LB UC-NRLF 20 762 Mil ...niiinmmniiiiii* 1 SCHOOL LAWS I of the State of Wyoming 1919 = S %/ilHIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIHIIIHIIIIIIIIfl 111 '""HllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllH^ GIFT OF ~/3z. ^x SCHOOL LAWS OF THE STATE OF WYOMING COMPILED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION CHEYENNE, WYOMING LARAMIE WYOMING: THE LARAMIE REPUBLICAN COMPANY PRINTERS AND BINDERS 1919 v Constitutional Provisions ARTICLE VII. CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OP WYOMING. Public Schools. . Section 1. The legislature Shall provide for the establish- ment and maintenance of a complete and uniform system of public instruction, embracing free elementary sdhlools of every needed kind and grade, a university with such technical and professional departments as the public good 1 may require and the means of the State allow, and such other institutions as may be necessary. School Revenues. Sec. 2. The following are declared to be perpetual funds for school purposes, of whic'li the annual income only can be appropriated, to- wit: Such per centum as has been or may hereafter be granted by Congress on the sale of lands in this State ; all moneys arising from the sale or lease of sections num- ber sixteen and thirty^six in each township in the State, and tlhie lands selected or that may be selected 1 in lieu thereof ; the proceeds of all lands that have been or may hereafter be granted to this State, where by the terms and conditions of the grant, the same are not to be otherwise appropriated; the net pro- ceeds of lands and other property and effects that may come to the State by escheat or forfeiture, or from unclaimed divi- dends or -distributive shares of the estates of deceased persons ; all moneys, stocks, bonds, lands and other property now belong- ing to the common school fund. Other School Revenues. Sec. 3. To the sources of revenue above mentioned shall be added all other grants, gifts and devises that 'hlave been or may hereafter be made to this State and n'ot otherwise appropriated by the terms of the grant, gift or devise. Restriction in Use of Revenues. Sec. 4. All moneys, stocks, bonds, lands and other property belonging to a county school fund, except such moneys and property as may be provided by law for current use in aid of public schools, shall belong to and! be securely invested and sacredly preserved in tthe several counties as ia county public school fund, the income of which shall be appropriated ex- clusively to the use and support of free public schools in the several counties of the State. 4 SCHOOL LAWS OF WYOMING Fines Disposition Of. Sec. 5. All fines and penalties under general laws of the State shall belong to the public school fund of the respective counties and be paid over to the custodians of such funds for the current support of the public schools therein. Sec. 6 (as amended by Amendment III, L. 1917). All funds belonging to the State for public school purposes, the interest and income of which only are to be used, shall be deemed 1 trust funds in the care of the State, whiclhi shall keep them for the exclusive benefit of the public schools, and shall make good any losses that may in any manner occur, so that the same shall remain forever inviolate and undiminished. None of such funds shall ever be invested or loaned, except on tlhe bonds issued by school districts, or county bonds of the State, or State securities of this State, or of the United' States, or on first mortgages on farm lands or such other securities as may be authorized by law. Application of School Funds. Sec. 7. The income arising from the funds mentioned in the preceding section, together witlh all the rents of the unsold school lands and such other means as the legislature may pro- vide, shall be exclusively applied to the support of free schools in every county in the State. Distribution of School Funds. Sec. 8. Provision shall be made by general law for the equitable distribution of such income among the several coun- ties according to the number of children of school age in each, which several counties shall in like manner distribute the pro- portion of said fund by them received respectively to the sev- eral school districts embraced therein. But no appropriation slhall be made from said fund to any district for the year in which a school has not been maintained for at least three months nor shall any portion of any public school fund ever be used to support or assist any private school, or any school, academy, seminary, college, or other institution of learning controlled by any church or sectarian organization or religious denomination whatsoever. Taxation for Schools. . Sec. 9. The legislature shall make such further provision by taxation or otherwise, as with the income arising from the general school fund will create and maintain a thorough and efficient system of public schools adequate to the proper instruc- tion of all tJhie youth of the State, between the ages of six and twenty-one years, free of charge ; and, in view of such provision so made, the legislature shall require that every child of sufficient physical and mental ability shall attend a public SCHOOL LAWS OF WYOMING 5 school during the period between six and eighteen years for a time equivalent to three years, unless educated by other means. No' Discrimination Between Pupils. Sec. 10. In none of the public schools so established and maintained shall distinction or discrimination be made on ac- count of sex, race or color. Text Books. Sec. 11. Neither the legislature nor the Superintendent of Public Instruction shall have power to prescribe text books to be used in the public schools. Sectarianism Prohibited. Sec. 12. No sectarian instruction, qualifications or tests shall be imparted, exacted, applied or in any manner tolerated in the schools of any grade or character controlled by the State, nor shall attendance be required at any religious service theroin. nor shall any sectarian tenets or doctrines be taught or favored in any public school or institution that may be established under this constitution. Land Commissioners. Sec. 13. The Governor, Secretary of State, State Treasurer and Superintendent of Public Instruction shall constitute a Board of Land Commissioners, whidh, under direction of the legislature, as limited by this constitution, shall have direction, control, leasing and disposal of the lands of the State granted, or which may be hereafter granted for the support and benefit of public schools, subject to the further limitations that the sale of all lands shall be at public auction, .after such delay (not less than the time fixed' by congress) in portions at proper intervals of time, and at such minimum prices (not less than the minimum fixed by congress) as to realize the largest pos- sible proceeds. Supervision of Schools. Sec. 14. The general supervision of the public schools shall be entrusted to the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, whose powers and duties shall be prescribed by law. THE UNIVERSITY. Establishment of University. Sec. 15. The establishment of the University of Wyoming is hereby confirmed, and said institution, with its several de- partments, is hereby declared to be the University of the State of Wyoming. All lands which have been heretofore granted or which may be granted hereafter by congress unto the uni- versity as such, or in aid of the instruction to be given in any 6 SCHOOL LAWS OP WYOMING of its departments, with /all other grants, donations, or devises for said university, or for any of its departments, shall vest in said university, and be exclusively used for the purposes for which they were granted, donated or devised. The said lands may be leased on terms approved by the land commissioners, but may not be sold on terms not approved by congress. Tuition Free. Sec. 16. The university shall be equally open to students of both sexes, irrespective of race or color; and, in order that the instruction furnished may be as nearly free as possible, any amount in addition to the income from its grants of lands and other sources above mentioned, necessary to its support and maintenance in a condition of full efficiency shall be raised by taxation or otherwise, under provisions of the legislature. Government of University. Sec. 17. The legislature shall provide by law for the man- agement of the university, its lands and 1 other property by a Ban act of the Congress of the United States of America entitled! "An act to provide for the promotion of vocational education ; to provide for cooperation with the States in the promotion of such education in agriculture and the trades and industries ; to provide for cooperation with the States in the preparation of teachers of vocational subjects ; and to appropriate money and regulate its expenditure", and will observe and comply with all the requirements of said act. [L. 1917, Chap. 99, Sec. 1.] State Board. Sec. 43. That the State Board of Education is hereby designated as the State Board for the puproses of the said act and is hereby given all necessary power to cooperate with the Federal Board of Vocational Education in the administra- tion of the provisions of the act, [L. 1917, Chap. 99, Sec. 2.] State Treasurer Custodian of Funds. Sec. 44. That the State Treasurer is appointed custodian of funds alloted 03^ Fed'eral Act to the State of Wyoming for the promotion of vocational education, and he shall provide for the proper custody and disbursement of such funds on the requisition of the State Board of Education. [L. 1917, Chap. 99, Sec. 3.] Appropriation. Sec. 45. That there is hereby appropriated for the pur- poses of this Act from the General fund! out of any moneys not otherwise appropriated Three Thousand ($3,000.00) Dollars annually. [L. 1917, Chap. 99, 'Sec. 4.] Co-Operating Between State and Government. Sec. 46. The sum of Two Thousand Dollars for the year ending March 31, 1920, and the further sum of Two Thousand 18 SCHOOL LAWS OP WYOMING Dollars for the year ending March 31, 1921, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated) out of any funds in the State Treasury, not otherwise appropriated, for the pur- pose of cooperating with the Federal Board for Vocational Education in paying the salaries of teachers, supervisors, and directors of agricultural subjects, and teachers of trade, home economics, and industrial subjects, and the training of teachers of vocational subjects, and to comply with the condition of the Act of Congress of the United States of America providing for the promotion of Vocational Education, accepted for this State by an Act of the Legislature thereof approved February 20, 1917, and known as Chapter 99 of the Session Laws of 1917, of the State of Wyoming, requiring that for each dollar of Fed- eral money expended under said Act of Congress an equal amount shall be expended by the State or local community, or both; the said sums respectively hereby appropriated to be ex- pended in accordance with the plans provided by the State Board designated and authorized by said Act of the Legisla- ture of the State of Wyoming, to cooperate with the Federal Board for Vocational Education, and approved by said last named bourd. [L. 1919, Chap. 145, Sec. 14.] Fire Escapes, Sec. 47. Every building now or hereafter used, in whole or in part, as a public building, public or private institution, office building, lyceum, church, theatre, public hall, place of as- semblage or place of public resort, and every hotel, apartment house, boarding house, tenement house, factory or workshop, three or more stories in height, school and hospital buildings, two or more stories in height, shall be provided with safe and suitable metallic, tunnel, iron or fire-proof ladders or stair fire- escapes with guard rail of sufficient strength, attached to the outside walls thereof and extending from or suitably near the ground to the uppermost story thereof, with platforms not less than 6x3 feet and of such shape and size and in such proximity to the windows of each story above the first, as to render access to such ladders or stairs from each such story easy and safe to the occupants of such building, in case of fire ; and it shall be the duty of every proprietor, custodian, superintendent or person or persons having charge and control of such public buildings mentioned and described herein, to post notices in every hall, and in a public and conspicuous place in such build- ing, designating the places on each and every floor of such building where such fire-escapes are located and may be found. [L. 1919, Chap. 74, Sec. 1.] Means of Exit Doors. Sec. 48. Every building now or hereafter used, in whole or in part; as a public building, pu'blic or private institution, SCHOOL LAWS OF WYOMING 19 office 'building, lyceum, church, school house, theatre, picture show house, public hall, place of assemblage or place of public resort, and every hotel, apartment house, boarding house or tenement house, two stories or less in height, having twelve (12) or more rooms shall be provided with at least two stair- ways, hallways or means of exit or escape from each story in case of fire. In addition to the above mentioned and described stair- ways and hallways or means of exit, iall doors to every public hall, lyceum, theatre, picture show house, or other place of amusement, which is thrown open to and used for the profit of the owner or proprietor or owners or proprietors by public assemblies in the State of Wyoming, shall not be less than three feet in width, and shall swing or open out of and not into said public hall, lyceum, theatre, picture show house, or other place of amusement. [L. 1917, Chap. 18, Sec. 2.] Factories, Offices, Etc., to be Equipped. Sec. 49. Every building now or hereafter used, in whole or in part, as a factory, mill, workshop, garage, office, bakery, laundry, store, and 1 any other building or buildings in which people are employed at manual or other lalbor, shall be pro- vided with proper and sufficient means of escape in case of fire, by two or more ways of egress, and all doors leading into or to such factory, mill, workshop, garage, office, bakery, laundry, store, and any other building or buildings in which people are employed at manual or other labor, shall not be locked, bolted or fastened during working hours as to prevent free and easy access therefrom. [L. 1917, Chap. 18, Sec. 3.] Exits Unobstructed Stairways. Sec. 50. All such metallic, iron or fire-proof ladders or stair fire-escapes, stairways, hallways or meians of egress, men- tioned or described in this Act, shall at all times be kept free from any obstruction ; in good repair and ready for use ; and at night, or where lights are necessary in the daytime, a red light shall be provided with the words inscribed thereon "FIRE- ESCAPE". Provided that on all hotel, theatre, school and hos- pital buildings, two or more stories in height, said stairways shall extend from each floor of said building to the ground and shall not be less than three (3) feet wide, the r[a]isers of said stairs shall not be greater than eight (8) inches, and the treads not less than ten (10) inches wide; and the platform not less than three (3) feet wide, and in all cases the full width of the stairs. All such stairs shall have proper guard rails not less than twenty-eight (28) inches high. Where tubing is used for guard rails they shall be not more than ten (10) inches apart; and where balusters are used they shall be not more than six (6) inches apart. [L. 1917, Chap. 18, Sec. 4.] 20 SCHOOL LAWS OP WYOMING Applicable to Schools. Sec. 51. The provisions of this chapter are hereby made applicable to the trustees of all universities and school districts in this State, operating under the general school law of this State. [L. 1917, Chap. 18, Sec. 5.] Penalty. Sec. 52. Every person, firm or corporation, or his or its agents, officers, directors or trustees, owning or having the management or control of any such buildings o>r structures herein mentioned or described, who shall fail, neglect or refuse to comply with the provisions of this Act not later than October first, nineteen hundred seventeen (October 1, 1917), shall be dteemed guilty of a misdemeanor and on conviction thereof shall be punishable by imprisonment in the county jail for not less than three, nor more than six months, or by a fine of not less than One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) nor more than Five Hun- dred Dollars ($500.00) or by both such fine and imprisonment. Each month or fraction thereof in which any building desig- nated in this Act shall remain in violation thereof shall con- stitute a separate offense. [L. 1917, Chap. 18, Sec. 6.] Additional Requirements. Sec. 53. Any incorporated city or town may by ordinance make additional requirements relative to fire-escapes or exits. [L. 1917, Chap. 18, Sec. 7.] MONTHLY PAYMENT BY COUNTY TREASURER OF MUNICIPAL, DISTRICT AND LIBRARY FUNDS. Sec. 54. It shall be the duty of the county treasurer of each county. to keep an accurate record of all fundls in his hands and due to the respective cities, towns, school districts and county libraries within the county; and on the first day of each month he shall pay over to the treasurer of each city, town, school district and county libraries all funds there- tofore collected by him for the benefit of the respective city, town, school district or county libraries. [L. 1917, Chap. 31, Sec. 1.] NON-PARTISAN ELECTION OF COUNTY SUPERIN- TENDENTS. Sec. 55. The County Superintendent of Schools shall here- after be nominated -and elected regardless of political affilia- tions. [L. 1917, Chap. 59, Sec. 1.] Petition and Affidavit Fee. Sec. 56. Any person desiring to become a candidate for County Superintendent of Schools may, within not more than SCHOOL LAWS OF WYOMING 21 sixty nor less than twenty days preceding a primary election, file with the County Clerk of the county in which such person resides, a statement in substantially the following form, to- wit : "Petition and Affidavit of Candidate for County Superintendent of Schools State of Wyoming, 1 Us. County of j I, , being first duly sworn, say that I reside at , in the city of , in the County of in the State of Wyoming ; that I am a qualified voter of said State and said county ; that I am eligible to be elected to the office to which I aspire ; that I am a candidate for the nomination for the office of County Super- intendent of Schools to 'be voted upon at the primary election to 'be held on the day of , 19 ; that I hereby request that my name be printed upon the official ballot for the nomination at such primary election for the office of County Superintendent of Schools. Subscribed and sworn to before me by the said this day of , A. D. 19 ["] . . Such petition iand affidavit shall be accompanied by a fee of Ten Dollars ($10.00), to be paid into the county treasury of said county, and no further requisite shall be necessary for such person to have his name printed on the non-partisan pri- mary ballot. ["] [L. 1917, Chap. 59, Sec. 2.] Ballots. Sec. 57. Notwithstanding any more general law respect- ing primary elections in force in the State, the official ballot to be prepared and used at such primary, when relating to County Superintendent of Schools or other non-partisan officers, shall simply place the names of all candidates for judicial offices and County Superintendent of Schools upon the primary ballot without any political designation ; the names to be arranged as hereinafter stated, the said ballot to be a separate ballot from the party ballots used at the primary election, and said non- partisan ballots to have separate columns for judicial offices and for County Superintendent of Schools ; the heading of the column to indicate whether the column is for the school officers mentioned or for judicial officers. The form of such ballot shall be the same as prescribed for non-partisan election of judges, in Section 3 of Chapter 74 of the Session Laws of 1915, and the names of said nominees for the said school offices shall be arranged the same as provided in said Section 3 of Chapter 22 SCHOOL LAW'S OF WYOMING 74 of the Session Laws of 1915, for the arrangement of names for the judicial offices. [L. 1917, Chap. 59, Sec. 3.] Voters Not Required to Declare Party Affiliation. Sec. 58. At said primary election for County Superin- tendent of Schools or for judicial officers, any qualified elec- tor of the precinct shall be permitted to vote for the nom- ination of non-partisan officers without being required to state any party affiliation, and the provisions of Chapter 23 of the Session Laws of 1911 and any iand all amendments thereto that require an elector to state his party affiliation when voting at a primary, shall not apply to those electors who vote only the non-partisan ballot. Any elector offering to vote at such primary election for non-partisan officers only shall, unless he has been recorded as voting at the last preceding general primary election, be required to take the oath contained in Section 4 of Chapter 128 of the Session Laws of 1913. And any such elector offering to vote for non-partisan officers only and not offering to vote a party ticket, shall be registered by the judges of election in the poll book undler ia separate column headed "Non-Par- tisan." The method of voting and of accounting and certifying the returns shall in all respects be governed by the provisions of Chapter 74 of the Session Laws of 1915 relative to the nomi- nation of non-partisan judges, except insofar as the same may be modified or changed by this Act. [L. 1917, Chap. 59, Sec. 4.] Ballots for General Election. Sec. 59. After said primary election held as aforesaid, the county clerk or other official whose duty it is to prepare the official ballot for the general election to be held in this State, shall prepare a separate 'ballot similar and substan- tially in the same general form, and the names rotated on said ballot as herein provided for the nomination of said school officers at the primary election, and as provided in Chapter 74, Session Laws of 1915, for the nomination of judicial officers; and the two candidates receiving the highest number of votes at the primary election for each of said offices shall be entitled to have their names printed on the official non-partisan ballot at the general election. Said ballot for non-partisan officers may contain judicial officers and the same school officers, ar- ranged, however, in separate columns, but such non-partisan ballot shall be separate from the regular ballot used at such election and shall be deposited in a separate ballot box, the same as in voting upon constitutional amendments. The can- didate receiving the highest number of votes at said general election shall be declared duly elected to the office for which said person was a candidate. In all other respects the procedure SCHOOL LAWS OF WYOMING 23 for the nomination and election to the offices herein referred to shall be regulated by the provisions of the statutes relating to primary and general elections in force in this State so far as they are applicable. [L. 1917, Chap. 59, Sec. 5.] Sec. 60. All acts and parts of Acts in conflict with the provisions of this Act are hereby expressly repealed and Chapter 74, Sessions Laws of 1915, is hereby modified to con- form to the provisions of this Act. [L. 1917, Chap. 59, Sec. 6.] Uniforms for School Cadets. Sec. 61. The sum of Ten Thousand Dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated out of any funds in the State treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the purchase of uniforms for the members of all public school cadet organizations in the State, which adopt military setting-up exer- cises, drill and calisthenics and conduct the same according to requirements, rules and regulations laid down by the State Adjutant General. Such uniforms shall be chosen, purchased, distributed and used in accordance with the directions of the Adjutant General, and this appropriation shall be expended under direction of the Adjutant General by vouchers rendered in the regular form to the State Auditor and approved by the Adjutant General. [L. 1919, Chap. 144, Sec. 66.] High School Districts May Accept Gifts. Sec. 62. High school districts within the State of Wyoming: organized as provided in Chapter 142, Wyoming Compiled Statutes of 1910, are hereby authorized to receive any and all property that may be donated, devised, bequeathed or given,, for educational purposes in this State, or for any of the pur- poses for which said High schools are organized as provided in said Chapter 142 or any and all amendments thereto, and may apply said devices, bequests, gifts or donations to the purposes and for the objects for which they may be so devised, be- queathed, given or donated. [L. 1917, Chap. 73, Sec. 1.] Distribution of School Funds. Sec. 63. On or before the 31st day of March in every year, if there shall be any money to the credit of the income fund, for the use of public schools, in the State treasury, including the rents of the unsold school lands, the State Super- intendent of Public Instruction shall distribute such income among the several counties of the State according to the num- ber of children of school age in each, the same to be determined by reference to the last preceding annual reports furnished to the State Superintendent of Public Instruction by the several County Superintendents of Schools. Such moneys so distributed shall be paid to the county treasurer of each county by the State treasurer, upon the requisition to that effect by the State 24 SCHOOL LAWS OF WYOMING Superintendent of Public Instruction, which said requisition shall state the county entitled thereto, together with the amount, and the fund out of which it is paid ; and the Super- intendent of Public Instruction shall at the same time notify each Superintendent of Schools that such distribution has been made; such requisition shall be accompanied by a warrant of the auditor upon the treasurer covering the amount of the requisition in each case, and the Superintendent of Public Instruction shall file such requisition with the auditor and a copy of the same with the treasurer. Upon, such distribution being made and said money being paid to the respective county treasurers, the County Superintendent of Schools in each county shall cause such money to be distributed among the several school districts in the county pro rata in the same manner and in the same proportion as the regular county school tax is re- quired by law to be distributed. Provided, however, That any law with reference to the distribution of the county school tax which provides for a certain amount to 'be paid to each school district before the pro rata distribution of the balance is made shall not apply in the case of the distribution of said money ; Provided, further, That no apportionment from said State fund shall be made to any school district for a year in which ia school has not been maintained therein for at least three months. [C. S. 1910, Sec. 135.] Board of Trustees. ! Sec. 64. The government of the university shall vest in a Board of nine Trustees to be aptpointed by the Governor, three, and only three, of whom shall at all times be residents of the county of Albany, together with thie President of the university and the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, as members ex-officio, as such having the right to speak but not to vote. [C. S. 1910, Sec. 413.] Board Who Members. Sec. 65. The Governor, the Secretary of State, the State Treasurer, the State Auditor and the State Superintendent of Public Instruction shall constitute and shall hereafter be known as the State Board of Charities and Reform. [C. S. 1910, Sec. 436.] Secretary of Board. See. 66. The Superintendent of Public Instruction shall be Secretary of the Boiard, and shall keep a careful record of the transactions of the Board in a substantial and bound book, to be kept for that purpose, and which shall be known as the records and proceedings of the State Board of Charities and Reform ; he shall countersign (all papers, instruments, or docu- ments approved, made, or directed by the Board ; he shall also, SCHOOL LAWS OF WYOMING 25 for the Board and under its direction, make a biennial report to the Governor, during the month of December in each) even numbered year, showing clearly and succintly the condition of all institutions under the control or supervision of said Board, whether general or direct, giving the number of inmates there- in, their ages, sex, condition, religious belief, conduct, and all other matters pertaining thereto, and such report shall also contain such recommendations as the Board may see fit to make to the Governor, or the legislature, as shall tend to ameli- orate the condition of the inmates of such institutions, that may tend to prevent crime, and as the claims of humanity and the public good may require. [C. S. 1910, Sec. 443.] School Land Board. Sec. 67. The Governor, Secretary of State, State Treas- urer and Superintendent of Public Instruction, being consti- tuted a Board of Land Commissioners by the provisions of sec- tion thirteen, article seven, of the Constitution of the State, they shall, as such Board, have the direction, control, lease and disposal of all lands heretofore or hereafter granted to the State for the support and benefit of public schools. 'Said Board shall be officially known land designated as "the State Board of School Land Commissioners", and shall have power and au- thority to take such official action, as may be at any time neces- sary, in making the selection of lands granted to the State for public school purposes, or to secure to the State the transfer and title of any such lands. [C. S. 1910, Sec. 602.) COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS. Must Hold Teachers' Certificate. Sec. 68. No County Superintendent of Schools shall re- ceive compensation out of any public fund for his services as County Superintendent of Schools until he has filed with the Board of County Commissioners a Wyoming teacher's certifi- cate of as high a rank as first class, in full force and effect : and the said County Superintendent of Schools shall be required to have such certificate in full force and effect during his term of office to entitle him to compensation out of public funds. [L. 1913, Chap. 40, Sec. 1.] Oath and Bond Prohibited from Teaching. Sec. 69. There shall be in each organized county a Super- intendent of Public Schools, who shall, before entering upon the duties of his office, take the oath prescribed by the constitu- tion and give bond to the State of Wyomnig in the penal sum of Five Hundred Dollars for the faithful performance *of all duties required of him by law as such superintendent, to be 26 SCHOOL LAWS OF WYOMING approved by the Board of County Commissioners, and' together with his certificate of election and oath, filed in the county clerk 's office ; Provided, That no person shall at the same time hold the positions of County Superintendent of Public Schools and teacher in any public school in his or her county. [C. S. 1910, Sec. 1296.] Salaries of County Superintendents. Sec. 70. County Superintendents of Schools shall receive the following annual salaries : In counties having an assessed valuation of more than Five Million Dollars, One Thousand Dollars ; in counties having an assessed valuation less than Five Million Dollars, and counties having ian assessed valuation of less than Two Million Dollars, Five Hundred Dollars. To- gether with their actual and necessary traveling expenses while engaged in the discharge of their official duties, the ac- count for which expenses, before being allowed, shall be stated in separate items, accompanied by vouchers, or receipts for all items amounting to Five Dollars or more, and otherwise made conformable to the law. [L. 1915, Chap. 156, Sec. 1.] NOTE The Attorney General has ruled that the above Chapter should read as follows: "County Superintendents of Schools shall receive the following annual salaries: In coun- ties 'having an assessed valuation of more than five million dollars, $1,000.00; in counties having an assessed valuation of less than five million dollars (here should be read into the statute the words and figures $750.00) ; and counties having an assessed valuation of less than two million dollars, $500.00. ' ' Duties. Sec. 71. The duties of the County Superintendent shall be as follows: He shall on or before the fourth Monday of July in each year, transmit to the Superintendent of Public Instruction a report containing an abstract of the several par- ticulars set forth in the report of the district clerks, together with a statement of the financial .affairs of his office, and such suggestions as he shall think proper, relative to the schools of his county ; he shall distribute to the districts within his county such blank forms, circulars and other communications as may be transmitted to him for that purpose by the Superintendent of Public Instruction. [S. L. 1907, Ch. 15, Sec. 3 ; C. S. 1910, Sec. 1298.] Office and Records of County Superintendent of Schools Office at County Seat. Sec. 72. It shall be the duty of the Board of County Com- missioners in each county of the State of Wyoming, to provide an office for the County Superintendent of Schools at the county seat, suitably equipped for properly transacting the SCHOOL LAWS OF WYOMING 27 duties of the office of County Superintendent, and the County Superintendent shall keep his office open such days and parts of days as may be in his judgment for the mutual advantage of himself and his patrons. [L. 1913, Chap. 24, Sec. 1.] Records. Sec. 73. It shall be the duty of the County Superintendent of Schools to keep on file in his office, a full and complete record of the official transactions of his office, including copies of all reports received by him in his official capacity and made by him to the State Superintendent of Public Instruction. [L. 1913, Chap. 24, Sec. 2.] Clerk to Certify Number of Teachers. Sec. 74. It shall be the duty of the clerk of the Board of Trustees of each school district, including high school district, to file with the County Superintendent of Schools of the county within which such school district lies, on or before the first day of July each year, a certificate showing the number of teachers employed within said school district during the pre- ceding year; Provided, That after the year 1913 every teacher for whom credit shall be claimed in such certificate must have been engaged in teaching in said district for at least six school months during the said school year, or in conjunction with a predecessor shall have taught for said period. Provided that in a school district continuing a high school up to that time previously conducted by ia high school dis- trict, of which it was a part, the six months' service in the district of each high school teacher employed shall be esti- mated by crediting the teacher with the time of service im- mediately preceding, or in conjunction with the predecessor, with time of service in the school year preceding as teacher in said high school district ; And provided further, that no credit shall be claimed for a teacher in er of the clerk, countersigned by the director ; iand shall keep an account of the receipts and expenditures thereof, in a book provided for that purpose. He shall cause to be pub- lished in some newspaper of general circulation in the county wherein such school district is situate, on the first week of July in each year, a full and true report of the receipts and disbursements of said district for the year preceding such report. [C. S. 1910, Sec. 1986.] Teachers' Fund. Sec. 160. The moneys for the payment of teachers shall be called the "teachers' fund", and the treasurer shall keep SCHOOL LAWS OF WYOMING 51 distinct and separate accounts with them ; and no warrant for money shall be paid by the treasurer which does not specify the fund on which it is drawn, iand the specific use to which it is to be applied. [C. S. 1910, Sec. 1987.] School House Fund. Sec. 161. The school house fund shall consist only of taxes collected in the district; and other school moneys be- longing to the district shall go to the teachers' fund, and shall be applied to no other use except to pay the wages of school teachers in the district. [C. S. 1910, Sec. 1988.] Treasurer to Receive District Money. Sec. 162. The District Treasurer shall apply for, and re- ceive all money lapportioned to the district, by the County Superintendent, when notified of said apportionment. [C. S. 1910, Sec. 1989.] Treasurer to Render Statement on Request. Sec. 163. The District Treasurer shall render a statement of the finances of the district as shown by the records of his office, at any time when required 'by the District Board. [C. S. 1910, Sec. 1990.] Flag to Be Displayed on School House. Sec. 164. It shall be the duty of the Trustees, at the ex- pense of such district, in each school district in the State of Wyoming, to cause the American flag to be placed in a proper and suitable manner upon each school house, flag staff or tower, in such respective school districts in the State of Wyoming. And they shall cause said flag to be hoisted upon each of said school house or school houses, fliag staff or tower, in such re- spective districts, during the time when school shall be in session. [C. S. 1910, Sec. 1991.] Annual Enumeration Children. Sec. 165. It shall be the duty of the Board of Trustees of each school district in this 'State to cause to be made during the month of April in each year a full and true enumeration of all children of school age, to- wit: those between the ages of six and twenty-one years, in their respective districts. Such enumeration shall be in duplicate and in such form as may be prescribed by the State Superintendent of Pu'blic Instruction, and shall set forth and state the name, age, sex and residence of eiach child enumerated, and the same shall bear a certificate signed by all or a majority of the trustees of such school dis- trict to the effect that it has been examined by the Board of Trustees of such district and found to be according to the best judgment and belief of the subscribers a full, true and correct enumeration of all the children of school age in their district. 52 SCHOOL LAWS OF WYOMING One of the duplicate copies of said enumeration shall be filed by the clerk of the school district with the other papers and records of the district in his custody and the other shall by said clerk be transmitted to the County Superintendent of Schools of his county on or before the fourth Monday of May in each year. [C. S. 1910, Sec. 1992.] Employ an Enumerator. Sec. 166. The Board of Trustees of each district shall, if in its judgment it is necessary so to do, have power to employ a suitable person or persons for such time as may be actually necessary to make such enumeration for such district and re- turn the same to the said Board ; such person so employed shall before commencing the making of such enumeration take, sub- scribe and file with the district clerk an oath in writing to the effect that he will faithfully, diligently, truly and to the best of his skill and ability perform his duty as such enumerator. [C. S. 1910, Sec. 1993.] False Enumeration Penalty. Sec. 167. Any trustee of any school district or any enu- merator employed to make or assist in making the enumera- tion for any district who shall knowingly and wilfully make any false enumeration of the children of school age in such district or who shall certify to the correctness and truthfulness of any such enumeration knowing the same to be false, incor- rect and untrue, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and on con- viction thereof shall be fined not less than ten dollars nor more than one hundred dollars or be imprisoned in the county jail not less than ten days nor more than thirty days, or by both such fine tand imprisonment, at the discretion of the court. [C. S. 1910, Sec. 1994.] Failure to Enumerate Penalty. Sec. 168. In the event that the Board of Trustees of any school district should fail, neglect or refuse to make or cause to be made such enumerations as hereinbefore provided for in the event that the clerk of any district shall fail, neglect or refuse to transmit to the County Superintendent of Schools on or before the fourth Monday in May of each year the duplicate copy of the enumeration of his district as hereinbefore pro- vided, then and in either of such cases it is here'by made the duty of the County Superintendent of Schools to cause such enumeration to be made on or before the third Monday in June following at the expense of the school district, and to that end the said Superintendent shall have all the power hereinbefore conferred upon the Board of Trustees for that purpose, and for the purpose of paying the expense of such enumeration the said Superintendent is hereby authorized and directed to issue SCHOOL LAWS OF WYOMING 53 to the person making such enumeration an order upon such school district for the amount due such person and upon pre- sentation of such order it shall 'be the duty of the director and clerk of such district to issue a warrant upon the treasurer of the district for such amount. Provided, however. That in the event that such enumeration shall be made because of the failure, neglect or refusal of the clerk of the district to transmit a duplicate copy of an enumeration which had been made, then and in such case the said clerk shall be liable to his school district for the cost and expense of the enumeration madie by the County Superintendent, and the said district may, by an ac- tion at law recover of and from such defaulting clerk the cost thereof, together with costs and attorney's fees. Provided, further, That if such enumeration by the County Superintend- ent be rendered necessary because of the neglect or failure or default of any members of the Board of Trustees in the per- formance of the duties by this or the three preceding sections enjoined upon them, then and in such case such defaulting members shall be jointly and severally liable to the school district for such cost and expense ; and the same, together with costs and attorney's fees, may be recovered by the district in an action at law from such defaulting members of the Board. [C. S. 1910, Sec. 1995.] County Superintendents Duty Report. Sec. 169. It shall be the duty of the County Superintend- ent of Schools to compile the said reports of the enumeration of children of school age in the several school districts of his county reported to him as hereinbefore provided and there- from to ascertain and determine the number of children of school age in his county, and at the time of making his annual report to the State Superintendent of Public Instruction he shall include in such report a statement of the number of chil- dren of school age in his county as shown by such enumera- tion. [C. S. 1910, Sec. 1996.] Distribution of State School Funds. Sec. 170. It shall be the duty of the County Superintend- ent of Schools in distributing to the several school districts of his county the funds or moneys apportioned and distrib- uted to his county for school purposes by the State Superin- tendent of Public Instruction. Provided, however, That no por- tion of the funds apportioned to any county by the State Super- intendent of Public Instruction for school purposes shall be apportioned by the County Superintendent of Schools to any district for the year in which a school has not been maintained for at least three months. [C. S. 1910, Sec. 1997.] 54 SCHOOL LAWS OF WYOMING PUBLIC KINDERGARTEN. Power of Trustees to Establish Kindergarten. Sec. 171. The Board of Trustees of any school district in this State shall have power to establish and maintain free kindergarten schools in connection with the public schools of their district, for the instruction of children residing in such district and between the ages of four and six years, and shall establish such courses of training, study and discipline and such rules and regulations for the government of such kindergarten schools as said board may deem advisable; Pro- vided, That the cost of establishing and maintaining such kin- dergarten schools shall be paid from the special school fund of said school district, and the gross sum to be so expended by the said Board for such kindergarten schools shall be annually fixed and determined by the qualified electors of such district at the annual meeting of such electors. [C. S. 1910, Sec. 1998.] Shall Be Part of School System Teachers. Sec. 172. The said kindergarten schools shall be a part of the public school system and governed as far as practicable in the same manner and by the same officers as is now, or here- after may be provided by law, for the government of the pub- lic schools of this State; Provided, however, That teachers of the kindergarten schools shall be the holders of certificates or diplomas from some reputable institution for the training of kindergarten teachers, and shall pass such other examination and possess such other qualifications as may be required by the Board of Trustees of the district employing them. [C. S. 1910, Sec. 1999.] Law Not Changed in Reference to Apportionment. Sec. 173. Nothing in this chapter shall be so construed as to, in any manner, change the law, as it now exists, with ref- erence to the taking of the census of the school population, or the apportionment of the State and county school funds among the several counties and districts in this State. [C. S. 1910, Sec. 2000.] How Carried Into Effect. Sec. 174. That for the purpose of carrying into effect the provisions of this chapter, it shall be lawful for the quali- fied electors of any school district in the State at the annual meeting held under the provisions of existing law, to vote such sum of money as may be necessary to establish and main- tain such kindergarten schools, during the school year next following such meeting, such sum in the aggregate not to exceed one mill upon the dollar of the valuation of the prop- erty in the district, as determined by the next preceding an- nual assessment thereof for the purposes of taxation, the same SCHOOL LAWS OF WYOMING 55 to be certified, levied, collected and disbursed in the same man- ner as is now provided by law with respect to the special school funds of the several school districts in this State. [C. S. 1910, Sec. 2001.] FREE TEXT BOOKS. Text Books in Public Schools. . Sec. 175. The Board of School Directors in city or county are hereby empowered, and it is made their duty, to purchase all text-books necessary for the schools of such city, town or district; and they are further authorized to enter into con- tract, as hereinafter provided, with the publishers of such books for a period of years, not to exceed five; Provided, That the contract prices of such books shall not exceed the lowest price then granted to any dealer, State, county, town- ship, school district, or other individual or corporation in the United States, to be determined as hereinafter provided; and Provided, further, That such contract shall guarantee to such district any further reduction that may be granted elsewhere during the life of such contract. Said Boards are hereby em- powered to purchase, as a book of reference for use in their schools, the History of Wyoming, in three volumes, of which C. G-. Coutant is the author, and "The Sabbath as an American War Day", in one volume, of which W. P. Carroll is the au- thor ; Provided, That the price paid for the said work shall not exceed the price paid therefor by subscribers generally. Pro- vided, That no school trustee or officer of the district shiall be interested in any way, directly or indirectly, in the sale of school supplies in the district in which he is a director. [C. S. 1910, Sec. 2002.] Books Paid for from Public School Land Income Fund. Sec. 176. The books to be purchased under the provisions of this chapter shall be paid for by the directors of the different school districts of the State, out of the public land income fund, when the same shall be distributed to such districts annually. [C. S. 1910, Sec. 2004.] Books Paid for by Order on District Treasurer. Sec. 177. For the purpose of paying for school books, the school district officers may draw an order on the District Treasurer for the amount of school books ordered. [C. S. 1910, Sec. 2005.] Orders From What Funds Paid. Sec. 178. The District Treasurer shall pay orders drawn by school district officers for the purpose of school books out of any funds in his hands belonging to the district, except 56 SCHOOL LAWS OF WYOMING the money belonging to the teachers' fund. [C. S. 1910, Sec. 2006.] Publisher Becoming Member of Trust Nullifies Contract. Sec. 179. Any contract entered into under the provisions of this chapter with any publisher w'ho shall hereafter be- come a party to any combination or trust for the purpose of raising the price of school textbooks shall, at the wish of the School Board of the district using such books, become null and void. [C. S. 1910, Sec. 2007.] Attorney General Must Investigate Violation of Contracts. 'Sec. 180. Upon the filing of a written complaint with the State Superintendent of Public Instruction by the officers of any District Board, charging any publisher with violating the provisions of such contract as hereinbefore mentioned, the Attorney General is hereby instructed, and it shall be his duty, to investigate the same, and if he finds probable cause for action, he shall immediately begin proceedings in the name of the State to enforce the liability on the bond hereinbefore men- tioned. [C. S. 1910, Sec. 2010.] Books Property of District. Sec. 181. All books purchased by District Boards, as hereinbefore mentioned, shall be held as the property of the district and loianed to pupils of the school while pursuing a course of study therein, free of charge; but the District Board shall hold such pupils responsible for any damage to, loss of, or failure to return such books at the time and to the person that may be designated by the Board of such district. [C. S. 1910, Sec. 2011.] Pupils May Purchase Books. Sec. 182. Th provisions of this chapter shall include all school supplies; Provided, That nothing in this chapter shall be construed to prohibit any pupil or parent from purchasing from the Board such, books as may be necessary, at cost to the district; Provided, further, That the Board may designate some local 'dealer to handle books for the district with such an increase above contract price to pay cost of transportation and handling, as may be agreed upon between said Board and said dealer. [C. S. 1910, Sec. 2012.] SCHOOL DISTRICT BONDS. NOTE School Trustees are urged when considering the issuance of school bonds, to consult with local attorneys. Authority to Call Election to Determine Issue. iSec. 183. The Board of School Trustees of any school district may, whenever a majority thereof so decide, submit to SCHOOL LAWS OF WYOMING f>7 the electors of the district the question whether the* Board shall be authorized to issue the coupon 'bonds of the district to a certain amount, not to exceed two per cent of the taxable property in said district, and bearing ia certain rate of interest, not exceeding six per cent per annum, and paya'ble and re- deemable at a certain time, not exceeding twenty-five years, for the purpose of building one or more school houses in said district, and providing the same with necessary furniture, and funding outstanding indebtedness evidenced by warrant or otherwise, against said district. [C. S. 1910, Sec. 2028.] Bond Election Issue of Bonds. Sec. 184. Such elections must be held in the manner prescribed for general or special elections in school districts, and the ballots must contain the words "Bonds, Yes", or "Bonds, No.". If the majority of the votes at such/ election are "Bonds, yes", the Board of Trustees must issue such bonds in such form as the Board may direct; they must bear the signatures of the President of the Board of Trustees and be countersigned by the clerk of the school district, and bear the district seal and be countersigned by the County Treasurer, and the coupon attached to the bonds must be signed by the Presi- dent and clerk and the County Treasurer. And each bond so issued must be registered by the County Treasurer in a book provided for that purpose, which must show the number and amount of each bond, and the person to whom the same is issued, and the said bonds must be sold by the said School Trustees, as provided in section two thousand and thirty. [C. S. 1910, Sec. 2029.] Sale of Bonds Application of Proceeds. Sec. 185. The School Trustees must give notice in some newspaper of general circulation, published in the capital of this State, and also in some newspaper published in the county in which said school district is located, for a period of not less than four weeks, to the effect that the said School Trustees will sell said bonds, briefly describing the same, and the time and place where such sale will take place ; Provided, That the said bonds must not be sold for less than their par value, and the said Trustees iare authorized to reject any bids, and to sell said bonds at private sale, if they deem it for the best interests of the district ; and all money arising from the sale of said bonds must be paid forthwith into the treasury of the county in which said district may be located, to the credit of said district, and the same shall be immediately available for the purpose of building or providing the school house, or school houses, au- thorized by this chapter. [C. S. 1910, Sec. 2030.] 58 SCHOOL LAWS OF WYOMING Pledge for Payment. Sec. 186. The faith of each school district is solemnly pledged for the payment of the interest, and the redemption of the principal of all bonds which are issued under this chap- ter. [C. S. 1910, Sec. 2031.] Tax Levy to Redeem and Pay Interest. Sec. 187. The Board of County Commissioners of the proper county of eath district must ascertain and levy an- nually, the tax necessary to pay the interest as it becomes due, and a sinking fund to redeem the said bonds at their maturity ; and saidl tax is a lien upon the property in said school district, and must be collected in the same manner as other taxes for school purposes. Said tax shall be known as " district bond tax of school district No ". [C. S. 1910, Sec. 2032.] Redemption. Sec. 188. When the sum in the sinking fund equals or exceeds the amount of any bond then due, the County Treasurer shall post in his office, a notice that he will, within thirty days from the date of such notice, redeem the bonds then payable, giving the number thereof, and the preference must be given to the oldest issue ; and if, at the expiration of the said thirty days the holder or holders of said bonds shall fail or neglect to present the same for payment, interest thereon must cease ; but the Treasurer shall, at all times thereafter, be ready to redeem the same on presentation, and) when any bonds are so purchased or redeemed, the County Treasurer must cancel the same by writing across the face of each bond in red ink, the word " cancelled ", and the date of such cancellation. The annual interest on all of said bonds shall be payable at the office of the Treasurer of the proper county on the first and ten succeeding days of January in each year. [C. S. 1910, Sec. 2033.] Payment of Interest. Sec. 189. The County Treasurer may pay out of any moneys belonging to a school district tax fund, the interest upon any bonds issued under this chapter by such school dis- trict, when the same becomes due, upon the presentation at his office of the proper coupon, which must show the amount due, and the number of the bond to which it belonged, and all coupons so paid, must be reported to the School Trustees at their first regular meeting thereafter. [C. S. 1910, Sec. 2031] Preparation of Bonds. Sec. 190. The School Trustees of any district shall cause to be printed or lithographed] at the lowest rates, suitable bonds, with the coupons attached, when the same become SCHOOL LAWS OF WYOMING 59 necessary, and pay therefor out of any moneys in their treas- ury. [C. S. 1910, Sec. 2035.] Penalty for Misapplication of Funds by Trustees. Sec. 191. If any of the School Trustees fraudulently fail or refuse to pay into the proper county treasury the money arising from the sale of any bonds provided for by this chap- ter, they shall be deemed guilty of felony, and upon conviction thereof, be punished by imprisonment in the State penitentiary for a term of not less than one year, nor more than ten years. [C. S. 1910, Sec. 2036.] County Treasurer Shall Have Custody of Funds. Sec. 192. The County Treasurer of such county shall have the custody of all fundJs realized from the sale of said bonds, until the same are drawn out by the order of the Board of Directors of said districts. [C. S. 1910, Sec. 2037.] Additional Bond of County Treasurer. Sec. 193. The Board of Trustees of said district shall require the said County Treasurer to give said district a sepa- rate bond in such sum as said) Board may deem proper, with two or more sufficient sureties, conditioned for the faithful per- formance of the duties required of him by this chapter, land the faithful accounting for the moneys deposited with him and realized from the sale of said bonds, as herein provided for, and such bonds shall be approved) by said Board and shall be and remain in the custody of siaid Board of Trustees. [C. S. 1910, Sec, 2038.] REFUNDING SCHOOL DISTRICT BONDS. Power of Board to Issue Refunding Bonds. Sec. 194. The Board of Directors of each and every school district in the State of Wyoming are hereby authorized to issue refunding bonds of such school district, for the purpose of taking up outstanding bonds of such school district, for any sum not exceeding the amount of outstanding bonds ; Provided, That the qualified electors of any school district shall so elect and determine at any regular meeting, or at any special meet- ing, held for such purpose. [C. S. 1910, Sec. 2039.] Form of Bond, Time and Interest. Sec. 195. Said bonds shall be issued in sums of not less than one hundred dollars, and shall be redeemed by the school district issuing the same within a period not exceeding thirty years, and not less than five years from the date of issue, and shall bear interest at ia rate not exceeding six per centum per annum, on each dollar of their face, whichj interest shall be 60 SCHOOL LAWS OF WYOMING payable annually or semi-annually, the rate of interest to be determined by the Board of School Directors. Such bonds shall be numbered from one upwards, and be headed "Refunding bonds of school district No , in the county of , State of Wyoming ' ' ; and before being issued shall be registered toy the Treasurer of the county within which such school dis- trict is situated. [C. S. 1910, Sec. 2040.] Registration of Bond. Sec. 196. The County Treasurer of each county shall keep a book in which shall be registered all such bonds, showing the number of the bond, the date of issue, amount, number of coupons, date of redemption, date of registry and payment of interest on such bonds, wlndch book shall, during business hours, be open for inspection. [C. S. 1910, Sec. 2041.] By Whom Signed and Sale Thereof. Sec. 197. All bonds so issued shall be signed 'by the pre- siding officer of the Board of Directors of such school dis- trict, countersigned by the County Treasurer of the county in which such school district is situated, and attested by the clerk of such school district, with the seal of such school district attached; and none of such bonds shall be sold for less than their face value, and s'toall not be sold until thirty days' notice shall have been given in some newspaper of general circulation in the State of Wyoming. [C. S. 1910, Sec. 2042.] Coupons Where paid. Sec. 198. Said bonds shall have coupons attached, repre- senting the interest to he paid each year; and the coupons representing said interest shall be detached from the bonds before presentation for payment of the interest for the year corresponding and upon payment shall be forthwith cancelled by the County Treasurer, by writing the word "cancelled" across the face thereof. The interest on all such bonds shall be payable at the office of the County Treasurer of the county in which such school district issuing such bonds is situatecL or in any place designated by the Board of School Directors of such school district. [C. S. 1910, Sec. 2043'.] Tax to Pay Interest and Principal. Sec. 199. There shall be annually levied by the Board of County Commissioners of the county, within which is sit- uated any school district issuing any such bonds, as are herein provided for, on all taxable property within the limits of said school district, a tax not to exceed seven mills on the dollar of valuation, which shall be> known as the "Refunding bond fund of school district ". Said tax shall be payable only in the lawful money of the United States, and shall be used SCHOOL LAWS OF WYOMING 61 to pay the interest and principal of said) 'bonds, and for no other purpose, and said tax shall be collected in the same manner, and at the same time as the county taxes, and paid into the county treasury by the collector of taxes. [C. S. 1910, Sec. 2044.] Duty of School Directors as to Redemption. Sec. 200. The Board of School Directors of any school district, which may issue bonds, as provided in this chapter, shall each year, after the tenth year, retire as many of such bonds as can be redeemed, with the amount of saidl bond fund at the time in the hands of the County Treasurer, and in all. such cases, such bonds shall be redeemed by the payment of number one first, and proceeding continuously upwards with those outstanding. All cancelled bonds shall be turned over to the Board of Directors at such times as they may direct. [C. S. 1910, Sec. 2045.] Property in District Pledged for Payment. Sec. 201. All taxable property of any school district issuing bonds, as herein provided for, at the time of issuing such bonds, shall be pledged for the payment of the principal and interest of such bonds in the manner herein provided, and it shall not be lawful to use or divert any portion of suc'h bond fund for any purpose whatever, except for the payment of such principal and interest. [C. S. 1910, Sec. 2046.] Duty of County Treasurer. Sec. 202. The County Treasurer of each county in which any school district, issuing bonds as herein provided for, is situated, shall have custody of all funds realized from the sale of such bonds, and shall pay the same out only upon the return of such bonds, for the redemption of which the refunding bonds, for the issue of which this chapter provides, may have been issued. Such bonds so redeemed shall be cancelled by the County Treasurer and turned over to the Board of School Directors of the school district which issued said redeemed bonds at such time as they may direct. It shall be the duty of the County Treasurer to give a separate bond to be made to such school district, in such sum and with such sureties as the Board of County Commissioners of the county may deem proper and sufficient, conditioned for the faithful accounting of the moneys deposited with him and realized from th'e sale of such bonds as are herein provided for, and such Treasurer's separate bond shall be and remain in the custody of the county clerk of the county in which such school district is situated. [C. S. 1910, Sec. 2047.] 62 SCHOOL LAWS OF WYOMING Funds Realized from Sale of Refunding Bonds. Sec. 203. Whenever any school district shall have issued its refunding bonds, and the funds realized from the sale of such refunding bonds, by reason of such bonds selling for more than their par value, are more than sufficient to redeem all the bonds, to redeem which said refunding bonds were issued, such surplus may be used ; First, to pay all the expenses of issuing and disposing of said refunding bonds. Second, any surplus still remaining s'hall be turned by the County Treas- urer into the "Refunding bond fund" of such school district, and used for the purposes for which such fund is used as pro- vided in section two thousand and forty-four. [C. S. 1910, Sec. 2048.] Balance in the Hands of County Treasurer How Used. Sec. 204. Whenever any school district shall have issued its refunding bonds and there remains in the hands of the County Treasurer of the county in which said school district is situated, any moneys belonging to the funds provided by law for the payment of the principal or interest, or both, of the 'bonds to redeem which said refunding bondis were issued, said money may be used: First, to pay .any deficiency in the expenses of issuing and disposing of said refunding bonds that cannot be paid by the surplus realized from the sale of said refunding bonds. Second, any moneys still remaining in said fund shall be turned by said County Treasurer into the "Re- funding bond fund" of such school district April, July and October in each year, or at any time when the account may be closed. Said bonds shall be in substance as follows : Know All Men 'by These Present : That we, , as principal, and. , as surety, are held and firmly bound unto the State of Wyoming in the just and full sum of dollars, for the payment of which, well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and our successors and assigns, jointly and severally by these presents. . Dated this day of , A. D The condition of the foregoing is such that, Whereas, the said bank, in consideration of the deposit of certain moneys of the State of Wyoming for safe keeping IIL. bank of , the amount whereof shall be subject to with- drawal or diminution by the State Treasurer of said State as the requirements of the said State shall demand, and which amount may be increased or decreased as the said Treasurer may determine, and, Whereas, The said foank, in consideration of said deposits, and for the privilege of keeping the same, has agreed to pay and will pay to the State of Wyoming inter- est on account of said deposit at the rate fixed by the Board of Deposits of the said State, to- wit: Interest at the rate of per centum per annum, the same to be paid quarterly on the first days of January, April, July and October in each year upon the daily average balance of the deposit of State funds in the said bank, for the quarter or any fraction thereof next preceding the payment of said per centum, which shall be 90 SCHOOL LAWS OF WYOMING computed] and credited to the account of the State, and shall become a part thereof. Now, Therefore, If the said bank of shall on or before the tenth day of each month render to the State Treasurer and State Auditor of said State a statement in duplicate, showing the daily balance of the State moneys held by it during the month next preceding, and the interest there- on, subject at all times to the check, order or demand of the State Treasurer, or his authorized deputy, as aforesaid, and shall pay over the same, and any part thereof, upon the check, order or demand of the State Treasurer, or his authorized deputy, and shall calculate, credit and pay said interest as aforesaid, in the amount and manner aforesaid, and shall in all respects save and keep the State of Wyoming aii'di the State Treasurer, or his successor in office, safe and harmless for and by reason of the making of said deposit, or deposits, then this obligation shall be void and of no effect, otherwise to be and to remain in full force and virtue. It being the further condition of the above, however, that said surety shall have the right to terminate its obligation here- under upon giving notice in writing to the Governor and State Treasurer of said State of its election so to do, and' such term- ination shall take effect at the expiration of thirty days from receipt of said notice by said Governor and State Treasurer. Witness 1 our hands and seals, the day and year first above written. (Seal) (Seal) In addition to the other limitations herein provided, the said Treasurer shall not have on deposit in any bank, at any time, more than ninety per cent of the amount of the bond given by said bank, and the bonds shall be deposited with and held by the State Treasurer. [S. L. 1907, Chap. 30, Sec. 5 ; C. S. 1910, Sec. 2490.] * Collateral Security. Sec. 285. Any such depository may, instead of such bond in an approved surety company, furnish, :a,s security for such deposit, or deposits, United States government bonds, or State bonds of this State, county, city or school district bonds or warrants issued by virtue of the laws of this State, worth not less than their par value, and in an amount equal, at least, to the maximum amount of money at any time toi be deposited with such bank ; Provided, however, That for temporary depos- its in excess of the amount for which such bank may bond ias provided by this chapter, such depository or bank may deposit local securities having an appraised value of at least tAventy- nve per cent more than the amount of such temporary depos- SCHOOL LAWS OF WYOMING 01 its; the said securities to be approved by said Hoard of Deposits and to be accompanied by a written assignment vesting the legal title thereto in the State of Wyoming, as collateral secur- ity, that such depository, so depositing and assigning said securities, shall and will safely keep and pay over to the State Treasurer, or his authorized deputy, on his check, order or demand, all money which may come into the possession of such depository, tinder andi by virtue of the provisions of this chap- ter, together with all interest accruing thereon as herein pro- vided, and providing, that in case of default on the part of such depository, the said State shall have full power and au- thority, to sell, in the manner hereinafter provided, said secur- ities or so much thereof as may be necessary to realize the full amount of the funds of the State so deposited in said depository, together with the interest thereon. The interest on such bonds, so deposited and furnished, shall, when paid, be turned over to the bank so depositing the same, as long as it is not in default. [C. S. 1910, Sec. 2491.] Annual Interest Rate. Sec. 286. The said Board of Deposits shall annually, on the first Monday in April of each year, or as soon thereafter as possible, taking into consideration all information before it, fix the rate of interest to be paid on the deposits herein pro- vided for, which shall not be less than two per centum per annum, nor more than four per centum per annum, and which said rate shall be and go into effect on the first day of May following, and which rate shall not be changed for a period of one year. [C. S. 1910, Sec. 2492.] Daily Balance Computations. Sec. 287. The amount to 'be paid by any and all banks, under the provisions of this chapter, for interest on such public funds on deposit, shall be computed on the average daily bal- ance of public moneys kept on deposit therewith, and shall be paid to the State Treasurer quarterly, on the first Monday in January, April, July and October of each year, and said banks shall quarterly, on the first Monday of January, April, July and October of each year, render a statement in duplicate to the State Treasurer and State Auditor, showing the amount so paid. The State Treasurer shall require, and) it is hereby made the duty of every such depository to keep accurate accounts of all moneys deposited with it, showing the amount deposited and when deposited, and to render on or before the tenth day of each and every month, to the State Treasurer and State Auditor a statement in diuplicate showing the daily balances of the State moneys held by it during the month next preced- ing, and the interest thereon ; and all sums paid to the State for interest as aforesaid shall be credited by the Treasurer to the 92 SCHOOL LAWS OF WYOMING account of the several funds from which it was derived. [C. S. 1910, Sec. 2493.] Withdrawals. Sec. 288. Nothing in this chapter shall be held 1 to prevent the State Treasurer or his authorized deputy from withdraw- ing any and .all of said funds so deposited, for the purpose of paying the appropriations and obligations of the State and paying the same out as lawfully required, nor shall anything in this chapter prevent the State Treasurer or his authorized deputy from withdrawing any or all of said funds so deposited, whenever he deems it advisable or to the interests of the State to do so. The State Treasurer, and his sureties, shall be respon- sible for the faithful performance of the duties of said Treas- urer under the law, and for a proper accounting and turning over to his successor of all moneys paid to said Treasurer as such ; but he shall not be held personally liable for any moneys that may be lost by reason of the failure or insolvency of any bank selected as a depository under the provisions of this chap- ter, nor for the deficiency or loss upon any bond, or securities deposited by any bank, if the said bond or securities so de- posited have been approved by the Board of Deposits; Pro- vided, however, That if such loss could have been avoided by the exercise of reasonable care and diligence on the part of said Treasurer or his deputy, then and in such) case the said Treasurer shall be liable to the State for such loss ; but nothing in this section contained shall be construed as relieving from any liability any bond given or any collateral deposited under the provisions of this chapter. [G. S. 1910, Sec. 2494.] Funds Not Deposited. Sec. 289. Whenever any State funds remain on hand which cannot be placed -in the banks of this State under the provisions of this chapter, then the State Treasurer shall imme- diately notify the chairman of said Board of Deposits, which said Board shall immediately thereupon hold a meeting, and, if possible, secure other banks in the State to hold said funds under the provisions of this chapter. During the time that funds cannot be deposited in the banks entitled thereto under the provisions of this chapter, the State Treasurer shall hold said funds in safe keeping, and in that case he and his sureties on his bond shall 'be responsible for the safe keeping of such moneji and turning the same over to his successor. [C. S. 1910, Sec. 2495.] Sale of Collateral. ! Sec. 290. The State Treasurer is hereby authorized and empowered to sell any or 'all bonds that may be deposited as collateral security for the deposit of any State fund in any SCHOOL LAWS OF WYOMING 93 depository under this chapter, at a public or private sale, when- ever there shall be a failure or refusal upon the part of any bank, as :a State depository, to pay over the funds, or any part thereof, upon the demand or order of the State Treasurer, or his authorized deputy, on such bank. Notice of the sale of bonds under this chapter shall be given by publication in a newspaper published at the capital of Wyoming, once each week for five consecutive weeks, and when a stale of bonds is made by the said State Treasurer, either at public or private sale undter this chapter, and such bonds have been transferred by the chairman and secretary of the said Board of Deposits, the absolute ownership of such bonds shall vest in the purchaser or purchasers, upon the payment of the purchase money to the State Treasurer. Should there be any surplus after paying the amount due the ! State and expenses of sale, it shall be paid to the bank which made the deposit of such securities. [C. S. 1910, Sec. 2496.] Recovery on Bonds. Sec. 291. It shall be the duty of the Attorney General of the State to enter and prosecute, in the name of the State, to final determination, all suits for the recovery of any penalty arising under the conditions of any bond given, or required to be given under the provisions of this chapter to the State of Wyoming. [S. L. 1909, Ch. 30, Sec. 12 ; C. S. 1910, Sec. 2497.] Investment Permanent Funds. Sec. 292. Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to prevent the proper State authorities from investing as provided by law any of the permanent funds of this State. [C. S. 1910, Sec. 2498.] County, City and School Funds. Sec. 293. Under this chapter the term "proper govern- ing board" shall be held to mean when applied to the deposit of county funds "the Board! of County Commissioners" of such county ; when applied to the deposit of funds of a city or town, the mayor and council or the mayor and trustees, as the case may be, of such city or town, :and when applied to the deposit of school district funds, the Board of Directors or Trustees of such school district. [C. S. 1910, Sec. 2499.] Deposits City, County, Town and School District Treasurers. Sec. 294. Every County Treasurer, City Treasurer, town Trustees and Treasurer of a school district, within the State of Wyoming, shall deposit, and at all times keep on deposit for safe keeping, in banks, incorporated under the laws of this State and in national banks, doing business in his county, when designated as depositories by the proper governing board, the amount of moneys in his hands collected and held 94 SCHOOL LAWS OF WYOMING by him as such Treasurer. Any such bank, located in such county, may apply for the privilege of keeping such moneys upon the following conditions: All such deposits shall be sub- ject to payment when demanded by the proper Treasurer on his check, order or demand, and by :all banks, receiving and holding such deposits, interest shall fee paid at a rate not less than two per cent per annum nor more than four per cent per annum, as may be determined by the proper governing board upon the amount so deposited, as hereinafter provided, and subject also to such regulations as are imposed by law. [C. S. 1910, Sec. 2500.] Investment of Public Funds in U. S. Bonds. Sec. 295. The Board of County Commissioners of any county, the City or Town Council of any city or town, and the Board of Trustees of any school district within the State, may in their discretion invest in the bonds of the United States or of this State, any surplus fund or funds not required for the immediate current expenses of such bodies, and may in their discretion from time to time sell and dispose of such bonds as they may deem expedient. ['S. L. 1919, Chap. 80, Sec. 1.] Depositories Interest. Sec. 296. Such applications by such banks, shall be sub- mitted to the proper governing board on or before the first Monday of April of each year, and shall be acted upon by the proper governing -board on the said first Monday of April of each year, or as soon thereafter as practicable, and said Board shall also at said time fix the rate of interest, which said rate shall go into effect on May 1st following and shall not be changed for one year, and 1 no moneys shall be deposited by any such Treasurer 'except in such banks as have been approved by the proper governing board. [C. S. 1910, Sec. 2501.] How Interest Computed. Sec. 297. The amount to be paid by any and all banks under the provisions of this chapter for interest on public funds on deposit shall be computed on the average daily balance of the public moneys kept on deposit therewith, and shall be paid and credited to the proper county, city, town, or school district on the first day of January, April, July and October of each year; and every such bank shall keep account of such public moneys as may be deposited, and when deposited, and the interest thereon as aforesaid, and shall make a statement thereof, in duplicate, to the proper treasurer, and the proper governing board, on the first Monday of January, April, July and October of each year and all interest paid on said public moneys shall be credited by the proper treasurer to the ac- count of the several funds from which it is derived. [C. S. 1910, Sec. 2502.] SCHOOL LAWS OP WYOMING 95 Security Required. Sec. 298. For the security of the funds so deposited under the provisions of this chapter, the proper treasurer shall require all such depositories to give bonds for the safe keeping and payment of such 'deposits and the interest thereon, which bond shall run to the proper county, city, town or school dis- trict, and be approved by the proper governing board of such county, city, town or school district, and conditioned that such depository" shall, on the first Monday of each January, April, July and October of each year, render to the proper treasurer, and the proper govening 'board of the county, city, town or school district, a statement in 'duplicate, showing the several daily balances, arid the amount of public moneys held by it during the preceding three months, and the amount of the interest thereon, and how credited, and for the payment of the said deposits, and the interest accrued thereon, as herein pro- vided, and when demanded by the proper treasurer on his check, order or demand at any time, and generally to do and perform whatever may be required by the provisions of this chapter, and a faithful discharge of the trust reposed in such depository. The said bond in substance shall be similar, or as near as may be, to the bonds required of State depositories, and when the penalty thereof exceeds the sum of five thousand dollars, such bond shall be furnished by some responsible surety company authorized to do 'business in this State. No county, municipal or school district treasurer shall have on de- posit in any bank at any one time more than one-half of the penal amount named in its said bond in all cases where private bonds are furnished, nor more than ninety per cent of the amount of all other bonds, nor more than one-half of the paid up capital stock and unimpaired capital sto>ck and surplus of such bank. The 'bonds shall be deposited with the clerk of the county, city, town or school district to which said 'bond may be given. Where there are no banks in the county, or where the banks in the proper county refuse or fail to bid on said money, or refuse or fail to receive the said funds undier the pro- visions of this chapter, then part or all of said money may be deposited under the conditions of this act, in any other bank in the State, selected by the proper governing board of the county, city, town or school district, as the case may be. [C. S. 1910, Sec. 2503.] Collateral Security. Sec. 299. Instead of the bonds provided for in Section 2503, the bank or banks receiving on deposit public funds may, as security therefor, furnish to the proper treasurer of any county, municipality or school ddstrict, securities of the kind mentioned in Section 2491, to be approved by the proper gov- 96 SCHOOL LAWS OF WYOMING erning board and the provisions of this chapter, applicable to such securities when furnished by State depositories, shall be applicable, as near as may be, to such securities when furnished to the treasurer of any county, municipality or school district. [C. S. 1910, Sec. 2504.] Funds Not Deposited. Sec. 300. Whenever funds remain on hand which can- not be placed in the banks of the respective counties of this State under the provisions of this chapter, then the proper treasurer shall immediately notify the chairman of the proper governing board, which said board! shall immediately there- upon hold a meeting and, if possible, secure other banks in the State to 'hold said funds under the provisions of this chapter. During the time that funds cannot be deposited in the banks entitled thereto under the provisions of this chapter, the proper treasurer shall hold said deposits in safe keeping, andl shall be liable on his official bond for such funds so held. [C. S. 1910, Sec. 2505.] Treasurer's Liability. Sec. 301. No county, city, town or school district treas- urer shall be liable on his official bond for money on deposit in any bank under and by direction of the proper legal -au- thority and in conformity to the provisions of this chapter if said bank has given bond which hias been approved as herein provided, except in cases where any loss could have been pre- vented by the exercise of reasonable care on the part of such treasurer. Nothing in this section contained shall be construed as relieving from any liability any bond given or any col- lateral deposited under the provisions of this chapter. Nor shall anything in this chapter prevent the .proper treasurer from withdrawing any or all funds 'by him deposited in ac- cordance with this chapter, whenever he deems it advisable or to the interests of the public which he represents, or to pay out money as by law required. [C. S. 1910, Sec. 2506.] Profit Making Prohibited. Sec. 302. The making of profit, directly, or indirectly, by any State Treasurer, or by the treasurer of any county, city, town or school district, or by any other public officer or em- ployee having in his custody or under his control any public moneys, by loaning such moneys or by depositing the same contrary to the provisions of this chapter or the using of such moneys by any of said public officers or employes for any pur- pose not authorized by law, shall be deemed a felony and are hereby prohibited, and any of said public officers or employees wiho shall violate any of the foregoing provisions of this sec- tion shall, on conviction, be punished by imprisonment in the SCHOOL LAWS OF WYOMING 97 State penitentiary for a term not exceeding two years or by a fine not exceeding five thousand dollars, or by both such fine and imprisonment. [C. S. 1910, Sec. 2507.] Bribes Penalty. Sec. 303. The offering or giving, directly or indirectly, by any person to any public officer or employee having in his custody or under his control any public moneys of any gift, compensation, reward or inducement for the purpose of induc- ing any such public officer or employee to deposit such public moneys in any bank or to use the same in any manner not authorized by law, shall be deemed a felony and is hereby prohibited, and any person violating any of the provisions: of this section shall, on conviction, be punished by imprisonment in t'he penitentiary for a term not exceeding two years or by a ,fine not exceeding five thousand dollars, or by both such fine and imprisonment, [C. S. 1910, Sec. 2508.] PROTECTION OF BIRDS. Unlawful to Kill Penalty. Sec. 304. Any person who shall, within the State of Wyoming, kill or catch or have in his or her possession, living or dead, any wild bird other than a game bird, or wiho shall purchase, offer or expose for sale any such wild 'bird after it has been killed or caught, shall for each offense, be subject to a fine of not more than five dollars for each such bird killed or caught, or had in possession, living or dead, or imprisonment for not more tlhan ten days, or both, at the discretion of the court. For the purposes of this chapter the following only shall be considered game birds: The Anatidae, commonly known as swans, geese, brant and river and lake ducks; the- Rallidae, commonly known as rails, coots and mud-hens; the Limicolae, commonly known as shore-lbirds, plovers, snipe, sandpipers, tatlers, willets, curlews, godwits and avocets; the Gallinaw, commonly known as grouse, prairie chickens, pheas- ants, sage hens, partridges and quails. [C. S. 1910, Sec. 2788.] Destruction of Eggs Penalty. See. 305. Any person who shall, within the State of Wyoming, take or needlessly destroy the nest or the eggs of any wild bird, or shall have such nest or eggs in his or her pos- session, shall be subject for each offense to a fine of not more than five dollars, or imprisonment for not more than ten days, or both, at the discretion of the court. [C. S. 1910, Sec. 2789.] Scientific Use Permitted. Sec. 306. Sections 2788 and 2789 shall not apply to any person holding a certificate giving the right to take birds, their 98 SCHOOL LAWS OF WYOMING nests and eggs, for scientific purposes, as provided for in Section 2791. [C. S. 1910, 'Sec. 2790.] Certificates Bond. Sec. 307. Certificates may be granted by the Superin- tendent of Public Instruction to 'any properly accredited person of the age of fifteen years or upwards, permitting the holder thereof to collect birds, their nests or eggs, for strictly scien- tific purposes only. No such certificate shall Ibe issued until the applicant therefor shall have filed with the said Superin- tendent of Pu'blic Instruction written testimonials from two well known scientific men or educators, certifying to the good character and fitness of said applicant to be entrusted with such privilege. Said applicant must file with said persons or officers a properly executed bond, in the sum of two hundred dollars, signed by two responsible citizens of the State as sure- ties. This bond shall be forfeited to the State, and the certifi- cate become void, upon proof that the holder of such certificate has killed any 'birds, or taken the -nest or eggs of any bird, for other than the purposes named' in Sections 2790 and 2791, and shall be further subject for each offense to the penalties provided therefor in Sections 2788 and 2789. [C. S. 1910, Sec. 2791.] Term of Certificate. Sec. 308. The certificate authorized by this act shall be in force for one year only from tlhe date of its issue, and shall not be transferable. [C. S. 1910, Sec. 2792.] Birds Not Protected. Sec. 309. The following named birds shall be exempt from protection under the provisions of this chapter, viz : English sparrow, magpie, sharp-shinned hawk, Cooper's hawk, goshawk, duck hawk, gold or brown eagle, kingfisher and blue \heron. [C. S. 1910, Sec. 2793.] BOARD OF HEALTH. Vaccination. Sec. 310. The State Board of Health may adopt such measures for the general vaccination of the inhabitants of any city, town, or county in the State, as they may deem proper and necessary to prevent the introduction or arrest the prog- ress of smallpox; and every person who shall refuse to be vaccinated, or prevent any person under his care and control from being vaccinated, or wfho shall fail to present himself or herself to the county health officer or a practicing physi- cian acting under the direction of the Board or county health officer, for the purpose of being vaccinated, if such physician SCHOOL LAWS OP WYOMING 99 believes vaccination necessary, shall upon conviction be fined not more fhan one hundred dollars nor less than ten dollars, or imprisoned in the county jail not more than thirty days. [C. S. 1910, Sec. 2740.] INTEREST AND USURY. When Rate Not Effective. Sec. 311. The rate of interest fixed by this chapter shall not affect interest on purchase of school, university and agri- cultural lands, or on lands delinquent, or sold for the non- payment of taxes ; or the rates of interest on warrants issued by the proper authorities of the State, county, city, town, vil- lage or other municipal subdivision, or any bonds issued by any county, city, town, village or school district, but they and each of them shall draw interest and be payable in the manner now, or that may hereafter be fixed by law. [C. S. 1910, Sec. 3364.] Interest on Public Warrants. Sec. 312. All State, county, school district, town, city or other public warrants issued after June 1st, eighteen hun- dred and ninety, for any salary or salaries, fee or fees, or for or on account of any public indebtedness, claim or demand, whatever, which indebtedness, claim or demand shall have accrued on any public contract, transaction, or liability, en- tered into or arising after the 1st day of June, eighteen hun- dred and ninety, shall draw interest upon the amount ex- pressed in such warrant or warrants at the rate of six per centum per annum from the date of the presentation thereof for payment at the treasury or other place where the same may be paya'ble, until there is money in the treasury for the payment thereof, and it shall be unlawful to allow or pay any rate of interest upon such warrant or warrants, except as herein specified and expressed, and every State or County Treasurer or municipal officer duly authorized to act as treas- urer, to whom sudh warrant or order is presented for payment, provided he has not sufficient funds in the treasury to pay the same, sjiall endorse thereon the words "not paid, for want of funds", and sign and date the same officially. [C. S. 1910, Sec. 3365.] LEGAL HOLIDAYS. Legal Holidays. Sec. 313. The 1st day of January, the 12th day of Febru- ary, the 22nd day of February, the 30th day of May, the 4th day of July, the day that may be appointed by the President of the 100 SCHOOL LAWS OF WYOMING United States as the annual Thanksgiving day, the 25th day of December of each and every year, all days upon which general elections are held and Arbor day, are hereby declared legal holidays in and for the State of Wyoming. If the 1st day of January, the 12th day of February, the 22nd day of February, the 30th day of May, the 4th day of July or the 25th day of December, fall upon a 'Sunday, the Monday following shall be a legal holiday. [C. S. 1910, Sec. 3581.] NOTE Labor day is a national holiday. Arbor Day. Sec. 314. The Governor shall annually, in the spring, designate by official proclamation, an arbor day, to be ob- served by the schools and for economic tree planting. [C. S. 1910, Sec. 3582.] MISCELLANEOUS. Fulblic Officer Subject to Garnishment. Sec. 315. The salary or wages due any State, county, city, town or school district officer or employee, shall be liable and subject to garnishment in civil actions in the same manner and for the same causes as the salary or wages of any private individual now is, or may (hereafter be, liable and subject to garnishment under the laws of this State. This act shall apply to the salary or wages due to any officer or employee of the State, or of any county, city, town or school district of the State, whether said officer or employee shall have been elected or shall have been appointed to the office or position which he holds. [L. 1911, Chap. 56.] Disposition of Fines. Sec. 316. If a fine be imposed and paid before commit- ment, it shall be received by the Justice and by him paid over to the County Treasurer, within thirty days after the receipt thereof, for the use of the schools in the county. [C. S. 1910, Sec. 6116.] Payment of Fine Commitment. Sec. 317. If the defendant be committed for not paying a fine, he may pay it to the sheriff of the county, or to the Justice by whom the commitment was made, but to no other person; wihio must in like manner, within thirty days after the receipt thereof, pay it into the county treasury for the use of the schools in the county. [C. S. 1910, Sec. 6117.] SCHOOL LAWS OF WYOMING 101 CO-OPERATIVE AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION WORK. Act of Congress Accepted Authority of University Trustees. Sec. 318. The terms and conditions of an act of Congress approved by the President May 8th, 1914, entitled "An act to provide for Co-operative Agricultural Extension Work between the Agricultural Colleges in the several states receiving the benefits of the Act of Congress approved July 2nd, 1862, and Acts supplementary thereto, and the United States Department of Agriculture", are hereby assented to and accepted by the State of Wyoming, and the Board of Trustees of the University of Wyoming be and they are hereby authorized and empowered to receive the grants of money appropriated under said act, and to organize and conduct agricultural extension work which shall be carried on in connection witlh the college of agriculture of said university in accordance with the terms and condi- tions expressed in the Act of Congress aforesaid. [L. 1915, Chap. 25, Sec. 1.] Appropriation. Sec. 319. That for the purpose of paying the expenses of said co-operative agricultural extension work or other agricul- tural extension work, and the necessary printing and distribut- ing of information in connection with tihe same, there is ap- propriated annually out of the money in the State treasury not otherwise appropriated $8,000, which shall be paid annually to the Treasurer of the Board of Trustees of the University of Wyoming, Provided that there is also appropriated an addi- tional sum of $2,000.00 for the fiscal year following tflnat in which the foregoing appropriation first becomes available, and for each year thereafter for ten years a sum exceeding by $1,000.00 the sum appropriated for each preceding year. [L. 1915, Chap. 25, Sec. 2.] Funds for County Work Agreement with Agricultural College. Sec. 320. That the County Commissioners of each of the several counties of the State are hereby authorized to provide and appropriate funds for use in and about agricultural or farm demonstrations and field work in such county, such funds to be provided either by special provision in the annual tax levy, not exceeding one-fourth (y^) mill, of such county or by appropriation of funds not otherwise appropriated, and the same to be expended su'bject to the supervision of tlhie Agricul- tural College of the University of Wyoming ; and for each dollar so provided by such county there is hereby appropriated, in addition to the appropriation provided for in Section 2 of this Act, the sum of two dollars to be paid out of any moneys in the general fund of the State not otherwise appropriated and to ^ x : i02 : ' SCriOOL LAWS OF WYOMING foe available when the Secretary of State has been advised by the certificate of the County Commissioners of such county, countersigned by the President of the State University, that such provision has been actually made and that memorandums of agreement have 'been entered into between said county and the Agricultural College of the University of Wyoming, said moneys to 'be turned in to the Treasurer of the Board of Trus- tees of the University ; provided, however, that in no event shall the total amount so appropriated to any one county exceed $3,000.00 during any one year. [L. 1915, Chap. 25, Sec. 3.] Districts. Sec. 321. In order to obtain or increase the benefits to be derived from the provisions of this act, any two or more con- tiguous counties may unite in the formation of a district and each district so formed shall be regarded, for the purpose of this act, as :a single county and shall be entitled to the same 'benefits under this act as if such districts were in fact one county; provided, however, that no county included in such district as a county, shall be entitled to any of the benefits of this act as long as the district formed as aforesaid, of which county is a part, shall receive such 'benefits. [L. 1915, Chap. 25, Sec. 4.] Agricultural Experts. Sec. 322. When the County Commissioners of any county or district, composed of two or more counties, have complied with the provisions of Section 3 of this act, they shall make a request for a county agent or agricultural expert to be sent them by the Agricultural College of the University of Wyoming and the authorities of said university shall provide them with a suitable man, qualified to do the work usually expected from a man educated in the science of agriculture ; provided, an un- satisfactory man shall not be continued as county agent. And it shall be the duty of the Agricultural College of the Uni- versity to carry into effect the provisions of conferring with each Board of County Commissioners. [L. 1915, Chap. 25, Sec. 5.] Money from Other Sources. Sec. 323. That the Board of Trustees of the University of Wyoming is authorized to receive from any source whenever and wherever the same may be available, moneys to be applied and expended under the supervision of said Agricultural Col- lege, in aid of all or any of the purposes aforesaid and all such sums shall be and are here-by deemed to be appropriated for the purposes aforesaid. Any and all sums so received shall be in addition to any other benefits to be derived by such coun,ty hereunder, and shall 'be paid out upon requisition as SCHOOL LAWS OF WYOMING 103 provided for other university funds. [L. 1915, Chap. 25, Sec. 6.] POLL TAXES. Levy and Collection. Sec. 324. At their first meeting in January of each year, or as soon thereafter as possible, the Boards of Commissioners in each and every county in the State, shall annually levy a school poll tax of two dollars for each and every person be- tween the ages of twenty-one years and fifty years inclusive, for county school purposes, which poll tax shall be due and payable at the time of assessment ; and may be collected by the County Assessors at any timer during the year, and it shall be lawful for the Treasurer or Collector to levy upon any county warrant or warrants, or other evidences of indebted- *ness, which are the property of any delinquent taxpayer, at any time .after said poll tax shall have become due and pay- able, and to sell and dispose of the same to the best advantage, and apply the proceeds thereof to the payment of taxes due from said delinquent, giving a proper receipt therefor to said delinquent. Provided, that the provisions of this section shall not be construed to apply to owners of real estate in the county where school poll taxes are levied. [L. 1915, Chap. 33, Sec. 1.] Receipts Prepared by County Treasurer. Sec. 325. The County Treasurer shall, before the first day of March, 1915, and before the first Monday in February of each year thereafter, cause to ; be printed 'blank stub poll tax receipts, for the use of the assessors and deputies. The style of such blanks shall be changed every year. The County Treas- urer shall, before the first day of March, 1915, and before the first Monday in February of each year thereafter; 1. Number and sign the blank poll tax receipts. 2. At the time of signing make an entry of the wihole number thereof, and of the first and last number placed thereon, in a book to be kept by him for that purpose. 3. Deliver all such blanks to the County Clerk, and charge him therewith. [L. 1915, Chap. 33, Sec. 2.] Duty of County Clerk. Sec. 326. The County Clerk, upon receipt thereof, shall sign the same, and make in a book to be kept by him for that purpose a similar entry to that prescribed in sub-division 2, of the preceding section. The County Clerk shall, at any time after the first Monday in February, deliver to the Assessor the blanks and charge him therewith. [L. 1915, Chap. 33, Sec. 3.] 104 SCHOOL LAWS OF WYOMING Duty of County Assessor. Sec. 327. The Assessor shall demand payment of poll tax of every person liable therefor whose name does not appear upon the assessment list. Poll tax shall he added upon the assessment list to other taxes of persons liable therefor, paying taxes upon real and personal property, and paid to the County Treasurer at the time of the payment of other taxes. Every person indebted to one who neglects or refuses, after demand, to pay a poll tax becomes liable therefor, and must pay the same for such other person or persons, after service upon him by the Assessor of a notice in writing, stating the name of such person or persons. Notice to a corporation shall be served on the person on whom process may be served, as in civil actions. [L. 1915, Chap. 33, Sec. 4.] Employers Liable. Sec. 328. Every person, corporation or association employ- ing one or more persons subject to poll taxes are liable for any and all poll taxes that may be due from such employees, and may deduct the amount paid out for such poll taxes from any sum due to the extent of any moneys due to such employees 1 at the time when served with notice by the Assessor as provided in Section 4 of this Act, or that may afterwards become due, for such employes, whether the wages are payable directly to the employees or other persons who furnish such employees under contract. The Assessor may require the person or his agent or any officer or agent or manager of any association to make a verified statement showing the number and giving the names of the employees of such person, association or cor- poration. The person, association or corporation refusing to make such verified statement shall forfeit the sum of one hundred dollars which may be recovered in an action brought in the name of the county. [L. 1915, Chap. 33, Sec. 5.] Assessor May Seize Property. Sec. 329. The Assessor, in case of the failure of a person, corporation or association to pay the poll tax in the manner mentioned in this chapter, shall seize so much of the property of such person, association or corporation as will be sufficient to pay the poll tax and costs, and sell the same as provided in Section 2419 of Chapter 162, Compiled Statutes of Wyoming, 1910. Every person paying the poll tax of another may deduct the same from any indebtedness of such other person. The Assessor shall deliver the poll tax receipt, filled out with the name of the person owing the tax, to the purchaser of property at any such sale ; in other cases he shall deliver it, filled out in like manner, to the person paying the tax. The receipt so de- livered is the only evidence of payment. [L. 1915, Chap. 33, Sec. 6.] SCHOOL LAWS OP WYOMING 105 Monthly and Final Settlement by Assessor. Sec. 330. On the first Monday in each month the Assessor shall miake oath before the County Clerk, of the total amount of poll taxes collected by him during the last preceding month, and shall, at the same time, settle with the County Clerk for the same, and pay into the County Treasurer's office the total amount of poll taxes collected. On the first Monday in Jan- uary of each year the Assessor shall return to the County Clerk all the poll tax receipts received by him and not used, together with the stubs of receipts used, and shall make final settlement with the County Clerk and Treasurer therefor. The County Clerk shall, as soon as settlement is made, return to the Treas- urer the receipts not used, together with the stubs of receipts used. The Treasurer shall credit the County Clerk with the receipts so returned, and shall thereupon seal them up, together with the stubs of receipts used, securely and deposit them in his office. [L. 1915, Chap. 33, Sec. 7.] Roll of Names School Fund. Sec. 331. The Assessor shall keep a roll of names and local residence, or place of business, of all persons subject to or liable for poll tax, and if paid, date and amount of each payment, and if not paid, the cause of non-payment. The proceeds of the poll tax shall be paid to the County Treasurer, as provided by law, for the exclusive use of the school fund in the district in which said poll tax is collected. [L. 1915, Chap. 33, Sec. 8.] GIFTS FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES. Charitable Trust, Exempt from Taxation. Sec. 332. That all property devised, bequeathed or given for non-sectarian, public educational purposes in this State, or for the purpose of non-sectarian, pu'blic education of the youths of this State shall be considered as charitable trusts, and the said property, so long as the same is not diverted from the purposes herein expressed, shall be exempt from taxation in- cluding inheritance taxation. [L. 1915, Chap. 34, Sec. 1.] May Incorporate. Sec. 333. The executors, trustees or persons receiving such devise, gifts or legacies may organize 'and form a corporation under the provisions of and to be governed 'by, as near as may 'be, Chapter 280 of the Wyoming Compiled Statutes of 1910, and the provisions of this act. The purposes and powers of such corporation may include either or all of those mentioned in subdivision fourth, fifth and sixth of Section 4212 of said Chapter 280 of the Wyoming Compiled Statutes of 1910, and the further purposes, if desired, to establish and maintain a 106 SCHOOL LAWS OF WYOMING school or schools of technology or other similar institutions, and advance, in such manner as may be found advisable, the education of the youths of this State. An amendment to the certificate of incorporation may be made from time to time by the Trustees or Board of Directors, changing- the number of Trustees (to be, however, not less than three), or by adding thereto such of the powers and purposes above enumerated as have not heretofore been included ; such amendment shall be executed in duplicate, shall be duly acknowledged by the president and secretary of such corporation, and shall be filed in the same manner as is required in the case of the original certificate. [L. 1915, Chap. 34, Sec. 2.] Powers of Executors, Trustees and Corporations. Sec. 334. Such Executors, Trustees or persons receiving such devises, gifts or legacies, and the corporations formed as above mentioned, shall have the power to receive gifts and do- nations of real and personal property in any amount and value ; to sell all real '.and personal property coming in their hands and to reinvest the same in and hold other property ; to make a gift to or loan to such persons, deemed proper by the said Board of Trustees, of an amount or amounts of money, for the purpose of educating such person either in the schools of this or any other State or county, and generally to do all other things not inconsistent herewith, or with the terms of the original devise, bequest or gift, so as to advance the general education of the youths of this State. [L. 1915, Chap. 34, Sec. 3.] RIGHTS OF WAY ACROSS STATE AND SCHOOL LANDS. Sec. 335. That the State Board of Land Commissioners and State Board of School Land Commissioners may, at their discretion, grant permanent rights of way or easements across or upon any portion of State or School lands, upon such terms as the Board may determine, for any ditch, reservoir, railroad, public highway, telegraph and telephone lines, or other public conveyances. [C. S. 1910, Sec. 649; L. 1915, Chap. 35, Sec. 1.] LEASING STATE AND SCHOOL LANDS. Manner of Leasing State Lands. 'Sec. 336. The State Board of Land Commissioners and also the State Board of School Land Commissioners shall sev- erally lease all State and School lands belonging to the State in such manner and to such parties as shall inure to the greatest benefit and secure the greatest revenue to the State. Prefer- ence shall in all cases be given to applications for leases of SCHOOL LAWS OP WYOMING 107 either State or School lands to persons who are resident citi- zens and taxpayers of the State, and applications made by citizens of the State who hold title to lands upon which they reside nearest to any State or School lands applied for shall 'be given a preference right over all other applicants to lease the same at such rental as the Board shall deem equitable and just; provided, that such preference right shall not be given as against the application of the old lessee who has made valu- able improvements upon the lands applied for or on lands in the vicinity thereof, if the Board shall find that such preference right will work extreme financial hardship upon such old lessee, and such preference to resident title-holders shall extend to an area of lands equal to twice the area of lands to which such resident citizen holds title, not, however, to exceed six hundred and forty acres of School or educational institutions lands, or a total of two thousand five hundred and sixty acres of 'State and School lands. Where two or more applicants claim preference by reason of holding title to lands nearest to lands applied for, the Boards shall grant leases upon a basis as nearly equitable as possible. Applicant claiming the preference right accorded by this section must set forth such claims at the time of making their applications, or subsequent thereto, and prior to the ex- piration of any prior lease on the lands covered by such appli- cation. [C. S. 1910, Sec. 615; L. 1915, Chap. 38, Sec. 1.] TAX FOR UNIVERSITY BUILDINGS. Levy Expenditure. Sec. 337. In order that the University of Wyoming may be kept in a condition of full efficiency as required by the terms of Section Sixteen of Article Seven of the Constitution of the State of Wyoming, there shall be assessed upon all taxable property in the State in each year a tax of one-eighth of a mill, in addition to other levies or appropriations now authorized or to be authorized by law, upon each and every dollar of the assessed valuation of such property, which tax shall be levied, collected, and paid to the State Treasurer in the manner pro- vided by law for the levy, collection and payment of other State taxes. Said tax, when so paid to the State Treasurer, shall be paid to the Treasurer of the said Board of Trustees upon the warrant of the State Auditor, to be issued upon request of said Board of Trustees. The proceeds of said tax shall be ap- propriated and expended by the said Board of Trustees for such permanent buildings and improvements as the said Board in its discretion may deem necessary. Provided, however, that any revenue thus collected which shall be in excess of the 108 SCHOOL LAWS OF WYOMING- amount required to meet the expenses of buildings and im- provements in any given year, may be expended by said Board for the maintenance of extension work in departments other than agriculture and home economics. [L. 1915, Chap. 42.] LEGALIZING CERTAIN SCHOOL BONDS. Sec. 338. Whereas, School District No. 1, in the County of Uinta and State of Wyoming, held an election in the court room of the Uinta County Court House at Evanston within said district on Monday, the 4th day of May, 1914, on the proposition of issuing Twenty-five Thousand ($25,000.00) Dollars of the bonds of said School District for the purpose of building a high school building; and, Whereas, at said election a majority of the voters voted in favor of the issuance of said bonds ; and, Whereas, the said bonds were then advertised and sold to the State of Wyoming and the moneys received for the said bonds have been used in the erection of the proposed building, which has been accepted by the said School District ; and, Whereas, it is claimed that certain irregularities occurred in relation to some of the proceedings in issuing said bonds: now, therefore : Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Wyoming. Sec. 1. That the said proceedings and the said bonds be, and they are hereby legalized and rendered valid and effective, and the said bonds are made valid, legal and binding in all the respects, as if each and every proceeding in the issuance of the said bonds had been in all respects due and regular and in conformity with the statutes governing the issue of such bonds. [L. 1915, Chap. 61.] EMPLOYMENT OF CHILDREN. Employment Prohibited. Sec. 339. That no child under eighteen (18) years of age shall be employed or permitted to work in any 'brewery, dis- tillery, saloon, concert hall or other establishment where malt or alcoholic liquors .are manufactured, packed, wrapped, bot- tled or sold; no child under fourteen (14) years of age em- ployed in the public messenger service, shall be required to deliver any message, package or any other thing whatsoever to any brewery, distillery, saloon, concert hall, or other estab- lishment where malt or alcoholic liquors are manufactured, packed, wrapped, bottled or sold, or to any premises used for immoral purposes. [L. 1915, Chap. 77, Sec. 1.] SCHOOL LAWS OF WYOMING 109 Improper Exhibitions Dangerous Occupations. Sec. 340. That [is] [it] shall be unlawful for any person having the care, custody or control, of any child under the age of sixteen (16) years to exhibit, use or employ such child as an actor or performer in any concert hall or room where intoxicat- ing liquors are sold or given away, or for any illegal, obscene, indecent or immoral purposes, exhibition or practice whatso- ever, or for any business or in any place, situation, or exhibi- tion, or vocation injurious to the morals or health, or dan- gerous to the life or limb of such child, or cause, procure or encourage such child to engage therein ; nothing in this section contained shall apply to or affect the employment or use of any such child as a singer or musician in any church, school or academy, or the teaching or learning the science or practice of music, or in the physical development of its body in any re- spectable gymnasium or natatorium ; nor shall anything in this section be construed to prevent children taking part in what are known as amateur entertainments or theatricals for charity, or not for profit, in schools, churches, settlement houses, or boys' or girls' clubs. [L. 1915, Chap. 77, Sec. 2.] Mines, Smelters and Machine Shops. Sec. 341. That it shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation, to take, receive, hire or employ any child or chil- dren under fourteen (14) years of age, in any underground works, or mine, in or about the surface workings thereof, or to any smelter, coke oven, or to adjust any belt to any machinery, or to operate, or assist in operating, circular or band saws; wood shapers, wood joiners, planers, sand paper or wood polishing machinery, emery or polishing wheels used for polish- ing metal, wood turning or boring machinery, stamping ma- chines in sheet metal and tin ware manufacturing, stamping machines in washer and nut factories; nor shall they be em- ployed in operating any passenger or freight elevators, steam boiler, steam machinery, or other steam generating apparatus, or automobiles, wire or iron straightening machinery; nor shall they operate, or assist in operating, rolling mill machinery, punchers, or shears, nor shall they operate, or assist in operat- ing laundry machinery, nor shall they be employed in any capacity in preparing any composition in which dangerous or poisonous acids are used, and they shall not be employed in any capacity in the manufacture of paints, colors, or white lead; nor shall they be employed in any capacity whatever in the manufacture of goods for immoral purposes. [L. 1915, Chap. 77, Sec. 3.] Nine Hour Day. Sec. 342. That no person under the*age of fourteen (14) .years shall be employed, or suffered, or permitted, to work at 110 SCHOOL LAWS OF WYOMING any gainful occupation, except farm work or domestic service, more than fifty-six (56) hours in any one week, or more than nine (9) hours in any one day. [L. 1915, Chap. 77, Sec. 4.] Seats for Girls. Sec. 343. That no female under eighteen (18) years of age shall be employed, permitted, or suffered to work in any capacity where such employment compels her to remain stand- ing constantly. Every person who shall employ any female under eighteen (18) years of age, shall provide suitable seats, chairs, or benches, for the use of the females so employed, which shall be so placed as to be accessible to such employees, and shall permit the use of such seats, chairs, or benches, by them in so far as the nature of their work allows, and there shall be provided at least one seat to every three (3) female em- ployees. [L. 1915, Chap. 77, iSec. 5.] Penalty. Sec. 344. That any person, firm- or corporation, employing any child in violation of the provisions of this Act, or per- mitting, or conniving at such violation, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not less than twenty-five dollars ($25.00) nor more than one hundred dollars ($100.00) or imprisoned in the county jail not less than thirty (30) days nor more than ninety (90) days, or by both such punishments, in the discretion of the Court. [L. 1915, Chap. 77, Sec. 6.] PHYSICAL EXAMINATION OF SCHOOL PUPILS. Teacher to Make Examinations. Sec. 345. It shall be the duty of every teacher engaged in teaching in the public schools of incorporated cities and towns of the State separately and carefully to test and examine every child under his or her jurisdiction to ascertain if such child is suffering from defective sight or hearing or diseases of nose or throat. Provided, that such examination shall be made by observation by the teachers, without using drugs or instru- ments and without coming in physical contact with said child. [L. 1915, Chap. 127, 'Sec. 1.] Charts Questions Report. Sec. 346. In making the tests required by Section 1 of this Act the teacher shall employ eye testing charts of a standard character approved and supplied by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction and shall conform to the rules of the State Superintendent in methods of applying such tests, especial attention being given to defects that may be disclosed by the following questions : SCHOOL LAWS OF WYOMING 111 1. Does the pupil habitually suffer from inflamed lids or eyes ? 2. Does the pupil fail to read a majority of the letters in the number 20 line of the standard vision chart with either eye? 3. Do the eyes and head habitually grow weary and painful after study? 4. Does the pupil appear to be "cross-eyed"? 5. Does the pupil complain of ear-ache in either ear? 6. Does matter (pus) or a foul odor proceed from either ear? 7. Does the pupil fail to hear an ordinary voice at twenty feet in a quiet room? 8. Is the pupil frequently subject to "colds in the head" and discharge from the nose and throat? 9. Is the pupil an habitual "mouth breather"? If ian affirmative answer is found to any of these questions the teacher shall give such pupil a report to his parent or guardian made on a report blank prepared and furnished by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, such report to be made in form prescribed by the State Superintendent. It shall be the further duty of the teacher to record the results of the examination required by Section 1 of this Act in such manner as may be prescribed by the State Superin- tendent of Public Instruction. [L. 1915, Chap. 127, Sec. 2.] Duty of State Superintendent. Sec. 347. It shall be the duty of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction to prescribe rules for making such tests as are required by this Act and to prepare copies thereof, to- gether with all blanks, charts and printed forms deemed neces- sary by the State Superintendent for carrying into effect the provisions of this Act, and to distribute them to all the public school teachers in incorporated cities and towns of the State, such distribution to be made through the District Boards or, if there be such, through the executive officers, thereof, the ex- penses of such printing and distribution to be borne out of the State Superintendent's contingent; Provided, that the annual expense for such purpose shall not exceed one hundred and fifty dollars. [L. 1915, Chap. 127, Sec. 3.] When Tests Are to Be Made. Sec. 348. During the first month of each school year, after the opening of school, teachers must make the tests required of this Act upon the children then in attendance at school; and thereafter, as children enter school during the year, such tests must be made immediately upon their entrance. [L. 1915, Chap. 127, Sec. 4.] 112 SCHOOL LAWS OP WYOMING Boards of Trustees to Enforce This Act. Sec. 349. It shall be the duty of the Boards of Trustees of the several school districts of the State to enforce the provisions of this Act. [L. 1915, Chap. 127, Sec. 5.] FUNDS FOR MAINTENANCE OF HIGH SCHOOLS. Tax Limit. Sec. 350. That should any school district determine to con- duct a four year high school, with a course of study sufficient to prepare its pupils for admission to the State University, the said district shall then possess and have added to its pres- ent taxing powers, the taxing powers of a high school district under the present high school district law, to-wit: Not to exceed two mills on the dollar on all taxable property in the school district for teachers' wages and contingent expenses and in case of building, not to exceed in all ten mills on the dollar on all taxable property within the district. [L. 1915, Chap. 158, Sec. 1.] Elimination of District from High School District. Sec. 351. The vote to determine whether or not any school district may be eliminated from any high school district at present organized and that the said school district will main- tain such a school shall be by ballot and at the annual meeting or special meeting called for that purpose. The form of the ballot shall be, "For a Four Year High School" and "Against a Four Year High School. ' ' Fifty-one per cent of the electors present of each and every school district comprising said high school district and voting for the high school shall be sufficient authority for the elimination of said district from said high school district and for the voting and levying of the additional funds above mentioned for high school purposes. [L. 1915, Chap. 158, Sec. 2.] Taxing Power Continues. Sec. 352. After the establishment of such a high school the power shall remain with the district to provide annually for its maintenance so long as it shall maintain a four year high school of the above standard. [L. 1915, Chap. 158, Sec. 3.] STATE TEACHERS' INSTITUTE. Held Annually Secretary and Treasurer. Sec. 353. To promote uniformity in the methods of teach- ing throughout the State and greater efficiency in the public schools, through lectures, discussion, demonstration, and other means within the scope of institute work, the State Superin- SCHOOL LAWS OF WYOMING 113 tendent of Public Instruction shall hold and conduct annually a State Teachers' Institute at a time and place to be determined by said Superintendent. Said institute may be held at the same time and place as the annual meeting of the State Teachers' Association and concurrently therewith, in case the said asso- ciation does not require as a condition of membership the pay- ment of a fee or dues by a teacher who has paid the annual cer- tificate registration fee as hereinafter provided. The State Superintendent shall appoint a secretary and treasurer of the State Teachers' Institute, and shall have authority to fill any vacancy occurring in either of those offices, and determine the amount of compensation, if any, to 'be paid said officers re- spectively ; provided, that such compensation shall 'be paid only out of the funds provided by this act for defraying the expenses of holding and conducting the State Institute. The secretary and treasurer so appointed shall hold office at the pleasure of the Superintendent, and the treasurer shall be required to give a bond in a sum not less than one thousand dollars for the faithful performance of his duties and the faithful accounting for any money which shall come into his hands as such officer, to be approved by the Superintendent ; the fee or charge for said bond to 'be paid out of the funds made by this act available for defraying the expenses of said Institute. [L. 1915, Chap. 161, Sec. 1.] Certificate Registration Fee. Sec. 354. At the time of the first registration of a teacher's certificate of any class in the office of the County Superinten- dent of Schools of -any county, as required by Section 2022 of the Compiled Statutes, 1910, the teacher named in said certifi- cate shall pay to the County Superintendent as a registration fee the sum of one dollar, and thereafter in each school year a like fee of one dollar, to be known as the annual registration fee, shall be paid by each holder of a teacher's certificate of any class, who is engaged in teaching in any of the public schools in the State, to the County Superintendent of the county where- in the holder of such certificate is so engaged ; provided, that in case any such certificate shall be registered in more than one county during the same school year only one fee shall be paid therefor, the same to be collected by the Superintendent with whom the certificate is first registered during that year. The registration fees herein provided for shall be transmitted by each County Superintendent of Schools to the Treasurer of the State Teachers' Institute, with a statement showing the names of the several teachers paying the same, and thereupon the said treasurer shall issue a receipt for the amount to the County Superintendent. A duplicate of the statement sent to the treasurer shall at the same time be transmitted by the 114 SCHOOL LAWS OF WYOMING County Superintendent to the State Superintendent of Public Instruction. The form of the report transmitting such fees and the receipt therefor shall be prepared and furnished by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction. The fees thus collected shall constitute a fund in the 'hands of the treasurer of the institute for the payment of the expenses of holding and conducting the said State Teachers' Institute, and the same shall be paid out by the Institute Treasurer upon the order of the Superintendent of Public Instruction, attested by the Insti- tute Secretary. The term "school year" as used in this section shall be understood and construed to mean the period begin- ning the first day of September and ending the thirty-first day of August of the following calendar year. [L. 1915, Chap. 161, Sec. 2.] Co-Operation Between State and Government. Sec. 355. The sum of ten thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated out of any funds in the State Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of the agreement entered into between the Governor of the State of Wyoming and the Bureau of Animal Industry of t l he United States Gov- ernment, said amount to be expended under the supervision and direction of the State Board of Charities and Reform. (Approved by Governor for Seventy-five Hundred Dollars only.) [L. 1919, Chap. 145.] CO-OPERATION WITH U. S. IN EDUCATION. Sec. 356. The State of Wyoming hereby agrees to accept the provisions of the pending bill in the United States Senate designated as Senate 4987, to create a Department of Educa- tion, etc, or of any bill or act which may be enacted into law by Congress relating to the subject of said bill, and hereby designates the State Board of Education and confers upon said State Board all necessary powers to cooperate with the De- partment of Education of the United 'States in the administra- tion of such bill or act of Congress in so far as the same relates to the aiding of the states in the promotion of education. [L. 1919, Chap. 41, Sec. 1.] Sec. 357. It shall be the duty of the State Board of Educa- tion to provide for the education and training, and when neces- sary, for the support and maintenance of children resident in this State who are afflicted with stuttering, stammering, de- fects of the organs of speech, arrested physical development or other physical defects (caused by infantile paralysis or other- wise) or who are defective in mental development, and who are SCHOOL LAWS OF WYOMING 115 in consequence of such defects unfitted for attendance in the pu'blic schools, and for whose instruction, treatment and care no adequate provision is made in the pu'blic schools or other public institutions of the State. It shall be lawful for the State Board of Education thus to provide for such children under the age of twenty-one years, by placing them in some school or institution in this State or elsewhere, as may be deemed ex- pedient, or to provide for special classes for such children in the local schools of any city or rural district. [L. 1919, Chap. 41, Sec. 2.] iSec. 358. The State Board of Education shall investigate and ascertain what children residing in the State may be suit- able for the care, education and training provided for by this Act, and for such purposes may secure such expert assistance and advice as it shall deem needful, and any officials or em- ployees of the State or of any county, city or public institution in the State, may be called upon 'by the 'State Board to render appropriate services without other or further compensation than their actual and necessary expenses incurred in such service, or the State Board of Education may, if it deem it advisable, employ an educational or medical expert to make such, tests and diagnoses as will be necessary to determine what children need such treatment. [L. 1919, Chap. 41, Sec. 3.] Sec. 359. All necessary expense for investigation, clothing, subsisting and transportation of pupils, and of keeping and maintaining them in such institution or institutions, shall be paid out of funds hereby appropriated upon itemized bills, which when allowed by the State Board ghiall 'be certified to by an officer of said State Board ; Provided, that when the State Board is satisfied that the parents or guardians of such children are financially alble to bear such expense in whole or in part they shall in all cases be required to do so. The said State Board shall assume the care for such children only in cases where the Board of Education of the sdhool district in which such pupils reside shall approve such action. [L. 1919, Chap. 41, Sec. 4.] Sec. 360. The sum of Ten Thousand Dollars, or so much thereof as may 'be necessary, is hereby appropriated out of any funds in the State Treasury not otherwise appropriated for the purpose of defraying the expenses incurred under this Act for the two years ending March 1, 1921. [L. 1919, Chap. 41, Sec. 5.] INDEX ADVANCED NORMAL TRAINING DEPARTMENT CERTIFICATE Section When issued 38 AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION WORK See co-operative agricultural extension work. APPEAL- TO State Superintendent from District Boundary Board on formation of a new district 84 APPROPRIATIONS For Federal vocational educational art 45-46 For High School Cadets 61 For teachers' institutes _.. 89 For co-operative agricultural work 319 Vocational education 355 Co-operation with U. S. in education 360 ARBOR DAY Legal holiday 313 How designated 314 ATTORNEY GENERAL To investigate contracts with publishers 180 State funds suit to be brought on bonds to secure by 291 BIRDS Unlawful to kill penalty 304 Eggs destruction of unlawful penalty 305 Scientific use of permitted 306 Scientific use of certificates for term of centificates bond 307-308 Not protected 309 BOARD OF DIRECTORS See "Directors". BOARD OF HEALTH Vaccination may require 310 BOARD OF TRUSTEES See "Trustees". BOND Of Treasurer ... ....127 118 SCHOOL LAWS OF WYOMING BONDS Section School District how issued 184 School District sale of application of proceeds 185 School District pledge of payment 186 School District tax levy to redeem and pay interest 187 School District redemption of 188 School District payment of interest on 189 School District preparation of 190 School District misapplication of funds penalty 191 Funds from School District to be in custody of County Treasurer 192 School District Refunding authority to issue 194 School District Refunding form, time, and interest 195 School District Refunding Registration of 196 School District Refunding by whom signed and sale thereof 197 School District Refunding coupon of when paid 198 School District Refunding tax to pay principal and interest 199 School District Refunding how redeemed 200 School District Refunding property pledged for payment 201 School District Refunding County Treasurer to have custody of funds from 202 High School District form of how issued, etc 220 High School District how submitted limit form of 221 High School District what pledge for payment 221 High School District payment of 222 High School tax for how collected 224 Certain school bonds legalized 338 State, County, School District and Municipal exempt from taxa- tion when 358 BOOKS Publishing houses selling 7 Lists to be published 25 To be free 175 From what fund paid for 176 How paid for 177 Orders for from what fund paid 178 Contracts for what vitiates 179 Property of district *. , 181 Pupils may purchase 182 CERTIFICATES How obtained 29 Classes of 31 How invalidated 32 Must be registered Issuance of 33 Revocation of - 34 Examination in physiology and hygiene required for 139 SCHOOL LAWS OF WYOMING 119 CERTIFICATION OF Section Of Principals 17 Of Superintendents 17 Of Supervisors 17 Of teachers 17 CERTIFICATE DIVISION To provide for examination 23 Created 27 Who, the head of 27 To keep list of teachers 28 To recommend issuance of certificates 20 (29) CERTIFICATE REGISTRATION FEE By whom payable 354 CHRISTMAS Legal holiday 313 CHILDREN List of delinquents to be sent by teacher to County Superin- tendent 133 List to be furnished by clerk ....133 List of delinquent to be furnished by County Superintendent to Sheriff 133 Annual enumeration of 165 Penalty for false enumeration of 168 Failure to make enumeration 167 Admitted from one High School District to another 235 Employment of when prohibited 339 Improper exhibitions dangerous occupations 340 Mines, smelters and machine shops unlawful to employ in when 341 Nine hour day 342 Seats for girls 343 Penalty for violating laws as to 344 Physical examination of State Superintendent to prescribe rules ' for 347 Physical examination of test when to be made 348 Physical examination of Trustees duties of .....349 Defective provision for educating 356-360 CITY To be in one School District 83 Funds interest on, how computed 297 Funds security required for deposits of 298 Funds collateral security may be given for deposits of ....299 Funds not deposited Treasurer's duty 300 CITY SUPERINTENDENT To make reports 24 120 SCHOOL LAWS OF WYOMING CITY TREASURER Section To deposit city funds where 294-296 May invest city funds in U. S. or State bonds 295 Duty as to funds not deposited 300 Funds liability for 301 Offering bribe to punishment for 303 CLAIMS Against district how paid 124 CLERK- TO certify number of teachers 74 To receive duplicate remittance slips ...'. 79 To certify debt limit 154 To keep accounts 155 To give notice of District meetings 156 Duties of 157 To make report penalty for failure to do so 158 School District to certify amount of money voted in district 164 COLLEGES Approved 1 " COMPULSORY EDUCATION 131 COUNTIES Boundaries of changed effect on School Districts 145 Funds not deposited 300 Treasurer's duty 300 Funds security required for deposits of 298 Funds collateral security may be given for deposits of 299 COUNTY COMMISSIONERS To levy county and school taxes 255 May file request for county agent 322 To establish County Library 95 To make appropriation for teachers' institutes 89 To levy tax for payment of High School bonds 221 COMMISSIONER OF EDUCATION By whom appointed 19 Power of 20 Qualifications of 21 Duties To examine accounts and expenditures To suggest course of study May require reports 24 To have school laws printed and distributed 24 To publish list of text books 25 To conduct investigations as to educational needs 26 Chief officer of Certificate division.... 27 SCHOOL LAWS OF WYOMING 121 COMMISSIONER OF EDUCATION ( Continued ) Section Chief of State Teachers' Employment Bureau 27 Salary 35 CO-OPERATIVE AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION WORK Act of Congress accepted authority of University Trustees. 318 Funds for county work agreement with State University 320 Districts may be organized how 321 Funds from other sources how applied....". 323 CO-OPERATION WITH U. S. IN EDUCATION County Agents to be furnished 322 State Board of Education to provide for its duties 356-7-8-9-360 Appropriation for 360 COUNSEL May be employed by school officers 142 COUNTY CLERK Duty as to poll taxes 326 COUNTY LIBRARIES Established when tax for levied 95 Tax for how levied and collected 96 Board of Directors how appointed their duties 97 Board of Directors their duties 97-98-99-100 To be free 99 Location of Librarian for and donations to 98 COUNTY ASSESSOR Poll taxes duty of 327 May collect poll taxes from employers how 328 Poll taxes may seize and sell property for 329 Poll taxes to make monthly and final settlement for when 330 Poll tax to keep roll of persons subject to 331 COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT Head of county educational matters 2 To report to State Superintendent 8 To make reports 24 Nominated and elected on non-partisan ticket 55 A candidate for how to become 56 Petition for nomination 56 Ballots for election of 57-59 Voters not to declare party affiliation at election of 58 To distribute school funds 63 Qualifications of 68 Oath and bond 69 Prohibited from teaching 69 To visit schools 86 Salary of 70 122 SCHOOL LAWS OF WYOMING COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT (Continued) Section Duties 71 Office at county seat .. 72 Records of 73 To certify number of teachers in each school district 75 To apportion school taxes 77-78 To distribute school taxes 77 To send clerks duplicate remittance slips 79 Member of District Boundary Board 80 To be Secretary of the District Boundary Board 81 To notify clerks of establishment or change of Districts 82 To recommend dismissal of teachers 86 To make reports. Penalty for failure to make reports 87 To hear appeals from District Boards 88 To see that reports of clerks are made 88 To hold institutes 89 May appoint Deputy 91 To cause prescribed subjects to be taught 92 To apportion State School Land income fund . 94 To call first meeting in new District. How first meeting called. ...102 And District Board to establish High Schools 128 To furnish list of delinquent children 133 Not to sell school supplies 136 To report number of children to State Superintendent 169 Duty hi apportioning State School funds 170 COUNTY EDUCATIONAL MATTERS Under supervision of County Superintendent 2 COUNTY TREASURER To give additional bond to School District 193 To deposit county funds where 294-296 May invest county funds in U. S. or State Bonds 295 Funds interest on how computed 297 Duty as to funds not deposited ....300 Funds liabilty for -.301 Funds to make no profit out of 302 Offering bribe to punishment for .-. ....303 Fines imposed by Justice of Peace to be paid to 316-317 To pay School District funds when 54 County Treasurer to have custody of School Districts Bond lunds..!92 To have custody of funds of School District Refunding Bonds 202 To register School District Refunding Bonds, Custodian of High School District funds how paid ....219 COUNTY SCHOOL TAX Amount of and limit - 76 Apportionment of ....77-78 How, when and by whom distributed 77 SCHOOL LAWS OF WYOMING 123 CORPORATION Section School District to be 108 High School District to be : 207 COUNTY COMMISSIONERS To provide funds for county agricultural work 320 COUNTY TEACHERS' INSTITUTES To be held annually appropriation for 89 Two or more counties may join 90 COLORED CHILDREN To have separate schools 129 DEBT LIMIT- TO be certified by Clerk of District 15-1 DEFECTIVE CHILDREN See "Children". DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Created 1 See "State Board of Education". DIRECTORS BOARD OF New district how elected 103 To transmit copy of oath to County Superintendent 104 School District take oath 104 Board of of whom composed and how elected 105 May transfer money from school house fund to teachers' fund 113 Shall qualify how 116 Meeting of Board of 117 Powers and duties of Board 118 Members of Board of to administer oaths 119 May remove scholars 120 To advertise for bids 121 To examine Treasurer's books 122 To report to District meeting 122 To appoint visiting committee 123 To audit and pay claims 124 Vacancy how filled 126 And County Superintendent to establish High School 128 May establish separate schools for colored children 129 To employ and pay teachers 130 To establish manual training schools 148 To provide books 175 Of School District may issue Refunding Bonds 194 To redeem bonds 200 DISTRICT CLERK See "Clerk". 124 SCHOOL LAWS OF WYOMING DONATIONS Section For schools, to be received by State Treasurer 146 ELECTORS Qualifications of 115 EDUCATION STATE DEPARTMENT OF Created 1 EDUCATIONAL MATTERS OF DISTRICT Under supervision of District Board of Trustees :: ELECTIONS Annual election of Trustees 105 Who may vote 115 To determine issue of School District Bonds how held 183-184 For formation of High School District 208 For formation of High School District how conducted 209 For formaton of High School District to be opened by Trustees.. 210 For formation of High School Districts who to act as judges. ...211 For formation of High School Districts how conducted ....212-213 For Trustees of High School District when held 215 High School Bonds how conducted, etc 221 High Schools for annexation of how conducted, etc ....241 High Schools for annexation of how conducted, etc 241-242 ELECTIONS GENERAL State office vacancy in 243 State officers to be elected 244 County officers to be elected 245 Who may vote, at 246 Special elections for county and precinct offices to be ordered by County Commissioners 247 Vacancy who determines 248 Special elections who may vote at 249 Office holders qualifications of 250 Woman Suffrage 251 Who disqualified from voting or holding office 252 Resignation of elective office 253 Vacancies in elective offices how caused 254 Holidays general election days 313 ENUMERATION Of children to be made 165 To be employed 166 Of children penalty for false 168 Failure to make 167 EXAMINATIONS For certificates 30 For certificate fee for 30 In physiology and hygiene required for certificates 139 SCHOOL LAWS OF WYOMING 125 FEDERAL VOCATIONAL EDUCATION ACT Section Acceptance of 42 State Treasurer custodian of funds of 44 Appropriation for 45-46 FEDERAL BOARD OF VOCATIONAL EDUCATION State Board of Education to co-operate with 43 FINES Collection and disposition of '. 143 Fines, penalties, etc., to go to school fund 143 Officer failing to pay over penalty 144 Imposed by Justice of Peace, to go to school funds 316-317 FLAG- TO be displayed 164 FIELD AGENTS Of State Department of Education IS FIRE ESCAPES On school houses 47 FOURTH OF JULY Legal holiday 313 FUNDS School District to be paid when 54 School to be distributed 63 Of new districts to be drawn from old 85 Transfer from School House fund to Teachers' fund 113 School fund to be kept by State Treasurer 137 Teachers to be kept by Treasurer and paid out how 160 School House of what it consists 161 Apportioned to District to be received by Treasurer 162 State School distribution of 170 For Kindergartens how voted 174 Books paid for out of School Land Income fund 176 From School District Bonds to be in custody of County Treasurer 192 From School District Refunding Bonds to be in custody of County Treasurer 202 From School District Refunding Bonds how used 269 Land income appropriated 269 Land income fund when available 268 From School District Refunding Bonds how used 203-204-205 State officers to pay State funds to State Treasurer monthly 280 State Board of Deposits members duties 281 Depositories of designation 282 State to be deposited when limit 283 State interest on and security : 284 126 SCHOOL LAWS OF WYOMING FUNDS (Continued) Section State annual interest rate how fixed 286 State interest on how computed 287 State withdrawals of from depositories liability of State Treasurer 288 State not deposited duty and liability of State Treasurer 289 State collateral security for to be sold when 290 State bonds to secure deposit of suit brought on 291 State permanent to be invested 292 County depositories for to be designated how interest 293-294 City depositories for to be designated how 296 Interest 293-294-296 School District depositories for to be designated how interest 293-294-296 State collateral security for 295 County and City or School District, may be invested in U. S. or State bonds 295 County, City, Town, or School District interest on how com- puted 297 County, City, Town, or School District security required for deposits of 298 County, City, Town, or School Districts collateral security may be given for deposits of 299 County, City, Town, or School Districts not deposited Treas- urer's duty 300 County, City, Town, or School District Treasurer's liability for..301 State, County, Town, or School District Treasurer of to make no profits out of 302 State, County, Town, or School District offering bribe for de- posit of punishment for "03 School poll taxes to go to 331 School fines to go to when 316-317 For county agricultural work 320-323 High Schools maintenance of tax limit 350 High Schools additional tax for when separated from School District 351 GARNISHMENT Public officers subject to 315 GENERAL ELECTIONS See "Elections General". GIFTS May be accepted by High Schools ... 62 GIFTS FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES Charitable trusts exempt from taxation 332 Trustees may incorporate 333 Executors trustees or corporations receiving powers of 334 SCHOOL LAWS OF WYOMING 127 HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICTS Section May accept gifts 62 How created 206 To be body corporate 207 How formed 208 Elections for formation of to be opened by Trustees 210 Trustees to act as judges for formation of 211 Election for formation of how conducted 212-213 First Trustees how appointed 214 Trustees when elected 215 Trustees term of oflice 216 Hoard of Trustees quorum 217 High School in where located 218 Issue bonds for what 220 Tax levy for limit of 220 P.onds issue of how submitted limit 221 Trustees to make estimates for maintenance 223 Bonds tax for how collected 224 ( >tfkvrs their duties 219 Trustees to provide buildings 226 Trustees to employ teachers 227 High Schools by whom governed 228 High Schools course of study in 229 High Schools may be united for military training 230 HIGH SCHOOLS- HOW established 128 In High School Districts where located 218 Funds for maintenance of tax limit ^ 350 Tax to maintain 352 Tax for when separated from School District 357 HIGH SCHOOL CADETS Appropriation for uniforms for 61 High Schools having military training how financed 232 High Schools having military training to be reported on 233 High Schools tuition and admisson 234 Admission of pupils from other Districts 235 Trustees entitled mileage no compensation 236 High School certificate of graduation from to admit to Univer- sity 237 High Schools no tuition to residents 238 High Schools to be annexed how 239-240 High Schools election for annexation of how conducted.. ..241-242 High Schools annexation of County Commissioners' duties 242 HIGH SCHOOL NORMAL TRAINING DEPARTMENTS Established 37 Subjects taught in 37 128 SCHOOL LAWS OF WYOMING HIGH SCHOOL NORMAL TRAINING DEPARTMENT ( Con- tinued) Section Who admitted 38 Equipment furnished teachers employed 39 Tax levy for 40 Rooms for provided 41 HOLIDAYS See "Legal Holidays". INCORPORATION Of Trustees of gifts for educational purposes 333 INSTITUTES County Teachers' Institutes to be held annually appropriation for 89 Two or more counties may join 90 State Teachers' Institutes held annually 353 State Teachers' Institutes funds how realized 354 INTEREST AND USURY When rate not effective 311 KINDERGARTEN- HOW established 170 Cost of establishing and maintaining how paid 172 Qualifications of teachers 172 LABOR DAY National holiday 313 LAND INCOME FUND When available 268 Appropriated 269 LEGAL HOLIDAYS What days are 313 Arbor day how designated 314 LINCOLN'S BIRTHDAY Legal holiday 313 MANUAL TRAINING SCHOOL- Establishment of 148 MEETINGS Annual when to be held 109 Annual what may be done at 110 Annual how conducted 114 Of Board of Directors 117 Annual may adopt rules of order 117 Special District notice of 125 SCHOOL LAWS OF WYOMING 129 MEETINGS (Continued) Section Electors may provide for Kindergarten at annual 174 Notice of how and by whom given 156 MEMORIAL DAY Legal holiday 313 MILITARY TRAINING In High Schools 230-233 MONEY See "Funds". How voted 110 NEW YEARS Legal holiday 313 NORMAL SCHOOLS Approved 17 NORMAL TRAINING DEPARTMENT IN HIGH SCHOOLS Established 37 Subjects to be taught in :..... 37 Who admitted 38 Teachers to be furnished 39 Equipment furnished teachers employed 39 Tax levy for 40 Rooms for provided 41 NORMAL DEPARTMENT OF UNIVERSITY State Superintendent to advise 11 NOTICE Of special District meetings 125 OATHS By whom administered 119 Of Directors of School Districts 104 OFFENSES School defined penalty 134 PHYSICAL EXAMINATION OF PUPILS Charts questions reports 346 State Superintendent to prescribe rules for 347 Tests when to be made 348 Trustees duties of 349 PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE Examination in required for certificates 139 POLL TAXES See "Taxes" and "Taxation and Revenue". 130 SCHOOL LAWS OP WYOMING PRINCIPALS Section To report 8 Certification of 17 May amend and change course of study 92 PUBLIC INDEBTEDNESS Officer creating in excess of constitutional limit, liable 101 In excess of constitutional limit, void 101 PUBLISHERS Contracts with investigated ISO Contracts with how 179 Of school book not be member of trust to give bond making contracts without giving bond 7 Contracts with 7 PUBLIC KINDERGARTEN See "Kindergarten". PUBLIC MONEY See "Funds". PUBLIC OFFICERS Offering bribe to punishment for 303 Subject to garnishment 315 Failing to pay over money penalty 144 PUBLIC LANDS Taxation equity of entryman in public lands under reclamation project subject to taxation 201 RELIGIOUS BELIEF- NO discrimination in teachers on account of 138 RIGHTS OF WAY Across State or School land how granted 335 RULES OF ORDER- HOW adopted 112 SALARY Commissioner of Education 35 County Superintendent 70 Public officers may be garnished 315 Of Deputy County Superintendent 91 SCHOOLS Humane treatment of animals to be taught 149 Course of study in 15 Number of how determined 110 Separate for colored children 1-9 Free to all children 131 Donations for to be received by State Treasurer.... ....146 SCHOOL LAWS OF WYOMING 1 HI SCHOOL BOOKS Section Publishing houses may sell when 7 Not to be sold by any school officer 136 SCHOOL CENSUS Rules and regulations for taking 8 To be taken annually 8 SCHOOL DISTRICTS Funds to be paid to when : 54 Clerk to certify number of teachers 74 Number of teachers in to be certified by County Superintendent.. 75 Clerks to receive duplicate remittance slips 79 How formed, changed and abolished 80 Clerk of to receive notice of establishment or change in District.. 82 City or village in one 83 New Districts to draw money from old 85 Trustees to give teacher hearing before dismissal 86 What Districts to share in State School Land Income Fund 94 Not allowed to create indebtedness in excess of constitutional limit 101 New meeting how called 102 Trustees of new how elected. Directors of new how elected... .103 Officers when and how elected 105 When to have six Trustees 106 When to have seal 107 To be corporation 108 Annual meeting when to be held 109 Annual meeting what may be done at 110 Elections who may vote at 115 Clerk to deliver books and records to successor 141 Treasurer to deliver books and records to successor 141 To receive certain fines 143 Affected by change in County Boundaries 145 Board of Directors to establish Manual Training Schools 148 Director to preside at meetings and countersign orders 150 Drafts arid orders how drawn 151 By whom to appear in actions 152 Clerk of duties 153 Clerk to certify debt limit 154 Own books 181 Clerk to certify amount of money voted in District 264 Taxes voted by limit 276 Funds interest on, how computed 297 Funds, security required for deposits of 298 Funds collateral security may be given for deposits of 299 Funds not deposited Treasurer's duty 300 132 SCHOOL LAWS OF WYOMING SCHOOL DISTRICT BONDS Section Election to determine issue of how held 183-184 How issued _ 184 Sale of application of proceeds 185 Pledge for payment 186 Tax levy to redeem and pay interest 187 Redemption of 188 Payment of interest on : 189 Preparation of 190 Misapplication of 191 Funds from to be custody of County Treasurer 192 SCHOOL DISTRICT OFFICERS Duties of Director 150-152 Duties of Clerk 153-4-5-6-7 SCHOOL DISTRICT REFUNDING BONDS Authority to issue 194 Form, time and interest .' 195 Registration of 196 By whom signed and sale thereof 197 Coupons of when paid 198 Tax to pay principal and interest 199 How redeemed 200 Property pledged for payment 201 County Treasurer to have custody of funds from 202 SCHOOL DISTRICT TREASURER To deposit School District funds where 294-296 May invest School District funds in U. S. or State bonds 295 Duty as to funds not deposited 300 Funds liability for 301 To make no profit out of 302 Offering bribe to punishment for 303 SCHOOL FUNDS See "Funds". SCHOOL HOUSES Fire escapes on 47 Doors, exits, stairways 48-49-50 Doors, exits, stairways, penalty for not providing 52 Fire-escapes and exits, city or town may make additional regu- lations 53 Exempt from taxation 257 How built 121 SCHOOL HOUSE FUND Of what it consists ... ....161 SCHOOL LAWS OF WYOMING 133 SCHOOL LAND Section Rights of way across how granted '. 335 Manner of leasing j 336 SCHOOL LAND INCOME FUND (See also "Funds") Books paid for out of 176 SCHOOL LAWS Interpreted by State Superintendent r 6 By whom enforced 13 To be printed and distributed ..., 24 SCHOOL MONEY To be accounted for ..; 147 SCHOOL MONTH Denned .: 135 SCHOOL OFFENSES Denned penalty . 134 SCHOOL OFFICERS To make reports 24 May employ counsel when '. 142 SCHOOL PUPILS Tuition of from other districts 120 Board of Directors may remove 120 May purchase books 182 Physical examination of by whom made 345 Physical examination of charts questions reports 346 SCHOOL SUPPLIES Not to be sold by school officers 136 SEAL School District when to have 107 SEX- NO dscrimination in teachers on account of 138 SCHOOL TAXES Amount of and limit 76 How, when and by whom distributed 77 Apportionment of 77-78 SCHOOL WEEK Defined 135 SPECIAL ELECTIONS See "Election General". 134 SCHOOL LAWS OP WYOMING STATE BOARD OF DEPOSITS Section Members duties 281 To designate depositories 282 To fix annual interest rate on State funds 286 To designate other depositories when 289 STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION Of whom composed 4 Term of office 4 Vacancies, how filled 4 Created 4 Members, removal of 4 Meetings of 4 To make report 9 Compensation of members 12 To make rules for public schools 13 To enforce school laws 13 To have supervision of vocational schools 14 To prescribe course of study in schools 15 To prescribe course of reading for teachers 16 To appoint Commissioner of Education 19 To conduct investigation as to educational needs 26 To prescribe fee for examination for certficate 30 To co-operate with Federal Board of Vocational Education 43 Duties of in co-operation with U. S. in education 35-6-7-8-9 STATE BOARD OF EXAMINERS Duties 10 Of whom composed 10 STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Created 1 Provided with room and assistants 18 To keep list of teachers 28 See also "State Board of Education". STATE LAND Taxation equity of purchaser in subject to 260 Rights of way across how granted 335 Manner of leasing 336 STATE NORMAL TRAINING DEPARTMENT CERTIFICATE When issued 38 STATE SCHOOL LAND INCOME FUND To be apportioned 94 STATE SUPERINTENDENT Head of Department of Education 1 Duties of 5 Shall decide controversies ... 6 SCHOOL LAWS OF WYOMING 135 STATE SUPERINTENDENT ( Contnued ) Section May administer oaths 6 May examine witnesses 6 Interpret school laws 6 Shall provide for census 8 To furnish forms and blanks 8 To make report 9 To assume duties of State Board of Examiners 10 To advise with Trustees with reference to Normal Department of University 11 To make rules for public schools 13 To supervise work of Commissioners 20 To issue certificates 29 To revoke certificates when 34 To distribute school funds 63 Kx-officio member Board of Trustees of University 64 Member Board of Charities and Reform 65 Secretary of Board of Charities and Reform 65-66 Member School Land Board 67 Appeal to from change of District boundary 84 Not to sell school supplies 136 Physical examination of school pupils duties of school pupils duties in regard to 347 STATE TEACHERS' EMPLOYMENT BUREAU ( 'rented 28 STATE TEACHERS' INSTITUTE Held annually Secretary and Treasurer 353 Funds for how realized 354 STATE TREASURER Custodian of funds alotted by Federal Vocational Education Act.. 44 To keep school fund 137 To receive donations for schools 146 To account for school money, liability for failure so to do 147 To deposit State funds where limit 283 To take bond from depositories amount form 284 May take collateral security from depositories 285 To keep accurate accounts of deposits of State funds 287 May withdraw State funds from depositories his liability 288 Duty as to State funds not deposited liability ....289 To sell collateral for State funds when 290 Funds to make no profits out of 302 Offering bribe to punishment for 303 STATE UNIVERSITY Normal Department, State Superintendent to advise 11 Governed by Trustees , To admit students on certificate to graduation from High School..237 136 SCHOOL LAWS OF WYOMING STATE UNIVERSITY ( Continued ) Section To conduct agricultural extension work appropriation there- for : 318-319 Buildings tax for levy and expenditure 337 STUTTERING CHILDREN See "Children". SUPERINTENDENTS Certification of 17 May select books 25 To report to County Superintendent 93 SUPERVISORS Certification of 17 TAXES Levy for High School Normal Training Departments :... 40 Amount of County School tax and limit 76 Apportionment of County School tax 77-78 County Schqol how, when and by whom distributed 77 For County Library 95 For County Library how levied and collected 96 Levied to redeem School District bonds and pay interest 187 To pay School District Refunding bonds 199 Levy for High School District limit ...220 For High School District bonds how levied 221 For School purposes how levied and in what amount 255 What property exempt from 256 School houses exempt from , 257 State, County, School District and Municipal bonds exempt from taxation, when 258 What property subject to 259 State land equity of purchase in subject to taxation 260 Public lands under reclamation project equity of entryman in subject to taxation 261 County levy when made form of tax lists 252 For school purposes 263 Assessment for school purposes 264 Equalization of assessment and levy of 265 School how collected 266 School to whom paid 267 County and School limit 270-271-272-273-274 County Library tax limit 275 School District limit 276 Bonded debt not limited 277 Excess levy unlawful duties of County Clerk and County As- sessor in case of 278 Officer violating law guilty of misdemeanor penalty 279 SCHOOL LAWS OP WYOMING 137 TAXES (Continued) Section Poll taxes levy and collection of 324 Poll Receipts prepared by County Treasurer 325 Poll Duty of County Clerk 326 Poll Duty of County Assessor 327 Poll employers liable for when 328 Poll how collected sale 329 Poll monthly and final settlement for made when 330 Poll roll of persons subject to to be kept 33 J. University buildings levy and expenditure 337 Limit on funds for maintenance of High Schools 350 High Schools additional tax for when separated from School Districts 351 High School to maintain 352 TAXATION AND REVENUE Tax levy for High School Normal Training Departments 40 High Schol tax to maintain 352 Taxes levied for what purposes and in what amounts 255 What property exempt from taxation ..250 School houses exempt from taxes 257 State, County, School District and Municipal Bonds, exempt from taxation, when 258 What property subject to taxation 259 State land equity of purchaser in subject to taxation 260 Public lands under reclamation project equity of entryman in subject to taxation 261 County levy when made form of tax lists 262 Tax for school purposes 263 Assessment for school purposes 264 Equalization of assessment and levy of taxes 265 School taxes how collected 266 School taxes to whom paid 267 Land income fund when available 268 Land income fund appropriated 269 County and school taxes limit 270-271-272-273-274 County Library tax limit 275 School District taxes limit 276 Bonded debt not limited 277 Excess levy unlawful duties of County Clerk and County As- sessor, in case of 278 Officer violating act concerning guilty of misdemeanor penalty 270 Poll taxes levy and collection of 324 Poll taxes receipts prepared by County Treasurer ...325 Poll taxes duty of County Clerk 326 Poll taxes duty of County Assessor 327 Poll taxes employers liable for when ,328 138 SCHOOL LAWS OP WYOMING TAXATION AND REVENUE ( Continued ) Section Poll taxes how collected sale 329 Poll taxes monthly and final settlement for made when 330 Poll taxes roll of persons subject to to be kept 331 Taxes for State University buildings levy and expenditures 337 Limt on funds for maintenance of High Schools 350 High Schools additional tax, when separated from School District 351 TEACHERS To report , 8 Training of 16 Course of reading for 16 Certification of 17 To make reports 24 May select books 25 To be registered 28 When not entitled to pay 32 Must register certificates 32 Number of to be certified by Clerk 74 Qualifications for High School Normal Training Departments.... 39 Number to be certified to by County Superintendent 7"> How dismissed 86 To receive pay for attending institute 89 Appropriation for 89 To attend institutes 89 Employment and payment of 130 To furnish list of delinquent children 133 Not to sell school supplies 136 No discrimination on account of sex or religious belief 138 To make report to District Clerk 140 Qualifications of in Kindergartens 172 High School Districts to be employed by Trustees 227 To make physical examination of school pupils charts ques- tions reports 346 Certificate registration fee 354 TEACHERS FUND To be kept by Treasurer and paid out how 160 TEACHERS INSTITUTES See "Institutes." TEXT BOOKS See "Books." THANKSGIVING DAY Legal holiday ....313 SCHOOL LAWS OF WYOMING 139 THE DISTRICT BOUNDARY BOARD Section To lay off, change and abolish districts 80 Of whom composed 80-82 Appeal from decision of to State Superintendent.. 84 TOWNS See "Cities." TREASURER Of District to give bond 127 To make and publish report 159 To receive money apportioned to district 162 To render statement 163 To pay for books 177 TRUSTEES BOARD OF May select books 25 Of new district how elected 103 Elected at annual meeting 105 Constitute Board of Directors 105 When district may have six 106 To cause enumeration of children to be made 165 To employ enumerator when 166 To establish Kindergartens 171 To call election for School District bonds to sell bonds 183-185 To require additional bond from County Treasurer for money received from School District bonds 193 To open election for formation of High School District 210 To act as judges of election for formation of High School Dis- tricts 211 High School Districts first how appointed 214 High School Districts when elected 215 High School Districts term of office 216 Board of High School District quorum 217 High School Districts their duties 219 High School Districts to submit question of issuing bonds 221 High School Districts to make estimates for maintenance 233 High School Districts to keep records seal, etc 225 High School Districts to provide buildings 226 High School Districts to employ teachers 227 High School Districts to make reports 236 High School Districts entitled to mileage no compensation 236 Duty as to physical examination of children 349 District Board of Trustees to be head of educational matters 3 TRUANCY Duties of officers 132 TRUANT OFFICER^- Duties of .. ....132 140 SCHOOL LAWS OF WYOMING TUITION Section High Scholos 238 High School Districts free to residents 238 UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING See "State University." UNIVERSITY, BOARD OF TRUSTEES Not affected by State Department 1 UNIVERSITIES Approved 17 USURY When rate not effective 311 Interest on public warrants 312 VACANCY In District Board how filled ..126 In office determined by whom 248 In elective ofiice how caused 254 VACCINATION May be required 310 VILLAGE To be in one School District 83 VOCATIONAL EDUCATION Appropriation for 355 VOCATIONAL SCHOOLS Under whose supervision 14 VOTERS Qualifications of 115 WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY Legal holiday 313 WOMAN SUFFRAGE .. ....251 I U UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY