UC-NRLF No... Division Range Shelf... Received... THE PREPARATION AND MOUNTING OP MICROSCOPIC OBJECTS BY THOMAS DAVIES. NEW YORK: WILLIAM WOOD & CO., 61 WALKER STREET. K. CRAIGHEAD, Printer, Stereotyper, and Eleetrotyper, Caiton 93uiltiing, 81, 83, and 85 Centre Street. V CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. Apparatus 9 CHAPTER II. To prepare and mount Objects " Dry " 21 CHAPTER III. Mounting in Canada Balsam t 67 CHAPTER IV. Preservative Liquids, etc., particularly where CettVare used 81 CHAPTER V. Sections and how to cut them, with some Remarks on Dissection ... 92 CHAPTER VI. Injection , 115 CHAPTER VII. Miscellaneous . 131 PKEFAOB. IN bringing this Handbook before the public, the Author believes that he is supplying a want which has been long felt. Much information concerning the " Preparation and Mounting of Microscopic Objects '* has been already pub- lished ; but mostly as supplementary chapters only, in books written professedly upon the Microscope. From this it is evident that it was necessary to consult a number of works in order to obtain anything like a complete knowledge of the subject. These pages, however, will be found to comprise all the most approved methods of mounting, together with the results of the Author's expe- rience, and that of many of his friends, in every depart- ment of microscopic manipulation ; and as it is intended to assist the beginner as well as the advanced student, the very rudiments of the art have not been omitted. As there is a diversity of opinion as to the best mode of proceeding in certain cases, numerous quotations have VU1 PREFACE. been made. Wherever this lias been done, the Author believes that he has acknowledged the source from which he has taken the information ; and he here tenders his sin- cere thanks to those friends who so freely allowed him to make use of their works. Should, however, any one find his own process in these pages unacknowledged, the author can only plead oversight, and his regret that such should have been the case, THE PREPARATION AND MOUNTING OF MICROSCOPIC OBJECTS CHAPTER I. APPARATUS. BEFORE entering into the subject of the setting of Objects for the Microscope, the student must be convinced of the necessity of cleanliness in everything relating to the use of that instrument. Tn no branch is this more apparent than in the preparation of objects; because a slide which would be considered perfectly clean when viewed in the ordinary way is seen to be far otherwise when magnified some hundreds of diameters ; and those constant enemies, the floating particles of dust, are everywhere present, and it is only by unpleasant experience that we fully learn what cleanliness is. Any object which is to be viewed under the microscope must, of course, be supported in some way this is now usually done by placing it upon a glass slide, which on account of the transpa- rency has a great advantage over other substances. These *' slides " are almost always made of one size, viz., three inches long by one broad, generally having the edges ground so as to remove all danger of scratching or cutting any object with which they may come in contact. The glass must be very good, else the surface will always present the appearance of uncleanliness and dust. This dusty look is very common amongst the cheaper 2 10 PREPARATION AND MOUNTING kinds of slides, because they are usually " sheet " glass ; but is seldom found in those of the quality known amongst dealers by the name of " patent plate." This latter is more expensive at first, but in the end there is little difference in the cost, as so many of the cheaper slides cannot be used for delicate work if the mounted object is to be seen in perfection. These slides vary considerably in thickness ; care should, therefore, be taken to sort them, so that the more delicate objects with which the higher powers are to be used may be mounted upon the thinnest, as the light employed in the illumination is then less interfered with. To aid the microscopist in this work, a metal circle may be pro- cured, having a number of different sized openings on the outer edge, by which the glass slides can be measured. These openings are numbered, and the slides may be separated according to these numbers ; so that when mounting any object there will be no need of a long search for that glass which is best suited to it. When fresh from the dealer's hands, these slides are generally covered with dust, &c., which may be removed by well washing in clean rain-water ; but if the impurity is obstinate, a little wash- ing soda may be added, care being taken, however, that every trace of this is removed by subsequent waters, otherwise the crys- tals will afterwards form upon the surface. A clean linen cloth should be used to dry the slides, after which they may be laid by for use. Immediately, however, before being used for the recep- tion of objects by any of the following processes, all dust must be removed by rubbing the surface with clean wash-leather or a piece of cambric, and, if needful, breathing upon it, and then using the leather or cambric until perfectly dry. Any small par- ticles left upon the surface may generally be removed by blowing gently upon it, taking care to allow no damp to remain. We have before said, that any object to be viewed in the microscope must have its support; but if this object is to be pre- served, care must be taken that it is defended from the dust and other impurities. For this purpose it is necessary to use some transparent cover, the most usual at one time being a plate of mica, on account of its thinness ; this substance is now, however, never used, thin glass being substituted, which answers admirably. Sometimes it is required to " take up " as little space as possible, OF MICROSCOPIC OBJECTS. 11 owing to the shortness of focus of the object-glasses. It can be procured of any thickness, from one-fiftieth to one-two-hundred- and-fiftieth of an inch. On account of its want of strength it is difficult to cut, as it is very liable to "fly " from the point of the diamond. To overcome this tendency as much as possible, it must be laid upon a thicker piece, previously made wet with water, which causes the thin glass to adhere more firmly, and con- sequently to bear the pressure required in cutting the covers. The process of cutting being so difficult, especially with the thin- ner kinds, little or nothing is gained by cutting those which can be got from the dealers, as the loss and breakage is necessarily greater in the hands of an amateur. It is convenient, however, to have on hand a few larger pieces, from which unusual sizes may be cut when required. If the pieces required are rectangular, no other apparatus will be required save a diamond and a flat rule ; but if circles are wanted, a machine for that purpose should be used (of which no description is necessary here). There are, however, other con- trivances which answer tolerably well. One method is, to cut out from a thick piece of cardboard a circle rather larger than the size wanted. Dr. Carpenter recommends metal rings with a piece of wire soldered on either side ; and this, perhaps, is the best, as cardboard is apt to become rough at the edge when much used. A friend of mine uses thin brass plates with circles of various sizes " turned " through them, and a small raised han- dle placed at one end. The diamond must be passed round the inner edge, and so managed as to meet again in the same line, in order that the circle may be true, after which they may be readily disengaged. The sizes usually kept in stock by the dealers are one-half, five-eighths, and three-quarters inch diameter ; but other sizes may be had to order. For the information of the beginner it may be mentioned here that the price of the circles is a little more than of the squares ; but this is modified in some degree by the circle being rather lighter. If appearance, however, is cared for at all, the circles look much neater upon the slides when not covered with the ornamental papers ; but if these last are used (as will shortly be described) the squares are equally serviceable. 12 PREPARATION AND MOUNTING As before mentioned, the thin glass is made of various thick- nesses, and the beginner will wish to know which to use. For objects requiring no higher power than the one-inch object-glass, the thicker kinds serve well enough ; for the half-inch the medium thickness will be required ; while, for higher powers, the thinnest covers must be used. The "test-objects" for the highest powers require to be brought so near to the object-glass that they admit of the very thinnest covering only, and are usually mounted be- twixt glasses which a beginner would not be able to use without frequent breakage ; but if these objects were mounted with the common covers, they would be really worthless with the powers which they require to show them satisfactorily. It may be desirable to know how such small differences as those betwixt the various thin glass covers can be measured. For this purpose there are two or three sorts of apparatus, all, however, depending upon the same principle. The description of one, therefore, will be sufficient. Upon a small stand is a short metal lever (as it may be termed) which returns by a spring to one certain position, where it is in contact with a fixed piece of metal. At the other end this lever is connected with a " fin- ger," which moves round a dial like that of a watch, whereupon are figures at fixed distances. When the lever is separated from the metal which is stationary, the other end being connected with the " finger " of the dial, that " finger " is moved in propor- tion to the distance of the separation. The thin glass is, there- fore, thrust betwixt the end of the lever and fixed metal, and each piece is measured by the figures on the dial in stated and accu- rate degrees. This kind of apparatus, however, is expensive, and when not at our command, the thin glass may be placed edge- wise in the stage forceps, and measured very accurately with the micrometer. Cleanliness with the thin glass is, perhaps, more necessary than with the slides, especially when covering objects which are to be used with a high power ; but it is far more difficult to attain, on account of the liability to breakage. The usual method of clean- ing these covers is as follows : Two discs of wood, about two inches in diameter, are procured, one side of each being perfectly flat and covered with clean wash-leather. To the other side of OF MICROSCOPIC OBJECTS. 13 these a small knob is firmly affixed as a handle, or where practi- cable the whole may be made out of a solid piece. In cleaning thin glass, it should be placed betwixt the covered sides of the discs, and may then be safely rubbed with a sufficient pressure, and so cleaned on both sides by the leather. If, however, the glass be greasy, as is sometimes the case, it must be first washed with a strong solution of potash, infusion of nut-galls, or any of the commonly used grease-removing liquids : and with some im- purities water, with the addition of a few drops of strong acid, will be found very useful, but this last is not often required. The above method of cleaning thin glass should always be used by beginners ; but after some experience the hand becomes so sensitive that the above apparatus is often dispensed with, and the glasses, however thin, may be safely cleaned betwixt the finger and thumb with a cambric handkerchief, having first slightly damped the ends of the fingers employed to obtain firm hold. When the dirt is very obstinate, breathing upon the glass greatly facilitates its removal, and the sense of touch becomes so delicate that the breakage is inconsiderable ; but this method can- not be recommended to novices, as nothing but time spent in delicate manipulation can give the sensitiveness required. It was before mentioned that the ordinary glass slides were sometimes worthless, especially for fine objects, from having a rough surface, which presented a dusty appearance under the microscope. This imperfection exists in some thin glass also, and it is irremediable ; so that it is useless to attempt to cleanse it ; nevertheless, care should be taken not to mistake dirty glass for this roughness, lest good glass be laid aside for a fault which does not belong to it. When any object which it is desired to mount is of consider- able thickness, or will not bear pressure, it is evident that a wall must be raised around it to support the thin glass this is usually termed a " cell." There are various descriptions of these, accord- ing to the class of objects they are required to protect; and here may be given a description of those which are most gene- rally used in mounting " dry " objects, leaving those required for the preservation of liquids until we come to the consideration of that mode of mounting. Many have made use of the following 14 PREPARATION AND MOUNTING slides. Two pieces of hard wood of the usual size (3 in. by 1 in.), not exceeding one-sixteenth of an inch in thickness, are taken, and a hole is then drilled in the middle of one of these of the size required. The two pieces are then united by glue or other cement, and left under pressure until thoroughly dry, when the cell is fit for use. Others substitute cardboard for the lower piece of wood, which is less tedious, and is strong enough for every purpose. This class of " cell " is, of course, fitted for opaque objects only where no light is required from below ; and as almost all such are better seen when on a dark background, it is usual to fix a small piece of black paper at the bottom of the cell upon which to place them. For very small objects the " grain " which all such paper has when magnified detracts a little from the merit of this background ; a,nd lately I have used a small piece of thin glass covered on the back with black var- nish, and placed the object upon the smooth untouched side. Another method of making these cells is as follows: Two "punches," similar to those used for cutting "gun-wads," are pro- cured, of such sizes that with the smaller may be cut out the centre of the larger, leaving a ring whose side is not less than one- eighth of an inch wide. These rings may be readily made, the only difficulty being to keep the sides parallel ; but a little care will make this easy enough. For this purpose close-grained cardboard may be conveniently used. It must have a well-glazed surface, else the varnish or cement used in affixing the thin glass cover sinks into the substance, and the adherence is very imper- fect. When this takes place it is easily remedied by brushing over the surface of the cardboard a strong solution of gum or isin- glass ; and this application, perhaps, closes also the pores of the- card, and so serves a double purpose. But, of course, the gum must be perfectly dried before the ring is used. For cardboard, gutta-percha has been substituted, but cannot be recommended, as it always becomes brittle after a certain time, never adheres to the glass with the required firmness, and its shape is altered when worked with even a little heat. Leather is often used, and is very convenient ; it should be chosen, however, of a close texture, and free from oil, grease, and all those substances which are laid upon it by the " dressers." OF MICROSCOPIC OBJECTS. 15 Rings of cardboard, &c., have been rejected by persons of great experience, because they are of such a nature that dampness can penetrate them. This fault can be almost, if not totally, removed by immersing them in some strong varnish, such as the asphalt varnish hereinafter mentioned ; but they must be left long enough when affixed to the glass slide to become perfectly dry, and this will require a much longer time than at first would be supposed. There has, however, been lately brought out what is termed the ivory cell. This is a ring of ivory-like substance, which may be easily and firmly fixed to the glass slide by any of the commonly- used cements, and so forms a beautiful cell for any dry objects. They are made of different sizes, and are not expensive. Sometimes slides are used which are made by taking a thin slip of wood of the usual size (3 in. by 1 in.), in the centre of which is cut a circular hole large enough to receive the object. A piece of thin glass is fixed underneath the slide, forming a cell for the object, which may then be covered and finished like an ordi- nary slide. This has the advantage of serving for transparent objects for which the before-mentioned wooden slides are unsuita- ble. A slight modification of this plan is often used where the thickness of the objects is inconsiderable, especially with some of the Diatomaceae, often termed "test-objects." The wooden slide is cut with the central opening as above, and two pieces of thin glass are laid upon it, betwixt which the diatoms or other objects are placed, and kept in their proper position by a paper cover. This arrangement is a good one, insomuch as the very small por- tion of glass through which the light passes on its way to the mi- croscope from the reflector causes the refraction or interference to be reduced to the lowest point. A novice would naturally think the appearance of some of the slides above mentioned very slovenly and unfinished ; but they are often covered with ornamental papers, which may be procured at almost every optician's, at a cost little more than nominal, and of innumerable patterns and colours. How to use these will be de- scribed in another place. It is very probable that a beginner would ask his friend what kind of slides he would advise him to use. Almost all those made of wood are liable to warp more or less, even when the two pieces 16 PREPARATION AND MOUNTING are separate or of different kinds ; those of cardboard and wood are generally free from this fault, yet the slides, being opaque, pre- vent the employment of the Lieberkuhn. To some extent glass slides, when covered with ornamental papers, are liable to the same objection, as the light is partly hindered. And spmetimes the dampness from the paste, or other substance used to affix the pa- pers, penetrates to the object, and so spoils it, though this may be rendered less frequent by first attaching the thin glass to the slide by some harder cement. Much time, however, is taken up by the labour of covering the slides, which is a matter of consideration with some. Certainly, the cost of the glass slides was formerly great ; but now they are reasonable enough in this respect, so that this objection is removed. It is, therefore, well to use glass slides, except where the thin glasses are employed for tests, &c., as above. When the thin glass circles are placed upon the slides, and the edge is varnished with black or coloured rings, the appearance of finish is perfect. The trouble is much less than with most of the other methods, and the illumination of the object very slightly in- terfered with. To varnish the edges of these covers, make circles of any liquid upon the glass slide, and perform any other " circular " work mentioned hereafter, the little instrument known as " Shad- bolt's turntable " is almost indispensable. It is made as follows : At one end of a small piece of hard wood is fixed an iron pivot about one-eighth inch thick, projecting half an inch from the wood, which serves as a centre upon which a round brass table three inches in diameter revolves. On the surface of this are two springs, about one and a half inches apart, under which the slide is forced and so kept in position, whilst the central part is left open to be worked upon. JThe centre is marked, and two circles half an inch and one inch in diameter are usually deeply engraved upon the table to serve as guides in placing the slide, that the ring may be drawn in the right position. When the slide is placed upon the " table" underneath the springs, a camel- hair pencil is filled with the varnish, or other medium used, and applied to the surface of the glass ; the table is then made to revolve, and a circle is consequently produced, the diameter of which it is easy to regulate. OF MICROSCOPIC OBJECTS. 17 Many objects for the microscope may be seriously injured by allowing the fingers to touch them many more are so minute that they cannot be removed in this way at all, and often it is necessary to take from a mass of small grains, as in sand, some particular particle. To accomplish this, there are two or three contrivances recommended : one by means of split bristles, many of which will readily be found in any shaving brush when it has been well used. The bristles when pressed upon any hard surface open, and when the pressure is removed close again with a spring ; but the use of these is limited. Camel-hair pencils are of great service for this and many other purposes to the microscopist. In very fine work they are sometimes* required so small that all the hairs with the exception of one or two finer pointed ones are removed. A few of various sizes should always be kept on hand. Equally necessary are fine pointed needles. They are very readily put up for use by thrusting the " eye" end into a common penholder, so as to be firm. The points may be readily renewed, when injured, on a common whetstone ; but when out of use they may be protected by being thrust into a piece of cork. Knives of various kinds are required in some branches of microscopic work, but these will be described where " dissection," &c., is treated at some length, as also various forms of scissors. In the most simple objects, however, scissors of the usual kind are necessary. Two or three sizes should always be kept on hand, sharp and in good order. A set of glass tubes, kept in a case of some sort to prevent breakage, should form part of our "fittings" and be always cleaned immediately after use. These are generally from six to ten inches long and from one-eighth to a quarter of an inch in diameter. One of these should be straight and equal in width at both ends ; one should be drawn out gradually to a fine point ; another should be pointed as the last, but be slightly curved at the compressed end, in order to reach points otherwise unattain- able. It is well to have these tubes of various widths at the points, as in some waters the finer would be inevitably stopped. For other purposes the fine ones are very useful, especially in the transfer of " preservative liquids," which will come under notice in another chapter. 3* 18 PREPARATION AND MOUNTING Forceps are required in almost all microscopic manipulations, and consequently are scarcely ever omitted from the microscopic box, even the most meagrely furnished ; but of these there are various modifications, which for certain purposes are more con- venient than the usual form. The ordinary metal ones are em- ployed for taking up small objects, thin glass, etc. ; but when slides are to be held over a lamp, or in any position where the fingers cannot conveniently be used, a different instrument must be found. Of these there are many kinds; but Mr. Page's wooden forceps serve the purpose very well. Two pieces of elastic wood are strongly bound together at one end, so that they may be easily opened at the othe'r, closing again by their own elasticity. Through the first of these pieces is loosely passed a brass stud, resembling a small screw, and fastened in the second, and through the second a similar stud is taken and fixed in the first so that on pressure of the studs the two strips of wood are opened to admit a slide or other object required to be held in position. The wood strips are generally used three or four inches long, one inch wide, and about one-eighth inch thick. Again, some objects when placed upon the glass slide are of such an elastic nature that no cement will secure the thin glass covering until it becomes hard. This difficulty may be overcome by various methods. The following are as good and simple as any. Take two pieces of wood about two inches long, three- quarters wide, and one-quarter thick ; and a small rounded piece one inch long and one-quarter in diameter ; place this latter be- twixt the two larger pieces. Over one end of the two combined pass an india-rubber band. This will give a continual pressure, and may be opened by bringing the two pieces together at the other end; the pressure may be readily made uniform by paring the points at the inner sides, and may be regulated by the strength of the india-rubber band. These bands may be made cheaply, and of any power, by procuring a piece of india-rubber tubing of the width required, and cutting off certain breadths. Another very simple method of getting this pressure is mentioned in the " Micrographic Dictionary." Two pieces of whalebone of the length required are tied together firmly at each end. It is evident that any object placed betwixt them will be subject to OF MICROSCOPIC OBJECTS. 19 continual pressure. The power of this may be regulated by the thickness and length of the whalebone. This simple con- trivance is very useful. Common watch-glasses should always be kept at hand. They are certainly the cheapest, and their transparency makes them very convenient reservoirs in which objects may be steeped in any liquid ; as it saves much trouble to examine cursorily under the microscope, when the air-bubbles are expelled from insects, etc., etc. They are readily cleaned, and serve very well as covers, when turned upside down, to protect any objects from the dust. For this latter purpose Dr. Carpenter recommends the use of a number of bell-glasses, especially when one object must be left for a time (which often happens) in order that another may be pro- ceeded with. Wine glasses, when the " legs" are broken, may thus be rendered very useful. As heat is necessary in mounting many objects, a lamp will be required. Where gas is used, the small lamp known as " Bun- sen's" is the most convenient and inexpensive. It gives great heat, is free from smoke, and is readily affixed to the common gas-burner by a few feet of india-rubber tubing. The light from these lamps is small, but this is little or no drawback to their use. Where gas is not available, the common spirit-lamps may be used, which are very clean and answer every purpose. In applying the required heat to the slides, covers, &c., it is necessary in many cases to ensure uniformity, otherwise there is danger of the glass being broken. For this purpose a brass plate at least three inches wide, somewhat longer, and one-eighth of an inch thick, must be procured. It should then be affixed to a stand, so that it may be readily moved higher or lower, in order that the distance from the lamp may be changed at will, and thus the degree of heat more easily regulated. This has also the advantage of enabling the operator to allow his slides, &c., to cool more gradually, which, in some cases, is absolutely neces- sary, as in fusing some of the salts, &c. In order to get rid of air-bubbles, which are frequently dis- agreeable enemies to the mounter of objects, an air-pump is often very useful. This is made by covering a circular plate of metal with a bell-glass, both of which are ground so finely at the edges 20 PREPARATION AND MOUNTING that greasing the place of contact renders it air-tight. The pump is then joined to the metal plate underneath, and worked with a small handle like a common syringe. By turning a small milled head the air may be allowed to re-enter when it is required to remove the bell-glass and examine or perform any operation upon the object. The mode of using this instrument will be described hereafter, but it may be here stated that substitutes have been devised for this useful apparatus ; but as it is now to be obtained at a low cost, it is hardly worth while to consider them. Much time is, in many instances, certainly saved by its use, as a very long immersion in the liquids would be required to expel the bubbles, where the air-pump would remove them in an hour. The next thing to be considered is what may be termed CEMENTS, some of which are necessary in every method of mount- ing objects for the microscope. Of these will be given the com- position where it is probable the young student can make use of it ; but many of them are so universally kept as to be obtainable almost anywhere ; and when small quantities only are required, economy suffers more from home manufacture than from paying the maker's profit. Amongst these, CANADA BALSAM may, perhaps, be termed the most necessary, as it is generally used for the preservation of many transparent objects. It is a thick liquid resin of a light amber colour, which on exposure to the atmosphere becomes dry and hard even to brittleness. For this reason it is seldom used as a cement alone where the surface of contact is small, as it would be apt to be displaced by any sudden shock, especially when old. In the ordinary method of using, however, it serves the double purpose of preserving the object and fixing the thin glass cover ; whilst the comparatively large space upon which it lies lessens the risk of displacement. By keeping, this substance becomes thicker ; but a very little warmth will render it liquid enough to use even when to some extent this change has taken place. When heated, however, for some time and allowed to cool, it becomes hardened to any degree, which may be readily regulated by the length of time it has been exposed, and the amount of heat to which it has been subjected. On account of this property it is often used with chloroform: the balsam is OF MICROSCOPIC OBJECTS. 21 exposed to heat until, on cooling, it assumes a glassy appearance ; it is then dissolved in pure chloroform until it becomes of the consistence of thick varnish. This liquid is very convenient in some cases ; as air-bubbles are much more easily got rid of than when undiluted Canada balsam is used. _ t lt also dries readily, as the chloroform evaporates very quickly, for which reason it must be preserved in a closely-stoppered bottle. It has been said that this mixture becomes cloudy with long keeping, but I have not found it so in any cases where I have used it. Should it, how- ever, become so, a little heat will readily dispel the opacity. The ordinary balsam, if exposed much to the air whilst being used, becomes thicker, as has been already stated. It may be reduced to the required consistency with common turpentine, but I have often found this in some degree injurious to the trans- parency of the balsam, and the amalgamation of the two is by no means perfect. (See also Chapter III.) The cheapness of the article renders it no extravagance to use it always undiluted; and when preserved in a bottle with a hollow cover fitting tightly around the neck, both surfaces being finely ground, it remains fit for use much longer than in the ordinary jar. ASPHALTUM. This substance is dissolved in linseed oil, turpen- tine, or naphtha, and is often termed " Brunswick black." It is easily worked, but is not generally deemed a trustworthy cement, as after a time it is readily loosened from its ground. It is, how- ever, very useful for some purposes (such as " finishing" the slides), as it dries quickly. I shall, however, mention a modifica- tion of this cement a little further on. MARINE GLUE. No cement is more useful or trustworthy for certain purposes than this. It is made in various proportions ; but one really good mixture is equal parts of india-rubber and gum shellac ; these are dissolved in mineral naphtha with heat. It is, however, much better to get it from the opticians or others who keep it. It requires heat in the application, as will be explained in Chapter IV. ; but it is soluble in few, if any, liquids used by the microscopist, and for that reason is serviceable in the manufacture of cells, &c. Where two pieces of glass are to be firmly cemented together, it is almost always employed ; and in all glass troughs, plates with ledges, &c., the beginner may find examples of its use. 22 PREPARATION AND MOUNTING GOLD SIZE. This substance may always be procured at any colourman's shop. The process of its preparation is long and tedious. It is,\herefore, not necessary to describe it here. Dr. Carpenter says tft^t it is very durable, and may be used with almost any preserv^ke liquids, as it is acted upon by very few of them, turpentine being its only true solvent. If too thin, it may be exposed for awhile to the open air, which by evaporation gradually thickens it. Care must be taken, however, not to ren- der it too thick, as it will then be useless. A small quantity should be kept on hand, as it is much more adhesive when old. LIQUID GLUE is another of these cements, which is made by dissolving gum shellac in naphtha in such quantity that it may be of the required consistency. This cement appears to me almost worthless in ordinary work, as its adherence can never be relied upon ; but it is so often used and recommended that an enumera- tion of cements might be deemed incomplete without it. Even when employed simply for varnishing the outside of the glass covers, for appearance' sake alone, it invariably chips. Where, however, oil is used as a preservative liquid, it serves very well to attach the thin glass ; but when this is accomplished, another varnish less liable to " chip " must always be laid upon it. (See Chapter IV.) BLACK JAPAN. This is prepared from oil of turpentine, linseed oil, amber, gum anime, and asphalt. It is troublesome to make, and therefore it is much better to procure it at the shops. It is a really good cement, and serves very well to make shallow cells for liquids, as will be described in Chapter IV. The finished cell should be exposed for a short time to the heat of what is usually termed a " cool oven." This renders it very durable, and many very careful manipulators make use of it for their preparations. ELECTRICAL CEMENT. This will be found very good for some purposes hereinafter described. To make it melt together 5 parts of resin. 1 " beeswax. 1 " red ochre.* * Dr. Griffiths says that the addition of 2 parts of Canada balsam renders this cement much more adhesive to the glass. OF MICROSCOPIC OBJECTS. 23 It must be used whilst hot, and as long as it retains even slight warmth can be readily moulded into any form. It is often em- ployed in making shallow cells for liquids, as before mentioned. GUM- WATER is an article which nobody should ever be with- out; but labels, or indeed any substance,, affixed to glass with common gum, are so liable to leave it spontaneously, especi- ally when kept very dry, that I have lately added five or six drops of glycerine to an ounce of the gum solution. This addition has rendered it very trustworthy even on glass, and now I never use it without. This solution cannot be kept long without undergo- ing fermentation, to prevent which the addition of a small quan- tity of an essential oil (as oil of cloves, &c.,) or one-fourth of its volume of alcohol, may be made, which will not interfere in any way with its use. There is what is sometimes termed an extra adhesive gum-water, which is made with the addition of isinglass, thus : Dissolve two drachms of isinglass in four ounces of distilled vinegar ; add as much gum arabic as will give it the required consistency. This will keep very well, but is apt to become thinner, when a little more gum may be added. All these, except one or two, are liquid, and must be kept in stoppered bottles, or, at least, as free from the action of the air as possible. * When any two substances are to be united firmly, I have termed the medium employed " a cement ;" but often the appear- ance of the slides is thought to be improved by drawing a coloured ring upon them, extending partly on the cover and partly on the slide, hiding the junction of the two. The medium used in these cases I term a VARNISH, and hereinafter mention one or two. Of course, the tenacity is not required to be so perfect as in the cements. SEALING-WAX VARNISH is prepared by coarsely powdering seal- ing-wax, and adding spirits of wine ; it is then digested at a gen- tle heat to the required thickness. This is very frequently used to " finish " the slides, as before mentioned, and can easily be made of any colour by employing different kinds of sealing-wax ; but is very liable to " chip " and leave the glass. BLACK VARNISH is readily prepared by adding a small quantity 24 PREPARATION AND MOUNTING of lamp-black to gold-size and mixing intimately. Dr. Carpenter recommends this as a good finishing varnish, drying quickly and being free from that brittleness which renders some of the others almost worthless ; but it should not be used in the first process when mounting objects in fluid. Amongst these different cements and varnishes I worked a long time without coming to any decision as to their comparative qualities, though making innumerable experiments. The harder kinds were continually cracking, and the softer possessed but lit- tle adhesive power. To find hardness and adhesiveness united was my object, and the following possesses these qualities in a great degree : India-rubber J drachm. Asphaltum 4 oz. Mineral naphtha 10 " Dissolve the india-rubber in the naphtha, then add the asphaltum if necessary heat must be employed. This is often used by photographers as a black varnish for glass, and never cracks, whilst it is very adhesive. Dr. Carpenter, how- ever, states that his experience has not been favourable to it ; but I have used it in great quantities and have never found it to leave the glass in a single instance when used in the above proportions. The objections to it are, however, I think easily explained, when it is known that there are many kinds of pitch, &c., from coal, sold by the name of asphaltum, some of which are worthless in making a microscopic cement. When used for this purpose, the asphaltum must be genuine and of the best quality that can be bought. The above mixture serves a double purpose to unite the cell to the slide, and also as a " finishing " varnish. But it is perhaps more convenient to have two bottles of this cement, one of which is thicker than common varnish, to use for uniting the cell, &c. ; the other liquid enough to flow readily, which may be employed as a surface varnish in finishing the slides. The brushes or camel-hair pencils should always be cleaned after use ; but with the asphalt varnish above mentioned it is suf- ficient to wipe off as carefully as possible the superfluous quantity which adheres to the pencil, as, when again made use of, the var- OF MICROSCOPIC OBJECTS. 25 irish will readily soften it ; but, of course, it will be necessary to keep separate brushes for certain purposes. Here it may be observed that every object should be labelled with name and any other descriptive item as soon as mounted. There are many little differences in the methods of doing this. Some write with a diamond upon the slide itself; but this has the disadvantage of being not so easily seen. For this reason a small piece of paper is usually affixed to one end of the slide, on w r hich is written what is required. These labels may be bought of different colours and designs ; but the most simple are quite as good, and very readily procured. Take a sheet of thin writing paper and brush over one side a strong solution of gum, with the addition of a few drops of glycerine as above recommended ; allow this to dry, and then with a common gun-punch stamp out the circles, which may be affixed to the slides by simply damping the gummed surface, taking care to write the required name, etc., upon it be- fore damping it, or else allowing it to become perfectly dry first. There is one difficulty which a beginner often experiences in sorting and mounting certain specimens under the microscope, viz., the inversion of the objects ; and it is often stated to be almost impossible to work without an erector. But this difficulty soon vanishes, the young student becoming used to working what at first seems in contradiction to his sight. Let it be understood, that in giving the description of those articles which are usually esteemed necessary in the various parts of microscopic manipulation, I do not mean to say that without many of these no work of any value can be done. There are, as all will allow, certain forms of apparatus which aid the operator considerably ; but the cost may be too great for him. A little thought, however, will frequently overcome this difficulty, by ena- bling him to make, or get made, for himself, at a comparatively light expense, something which will accomplish all he desires. As an example of this, a friend of mine made what he terms his " universal stand," to carry various condensers, etc., etc., in the following way : Take a steel or brass wire, three-sixteenths or one-quarter inch thick and six or eight inches long ; " tap" into a solid, or make rough and fasten with melted lead into a hollow, ball. (The foot of a cabinet or work-box answers the purpose 26 PREPARATION AND MOUNTING very well.) In the centre of a round piece of tough board, three inches in diameter, make a hemispherical cavity to fit half of the ball, and bore a hole through from the middle of this cavity, to allow the wire to pass. Take another piece of board, about four inches in diameter, either round or square, and one-and-a-half or two inches thick, make a similar cavity in its centre to receive the other half of the ball, but only so deep as to allow the ball to fit tightly when the two pieces of board are screwed together, which last operation must be done with three or four screws. Let the hole for the wire in the upper part be made conical (base up- wards), and so large as only to prevent the ball from escaping from its socket, in order that the shaft may move about as freely as possible. Turn a cavity, or make holes, in the bottom of the under piece, and fill with lead to give weight and steadiness. This, painted green bronze and varnished, looks neat ; and by having pieces of gutta-percha tubing to fit the shaft, a great vari- ety of apparatus may be attached to it. Again, a " condenser" is often required for the illumination of opaque objects. My ingenious friend uses an " engraver's bottle" (price 6d.), fills it with water, and suspends it betwixt the light and the object. Where the light is very yellow, he tints the water with indigo, and so removes the objectionable colour. I merely mention these as -examples of what may be done by a little thoughtful contrivance, and to remove the idea that nothing is of much value save that which is the work of professional workmen, and consequently expensive. OF MICROSCOPIC OBJECTS. 27 CHAPTER II. TO PREPARE AND MOUNT OBJECTS " DRY." THE term " dry " is used when the object to be mounted is not immersed in any liquid or medium, but preserved in its natural state, unless it requires cleaning and drying. I have before stated that thorough cleanliness is necessary in the mounting of all microscopic objects. I may here add that almost every kind of substance used by the microscopist suffers from careless handling. Many leaves with fine hairs are robbed of half their beauty, or the hairs, perhaps, forced into totally dif- ferent shapes and groups ; many insects lose their scales, which constitute their chief value to the microscopist ; even the glass itself distinctly shows the marks of the fingers if left uncleaned. Every object must also be thoroughly dry, otherwise dampness will arise and become condensed in small drops upon the inner surface of the thin glass cover. This defect is frequently met with in slides which have been mounted quickly ; the objects not being thoroughly dry when enclosed in the cell. Many of the cheap slides are thus rendered worthless. Even with every care it is not possible to get rid of this annoyance occasionally. For the purpose of mounting opaque objects " dry," discs were at one time very commonly made use of. These are circular pieces of cork, leather, or other soft substance, from one-quarter to half an inch in diameter, blackened with varnish or covered with black paper, on which the object is fixed by gum or some other adhesive substance. They are usually pierced longitudi- nally by a strong pin, which serves for the forceps to lay hold of when being placed under the microscope for examination. Some- times objects are affixed to both sides of the disc, which is rea- dily turned when under the object-glass. The advantage of this method of mounting is the ease with which the disc may be 28 PREPARATION AND MOUNTING moved, and so present every part of the object to the eye save that by which it is fastened to the disc. On this account it is often made use of when some particular subject is undergoing investigation, as a number of specimens may be placed upon the discs with very little labour, displaying all the parts. But where exposure to the atmosphere or small particles of dust will injure an object, no advantage which the discs may possess should be considered, and an ordinary covered cell should be employed. Small pill-boxes have been used, to the bottom of which a piece of cork has been glued to afford a ground for the pin or other mode of attachment ; but this is liable to some of the same faults as the disc, and it would be unwise to use these for permanent objects. Messrs. Smith and Beck have lately invented, and are now making, a beautiful small apparatus, by means of which the disc supporting the object can be worked with little or no trouble into any position that may prove most convenient, whilst a perforated cylinder serves for the reception of the discs when out of use, and fits into a case to protect them from dust. A pair of forceps is made for the express purpose of removing them from the case and placing them in the holder. All dry objects, however, which are to be preserved should be mounted on glass slides in one of the cells (described in Chapter I.) best suited to them. Where the object is to be free from pressure, care must be taken that the cell is deep enough to en- sure this. When the depth required is but small, it is often sufficient to omit the card, leather, or other circles, and with the " turn-table " before described, by means of a thick varnish and camel-hair pencil, to form a ring of the desired depth ; but should the varnish not be of sufficient substance to give such " walls " at once, the first application may be allowed to dry, and a second made upon it. A number of these may be prepared at the same time, and laid by for use. When liquids are used (see Chapter IV.), Dr. Carpenter recommends gold-size as a good varnish for the purpose, and this may be used in " dry" mountings also. I have used the asphaltum and india-rubber (mentioned in Chapter I.), and found it to be everything I could wish. The cells, however, must be thoroughly dry, and when they will bear OF MICROSCOPIC OBJECTS. 29 the heat they should be baked for an hour at least in a tolerably cool oven, by which treatment the latter becomes a first-rate medium. All dry objects which will not bear pressure must be firmly fastened to the slide, otherwise the necessary movements very often injure them, by destroying the fine hairs, &c. For this purpose thin varnishes are very often used, and will serve well enough for large objects, but many smaller ones are lost by adopting this plan, as for a time, which may be deemed long enough to harden the varnish, they exhibit no defect, but in a while a " wall " of the plastic gum gathers around them, which refracts the light, and thus leads the student to false conclusions. In all finer work, where it is necessary to use any method of fix- ing them to the slide, a solution of common gum, with the addi- tion of a few drops of glycerine (Chapter I.), will be found to serve the purpose perfectly. It must, however, be carefully filtered through blotting paper, otherwise the minute particles in the solution interfere with the object, giving the slide a dusty appear- ance when under the microscope. When mounting an object in any of these cells, the glass must be thoroughly cleaned, which may be done with a cambric hand- kerchief, after the washing mentioned in Chapter I. If the object be large, the point of a fine camel-hair pencil should be dipped into the gum solution, and a minute quantity of the liquid depo- sited in the cell where the object is to be placed, but not to cover a greater surface than the object will totally hide from sight. This drop of gum must be allowed to dry, which will take a few minutes. Breathe then upon it two or three times, holding the slide not far from the mouth, which will render the surface adhe- sive. Then draw a camel-hair pencil through the lips, so as to moisten it slightly (when anything small will adhere to it quite firmly enough), touch the object and place it upon the gum in the desired position. This must be done immediately to ensure perfect stability, otherwise the gum will become at least partially dry and only retain the object imperfectly. When, however, the objects are so minute that it would be im- possible to deposit atoms of gum small enough for each one to cover, a different method of proceeding must be adopted. In this ease a small portion of the same gum solution should be placed 30 PREPARATION AND MOUNTING upon the slide, and by means of any small instrument a long needle will serve the purpose very well spread over the surface which will be required. The quantity thus extended will be very small, but by breathing upon it may be prevented drying whilst being dispersed. This, like the forementioned, should be then al- lowed to dry; and whilst the objects are being placed on the pre- pared surface, breathing upon it as before will restore the power of adherence. When gum or other liquid cement has been used to fix the objects to the glass, the thin covers must not be applied until the slide has been thoroughly dried, and all fear of dampness arising from the use of the solution done away with. "Warmth may be safely applied for the purpose, as objects fastened by this method are seldom, if ever, found to be loosened by it. As objects are met with of every thickness, the cells will be required of different depths. There is no difficulty in accommodating ourselves in this the deeper cells may be readily cut out of thick leather, card, or other substance preferred (as mentioned in Chapter I.). Cardboard is easily procured of almost any thickness ; but some- times it is convenient to find a thinner substance even than this. When thin glass is laid upon a drop of any liquid upon a slide, every one must have observed how readily the liquid spreads be- twixt the two : just so when any thin varnish is used to surround an object of little substance, excessive care is needed lest the varnish should extend betwixt the cover and slide, and so render it worth- less. The slightest wall, however, prevents this from taking place, so that a ring of common paper may be used, and serve a double purpose where the objects require no deeper cell than this forms. Many objects, however, are of such tenuity as the leaves of many mosses, some of the DiatomaceaB, scales of insects, &c. that no cell is requisite excepting that which is necessarily formed by the medium used to attach the thin glass cover to the slide ; and where the slide is covered by the ornamental papers mentioned in Chapter I., and pressure does not injure the object, even this is omitted, the thin glass being kept in position by the cover ; but slides mounted in this manner are frequently injured by dampness, which soon condenses upon the inner surfaces and interferes both with the object and the clearness of its appearance. OF MICROSCOPIC OBJECTS. 31 The thin glass, then, is to be united to the slide, so as to form a perfect protection from dust, dampness, or other injurious mat- ter, and yet allow a thoroughly distinct view of the object. This is to be done by applying to the glass slide round the object some adhesive substance, and with the forceps placing the thin glass cover (quite dry and clean) upon it. A gentle pressure round the edge will then ensure a perfect adhesion, and with ordinary care there will be little or no danger of breakage. For this purpose gold-size is frequently used. The asphalt and india-rubber varnish also will be found both durable and serviceable. Whatever cement may be used, it is well to allow it to become in some measure "fixed" and dried; but where no cell or "wall" is upon the slide, this is quite necessary, otherwise the varnish will be al- most certain to extend, as before mentioned, and ruin the object. It may be stated here that gold-size differs greatly in its drying powers, according to its age, mode of preparation, &c. (Chap- ter IV.) Should any object be enclosed which requires to be kept flat during the drying of the cement, it will be necessary to use some of the contrivances mentioned in Chapter I. When the slide is thus far advanced, there remains the " finish- ing " only. Should the student, however, have no time to com- plete his work at once, he may safely leave it at this stage until he has a number of slides which he may finish at the same time. There are different methods of doing this, some of which may be here described. If ornamental papers are preferred, a small circle must be cut out from the centre a little less than the thin glass which covers the object. Another piece of coloured paper is made of the same size, and a similar circle taken from its centre also, or both may be cut at the same time. The slide is then covered round the edges with paper of any plain colour, so that it may extend about one-eighth of an inch over the glass on every side. The orna- mental paper is then pasted on the "object" surface of the glass, so that the circle shows the object as nearly in the centre as pos- sible, and covers the edges of the thin glass. The other coloured paper is then affixed underneath with the circle coinciding with that above. And here I may observe, that when this method is 32 PREPARATION AND MOUNTING used there is no necessity for the edges of the slide tp bo " ground," as all danger of scratching, &c., is done away with by the paper cover. Many now use paper covers, about one and a half inches long, on the upper side\of the slide only, with the centre cut out as before, with no otherVpurpose than that of hiding the edge of the thin glass where it is united to the slide. The method of " finismfig," however, which is mostly used at the present time, is to lay a coating of varnish upon the edge of the thin glass, and extend it some little way on the slide. When a black circle is required, nothing serves the purpose better than the gold-size and lampblack, or the asphalt and india-rubber var- nish, neither of which is liable to chip ; but when used for this, the latter should be rather thinner, as before advised. Some of these varnishes are preferred of different colours, which may be made by using the different kinds of sealing-wax, as described in Chapter I. ; but they are always liable to the defects there men- tioned. This circle cannot be made in any other way but by one of those contrivances which have now centred in Shadbolt's turn- table. A very little practice will enable the young student to place his slide so that the circle may be uniform with the edge of the thin glass. The slide is now complete, except the addition of the name and any other particulars which may be desirable. For this purpose one of the methods described in Chapter I. must be employed. Amongst the various classes of microscopic objects now receiv- ing general attention, the Diatomacese may be placed in a promi- nent position. They afford endless opportunities of research, and some very elaborate works have already been issued concern- ing them. Professor Smith's may be mentioned as one contain- ing, perhaps, the best illustrations. The young student may wish to know what a diatom is. The " Micrographic Dictionary" gives the following definition : " A family of confervoid Algae, of very peculiar character, consisting of microscopic brittle organ- isms." They are now looked upon by almost all of our scientific men as belonging to the vegetable kingdom, though some few still assign them to the animal. They are almost invariably exceed- OF MICROSCOPIC OBJECTS. 33 ingly small, so that the unaided eye can perceive nothing on a prepared slide of these organisms but minute dust. Each sepa- rate portion, which is usually seen when mounted, is termed a " frustule," or " testule :" this consists of two similar parts, com- posed of silica, between and sometimes around which is a mass of viscid matter called the " endochrome." They are found in almost every description of water, according to the variety : some prefer sea-water, others fresh, arfcl many are seen nowhere but in that which is a mixture of both, as the mouths of rivers, &c. Ditches, ponds, cisterns, and indeed almost every reservoir, yield abundance of these forms. They are not, however, confined to " present " life ; but, owing to the almost indestructible nature of their siliceous covering, they are found in a fossil state in certain earths in great abundance, and are often termed " fossil Infusoria." Upon these frustules are generally to be seen lines, or " mark- ings," of different degrees of minuteness, the delicacy of which often serves the purpose of testing the denning power of the object-glasses. Some of the frustules are triangular, others cir- cular, and, indeed, of almost every conceivable shape, many of them presenting us with exquisitely beautiful designs. The markings, however, are seldom seen well, if at all, until the frustules are properly prepared, the different methods of accom- plishing which will be given a little further on. The collection of the fresh diatoms is so closely connected with their preservation, that a few notes may be given upon it before we pass on. For this purpose a number of small bottles must be provided, which may be placed in a tin box, with a separate apart- ment for each, so that all chance of breakage may be done away with. The diatoms are generally of a light brown colour ; and where they are observed in the water, the bottle may be so placed, with the mouth closed by the finger, that when the finger is with- drawn the water will rush in, carrying the diatoms also. If they are seen upon plants, stones, or any other substance, they may generally be detached and placed in the bottle. When there is a green covering upon the surface of the water, a great quantity of diatoms is usually found amongst it ; as also upon the surface of the mud in those ponds where they abound. In these cases, a broad flat spoon will be found very useful, and one is now made 3 " 34 PREPARATION AND MOUNTING with a covering upon the broader portion of it to protect the enclosed matter from being so readily carried off whilst bringing it to the surface again. Where there is any depth of water, and the spoon will not reach the surface of the mud, the bottle must be united to a long rod, and being then carried through the upper portion with the mouth downwards, no water will be received into it ; but on reaching the spot required, the bottle-mouth may be turned up, and thus become filled with what is nearest. From the stomachs of common fish as the cod, sole, haddock, &c. many specimens of Diatomacea3 may be obtained, but especially from the crab, oyster, mussel, and other shellfish. Professor Smith states that from these curious receptacles he has taken some with which he has not elsewhere met. To remove them from any of the small shell-fish, it is necessary to take the fish or stomach from the shell, and immerse it in strong hot acid (nitric is the best) until the^animal matter is dissolved, when the residue must be washed and treated as^the ordinary Diatomacese hereinafter described. Many diatoms are seen best when mounted in a dry state, the minute markings becoming much more indistinct if immersed in liquid or balsam ; and for this reason those which are used as test objects are usually mounted dry. Many kinds also are now pre- pared in this way, as opaque objects to be examined with the lieberkuhn, and are exquisitely beautiful. Others, however, are almost invariably mounted in balsam ; but as these will be again referred to in Chapter III., and require the same treatment to fit them for the slide, it will not be out of place to describe the cleaning and preparation of them here. As before stated, there is much matter surrounding them which must be got rid of before the " siliceous covering" can be shown perfectly. As, however, we may first wish to become acquainted in some degree with what we have to do, it is well to take a small piece of talc, and place a few of the diatoms upon it. This may be held over the flame of the spirit-lamp until all the surrounding matter is burnt away, and a tolerable idea may be thus obtained as to the quality of our treasure. In some cases it is well to use this burning operation alone in mounting specimens of diatoms, when they may be placed in their OF MICROSCOPIC OBJECTS. 35 natural state upon the thin glass, burnt for awhile upon the plati- num plate, hereafter described, and mounted dry or in balsam. In the preparation and cleaning of Diatomacese, there is little satisfaction unless these operations have been successfully per- formed, as a very small portion of foreign matter seriously inter- feres with the object. The mode of preparing them varies even amongst the most experienced. It will be found, therefore, most satisfactory to examine the principal of these separately, although it may be at the risk of some little repetition. The method which is the most frequently made use of is the following : Place the " gathering" containing the Diatomacese in a small glass or porcelain vessel, add strong nitric acid, and, by the aid of Bunsen's burner or spirit-lamp, boil for some minutes. From time to time a drop of the mixture may be put upon a slide, and examined under the microscope to see if all foreign matter be got rid of. When the valves are clean, the vessel containing them must be filled with water, and the whole left for an hour or two, so that all the diatoms may settle perfectly. The liquid must then be poured off carefully, or drained away by the aid of a syphon, so that none of the diatoms are removed with it. Indeed, it is well to examine the liquid drained off each time with the micro- scope, as the finer forms are frequently lost in the washings. The vessel must then be refilled with pure water, allowed to settle, and drained as before. This washing must be repeated until a drop being placed upon a slide and evaporated leaves no crystals. When it is desirable to preserve the diatoms in this state before mounting (which process will be described in another place), they may be placed in a small phial with a little distilled water. There are many cases in which the above method will not effect a perfect cleansing, as certain substances with which the diatoms are frequently mixed are not soluble in nitric acid. For this reason the following method is resorted to : Take a quantity of the matter containing the Diatomacese and wash first with pure water, to get rid of all the impurities possible. Allow this to settle per- fectly and decant the water. Add hydrochloric acid gradually, and when all effervescence has subsided, boil for some minutes by aid of the lamp. When cool and the particles have subsided, decant the hydrochloric and add nitric acid. The boiling must 36 PREPARATION AND MOUNTING then be repeated until a drop of the liquid when placed under the microscope shows the valves or " frustules" clean. After allowing the diatoms to settle, the acid must be decanted, and pure water substituted. The washing must be repeated as in the former pro- cess until all the remains of crystals or acid are removed, when the specimens may be preserved in small phials as stated above. Such are the usual modes of treating the Diatomacese, but there are certain cases in which particular methods are required to give anything like perfect results. Persons of great experience com- bine a variety of treatments, and thus obtain better and more uni- form specimens. Perhaps it will be advantageous to give the young student the process adopted by one of the most successful preparers of these objects ; but I will first state the different me- thods of mounting the cleaned diatoms dry: how to employ Canada balsam and fluid in their preservation will be elsewhere described. It was before stated that the diatoms when cleansed might be preserved in small phials of distilled water. When required for mounting, shake the phial, and with a thin glass tube or rod take up a drop of the fluid and spread it upon the surface of the slide in the desired position. This must then be allowed to dry gra- dually, or by the aid of the lamp if necessary, without being shaken or interfered with, otherwise uniformity of dispersion will be prevented. When thoroughly dry, a thin ring of one of the adhesive varnishes gold-size will be found as good as any may be drawn round the diatoms, and allowed to dry in a slight degree. The slide and thin glass cover should then be warmed and the latter gently pressed upon the ring of varnish until the adhesion all round is complete. As some of the diatoms require object-glasses of extremely high power, and consequently short focus, to show them, they must be as close to the outer surface of the cover as possible. For this reason they are sometimes placed upon the under side of the thin glass, as follows. Clean the surfaces of the slide and cover, and with the rod or pipe place the liquid containing the diatoms upon the thin glass, and dry as before. Trace the ring to receive the cover upon the slide, and when almost dry, warm both and proceed as above. Whichever of these methods is OF MICROSCOPIC OBJECTS. 37 employed, the outer ring of coloured varnish may be applied as elsewhere described and the slide finished. The diatoms are also sometimes mounted betwixt two thin glasses, as described in Chapter I., so that the light by which they are examined may receive as little interference as possible, and that an achromatic condenser may be brought into focus under the slide. Of the various modes of cleaning and mounting the Diato- maceae, I believe that the following may be safely recommended as affording results of the very best quality. My friend, Mr. T. G. Rylands, gave it to me as that which he prefers, and I can safely say that his numerous slides are at least equal to any I have ever seen. I will give it just as I received it from him, though there may be some little repetition of what has been said elsewhere, as he does not appropriate any part of it as his own. He says : In this branch of mounting, general rules alone can be laid down, because the gatherings may contain iron, lime, fine silt, or vegetable matter under conditions for special treatment, and consequently the first step should be to experiment on various kinds. In gathering diatoms much labour is saved by judgment and care ; hence it is desirable to get acquainted with them in their growing condition, so that when recognised upon the sands or other spots they may be carefully removed by the aid of the spoon or small tin scoop before described. When growing upon alga3 or other plants, the plants and diatoms together may be car- ried home, in which case they must be simply drained and not washed or pressed, in order that the diatoms be not lost. As it is always desirable to examine the gathering on the ground, a "Gairdner's hand microscope" with powers from 80 to 200 diameters will be found very useful. The best gatherings are those which represent one species abundantly. Those which are mixed may be rejected, unless they are seen to contain something valuable or important, as the object should not be so much to supply microscopical curiosities as to collect material which is available for the study of nature. The gathering when carried home should always be carefully examined before anything is done with it ; not only on account 38 PREPARATION AND MOUNTING of the additional information thus acquired, but also because it often happens that a specimen should be mounted in fluid (see Chapter IV.) in the condition in which it is gathered, as well as cleaned and mounted in balsam (Chapter III.) and dry. Where the gathering is taken from sand, the whole may be shaken up in water as a preliminary operation, when much of the sand will be separated by its own weight. The lime test, how- ever, should be applied, viz. a small portion of hydrochloric acid, and if there be effervescence it must be dissolved out by this means. From Algae and other weeds diatoms may be de- tached by agitating the whole together in a weak solution of nitric acid about one of pure acid to twenty or thirty of water, as it must be sufficiently weak to free the diatoms without des- troying the matter to which they adhere. The diatoms may then be separated by sifting through coarse muslin, which will retain the Algse, &c. The process of cleaning will vary according to circumstances. Some gatherings require to be boiled only a few minutes in nitric acid ; but the more general plan where they are mixed with organic or other foreign matter, is to boil them in pure sulphuric acid until they cease to grow darker in colour (usually from a half to one minute), and then to add, drop by drop to avoid explosions, a cold saturated solution of chlorate of potash until the colour is discharged, or, in case the colour does not disap- pear, the quantity of the solution used is at least equal to that of the acid. This operation is best performed in a wide-mouthed ordinary beaker glass,* a test-tube being too narrow. The mix- ture while boiling should bo poured into thirty times its bulk of cold water, and the whole allowed to subside. The fluid must then be carefully decanted and the vessel re-supplied once or twice with pure water, so as to get rid of all the acid. The gather- ing may then be transferred to a small boiling glass or test-tube, and the water being carefully decanted boiled in the smallest available quantity of nitric acid, and washed as before. This last process has been found necessary from the frequent appearance * These glasses are round, about six inches high, and usually contain about eight ounces. They are rather wider at the bottom, tapering gradually to the top, and may be generally procured at the chemists, &c. OF MICROSCOPIC OBJECTS. 39 of minute crystals, which cannot otherwise be readily disposed of without the loss of a considerable proportion of diatoms. I may here mention that the washing glasses used by Mr. Rylands are stoppered conical bottles varying in capacity from two ounces to one quart ; the conical .form being employed to prevent the adherence of anything to the side ; they are " stop- pered " to render them available in the shaking process about to be described. The gathering, freed from acid, is now put into two inches depth of water, shaken vigorously for a minute or two, and allowed to subside for half an hour, after which the turbid fluid must be carefully decanted. This operation must be repeated until all the matter is removed which will not settle in half an hour. The fluid removed should be examined by a drop being put upon a slide, as in some cases very light diatoms have been found to come off almost pure in one or more of these earlier wash- ings. The quantity of water and time of subsidence given may be taken generally, but may require to be modified according to cir- cumstances and the judgment of the operator. By the repetition and variation of this process the shaking being the most im- portant part the gathering, if a pure one, will be sufficiently clean. If, however, it contains a variety of species and forms, it may require to be divided into different densities. In some cases, however, it is best to divide the gathering as a preliminary operation, which may be done by agitating it in a quantity of water and decanting what does not readily subside. The heavier and the lighter portions are then to be treated as two separate boilings. But when the cleansing has been carried to the above stage and this division is required, the plan must be somewhat as follows : The gathering must be shaken in a test- tube with six inches of water, and then allowed to subside until one inch at the top remains pure. About three inches are then to be carefully withdrawn by a pipette, when the tube may be filled up and the operation repeated. The three lower inches also may then be decanted and examined. The gathering is thus divided into three portions, viz. that which was withdrawn by the pipette, that which remained floating in the lower three inches of water in the tube, and that which had settled at the bottom. 40 PREPARATION AND MOUNTING An examination of these will inform the operator how to obtain that particular density of gathering which he desires, and how far it is worth while to refine this process of elutriation ; for in cases of necessity any one, or all three, of these densities may be ope- rated upon in the same way to separate a particular diatom. As occasional aids, it may be remarked, that in some cases liquor ammonice may be used in place of water, as it often sepa- rates fine dirt, which is not otherwise easily got rid of. Some fossil deposits require to be treated with a boiling solution of car- bonate of soda to disintegrate them ; but this operation requires great care, lest the alkali should destroy the diatoms. Vegetable silicates also sometimes require to be removed by a solution of carbonate of soda ; but as the frustules of the diatoms themselves are but vegetable silica, even more care is required in this case. It may be well to mention, that some diatoms are so imperfectly siliceous that they will not bear boiling in acid at all. Some of these may be allowed to stand in cold nitric acid some time, whilst others of a smaller and more delicate character should, when possible, be treated with distilled water alone. We will now consider the mode of mounting the prepared dia- toms, which, if used dry (as described in this chapter), should be carefully washed two or three times with the purest distilled water. In this branch, as in every other, each collector gives preference to that method in which he is an adept. Thus the diatoms may be placed on the under side of the cover, to be as near to the object-glass as possible, or upon the slide itself; and each plan has its advocates. Whichsoever of these is used, no- thing seems more simple to the novice than a tolerably equal dis- persion of the objects upon the slide or cover ; but this is by no means so readily accomplished, consequently I give Mr. Rylands' method, as his slides are perfect in this respect also. He always places the diatoms upon the thin glass cover. It is not sufficient, as is frequently thought, to take a drop of liquid containing the cleansed material and spread it upon the cover or slide, as with- out some additional precaution that uniform and regular distribu- tion of the specimens is not obtained which is desirable. In order to effect this, let a drop of the cleansed gathering be diluted suffi- ciently for the purpose how much must be determined in each OF MICROSCOPIC OBJECTS. 41 case by experiment and let the covers to be mounted be cleaned and laid upon the brass plate. (See Chapter I.) By means of a glass tube, about one-twelfth of an inch in diameter, stopped by the wetted finger at the upper end, take up as much of the diluted material as will form a moderately convex drop extending over the whole cover. When all the covers required are thus prepared, apply a lamp below the brass plate, and raise the temperature to a point just short of boiling. By this means the covers will be dried in a few minutes, and the specimens equally distributed over the whole area. The spread of the fluid upon the covers is facilitated by breathing upon them ; and, to insure uniformity, care must be taken to avoid shaking them whilst drying. The best plan is to mount at least half a dozen at once. Before mounting, Mr. Rylands always burns the diatoms upon the glass at a dull red heat, whether they are used with balsam or dry. This burning, he says, is not only an additional cleaning process, but it effectually fixes the diatoms, and prevents them floating out if mounted with balsam. The thinnest covers may be burnt without damage if they are placed upon a small piece of platinum foil of the size required, which should be about one- hundredth of an inch thick, perfectly flat, and having three of its edges slightly bent over, so as to prevent its warping with the heat. The small flame of a spirit-lamp, or, where there is gas, a Bunsen's burner, may be employed. The cover should be shaded from direct daylight, that the action of the flame may be observed more perfectly. Care must then be taken to raise the tempera- ture only to the dull red heat before mentioned. The cover will then be in a fit state for mounting as required. It has been stated in another place that it is assumed the opera- tor is not mounting diatoms simply as microscopic objects, but as instructive specimens. It is not, therefore, sufficient to take a single slide as all that is required, but to have the same diatom prepared in as many ways as possible. The following are the principal : 1. Mounted crude in fluid (see Chapter IV.). 2. Burnt crude upon the cover, and mounted dry or in bal- sam (as before mentioned). 42 PREPARATION AND MOUNTING 3. Mounted dry or in balsam (see Chapter III.), after the cleansing process already described. I will here give Mr. Rylands' method of mounting them dry, the fluid and balsam preparations being noticed in their respec- tive chapters. The slide with the ring of asphalt, or black var- nish, should have been prepared some weeks previously, in order to allow it to dry thoroughly. When required, it must be held over the spirit-lamp or Bunsen's burner until the ring of varnish is softened. The burnt cover, having been heated at the same time, must then be taken in the forceps and pressed upon the softened varnish until it adheres all round. When cold, an outer ring of asphalt completes the slide. Such is the method which my friend Mr. T. G. Eylands em- ploys in the preparation of diatoms for the microscope. I have said enough concerning his results. It is to be feared, however, that to some these several modes of operation may appear lengthy and complicated ; but if read carefully, and the experiments tried, they will be found simple enough in practice, and to occupy much less time than an intelligible description would lead the novice to believe necessary. One of the most fertile as well as the most curious magazines of Diatomaceae is guano. The siliceous forms contained therein have been devoured by sea-birds and passed through the stomach unin- jured, and after lying for ages may be cleaned and classified. Many of these are not elsewhere met with, so that the student who is desirous to enter into the study of Diatomacea3 must be in- structed as to the best mode of obtaining them from this source. The particulars to be observed so closely resemble those before mentioned in the treatment of the ordinary diatoms, that it will be sufficiently explicit to give the outlines of the process. The guano must be first washed in pure water, allowed to subside per- fectly, and the liquid then poured off. This must be repeated until the top fluid is clear, and care taken not to decant the liquid until perfect subsidence has taken place. The deposit must then be treated with hydrochloric acid with a gentle heat for an hour or two, adding a little fresh acid at intervals as long as it excites any effervescence. After this nitric acid must be substituted for OF MICROSCOPIC OBJECTS. 43 the hydrochloric, and the heat kept up to almost boiling-point for another hour at least, adding a little fresh acid as before. When this ceases to act, the deposit must be allowed to settle perfectly and the acid poured off. All traces of the acid must now be washed away with pure water, when the remains will be Diatoma- cea3, the sand contained in the guano, and a few other forms. Some of these may be mounted dry, as before mentioned, but the greater portion should be put up in Canada balsam as described in Chapter III. Such is the ordinary method for the treatment of guano ; but Mr. Eylands' mode of proceeding with ordinary Diatomaceaj (be- fore given) will be found equally successful with these deposits. The fossil Infusoria (as they were formerly called) are now termed Diatomaeese, and are found in various parts of the world "Bermuda earth," "Berg-mehl" from Norway, deposit from Mourne Mountain in Ireland, &c. They are found in immense quantities, and afford the microscopist innumerable objects. The same treatment as that usually employed for the Diatomacese must be followed with these deposits, but as they are sometimes ob- tained in hard masses, disintegration is first necessary. To effect this, they are usually boiled for a short time in diluted liquor po- tassce, which will soon cause the mass to fall into a mud-like de- posit. Water must then be immediately added, in order that all further action of the liquor potassce may be stopped, otherwise the objects searched for will be dissolved. For this reason it is necessary to understand what substance is being dealt with, be- cause some deposits are much fii>er and acted upon more readily than others. In mounting these objects, some are so delicate that they are almost invisible when balsam is used with them ; they are there- fore usually mounted dry. Others, however, are much coarser, and may be mounted in balsam like the Diatomacese mentioned in Chapter III. The common Infusoria cannot be mounted dry with any great success, though a few may be placed upon the glass slide and allowed to dry naturally, when their characters will be very well shown. To obtain anything like a natural appearance, they must be put up in fluid as in Chapter IV. 44 PREPARATION AND MOUNTING Next to the Diatomacese, no class of microscopic objects has been more looked into of late than the Foraminifera. These animals are almost ail marine, having a jelly-like body enclosed in one or more chambers of shell generally composed of carbonate of lime. The shells are made with minute orifices, through which the pseudopodia (false feet) are extended by which the animal is enabled to lay hold of anything and draw itself along. From the possession of these orifices they derive their name, as foramen means a door or opening. They have been found in every depth of sea hitherto sounded, each depth being abundant in certain species; the lowest beds containing the greatest number of specimens, though with less variation of kinds. In chalk they are found in a fossil state, and may readily be shown (see Chapter III.) ; in limestone and other hard stones they are abundant, and some mountains are composed principally of these shells. The methods of obtaining Foraminifera are various. Many may be found upon seaweeds, which should always be examined as soon as possible after gathering. They are found in masses upon some coasts where the waves have carried and left them ; but they are to be found the most abundantly in sand or mud dredged from the bottom of the sea. They must, however, be cleansed and separated from the mass of impurity with which they are usually mixed. This may be done in various ways, according to the nature of the accompanying matter. If sand alone, as is frequent- ly the case, the whole mass must be thoroughly dried, and then stirred up in clean water. The* sand will soon subside by its own weight, but the chambers of the Foraminifera, being filled with air, will float upon the surface, and may be skimmed off. There is, however, one objection to this mode of proceeding some of these objects are so minute, the chambers containing compara- tively so small a quantity of air, that they sink and are cast away with the refuse sand. On this account it is preferable to take the trouble of searching certain soundings under the microscope, using the camel-hair pencil, or some other contrivance before mentioned, to extract those objects which are required. To clean the Fora- minifera, Professor Williamson advises to transfer the specimens to an evaporating dish containing a weak solution of caustic potash. OF MICROSCOPIC OBJECTS. 45 This must be boiled for "some moments," when the organic matter will be entirely dissolved, and the calcareous shells left free from impurity. They must now be x well washed in water, so that all alkaline matter may be entirely got rid of. If the specimens are in mud, we must proceed in a different way : Stir up the whole mass in water, and allow it to stand until the heavier portion has sunk to the bottom ; the water may then be poured off and examined to see if there are any objects contained in it. This process must be repeated until the water comes off quite clear, when (if the search is for Foraminifera only) the solution of caustic potash may be used as before mentioned. However the soundings, &c., are cleaned, it is necessary to assort them under the microscope with the camel-hair pencil or other contrivance, as it is impossible to obtain them fit for mounting without undergoing this process. The sea soundings taken by order of Government are drawn from the bottom in a kind of apparatus ingeniously made for the purpose, and the sand, mud, &c., are brought up in their original state. Common soundings, however, are taken by lowering a heavy piece of lead coated with tallow, which consequently brings up a small portion of the matter from the bottom. Mr. George Mosley, the late Secretary of the Manchester Microscopic Society, obtained numbers of the " scrapings" from the sounding leads. To make any use of these it is, of course, necessary to free them from all traces of the tallow. Mr. Dancer places the sounding in a basin and pours boiling water upon it, which causes the melted grease to rise to the surface. When cold, this may be removed, and the water carefully decanted. The operation may be repeated until no grease appears, when the water may be withdrawn and liquor ammonice used, which will form a soapy solution with any remaining grease. This must be treated with hot water for the final washing. Care must be taken lest the finer forms be carried away in decanting the washing liquid. Should it be wished to make certain as to this point, each washing should be examined under the microscope. In some cases the process of Mr. Dancer will prove sufficient. Mr. Dale, however, gives a method of accom- plishing the same result, which is much more readily completed ; and as the results cannot be found fault with, I will here give it 46 PREPARATION AND MOUNTING in full : It is now well known that one of the products obtained from the naphtha of coal-tar is a volatile, oily substance, termed benzole (or, by French chemists, benzine), whose boiling-point, when pure, is about 1 80 Fahrenheit, which is a perfect solvent for fatty substances. In a capsule, previously warmed on a sand-bath, Mr. Dale mixes with the tallow soundings benzole, whose boiling- point may be about 200, until sufficiently diluted so as to run freely, pressing the lumps with a glass; rod until thoroughly mingled; the solution and its contents are then poured into a paper filter, placed in a glass funnel ; the capsule is again washed with benzole, until the whole of the gritty particles are removed into the filter. A washing-bottle is then supplied with benzole, and the contents of the filter washed to the bottom until that liquid passes off pure, which may be tested by placing a drop from the point of the funnel on a warm slip of glass or bright platinum, when, if pure, the benzole will evaporate without resi- due or tarnish ; if grease be present, the washings must be con- tinued until they are free from it. After rinsing through weak acid, or alcohol, for final purification, the calcareous forms will be ready for mounting. The filter and its contents may be left to dry spontaneously, when the latter can be examined by the microscope. Should time be an object, rapid drying may be effected by any of the usual methods ; one of which, recommended by Mr.,Dale, is to blow a stream of hot air through a glass tube held in the flame of a Bunsen's burner. The lower the boiling-point of the benzole, the more readily can the specimens be freed from it. A com- moner quality may be used, but it is more difficult to dry after- wards. Pure benzole being costly, this may appear an expensive pro- cess ; but, with the exception of a trifling loss by evaporation, the whole may be recovered by simple distillation. The mixture of tallow and benzole being placed in a retort in a hot-water, a steam, or a sand bath, the benzole will pass into the receiver, and the tallow or other impurities will remain in the retort. When the whole of the benzole has distilled over, which is ascertained by its ceasing to drop from the condenser, the heat is withdrawn and the retort allowed to cool before the addition of fresh material. OF MICROSCOPIC OBJECTS. 47 Half a dozen to a dozen filters, each with its specimen, can be in process at the same time ; and the distillation of the recovered benzole progresses as quickly as the filtration, which was practi- cally proved on the occasion named. Great caution in the use of benzole is to be taken in the approach of lights to the inflamma- ble vapour. After the Foraminifera and calcareous forms have been removed, the residue may be treated with acids and levigation in the usual manner, to obtain siliceous forms and discs, if there are any present ; but to facilitate their deposition, and to avoid the loss of any minute atoms suspended in the washings, I would suggest the use of filtration. The conical filter is unsuitable, as the parti- cles would spread over too great a surface of paper ; but glass tubes open at both ends (such as broken test-tubes) will be found to answer, the broad end covered with filtering paper, and over that a slip of muslin tied on with a thread to facilitate the passage of the water and prevent the risk of breaking the paper. Suspend the tube over a suitable vessel through a hole cut in thin wood or cardboard, pour in the washings, which can be thus filtered and then dried. The cloth must be carefully removed, the paper cut round the edges of the tube, and the diatoms on the paper disc may be removed by a camel-hair pencil or otherwise, ready for mounting. Thus many objects may be preserved which would be either washed away or only be obtained by a more tedious process. Such is Mr. Dale's method of cleaning the soundings from the tallow, and as it thoroughly accomplishes its end, and is alike effective and not injurious to Foraminifera and diatoms, it may be safely recommended. The weak solution of caustic potash before advised for Foraminifera, must not be used where it is desired to preserve the diatoms, as they would certainly be injured, or de- stroyed altogether, if this agent were employed. In fixing the Foraminifera upon the slide, no better plan can be followed than the " dry cells" and gum recommended in the early parts of this chapter. Owing to their thickness and composition, most of them are opaque objects only ; but they are exquisitely beautiful, and require no particular care, except in allowing the cell, &c., to be perfectly dry, when the cover is placed upon it, or 48 PREPARATION AND MOUNTING the damp will certainly become condensed upon the inner side, and the examination seriously interfered with. Many of the Foraminifera require cutting into sections if it is wished to examine the internal structure, &c., " decalcifying" is also desirable in some cases; both of these processes will be found described at length in the chapter on Sections and Dissec- tion. When more than one specimen of some particular shell is ob- tained, it is better to place them upon the slide in different posi- tions, so as to show as much of the structure as possible. I will conclude this subject by quoting a passage from T. Rymer Jones : " It is, therefore, by no means sufficient to treat these shells as ordinary objects by simply laying them on a glass slide, so as to see them only from one or two points of view ; they must be carefully examined in every direction, for such is the diversity of form that nothing short of this will be at all satisfactory. For this purpose, they should be attached to the point of a fine needle, so that they may be turned in any direction, and examined by reflected light condensed upon them by means of a lens or side reflector. In many of the thick-shelled species it will be neces- sary to grind them down on a hone [see Chapter V.] before the number and arrangement of the internal chambers is discernible ; and in order to investigate satisfactorily the minutiae of their structure, a variety of sections, made in various ways, is indispen- sable." Plants afford an almost inexhaustible treasury for the micro- scope, and many of them show their beauties best when mounted dry. When any of these also are to be mounted, care must be taken that they are thoroughly dry, otherwise the damp will cer- tainly arise in the cell, and injure the object ; and it may be here mentioned that long after a leaf has every appearance of dryness, the interior is still damp, and no way can be recommended of getting rid of this by any quicker process than that effected by keeping them in a warm room, as many leaves, &c., are utterly spoiled by using a hot iron or other contrivance. The safest way is to press them gently betwixt blotting-paper, which may be removed and dried at short intervals ; and though this may appear a tedious operation, it is a safe one. OF MICROSCOPIC OBJECTS. 49 On the surface of the leaves, hairs and scales of various and very beautiful forms are found, most of which display their beau- ties best when removed from the leaf, and used with the polarizer. These will be noticed in another place ; but a portion of the leaf should always be prepared in its natural form, to show the arrange- ment of the hair or scales upon it ; which must almost invariably be mounted dry when used for this purpose. Many of them require very delicate handling. The epidermis, or, as it is by some termed, the cuticle, is the outer skin which lies upon the surface of the leaves and other parts of most plants. This is composed of cells closely connected, often bearing the appearance of a rude network. In many plants, by scraping up the surface of the leaf, a thin coating is detached, which may be torn off by taking hold of it with the forceps. The piece may then be washed and floated upon a glass slide, where, on drying, it will be firmly fixed, and may usually be mounted dry. Amongst the most beautiful and easily prepared of these may be mentioned the petal of the gera- nium, the cells of which are well defined and amongst the most interesting. Closely connected with the leaves are the ANTHERS and POLLEN, of which a great number are beautiful and interesting subjects for the microscopist. The mallow tribe will furnish some exquisite objects, bearing the appearance of masses of costly jewels. These are usually dried with pressure, but the natural form may be more accurately preserved by allowing them to dry as they are taken from the flower, with no interference except thoroughly protecting them from all dust. Sometimes the anther is divided, so that the cell required to receive them may be of as little depth as possible. The common mallow is a beautiful object, but I think the lavatera is a better, as it shows the pollen chambers well, when dried un- pressed. The pollen is often set alone, and is well worth the trouble, as it then admits of more close examination. Often it is convenient to have the anther and pollen as seen in nature on one slide, and the pollen alone upon another. The former should be taken from the flowers before their full development is attained, as if overgrown they lose much of their beauty. Some pollens are naturally so dark that it is necessary to mount them in Canada 50 PREPARATION AND MOUNTING balsam or fluid, as described in other places ; but they are better mounted dry when they are not too opaque. Here, too, we may also mention the SEEDS of many plants as most interesting, and some of them very beautiful, objects, requir- ing for the greater part but a low power to show them. Most of these are to be mounted dry, as opaque objects, in cells suited to them, but some are best seen in balsam, and will be mentioned in Chapter III. The CORALLINES, many of which are found on almost every coast, afford some very valuable objects for the microscope. They must be well washed when first procured, to get rid of all the salts in the sea-water, dried and mounted in cells deep enough to pro- tect them from all danger of pressure, as some of them are exceed- ingly fragile. The white ivory appearance which some of them present is given to them by an even covering of carbonate of lime ; and should it be desired to examine the structure of these more closely, it may -be accomplished by keeping them for some time in vinegar or dilute muriatic acid, which will remove the lime and allow of the substance being sliced in the same way as other Algae. (" Micrographic Dictionary," p. 183.) THE SCALES OF INSECTS. The fine dust upon the wings of moths and butterflies, which is readily removed when handled carelessly, is what is generally called scales. To these the wing owes the magnificent colours which so often are seen upon it ; every particle being what may be termed a distinct flat feather. How these are placed (somewhat like tiles upon a roof) may be easily seen in the wing of any butterfly, a few being removed to aid the investigation. The form of them is usually that of the " battledore" with which the common game is played, but the handle or base of the scale is often short, and the broad part varies in proportionate length and breadth in different specimens. The markings upon these also vary, some being mostly composed of lines running from the base to the apex, others reminding us of network bead-like spots only are seen in some indeed, almost endless changes are found amongst them. These scales arc not confined to butterflies and moths, nor indeed to the wings of insects. The different gnats supply some most beautiful specimens, not only from the wings, but also from the proboscis, &c. ; whilst OF MICROSCOPIC OBJECTS. 51 from still more minute insects, as the podura, scales are taken which were at one time esteemed as a most delicate test. The gorgeous colours which the diamond beetles also show when under the microscope are produced by light reflected from minute scales with which the insects are covered. In mounting these objects for the microscope it is well to have the part of the insect from which the scales are usually taken as a separate slide, so that the natural arrangement of them may be seen. This is easily accomplished with the wings of butterflies, gnats, &c. ; as they require no extraordinary care. In mounting the scales they may be placed upon slides, by passing the wings over the surface, or by gently scraping the wing upon the slide, when they must be covered with the thin glass. Of course, the extreme tenuity of these objects does away with the necessity of any cell excepting that formed by the gold-size or other cement used to attach the cover. The scales of the podura should be placed upon the slide in a somewhat different manner. This insect is without wings, and is no longer than the common flea. It is often found amongst the sawdust in wine-cellars, continually leap- ing about by the aid of its tail, which is bent underneath its body. Dr. Carpenter says : " Podurse may be obtained by sprinkling a little oat-meal on a piece of black paper near their haunts ; and after leaving it there for a few hours, removing it carefully to a large glazed basin, so that, when they leap from the paper (as they will when brought to the light), they may fall into the basin, and may thus separate themselves from the meal. The best way of obtaining their scales, is to confine several of them together be- neath a wine glass inverted upon a piece of fine smooth paper ; for the scales will become detached by their leaps against the glass, and will fall upon the paper." These scales are removed to the slide, and mounted as those from the gnats, &c. When the podura has been caught without the aid of the meal, it may be placed upon the slide, under a test-tube, or by any other mode of confinement, and thus save the trouble of transfer from the paper before mentioned. Another method is to seize the insect by the leg with the forceps and drag it across the slide, when a sufficient quantity of scales will probably be left upon it. These scales are usually mounted "dry;" but Hogg recom- 52 PREPARATION AND MOUNTING mends the use of Canada balsam (Chapter III.) as rendering their structure more definite when illuminated with Wenham's para- bolic reflector. Some advise other methods, which will be men- tioned in Chapter IV. As most insects when undissected are mounted in Canada balsam, the different modes of treatment which they require will be stated in another place. In mounting blood of any kind to show the corpuscles, or, as they are often called, globules, which are round or oval discs, it is but necessary to cover the slide on the spot required with a coat- ing as thin as possible and allow it to dry before covering with the thin glass. There is a slight contraction in the globules when dried, but not enough to injure them for the microscope. The shape of these varies in different classes of animals, but the size varies much more, some being many times as large as others. Some of the larvce skins are beautiful objects; but, like many sec- tions of animal and other fragile matter, are difficult to extend upon the slide. This difficulty is easily overcome by floating the thin object in clear water, immersing the slide and when the ob- ject is evenly spread gently lifting it. Allow it then to dry by slightly raising one end of the slide to aid the drainage, and cover with the thin glass as other objects. The tails and fins of many small fish may be mounted in a similar manner, and are well worth the trouble. A few objects which are best shown by mounting dry may be here mentioned as a slight guide to the beginner, though some of them have been before noticed ; many of the Foraminifera as elsewhere described. Some crystals are soluble in almost any fluid or balsam, and should be mounted dry; a few, however, deliquesce or effloresce, which renders them worthless as micro- scopic objects. The wings of butterflies and gnats, as before noticed, afford many specimens wherewith to supply the cabinet of the young student. A great variety also may be found amongst the ferns ; indeed, these alone will afford the student occupation for a long time. On the under-side of the leaves are the reservoirs for the " spores," which in many instances somewhat resemble green vel- vet, and are arranged in stripes, round masses, and other forms. The spores are usually covered with a thin skin termed the indu- OF MICROSCOPIC OBJECTS. 53 sium, which is curiously marked in some specimens, often very like pollen-grains. The manner in which these spores with all their accompaniments are arranged, their changes and develop- ments afford almost endless subjects for study ; different ferns pre- senting us with many variations in this respect totally invisible without the aid of a microscope. The hymenophyllums (of which two only belong to England) are particularly interesting, and the structure of the leaves when dried makes them beautiful objects, often requiring no balsam to aid their transparency. Portions of the fronds of ferns should be mounted as opaque objects, after having been dried between blotting paper, when they are not injured by pressure; but care must be taken to .gather them at the right time, as they do not show their beauty before they are ripe, and if over-ripe the arrangement of the spores, &c., is altered. The spores may be mounted as separate objects in the same man- ner as pollen, before-mentioned, and are exquisitely beautiful when viewed with a tolerably high power. The number of foreign ferns now cultivated in this country has greatly widened the field for research in this direction ; and it may also be mentioned that the under-sides of many are found to be covered with " scales" of very beautiful forms. A small piece of the frond of one of these may be mounted in its natural state, but the removal of the " scales" for examination by polarized light will be described in another place. The mosses also are quite a little world, requiring but a low power to show their beauties. The leaves are of various forms, some of which resemble beautiful net-work ; the " urns" or reservoirs for the spores, however, are perhaps the most interest- ing parts of these objects, as also of the "liverworts" which are closely allied to the mosses. These " urns" are generally covered by lids, which fall off when the fruit is ripe. At this period they are well fitted for the microscope. The common screw-moss may be found in great abundance, and shows this denudation of the spores very perfectly. Many of these may be easily dried without much injury, but they should also be examined in their natural state. The student should not omit from his cabinet a leaf of the net- tle and the allied foreign species, the mystery of which the micro- scope will make plain. The hairs or stings may also be removed, 54 PREPARATION AND MOUNTING and viewed with a higher power than when on the leaf, being so transparent as to require no balsam, or other preservative. There are few more interesting objects than the raphides or plant-crystals. These are far from being rare, but in some plants they are very minute, and consequently require care in the mount- ing, as well as a high magnifying power to render them visible ; in others they are so large that about twenty-five of them placed point to point would reach one inch. Some of these crystals are long and comparatively very thin, which suggested the name (rapkis, a needle) ; others are star-like, with long and slender rays ; while others again are of a somewhat similar form, each ray being solid and short. If the stem of rhubarb, or almost any of the hyacinth tribe, be bruised, so that the "juice" may flow upon the slide, in all probability some of these crystals will be found in the fluid. To obtain them clean, they must be freed from all vegetable matter by maceration. After this they must be thoroughly washed and mounted " dry." They are also good polarizing objects, giving brilliant colours; but when used for this purpose they must be mounted as described in Chapter III. A few plants which contain them may be mentioned here. The Cactacese are very prolific ; the orchids, geraniums, tulips, and the outer coating of the onion, furnish the more unusual forms. The Fungi are generally looked upon as a very difficult class of objects to deal with, but amongst them some of the most availa- ble may be found. The forms of many are very beautiful, but are so minute as to require a high magnifying power to show them. The mould which forms on many substances is a fungus, and in some cases may be dried and preserved in its natural state. A friend of mine brought me a rose-bush completely covered with a white blight. This was found to be a fungus, which required a high magnifying power to show it. Being a very interesting ob- ject, it was desirable to preserve it, and this was perfectly effected without injury to the form by simply drying the leaf in a room usually occupied. Amongst the fungi are many objects well worth looking for, one of which is the Diachcea elegans. This, the only species, says the " Micrographic Dictionary," is found in England upon the living leaves of the lily-of-the-valley, &c. These little plants grow in masses, reminding one of mould, to a height OF MICROSCOPIC OBJECTS. 55 of a quarter of an inch, and each "stem" is covered with a sheath, in shape somewhat like an elongated thimble. When ripe, the sheath falls off and reveals the same shaped column, made up of beautifully fine net-work, with the spores lying here and there. This dries well, and is a good object for the middle powers. Amongst the fungi the blights of wheat and of other articles of food may be included. Many of them may be mounted " dry ;" others, however, cannot be well preserved except in liquids, and will be referred to in Chapter IV. Amongst the zoophytes and sea-mats, commonly called " sea-weeds," may be found many very interesting objects to be mounted " dry." When this mode of preservation is used, it is necessary that all the searsalt be thoroughly washed from them. As they are, however, most fre- quently mounted in balsam or liquid, they will be more fully noticed in other places. The scales of fishes are generally mounted " dry " when used as ordinary objects ; but for polarized light, balsam or liquid must be used, as noticed in Chapter III. The variety and beauty of these are quite surprising to the novice. It is also very interest- ing to procure the skin of the fish when possible, and mount it on a separate slide to show how the scales are arranged. The sole is one of the most unusual forms, the projecting end of each scale being covered with spines, which radiate from a common centre, while those at the extremity are carried out somewhat resembling the rays of a star. One of the skates has a spine pro- jecting from the centre of each scale, which is a very curious opaque object, especially when the skin is mounted in the manner described. The perch, roach, minnow, and others of the common fishes give the student good objects for his cabinet, and may be procured without difficulty. Insects which are very transparent, or have the " metallic lustre" with which any medium would interfere, are mounted " dry." The diamond-beetle, before mentioned, is a splendid example of this ; the back is generally used, but the legs, showing the curious feet, are very interesting objects. Indeed, amongst the legs and feet of insects there is a wide field of interest. When they are of a " horny " nature, it is best to dry them in any form prefer- red, but to use no pressure ; when, however, they are wanted flat, 56 PREPARATION AND MOUNTING so as to show the feet, &c., extended, they must be dried with a gentle pressure betwixt blotting-paper if possible. But this will be treated more fully in Chapter III. The eyes of insects are sometimes allowed to dry in their natural shape, and mounted as opaque objects ; but generally they are used as transparencies in balsam or liquid, so the description of the treatment which they require will be deferred to Chapter III. Hairs, when not too dark, are sometimes transparent enough when mounted dry, but are usually mounted in balsam. These also will be more fully noticed in another place. These are a few of the objects which are often mounted dry, but some of them should be shown in balsam or liquid also, and there is much difference of opinion as to the best way of preserving others. This, however, is explained by the transparency which the balsam gives interfering with one property of the object and yet developing another which would have remained invisible if preserved dry. The only method of overcoming this difficulty is to keep the object mounted in both ways, which is comparatively little trouble. I may here mention that many prefer the lieberkuhn for the illumination of opaque objects ; and a good back-ground is gained by putting upon the under side of the slide, immediately beneath the object, a spot of black varnish, which does not interfere materially with the light. OF MICROSCOPIC OBJECTS. 5 7 CHAPTER III. MOUNTING IN CANADA BALSAM. THE nature and use of tliis substance has been before spoken, of, so the method of working with it may be at once described. Perfect dryness of the objects is, if possible, more necessary in this mode of mounting than any other, as dampness remaining in the object will assuredly cause a cloudiness to make its appear- ance in a short time after it is fixed. Where pressure does not injure the specimens, they are most successfully treated when first dried betwixt the leaves of a book, or in any other way which may prove most convenient, as noticed in Chapter II. Before describing the methods of proceeding with any particu- lar objects, general rules may be given which should be observed in order to succeed in this branch of mounting, As the object is to be thoroughly immersed in the balsam, it is evident that when it has once been covered, so it must remain, unless we again free it by a process hereafter mentioned, which is very troublesome ; and on this account there must be nothing whatever in the balsam except the object. The inexperienced may think this an unnecessary caution ; but the greatest difficulty he will meet with is to get rid of minute bubbles of air, perhaps invisible to the naked eye, which appear like small globules when under the microscope, and render the slide unsightly, or even worthless. Ten objects out of eleven contain air, or at least are full of minute holes which are necessarily filled with it ; so that if they should be immersed in any liquid of thick consistency, these cells of air would be imprisoned, and become bubbles. The air, then, must be got rid of, and this is usually accomplished by soaking for some time in turpentine, the period required differing according to the nature of the object. In some cases, the turpen- tine acts upon the colour, or even removes it altogether, so that it 4 58 PREPARATION AND MOUNTING must be watched carefully. Often, however, this is an advantage, as where the structure alone is wanted, the removal of the colour- ing matter renders it more transparent. There are objects, how- ever, which retain the air with such tenacity that soaking alone will not remove it. If these will bear heat without being injured, they may be boiled in turpentine, or even in balsam, when the air will be partly or totally expelled. But where heat is objection- able, they must be immersed in the turpentine, and so submitted to the action of the air-pump. Even with this aid, sometimes days are required to accomplish it perfectly, during which time the air should be exhausted at intervals of five or six hours, if con- venient, and the objects turned over now and then. Sometimes the objects are so minute that it is impossible to sub- mit them to any soaking, and in this case they must be laid upon the slide at once, and the turpentine applied to them there. But it must not be forgotten that there are some few which are much better mounted in such a way that the balsam may thoroughly surround, and yet not penetrate, the substance more than necessary. Sections of teeth are amongst these, which will be noticed in another place, and some insects (see Dr. Carpenter) when required to show the " ramifications of the trachea?." Having freed the object, then, from these two enemies damp- ness and air we must proceed to mount it. The slide must first be cleaned ; then on the centre a quantity of balsam must be placed with a bluntly-pointed glass rod, accord- ing to the size of the object about to be mounted. To this a slight heat must be applied, which will cause any bubbles to rise from the surface of the slide, so that they may be readily removed with a needle. The object should be freed from all air by steep- ing in turpentine, as before described, and then from superfluous liquid by a short drainage, and carefully laid upon, or where it is practicable thrust into, the balsam, prepared on the slide as above. In the former case, or where the balsam has not totally covered the object, a small quantity must be taken, warmed, and dropped upon it, and any bubbles removed by the needle as before. To cover this, the thin glass must be warmed, and beginning at one side, allowed to fall upon the balsam, driving a small " wave" be- fore it, and thus expelling any bubbles which may remain. This OF MICROSCOPIC OBJECTS. 59 is quite as safely performed (if not more so) by making a solution of balsam in turpentine of the consistency of thick varnish. The thin glass cover may be slightly coated with this, and will then be much less liable to imprison any air, which frequently happens when the cover is dry. Bubbles, however, will sometimes make their appearance in spite of all care ; but when the object is com- paratively strong, they may be removed by keeping the slide ra- ther warm, and working the cover a little, so as to press them to one side, when they should be immediately removed with a needle point, otherwise they are again drawn under. Where the slide requires keeping warm for any length of time, a hot-water bath is sometimes made use of, which is simply a flat tin, or other metal case, with a mouth at the side, that when the hot water is introduced it may be closed up, and so retain its warmth for a long time. In working, the slide is laid upon it, and so admits of longer operations, when required, without grow- ing cold. Sometimes a spirit-lamp is placed under it to keep up an equal heat through excessively long processes. Where the time required, however, is but short, a thick brass plate is some- times used (see Chapter I.), which is heated to any degree that is required, and the slide placed upon it. Some objects, which -are so thin that they are usually floated upon the slide, as before stated, require no steeping in turpentine or other liquid. These are best mounted by covering with a lit- tle diluted balsam, and after this has had time to penetrate the substance, ordinary balsam is laid upon it, and the slide finished in the usual manner. I have stated that the balsam is usually applied to the slide and objects with a " bluntly-pointed glass rod ;" but for the purpose of drawing the balsam from the bottle, and conveying it to the de- sired place, Dr. Carpenter uses a glass syringe with a free opening. These are his instructions : " This (the syringe) is most readily filled with balsam, in the first instance, by drawing out the pis- ton, and pouring in balsam previously rendered more liquid by gentb warmth ; and nothing else is required to enable the opera- tor at any time to expel precisely the amount of balsam he may require, than to warm the point of the syringe, if the balsam should have hardened in it, and to apply a very gentle heat to the 60 PREPARATION AND MOUNTING syringe generally, if the piston should not then be readily pressed down. When a number of balsam objects are being mounted at one time, the advantage of this plan in regard to facility and cleanliness (no superfluous balsam being deposited on the slide) will make itself sensibly felt." When the "mounting" is thus far accomplished, the outer " wall " of balsam may be roughly removed after a few hours have elapsed ; but great care is necessary lest the cover be moved or interfered with in any way. In this state it may be left for the final cleansing until the balsam becomes hard, which takes place sooner or later, according to the degree of warmth it has been subjected to. A mantel-piece, or some place about equal to it in temperature, is the best suited to this purpose ; and when the requisite hardness is attained, it may be proceeded with as follows : With a pointed knife the balsam must be scraped away, taking care that the thin glass be not cracked by the point getting under it. If used carefully, the knife will render the slide almost clean ; but any minute portions which still adhere to the' glass must be rubbed with linen dipped in turpentine or spirit. If the balsam is not very hard, these small fragments are readily removed by folding a piece of paper tightly in a triangular form with many folds, and damping the point with which the glass is rubbed. As the paper becomes worn with the friction, the balsam will be carried off' with it. In some cases I have found this simple expedient very useful. Sometimes the object to be mounted is of such a thickness as to require a cell. For this purpose glass rings are used (as de- scribed in Chapter IV.), and filled with balsam. The best mode of doing this is thus described by Mr. T. S. Ralph in the Micro- scopic Journal: "The question was asked me when I was in England, if I knew how to fill a cell with Canada balsam and leave behind no air-bubbles ? I replied in the negative ; but now I can state how to accomplish this. Fill the cell with clear spirit of turpentine, place the specimen in it, have ready some balsam just fluid enough to flow out of the bottle when warmed by the hand ; pour this on the object at one end, and, gradually inclin- ing the slide, allow the spirit of turpentine to flow out on the opposite side of the cell till it is full of balsam ; then take up the OF MICROSCOPIC OBJECTS. 61 cover, and carefully place upon it a small streak of Canada balsam from one end to the other. This, if laid on the cell with one edge first, and then gradually lowered until it lies flat, will drive all the air before it, and prevent any bubbles from being included in the cell. It can be easily put on so neatly as to require no cleaning when dry. If the cover is pressed down too rapidly, the balsam will flow over it, and require to be cleaned off' when hard- ened, for it cannot be done safely while fluid at the edges." Sometimes with every care bubbles are enclosed in the balsam injuring objects which are perhaps rare and valuable. The whole slide must then be immersed in turpentine until the cover is removed by the solution of the balsam ; and the object must be cleansed by a similar steeping. It may then be remounted as if new in the manner before described. The balsam and chloroform described in Chapter I. is thus used ; and where the object is thin, the mounting is very easily accom- plished. When the object is laid upon the slide with a piece of glass upon it, and the balsam and chloroform placed at the edge of the cover, the mixture will gradually flow into the space be- twixt the glasses until the object is surrounded by it, and the un- occupied portion filled. The chloroform will evaporate so quickly that the outer edge will become hard in a very short time, when it may be cleaned in the ordinary way. Sometimes the balsam is dissolved in the chloroform without being first hardened; but this is only to render it more fluid, and so give the operator less chance of leaving bubbles in the finished slide, as the thicker the medium is, the more difficult is it to get rid of these intruders. It has been before mentioned that some have objected to chlo- roform and balsam, believing that it became clouded after a cer- tain time. Perhaps this may be accounted for in part by the fact that almost all objects have a certain amount of dampness in them. Others are kept in some preservative liquid until the time of mounting, and these liquids generally contain certain salts (Chapter IV.). If this dampness, as well as all traces of these salts, however small, are not totally removed the former by dry- ing, the latter by repeated washings the addition of chloroform will render the balsam much more liable to the cloudiness than when balsam alone was used, as before mentioned. 62 PREPARATION AND MOUNTING This mode of employing the balsam, however, will not be always applicable, as chloroform acts upon some substances which balsam alone does not. Some salts are even soluble in it, the crystals disappearing after a few days or weeks, whereas in the balsam alone they are quite permanent. Experience is the only guide in some cases, whilst in others a little forethought will be all that is required. The particular methods used for certain objects may be now entered upon. Many of the Diatomacese and fossil Infusoria, as they are sometimes termed, are mounted dry, and cleaned in the way described in Chapter II. Others are almost always placed in balsam, except where they are intended to be used with the lieber- kuhn and dark background, by which means some of them are rendered exquisitely beautiful. The usual way of mounting them in balsam is as follows : Take a drop of the water containing them, place it upon the slide, and evaporate over the lamp, whilst with a needle they may be dispersed over any space desired. When they are thoroughly dry, drop a little balsam on one side, and exclude the bubbles. The slide may then be warmed to such a degree that the balsam, by lifting the glass at one end, will be carried over the specimens, which may then be covered with thin glass, made warm as before described. Where the objects are quite dry, and loose upon the glass, it requires great care in plac- ing the cover upon them, otherwise they are forced to one edge, or altogether from under it, in the wave of the balsam. For this reason, Professor Williamson adds a few drops of gum-water to the last washing, which causes them to adhere sufficiently to the glass to prevent any such mishap. Mr. T. G. Rylands' method differs in some degree from the above, and is, to use his own words, as follows : Thick balsam is preferable, and the burnt covers (see Chapter II.) to be mounted are laid in a convenient position with the diatoms upwards. The slides required having been carefully cleaned and marked on the under side with a ring of ink, by the aid of a turntable about half an inch in diameter to point out the centre, a drop of benzole is applied by a large pin to the diatoms on the cover, so as to exclude the air from the valves and frustules. The slide is then held over the lamp, and when warm, a sufficiently large drop of balsam is OF MICROSCOPIC OBJECTS. 63 put upon it, and heated until it begins to steam. If small bubbles appear, a puff of breath removes them. The slide being held slight- ly inclined from the operator, and the drop of balsam becoming convex at its lower edge, the cover is brought in contact with it at that point, gradually laid down, pressed with the forceps, and brought to its central position. When cool the superfluous balsam (if any) is removed with a heated knife-blade, the slide cleaned with a little turpentine, and finished by washing in a hand-basin with soap and water. In this process there is no delay if the bal- sam be sufficiently thick, as the slide may be cleaned off almost before it is cold. It is now well known that from common chalk it is an easy matter to obtain interesting specimens of Foraminifera. Scrape a small quantity of chalk from the mass and shake it in water ; leave this a few minutes, pour the water away and add a fresh quantity, shake up as before, and repeat two or three times. Take a little of the residue, and spread it upon the slide, and when quite dry add a little turpentine. When viewed with a power of two hundred and fifty diameters this will generally show the organisms very well. If it is desired to preserve the slides, they may be then mounted in Canada balsam. Mr. Guyon, in " Recreative Science, " observes that the accumulation of the powder, by the action of the rain or exposure to the atmospheric action, at the foot or any pro jection of the chalk cliffs, will afford us better specimens than that which is " scraped," as the organisms are less broken in the former. When the Foraminifera arc of a larger size, though transparent enough to be mounted in balsam, the air must be first expelled from the interior, otherwise the objects will be altogether unsatis- factory. To accomplish this they must be immersed in turpentii e and submitted to the action of the air-pump. So difficult is it to get rid of this enemy that it is often necessary to employ three or four exhaustions, leaving them for some time under each. Wlien all air has given place to the turpentine, they must be mounted in the ordinary way. Of all objects which are commonly met with, few are such gene- ral favourites as the POLYCYSTIN^E, and deservedly so. Their forms are most beautiful, and often peculiar stars varying in de- sign, others closely resembling crowns ; the Astromma Aristotelis 64 PREPARATION AND MOUNTING like a cross, and many whose shapes no words could describe. The greater part, perhaps, of those which are usually sold, is from the rocky parts of Bermuda ; but they are also found in Sicily, some parts of Africa and America. They are usually mounted in balsam, but are equally beautiful mounted " dry" and used with the lieberkuhn. They require as much care in cleaning as the Diatomacese, but the process is a different one. Sometimes this is effected by simply washing until they are freed from all extra- neous matter, but this is seldom as effectual as it should be. In the Microscopic Journal Mr. Furlong gives the following method of treatment as the best he knew : Procure A large glass vessel with 3 or 4 quarts of water. New tin saucepan holding 1 pint. 2 thin precipitating glasses holding 10 oz. each. Take 3 oz. of dry " Barbadoes earth" (lumps are best), and break into rather small fragments. Put 3 or 4 oz. of common washing- soda into the tin and half fill it with water. Boil strongly, and having thrown in the earth, boil it for half an hour. Pour nine- tenths of this into the large glass vessel, and gently crush the re- maining lumps with a soft bristle brush. Add soda and water as before, and boil again ; then pour off the liquid into the large ves- sel, and repeat until nothing of value remains. Stir the large ves- sel with an ivory spatula, let it stand for three minutes, and pour gently off nine-tenths of the contents, when the shells will be left, partially freed only, like sand. 2ND PROCESS. Put common washing soda and water into the tin as before, and having placed the shells therein, boil for an hour. Transfer to the large vessel as before, and after allowing it to stand for one minute pour off. Each washing brings off a kind of" flock," which seems to be skins. 3RD PROCESS. Put the shells in precipitating glass and drain off the water until not more than J oz. remains. Add half a tea- spoonful of bicarbonate of soda, dissolve, and then pour in gently 1 oz. of strong sulphuric acid. This liberates the " flock," &c., and leaves the shells beautifully transparent. Wash well now with water to get rid of all salts and other soluble matter. OF MICROSCOPIC OBJECTS. 65 Some of the large shells are destroyed by this method, but none that are fit for microscopic use. An oblique light shows these ob- jects best. These are sometimes treated in the manner described in Chap- ter II. where the diatoms are spoken of, but many forms are liable to be injured by this severe process. It has been before stated that some of the zoophytes may be mounted dry, and others examined as opaque or transparent ob- jects according to their substance. They are very interesting when examined in the trough whilst living, but to preserve many of them for future examination they must be mounted in some preservative medium. Sometimes this may be one of the liquids mentioned in Chapter IV., but if possible they should be kept in balsam, as there is less danger of injury by accident to this kind of slide. This method of mounting presents some difficulties, but I think that all agree as to the trustworthiness of Dr. Golding Bird's information on the subject, which appeared in the Microscopic Journal. Of this, space forbids me to give more than a condensed account, but I hope to omit nothing of moment to the reader for whom these pages are written. After stating that there are few who are not familiar with these exquisite forms, and have not regretted the great loss of beauty they sustain in dying, he informs us that from their so obstinate- ly retaining air in the cells and tubes when dried, it is hardly practicable to get rid of it ; and they also shrivel up very seriously in the process of drying. The following plan, however, he has found almost faultless in their preparation. To preserve them with extended tentacles, they should be plunged in cold fresh water, which kills them so quickly that these are not often retracted. The specimens should be preserved in spirit until there is leisure to prepare them ; if, however, they have been dried, they should be soaked in cold water for a day or two before being submitted to the following processes : 1. After selecting perfect specimens of suitable size, immerse them in water heated to about 120 and place them under the receiver of an air-pump. Slowly exhaust the air, when bubbles will arise and the water appear to be in a state of active ebullition. After a few minutes re-admit the air and again exhaust, repeating 4* 66 PREPARATION AND MOUNTING the process three or four times. This will displace the air from most, if not all, of the class. 2. Remove the specimens and allow them to drain upon blotting- paper for a few seconds ; then place them in an earthen vessel fitted with a cover, and previously heated to about 200. This heat may be easily got by placing the vessel for a "short time in boiling water, wiping it immediately before use with a thick cloth. The specimens are then dropped into this, covered with the lid, and immediately placed under the receiver of the air-pump, and the air rapidly exhausted. By this means they are dried complete- ly, and so quickly that the cells have no time to wrinkle.- 3. In an hour or two remove them from the air-pump and drop them into a vessel of perfectly transparent camphene. This may be quite cold when the horny, tubular polypidoms, as those of the Sertularise, are used; but should be previously heated to 100 when the calcareous, cellular Polyzoa are the objects to be pre- served. The vessel should be covered with a watch-glass and placed under the receiver, the air being exhausted and re-admitted two or three times. 4. The slide which is to receive the specimen should be well cleaned and warmed so as to allow the balsam to flow freely over it. This must be applied in good quantity, and air-bubbles re- moved with the needle-point. Take the polypidom from the camphene, drain it a little, and with the forceps immerse it fully in the balsam. The glass to be laid upon it should be warmed and its surface covered with a thin layer of balsam, and then low- ered gradually upon it, when no bubbles should be imprisoned. A narrow piece of card-board at each end of the object for the cover to rest upon, prevents any danger of crushing the specimen. This mode of mounting polypidoms, &c., seems to give almost the complete beauty of the fresh specimens. They are very beau- tiful objects when viewed with common light, but much more so when the polarizer is used (in the manner described a little far- ther on). To the above instructions there can be little to add ; but I may here mention that some young students may not be possessed of the air-pump, and on this account put aside all search for those specimens which need little looking for at the seaside. Many of OF MICROSCOPIC OBJECTS. 67 these, however, though they lose some beauty by the ordinary mode of drying, will by steeping for some time in turpentine not only be freed from the air-bubbles, but suffer so little contraction that they are a worthy addition to the cabinet. Another class of objects is the spicula met with in sponges, &c. These are often glass-like in appearance and of various shapes ; many are found resembling needles (whence their name) ; some from the synapta are anchor-like, whilst others are star-like and of complex and almost indescribable combinations. As some of these are composed of silex and are consequently not injured by the use of nitric acid, the animal substance may be got rid of by boiling them in it. Those, however, which are calcareous must be treated with a strong solution of potash instead ; but which- ever way is used, of course they must afterwards be freed from every trace of residue by careful washing. These spicules may be often found amongst the sand which generally accumulates at the bottom of the jars in which sponges are kept by those who deal in them, and must be picked out with a camel-hair pencil. The specimens obtained by this means will seldom if ever require any cleaning process, as they are quite free from animal matter, &c. In the former chapter was noticed those insects or parts of them which are usually mounted dry. When they are large and too opaque to admit of the dry treatment, they must be preserved in Canada balsam or fluid. The first of these may now be con- sidered. It may be here mentioned, that with these objects much heat must not be employed, as it would in some instances give rise to a cloudiness, and almost invariably injure them. In killing the insect it is necessary not to rub or break any part of it. This may be performed by placing it in a small box half filled with fragments of fresh laurel leaves, by immersion in tur- pentine or strong spirit, as also in solutions of various poisonous salts. After which it may be preserved for some time in turpen- tine or other preservative liquid (Chapter IV.) until required. As an assistance to the student, I believe that I can do no better that give him the plan pursued by my friend Mr. Hepworth, whose specimens arc in every way satisfactory ; but when his me- 68 PREPARATION AND MOUNTING tliod is used, the insects must not have been placed in turpentine for preservation : " After destroying the insects in chloroform or sulphuric ether (methylated being cheaper), wash them thoroughly in a wide-neck- ed bottle, half-filled, with two or three waters ; the delicate ones requiring great care. Then immerse them in liquid potash (or Brandish's solution, which is stronger than the usual preparation), and let them remain a longer or shorter time according to their texture. When ready to remove, put one by one into a small saucer of clear water, and with a camel-hair pencil in each hand press them flat to the bottom, holding the head and thorax with the left-hand brush, and apply pressure with the other from above downwards, giving the brush a rolling motion, which generally expels the contents of the abdomen from the thorax. A minute roller of pith or cork might be used instead of the brush. In larger objects, use the end of the finger to flatten them. Large objects require more frequent washing, as it is desirable to remove the potash thoroughly, or crystals are apt to form after mounting. Having placed them on the slides with thin glass covers, tied down with thread,* dry and immerse them in rectified spirits of turpentine ; place the vessel under the receiver of an air-pump, and keep it exhausted until the turpentine has taken the place of the air-bubbles : they are then ready for the application of the balsam. Larger objects may often with advantage be transferred to a clean slide, as during the drying there is considerable contraction, and an outline often remains beyond the margin showing this. When closely corked they may remain in the spirits two or three months. As you take them from the bottle wipe as much turpentine off as possible before removing the thread, and when untied carefully wipe again, placing the finger on one end of the cover whilst you wipe the other, and vice versa. By this means you remove as much turpentine from under the cover as is necessary ; then drop the balsam, thinned with chloroform (see Chapter I.), upon the slide, letting the fluid touch the cover, when it will be taken in between the surfaces by capillary attraction ; and after pressing * This applies to the more delicate ones, which will not bear transferring after being once spread out and dried. OF MICROSCOPIC OBJECTS. 69 the cover down it may be left to dry, or you may hold the slide over a spirit-lamp for a few seconds before pressing down the cover. If heat is not applied, they are much longer in drying but are more transparent. If made too hot the boiling disarranges the objects, and if carried too far will leave only the resin of the balsam, rendering it so brittle that the cover is apt to fly off by a fall or any jar producing sufficient percussion. Never lift the cover up if possible, during the operation, as there is danger of admitting air. A few bubbles may appear immediately after mounting, but generally subside after a few hours, being only the chloroform or turpentine in a state of vapour, which becomes condensed." This method of preparing and mounting insects I can strongly recommend as giving first-rate results ; but where the specimens are small they seldom need the soaking in caustic potash which larger ones must have. It is only necessary to leave them awhile in turpentine, especially when they have been first dried with gen- tle pressure between two glasses, and then mount with balsam in the ordinary way. Amongst the insect tribes there is abundant employment, espe- cially for the lower powers of the microscope. But if the deep- er wonders and beauties of the animal economy are to be sought out and studied, it is desirable that the various parts should be set separately, in order that they may receive a more undivided at- tention, as well as to render them capable of being dealt with un- der the higher powers. We will, therefore, briefly consider the treatment which the different portions require. The eyes of the butterflies, and indeed of almost all insects, afford materials for a study which is complete in itself. When examined with a tolerably high power, instead of finding each eye with an unbroken spherical surface, it is seen that many are com- posed of thousands of hexagonal divisions, each being the outer surface of a separate portion termed the ocellus. In others these divisions are square ; but in all there is a layer of dark pigment surrounding their lower parts. The ocelli may be partly removed from the eye, which will show how their tapering forms are ar- ranged. But here we have to consider how to place them in bal- sam for preservation. The eve being removed from the insect, and the dark pigment removed by the use of a cainel-hair pencil, 70 PREPARATION AND MOUNTING must be allowed to remain in turpentine at least for some cfayp. The turpentine should then be renewed and the eye well washed in it just before it is to be mounted. It may then be set in bal- sam in the same way as any other object; but here a difficulty is met with. The eye being spherical upon the surface required, must necessarily be " folded " or broken in attempting to flatten it. This difficulty may be often overcome by cutting a number of slits round the edges; but some object to this mode of treatment, and where it is practicable it is much more satisfactory to mount one in the natural rounded form and another flat. Instead, how- ever, of mounting the organ whole, four or five slides may be pro- cured from each of the larger ones, as those of the Dragon-fly, &c. The antennae also are often mounted on separate slides, as being better suited for higher powers and more minute examination than when connected with the insect. These two projecting organs, issuing from the head, are jointed, and moveable at will. They differ very much in form amongst the various species, and are well worth the attention of the microscopist. They are usually mount- ed with the head attached, and perhaps they are more interest- ing when thus seen. Some few are very opaque, to prepare which the following method has been advised : Bleach the antennae by soaking in the following solution for a day or two : Hydrochloric acid, 10 drops. Chlorate of potash, J drachm. Water, 1 oz. This will render them transparent. Wash well, dry, and mount in Canada balsam. Instead of the above, a weak solution of chloride of lime may be used, by which means the nerves will be well shown. Many, however, are rendered transparent enough by simply soaking in turpentine for a longer or shorter time. Where the antennae, however, are "plumose," or feather-like, extreme care is required in mounting, though the difficulty is not so great as some seem to think. If they are first dried with gentle pres- sure, and then subjected to the action of the air-pump in a small OF MICROSCOPIC OBJECTS. 1 quantity of turpentine until the air is thoroughly expelled, they can be easily finished upon the slide, especially when balsam and chloroform are used. Insects supply us with another series of beautiful objects, viz., the feet.* These are sometimes simply dried and mounted with- out any medium, as before mentioned ; but most of them are ren- dered much more fit for examination by using balsam in their preservation, as it greatly increases their transparency. The smaller kinds may be dried with gentle pressure betwixt blotting- paper, and then immersed for some clays in turpentine, without requiring the treatment with liquor potassae. This immersion will render them beautifully transparent, when they may be mounted in balsam in the usual manner. It is, however, sometimes found difficult to fix the feet when expanded, in which state the interest of the object is greatly in- creased. Mr. Ralph recommends the following mode : " First wash the feet, while the insect is yet alive, with spirits of wine ; then holding it by a pair of forceps close to the edge of a clean piece of glass, the insect will lay hold of the upper surface by its foot, then suddenly drop another small piece of glass over it, so as to retain the foot expanded, and cut it off with a pair of scis- sors, tie up and soak to get rid of air." Mr. Hepworth says that he never found any difficulty in expanding the foot on a drop of water or well-wetted slide, and laying a thin glass cover over it, tying with thread, drying, and immersing in turpentine. The mouth, also, with its organs, is an interesting object in many insects. That of the common fly is often made use of, and is comparatively easy to prepare. By pressing the head, the tongue (as it is commonly termed) will be forced to protrude, when it must be secured by the same means as the foot, and may be subjected to the soaking in turpentine, and mounted as usual. The honey-bee is, however, very different in formation, and is well worth another slide ; indeed, even in insects of the same class, the differences are many and interesting. Another worthy object of study is the respiration of insects, * See Mr. Hepworth's interesting; articles on the fly's foot in the second and third volumes of the Microscopic Journal 72 PREPARATION AND MOUNTING which is effected by tracheae or hollow tubes, which generally run through the body in one or more large trunks, branching out on every side. These terminate at the surface in openings, which are termed spiracles, or breathing organs. The tracheae often pre- sent the appearance of tubes constructed by a twisted thread, somewhat resembling the spiral fibres of some plants. These are very beautiful objects, and are generally mounted in balsam, for which reason they are mentioned here ; but as they evidently be- long to the " dissecting portion," they will be fully treated of in another place. Amongst the parasitic insects a great variety of microscopic subjects will be found. As these are usually small, they may be killed by immersion in spirits of turpentine ; and if at all opaque, may be allowed to remain in the liquid until transparent enough, and then mounted in Canada balsam. The acarida, or mites and ticks, are well known ; none, perhaps, better than those which are so often found upon cheese. Flour, sugars, figs, and other eatables, are much infested by them ; whilst the diseases called the itch in man, and the mange in animals, are produced by creatures belonging to this tribe. These animals are sometimes mounted by simply steeping them in turpentine, and proceeding as with other insects. The " Micrographic Dic- tionary" gives the following directions as to mounting parts of these : " The parts of the mouth and the legs, upon which the cha- racters are usually founded, may be best made out by crushing the animals upon a slide with a thin glass cover, and washing away the exuding substance with water ; sometimes hot solution of potash is requisite, with the subsequent addition of acetic acid and further washing. When afterwards dried and immersed in Canada balsam, the various parts become beautifully distinct, and may be permanently preserved." Feathers of different kinds of birds are usually mounted in bal- sam when required to show much of the structure. This is par- ticularly interesting when the feathers are small, as they then show the inner substance, or pith, as it may be termed, with the cells, &c. The " pinnae," or soft branches of the feathers, will be found of various constructions ; some possessing hooks along one side, whereby they fasten themselves to their neighbours ; others OF MICROSCOPIC OBJECTS. branching out, with straight points somewhat resembling the hairs from certain caterpillars. But, of course, when the metallic-look- ing gorgeous colours are all that is required to be shown, and re- flected light used (as with the feathers of the humming-bird, peacock, &c.), it is much better that they should be mounted dry, as in Chapter II. The seeds and pollen of plants are most frequently mounted dry as mentioned in Chapter II. ; but the more transparent of the for- mer, and the darker kinds of the latter, are perhaps better seen in Canada balsam. There is nothing particular to be observed in the manipulation, except that the glass cover must be applied lightly, otherwise the grains may be crushed. There are some objects which cannot be shown in a perfect manner when mount- ed dry, but when immersed in balsam become so very transpa- rent that they are almost useless. To avoid this, it has been re- commended to stain the objects any colour that may be conve- nient, and afterwards mount in balsam in the ordinary man- ner. Most objects intended for the polariscope may be mounted in Canada balsam ; but there are some exceptions to this. Many of the salts are soluble in this medium, or their forms so injured by it, that glycerine or oil has to be used (see Chapter IV.) ; others must be left in the dry form, as before mentioned ; and some few it is impossible to preserve unchanged for any length of time. Crystals, however, are amongst the most beautiful and interesting subjects for polarisation ; and it is very probable that, by the aid of the polariscope, new and valuable facts are yet to be made known. For one who finds pleasure in form and colour, there is a field here which will only open wider upon him as he advances ; and instead of being in anywise a merely mechanical occupation, it requires deep and careful study. The little here said on the subject will show this in some degree. With almost every salt the method of crystallization must be modified to obtain the best forms ; I may even go further than this, and say that it is possible to change these forms to such a degree that the eye can perceive no relationship to exist betwixt them. If a solution of sulphate of iron is made, a small quantity spread evenly upon a slide, and then suffered to dry whilst in a PREPARATION AND MOUNTING flat position, the crystals often resemble the fronds of- the common fern in shape. But if, whilst the liquid is evaporating, it is kept in motion by stirring with a thin glass rod, the crystals form sepa- rately, each rhombic prism having its angles well defined, and giving beautiful, colours with the polarized light. Again, pyro- gallic acid, when allowed to flow evenly over the slide in a satu- rated solution, covers the surface in long " needles," which are richly coloured by polarized light ; but if any small portion of dust or other matter should form a nucleus around which these "needles" may gatker, the beauty is wonderfully increased. A form very closely resembling the "eye" of the peacock's tail, both in form and colour, is then produced, which to one uninitiated in crystallography bears very little resemblance to the original crys- tal. From these simple facts it will be clearly seen that in this, as in every other department, study and experience are needful to give the best results. To obtain anything like uniformity in the formation of crystals upon the glass slide, every trace of grease must be removed by cleaning with liquor potassse or ammonia immediately before using, care als3 being taken that none of the agent is left upon the slide, otherwise it may interrupt and change their relative position, and even their form. Amongst those which are generally esteemed, the most beautiful are the crystals of oxalurate of am nD.iia. The preparation of this salt from uric acid and ammonia is a rather difficult process, and will not on that account be described here ; but when possessed, a small quantity of a strong solution in water must be made, and a little placed on the slide, and evaporated slowly. Part of the salt will then be deposited in circles with the needle-like crystals extending from common centres. Thay should then be mounted in pure Canada balsam ; and, wli3n th-3 best colours are wanted, used with the selenite plate. Of this class of crystal, salicine is a universal favourite, and can be easily procured of most chemists. The crystals may be produced in two ways : A small portion of the salt must be placed upon the slide, and a strong heat applied underneath until fusion ensues; the matter should then be evenly and thinly spread over the surface. In a short time the crystals will form, and are generally larger than those procured by the OF MICROSCOPIC OBJECTS. 75 t following process ; but the uncertainty is increased a little when fusion is used, which, however, is desirable with many salts. Secondly, mate a saturated solution of salicine, which in cold water is effected by adding one part of the salt to eighteen parts of water. Lay a little upon the slide, and allow it to evaporate spontaneously, or with the aid of gentle heat. The crystals are generally uniform, and with ordinary powers quite large enough to afford a beautiful object. The circular shape and gorgeous colours of this crystal have made it so great a favourite that there are few cabinets with- out it. Many new forms may be procured by uniting two totally dif- ferent salts in solution in certain proportions. This is a field af- fording new facts and beauties; but requires some chemical know- ledge and much perseverance to obtain very valuable results. One of the most beautiful I have met with has been composed of sul- phate of copper and sulphate of magnesia. The flower-like forms and uniformity of crystallization when successful make it well worth a few failures at first ; and as I became acquainted with some new facts in my frequent trials, I will give the preparation of the double salt from the beginning. Make a saturated solution of the two sulphates, combined in the proportion of three parts copper to one part magnesia, and then add to the solution one-tenth of pure water. Dust or other im- purities should be guarded against, and the slide made free from all trace of grease by cleaning immediately before x use with liquor potassse or ammonia. A drop of the solution should then be placed upon the slide, and by a thin glass rod spread evenly upon the surface. Heat this whilst in a horizontal position until the salt remains as a viscous transparent substance, which will not be ef- fected until it is raised to a high degree. The slide may now be allowed to cool, and when this is accomplished, the flower-like crystals will be perceived forming here and there upon the plate. When these are at any stage in which it is wished to preserve them, a few seconds' exposure to the fire, as warm as the hand can comfortably bear, will stop the expansion, when the portion which we wish to mount should be cut off from the mass of salt by simply scratching the film around, and pure Canada balsam with the thin glass used. Breathing upon the film, or allowing 76 PREPARATION AND MOUNTING the slide to become cold and attract the moisture from the atmo- sphere, will cause the crystallization to extend, and sometimes greatly rob the effect ; so it is necessary to mount quickly when the desired forms are obtained. As the crystals are very uncer- tain as to the place of their formation, I may here mention that they may be got in any part of the slide by piercing the film with a needle-point ; but in some degree this necessarily interferes with the centre. As the cause of this has no need to be entered into here, and has been elsewhere discussed, I shall only give the above directions, and say that there is a great field in this branch of study which the microscope alone has opened. It would be useless to enter into particulars respecting the various salts and treatment they require, as a great difference is effected even by the strength of the solution. There are some crys- tals, also, which are called forth in insulated portions, showing no formation upon the ground ; but even when mounted in any pre- serving fluid, and unchanged for a year, a new action seems to arise, and a groundwork is produced which bears little resemblance to the original crystal. Sometimes this new formation adds to the beauty of the slide ; in other cases the reverse is the result, the slide being rendered almost worthless. This action, I believe, frequently arises from some liquid being contained in the balsam or other mounting medium used ; and this is rendered the more probable by the crystallization being called forth in an hour after the balsam diluted with chloroform is employed, whereas no change would have taken place for months (if at all) had pure balsam been used. Sections of some of the salts are very interesting objects, but the method of procuring these and their nature will be described in Chapter V. The scales of various fish have been before mentioned as mount- ed " dry ;" when, however, they are required for polarising objects they are generally mounted in balsam, and some few in liquid. The former method will be considered here. The eel affords a beautiful object for this purpose. The scales are covered by a thin " skin" which may be slightly raised with a knife and then torn off', in the same manner as the covering of the geranium and other petals, described in Chapter II. The re- OF MICROSCOPIC OBJECTS. quired portion may then be removed ; or if a piece of skin can be procured as stripped off in cooking, the scales may be easily taken from the inner surface. They must then be washed and thorough- ly cleaned. After drying, soak for a day in turpentine, and mount in the ordinary manner with balsam. This is a good polarising object ; but the interest, and I think the beauty, is increased by procuring a piece of eel's skin with the scales in situ, washing and drying under pressure, and mounting in balsam as before. The arrangement of the scales produces beautiful " waves" of colour, which are quite soothing to the eye after examining some of the very gorgeous salts, &c. There are many scales of fish which are good subjects for the polariscope when mounted in balsam ; but as they require no par- ticular treatment, they need no mention by name. Among hairs we find some which are beautiful when mounted in balsam and examined by polarized light. Some, when wanted as common objects, are always used dry, as before mentioned ; but if they are intended to be shown as polarizing objects, they must be placed in some medium. The " Micrographic Diction- ary" mentions a mode of making an interesting object by plait- ing two series of white horse-hairs at an angle, mounting in bal- sam, and using with the polariscope. All hairs, however, must be steeped in turpentine for a short time before mounting, as they will thus be rendered cleaner and more transparent. When this is done, there is no difficulty in mounting them. Many of the " tongues " of fresh-water and marine mollusca are deeply interesting and most beautiful objects when examined by polarized light. As these are usually mounted in balsam, I men- tion them in this place ; but as they must be removed from the animals by dissection, particulars respecting them will not be en- tered into until we come to the part in which that operation is described (Chapter V.). The manner of preparing and mounting many of the Polyzoa and Zoophytes has been before described ; but any notice of polarizing objects would be incomplete without some allusion to them. A small piece of the Flustra avicularis, well prepared, is beautiful when examined in this manner. No selenite is needed, and yet the colours are truly gorgeous. It is often met with upon 78 PREPARATION AND MOUNTING shells and zoophytes of a large size, and will well repay the trou- ble of searching for. Many of the Sertularidae are very beautiful with polarized light, and, indeed, no ramble upon the seaside need be fruitless in this direction. The different starches are quite a study in themselves, and are peculiarly connected with polarized light. They are found in the cellular tissue of almost every plant in small white grains which vary considerably in size ; that from the potato averages one-three- hundredth of an inch in diameter, and that from arrow-root about one-six-hundredth. To procure starch from any plant, the tex- ture must first be broken up or ground coarsely ; the mass of matter must be then well washed in gently-flowing water, and, as all starch is totally insoluble in cold water, the grains are carried off by the current and deposited where this is stayed. In procur- ing it from the potato, as well as many other vegetables, it is but necessary to reduce the substance to a coarse pulp by the aid of a culinary "grater;" the pulp should then be well agitated in water, and allowed to rest a short time, when the starch will be found at the bottom, its lighter colour rendering it easily distin- guishable from the pulp. It should, however, be washed through two or three waters to render it perfectly clean. These grains have no crystalline structure, but present a very peculiar appearance when examined with polarized light. Each grain shows a dark cross whose lines meet at the point where it was attached to the plant, called the hilum. Round the grain, also, a series of lines are seen, as though it were put together in plates. This is more distinctly visible in some kinds than others. As to the mounting of these starches there is little to be said. If the grains are laid upon the slide, and as small a portion as pos- sible of the balsam diluted with turpentine, as before mentioned, be applied, they will cling to the glass and allow the pure balsam to flow readily over them without being so liable to imprison air- bubbles when the thin glass is put upon them. The raphides, which were fully described in Chapter II., when required for use with polarized light, must be mounted in balsam, and many are found which give beautiful colours. They require no peculiar treatment, but must be washed quite clean before put- ting up. OF MICROSCOPIC OBJECTS. 79 There is one class of objects for the polariscope which differs in preparation from liny we have yet considered, and affords very beautiful specimens. Some of the plants, including many of the grasses and the Equisetaceae (i.e. horsetails), contain so large a quantity of silica, that when the vegetable and other perishable parts are removed, a skeleton of wonderful perfection remains. This skeleton must be mounted in balsam, the method of perform- ing which will now be considered. Sometimes the cuticle of the equisetum is removed from the plant, others dry the stem under pressure, whilst the grasses, of course, require no preparation. The vegetable should be immersed in strong nitric acid and boiled for a short time ; an effervescence will go on as the alkalies are being removed, and when this has ceased more acid should be added. At this point the modes of treatment differ ; some remove the object from the acid and wash, and having dried, burn it upon thin glass until all appears white, when it must be carefully mounted in balsam. I think, however, it is better to leave it in strong acid until all the substance, except the required portion, is removed ; but this will take a length of time, varying according to the mass, &c., of the plant. Of course, when this latter method is used, the skeleton must be washed from the acid, &c., before being mounted in balsam. These siliceous cuticles are readily found. The straws of most of the cereals, wheat, oat, &c. ; the husks, also, of some of these ; many canes ; the equisetum, as before described ; and some of the grasses. Many of these are everywhere procurable, so that the student can never want material for a splendid object for the polariscope. In Chapter II. the scales (or hairs) which are often found upon the leaves of plants were mentioned as beautiful objects when mounted dry ; but some of these when detached from the leaf which is easily done by gently scraping it, when dried, with a knife present brilliant starlike and other forms, if mounted in balsam and used with the polariscope. There is a little danger, when placing the thin glass upon the balsam, of forcing out the scales in the wave of matter which is always ejected ; this may be overcome by applying to the slide, previously to placing the ob- jects upon it, an extremely thin covering of the balsam diluted 80 PREPARATION AND MOUNTING with turpentine as before mentioned, and thus giving them every chance of adherence ; or by using the balsam with chloroform, as before noticed. These scales are much more abundant than was formerly supposed, and daily new specimens are discovered ; so that the student should always be on the look-out for them in his researches in the vegetable world. Most classes of objects, and the treatment they require when mounting them in balsam, have now been considered. The next chapter will be devoted to the preservative liquids, and the best methods of using them. OF MICROSCOPIC OBJECTS. 81 CHAPTER IV. PRESERVATIVE LIQUIDS, ETC., PARTICULARLY WHERE CELLS ARE USED. THERE are many objects which would lose all their distinctive peculiarities if allowed to become dry, especially those belonging to the fresh-water Algae, many animal tissues, and most of the very delicate animal and vegetable substances in which structure is to be shown. These must be preserved by immersion in some fluid ; but it is evident that the fluid must be suited to the kind of matter which it is intended to preserve. As it often requires much study and trouble to obtain microscopic objects of this class, it is well that their preservation should be rendered as perfect as possible ; and for this reason the CELLS, or receptacles of the fluids, should be so closed that all possibility of escape should be prevented. The accomplishment of this is not so easy a matter as it might appear to the inexperienced. Before giving any directions as to the manipulation required in mounting the objects, we must consider the different liquids and cells which are requisite for their preservation. Of the former there are a great number, of which the principal may be mentioned. DISTILLED WATER is strongly recommended by many for Diatomaceae and other Protophytes. It has been, however, stated that confervoid growths often disturb the clearness of the liquid, and on this account various additions are made to it. A lump of camphor is often left in the bottle, so that the water i#ay dissolve as much as possible. One grain of bay-salt and one of alum are added to each ounce of water ; or a drop or two of creasote shaken up with the ounce of water, which should be afterwards filtered. These additions are often -made ; perhaps each of them good for certain objects. GLYCERINE. Some affirm this to be one of the best preserva- tive liquids, especially for vegetable objects ; but others think that 5 82 PREPARATION AND MOUNTING it is much better when diluted with two parts of camphor-water, prepared as above. * GLYCERINE AND GUM. This is also believed to be a very good liquid for vegetable tissues, and is thus prepared : Pure gum-arabic . . 1 oz. Glycerine . . . . 1 " Water (distilled) . . 1 " Arsenious acid . . 1-|- grains. Dissolve the arsenious acid in the cold water, then the gum, add the glycerine, and mix without bubbles. DEANE'S COMPOUND. This is usually deemed about the best medium for preserving Algse, mosses, &c., and is thus prepared : Soak 1 oz. of best gelatine in 4 oz. of water until the- gelatine becomes soft, when 5 oz. of honey heated to boiling-point are added ; boil the mixture, and when it has cooled, but not enough to become stiff, add ^ oz. rectified spirit with which 5 or 6 drops of creasote have been well mixed, and filter the whole through fine flannel. This compound when cold forms a stiff jelly, the use of which will be described elsewhere. GLYCERINE JELLY. This mixture closely resembles the above, but as the composition differs a little it may be mentioned here. It is strongly recommended by Mr. Lawrance in the Microscopic Journal, where he states " that the beautiful green of some mosses mounted two years ago, is still as fresh as the day they were gathered ;" and that this is the only medium he knows which will preserve the natural colour of vegetable substances. He takes a quantity of Nelson's gelatine, soaks it for two or three hours'in cold water, pours off the superfluous water, and heats the soaked gelatine until melted. To each fluid ounce of the gelatine, whilst it is fluid but cool, he adds a fluid drachm of the white of an egg. * Dr. Carpenter says: " Glycerine has a solvent power for carbonate of lime, and should not be employed when the object contains any calcareous structure. In ignorance of this fact, the author ( Dr. C.) employed glycerine to preserve a number of remarkably tine specimens of the pentacrinoid larva of the Comatula, whose colours he was anxious to retain; and was extremely vexed to find, when about to mount them, that their calcareous skeletons had so entirely disappeared, that the specimens were completely ruined." OF MICROSCOPIC OBJECTS. 83 He then boils this until the albumen coagulates and the gelatine is quite clear, when it is to be filtered through fine flannel, and to each ounce of the clarified solution add 6 drachms of a mixture composed one part of glycerine to two parts of camphor-water. GOADBY'S FLUID. This- is much used in the preservation of animal objects ; and seldom, if ever, acts upon the colours. It is thus prepared Bay-salt, 4 oz. ; alum, 2 oz. ; corrosive-sublimate, 4 grains. Dissolve these in two quarts of boiling water and filter. For delicate preparations some recommend that this mixture be reduced by the addition of an equal quantity of water ; but where there is bone or shell in the object the above acts injuriously upon it, in which case this fluid may be used : Bay-salt 8 oz., corrosive sublimate 2 grains, water 1 quart. THWAITES'S LIQUID. This is recommended for the preservation of Algae, &c., as having little or no action on the colour, and is thus prepared : Take one part of rectified spirit, add drops of creasote enough to saturate it ; to this add sixteen parts of dis- tilled water and a little prepared chalk, and filter. When filtered, mix with an equal quantity of camphor-water (as before men- tioned), and strain through fine muslin before using. CHLORIDE OF ZINC SOLUTION. In the " Micrographic Dic- tionary " this is stated to be " perhaps the best preservative known for animal tissues." Persons of great experience, however, have given a very different opinion ; but it is certainly very useful in many cases where a small degree of coagulating action is not injurious. It is used of strengths varying according to the soft- ness of the parts to be preserved ; the average being 20 grains of the fused chloride to 1 oz. of distilled water. To keep this liquid a lump of camphor may be left floating in the bottle. I have heard complaints that this mixture becomes turbid with keeping, but I think this must only be the case when some impurity has got into the bottle. CARBOLIC ACID. This substance has not been known long enough to warrant any decided opinion upon its merits. A solu- tion of 1 part of acid to 20 of water has been recommended on account of its antiseptic properties. CASTOR OIL. This is a very useful preservative for crystals and other objects. Many salts are quite destroyed when Canada bal- 84 PREPARATION AND MOUNTING sam is used with them ; but very few are acted upon by this oil. To use it, it must be dropped in a sufficient quantity to cover the crystal or object to be preserved with a thin coating of oil. It may be necessary sometimes to spread it with a needle or other instrument. The thin glass should then be carefully placed upon it, so that all air may be excluded ; and should any oil be forced out, owing to the quantity used being too great, it must be re- moved with blotting paper. When the edge of the thin glass cover and the surrounding parts of the slide are as clean as possi- ble, a coating of sealing-wax varnish or liquid glue must be applied and allowed to dry. A second or even a third coating may be required, but not before the previous cover is quite dry. These varnishes, however, are very brittle, and it is much safer, as a finish, to use one of the tougher cements gold-size, for instance which will render it doubly secure. The above are the principal liquids, &c., used for preserving objects in cells. The different cells may be here mentioned ; and it is recommended that these should always be kept some time before use in order that the cement may become perfectly dry ; and care must bo taken that no cement be used on which the preservative liquid employed has any action whatever. CEMENT CELLS. Where the object is not very thick, this kind of cell is generally used. They are easily made with the turnta- ble before described ; but when the objects to be preserved are very minute, these cells need not be much deeper than the ordi- nary circle of cement on the slide. When, however, a compara- tively great depth is required, it is sometimes necessary to make the wall of the cell as deep as possible, then allow it to dry and make another addition. Of these cements gold-size is one of the most trustworthy, and may be readily used for the shallow cells. The asphaltum and india-rubber, before noticed, I have found very durable when well baked, and exceedingly pleasant to work with. It may be used of such a thickness as to give space for tolerably large objects. Black japan also is much used. Many cements, however, which are recommended by some writers, are worse than useless, owing to the brittleness which renders their durability uncertain, as sealing-wax varnish, liquid-glue, &c. The student may feel himself at a loss in choosing the cement OF MICROSCOPIC OBJECTS. 85 which will give him the safest cells, many of them becoming par- tially or wholly dry in a year or two, as stated in another place. I can only give him a few general directions, and he must then use his own judgment. Of course it would be lost labour to employ any cement upon which the preservative liquid has any action whatever. It is also a good rule to avoid those in whose composition there are any pafticles which do not become a thorough and intimate portion, as these unreduced fragments will almost certainly, sooner or later, prepare a road by which the liquid will escape ; and, lastly, whatever cement he uses, the cells are always better when they have been kept a short time before use, as already stated. GUTTA-PERCHA RINGS have been recommended by some, as affording every facility for the manufacture of cells for liquids ; but they cannot be recommended, as, after a certain length of time, they become so brittle as to afford no safeguard against ordinary accidents. Often the cells must necessarily be of a large size, and for this reason are made by taking four strips of glass of the thickness and depth required, and grinding the places where these are to meet with emery, so as to form a slightly roughened but flat edge. The glass strip must also be ground on the side where it meets the plate, and each piece cemented with the marine glue men- tioned in Chapter I. in the following manner : On that part of the glass to which another piece is to be attached should be laid thin strips of the glue ; both pieces must then be heated upon a small brass table, with the aid of the spirit-lamp, until the strips become melted ; the small piece is then to be taken up and placed upon the spot to which it is to be attached, and so on until the cell is completed. It will be found necessary to spread the glue over the surface required with a needle or some other instrument, so that an unbroken line may be presented to the wall of the cell, and no bubbles formed. Too great a heat will " burn " the ma- rine-glue, and render it brittle ; care must be therefore taken to avoid this. When shallow cells are required, those which are made by grinding a concavity in the middle of an ordinary slide will be found very convenient. The concavities are cut both circular and 86 PREPARATION AND MOUNTING oblong; and the surface being flat, the cover is easily fastened upon it. These are now cheap, and are very safe as to leakage. Circular cells with a flat bottom used to be made by drilling a hole through glass of the required thickness, and fixing this upon an ordinary slide with marine-glue ; but the danger of breakage and the labour were so great that this method is seldom used now, and, indeed, the rings about to fre mentioned do away with all necessity of it. GLASS RINGS. Where any depth is required, no method of making a cell for liquids is so convenient as the use of glass rings, which are now easily and cheaply procurable. They are made of almost every size and depth, and, except in very extraordinary cases, the necessity for building cells is completely done away with. These rings have both edges left roughened, and conse- quently adhere very well to the slide, this adherence being gene- rally accomplished by the aid of marine glue, as before noticed with the glass cells. Gold-size has been occasionally used for this purpose ; and the adherence, even with liquid in the cell, I have always found to be perfect. This method has the advantage of requiring no heat, but the gold-size must be perfectly dry, and the ring must have been fixed upon the slide some time before use. Canada balsam has also been used for the same purpose, but cannot be recommended, as when it is perfectly dry it becomes so brittle as to bear no shock to which the slide may be ordinarily exposed. These are the cells which are mostly used in this branch of microscopic mounting. The mode of using them, and the dif- ferent treatment which certain objects require w r hen intended to be preserved in the before-mentioned liquids, may now be inquired into. I may mention, however, that this class of objects is looked upon by many with great mistrust, owing to the danger there is of bubbles arising in the cells after the mounting has been com- pleted, even for years. I know some excellent microscopists who exclude all objects in cells and preservative liquids from their cabinets, because they say that eventually almost all become dry and worthless ; and this is no matter of surprise, for many of them do really become so. Perhaps this is owing to the slides being OF MICROSCOPIC OBJECTS. 87 sold before they could possibly be thoroughly dry. As to the air- bubbles, I shall have something to say presently. We will now suppose the cell employed is made by placing a glass ring upon the slide with marine glue or gold-size, and is quite dry. Around the edge of the cleaned thin glass which is to cover it, I trace with a camel-hair pencil a ring of gold-size, and also Ground the edge of the cell to which it is to adhere. Dr. Carpen- ter objects to tfris, as rendering the later applications of the gold- size liable to " run in." All danger of this, however, is complete- ly done away with by leaving the slide and cover for awhile until the cement becomes partially " fixed," but still adhesive enough to perform its function {Chapter II.). With many slides this is not accomplished in less than twenty-four hours, even if left two or three days no injury whatever ensues ; but with other kinds an hour is too long to leave the exposed cement, so that the opera- tor must use his own discretion. The liquid required may be drawn up by the mouth into the pointed tube mentioned in Chap- ter I., and then transferred to the cell. In the various books of instruction, the object is now to be placed in the cell ; this, how- ever, I think a great mistake, as another process is absolutely necessary before we advance so far. The cell, full of liquid, must be placed under the receiver of an air-pump, and the air with- drawn. Almost immediately it will be perceived that the bottom and sides of the cell are covered with minute bubbles, which are formed by the air that is held in suspension by the liquid. The slide may now be removed, and the bubbles may require the aid of a needle or other point to displace them, so obstinately do they adhere to the surface of the glass. This process may be then repeated, and one cause, at least, of the appearance of bub- bles in cells of liquid will be got rid of. The object to be mounted should also be soaked in one or two changes of the preservative liquid employed, and, during the soaking, be placed under the air-pump and exhausted. It may then be transferred to the cell, which will probably cause the liquid to overflow a little. The cover with the gold-size applied to the edge must then be care- fully laid upon the cell, and slightly pressed down, so that all air- bubbles may be displaced. The two portions of gold-size will now be found to adhere wherever the liquid does not remain, 88 PREPARATION AND MOUNTING although the whole ring may have been previously wet. The outer edge of the thin glass and cell must now be perfectly dried, and a coating of gold-size applied. When this is dry, the process must be repeated until the cement has body enough to protect the cell from all danger of leakage. When some preservative liquids are used, a scum is frequently found upon the surface when placed in the cell, which must be removed immediately before the* cover is laid upon it. I believe this method to be perfectly secure against leakage when carefully performed ; and some of my friends have told me that their experience (some years) has been equally satis- factory. In using some of the particular kinds of preservative liquids, it will be found necessary to make slight change in the manipulation. This will be best explained by mentioning a few objects, and the treatment they require. For the preservation of the Mosses, Algae, &c., Deane's com- pound is much used, and considered one of the best media. The specimen to be mounted should be immersed in the compound, which must be kept fluid by the vessel containing it being placed in hot water. In this state the whole should be submitted to the action of the air-pump, as it is not an easy matter to get rid of the bubbles which form in and around the objects. The cell and slide must be warmed ; and heat will also be necessary to render the gelatine, &c., fluid enough to flow from the stock-bottle. The cell may then be filled with the compound, and the specimen im- mersed in it. A thin glass cover must then be warmed, or gently breathed upon, and gradually lowered upon the cell, taking care, as with all liquids, that no bubbles are formed by the operation. The cover may be fixed by the aid of gold-size, Japan, or any of the usual varnishes, care being taken, as before, that all the com- pound is removed from the parts to which the varnish is intended to adhere. The glycerine jelly of Mr. Lawrance, before mentioned, requires almost a similar treatment. " The objects to be mounted in this medium should be immersed for some time in a mixture of equal parts of glycerine and dilute alcohol (six of water to one of alcohol). The bottle of glycerine jelly must be placed in a cup OF MICROSCOPIC OBJECTS. 89 of hot water until liquefied, when it must be used like Canada balsam, except that it requires less heat. A ring of asphaltum varnish round the thin glass cover completes the mounting." The Infusoria (see Chapter III.) are sometimes preserved in liquid ; but present many difficulties to the student. Different kinds require different treatment, and consequently it is well, when practicable, to mount similar objects in two or more liquids. Some are best preserved in a strong solution of chloride of cal- cium, others in Thwaites's liquid, whilst a few keep their colour most perfectly when in glycerine alone. Many of them, however, are so very transparent that they present but faint objects for ordinary observance. The Desmidiacese require somewhat simi- lar treatment, and may be mentioned here. The solution of chloride of calcium has been strongly recommended ; but no pre- servative liquid seems to be without some action upon them. Both of the above classes of objects should be mounted in shal- low cells, so as to allow as high a microscopic power as possible to be used with them. Many of the ZOOPHYTES which are obtained on our sea-coasts are well preserved by mounting in cells, in the manner before mentioned, with Goadby's fluid, or distilled water with one of the additions noticed amongst the preservative liquids. For examina- tion by polarized light, however, they are usually mounted in bal- sam (see Chapter III.), whilst those in cells present a more natural appearance as to position, &c., for common study. As to the use of preservative liquids with the Diatomacese there are various opinions. Some experienced microscopists say that there is little or no satisfaction in mounting them in this way. Dr. Carpenter, however, explains this difference by his instruc- tions as to what method should be used when certain ends are desired. He says : " If they can be obtained quite fresh, and it be desired that they should exhibit as closely as possible the appearance presented by the living plants, they should be put up in distilled water within cement-cells ; but if they are not thus mounted within a short time after they have been gathered, about a sixth part of alcohol should be added to the water. If it be desired to exhibit the stipitate forms in their natural parasitism upon other aquatic plants, the entire mass may be mounted in 5* 90 PREPARATION AND MOUNTING Deane's gelatine in a deeper cell ; and such a preparation is a very beautiful object for the black-ground illumination. If, on the other hand, the minute structure of the siliceous envelopes is the feature to be brought into view, the fresh diatoms must be boiled in nitric or hydrochloric acid " (which process is fully described in Chapter II.). It is very convenient to have many of these ob- jects mounted by two or more of the above methods ; and if they are to be studied, this is indispensable. Mr. Hepworth once showed me about one hundred slides which he had mounted in various ways, for no other purpose than the study of the fly's foot. My friend, Mr. Rylands, successfully mounts the diatoms in the state in which he finds them, and gave me the following method as that which he always employs. He says that he has had no failures, and hitherto has found his specimens unchanged. Take a shallow ring cell of asphalt or black varnish (which must be at least three weeks old), and on the cell, whilst revolving, add a ring of benzole and gold-size mixed in equal proportions. In a minute or two pure distilled water is put in the cell until the sur- face is slightly convex. The object having been already floated on to the cover (the vessel used for this purpose being an ordinary indian-ink palette), is now inverted and laid carefully upon the water in the cell. By these means the object may be laid down without being removed. The superfluous moisture must not be ejected by pressure, but a wetted camel-hair pencil, the size made in an ordinary quill, being partially dried by drawing through the lips, must be used repeatedly to absorb it, which the pencil will draw by capillary attraction as it is very slowly turned round. When the cover comes in contact with the benzole and gold-size ring, there is no longer any fear of the object being removed, and a slight pressure with the end of the cedar stick of the pencil will render the adhesion complete, and cement the cover closely and firmly to the cell. When dry, an outer ring of asphalt makes the mounting neat and complete. The Fungi have been before mentioned ; but it may be here stated that some few of the minute forms are best preserved in a very shallow cell of liquid. For this purpose creasote-water may be advantageously used. OF MICROSCOPIC OBJECTS. 91 The antennae of insects have been before noticed as being very beautiful when mounted in balsam. This is readily accomplished when they are large ; but those of the most minute insects are much more difficult to deal with, and are less liable to injury when put up in fluid. Goadby^s Fluid serves this purpose very well"; but, of course, the object must be thoroughly steeped in the liquid before it is mounted, for a longer or shorter time according to the thickness. The eggs of insects afford some worthy objects for the microscope, amongst which may be mentioned those of the common cabbage butterflies (small and great), the meadow-brown, the puss-moth, the tortoiseshell butterfly, the bug, the cow-dung fly, &c. These, however, shrivel up on becoming dry, and must, therefore, be pre- served in some of the fluids before mentioned. To accomplish this no particular directions are required ; but the soaking in the liquid about to be employed, &c., must be attended to as with other objects. Glycerine may be advantageously used for the preservation of. various insects. These should first be cleaned with alcohol to get rid of all extraneous matter, and then, after soaking in glycerine, be mounted with it like other objects. This liquid may also be used for the Entomostraca, which offer a wide field for study. They are to be found abundantly in ponds of stagnant water, &c. Some insects, such as May-flies, &c., are, however, often preserved by immersion in a solution of one part of chloride of calcium in three or four parts of water ; but this has not been recommended amongst the " preservative liquids," as the colour, which is often an attractive quality of this class of objects, is thereby destroyed. We have now noticed the treatment which must be applied to those objects which are to be preserved in liquids and cells. We may here state that all slides of this kind should be examined at short intervals, as they will be found now and then to require another coating of varnish round the edge of the thin glass cover to prevent all danger of leakage. The use of the air-pump, in the first instance (as before recommended), and this precaution as to the varnish, will render the 4ides less liable to leakage and air- bubbles, which so very frequently render them almost worthless. 92 PREPARATION AND MOUNTING CHAPTER Y. SECTIONS AND HOW TO CUT THEM, WITH SOME REMARKS ON DIS- SECTION. MANY objects are almost worthless to the microscopist until tlie extraneous matter is removed from them ; and this is frequently difficult in the extreme to perform satisfactorily. As an instance, certain Foraminifera may be mentioned in which the cells are placed one upon another, consequently the object must be reduced to a certain degree of thinness before a single uniform layer of thes cells can be obtained to show something of the inter- nal arrangements. Most animal and vegetable forms require an examination of the separate parts before much can be known about them. The mass must be divided into separate portions, each part intended to be preserved being cleaned from the useless matter with which it is surrounded. It will frequently be found necessary to make thin sections, which from a very tender substance is no easy matter; and much patience will be necessary to attain anything like pro- ficiency. * This making of sections was not until very recently entered into by many except those belonging to the medical profession, but I do not see why this should be so, as much may be accomplished by a persevering and interested mind where there is time for enter- ing into the subject. I will therefore make an attempt to give some instructions on this subject also. We will first consider the cutting of sections from hard substances, in which the ordinary knife, chisel, &c., are of no avail. Most of these require no par- ticular care in mounting, but are placed in balsam like the other objects noticed in Chapter III. : where, however, any special treat- ment is necessary it will be commented upon as we proceed. SHELLS, &c. It is seldom, if ever, necessary to possess apparatus OF MICROSCOPIC OBJECTS. 93 for this process except a small thin saw made with a steel blade, for which a piece of watch-spring serves very well ; a fine stone such as is used for sharpening pen-knives ; and two smooth lea- ther strops, one of which is to be used with putty-powder to polish the section after grinding, and the other dry, to give the final sur- face. It is, however, very convenient to have three or four files of different degrees of fineness. The shell, if very thick, may be divided by using the watch-spring saw ; and this section may then with ordinary care be rubbed down with water on the stone until one side of it is perfectly flat. When this is accomplished it must be again rubbed with putty-powder upon the strop, and finally upon the other strop without the powder. This surface will then be finished and must be firmly united to the slide in the position it is intended to occupy. To do this a small quantity of Canada balsam may be dropped upon the middle of the slide and heated over the lamp until on cooling it becomes hard ; but this must be stopped before it is rendered brittle. Upon this the polished sur- face must be laid, and sufficient heat applied to allow the object to fall closely upon the slide, when slight pressure may be used to force aside all bubbles, &c. On cooling, the adherence will be complete enough to allow the same grinding and polishing upon the upper surface which the lower received. Whilst undergoing this, the section must be examined from time to time to ascertain whether the necessary degree of thinness has been reached. When this is the case the section should be washed thoroughly and dried. It must then be covered, which is best done by using the ordinary Canada balsam, as recommended in Chapter III. Sections of some exquisitely beautiful objects are cut with much less trouble than the above. The Orbitolite, for instance, may be prepared in this manner. Take the object and by pressure with the finger rub the side upon a flat and smooth sharpening stone with water until the portion is reached which it is wished to show. The strength of the object will easily allow this to be accomplished with ordinary care. This side may then be attached to the glass slide with heated balsam, as above described, and the object may then be gently rubbed down to the degree of thinness required to show it to the best advantage. After removing all disengaged matter from the object by washing and thoroughly drying, it may PKEPARATION AND MOUNTING be mounted in balsam in the usual manner, when it is equally beautiful as a transparent or opaque object. From this it will be seen that in many instances where a smooth stone is found suffi- cient for the work (which is often the case when the section is mounted in balsam) the final process of polishing advised above may be dispensed with, as in the Orbitolite, Nummulite, &c., laced to keep the temperature sufficiently high to insure the OF MICROSCOPIC OBJECTS. 117 perfect fluidity of the mixture. The tin bath is, perhaps, most convenient when made like a small shallow cistern ; but some close it on the top to place the pots upon it, and alter the shape to their own convenience. 8. We will now inquire into some of the materials which are needed in this operation ; the first of which is size. This sub- stance is often used in the form of glue, but it must be of the very best and most transparent kind. To make the liquid which is to receive the colours for the usual mode of injecting, take of this glue seven ounces, and pour upon it one quart of clean water ; allow this to stand a few hours, and then boil gently until it is thoroughly dissolved, stirring with a wooden or glass rod during the process. Take all impurities from the surface, and strain through flannel or other fine medium. The weather affects this a little as to its stiffness when cold, but this must be counter- acted by adding a little more glue if found too liquid. 9. Instead of glue, gelatine is generally used, especially when the work to be accomplished is of the finer kind. The propor- tions are very different in this case, one ounce of gelatine to about fourteen ounces of water being sufficient. This, like glue, must be soaked a few hours in a small part of the cold water, the remainder being boiled and added, when it must be stirred until dissolved. A good size may be made by boiling clean strips of parchment for awhile, and then straining the liquid whilst hot through flannel ; but when the injections are to be transparent, it is of the greatest importance that the size be as colourless as possible. For this purpose good gelatine must be employed, as Nelson's or Cox's : some persons of experience prefer the latter. 10. Colours. The size-solution above mentioned will need some colouring matter to render it visible when injected into the vessels of any animal, and different colours are used when two or more kinds of vessels are so treated, in order that each " set " may be easily distinguished by sight. The proportion in which these colours are added to the size-solution may be given as fol- ows : 118 PREPARATION AND MOUNTING 11. For Eed 8 parts of size-solution (by weight, to 1 part of vermilion. Yellow. . 6 " " 1 " chrome yellow. White . . 5 " " 1 " flake-white. Blue . . 3 " " 1 " blue-smalt, fine. Black ..12 " " 1 " lamp-black. Whichever of these colours is made use of must be levigated in a mortar with the addition of a very small quantity of water until every lump of colour or foreign matter is reduced to the finest state possible, otherwise in the process of injecting it will most likely be found that some of the small channels have been closed and the progress of the liquid stopped. When this fineness of particles is attained, warmth sufficient to render the size quite fluid must be used, and the colour added gradually, stirring all the time with a rod. It may be here mentioned that where one colour only is required, vermilion is, perhaps, the best ; and blue is seldom used for opaque objects, as it reflects very little more light than black. 12. When it is wished to fill the capillaries (the minute vessels connecting the arteries with the veins), the " Micrographic Dic- tionary " recommends the colouring matter to be made by double decomposition. As a professed handbook would be, perhaps, deemed incomplete without some directions as to the mode of getting these colours, I will here make use of those given in that work. For red, however, vermilion, as above stated, may be used ; but it must be carefully examined by reflected light to see whether it be free from all colourless crystals or not. It must first be worked in a mortar, and then the whole thrown into a quantity of water and stirred about ; after leaving it not longer than a quarter of a minute, the larger portions will settle to the bottom, and the liquid being poured off will contain the finer powder. This may then be dried slowly, or added to the size whilst wet in the manner before advised. 13. Yellow injection. To prepare this, take OF MICROSCOPIC OBJECTS. 119 Acetate (sugar) of lead ; 380 grains. Bichromate of potash 152 " Size 8 ounces. Dissolve the lead salt in the warm size, then add the bichromate of potash finely powdered. Some of the chromic acid remains free, and is wasted in this solution, so the following is given : Acetate of lead 190 grains. Chromate of potash (neutral) 100 " Size 4 ounces. The first of these has the deepest colour, and is the most generally used. 14. White injection. This is a carbonate of lead : Acetate of lead 190 grains. Carbonate of potash 83 " Size 4 ounces. Dissolve the acetate of lead in the warm size, and filter through flannel ; dissolve the carbonate of potash in the smallest quantity of water, and add to the size : 143 grains of carbonate of soda may be substituted for the carbonate of potash. 15. For blue injection, which is not, however, much used with reflected light, as before stated, take Prussian blue 73 grains. Oxalic acid 73 " Size 4 ounces. The oxalic acid is first finely powdered in a mortar, the Prussian blue and a little water added, and the whole then thoroughly mixed with the size. 16. It may here be repeated, that it is only when the capillaries are to be filled that there is any need to be at the trouble to pre- pare the colours by this double composition ; and, indeed, colours ground so finely may be procured that the above instructions 120 PREPARATION AND MOUNTING would have been omitted, had it not been supposed that some students might find a double pleasure in performing as much of the work as possible by their own unaided labours. 17. The process of injection may now be considered ; but it is impossible for written instructions to supply the place of expe- rience. I will do my best, however, to set the novice at least in the right way. There are two kinds of injection one where the object and colours are opaque, and consequently fit for examina- tion by reflected light only ; the other, where the vessels are filled with transparent colours, and must be viewed by transmitted light. The first of these is most frequently employed, so we will begin with it. In the object which is to be injected a vessel of the kind which we wish to be filled must be found ; an opening must then be made in it to allow one of the small pipes before mentioned to be thrust some distance within it. When this is accomplished, thread the curved needle with a piece of silk thread, or very fine string, which some operators rub well with beeswax. This thread must not be too thin, else there is danger of cutting the vessel. The cord is then carried under the inserted pipe, and the vessel bound tightly upon it, the ends being brought up round the transverse arms, and there tied ; so that all danger of accidentally withdrawing the pipe is obviated. Care must now be used in closing all the vessels which communicate with that where the pipe is placed lest the injecting fluid escape ; and this must be done by tieing them with silk. Should, however, any of these be left open by accident, the bullnose forceps must be made use of, as before recommended. 18. The part to be injected must now be immersed in warm water, not, however, above 100 Fahrenheit, and be left until the whole is thoroughly warmed. Whilst this is being done, the coloured size must be made ready by the pot being placed in the tin bath of warm water, which must be of sufficient temperature (about 110 degrees Fahrenheit) to keep it perfectly liquid. For the same purpose, the syringe is often tightly covered with two or three folds, of flannel ; and, indeed, there is no part of the pro- cess which requires more attention. If the substance to be in- jected is too hot, it is injured ; whilst, if any of the articles are too cold, the gelatine, or size, loses a part of its fluidity, and con- OF MICROSCOPIC OBJECTS. 121 sequently cannot enter the minute parts. When all is prepared, the syringe, with the stopcock attached, should be warmed, and then filled and emptied with the injecting fluid two or three times, care being taken that the end of the syringe be kept be- neath any bubbles which form upon the surface. The syringe may then be filled, and closely attached to the pipe which is tied in the vessel. With a firm and steady pressure the piston must be forced dow r nwards, when the substance will be perceived to swell, and the colour show itself in places where the covering is thin. When the syringe is almost emptied of its contents, the stopcock must be turned to prevent any escape of the injection from the subject. It must then be refilled, as in the first instance, and the process repeated, I say almost emptied, because it is well not to force the piston of the syringe quite to the bottom, lest the small quantity of air which frequently remains be driven into some of the vessels, and the object be injured or quite ruined. As the injection is proceeded with, it will be found that the force required grows greater, yet care must be taken not to use too much, -or the vessels will burst, and render all the labour fruitless. The movement of the piston must be occasionally so slow as to be almost imperceptible, and for this reason it is sometimes marked with lines about one-eighth of an inch apart. 19. Of course, during the whole process the injecting fluid and subject must be kept at a temperature high enough to allow the liquid to flow freely ; and the escape of a little of it need cause no fears to the student, as it is almost impossible to fill any sub- ject without some loss. When the injected object has received sufficient fluid, it should have a plump appearance, owing to all the vessels being well filled. The vessel must then be tied up where the pipe was inserted, and the whole left in cold water two or three hours, after which time it may be mounted ; but it may be well to notice a few things which the beginner ought to know before entering into that part of the process ; and he may be here informed that it is not necessary to mount the objects im- mediately, otherwise it would be impossible for one person to make use of half of any large subject, as it would be in a state of decay long before each part could have been examined and 122 PREPARATION AND MOUNTING separated. Large pieces should be therefore immersed in equal parts of spirits of wine and water, or glycerine, which some think better still, and thus preserved in bottles until time can be given to a closer examination. 20. In operating upon large subjects, entire animals, &c., the constant pressure required by the piston of the syringe grows wearisome, besides occupying both hands, which is sometimes in- convenient when working without assistance. To obviate this, another way of driving the syringe was published in the " Micro- graphic Dictionary " which I will quote here : " We have there- fore contrived a very simple piece of apparatus, which any one can prepare for himself, and which effects the object by mechani- cal means. It consists of a rectangular piece of board, two feet long and ten inches wide, to one end of which is fastened an in- clined piece of wood (equal in width to the long board, and one foot high). The inclined portion is pierced with three holes, one above the other, into either of which the syringe may be placed the uppermost being used for the larger, the lowermost for the smaller syringe; and these holes. are of such size as freely to ad- mit the syringe covered with flannel, but not to allow the rings to pass through them. The lower part of the syringe is supported upon a semiannular piece of wood, fastened to the upper end of an upright rod, which slides in a hollow cylinder fixed at its base to a small rectangular pieceof wood ; and by means of a horizontal wood- en screw, the rod may be made to support the syringe at any height required. The handle of the syringe is let into a groove in a stout wooden rod connected by means of two catgut strings with a smaller rod, to the middle of which is fastened a string playing over a pulley, and at the end of which is a hook for supporting weights, the catgut strings passing through a longitudinal slit in the inclined piece of wood." When in use the syringe is filled with injecting fluid, and passed through one of the three holes which is most suitable. The object being placed so that the pipe and syringe can be best joined, the rod and strings are set in or- der, and a weight placed on the hook. The stopcock must then be opened gradually, w r hen the operator will be able to judge whether the weight is a proper one or not : if the piston is driven with any speed, there is danger of injuring the subject, and OF MICROSCOPIC OBJECTS. 123 less weight may be used ; if, however, the piston does not move, more must be added. 21. Such is the method recommended by the " Micrographic Dictionary," and perhaps it is as good as any mechanical plan could be; but where the operator is willing to undergo the labour of performing all this with the hand, he has a much better chance of succeeding, because the pressure can be regulated so accurately, and changed so quickly when requisite, that no mere machine can compete with it, however well contrived. 22. When the beginner attempts to inject a subject, one of his difficulties is finding the vessel from which to commence. Ano- ther consists in distinguishing the arteries from the veins; but this is partly removed by making a longitudinal incision in the vessel, and with a blunt thick needle probing a little distance into the tube. The artery will be found thicker in the coating than the vein, and the difference is easily perceived by this mode of testing : the vein is also of a bluer colour than the artery. I say above, a " longitudinal incision " must be made : the reason for this is, the artery when cut across contracts considerably, and is lost in the adjoining substance; but where the opening is made longitudinally all danger of this contraction is obviated. 23. The different systems of vessels are often injected with various colours, so that their relative positions, &c., may be shown most clearly. In some specimens, the veins are injected with \vhite, and the arteries with red; in the kidney, the urinary tubes are often filled with white, and the arteries with red. Then, again, the liver affords tubes for three or four colours. But no written instructions on the point can benefit the young student, and he must be content for a while to employ himself with single colours until he has gained the mechanical skill and the primary knowledge which are necessary before he can make any advance. 24. We will now consider the best methods of mounting injected objects. They must always be well washed in water after they have been kept in any preservative liquid, using a camel-hair pencil to clean the surface if necessary. Many parts when in- jected are in masses, such as the lungs, liver, &c., of animals, and consequently sections of these must be cut. For this purpose Valentin's knife is very convenient, as the thickness can be regu- 124 PREPARATION AND MOUNTING lated so easily; but where the injections are opaque, there is no need to have the sections very thin. Some few of this kind un- dergo comparatively little change in drying, so that the section may be well washed and floated upon the glass slide in the place desired, where it will dry perfectly and adhere to it. It must be then moistened with turpentine and mounted in Canada balsam like other objects. No great heat should be used with these pre- parations, as it is very liable to injure them ; and some of the colours seem to suffer a slight contraction when any great degree of warmth is applied. There are many objects, however, which must be seen in the mass to be understood, and, indeed, lose all their form and beauty in drying, such as certain parts of the intes- tines, &c. These must be mounted in fluid, with the precautions noticed at length in Chapter IV., and for this purpose either Goadby's fluid, the chloride of zinc solution, or spirit diluted with ten parts of distilled water, may be employed. It is a good thing when practicable, to mount similar objects on two separate slides, using different preservative liquids, and taking the precaution of marking each with the kind of liquid employed. This not only serves as a guide to what is best for certain subjects, but if one is injured, there will probably be a good specimen in the other. 25. It may be here mentioned that many are now mounting sections of injected substances with the balsam and chloroform before mentioned, instead of using balsam alone, and consider that the labour is much lessened thereby. 26. A description of that mode of injection which is most generally employed has now been given, but this is not the only method of effecting our object. A most ingenious process was invented by M. Doyers, requiring no artificial warmth, by which many beautiful objects have been prepared. Make a solution of bichromate of potash, 524 grains to a pint of water, and throw this into the vessels to be injected; then take 1000 grains of ace- tate of lead dissolved in half a pint of water, and force this into the same vessels. A decomposition now takes place in the ves- sels, and the yellow chromate of lead is formed. In this decom- position, however, the acetate of potash also is formed, and as this salt has an injurious action upon the cells, Dr. Goadby recom- mends nitrate of lead to be used, which preserves rather than de- OF MICROSCOPIC OBJECTS. 125 stroys them. He also advises the addition of two ounces of gela- tine dissolved in eight ounces of water, to eight ounces of the saturated solution of each salt ; but with this addition the hot- water bath would be required to keep the injecting fluid liquid. 27. Many of these are best mounted in balsam, in the same manner as those made in the ordinary way ; whilst others are best shown when preserved in liquids, for which purpose Goadby's fluid may be employed. 28. This mode of making injections with chromate of lead is deemed by many the best, especially where one colour only is employed. But it must be allowed that there is a little more danger of failure where two separate fluids are used for the same vessels. 29. We will now consider the best manner of making trans- parent injections, which, for many purposes, possess an undoubted advantage over the opaque ones. But it must be remembered that there are certain subjects to which no transparent injection could be applied, as they are too thick when in their natural state, and cutting would destroy all that beauty which is shown by the different parts in their relative adaptation. For those objects, however, which must be cut into sections to display their wonders, or are naturally thin such as some of the finer tissues, livers, kidneys, &c. transparency is a great acquisition, and ena- bles us to understand the arrangement of the vessels more per- fectly. Again, another advantage is the simplicity of the process ; no hot water is needed with some preparations, either for the subject or the injecting fluid, which runs into the minute vessels thoroughly and easily, whilst the cost is small. 30. For this kind of injection no colour is so commonly made use of as Prussian blue. It is not a good one, as was before stated, for any opaque object, as the light reflected from it appears almost black ; yet by transmitted light no colour is more useful, because its distinctness is equally great by artificial light and ordinary daylight. The method of preparing this, as given by Dr. Beale, is as follows : Glycerine 1 ounce. Wood naphtha, or pyroacetic acid 1^ drachm. Spirits of wine 1 ounce. 126 PREPARATION AND MOUNTING Ferrocyanide (yellow prussiate) of potash. ... 12 grains. Tincture of sesquichloride of iron 1 drachm. Water 4 ounces. Dissolve the ferrocyanide of potash in one ounce of the water ; add the tincture of sesquichloride of iron to another ounce. Mix these solutions gradually together, shaking the bottle well which contains them it is best to add the iron to the potash solution. When thoroughly mixed, these solutions should produce a dark- blue mixture, -perfectly free from any perceptible masses or flocculi. Next mix the naphtha and spirits of wine, and add the glycerine and the remaining two ounces of water. This must now be slowly mixed with the blue liquid, shaking the whole well in a large bottle whilst the two come together. The tincture of sesquichlo- ride of iron is recommended, because it can always be obtained of a uniform strength. 31. Dr. Turnbull used a mixture slightly different from the above, which is made with the sulphate of iron : Purified sulphate of iron 10 grains. Ferrocyanide of potassium 32 grains. Glycerine 1 ounce. Pyroacetic acid 1| drachm. Alcohol 1 ounce. Water 4 ounces. Dissolve the sulphate of iron in one ounce of the water, gradually add the ferrocyanide of potassium dissolved in another ounce, and proceed as above. 32. Dr. Beale also gives us the following carmine injection to be employed in the same way as the blue.* Take Carmine 5 grains. Glycerine, with 8 or 10 drops of hydrochloric acid ^ ounce. * When, however, it is desirable to cut very thin sections of the injected subject, the carmine is sometimes added to a solution of fine gelatine gelatine one part to water eight parts. But the warm water and mode of proceeding which are used with the size solutions before described will bo necessary in this case also. OF MICROSCOPIC OBJECTS. 127 Glycerine (pure) 1 ounce. Alcohol 2 drachms. Water 6 drachms. Mix the carmine with a few drops of water, and when well incor- porated add about five drops of liquor ammonia. To this dark- red solution about half an ounce of the glycerine is to be added, and the whole well shaken in a bottle. Next, very gradually pour in the acid glycerine, frequently shaking the bottle during admix- ture. Test the mixture with blue litmus-paper, and if not of a very decidedly acid reaction, a few more drops of acid may be added to the remainder of the glycerine and mixed as before. Lastly, mix the alcohol and water very gradually, shaking the bottle thoroughly after adding each successive portion till the whole is mixed. This fluid may be kept ready prepared, and injec- tions made very rapidly with it. 33. The method of making injections with these colours is the same as with the gelatine mixtures before described, except that no heat is required, and consequently most of the trouble re- moved. The bottle of the fluid must be well shaken immediately before use ; and when the object is injected, we must allow it to remain in a cool place for a few hours before cutting it. Thin sections of the subject may be cut with Valentin's knife, as before described, and are very beautiful transparent objects. Some of the finer tissues, also, are shown much better by this mode of injection than by the opaque, and are easily mounted by washing in clean water when first separated, and floating upon a slide, where they must be allowed to dry thoroughly. They may then be immediately mounted in balsam, or kept in the dry state until it is convenient to finish them ; but in many cases this keep- ing, if too much prolonged, will injure the object. If it is desired to transfer the section to another slide, it will be necessary to wet it thoroughly with water. by the aid of a camel-hair pencil, and then gently strip it off with the forceps. When it is wished to preserve injected subjects in "masses," it must be done by im- mersion in spirit, and the sections may be cut at leisure. Most of these transparent objects may be mounted in Canada balsam ; but some recommend glycerine or glycerine jelly, as allowing the 128 PREPARATION AND MOUNTING use of a higher power in their examination, and preserving them in a more natural form. 34. A few subjects may be noticed which are very beautiful when injected, and amongst these are the eyes of many animals. They must be injected by the artery in the back part, and when the blue transparent liquid is employed, nothing can exceed the delicate beauty which some of the membrane bears. It must, however, be dissected with care, but well repays us for the trouble. Water-newts and frogs are not difficult subjects, and in their skin and other parts are many interesting objects. Amongst the commoner animals rats, rabbits, cats, &c. &c. almost end- less employment may be found, making use either of portions or the whole animal at once. The intestines of many of these are very beautiful. We must divide them with a pair of scissors along the tube, and cleanse them from all the matter ; the coating may then be laid upon a slide and any remaining impurity re- moved with a camel-hair pencil and water. When dried it may be mounted in balsam, and having been injected with the trans- parent blue, its minute beauty is shown most perfectly. In in- jecting a sheep's foot, which is a good object, the liquid should be forced into it until a slight paring of the hoof shows the colour in the fine channels there. 35. When the lungs of small animals are injected, the finest fluid must be used, as some of the capillaries are so small that it is not an easy matter to fill them properly. And before entering upon these subjects, a certain proficiency in the mode of using the syringe, &c., should be obtained by practising upon simpler parts. 36. No subjects are more difficult to inject than fish, owing to the extreme softness of their tissues. Dr. Hogg recommends the tail of the fish to be cut off, and the pipe to be put into the divided vessel which lies just beneath the spinal column ; by which method beautiful injections may be made. The gills, however, are the most interesting part as microscopic objects. 37. These instructions may seem very imperfect to those who have had much experience in this branch ; but they will remem- ber that their own knowledge was not gained from any written descriptions, but was forced upon them by frequent failures, some of which probably were very disheartening. As I before stated, OF MICROSCOPIC OBJECTS. 129 it is very difficult (if not impossible) to accomplish much without some knowledge of anatomy. 38. I may here mention that the transparent injections sent over from the Continent are beautifully executed by Hyrtl of Vienna (who states that the injected fluid is composed of gelatine and carmine), Dr. Oschatz of Berlin, the Microscopic Institute of Wabern, Schaffer and Co. of Magdeburg, and others. Some of these will bear examining with a high power. A friend informs me that he measured a vessel in a rat's tongue by Hyrtl, which was 1 -7200th of an inch in diameter, and had a clear outline with quarter-inch objective. He has also made many experiments with the same materials, but has as yet failed in producing perfectly distinct outlines, there being a tendency of the colouring matter (magenta, carmine, &c.) to diffuse itself through the coats of the vessels into the surrounding tissues, although he has varied the pressure from one half a pound to sixty pounds. He believes the vessels are first washed out (injected with warm water and pres- sure applied), then some fluid introduced which renders the arteries impervious to the coloured fluid afterwards injected. 39. He finds that after washing out the vessels as above, the injecting fluid is much more easily introduced. He has used a strong solution of ? gallic acid previously to injecting with the colouring matter (in one experiment only), and the result was satisfactory. He puts the query, Might not carbolic acid have a similar effect? He has often used it with injections to preserve the specimens, but not in sufficient quantity to act in the way indi- cated above. Since writing the above, Mr. J. Gr. Dale, F.C.S., and I have made numerous experiments with carmine injection, and have at length been favoured with what we deem success. Some of the vessels in a kitten lately injected do not exceed l-2000th of an inch in diameter, and present a clear outline with one-fifth objective. There is no extravasation, neither does the colouring matter show any grain except when a very high power is employed. The fol- lowing is our process : Take 180 grains best carmine ; J fluid ounce of ammonia, com- mercial strength, viz., 0*92, or 15 ammonia meter; 3 or 4 ounces distilled water. Put these into a small flask, and allow them to 7 130 PREPARATION AND MOUNTING digest without heat from twenty-four to thirty-six hours, or until the carmine is dissolved. Then take a Winchester quart bottle, and with a diamond mark the spot to which sixteen ounces of water extend. The coloured solution must be filtered into the bottle, and to this pure water should be added until the whole is equal to sixteen ounces. Dissolve 600 grains potash alum in ten fluid ounces of water, and add to this, under constant boiling, a solution of carbonate of soda until a slight permanent precipitate is produced. Filter and add water up to sixteen ounces. Boil and add the solution to the cold ammoniacal solution of carmine in the Winchester quart, and shake vigorously for a few minutes. A drop of this placed upon white filtering-paper should show no coloured ring. If much colour is in solution the whole must be rejected, because, although it is possible to precipitate all the colouring matter by the addi- tion of ammonia or alum, it is not well to do so, as the physical condition of the precipitate is thereby altered. Supposing the precipitation to be complete, or very nearly so, shake vigorously for at least half an hour, and allow it to stand until quite cold. The shaking must then be renewed for some time, and the bottle filled up with pure water. After allowing the precipitate to settle a day, draw off the clear supernatant fluid with a syphon. Repeat the washing until the clear liquid gives little or no precipitate with chloride of barium. So much water must be left with the colour at last that it shall measure forty fluid ounces. For the injecting fluid take twenty-four ounces of the above coloured liquid, and three ounces of good gelatine. Allow these to remain together twelve hours, and then dissolve by the heat of a water bath ; after which it should be strained through fine muslin. As this injecting fluid contains gelatine, the hot water, and other contrivances mentioned in a former part of the chapter, will be necessary here also, but no peculiar treatment will be required. OF MICROSCOPIC OBJECTS. 131 CHAPTER VII. MISCELLANEOUS. IT must be evident to all readers that there are various objects of interest to the microscopist which cannot be properly placed amongst any of the forementioned classes, but must not be omitted in such a guide as this professes to be. Of these may be men- tioned the circulation of the blood in various animals, the' rotary motion of the fluid in many plants, the best means of taking minute photographs,