THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DAVIS TH ,g OLD -*&* B E B E K AH A TALE OF THREE CITIES BY M. P. JONES NEW YORK JOHN B. ALDEN, PUBLISHED 1890 LIBRARY DIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DAVIS Copyright, 1889, BY M. P. JONES. CONTENTS. CHAPTER. PAGE. I. Home Again, .... 5 II. Faith and Unbelief, 12 III. The Soldier and the Apostle, - 18 IV. Rome in Flames, - - 23 V. Seeking a Place of Refuge, - - 31 VI. Similarity and Dissimilarity, - - - 38 VII. Plotting and Counterplotting, 45 VIII. The Sand-pits, - 53 IX. Friend and Foe, 61 X. " Out of Darkness Into Light," - - 69 XI. An Unexpected Delay, - - 80 XII. The Voyage, - - 87 XIII. A Smouldering Fire, - - 97 XIV. The Outburst of the Flame, - - - 103 XV. Alarm and Flight, - - 109 XVI. In the Hospital, - - 116 XVII. Wounded in the House of a Friend, - 122 XVIII. " Wars and Rumors of Wars," - - 130 XIX. Evil Tidings, 137 XX. A House Divided against Itself, - - 142 XXI. A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing, - 149 XXII. An Unexpected Visit, - - 156 XXIII. Treachery, - - 162 XXIV. Fanaticism, - 170 XXV. " Fightings and Fears Within, Without," - 177 XXVI. A Surprise, - 186 XXVII. Unfavorable Developments, 191 XXVIII. Force Triumphs over Resistance, 199 XXIX. A Review, - 208 XXX. Conflicting Opinions, - - 216 XXXI. Fiends in the Guise of Men, 221 XXXII. An Unwelcome Suitor, - - 229 XXXIII. The Harvest of Death, 236 XXXIV. A Conspiracy, - - 243 XXXV. The Harvest of Death Increases, - 249 XXXVI. A Daring Adventure, - - 25G XXXVII. The Daily Sacrifice Ceases, 263 XXXVIII. Unfruitful Attacks, - - 268 XXXIX. Fiends Again at Large, 274 XL. The Glory of Israel is Departed, XLI. The Abomination of Desolation, - 289 XLII. A Final Attempt, 297 XLIII. After Sorrow Comes Joy, - 305 XLIV. The Triumph, 312 REBEKAH: A TALE OF THEEE CITIES. CHAPTER I. HOME AGAIN. "So at last my curiosity is satisfied. Is it not strange that I have not met him before, since he calls to see my uncle so often ? " " Had thy uncle spoken so freely of thee to him as he has of him to thee, thy curiosity would have been satisfied long ago. But it will indeed be strange, my child, if thou see him not more frequently in the future than thou hast in the past." " It will not be more so than thy words are to me, Hagar. What dost thou mean ? " " Ha, ha, nothing ; only that men sometimes help Providence to make opportunities to meet those they they wish to see." " Thou art a Philistine, Hagar. Why should he be more anxious to see me than thee ? " " When men behold the sun, do they wish to see the moon ? " This conversation took place as the speakers de scended a stairway that led down to the Circus Max- imus from the summit of the Palatine, which the reed-thatched cottage of Romulus marked as the birth place of Rome, and which was crowned with the temple of Apollo, the palaces of Caligula and Nero, 6 Eebekah. and many other beautiful but less costly structures. From their elevated position, the Aventine Hill, the Tiber, and the region beyond were exposed to their view. Were they facing in a north-westerly instead of a south-westerly direction, the Capitoline Hill with its magnificent temples and stately edifices would ap- pear before Minn in nil its matchless splendor. What they saw evidently did not interest them, for the sub ject upon which they talked was altogether foreign to it. As they reached the foot of the hill, the younger of the two remarked " Surely, Hagar, thou hast not been in Rome all these years without knowing all about the Praetorian guards?" "Why should a daughter of Egypt trouble herself with the affairs of these proud sons of Mars? The household affairs of Herodion the son of Klea/.ar af ford me enough food for reflection ; and 1 fear that if I should feed my mind upon other matters, thou and thy father would starve for want of food of another sort." " Ha, ha ! that indeed would be a high price to pay for information; but as it is not, yet, time for supper, I may willi safety tell thee what I have learned coucern- ing the guards to which tin- centurion belongs. The three cohorts that are stationed in the IVa-torium on Hie Palatine, as thou knowest, constitute the imperial guards, and have been selected from the IVjetorian Bandft that are encamped in that fortified place out side the north-east wall of the city. These hands, I have been told, were organi/ed by Augustus, and are; distinguished by double pay and superior privileges. It is rumored also that the high esteem in which they are held by ( .jesar lias fostered their pride to the de- ."iv. that, they consider the Senate, the public, treasury, and the imperial palace itself in their power." "The rumor then must be true, for they are an in solent, horde, and their unholy ga/,e and insulting re marks stir my soul into rebellion whenever I meet them." Home Again. 1 " They are not all insolent, Hagar ; surely thou has not yet forgotten fehe courteous manner of the centurion. There is at least one of the Praetorian guards who is not spoiled by pride." " Thine uncle says that Satan sometimes appears as an angel of light." " True ; but my uncle, as thy ears can testify, has nothing but praise for the centurion. Besides, we would not have had the pleasure of meeting him to-day if he were proud or unkind. Haughty Romans are not accustomed to associate with a Jewish pris oner, especially if he be a Christian Jew. Thou art prejudiced, Hagar; because brass is more abun dant than gold, thou wouldst have me believe that there is no gold." " Hadst thou, O daughter of Herodion, seen as much brass in the faces of these worthless fellows as I have, thou wouldst not expect to find much gold in their hearts." They had now passed the Circus and were just entering a narrow street that led up the northern slope of the Aventine Hill. On reaching the sum mit they came to a brick structure built after the style of the residences of the most prosperous classes at Jerusalem. Opening a small door, which, with the exception of two windows, high up and lat ticed, was the only aperture in that side of the house, they passed through a long passage into a court-yard which was bounded on the north and east by the angled parts of the two-storied structure in which they lived, and on the south and west by high walls. As the lower story as well as the eastern part of the court-yard was devoted to domestic ani mals and the common employments of the family, the two women proceeded to the other part of the court-yard, which was set with shrubbery and vines, whose beauty and freshness were mainly due to the cool sprays of a small fountain of exquisite design. Lingering a moment to pluck a beautiful rose, the younger woman led the way up a broad stairway to 8 Relekah. a veranda over which a great awning was stretched as a protection from the sun, and disappeared into the upper story, which was arched over the rooms and passage-ways of the lower in the approved style of the period. When she reappeared on the veranda, a little later, she ascended with a light step to the house-top and threw herself upon a divan in a tent between the battlements in the north-east angle of the roof. The tent was divided into two apartments, one of which commanded a full view of the Palatine. It was this apartment that was now occupied by the young woman. As her eyes had a far-away look in them she was evidently already lost in thought. She could not have seen more than seventeen sum mers, yet she was in the prime of female charms. Her hair was brown, and, parted on the right, was combed so as to conceal the left half of a fair, intellec tual forehead. Her eyes were large and brown, and her straight, finely-outlined nose vied with lips of exquisite beauty. A footstep on the roof at length aroused her, and springing to her feet, she revealed a tall, graceful form clad in a light robe, gathered loosely around the waist, and reaching to the floor. "Peace be to thee, my dear father," she exclaimed, and while her heart bounded with joy and her face glowed with pleasure, she ran to meet the person addressed, and kissed him. He returned her salutation, adding, " Thy ardor reminds me of Jephthah's daughter, my child." " But thou wilt not, like Jephthah, cause the ar dor of thy daughter to die on the altar of rash vows," she confidently replied, as her father seated himself on a divan opposite her own. The man who was thus honored with a seat in her apartment was in the meridian of life, of medium height, with features of the Jewish type. He was clad in a robe of fine linen gathered around the waist by a girdle of silk. The robe from the girdle upward was open in front, revealing a highly em broidered tunic. His head was covered with a red Home Again. D woolen cap, from the crown of which hung a blue tassel. He was a dealer in costumes, having a large establishment in both Rome and Csesarea. His name was Herodion, the son of Eleazar. His wife, the mother of his only child, Rebekah, was dead. Having seen her father seated, Rebekah resumed her former place, and fixing an admiring look on his face, asked, " Has the Lord made thy journey pros perous, father ? " " Thy Saviour and mine, Rebekah, never forgets His faithful followers. Thou rememberest His words, 4 Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His right eousness ; and all these things shall be added unto you.' My soul can truly testify to the literal fulfill ment of His words. But," said he, recalling himself from the train of thought he was pursuing, "how has my daughter borne the long absence of her father?" " I fear that thy daughter's conduct has not been worthy of thee," she said, coloring slightly. " Thou knowest that the heart does not take kindly to the absence of loved ones, and listens with difficulty to the voice of reason. The weeks that thou hast been gone have seemed months to me. My impatience for thy return has greatly increased the burden of Hagar's care." " Thou hast at least one virtue still left, my child," he said smiling, " thou hast courage to confess thy sins. But, surely, thou didst not become so com pletely absorbed in thy longing for my return that thou didst neglect thy religious duties." " Although living in Rome, thy daughter is less a heathen than a foolish child. The Palatine has often seen Hagar and myself during thy absence, and my thoughts have wandered there still more frequently. My thoughts were there when thou didst return ; and they hastened back only at the sound of thy footstep."- Then, heaving a sigh, she continued : " It pierces my heart to think how long my uncle has been in bonds, and yet how patiently he has borne them. Nay, he glories in his bonds." 10 " Paul," said Herodion, changing from a reclining to an erect posture, " is a true brother of thy sainted mother, and not less true a follower of the Christ. Our father Joseph did not bear his imprisonment in Egypt more heroically than he has borne his fetters in Rome; nor shall his fetters remain unbroken long." "What ground hast thou for thy opinion, father?" eagerly asked Rebekah. " I will tell thee. The ship in which I sailed from Csesarea carried among others the emissaries and witnesses for whose arrival the trial of thy uncle has so long been delayed. With them was one Ter- tullus, a Roman orator, the same, I was told, who accused Paul before Felix. Their souls are full of bitterness. Their fanaticism exceeds that of thy uncle before he saw the glory of the Lord. They thirst for his blood as the hart does for living water." " But," interrupted Rebekah, growing pale, " thou dost not think that the Judge of all the earth will permit malice to prevail over righteousness ! " " Be not alarmed, my child," the father continued, with a gesture. "These men, like ourselves, are Jews, but, unlike ourselves, they have not submitted to the yoke of the Christ. The madness which caused their fathers to cry, ' Away with him ; crucify him,' has taken possession of them. Nor are they without influence in Csesar's house. Jezebel was no more the foul instrument of the prophets of Baal than Poppeea is of our faithless countrymen. But the God of Elijah is the God and Father of our Blessed Lord. He confounded His enemies on Mount Carmel ; He can do so in Nero's court. His arm is not shortened that He cannot save. He reigns ; kings are not beyond His power." Herodion uttered these last words with a tone and spirit worthy of Elijah, and Rebekah after re garding him in silence for a moment, inquired. " Knowest thou the time of the trial? " ITome Again. 11 " Csesar appoints the time ; I am ignorant of his will. But" Here he was interrupted by a voice calling at the head of the stairway. "Dost thou call us to supper, my Hagar?" Her- odion asked. " The son of Eleazar need not, like David, go to a priest to beg for 4 hallowed bread ' to satisfy his hunger ; nor like my namesake of old despair because his child is in need of drink,'' was the reply. " Thou art a true daughter of Egypt, my Hagar," said Herodion as he and Rebekah descended to the veranda. " But because thy origin is like that of our father Abraham's bond-servant, thou must not like her flee to the wilderness." " Thy handmaiden has no Sarah with whom to quarrel, and only a Rebekah of whom to be jealous," answered the Egyptian. " Ha, ha ! I knew that thou wouldst change thy mind. But thou must not let thy jealousy lead thee to forbidden ground," said Rebekah. A doorway in the side facing the west admitted them now into a large room called the triclinium, in the centre of which stood a table surrounded on three sides with raised divans forming a hollow square. Each divan was provided with an embroidered cush ion. The place of honor at the upper end of the right side was taken by Herodion, and the next by Rebekah, each reclining on the left elbow. Accord ing to Jewish usage water was brought in which their hands were washed preparatory to eating. This duty performed, and the divine blessing asked, the father and daughter partook of the chief meal of the day, which consisted of soup, rice, beans, and burgall. Supper over, Herodion and Rebekah returned to the roof, where in the hot season they spent the night. As they left the table Hagar stood admiring the grace ful form of her mistress, while the light of the chan delier which hung from the ceiling revealed her own dark features, and told of forty years of life. The 12 fiebekah. cheap earrings which adorned her ears were in perfect harmony with the linen frock and white turban which covered her person. Although a slave, she looked quite cheerful, and seemed to be entirely satisfied with her condition. CHAPTER II. FAITH AND UNBELIEF. THE startling peals of a trumpet pierced the morn ing air, and Rebekah awoke with a start in time to see a squad of ten soldiers under the command of a decurion marching out of the Prsetorium in the di rection of the cluster of buildings standing at the south-west end of Nero's palace. They wore the Roman uniform : an open helmet with a lofty crest, a coat of mail, greaves, and sandals. Each of them carried a ponderous javelin about six feet in length, ending in a triangular point of steel measuring eigh teen inches, while a short, two-edged sword hung at his side. The buckler and light spear, not regarded necessary on th>s occasion, were left in the Prsetorium. Their bold, erect bearing, and firm, regular step told of years of discipline and service. Stopping at a one-story house with a columned front, the decurion, accompanied by one of the pri vates, gave a heavy knock at the door, which imme diately opened to receive them. The room which they entered was spacious, and provided with seats for at least a hundred people. At the other end of this room was another door, leading into a suite of two rooms devoted to private use. As the decurion entered the seated apartment he was greeted with the salutation, " Peace be unto thee, O my Quintus," and confronted by two men coupled together with a chain, One end of which was fastened to the right wrist of the smaller, and the other to the left wrist of the Faith and Unbelief. 13 larger man. The latter was heavily and strongly built, and his armor and bearing declared him a Roman soldier. The somewhat diminutive stature of the former compared unfavorably with that of his guard ; but his well-developed head and expressive features admitted of no comparison. His costume, like his face, pronounced him a Jew of no mean rank. He was none less than Paul the Apostle. As the guards were being changed, Quintus the decurion reverently remarked, "Thy God, O my worthy prisoner, has made me the bearer of good news to thee." " Although I have long since learned, in whatso ever state I am, therewith to be content," Paul promptly replied, "yet is the bearer of good news always welcome here. Of what purport are thy words, my Quintus ? " " Yesterday thine accusers arrived from Jerusalem ; and Csesar, after consulting with them, has pleased to appoint the fifth day hence as the time of thy trial," the decurion explained. " While my bonds have been blessed to the further ance of the gospel, as thine own soul can testify, yet do I gladly welcome thy message, knowing that if it be God's will to have me set at liberty, I shall be able to visit and strengthen my weak brethren in Asia and Spain ; and if I be condemned, I shall depart and be with Christ, which is far better." A smile of sweet resignation lingered on his care worn face as he uttered these words. " May the Lord whom thou hast taught me to know and love, grant thee thy liberty," said Quintus, as he and the relieved soldier turned to leave. " And may the God of love and peace go with thee, my son," was Paul's benediction. The time thus spent in effecting the exchange was short, the rest of the soldiers in the meantime simnd- ing outside. When the decurion rejoined them the relieved guard took his position in the rear, and the march was resumed. Various other buildings in 14 Rebekah. which a certain class of offenders were held in custody were visited, and all the guards were disposed of in the manner just described. On his return, the decurion led his band of relieved soldiers towards a high wall which formed a quad rangle mounted at regular intervals with towers. Then passing through a gate in the side facing the Circus Maximus, they approached a network of build ings surrounded by a hollow square, and connected by vast colonnades. Following the principal passage, which, like the Via Principalis in larger camps, di vided the official quarters, the forum, and the quses- torium from the quarters of the cohorts, they turned to the left, and entered a passage lined with two- storied structures, and intersected at regular points by other passages. Here they disbanded, and Quintus went to report to his centurion. When he returned to his quarters he was accosted by another decurion, who was leaning lazily against a huge column. The subject introduced was far from pleasant to him, but the other persistently urged it upon him. " Come, my Quintus, come," said he in a pleading voice ; " let the rattle of the tesserae lend fire to thy spirit as of old." " Dost thou remember, good Marcus, those childish days we spent playing with shells on the shores of the Adriatic ? " was Quintus's seemingly irrelevant reply. " Why talkest thou about shells ? Shells are not tesserse. By all the gods of Rome ! thou hast lost both thy reason and thy heart.'' "Were those shells and a pearl of great price brought before thee," continued Quintus, ignoring the other's unkind remark, "which would be thy choice ? " " Dost thou attribute thy impairment to me that thou askest such a question? Who but an idiot would choose shells? Pearls are more precious in Rome." " Be it so. Yet thou regardest me a fool because I renounce the tesserse for a priceless treasure." Faith and Unbelief. 15 " By Castor ! thou art a greater mystery than a woman's heart to me. What is the world coming to when Fortune casts a priceless treasure at the feet of a Praetorian guard ? And what spell has possessed thee that thou findest no pleasure in a game of dice? Fortune was in love with Augustus, and she lavished her highest gifts on him ; but draughts and dice never had a better friend ! Caesar lives in a palace of marble and gold, but the rattle of the tesserae is music to his ear ! What quarrel has thy treasure with the dice ? O Quintus, thou art mad." " Call it madness if thou wilt ; I call it wisdom. Is it madness to accept the true philosophy of life ? Religion is my treasure and it is the gift of Christ, not of fortune." " Ha, ha, ha ! By all the Jupiters ! Art thou also a victim of that dog of a Jew? Pluto take me for being so stupid ! I see it all now. The Roman is lost in the Jew, and sees things with Jewish eyes. He hates the dice because he loves a chain. O Rome, thou hast lost one of thy children ! " " Thy dog of a Jew is a Christian hero, O Marcus," said Quintus, striving with his feelings. " He is not a Roman ; yet can Rome find a nobler character ? Was Brutus as loyal to Caesar as Paul is to Christ? Was Antony more eloquent over the dead body of Caesar than Paul is when speaking of the death and resurrection of his Master? Or was Antony as devoted to Cleopatra as the apostle is to his religion? Thou callest him a dog ; has he not the courage of a lion without his ferocity ? He wins greater victories for Christ than Augustus won for Rome ! " "His victories are certainly great, ha, ha! if Quintus Lartius be one of his trophies," said Marcus in derision. " By Jove, I shall win the wreath of immortality by petitioning the Senate to build a pedestal in the forum on which to place thee, with the inscription : QUINTUS LARTIUS, THE MOST CELEBRATED TROPHY OF PAUL THE JEW'S TRIUMPH FOU CHRISTUS! " 16 Rebekah. " Ridicule is thy favorite weapon, O Marcus, and thou dost use it well," was Quintus's quiet remark. " But it cannot pierce through the shield of patient trust in Christ. Wielding it gives thee pleasure ; to me it gives no pain. The religion that chains cannot bind, can laugh in the face of scorn. And" A heavy step on the pavement close by accom panied by a harsh laugh, prevented his finishing the sentence. " What news, good Publius ? " said Marcus, address ing the newcomer. " Thy happiness could not be more complete if Fortune should offer thee her throne." " Ha, ha ! by the love-locks of Bacchus, she may soon offer me her throne, seeing that she has already favored me with a smile," was Publius's laughing reply. " What is thy good luck, O child of Fortune? It cannot be that thou, like Quintus, hast been en chanted by a Jew." " A Jew would practice his arts in vain upon my heart ; but the enchantment of a Jewess has made me both her slave and her worshiper." " Thou at least must be a willing slave, since thou art her worshiper. How long hast thou been in slavery?" " About an hour." " To what name does thy mistress answer ? " " Rebekah." " By the girdle of Venus, a genuine Jewish name. Of what mould is her face ? " " Of the mould of Venus. When she was made, the mold was broken." "Perpol! Dost thou hear that, my Quintus? Where does this incarnate Venus live?" " Where should she live but where the Goddess of Love reigns," asked Publius with a grin. " Not so fast, O slave ; please not so fast. Where did this unrivaled Jewess find thee ? " " Doing my duty as becomes a Praetorian guard." Faith and Unbelief. 17 " Thou wilt not be a Praetorian guard long ; thy wits will run away with thee. But tell us more about the enchantress." " Calm thy anxiety, O my Marcus ; she needs but one slave. Hercle ! Cicero's tongue was never so eloquent as her eyes ; nor is Seneca's philosophy as convincing as her lips. Hadst thou, good Quintus, told me this morning when thou didst leave me to watch at Paul's side that Publius Romanus should ever wish himself a Jew, I would have pronounced thee both a liar and a fool ; for a coward never dreads a battle more than I did that strange advocate of Christus. But when that bewitching Jewess saluted him with a kiss I wished I were Paul the Jew." " Perpol ! the idea ! a lion wishing to be transformed into a dog ! " interrupted Marcus, casting a signifi cant glance at Quintus. " By the Nyrnphse ! what would a man not do to please a pretty woman? Thou, my Marcus, hast never been in love, or having been in love thou hast never been deeply wounded by Cupid, else thou wouldst wish thyself a dog, ay, even a Christian dog, if thou couldst not otherwise secure the smiles and caresses of a Venus ! " " If thou wouldst revel long in thy happy dream, good Publius, let not the Jewess hang so loosely on thy tongue," quietly suggested Quintus. " Priscus, the centurion, has ears as well as eyes, and both are in sympathy with a heart that may have been touched by the charms of thy Venus." " Ha, ha ! nearest thou that, my Publius ? " said Marcus with a sudden burst of laughter. " Lend me a key to thy meaning," said Publius, a little crestfallen. " Yesterday about this hour, Rebekah, the daughter of Herodion, accompanied by an Egyptian slave, entered Paul's room, where only a short time before Priscus had betaken himself. The eyes of the cen turion an4 of the Jewess met. Need I tell thee more ? 18 Rebekah. Does not that which pleases the eye also loosen the tongue?" Publius, fearing the ridicule of Marcus, was glad to hear at this juncture the call to the morning drill. CHAPTER III. THE SOLDIER AND THE APOSTLE. REBEKAH'S solicitude greatly increased with the approach of her uncle's trial, as her frequent visits to him plainly indicated. It was not a little relief to her therefore when the trial was over, and the aged apostle was set at liberty. Herodion also shared in his daughter's feelings, and he realized that a great burden had been removed from his heart as he sat beside Paul in the tent on the house-top. The latter doubtless was glad also to have the privilege of associating with his kinsfolk at their own home. There was no sign of pleasure in his countenance, however, as Herodion pushed aside the curtain usually hanging between the two apartments ; but fixing his eyes on Nero's palace he said impressively : " O the depth of corruption ! O the measure of in iquity concealed by that masterpiece of art ! O, Rome, the mistress of the world, thou callest that thy crown ! Its splendor is thy pride ; its strength thy boast ; yet it is naught but a whited sepulchre, a refuge for murder, and a haunt of vice and crime. The monster that revels, plots, and lusts within its garnished walls thou callest thy lord ; but the name which brings no blush to thy cheek is an abomination to heaven. The blood which thou winkest at cries for the vengeance of God. The wrath of Him with whom we have to do abides on all the workers of in iquity. Those that boast of power equal with the gods' must learn that the Creator of heaven and The Soldier and the Apostle. 19 earth is of purer eyes than to behold evil with pleasure, or iniquity with approval. The heathen rage and rulers take counsel together ; but God de livers his children out of their hands. Ah ! Nero, I thank thee not for my freedom. It is the gift of God, not thine. He it is that strengthened me in my weak ness ; comforted me in my bonds ; and pleaded my cause before the ungodly. Blessed be his name for ever." While Paul thus soliloquized, Herodion watched him with deep attention and respect; and after a short pause reminded him of his presence by remark ing, " Thy prayers and mine, O my brother, have been answered. He that brought our fathers out of Egypt, and turned the captivity of Judah, has broken thy fetters and put thine accusers to shame." " The Lord hath indeed led me in paths I have not known, my brother," said Paul, recovering somewhat from his abstraction. " Oftentimes I purposed to come to Rome that I might have some fruit here as among other Gentiles. I desired to come as a free man in Christ ; but bonds awaited me both at Jerusalem and Csesarea, and it was as a prisoner, having passed through narrow straits, that I came to Rome, yet what was suffering to me caused the gospel the more to abound. Therefore I rejoice in my bonds and give continual thanks to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ because of the hope laid up in heaven for many who have heard my preaching." While Paul was speaking Rebekah, accompanied by a young man about twenty -five years of age, ascended to the roof. The high, narrow forehead ; the cold but vigilant eyes ; the aquiline nose ; and the thin, straight lips of the stranger declared him a Roman. His stalwart form, firm step, and shining armor betrayed his calling ; and his short tunic, together with certain letters on the crest of his helmet, pronounced him to be the commander of one of the Praetorian bands. His handsome but sunburnt 20 Mebekah. face, and winning manners were a fit complement to the comeliness of the maiden at his side. Paul and Herodion became aware that they were not alone only when the merry voice of Rebekah apprised them of the fact. Then they arose to greet the new comers. " Peace be unto thee, O Priscus, and to thee, my sister's daughter," said Paul, his face glowing with pleasure. "Peace to thee, O centurion, and a hearty wel come to my house," was Herodion's cordial greeting. " Though in the service of Mars, as my appearance plainly shows, I most gladly ac'cept and return your salutation," said Priscus, as he accepted the seat offered him by his host. " Where should peace find a home if not among friends ? Thou, good Paul, hast no reason to be at peace with the Palatine, nor indeed with Rome ; but it were painful to me to learn that the bond of our friendship was cut asunder with thy fetters. May the day never dawn when thou shalt have cause to regret thy acquaintance with Julius Priscus." " It shall never be said that Paul had a quarrel with that name," replied the apostle, " were it only for thy father's sake. And God forbid that I, a servant of the Lord Jesus Christ, should cherish enmity against the Praetorian guards, and especially against thee, who wast never ashamed to visit me in my bonds, and to pour the oil of kindness into the wound of my affliction." " My father never fails to make honorable mention of thy name as his wise counselor during that long and perilous voyage on the Mediterranean." " And I would be unworthy of my Master were I ever to forget that valiant soldier to whom more than an}'- other man I owe my life. Once, when the sailors were about to desert the ship, and again when the soldiers counseled thy father to slay the prisoners, did he assert his authority in our behalf. May the God of peace and love bless him out of the abundance The Soldier and the Apostle. 21 of his mercy and grace. While I am thus minded of my indebtedness to him, it gives me no little pleasure to see that thou bearest the semblance of his soul as well as his body. But I would to God that not only thy father, but thou also be fully persuaded to follow Christ." " Thou must know that to a Roman religion is of less importance than law. We have many Gods; but little godliness. We worship valor, glory, power, and beauty more than prayer, faith, and dogmas. Temples are less attractive to us than the palsestrse and the arena. Think it not strange, then, when I tell thee that what strengthens thy faith produces doubts and questionings in me. Thy patience and devotion, good friend, have appealed with more force to my heart than thy arguments. It is for thee to hope that thy good example may sometime lead me to feel the truth of thy teaching." " While you love not our religion, you surely do not despise it," modestly remarked Rebekah. " A man would be a brute to despise a religion which has such noble advocates," Priscus replied. Paul admired the frankness of the centurion, and realized that his training and surroundings were a great hindrance to his conversion. Yet he felt cer tain that Priscus was much nearer the kingdom than he had been. He also perceived where the chief difficulty lay; therefore, reverting to one of the centurion's remarks, he said, " Thou saidst that Romans give the supreme place to law rather than religion ; and yet what is religion but law ? It is God's law written in the constitution of man. You have temples ; why were they built? Is it not because even in Rome men cannot wholly ignore the presence of this law? The power and wisdom of God are clearly seen from the foundation of the world, being understood by the things that are made ; yet men have forsaken the glory of the im perishable God for idols graven in the likeness of perishable men, or of birds and beasts, and creeping 22 Eebekah. things. Conscience approves whatsoever is true, just, pure and of good report; but men pervert their consciences, keeping down the truth by the wicked ness of their lives. Thus what should be the highest law of man is changed into a violation of that law, and men call it religion. Is it strange, then, that Romans prefer law to religion ? And what is it ye call law? The traditions and commandments of men. Upon what is it founded ? Love ? Would a law founded on love fill the houses and streets of Rome with beings, who, though possessing the pas sions and attractions of men, are stripped of all the moral obligations of a human being ? Or degrade a creature made in the image of God to the level of a beast? Or give a husband the power of life and death over his wife ? Or sanction the maiming and exposure of children ? Or approve the cruelties of the arena ? The law of which Rome boasts is the expressed will of the strong, the ambitious, and the lustful. Good Priscus, the religion which I offer thee is founded and tried by God in the flesh; and the law which Christians obey is founded on love and justice, being partial to none and binding on all." It is impossible to describe the feelings of Priscus while listening to these words. He realized that what Paul said was confirmed by his pure, devoted life. On the other hand he had been taught to re gard slaves as mere property, and the exposure of children, and gladiatorial shows as perfectly right. Could it be possible that Rome with all her power and splendor was guilty of so much error and wrong ? He could not refute the apostle's argument, nor was he prepared to accept it. Therefore, he simply re marked that the ideas just presented were new to him, and that he would give them a thoughtful con sideration. While Paul was speaking, Rebekah, although pre tending to be more interested in something she saw on the Palatine than in the apostle's words, stole frequent glances at the centurion's face, that she Rome in Flames. 23 might catch a glimpse of his thoughts. While she had not known him long she found it very pleasant to be in his company, and felt an intense desire for his conversion. Having received a Christian train ing she had none of that abhorrence of Romans which characterized the unchristian Jews, and having always lived in Rome she had learned to see many noble qualities in her pagan acquaintances. Her father also had lost much of the prejudice he had against Rome in earlier years, as a result of his Christian growth and intercourse with the people. He had met Priscus more frequently than had his daughter, and gradually had come to regard him as a dear friend, chiefly on account of his kind treat ment of Paul. On the whole, then, the present interview was far more agreeable to all than one might at first think. After Priscus's last remark the conversation took a general turn, and at the usual hour the friendly group descended to the triclinium to partake of the evening meal. CHAPTER IV. ROME IN FLAMES. " DIDST thou say it is four weeks since my uncle's departure, Hagar ? So it is. How rapidly time flies ! " " Then thou hast changed thy mind. When thy uncle was a prisoner on yonder hill, thou thoughtest that time's wings must have been clipped." " It is a woman's privilege to change her mind as often as she pleases a privilege to which even Hagar the Egyptian is not an entire stranger. Besides, thou knowest that the circumstances have changed. My uncle is no longer in fetters, and anxiety has ceased to prey upon my thoughts." " I know that thy uncle is free, and God grant that he never again fall into the hands of his enemies. 24 Helekah. But I fear that his niece has become fettered in his stead." " Ha, ha ! what strange notions have taken posses sion of thee of late, Hagar ? If happiness is a proof of freedom, I never was more free." " And if blushes have a meaning, thine prove that what I say is true. Besides, how often have I found thee reclining on that divan and gazing at the Prse- torium as though no place in Rome were half so fair or pleasant. And when that centurion comes here, which he does far too often to please me of late, thou, little hypocrite, triest to make him believe that thou dost welcome him because of what he has done and not because of what he is. His kindness to thy uncle is too thin a cloak for such warm friendship as yours." Thus Hagar spoke in answer to Rebekah, as she sat beside her on the house-top. Having had the care of her young mistress since she was a child, she spoke to her with the utmost freedom. Her opposition to the intimacy existing between her and Priscus the centu rion was more apparent than real, however, although she was strongly prejudiced against the Praetorian guards. As she uttered the closing sentence her at tention was attracted by a huge column of smoke as cending from the valley lying between the Palatine and Cselian hills ; at first she and Rebekah regarded it only with curiosity, but the rapid increase of the smoke and the alarm that was sounded through the whole city soon awakened their apprehension. As the fire spread along the valley and up the hills on either side, excitement ran high, and such of the in habitants as were not helping to crowd the narrow streets, stood watching the progress of destruction from the house-tops. The flames were irresistible, and it soon became manifest that the whole city was in their power. " If thou must go, do not stay long, nor expose thy self to danger," said Rebekah to her father as he was about to return to his place of business after a short Visit home to assure his daughter of his safety. Rome in Flames. 25 " Thou art the greatest treasure I have on earth, my child," was the reply. " Yet as thou art not in immediate danger it is necessary that I should try to save my goods. I will be back as soon as possible ; in the meantime God watch over us all." While Herodion made his way through the crowded streets to the business part at the northern base of the Palatine, Rebekah with Hagar and another domestic stood watching the fire. Most of the miserable wood en structures occupied by the poorer classes were already in ashes, and the flames were now spreading among the palaces of the great and the temples of the gods. At last the demon of destruction reached the Aventine, after raging in the other parts for two days and two nights. The night of the third day under ordinary circumstances would have been considered dark ; but the myriads of flames that were ascending in all parts of the city would have made it compara tively easy to discern objects on the farthest hills had it not been for the thick clouds of smoke that every where burdened the atmosphere. The confusion of noises arid horrid spectacles which accompanied this awe-inspiring scene taxed the nerves of the strongest constitution. An unusual flash, accompanied by a cloud of sparks and followed by a fearful crash, caused Rebekah, who together with the domestics was again on the house-top, to look towards the northern base of the Palatine, and to exclaim, " O Hagar, I fear all is not well with my father ! would to God he had barkened to my supplications ! But it would be very unlike him to sacrifice his own life and the happiness of his daughter to save his goods." " Be of good comfort, my child ; the son of Eleazar is too familiar with wisdom to fall a prey to indiscre tion," was Hagar' s consoling remark. Then after a short pause she cried excitedly, " Look ! look I " point ing to a volume of fire and smoke breaking through the roof of a house to the right. " I see," said Rebekah, a deadly pallor over-spread ing her face. " The angel of death is fast approaching. 26 Rebekah. No earthly power can stay his course. No tears can quench his flaming breath ; no prayer can abate his fury. Hark ! O God, have mercy on those whose agonizing cries pierce our hearts ! " " O mistress, let us flee to a place of refuge," ex claimed the other domestic in terror. " Where wilt thou go ? seest thou not that we are encompassed by walls of fire, and that hundreds are trampled to death under the feet of the maddened crowds which block the lanes and streets ? No, no ; if we must perish let it be here, where the God of our fathers has gladdened our hearts in bygone days, and where my beloved father loves to dwell. O, that he were here now, or that I might know that he still lives and is praying for us ! " During this conversation a man cautiously entered the court-yard through the door leading from the street, which the servants in their excitement had neglected to fasten. Creeping stealthily to the far thest end he ascended the stair-way to the upper story, and apprehending no cause for alarm, passed into the house, shortly he reappeared on the veranda at the foot of the stairway leading to the roof, and pouring oil on the wood-work, he again disappeared. Coming out the second time with a small casket under his arm, his shadow was cast on the opposite wall by a glaring light from the interior of the house. Reaching the veranda he applied his torch to it and to the upper stairway, and descended noiselessly to the court. As he glanced over his shoulder the flames revealed a devilish smile on his face ; and as he emerged from the outer passage into the narrow street, he muttered something about an additional cause of delight to Caesar and a fortune for himself. All this had passed unobserved by Rebekah and the servants, they being too absorbed in the grand but awful scene before them to apprehend their own im mediate danger. The collapse of a house a few blocks in front of them sent a cloud of sparks into the air, and caused cold chills to pass through them all. Rome in Flames. 27 " Ah," said Rebekah with a trembling voice, " how terrible ! Another home sacrificed to the flames ! and that bitter wail declares the entrance of more victims into the valley of death. O Rome ! Rome ! thy days are numbered. The measure of thy iniquity is full. Like Sodom and Gomorrah thou shalt be a perpetual desolation/' Then after a short pause she continued, " Would that my father and we were as safe as Lot and his daughters were ! " By this time the fire had spread into that part of the house over which they stood, and Hagar, feeling the roof becoming hot under her bare feet, gave a sud den jump ; then turning around and seeing the flames ascending from the veranda and creeping up the stair way, she exclaimed with indescribable terror, " O mistress, mistress ! the house is on fire ! " " What house ? " said Rebekah catching her tone. Then wringing her hands, she cried in agony, " O Lord Jesus, have mercy on us, for we perish ! " and dropped to the floor insensible. The excitement of the day had made it impossible for her to bear the shock she now received. Hagar for the moment forgot her own danger in her solicitude for her mistress ; but the other domestic was frenzied by the sight of the flames. In her mad flight from side to side in quest of a way of escape she ventured too near the fire, and with flaming garments she ran like a maniac screaming and wailing alternately, and leaped in her terror over the battlements into the court below, where death soon ended her suffering. Hagar had just lifted Rebekah from the hot flqpr to a divan, when she saw the burning figure disappear. Ah, it was a horrible sight ! Is it any wonder that she hid her face and staggered? Her heart was sickened at the thought of her companion's fate and of the imminent danger she and her mistress were in. Kneeling beside the unconscious Rebekah she kissed her, and with suppressed, hysterical sobs she fanned her face. The fire which crept up the stairway had now 28 Rebekah. nearly reached the roof, and she knew the moment it touched it, its spread would be instantaneous. The increasing heat of the roof also led her to expect a sudden burst of flames from the room below. The noise and confusion of the gathering crowds in the street, and the shouts of hundreds of men and women from the neighboring house-tops tended to increase her excitement. She could see no way of escape. An alley separated Herodion's house from that of the nearest neighbor on the south. The house ad joining on the north was a three-storied structure. Hence its height was a barrier against escape in that direction without assistance. While these facts and a thousand others seemed to rush through Hagar's mind, a familiar voice from the terrace above startled her with the cry, " Turn thee aside quick, my Hagar." As she obeyed a ladder touched the roof at her feet, and the next moment Prisons stood before her. Seeing Rebekah's pale face as she lay in unconsciousness, a dreadful thought possessed him, and he exclaimed, " Too late ! too late ! " " No, no ; " cried Hagar, " it is not too late, O centurion. God be praised for sending thee to save us. But let us hasten, or we may all perish. See ! see ! the flames have reached the roof. A moment more, and we are lost ! " " Get thee up the ladder, woman," said Priscus sternly as he lifted Rebekah in his strong arms. " Shall I desert my master's child ? The Lord do so and much more to Hagar, if I see not Rebekah in safety ere I leave the roof." " I commend thy devotion to thy mistress ; but it may prove fatal to thee," replied the centurion as he ascended the ladder with his precious burden. The heat by this time was almost unbearable ; but after a hard struggle, he reached the top in safety, and laid Rebekah on a rug in the corner of the roof farthest from the fire. As he bent over her a terrible scream attracted his attention to the head of the ladder, and Rome in Flames. 29 he saw Hagar all aflame falling backward into the furnace of destruction. Rushing as near the end of the terrace as he dared, he caught a glimpse of her charred form as it disappeared through a burning gap in the roof. " Poor Hagar ! hadst thou heeded my command, this horrible fate might have been averted," was his sorrowful remark as he wiped a tear from his eye. Steps just then announced the arrival of a newcomer. "Where is my child! Tell me for God's sake where my beloved daughter is," said Herodion, run ning to meet the centurion as he returned to where Rebekah lay. " Would that all who have suffered since this calamity began were as safe as thy daughter," Priscus replied as he pointed to her. " Thou mockest me ; she is dead ! " " No ; but insensible ; she will soon revive." " God be praised ! But how came she here ? Ah I need not ask that question. God bless thee, noble friend, and may I live to reward thee," were Hero- dion's hurried remarks as he stooped to kiss his daughter. Then looking around with renewed ter ror he inquired, " Where are the servants ? where is Hagar?" The centurion explained all that he had seen ; but was unable to tell what had become of the one that had perished before he came. Herodion's whole frame was convulsed with emotion as he listened to what was said, for, unlike the Roman masters, he loved his domestics, and especially Hagar. The house upon which they stood belonged to a rich Jew who together with his family was absent on a visit to Puteoli, and the servants who had charge of the house were among the crowds who blocked the streets, utterly unconscious of the danger which threatened their master's property. This, then, with the height of the house, accounts for the fact that the centurion found the terrace deserted when he arrived. 30 Rebekah. Amidst a shower of sparks Herodion assisted by Priscus bore the unconscious maiden down to the court-yard. Then the centurion entered the house, and returned soon after with a bottle of wine. Meanwhile Rebekah had been restored to con sciousness by the application of water from a fountain near by, and a few draughts of the wine had a salu tary effect upon her nerves. The shock which she had received produced no serious results, her tem porary insensibility proving a blessing to her in that it prevented her from sharing the fate of the others. As we recall her anxiety for her father previous to the discovery of her danger, we can imagine her delight at seeing him now by her side. The smile of recognition with which she greeted Priscus also showed that his presence was not disagreeable to her. But her delight was soon banished by a recollection of the dreadful scene which had overcome her, and this led to questions concerning the fate of the ser vants, and the rescue of herself. But her father, fearing an attack of nervous prostration, evaded every question, promising a full explanation as soon as a place of refuge was reached. Although this, in stead of satisfying her curiosity, led her to suspect the truth, yet she tried to dismiss the subject and asked, " Where shall we go, dear father, now that we have no home ? " 44 If agreeable to you," said Priscus, anticipating Herodion, " my sister's house, like her heart, is open to receive you." " The centurion ceased not to be generous when thy uncle departed, my child, as thou seest. May his peace flow like a river," said Herodion. "May the God who has preserved us this night reward you for your kindness, and make the house of your sister like the house of Rachel," said Rebekah fervently. Then she declared herself able to walk by the assistance of her father, and Priscus led the way through a small door into a narrow lane, and Seeking a Place of Refuge. 31 descended to the foot of the hill in a northerly direc tion. It was through that same door that Priscus and Herodiou had entered, thus avoiding the crowds. CHAPTER V. SEEKING A PLACE OF EEFUGE. THERE are times when the mind is too absorbed in its own reflections to think of communicating them to others. This was true of the trio that we saw entering the alley in the preceding chapter. He- rodion, though not an avaricious man, was almost overwhelmed by the heavy losses which the fire caused him. The fate of Hagar and the unaccountable dis appearance of the other servant also weighed heavily on his heart. Like many others who have found themselves in similar circumstances, he could hardly realize that " all things work together for good to them that love God." Rebekah's mind was busily engaged in reviewing the happy scenes and expe riences associated with the only home she had ever known, and in deploring the dreadful calamity which had just overtaken her father's household. Priscus, being a Roman, thought of the grand historical edi fices and monuments which had been laid waste, as well as of the sad misfortune of his Jewish friends. They had gone but a short distance when they were startled from their abstraction by an unusual flash, and turning suddenly they saw a volume of fire and smoke ascending from the house of the rich Jew. They paused but a .moment, then as they resumed their journey Herodion remarked, " Whence those flames originated is no mystery. But, my daughter, seest thou nothing strange in the destruction of our home ? " " Yes, dear father. It was so unexpected. We boasted not of safety ; yet we feared no present dan ger. The wind was our friend ; though myriads of 32 Eebekah. sparks filled the air, none came near us. Nor was the house lighted. Yet that the fire came from below I dare not doubt. That oil had been freely used is plain, for the spread of the flames was very rapid." "Heard you no noise; saw you no form?" anx iously inquired Herodion as they passed between blackened masses of ruins out of which thick columns of smoke still rose. " None, except distant cries and desolation. Our danger stole upon us like a lion upon his prey." " Ah ! thy testimony, though too weak a foundation for certainty, is strong enough for suspicion. Good Priscus, hast thou heard that the spread of destruc tion has boen aided by torches ? " " The report is on every tongue, except that of the dumb," said the centurion as he reached for some thing under the porch of a ruined house directly above the Circus Maximus. Then handing a small casket to Herodion, he added, " Knowest thou this ? " One glance sufficed to convince Herodion that it was his own, and with a voice trembling with emo tion he exclaimed, " God be praised ! this indeed is a strange provi dence. My home is gone ; my stock of goods is in ashes; but God has graciously preserved for me a most valuable treasure. Here are thy mother's jewels, my daughter. I need not tell thee that they are precious to me. She whose they once were is with the Lord ; but her comeliness still lingers among these. When I look at them my Sarah seems to stand before me again in all her youthful loveliness and grace. Ah ! how my heart ached when I thought them lost." Then turning to the centurion he con tinued, " Noble Priscus, thou hast my most sincere thanks for this additional evidence of thy kindness. If I live not to reward thee, I trust the God of love will remember thee. But tell me, good friend, whence came this casket to thee ? " Seeking a Place of Refuge. 33 " It came not, but was taken from the hand of a slave. Knowest thou Demetrius ? " " One of Caesar's slaves ? " asked Herodion. " The same," answered Priscus. " Wouldst thou trust thy life to him ? " " I had rather take it with my own hand." " The flame which destroyed thy home was kindled by his torch." " God have mercy on his soul ! Didst thou learn this from his own lips ? " "From his lips and from his hands, for he both confessed and handed me the casket." " A veritable son of Belial ! The Lord forgive him, and teach him better employment." "Where did you meet him?" eagerly asked Re- bekah. " Ay, where ? " echoed Herodion. " I forgot to ask thee that." " Between the circus and the Palatine bridge, as I was coming to your assistance. The wretch ! his courage died at the sight of my sword." " Had he companions," again asked Rebekah. " None ; nor did he desire any, for he avoided the crowds. When the avaricious finds gold he wants no company." " Nor does the prudent desire to have other eyes than his own see where it is hid," was the significant reply. They were now in full view of the circus, the remains of whose towers and columns, as their dim outline appeared in the light of the burning city, sent a pang to the heart of the centurion. Like the true Roman that he was, he was greatly attached to the popular resorts and games. For Herodion and his daughter, however, these things had no fascination, because they were pagan institutions. After walk ing in silence for a moment, Priscus said, " This indeed is a sad day for Rome. Many of her masterpieces of art, relics of national glory, and mon uments of memorable events are already in ashes, and 34 Eebekah. the rest soon will be. Most of them, doubtless, will be replaced with more gorgeous structures ; but the Ara Maxima, the shrine of Vesta with the house hold gods of our people and the trophies of grand victories, the temple of Jupiter Stattr, the temple of Luna, the palace of Numa, and I might add this grand old circus, can never be replaced. There is hardly anything left to remind future generations of the days of the Republic." " What you say is true, no doubt," said Eebekah ; "but I shall miss none of these magnificent buildings so much as the circus. Not that I ever witnessed or was in love with any of the games connected with it ; but because I have so often looked down upon its large porticoes, above which the bakers and fruit-ven ders were always busy serving the crowds." " And I thou wilt pardon me, for saying it, my Prisons " remarked Herodion, " shall miss that small but sacred building in which my beloved brother Paul was so long imprisoned, more than all the mag nificent structures of Rome." " I blame thee not for feeling as thou dost, for I also had learned to regard it as sacred," said the cen turion. u But as a Roman I cannot but mourn the loss of so much that was valuable and sacred to my people." " When I spoke of the circus," explained Rebekah, fearing lest her companions should have the impression that she cared nothing for that for which they had so much regard, " I was thinking of the public build ings. But as regards private buildings, I shall miss nothing so much as my uncle's former prison-house, except our home." Here she glanced over her shoulder, and saw the summit of the Aventine all aflame, while a few tears trickled down over her cheeks. During the conversa tion the trio had passed the Circus Maximus, and were now opposite the ruins of the palace of Caligula on the right and the temple of Jupiter on the left, which rose above all the magnificent edifices on the Seeking a Place of Refuge. 35 Capitoline as if conscious of its own splendor, and defiant of the angel of destruction. Their course thence led them between the smoky ruins of Basilica Julia and the temple of Castor, and along the sacred way, past the blackened remains of the Forum Roma- num, until they came to the base of the Esquiline hill. Here they entered a street leading to the aris tocratic quarter on the western part of the hill ; but they found it so crowded that it became almost impossible for them to make farther progress. Al though the hour was late there seemed to be no end to the tide of humanity that filled the street. Those going to view the work of destruction and those returning were about equally divided, and they kept up a continual contest of pushing, elbowing, and swearing. " Not so hard, my Servius, not so hard," cried Priscus, addressing a man who was trying to squeeze by him. " Halloo ! Priscus, what brings thee here at this hour ? Does thy flesh hang so loose that thou comest here to be pressed ? Perpol ! this is worse than Hold there, thou knave, that is my foot ! " " A word with thee," said the centurion, leaning close to Servius's ear. " Thou knowest Herodion the Jew?" " Ay, the toga that these rascals are now rending to pieces was bought of him. But what about him ? " " He and his daughter are homeless. Canst thou afford them shelter for a few days ?" " I am no lover of Hercle ! there will be nothing left of me soon I have no love to spare for Jews ; but if thou art in love with the daughter, I will make an exception in this case. Where are they$s" " Friends, where are you? " said Priscus, trying to look around. " Here, close behind you," answered Rebekah. " By the girdle of Venus, that girl's voice is sweeter than Apollo's music," whispered Servius. " Had I not been captured already by thy sister, I 36 Hebekah. would make no little effort to take her away from thee." Servius was a man of consular rank, whose resi dence stood in the aristocratic quarter already alluded to. Fortunately for his house as well as many others, the cliffs along the western base of the Esquiline had cut short the progress of the flames in that direction. When his attention was arrested by the centurion he was elbowing his way towards the present seat of the fire ; but his unexpected meeting with his brother- in-law caused him to alter his intentions. Owing to her exhausted condition, Rebekah was glad to see him at length take an oblique course towards a large house of Roman architecture facing the Capitoline. Priscus had made her progress as easy as possible, and he now led her out of the crowd into a vestibule within a beautiful portico ranging with the street, and surrounded on three sides by the house. " Are you all here ? " said Servius, drawing a breath of relief. Receiving an affirmative answer, he gave a loud knock, and the large folding-doors flew open as if by magic, admitting the small company into a hall six feet wide and nearly thirty long, which was paved with tiles corresponding in colors to the paint on the wall. On their way to the other end of the passage they walked over the figure of a dog worked in mosaic on the pavement near a small door leading into the room of the porter. Here another door flew open be fore them, and they passed into a large apartment, the most splendid in the house, which now appeared to the best advantage in the light of the beautiful chandeliers which hung from the ceiling in various parts of the room. Although much exhausted, Rebekah's interest was greatly aroused by the splen dor which everywhere met her gaze, and after she had been conducted to one of the highly embroidered divans with which the room was furnished, her eyes wandered in amazement from one object to another, and she felt like one in a dream. In the centre of Seeking a Place of Refuge. 37 the floor was a cistern, called the impluvium, orna mented with statues and columns. Directly above this was the eompluvium, an opening towards which the roof sloped so as to throw the rain-water into the cistern. A row of highly ornamented tiles edged the roof around this opening, and there were spouts in the form of lions' heads at the corners to carry the rain-water into the impluvium. From these artistic attractions the fascinated maiden glanced at the floor, which was paved with white tesserae, spotted with black, then at the enchanting scenes painted on the walls. At this juncture her observations were cut short by the entrance into the room of the hostess, who gave her and her father a cordial welcome to the shelter and hospitality of the house of Servius. The lateness of the hour and the wearied state of the guests prevented extensive conversation. Hence after partaking of some light refreshments they were soon allowed to retire. Rebekah was led into a small guest-chamber at the right of the atrium, for that is what the large room was called, and her father was conducted to a similar one on the left. When his guests had retired, Servius and Priscus engaged in private conversation on a matter of great importance. "Dost thou know, my Priscus, that CaBsar is said to be responsible for this wholesale destruction ? " whispered Servius. " Ay, but I am not prepared to believe it. I am not a very ardent admirer of Nero, as thou knowest ; but I can not see how he could be responsible for the fire when he was at Antium, unless he had entrusted the work of destruction to certain of his slaves before he left," was the reply. " Ah ! that's it," said Servius, casting a sweeping glance around the room. " I have not the least doubt but that his absence was a part of his infernal scheme, designed to blind the eyes of the people to his participation in the crime. What I have heard this evening has confirmed me in my belief." 38 EebeJcah. " What hast thou heard ? " " That on returning to the city a little after sunset he mounted the tower of Maecenas in scenic dress, and calling for his lyre he chanted the ' Capture of Ilium ' before his applauding sycophants ! " " Thou dost astonish me ! Much as I detest him, I have never thought him capable of an act so abomi nably wicked. If what thou hast heard be true, I shall find no difficulty in believing as thou dost, nor will I oppose the speedy removal of such a fiend." Here Priscus took his departure, promising to call again soon, and Servius retired. CHAPTER VI. SIMILARITY AND DISSIMILARITY. It took several days for Rebekah to recover from the effects of the physical and mental strain which she had lately endured. Meanwhile the hostess showed great consideration for her. She set apart one of her own slaves for her exclusive attendance, and spent much time herself in her company. She explained to her the mean ing of a wall-painting at the foot of Rebekah's bed representing a woman sitting before a large, open chest with a child in her arms ; laughed when Rebekah told her that the picture of a sea-nymph sporting in the waves had caused her father one night to dream that she had fallen into the Tiber and was vainly striving to gain the shore ; and told her many stories about illustrious Romans. When Rebekah was sufficiently restored to wander about the house, she conducted her first to the peristyle, a large court communicating with the atrium through narrow passages, and open to the sky in the middle. As the two stood near a beautiful foun tain in the centre of the court, amidst a great variety of flowers and shrubs, Rebekah was almost bewildered Similarity and Dissimilarity. 39 by the beauty of the place. Although the Doric columns supporting the roof around the large open ing above were by no means to be despised, her eyes lingered much longer on the flowers, and on the fas cinating paintings which decorated the walls. There she saw the lance, helmet, and shield of Minerva ; here, the eagle and the globe of Jove. There she was attracted by the panther of Bacchus ; here by Neptune and Apollo presiding at the building of Troy. But other wonders awaited her. " This," said the hostess, leading her into a recess at the east end of the atrium, " is what we call the tdbl'nium, which as thou seest contains the archives, pictures, statues, genealogical records, and other ancestral relics belonging to our family. When thou art at leisure some day I shall be glad to give thee the history connected with them. Before we go far ther, however, I must show thee this picture. There ! knowest thou whose it is ? " " I think not ; I do not remember having ever seen the original," was the reply. " And yet thou must have heard of him, for Priscus told me that thy uncle he that was in custody on the Palatine knew my father well." " Oh, thy father ! yes, I have heard my uncle speak of him often, and always with praise. Had I never heard of him, I could tell by that picture that Rome has no nobler men." Not a little pleased at this remark, the Roman matron now conducted her guest past Herodion's room, up several flights of stairs through the quarters of the slaves, who, in accordance with Roman usage, occupied the upper part of the house, to the solarium, which combined in one the modern observatory and conservatory. Here the sight of vine-covered trel lises, rare plants, and sparkling fountains, for a moment beguiled Rebekah into a pleasant train of thought. Under ordinary circumstances the exten sive view of the city and the surrounding country which their elevated position commanded would also 40 Rebekah. have been highly pleasing and inspiring. But now, with a few exceptions, heaps of ruins, many of which still emitted clouds of smoke, everywhere met the eye. As Rebekah contemplated this desolate and painful scene, a little boy and girl, puffing and jabber ing at a great rate, came running towards their mother from the head of the stairway, and seeing a turtle near a fountain at the other end of the sola rium, they bounded towards it and began to amuse themselves by teasing it. The mother saw that what had long ago ceased to be a novelty to her was viewed with absorbing interest by Rebekah, and she watched attentively the varied expressions on her face. To a stranger she herself would have been an object of study as well as admiration. She was sev eral years older than Rebekah, and less beautiful ; yet there was something very fascinating in her man ner and looks. Her features as well as dress were purely Roman. Her eyebrows and eyelids were painted, and the veins on her temples were touched with a delicate blue color. The stola, consisting of one piece of material, sewed together in the form of a sack, constituted her outer garment. It reached to her feet, was fastened round her body by a girdle, and over her shoulders by a clasp, leaving broad folds above the breast. The tips of bright-colored shoes embroidered with gold were seen under the border of her dress. A costly necklace, and armlets and rings of gold constituted her ornaments. In the cast of her face Rebekah had already detected a strik ing resemblance to Priscus. There was that in her bearing also which strongly reminded the Jewish maiden of the centurion; otherwise she might not have felt so much at ease in her presence. An observer could not have failed to notice the contrast between these representatives of two people so different in physical traits, habits of life, and na tional customs. The one was a slave all but in name to the will of her husband and to heathen super stitions and ideas. The other enjoyed nearly all the Similarity and Dissimilarity. 41 privileges which daughters enjoy in Christian homes to-day, and possessed a true Christian heart and spirit. As Rebekah watched the efforts of the turtle to es cape from the children, the voice of her hostess startled her, and as she turned towards her, a slight flush rose to her cheeks. "Wert thou Seneca, and were philosophy thy dear est idol, my friend, thou couldst never be more fond of meditation. Pray, what do thine eyes find to feast upon in that childish scene ? " inquired the matron, ignoring Rebekah's slight confusion. "That childish scene has for me a deep signifi cance," was the maiden's earnest reply. " In that struggling turtle, vainly striving to get away from his young tormentors, I see a living picture of a sin ner attempting to escape from sin and death." " Why not regard it as a picture of man trying to free himself from the power of the Parcse ? " " Because I am a Christian. To me the Parcse ex ist only in the imagination. The God who made the world and every living thing, and who rules over the affairs of men, is the only Dispenser of destinies ; for in Him we live, move, and have our being." " Strange that thou shouldst deny the existence of these goddesses in view of all that has happened to thee and thine of late. Seest thou that picture on the wall ? It was painted by a friend of my husband, and represents the three ParcaB. There thou seest Clotho spinning the thread of life ; there Lachesis is shown determining the lot of life ; and there Atropos appears cutting the thread of life. That I believe is based on fact." "That great calamities have overtaken us I will not deny ; but that they are due to the Fates no Christian can believe. It was the true God who per mitted that son of Belial to set fire to our home; and it was the same God that sent thy valiant brother to save my life, and to lead my father and me to thy hospitable home." 42 RebeJcaL " If he whom thou callest the true God sent Priscus to save thee, who destroyed thy father's slaves ? " " It was neither the Fates nor God ; but their own imprudence. I should have shared their terrible doom, no doubt, had not consciousness deserted me when it did," said Rebekah wiping a tear from her eye, and burying her face in her hands. Then after a pause she added, " What made me incapable of seeking a way of escape, also preserved me from fatal rashness. Had I witnessed poor Zillah all aflame leap ing over the battlements, I might have followed her example. Had I seen Hagar falling into that burn ing abyss, I might have leaped after her." Here her emotions became uncontrollable, and her whole frame shook like a tree in a storm. Her father had informed her that morning of all that he had learned concern ing the fate of his domestics, and had urged her not to indulge in melancholy reflections. But her mind frequently recurred to what she had heard in spite of every effort to the contrary, and at last all her reso lutions to govern her feelings were swept before the flood of tears. Tears appeal much more strongly to the human heart than even the most learned arguments. Hearts which were impervious to the most eloquent ad dresses have melted into tenderness and compassion before weeping humanity. As Servius's wife listened to Rebekah's words she felt inclined to dispute her statements ; but when she saw her tears she forgot all her objections, and was impelled by that sympathy which is known only to woman to move closer to her and pour the oil of consolation into her wounded heart. The little girl also when she heard the maid en's sobs lost all interest in the turtle, and while try ing to climb up to Rebekah's lap she murmured, " There, there ; don't cry ; you will be better soon." The boy, who was the older of the two, witnessed the outburst of tears with an expression of mingled sur prise and disgust, and when his sister deserted him he reluctantly let the tormented chelonian escape Similarity and Dissimilarity. 43 from him, and approaching his mother he whispered in her ear, " What is she crying for ? " " Hush, my child ; her tears have a cause that thou canst not understand. Go and play," was the mother's reply. " I can't ; he is gone now, and can not be found again," remarked the boy sullenly. " See ! there is a beautiful butterfly ; take thy sister and run to catch it." " Come quick, Octavia. See ! it comes this way. Help me to chase it." The outburst of emotion, like the eruption of a volcano, exhausts the force that causes it. Thus when the flow of tears had subsided, Rebekah felt re lieved of much of her sorrow. She was, however, not a little ashamed that her self-control had de serted her so completely in the presence of one who was to her but little more than a stranger. Therefore when she could speak again she said apologetically, " Thy pardon, good friend, for this manifestation of my weakness." " Rather grant me thy pardon ; my thoughtlessness opened the ftood-gates of thy heart. Call not thyself weak. Horatius was never more heroic than thou hast been during these evil days. The hand of adver sity has been heavy upon thee ; yet thy lips have uttered no complaints. Had I been in thy place, I fear the gods would grow weary of my murmurings. Thou art not an Epicure ; yet the sweet and beauti ful never had a truer friend. Nor art thou a Stoic ; yet Zeno was never more patient and resigned. I had rather possess this noble trait than a fortune." " Hadst thou known me better, thou wouldst have a different opinion of me," replied Rebekah modestly. " The Lord grant, however, that I be more worthy of him. Although I am often impatient, I am persuaded that none has greater reasons to be patient and re signed than a Christian. The Supreme God is his leather, and all things work together for his good, ihe Son of God is his Saviour and Guide, and- he has 44 Bebekah. not only set before him an example of perfect patience and resignation, but also has said, 4 In the world ye shall have tribulation ; but be of good cheer ; I have overcome the world.' " " He whom thou callest the Supreme God must be Jupiter, the greatest of the gods, and the Father of Heaven. He is also the Father of the Romans. But whom callest thou 4 the Son of God ' ? Jupiter has many children ; which of them hast thou in mind ? '' " The God of whom I speak may be known to thee as Jupiter; but thy conception of him differs from mine. To me he is not 4 the greatest of the gods ; ' but the Only True God ; for he has said, ' Besides me there is no God.' Neither did he spring from other gods, as you believe ; for he has also said, 4 I am the first, and I am the last.' Nor has he but one Son. Thou hast heard of Jesus Christ ? " "Yes. He was crucified under Pontius Pilate." 44 He is the Son of God, the Saviour of men." 44 Can a malefactor be a Son of God ? " 44 He was not a malefactor ; but he laid down his life that he might give himself a ransom for all." This explanation while in perfect accord with the Scriptures was far from satisfactory to the Roman matron. To her mind to say that one who had been crucified was the Son of God was to be guilty of the greatest incongruity. Nor could she see how his death could have any relation to sin. Stronger minds than hers have stumbled over the same truth, because they have tried to understand it without feeling it. Further discussion was prevented at this point by the arrival of the centurion, who, ignoring the signs of weeping on Rebekah's face, said kindly, 44 Ah ! I am very glad to see you here. Duty has prevented my coming to see you sooner. But your father has kept me daily informed of the state of your health." 44 It is very kind of you to be so interested in our welfare," said Rebekah, blushing. u When you led us here, I knew not the name of my rescuer. Let me now say that my tongue can never express the Plotting and Counterplotting. 45 gratitude that my heart feels towards you for your timely aid." " Pray do not mention it. I am sorry my arrival was so late." Then after a short pause he continued : " The events of that day, then, are no longer a mys tery to you? " " No. My father has kept his promise. He has also informed me of your kind assistance in the burial of his dead." " Ah ! many are those who have needed such as sistance of late," said Priscus. Then turning to his sister he added, " Fortune has greatly favored thee, Valeria, in the preservation of tlry home and loved ones in the midst of this desolation." "True; and I shall express my gratitude in an offering of thanks on her altar to-morrow." It will be observed that Valeria, true to the in stincts of womanhood, was far more pious than her brother. While he had reached a condition which was neither pagan nor Christian, her faith in the gods of Rome was unshaken. Priscus, however, concealed his true state of mind from his sister ; but as he ac companied Rebekah down to the atrium that evening, he dropped certain words that gave promise of a change of heart. CHAPTER VII. PLOTTING AND COUNTERPLOTTING. ON the evening of the second day after the confla gration had ceased, as the shades of night descended upon the scene of desolation, a man walked leisurely towards a beautiful arbor in the centre of the Impe rial Garden on the north-eastern part of the Palatine. His face wore a grave expression, and he was evi dently more absorbed in his own thoughts than in his surroundings. Perhaps this was due to the fact that the garden had been shorn of much of its beauty by 46 Rebekah. the multitudes that had sought refuge in it only a few days before ; or perhaps it was owing to some sad story to which he had just been listening. As he was about to enter the arbor the hum of voices attracted his attention. Stepping noiselessly behind an ever green tree, he peered through the thick foliage and saw two men enter the retreat. The change which came over his countenance at that moment indicated that he felt himself in a crit ical position, and the hasty way in which he sur veyed his surroundings, showed a desire to escape. Seeing, however, that he could not leave his place of concealment without detection, he decided to remain where he was, whatever might be the consequence. The men sat facing him, and he became an involuntary listener to the following dialogue. " Thinkest thou, my Tigellinus, that these shrubs and trees have ears ? " " If they have ears, most noble Csesar, they have no tongues ; or if they have both ears and tongues they have no brains to convert sound into informa tion." " If thou thinkest that none but ourselves are here to enjoy this feast of words, thou mayest proceed to spread thy table." " I have already told thee, my lord, that thou art charged with setting the city on fire. With thy per mission I will add that thy name is accompanied with execrations on almost every tongue." "Ha, ha! their execrations can break no bones." "But they may transform themselves into dag gers." " Trouble not thyself with suppositions; facts are more palatable. On what grounds do the miserable dogs base their charge ? " " My lord needs a good memory, if he would re member them all." " The theatres of Rome have never paid tribute to a memory that rivals mine. Go on. I am all Plotting and Counterplotting. 47 " Nor has the most illustrious of the Caesars received tribute from a people who easily forget. They say that thou hast reveled in visions of flaming cities for years ; that being told on a certain occasion how Gains used to quote the words of Euripides, ' When I am dead, sink the whole earth in flames,' thou didst reply, 4 Nay, but while I live ' ; that thou hast often said that Priam was fortunate in having seen the burning of Troy; that thou hadst a desire to destroy Rome that thou mightest replace its narrow lanes with broad, regular streets, and its various buildings with uniform edifices of Hellenic architecture ; that Claudius during a conflagration sat for two nights in a small counting-office, to encourage the firemen and soldiers in their efforts to extinguish the flames, by distributing large sums of money among them ; but that thou didst cause every effort to arrest the progress of destruction to be resisted, and that thy slaves were seen, during a lull in the conflagration, with tow and torches on the premises of men of con sular rank. Have thine ears been satiated ? " " Pluto take them ! the slanderous dogs ! What I have done counts for naught. Were not the Campus Martins, the Monumenta Agrippae, and even my own gardens thrown open to them by my command? Who caused those temporary structures to be built, that furniture to be brought from Ostia, and that im mense quantity of wheat to be sold almost for nothing ? Yet this is but a drop of water in the ocean compared with what Claudius has done ! This is gratitude with a vengeance. By all the gods of Rome, they shall pay for this." " Not so loud, O Csesar, nor so fast; sound attracts ears as honey does bees, and precipitation too often ends in death. The current of popular indignation has turned against thee. Thy rage cannot stay it. If thou wouldst save thyself be a Cyrus, and change the Euphrates of their displeasure into a new chan nel." " Ah ! thou art a good counsellor, my Tigellinus. 48 Rebekah. Thou canst well afford to be calm when men curse me for thy misdeeds as well as for my own. But it is useless to upbraid thee. I will rather heed thy counsel if thou wilt tell me what thou meanest by turning the course of the popular fury." "My lord knows that a certain sect called Christians has greatly increased of late by the bab blings of that enthusiast whom the people call Paul the Jew." " And thou knowest that Poppsea scarcely speaks of anything else." " Thou shouldst thank Fortune, O Caesar, that her tongue is too much employed in denouncing and cursing that fatal superstition to pay attention to thy faults. Thou wilt find her a cunning ally in the ex ecution of the scheme which I am about to propose." "What plot hast thou been weaving now, pray? " "It is simple enough ; thou must accuse the Christians of setting the city on fire." " Ha, ha ! nothing is easier than that ; but canst thou make the charge appear plausible ? " " I can, my lord. The fire originated in the shops of the Jews. The Christians are a Jewish sect at variance with their countrymen. What would be more natural than to trace the crime to them ? " "Good! Goon." "Nearly all our temples and images have been destroyed. The Christians abhor both our gods and our temples ; and every coin bearing thine image, and every gateway surmounted by the image of a god is an abomination to them.' " Hercle ! thou surpassest thyself." " The Christians have long declared that not only Rome, but the whole world must be destroyed by reason of iniquity." " I have seen Rome in flames ; would that I might now see the world ! " " Lastly, these despised fanatics have no friends. None will defend them ; none will condemn those who dare to molest them." Plotting and Counterplotting. 49 " Mirabile ! thou talkest like a god, my Tigellinus. Had Cyrus a counsellor like thee, to cause the Eu phrates to desert its rightful bed had been no difficult task. Thou hast done thy part well ; now listen : to-morrow thou shalt send forth a decree in my name condemning to death all Christians and all who dare to harbor them. Secret orders must be given that all the gates be watched to prevent their escape. The gods shall have blood to their satisfaction. Rome shall be converted into a grand theatre. My gardens shall be lighted at nightfall by avenues of Christians wound in tow and saturated in pitch. These walks shall be adorned with thousands of crucified forms ; young and old shall be sewn up in the skins of bears or wolves, and be torn to pieces by dogs in the am phitheatre, to the amusement of twenty thousand spectators. The tragedies of Greece shall be enacted with absolute reality here in Rome. Art thou sat isfied ? " " The killing of a dog may be such as to awaken the pity of a mob, my lord." " Perpol ! thou needst not fear an excess of cruelty. Rome seeks revenge ; it shall have amuse ment. It thirsts for imperial blood ; it shall be sati ated with the blood of fanatics." " Thou hast thy lion slain ere it is caught." " When cunning hunters like thee are abroad the lion's life is not his to keep." " Ha, ha ! thy wit, O illustrious, grows fat on this plot. If thou wouldst have me be thy hunter, thou shouldst set me on the trail." " Thou must seize all those whom thou knowest to be Christians, and force them to confess the names of all the rest." <4 My knowledge may lead me among thy slaves." " Be it so ; seing that it must also lead thee among thine own." " When shall the tragedy begin, my lord ? " " When thou bringest the actors on the stage. But hark ! that cisium brings Rufus. We must 50 EebeJcah. take him into our confidence. Let us to the palace." The effects produced by this conversation on the involuntary listener introduced at the beginning of the chapter were various. The popular charge against Nero was nothing new to him ; nor was he unfamiliar with his temper, since he was one of his slaves. The conspiracy against the Christians, how ever, was as unexpected as unwelcome to him, for he had been a believer in Christ, long before Paul went to Rome. His knowledge of the conspirators filled him with apprehension. He was not ignorant of the part they had taken in the destruction of the city ; nor had he any reason to expect them even to modify their mad plot against the Christians. We can imagine, then, how uneasy he felt when listening to the details of the Satanic scheme so soon to be exe cuted. For some time after the departure of Nero and his sycophant, the man stood where he had been hiding as if riveted to the ground. Thoughts crowded into his mind, and he found great difficulty in deciding what to do. He realized that the Church at Rome was about to pass through a terrible crisis. Should he keep the plot a secret ? Would it be treachery for him to expose it ? His conscience plainly told him. " No." It also told him that secrecy on his part would be equal to an approval of one of the most atrocious crimes ever invented by man. God, in leading him at that hour to a place which he rarely visited, and in permitting him to hear what the conspirators wished to keep secret, undoubtedly meant that he should give warning to as many as possible of his brethren that very night. But who should have the first warning? Evidently the leaders, for they would be among the first to be seized. Arriving at this decision, he looked cau tiously around him, and walked away in the direction of the Esquiline. A short time later, he entered the ostium of Ser- vius's house, and informed the porter that he wished Plotting and Counterplotting. 51 to see Herodion. The latter was at that moment in the atrium with Rebekah and Prisons. Opening the inner door the porter announced the arrival of the new-comer, who as he entered the room gave a sud den start when he saw the centurion ; but immediately recovering his self-possession he said, " Peace be unto you and unto all the Israel of God." " We return thy greeting, good Apelles, and wel come thee into this house," said Herodion, approach ing the new-comer. " Thy pardon for this intrusion ; the important communication that I have for thine ear is my only excuse." " I fear another calamity is about to befall us," whispered Rebekah to Prisons, as her father and Apelles disappeared into a private room near by. With the quickness of woman's instinct she had caught a glimpse of the truth in the face of the slave. Herodion listened with a mingled feeling of in dignation and surprise to the exposure of the imperial plot, and frequently interrupted Apelles with ques tions. The interview ended with a brief consulta tion as to the best course to pursue in view of the pending calamity, and the Christian slave hastened to unfold the Satanic scheme to others. When Herodion rejoined his daughter and the centurion a great change had come over him. Pris- cus noticing this change remarked, " Thy troubled look, good friend, betokens evil tidings." " Thou hast rightly judged. The sky of our hope is again beclouded, and a storm is gathering." " Dost thou mean, father, that Rome is to be visited by another calamity ? ' ' " Not Rome, my child, not Rome, but Christians. Satan is abroad, and his angels have entered into the hearts of those in high places. Truly did our Lord say, ' Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves ; ' and precious is the advice, 4 Be ye there- 52 MebeJcah. fore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.' Then fixing a regretful look upon the centurion he con tinued, " Thy sister's house has indeed been a true home to us. Its friendly roof has sheltered us from privation ; but it cannot protect us from death." " Surely, thou hast no cause to fear death," said Priscus with surprise. " Thou hast been guilty of no crime ; why should thy life be in danger ? " " Jonathan was not more true to David than thou hast been to us. To conceal this secret from thee would be rendering evil for good. Therefore listen. Caesar, as thou knowest, is charged with having kindled the flame that has destroyed the city. This charge has reached his ear, and has troubled his heart. . Following the counsel of Tigellinus, he now seeks relief in attributing his crime to the Christians. Before the setting of to-morrow's sun all who profess the name of Christ, and all who give them shelter, will be under the sentence of death." " Art thou sure that thy informer is a lover of the truth ? Or being a truthful man might he not have been misinformed ? " suggested Priscus. " Apelles, though a slave, has good report of all men and of the truth itself. What his tongue has uttered his ears have heard this night in one of the imperial gardens. He knows the voice of his master, and Tigellinus is not a stranger to him." " It is an infamous plot. But thou and thine will still remain under my sister's roof." " That would be endangering the lives of our benefactors with our own. We leave this very night." " Why not stay at least another day ? " " After to-morrow the gates will be watched, and escape will be impossible." 44 But where shall we go, father ?" asked Rebekah with, a troubled look. " Yes, where ? " echoed the centurion. The place suggested by Herodion was far from satisfactory to the centurion, and the thought of it The Sand-Pits. 53 sent a chill through Rebekah ; yet both of them had to admit that it had the merit of being a safe place. It was with heavy hearts that they parted that night, and sleep was banished from their eyes. Tribula tion, however, could not sunder their affections. CHAPTER VIII. THE SAND-PITS. NOT long after the centurion's departure, Herodion sought the presence of Servius and his wife, who listened with no little surprise to the information they received, and who were very sorry that matters were assuming such unfavorable aspects, not that they cared for the new religion, but because of their sym pathy for their guests. Although they had known them only for a few days, their noble character and behavior had awakened their highest respect, and it was with great reluctance that they consented to their leaving so unexpectedly, and with such gloomy prospects before them. Nor were their guests anx ious to leave the home in which their surroundings were so congenial, and where so much kindness had been shown them ; but they felt it their duty to depart as soon as possible. It was a little after midnight when they emerged from the vestibule of Servius's house into the narrow street ; and as they did so an indescribable sense of loneliness came over them. It lasted but a short time, however. As they looked up into the clear Italian sky, they remembered Him who made the heavens, guided the Israelites with a column of fire by night and a pillar of cloud by day, and sent the Star of Bethlehem to announce the birth of the Saviour of the world. To say that they had no fear would be untrue. They were no less human because they were Christians ; their fear, however, was under the control of reason and faith. They believed 54 Rebekah. that He who had warned them of their danger was also able to defend them from harm. As they wended their way in silence between the Palatine and Cselian hills towards the Via Appia, they drew close to each other, avoiding suspicious objects and often stopping to listen. No sounds were heard except the barking of dogs and the occasional clatter of hoofs, indicating the late arrival of some traveller, or the mad haste of some reveler as he spurred his horse homeward. Being the latter part of July, the atmosphere was very warm, and the fumes which still rose from some of the ruins made it rather op pressive. Rebekah and her father were too intent upon reaching their destination, however, to think of discomforts. Passing out of the Porta Capena, each heaved a sigh of relief, and paused to rest. Although they had not reached the limits of the city, they were thankful that they were outside those frowning walls which marked the bounds of ancient Rome. Their course now lay in a southeasterly direction, among gardens and comparatively modern houses. It was a course which Herodion had frequently followed on his way to Ceesarea. Resuming their journey they trod lightly upon the pavement, occasionally ad dressing each other in whispers. As the distance increased between them and the Porta Capena, the houses grew farther and farther apart, and the tombs of the illustrious families of Rome grew more numer ous on either hand. Towards the close of their journey, they left the Via Appia, passing between two tombs that on the left being a funeral tri clinium, presenting to the street a plain front about twenty feet in length ; and that on the right being a square building, containing a small chamber, from the level of whose outer wall steps rose, supporting a marble cippus richly ornamented. As they ap proached a low hill in the vicinity of the tombs, they saw a dark object in front of them, which even in the starlight strangely contrasted with the surround^ The Sand-Pits. 55 ings. This on nearer approach proved to be the chief entrance to the sand-pits, then so widely known. It was not a very inviting place ; certainly the two fugitives thought so as they seated themselves at its mouth. As Rebekah looked into the interior, she instinctively shrank from its blackness, and made some excuse for nestling closer to her father. She was not a little fatigued also after her unusual exertion. As neither of them felt inclined to talk, each indulged in a disconnected train of thought, and soon fell fast asleep, Herodion resting against the side of the entrance, and Rebekah leaning on his shoulder. They slept the sleep of the righteous a sleep that Nero never knew. No murdered forms haunted their dreams ; no inhuman plots disturbed their rest. Not even the consciousness of a pending calamity troubled them now. They presented such a picture as angels might admire. Indeed it would be quite natural for us to think that they did admire it. Are we not told that angels are ministering spirits sent forth to minister for those who shall be heirs of salvation ? Then they surely hovered near Rebekah and her father ; for they were true followers of Christ, and the beauty of their souls appeared in the calm, truthful expression of their countenances. They were Israelites indeed. They had been sleeping only about an hour when the sound of approaching steps and of suppressed voices caused them to awake with a start. Looking in the direction of the sound, they saw a small group of men and women close upon them, who in turn had been alarmed by the noise they had made in awaken ing. Being convinced that the new-comers were Christians, the father and daughter rose to their feet, and Herodion said in an assuring voice, " Peace be unto you all, and welcome to this our common refuge." " Ah ! it is Herodion," remarked one who seemed to be the leader of the group. Then he added, 56 MebeJcah, " Peace be also unto thee, thou beloved of the Lord, and unto thy noble daughter." The demonstrations of joy which followed these greetings, afforded a true illustration of the high re gard which the early Christians had for each other, and of the brotherly love which so often amazed Christ's enemies in times of persecution. The group was composed of a few of the leading Christians from different parts of the city, most of whom were Jews, and the rest Romans and Greeks. A few of them had families, whom they had left at home, thinking that they were safe, at least for a time. The others were slaves who had no homes of their own. They had overtaken each other at dif ferent points along the Via Appia, and had travelled together the rest of the way. Others followed them at different intervals, singly and in groups of three or more, Apelles being among the last to arrive. Although living in various parts of the city, and separated into groups of five or more for the purpose of aggressive Christian work, they all were members of the same Church ; and although belonging to dif ferent nationalities, and differing widely in social position and rank, they manifested none of those jealousies and prejudices which marked some of the churches of the East, and led to so many dissensions. At daybreak, thinking it unsafe to remain where they were any longer, each followed Apelles into the interior of the sand-pits, with lighted torches and supplies of food and clothing. Apelles was quite familiar with the place, having often been sent there for pozzolana. The quarter into which he led his companions was an abandoned sand-pit about a third of a mile from the entrance, and which was reached by a circuitous route intersected by several passages. His reasons for choosing this spot were, that its loca tion made discovery improbable ; that it afforded room enough for all; and that there were several avenues of escape at hand in case of necessity. In other respects it was no better than the other sand- The Sand-Pits. 57 pits, dampness being especially noticeable. Realizing this fact Apelles said to his fellow-Christians: 44 To inform you, brethren, that we have not come to a palace, or that these heaps of sand are not richly embroidered divans is unnecessary. We have not come here for ease and comfort, but for safety. Nor are we the first to seek refuge from persecution in the dark places of the earth. Let me remind you of the patriarch David, who when pursued by Saul hid in the cave of Adullam; and of the hundred men whom Obadiah hid in a cave in the time of the prophet Elijah. To be in discomfort with a con science void of offense is far better than to fare sumptuously with a guilty conscience." 44 Thou speakest truly," said Herodion approvingly. 44 The persecuted, though in the bowels of the earth, can say with the Psalmist of old, 4 God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore will we not fear, though the earth be re moved, and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea ; though the waters thereof roar and be troubled ; though the mountains shake with the swelling thereof.' " 44 Having this assurance, brethren, it behooves us to render thanksgiving unto God. Let us offer unto him the sacrifice of our hearts." Thus spoke the man who had returned the greet ing of Herodion at the entrance of the sand-pits, and all complied with the request. At the close of the devotions, Apelles, with the prudence of a true general, modestly remarked, 44 Brethren, the promise of divine protection does not excuse human carelessness. Had your forefathers neglected to sprinkle their door-posts with the blood of the paschal lamb their first-born had not been spared. The God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ is the tower of our strength; yet we must be the watchmen in that tower." 44 Thy words are the fruit of wisdom," said the same voice that had suggested prayer. 44 He who 58 RebeTcah. waits patiently and wisely on the Lord, shall never be confounded. But the fool's trust is presumption, and ends in death." The reasonableness of the suggestion thus approved was apparent to all, and a system of vigilance was instituted under the management of Apelles, who proved himself worthy of the trust. Other arrange ments followed relative to the general welfare, at the conclusion of which each Christian sought to make himself as comfortable as possible. Rebekah and her father occupied a small recess on the eastern side of the sand-pit, near the entrance. This they made to look as homelike as they could ; yet how little did it seem like home to them, after all. The contrast was painful in the extreme to Rebekah as she sat watching a large torch in front of her, from which an unbroken column of smoke extended in a series of curls towards the roof ; but she gave no expression to her thoughts. Presently a footstep aroused her from her abstraction, and Apelles entered the recess. " Ah ! it is thou, good friend," said Herodion. " Thou are welcome to this, our new home. It is not as cheerful as we would have it; yet it is far better than the lion's den or the fiery furnace." " Thou mightest add that it is not worse than the birth-place of our Lord, and that it is far better than the tomb in which the Prince of Glory lay," was the reply. " But I came not to discuss the merits or demerits of your home, but to assure you of our safety. The guards are at their posts, and we can defy ten thousand Neros now as long as our provi sions last." " Thou hast done well, Apelles, very well," said Herodion. " Nero will not molest us here ; at least he cannot capture us. Yet he may cause us to die of starvation by seizing those whom we shall send to secure provisions. We must not borrow trouble, however, but trust in the Lord and in our own wits." The Sand-Pit*. 59 " If thou couldst see Priscus the centurion," said Rebekah, " he might give thee a few hints that would be of value to thee or anyone else who is to oversee those who shall be sent for supplies." " Thou speakest truly ; yet if he have stronger sympathies for Rome than for the sand-pits, he may lay snares for us instead of helping us to avoid them," said Apelles, pretending to doubt the centurion's fidelity to their cause. " There are those who pat people on the back, smile in their faces, and, like Peter, profess that they will go with them to prison and into death, as long as the sun of prosperity shines ; but who when the clouds of adversity begin to gather find the society of others more congenial, and swear that they never knew their old friends." " It is well for thee that the centurion's ears are too far away to catch thy words," said Rebekah with flushed cheeks, failing to see the waggish expression on Apelles' face, on account of the darkness. " When the moon can with justice question the light-giving power of the sun, then, O Apelles, and not till then, canst thou accuse Priscus of infidelity." " Ha, ha ! thou at least canst be trusted, O fair daughter of Herodion," said the slave smilingly, as he moved away. "May God bless thee and thy father and Priscus." One or two other visits from some of their com panions in distress brought the experiences of our friends' first day in the sand-pits to an end. The next day was Sunday, which had already been gen erally adopted by Christ's followers as the Christian Sabbath. It was a beautiful day. The sun rose in all the glory of his strength, and Nature robed in her summer garments, greeted him with her sweetest smile. | In the gardens of Rome the roses blushed and the lilies bent their heads coquettishly at the ap pearance of every bright ray ; and the birds poured their rapturous melody into the ear of the sweet zephyr that joyously played among the leaves. None of this charming beauty, however, cheered the sand- 60 Hebekah. pits. There summer and winter were alike unknown. Not a single ray of solar light ever penetrated their dark recesses. Their grim walls never looked upon a single flower or blade of grass. Their echo was never disturbed by the songs of birds. Their cheer less aspect was better suited, to magnify the terrors of guilt and to awaken the fiends of remorse than to inspire a spirit of devotion and to kindle religious zeal. Yet nowhere was that holy Sabbath day more heartily welcomed than in that dingy hiding-place. While it was greeted by no natural beauty, it was hailed by something infinitely more precious in the sight of heaven the beauty of holiness ! This beauty is ever anxious to commune with its native heaven. Therefore at the usual hour for morning worship the Christian fugitives assembled near a small heap of sand in the centre of the sand-pit which served as their common home. Upon this sand-heap sat An- dronicus the presbyter, who like Herodion was one of Paul's kinsmen. His features were decidedly Jewish ; his snowy hair and beard indicated at least seventy years of life ; and the intellectual cast of his face denoted a keen, active mind. Near him, on the right sat Herodion ; on the left, Apelles, each serving in the capacity of deacon. Seated on the ground in front of them, and arranged according to sex and age, were the rest of the worshipers. In the ab sence of chandeliers, four men were stationed at certain intervals to hold the lights. The order of service was simple. The presbyter read that rich chapter in Isaiah which commences with, " Comfort ye, comfort ye, niy people, saith your God." Then the Psalm beginning with that grand verse, " He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty," was sung in a very effective manner by one of the brethren, the congregation joining in the last line of each verse. The rest of the service con sisted of remarks by Herodion and Apelles, a homily Friend and Foe. 61 by the presbyter, a prayer followed by the Lord's Kiss, and another prayer followed by the administra tion of the Lord's Supper, of which the men and women partook standing in two separate ranks ac cording to sex, and praying secretly. At the close of the meeting the small Christian band, with hearts filled with heavenly joy, greeted each other with encouraging words, and urged each other to be strong in the Lord. The remainder of the day was spent in a manner most becoming its sacredness. CHAPTER IX. FRIEND AND FOE. WITH the brightness of another day came the usual bustle and confusion into the busy streets of Rome. Vehicles, beasts of burden, men and women, soldiers and civilians, natives and foreigners, bond and free, in confused masses flooded every thorough fare and poured in and out at every gate. Owing to the test to which all who left the city were subjected by reason of Nero's secret order, the gates were far more crowded than usual. Especially was this true of the Porta Capena, through which passed the Via Appia the oldest and most frequented road in Italy. Conspicuous, although not the most elegant, among the vehicles that sought passage out of the gate, was a sand-cart drawn by one horse, which was driven by a man dressed in the garb of a laborer, and seated on a large box in the cart. " Art thou a Christian ? " asked an official, ap proaching the driver. " The gods of Rome have never seen me bow down to Christus," was the evasive reply. " Art thou a lover of the gods ? " " Caesar never loved them more." " Pass on, Next." 62 Eebekah. The driver obeyed, and as he passed out of the gate he said to himself: " Ha, ha, he took my allusion to the blindness of the gods for a denial of Christ, and my reference to Nero's love for devotion to the gods ! I shall never break the first commandment again if my love for the gods exceed not that of Caesar." He was prevented from further reflection by a harsh voice asking, " Wilt thou favor me with a ride, friend ? " The driver recognizing the voice, turned in the direction of the speaker, and saw Demetrius, the slave who fired Herodion's house, beside the cart. His first impulse was to refuse, but a second thought induced him to grant his request. As the slave seated himself beside the driver, he remarked, " Thou art going to the arenarise, art thou not? " " Ay," was the laconic reply. " Thou hast more courage than I have to venture there alone," he continued, shrugging his shoulders, and affecting fear. " Why should I need courage ? demons are too busily engaged in the city to haunt the caves." " Thou art mistaken, friend, the are n arias are full of incarnate demons, for such I regard the Christians who have fled there." "It were indeed a serious matter to go among them, if all thou sayest were true." " Dost thou doubt my word ? Surely thou art either ignorant of their tricks or art one of them." " My doubt has no father but ignorance. Dispel the one, the other will depart." " Perpol ! Lend me thine ear, then, and mark well my words. In the observance of a holy rite, the Christians commit crimes which evil spirits can not witness without a blush. They choose a child of tender age, to whom life is scarcely an acquaintance and death is an utter stranger, and plucking it from its mother's breast, they lay it on a table. Then pro voking it to smile, an elder plunges a knife into its Friend and Fob. 63 young heart, while the rest gather around him to saturate their bread with the blood. The soul is hardly free ere the innocent victim is cooked and eaten. At the close of the feast, dogs are allured upon the tables that they may, by upsetting the lamps, put out the light, preparatory to the incestu ous practices which follow. Need I tell thee more ? " While the slave spoke the driver's features worked in a threatening manner. He knew that the eharge to which he listened was the invention of Christ's enemies, and was as baseless as it was infamous. He felt strongly inclined to punish the base slanderer at his side ; but prudence stayed his hand. Therefore when the slave paused, he simply ejaculated, " The wretches ! Go on ! " Demetrius misinterpreting .both the expression on the driver's face and his ejaculation, proceeded witha triumphant air: " Ha, ha ! thou art beginning to see with the eyes of a true Roman. Let me assist thee to further light. These monsters of wickedness call the gods demons ; refuse to offer sacrifices both to them and to Csesar ; denounce the public games ; violate every law ; and bring upon us many terrible calamities. The black ened ruins which everywhere in Rome stare at ua like the ghosts of departed glory and magnificence, constantly remind us of their atrocious deeds ; and the just retribution which has now overtaken them betokens the vengeance of the gods. By Pluto, if I had the insight of Jupiter and the strength of Her cules, I would soon put an end to them all, and rid Rome of a great nuisance." Perceiving that any attempt on his part to show the absurdity of these charges, or to resent the insults thus heaped upon the Christians would inevitably interfere with his plans and needlessly imperil his life ; and desiring to know if possible on what mis chief Demetrius was now bent, the driver turned to wards him and with feigned admiration said, 64 Eebekah. " Caesar is no longer himself, if he has not set thee on the trail of his game." " Hercle ! Nor would he be likely to catch any of his game were his hounds too fond of barking." "Ha, ha! it is unnecessary for some of them to bark ; their sneaking manner betrays them." "Nor does a workman's garb and false beard change a centurion into a hauler of sand," retorted the slave with a significant grin. Then after a short pause he continued, " Come now, Prisons, take off thy mask. I know thy motives. Thou art in love with Herodion's daughter, as I once was with Herodion's money. If thy treasure were plucked from thy hands as thou didst pluck that casket from mine, thy interest in the Christians would soon change into hatred." This unexpected turn in the conversation tended to confuse the centurion at first, but he soon regained his self-possession. He was partly amused and partly offended at the view which the slave took of his motives. Therefore, turning to him, he said, " I appreciate thy sagacity, but reject thy philoso^ phy. To be a good hunter is not to be a good phi losopher ; for even a good hunter may follow his game too near a precipice." " And a wolf in sheep's clothing may be led with the sheep to the slaughter," retorted the slave, still clinging to his doubt in regard to the centurion's sincerity, and hinting at a possible danger. They had now reached the road leading to the sand-pits ; and the conversation ceased, each follow ing a different course from this point. Neither was sorry at the separation, for each regarded the other with distrust. Reaching the entrance to the sand-pits, Priscus alighted from the cart, and lighting a torch, led the horse to the interior. Coming to the point where the main passage branched off into minor passages, he found himself in a dilemma. He listened, but no sounds greeted his ear. He peered first into one passage Friend and Foe. 65 then into another, but he saw nothing but gloom. He examined the ground, but without any satisfactory result. At last, when almost discouraged, his eye caught a sudden glimmer of light in one of the pas sages on the right, and he exclaimed, " Ho, there ! " Receiving no reply, he again shouted, " Ho, there ! If thou art a Christian, respond." This time a voice demanded in stentorian tones, " Who art thou, and what dost thou want? " " A friend, who wishes to see Herodion." " Come this way, then, friend." These words were spoken by one of the guards, who, together with another, had seen Priscus enter the main passage, and had sought concealment to await further development. Arriving at the spot where the light had appeared, Priscus found himself in the presence of one of Servius's slaves who, failing to recognize him, examined him very closely. " What ! thou here, Atticus," said the centurion, in a voice that startled the guard. " Who art thou ? thou canst not be ay, thou art Priscus," replied Atticus, with much apprehension, as he held the light to Priscus's face. " Thou needst have no fear ; I shall do thee no harm," was the assuring remark. " Thou hast come with no evil design, then ? " " Thou hast my word for it. Lead on." Being reassured, the guard, putting his left hand to one side of his mouth, exclaimed, " Ho, Hermes ! " " Is there peace ? " asked a voice in an adjoining passage. " Peace," the guard replied. Then added, " Keep watch in the main passage until I return." " Thy bidding shall be done." was the quick re sponse. " The Lord be with thee ! " " And with thee ! " Atticus now led the way to the desired place, fol- 66 llebekah. lowed by Pilscus driving the horse and cart amidst the clatter of hoofs and wheels, which awakened a thousand echoes in the sand-pits on either side. The unusual noise thus produced attracted the at tention of the refugees some time before the cause of it arrived, and no little curiosity and excitement pre vailed among them. When the cart stopped in front of Herodion's quarter, all flocked around the guard and the driver, plying them with all manner of ques tions. Priscus, however, soon restored them to order, and persuaded them to return to their places by promising that Herodion should tell them all he knew of public interest. Not the least excited and curious in the crowd were Rebekah and her father. The latter failing to recognize the centurion, whispered to his daughter, "Who is he, and what does he seek? " To which Rebekah replied, with some embarrass ment, " I I think he is our friend Priscus." " That fellow, Priscus ? Surely thou art mistaken, Rebekah," said Herodion aloud. "May she never make a greater mistake," remarked Priscus, approaching them and removing his disguise. Then, after exchanging warm greetings with his friends, he continued, addressing Rebekah, " A lily were no more out of place in a dungeon than you here." " Nor would a ray of light be more welcome in such a place than the face of a friend here," Rebekah laughingly replied. " I fear the dampness of this cold, cheerless place may not agree with your health." " True, it is not so comfortable as your sister's house, but we might have fared worse. ' Better is little with the fear of the Lord, than great treasures and trouble therewith.' ' " Since you cannot at present return to my sister's house, I have decided to add to your comfort where you are," said Priscus, pointing to the cart. Then turning to Herodion, he continued, Friend and Foe. 67 " Thy assistance for a moment, friend." It took them but a short time to convey the box, already mentioned, to the recess, and to remove the cover. It contained, besides clothing and two large rugs, a fair supply of provisions. Our friends wit nessed these things with much pleasure, and their gratitude knew no bounds. The scanty supply which they had brought with them was all but exhausted, and they were wondering, when Priscus arrived, whether it was God's will to add hunger to the list of their trials. Under such circumstances it was not strange that they should feel elated. Besides, they had heard nothing from the outside world since their flight, Priscus being the first to visit them. Availing himself of this opportunity, Herodion addressed his friend, saying, " Since thou hast been so kind to us, permit me to tax thy goodness still further by inquiring into the condition of things in the city. Though I have no kindred there, the welfare of my brethren and sisters in Christ is very dear to me." " What I have to tell you, noble friends, will but add to the bitterness of your cup. Hence it is with reluctance I comply with your request. Your fears when last I saw you were not groundless. The mon ster who calls himself the Lord of Rome, knowing no pity, respecting no law, revels in a carnival of blood shed. The sun has but twice run his course since the sentence of death was passed on all Christians and their abettors; yet victims not a few, subjected to the most horrible torments for the amusement of the populace, have sealed their faith with death. Saturday, when Nero was informed of your escape, his fury knew no bounds ; and yesterday he wreaked the full measure of his w r rath upon those who con fessed tHeir faith in Christ, before a crowded amphi theatre. Among his victims was a beautiful maiden about Rebekah's age." " Did you learn her name ? " interrupted Rebekah. 68 Eebekah. " Irene, I think they called her Irene, the daugh ter of Persis." A sudden outburst of emotion followed this an nouncement, the martyred maiden being Rebekah's most intimate friend. " She died a heroine's death," continued Priscus after a pause. " When, covered with bear's skin, she was being torn to pieces by ferocious dogs in the arena, she ceased not to pray for her persecutors, and to exhort those who partook of the same fate to re main steadfast in the faith, until her spirit took its flight. Near her lay an old man, also sewn up in the skin of a wild beast, who, though enfeebled and emaciated with a lingering disease, had been merci lessly dragged to the arena to suffer with the rest." "Ah! it was the venerable and godly Epenetus. May he rest in peace,'* broke in Herodion with a sigh. Then after a pause he asked, "Kuowest thou the names of the others ? " " None except that of Quintus the decurion." " Ah ! I feared he would be among the victims, for he was a true Christian. Thinkest thou the persecu tion will last long ? " "Ay; for hundreds of the rabble, stimulated by the offer of great rewards, and maddened by their thirst for blood, search every street and house for Christians. One of them, the base destroyer of your house, rode with me this morning in the cart. His face was toward Aricia, whither, no doubt, he was attracted by the hope "of securing more victims." " Did you escape his recognition ? " inquired Rebekah apprehensively. " No ; his prying eyes detected my disguise." " Did he also discover your mission ? " " He discovered my destination, but not my mission." " Ah, then you are in his toils ! " "If he knew me as I know him, my fate indeed were sealed. But he judges me by himself ; hence I fear no harm from him." " Out of Darkness into Light'' 69 " God grant that thou be not mistaken," said Herodion earnestly. "But to return to the general feature of the subject, dost thou think the persecu tion will extend to the Jewish provinces ? " " Not at present, if at all." "Then thinkest thou it safe for us to go to Csesarea? We should have gone there instead of seeking refuge here had we been assured of safety." " The greatest danger lies between the city and Appii Forum. Your journey hence to Puteoli would be more secure." " Dost thou think thy strength and courage equal to this long and perilous journey, Rebekah? " " What ! surely thou dost not expect thy daughter to walk to Puteoli ! " said Priscus with surprise. " Canst thou suggest a better way then, friend ? " The centurion did not answer this question imme diately, but knitting his brow he seemed to merge into deep thought. When his answer came, it caused the faces of his friends to light up with pleasure. What the answer was will appear in due time. A few hours later Priscus returned to the city with a load of sand. CHAPTER X. "OUT OF DARKNESS INTO LIGHT." THE sun was disappearing for the fourth time be low the horizon since Priscus's visit to the sand-pit, when Rebekah and her father, with a mingled feeling of disappointment and anxiety, sat conversing in their dingy quarter. " Dost thou think he will come to-night, father ? " inquired Rebekah. " I cannot tell, my child. He came not last night ; he may not come to-night," was her father's reply. "Tl linkest thou that that any evil has befallen 70 Rebekah. him ? He is a man of his word, and does not disap point us willingly." " His undertaking is an important one, Rebekah. He may have met with unforseen difficulties. Let us hope that he is safe, and that God, for the sake of his Anointed, will grant him success." " Patience is a hard lesson to learn, father." "It is; and but few have ever learned it well. Forty years were our fathers in the wilderness, and forty years did they tempt God with their murmur- ings. Moses, the meekest of men, by one impatient act, forfeited his right to the Land of Promise ; and Saul, our first king, by rashness lost his kingdom. When God tries our faith, it is ours to wait for the hour of deliverance. I read here in the fortieth Psalm the experience o Israel's greatest king : fc I waited patiently for the Lord; and he inclined unto me, and heard my cry. He brought me up also out of a horrible pit, and out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, and established my goings, and hath put a new song in my mouth.' What God has done, he can do again. May He give us faith and . What dost thou hear?" " I thought I heard the sound of footsteps. There it is again ! " " I hear it now. It must be Priscus." "It is ; I hear his voice. Some one is with him," said Rebekah cheerfully. But a cloud spread over her countenance as she added, "Ah, what if his plans are frustrated?" " Where is thy faith, Rebekah, where is thy faith ? Borrow honey and not wormwood, hope and not de spair from the future." By this time Priscus had reached the sand-pit, which, after dismissing his guide, he entered. " Peace to thee, O noble centurion, and to all thy kindred," said Herodion, as Priscus entered the re cess ; and Rebekah echoed the greeting. " To thee be also peace, good Herodion, and to thy fair daughter," was the prompt reply. " Out of Darkness into Light:' 71 44 1 hope my failure to appear at the time appointed has not caused you much pain," continued the cen turion. " Our fear for your safety has heen greater than our disappointment," replied Rebekah. " Your fear was not groundless ; for I narrowly es caped death last night." " Ah, the monster had you in his toils ! " " Oh, no ; not that. My danger had another source. As we approached the Forum on our way here, a drunken slave, as careless of the road as he was of our lives, drove into our rheda, his heavy carriage tearing off the left hind-wheel, and crushing in the side. Our horses, terrified by the noise, became unmanageable, and ran away, killing the driver, and cutting a deep gash in Servius's head. I, thank God, escaped almost without a bruise." "It was a terrible accident ! I hope thy brother-in- law is not dead," said Herodion. " He is not dead, but will recover soon. He is much better to-night." " And you you are sure you have not been badly hurt," faltered Rebekah, with some misgiving that Priscus had concealed the real extent of his injury. " Oh no. What I received was a mere scratch. But to continue my narrative ; having run among the ruins at the foot of the Cselian Hill, the horses, trem bling, stopped. The rest I need not tell you. Suffice it to say that a rheda with two horses awaits you out side." " God is good to us. He will not forget this kind service," said Rebekah with tears in her eyes. " Blessed is he that considereth the weak : the Lord will deliver him in time of trouble," was Herodion 's apt quotation, as he tightened his girdle, and fixed his eyes on the centurion's face. As most of the preparations had already been made, it took but a short time for our friends to get ready to start. Before they started, however, their compan ions in adversity gathered to bid them God-speed, and 72 Rebekah, the most touching scene followed a scene in which joy and sorrow played a prominent part. All rejoiced with Herodion and Rebekah that they were about to leave their dismal abode ; and also regretted that they had to part, and that the deliverance was not general. Such expressions as, " May God be with you," and " God's will be done," were frequently repeated. When all demonstrations of friendship and love ceased, Priscus and his friends departed, preceded by two of the others, while the rest looked after them with sorrowful hearts and tearful eyes. The centurion walked beside Rebekah, and Hero- dian, divining the desires of the young couple, soon made some excuse for joining the other two. Glad of so favorable an opportunity to give expression to the burning passion which Rebekah had kindled in his soul, Priscus now surrendered himself to her in a very unsoldierlike manner. And Rebekah like the true maiden that she was, accepted what her heart had al ready taught her was indispensable to her happiness. We will not attempt to describe that first inter change of love, and of loving expressions and confi dences, because language can never express what the heart feels on such an occasion, and because such an event is far too sacred to be subjected even if that were possible to the scrutiny of an uninterested pen. Suffice it to say that they were so happy that their subterranean walk appeared far too short. Reaching the place where the rheda stood, Re bekah and her father took leave of the two friends that had accompanied them and Priscus, and seating themselves with the centurion in the carriage, they were driven away from the sand-pits. It was a beau tiful night ; the stars twinkling brightly in the clear sky as they did on the night in which they left Servius's house. At first Rebekah was delighted with the evening and the ride. But gradually the thought that the four-wheeled vehicle which now carried them away from the sand-pits would soon bear her away from Priscus, gained the ascendancy over every other " Out of Darkness into Light" 73 thought. True, he was with her now, and she could catch a glimpse of his handsome but sunburnt face by the starlight ; yet the expectation of a speedy separa tion marred the happiness that would otherwise have been complete. When the junction of the sand-pit road with the Via Appia was reached the act of parting lent addi tional force to the thought. But each sought conso lation in the hope of being reunited in the near future. A crack of the driver's whip caused the horses, which were unsurpassed even by Nero's horses, to start off at a rapid rate, and our friends sought in vain to catch another glimpse of the centurion. The tomb-lined portion of the Via Appia had been left far in the rear, and the plain of Bovillse was reached ere either of them addressed a word to the other. Herodion think ing at last that it might be well to introduce a sub ject which was entirely foreign to that which was uppermost in their minds, aroused himself and said, " Did I ever tell thee, Rebekah, about this most ancient of Roman ways ? " " I think not, father," said Rebekah absently. " Since it is our way to safety, it may be well for me to tell thee all I know about it. It was com menced by Appius Claudius Ctecus, and was the first of the Roman ways ever laid upon a large scale and according to the most approved methods. In its con struction a large amount of money and labor was ex pended, the irregularities of the country making it necessary to bridge many ravines, to fill up many hollows, to cut through many hills and rocks, and to bank up many swamps. Were I less acquainted with the meaning of the Scriptures, I would be inclined to think that Isaiah spoke of the Via Appia when he said, " Every valley shall be exalted, and every mountain and hill shall be made low ; and the crooked shall be made straight, and the rough places plain." As thou seest, it is perfectly smooth far more smooth than the streets of Jerusalem, but not so sacred nor so dear." 74 Rebekah. Rebekah tried to listen to her father's words ; but her mind constantly recurred to Prise us ; hence she knew as little about the road upon which they traveled as if her father had not spoken. Herodion seemed to realize this, for during the ascent of six miles to Aricia he maintained almost absolute silence. When they had passed the town, which was situated above the road, he again tried to arouse himself and Rebekah. " Didst thou see those base fellows looking down upon us as we passed through Aricia?" said he. u Yes," was the laconic reply. " Had they known who and what we are, I fear our journey would have ended far too soon, and per haps our lives also." " Ah ! that would have been terrible ! " said Re bekah with a shudder. " Ay," continued Herodion ; " but thanks to the darkness, or rather to Him who causes darkness as well as light, they doubtless thought we were wealthy Romans on our way home from the city." " I have no desire to be other than I am," was the rather cheerful reply ; " but I have no objection at present to being taken even for a Philistine if that be necessary to our safety." " At the rapid rate we are now going we shall soon be where we can breathe more freely. Meanwhile, what ails thee ? " " I hear a strange sound," said Rebekah apprehen sively. " Dost thou not hear it ? " Before Herodion had time to reply, the driver brought the horses to a sudden stop, and said hur riedly. " We are being pursued ! A troop of horse is on our track, else I am greatly mistaken as to the mean ing of that heavy tramping and that clatter of arms." " In God's name, hurry on, then," said Herodion, much alarmed, " Give them the whip, good Ancus ; spare them not." " Out of Darkness into Light* 75 Scarcely had the last word dropped from Hero- dion's lips ere the driver sent his whip writhing and hissing over the backs of the horses, and while they bounded forward like startled deer he remarked, with a smile of disdain, " Let them come ; they must outstrip the best horses in Rome ere they overtake us. I would, how ever, that we had left these plagued hills behind. Come Castor ! now Pollux! show your mettle to our pursuers." The spirited steeds now dashed forth at their highest speed across the crater-like valley lying beyond Aricia, and climbed up and down the south ern slope of the Alban Mount amidst beautiful villas and gardens, and places of historic interest. The faster they sped, however, the more did the horse men seem to gain on them, and the more excited did Rebekah and her father become. " Urge them on, good Ancus ; urge them on ! We must go faster, else we are as good as dead," exclaimed Herodion. "Were we pursued by a thousand fiends I would not urge them into greater speed. I am less anxious to go into Hades than to Tres Tabernse, and so are you, if I mistake not," said the driver doggedly. " Thou hast changed thy mind, Ancus," said Rebekah. " Either thy horses are not the best in Rome, or thou art not our friend. In either case our safety lies in leaving the rheda ere our pursuers over take us. I command thee then to stop at once that we may alight." " The horses and myself must vindicate our char acter another time, good lady, since Fortune has not sent us light enough for fast traveling. Meanwhile we must do according to thy command, but on the condition that thou and thy father wait for our re turn." It took but a moment for Herodion and Rebekah to alight ; but they did so none too soon ; for as the rheda sped away again the horsemen galloped around 76 . Uebekah. a turn in the road, and rushed madly after it. Our friends were terribly frightened at their approach ; but as they had withdrawn into a by-way the horse men continued their course utterly unconscious of their presence. They listened in absolute silence un til the clatter of the horses' feet on the pavement and of arms had almost died away in the distance ; then the sudden cessation of all noise caused a cry of pain to escape from each of them, for they realized that the rheda was at last overtaken. While they be took themselves a little farther from the road, as a precaution against capture in case the troop should return, they heard the noise again, but as it grew fainter every moment, they surmised that the pur suers continued in the direction of Tres Tabernse, and heaved a sigh of relief. There being no im mediate danger, and feeling much exhausted, they seated themselves on the ground, and began think ing what to do next. At length the sound of a vehicle attracted their attention ; but as there was much travel on the Via Appia they did not fully realize that it was the rheda which they had deserted returning for them, until it stopped and they heard a signal from the driver. Then, with a mingled feeling of hope and fear, they retraced their steps to the road, and thanking the driver warmly for his fidelity, they were soon pur suing their old course. But they were not perfectly reassured until they heard all that had happened to him after they left the rheda. " We were fools thy pardon, good lady for using the term," said the driver, settling himself in his seat as the horses proceeded at a moderate gait ; " we were all fools to be so alarmed while there was no real cause for it." " Thou art certainly mistaken there, my Ancus," said Herodion, interrupting him. " We never had any cause of alarm if we did not to-night." " Ha, ha ! I also thought so until the horsemen overtook me. But when I learned that they were m "Out of Darkness into Light" 77 pursuit of one of Rome's most wealthy citizens, who, suspecting that Caesar loved him less than his posses sions, escaped from the imperial city about the time we started, I was far from being on good terms with myself." " Then they thought the rheda they so vigorously pursued contained the wealthy Roman?" said Re bekah. " Ay ; some of the loafers who saw us drive past Aricia had hinted to them that our horses sped far too fast to be driven by innocent persons." " So those sons of Belial did think we were wealthy Romans after all, Rebekah," remarked Herodion ; " but instead of regarding us as returning from the city, they surmised that we were fleeing from it. But go on, Ancus. Was not the horsemen's suspi cion aroused when they saw the rheda empty ? " " Perpol ! you would have thought so had you seen their menaces. Nor could I for a long time convince them that the object of their pursuit was much farther from my knowledge than their swords were from my head.- I told them that I belonged to the house of Servius which is perfectly true and that I had been dispatched to Puteoli to fetch a favorite surgeon to dress my master's wounds, which also might be true." "Thou shouldst not depart from the truth, good friend, even to escape from a difficulty," remonstrated Rebekah. " True ; but if Truth's arm be not long enough to pluck one from a predicament, he must creep out as best he can, even though it be through the crevice of deceit." " I agree not with thee there. He should tell the truth and trust in God." " Then I should have told those blood-hounds that two Christians had just deserted the rheda, and thus set them on the trail of a game of another sort! Your Christian philosophy may work well in peace- 78 Rebekah. ful and easy circumstances ; but in such straits as I have been in to-night it fails utterly." " If our philosophy be not Adequate to the emer gencies of life, there is none that is. But tell us about the fruits of thy philosophy. Was the com mander of the horse satisfied with thy explanation? " " No, not at first ; but presently one of his men came to my assistance by saying that he knew I was one of Servius's servants, and that what I said must be true, since it is known to the whole city that my master has met with a severe accident. Then the commander started off at the head of the troop, mutter ing something about having wasted so much time with 'that confounded slave', and I soon found it safe to return for you." "Dost thou know what course they intended to pursue from here?" asked Herodion. "No; but I heard one of the horsemen say some thing about going to Antium." " I hope they have gone there, for I have no desire to be molested by them again," remarked Rebekah. Here the conversation dropped, as they were enter ing Tres Tabernse, and the next instant they stopped before one of the inns which gave the place its name, and sought the refreshment which they and the horses so much needed. Rebekah was sleeping soundly after her long and exciting ride, when her father, with an alarmed look on his face, startled her with the hurried words, " Awake, my daughter ! awake ! We must leave this place at once !" " Ah ! I thought I heard them come ! " "Who?" " Those bloodthirsty horsemen." " Thou art mistaken, my daughter ; our danger has another source. I fear that Demetrius the slave knows we are here ! " " What ! he that destroyed our house ! " "The same. I caught a glimpse of his hateful countenance through that door but a moment since." u Out of Darkness into Light. '* 79 4 Then let us flee for our lives ! Tell Ancus to make ready at once ! " " All is ready. Come, follow me, and let thy tread be as light as the dawn upon the mountain." Their effort to reach the carriage in silence was not successful, for as they threaded their way through the darkness they stumbled over half a dozen objects, and set all the dogs in the neighborhood barking. It seemed to them an age before they were seated in the rlieda, and as they drove away they imagined that their heart-beats were far louder than the clatter of the horses' hoofs. In their excitement they also thought they were pursued nearly all the way to Appii Forum. For the next fifteen miles to Terra- cina, however, they felt more reassured, owing partly to the increasing distance from Rome, and partly to the exhilarating effect of the morning sun. On arriving at Terracina they made another stop, this time at the house of a Christian friend ; and they did not start again until sunset the next day, which was Sunday. Like all the early Christians they were very strict in their observance of the Lord's day, and many modern Christians would do well to profit by their example. Resuming their journey they passed through many places of interest, and among them Formise, whose long street, beautiful bay, and attractive villas and gardens combined to make it a favorite retreat for noble Romans. Herodion regretted that Rebekah could not see its beauty on account of the darkness ; but he pointed out to her the spot where Cicero had been murdered by some of Antony's soldiers. He did not fail to call her attention to Miiituwise also, as a city that had been rendered famous by the valiant deeds of Marius's mature life. As their journey was now free from alarming experiences, Rebekah was in a good mood to listen to her father's interesting remarks. In due time they reached Puteoli, where they received a hearty welcome at the house of Aristobu- lus, one of Paul's particular friends. 80 Rebekah. CHAPTER XL AN UNEXPECTED DELAY. IN the cool of the evening, as the driver pursued his journey homeward with a letter from Rebekah to Priscus, the former sat conversing with one of Aris- tobulus's daughters in the guest chamber. " Hast thou ever seen the imperial city ? " asked Rebekah. " No," was the reply ; " and if report be true as it must be, seeing that thou and thy father are living witnesses of it I am not anxious to mingle with its inhabitants." "All Romans are not of Nero's mold." " Oh, no ; I have seen one noble exception. Know- est thou Paul the Apostle? " "He is my uncle; therefore not a Roman." "Thy uncle! I knew he was not a Roman; but when he staid here on his way to Rome he was under the charge of a centurion called Julius Priscus, a Roman of no mean qualities. Dost thou know him? " "No; but the name sounds familiar." "The last day Paul was here, the centurion ate bread with us, and as he took his leave he turned to me and laughingly said, ' Could I renew my youth as I can my youthful recollections, fair maiden, I would try to steal thy heart. But I have a son who may perform that feat.' ' " The son may not be equal to the father," said Rebekah with a smile. " According to thy father, the younger Priscus is the more excellent of the two," was the significant reply. "Are there no noble Romans in Puteoli?" " None that I have seen." " The excellence of some Jew may have caused thee to set thy standard too high." An Unexpected Delay. 81 " Jews lose nothing by being compared with Romans," was the evasive reply. This caused a short pause in the conversation, at the close of which the host's daughter remarked, " I am sorry thou and thy father cannot stay longer with us. Can you not remain until the next ship arrives ? " " Much as we would like to stay, I fear it would not be wisdom to let the ship which leaves to morrow go without us. As thou knowest, the autumnal storms must soon set in," said Rebekah. " Why not stay until spring ? Our city is not so famous or important as Rome, nor as beautiful as Csesarea ; yet it is not without its attractions." " I care not for the attractions of the city so much as for thy company and thy sister's. Since the per secution has deprived me of my old companions, I have felt like a bird that has lost its mate." Rebekah was favorably impressed with her new acquaintance, and she continued to converse with her until after sunset. When the maiden was gone she reclined upon a divan near the window and began to think of Priscus. She summoned before her mind in rapid succession each of the strange experiences through which she had lately passed, and found her lover either directly or indirectly associated with them all. " Ah ! " said she to herself, " how fortunate that we became acquainted with him when we did. Doubt less I should have perished with the servants had he not come to my rescue ; and how kind it was of him to find shelter for us in his sister's home, and to aid our escape here ! Would that I could see him once more. How I used to enjoy his manly presence ; how his words made my heart thrill ! But I fear we shall not meet again soon. Rome is far from here ; how much farther from Csesarea ! Can it be that God has brought us together only to be separated forever when our acquaintance was just ripening into friend- 82 RebekaJi. ship ? All ! I cannot belieye it ; something tells me we shall meet again ! " While she indulged in these reflections she knew not that she was soon to pass through an other crisis ; nor did her father, when he promised to awaken her early next morning, imagine that another sorrow was about to overtake him ; yet such was the fact. During the night Rebekah was seized with a malig nant fever, which threatened to upset all their plans and blight all their earthly hopes forever. We can better imagine than describe the feelings of Herodion as he witnessed the delirium of his beloved daughter, and watched the struggle between her flickering life and the raging disease. One moment he was almost overwhelmed with despair; the next, he consoled himself with the thought that He who had brought them thus far on their journey would not separate them now. Thus he vacillated between hope and fear day after day, until the physi cian declared the crisis had passed. " How sudden do our sorrows overtake us," said he, addressing his host, u and how dark the sky of our hopes looks when the clouds of affliction are hovering above us. When we came under thy hospitable roof our future seemed clear and bright, and our faith was strong. But another day revealed how changeable our lives are, and how weak our hearts." " Thou speakest truly," was the reply. " In the hour of prosperity we forget that we are dust. Our courage seems boundless, and our expectations soar like eagles far above the clouds of earth. If for a moment we glance at possible difficulties they appear in the distance like mole-hills and not like mountains. But the hand of affliction is scarcely laid upon us ere our courage dies, and our expectations fall wingless to the lower parts of the earth. Our difficulties also assume infinite proportions, and the valley of the shadow of death is nigh." " Yet the cup of sorrow makes the cup of joy more sweet," said Herodion. " It seems I never was so An Unexpected Delay. 83 happy as I am now. My daughter is to me as one raised from the dead. Mary and Martha could not have been happier when our Lord brought their brother back to life than I am now. Ah ! I could not live without my darling child. She is the light of my life." As he uttered the closing sentence he entered the sick-room, and rinding that Rebekah was asleep he stole to the bedside and fixed a loving gaze upon her face. Although she was very thin and pale, she never appeared more beautiful to him. She was the idol of his heart. Presently, as if she felt the gaze of her father, she awoke, and, greeting him with a smile, said, " I feel much better to-day." " God be praised, my child, for such good news," said Herodion. " Dost thou think I shall recover before the tenth of Tishri?" "I fear not, my daughter," was the answer. " Then we cannot sail for Csesarea until spring." " No; for after the autumnal storms begin, naviga tion will be unsafe in these seas." " I am sorry, father, that my illness has interfered with thy plans." " It is not thy fault, Rebekah ; it is no one's fault. The chastening of the Lord must needs come. Let us be thankful that the Lord's hand is not heavier upon us." " I think some one seeks thee at the door, father." " This is a propitious day for us, Rebekah," said Herodion, returning from the door with a letter in his hand. " This one is for thee. Knowest thou the seal ? " he added as he handed it to her. "The seal is is the centurion's, as is also the handwriting," she said with a smile as she broke the seal. Then returning the letter to her father she continued, " The message is mine, but being thy daughter thou shouldst share my secrets. Read ; J am a good listener." 84 Rebekah. The letter commenced as follows : " ROME, IY. KAL. SEPT. " Priscus to Rebekah. "O My Venus ! It was with a heavy heart and great fears I wrote the previous letter to thee. Ah, how could I feel happy when an angry blast threatened to blight the lily of my hopes, and to quench the bright light of my life ? But now I thank thy God and mine that the threatened evil has been thrust aside, and rejoice that thou art in a state of convalescence. My constant prayer is for thee. Sleep always finds me thinking of thee. Thou art the inspiration of my dreams ; and returning consciousness never comes without thoughts of thee. Had I the sandals which the nymphs gave Perseus, thou shouldst see me oft; or had I the prefect's permission, the fleetest horses in Rome should bear me to thee." It was a long letter, and it continued to the end in the loving strain with which it commenced. As Rebekah listened to it her heart was thrilled with pleasure, and her eyes glistened with tears of joy. The words that she heard had a far better effect upon her than any medicine that her physician could pre scribe, and she looked forward with delight to the arrival of another letter. Although her recovery was slow, she had gained enough strength at the end of two weeks from this time to be able to sit up in bed with the support of pillows. From the commencement of her sickness, her host and his family did all in their power to aid her recovery and to relieve her father from care and anxiety. It is not strange then that when the daugh ters of Aristobulus found that she was able to sit up, they persuaded Herodion to leave her in their charge for a while. " How glad we are to find thee so well to-day," said the elder daughter as she arranged Rebekah's hair. " And how delightful it will be to have thee and thy father stay with us till spring," added the younger as she sat watching her sister. " The honey that Samson found in the vineyards of Timnath was not sweeter than your words are to me. An Unexpected Delay. 85 But I fear I shall exhaust your patience before we take our departure," remarked Rebekah. " Thou canst do no mischief, O Samson, seeing that a Delilah has her hands in thy hair," said the younger sister, and they all laughed. " Or if the hands of a Delilah cannot subdue thee, maybe the voice of a Rachel can. Come sister, tell her one of the tales we heard from Theophilus the Athenian," said the other. "Which one?" " That one about Narkissos and Echo." tc Yes, go on ; my ears were made to listen," re marked Rebekah with an encouraging gesture. And the maiden directly began : " On the banks of the River Kephisos sat the hand some Narkissos mourning for his twin sister, whom Hermes had borne away beyond the Stygian River. Echo, a beautiful maiden was in love with him ; but he cared not for her love. As he sat there from day to day, Echo came to him and said, ' Look on me; I am fairer than she for whom thou dost mourn.' But he, answering her not a word, looked in silence into the clear water, and saw Jiis face imaged there. It seemed to him like the face of his departed sister, whose soft blue eyes he thought he saw again, and whose sweet words he almost heard dropping from her lips. Again Echo spoke to him, 4 Ah, Narkissos, thou mournest for one who cannot heed thy sorrow, and thou carest not for her who longs to see thy face and hear thy voice forever.' But he heard her not. Gazing at the face in the water he slept and died. Then Echo's voice was heard no more ; but she sat in solitude at his grave, and a beautiful flower which the people of that country call after the young man's name, sprang up at her feet, its white blossoms drooping over the place where Narkissos had sat and died." "Oh, that is beautiful," exclaimed Rebekah en thusiastically when the maiden paused. " Hast thou another like it, Rachel ? " 86 Bebekah. "I have; but let Esther tell thee how Daphne escaped from Apollo," was the reply. " Yes, tell me about Daphne and Apollo," begged Rebekah as Esther took a seat beside her sister. " My father says that obedience is a jewel ; there fore listen, O daughter of Herodion, and thou child of Aristobulus," said Esther with a flourishing ges ture and mock gravity. "In the vale of Tempe, beneath the heights of Olympos, where flows the river Peneios toward the sea, was born a beautiful maiden called Daphne. Nimble as a doe, and fresh as the morning, she roamed over hill and dale and climbed the highest peaks to watch the sun coming forth as a strong man to run a race, or disappearing below the horizon in his chariot of fire. Her beauty brought many a noble youth to her feet, but she hearkened not to the voice of love. While other maidens talked of their lovers she wandered in solitude among the hills. " Standing one day on the slopes of Ossa, a glorious form appeared before her, and a glance at his hand some face, as it shone in the morning light, told her that he was no other than Phoebus Apollo. As he stood there she heard him say, 4 1 have found thee, Child of the Morning. Others thou hast cast aside ; but from me thou canst not escape. I have sought thee long, and now I will make thee mine.' With flushed cheeks and flashing eyes she answered, 'I know no love nor bondage. I live free among the streams and hills, and to none will I yield my free dom.' Then seeing the angry look on Apollo's face, she fled away with the swiftness of lightning, closely pursued. But swift as she sped Apollo ran faster. As she neared the home of her childhood she grew faint and dizzy ; but as Apollo was about to grasp her flying robe, she cried, c Father Peneios, receive thy child,' and rushed into the stream, the water clos ing over her forever. Thus did she escape from Phoebus Apollo, who, mourning his mad chase, said, 'I have punished myself for my folly; the light of The Voyage. 87 morning is taken out of the day, I must go on alone till my journey ends.' At his word a laurel came up where Daphne had sprung into the stream and in it her name lives forever." She paused, and Rebekah faintly clapped her hands. " You have done well, daughters of Aristobulus. Your tales are beautiful, but not perfect. Narkissos did well to love his sister ; but he also should have loved Echo. I like Daphne's love of freedom, but not her indifference to manly beauty and to the value of life." " What now, Rebekah ? Dost thou play the part of a philosopher ? " inquired Herodion, entering the room as his daughter uttered the last phrase. " Oh, no ; she only plays the part of a critic," was Esther's remark as she and her sister rose to leave "Must you go so soon? Then you must come again to-morrow. I shall need more of your medi cine. God be with you." " And with thee," was the reply as they passed out. Rebekah continued to improve, and was soon able to visit the apartment of her young friends. CHAPTER XII. THE VOYAGE. AMONG the many ships which frequented the har bor of Puteoli were the Alexandrian corn-vessels. One of these having been the first to arrive after the opening of navigation in the spring, was now getting ready to leave the harbor. It differed in many respects from modern ships. Its hull was not finely laid ; it was steered by two paddle-rudders ; it had but one mast, and one large sail fastened to an enor mous yard; and its prow was ornamented on both sides with painted figures. In size it differed little from the average trading vessel of to-day, having a 88 RebekaL capacity of about a thousand tons. The report that it was about to sail for Alexandria had attracted a large crowd of idle and curious spectators to the landing which was built in the form of large arcades supported by thirteen pillars and these now stood gazing at the heterogeneous flood of human beings that was pouring into the ship. Jews, Romans, Greeks, Egyptians, Ethiopians, Arabs, and a sprin kling of Gauls and Britons passed them in the greatest hurry, each wearing his peculiar costume, bearing his own burden, and jabbering away at a great rate. " By Hercules ! there goes Atlas with the world on his shoulders," said one of the crowd, pointing to a Jewish pedler with an enormous pack hastening into the ship. " Ha, ha ! and there go the Furies, by Castor," said another, as three negresses went by. " It were more polite to call them the three Graces," remarked a third speaker with mock gravity. Thus each idler tried to amuse himself and those around him at the expense of the passengers. In the meantime the sailors helped to increase the confusion by their cries as they were engaged in their work ; while Rebekah and her father stood in the stern of the ship, the latter conversing with Aristobulus, and the former with his children. They all seemed much interested, and enjoyed the invigorating air, the sweet music floating on the breeze, and the grand panorama spread before them that beautiful spring morning. To Rebekah the scene was altogether new, and she felt as though she had been conveyed into an earthly paradise. " Come, Jonathan ; thy sisters' tongues have often feasted my ears; let thine now aid my eyes. The objects we see must have names and a history ; but to me they have neither." Thus Rebekah spoke, addressing Aristobulus's son " I had rather Esther would enlighten thee, seeing The Voyage. 89 that her tongue is more loosely hung than mine," was the laughing reply. "Thou shalt feel that it is also sharper than thine if thou holdest not thy peace," said Esther. "Ha, ha ! if it be as sharp as the sting of that bee that stung me yesterday, I have no desire to be in thy place, brother," laughed Rachel. " A sharp tongue, like a sharp sword, loses its edge by striking too oft against a shield. My feeling is steeled against your tongues, sisters ; hence keep them sheathed," was Jonathan's reply. Then he asked, " Where shall I begin, Rebekah? " " With that town, yonder." " That town is Baiae, a favorite resort of noble Romans; which means the abode of luxury and lust, and the haunt of vice. Those ruins this side of the town are the remains of the fantastic bridge built by Caligula. That headland yonder is Misenum, and those islands to the west, under whose shelter thou seest the imperial fleet at anchor, are Ischia and Procida." " What is that headland to the south ? " " That is the promontory of Minerva, and the island opposite is Caprese, which is composed of two moun tain masses, the highest and largest being 1,900 feet high, and the lowest 860 feet. On a shelving rock at the base of the latter lies the town of Caprese with its twelve grand villas built in honor of the twelve principal gods by Tiberius, whose mad conduct during the last ten years of his life filled the place with evil associations. West of the town and entered from the sea through a narrow opening is a large cave, adorned with the most beautiful colors. There to the north stands Cumse, and yonder, nestling among the hills, is a lake, near which is the Sibyl's Cave." Here the attention of all was called by Rachel to the street leading to the harbor. Looking in this direction they saw a body of soldiers advancing towards the ship. First came a body of light-armed soldiers; then a column of heavy-armed infantry; 90 ttebekah. next a guard of cavalry headed by a mounted officer; and lastly another column of heavy-armed infantry. The movement of each soldier was perfectly regular, his step firm, and his bearing bold. Every helmet and breastplate, and every buckle and spear-head sparkled in the morning sun; while the nodding plumes in the tall crests seemed to imitate the sway of the much venerated ensigns and heavy spears. To tell the spectators that these brawny, well-trained men were Roman soldiers, and that they were escort ing some person of rank, was needless. Such scenes were familiar to them. Reaching the landing in front of the ship, the cohort halted, while all eyes were riveted on the imposing figure of the great man at the head of the cavaliy. He was in full armor, over which he wore a purple cloak that reached down to his knees, and hung loosely over his shoulders, being fastened across the chest by a clasp. A short sword was suspended at his left hip, and a truncheon was held in his hand. The horse upon which he sat was high-spirited and gorgeously caparisoned. Soon after the halt he dismounted, and as he passed into the ship accompanied by his attendants, and closely followed by a select band of infantry, and his horse in charge of a servant, Rebekah gave a sud den start as if waking from a dream, and turning to her father she whispered, "Seest thou Priscus? He commands the band now entering the ship." "No yes, thou art right, Rebekah; it is he," was the reply, while Priscus looked up with a smile of recognition. Noticing these demonstrations, Esther asked Re bekah in surprise, "Who is that centurion? He acts like an old acquaintance of thine." " He is the younger Priscus. Hadst thou not bet ter tell him what his father said to thee ? " The Voyage. 91 The speaker uttered these words with a slight flush in her cheek and a twinkle in her eye. " Thou art meaner than a Philistine. Why didst thou not tell me that he expected to sail with thee ? " continued Esther. " Could I tell thee what I knew not myself ? I am neither a witch nor a prophetess." " Thy pardon, then ; I thought thou mightest have another source of information. Rebekah made no answer to this, as she was watch ing Priscus, who just then, returning to the landing, approached a tribune with orders from the great man. After a brief consultation he re-entered the ship, and the cohort moved away. The time for sailing arriving shortly after, all ex cept the passengers and crew left the ship. Most of them, however, including the friends of Rebekah and her father, stood on the landing, occasionally waving their hands and handkerchiefs until distance hid those on board from view. Although Rebekah was very sorry to part with her friends, and returned their salutations with sincerity, her mind reverted in spite of herself to Priscus, and she wondered why he was so slow in seeking her presence. So occupied with her thoughts was she that she unconsciously wandered away from where her father stood, and knew not that the object of her thoughts was near, until he laid his hand lightly on her shoulder. Then turning suddenly she found her self face to face with Priscus. Love is generally demonstrative, especially after a long separation ; on this occasion, however, its demonstrations were re strained by the consciousness that curious eyes were watching. When Rebekah recovered from her sur prise at the sudden appearance of Priscus, she said, "The presence of Elijah the prophet at Ahab's court was not more unexpected than your arrival this morning was to me." " Does this comparison also mean that I am as un welcome as the prophet was, and that your thoughts 92 Rebekah. were as far from me as Ahab's were from him ? " in quired the centurion. " It means rather that nature is not more destitute of a promise of another paradise than your letters were of a hint of this meeting." " It is but a week since I learned that I was to leave Rome." " And it is but a day since your last letter came to me from Rome." " I wished to give you a surprise." " You need not be surprised then that your pres ence was unexpected. But how came you to leave the Imperial City ? If my memory serves me well, you told me once that the Prsetorian guards were rarely called out on foreign service." " Your memory is correct ; and the departure of myself and band is but an exception to a long-estab lished rule." " Who is the great man whom you escort ? " " Gessius Florus, the new Procurator of Judea." " Why has he chosen you as the commander of his escort ? " " He and my father are intimate friends, and my appointment is a token of friendship." " To him then owe I the pleasure of this meeting, and I suppose I ought to send him my thanks." " Partly to him ; but more especially to Divine Providence." " Divine Providence ! Why not say Fortune ? " He was prevented from answering this question by the approach of Herodion, who, after exchanging cordial greetings with Priscus, sought and received the explanations just given Rebekah. " Thou hast been very kind in keeping us informed of the events which have transpired at Rome since our departure," said Herodion, drifting to the sub ject which was uppermost in his mind. " I am glad also that thou didst not forget those dear friends whom we left in the sand-pits. The news of the venerable Andronicus's death, though unwelcome, The Vogage. 93 was not unexpected to us, for he showed symptoms of approaching dissolution when we last saw him. But we were wholly unprepared to hear that the faithful Apelles with two others of our friends had fallen into the hands of Christ's enemies while in quest of supplies in the city, and had perished in the arena. The intelligence that in spite of thy liberal gifts the rest suffered much from from hunger and cold be- f ore^they succeeded in leaving the sand-pits also gave us no little pain. Hast thou learned aught of their whereabouts since ? '" " Nothing definite," said Priscus, " but it has been reported that some of them subsequently suffered martyrdom." " Ah I I fear the report is founded on truth," said Herodion gravely. " Possibly, for a great many have suffered of late," remarked Priscus. " Does the persecution still continue unabated ? " asked Rebekah. " Ay," was the reply ; " nor is there any lack of victims. The harvest of death in the arena only in creases the harvest of souls into the kingdom of God. The executioner sometimes becoming convert ed shares the fate of the executed. The gladiatorial shows have made many people brutes ; to see the Christians die reforms them into men." " You speak as one who owns Christ as his Lord," said Rebekah eagerly. "Are you also among his followers ? " " You have a right to doubt my loyalty to Christ," continued the centurion with a downcast look. " Like many others, I have tried to follow him in secret, often resorting to questionable means in order to guard my secret. The sufferings of the martyrs have made me loathe myself, and see what a coward ly soldier of Christ I have been. Henceforth I shall fight his battles as well as my country's." Both Rebekah and her father welcomed this con fession with delight, and gave expression to their joy 94 EebeJcah. in warm terms. It was only when the ship was pass ing between the promontory of Minerva and the island of Caprese that Priscus left the side of his be trothed to go and look after his command, and the following days saw them often together, sitting in the shade of the sail. " You say that love is the soul of happiness," said Rebekah, as the ship was sailing by the island of Crete ; " yet is it not true that many who love are miserable ? " " It may be true of others, but not of me. My love for the sweetest maiden earth has ever seen has placed me in a heaven of unadulterated bliss," said Priscus. " Yet were that ' sweetest maiden ' to play the co quette, or fail to humor that love with signs of her favor, how long would the lover remain there ? " " I fear a shorter time than our first parents re mained in Paradise." " Then love is the soul of misery as well as of happiness ; and how can that be ? " " As I can handle the sword better than logic, my explanation may not be satisfactory ; but I can prove that love is the soul of happiness and misery alike." " You are not going to jilt me ! " " I am going to tell you a story instead. Have you ever heard the story of Theseus and Ariadne ? " " No ; but I should like t3 hear it." " Then listen : On yonder island in the Gnossian labyrinth. There lived a savage Minotaur who fed upon youths and maidens brought from Athens as an annual tribute. At the appointed time the people thronged as usual to the harbor to see the arrival of the black-sailed ship with its human freight. In the throng stood Ariadne, the daughter of King Minos, who, as she watched the landing of the youths and maidens, was attracted by one that was taller and fairer than the rest. Following him and his com panions to her father's house, she saw that he alone gazed steadfastly upon the king, and listening to his The Voyage. 95 request for permission to go and fight the Minotaur, she was moved with love, and decided to aid him. That night she sought him secretly, and gave him a clue of thread so that he would not get lost in the mazes of the labyrinth. Then leading him to the secret gate, she bade him to be courageous, and de parted. Following her directions, Theseus for that is who he was slew the monster while he was asleep, and returned to the royal palace. There was great joy in the city of Gnossos, and among the youths and maidens who had accompanied Theseus from Athens, at the death of the Minotaur. But none was more joyful than Ariadne, to whom Theseus spoke words of love, persuading her to accompany him to his country, where his father was king. Entering the black-sailed ship she sat beside her lover, thinking that he loved her as she loved him. Coming to the high cliffs of Naxos, she landed with Theseus and his companions, and feasted on the beach amidst laughter and mirth, listening only to her lover's voice. Late at night she with the others slept, but when she awoke she found herself deserted. Sadly disappointed she wandered with wounded feet over the sharp flints on the beach, crying in bitter sorrow for Theseus. Wearied and sad she sank down on the rock, and through her tears beheld one that was fairer and more glorious than the sons of men. It was Bacchus, the lord of the feast and revel, who had come to make her his wife. When she heard his voice, her tears ceased ; and in his company she forgot the false Theseus. Henceforth there was none so beauti ful and joyful among the matrons who gathered round the wine-god as Ariadne, the daughter of Minos. " Now, my Ariadne," said Priscus at the close of the story, drawing Rebekah a little closer to him and kissing her white hand, u have I not proven my statement?" " I am not your Ariadne," said Rebekah, earnestly looking into her lover's eyes, and evading the latter 96 Relekah. part of the question ; " nor are you either my Theseus or Bacchus." " Then instead of my jilting you, you are going to jilt me." " You are wrong ; my words have another mean ing. Ariadne's love to Theseus was unsought and unrequited ; so is not my love to you. Theseus was heartless and false, and Bacchus voluptuous and vain ; shall I consider you so ? " " Ay, if you have found me so ? " 44 They say that love is blind," was the laughing and evasive reply. " But not always unsuspicious." " Then I have never been in love, for suspicion is a stranger to me." " All my efforts have been in vain, then." " What ! to make me suspicious ! " " No ; to steal your heart." " Stealing is wicked ; the Scriptures say so." " But a fair exchange is not." Cries of, " A whale ! a whale ! " now brought a large crowd to where they sat, and arising they saw with much delight a large object rushing through the water in the distance and spouting at a lively rate. The ship now soon arrived at Alexandria, where Rebekah and her father, together with Florus and his escort, re-embarked in a ship bound for Csesarea and other more northern sea-ports. As neither of the lovers had seen Alexandria before, its two straight streets which crossed each other at right angles in the centre of the city, and were lined with regular colonnades ; its museum, large library, royal palaces, great theatre, and mausoleums of illustrious men ; and finally its emporium, obelisks, necropolis, and famous light-house, Pharos, furnished them subjects enough for conversation during the remainder of the voyage. As they came in sight of Csesarea a most magnifi cent view presented itself to them. " You see," remarked Herodion, joining them, " I have not said too much in praise of our future home. A Smouldering Fire. 97 That harbor is equaled only by the Piraeus at Athens. Presently when we enter between that round turret and those two vast stones joined to gether on the left, andsee its fine landing with its large arches and grand buildings, you shall be better pre pared to give an opinion concerning it. That temple on yonder elevation is the most costly and beautiful in the city. Of the other attractions of the city you will have a better opportunity to judge after landing. Even at this distance, however, you can have some idea of the grandeur of its palaces, the magnificence of its public buildings, and the systematic arrange ment of its streets. Even Rome itself has no street which surpasses that one you see leading from the harbor." Landing in due time, the various passengers soon arrived at their destination. CHAPTER XIII. A SMOULDERING FIRE. AT the extreme south end of a street that crossed at right angles the one leading direct from the har bor, stood a building in which the eastern branch of Herodion's business had been carried on for many years, and in the upper story of which he and his daughter now resided. Into this building, a little more than a year after the arrival of our friends at Csesarea, entered one afternoon a young man of slender form, dressed in a garment of fine white linen made in the prevalent Jewish style. Saluting the clerk in charge of the stall with an air of superiority, he passed into an open court, and ascend ing a stairway he was led by a servant into a spacious room, in the center of which hung a large chandelier over a mosaic floor, upon which rested several divans covered with blue cloth, and provided with highly embroidered cushions. Seating himself upon one of 98 Eebekah. the divans near a window overlooking the street, he took a general survey of the room. A person unused to critical observation would have pronounced him handsome ; to a keen observer, however, there was that in his look which marred his beauty and showed a fierce, selfish nature, coupled with a nar row, unscrupulous mind. Not long after he was seated, Rebekah entered the room, and exchanging greetings with him occupied a neighboring seat. A certain familiarity in their manner and tone showed previous acquaintance, and certain words dropped during a part of the conversation that followed in dicated relationship. He was the only son of a sister of Herodion, dwelling at Jerusalem, and was known as Judas the son of Merto. Idolizing everything of Jewish origin and cast, and feeling a profound con tempt for all Gentiles and their ways, he was withal a zealous Pharisee. His mood on this occasion was not his best, owing partly to recent events at Jerusa lem, and partly to the hostility then existing between the Grecian and Syrian half of the popula tion of Csesarea and the Jewish half. Taking ad vantage of the first pause to lead the conversation into a more desirable channel he remarked, " Several accounts have reached us of the dis turbances lately created by the uncircumcised dogs dwelling in this city ; but seeing that none of them are wholly satisfactory, perhaps thou wilt favor me with a more accurate account." " An accurate account is impossible without ac curate knowledge and a truthful utterance. My knowledge of the trouble has been imparted to me by others ; hence may be neither reliable nor satis factory," was the reply. " The nearer the source the purer the stream." " Not unless the source itself be pure." "If the source from which thy knowledge has been derived be corrupt, the fault is not thine, and if thy account be not satisfactory, I will blame the source and not the stream. Thou wilt surely speak now," A Smouldering Fire. 99 " Seeing that thou relievest me of all responsibility I will ; hence listen. A base Greek, as destitute of love to God as of respect to man, owns a piece of ground near one of the synagogues, for which he has repeatedly refused a price many times its worth. On this ground scarcely two weeks ago he commenced to build, the workshops he erected being so close to the synagogue that our people could hardly pass. In censed by this insult the more impulsive of the young men hindered the work until Floras interfered. Violence being prohibited, John the publican, sup ported by the leading Jews, gave the procurator eight talents of silver with the understanding that he was to help them ; but he as soon as he received the money left for Sebaste, without attempting to restore order and peace." " Abaddon take him ! and may his name perish from the earth! " exclaimed Judas. " On the next day, which was the Sabbath," con tinued Rebekah, "a malicious heathen, turning an earthen vessel bottom upwards, sacrificed birds upon it at the entrance of the synagogue." " Son of perdition ! Let the Lord rain upon him snares, and fire, and brimstone, and a burning tempest. But go on." " The more moderate of the Jews, when they saw their laws thus insulted and their sacred place pol luted, were greatly grieved but resorted to no violence. But the others were so enraged and created such tumult that even Jucundus, the Master of the Horse, was unable to quell it. Fearing a general outbreak, some of our people, seizing the books of the Law, departed to Narbata ; while John, with twelve of the leading men, went to Sebaste to lay their grievances before Floras ; but he, instead of listen ing to their complaints, threw them into prison. This is all I know ; art thou satisfied ? " " Thou hast done well, Rebekah, thou hast done well. Truth receives justice at thy hands. But our people have suffered injustice at the hands of Greeks 100 fiebekah. as well as Romans. No Jew who loves the peace of Jerusalem and the prosperity of Israel can listen to such words as my ears have just heard, and see what I have seen at Csesarea without having his heart stirred ; or witness the oppression of the city of our God without hatred in his heart and a curse upon his lips." " I like not thy philosophy, Judas. Vengeance is God's, not ours. It grieves me to see the oppression of Israel ; yet I wish no harm to the oppressors. They are our enemies; yet being also our brothers we should not hate them." "Moses is my teacher, not the Nazarene," said Judas, making an effort to conceal his displeasure. " Would it were otherwise," continued Rebekah, looking at the figure of a lamb worked in brilliant colors in a large rug on the floor. " Love is better than hatred, charity better than revenge." " That is sound doctrine," said Herodion entering the room. Then after saluting Judas he asked, " How does Jerusalem prosper ? " " Its prosperity is destroyed by the hand of the oppressor ; its burdens are heavier than it can bear," was the rather sullen reply. " The last of the Pro curators is also the most covetous, barbarous, and im pious." " What has he done ? How ? When ? " " Thou knowest that this Roman dog has not been seen in Csesarea since the sedition until to-day, and that he has made no effort to quench the flame of war that has been kindled here. He has rather sought to kindle another flame at Jerusalem ; for scarcely had we heard of the outbreak here, ere he sent to the Holy City, demanding seventeen talents from the Corban treasury for the use of Csesar." " A deed most worthy of the man ! A corrupt tree cannot bring forth good fruit." Encouraged by this remark of Herodion, he bowed slightly and continued, " This bold tyrannical act stirred up Jerusalem as a A Smouldering Fire. 101 tempest does the sea. Some cried aloud for Caesar's protection ; others heaped reproaches upon Floras ; and others jesting, begged money for him. Enraged at these indignities, he marched with a body of horse and foot towards Jerusalem to enforce his demand. The people, thinking to make him ashamed of his conduct, went out with shouts of joy to meet him ; but he ordered his horsemen to drive them back into the city. Next day as he sat on his tribunal, refusing to receive any apology, and demanding the surrender of those guilty of reproach, he sent his soldiers to plunder the upper market, and caused men of the equestrian order to be scourged and crucified before him. That night Jerusalem mourned the loss of three thousand and six hundred slain." " Monster of iniquity ! Were there women and children among the slain ? " This from Rebekah. " Ay, and even infants on their mothers' breasts. But even this did not satisfy him. His thirst for blood drove him to other violent deeds. Nor would he listen to the entreaties of the great. Often did Berenice, King Agrippa's sister, send the head-offi cers of her horse and guard to Florus, begging him to cease his cruelties; and once she herself stood barefoot before his tribunal, pleading mercy for the people ; but in vain." Here a fit of terrible passion seized him, and after giving utterance to some fearful execrations he apologized to Rebekah, and continued, " He has no more regard for the great among us than for a dog ; and his soldiers have less regard for royal life than he has for royal dignity ; for it was with difficulty that the queen returned in safety to the palace. " Soon after the departure of Berenice, having new designs upon the lives of our people, he per suaded the leading men of Jerusalem to send a vast number of the citizens to meet and welcome two co horts then advancing from Ceesarea to the Holy City, while he sent a secret order that the soldiers return 102 RebeTcaTi. not their salutations. His order was obeyed, and another massacre ensued, and I myself very nar rowly escaped death. Incensed by these additional cruelties the people on the next day rebelled, and driving the Romans back to their camp, they de stroyed the covered way leading from Antonia to the temple, that Florus might not obtain the treasures of God's house. Being thus thwarted in his covetous and sacrilegious designs, he at last departed from the city leaving but one cohort in the citadel." Priscus entering at this juncture, the speaker paused, and while the former exchanged greetings with Rebekah and her father, the latter abruptly left the room with a mingled expression of hatred and displeasure on his face. Rebekah did not see him depart ; therefore she was not a little surprised when turning to introduce him to the centurion she found him gone. But a moment's reflection sufficed to acquaint her with the cause of Ids sudden departure. Priscus was a Roman soldier ; and the familiar way in which he entered the room indicated that he was no stranger there. These two facts made his presence particu larly obnoxious to a man of the disposition and char acter of Judas. Priscus also was somewhat surprised at the sudden disappearance of the son of Merto. Yet the only {illusion he made to him was, that he thought he had seen him somewhere before. " We have not seen you since the trouble began until to-day," said Rebekah after a pause. "No; my duties called me to Sebaste," was the reply. u And to Jerusalem also, did they not?" Thinking that he detected a slight reproach in the speaker's words, he glanced quickly at her, and re marked, " Yes ; being the commander of the Procurator's guard I had to accompany him there. But I thank God I had no hand in the disgraceful scene my eyes The Outburst of the Flame. 103 were forced to witness. Nor was I in sympathy with the cruel spirit that demanded the shedding of so much blood." " What excuse had Florus for his shameful con duct?" asked Herodion. " The excuse which a robber has for taking a man's life when he is unwilling to give him his money," was the prompt reply. Although this answer expressed the general im pression in regard to Florus's motives, yet it had only appearance in its favor. Florus was not more avaricious than his predecessors had been. The chief reason for his wicked course was that he wanted to fan the sparks of rebellion among the Jews into the flame of open revolt. While Priscus was very careful as to how he ex pressed himself to his comrades, he felt no restraint among his Jewish friends. He wished them to un derstand that he heartily disapproved the Procura tor's mad policy ; and before he left that afternoon he discussed with them the probable outcome of it. CHAPTER XIV. THE OUTBURST OF THE FLAME. TIME, instead of quenching the smouldering fire of rebellion, secretly fed it, so that on a Sabbath morn ing not long after Judas's visit to Csesarea it burst into a most terrible flame. The Jews, little suspect ing the imminent danger they were in, looked for ward as usual to a day of rest; but the Gentile element hailed the day because it was to be one of a peculiar activity. Especially was this true of the leading officials, who under cover of a heavy fog which envel oped the whole city, assembled early in the house of the chief magistrate. " You remember my command," said that mag nate, " that the names and homes of the Jewish dogs 104 Eebekah. be secured ; that their houses be marked ; that all who are to be spared wear a red sword-shaped badge over their hearts ; that the armed men be placed in differ ent parts of the city, where they can most effectively perform their work. Have you obeyed my com mand?" " We have, O Dionysius ; else may the Furies take us," was the reply. " Zeus has sent us a propitious day ; our enemies are in our hands ; let them be mown down as grass. He that lets a soul escape forfeits his own life. Two hours before noon is the time, and the sound of the trumpet, the signal for action. Go, honor the heroism of your fathers with your deeds." As the officials turned to leave, the chief magistrate beckoned to one of them, and whispered in his ear, " Remember that Herodion dies with the rest ; but his daughter must be spared, for her charms have struck my fancy. Go." " Thy command, O illustrious, shall be obeyed," said the person addressed, hastening after his compan ions. Reaching the door, they all struck out in different directions, wishing each other success. As each pursued his course he passed several Jews going to their synagogue, and remarked to himself that their lives would soon be as the fog that was then vanish ing. Although most of the Jews lived in what was known as the Jewish quarter, yet not a few of them lived in the other parts of the city. These had to pass through the business parts in order to reach their place of worship. They saw nothing there that Sabbath morning, however, that looked in the least suspicious. The streets were crowded as usual, and every Gentile business-stand was occupied; mostly, however, by women and aged men. Half of the able- bodied men were concealed near the Jewish quarter ; the other half mingled with the crowds to avoid sus picion until their service was needed. The service had scarcely commenced in the various The Outburst of the Flame. 105 synagogues ere the worshipers were startled by the sound of a trumpet in the distance, which was answered by several others in various quarters of the city. Almost simultaneous with the signal, they heard a great rush in the neighboring streets, and looking in terror at each other, they sprang from their seats, some crying to have the doors shut; others to have room to pass out. The conspirators left them no time to escape, but surrounding them with the fury of madmen, they fell upon them at once. The work of destruction had been aided by the panic within, in that it had prevented the closing of the doors. Many of the conspirators, however, in their impatience made their way in through the win dows, their harsh laughter and fearful execrations mingling with the despairing cries and dying groans of their helpless victims as they rushed upon them with swords and daggers from all directions. In less than fifteen minutes all the worshipers were dead, and as they lay in heaps upon the sacred floors their blood covered the walls and seats and ran in streams out at the doors. Simultaneous with this slaughter, a general rush was made upon thousands of unprotected homes, the murderers regarding neither sex nor age. Exult ing over their success, and stimulated by the vocif erations of their fellows and the lamentable and affrighted cries of the perishing, those who had attacked the synagogues hurried to assist still further in the carnival of death. Many of the helpless vic tims pursued by their enemies were met in the nar row lanes and streets by these human fiends, and quickly dispatched. Mothers and daughters, after suffering all manner of insults, fell dead at the feet of their murderers. Sleeping babes were thrown from the windows of the upper stories and caught on the spears of those who were in the streets below. Many older ones also were hurled from the roofs and dashed to pieces on the pavement. This fearful carnage continued only for one hour ; yet in that short time 106 jRebekah. twenty thousand Jews were massacred ; and the few who escaped were sentenced by Floras to the galleys for life. But where were Rebekah and her father ? This was the question that was uppermost in Priscus's mind as lie left the landing, where he and his band had been stationed about an hour before to arrest those who attempted to escape, and hastened half distracted in the direction of Herodion's house. The knowledge of the plot had been studiously kept from the sol diers, lest those among them who had Jewish friends might inform them of their danger, and thus over throw the plot. When the centurion was ordered to take his band to the landing that morning, he only thought that a riot was expected, and that those whom he was to arrest were rebels. Nor did he dis cover his delusion until the massacre was nearly over. True he heard frightful shrieks and clamors in the distance, and saw his men arrest several bleeding forms ; yet it was only when a young woman, blood stained and terrified almost to madness, prostrated herself at his feet, that he learned the true state of things. Then a terrible thought flashed into his mind, and commanding the sub-centurion to take charge both of the band and fugitive, he hurried to the scene of consternation and death. As he passed from street to street the most horrible and sickening spectacles met his gaze. The pavements were lit erally flooded with the blood of men, women and children, most of whom had been thrown, either dead or dying, into the streets, where in some places they lay so thick as to form almost impassable ob structions. Arriving after much difficulty at Herodion's place of business, Prisons found the front door forced open, and the interior of the lower story showing unmistak able signs of having been plundered. Passing into the court-yard he was startled at the sight of the dead body of Levi, Herodion's clerk ; and ascending to the upper story with his heart beating violently, the blood- The Outburst of the Flame. 107 stained stairway and veranda showed him that after being mortally wounded the unfortunate man had either fallen or had been thrown downstairs. Tem porarily overcome by the fearful picture presented to his excited imagination, he leaned a moment against the wall near the door, while his whole frame trem bled violently. Then reproving himself for this dis play of weakness, he staggered into the house. He saw at a glance that this also had been plundered ; and as he passed from room to room and up to the roof, he expected every moment to find the dead bodies of his friends. But they were evidently not there. This fact puzzled him. Where could they be? While he was revolving this question in his mind, he heard a step on the roof, and laying his hand on the hilt of his sword he turned on his heel, and as he faced the in truder said, " Who art thou ? Ah, thy pardon, Hernias ! I took thee for one of the conspirators. Knowest thou aught of Rebekah and her father ? " " They are safe in my master's house." " Jove I mean God be praised ! Thou art sure they are safe ? Hast thou seen them since the mas sacre began ? " Prisons did not usually become so excited as he was when he uttered these words. But the strain upon his nerves had been so great, and the intelligence he received was so unexpected, that it was impossible for him to remain cool. Hernias, realizing this fact, said, "Be assured, O centurion, that I utter but the truth. I left them but a moment ago."* " But how came they to thy master's house ? And why did not Levi accompany them there ? " " Thou knowest that my master is a Christian as well as a Greek. His intimacy with some of the chief conspirators secured him a knowledge of the plot, and his Grecian blood entitled him to safety. But being a Christian he would not have Herodion and his daugh ter die with the unbelieving Jews. Therefore this morning when the fog enveloped the city he sent me 108 Hebekah. to summon them to his house at once. They obeyed me as promptly as I did my master, and I led them unseen by any hostile eye, through narrow lanes and dark passages to a place of refuge." " The Lord reward thee and thy master, Hermas, for your deed of mercy. But thou hast not told me why Levi did not accompany Rebekah and her father." " He was not here. Being a follower of Moses rather than of Christ, he rested on the seventh day in stead of the first." " But he came here later as thou seest." " Ay ; and his devotion to his master led him here to meet his death." " Poor wretch ! he was a faithful servant though an unbelieving dog." These words were spoken as they passed Levi's body towards a small door in the wall of the court-yard. Entering a narrow lane through this door, they followed the course which Hermas had taken earlier in the morning. As the sun was now in the zenith the horrible scenes through which they passed appeared to them in all their hideousness. At one place they saw a number of boys not yet in their teens making a foot ball of an infant's head ; and at another, heartless ruffians while heaping the bodies of the slain into carts, throw mutilated limbs at each other amidst boisterous laughter and blasphemous jests. It ap peared to Prisons and his companion as though the in habitants of the bottomless pit had been let loose. Arriving in due time at the house where his friends were succorec^, the centurion found them in a room al most on a level with the eastern wall of the city. It is impossible to describe their feelings when they met. To Priscus his friends appeared as though they had returned from the land of terror. He had despaired of seeing them alive again until he saw Hermas ; and now that he found them safe and sound his heart was overflowing with gratitude and joy. His stay was short, his military duties demanding his immediate return to the landing. As he took his Alarm and Flight. 109 departure, however, he promised to pay them a longer visit that evening. CHAPTER XV. ALARM AND FLIGHT. " AH ! thou comest at last ! I have waited long for thee. But thou art alone ! Where is the damsel ? " " I know not, my Lord. We found none in Hero- dion's house but a skulking dog whom his brethren called Levi. Him we immediately dispatched." " Told I not thee that Herodion must die, and that his daughter must become my slave?" " Ay, my lord ; but we could neither capture nor kill that which could not be found." " Told I not thee also that he who should let a single soul escape should forfeit his own life ? " " True, my lord. Thou kno west that thy words are my law as thy will is my guide. Thy command has been obeyed." " Dog ! thou liest. Herodion lives, and his daugh ter is not in my power. Prepare to pay the forfeit, for thou must die." Such were the words which Priscus overheard as he passed within earshot of an arbor in the garden of the chief magistrate on the evening of that terrible Sab bath while going to pay his Jewish friends the prom ised visit. As they fell on his ear he at first was filled with astonishment ; this feeling however was soon superseded with a strong desire to punish the heartless fiend who evidently was the leading spirit in the massacre. Fortunately for him, however, this desire was checked by fear of the consequences. When he resumed his walk it was with a determi nation that so far as he was concerned Rebekah should remain ignorant of what he had just heard. Arriving at the house of the Christian Greek, he was led immediately to the same room that he had en- 110 Eebekah. tered earlier in the day, where he found his friends Availing for him. As soon as he was seated Herodion gravely remarked, " It is evidently the will of God that we again part, my Priscus. We are here like lambs in the midst of ravening wolves, and our only safety seems to be in flight." " I regretfully acknowledge your danger. Were I the heathen that I once was, I would say that you are being pursued by the Fates. But being a Christian, I say that God leads you through strange places. Where will you seek a place of refuge ? " " In Jerusalem. During our former trial thy sister's home was our refuge ; now my sister's roof shall shelter us." " When will you depart ? " " At the close of the second watch to-morrow night, God willing." " How will you make your escape ? " " Over that wall, and upon the asses which I have bought of our host." " Asses are not so fast as horses," put in Rebekah, trying to appear cheerful ; " but more royal person ages than we have ridden upon them." " Yet in spite of royalty, I am a greater friend of the horse than of the ass," said Priscus, glancing at her. Then, addressing Herodion he continued, " Hast thou made any arrangements regarding thy property." " Our host has kindly bought it ; thus I shall be able to set up in business at Jerusalem." At this juncture the conversation drifted to other channels, and late in the evening Priscus retired to the Prsetorium to dream of his love. When he awoke next morning the first fact which appeared on the field of consciousness was the pending departure of his friends. As he brooded over the matter, he once or twice came very near cursing his fate. He could not see why he and his betrothed should be separated again so soon. Yet \ve must not think that he was very miserable. The time of separation had not come Alarm and Flight. Ill yet, and since it was the Lord's Day he would have an opportunity to worship with her, and later to sup with her and her father. Thus did the creature rather than the Creator, occupy his thoughts on that holy day. It was wrong, we know ; yet who can cast a stone at him ? Sunset found him again seated with his friends, and while they were in the midst of an interesting discus sion, the door of the room was suddenly thrown open, and a servant, almost breathless and with an expres sion of alarm on his face, rushed in among them, and stammered that their hiding place had been made known to the chief magistrate, and that a band of officers was coming to arrest them. " Where are they now ? " inquired Priscus in a hurried voice as his friends gathered the few effects they had together. " There," was the reply as a great noise ascended from the court below. " Shut the door ; run down and tell thy master to keep them out for five minutes only five minutes. Dost thou hear ? " commanded the centurion. " Ay, sir," said the servant as he hastened away. It will be remembered that the room occupied by Rebekah and her father was within easy reach of the eastern wall of the city. By the assistance of Priscus, it took them but a short time to get upon this wall. To descend from it, however, was more difficult. But it was successfully done, first by Herodion, then by his daughter ; but while they were descending the din of voices greatly increased, and Rebekah had hardly reached the ground ere the centurion heard rapid knocks at the door, and a voice crying that the door was being forced in below. " Let them come ; the birds have flown. Tell thy master so no, come here, quick," was Priscus's reply as he admitted the servant into the room. Then he added, "Here, take hold of this rope while I descend." As he descended both he and his friends were startled by a sudden noise as if of some one stumbling 112 Rebekah. not far off. Could it be possible that another group had been sent to prevent their escape over the wall ? . Ay ; there could no longer be any doubt in regard to it ; for as Priscus's feet touched the ground a voice cried out. " Pluto take me, if they have not already left the wall ! Swoop down upon them like an eagle upon its prey ! Quick ! or else the accursed dogs will again slip out of our hands ! " While these hurried words echoed and re-echoed along the wall, Priscus whispered to his friends. " Make no noise, as you value your lives ! Run over those sandy downs and wait for me by the brook. I will throw these blood-thirsty hounds off the trail." Rebekah and her father immediately obeyed, and ran as fast as their trembling limbs and the darkness permitted them. They had gone but a short distance when the same voice that had spoken before cried, " Ah ! there is the father ! Lay hold on him my men. But where is the daughter?" " If you are tired of life, approach," exclaimed the centurion, displaying his sword. " Who art thou ? " demanded the leader, checking his men. " A Roman, and the commander of Florus's body guard," was the proud reply. " It is just as I feared," whispered the leader to one of his assistants ; " the base knave has aided them to escape." Then addressing Priscus he said aloud, " If Florus's guard be as careful of his body as thou art of thy command, he must indeed feel secure ! But I demand thee, in the name of Dionysius the Great, to tell us where Herodion and his daughter are." " Caesar and not Dionysius is my master. Tell the tyrant so," was the reply. Some of the other groups being attracted by the sound of voices now appeared upon the wall, and reproached the others for not arriving in time to prevent our friends' escape. The others replied that Alarm and Flight. 113 if they had not been so hasty their mission would have been successful. After thus exchanging re proaches for a while, they all departed with a parting fling at Priscus for the successful part he had played. When they were gone the centurion directed his steps after Rebekah and her father, and presently overtook them by a small brook south-east of Csesarea. Here they held a long interview, and at last decided that, under the circumstances, it was best both to abandon the asses they had procured and avoid the highways for the present, and proceed on foot to a small village north-west of Samaria where they would be likely to procure means of conveyance. At the close of the interview the father and daugh ter again took leave of Priscus, giving him a pressing invitation to visit them as soon as possible. Little did they know, as the distance between them in creased, what momentous events should come to pass before they should meet again. Had the future been revealed to them, the two lovers would have lingered much longer in each other's arms, and would have glanced back at each other more frequently than they did. From the brook our friends continued in a south easterly direction until they reached a sheltered nook not far from the oak woods which lay between them and the next brook, where they lay down to rest a few hours. When the gray dawn began to peer through the dense forest they again resumed their journey, cross ing at the end of an hour another brook ; and press ing forward towards the plain of Sharon. A little before noon they reached the top of a hill, from which the view southward was almost boundless. Not far from where they stood was a well, and groups of women and girls were seen constantly going and com ing between it and a village a little beyond, which was surrounded with olive, fig, and pomegranate orchards laden with fruits. Descending into this vil lage, the father and daughter passed through staring 114 Rebekah. groups of loafers and children into the inn, which was a two-story structure built around a yard con taining a well or fountain, and entered by a gate. The lower rooms were designed for baggage and ani mals, and the upper ones for people. The inn on this occasion was well filled with people in every costume of the East, some of whom stood in groups talking and gesticulating in the most excited manner, while others lay on their rugs lazily watching them. Pass ing through the courtyard between camels and mules laden for the road, and by the groups just mentioned, Herodion conducted his daughter to a vacant room in the south end of the inn. At first they did not understand the cause of the excitement which pre vailed ; but they soon learned that the people were discussing the probable results of certain outbreaks that had just taken place at Jerusalem. " Eleazar must be mad, else he would never have refused to offer the usual sacrifice for Caesar?' said Herodion, commenting on what he had just over heard. " Neither can the seditious generally be very wise or good, else they would not have dared to destroy the palaces of the great, to slay the high priest, and to massacre the Roman soldiers after they had prom ised them security," said Rebekah. Judging by these remarks, neither of them liked the prospect of making their home where there were so many rebellious elements ; yet they could see no alternative to the carrying out of their original plan. Consequently after they were duly refreshed and equipped for their journey, they resumed their course, mounted on asses. On reaching Samaria, they again rested a few hours. From here their course was easier, since they took the Roman road, and in due time they found themselves on an eminence a little north of the Holy City, where its frowning walls, magnificent towers, sea of houses, and above all its stupendous Temple could be seen to the best advan tage. Alarm and Flight. 115 It is impossible to describe Rebekah's feelings as she beheld the city now for the first time. It was un necessary to tell her which was the Temple, for its beautiful gates, marble terraces, high pinnacles, and elegant fountains dazzled her as the last rays of the sun fell upon them. Long had she heard of the Holy House with its matchless splendor ; now she saw it in all its glory, rising into the sky like a mountain of snow studded with diamonds and lined with gold. Desiring to reach the Upper City, as Mount Zion was then called, before darkness should overtake them, they left the eminence much sooner than they would have done tinder more favorable circumstances. Coming to the Damascus gate they found it crowded with people of all classes and beasts of burden, some leaving and some entering the city. On either side of the entrance fruit vendors, peddlers of household utensils, peddlers of jewelry, dealers in costumes, and hucksters of an infinite variety of articles kept up a continual jumble of cries, while here and there the whine of the beggar was heard. Hurrying past these as fast as the press would allow them, our friends presently entered a busy street in the Valley of the Cheesemakers, and as they pro ceeded on their course they saw that from this valley the streets ran up in terraces on both sides, and were intersected with steep, narrow lanes. Turning into one of these lanes they now ascended to the top of Mount Zion, and entering that famous spot, called the City of David, they came to the house of Merto, which differed from Herodion's house at Rome only in the addition of another story in the main part, fac ing the Temple. Into this house they were now wel comed ; and in the course of a few days they took possession of the east wing of Merto's house, and sought to make themselves comfortable once more. 116 Rebekah. CHAPTER XVI. IN THE HOSPITAL. AFTER the escape of Rebekah and her father from Csesarea, Prisons for a time felt as though completely lost. During their stay in the city there was scarcely a day that they did not see him, and he had come to regard their home as his home. When he realized, then, that the house that was once Herodion's was now owned by another, and that Rebekah with her beautiful face and winning ways was no longer there to welcome him, he felt quite miserable. Several times he was on the point of starting in the direction which had become so familiar to him, when suddenly to his great disgust he would recollect what had hap pened. Gradually, as he became reconciled to the absence of his betrothed, he began to realize that the political situation around him became more and more threat ening. The Jews everywhere avenged themselves on the Syrians, and the Syrians in turn, being aroused by their cruelty, took revenge upon the Jews. Finally he joined Cestius Gallus in an expedition against the rebels, and in the course of a few days was engaged in several battles. Toward the close of the expedition he found him self with the rest of the army laying siege against Jerusalem, the very city in which Rebekah and her father now dwelt. At first he hoped that the con sternation of the seditious would soon result in capit ulation, and thus enable him to see the object of his love once more ; but instead of this Cestius's unac countable retreat destroyed his hope, and in the hot pursuit that followed he was sorely wounded, and carried to the hospital at Csesarea. Not long after, a decurion, entering the hospital, stood In the Hospital. 117 near a bed upon which lie lay, haggard and pale, appar ently asleep. Whispering a few words in the ear of a soldier who sat by the bed, the decurion assumed charge of the room, and the soldier moved quietly away. Just then the sick man awoke, and turning towards the new-comer he said with a smile, " Ah, it is thou, my Marcus. Thy face is welcome here." " And I am exceedingly glad to see thee once more, noble Priscus. How dost thou feel to-day ? " was the reply. " Much stronger ; with God's help I shall soon be able to walk again." " Thou hast had an ugly wound ; yet perhaps thou art now able to tell how thou earnest by it." " Thou knowest that the cowardly dogs rushed out upon us from the city and pursued us with great violence." " Ay, the villains fell upon our flanks and rear like wolves upon sheep." " When we were 'forced to march through the last of those narrow passes, the enemy, thou wilt remem ber, pressed us before and behind, and threw darts and stones upon us from the precipices above us. Our company, as thou wilt also remember, was near the head of the column, and as we tried to break through the enemy's ranks, each was compelled to defend himself on all sides. When my arm was weary with fighting and my sword red with blood, a vicious-looking fellow whom I had seen before, rushed towards me, and thrust his spear into my side with such terrific force that it pierced through my coat of mail and almost unhorsed me. Before he could with draw his spear, however, I thrust my faithful sword into his hateful face. Then we both fell, and I knew no more until I found myself here." " Hercle ! thou art a lucky knave, else thou wouldst not be here to-day, nor would that pretty Jewess see the face she loves so well again." " What befell the four hundred who were left at 118 RebeJcah. Bethoron?" asked Priscus, ignoring this remark. " They were cut to pieces the next day. When fury runs away with one's temper, reason i? dethroned ; and when fanaticism seeks revenge, pity is banished from the heart." " Ay ; and when madness tramples upon pearls, and hatred destroys the objects of love, resentment wrestles with charity and calls for blood. Woe unto the slayers of the brave, and unto those who have wantonly plucked the flowers of knighthood ! discre tion has forsaken Jerusalem, else it would never have wounded its mistress. Rome roars like a wounded lioness ; it already ascends like the eagle to descend upon its prey." " By Jupiter, thou art growing eloquent, O cen turion. But thou art right ; the cloud of war is spreading, and the chariot of revenge is fast ap proaching. Nothing but blood can now atone for the indignities we have suffered. Where is thy kinsman Priscus, the commander of the sixth legion ; and Longinus the tribune ; and Emilius Secundus, the commander of the horse ? Does not their blood with that of six thousand other heroes cry for revenge ? " "Yet, my Marcus, that revenge will cost Rome thousands of lives as precious as those that have al ready been lost." " Thou hast truly said, good Priscus." Here the decurion lowered his voice to a whisper, and looking cautiously around continued, " There would be no occasion for revenge had Cestius kept his eyes and ears open. We took Bezetha without resistance. When we pitched our camp over against the royal palace, the leading men of the city, with Ananus, the son of Jonathan, at their head, thou wilt remember, offered to open the gates for us ; but Cestius partly from anger and partly from distrust spurned their offer. How much wiser had it been for him to accept their offer than to have led that fruitless attack upon the northern quarter of the Temple. But this is not the only proof of his folly. When we In the Hospital. 119 had undermined the wall and were ready to set fire to the gate of the Temple, the seditious, thou wilt remember, were seized with horrible fear, and many of them ran out of the city. The loyal people also, when they saw the confusion of the rebellious, agreed together to admit us into the city. But ere victory could have time to crown us with success, Cestius gave up the siege. Then followed that wild chase towards Csesarea, and the rebellion reached an in curable stage." " What thou sayest is true ; yet thou must not be too severe in thy condemnation of the Legate. Thou knewest but little of the state of things in the city until thy arrival here. Cestius's knowledge at the time was hardly greater than thine. Yet I willingly confess that, being the commander, he could have known more. But hark ! I hear footsteps." " How now ? Perpol ! what hast thou been doing, Priscus ? Thy face is as red as that of Bacchus, and thy pulse-beat faster than the heart of a frightened maiden. Shame on thee, Marcus ! I sent thee here to keep the centurion quiet; but thou hast caused him to talk himself into a fever." It was the surgeon who thus spoke. " By Jupiter, I forgot to tie my tongue, O Caius, before I left thy presence," said Marcus, " Hercle ! I hope my thoughtlessness has not hurt thy patient." "Thou needst a remedy for thy disease, ere it becomes chronic. Consider more and talk less. This remedy taken in time will cure thee." " I fear my disease has already reached a chrome state ; nevertheless I will try thy remedy whenever I remember." " I fear thy memory is too fond of wandering to re mind thee of thy duty. Were Jove's memory half as fickle and roving the world would soon come to an end." " Thou art far too sarcastic, Lucius Caius. Beware, lest thy wit lead thee into forbidden ground," said Marcus, in mock anger. 120 Mebekak. " I had rather follow my wit to destruction than to let my tongue run mad for want of wit," was the sur geon's retort. " Thou seemest to be taking Marcus's disease, O Caius ; hence I would counsel thee to take the remedy thou didst recommend to him," said Priscus, with a smile. " I will have thee take it first ; hence hold thy peace. Thou art under my control now, therefore I demand obedience. Let me see how that little scratch is to-day. Here he removed the bandage and exposed a severe wound above the left hip, while Marcus bent over his shoulder. Then, calling the latter's attention, he proudly said, "Ah, seest thou that, my Marcus. There thou hast a proof of what a surgeon of the first Cohort, fifth Legion, can do." " Oh ! what is that a proof of, pray ? Thou pressest as though I had no feeling left in me. That cursed Jew's spear was not half as sharp as thy fingers," cried Priscus. " That is healing nicely," said the surgeon, ignor ing his patient's remark. Then as he dressed the wound he continued, " Chiron could not have done better. Hast thou ever heard of him, good Marcus ? " " No ; who was he ? thy grandfather ? " "Had thy grandfather been half as wise as he, thou wouldst be better acquainted with knowledge. Chiron was a Centaur, the son of Chronos and Philyra, and the wisest of his time. He dwelt in a grotto at the foot of Mount Pelion, and was the teacher of the ancient heroes. He was the father of the healing art ; therefore one of the greatest bene factors of men. Had the last act of his life been as free from error as his first, his wisdom would have been perfect." " That is, according to thy judgment. It may not be according to ours." 44 T had rather trust my own judgment than thine ; In the Hospital. 121 therefore I say that Chiron's wisdom would have been perfect; had his last act been equal to his first." " Tell us what that act was, that we may judge both it and thy judgment," suggested Priscus as he watched the surgeon. " Well, then, listen. Being accidentally pierced by a poisoned arrow shot by Hercules, the Centaur, instead of applying his skill to the healing of his own wound, resigned his immortality to Prometheus." " His skill may not have been equal to the task," Marcus remarked. " According to my judgment Chiron's act was far more perfect as it was than as thou wouldst have it. He chose to die that Prometheus might have the gift of immortality, rather than live to enjoy immortal life himself. What can be more perfect than the spirit of self-sacrifice ?" said the centurion, address ing Caius. " A perfect cure," was the reply. " I trouble not my brain with moral questions ; they are not worth a passing thought. Chiron's self-healing would have benefited the world far more than his self-sacrifice." " But his self-healing was just as impossible as his self-sacrifice was selfish," doggedly remarked Marcus. " He chose to die rather than suffer endless pain." " Seeing that the Centaur never lived except in the imagination of the ancients, it is useless to dispute about his death." This from Priscus. Soon after the close of this dialogue the surgeon took his departure, leaving Marcus in charge of the patient, with the admonition that he let him rest in quiet. The surgeon had sent him on his own request to sit a while with Priscus, for he and the centurion were warm friends long before they left Rome. 122 Eebekah. CHAPTER XVII. WOUNDED IN THE HOUSE OF A FKIEND. UTTERLY unconscious of her lover's critical con dition, Rebekah went on as usual superintending the household affairs and watching the current'of public events. The novelty which she felt on entering the city had already begun to give way to familiarity with its various places and objects of interest. Con trary to the general rule, however, the more familiar she became with the Holy City the more sacred it appeared to her. This, together with the conscious ness of the superior strength of the walls which sur rounded it, caused her and her father to remain in the city while many of the prominent men departed in quest of a safer place, and to make the south-east wing of Merto's house their home for the present. They scarcely dared to think of the future, for it was so gloomy and so threatening. They tried to make the present bright. According to her custom of late, Rebekah was re clining on a divan in an apartment corresponding to the Roman atrium, and perusing a Hebrew copy of Matthew's gospel, when she heard approaching foot steps. The next moment a woman in flowing drapery entered the room, and was warmly welcomed by Rebekah. She was evidently past middle age, and her face for the moment wore an expression of fatigue, which made her look much older than she really was. Her matronly appearance presented a marked contrast to the youthful figure of Rebekah ; yet in spite of this there was a strong family resem blance between them, which was perfectly natural, for the new-cornier was Herodion's sister. " Thou lookest wearied," remarked Rebekah sym pathetically. Wounded in the ffouse of a Friend. 128 " My looks do not belie my feeling. The suffering of my son allowed me no repose last night," was the reply. " The morning sun, I hope, found him much im proved." " Oh yes ; and he has just awaked from a refresh ing sleep." 44 Then thou canst stay awhile with me seeing I am alone. Father is gone to the Tyropceon to attend to his business." " Thou rather wilt go with me, for Judas would see thee. He would not consent to send one of the servants to seek thee, lest thou shouldst refuse to come." At this juncture her eye lighted on the book that Rebekah had just been reading, and her curiosity being aroused she asked, " What is that thou hast?" " Matthew's Gospel, a biography of our Lord, writ ten by one of his disciples." " Thy time had been far better spent hadst thou been reading the Law or the Prophets rather than that cursed trash." " Cursed trash ! Then the Law and the Prophets are nothing but trash." " What ! darest thou consider that equal to our Sacred Scriptures ? " "Why not? Is not the rose that grows in the peasant's garden as beautiful as that which grows in the garden of the high priest ? Do they not receive their life and beauty from the same source? The Law came through Moses ; but who was Moses ? A divinely inspired man. This book came through Matthew; but who was Matthew? A converted publican, a divinely inspired man. There is but one God; therefore both Moses and Matthew received their inspiration from the same source. If thou wouldst have a proof of the origin of this Book thou must read it and study it for thyself. There are hundreds in Jerusalem that can bear witness to its 124 Selekah. truthfulness if they would. But enough of this at present. Let us to thy son." " Thy argument seems plausible ; but thou canst never convince me that the history of Jesus of Naz areth, written by a publican, is divinely inspired ! " Here the discussion ended, and the two women passed out upon the veranda, which they followed to the main part of the house, overlooking the Tyro- paeon, and entered a room corresponding to the one they had just left, in which they found Judas lying upon a divan. His left cheek was bandaged, and his face was much paler and thinner than when we made his acquaintance at Csesarea. In other respects he had undergone no change. As Rebekah entered the room a slight flush of pleasure passed over his face, and his unpleasant voice seemed to lose some of its harshness as he exchanged greetings with her. " I am glad to find thee so well," said Rebekah as she seated herself. " And I am glad exceedingly glad to see thee, Rebekah," was the reply. "Thou art to me as the dew of Hermon, or as sunshine after the rain. I would have sent for thee yesterday, but my mother prevailed upon me to wait till to-day. Now that thou art here, tell me the latest news from our gen erals." " Why should I tell thee what the wisdom of thy mother has withheld from thee ? " " I only ask thee to tell me more fully what I already know in part." Here Rebekah turned towards the divan upon which Judas's mother had seated herself when she entered the room, evidently with the intention of ascertaining her will in the matter; but finding that she had left the room, she asked Judas what facts he already knew. He replied with a smile, " Care not what I have heard. Old facts from thy lips will sound as good as new." " Wilt thou promise not to become excited ? *' she again asked, doubtfully. Wounded in the House of a Friend. 125 " I will remain as cool as Elijah was while listening to the music of the birds near the brook Cherith. Go on." " The latest news has come from Galilee. Josephus, as thou knowest, has been fortifying the cities there, and has gathered together an army of one hundred thousand young men. While he was occupied in the training of these men, John of Gischala, a shrewd, wicked, unscrupulous man, envious of Josephus's success, began to plot against him. First, he caused the people to believe that Josephus was a traitor, and his whole army except four turned against him. As they were about to set fire to the house where he was, he leapt out among them with his clothes rent, and ashes upon his head, and a sword hanging at his neck. This awakened the pity of the people of Tarichese, and Josephus, taking advantage of this, sought to re gain his influence over his army. Being accused of keeping the spoils taken from the steward of Agrippa and Berenice, he replied that he intended to expend them in fortifying Tarichese and other cities. Thus he conciliated all but two thousand of his men by telling them a lie, for his real intention was to return the spoils to their rightful owners." " Ha, ha ! by the hosts of heaven, that was well done, Josephus. But what became of the two thousand ? " " They gathered around his house, and threatened to kill him. But he again resorted to stratagem. Beguiling a few of their leaders into the house he caused them to be led bej^ond hearing distance, and there to be whipped till their inward parts .appeared. Then he sent them, covered with blood, back to their fellows, who, when they saw them, were seized with fear and ran away in great confusion." 44 Ha, ha, ha! good very good. A second Joshua, by the walls of Jerusalem ! With such a general at the head of our armies we can both avenge ourselves upon our enemies and conquer the world ! " " There ! thou art becoming excited," 126 Eebekah. " Call it not excitement, Rebekah, but admiration. It were madness not to admire such a man. But go on." " As soon as John saw that his first plot had failed, he resorted to a second. Pretending that he was sick, he obtained leave to use the hot baths at Tiberias, and two days later tried to incite the people to rebel lion against Josephus. But the general, being secretly informed of the plot, unexpectedly marched into the city. As he was about to address the people, how ever, a few of John's men drew their swords to kill him, and he saved himself by fleeing to the sea-shore with his followers, and by leaping into a ship with two of his guards and pushing out from the shore. " Seeing that his second plot had also failed, and that his own life was in danger, John fled to Gischala, where a few days later he was deserted by three thousand men. Being still bent on mischief, how ever, he sent false accusations against Josephus to this city, and secured the support of a few of the chief men, who sent four of their number with two thousand and five hundred soldiers to force him to resign his position. But Josephus compelled these intriguers to return with but few of their followers to Jerusalem, he himself taking charge of their best warriors. " When he had repaired the mischief they had done, Tiberias rose up in arms against him and he was again compelled to resort to stratagem. Seeing that most of his men were away gathering supplies, he seized about two hundred and thirty ships, and placing four men only in each of them, he ordered that the gates of Taricheae be kept closed while he sailed to Tiberias, that the rebels might not learn his true force. When he came in sight of the city, he and seven of his guards, all unarmed, drew near enough to the shore to be seen, while the almost empty ships floated up and down in the distance. Thinking that Josephus had an immense army with him, the people of Tiberias implored him to spare the city. But he gave them Wounded in the House of a Friend. 127 no assurance until he had succeeded through various pretenses in getting their entire senate of six hundred men in his power, and had sent these, together with two thousand of the populace, to Taricheae to be cast into prison." " Good ! ha, ha ! excellent ! By the sword of Goliath, the first of the Caesars never conceived a stratagem half as fine as that." " Learning that one Clitus was the chief offender, Josephus decided to punish him by having both his hands cut off. But the offender begged him to spare one of his hands, and his request was granted on the condition that he inflict the punishment upon him self. Then Clitus, in the sight of all, cut off his left hand with his own sword." " How brave ; yet how unfortunate ! I pray the God of our fathers to spare my two hands until the last enemy of Israel is dead ! " " Hadst thou not better pray that thy head also be spared thee ? " This remark had a very unexpected effect upon Judas. He knit his brows in the most threatening manner, and his face assumed a dark, sinister expres sion. Rebekah's first impulse at seeing this sudden and mysterious change was to flee from the room ; but as it lasted but an instant she restrained herself and sought an explanation. "A mere delusion seized me, that is all. Pray continue thy narrative," was the reply." " There is but little more to say," said Rebekah, regaining her self-possession. " Josephus forced the people into submission, and a few days later marched against Gischala and Sepphoris, which also had re volted, and after taking them he caused them to be plundered that he might gain their good will by re turning the spoil to them, which he did in due time." " W hat became of John when Gischala was taken ? " " I know not ; I have told thee all I have heard." " And I have heard all thou hast told me. Thy 128 Rebekah. words are to me as drops of honey from the honey comb." " Then what thou regardest as sweet is bitterness to me. I love not war nor rumors of war, and con tention I abhor. A house divided against itself can not stand." " When the wolves smell the prey they leave off fig] i ting each other." " Say rather that chasing the prey is a truce that ends in a quarrel. Unity and envy cannot dwell to gether ; strife cripples confidence. If John hates Josephus now, will he love him when the Roman eagles are in sight." " John may not love Josephus better then than now ; but the presence of a common enemy will give them food enough for thought and action. But enough of this. Wilt thou put that pillow under my head?" " That reminds me of a question I was going to ask thee," said Rebekah, as she complied with his re quest. " How wast thou wounded ? " Little did she think when asking this question that she was again approaching the same cause that had a short time before produced such a change in Judas, or that the explanation she sought would be likely to wound her heart. After a moment's pause, Judas proceeded to answer her question, endeavoring to suppress the feelings it had awakened. ".It was my intention to tell thee later what thou seekest to know, but since thou desirest to hear it now, I shall comply with thy request. Of Cestius's defeat thou art already informed. Thou also knowest that we pursued his army as far as Antipatris. Ha, ha! thou shouldst have seen them run, and heard their cries when we penned them in in the narrow passes ! It was at the end of one of those passes, however, I was wounded. I had placed my men in such a way that none could leave the pass without breaking through our strong ranks. Driven almost Wounded in the House of a Friena. 129 into madness by the darts of those above them, and the spears and swords of those behind them, the un- circumcised dogs rushed upon us and fought like fiends. At first we cut them down like grass, but at last we had to give way to Roman fury. As they broke our ranks I saw a centurion spurring his horse to wards us, and seizing a spear that lay by a dead soldier, I rushed towards him and thrust it into his side ; but before I could withdraw the spear the son of Belial wounded me in my face, and we both fell." " Didst thou was his wound mortal ? " " The son of Merto never inflicted a wound that was not mortal." " Didst thou know him ? Knowest thou his name ? " " I had seen him once or twice." Then he added, with inward exultation, " His name was Priscus." Rebekah fainted under this cruel blow. After she was restored, Judas tried to excuse his heartlessness by saying that he did not know that the centurion was a friend of hers, and that he regretted he did not conceal his name. When her father came home from the stall which he had lately bought in the clothes bazaar, he found his daughter in tears. It was the first time she had failed to greet his arrival with a smile since their re moval to Jerusalem. The cause of this change would not have been flattered had he known what was pass ing through his cousin's mind just then. Her womanly instincts had taught her already that he was neither amiable nor trustworthy, and the cruel manner in which he referred to his alleged victory over his enemy did not raise him in her estimation. On hearing the cause of her trouble, Herodion hast ened to hand her a letter which soon restored her to cheerfulness. It was from Priscus, and contained an account of what the reader already knows; and since it agreed with what Judas had said, with the excep tion of the statement that Priscus was dead, her charitable nature was inclined to absolve her cousin from intentional misstatement in the particular which 130 BebeJcah. c. had wounded her most. The fact that Prisons re garded his antagonist as being dead, also aided in bringing her to this favorable state of heart and mind. It is quite possible, however, that her charitable nature would have been greatly tried the next day had she known the feelings of her cousin when he learned that Priscus was not only alive, but nearly well. Nor did she know that his own recovery was arrested not a little by the intelligence which had given her such pleasure. Such, however, was the fact. CHAPTER XVIII. "WAKS AND BUMORS OF WAKS." TIME went on, and matters grew worse. "Hast thou heard the last news from Galilee, Rebekah?" asked Merto's wife as her niece de scended into the court on her way to her father's stall. "So many reports reach the city now that I scarcely know which is the last," was the reply. " Hast thou heard, then, that Josephus's attempt to take Sepphoris from the Romans has caused Ves pasian to march into Galilee with a large army, and that many of the towns and villages have already been destroyed by the uncircumcised dog? " " Yes ; my father told me last night. He also said that Titus is on his way to Ptolemais with reinforce ments. I fear the walled cities will next fall into the hands of the enemy." " Would that our army had been more worthy of our ancient heroes in its attack upon Ascalon ! But it suffered itself to be twice defeated, and lost two of its best generals, besides thousands of Israel's bravest sons, while it might have swallowed the victor as a dog does a sweet morsel." " If Josephus should also suffer himself to be van quished, I tear Jerusalem would have other employ- " Wars and Humors of Wars." 131 ment than repairing its walls and manufacturing arms." Having said this, Rebekah passed out into the street, and descended through the bazaar of the butchers into the Tyropreon. Entering the most stirring business street, which as usual was filled with people, she made her way with difficulty past the shops of the braziers and the square where the announcements of the new moon were made, into the clothes bazaar, in the midst of which she found her father busily engaged. The customer on whom her father waited was a remarkable-looking person. Nearly his whole face was covered with a thick, white beard, reaching down almost to his knees. Flashing brown eyes looked from under his long, bushy eyebrows, and a large, aquiline nose spoke of the strength of his character. His snow-white hair hung over his slightly bent shoulders, reaching below the girdle which held together his white linen gar ment. On his forehead he wore a plate of gold on which was inscribed, " Holiness to the Lord." Herodion's demeanor towards his customer, was rev erential in the extreme, which was perfectly proper, since he was James the Just, the brother of our Lord, and the Bishop of the church at Jerusalem. He was a Nazarite, having from childhood abstained from wine, oil, the bath, and the razor. He was greatly venerated by Christians and Jews alike ; by the former on account of his Davidic origin, his close relationship to our Lord, and his holy life ; and by the latter on account of his royal origin and his con tinual praying at the temple for the forgiveness of his people. As Rebekah approached the bishop he greeted her in a dignified manner, and she returned his greeting with due reverence. They had often met before, for she and her father were members of his church. Re suming the conversation in which he and Herodion were engaged, James said in a deep and impressive voice, 132 Relekah. " Truly has the Son of Man said, ' Ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars. Nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom; and there shall be famines and pestilences, and earthquakes in divers places.' The avenger is already abroad ; he reduces our cities and towns to ashes ; covers our plains with rivers of blood, and fills our ears with the din of battle. But yesterday Gadara, the proud capi tal of Persea, encircled the brow of its native hill like a sparkling crown. Its beautiful streets, lined with marble pillars, welcomed the citizen and the stranger ; its children played in the shadow of its grand edifices, and its maidens cheered its gardens with their smiles and their songs. To-day it is as Sodom, and its in habitants are as silent as those whom they had laid in its rock-hewn tombs. Japha boasted in vain of its strength. Its double wall was its curse, and its iron gates its destruction. Its warriors rushed like mad men upon the Romans, and had their throats cut like sheep between the "two walls. Titus and Trajan with their thousands leaped the wall like harts, and fought like lions in the streets. They left fifteen thousand men to be food for vultures, and sold two thousand women and children into slavery. The Samaritans, conspiring against the mighty, took refuge in their holy mount, Gerizim. Cerealis swooped upon them like an eagle upon his prey, and covered the mount with the slain. Israel has sinned, and Samaria has gone astray; therefore judgment has come upon us." All who heard these words stood as though they were riveted to the floor, and their faces expressed a mingled feeling of terror and awe. When he paused Rebekah asked in a trembling voice, " Thinkest thou, O just one, that evil shall befall the Holy City ? " " The Holy City shall not escape, my child, it shall not escape. The Son of Man has said explicitly, 4 The days shall come upon thee, that thine enemies shall cast a trench about thee, and compass thee " Wars and Rumors of Wars." 133 round, and keep thee in on every side, and shall lay thee even with the ground, and thy children within thee.' Even the Temple shall not escape, for the Crucified One has also said, ' Verily I say unto you, there shall not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down.' These things must needs come to pass; therefore ye that would save yourselves, flee to the mountains. As for me, I shall not leave my flock. Near as that evil day seems, I may not live to see it. But if it be the Lord's will that I shall see it, I shall lay down my life in the city that witnessed the death and resurrection of my Lord. Be ye ready, my children, for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of Man cometh. Hast thou made ready that robe, Herodion ? " " It is ready, O just one," was the reply. As the bishop started to go he beckoned to a ser vant to take the package, and lifting his hand he pro nounced a blessing upon those present and passed out of the bazaar, while every one bowed reverentially to him. Soon after he departed a middle-aged man en tered the bazaar, and approached the spot where Rebekah and her father stood, with a solemn face. "Peace to thee, Rabbi Amos," said Herodion, addressing the new-comer. " And to thee and thine be peace," was the prompt reply. " To me there is no peace. The troubles that have come upon our land cast their shadow upon my heart." " What is the latest news from Galilee ? " " Jotapata has fallen and Josephus is killed." " The God of Abraham have mercy upon us," cried a dozen voices as they gathered around the rabbi. " Hast thou learned the particulars ? " asked one of the clerks in a husky voice. u Ay; my son has just arrived from Sepphoris, where the fate of Jotapata is on every tongue." "Were there many killed? Is the city destroyed? Where is the enemy now?" asked another voice, eagerly. 134 Rebekdh. "Have patience, and I will tell all I know. The siege, as you all know, began on the twenty-first day of the month lyar, the same in which Josephus fled into the city. That uncircnmcised dog called Ves pasian, possessed with the thought that he could cap ture both the city and the general at once, sent Placidus with a thousand horsemen to begin the siege, and on the next day he followed with his whole army. The citizens of Jotapata, though they knew that their city, being built on a height with a steep precipice on one side and deep ravines on the others, was in no immediate danger, were seized with great terror when they saw themselves encompassed with a double row of battalions, and the rest of the enemy on a hill in full sight of them. Yet did their terror not weaken their courage, for thej^ made sallies upon the enemy for five days, and killed and wounded many of them. Imagining that he could overcome the natural strength of the city by raising a bank against the most accessible part of the wall, Vespasian commanded wood and stone to be brought from the neighboring mountains, and men to be put at work immediately. He also caused hurdles to be placed for protection over the workmen, and one hundred and sixty engines to be set around the city to throw stones and darts at those upon the walls. But the wit of the Jew was equal to the audacity of the Roman. Josephus may the God of our fathers help us to avenge his death caused workmen to go and build the wall twenty cubits higher, which they did under the protection of the hides of newly-killed oxen, spread between them and the enemy." Here a shout of approval interrupted the rabbi for a moment. Continuing he said, " This stratagem discouraged the enemy, and they decided to take the city by starvation. Now the be sieged had plenty of all necessaries but water ; yet when the Romans saw the MI taking their water by measure they greatly rejoiced. But they again be came discouraged when Josephus ordered the people " Wars and Rumors of Wars. 1 ' 135 to wet their clothes and hang them on the battle ments, so that the water began suddenly to run down the wall." Another shout of approval. " Josephus also, seeing a certain place difficult of ascent unguarded by the enemy, caused supplies to be brought from the country round about by men covered with sheepskins ; but these were soon dis covered, and the place guarded. Rushing out with the courage of despair, the besieged now made several sallies upon the enemy, who finally put a stop to them with their engines and archers. They also began to batter that part of the wall that was lately built, with their battering ram. This, together with the other engines being set on fire and destroyed by our brave countrymen, the Roman dogs fled like sheep; but they built another ram in the evening, and brought other engines to throw darts and stones. The noise made by these engines was most terrible, and the slaughter caused by them most shocking. Early next morning the wall fell, but the besieged, nothing daunted, immediately began to build a wall inside the part that had been thrown down, while the Romans prepared themselves to enter the city. Their dili gence availed them but little, however, for the enemy was soon upon them. Flushed with the hope of suc cess, Vespasian placed his army in order on the hill sides around the city and near the wall. Josephus also, perceiving his design, arrayed all the strong men near the breach in the wall, and shut the women in the houses, that their cries might not dishearten the men. Then a terrible struggle followed, the enemy striving to enter the city and the besieged hurling them back into the breach. But our noble country men soon began to grow weary with fighting, having none to succor them. What they failed to do, how ever, on account of weariness, Josephus did with a stratagem. When the besiegers were about to enter the city, the general caused scalding oil to be poured upon them, and many of them tumbled back, writhing 136 Helekah. with agony, upon those ascending behind them, causing great confusion.'* The crowd around the speaker was now so large as to block the passage between the different stalls, and applauded louder than ever. A cold shiver ran through Rebekah, however, as she listened to the remark about the scalding oil, and she cast an appre hensive look towards her father. He divined her thoughts, but said nothing. " The courage of the Romans did not fail them however," continued the rabbi ; " but they rushed continually to take the place of those who had been scalded, until Vespasian commanded them to leave off fighting. " Being ashamed of their want of success, and seeing that a great number of them had been slain, the Romans now became very angry, and Vespasian in order to give them something to do caused them to raise the bank still higher, and build three towers of wood lined with iron. These were soon finished, the besieged being unable to hinder the work ; and the slingers and archers who stood on these towers did great mischief without being harmed themselves, since they were much higher than the wall. About this time, a deserter, may Abaddon take him, informed Vespasian that he might easily take the city during the fourth watch, for the guards were then asleep." " May his soul burn forever in Tophet, and his name perish from the earth," cried the crowd. " The uncircumcised dogs cut the throats of the guards on the next morning, and took the city when all were asleep. The streets became rivers of blood ; every house became a tomb; and even the echoing rocks mocked the piercing cries of the afflicted and the dying. Josephus, the wise, the mighty, the bravest among ten thousand, is no more ! Let the arm that slew him wither and die, and the heart that gave that arm strength be eaten up of worms ! Jota- pata, the glory of Galilee, the chief among many cities, is as Nineveh and as Babylon. Cursed be its Evil Tidings. 137 destroyers! May their children be fatherless, and their wives homeless and childless ! The slain of Jotapata are forty thousand ; let the slain of Rome be forty times forty thousand ! Let the twelve hun dred widows and orphans taken captive be a curse to as many million Romans I " While the rabbi uttered these terrible imprecations his face wore a demonlike expression, his voice was almost choked with anger, his mouth was covered with froth, and his eyes seemed to be on fire. The crowd that surrounded him was nearly as excited as himself ; for every one talked as loud as he could, and invoked the most fearful curses upon the Romans. Rebekah and her father, however, stood apart from the crowd, and looked on with flushed cheeks and beating hearts. Did they also hate the Romans ? Ay; all but one. That one they could not hate, although he was a Roman. Nor would they have hated his people under ordinary circumstances. CHAPTER XIX. EVIL TIDINGS. REBEKAH waited awhile for the crowd to disperse, and then returned home, musing on what she had heard, and trying in vain to harmonize the conflicting interests which appealed to her heart. She loved her people well, but Priscus better. She hoped at one moment that he had won military honors ; the next, that he had not. She admired the stratagem that delayed the fall of Jotapata, but shrank with horror from the thought of its cruelty, especially as she could not get rid of a presentiment that her lover was among those that had been scalded. The days and weeks that followed the evil news concerning Jotapata greatly taxed her nature. A letter should have reached her the day she visited her father's stall ; but it came not until a few weeks later, when 138 Rebekah. she had almost given up all hope of ever hearing from Prisons again. The letter was brought to her by a servant one afternoon as she lay musing in the sum mer-house on the roof. As she glanced over the address a flush of pleasure rose to her beautiful cheeks and tears of joy filled her pathetic eyes ; and dismissing the servant she broke the seal and read and commented as follows : " ROMAN CAMPS, PTOLEMAIS, III. KAL. AUG. "Prisons to Relekah. " O FAIREST OF THE FAIR. To write to thee is a delight for which for many days, I scarcely dared to hope. But even when my reason wandered my thoughts would cling to thee ; and when my life was in the balance, they often summoned thee to hover over my bed like some fair, bewitching being from another world." "Ah! then," cried the reader excitedly, "my fears have not fed upon a delusion. My beloved has indeed been in the valley of the shadow of death ! Father I thank thee for sparing his life. Grant that his health be now restored." Eagerly turning to the letter she again read, " But thou wouldst neither let me hear thy sweet voice nor see thy charming face. Yet will I not upbraid thee, seeing it was only thy shadow. Thou didst never deny me either word or look ; hence thy presence was to me a perpetual joy and inspiration. Would that the barriers between me and thee were broken down ! Would that I could bask in the sun shine of thy presence once more ! But the Lord wills it otherwise at present ; let us pray for more patience." " Ay ; we need patience," again commented Re- bekah. " Our hearts yearn and sigh for present good, and will not heed the good to come, however great. O Priscus, the chains of custom alone keep me from thy side, as war and weakness keep thy Love from Evil Tidings. 139 " Now let me tell thee more fully what I have al ready hinted at,"she continued to read. " I have again been on the verge of the grave, and am even now hardly able to write as thou seest by my scribbling. Thou hast, doubtless, heard of the fall of Jotapata, and of the incidents of the siege. One of those in cidents, thou wilt remember, was the pouring of that scalding oil. As for me it requires no effort to re member it. Yet would I not forget that such cruel ty was the result of necessity, and that no other stratagem could have so effectually prolonged the siege. The dismounted horsemen were almost victo rious when that burning shower fell upon them, throw ing them into the greatest confusion. Charging them with cowardice and rushing over their writhing- forms, our cohort sought to regain the advantage that had been lost, but met with the same fate as the horsemen. And what a horrible fate it was ! Men who had defied death in a thousand forms howled like madmen, cursed like fiends, and writhed like those in the agonies of hell ! Others implored their comrades to put an end to their sufferings by thrusting them through with their w swords, since their armor prevented suicide. Ah ! well do I remember the fiendish look on the face of the on who poured the burning oil upon my head, and the fearful torments which seized me as I rolled into the breach, and was carried into the camp.' 1 Here Rebekah buried her face in her hands and burst into violent weeping. Her vivid imagination so heightened the coloring of the picture that Pris- cus's pen had drawn that she could not restrain her tears. When her sobs ceased she cried, " O why do men thirst for each other's blood ? Why do they rush upon each other like the beasts that perish ? O that wars would cease, and peace flow like a river ! " " The camp was on a small hill north of the city," continued the letter- " Here I and many other suf ferers lay, lingering between life and death, until the 140 Eebekah. city was destroyed. Our army was both humiliated and enraged by the cruel stratagem of the besieged ; hence when the city was taken they wreaked their revenge upon a great multitude, taking only twelve hundred prisoners, one of whom being Josephus, the commander of their forces." " Ah, then Josephus was not slain in the city ; but doubtless met a worse fate." " Thinking that thou wouldst like to know what befell so brave and wise a commander, I shall tell thee all I know of him. When he found that the city was taken, he leaped into a deep pit leading to a secret cave, in which he found forty men of high rank concealed. Three days after, his hiding-place was discovered, and three tribunes were sent to urge him to leave the cave on the promise of security. This lie would not do at first, but afterwards he consented to go with them. Then a new danger arose. His companions becoming enraged at his purpose to leave, accused him of treachery and cow ardice, and gathered around him with drawn swords. Failing to persuade them that it was better to trust the leniency of the Romans than to take their own lives, he proposed that they cast lots, and that they perish by each other's hand, the one upon whom the lot fell first to be slain by him who was to die next. This they gladly did, hoping that Josephus would meet the common fate. But through divine inter position Josephus and one other remained to the last, who instead of taking each other's life ac companied the tribunes to the camp. When they arrived, the soldiers gathered around them in great excitement, some rejoicing that Josephus was taken ; others reproaching him for his cruelty ; and others cry ing to have him crucified. But Titus soon ordered them away ; and Josephus finding an opportunity to speak privately to Vespasian, greeted him as Caesar, saying that God had revealed to him that he and his son Titus should ere long sit on the imperial throne. Thinking that Josephus said this from a false motive, Evil Tidings. 141 Vespasian at first disbelieved his words; but discov ering afterwards that his predictions concerning the fall of Jotapata had been fulfilled, he both believed him and treated him kindly. The day after his capt ure Josephus accompanied the army here, and in a few days he will go with Vespasian and two of the legions to Csesarea. My illness has prevented my seeing him, and I am sorry I shall not see him soon, since my legion and the tenth are to go to Scythopolis to spend the winter. I am also sorry that so great a general should have been led to rebel against Caesar, and bring such a calamity upon his men and such misfortune upon himself." " He is rather to be pitied, O Priscus, that he has permitted himself to fall into the hands of his en emies," murmured Rebekah. " It were better in the sight of his people that he were dead than that he be a prisoner of Rome." Finishing the letter she read, "Rome never had a general that acquitted himself more valiantly than he did during the siege. Nor did his men lack courage. Permit me to mention one instance. Thou rememberest seeing in Rome, among our engines of war, one called the battering ram. It is a long, heavy beam of wood with an iron head shaped like that of a ram, suspended by the middle from another beam laid on two posts. It is covered with a screen of boards to protect those who work it. It is used to batter walls, and is worked by a great number of men, who first pull it backward and then thrust it forward with great force. On the day before we made a breach in the wall of Jotapata, while one of these engines was at work on a bank we had made, the besieged made a sally upon it with fire, and while they retreated a bold fellow threw a heavy stone from the wall and broke off the ram's head. Then leaping down he bore it off to the top of the wall amidst a shower of darts, five of which pierced his body. Standing a moment in full view of our army, he threw himself upon a heap of rub- 142 Rebekah. bish, and rolled down with the ram's head, while a shout of admiration rent the air. An army of such, as he, with Roman training and arms, and Josephus at their head, would be an army of which the Jews might well be proud. " Now, dear Rebekah, I must close. I have writ ten a much longer letter to thee than I intended. I hope it will find thee and thy father well. God watch between me and thee. Write soon; I am longing to hear from thee. PRISCUS." " P. S. I hare just received a letter from home, which is the bearer of evil tidings, and I can scarcely see through my tears to write this postscript. Thy uncle, O Rebekah, is dead ! Ay, the noble, brave, wise Paul, the faithful servant of the Lord Jesus Christ is no more ! The Church has lost a strong pillar, and heaven has gained a glorious trophy. He was beheaded two days before the fall of Jotapata by order of Csesar, on the Ostian Way, three miles from Rome. Perpetua, a godly woman meeting him on the way to execution, lent him a handkerchief with which to bind his eyes. When the handkerchief was re turned to her, a sightless eye of hers was restored by its touch. This miracle led to the conversion of the executioners, and they also died for Christ. May the Lord comfort thee and thy father in your sorrow. " P." Rebekah read this postscript with a broken heart ; so did her father when he came home that evening. Both felt as though they had lost a part of their being. CHAPTER XX. A HOUSE DIVIDED AGAINST ITSELF. DURING the weeks that followed the receipt of Pris- cus's letter, Rebekah and her father paid less attention to the course of public events than to the deep sense A House Divided Against Itself. 143 of loss caused by the martyrdom of Paul. With their kindred in the other part of the house, however, it was very different. Clinging as they did to the Jew ish religion, they looked with favor upon everything that tended to arrest the progress of Christianity, but deplored whatever threatened the Mosaic system. We must not think, however, that they were charac terized with unity of feeling and opinion as regards the state of public affairs. Judas the son of Merto was a zealot, and believed in fanning the flame of re bellion into madness. In this belief he had the hearty sympathy of his mother, who made him her idol, and his whims and jealousies her creed. Merto, on the other hand, belonged to the more moderate faction of the people, and being a wise and righteous man as well as a faithful priest, he saw that to encourage the revolt meant the speedy destruction of the Temple as well as the Holy City. Where such diversity of thought and interests existed, it was impossible to avoid frequent discussions and wrangles. One of these wrangles occurred one evening late in October, after Merto 's return from his daily duties in the Temple. Owing to the increased labors of the day, he was more tired than usual, and felt rather moody. As he reclined in his priestly robe on the divan that had been occupied by his son during his convalescence, he nervously stroked his beard and knit his brow, as though he were striving to get rid of a disagreeable thought. Presently Martha, his wife, entered the room, and, observing these indica tions of ill-humor, she kindly inquired the cause. " I am weary, and need rest," was Merto's laconic reply, as he rose to a sitting posture. "Artthou not also vexed?" his wife continued. " Hast tliou heard aught to displease thee to-day ? " " I have heard naught to-day that yesterday did not reveal. The land is filled with violence ; the inno cent perishes with the guilty." " Will the eagle, devour the Mon's whelp and spare, the lamb ?" 144 Rebekah. "I spoke not of Rome, but of Israel. Who are we that we should defy the mistress of the world ? We have been oppressed; but will our yoke depart if we kick against the pricks ? The fall of Jotapata re vealed our weakness and the enemy's strength. Yet the seditious, instead of profiting by the fate of their brethren, provoked Vespasian into other deeds of blood, and turned his wrath against the peaceful as well as the rebellious. Repairing Joppa, they turned it into a den of thieves, and casting aside God's holy law, they became a terror to the ships of the sea. Then, when they heard the sound of hostile feet, they sought refuge in their ships. They escaped the legions of Rome to perish in the deep. God sent a storm to accomplish what the sword was unable to do. Four thousand and two hundred were swallowed by the sea and washed lifeless upon the shores. We heard of this calamity and said, 4 Surely the people will now listen to the voice of wisdom.' But our hope vanished like a shadow. The spirit of rebel lion again appeared in the land. Driven out of Tiberias, it sought refuge in Tarichese ; but in vain. Oppression is wrong ; God loves it not. Rebellion also is not right, and rebels cannot succeed. Hence, six thousand of the seditious were slain, most of them on the sea, whose waters became red with blood, and whose shores were infested with carcasses. The in nocent also were punished for their sakes. Two thou sand and two hundred of the aged and the youth perished in the Gymnasium; six thousand of the strongest young men were sent to Nero to dig through the Isthmus of Corinth; and thirty thousand and four hundred men, women, and children were sold into slavery. Still the spirit of rebellion lives ; Gamala has listened to its voice, and Jerusalem wooes its shadowy form. It allures the nation to its destruc tion. O that the people were wise ! O that they would cease their violence while God's anger is kin dled but a little ! " While Merto spoke these words his eyes were fixed A House Divided Aainst Itself. 145 on his wife, and his whole frame trembled with ex citement. Martha returned his gaze with flashing eyes and flushed cheeks, and tried to interrupt him several times. When at last he came to a pause, she said, with great vehemence : " Art thou a Jew? Art thou a priest of the Most High God? Art thou my husband? Nay, my eyes deceive me ; thou art a Roman with a Jewish face. Thou art a base traitor like Josephus, that son of Be lial, who prefers the favors of Rome to the honors of his nation. Thou wouldst have us creep like four- footed beasts and lick the dust from the feet of our oppressors. Thou wouldst have us give our enemy the fatness of the land, and exchange gold for brass and silver for iron. How darest thou to wear those sacred garments ? Exchange thy robe for a tunic and a coat of mail, and thy bonnet for a helmet, and seek the legions of Rome. As for me and my son, we will fight the battle of the Lord, and defend the rights of the oppressed." " The Lord fights his own battle, and he fights against Israel. Hast thou forgotten the evil omens that have appeared at Jerusalem ? Canst thou not see that neither wall nor tower, mountain nor sea, saves the rebellious from destruction ? Thou callest me a traitor ! Dost thou hate Rome ? So do I. Dost thou love the Israel of God? I, more ! Do the waves of the sea gain freedom by beating themselves against the rocks ? No more can ye, O daughter of Eleazar, by fighting against Rome. Ye are mad as the waves, and your madness leads to self-destruction. Ye, then, who fill the land with ashes and blood are the traitors of our people. Ye both rob the nation of its strength and stir up the wrath of our enemies." " O the depth of thy knowledge ! Thy discretion is too wonderful forme ! Surely wisdom will die with thee I Had we been wise, we would have called in sult praise ; and oppression succor. We would have thrown open the doors of the Temple of Jehovah to the gods of Rome, and have deserted the traditions 146 Rebekah. of the fathers for the ways of the heathen. But be cause we lack understanding, we have expelled the oppressor from the Holy City, have strengthened our cities and towers, and have consecrated the flower of the nation to the defense of our country and our re ligion. Because we are not wise, a deserter betrayed Jotapata; a storm destroyed thousands on the sea before Joppa ; and Vespasian slaughtered a great multitude of innocent, helpless victims after he had given them assurances of their lives. Because wis dom does not dwell with us " " Not so fast, mother, wisdom does dwell with us ; so do patriotism and courage. Whoever dares to question this loves not the truth. But if report bo true we need patience also. I am the bearer of evil tidings." It was Judas who thus spoke. His sudden appear ance in the room had prevented Martha from finish ing her sentence. Since the commencement of the war it was nothing unusual for him to find his mother in an excited state ; hence he took matters as they stood, contenting himself with simply divining the cause of her excitement. His allusion to his being the bearer of evil tidings awakened his mother's curiosity ; therefore turning to him she eagerly asked, " Are the uncircumcised Philistines again victo rious? Has Gamala been taken? Speak, my son, for thou hast at least one eager listener." " Thou hast truly said, O mother. Thy country never speaks to thee in vain. Thou art a true daughter of our father Abraham. When Israel pros pers, thy soul rejoices ; when Jacob is afflicted, thine heart is filled with the bitterness of sorrow. May thy name be as the name of Jael the wife of Heber the Kenite, and thy memory as the memory of Debo rah, the prophetess." " I asked not for praise, Judas, but for tidings ; let me hear the news." "Thou shalt have thy desire. Would to God I had better tidings to bring thee ! Gamala, the strong, A. House Divided Against Itself: 147 beautiful, proud Gamala, that boasted of the strength of its walls and the height of its towers, has been taken, and all its inhabitants except two women have perished." " Holy father Abraham ! all but two dead ! But surely they did not die as cowards. No, no ; true Israelites cannot die as cowards." " Again thy words are true. The cursed dogs of Rome will not forget their valor soon ; for when they rushed into the city through the breaches they had made, our countrymen fell upon them like a whirl wind, and overcame them like a flood. Many per ished in the narrow places. The low houses on the acclivity falling upon each other, crushed and smoth ered a great multitude that had sought refuge in them. So great was their discomfiture, ha, ha, that they left Vespasian with only a few soldiers in the midst of the greatest dangers, and it was with diffi culty that he joined his army without the wall." " Would that the son of Belial and his whole army had perished ! " " This sudden defeat greatly discouraged the enemy, so that they did not immediately attack the city again. The besieged also became both discouraged and afraid when they saw the danger they were in, and many escaped from the city through unguarded places and caverns." "Didst thou not say that only two escaped ? " " Ay, only two when the last attack was made. Many of those who remained in the city died of famine ; but the strongest of them still guarded the breaches, until the falling of a high tower, which had been undermined by the enemy, caused them to be seized with great terror three days ago. Then a great slaughter began. The uncircumcised dogs, remem bering their former ill-success, spared neither old nor young, but rushing with great rage into the city, they filled the streets with carcasses and blood. Even the citadel could not save our countrymen, for the enemy was aided by a terrible storm. Nine thousand Jiave 148 Rebekah. perished hear ye Heavens and Angels of light ! five thousand by casting themselves down over the preci pices, and four thousand by the enemy's sword and by famine ! " When Merto heard how many had perished he groaned and wept bitterly. Martha, however, flew into a fearful passion and joined her son in heaping curses upon the Romans, and in denouncing the Jewish faction that desired peace as cowardly. Then remembering that Judas had made no reference to those who had sought refuge on Mount Tabor, she said with a triumphant air, " Would that all the cities and villages of Israel were as Mount Tabor, whose foundation God has laid, and whose brow is as Mount Zion." " Then thou wouldst have all our cities and villages destroyed and their inhabitants put to the sword or sold into bondage, for Mount Tabor is also taken, a great number of those that had fled to it have been cut to pieces, and the remnant have sought refuge in the Holy City. Gischala alone remains untaken besides Jerusalem. But we must not let our hearts grow faint. The City of the Great King shall never be taken. The Lord only tries us as of old. We are the seed of Abraham, and must overcome at the last, for the Lord says by the mouth of his holy prophet Micah, ' and the remnant of Jacob shall be among the Gentiles in the midst of many people as a lion among the beasts of the forest, as a young lion among the flocks of sheep ; who, if he go through, both treadeth down and teareth in pieces, and none can deliver. Thine hand shall be lifted upon thine adversaries, and all thine enemies shall be cut off.' Hearest thou that, mother ? Be of good cheer, the Lord will ful fill his promise." Martha's countenance lighted up for a moment as she listened to these closing words. Merto, however, instead of deriving comfort from them, shook his head and sighed, knowing that dispersion and not national triumph was meant. A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing. 149 CHAPTER XXL A WOLF IN SHEEP'S CLOTHING. THE usual hour for retiring found Merto and his family in no amiable mood that evening ; nor did the days and weeks that followed improve the condition of things. The same was true also of many other families. After the fall of Gischala, which quickly followed that of Gamala, Merto, like all others who belonged to the moderate faction, viewed with much displeasure and apprehension the arrival of so many fanatics in the Holy City, knowing that they would greatly add to the strength of the seditious, and in crease the sufferings of the lovers of peace. Much to his discomfort also, he learned that the Roman legions were going into winter quarters, for he knew too well that this circumstance would afford ample opportunity for the seditious elements now in the city to grow and spread. Time proved the accuracy of his foresight. He was going home after the usual morning sacri fice about the time of the full moon, when, happening to meet another priest in front of Herod's palace, near the western end of the bridge leading to the Temple, he entered into a lively discussion upon the state of affairs. Gradually the two became the center of a large group. " I like not this John," said Merto, speaking excit edly ; " I like not this John of whom ye speak so highly. He is a base dissembler, a vain dreamer, a crafty rascal, and a vile traitor." " Dost thou not speak from envy rather than from knowledge ? " asked one of the group. " I speak that which I know," was the quick reply. " Thine hero's words are greater than his deeds, O son of Sirach. Knowest thou why he and his followers deserted Gischala for Jerusalem ? " " Because here they can with less hazard fight our common enemy." 150 RebeJcah. ;t Ha, ha, I perceive that thou also hast swallowed the dissembler's bait. Say rather that these cowards fled hither, because they feared those against whom they had caused Gischala to rise in rebellion, and that they might also infect the Holy City with the spirit of discord. The heathen Titus is far more honorable and worthy of trust than the son of Levi. He honored our law in that he did not take the city on the Sabbath ; but waited until the first day of the week according to John's request. But John instead of giving up the city as he had promised, took advan tage of the Roman's courtesy and violated the very law which the heathen respected." This information had been imparted to Merto by Rebekah, and the listeners received it with a murmur of disapproval. Continuing the speaker said, " But this is not the only law this base deceiver has dishonored. Has he not filled the city with deeds of violence ? Think ye that the robbers who plunder our goods and murder our friends act without his knowledge? Who caused Antipas, and Levias, and Sophas the son of Raguel, and many others of the chief men of Israel to be foully murdered in prison ? Who has inflamed our young men with his harangues, and has caused them to make the Temple of God a refuge for evil-doers and a scene of tyranny? And who has caused an ignorant rustic to be thrust into the sacred office of Aaron? It is John of Gischala, the enemy of the priesthood, the hater of God." " Talk not so loud, friend Merto, if thou wouldst not have Satan hearthee, for he even now approaches from the Tyropceon with Ananus, the High Priest." It was the other priest who 'thus spoke, and his timely warning caused all eyes to turn towards the High Priest and John, while Merto frowned and mut tered to himself, "Hike not that friendship. The wolf though in sheep's clothing is still a wolf, and mingles with the sheep only that he may the more easily devour them." A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing. 151 The persons who thus attracted the attention of the Coup were widely different in their appearance. >hn was above the medium height, and wore the costume of the higher class. He had sharp, sinister eyes ; a long, crooked nose, the tip of which reached down almost to his mouth ; and prominent lips, the lower of which projected a little more than the upper. Ananus, on the other hand, was both smaller and older than John. His face was decidedly Jewish, of a dignified, benevolent cast, and covered for the most part with a thick, white beard which reached down to his chest. His robe was all of blue, trimmed around the skirt with pomegranates of blue, red, and crimson, with a bell of gold between each pomegranate. Up on the ephod which covered his back and front was the breast-plate, fastened by chains and ribbons ; and upon his head he wore the mitre, upon the front of which was a plate of gold engraved with " Holiness to the Lord." The manner in which Ananus and John returned the salutations of the group they passed also dis played a contrast no less remarkable than that already described. Ananus's manner was both natural and dignified ; that of John, affected and hypocritical. Neither, however, paid much attention to Merto and his friends, but resumed as soon as they were out of earshot the conversation which they had thought fit to suspend. They spoke in subdued tones, and as they entered the royal grounds which surrounded that grand, indescribable pile which rose in majestic beauty before them, and walked slowly through a beautiful avenue lined with tall shady trees and large, elegant statues, John said, " Thou hast truly said, O Ananus ; the Temple of God has been made a stronghold by blood-shedding villains, and the High-Priesthood has been dishonored by thrusting into it a low, ignorant rustic whose fit ness for raising calves is far greater than his knowl edge of the duties of the sacred office. The mean rascals who have thus desecrated the House of God 152 RelekaK. and insulted the priests of Jehovah should be speedily punished." " Even the Romans would not be guilty of so great a sacrilege as has been committed by those who claim the name of Jews," said Ananus indignantly. " Oft have I seen our oppressors filled with awe while viewing at a distance the walls of the Holy Place ; but never have I seen any of them transcend the bounds set for the profane ; or violating our sacred customs. Shall we then suffer Jews to be guilty of what even Romans abstain from ? " " Nay ; for then would we be worse than the Ro mans and equal to the base knaves who call them selves Jews. Punish them ! Deal with them as they have dealt with others. 'Crush them under the iron heel of the law ! " "Ay, ay ; but how? Have not the people encour aged them in their wickedness by refusing to restrain them? Have they not permitted them to rob and murder our princes and men of power ? And do they not even now shrink in terror from them ? " None knew this better than John, for by his crafty ways he constantly kept himself and his followers well informed of whatever transpired in the city. Pretending that he was in hearty sympathy with the High Priest, he replied, " What thou sayest is true ; and yet, if thou but exercise a little of the discretion which is so abun dantly at thy command, thou canst easily stir them into action. Some thou canst arouse with reproach ; others with flattery ; and others with the promise of reward." A slight pause followed this remark ; then Ananus said, " Thy suggestion, O son of Levi, is a good one ; the people shall be summoned together this afternoon. Meanwhile, I shall give due consideration to a scheme that even now has suggested itself to me." "Ha, ha, now thou talkest like a leader of the people. The sooner the Temple be rid of its infamous A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing. 153 intruders the better. Can I do aught to aid thee in the perfection of thy scheme? Thou knowest the words of Solomon the Wise, " By wise counsel thou shalt make thy war ; and in multitude of counselors there is safety." " King Solomon is right, providing the counselors be reliable." " Surely thou dost not question my loyalty ! " " I speak not of thy loyalty ; but I bethought me that in a multitude of counselors there might at least be some whose sincerity might well be questioned. Foes sometimes wear the garb of friendship." " Hadst thou, most noble of the High Priests, lived in the time of Solomon, even he would have found a fit counselor in thee ; for even now thou hast given proof of thy wisdom. Thou hast rightly spoken of some who at this instant play the part of knaves. But, thy pardon, this is not listening to thy scheme." " Despite thy high opinion of my wisdom, I fear that my scheme is hardly worth a passing thought. However, since the public welfare is so dear to thy heart I will submit it to thy judgment. Thou know est that the Holy Place which we call Temple is also a citadel, and that a small force within its walls may laugh to scorn a multitude without. Thou knowest also that the zealots are both well-trained and well- armed, while the people generally are not prepared for battle. Therefore, access to the Temple must be had by stratagem. What thinkest thou of announc ing a fast for to-morrow, that we might gain admit tance into the Sacred Place by a religious pretence ? " "Ha, ha, a grand idea! Nothing could so well succeed. Strange I did not think of that; yet it is not strange, seeing that thou art far superior to me in wisdom." By this time they had reached a large portico with curiously wrought columns in front of the palace, which led to a long passage with beautifully colored walls and a highly ornamented floor. This they fol lowed until they came to an elegant assembly room, 154 , Rebekah. where they found a large number of the leading cit izens awaiting their arrival. As they entered the room, several of the men cast suspicious glances at John, and a few minutes later he was forced to give them the assurance of his fidelity by taking an oath. Then they proceeded to consider the question which had brought them together, and after a long discus sion in which John took a prominent part, it was decided that the latter be authorized to propose peaceable terms to the zealots as the seditious were now called on condition of the immediate surrender of the Temple, and that in case they should refuse, the suggestions of Ananus be at once put into action. Nothing further to be now considered the assembly was dismissed, and John hastening across the bridge, was admitted into the temple. Reaching the inner court he found himself surrounded by the zealots, who were anxious to hear what he had to say to them. Instead of delivering the message given him, how ever, he addressed them as follows : " Men and Brethren, ye are not ignorant of the many hazards I have run on your account, especially in seeking the information ye so much desire con cerning the plots which Ananus and his party secretly contrive against you. At last matters have come to such a pass that both your lives and mine are in the most imminent danger. We are doomed unless the God of our fathers send us a timely relief. Ananus has sent ambassadors to Vespasian to invite him to come and take the Holy City. Even now these cow ards pour their supplications into the ears of our enemy. They say our walls are but heaps of dust, and our towers but mere ash-piles, since our gates are open to receive the legions of Rome. Lift up your eyes and behold these sacred walls ; mark Avell the bulwarks of Zion and the gloiy and strength of Jeru salem ; then ask your hearts if Roman eyes shall feast on them, and Roman tongues boast of their posses sion. But there is another danger nearer and greater than this. A fast has been appointed for to-morrow, A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing. 155 that Ananus and his party may obtain admission into these sacred courts by religious pretense and gain possession of your stronghold by force. Now, whether this stratagem shall succeed it is for you to decide, or ho\v long ye can endure a siege, or resist the attacks of so many enemies it is for ye to judge. I am per suaded that God wills that you shall succeed, seeing that I and not one of your enemies was chosen to come to you with offers of accommodation which I shall never urge you to accept. Ye now know what ye are to expect. Hence, what action will ye take ? Will ye intercede with these your enemies to save your lives, or will ye seek some foreign assistance ? If any of you hope for pardon in case of defeat, call to your mind what ye have done. Where are the princes and other men of influence whom ye arrested ? How many houses have ye broken into and robbed ? Do ye think that the people have forgotten these murders and depredations ? Will they pay good for evil ? It is far better to die defending yourselves than to be put to death by your enemies. Therefore prepare for battle and fight like men." The zealots were greatly excited by this speech, and a few of the leaders, among whom was Judas the son of Merto, followed John into one of the cham bers of the Temple, where they held a private con sultation. Then John went to inform Ananus that his proposals had been rejected ; and when a public meeting was called that afternoon, he was among those who assembled in the Xystus. On the next day a severe conflict ensued between Ananus's party and the zealots, and after a great slaughter, the latter retired into the inner court of the Temple, while the former took possession of the court of the Gentiles. 156 Rebekah. CHAPTER XXL A~K UNEXPECTED VISIT. WHILE this condition of things existed at Jerusa lem, Priscus, whose company, together with the cohort to which it belonged, guarded one of the passes lying between Emmaus and the Holy City, looked on with more than ordinary interest. " Well, what hast thou learned to-day, my Marcus? " said he, as the decurion returned after escorting a band of deserters to the camp of the fifth legion jit Emmaus. 44 That our general is far wiser than I thought he was," replied Marcus. " That certainly is a great discovery. What led thee to it ? " 44 Before answering thy question, let me ask thee if thou hast ever heard the witch's philosophical triad? " 44 1 can tell thee better after I hear it." 44 Listen then : 4 Three things fools do : picking fruit from the trees, seeking the maidens, and com mitting suicide. If they waited long enough, the fruit would drop from the trees, maidens would seek the youths, and death would put an end to the most miserable life." 44 What has this to do with the wisdom of our gen eral?" 44 Perpol ! has he not considered idleness the better policy on our part since the Jewish dogs devour each other by the thousands ? " Here Priscus walked away with Caius the surgeon, laughing at the decurion 's remark. 44 Even June with all its charms can bring no beauty to these rugged and barren hills," said Caius with contempt as they reached a hilltop. 44 Nor to the character of the hateful people whose traits they portray," said Priscus. 4< Ha, ha, truly spoken, by Castor ; but dost thou An Unexpected Visit. 157 make no exceptions ? " continued Caius with a roguish side-glance at the centurion. " I speak not of exceptions," was the evasive reply. " Nay, by Jupiter, thou wouldst far rather speak to them. Canst thou not find some old witch, my Pris- cus, who will lend thee the nose and tongue of a Jew that thou mightest with safety pluck the rose that longs for the sunshine of thy soul in the bosom of Jerusalem ? " " Thou wilt need both a nose and a tongue soon un less thou hold thy peace. But look ! Here comes a messenger. What is it, Ancus ? " " A Jewish vagrant has just been caught within our lines, sir ; and Marcus the decurion wishes to know your pleasure concerning him," replied the mes senger. " Let him be sent to keep company with those sneaking clogs already in the camp." " But he wants to see you, sir ; he says he is inti mately acquainted with you." " Ha, ha, by Hercules ; he must be one of the ex ceptions of which thou wilt not speak," said Caius, greatly amused. Although the laugh was at his own expense, Pris- cus heartily joined in the merriment of his friend ; then he remarked, " I will see this Jewish vagrant, and if he be not other than he seems, he shall pay for his audacity and his lie." The distance to the spot where the prisoner stood was short, but he was so hemmed in by the guards, who seemed more eager for news than for his com fort, that Prisons did not see him until he was close upon him. Then failing to recognize the Jew, he de manded why he had sent for him. " Dost thou not know me, noble Priscus ? " asked a familiar voice in an injured tone. " What ! thou art not ay, thou art my friend Herodion. Thy pardon, friend ; I did not recognize thee. I am very glad to see thee again." 158 Relekah. " Ah ! I forgot the changes time and circumstances have wrought in me since last we met. This peasant dress seems strange to thee, no doubt. But in these troublous times safety often courts the aid of discre tion. The country is infested with the Sicarii, whom the godly and the peaceful fear far more than the legions of Rome. Their mouth is full of cursing and bitterness ; their feet are swift to shed blood ; de struction and misery are in their ways ; and there is no fear of God before their eyes. Ye have justly punished many of them, and may the rest soon re ceive their just reward." " Thou hast wisely spoken ; but hast thou aught of special importance to communicate to our com mander ? " " My communication is for thee only, and has no public bearing." This conversation was carried on in the hearing of the guard, and it excited various comments among them. Some wondered at the fluency with which Herodion spoke their native tongue. Others said he was a spy ; and others that he was one of the robbers whom he had so severely denounced, hoping that he might thus gain his freedom. Priscus, however, caring little what they thought or said, commanded them to return to their posts while he and Herodion sought the shade of an overhanging cliff a little above the highway. " Now that we are alone," said Priscus as he seated himself beside Herodion on a large stone, " I am ready for thy communication. I have never ceased to be anxious concerning thee and thy daughter since the war began, and your interests are as dear to me as my own." " I doubt not thy word, O centurion, for thou hast ever been our best earthly friend. I have not for gotten the sad experiences through which we passed in Rome and Caesar ea, nor thy sympathy and timely aid in our dark hours. But I am encouraged by the past to tell thee our present trouble and seek thy An Unexpected Visit. 159 further help and advice. Art thou acquainted with the events that have lately come to pass in the Holy City?" " No ; I only know that internal troubles of some sort have been eating up its vitality." " Has not Rebekah given thee a full account of the calamities that have befallen us ? " " I have learned more from deserters than from her letters." " Just what I thought. Yet thou must not blame her overmuch. She is so patriotic that she fears to utter aught that may prove unfavorable to our nation, or that may seem to a suspicious person into whose hands her letter might chance to fall to savor of treachery. Yet be it far from thee to think that she is in sympathy with the seditious. She is a lover of peace, and sees of late a far more dangerous and cruel enemy of our people in the zealots than in your armies. Indeed she now thinks the walls of Jerusa lem an element of weakness rather than strength, since they both prevent you from restoring order in the city, and aid the zealots in their cruelties and robberies by lessening the people's chances of es cape." " I fear that the madness of rebellion will yield less readily to our policy than jour strong walls to our battering-rams. There is but one remedy for this madness, and that is death." " If experience be a trusty teacher thy words are worthy of credence ; for the zealots have laughed at reason and mocked at force. They have no law but passion, and no God but money. When Ananus re fused admittance to their allies, they crept secretly to the gates of the city by night, and aided by a fear ful storm they sawed through the bars and admitted three thousand Idumeans, who, hastening to the relief of the zealots, commenced a fearful massacre that lasted many days. Eight thousand and five hundred of the guards were slain in the outer court of the Temple. Then both the Idumeans and the 160 Eebekah. zealots fell upon the city, murdering and plundering everywhere. Ananus and Jesus they slew, then cast them naked outside the city to be devoured by dogs and jackals. Zachariah the son of Baruch they murdered in the Temple ; and Gorion, and Niger of Perea soon after met a similar fate. Thousands of the common people were slain in the streets, and a great multitude of the better sort in prison. Nor durst their kindred either mourn for them or bury them, except in secret." " The villains ! hell itself is too good a place for them. How didst thou and Rebekah escape their cruelties and indignities ? " " Judas, my sister's son, is one of their leaders ; and it seemed good in his sight to spare us." "Ah! I am glad then for your sakes that the wound I once inflicted on the knave was not fatal." " And we have reason to rejoice that his attempt upon thy life was not successful, for if thou wert dead my mission here were vain." " It was a cruel thrust, and I shall never forget it, nor the looks of him who gave it. I have met many foes in battle, but never one who looked as fiendish as he." " Passion rules him as the tempest does the sea. May God preserve me and mine from his revenge." " Have you incurred his displeasure since the departure of the Idumeans, then ? Do you seek es cape from him ? " " From him and the rest of the zealots. We have no quarrel with them. Nor had the thousands who have been slain. The fate of our neighbors has filled us with distrust. Besides, if we should escape death at their hands, remaining in the city must result in sufferings worse than death, for our Saviour has foretold its destruction, and fearful omens have appeared of late which show that its doom is nigh. For more than six years a certain Jesus, the son of Ananus, a plebeian, has come up to every feast, and has wandered through the streets, exclaiming night An Unexpected Visit. 161 and day, c Woe to the city ! Woe to the Temple ! A voice from the east! A voice from the west. A voice from the four winds ! A voice against Jerusa lem and the Temple ? A voice against bridegroom and bride ! A voice against the whole people ! ' At first the people were alarmed, and brought the of fender before Albinus, the Procurator ; but he would answer no question, and though his bones were laid bare by scourging he uttered no cry but, 4 Woe, woe to Jerusalem.' The Procurator took him for a mad man and dismissed him ; but whether mad or not his woeful cry is still heard during our feasts. Other signs also have appeared. A star shaped like a sword has been seen hanging over the city. The eastern gate of the inner court of the Temple, which had with difficulty been shut by twenty men, alarmed the guard one night by opening of its own accord. Some also say that on a certain evening at sunset chariots and soldiers prepared for war were seen sur rounding cities in the clouds." u Do the people regard these signs as forebodings of destruction?" " The men of learning only so regard them." "Many have already escaped from the city; why were not thou and Rebekah among them ? " " The little money which still remained after my misfortunes at Rome and Csesarea is invested at Jeru salem, and an effort to dispose of my interests there would awake suspicion. Hence, had we been so minded, we could not have purchased our liberty from the zealots, as many have already done ; nor would it have been wise to thrust ourselves, penni less, upon strangers. Moreover, Rebekah will not seek refuge anywhere in Palestine. It is her will to go to Ephesus, if escape be possible now." " It is unnecessary to go so far away. Canst thou not persuade her to accompany thee to Emmaus, and dwell there under the protection of our legions until the war is over ?" " I may try ; the fact that such is thy desire may 162 Rebekah. have weight with her. But she wishes to depart from the scenes of war." "I blame her not after all her sad experiences. Still, I am persuaded that both she and thou would be as safe at Emmaus as at Ephesus. Perhaps thou canst make her also of this mind. Whether thou dost succeed or not, however, thou wilt need money. Will five sestertia be of service to thee? I am sorry I have no more to offer thee now ; but I shall have more soon." After thanking Priscus for his timely aid, he ac companied him to the camp, and a few hours later took his departure. CHAPTER XXIII. TREACHERY. ABOUT the time Herodion was taking leave of Pris cus, Rebekah was ascending Mount Zion, accompanied by Judas, who had overtaken her in the Tyropoeon. The former had been paying a short visit to the clothes' bazaar, while the latter was returning from the Temple, which was still in the hands of the zeal ots. Rebekah was a little more reserved than usual, a fear of being questioned concerning the where abouts of her father, together with her usual dislike of her cousin, making his presence very obnoxious to her. Judas, on the other hand, was unusually cheer ful and talkative, owing partly to his increasing fond ness for Rebekah, and partly to the news that had just reached Jerusalem concerning the state of affairs at Rome. He had seen but little of his cousin of late, she deeming it expedient to shun his company as much as possible. It was quite natural, then, that he should congratulate himself on his good fortune on this oc casion. ' Hast thou heard the news, Rebekah ? " was one of the first questions he asked his cousin. Treachery. 163 " What news ? " Rebekah replied, shunning his un holy gaze. > k That our oppressor is dead." "No." "May the end of all our enemies be as the end of Nero. He has been taken in his own net, and has fallen into the pit he had made. When he boasted of his strength, Vindex said, ' Let us break his band asunder;' and Galba, 'Let us cast away his cords from us.' When he said to his soul, 'I will go out as at other times, and shake myself,' a voice came from the Praetorians, saying, ' We will not have this man to rule over us.' Then he perished by his own hand. He sought for our souls ; but the Lord put him to shame. He devised our hurt ; but the Lord turned him back and brought him to confusion." " Though Nero is dead, Rome still lives." " Ay, but Rome shall be broken in pieces ; the curse of God is upon it." Rebekah made no reply to this remark. But she thought it applied with far greater propriety to Jeru salem than to Rome, judging from the state of affairs. After a short pause Judas continued, in a disappointed tone: " Thou sayest thou art not a friend of Rome, Re bekah ; yet thine heart rejoices not at these glad tid ings. Art thou well ? " "Yes." " Is thy father well ? I sought him at his stall, that I might tell him the news, but he was not there. I hope he is not ill." " lie was well this morning." " What has fettered thy tongue, and has driven the smiles from thy face, then, Rebekah ? " " Should I rejoice at the death of an oppressor, seeing that oppression still lives ? " " Have I not told thee that Rome is doomed ? " " Israel has other enemies than Rome." "Ay, thou speakest truly. I had forgotten them. We need not fear them, however. They will remem- 164 Bebekah. ber the lessons we have taught them,*' said Judas, misconstruing her words. "And God will remember their cruel teachers," said Rebekah, as she reached the foot of the stairway leading to her own apartment. Glancing at her cousin, she saw that her parting fling had brought a dark cloud to his face. Not waiting for his reply, she ran up the stairs as fast as she could, and soon disap peared from view. As she threw herself upon a di van, a few minutes later, she heaved a sigh of relief; and, fixing her eyes upon a chandelier that hung in the centre of the room, she was soon lost in thought. At first her mind dwelt on her disagreeable inter view with Judas. Then she thought of her father and Priscus, and gave free rein to her imagination. Ah, how she longed just then to see the centurion ! How she envied her father's privilege ! In vain did she try to give a tinge of reality to the image Priscus had printed on her heart. It would not materialize. Gradually her thoughts became as vague as the image, and she fell asleep. It was not restful sleep, how ever, for she was troubled with a fearful dream. She dreamed that she and her father were walking lei surely through a beautiful garden, and that their course was suddenly cut short by a deep gulf. On the other side of the gulf she saw Priscus standing with out stretched arms, and an anxious look on his face. Glancing around, she saw Judas, with a band of zeal ots, rushing towards them with drawn swords ; and, uttering a smothered scream, she awoke, to find her self on the divan. The room was dark, and still as a grave. Recovering somewhat from the effects of the dream, she summoned the servant; and, ascertaining that her father had not yet arrived, her mind became very uneasy, and she began to fear for his safety. Her fears were groundless, however, for Herodion en tered the room soon after with his usual compos ure. About an hour later, Rebekah sat beside her father, eagerly listening to his words. He told her of his Treachery. 165 arrest by the soldiers ; of Priscus's failure to recognize him ; of his joy when he discovered who he was ; of his long interview with him ; and of his visit to the camp. Then after a short pause he asked, " Is it thy will still to go to Ephesus, Rebekah ? Remember that the centurion's desire is worthy of thy consideration. He is thy betrothed and my dearest friend. Moreover, he has been very kind to us." Rebekah did not answer immediately, but fixed her eyes abstractedly upon an unclasped bracelet with which she was toying. It was evident to her father that a hard struggle was going on in her mind. It was a struggle between love and fear, and her father waited patiently for the outcome, knowing that " per fect love casteth out fear." At last raising her head and looking into her father's eyes, she quietly said, " I will go to Emmaus." " Ah, I knew thy heart would teach thee wisdom. Now let us plan how to escape, my daughter. We need patience and discretion as well as courage in order to outwit our enemies. The gates, as thou knowest, are closely watched, and they are opened only to such as seek admittance into the city. Hence we must seek liberty through the subterranean pas sage under the southern wall." " It matters not to me, dear father, how we escape ; but my heart yearns to leave this abode of violence and murder. Of wailing I have heard enough, and my eyes are satiated with the sight of blood. There is no peace for Jerusalem, nor shall we have peace if we remain here. Hast thou set the time for our escape ? " " What sayest thou to the close of the second watch to-morrow night ? " "Why not to-night? Delay may bring obstruc tion?" " So may haste bring destruction. Besides, we are not yet prepared to go." Herodion's purpose in delaying their departure was 166 Rebekah. to attempt to make a secret disposal of his stock of goods. The stock was not very large ; yet the habits of carefulness and economy which had grown upon him during years of business life would not allow him to abandon it without making some effort at least to dispose of it. While he was thinking of this, it occurred to Rebekah that he had said nothing about the servant, therefore she inquired, "What wilt thou do with Adah, father? " " I know not what to do with her ; for I like her not. She is too friendly to the zealots. To leave her here without provisions would be cruel, and to tell her to seek another master would arouse suspicion." While her father paused Rebekah remarked, " Thou sayest truly ; yet it seems not wise to let her accompany us ; for seeing that she loves the zealots more than us, may she not betray us to our enemies ? " "What, then, can we do with her?" asked Her- odion with a puzzled look. " James the Just can be trusted ; why not ask him to find her another master ? " was the prompt reply. " Thou art a good daughter, Rebekah, and a wise. I shall profit by thy suggestion. He need not do so until we have departed." " Hark ! Didst thou not hear a noise ? " interrupted Rebekah with a warning gesture. " No ; where ? " added her father. " There, near the door. There it is again ! Herodion now heard a slight noise as of clothing rubbing against the wall, and taking a lamp of an cient design in his hand, and moving aside the cur tain which hung across the door, he walked out into a passage leading to the veranda, and failing to see anything to excite his suspicion he returned 'to the room. As he resumed his seat lie assured Rebekah that the noise she had heard was simply the night breeze moving the curtain at the outer end of the passage. She could not keep her eyes from wander ing, however, in the direction of the door. Nor did the conversation flow as easily as before ; and this Treachery. 167 caused them to retire much earlier than they would otherwise have done. The next day seemed very long to them ; and al though they busied themselves as usual they could think of nothing but their contemplated escape. This together with his failure to dispose of his business interests caused Herodion to feel not a little downcast that evening on his return home ; yet he endeavored to look cheerful for the sake of his daughter. Re- bekah also was inclined to be gloomy, and when they sat together in the principal room waiting for the hour of midnight, she said, " Twice have we been deprived of a happy home, and twice have we sought refuge from our enemies like beasts from their pursuers. To-night we again leave our home, which though not a very happy one is still a home, and seek happiness and safety in flight. Dost thou think our sky will ever be bright again, father ? Will the Lord always chide ? " " Though we have been sorely afflicted," said Her odion ; " yet the Lord has been good to us. He has said by the mouth of the Psalmist, 4 A thousand shall fall at thy side and ten thousand at thy right hand ; but it shall not come nigh thee.' Is not this true of thee and me ? Surely thou hast not forgotten the fearful lamentations and cries we have heard, and the scenes of blood we have witnessed? Dost thou love life? So did the thousands that have perished around us. Yet the Lord did not spare them. Why has he spared us? The answer is given in the Law, ' I will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and will show mercy on whom I will show mercy.' " " I know the Lord has dealt more graciously with us than with many of our countrymen ; yet my heart longs for peace the peace we enjoyed in Rome be fore the fire," remarked Rebekah with a sigh. " Had we our own way, my daughter, we would never have aught but summer and sunshine ; but our Heavenly Father knows that we need storms and clouds as well. Winter makes summer more beau- 168 Eebekah. tiful to us, and affliction makes prosperity more sweet. Remember thy uncle's words, 4 Our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory.' " As Herodion spoke, he was not entirely free from the feeling expressed by Rebekah ; owing to his age and experience, however, he was better able to con trol it. The time for their departure now approaching, they both knelt before God in prayer and pleaded for di vine help and guidance. Then taking a last look at their home they stepped out noiselessly on the veranda, which overlooked the court. The' night revealed to them the stars twinkling in the clear sky above them, while a gentle summer breeze fanned their flushed cheeks. Hearing no sound but the loud and rapid beating of their own hearts, they cautiously descend ed the stairway to the court; and stopping again for a moment near an evergreen tree to listen, they pro ceeded towards the passage leading to the street. They knew that along the panelled walls of this pas sage lay benches of stone on both sides, but as they en tered it they saw nothing but darkness. Not a word was said ; but their thoughts were very busy as they walked side by side to the door at the outer end of the passage. As they were about to open the door a heavy hand was laid on each of them, which caused Rebekah to utter a piercing scream. Although both were terribly frightened, they made a hard struggle for liberty ; but the iron grasp of four strong men held them like a vice. " Who dares to lay hands on us? " demanded Hero dion as they were seized. A chorus of laughter was the only reply. Recognizing the voice of her cousin, Rebekah ex claimed with contempt, " Ah, it is thou ! Thy deed and thy companions re mind me of thy namesake's treachery of old. " Ha, ha, and I will make the resemblance complete," said Judas stealing a kiss from her. Treachery. 169 This caused another burst of laughter from his ac complices. " Wert thou not my sister's son, I would call thee a villain," said Herodion in a choked voice. " And wert thou not my cousin, I would say that thou art a base wretch," cried Rebekah. " Call me what ye will, ha, ha ; perchance ye can imitate a lamb by acting the wolf," was the sneering reply. Both Rebekah and her father keenly felt the sting of Judas's remark ; for on more than one occasion they had urged as an excuse for discouraging and opposing the rebellion that they were the followers of the Cruci fied One, whose unresisting character had been ex pressed by Isaiah in the words, " Like a lamb before his shearer, so opened he not his mouth." As is often the case with the best of men, in an unguarded mo ment they had lost sight of their ideal. But it was not too late to repent ; therefore when Herodion next spoke, it was with a composure that was as astonishing as his bitter indignation was unchristian. " Now that we are in thy power, what is thy will concerning us?" he calmly inquired of Judas. " Ah, now thou speakest as a man in his right mind, and thou shalt have a reasonable answer," said his nephew. " Ye regard us as your enemies ; yet are we really your friends. Learning this morning that John of Giscliala, having been informed of your pur pose to escape, designed to encompass your destruc tion to-night, I secured the services of these my friends that we might prevent you from falling into his hands. This by God's help we have been able to do. Whether we deserve censure rather than gratitude, judge ye." ic If what thou sayest be true, had it not been easier for thee to acquaint us of John's design ere we left the house, than to lie in wait for us here ? " asked Rebekah. To this Judas replied that he thought the method he had employed far more effective than mere words would have been. This statement, however, as well 170 RebekaL as the one that had led to it was entirely false, for none except himself and accomplices had learned of their intention to escape. His reason for thus con cealing the truth was that he might appear to have their interests at heart while he simply served his own. Self-interest also caused him to hide the source of his information, and to impress upon the minds of Re- bekdh and her father that henceforth they would be so closely watched that any attempt at escape would not only be fruitless but fatal. Despite all his efforts at the concealment of his motives, however, the betrayed carried with them strong suspicions of the truth into their home that ill- fated night. Had they seen Adah disappearing from the veranda as they left the passage one of their sus picions would have been confirmed ; but she was too wary to expose herself, and too devoted to Judas and his party not to listen to their expressions of the bitter disappointment they felt after their return into the house. Nor did her insidious practice cease with that evening ; for she was too much under Judas' control to refuse him further service, and Herodion would not consent to dismiss her until he was certain of her guilt. Thus in the main did Rebekah's dream become true. CHAPTER XXIV. FANATICISM. THOUGH Rebekah and her father returned into the house soon after the frustration of their attempt at escape, Judas and his accomplices remained in the court till morning. Then by dint of much bribing and coaxing, the chief actor secured the co-operation of his father's servants; and charging them to keep a close watch over his uncle and cousin, he directed his steps towards the Temple, while a broad grin frequently overspread his face. He thought he could Fanaticism. 171 successfully accomplish by the employment of force what he had failed to do by the use of milder means. He loved Rebekah, and he was determined to compel her to requite his passion. But he would not intrude his presence upon her until she had recovered from her disappointment. Then he would plainly declare to her and her father what up to this time he had only hinted at. As he crossed the bridge towards the Temple, he saw the tower of Antonia, which resembled a square keep with high, pinnacle-like turrets at the corners, frowning down upon the temple-area, with the north western part of which it communicated by means of staircases. He also saw the strong wall which en closed the large, square area of the Holy House. But as he had long ago become familiar with these objects, he gave them but little attention. Passing in through a ponderous gate his eyes rested for a moment upon Solomon's Porch, a fourfold colonnade of the purest white marble, fashioned after the Corin thian order, and supporting a roof of costly cedar, beautifully carved. Then turning to the left he elbowed his way through a vast multitude of repre sentatives from all nations into an open space, also square, with a pavement of stones, smooth and vari ously colored, and surrounded on three sides by a double colonnade of the same material and order as Solomon's Porch. Finding this also crowded he wondered what could have called so many people together at so early an hour ; as he was in the Court of the Gentiles, however, and despised the Babel of strange tongues which grated on his ears at every point, he curbed his curiosity until he should reach the Court of the Israelites. After much difficulty, lie reached the northern part of the court, and turning his face towards the south, he ascended a flight of fourteen steps, and entered through a gate covered with gold and silver into a smaller court, which was surrounded with marble walls or balustrades, and columns with inscriptions in Greek and Latin warn- 172 XebeZah. ing all Gentiles against entering this more sacred place on pain of death. This court was also crowded, but as there were none but Israelites here, Judas lost no time in satisfying his curiosity. Learning that James the Just, who was highly respected by the people, had been invited during his absence to give publicly his opinion of Christ, he became as excited as the rest,' and plying his informant with further questions, he learned that the venerable bishop was to speak from one of the pinnacles of the Temple. This induced him to push through the crowd to the low but beautiful wall which separated the Court of the Israelites from the Court of the Priests. Here he found the Scribes and Pharisees in great force, now looking at the priests busying themselves with their sacred occupation, and now glancing at the magnifi cent structure of which they were so proud. Pres ently a general hush announced the arrival of " the just one," who after saluting the doctors of the law, entered the Court of the Priests, and passing between the altar of burnt offerings and the golden laver he slowly ascended the twelve steps leading up to the Sanctuary. Then in full view of the gaping and awe-stricken multitudes in the Court of the Israelites and the Court of the Women, he prostrated himself in prayer, while the vast, doorless gate which pierced the immense front of the Sanctuary hung over him like a golden canopy, and the bright rays of the morning sun endowed the golden vines which hung on either side and above the gate with such transcend ing glory as the eyes of mortals could not behold. Again assuming an erect but reverent attitude, he walked slowly to where a ladder led to the highest summit of the Sanctuary, and climbed up past the gilded spikes on the roof to the appointed place. " Tell us, O just one, about Jesus after whom the people are wandering," cried a voice as he surve} r ed the multitudes. "Is he the Door of the Sheepfold or not ? " For a moment the people stood in breathless silence, Fanaticism. 173 and a complacent smile played on the countenances of the doctors of the law ; then the answer came clear and positive, " Why do ye ask me again concerning Jesus the Son of Man ? He both sits in the heavens on the right hand of the Almighty, and will come on the clouds of heaven." The effect produced by these words was wonderful. Some exultantly cried, " Hosannah to the Son of David." The Scribes and Pharisees, however, recovering from their astonishment, looked at each other and exclaimed, "The just one has also gone astray! We did wrong in giving him an opportunity to testify for Jesus. Let us have him cast down." " I will cast him down ! I will cast him down," cried the son of Merto, hastening into the Court of the Priests ; and the next moment he was climbing to the pinnacle of the Temple. " Wherefore art thou come, my son," said the venerable bishop as Judas reached the top. " There is my answer, thou blaspheming dog, thou accursed teacher of false doctrines," said the son of Merto, giving him a violent push, which landed him on the pavement below, while the multitudes, swayed by various emotions, made the House of God the scene of the wildest uproar and confusion. The fall, great as it was, did not produce instant death ; and the Scribes and Pharisees stood for a moment as if overwhelmed with fear; then they rushed with one accord upon the aged martyr as he writhed in his blood, and stoned him to death while he cried, " Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do." Thus he died as he had lived a righteous man and his murderers buried him near the Sanctuary, thinking that by so doing they rendered an atonement for their crime. The excitement attending the martyrdom of the Lord's brother had scarcely abated before Judas con- 174 Eebekah. spired with many other zealots to plunder the people, and it was not until Simon the son of Giora, after laying waste nearly the whole of Idumea, had in vested the Holy City, that a partial stop was put to their depredations. Even Simon's presence outside the walls of the city, however, did not prevent the robbers from weaving their Satanic plots, and none was more deeply involved in these than Judas. It was while he and another of the leaders were forming one of these plots in the Temple, that a group of Galileans in feminine garments and with braided hair went past them into the Inner Court. " By the splendor of heaven," said Judas, looking after them, " these base Galileans smell like a dozen apothecary shops. Would that John had left them in Gischala." " Ha, ha, thou forgettest that they need to besmear themselves with ointments, seeing that their names are an abomination to the people, " said the other. " I blame not the people for despising them, for the villains exceed in recklessness the angel of death, when he slew the first-born of Egypt. They cut more throats than the priests in yonder court," con tinued Judas. " Ay, and they surpass Sodom in wantonness, and Ach in in greed for gold," was the reply. These remarks were not due to a disapproval of the wickedness of the Galileans so much as to envy and jealousy at the extreme freedom they en joyed. John held them responsible for neither word nor deed, while the rest of the zealots were placed under certain restraints. This therefore re sulted in the complete abandonment of the Galileans to all sorts of vice and crime, on the one hand, and intense dissatisfaction among the less favored zealots on the other. Where such a condition of things ex isted, even a crafty knave like John could not main tain harmony and order long. From the thoughts awakened by the appearance of the Galileans to the consideration of John's char- Fanaticism. 175 acter, the transition was very easy. Hence Judas re marked with a frown, " I like not the tyrant ; his promises are always greater than his rewards. " Why not desert him then ? " suggested the other. " If my judgment be not amiss, thou as well as I need not wait long for an opportunity. Dark clouds already gather around him." " Dost thou mean the discontent of the Idumeans, whom Simon the son of Giora has caused to flee into the city ? " " Ay, and Eleazar's jealousy." " It would not be wise to unite with these in re volt, for John is too cunning a knave to be taken in their net, and his followers are too numerous to be overcome by them. There will be other opportuni ties ; we must wait for them." " Wait? by the Holy City, I have already waited till my patience is nearly exhausted ! " Here the conversation was cut short by the arrival of a messenger from John who had lately made one of those palaces which belonged to the royal house of Adiabene his headquarters commanding the zealots to prepare themselves at once to come to his relief against an attack that was about to be made by the Idumeans. This command was no sooner given than the whole host of zealots flew to arms, and hastened to the conflict. They reached the royal palace none too soon, for they had hardly formed themselves in battle array before the Idumeans rushed upon them like wild beasts. In vain did John and his favored Galileans try to maintain their ground. In vain did the other leaders try to cut their way into the ranks of the enemy, for the Idumeans were too strong for John's forces. They drove them first into the palace, and thence into the temple, taking possession of all the spoils that the tyrant had gathered into his head quarters, and slaying many of his men. This they did, however, at no little loss to themselves ; for al though there were but few experienced soldiers among 176 Eebekah. the vanquished, there were some, among whom was Judas, who contested every inch of ground from the palace to the Temple, and slew many with whom they came in contact. Stung by his defeat and incensed by the loss of his spoils, John immediately summoned his leading offi cers to a council of war in the hall called Gazith, south of the Holy Place, partly in the Court of the Priests and partly in the inner court, where the San- hedrin met. Among his councilors was Judas, who concurred with the others in the opinion that a secret sally should be made as soon as possible on the Idu- means, and that their quarters should be set on fire. His motive in this concurrence was not hatred of the Idumeans as much as a desire for the speedy over throw of the tyrant. In this he was not alone. John, however, in spite of his craft, was ignorant of this fact. Therefore he appointed the close of the second watch that night as the time for the sally. As the council was about to adjourn, several mes sengers in the highest state of excitement sought ad mittance into the room. " Treachery, treachery ! my lord," cried all of them at the top of their voices. " Where, where ? " exclaimed the various com manders, leaping from their seats and unsheathing their swords. " The high priests have thrown open the gates, and Simon and his army are already in the streets," was the reply. The flourish of trumpets and loud acclamations in various parts of the city, and the increasing tumult of the zealots as they ran to and fro in the courts of the Temple, made further explanation unnecessary. Nor did the members of the council stop to hear more, but all of them hastened to the outer court to see that the gates were closed. After the excitement caused by Simon's entrance into the city had subsided, Judas again met the offi cer with whom he was conversing when they were Fanaticism. 177 summoned to John's assistance, and with a satisfied air he said, " Did I not tell thee to wait for better opportuni ties ? If I mistake not the signs of the times, we shall soon have the desire of our hearts. He whom the people now hail as their saviour, will soon prove himself to be their tyrant, and the greatest tyrant is the man whom thou and I must serve." " By the hosts of heaven, thou dost begin to smell spoils already," said the other. " As for me, I shall reserve my mirth until my eyes see them and my hands touch them." The approach of another officer here caused them to change the conversation, and the three soon moved away in the direction of Solomon's Porch. CHAPTER XXV. "FIGHTINGS AND FEARS WITHIN, WITHOUT." INTERNAL troubles now hastened to their climax, and Rebekah and her father after a night of grave anxiety and sleeplessness ascended to the house-top in quest of the mental rest and peace which they had vainly sought during the hours of darkness. The scene upon which they looked was both grand and terrible. For miles around the city walls their eyes traced many beautiful gardens, of which some of the trees were still in blossom, while the rest were burdened with fruits in various stages of develop ment. Flowers there were in abundance also, but these could not be seen from where they stood. Within the city many objects of interest were exposed to their view. North of the second wall they saw that part of Jerusalem called the " new city," around which was built on every side but the south that wall commenced by Agrippa, and left by him to be finistied by a later hand, because he feared 178 Eebekah. to arouse the suspicions of Claudius Caesar. South west of this newer portion, between the first and second wall, was Akra, and northeast of this an elevation occupied by several palaces built by foreign princes. The north-western part of Mount Zion, however, was far more attractive than any of these. It was here that Herod's palace rose in all its vsplendor among the towers of Hippicus, of Phasselus, and of Mariamne, which in beauty and strength sur passed all other towers in the city. None of these objects, however, great as was their attractiveness, received more than a casual glance from Rebekah and her father on that beautiful spring morning. The Temple and its vicinity, which lay a little to the northeast from where they stood, offered far greater attractions to them. Besides being the most beau tiful spot on earth, it was also the scene of such wickedness and madness as is seldom witnessed by the eyes of man. The father and daughter had many a time looked upon that most sacred and magnificent pile with no small degree of pride and joy ; but they heaved many a sigh, and shed tears of sorrow as they gazed upon it now. They saw four towers, newly erected by the zealots, frowning down upon the Court of the Israelites, one at the north-east corner ; one at the southwest corner above the xystus; another at the corner over against the lower city ; and the fourth above the place where a priest gave notice to the people every week of the beginning and ending of the Sabbath, by blowing a trumpet. As they looked upon these signs of internal discord they thought of the human fiends that preyed upon eacli other within and without the walls of the Temple of God, and polluted its sacred floors with their unholy blood. They missed the large edifices which had been wantonly destroyed a few days before, and saw the heaps of decaying corpses lying in the streets. They heard the noise of the war engines and the yells of the contending factions. Is it any wonder that their hearts were sore ? Although they served "Fiyhtings and Fears Within, Without:' 179 Him who was greater than the Temple ; yet being Jews it was natural for them to share in the reverence which all but the seditious had for the Holy Place. The thoughts and feelings which the incongruous scene upon which they looked awakened in them, at first prevented them from speaking. This silence, however, did riot last long. Wiping the tears from her eyes with one hand, and laying the other on her father's shoulder, Rebekah remarked in a trembling voice, " Had we been able to escape, father, we would at least have been spared the necessity of beholding this wickedness and abomination." " Thou speakest truly, my child," said Herodion with some difficulty. " Yet I fear'that what we now behold and feel is naught compared with what is still to come." " Ah ! then how can our hearts endure it all," said Rebekah with a deep sigh. " We may not live to see it, Rebekah, we may not live," was the solemn reply. " We and our neighbors may soon form such unsightly heaps as our eyes now be hold. Or if it be the will of God that we shall dive to see the end, no doubt he will make perfect his strength in our weakness." As Rebekah listened to her father's allusion to the possibility of their meeting a similar fate to that of the unburied dead she saw, she shuddered involun tarily, placing her hand over her e} T es. Not only was the possibility of such a horrible fate repulsive to her, but the thought of dying before seeing Priscus was almost unbearable. After a prolonged pause she said, " The tyranny of Rome is far better than the cruel oppression of the Idumeans and zealots. Would that Titus had arrived ! " Titus now had full command of the Roman army in Palestine, his father having ascended the imperial throne. He was expected soon to besiege the Holy City, and since he was a kind man as well as a brave 180 Rebekah. warrior, Rebekah voiced the desire of those who were at the mercy of the seditious when she said she wished Titus had arrived. Continuing the conversation, Herodion said, look ing to the northwest, " He ought to be here ere long, seeing that he left Caesarea yesterday. I had rather see the city in his hands than in the power of these impious sons of Be lial. Though he worships not our God, nor loves our people, he is acquainted with mercy." Seeing no sign of the Roman army, the father and daughter now descended to the house; but their rest lessness did not permit them to stay there long. In common with many others they spent most of the day on the house-top, now watching the strife of the con tending factions in and around the Temple, and now straining their eyes to see if they could discern the ap proach of the Romans. At last while the setting sun bathed the gilded spikes of the Temple in a sea of glory their patient watching was rewarded with the sight of what they thought to be the advance guard of the Romans. " Look ! look ! " cried Rebekah excitedly. " They come ! They come ! " " God be praised ! " exclaimed Herodion. " Our afflictions shall now soon come to an end. Long have we desired to see that cloud of dust. But, Rebekah, it is far too small to betoken the approach of a large army." " Whether they be many or few, father," was the re ply ; " their approach has already caused our tormen tors to cease fighting. See ! many of them are now running towards the tower of Psephinus." The news of the arrival of the Romans spread through the city almost with the rapidity of lightning, and every house-top in the Upper City, and every tower and wall in the newer portions were crowded with anxious spectators, while the streets in the vicinity of the north-western gate were full of Idumean soldiers. They all thought that the whole Roman army was Fightings and Fears Within, Without" 181 approaching ; but to the infinite relief of some, and the disappointment of others it soon became evident that only a few hundred horsemen were advancing, and they with no hostile intention. " Ah," said Herodion, still watching the horsemen, " Titus is a cunning warrior. He will not bring his whole army before the city until he has fully exam ined its walls. If I mistake not, that is he with his escort. See ! they leave the road now, and the Holy Prophets ! they are surrounded by the seditious ! They are being cut to pieces by them. O thou God of hosts, help our deliverer! Let not our hopes perish !" The next few minutes appeared like ages to Re- bekah and her father. The scene of the conflict was so far away and the fearful activity of the combatants raised such clouds of dust that they could have not the least idea how the Romans fared in the midst of so many deadly foes. Even when the clouds of dust disappeared they could only say that the conflict had ended. But what had been the fate of the Romans was as much of a mystery to them as ever. The ac clamations of joy which at length reached their ears, however, told them that the seditious were victorious, and when Merto came home from the Temple they learned the particulars. "Ye rightly judged that it was Titus and his es cort," said he, "and that they had come to view the city. It was when the general and a few others had just left the road in order to get a better view of the Temple that the seditious rushed out upon them from the Towers of the Women." " Ay, we saw them fall upon the uncircumcised dogs, and ha, ha, their going forth was like a flood," said Merto's wife. " They separated them from the rest of the horse men," said Merto, ignoring his wife's remark ; " and this placed the general in a very critical position, for the hedges and trenches around the gardens in front of him prevented his going forward, and to return to 182 RebeJcah. the main body of his men was impossible without cutting his way through the seditious." " Call not our defenders 'seditious', O thou heathen- worshiping priest," said his wife, again interrupting him. * If thou canst not tell thy tale without defam ing the Lord's elect, thou hadst better hold thy peace." Disdaining to answer her offensive remark, Merto gave her a withering look and continued, " His danger was increased also by the fact that he had neither helmet nor breastplate to protect him, for he had come to see and not to fight. But he was equal to the occasion, for he no sooner discerned his situation than he rushed in among his enemies with his few followers, cutting them down on every hand. In vain did the archers seek his life, in vain did the spearmen hurl their javelins at him. His sword was his shield as well as his avenger." " Then he received no wounds ? " said Rebekah, brightening up at the idea. " None," was the reply, " but he inflicted many ; and when he effected his escape, none dared to pur sue him." " Did his followers fare as well? " asked Herodion. " No, not all. The few who fought at his side were hard pressed. One, being surrounded by the enemy, was slain together with his horse. Another was thrust through as he was dismounting, and his horse was taken into the city. The others escaped, but not without many wounds." " Ha, ha, those prowling jackals at least will have reason to fear the lions of Judah," said Merto's wife. " Would that they and their hateful general were at my mercy. But I will be patient; the hour of their destruction must come." " I fear thine will come first, Martha," said Her odion. " Titus's narrow escape might awaken the spirit of revenge in his army." " I hope not," said Rebekah apprehensively ; " for "Fightings and Fears Within, Without." 183 then the innocent would receive the same fate as the guilty." Their ears now caught the sound of distant trump ets, and they surmised that Titus was bringing his army before the city under the protection of the dark ness which had already fallen upon it. Other trump ets were soon heard from another direction also, indicating the arrival of re-enforcements. Owing to these startling sounds and the thoughts awakened by them there were few that slept in the Holy City that night. All knew that a crisis was at hand, and all tried in vain to forecast the future. Rebekah would have given the world if she possessed it, for one glimpse of the hidden ways of God ; but like the rest she found only new sources of pain and anxiety in the attempt to explore the vast unknown. If she could only know that she should ever see Priscus again, it would be a great satisfaction to her. This, however, like other things she desired to know, was denied her. The early dawn found her and her father again on the house-top, and revealed to their eager eyes three different camps in course of construction, one on Scopus; another three furlongs farther back; and the third on Mount Olivet. The sight though disagreeable on some accounts, was novel and attractive, and the attention of our friends was at first divided between the two camps on the north and the one on the east. The latter, however, at length monopolized their at tention, as it could be seen much more distinctly than the rest, owing to its nearness. Wishing to know something about the plan and regulations of the Roman camps, and remembering that her father had accompanied Priscus to the camp at Emmaus nearly a year before, Rebekah presently became an attentive listener to the following words : "All Roman camps, I have been told, are con structed on the same plan. Yonder camp, as thou seest, is a square, and they are digging a deep trench around it, throwing the dirt on the inner side so as 184 HebekaL to form a rampart. When the work is farther ai vanced, thou shalt see them fortifying the rampart with towers at regular intervals, and with long stakes. On each side there will be a gate, and the tents inside Will be divided into two unequal parts, with a wide space between them. The larger part will be oc cupied by the cohorts ; the smaller by the command ers. When the camp is finished, what thou seest now the seat of so much disorder will have the appearance of a well-regulated and fortified city. " The Romans love order more than religion, and deal severely with the violators of military law, while those who are guilty of sacrilege frequently escape punishment. Thou seest how closely those men who are digging the trench are watched, and how hard they work. They have been hardened by years of discipline, and are impelled to activity either by the fear of authority or by the desire to win the approval of their general." " Hast thou learned aught about the laws govern ing the camp ? " asked Rebekah " Ay," was the reply. " The order of the cohorts and companies is like that of the tribes and families of Israel in the wilderness. Each cohort has its own place, and the members of each company dwell and eat together, their food, water, and wood being given them beforehand. Those who keep watch, as well as those who minister to the commanders and keep the camp decent and in order, are chosen by lot. The night, as thou knowest is divided into four watches of three hours' length, the hours of each watch b^ing given by a trumpet, as is also the time for eating, sleeping, and rising. Each company every morning salutes its centurion ; each centurion his tribune ; and each tribune the consul, who gives them the watch- ward and the orders for the day. The ". Here Rebekah interrupted him by calling his atten tion to the sudden cessation of hostilities on the part of the different factions. At the same time they saw "Fightings and Fears Within, Without. 185 men hastening from various parts of the city towards the Temple. " What is the attraction, friend ? " asked Herodion, leaning over the parapet, and addressing a man in the street. " John is going to speak to the people from the Pastophoria," was the reply. " Then I must go to hear what the tyrant has to say," said Herodion. " I fear it is not safe for thee to go, father," re marked Rebekah. Herodion assured her there was no cause for alarm, and hurried to the Temple. He was there in time to hear John exclaim : " Men and brethren ; incline your ears to the words of my mouth, and your hearts to the voice of reason. Do we not worship the same God? Have we not the same religion ? Love we not the Law and the Proph ets, and the traditions of the fathers ? Is not Jeru salem dearer to us than, the tents of Jacob, and the Temple than our own life? Why do we devour each other, then, as the beasts of the field? Has Israel no enemy to fight, that it devours its own flesh? Lift up your eyes and behold. Know ye those accursed standards in the north, and here on the Mount of Olives? From whom was this tower taken, and why? Have we grown weary of freedom that we suffer the accursed dogs of Rome to build three fortified walls around us? Is the Holy City an amphitheatre, and are we spectators to be amused by the feats of those whom our hearts despise ? Ah ! ye do well to say, ' No.' Then let us fall together on our common en emy. Let us save ourselves by destroying the legions of Rome. To the fight ; victory is ours ! " This brief speech was received with much applause by the Idumeans, which pleased John not a little, and he left the Pastophoria bowing and smiling in his flattering way, amidst loud acclamations. As he reached the Inner Court none congratulated him so warmly on his success as Judas. Not that he had 186 Rebekah. lost any of his dislike for the tyrant, or thought that the alliance which was about to be formed would last long; but because he would now have an opportunity to ingratiate himself into Simon's favor before desert ing John. Herodion was not captivated by John's speech, nor did he view the effusiveness of Judas without suspi cion ; he reserved his criticisms, however, for the ear of his daughter. When he returned to the house-top he saw the combined forces of Simon and John rush out of the Temple and suddenly disappear into the valley of Jehoshaphat. CHAPTER XXVI. A SURPRISE. MEANWHILE the fifth legion was engaged in the construction of its camp north of Scopus, and Priscus, anxious to have the task allotted to him and his men completed as soon as possible, strove to awaken a spirit of rivalry among the workmen. " I fear thou hast eaten too much breakfast, my Rufus," said he approaching an able-bodied soldier. " Thou certainly wilt lose thy reputation unless thou dost work faster than that." Then addressing another he said : " Hast thou given up the object of thy ambi tion, my Publius ? Surely a man who wishes to be a decurion must prove himself worthy of promotion." Approaching a third he remarked, " Dost thou still think that our band is the best in the fifth legion, my Antoninus ? Then we must show our superiority in action. Actions are better than words." Passing to where Marcus stood he said approvingly, " Thy men are doing well, my Marcus. It is a mystery to me how thou canst always get more work out of thy men than any other decurion in our cohort, yea, I might say in our legion." "Reserve thy honeyed words for that charming A Surprise. 187 Jewess of thine, my Prisons," said the decurion, " and tell me how this rampart suits thee. Hercle ! this cursed stuff is as hard to dig as those Jewish dogs are to control. But hark ! what is that terrible noise ? " The noise referred to was so sudden and so loud, even at that distance from the city, that the whole legion turned its attention in that direction. Every soldier stared in the height of expectancy ; but it was several minutes before the cause of the noise was discerned. Then the Jews came into view, rushing madly up the slope of Mount Olivet with a tremen dous shout, and falling upon the bewildered Romans with overwhelming force. " Pluto take me ! " cried Marcus ; " if it is not that treacherous brood of Abraham sallying forth upon the camp of the tenth legion ! They are as the stars in number, and are seized with the fury of demons ! " " I fear they will annihilate the workmen, and demoralize the whole legion," said Priscus. " By the gods, those abominable dogs are numerous enough to swallow ten legions," continued Marcus. The attacked were now in the greatest disorder. As they had not the least suspicion of danger, they had laid aside their arms in order to be more free to work. They were therefore wholly unprepared to defend themselves. Some were thrust through while running to their arms ; others tried to repel the enemy with their tools ; and the rest were put to the greatest confusion. The Jews, on the other hand, encouraged by the panic-stricken condition of the Romans, pushed forward in the most unmilitary man ner, reveling in visions of immediate victory and the complete destruction of the enemy. -Occasionally, however, a number of the pursued would rally to gether, and turning upon their pursuers would cause them to fall back upon each other like a pack of curs when a mastiff suddenly turns upon them. Then overpowered by their antagonists, they would again give way and run. 188 MebekaL While Prisons was watching the conflict, lie re ceived word to join Titus at once with a select band of infantry, He obeyed, and presently the Roman general was seen hastening with a small force of foot men and horsemen to the scene of disorder. These tried soldiers now fell upon the Jewish flank, while Titus with a large number of those that had been put to flight, attacked the enemy's front, driving them down precipitousty to the valley, and slaying and wounding a great many of them. " By the love-locks of Bacchus, that excels the best show I ever saw," said Marcus, addressing Priscus, while ascending the slope after the pursuit. " It reminds me of the herd of swine mentioned in one of the Sacred Writings of the Christians, which becoming possessed with demons, fled precipitously down into the sea," was the reply. The Romans, forming themselves in battle array on a small plateau, now exchanged missiles with the Jews across the Kidron. As the latter were too far away, however, to do any serious damage, and were supposed to have had too severe a repulse to renew the attack, Titus at length sent all but a few chosen troops to continue the work of fortifying the camp. But he soon had reason to regret his action, for the cohorts had hardly started before he saw a watchman on the wall near the Temple vigorously shaking his garment, and while he asked one of his officers what it meant, the seditious rushed out in great numbers and with mighty force through the eastern gates. In vain did he charge his men to maintain their position, for the violence of the Jews broke their ranks in pieces, and all, except the general and a few of like stamp with himself, fled. Finding himself deserted in the midst of the enemy, Titus ignored the impor-- unity of his few friends to flee rather than endanger his life by fighting as a common soldier, and fell upon : those that opposed him with all his might, cleaving some almost in twain, thrusting others through, and sending others rolling down the declivity into the A Surprise. 189 brook Kidron. Meanwhile a panic seized those who were fortifying the camp, and they dispersed ^in all directions. Some of them, however, catching a glimpse of Titus in the midst of his enemies, ceased their flight, and reproaching each other for deserting their general, they called out to the rest of the legion- and ran together to Titus's rescue. This soon turned the tide of battle, and the Jews were pushed with such violence down the acclivity that they fell in large heaps upon each other in the valley below. So pugnacious were those that were not seriously in jured, however, that they ceased fighting only when they reached the city gates. After this repulse they made no other attack upon the Romans that day. Therefore Titus sent the work men to resume their work, while he and those that were with him before the assault guarded the slope. As the cohorts moved away, the general looked in the direction of the Temple, and remarked to Priscus, who was standing near him, " The severe lesson we have taught those Jewish dogs will not be easily forgotten. Ha, ha, how ridic ulous it was to behold them roll in such great numbers into the brook." " Ha, ha, it was so indeed, my lord," was the cen turion's reply. "Now that your lordship is safe, and order has been restored I feel like laughing at it." " I am not unmindful, O centurion, of the fact that my safety is partly due to thy valor. Had the tenth legion been as disdainful of danger as thou and thy faithful band our presence here would have been un necessary." If Rebekah, as she stood with her father on the house-top watching the movements of the Romans, could have heard these words, her emotions would have been more varied and intense than they were. But just then she did not even know that the fifth legion had any representatives among those upon whom she looked. In this respect, then, her case was 190 Rebekah. less fortunate than that of Priscus. While he could not recognize Rebekah among the great multitude of spectators in the city, he knew that she must be on one of the house-tops in the Upper City, and the con sciousness that her eyes were watching him had added much to his strength and courage during the fight. Even when he answered Titus's remark his gaze was fixed on Mount Zion. But he strained his e} r es in vain. His longing to see his betrothed, intense as it was, could not quicken and enlarge his vision. He must wait until the city was taken. But waiting seemed far more difficult now than it had been. He realized that the nearer he was to the object of his love, the greater seemed his impatience. Then again, the character of the seditious made it very uncertain whether Rebekah and her father should be spared long enough to see the city in the possession of the Romans. Nor was it certain that he himself should survive the siege. These and sim ilar thoughts frequently passed through his mind the rest of that day and the days that followed. He did not allow them to interfere with his duties, how ever. He was anxious to retain the high opinion which Titus had of him, as well as to gain possession of his treasure. When the tenth legion had completed the fortifica tion of its camp, the select troops being no longer needed to guard the slope returned to the legions north of the city, feeling proud of the assistance they had rendered their distressed comrades that day. As they left Olivet, the watchmen on the wall yearned to give the signal for another assault ; but it was of no use. The Jews had been too badly beaten to venture out again so soon. The lesson they had learned had made them but little wiser, however, as we shall soon see. Unfavorable Developments. 191 CHAPTER XVII. UNFAVORABLE DEVELOPMENTS. THE morning after the struggle on Mount Olivet was one of those indescribably beautiful spring morn ings so peculiar to the East, and the prodigious mul titudes of Jews and proselytes of the gates, that had come up to the feast of the passover, were astir long ere the golden front of the Temple caught the first glances of the sun. Now they watched the eastern sky blushing with roseate purple, and listened to the sweet music of the birds as they united in their song of praise to their Creator in the enchanting gardens surrounding the walls of the Holy City ; and anon they glanced apprehensively in the direction of the Roman camps. Then suddenly in obedience to the startling peal of a thousand silver trumpets blown by as many priests from the walls of the Temple, this vast number of strangers mingled with the citizens on the house-tops, all standing with their faces towards the Holy Place, while the morning sun cast its first glance over the summit of Olivet. The second peal of the trumpets brought every worshiper to his knees and caused erery voice to join in one grand chorus of praise to the Lord God of Israel ; and while the smoke of the morning sacrifice ascended from the altar of burnt offerings, accompanied by the smoke of the incense, the song of praise was changed into prayer, the burden of which that morn ing was that the Messiah might soon come to deliver the nation from the Romans. When the morning worship was over, Merto's wife, learning that Eleazar had thrown open the gates of the inner court to such as wished to engage in further devotions, it being the feast of unleavened bread, hastened with many others into the Temple, 192 Eebekah. As she entered the Court of the Women she little thought that among those who passed into the Court of the Israelites were many of John's followers with concealed Aveapons under their garments. Yet such was the fact ; and as these at a favorable moment threw off their disguise preparatory to an attack upon Eleazar and his party, she was startled by a sudden commotion, and immediately after she saw the latter scattering in all directions in search of the caverns under the Temple. Then a reign of terror com menced. In common with the other women she rushed for the Beautiful Gate, while the men in the other court also made a simultaneous attempt to escape, and all fell in heaps upon each other, caus ing agony and death in every direction. John's fol lowers also, in their disappointment at the escape of Eleazar and his men, increased the panic by slaying not a few. " Get off from me, ye idiots," cried Merto's wife, struggling to rise from under a heap of women. " Holy Abraham ! I am smothering to death ! O Judas, my son, I shall never see thee again ! Let me rise, ye accursed fools, let me rise." Although she suffered much while in her smother ing condition, she was not so seriously injured as many of the others, for when she found herself free from the press she walked home without assistance, but not in a very amiable frame of mind. Although none had been more anxious to run away from the scene of disorder and death than herself, she attached all the blame connected with the panic to the other women, especially those who in their trepidation had fallen upon her. John also came in for his share of criticism for his treachery ; yet when Rebekah and her father dared to show their disapprobation of his character, she began to defend him, calling him the elect of God and the saviour of the people. She was in a better mood, however, when Judas after a longer absence than usual, paid her a visit. " Ah ! I am very glad to see thee well, my son," Unfavorable Developments. 193 .said she, kissing him. Then as he seated himself be side her-, she added, " I have not seen tliee for three days. Had I not been assured of thy safety by the message thou didst send me, I would surely have thought thou hadst been slain by the Romans." " Ha, ha, the uncircumcised dogs would rejoice to see me dead ; but the God of our fathers is not yet weary of my service," said Judas, boastingly, "nor am I so weary of life as to be specially anxious to leave it," he added with a grin. " Ye did well to chastise the audacity of the en emy. Ha, ha, ha, my heart rejoiced to see Israel pre vail and the oppressor put to confusion. But ye acted not wisely, my son, to let the dogs of Rome drive you like frightened sheep into the Kidron." " Condemn us not, mother," said Judas, " our de feat was but another lesson in God's dealings with us. Our final triumph will be the greater for it. Besides, our enemies have received from our hands double for all we suffered on that day." "How, my son?" said the mother with a puzzled look. " It cannot be that ye have made another sally upon the Romans ; for I have neither seen nor heard aught but John's attack upon the Inner Court." " And thou didst come near seeing too much of that," said Judas, interrupting her. " Ah ! then thou knowest all about it. If thou kneAvest I was there, why didst thou not come to my assistance ? " said she reproachfully. " I was not there," was the reply. " Thou wast not there ! Then thou hast deserted the tyrant ? " said she while a glow of pleasure came to her cheek. " Ay ; the night before the feast began Simon made me one of his commanders," said he, with no small degree of pride. The opportunity for which he had so long waited had at last arrived. Simon, who was pleased no less with his unscrupulous character than with his courage and skill as a soldier, had appointed him 194 Eebekah. to fill a vacancy made by the death of one of the commanders in one of the attacks on Mount Olivet. Although when he entered the city Simon's army was entirely composed of Idumeans, he now had ten thousand others, who were Jews in blood as well as in name, under his supreme command. Over the latter were fifty commanders ; and it was to the place of one of these that Judas had been appointed. It made no difference to Simon that this appointment was regarded with dissatisfaction by some of the sub ordinates. His will was law. Nor did Judas's moth er think for a moment when she learned of her son's promotion that there might be others more worthy of the position. " Blessed be the God of our father Abraham," said she. " Now we shall dwell in safety, seeing that the Upper City is in the hands of Simon, and that thou hast favor in his eyes. Thou art wise, my son, and discreet beyond thy years. In this my heart rejoices. Would that thou wert as loving as thou art wise ! " "Loving! wherein has my love f ailed, . mother ?" asked Judas with surprise. " Thou didst not eat the Passover with us, as has been thy custom from a child." " But I ate it with Simon according to his request. Had I refused to partake with him, he would doubt less have been offended." " Hadst thou excused thyself, my son, he surely would have given thee leave to eat the Passover with us, since according to a long established custom of our family, the children should partake of the feast with their parents, unless they be declared unclean, or are on a journey." " Enough of this, mother ; now let me tell thee of the victory we gained this evening." " Victory ! and this evening ! It cannot be, for I have heard nothing. But go on. Tell me of a thou sand victories, if thou wilt ; my ears will never tire of listening, if they be Israel's victories." " Thou knowest that the accursed heathen have of Unfavorable Developments. 195 late been engaged in leveling the ground all the way from Scopus to Herod's monuments." " I am neither blind nor indifferent, my son. Ah ! with what pain have I watched them cut down the hedges around the gardens, together with the fruit trees; and demolish the walls which our fathers built." " No true Israelite could have witnessed such wan ton destruction with pleasure, mother ; yet we could do nothing to hinder it at first. The enemy was too watchful. At last, however, I bethought me of a stratagem, which Simon commanded me to put into immediate effect. Leading a select band near the Towers of the Women, I sought to fan the sparks of patriotism which I knew must be in their hearts into a flame with a speech." " A speech, my son ! thou deliver a speech ! Would I had heard it 1 " " Ah ! thou art amazed. It was a great speech, I can assure thee, if I may judge it by the results. Seeing that the men were anxious to fall upon the enemy, I caused a few of them to rush outside the gate, while I and the rest ascended to the wall. Those without the wall then feigned that they had been ejected, and begged to be admitted into the city, pretending to be in great fear of the Romans and of us ; and in order to make the feint appear more real, we hurled stones at them and implored the enemy to come to our relief against the sedi tious." " Ha, ha, good I very good, my son." " Some of the silly dogs believing us to be in earn est," continued Judas exultingly, "became impa tient, and broke forth from the ranks contrary to their commander's orders. But, ha, ha, they soon regretted their folly ; for they had no sooner reached the gate than those whom they were pursuing sur rounded them and furiously attacked them, while we threw darts and stones upon them from the wall, slaying not a few and wounding a great many." 196 Rebekah. " The God of Israel be praised ! " exclaimed the elated mother. " But why did ye not slay them all ? " " There thou art again ; thou art never satisfied with what is done, but art always finding fault. Hadst thou seen with what infinite shame the surviv ors slunk back into the ranks, and with what exulta tion we celebrated our victory, thou wouldst have praise and not censure for us." " Thou must excuse me, my son, if my zeal for our common cause makes me appear too critical. Thou knowest that the welfare of Israel is more than food and drink to me, and the utter destruction of our enemies is the burden of my daily prayer." "Zeal, then, like charity, shall cover a thousand faults like thine, mother ; and I would that there were many more in Israel who were possessed with such holy enthusiasm. I despise those idiots that are always sympathizing with Rome." The conversation was now brought to a close, and Judas passed out of the room. In the passage he was met by Adah, Herodion's servant, who having seen him arrive, had stationed herself there to await the usual interview. She served him with the devo tion of a dog, while he had for her only the respect due a dog. In his interviews with her, however, he was shrewd enough to conceal the true state of his feelings. " Ah ! peace to thee, Adah," whispered Judas, as the two met. " And to my lord be peace," was the reply. " Are thy master and his daughter well ? " " Well, but not happy." " What is the nature of their complaint ? " " They still think they are too closely watched, and that my lord is everything but a saint." " Indeed ! ha, ha. Do they still worship that Roman dog?" " The name of God is far less frequent on their tongues than his unholy name." Unfavorable Developments. 197 Judas frowned and bit his lips ; then asked, " Has thy mistress heard from from the Roman since I saw thee before ? " " My master brought her a letter yesterday." " Dost thou know how it came to his hands ? Did no one follow him ? " " Micah followed him ; my lord would do well to ask him whence came the letter." " Didst thou hear the letter read? " " I heard, but could not understand. My lord for gets that the Romans use not our tongue." " Then didst thou not learn ought that was in the letter by their conversation ? " " Naught, my lord, except that the Romans hope to take the city soon." "The hope of the. wicked shall perish. But do thy master and his daughter rejoice in this vain hope ? " " I know not, my lord, for they speak not their minds freely to each other except in whispers. But they seem to rejoice." " I care not what they seem ; it is what they say and do that interests me. Where is thy mistress now?" " On the house-top, where she spends most of her time of late, watching the Romans. She ascended there soon after my lord's arrival." "Is she alone?" " No, my lord, she is accompanied by her father. She is seldom alone since the Idumeans plundered the clothes bazaar." Adah could not have spoken words that would grate more harshly on Judas's feelings than these had she desired. He had hoped to find his cousin alone, thinking that by some word or chance he might per suade her to abandon Priscus and accept him as her suitor, although she had already more than once made him to understand that all his pleadings and threats were ineffectual. He did not try to conceal his dis appointment, supposing that the passage was too dark 198 Rebekah. for Aclah to see his face. In this, however, he was mistaken, for his position enabled her keen eye to catch every expression on his face, and his disap pointment gave her secret pleasure. Although she called him lord, as was the custom of inferiors when addressing their superiors, she loved him as though lie was her lover, and was extremely jealous of his attentions to Rebekah. Judas was too absorbed in his own schemes, however, to discover these facts, and he dismissed her much sooner than she desired. A moment later Rebekah and her father heard his unwelcome step on the roof as they were about to de scend to the house, and prepared themselves as best they could for a disagreeable interview. "It is a most delightful night; the moon never shone brighter," said Judas, after the usual exchange of greetings, while a forced smile spread over his face. " The night is indeed beautiful. Would that our surroundings were as pleasant ! " said Herodion in a restrained voice. " Ah ! surely thou dost not think the Holy City de void of beauty ! " ejaculated Judas. " Consider the magnificent palaces which adorn her sacred hills, and the loft}^ towers which guard her walls and streets. Mark well the Temple of the Living God. Was there ever aught half so divinely beautiful and grand ? See how its white marble terraces and gilded roof glitter in the moonlight ! Truly has the Psalmist said, 4 Out of Zion, the perfection of beauty, God hath shined.' " " I spoke not of buildings, but of men," answered Herodion. " Men who have caused the Shekinah to depart from the Holy Place ; men who have made the House of God a den of robbers and a place of execu tion ; men whose hearts are rotten with corruption, n.nd whose hands are red with innocent blood; men whom passion rules and lust incites; men who exer cise a tyranny a thousandfold greater than that of Rome. Of such I speak, and from such may God deliver us." Unfavorable Developments. 199 While listening to these words, Judas felt almost an irresistible desire to give Herodion a push that would land him on the pavement below, and Rebekah fearing that he might do this, nestled closer to her father. After a hard inward struggle, however, Judas suppressed his murderous desire, and answered in a hoarse voice, " It is well for thee that thy words have not fallen on hostile ears ; otherwise the wagging of thy tongue might cost thee thy head. Let me counsel thee not to speak thy mind so freely." " Ah ! then thou wouldst fetter our tongues as thou dost our movements," said Rebekah. " How long will ye persist in misjudging me ? Be cause I guard you from your enemies, ye say I sur round you with spies, and because I seek your happi ness, ye denounce me as the destroyer of your peace." Thus Judas still tried to persuade them that he was their benefactor. But they were not so blind as he hoped they were. Their sharp eyes had pene trated the veil of his hypocrisy long ago. Thinking it best not to argue further with him, however, they made no answer to his last remark, but pretending that it was too chilly to remain longer on the house top, Rebekah suggested to her father that they had better descend to the house, which they did at once, followed to the veranda by Judas, who continued his way to his father's house in a rage. CHAPTER XXVIII. FORCE TRIUMPHS OVER RESISTANCE. NOT long after Judas's visit to his mother, Priscus was hastening to his quarter from the tribune's tent, when he was accosted by Caius, the surgeon, who was just coining out of the hospital. "How dost thou like our new camp, my Priscus?" said the surgeon. 200 RebeJcaL " Much better than I did the other. It is far more pleasantly situated, being not only nearer the city, but also free from the obstructions which spoiled our view north of Scopus. Its construction lias been far more difficult than the other, however, 011 account of the violent attacks of the seditious. The removal of our baggage and supplies also has cost us no little labor." " Caesar did wisely to arrange the legions so com pactly together along that north-western wall. I never saw a column thirteen deep before. Hercle ! with those three ranks of footmen in front, and those seven ranks of archers in the middle, and those three ranks of horsemen in the rear our most noble general could defy an army of the gods I " " Would that such an arrangement of the army had been practicable during the construction of the banks. It would have spared us much trouble and annoyance. The treacherous horde never miss an opportunity to hinder the progress of the work." "When will the banks be completed?" "Two are already finished, and the other will be soon. Work has been commenced also on two of the towers, and the other will be built as soon as the third bank is ready." " To-morrow, then, we may expect to see the seditious kept at a respectful distance by the archers and the lighter engines." " Ay ; and if I mistake not, old Nico will soon make a breach in that outer wall. I have more faith in old Nico than in any of the other battering-rams." Priscus was right. This monster engine of war in due time opened a way for the army to go through, and Titus removed the fifth and fifteenth legions to the place called the Camp of the Assyrians, between the second and third walls. Then, preparatory to the further execution of his plans, he planted the army along the second wall, but at a short distance from it. While in this position, Priscus, whose band oc- Force Triumphs Over Resistance. 201 cupied a prominent spot northeast of the Damascus gate, turned to Marcus, and speaking in an under tone, said with a yawn : " Wouldst thou believe it, my Marcus ; I feel as though I needed props to keep my eyes open." " Pluto ! I feel as drowsy as if I had not slept for a month, and as stiff as a battering-ram that has not seen oil for a whole year," said Marcus, also yawning. "I wonder how many more nights we shall be obliged to lie in our armor. The cunning knaves have kept us busy enough for the last four days." " Hercle ! there seems to be no end to their sallies. Were they as skillful and orderly as they are bold, they might give us far more trouble. But ha, ha, a suckling babe knows as much as they about the art of war. Didst thou see them, my Prisons, trying to obstruct the building of our banks with the engines captured from Cestius and the garrison of Antonia? Ha, ha, as I watched them from the camp they re minded me of a group of women competing for a prize in throwing stones." " Their awkward movements certainly were far more amusing than terrible. But tell me, my Mar cus, of what did they remind thee when they sallied forth upon our works and our camp?" said Priscus, with a mischievous twinkle in his eye. " Gods ! they gave us no time to think then. The villains came upon us like a pack of demons com missioned by Pluto to exterminate our army. The torches in their hands were but the type of the diabolical hatred that burned in their hearts and heated their passions into madness. Perpol ! they would have been more than a match for our boasted legions had not those fellows lately come from Alex andria surpassed themselves in bravery, and had not Titus himself come to our rescue with the best of his horsemen." " Our discomfiture on that occasion was equalled only by our consternation when that tower fell. Ha, ha, I can laugh at it now, but it was a serious matter 202 Rebekah. the 11. I was dreaming about no matter about what - when a terrible crash dispelled my pleasant illusion, and an awful sense of danger brought me to my feet ; and as I hastened to put my armor on, Publius and a few others, half naked and half frantic with fear, rushed to my tent, exclaiming that the camp was being annihilated by the enemy. Poor wretches! their fright was hardly greater than my own; but being their commander I was compelled to make a show of courage, and I ordered them to seek their armor and their arms at once. They obeyed, and as they hurried to their tents there was a general uproar in the camp. Then, as thou knowest, came word from Titus, acquainting us with the real nature of the noise we had heard. Ah ! it came none too soon. Though I consider nothing more despicable than a coward ; yet I surely felt like one before I knew that the falling of one of the towers we had built was the cause of our consternation. Nor could I forgive my self for yielding to such weakness, for long after order was restored I lay upbraiding myself in mv tent." "Perpol! hadst thou undertaken to describe my experience instead of thine own, thou couldst not find words more fitting to my case. Pluto take me, if I have ever turned my back to the foe ; yet I must confess that I felt like acting the coward that night. Of all the horrible scenes that haunt the thoughts of man, the most terrible rushed through my mind on that fearful occasion. As I sought to execute thy command, my fear called every friend I met a foe, and my imagination converted even the sound of my own feet into hostile steps. By Jupiter, I had rather fight a thousand battles than pass through the awful experience of that night again." 44 Have thyself in readiness, then ^ for, if I mistake not that move, thou shalt have an opportunity to fight one of the thousand battles now ! " As Prise us spoke, the united forces of Simon and Job n, having been compelled once more by the pressure Force Triumphs Over Resistance. 203 of circumstances to form a sort of alliance, rushed out of the Damascus gate with great violence in the direction of the enemy ; but the Romans poured such terrible showers of darts and stones upon them that they bent like reeds before the wind, and fell back upon each other in the greatest confusion. In vain did they try to re-form until they reached the shelter of the wall, and the course of their precipitous retreat was marked by ghastly figures not a few. When they appeared outside the gate again it was to form them selves into battle array along nearly the whole length of the northern part of the wall. Here for a long time they received and returned the missiles of the Romans, with no otlier purpose than to provoke the enemy into a fierce engagement. Their boldness was exceeded only by their madness. Every one of them seemed to be the very embodiment of malignity and foolhardiness, and every longing was absorbed in the one ruling desire of doing mischief to the Romans. Realizing this fact, Titus deemed it wise to exercise patience in the execution of his plans, rather than en danger the lives of his men by yielding to the provo cations of such desperate characters as those now before him. He gave permission, however, to such of his men as wished to distinguish themselves by indi vidual attacks upon the Jews, to gratify that wish. But it was a long time before anyone availed himself of this privilege. At length one Longinus, a soldier of the equestrian order, forcing himself from the rear through the ranks near the spot where Priscus stood, ran towards the Je\vs and leaped in among them, while the whole Ro man army, as far as could be seen, watched him with that intense interest which marked the thousands that witnessed the gladiatorial shows at Rome. As he cleared the open space between the two jinnies, Priscus turned to his favorite decurion, who stood in the front rank at the right of the company, and said : * 204 llebekali. " Now, my Marcus, we shall have a pleasant diver sion." " Ay," was the reply. " Hercle ! he is a brave fel low. See ! see ! he leaps upon them like a lion upon his prey, and they are scattered before him like chaff before the wind ! No, there is one who dares to face him. Be careful of thy head, thou son of Abraham, or By all the Jupiters ! Longinus has sent a dart clear through his speaking machine, and has opened another mouth for him back of his neck ! Quick, O brave Roman, there comes another. See to thyself ! Why pluck that dart from its human sheath ? Rome is not so poor but that it can furnish a million more. Gods ! he thrusts that boaster through with the dart that slew the other! Ah ! now lie is satisfied make room for him let the hero pass I " There were but fe\v who heard these words, for every movement of the Roman knight was greeted with deafening applause from his comrades. Even Titus watched him with absorbing interest, and when he returned to his place the general highly com mended him for his heroic behavior. He refused just then, however, to give others permission to display their valor, for he desired to drive the Jews back into the city, that he might attack the second wall. There fore, he commanded that the archers, slingers, and the machines make a combined assault upon them, and for the next half hour the missiles flew so thick that it was almost impossible to see the wall. No human endurance could stand these deadly showers long, and the Jews endured them much longer than they would have done under other circumstances. But at last they gave way and sought the protection of the city, and the Romans, bringing their battering-rams against the middle tower of the wall, soon gained an entrance into another part of the city. During this attack upon the second wall, an inter esting incident occurred, which we will give in the words of Prisons in a letter to his father. Among other things, he said : Force Triumphs Over Resistance. 205 " At tliis juncture, one Castor, a Jew, who, to gether with ten others, had concealed himself in the tower, begged to have an interview with Csesar, and he, believing him and his companions to have been sent to sue for peace, caused all hostile demonstra tions to cease at that part of the wall where the peti tioners stood. Then, with that caution which he sometimes displays, he approached near enough to the tower to-be heard, and commanded Castor to make known his request. " The Jew made a low bow, and applying to him the title by which he is generally known by our army, he exclaimed, " 4 1 am not ignorant, O Caesar, of the fact that God lias delivered us into thy hands, and that our courage as well as these walls must give way before thee. Hence if tliou wilt give me the security of thy right hand I will come down and surrender myself to thee.' " Although somewhat disappointed at the nature of the request, Titus replied, " ' Thy words give me no little pleasure, and thy desire shall not be in vain. The security I offer thee shall be given to the whole city also if it be desired ; for although God has delivered you into our hands to be punished, not a hair of thy people's heads shall be injured if they will this clay follow thy example. Otherwise I will give no promise of security.' " Castor bowed again ; then by the permission of Titus he turned towards his companions, and while he appeared to us to be earnestly pleading with them, he was really instructing them how to enact their parts, and telling a messenger that was hid from our view to inform Simon that the Romans should be de luded long enough to give him ample time for con sultation. While he was talking, his companions pre tended to be quarreling among themselves, and to be equally divided in their opinions. Five of them begged for mercy, while the others, crying out that death was far preferable to Roman bondage, smote 206 Relekah. their own breasts with their swords and fell down out of sight, feigning suicide. This cunning farce was looked upon by Csesar and most of the army with ad miration ; but a few who had better knowledge of the Jewish character took it for what it really was. One of the latter, to the great amusement of those who were of his, opinion shot an arrow at Castor as he faced the army again, and wounded him in his nose. This was entirely unexpected to the Jew ; still with marvelous self-possession he plucked the arrow out, and holding it up to Titus's view, exclaimed, " c Is it fair, O Csesar, to treat those to whom thou hast promised security thus ? ' "The general made no reply, but reproved the archer for his rashness. Then turning to Josephus, who, with several of the commanders, stood beside him, he desired him to go and give a pledge of security to Castor. Being a wily Jew himself, however, and being perfectly acquainted with the tricks of his fellow countrymen, Josephus wisely declined, telling the general that Castor and his companions contem plated only mischief, and advising those who seemed disposed to go to stay where they were. Noticing this hesitancy on our part, the wily Jew again exclaimed, " c Dost thou, O Csesar, doubt my sincerity ? Then send some one to receive the money which I have with me, that thou mayest know that I am no dissembler.' " Upon hearing this a deserter, who had already expressed his willingness to go, ran towards the tower closely followed by another soldier ; but as soon as they came within the reach of Castor, he seized a large stone and threw it at the deserter, but it missed him and struck the other. Then the dissemblers gave a triumphant yell; and setting the tower on fire, they leaped out of sight, while the battering-rams at tacked the wall more vigorously than ever. Many of us thinking that they had jumped into the flames, greatly admired their courage ; while they, not a Force Triumphs Over Resistance. 207 little elated over their success, escaped into the city through an underground passage. " Their stratagem delayed us only a short time, however, and they had scarcely reached the rest of the army before a fearful crash and a triumphant shout announced to the anxious multitudes on the house-tops that the second wall was breached, and the whole city for a season was seized with conster nation. So great was the terror of those who lived in that portion of the city that lies between the broken wall and the one remaining that they were utterly demoralized. Instead of seeking the protec tion of the Upper City, they embraced each other in the agony of despair, thinking that we would retaliate for the deceit just practiced upon us, by slaying the innocent with the guilty. The warlike portion of the people, however, recovered their self-possession in time to repel an attack of ours on the Tower City ; and as they drove us out through the breach, they rent the air with the shout of victory. " So great and unexpected a triumph was regarded by them as a sure indication of divine favor. Had they not been so blind, they would have seen that the thunder-bolt of divine justice was even then about to fall upon them. Their blindness, however, made them far more courageous than they could have been, had they fully realized their condition. For awhile they succeeded in preventing us from entering the city, by making a wall of the dead bodies of their companions ; but at last we swept them before us like a flood, and as they retired into a place of safety, we demolished the whole wall. We also destroyed that part of the city in the immediate vicinity of the only remaining wall, on the next day. " Hoping that I shall soon be able to tell thee of the fall of the city, and wishing once more to remind thee of my love for thee, I am thy son, PRISCUS." 208 Eebekah. CHAPTER XXIX. A REVIEW. " Ho, there ! my Priscus, what have we done to merit thy desertion," cried Marcus as the centurion was going to mail his letter to his father. " It is now several days since we gained the second wall, but we have scarcely had a glimpse of thy face during all this time. By Castor, if all should be as neglectful of their friends as thou hast been of us, friendship would soon die." " Friendship must take care of herself, my Marcus," said another voice, which Priscus recognized as that of Publius, another of his friends. "Love reigns supreme in the centurion's heart of late." " Perpol ! if thou hadst seen him when we drove the seditious into the Upper City thou wonldst say that hatred had possession of his heart," said Marcus. "And hadst thou watched him scan the Upper City as I have oft of late," said Publius " thou wouldst find that there is a face he longs to see far more than thine." " What is all this foolish talk ? " said Priscus, join ing his friends. " The true reason for my seeming neglect is that some I know are so anxious to see the Jewish maidens in my charge that I have to exercise the closest vigilance over them." " By the girdle of Venus," said Marcus ; " that hits not me ; for I have no love to throw away on any daughter of Abraham." " Or of Rome," said Publius, interrupting him. "But I have long suspected that Publius has a weakness in that direction," continued Marcus, ignor ing the interruption. " I well remember the day when he first saw a certain pretty Jewess on the Palatine, and the terrible look of disappointment on his face when he learned that she was already in love with a certain centurion of the fifth legion." " Hercle ! thou talkest as though it were a capital A Review. 209 offense to admire a pretty face," said Publius, sul lenly. "Some people's eyes are so dazzled with military glory that they can see beauty in nothing else." " Beauty ! who talks of beauty ? " exclaimed Caius the surgeon, approaching the trio. " If it were Priscus, it would be unnecessary to ask the question. By the way my Priscus, I hear that thou hast a number of captive maidens in thy charge. Since thou hast been so successful in thy choice canst thou not find one to suit me out of these ? By Bacchus, I have been away so long from Julia that I fear she will desert me before I shall see Rome again." " Had she known thee so well as we do, she would never have trusted her heart in thy keeping," said Marcus. " Thou judgest his case by thine own," said Pub lius; "for thou art so well known that every sensible maiden avoids even thy very shadow." " Since you are going to quarrel I think I had better leave you," remarked Priscus. " Which way art thou going? " asked Caius. " To the qusestorium," was the reply. " Then I will accompany thee." As the two left the others, Priscus said, " Thou must have been busily employed of late. Are there many that have already suffered from hunger?" " No, not many. Those who have suffered most, belong to the poorest class of people. Some of them have already died ; others can not live." " Had the seditious not destroyed so many gran aries in their suicidal attacks, there had been enough and to spare for the poorest of the people." " It is a pity that the innocent have to suffer thus, while the guilty have plenty to eat." They now entered the qusestorium, and Priscus, after ordering a fresh supply of provisions for his men, and handing his letter to an officer, left Caius examining a case of drugs that had just arrived, and 210 Rebekah. passed out of the tent. On reaching the main pas sage he was joined by Domitius Sabinus, a soldier who had lately distinguished himself by his heroic behavior, and the two strolled in the direction of the Temple. Presently they found themselves standing at the upper part of that open space which had been the scene of so many conflicts between the zealots and the Idumeans, but was now in the hands of the Romans. " So, at last, my Sabinus, we are masters of more than two-thirds of the city," said Prisons, looking in the direction of Mertu's house, where the figures of a man and a woman could be discerned standing on the house-top and watching the Romans. " Ay ; but if my eyes deceive me not, the strongest part is still un taken," said Sabinus in a pleasant voice. " Antonia and the Temple seem to defy our engines, and that massive wall with the towers of Mariamne, Phasaelus, and Hippicus seems to laugh us to scorn. But the God who once favored the Jews now fights with our legions, and what are these defenses before his mighty power ! " " Thou hast truly spoken," said Priscus ; " neither military skill nor fortified cities can resist his strong arm. With him the weak are invincible; without him the most powerful armies are as the sand of the desert, helpless and at the mercy of every blast. Were not God with us we would attack these walls in vain, for a dear 'friend of mine, well versed in the history of the Jews, once told me that a certain Assyrian king called Sennacherib besieged this very city nearly eight centuries ago with an army two hundred thousand strong; but ere a dart was shot, the whole army, with the exception of a few, perished in one night by the sword of the angel of death while sleeping in the camp, which stood where ours stands to-day. And when the sun rose over yonder Mount next morning, the watchmen on the wall saw the earth covered with the dead. The king himself escaped only to be assassinated by his sons while A Review. 211 worshiping in the temple of the god in whom he had vainly trusted." " What a fearful judgment ! Men are always worst ed when they fight against God. They may, like these deluded Jews, mistake the eddies of fortune for the tide of destiny ; yet if their plans be contrary to the Divine Will their end can be none other than destruction." " Truth needs not blush at thy remark, my Sabi- nus ; nor does history contradict it. Thou mightest also add that men may be destroyed while righting for God as well as against him. They may fight God's battles from selfish motives rather than from any desire to obey his commands, and thus become the victims of their own selfishness. They may escape destruction on the battlefield, to die a more lingering and miserable death in the palace or on the throne. Thou knowest too well, O Sabinus, the history of our nation. It is the history of conquest and military triumph. Rome is the mistress of the world ; yet she is drunk with the wine of her own success. Ah! gladly would we, being Romans, think our beloved Rome above reproach ; but being also Christians, we can not but see her vices with her virtues." " True ; and I fear, O Priscus, that our Judean victories will but feed our nation's pride, and there fore hasten her downfall. When God ceases to use Rome as a scourge in the chastisement of other nations, it will be because she herself deserves scourg ing. Would that she would cast off her idols and repent ere it is too late. But " Priscus prevented him from finishing the sentence by exclaiming, " Shield thyself ! Ah, the villain missed his mark ! I saw him not until he appeared at the corner of that house. I thought no harm could befall us here ; but that impious knave came near sending his arrow through us bqth." " Ay ; " said Sabinus, as his eyes followed the Jew's retreating steps, " and such a daring fellow a$ 212 EebeJcah. he, who fears not to beard the lion in his den, should teach us not to venture from the camp without hav ing our armor on." " But we have been on duty so much of late, and this place seemed so secure, that I thought we might view the city at our ease without being in the least danger. But a Roman is never safe when there are skulking dogs like that base fellow prowling around. The wretch! strange I did not see him leave the Temple." " Ha, ha, I have seen stranger things. Thou, like myself, hast but one pair of eyes, and therefore canst not see in more than one direction at once. Had thy acquaintance with the city begun before the siege I would certainly declare thee in love with some charming Jewess on yonder house-top ! " " Then thou must be in love with me, seeing that thou didst watch me so closely," said Priscus evasive ly. Then looking towards the Temple he added, " Whatever be the spirit that prompted our watch ing, the eyes that, watched us though yonder gate meant us no good." " To take a mean advantage of his antagonist is as natural to the Jew as flying is to an eagle. As thou knowest, it is hardly a week since the treachery of the seditious exposed us to great dangers, and caused us to retreat precipitately out through the breach we had made in the wall. Csesar offered them peace, and they plotted to take his life. He strictly charged us neither to burn the city nor slay those whom we caught, and they lay in wait for us at every corner. Our pity they construed into cowardice, and our kindness into fear." "Mercy, my Sabinus, is not the weapon with which to conquer the Jews. They show no pity and they expect none. I saw them cut the throats of those who wanted peace, and shower stones upon those who begged for bread. When they treat those pf their own flesh and blood with such cruelty, A Review. will they not do to us ? The seditious are harmless only when they are dead." " Ha, ha, I thought that was thy conviction when I saw thee cut so many of them down the other day," said Sabinus, greatly amused. " And I knew it to be thy conviction when I caught a glimpse of Caesar's darts and thine mingling with the arrows of the archers, and filling the narrow lanes with Jewish carcasses," retorted Priscus. " Ah ! my fighting was but a child's play com pared to that of Caesar. The darts flew from his hands as though he were Hercules, and every dart was a messenger of death. No man could stand at his side and be a coward. He has the firmness of a brazen statue and the courage of a lion. Would that I could always fight at his side ! " " His presence in a fight is certainly very inspir ing, and I shall never forget the day I fought at his side on Mount Olivet. Nor will those who fled from his flashing eye and mighty arm forget. Rome never had a braver son, or Jerusalem a kinder foe. Would that he were as godly as he is brave, and as full of faith as he is of mercy." " Hast thou ever spoken to him about Christ." " No ; my mind shrinks from the task as a criminal does from the cross. Oft have I wished that he were a Christian ; oft have I resolved to tell him of the Saviour of the world; yet I fear he" does not even know I am a Christian. All my resolutions are choked by diffidence, and the words which my mind frames perish on my tongue in the presence of op portunity. Would that I had the moral courage of Paul. Neither fear nor threats, ridicule nor scorn, could overcome his Christian zeal and boldness. " If we would have Paul's boldness in speaking of our Lord, we must also possess his devotion and con secration. I fear I think more of military glory than of heavenly joy, and talk more about fighting the Jews than about warring with the lusts of the flesh. As I heard the beloved Paul once say, we must be 214 JKebekaL girt with truth ; put on the breast-plate of righteous ness and the helmet of salvation ; and take the shield of faith and the sword of the spirit. Thus being duly armed and disciplined we shall be good soldiers of Jesus Christ." " Ah ! thy words seem like the echo of the great apostle's voice. Once when trying to persuade me to become a Christian he used those very words. He said that in serving Caesar I rendered only partial obedience to the Divine Law ; that Caesar himself was responsible to a higher power ; and that Christ alone can give eternal life to men. Little could I understand of what he said then ; nor could I be lieve that He whom the Jews so bitterly hated and denounced, and whom Pontius Pilate delivered to be crucified was not only innocent of crime but, holy and divine. But God did not allow me to remain long in darkness. He caused the holiness and sufferings of his children to be my guides to the light. Had I the least doubt as to the sinless character of our Lord, the madness and malignity of the seditious would have dispersed it long ere this." " Thy past experience has been widely different from mine. I received a Christian training, and as thou knowest, narrowly escaped martyrdom during the persecution under Nero." Here the sound of a trumpet caused the two soldiers to retrace their steps to the camp, Priscus re marking as they entered one of the few guarded streets left intact, "It must be, my Sabinus, that Caesar has grown weary of waiting for the seditious to surrender. He has given them ample time to ponder over their critical situation, and the army is now in a good con dition to press forward the siege." " Ay ; yet Caesar's generous heart may incline him to try another expediency before resorting to violent measures. But it is needless for us to speculate ; here comes Marcus. He will tell us the meauuig ot the summons we have just heard." A Review. 215 " What now, my Marcus ? " said Priscus while the decurion saluted him. " Is the world coming to au end?" " Thy world will soon come to an end, unless thou pay more attention to thy duty and less to that fascinating little rebel in the Upper City ! " was the reply. " Dost thou hear that, my Sabinus ? " asked Pris cus, turning to the knight. " Have you such impu dent upstarts in your cohort? " " None. When anyone becomes so self-important as to exceed the bounds of his authority we hand him over to the jackals," said Sabinus with a smile. " Ha, ha, hearest thou that, Sir Insolent ? " con tinued the centurion, addressing Marcus. I fear we must adopt a similar method. But enough of this. What are the orders ? " " Caesar has decided to have a grand review, and commands us all to be ready by to-morrow," answered Marcus. " Ha, ha, good ! I need a little money. But I am greatly amiss if Caesar has not another purpose in his mind than to give us our pay," said Priscus as he parted with Sabinus. When everything was in readiness, the whole army was stretched from the tower of Hippicus to Antonia. As the legions marched into line, and stood in full view of the Jews, nothing could exceed them in grandeur. The burnished parts of the armor and weapons of the legionaries, and of the fine trappings of the horses appeared in the clear sunlight like a crystal sea ; while the gilded eagle of each legion perched on a tall shaft, with wings outstretched as if ready to swoop down on the enemy, appeared like a burning flame. Rome itself never witnessed a sight more imposing and awe-inspiring, and Titus, as he rode on his high-spirited horse in front of the army, accompanied by his lieutenants, added much to the grandeur of the scene. 216 Eebekah. CHAPTER XXX. CONFLICTING OPINIONS. AMONG the vast multitudes that witnessed this great military display, none were more deeply yet variedly impressed than the small group on the roof of Merto's house. Though overawed by the sight, Merto's wife still opposed the giving up the city ; while Rebekah and her father favored surrender. " Thou art wrong, Martha," said Herodion in answer to a remark of his sister, withdrawing his eyes for a moment from the solid mass of soldiers which for the past three days had attracted so much attention. " Thou art wrong. In all its past history thou wilt not find one instance in which God saved the city from its enemies when it was his divine pur pose to chastise it for its sins." " I tell thee I am not wrong," said his sister defi antly. "Hast thou forgotten the city's remarkable deliverance in the days of Hezekiah when the angel of the Lord slew the army of the Assyrians ? " " Art thou so little acquainted with the truth that thou shouldest consider this an instance of God's displeasure with his people? Where is thy author ity? What prophet speaks of it? What sin had kindled the divine wrath ? Thou art wrong, Martha, entirely wrong. God delivered Jerusalem because Israel trusted in him, and punished the Assyrian be cause of his vain .boasts and terrible blasphemies. Had Israel always trusted in him, its enemies would never have prevailed against it. Had Jerusalem loved God rather than her sins she would never have known the rod of correction. But couldst thou penetrate the rubbish in yonder valley, yea, even under thine own house, thou wouldst find evidences of her guilt. It was her sins that brought Shishak, king of Egypt, against her in the days of Rehoboam, and that deliv ered her into the hands of Nebuchadnezzar, and of Pompey, and of Herod and Sosius. If she escaped Conflicting Opinions. 217 not then, can she escape now, seeing that her hands are red with innocent blood, her garments defiled with iniquity, and her heart full of corruption ? " " Didst thou not tell us yesterday, father, that Titus was willing to spare the city on the condition of surrender? Is Titus more merciful than God ?" said Rebekah. " Yesterday has no place in thy father's memory ! Talk not of mercy ; for he will have naught but judg ment," said Merto's wife in a sneering voice. " What I said yesterday is true," continued Her- odion, ignoring his sister's remark ; " and what I have just said is also true. Titus desires to spare the city from further destruction, so does God. Yet neither Titus nor God will show mercy to those who seek it not." " But are there not thousands in the city, father, who desire mercy both of God and of the Romans ? " again asked Rebekah. "Ay, doubtless, my daughter," was the reply. "But is the city in their power ? Is it not rather in the hands of the Idumeans and the zealots ? and do they desire mercy of the Romans? " " God be praised that they do not, for thus they clearly show that they are true Israelites," exclaimed his sister. " True Israelites ! say rather true villains, for fear ing lest the Romans punish them for their enormous crimes, they choose to provoke the fall of the awful wrath of God upon the guiltless as well as upon themselves rather than save the city by surrender. Surely they have no hope of deliverance, for both famine and the sword stare us all in the face, and if we shall escape the one, the other is sure to destroy us." " If our defenders indeed are villains, then I would they were greatly multiplied," retorted Merto's wife, looking daggers at her brother. " Had they all been sneaking cowards like thee, the city would have fallen into the enemy's hands long ago. Or had they no 218 Rebekah. hope of deliverance, they could not have defended our walls so bravely. They are inspired by a hope which thou and thine have exchanged for a delusion. They look for Him of whom the prophets did write ; ye put your trust in an impostor who could not save himself from the cross." " He of whom the prophets did write, has indeed already come, and has gone again to the Father. He came to his own and his own received him not. His righteous blood is required of this generation. He once came in mercy; he now comes in judgment, and woe be to those who have rejected him! Ye call him an impostor and we, his followers, deluded fanat ics. Hence ye add blasphemy to rejection." As Herodion spoke these words tears came to his eyes, and Rebekah looked with pity at her aunt. In vain had they tried to lead her to the Savior ; her Jewish pride and prejudices made her heart imper vious to the arrows of conviction. She clung tena ciously to the popular notion regarding the Messiah. Hence her brother had no sooner paused than she remarked, " Thou canst never persuade me to believe that the Nazarene was our Messiah, or that his blood is required at our hands because we have refused to recognize his claims. Art thou wiser than the doc tors of the law? Did they believe in Jesus of Naza reth? Do they not even now expect the Messiah? Didst thou search the Scriptures diligently and wisely thou wouldst see that he whom ye worship was not God's Anointed. True, he was born in Bethlehem; but was it in a palace and amidst princely surround ings ? He first appeared in Galilee ; but had he been living unknown among the people, and did he come forth with matchless splendor ? He wrought signs and wonders ; but did he break the rod of oppression, and found a kingdom of surpassing glory ? Did not the high-priests and rulers find him guilt}^ of blas phemy? And did he not die a malefactor's death? " Hearing the sound of approaching footsteps she Conflicting Opinions. 219 paused a moment, and finding that the intruder was one of the servants sent to inform her that she was wanted in the house, she dismissed her with the an nouncement that she would follow presently. Con tinuing she said, " When the Messiah comes as he must come soon Israel will not fail to recognize him. In beauty he shall surpass the comeliness of women, and he shall be glorious in his apparel, traveling in the greatness of his strength. He shall gird his loins with might, and gather the princes and the people around him. He shall move like a whirlwind and cut down the kings and great warriors of the earth like stubble. That proud dog of a Roman with his boasted army shall be made to lick the dust ; the beasts of the field shall feed on the slain for a whole year and the fowls of the air for seven years. The treasures of the earth shall enrich the City of God, which shall be set on Sinai, Tabor, and Carmel, and reach to the gates of Damascus. The princes of Judah shall dwell in houses three miles in height ; the gates of Jerusalem shall be of pearls and precious stones and of great height and breadth ; and the country round about shall abound in pleasant stones. The people of this glorious city shall all be prophets, and the Messiah, the Eternal King, shall reign over them. Ah ! why does God's Anointed tarry so long ! Let him haste ; the thousands of Judah are anxious to follow to the slaughter of the Gentiles ! " She uttered these words with a triumphant air, and as the last word fell from her lips she cast a sweeping glance at the Romans and hastened away. The wild notions to which Rebekah and her father had thus been forced to listen were very familiar to them, for they were the current notions of the Jewish people, as they had been for centuries be fore. " O father," said Rebekah as her aunt descended the stairway to the veranda, " what a pity that so many of our people entertain such delusive ideas and 220 Rebelcah. comfort themselves with such vain hopes ! Would that they had never rejected the Son of God, and that they had accepted the simple faith which looks beyond the pomp and glory of this world ! " " Ay, my daughter," was the reply, " it is a great pity ; yet it is quite natural. Their national pride and love for the traditions of the fathers have led them to pervert the prophecies, and to yearn for national glory rather than spiritual prosperity. It has never entered their thoughts that the Messiah was to be more than a great Prince, that his kingdom was not to be of this world, and' that the Gentiles as well as themselves were to become his subjects. Hence when the Christ came into the world, they would not have him reign over them. They could see none of his infinite love, the love which caused him to take our sins upon himself, and to become our High Priest." " And how it grieved his loving heart, father, to find them so blind and proud ! With what infinite compassion and tenderness he mourned over the city as he viewed it from yonder mount ! Her past sins rose like mountains before him, her future doom passed like a vision before his eyes. Nor did he fail to see that her Messianic hopes would increase in strength and attractiveness the nearer the time ap proached when he should come in judgment upon her." " Thou hast spoken truly, Rebekah. Our Lord's compassion was not greater than his insight, as is clearly shown by the wild notions of the people. They would now gladly welcome any one who came in the name of the Lord. But they look in vain for a Deliverer ; their house shall soon be left to them desolate." We need not foUp- w the conversation farther : for what we have ju& learned enables us to understand with what false hopes the majority of the peopl^ of Jerusalem were inspired during the siege. Had tti&> not been so deluded they would have made a virtue Fiends in the Guise of Men. 221 of necessity by yielding the city to the Romans. As it was, their stubbornness forced Titus to continue the siege and to make preparations for taking the Temple and the Upper City by raising banks at the tower of Antonia and John's monument. CHAPTER XXXI. FIENDS IN THE GUISE OF MEN. IN the meantime Judas together with several other commanders hastened in obedience to a summons from Simon to the tower of Hippicus, which rose like a mighty giant before them. Reaching the foot of a broad stairway they ascended to a large hall, and presently found themselves in a room of moderate size, with highly ornamented walls and a tesselated floor, at the north end of which sat the commander- in-chief on an exquisitely embroidered divan, await ing their arrival. He was richly clad after the ap proved style of the times, and his features, which were more Idumeau than Jewish in their cast, plainly de clared him to be of aristocratic blood. After return ing the salutations of his lieutenants he pointed them to the vacant seats near by, and as they seated them selves, he cleared his throat and wiped the sweat from his forehead preparatory to speaking. " I have summoned you, O men of Israel, to a con sultation relative to the important issues which con cern the welfare of the Holy City in particular and the nation in general. That Josephus, the arch-traitor, has again been inciting the people into rebellion against us, ye already know. Ye also know that a great number have deserted to the enemy since his abominable speech, and that unless something be done to check the tide of desertion, we shall soon find ourselves in a worse condition than that consequent upon surrender. Now, what remedy do ye suggest for this evil ? " One and another of the commanders now gave his 222 Rebekah. opinion about the matter, and all agreed that the most effectual way to prevent further desertion was to put a few suspected characters to death. Judas ventured to go farther than this. " Would it not be wise for us also, my lord," said he, "to use this mania for desertion to the promotion of our interests in other than a political sense ? Can we not make suspicion lead us into the treasure-houses of the innocent as well as the guilty ? " " Ha, ha, a novel plan, and a good one," said Simon, beaming with pleasure, while the rest of the command ers nodded their approval. " Since thou art the orig inator of the plan, it is but fair that thou should have the first opportunity to put it into execution." Acting upon this suggestion Judas immediately sent a message to one of his subalterns, and, presently a prisoner was brought into the room guarded by a body of soldiers. " Ah ! ye have found the traitor," said the son oi Giora, assuming a freezing manner. " Ay, my lord, and a worse traitor was never known in Israel," said the leader of the guard. " Peace and prosperity must die where he lives." " These men, O Simon, speak not the truth," plead ed the prisoner. " Thy servant " " Hold thy peace," said Simon interrupting him. Then addressing the leader of the guard he said, " What accusation dost thou bring against this fellow?" " He is guilty of designs to betray the city to the Romans, my lord," was the reply. " Hearest thou this charge ? Thou art permitted to speak for thyself," said Simon, addressing the pris oner. Perceiving that he was in desperate hands and that escape was impossible, the prisoner laughed at Simon's remark, and casting off all restraint he said, " I have heard the charge, O tyrant ; but is it sus tained? Is there any proof or evidence of my Crime?" Fiends in the Guise of Men. 223 " Ay, ay," said a dozen voices ; " we are witnesses to thy guilt." t( Ha, ha, ye witnesses to my guilt ! Ye whose hearts are full of corruption, and whose every word is polluted with lies ! My only crime is that the Lord has prospered my labors, and " " Away, with him ; let the sword taste of his blood ! " cried Simon indignantly. " We need no evidence against him other than his own words. Let him die the death of a dog ; the base traitor has already lived too long ! " As the prisoner was being dragged away, Simon called the officer in charge to him, and whispered in his ear, " See that his house be plundered of all that is in it. If any desired information be withheld, or the least opposition be shown thee by the members of his house hold, thou knowesb how to act. Go." " It shall be done according to thy word, my lord," said he, hastening away. Finding himself alone with his officers, Simon laugh ingly remarked. " Would that we could settle the fate of the un- circumcised dogs that encompass the city as easily as that." " Ha, ha, ha, well spoken, my lord," said a chorus of voices, of which that of the son of Merto was the loudest. Then Judas added, "Since we cannot satisfy our revenge, we do well to satisfy our love of money. Would that every head in the city were worth as many shekels as that which now rolls in the dust by yonder wall." This he said while watching through one of the windows the execution of the man who had just been dragged from the room. " I hate not money ; yet I fear the time is close at hand when it will be far easier to find a measure of shekels than of grain. Others might die of hunger, but we must not. Let every house be searched for food ; we must not let the worthless wretches who do 224 Relekah. naught but mourn over the calamities that have be fallen the nation and pray for our enemy's success, devour the food which we, the defenders of the city shall so soon need. Let wisdom teach us to provide against the day of evil." These remarks of Simon met the hearty approval of the commanders, especially Judas, for when a few minutes later he returned to his command he imme diately divided that portion of it that was not actively engaged into small groups ; and after sending all except one in quest of plunder, he placed himself at the head of the remaining group and led it from its position near the tower of Mariainne through the butchers' bazaar in the direction of the upper market. Stopping a moment in front of a house not far from that of his father, he commanded one of the group to try the door. The command was no sooner given than obeyed, and finding the door unlocked the man said, "We shall find no trouble in getting in here, my lord. The master of the house, no doubt, has the table already spread for us, and we shall have a princely welcome ! " " The table may indeed be spread," said Judas with a broad smile, amidst the laughter that had been provoked by the other's irony, " but it is with empty dishes. If ye can enjoy such a feast, ye may enter." " Surely, my lord has not forgotten the words of Israel's sweet singer, 'Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies ' ? " said one of the group. " Ha, ha, then thou thinkest that the master of the house has prepared a table before us in the presence of the Romans," said another. " We must seek a more inviting place," said Judas; u for had this house a feast to offer other than to loathsome worms the door would not be left unfas tened. Forward ! March ! " Had Judas looked up to one of the windows in front of the house as the group moved away, he might Fiends in the Cruise of Men. 225 have caught a glimpse of a half-starved family peer ing down to the narrow street, and hastily devouring the little unground and unbaked barley they had just secured, while a faint smile lighted up their emaciated countenances at the thought of the simple yet successful way in which they had deceived the robbers. Shortly after, Judas and his men met a group just coming out of a house near the upper market, and laughing boisterously. In answer to a remark that Judas made, the leader said : " Holy Abraham ! the cup of our delight has been filled to overflowing. Ha, ha, ha, we caught the wretches snatching their bread half baked out of the fire, and succeeded after beating them almost insen sible in plucking it out of their hands. By the big toe of Goliath ! they fought like wild beasts, and one of them came nigh choking by trying ha, ha to swallow a large morsel of bread." " Did ye find no grain in the house ? " asked Judas. " We did, my lord ; nearly a bushel of wheat which had been carefully concealed in the upper room " was the reply. " Good ! but did ye not punish the wretches for concealing it ? " " The Lord do so to me and more also if we did not. Some of them will need' no more bread." " The Lord go with you," said Judas, leading his men away from the others, and turning into a street that ran parallel with the western wall and a few rods from it. After following this street a short dis tance past houses of which some of the doors showed marks of violence, while others though intact stood wide open, revealing the courts around which the houses had been b.uilt, the plunderers came to a house whose outer door was securely fastened. " As the Lord liveth ! " exclaimed Judas, " our search shall not be in vain ; for the worthless dogs that live here surely have abundance of food, else they would not shut themselves up so securely. 226 EebeJcah. Bring here your bars ; we will show the base wretches that even iron bolts cannot prevent us from partaking of their feast." The door was very strong, and from the numerous marks which it bore it had already suffered one or more violent attacks, without giving way. This fact, however, instead of discouraging Judas, led him to think that the door had been weakened not a little, and that it could not long resist the heavy blows and pressure of the iron bars which were now at work upon it. While the door was being attacked the owner of the house with his wife, three children, and aged father presented a fearful spectacle in an inner room in the second story. Of the old man but little was left except the skeleton, and he was too weak to raise himself to a sitting posture on the rug on which he lay. The condition of the son and his wife was but little better. The children, for whose sake the parents had abstained almost entirely from food for several days, though showing signs of want, were not so weak but that they could move about the room with ease. When they heard the first blows fall on the door, they were all Seized with terror, and the children began to cry for the few crusts that were still left, lest the robbers should have them. " Wait, my beloved, be patient," said the mother in a weak, trembling voice, " the door is strong, and will doubtless resist the violent assault of the un godly, as it did yesterday. If you eat all that is left to-day you will have none for to-morrow." " Let them have it now, Rachel, let them have it," whispered the old man. " O, mamma, I want bread ! Give me bread ! " cried the youngest child, a boy about four years old, taking hold of his mother's hand. " Why don't you give us bread ? " cried each of the others impatiently. "Hold your peace, my children, else you will break my heart," said the mother. Fiends in the G-uise of Men. 227 " If my ears deceive me not, the door begins to give way, Rachel ; so let the children have what re mains," said the father with an effort. " It is far better that they should eat it than that the brazen villains who call themselves our protectors should have it." Finally yielding to these importunities the mother seized one of the keys that hung at her side and dragged herself with great difficulty to a cupboard at the north end of the room, followed by the chil dren. When the cupboard door was thrown open the light from a window near by revealed three or four pieces of bread on the middle shelf, which the mother after a vain effort to control the fearful crav ing that now took possession of her, pounced upon like a ravenous beast ; and as she thrust one of them into her mouth, the children wrested the remainder from her hands, and began to quarrel for the largest piece. The sight of the bread had a strange effect upon the other two also. The old man begged for a crumb, only a crumb, and the children's father was about to pluck the food from the little boy's hand, when a terrible yell announced that the door had at last been forced open. A moment more, and Judas with his fiendish group rushed into the room. For an instant the appalling scene before them caused them to recoil ; then they laid violent hands upon every member of the family, and wrested from the children the small fragments that remained. The old man expired as the plunderers entered the room, the husband and wife were beaten insensible amidst the cries of their children, and the latter were knocked against the wall, kicked about, and raised from the floor by their hair ; because they had eaten what was rightly their own, and because they insisted that there was no more food in the house. Although Judas did not join in these cruelties; yet he encour aged the tormentors with his presence and smiles, and gave the old man a kick or two to see whether he was really dead or not. When the family had, as 228 Relekah. he thought, been duly punished for daring to eat what belonged to them, he commanded his men to search the house and take whatever of value they found in it. The owner of the house belonged to the higher middle class, and was, at the beginning of the war, in prosperous circumstances. During the ravages of the zealots and Idumeans, however, his property had shared the common fate ; so that there was but little left to satisfy the monstrous greed of Judas and his band. When the pillagers returned into the street, they passed several groups that were on the same nefa rious errand with themselves, and turning into one of the lanes that descended the eastern slope of Mount Zion they broke into other houses ; but met with no great success. It was about sunset when they con cluded to return to the tower of Mariamne, and as they approached the bridge connecting the Upper City with the Temple, they were met by Judas's father, who was more bitter than ever in his condemnation of the mad career of his son and the rest of the sedi tious. Nor did he hesitate to denounce his son's wickedness in the strongest terms. " Let the day in which thou wast born be forgot ten," said the indignant father ; " let it pass away as a shadow. Let it not be known to the generations to come that Merto the priest has begotten a robber, a villain, a heartless assassin. The cries of those whose last morsel thou hast plucked out of their mouths have ascended into heaven. The avenger of the poor and afflicted will plead the cause of those whom thou and thy followers have robbed of the plants and herbs which they gathered in the valleys at the risk of their lives that they might satisfy the hunger of their little ones." These words were received with much laughter by Judas and his followers ; yet Merto would have con tinued his reproaches much longer had they waited to hear him. As it was he continued his course up the Mount instead, muttering to himself as he went. An Unwelcome Suitor. 229 CHAPTER XXXII. AN UNWELCOME SUITOK. NONE were more bitter in their denunciations of the depredations, with which Judas was so closely con nected, and which now became so common, thanRe- bekah and her father. Their own freedom from mo lestation did not bias their minds in the least; for they knew that the selfishness of Judas rather than Simon's favor kept them from sharing the common fate. Yet they were thankful that God . gave them such wonderful proof of his power to bring good out of evil. But how long would they be exempted from the ravages of the robbers ? They knew that the favor of selfish men like Judas is very uncertain. They also knew that neither favor nor command would be a guarantee of security in a more desperate condition of affairs. While the trend of events showed that a state of sheer anarchy was possible any mo ment, however, they tried not to borrow trouble, and hoped that the activity of the Romans would avert such a dire calamity. With thousands of others who were more in sympathy with the besiegers than with the seditious, they watched the raising of the enemy's banks as anxiously as if their lives depended on their completion. We can imagine their consternation and disappointment, then, when suddenly, as the Romans were bringing their engines to the wall, the seditious sallied forth in great numbers and set fire first to one bank, then to another, until at length the whole works were demolished. In vain did Rebekah endeavor to suppress her emotions, as she saw the fruit of so much labor and pains being consumed by the flames. Nor did Herodion succeed much better in concealing his feelings, although he tried to convince his daughter that all was for the best. When the smoke ascended from the last remains of the bank he left Rebekah for a short time in order to 230 EebeTcah. inquire into the particulars touching the events of the day, while she sat with one arm resting on the para pet, looking anxiously in the direction of the tower of Antonia. Of the nature of her thoughts we can only judge from an occasional tear which glistened on her cheek in the rays of the setting sun. Presently she heard a footstep with which she was far better ac quainted than pleased. " The wretch ! " said she to herself ; " why should he thus happen to come when my father is absent? Would that I had gone down to the house when my father left ! Bat there is no help for it now. I must nerve myself to meet the inevitable, as Priscus often does when he goes into battle. Would that he was approaching instead of " " Peace to thee, fair Rebekah," said Judas, break ing in upon her reflections, " and to ah ! do I find thee alone ? I had expected to find thy father with thee as usual. I hope he is not sick, for that were indeed a great affliction to to us all." " My father is well, if not with me as usual" said Rebekah, as he leaned on the parapet beside her. " Ah ! then God be blessed. But art thou well? Thou seemest to become thinner and paler every day?" " So do thousands of my neighbors." " Ay, but thou, unlike them, hast no lack of food." " Nor would they be in want of bread, had they not been robbed by those who claim to be their protec tors." "Thou hast truly spoken. Yet thou must not think that these robbers are authorized by their com manders to deprive the people of the little food they have. " If my eyes have not deceived me, some of the commanders themselves have been partakers of their crimes," said Rebekah with a meaning look. " Art thou not mistaken, Rebekah ? " said Judas with wonderful composure. " For none of the com manders would thus abase themselves. From here An Unwelcome Suitor. 231 thou mightest easily mistake some of the robbers for those whom tney should obey." " Might I not also mistake them for Romans? Perhaps my eyes are dim with age or with much drinking ! " " Ha, ha, surely thy tongue has lost none of its sharpness," said Judas, a little nettled. Then he con tinued after a short pause in an altered voice, " Would that thou wouldst teach me how to please thee. Ah, what would I not give for one word or one glance such as thou bestowest on thy father ! When thou speakest to him, thy tongue is like honey comb full of sweetness, and thy words drop like honey, in a garden of roses. But when thou speakest to me thy tongue is a two-edged sword against which I shield my heart in vain, and thy words are drops of poison. Is thy father so much better than I ? Would that thou couldst see my heart, and discern my thoughts ! When I first beheld thee, O fair rose of Sharon, I loved thee. As yonder Holy Place is among the temples of the world, so art thou among women ; and ' as the hart panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after thee.' Permit me once more then, O sweetest among ten thousands, to plead my cause before thee. Turn not away from me as in former days ; bestow but the hundredth part of thy love on me and I will be satisfied, if thou only be mine." Nothing could have been more painful to Rebekah than listening to these impassioned words ; yet, like a martyr, she resigned to the inevitable, and buried her face in her hands. Much as she hated Judas she now pitied him. It pained her to think that he loved her ; yet she had the consolation that she had never encouraged him. She did not wish to hurt his feel ings ; yet hurt them she must, for as heretofore she could give him not the least encouragement. In her mind he suffered terribly in comparison with Priscus. Indeed she said to herself that had Priscus never lived she could not accept her cousin's suit. She 232 Relekah. decided, however, to lessen rather than increase the sting which the rejection of his suit necessarily in volved; therefore when he ceased speaking she looked up and said, "I thank thee, O Judas, for thy high estimate of me ; yet must I tell thee that I am unworthy of such regard, nor can I ever reward it in the manner in which thou desirest. As I have already told thee, more than once, I love another." Deep silence followed these words, during which Judas strove with much difficulty to subdue his feel ings, while Rebekah essayed to conceal the few tears that forced themselves into her eyes. Her answer was hardly different from what Judas had expected ; yet he was not willing to give up without trying the effect of other motives. " He whom thou lovest," said he, at last breaking the silence, " is a Roman, and therefore not a lover of our people ; a pagan, hence not a worshiper of our God. Is he then worthy of thy love ? Should the lamb love the wolf, or the hart the lion ? N\v, can the wolf love the lamb, or the lion the hart ? He that hates our people can not love thee, and he that seeks to distroy the defenders of the Holy City can have no good designs towards those who are defend ed. Then cast the Roman from thy heart and re membrance forever, O sweet daughter of Herodion, and let me try to win thy love. Thou art a child of Abraham; so am I. Thou art a worshiper of the true and living God ; so am I. Am I not also a son of thy father's sister, and a leader of the people? Have I not been kind to thee and thy father? Is not your table laden with blessings, while the whole city perishes with hunger ? Am I then unworthy of thy least thought? If thou wilt become my wife, I will adorn thee with the most precious jewels, and make thee richer and more glorious than the queen of Sheba. When Messiah comes, and he is almost her.e, thy charms, O fair daughter of Zion, shall grace his court, and thou shalt be the chief among princesses." An Unwelcome Suitor. 23S This speech banished every vestige of pity from Rebekah's heart, and destroyed all the regard she had for Judas's feelings. His base insinuations, false rea soning, and vain promises could have no influence with her except to fire her indignation. Therefore Judas no sooner paused than she fixed her flashing eyes upon him, and poured out a torrent of words upon him. " Am I a child," said she, " that thou shouldst thus talk to me ? Art thou as mad as thou art base ? Were the whole earth thine, and were thy riches heaped up like mountains, I could never love thee. I had rather be a wanderer in the earth, without home and friends, clad in rags and fed with husks, than be with thee in a palace of gold, arrayed with glory and beauty, and faring sumptuously every day. Art thou my kinsman ? Tell it not in Gath, publish it not in the streets of Askelon ! Art thou a leader of the people ? The righteous sing not thy praises. Thou boastest of thy kindness to us ; who is the destroyer of our freedom? Thou gloriest in thy riches; but hearken, ' Trust not in oppression, and become not vain in robbery ; if riches increase, set not your heart upon them ? Art thou a worshiper of the true God ? How much more he whom thou callest a heathen, for he serves God in deed and in truth, eschewing evil and loving righteousness. Kill me if thou wilt, cut me in pieces, and throw my heart to the dogs; I shall never consent to become thy wife." The eyes of the son of Merto flashed fire at these stinging words, and his hand strayed nervously more than once to the hilt of his sword as he listened to them. But to Rebekah's surprise he offered her no violence. Whether this was due to divine interpo sition or some other cause she was not able to tell ; nor did Judas give her much time to reflect before he gave vent to his feelings in the most reckless manner. " Wert thou other than thou art, and could I slay thee without destroying my own plans, my sword 284 EebeJcah. even now should cleave thee in twain. But I will spare thy life that I may conquer thy pride. Thou shalt bend to my will as a bough does to the spirit of the storm. I have never yielded to Rome, shall I yield to thee ? As the Lord liveth, it shall not be said that the son of Merto has been defeated by a woman. Thou art in my hands, O proud daughter of Herodibn, and nothing but death shall deliver thee from my power. That dog of a Roman may have thy love, but I swear by heaven and by yonder Holy Place that he shall never marry thee ! My curse shall follow him, and vengeance shall overtake him. Nor shall any of our enemies escape ; the avenger is already on their track. Their banks are all destroyed, and many of their engines are in ashes. They said, 'Let us complete our works and bring forth the battering-rams.' But John said, 'Let us undermine their banks, and set fire to the beams that support them.' And it was done. Then Tephtheus, and Megassarus, and Chagiras said, ' Two of their banks are demolished, but are there not two more left? Let us take torches and set their machines on fire that they may set fire to the banks.' And it was done. Ha, ha, the conquerors of the world wailed like children ! they resisted the flames and our forces in vain, and the besiegers became the besieged, for we followed them even to their camp, and attacked their walls. Put not thy trust in the legions of Rome, then, O thou hater of Israel, nor let thy dreams be of the un circumcised, for they shall all vanish like yonder smoke, and thou shalt have no husband but me." " I trust not in the arm of flesh, O vain boaster," said Rebekah ; " my trust is in God, and were the Roman army swept from off the face of the earth this moment, God will still be my Deliverer. But thy predictions shall not be fulfilled. The enemy is discouraged but not defeated, and ye who call your selves our defenders but really are our tormentors, shall not escape their vengeance. Thou art not ig- An Unwelcome Suitor. 235 norant of the words of the prophet Isaiah: 4 I will camp against thee round about, and lay siege against thte with a mount, and I will raise forts against thee. And thou shalt be brought down, and shalt speak out of the ground. . . . Thou shalt be visited of the Lord of hosts with thunder, and with earthquake, and great noise, with storm and tempest, and the flame of devouring fire.* Repent then, O son of Merto, ere vengeance shall overtake thee, for Jerusa lem must fall. The decree has gone forth, and who shall recall it?" " Pervert not the Scriptures, O false interpreter," said Judas with a frown ; " that prophecy has long ago been fulfilled. I tell thee our Deliverer is nigh at hand, and we shall yet be victorious. The God of our fathers is not deaf that he should not hear the cries of his people, nor blind that he should not see the cruelty of our enemies. The thousands who have been crucified because they dared to venture into the valleys in quest of food have not suffered on their cross of shame for naught." " True," said Rebekah, interrupting him ; " but punishment shall be visited upon thee and thy fel lows and not upon the Romans. It was ye that forced, them into danger by robbing them of their substance. Was it not ye also that brought their families to the walls, and made them believe that the crucified had suffered because they had fled to the Romans? But the chief cause of their shameful death was the cruci fixion of the Messiah. Nor is justice yet satisfied." " Judas ! Judas ! " cried a voice at the foot of the stairway, causing Rebekah to pause. " Simon desires to see thee immediately, my son. Make haste to come down ; the messenger awaits thy coming." Judas made no reply to the call, but muttered something to himself, and as he turned to go he said, in a stern voice, " Remember, before the siege comes to an end thou must be mine. Meanwhile thou shalt be closely watched as heretofore." 286 Relekah. " Thou shalt wed a corpse then," was the reply. Heaving a sigh of relief, Rebekah descended into the house soon after Judas was gone. CHAPTER XXXIII. THE HARVEST OF DEATH. WHILE Judas, with a sore heart and a clouded brow directed his steps towards Simon's headquarters, the Roman commanders having been summoned to a council of war seated themselves in due order in Titus's tent. Judging from the vexed expression on their faces, they all keenly felt the terrible reverse the army had just suffered in the destruction of the banks. They were all tried warriors, and all with the exception of Titus, who was only about thirty years of age, had passed the meridian of life. The apparent incongruity between the comparatively youthful appearance of the commander-in-chief and the venerable aspect of his councilors attracted less attention than we may suppose, for the wonderful feats of valor and skill which Titus had already per formed declared him to have no equal even among the bravest of them. Nor was he inferior to any of them either in looks or soldierly bearing. Being naturally attractive, and possessing all the accom plishments of a highly bred Roman, he seemed to be a second Apollo as he sat in the presence of that august body, in his full armor, except the helmet. When all the commanders were seated Titus briefly reviewed the events of the past few days and showed the necessity of some speedy action in view of the discouraging situation they were in. In reponse to his request for a free expression of thought on the part of the council, one of the commanders arose and said, "I am not a Cicero, O Csesar, but I am a Roman, and being a Roman I am constrained to suggest what I regard the best course to pursue in view of the humiliating defeat which we have just suffered. We The Harvest of Death. 237 are now, O Ceesar, fully convinced that the city can not be taken by the efforts of only a part of the army. Therefore I suggest that our whole force be brought against it, for we shall thus be able both to sustain our attacks, and overwhelm the enemy with our darts." These remarks were favorably received by a few of the commanders ; the more reserved, however, were in favor of a different course, and one of them, whose gray hair and sunburnt face denoted years of hard service, after much deliberation cleared his throat and said, " None, O Caesar, feel more deeply the loss we have sustained in the destruction of our works, nor has any one in this council a greater desire to punish the enemy for causing this enormous loss to us than myself; yet I doubt the wisdom of bringing the entire army against the city, while there is a far better and safer way to secure our object. Despair can be conquered only by famine ; hence, O Cassar, I am in favor either of raising the banks again, or of lying still before the city so that the besieged be able neither to come outside the wall nor to procure pro visions. Having abundance of food we shall not suffer by a delay ; but every moment weakens the strength of the enemy." This speaker was followed by others, some of whom thought that the re-raising of the banks would be the best course to adopt, while the rest advocated the suspension of all active measures in favor of a quiet investment of the city. After giving due time to the discussion of these various schemes, Titus proceeded to give his own views. He dwelt at considerable length upon the impracticability of what had been suggested ; then continuing he said, " With due respect to your opinions I wish now to state what seems best to me under the circumstances. It is that we build a wall around the entire city. This we can do with perfect safety and without waste 238 EebeJcah. of time, for the greatness of our army and the favor of God are sufficient to overcome all difficulties. Have we not already done great things, and if we should fail, is it not better to fail in a great undertak ing than to be satisfied with little things ? But we can not, must not fail. Did not Csesar say, c I came, I saw, I conquered ' ? Let this be our motto. If we would have Csesar's success we must have Caesar's wisdom and daring. This great undertaking which I propose to you will not only add new luster to our glory, but also hasten the fall of the city. It will shut up the enemy to famine and despair, and should they still refuse to surrender, we can raise the banks again and overcome them in their weakness." The speedy adoption of Titus' scheme followed this speech, and the commanders were dismissed soon after with orders to assign to the various legions and cohorts their several tasks. The undertaking was a prodigious one, and under ordinary circumstances would have required two or three months to complete it ; but such was the alac rity and diligence of the soldiers, and so great were their efforts to excel each other that it took only three days to build a wall nearly four miles long. As soon as it was completed, Titus stationed strong gar risons at certain intervals along its whole length, and committed the oversight of all the watches save one to the commanders of the legions, he himself tak ing charge of the first. One of the garrisons occupied an elevated point a little west of the Lower Pool of Gihon, and was commanded by Priscus, who was frequently seen pacing that part of the Roman wall committed to his charge, and keeping a close watch both of his men and of the movements of the besieged. Although his mind reverted frequently to Rebekah, he could not help being deeply impressed with the constantly in creasing number of dead bodies cast into the valleys from the city. He was pausing almost for the thou sandth time to view the appalling scene before him The Harvest of Death. 239 when he was startled by a familiar voice, saying, " Ha, ha, dost thou contemplate a feast, my Pris- cus ? The dogs and jackals can afford to be gen erous now-a-days ; nor need the vultures begrudge thee a good meal." " Wouldst thou believe it, my Marcus," said Pris- cus, turning towards the decurion ; " I was almost wishing I had no eyes. That awful sight makes my heart sick." ,^ "Hercle ! " said Marcus as he reached the spot where Priscus stood ; " I am beginning to wish I had no nose I This abominable smell destroys my ap petite. Curse the confounded idiots! had they sur rendered to us before famine overtook them they would now be feasting themselves instead of afford ing a feast to voracious beasts and worms ! " " Curse not the dead, for they are the victims of tyranny and cruelty. Curse rather the heartless vil lains that have robbed them of all they had, subject ing them to agonies worse than those of hell, and forcing them into this most horrible fate. Would that they were there instead of their innocent vic tims ; but God wills it otherwise. Yet their day of reckoning must come, and may it come speedily." " Like Caesar thou art too lenient, far too lenient in thy views, my Priscus. If these victims, as thou callest them, were peaceably inclined, why did they not avail themselves of Caesar's gracious offers ? " " Because, O Marcus, they were too closely watched by the seditious. It would have been possible for the men to reach us in safety ; but they had dear ones whom they could not forsake and who, they knew, could not escape the vengeance of the seditious if their protectors should desert. Hence rather than live at the sacrifice of what was most sacred and dear to them, they preferred to partake of the same horrible fate as their loved ones." " By Jupiter, thou art becoming more sentimental every day, O Priscus. Strange, what influence that charming Jewess has upon thee. She will soon 240 Rebekah. cause thee to believe that Pan is more beautiful than Apollo, and that Jew is another name for Jove ! " " Ha, ha, I fear thou art on the wrong trail," said Prisons, meaning that Rebekah had less to do with the nature of his views than Christ's spirit had. Then glancing towards the city he said, " Canst thou see what those guards are doing ? Ah ! I see now. The heartless knaves are showing to the besieged what great abundance of food they have that they might make the poor wretches more sensible of their want ! It can not be that they are Romans; yet such their armor declares them to be." Marcus broke into a boisterous laugh at this remark; then said, " Hercle ! another token of thy new philosophy. I like it not, O Priscus ; it is far too feminine for me. Is it worse for a Roman to taunt a starving Jew than it is for an Idumean of a zealot to pluck the last morsel from his mouth ? If a Roman has aught to eat, can he not eat it before a thousand as well as in his tent if he so choose ? " " A Roman is a man, so is a Jew. God is the father of them both ; hence they are brothers. If the Roman is surrounded with plenty and the Jew dies of want, their common brotherhood at least requires that the one shall not increase the sufferings of the other by taunting him with bread." This humane view of the case did not escape the ridicule of Marcus ; yet he was not so cruel as he seemed to be. Under all his roughness and seeming heartlessness was a nature that was capable of much love and sympathy. For this reason Priscus over looked much in him that he would have resented in a stranger. While the centurion was expressing his disap proval of the part which the Romans played near the wall a man came running towards him from the Valley of the Son of Hinnom, and shortly after he was led to his presence by two of the guards. The The Harvest of Death. 241 man was young but emaciated, and there was that in his costume and looks which indicated that he was one of the Jewish aristocracy. The exertion through which he had just passed had been a heavy tax upon his strength, for as he bowed before Priscus he trembled like a leaf, and gasped for breath. Com manding him to sit on the parapet the centurion said, " Now that I have granted thee security for thy life thou mayest tell me who thou art and what thou knowest of the condition of the city." " Tell him that the Romans love the truth, and that his words must bear her seal," whispered Marcus in Priscus's ear. " Presume not on our ignorance by telling what thou knowest to be false," added Priscus, addressing the deserter, for such he was. " May the God of Abraham, and of Isaac, and of Jacob, do so to me, and more, also, O centurion, if I tell thee aught but the truth. Thy servant is the son of Matthias, the high priest, who, with my three elder brethren, has just been arrested and brought before the tyrant Simon. Thy servant, having been fore warned, was able to escape." " Then thou and thy brethren have been partakers with thy father of some crime ! " said Priscus. " Ay, O centurion, if being friendly to the Romans be a crime, for we have never ceased trying to per suade the seditious to sue for peace, and save the city. When John became the leader of the zealots, and sallied forth upon the people from the Temple, of which he had taken possession, my father, wishing to restore peace in the city, persuaded the people to ad mit Simon and his army, not knowing that he would become a greater tyrant than John. Then Simon, as soon as he had gotten the city in his power, declared those who had shown themselves to be his best friends, as being worthy of death. Yet did thy servants, my father and his sons, never cease to condemn the sedi tious and urge the people to surrender, unto this, 242 Eebekah. "What dost thou know of the condition of the city?" " Far too much, O centurion, to afford thy servant peace. That fearful and ghastly sight is naught coin- pared to what my eyes have seen within those walls. The City of the Great King is as a widow, and her princes are like harts that find no pasture. Her streets are as a battlefield, covered with the bodies of the aged, and her houses are become tombs, filled with the dead and dying. Children and young men wan der about the market-places like shadows, and death seizes them as they search for food. The living are not able to bury the dead, nor do they mourn for their friends, but yearn for death as a watchman does for the day." " Are the seditious also consumed by the famine ? " said Priscus, in a husky voice. " Not yet," continued the deserter, " for they have filled their store-houses with the people's bread. Nor do they take to heart the miseries which the people suffer, but rather increase them. They fill the air with laughter as they go about, plundering the houses that are filled with the dead, carrying off the clothing of those that have perished, and trying the points of their swords in their bodies. Those who fear death they slay ; but those who long to be relieved of their miseries they spare." " The villains ! Is it they that cast the dead into the valleys ? " " It is. At first they ordered that the dead be buried at the public expense ; then, seeing that the people died much faster then they could be buried, they determined to cast them into the valleys." The deserter now spoke with greater ease than he did at the beginning, and the rest of the interview was carried on between him and Priscus alone. When it came to an end, the latter commanded Marcus to attend to the Jew's physical wants and see that he reached Titus in safety. " Ah I " said Priscus to himself, as the deserter and .. A. Conspiracy. 243 his escort moved away, " I am glad that my fears con cerning the condition of Rebekah and her father have been removed. His testimony and her letters agree. How I detest that villain who calls himself her cousin ! How I would like to meet him again in single com bat ! Yet his villainy is not without its good results. It is far better for my beloved to be guarded than to be in want. God, I thank thee for thus converting evil into good." CHAPTER XXXIV. A CONSPIRACY. IT cannot be he; yet I never saw a man that walked more like him," said one of Simon's officers, a little later, as he watched the Jewish deserter being escorted past the tower which was in his charge to wards the Roman camp. Then, addressing one of his men, he said ; " Dost thou know that deserter, Malchus?" " He walks like the youngest son of Matthias, the high priest, sir ; but, since I can not behold his face, I will not swear it is he. Whoever the treacherous dog might be, sir, he certainly loves not our cause. The villain ! Would that I could send this arrow through him." Paying no further attention to the guard, the offi cer continued, speaking to himself. " Then it must be he," said he. " God speed him on his course. I wish I were with him. I am no safer in this tower than a condemned criminal is in prison." As he paused, he looked westward, and saw a num ber of men being led out of the tower of Mariamne upon the wall, and there executed, in full view of the Romans. Of late he had been forced to look at many such barbarous sights ; yet a shiver passed through him as he watched the execution of the present group. He was not near enough to be able to tell whether he 244 Rebekah. knew any of them or not; hence he dispatched one of his men to find out the particulars. When the man returned, he found the officer in one of the upper rooms of the tower, and, being com manded to speak, said, " Treason has been discovered in high places, my lord ; and those whom thou sawest put to death were some of the offenders. The Lord grant that all his enemies be as Matthias, the high priest, and his three sons." This remark had a very unexpected effect upon the officer. A deadly pallor spread over his face, which was quickly followed by an angry flush. Being an Idumean, the speaker did not know that the persons he mentioned were intimate friends of the officer. Therefore he was at a loss to know the true meaning of this sudden change. Nor was he any wiser when the officer cried, " The miscreant ! I never thought he was so base as that. Abaddon take his sc-ul ! Go on." Continuing, with a puzzled look, the man said, " The father besought the Chief Captain to let him die before his sons, and begged him to re member how he had caused the gates of the city to be opened for him. But he was laughed to scorn, and told to trust in those to whom he had intended to desert, for, per- adventure, they would come to deliver him. Then Ananus, the son of Bamadus, seized his sons and slew them before his eyes ; and, last of all, he himself was slain, but not before they had tormented him with many jests, and had heaped curses on his head." "Who were their accusers?" asked the officer, in a hoarse voice. " Judas, the son of Merto, was the chief accuser, my lord ; the others' names I did not learn." " Was Judas with Simon when the high-priest and his sons were put to death?" " Ay, my lord, and some say that when Matthias prayed to be spared the agony and humiliation of A Conspiracy. 245 seeing his sons slain, Judas whispered to the Chief Captain- not to grant his request." The guard was now dismissed, and the officer began to pace the floor, now bemoaning his friends' death, and now invoking the most fearful curses on their murderers. Standing for a moment in front of a latticed window facing the place where his friends had been executed, his eyes rested on another cruel scene. Seventeen other eminent men had been found guilty of intending to desert to the Romans, and were now subjected to a common fate. Although the officer glanced at this awful sight only for a moment, it was enough to cause him to adopt a course that would either end in speedy death or in perfect safety. Composing himself as best he could he went out among his men, and tried to discover what effect the wholesale murder they had witnessed had on them. He was pleased with the result ; and at the close of the fourth watch next morning he summoned ten of the guards into his presence, and after secur ing the door of the room, he called their attention to the events of the previous day, and in conclusion said : " Have we not endured these miseries long enough, O men of Israel? What do we hope to gain by enduring them longer? The Messiah whom we have so long expected has not come, nor do we see any signs of his coming. Shall we still hope for deliver ance then ? Do we not find famine in every street and every house ? Has not Simon become the execu tioner of his benefactors ? Can these walls prevent the Romans from taking the city? Then let us no longer remain faithful to Simon ; but let us deliver ourselves and this wall to the Romans, and thus save both ourselves and the city ; for what is there to save us from the fate of our friends, if we take not this opportunity to escape ? " This speech had the desired effect upon all who heard it, and the officer, dismissing them for the time being with the admonition to maintain absolute 246 Rebekah. secrecy, waited for the arrival of an opportune moment. Then after dispatching all except his fel low conspirators in different directions he proceeded to carry out his scheme. Posting his men at different stations to avoid suspicion he ascended to the top of the tower, and after cautiously scanning the sur roundings he put his hand to the side of his mouth and called the attention of the Roman garrison that occupied a position in front of him between Akra and the Xystus. " Ha, ha, another Castor, by Jupiter," said one of the guards. " Perpol ! I am not anxious to have my head cracked with a stone." " Hercle ! nature has already done that to thee with her little finger," said another, provoking a chorus of laughter. " Ho ! there, ye Romans, draw nigh unto me, and hearken to my words. Hasten, I pray you, for I have a message from God to you," cried the Jewish officer again. " Thou art a false prophet; we will not hear thee," was the reply. "Do ye not wish to get possession of the city? Come, give us the security of your right hand, and I will surrender this tower to you," said the officer excitedly. "Let us take him at his word, and gain for our selves a great name," said a Roman of huge frame, addressing his comrades. " Nay," said another, " he is a base deceiver and a coward. I had rather trust a serpent than trust his word." Then facing the officer he exclaimed, " Thou art welcome to that tower, friend, until such time as Caesar is prepared to pay thee a visit. Let me cau tion thee, however, not to fare too sumptuously in the meantime." While the Jewish officer listened to these words one of those whom he had beguiled away from the tower was admitted into the presence of Judas, the son of Merto. A Conspiracy. 247 " I am told that thou hast somewhat of great im portance to say to me," said the latter with much dignity. " Speak ; I am a good listener." 44 My captain is a traitor, my lord, and is about to surrender the tower in his charge to the Romans," said the informer. " What ! Judas, the son of Judas, a traitor ! Holy Abraham ! I would never have suspected him ! But what ground hast thou for this charge, friend ? " 44 If thou but look out of that window, my lord, thou mayest even now see him making terms with the Romans. He has sent all his men except those who have conspired with him, away from the tower." 44 The wicked wretch ! he shall not lose his reward," said Judas, hastily writing a note. Then when he had sealed it, he handed it to the guard saying, 44 Hasten to the tower of Hippicus and give this to the Chief Commander. Thy timely service shall not be forgotten." As soon as the informer was gone Judas got to gether a detachment of his men, and sent it imme diately to take possession of the tower and seize upon the conspirators. This was hardly done ere he and Simon arrived at the scene of conspiracy, accom panied by another detachment of soldiers. Ascending to the top of the tower Simon saw that the plot had been discovered none to soon, for although the Roman garrison had been slow to believe that the master of the tower was in earnest, a messenger had been sent to notify Titus of his proposal and the Roman gen eral was now seen approaching with a strong body of armed men. Then yielding to the impulse of the moment Simon shook his sword at Titus, and ex claimed with a derisive smile, 44 Too late, O base Roman, too late ! Ha, ha, thou earnest for a victory ; but thou shalt behold an execu tion instead ! " This brought the Romans to a halt, and while they stood facing the tower, Simon turned to the conspir ators and said, 248 J&bekak, " Vile traitors ! wicked wretches! sons of Belial! may the curses of ten thousand generations rest upon your heads ; for ye are this day become a stink and an abomination in Israel ! The evil that ye purposed to bring upon the city shall fall on yourselves. Your bodies shall be cut in pieces and thrown to the dogs, and your souls shall burn forever in Tophet, where the worm of the wicked dieth not, and the fire is not quenched. Seize them, O son of Bamadus, and let each receive the reward of his iniquity, reserving the chief traitor to the last ! " The execution now took place in sight of the enemy, and the dead bodies after being hacked to pieces were thrown down outside the wall amidst a shout of triumph from Simon and his men. Leaving the tower now in charge of the exposer of the plot and a sufficient number of guards, Simon returned to headquarters accompanied by the son of Merto. As they emerged from the tower the tyrant heaved a sigh of relief and glancing at Judas said, " By the host of heaven, that was a narrow escape, my Judas. Hadst thou not been so prompt in thy action, the uncircumcised dogs would now be in possession of the city, and the conspirators would be beyond the reach of justice." " Speak not of it, my lord," said the son of Merto, swelling with pride at the compliment which the chief commander paid him. " I did naught but my duty. I had been a traitor both to thee and to the God of our fathers had I done otherwise." " It is a mystery to me, O Judas, how thou succeed- est in discovering so many plots ! If thou hast not the gift of a prophet, thou surely hast the quickness of a sorcerer. But here comes a messenger. If I mistake not his manner he is the bearer of good news. What now, friend ? " " The traitor Josephus has been wounded nigh unto death, my lord," was the reply. The listeners cast a significant glance at each other and smiled. Then Simon said, " Go on." The Harvest of Death Increases. 249 u As he was going around the city but a short time since, thy servant threw a stone at him from the wall, and struck him on the head, so that he fell to the ground as one slain in battle. Then we made a sally and would have borne him into the city had we not been overpowered by the Romans ere we could reach him." " Thou didst well, my son, but thou hadst done far better hadst thou slain him," said Simon, placing his foot on the broad stairway that led up to the tower of Hippie us. " Would it not be wise, my lord, to make the people believe that the son of Belial is indeed dead ? " whispered Judas to Simon as the messenger moved away. " It may prevent a great many from deserting to the Romans." Acting upon this suggestion Simon recalled the messenger and told him to spread the report in the city that Josephus was dead, and to instruct his com rades to do the same. Then he and Judas disap peared into the tower, and the messenger hastened to execute the command that he had received, which had the desired effect upon the people until the truth was revealed by the speedy recovery of Josephus and his reappearance before the wall of the city. CHAPTER XXXV. THE HARVEST OF DEATH INCREASES. " BY all the Gods ! " exclaimed Marcus watching the great outflow of deserters caused by the reap 1 pearance of Josephus. " if those hungry dogs were a little smaller I would have thought that a thousand swarms of bees had left their hives. See ! see ! my Priscus ; they must have a leaping match. Hercle ! they must be more found of leaping than I am, to jump down from that wall. Ha, ha, but what are those rushing out at the gates ? See ! they must have armed themselves with all the stones in the city." 250 Rebekah. " Those Jews must have lost more flesh than wit, my Marcus," said Prisons, " else they would not re sort to so many stratagems in order to effect their escape. See ! a large group of them comes this way." " Ha, ha, the famishing wretches must have learned that thou hast just received a fresh supply of provis ions, and that thou hast the best cook in the army." 44 Let them not be disappointed then. They have already been too long without food," was Priscus's reply as Marcus moved away to carry out his orders. The deserters still left the city as best they could, singly and in groups, and the centurion soon became so interested in their movements, that he did not hear Marcus approaching, until he exclaimed with a graver face than usual, " Perpol ! thou mayest send me to fight with ten thousand demons if thou wilt ; but in the name of all the gods ask me not to be the master of a feast like that again ! " " If thou be as near the shades of Hades as thy face seems to show, thou wilt spare me the privilege of another appointment. What ails thee, Marcus ? " said Priscus puzzled at the expression on the decurion's face. " Hast thou seen a ghost ? " " A ghost? Hercle ! thou couldst not frighten me with a whole legion of ghosts. But the sight of that starving group has been almost too much for me ! I never even in my wildest mood dreamt that famine could convert men into puff balls, which would burst at the smell of food ! " "What! thou hast not allowed them to overfill themselves with food, hast thou? Thou shouldst have known that starving men should take nourish ment as patients take medicine in small doses." " By Bacchus, what is the world coming to that a son of Mars should also be a disciple of Chiron?" 44 How many of them have perished?" 44 As many as have made hogs of themselves ; or if thou desirest a more definite answer, all but those who did not eat too much." The Harvest of Death Increases. 251 " Indeed ! then I fear that of all thy guests there are not enough left to form a decurion's guard. But here comes another group. This time be more lavish of thy wit than of thy hospitality, and when the poor wretches have eaten enough to renew their acquaint ance with the taste of food, send them to the camp." "By Jupiter," said Marcus as he moved away, " that group is far more hideous than the first. See how puffed up the hungry dogs are ! Dropsy must be more than a second cousin to famine, else I am as ignorant of Chiron's teachings as he was of me." " Didst thou know as little about the art of war, O Marcus, as thou seemest to know about Chiron and his art," mentally remarked Priscus as he watched the retreating steps of the decurion. " thou wouldst be of little value to me. But thou art a good soldier and a faithful friend." These reflections were followed by others of a mel ancholy nature, which did not cease even when the centurion retired for the night. As we might expect, Ilebekah occupied a large share of his thoughts, both before and after he fell asleep. Indeed it was seldom that she was absent from his mind. On awaking next morning he was informed that many deserters had been received and dismissed during the night, and that one of them had brought him a letter. Know ing that it must be from Rebekah his heart leaped with joy, and hastening to a secluded spot with his prize, he soon became oblivious to everything but its contents. Passing over the opening paragraphs we will give the reader the benefit of that part of the letter which touched on the condition of things in the city : "Though famine has not yet entered our home, the miseries with which we are surrounded, O Pris cus, are indescribable. The little that my father pri vately conveys to our famishing neighbors is but a drop in the ocean compared with the greatness of their want. How can it be otherwise when a men- dimus of wheat is sold for a talent ? While the poor 252 tiebekah. were able to go into the vallej^s to gather herbs, the victims of famine were comparatively few ; but since then, for reasons well known to you, a terrible change has come over the city. My father heard one of the rulers say to-day that over six hundred thousand bodies have been thrown out at the gates ! Of the number of dead bodies buried in the city we are ignorant ; but it must be very great, for several large houses have been filled with the dead, and then closed. Ah! my beloved, what a terrible monster famine is ! What untold agonies its victims suffer ! How vile and degrading its touch ! Often while standing on the house-top during the past few days have I seen men and women search the dunghills and eat that which is abominable even to see ! When I beheld them my heart was overwhelmed with sorrow, and my eyes were blind with pitiful tears. Yet I remembered the words of the prophet Jeremiah 4 They that feed delicately are desolate in the streets ; they that were brought up in scarlet embrace dung hills. For the punishment of the iniquity of the daughter of my people is greater than the punish ment of the sin of Sodom, that was overthrown as in a moment, and no hands stayed on her.' " Were the prophet living in Jerusalem to-day, O Priscus, he could give no truer or better description of what my eyes have seen. O that the murderers of the people should take these miseries to heart ! O that they might consider their end, and repent! But their hearts are of stone, and their faces of brass. Their souls revel in blasphemies, and their hearts de light in sacrilege ! That impious tyrant, John of Gischala, has already begun to plunder the Holy House ! Not only has he melted down those sacred utensils given by Augustus Csesar and others, but also the caldrons, dishes, and such other precious and sacred things in daily use in the Temple. Nor did he abstain from the holy wine and oil which the ves sels contained, but distributed them freely among his followers. Thus,, what was donated and consecrated The Harvest of Death Increases. .253 to the use of the Holy Place, has been seized by him who neither fears God nor regards man, on the pre tense that those who fight God's battles should claim sacred things for their own use ! O depth of infamy ! O infinite presumption ! What crimes will not men commit in God's holy name ! While we have such monsters of iniquity in the city and the Temple, how can we expect mercy? Jerusalem is drunk with the blood of the righteous ; she has become her own enemy, devouring her own strength and executing upon herself the judgment of heaven. Those whom she hates as her greatest enemies must hasten to de liver her from herself. O why does Titus tarry so long? O let him hasten to the rescue of the inno cent ! Let him come before we -are no more ! O tell him, my beloved, that we are waiting for him ! " Pausing for a moment, the centurion looked toward the city with a pained expression on his face, and muttered to himself, " Ah ! how near ; yet how far ! I can see where she dwells, but I I might never see her ! Were I Caesar, methinks I would even now lead the whole army against the city and lay that strong wall even with the ground. But I am not Caesar, nor can I stimulate him into action by my counsel ! While he has such a strong ally in the city, he sees no neces sity for haste. Famine kills his ten thousands where Caesar could slay only his thousands. Therefore I must wait ! But how can I wait when my betrothed is in that horrible charnel-house ? Let me see she says, ' Though famine has not yet entered our home, the miseries with which we are surrounded, O Pris- cus, are indescribable.' Ah, then ! it must soon reach her also ! But God forbid that it should do so ! " The remainder of the letter related to the conduct of Judas and his spies, and, as we may expect, its perusal made Priscus wish once more that Providence might afford him an opportunity to meet his enemy in battle. Before he left his seclusion he gave the letter a second reading ; then returning to bis com- 254 Eebekah. mand, he spent the rest of the day pretty much as usual. Late in the afternoon, as he paced the wall in front of the fortified place in which the garrison was quartered, he saw a horseman approaching from the direction of the camp, and addressing one of the guards that were posted at different points on the wall, he jokingly remarked, " Thou hast long been aching for a fight, my Pub- lius ; if I mistake not, yonder horseman is a mes senger, and has good news for thee." " Perpol ! I think it not fair that famine should slay all the children of Abraham, while Rome has so many trained warriors who can do the work far more scientifically. I used to think that keeping guard over the prisoners of state on the Palatine was a dull undertaking; but pacing this wall and viewing and smelling that rotten host which seems to mock us in yonder valley, is infinitely worse." Priscus laughed at the guard's reply, and with his eyes fixed on the horseman, said, " The banks that were commenced twenty-one days ago must now be finished, notwithstanding the fact that the materials for them had to be brought over ninety furlongs of rough roads ; and Caesar doubtless is now ready to attack the tower of An- tonia." " I hope thy conjecture concerning the banks, my Priscus, is truer than thy supposition in regard to the object of the horseman's visit. Ha, ha ! while I have been wishing for an opportunity to test the temper of my sword, here comes Caius the surgeon, with his knife and saw, in quest of patients ! " " May not the bearer of the knife and saw be also the bearer of news ? " interrogated Priscus. Then de scending over a broad stairway to the ground floor of the tower-like structure already referred to as the garrison's quarters, he led the surgeon to a room on the second floor, and commanded one of the guards to take charge of his horse. " I am glad to see thee, my Caius, for it seems al- The Harvest of Death Increases. 255 most an age since I had the privilege of thy com- pany,'* said the centurion, as they ascended the stair way. " Why hast thou deferred thy visit so long? Hast thou been very busy of late ? " " Is there ever a time when I am not busy, my Priscus ? Hercle ! there is not a busier man in the whole legion." " Then how hast thou found time for this long-ex pected visit? " " Because of late I have had a great many volun tary assistants. Perpol ! if the craze continue to spread, I fear the whole army will turn surgeons." "Give me a key to thy meaning," said Priscus, with a puzzled look, as he showed Gains to a seat. " Certainly ; I will give thee a score of them if thou desirest. Thou knowest that since yesterday a great multitude of deserters have entered the camp. Many of these, fearing lest the seditious should search them, swallowed pieces of gold of which there is an enormous quantity in the city, it seems and being thus provided, they seized the first opportunity to de sert. Though they succeeded in fleeing from the grasp of famine, however, the gods reserved for them a far more horrible fate, for the Arabians and the Syrians, having learned that the deserters came to them full of gold, were crazed with visions of wealth, and lying in wait, together with a few of the legion aries, near the approaches to the camp, they murdered and dissected during the night no less than two thousand victims ! " " The heartless villains ! But surely so horrible a crime has escaped neither the attention nor the pun ishment of Ca3sar ? " " He was informed of it early this morning, and had the number of the offenders not been so great he would have put them all to the edge of the sword. As an alternative, however, he reproached the com manders of the criminals, and caused it to be published throughout the whole army that a repeti tion of the crime would certainly be punished with 256 Rebekah. immediate death. But so great is the greed of the barbarians for gold, that they still privately stain their hand with Jewish blood and search their vic tims for polluted money." Priscus was greatly shocked by this intelligence, and was unsparing in his condemnation of such unprecedented cruelty. In this he had the hearty sympathy of the surgeon, who to heighten the color of the crime, spoke of the terrible sufferings most of the deserters had endured before leaving the city, and the almost superhuman efforts some of them had made to get away. As to the state of things near the tower of Antonia, Caius said that the banks had been completed that morning in spite of the opposition of the seditious; that the battering-rams were already at work upon the walls of the tower ; and that Titus expected to take possession of the Temple soon through Antonia. When the interview ended Caius returned to the camp. CHAPTER XXXVI. A DARING ADVENTURE. "So we are to be relieved at once, my Priscus," said Marcus a few days after the surgeon's visit. " Ay ; and I think we shall enjoy a change, though it involve not a little danger," said Priscus, looking towards the tower of Antonia. " Hast thou learned the particulars concerning the attack lately made on the tower ? " " The courier was in great haste ; but I succeeded in detaining him long enough to gain a few facts. It seems that those who opened the attack, seeing that the battering-rams made no impression on the strong walls of the tower, and being sorely wounded by the missiles which the Jews hurled at them, soon began to give way to discouragement. Perceiving this Caesar, commanded a few of them to make an A Daring Adventure. 257 attempt at removing some of the foundation stones, which they heroically did, holding their shields over their bodies. After removing four of the largest stones, they were forced by the darkness to postpone ' their work till next morning. While they were rest ing, however, nature came to their assistance in a strange way. It caused the wall which they had striven so hard to breach to fall with a tremendous noise." " Ha, ha, good ! I should like to have been there to witness the consternation of the cut-throats that defended it." "Their consternation was not greater than the joy of our comrades ; but their joy was somewhat checked at the discovery of another wall inside the broken one. Indeed so discouraged and fearful were they the next morning that Caesar's speech inspired but one soldier, a Syrian by birth, to mount the wall." " Perpol ! Had I been there, that brave fellow would have had one companion at least," exclaimed Marcus. " Perhaps so," said Priscus doubtfully. " But this man, though very insignificant and delicate in appearance, possessed extraordinary cour age, and his brave heart immediately responded to Csesar's call. His noble example stirred eleven others to follow him to the wall ; but they utterly failed to take it, for three of them were immediately killed, and the rest were borne away severely wounded to the camp. The Syrian, however, nothing daunted by the fate of his comrades, mounted the wall alone, and having put his opponents to flight, was in the act of pursuing them when he stumbled and fell, and before he could rise a shower of darts slew him." " Poor fellow ! he deserved a better fate ; but the loftiest souls must sometimes suffer defeat." The band that was to relieve the garrison now ap peared on the scene, and presently Priscus and his men were stationed near the tower of Antonia to 258 Rebekah. guard the banks. The bravery of those who had lately distinguished themselves had made a deep im pression on Priscus's mind, and he soon came to the . decision to attempt a bold experiment. Being the captain of the guard at the time, and having Titus's approval, he desired to put his scheme into execution at once. Accordingly he summoned Marcus and ten others before him and said, " It is unnecessary for me, O brave Romans, to in form you of the unsuccessful assault which our valiant comrades made but a few days ago upon the enemy, and of the terror which seized the army. Nor is it necessary for me to remind you o(' the im minent danger which must attend any attempt at gaining possession of that strong tower. My object in sending for you is that T might call your attention to the absolute necessity of bringing this state of in activity to an end by some bold action on our part, since others are indisposed to act. I have thought much about this matter since yesterday, and have fixed upon a scheme which I am determined with your assistance to put into execution. It is now near the close of the third watch, and the guards being weary with much watching must be fast asleep. I propose therefore that we quietly ascend over thc^o ruins and take possession of the wall. That we may do this successfully we must add to our number the standard bearer of our legion, a trumpeter, and one or two others whom we may find willing to share our risk, which I assure you cannot be very great if Csesar fail not to render us timely assistance. He is already acquainted with my scheme, and it has re ceived his approval. Therefore, O noble comrades, let us strike for victory ! Let us remember our origin and our duty ! " Priscus spoke scarcely above a whisper, yet every word was distinctly heard by his auditors, and all of them heartily approved of his scheme. While Mar cus went in quest of the trumpeter and others neces- A Daring Adventure. 259 sary to make tne band complete, the centurion ex changed a few words with his companions. "How dost thou feel now, my Publius, that thou hast the long-desired opportunity to prove thy metal ? " said he. " Perpol ! I feel as Hercules did when he slew the lion which haunted Mount Cithseron, or when he brought the bull on his shoulders to Eurystheus," was the reply. " I hope thy achievements will not belie thy pro fession," said Priseus. Then speaking to Domilius Sabinus, whom we have previously mentioned as a valiant soldier, he said, "Thy tongue, my Sabinus, is not so loosely hung as that of Publius; but thou knowest how to use a sword or throw a dart to the best advantage. I shall never forget the day when I saw thee fight by Caesar's side in the Lower City." " Thy high estimate of me is but poorly deserved, O centurion. I have never done aught but my duty; and that will I do to-night, God willing." Marcus now returned with two horsemen, the standard-bearer and the trumpeter, and approaching the centurion he whispered with a broad smile on his face, " Hercle ! I would have led the assault upon those murderous dogs myself, seeing that I was followed by the most important part of the fifth legion, had I not taken pity on thy ambition. Longinus is anx ious to repeat that performance which he so ex cellently played before the second wall ; but I fear that he will not have the pleasure of amusing the whole army this time. Pedanius is like a crouching lion ready to spring on his prey ; Marcus aspires to plant the eagle on yonder Temple ; and Rufus longs to summon the whole universe to witness the fray. As to myself " " Thou wilt now hold thy peace," said Prisons, in terrupting him. " Thine intentions will be best ex pressed in acts. The night is already far spent, and we have accomplished nothing." 260 Rebekah. He then unfolded his scheme to the new-comers, and a moment later led the whole band in perfect silence towards the breach. Finding no cause of alarm 1 , they climbed over a large heap of rubbish into the tower of Antonia, and dispatched all the guards stationed in that part of the tower while they were asleep. Having thus gained possession of the wali inside the ruins, Prisons caused the trumpet to be sounded, and instantly the whole Roman army flew to arms, while the rest of the Jewish guards, sud denly awaking, ran in terror into the outer court of the Temple, and being confused by the thought that the enemy greatly outnumbered them they fell into the mine that John had dug in order to destroy the Roman banks. In the midst of all this confusion Titus mounted tin wall with his commanders and their chosen men, and John and Simon came with their forces to the assistance of their guards. A se vere conflict at once commenced in the passages be tween the tower and the Temple, which lasted ten hours. The greatest disorder prevailed ; each side, on account of its eagerness to win, and the pressure of those who pushed forward from the rear, becoming intermixed with the other. So penned in were they also on all sides that there was room neither for re treat nor pursuit, and so great was the din of battle that it was almost impossible to distinguish one sound from another. It was a hand to hand fight, which in the case of those that were in the heat of battle was attended with great slaughter, and the floor became so thickly covered with the dead that the combatants were in constant danger of stumbling or of slipping on the armor of the slain. When the onset commenced, Priscus and his select band were forced towards the enemy as if by a flood, and in the confusion that ensued they soon became separated from one another, each finding himself sur rounded by implacable foes. Realizing his perilous situation, the centurion repelled and returned the at tacks of his opponents with the greatest agility and A Daring Adventure. 261 skill, now retreating a few steps, and now being Eushed forward by the tide of humanity behind him ; ere giving a home thrust, there parrying a well- directed blow. When, at last, the Romans were forced by the furious rush of the Jews to retreat, Priscus found himself face to face with Judas the son of Merto. The long-looked-for opportunity had been given him at last then ; but he was in a poor condi tion to avail himself of it. Owing to fatigue and the loss of blood from several slight wounds, he was almost too exhausted to stand, and Judas seemed to realize this fact as they glared at each other, for a fiendish smile spread over his face. Mustering up all his remaining strength and stimulated by the desire to rid Rebekah of her infatuated and tyrannical cousin, the centurion closed with his antagonist, who being anxious to put an end to one whom he considered both a deadly foe and a powerful rival, was ready to receive him. As the combat proceeded Priscus felt that he was at an increasing disadvantage. Besides being greatly exhausted, the pressure of the Jews was so great that he was being forced backward into the tower with the re^t of the Romans in spite of him self. He defended himself bravely, however, and aimed several well-directed thrusts at his antagonist, but with no effect, since he also was on his guard. He was reminded by a deep scar on Judas's face of their former struggle, and while glancing at it over the rim of his shield, he could read his opponent's varying emotions in its constantly changing hue, and was seized with an overmastering desire to repeat with greater effect his former successful thrust. At length Providence seemed to favor him with a momen tary advantage ; but as he was in the act of thrust ing, his heel struck against a corpse, causing him to lose his balance. The crowded position in which he was, however, prevented him from falling; yet he was thrown backward sufficiently to make it impos sible for him for an instant to defend himself. As he tried to regain his footing he saw Judas with de- 262 EebeJcah. moniacal triumph lifting his sword to strike a fatal blow ; but the timely aid of Marcus who, having seen the dangerous condition of the centurion, had fought his way to his side, saved him by receiving the blow on his shield. Grinding his teeth with rage, Judas now became engaged with his new antagonist ; but the fight was soon brought to a close by the precipi tate retreat of the Jews. This was caused by the heroism of one Julian, a centurion, who, standing at Titus's side near the tower and seeing that his com rades were being worsted, rushed down upon the enemy and forced them into the inner court of the Temple. His brave deed, however, while it won the admiration and applause of his comrades was quickly followed by an ill fate, for as he pursued the Jews, his shoes, whose soles were covered with nails, slipped on the smooth pavement of the outer court, and he fell on his back. The ringing sound of his armor at once attracted the attention of the pursued, and as he, strove to rise a number of them crowded around him, striking at him with spears and swords. He made several attempts to rise ; but finding this impossible he determined to make the best of his awkward posi tion. As his head and body were protected with ar mor, his assailants could not overcome him immedi ately, and he succeeded in wounding most of them before they slew him. While Julian was thus strug gling with his enemies, the Romans looked on in dis may. Those who could go to his rescue were too terrified to do so ; and those who were anxious to aid him could not possibly get to him. Catching up his dead body, the Jews no\v renewed their attack upon the Romans, and putting them to flight they closed the doors of the tower upon them. When the fight was over Titus commended Priscus for the success of his scheme and for his brave con duct during the battle. He also desired him to give his compliments to those who had assisted him in the execution of his plan. Most of them, however, TV ere beyond the reach of earthly compliments, Sabinus The Daily Sacrifice Ceases. 263 and Longinus being among them. The survivors were greatly elated over the commendation of their general ; especially was this true of Publius, for he assumed an air of great importance as he recounted his exploits to Priscus and Marcus later in the day. CHAPTER XXXVII. THE DAILY SACEIFICB CEASES. THE Romans now devoted themselves to the en largement of the breach that had been made in the wall of Antonia, and these preparations were hardly completed before it was rumored through the city that another attack was to be made on the Temple early next morning. Accordingly all except the armed men ascended to the house-tops much earlier than usual to witness the expected assault. The advancing daylight revealed a sight far dif ferent from that seen on the morning of the first day of the feast of unleavened bread. Then the city, with the exception of a few buildings destroyed by the seditious, was intact, and every house-top was covered with adoring spectators. Now only the Upper City remained untouched by the hand of desolation, and the millions that were then in the city had been reduced by famine and the sword into thousands ; and even these, as they now occasionally glanced from the seat of danger towards the piles of ruins which everywhere met their eyes, presented anything but a pleasing aspect. Want and despair marked every feature, and had almost destroyed the distinction between youth and old age. Their suf ferings, however, had not lessened their zeal for the religion of their fathers, for as the hour for morning worship approached, their hearts yearned for the appearance of the smoke of the sacrifice above the court of the priests. Prominent among the spectators were those on the top of Merto's house. All the members of the two 264 Relekah. households, except Judas and his father, were there, and stood talking in pairs. "Do you, then, think that the Lord has deserted his people, and that he will permit his holy house to be denied and destroyed by the heathen ? " said Adah, addressing Merto's wife. " It may be so," said Martha with a sigh ; " but we must not give up all hope yet. God's ways are mysterious. He may still repent of the evil that he has thoughtvto do to his people. Yet while we make a show of courage and hope we must prepare for the worst." " Does your son think our condition hopeless ? " " I have not seen him to-day ; but yesterday he laughed at the fruitless attempts of the enemy to get possession of the Temple, and said that Israel would yet be victorious. Whether he spoke according to his convictions, I can not tell. It is possible that a desire to allay my fears led him to conceal his own. Ah ! if all in Jerusalem were as brave and good as he, Adah, the city would soon be rid of its enemies ! But they are not; even those of our own flesh and blood are more in sympathy with the dogs of Rome than with Israel, and this puts me in mind, my Adah, that we must be more watchful than ever over the movements of my brother and Rebekah, for Judas has given Micah strict charge that henceforth they shall receive but half their usual supply of grain until such time as they may think it fit to comply with his request. I am sorry that matters have come to such a pass ; yet I can not blame Judas for the course he has taken. He has been very kind to them, and has honored them not a little in offering to make Rebekah his wife. I hope they will not drive my son to the adoption of more stringent measures by their stub bornness and imprudence. It is better that they should suffer a little than that the happiness of so noble a man should be forever destroyed by their foolish whims." She paused a moment as if expecting Adah to The Daily Sacrifice Ceases. 265 sanction what she had said with her approval ; but the cunning domestic, fearing that her voice would betray undue interest in Judas, remained silent, with her eyes fixed on the rug upon which they stood. Con tinuing, the matron said, " Ah ! it is natural that thou shouldst be in sym pathy with thy mistress ; yet I know that being a true daughter of Israel thou wouldst far rather see her married to Judas than to that cursed Roman. The unbelieving dog ! were he out of the way Re- In'kah would no longer have the least shadow of excuse for her stubbornness. Would that Judas's sword had cleaved his head the other day, instead of falling on that impious interferer's shield ! " " The Roman may not be so fortunate another time," said Adah, feeling constrained to say something. " If the uncircumcised dogs make the expected attack 011 the Temple to-day, Judas is determined to single out the greatest of his enemies, and put an end to him. But it appears now as though they were never going to make another assault." " May they not be waiting for the morning sacri fice, that they may take our men at a disadvantage ? " " God forbid, Adah ! But if they harbor such a treacherous intention, they will soon have an oppor tunity to put it into action, for the sun will soon appear over Olivet." While this conversation was being carried o'n between Merto's wife and Adah, Rebekah and her father conversed in a subdued tone a little apart from the rest. " Dost thou think they will destrov the Temple, father ? " said Rebekah sadly. " Ay, my daughter," was the reply, " else how shall our Lord's words be fulfilled? There shall not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown clown ' ; so runs the prophecy. James the Just blessed be his memory forever also said, a little before his martyrdom, thou wilt remember, that the Temple should not escape." 266 Hebe/cah. " Ah ! then this might be the last view we shall ever have of that most beautiful and holy place ! That sun whose glory now courts its matchless splen dor may see it a heap of shapeless ruins ere its daily course is done ! O, father,, my heart bleeds to think of it ! Yet it is best that it should be so, since it is the will of Him who is greater. than the Temple." " My heart also rebels against the destruction of that holy place, Rebekah ; yet since the glory of the Lord no longer dwells in it, and since it affords a refuge for robbers and murderers, its fall should con cern us less than the boundless folly and wicked ness that have brought these great calamities upon us. Besides, it were better that the whole city be a heap of ruins than that all these multitudes should perish of famine." " Famine ! " said Rebekah with a shudder, taking up her father's last words. " Famine ! .What a dread monster ! God be praised that it has not yet visited our home ! But if Judas put his threats into execu tion we shall soon know by experience what want is. Dost thou really think, father, that he will be so base, so revengeful, as to let us have only half our daily supply of food, because I refuse to marry him ? " " How can I think otherwise, my daughter, with my knowledge of his villainous character ? Yet God may confound his devices, and bring his evil inten tions to nought. Thou knowest the Scripture 4 He that seeketh mischief, it shall come upon him ; ' 4 The desire of the wicked shall perish.' ' While he spoke Rebekah looked with longing eyes toward the tower of Antonia, and heaved a deep sigh. Her mind wandered, as it had a thousand times before, to Priscus, whom she thought might be among those who were now standing on the tower, and looking down to the courts of the Temple. She was still thinking of her lover when Merto's wife, who now stood surrounded by Adah and her own domestics near the north-west angle of the roof, startled her with an agonizing cry. The Daily Sacrifice Ceases. 267 " Oh ! oh ! oh ! we are undone ! The glory of Israel has departed! The hour of our destruction has come ! Oh ! oh ! oh ! " "What ails thee ? what ails thee?" exclaimed Herodion as he and Rebekah joined the other group. Then seeing an expression of intense anguish on his sister's face as she stood wringing her hands and staring towards the Temple, he added, " Tell me, in God's name, what ails thee, Martha ? " He had not finished the sentence before he was startled by the most heart-rending lamentations mingled with the most unearthly cries in all parts of the Upper City. For a moment he was too be wildered to discern the cause of all this strange con fusion. Nor was Rebekah more self-possessed. She glanced towards the area between the tower of Antonia and the Temple, but seeing no cause for lamentation in that direction, she became more be wildered than ever, until at last the true cause dawned upon her. The daily sacrifice had ceased! Yes ; there was no mistake about it. There was the sun with all its usual brightness in full view over Olivet. But the silver trumpets of the Temple were as silent as the grave; nor was there a cloud of smoke even as large as a man's hand visible over the court of the priests. The end doubtless had come ! So thought Rebekah and her father no less than, the wailing multitudes around them, and for a moment, in spite of the fact that they had long considered the daily sacrifice a meaningless rite since Christ had offered himself up once for all, they could not re frain from weeping. Only a heart of stone could re main immovable when a whole nation was in tears. They thought how terrible it must be to their fellow- countrymen to realize that so important a part of their religion had ceased, and they pitied them with all their hearts. The shock which Martha received that morn ing was so violent that she did not recover for several days from its effects. Nor did the wailing of the people cease until they were completely exhausted. 268 Uebekah. CHAPTER XXXVIII. UNFRUITFUL ATTACKS. THE assault which the Je\vs expected would be made on the Temple did not take place until the people had somewhat recovered from their terrible disappoint ment at the cessation of the daily sacrifice. When the battle was over, Priscus, learning that Marcus the decurion was among the wounded, hastened as soon as possible to the hospital, and arrived there just as Caius the surgeon was approaching the section where Marcus lay. "Perpol ! what brings thee here, my Priscus," said the surgeon eying the centurion from head to foot. " Thou dost not look as though thou didst need my service. I almost wish that thou hadst received a scratch or two that I might see a little more of thee for a while, for thou hast not favored us much with thy presence of late. Yet I would not have thee re ceive another such wound as that which was inflicted upon thee at the beginning of the war, for that was too dangerous far too dangerous. Ah ! hadst thou been under the treatment of one of the conceited quacks that are far too common in these days, instead of being attended by a surgeon of the first cohort, fifth legion, I fear thou wouldst not be standing there now." " Thou speakest truly, my Caius ; yet although I am alive and whole, a dear friend of ours is in sore need of thy service." "Indeed! who can it be? Had I but one dear friend there would be no need to put the question to thee." " Marcus the decurion." "Hercle! where is he? Why didst thou not tell me before ? " Here," said Marcus rather impatiently. " The centurion would have told thee long ago had thy Unfruitful Attacks. 269 tongue given him an opportunity. Perpol ! if I once talked Prisons into a fever, to listen to thy gibberish has driven me almost into a frenzy." " Ho ! ho ! my Marcus, the wound is evidently not in thy tongue," said Caius as he and Priscus reached the couch upon which the decurion lay. Then he added as he examined a flesh wound in Marcus's left limb, " Pooh ! it is only a mere scratch. If thou hast dealt as leniently with thy antagonist as he has with thee thou hast little reason to boast." " Give thyself no trouble concerning him," was the reply ; " he at least will never boast again. But there are others with whom I have an account to settle, especially that reckless villain with a deep scar in his cheek. Therefore, O disciple of Chiron, if my wound be a mere scratch I shall think little of thy boasted skill, unless I be able to quit this detestable place in a few days." " Now that thou art in my power, O son of Mars," said the surgeon as he dressed the wound, " I shall be in no hurry to get rid of thee. Here I am king, and my will is law. Woe to the man that obeys not my commands.'' The conversation now turned upon the battle that had just been fought, and Priscus said, in answer to a remark of the surgeon, " It was Ctesar's purpose to surprise the enemy as in our former attack ; but in this he was disappointed, for when we reached the outer court we found the guards not only awake, but anxious to fight with us. Of the severe conflict that followed I can say but little. At first it was so dark that neither side could see the other distinctly, and the din was so great that we could with difficulty hear each other's voice. Therefore confusion was inevitable. This, however, was far less fatal to us than to the enemy, for they rushed upon each other as if they were enemies, while we, remembering our watchword, kept close to each other and sallied forth under the protection of our shields. When the darkness disappeared there 270 Eebekah. was less confusion, and the darts flew faster and thicker. The battle, which at first seemed to be greatly in our favor, now became more wavering. At one moment we made the Jews retreat, then the pursued became the pursuer. Thus did the struggle continue, until both sides as if by mutual consent gave up fighting, neither of them being victorious." " By Castor ! I like not that," said Caius. " What did it avail to choose thirty of the most valiant out of every hundred, while they have made fighting a mere farce ? Hercle ! when I saw you all march out of the camp this morning I thought that all the vile wretches lurking in the Temple would immediately be sent to make the acquaintance of Pluto and the lower regions. But there they are as vigorous, insolent, and detest able us ever! Surely Csesar did not fight, else the whole sacred area would now be in our possession." " Thou shalt soon make Pluto's acquaintance if thou be not more careful," said Marcus, knitting his brow. " Thy words, my Caius, show .that thou knowest far less about the art of inflicting wounds than about the art of healing them," said Priscus. "Thou shouldst have learned something from thine own ex perience. Thou knowest that to cure a man who cares not to live is a difficult matter. In like manner to conquer men who fight with the courage of despair is not easy. Hadst thou witnessed the battle this morning thou wouldst have commended thy country men for bravery rather than accuse them of coward ice. The consciousness that Csesar was watching the fight from the tower of Antonia made eveiy Roman a hero, for he felt that disgrace was worse than death, and honor better than life." The surgeon now being through with his patient, ended the conversation by saying that he hoped that heroism would receive a better reward in the next battle, and passed on to the next sufferer. Priscus also soon after took leave of Marcus, promising him another visit in the near future. On reaching An- Unfruitful Attacks. 271 tonia, where his company with several others was now stationed, he learned that four banks were to be raised as soon as possible at different intervals along the northern and north-western parts of the outer court, and that a large force had already been sent to a distance of twelve and a half miles to gather materials for their construction. Like many others he received this news with pleasure, for he was anxious that the siege should be brought to a speedy end, for several reasons. He was telling some of these reasons to another centurion when the standard-bearer of the fifth legion, entering the tower, interrupted him by pointing to the Jews and saying, " Those hungry dogs shall feast no longer 011 horse flesh." " What dost thou mean ? " said both the centurions, not a little puzzled. " What should I mean but that several of the horses turned loose by the horsemen while gathering forage have been stolen by the enemy, and that Caesar has just ordered one of those who have lost their horses to be executed as a lesson to the rest ? " was the reply ndeed ! " said Priscus. " Severity ever follows at the heels of negligence." " I had rather have it at my heels than at my neck," sai'l the other centurion, laughing. " If I mistake not," continued the standard-bearer, " the scarcity of horse-flesh will soon cause those bloodthirsty villains to fly at the necks of some of us not many hours hence." And he was right, for after a few hours respite a great number of the combined forces of Simon and John ran up the slopes of Olivet towards the camp of the tenth legion, thinking to take the enemy by surprise. But the Romans were ready to receive them, and after a fierce battle forced them down into the valley. At this juncture in the fight, Pedanius, who, the reader will remember, was one of those whom Priscus led in Jiis attack upon Antonia, spur- 272 RebeJcah. ring his horse on the enemy's flank and bending low over the horse's side, caught a lusty young Jew by the heel, and dragged him away in triumph to the camp, while shouts of laughter greeted him from Antonia. Among those standing on the tower was Priscus, and as he saw the horseman galloping away with his prize he exclaimed, "Ha, ha, behold Pinto carrying off Proserpina." "Thou art mistaken," said another; "Pluto had four horses and a chariot. If that is not Pegasus mounted by Bellerophon bearing the Chimsera's head to the Lykian king, then my father was a Jew." " Look ! look ! " said still another, pointing to a cloud of smoke ascending, from the court below. " The centurion is right ; for that smoke shows that Pluto has just left the lower world > and has forgotten to shut the door behind him." While Priscus and the other spectators were amusing themselves at the expense of the ill-fated Jew, those who had been driven into the valley re turned into the Temple, and fearing further defeat, set fire to the north-western cloister or colonnade of the outer court, which was joined to the tower of Antonia, and it was the smoke rising from this fire that attracted the attention of those on the tower. About thirty feet of the cloister was thus destroyed, and not long after the Romans burned the remainder, which now left the tower entirely separated from the Temple. The Jews made no effort to quench the flames, but rather helped the work of destruction by tearing down portions of the roof, deeming it to their advantage to have the whole cloister demolished. Nor did they let the enemy rest unmolested; but whenever they saw a favorable opportunity they sal lied forth in select bodies upon the Romans, as did also the Romans upon them. In one of the intervals between these sallies, while a large force of legionaries, including Priscus and his company, stood in battle array in front of the monu ment of John the high priest, a small., insignificant, Unfruitful Attacks. 273 but fierce-looking Jew came out of the Temple and challenged the strongest and bravest of them to a single combat. "Ye base, cowardly, uncircumcised Philistines," said he, " who defy the armies of the living God, send forth your Goliath to fight with me. Let him come to me and I will give his flesh to the fowls of the air, and to the beasts of the field ! Ah ! ye hesitate, ye tremble, ye grow pale ! Is there not a man among all the cursed legions of Rome ? Let your boasted Ca3sar come to me, and I will show him what a son of Abraham can do. Ha, ha, ha ! ye are all women! Like Jonathan, my namesake of old, I can slay a whole garrison of you ! " " The vile braggart ! why does not some oue ac cept his challenge, and put an end to his insolence? By Jupiter, had I eaten as much as usual to-day I would fight with him myself," said Publius. " Thou hast mistaken the seat of thy weakness," said Prisons.. " It is not in thy stomach but in thy heart, if indeed thou hast a heart." " Thou hast no reason to think that," was the sullen reply ; " for did not Csesar himself commend my valor in that attack upon Antonia ? " While Publius spoke, one of the horsemen, unable to endure the Jew's insolence any longer, rushed from the ranks to accept the challenge. Before he reached the spot where his antagonist stood, however, he stumbled and fell, and while a shout of terror went up from the Romans, the Jew ran to him and slew him. Then standing on the dead body he shook his shield and brandished his sword in defiance at the enemy, exclaiming, " Ha, ha ! behold your Goliath ! Say ye that there is no God in Israel ? Do ye despise David with his sling? By the horns of the altar, I can cut the throats of ten thousand dogs of Rome." u Give me thy spear," said Priscus, addressing Publius; "the lighter one. There! I will send that insulting wretch where he has sent Pudens." 274 Rebekah. Stepping forward a few paces, he then hurled the javelin with all his force towards the Jew, piercing him through and putting a sudden stop to his antics, while both Jews and Romans, though for different reasons, rent the air with shouts. " By all the gods," said Publius as the Jew reeled and fell, "that was well done. I could do no better myself!" Priscus laughed, and assumed his place to await further developments. CHAPTER XXXIX. FIENDS AGAIN AT LARGE. "An ! I am glad thou hast returned. Hast thou brought a letter for me ? " " No ; as the Romans are raising new banks, Pris cus must be too busy to write at present. Perhaps it will not be necessary for him to write again. If the extremity which the seditious are in continues to increase, which it must do, they cannot resist much longer." " Is it true that the famine has overtaken them ? " " Ay, most of them are already compelled to eat girdles, shoes, the leather belonging to their shields, wisps of old hay, and even substances which the most filthy animals would not touch." Such was the conversation that passed between Rebekah and her father soon after the Jewish attack upon the camp of the tenth legion, and as they con tinued to talk they saw a few of the seditious has tening in the direction of the Upper City. The group was composed of eight of John's followers, and had belonged to Judas's command before he deserted to Simon. As they passed out through the south western gate of the .Temple upon the bridge which spanned the Tyropseon, one of the foremost remarked to his companions, " Ha, ha ! though we lack food we have shown our Mends Again At Large. 275 enemies this day that we have wit enough and to spare." 44 Thou hast spoken truly," was the reply. " Yet I would that more had fallen into our net. When we retired after making the cloister ready for the flames, I prayed that the God of our fathers might lead a multitude of our enemies into destruction. But he answered not my prayer as of old. As tbou knowest, scarcely a hundred mounted the roof ; but ha, ha they failed not to amuse us." " By the witch of Endor, I thought my sides would split with laughter when the fire burst out among them and around them; for they acted like demo niacs, some throwing themselves backward into the city, others leaping down among us as if anxious to have their throats cut, and others crying like children among the flames. Nor were the cries and looks of those standing at the tower less amusing, when, be holding the distress of their fellows, they realized that they could not deliver them." " Didst thou see that fellow throwing himself down upon the other?" " I saw some leaping down upon the pavement, and writhing in agony with all their limbs broken." " This fellow of whom I speak called out to one Lucius, saying that if he would come and receive him, he would leave him heir to all he possessed." " Ha, ha ! and the fool accepted the offer ? " " Accepted it ? Ay ; so eager was he to gain a fortune that he ran immediately to receive the other, and ere he could have time to repent of his folly he was dashed to death upon the pavement, while the other, leaping down upon him, escaped with but little in jury-" The stratagem hinted at in this dialogue had been put into effect early in the day, and had resulted in the destruction of the western cloister as far as the tower which John had built above the Xystus, as well as in the death of most of the Roman soldiers that had in their hastiness allowed themselves to be 276 Eebekah. entrapped by the Jews. Had the speakers then viewed the matter in its true light, they would have seen that their own cause had sustained far greater loss than the Romans by their stratagem. But they rejoiced as though they had gained a complete victory. As they proceeded on their course they were so weak with hunger that they frequently staggered against each other and various objects along the way. When the western end of the bridge was reached the whole group entered into a lively discussion, some wanting to go one way, and some another. At last they agreed to enter a lane that led to the brow of the hill, south of the market-place. It is not necessary for us to fol low them into all the houses they entered, nor to describe all that they saw and did. Indeed, if a minute description of the horrors attending their vain, search for food were demanded, it would be impossi ble for an uninspired pen to give it. These horrors had but little effect upon the hardened villains whom we now follow, however. Nor did they show the least pity or sympathy for those whom they found dying of want, but they searched all their clothes, thinking that they only feigned dying that they might not be deprived of the little food they had. As they neared the house of a woman of high family, who had early in the war fled to Jerusalem from Perea with a considerable part of her wealth, they perceived the scent of roasted meat, and tried to precede each other into the house, staggering, stumbling, and reeling like drunken men. In their mad excitement they looked and acted more like famished beasts than human beings as they passed from room to room in quest of their expected booty. When they reached the inner room they were con fronted by a tall, emaciated form who greeted them with a hysterical laugh, and cried, " Ah ! the jackals have again scented their prey, and the vultures have come to their feast ! " " Hold thy peace, thou witch of Endor, and show Fiends Again At Lary&. 277 us the food thou hast ere we cut thy throat," was the thundering reply. " Come then, O ye cut-throats, and satisfy your hunger. The lions that feed upon their victims in the arena have never tasted sweeter meat than that which I have reserved for you," said the woman, with another strange laugh, as she uncovered a large platter in the cupboard. The plunderers pressed forward, crowding, pushing, and cursing each other in their anxiety to get at the food, but as soon as they realized what the platter contained they uttered an exclamation of horror and fell back pell-mell against the door. " What ! will ye not eat what I have saved for you ? Have ye not carried away all my money, my jewels, my costly vessels and garments, and my provisions ? Why then should you hesitate to take that also ? " " Woman, thou art mad ! " said one of the robbers. " Thou art an everlasting reproach to thy people ; for who has ever heard of a crime like thine?" "If I am mad," was the vehement reply, "it is ye that have made me so ! If I have permitted hunger to overcome maternal instinct, it is ye that have caused me to do it ! Shall I listen to your reproaches, then, O ye sons of Belial ? Shall the condemnation of seditious varlets, villains, and wretches fall upon my head? Away with you, impious knaves, and let the remainder of my sacrifice be mine ! " The plunderers needed no further urging ; the realization of what the famishing mother had done, together with the horrible spectacle they saw, was sufficient to drive them from the house. Returning to the narrow street they pursued their course up the hill, telling everybody they met of their hideous dis covery. At length they stopped in front of Merto's house, and saw posted on the door the following words in large characters : " INTRUDERS ARE FORBIDDEN TO ENTER THIS HOUSE UNDER PAIN OF DEATH. " Judas the son of Merto, ly order of Simon" 278 fiebekah. " Abaddon take him ! " said the commander of the group, after reading the notice. " What care we about either the son of Merto or Simon ? Are we not perishing of hunger, while these cursed favorites have abundance to eat ? Come, let us effect an entrance and demand our share of the spoils." " What ! art thou tired of life ? " said another. " By the sword of Goliath," was the reply, " I had rather perish after a good meal than with an empty stomach ! Come, the sword is a better execu tioner than famine." " But the door is strong, and we have no bars with which to force it open," said a chorus of voices. " Doors yield to other touch than that of iron bars," continued the leader, smiling. " It is a long time since I helped Judas to prevent the escape of his pretty cousin and her father, but I have not forgotten his rap. Listen." He gave a peculiar knock seven times with the hilt of his sword, and immediately they heard approaching footsteps at the other end of the passage. Then a voice asked, " Whence comest thou ? " " I am a Levite of Bethlehem-Judah, and I go to sojourn where I might find a place," was the prompt reply. " Dwell with me, and be unto me a father and a priest," said the porter, opening the door. Then the robbers rushed into the passage, and their villainous leader, seizing the porter by the beard, said, "Art thou in health, my brother Micah? " while he dealt him a terrible blow on the head with his scabbard. Finding no further obstacle in the way, they entered the court-yard, and passed into the lower story of the house, where they found a domestic busy preparing the evening meal. Had they looked back when they entered the lewen which served as kitchen, they would have seen Adah, Herodion's servant, stealing into the passage they had just left ; but they were too intent upon allaying their hunger Fiends Again At Large. 279 to look behind them. The domestic did not see them until they were close upon her, for they made no unnecessary noise. We can imagine her terror, then, when she realized her situation and saw the plunderers devouring with beast-like rapacity what she had been preparing. As the food was scarcely more than would make a fair meal for two, it was little more than a mouthful for the hungry group of eight that now fought for it. Nor did they eat it without burn ing their mouths for they snatched most of it hot from the oven. Maddened by this circumstance and by their craving for more, they threatened the servant with instant death unless she showed them where the' family supply was kept. " I I know not, good masters, O spare my life my mistress has the key she knows where it is kept," was the stammering reply. "Thou liest, vile slave, thou liest ! Thou both knowest where the food is kept and hast the key," said the leader, shaking her violently, while the others menaced her with their swords. "Come, show us where it is or thou diest, thou lying wretch ! " " I cannot, my lords, do me no violence my mistress will show you." " And where is thy mistress ? Canst thou tell us that ? Come, make haste ! " " She she is on the house-top she and my master, and Herodion and his daughter." After threatening her once more they now ascended to the house-top, cursing the pain in their mouths every step they took. As they reached the top Rebekah uttered a scream and stepped behind her father, while Martha with a terrified look stood like a statue beside her husband. The two couples stood a little apart near the parapet that overlooked the street. The plunderers waited for no ceremonies, but boldly approached the couples, while Merto demanded, " What means this intrusion ? Did ye not read the warning posted on the door ? " 280 - RelelcaL " It means that thy supper tasted so good that we have decided to put thy hospitality to the proof," insolently answered the leader. " Holy Abraham ! " said Merto's wife in whose bosom resentment now got the better of terror, " tho villains have eaten our last morsel ! Everlasting curses be on your heads ! " " Woman, thou liest ; we have hot eaten your last morsel ; but thou hast eaten thine unless thou immediately show us where the food is stored. Come, thy. servant has told us that thou hast the key," said the leader, approaching a little nearer. " Stand back, thou brazen villain, stand back ! " commanded Martha, stamping her foot. " Had I a thousand keys to open as many granaries, I should never give thee nor thy impious companions even a grain as large as a mustard seed ! O that Judas were here, that he might give your insolence its just reward ! Is there no one to go and summon him to our aid ? " " None, O daughter of Philistia, none. Thy ac cursed son has gotten his full share of the spoils, and we have come to demand ours. Not a soul shall leave this roof until our request is granted ; nay, unless thou tell us immediately where the food is ye all shall be cut to pieces. Do ye hear?" While the leader spoke the others stood with drawn swords ready to fall on their victims. Never theless Rebekah found courage enough to say, " Do we look as if we were well fed ? Are we not even now almost too weak to stand ? Why then should it be considered a crime that we refuse to give you the little we have, if indeed there be any left? " " Ah ! so thou hast found thy voice, fair sorceress," said the leader, making a movement in her direction. " I have had a strong desire to taste the sweetness of thy lips ever since that night when thy love stricken cousin kissed thee in the passage. Now I shall take mine own with interest." " Away, thou vile wretch," cried Rebekah, giving Fiends Again At Large. 281 him a violent push, amidst a burst of laughter froni the other robbers. " Stand back, thou impudent knave," said Hero- dion, now speaking for the first time since the arrival of the intruders. " Thou shalt taste my blood ere thou shalt kiss my daughter. Her lips are too pure to be polluted by a blackened villain like thee ! Begone ! Hark ! Ha, ha, God has heard our prayer." Judas, having been informed of the robbers' intru sion by Adah, now appeared on the scene with a dozen followers, and a desperate fight ensued. Rebekah and her father succeeded in withdrawing to the other end of the roof as Judas and his men rushed for ward ; but Merto and his wife were not so fortunate, for the combatants cut off every possibility of retreat before they had time to think of it. This proved fatal to Merto ; for, as the robbers were driven back towa-rds the parapet, they knocked him over, and he was dashed to pieces on the pavement below, as were also two of the robbers who went over with him. Merto's wife would have met the same fate, had she not fainted and fallen just inside the parapet, as her husband disappeared. Nor did even this prevent her from being badly injured by being trampled in the conflict. Her injuries and the death of her husband were speedily revenged, however, in the complete ex termination of the robbers. We will not attempt to describe the awful scene which Herodion and others witnessed at the close of the fight. It was well for Rebekah that she had sunk into unconsciousness as the combat commenced, for nothing could ever have erased such a ghastly sight from her memory. Nor did Herodion view it long ; but, taking his daughter in his arms, he carried her down to the house, while Judas performed a like ser vice for his mother. Then followed those kind and wise attentions which love always bestows on its afflicted objects. As we might expect, the robbers' bodies found no burial, but were thrown into a house whose inhabit- 282 Relekah. ants were all dead with famine. The mortal remains of Merto and the porter, however, were interred in an empty cistern, as were also those of two of Judas's men that had been slain. CHAPTER XL. THE GLORY OF ISRAEL IS DEPARTED. ALTHOUGH the next morning found but little trace of the bloody struggle that had taken place the pre vious evening on the house-top, yet there hung a gloom over the two households especially concerned in the struggle, that lingered several days. True that Re- bekah's indisposition was neither serious nor pro tracted ; yet the presence of the robbers and the at tending circumstances had so prejudiced her mind against the house-top that she could not even bear the thought of ascending to it for nearly a week. Meanwhile she spent many an hour at the bedside of her aunt, who soon began to show encouraging symp toms. This attention on her part to the afflicted mother caused the son to relax not a little in his severity towards her and her father. True that he made the insolent visit of the robbers a pretext for placing a small body of guards in the court ; yet he commanded that, for the present, Herodion and his daughter were to have equal share, with the rest in the house, of the limited supply of food that remained. While this change was very agreeable to his much- abused relatives, they rightly judged that it was but a glimpse of sunshine before a storm. They feared that Judas, as soon as his mother was recovered, would again try to force Rebekah to marry him, and that he would not hesitate to give free range to his tyrannical spirit, seeing that his father was no longer there to restrain him. They, therefore, prayed that deliverance might come while their condition was comparatively favorable ; and thought their prayers answered when, at length, they witnessed a renewal The Glory of Israel is Departed. 288 of hostilities between the besiegers and defenders of the Temple. But they were mistaken, as we shall see hereafter. The attack which the Romans made on that day was very unsatisfactory to themselves, for when on the completion of their works in the outer court, they brought their battering rams to bear on the western edifice of the inner court, they worked for hours without making the least impression upon it. The undermining of one of the northern gates was also futile, since the inner stones could not be removed. Nor did mounting on the roof of the cloisters help them, for the Jews rushed upon them in great num bers, slaying many of them, and capturing their engines. Incensed by this defeat, the Romans set fire to the gates, whence the flames spread to the cloisters, all of which were in ashes before the close of the next day. When the fire commenced, the Jews instead of endeavoring to quench it stood as if they had all been transformed into statues. Indeed, so great was their consternation that they offered not the least resist ance until the enemy had completed their prepara tions to take the place by storm, when a fearful carnage took place. Rebekah and her father were not a little astonished at the conduct of the Jewish forces, as it was so unusual. Nor were they without curiosity to know what action the Romans were about to take. A letter from Priscus, however, which they received not long after the gates were burned, gave them satisfaction on this point. " Ah ! God bless him," said Herodion after listen ing to the letter. " Though a Roman, he is a true follower of Christ, and his letters are always mes sengers of peace and comfort to us. But read again, Rebekah, that paragraph which speaks of the decision of the council of war." Rebekah obeyed, reading as follows : "Csesar and his commanders have just had a council of war to decide what action to take with 284 Rebekah. reference to the Temple. Some of the commanders, I understand, thought the Holy House should be completely destroyed, since the enemy make it their stronghold ; others thought that it might be spared if the besieged would depart from it. Csesar, however, unwilling to have it demolished, both 'because of the sacred associations connected with it, and because he desired to preserve it for future generations, ob jected to its destruction in his inimitable way, and convinced the majority .of the commanders that the course they had suggested was not the best. Hence, most beloved friends, if the Sanctuary be destroyed, it will be against the will of Caesar." Here Rebekah paused, and her father remarked, " As I have often said before, those who are strangers to the true and living God have greater reverence for his Holy House than those who claim to be his worshipers. Yet, Rebekah, even Titus can not prevent its destruction, since God wills that one stone shall not remain upon another in it. Mark my words, either Roman fury or Jewish madness will complete the work already begun not many days hence. Indeed, I think that before the close of another day it will be a heap of ruins, for is not to morrow the tenth of Ab, the very month and day in which the first Temple was burnt by the Babylonian army?" Herodion was not a prophet, but he was a keen observer of men and events, and his daughter had learned to attach much importance to his opinions. Hence when she awoke next morning, one of the first thoughts that entered her mind was that touching what her father had said the night before. When she entered the principal room she found him reading the Prophecy of Isaiah, which, however, he laid aside as she seated herself, and informed her that as yet all was quiet in the Temple, but that Judas, who had just been paying his mother a hasty visit, said that Simon and John were going to make a combined attack upon the Romans some time before noon. The Glory of Israel is Departed. 285 " Then, surely that which thou saidst last night will prove to be true," said Rebekah. " According to what Judas said," was the reply, "the seditious regard this as an unpropitious day, but think that by making a violent attack upon the enemy they may at least delay the progress of destruction. Yet he seems to fear the worst, for he has strictly charged his mother not to leave her bed whatever comes to pass." "I have neither the wisdom of Solomon nor the prophetic insight of Isaiah," said Rebekah ; " yet it seems to me that an attack will provoke rather than prevent the evil which they fear." " Thou speakest truly, my daughter ; they have tempted God so long that the cup of his wrath must now be nearly full." The appearance of Adah with the announcement that the morning meal was ready now brought the conversation to a close, and about an hour later Re bekah passed into her aunt's apartment. " Ah ! thou hast at last corne. I almost thought thou hadst forgotten me ! " said Martha as her niece stood before her. " Indeed ! but thou seest I have not forgotten thee, nor am I going to leave thee soon. I need not ask thee if thou art better, for thy looks tell me that thou art." " Truly the Lord is good to me, Rebekah, for he has restored to me much of my former strength, and I hope soon to be well," was the reply. " Yet I would that I could sit by that window to watch the attack which our forces are going to make this morning." " Since thou art not yet able to sit up," said Re bekah, " I will be eyes for thee ; but thou must promise me not to be too much excited. But hark ! that is Israel's battle-cry ; they are rushing to the fight ! " " Run to the window ; quick ! quick ! Rebekah. Ah ! would I could go too ! " " They are now sallying forth through the east 286 Bebekah. gate like a mighty torrent," cried Rebekah. " But the Romans who guard the outer court join their shields in front of their bodies to receive them ! " " The God of Israel be with the defenders of his holy Temple! What are they doing now, Rebekah? " "They are fighting hand to hand the clash of arms is deafening the lightning of human wrath flashes out of every sword. Our countrymen now retreat no they stand, and drive the Romans back. O God ! help them they are being overwhelmed ! " " Who are being overwhelmed? Our defenders? For heaven's sake tell me ! " "The Romans! the Romans!" said Rebekah. Then added, muttering to herself, " O God, strengthen the arms of our deliverers ; let not the seditious prevail." "Ha, ha! the enemy will yet be confounded, 4 * said Martha. " Israel shall yet prevail against the mighty ! But what is that terrible noise ? " " A troop of horsemen gallop to the assistance of the Romans from the tower of Antonia they fall on the forefront of our countrymen and put the rest to flight," answered Rebekah, inwardly rejoicing. Martha wrung her hands and groaned, and fixing her eyes on the ceiling, cried, " O God ! how long wilt thou hide thy face from us? Wilt thou be wroth forever with thy people ? O let Israel prevail ! " Then looking towards Rebekah she said, " Surely the un circumcised Philistines have not entered the inner count ? " " They have ceased fighting, and the Romans are marching towards the tower no, the conflict is renewed the Jews rush after the enemy, and they turn back to receive them ! The din of battle again rends the air, and death has returned to the slaughter ! " " May the sword of the Lord come to the help of the oppressed I Does the battle still favor the eneiny, Rebekah ? " The G-lory of Israel is Departed. 287 " Ay, the Jews are again put to flight, but they fight as they retreat. They are now all in the inner court the Romans have shut them in, and rejoice over their victory." When the conflict ceased, Rebekah left her post of observation, and sought to comfort her aunt in her sorrow at the Jews' defeat. Not long after, however, she was again attracted to the window by the Jewish war-cry, and saw the seditious attacking the Roman guards who had been ordered into the inner court to quench the fire that smoldered in the ruins of the cloisters. Then after a protracted and fierce engage ment, she beheld the Romans drive the Jews back as far as the Sanctuary, and while she watched this movement a cloud of smoke arising from the north side of the Holy Place caught her eye. Unseen by her, a bold Roman soldier, having seized a fire-brand, had run by the altar of burnt offerings and had set fire to the rooms surrounding the Sanctuary, and as the smoke attracted her attention, wails of terror and despair, such as she had never heard before, arose both from the Temple and the house-tops, while the seditious ran about like maniacs, trying in vain to quench the flames. Fearing lest her aunt would become uncontrol- able, Rebekah kept her in total ignorance of the fire until her own excitement betrayed the true condition of affairs. She was telling her of .the conflict going on in the Court of the Priests when Titus, closely followed by his commanders, and these again by the different legions, came running to the scene of action, causing -the greatest confusion and the most deafen ing noise. Then, while the Romans were trampling each other and the enemy under their feet in their anxiety to reach the Sanctuary, the glitter of whose golden front dazzled them, she saw Titus commanding his men with excited gestures to extinguish the flames. But so great was the din of battle and so possessed were the soldiers with the passion for gold that they heeded not his commands, but slaying the 288 Rebekah. Jews by the thousands, they rushed to the Sanctuary from all directions. Not willing to give up to the fury of his soldiers without making another effort to check them, Titus now caused two of those near him to beat the others back with clubs ; but this also failed. His desire to spare the Holy House itself was increased by the sight of the indescribably beautiful interior of the outer shrine ; but he felt that to save it was no longer possible. Indeed while he was try ing to restrain his men, some one threw a fire-brand inside and set it on fire, and as he saw the flames reaching up to the ceiling, he and his commanders retired from the scene. Rebekah's excitement now reached its climax, for as she beheld the fire bursting out through the roof of the sacred edifice, she cried, " The God of Israel protect us ! the Holy House itself is a furnace of fire now ! the flames reach the sky the priests pluck the gilded spikes from the roof and hurl them at the plunderers of God's house, but heaven fights against them. Oh God! two of them cast themselves into the burning ruins, and others are driven by the flames to the wall." At this juncture a terrible shriek, closely followed by a fall, startled her, and looking to the floor she was horrified to see the ghastly form of her aunt lying at her feet ! Rebekah had been so wrapped up in what she saw that she had not heard her leave the bed, nor was she aware of her being at her side until she shrieked. For a moment she was too frightened and bewildered to know what to do ; then kneelingbeside her aunt she addressed her in the most endearing terms, but received no answer. Martha was dead ! Realizing this fact, our heroine ran in terror to the house-top, where she found her father and the servants sorrowfully watching the progress of destruction. " Ah ! my daughter, this is a most fearful day," said Herodion as Rebekah approached him, mistaking the cause of her terrified look. " The evil which we have so long feared has at last overtaken us." The Abomination of Desolation. 289 " Would to God that that were the only evil come upon us," said his daughter, bursting into tears. " Has aught else befallen us, Rebekah?" said Her- odion, greatly alarmed. " Speak ! in God's name speak ! " " My aunt is is dead," sobbed Rebekah. " Merciful God ! " exclaimed her father, while the servants gave an awful wail. Then they all rushed to the sick-room, and for a season forgot the horrible scenes they had witnessed, in their deep sorrow for Martha. " Ah ! " said Herodion, viewing the face of his dead sister after he had helped to place her on the bed she had so rashly left. " Even hadst thou not been carried away by excitement, my daughter, thou couldst never have prevented her rashness. I should have been here to aid thee." CHAPTER XLI. THE ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION. " WHERE art thou going, my Priscus ? " " To the Temple, or rather to the place where that magnificent pile once stood." " What ! thou hast not been seized with the madness which substitutes the worship of the ensigns for the worship of the true God ! Remember, O centurion, that the God of the Jews has not been destroyed with his Temple." " Be not alarmed, my Pedanius ; I am attracted to that once sacred area far less by the fact that our be nighted fellow-countrymen are now paying divine honors to our ensigns there, than by a desire to see the ruins of the Holy House." " Then I will go with thee." As this conversation indicates, the Saviour's pre diction concerning the Temple had at last been ful filled. All that now remained of that once most glorious and magnificent edifice was the outer walls 290 Eebekah. and two of the gates of the inner court, and it was upon these that the Roman ensigns now stood. As Priscus and Pedanius wended their way from the camp to the Temple, they described to each other how the sword and the flames had fed upon human life and architectural grandeur ; how the pavements of the various courts had been covered with heaps of dead bodies ; how the treasury chambers, with a vast amount of treasures, had shared the fate of the Sanct uary and other sacred edifices ; and how the roar of the flames, together with the shouts of the combat ants and the groans of the dying and of the sorrowing multitudes, had seemed as if they would rend the hearts of the very rocks surrounding the city. As the Jews were still wailing at the destruction of the Temple, Pedanius remarked on reaching the outer court, st I scarcely know which is most revolting, those unearthly cries or that heathen rite." " The miserable wretches ! oceans of tears can not help them now, seeing that their much boasted and revered Temple is a heap of ruins," said Priscus. " Had they been less devoted to their traditions and more fond of wisdom, they might have spared them selves the terrible humiliation of witnessing this abominable worship in the Temple of the true God." " True, and the ten thousand victims that lay in these courts a few hours ago might now be enjoy ing life and prosperity instead of being devoured by jackals and vultures in that valley, had the nation listened to the teachings of Christ instead of harden ing their hearts against him." A youthful voice here interrupted the conversa tion, and turning in the direction of the sound, Pris cus saw a boy standing on the wall with a water ves sel in his hand. He looked very pale and emaciated, and exclaimed in a touching voice, " Sirs, I am dying of thirst ; will ye not give me the security of your right hand that I might with safety coine down and get some water ? " The Abominaticn of Desolation. 291 " Ay, come down ; we will do thee no harm," said Priscus. The boy obeyed, and received the desired pledge, while the centurion added, " Thou hast acted wisely, my son, in seeking mercy when it is to be found. Thy companions in distress would do well to follow thy example. Are there many in the secret chambers ? " " There are at least as many as there were saved in the ark," was the evasive reply. " And like Noah, I suppose," said Priscus, " they realize that there is more water outside their place of refuge than inside." The boy laughed, saying to himself, 44 And like Noah they have sent a dove in quest of means to quench their thirst, only in this case water and not information is desired." Aloud he said, " Ay, my lord, and likewise thy servant. Hence thou wilt pardon me if 1 be more anxious to wet my throat than to wag my tongue." " I will detain thee no longer, then," was the reply. " Go, and have thy desire ; but let not thy greed swallow the fountain with the water." Thy servant is neither a behemoth nor a leviathan," said the lad, as he hastened to a fountain in the Court of the Priests. " Yet I feel as though I could drink up a river or swallow the Sea of Galilee." " It is a pity," said Priscus, addressing his com panion, " that one so young and so bright should be subjected to such severe sufferings." " And yet his sufferings seem to have made him wiser, else he would not have ventured forth from his concealment," replied Pedanius, looking in the direc tion of the fountain. Meanwhile the boy satisfied his thirst, and return ing to the two soldiers with his vessel filled, he said, smacking his lips, " Were I a Roman I would say that that water sur passes the nectar of the gods ; but being a Jew I will 292 Rebekah. say that it tastes better than spiced wine of the juice of pomegranate." " Thou speakest like a patriarch, but thy stature belies thy tongue," remarked Priscus. "How old art thou?" " I am not as old as our father Abraham was when he died, nor as young as Moses when he was hid in the bulrushes. But will my lord tell me who that officer is ? " The centurion and his companion looked in the di rection of the eastern gate, and as they did so the boy bounded away towards the wall as fast as his feet could carry him. A hot pursuit followed, but he reached the spot he had just left in safety. " Ha, ha ! " said he, waving his hands, " the spar row has outflown the eagle." " It is well for thee that thou hast slipped out of my grasp ; otherwise I would give thy perfidy its full measure of punishment," said Priscus, a little net tled. " Sir, I have kept my agreement," said the boy. " I asked not for security that I might desert from my friends, but that I might come down and get some water." " Thou art a cunning knave," was the reply. " But beware lest thy wits lead thee into trouble. Thou mayest not fare so well if the eagle again finds thee in its clutches." The boy now disappeared, and Priscus and Pedanius directed their steps towards the tower of Antonia, laug] ling heartily at the fact that a mere boy had out witted them. Soon after the heathen worship was brought to a close, and the Temple was deserted by all except the guards. On returning to the camp Priscus applied himself to the agreeable task of writing a detailed account of the destruction of the Temple to Rebekah. He had written but a few lines, however, before he received orders to proceed with his band immediately to the Temple to relieve that portion of the guard stationed The Abomination of Desolation. 293 in the court of the priests. He obeyed, and after giving a few directions to the decurions he again picked up his writing materials only to be again interrupted. "It seems that I am never to finish 'this letter," said he, muttering to himself ; then turning towards the door of his tent, he saw Publius, who temporarily acted as decurion in Marcus's place, standing in front of two priests in charge of ten men. " Behold I bring thee two rains, O centurion, to be offered to the god of victory," said Publius pointing to the priests. " The want of pasture has driven them from the place of refuge into which they fled from the wolves." This pleasantry restored Priscus from the irritable mood into which the interruption had thrown him, and he replied with a smile, " Though I never had a desire to be a priest, yet I had much rather act the priest than play the part awaiting them." " Judging by their appearance," continued Publius, " Thou art not alone in thy preference. Leading rams to the slaughter were doubtless far more agree able to them than to exchange places with their victims." These words were lost on the priests, for they could not understand Latin. They surmised, however, that their captors were entertained at their expense. Under ordinary circumstances they would have re sented these jests ; but having been forced by hunger to leave the hiding-place into which they had fled during the final attack upon the Temple, they made signs that they desired something to eat instead. This Priscus commanded to be given to them at once. He also commanded that they be placed in confinement until he should learn Titus's will con cerning them. Many others were brought before him during the next day, all of whom were sent to prison. " How many more days dost thou want to finish 294 Mebekah. that letter, my Priscus ? " said Publius as he led the fourth group of prisoners away. " I shall need eternity to finish it if thou continue to interrupt me," was the reply. " Ha, ha, then thou must take it good-naturedly, for I shall continue to interrupt thee as long as any of these accursed ' white robes ' are left to be capt ured." " Give me but five minutes more," said Priscus as he resumed his writing, "and thou mayest bring ten thousand priests before me, if thou wilt." It was well for him that he could not foresee that the letter would fall into hostile hands. As it was, he sealed it with much satisfaction, and while a messen ger bore it towards the southern wall he took a stroll among the ruins of Solomon's Porch. As he contemplated his surroundings he seemed to feel some of the inspiration of the holy men, and espe cially of Christ, who had seen that masterpiece of art in all its glory, and had been teaching the multitudes under its high, massive, and beautifully carved roof. How long his reverie lasted he could not tell ; but we can imagine his feelings when he was aroused from it by an order from Titus to put all the priests under his charge to death before sunset. Although he was not in love with the prieste, he hated the dis agreeable duty now assigned to him. He saw that he must obey, however, and hastened to carry out the order. The execution of the priests was closely followed by a peaceful attempt on the part of Titus to prevent further destruction by the surrender of the city; but this, like all previous attempts, proving futile, he or dered all those buildings which his clemency had until now preserved to be completely destnjyed. Priscus and his band were relieved from their post in the Temple in time to engage in this work, which to the Romans was so agreeable, but to the Jews painful in the extreme. After the conflagration had ceased Priscus paid Marcus another visit in the hospital. The Abomination of Desolation. 295 " Didst them hear Caesar's speech ? " asked Marcus. " Ay," was the reply ; " it was the best I ever heard Even the seditious were somewhat moved by it. Yet when he had finished speaking they had the audacity to propose their own terms, as though they were the conquerors instead of Caesar ! " " The presumptuous miscreants ! their audacity is equalled only by their madness. Dost thou remember their proposition ? " " They said that since they could not comply with Caesar's terms without violating the oath they had made never to give up the city, they desired to have the privilege of passing through the Roman wall with their wives and children that they might go to the desert ! " " Hercle ! it is no wonder that Caesar was seized with indignation and gave orders to destroy those parts in our possession. He has already been far more lenient towards them than T would have been had I been in his place. When I saw the fire spread my only regret was that I could not have a share in the sport. Didst thou secure much plunder ? " " No ; the seditious, as thou knowest, had carried away all their effects before we drove them into the Upper City. Had the houses been as full of treasures as they were of dead bodies I would have been another Croesus." " Miserabile ! yet Fortune has not entirely forsaken thee. The Temple afforded thee a good share of plunder, and if I mistake not thou shalt find a rich mine when the Upper City falls into our hands. Be not flattered ; I was not thinking of the priceless treasure thou hast there then; but of the immense quantity of gold, silver, and precious stones that the robbers have accumulated there. These I esteem of greater value than all the pretty Jewesses in the city; but I know some Julius Priscus, the cen turion, for instance who would not take all the wealth in the world even for one smile or kiss from a certain daughter of Abraham. Ha, ha, it is fortunate 296 RebeTcaL that we are not all cast in the same mold, for if we loved the same objects peace would soon die an out cast, and happiness would be banished from the world." " Hui ! who would have thought that Marcus the decurion would ever become a philosopher ! " said Priscus, laughing. " Surely Cains the surgeon must have treated thee to something besides salve or plaster." " Perpol ! I have given thee scarcely a glimpse of my philosophy yet. Were I not anxious to hear more news I would overwhelm thy brain with a flood of sucli ideas as have never entered thy head. But go on. What have the seditious been doing lately besides trying to bake some of the citizens alive in their houses ? " " Some of them have been lying in ambush in the ruins in order to cut the throats of those deserting to us ; others have broken into Herod's palace, driving away such of our men as had forced their way there across the bridge, and slaying the eight thousand who had sought the protection of its strong walls, that they might gain possession of their treasures." " The monstrous villains ! how I would like to have them in my power for one hour ! But knowest thou aught of the horseman who escaped from them yesterday ? " " Ay ; he and one of the foot soldiers were caught as their companions escaped, and were condemned to die. The foot soldier was immediately executed and dragged through the streets. The horseman, pre tending that he had something important to com municate to Simon, was brought before the tyrant; but his pretension proved a failure, and he was delivered to one of the commanders to be put to death. This man, in order to taunt our army, caused him to be blindfolded and bound, and led to the west end of the bridge. But when the executioner drew his sword to behead him, he bounded away from him and ran across the bridge to the Temple, while a joy- A Final Attempt. 297 fill shout went forth from the guards at the look of astonishment and humiliation on the faces of the Jews." "Ha, ha, good! excellent," cried Marcus. Then he added in a graver mood, " He saved his neck but not his honor. The fool should never have permitted the enemy to take him alive." " True," said Priscus ; " and for that reason he has been ejected from the army, which as thou knowest, we all consider worse than capital punishment. " The subject was now dropped, and the conversa tion turned upon other matters. When shortly after the friends parted, Priscus went away delighted with the prospect of Marcus's speedy return to his duties. CHAPTER XLII. A FINAL ATTEMPT. WE must now return to Merto's house, where we left Herodion and Rebekah together with the servants lamenting the death of Martha. They had not been long in the presence of the dead ere they were joined by Judas, who in the meantime had escaped from the Temple with the rest of the seditious. He heard the sound of mourning as he entered the house ; but it was not until he reached the bed upon which the mortal remains of his mother lay that he learned the cause of it. He had more than once during the con flict in the Temple despaired of leaving it alive ; but he had had not the remotest idea of what he now saw. At first he stood as if he were turned to stone ; then he threw himself upon the bed, frantic with sorrow, and giving vent to the most bitter wails. When the first outburst of his sorrow was over, he arose, and gazing at his mother's face, he cried : " O mother, mother ! why hast thou left me at this hour? I came to seek comfort and I have found sorrow. My sun has set at noon-day ; darkness has 298 fiebekah. compassed me about. I fled from the midst of death and destruction, expecting to find life and consola tion ; but behold the king of terrors has preceded me ! O mother, mother ! would that I had died with thee ! Life is worse than death without thee. Thou wast to me as a spring in the desert, and as a glimpse of sunshine on a cloudy day. Thy love for me was a fathomless sea ; thy sympathy, a heavenly paradise. All ! my grief is greater than I can bear ; my tears are bitterer than wormwood." These words touched the hearts of all who heard them, especially Rebekah and her father, and they did all they could to relieve his sorrow. As it was customary among the Jews to bury the dead as soon as possible after death, the corpse was now wrapped in several folds of fine linen with sweet spices, and soon after was interred in the cistern with Merto and the porter, since no other bury ing-place was available. As we have shown, Judas was greatly affected by the sudden death of his mother, and he labored under a deep sense of loneliness during the days that fol lowed. The loss of his mother, however, did not cause him to discontinue his short visits home, for there was one great attraction still left for him in the person of Rebekah. His cousin regarded these visits as a great affliction ; yet she could not always avoid them since they were very irregular. It became evident also as the days went by that he was more determined than ever to have things his own way. He had told her that he would conquer her will before the close of the siege, and nothing but death could make him give up his purpose. An attempt on the part of the Idumeans to desert to the Romans, to gether with the activity of the latter in raising several banks, both at the Xystus and on the west side of the city opposite Herod's palace, drove him to the execu tion of a scheme that he had had in mind ever since the death of his father. This scheme was to separate father and daughter by confining the former in the tower of Mariamne. He thought that this would help A Final Attempt. 299 him in the subjection of Rebekah's will, or if he should fail in gaining her consent, that it would make it easier for him to force her to accompany him to one of the caverns in the southern part of the city when flight became necessary. Although Rebekah feared that some evil was about to overtake her, she had no suspicion of Judas's wicked scheme until the long absence of her father at length awakened her apprehension. " It is very strange," said she, speaking to herself as she scanned the street from the house-top. " He said when he went out this morning that he would return in half an hour with a letter from Prisons ! The sun tells me that it is now about the sixth hour of the day, and still he has not returned ! God forbid that any evil should have befallen him ! " Time went on ; yet her father came not. She was now certain that something had happened to him, and her anxiety knew no bounds. She imagined all sorts of horrible things, for only a few days had passed since the slaughter in Herod's palace and the wanton destruction of some of the buildings in the neighboring streets, v together with their inhabitants. She was almost certain that Judas could tell her what had become of her father ; hence she was more glad than sorry when a little before sunset she heard him ascending to the roof. She did not wait for his salutation before she faced him and cried, " Knowest thou aught of my father ? In God's name, tell me ! " u I had been void of understanding to have lived under the same roof with him so long without having some knowledge of him," said Judas, with a forced smile as he stood before her. " Trifle not with my question," continued Rebekah ; " hast thou seen my father to-day ? " " I saw him this morning ; but there was nothing unusual in his appearance." "Where was he, O vain trifler?" " In the tower of Mariamne." 300 Rebekah. " In the tower of Mariamne ! how came he to be there ? " said Rebekah, with terror. " He came not alone ; nor has he yet departed," said Judas, still smiling. " Vile wretch ! hast thou dared to imprison my father? Hast thou, O ingrate, forgotten his kind ness, and that he is thy mother's brother ? " " I have forgotten nothing, fair witch of Endor ; and it is that thou mightest call to mind what I have repeatedly told thee that I have honored thy father with lodging in the tower. Rebekah, thou must become my wife ! " " Thy wife ? The wife of him who scruples not to sacrifice the liberty of my guiltless father on the altar of an ungovernable passion ? Never ! I had rather marry the arch-tempter of men." " Rebekah, thou art beside thyself, else thou wouldst not so madly speak. Thou art in my power, and by the hosts of heaven, thou shalt have neither peace nor freedom until thou art completely sub- dued." "Canst thou, O tyrant, turn the sun from his course? Canst' thou rein the flood, or lead the wind where thou wilt? Then talk not of compelling a woman to love him whom she despises, or marry him whom she abhors." " I will not argue with thee at present, O proud daughter of Herodion, concerning the extent of my power ; I will wait till thou art in a more favorable mood. Before I take leave of thee, however, I will taste tho honey of thy lips ! " As he made a movement towards her she retreated a few steps and exclaimed, " Stand back, villain, stand back ! I had rather have a serpent touch my lips than thee ! " Then watching her opportunity she ran by him with the agility of a deer, and descending into the house, closely pursued by Judas, she slammed the door of the inner room in his face and bolted it. This threw the pursuer into a rage ; but Rebekah cared A Final Attempt. 301 little for his anger now. Yet she experienced a great sense of relief when shortly after she heard his retreat ing steps. The sound of his feet had hardly died away, however, ere she began to realize her lonely and straitened condition, and throwing herself upon a divan she shed many bitter tears. She thought of the unjust imprisonment of her father and of Judas's threats, and covered her face witli her hands in utter bewilderment. That her tyrannical cousin would re peat his unwelcome visits she well knew. How could she shun him? " Ah ! I have it at last," said she to herself. " I will stay in this room until the city is taken, which will not be long now. My beloved knows where to seek me, and he will come as soon as the wall is breached. Meanwhile Adah shall be eyes for me. But what if Judas should deny me my scanty portion of food? Let him do as he will ; I had rather perish of hunger than expose myself to his insults. But, Oh God, my father is in his power ! Perhaps he will pour out his revenge upon him ! But no ! my father is a true follower of Christ, and the Lord will protect him as he did my uncle and his companion in the prison of Philippi. Oh thou Judge and Avenger of the oppressed, deliver us from the hands of the ungodly!" Greatly to her own discomfort and the disappoint ment of Judas, she bravely carried out her resolution. Neither his threats nor the reduction of her daily fare caused her to yield a particle to him. How her bravery was rewarded we shall presently see. At length her prospects brightened. After she had been confined in her room for ten days, Adah informed her that the banks were completed and that the bat tering-rams were being brought to attack the wall. Encouraged by this information she bade the servant return to her post of observation on the house-top, while she stationed herself at the window to listen rather than to see, for as the window faced to the south-east the scene of action was completely hid 302 Rebekah. from her view. As she sat there she plainly heard the tremendous blows which regularly fell upon the wall, and she prayed earnestly that God might re member the innocent and the oppressed. About three o'clock in the afternoon, she was startled by a fearful crash, closely followed by shouts of joy and wails of despair. Shortly after she heard a light, familiar rap, and thinking it to be Adah's she imme diately opened the door, only, to find herself in the iron grasp of Judas. He and the rest of the seditious had left their quarters as soon as the wall was breached, and had fled in different directions, some trying to force their way beyond the Roman wall, others seek ing their treasures that they might hide them with themselves in the subterranean caves, or passages. Among the latter was Judas, who with the co-opera tion of Adah was able to surprise Rebekah in the manner just indicated. We may imagine our heroine's terror at finding herself in the hands of the man she dreaded above all human being;s. Doubtless in the half-starved condi tion she was in she would have succumbed to it were not her indignation aroused. " Heartless villain ! loose thy hold upon me, and instantly depart from my room," said she, struggling to free herself. "Ha, ha, hadst thou an army under thy command thou mightest compel me to obey thee ; but being alone thou must obey me. Come, we must be hence ; we have no time to waste." " Away with thee, impious wretch ! Murder me if thou wilt; I will never go with thee," was the defiant reply. " Guards, haste ye here ; we have already wasted too much time," cried Judas, angrily. The command was no sooner given than two men hastened to the room with a litter, and binding Rebekah they placed her in it and bore her out of the house in an exhausted condition. In the court they A Final Attempt. 303 were joined by eight others of Judas 's men, together with the servants. " Let four of you precede the litter with me," said Judas ; " and let the servants and the other four follow." In this order they entered the passage, whence they emerged the next moment to find a small body of Roman soldiers hurrying towards them from the north. u There he is ! there he is ! " cried a voice which Rebekah had for years longed to hear. " In God's name let us hasten, else the cruel wretch will slip out of our hands with my priceless treasure ! Oh God, help us!" " Run ! run ! for your life ! " cried Judas, starting away at the head of his party. Then addressing those who bore the litter he said, " Half my posses sions to you, if ye bear my cousin in safety to the appointed place." An exciting race now commenced, both pursuers and pursued doing their utmost. The latter, how ever, being under a great disadvantage both on ac count of a lack of sufficient nourishment and on ac count of the litter with its burden, soon began to realize that the Romans were fast gaining on them. In vain did Judas urge them forward; they could run no faster. At length the four that were in the rear suddenly left the rest and tried to enter a street leading westward ; but only one of them accomplished his purpose, the others were pierced through by a shower of darts. The servants now formed the rear of the party ; but finding the enemy close upon them, two of them broke away and were immediately slain. Adah was the only servant remaining now, and she ran beside the litter in time to avoid a thrust aimed at her by the foremost of the Romans, while Judas and those with him in front suddenly turned upon the pursuers in order if possible to check them and give the bearers an opportunity to escape with their burden into a cave a short distance in front of them. 304 EebeJcah. Simultaneous with this sudden movement a voice was heard commanding, "Hasten with thy men after the litter, my Marcus; we will settle the destiny of these dogs." "As tliou wilt, my Priscus," said the decurion, obeying the command; "but I would like to put an end to that scarred-faced villain myself." Judas and his few men fought fiercely and val iantly ; but their antagonists, being stronger than they both physically and numerically, soon proved too much for them. When Judas saw his men fall one by one, he ground his teeth with rage, and aim ing a blow at Priscus he bounded by him, and ran after the litter, closely pursued by the centurion and his men. Knowing that escape was now impossible, he resolved, to have his revenge upon Priscus by de priving him of his betrothed. This wicked design seemed to give him supernatural strength. As he pressed forward he saw the bearers disappear without the litter into the cave, while Adah came flying towards him with Marcus close behind her. " Get thee out of my way, wretch," cried the irate Jew as she approached him. " O my lord, save me from this blood-thirsty Ro man," cried she, persisting in her course. " There, take that ! " said Judas, cleaving her head with his sword. " And take thou that ! " said Marcus, running him through. " Ten thousand curses be on thy head," exclaimed Judas, and then expired. " So thou hast had thy desire after all, my Mar cus," said Priscus as he and a dozen others gathered around the slain. The decurion laughed, while Publius, who as usual was included in Priscus's select band, said, " Thou didst well, my Marcus ; but thou shouldst have given the centurion the honor of killing this dog." A Final Attempt, 305 CHAPTER XLIII. AFTER SORROW COMES JOY. BEING anxious to see the object of his love, Priscus stood but a moment over the dead bodies of Judas and Adah ; then he hastened, accompanied by Marcus, to the spot where the litter lay, and found Rebekah in a swoon, while two of the soldiers were trying to restore her to consciousness. Not wishing to make a spectacle of himself, and desiring to remove his be trothed from the curious gaze of his men, he and Marcus carried her immediately to one of the lewens of a house standing at the edge of a precipice over looking the Valley of the Cheesemongers, while the rest of the band stationed themselves at the passage leading into the court. The severe experiences through which Rebekah had passed since her resi dence at Jerusalem had wrought a great change in her looks. She was still beautiful; but- appeared older than she really was. Priscus had pictured her during the four years of their separation as he saw her on the evening when she and her father escaped from Csesarea ; hence the first glance at her pale, emaciated face startled him. Upon reaching the lewen he sent Marcus in quest of water, and finding himself alone with his loved one, he bent over her and kissed her passionately while his tears fell in large drops on her cheeks. His heart was too full for utterance ; but he mentally thanked God for permitting' them to meet again after all the suffering and dangers they had passed through, and invoked his further help and protection. Presently Rebekah opened her eyes, and recognizing her lover she uttered a cry of joy and threw her arms around his neck. For a moment they embraced each other in silence ; neither of them being able to speak. Rebekah was the first to find utter ance. " Ah ! then it is not a dream ; nor do my eyes de- peive me." said she. "Thou art indeed my beloved ! " 306 Rebekah. " I am, O light of my life ; and God be thanked that I see thee again alive." " He is very good to us ! Truly can we say that his mercy endureth forever ! But where are we ? How came we here ? It all seems so strange ! " Prise us explained to her all that had lately hap pened, and then learned to what trials she had been subjected since she last wrote to him. Meanwhile Marcus, having found that Rebekah had been restored to consciousness, and knowing that the presence of a third party would be obnoxious to the lovers while their ecstasy at meeting each other again lasted, entered the house, seeking for plunder. Finding nothing but dead bodies, the stench of which filled every room, he at length returned to the lewen, and seeing Priscus sitting beside Rebekah on a dilap idated divan, he laughingly remarked, tk By Castor, my Priscus, though thy throne be much, the worse for wear none of the Caesars ever appeared half as happy as thou, or sat beside a hap pier beauty ! Perpol ! had I not set my heart upon securing other treasures, I would be in a fair condi tion to envy thee." " Ah, I understand thy hint, my Marcus," said the centurion. " Thou desirest us to descend from the throne of happiness that thou mightest get thy share of the spoils ! Be it so, then ; and while thou art enriching thyself we will hence to the tower of Ma- riamne, where Rebekah's father is imprisoned." Having said this he introduced the decurion to his betrothed, and a little later two of the soldiers, accom panied by Priscus, carried Rebekah in the litter in the direction of the lower city, while the rest of the band, led by Marcus went to seek for spoils. The streets were now everywhere filled with the slain, and with Roman soldiers in quest of plunder. All the houses into which the Jews had fled and many of the others were already in flames. Thinking it best for Rebekah to see as little as possible of these horrible scenes, Priscus induced her to cover her face with a thick A Final Attempt. 307 veil before they left the lewen ; and fearing lest the boisterous and insolent crowds through which they passed should terrify her, he often whispered in her ear not to be alarmed. At last they reached the tower of Mariamne, and to their surprise they found the strong gate leading into it wide open. Entering this gate they ascended a broad stairway to a large room richly furnished, and while Priscus helped Rebekah to a seat, Titus with two of his commanders entered from another room. " What ! thou here, Priscus ! " said the general lifting his brows. Then he added, " and this lady, who is she? By the girdle of Venus, there is no telling what some men will do when left to them selves ! " " This lady, my lord, is a native of Rome, and though a daughter of Abraham, loves our nation. I have brought her here because she wishes to have her father, who is unjustly confined in one of the rooms of this tower, released." Turning to his commanders Titus said, " That prisoner then spoke the truth." Then as they nodded their assent, he looked at Priscus and continued, " Her father is not here ; he was released a short time ago with other prisoners and was taken to the camp. Fortunately for us and for the prisoners as well, God ejected the seditious from this and the other strong towers when the wall fell, and thus we have gained possession of what we could never take even with our strongest machines." Here he beck oned the centurion aside, and added in an undertone, " If what the prisoner said be true, this lady is thy betrothed." " He has told you the truth, my lord," was the reply. "That being the case thou hadst better let her remain in one of these rooms until we leave the city. Her father also shall remain here, and thou hadst better send these two men to bring him with the 308 RebeJcah. necessary supplies here immediately. If I mistake not, the lady needs nourishment as much as her father's presence." " May God bless you, my lord, for your kindness," said Prise us warmly. Titus and his commanders now left the tower, as did also the two privates ; and Rebekah, finding herself alone with the centurion, took off her veil and said, " Who was that noble looking officer that spoke to thee, my beloved ? " " That was Csesar, and those with him were Tibe rius Alexander, who is next to him in command, and Sextus Cerealis, the commander of our legion." " Ah ! I thought it was Caesar. And he is person ally acquainted with thee ! " " Ay ; I have fought beside him a few times, and he has entrusted me more than once with the execu tion of difficult and dangerous schemes. I would lay down my life for him. All the soldiers love him as children do an indulgent father. Thou sawest him taking me aside, my love ? " " There is little I do not see, where thou art inter ested, O Priscus." " Then listen : he said that thou and thy father are to remain in this tower until the army is ready to depart." " May the Lord enrich his soul ! I have often heard of his kindness ; now I have a proof of it. Would that Jerusalem had listened to his voice ere it became too late ! But the day of her doom has come, and those flames will soon complete her desolation." Both of them now rose and stood watching the conflagration of the Upper City from one of the win dows ; and as they did so Herodion arrived with the two soldiers. We need not describe the touching scene that followed ; suffice it to say that our heroine and her father and lover were for a moment trans ported to the highest heaven of happiness. k - Ah ! my children," said Herodion presently, wip ing the tears from his eyes, "the remembrance of A Final Attempt. 309 this day will ever remain with me. Of ten have I said like our father Jacob of old, 4 All these things are against me.' But now I can truly say with the ever blessed Paul, ' We know that all things work together for good to them that love God.' ' " Can we not also say, father," said Rebekah, looking at the marks of suffering and want in his face, "that 'the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us ' ? " " Ay, doubtless, my daughter ; and that comforting thought has upheld our souls under the heavy weight of many sorrows." Gradually the conversation drifted to the experi ences through which each of them had passed during the last few days. We need to repeat here only Herodion's experience. "I was seized by ungodly hands near Herod's palace," said he, " and dragged before Judas in this room. When the treacherous villain saw me, he smiled and said that now I was in his power I had better aid him in the accomplishment of his purpose. I answered only with reproaches ; hence I was cast into a dungeon in which I remained until about an hour ago without any food except a few crusts of bread once a day. God only knows the agonies I suffered there. I thought but little of myself ; thou, O my daughter, wast the burden of my thoughts. Sometimes I comforted myself with God's precious promises ; at other times the fearful threats which Judas hurled into the dungeon at me thrust me into despair. But God be praised ; it is all over now. The guilty has been punished, and we are alive and free ! " As Priscus and Rebekah were the only listeners, the two soldiers having been dismissed soon after their arrival, Herodion spoke with the utmost freedom. When he paused the startling peals of a trumpet were heard. " That trumpet summons our legion to the camp," 310 Rebekah. said Priscus ; " and with the rest I must obey. I am sorry I cannot stay with you longer now ; duty is a rigorous master. I shall be with you again soon." Then leading his friends to a suite of rooms in the northern side of the tower, he left them to enjoy such comforts and luxuries as they had not known since their residence at Csesarea. During the next two days he paid them several visits, and kept them in formed of all that transpired. What he had to say, however, tended to sadden them rather than cheer their hearts, and it was with reluctance that he men tioned certain facts. " Since you urge me to speak of these things," said he on the evening of the second day, " I will obey. You already know that a vast multitude were gath ered within the outer walls of the Temple. Of these about eleven thousand have perished of hunger. A great many, such as the aged, the infirm, and the seditious, have been slain. Those under seventeen have been sold into slavery ; and the rest, with the exception of the most handsome and tall of the young men, who are reserved for the triumph, have been sent, some to the Egyptian mines, and some to the various provinces to be destroyed in the theatres. Since the siege began, ninety seven thousand have been sent into captivity, and eleven hundred thousand have perished ! " " Truly the hand of the Lord has been laid heavily upon us," said Herodion with a deep sigh. " Never before has a nation been known to be destroyed during the siege of a city. Millions came up to the feast; but only thousands have gone out of the city alive. The thunderbolts of heaven have fallen upon us ; henceforth we are a sport to the nations ! " "Have the tyrants been destroyed, or have they escaped justice after all the miseries they have brought upon the city ? " asked Rebekah, looking at Priscus through her tears. " Their fate is not yet known ; all search for them has been in vain. But they must either have per- A Final Attempt. 311 ished in the flames or have concealed themselves in some of the vaults or cisterns. If the latter be the case ; hunger will soon drive them from their hiding- places." Thus the conversation drifted from one feature to another of the great subject that was now uppermost in every mind, and it was not until past the hour of midnight that Priscus sought the camp. Next morning the whole army gathered around a temporary tribunal upon which sat Titus in all his military glory. Near the tribunal stood Priscus with others who had distinguished themselves during the war. Presently, when the general arose to address the army, Priscus had the pleasure of seeing him glance at him more than once, and a little later when an officer arose with a long list of names, he was startled to hear his own name called as the first to be rewarded. Going forward a few paces, he knelt at the foot of the tribunal, while all eyes were fixed upon him. " It is with great pleasure, O Priscus," said Titus, rising, " that I recall thy noble deeds of valor, and take this occasion to reward thee. Rome is proud of thee, and thou shalt be known hereafter as Priscus the tribune." As he uttered the closing words he placed a crown of gold on his head, a chain of gold about his neck, a golden spear in his hand, and an ensign of silver on his breast. Priscus then, almost confused by these honors, returned to his place amidst loud acclama tions. All the others worthy of special honor were rewarded in a similar way, and among them Marcus and Publius, the former being made a centurion, and the latter a decurion. The distribution of these marks of distinction was followed by that of the spoils, every soldier receiving some valuable reward. In the afternoon Titus sent away the larger part of his army to different places, and early the next morning he started for Ctesarea with two legions, leaving the tenth to guard the ruined city. In the 812 RebekaL triumphal procession two groups of objects were very conspicuous, namely tlie Jewish captives and Re- bekah and her father, the former on account of the spoils which they were obliged to carry, and the latter because they rode on camels. The procession pro ceeded as fast as the captives could walk, each indi vidual indulging in such thoughts as his condition sug gested. The Romans were elated with their victory ; the Jews despondent with the consciousness of their terrible fall. As might be expected, Rebekah and her father sympathized with the captives, their hearts sank within them also as they cast a last glance at the city, all of which with the exception of the three strongest towers and the western wall was now even with the ground. CHAPTER XLIV. THE TRIUMPH. SPRING was again smiling on the earth and every garden in Rome was filled with the many charms which her munificent hand had scattered abroad. Of the many thousands who felt her invigorating touch, none were more happy than Rebekah as she sat with Servius's wife in the solarium. "It is but few years since we sat here before," said Rebekah ; "yet how many changes have been wrought, and what varied experiences we have passed through ! " " Thou speakest truly," said the Roman matron, " and as I view thee now I ana forced to think that none have changed so much as thou. Though the trials to which thou hast been subjected have not marred thy beauty, yet they have left their marks on thee." " Dost thou think I look much older ? " " No, not that, so much as a graveness of expres sion and an air of submission wholly unknown to thee before," The Triumph. 313 " I do not feel grave ; the cup of my happiness is full." " I doubt not thy word, sweet sister ; for I have not failed to notice the contrast between thy present mood and that which thou wast in when we sat together here before." " The change in my feelings is not greater than that which is visible in the appearance of the city. My eyes then looked upon blackened ruins ; now they behold naught but architectural beauty everywhere. That grand structure yonder must be Nero's golden palace." " Ay, and I can never look at it without thinking of the desolation which the tyrant caused in order to make room for it, and the oppressive measures he took in order to pay for it." " I must ask Priscus to take me to see it after he arrives." " I am far more anxious to see him than the palace. It is such a long time since I saw him." " We shall both see him to-morrow in the triumph." " Could he behold his bride now, he would not wait for the triumph before giving me an opportunity to see him." " Hast thou ever witnessed a triumph? " said Re- bekah, changing the conversation. " No ; but I have long wished to see one." " It is said that Rome has never witnessed so glo rious and magnificent a one as this is to be." " Oh, I would that to-morrow had come ! " The anxiety felt by Servius's wife was shared by every one in Rome. Hence when Rebekah and her father accompanied by the Roman matron were driv en to a grand stand near Octavian's walks early next morning they found the streets lined with thousands of spectators far beyond the temple of Tsis, and it was with much difficulty that they obtained a favorable place of observation. Presently, when they had time to scan the crowds, they saw the senate, the leading officials of the city 814 Rekelcah. and of the provinces, and those of the equestrian order, arranged according to their dignity and rank, await ing the arrival of Vespasian and Titus. Their atten tion however was soon diverted from these dignita ries by the flourish of trumpets which announced the coming of the emperor and his son. From where they stood, they could see them very distinctlv. Each was clothed in a purple robe and crowned with laurel. On they came amidst deafening cheers and acclamations which increased in volume every mo ment. Ascending a tribunal in front of the senate and the other dignitaries, they seated themselves in two ivory chairs placed there for the occasion. " I fear the soldiers have more reverence for the victors than for the gods ! " whispered Servius's wife to Rebekah. " It certainly seems so," was the reply ; " and I am afraid they will rend my ears, if they do not cease shouting." At a signal from Vespasian the loud acclamations now died into absolute silence, and the emperor, part ly covering his head with his robe, offered prayers ap propriate to the occasion. Then after Titus had per formed the same sacred duty, he addressed the peo ple in a brief but pleasing manner, and invited the soldiers to partake of a grand dinner prepared at the expense of the victors. " Would that I were a soldier, that I might par take of that imperial banquet," said the Roman ma tron as the trio left their post of observation. " Thou canst have my share though not a soldier, my Valeria," said a voice that sent a thrill of delight through more than one heart. Finding himself at leisure for a moment while the troops were being set in proper order for the feast, Prisons took occasion to exchange greetings with his loved ones. His sudden appearance was nailed with joy, and for an instant the demonstrations of Rebekah and his sister almost bewildered him. Extricating himself from their embrace he remarked with a laugh, The Triumph. 315 " As Csesar did not include this impromptu show in his programme, I fear he will call me to account for violating the order of the day." " Then thou must, like Adam, charge all responsi bility to thy wife," said Herodion. " Oh, that is not fair, seeing that his sister is a par taker of my guilt," said Rebekah. As Priscus was expected to join the other tribunes at the banquet, he now left the trio as suddenly as he had approached them, regretting that he could not be with them during the triumphal procession, while they made their way through the crowds to an ele vated platform built for the occasion near the temple of Castor. Their position was most favorable, as it commanded a full view of the Capitol, the Forum, and the whole of the Sacred Way. Nor did they fail to avail themselves of the opportunity thus afforded them to see the architectural grandeur, the artistic decorations, and the curious objects which every where met their eyes. As they were viewing the im mense crowds which stood in holiday attire on the steps of the public buildings in front of them, the flourish of trumpets similar to that which they had heard in the morning announced the approach of the triumphal procession, and all turned their attention to the east end of the Via Sacra in the height of ex pectancy. First came the senate in festal robes, headed by the magistrates and closely followed by the trumpeters. After these came gilded wagons and frames laden with an endless variety of articles in gold, silver, ivory, silk, &c., so arranged as to produce the great est effect. Now Herodion's face glowed with delight at the sight of the rarest purple hangings and the richest Babylonian embroideries he had seen since the destruction of his goods by the fire ; and now the women expressed their admiration in the most extrava gant terms of the crowns of gold and precious stones that were being carried by a crowd of gorgeously at tired youths upon cushions of silk. As these passed 16 Rebekah. out of sight, beautifully decorated frames supporting large, costly, and elegant images of the gods came in to view, borno by a large company of men clad in pur ple garments interwoven with gold. While Rebekah and her father admired the artistic skill and taste dis played m this part of the show, the heathen associ ations connected with it prevented them from any en thusiastic display of admiration like that which Priscus's sister now manifested. Nor did they share the delight of those around them when a band of flute players ushered into view a company of priests with a bullock adorned with white ribbons. A smile of pleasure lighted up their countenances, however, when these gave room to various kinds of wild ani mals, some of which were led by their keepers, and others drawn in open carriages, while they performed numerous tricks for the amusement of the wondering multitudes. A sudden change in the behavior of the crowds now turned the attention of our friends to two indi viduals at the head of seven hundred tall, handsome men, whom their costume and bonds declared to be Jewish captives. " Ha, ha, those two must be the leaders of the re bellion," said the Roman matron. " Ay," said Herodion ; " that one on the left is John of Gischala, the other is Simon the son of Gioras." " Why have they not tied a rope around John's head also, father?" said Rebekah, as she watched Simon being pulled forward like a bullock led to the slaughter. " The son of Gioras is condemned to die ; John is sentenced to perpetual imprisonment," was the reply. "Is it not strange, father, that, having escaped death at the fall of the city, they should be forced to quit their concealment by hunger, and thus meet a fate that must of all be the most odious and terrible to them ? " continued Rebekah. The Triumph. 317 "The wicked strive in vain to elude the vengeance of the gods ! " said Priscus's sister. " The streams of innocent blood which they have shed, and the dying groans of famishing thousands have not escaped the attention of the true God," said Herodion. The tyrants were now out of sight, but the captives who followed them were still marching by with down cast eyes and countenances which spoke plainly of the departure of hope and the approach of a fearful doom. " We must not miss the pleasure of seeing these righting with beasts and with each other in the arena," said Servius's wife. Then remembering the character of our friends, she continued, " Ah! I forgot that you do not believe in the gladiatorial shows." " Not only do we not believe in them, O lady," answered Herodion, "but we condemn them with all our hearts. It is not for us to say that those upon whom the wrath of God rests, though they be of our own blood, should not be punished ; but it is a crime against God and man to make human beings kill each other and cause them to be torn to pieces in the arena for the amusement of depraved multitudes. When I heard that two thousand five hundred cap tives had been destroyed in the theatre at Ca3sarea in honor of Domitian's birthday, my soul rebelled within me, nor can I think that God delights in such inhuman spectacles." Fortunately these words were not heard by the noisy crowds around Herodion, else it might have fared ill with him. Nor did Priscus's sister listen to them, her attention being now absorbed in the pag eants that were being borne along on the shoulders of strong men. These pageants consisted in representa tions of the Jewish war and in the display of the spoils. Pictures of sacked cities and towns, of wasted lands, of naval victories, and of the march of victo rious armies shared the attention of the gaping crowds with golden ornaments and carpets of gold. Next to 318 Rebekah. a representation of the siege and fall of Jerusalem which was by far the most magnificent and exciting of the pageants, and which brought a long train of unpleasant recollections into our friends' minds, came the spoils taken from the Holy City. As Rebekah saw the golden table and candlestick together with a copy of the Law exposed to public gaze, she thought of that memorable day when she beheld the destruc tion of the Sanctuary. Nor could she for a moment restrain her tears. The emotions which swayed the crowds, however, were quite different. To them those sacred things suggested nothing but victory, and that part of the procession which -followed the spoils was in perfect harmony with this suggestion ; for here could be seen a great many men bearing images of Victory, which being made of ivory and of gold in the most artistic manner, produced a wonderful effect. Immediately after these images, at the head of the victorious army, now came Vespasian and his two sons. The emperor took the lead in an embroid ered toga of great splendor, and Titus followed, also in triumphal garments, each riding in a beautiful chariot adorned with ivory, and drawn by four horses, whose graceful movements and occasional prancing were in perfect harmony with the occasion. Domitian not being a conqueror, rode on horseback, gorgeously attired, after the other two. The conquerors were everywhere received with acclamations of joy, and the multitudes continued to cheer long after they had passed by. " Ah ! I am sorry it is over," said Priscus's sister. " I could stand and view it forever." " See ! see ! " said Rebekah, " the conquerors have reached the temple of Jupiter Capitolinus, and are waiting to hear that Simon is executed ! " " Would that I were near enough to see the mur derous dog die," said the Roman matron. " There ! the tyrant is at last sent before his Judge," cried Herodion. " See ! his body is being exposed on the S tail* way of Groans ! " Tke Triumph. 319 This hideous spectacle was greeted with joyful shouts everywhere, and the soldiers as they passed it on their way to the Capitol, made it the occasion of many coarse jests. As Rebekah and her father did not wish to take part in the heathen solemnities, nor witness the heathen sacrifices which now were offered, they re turned to Servius's house, while the Roman matron hastened to the temple of Jupiter Capitolinus. " Now that the triumph is over," said Priscus, join ing them soon after, " we will have a home of our own." "Ah! my happiness will know no bounds when I find myself once more on the dear old Aventine," said his wife. So in due time Rebekah found herself the happy mistress of a new home on the site of the old one, and welcomed her father as formerly from his stall at the base of the Palatine, and Priscus from a Praeto- riuin which had succeeded the one destroyed by the fire. END. THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW RENEWED BOOKS ARE SUBJECT TO IMMEDIATE RECALL LIBRARY, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS Book Slip-Series 458 N9 826817 Jones, M.P. Rebekah. PS2151 J52 R4 LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DAVIS