M3 2E5 a jfl MANUAL OF THE MOLLUSCA. :P:E AIRILY KAID it 'I'll,' ni.iiifl,- A fls eUrrsdl f ,'>/,/ .\i Tent&cles s ./// < /,,;/,/. //. ./,-//// //,,//,....". ////, //,. //.,///. A'- 1 . './. MANUAL OF THE MOLLUSCA;* / . OR, A RUDIMENTARY TREATISE RECENT AND FOSSIL SHELLS. BY S. P. WOODWARD, * ASSOCIATE OF THE LINNEAN SOCIETY; ASSISTANT IN THE DEPARTMENT OF MINERALOGY AND GEOLOGY IN THE BRITISH MUSEUM; AND MEMBER OF THE COTTESWOLDE NATURALISTS' CLUB. ILLUSTRATED BY A. N. WATERHOUSE AND JOSEPH WILSON LOWRY. LONDON: JOHN WEALE, 59, HIGH HOLBOEN. MDCCCLI. in Lih, LONDON PRINTED BY WILLIAM OSTELL, HART STREET, BLOOMSBURY. CONTENTS. PAGE Table of the Sub-kingdoms and Classes of Animals 2 INTRODUCTION. CHAPTER I. ON THE POSITION of THE MOLLTJSCA IN THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. Characters of the four primary groups ; Vertebrata Mollusca Articulata Radiata. Their equal antiquity ... 3 CHAPTER II. CLASSES or THE MOLLTJSCA. 1. Cephalopoda. 2. Gasteropoda. 3. Pteropoda. 4. Brachiopoda. 5. Conchifera. 6. Tunicata 6 CHAPTER III. HABITS AND ECONOMY or THE MOLLUSCA. Sedentary tribes, their mode of attachment ; locomotive tribes, their means of progression ; situations frequented by shell -fish. Food : vegetable- infusorial- and animal-feeders. Use of shell-fish to other animals for food ; use of shells for ornamental and other purposes ; prices of shells. Duration of molluscous animals ; tenacity of life ; fecundity ; oviposition 10 252012 VI CONTENTS. CHAPTER IV. PAGE STRUCTURE AND PHYSIOLOGY OF THE MOLLUSCA. Nervous system; organs of sense. Muscular system. Digestive system ; lingual teeth ; secretions. Circulating system ; aquiferous canals. Respiratory system. The shell, its composition and structure; nacreous, fibrous, and porcel- laneous shells ; epidermis ; erosion of fresh-water shells. Formation and growth of the shell ; adult characters ; de- collated shells ; monstrosities ; colours ; the operculum ; homologies. Temperature and hybernation. Reproduc- tion : of lost parts ; by gemmation ; viviparous ; alternate ; oviparous. Development 21 CHAPTER V. CLASSIFICATION. Affinities; analogies; species; genera; fami- lies ; the quinary system 55 CHAPTER VI. NOMENCLATURE. Synonyms; authorities; types 59 ABBREVIATIONS 61 SYNOPSIS OF THE GENERA. CLASS I. CEPHALOPODA. ORDER I. DIBRANCHIATA 62 SECTION A. OCTOPODA 64 Fam. I. Argonautid#d#.---Spirula .., 77 ORDER II. TETRABRANCHIATA 83 Fam. I. Nautilidce. Nautilus, Lituites, Trochoceras, Cly- menia , 83 Fam. II. Orthoceratidte. Orthoceras, Gomphoceras, On- coceras, Phragmoceras, Cyrtoceras, Gyroceras, Ascoceras 87 Fam. III. Ammonitida. Goniatites, Bactrites, Ceratites, Ammonites, Crioceras, Turrilites, Hamites, Ptychoceras, Baculites 91 CLASS II. GASTEROPODA , 97 ORDER I. PROSOBRANCHIATA 103 SECTION A. SIPHONOSTOMATA lOi Fam. I. Strombidce. Strombus, Pteroceras, Rostellaria, Seraphs 104 Fam. II. MuricidcB. Murex, Pisania, Eanella, Triton, Tas- ciolaria, TurbinelJa, Cancellaria, Trichotropis, Pyrda, Fusus 106 Fam. III. Buccinida. Buccinum, Pseudoliva, Anolax, Halia, Terebra, Eburna, Nassa, Phos, Ringicula ?, Pur- pura, Purpurina, Monoceros, Pedicularia, Bicinula, Pla- naxis, Magilus, Cassis, Oniscia, Cithara, Cassidaria, Do- lium, Harpa, Columbella, Oliva, Aneillaria 110 Fam. IV. Conida. Conus, Pleurotoma 117 Fam. V. Volutida. Voluta, Cymba, Mitra, Yolvaria, Mar- gineUa 118 Fam. VI. Cypraida. Cypra3a, Erato, vulum 120 Vlll CONTENTS. PAGE SECTION B. HOLOSTOMATA 122 Fam. I. Naticida. Natica, Sigaretus, Lamellaria, Narica, Yelutina 122 Fam. II. Pyramidellida. Pyramidella, Odostomia, Chem- nitzia, Stylina, Loxonema, Macrocheilus . . / .' . . . 125 Fam. Ill, Cerithiadce. Cerithium, Potamides, Nerinaea, Fastigiella, Aporrhais, Struthiolaria 127 Fam. IV. Melamadae. Melania, Paludomus, Melanopsis... 130 Fam. V. TurritelliddB. Turritella, Aclis, Csecum, Verme- tus, Siliquaria, Scalaria 132 Fam. VI. Litorinidae. Litorina, Solarium, Phorus, Lacuna, Litiopa, Eissoa, Skenea, Truncatella, ? Lithoglyplius .,, 134 Fam. VII. Paludinidte. Paludina,Ampullaria, Amphibola, Yalvata 138 Fam. VIII. Neritidae. Nerita, Pileolus, Neritina., Navicella 140 Fam. IX. Turbinidce. Turbo, Phasianella, Imperator, Tro- chus, Eotella, Monodonta, Delphinula, Adeorbis, Euom- phalus, Stomatella, Broderipia 142 Fam. X. Haliotis. Haliotis, Stomatia, Scissurella, Pleuro- tomaria, Murchisonia, Trochotoma, Cirrus, lanthina 146 Fam. XI. Fissurellid(B. rissurella, Puncturella, Simula, Emarginula, Parmophorus 149 Fam. XII. Calyptraidce. Calyptrsea, Crepidula, Pileopsis, Hipponyx 151 Fam. XIII. PatellidcB. Patella, Acmsea, Gadinia, Sipho- uaria 153 Fam. XIV. Dentaliada. Dentalium 156 n. XV. CUtonida. Chiton . . 156 NOTICE. THE second part of this Manual is now in preparation, and will be published early in the summer. It will contain an ac- count of the remaining orders of shell-fish: a chapter on the Geographical Distribution of the MoUusca, with a Map of the Marine and Terrestrial Provinces ; a chapter on the distribution Fossil Shells ; another on the methods of collecting and pre- serving Land, Fresh-water, and Sea-shells ; the Preface ; and an Index of the genera and technical terms . The writer desires to acknowledge his obligations to Mr. Hugh Gumming. Professor Edward Forbes, and other gentlemen vho have assisted him by advice, and the loan of specimens : dso to Mr. Tan Voorst, for permission to copy some interesting igures from the " British MoUusca : ?J and his thanks are most especially due to Mr. John Edward Gray, Keeper of the Zoolo- gical Department of the British Museum, for access to his library cabinet, and the use of some of the best engravings which llustrate these pages. KINGDOM ANIMALIA. SUB-KINGDOM I. VEBTEBRATA. CLASS I. MAMMALIA. II. AVES. III. REPTILIA. IV. PISCES. SUB-KINGDOM II. MOLLUSCA. CLASS I. CEPHALOPODA. II. GASTEROPODA. III. PTEROPODA. IV. BRACHIOPODA. V. CONCHIFERA. YI. TUNICATA. SUB-KINGDOM III, AKTICULATA. CLASS I. INSECTA. II. ARACHNIDA. III. CRUSTACEA. IV. CIRRIPEDA. Y. ANELLATA. YI. ENTOZOA. SUB-KINGDOM IY. EADIATA. CLASS I. ACALEPHA. II. ECHINODERMATA. III. ZOOPHYTA. IY. FORAMINIFERA. Y. INFUSORIA. YI. AMORPHOZOA. MANUAL OF THE MOLLUSCA. INTRODUCTION. CHAPTER I. ON THE POSITION OF THE MOLLUSCA IN THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. ALL known animals are constructed upon four different types, and constitute as many natural divisions or sub-kingdoms. 1. The first of these primary groups is characterized by an internal skeleton, of which the essential, or ever-present part, is a backbone, composed of numerous joints, or vertebra. These are the animals most familiar to us ; beasts, birds, reptiles, and fishes, are four classes which agree in this one respect, and are hence collectively termed vertebrate animals, or the vertebrata. 2. Another type is exemplified in the common garden-snail, the nautilus, and the oyster ; animals whose soft bodies are pro- tected by an external shell, which is harder than bone, and equally unlike the skeleton of fishes, and the hard covering of the crab and lobster. These creatures form the subject of the present history, and are called mollmca.* * Mollusca soft (animals), from mollis. The Greeks termed them Ma- lakia, whence the modern word Malacology, or the study of shell-fish. B 2 M^TCAL OF TKE 3. The various tribes of insects, spiders, crabs, and worms> Lave no internal skeleton ; but to compensate for it, their outer integument is sufficiently hard to serve at once the purposes of bones, and of a covering and defence. This external armature, like the bodies and limbs which it covers, is divided into seg- ments or joints, which well distinguishes the members of this group from the others. The propriety of arranging worms with insects will be seen, if it be remembered, that even the butterfly and bee commence existence in a very worm-like form. This division of jointed animals bears the name of the articulate. 4. The fourth part of the animal kingdom consists of the coral-animals, star-fishes, sea-jellies, and those countless micro- scopic beings which swarm in all waters. Whilst other animals are bi-lateral, or have a right and left side, and organs arranged in pairs, these have their organs placed in a circle around the mouth or axis of the body, and have hence obtained the appella- tion of radiata. These groups illustrate successively the grand problems of animal economy. The lower divisions exhibit the perfection- izing of the functions of nutrition and reproduction ; the higher groups present the most varied and complete development of the senses, locomotive powers, and instincts. We may also trace in them an ideal progression from the simplest to the most complicated structure and conditions. Commencing with the Infusorial monad, we may ascend in imagination by a succession of closely allied forms, to the sea-urchin arid holothuria* ; and thence by the lowest organized worms, upwards to the flying insect. Or, starting at the same point, we may pass from the polypes to the tunicaries ; and from the higher kinds of shell- fish to the true fishes, and so on to those classes whose physical organization is most nearly identical with our own. The mollusca are thus related to two of the other primary groups ; by the affinity of their simpler forms to the zoophytes, See the History of British Star-fishes, by Professor E. Forbes. MOLLUSCA IN THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. 5 and of their highest class to the fishes ; to the cirripedes and other articulate animals, they present only superficial and illusive resemblance. And further, we shall find that although it is customary to speak of shell-fish as " less perfect" animals, yet they really attain the perfection of their own type of structure ; indeed it would seem to have been impossible to make any further advance, physical, or psychical, except by adopting a widely different plan from that on which the molluscous animals have been constructed. The evidence afforded by geological researches at present tends to shew that the four leading types of animal structure have existed simultaneously from the very beginning of life upon the globe ;* and though perpetually varying in the form under which they were manifested, they have never since entirely ceased to exist. By adding to the living population of the world, those forms which peopled it in times long past, we may arrive at some dim conception of the great scheme of the animal kingdom. And if at present we see not the limits of the temple of nature, nor fully comprehend its design, at least we can feel sure that there is a boundary to this present order of things ; and that there has been a plan, such as we, from our mental constitution, are able to appreciate, and to study with ever-increasing admiration. * Mr E. Logan, Geological Surveyor of the Canadas, has discovered foot prints of a tortoise, near Montreal, in the "Lingula Shale," or oldest fossi- biferous rock at present known. MANUAL OF THE MOLLUSCA. CHAPTER II. CLASSES OP THE MOLLUSCA. THE mollusca are animals with soft bodies, enveloped in a mus- cular skin, and usually protected by a univalve or bivalve shell. That part of their integument which contains the viscera and secretes the shell, is termed the mantle ; in the univalves it takes the form of a sac, with an opening in front, from which the head and locomotive organs project : in the bivalves it is divided into two lobes. The univalve mollusca are encephalous, or furnished with E distinct head ; they have eyes and tentacula, and the mouth is armed with jaws. Cuvier has divided them into three classes, founded on the modifications of their feet, or principal locomo- tive organs. 1. The cuttle-fishes constitute the first-class, and are termed cephalopoda* because their feet, or more properly arms, are at- tached to the head, forming a circle round the mouth. Fig. l.f Oral aspect of a Cephalopod. * From Cepkale, the head and poda feet. See the frontispiece and pi. I. f Fig. 1. Loligo mdgaris, Lam. \. From a specimen taken off Tenby, by J. S. Bowerbank, Esq. The mandibles are seen in the centre, surrounded by the circular lip, the buccal membrane (with two rows of small cups on its lobes), the eight sessile arras, and the long pedunculated tentacles (t), with their en- larged extremities or clubs (c). The dorsal arms are lettered (d), the funnel (f). CLASSES OF THE MOLLUSCA. 2. Iii the gasteropoda* or snails, the under side of the body forms a single muscular foot, on which the animals creep or glide. Fig. 2. A Gastero^od.\ 3. The pterpoda% only inhabit the sea, and swim with a pair of fins, extending outwards from the sides of the head. Fig. 3. A Pteropod. The other mollusca are acephalous, or destitute of any dis- tinct head ; they are all aquatic, and most of them are attached, or have no means of moving from place to place. They are di- vided into three classes, characterized by modifications in their breathing-organ and shell. 4. The brackiapoda^ are bivalves, having one shell placed on the back of the animal, and the other in front ; they have nc * Gaster, the under side of the body. f Fig. 2. Helix desertorum. Forskal. From a living specimen in the British Museum, March, 1850. \ Pteron, a wing. Fig. 3. Hyaloea tridentata, Lam., from Quoy and Gaimard. ^[ Brachion, an arm ; these organs were supposed to take the place ol the feet in the preceding classes. MANUAL OF THE MOLLUSCA. special breathing organ, but the mantle performs that office ; they take their name from two long ciliated arms, developed from the sides of the mouth, with which they create currents that bring them food. Fig. 4, 5, 6. Brachiopoda* 5. The conchifera,} or ordinary bivalves, (like the oyster), breathe by two pairs of gills, in the form of flat membraneous plates, attached to the mantle ; one valve is applied to the right, the other to the left side of the body. 6. The tunicata have no shell, but are protected by an elas- tic, gelatinous tunic, with two orifices ; the breathing-organ takes the form of an inner tunic, or of a riband stretched across the internal cavity. Five of these modifications of the molluscan type of organiza- tion, were known to Linnaeus, who referred the animals of all his genera of shell-fish to one or other of them ; % but unfortu- nately he did not himself adopt the truth which he was the first * Fig. 4. (3). Rhynchonella psittacea, Chem, sp., dorsal valve, with the animal (after Owen). 5, 6, Terebratula australis, Q,uoy. From specimens collected by Mr. Jukes. (2). Ideal side view of both valves, (f, the retractor muscles, by which the valves are opened). (1). Dorsal valve. These wood- cuts have been kindly lent by Mr. J. E. Gray. f Conckifera, Shell-bearers. J The Linnsean types were Sepia, Limax, Clio, Anemia, Ascidia. Tere- Iratula was included with Anomia, its organization being unknown. CLASSES OF THE MOLLUSCA. to see ; and here, as in his botany, employed an artificial, in pre- ference to a natural method. The systematic arrangement of natural objects ought not, however, to be guided by convenience, nor " framed merely for the purposes of easy remembrance and communication." The true method must be suggested by the objects themselves, by their qualities and relations ; it may not be easy to learn, it may require perpetual modification and adjustment, but inas- much as it represents the existing state of knowledge it will aid in the UNDERSTANDING of the subject, whereas a " dead and arbitrary arrangement" is a perpetual bar to advancement, " con- taining in itself no principle of progression." (Coleridge.) Fig. 7. A Bivalve.* Fig. 8. A Tunicavy.^ Mya truncata, L. . From Forbes and Hanley. t Ascidia merttula, Mull. Ideal representation; from a specimen dredsred by Mr. Bowerbank, off Tenby. B 3 10 MANUAL OF THE MOLLUSCA. CHAPTER III. HABITS AND ECONOMY OF THE MOLLUSCA. EVERY living creature has a history of its own ; each has charac- teristics by which it may be known from its relatives ; each has its own territory, its appropriate food, and its duties to perform in the economy of nature. Our present purpose, however, is to point out those circumstances and trace the progress of those changes which are not peculiar to individuals or to species, but have a wider application, and form the history of a great class. In their infancy the molluscous animals are more alike, both in appearance and habits, than in after life ; and the fry of the acquatic races are almost as different from their parents as the caterpillar from the butterfly. The analogy, however, is reversed in one respect ; for whereas the adult shell-fish are often seden- tary, or walk with becoming gravity, the young are all swimmers, and by means of their fins and the ocean-currents, they travel to long distances, and thus diffuse their race as far as a suitable climate and conditions are found. Myriads of these little voyagers drift from the shores into the open sea and there perish ; their tiny and fragile shells become part of a deposit that is for ever increasing over the bed of the deep sea, at depths too great for any living thing to inhabit. (Forbes.) Some of these little creatures shelter themselves beneath the shell of their parent for a time, and many can spin silken threads with which they moor themselves, and avoid being drifted away. They all have a protecting shell, and even the young bivalves have eyes at this period of their lives, to aid them in choosing an appropriate locality. After a few days, or even less, of this sportive existence, the HABITS AND ECONOMY OF THE MOLLUSCA. 11 sedentary tribes settle in the place they intend to occupy during the remainder of their lives. The tunicary cements itself to rock or sea-weed ; the shipworm adheres to timber, and the pholas and UtJiodomus to limestone rocks, in which they soon excavate a chamber which renders their first means of anchorage unneces- sary. The mya and razor-fish burrow in sand or mud; the mussel and pinna spin a byssus ; the oyster and spondylus attach themselves by spines or leafy expansions of their shell ; the brachiopoda are all fixed by similar means, and even some of the gasteropods become voluntary prisoners, as the Upponyx and vermetus. Other tribes retain the power of travelling at will, and shift their quarters periodically, or in search of food ; the river-mussel drags itself slowly along by protruding and contracting its flexible foot ; the cockle and trigonia have the foot bent, enabling them to make short leaps ; the scallop (pector opercularis) swims rapidly by opening and shutting its tinted valves. Nearly all the gasteropods creep like the snail, though some are much more active than others; the pond-snails can glide along the surface of the water, shell- down wards ; the nucleobranches and pteropods swim in the open sea. The cuttle-fishes have a strange mode of walking, head-downwards, on their outspread arms ; they can also swim with their fins, or with their webbed .arms, or by expelling the water forcibly from their branchial chamber ; the calamary can even strike the surface of the sea with its tail, and dart into the air like the flying-fish. (Owen.) By these means the mollusca have spread themselves over every part of the habitable globe ; every region has its tribe ; every situation its appropriate species ; the land-snails frequent moist places, or woods, or sunny banks and rocks, climb trees, or burrow in the ground. The air-breathing limneids live ir fresh- water, only coming occasionally to the surface; and the auriculas live on the sea-shore, or in salt-marshes. In the sea, each zone of depth has its molluscous fauna. The limpet and periwinkle live between tide-marks, where they are left dry twice 12 MANUAL OF THE MOLLUSCA. a-day ; the trochi and purpura are found at low water, amongst the sea-weed ; the mussel affects muddy shores, the cockle re- joices in extensive sandy flats. Most of the finely-coloured shells of the tropics are found in shallow water, or amongst the breakers. Oyster-banks are usually in four or five fathom water ; scallop- banks at twenty fathoms. Deepest of all, the terebratula are found, commonly at fifty fathoms, and sometimes at one hundred fathoms, even in Polar seas. The fairy-like pteropoda, the oceanic- snail, and multitudes of other floating molluscs, pass their lives on the open sea, for ever out of sight of land ; whilst the litiopa and scylltea follow the gulf-weed in its voyages, and feed upon the green delusive banks. The food of the mollusca is either vegetable, infusorial, or animal. All the land-snails are vegetable-feeders, and their de- predations are but too well known to the gardener and farmer ; many a crop of winter corn and spring tares has been wasted by the ravages of the " small grey slug." They have their likings, too, for particular plants, most of the pea-tribe and cabbage- tribe are favourites, but they hold white mustard in abhorence, and fast or shift their quarters while that crop is on the ground.* Some, like the " cellar-snail," feed on cryptogamic vegetation, or on decaying leaves ; and the slugs are attracted \^ fungi, or any odorous substances. The round-mouthed sea-snails are nearly all vegetarians, and consequently limited to the shore and the. shallow waters in which sea- weeds grow. Beyond fifteen fathoms, almost the only vegetable production is the nullipore ; but here corals and horny zoophytes take the place of algce and afford a more nutritious diet. The whole of the bivalves, and other head-less shell-fish, live on infusoria, or on microscropic vegetables, brought to them by the current which their ciliary apparatus perpetually excites ; such, too, must be the sustenance of the magilus, sunk in its * Dilute lime-water and very weak alkaline solutions are more fatal to snails than even salt. HABITS AND ECONOMY OF THE MOLLUSCA. 13 coral bed, and of the calyptrcea 9 fettered to its birth-place by its calcarious foot. The carnivorous tribes prey chiefly on other shell-fish, or on zoophytes ; since, with the exception of the cuttle-fishes, their organization scarcely adapts them for pursuing and destroying other classes of animals. One remarkable exception is formed by the stylina, which lives parasitically on the star-fish and sea- urchin ; and another by the testacelle, which preys on the com- mon earth-worm, following it in its burrow, and wearing a buckler, which protects it in the rear. Most of the siphonated univalves are animal-feeders ; the carrion-eating stromb and whelk consume the fishes and other creatures whose remains are always plentiful on rough and rocky coasts. Many wage war on their own relatives, and take them by assault ; the bivalve may close, and the operculated nerite retire into his home, but the enemy, with rasp-like tongue, armed with silicious teeth, files a hole through the shell, vain shield where instinct guides the attack ! Of the myriads of small shells which the sea heaps up in every sheltered " ness," a large proportion will be found thus bored by the whelks and purples ; and in fossil shell-beds, such as that in the Touraine, nearly half the bivalves and sea-snails are perforated, the relics of antedi- luvian banquets. This is on the shore, or on the bed of the sea; far away from land the carinaria and firola pursue the floating acalephe ; and the argonaut, with his relative the spirula, both carnivorous, are found in the " high seas," in almost every quarter of the globe. The most active and rapacious of all are the calamaries and cuttles, who vindicate their high position in the naturalists' " system," by preying even on fishes. As the shell-fish are great eaters, so in their turn they afford food to many other creatures ; fulfilling the universal law of eat- ing, and being eaten. Civilized man still swallows the oyster, although snails are no longer reckoned " a dainty dish ;" mussels, cockles, and periwinkles are in great esteem with children and MANUAL OF THE MOLLUSCA. the other unsophisticated classes of society ; and so are scallops and the kaliotis, where they can be obtained. Two kinds of whelk are brought to the London market in great quantities ; and the arms of the cuttle-fish are eaten by the Neapolitans, and also by the East Indians and Malays. In seasons of scarcity, vast quantities of shell -fish are consumed by the poor inhabitants of the Scotch arid Irish coasts.* Still more are regularly collected for bait ; the calarnary is much used in the cod-fishery, off New- foundland, and the limpet and whelk on our own coasts. Many wild animals feed on shell-fish ; the rat and the racoon seek for them on the sea-shore when pressed by hunger; the South-American otter, and the crab-eating opossum constantly resort to " salt-marshes, and the sea, and prey on the mollusca ; the great whale lives habitually on the small floating pteropods ; sea-fowl search for the literal species at every ebbing tide; whilst, in their own element, the marine kinds are perpetually devoured by fishes. The haddock is a " great conchologist ;" and some good northern sea-shells have been rescued, unbroken, from the stomach of the cod ; whilst even the strong valves of the cyprina are not proof against the teeth of the cat-fish (anarJiicas) . They even fall a prey to animals much their inferiors in saga- city ; the star-fish swallows the small bivalve entire, and dissolves the animal out of its shell; and the bubble-shell (phyline), itself predacious, is eaten both by star-fish and sea-anemone (actinia). The land-snails afford food to many birds, especially to the thrush tribe ; and to some insects, for the luminous larva of the glow-worm lives on them, and some of the large predacious beetles (e. g. carabus violaceus and goerius olens}, occasionally kill slugs. The greatest enemies of the mollusca, however, are those of their own nation ; scarcely one-half the shelly tribes graze peace- See Hugh Miller's Forbes, from Alder and Haneock. MANUAL OP THE MOLLTJSCA. which M. Valenciennes regards as the organ of smell*. Messrs Hancock and Erableton attribute the same function to the la- mellatecl tentacles of the nudibranchs, and compare them withi the olfactory organs of fishes. The labial tentacles of the bivalves are considered to be or- gans for discriminating food, but in what way is unknown (fig. 18. I. .) % The sense of taste, is also indicated rather by the habits of the animals, and their choice of food, than by the structure of a special organ. The acephala appear to exercise little discrimination in selecting food, and swallow anything that is small enough to enter their mouths, including living animal- cules, and even the sharp spicula of sponges. In some instances, however, the oral orifice is well guarded, as in pecten (fig. 10.) In the Enceplmla, the tongue is armed with spines, employed in the comminution of the food, and cannot possess a very de- licate sense. The more ordinary and diffused sense of touch is pos- sessed by all the mollusca ; it is exercised by the skin, which is everywhere soft and lubricous, and in a higher degree by the /.. P-T i i AC -i \ Fig- 12. Lenton Squamosum.-\ fringes of the bivalves (fig. 12), and by the filaments and tentacles (vibraculd) of the gasteropods ; the eye-pedicels of the snail are evidently endowed with great sensitiveness in this respect. That shell-fish are not very sensi- ble of pain, we may well believe, on account of their tenacity of life, and the extent to which they have the power of reproducing lost parts. Muscular System. The muscles of the moUusca are prin- cipally connected with the skin, which is exceedingly contractile in every part. The snail affords a remarkable, though familiar * Mr. Owen regards the membraneous lamella between the oral tentacles and in front of the mouth, as the seat of the olfactory sense. See Fig. 44. f Fig. 12. Lepton sqaumosum Mont., from a drawing by Mr. Alder, ia the British Mollusca ; copied by permission of Mr. Van Voorst. STRUCTURE AND PHYSIOLOGY OF THE MOLLTJSCA. 25 instance, when it draws in its eye-stalks, by a process like the inversion of a glove-finger ; the branching gills of some of the sea-slugs, and the tentacles of the cuttle-fishes, are also emi- nently contractile.* The inner tunic of the ascidians (fig. 8, t.) presents a beau- tiful example of muscular tissue, the crossing fibres having much the appearance of basket-work ; in the transparent salpians, these fibres are grouped in flat bands, and arranged in charac- teristic patterns. In this class (tunicatd) they act only as sphincters (or circular muscles), and by their sudden contraction expel the water from the branchial cavity. The muscular foot of the bivalves is extremely flexible, having layers of circular fibres for its protrusion, (fig. 18./) and longitudinal bands for its re- traction (fig. 30 k) ; its structure and mobility has been com- pared to that of the human tongue. In the burrowing shell-fish (such as solen\ it is very large and powerful, and in the boring species, its surface is studded with silicious particles (spicula), which render it a very efficient instrument for the enlargement of their cells. (Hancock.} In the attached bivalves it is not developed, or exists only in a rudimen- tary state, and is subsidiary to a gland which secretes the material of those threads with which the mussel and pinna attach themselves. (Fig. 13.) These threads are termed the byssus ; the plug of the anomia, and the pedicel of terebratula T P .. Fig. 13. Dreissena.\ are modifications 01 the byssus. In the cuttle-fishes alone, we find muscles attached to in- ternal cartilages which represent the bones of vertebrate animals ; the muscles of the arms are inserted in a cranial cartilage, and those of the fins in the lateral cartilages, the equivalents of the pectoral fins of fishes. * The muscular fibres of shell-fish do not exhibit the transverse stripes which characterize voluntary muscles in the higher animals. f Fig. 13. Dreissena potymorpha (Pallas sp.) from the Surrey timber- docks. /, foot, b, byssus. C *o MANUAL OF THE MOLLUSCA. Muscles of a third kind are attached to the shell. The valves of the oyster (and other mono-myaries) are connected by a single muscle ; those of the cytherea (and other di-myaries\ by two ; the contraction of which brings the valves together. They are hence named adductors ; and the part of the shell to which they are attached is always indicated by scars. (Tig. 14, a. a'). A i place of Pig. 14. Left valve of Cytherea chione* The border of the mantle is also muscular, and the pL its attachment is marked in the shell by a line called the pallial impression (p ) ; the presence of a bay, or sinus ( s ), in this line, shews that the animal had retractile siphons ; the foot of the animal is withdrawn by retractor muscles also attached to the shell, and leaving small scars near those of the adductors (Fig. 30*). The gasteropods withdraw into their shells when alarmed, by a shell-muscle, which passes into the foot, or is attached to the operculum ; its impression is horse- shoe-shaped in the lim- pet, as also in navicella, concholepas, and the nautilus ; it be- * Fig. 14. Cytherea chione, L., coast of Devon, (original) ; h, the hinge ligament ; u, the umbo ; I, the lunule ; c, cardinal tooth ; 1 1', lateral teeth ; a, anterior adductor ; ', posterior adductor ; p, pallial impression ; s, sinus, occupied by retractor of the siphons. STRUCTURE AND PHYSIOLOGY OF THE MOLLUSCA. 27 comes deeper with age. In the spiral univalves, the scar is less conspicuous, being situated on the columella, and sometimes divided, forming two spots. It corresponds to the posterior retractors in the bivalves. Digestive system. This part of the animal economy is all- important in the radiate classes, and scarcely of less consequence in the mollusca. In the ascidians (fig. 8, i\ the alimentary canal is a convoluted tube, in part answering to the oesophagus, and in part to the intestine ; the stomach is distinguished by longitudinal folds, which increase its extent of surface ; it receives the secretion of the liver by one or more apertures. In those bivalves, which have a large foot, the digestive organs are con- cealed in the upper part of that organ ; the mouth is unarmed, except by two pairs of soft membranous palpi, which look like accessory gills (fig. 18. I. t.) The ciliated arms of the brachi- pods, occupy a similar position (figs. 4, 5, 6), and are regarded as their equivalents*. The encephalous mollusca are frequently armed with horny jaws, working vertically like the mandibles of a bird ; in the land-snails, the upper jaw is opposed only by the denticulated tongue, whilst the limneids have two additional horny jaws, acting laterally. The tongue is muscular, and armed with recurved spines (or lingual teeth), arranged in a great va- riety of patterns, which are eminently characteristic of the genera.* Their teeth are amber-coloured, glossy, and trans- lucent ; and being silicious (they are insoluble in acid), they can be used like a file, for the abrasion of very hard substances. With them the limpet rasps the stony nullipore, the whelk bores holes in other shells, and the cuttle-fish doubtless uses its tongue in the same manner as the cat. The tongue, or lingual ribbon, usually forms a triple band, of which the central part is called the rachis, and the lateral tracts pleura, the rachidiari teeth * The preparation of tlie lingual ribbon as a permanent microscopic object, requires some nicety of manipulation, but the arrangement of the teeth may be seen by merely compressing part of the animal between two pieces of glass. C 2 MANUAL OP THE MOLLUSCA. sometimes form a single series, overlapping each other, or there are lateral teeth on each side of a median series. The teeth on the pleurse are termed uncini ; they are extremely numerous in the plant-eating gasteropods. (Fig. 15. A.)* Fig. 15. Lingual Teeth of Mollusca. Sometimes the tongue forms a short semi-circular ridge/ contained between the jaws ; at others, it is extremely elongated, and when withdrawn, its folds extend backwards to the stomach. The lingual ribbon of the limpet is longer than the whole ani- mal; the tongue of the whelk has 300 rows of teeth ; and the great slug has 160 rows, with 180 teeth in each row. Fig. 16. Tongue of the The front of the tongue is frequently curved, or bent quite over ; it is the part of the instrument in use, and its teeth are * Fig. 15. A. Lingual teeth of trochus cinerarius (after Loven). Only the median tooth, and the (5) lateral teeth, and (90) uncini of one side of a single row are represented. B. One row of the lingual teeth of cyprcea europaa; consisting of a median tooth, and three uncini on each side of it. t Fig. 16. Lingual ribbon of buccinum undatum (original), from a pre- paration communicated by \Vm. Thomson, Esq., of King's College. STRUCTURE AND PHYSIOLOGY OF THE MOLLUSCA. 29 often broken or blunted. The posterior part of the lingual rib- bon usually has its margins rolled together, and united, forming a tube, which is presumed to open gradually. The new teeth are developed from behind forwards, and are brought successively into use, as in the sharks and rays amongst fishes. In the bullada the rachis of the tongue is unarmed, and the business of communicating the food is transferred to an organ which re- sembles the gizzard of a fowl, and is often paved with calcarious plates, so large and strong as to crush the small shell-fish which are swallowed entire. In the aplysia, which is a vegetable-feeder, the gizzard is armed with numerous small plates and spines. The stomach of some bivalves contains an instru- ment called the crystalline stylet," Kg 1? Gizsar ^ f Bulla , which is conjectured to have a si- milar use. In the cephalopods there is a crop in which the food may accumulate, as well as a gizzard for its trituration. The liver is always large in the mollusca (fig. 10) ; its se- cretion is derived from arterial blood, and is poured either into the stomach, or the commencement of the intestine. In the nudibranehs, whose stomachs are often remarkably branched, the liver accompanies all the gastric ramifications, and even enters the respiratory papillas on the backs of the eolids. The existence of a renal organ has been ascertained in most classes ; in the bivalves it was detected by the presence of uric acid. The intestine is more convoluted in the herbivorous than in the car- nivorous tribes : in the bivalves and in Jialiotis it passes through the ventricle of the heart ; its termination is always near the respiratory aperture (or excurrent orifice, when there are * Fig. 17. Gizzard of bulla lignaria (original). Front and side view of a half-grown specimen, with the part nearest the head of the animal down, wards ; in the front view the plates are in contact. The cardiac orifice is in the centre, in front ; the pyloric orifice is on the posterior dorsal side, near the small transverse plate. 30 MANUAL OP THE MOLLUSC A. two*), and the excrements are carried away by the water which has already passed over the gills. Besides the organs already mentioned, the eiicephalous mol- lusks are always furnished with well- developed salivary glands, and some have a rudimentary pancreas ; many have also special glands for the secretion of coloured fluids, such as the purple of the murex, the violet liquid of ianthina and aplysia t the yellow of the bulladce, the milky fluid of eolis, and the inky secretion of the cuttle-fishes. A few exhale peculiar odours, like the garlic- snail (helix alliaria) and eledone moschata. Many are phos- phorescent, especially the floating tunicaries (salpa and pyrosoma), and bivalves which inhabit holes ( plwladidce). Some of the cuttle- fishes are slightly luminous ; and one land-slug, the phosphorax, takes its name from the same property. Circulating system. The mollusca have no distinct absorbent system, but the product of digestion (chyle) passes into the ge- neral abdominal cavity, and thence into the larger veins, which are perforated with numerous round apertures. The circulating organs are the heart, arteries, and veins ; the blood is colourless, or pale bluish white. The heart consists of an auricle (sometimes divided into two), which receives the blood from the gills ; and a muscular ventricle which propels it into the arteries of the body. Prom the capillary extremities of the arteries it collects again into the veins, circulates a second time through the respi- ratory organ, and returns to the heart as arterial blood. Besides this systemic heart, the circulation is aided by two additional branchial hearts in the cuttle-fishes ; and by four in the brachio- poda. Mr. Alder has counted from 60 to 80 pulsations per minute in the nudibranchs, and 120 per minute in a vitrina. Both the arteries and veins form occasionally wide spaces, or * In most of the gasteropods the intestine returns upon itself, and ter- minates on the right side, near the head. Occasionally it ends in a perfo- ration more or less removed from the margin of the aperture, as in trocho- toma, fissurella, macrochisma, and dentalium. In chiton the intestine is straight, and terminates posteriorly. STRUCTURE AND PHYSIOLOGY OP THE MOLLUSCA. 31 sinuses ; in the cuttle-fishes the oesophagus is partly or entirely surrounded by a venous sinus ; and in the acephala the viceral cavity itself forms part of the circulating system. The circulation in the tunicaries presents a most remarkable exception to the general rule, for their blood ebbs and flows in the same vessels, as it was supposed to do in the human veins before the time of Harvey. In the transparent salpce it may be seen passing from the heart into vessels connected with the viscera and tunics, and thence into the branchial vessels ; but when this has continued for a time, the movement ceases, and recommences in the opposite direction, passing from the heart to the gill and thence to the system. (Lister.} In the compound tunicaries, there is a common circulation through the connecting medium, in addition to the individual currents. Aquiferous canals. Sea-water is admitted to the visceral cavity of many of the mollusks (as it is also in radiate animals), by minute canals, opening externally in the form of pores. These aquiferous pores are situated either in the centre of the creeping disc, as in cyprtea, conus, and ancillaria ; or at its mar- gin, as in haliotis, doris, and aplysia. In the cuttle-fishes, they are variously placed, on the sides of the head, or at the bases of the arms; some of them conduct to the large sub-orbital pouches, into which the tentacles are retracted. Respiratory system. The respiratory process consists in the exposure of the blood to the influence of air, or water con- taining air ; during which oxygen is absorbed and carbonic acid liberated. It is a process essential to animal life, and is never entirely suspended, even during hybernation. Those air- breathers that inhabit water are obliged to visit the surface fre- quently ; and stale water is so inimical to the water-breathers, that they soon attempt to escape from the confinement of a glass or basin, unless the water is frequently renewed.* In general, * When aquatic plants are kept in the same glass with water-breathing snails, a balance is produced ; which enables both to live without change of water. 32 MANUAL OF THE MOLLUSCA. fresh-water is immediately fatal to marine species, and salt-water to those which properly inhabit fresh ; but there are some which affect brackish water, and many which endure it to a limited ex- tent. The depth at which shell-fish live, is influenced by the quantity of oxygen which they require ; the most active and energetic races live only in shallow water, or near the surface ; those found in very deep water are the lowest in their instincts, and are specially organized for their situation. Some water- breathers require only moist sea-air, and a bi-diurnal visit from the tide, like the periwinkle, limpet, and Jcellia ; whilst many air-breathers live entirely in the water or in damp places by the water-side. In fact, the nature of the respiratory process is the same, whether it be aquatic or aerial, and it is essential in each case that the surface of the breathing-organ should be preserved moist. The process is more complete in proportion to the ex- tent and minute sub -division of the vessels, in which the circu- lating fluid is exposed to the revivifying influence. The land-snails (pulmonifera), have a lung, or air-chamber, formed by the folding of the mantle, over the interior of which the pulmonary vessels are distributed ; this chamber has a round orifice, on the right side of the animal, which opens and closes at irregular intervals. The air in this cavity seems to renew itself with sufficient rapidity (by the law of diffusion), without any special mechanism. In the aquatic shell-fish, respiration is performed by the mantle, or by a portion of it specialized, and forming a gill (brancJiia). It is effected by the mantle alone in one family of tunicaries (pelonaiadce), in all the brachiopoda> and in one family of gasteropods (actceonidte). In most of the tunicata, the breathing organ forms a distinct sac lining the muscular tunic, or mantle (fig. 8. #.) ; this sac has only one external aperture, and conducts to the mouth, which is situated at its base. It is a sieve-like structure, and its inner surface is clothed with vibratile cilia* which create a perpetual * From cilium, an eyelash ; they are only visible under favourable circum- STRUCTURE AND PHYSIOLOGY OF THE MOLLUSCA. 33 current, setting in through the (branchial) orifice, escaping through the meshes of the net, and passing out by the anal orifice of the outer tunics. The regularity of this current is interrupted only by spasmodic contractions of the mantle, occurring at irregular intervals, by which the creature spirts out water from both orifices, and thus clears its cavity of such accumulated particles as are rejected by the mouth ; and too large to escape through the branchial pores. In the salpians, these contractions are ryth- mical, and have the effect of propelling them backwards. In the ordinary bivalves, the gills form two membranous plates on each side of the body ; the muscu- lar mantle is still sometimes united, forming a chamber with two orifices, into one of which the water flows, whilst it escapes from the other ; there is a third open- ing in front, for the foot, but this in no wise influences the branchial circulation. Some- ^ 18 - Trigonia pectinata* times the orifices are drawn out into long tubes, or siphons, es- pecially in those shell-fish which burrow in sand. (Figs. 19 and 7.) Fig. 19. Bivalve wth long siphons.^ stances, with the aid of a microscope ; but the currents they cause are easily made perceptible by dropping fine sand into the water over them. * Trigonia pectinata, Lam. (original). Brought from Australia by the late Captain Owen Stanley. The gills are seen in the centre through the transparent mantle, o, mouth j / 1, labial tentacles ; f t foot ; v, vent. f Fig. 19. Psammobia vespertina, Chemn. after Poli, reduced one half. The arrows indicate the direction of the current, r $, respiratory siphon. t *, excurrent siphon. C 3 34 MANUAL OF THE MOLLUSCA. Those bivalves which have no siphons, and even those in which the mantle is divided into two lobes, are provided with valves or folds which render the respiratory channels just as complete in effect. These currents are not in any way connected with the opening and closing of the valves, which is only done in moving ; or in efforts to expel irritating particles.* In some of the gasteropoda the respiratory organs form tufts, exposed on the back and sides (as in the nudibranches), or pro- tected by a fold of the mantle (as in the infer obranclies and tectibranches of Cuvier). But in most the mantle is inflected, and forms a vaulted chamber over the back of the neck, in which are contained the pectinated or plume-like gills (fig. 61). In the carnivorous gasteropods (siphon ostomata) the water passes into this chamber through a siphon, formed by a prolongation of the upper margin of the mantle, and protected by the canal of the shell ; after traversing the length of the gill, it returns and es- capes through a posterior siphon, generally less developed, but very long in ovulum volva, and forming a tubular spine in typhis. In the plant-eating sea-snails (liolostomata), there is no true siphon, but one of the " neck-lappets" is sometimes curled up and performs the same office, as in paludina and ampullaria (fig. 84). The in-coming and out-going currents in the branchial chamber, are kept apart by a valve-like fringe, continued from the neck -lappet. The out-current is still more effectually isolated mfasurella, kaliotis, and dentalium, where it escapes by a hole in the shell, far removed from the point at which it entered. Near this outlet are the anal, renal, arid generative orifices. The cephalopods have two or four plume-like gills, symme- trically placed in a branchial chamber, situated on the under-side * If a river-mussel be placed in a glass of water, and fine sand let fall gently over its respiratory orifices, the particles will be seen to rebound from the vicinity of the upper aperture, whilst they enter the lower one rapidly. But as this kind of food is not palatable, the creature will soon give a plunge with its foot, and closing its valves, spirt the water (and with it the sand) from both orifices ; the motion of the foot is, of course, intended to change its position. STRUCTURE AND PHYSIOLOGY OF THE MOLLI3SCA. 35 of the body ; the opening is in front, and occupied by a funnel, which, in the nautilus, closely resembles the siphon of the palti- dina, but has its edges united in the cuttle-fishes. The free edge of the mantle is so adapted that it allows the water to enter the branchial chamber on each side of the funnel ; its muscular walls then contract and force the water through the funnel, an arrangement chiefly subservient to locomotion.* Mr. Bower- bank has observed, that the eledone makes twenty respirations per minute, when resting quietly in a basin of water. In most instances, the water on the surface of the gills is changed by ciliary action alone ; in the cephalopods and salpians, it is renewed by the alternate expansion arid contraction of the respiratory chamber, as in the vertebrate animals. The respiratory system is of the highest importance in the economy of the mollusca, and its modifications afford most va- luable characters in classification. It will be observed that the Cuvierian classes are based on a variety of particulars, and are very unequal in importance ; but the orders are characterized by their respiratory conditions, and are of much more nearly equal value. Orders. Classes. Dibranchiata. Owen. Tetrabranchiata. Owen. Nucleobranchiata. Bl. ENCEPHALA Prosobranchiata. M. Edw. Pulmonifera. Cuv. Opisthobranchiata. M. Edw. - Aporobranchiata. Bl. ( Palliobranchiata. Bl. ACEPHALA j Lamellibranchiata. BL ( Heterobranchiata. Bl. The Shell. The relation of the shell to the breathing-organ is very intimate ; indeed, it may be regarded as a pneumo-skeleton, * A very efficient means of locomotion in the slender pointed calamaries, which dart backwards with the recoil, like rockets. v CEPHALOPODA. GASTEROPODA. i PTEROPODA. BRACHIOPODA. CONCHIFERA. TUNICATA. 36 MANUAL OF THE MOLLUSC A. being essentially a calcified portion of the mantle, of which the brea thing- organ is at most a specialised part.* The shell is so characteristic of the mollusca that they have been commonly called "testacea" (from testa "a shell"), in scientific books ; and the popular name of "shell-fish," though not quite accurate, cannot be replaced by any other epithet in common use. In one whole class, however, and in several families, there is nothing that would be popularly recognised as a shell. Shells are said to be external when the animal is contained in them, and internal when they are concealed in the mantle ; the latter, as well as the shell-less species, being called naked mollusks. Three-fourths of the mollusca are univalve., or have but one shell; the others are mostly bivalve, or have two shells; the pJiolads have accessory plates, and the shell of chiton consists of eight pieces. Most of the multivalves of old authors were arti- culate animals (cirripedes), erroneously included with the mollusca, which they resemble only in outward appearance. All, except the argonaut* acquire a rudimental shell before they are hatched, which becomes the nucleus of the adult shell ; it is often differently shaped and coloured from the rest of the shell, and hence the fry are apt to be mistaken for distinct species from their parents. In cymba (fig. 20) the nucleus is large and irregular; mfusus antiquus it is cylindrical ; in the pyramidellidce it is oblique ; and it is spiral in carinaria, atlanta, and many limpets, which are symmetrical when adult. The rudimentary shell of the nudibranchs is shed at an early * In its most reduced form the shell is only a hollow cone, or plate, pro- tecting the breathing organ and heart, as in Umax, testacella, carinaria. Its peculiar features always relate to the condition of the breathing-organ ; and in terebratula and pelonaia it becomes identified with the gill. In the nudi- branchs the vascular mantle performs wholly or in part the respiratory office. In the cephalopods the shell becomes complicated by the addition of a distinct, internal, chambered portion (phragmocone), which is properly a visceral skeleton ; in spirula the shell is reduced to this part. STRUCTURE AND PHYSIOLOGY OF THE MOLLTJSCA. 37 age, and never replaced. In this respect the molluscan shell differs entirely from the shell of the crab and other articulate animals, which is periodically cast oif and renewed. In the bivalves the embryonic shell forms the umbo of each valve ; it is often very unlike the after-growth, as in unio pictorum, cyclas henslowiana and pecten pusio. In attached shells like the oyster and anomia the umbo fre- quently presents an exact imitation of the sur- face to which the young shell originally adhered. Shells are composed of carbonate of lime, with a small proportion of animal matter. The source of this lime is to be looked Fig. -20. Cymba* for in their food. Modern inquiries into organic chemistry have shown that vegetables derive their elements from the mineral kingdom (air, water, and the soil), and animals theirs from the vegetable. The sea-weed filters the salt-water, and separates lime as well as organic elements ; and lime is one of the most abundant mineral matters in land plants. From this source the mollusca obtain lime in abundance, and, indeed, we find frequent instances of shells becoming unnaturally thickened through the superabundance of this earth in their systems. On the other hand, instances occur of thin and delicate-shelled varieties, in still, deep water, or on clay bottoms ; whilst in those districts which are wholly destitute of lime, like the lizard in Cornwall, and similar tracts of magnesian- silicate in Asia Minor, there are no mollusca. (Forbes?) The texture of shells is various and characteristic. Some, when broken, present a dull lustre like marble or china, and are termed porcellanous ; others are pearly or nacreous ; some have & fibrous structure; some are horny, and others glassy and trans- lucent. * Fig. 20. Cymba .proboscidalis, Lam., from a very young specimen in the cabinet of Hugh Cmning, Esq., from Western Africa. 38 MANUAL OF THE MOLLTJSCA. Fig. 21. Pinna. Fig. 22. Terebratula. Fig. 23. Pearl* The nacreous shells are formed by alternate layers of very thin membrane and carbonate of lime, but this alone does not give the pearly lustre which appears to depend on minute undulations of the layers, represented in fig. 23. This lustre has been suc- cessfully imitated on engraved steel buttons. Nacreous shells, when polished, form "mother of pearl ;" when digested in weak acid, they leave a membraneous residue which retains the original form of the shell. This is the most easily destructible of shell- textures, and in some geological formations we find only casts of the nacreous shells, whilst those of fibrous texture are completely preserved. Pearls are produced by many bivalves, especially by the Oriental pearl-mussel (avicula margaritifera), and one of the British river-mussels (wiio margaritiferus). They are caused by particles of sand, or other foreign substances, getting between the animal and its shell ; the irritation causes a deposit of nacre, forming a projection on the interior, and generally more brilliant than the rest of the shell. Completely spherical pearls can only be formed loose in the muscles, or other soft parts of the animal. The Chinese obtain them artificially, by introducing into the living mussel foreign substances, such as pieces of mother-of-pearl fixed to wires, which thus become coated with a more brilliant material. * Tigs. 21, 22, 23. Magnified sections of shells, from Dr. Carpenter. Fragments of shell ground very thin, and cemented to glass slides with Canada balsam, are easily prepared, and form curious microscopic objects. A great variety of them may be procured of Mr. C. M. Topping, of Pentonville. STRUCTURE AND PHYSIOLOGY OF THE MOLLUSC A. 39 Similar prominences and concretions pearls which are not pearly are formed inside porcellanous shells ; these are as variable in colour as the surfaces on which they are formed.* The fibrous shells consist of successive layers of prismatic cells containing translucent carbonate of lime ; and the cells of each successive layer correspond, so that the shell, especially when very thick (as in the fossil inoceramus and trichites), will break up vertically, into fragments, exhibiting on their edges a structure like arragonite, or satin- spar. Horizontal sections exhibit a cellular net- work, with here and there a dark cell, which is empty. (fig. 21.) The oyster has a laminated structure, owing to the irregular accumulation of the cells in its successive layers, and breaks up into horizontal plates. In the boring-shells (pJioladidte) the carbonate of lime has an atomic arrangement like arragonite, which is considerably harder than calcarious spar; in other cases the difference in hardness depends on the proportion of animal matter, and the manner in which the layers are aggregated.! In many bivalve shells there occurs a minute tubular structure, which is very conspicuous in some sections of pinna and oyster- shell. The brachiopoda exhibit a characteristic structure by which the smallest fragment of their shells may be determined; it consists of elongated and curved cells, matted together, and often perforated by circular holes, arranged in quincunx order (fig. 22). But the most complex shell-structure is presented by the porcellanous gasteropoda. These consist of three strata which readily separate in fossil shells, on account of the removal of their * They are pink in turbinellus and strombus ; white in ostrea ; white or glassy, purple or black in mytilus ; rose-coloured and translucent in pinna. (Gray.} f The specific gravity of floating shells (such as argonanta and ianthind) is lower than that of any others. (De la Beche.) 40 MANUAL OF THE MOLLUSC A. B animal cement. In fis;. 24. a represents the outer, b the middle, and c the inner stratum ; they may be seen, also, in fig. 25. Each of these three strata is composed of very nume- rous vertical plates, like cards placed on edge ; and the di- rection of the plates is some- times transverse in the central stratum, and lengthwise in ri &- 24 Sections of a cone.* the outer and inner (as in cyprcea, cassis, ampullaria, and bull- mm\ or longitudinal in the middle layer, and transverse in the others (e. g. conus, pyrula, oliva, and valuta). Each plate, too, is composed of a series of prismatic cells, arranged obliquely (45), and their direction being changed in the successive plates, they cross each other at right angles. Tertiary fossils best exhibit this structure, either at their broken edge, or in polished sections. f (Bowerbank) . The argonaut-shell, and the bone of the cuttle-fish, have a peculiar structure ; and the Hippurite is distinguished by a can- cellated texture, unlike any other shell, except, perhaps, some of the cardiacece and chamacete. Epidermis. All shells have an outer coat of animal matter called the " epidermis" (or periostracum), sometimes thin and transparent, at others thick and opaque. It is thick and olive- coloured in all fresh-water shells, and in many arctic sea-shells (e. g. cyprina and astarte) ; the colours of the land-shells often * Sections of conus pondwosus, Brug., from the Miocene of the Tonraine. A, longitudinal section of a fragment, B, complete horizontal section; a, outer layer; b, middle; c, inner layer; d, e,f, lines of growth. f It is necessary to bear in mind that fossil shells are often pseudomor- pJums, or mere casts, in. spar or chalcedony, of cavities once occupied by shells ; such are the fossils found at Blackdown, and many of the London clay fossils at Barton. The Palseozoic fossils are often metamorphic, or have undergo] a re-arrangement of their particles, like the rocks in which they occur. one STRUCTURE AND PHYSIOLOGY OF THE MOLLUSCA. 41 depend on it ; sometimes it is silky as in helix sericea, or fringed with hairs, as in trichotropis ; in the whelk and some species of triton and conus it is thick and rough like coarse cloth, arid in some modiolas it is drawn out into long beard-like filaments. In the cowry and other shell-fish with large mantle lobes, the epidermis is more or less covered up by an additional layer of shell deposited externally. The epidermis has life, but not sensation, like the human scarf-skin ; and it protects the shell against the influence of the weather, and chemical agents ; it soon fades, or is destroyed, after the death of the animal, in situations where, whilst living, it would have undergone no change. In the bivalves it is organ- ically connected with the margin of the mantle. It is most developed in shells which frequent damp situations, amongst decaying leaves, and in fresh -water shells. All fresh- waters are more or less saturated with carbonic-acid gas, and in limestone countries hold so much lime in solution as to deposit it in the form of tufa on the mussels and other shells.* But in the absence of lime to neutralise the acid, the water acts on the shells, and would dissolve them entirely if it were not for their protecting epidermis. As it is we can often recognise fresh-water shells by the erosion of those parts where the epidermis was thinnest, namely, the points of the spiral shells and the umbones of the bivalves, those being also the parts longest exposed. Specimens of melanopsis and bithinia become truncated again and again in the course of their growth, until the adults are sometimes only half the length they should be, and the discoidal planorbis some- times becomes perforated by the removal of its inner whirls ; in these cases the animal closes the break in its shell with new layers. Some of the unios thicken their umbones enormously, and form a layer of animal matter with each new layer of shell, so that the river-action is arrested at a succession of steps. * As at Tisbury, in Wiltshire, where remarkable specimens of anodons were obtained by the late Miss Benett. MANUAL OF THE MOLLUSCA. FORMATION AND GROWTH OF THE SHELL. The shell, as before stated, is formed by the mantle of the shell-fish, indeed, each layer of it was once a portion of the man- tle, either in the form of a simple membrane, or as a layer of cells ; and each layer was successively calcified (or hardened with carbonate of lime) and thrown off by the mantle to unite with those previously formed. Being extra- vascular it has no inherent power of repair. (Carpenter.) The epidermis and cellular structures are formed by the mar- gin (or collar) of the mantle; the membranous and nacreous layers, by the thin and transparent portion which contains the viscera; hence we find the pearly texture only as a lining inside the shell, as in the nautilus, and all the aviculida and If the margin of a shell is fractured during the life-time of the animal, the injury will be completely repaired by the reproduction both of the epidermis and of the outer layer of shell with its pro- per colour. But if the apex is destroyed, or a hole made at a distance from the aperture, it will merely be closed with the material secreted by the visceral mantle. Such inroads are often made by boring worms and shells, and even by a sponge (cliond) which completely mines the most solid shells. In Mr. Gray's cabinet is the section of a cone, in whose apex a colony of UtJwdomi Fig. 25. Section of a cone perforated by lithodomi. STRUCTURE AND PHYSIOLOGY OF THE MOLLUSCA. 43 had settled, compelling the animal to contract itself, faster even than it could form shell to fill up the void. Lines of growth. So long as the animal continues growing, each new layer of shell extends beyond the one formed before it ; and, in consequence, the external surface becomes marked with lines of growth. During winter, or the season of rest which cor- responds to it, shells cease to grow ; and these periodic resting- places are often indicated by interruptions of the otherwise regu- lar lines of growth and colour, or by still more obvious signs. It is probable that this pause, or cessation from growth, extends into the breeding season ; otherwise there would be two periods of growth, and two of rest in each year. In many shells the growth is uniform ; but in others each stage is finished by the development of a fringe, or ridge (varix\ or of a row of spines, as in tridacna and murex. (Owen, Grant.) Adult characters. The attain- mpnt of the full-growth proper to each species is usually marked by ihanges in the shell. Some bivalves, like the oyster, and gryphcea (fig. 26), continue to .ncrease in thickness long after ;heyhave ceased to grow outwards; K S- 26 ' Section of gryphcea* the greatest addition is made to the lower valve, especially near ,he umbo ; and in the spondylus some parts of the mantle secrete more than others, so that cavities, filled with fluid, are left in the substance of the shell. The adult teredo smdfatulana close the end of their burrows ; the pholadidea fills up the great pedal opening of its valves ; and the aspergillum forms the porous disk from which it takes its name. Sculptured shells, particularly ammonites, and species of rostellaria mdfusus, often become plain in the last part of their * Fig. 26. Section of gryphoea incurva, Sby. Lias, Dorset, (original ; dimi- nished one half), the upper valve is not much thickened ; the interior is filled with lias. 44 MANUAL OF THE MOLLTJSCA. growth. But the most characteristic change is the thickening and contraction of the aperture in the univalves. The young cowry (fig. 27) has a thin, sharp lip, which becomes curled in- wards, and enormously thickened and toothed in the adult ; the pteroceras (pi. 4, fig. 3) deve- lopes its scorpion-like claws, only when full- grown ; and the land-snails form a thickened lip, or narrow their aperture with projecting pro- cesses, so that it is a marvel how they pass in and out, and how they can exclude their eggs, -^ (e. g. pi. 12, fig. 4, anastoma; and fig. 5, helix hirsuta). Yet at this time they would seem to require more space and accommodation in their houses than before, and there are several curious ways in which this is obtained. The neritida and auri- culiddB dissolve all the internal spiral columnf of their sheljs ; the cone (fig. 24, B,) removes all but a paper-like portion of its inner whirls ; the cowry goes still further, and continues removing the internal layers of its shell-wall, and depositing new layers externally with its overlapping mantle (fig. 76), until, in some cases, all resemblance to the young shell is lost in the adult. The power which mollusks possess of dissolving portions of their own shells, is also exhibited by the murices, in removing those spines from their whirls which interfere with their growth ; and by the purpurce and others in wearing away the wall of their aperture. The agency in these cases is supposed to be chemical. Decollated shells. It frequently happens that as spiral shells become adult they cease to occupy the upper part of their cavity ; the space thus vacated is sometimes filled with solid shell, as in magilus ; or it is partitioned off, as in vermetus, euomphalus, turritella and triton (fig. 62). The deserted apex is sometimes very thin, and becoming dead and brittle, it breaks away, leaving * Cypraa testudinaria, L., young. f This is sometimes done by the hermit-crab to the shells it occupies. STRUCTURE AND PHYSIOLOGY OF THE MOLLUSCA. 45 the shell truncated, or decollated. This happens constantly with the truncatellce, cylindrella, and bulimus decollates ; amongst the fresh-water shells it depends upon local circumstances, but is very common vrithpirena and cerithidea. Forms of shells. These will be described particularly under each class ; enough has been said to show that in the molluscan shell (as in the vertebrate skeleton) indications are afforded o many of the leading affinities and structural peculiarities of the animal. It may sometimes be difficult to determine the genus of a shell, especially when its form is very simple ; but this results more from the imperfection of our technicalities and systems, than from any want of co-ordination in the animal and its shell. Monstrosities. The whirls of spiral shells are sometimes separated by the interference of foreign substances, which adhere to them when young ; the garden-snail has been found in this condition, and less complete instances are common amongst sea- shells. Discoidal shells occasionally become spiral (as in speci- mens of planorbis found at Rochdale), or irregular in their growth, owing to an unhealthy condition. The discoidal ammo- nites sometimes show a slight tendency to become spiral, and more rarely become un symmetrical, and have the keel on one side, instead of in the middle. All attached shells are liable to interference in their growth, and malformations consequent on their situation in cavities, or Tom coming in contact with rocks. The dreissena polymorpha distorts the other fresh-water mussels by fastening their valves h its byssus ; and balani sometimes produce strange protube- rances on the back of the cowry, to which they have attached themselves when young.* In the miocene tertiaries of Asia Minor, Professor Forbes * In the British Museum there is a helix terrestris (cheinn.) with a small stick passing through it, and projecting from the apex and umbilicus. Mr. Pickering has, in his collection, a helix hortensis which got entangled in a nut- shell when young, and growing too large to escape, had to endure the incubus to the end of its days. 46 MANUAL OF THE MOLLUSCA. discovered whole races of netitina, paludina, and melanopsis, wit; whirls ribbed or keeled, as if through the unhealthy influence o brackish water. The fossil periwinkles of the Norwich Crag ar similarly distorted, probably by the access of fresh-water ; paralle cases occur at the present day in the Baltic. Reversed shells. Left-handed, or reversed varieties of spira shells have been met with in some of the very common species like the whelk and garden-snail. Bulimus citrinus is as often sinistral as dextral ; and a reversed variety of/usus antiqum wa more common than the normal form in the pliocene sea. Othe shells are constantly reversed, as pyrula perversa, many species o pupa, and the entire genera, clausilia, cylindrella, physa, and tn pJioris. Bivalves less distinctly exhibit variations of this kind but the attached valve of chama has its umbo turned to the righ or left indifferently ; and of two specimens of lucina childreni in the British Museum, one has the right, the other the left valv flat. The colours of shells are usually confined to the surface beneat the epidermis, and are secreted by the border of the mantle which often exhibits similar tints and patterns (e. g. voluta undu lata, fig. 73). Occasionally the inner strata of porcellanous shell are differently coloured from the exterior, and the makers of shell cameos avail themselves of this difference to produce white o rose-coloured figures on a dark ground.* The secretion of colour by the mantle depends greatly on th action of light ; shallow- water shells are, as a class, warmer am brighter coloured than those from deep water ; and bivalve which are habitually fixed or stationary (like spondylus and pecten pleuronectes) have the upper valve richly tinted, whilst the lowe one is colourless. The backs of most spiral shells are darke * Cameos in the British Museum, carved on the shell of cassis cornuta are white on an orange ground ; on c. tuberosa, and madagascariensis, whit upon dark claret-colour ; on c. rufa, pale salmon-colour on orange ; and on strombus gig as, yellow on pink. By filing some of the olives (e. g. oliva utri culus] they may be made into very different coloured shells. STRUCTURE AND PHYSIOLOGY OF THE MOLLUSCA. 47 than the under sides ; but in ianthina the base of the shell is habitually turned upwards, and is deeply dyed with violet. Some colours are more permanent than others ; the red spots on the naticas and nerites are commonly preserved in tertiary and oolitic fossils, and even in one example (of n. subcostata schl.) from Devonian limestone. Terebratula hast at a, and some pectens of the carboniferous period, retain their markings ; the orthoceras anguliferm of the Devonian beds has, zig-zag bands of colour ; and a terebratula of the same age, from arctic North America,* is ornamented with several rows of dark red spots. The operculum. Most spiral shells have an operculum, or lid, with which to close the aperture when they withdraw for shelter (see gasteropoda). It is deve- loped on a particular lobe at the posterior part of the foot, and , PI i Fig, 28. Trochus ziziphinus.^ consists of horny layers, some times hardened with shelly matter (fig. 28). It has been considered by Adanson, and more recently by Mr. Gray, as the equivalent of the dextral valve of the conchifera ; but however similar in appearance, its anatomical relations are altogether different. In position it represents the byssus of the bivalves (Loven) ; and in function it is like the plug with which unattached specimens of bysso-arca close their aperture. (Forbes.) Homologies of the shell. J The shell is so simple a structure that its modifications present few points for comparison; but even these are not wholly understood, or free from doubt. The * Presented to tlie British Museum by Sir John Richardson. f Trochus ziziphinus, from the original, taken in Pegwell Bay abundantly. Phis species exhibits small tentacular processes, neck-lappets, side-lappets, ;entacular filaments, and an operculigerous lobe. Parts which correspond in their real nature (their origin and develop- ment) are termed homologous ; those which agree merely in appearance, or )ffice, are said to be analogous. 48 MANUAL OF THE MOLLUSCA. bivalve shell may be compared to the outer tunic of the ascidian, cut open and converted into separable valves. In the concJiifera this division of the mantle is vertical, and the valves are right and left. In the brachiopoda the separation is horizontal, and the valves are dorsal and ventral. The monomyarian bivalves lie habitually on one side (like the pleuronectidce among fishes) ; and their shells, though really right and left, are termed " upper" and " lower" valves. The univalve shell is the equivalent of loth valves of the bivalve. In the pteropoda it consists of dorsal and ventral plates, comparable with the valves of terebratula. In the gasteropoda it is equivalent to both valves of the concJiifera united above.* The nautilus shell corresponds to that of the gasteropod ; biit whilst its chambers are shadowed forth in many spiral shells, the siphuncle is something additional ; r and the entire shell of the cuttle-fish and argonautf have no known equivalent or parallel in the other molluscous classes. The student might imagine a resemblance in the shell of the ortkoceras to a lack-bone ; but the true homologue of the vertebrate skeleton is found in the neural and muscular cartilages of the cephalopod; whilst its phragmocone is but the representative of the calcarious axis (or splanchno-skeleton) of a coral, such as amplexus or siphonophyllia. Temperature and hybernation. Observations on the tempera- ture of the mollmca are still wanted ; it is known, however, to vary with the medium in which they live, and to be sometimes a degree or two higher or lower than the external temperature; with snails (in cool weather), it is generally a degree or two higher. The mollusca of temperate and cold climates are subject to hybernation ; during which state the heart ceases to beat, respira- * Compare fssurella or trochus (fig. 28) with lepton squamosum (fig. 12). The disk of hipponyx is analogous to the ventral plate of hyalsea and tere- bratula. f The argonaut shell is compared by Mr. Adams to the nidamental cap- sules of the whelk ; a better analogue would have been found in the raft of the ianthina, which is secreted by the foot of the animal, and serves iv float the egg -capsules. STRUCTURE AND PHYSIOLOGY OF THE MOLLUSCA. 49 tion is nearly suspended, and injuries are not healed. They also (Bstivate, or fall into a summer sleep when the heat is great ; but in this the animal functions are much less interrupted. (Midler.) Reproduction of lost parts. It appears from the experiments of Spallanzani, that snails, whose ocular tentacles have been de- stroyed, reproduce them completely in a few weeks ; others have repeated the trial with a like result. But there is some doubt whether the renewal takes place if the brain of the animal be removed as well as its horns. Madame Power has made similar observations upon various marine snails, and has found that por- tions of the foot, mantle, and tentacles, were renewed. Mr. Hancock states that the species of eolis are apt to make a meal off each other's bronchia, and that, if confined in stale water, they become sickly and lose those organs ; in both cases they are quickly renewed under favourable circumstances. Reproduction by gemmation. The social and compound tu- nicaries resemble zoophytes, in the power they possess of bud- ding out new individuals, and thus of multiplying their commu- nities indefinitely, as the leaves on a tree. This gemmation takes place only at particular points, so that the whole assemblages are aggregated in characteristic patterns. The buds of the social tunicaries are supported at first by their parents, those of the compound families by the general circulation, until they are in a state to contribute to the common weal. Viviparous reproduction. This happens in a few species of gastropods, through the retention of the eggs in the oviduct, until the young have attained a considerable growth. It also appears to take place in the acephalans, because their eggs gene- rally remain within some part of the shell of the parent until hatched. Alternate generation. Amongst the tunicaries an example is found of regulated diversity in the mode of reproduction. The salpians produce long chains of embryos, which, unless broken by accident, remain connected during life ; each individual of these compound specimens produces solitary young } often so im- D 50 MANUAL OP THE MOLLUSCA. like the parent as to have been described and named by natural- ists as distinct species; these solitary salpians again produce chains of embryos, like their grand-parents. (C/iamisso.) Oviparous reproduction. The sexes are distinct in the most highly organised (or dioecious) mollusca ; they are united in the (iiionwcious) land-snails, pteropods, brachiopods, tuiiicaries, and in part of the conchifers. The prosobranchs pair; but in the dioecious acephalans and cuttle-fishes, the spermatozoa are merely discharged into the water, and are inhaled with the respiratory currents by the other sex. The monoecious land-snails require reciprocal union ; the limneids unite in succession, forming float- ing chains. The eggs of the land-snails are separate, and protected by a shell, which is sometimes albuminous and flexible, at others cal- carious and brittle; those of the fresh-water species are soft, mucous, and transparent. The spawn of the sea-snails consists of large numbers of eggs, adhering together in masses, or spread out in the shape of a strap or ribbon, in which the eggs are ar- ranged in rows ; this nidamentat ribbon is sometimes coiled up spirally, like a watch-spring, and attached by one of its edges. The eggs of the carnivo- rous gasteropods are in- closed in tough albuminous capsules, each containing numerous germs ; these are deposited singly, or in rows, or agglutinated in groups, equalling thepareiji animal in bulk (fig. 70). The nidamental capsulu of the cuttle-fish are clus- tered like grapes, each containing but one embryo ; those of the calamary are gron Fig. 29. Spaivn of Doris* Nidamental ribbon of Doris Johnstoni. (Alder and Hancock.} nipec I STRUCTURE AND PHYSIOLOGY OF THE MOLLUSCA. 51 in radiating masses, each elongated capsule containing 30 or 40 ova. The material with which the eggs are thus cemented together, or enveloped, is secreted by the nidamental gland, an organ largely developed in the female gasteropods and cepha- lopods (fig. 43, n). Development. The molluscan ovum consists of a coloured yolk (vitellus), surrounded by albumen. On one side of the yolk is a pellucid spot, termed the germinal vesicle, having a spot or nucleus on its surface. This germinal vesicle is a nucleated cell, capable of producing other cells like itself; it is the essential part of the egg, from which the embryo is formed ; but it undergoes no change without the influence of the spermatozoa.* After im- pregnation, the germinal vesicle, which then subsides into the centre of the yolk, divides spontaneously into two ; and these again divide and subdivide into smaller and still smaller globules, each with its pellucid centre or nucleus, until the whole presents a uniform granular appearance. The next step is the formation of a ciliated epithelium on the surface of the embryonic mass ; movements in the albumen become perceptible in the vicinity of the cilia, and they increase in strength, until the embryo begins to revolve in the surrounding fluid. f * No instance of " partheno-genesis" is known among the moUusca ; the most " equivocal " case on record is that related by Mr. Gaskoin. A speci- men of helix lactea, Mull., from the South of Europe, after being two years in his cabinet, was discovered to be still living ; and on being removed to a plant-case it revived, and six weeks afterwards had produced twenty young ones! f According to the observations of Professor Loven (on certain bivalve mollusca), the ova are excluded immediately after the inhalation of the sper- matozoa, and apparently from their influence; but impregnation does not take place within the ovary itself. The spermatozoa of cardium pygmaum were distinctly seen to penetrate, in succession, the outer envelopes of the ova, and arrive at the vitellus, when they disappeared. With respect to the " ger- minal vesicle ;" according to Barry, it first approaches the inner surface of the vitelline membrane, in order to receive the influence of the spermatozoa ; it then retires to the centre of the yolk, and undergoes a series of sponta- neous subdivisions. In M. Loven's account, it is said to "burst" and par- D 2 f 52 MANUAL OF THE MOLLUSCA. Up to this point nearly the same appearances are presented by the eggs of all classes of animals, they manifest, so far, a complete " unity of organization." In the next stage, the de- velopment of an organ, fringed with stronger cilia, and serving both for locomotion and respiration, shews that the embryo is a molluscous animal; and the changes which follow soon point out the particular class to which it belongs. The rudimentary head is early distinguishable, by the black eye-specks ; and the heart, by its pulsations. The digestive and other organs are first " sketched out," then become more distinct, and are seen to be covered with a transparent shell. By this time the embryo is able to move by its own muscular contractions, and to swallow food; is is therefore " hatched," or escapes from the egg. The embryo tunicary quits the egg in the cloacal cavity of its parent, and is at this time provided with a swimming instrument, like the tail of the tadpole, and with processes by which it attaches itself as soon as it finds a suitable situation. The young bivalves also are hatched before they leave their parent, either in the gill cavity or in a special sac attached to the gills (as in cyclas), or in the in- terspaces of the external branchial laminae (as in unio). At first they have a swimming disk, fringed with long cilia, and armed with a slender ten- tacular filament (Jlagellum). At a later period this disk disappears progressively, as the labial palpi are developed ; and they acquire a foot, and with it the power of spinning a byssus. They now tially dissolve, whilst the egg remains in the ovary, and before impregnation ; it then passes to the centre of the yolk, and undergoes the changes described by Barry, along with the yolk, whilst the nucleus of the germinal vesicle, or some body exactly resembling it, is seen occupying a small prominence on the surface of the vitelline membrane, until the metamorphosis of the yolk is completed, when it disappears, in some unobserved manner, without ful- filling any recognized purpose. * Fig. 30. Very young fry of crenella marmorata, Forbes, highly magni- fied ; el, disk, bordered with cilia if, fiagellum ; v v 3 valves ; m, ciliated mantle. STRUCTURE AND PHYSIOLOGY OF THE MOLLUSCA. 53 have a pair of eyes, situated near the labial tentacles (fig. 30*, e) } which are lost at a further stage, or replaced by numerous ru- dimentary organs placed more favourably for vision, on the bor- der of the mantle. Most of the aquatic gasteropoda are very minute when hatched, and they enter life under the same form, that which Fig. 30 *. Try of the Mussel* has been already referred to as permanently characteristic of the pteropoda. (Tig. 60.) The Pulmonifera and Cephalopoda produce large eggs, con- * Fig. 30*. Fry of mytilus edulis, after Loven. from their relation to final causes.* A second class of analogical resemblances are purely external and illusive ; they have been termed mimetic (Strick- land}, and, by their frequency, almost justify the notion that a certain set of forms and colours are repeated, or represented in every class and family. In all artificial arrangements, these mi- metic resemblances have led to the association of widely dif- ferent animals in the same groups. f Particular forms are also represented geographically J and geologically, as well as sys- tematically. In all attempts to characterise groups of animals, we find, that in advancing from the smaller to the larger combinations, many of the most obvious external features become of less avail, and we are compelled to seek for more constant and comprehen- sive signs in the phases of embryonic development, and the con- dition of the circulating, respiratory, and nervous systems. Species. All the specimens, or individuals, which are so much alike that we may reasonably believe them to have descended from a common stock, constitute a species. It is a particular provision for preventing the blending of species, that hybrids are always barren; and it is certain, in the case of shells, that a great many kinds have not changed in form, from the tertiary * For example, the paper nautilus, from its resemblance to carinaria, was long supposed to be the shell of a nucleobranche, parasitically occupied by the " ocythoe." f E. g. Aporrhais with strombus, and ancylus with patella. J Monoceros imbricatum and buccinum antarcticum take the place, in South America, of our common whelk and purple, and solen gladiolus and solen americanus of our solen siliqua and ensis. The frequent recurrence of similar species in successive strata may lead beginners to attribute too much to the influence of time and external circum- stances ; but such impressions disappear with further experience. CLASSIFICATION. 57 period to the present day, a lapse of many thousand years, and through countless generations. When individuals of the same brood differ in any respect, they are termed varieties ; for example, one may be more exposed to the light, and become brighter coloured ; or it may find more abundant food, and grow larger than the rest. Should these peculiarities become perma- nent at any place, or period, should all the specimens on a particular island or mountain, or in one sea, or geological forma- tion, differ from those found elsewhere, such permanent variety is termed a race ; just as, in the human species, there are white and coloured races. The species of some genera are less subject to variation than others ; the nuculcE, for example, although very numerous, are always distinguishable by good characters. Other genera, like ammonites, terebratula, and tellina, present a most perplexing amount of variation, resulting from age, sex, supply of food, variety of depth, and of saltness in the water. And further, whilst in some genera every possible variety of form seems to have been called into existence, in others only a few, strikingly distinct forms, are known. Genera are groups of species, related by community of struc- ture in all essential respects. The genera of bivalves have been characterised by the number and position of their hinge-teeth ; those of the spiral univalves, by the form of their apertures; but these technical characters are only valuable so far as they indicate differences in the animals themselves. Families are groups of genera, which agree in some more general characters than those which unite species into genera. Those which we have employed are mostly modifications of the artificial families framed ^by Lamarck, a plan which seemed more desirable, in the present state of our knowledge, than a subdi- vision into very numerous families, without assignable characters. The orders and classes of mollusca have already been referred to ; those now in use are all extremely natural. It has been sometimes asserted that these groups are only scientific contrivances, and do not really exist in nature ; but D 3 MANUAL OF THE MOLLUSCA. this is a false as well as a degrading view of the matter. The labours of the most eminent systematists have been directed to the discovery of the subordinate value of the characters deriv- able from every part of the animal organization ; and, as far as their information enabled them, they have made their systems expressive " of all the highest facts, or generalisations, in natural history. 55 (Owen.) M. Milne Edwards has remarked, that the actual appearance of the animal kingdom is not like a well-regulated army, but like the starry heavens, over which constellations of various mag- nitude are scattered, with here and there a solitary star which cannot be included in any neighbouring group. This is exceedingly true ; we cannot expect our systematic groups to have equal numerical values,* but they ought to be of equal structural importance ; and they will thus possess a sym- metry of order, which is superior to mere numerical regularity. All the most philosophic naturalists have entertained a belief that the development of animal forms has proceeded upon some regular plan, and have directed their researches to the discovery of that " reflection of the divine mind. 55 Some have fancied that they have discovered it in a mystic number, and have ac- cordingly converted all the groups mi fives. -\ We do not under- value these speculations, yet we think it better to describe things so far only as we know them. Greafr difficulty has always been found in placing groups according to their affinities. This cannot be effected in the way in which we are compelled to describe them a single series ; for each group is related to all the rest ; and if we extend the representation of the affinities to very small groups, any arrange- * The numerical development of groups is inversely proportional to the bulk of the individuals composing them. ( Waterhouse.} f The quinarians make out five molluscous classes, by excluding the tnni- cata ; the same end would be attained in a more satisfactory manner by re- ducing the pteropods to the rank of an order, which might be placed next to the opistho branches. NOMENCLATURE. 59 merit ou a plane surface would fail, for the affinities radiate in all directions, and the " net-work" to which Fabricius likened them, is as insufficient a comparison as the " chain" of older writers.* CHAPTER VI. NOMENCLATIVE. THE practice of using two names generic and specific for each animal, or plant, originated with Linnaeus ; therefore no scientific names date further back than his works. In the con- struction of these names, the Greek and Latin languages are preferred, by the common consent of all countries. Synonyms. It often happens that a species is named, or a genus established, by more than one person, at different times, and in ignorance of each other's labours. Such duplicate names are called synonyms ; they have multiplied amazingly of late, and are a stumbling-block and an opprobium in all branches of natural history. f * The quinary arrangement of the molluscous classes reminds us of the eastern emblem of eternity the serpent holding its tail in its mouth. The following diagram is offered as an improved circular system : [FISHES.] Di-brauchiata. Nucleo- Tetra- Opistho- Proso- Aporo- ^~\1 Pulmo- Pallio- Lamelli- Hetero-branchiata. [ZOOPHYTES.] f In Pfeiffer's Monograph of the Helicidte, a family containing seventeen genera, no less than 330 generic synonyms are enumerated; to this list, Dr. Albers, of Berlin, has lately added another hundred of his own invention ! MANUAL OF THE MOLLUSCA. One very common estuary shell rejoices in the following variety of titles: Scrobicularia piperata (Gmelin sp). Trigonella plana (Da Costa). Mactra Listeri (Aucf). My a Hispanica (Chemnitz). Venus borealis (Pennant). Lutraria compressa (Lamarck). Arenaria plana (Megerle). As regards specific names, the earliest ought certainly to be adopted, with, however, the following exceptions : 1. MS. names; which are only admitted by courtesy. 2. Names given by writers antecedent to Linnaeus. 3. Names unaccompanied by a description or figure. 4. Barbarisms; or names involving error or absurdity, * It is also very desirable that names having a general (Eu- ropean) acceptation, should not be changed, on the discovery of earlier names in obscure publications. With respect to genera, those who believe in their real ex- istence, as " ideas of the creating mind," will be disposed to set aside many random appellations, given to particular shells with- out any clear enunciation of their characters ; and to adopt later names, if bestowed with an accurate perception of the grounds which entitle them to generic distinction.f Authority for specific names. The multiplication of syno- nyms having made it desirable to place the authority after each * This subject was investigated, and reported upon, by a committee of the British Association, in 1842 ; but the report was not sufficiently circulated. f Several bad practices against which there is, unhappily, no law should be strongly discountenanced. First, the employment of names already in familiar use for other objects ; such as cidaris (the title of a well-known genus of sea-urchins), for a group of spiral shells ; and arenaria (a property of the botanists), for a bivalve. Secondly, the conversion of specific into generic titles, a process which has caused endless confusion ; it has arisen out of the vain desire of giving new designations to old and familiar objects, and thus obtaining a questionable sort of fame. NOMENCLATURE. 61 name, another source of evil has arisen; for several naturalists (fancying that the genus-maker, and not the species-maker ', should enjoy this privilege) have altered or divided almost every genus, and placed their signatures as the authorities for names given half a century or a century before, by LINNAEUS or BRUGUIERE.* British naturalists have disowned this practice, and agreed to distinguish, by the addition of " sp.," the authorities for those specific names whose generic appellations have been changed. Types. The type of each genus should be that species in which the characters of its group are best exhibited, and most evenly balanced. (Waterliouse^ It has, however, been cus- tomary to take as the type, that species which the genus-maker placed first on his list ; although by so doing there is risk of adopting an aberrant form, or one which very feebly represents the group, of which it is an obscure member. * The authorities appended to specific names, are supposed to indicate an amount of work done in the determination and description of the species ; when, therefore, the real author's name is suppressed, and a spurious one substituted, the case looks very like an attempt to obtain credit under false pretences. ABBREVIATIONS. Etym., etymology. Syn., synonym. Distr., distribution. M.S., manuscript, i. e., unpublished. Sp., species. Brit. M., (in the) British Museum. Distr., Norway New Zealand ; including all intermediate seas. Fossil, lias chalk ; implies that the genus existed in these, and all inter- vening strata. Chalk means that the genus commenced in the chalk, and has existed ever since. Depth ; 50 fms. ; genus found at all depths between low-water and 50 fathoms. A fathom is six feet. ^ one-fourth the real size ; ^ magnified four times. Lat., breadth. Long., length. Alt., height or thickness. line., (uncia) an inch. Lin., (linea) a line, the -^ of an inch. Mill., millimetre, the twenty-fifth part of an inch. MANUAL OP THE MOLLUSCA. CLASS I. CEPHALOPODA. THE cuttle-fishes, though excluded by dealers from the list of shell-fish, are the most remarkable, and, rightly considered, the most interesting of any ; whilst their relatives, the nautili and ammonites, are unmatched for the sym- metry and wondrous architecture of their pearly shells. The principal locomotive organs of the cephalopoda, are attached to the head, in the form of muscular arms or tentacles ;* in addition to which, many have fins ; and all can propel themselves by the forcible expulsion of water from their respiratory chamber. Unlike most of the mollusca, they are symmetrical animals, having their right and left sides equally developed ; and their shell is usually straight, or coiled in a vertical plane. The nautilus and argonaut alone (of the living tribes) have external shells ; the rest are termed " naked cephalopods," be- cause the shell is internal. They have powerful jaws, acting vertically, like the mandibles of birds ; the tongue is large and fleshy, and part of its surface is sentient, whilst the rest is armed with recurved spines ; their eyes are large, and placed on the sides of the head ; their senses appear to be very acute. All are marine ; and predatory, living on shell-fish, crabs, and fishes. The nervous system is more concentrated than in the other mollusca ; and the brain is protected by a cartilage. The respiratory organs consist of two or four plume-like gills, placed symmetrically on the sides of the body, in a large branchial cavity, opening forwards on the underf side of the head ; in the middle of this opening is placed the siphon or funnel. The sexes are always distinct ; but the males are much less numerous than the females, and in many species, at present unknown. They are divided into two orders, the names of which are derived from the number of the branchitz. ORDER I. DlBRANCHIATA, Owen. Animal swimming ; naked. Head distinct. Eyes sessile, prominent. Mandibles horny (PI. I., fig. 2). Arms 8 or 10, provided with suckers. Body round or elongated, usually with a pair of fins ; branchia two, fur- * M. Schultze compares the arms of the cephalopods" to the oral filaments of myxine. \ According to the established usage, we designate that the under or ventral side of the body, on which the funnel is placed. But if the cuttle fishes are compared with the nucleobranch.es, or the nautilus with the holostomatous gasteropods, their external analogies seem to favour an opposite condusion. CEPHALOPODA. 63 nished with muscular ventricles ; ink-gland always present ; parietes of the funnel entire. Shell internal (except in argonauta), horny or shelly, with or without air-chambers. The typical forms of the cuttle-fishes were well described by Aristotle, and have been repeatedly examined by modern naturalists ; yet, until Professor Owen demonstrated the existence of a second order of cephalopods, departing from all the abovementioned characters, it was not clearly understood how inseparably the organisation of the cuttle-fishes was connected with their con- dition as swimming mollusca, breathing by two gills. The characters which co-exist with the two gills, are the internal ru- dimentary shell, and the substitution of other means of escape and defence, than those which an external shell would have afforded ; viz. : powerful arms, furnished with suckers ; the secretion of an inky fluid, with which to cloud the water and conceal retreat ; more perfect organs of vision ; and super- added branchial hearts, which render the circulation more vigorous.* The suckers (antlia or acetabula), form a single or double series, on the inner surface of the arms. Prom the margin of each cup, the muscular fibres converge to the centre, where they leave a circular cavity, occupied by a soft caruncle, rising from it like the piston of a syringe, and capable of retraction when the sucker is applied to any surface. So perfect is this mechanism for effecting adhesion, that while the muscular fibres continue retracted, it is easier to tear away the limb than to detach it from its hold.f In the decapods, the base of the piston is surrounded by a horny dentated hoop ; which in the uncinated calamaries, is folded, and produced into a long sharp claw. The ink-bag (fig. 33), is tough and fibrous, with a thin silvery outer coat ; it discharges its contents through a duct which opens near the base of the funnel. The ink was formerly used for writing (Cicero), and in the pre- paration of sepia ;% and from its indestructible nature, is often found in a fossil state. * In a few species, which have no fins, the arms are webbed. In the only kind which has an external shell, it is confined to the female sex, and is secreted by the membranes of the arms. It is now quite certain that such shells as those of the fossil ammonites and orthocerata. would be incompatible with dibranchiate organization. t " The complex, irritable mechanism, of all these suckers, is under the complete control of the animal. Mr. Eroderip informs me that he has attempted, with a hand- net, to catch an octopus that was floating by, with its long and flexible arms entwined round a fish, which it was tearing with its sharp hawk's bill ; it allowed the net to ap- proach within a short distance before it relinquished its prey, when, in an instant, it relaxed its thousand suckers, exploded its inky ammunition, and rapidly retreated under cover of the cloud which it had occasioned, by rapid and vigorous strokes of its circular web." (Owen.) J Indian ink and sepia are now made of lam :-smoke, or of prepared charcoal. 64 MANUAL OF THE MOLLUSCA. The skin of the naked cephalopods is remarkable for its variously coloured vesicles, or pigment-cells. In sepia they are black and brown ; in the calamary, yellow, red, and brown ; and in the argonaut, and some octopods, there are blue cells besides. These cells alternately contract and expand, by which the colouring matter is condensed or dispersed, or perhaps driven into the deeper part of the skin. The colour accumulates, like a blush, when the skin is irri- tated, even several hours after separation from the body. During life, these changes are under the control of the animal, and give it the power of chang- ing its hue, like the chameleon. In fresh specimens, the sclerotic plates of the eyes have a pearly lustre ; they are sometimes preserved in a fossil state. The aquiferous pores are situated on the back and sides of the head, on the arms (drackial), or at their bases (buccal pores). The mantle is usually connected with the back of the head by a broad ("nuchal") muscular band; but its margin is sometimes free all round, and it is supported only by cartilaginous ridges, fitting into corresponding grooves,* and allowing considerable freedom of motion. The cuttle-fishes are nocturnal, or crepuscular animals, concealing them- selves during the day, or retiring to a lower region of the water. They in- habit every zone, and are met with equally near the shore, and in the open sea, hundreds of miles from land. They attain occasionally a much greater size than any other mollusca. MM. Q,uoy and Gaimard found a dead cuttle- fish in the Atlantic, under the equator, which must have weighed 2 cwt. when perfect ; it was floating on the surface, and was partly devoured by birds. Banks and Solander, also met with one under similar circumstances, in the Pacific, which was estimated to have measured six feet in length. (Owen.) The arms of the octopods are sometimes two feet long.f From their habits, it is difficult to capture some species alive, but they are frequently obtained, uninjured, from the stomachs of dolphins, and other fishes which prey upon them. SECTION A. OCTOPODA. Arms 8 ; suckers sessile. Eyes fixed, incapable of rotation. Body united to the head by a broad cervical band. Branchial chamber divided longitudinally by a muscular] partition. Oviduct double ; no distinct nida- mental gland. Shell external and one-celled (mono-thalamous) > or internal and rudimentary. The Octopods differ from the typical cuttle-fishes in having only eight arms, without the addition of tentacles ; their bodies are round, and they sel- * Termed the "apparatus of resistance," by D'Orbigny. t Denys Montfort, having represented a " kraken octopod," in the act of scuttling a three-master, told M. Defrance, that if this were " swallowed," he would in his next edition represent the monster embracing the Straits of Gibraltar, or capsizing a whole squadron of ships. (D'Orbigny.) CEPHALOPODA. 65 clora have fins. They are the most eccentric or " aberrant" mollusks, supe- rior in organization to all the rest, but manifesting some remarkable and unexpected analogies with the lowest classes of animals. The males of some species of octopus and eledone, are similar to the fe- males, but are comparatively scarce. Only the females of many others are known, and every specimen of the argonaut hitherto examined (amounting to many hundreds), has been of that sex. Dr. Albert Kolliker has suggested that the real males of the argonaut, and also of octopus granulatus and tremoctopus viol-acmes are the hectocotyles, previously mistaken for parasitic worms. The hectocotyle of octopus granulatus was described by Cuvier,* who ob- tained several specimens from octopods captured in the Mediterranean. It is five inches in length, and resembles a detached arm of the octopus, its under surface being bordered with 40 or 50 pairs of alternate suckers. The hectocotyle of tremoctopus was discovered by Dr. Kolliker, at Messina, in 1842, adhering to the interior of the gill-chamber and funnel of the poulpe ; it is represented in PL I., fig. 3. The body is worm-like, with two rows of suckers on the ventral surface, and an oval appendage at the posterior end. The anterior part of the back is fringed with a double series of bran- chial filaments (250 on each side). Between the branchiae are two rows of brown or violet spots, like the pigment cells of the tremoctopus. The suckers (40 on each side) closely resemble those of the tremoctopus, in miniature. Between the suckers are four or five series of pores, the openings of minute canals, passing into the abdominal cavity. The mouth is at the anterior extremity, and is minute and simple; the alimentary canal runs straight through the body, nearly filling it. The heart is in the middle of the back, between the branchiae ; it consists of an auricle and a ventricle, arid gives origin to two large vessels. There is also an artery and vein on each side, giving branches to the branchial filaments. A nerve extends along the in- testine, and one ganglion has been observed. The oval sac incloses a small but very long convoluted tube, ending in a muscular vas deferens ; it contains innumerable spermatozoa. The hectocotyle of the argonaut was discovered by Chiaje, who considered it a parasitic worm, and described it under the name of trichocephalus aceta- bularis ; it was again described by Costa,^ who regarded it as " a spermato- phore of singular shape ;" and lastly by Dr. Kolliker 4 Tt is similar in form to the others, but is only seven lines in length, and has a filiform appendage in front, six lines long. It has two rows of alternate * An. Sc. Nat. 1 Series, t. 18. p. 147. 1829. t An. Sc. Nat. 2 Series, 7. p. 173. t Lin. Trans. Vol. 20, pt. 1, p. 9; and in his own zootoraical berichte, where it is figured. 66 MANUAL OF THE MOLLUSCA. slickers, 45 on each side ; but no branchia ; the skin contains numerous changeable spots of red or violet, like that of the argonaut.* According to the observations of Madame Power, " the newly hatched argonaut has no shell, and is quite unlike what it afterwards becomes ; it is a sort of little worm, having two rows of suckers along its length, with a fili- form appendage at one extremity, and a small swelling at the other. It might be supposed to represent an extremely small bmchial appendage, from which the other parts were afterwards to be developed."! (Kolliker.) FAMILY I. AllGONAUTID^E. Dorsal arms (of the fern ale> webbed at the extremity, secreting a symme- trical involuted shell. Mantle supported in front by a single ridge on the funnel. Genus AKGONAUTA, Lin. Argonaut or paper sailor. Etymology., argonautai, sailors of the ship Argo. Synonyms, ocythoe (Rafinesque). Nautilus (Aristotle and Pliny). Example, A. hians, Soland, pi. II., fig. 1. China. Fig. 32. Arg^naufa argo L. swimming .t The shell of the argonaut is thin and translucent ; it is not moulded on the body of the animal, nor is it attached by shell-muscles ; and the unoccu- pied hollow of the spire serves as a receptacle for the minute clustered eggs. The argonaut sits in its boat with its siphon turned towards the keel, and its sail-shaped (dorsal) arms closely applied to the sides of the shell, as in fig. 32, where, however, they are represented as partially withdrawn, in order to show the margin of the aperture. It swims only by ejecting water from its fun- * Similar instances of a permanently rudimentary condition of the male sex, oc- cur amongst the lowest organized parasitic crustaceans; the males of achtheres, ler- nceopoda, tracheliaster, fyc., are frequently a thousand times smaller than the female, upon whom they live, and from whom they differ both in form and structure. Gosse has described a similar disparity of the sexes in asplanchna. t An. Sc. Nat. 2 Series, vol. 16, p. 185. t From a copy of Rang's figure, in Charlesworth's Magazine; one-fourth the na- tural size ; the small arrow indicates the current from the funnel, the large arrow th ; direction in which the " sailor" is driven by the recoil. Poli has represented it sitting the opposite way ; the writer had once an argonaut shell with the nucleus reversed, implying that the animal had turned quite round in it> shell, and remained in that position. The specimen is now in the York Museum. .V CEPHALOPODA. 67 nel, and crawls in a reversed position, carrying its shell over its back like a snail. (Madame Power and M. Jiang.) It was the nautilus (primus) of Aristotle, who described it as floating on the surface of the sea, in fine weather, and holding out its sail- shaped arms to the breeze ; a pretty fable, which poets have repeated ever since. Distribution : 4 species of argonaut are known ; they inhabit the open sea throughout the warmer parts of the world. Captain King took several from the stomach of a dolphin, caught upwards of 600 leagues from any land. Fossil : A. hians is found in the sub-apennine tertiaries of Piedmont. This species is still living in the Chinese seas, but not in the Mediterranean. FAMILY II. OCTOPODHXE. Arms similar, elongated, united at the base by a web. Shell represented by two short styles, encysted in the substance of the mantle. (Owen.) OCTOPUS, Cuvier. Poulpe. Etym., octo, eight, pous (poda) feet. Syn., cistofjus. (Gray.) Ex., 0. tuberculatus Bl., pi. I., figs. 1 and 2 (mandibles). Body oval, warty or cirrose, without fins ; arms long, unequal ; suckers in two rows ; mantle supported in front by the branchial septum. The octopods are the "polypi" of Homer and Aristotle; they are solitary animals, frequenting rocky shores, and are very active and voracious ; the females oviposit on sea-weeds, or in the cavities of empty shells. In the markets of Smyrna and Naples, and the bazaars of India, they are regularly exposed for sale. "Although common (at St. Jago) in the pools of water left by the retiring tide, they are not very easily caught. By means of their long arms and suckers they can drag their bodies into very narrow crevices, and when thus fixed it requires great force to remove them. At other times they dart tail first, with the rapidity of an arrow, from one side of the pool to the other, at the same instant discolouring the water with a dark chesnut-brown ink. They also escape detection by varying their tints, according to the nature of the ground over which they pass. In the dark they are slightly phospho- rescent." (Darwin)* Professor E. Forbes has observed that the octopus, when resting, coils its dorsal arms over its back, and seems to shadow forth the argonaut's shell. Distr., universally found on the coasts of the temperate and tropical zones ; 46 species are known ; when adult they vary in length from 1 inch to 2 feet, according to the species. PINNOCTOPUS, D'Orb. Finned octopus. Body with lateral fins, united behind. * Journal of a Voyage round the "World. The most fascinating volume of travels published since Defoe's fiction. MANUAL OF THE MOLLUSCA. The only known species, P. cordiformis, was discovered by MM. Quoy and Gaimard, on the coast of New Zealand; it exceeds 3 feet in length. ELEDONE. (Aristotle.) Leach. Type, E. octopodia, L. Suckers forming a single series on each arm ; length 6 to 18 inches. E. moschata emits a musky smell. Distr., 2 sp. Coasts of Norway, Britain, and the Mediterranean. CIRROTEUTHIS, Eschricht. 1836. Etym., cirrus, a filament, and teuthis a cuttle-fish. Body with two transverse fins ; arms united by a web, nearly to their tips; suckers in a single row, alternating with cirri. Length 10 inches. Colour violet. The only species (C. Mullen Esch.} inhabits the coast of Greenland. PHILONEXIS, D'Orb. Etym., philos, an adept in nexis, swimming. Type, P. atlanticus, D'Orb. Arms free ; suckers in two rows ; mantle supported by two ridges on the funnel. Total length, 1 to 3 inches. Distr., 6 sp. Atlantic and Medit. Gregarious in the open sea ; feeding on floating mollusca. Sub-genus. Tremoctopus (Chiaje), pi. I., fig. 3. Name from two large aquiferous pores (tremata) on the back of the head. Arms partly, or all webbed half-way up. Distr., 2 sp. T. quoyanus and violaceus. Atlantic and Medit. SECTION B. DECAPODA. Arms 8. Tentacles 2, elongated, cylindrical, with expanded ends. Suckers pedun culated, armed with a horny ring. Mouth surrounded by a buccal membrane, sometimes lobed and funished with suckers. Eyes moveable in their orbits. Body oblong or elongated, always provided with a pair of fins. Funnel usually furnished with an internal valve. Oviduct single. Nidamental gland largely developed. Shell internal ; lodged loosely in the middle of the dorsal aspect of the mantle. The arms of the decapods are comparatively shorter than those of the octopods ; the dorsal pair is usually shortest, the ventral longest. The tenta- cles originate within the circle of the arms, between the third and fourth pairs; they are usually much longer than the arms, and in cheiroteuthis are six times as long as the animal itself. They are completely retractile into large sub- ocular pouches in sepia, sepiola, and rossia ; partly retractile in loligo and sepioteuth'is ; non -retractile in cheiroteuthis. They serve to seize prey which may be beyond the reach of the ordinary arms, or to moor the animal in safety during the agitation of a stormy sea. CEPHALOPODA. 69 The shell of the living decapods is either a horny "pen" (gladius) or a calcarious "bone" (sepion)-, not attached to the animal by muscles, but so loose as to fall out when the cyst which contains it is opened. In the genus spirula, it is a delicate spiral tube, divided into air-chambers by a series of partitions (septa}. In the fossil genus spirulirostra, a similar shell forms the apex of a cuttle-bone ; in the fossil conoleuthis a chambered shell is combined with a pen ; and the belemnite unites all these modifications. The decapods chiefly frequent the open sea, appearing periodically like fishes, in great shoals, on the coasts and banks. (Owen, D'Orb.) FAMILY III. TEUTHID2E. CALAMAKIES, OR SQUIDS. Body, elongated ; fins short, broad, and mostly terminal. Shell, (gladius or pen) horny, consisting of three parts, a shaft, and two lateral expansions or wings. Sub-family A. Myopsida, D'Orb. Eyes covered by the skin. LOLIGO. (Pliny) Lamarck. Calamary. Syn., teuthis (Aristotle) Gray. Type, L. vulgaris (sepia loligo L.) Fig. 1. PI. I., fig. 6 (pen). fen, lanceolate, with the shaft produced in front ; it is multiplied by age, several being found packed closely, one behind another, in old specimens. (Owen. ) Body tapering behind, much elongated in the males. Tins terminal, united, rhombic. Mantle supported by a cervical ridge, and by two grooves in the base of the funnel. Suckers in two rows, with horny, dentated hoops. Tentacular club with four rows of suckers. Length (excluding tentacles) from 3 inches to 2| feet. The calamaries are good swimmers ; they also crawl, head-downwards, on their oral disk. The common species is used for bait, by fishermen, on the Cornish coast (Couch). Shells have been found in its stomach, and more rarely sea-weed (Dr. Johnston). Their egg-clusters have been estimated to contain nearly 40,000 eggs (Bohadsch). Distr., 21 sp. in all seas. Norway New Zealand. Sub-genus. Teudopsis, Deslongchamps, ]835. Etym., teuthis, a calamary and opsis like. Type, T. Bunellii, Desl. Pen, like loligo, but dilated and spatulate behind. Fossil, 5 sp. Upper Lias, France, and Wurtemberg. GONATUS, Gray. Animal an&pen like loligo in most respects. Arms with 4 series of cups,, tentacular club with numerous small cups, and a single large sessile cup armed with a hook ; funnel valveless. 70 MANUAL OF THE MOLLUSCA. Distr., a single species (G. amana, Holier sp.) is found on the coast o Greenland. SEPIOTEUTHIS, Blainville. Type, S. sepio'idea, Bl. Animal like loligo ; fins lateral, as long as th( body. Length from 4 inches to 3 feet. Distr. > 13 sp., West Indies, Cape, Ked Sea, Java, Australia. BELOTEUTHIS, Minister. Efym.., belos, a dart and teuthis. Type, B. subcostata, Miinst. PL IT., fig. 8., L T . Lias, Wurtemberg. Pen, horny, lanceolate ; with a very broad shaft, pointed at each end and small lateral wings. Distr., 6 sp. described by Miinster, considered varieties (differing in ag( and sex), by M. D'Orbigny. GEOTEUTHIS, Miinster. Etym., ge, the earth (i. e. fossil) and teuthis. Syn., belemnosepia (Agassiz.) belopeltis (Yoltz) loligosepia (Quenstedt.)* Pen broad, pointed behind ; shaft broad, truncated in front ; lateral wing.' shorter than the shaft. Fossil, 9 sp. U. Lias, Wurtemberg ; Calvados ; Lyme Regis. Severa undescribed sp. in the Oxf. clay, Chippenharn. Besides the pens of this calamary the ink-bag, the muscular mantle, anc the bases of the arms, are preserved in the Oxford clay. Some of the ink- bags found in the Lias are nearly a foot in length, and are invested with f. brilliant nacreous layer ; the ink forms excellent sepia. It is difficult to un- derstand how these were preserved, as the recent calamaries " spill their ink" on the slightest alarm. (Buckland}. LEPTOTEIJTHIS, Meyer. Etym., Leptos thin, and teuthis. Type, L. gigas Meyer, Oxford clay, Solenhofen. Pen very broad and rounded in front, pointed behind; with obscure diverg- ing ribs. CRANCHIA, Leach, 1817. Named in honour of Mr. J. Cranch, naturalist to the Congo expedition. Type, C. scabra, Leach. Body large, ventricose ; fins small, terminal ; mantle supported in fronl by a branchial septum. Length 2 inches. Head very small. Eyes fixed Buccal membrane large, 8-lobed. Arms short, suckers in two rows. Tenta- cular clubs finned behind, cups in 4 rows. Funnel valved. Pen long and narrow. * These names must be set aside, being incorrect in themselves, and founded or a total misapprehension of the nature of the fossils. CEPHALOPODA. 7 1 Distr., 2 sp. W. Africa. In the open sea. This genus makes the nearest approach to the octopods. SEPIOLA. (Rondelet) Leach, 181?. Ex., S. atlantica (D'Orb.) PL I., fig. 4. Body short, purse-like ; mantle supported by a broad cervical band, and a ridge fitting a groove in the funnel. Fins dorsal, rounded, contracted at the base. Suckers in 2 rows, or crowded, on the arms, in 4 rows on the tentacles. Length 2 to 4 inches. Pen, half as long as the back. S. stenodactyla (sepioloidea, D'Orb.) has no pen. Distr., 6 sp. Coasts of Norway, Britain, Medit., Mauritius, Japan, Australia. Sub-genus. Rossia, Owen (Fidenas? Gray). Mantle supported by a cervical ridge and groove. Suckers in 2 rows on the tentacles. Length 3 to 5 inches. Distr., 6 sp. Regent Inlet, Britain, Medit., Manilla. Sub-family B. Oigopsida, D'Orb. Eyes naked. Fins always terminal, and united, forming a rhomb. LOLIGOPSIS, Lam. 1811. Etym., loligo, and opsis, like. Type, L. pavo (Lesueur). Body elongated, mantle supported in front by a branchial septum. Arms short. Cups in 2 rows. Tentacles slender, often mutilated. Funnel valveless. Pen slender, with a minute conical appendix. Length from 6 to 12 inches. Distr., pelagic. 8 sp. N. Sea, Atlantic, Medit., India, Japan, S. Sea. CHEIROTEUTHIS, D'Orb. Etym., cheir, the hand, and teuthis. Type, C. veranii, Per. Mantle supported in front by ridges. Funnel valveless. Ventral arms very long. Tentacles extremely elongated, slender, with distant sessile cups on the peduncles, and 4 rows of pedunculated claws on their expanded ends. Pen slender, slightly winged at each end. Length of the body 2 inches ; to the tips of the arms 8 inches ; to the ends ot the tentacles 3 feet. Distr., 2 sp. Atlantic, Medit. On gulf-weed, in the open sea. HISTIOTEUTHIS, D'Orb. Etym., histion, a veil ; and teuthis. Type, H. bonelliana, Fer. Length 16 inches. Body short. Fins terminal, rounded. Mantle supported in front by ridges and grooves. Buccal membrane 6-lobed. Arms (except the ventral pair), webbed high up. Tentacles long, outside the web, with 6 rows of den- tated cups on their ends. 72 MANUAL OF THE MOLLUSCA. Pen short and broad. Distr., 2 sp. Mediterranean ; in the open sea. ONYCHOTEUTHIS, Lichtenstein. Uncinated calamary. Etym., onyx, a claw, and teuthis. Type, 0. banksii, Leach. ( = bartlingii?) PI. I., fig. 7 and fig. 8 i Syn., ancistroteuthis (Gray). Onychia (Lesueur). Pen narrow, with hollow, conical apex. Arms with 2 rows of suckers. Tentacles long and powerful, armed with a double series of hooks ; and usually having a small group of suckers at the base of each club, which they are supposed to unite, and thus use their tenta- cles in conjunction.* Length 4 inches to 2 feet. The unciuated calamaries are solitary animals, frequenting the open sea, and especially the banks of gulf- weed (sargasso). O. banksii ranges from Norway to the Cape and Indian ocean ; the rest are confined to warm seas. 0. dussumieri has been taken swimming in the open sea, 200 leagues north of the Mauritius. Distr., 6 sp. Atlantic, Indian ocean, Pacific. ENOPLOTEUTHIS, D'Orb. Armed calamary. Etym., enoplos, armed, and teuthis. Type, E. smithii, Leach. Syn., ancistrochirus and abralia (Gray), octopodoteuthis (Ruppell), verani; (Krohn). Pen lanceolate. Arms provided with a double series of horny hooks, con cealed by retractile webs. Tentacles long and feeble, with small hooks at th< end. Length (excluding the tentacles) from 2 inches to 1 foot ; but somi species attain a larger size. In the museum of the College of Surgeons then is an arm of the specimen of E. unguiculata, found by Banks and Solander ii Cook's first voyage (mentioned at p. 64) supposed to have been 6 feet lon< when perfect. The natives of the Polynesian Islands, who dive for shell-fish have a well-founded dread of these formidable creatures. {Owen.) Distr., 10 sp. Medit., Pacific. OMMASTREPHES, D'Orb. Sagittated calamary. Etym., omma, the eyes, and strepho, to turn. Type, 0. sagittatus, Lam. Body cylindrical ; terminal fins large and rhombic. Arms with 2 rows o suckers, and sometimes an internal membranous fringe. Tentacles short am strong, with 4 rows of cups. Pen, consisting of a shaft with three diverging ribs, and a hollow conies appendix. Length from 1 inch to nearly 4 feet. * The obstetric forceps of Professor Simpson were suggested by the suckers of th calamary. CEPHALOPODA. 73 The sagittated calamaries are gregarious, and frequent the open sea in all climates. They are extensively used in the cod-fishery off Newfoundland, and are the principal food of the dolphins and cachalots, as well as of the albatross and larger petrels. The sailors call them " sea-arrows" or "flying squids," from their habit of leaping out of the water, often to such a height as to fall on the decks of vessels. They leave their eggs in long clusters floating at the surface. Distr., 14 recent sp. ; similar pens (4 sp.) have been found fossil in the Oxford clay, Solenhofen ; it may, however, be doubted whether they are ge- nerically identical. FAMILY IV. BELEMNITID^. Shell consisting of a pen, terminating posteriorly in a chambered cone, sometimes invested with a fibrous guard. The air-cells of the phragmo-cone are connected by a tiphuncle, close to the ventral side. BELEMNITES, Lamarck. 1801. Etym., belemnon> a dart.* Ex., B. puzosianus, pi. II., fig. 5. Phragmocone horny, slightly nacreous, with a minute globular nucleus at its apex ; divided internally by numerous concave septa. Pen represented by two nacreous bands on the dorsal side of the phragmocone, and produced be- yond its rim, in the form of sword-shaped processes (pi. II., fig. 5).f Guard, fibrous, often elongated and cylindrical ; becoming very thin in front, where it invests the phragmocone. J Nearly 100 species of belemnites have been found in a fossil state, ranging from the lias to the gault, and distributed over all Europe. The phragmocone of the belemnite, which represents the terminal appendix of the calamaries, is * The termination lies (from lithos, a stone) was formerly given to all fossil genera. t The most perfect specimens known are in the cabinet of Dr. Mantell, and the British Museum ; they were obtained by William Buy in the Oxford clay of Christian Malford, Wilts. The last chamber of a lias belemnite in the British Museum is 6 ncheslong, and 2 inches across at the smaller end; a fracture near the siphuncle shows the ink-bag. The phragmocone of a specimen corresponding to this in size, measures 7^ inches in length. t The specific gravity of the guard is identical with that of the shell of the recent sinna, and its structure is the same. Parkinson and others have supposed that it was jriginally a light and porous structure, like the cuttle bone; but the inucro of the iepiostaire, with which alone it is homologous, is quite as dense as the belemnite. We ire indebted to Mr. Alex. Williams, M.R.C.S., for the following specific gravities of recent and fossil shells, compared with water as 1,000 : Belernnites puzosianus, Oxford clay 2,674 Belemnitella mucronata, chalk 2,677 Pinna, recent, from the Mediterranean 2,607 Trichites plottii, from the inferior oolite 2,670 Conus monile, recent 2,910 Conus ponderosus, Miocene, Touraine 2,713 E 74 MANUAL OP THE MOLLUSCA. divided into air-chambers, connected by a small tube (siphuncle), like the shel of the pearly nautilus. It is exceedingly delicate, and usually owes its preser tioii to the infiltration of calc. spar ; specimens frequently occur in the lias with the meniscus-shaped casts of the air-chambers loose, like a pile of watch, arlasses. It is usually eccentric, its apex being nearest to the ventral side o: the guard. The guard is very variable in its proportions, being sometimes only half an inch longer than the phragmocone, at others one or two feet ii length. These variations probably depend to some extent on age and sex M. D'Orbigny believes that the shells of the males are always (comparatively) long and slender ; those of the females are at first short, but afterwards grow- ing only at the points, they become as long in proportion as the others. Thjt guard always exhibits (internally) concentric lines of growth; in B. irregularu. its apex is hollow. The belemnites have been divided into groups by the pre- sence aud position of furrows in the surface of the guard. SECTION I. ACCELI (Bronn.) without dorsal or ventral grooves. Sub-section 1. Acuarii, without lateral furrows, but often channelled at the extreme point. Type., b. acuarius. 20 sp. Lias Neocomian. Sub-section 2. Clavati, with lateral furrows. Type, b. clavatus. 3 sp. Lias. SECTION II. GASTJIOCCELI (D'Orb.) Ventral groove distinct. Sub-section 1. Canaliculati, no lateral furrows. Type, b. canaliculatus. 5 sp. Inf. oolite Gt. oolite. Sub-section 2. Hastati, lateral furrows distinct. Type, b. hastatus. 19 sp. U. lias Gault. SECTION III. NOTOCCELI (D'Orb.) with a dorsal groove, and fir each side. Type, b. dilatatus. 9 sp. Neocomian. The belemnites appear to have been gregarious, from the exceeding abuiul- ance of their remains in many localities, as in some of the marlstone quarrie- of the central counties, and the lias cliffs of Dorsetshire. It is also probabL that they lived in a moderate depth of water, and preferred a muddy bottom to rocks or coral-reefs, with which they would be apt to come in perilous col- lision. Belemnites injured in the life-time of the animal have been frequently noticed. BELEMNITELLA, D'Orb. Syn., actinocamax, Miller (founded on a mistake.) Type, B. mucronata, Sby. PL II., fig. 6. Distr., Europe; N. America. 5 sp. U. greensand and chalk. The guard of the belemnitella has a straight fissure on the ventral side < I its alveolar border ; its surface exhibits distinct vascular impressions. The CEPHALOPODA. 75 phragmocone is never preserved, but casts of the alveolus show that it was chambered, that it had a single dorsal ridge, a ventral process passing into the fissure of the guard, and an apical nucleus. ACANTHOTEUTHIS (Wagner), Munster. Etym., acantha, a spine, and teuthis. Syn., Keleeno (Munster.) Belemnoteuthis? Type, A. prisca, Ruppell. Founded on the fossil hooks of a calamary, preserved in the Oxford clay of Solenhofen. These show that the animal had 10, nearly equal arms, all furnished with a double series of horny claws, throughout their length. A pen like that of the ommastrephes has been hypothetical^ ascribed to these arms, which may, however, have belonged to the belemnite or the belemno- teathis. BELEMNOTEUTHIS (Miller), Pearce, 1842. Type, B. antiquus (Ounuington), fig. 33. Shell consisting of a phragmocone, like that of the belemnite ; a horny dorsal pen with obscure lateral bands ; and a thin fibrous guard, with two diverging ridges on the dorsal side. Animal provided with arms and tenta- cles of nearly equal length, furnished with a double alternating series of horny hooks, from. 20 to 40 pairs on each arm ; mantle free all round ; fins large, medio- dorsal (much larger than in fig. 33). Fossil in the Oxford clay of Chippen- ham. Similar horny claws have been found in the lias of Watchett; and a guard equally thin is figured in Buckland's Bridgewater Treatise, t. 44, fig. 14. In the fossil calamary of Chippenham, the shell is preserved along with the mus- cular mantle, fins, ink-bag, 'funnel, eyes, and tentacles with their horny hooks ; all the specimens were discovered, and deve- loped with, unexampled skill, by William Buy, of Sutton, near Chippenham. Fig. 33. BelKmnoteuthis* * Fig. 33. Belemnoteuthis antiquus, , ventral side, from a specimen in the cabinet of William Cunnington, Esq., of Devizes. .The last chamber of 'the phragmocone is preserved in this specimen, a, represents the dorsal side of an uncompressed phrag- mocone from the Kelloway rock, in the cabinet of J. G. Lowe, Esq. ; c, is an ideal sec- tion of the same. Since this woodcut was executed, a more complete specimen has fO MANUAL OF THE MOLLUSCA. CONOTEIJTHIS, D'Orb. Type, C. Dupinianus, D'Orb. PI. II., fig. 9. Neocomian, France. Phragmocone slightly curved. Pen elongated, very slender. This shell, which is like the pen of an ommastrephe, with a chambered cone, connects the ordinary calamaries with the belenmites. FAMILY V. SEPIADJS. Shell (cuttle-bone or seplostaire) calcarious ; consisting of a broad lami- nated plate, terminating behind in a hollow, imperfectly chambered apex {mucro). Animal with elongated tentacles, expanded at their ends. SEPIA (Pliny), Linnseus. Type, S. officinalis, L. PL I., fig. 5. Syn., belosepia, Voltz. (B. sepio'idea, pi. II., fig. 3, mucro only.) Body oblong, with lateral fins as long as itself. Arms with 4 rows oi suckers. Mantle supported by tubercles fitting into sockets on the neck and funnel. Length 3 to 28 inches. Shell as wide and long as the body; very thick in front, concave internally behind ; terminating in a prominent mucro. The thickened part is composed of numerous plates, separated by vertical fibres, which render it very light and porous. T. Orbignyana, pi. II., fig. 2. The cuttle-bone was formerly employed as an antacid by apothecaries ; it is now only used as "pounce," or in casting counterfeits. The bone of * Chinese species attains the length of 1| feet. (Adams.) The cuttle-fishes live near shore, and the mucro of their shell seems in- tended to protect them in the frequent collisions they are exposed to in swim- ming backwards. (D'Orb.} Distr., 30 sp. World-wide. Fossil, 5 sp. Oxf. clay, Solenhofen. Several species have been foun on mucrones from the Eocene of London and Paris. PI. II., fig. 3. SFIRULIROSTRA, D'Orb. Type, S. BeUardii (D'Orb.) PL II., fig. 4. Miocene, Turin. Shell, mucro only known ; chambered internally ; chambers connected by a ventral siphuncle ; external spathose layer produced beyond the phrag mocone into a long pointed beak. BELOPTERA (Blainville) Deshayes. Etym., belos, a dart, and pteron, a wing. Type, B. belemnitoides, Bl. PL II., fig. 7. been obtained for the British Museum ; the tentacles are not longer than the ordinar / arms, owing, perhaps, to their partial retraction ; this specimen will be figured in D) Mantell's "Petrifactions and their Teachings." d, is a single hook, natural size; tha specimens belonging to Mr. Cunnington and the late Mr. C. Pearce, show the largs acetabular bases of the hooks. CEPHALOPODA. 77 Shell, mucro (only known) chambered and siplmncled; winged externally. Fossil, 2 sp. Eocene. Paris ; Bracklesham BELEMNOSIS, Edwards. Type, B. anomalus, Sby. sp. Eocene. Highgate (unique.) Shell, mucro, chambered and siphuncled ; without lateral wings or elon- gated beak. FAMILY VI. SPIRULHLE. Shell entirely nacreous ; discoidal ; whirls separate, chambered (potytkala- mous^) with a ventral siphuncle. SPIRULA, Lam., 1801. Syn., h'tuus, Gray. Ex., S. leevis (Gray.) PI. I., fig. 9. Body oblong, with minute terminal fins. Mantle supported by a cervical and 2 ventral ridges and grooves. Arms with 6 rows of very minute cups Tentacles elongated. Funnel valved. Shell placed vertically in the posterior part of the body, with the involute spire towards the ventral side. The last chamber is not larger in proportion than the rest ; its margin is organically connected ; it contains the ink-bag. The delicate shell of the spirula is scattered by thousands on the shores of New Zealand ; it abounds on the Atlantic coasts, and a few specimens are yearly brought by the Gulf- stream, and strewed upon the shores of Devon and Cornwall. But the animal is only known by a few fragments, and one perfect specimen, obtained by Mr. Percy Earl on the coast of New Zealand. Distr., 3 sp. All the warmer seas. ORDER II. TETRABRANCHIATA. Animal creeping ; protected by an external shell. Head retractile within the mantle. Eyes pedunculated. Mandibles cal- carious. Arms very numerous. Body attached to the shell by adductor mus- cles, and by a continuous horny girdle. Branchiae four. Funnel formed by the folding of a muscular lobe. Shell external, camerated (poly-thalamous) and siphuncled; the inner layers and septa nacreous ; outer layers porcellanous.* It was long ago remarked by Dillwynn, that shells of the carnivorous gas- teropods were almost, or altogether, wanting in the palseozoic and secondary strata ; and that the office of these animals appeared to have been performed, in the ancient seas, by an order of cephalopods, now nearly extinct. Above 1,400 fossil species belonging to this order are now known by their shells ; whilst their only living representative is the nautilus pompilius, * The Chinese carve a variety of patterns in the outer opaque layer of the nautilus shell, relieved by the pearly ground beneath. 78 MANUAL OP THE MOLLT7SCA. of which several specimens have been brought to Europe within the last few years.* The shell of the tetrabranchiate cephalopods is an extremely elongated cone, and is either straight, or variously folded, or coiled. It is straight in orthoceras . baculites. bent on itself in ascoceras . ptychoceras. curved in cyrtoceras . toxoceras. spiral in trochoceras . turrilites. discoidal in gyroceras . crioceras. discoidal and produced in . lituites . . ancyloceras. involute in nautilus . 9 ammonites. Internally, the shell is divided into cells or chambers, by a series of parti- tions (septa], connected by a tube or siphuncle. The last chamber is occupied by the animal, the rest are empty during life, but in fossil specimens they are often filled with spar. When the outer shell is removed (as often happens to fossils,) the edges of the septa are seen (as in PL III., figs. 1, 2.) Sometimes they form curved lines, as in nautilus and orthoceras, or they are zig-zag, as in goniatites (fig. 53,) or foliaceous, as in the ammonite, fig. 34. Fig. 34. Suture of an ammonite.^ The outlines of the septa are termed sutures ;J when they are folded the elevations are called saddles, and the intervening depressions lobes. In ceratites (fig. 54) the saddles are round, the lobes dentated; in ammonites both lobes and saddles are extremely complicated. Broken fossils show that the septa are nearly flat in the middle, and folded round the edge (like a shirt - frill), where they abut against the outer shell- wall (fig. 37). The siphuncle of the recent nautilus is a membranous tube, with a very thin nacreous investment ; in most of the fossils it consists of a succession oi funnel shaped, or bead-like tubes. In some of the oldest fossil genera, act I" noceras, gyroceras, and phragmoceras, the siphuncle is large, and contains in * The frontispiece, copied from Professor Osven's Memoir, represents the animal oi the first nautilus, captured off the New Hebrides, and brought to England by Mr. Ben- nett; it is drawn as if lying in the section of a shell, without concealing any % part of it. The woodcut, fig. 43, is taken from a more perfect specimen, lately acquired by the British Museum, in which the relation of the animal to its shell is accurately shown. t A. heterophyllus, Sby., from the lias, Lyme Regis. British Museum. Only side is represented ; the arrow indicates the dorsal saddle. J From their resemblance to the sutures of the skull, ,. CEPHALOPODA. 79 its centre a smaller tube, tlie space between the two being filled up with radiat- ing plates, like the lamellaj of a coral. The position of the siphuncle is very variable ; in the ammonitida it is external, or close to the outer margin of the shell (fig. 37). In the nautilidae it is usually central (fig. 35), or internal (% 36). Fig. 35. Nautilus. Fig. 36. ' Clymenia. Fig. 37. Hamites* The air-chambers of the recent nautilus are lined by a very thin, living membrane ; those of the fossil orthocerata retain indications of a thick vascu- lar lining, connected with the animal by spaces between the beads of the siphuncle. f The body-chamber is always very capacious ; in the recent nautilus its cavity is twice as large as the whole series of air-cells ; in the goniatite (fig. 39), it occupies a whole whirl, and has a considerable lateral extension ; and in ammonites communis it occupies more than a whirl. Fig. 38. Ammonites. Fig. 39. Goniatites.% * Fig. 35. Nautilus pompilius, L. Fig. 36. Clymenia striata, Miinst., see pi. II., fig. 16. Fig. 37. Hamites cylindraceus Defr., see fig. 58. t The apocryphal genus spongarium, was founded on detached septa of an ortho- ceras, from the Upper Ludlow rock, in which the vascular markings distinctly radiate from the siphuncle. Mr. Jones, warden of Chin Hospital, has several of these in apposition. I Fig. 38. Section of ammonites obtusus, Sby. lias, Lyme Regis ; from a very young specimen. Fig. 39. Section of goniatites sphtericus, Shy. carb. limestone, Bolland (in the cabinet of Mr. Tennant.) The dotted lines indicate the lateral extent of the body- chamber. 80 MANUAL OF THE MOLLUSCA. The margin nf the aperture is quite simple in the recent nautilus, and affords no clue to the many curious modifications observable in the fossil forms. In the ammonites we frequently find a dorsal process, or lateral pro- jections, developed periodically, or only in the adult (fig. 55, and pi. III., fig. 5), In phragmoceras and gomphoceras (figs. 40, 41) the aperture is so much contracted that it is obvious the animal could not have withdrawn its head into the shell like the nautilus. Fig. 40. Gomphoceras. Fig. 41. Phragmoceras.* M. Barrande, from whose great work on the Silurian Formations of Bohemia these figures are taken, suggests that the lower part of the aperture (s s) which is almost isolated, may have served for the passage of the funnel, whilst the upper and larger space (c c) was occupied by the neck ; the lobes probably indicate the position of the external arms. The aperture of the pearly nautilus is closed by a disk or hood (fig. 43, k), formed by the union of the two dorsal arms, which correspond to the shell- secreting sails of the argonaut. In the extinct ammonites we have evidence that the aperture was guarded still more effectively by a horny, or shelly operculum, secreted, in all probabi- lity, by these dorsal arms. In one group (arietes,) the operculum consists of a single piece, and is horny and flexible.f In the round-backed ammonites the operculum is shelly, and divided into two plates by a straight median suture (fig. 42). They were de- scribed in 1811, by Parkinson, who called them tri- gonellites, and pointed out the resemblance of their Fig. 42.1 * Fig. 40. Gomphoceras Bohemicum (Barrande), reduced view of the aperture ; *, the siphonal opening. Fig. 41. phragmoceras callistoma (Barr.) both from the U. Silurian, Bohemia. t This form was discovered by the late Miss Mary Anning, the indefatigable col- rector of the lias fossils of Lyme Regis, and described by Mr. Strickland, Geol. Journal, vol. I., p. 232. Also by M. Voltz, Mem. de 1'Institute, 1837, p. 48. % Trigonellites lamellosus, Park. Oxford clay, Solenhofen (and Chippenham ; ) as- sociated with ammonites lingulatus, Quenstedt. (= A. Brightii, Pratt). From a speci- men in the cabinet of Charles Stokes, Esq. CEPHALOPODA. 81 internal structure to the cancellated tissue of bones. Their external surface is smooth or sculptured ; the inner side is marked by lines of growth. Forty- five kinds are enumerated by Bronn ; they occur in all the strata in which ammonites are found, and a single specimen has been figured by M. D'Archiac, from the Devonian rocks of the Eifel, where it was associated with goniatites* Calcarious mandibles or rhyncholites (F. Biguet) have been obtained from all the strata in which nautili occur ; and from their rarity, their large size and close resemblance to the mandibles of the recent nautilus, it is probable that they belonged only to that genus.f In the Muschelkalk of Bavaria one nautilus (N. arietis, JReinecke, = N. bidorsatus, Schlotheim,) is found, and two kinds of rhyncholite ; one sort, corresponding with the upper mandible of the recent nautilus, has been called " rhyncholites hirundo" (pi. II., fig. 11), the other, which appears to be only the lower mandible of the same species, has been described under the name of " conchorhynchus avirostris."^: In studying the fossil tetrabranchiata, it is necessary to take into consi- deration the varying circumstances under which they have been preserved. In some strata (as the lias of Watchett) the outer layer of the shell has dis- appeared, whilst the inner nacreous layer is preserved. More frequently only the outer layer remains ; and in the chalk formation the whole shell has perished. ' In the calcarious grit of Berkshire and Wiltshire the ammonites have lost their shells ; but perfect casts of the chambers, formed of calcarious spar, remain. Fossil orthocerata and ammonites are evidently in many instances dead shells, being overgrown with corals, serpulse, or oysters ; every cabinet affords such examples. In others the animal has apparently occupied its shell, and prevented the ingress of mud, which has hardened all around il ; after this it has decomposed, and -contributed to form those phosphates and sulphurets commonly present in the body-chamber of fossil shells, and by which the sediment around them is so often formed into a hard concretion. || In this state they are * The trlgonellites have been described by Meyer as bivalve shells, under the generic name of aptychus; by Deslongchamps under the name of Munsteria. M. D'Orbigny regards them as cirripedes ! M. Deshayes believes them to be gizzards of the ammonites. M. Coquand compares them with teudopsis; an analogy evidently suggested by some of the membranous and elongated forms, such as T. sanguinolarius, found with am. deprcssus, in the lias of Boll. Ruppell, Voltz, Quenstedt, and Zieten, regard the trigonellites as the opercula of ammonites, an opinion also entertained by many of the most experienced fossil collectors in England. t M. D'Orbigny has manufactured two genera of calamari.es out of these nautilus beaks! (rhynchoteufhis and. paltzoteuthis). In the innumerable sections of ammonite& which have been made, no traces of the mandibles have ever been discovered. 1 Lepas avirostris (Schlotheim), described by Blainville as the beak of a brachiopod ! Called spnndylolites by old writers. || In the alum-shale of Whitby, innumerable concretions are found, which, when struck with the hammer, split open, and disclose an ammonite. See Dr. Mantell's. ''Thoughts on a Pebble," p. 21. ^ E a M MANUAL OF THE MOLLUSCA. permeated by mineral water, which slowly deposits calcarious spar, in crys- tals, on their walls ; or by acidulous water, which removes every trace of the shell, leaving a cavity, which at some future time may again become filled ar, having the form of the shell, but not its structure. In some sec- tions of orthocerata, it is evidenf that the mud has gained access to the air- cells, along the course of the blood-vessels ; but the chambers are not entirely filled, because their lining membrane has contracted, leaving a space between itself and certain portions of the walls, which correspond in each chamber. With respect to the purpose of the air-chambers, much ingenuity has been exercised in devising an explanation of their assumed hydrostatic func- tion, whereby the nautilus can rise at will to the surface, or sink, on the approach of storms to the quiet recesses of the deep. Unfortunately for such poetical speculations, the nautilus appears on the surface, only when driven up by storms, and its sphere of action is on the bed of the sea, where it creeps like a snail, or perhaps lies in wait for unwary crabs and shell-fish, like some gigantic " sea-anemone." with outspread tentacles. The tetrabranchs could undoubtedly swim, by their respiratory jets the discoidal nautili and ammonites are not well calculated, by their forms, for swimming ; and the straight -shelled orthocerata and baculites must have held a nearly vertical position, head-downwards, on account of the bu- of their shells. The use of the air-chambers, is to render the whole animal (and shell) of nearly the same specific gravity with the water.* The object of the numerous partitions is not so much to sustain the pressure of the water, as to guard against the collisions to which the shell is exposed. They are most complicated in the ammonites, whose general form possesses least strength.f The purpose of the siphuncle (as suggested by Mr. Searles \Vood) is to main- tain the vitality of the shell, during the long life which these animals cer- tainly enjoyed. Mr. Forbes has suggested that the inner courses of the hamites, broke off, as the outer ones were formed. But this was not the case with the orthocerata, whose long straight shells were particularly exposed to danger ; in these the preservation of the shell was provided for by the in- creased size and strength of the siphuncle, and its increased vascularity. endoceras we find the siphuncle thickened by internal deposits, until (in s of the very cylindrical species) it forms an almost solid axis. The nucleus of the shell is rather large in the nautili, and causes * A nautilus pompiUus (in the cabinet of Mr. Morris) weighs lib., and when t siphuncle is secured, it floats with a |lb weight in its aperture. The animal \ have displaced^ pints (= 2|lbs ) of water, and therefore, if it weighed 31bs., the spe< gravity of the animal and shell would scarcely exceed that of salt water. t The siphuncle and lobed septa did not hold the animal in its shell, as Von B- imagined: that was secured by the shell-mu&cles. The complicated sutures perh indicate lobed ovaries ; they occur in genera, which must have produced very sir eggs. CEPHALOPODA. opening to remain through the shell, until the umbilicus is filled up with a callous deposit : several fossil species have always a hole through the centre. In the ammonites, the nucleus is exceedingly small, and the whirls com- pact from the first. It has been stated that the septa are formed periodically ; but it must not be supposed that the shell-muscles ever become detached, or that the animal moves the distance of a chamber all at once. It is most likely that the adductors grow only in front, and that a constant waste takes place behind, so that they are always moving onward, except when a new septum is to be fanned ; the septa indicate periodic rests. The consideration of this fact, that the nautilus must so frequently have an air-cavity between it and its shell, is alone sufficient to convince us, that the chambered cephalopoda could not exist in very deep water. They were pro- bably limited to a depth of 20 or 30 fathoms at the utmost.* It is certain that the sexes were distinct in the tetrabrancJuata, but since only the female of the living nautilus is known, we are left to conjecture how ar the differences observable in the shells, are dependant on sex. At. D'Orbigny, having noticed that there are two varieties of almost every kind of ammonite. one compressed, the other inflated naturally assumed that the first were the shells of male individuals ( $ ), the second of females ( $ ). Dr. Melville has made a similar suggestion with respect to the nautili ; namely, that the umbilicated specimens are the males, the iniperforated shells, females. This is rendered probable by the circumstance, that all the known specimens of uiii's were female, and that the supposed male (2V. macromph< very rare, as we have noticed amongst the male dibranchiata. Of the other recent species, both the presumed sexes (N. umbilical us lbs. to the square inch. Empty bottles, securely corked, and sunk with we-.iihts be, end 100 fathoms, are always crushed, If filled with liquid, the cork is driven in. and the liquid replaced by salt water; and in drawing the bottle np nsrain. the cork is returned to the neck of the bottle, generally in a reversed posi- tion. v j> F. Beaufort.) 84 Fig. 43. Namtilu* pompiliiu in its shell.* The umbilicus is small or obsolete in the typical nautili, and the whirls enlarge rapidly. In the palaeozoic species, the whirls increase slowly, and are sometimes scarcely in contact. The last air-cell is frequently shallower in proportion than the rest. Animal. In the recent nautilus, the mandibles are horny, but calcified to a considerable extent ; they are surrounded by a circular fleshy lip, external to which are four groups of labial tentacles, 12 or 13 in each group, they appear to answer to the buccal membrane of the calamary (fig. 1). Beyond these, on each side of the head, is a double series of arms, or brachial ten- tacles, 36 in number ; the dorsal pair are expanded and united to form the hood, which closes the aperture of the shell, except for a small space on each side, which is filled by the second pair of arms. The tentacles are lamellated * This woodcut and 18 others illustrating the tetrabranchiata, are the property of Mr. Gray, to whom we are indebted for their use. Fig. 43 represents the recent nautilus, as it appears on the removal of part of the outer shell-wall (from the specimen in the British Museum). The eye is seen in the centre, covered by the hood (h) ; t, tentacles, nearly concealed in their sheaths ; /, funnel ; m, margin of the mantle, very much contracted ; n, nidamental gland ; a, c, air-cells and siphuncle; s, portion of the shell ; a, shell-muscle. The internal organs are indicated by dotted lines ; b, bran- chiae; h, heart and renal glands ; c. crop; g, gizzard; /, liver; o, ovary. CEPHALOPODA. 85 on their inner surface, and are retractile within sheaths, or " digitations," which correspond to the eight ordinary arms of the cuttle-fishes ; their supe- riority in number being indicative of a lower grade of organization. Besides these there are four ocular tentacles, one behind and one in front of each eye ; they seem to be instruments of sensation, and resemble the tentacles of doris and aplysia (Owen}. On the side of each eye is a hollow plicated process, which is not tentaculiferous. The respiratory funnel is formed by the folding of a very thick muscular lobe, which is prolonged laterally on each side of the head, with its free edge directed backwards, into the branchial cavity ; behind the hood it is directed forwards, forming a lobe which lies against the black- stained spire of the shell (fig. 43 *.)* Inside the funnel is a valve-like fold (fig. 44 s). The margin of the mantle is entire, and extends as far as the edge of the shell ; its substance is firm and muscular, as far back as the line of the shell-muscles and horny girdle, beyond which it is thin and transparent. The shell-muscles are united by a narrow tract, across the hollow occupied by the involute spire of the shell ; and are thus rendered horse-shoe shaped. The siphuncle is vascular ; it opens into the cavity containing the heart ( pe- ricardium}, and is most probably filled with fluid from that cavity. (Owen.) Respecting the habits of the nautilus, very little is known, the specimen dissected by Professor Owen had it crop filled with fragments of a small crab, and its mandibles seem well adapted for breaking shells. The statement that it visits the surface of the sea of its own accord, is at present unconfirmed by ob servation, although the air cells would doubtless enable the animal to rise by a very small amount of muscular exertion. Professor Owen gives the following passage, from the old Dutch naturalist, Rumphius, who wrote in 1705, an account of the rarities of Amboina. " When the nautilus floats on the water, he puts out his head and all his tenta- cles, and spreads them upon the water, with the poop of the shell above water ; but at the bottom he creeps in the reverse position, with his boat above him, and with his head and tentacles upon the ground, making a tolerably quick progress. He keeps himself chiefly upon the ground, creeping also sometimes into the nets of the fishermen ; but after a storm, as the weather becomes calm, they are seen in troops, floating on the water, being driven up ly the agitation of the waves. This sailing, however, is not of long continuance ; * The funnel is considered the homologue of the foot of the gasteropods, by Loven, a conclusion to which we cannot agree. The cephalopoda ought to be compared with the larval gasteropods, in which the foot only serves to support an operculum; or with the floating tribes in which the foot is obsolete, or serves only to secrete a nida- mental raft (ianthina). However, on examining the nautilus preserved in the British Museum, and finding that the funnel was only part of a muscular collar, which ex- tends all round the neck of the animal, we could not avoid noticing its resemblance to the siphonal lappets of paludina, and to that series of lappets (including the oper- culigerous lobe) which surrounds the trochus (fig. 87). 86 MANUAL OF THE MOLLUSCA. for having taking in all their tentacles, they upset their boat, and so return to the bottom." Fig. 44. Nautilus expanded.* Distr., 2 or 4 sp. Chinese seas, Indian ocean, Persian gulf. Fossil, about 100 sp. In all strata, S. and N. America (Chile). Europe, India (Pondicherry). Sub-genus. Aturia (Bronn), = Megasiphonia D'Orb. Type, N. zic-zac Sby. PL II., fig. 12, London clay, Highgate. Shell, sutures, with a deep lateral lobe ; siphuncle nearly internal, large, continuous, resembling a succession of funnels. Fossil, 4 sp. Eocene, N. America, Europe, India. Sul-genus ? Discites, McCoy. Whirls all exposed ; the last chamber sometimes produced. L. silurian. Garb : limestone. Temnocheilus, McCoy. Founded on the carinated sp. of the Carb. lime- stone. Cryptoceras, D'Orb. Founded on N. dorsaMs Phil, and one other spe in which the siphuncle is nearly external. * Ideal representation of the nautilus, when expanded, by Professor Loven, appears to have taken the details from M. Valenciennes memoir in the Archives dn Museum, vol. 2, p. 257. //,, hood, s, s : phon. It is just possible, that when the nautilus issues from its shell, the gas contained in the last, incomplete, air-chamber, may expand ; but this could not happen under any great pressure of water. CEPHALOPODA. 87 LITUITES, Breynius. Etym., lituus, a trumpet. Syn., Hortolus, Moutf. (whirls separate.) Trocholites, Conrad. Ex., L. convolvans, Schl. L. lituus, Hisinger. Shell, discoidal ; whirls close, or separate ; last chamber produced in a straight line ; siphuncle central. Fossil, 15 sp. Silurian, N. America, Europe. TROCHOCERAS, Barrande, 1848. Ex., T. trochoides, Bar, Shett t nautiloid, spiral, depressed. Fossil, 16 sp. U. Silurian, Bohemia. Some of the species are nearly flat, and having the last chamber pro- duced would formerly have been considered Lituites. Fig. 45. Clymenia striata, Munst.* Fig. 46. C. linearis, Munst. OLYMENIA, Munster, 1832. Etym., clymene, a sea-nymph. Syn. Endosiphonites, Ansted. Sub-clymenia, D'Orb. Ex., C. striata, pi. II., fig. 16 (Mus. Tennant). Shell, discoidal ; septa simple or slightly lobed ; siphuncle internal. Fossil, 43 sp. Devonian, N. America, Europe. FAMILY II. ORTHOCERATIDJE. Shell, straight, curved, or discoidal ; body chamber small ; aperture con- tracted, sometimes extremely narrow (figs. 40, 41) ; siphuncle complicated. It seems probable that the cephalopods of this family were not able to withdraw themselves completely into their shells, like the pearly nautilus ; this was certainly the case with some of them, as M. Barrande has stated, for the siphonal aperture is almost isolated from the cephalic opening. The shell appears to have been often less calcified, but connected with more vas- cular parts than in the nautilus ; and the siphuncle often attains an enor- mous development. In all this, there is nothing to suggest a doubt of their being tetrabranchiate ; and the chevron-shaped coloured bands preserved on the orthoceras anguliferus,\ sufficiently prove that the shell was essentially external. * Fig. 45. Sutures of two species of Clymenia from Phillips' Pal. Fos., Devon- shire. \ Figured by D'Archiac and Verneuil, Geol. Trans. MANUAL OF THE MOLLUSCA. OKTHOCERAS, Breyn. Etym., orthos, straight, and ceras, a horn. Syn., cycloceras, McCoy. Gonioceras, Hall.* Ex. 0. giganteiun (diagram of a longitudinal section), pi. II, fig. 14. Shell, straight ; siphuncle central ; aperture sometimes contracted. Fossil, 125 typical sp. (D'Orb).f L. Silurian Trias; N.America, Aus- tralia, and Europe. The orthocerata are the most abundant and wide spread shells of the old rocks, and attained a larger size than any other fossil shell. A fragment of 0, giganteum, in the collection of Mr. Tate of Alnwick, is a yard long, and 1 foot in diameter, its original length must have been 6 feet. Other species, 2 feet in length, are only 1 inch in diameter, at the aperture. Sub-genus I. Cameroceras, Conrad (= melia and thoracoceras, Fischer?). Siphuncle lateral, sometimes very large (simple ?} . Casts of these large siphuncles were called hyalites by Eichwald. 27 sp. L. Silurian Trias ? N. America and Europe. xl Fig. 47. Actinoceras.l Fig. 48. Ormoceras. 2. Actinoceras (Bromij, Stokes. Siphuncle very large, inflated between the chambers, and connected with a slender central tube by radiating plates. 6 sp. L. Silurian Garb, N. America, Baltic, and Brit. 3. Ormoceras, Stokes. Siphuncular beads constricted in the middle (making the septa appear as if united to the centre of each). 3 sp. L. Silurian, N. America. .4. Huronia, Stokes. Shell extremely thin, membraneous or horny ? Siphuncle very large, central, the upper part of each joint inflated, connected * Theca and Tentaculites are provisionally placed with the Pteropoda, they proba- bly belong here. t M Barrande has discovered 100 new species in the Upper Silurian rocks of Bohemia. I Fig. 47. Actinoceras Richardsoni, Stokes. Lake Winipeg (diagram, reduced |). Fig. 48. Ormoceras, Bayfieldi, Stokes. Drummond Island, (from Mr. Stokes' paper, Geol. Trans.) CEPHALOPODA. with a small central tube by radiating plates. 3 sp. L. Silurian. Drummond Island, Lake Huron, l\ Fig. 49. Huronia verfebralis.* Numerous examples of this curious fossil were collected by Dr. Bigsby (in 1822), and by the officers of the regiments formerly stationed on Drum- mond Island. Specimens have also been brought home by the officers of many of the Artie expeditions. But with the exception of one formerly in the possession of Lieut. Gibson, 68., and another in the cabinet of Mr. Stokes, the siphuncle only is preserved, and not a trace remains of septa or shell wall. Some of those seen by Dr. Bigsby in the limestone cliff's, were 6 feet in length. 5. Endoceras, Hall (Cono-tubularia Troost}. Shell extremely elongated, drical. Siphuncle very large, cylindrical, lateral ; thickened internally by re- peated layers of shell, or partitioned off by funnel-shaped diaphragms. 12 sp. Lower Silurian, New York. 6. Shell perforated by two distinct siphuncles? 0. bisiphonatum Sby, Caradoc saridstone, Brit. " Orthocerata with two siphuncles have been observed, but there has always appeared something doubtful about them. In the present instance, however, this structure cannot be questioned." (J. Sowerby.) Small orthocerata of various species, are frequenlly found in the body chamber and open siphuncle of large specimens.! The endoceras gemelli- parum and proleiforme of Hall, appear to be examples of this kind. GOMPHOCERAS, J. Sby, 1839. Etym., gomphos, a club, and ceras, a horn. * Fig. 49. Huronia vertebralis, Stokes, a, from a specimen in the Brit. M., presented by Dr. Bigsby. The septa are added from Dr. Bigsby's drawing ; they were only in- dicated in the specimen by "colourless lines on the brown limestone," b. represents a weathered section, presented to the Brit. Mus. by Captain Kellett and Lieutenant Wood of H.M.S. Pandora. The figures are reduced . t Shells of Seller ophon and Ai urchisonia are found under the same circumstances. 90 MANL'AL OF THE 310LLUSCA. ty>?.. Apioceras (Fisclier). Poterioceras (McCoy). Type, G. pyriforme, Sby., fig. 51, and G. Bohemicum, Bar. fig. 40. !> eoc Fig. 50. Endoceras.* Fig. 51. Gomphoceras.i Shell, fusiform or globular, with a tapering apex ; aperture contracted the middle ; siphuncle moniliforni, sub-central. Di$tr. t 10 sp. Silurian Garb ; N. America, Europe. ONCOCERAS, Hall. Eti/m. y oncos, a protuberance. Type, O. constrictum, Hall. Trenton limestone. Shell, like a curved goinphoceras ; siphuncle external. Distr., 3 sp. Silurian, New York. PHKAGMOCEEAS, Broderip. Etym., phragmos?* partition, and ceras, a horn. Type, P. ventricosum (Steininger sp.), pi. II., fig. 15. Shell curved, laterally compressed : aperture contracted in the mid sipJi uncle, ventral, radiated. Ex., P. callistoma, Bar., fig. 41. Distr., 8 sp. U. Silurian Devonian, Brit., Germany. * Fig. 50. Diagram of an endoceras (after Hall), a, shell-wall 6. Wall of s huncle. c c c. Diaphragms (" embryo-tubes " of Hall). t Fig. 51. Gomphoceras pyriforme. L. Ludlow rock, Mochtre hill, Herefords] (from Murch, Silur, syst., reduced ^). *. Beaded siphuncle. CEPHALOPODA. 91 CYRTOCERAS, Goldf. 1533. Etym., cv.rtos, curved, ceras, horn. Syn., Campulites, Desh. 1832 (including gyroceras). Aploceras, I>'Orb. Cainpyloceras and trigonoceras, McCoy. Ex., C. hybridum, volborthi and beaumonti (Barrande). Shell, curved ; siphuncle small, internal, or sub-central. Distr., 36 sp. L. Silurian, Carb X. America, and Europe. Fig. 52.* GTROCERAS, Meyer, 1829. Etym., gyros, a circle, and ceras. Sy/i., Nautiloceras, D'Orb. Ex., G. eifeliense, D'Arch., pi. II., fig. 13. Devonian, Eifel. Shell, natitiloid ; whirls separate ; siphnncle excentrie, radiated. Fossil, 17 sp. U. Silurian Trias? X. America, and Europe, ASCOCERAS, Barrande, 1848.f Etym., ascos, a leather bottle, Shell, bent upon itself, like ptychoceras. Di&tr. t 7 sp. U. Silurian, Bohemia. FAMILY III. AinioxiTiDJC. Shell. Body-chamber elongated; aperture guarded by processes, and closed by an operculum ; sutures angulated, or lobed and foliated ; siphuncle external (dorsal, as regards the shell). The shell of the ammonitida has essentially the same structure with the nautilus. It consists of an external porcellanous^ layer, formed by the collar * Fig. 52. Gyroceras goldfussii (= ornatum Goldf). 6. Siphuncle of G. depress**, Goldf. sp. Devonian. Eifel. From M.M. D'Archiac and Verneuil. t In Haidinger's Berichte. * J Its microscopic structure has not been satisfactorily examined : Prof. Forbes detected a punctate structure in one species. 92 MANUAL OF THE MOLLUSCA. of the mantle only ; and of an internal nacreous lining, deposited by the whole extent of its visceral surface. There is an ammonite in the British Museum, evidently broken and repaired during the life of the animal,* which shews that the shell was depositedy>0#i within. In some species of ammonites the collar of the mantle forms prominent spines on the shell, which are too deep for the visceral mantle to enter ; they are therefore partitioned off (as in A. armatus, Lias) from the body whirl and air cells, and not exhibited in casts. The baculites, and ammonites of the section cristati, acquire when adult a process projecting from the outer margin of their shell. Certain other ammonites (the ornati, coronati, &c.) form two lateral processes before they cease to grow (pi. III., fig. 5). As these processes are often developed in very small specimens, it has been supposed that they are formed repeatedly in the life of the animal (at each periodic rest), and are again removed when growth recommences. These small specimens, however, may be only dwarfs. In one ammonite, from the inferior oolite of Normandy, the ends of these lateral processes meet, "forming an arch over the aperture, and dividing it into two outlets, one corresponding with that above the hood of the nautilus, which gives passage to the dorsal fold of the mantle ; the other with that below the hood, whence issue the tentacles, mouth, and funnel ; such a modi- fication, we may presume, could not take place before the termination of the growth of the individual."t (Owen.) M. D'Orbigny has figured several examples of deformed ammonites., in which one side of the shell is scarcely developed, and the keel is consequently lateral. Such specimens probably indicate the partial atrophy of the branchiae on one side. In the British Museum there are deformed specimens of Am. obtusus, amaltheus, find tuberculatus. Fig. 53.J * A serpentinus Schloth, U. Lias, Wellingboro. Rev. A. W. Griesbach. t This unique and abnormal specimen is in the cabinet of S. P. Pratt, Esq. J Fig. 53. Goniatiies sphericus, Sby. Front and side views of a specimen from the carb limestone of Derbyshire, in the cabinet of Mr. J. Tennant; the body-chamber and shell-wall have been removed artificially. CEPHALOPODA. 93 GONIATITES, De Haan. Etym., gonia, angles (should be written gonialites ?). Syn., aganides, Montf. Examples, G. Henslowi, pi. III., fig. 1., G. sphericus, fig. 53, and 39. Shell, discoidal ; sutures lobed ; siphuncle dorsal, Distr. 150 sp. Devonian Trias, Europe. BACTRITES, Sandberger (= stenoceras, D'Orb ?). Shell, straight ; sutures lobed. Type, B. subconicus, Sbger. Distr., 2 sp. Devonian Germany. ifOhA Ay^ y 1 ^ hnS **& Fig. 54.* CEEATITES, De Haan. Type, C. nodosus, pi. III., fig. 2. Shell, discoidal ; sutures lobed, the lobes crenulated. Fig. 54. Distr., muschelkalk, 8 sp. Germany, France, Russia, Siberia. Salt-marls (Keuper). 17 sp. S. Cassian, Tyrol. M. D'Orbigny describes 5 shells from the gault and U. greensand as ceratites; but many ammonites have equally simple sutures, when young. Fig. 55. t AMMONITES, Bruguiere. Etym,, ammon, a name of Jupiter, worshipped in Libya under the form of a ram. The ammonite is the cornu ammonis of old authors. * Fig. 54. Suture of ceratites nodosus (Brug). The arrow in the dorsal lobe points towards the aperture. t Fig. 55. Ammonites rostratus, SLy. From the U. green-sand of Devizes, in the cabinet of W. Cunnington, Esq. b, front view of one of its partitions. 94 MANUAL OF THE MOLLUSCA. SyH. f orbulites Lam. planulites, Montf. Shell, discoidal ; inner whirls more or less concealed ; septa undulated ; sutures lobed and foliated ; siphuncle dorsal. Distr., 530 sp. Trias chalk. Coast of Chili (D'Orb.) Santa Fe de Bogota (Hopkins), New Jersey, Europe, and S. India. Capt. Alexander Gerard discovered ammonites similar to our L. oolitic- species, in the high passes of the Himalaya, 16,200 feet above the sea. Section A. Bac/c, with an entire Jceel. 1. Arietes, L. oolites, A. bifrons (pi. III., fig. 6), bisulcatus (pi. Ill, fig. 7). 2. Falciferi, L. oolites, A. serpentinus, radians, hecticus. 3. Cristati, cretaceous, A. cristatus, rostratus (fig. 55), varians. B. Back crenated. 4. Amalthel, ool. A. amaltheus, cordatus, excavatus. A. rhothornagensis (pi. Ill, fig. 4). 5. Rhothomagenses, cret. C. 6. Disci., oolitic, D. . 7. Dentati, / cret. tool. E. 8. Armati, L. ool. 9. Capricorni, 10. Ornati, L. ool. ool. A. discus, clypeiformis. Back channelled. A. dentatus, lautus. A. Parkinsoni, anguliferus. Back squared. A. armatus, athletus, perarmatus. A. capricornus, planicostatus. A. Duncaiii, Jason (pi. III., fig. 5). Fig. 56. Ammonites coronatus.* F. Back round., convex. 11. Heterophylli, L. ool. A. heterophyUus (fig. 34). 12. Ligaii, cret. A. planulatus (pi. Ill, fig. 3). 13. Annulati, ool. A. annulatus, biplex, giganteus. 14. Coronati, ool. A. coronatus (fig. 56), sublsevis. 15. Fimbriati, ool. A. fimbriatus, lineatus, hircinus. * Fig. 56. Profile of ammonites coronatus, Brug. (reduced ^ from D'Orbigny) Kelloway rock, France, d 1. dorsal lobe ; ss, dorsal saddles ; V V . lateral lobes ; s's'. lateral saddles; accessory and ventral lobes. The number of accessory lobes increases with age. CEPHALOPODA. 05 16. Cassiani, 36 sp. of very variable form, and remarkable for the number and complexity of their lobes. Trias, Austrian Alps. T^ nl A 3 Fig. 57.* Ex., A. Maximiliani (fig. 57), A, Metternichii. CRIOCERAS, Leveille. Etym., krios, a ram, and ceras, a horn. Syn., tropseum, Sby. Ex., C. cristatum, D'Orb. (pi. III., fig. 8). Shell, discoidal ; whirls separate, Distr., 9 sp. Neocomian Gault ; Brit., France. TOXOCERAS, D'Orb. Etym., toxon, a bow, ceras, a horn. Ex., T. annulare, D'Orb. (pi. III., fig. 12.) Shell, bow-shaped ; like an ammonite uncoiled. Distr., 19 sp. Neocomian. Between this and crioceras and ancylo ceras there are numerous intermediate forms. ANCYLOCERAS, D'Orb. Etym., anculos, incurved. Ex.* A. spinigerum (pi. III., fig. 10). Shell, at first discoidal, with separate whirls ; afterwards produced at a tangent and bent back again, like a hook or crosier. Distr., 38 sp. Inf. oolite chalk. S. America (Chile and Bogota), Europe. SCAPHITES, Parkinson. Etym., scaphe, a boat. Ex., S. equalis (pi. III., fig. 9). Shell, at first discoidal, with close whirls ; last chamber detached and recurved. Distr., 17 sp. Neocomian chalk. Europe. HELICOCERAS, D'Oub. Etym., helix (helicos), a spiral, and ceras, horn. Ex., H. rotundum, Sby, sp. pi. III., fig. 11 (diagram). Fig. 57. Am. Maximiliani Klipstein. (= A. bicarinatus Miinst). Trias, Hall- stadt (copied from Quenstedt). A, Profile shewing the numerous lobes and saddles. B, suture of one side; v, dorsal saddle. 96 MANUAL OF THE MOLLUSCA. Shell, spiral, sinistral ; whirls separate . Distr. > 11 sp. Inf. oolite? chalk. Europe. TURRILITES, Lam. Etym., turns, a tower, and lithos, a stone. Shell, spiral, sinistral ; aperture often irregular. Distr., 27 sp. (Bronn). Gault chalk. Europe. The turrilite was perhaps di-branchiate, by the atrophy of the respiratory organs of one side. M. ;D'Orbigny includes in this genus particular specimens of certain Lias ammonites which are very slightly unsymmetrical ; the same species occur with both sides alike. He also makes a genus (heteroceras) of two turrilites, in which the last chamber is somewhat produced and recurved. T. reflexus (Quenstedt, T. 20, fig. 16) has its apex inflected and concealed. Fig. 58. Sutures of hamites cylindraceus, Defr.* HAMITES, Parkinson. Etym., hamus, a hook. Ex., H. attenuates, pi. III., fig. 15. Shell, hook-shaped, or bent upon itself more than once, the courses sepa- rate. Distr. , 58 sp. Neocomian chalk. S. America (Tierra del Fuego) Europe. The inner courses of this shell probably break away or are '* decollated" in the progress of its growth (Forbes). M. D'Orbigny has proposed a new genus, hamulina, for the 20 neocomian species. PTYCHOCEHAS, D'Orb. Etym., ptyche, a fold. Ex., P. emericianum, D'Orb., pi. III., fig. 14. * Fig. 58. Space between two consecutive sutures of the right side, from a speci- men in the Brit. Mus. a. dorsal line. b. ventral. Baculite limestone, Fresville. GASTEROPODA. 97 Shell, bent once upon itself; the two straight portions in contact. Distr., 7 sp. Neocomian chalk. Brit. France. BACULITES, Lamarck. Etym., baculus, a staff. Ex., B. anceps. PI. III., fig. 13. Shell, straight, elongated ; aperture guarded by a dorsal process. Dlstr., 11 sp. Neocomian chalk. Europe, S. America (Chile). Baculina, D'Orb. B. Rouyana. Neoc., France. Sutures not foliated. The chalk of Normandy has received the name of baculite limestone, from lie abundance of this fossil. CLASS II. GASTEROPODA. The gasteropods, including land-snails, sea-snails, whelks, limpets, and the ke, are the types of the mollusca ; that is to say, they present all the leading ;atures of molluscous organization in the most prominent degree, and make ss approach to the appearance and condition of fishes than the cephalopods, id less to the crustaceans and zoophytes than the bivalves. Their ordinary and characteristic mode of locomotion is exemplified by the )mmon garden-snail, which creeps by the successive expansion and contraction its broad muscular foot. These muscular movements may be seen following ich other in rapid waves when a snail is climbing a pane of glass. The nucleobranches are "aberrant" gasteropods, having the foot thin and irtical ; they swim near the surface of the sea, in a reversed position, or ihere to floating sea-weed. Fig. 59. A nucleobranche.* The gasteropods are nearly all unsymmetrical, the body being coiled up irally, and the respiratory organs of the left side being usually atrophied, i chiton and dentalium the branchite and reproductive organs are repeated i each side. * Fig. 59. Carinarla cymbium, L. sp. (after Blainville), Mediterranean ; p, pro scis; t, tentacles; b, branchiae; s, shell; /, foot; d, disk. 93 MANUAL OF THE MOLLUSCA. A few species of cymba, litorina, paludina, and helix, are viviparous ; the rest are oviparous. "When first hatched the young are always provided with a shell, though in many families it becomes concealed by a fold of the mantle, or it is speedily and wholly lost.* The gasteropods form two natural groups; one breathing air (pulmonifera) t the other water (brancMfera). The air-breathers undergo no apparent meta- morphosis ; when born, they differ from their parents in size only. The water-breathers have at first a small nautiloid shell, capable of concealing them entirely, and closed by an operculum. Instead of creeping, they swim with a pair of ciliated fins springing from the sides of the head ; and by this means are often more widely dispersed than we should be led to expect from their adult habits ; thus some sedentary species of calyptraa and chiton have a greater range than the " paper-sailor," or the ever-drifting ( oceanic-snail. At this stage, which may fairly be compared with the larval condition of insects, there is scarcely any difference between the young of eolis and aplysia, or buccinum and vermetus. (M. Edw.) The development of the branchiferous gasteropods may be observed with much facility in the common river-snails (paludina] ; which are viviparous, and whose oviducts in early summer contain young in all stages of growth some being a quarter of an inch in diameter. Fig. GO.t Fig. 61. Paludina vivipara.% Embryos scarcely visible to the naked eye have a well-formed shell, orna- mented with epidermal fringes ; a foot and operculum ; and the head has long delicate tentacula, and very distinct black eyes. * M. Loven believes that the embryo shell of the nudibranches falls off at the time they acquire a locomotive foot. t Fig. 60. Fry of Eolis (from Alder and Hancock) ; o, the opeiculum ; the origins" s not larger than the letter o. I Fig. 61. Paludina vivipara L. (original); the internal organs are represented at if seen through the shell. The ovary, distended with eggs and embryos, occupies the right side of the body whirl ; the gill is seen on the left ; and between them the termi nation of the alimentary canal. Surrey Docks, June, 1850. GASTEROPODA. 99 The development of the pulmoniferous embryo is best seen in the trans- parent eggs of the fresh-water limneids ; these are not hatched until the young have passed the larval condition, and their ciliated head-lobes (or veil), are superseded by the creeping disk, or foot. The shell of the gasteropods is usually spiral, and univalve ; more rarely tubular, or conical,, and in one genus it is multivalve. The following are its principal modifications : A. Regularly spiral, a. elongated or turreted ; terebra, turritella. b. cylindrical; meyaspira, pupa. c. short ; buccinum. d. globular; natica, helix. e. depressed ; solarium. f. discoidal; planorbis. y. convolute; aperture as long as the shell ; cyprtea, bulla. h. fusiform; tapering to each end, likefusus. i. trochi-form ; conical, with a flat base, like trochus. k. turbinated ; conical, with a round base, like turlto. 1. few- whirled; helix hcemastoma. PI. XII., fig. 1. m. many-whirled; helix polygyrata. PI. XII., fig. 2. n. ear-shaped ; haliot'is. B. Irregularly spiral ; siliquaria, vermetus. C. Tubular; dentalium. D. Shield-shaped; umbrella, parmophorus. E. Boat-shaped; navicella. F. Conical or limpet-shaped patella. G. Multivalve and imbricated ; chiton. The only symmetrical shells are those of carinaria, atlanta, dentalium, and the limpets. * Nearly all the spiral shells are dextral, or right-handed ; a few are con- stantly sinistral, like clausilia ; reversed varieties of many shells, both dex- tral and sinistral, have been met with. The cavity of the shell is a single conical or spiral chamber ; no gastero- pod has a multilocular shell like the nautilus, but spurious chambers are formed by particular species, such as triton corrugatus (fig. 62), and euomphalus pentangulatus ; or under special circumstances, as* when the upper part of the spire is destroyed. Some spiral shells are complete tubes, with the whirls separate, or scarcely * The curve of the spiral shells and their opercula, and also of the Nautilus, is a logarithmic spiral; so that to each particular species may be annexed a number, indi- cating the ratio of the geometrical progression of the dimensions of its whirls. Rev. H. Moseley, " On geometrical forms of turbinated and discoid shells." Phil. Trans. towd. 1838. Pt.2,p.351. TOO MANUAL OF THE MOLLUSCA. in contact, as scalaria, cyclostoma, and valvata ; but more commonly the inner side of the spiral tube is formed by the pre-existing whirls (fig. 62). The axis of the shell, around which the whirls are coiled, is sometimes open or hollow ; in which case the shell is said to be perforated, or umbili- cated (e, g. solarium). The perforation may be a mere chink, or fissure (riant), as in lacuna ; or it may be filled up by a shelly deposit, as in many nalicas. In other shells, like the triton, the whirls are closely coiled, leaving only a pillar of shell, or columella, in the centre ; such shells are said to be imperf orate. apex. anterior canal. Fig. 62. Section of a spiral univalve* The apex of the shell presents important characters, as it was the nucleus or part formed in the egg ; it is sinistral in the pyramidellidte, oblique and spiral in the nucleobranches and emarginula, and mammillated in turbinella pi/rum andfusus antiquus. The apex is directed backwards in all except some of the patellida, in which it is turned forwards, over the animal's head. In the adult condition of some shells the apex is always truncated (or decollated), as in cylindrella and bull- mus decollatus ; in others it is only truncated when the animals have lived * Fig. 62. Longitudinal section of triton corrugatus, Lam., from a specimen in the cabinet of Mr. Gray. The upper part of the spire has been partitioned off many times successively. GASTEROPODA. 101 fn acidulous waters (e. g. cerithidea wcA.pirena}, and specimens may be ob- tained from more favorable situations with the points perfect. The line or channel formed by the junction of the whirls is termed the suture. The last turn of the shell, or body -whirl, is usually very capacious ; in the females of some species the whirls enlarge more rapidly than in the males (e. g. buccinum undatum). The "base" of the shell is the opposite end to the apex, and is usually the front of the aperture. The aperture is entire in most of the vegetable feeders (holostomata], but notched or produced into a canal, in the carnivorous families (siphonostomata}; this canal, or siphon, is respiratory in its office, and does not necessarily indicate the nature of the food. Sometimes there is a posterior channel or canal, which is excurrent, or anal, in its function (e. g. strombida and ovulum volva] ; it is represented by the slit in scissurella, the tube of typhis, the perforation infissurella, and the series of holes in haliotis. The margin of the aperture is termed the peristome ; sometimes it is con- tinuous (cyclostoma), or becomes continuous in the adult (carocolla) ; very frequently it is " interrupted," the left side of the aperture being formed only by the body-whirl. The right side of the aperture is formed by the outer lip (labrum), the left side by the inner or columellar lip (labium), or partly by the body- whirl (termed the "wall of the aperture" by Pfeiffer). The outer lip is usually thin and sharp in immature shells, and in some adults (e. g. helicella and bulimulus] ; but more frequently it is thickened ; or reflected ; or curled inwards (inflected*), as in cypraa; or expanded as in pteroceras ; or fringed with spines as in murex. When these fringes or ex- pansions of the outer lip are formed periodically they are termed varices. Lines of colour, or sculpture, running from the apex to the aperture are spiral or longitudinal, and others which coincide with the lines of growth are " transverse," as regards the whirls ; but stripes of colour extending from the apex across the whirls are often described as "longitudinal" or "radia- ting," with respect to the entire shell. Shells which are always concealed by the mantle are colourless, like Umax and parmophorus ; and those which are covered by the mantle-lobes when the animal expands, acquire a glazed or enamelled surface, like the cowries ; when the shell is deeply immersed in the foot of the animal it becomes partly glazed, as in cymba. In all other shells there is an epidermis, although it is sometimes very thin and transparent. In the interior of the shell the muscular impression is horse-shoe shaped, or divided into two scars ; the horns of the crescent are turned towards the head of the animal. The operculum with which many of the gasteropods close the aperture of their shell, presents modifications of structure which are so characteristic of the sub-genera, as to be worthy of particular notice. It consists of a horny layer, sometimes strengthened by the addition of calcarious matter on its ex- 102 MANUAL 'OF 'THE ' ftOLLTTSCA. terior, and in its mode of growth it presents some resemblance to the sheH itself. Its inner surface is marked by a muscular scar, whose lines bear no relation to the external lines of growth, and its form is unlike the muscular scar in the shell. It is developed in the embyro, within the egg, and the point from which it commences is termed the nucleus ; many of the spiral and concentric forms fit the aperture of the shell with accuracy, the others only close the entrance partially, and in many genera, especially those with large apertures (e. g. dolium, cassidaria, harpa, navicella), it is quite rudi- mentary or obsolete. Fig. 63. Fig. 64. Fig. 65. Fig. 06. Fig. 67. The operculum is described as Concentric, when it increases equally all round, and the nucleus is central or sub-central, as in paludina and atnpullaria (pi. IX., fig. 26) . Imbricated or lamellar (fig. 64), when it grows only on one side, and the nucleus is marginal, as in purpura, phorus, and paludomus. Claw-shaped, or unguiculate, (fig. 63, with the nucleus apical or in front), as in turbinellus and fusus ; it is claw-shaped and serrated in strombus (fig. 69). Spiral, when it grows only on one edge, and revolves as it grows ; it is always sinistral in dextral shells. Paucispiral, or few- whirled (fig. 66), as in litorina. Sub-spiral, or scarcely spiral, in melania. PI. VIII., fig. 25*. Multispiral or many-whirled (fig. 65) as in trochus, where they some- times amount to 20 ; the number of turns which the opereulum makes is not determined by the number of whirls in the shell, but by the curvature of the opening, and the necessity that the operculum should revolve fast enough to fit it constantly (Moseley). It is said to be articulated when it has a projection, as in nerita (fig. 67). Too much importance, however, must not be attached to this very va- riable plate, as an aid to classification ; it is present in some species of vvluta, olwa, conus, mitra, and cancellaria, but absent in others ; it is (indifferently) horny or shelly in the species of ampullaria and natica ; in paludina it is concentric, in paludomus lamellar, in valvata spiral ; in solarium and ceri- thium, it is multispiral or paucispiral. Some of the gasteropoda can suspend themselves by glutinous thready GASTEROPODA. 103 like litiopa and rissoa parva, which anchor themselves to sea-weeds (Gray), and cerithidea (fig. 68), which frequently leaves its proper element, and is found hanging in the air (Adams). A West India land- snail (cyclostoma suspensum) also suspends itself (Guild- ing). The origin of these threads has not been ex- plained ; but some of the limaces lower themselves to the ground by a thread which is not secreted by any particular gland, but derived from the exudation over the general surface of the body (Lister; D'Orbigny). The division of this extensive class into orders and families, has engaged the attention of many naturalists, and a variety of methods have been proposed. Cu- vier's classification was the first that possessed much merit, and several of his orders have since been united with advantage. Fig. 68. System of Cuvier. Class. GASTEROPODA. Order 1. Pectinibranchiata 2. Scutibranchiata 3. Cyclobranchiata 4. Tubulibranchiata 5. Pulmonata 6. Tectibranchiata 7. Inferobranchiata 8. Nudibranchiata Class. HETEROPODA. System now adopted. Ord. Prosobranchiata, M. Edw. Ord. Pulmonifera. Ord. Opisthobranchiata, M. Edw. Ord. Nucleobranchiata. Bl. ORDER I. PROSOBRANCHTATA. Abdomen well developed, and protected by a shell, into which the whole animal can usually retire. Mantle forming a vaulted chamber^ over the back of the head, in which are placed the excretory orifices, and in which the branchiae are almost always lodged. Branchiae pectinated, or plume-like, situated (proson) in advance of the heart. Sexes distinct. (M. Edwards.) SECTION A. SIPHONOSTOMATA. Carnivorous Gasteropoda. Shell spiral, usually imperforate ; aperture notched or produced into a canal in front. Operculum horny, lamellar. Animal provided with a retractile proboscis ; eye-pedicels connate with the tentacles ; margin of the mantle prolonged into a siphon, by which water is conveyed into the branchial chamber ; gills 1 or 2, comb -like, placed obliquely o\er the back. Species all marine. 104 MANUAL OF THE MOLLTJSCA. FAMILY I. STROMBID^. Wing-shells. Shell with an expanded lip, deeply notched near the canal. Operculum claw-shaped, serrated on the outer edge. Animal furnished with Jarge eyes, placed on thick pedicels ; tentacles slender, rising from the middle of the eye-pedicels. Foot narrow, ill adapted for creeping. Lingual teeth single ; uncini, three on each side. The strombs are carrion feeders, and, for molluscous animals, very active ; they progress hy a sort of leaping movement, turning their heavy shell from side to side. Their eyes are more perfect than those of the other gasteropods, or of many fishes. Fig. 69.* STROMBUS, L. Stromb. JStym., stromlos, a top. Type, S. pugilis. PL IV., fig. 1. Shell rather ventricose, tubercular or spiny ; spire short ; aperture long, with a short canal above, and truncated below ; outer lip expanded, lobed above, and sinuated near the notch of the anterior canal. Lingual teeth (S. fioridus) 1 cusped ; uncini, 1 tri-dentate, 2, 3 claw-shaped, simple.f Distr., 60 species. West Indies, Mediterranean, Red Sea, India, Mau- * Fig. 69. Strombus aims -Dianas, L. (after QuoyandGaimard), Amboina. p, pro- boscis, between the eye-pedicels ; /, foot, folded up ; o, operculum ; m, border of the mantle ; s, respiratory siphon. t The lingual dentition of strombus resembles that of aporrhais, and is unlike that of the whelks; but it is more probable that aporrhais is the representative of strom- bus, than that it is very closely allied. GASTEROPODA. 105 ritius, China, New Zealand, Pacific, West America. On reefs, at low water, and ranging to 1 fathoms. Fossil, 5 cretaceous species ; 3 sp. Miocene . South Europe. There is a group of small shells in the eocene tertiary strata of England and France, nearly related to the living S. fissurellus L., some of which have been placed with rostettaria, because the notch in the outer lip is small, or obsolete. They probably constitute a sub -genus, to which Swainson's name strombidia, might be applied. Example, S. Bartonensis. PL IV., fig. 2. The fountain-shell of the West Indies, S. gigas, L., is one of the largest living shells, weighing sometimes four or five pounds ; its apex and spines are filled up with solid shell as it becomes old. Immense quantities are annually imported from the Bahamas for the manufacture of cameos, and for the porcelain works ; 300,000 were brought to Liverpool alone in the last year, 1850 (Mr. Archer). PTEROCERAS, Lam. Scorpion-shell. Etym., pteron, a wing, and ceras, a horn. Type, P. lambis. PL IV., fig. 3. Shell like strombus when young ; outer lip, of the adult, produced into several long claws, one. of them close to the spire, and forming a posterior canal. Distr., 10 sp. India, China. Fossil, nearly 100 sp. are enumerated by D'Orbigny, ranging from the lias to the upper chalk ; many of them are more nearly related to aporrhais (certthiadue). ROSTELLARIA, Lam. Etym., rostellum, a little beak. Syn., fusus, Humphreys. Example, R. curta. PL IV., fig. 4. Shell with an elongated spire ; whirls numerous, flat ; canals long, the posterior one running up the spire ; outer lip more or less expanded, with only one sinus, and that close to the beak. Distr., 5 sp. Red Sea, India, Borneo, China. Range, 30 fathoms. Fossil, 70 sp. Neocomian chalk (=aporrhais ?). 6 sp. Eocene . Britain, France, &c. The older tertiary species have the outer lip enormously expanded, and smooth-edged ; they constitute the section hippochrenes of Montfort (e. g. Rost. ampla, Solander. London clay). Sub-genus;" Spinigera, D'Orb. 184?. Shell like rostellaria ; whirls keeled ; keel developed into a slender spine on the outer lip, and two on each whirl, forming lateral fringes, as in ranella. Fossil, 5 sp. Inf. oolite- chalk. Britain, France. F 3 106 MANUAL OP THE MOLLUSCA. SERAPHS, Montfort. (Terebellum, Lam.) Etym., diminutive of terebra, an auger. Type, S. terebellum (Linnaeus sp.)=T. snbulatum, Lam. PL IV., fig. 5. Shell smooth, sub-cylindrical; spire short or none; aperture long and narrow, truncated below ; outer lip thin. Distr.y 1 sp. China. Philippines, 8 fms. (Cuming.) Fossil, 5 sp. Eocene . London, Paris. The animal of terebeUum has an operculum like strombus ; its eye-pedicel's are simple, without tentacles (Adams). In one fossil species, T. fusiforme, there is a short posterior canal, as in rostellaria. FAMILY II. Shell with a straight anterior canal ; aperture entire behind. Animal with a broad foot ; eyes sessile on the tentacles, or at their base ; branchial plumes 2. Lingual ribbon long, linear ; rachis armed with a sin- gle series of dentated teeth ; uncini, single. Predatory, on other mollusca. MUREX (Pliny) L. Types, M. palma-rosa?, PL IV., fig. 10. M. tenuispina, PL IV., fig. 9. M, haustellum, PL IV., fig. 8. M. radix, pinnatus. ^ Shell ornamented with three or more continuous longitudinal varices ; aperture rounded ; beak often very long ; canal partly closed ; operculum concentric, nucleus sub-apical (PL IV., fig. 10) ; lingual dentition (M. erinaceus), teeth single, 3 crested ; uncini single, curved. Distr., 180 sp. "World- wide; most abundant on the W. coast of tropical America, in the Chinese Sea, West coast of Africa, West Indies ; ranging from low water to 25 fathoms, rarely at 60 fathoms. Fossil, 160 sp. Eocene . Britain, France, &c. A few of the species usually referred to this genus, belong to pisania and trophon. The murices appear to form only one-third of a whirl annually, ending in a varix ; some species form intermediate varices of less extent. M. erinaceus a very abundant species on the coasts of the channel, is called "sting-winkle" by fishermen, who say it makes round holes in the other shell-fish with its beak. See p. 27. The ancients obtained their purple dye from species of murex ; the small shells were bruised in mortars, the animals of the larger ones taken out. (F. Col.) Heaps of broken shells of the M. trunculus and caldron- shaped holes in the rocks may still be seen on the Tyrian shore. (Wilde.) On the coast of the Morea, there is similar evidence of the employment of M. brandaris for the same purpose. (M. Boblaye.) TYPHIS, Montfort. Etym., typhos, smoke. GASTEROPODA. 107 Type, T. pungens. PL IV.. fig. 11. Shell like murex ; but having tubular spines between the varfces, of which the last is open, and occupied by the excurrent canal. D-istr., 8 sp. Medit., W. Africa, Cape, India, W. America. 50 fms. Fossil, 8 sp. Eocene . London, Paris. PISANIA, Bivon, 1832. Etym., a native of (the coast near) Pisa, in Tuscany. Syn., Pollia, Enzina, and Euthria (Gray). Types, P. maculosa. PL IV., fig. 14 (Enzina) zonata. PL IV., fig. 15. Shell with numerous indistinct varices, or smooth and spirally striated ; canal short ; inner lip wrinkled ; outer lip crenulated. Operculum ovate, acute ; nucleus apical. The pisanice have been usually confounded with buccinum, murex, and ricinula, Distr., about 120 sp. W. Indies, Africa, India, Philippines, S. Seas, W America. Fossil, ? sp. Eocene . Brii,, France, &c. RANELLA, LAM. Frog-shell. Syn., Apollon, Montfort and Gray. Types, R. grauifera. PL IV., fig. 12. R. spinosa. Shell with two rows of continuous varices, one on each side. Operculum ovate, nucleus lateral. Distr., 50 sp. Medit., Cape, India, China, Australia, Pacific, W. America. Range, low-water to 20 fms. Fossil, 23 sp. Eocene . TRITON. Lam. Etym. Triton, a sea-deity. Syn., persona (Montf. Gray). Type, T. tritonis, L. sp. PL IV., fig. 13. Shell with disconnected varices ; canal prominent ; lips denticulated. Operculum ovate, sub-concentric. Distr., 100 sp. W. Indies, Medit,, Africa, India, China, Pacific, W. America. Ranging from low-water to 10 or 20 fathoms ; one minute species has been dredged at 50 fathoms. Fossil, 45 sp. Eocene. Brit., 'France, &c. Chile. The great triton (T. tritonis) is the conch blown by the Australian and Polynesian Islanders. A very similar sp. (T. nodiferus) is found in the Medit., and a third in the W. Indies. FASCIOLARIA, Lam. Elym., fasciola, a band. Type, F. tulipa. PL V., fig. 1. 108 MANUAL OF THE MOLLTJSCA. Shell fusiform, elongated ; whirls round or angular ; canal open ; co- lumellar lip tortuous, with several oblique folds. Operc. claw-shaped. F. gigantea of the S. Seas, attains a length of nearly two feet. Distr., 16 sp. W. Indies, Medit., W. Africa, India, Australia, S. Pacific, W. America. Fossil, 28 sp., U. chalk. Prance. TUEBINELLA, Lam. Etym., diminutive of turbo, a top. Type, T. pyrum. PL V., fig. 2. Shell thick ; spire short ; columella with several transverse folds. Oper- culum claw-shaped. Fig. 63. The shank-shell (T. pyrum} is carved by the Cingalese, and reversed varieties of it, from which the priests administer medicine, are held sacred. Distr., 70 sp. W. Indies, S. America, Africa, Ceylon, Philippines, Pacific, W. America. Fossi^ 20 sp. Miocene . Sub-genera. Cynodonla (Schum.) T. cornigera. PI. V., fig. 3. Latirus (Montf.) T. gilbula. PL V., fig. 4. Cuma (Humphr.) T. angulifera, inner lip with a single prominent fold operculum like purpura. Lagena (Schum.) T. Smaragdula, L. sp. N. Australia. CANCELLARIA, Lam. Etym., cancellatus, cross-barred. Type, C. reticulata. PL V., fig. 5. Shell cancellated ; aperture channelled in front : columella with several strong oblique folds ; no operculum. The animals are vegetable feeders. (Desh.)* Distr., 70 sp. W. Indies, Medit., W. Africa, India, China, California. Fossil, 60 sp. Eocene . Britain, France, &c. TRICHOTROPIS, Broderip, 1829. Etym., Thrix, (trichos) hair, and tropis, keel. Type, T. borealis, PL VI., fig. 8. (= ? Admete, Phil., no operculum.) Shell thin, umbilicated; spirally furrowed; the ridges with epidermal fringes ; columella obliquely truncated ; operc. lamellar, nucleus external. Animal with a short broad head ; tentacles distant, with eyes on the middle ; proboscis long, retractile. Lingual dentition similar to strombus ; teeth single, hamate, denticulated ; uncini 3 : 1 denticulate 2 and 3 simple. * Cancellaria and trichotropis form a small natural family connected with ceri* thiadae and strombidce. GASTEROPODA . 109 Listr., 8 sp. Northern seas. U. States, Greenland, Melville Island, Beh- ring's Straits, N. Brit. 15 80 fms. Fossil, 1 sp. Miocene . Brit. PYRULA, Lam. Tig-shell. Etym., diminutive of pyrus, a pear. Syn., Ficula, Sw. Sycotypus, Br.,Cassidula, Humph. Cochlidium, Gray. Type, P. ficus. (PI. V., fig. 6.) Shell pear-shaped ; spire short ; outer lip thin ; columella smooth : canal long, open. No operculum in the typical species. Distr., 39 sp. W. Indies, Ceylon, Australia, China, W. America. Fossil, 30 sp. Neocomian . Europe, India. Chile. Pyrula ficus has a broad foot, truncated and horned in front ; the mantle forms lohes on the sides, which nearly meet over the hack of the shell. Chinese seas, in 17 35 fms. water. (Adams.) Sub-genera. Fulgur, Montf. P. perversa. (= Pyrella, Sw. P. spirillus.) Rapana, Schum. P. bezoar, shell perforated. Operc. lamellar, nu- cleus external. Myristica. Sw. P. melongena. PI. V., fig. 7. Operc. pointed, curved. Fusus, Lam. Spindle-shell. Syn., Colus, Humph. Leiotomus, Sw. Strepsidura, Sw. Type, F. colus. PI. V., fig. 8. Shell fusiform ; spire many-whirled ; canal straight, long ; operculum ovate, curved, nucleus apical. PI. V., fig. 9*. Distr., 100 sp. World-wide. The typical sp. are sub-tropical. Aus- tralia, New Zealand, China, Senegal, U. States, W. America, Pacific. Fossil, 320 sp. Bath oolite ? Gault Eocene . Brit. &c. Sub-genera, Trophon, Montf. F. magellanicus, PI. IV., fig. 16. 14 sp. Antarctic and Northern seas. Brit, coast. 5 70 fathoms. Fossil, Chile, Brit. Clavella, Sw. (cyrtulus, Hinds) body- whirl ventricose, suddenly con- tracted in front ; canal long and straight. Resembling a turbinella, without plaits. 2 sp. Marquesas, Panama. Fossil, Eocene. F. longsevus (Solander), Barton, &c. Chrysodomus, Sw. F. antiquus (var.) PI. V., fig. 9. Canal short ; apex papillary; lingual dentition like buccinum, 12 sp. Spitzbergen, Davis's Straits, Brit., Medit., Kamschatka, Oregon. Low water to 100 fms. Fossil, pliocene. Brit., Sicily. Pusionella, Gray. F. pusio, L. sp. (=F. nifat, Lam.), columella keeled. Operc., nucleus internal, 7 sp. Africa, India. Fossil, tertiary. France, Fusus colosseus and proboscidalis, Lam., are two of the largest living gasteropoda. Fusus (chrysodomus] antiquus, called the red-whelk on the coasts of the channel, and " Buckie" in Scotland, is extensively dredged for 110 MANUAL OP THE MOLLUSCA. the markets, being more esteemed than the buccinum. It is the " roaring buckle," in which the sound of the sea may always be heard. In the Zetland cottages it is suspended horizontally, and used for a lamp ; the cavity con- taining the oil, and the canal the wick. (Fleming.) The reversed variety (F. contrarius, Sby) is found in the Medit., and on the coast of Spain ; it abounds in the pliocene tertiary (crag) of Essex. The fusus deformis, a similar sp., found oif Spitzbergen, is always reversed. FAMILY III. BUCCINID^. Shell notched in front ; or with the canal abruptly reflected, producing a kind of varix on the front of the shell. Animal similar to murex ; lingual ribbon long and linear, (fig. 16) ra- chidian teeth single, transverse, dentated in front ; uncini single. Carnivorous. BUCCINUM, L. "Whelk. Etym., buccina, a trumpet, or triton's-shell. Type, B. undatum. PI. V., fig. 10. Shell few whirled ; whirls ventricose ; aperture large ; canal very short, reflected; operculum lamellar, nucleus external. (See pisania.) Distr., 20 typical species. Northern and Antarctic seas. Low water to 100 fins. (Forbes). (B ? clathratum, 136 fins., off Cape.) Fossil, 130 sp., including pisania, &c. Gault ? Miocene . Brit., France. Fig. 70. Nidamental capsu'es of the Whelk.* The whelk is dredged for the market, or used as x bait by fishermen ; it may be taken in baskets, baited with dead fish. Its nidamental capsules are aggregated in roundish masses, which, when thrown ashore, and drifted by the wind resemble corallines. Each capsule contains five or six young, which, when hatched, are like fig. 70, b : a, represents the inner side of a single capsule, shewing the round hole, from which the fry have escaped. * Fig. 70. From a small specimen, on an oyster-sjiell, in the cabinet of Albany Hancock, Esq. The line at b, represents the length of the young shell. GASTEROPODA. HI Submenus. Cominella, Gray. Ex. B. limbosum, purpura maculosa, &c. Operculutti as mfusus. About 12 sp. PSEUDOLIVA, Swainson. Etym., named from its resemblance to oliva, in form. Syn., sulco-buccinum, D'Orb. Gastridium (Gray), G. Sowerby. Type, P. plumbea. PL V., fig. 12. Shell globular, thick ; with a deep spiral furrow near the front of the body-whirl, forming, as in monoceros, a small tooth on the outer lip ; spire short, acute ; suture channelled ; inner lip callous aperture notched in front ; operculum ? Animal unknown. Distr., 6 sp. ? W. America. Fossil, 5 sp. Eocene. Brit., France, Chile. ? ANOLAX (Roissy), Conrad. Lea. Etym., an aulax, without furrow. Syn., buccinanops, D'Orb. Leiodomus, Sw. Bullia, Gray. Types, A. gigantea, Lea- Buc. Isevigatum. B. semiplicata, PI. V., fig. 14. Shell variable ; like buccinum, pseudoliva, or terebra ; sutures enamelled ; inner lip callous. Animal without eyes ; foot very broad ; tentacles long and slender ; operculum pointed, nucleus apical. Distr., 26 sp. Brazil, W. Africa, Ceylon, Pacific, W. America. Fossil, 3 sp. Eocene . N. America, France. I? HALIA, Eisso. Etym., halios, marine. Syn., priamus, Beck. Types, bulla helicoides (Brocchi). Miocene, Italy. Helix priamus (Meus- chen). Coast of Guinea ? Shell like achatina ; ventricose, smooth ; apex regular, obtuse ; operc. ? The fossil species occurs with marine shells, and sometimes coated by a coral (lepralia). TEREBRA, Lamarck. Auger-shell. Syn., acus, Humph. Subula, Bl. Dorsanum, Gray. Type, T. maculata. PI. V., fig. 13. Shell long, pointed, many-whirled ; aperture small ; canal short ; operc. pointed, nucleus apical. Animal blind, or with eyes near the summit of minute tentacles. Distr., 109 sp., mostly tropical. Medit. (1 sp.) India, China, W. America. Fossil, 24 sp. Eocene . Brit., France, Chile. EBURNA, Lamarck. Ivory-shell. Etym., elur, ivory. Syn., latrunculus, Gray. 12 MANUAL OF THE MOLLUSCA. Type, E. spirata. PL V., fig. 11. Shell umbilicated when young ; inner lip callous, spreading and covering the umbilicus of the adult ; operculum pointed, nucleus apical. Distr., 9 sp. Red Sea, India, Cape, Japan, China, Australia. Solid, smooth shells, which have usually lost their epidermis, and are pure white, spotted with dark red ; the animal is spotted like the shell. 14 fois. (Adams.) NASSA, Lam. Dog-whelk. Etym., nassa, a basket used for catching fish. Syn., desmoulinsia and northia, Gray. Type, N. arcularia. PL V., fig. 15. Shell like buccinum ; columellar lip callous, expanded, forming a tooth- like projection near the anterior canal. Operc. ovate, nucleus apical. Lingual teeth arched, pectinated ; uncini, with a basal tooth. The animal has a broad foot, with diverging horns in front, and two little tails behind. N. obsoleta (Say) lives within the influence of fresh water and becomes eroded. N. reticulata, L., is common on the English shores, at low-water, and is called the dog-whelk by fishermen. Distr., 68 sp. Low-water 50 fms. World-wide. Arctic, Tropical and Antarctic Seas. Fossil, 19 sp. Eocene . Brit., &c., N. America. Sub-genus, cyllene, Gray. C. Oweni, PL V., fig. 17. Outer lip with a slight sinus near the canal ; sutures channelled. W. Africa, Sooloo Islands, Borneo. Fossil, Miocene, Touraine. Cyclonassa, Swainson. C. neritea, PL V., fig. 16. PHOS, Montfort. Etym., pkos, light, Syn., rhinodomus, Sw. Type, P. senticosus, PL V., fig. 18. Shell like nassa ; cancellated ; outer lip striated internally, with a slight sinus near the canal ; columella obliquely grooved. The animal has slender tentacles, with the eyes near their tips. Distr., 30 sp. (Cuming.) Red Sea, Ceylon, Philippines, Australia, W. America. ? RINGICULA, Deshayes. Etym., diminutive of ringens, from ringo, to grin. Type, R. riugens, PL V,, fig. 21. Shell minute, ventricose, with a small spire ; aperture notched, columella callous, deeply plaited ; outer lip thickened and reflected. Distr., 4 sp. ? Medit., India, Philippines, Gallapagos. Fossil, 9 sp., Miocene . Brit., Trance. Rinyicula is placed with nassa GASTEROPODA. 113 by Mr. Gray, and Mr. S. Wood ; it appears to us very nearly allied to cinulia (=avettana, D'Orb.) in tornatellidce. PURPURA (Adans), Lam. Purple. Type, P. persica, PL VI., fig. 1. Shell striated, imbricated or tuberculated ; spire short ; aperture large, slightly notched in front ; inner lip much worn and flattened. Operc. lamellar, nucleus external. PL VI., fig. 2. Lingual dentition like murex erinaceus ; teeth transverse, 3 crested ; uncini small, simple. Many of the purpurce produce a fluid which gives a dull crimson dye ; it may be obtained by pressing on the operculum. P. lapillus abounds on the British coast at low-water, amongst sea-weed ; it is very destructive to .mussel-beds (Fleming). Distr., 140 sp. W. Indies, Brit., Africa, India, New Zealand, Pacific, Chile, California, Kamschatka. From low-water 25 fathoms. Fossil, 30 sp. Miocene . Brit., France, &c. Sub-genus. Concholepas, Favan. C: lepas (Gmelin sp.) PL VI., fig. 3. Peru. The only sp. diifers from purpura in the size of its aperture, and smallness of the spire. ?PURPURINA (Lycett, 1847). D'Orb. Shell, ventricose, coronated ; spire, short ; aperture, large, scarcely notched in front. Fossil, 9 sp., Bath-oolite. Brit. France. The type, P. rugosa, some- what resembles purpura chocolatum (Duclos), but the genus probably belongs to an extinct group. MONOCEROS, Lam. Etym., monos, one ; ceras, horn. Syn., acanthina, Fischer. Chorus, Gray. Type, M. imbricatum. PL VI., fig. 4 (Buc. monoceros, Chemn). Shell, like purpura ; with a spiral groove on the whirls, ending in a pro- minent spine on the outer lip. This genus is retained on account of its geo- graphical curiosity ; it consists of sp. of purpura, lagena, turbinella, pseudo- liva, &c. Distr., 18 sp. W. coast of America. Fossil, tertiary. Chile. M. gigantens (chorus) has the canal produced like fusus. M. cingulatum is a turbinella, and several sp. belong more properly to lagena. PEDICULARIA, Swainson. Type, P. sicula. PL VI., fig. 5 (thyreus, Phil.}. Shell very small, limpet-like ; with a large aperture, channelled in front, and a minute, lateral spire. Lingual dentition peculiar ; teeth single, hooked, denticulated ; uncini., 3 ; 1, four-cusped, 2, 3, elongated, three-spined. 114 MANUAL OF THE MOLLUSCA. Distr., 1 sp. Sicily, adhering to corals. Closely allied to purpura madreporarum, Sby. Chinese Sea. RICINULA, Lam. Etym., dimunitive of ricinus, the (fruit of the) castor-oil plant. Ex., R. arachnoides. PL VI., fig. 9 (=murex ricinus L.). Shell t thick, tubereulated. or spiny ; aperture contracted by callous pro- jections on the lips. Operc. as in purpura. Distr. 25 sp. India, China, Philippines, Australia, Pacific. Fossil, 3 sp. Miocene . France. PLANAXIS, Lam. Type, P. sulcata. PI. VI., fig. 6. Syn., quoyia and leucostoma. Shell, turbinated ; aperture notched in front ; inner lip callous, channel- led behind ; operculum subspiral (quoyia) or semi-ovate. PI. VI., fig. 7. Distr., 11 sp. W. Indies, Red Sea, Bourbon, India, Pacific, and Peru. Fossil, miocene ? Small coast shells, resembling periwinkles, with which Lamarck placed them. MAGILUS, Montf., 1810. Syn., campulote, Guettard, 1759. Leptoconchus, Riippell. Type, M. antiquus. PI. V., figs. 19, 20. Shell, when young, spiral, thin ; aperture channelled in front ; adult, prolonged into an irregular tube, solid behind ; operculum lamellar. Distr., 1 sp. ? Red Sea. Mauritius. H The magilus lives fixed amongst corals, and grows upwards with the growth of the zoophytes in which it becomes immersed ; it fills the cavity of its tube with solid shell, as it advances. CASSIS, Lam. Helmet-shell. Syn., bezoardica, Schum. Levenia, Gray. Cyprsecassis, Stutch. Type, C. flammea. PL VI., fig. 14. Shell, ventricose, with irregular varices ; spire, short ; aperture lo outer lip reflected, denticulated ; inner lip spread over the body-whirl ; ca sharply recurved. Operculum small, elongated ; nucleus in the middle of the straight inner edge. Distr., 34 sp. Tropical seas; in shallow water. W. Indies, Medit., Africa, China, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Pacific, Mexico. Fossil, 36 sp. Eocene . Chile, France. The queen. conch (C. madagascariensis) and other large species, are used in the manufacture of shell cameos, p. 46. The periodic mouths (varices] which are very prominent, are not absorbed internally as the animal grows. ONISCIA, Sowerby. Etym., oniscus, a wood louse. Syn,, morum, Bolten. GASTEROPODA. 115 Type, 0. oniscus ; 0. cancellata, pi. VI., fig. 15. Shell, with a short spire, and a long narrow aperture, slightly truncated in front ; outer lip thickened, denticulated ; inner lip granulated. Distr., 6 sp. W. Indies, China, Gallapagos. (20 fras.) Fossil, 3 sp. Miocene. CITHARA, Schumacher. Etym., cithara, a guitar. Syn., mangelia, Reeve (not Leach). Type, cancellaria citharella, Lam. (cithara striata, Schum.) Shell, fusiform, polished, ornamented with regular longitudinal rihs; aperture linear, truncated in front, slightly notched behind ; outer lip mar- gined, denticulated within ; inner lip finely striated. Operc. Distr., above 50 sp. of this pretty little genus were discovered by Mr. Cuming, in the Philippine Islands. CASSIDAEIA, Lam. Etym., cassida, a helmet. Syn., morio, Montf. Sconsia, Gray. Type, C. echinophora. PI. VI., fig. 13. Shell, ventricose ; canal produced, rather bent. No operculum. Distr., 5 sp. Medit. Fossil, 10 sp. Eocene . Brit., France, &c. Fig. 71.* DOLIUM, Lam. Tne tun. Type, D. galea. PI. VI., fig. 12. Shell, ventricose, spirally furrowed ; spire small ; aperture very large ; outer lip crenated. No operc. Distr., 14 sp. Medit., Ceylon, China, Australia, Pacific. * D. perdix, L. sp. nat. size (after Quoy). Vanicoro, Pacific. The proboscis is exserted, and the siphon recurved over the front of the shell. 116 MANUAL OF THE MOLLUSCA. Fossil, 1 sp. (? Chalk. Brit.) Miocene. S. Em-ope. Sub-genus, malea, Valenc. (D. personation) outer lip thickened and denti- culated ; inner lip with callous prominences. HARPA, Lani. Harp-shell. Type, H. ventricosa. PL VI., fig. 11. (=Buc. harpa, L.) Shell, ventricose ; with numerous ribs, at regular intervals; spire small ; aperture large, notched in front. No operc. The animal has a very large foot, with the front crescent- shaped, and divided by deep lateral fissures from the posterior part, which is said to sepa- rate spontaneously when the animal is irritated. Mostly obtained from deep- water, and soft bottoms. Distr., 9 sp. Mauritius, Ceylon, Philippines, Pacific. Fossil, 4 sp. Eocene . France. COLUMBELLA, Lam. Eti/m., diminutive of columba, a dove. Type, C. mercatoria. PL VI., fig. 1 0. Shell, small ; with a long narrow aperture ; outer lip thickened (especi- ally in the middle), dentated ; inner lip crenulated. Operculum very small lamellar. Distr., 200 sp. Sub-tropical. W. Indies, Medit., India, Gallapagos, California. Small, prettily-marked shells ; living in shallow water, on sandy flats, or congregating about stones. (Adams.) Fossil, 8 sp. Miocene . (The Brit. sp. Sub-genus. Columbellina, D'Orb. 4 sp. Cretaceous. France, India. aper- GASTEROPODA. 117 Sub-genera. Olivella, Sw. 0. jaspidea, pi. VI., fig. 19. Animal with small, acute frontal lobes. Operc. nucleus sub-apical. Scaphula, Sw. O utriculus, pi. VL, fig. 18. Frontal lobes large, rounded, operculate. Agaronia, Gray. 0. hiatula, pi. VI., fig. 17. No eyes or tentacles. Frontal lobes moderate, acute. ANCILLARIA, Lam. Etyrn., ancilla, a maiden. Types, A. subulata, pi. VI., fig. 20. A. glabrata, pi. VI. fig. 21. Shell like oliva ; spire produced, and entirely covered with shining enamel. Operc. minute, thin, pointed. Lingual teeth pectinated. Uncini simple, hooked. Animal like oli va ; said to use its mantle-lobes for swimming. (D'Orb.) In A. glabrata, a space resembling an umbilicus, is left between the callous inner lip and the body whirl. Distr., 23 sp. Red Sea, India, Madagascar, Australia, Pacific. Fossil, 21 sp. Eocene . Brit., France, &c. FAMILY TV. CcfNiDja, Cones. Shell inversely conical ; aperture long and narrow ; outer lip notched at or near the suture; operculum minute, lamellar. Animal, foot oblong, truncated in front ; with a conspi- cuous (aquiferous?) pore in the middle. Head produced. Tentacles far apart. Eyes on the tentacles. Gills 2. Lin- gual teeth (uncini ?) in pairs, elongate, subulate, or hastate. CONUS, L. Cone-shell. Types, C. marmoreus, pi. VII., fig. 1. C. geographicus, antediluvianus, &c. Shell conical, tapering regularly ; spire short, many-whirled ; columella smooth, truncated in front ; outer lip notched at the suture ; operculum pointed, nucleus apical. Distr., 269 sp. AU tropical seas. Medit., 2 ; Africa, 23 ; Red Sea, 5 ; Asia, 124 ; Australia, 16 ; Pacific, 25 ; Gallapagos, 3 ; W. America, 20 ; W. Indies and Brazil, 21. Fossil, 80 sp. Chalk . Brit., France, India, &c. The cones range northward as far as the Mediterranean, and southward to the Cape ; but are most abundant and varied in equatorial seas. They inhabit fissures and holes of rocks, and the warm and shallow pools inside coral-reefs, ranging from low water to 30 and 40 fathoms ; they move slowly, and some- times (C. aulicus) bite when handled ; they are all predatory. (Adams.) Sub-genus. Conorbis, Sw. C. dormitor, PL VII., fig. 2. Eocene . Brit., France. * Fig.- 72. Lingual teeth of bela turricula (after Lov6n). 118 MANUAL OF THE MOLLUSCA. PLEUROTOMA, Lam. Etym., pleura, the side, and toma, a notch. Syn., turns, Humph. Types, P. Babylonica, PL VII., fig. 3. P. miteformis, &c. Shell fusiform, spire elevated ; canal long and straight ; outer lip with a deep slit near the suture. Operculum pointed, nucleus apical. Distr., 430 sp. World-wide. Greenland, Brit., 17 ; Medit., 19 ; Africa, 15; Red Sea and India, 6 ; China, 90; Australia, 15; Pacific, 0? W. America, 52 ; W. Indies and Brazil, 20. The typical sp. about 20 (China, 16 ; W. America, 4.) Low water to 100 fathoms. Fossil, 300 sp. Chalk. Brit., France, &c. Chile. Sub-genera. Drillia, Gray. D. umbilicata, canal short. Clavatula, Lam., canal short, operc. pointed, nucleus in the middle of the inner edge. C. mitra, PL VII., fig. 4. Tomella, Sw., canal long ; inner lip callous near suture. T. lineata. ? Clionella, Gray. C. sinuata, Born sp. (= P. buccinoides) freshwaters, Africa. Mangelia, Leach, (not Reeve). Apertural slit at the suture ; no operc., M. tamiata, PL VII., fig. 5. Greenland, Brit., Medit. Bela, Leach. Operc. nucleus apical. B. turricula, PL VII., fig. 6. Defrancia, Millet,* no operc. D. linearis, PI. VII., fig. 7. ? Lachesis, Risso, L. minima, PL VII., fig. 8, apex mammillated ; operc. claw-shaped. Medit., S. Brit. In shallow water. Daphnella, Hinds. D. marmorata. New Guinea. (Buc. junceum. L. clay). FAMILY V. VOLUTION. Shell turreted, or convolute ; aperture notched in front ; columella liquely plaited. No operculum. Fig. 73. t Animal with a recurved siphon ; foot very large partly hiding the \ * According to Mr. S. Hanley, Defrancia is synonymous with Mangelia. t Fig. 73. V. undulata, Lam. Australia (from Quoy and Gaiinard), GASTEROPODA. 119 mantle often lobed and reflected over the shell ; eyes on the tentacles, or near their base. Lingual ribbon linear ; rachis toothed ; pleura unarmed. VOLUTA, L. Volute. Type, V. musica, PL VII., fig. 9. Syn., cymbiola, harpula, Sw. Volutella, D'Orb. Scapha, &c., Gray. Shell ventricose, tliick ; spire short, apex mammillated ; aperture large, deeply notched in front ; columella with several plaits. V. musica and a few others have a small operculum. Animal, eyes on lobes at the base of the tentacles ; siphon with a lobe on each side, at its base ; lingual teeth 3 cusped. V. vespertilio and hebrcea fill the nuclei of their spires with solid shelL V. tbrasiliana forms nidamental capsules 3 inches long. (D'Orb.) In V. angulata the mantle is produced into a lobe on the left side, and overlaps the shell. W. Indies, Cape Horn, W. Africa, Australia, Java, Chili. Chalk . India, Brit., Trance, &c. Volutilithes, Sw. Spire pointed, many-whirled, columella V. spinosus, PI. VII., fig. 10. (V. abyssicola], dredged at 132 fathoms; off the Cape. Distr., 70 sp. Fossil, 80 sp. Sub -genera. plaits indistinct. Living, 1 sp. ( (Adams). Fossil, Eocene. Brit., Paris. Scaphella, Sw. Fusiform, smooth. Ex., V. magellanica. Fossil, V. Lamberti, Crag, Suffolk. Melo, Brod. Large, oval ; spire short. Type, M. diadema, PL VII., fig. 11. New Guinea, 8 sp. CYMBA, Broderip. Boat-shell. Syn., Yetus (Adans.) Gray. Type, C. proboscidalis, PL VII., fig. -12, and fig. 74 (= V. cymbium, L.) Shell like voluta ; nucleus large and globular ; whirls few, angular, forming a flat ledge round the nucleus. The foot of the animal is very large, and deposits a thin enamel over the under side of the shell. It is ovo-viviparous, and the young animal is very large when born ; the nucleus becomes partly concealed by the growth of the shell. Distr., 10 sp. W. Africa, Lisbon. MITRA, Lam. Mitre -shell. Syn., turris, Montf. Zierliana, Gray. Tiara, Sw. Cymba. 120 MANUAL OF THE MOLLUSCA. Types, M. episcopalis, PI. VII., fig. 13. M. vulpecula, fig. 14. Shell fusiform, thick ; spire elevated, acute ; aperture small, notched in front ; columella obliquely plaited ; operculum very small. The animal has a very long proboscis ; it emits a purple liquid, having a nauseous odour, when imitated. The eyes are placed on the tentacles, or at their base. Range, from low water to 15 fathoms, more rarely in 15 80 fathoms. Distr., 350 sp. Philippines, India, Red Sea, Medit., W. Africa, Green- land (1 sp.), Pacific, W. America. The extra-tropical species are minute. M. Greenlandica and M. cornea (Medit. sp.) are found together in the latest British Tertiaries (Forbes.) Fossil, 90 sp. Chalk . India, Brit., France, &c. Sub-genera. Imbricaria, Schum. (conoelix, Sw.) Shell, cone-shaped. I. conica, PL VII., fig. 15. CyUndra, Schum. (Mitrella, Sw.) Shell, olive-shaped. C. crenulata, PL VII., fig. 16. VOLVARIA, Lam. "Etym., volva, a wrapper. Type, V. buUoides, PL VII., fig. 1?. Shell cylindrical, convolute ; spire minute ; aperture long and narrow ; columella with 3 oblique plaits in front. Fossil, 5 ? sp. Eocene. Brit., France. MARGINELLA, Lam. Etym., diminutive of margo, a rim. Syn., porcellana (Adans.) Gray. Persicula, Schum. Types, M. nubeculata, PL VII., fig. 18. M. persicula, fig. 19. Shell, smooth, bright ; spire short or concealed ; aperture trunca front; columella plaited; outer lip (of adult) with a thickened margin. Animal similar to cyprsea. Distr., 90 sp. Tropical, W. Indies, Brazil, Medit. (1 small sp.) W. Africa, China, Australia. Fossil, 30 sp. Eocene . France, &c. Sub-genus. Hyalina, Schum. Outer lip scarcely thickened. Type, voluta pallida, Mont., W. Indies. FAMILY VI. CYPR^IDJE. Cowries. Shell convolute, enamelled ; spire concealed ; aperture narrow, ( at each end ; outer lip (of adult) thickened, inflected. No operculum. Animal with a broad foot, truncated in front ; mantle expanded on each side, forming lobes, which meet over the back of the shell ; these lobes are usually ornamented with tentacular filaments; eyes on the middle of the ten- tacles or near their base ; branchial plume single. Lingual ribbon long, GASTEROPODA. 121 partly contained in the visceral cavity ; rachis I toothed ; uncini 3. The cowries inhabit shallow water, near shore, feeding on zoophytes. CYPILEA, L. Cowry. Etym., Cypris, a name of Venus. Types, C. tigris, C. mauritiana, PI. VII., fig. 20. Shell ventricose, convolute, covered with shining enamel ; spire concealed ; aperture long and narrow, with a short canal at each end ; inner lip crenulated ; outer lip inflected and crenulated. (Lingual uncini similar). The young shell has a thin and sharp outer lip, a prominent spire, and is covered with a thin epidermis, fig. 75. When full- grown the mantle lobes expand on each side, and deposit a shining enamel over the whole shell, by which the spire is entirely concealed. There is usually a line of paler colour which indicates where the mantle lobes met. Cu- Fig. 75. Cyprcea, . . J young* prtea annulus is used by the Asiatic Islanders ;o adorn their dress, to weight their fishing-nets, and for barter. Specimens of it were found by Dr. Layard in the ruins of Nimroud. Dhe money-cowrey (C. moneta] is also a native of the Pacific and Eastern eas : many tons weight of this little shell are annually imported into this country, and again exported for barter with the native tribes of Western Africa ; in the year 1848 sixty tons of the money-cowry were imported into Jiverpool ; and in 1849 nearly three hundred tons were brought to the same )lace, according to the statement of Mr. Archer in the Industrial Exhibition. Mr. Adams observed the pteropodous fry of C. annulus, at Singapore, adhering in masses to the mantle of the parent, or swimming in rapid gyrations, or with abrupt jerking movements by means of their cephalic fins. Distr., 150 sp. In all warm seas (except E. coast S. America?) but most abundant in those of the old world. On reefs and under rocks at low water. Fossil, 78 sp. Chalk . India, Brit., France, &c. Sub -genera. Cyprovula, Gray. C. capensis, PI. VII., fig. 21. Aper- tural plaits continued regularly over the margin of the canal. Luponia, Gray. C, algoensis, PI. VII., fig. 22. Inner lip irregularly plaited in front. Fig. 76. Trivial * Fig. 75. Cyprsea testudinaria, L., young, China. t Fig. 76. Trivia europaea, Mont. From the "British Mollusca," by Messrs. Forbes and Hanley. 122 MANUAL OF THE MOLLUSCA. Trivia, Gray. C. europsea, PL VII., fig. 23 ; fig. 76, and 15, B Small shells with strise extending over the back. (Uncini ; 1st denticulat 2, 3, simple.) Distr., 30 sp. Greenland, Brit., W. Indies, Cape, Australia, Pacific, W America. ERATO, Risso. Etym., Erato, the muse of love-songs and mimicry. Type, E. Isevis PL VII., fig. 24. Shell minute ; like marginella ; lips minutely crenulated. Animal, liki trivia. Distr., 8 sp. Brit., Medit., W. Indies, China. Fossil, 2 sp. Miocene . Trance, Brit. (Crag.) OVULUM, Lam. Etym., dimunitive of ovum, an egg. Syn., amphiceras, Gronov. Types, 0. ovum, pi. VII., fig. 25. O. gibbosa and verrucosa. Shell) like cyprcea; inner lip smooth. Distr., 36 sp. Warm seas. W. Indies, Brit., Medit. China, W. America Fossil, 11 sp. Eocene . France, &c. Sub-genus, calpurna, Leach. O. volva (" The weaver's shuttle"). Aper. ture produced into a long canal at each end. Toot narrow, adapted fo] walking on the round stems of the gorgonice, &c., on which it feeds. C patula inhabits the S. coast of Britain, it is very thin, and has a sharp oute] lip. SECTION B. HOLOSTOMATA. Sea-Snails. Shell, spiral or limpet shaped ; rarely tubular or multivalve : margin ol the aperture entire. Operculum, horny or shelly, usually spiral. Animal with a short non-retractile muzzle ; respiratory siphon wanting, or formed by a lobe developed from the neck (fig. 61), gills pectinated o:t plume- like, placed obliquely across the back, or attached to the right side ol the neck ; neck and sides frequently ornamented with lappets and tentaculai filaments, Marine or fresh-water. Mostly phytophagous.* FAMILY I. NATICIDJD. Shell, globular, few-whirled ; spire small, obtuse ; aperture, semi-lunar : lip, acute ; pillar often callous. Animal, with a long retractile proboscis ; lingual ribbon linear ; rachw, I toothed; uncini, 3 (similar to trivia, fig. 15, B.) ; foot very large ; mantle-lobe s largely developed, hiding more or less of the shell. Species all marine. * These " sections" are not very satisfactory, but they are better than any othei: yet proposed, and they are convenient, on account of the great extent of the ordn proso-branchiata. Natica and scalaria have a retractile proboscis. Pirena has notched aperture, and aporrhais, a canal. GASTEROPODA. NATICA (Adans.), Lamarck. Syn. t mammilla, Schm. Cepatia, Gray. Nacca, Risso. >~ 6. Pyrula reticulata, Lam. i. China .................................... 109 (Jlyristica] melongena, L. . ^bfU.V.lV^.V^a.... 109 .sus colus, L. ^. Ceylon .................. ............... 109 (Chrysodomus) antiquos, Mull. (var. contrarius, Sby.) Red - (operculum). [Crag, TValton, Essex 109 10. Buccinum undatum, L. ^. Britain .................................... 110 11. Eburna spirata, L sp. . Ceylon .................................... Ill 12. Fseudoliya plumbea, Chemn. sp. . W.America ..... Ill 13. Terebra maculata, L. sp. . Moluccas .............................. Ill 14. --- (BuUia) semiplicata, Gray. S.Africa ........................ Ill 15. Xassa arcularia, L. sp. . Moluccas ................................. 112 16. -- (Cyclonassa] neritea, L. sp. Mediterranean .................. 112 (Cyllene) Oweni, Gray. E.Africa .............................. 112 nticosus, L. sp. . X.Australia .............................. 112 19. Magilus antiquus, Montf. i. Red Sea .............................. 114 - do. young. (Leptoconchus) .................................... 1 14 21. f Ringicula ringens, Lam. f. Eocene, Paris ..... . .................. 112 MANUAL OF THE MOLLUSCA. PLATE VI. Bvccinufae. PAGE 1. Purpura persica, L. sp. . India 113 2.- lapilliis, L. sp. (operculum.) Britain 113 3 _ ( Concliolepas) peruviana, Lam. . Peru 113 4. Monoceros imbricatum, Lam. . Cape Horn 1 A 3 5. Pedicularia sicula, Sw. Sicily 113 6. Planaxis sulcata, Brag. sp. India 114 7. _ } (operculum) 114 8. Trichotropis borealis, Brod. N. Britain 108 9. Ricinula arachaoides, Lam. China 114 10. Coluinbella mercatoria, Gmel. sp. W.Indies 116 11. Harpa ventricosa, Lam. ^. Mauritius 116 12. Dolium galea, L. sp. \. Mediten-anean 115 13. Cassidaria echinophora, L. \. Medit 115 14. Cassis flammea, L. China , 114 15. Oniscia cancellata, Sby. China 11-1 16. Oliva porphyria, L. |. Panama 116 17. (Agaronia) hiatula, Gm. sp. f . W. Africa 11? 18. (Scaphula} utriculus, Gm. sp. . Africa 19. (OHvella) jaspidea, Gm. sp. W. Indies 117 20. Aucillaria buccinoi'des, Lam. . Eocene, Isle of Wight 11? 21. glabrata, L. sp. i. W.Indies 117 J.W.l.owrv fc. MANUAL OP THE MOLLUSGA. PLATE VII. Conidte. PAGE 1. Conus marmoreus Gm. . Cliiria .................................... 117 2. - (Conorbis) dormitor, Solander. Eocene, Barton ........... .- 117 3. Pleurotoma Babylonica, L. sp. | . China ........................... 118 4. Clavatula mitra, Gray. W.Africa .................................... 118 5 . Mangelia taeniata, Desh. -f-. Mediterranean ........................ 118 6. Bela turricula, Mont. sp. Britain .................................... 118 7. Defrancia linearis, Bl. sp. f. Medit .................................. 118 8. Lachesis minima, Mont. sp. -f. Britain .............................. 118 VolutldcB. 9. Voluta musica, L. \. W.Indies ....................................... 119 1 . Volutilithes spinosus, L. sp. |. Eocene, Barton .................. 119 11. Melo diadema, Lam. sp. ^. New Guinea ........................... 119 12. Cymba proboscidalis, Lam. sp. i. W. Africa ........................ 119 13. Mitra episcopalis, D'Arg. i. Ceylon ...... ........................ 119 14. - vulpecula, L. . Singapore ............... ^^- .............. 120 15. -- (Imbricaria) conica, Schuin. ^ttjlljjpinBs /^rtv-Cu ....... 120 16. -- ( Cylindra) crenulata, Chernn. China ........................ 120 17. Volvaria bullo'ides, Lam'. Eocene, Grignon ........................ 120 18. Marginella nubeculata, Lam. . W. Africa ........................... 120 1 9. - - (Persicula) lineata, Lam. W. Africa ..................... 120 Cyprasicke. 20. Cyprsea Mauritiana, L. i. India Pacific ........................... 121 21. -- (Ci/provula) capeusis. Gray. . S. A'frica ............... 121 22. - (L?tponia) algoeiisis, Gray. S, Africa ..................... 121 23,23*- (Trivia] europeea, Mont. Britain ..................... 122 24. Erato Isevis, Donovan. Britain . ...................................... 122 25. Ovulum ovum, L. sp. i. New Guinea .............................. 122 MANUAL OF THE MOLLUSCA. PLATE VIII. Naticidce. PAGE 1. Natica canrena, L. sp. . China 123 2. (Globulus) sigaretina, Lam. . Eocene, Paris 123 3. (Cermna) fluctuata. Sby. |-. Pliilippines 123 4. Sigaretus haliotoides, L. sp. . W. Indies 1 24 5. (Naticina) papilla, Chemu. sp. Africa 124 6. Lamellaria perspicua, Mont. Mediterranean 124 7. Velutina Isevigata, L. sp. Britain 124 8. Narica cancellata, Chemn. sp. Pacific 124 9. Neritopsis radula, L. sp. Sandwich Islands 141 Pyramidellidtz. 10. Pyramidella auris-cati, Chemn. sp. Mauritius 125 11. (Obeliscus) dolabrata, Gmel. sp. W.Indies 125 12. Odostomia plicata, Mont. sp. f. Britain 125 13. Chemnitzia elegantissima, Mont. sp. f. Weymouth 126 14. Eulima polita, L. Britain ,, 126 15. Stylifer astericola, Brod. Philippines 12 Cerithidae. 16,16*. Cerithium nodulosum, Brug. -|. Moluccas 127 17. - (Bittium) reticulatum, Da Costa. Britain 127 18. Triphoris perversus, L. sp. Mediterranean 128 19. Potamides mixtus, Defr. Eocene, Paris 12 20. (Pyrazus) palustris, Brug. -|. India 21 . (Terebralia) telescopium, Brug. J. India 12 22. ~ (Pirenelld) mammillatus, Risso sp. Mediterranean 12 23. (Lampania) zonalis, Gray. Chusan 128 24. (Cerithidea) decollatus, L. sp. Cape 12 Melaniadce. 25. 25* Melania amarula, L. sp. f . Madagascar 131 26. (Melanatria) fluminea, Gm. sp. . Madagascar 131 27. (Melafusus) fluviatilis, Say. |. TJ. States 131 28. (Anculotus) prsemorsa, Say. U. States 131 29. - (Vibex) fuscata, Gm. sp. Africa 131 30. Melanopsis costata, Eer. Syria 132 81.- (Pirena) atra. L. sp. |. Ceylon 132 tote Weate>.185l. MANUAL OF THE MOLLUSCA. PLATE IX. Turritellida. PAGE 1. Turritella, imbricata, L, W.Indies 132 2. (Mesalia) sulcata, var. Lam, Eocene, Paris 132 3. _ (Proto) cathedralis, Brongn. f. Miocene, Bordeaux... 132 4. Aclis perforatus, Mont. sp. f . Guernsey 132 5. Caecum trachea, Mont. 4. Britain 133 6. - (fry, magnified f) 133 7. Vermetus lumbricalis, Gm. sp. (young.) W. Africa 133 8. Siliquaria anguina, L. sp. . New Guinea 133 9. Scalaria pretiosa, Lam. China 133 Litorinidte. 10. Litorina litorea, L. Britain 134 11. - - (Tectaria) pagodas, L. . Zanzibar 133 12. - (Fossarus) sulcatus, S. Wood. Mediterranean 135 1 3. - ( Modulus) tectum, Gm. sp. N. Australia 135 14. (Risella) nana, Lam. sp. . Tasmania 135 1 5. Solarium perspectivum, L. sp. f . China 135 16. Lacuna pallidula, Da Costa. Britain 136 17. Rissoa labiosa, Mont. Britain 136 18.-- - (Hydrobia) ulvse, Penn. Britain 137 19, - (Jeffrey sia) diaphana, Alder. (Operculum) Britain 137 20.- - (Skenea) planorbis, O. Fabr. (^ inch). Britain 137 21. Nematura deltee, Bens. f. India 137 22. Lithoglyphus fuscus, Pfr. sp. Danube 138 23. Amnicola isogona, Say. IT. States 131 24. Litiopa bombix, Kiener. Mediterranean 136 25. Truncatella subtruncata, Mont. sp. f . Mediterranean 137 Paludinidce. 26. Faludina Listeri, Hanley. |. Norwich 138 27.- (Bithinia) teutaciilata, Mont. Norwich 138 28. Valvata piscinalis, Miill. Norwich 140 29. cristata, Mull. Norwich 140 30. Ampullaria globosa, Sw. \. India 138 31 . - ( Marisa) cornu-arietis, L. sp. Brazil 139 32. - (Lanistes) Bolteniana, Chernn. sp. i. Nile 139 33. Amphibola avellana, Chemn. sp. New Zealand 139 54. Paludomus aculeatus, Gm. sp. Ceylon .' 133 Neritidce. 35. Nerita ustulata, L. Scinde 141 36. ( Velates] perversus, Gm. sp. Eocene, Soissons 141 37. 38. Pileolus plicatus, J. Sby. Bath oolite, Ancliff 141 39. Neritina zebra, Brug. Pacific 141 40. crepidularia. Less. India 142 41 . Navicella porcellana, Chemn. sp. Mauritius Pacific 142 10 MANUAL OE THE MOLLTJSCA. PLATE X. 1 . Phorus corrugatus, Reeve. |. Kurachee, India ..................... 135 Turbinid