earth. Inventions come to the brain of mortal, while asleep or awake, like an electric shock. Impressions. 148 CHRISTIAN WISDOM n The forming of solid substance from the invisible gases i and again resolving them to mix with the boundless: ele- J ments is taught in the higher spheres. * This is to acquire a complete understanding for the ap- plication of creative force in making worlds when one is eligible as a spirit father. On earth the male seeks the female, but in the spirit , world the soul of woman seeks the soul of man. J The first lesson that advanced soul mates learn is to share each other's incarnations by separation. That is, where one watches over the other in earth life as a guardian angel to influence the brain of the other with impressions, as if awaking suddenly from a dream. It is seldom that soul mates incarnate at the same time and are known to each other, although it is permitted at times to accomplish a special purpose that could not be effected when alone. CHRISTIAN WISDOM 149 ASTRAL DR. TUCK Dr. Wadsworth Cecil Tuck in a .spirit communication has authorized me to say: There is no quarreling for position in spirit realms as none are pompous or above another. The one who has the better sense begins to shine in the orbs, on the brow, chest, and hands, as over this shining one has no control. It comes by godliness, as the color light is the purpose working to the surface and showing who is nearer to the fulfillment of the divine law than another. Souls do not seek for gold, but only the glory of illumina- tion, that they may take higher places and become useful in the grand development of mind and spirit power. Endeavors of the past are not lost in death, for it is then they become apparent. Astral bodies come from earth all bruised and our mis- sion is to heal them by soothing balms and magnetic aid. At death souls are not asked what title they bore on the earth plane, but whether they were of any righteous value to others. Entrance to the spirit world is confusing at first, as one feels rudderless and unprepared. Space paths and currents surrounding the earth are dense with disembodied souls. Souls that bring over a diseased brain too far gone are sent to the islands near the constellations. They are called gnomes or elfs and are many years fad- ing out that personality. A soul body of coarse or crude shape can rise only to the air islands beyond earth. 150 CHRISTIAN WISDOM To raise a soul when passing over into animation is a delicate feat, as a miscue will hold one entranced for months. Souls after death are identical in appearance as at death and grow younger when they realize their mistakes. This applies to the first, second, and third spheres. Souls as- cending to the fifth sf>here soon take*on the appearance of maturity and retain it. I Garments tell the grade of soul standing in spirit life. A soul enjoys the pleasure of spirit life so long as its term of merit lasts. At the expiration of that time souls are reborn for more experience or as teachers. Intensely wicked or selfish souls are punished by a term of suffering in the underworld, at the conclusion of which the purged souls are called to Borderland and prepared for a rebirth on earth. If the spirit of repentance is not absolute and fails fully to purge the sin away, another sentence is imposed as a further cleansing to the underworld soul until the appeal has the ring of sincerity. The rulers of the underworld are celestials and the re- gion of their ruling is situated within the bowels of our earth or otherwise designated as purgatory. Earth prisons tend to corrupt more than correct, as those in charge are not earnestly imbued with sympathy, justice, or mercy. In the astral houses of correction perfect justice is tem- pered with mercy and sympathy as the ruling is always ideal. Prisoners are dealt with according to their misdeeds that are reflected on the aura, a true copy of which is found in the books of ether, from which items are credited to each individual soul when paying debts or being weighed in the balance. CHRISTIAN WISDOM 151 What we accept in our soul affects the formation of our astral body the same as bad air or impure food would affect the physical body. The astral coming from the human body can be picked to pieces like a rose and every part made a self-existing atom. It is well to know that every part of the physical body has a use, as all the physical organs are simply cells or coils of substance for some particular quality of expression. The astral body when it first comes over is a mass of vaporish substance which emits certain flames or corusca- tions of light. These flashes are the rate of vibration which that soul has obtained in soul color. On earth the physical body is fearfully condensed and inferior, working slowly in the dark. If mortals could realize the future glory of every organ as the power in it is revealed, they would try to save every organ so as to become angels of light. The astral body brings over many impurities and many weak spots that have to be strengthened and magnetized. Hidden in each nerve or cell there is a mighty principle to be worked out. If the loose men and women could only see the result of their practice on earth reflected in their astral body, and realize the length of time it would take to renew any worn-out principle, they would quit for the sake of their future welfare. Out of the physical body is evolved an astral body, pro- viding you have accumulated enough spirituality in your earthly career. Otherwise a coarse crude condition is de- veloped that degenerates to space or the underworld. 152 CHBISTIAN WISDOM • There are millions who by abusing themselves are un- able to enter the realms and are forced to earth or near by, while some remain in the air islands, the underworld, or as earthbound in the elemental form. I On entering spirit life mortals find that they are wonder- ing how it all came about, being clothed with a conscious form and some of the elements from the physical body they had laid aside, although with a broader sense of freedom than before, as the conditions are lighter and travel made easier. One is strongly impressed with a consciousness that a covering of the earth plane was left which was needed no more. It is difficult to know what one can do in a new world, as the first thought is to get established with a purpose. It is more important to get acquainted with the guides and helpers than with those of one's own kin. Relatives seldom assist as much as in earth life. They are generally limited to love and sympathy, which is not sufficient to establish one or secure a foothold of self- reliance. As one lifetime is not enough to develop all the qualities within a soul. Divinity has ordained that each soul seed shall be planted over and over again by creating a fresh soil for each time a soul is reborn or reincarnated. No mortal ever lives through exactly the same experiences a second time, but is always given a new creation that is governed by astrological conditions and soul development. Some souls mature faster than others as digestion with some is slow. They remain a long time or at least until their thought circulates freely enough to digest and desire improvement on their last experience. CHRISTIAN WISDOM 153 There are no minds on earth so obstinate to new methods as are the medical minds. The physicians are of more value than the ministers in the spirit world. In fact they are the only ones who can raise the astral body to a working form. No one can be a physician in the spirit life unless one understands and loves the work by caring for the race. It is thus that hundreds of physicians who pass out of earth life soon find this out in spirit life and seek some other occupation. In earth life people acquire a name and fame by being pushed onward through the influence of their friends, but in spirit life it is merit for service that is well deserved. When my time comes I shall return to earth under a different name and circumstances. Still I shall be the same old sixpence, although coined from a different mint or parents. Our mission here is to prepare souls for their next in- carnation or physical rebirth. As souls come over from earth bruised and battered, we heal them by administering soothing balms and lotions. Experience on earth is soul food which is digested over here, and from the nature of this food the soul develops. According to your experience so will be your soul growth. As a warning be careful of your experience, which is soul food to be digested. Souls in Borderland through remorse dress in black or gray, while evil thought will produce spots on the garment. Garments are made according to conditions, although advanced souls can create them at will. Spirit food of any kind does not produce seed, as seed germs are left entirely in the earth life. 154 CHRISTIAN WISDOM « Love is the grand power of progression which gladly sacrifices for the righteousness or blessedness of another. God is seen only through the manifestation of his power in the spheres. When glasses in telescopes are fine and large enough to discern particles of ether, the veins of astral bodies and silken boats that sail the etheric atmosphere or air sea can be seen with mortal eye. In Borderland the sign language is used by employing the tongue, eyes, and fingers, which is called intuition. In Borderland there are churches with creeds as on earth, but finding no hell, souls learn that heaven is reached only by honest deeds and useful labor. All creeds outgrow themselves as they reach Borderland and the higher spheres. Some of the ministers in the astral life, who thought while on earth there was no such thing as spirit return, were somewhat surprised when I described the white mass of nerves as materialized electricity which branched from my body and carried sensation and messages out into words. They saw my pink magnetic fire stream out and attach itself to the magnetic vibrations from the medium's white nerve cord (life line) and then pass along into typewritten words. It is the same on earth when the senses or thoughts operate through the nerve system and find an outlet for ex- pression through the fingers in writing and are recorded in words. It is a natural process to establish a complete line of communication, whether on earth or in spirit realms, either as a spirit communication, intuition, inspiration, telephone, or telegraph. It is all in the transmission of vibration. CHRISTIAN WISDOM 155 As progression is compulsory in the spirit life, then souls who loiter by the wayside as self-satisiied in repose are forced back to earth life for more experience. They are swept away and reborn to a new condition in earth life. Spirit return is useful because one learns the difference between spirit and matter and how one element regulates the other from a point of eternal cooperation. In returning to earth one can descend only to within 100 miles and thus avoid the whirl of a planet. Continuing on by swift descent in the under air (which is similar to albumen that envelops the yolk of an egg), one drops light as a feather and absorbs the material conditions. If one should become folded in flesh subject to pain, it would hold one for days, as flesh is a terrible tangle. When a soul in the spirit world is working through a me- dium on the earth plane, it becomes as flesh for the time being. When visiting earth and other planets, transit is by air ships. The air ships in space follow pneumatic currents or atomic tubes and are safely guided from sphere to sphere. But should one of these air ships touch the atmosphere of a planet, it would dissolve instantly. 156 CHRISTIAN WISDOM ATMOSPHERE MEDIUMSHIP Earth is surrounded by a dense moisture including all that rises. The atmosphere at 20 miles is mostly oxygen 14 per cent, nitrogen 80 per cent, showing how. oxygen becomes dissi- pated in nitrogen. At 100 miles altitude there is no oxygen, but mostly hydrogen, while at 1500 miles altitude it is mostly ether. This discloses the fact that oxygen is graded to nitrogen and hydrogen is merged into ether. Oxygen is the magnetic element. Ether is the electric element. The magnetic predominates on earth. The electric predorninates in the spirit world. A planet influence aff^ects the atmosphere through the atoms which mortals breathe into their physical organism, as a ruling planet can act on the physical body and the nature of the atom produce the result. It is as difficult for spirits to see the outside of anything materially as it is for earth people to see the inside or invisible spiritually. Mortals see the material through the eye of the physical body, while departed souls view the material through the internal or astral body. It is similar to mortals looking through a pair of opera glasses, but in reality they see with their own physical eyes. CHRISTIAN WISDOM 157 If souls on earth did not receive help direct from the spirit world, progression would cease and mortals would remain on a level with the beast. It is plain to be seen that, aside from mere speculation or skepticism, it is reasonable to admit the absolute neces- sity of spirit return to complete the endless chain of brotherhood in the evolution of soul growth. The astral body of a medium can materialize at a seance and be used by the spirit guides as a means of direct communication. If the medium has a spirit personality, it will soon fade away and the communication be limited. If the medium has a material personality, the astral form will last longer and be more pronounced physically. Sensation is naturally attracted to the nerves and will twine around the medium's cords. Nerves are like a white lead pencil that can be vibrated or played upon by a spirit sending mind in fire, which falls into words. Spirits can see earth people because everything which is done on the earth plane is reflected on the spirit plane. The ether is the mirror, as it reflects what one thinks and what one does. Even if spirits are not always near they can become con- scious by looking in the etheric mirror. The only thing that obscures mortals from the spirit world is their anxious state of mind, as anxiety makes a mist upon the ether and tends to hide one. Remember that the reflection on the water is disturbed and broken up when little ripples rough the calmness of the surface. It is in this way that the waves of worry destroy the smooth reflecting surface of ether in the spirit world. 158 CHRISTIAN WISDOM - Many classes of disembodied souls who cling to the sen- sitive beings on earth exert a dangerous influence over the passions of the physical body unless these disembodied souls can reach up to the second sphere in vibration. They are extremely dangerous to psychics and public mediums unless the medium is exceptionally well fortified or morally poised. " The cause of wrongdoing by mortals in this age has been perpetrated more through the influence of these dis- embodied souls in the atmosphere coming in contact with mortals than through the natural law or channels of evolution." This is strongly emphasized in a communication with Julius Caesar in 1912. 1 Harpiers or cherubs are souls of purity born in the spirit realms through the power of Divinity and are useful to harmonize conditions in the spheres. It is said that they play on harps for all eternity in the Realms. Should an existence on earth appeal to them, they are born to the human, but only under protected conditions or a short life. Not having had an earth experience in the mineral, vege- table, and animal form, they are not seasoned for earthly struggle and it requires many rebirths before they are strong enough to participate in earthly combat of any magnitude. Although useful as auxiliary attendants to a spiritual movement, they seldom reach any personal distinction in the earth life. CHRISTIAN WISDOM 159 THE UNDERWORLD The underworld is the abode of degenerate souls who pass out of life from an earth existence as a malicious culprit or the victim of temptation through ignorance or degraded environments. Not having acquired enough of the soul spirituality to ascend beyond the oxygen of earth, they sink to the im- moral weight of their own personality. " The center of our earth, being space with a muddy, slimy bottom and dense atmosphere, is inhabited by souls who were thoroughly selfish and used others as a stepping stone to gain a material advantage." Gliiber from the Realms in 19 12. In the underworld or earth interior there are three grades or zones. The lowest or first grade is black as night, resembling the surface of a dried-up ocean. It is inhabited only by degenerates, suicides, murderers, or thoroughly selfish and low-principled mortals. With a coarse, crude astral body resembling shadow, they grope their way along the cliffs or hollows, where no light is seen except the illumination from the higher spirit guardians, who are sent as saviours to uplift them through a realization of their depraved condition. They sense others on the same plane as themselves, but not those who are above them. They can hear the voice of messengers sent to uplift them, but see them not, as nothing but darkness and ob- livion pervades their dungeon. The distance between this lower south pole zone and the middle equator zone is greater than the distance between the other zones. It has an atmosphere of compressed oxygen (humidity), with a meager proportion of nitrogen and hydrogen in order to sustain the conditions. On entering the middle or equator zone there are long 160 CHBISTIAN WISDOM fields of short grass or stubble and shrubs with leaves, where dwell a few of the lower animals and reptiles. It is in this equator zone where souls understand that being better releases them from the bondage of iniquity, for by creating goodness through a repentant desire they blend in harmony with the law. The light resembles mist for the night and twilight for the day. (Heat lightning.) Souls from the lower south pole zone progres:s to the center equator zone, where a slight improvement gives them hope and encouragement when they realize and grasp the opportunity. It is a rude awakening from the despondency of the lower south pole zone condition. Passing from the equator zone to the north pole zone is a shorter distance, with a finer grading of atmosphere to meet the improved conditions. The rays of the sun penetrate the earth crust, enabling souls to see each other for quite a distance. There are trees and vegetables, and as a great many of the mechanical element inhabit this zone, they build crude houses and gather together in groups according to like conditions and obtain an insight relative to Divinity. Some have risen from the lower zones, while others came direct from an earth experience. Not having progressed enough to reach Borderland, they sink to these lower conditions of evolution. They remain in the north pole zone until an earnest ap- peal or expired sentence releases them to the privilege of a rebirth on earth. The atmosphere between this north pole zone and the earth crust is about go miles thick, while the earth crust is measured at loo miles, although varying somewhat at different points. Only souls of the underworld from the higher zone are permitted to visit the earth surface, unless the others are accompanied by a guardian angel as a sense of relief or enlightenment. CHRISTIAN WISDOM 161 Those of a higher zone can descend to a lower zone, but those of the lower zones can rise or visit only through the law of progression. There are two fundamental principles to remember. One is self-respect. One is respect for others. Self-respect, if firm and poised, will prevent a young person being led astray by suggestion. Respect for others, if cultivated, will make one truly considerate of everybody's rights. With solemn piercing eyes the guardian angels appear to the astrals in the dim light of the underworld, and each soul is held as in a trance by the keen yet gentle gaze of these spirit guides, whose voice they can hear, but cannot see. These shadow souls are as transfixed, listening to the spirit voices pleading with them, until a ray of hope re- wards their effort. Sometimes it is a long weary wait before a crystallized condition can be softened or reached, hut patience and perseverance of the spirit guides win in the end. SUICIDE Whatever trouble suicides seek to escape from, exactly the same trouble, only increased twofold, will greet them in the astral world. Should the physical body be forcibly cast off, life will continue on with the same problems and perplexities, only heavier. No one can escape from life problems. One has them to solve, either with or without the help of the physical body. But without the physical body it would be as difficult as the building of a house without the proper tools. 162 CHRISTIAN WISDOM Life and its lessons cannot be destroyed. Suicide is not a way out. Suicide is only a way deeper in. ^ Progress of communication in the underworld is by live wires of vibration, but on reaching the -atmosphere they become invisible. The extradition of souls from the underworld to Border- land in the spheres was closed on March i, 1916, for a term of 28 years or one cycle of Saturn. As a warning, compose yourself first before retiring, as an angry or disturbed mood is liable to draw you in touch with the lower forces, who cling like tentacles to express their lower thoughts in physical acts. FRIENDSHIP The basis of true friendship should be communion of the soul, which is spiritual, and not companionship of the physical body, which is Bohemian. It is a curious fact that a fellow can be an attentive friend to a young lady of Bohemian habits who is not par- ticular about trifles, but in choosing a wife he will find that true manhood is rather particular in selecting a maid of moral worth. There is stanchness and stability in a healthful soul of clean habits that responds more graciously to Puritan grace than it does to Bohemian freedom. THE THEATER AND CHURCH As a rule the stage is confined to the display of tragedy or corruption, which exposes the weakest and meanest CHRISTIAN WISDOM 163 phase of human nature. This leads only to false and sin- ister views of life, for in reality as mortals think so are they. It is by wrong thinking, when performing material labor without spiritual energy and insight, that we rob Divinity and ourselves of worthiness. " Until the public shudders over a low idea no censorship on earth will refine the stage." Zangwill. It is not only perplexing, but curious, to note that both church and theater encourage the same class of people. The class of people who apparently aspire to all that is noble and true while seated in a church pew are quite content to be amused over the weakness and wickedness of mortals the moment they enter a theater, where the scene of action shifts only from the pulpit to the stage. While the pulpit is advocating the admonishing of sin, the stage smilingly approves of sin and advertises an elabo- rate production of the same. As the pulpit and stage both encourage and entertain the same class of people (which was the paramount feature of the play called "Experience" in 1916 and publicly in- dorsed by the pulpit saints to their trailing flocks), where! oh where! is the rub? If hypocrisy is in one edifice, then degeneracy must be in the other, as the same class of people attend both shows encouraged by the Shepherds and tagged as worshipers or financial supporters. But when the voice of conscience cries out from the echoing depths, " Who is to blame ? " the echoes will mock the people, the silly public, those fleecy lambs of iniquity who peacefully follow and bow in humble servitude to the tyrants of lust and mammon! If there is a spark of righteous indignation left within these followers (after realizing the shallowness and incom- petency of both church and theater in educating the souls of humanity with a worthy purpose), let them come to the rescue and transform what is to what should be, with- out the customary legal or social delay and procrastination. 164 CHRISTIAN WISDOM The Idol of the Theater is the Power of Gold established by the manager. Who With cunning art will strut the part, A meek and moral mission. But let the public fail to pay, That moral part is missing. ^ The Ideal of the Stage is Personal popularity without the perfect character, established by the actor. For When lips they meet to sip or dine, If honor reigns *t is joy divine. Unless with honor lips are sought. The pleasure it is dearly bought. As a quiet comparison The Idol of the Church should be the Power of God, established by the deacon. But As deacon of the Sabbath school He preaches God on Sunday. Who giveth much, but with a string, To pull it back on Monday. Bargain Day. The Ideal of the Pulpit should be a Perfect character without the price of popularity, established by the minister. But When souls unite in honest prayer, If truth prevails then God is there: Unless with truth you preach and pray. The devil himself will rule the day. O conscious soul! how near does the present stage and pulpit approach even the shadow of righteousness? I have sounded them both from rind to core, And nothing but conscience will ever restore. CHRISTIAN WISDOM 165 MAGIC Unless a clairvoyant is an adept, through ignorance one will mistake the astral visions of the second sphere for celestial influences, as did Swedenborg and others. Every sound in the visible world has a corresponding sound and color in the invisible world. Therefore unless a prayer is pronounced mentally, the prayer is subject to more disaster than benefit. Divinity is reached only spiritually, not physically. Magic is coeval with the third root race through the development of passion in the sex separation of creative organs. That is why the true alchemist took aged women for companions. Woe unto mortal who would selfishly seek to develop occult powers for personal benefits (ambition or revenge), for terrible Karma will surely result to the dabbler in magic. The corner stone of magic is an intimate and practical knowledge of magnetism and electricity. This includes their qualities, correlations, and potencies, with a familiarity as to their effect on animal and mortal, also their qualities in plants or minerals. This is the concrete secret. Magic is a dual power of a magnetic or electric nature, and for one to gain a personal understanding to master the laws of nature one is unquestionably endowed as a magi- cian at birth. Many a chemist knows that essences can both heal and kill. There is not a poison but can be used for both pur- poses, from the harmless wax to prussic acid. It is a realization of this knowledge which makes a genuine oc- cult initiate. 166 CHRISTIAN WISDOM Inert physical matter may be disintegrated and passed through walls or later recombined under certain conditions, but in no instance can a living animal organism pass through conditions of this nature. Sound is a tremendous occult power to raise a pyramid or a dying mortal, as it draws together elements that pro- duce an ozone. It may resurrect a mortal or animal whose astral body has not been severed from the physical body, but the resurrection of a dead physical body after the umbilical cord has been cut is an utter impossibility. The Mantra is the chanting of a magical sentence where the occult law connects itself with the will power of the singer, thereby producing a marvelous effect. The Mahatma used the word Aum as a Jupiter power of Brahminism. Aum is the original of amen from the Chaldeans. Aum, if pronounced by a good man in the right way, will produce good results through the planetary elements in force. There is a word greater than Aum, called the Last Word, known to two initiates of India; but the practice of either is a serious undertaking to the uninitiated. The Yogi of India obtain their powers from a practice called the " suppression of breath." This is not only strenuous, but suicidal, as it leads to black magic or death. India is the only country possessing the key to the entire system and subsystem of superhuman or magnetic magic. The Hebrews never possessed a complete understanding of the higher key. CHRISTIAN WISDOM 167 COLORS The three fundamental colors on earth are Red : Physical. Blue : Astral. ^ Yellow: Soul. In acknowledging your immortal spirit as the inner and eternal life you establish the true science of electric magic, as divine magic requires holiness of the soul. The kings of Egypt were all initiated into the mysteries of medicine. Paracelsus, well versed in magic arts, would have re- vealed them to posterity but for the hand of an assassin. Freedom from the occult or magnetic magic is acquired only by being a deep thinker or reasoner along spiritual lines. There is no jury so cruel as the censure of your own soul when the feeling of responsibility in a moral sense awakens the " magic " of wisdom within you. 168 CHRISTIAN WISDOM GAUTAMA BUDDHA Buddha learned all the Brahmin wisdom and tried to make it public. Brahmin was opposed to this and detached the most im- portant portions of the doctrine called the last word of the mystery of being, which was the key to the Brahmin code. In this way Brahmin was enabled to deny publicly the correctness of the Buddha teachings, although they are to this day preserved in the monasteries of the Himalaya Mountains. Buddha had taken the oath of secrecy to Brahmin, which was the reason Brahmin persecuted Buddha instead of blending in divine cooperation. Brahmin followed " Buddha as Jesus '* and finally nailed him to the cross at Gethsemane, claiming that " Jesus when as Buddha " was unworthy and dishonest, having mali- ciously broken his oath of allegiance in trying to expose the Brahmin .code. Buddha and Jesus were synonymous characters in the spiritual. Alexander and Napoleon were synonymous characte^rs in the physical. The Pagans recognized only the magnetic powers of nature in the magnetic sun and planets. Buddha (500 B. C.) had two doctrines. One was for the masses. One was for the Arhats. CHRISTIAN WISDOM 169 Buddha refused admission to none as candidates, but secrecy was imposed in the final mystery except to those who were worthy, without the distinction of race, caste, or wealth. Buddha was not exempt from teaching his body the world's secrets, like any other mortal, before he could teach the people. Then how could Jesus, who was only a later edition of Buddha, teach the people without a simi- lar preparation in a new body? Buddha was opposed to accept all that you heard as the truth, and to believe only what you really understood. Buddha's teachings included purity and wisdom, advo- cating that any virtuous mortal could reach the truth by self -perception without being subjected to any order of Imitators or Initiators. Buddha preached that it was better to have a belief in the future as a preventative to crime, for otherwise those who believed in personal extermination at death would not hesitate to commit any crime. Buddhism was resurrected in 700 A. D. with two schools. One was for the esoteric of the North. Electric. (Spiritual.) One was for the exoteric of the South. Magnetic. (Material.) At present the teaching has become obsolete, except in the monasteries of Thibet. The malicious persecution of Brahmin (or a relentless retaliation), as he is prone to express it, has thoroughly succeeded in undermining and perverting the righteous pur- pose of Buddha and Jesus in the past toward humanity. But with the excommunication of Brahmin from our earth planet at the present time and in the future, the soul of mortal henceforth should rise in accord with one supreme effort and reestablish the omnipotence of Divinity within the soul of each mortal as the only reliable guide to a righteous understanding of gratitude. 170 CHRISTIAN WISDOM It is the birthright of every human soul on earth to know Divinity and live within the precepts of his law. Otherwise the ruling powers on earth are a blasphemy to Divinity, as the exemplification of a selfish personality or soul rot. 1 Every nation of antiquity had its traditions, based on the Aryan secret doctrine, and each one proclaimed an Initiate or God. ESOTERIC " It should be observed that in the esoteric teaching dead matter has no place." Apocalypse. This is thoroughly inconsistent, as all atoms that are depleted from the loss of organic magnetism are but shells of dead matter and have to be revivified before they can be recognized as live matter. The substance of the shell is the same, and if recognized while active, it must be recognized while inactive. It is indispensable with a place and therefore always in use somewhere. " The mind should be regarded as the real man." Apocalypse. Mind is but an instrument for soul expression — that is, tempered* by the divine spark or the will power of an in- dividual self according to the soul development — with a recognition of Universal Law. Mind could represent the will power of self as one per- sonality or mind could represent Divinity as universal. It is the power behind the mind that determines the quality of the mind. According to ancient lore the soul has been classified in four divisions. CHRISTIAN WISDOM 171 1. Visible perception (Instinct), the five magnetic senses. 2. Faith and Opinion (Intellect), the five magnetic senses. 3. Philosophy and Reason (Intuition), the six senses. 4. Divine Wisdom (Inspiration), the seven senses. The first division covers the external field of science and phenomena. External. The second division covers the creedal religious and blind belief based on the five senses. External. The third division covers a perfect reasoning to establish Universal Law through intuition. Internal. The fourth division covers the wisdom of understanding and divine gratitude. Internal. This is a law unto thyself. 172 CHRISTIAN WISDOM SECRET DOCTRINE SELECTIONS Secret Doctrine admits the fundamental identity of all souls with the universal soul. The law of analogy is the first key to the world problem. A perfect soul without the divine spark incarnated in a perfect physical body would be only a beautiful and un- conscious being without mind development. Secret Doctrine is based on an archaic MS. known as the book of Dzyan, written in Senzor and known to all priests and initiates of prominence. The most ancient Hebrew book evolved from it. Senzor is Jupiter language. The Pentateuch. Hermes. China's primitive Bible. Book of concealed mysteries. Chaldean book of numbers. The Vedas. The book of Dzyan embraces the evolution of earth and mortal with a history of the root races from the first to the fifth root race. It is written in Sanskrit, which was a testimonial of the Atlantean Age. Sanskrit is Moon language. When mortals shall have become sufficiently spiritualized they will know there never was a great world reformer who had not appeared during earlier cycles under another name. This accounts for the unity of Abraham, Elijah, Buddha, and Jesus. CHRISTIAN WISDOM 173 The great reformers or teachers first appeared as one of the individualized powers called an archangel or saviour. They would reappear clothed in matter as- sages, who taught the various races and sacrificed themselves to be born under various reincarnations for the good of human- ity at critical periods. Matter, according to the early divine teachers, appeared in lumps like curds of whey in thin milk and was known as the seeds of future material worlds. As the primordial form of everything is spheroidal, then water is the base and source of everything manifested in the physical. The first archangel who sprung from out the depth of chaos was called Lucifer, a Neptune soul of the first root race. Our present solid earth began by being a ball of liquid fire and protoplasm. So likewise did mortal, for each physical atom has seven planes of existence. The shell of matter is substance. Secret or Occult Doctrine rejects the " nebular method " of our sun being parent of the planet system. Secret Doctrine advocates a theory that all the planets in our system are formed from eternal substance of world stuff and that our sun detached itself earlier from the mass of matter as the elder brother. If the nebular theory is not thoroughly consistent with the " workings of nature " in physical mating, can Secret Doctrine supply the correct issue of prenatal existence and planet birth beyond the mere suggestion of a detachment? Such a vague description of so important a fact is in- conclusive to consistent law, as consistent law demands a complete explanation or silence. 174 CHBISTIAN WISDOM I BIBLE REFERENCE Every dogma of Christianity existed in " Brahmin " \ rituals. Enoch was the son of man in the first subrace of the fifth root race, whose age in Genesis is recorded as 365 years. The book of Enoch included ancient records, show- ing the supernatural control of the elements and the names of fallen angels as invisible powers. Enoch was a Titan Father related to Hermes. Moses was a Rurue soul as initiate and priest versed in the mysteries of the Egyptian temple, but limited as to an understanding of primitive wisdom and spirit control. The book of Moses had been buried for centuries and when discovered by Hilkiah had lost its true sense for the people of Israel. Noah was a descendant of Enoch. Noah had three sons. Ham settled in Africa with the red races known as Arabs, Phoenicians, Ethiopians, Egyptians. Shem settled in Persia, Arabia, and Syria with the brown races known as Hebrews, Armenians, Persians, Chaldeans. Japheth -settled in Europe and Asia Minor with the yellow and white races known as Russians, Teutons, Gauls, Brit- ons, Japanese, Turanians, Mongolians, Chinese, Finns. They did not establish, but perpetuated, these races. After the yellow races came the red races of Ham and Shem, followed by the white races of Japheth. Turanian was a Titan branch by premature separation as an imperfect white race. The Aryan civilization is one of the oldest civilized na- tions of earth and the book of Vedas next to the Dzyan the oldest work. The book of Dzyan was written by moon souls 24,000 years ago and 2000 years later Brahmin, a Jupiter spirit father, wrote the book of Vedas from the book of Dzyan, but mutilated on questionable lines to suit CHRISTIAN WISDOM 175 the convenience of his own selfish personality and obscure the universal soul principle of Divinity. The Aryans were divided into two classes. Persia and India had the dark races. Europe had the white races. Genesis included in reference the third root race. Ancient philosophy was the religion of eternal truth and the greatest teachers lived in the Himalayas. The Old Testament was a declaration of events express- ing the earthly condition of the times under the authorship of old souls and was not the illuminated book of Divinity. The restricting of Divinity to so small an area as Asia Minor would destroy the truth of Divinity as a universal father for all humanity. As a further evidence the following authors are accepted by Christian advocates: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Num- bers, Deuteronomy — all by Moses, a Rurue soul of strong magnetic caliber; Judges by Samuel, a Rurue soul; Kings by Jeremiah, a Rurue soul; Joshua by Joshua, a moon soul; Nehemiah by a moon soul; Chronicles and Ezra by Ezra, a Rurue soul; Samuel by Nathan, Gad, and Samuel ; Psalms by David and other Jupiter souls ; Prov- erbs by Solomon, a Jupiter soul. 176 CHRISTIAN WISDOM JESUS Jesus was a bright youth who lived at the time of Herod and Pontius Pilate. The plan of salvation was an entirely man-devised scheme under a Jupiter influence from the astral world, as Divinity from the Celestial Realms had nothing to do with it. Jesus was one of the spirit fathers instrumental in form- ing this earth planet from atoms of Rurue, a planet now extinct, of which Jesus was a native born. One third of Rurue helped to form the present earth planet. The souls of Jesus creation at the present time are mostly of the brainy or intellectual class, who are educated in language, but minus in moral obligation toward each other, which is the passport of righteousness. This unfortunate condition demands the incarnating of advanced souls from other planets as leaders to uplift fallen humanity. For the predominance of wealth through the power of Jupiter is too self-evident in the souls of Jesus creation. It is also well to remember that from whatever planet a soul originates, that soul has a birthright prefer- ence in the material benefits of that planet. The solution of Jesus walking upon the water was that Jesus appeared before his disciples clad in the astral body. Jesus was seen clairvoyantly standing on the water spirit- ually but not physically. When others tried it physically they failed, as it was a physical impossibility for Jesus or anyone else. His purpose was to establish self-reliance among mortals as the first law of principle, for Jesus preached that all are gods when worthy. " Kneel to your God and do not make a mockery by kneeling to me." CHBISTIAN WISDOM 177 The father who was physically responsible for the birth of Jesus was Zacharias, the high priest of the temple. He was also the father of John the Baptist through a marriage to Elizabeth. Mary, the temple maid, was the mother of Jesus. She was in a trance condition at the time of her contamination and knew not. Afterwards Mary married Joseph, whom the Church has recognized as the legal father of Jesus. This only proves how unreliable legal law is from which to compute authentic facts. In the Bible Jesus is called the son of man 85 times and a man 70 times. This is quite a declaration that distinctly emphasizes the fact of Jesus' physical parentage and destroys the Immacu- late conception of Brahmin's perversion. After the crucifixion the body of Jesus was taken from the cross at midnight and placed within a cave. In the morning the stone was rolled away, when Joseph and Nicodemus brought the body of Jesus, which was still in a trance state, to the home of Joseph. Shortly after Jesus came to and had them place their hands in his side to prove his mortality, and as a further proof he ate with them. Jesus veiled his body to visible sight at the ascension, but his astral body rose before them in full view. The unseen occult forces in the astral have' the power to " veil an object " from the physical view of any human being through the mediumship or agency of a living magnetic mortal. After that Jesus jour- neyed to Bombay and Thibet, where, according to records, he lived and died in one of the Himalaya monasteries at an advanced age. Jesus was then known as Saint Issa, and a reverence for his personality was deeply expressed in the embalming of his body and the preservation of his writings. According to historical records at Hindustan, Jesus lived long after his crucifixion. Some day in the near future, when the gratitude of mortal has overcome the importance 178 CHBISTIAN WISDOM of a selfish personality, the proof of his writings will be brought to light and the truth of his sayings established. When a realization that Divinity is the supreme part of each and every soul and that eternal blessings come only through the righteous cooperation of souls, the curiosity of mortal will materialize through the spiritual desire of mortal. 12 APOSTLES The power of spirit ruling bestowed upon Jesus was also extended to the Apostles in proportion to their ability or sense of understanding, with the one exception of Judas Iscariot, who refused the blessing and as a sequel paid the penalty of death in the throes of remorse. It is well to assert that a Jupiter influence controlled the physical or- ganism of mortals at that age, through a brain depression of fear or low mentality, while the personal influence of Jesus was a soul vibration whenever he was able to pene- trate beyond the physical ruling, as a planet ruling pre- dominates over the masses in the human age, according to the environments of prevailing customs. 1. Peter, son of Jonas, was rebuked by Jesus for being overbearing. 2. Andrew, brother of Peter, was also a disciple of John the Baptist. 3. James, son of Zebedee. 4. John, son of Zebedee. The beloved John who wrote the Apocalypse or book of Revelation on the Isle of Patmos, being the last Apostle to pass away. 5. Philip. 6. Bartholomew. 7. Thomas was slow to perceive — the doubting Thomas. 8. Matthew wrote the gospel and the Lord's Prayer. 9. James, son of Alpheus, was a cousin of Jesus. 10. Lebbeus or Jude. 11. Simon. 12. Iscariot, son of Simon, who betrayed Jesus, was under the Jupiter influence of a selfish personality. CHRISTIAN WISDOM 179 PAUL Paul was the only disciple who fully understood the teachings of Jesus, although they had never met in the physical face to face on earth. Paul was an Initiate and soul mate of Jesus. Paul and not Peter was the real advocate of the Christian Church. The conversion of Paul was the blessing of Divin- ity through the power of illumination and not the spectacu- lar performance of an individual rebuke on the part of Jesus, as inserted by religious demagogues. It was a soul awakening or the bursting of material bonds through a realization of divine radiance from within. Paul's apparent blindness was the development of spirit- ual mediumship. Paul was honest, brave, and sincere and was persecuted by Peter, John, and James because of his proficiency in philosophy, although Paul did not hesitate to rebuke Peter to his face. All history shows that corruption is grounded in the so-called upper classes, with the Church as a pliant tool, followed by the press, then political and legal bodies. Palestine was undoubtedly the most favored spot for religious events. The Salt Sea. The Sea of Galilee (fishes and tempest). River Jordan (scene of Jesus' baptism). Mt. Olivet (sermon). Mt. Calvary (crucifixion). Mt. Nebo (burial place of Moses). Mt. Hermon (transfiguration). Mt. of Blessing (where Joshua wrote the law on stone). 180 CHRISTIAN WISDOM APOCALYPSE " Through corrupt political influence and the ultimate dominance of a selfish and decadent priesthood the Chris- tian society in the early centuries lost the esoteric truth and in place there grew up dogmatic theology." Apoc- alypse. Briefly speaking Theology is but the idolatry of subtle perversion. " Secrecy has always been maintained regarding the sacred science from those morally unworthy to receive it. If it had been written in clear language it would have undoubtedly been destroyed." Apocalypse. For those who express an exalted faith in Divinity and his eternal principles, this subterfuge or " cloak of fear " to screen the truth from humanity rebounds like a boom- erang. The moral cowardice of authors in presuming to assume that they are the specialized subjects eligible to dictate and interpret the establishing of Universal Truth (by the deceptive snare of symbols and threats) deserves but the recompense of rebuke so richly deserved in the harvest of scoffers and skeptics reaped in the sowing from present and past ages. For as they sow so shall they reap. As a warning let each author emphatically proclaim with loyalty and courage the truth of his own convictions in vivid simplicity. If the expression of truth by an author is destroyed or shelved pro tem, remember that other souls will continue on from the gathered fragments and beautify that truth. Remember that truth when crushed to earth will rise in all its glory, even as deception will sink in all its misery. CHRISTIAN WISDOM 181 The fear of losing their own personality is what authors really dread more than the extinction of truth, as they know that truth is eternal. Authors who would hesitate to sacrifice their own per- sonality to emblazon eternal truth are unworthy of a last- ing heritage in the hall of fame. Divinity depends upon no One individual for support in the visible expression of universal law, but welcomes any or all individual efforts. If the merits of authors fail of due recognition on earth, there remains before them the opportunity of future in- carnations to complete their purpose. An honest effort is never effaced, but is glorified in all things eternal. The Apocalypse was intended as a keyboard of spiritual unfoldment to emphasize the evolution of soul growth through an understanding of universal and cosmic law. " The God eternal is not considered as incarnated, but as overshadowing man on earth.'* Apocalypse. The superficial conception of Divinity as being external and overshadowing mortal on earth can be compared only to the arctic chill of a distant companionship. It would require countless rays of external vibrations direct from the Universal Sun to the physical form of mortal. As the exposed influence of Divinity in the atmosphere of oxygen is too intense for the external flesh of organic magnetism to withstand, it would be an impossible theory. The flesh of mortal cannot endure the direct electric power of Omnipotent God. It is too intense and withering. That is why the influence is modified and protected from consuming and scorching the flesh, by being a living part of the soul enveloped within the soul essence. The soul essence softens this marvelous electric power where Divinity at all times is a witness and judge to each and all our acts. The overshadowing or external process would place mortal only in the light of a puppet as the harp of a thousand strings to be played upon. Divinity acts in the silence from within. Divinity does not reach 182 CHRISTIAN WISDOM down to us except through his teachers or as a part within each human soul. When you are sincerely honest your desires will reach Divinity in vibration at any height, for the divine spark within your soul will project a sincere prayer to realms that are unknown to mortal and there find Divinity beyond the Apex. If Divinity overshadowed mortal externally, Divinity would be sharply criticized as a very incompetent " manip- ulator," judging from the " inadequate performances " of the unlimited pupils on earth at the present time. N.B. Christian Science, please take notice! CHRISTIAN WISDOM 183 SPIRITUALITY The higher spiritual unfoldment is preceded by a rigid discipline of abstemiousness. This is possible only for one who has attained a high state of mental and physical understanding. Mortals who are gross and sensual must master the mag- netic impulses and concentrate their faculties with reason- ing. If successful the spiritual awakening illumines the soul and the mind expresses righteousness and understand- ing characterized as the sacred trance of seership. Proficiency of intellect acquired through the divine lead- ing will conquer the physical senses and lead to a knowl- edge of spiritual realities, culminating in the emancipation from the physical existence when the seven incarnations have been properly fulfilled. The Spiritual trance is conscious understanding. Electric. The Psychic trance is usually accompanied by uncon- sciousness or semi-consciousness. Magnetic. The result is acquired through many years — not only one life, but a series of incarnations and rebirths until suc- cess is assured. Each soul from its initial stage retains the knowledge of experience gathered from one personality with another. With this memory the soul is in truth immortalized be- fore its final liberation from the many cycles of reincar- nation. By penetrating into the fundamental, the true seer has progressed beyond the fabric of material and psychic glamour. Things in nature and supernature are seen as they really exist, with the understanding that all forms of the external nature are but primary symbols of external ideas. To possess a depth of spiritual understanding one must lead a pure and virtuous life, the sublimity of which is graduated accordingly. 184 CHRISTIAN WISDOM Where the sentiment is pure, perfect ceUbacy is not imperative, providing one is governed by moderation and a moral discipline. In mating there is a soul union from the sympathetic blending of the astral bodies and a sex union from the passionate desire of the physical bodies. Both conditions, however, are subject to the same laws of nature as the method employed is identical in the channel of communi- cation. The inquisitive seekers from curiosity who attempt to penetrate the superhuman without a moral status will only degrade their intellect with psychic dross and become the prey of evil influence in the phantom world or burden their souls by the foul practice of sensuous sorcery. Where a weak purpose and a loose method are employed, the destination is moral destruction. After death the soul passes through a purifying process where all the activities of the past earth life are minutely reviewed and reconsidered. It is the judgment day of Divinity within the soul. The memory of the soul stores up all experiences of the individual personalities throughout the long cycles of in- carnations, and no memories are ever lost save those that are rejected after the final purification. Reason is the highest philosophical intelligence, which in the carnal mortal is dormant, but awakens when it turns to the Divinity within. Spiritual perfection is attained only by unremitting effort, and it requires at least seven incarnations and countless rebirths to reach the final goal. CHRISTIAN WISDOM 185 It is slow progress for those who are content to follow the common highway of evolution and who reach their divine destination only after long years of aimless wander- ing in the wilderness of earth existence. The intuitive mind that realizes the truth must in turn transmit the fact to its fellow beings. The duties of a seer are not only to receive and to inter- pret, but to impart the truth that is taught in the higher world of intellect. To the man or woman who has resolutely pursued the path of purity and devotion there will come the conscious- ness of immortality and perfect poise. It is concentration of the mind through the divine awakening from within, instead of the physical expression of a personality from without. Dominant over the lower faculties is patience, one of the indispensable qualifications for spirit power and soul poise. Science is based upon mechanism and devices. Creed is the worship of a selfish personality with subtle or suppressed revelations. Religion is a universal and righteous understanding with a moral obligation to Divinity. The lower intelligence may include the greatest culture in science or knowledge along lines of custom, yet with little or absolutely no spiritual insight or understanding whatsoever. 186 CHRISTIAN WISDOM When once the soul of mortal has caught a glimpse of supernal truth, that soul can never rest content with the world of matter or worship at the shrine of mere intel- lectualism. Although the will power misunderstood and misapplied is a menace to soul salvation, it is also the indomitable force that conquers the organic magnetism in matter. When mortal becomes carnal and irredeemably degener- ate, it means the obliteration of that personality with an indefinite isolation from consciousness that leaves a deep- dyed scar upon the soul. Does it pay? CHRISTIAN WISDOM 187 THEOLOGY In baptizing a woman with child is the unborn child also baptized by the act? The clergy in their response say No! it would be an impossibility, as the one who is being baptized must be a consenting party. If this is true, which seems quite reasonable and beyond doubt, how about the infants and heathens that are bap- tized? Can they give an intelligent response of under- standing or is their consent a forced acknowledgment through the compulsion of ignorance? Branded! as you would a herd of cattle. If there is neither religion nor righteousness in this clannish act of compulsion, why is the practice permitted on innocent souls who are incapable of expressing an in- telligent response to exert a personal resistance against the slavish servitude of customs that are founded on fear? Remember that parents do not own or create the soul within a body. They simply produce the physical organ- ism — that is all. Then why should a soul in the " bondage of physical infancy " be forced to accept upon its soul " im- pressions of branded obligations " that some time in the future will rankle in disgust and destroy the " soul possi- bility " of a real religious understanding when the physical body has reached a state of maturity? Compulsion is not conversion, but the idolatry of barren customs, for which innocent souls must suffer. As a warning from the spirit world, beware of placid smooth-tongued followers who profess to believe everything without actually knowing anything. In other words, automatic repeaters. 188 CHRISTIAN WISDOM JEW Technically speaking Jew is a term that is applied to the phys:ical organism for earth souls who are slowly working their way to the light of reason — from the density of ignorance to a realization of moral and Universal Law. The Jew organism originated in the fifth root race as a descendant of Shem, the son of Noah, representing earth souls as a lower grade of humanity. They are more prominently identified, however, under the family ties of Abraham and Jacob. They rejected the book of Enoch because it referred to the coming of Jesiis, who in reality is their spirit father. When they realize the ingratitude they have heaped upon Jesus their repentance will know no bounds. The present Jew race is an artificial Aryan organism born in India of Caucasian blending, from the emigrating of those who had sought refuge in Chaldea. The Cabala originated with the Egyptians and Chaldeans. St. John was a Cabalist and a Jewish teacher. It is well to remember that all the teachers and initiators were not spiritual. Many were on the material plane as leaders of lower humanity. David, the father of Solomon, was a chosen Jupiter soul under Brahmin, to whose selfish personality the Jews firmly cling, with the tenacity of a bull pup, in preference to Abraham or Jesus, their spirit father. Moses was a Rurue soul whose teachings under Brahmin the Jews have idolized and worshiped without righteous reasoning or even the consistency of crude common sense. A remarkable miscue for shrewd people with a reputation of being clever. Oi! Oi! " Moses plainly taught that only earth and water can bring forth a living body." Koran. This means a natural and not a supernatural birth or immaculate conception. CHRISTIAN WISDOM 189 Peter was an earth soul of Jewish birth who had not the preparation of soul understanding eligible to become a leader. Neither did he establish the Latin church at Rome, although he was prominent in connection with it. The Rishis were initiates or advanced teachers of the Vedic period. Moon souls. There were two schools in Hebrew scriptures. The Elohistic or Esoteric seers. Spiritual. The Jehovistic or Exoteric rabbis. Material. Remember that spirituality is locked up within the inner nature of each soul, ignorant or intelligent, and none can turn the key except through an individual effort of honest desire. Then is not soul unfoldment worth more to one than having the brain and body hypnotized by the Church in worshiping the lust of wealth or fear of Divinity after death? Wake up, thou blighted bud of the dark ages, and blossom forth with the knowledge of a soul understanding and a self-reliant nature. Fear and slavish servitude to mammonism are the first indications of ignorance and sin. 190 CHRISTIAN WISDOM MIND CURE " Christian Scientists have stumbled upon the effect of a physical relief without understanding the cause, which. they attribute to a personal union with God. Whereas it is simply the effect of an occult principle ages old." To be candid, it is based on the rudderless will power of a selfish personality. " New sec.ts of mind cure with their incorrectly outlined practice as copyists and a limited opportunity to study have rushed headlong in their feverish desire to achieve a commanding result." Those who are successful, however, owe it more to the innate ability of their magnetic healing power than the chosen Messiah of special delivery. To sit for Yogi with a superficial purpose is fatal for the student, who will either develop undesirable medium- istic powers within or become disgusted with the occult results. It is the inward value of self-respect that bears fruit in the outward poise. Do not fear in the presence of any one either mortal or immortal, for fear is the unit of destruction. Then why should an honest person fear, with Divinity the spirit of self-reliance that is universal to all and a part within each and every human soul? CHRISTIAN WISDOM 191 HISTORIC SELECTIONS Enoch was a Titan father and the great grandfather of Noah. Enoch's full name was Enoch Edris, from his extensive knowledge of the sciences of astronomy, and arithmetic, being the first to use a pen called a quill made from the feather of an eagle. Noah was reborn as Melchizedek — the servant of Brah- min — to whom Moses appealed : " Shall I follow thee, Melchizedek, that thou teach me for guidance of that which thou too hast been taught?" Koran. Melchizedek was also the spirit father and teacher of Jesus the pupil and servant of Brahmin. Moses was a priest of Osiris, the Egyptian expression of our magnetic sun symbolized. Do you wonder at the questionable results? Jesus and Paul were soul mates. Jesus, the negative soul, was a pupil under the yoke of Melchizedek. Paul was the positive soul, who rebelled against Melchi- zedek and became the advocate of Socrates. Socrates was a finished graduate from another solar system, self-poised and illumined, while Melchizedek had never passed the Apex of the higher spheres. Who then was the most efficient to teach the Divinity of Omnipotent God? Socrates, who had passed through the ordeal of fire successfully, or Melchizedek, who by playing with fire is at present serving an indefinite sentence in the underworld by poking the flames and stirring the dying embers of a colossal perversion? Hermes was a Titan father of marvelous intelligence who presided over every form of erudition. 192 CHRISTIAN WISDOM Apollo was a Titan father known as the spiritual light. Cicero was a patron of sibyls or mediums and his quo- tation on sleep is worthy of acceptance: " In sleep the soul is vigorous and free from the senses and cares of the body which lies prostrate. When the soul of man is disengaged from corporeal impediments and set at freedom in sleep, it beholds these wonders which, when entangled beneath the veil of flesh, it is unable to see." Socrates, who lived between 469 and 400 B. C, had a perfect method of reasoning and instruction through a series of questions that would lead the pupil to perceive and admit the truth or falsity of a doctrine. Socrates came from the planet Socrates. Plato and Pythagoras derived most of their knowledge and philosophy from the Bible of Hermes and Socrates. Plato kept secret the law from the multitude, speaking in enigmas. Why? Because he was under the sodalian oath of secrecy, which is anything but a righteous principle for a spiritual man of a fearless temperament. Plato knew history, but refused to impart it. Although Plato had been a Titan father, the moral cour- age of his soul was unable to rise above the physical ele- ment of his body to proclaim the truth and shame Brahmin. His sympathy for the weak was greater than his service to Divinity. Pythagoras claimed that numbers are the fundamentals of the universe and a key to cosmic or solar consciousness in mortal. Orpheus was recognized as the dawn of Greece. Pythagoras was recognized as the daylight of Greece. Plato was recognized as the setting sun of Greece. Socrates was the master of Plato. Plato was subsequently St. Paul. CHRISTIAN WISDOM 193 " Paul was an initiate and Jew cabalist who clearly stated there is one God and Father of all, who is above all and in you all." Paracelsus records philosophy as the spiritual perception of mortal, claiming that a wise man rules over the stars — interpreted as the powers that are active in his own mental constitution. Apollonius was a spiritual man who denounced hypoc- risy and bigotry among the aristocratic following. His miracles were marvelous, being recognized by the super- stitious as a sorcerer and by Pythagoras' followers as a great philosopher in 4 B. C. While at Ephesus he gave a remarkable evidence of his clairvoyant powers in predicting the murder of Em- peror Domitian at Rome. Amonius Saccus was another psychic and disciple of spirit power. Simon Magnus, a Jew cabalist and reformer with a new religion, was noted for magic and spirit return. Magnus practiced magic with the aid of elemental forces' and answered questions while unconscious and deeply en- tranced. He was closely identified with Helen of Troy, whose magnetic powers completed the magnetic and elec- tric battery from which he drew his power that produced the marvelous results. Menander was a student of Magnus, who was also an expert in enchantment through the elementals, which in the New Testament is referred to as divine miracles. St. Thomas Aquinas, the Roman Catholic doctor, made the positive assertion that God never meddles with the once and forever established laws of nature. 194 CHRISTIAN WISDOM Janus was the " two-faced Roman god of religion," con- spicuous as the temple of Janus, under the Brahmin code. Hercules was a Greek. Samson was a Jew. The prayer of the Initiates was as follows: Hand to forehead, saying To Thee belong Hand to breast, saying the kingdom, Hand to left shoulder, saying justice and Hand to right shoulder, saying mercy Then joining hands, saying throughout the generating cycles. " In the early Christian Church the word Christ was used as a synonym expressing the solar principle in mortal." The Sun Osiris. " That which is called the Christian religion existed among the ancients from the beginning of the race until Jesus came in the flesh, at which time it was called Christianity." True religion existed in both Rome and Greece prior to the Christian era and during what was termed the pagan period. This Plato and Socrates admired as principles of truth and justice. " Ancient philosophers hold that the relation of the Creator to his creation has been the same in all ages, and the brotherhood of all his creatures is superior to creed and religion and will unify them when once apprehended." " The man who does not think cannot know and becomes the slave and property of other minds." " The man who thinks wills to know and tends to become the expression of Divinity within." "Prayer or concentration on the Highest source man is capable of imagining is a path to wisdom found." De Villars. CHRISTIAN WISDOM 195 Occult science is under the direction of Jupiter and Saturn. Saturn creates the melancholy depth of fear or strain of seriousness without the true understanding, which in real- ity is artificial profundity. Jupiter gives the dominating pomp of superiority with a clannish smile and subtle reserve, which in reality is super- ficial sincerity. . " The mission of Saturn has been to bridge the gap be- tween the mortal and the immortal natures of man in the evolution of the races and to bring events to a crisis that their truth may be learned and experiences transmuted into that truth which is the reality of Justice, bringing divine realization and spiritual progress." But alas! how ignominious a failure has been the real mission of Saturn in courting the tribute of a colossal ingratitude. Precession of the equinox is where the electric sun Sirius, coming in conjunction with the magnetic sun Osiris, establishes a change of constellation ruling every 2100 years. As there are 12 constellations and each constellation possesses an individual characteristic, then each conjunc- tion of the two suns would produce a new constellation ruling. A cycle of the equinox would be a circuit of the 12 con- stellation rulings or approximately 25,000 years. Jupiter in conjunction with Saturn has been dominating the past cycle of the equinox, which expired on May 29, 19 1 6. Brahmin, the spirit father of Jupiter, was the pre- eminent ruler. 196 CHRISTIAN WISDOM ^ PERSONAL SPIRIT MESSAGES " William Vanderbilt, Sr., claims that an unselfish desire to scatter the truth is the only true and lasting wealth." " Nicholas the First of Russia said that those he abused were crying for revenge and his misery is agonizing beyond description, claiming that he is no greater than a worm in power." How the mighty have fallen! " Edward the Seventh of England still considers himself a king, although he is enthroned oh a cake of ice and wonders why his subjects do not respond to his calls." He thinks his throne is made of jewels, but it will be ages before he can redeem the thousands of souls he mor- ally abused while on earth. And the king can do no wrong, don't you know. O death, where is thy sting! In the sentence of repent- ance for all, king or serf, it matters not. In answer to the question Has Divinity form? If Divinity is without form, then Divinity can have no idea of form. That which is not in the seed cannot appear in the tree. If the universe of form sprang from Divinity, then Divinity must have a form somewhere and somehow. Think it over, scientific wiseacres. William Astor is naked and in misery with only his own selfishness to greet him and those whom he abused to rebuke him. Such is the poison of usury. CHRISTIAN WISDOM 197 Seven has many suggestions. Seven stages has the life of mortal. Seven days the moon changes. Seven months teeth appear in children. Seven months a full-grown babe is formed. Seven years teeth are shed by children. Fourteen years puberty commences. Twenty-one years mental faculties develop. Twenty-eight years full physical strength is developed. Thirty-five years passion is developed. Seven colors are: Purple, yellow, green, blue (2), red (2). Black is dense magnetism. White is the absence of color. Electric. Magnetism shows the denser colors until purified by the electric principles to a clearer shading. 198 CHRISTIAN WISDOM CHRISTIANITY By a " seemingly " wise dispensation of Providence the infancy of the Christian Church was veiled in obscurity until the faith of Christianity was well rooted and their numbers multiplied. The gradual abolishing of Mosaic ceremony offered an excellent shield for the Christians to protect their cause from the pagan world. When the destruction of the temple at Jerusalem by Titus in 70 A. D. took place, the Christian element removed their quarters to Pella, where they were convalescent for some 60 years. It was the evolution of ancient customs from the idolizing of false gods to a higher conception of faith. The Nazarene church at Jerusalem was founded 40 days after the disappearance of Jesus and promoted under the personal supervision of his Apostles. The doctrine was received as the standard of orthodoxy by those who did not dare to think or reason for them- selves. They were shackled like submissive lambs that strongly resembled the characteristic chain step as they fell into line. The first 15 bishops of Jerusalem were all circumcised Jews, and the members over which they presided united the teachings of Moses and the doctrine of Jesus as ordained by the Apostles. A series of predictions had long preceded the expected arrival of Jesus, who was heralded as a king or physical conqueror rather than as a spiritual prophet of soul understanding. CHBISTIAN WISDOM 199 It was through the advent of Jesus that the doctrine of baptism was substituted for the initiation of blood. The earthly customs were modified to a milder form of outward expression through the magnetic vibration in water, which is not so dense or crude a form of magnetism as would be the vibration from a clot of blood. I admit that the baptism of water on the top of the head is far more edifying than baptism from the fumes of liquor inside of the head, which is so conspicuous in Masonic and social gatherings of public prominence. Both conditions, however, are merely exhibitions of childish sym- bols in material display and not the manhood of soul de- votion in silent prayer. Every privilege that could raise the converts or exalt their devotion was reserved for followers of the early Christian Church. All humanity was permitted and even solicited to accept the opportunity offered, first as a favor and then as an obligation, for it became the sacred duty of a new convert to proclaim the blessings received and warn others that a refusal was criminal disobedience to a benevolent but all-powerful deity. Such compulsion through fear was not the conviction of honest teaching or intelligent under- standing. The persecution of the Nazarene Christians by the Jews continued from the time of Jesus until the ruin of Jerusalem. The Nazarenes were protected in a measure through the ignorance of the pagans in their contempt for the Jewish synagogue. It is self-evident that the religion of Moses (1400 B. C.) should have been restricted to a certain time that governed conditions of a crude physical growth and not soul growth, as it did not emphasize the immortality of the soul, which is the most essential factor in any eternal doctrine of re- ligion. When Moses destroyed the tablets of Joshua, Moses humbled his Jewish followers to the fires of perdi- tion under the Brahmin yoke. However, had the Jews shown a spark of gratitude to the memory of Abraham or Jesus, their spirit father, the 200 CHRISTIAN WISDOM Jews would have remained centered as a deserving people and not scattered to the four winds in 136 A. D. and cen- sured as the rot of all nations in a spiritual and moral sense. The Jew Nazarenes respected Jesus or the Messiah as a teacher of virtue and religion, although they adhered closely to the ceremonies of their pagan ancestors. The Jew argued that if the Divine Being, who is the same through- out all eternity, had designed to abolish the sacred rites of Moses, the repeal would have been as spectacular and solemn as in the beginning. Wiseacres! Divinity is not spectacular in blowing fuses, but of a universal simplicity that is eternal. All contortions and solemn mockery are but tempting bait for the selfish personality of a Brahmin hook. And when you realize you are caught, it will burn with a scarlet shame and the caustic sting of remorse. The early Christians considered that the idolatry of Paganism was the worst enemy of religion, as the Christian frowned on excessive pleasure or the worshiping of but one God. This made the convert Jew a choice mixture from the pagan authority of Moses to the spiritual teaching of the Apostles as the basis of early Christianity. It was a compromise that even to this day requires the minutest filtering, as compromise in any sense means a subtle form of adulteration or else perversion. The Nazarene Jew, who laid the foundation of the early Christian Church, soon realized that the increasing forces from the ranks of polytheism had rejected the Mosaic ceremonies and were brought under the banner of Jesus. This release of the Nazarene church from the bonds of the synagogue was accomplished only after many trials and tribulations. " Christ was an appellation given to Jesus. It is synonymous with the Hebrew Messiah." CHBISTIAN WISDOM 201 The title of Christian was first applied to the disciples at Antioch in 43 A. D. Acts xi. 26. When the Apostles passed away the episcopal bishops ruled for 100 years, with each branch society having a separate maintenance, but bound in purpose by the ties of "faith and charity" without a deeper insight of under- standing, as faith is only an infant crutch for the feeble thinker. Then faith is a crutch We need in our youth — Till knowledge appears As the manhood of truth. Alas! it is sad but true that humanity even at this late date is struggling in short pants or nursing at the infant bottle of faith, where the avarice and subtlety of the church capitalist and lesser lights have dwarfed the soul of mortal to a dim and inconceivable future from a Christian stand- point. Jesus never intended that one should cling to his apron string like a sucking babe, but instead put forth the efforts of resolution and self-reliance through the honest convic- tion of a worthy soul. Sympathetic pap is for pups in the infant stage, but not for man or woman in the matured age. The bishops who took the place of the prophets showed a spiritual decline and material advance. The prophets were inspired through a spirit power to elevate humanity, while the bishops were imbued with the power to emulate a personality which was restricted to creed and ceremonial flourish. Branch societies of this Nazarene Christian church were established in the cities of Rome, Antioch, Alexandria, Ephesus, and Corinth. 202 CHRISTIAN WISDOM As the church of Rome was built in honor of Jupiter, the pagan god of luxury and wealth, it could not have honored the hallowed name of Jesus, who had denounced luxury and wealth. Even to this day the Catholic followers worship on bended knee the " blessings of Jupiter " under the nom de plume of emergency. (Money.) The ideal quotation of Jesus (" Unless ye become as little children ye cannot enter the kingdom of heaven ") has been misapplied and interpreted by these devoted saints as meaning an Eternal Childhood on Earth! And in con- sequence they have naturally appropriated the customary creedal toys of Jupiter (pomp and wealth), while the growth of virtue in a true Christian soul is stifled or snubbed as a foreign intrusion. O ye of the spotless robes! human nature will evolute either to the bloom of manhood or rot in decay. But remember this — the present generation, with its " cultured facilities," is best qualified to calculate the tons of fertilizer prepared from the present customs of religious worship, that is destined to decorate the sarcophagus of modern Christianity at an early date. As the radiant diamond is plucked from a dingy mine or muddy mire, the up-to-date Christian church is evi- dently trying to imitate nature in being plucked from the mire. But there is a remarkable difference in the sparkle! Should you question the truth of my comparison, take it to any " Jew "-eler and he will instantly detect the margin in value. CHRISTIAN WISDOM 203 The church of Rome became the most influential and popular Christian church, with St. Peter as the first bishop of the Christian faith. In 43 A. D. St. Paul established the first Gentile church at Antioch. In 52 A. D. St. Paul went to Jerusalem to a council meeting. In 60 A. D. St. Paul was seized and cast out of the temple at Jerusalem, where the Jews attempted to kill him. In 63 A. D. he appealed to Caesar and finally reached Rome. In 66 A. D., when Rome was enveloped in flames for six days, which destroyed the greater portion of the city, a report became current to the effect that Nero was the cause. This so incensed Nero that he immediately retali- ated by accusing the Christians and was instrumental in the arrest of Peter and Paul, who were thrown into the Mamertine dungeon. On June 29, 67 A. D., Paul was be- headed and Peter crucified with his head hanging down- ward. This was apparently permitted, so that the " favored patrons " of the Christian Church could preserve their martyrdom and thus escape the personal calumny of pagan fury or Brahmin spite. Finally the slaughter became so beastly and atrocious that even the populace demanded that the persecution should cease. The prevailing worship of Rome at this period was paganism or the idolatry of mythology seasoned with sumptuous splendor and wanton waste. In 70 A. D. the Christians, heeding the warning that Titus of Rome would besiege Jerusalem, withdrew in safety to the city of Pella. As Solomon's temple has been the theme of many heated discussions, appended is a short synopsis of authentic facts inserted for the consideration of future generations. 204 CHRISTIAN WISDOM It is sad but true that the general trend of the present personality is too inert and superficial for serious thought or beneficial considerations. King Solomon, from historic and spirit corroboration, built a temple in loio B. C, consuming nearly eight years before completion. The temple was destroyed in 586 B. C. and raised up again in 535 B. C, although of a very in- ferior undertaking in all respects. In 19 B. C. King Herod took exceptions and had the temple destroyed, erecting in place of it a glorious structure that was in every way the equal of Solomon's time, consuming eight years in the building, with the final touches accepted in 62 A. D., just eight years prior to the conquest of Titus. The building was constructed of red and white limestone with bronze pillars, while the roof was made of cedar wood. There was an inner court and altar for the priests, where the laymen entered only upon special occasions, as the lay- men had an outer court for their own use, with a court for the special use of women as well. The space between the inner and the outer court was called the court of the Gentiles because non-Jews were permitted to enter, while the east end of the temple was used as the entrance to the Holy of Holies. 1 Titus entered the city of Jerusalem eight years after its final completion, where he found the Jews clinging to the temple in hopes that Jesus would come to the rescue. But all in vain, as they had rejected Jesus long ago. During the conflict the temple caught fire and was soon destroyed, after which Titus inflicted a terrible vengeance on the Jews, where many were crucified or sold in slavery. The treasures that remained in the temple were car- ried away by Titus to Rome, where they figured in the triumphal arch built in honor of Titus. CHRISTIAN WISDOM 205 The early Christians were a mixture of the poorer classes or outcasts and those easily susceptible to superstitious terror, where parables and threats prevailed. It was a haven of refuge for religious outcasts or weary wanderers with no place to lay their heads, as many of the eminent saints were abandoned sinners. They were earth souls slowly advancing through the glimmer of unfoldment, where the catacombs of Rome were prominent places of refuge in time of persecution. As the institution of prophets in Christianity became useless- (from ingratitude), their powers were withdrawn and the sacredness of their office abolished. For the public functions of religion were transferred to the bishops and the trailing clergy. In fact the entire body of Christian followers refused to hold communion with any of the gods of mankind or Roman gods, except Jesus. This the pagans keenly resented, as also the secrets of the Christian Church. This aroused their jealousy by accusing the Christians of depravity and false dealing under the cunning cover of secrecy. It was the same old stigma of secrecy that poi- soned humanity in past ages and will continue in the future as the rot of social evil. The Roman pagans were loath to consider a future, although the early Christians submitted to the authority of Roman government by confessing that legal institutions of war and justice were necessary for the times, but absolutely refused to take any active steps in defense of the empire. This exposed the Christians to the open censure of pagan reasoning as to who or what will protect your homes from intrusion. As a sequel to this method of reasoning, St. John, the last of the Apostles, was banished from Rome in 80 A. D. to the Isle of Patmos, where as the beloved John he was impressed with the book of Revelation. 206 CHRISTIAN WISDOM As an established Catholic fact, St. Peter is recorded as the first christian pope of Rome in 40 A. D., he was fol- lowed by Linus in 66 A. D. and Cletus in 78 A. D., hold- ing the distinction until 90 A. D., when Clement the First made his masterful declaration, which has been sneeringly ignored by those who followed on in authority. The Catholic quotation of Clement, a Neptune soul, was: ." Let us approach God in purity. Let us look to Jesus Christ our High Priest at the right hand of the father, as Jesus was sent from God." The reference of Clement to God was Divinity, as God was the popular term in use at that time^ while the term father was meant for Melchizedek, the spirit father of Jesus, who had taught Jesus to believe that he (Mel- chizedek) was the Divinity. It was a delusion that Jesus and his followers have paid dearly for ever since and will continue to until the error is thoroughly erased and the truth transplanted as the birthright of each and every soul. As evidence to stamp the cunning of Catholic doctrine, why did the Catholic authority repudiate Arius when he had the moral courage or true Christian spirit to proclaim the truth of Clement's teaching — that Jesus was not Di- vinity, but a divine messenger in the flesh, as in fact all are when worthy to be called a righteous prophet? Was not Arius presenting the divine truth of Clement's teaching — that Divinity is supreme within us all and not Jesus, as Jesus was only a mortal of the flesh trying hard to express a message in all sincerity and truth, but under the yoke of Brahmin and Melchizedek instead of the divine influence of Omnipotent God? Then the Pagans were no more idol or hero worshipers than were the Catholics or Jews. The Jews worshiped Moses, while the Catholics idolized Jesus (in name) as the equal of Divinity with an immacu- late conception. When Constantine coincided with Athanasius was he not showing his true colors as a pagan at heart, with all the subtlety of Catholic cunning that debarred even a vestige of Christian sincerity to defend the truth of Arius? CHRISTIAN WISDOM 207 Was Clement the First a mockery to Divinity as the accepted pope of Christian faith or was the Roman Catholic creed one colossal bubble of Brahmin inflation? The original Christian faith through its followers has honored the teachings of Clement the First as authentic, although the Pagan or Catholic faith has trampled on his authority by accepting the arguments of Athanasius, which were in direct contradiction to the fundamental principles of accepted Christianity. Hero worship and money worship through the laws of Constantine estab- lished a financial contribution as the keystone of Catholic security for a " future power of protection." But alas ! it was not the doctrine of Jesus. This was in direct violation to Christianity and a snub to the teachings of Jesus. For Jesus had renounced all material wealth with an implicit trust in his father as a power of protection. The New Testament was written in the last half of the first century. It was mostly an arrangement of letters from the author- ship of Paul, Peter, John, James, Matthew, Jude, Mark, and Luke, compiled in book form and framed with the cus- tomary guilt seasorflng that is proverbial in a creedal personality. The Gnostic who flourished in the second and third cen- turies blended with the Christian faith many sublime but obscure tenets of the invisible world. As a lamentable fact the Christians were subjected to a continual seesaw condition that existed among the em- perors in the Roman Empire from the reign of Nero. First the pagan element of persecution would flame out and then a consideration would be shown the Christian fol- lowers, until the edict at Milan (313 A. B.) in the time of Constantine. This practically established the Catholic faith of Christianity as a permanent power of creedal distinction. The so-called Catholic creed is not the universal mean- ing of the word Catholic but a Roman or Pagan mixture that is preeminent in a selfish personality. " Personality " is for the material expression or " physi- cal possession " of mammon and earthly power, while " Spirituality " is a universal expression for " soul progres- 208 CHRISTIAN WISDOM sion " of eternal truth as the blessedness of divine understanding. 1 Quoting from historical facts, Marcion about 145 A. D. recorded the first collection of the New Testament, which included one book of the gospel and ten epistles by St. Paul. Accepting this date as fairly authentic, if St. Paul wrote the ten epistles and died about 67 A. D., then the New Tes- tament was virtually in use during his time, although of a fragmentary nature that was minus the careful grooming or linked in special rotation, as at the present time. That the New Testament was a direct issue culled from the life of Jesus is unquestioned by safe and sane mortals. It was adopted by the Apostles soon after the disappear- ance of Jesus, but seasoned to suit the social and later as a commercial convenience for those in power. It is simply absurd to convey the idea that Jesus resorted to parables or in any way countenanced the practice of secrecy or deceit in his teaching a righteous brotherhood. That belongs to the crude imitator who is labeled Creed, with the specific purpose of Monopoly and not Brotherhood. The honest intention of Jesus was devotion to the wel- fare of human souls and not a direct contradiction to him- self, for his doctrine was simple and free from the creedal mystery of secret ceremonials or gorgeous pomp. CHRISTIAN WISDOM 209 It is well to note that the pagan church had a college of pontiffs with a pagan pope called Papa, who wore the miter and was considered infallible, identical with the pro- cessional Catholic pope of Rome. Were they not peas from the same pod with a tie that binds ? Pagan models with the Christian cloaking or Jupiter cuisine with the Brahmin flavoring. During the close of the second century, when the cor- ruption of the pagan priesthood became intolerant, the more considerate priesthood tried to check the increasing tide of depravity by uniting the books of the New Testa- ment and serving to order theological seaweed. This the subtlety of the Church considered advisable to adopt as a pro tem solution to meet the emergency. Poor starving souls of humanity, how quickly they ab- sorbed the religious bait and were soon corraled as: sheep within the shepherd's fold, little dreaming that the leaders were only conspiring against the liberty and birthright of their own soul unfoldment. This is easily understood and accounted for when one realizes the scheming methods of crowned heads, where one is pitted against the other through the creedal strife of avarice and greed, while the people pay the price in bloodshed and sorrow. The distant curfew tolls the knell of parting day and records their souls as fettered in bondage to the lust of mammon. O ye of the spotless robe and flowing tongue, what an ideal foundation of Christian brotherhood for coming gen- erations to emulate and perpetuate that echoes within the annals of religious tyranny. mo CHRISTIAN WISDOM In fact every form of the Roman Catholic church was a direct imitation of the old pagan customs, modified with the soft pedal on the confessional to allay suspicion. With the revival of the New Christian church the priest- hood resolved to adopt a foreign tongue, while the use of astrology was generally condemned. As the pagans had adopted a new system of astrology which required a key, Peter Roma was intrusted with supreme authority wherein none could practice astrology without first obtaining the key from Peter. This incited the allegory that St. Peter of the Catholic faith was in- trusted with the keys of heaven. What a sublime reflec- tion on St. Peter, who had denied his trust in Jesus when the test was offered. When the priests perverted the truth of astrology with allegory they dispensed with the fundamental facts on reincarnation and substituted a visionary heaven with con- tented idleness and a flaming picture of hell, showing how utterly absurd it was to love and bless your enemies while the Lord was preparing an eternal hell in which to roast the enemies of righteousness. " For vengeance is mine saith the Lord." Brahmin. This was evidently another delusion to portray the " divine illumination " of their exalted faith in vengeance, as I am quite confident that vengeance is the signet cus- tom of the Catholic creed, where the " divine illumination '* is extremely conspicuous, judging from the crimson stain of constant usage taken from the records of historic deeds. Another convincing evidence of their subtle faith is through the priests, who were continually pleading and begging for money to build a sumptuous temple. This was contradic- tory to Jesus the son of man, with no place to lay his head, an humble outcast with a following of the poorer people from humble homes, where the canopy of heaven was the dome of their church under the righteousness of an honest devotion. Quoting from a well-known fact, the high mass was for the rich, with a low mass for the poor — but alas! there was no mass for the pauper. This is exceedingly sad, for had Jesus lived in the last century, with no place to lay CHRISTIAN WISDOM 211 his head, poor soul! he would have been spurned as a pauper and denied the absolution of a mass. O ye of the spotless robe, how can you follow Jesus unless you are all paupers in the wealth of mammon? But alas! statistics have recorded you as monarchs in the lust of mammon and paupers in the fold of Jesus. The fourth century was notable for ushering in Con- stantine (a moon soul), the son of Emperor Constantinus, a Servian, who before entering Rome in 312 A. D. hesitated between Paganism and Christianity. But on viewing the vision of a cross in the sky that was encircled with the words, " In hoc signo vinces," or translated, " In this sign shalt thou conquer," Constantine decided to cast his fate by proclaiming himself a Christian protector. From that time henceforth the roots of Christianity prospered in creed as sown from illusion and not illumination. Constantine was the first emperor openly to espouse the cause of so-called Christianity, while every bloody victory produced some marked benefit to the Church with a stain on the soul of mortal. Owing to the rivalry in customs of pomp and splendor at Rome, Constantine decided to establish a new capital where Catholic faith was immune. He chose a city on the Bosphorus that was later renamed in his honor, called Constantinople, so that he could con- veniently rule the east and west — not religiously, but commercially. This was a strategic move, as it diminished his opposi- tion at Rome and increased his power of concentration at Constantinople, where he surrounded himself with bishops and the customary trooping of ecclesiastic bric-a-brac. 212 CHRISTIAN WISDOM Constantinople was originally founded in 658 B. C. by the Greeks and called Byzantium, but it was rechristened on May 11, 330 A. D., as Constantinople by Constantine. In 1453 A. D. it was conquered by the Turks, who re- named it Stamboul, when the turban was exalted in place of the tiara. Constantine attempted to blend Paganism and Christian- ity with sufficient tact to advance his own political policies, for he served the purpose of a tilt board in seeking to main- tain an equilibrium with Rome on one end and Constanti- nople on the other. But such a diplomatic masterpiece was never successfully accomplished, as shallowness and artifice court eternal shift and unrest, with no peace for the wicked. Constantine also provided the Church with a law to in- herit property. It was a clever scheme of capitalization that ignored a testimonial of gratitude to Jesus or divine worship. For Jesus distinctly emphasized the fact that all should renounce their material wealth and follow him in righteousness. Hark, ye of the spotless robe, and remember this ! Lofty spires and gilded crosses are excellent bait for a spider's web, but they never were the magnet of Jesus' teaching. 1 As the outward splendor of the Church increased, the inward purity vanished, for power and wealth were tre- mendous incentives to join the Church from other denomi- nations. It is the same old story where you reap the harvest of ignorance and fear from the seed of a sainted delusion. This you can best judge for yourself through the mirrored customs of the present day, where a lack of con- fidence in a " future existence " shows up the ignorance of superstition as the governing hand for souls that are des- tined to the shock of a rude awakening. CHRISTIAN WISDOM 213 Future tyrants were encouraged to believe that the in- nocent blood they shed in a long life of infamy and terror would instantly be washed away in the waters of regenera- tion, as the sacrament of baptism was supposed to convey a complete expiation of sin and restore the soul to its original state of infant purity, with the promise of eternal salvation. So much depravity prevailed within the Roman Empire at this period that many of the inhabitants became terror- stricken and fled to Theibad, Egypt, prominent among them was St. Anthony. They were identified as hermits, although when banding together in brotherhood the title of monk was conferred upon them in consequence of their habit in dress, which consisted of a long dark gown with cowl attached. The sisters who banded together in similar attire were designated as nuns. They established a doctrine of prayer and humility as a means of accomplishing more good in the silence than by battling in the midst of temptation and sin. It was truly a meritorious calling, like an oasis in the desert, that was deserving of praise when freed from the bondage of Church ceremonials. Associated with these conditions in Egypt was a priest called Arius, who braved the censure of the Christian Church by openly confessing, in opposition to the professed doctrine, that Jesus was not of the beginning or the equal of God, although Arius honored Jesus as the noblest of all created beings. 214 CHRISTIAN WISDOM This incited such a religious furore that Constantine au- thorized a council of the bishops to convene at Nicea, Asia Minor, and determine the truth of the controversy. Prominent at this convention was a young deacon of Alexandria called Athanasius, whose arguments were ac- cepted as the most effective in sustaining the profession of faith that Jesus was Omnipotent God. This was accepted by almost a unanimous vote, with two exceptions, and the " confession of faith " was drawn up and christened the Nicene or Catholic creed about 327 A. D. It was this struggle or " confession of faith " that con- stituted the root of the Roman Catholic creed, while those who opposed it were blasphemed as heretics. " Vengeance is mine saith the Lord." 1 The consciousness of fear and unrest was particularly noticeable in this Nicene creed, as the confusion of faith was altered and confirmed at Constantinople in 381 A. D., with a profusion of confusions and alterations by subse- quent councils to register these intermittent changes, so that the dictates of conscience could be adjusted to their Brahmin calling. But alas, there was no peace for the wicked. It is this parting of the ways in Christian teaching to which I take exception. The Apostles introduced and adopted principles of a re- ligious nature synonymous with Jesus. Jesus was unques- tionably acknowledged as a prophet and Messiah for hu- manity, which in the English language is clearly personified by the term of plain Catholic when free from the entangle- ment of Romanism. If Catholic is a universal term of freedom for equal rights, and Divinity the one supreme power of universal understanding, then the only plausible solution of the prob- lem that can be termed plain Catholic is the one that rec- ognizes the equality of Omnipotent God as a living part within each and every human soul. CHRISTIAN WISDOM 215 Then woe betide the " crafty Christian " or " subtle creed " that would attempt to divorce the soul of mortal from reaching a universal understanding and realization of this Qod-given birthright, which is the relationship of Divinity within to the soul of each mortal and not a creedal distinction of pulpit eminence for the chosen few to bloat and bluster. This " outward exhibition " of display as faith in God is only a feeble and shallow pretense of religious worship. If Divinity is a silent witness to all our secrets, then Divinity alone is able to commune with our soul and guide us with unerring care — that is, when we honestly under- stand and sincerely desire the consciousness of divine dictation. Divinity cannot force the way. It is for you to make the honest, conscientious effort and Omnipotent God will surely respond. Atonement is the open door that leads to the wisdom of Omnipotent God. Then creed is only a subtle perversion or " separation from Divinity in thought " — that is, classified as sect or theological denomination and not the consistent doctrine of universal truth. Mortal! the only followers who recognize creed are the automatic processional of a non compos people. When the Christian followers called themselves a Catho- lic creed it was a direct contradiction and blasphemy against the Divinity within the soul, as it placed them in opposition to the Divinity within the souls of their so-called enemies or heretics, where " Vengeance is mine " was in constant use. O ye of the spotless robe, is not the spark of Divinity in one soul a part of the same Divinity that is within each human soul, when you recognize Divinity as within your heart instead of the personality of a weak intellect? 216 CHRISTIAN WISDOM Can the spark of Divinity within one human soul be an enemy to the same Divinity that is in each human soul? It is not such a strenuous puzzle to sift and solve when your honesty is deeply rooted in the sincerity of your heart instead of the shallow intellect of a selfish personality. As proof glance at the spectacular array of spangled creeds that are now in vogue, where the avarice and greed of a meek and wily religious potentate are to separate the Divinity within from the soul of mortal, like a bone of contention that is thrown to a pack of snarling dogs, wherein the animal and not the spiritual nature is devoutly worshiped. For a fitting testimonial take the " sacred crusades " as a glaring example of perfidious distinction, where a guilty soul needs no accuser. CHRISTIAN WISDOM 217 REVIEW OF REVIEWS Creedal religion is a faith of much personal contention and mental affliction, while the true status of a catholic religion is the harmony of a universal soul understanding. It is not the expansion of a flexible faith, but a sound and permanent understanding. Faith is all right when used as a wing to brood the infant chicks of ignorance, but religion is for maturity, with a deeper significance as the truth of a self-reliant understanding. O ye of the spotless robe, does not the heart beat in honest rhythm, or is your conscience beguiled with the syncopated tinkle of a creedal twaddle? Is the Catholic creedal faith of one understanding or many alterations, as a seething caldron of unlimited con- vulsions from dissension and corruption? Aye ! the echoes of antiquity from historical research will rise as with the spring of eternal youth and vindicate the truth of my assertion. The faith termed Catholic or Nicene creed has proved a curse instead of a blessing in the spiritual unfoldment for the soul of mortal. When the Roman Catholic Church adulterated the " mis- sion of Jesus " through a " monopoly " of creedal doctrine, that act rebounds to the perpetrators when the lie is unmasked. For Jesus preached a righteous understanding and not the selfishness of a creedal personality. The convention at Nicea was undoubtedly the most pro- nounced expression of dissension. It practically severed the undergrowth of Catholicism from the teachings of Jesus as set forth by the Apostles soon after the disappearance of Jesus at Jerusalem. 1 218 CHRISTIAN WISDOM The separation was distinguished as the Catholic Chris- tian and the Arian Christian, which in later centuries be- came known as Protestant heretics. Athanasius, in honor of his marvelous voice and eloquent delivery, was ordained Pope or Papa of the Catholic Church, while Arius was banished with the tenderness of Catholic cunning, although later on he appealed to Em- peror Constantine for a reinstatement at Communion. But Constantine naively replied : " If your faith agree with your oath you are blameless, otherwise God be your judge." Verily, my brethren, who was this God to judge Arius? Why Brahmin, who decided the fate of Jesus. Then what consideration could Arius expect from this creedal mon- ster but annihilation? " For vengeance is mine saith the Lord," and the Lord was not Divinity. However, as the records stand, Arius was suddenly " seized " with a serious illness and soon after expired. Whether the illness was " natural or fixed " history re- mains silent as the grave, leaving the fact as a question of Catholic conscience. This positively decided the destiny of Constantine, who was forever after sealed to the mandates of the Roman Catholic version, where superstition and fear ruled his vision at the sudden withdrawal of Arius. Constantine from thence on gradually declined in the practice of virtue, which was strongly exhibited in the exe- cution of his son Crispus, who was a fellow of excellent bearing, but sacrificed to gratify the knavish jealousy of Fausta, the faithless ,wife of Constantine. Not even the human pretense or formality of a Christian consideration or investigation was granted before issuing the order of execution for his son. However, it was only shortly after that Constantine discovered his act to be one of wrath instead of justice, as the innocence of his son was proven and the guilt of Fausta established. Confidentially, would ' you accept such an act as one of " superstitious awe " that expressed his animal nature, or was it the " Catholic ver- sion of Christianity " that honored the footsteps of Jesus, where the king can do no wrong? CHRISTIAN WISDOM 219 When Constantine approached the zenith of his career a terror-stricken feeling from " mental anguish or physical decay " quickened his " religious fervor " in order to cloak the degeneracy of his departing days in peaceful seclusion. For he sought the protection of " absolution and Holy Communion " from the Catholic creedal faith, where the purple robe of regal splendor was thrust aside so that the spotless white robe of an innocent neophyte could cover his palsied soul. He was safe within the arms of Jesus, but under a flag of truce, where his sins were washed white as the driven snow while canopied under the spotless white robe of a neophyte. Unfortunately history blushingly withholds recording the destiny of his soul condition in future worlds after death, when Constantine is forced to disrobe his spotless garment and reveal the truth of his double dealing. For the scales of justice will minutely weigh the sowing of his each and every act to a minimum point of atonement. Albeit the king can do no wrong, does it pay? As a stern reality is it not wise for mortals to realize and inves- tigate the destiny of their own acts before they nibble at the phosphoric bait of absolution? For it only draws you within the meshes of a spider's web to writhe in anguish when the mist has rolled away. O ye of the spotless robe and flowing tongue, art thou immune from the Universal Law of adjustment or the debt of sin through the egotistic polish of thine own self- importance ? Tut! tut! brother! Are shallow words and solemn pomp of creedal pretense the saviour of guaranteed for- giveness for a cowardly or corrupt soul, with absolution measured out at so much per ounce and the deepest purple secures the largest measure? Think deep and think well, O ye of the sheltered robe, for the voice of divine conscience will soon be upon you to demand an accounting or awaken your soul to the horror of remorse through the mockery of self-delusion. It seems almost incredulous that the crude and corrupt customs of earth are permitted by the rulers to excel and 220 CHRISTIAN WISDOM dominate. But then on a sane reflection we find the evi- dence of these privileged mortals, who rule and tyrannize over a nation or religious body, when in reality they are incapable and unworthy of controlling even themselves and, to cap the climax, they are quite exempt from public ex- posure or rigid censure. As a shining example Constantine, to complete the pageant at the sunset of life, was allowed the humorous fanaticism of being scraped from all foul reflection of an earthly contamination as freely as one would clean a butcher's block. So simple, a mere trifle in exchange for gilded favor. How gracious, my Lord! absolution without value re- ceived. Marvelous! For such is the cultured polish of adroit subtlety in place of virtue, the only true test of merited spirituality. But then, what could you expect when the gratitude of the Roman Catholic creed exalted the favors and excused the failings of Emperor Constantine, who had seated the Catholic creedal church on the throne of the Roman Em- pire, but not on the throne of Divinity, thanks to Om- nipotent God, although the Greeks made every effort to fortify his position by the ingenious title of " Equal to the Apostles." It was surely a Brahmin cock that crowed that time, with a coordinate expression of temporal power in perfect touch with the elastic stretch of creedal imagination, wherein the Catholic faith bartered the penalty of sin for the companionship of a spotless cloth robe. O ye Saints! where ignorance is bliss — remorse will make you wise. CHRISTIAN WISDOM 221 About 321 A. D., Constantine granted the privilege of his subjects bequeathing their fortunes to the Church, quite confident in the fact that he could easily purchase the favor of heaven and distribute among his saints the wealth of the nation. At this period Constantinople was more acceptable to the Catholic vibration than Rome, as the old pagan customs that prevailed in Rome continually inter- fered with the monopoly of Catholic conditions. Constantinus, the son of Constantine, who followed his father as emperor, was identified with the Arian element, while in 361 A. D. Julian proved to be a pagan monarch who tried to restore paganism at Constantinople, but was unsuccessful in weeding out the Catholic host. It was in 366 A. D. that the first historic translation of the Scriptures in the Gothic tongue was conceived, when St. Jerome was chosen as special envoy to complete an authentic edition of the Scriptures. In the seclusion of Bethlehem he accomplished his purpose and with the assistance of Papla in 385 A. D. formed the first Latin monastery at Bethlehem, which eventually became the lighthouse in the desert as a haven of shelter for the humble monks and thirsty braves of the sacred crusades. It is quite remarkable as a coincident fact that the French, Gaul, and Saxon natives of the northern climate, who were subject to the electric element, were taught Christianity under the Arian faith, while na- tives from the southern clime, who were subject to the magnetic element, were taught Christianity under the Roman Catholic faith. Theodosius in 395 A. D. added to the faith " I believe in the Holy Ghost," also the " Te Deum," which was known as the hymn of St. Ambrose and used at Milan. Rome was sacked in 410 A. D. and the pagan host silenced for all time as the temples were razed and idols demolished, although a permanent reflection of paganism is still evident as a living testimonial of cherished customs that were worshiped in the dark ages. 222 CHRISTIAN WISDOM During the stampede of 526 A. D. the bishops and clergy remained intact to become the chief counselors and ad- visers of the ruling monarchs, for conditions were swayed like a seething mass with " vengeance is mine saith the Lord," where strife for the mastery of a selfish personal- ity was the ruling passion, which has been mirrored so exquisitely through the endless chain of predominant popes. 1 An Italian hermit called St. Benedict, wishing to pray as a recluse rather than struggle with bad men and women in dens of vice, formed a band of monks wearing a long dress with hood. They lived a simple life of constant devotion by voicing seven prayers at regular hourly in- tervals throughout the day and night. It was called Benedictine and many bethels of monks were inaugurated as places of safety and refuge in times of persecution. A good and pious man called A. Gregorius was chosen pope of Rome in 590 A. D. He was firm in the belief and knowledge that no patriarch was justified in claiming a distinction above the rest or to be called a preeminent bishop. Whether this reference includes Jesus of Nazareth the courtesy and consideration of the Catholic Church have wisely omitted in the sacred anecdotes of Catholic history. Pope Gregory was considered a competent man for his time, as the wisdom and judgment of his management did much to force the Romans to acknowledge the pope as head of affairs in both state and church, especially after his death, which occurred about 604 A. D. Poor benighted Christianity, how it fluttered and strug- gled between the idolatry of wealth and the reflection of pagan rituals, until the fabric of superstition created by the Catholic creedal faith was assaulted by a crowd of daring fanatics, who from the twelfth to the sixteenth century assumed the role of reformers and were universally recog- nized as Protestants during the reign of Charles the Fifth in 1529. CHRISTIAN WISDOM 223 Under the banner of Martin Luther two different ver- sions of the Bible caused a vicious parting of the ways and deluged the world in blood. It was in the twelfth century that the Church quarreled with itself as to what books of the Scriptures should com- prise an authentic edition of the Bible. This continued until Protestant and Catholic bathed humanity in human blood from cruel deeds too ghastly and appalling for Christian followers to tolerate without the crimson flush of a guilty soul. Strange as it may appear, but nevertheless true, these horrible conditions were unexpectedly fruitful, as they opened up the avenues for the freedom of thought, which to this day have never been throttled. This was due to a permanent foothold, which finally found offspring in the advent of the Pilgrim Fathers when they landed on American soil in 1620 A. D. Although thd persecuted Protestants have quietly with- drawn from the bloody field of religious carnage, the Catholic avarice is still religiously scheming to monopolize the souls of mortals by crushing the spark of Divinity within the souls to the slavish subjection of a false and treacherous doctrine that is saturated with the villainy and corruption of past ages. As proof of this assertion I quote from the records when Professor Morse, the American telegraph inventor, was abroad. While in Italy he discovered a conspiracy among the crowned heads of Europe, with the pope at the helm, to destroy the American Republic. 224 CHRISTIAN WISDOM The Emperor of Austria in 1829, at a meeting in Vienna, openly proclaimed: " As long as I live with a will of iron I will oppose the progress of liberal opinions." What a merciful epithet for the generous tenets of Catholicism as an evidence of the Brahmin personality: " Love thine enemies, bless those that curse you," which always had an echoing response, " Vengeance is mine saith the Lord; I will repay," not the all-seeing eye, but the Brahmin eye with a caste in it. This is entirely wrong as, should dissension or corrup- tion appear within the community, the rulers should act like men of honor with honest hearts and self-respect, ready to adjust or establish universal soul principles wherein Divinity and humanity can firmly cooperate through a harmonious growth of sound reason and com- plete understanding. 1 Remember that physical poverty and human charity are subtle tools for the manipulation of dwarfed souls who, as the ruling powers, are strangling humanity for the pre- eminence of a personal government that is soulless. Poverty and charity, the diseases of government afflic- tion, are absolutely unknown to conditions that are regu- lated by a soul government. Until the lords in authority realize this fact the prevail- ing selfishness of the ruling powers will crush the undevel- oped souls of humanity with heartless servitude and starva- tion, that the favored few can reach a crowning evidence of personal power or regal pomp. When the Trinity of Tyranny is forcibly expressed in the Crown, Church, and Mason as gloating examples of personal monopoly and soul rot. CHRISTIAN WISDOM 225 Personal monopoly is soul rot because it is lacking in universal principles? and therefore unworthy the coopera- tion or guidance of Divinity. Universal monopoly is soul growth because it honestly deserves the cooperation and guidance of Divinity by the self-sacrifice of personality as a mutual benefit to all humanity. Peace and harmony are the climax of divine reason and a permanent understanding. PROPHETS It is supremely self-evident that the general construction of original intelligence from which the Bible was composed included the common welfare of human souls who were evoluting to a spiritual understanding of righteous law as a public custom. That the intelligence was propagated by the celestial forces and conveyed to the prophets, who were the spiritual mouthpiece or physical telephone for messages to mortals on earth, wds unquestioned by even the crudest specimen of understanding. That the intelligence was imparted for a soul under- standing of spiritual enlightenment as an eternal benefit, and not for any temporal advantage of personal conquest, is also a paramount fact. The celestial advisers knew wherein righteous law de- mands that self-reliance shall be the keystone to each and every human soul to govern the temptations of the phys- ical organism. They realized that a soul conception of righteous law must be preached and practiced before the natural evolu- tion of the higher soul principles could operate as a mutual benefit to all mankind. 226 CHRISTIAN WISDOM This was the sacred duty of the prophets — to voice the pleadings and instructions of the celestials to mortals, where Divinity should be thp supreme part of each and every soul as the righteous law of brotherhood, where the selfish personality of mortals is sacrificed in the unit of each for all and all for each when worthy. I But alas! the sacred intelligence of the celestials has been perverted by parables and misconstrued through the conspiracy of malefactors for a personal prestige. While the reflection stands as a colossal tombstone to rebuke the ingratitude of trusted mortals who pawned their soul for the lust of mammon. Ignorance and evasion of righteous law through the prevailing influence of planet force is the root of evil; this tested the sincerity of those in power and gripped their mental organism to dwarf the soul in the anguish and agony of remorse after death. Friends, the purpose of the prophets was a sacred and indispensable mission of self-sacpfice. It was blasphemed by the selfish impostors of creedal ties, who substituted bishops and ceremonial flourish as the vanguard of a selfish personality and two-horned imper- sonation, called the Red Devil, whose supreme pleasure is to undermine the brotherhood of righteous law and the sacredness of Divinity within each soul. In other words, it was a pleasurable pastime for the hypocritical review of cultured humanity, who are pin- nacled as the saints of heaven in flowing robes with jeweled brow. But what a difference between the simple grandeur of sacred value due the prophets of old and the peacock parade with saintly veneer of worthless rot, emphasized as the fuddled fools of a cultured crop in this molten age. This gorgeous display was conspicuous in the Brahmin caste of a Jupiter ruling, where the king and pope can do no wrong. CHRISTIAN WISDOM 227 A FEW HISTORIC EVENTS B.C. 2948 Birth of Noah. 2650 Chinese Empire founded. 1996 Birth of Abraham. 1897 Birth of Isaac. 1837 Birth of Jacob. 1729 Joseph sold into Egypt. 1571 Moses born. Died 1451. 149 1 Departure of Israelites from Egypt. 1491 Law given to Moses from Mt*. Sinai. 1451 Joshua leads Israelites into Canaan. 1 1 20 Death of Samson. 1095 Saul king for 40 years. Died 1056. 1048 David king for 40 years. Died 1015. 1042 The ark removed to Jerusalem. 1015 Solomon king. Died 975. 1012 Solomon built temple. 906 Israel afflicted with famine predicted by Elijah. 897 Elijah translated to heaven (astral). 895 Miracles of Elisha the prophet. 776 Olympic era. 753 Rome built. 721 End of kingdom of Israel. 658 Byzantium founded. 624 Hilkiah (she) discovers book of law in the temple. 605 Jeremiah's prophecy of 70 years' captivity. 586 Nebuchadnezzar destroys Jerusalem. 586 End of kingdom of Judah (House of David). 580 Jews captive in Babylon until 539. 559 Persian Empire founded by Cyrus. 539 Babylon taken by Cyrus and united to Persia. 536 Cyrus allowed Jews to return home. 535 Rebuilding of temple. 515 Dedication of second temple. 468 Death of Aristides. 468 Socrates born. Died 399. 429 Plato born. Died 348. 356 Alexander born. Died 323. 228 CHRISTIAN WISDOM 322 Demosthenes and Aristotle died. 331 Jews settled in Alexandria. 235 Temple of Janus closed. 215 Chinese wall built. 141 First year of Jewish freedom. 106 Cicero born. Died 43. 100 Julius Caesar born. Died 44. 46 Reform of the calendar. 40 Herod made King of Jerusalem by Roman Senate. 18 Herod rebuilds temple. 30 Cleopatra died. 64 Octavius Augusta Caesar born. Died 14 A. D. A. D. 9 Birth of St. Paul. 30 Pontius Pilate propretor of Palestine. 27-30 Ministry of Jesus. 30 Crucifixion of Jesus. 37 Conversion of St. Paul. 43 Agrippa builds wall of Jerusalem. 54 Christianity in Rome and Judea. 54 Nero emperor of Rome. Died 67. 66 Jews throw off yoke of Rome. 130 Hadrian rebuilds Jerusalem and temple to Jupiter. 136 Romans destroy Jerusalem and kill 500,000 Jews. From 136 to 1075 Jews are scattered all over the earth. 1078 Jews first settled in England. 1 146 Second Crusade. 1 1 89 Jews massacred in London. Richard the First. 12 15 Magna Charta rights obtained from King John of England. 1492 Jews banished from Spain and France. 1657 Jews allowed to return to England by Cromwell. 1723 Jews allowed to own land in England. 1732 George Washington born. 1753 Jews naturalized in England. 1775 American Revolution. 1783 American Independence. 1789 United States organized. 1790 Jews tolerated in all Christian countries. I CHRISTIAN WISDOM 229 BIBLE REVIEW Has God a personality? God has a personality that is universal to all those who can reach the understanding. Noah was a Rurue soul. Noah was the pioneer soul of the first subrace of the fifth root race on the European continent. Noah was also Melchizedek, known as the spirit father of Jesus. Noah begat Shem and Shem begat Abraham. Abraham was a Rurue soul. Abraham next appeared as Elijah, then as Gautama Buddha, and last as Jesus in the masculine organism. Jesus was the soul mate of Paul. " Melchizedek (according to Hebrews vii. 2, 3) was priest of the most high God, unto whom Abraham gave a tenth part of all. He was first known as king of Righteousness and then king of Peace. Without a father, mother, or descent, he haying neither beginning of days nor end of life, but made like unto the son of God: thus abideth a priest continually. Now consider how great this man was unto whom even Abraham gave the tenth of the spoils." When will mortal realize the subtlety of profound cunning? TEMPTATION Quoting from James (a Rurue soul)^ chapter i, verse 13 : " Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempt- eth he any man." Then why " Lead us not into temptation," which is em- phasized so adroitly in the Lord's Prayer? 230 CHRISTIAN WISDOM However, if the Lord was intended for Melchizedek in the Lord's Prayer, it was certainly wisely applied, as Mel- chizedek has led humanity into the depth of temptation and humiliation. Otherwise any reference to Divinity was ludicrous in the extreme. FAITH According to Hebrews xi. i, " Faith is the substance of realizing of things hoped for, the evidence or assurance of things not seen." Substance is neither understanding nor divine intelli- gence. When faith is guaranteed with the assurance of di- vine and universal intelligence, faith will cease to be the mockery of blind confidence in vogue to-day. I Martin Luther was converted to God by " The just shall live by faith." Romans i. 17. With faith honored as blind confidence and destitute of practical knowledge, when does intelligence get even a chance to establish the laws of Divinity as a reliable guide to reach humanity? " One of the fatal stumblingblocks to faith is the prefer- ence of honor from men instead of honor from God." Kindly note the reference to men, which is always used in preference to mortal or humanity, as mortal would in- clude both man and woman. In fact man has been a Jupiter trademark to rule or ruin, with woman as a relish or side order. It is little wonder that woman suffrage is grossly throt- tled by a Jupiter influence, for Brahmin had a fear of being deposed or forced to acknowledge the equal rights of All humanity. As you sow so shall you reap. For humiliation through remorse has been the harvest of Brahmin and Melchizedek in the final reaping of their sowing. CHRISTIAN WISDOM 231 MOSES, A RURUE SOUL According to Exodus xxxiii. 2, " And the Lord spake unto Moses face to face as a man speaketh unto his friend." This Lord in question was Melchizedek the spirit father of Jesus and not the Divine Creator of eternal truth, whose omnipotence is equal rights to all humanity with- out the hobnobbing of specialized interviews for special- ized mortals. THE WRATH OF GOD It showed the evil characteristics of a Bible God when compared with the justice of Divinity, which is the birth- right of all souls. " And the Lord (according to Samuel (a Rurue soul) vi. 19) smote the men of Bethshemesh because they had looked into the ark and the people lamented because the Lord had smitten many of the people with a great slaughter." " The Jews were scattered among all nations for their sins." Deuteronomy xxviii. 64. " I gave thee a king in mine anger and took him away in my wrath." Hosea xiii. 11. " Vengeance is mine saith the Lord ; I will repay." Romans xii. 19. " I am the Lord and there is none else." " There is no God besides me." Isaiah (a Rurue soul) xiv. 5. " Let the wicked forsake his way, for the Lord will abundantly pardon." What Lord? Why Melchizedek, known to Jesus as Lord or God, but in reality Brahmin, the ruling Jupiter spirit father and power behind the throne that dominated human- ity. How about her way! Will this Lord pardon her? Evidently not, when man can sin the limit and be for- gotten, while woman bears the yoke of her sins to the grave. This is the justice and righteousness of Brahmin 1 232 CHRISTIAN WISDOM personified. O thou of the flowing tongue and silken robe, hast thou a withered conscience? The recent dethronement of Brahmin, known as the su- preme ruler of the Positive element on earth in past ages, and the coronation of Jesus in the realms as the supreme ruler, of the Negative element on earth took place in the higher spheres beyond the Apex on March i, 191 6, sur- rounded by a council of spirit fathers from the different planets, with the exception of Jupiter and Saturn. Henceforth the destiny of woman on earth will be under the guidance of Jesus and his council, subject to the dis- cretion of divine wisdom through the Titan fathers. Exit Brahmin and Melchizedek. For woman will rise to heights untold and complete the moral mission of man, so long neglected and basely abused. When the rulership of man has proved to be an igno- minious failure and sunk to the fathomless pit of degrada- tion through the personality of greed and lust, it is time for Divinity to show a righteous indignation and scathing rebuke by protecting future generations from a repetition of prostitute ages. " My son, keep thy father's commandment and forsake not the law of thy mother." Proverbs vi. 20. Was Jesus obedient to his parents or was he tempted by the call of Melchizedek, his spirit father? " Thou art a priest forever after the order of Melchizedek." Hebrews V. 5» 6. It sounds good, but is it within reason to the dictates of Wisdom? CHRISTIAN WISDOM 233 THE HEART " I the Lord search the heart according to the fruit of his doings." " The heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked." Jeremiah (a Rurue soul) xvii. g. Jesus said, for out of the heart proceed evil thoughts and blasphemies. Matthew (a Rurue soul) xv. 19. How about Jesus and Paul? Were their hearts wicked? Is it the heart or the power back of the heart that rules? Is not the heart a channel for external communication or else a center of action for Divinity to operate from within? " The Lord seeth not as man seeth, for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart." i Samuel xvi. 7. These Lords are none other than the spirit fathers, who can look only on and not in the heart. For Divinity is within and does not require any outside assistance from the spirit fathers to judge a soul, as Divinity is a direct and competent witness within the soul to each and every act performed. " God's judgment is by the heart." Luke (a Moon soul) xvi. 15. " God's kingdom is within us." Romans xiv. 17. " Are not our hearts naturally open to receive the gospel ? No! God must open the heart." Acts xvi. 14. How? From within and not from the lure of external deceptions. Brahmin was the " I am that I am " and not Divinity, as Divinity works in the silence without a brazen tongue or a trumpet's blast. The three kings of all Israel representing Jupiter souls and expressing a perfect type of the Jupiter ruling under the power of Brahminism were Saul, David, and Solomon. Saul was a Jupiter soul, handsome and proud, but a dis- obedient monarch, as he sought the life of King David ?.nd finally died a suicide by his own hand. 234 CHRISTIAN WISDOM King David was small, but oh so energetic. " I have found David the son of Jesse, a man after mine own heart, which shall fulfill all my will." Acts xiii. 22. " Of this man's seed hath God according to his promise raised unto Israel a saviour Jesus." Acts xiii. 23. " David, thou hast killed Uriah with the sword and hath taken his wife to be thy wife in adultery." 2 Samuel xii. 9, II. " Behold ! I will raise up evil against thee, thus saith the Lord." David said, " Create in me a clean heart, O God ! and renew a right spirit within me." Was David the favored son of Brahmin, born without the voice of conscience? And David was a man after the Lord's heart? What Lord? Why Brahmin the perverter. How much longer will humanity nourish these gymnas- tic contortions of subtle faith? For nothing but faith would entertain such a flow of brazen contradictions. Was David at fault or Brahmin? Surely one could not censure intelligence. King Solomon was a Jupiter soul. What did he ask for? Wisdom to govern his people. Why not all humanity? What did he get? A flow of riches and personal honor. I Kings iii. 9. Was this a divine recognition? Certainly not! It was the customary blessing of Brahmin, pleasure and wealth flowing in lust, otherwise known as the wisdom of Solomon. " And the Lord spake unto my father David, saying, Thy son, whom I will set upon thy throne in thy room, he shall build a house unto my name." i Kings v. 5. CHRISTIAN WISDOM 235 " Solomon found nothing under the sun to satisfy his soul." If not, why not? Was it due to a lack of respect and self-sacrifice or the excess of indulgence with ingratitude? Were the spirit fathers at fault with their greed for selfish personality instead of a universal understanding and honest recognition, wherein the divine birthright of all souls is recognized with a universal respect and gratitude for the divine spark within each and every human soul? What great sin was Solomon guilty of in his later days? Idolatry. Was: this a sample of Solomon's wisdom when he allowed his wives to turn away his heart after other gods? I Kings xi. 4. Then the wisdom of Solomon culminated in his depravity for the lust of women. Truly a Jupiter soul who expressed the honor and gratitude of a Jupiter spirit father by ignor- ing Divinity to gratify the lust of a colossal personality. With the reign of Solomon the chief glory of Israel was at an end. Peace to his ashes. After the 70 years' captivity of the Jews in Babylon a cloud of mystery has hung over the fate of the 10 tribes of Israel descended from Solomon. " The balance of Israel called the house of Judah, which was descended from David, had six kings who were praised and four others who were v/icked, they having chosen evil and rejected counsel." Elijah was Jesus, the soul mate of Paul, and a prophet of Gilead in 897 B. C. The Israelites were worshipers of Baal and the golden calf. It was Elijah who had the moral courage and hon- esty of purpose to mock them, by telling them to " shout aloud as their gods might be caught napping or fast asleep." I Kings xviii. 27. 236 CHRISTIAN- WISDOM " As a proof that Elijah was human he prayed that he might die, as must all mortals who are clothed in the flesh." I Kings xviii. 4. " Elijah all through his life was opposed to idolatry and for the honor of God." This evidently angered Brahmin, as it was in direct op- position to the expression of Solomon's wisdom, whose idolatry of the flesh and the importance of his own Jupiter personality was the paramount issues of his ruling. As Solomon was a pronounced Mason, would his moral status be recognized to-day as the honor of a Mason, or are Masons to-day a chip of the old block? However, I fear the Masonic regalia of to-day screens the rogue of deception from public exposure with as much secrecy and security as did the purple robe in the past protect Solomon from public censure. Not only as " Elijah but as Gautama Buddha " did Jesus court the wrath of Brahmin when he exposed and ridiculed the Brahmin code of selfish personality. It was in reality the sequel of why Jesus failed to raise humanity with a universal understanding of righteousness. Brahmin opposed Jesus. For when Jesus on the cross cried out, "O Father! why hast thou deserted me?" (meaning Melchizedek), Brahmin concluded the tragic ceremony with " Vengeance is mine ; I will repay." Melchizedek was under the strict surveillance of Brahmin and powerless to aid Jesus. It was the Master's voice (Brahmin) commanding his followers to lie down in fear of the lash. Had Jesus appealed to Divinity as the Father instead of Melchizedek as the Father, history would have related an event worthy of eternal distinction. Poor soul, Jesus knew not. Jesus was truly a noble and worthy soul of the negative type and not strong enough to oppose the Brahmin ruling of a false and revengeful doctrine, or wise enough to seek Divinity as the Universal Father beyond the Apex of the spheres. For the wisdom and love of Divinity were not restricted or confined to Asia Minor, but were universal blessings CHRISTIAN WISDOM 237 anywhere and everywhere at all times when intelligence and sincerity were evident in the aura of the soul. This refers to the soul and not the brain. Jericho was the last city visited by Elijah and Elisha. It was inhabited mostly by students and schools of prophets at that time. Elisha was a moon-soul prophet who was unable to effect the winning of Israel back from idolatry. Jeremiah, a Rurue soul, was first a priest and then a prophet, who mourned for Josiah, King of Judah, a moon soul, in 640 B. C. Jeremiah died in Egypt by the hand of Jews. Daniel was a moon soul of the royal family of Judah, and was taken a captive to Babylon under the Persian King Darius in 600 B. C. Daniel was thrown into the lions' den, but remained unharmed, owing to the fact that he had in the past fed and nourished them when they were young and famished, a favor they did not forget. It was the instinct of infant gratitude that mortals would do well to emulate toward Divinity and not Brahminism. Nebuchadnezzar was a Rurue soul who captured and destroyed Jerusalem in 588 B. C. He put out the eyes of Zedekiah, a Rurue soul, King of Judah, and imprisoned him in Babylon,' where he died. Zedekiah was the end of the Judah kingdom. Belshazzar was a Rurue soul. King of Babylon, and was another monster. He saw the handwriting on the wall, which was clairvoyantly interpreted by Daniel as follows. Mene : " Thy kingdom is numbered and finished." Tekel : " Thou art weighed and found wanting." Peres : " Thy kingdom is given to the Medes and Persians." 238 CHRISTIAN WISDOM Cyrus was a Jupiter father and Persian king who allowed the Jews to return to their own country, after 70 years' captivity, in 536 B. C. Cyrus united Babylon as a part of Persia. His coming was prophesied by Isaiah. Cyrus sent Ezra and Nehemiah, governors of Jerusalem, to rebuild the temple. Nehemiah was a moon soul. Ezra was a Rurue soul and a priestly descendant of Aaron, a Jupiter soul. It was quite a remarkable fact that Daniel, a Moon soul, Jeremiah, a Rurue soul, Ezekiel, a Jupiter soul, all of Judah, were residents of the same territory for about ten years. Deborah was an earth-soul Jewish prophetess. Judges iv. 4. The witch of Endor was a Rurue-soul prophetess in the time of Saul. Queen Esther was a Jupiter soul and a clever Jewess, who saved her people from the Persian tyrant Haman, a Rurue soul, by marrying Ahasuerus in 474 B. C. Hilkiah, a temple maid and moon soul, found a book of Moses while cleaning the temple in 624 B. C, showing that the law of Moses had been neglected and despised. The Chaldeans were Jupiter soiils and inhabitants of Babylon. Salt, besides being savory, has the qualification of pre- serving things from corruption, due to the hydrogen or electric element that is present. It is evident that the book of Moses lacked salt. CHRISTIAN WISDOM 239 JEWISH CUSTOMS The Jews were jealous, proud, and selfish to think that the gospel was for the Gentiles. The Passover was to celebrate the flight of the Jews from Egypt and to eat unleavened bread. Pentecost was 50 days from the Passover. The Feast of Tabernacles was a seven days' feast of the harvest. Israel was in Egypt. Jerusalem was in Judea. Judea was in Syria. Babylon was in Assyria. Priests were descendants of Aaron, a Jupiter soul, and the chief officers of the temple. The Levites were of other families and assistants to the priests. The Publicans were Jewish collectors of Roman taxes. A Roman citizen was exempt from punishment without a trial. The Pharisees were Jews who trusted in themselves and despised others. The Sadducees were politicians. The Samaritans were moon souls and colonists from Assyria, who worshiped, but unlike the Jews. Nazarene was a term of reproach because the educated Jupiter Jew held Nazareth in contempt. Two weak and unworthy earth-soul prophets were Cai- phas and Balaam. 240 CHRISTIAN WISDOM JESUS The sermon on the mount was addressed to the disciples of Jesus. After the resurrection Jesus appeared to Mary Magda- lene, a Rurue-soul follower, and Mary the mother of James. Jesus last appeared to bless his Apostles. " And it came to pass that while Jesus blessed them he was parted from them and carried up into heaven." St. Luke xxiv. 51. John the Baptist was a Mars soul and was six months older than Jesus. John preached repentance for remission of sins through Jesus and baptism as an outward sign or public confession. John baptized only with water. Jesus baptized by the spirit essence. Acts i. 15. Who was the bride? The Church or people of Jesus. John iii. 29. Who was "we"? Jesus and his spirit father Melchize- dek, not Divinity. The Father and I are one " was Jesus and Melchizedek. The reapers were the angels in the astral. The harvest was the judgment. The poor in spirit were the weak or humble-minded. The merciful were kind to the poor and afflicted. THE PREDICTION OF JESUS " For there is nothing covered that shall not be revealed, neither hid that shall not be made known. Therefore, whatsoever ye have spoken in the darkness shall be heard in the light and that which ye have spoken in the ear in closets shall be proclaimed upon the housetops." CHRISTIAN WISDOM 241 QUOTATIONS AND COMMENTARIES FROM THE ROSICRUCIANS BY THE BROTHERS " The Rosicrucians are a people with whom I must make you acquainted. The best account I know of them is in a French book called Le Comte de Gabalis. " According to these gentlemen the four elements are inhabited by spirits, which they call salamanders, sylphs, nymphs, and gnomes." Alexander Pope, 171 1 A. D. " When a thing is hidden away with so much pains, merely to reveal it is to destroy it." Tertullian. In answer to the above quotation I am thoroughly con- vinced that any truth hidden in mystery destroys the re- spect or right of protection under those conditions, as by the act of perversion all righteous recognition is obliterated. Truth can never be effaced. Then why should the beauty of truth be perverted or veiled in mystery? As truth is a divine birthright for the soul of mortal, woe betide the mortal who would attempt to mystify the divine judgment of truth, for the day of reckoning is close at hand. Parker. CABALA *• A superstitious devotion to the mysteries of the reli- gion which one professes." Emerson. " A secret science of the Jewish rabbis to interpret the hidden meaning of the Pentateuch (five books of the Old Testament) with esoteric doctrine." " It assumes that every letter and number of the Scrip- tures contains a hidden meaning." Webster. 242 CHRISTIAN WISDOM THE ARCANES The Cabala is the sacred book of the Jews, an occult interpretation or key to their Scriptures, and contains an explicit revelation of the art of communicating with spirits. Ancient tradition claims an unbroken chain of transmission through the Initiates to the Hebrews of to-day. Its inner mystery has never been written, but imparted orally to the disciple. In its original form the system of esoteric Masonry was identical with that of the Cabala. This was in Ragon's time, before Solomon. " The Cabalist used symbols to conceal the principles of natural philosophy from the ignorant." " The Cabala practiced through the four elementals." " Out of the will power of the Supreme Being originated a force whose exponents are the 15 letters of the alphabet. The vowels a, e, i, o, u were the five phases of the supreme Godhead Brahma." It was the Senzor language, not the Sanskrit. Brahma was not Divinity, but a Jupiter spirit father, who controlled the astral conditions on earth and in the atmosphere. " The philosophers' stone was a term used by Cabalists to denote the supremacy of wisdom esoterically or the transmutation of baser metals into gold exoterically." CHRISTIAN WISDOM 243 SIBYL ** A woman endowed with a spirit of prophecy." Webster. " The most ancient of the sibyls was Sambethe, the daughter of Noah. Therefore the spirit which Sambethe harbored in her breast was not a devil nor was her Apollo a false god. For idolatry did not begin until long after the division of languages." Plutarch. This was a sufficient proof as to mediumship and spirit return. " The daughter of Berosus, an ancient sibyl, was driven out of Babylon. She wrote the history of the Chaldeans and later settled at Cumae, Italy." " Plato was enthused with her oracles and speaks with praise of the prophetess in his book Menon. The most ancient of sibyls was the first to deliver oracles at the Temple of Delphi." " The oracles of the sibyls in Greek were not written by one sibyl, but many." Siculus. " These books prophesied with accuracy the mission, teaching, and miracles of Jesus, as well as his death upon the cross and resurrection. " The church fathers have made use of them without hesitation." " The original sibylline books were kept concealed in the Capitol of Rome and were lost by fire in 405 A. D. " They were held in profound veneration and were con- sulted only by decree of the Senate. " Cicero bears witness to the fact by saying, * How often has our Senate enjoined the Decemvirs to consult the book of the sibyls? ' " Plato claims the sibylline oracles contained the true doc- trine of religion, which he admired as being almost divine. The sibyls not only guided the ancient Romans, but exercised an influence over the destinies of ancient Greece through the Delphic oracles. 244 CHRISTIAN WISDOM The four elemental conditions are fire, air, water, earth, " Souls in these elemental astral conditions would com- municate with mortal by message or prophecy. Souls clothed in these elemental conditions in the astral form were classified accordingly." Electric, salamander, fire or ether, open to the higher forces. Electric, sylph, air or atmosphere, controlled by Jupiter. Magnetic, nymph, water, controlled by Saturn. Magnetic, gnomes, earth, controlled by Saturn. " The earth is filled nearly to the center with gnomes, mostly under the Saturn ruling." Mortals receiving the communications were called sibyls or prophets. To-day they are called mediums, clairvoy- ants, psychics, and in rare cases inspired teachers. The higher soul intelligences of spirit power operate from the third sphere in the Realms, recognized as the salamander and sylph conditions, where they voice the pleadings and warnings from the spirit world to mortal through the sibyl or prophet on earth. When the lower order of elementals communicated with the lower order of magnetic sibyls or psychics on earth, the result was the same as to-day, of a questionable nature, which has shaken the faith of mortals in the truth of spirit return at the present time to its very foundation. But it is owing to the ignorance of mortals in not being " pre- pared " with the fundamental truth of spirit communica- tion more than to the abuse of a sacred opportunity through unconditioned instruments. In the Atlantean Age this truth was a universal and primary school education that was honored by law and reverenced with gratitude by humanity. To-day the gluttony of selfish desires by mortals has per- verted the intelligence of spirit return until the truth is condemned as a gruesome mystery, that exposes the cul- tured pedagogue of to-day as a base ingrate to the highest and noblest channel or opportunity of communication ever offered by divine law. Parker. CHRISTIAN WISDOM 245 When will the mortal of cultured ignorance throw off the shackles of moral cowardice and superstitious fear to rev- erence Divinity and listen to the consistency of eternal truth? Parken Thirty years after the " supposed " death of Jesus, Lucan positively states that " The greatest calamity of our cen- tury is the loss of that wonderful gift of heaven, the Delphic oracle, which is now silent." The Christian era not only ushered in the " cessation of the oracles," but the discontinuance of the prophets as well. The loss of which has never been compensated for by the promoters of tinsel parades with flowing robes and jeweled brow, in the mystified cant of religious fervor and scheming devotion. Parker. " The oracles established communication between the gods and mortals, which was delivered through the assist- ance of goblets, crystals, or concave mirrors merely as a means for the power of concentration." " The sylphs were composed of astral bodies. " They were more closely related to the gods than to mortals. No hidden things were unknown to them in the astral. They served as guardians or message bearers of mortals and can reach mortals only through apparition and by conveying knowledge. To reveal earthly treasure was forbidden and subject to the heaviest penalties in communi- cating this knowledge to mortals." " King Saul appealed to the witch of Endor, a sibyl, who through the power of concentration and spirit communica- tion prophesied that Samuel, deceased, gave her a message to this effect — that Saul would be defeated by the Philis- tines! when lo and behold, it came to pass." Would you consider this a mystery or an evidence of spirit control? 246 CHRISTIAN WISDOM The historic claim that sylphs were the physical parents of Alexander, Paul, Plato, Hercules, Melchizedek, or others is an intensified delusion and an impossible theory. The laws of nature are not perverted for specialized per- sonalities, as only physical mortal can bring forth physical humanity. The elastic stretch of imagination does not produce a living reality. Parker. Swedenborg claimed that his " first astral flight was guided by an angel," possibly a sylph or a salamander. SOLAR FORCE " Osiris is the force of the visible sun in the human heart. The word Eye came in time to denote the center of the cerebrospinal (backbone) and sympathetic nerve sys- tem, whose perfecting brings man into greater knowledge and love of God." " The solar (sun) forces manifest their power on the physical plane by passing through the ganglia of the sym- pathetic nerve system and thence up the spine to the brain. " In their passage from one ganglion to another the vol- tage is raised." " These ganglia are the concave mirrors whose property is to concentrate the soul forces." " The spinal cord is the relaxed string whose pitch must be raised by the spirit within us." " Then souls who will obey the solar spirit within may without external teaching achieve a knowledge of nature's secrets. But unless governed by the God within and a selfless purpose, this electric force of the soul will intensify the lower passions and make man a destructive force work- ing contrary to the laws of nature." CHRISTIAN WISDOM 247 " Man through initiation becomes a law unto himself by virtue of communion with the Lord within, and this ex- perience of truth is superior to creeds or faith." LEVI " Leviathan signifies the solar force directed upward through the spine by the priests of the tribe of Levi for regeneration." " Accurately speaking, Leviathan is the solar force mani- festing in the nervous system." " When the solar force is directed upward it passes through an opening at the top of the head called by the Brahmins the * door of Brahma ' and by the Christians the * door of Jesus/ which is visible to the seer as a tongue of brilliant flame." Clairvoyancy. " Until a man is able to govern his lower nature in sex relationship he has not passed that stage in the evolution of spirit development typified by the ancients as the slay- ing of the lion or dragon." " After passing through the centers of the sympathetic nerve system the positive and negative currents of solar force meet in the forehead, where their balance registers, so that the initiate can sense whether the balance is per- fect or whether a positive or a negative current predomi- nates." " This power to sense and govern the currents is called the double bridle of Leviathan." " The adept kings of Egypt bore upon their foreheads the sacred serpent as emblem of this bridle, to signify that they had achieved this power." The sons of Levi were priests." 248 CHRISTIAN WISDOM AL RAKIM " Al Rakim meant inmates of the cave. Rakim means the external manifestation of the solar principle in man, evoluting through the seven ganglia in its external manifestation." KATMIR " Katmir is the letter T added as a continuation of the solar principle in mortal." " No sincere effort to solve God's mystery passes un- heeded by the silent watcher within." COMMENTARY The only mystery is man-made mystery in the subtlety of perversion or parables. Parker. CHBISTIAN WISDOM 249 THE TENETS OF MASONRY The oldest expression of Masonry is found symbolized in the pyramids, proving that the principles of Masonry existed about 16,000 years ago in the Atlantean Age and was recognized as the ancient order of the sun. Ragon, who is acknowledged as the accepted founder of Masonry prevailing to-day, was under a Neptune influence. He established the sacredness of Masonry to protect the principles of brotherhood by initiating undeveloped souls through a clearer understanding of their duty to Divinity and a moral obligation to humanity. Ragon was an initiate who lived at the time of David; .although his name has been erased from modern editions of ancient history his memory still lives within the annals of Masonry. After Ragon had established the spiritual fundamentals necessary to promote honesty, loyalty, and truth, Hiram Abiff, known as the widow's son, under the moon influence, assumed the oath of allegiance and continued the primal forms. of the present order as Ragon's successor. The forms of rituals were modeled on Egyptian symbol- ism expressing astrological conditions of time and work- manship. Masons were governed by introspection or a self-exam- ination from within to test the value of their devotion and sincerity. Briefly speaking, the basic principle of Masonry was to initiate mortal through a clearer understanding of the responsibilities becoming a Mason toward a fellow being, with a realization according to the degree of soul growth and the opportunity offered to prove it. This was done to protect the growth of a soul when coming in contact with the lower order of magnetic influence. 250 CHRISTIAN WISDOM The three great lights in Masonry are the Holy Bible, the square, and the compass. These are interwoven in the three degrees of initiation which constitute a Master Mason. In justice to Ragon and Hiram Abiff, before entering into the details of initiation it is well to introduce a short synopsis recording the assassination of Hiram (or rather Aram) Abiff, as the facts will place Masonry where it belongs — free to the inspection of fair-minded and truth- loving people who are interested in the " moral welfare " of human souls and not in the expression of physical pleas- ure or a business enterprise of tinsel toys. , Although the Bible was created for the welfare of hu- manity, it became an instrument in the hands of schemers and tricksters, where all civilization shows evidence of class oppression and human suppression in the truth of spiritual expression. In Solomon's time the methods of Masonry sought to conceal its work by secret rites, which angered the priests to such an extent that they demanded the confessional. Masonry in the days of Babylon was recognized by the laboring class because the privilejged class became deca- dent and oppressive. The most essential point in Masonic ritual is based on the tragedy of Aram Abiff, who was quoted in the Bible as a workman living at the time of Solomon. It was the custom of Aram, the Grand Master, while the workmen were at their noonday meal, to enter the Sanctum Sanctorum or Holy of Holies and offer up a de- votion to the ever-living God on high. It is recorded as a climax to his regular devotion that one day after Aram had offered up the noonday prayer and performed the trestle-board duties he was met at the south gate of the Sanctum by Jubela, who demanded from him the Master Mason word, Agla. d CHRISTIAN WISDOM 251 This was a sacred word known to three men — Solomon, Aram Abiff , and Hiram of Tyre — and spoken only when these three men were together. THE LOST WORD The Master Mason word was Agla. A was the positive force. G was the negative force. L was the objective force. A was the first cause. This signified the first cause in triple aspect, that is synonymous with the Hebrew Al. Agla was the triple force within the Sun, symbolized by a triangle within a circle. @ " It was the sacrificial word pronounced by the first cause of the Brahmins with a purpose to open the human consciousness to the oneness with Divinity." It is whis- pered to the candidate in the Royal Arch Chapter degree. Neh-Mah-Mihah is a substitute for Agla. — That is, it is for the inferior brother Mason of three degrees, who is " content or forced " to remain at the foot of the ladder. On refusal of Aram to impart the word, Jubela gave him a violent blow across the throat with a 24-inch gauge, at which Aram fled to the west gate. Here he was accosted in the same manner by Jubelo, who, on being refused, struck Aram a severe blow with a square across the left breast, at which Aram fled to the east gate. Here Ju- belum delivered the fatal blow on the forehead with a gavel, from which Aram soon after expired. Jubela, Jubelo, Jubelum, the three Mason ruffians who assassinated Aram, were arrested. While in confinement pending a trial they became con- science-stricken and admitted their guilt through a detailed confession, which is used at the present time in the order of exercises for the initiation of candidates. 252 CHRISTIAN WISDOM Solomon, who presided at the trial, quickly condemned them to execution after he had carefully questioned their confession of guilt. It was the " jealousy of secrecy " that had incited the crime, and from this event the dominating spirit of King Solomon was manifest as the ruling force and power in Masonry. It was the critical period of Solomon's time that enun- ciated the fall of spiritual Masonry to symbolic Masonry. This is extremely self-evident in the degenerate man- nerisms of Freemasonry at the present time and a perfect shadow of Solomon's moral status in his time. The wisdom of Solomon was made manifest in the de- generate customs of to-day as a selfish personality. THE CONFESSIONAL OF JUBELA, JUBELO, JUBELUM Jubela. " Oh that my throat had been cut across, my tongue torn out, and my body buried in the rough sands of the sea at low-water mark ere I had been accessory to the death of so good a man as our Grand Master Aram Abiff." Jubela had smote Aram with a 24-inch rule, which is symbolized in the first degree. Jubelo. " Oh that my left breast had been torn open and my heart and vitals taken from thence and thrown over my left shoulder, to become a prey of wild beasts and vultures of the air, ere I had conspired to the death of our Grand Master Aram Abiff." Jubelo had smote Aram with a square, which is sym- bolized in the second degree. CHRISTIAN WISDOM 253 Jubelum. " Oh that my body had been severed in two at the midst, my bowels burnt to ashes in the center, and my ashes scattered to the four winds of heaven, that not the least track or trace of remembrance remain among men or Masons, so vile and perjured a wretch am I. " It was I who smote the fatal blow." Jubelum had smote Aram with a mallet, which is sym- bolized in the third degree. THREE DEGREES OF MASONRY The first degree of Masonry was a symbol of 24 hours with a rule 24 inches long. It represented humanity wishing to fraternize as a brotherhood for the cooperative benefit of each other. This allegiance allowed the candidates one month for consid- eration as to whether they were conscientiously fitted to assume the responsibility of a stronger obligation of moral trust. At the end of one month, if the advanced brothers con- sidered them worthy of promotion, they were admitted to the second degree, which represented the four seasons or one year with an iron square. This gave the candidate one year in which to consider his moral and mental status as being worthy of advance- ment, that would render him eligible for the third degree or Master Mason. This third degree represented a life membership of devo- tion to God and humanity. It is a serious undertaking of eternal obligation, when the soul of a Mason understands and realizes the future penalties for broken vows. 254 CHBISTIAN WISDOM THE THREE INITIATIONS OF MASONRY FIRST INITIATION The first degree of Masonry represents the limitations of the compass and the 24-inch rule. It is applied to the naked left breast of the candidate at initiation. It is purely an earth consideration, for when the candi- date asks how serious are the obligations in this brother- hood of heavenly guides and teachers that seek to pinnacle humanity as a moral blessing, he is rudely censured by Masonic Law. This demands the utmost " secrecy and servitude " under the crushing surveillance of a gruesome oath that only poisons the principles of manhood at the initial step. Some lodges interpret the first assassin of Aram as Royalty, the common type of tyranny, striking with its rule of iron at the throat of humanity and making freedom of speech treason. '; Would it be rude to suggest that the lodge of Masonry, demanding secrecy of a Mason, has simply transferred the \ tyrant of the crowned head to the tyrant of the Masonic l head? ] O worshipful master, wouldst thou throttle the freedom \ of speech because the "purple robe" calls it treason? If 1 so what would you call the freedom of speech against •] Masonry? The voice of conscience? Sweet liberty and \ conscience. Forsooth, dear brother, thou art a consistent knave where the " scales " ate turned according to whose ox is gored. In answer to the question of Masonic ruling, " In whom \ do you put your trust? " is it reasonable to suppose that Divinity would yoke his children to the selfish demands of secrecy through uncanny oaths in order to secure from the candidates a first mortgage on their confidence of trust? ^ I should say not. i My dear brother, art thou conscious or ignorant of Uni- versal Law? CHRISTIAN WISDOM 255 Divinity being universal, it is absolutely impossible to have secrets from mortals, as Divinity is a part of each and every soul within a mortal body. O worshipful master, where is your science of geometry that measures all things with exactitude and adjusts them " on the level " with humanity? Friends, it is not Divinity, but the ignorance and perver- sion of man, that would seek to mystify mortals. Secrecy is not brotherhood unless it be a universal secret that is free and open to all. O thou Masonic mortal of inflated fame! thou shallow usurper of a soul's birthright! A soul's birthright is the freedom of honest speech with the self-reliance of an un- fettered soul through the guidance of Divinity and not the Masonic array of ceaseless chatter with tinsel toys. Wouldst thou rupture the spirit of self-reliance within mortals by forcibly binding them to the yoke of man with secret oaths and the sublime subtlety of a mystified faith under the guise of naturalism? Ask your own conscience, dear brother! SECOND INITIATION The second degree of fellowcraft is represented by the measurements of the square, where the point of the square is applied to the naked right breast of the candidate at initiation with these instructions : " Act upon the square with all mankind, but more especially with the brethren." Why the distinction of brethren when Divinity is a part of each mortal? Is it a part of Masonic custom to snub Divinity within a mortal because that mortal is not a brother Mason? Forsooth, dear brother, it may be one of those technical points that is quite beyond the deep- thinking legal talent, wherein Masonry is so conspicuous and pronounced. The judgment of a judicial justice. 256 CHRISTIAN WISDOM The second degree is also interpreted as meaning the second assassin, who represents the pope, aiming the square of steel at the heart of the victim as the tyranny of the Church over humanity. Quoting from past and present records, this square evi- dently was a measurement of crooked corners cut on the bias by Ananias, where the trusty level, now rusty, is very much needed to true up these blind corner conditions by demanding a more accurate accounting both as to the material and the spiritual results, providing the worshipful master can sacrifice the time from his worshipful prayers and exalted devotion in the Sanctum Sanctorum or Holy of Holies. The second initiation was intended as a moon condition from the rulings of a self-examination by the candidate. Brother, is all well within your soul? Are you consid- erate of the obligations to God and humanity, with a moral respect for the welfare of your dear brother's soul mate or companion? When the candidate is asked from whence he came and whither he is going, the natural response is, " In search of more light." FAITH, HOPE, AND CHARITY Faith! with its mystified symbols and secrets that mock from the depth of a yawning abyss. Hope! with its gilded honors on social stilts, where sin is immune from the legal frock. Charity! with a quick response and a copious flow, but reserved, don't you know, for the family flock. As charity begins at home, it is thoroughly consistent with the secrets of Masonry; their strongest precept is to keep everything reserved, with strict orders to let nothing escape you, dear brother, outside of the family flock. I CHRISTIAN WISDOM 257 Verily, I say, this is indeed a marvelous symptom of brotherhood. But alas, what can you expect when one is under the occult sway of a " regulation oath " that only undermines the courage of moral manhood; where a per- sonal communion through the spirit of Divinity within the soul is absolutely ignored and the hope of soul salvation through liberty and conscience is morally crushed and sniffed to the winds? As the worshipful ceremony is concluded at the festive board, the presence of Divinity is somewhat obscured midst the smoke of revelry and the gluttony of feasting, while the curtain call rings down the final tableau in their devoted devotion to the Holy of Holies or the Hollow of Hollow stomachs. THIRD INITIATION The third degree or Master Mason represents the ex- treme points of the compass, being applied to each side of the naked breast of the candidate at initiation. " As the most vital points of man are contained between the two breasts, so are the most valuable tenets of Masonry contained between the two extreme points of the compass." These are virtue, morality, and brotherly love (for the brethren) . It was originally intended as the polish of a Neptune in- fluence or the paramount issue of Ragon's teaching, which was — Brother, what is your supreme purpose in life? This Blue Lodge or third degree represented the Sanctum Sanctorum or Holy of Holies from Solomon's temple at Jerusalem, with the punctual threat of extinction that cor- responded to the Catholic threat of excommunication. In fact how similar were the Masons in their tyranny toward humanity under the title of Brotherhood for the Brethren to — Catholicism for the Catholics. 258 CHRISTIAN WISDOM The third degree was also a graduating test that estab lished a Master Mason, although the degree chain has been elongated with precious links from time to time, embracing social seclusion and personal pomp. This was for the vanity of financial distinction or the inflation of a self -emulation in the fraternity — that is, for the brethren who could pay for the ascension. The links of ascension in " going up " were as follows : Fourth degree: Mark Master. Fifth degree: Past Master. Sixth degree: Most Excellent Master. Seventh degree: Royal Arch Chapter. The total number of the inflation is limited to 33, as 34 would signify combustion under the orb of Herschel. A careful conclusion will fully demonstrate that specialized interests dominate the soul of ruling mortal, where the Crown, Church, and Masonry have established a perfect system in their Trinity of Tyranny to crush the spiritual growth of humanity. The toleration of monopolized customs would seem almost incredible in a classic age, were it not for the in- cessant flow of historic crime, which is an indisputable evidence of tyranny and spirit oppression. I CHRISTIAN WISDOM 259 QUOTATIONS FROM MODERN FREEMASONRY " The Mason of ancient days was obliged to be true unto God and the Church. ** It was sacred honor from the soul of a Mason in those days." The Freemason of modern days is held more to the " per- sonal law " respecting honesty. It is " legal honor " from the " personality " of a Mason nowadays. The soul of a Mason and the personality of a Mason are more keenly characterized when realized that one serves at the altar of Divinity, while the other serves at the trough of mammonism — a swillfest or swell feast. " Symbolism is the badge of Freemasonry." " The original meaning of Masonic symbolism referred to the solar and phallic worship." " Masons are * supposed * to take part in the regeneration of the human race." " Strictly speaking, a Freemason from the ancient con- ception is an advanced workman from the common type or stone layer." " The Bible as a Masonic symbol is to be interpreted as a symbol of nature or the code of human reason and conscience." " Freemasonry is a science which is engaged in search after the divine truth." Mackey. " Freemasonry is the activity of closely united men striv- ing morally to ennoble themselves and others." Handbuch. 260 CHRISTIAN WISDOM " Freemasonry trains a Mason to consider religious, so- cial, and political institutions as passing phases of human evolution and to study reforms for Masonic progress." " A belief in the existence of God and a future life, which include secrecy, symbolism, and equality of Masons, in the lodge called the Book of Constitution." " The true Masonic method is that the lodge is a common ground for men of all types and opinions to meet when accepting Masonic principles. It does not interfere with party politics, as it excludes political and religious discus- sion from the meetings." " Masons are bound to defend the ethical foundations of human society whensoever they are assailed." " The Masonic cry is for light and that Masonry is a science of * morality ' veiled in allegory and illustrated by symbols." Mackey. Would this ethical appeal annoy or disconcert the lustful ceremony of morbid folly that is emblazoned at the Shriners' festive board, where the high and mighty Mason is challenged on his honor as to his moral obligations of conscientious manhood to serve God and humanity? Mark you! not as a human being of common clay, but as an exalted Master Mason, feathered with a peacock's pride, where his little red cap is a reminder of the cardinal's red cap. Family ties. " Freemasonry was instituted chiefly as the result of religious quarrels under ecclesiastical authority and s:ocial conditions, which prompted the better element to recon- struct society on a purely human basis." " The ancient lodges had ceased to exist and the new lodges began as ' convivial ' societies, while the Masonic spirit developed slowly and was not a complete revival of the old Masonic system." Modern or speculative Masonry dates from the Grand Lodge of England, June 24, 17 17, but the essential organ- ization was not completed until 1722, by the new Book of Constitution and the three degrees of apprenticeship, fel- lowship, and mastership. CHRISTIAN WISDOM 261 "In 1 72 1 the entrance of the Royal Society in Masonry advanced the cause in England, for since then it has spread throughout Europe and America." " As the identification of knighthood with Freemasonry was more acceptable than the stonecutters' guilds, Scotland has preserved the Masonic rites from the Knights of St. John at Jerusalem during the crusades.'* The text of 1723 concerning God and religion in Masonry was as follows: " A Mason is obliged by his tenure to obey the moral law, and if he rightly understands the art he will never be a stupid atheist nor an irreligious libertine. Men of honor and honesty never act against their conscience." These are powerful obligations for a weak or selfish per- sonality seriously to consider and then attempt to conquer as a shining example for posterity to preach and practice. " For as Freemasons we are of the most ancient and catholic religion and of all nations upon the square, level, and plumb are resolved against political disputes as con- trary to the peace and welfare of the Lodge." " Loyalty to freedom overrides all other considerations. If treason or rebellion were Masonic crimes, then almost every Mason in the colonies of 1776 would have been sub- ject to expulsion by King George of England and Scotland." Would the treason and rebellion of a brother Mason in casting aside the yoke of secrecy and mystery in the Masonic lodge of to-day be considered a punishable crime or would the honest conscience-stricken (if possible) Mason consider such an act with open declaration and proclaim it as proudly to the world as those who have honored the act of our forefathers when they rebelled against the " secrecy and tyranny " of the crown ? Does the spirit of 1776 survive in the ranks of Free- masonry to-day? Is there anyone at home? Don't stop to knock, but come right in and get busy — get very busy, for the salvation of your soul needs a quick response, as delays are dangerous for those with a conscience. No others need apply. 262 CHRISTIAN WISDOM Kindly show an "animated heirloom " and not the flash of a " tinsel charm " for a business guide or mark of social distinction. That is not Brotherhood, but Babyhood. Freemasonry was introduced in the United States dur- ing the year 1730. " The revolutionary type of French Templar was estab- lished in Paris in 1758 for the natural rights of man against religion and political despotism of the pope and crown. Women were admitted to the lodge meetings, but it occasioned a scandal, and the custom was soon after abolished." " The Grand Orient of France declared for liberty, equality, and fraternity, which was looked upon as atheistical." " As atheism in Masonry was not positively condemned at this period, an open declaration would have been fatal to Masonry, although in 1854 the French constitution accepted the existence of God and the immortality of the soul." " In German Freemasonry, Jesus is accepted as only the wise and virtuous pure man or the principal model and teacher of humanity. German Masonry is under the ban of protection from one of the royal dynasty and is subser- vient to the Prussian Grand Lodge." " The first sovereign to protect and join Masonry was the Catholic German Emperor Francis the First, while the first measures against Freemasonry were taken up by the Protestant government of Holland in 1735, by Sweden and Spain in 1738, and by Austria in 1795, where Freemasonry is still prohibited." "In 1815 the sovereign principles of Freemasonry were established as liberty and conscience." " In 1 80 1 the principal system in the United States was established at Charleston, S. C, with the Ancient and Ac- cepted Order of Scottish Rites." " The Keystone Order of Philadelphia was organized under the following characteristics " : " Loyalty of a mutual assistance, symbolized by the five points of fellowship and the grand healing sign of distress ' in the third degree." CHRISTIAN WISDOM 263 " A. Pike of Charleston records the fact that Masonry through jealousy conceals its secrets and intentionally leads conceited interpreters astray. Part of the symbols are dis- played to the initiated, but he is intentionally misled by false interpretations." " It is for each individual Mason to discover the secrets of Masonry by reflection of its symbols and a wise con- sideration of what is said and what is done in the work." What a thorough advancement pupils of the public schools would make if they were taught in this perfect fashion. Such a conscientious method for the liberty of conscience to adopt and then worship. " The secrets of Freemasonry are unknown to the bulk of Masons and the oaths of secrecy taken on the Bible are all the more startling and unjustified." The majority of Masons are far from being intelligently initiated while groveling in Egyptian darkness. " The Blue Lodge degree of Masonry is absolutely dumb to the rudiments of the first principles, for never were any pre- tenses to the possession of mysterious knowledge so base- less and absurd as those of the Blue Lodge and Royal Arch Chapter degrees." " A Mason may be 50 years * master of the chair ' and yet not learn the secret of the brotherhood, as the secret is invulnerable, being discovered and not imparted, even to the most intimate brother, for fear of incapacity or in- judicious use." Where the ceremony is conducted in ini- tials or one letter to represent each word and thus disguise the meaning, how can one expect intelligence or under- standing from the nature of such teaching any more than a layman can become enlightened from the mystery of a Latin service? Does Catholicism keep the followers in ignorance any more than does Masonry keep the common Masons in ignorance? Like unto brothers, birds of a feather that once flocked together. Many Masons pass through the ceremony without in- spiration, but can be found in the front rank of public parades and banquets, where they excel with " par excel- lence " to the capacity of their physical limitations. " The household gods of Masonry are secrecy, loyalty. 264 CHRISTIAN WISDOM peace, order, fidelity, conscience, and above all subordina- tion to lawful authorities." Can the pope or crown demand or extract more from faithful followers and still preserve that love of liberty and clear conscience so conspicuous in the melodious chants of mystified Masonry? The Rosecroix or eighteenth degree oath is as follows: " I do solemnly pledge myself to respect and sustain under any condition liberty of speech, liberty of thought, and liberty of conscience." The Knight Kodash or thirtieth degree oath is: " I vow to consider myself henceforward and forever as the apostle of truth and of the rights of man and vow my- self to the utmost to bring due punishment to the wicked. If I find a Knight Kodash on the field of battle, I vow never to harm him by word or deed, but to save his life and, when he makes the sign of distress, that I will free him from prison upon land or water, even at the risk of my life and liberty." Is this bringing due punishment to the wicked? "I pledge myself to obey without hesitation any order what- soever it may be of my regular superior in the order. To free a brother from prison on land or water at the risk of my life and liberty." Is this the moral protection of distress that entitles a gilded Mason of high finance to escape the legal penalty and iron hand of justice in legal fraternities where a dear brother's liberty is at stake? O where is the voice of con- science or justice to humanity in the mockery of Masonry? A. Pike, Grand Commander at South Carolina, wrote to Commander Riboli, of Italy : " Unite all Masonry against the Vatican. The Papacy has for looo years been the curse of humanity in its pretense to spiritual power." Was brotherly love the hailing sign of distress in this message? CHRISTIAN WISDOM 265 MODERN FREEMASONRY " In 1738 papal opposition was started by Pope Clement the Twelfth from a feeling of jealousy at the growth of Masonry." The opposition based their claim on four reasons. 1. "It was unsectarian. 2. " There was secrecy. 3. " There was oath of fidelity with a penalty for viola- tion of the obligation. 4. " There was danger to the state and spiritual health of soul, contrary to public order." The Catholics claimed that Masonry had an ultimate pur- pose to overthrow the whole religious, political, and social order based on Christian institutions and establish laws of pure naturalism. " In view of these conditions the Catholics since 1738 are under penalty of excommunication by the pope and are strictly forbidden to enter or promote in any way Masonic societies." Anything in doubt is referred to the Holy See. " Catholics claim that Freemasonry undermines Catholic faith in life by promoting religious indifference, as Free- masonry is naturalism opposed to super-naturalism." As one good turn deserves another, possibly the fervent Catholics were overanxious to repeat the " loving torture " they administered with sacred devotion to the Knights Templars of the holy crusade by wiping them out a second time and thereby removing a thorn in the monopoly of ignorant souls through a subtle faith, a grasping and greedy monopoly to honor the name of Jesus, for blessed are the pure in " heart." " In the United States the characteristic tendency is toward the public display of temples, processions, and feasts, where the Masons on this continent have gone mad reaching after high degrees and grand titles." » 266 • CHBISTIAN WISDOM " As the expense of speculative Masonry is heavy on the members, only well-to-do persons can afford to join the fraternity, thus contributing to its universal founding or financial security." It is used principally as a trade shop for barter, where business and social relationships constitute a board of trade and the consciousness of Divinity is buried in the mire of mammonism. It would appear from examination that an ordinary or so-called " common Mason " is one who has taken the three degrees of Master Mason, while a " Free Mason " is one who has advanced to the fraternity of higher degrees and is considered a Mason who is free from the common con- tact of an inferior brother, at least in the sense of a business or social standing outside of the lodge. I In fact it is pitiable to watch the small fry in Masonic circles trail like the smoke of an auto, unless they can be utilized in the servitude of some ambitious brother. Then they are tolerated with a sickly smile until the crisis has passed, for the king can do no wrong. This has so enraged the labor element, who could not afford to pay the tribute for " gilt worship," that the priest- hood has succeeded in attracting many a wandering pil- grim to the sheepfolds of its keeping, so that the standard of virtue could perch upon the church banner of domina- tion under the soothing charm of subtle theology. As " labor is the keystone " in the foundation of true Masonry, then those who thoroughly recognize the rights of labor to " possess what it personally produces " are in reality the worthy brethren who should be " free " from the " tyranny and treachery " of dishonest leaders. These are the only ones who are eligible to wear the insignia with- o||t the scarlet flush of shame. CHRISTIAN WISDOM 267 Brother, does this review reach the " exalted dignity " of your high and mighty Mason, who has acquired success by scornfully grinding the toil of human labor with greed and torture, sacrificing humanity for ambitious prominence, so that he could kneel in " guilt worship," with flowing robes or jeweled brow, by offering up the sacraments of his " charity " with ideal Masonic " chastity " in the Sanc- tum Sanctorum or Holy of Holies? Masonry in Rus:sia proved to be a political conspiracy, while Sweden, Norway, and Denmark refuse to initiate Jews. THE CRUSADERS The Crusaders represented a military expedition under the banner of a " bleeding red cross," headed by any one of the Christian powers, to recover the Holy Land from pagan or mohammedan tyranny, with the exception of the Greeks, who were strongly opposed to the undertaking. The origin of the word came from a red cross of cloth worn as a badge of recognition. The first crusade was in 1095 A. D. The Crusades were considered as " holy wars " of a papal enterprise that would consolidate the Christian elements in opposition to the pagans, thereby helping to strengthen the power and pomp of the pope. In order for the pope to promote the enterprise he would announce the crusade in his preaching, and to every sol- dier who was opposed to those under the ban of excom- munication or in enmity to the Church, the pope would decorate one with a little red cross as a mark of distinc- tion in being a soldier of the Catholic Church. Onward, creedal soldiers, with your little red cross that stained the glory of brotherhood and the teachings of righteousness ! 268 CHRISTIAN WISDOM THE KNIGHTS TEMPLARS The Knights Templars were of humble origin as the earliest founders of military orders, with a marvelous growth and a tragic end. They were called " poor " knights from the temple of Jerusalem or poor fellow soldiers of Christ. In 1118 A. D. Hugh de Payne, a French knight of Cham- pagne, together with eight companions, took a solemn oath before the Patriarch of Jerusalem to defend the Christian kingdom — physically, not spiritually. They posed as Christian followers overflowing with reli- gious passion and a strong personal desire for material achievement, wearing a long white habit with a blood-red cross. Their initiation was by secret rites, which were held in the chapter, where they renounced all the pleasures of life to accomplish their purpose with a " blind obedience " in all things. They were lions in war and monks in the chapel, as Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. How remarkable that history should repeat itself in the present era of Knights Templars, where the bleeding red cross of " holiness " has been substituted for the subtle black cross of " diplomacy," from the cowl to the frock. But alas, both are recognized as undesirable methods to bait the hook of " blind obedience," as one leads to the modern method of baptism in stagnant waters, while the other was the ancient baptism in rivers of blood. Brother, arise from the shallowness of thy perversion and bathe in the crystal waters of spirit intelligence that flows with eternal truth. Let the family skeleton of selfish " personality " cease to mock in hollow tones by the regeneration of an awakened soul with a universal purpose. CHRISTIAN WISDOM 269 The growth of these Knights Templars was marvelous to behold, not only in numbers, but in wealth. Owing to the constant financial increase the money was deposited in their temples at London and Paris, which swelled like a rising tide until their coffers were filled to overflowing, when presto, change! how soon those poor little knights of " religious flame " became the wolf in dis- guise to the power of " financial favor." The pope, who realized their sweeping financial advance, wisely recognized their " profound value " and kindly gath- ered the little strangers under the freedom of church sur- veillance, as in fact all Christian " demon "-strations were directly under the " careful discretion " and domination of a trained pope. The Knights Templars were cruelly successful as a phys- ical terror to the Mohammedans and reached a following of 400 knights in Jerusalem, with the addition of a generous following in France and England. In less than two centuries 20,000 Knights Templars had expired in Christian Combat to honor the name of Jesus and the Catholic church at Rome. It was a futile effort, for the barren earth can bring forth no fruit when the opportunity is wasted and the goodness of the soil soaked with poison from the crimson deluge of profligate sowing. As the " banner of blood " was only an incentive to commit crime, their deeds of infamy were a keen reflection on the " moral status " of the Catholic church, and to avoid a public scandal drastic measures were found expe- dient. So a cunning scheme was concocted to meet the emergency and screen the faith from open censure. It was a clever ruse to shift the moral responsibility of slaughter from the Catholic promoters to a convenient scapegoat, and that poor little goat was the chivalrous Knight Tem- plar. But oh so exquisitely executed by those who were " pure in heart " with a " velvet touch," where " creedal genius " was offered at the holy altar of saintly sacrifice ! The monks or " pious element " of the Knights Templars were " secretly persuaded " to withdraw their " active mem- 270 CHRISTIAN WISDOM bership " and wash their crimson garments in the holy water of Catholic absolution, so that the saints could in- augurate a " temporary shelter " called the Order of Hospitalers. The lion or " blood element," with a little red cross, who remained loyal and active Knights Templars from the sifting, were publicly accused of denying Christ, spitting on the cross, and worshiping an idol. Hands up! such a cute little trick for saints who were anointed with holy water and absolution. As a speedy preventative to preserve .the " chastity " of the Roman Catholic church, Philip the Fourth took the initiative in 1307 A. D. and ordered the arrest of all active Knights Templars in France, where they were accused of the most atrocious crimes, backed by an overwhelming flow of evidence. Poor little Christian soldiers of the Catholic church, for at the trial most of them (so history has recorded) admitted their guilt to the charges of outrage and were fed as fuel to the flames at the altar of the burning stake. " For vengeance is mine saith the Lord." What a glorious ordeal of extermination for pious Chris- tians to glory in and " profit " thereby in the sequel. i Finally, with the united effort of King Philip the Fourth and Pope Clement the Fifth, the power behind the throne, the Order of Knights Templars was completely suppressed in March, 1312, and the "pyramid of wealth," after being thoroughly absolved from scarlet taint, was turned over to the purified monks of blind obedience, called the Order of Hospitalers, as the only remaining heirs to the property, to be used strictly in the " ethical defense " of holy places. Safe in the arms of Clement the Fifth. It was where the little red cap took the little red cross under its sheltering wing of paternal affection. What was the skeleton in the closet? Why money, the root of evil. Like the dust of an earthy to-day the Order of Hospi- talers soon faded to the sepulcher of memory, but the finan- CHRISTIAN WISDOM 271 cial solution is still a Latin conundrum to those of blind obedience, without even the blush of a post-mortem examination. The existing members of the original active order who escaped the calumny of this Catholic ordeal became asso- ciated with the Knights of Rhodes and later the Knights of Malta — titles that to this day are honored in the ranks of modern Freemasonry and regalia. Such is the sacred chant of the Catholic church soldiers with their little red cross, that echoes from the religious past as reeking in blood or pious in creedal cunning. Will the future be a repetition, where the carnage of steel is finally tempered in a " paper treaty " by the stroke of a pen, or will the mental clash of free speech, tempered by the wisdom and skill of consistent reasoning, awaken the soul to a sense of duty and gratitude, where the " blinds " of obedience will be " open " to the sunshine of truth from a ruling of Universal Law and soul brother- hood, and the execution of a jealous persecution will be banished forever from our sight? Angel of Reason, do you wonder at the frigid barrier that exists between Masonic Knight Templar and the little red cap with a crimson tie? Every little movement had a meaning all its own, as Freemasonry was not the only pebble with a mystified silence of hidden eloquence. SUMMARY The fundamental ordeal of Jewish ritual in striking the candidate with a ruler and iron square or with a blow on the head from a mallet was purely a human contrivance to provoke the creeping sensation of superstitious awe that would tend to subdue a manly nature and reduce him to the humble expression of moral fear and silent submission, without a ray of illuminated intelligence. 272 CHRISTIAN WISDOM From the foregoing facts it is plain to be seen that the religious and sacred rites of Ragon and Abiff were muti- lated and perverted even from the time of Solomon by in- culcating terror-stricken oaths of secrecy and servitude whereby the soul of a Mason was fettered. It withered the expression of an honest conviction and deprived him from taking a definite action against a v/ayward or villain- ous Mason in Masonic standing, of which there are many, while a mortal who is devoid of a social protection from Masonic law is persecuted to the legal limit without con- sideration of any kind. I Does this attitude of clannish distinction and permanent evasion to punishment appeal to the spirit of manhood and justice in your soul as worthy of a divine inspection? Can Divinity make a separation between souls coming under Universal Law? When Divinity is a part of each and every human soul is it even tolerant to one with an ordinary spark of human intelligence or " legal " justice? Admitting a man is not a Freemason, would you fail to honor with justice the spark of Divinity within that man when Divinity is a part of each human soul, even though you are under the Masonic oath of a selfish protection that shouts liberty and conscience for the upliftment of human- ity in one voice and brotherhood for the brethren in an- other voice? Can you desert any soul when all have the spark of Divinity within the soul? Brother, if you still persist in this clannish distinction of insignia, the reflection will singe the inflated importance of your own individual self with a profound sting of re- morse unless the callousness of hypocrisy has thoroughly deprived you as a Mason of all moral decency or respect to even the fringe of judicial justice. d CHRISTIAN WISDOM 273 How can you intelligently have a brotherhood except it be a universal brotherhood of souls (not the physical body), as you know that Divinity is a part within each human soul? Then the greater the number of societies into which you divide humanity the greater will be the unrest of Divinity within each mortal until all souls are brought under one Universal Law of Divinity. As Divinity, has no secrets in divisions or against him- self, the spark of Divinity in all will be restless until all come under the peace and harmony of one understanding. Brother, why not examine yourself from within to see if there is left the remnant of hope to purify the decay of a selfish union, typified as the brotherhood of man under the seal of Divinity, with liberty and consicience as your altar in the Sanctum Sanctorum or Holy of Holies? Remember that atonement is the open door leading to the wisdom of Divinity and not the idolized and cherished customs of specialized physical benefits for the gratifica- tion of self. Never was knight-errant offered a more sacred oppor- tunity to emblazon the power of Divinity and the truth of righteousness than through Freemasonry. This was a sacred mission that the saints might envy and glory in, where the purity of their purpose merited the harvest of a perfect sowing to swell the army of the Lord, and such a noble army, of which the Crusaders never dreamed. But, when the responsibility of trust and a sublime un- derstanding of Divinity are substituted for low comedy and the freakish maneuvers of degenerate mannerisms, then Masonic forms will some day be cast in the melting pot or precipitated in obscurity, and from the ash heap of tinsel toys will rise the regeneration of a deserving brotherhood with purity and solemnity. This would be worthy of eternal glory and pregnant with confidence, love, and understanding, instead of the slavish servitude with fear and trembling through igno- 274 CHRISTIAN WISDOM ranee and superstition as the symbolic mystery of soul rot. I When Masonry closed the north gate of the temple it excluded the only hope of soul salvation, as the east, west, and south gates represented the magnetic or material trimmings of a physical personality. Then open the north gate to your temple as the electric gate of spiritual unfold- ment and dedicate it as the entrance to an eternal soul understanding, where the glory of God abideth with thee forevermore. Brother Masons have been warned repeatedly that unless they pay more attention to the pure, simple, and beautiful symbolism of the lodge and less to the gold tinsel and fine feathers of Scottish rites and templarism, the craft will be shaken to its very foundation through the handwriting on the wall. SAPERE AUDE — DARE TO DO RIGHT THE MASONIC REQUIEM When truth is crushed and conscience hushed, That brands you with dishonor. Can Masons claim a sacred name Without respect or honor? Freemason! Aye, that honored name, 'T was paved with good intention. For men to tread in virtue's path. And keep them from transgression. 4 But do they tread in virtue's path. As righteous in their calling. And would they dare expose Sir Knight Or grant an overhauling? Be loyal is their sacred theme. Be loyal to a brother. And should one sin, why cover up. To screen a " loyal " brother. CHRISTIAN WISDOM 275 Are we not all of human kin, With promise to be Christian? How can we cherish cliques or clans And be a worthy Christian? If proof is being loyal, then, When loyal hath two leadings, Should " sin prevail " or righteous ways. The truth or double dealings? For being loyal doth apply To those who screen the devil, But righteous men are loyal when At heart they 're on the level. If Masonry hath righteous laws, Where truth is freely spoken. How can a Mason screen a rogue, With truth their sacred token? Can those who screen a brother rogue Be honored as Freemason? When righteous law excuses none. Exceptions then are brazen. 'T is not my purpose to defame Or nag a worthy Mason, But when a rogue thrives 'neath its name The world should know the reason. For when it cloaks to cover shame, This passport sweet of flavor. How can it claim a sacred name When salt hath lost its savor? Franklin E. Parker. I ^ THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO 50 CENTS ON THE FOURTH DAY AND TO $1.00 ON THE SEVENTH DAY OVERDUE. mi] ? 11^37 MAY 1*^ 1943 LD 21-1007H-8,'34 YC 3030 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY