JucJd, Elmer T. List of Month Dakota Birds Found in the Big Coulee, Turtle Mountains Devils Lake Region and LIST OF NORTH DAKOTA BIRDS Found in the BIG COULEE, TURTLE MOUNTAINS and DEVILS LAKE REGION As noted during the years 1890 to 1896 and verified in subsequent years to date 1917 LIST OF NORTH DAKOTA BIRDS Found in the Big Coulee, Turtle Mountains and Devils Lake Region As noted during the years 1890 to 1896 and verified in the subsequent years to date. PUBLISHED 1917 BY THE AUTHOR ELMER T. JUDD^ CAN DO, M.**!). Copyrighted INTRODUCTION The following list of North Dakota birds is the result of the observations of several seasons, from the spring of 1890 to 1895 inclusive. The list is a verbatim copy of one written in the winter of 1895-6 but has not been pub- lished until now for various good and sufficient reasons. The list has been supplemented and confirmed by the observations of the succeeding years. A list made from notes made the past few years would show a great difference in its comparative abundance or rarity of certain species, and no doubt such a list with notes will be gotten out by some one in the near future. In 1895, from the last of March until August 1, my own observations were supplemented and enlarged by reason of a party consisting of Dr. L. B. Bishop of New Haven, Conn,, W. H. Hoyt and John Shaler of Stamford, Conn., N. L. Bigelow of Boston, Mass., and myself, being in the field every day collecting and noting the migratory and breeding species of this territory, and it is safe to say that very few, if any, passed through without some one of the party getting a note of them. Notes were also taken and freely given to me by Mr. E. S. Bryant who was collecting near Freshwater, Dry, and Devils Lakes during the same period, confirming our own observations and adding a few species, as credited to him in the list. Some 230 odd species were given in the first list, but very few of which I have not collected myself. Two of the sub-species were described as new by Dr. Bishop and have since been admitted as good by the A. 0. U. committee on classification of species, namely: the Dakota Song Sparrow and Hoyt's Horned Lark. The list has since been enlarged by the addition of some 20 species and sub-species