University of CaUforma Berkeley DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR U KITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY GEORGE OTIS SMITH, DIRECTOR WATER-SUPPLY PAPER 340 K STREAM-GAGING STATIONS AND PUBLICATIONS RELATING TO WATER RESOURCES 1885-1913 PART XT, PACIFIC COAST BASINS IN CALIFORNIA COMPILED BY B. D. WOOD Part of Water-Supply Paper 340 WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1915 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY GEORGE OTIS SMITH, DIRECTOR WATER- SUPPLY PAPER 340 K STREAM-GAGING STATIONS AND PUBLICATIONS RELATING TO WATER RESOURCES 1885-1913 PART XL PACIFIC COAST BASINS IN CALIFORNIA COMPILED BY B. D. WOOD Part of Water-Supply Paper 340 WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1915 v. ii-u CONTENTS. Page. Introduction in How Government reports may be obtained or consulted in Stream-flow reports iv Principal streams 131 Gaging stations 131 Reports on water resources of the Pacific coast of California 139 Publications of United States Geological Survey 139 Water-supply papers 139 Annual reports 142 Bulletins 144 Geologic folios 144 Miscellaneous reports 146 Geological Survey hydrologic reports of general interest ix Water-supply papers - ix Professional papers xvi Annual reports xvi Bulletins xvin Index by areas and subjects xix Index ot streams xxi n ^NCROFT JBRARY STREAM-GAGING STATIONS AND PUBLICATIONS RELATING TO WATER RESOURCES, 1885-1913. Compiled by B. D. WOOD. INTBODUCTION. Investigation of water resources by the United States Geological Survey has consisted in large part of measurements of the volume of flow of streams and studies of the conditions affecting that flow, but it has comprised also investigation of such closely allied subjects as irrigation, water storage, water powers, underground waters, and quality of waters. Most of the results of these investigations have been published in the series of water-supply papers, but some have appeared in the bulletins, professional papers, monographs, and annual reports. The results of stream-flow measurements are now published an nually in 12 parts, each part covering an area whose boundaries coincide with natural drainage features as indicated below : Part I. North Atlantic basins. II. South Atlantic and eastern Gulf of Mexico basins. III. Ohio River basin. IV. St. Lawrence River basin. V. Upper Mississippi River and Hudson Bay basins. VI. Missouri River basin. VII. Lower Mississippi River basin. VIII. Western Gulf of Mexico basins. IX. Colorado River basin. X. Great Basin. XI. Pacific basins in California. XII. North Pacific basins. HOW GOVERNMENT REPORTS MAY BE OBTAINED OR CONSULTED. Water-supply papers and other publications of the United States Geological Survey containing data in regard to the water resources of the United States may be obtained or consulted as indicated below. 1. Copies may be obtained free of charge by applying to the Director of the Geological Survey, Washington, D. C. The edition printed for free distribution is, however, small and is soon exhausted. m IV STREAM-GAGING STATIONS, ETC., 1885-1913. 2. Copies may be purchased at nominal cost from the Superin tendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C., who will on application furnish lists giving prices. 3. Sets of the reports may be consulted in the libraries of the principal cities in the United States. 4. Complete sets are available for consultation in the local offices of the water-resources branch of the Geological Survey, as follows : Albany, N. Y., Room 18, Federal Building. Atlanta, Ga., Post Office Building. St. Paul, Minn., Old Capitol Building. Madison, Wis., Capitol Building. Helena, Mont., Montana National Bank Building. Denver, Colo., 302 Chamber of Commerce Building. Salt Lake City, Utah, Federal Building. Boise, Idaho, G15 Idaho Building. Phoenix, Ariz., 417 Fleming Building. Portland', Oreg., 416 Couch Building. Tacoma, Wash., Federal Building. San Francisco, Cal., 328 Customhouse. Los Angeles, Cal., Federal Building. Santa Fe., N. Mex., Capitol Building. Honolulu, Hawaii, Kapiolani Building. A list of the Geological Survey's publications will be sent on appli cation to the Director of the United States Geological Survey, Washington, D. C. STREAM-FLOW REPORTS. Stream-flow records have been obtained at more than 1,550 points in the United States and have been published in the reports tabu lated below : Stream-flow data in reports of the United States Geological Survey. [A= Annual Report; B= Bulletin; WS= Water-Supply Paper.] Report. Character of data. Year. 10th A, pt. 2 Descriptive information only 1884 to Sept., 1890. 1884 to June 30, 1891. 1884 to Dec. 31, 1892. 1888 to Dec. 31, 1893. 1893 and 1894. 1895. 1896. 1895 and 1896. 1897. 1897. 1897. 1898. llth A, pt. 2 Monthly discharge and descriptive information. . 12th A, pt. 2 do 13th A, pt. 3 Mean discharge in second-feet 14th A pt 2 Monthly discharge (long-time records 1871 to 1893) B 131 Descriptions measurements gage heights, and ratings 16th A pt 2 Descriptive information only B 140 Descriptions, measurements, gage heights, ratings, and monthly discharge (also many data covering earlier years). WS 11 18th A pt 4 Descriptions, measurements, ratings, and monthly dischaige (also similar data for some eailier years). Descriptions, measurements, and gage heights, eastern United States, eastern Mississippi River, and Missouri River above junction with Kansas. Descriptions, measurements, and gage heights, western Missis sippi River below junction of Missoui i and Platte, and western United States. Descriptions, measmements. ratings, and monthly discharge (also some long-time records). Measurements, ratings, and gage heights, eastern United States, eastern Mississippi River, and Missouri River. WS 15 WS 16 19th A, pt. 4 WS 27 STREAM-FLOW RECORDS. V Stream-flow data in reports of the United States Geological Survey Continued. Report. Character of data. Year. WS 28 Measurements ratings and gage heights, Arkansas River and 1898. 4 western United States. Monthly discharge (also for many earlier years) . 1898. WS 35 to 39 Descriptions measurements gag"e heights' and ratings 1899. 21st A, pt. 4 Monthly discharge 1899. WS 47 lo 52 Descriptions measurements, gage heights, and ratings 1900. 22d A pt 4 Monthly discharge 1900. WS 65, 66 Descriptions, measurements, gage heights, and ratings 1901. W r S 75 Monthly discharge 1901. WS 82 to 85 Complete data 1902. WS 97 to 100 do 1903. WS 124 to 135 do 1904. WS 165 to 178 do 1905. WS 201 to 214 do 1906. WS 241 to 252 .... do 1907-8. WS 261 to 272... do 1909. WS 281 to 292 do 1910 WS 301 to 312 .. do 1911. WS 321 to 332 do 1912. WS 351 to 362o do 1913. o In preparation. NOTE. No data regarding stream flow are given in the 15th and 17th annual reports. The records at most of the stations discussed in these reports extend over a series of years, and miscellaneous measurements at many points other than regular gaging stations have been made each year. An index of the reports containing records obtained prior to 1904 has been published in Water-Supply Paper 119. The following table gives, by years and drainage basins, the num bers of the papers on surface-water supply published from 1899 to 1913. The data for any particular station will, in general, be found in the reports covering the years during which the station was main tained or in special reports. For example, data for Machias River at Whitneyville, Me., 1903 to 1913, are published in Water-Supply Papers 97, 124, 165, 201, 241, 261, 281, 301, 321, and 351, which contain records for the New England streams from 1903 to 1913. Results of miscellaneous measurements are published by drainage basins. VI STBEAM-GAGING STATIONS, ETC., 1885-1913. lO O *O y G. A. Johnson. 1913. 84 pp., 8 pis. lOc. Discusses ground, lake, and river waters as public supplies, development of waterworks systems in the United States, water consumption, and typhoid fever ; describes methods of filtration and sterilization of water, and municipal water softening. *318. Water resources of Hawaii, 1909-1911, by W. F. Martin and C. H. Pierce. 1913. 552 pp., 15 pis. 50c. Describes the general features of the Islands and gives results of measure ments of streams and of observations of rainfall and evaporation ; contains a gazetteer. 334. The Ohio Valley flood of March-April, 1913 (including comparisons with some earlier floods), by A. H. Horton and H. J. Jackson. 1913. 96 pp., 32 pis. 20c. Although relating specifically to floods in the Ohio Valley, this report dis cusses also the causes of floods and the prevention of damage by floods. 336. Water resources of Hawaii, 1912, by C. H. Pierce and G. K. Larrisor 1914. 392 pp. 50c. Contains results of stream measurements on the islands in 1912. 337. The effects of ice on stream flow, by William Glenn Hoyt. 1913. 76 pp., 7 pis. 15c. Discusses methods of measuring the winter flow of streams. PROFESSIONAL PAPERS. *72. Denudation and erosion in the southern Appalachian region and the Monon- gahela basin, by L. C. Glenn. 1911. 137 pp., 21 pis. 35c. Describes the topography, geology, drainage, forests, climate and popula tion, and transportation facilities of the region, the relation of agriculture, lumbering, mining, and power development to erosion and denudation, and the nature, effects, and remedies of erosion ; gives details of conditions in Holston, Nolichucky, French Broad, Little Tennessee, and Hiwassee river basins, along Tennessee River proper, and in the basins of the Coosa-Alabama system, Chattahoochee, Savannah, Saluda, Broad, Catawba, Yadkin, New, and Monon- gahela rivers. ANNUAL REPORTS. *Fifth Annual Report of the United States Geological Survey, 1883-84, J. W. Powell, Director. 1885. xxxvi, 469 pp., 58 pis. $2.25. Contains : *The requisite and qualifying conditions of artesian wells, by T. C. Cham berlain, pp. 125 to 173, PI. XXI. Scope indicated by title. PACIFIC SLOPE OF CALIFORNIA. XVH Twelfth Annual Report of the United States Geological Survey, 1890-91, J. W. Powell, Director. 1891. 2 parts. Pt. II, Irrigation, xviii, 576 pp., 93 pis. $2. Contains: "Irrigation in India, by H. M. Wilson, pp. 368-561, Pis. CVII to CXLVI. (See Water-Supply Paper 87.) Thirteenth Annual Report of the United States Geological Survey, 1891-92, J. W. Powell, Director. 1892. (Pts. II and III, 1893.) 3 parts. Pt. Ill, Irrigation, pp. xi, 486, 77 plates. $1.85. Contains: "American irrigation engineering, by H. M. Wilson, pp. 101-349, Pis. CXI to CXLV. Discusses the economical aspects of irrigation, alkaline drainage, silt and sedimentation ; gives brief history of legislation ; describes perennial canals in Idaho-California, Wyoming, and Arizona ; discusses water storage at reservoirs of the California and other projects, subsurface sources of supply pumping and subirrigation. Fourteenth Annual Report of the United States Geological Survey, 1892-93, J. W. Powell, Director. 1893. (Pt. II, 1894.) 2 parts. *Pt. II, Accompanying papers, pp. xx, 597, 73 pis. $2.10. Contains: "Potable waters of the eastern United States, by W J McGee, pp. 1 to 47. Discusses cistern water, stream waters, and ground waters, including mineral springs and artesian wells. "Natural mineral waters of the United States, by A. C. Peale, pp. 49-88, Pis. Ill and IV. Discusses the origin and flow of mineral springs, the source of mineralization, thermal springs, the chemical composition and analysis of spring waters, geographic distribution, and the utilization of mineral waters ; gives a list of American mineral spring resorts ; contains also some analyses. Nineteenth Annual Report of the United States Geological Survey, 1897-98, Charles D. Walcott, Director. 1898. (Parts II, III, and V, 1899.) 6 parts in 7 vols. and separate case for maps with Pt. V. *Pt. II, papers chiefly of a theoretical nature, pp. v, 958, 172 plates. $2.65. Contains : "Principles and conditions of the movements of ground water, by F. H. King, pp. 59-294, Pis. VI to XVII. Discusses the amount of water stored in sandstone, in soil, and in other rocks, the depth to which ground water penetrates ; gravitational, thermal, and capillary movements of ground waters, and the configuration of the ground-water surface ; gives the results of ex perimental investigations on the flow of air and water through a rigid, porous media, and through sands, sandstones, and silts ; discusses results obtained by other investigators, and summarizes results of observations ; dis cusses also rate of flow of water through sand and rock, the growth of rivers, rate of filtration through soil, interference of wells, etc. "Theoretical investigation of the motion of ground waters, by C. S. Slichter, pp. 295-384, Pis. XVII. Scope indicated by title. Twentieth Annual Report of the United States Geological Survey, 1898-99, Charles D. Walcott, Director. 1899. (Parts II, III, IV, V, and VII, 1900.) 7 parts in 8 vols. and separate case for maps with Pt. V. *Pt. IV, Hydrography, vii, 660 pp., 75 plates. $1.40. Contains: "Hydrography of Nicaragua, by A. P. Davis, pp. 563-637, Pis. LXIV to LXXV. Describes the topographic features of the boundary, the lake basin, and Rio San Juan ; gives a brief r6sum of the boundary dispute ; discusses rainfall, temperaure, and relative humidity, evaporation, resources, and produc tions, the ship, railway, and canal projects ; gives the history of the investi gations by the Canal Commission, and results of measurements on the Rio Grande, on streams tributary to Lake Nicaragua, and on Rio San Juan and its tributaries. XVIII STREAM-GAGING STATIONS, ETC., 1885-1913. Twenty-second Annual Report of the United States Geological Survey, 1900- 1901, Charles D. Walcott, Director. 1901. (Parts III and IV, 1902.) 4 parts. Pt. IV, Hydrography, 690 pp., 65 pis. $2.20. Contains: *Hydrography of the American Isthmus, by A. P. Davis, pp. 507-630, Pis. XXXVII to L. Describes the physiography, temperature, rainfall, and winds of Central America ; discusses the hydrography of the Nicaragua Canal route and the Panama Canal route ; gives estimated monthly discharges of many of the streams, rainfall, and evaporation tables at various points. BULLETINS. *32. Lists and analyses of the mineral springs of the United States (a pre liminary study), by A. C. Peale. 1886. 235pp. Defines mineral waters, lists the springs by States, and gives tables of available analyses. 264. Record of deep- well drilling for 1904, by M. L. Fuller, E. F. Lines, and A. C. Veatch. 1905. 106 pp. lOc. *298. Record of deep-well drilling for 1905, by M. L. Fuller and Samuel Sanford. 1906. 299 pp. 25c. Bulletins 264 and 298 discuss the importance of accurate well records to the driller, to owners of oil, gas, and water wells, and to the geologist ; describes the general methods of work ; gives tabulated records of wells by States, and detailed records selected as affording valuable stratigraphic information. *319. Summary of the controlling conditions of artesian flows, by Myron L. Fuller. 1908. lOc. Describes underground reservoirs, the sources of underground waters, the confining agents, the primary and modifying factors of artesian circulation, the essential and modifying factors of artesian flow, and typical artesian systems. *479. The geochemical interpretation of water analyses, by Chase Palmer. 1911. 31 pp. 5c. Discusses the expression of chemical analyses, the chemical character of water and the properties of natural waters ; gives a classification of waters based on property values and reacting values, and discusses the character of the waters of certain rivers as interpreted directly from the results of analyses ; discusses also the relation of water properties to geologic forma tions, silica in river water, and the character of the water of the Mississippi and the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River as indicated by chemical analyses. INDEX BY AREAS AND SUBJECTS. [A= Annual Reports; M=Monograph ; B=Bulletin ; P= Professional Paper; W= Water- Supply Paper ; G F=Geologic Folio.] Alaska : Surface waters W 196, 218, 228, 314 Artesian waters: Essential conditions A5; B319; W44, 67/114 Bibliographies 1 W119, 120, 163, 280 California : Irrigation AlOii, 11 ii, 12 ii ; W 17, 18, 19, 43, 45, 89, 137, 138, 139, 146, 219 ; G F 138 Quality of waters W 116, 142, 237, 274 Surface waters A 12 ii, 13 iii, 16 ii, 18 iv; W 45, 46, 58, .81, 86, 116, 142, 147, 162, 237, 274, 295, 296, 297, 298, 299, 300 Underground waters A 16 ii ; B 264, 298 ; W 45, 59, 60, 89, 112, 137, 138, 139, 140, 142, 146, 213, 219, 222, 251; GF 17, 39, 66, 101, 138, 163 Chemical analyses : 2 Methods and interpretation W 151, 236, 259, 274 ; B 479 Conservation W 234 Cuba : Surface, underground, and quality of waters W 110 Denudation P 72 Engineering methods W 1, 3, 8, 20, 41, 42, 43, 56, 64, 94, 95, 110, 143, 150, 180, 187, 200, 257, 337 Floods W 147, 162, 334 Hawaiian Islands : Surface waters W 77, 318, 336 India: Irrigation A12ii; W87 Ice measurements W 187, 337 Irrigation, general A 10 ii, 11 ii, 12 ii, 13 iii, 16 ii; W 20, 22, 41, 42, 87 Legal aspects: Surface waters W 103, 152, 238 Underground waters W 122 Mineral springs: Analyses A 14 ii; B 32 Origin, distribution, etc^ A 14 ii Lists B 32; W 114 Motions of ground waters A 19 ii ; B 319; W 67, 110, 140, 155 Nicaragua : Surface waters " A 20 iv, 22 iv Panama : Surface waters A 22 iv Pollution: By industrial wastes W 179, 186, 189, 226, 235 By sewage W 72, 194 Laws forbidding W 103, 152 Indices of W 144, 160 Porto Rico : Surface waters and irrigation W 32 Profiles of rivers W 44, 115 1 Many of the reports contain brief subject bibliographies. See abstracts. 2 Many analyses of river, spring, and well waters are scattered through publications, as noted in abstracts. XIX XX STREAM-GAGING STATIONS, ETC., 1885-1913. River profiles W 44, 115 Sanitation; quality of waters; pollution; sewage irrigation W 3, 22, 72, 103, 110, 113, 114, 144, 145, 152, 160, 179, 185, 186, 189, 194, 226, 229, 235, 236, 255, 258, 315 Sewage disposal and purification W 3, 22, 72, 113, 185, 194, 229 Underground waters: Legal aspects , W 122 Methods of utilization W 114, 255, 257 Pollution W 110, 145, 160, 258 Windmill papers W 1, 8, 20, 41, 4? INDEX OF STREAMS. American River, Cal American River, Middle Fork, Cal American River, North Fork, Cal American River, South Fork, Cal Arroyo Seco (tributary to Los Angeles River), Cal Arroyo Seco (tributary to Sali nas River), Cal Ash Creek, Cal Basin Creek, Cal Bear Creek (tributary to Sacra mento River), Cal Bear Creek (tributary to San Joaquin River). Cal Bear Creek (tributary to South Fork of Middle Fork of Tule River), Cal Bear River, Cal Big Creek (tributary to North Fork of Kings River), Cal Big Creek (tributary to San Joaquin River), Cal Big Creek (tributary to South Fork of Merced River), Cal Boulder Creek, Cal Burney Creek, Cal Butt Creek, Cal Cache Creek. Cal Calaveras River, Cal Caliente Creek, Cal Cascadel Creek, Cal Cherry River, Cal Chowchilla Creek, Cal Clavey River, Cal Clear Creek. Cal Clear Lake, Cal Clover Creek, Cal Coffee Creek, Cal Coldwater Creek (tributary to Temescal Creek), Cal Coldwater Creek (tributary to San Gabriel River). Cal Page. 137 137 136 137 132 133 135 133 136 134 133 136 134 134 134 131 135 136 137 135 133 134 134 134 134 136 137 136 138 132 132 Page. Corral Creek, Cal 134 Oosumnes River, Cal 135 Cosumnes River, North Fork 135 Cottonwood Creek (tributary to Tia Juana River), Cal 131 Cottonwood Creek (tributary to Sacramento River), Cal 136 Cottonwood Creek, Oreg 135 Cottonwood Creek, North Fork, Cal 136 Cow Creek, Cal 136 Cow Creek, Little, Cal 136 Coyote River, Cal 133 Crane Valley reservoir, Cal 134 Deer Creek (tributary to Tulare Lake), Cal 133 Deer Creek (tributary to Sacra mento River), Cal 136 Devil Canyon Creek, Cal 132 Dinkey Creek, Cal 134 Dog Creek, Oreg 135 Drews Creek, Oreg 135 Dry Creek, Cal 135 Dulzura conduit and Cotton- wood Creek, Cal 131 East Fork of Russian River, Cal 137 East Fork of Scott River, Cal__ 138 East Fork of Trinity River, Cal_ 138 East San Pasqual ditch, Cal 131 Eel River, Cal 137 Eel River, Middle, Cal 137 Eel River, South, Cal 137 Eel River, South Fork, Cal 137 Eleanor Creek, Cal 134 Erskine Creek, Cal 133 Escondido Mutual Water Co.'s canal, Cal 132 Fall River, Cal 135 Feather River, Cal 136 Feather River, Middle Fork, Cal_ 136 Feather River, North Fork, Cal_ 136 Feather River, South Fork, Cal_ 136 Fish Fork of San Gabriel River, Cal _. 132 xxi XXII INDEX OF STREAMS. Page. Fourmile Creek, Oreg 138 Fresno River, Gal 134 Fresno River, North Fork, Cal_ 134 Gato Creek, Cal 132 Gerle Creek, Cal 137 Goodyear Creek, Cal 136 Goose Lake, Oreg 135 Grizzly Creek, Cal 136 Hamilton Branch, Cal 136 Hat Creek, Cal 135 Highlands (North Fork) canal, Cal__ 132 Hunter Creek, Cal 134 Indian Creek (tributary to Clavey River), Cal 134 Indian Creek (tributary to Feather River), Cal 136 Indian Creek (tributary to Klamath River), Cal 138 Iron Fork of San Gabriel River, Cal 132 Jawbone Creek, Cal 134 Kaweah River, Cal 133 Kaweah River, North Fork, Cal 333 Kaweah River, South Fork, Cal 133 Kern River, Cal 133 Kern River Power Co.'s canal, Cal 133 Kern River, South Fork, Cal___ 133 Kings River, Cal 134 Kings River, North Fork, Cal 134 Klamath Lake, Lower, Oreg _ 138 Klamath Lake, Upper, Oreg 138 Klamath River, Cal., Oreg 138 Knight Creek, Cal 135 Kosk Creek, Cal 136 Lagrange Water & Power Co.'s canal, Cal 134 Licking Fork of Mokelumne River, Cal _ 135 Link River, Oreg 138 Little Cow Creek, Cal 136 Little Rubicon River, Cal 137 Little South Fork of Rubicon River, Cal 137 Little South Fork ditch, Cal 137 Little Stony Creek, Cal 136 Loma Abajo River, Cal 132 Los Angeles River, Cal 132 Lost River, Cal., Oreg 138 Lower Klamath Lake, Oreg ^- 138 Page. Lytle Creek, Cal 132 Mad River, Cal 137 Malibu Creek, Cal 132 Mariposa Creek, Cal 134 Mattole River, Cal 137 McCloud River, Cal 136 Mentone Power Co.'s canal, Cal. See Santa Ana River. Merced River, Cal 134 Merced River, South Fork, Cal_ 134 Middle Eel River, Cal 137 Middle Fork of American River, Cal 137 Middle Fork of Feather River, Cal 136 Middle Fork of Mokelumne River, Cal 135 Middle Fork of Smith River, Cal 138 Middle Fork of Stanislaus River, Cal 135 Middle Fork of Tule River, North Fork, Cal 133 Middle Fork of Tule River, South Fork, Cal 133 Middle Fork of Yuba River, Cal_ 136 Mill Creek (tributary to Santa Ana River), Cal 132 Mill Creek (tributary to Sacra mento River), Cal 136 Miller Creek (tributary to Kla math River), Oreg 138 Miller Creek (tributary to Lost River), Oreg 138 Modesto canal, Cal_ 134 Mokelumne River, Cal 135 Mokelumne River, Licking Fork, Cal . 135 Mokelumne River, Middle Fork, Cal 135 Mokelumne River, South Fork, Cal 135 Mono Creek, Cal 132 Montgomery Creek, Cal 136 Nacimiento Creek, Cal 133 Nelder Creek, Cal 134 North Branch of North Fork of San Gabriel River, Cal 132 North Fork canal, Cal 132 North Fork of American River, Cal__ - 136 INDEX OF STREAMS. XXIII Page. North Fork of Cosuinnes River, Cal 135 North Fork of Cottonwood Creek, Cal 136 North Fork of Feather River, Cal 136 North Fork of Fresno River, Cal 134 North Fork of Kaweah River, Cal 133 North Fork of Kings River, Cal- 134 North Fork of Middle Fork of Tule River, Cal 133 North Fork of North Fork of Tuba River, Cal 136 North Fork of San Gabriel River, North Branch, Cal 132 North Fork of San Gabriel River, West Branch, Cal 132 North Fork of San Joaquin River, Cal 134 North Fork of Smith River, Cal_ 138 North Fork of Trinity River, Cal 138 North Fork of Tuolumne River, Cal 134 North Fork of Yuba River, Cal_ 136 North Fork of Yuba River, North Fork of, Cal 136 Oregon Creek, Cal 136 Pacific Gas & Electric Co.'s canal, Cal 136 Pacific Light & Power Co.'s canal, Cal 132 Pajaro River, Cal 133 Pala Indian Reservation canal, Cal 132 Palermo Land & Water Co.'s canal, Cal 136 Pilot Creek, Cal 137 Pilot Creek ditch, Cal 137 Pine Valley Creek, Cal 131 Piru Creek, Cal 132 Pit River, Cal 135 Pit River, South Fork, Cal 135 Pitman Creek, Cal 134 Poso Creek, Cal 133 Putah Creek, Cal 137 Redlands (South Fork) canal, Cal 132 Redwood Creek, Cal 137 Reeve Davis Consolidated Min ing Co.'s ditch, Cal__ 138 Page. Relief Creek, Cal 135 Rincon Indian Reservation ditch, Cal 132 Rising River, Cal 135 Rock Creek, Cal 136 Rose Creek, Cal 135 Rubicon River, Cal 137 Rubicon River, Little, Cal 137 Rubicon River, Little South Fork, Cal 137 Rush Creek, Cal 134 Russian River, Cal 137 Russian River, East Fork, Cal__ 137 Sacramento River, Cal 135 Salinas River, Cal 133 Salmon River, Cal i. 138 San Antonio Creek, Cal 132 San Antonio River, Cal 133 San Diego flume, Cal 131 San Diego River, Cal 131 San Dieguito River, Cal 131 San Emigdio Creek, Cal 133 San Gabriel River and canals, Cal 132 San Gabriel River, Fish Fork, Cal 132 San Gabriel River, Iron Fork, Cal 132 San Gabriel River, North Branch of North Fork, Cal___ 132 San Gabriel River, West Branch of North Fork, Cal 132 San Joaquin River, Cal 133 San Joaquin River, North Fork, Cal 134 San Jose Creek, Cal 132 San Lorenzo Creek, Cal 133 San Luis Rey River, Cal 131 San Pasqual ditch, East, Cal___ 131 San Pasqual ditch, West, Cal 131 San Roqui Creek, Cal 132 Santa Ana River and power canal, Cal 132 Santa Clara River, Cal 132 Santa Maria River, Cal 132 Santa Paula Creek, Cal 132 Santa Ynez River, Cal 132 Santa Ysabel Creek, Cal 131 Scott River, Cal 138 Scott River, East Fork, Cal 138 Seco, Arroyo (tributary to Los 5 Angeles River), Cal 132 Seco, Arroyo (tributary to Sa linas River), Cal 133 XXIV INDEX OF STREAMS. Page. Sespe Creek, Cal 132 Sly Park Creek, Cal 135 Smith River, Middle Fork, Cal__ 138 Smith River, North Fork, Cal__ 138 Smith River, South Fork, Cal__ 138 South Eel River, Cal 137 South Fork canal, Cal 132 South Fork Creek, Cal 134 South Fork ditch, Cal 134 South Fork ditch, Little, Cal___ 137 South Fork of American River, Cal 137 South Fork of Eel River, Cal___ 137 South Fork of Feather River, Cal 136 South Fork of Kaweah River, Cal 133 South Fork of Kern River, Cal_ 133 South Fork of Merced River, Cal 134 South Fork of Middle Fork of Tule River, Cal 133 South Fork of Mokelumne River, Cal 135 South Fork of Pit River, Cal___ 135 South Fork of Rubicon River, Little, Oal 137 South Fork of Smith River, Cal_ 138 South Fork of Stanislaus River, Cal 135 South Fork of Trinity River, Cal 138 South Fork of Tule River, Cal__ 133 South Fork of Tuolumne River, Cal 134 Spanish Creek, Cal 136 Sprague River, Oreg 138 Squaw Creek, Cal__: 136 Stanislaus River, Oal 134 Stanislaus River, Middle Fork, Cal 135 Stanislaus River, South Fork, Cal 135 Stanislaus & San Joaquin Water Co.'s canal, Cal 134 Stony Creek, Cal 136 Stony Creek, Little, Cal 136 Sweetwater River, Cal 131 Swift Creek, Cal 138 Sycan River, Oreg 138 j Page. Tejon House Creek, Cal 133 Temecula Creek, Cal 132 Temescal Creek, Cal 132 Tenaya Creek, Cal 134 Thomas Creek, Oreg 135 Tia Juana River, Cal 131 Trinity River, Cal 138 Trinity River, East Fork, Cal__ 138 Trinity River, North Fork, Cal_ 138 Trinity River, South Fork, Cal_ 138 Triunfo Creek, Cal 132 Tulare Lake, Cal 133 Tule Lake, Oreg 133 Tule River, Cal 133 Tule River, North Fork of Mid dle Fork, Cal 133 Tule River, South Fork of Mid dle Fork, Oal 133 Tule River, South Fork, Cal 133 Tuolumne River, Cal 134 Tuolumne River, North Fork, Cal 134 Tuolumne River, South Fork, Cal 134 Turlock canal, Cal 134 Tyler Creek, Cal 133 Upper Klamath Lake, Oreg 138 Van Duzen River, Cal 137 Ventura River, Cal 132 Waterman Canyon Creek, Cal__ 132 West Branch of North Fork of San Gabriel River, Cal 132 West Fork of San Gabriel River, Cal , 132 West San Pasqual ditch, Cal___ 131 West Valley Creek, Cal 135 Whisky Creek, Cal 134 White River, Cal 133 Williamson River, Oreg 138 Wood River, Oreg 138 Yager Creek, Cal 137 Yosemite Creek, Oal 134 Yosemite Water & Power Co.'s canal. See La Grange Water & Power Co.'s canal. Yuba River, Cal 136 Yuba River, Middle Fork, Cal__ 136 Yuba River, North Fork, Cal___ 136 Yuba River, North Fork of North Fork, Cal__ 136 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY GEORGE OTIS SMITH, DIRECTOR WATER-SUPPLY PAPER 340 L STREAM-GAGING STATIONS AND PUBLICATIONS RELATING TO WATER RESOURCES 1885-1913 PART XII, NORTH PACIFIC SLOPE DRAINAGE BASINS COMPILED BY B. D. WOOD Part of Water-Supply Paper 340 WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1915 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY GEORGE OTIS SMITH, DIRECTOR WATER- SUPPLY PAPER 340 L STREAM-GAGING STATIONS AND PUBLICATIONS RELATING TO WATER RESOURCES 1885-1913 PART XII, NORTH PACIFIC SLOPE DRAINAGE BASINS COMPILED BY B. D. WOOD Part of Water-Supply Paper 340 WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1915 CONTENTS. Page. Introduction in How Government reports may be obtained or consulted in Stream-flow reports iv Principal streams 147 Gaging stations 147 Reports on water resources of the north Pacific slope drainage basins 162 Publications of United States Geological Survey 162 Water-supply papers 162 Annual reports 164 Bulletins 166 Geologic folios 166 Miscellaneous reports 168 Geological Survey hydrologic reports of general interest 169 Water-supply papers : 169 Annual reports 176 Professional papers 177 Bulletins 178 Index by areas and subjects ix Index of streams xi ii STREAM-GAGING STATIONS AND PUBLICATIONS RELATING TO WATER RESOURCES, 1885-1913. Compiled by B. D. WOOD. INTRODUCTION. Investigation of water resources by the United States Geological Survey has consisted in large part of measurements of the volume of flow of streams and studies of the conditions affecting that flow, but it has comprised also investigation of such closely allied subjects as irrigation, water storage, water powers, underground waters, and quality of waters. Most of the results of these investigations have been published in the series of water-supply papers, but some have appeared in the bulletins, monographs, professional papers, and annual reports. The results of stream-flow measurements are now published an nually in 12 parts, each part covering an area whose boundaries coincide with natural drainage features as indicated below : Part I. North Atlantic slope basins. II. South Atlantic slope and eastern Gulf of Mexico basins. III. Ohio River basin. IV. St. Lawrence River basin. V. Upper Mississippi River and Hudson Bay basins. VI. Missouri River basin. VII. Lower Mississippi River basin. VIII. Western Gulf of Mexico basins. IX. Colorado River basin. X. Great Basin. XI. Pacific slope basins in California. XII. North Pacific slope basins. HOW GOVERNMENT REPORTS MAY BE OBTAINED OR, CONSULTED. Water-supply papers and other publications of the United States Geological Survey containing data in regard to the water resources of the United States may be obtained or consulted as indicated below. 1. Copies may be obtained free of charge by applying to the Director of the Geological Survey, Washington, D. C. The edition printed for free distribution is, however, small and is soon exhausted. in IV STREAM-GATING STATIONS, ETC., 1885-1913. 2. Copies may be purchased at nominal cost from the Superin tendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C., who will on application furnish lists giving prices. 3. Sets of the reports may be consulted in the libraries of the principal cities in the United States. 4. Complete sets are available for consultation in the local offices of the water-resources branch of the Geological Survey, as follows : Albany, X. Y., Koom 18, Federal Building. Atlanta, Ga., Post Office Building. Madison, Wis., Capitol Building. St. Paul, Minn., Old Capitol Building. Helena, Mont., Montana National Bank Building. Denver, Colo., 302 Chamber of Commerce Building. Salt Lake City, Utah, Federal Building. Boise, Idaho, 615 Idaho Building. Phoenix, Ariz., 417 Fleming Building. Portland, Oreg., 416 Couch Building. Tacoma, Wash., Federal Building. San Francisco, Cal., 505 Customhouse. Los Angeles, Cal., Federal Building. Honolulu, Hawaii, Kapiolani Building. A list of the Geological Survey's publications will be sent on appli cation to the Director of the United States Geological Survey, Washington, D. C. STREAM-FLOW REPORTS. Stream-flow records have been obtained at more than 1,550 points in the United States, and the data obtained have been published in the reports tabulated below : Stream-flow data in reports of the United States Geological Survey. [A= Annual Report; B=Bulletin; AVS= Water-Supply Paper.] Repoit. Character of data. Year. 10th A pt 2 Descriptive, information only llth A' pt 2 Monthly discharge ard descriptive information 1884 to Septem 12th \ pt 2 do ber, 1890. 1884 to June 30 13th A pt 3 Mean discharge in second-feet. 1891. 1884 to Dec 31 14th A pt 2 Monthly discharge (long-time records, 1871 to 1893) 1892. 1888 to Dec 31 B 131 Descriptions, measurements, gage heights, and ratings 1S93. 1893 and 1894. 16th A pt 2 Descriptive information only. B 140 Descriptions, measurements, gage heights, ratings, and monthly 1895. WS11 discharge (also many data covering earlier years). Gage heights (also gage hoights for earlier years) 1896. 18th A, pt. 4 WS15 Descriptions, measurements, ratings, and monthly discharge (also similar data for some earlier years). Descriptions, measurements, and gage heiehts, eastern United 1895 and 1896. 1897. WS16 States, eastern Mississippi River, and Missouri River above junction with Kansas. Descriptions, measurements, and gage heights, wpstern Missis 1897. 19th A pt 4 sippi River below junction of Missouri and Platte, and western United States. Descriptions, measurements, ratings, and monthly discharge 1897. WS27. (also some long-time records). Measurements, ratings, and gage heights, eastern United 1898. States, eastern Mississippi River, and Missouri River. STREAM-FLOW REPORTS. Stream-floiv data in reports of tin' United Htutcx GeoJoyical Survey Continued. Report. Character of data. Year. WS 2S Measurements, ratings, and gage heights, Arkansas River and 1898. 20th \ pt 4 western United States. Monthly discharge (also for many earlier years) 1898 WS 35 to 39 Descriptions, measurements, gage heights, and ratings 1899. 21st A pt 4 Monthly discharge 1899 WS 4 / to 52 Descriptions measurements, gage heights, and ratings 1900. 22dA,pt. 4 Monthly discharge 1900. W 865,66 Descriptions measurements, gage heights, and ratings 1901. WS75 Mcnthly discharge 1901 WS 82 to 85 Complete data . 1902. WS97to 100 . do 1903. WS124to 135 dc 1904. WS 165 to 178 . 1905. WS 201 to 214 do 1906. WS 241 to 252 do 1907-8. WS 261 to 272.... do. 1909. WS 281 to 292 do 1910. WS 301 to 312 . do.. 1911. WS321 to 332a.. do 1912. WS 351 to 362o 1913. In preparation. The records at most of the stations discussed in these reports extend over a series of years, and miscellaneous measurements at many points other than regular gaging stations have been made each year. An index of the reports containing records obtained prior to 1904 has been published in Water-Supply Paper 119. The following table gives, by years and drainage basins, the numbers of the papers on surface-water supply published from 1899 to 1913. The data for any particular station will, as a rule, be found in the reports covering the years during which the station was maintained. For example, data for Machias River at Whitney ville, Me., 1903 to 1913, are published in Water-Supply Papers 97, 124, 165, 201, 241, 261, 281, 301, 321, and 351, which contain records for the New England streams from 1903 to 1913. Results of miscellaneous measurements are published by drainage basins. VI STREAM-GAGING STATIONS, ETC., 1885-1013. lO *O *O CO CO C iO *O *O >O >O O O CO CO CO ,-0 CO CO CO C-1 CO "^ *O O 11 i s s CJ CO CO CO I 1 1 1 5 I i i p .-i co co f I I O O \ C s s e K 2 S i-l I-H IN CO CO CO CO CO SB 8 888 S 8 t ? S S S I 8 8 * h Atlantic slope tern Gulf of Mexico * 2 3 I s ! O OQ son Bay and Upper auri River 13. Js > o 2 * 63 | 2 | 3 II 'S ^ I 6 a 5 - P S 1 S fa S S S ^a S 7 * ?| S - I 1 'P I 1 I II S c^ ^>> ts& II * rj E-Sfa I'S-^ PH 2s <**> 1 STREAM-FLOW REPORTS. VII In these papers and in the following lists the stations are arranged in downstream order. The main stem of any river is determined by measuring or estimating its drainage area that is, the headwater stream having the largest drainage area is considered the continua tion of the main stream, and local changes in name and lake surface are disregarded. All stations from the source to the mouth of the main stem of the river are presented first, and the tributaries in regular order from source to mouth follow 7 , the streams in each tributary basin being listed before those of the next basin below. The exceptions to this rule occur in the records for Mississippi River, which are given in four parts, as indicated on page in, and in the records for large lakes, where it is simpler to take up the streams in regular order around the rim of the lake than to cross back and forth over the lake surface. Purr XII. NORTH PACIFIC SLOPE DRAINAGE BASINS. PRINCIPAL STREAMS. The largest rivers discharging into the Pacific Ocean in Oregon and Washington are Rogue, Umpqua, and Columbia rivers and streams that reach the ocean through Puget Sound. The principal tributaries of the Columbia are Clark Fork, Kootenai, Spokane, Wenatchee, Yakima, Snake, Bruneau, Boise. Walla AValla, Umatilla, John Day, Deschutes, Hood, and Willamette rivers. Nisqually, Puyallup, White, Snoqualmie, and Skagit rivers flow into Puget Sound. The streams of this division drain wholly or in part the States of Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming. In addition to the list of gaging stations and the annotated list of publications relating specifically to the. section, these pages contain o similar list of reports that are of general interest in many sections and cover a wide range of hydrologic subjects, and also brief refer ences to reports published by State and other organizations. (See p. 168.) GAGING STATIONS. NOTE. Dash after a date indicates that station was being maintained June 30, 1913. Period after a date indicates discontinunce. BETWEEN KLAMATH RIVER AND COLUMBIA RIVER. Rogue River, North Fork (head of Rogue River) at Prospect. Dreg.. 1907- Rogue River at Trail, Oreg., 1910- Rogue River near Tolo. Oreg., 1905- Rogue River near Galice, Oreg., 1906. Mill Creek near Prospect, Oreg., 1910. Big Butte Creek, South Fork (head of Big Butte Creek), at Butte Falls, Oreg., 1910-11. Little Butte Creek, South Fork (head of Little Butte Creek), near Lake Creek, Oreg., 1910- Little Butte Creek near Eagle Point, Oreg., 1907- North Fork of Little Butte Creek near Lake Creek, Oreg., 1911- Bear Creek at Talent, Oreg., 1907- Applegate Creek near Bunconi. Oreg., 1911- Applegnte Creek at Murphy. Oreg., 1907-1910. Cameron ditch near Knncom. Oreg., 1911- Umpqna River, North Fork of South Fork (head of TTrnpqua River), near Tiller, Oreg., 1910-11. 147 148 STREAM-GAGING STATIONS, ETC., 1885-1913. Umpqua River, South Fork, near Brockway, Oreg., 1905- Umpqua River near Elkton, Oreg., 1905- Cow Creek at Riddle, Oreg., 1911- North Fork of Umpqua River near Hoaglin, Oreg., 1910- North Fork of Umpqua River near Oak Creek and Winchester, Oreg., 1905- Mlll Creek near Ash, Oreg., 1907- Siletz River at Siletz, Oreg., 1905- COLUMBTA RIVER BASIN. Columbia River at Wenatchee, Wash., 1910. Columbia River near Julia, Wash., 1905. Columbia River at Hanford, Wash., 1910. Columbia River at Pasco, Wash., 1904-1910. Columbia River at Cascade Locks and The Dalles, Oreg., 1879- Kootenai River at Libby, Mont, 1910- Kootenai River near Bonners Ferry, Idaho, 1904. Kootenai River near Porthill, Idaho, 1904. Callahan Creek near Troy, Mont., 1911- Yaak Creek near Troy, Mont., 1910- Moyie River near Snyder, Idaho, 1911- Clark Fork at Missoula, Mont., 1898-1907. Clark Fork at St. Regis, Mont., 1910- Clark Fork near Plains, Mont., 1910- Clark Fork at Priest River, Idaho, 1903-1905. Clark Fork at Newport, Wash., 1904-1910. Clark Fork at Metaline, Wash., 1908-1910. Racetrack Creek near Anaconda, Mont., 1911- Little Blackfoot River and ditch near Elliston, Mont., 1910- Rock Creek near Quigley, Mont., 1910- Big Blackfoot River at Bonner, Mont., 1898-1905. Rattlesnake Creek at Missoula, Mont., 1898-1900. Bitterroot River. West Fork (head of Bitterroot River), near Darby, Mont., 1910- Bitterroot River near Grantsdale, Mont., 1902-1907. Bitterroot River near Missoula, Mont., 1898-1901; 1903-^. East Fork of Bitterroot River near Darby, Mont., 1910- Lolo Creek near Lolo, Mont., 1910- St. Regis River near St. Regis, Mont., 1910- Flathead River, North Fork (head of Flathead River) near Columbia Falls, Mont., 1910- Flathead River at Demersville near Kalispell, Mont., 1910- Flathead River at Damon's ranch near Kalispell, Mont., 1910- Flathead River at Keller's ranch near Holt, Mont, 1910- Flathead Lake (on Flathead River) at Poison, Mont., 1908- Flathead River near Poison, Mont., 1907- Middle Fork of Flathead River at Belton, Mont., 1910- Lake McDonald outlet at Lake McDonald, Mont,, 1912- South Fork of Flathead River near Columbia Falls, Mont., 1910- Swan River near Big Fork, Mont., 1910-11. Stillwater River near Kalispell, Mont., 1906-7. Whitefish River near Kalispell, Mont., 1906. Little Bitterroot Creek near Marion, Mont., 1910- NORTH PACIFIC SI.OI'K DHATNACK BASINS. 149 Columbia River tributaries Continued. Clark Fork tributaries- -Continued. Flathead River tributaries Continued. Little Bitterroot Creek near Hubbart, Mont, 1909- Little Bitterroot Creek near Dayton, Mont, 1908-9. Crow Creek near Ronan, Mont., 1906- Crow Creek at Lozeau's ranch near Ronan, Mont., 1911- Mud Creek near Ronan, Mont., 1908-1910. Mission Creek near St. Ignatius, Mont., 1906- Dry Creek near St. Ignatius, Mont., 1908- Post Creek near Ronan, Mont., 1906-1911. Post Creek near St. Ignatius, Mont, 1912. Jocko River, North Fork (bead of Jocko River), near Jocko, Mont., 1912- Jocko River near Jocko, Mont., 1908- Jocko River at Ravalli, Mont., 1906-1911. Falls Creek near Jocko, Mont., 1912- South Fork of Jocko River near Jocko, Mont., 1912- Middle Fork of Jocko River near Jocko, Mont., 1912- Big Knife Creek near Jocko, Mont., 1908- Agency Creek near Jocko, Mont., 1908- Blodgett Creek near Jocko, Mont., 1909-10. Finley Creek near Jocko, Mont., 1908- East Finley Creek near Jocko, Mont., 1908- Indian ditch near Jocko, Mont., 1908- Valley Creek near Ravalli, Mont., 1908-1911. Revais Creek near Dixon, Mont., 1911- Thouipson River near Thompson Falls, Mont., 1911- Prospect Creek near Thompson Falls, Mont., 1911- Priest River at Priest Lake near Coolin, Idaho, 1912- Priest River at Falk's ranch near Priest River, Idaho, 1911- Priest River near Priest River, Idaho, 1903-1905; 1910-11. Sullivan Lake near Metaline, Wash., 1912- Sullivan Creek near Metaline, Wash., 1912- Kettle River at Curlew, Wash., 1911- Cceur d'Alene River, North Fork (head of Co3iir d'Alene River and through Cceur d'Alene Lake of Spokane River) at Prichard, Idaho, 1911- Coeur d'Alene River near Enaville, Idaho, 1911-12. Cceur d'Alene River at Cataldo, Idaho, 1911- Coeur d'Alene Lake at Creur d'Alene, Idaho, 1903-1910. Spokane River near Trent, Wash., 1912- Spokaue River at Washington Water Power Co. dani at Spokane, Wash., 1891-1896. Spokane River at Spokane, Wash., 1896- Spokane Valley Land & Water Co. canal near Post Falls, Wash., 1911- Spokane River near Long Lake, Wash., 1912- Little North' Fork of Coeur d'Alene River near Enaville, Idaho, 1911- St. Joe River at A very, Idahp, 1911- St. Joe River near Calder, Idaho, 1911- Latah [Hangman] Creek at and near Tekoa, Wash., 1904-1905. North Fork of Latah Creek near Spokane, Wash., 1904-5. Little Spokane River near Spokane, Wash., 1903-1905; 1911- San Foil River at Keller, Wash., 1911- 150 STREAM-GAGING STATIONS, ETC., 1885-1913. Columbia River tributaries Continued. Nespelem River near Nespelem, Wash., 1911- Okanogan River at Okanogan, Wash., 1911- Similkameen River near Oroville, Wash., 1911- Sinlaheldn Creek near Loomis, Wash., 1903-1905. Johnson Creek near Riverside, Wash., 1903-1907. Salmon Creek near Okanogan (Malott), Wash., 1903- Methow River at Winthrop, Wash., 1912- Methow River at Pateros, Wash., 1903- Twisp River near Twisp, Wash., 1912- Stehekin River (head of Chelan River) near Stehekin, Wash., 1910- Chelan Lake at Lakeside, Wash., 1897-1899 ; 1905. Chelan Lake at Chelan, Wash., 1910- Chelan River at Chelan, Wash., 1903- Railroad Creek at Lucerne, Wash., 1910- Entiat River at Entiat, Wash., 1910- Wena tehee River near Chiwaukum, Wash., 1912- Wenatchee River near Leavenworth, Wash., 1910- Wenatchee River at Sherman Spur, above Cashmere, near Dryden, Wash., 1909-10. Wenatchee River at Cashmere, Wash., 1904- Wenatchee River at Dryden, Wash., 1912- Wenatchee River at Wenatchee, Wash., 1897. Wenatchee Valley canal at Dryden, Wash., 1912- White River near Chiwaukum, Wash., 1911- Nason Creek near Nason, Wash., 1911- Chiwawa River near Leavenworth, Wash., 1911- Chiwaukum Creek near Chiwaukum, Wash., 1911. Icicle Creek near Leavenworth, Wash., 1911- Peshastin Creek near Leavenworth, Wash., 1911- Crab Creek at Wilson Creek, Wash.. 1904. Crab Creek near Adrian, Wash., 1910- Crab Creek near Ephrata, Wash., 1909. Moses Lake at Moses Lake, Wash., 1909- Crab Creek near Warden, Wash., 1909- Rockyford Creek near Ephrata, Wash., 1910- Keechelus Lake (on Yakima River) near Martin, Wash., 1906- Yakima River near Martin, Wash., 1903- Yakima River at Eastou, Wash., 1904 ; 1910- Yakima River at Clealum, Wash., 1906- Yakima River at Umtanum, Wash, 1906- Yakima River at Selah Gap, near North Yakima, Wash., 1897-8; 1904-5 1911- Yakima River at Union Gap, near Yakima, Wash., 1893- Yakima River near Wapato, Wash., 1908- Yakima River at Mabton, Wash., 1911- Yakima River at Prosser, Wash., 1904-1906. Yakima River at Kiona, Wash., 1895- Yakima River near Richland, Wash., 1906-1911. Cabin Creek near Easton, Wash., 1909- Kachess Lake (on Kachess River) near Easton. Wash., 1905- Kachess Lake evaporation records, 1907-1910. Kachess River near Easton, Wash., 1903- Big Creek near Clealum, Wash., 1909. NORTH PACIFIC SLOPE DRAINAGE BASINS. 151 Columbia River tributaries Continued. Yakimu River tributaries Continued. Clealum River, North Fork (head of Clealum River), at Galena, Wash., 1907; 1911. Clealum Lake near Roslyn, Wash., 1906- Clealtiin River near Roslyn, Wash., 1903- Teanawjiy River below Forks near Clealum, Wash., 1911- TennawMv River near Clealum. Wash., 1909- Swauk Creek near Clealum. Wash., 1909- Taneum Creek near Thorp, Wash., 1909- Mannstash Creek near Ellensburg, Wash., 1909- AVilsou Creek near Thrall, Wash.. 1911. AVenas Creek near Selah, Wash., 1909-1912. Naches River at Anderson's ranch near Nile, Wash., 1909- Naches River at Oak Flat near Nile. Wash., 1904- Xaches River below Tieton River near Nat-lies, Wash., 1905; 1909- Nat-hes River at North Yakiuia, Wash., 1893- Bumping Lake (on Bumping River) near Nile, Wash., 1909- Bumpiug River at Bumping Lake near Nile, Wash., 1906; 1909- American River near Nile. Wash., 1909- Tieton River at McAllister Meadows, near Naches, Wash., 1908- Tieton River at headworks of Tieton canal, near Naches, Wash., 1906- Tieton River at Cobb's ranch, near Naches, Wash., 1902- Atanum Creek, North Fork (head of Atanum Creek) near Tam- pico, Wash., 1907- Atanum Creek at The Narrows, near Tampico, Wash., 1908- Atanuni Creek near Yakima. Wash.. 1904 ; 1907- South Fork of Atanum Creek near Tampico, Wash., 1907- Toppenish Creek near Fort Simcoe, AVash., 1909- ' Toppenish Creek near White Swan (Wapato), Wash., 1909- Toppenish Creek at railway bridge near Toppenish, Wash., 1894- 1896. Toppenish Creek near Toppenish, Wash., 1908-9. Toppenish Creek at Alfalfa. Wash., 1909- Simcoe Creek near Fort Simcoe, Wash., 1909- Satus Creek near Toppenish, Wash., 1908- Satus Creek near Alfalfa, Wash., 1905. Satns Creek near Satus, Wash., 1894-1896. Canals in Yakima River basin. Diversions in Kittitas Valley: Cascade canal near Thorp, Wash., 1905 ; 1909. West Kittitas canal near Thorp, Wash.. 1904-5; 1909- Ellensburg Water Co. canal near Ellensburg, Wash., 1904; 1 '.<)'.. Town canal near Ellensburg, Wash., 1904-5. Olson canal near Elleusburg, Wash., 1905 ; 1909. Bull canal near Ellensburg, Wash., 1909. Diversions in Yakima and Moxee valleys ; Selah-Moxee canal near Selah, Wash., 1904 ; 1909. Taylor canal near Selah, Wash., 1905 ; 1909. Moxee canal near North Yakima, Wash., 1904-5; 1909. Hubbard canal near North Yakima, Wash., 1904-5 ; 1909. 152 STREAM-GAGING STATIONS, ETC., 1885-1913. Columbia River tributaries Continued. Yukiuia River tributaries Continued. Diversions in Yakima and Moxee valleys Continued. Fowler canal near North Yakima, Wash., 1904-5; 1909. Granger canal near North Yakima, Wash., 1904 ; 1909. Indian Reservation diversions: New Reservation canal near Yakima, Wash., 1904- Old Reservation canal near Wapato, Wash., 1904- Sunnyside canal near Wapato. Wash., 1904- Sunnyside canal wasteways, 1911. Sunuyside canal at Zillah, Wash., evaporation records, 1907-8. Gilbert canal near Toppenish, Wash., 1904. Hatch canal near Toppenish, Wash., 1904. Diversions from Lower Yakima Prosser Falls Irrigation Co.'s canal at Frosser, Wash., 1904. Benton Water Co.'s canal near Kiona, Wash., 1905. Kiona canal near Kiona, Wash., 1904-5 ; 1908-9. Kiona Water Supply Co.'s canal near Kiona, Wash., 1905. Grosscup canal near Kiona, Wash., 1905. Keimewick canal near Kennewick, Wash., 1905. Diversions from Naches River: Selah Valley canal near Naches, Wash., 1904-5 ; 1911- Tieton canal near Naches, Wash., 1910- Wapatox canal, upper and lower, near Naches, Wash., 1904-5 ; 1909. Clark canal near Naches, Wash., 1905 ; 1909. Upper Scott canal near Naches, Wash., 1909. Lowery canal near Naches, Wash., 1905 ; 1909. Kelly canal near Naches, Wash., 1909. Fortune canal near Naches, Wash., 1905 ; 1909. Lower Scott canal near Naches, Wash., 1905; 1909. Gleed canal near Naches, Wash., 1904-5 ; 1909-1911. Morrisey canal near Naches, Wash., 1909. Cougdon (Yakima Valley) canal near Naches, Wash., 1904-5; 1909. White & Leach canal near Naches, Wash., 1905 ; 1909. McCormick canal near Naches, Wash., 1905 ; 1909. Schuler & Rodenbach canal near North Yakima, Wash., 1909. Naches-Cowiche canal near North Yakima, Wash., 1904-5. Fower canal at North Yakima, Wash., 1904-5. Fruitvale-Schanno canal at North Yakima, Wash., 1909. R. S. & C. canal at North Yakima, Wash., 1909. Schanno canal at North Yakima, Wash., 1904-5 ; 1909. Broadgage canal near North Yakima, Wash., 1904-5; 1909. Union canal at North Yakima, Wash., 1904 ; 1909. North Yakima Town canal at North Yakima, Wash., 1904; 1909. Jackson Lake (Snake River) near Moran, Wyo., 1908. .Snake River 1 at Moran, Wyo., 1903- Snake River 1 at Grovant, Wyo., 1899. Snake River 1 near Lyon, Idaho, 1903- Snake River x near Heise, Idaho, 1910- Snake River at Idaho Falls, Idaho, 1889-1893. Snake River near Blackfoot, Idaho, 1910- Snake River at Neeley, Idaho. 1906- 1 Decision of United States Geographic Board ; formerly called South Fork of Snak< River. NORTH PACIFIC SLOPE DRAINAGE BASINS. 153 Columbia Kiver tributaries Continued. Snake River at Howells Ferry near Miuidoka, Idaho, 1910- Snake River near Minidoka, Idaho, 1805-1899; 1901-1910. Lake Milner (on Snake River) at Milner, Idaho, 1911- Snake River at Miluer, Idaho, 1909- Snake River near Twin Falls, Idaho, 1912- Siiiike River near Hagerrnan, Idaho, 1912- Snake River at King Hill, Idaho, 1909- Snake River at Weiser, Idaho, 1910- Suake River at Lewiston, Idaho, 1910- Snake River near Burbank, Wash., 1907- Paciflc Creek near Moran, Wyo., 1906. Buffalo River near Elk, Wyo., 1906. Henrys Fork 1 at Warm River, Idaho, 1910- Heurys Fork near Ora, Idaho, 1902-1909. Henrys Fork at Ferry, Idaho, 1890. Henrys Fork near Rexburg, Idaho, 1909- Warui River near Warm River, Idaho, 1912- Robinson Creek near Warm River, Idaho, 1912- Fall River near Marysville, Idaho, 1902-3. Fall River at Fremont, Idaho, 1904-1909 (replaces Marysville station). Fall River at Canyon, Idaho, 1890-1901. Tetou River near St. Anthony, Idaho, 1903-1909. Teton River at Chase's ranch, Idaho, 1890-1893. Willow Creek near Prospect, Idaho, 1904. Blackfoot River near Rossfork, Idaho, 1908- (now called "near Henry"). Blackfoot River near Shelley, Idaho, 1909- Big Lost River near Chilly, Idaho, 1904-1906 ; 1907- Big Lost River near Mackay, Idaho, 1903-1906 ; 1912- Thousand Springs Creek near Mackay, Idaho, 1912- Cedar Creek above forks near Mackay, Idaho, 1912- Cedar Creek below forks near Mackay, Idaho, 1912- Little Lost River near Clyde, Idaho, 1910- Birch Creek near Kaufman, Idaho, 1910- Camas Creek near Hamer, Idaho, 1912- Portneuf River above reservoir, near Chesterfield, Idaho, 1912- Portneuf River below reservoir near Chesterfield, Idaho, 1912- Portneuf River near Pebble, Idaho, 1910- Portneuf River near McCammon, Idaho, 1896. Portneuf River at Pocatello, Idaho, 1897-1899 ; 1912- Topons Creek near Pebble, Idaho, 1912- Birch Creek near Downey, Idaho, 1912- Raft River near Bridge, Idaho, 1909- Clear Creek near Naf, Idaho, 1910- Cassia Creek near Conant, Idaho, 1909- Goose Creek above Trapper Creek near Oakley, Idaho, 1911- Goose Creek near Oakley, Idaho, 1909-1911. Trapper Creek -near Oakley, Idaho, 1911- Birch Creek near Oakley, Idaho, 1912- 1 Decision of United States Geographic Board ; formerly called North Fork of Snake River. 154 STREAM-GAGING STATIONS, ETC., 1885-1913. Columbia River tributaries Continued. Snake River tributaries Continued. Big Cottonwood Creek near Oakley, Idaho. 1909- Dry Creek near Artesian City, Idaho, 1912- Rock Creek near Rock Creek, Idaho 1909- McMullen Creek near Rock Creek, Idaho, 1910; 1912- Salmon Falls River near San Jacinto, Xev., 1909- Saliuon Falls River near Twin Falls, Idaho, 1909-10. Cedar Creek near Roseworth, Idaho, 1909- Devil Creek near Three Creek, Idaho, 1912- Big Wood River near Gil let, Idaho, 1904-5. Big Wood River near Hailey, Idaho, 1889. Big Wood River near Bellevue, Idaho, 1911- Big Wood River below Magic Dani near Richfield, Idaho, 1911- Big Wood River near Shoshoue, Idaho, 1905-6 ; 1908- Big Wood River at Toponis (GoodingV), Idaho, 1896-1 s<)9. Big Wood River near Bliss, Idaho, 1899. Little Camus Creek near Little Camas Store, Idaho, 1896. Malad River * near Elaine, Idaho, 1912- Little Wood River near Carey, Idaho, 1904-5. Little Wood River near Richfield, Idaho, 1911- Little Wood River at Toponis (Gooding?), Idaho, 1896-1899. Dry Creek near Blanche, Idaho, 1912- Little Canyon Creek at Glenns Ferry, Idaho, 1909- Alkali Creek near Glenns Ferry, Idaho, 1909- Cold Spring Creek near Hammett, Idaho, 1909- Bennett Creek near Hammett, Idaho, 1909- Bruneau River near Tindall, Idaho, 1910- Bruneau River near Hot Spring, Idaho, 1909- Bmneau River near Grandview, Idaho, 1895-1903; 1909- Sheep Creek near Tindall, Idaho, 1910- Marys Creek at Tindall, Idaho, 1910- Louse Creek near Wickahoney, Idaho, 1911. East Fork of Bruneau River near Hot Spring, Idaho. 1910- Big Flat Creek near Three Creek, Idaho, 1912- Cherry Creek near Three Creek, Idaho, 1912- Three Creek near Three Creek, Idaho, 1912- Deadwood Creek near Three Creek, Idaho, 1912- Castle Creek near Castle Creek, Idaho, 1910-11. Succor Creek near Homedale, Idaho, 1903-1910. Owyhee River at Owyhee, Oreg., 1890-1896 ; 1903- Jordan Creek near Jordan Valley, Oreg., 1911- Boise River near Twin Springs, Idaho, 1911- Boise River at Bowling's ranch near Arrowrock (Highland), Idaho. 1911- Boise River near Highland, Idaho, 1905- (replaces the Boise station). Boise River near Boise, Idaho, 1894-1904. Boise River at Caldwell, Idaho, 1895-96. South Fork of Boise River near Prairie, Idaho, 1911- Griines Creek near Centerville, Idaho, 1909-10. Spring Creek near Boise, Idaho, 1912- Malheur River above South Fork at Riverside, Oreg., 1906-1910. 1 Decision of United States Geographic Board ; formerly called Cainas Creek, NORTH PACIFIC SLOPE DRAINAGE BASINS. 155 Columbia River tributaries Continued. Snake River tributaries Continued. Malheur River at Riverside, Oreg., 1909- Malhour River near Harpers rancb, near Westfall, Oreg., 1903-1905. Mallieur River at McLaughlin's bridge, near Vale, Oreg., 1904-1906. Malbeur River at Vale, Oreg., 1890-91; 1895-6; 1903- Malbeur River at Halliday's bridge, near Ontario, Oreg., 1904-5. Soutb Fork of Malbeur River at Riverside, Oreg., 1910- Nortb Fork of Malbeur River near Beulah, Oreg., 1909- Bully Creek near Westfall, Oreg., 1911- Bully Creek at Warm Springs near Vale, Oreg., 1903-4; 1905-1907; 1911- Bully Creek at Vale, Oreg., 1904-5. Willow Creek near Malbeur, Oreg., 1904-5 ; 1911- Willow Creek near Brogan, Oreg., 1910- Willow Creek at Dell, Oreg., 1904-1906. Cow Creek near Malbeur, Oreg., 1912- Pole Creek near Brogan, Oreg., 1912- Payette River near Horsesboe Bend, Idabo, 1906- Payette River at Payette, Idabo, 1895-1897. North Fork of Payette River at Lardo, Idaho, 1908- North Fork of Payette River at Van Wyck, Idabo, 1912- Lake Fork of Payette River near McCall, Idabo, 1909- Sbafer Creek near Horsesboe Bend, Idabo, 1911- Harris Creek near Horsesboe Bend, Idabo, 1911- Weiser River near Weiser, Idabo, 1890-91; 1895-1904; 1910- Weiser River, West Fork, near Fruitvale, Idaho, 1910- Lost Creek near Tamarack, Idabo, 1911- Middle Fork of \Veiser River at Middle Fork, Idaho, 1910- Crane Creek near Midvale, Idabo, 1910- Mann Creek near Weiser, Idabo, 1911- Monroe Creek (upper station) near Weiser, Idaho, 1912- Monroe Creek (lower station) near Weiser, Idaho, 1912- Powder River at Salisbury, Oreg., 1903-1911. Powder River near Baker, Oreg., 1912- Powder River near North Powder, Oreg., 1909- Nortb Powder River near North Powder, Oreg., 1912- Eagle Creek above West Fork near Baker City. Oreg., 1911. Eagle Creek near Baker City, Oreg., 1909-10. West Fork of Eagle Creek near Baker City, Oreg., 1911. Salmon River near Piersou, Idabo, 1911- Salmon River at Salmon, Idabo, 1912- Salmon River near White Bird, Idaho, 1910- Lake Creek near Stanley, Idaho, 1910- Valley Creek near Stanley, Idaho, 1910- Pahsimeroi River near Goldburg, Idaho, 1910- Goldburg Creek near Goldburg, Idaho, 1910. Big Creek near Patterson, Idaho, 1910- Timber Creek near Leadore, Idabo, 1912- West Fork of Timber Creek near Leadore, Idaho, 1912- Eightmile Creek near Leadore, Idaho, 1912- North Fork of Salmon River near North Fork, Idaho, 1912- 67907 15 2 156 Columbia River tributaries Continued. Snake River tributaries Continued. Salmon River tributaries Continued. Grande Roude River at Hilgard, Oreg., 1903- Grande Ronde River at Elgin, Oreg., 1903- Grande Ronde River at Zindel, Wash., 1904- Catherine Creek near Union, Oreg., 1906-7; 1911- Wallowa Lake (on Wallowa River) near Joseph, Oreg., 1905- Wallowa River near Wallowa, Oreg., 1903-1907. Wallowa River at Minam (near Elgin), Oreg., 1903- South Fork of Wallowa River near Lostine, Oreg., 1912- Minam River at Minam, Oreg., 1912- Asotin Creek near Shelmans ranch near Asotin, Wash., 1904-190(5. Asotin Creek near Asotin, Wash., 1904-5 ; 1911. Selway River (head of Clearwater River), near Lowell, Idaho, 1911- Clearwater River at Kamiah, Idaho, 1910- Clearwater River near Lewiston, Idaho, 1910- Lochsa River near Lowell, Idaho, 1910- South Fork of Clearwater River near Grangeville, Idaho, 1911- South Fork of Clearwater River at Kooskia, Idaho, 1911- Lolo Creek at Greer, Idaho, 1912- Palouse River at Elberton, Wash., 1904-5. Palouse River at Hooper, Wash., 1897- Rock Creek near St. John, Wash., 1903-1905. Cow Creek near Keystone, Wash., 1904-5. Cow Creek near Hooper, Wash., 1904. Canals in SnaJce River basin. Upper Snake River basin : Idaho canal near Shelley, Idaho, 1912- North side Minidoka canal near Minidoka, Idaho, 1909- South side Minidoka canal near Minidoka, Idaho, 1909- North side Twin Falls canal near Milner, Idaho, 1909- South side Twin Falls canal near Milner, Idaho, 1909- Fort Hall upper canal near Blackfoot, Idaho, 1912- Fort Hall lower canal near Blackfoot, Idaho, 1912- Sharp ditch near Mackay, Idaho, 1912- Streeter ditch near Mackay, Idaho, 1913- Buckaroo ditch near Hot Spring, Idaho, 1912- Grandview canal near Comet, Idaho, 1912- Wilson ditch near Ontario, Oreg., 1904-5. Owyhee River basin : Owyhee ditch near Owyhee, foreg., 1904-5 ; 1911- Malheur River basin : Vines ditch above Vale, Oreg., 1904-5. Malheur Farmer's canal above Vale, Oreg., 1904-5. McLaughlin ditch above Vale, Oreg., 1904-5. " J. H." ditch above Vale, Oreg., 1904-5. Gellerman & Frohman ditch above Vale, Oregon, 1904-5. Sand Hollow ditch above Vale, Oreg., 1904-5. Hope Mill ditch at Vale, Oreg., 1905. Nevada ditch below Vale, Oreg., 1904-5. NORTH PACIFIC SLOPE DRAINAGE BASINS. 15 1 Columbia River tributaries Continued. Snake River canals. On TVallowa River in Grande Ronde basin : Silver Lake ditch near Joseph, Oreg.. 1905. Farmers and Citizens ditch near Joseph, Oreg., 1905. Granger ditch at Joseph, Oreg., 1905. P>ig Bend ditch at Joseph, Oreg., 1905. Company ditch near Wal.lowji, Oreg., 1905. Walla Walla River near Milton, Oreg., 1903- Walla AValla River at Whitman, Wash., 1897-1899. South Fork of Walla Walla River near Milton, Oreg., 1903- rmatilla River at Gibbon, Oreg., 1896- rmatilla River at Pendleton, Oreg., 1891-92; 1903-1905. Umatilla River near Yoakuin, Oreg., 1903- rmatilla River near Umatilla, Oreg., 1903- North Fork of Umatilla River near Gibbon, Oreg., 1912- McKay Creek near Pendletou, Oreg., 1903-4. Canals in Umatilla River baxin. Farmers' mill ditch at Pendletou, Oreg., 1906. Slusher & Gould ditch near Nolin, Oreg., 1905. Lisle & Crane ditch near Echo, Oreg., 1905. Charles Lisle ditch at Echo, Oreg., 1905. Henrietta mill ditch at Echo, Oreg., 1905. Wilson & Co.'s ditch at Echo, Oreg., 1905. Allen ditch at Echo, Oreg., 1905. Hinckle ditch at Echo, Oreg., 1905. Pioneer ditch at Echo, Oreg., 1905. Maxwell ditch at Echo, Oreg., 1905. Heriniston ditch near Hermiston, Oreg., 1905. Beitle ditch near Hermiston, Oreg., 1905. Oregon Land & Water Co.'s ditch at Umatilla, Oreg., 1905. Brownell ditch at Umatilla, Oreg., 1905. Willow Creek near Arlington, Oreg., 1905-6. Rock Creek near Goldeiidale, Wash., 1912- Squaw Creek near Goldendale, Wash., 1912- John Day River near Dayville, Oreg., 1908- John Day River at McDonald, Oreg., 1904- South Fork of John Day River at Dayville, Oreg., 1908- Dayville ditch at Dayville, Oreg., 1910- liock Creek near Arlington, Oreg., 1905 ; 1911. Big Marsh outlet on Deschutes River near Crescent, Oreg., 1912- Deschutes River near Crescent, Oreg., 1912- Deschutes River near Lapine, Oreg., 1910- Deschutes River at Allen's ranch near Lava, Oreg., 1905; 1908- Deschutes River at West's ranch near Lava, Oreg., 1908-1909. Deschutes River at Benham Falls, Oreg., 1909- Deschutes River at Bend, Oreg., 1904- Deschutes River at Laidlaw, Oreg., 1909- Deschutes River near Cline Falls, Oreg., 1910- Deschutes River at Mecca, Oreg., 1911- Deschutes River at Moro, Oreg., 1S97-1S99. J 5o STKEAM-GAGING STATIONS,, ETC., 1885-1913. Columbia River tributaries Continued. Deschutes River at Moody (Biggs), Oreg., 1906- (replaces Moro station). Crescent Lake outlet nenr Crescent, Oreg., 1911- East Fork of Deschutes River at Crescent, Oreg., 1904-1908; 1910- West Fork of Deschutes River near La pine, Oreg.. 1910- West Fork of Deschutes River near Lava. Oreg.. 1905-1907: 1909- Tumalo Creek near Lnidlaw and Bend, Oreg., 1906- Lewis Creek near Laidlaw, Oreg.. 1908-9. Squaw Creek and McAllister ditch near Sisters. Oreg.. 1906- Crooked River near Post. Oreg., 1908-1911. Crooked River nenr Prineville, Oreg., 1908- Ochoco Creek near Howard. Oreg., 1910-11. Ochoco Creek and Elliott ditch near Prineville, Oreg.. 1908- Metolins River at Allinglmm ranger stntion, near Sisters. Oreg., 1910- Metolius River nt ITubbard's ranch, near Sisters, Oreg.. 1910- Metolins River at Riggs's ranch, nenr Sisters, Oreg., 1908- Lake Creek near Sisters, Oreg., 1911- Whitewater Creek near Sisters, Oreg., 1911- Shitike Creek at Warmspring, Oreg.. 1911- Warm Spring River near Warmspring, Oreg., 1911- White River near Tygh Valley. Oreg., 1911- Tygh Creek at Tygh Valley, Oreg., 1911- Canals in Deschutcs Hirer Jmxin. Central Oregon canal near Bend, Oreg., 1910. Pilot Butte canal near Bend, Oreg., 1910- Wimer canal near Laidlaw, Oreg., 1906- Columbia Southern canal near Laidlaw, Oreg., 1906- Klickitat River near Glen wood. Wash., 1910- Klickitat River above and below Big Muddy River near Wright, Wash., 1905; 1907-8. Klickitat River at Camp Klickitat, Wash., 1908-9. Klickitat River at Hanson's cable near Klickitat, Wash., 1908-9. Klickitat River at Klickitat (Wright). Wash., 1907; 1909- Klickitat River at Wols Ferry, near Lyle, Wash., 1908-1910. Klickitat River at Lyle, Wash., 1912- Big Muddy River above mouth of Cougar Creek near Wright, Wash.., 1905; 1908-1910. AVest Fork of Klickitat River near Goldendale, Wash.. 1910- Little Klickitat River near Goldendale, Wash., 1910-1912. Hood River at Winans, Wash., 1905-1907: 1910-1912. Hood River at Tucker's bridge, Wash.. 1897-1899. White Salmon River at splash dam near Trout Lake. Wash.. 1912- White Salmon River at Hnsum. Wash., 1909- Trout Creek at Guler, Wash., 1909- Little White Salmon River below Lava Creek near Cooks, AVash., 1903 1906. 1 Little White Salmon River near Cooks, Wash., 1909. Latourelle Creek at Latourelle. Oreg., 1912- Sandy River above Salmon River at Brightwood, Oreg., 1910- Sandy River below Salmon River at Brightwood. Oreg., 1907- 1 Results published in U. S. Gcol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 272, pp. 428-429. NOFiTir PACIFIC SLOPE DRAINACi: 1US1NS. 159 Columbia River tributaries Continued. Sandy River near Marmot, Oreg., 1911- Sandy River above Bull Run River near Bull Run, Oreg., 1910- Sandy River below Bull Run River near Bull Run^ Oreg., 1910- Still Creek near Rowe, Oreg., 1910- Salnion River near Rowe, Oreg., 1910- Bull Run River near Bull Run, Oreg., 1907- Little Sandy River near Bull Run, Oreg., 1911- Willamette River, Middle Fork (head of Willamette River), near Ilazeldell, Oreg., 1911- Willametto River, Middle Fork, at Jasper, Oreg., 1905- Willamette River at Springfield. Oreg., 1912- Willamette River at Eugene, Oreg., 1912- Willnmette River at Albany, Oivg.. IS'.)." Willamette River at Salem, Oreg., 1910- Wiilamette River at Oregon City, Oreg., 1909- Kelsey River near Hazeldell, Oreg., 1909. North Fork of Middle Fork of Willamette River near Hazeldell, Oreg., 1909- Big Fall Creek near Fall Creek, Oreg., 1912. Coast Fork of Willamette River near Goshen, Oreg., 1905-1912. Bow River near Disston, Oreg., 1910- McKenzie River at Clear Lake, Oreg., 1912- McKenzie River near MoKinzie Bridge, Oreg., 1911- McKenzie River at Martins Rapids, Oreg., 1910- McKenzie River near Springfield, Oreg., 1905- Eugeue power canal near Walterville, Oreg., 1912- Santiam River, North Fork (head of Santiarn River), near Hoover, Oreg., 1907- Santiam River, North Fork, at Niagara, Oreg., 1908- Santiam River, North Fork, at Mehama, Oreg.. 1905-1907; 1910. Santiam River at Jefferson, Oreg., 1905-6; 1908- Marion Fork of Santiam River at Marion Lake, near Hoover, Oreg., 1907; 1909- Puzzle Creek near Detroit, Oreg., 1907; 1909-10. North Fork of Puzzle Creek near Hoover, Oreg., 1909- South Fork of Puzzle Creek near Hoover, Oreg., 1909- Permelia Creek near Detroit, Oreg., 1907; 1909- Whitewater Creek near Detroit, Oreg., 1907. Breitenbush Creek near Detroit, Oreg., 1910- South Fork of Santiam River near Cascadia, Oreg., 1910- South Fork of Santiam River near Foster, Oreg., 1911: South Fork of Santiam River at Waterloo, Oreg., 1905-1907; 1910- Middle Fork of Santiam River near Foster, Oreg., 1911. Luckiamute River near Suver, Oreg., 1905-1911. Yamliill River. South Fork (head of Yamhill River), at Sheridan, Oreg., 1906- Yamhill River at La Fayette, Oreg., 1908- Molalla River near Molalla, Oreg., 1905-1909. Clackamas River near Cazadero, Oreg., 1 1909- Clackamas River at Estacada, Oreg., 1908-1911. 1 Evaporation records 1909-10 ; 1912- 160 STREAM-GAGING STATIONS, ETC., 1885-1913. Columbia River tributaries Continued. Willamette River tributaries Continued. Clackamas River near Barton, Oreg., 1905-1908 (replaced by Esta- cada station). Clackamas River at Park Place, Greg., 1912- Lewis River above Muddy River near Cougar, Wash., 1909. Lewis River near Cougar, Wash., 1909- Lewis River near Amboy, Wash., 1911- Lewis River at Ariel, Wash., 1909. Muddy River at mouth, near Cougar, Wash., 1909. Pine Creek at mouth, near Cougar, Wash.. 190J). Swift Creek at mouth, near Cougar, AVash., 1!H>5). Kalama River near Kalaina, Wash., 1911- Ohanapecosh River (head of Cowlitz River) near Lewis, Wash., 1911- Cowlitz River near Lewis, Wash., 1911- Cowlitz River at Randle, Wash., 1910- Cowlitz River at Mayfield, Wash., 1910-11. Clear Fork nenr Lewis, Wash., 1911- Coal Creek near Lewis, Wash., 1911- Lake Creek at mouth near Lewis, Wash., 1911- Johnson Creek at mouth, near Lewis, Wash., 1911- Cispus River near Randle, Wash., 1910- Toutle River at St. Helen, Wash., 1909. Toutle River near Castle Rock, Wash., 1909- BETWEEN COLUMBIA RIVER AND PUGET SOUND. Chehalis River near Centralia, Wash., 1910-11. Queniult River near Quiniault, Wash., 1912- Soleduck River near Quillayute, Wash., 1897-1901. Kalawa River near Forks, Wash., 1897-1901. PUGET SOUND DRAINAGE BASINS. Elwha River at McDonald, Wash., 1897-1901. Elwha River near Port Angeles, Wash., 1911- Dungeness River at Seguin, Wash, 1897-98. Dungeness River at Dungeness, Wash., 1897-1901. Dosewallips River at Brinnon, Wash., 1910-11. Duckabush River near Duckabush, Wash., 1910- Skokouiish River, North Fork (head of Skokomish River), near Hoodsport, Wash., 191O-11. Nisqually River near Ashford, Wash., 1910- Nisqually River near La Grande, Wa-sh., 1906- Puyallup River near Electron, Wash., 1911- Carbon River at Fairfax, Wash., 1910- White River below Forks, near Enumclaw, Wash., 1912- White River at Buckley, Wash., 1899-1903 ; 1910- Greenwater River at mouth, near Enumclaw, Wash., 1912- Green River at Kanaskat, Wash., 1911. Cedar River at Vaughn Bridge, near Cedar Lake, Wash., 1898. Cedar River at Cedar Lake near North Bend, Wash., 1902-3. Cedar River near Ravensdale, Wash., 1902- Cedar River near Seattle, Wash., 1895-1898. NORTH PACIFIC SLOPE DRAIXAGE BASINS. 161 Skykomish River, South Fork (head of Skykoniish River), near Berlin, Wash., 1910-11. Skykomish River at Sultan, Wash., 1910-11. Foss River near Skykomish, Wash., 1911- East Fork of Foss River near Skykomish, Wash., 1911. Miller Creek near Berlin, Wash., 1911- West Fork of Miller Creek near Berlin, Wash., 1911- North Fork of Skykomish River at Index, Wash., 1910- Snoqualmie River at Snoqualniie Falls, Wash., 1902-1906. Pilchuck Creek near Granite Falls, Wash., 1911. Stillaguauiish River, South Fork (head of Stillaguamish River), near Silver- ton, Wash., 1910- Stillaguamish River, South Fork, near Robe, Wash., 1902. Stillaguamish River, South Fork, near Granite Falls, Wash., 1911- Canyon Creek near Granite Falls, Wash., 1912- Skagit River near Marblemount, Wash., 1908- Skagit River near Sedro Woolley, Wash., 1908- Cascade River near Marblemount, Wash., 1909- Sauk River above Whitechuck River near Darrington, Wash., 1910. Sauk River above Clear Creek near Darrington, Wash., 1910- Sank River at Suiattle Crossing, near Sauk, Wash., 1910- Whitechuck River near Darrington, W T ash., 1910. Clear Creek near Darrington, Wash., 1910- Baker Lake (on Baker River) near Concrete, Wash., 1910- Baker River below Anderson Creek, near Concrete, Wash., 1910- Baker River at Concrete, Wash., 1910- Whatcom Creek near Bellingham, Wash., 1910- Nooksack River, North Fork (head of Nooksack River), near Glacier, Wash., 1910-11. Nooksack River near Deming, Wash., 1910-11. Middle Fork of Nooksack River at ranger station, near Deming, Wash., 1910-11. Middle Fork of Nooksack River near Deming, Wash., 1910-11. REPORTS ON WATER RESOURCES OF THE NORTH PACIFIC SLOPE DRAINAGE BASINS. PUBLICATIONS OF UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. WATER-SUPPLY PAPERS, Water-supply papers are distributed free by the Geological Survey as long as its stock lasts. An asterisk (*) indicates that this stock has been exhausted. Many of the papers marked in this way may, however, be purchased (at price noted) from the SUPERINTENDENT OF DOCUMENTS, WASHINGTON, D. C. Omission of the price indicates that the report is not obtainable from Government sources. Water-supply papers are of octavo size. *53. Geology and water resources of Nez Perce County, Idaho, Part T. by I. C. Russell. 1901. 86 pp., 10 pis. lOc. *54. Geology and water resources of Nez Perce County, Idaho, Part II, by I. C. Russell. 1901. 87-141 pp. Nos. 53 and 54 relate to an area " in western Idaho, bordered on the west by portions of Washington and Oregon," drained through Snake River to the Columbia ; they describe the topography, geology, and soils of the region, discuss the relation of the surface features plateaus, canyons, streams, etc. to the geology and the climate, the source and quantity of the water supply, including springs and artesian wells, and refer briefly to the occurrence of building stones, lignite, gold, silver, and copper. They include also a short hibliography of artesian waters and two appendices one giving list of elevations, and the other, notes concerning Portland cement. 55. Geology and water resources of a portion of Yakiina County, Wash., by G. O. Smith. 1901'. 08 pp., 7 pis. lOc. Describes topography, climate, soil, agriculture, geologic and surface and underground waters of an area comprising about 50 square miles in the vicinity of North Yakima ; discusses in some detail the artesian basins and wells. 57. Preliminary list of deep borings in the United States, Part I (Alabama- Montana), by N. H. Barton. 1902. 60 pp. (See No. 149.) 5c. 61. Preliminary list of deep borings in the United States, Part II (Nebraska- Wyoming), by N. H. Darton. 1902. 67 pp. 5c. Nos. 57 and 61 contain information as to depth, diameter, yield, and head of water in borings more than 400 feet deep ; under head " Remarks " gives information concerning temperature, quality of water, purposes of boring, etc. The lists are arranged by States, and the States are arranged alphabetically. A second revised edition was published in 1905 as Water-Supply Paper 149 (q. v.). 5c. 78. Preliminary report on artesian basins in southwestern Idaho and south eastern Oregon, by I. C. Russell. 1903. 53 pp., 2 pis. 5c. Discusses briefly the rocks and geologic structure of a part of the Snake River plains in Canyon and Owyhee counties, Idaho, and Malheur and Harney counties, Oreg. ; describes briefly the condition on which artesian flow depends, and in some detail the springs and drilled wells in the Lewis, Otis, Harney, and Whitehorse artesian basins ; also describes artesian wells in alluvial deposits and discusses the size of drill holes, casings, etc., the preservation of well records, and the importance of laws to govern the use of artesian waters ; gives list of publications bearing on artesian waters. 162 XOKT11 I'.UTFH' SI.OPK DRAINAGE BASIXS. 163 93. Proceedings of first conference of engineers of Reclamation Service, with accompanying pa'pers, compiled by F. H. Newell, chief engineer, 1904. 301 pp. 25c. [Inquiries concerning this report should be ad dressed to the Reclamation Service.] Contains: Investigations in Idaho, by D. W. Ross. Describes the irrigable lands in the area drained by Snake River. Investi.irntions in Oregon, by .1. T. Whistler. Mentions the Umatilla, Mai- hour, and Harney projects. Work in Washington, by T. A. Noble. Describes the plains of Columbia lliver. '.u;. I ><>st motive floods in the United States in 1003, by E. C. Murphy. 1904. .SI pp.. 13 pis. 15c. Gives an account of a flood (commonly spoken of as the " Heppner dis aster") on Willow Creek, a tributary of Columbia River, in Morrow County, Oreg. 111. Preliminary report on the underground waters of Washington, by Henry Landes. 1005. 85 pp., 1 pi. lOc. Describes, by counties, the municipal water supplies, deep wells, and springs in the State, giving also for each county a brief account of the climate, rain fall, topography, drainage, and geology. IIS. Geology and water resources of a portion of east-central Washington, by F. C. Calkins. 1005. 96 pp., 4 pis. 5c. Describes briefly the topography, geology, climate, vegetation, grazing, and agriculture on the Columbia Plains and in the Kittitas VaHey ; discusses the streams, springs, and shallow and deep wells. 149. Preliminary list of deep borings in the United States, second edition with additions, by N. H. Darton. 1905. 175 pp. lOc. Gives by States (and within the States by counties), location, depth, diam eter, yield, height of water, and other available information, concerning wells 400 feet or more in depth : includes all wells listed in Water-Supply Papers 57 to 61 ; mentions also principal publications relating to deep borings. *162. Destructive floods in the United States in 1905, with a discussion of flood discharge and frequency and an index to flood literature, by E. C. Murphy and others. 1000. 105 pp., 4 pis. 15c. Gives estimates (p. 85) of flood discharge and frequency for Boise River at Boise and Weiser River at Weiser, Idaho ; also index to literature on floods on American streams. 253. Water powers of the Cascade Range, Part I : Southern Washington, by J. C. Stevens. 1010. 94 pp., 21 pis. 40c. Discusses conditions governing hydraulic development, water laws of Washington, and variations in streams ; describes the drainage basins of Klickitat, White Salmon, Little White Salmon, Lewis, and Toutle rivers ; gives results of observations at gaging stations, estimates of average mini mum discharge, and of the available horsepower at the power sites. 274. Some stream waters of the wt-stern United States, with chapters on sedi ment carried by the Rio Grande and the industrial application of water analyses, by Herman Stabler. 1911. 188pp. 15c. Describes collection of samples, plan of analytical work, and methods of analyses ; discusses soap-consuming power of waters, water softening, boiler waters, and water for irrigation : gives results of analyses of waters of Boise, Malheur, Payette, and Palouse rivers, and Salmon Creek. 164 STREAM-GAGING STATIONS, ETC., 1885-1913. .'1:>. Water powers of the Cascade Range, Part II: Cowlitz, Nisqually, Puyal- lup, White, Green, and Cedar drainage basins, by F. F. Henshaw and G. L. Parker. 1913. 170 pp., 16 pis. 55c. Describes the geologic features and history of the drainage basins, topog raphy and drainage, soils and vegetation, and precipitation ; gives stream flow records and discusses water powers, storage, and power sites ; discusses also natural resources and harbors of the Pacific Coast, central electric sta tions, and power utilization, and gives commercial and residential rates. (See also 253.) 316. Geology and water resources of a portion of south-central Washington, by G. A. Waring. 1913. 46 pp., 1 pi. 5c. Describes settlements, climate and vegetation, agriculture, grazing, geo graphic province, relation of surface features and structure, and geology ; discusses shallow and artesian waters and irrigation enterprises in Sunny- side and Reservation valleys, Horse Heaven Plateau, and the Columbia River plains, and irrigation along lower Yakima River; gives tabulated data concerning wells and springs. ANNUAL REPORTS. Each of the papers contained in the annual reports was also issued in separate form. Annual reports are distributed free by the Geological Survey as long as its stock lasts. An asterisk (*) indicates that this stock has been exhausted. Many of the papers so marked, however, may be purchased from the SUPERINTENDENT OF DOCUMENTS, WASH INGTON, D. C. *Tenth Annual Report of the United States Geological Survey, 1888-89, J. W. Powell, Director. 1890. 2 parts. *Pt II. Irrigation,.viii, 123 pp. 35c. Makes a preliminary report on the organization and prosecution of the sur vey of the arid lands for purposes of irrigation ; includes an account of the methods of topographic and hydraulic work, the segregation work on reservoir sites and irrigable lands, field and office methods, and brief descriptions of the topography of some of the river basins. Eleventh Annual Report of the United States Geological Survey, 1889-90, J. W. Powell, Director. 1891. 2 parts. Pt. II. Irrigation, pp. xiv, 395. 30 plates and maps. $1.25. Contains: *Hydrography, pp. 1-110. Discusses scope of work, methods of stream measurement, rainfall and evaporation, and describes the more important streams. *Engineering, pp. 111-200. Defines the scope of the work and gives an account of the surveys in the Sun River Basin and in the Arkansas, Rio Grande, California, Lahontan, Utah, and Snake River divisions. ""Topography, pp. 291-343. Comprises reports of the topographic surveys in California, Nevada, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, and New Mexico, and a report on reservoir sites. * Irrigation literature, pp. 345-388. Gives a list of books and pamphlets on irrigation and allied subjects, mainly contained in the library of the United States Geological Survey. Twelfth Annual Report of the United States Geological Survey, 1890-91, J. W. Powell, Director. 1891. 2 parts. Pt. II. Irrigation, xviii, 576 pp., 93 pis. $2. Contains: *Hydrography of the arid regions, by F. H. Newell, pp. 213-361, Pis. LVIII-CVI. Discusses the available water supply of the arid regions, the duty of water, flood waters, relation of rainfall to river flow ; classifies the drainage basins ; and describes the rivers of the Missouri, Arkansas, Rio Grande, Colorado, Sacramento, and San Joaquin basins, and the principal streams of the Great Basin in Nevada and Utah and the Snake River drainage. KORTH PACIFIC SLOPE DRAINAGE BASINS. 165 Thirteenth Annual Report of the United States Geological Survey, 1891-92, J. W. Powell, Director. 1892. (Pts. II and III, 1893.) 3 parts, Pt. Ill, Irrigation, pp. xi. -4S(>. 77 plates. $1.85. Contains: *Engineering results of irrigation survey, by H. N. Wilson, pp. 351-437, Pis. cxlvii-clxxxii. Describes structures on the Pocatello Canal, Idaho. Sixteenth Annual Report of the United States Geological Survey, 1894-95, Charles D. Walcott, Director. 1896. (Pts. II, III, and IV, 1895.) 4 parts. *Pt. II. Papers of an economic character, pp. xix, 598, 43 pis. ,$1.25. Contains: The public lands and their water supply, by F. H. Newell, pp. 457-533, Pis. XXXV-XXXIX. Describes general character of the public lands, the lands disposed of (railroad, grant and swamp lands, and private miscel laneous entries i, lands reserved (Indian, forest, and military reservations), the vacant lands, and the rate of disposal of vacant lands ; discusses the streams, wells, and reservoirs as sources of water supply ; gives details for each State. Nineteenth Annual Report of the United States Geological Survey, 1897-98, Charles D. Walcott, Director. 1898. (Parts II, III, and V, 1899.) G parts in 7 vols. and separate case for maps with Pt. V. *Pt. V, Forest reserves, pp. xvii, 400, 110 plates, $1.25. 1G maps in separate case, 75c. Contains: *Priest River Forest Reserve, by J. B. Leiberg, pp. 217-252, Pis. XLVI- LXI. *Bitterroot Forest Reserve, by J. B. Lieberg, pp. 253-282, Pis. LXII- LXXIII. * Washington Forest Reserve, by II. B. Ayres, pp. 283-313, Pis. LXXIV-C. *Eastern part of Washington Forest Reserve, by M. W. Gorman, pp. 315- 349, PI. CI. *Forest conditions of northern Idaho, by J. B. Leiberg, pp. 373-386, Pis. CIX-CX. These reports describe the topography and the streams of the forest reserves. Twentieth Annual Report of the United States Geological Survey, 1898-99, Charles D. Walcott, Director. 1899. (Parts II, III, IV, V, and VII, 1900.) 7 parts in 8 vols. and separate case for maps with Pt. V. *Pt. V, Forest reserves, pp. xix, 498, 159 plates, 8 maps in separate case. $2.80. Contains : *Flathead Forest Reserve, by H. B. Ayres, pp. 245-316, Pis. LXXVI- CXIII. *Bitterroot Forest Reserve, by J. B. Leiberg, pp. 317-409, Pis. CXIV- CXLII. Contains brief descriptions of the streams and lakes in the reserves, state that the water is too poor for use for irrigation. Twenty-first Annual Report of the United States Geological Survey, 1899-1900, Charles D. Walcott, Director. 1900. (Parts III, IV, VI, VI con tinued, and VII, 1901.) 7 parts in 8 vols. and separate case for maps with Pt. V. *Pt. V, Forest reserves, 711 pp., 143 pis., 39 maps in separate case. $3.85. Contains: *Mount Rainier Forest Reserve, Washington, by F. G. Plummer, pp. 81-143, Pis. XXXIII-L. *Olympic Forest Reserve, Washington, from field notes by Arthur Dodwell and T. F. Rixon, pp. 145-208, Pis. LI-LXX. *Cascade Forest Reserve, Oregon, from T. 28 S. to T. 37 S., inclusive, together with the Ashland Forest Reserve and adjacent forest regions from T. 28 S. to T. 41 S., inclusive, and from R. 2 W. to R. 14 E., Willamette meridian, inclusive, by J. B. Leiberg, pp. 209-498, Pis. LXXXI-LXXXIV. Contains descriptions of many of the streams flowing through the forest reserves. 166 STREAM-CAGING STATIONS, ETC., 1885-1913. BULLETINS. An asterisk (*) indicates that the Geological Survey's stock of .the paper is exhausted. Many of the papers so marked may be purchased from the SUPERINTENDENT OF DOCU MENTS, WASHINGTON, D. C. Bulletins are of octavo size. *199. Geology and water resources of the Snake River Plains of Idaho, by I. C. Russell. 1902. 192 pp., 25 pis. 25c. Describes the topography, geology, climate, vegetation, fauna, and soils of an area extending entirely across the southern part of Idaho ; discusses streams, springs, water powers, irrigation and agriculture, industries, routes of transportation and highways ; treats of the origin of surface and sub surface waters, the requisite conditions for artesian wells and the quantity of water available. 252. Preliminary report on the geology and water resources of central Oregon, by I. C. Russell. 1905. 138 pp., 24 pis. 35c. Describes a portion of the extreme northern part of the Great Basin and a part of the drainage area of Deschutes River and its principal tributary, Crooked River ; gives an account of the topography, drainage, rainfall and temperature, winds, and forests ; describes the volcanic sedimentary rock formations, and discusses J>y counties the geology and topography, the surface and underground waters ; treats of artesian conditions in the Deschutes basin and makes suggestions concerning artesian-well records. *298. Record of deep-well drilling for 1905, by M. L. Fuller and Samuel San- ford. 1906. 299 pp. 25c. Gives an account of progress in the collection of well records and samples ; contains tabulated records of wells in Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Washington, and Wyoming, and detailed records of wells in Benton, Jefferson, and Walla Walla counties, Wash. The wells of which detailed sections are given were selected because they afford valuable stratigraphic information. GEOLOGIC FOLIOS. Under the plan adopted for the preparation of a geologic map of the United States the entire area is divided into small quadrangles, bounded by certain meridians and parallels, and these quadrangles, which number several thousand, are separately surveyed and mapped. 1 The unit of survey is also the unit of publication, and the maps and description of each quadrangle are issued in the form of a folio. When all the folios are completed they will constitute a Geo logic Atlas of the United States. A folio is designated by the name of the principal town or of a prominent natural feature within the quadrangle. Each folio includes maps showing the topography, geology, underground structure, and mineral deposits of the area mapped and several pages of descriptive text. The text explains the maps and describes the topographic and geologic features of the country and its mineral products. The topographic map shows roads, railroads, waterways, and, by contour lines, the shapes of the hills and valleys and the height above sea level of all points in the quadrangle. The areal-geology map shows the distribution of the various rocks at the surface. The structural-geology map shows the rela tions of the rocks to one another underground. The economic-geology map indi cates the location of mineral deposits that are commercially valuable. The 1 Index maps showing areas in the North Pacific slope basins covered by topographic maps and by geologic folios will be mailed on receipt of request addressed to the Director, U. S. Geological Survey, Washington, D. C. NORTH PACIFIC SLOPE DRAINAGE BASINS. 167 artesian- water map shows the depth to underground- wa tor horizons. Economic- geology and artesian-water maps are included in folios if the conditions in the areas mapped warrant their publication. The folios are of special interest to students of geography and geology and are valuable as guides in the develop ment and utilization of mineral resources. The folios numbered from 1 to 163, inclusive, are published in only one form (18 by 22 inches), called the library edition.- Some of the folios that bear num bers higher than 163 are published also in an octavo edition (6 by 9 inches). Owing to a fire in the Geological Survey building May IS, 1913, the stock of geologic folios was more or less damaged by fire and water, but 80 or 90 per cent of the folios are usable. They will be sold at the uniform price of 5 cents each, with no reduction for wholesale orders. This rate applies to folios in stock from 1 to 18. Underground water papers, 1910, by M. L. Fuller, F. G. Clapp, G. C. Matson, Samuel Sanford, and H. C. Wolff. 1911. 125 pp., 2 pis. 15c. Contains the following papers (scope indicated by titles) of general interest : Drainage by wells, by M. L. Fuller. Freezing of wells and related phenomena, by M. L. Fuller. Pollution of underground waters in limestone, by G. C. Matson. Protection of shallow wells in sandy deposits, by M. L. Fuller. Magnetic wells, by M. L. Fuller. *259. The underground waters of southwestern Ohio, by M. L. Fuller and F. G. Clapp, with a discussion of the chemical character of the waters, by R. B. Dole. 1912. 228 pp., 9 pis. 35c. Describes the topography, climate, and geology of the region, tbe water bearing formations, the source, mode of occurrence, and head of the waters, and municipal supplies ; gives details by counties ; discusses in supplement, under chemical character, method of analysis and expression of results, min eral constituents, effect of the constituents on waters for domestic, industrial, or medicinal uses, methods of purification, chemical composition ; many analyses and field assays. The matter in the supplement was also published in Water-Supply Paper 254 (The underground waters of north-central Indiana). 274. Some stream waters of the western United States, with chapters on sedi ment carried by the Rio Grande and the industrial application of water analyses, by Herman Stabler. 1911. 188 pp. 15c. Describes collection of samples, plan of analytical work, and methods of analyses ; discusses soap-consuming power of waters, water softening, boiler waters, and water for irrigation ; gives results of analyses of waters of the Rio Grande and of Pecos, Gallinas, and Hondo rivers. 176 STREAM-GAGING STATIONS, ETC., 1885-1913. *280. Gaging stations maintained by the United States Geological Survey, 1888- 1910, and Survey publications relating to water resources, compiled by B. D. Wood. 1912. 102 pp. lOc. 314. Surface water supply of Seward Peninsula, Alaska, by F. F. Heusliaw and G. L. Parker, with a sketch of the geography and geology by P. S. Smith, and a description of methods of placer mining by A. H. Brooks. 1913. 317 pp., 17 pis. 45c. Contains results of work at gaging stations. *315. The purification of public water supplies, by G. A. Johnson. 1013. 84 pp., 8 pis. lOc. Discusses ground, lake, and river waters as public supplies, development of waterworks systems in the United States, water consumption, and typhoid fever ; describes methods of filtration and sterilization of water, and munici pal water softening. *318. Water resources of Hawaii, 1909-1911, by W. F. Martin and C. H. Pierce. 1913. 552 pp., 15 pis. 50c. Describes the general features of the islands and gives results of measure ments of streams and of observations of rainfall and evaporation ; contains a gazetteer. 334. The Ohio Valley flood of March-April, 1913 (including comparisons with some earlier floods), by A. H. Horton and H. J. Jackson. 1913. 96 pp., 32 pis. 20c. Although relating specifically to floods in the Ohio Valley, this report dis cusses also the causes of floods and the prevention of damage by floods. 336. Water resources of Hawaii, 1912, by C. H. Pierce and G. K. Larrison. 1914. 392 pp. 50c. Contains results of stream measurements on the islands in 1912. 337. The effects of ice on stream flow, by William Glenn Hoyt. 1913. 76 pp., 7 pis. 15c. Discusses methods of measuring the winter flow of streams. ANNUAL REPORTS, *Fifth Annual Report of the United States Geological Survey, 1883-84, J. W. Powell, Director. 1885. xxxvi, 469 pp., 58 pis. $2.25. Contains : "The requisite and qualifying conditions of artesian wells, by T. C. Cham berlain, pp. 125 to 173, PI. XXI. Scope indicated by title. Twelfth Annual Report of the United States Geological Survey, 1890-91, J. W. Powell, Director. 1891. 2 parts. Pt. II, Irrigation, xviii, 576 pp., 93 pis. $2. Contains: "Irrigation in India, by H. M. Wilson, pp. 368-561, Pis. CVII to CXLVI. (See Water-Supply Paper 87.) Thirteenth Annual Report of the United States Geological Survey, 1891-92, J. W. Powell, Director. 1892. (Pts. II and III, 1893.) 3 parts. Pt. Ill, Irrigation, pp. xi, 486, 77 plates. $1.85. Contains : *American irrigation engineering, by H. M. Wilson, pp. 101-349, Pis. CXI to CXLV. Discusses the economical aspects of irrigation, alkaline drainage, silt and sedimentation ; gives brief history of legislation ; describes pei-ennial canals in Idaho-California, Wyoming, and Arizona ; discusses water storage at reservoirs of the California and other projects, subsurface sources of supply pumping and subirrigation. REPORTS OF GENERAL INTEREST. 177 Fourteenth Annual Report of the United States Geological Survey, 1892-93, J. W. Powell, Director. 1893. (Pt. II, 1894.) 2 parts. *Pt. II, Accompanying papers, pp. xx, 597, 73 pis. $2.10. Contains: Totable waters of the eastern United States, by W J McGee, pp. 1 to 47. Discusses cistern water, stream waters, and ground waters, including mineral springs and artesian wells. *Natural mineral waters of the United States, by A. C. Peale, pp. 49-88, Pis. Ill and IV. Discusses the origin and flow of mineral springs, the source of mineralization, thermal springs, the chemical composition and analysis of spring waters, geographic distribution, and the utilization of mineral waters; gives a list of American mineral spring resorts ; contains also some analyses. Nineteenth Annual Report of the United States Geological Survey, 1897-98, Charles D. Walcott, Director. 1898. (Parts II, III, and V, 1899.) parts iii 7 vols. and separate case for maps with Pt. V. *Pt. II, papers chiefly of a theoretical nature, pp. v, 958, 172 plates. $2.65. Contains : *Principles and conditions of the movements of ground water, by F. H. King, pp. 59-294, Pis. VI to XVII. Discusses the amount of water stored in sandstone, in soil, and in other rocks, the depth to which ground water penetrates ; gravitational, thermal, and capillary movements of ground waters, and the configuration of the ground-water surface ; gives the results of ex perimental investigations on the flow of air and water through a rigid, porous media, and through sands, sandstones, and silts ; discusses results obtained by other investigators, and summarizes results, of observations ; discusses also rate of flow of water through sand and rock, the growth of rivers, rate of filtration through soil, interference of wells, etc. *Theoretical investigation of the motion of ground waters, by C. S. Slichter, pp. 295-384, Pis. XVII. Scope indicated by title. Twentieth Annual Report of the United States Geological Survey, 1898-99, Charles D. Walcott, Director. 1899. (Parts II, III, IV, V, and VII, 1900.) 7 parts in 8 vols. and separate case for maps with Pt. V. *Pt. IV, Hydrography, vii, 660 pp., 75 plates. $1.40. Contains : * Hydrography of Nicaragua, by A. P. Davis, pp. 563-637, Pis. LXIV to XXV. Describes the topographic features of the boundary, the lake basin, and Rio San Juan ; gives a brief, resume" of the boundary dispute, dis cusses rainfall, temperature, and relative humidity, evaporation, resources, and productions, the ship, railway, and canal projects ; gives the history of the investigations by the Canal Commission, and results of measurements on the Rio Grande, on streams tributary to Lake Nicaragua, and on Rio San Juan and its tributaries. Twenty-second Annual Report of the United States Geological Survey, 1900- 1901, Charles D. Walcott, Director. 1901. (Parts III and IV, 1902.) 4 parts. Pt. IV, Hydrography, 690 pp., 65 pis. $2.20. Contains: * Hydrography of the American Isthmus, by A. P. Davis, pp. 507-630, Pis. XXXVII to L. Describes the physiography, temperature, rainfall, and winds of Central America ; discusses the hydrography of the Nicaragua Canal route and the Panama Canal route ; gives estimated monthly discharges of many of the streams, rainfall, and evaporation tables at various points. PROFESSIONAL PAPERS. *72. Denudation and erosion in the southern Appalachian region and the Mouongahela basin, by L. C. Glenn. 1911. 137 pp., 21 pis. 35c. Describes the topography, geology, drainage, forests, climate and population, and transportation facilities of the region, the relation of agriculture, lumber ing, mining, and power development to erosion and denudation, and the nature, effects, and remedies of erosion ; gives details of conditions in Holston, Noli- chucky, French Broad, Little Tennessee, and Hiwassee river basins, along Tennessee River proper, and in the basins of the Coosa-Alabama system, Chat- tahoochee, Savannah, Saluda, Broad, Catawba, Yadkin, New, and Monongahela rivers. 178 STREAM-GAGING STATIONS, ETC., 1885-1913. BULLETINS. *32. Lists and analyses of the mineral springs of the United States (a pre liminary study), by A. C. Peale. 1886. 235 pp. Defines mineral waters, lists the springs by States, and gives tables of analyses so far as available. 264. Record of deep-well drilling for 1904, by M. L. Fuller, E. F. Lines, and A. C. Yeatch. 1905. 106 pp. 30c. *298. Record of deep-well drilling for 1905, by M. L. Fuller and Samuel Sanford. 1906. 299 pp. 25c. Bulletins 264 and 298 discuss the importance of accurate well records to the driller, to owners of oil, gas, and water wells, and to the geologist ; describes the general methods of work ; gives tabulated records of wells by States, and detailed records selected as affording valuable stratigraphic information. *319. Summary of the controlling conditions of artesian flows, by Myron L. Fuller, 1908. lOc. Describes underground reservoirs, the sources of underground waters, the confining agents, the primary and modifying factors of artesian circulation, the essential and modifying factors of artesian flow, and typical artesian systems. 479. The geochemical interpretation of wnter analyses, by Chase Palmer. 1911. 31 pp. 5c. Discusses the expression of chemical analyses, the chemical character of water and the properties of natural waters ; gives a classification of waters based on property values and reacting values, and discusses the character of the waters of certain rivers as interpreted directly from the results of analyses ; discusses also the relation of water properties to geologic forma tions, silica in river water, and the character of the water of the Mississippi and the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River as indicated by chemical analyses. INDEX BY AREAS AND SUBJECTS. [A= Annual Reports; M = Monograph ; B=Bullctin; P=rrofessional Paper; W=Water- Supply Paper; G F=Geologic folio.] Alaska : Surface waters W 196, 218, 228, 314 Artesian waters: Essential conditions A 5; B319; W 67, 114 Bibliographies 1 W 119, 120, 163, 280 Chemical analyses : 2 Methods and interpretation W 151, 236, 259, 274 ; B 479 Conservation W 234 Cuba : Surface, underground, and quality of waters W 110 Denundation p 72 Engineering methods ! W 1, 3, 8, 20, 41, 42, 43, 56, 64, 94, 95, 110, 143, 150, 180, 187, 200, 257, 337 Floods W 96, 147, 162, 334 Hawaiian Islands: Surface waters W77, 318, 336 Idaho: Quality of waters W 274 Surface waters A 12 ii, 13 iii, 19 v ; B 199 ; W 53, 54, 93, 162 ; G F 103 Underground waters B 199, 298 ; W 53, 54, 78 ; G F 45, 103, 104 India : Irrigation A 12, ii; W 87 Ice measurements W 187, 337, Irrigation, general A 10 ii, 11 ii, 12 ii, 13 iii, 16 ii ; W 20, 22, 41, 42, 87 Legal aspects: Surface waters W 103, 152, 238 Underground waters W 122 Mineral springs: Analyses A 14, ii ; B 32 Origin, distribution, etc A 14, ii Lists B32; W 114 Montana : Surface waters A 19 v, 20 v Underground waters B 298 Motions of ground waters A 19 ii ; B 319 ; W 67, 110, 140, 155 Nevada : Underground waters B 298 Nicaragua: Surface waters % A20iv, 22 iv Oregon: Quality of waters W274 Surface waters A 21 v, W 93, 96 Underground waters B 252, 298 ; W 78 ; G F 103 Panama : Surface waters A 22 iv Pollution: By industrial wastes W 179, 186, 189, 226, 235 By sewage W 72, 194 Laws forbidding 1 W 103, 152 Indices of W 144, 160 Porto Rico: Surface waters and irrigation W32 Profiles of rivers W 44, 115 Ptiver profiles W 44, 115 1 Many of the reports contain brief subject bibliographies. See abstracts. 2 Many analyses of river, spring, and well waters are scattered through publications, as noted in abstracts. IX X STREAM-GAGING STATIONS, ETC., 1885-1913. Sanitation; quality of waters; pollution; sewage irrigation W3, 22, 72, 103, 110, 113, 114, 144, 145, 152, 160, 179, 185, 186, 189, 194, 226, 229, 235, 236, 255, 258, 315 Sewage disposal and purification W 3, 22, 72, 113, 185, 194, 229 Underground waters: Legal aspects W 122 Methods of utilization W 114, 255, 257 Pollution W 110, 145, 160, 258 Washington : Quality of waters W 111 Surface waters___ A 19 v, 21 v ; W 55, 93, 111, 118, 253, 313 ; G F 139 Underground waters B 298 ; W 55, 111, 118, 316 ; G F 139 Windmill papers W 1, 8, 20, 41, 42 Wyoming: Underground waters B 298 INDEX OF STKEAMS. Agency Creek, Mont Alkali Creek, Idaho Allen ditch, Oreg American River, Wash Applegate Creek, Oreg Asotin Creek, Wash Atanum Creek, Wash Atanum Creek, South Fork, Wash Baker Lake, Wash Baker River, Wash " Bear Creek, Oreg Beitle ditch, Oreg Bennett Creek, Idaho Benton Water Co.'s canal, Wash- Big Bend ditch, Oreg Big Blackfoot River, Mont Big Bntte Creek, South Fork, Oreg Big Cottonwood Creek, Idaho Big Creek (tributary to Pahsi- meroi River), Idaho , Big Creek (tributary to Yakima River), Wash Big Fall Creek, Oreg Big Flat Creek, Idaho iBig Knife Creek, Mont iBig Lost River, Idaho 'Big Marsh outlet, Oreg | Big Muddy River, Wash Big Wood River, Idaho Birch Creek (tributary to Big Lost River), Idaho Birch Creek (tributary to Goose Creek), Idaho I Birch Creek (tributary to Port- nenf River), Idaho jBitterroot Creek, Little, Mont__ iBitterroot River, Mont ;Bitterroot River, East Fork, Mont Bitterroot River, West Fork Mont Blackfoot River, Idaho__ Page. 149 154 157 151 147 156 151 151 161 161 147 157 154 152 157 148 147 154 155 150 159 154 149 153 157 158 154 153 153 153 148 148 148 148 153 Page. Blackfoot River, Big, Mont 148 Blackfoot River, Little, Mont__ 148 Blodgett Creek, Mont 149 Boise River, Idaho 154 Boise River, South Fork, Idaho. 154 Bow River, Oreg 159 Breitenbush Creek, Oreg 159 Broadgage canal, Wash ,._ 152 Brownell ditch, Oreg 157 Brnneau River, East Fork, Idaho 154 Bruneau River, Idaho 154 Buckaroo ditch, Idaho 156 Buffalo River, Wyo 153 Bull canal, Wash 151 Bull Run River, Oreg 159 Bully Creek, Oreg 155 Bumping Lake, Wash 151 Bumping River, Wash 151 Butte Creek, Big, South Fork of, Oreg 147 Butte Creek, Little, Oreg 147 Butte Creek, Little, North Fork of, Oreg 147 Butte Creek, Little, South Fork of, Oreg 147 Cabin Creek, Wash 150 Callahan Creek, Mont 148 Camas Creek, Idaho 153 Camas Creek, Little, Idaho ' 154 Cameron ditch, Oreg * 147 Canyon Creek, Wash ' 161 Canyon Creek, Little, Idaho 154 Carbon River, Wash 160 Cascade canal, Wash 151 Cascade River, Wash 161 Cassia Creek, Idaho 153 Castle Creek, Idaho 154 Catherine Creek, Oreg 156 Cedar Creek (tributary to Big Lost River), Idaho 153 Cedar Creek (tributary to Sal mon Falls River), Idaho 154 Cedar River, Wash 160 XI XII STREAM-GAGING STATIONS, ETC., 1885-1913. Page. Central Oregon canal, Oreg 158 Charles Lisle ditch, Oreg 157 Chehalis River. Wash 100 Chelaii Lake, Wash 150 Chelan River, Wash 150 Cherry Creek, Idaho 154 Chiwankum Creek, Wash 150 Chiwawa River, Wash 150 Cispus River, Wash 1GO Citizens ditch, Farmers and, Oreg 157 Clackamas River, Oreg 159-160 Clark canal, Wash 152 Clark Fork, Idaho, Mont.,Wash_ 148 Clealum Lake, Wash 151 Clealum River, Wash 151 Clealnm River, North Fork, Wash ii 151 Clear Creek (tributary to Raft River), Idaho 153 Clear Creek (tributary to Sank River), Wash 161 Clear Fork, Wash 160 Clearwater River, Idaho 156 Clearwater River, South Fork, Idaho 156 Coal Creek, Wash 160 Coast Fork of Willamette River, Oreg 159 Coeur d'Alene Lake, Idaho 149 Coenr d'Alene River, Idaho 149 Coeur d'Alene River, Little North Fork, Idaho 149 Coeur d'Alene River, North Fork, Idaho 149 Cold Spring Creek, Idaho 154 Columbia River, Oreg., Wash__ 148 Columbia Southern canal, Oreg_ 158 Company ditch, Oreg 157 Congdon (Yakima Valley) canal W T ash 152 Cottonwood Creek, Big, Idaho 154 Cow Creek (tributary to Willow Creek), Oreg 155 Cow Creek (tributary to Ump- qua River), Oreg 148 Cow Creek (tributary to Pa- louse River), Wash 156 Cowlitz River, Wash 160 Crab Creek, Wash 150 Crane Creek, Idaho 155 Crane ditch, Lisle and, Oreg 157 Crescent Lake outlet, Oreg 158 Crooked River, Oreg Crow Creek, Mont Dayville ditch, Oreg Deadwood Creek, Idaho Deschutes River, Oreg Deschutes River, East Fork, Oreg Deschutes River, West Fork, Oreg Devil Creek, Idaho Dosewallips River, Wash Dry Creek (tributary to Big Wood River), Idaho Dry Creek (tributary to Snake River), Idaho Dry Creek (tributary to Mission Creek), Mont Duckabush River, Wash Dungeness* River, W T ash Eagle Creek, Oreg Eagle Creek, West Fork, Oreg__ East Finley Creek, Mont East Fork of Bitterroot River, Mont East Fork of Bruneau River. Idaho East Fork of Deschutes River, Oreg East Fork of Foss River, Wash_ Eightmile Creek, Idaho Elleusburg W T ater Co. canal, Wash Elliott ditch, Oreg. See Ochoco Creek. Elwha River, \Vash Entiat River, Wash Eugene power canal, Oreg Fall River, Idaho Falls Creek, Mont Farmers canal, Malheur, Oreg Farmers mill ditch, Oreg Farmers and Citizens ditch, Oreg Finley Creek, Mont Finley Creek, East, Mont Flathead Lake, Mont Flathead River, Mont Flathead River, Middle Fork, Mont Flathead River, North Fork, Mont ._ Flathead River, South Fork, Mont Page. 158 149 157 154 157 158 158 154 160 154 154 149 160 160 155 155; 149 148 154 158 161 155 160 150 159 15e 151 141 141 14* 14? 14? 14: INDEX OF STREAMS. XIII Port Hall lower canal, Idaho- Fort Hall upper canal, Idaho fortune canal, Wash Foss River, Wash Foss River, East Fork, Wash Fowler canal, Wash Fruitvale-Schaimo canal, Wash- jellerman & Frohman ditch, Oreg Gilbert canal, Wash jleed canal, Wash oldburg Creek, Idaho 3foose Creek, Idaho ould ditch, Slusher and, Oreg_ rrande Ronde River, Oreg., Wash jlraudview canal, Idaho Granger canal, Wash Granger ditch, Oreg jreeu River, Wash jreen water River, Wash ji-imes Creek, Idaho jfrosscup canal. Wash Hangman Creek, Wash Hangman Creek, North Fork, Wash Harris Creek, Idaho Hatch canal, Wash Henrietta mill ditch, Oreg Henrys Fork, Idaho Hermiston ditch, Oreg Hinckle ditch, Oreg Hood River, Wash Elope mill ditch, Oreg Hubbard canal. Wash fcicle Creek, Wash [da ho canal, Idaho [udiaii ditch, Mont J. II." ditch, Oreg Jackson Lake, Wyo Jocko River, Mont Jocko River, Middle Fork, Mont- Jocko River, North Fork, Mont- Jocko River, South Fork, Mont- John Day River, Oreg John Day River, South Fork, Oreg Johnson Creek (tributary to Okanogau River), Wash Johnson Creek (tributary to Cowlitz River), Wash Jordan Creek, Oreg Kachess Lake, Wash- Page. 150 150 152 161 101 152 152 150 152 152 155 153 157 156 156 152 157 160 160 154 152 149 149 155 152 157 153 157 157 158 156 151 150 150 149 150 152 149 149 149 149 157 157 150 100 154 150 Page. Karliess River, Wash 150 Kalama River, Wash 100 Kalawa River, Wash 100 Keechelus Lake, Wash 150 Kelly canal, Wash 152 Kelsey River, Oreg 159 Kennewick canal, Wash 152 Kettle River, Wash 149 Kiona canal, Wash 152 Kiona Water Supply Co.'s canal. Wash 152 Kittitas canal, West, Wash 151 Klickitat River, Wash 158 Klickitat River, Little, Wash 158 Klickitat River, West Fork, Wash 158 Knife Creek, Big, Mont 149 Kootenai River, Idaho-Mont 148 Lake Creek (tributary to Sal mon River), Idaho 155 Lake Creek (tributary to Meto- . lius River), Oreg 158 Lake Creek (tributary to Cow litz River), Wash 100 Lake Fork of Payette River, Idaho 155 Lake McDonald outlet, Mont__ 148 Lake. See significant names. Latourelle Creek, Oreg 158 Lewis Creek, Oreg 158 Lewis River, Wash 100 Lisle & Crane ditch, Oreg 157 Lisle ditch, Charles, Oreg 157 Little Bitterroot Creek, Mont_ 148-149 Little Blackfoot River and ditch, Mont 148 Little Butte Creek, Oreg 147 Little Butte Creek, North Fork, Oreg 147 Little Butte Creek, South Fork, Oreg 147 Little Camas Creek, Idaho 154 Little Canyon Creek, Idaho 154 Little Klickitat River, Wash _ 158 Little Lost River, Idaho 153 Little North Fork of Coeur d'Alene River, Idaho 149 Little Sandy River, Oreg 159 Little Spokane -River, Wash 149 Little White Salmon River, Wash 158 Little Wood River, Idaho 154 Lochsa River, Idaho__ 156 XIV STREAM-GAGING STATIONS, ETC., 1885-1913. Page. Lolo Creek (tributary to Bit- terroot River), Mont 148 Lolo Creek (tributary to Clear- water River), Idaho 156 Lost Creek, Idaho 155 Lost River, Big, Idaho 153 Lost River, Little, Idaho 153 Louse Creek, Idaho 154 Lower Scott canal, Wash 152 Lower Wapatox canal, Wash__ 152 Lowery canal, Wash 152 Luckiamute River, Oreg 159 Malad River, Idaho 154 Malheur Farmers canal, Oreg 156 Malheur River, Oreg 154-155 Malheur River, North Fork, Oreg 155 Malheur River, South Fork, Oreg 155 Manastash Creek, Wash 151 Mann "Creek, Idaho 155 Marion Fork of Santiam River, Oreg 1 159 Marys Creek, Idaho 154 Maxwell ditch, Oreg 157 McAllister ditch, Oreg. See Squaw Creek. McCormick canal, Wash 152 McDonald Lake outlet, Mont _ 148 McKay Creek, Oreg 157 McKenzie River, Oreg 159 McLaughlin ditch, Oreg 156 McMullen Creek, Idaho 154 Methow River, Wash 150 Metolius River, Oreg 158 Middle Fork of Flathead River, Mont 148 Middle Fork of Jocko River, Mont 149 Middle Fork of Nooksack River, Wash 161 Middle Fork of Santiani River, Oreg 159 Middle Fork of Weiser River, Idaho 155 Middle Fork of Willamette River, Oreg 159 Middle Fork of Willamette River, North Fork of, Oreg 159 Mill Creek (tributary to Rogue River), Oreg 147 Mill Creek (tributary to TJmp- qua River), Oreg __ 148 Miller Creek, Wash Miller Creek, West Fork, Wash_ Minam River, Oreg Milner Lake Minidoka canals, north and south side, Idaho Mission Creek, Mont Molalla River, Oreg Monroe Creek, Idaho Morrissey canal, Wash Moses Lake, Wash Moyie River, Idaho Moxee canal, Wash Mud Creek, Mont Muddy River, Wash Muddy River, Big, Wash Naches River, Wash Naches-Cowiche canal, Wash Nason Creek, Wash Nespeleni River, Wash Nevada ditch, Oreg New Reservation canal, Wash Nisqually River, Wash Nooksack River, Wash Nooksack River, Middle Fork, Wash Nooksack River, North Fork, Wash North Fork of Clealuin River, Wash North Fork of Coeur d'Alene River, Idaho North Fork of Coeur d'Aleue River, Little, Idaho North Fork of Flathead River, Mont North Fork of Hangman Creek, Wash North Fork of Jocko River, Mont North Fork of Little Butte Creek, Oreg North Fork of Malheur River, Oreg North Fork of Middle Fork of Willamette River, Oreg North Fork of Nooksack River, Wash North Fork of Payette River, Idaho North Fork of Puzzle Creek, Oreg ____ Page. 161 161 156 153 156 149 159 155 152 150 148 151 149 160 158 151 152 150 150 156 152 160 161 161 161 151 149 149 148 1 149 149 147 15 16] is? IK INDEX OF STREAMS. XV Page. North Fork of Rogue River, Oreg 147 North Fork of Salmon River, Idaho 155 North Fork of Santiam River, Oreg 159 North Fork of Skokoniish River, Wash 160 North Fork of South Fork of Umpqua River, Oreg 147 North Fork of Skykoniish River, Wash 161 North Fork of Umatilla River, Oreg 157 North Fork of Umpqua River, Oreg 148 North Powder River, Oreg 155 North side Minidoka canal, Idaho 156 North side Twin Falls canal, Idaho 156 North Yakima Town canal, Wash 152 Ochoco Creek and Elliott ditch, Oreg 158 Ohanapecosh River, Wash 160 Okanogau River, Wash 150 Old Reservation canal, Wash__ 152 Olson canal, Wash 151 Oregon canal, Central, Oreg 158 Oregon Land & Water Co.'s ditch, Oreg 157 Outlet of Big Marsh, Oreg 157 Outlet of Crescent Lake, Oreg_ 158 Outlet of Lake McDonald. Mont_ 1*48 Owyhee ditch, Oreg 156 Owyhee River, Oreg 154 Pacific Creek, Wyo 153 Pahsimeroi River, Idaho 155 Palouse River, Wash 156 Payette River, Idaho 155 Payette River, Lake Fork, Idaho 155 Payette River. North Fork, Idaho 155 Permelia Creek, Oreg 159 Peshastin Creek, Wash 150 Pilchuck Creek, Wash 161 Pilot Butte canal 158 Pine Creek, Wash 160 Pioneer ditch, Oreg 157 Pole Creek, Oreg 155 Portneuf River, Idaho__ 153 I'age. Post Creek, Mont 149 Powder River, Oreg 155 Powder River, North, Oreg 155 Power canal, Wash 152 Priest River, Idaho 149 Prospect Creek, Mont 149 Prosser Falls Irrigation Co.'s canal, Wash 152 Puyallup River, Wash 160 Puzzle Creek, Oreg 159 Puzzle Creek, North Fork, Oreg 159 Puzzle Creek, South Fork, Oreg 159 Queniult River, Wash 160 R. S. & C. canal, Wash 152 Racetrack Creek, Mont 148 Raft River, Idaho 153 Railroad Creek, Wash 150 Rattlesnake Creek, Mont 148 Reservation canal, New, Wash_ 152 Reservation canal, Old, Wash__ 152 Revais Creek, Mont 149 Robinson Creek, Idaho 153 Rock Creek (tributary to Snake River), Idaho 154 Rock Creek (tributary to Clark Fork), Mont 148 Rock Creek (tributary to John Day River), Oreg 157 Rock Creek (tributary to Colum bia River), Wash -157 Rock Creek ( tributary to Palouse River), Wash 156 Rockyford Creek, Wash 150 Rogue River, Oreg 147 Rogue River, North Fork, Oreg_ 147 St. Joe River, Idaho 149 St. Regis River, Mont 148 Salmon Creek, Wash 150 Salmon River (tributary to Sandy River), Oreg 159 Salmon River (tributary to Snake River), Idaho 155 Salmon River, North Fork. Idaho 155 Salmon River, Little White. Wash 158 Salmon River, White, Wash 158 Salmon Falls River, Idaho, Nev_ 154 Sand Hollow ditch, Oreg 156 Sandy River, Little, Oreg 159 Sandy River, Oreg 158 XVI STREAM-GAGING STATIONS, ETC., 1885-1913. Page. San Foil River, Wash 149 Sautiani River, Oreg 159 Santiam River, Marion Fork 159 Santiani River, Middle Fork, Oreg 159 Santiani River, North Fork. Oreg 159 Santiani River, South Fork, Oreg 159 Satus Creek, Wash 151 Sank River, Wash 161 Schanno canal, Wash 152 Schuler & Rodenbach canal. Wash 152 Scott canal, lower, Wash 152 Scott canal, upper, Wash 152 Selah-Moxee canal, Wash 151 Selah Valley canal, Wash 152 Selway River, Idaho 156 Shafer Creek, Idaho 155 Sharp ditch, Idaho 150 Sheep Creek, Idaho 154 Shitike Creek, Oreg 158 Siletz River, Oreg 1.48 Silver Lake ditch, Oreg 157 Siuicoe Creek, Wash 151 Siniilkauieen River, Wash 150 Siulahekiu Creek, Wash 150 Skagit River, Wash 161 Skokoniish River, North Fork, Wash 160 Skykoniish River, Wash 161 Skykoinish River, North Fork, Wash 161 Skykoniish River, South Fork, Wash 161 Slusher & Gould ditch, Oreg 157 Snake River, Idaho, Wash., Wyo 152-153 Snoqualuiie River, Wash 161 Soleduck River, Wash ! 160 South Fork of Atanimi Creek, Wash 151 South Fork of Big Butte Creek, Oreg 147 South Fork of Boise River, Idaho 154 South Fork of Clearwater River, Idaho 156 South Fork of Flathead River, Mont 148 South Fork of Jocko River, Mont . 149 Page. South Fork of John Day River, Oreg 157 South Fork of Little Butte Creek, Oreg 147 South Fork of Malheur River, Oreg 155 South Fork of Puzzle Creek, Oreg 159 South Fork of Santiani River, Oreg 159 South Fork of Skykoniish River, Wash 161 South Fork of Stillaguainish River, Wash 161 South Fork of Umpqua River, North Fork of, Oreg 147 South Fork of Umpqua River, Oreg 148 South Fork of Walla Walla River, Oreg 157 South Fork of Wallowa River, Oreg 156 South Fork of Yamhill River, Oreg 159 South side Minidoka canal, Idaho 156 South side Twin Falls canal, Idaho 156 Spokane Valley Land & Water Co. canal, Wash 149 Spokane River, Wash 149 Spokane River, Little, Wash___ 149 Spring Creek, Idaho 154 Squaw Creek (tributary to Co lumbia River), Wash 157 Squaw Creek and McAllister ditch, Oreg 158 Stehekin River, Wash 150 Still Creek, Oreg 159 Stillaguauiish River, South Fork, Wash 161 Stillwiiter River, Mont 148 Streeter ditch, Idaho 156 Succor Creek, Idaho 154 Sullivan Creek, Wash 149 Sullivan Lake, Wash 149 Sunnyside canal, Wash 152 Sunnyside canal wasteways, Wash 152 Swan River, Mont 148 Swauk Creek, Wash 151 Swift Creek. Wash 160 Taylor canal, Wash 151 INDEX OF STREAMS. XVII Page. Teanaway River, Wash 151 Taneimi Creek, Wash 151 Teton River, Idaho 153 Thompson River, Mont 149 Thousand Springs Creek, Idaho. 153 Three Creek, Idaho 154 Tieton canal. Wash 152 Tietoii River, Wash 151 Timber Creek, Idaho 155 Timber Creek, West Fork, Idaho 155 Topons Creek, Idaho 153 Toppenish Creek, Wash 151 Toutle River, Wash ,_ 160 Town canal, Wash 151 Trapper Creek, Idaho 153 Trout Creek, Wash- 158 Tumalo Creek, Oreg 158 Twin Falls canal, north side, Idaho 156 Twin Falls canal, south side, Idaho 156 Twisp River, Wash 150 Tygh Creek, Oreg 158 Umatilla River, Oreg 15J Umatilla River, North Fork, Oreg 157 Uinpqua River, Oreg 148 Umpqua River, North Fork, Oreg 148 Umpqua River, North Fork of South Fork, Oreg 147 Umpqua River, South Fork, Oreg 148 Union canal, Wash 152 Upper Scott canal, Wash 152 Upper Wapatox canal, Wash 152 Valley Creek (tributary to Sal mon River), Idaho 155 Valley Creek (tributary to Jocko River), Mont 149 Vines ditch, Oreg 156 Walla Walla River, Oreg.- Wasli 157 Walla Walla River, South Fork, Oreg __ 157 Wallowa Lake, Oreg 156 Wallowa River, Oreg 156 Wallowa River, South Fork. Oreg 156 Wapatox canal, upper and lower, Wash 152 67907 15 4 Page. Warm River, Idaho 153 Warm Spring River, Oreg__ 158 Weiser River, Idaho 155 Weiser River, Middle Fork, Idaho 155 Weiser River, West Fork, Idaho 155 Wenas Creek, Wash 151 Wenatchee River, Wash 150 Wenatchee Valley canal, Wash_ 150 West Fork of Bitterroot River, Mont 148 West Fork of Deschutes River, Oreg 158 West Fork of Eagle Creek, Oreg 155 West Fork of Klickitat River, Wash 158 West Fork of Miller Creek, Wash 161 West Fork of Timber Creek, Idaho 155 West Fork of Weiser River, Idaho 155 West Kittitas canal, Wash 151 Whatcom Creek, Wash 161 White and Leach canal, Wash 152 White River (tributary to Des chutes River), Oreg 158 White River (tributary to Pu- get Sound), Wash 160 White River (tributary to Wenatchee River), Wash 150 Whitechuck River, Wash 161 Whitefish River, Mont 148 White Salmon River, W T ash 158 White Salmon. River, Little, ^ Wash " 158 Whitewater Creek (tributary to Metolius River), Oreg 158 Whitewater Creek (tributary to Sautiam River), Oreg 159 Willamette River, Oreg 159 Willamette River, Coast Fork, Oreg 159 Willamette River, Middle Fork, Oreg 159 Willamette River, North Fork of Middle Fork, Oreg 159 Willow Creek (tributary to Snake River). Idaho 153 XVIII STREAM-GAGING STATIONS, ETC., 1885-1913. Paige. Willow Creek (tributary to Columbia River), Oreg 157 Willow Creek (tributary to Malheur River), Oreg 155 Wilson Creek, Wash 151 Wilson & Co.'s ditch, Oreg 157 Wilson ditch, Oreg 150 Winier canal, Oreg 158 Wood River, Big, Idaho 154 Page. Wood River, Little, Idaho 154 Yaak Creek, Mont 148 Yakiiua River, Wash 150 Yakima Valley canal, Wash. Sec Congden canal. Yamhill River, Oreg 159 Yamhill River, South Fork, Oreg 159 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 4 GEORGE OTIS SMITH, DIRECTOR WATER-SUPPLY PAPER 340 STREAM-GAGING STATIONS AND PUBLICATIONS RELATING TO WATER RESOURCES 1885-1913 COMPILED BY B. D. WOOD WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1915 CONTENTS. Part I. North Atlantic coast drainage basins 1 II. South Atlantic coast and eastern Gulf of Mexico drainage basins 21 III. Ohio River basin 31 IV. St. Lawrence River basin 43 V. Hudson Bay and upper Mississippi River drainage basins ' 53 VI. Missouri River basin 63 VII. Lower Mississippi River basin 83 VIII. Western Gulf of Mexico drainage basins 95 IX. Colorado River basin 105 X. The Great Basin 117 XI. Pacific coast basins in California 131 XII. North Pacific slope drainage basins 147 Geological Survey hydrologic reports of general interest 169 General index of streams 179 in GENERAL INDEX OF STREAMS. [NOTE. The roman numerals given with the page numbers indicate the major drainage province in which the stream is situated. See p. 1.] Page. Au Sable River, Mich IV 44 Au Sable River, N. Y IV 46 Back Creek, Va II 21 BadgerCreek, Mont VI 65 Bairs Creek, Cal X 120 Baker Creek, Cal X 120 B aker Creek, Nev X 119 Baker Lake, Wash XII 161 Baker River, Wash. XII 161 Banister River, Va II 21 Basin Creek, Cal XI 133 Battenkill River, N. Y 19 Battle Creek, S. Dak VI 67 Bear Creek, Cal XI 136 Bear Creek, Colo VI 70 Bear Creek, Oreg. (Rogue River basin) . . . XII 147 Bear Creek, Oreg. (Silver Lake basin) X 123 Bear Lake, Idaho X 117 Bear Lake inlet canal, Idaho. X 117 Bear River, Cal. (Feather River basin) XI 136 Bear River, Cal. (San Joaquin River basin).. XI 134 Bear River, Cal. (Tule River basin) XI 133 Bear River, Idaho, Utah, Wyo X 117 Beaucoup Creek, 111 V 56 Beaver Bay River, Minn IV 43 Beaver Creek, Ariz IX 111 Beaver Creek, Colo. (Colorado River basin). IX 106 Beaver Creek, Colo. (Eagle River basin).. . IX 108 Beaver Creek, Colo. (Little Snake River basin) 1X106 Beaver (Ladder) Creek, Kans VI 71 Beaver Creek, Mont VI 65 Beaver Creek, Okla VII 85 Beaver Creek, S. Dak VI 67 Beaver Creek, West, Colo VII 84 Beaverhead River, Mont VI 63 Beaver River, N. Y IV 45 Beaver River, Ohio Ill 31 Beaver River, U tah X 119 Beitlo ditch, Oreg XII 157 Belle Fourche River, S. Dak VI 68 Belt Creek, Mont VI 64 Bennett Creek, Idaho XII 154 Bcnton Water Co.'s canal, Wash XII 152 Bidwell Creek, Cal X 1 22 Big. See significant name. Big Bend ditch, Oreg XII 157 Big Creek, Cal. (Kings River basin) XI 134 Big Creek, Cal. (Merced River basin) XI 134 Big Creek, Cal. (San Joaquin River basin) . . XI 134 Big Creek, Idaho XII 155 Big Creek, Nev X 122 Big Creek, Wash XII 150 Big Creek, Wyo VI 69 179 Abraham canal, Utah X 119 Agency Creek, Mont XII 149 Agency ditch, Mont VI Go Agua Fria River, Ariz IX 111 Alabama River, Ala II 24 Alamitos canal, Cal IX 111 Alamo channel, Cal IX 111 Alamo River, Cal X 119 Alamosa, Rio, Colo VIII 96 Alcovy River, Ga II 23 Alkali Creek, Idaho XII 154 Allagash River, Maine 15 Allegheny River, N. Y., Pa Ill 31 Allen ditch, Oreg XII 157 American Fork, Mont VI 65 American Fork, Utah X 118 American Fork, South Fork, Utah X 118 American River, Cal XI 137 American River, Wash XII 151 American River, Middle Fork, Cal XI 137 American River, North Fork, Cal XI 130 American River, South Fork, Cal XI 137 Amicalola River, Ga II 24 Ammonoosuc River, N. H 17 Ana River, Oreg X 123 Androscoggin River, N. H., Maine 16 Animas River, Colo., N. Mex IX 110 Antietam Creek, Md 1 11 Apalachee River, Ga II 23 Apple Creek, N. Dak VI 67 Applegate Creek, Oreg XII 147 Appomattox River, Va II 21 Arkansas River, Colo., Kans VII 83-84 Arkansas River canals, Colo VII 85 Arkansas River, East Fork, Colo VII 83 Arkansas River, Lake Fork, Colo VII 84 Arkansas River, Salt Fork, Okla VII 84 Arkansas River, South Fork, Colo VII 84 Arkansas River, Tennessee Fork, Colo VII 84 Aroostook River, Maine 15 Arroyo Hondo, N. Mex VIII 97 Arroyo Seco, Cal. (Los Angeles River basin). XI 132 Arroyo Seco, Cal. (Salinas River basin) XI 133 Ash Creek, Cal. (Owens Lake basin) X 120 Ash Creek, Cal. (Sacramento River basin) .. XI 135 Ashley Creek, Utah IX 106 Ashley Creek, Dry Fork, Utah IX 106 Ashuelot River, N. H 18 Asotin Creek, Wash XII 156 Assay Creek, Utah X 119 Atanum Creek, Wash XII 151 Atanum Creek, South Fork, Wash XII 151 Auburn Lake, Maine I 6 Auglaize River, Ohio IV 45 180 GENERAL INDEX OF STREAMS. Page. Bighole River, Mont VI 64 Bighorn River, Mont., Wyo VI 66 Bighorn River, Little, Mont VI 67 Big Marsh outlet, Oreg XII 157 Big Pine and Owens River canal, Cal X 120 Bill Williams River, Ariz IX 1 10 Birch Creek, Cal X 120 Birch Creek, Idaho (Big Lost River basin) . XII 153 Birch Creek, Idaho (Goose Creek basin).. . . XII 153 Birch Creek, Idaho (Portneuf River basin). XII 153 Birch Creek, Mont VI 65 Birch Creek, Nev X 122 Bishop Creek, Cal X 120 Bishop Creek, Nev X 121 Bishop Creek canal, Cal X 120 Bitterroot Creek, Little, Mont XII 148 Bitterroot River, Mont XII 148 Bitterroot River, East Fork, Mont XII 148 Bitterroot River, West Fork, Mont XII 148 Blackfoot River, Idaho XII 153 Blackfoot River, Big, Mont XII 148 Blackfoot River, Little, and ditch, Mont.. XII 148 Blackfoot River, Little, Mont XII 148 Black Fork of Green River, Wyo IX 105 Blackleaf Creek, Mont VI 65 Blacklick Creek, Pa III31 Black River, Ariz IX 110 Black River, Minn V54 Black River, N. Y IV 45 Black River, Ohio IV 45. Black River, Wis... V 55 Blacksmith Fork, Utah X 117 Blacksmith Fork power-plant race, Utah X 117 Blackstone River, R.I 17 Black Warrior River, Ala II 24 Black Warrior River, Locust Fork, Ala II 24 Blanchard River, Ohio IV 45 Blodgett Creek, Mont XII 149 Blue Earth River, Minn V 54 Bluejoint Lake, Oreg X 122 Blue River, Colo 1X108 Blue River, Big, Nebr., Kans VI 71 Blue River, Little, Nebr VI 71 Bluestone River, W. Va Ill 32 Bluewater Creek, N.Mex VIII 97 Boardman River, Mich IV 44 Bog River, N.Y IV 46 Bogue Chitto River, La II 24 Boise River, Idaho XII 154 Boise River, South Fork, Idaho XII 154 Boquet River, N.Y IV 46 Boulder Creek, Cal XI 131 Boulder Creek, Colo VI 70 Boulder Creek, Wyo IX 105 Boulder Creek, South, Colo VI 70 Boulder River, Mont ; VI 66 Boulder River, East Fork, Mont VI 66 Boulder River, West Fork, Mont. VI 66 Boundary canal, Cal IX 111 Bow River, Oreg XII 159 Box Elder Creek, S. Dak VI 67 Box Elder Creek, Utah , X 117 Boxelder Creek, Wyo VI 69 Branch Lake, Me 15 Branch Lake Stream, Maine 15 Branch River, R. 1 17 Page. Brazos River, N. Mex VIII 96 Brazos River, Tex VIII 95 Breitenbush Creek, Oreg XII 159 Bridge Creek (Malheur and Harney lakes basin), Oreg X 123 Bridge Creek (Silver Lake basin), Oreg X 123 Broad Creek, Md Ill Broadgage canal, Wash XII 152 Broad River (of Georgia), Ga II 23 Broad River (of the Carolinas), S. C II 22 Brownell ditch, Oreg XII 157 Brule River, Minn IV 43 Bruneau River, Idaho XII 154 Bruneau River, East Fork, Idaho XII 154 Brunswick Mill power canal, Nev X 121 Brush Creek, Colo IX 108 Brush Creek, Wyo VI 69 Buckaroo ditch, Idaho XII 156 Buck Creek, Oreg. See Bear Creek. Buckeye Creek, Cal X 121 Buckhannon River, W. Va Ill 31 Buffalo Creek, W. Va Ill 31 Buffalo River, Ark VII 83 Buffalo River, Wyo XII 153 Bull canal, Wash XII 151 Bull Lake Creek, Wyo VI 66 Bull Run River, Oreg XII 159 Bully Creek, Oreg XII 155 Bumping Lake, Wash XII 151 Bumping River, Wash XII 151 Burney Creek, Cal XI 135 Burnshirt River, Mass 18 Butt Creek, Cal XI 136 Butte Creek, Big, South Fork, Oreg XII 147 Butte Creek, Little, Oreg XII 147 Butte Creek, Little, North Fork, Oreg XII 147 Butte Creek, Little, South Fork, Oreg. . . . XII 147 Byram River, Conn 18 Byram River, East Branch, Conn 18 Byram River, Middle Branch, Conn 18 Byram River, West Branch, N.Y 18 Cabin Creek, Wash XII 150 Cache Creek, Cal XI 137 Cache la Poudre River, Colo VI 70 Cahaba River, Ala II 24 Cahokia Creek, 111 V 56 Calaveras River, Cal XI 135 Caliente Creek, Cal XI 133 Callahan Creek, Mont XII 148 Camas Creek, Idaho XII 153 Camas Creek, Oreg X 123 Camas Creek, Little, Idaho XII 154 Cameron Creek, N. Mex VIII 97 Cameron ditch, Oreg XII 147 Camp Branch, Ala II 24 Canada Creek, East, N. Y 19 Canada Creek, West, N.Y 19 Canadian River, Colo VI 68 Canadian River, N. Mex., Okla VII 85 Canadian River, North Fork, Okla VII 85 Canadice Lake outlet, N. Y IV 45 Canal A, Utah X 119 Canal B, Utah X 119 Canal C, Utah X 119 Canal stations in Colorado River basin IX 111 Canaseraga Creek, N.Y IV 45 GENERAL INDEX OF STREAMS. 181 Page. Cannon Ball River, N. Dak VI 67 Cannon River, Minn V 54 Cannoochee River, Ga II 23 Canon Creek, Colo IX 109 Canyon Creek, Wash XII 161 Canyon Creek, Little, Idaho XII 154 Cape Fear River, N. C II 22 Carbon River, Wash XII 160 Carp River, Mich IV 43 Carrabassett River, Maine 16 Carson River, Nev X 121 Carson River, East Fork, Cal., Nev X 121 Carson River, West Fork, Cal X 121 Cartecay River, Ga II 24 Cascade Canal, Wash XII 151 Cascadel Creek, Cal XI 134 Cascade River, Minn IV 43 Cascade River, Wash XII 161 Casselman River, Pa Ill 31 Cassia Creek, Idaho XII 153 Cass River, Mich IV 44 Castle Creek, Colo IX 108 Castle Creek, Idaho XII 154 Catawba River, N. C., S. C II 22 Catfish River, Wis V 55 Catherine Creek, Oreg XII 156 Catskill Creek, N. Y 19 Cattaraugus Creek, N. Y IV 45 Cayadutta Creek, N. Y 19 Cayuga Lake, N. Y '. IV 45 Cayuta Creek, N. Y 1 11 Cedar Creek, Idaho (Big Lost River basin) . XII 153 Cedar Creek, Idaho (Salmon Falls River basin) XII 154 Cedar River, Minn V 55 Cedar River, N. Y 18 Cedar River, Wash XII 160 Cedar River, Red, Iowa V 55 Cedar River, Red, Mich IV 44 Cement Creek, Colo IX 109 Central Oregon canal, Oreg XII 158 Chadakoin River, N. Y ! Ill 31 Chalk Creek, Colo VII 84 Chalk Creek, Utah X 118 Chama River, N. Mex VII 96 Champlain, Lake, Vt IV 46 Charles Lisle ditch, Oreg XII 157 Chateaugay River, N. Y IV 46 Chattahoochee River, Ga., Ala II 23 Chattooga River, Ga II 22 Chauga River, S. C II 22 Chautauqua Lake outlet, N. Y Ill 31 Chazy River, Big, N. Y IV 46 Cheat River, W. Va Ill 31 Checkerboard Creek, Mont VI 65 Chehalis River, Wash XII 160 Chelan Lake, Wash XII 150 Chelan River, Wash XII 150 Chemung River, N. Y Ill Chenango River, N. Y 1 11 Cheoah River, N. C Ill 34 Cherry Creek, Idaho XII 154 Cherry River, Cal XI 134 Cherry River, W. Va Ill 32 Chevelon Fork, Ariz IX 110 Chewaucum River, Oreg X 123 Page. Cheyenne River, S. Dak VI 67 Chicopee River, Mass 18 Chicorica Creek, N. Mex VII 85 Chipola River, Fla II 24 Chippewa River, Minn V 54 Chippewa River, Wis V 54-55 Chittenango Creek, N. Y IV 45 Chiwaukum Creek, Wash XII 150 jChiwawa River , Wash XII 150 Choccolocco Creek, Ala II 24 Choctawhatchee River, Ala II 24 Chowchilla Creek, Cal XI 134 Chugwater Creek, Wyo VI 69 Cimarron Creek, Colo IX 109 Cimarron River, Kans., Okla VII 84-85 Cimarron River, N. Mex VII 85 Cispus River, Wash XII 160 Citizens ditch, Farmers and, Oreg XII 157 City Creek, Utah X 118 Clackamas River, Oreg : XII 159-160 Clark canal, Wash XII 152 Clark Fork, Idaho, Mont., Wash XII 148 Clark Fork, Mont VI 66 Clavey River, Cal XI 134 Clealum Lake, Wash XII 151 Clealum River, Wash XII 151 Clealum River, North Fork, Wash XII 151 Clear Creek, Ala II 24 Clear Creek, Ariz IX 110 Clear Creek, Cal XI 136 Clear Creek, Colo. (Arkansas River basin). . VH 84 Clear Creek, Colo. (Platte River basin) VI 70 Clear Creek, Colo. (Rio Grande basin) VIII 96 Clear Creek, Idaho XII 153 Clear Creek, Utah X 119 Clear Creek, Wash XII 161 Clear Creek, Wyo VI 67 Clear Fork, Wash XII 160 Clear Lake, Cal XI 137 Clear-water River, Idaho XII 156 Clearwater River, Minn V53 Clearwater River, South Fork, Idaho XII 156 Clinch River, Va Ill 34 Cloquet River, Minn IV 43 Clover Creek, Cal XI 136 Clyde River, Vt IV 46 Coal Creek, Wash XII 160 Coal River, W. Va Ill 32 Coast Fork of Willamette River, Oreg XII 159 Cobbosseecontee Lake, Maine 16 Cobbosseecontee Stream, Maine 16 Cochituate, Lake, Mass 17 Coaur d' Alene Lake, Idaho XII 149 Coeur d'Alene River, Idaho XII 149 Coeur d'Alene River, Little North Fork, Idaho XII 149 Cosur d'Alene River, North Fork, Idaho . . XII 149 Coffee Creek, Cal XI 138 Cold Spring Creek, Idaho XII 154 Cold Stream, Me 16 Cold Stream Pond, Maine 16 Cold water Creek, Cal., San Gabriel River basin XI 132 Coldwater Creek, Cal. (Santa Ana River basin) XI 132 Coldwater River, Miss VII 85 182 GENERAL INDEX OF STREAMS. Page. Collins (A. O.) canal ,-Cal X 120 Collins (George) canal, Cal X 120 Colorado-Kansas canal, Colo VII 85 Colorado, Rio, N. Mex VIII 96 Colorado River, Ariz IX 105 Colorado River, Tex VIII 95 Colorado River canal stations IX 111 Colorado River, Little, Ariz IX 110 Columbia River, Oreg., Wash XII 148 Columbia Southern canal, Oreg XII 158 Community canal, Colo VI 70 Company ditch, Oreg XII 157 Conasauga River, Ga II 24 Conecuh River, Ala II 24 Conejos River, Colo VIII 96 Conewango Creek, N. Y Ill 31 Congdon ( Yakima Valley) canal, Wash . . . XII 152 Connecticut River, Conn., Mass., N. H 17 Contoocook River, N. H 17 Cook canal, Mont VI G5 Cooks Creek, Va 1 11 Coosa River, Ga II 24 Coosawattee River, Ga II 24 Corbin-Morse ditch, S. Dak VI 67 Corral Creek, Cal XI 134 Costilla Creek, N. Mex VIII 96 Cosumnes River, Cal XI 135 Cosumnes River, North Fork, Cal XI 135 Cottonwood Creek,Cal. (Owens Lake basin).. X 120 Cottonwood Creek, Cal. (Sacramento River basin) XI 136 Cottonwood Creek, Cal. (Tia Juana River basin) XI 131 Cottonwood Creek, Colo VII 84 Cottonwood Creek, Oreg XI 135 Cottonwood Creek, Utah IX 107 Cottonwood Creek, Big, Idaho XII 154 Cottonwood Creek, Big, Utah X 118 Cottonwood Creek, Little, Oreg X 123 Cottonwood Creek, Little, Utah X US Cottonwood Creek, North Fork, Cal XI 136 Cottonwood Creek, North Fork, Colo VII 84 Cottonwood Creek, South Fork, Colo VII 84 Cottonwood River, Minn V54 Courtois Creek, Mo VII 83 Cow Creek, Cal XI 136 Cow Creek, Oreg. (Malheur River basin) . . . XII 155 Cow Creek, Oreg. (Umpqua River basin) . . XII 148 Cow Creek, Wash XII 156 Cow Creek, Wyo VI 69 Cow Creek, Little, Cal XI 136 Cowhead Lake, Cal X 123 Cowlitz River, Wash XII 160 Cowpasture River, Va II 21 Coyote River, Cal XI 133 Crab Creek, Wash XII 150 Crane Creek, Idaho XII 155 Crane ditch, Lisle and, Oreg XII 157 Crane Valley reservoir, Cal XI 134 Crescent Lake outlet, Oreg XII 158 Crockery Creek, Mich IV 44 Crooked Creek, Oreg X 123 Crooked River, Oreg XII 158 Cross Creek, Ohio Ill 32 Croton River, N. Y 1 10 Crow Creek, Mont. (Missouri River basin).. VI 64 Page. Crow Creek, Mont. (Flathead River basin). XII 149 Crow Creek, Middle, Wyo VI 70 Crow Creek, S. Dak VI 68 Crown Butte canal, Mont VI 64 Crow River, Minn v 54 Crow River, North Fork, Minn y 54 Crow Wing River, Minn v 54 Crow Wing River, South Fork, Minn V 54 Cruez ditch, Wyo VI 67 Crump Lake, Oreg x 122 Crystal River, Colo IX 108 Cub Creek, Idaho x 117 Cucamonga Creek, Oreg X 123 Cucharas River, Colo VII 84 Culebra River, Colo VIII 96 Cullasagee River, N. C m 33 Cumberland River, T* enn Ill 33 Currant Creek, Nev X 119 Currant Creek, Utah IX 106 Cut Bank Creek, Mont VI 65 Cuyahoga River, Ohio IV 45 Dan River, Va n 21 Davidson River, N. C Ill 33 Dayville ditch, Oreg XII 157 Deadinan Creek, Mont VI 64 Dead River, Maine 16 Dead River, Mich IV 43 Deadwood Creek, Idaho XII 154 Dearborn River, Mont VI 64 Deep Creek, Cal., Oreg X 123 Deep Creek, Mont. (Marias River basin)... VI 65 Deep Creek, Mont. (Missouri River basin). VI 64 Deep Creek, N. C H 22 Deer Creek, Cal. (Sacramento River basin). XI 136 Deer Creek, Cal. (Tulare Lake basin) XI 133 Deer Creek, Md I n Deerfield River, Mass 18 Deer River, N. Y IV 46 Delaware & Hudson canal, diversion to, N. Y. 19 Delaware River, N. J., N. Y 1 10 Delaware River, N. Mex VIII 97 Delaware River, East Branch, N. Y 1 10 Delaware River, West Branch, N. Y 1 10 Dell canal, Cal X 120 Deschutes River, Oreg XII 157 Deschutes River, East Fork, Oreg XII 158 Deschutes River, West Fork, Oreg XII 158 Deseret canal, Utah X 119 Deseret high-line canal, Utah X 119 Des Lacs River, N. Dak V 54 Des Moines River, Minn., Iowa V 55 Desplaines River, 111 V 55 Devil Canyon Creek, Cal XI 132 Devil Creek, Idaho XII 154 Devils Lake, N. Dak V 53 Devils River, Tex VIII 97 Devil Track River, Minn IV 43 Diamond Fork, Utah X 118 Dinkey Creek, Cal XI 134 Dinwoody Creek, Wyo VI 66 Dismal Creek, Cal X 123 Divide Creek, West, Colo IX 109 Division Creek, Cal X 120 Dix River, Ky Ill 32 Doe River, Term Ill 33 Dog Creek, Oreg XI 135 GENERAL INDEX OF STEEAMS. 183 Page. Dog River, Vt IV 46 Dolores River, Colo - - IX 109 Donner Creek, Cal X 122 Dormer und Blitzen River, Oretr X 123 Dosewallips River, Wash X II 160 Double Bridge Creek, Ala II 24 Drews Creek, Oreg XI 135 Dry Creek, Cal XI 135 Dry Creek, Idaho (Big Wood River basin). XII 154 Dry Creek, Idaho (Snake River Basin). . . . XII 154 Dry Creek, Mont XII 149 Dry Creek, Wyo VI 66 Dry Fork of Ashley Creek, Utah IX 106 Dry Fork of Marias River, Mont VI 65 Dry Fork of Otter Creek, Okla VII 86 Duchesne River, Utah IX 106 Diichesne River, North Fork, Utah IX 106 Duchesne River, West Fork, Utah IX 106 Duck Lake Creek, Colo VI 70 Duck River, Tenn Ill 34 Duckabush River, Wash XII 160 Dulzura conduit and Cottonwood Creek, Cal XI 131 Dungeness River, Wash XII 160 Dupuyer Creek, Mont VI 65 Dutch Jo Creek, Wyo IX 106 Eagle Creek, Oreg XII 155 Eagle Creek, West Fork, Oreg XII 155 Eagle River, Colo IX 108 East Branch or Fork. See name of main stream. East Canada Creek, N. Y 19 East Creek, Utah IX 106 East Creek, Vt IV 46 East Finley Creek, Mont XII 149 Eastfork River, Wyo IX 105 East River, Colo IX 109 East San Pasqual ditch, Cal XI 131 East Side canal, Cal X 120 East Walker River, Cal., Nev X 121 Eaton Brook, N. Y Ill Eel River, Cal XI 137 Eel River, Ind Ill 33 Eel River, Middle, Cal XI 137 Eel River, South, Cal XI 137 Eel River, South Fork, Cal XI 137 Eightmile Creek, Cal X 120 Eightmile Creek, Idaho XII 155 Eleanor Creek, Cal XI 134 Elk Creek, Ala Ill 34 Elk Creek, Colo '. IX 107 Elk Creek, Okla VII 86 Elk Creek, S. Dak VI 68 Elk Creek, Tenn Ill 33 Elk Creek, W. Va Ill 31 Elk Creek, East Fork, Colo IX 108 Elk Creek, Middle Fork, Colo IX 108 Elk Creek, West Fork, Colo IX 108 Elk Head Creek, Colo IX 106 Elkhorn River, Nebr VI 70 Elkhorn River, South Fork, Nebr VI 70 Elk River, Colo IX 106 Elk River, Minn V 54 Elk River, W. Va Ill 32 Elk Run, Va Ill Ellensburg Water Co. canal, Wash XII 151 Ellijay River, Ga II 24 Elliott ditch, Oreg. See Ochoco Creek. Elm Fork of Red River, Okla VII 86 Elwha River, Wash XII 160 Embarrass River, 111 Ill 33 Emigration Creek, Utah X 118 Encampment River, Wyo VI 69 Entiat River, Wash XII 150 Erskine Creek, Cal XI 133 Escalante Creek, Utah IX 109 Escanaba River, Mich IV 44 Escondido Mutual Water Co.'s canal, Cal. . . XI 132 E sopus Creek, N.Y 19 Etowah River, Ga II 24 Eugene power canal, Oreg XII 159 Fall Creek, N.Y IV 45 Fall Creek, Wyo IX 105 Fall Creek, Big, Oreg XII 159 Fall River, Cal XI 135 Fall River, Idaho XII 153 Fall River, Kans VII 85 Falls Creek, Mont. (Flathead River basin) . XII 149 Falls Creek, Mont. (Missouri River basin).. VI 64 Farmers and Citizens ditch, Oreg XII 157 Farmers canal, Cal X 120 Farmers canal, Malheur, Oreg XII 156 Farmers mill ditch, Oreg XII 157 Fawn River, Mich IV 44 Feather River, Cal XI 136 Feather River, Middle Fork, Cal XI 136 Feather River, North Fork, Cal XI 136 Feather River, South Fork, Cal XI 136 Fernando de Taos, Rio, N. Mex VIII 96 Ferron Creek, Utah 1X107 Fif teenmile Creek, Cal X 123 Finley Creek, Mont XII 149 Finley Creek, East, Mont XII 149 Fish Creek, Colo 1X106 Fish Creek, N. Y 19 Fish Creek, East Branch, N. Y IV 45 Fish Creek, West Branch, N. Y IV 45 Fish Fork of San Gabriel River, Cal XI 132 Fishkill Creek, N.Y. 110 Fish River, Maine 15 Flagstaff Lake, Oreg X 122 Flambeau River, Wis V55 Flat Creek, Big, Idaho XII 154 Flathead Lake, Mont XII 148 Flathead River, Mont XII 148 Flathead River, Middle Fork, Mont XII 148 Flathead River, North Fork, Mont XII 148 Flathead River, South Fork, Mont XII 148 Flatwillow Creek, Mont VI 65 Flint River, Ga 1123 Flint River, Mich IV 44 Florida River, Colo IX 110 Floweree Big canal, Mont VI 64 Fond du Lac River, East Branch, Wis IV 44 Fond du Lac River, West Branch, Wis IV 44 Ford Creek, Mont VI 64 Fork River, Big, Minn V 54 Fort Belknap canal, Mont VI 65 Fort Hall lower canal, Idaho XII 156 Fort Hall upper canal, Idaho XII 156 Fortification Creek, Colo IX 106 Fortune canal, Wash XII 152 184 GENERAL INDEX OF STREAMS. Page. Foss River, Wash XII 161 Foss River, East Fork, Wash XII 161 Foundry Brook, N.Y 110 Fourmile Creek, Colo. See Oil Creek. Fourmile Creek, Oreg XI 138 Fourmile Creek, Wyo 1X106 Fowler Canal, Wash XII 152 Fox River, 111 V55 Fox River, Wis IV 44 Fraser River, Colo 1X107 Fremont River, Utah IX 109 French Broad River, N. C., Tenn Ill 33 French Creek, Wyo VI 69 Frenchman River, Nebr VI 71 Fresnal, Rio, N. Mex VIII 98 Fresno River, Cal XI 134 Fruitvale-Schanno canal, Wash XII 152 Frying Pan Creek, Colo 1X108 Frying Pan Creek, North Fork, Colo IX 108 Gallatin River, Mont VI 64 Gallatin River, West, Mont VI 64 Gallinas River, N. Mex VIII 97 Gallinas River, South Fork, N. Mex VIII 97 Garoga Creek, N.Y 19 Gasconade River, Mo VI 71 Gasconade River, Piney Fork, Mo VI 71 Gato Creek, Cal XI 132 Gauley River, W. Va Ill 32 Gellerman & Frohman ditch, Oreg XII 156 Genesee River, N. Y IV 45 Geneva Creek, Colo VI 70 George Creek, Cal X 120 George, Lake, outlet, N. Y IV 46 Georges Creek, Md Ill Georgetown Creek, Idaho X 117 Gerle Creek, Cal XI 137 Gibbon River, Mont VI 64 Gila River, Ariz., N. Mex IX 110 Gilbert canal, Wash XII 152 Gleed canal, Wash XII 152 Glenwood Light & Power Go.'s flume, Colo. IX 108 Goldburg Creek, Idaho XII 155 Goodale Creek, Cal X 120 Goodyear Creek, Cal XI 136 Goose Creek, Colo VI 70 Goose Creek, Idaho XII 153 Goose Creek, Md :.. 112 Goose Creek, Wyo VI 67 Goose Creek, Big, Wyo. See Goose Creek. Goose Creek, Little, Wyo VI 67 Goose Lake, Oreg XI 135 Gore Creek, Colo 1X108 Gould ditch, Slusher and, Oreg XII 157 Graefenberg Creek, N.Y 19 Grande, Rio, Colo., N. Mex., Tex VIII 96 Grand Lake, Maine 15 Grand Lake, North inlet IX 107 Grand Lake outlet, Colo IX 107 Grand River, Colo., Utah 1X107 Grand River, Mich..... IV 44 Grand River, Okla. See Neosho River. Grand River, S. Dak VI 67 Grand River, North Branch, N. Dak VI 67 Grand River, North Fork, Colo IX 107 Grand River, South Fork, Colo IX 107 Grand Ronde River, Oreg., Wash XII 156 Page. Grandview canal, Idaho XII 156 Granger canal, Wash XII 152 Granger ditch, Oreg XII 157 Grape Creek, Colo VII 84 Great Salt Lake, Utah X 117 Greenbrier River, W. Va Ill 32 Green Lake, Maine 15 Green Lake Stream, Maine 15 Green River, N. C II 22 Green River, Wash XII 160 Green River, Wyo., Utah IX 105 Green River, Black Fork, Wyo IX 105 Greenwater River, Wash XII 160 Grecr Spring, Mo VII 83 Greybull River, Wyo VI 67 Grimes Creek, Idaho XII 154 Grizzly Creek, Cal XI 136 Grizzly Creek, Big, Colo VI 68 Grizzly Creek, Little, Colo VI 68 Grosscup canal, Wash XII 152 Guadalupe River, Tex VIII 96 Gunnison River, Colo IX 109 Gunnison River, North Fork, Colo IX 109 Gunpowder Falls, Md 1 11 Gunpowder Falls, Little, Md Ill Half Moon Creek, Colo VII 84 Hamilton Branch, Cal XI 136 Hammond ditch, Utah X 117 Handy ditch, Colo VI 70 Hangman Creek, Wash XII 149 Hangman Creek, North Fork, Wash XII 149 Hanks Creek, Nev X 121 Harlem canal, Mont VI 65 Harris Creek, Idaho XII 155 Hart Lake, Oreg X 122 Hassayampa River, Ariz IX 111 Hatch canal, Wash XII 152 Hat Creek, Cal XI 135 Hat Creek, S. Dak VI 67 Hawksbill Creek, Va Ill Haw River, N.C II 22 Heart River, N. Dak VI 67 Hemlock canal, Cal IX 111 Hemlock Lake, N. Y IV 45 Henrietta mill ditch, Oreg XII 157 Henrys Fork, Idaho XII 153 Hermiston ditch, Oreg XII 157 Hermosa Creek, Colo IX 110 Hiawassee River, N. C., Tenn Ill 34 Highlands (North Fork) canal, Cal XI 132 Highwood Creek, Mont VI 67 Hillabee Creek, Ala II 24 Hillside (North) canal, Cal X 120 Hillside (South) canal, Cal X 120 Hinckle ditch, Oreg XII 157 Hobble Creek, Utah..... X 118 Holston River, Tenn Ill 33 Holston River, Middle Fork, Va Ill 33 Holston River, North Fork, Va Ill 33 Holston River, South Fork, Va., Tenn Ill 33 Holt canal, Cal IX 111 Home Creek, Okla VII 86 Home Creek, Oreg X 123 Homestake Creek, Colo 1X108 Homochitto River, Miss VII 86 Hondo, Arroyo, N. Mex VIII 97 GENERAL INDEX OF STREAMS. 135 Page. Hondo reservoir inlet, N. Mex VIII 97 Hondo, Rio, N. Mex VIII 96 Hondo River. N. Mex VIII 97 Honeoye Creek, N. Y IV 45 Honey Creek, Oreg X 123 Hood River, Wash XII 158 Hoosic River, N. Y 19 Hope mill ditch, Oreg XII 156 Horn River, N. Mex VIII 96 Horse Creek, Wyo. (Bighorn River basin)... VI 66 Horse Creek, Wyo. (Platte River basin) VI 69 Housatonic River, Mass. , Conn 18 Hubbard canal, Wash XII 151 Hudson River, N. Y 18 Huerfano River, Colo VII 84 Humboldt River, Nev X 121 Humboldt River, North Fork, Nev X 121 Humboldt River, South Fork, Nev X 122 Hunter Creek, Cal XI 134 Hunter Creek, Colo 1X108 Huntington Creek, Utah IX 107 Huron River, Mich IV 44 Ichawaynochaway Creek, Ga II 24 Icicle Creek, Wash XII 150 Idaho canal, Idaho XII 156 Illinois River, 111 V55 Imperial canal, Ariz., Cal IX 111 Independence Creek (Owens Lake basin), Cal X120 Independence Creek (Pyramid and Winne- mucca lake basins), Cal X 122 Indian Creek,Cal. (Feather River basin).... XI 136 Indian Creek, Cal. (Klamath River basin). XI 138 Indian Creek, Cal. (Tuolumne River basin). XI 134 Indian Creek, Pa Ill 31 Indian Creek, S. Dak VI 68 Indian Creek, Utah (Beaver River basin).. . X 119 Indian Creek, Utah (Strawberry River basin) IX 106 Indian ditch, Mont XII 149 Indian Lake reservoir, N.Y 18 Indian River, N. Y 18 Iowa River, Iowa V 55 Iron Fork of San Gabriel River, Cal XI 132 Iron River, Mich IV 44 Israel River, N. H 17 Ivie Creek, Utah 1X109 Ivy River, N. C Ill 33 Jack Creek, Wyo VI 69 Jacks Creek, Nev X 122 Jackson Lake, Wyo XII 152 Jackson River, Va II 21 James River, N. Dak VI 68 James River, Va II 21 James River, North Branch, Va II 21 Jawbone Creek, Cal XI 134 Jefferson Creek, Colo VI 69 Jefferson River, Mont VI 63 "J. H." ditch, Oreg XII 156 Jim Creek, Big, Colo IX 107 Jim Creek, Little, Colo 1X107 Jocko River, Mont XII 149 Jocko River, Middle Fork, Mont XII 149 Jocko River, North Fork, Mont XII 149 Jocko River, South Fork, Mont XII 149 John Day River, Oreg...., XII 157 Page. John Day River, South Fork, Oreg XII 157 Johnson Brook, N. Y 19 Johnson Creek, Wash. (Cowlitz River basin) XII 160 Johnson Creek, Wash. (Okanogan River basin) : XII 150 Johns River, N. C II 22 Jonathan Creek, Ohio Ill 32 Jordan Creek, Oreg XII 154 Jordan River, Utah X 118 Judith River, Mont VI 65 Juniata River, Pa Ill Kachess Lake, Wash XII 150 Kachess River, Wash XII 150 Kalama River, Wash XII 160 Kalamazoo River, Mich IV 44 Kalawa River, Wash XII 160 Kankakee River, 111., Ind V55 Kansas River, Kans VI 70 Kaskaskia River, 111 V 56 Kaweah River, Cal XI 133 Kaweah River, North Fork, Cal XI 133 Kaweah River, South Fork, Cal XI 133 Kawishiwi River, Minn V 64 Keechelus Lake, Wash XII 150 Keese ditch, Colo VII 85 Keiger Creek, Oreg X 123 Kelly canal, Wash XII 152 Kelsey River, Oreg XII 159 Kenduskeag Stream, Maine ,16 Kennebec River, Maine 16 Kennedy Creek, Mont V53 Kennewick canal, Wash XII 152 Kentucky River, Ky Ill 32 Kerber Creek, Colo VIII 96 Kern River, Cal XI 133 Kern River Power Co.'s canal, Cal XI 133 Kern River, South Fork, Cal XI 133 Keshequa Creek, N. Y IV 45 Kettle River, Minn V51 Kettle River, Wash XII 149 Kinchafoonee Creek, Ga.... II 24 Kinderhook Creek, N. Y 19 Kings River, Cal XI 134 Kings River, Nev X 122 Kings River, North Fork, Cal XI 134 Kiona canal, Wash XII 152 Kiona Water Supply Co.'s canal, Wash. . . XII 152 Kiskiminitas River, Pa Ill 31 Kittitas canal, West, Wash XII 151 Klamath Lake, Lower, Oreg XI 138 Klamath Lake, Upper, Oreg XI 138 Klamath River, Cal., Oreg XI 138 Klickitat River, Little, Wash XII 158 Klickitat River, Wash XII 158 Klickitat River, West Fork, Wash XII 158 Knife Creek, Big, Mont XII 149 Knife River, N. Dak VI 67 Knight Creek, Cal XI 135 Kootenai River, Idaho, Mont XII 148 Kosk Creek, Cal XI 136 Krumbo Creek, Oreg X 123 Lac qui Parle River, Minn V 54 Ladder Creek, Kans. See Beaver Creek. Lagrange Water & Power Co.'s canal, Cal.. XI 134 Lake. See significant name, 186 GENERAL INDEX OF STREAMS. Page. Lake Creek, Colo VII 84 Lake Creek, Idaho XII 155 Lake Creek, Oreg XII 158 Lake Creek, Wash XII 160 Lake Fork of Arkansas River, Colo VII 84 Lake Fork of Payette River, Idaho XII 155 Lake Fork, Utah IX 107 Lake Fork, East Fork, Utah IX 107 Lake Fork, West Fork, Utah IX 106 Lake McDonald outlet, Mont XII 148 Lake Tahoe, Cal X 122 Lake Winnemucca inlet, Nev X 122 La Luz, Rio, N. Mex VIII 98 Lamoille Creek, Nev X 122 Lamoille River, Vt IV 46 Lampbright Draw, N. Mex VIII 97 La Plata River, Colo., N. Mex IX 110 Laramie River, Colo., Wyo VI 69 Laramie River, Little, Wyo VI 69 Laramie River, North, Wyo VI 69 Latourelle Creek, Oreg XII 158 Laurel Hill Creek, Pa. Ill 31 Lebo Creek, Mont VI 65 Leevining Creek, Cal X 120 LehighRiver, Pa 110 Lewis Creek, Oreg XII 158 Lewis Creek, Va Ill Lewis River, Wash XII 160 Licking Fork of Mokelumne River, Cal. ... XI 135 Licking River, Ohio Ill 32 Link River, Oreg XI 138 Linnville River, N. C II 22 Lisle & Crane ditch, Oreg XII 157 Lisle ditch, Charles, Oreg XII 157 Little. See significant name. Little River, N. H 17 Little River, N. C Ill 33 Little River, Va Ill 32 Littlerock Creek, Cal X 120 Little South Fork ditch, Cal XI 137 Lochsa River, Idaho XII 156 Locust Fork of Black Warrior River, Ala.. . . II 24 Lodgegrass Creek, Mont VI 67 Logan, Hyde Park & Smithfield canal, Utah. X 117 Logan Northern canal, Utah X 117 Logan River, Utah X 117 Lolo Creek, Idaho XII 156 Lolo Creek, Mont XII 148 Loma Abajo River, Cal XI 132 Lone Pino Creek, Cal X 120 Long Prairie River, Minn V 54 Los Angeles River, Cal XI 132 Los Pinos River, Colo IX 110 Lost Creek, Idaho XII 155 LostCreek, Utah X 118 Lost Horse Creek, Mont VI 64 Lost River, Cal. , Oreg XI 138 Lost River, Big, Idaho XII 153 Lost River, Little, Idaho XII 153 Loup River, Nebr VI 70 Loup River, Middle, Nebr VI 70 Louse Creek, Idaho XII 154 Lower Klamath Lake, Oreg XI 138 Lower Scott canal, Wash XII 152 Lower Wapatox canal, Wash XII 152 Lowery canal, Wash XII 152 Page. Lucero, Rio, N. Mex VIII 96 Luckiamute River, Oreg XII 159 Lump Gulch Creek, Mont VI 64 Lymans ditch, Utah . X 119 Ly tie Creek, Cal XI 132 Machias River, Maine 15 Madawaska River, Quebec 15 Mad Creek, Colo IX 106 Madison Brook, N.Y Ill Madison River, Mont VI 64 Mad R i ver , Cal X 1 137 Mad River, Ohio Ill 32 Maggie Creek, Nev X 122 Mahoning River, Ohio Ill 31 Malad River, Idaho XII 154 Malad River, Little, Idaho X 117 Malheur Farmers canal, Oreg XII 156 Malheur Lake, Oreg X 123 Malheur River, Oreg XII 154-155 Malheur River, North Fork, Oreg XII 155 Malheur River, South Fork, Oreg XII 155 Malibu Creek, Cal XI 132 Mamm Creek, West, Colo IX 109 Mammoth Creek, Utah X 119 Manastash Creek, Wash XII 151 Mancos River, Colo IX 110 Mancos River, West, Colo IX 110 Manistee River, Mich IV 44 Mann Creek, Idaho XII 155 Manti Creek, Utah X 119 Manuelitos River, N. Mex VII 85 Maple Creek, Utah. . .- X 118 Maquoketa River, Iowa V 55 Marais des Cygnes. Sec Osage River. Margueretta flume, Tex VIII 97 Marias River, Mont VI 65 Marion Fork of Santiam River, Oreg XII 159 Mariposa Creek, Cal XI 134 Markleeville Creek, Cal X 121 Maroon Creek, Colo IX 108 Marsh Creek, Mont VI 64 Marvine Creek, Colo IX 107 Marys Creek, Idaho XII 154 Marys River, Nev X 121 Matfield River, Mass 17 Matheson canal, Mont VI 65 Mattawamkeag River, Maine 16 Mattole River, Cal XI 137 Maumee River, Ohio IV 44, 45 Maxwell ditch, Oreg XII 157 McAllister ditch, Oreg. See Squaw Creek. McCloud River, Cal XI 136 McCormick canal, Wash XII 152 McCoy Creek, Oreg X 123 McDonald Lake outlet, Mont XII 148 Mclntyre Creek, Colo VI 69 McKay Creek, Oreg XII 157 McKenzie River, Oreg XII 159 McLaughlin ditch, Oreg XII 156 McMahon River, Ohio HI 32 McMillan, Lake, N. Mex VIII 97 McMullen Creek, Idaho XII 154 McNally canal, Cal X 120 Meadow Creek, Wyo VI 66 Meadow River, W. Va HI 32 Medicine Bluff Creek, Okla VII 86 GENERAL INDEX OF STREAMS. 187 Page. Medicine BlulT Creek, Little, Okla VII 86 Medicine Bow River, Wyo VI 69 Medicine River, Kans VII 84 Melville main canal, Utah X 119 Melville west side canal, Utah.' X 119 Mendota, Lake, Wis V 55 Menominee River, Mich., Wis IV 44 Mentone Tower Co.'s canal, Cal. Sec Santa Ana River. Meramec River, Mo VII 83 Meramec Spring, Mo VII 83 Merced River, Cal XI 134 Merced River, South Fork, Cal XI 134 Merrimac River, N. II., Mass 17 Messalonskee Stream, Maine 16 Methow River, Wash XII 150 Metolius River, Oreg XII 158 Mettawee River, N. Y IV 46 Miami canal, Fla II 23 Miami River, Ohio Ill 32 Miami River, Little, Ohio Ill 32 Mianus River, Conn., N. Y 18 Michigan Creek, Colo. ( Platte River basin). . VI 68 Michigan Creek (tributary to South Platte River), Colo VI 69 Middle Branch or Fork. See name of main stream. Middle Creek, Mont VI 64 Middle Crow Creek, Wyo VI 70 Middle Eel River, Cal XI 137 Middle Loup River, Nebr VI 70 Middle Oconee River, Ga II 23 Middle Ranch Creek, Colo IX 108 Milk Creek, Colo IX 106 Milk River, Mont VI 65 Milk River, North Fork, Mont VI 65 Milk River, South Fork, Mont VI 65 Milk River, West Fork, Mont VI 65 Mill Creek (tributary to Santa Ana River), Cal XI 132 Mill Creek (tributary to Sacramento River), Cal XI 136 Mill Creek, N. C II 22 Mill Creek, Ohio Ill 32 Mill Creek (tributary to Rogue River), Oreg ; XII 147 Mill Creek (tributary to Umpqua River), Oreg XII 148 Mill Creek, Utah X 118 Miller Creek (tributary to Klamath River), Oreg XI 138 Miller Creek (tributary to Lost River), Oreg XI 138 Miller Creek, Wash XII 161 Miller Creek, West Fork, Wash XII 161 Millers River, Mass 17 Mills River, North Fork, N. C Ill 33 Mills River, South Fork, N. C Ill 33 Milner, Lake, Idaho XII 153 Millstone River, N. J 1 10 Mimbres River, N. Mex VIII 97 Minam River, Oreg XII 156 Minersville canal, Utah X 119 Minidoka canal, north and south side, Idaho .. XII156 1'age. Minnesota River, Minn V 54 Mission Creek, Mont XII 149 Missisquoi River, Vt IV 46 Mississippi River, Minn V 54 Missouri River, Mont., N. Dak., Mo VI 63-64 Missouri River, Little, Mont., S. Dak., N. Dak VI 67 Modesto canal, Cal- XI 134 Mohave River, Cal X 120 Mohawk River, N. Y 19 Mohican River, Ohio Ill 32 Mokelumne River, Cal XI 135 Mokelumne River, Licking Fork, Cal XI 135 Mokelumne River, Middle Fork, Cal XI 135 Mokelumne River, South Fork, Cal XI 135 Molalla River, Oreg XII 159 Mongaup River, N. Y 1 10 Monocacy River, Md 1 12 Mono Creek, Cal XI 132 Mono Lake, Cal X 120 Monongahela River, Pa Ill 31 Monroe Creek, Idaho XII 155 Montgomery Creek, Cal XI 136 Moosehead Lake, Maine 16 Moose River, Maine 16 Moose River, N. Y IV 45 Moose River, Middle Branch, N. Y IV 45 Mora River, N. Mex VII 85 Mora River and La Cueva canal, N. Mex VII 85 Moreau River. See Owl River. Morrissey canal, Wash XII 152 Moses Lake, Wash XII 150 Moss Brook, Mass 18 Mouse River, N. Dak V 54 Moxee Canal, Wash XII 151 Moyie River, Idaho XII 148 Muckalee Creek, Ga II 24 Mud Creek, Mont XII 149 Mud Creek, N. C Ill 33 Mud Creek (Malheur and Harney lakes basin), Oreg X 123 Mud Creek (Warner Lake basin), Oreg X 123 Muddy Creek, Colo 1X108 Muddy Creek, Mont VI65 Muddy Creek, Utah 1X109 Muddy Creek, Big, Mont VI 66 Muddy River, Nev IX 110 Muddy River, Wash XII 160 Muddy River, Big, 111 V 56 Muddy River, Big, Wash XII 158 Muddy River, Little, N. Dak VI 67 Mud Lake inlet canal, Idaho. See Bear Lake inlet canal. Mullen Creek, Wyo VI 69 Musconetcong River, N. J 1 10 Muskegon River, Mich IV 44 Muskingum River, Ohio Ill 32 Muskrat Creek, Mont VI 65 Musselshell River, North Fork, Mont VI 65 Musselshell River. South Fork, Mont VI 65 Mystic Lake, Mass 17 Naches-Cowiche canal, Wash XII 152 Naches River, Wash XII 151 Nacimiento Creek, Cal XI 133 . Nail Creek, N. Y 19 188 GENERAL INDEX OF STREAMS. Nantahala River, N. C Ill 33 Nashua River, South Branch, Mass 17 Nason Creek, Wash XII 150 Navajo River, Colo IX 109 Neches River, Tex VIII 95 Nelder Creek, Cal XI 134 Neosho River, Kans VII 85 Neshaminy Creek, Pa 1 10 Nespelem River, Wash XII 150 Neuse River, N. C II 22 Nevada ditch, Oreg XII 156 Neversink River, N. Y 110 Newfork Creek, Wyo IX 105 New Reservation canal, Wash XII 152 New River, Cal X 119 New River, Va., W. Va Ill 32 New River canal, North, Fla II 23 New River canal, South, Fla II 23 New River, North Fork, N. C Ill 32 New River, South Fork, N. C., Va., W. Va. . Ill 32 Ninemile Creek, N.Y V9 Niobrara River, Nebr. VI 68 Nisqually River, Wash XII 160 Nolichucky River, Tenn Ill 33 No Name Creek, Colo IX 108 Nooksack River, Wash XII 161 Nooksack River, Middle Fork, Wash XII 161 Nooksack River, North Fork, Wash XII 161 NormanskiU Creek, N.Y 19 North Branch or Fork. See name of main stream. North Creek, North Fork, Utah X 119 North Creek, South Fork, Utah X 119 North Fork canal, Cal XI 132 North Fork River, Ark VII 83 North inlet to Grand Lake, Colo IX 107 North Laramie River, Wyo VI 69 North Loup River, Nebr VI 70 North New River canal, Fla II 23 North Platte River, Colo., Wyo., Nebr VI 68 North Platte River, North Fork, Colo VI 68 North Platte River, Roaring Fork, Colo VI 68 North Powder River, Oreg XII 155 North Ranch Creek, Colo IX 108 North River, Va Ill North Side Minidoka canal, Idaho XII 156 North Side Twin Falls canal, Idaho XII 156 North Toe River, N. C Ill 33 North Yakima Town canal, Wash XII 152 Nottely River, N . C Ill 34 No Wood River, Wyo VI 67 Oak Creek, Cal X 120 Occoquan Creek, Va 1 12 Ochoco Creek and Elliott ditch, Oreg XII 158 Ocmulgee River, Ga ... II 23 Ocoee River, Tenn Ill 34 Oconalufty River, N. C Ill 34 Oconee River, Ga v ... II 23 Oconee River, Middle, Ga .".... II 23 Oconto River, Wis. IV 44 Octoraro Creek, Md 1 11 Ogden River, Utah X 118 Ogeechee River, Ga II 23 Ohanapecosh River, Wash XII 160 Ohoopee River, Ga II 23 Oil Creek, Colo...... VII 84 Page. Okanogan River, Wash XII 150 Old Reservation canal, Wash XII 152 Olentangy River, Ohio Ill 32 Olson canal, Wash XII 151 Oneida River, N.Y IV 45 Onondaga Lake outlet, N. Y IV 45 Ontonagon River, Mich IV 43 Oostanaula River, Ga II 24 Opequan Creek, W. Va 1 11 Oregon canal, Central, Oreg XII 158 Oregon Creek, Cal XI 136 Oregon Land & Water Co.'s ditch, Oreg. . XII 157 Oriskany Creek, N.Y 19 Orwell Brook, N.Y IV 45 Osage River, Kans VI 71 Oswegatchie River, N.Y IV 46 Oswegatchie River, East Branch, N.Y IV 46 Oswego River, N.Y IV 45 Ottawa River, Ohio IV 45 Otter Creek, Okla VII 86 Otter Creek, Utah X 119 Otter Creek, Vt IV 46 Otter Creek, Dry Fork, Okla... VII 86 Ottertail River, Minn V 53 Ouachita River, Ark VII 86 Outlet of Big Marsh, Oreg XII 157 Outlet of Crescent Lake, Oreg XII 158 Outlet of Lake McDonald, Mont XII 148 Owasco Outlet, N.Y IV 45 Owens Lake, Cal X 120 Owens River, Cal X 119 Owens River and Big Pine canal, Cal X 120 Owens River canal, Cal X 120 Owl Creek, S. Dak VI 68 Owl Creek, Wyo VI 66 Owl (Moreau) River, S. Dak VI 67 Owyhee ditch, Oreg XII 156 Owyhee River, Oreg XII 154 Oxford Farmers canal, Colo VII 85 Pacific Creek, Wyo XII 153 Pacific Gas & Electric Co.'s canal, Cal XI 136 Pacific Light & Power Co.'s canal, Cal XI 132 Pahsimeroi River, Idaho XII 155 Painted Woods Creek, N. Dak VI 67 Paintrock Creek, Wyo VI 67 Pajarito Creek, N. Mex VII 85 Pajaro River, Cal XI 133 Pala Indian Reservation canal, Cal XI 132 Palermo Land & Water Co.'s canal, Cal. ... XI 136 Palouse River, Wash XII 156 Paradise Valley canal, Mont VI 65 Parleys Creek, Utah X 118 Passage Creek, Va Ill Passaic River, N. J 1 10 Passamari River, Mont VI 64 Pass Creek, Wyo VI 69 Passumpsic River, Vt 17 Patapsco River, Md Ill Patuxent River, Md 1 11 Paulins Kill, N. J 110 Pawtuxet River, R.I 17 Payette River, Idaho XII 155 Payette River, Lake Fork, Idaho XII 155 Payette River, North Fork, Idaho XII 155 Pea River, Ala II 24 Pearl River, Miss II 24 GENERAL INDEX OF STREAMS. 189 Page. Pecos River, N. Mex., Tex VIII 97 Pedee River, N. C. See Yadkin River. Peeteetneet Creek, Utah X 118 Pelican Lake, Oreg X 122 Pelican River, Minn V 53 Pembina River, N. Dak V 54 Pemigewasset River, N. H 17 Penasco River, N. Mex VIII 97 Penobscot River, Maine 16 Penobscot River, East Branch, Maine 16 Penobscot River, West Branch, Maine 16 Perkiomen Creek, Pa 1 10 Permelia Creek, Oreg XII 159 Peshaslin Creek, Wash XII 150 Peshtigo River, Wis IV 44 Phillips Lake outlets, Maine 16 Piedra River, Colo IX 109 Pigeon River, N. C., Term Ill 33 Pilchuck Creek, Wash XII 161 Pilot Butte canal, Oreg XII 158 Pilot Creek, Cal. XI 137 Pilot Creek ditch, Cal XI 137 Pine Creek, Cal X 120 Pine Creek, Nev X 122 Pine Creek, Wash XII 160 Pine Creek, Wyo IX 105 Pine Creek, Big, Cal X 120 Pine Creek, Little, Cal X 120 Pine River, Minn V 54 Pine Valley Creek, Cal XI 131 Piney Creek, Wyo VI 67 Piney Creek, Little, Mo VI 71 Piney Fork of Gasconade River, Mo VI 71 Pbneer ditch, Oreg XII 157 Pipestone Creek, Mont VI 64 Pirn Creek, Cal XI 132 Piscataquis River, Maine 16 Pitman Creek, Cal XI 134 Pit River, Cal XI 135 Pit River, South Fork, Cui XI 135 Platte River, Nebr VI 68 Plattc River, North, Colo., Wyo., Nebr VI 68 Platte River, North, North Fork, Colo VI 68 Platte River, North, Roaring Fork, Colo VI 68 Platte River, South, Colo., Nebr VI 69 Platte River, South, Middle Fork, Colo VI 70 Platte River, South, North Fork, Colo VI 70 Plattc River, South, South Fork, Colo VI 69 Pleasant Valley Creek, Cal X 121 Pocotaligo River, W. Va Ill 32 Pole Creek, Oreg XII 155 Pole Creek, Wyo IX 105 Pompton River, N. J 1 10 Poncha Creek, Colo VII 84 Poplar River, Minn IV 43 Poplar River, Mont VI 66 Popo Agie River, Wyo VI 6G Popo Agie River, Little, Wyo VI 66 Porcupine Creek, Mont VI 65 Porcupine Creek, Little, Mont VI 66 Portneuf River, Idaho XII 153 Poso Creek, Cal XI 133 Post Creek, Mont XII 149 Potomac River, W. Va., Md., D. C Ill Potomac River, North Branch, Md., W. Va. 1 11 Potomac River, South Branch, W. Va Ill 67907 15 5 Page. Poultney River, Vt IV 46 Powder River, Oreg XII 155 Powder River, Middle Fork, Wyo VI 67 Powder River, North Fork, Wyo VI 67 Powder River, North, Oreg XII 155 Powder River, South Fork, Wyo VI 67 Power canal, Wash XII 152 Powers canal, Cal X 120 Prairie Dog ditch, Wyo VI 67 Prairie River, Minn V 54 Presumpscot River, Maine 16 Price River, Utah IX 107 Prickly Pear Creek, Mont VI 64 Prickly Pear Creek, Little, Mont VI 64 Priest River, Idaho XII 149 Prospect Creek, Mont XII 149 Prosser Creek, Cal X 122 Prosser Creek, South Fork, Cal X 122 Prosser Falls Irrigation Co.'s canal, Wash. . XII 152 Provo River, Utah X 118 Provo River, South Fork, Utah X 118 Pryor Creek, Mont VI 66 Pueblo de Taos, Rio, N. Mex VIII 96 Puerco, Rio, N. Mex VIII 97 Purgatory River, Colo VII 84 Putah Creek, Cal XI 137 Puyallup River, Wash XII 160 Puzzle Creek, Oreg XII 159 Puzzle Creek, North Fork, Oreg XII 159 Puzzle Creek, South Fork, Oreg XII 159 Quaboag River, Mass 18 Quackcnkill Creek, N. Y % 19 Quartz Creek, Colo IX 109 Queens Creek, Ariz IX 110 Queniult River, Wash XII 160 Raccoon River, Iowa V 55 Racetrack Creek, Mont XII 148 .Raft River, Idaho XII 153 Railroad Creek, Wash XII 150 Rainy Lake, Minn V 54 Rainy River, Minn V 54 Rainy River, Little Fork, Minn V 54 Ramapo River, N. J 1 10 Ranch Creek, Middle, Colo IX 108 Ranch Creek, North, Colo IX 108 Ranch Creek, South, Colo IX 108 Rangcley Lake, Maine 16 Rapid Creek, S. Dak VI 67 Rappahannock River, Va 1 12 Raquette River, N. Y IV 46 Raritan River, N. J 1 10 Raritan River, North Branch, N . J 1 10 Rattlesnake Creek, Mont XII 148 Rawson canal, Cal X 120 Rayado River, N. Mex VII 85 Red Cedar River, Iowa V 55 Red Cedar River, Mich IV 44 Red Cedar River, Wis V 55 Red Creek, Utah IX 106 Red Creek, Wyo VI 66 Red Deer Lake, Nebr VI 68 I Red Lake River, Minn V 53 Rcdlands (South Fork) canal, Cal XI 132 i Red River, Minn., N. Dak., Manitoba V 53 Red River, Tex VII 86 i Red River, Elm Fork, Okla VII 86 190 GENERAL IXDEX OF STREAMS. Page. Red River, Little, Ark VII 83 Red River, North Fork, Okla VII 86 Red River, Salt Fork, Okla VII 86 Red Rock River, Mont VI 63 Redwater canal, S. Dak VI 68 Redwater River, S. Dak VI 68 Redwood Creek, Cal XI 137 Redwood River, Minn V 54 Reed Creek, Va Ill 32 Reed Island Creek, Big, Va Ill 32 Reeds Springs, Mich IV 44 Reels Creek, N. Y 19 Tleese River, Nev X 122 Reeve Davis Consolidated Mining Co.'s ditch, Cal XI 138 Relief Creek, Cal XI 135 Hepublican River, Nebr., Kans VI 70 Republican River, North Fork, Nebr VI 70 Republican River, South Fork, Nebr VI 71 Reser ditch, Mont VI 65 Reservation canal, New, Wash XII 152 Reservation canal, Old, Wash XII 152 Revais Creek, Mont XII 149 Richelieu River, N. Y IV 46 Riddle Creek, Oreg X 123 Rifle River, Mich IV 44 Rillito Creek, Ariz IX 110 Rincon Indian Reservation ditch, Cal XI 132 Rio Alamosa, Colo VIII 96 Rio Colorado, N. Mex VIII 96 Rio Fernando de Taos, N. Mex VIII 96 Rio Fresnai, N. Mex VIII 98 Rio Grande, Colo., N. Mex., Tex VIII 96 Rio Grande, South Fork, Colo VIII 96 Rio Hondo, N. Mex VIII 96 Rio La Luz, N. Mex VIII 98 Rio Lucero, N. Mex '. VIII 96 Rio Pueblo de Taos, N. Mex VIII 96 Rio Puerco, N . Mex VIII 97 Rio Ruidosa, N . Mex VIII 97 Hio Salado, Mex VIII 97 Rio San Antonio, N. Mex VIII 96 Rio San Juan, Mex VIII 97 Rio Taos, N. Mex VIII 96 Rio Tularosa, N. Mex ; VTII 97 Rio Vallecitos, N. Mex VIII 96 Rising River, Cal XI 135 Roach River, Maine 16 Roane Creek, Tenn Ill 33 Roanoke River, Va., N. C II 21 Roaring Fork, Colo IX 10S Roaring Fork of North Platte River, Colo. . . VI 68 Robinson Creek, Cal X 121 Robinson Creek, Idaho XII 153 P. ockaway River, N. J 1 10 Rock Creek, Cal. (Owens Lake basin) X 120 Rock Creek, Cal. (Warner Lake basin) X 123 Rock Creek, Cal. ( Yuba River basin) XI 136 Rock Creek canal, Mont VI 65 Rock Creek, D. C 112 Rock Creek, Idaho XII 154 Rock Creek, Mont. (Clark Fork basin) .... XII 148 Hock Creek, Mont. (Milk River basin) VI 65 Rock Creek, Nev X 122 Rock Creek, Oreg XII 157 Rock Creek (East Creek), Utah IX 106 Page. Rock Creek, Wash, (to Columbia River). . XII 157 Rock Creek, Wash. (Palouse River basin) XII 156 Rock Creek, Wyo VI 69 Rockfish Creek, X. C II 22 Rock River, 111 V 55 Rock River, Minn VI 68 Rockyford Creek, Wash XII 150 Rogue River, Oreg XII 147 Rogue River, North Fork, Oreg XII 147 Rolling Fork of Salt River, Ky Ill 32 Rondout Creek, N. Y 19 Root River, Minn V 55 Root River, North Branch, Minn V 55 Roseau River, Vv'est Branch, Minn V 54 Rosebud River, Mont VI 6(5 Rose Creek, Cal XI 135 Rottengrass Creek, Mont VI 67 R. S. & C. canal, Wash XII 152 Rubicon River, Cal XI 137 Rubicon River, Little, Cal XI 137 Rubicon River, Little South Fork, Cal XI 137 Ruby River, Mont VI 64 Ruidosa, Rio, N. Mex VIII 97 Rum River, Minn V 54 Rush Creek, Cal. (Kings River basin) XI 134 Rush Creek, Cal. (Mono Lake basin) X 120 Russian River, Cal XI 137 Russian River, East Fork, Cal XI 137 Sabine River, Tex., La VIII 95 Sacandaga River, N. Y 18 Sacandaga River, West Branch, N. Y 18 Saco River, Maine, N. H 16 Sacramento River, Cal XI 135 Sage Creek, Colo IX 106 Saguache River, Colo VIII 96 St. Croix River, Maine 15 St. Croix River, Wis V 54 St. Croix River, West Branch, Maine 15 St. Francis River, Maine 15 St. Francis River, Vt IV 46 St. Joe River, Idaho XII 149 St. John River, Maine 15 St. Johns River. ee Silver Springs River. St. Joseph River, Ind IV 45 St. Joseph River, Mich IV 44 St. Lawrence Creek, Wyo VI 66 St. Louis Creek, Colo IX 107 St. Louis River, Minn IV 43 St. Mary River, Mont., Canada. V 53 St. Marys River, Ind IV 44 St. Regis River, Mont XII 148 St. Regis River, N. Y IV 46 St. Vrain Creek, Colo VI 70 Salado, Rio, Mex VIII 97 Salina Creek, Utah X 119 Salinas River, Cal XI 133 Saline River, Kans VI 71 Salmon Creek, Wash XII 150 Salmon Falls River, Idaho, Nev XII 154 Salmon River, Cal XI 138 Salmon River, Conn 18 Salmon River, Idaho XII 155 Salmon River, N. Y IV 45 Salmon River, Oreg XII 159 Salmon River, Little White, Wash XII 158 Salmon River, North Fork, Idaho XII 155 GENERAL INDEX OF STREAMS. 191 Salmon River, White, Wash XI 158 Salt Creek, 111 V 55 Salt Fork of Arkansas River, Okla VII 84 Salt Fork of Red River, Okla VII 86 Salt Lake, Great, Utah X117 Salton Sea, Cal X 119 Salt Kiver, Ariz IX 111 Salt River, Rolling Fork, Ky Ill 32 Saluda River, S. C II 22 San Antonio Creek, Cal XI 132 San Antonio, Rio, N. Mex VIII 96 San Antonio River, Cal XI 133 San Carlos River, Ariz IX 110 Sand Hollow ditch, Oreg XII 156 San Diego flume, Cal XI 131 San Diego River, Cal XI 131 San Dieguito River, Cal XI 131 Sandusky River, Ohio IV 45 Sandy Creek, Big, Ala II 24 Sandy Creek, Big, Colo VII 84 Sandy Creek, Big, Wyo IX 105 Sandy Creek, Little, Wyo IX 106 Sandy River, Maine 16 Sandy River, Minn V 54 Sandy River, Oreg XII 158 Sandy River, Little, Oreg XII 159 San Emigdio Creek, Cal XI 133 San Francisco River, Ariz., N. Mex IX 110 San Gabriel River and canals, Cal XI 132 San Gabriel River, Fish Fork, Cal XI 132 San Gabriel River, Iron Fork, Cal XI 132 San Gabriel River, North Branch of North Fork, Cal XI 132 San Gabriel River, West Branch of North Fork, Cal XI 132 Sangamon River, 111 V 55 Sangamon River, South Fork, 111 V 55 Sanger canal, Cal X 120 San Joaquin River, Cal XI 133 San Joaquin River, North Fork, Cal XI 134 San Jose Creek, Cal XI 132 San Jose River, N. Mex VIII 97 San Juan, Rio, Mex VIII 97 San Juan River, Colo., N. Mex IX 109 San Lorenzo Creek, Cal XI 133 San Luis Creek, Colo VIII 96 San Luis Rey River, Cal XI 131 San Miguel River, Colo IX 109 San Pasqual ditch, East, Cal XI 131 San Pasqual ditch, West, Cal XI 131 San Pedro River, Ariz IX 110 San Pitch Creek, Utah X 119 San Poil River, Wash XII 149 San Rafael River, Utah IX 107 San Roqui Creek, Gal XI 132 San Saba River, Tex VIII 95 Santa Ana River and power canal, Cal XI 132 Santa Clara River, Cal XI 132 Santa Clara River, Utah IX 110 Santa Cruz River, Ariz IX 110 Santa Fe Creek, N. Mex VIII 96 Santa Fe Water & Light Co.'s ditch, N. Mex VIII 97 Santa Maria River, Cal XI 132 Santa Paula Creek, Cal XI 132 Santaquin Creek, Utah. Sec Summit Creek. Page. Santa Ynez River, Cal XI 132 Santa Ysabel Creek, Cal XI 131 Santiam River, Oreg XII 159 Santiam River, Marion Fork, Oreg .XII 159 Santiam River, Middle Fork, Oreg XII 159 Santiam River, North Fork, Oreg XII 159 Santiam River, South Fork, Oreg XII 159 Sapello Mill tailrace, N. Mex VII 85 Sapello River, N. Mex VII 85 Sapinero Creek, Colo IX 109 Saquoit Creek, N. Y 19 Saranac River, N. Y IV 46 Satus Creek, Wash XII 151 Sauk River, Minn V 54 Sauk River, Wash XII 161 Sautucket River, Mass I 7 Savage River, Md Ill Savannah River, S. C., Ga II 22 Sawmill Creek, Cal. See Eightmile Creek. Schanno canal, Wash XII 152 Schoharie Creek, N. Y 19 Schroon Lake, N. Y 18 Schroon River, N.Y 18 Schuler and Rodenbach canal, Wash XII 152 Schuylkill River, Pa 1 10 Scioto River, Ohio Ill 32 Scott canal, lower, Wash XII 152 Scott canal, upper, Wash XII 152 Scott Gomer Creek, Colo VI 70 Scott River, Cal XI 138 Scott River, East Fork, Cal XI 138 Scotts Creek, N. C Ill 34 Sebago Lake outlet, Maine 16 Sebasticook River, Maine 16 Seco, Arroyo, Cal. (Los Angeles River basin) XI 132 Seco, Arroyo, Cal. (Salinas River basin)... . XI 133 Second Broad River, N. C II 22 Selah-Moxee canal, Wash XII 151 Selah Valley canal, Wash XII 152 Selway River, Idaho XII 156 Seneca Lake, N. Y IV 45 Seneca River, N.Y IV 45 Seneca River, S. C II 22 Sespe Creek, Cal XI 132 Sevenmile Creek, Mont VI 64 Sevier River, Utah X 118 Sevier River, East Fork, Utah X 119 Sevier Valley canal, Utah X 119 Shafer Creek, Idaho XII 155 Sharp ditch, Idaho XII 156 Shavers Fork River, W. Va Ill 31 Sheep Creek, Idaho XII 154 Shenandoah River, W. Va 1 11 Shenandoah River, North Fork, Va I 11 Shenandoah River, South Fork, Va Ill Shepard Creek, Cal X 120 Shetucket River, Conn 17 Sheyenne Rivor, N. Dak V 53 Shiawassee River, Mich IV 44 Shitike Creek, Oreg XII 158 Shoal Creek, 111 V 56 Shoshone River, Wyo VI 67 Shoshone River, South Fork, Wyo VI 67 Siletz River, Oreg XII 148 Silver Creek, Ariz IX 110 192 GENEKAL INDEX OF STREAMS. Page. Silver Creek, Cal X 121 Silver Creek, 111 V 56 Silver Creek, Oreg. (Malheur and Harney lakes basin) X 123 Silver Creek, Oreg. (Silver Lake basin) X 123 Silver Lake ditch, Oreg XII 157 Silver Springs River, Fla II 23 Silvies River, Oreg X 123 Simcoe Creek, Wash XII 151 Timilkameen River, Wash XII 150 Sinlahekin Creek, Wash XII 150 Sioux River, Big, S. Dak VI 68 Skagit River, Wash XII 161 Skaneateles Lake,N. Y IV 45 Skaneateles Lake outlet, N . Y IV 45 Skillet Fork, 111 Ill 33 Skokomish River, North Fork, Wash XII 160 Skykomish River, Wash XII 161 Sky::omish River, North Fork, Wash XII 161 Skykomish River, South Fork, Wash XII 161 Slater Creek, Colo IX 106 Slusher and Gould ditch, Oreg XII 157 Sly Park Creek, Cal XI 135 Smelter Creek, Colo VI 70 Smith Creek, Mont VI 64 Smith River, Mont VI 61 Smith River, Middle Fork, Cal XI 138 Smith River, North Fork, Cal XI 138 Smilh River, South Fork, Cal XI 138 Smoky Hill River, Kans VI 71 Snake Creek, Utah X 110 Snake River, Colo IX 103 Snake River, Idaho, Wash., Wyo XII 152-153 Snake River, Minn V54 Snake River, Little, Colo., Wyo IX 106 Snake River, Little, Middle Fork, Colo IX 106 Snake River, Little, South Fork, Colo IX 106 Snoqualmie River, Wash XII 161 Snow Mass Creek, Colo IX 10S Snyder Creek, Oreg X 123 Soap Creek, Mont VI 67 Soda Creek, Colo 1X106 Soda Creek, Idaho X 117 Soleduck River, Wash XII 1GO Solomcn River, Kans VI 71 Soque River, Ga II 23 Couhegan River, N. H 17 Souris River. See Mouse River. South Boulder Creek, Colo VI 70 South Branch or Fork. See name of main stream. South Creek, Utah X 119 Couth Eel River, Cal XI 137 South Fork canal, Cal XI 132 South Fork Creek, Cal XI 134 South Fork ditch, Cal XI 134 South Fork ditch, Little, Cal XI 137 South New River canal, Fla II 23 South Platte River, Colo., Nebr VI 69 South Platte River, Middle Fork, Colo VI 70 South Platte River, North Fork, Colo VI 70 South Platte River, South Fork, Colo VI 69 South Ranch Creek, Colo IX 108 South River, Ga II 23 South River, Va Ill South Side Minidoka canal, Idaho XII 156 Page. South Side Twin FaUs canal, Idaho XII 156 Spanish Creek, Cal XI 136 Spanish Fork, Utah X 118 Spearfish Creek, S. Dak VI 68 Spokane River, Wash XII 149 Spokane River, Little, Wash XII 149 Spokane Valley Land & Water Co.'s canal, Wash XII 149 Sprague River, Oreg XI 138 Spring Creek, Idaho XII 154 Spring Creek, Mont VI 65 Spring Creek, S. Dak VI 67 Spring Creek, Wyo VI 69 Spring Creek, Big, Colo VII 84 Squaw Creek, Cal XI 136 SquawCreek, Wash XII 157 Squaw Creek, Wyo IX 106 Squaw Creek and McAllister ditch, Oreg. . XII 158 Stanislaus & San Joaquin Water Co.'s canal, Cal XI 13 4 Stanislaus River, Cal XI 134 Stanislaus River, Middle Fork, Cal XI 135 Stanislaus River, South Fork, Cal XI 135 Starch Factory Creek, N. Y 19 Starr Creek, Nev X 122 State canal, Utah X 119 Steamboat Creek, Nev X 122 Stehekin River, Wash XII 150 Stekoa Creek, Ga II 22 Steptoe Creek, Nev X 119 Stevens canal, Cal X 120 Stevens Creek, N. Mex VIII 97 Stillaguamish River, South Fork, Wash. . XII 161 Still Creek, Oreg XII 159 Stillwater River, Mont. (Flathead River basin) XII 148 Stillwater River, Mont. (Yellowstone River basin) VI 66 Stony Creek, Cal XI 136 Stony Creek, Little, Cal XI 136 Strawberry River, Utah IX 106 Streeter ditch, Idaho XII 156 Succor Creek, Idaho XII 154 Sudbury River, Mass 17 Sullivan Creek, Wash XII 149 Sullivan Lake, Wash XII 149 Summit Creek, Utah X 118 Suncook River, N. II I 7 Sunflower River, Miss VII So Sunnyside canal, Wash XII 152 Sunnyside canal wasteways, Wash XII 152 Sun River, Mont VI 64 Sun River canals, Mont VI 64 Sun River, North Fork, Mont VI 64 Sun River, South Fork, Mont VI 64 Susan River, Cal X 121 Susquehanna River, N. Y., Pa 1 10 Susquehanna River, West Branch, Pa Ill Suwanee River, Fla II 23 Swager Creek, Cal X 121 Swannanoa River, N. C Ill 32 Swan River, Mont XII 148 Swauk Creek, Wash XII 151 Sweetgrass Creek, Mont VI 66 Sweetwater Creek, Ga II 23 Sweetwater River, Cal XI 131 GENERAL INDEX OF STREAMS. 193 Page. Sweetwater River, "VVyo VI 69 Swift Creek, Cal XI 138 Swift Creek, Wash XII 160 Swiftcurrent Creek, Mont V 53 Swift River, Mass 18 Sybilee Creek, Wyo VI 69 Sycan River, Oreg XI 138 Sylvan Glen Creek, N. Y 19 Taboose Creek, Cal X 120 Tahoe, Lake, Cal X 122 Tallaclega Creek, Ala II 24 Tallahatchie River, Miss VII 85 Tallapoosa River, Ala II 24 Tallulah River, Ga II 22 Taneum Creek, Wash XII 151 Taos, Rio, N. Mex VIII 96 Tar River, N. C II 22 Tarryall Creek, Colo VI 69 Taylor canal, Wash XII 151 Taylor-Moore ditch, N. Mex VIII 97 Taylor River, Colo IX 109 Teanaway River, Wash XII 151 Tejon House Creek, Cal XI 133 Temecula Creek, Cal XI 132 Temescal Creek, Cal XI 132 Tenaya Creek, Cal XI 134 Tenmile Creek, Colo IX 108 Tenmile Creek, Mont VI 64 Tenmile River, N. Y 18 Tenmile River, R.I 17 Tennessee Fork of Arkansas River, Colo.... VII 84 Tennessee River, Little, N. C., Tenn Ill 33 Tennessee River, Tenn Ill 33 Tensleep Creek, Wyo VI 67 Terrible Creek, Colo IX 106 Teton River, Idaho XII 153 Teton River, Mont VI 65 Thebaut Creek, Cal X 120 Thief River, Minn V 53 Thomas Creek, Oreg XI 135 Thompson Creek, Big, Colo VI 70 Thompson River, Mont XII 149 Thousand Springs Creek, Idaho XII 153 Thousand Springs Creek, Nev X 119 Three Creek, Idaho XII 154 Thunder Bay River, Mich IV 44 Tia Juana River, Cal XI 131 Tieton canal, Wash XII 152 Tieton River, Wash XII 151 Tiffin River, Ohio IV 45 Timber Creek, Idaho XII 155 Timber Creek, Big, Mont VI 66 Timber Creek, West Fork, Idaho XII 155 Tinemaha Creek, Cal X 120 Tinker Creek, Va II 21 Tioughnioga River, N. Y Ill Tippecanoe River, Ind Ill 33 Tittabawassee River, Mich IV 44 Toccoa River, Ga Ill 34 Toe River, North, N. C Ill 33 Tohickon Creek, Pa 1 10 Tombigbee River, Miss II 24 Tomichi Creek, Colo IX 109 Tonawanda Creek, Little, N. Y IV 45 Tongue River, Wyo VI 67 Tonto Creek, Ariz .. IX 111 Page. Topons Creek, Idaho XII 153 Toppenish Creek, Wash XII 151 Toutle River, W^ash XII 160 Towaliga River, Ga II 23 Town canal, Wash XII 151 Trail Hollow Creek, Utah IX 106 Trapper Creek, Idaho XII 153 Trinity River, Cal XI 138 Trinity River, Tex VIII 05 Trinity River, East Fork, Cal XI 138 Trinity River, North Fork, Cal XI 138 Trinity River, South Fork, Cal XI 138 Triunfo Creek, Cal XI 132 Troublesome Creek, Colo IX 108 Trout Creek, Colo IX 106 Trout Creek, Oreg X 123 Trout Creek, Wash XII 158 Trout Creek, Wyo VI 66 Truckee River, Cal., Nev X 122 Truckee River, Little, Cal X 122 Tuckasegee River, N. C Ill 33,34 Tugaloo River, Ga II 22 Tulare Lake, Cal XI 133 Tularosa, Rio, N. Mex VIII 97 Tule Lake, Oreg XI 138 Tule River, Cal XI 133 Tule River, North Fork of Middle Fork, Cal XI 133 Tule River, South Fork, Cal XI 133 Tule River, South Fork of Middle Fork, Cal XI 133 Tumalo Creek, Oreg XII 158 Tuolumne River, Cal XI 134 Tuolumne River, North Fork, Cal XI 134 Tuolumne River, South Fork, Cal XI 134 Turkey Creek, Colo IX 108 Turlock canal, Cal : XI 134 Turtle Creek, N. Dak VI 67 Tuscarora Creek, W. Va 1 11 Tusquitee Creek, N. C Ill 34 Tuttle Creek, Cal X 120 Twelvemile Creek, Cal X 123 Twelvemile Creek, Oreg X 123 Twentymile Creek, Oreg X 123 Twin Falls canal, north side, Idaho XII 156 Twin Falls canal, south side, Idaho XII 156 Twin Lakes outlet, Colo VII 84 Twisp River, Wash XII 150 Two Medicine River, Mont VI 64-65 Two Rivers, South Branch, Minn V 53 Tygart River, W. Va Ill 31 Tygh Creek, Oreg XII 158 Tyler Creek, Cal XI 133 Ulnta River, Utah 1X107 Umatilla River, Oreg XII 157 Umatilla River, North Fork, Oreg XII 157 Umpqua River, Oreg XII 148 Umpqua River, North Fork of South Fork, Oreg XII 147 Umpqua River, North Fork, Oreg XII 148 Umpqua River, South Fork, Oreg XII 148 Una del Gato Creek, N. Mex VII 85 Uncompahgre River, Colo IX 109 Union canal, Wash XII 152 . Union River, Maine 15 Union River, East Branch, Maine 15 194 GENERAL INDEX OF STREAMS. Page. Union River, West Branch, Maine 15 United States Reclamation Service power canal, Utah X 118 Upper Klamath Lake, Oreg XI 138 Upper Scott canal, Wash XII 152 Upper Wapatox canal, Wash XII 152 Urraca River, N. Mex VII 85 Utah Lake, Utah X 118 Ute Creek, N. Mex VII 85 Vallecitos, Rio, N. Mex VIII 96 Valley Creek, Idaho XII 155 Valley Creek, Mont XII 149 Valley River, N. C Ill 34 Van Duzen River, Cal XI 137 Van Horn Creek, Oreg X 123 Vasquez Creek, Colo 1X107 Venison Branch, Ala , II 24 Ventura River, Cal XI 132 Verde River, Ariz IX 111 Verdigris River, Kans VII 85 Vermilion Creek, Colo... IX 106 Vermilion River, Minn V 54 Vernal Milling & Lighting Co.'s canal, Utah IX 111 Village Creek, Ala II 24 Vines ditch, Oreg XII 156 Virgin River, Utah IX 110 Wabash River, Ind., Ill Ill 32-33 Wabash River, Little, 111 Ill 33 Walker Creek, Va Ill 32 Walker River, Nev X 121 Walker River, East, Cal., Nev X 121 Walker River, West, Cal., Nev X 121 Walker River, West, East Fork, Cal X 121 Walla Walla River, Oreg., Wash XII 157 Walla Walla River, South Fork, Oreg. ... XII 157 Wallkill River, N. Y 19 Wallowa Lake, Oreg XII 156 Wallowa River, Oreg XII 156 Wallowa River, South Fork, Oreg XII 156 Walnut River, Kans. VII 84 Wanaque River, N. J 110 Wapatox canal, upper and lower, Wash... XII 152 Wappinger Creek, N.Y 19 Wapsipinicon River, Iowa V 55 Ware River, Mass 18 Warm River, Idaho XII 153 Warm Spring Creek, Wyo VI 66 Warm Spring River, Oreg XII 158 Washita River, Okla VII 86 Watauga River, Tenn Ill 33 Wateree River, S. C II 22 Waterman Canyon Creek, Cal XI 132 Webber Creek, Cal X 122 Webbs Brook, Maine 15 Weber River, Utah X 117 Weiser River, Idaho '.... XII 155 Weiser River, Middle Fork, Idaho XII 155 Weiser River, West Fork, Idaho XII 155 Wenas Creek, Wash XII 151 Wenatchee River, Wash XII 150 Wenatchee Valley canal, Wash XII 150 West Beaver Creek, Colo VII 84 ' West Branch or Fork. See name of main stream. West Canada Creek, N. Y 19 Page. West Divide Creek, Colo IX 100 Westfleld Little River, Mass 18 Westfield River, Mass 18 Westfield River, Middle Branch 18 West Fork ditch, Mont VI 65 West Fork River, W. Va Ill 31 West Gallatin River, Mont VI 64 West Kittitas canal, Wash XII 151 West Mamm Creek, Colo IX 109 West Mancos River, Colo IX 110 West San Pasqual ditch, Cal XI 131 West Side canal, Utah X 117 West Valley Creek, Cal XI 135 West Valley ditch, Tex VIII 97 West Walker River, Cal., Nev X 121 West Walker River, East Fork, Cal X 121 Whatcom Creek, Wash XII 161 Whetstone River, S. Dak V 54 Whisky Creek, Cal XI 134 White & Leach canal, Wash XII 152 Whitechuck River, Wash XII 161 Whiteface River, Minn IV 43 Whitefish River, Mont XII 14 8 White River, Ariz ix 111 White River, Ark., Mo 83 White River, Cal XI 133 White River, Colo., Utah IX 107 White River, Nebr., S. Dak VI 68 White River, Nev x 119 White River, Oreg XII 158 White River, Vt 18 White River, Wash, (tributary to Puget Sound) XII 160 White River, Wash. (Wenatchee River basin) XII 150 White River, East Branch, Ind Ill 33 White River, East Fork, Ariz IX 111 White River, Little, S. Dak VI 68 White River, North Fork, Ariz IX 111 White River, North Fork, Colo IX 107 White River, South Fork, Colo IX 107 White River, West Branch, Ind Ill 33 Whiterocks River, Utah IX 107 White Salmon River, Wash XII 158 White Salmon River, Little, Wash XII 158 Whitetail Creek, Mont VI 64 Whitetail Creek, Little, Mont VI 64 Whitewater Creek, N. Mex. (Gila basin) . . IX 110 Whitewater Creek, Oreg. (Metolius River basin) XII 158 Whitewater Creek, Oreg. (Santiam River basin) XII 159 Whitewater Draw, Ariz. See White River. Whitewater Draw, N. Mex VIII 97 Wichita River, Tex VII 86 Wild Rice River, Minn V 53 Willamette River, Coast Fork, Oreg XII 159 Willamette River, Middle Fork, Oreg XII 159 Willamette River, North Fork of Middle Fork, Oreg XII 159 Willamette River, Oreg XII 159 Williams Fork, Colo 1X108 Williams River, Colo 1X106 Williamson River, Oreg XI 138 Williamsons Swamp Creek, Ga II 23 Willow Creek, Cal X 121 GENERAL INDEX OF STREAMS. 195 I 'ago. Willow Creek, Idaho XII 153 "Willow Creek, Mont. (Marias River basin). . VI 65 Willow Creek, Mont. (Sun River basin) VI 64 Willow Creek, Oreg. (Malheur River basin) XII 155 Willow Creek, Oreg. (tributary to Columbia River) XII 157 Willow Creek, Wyo. (Little Snake River basin) IX 106 Willow Creek, Wyo. (Yellowstone River basin) VI 66 Wills Creek, Md Ill Wilson & Co. 's ditch, Oreg XII 157 Wilson Creek, Wash XII 151 Wilson ditch, Oreg XII 156 Wimer canal, Oreg XII 158 Wind River, Wyo VI 66 Wind River, Little, Wyo VI 66 Wind River, Little, South Fork, Wyo VI 66 Winnemucca inlet, Lake, Nev X 122 Winnipesaukee Lake, N. H 16 Winooski River, Vt IV 46 Winooski River, Worcester Branch, Vt IV 46 Winter-Anderson Canal, Mont VI 65 Wisconsin River, Wis V 55 Wissahickon Creek, Pa 110 Wisteria canal, Cal IX 111 Wolf Creek, Mont VI 66 Wolf Creek, Va Ill 32 Wolf Pond ditch, Mont VI 66 Wolf River, Wis IV 44 Wolf River, Little, Wis IV 44 Wolf River, West Branch, Wis IV 44 Woodbine Creek, Mont VI 66 Wood River, Oreg XI 138 Page. Wood River, R. I.... 17 Wood River, Wyo VI 67 Wood River, Big, Idaho XII 154 Wood River, Little, Idaho XII 154 Woodruff ditch, Ariz IX 110 Woonasquatuckett River, R.I 17 Worcester Branch of Winooski River, Vt IV 46 Yaak Creek, Mont XII 148 Yadkin (Peedee) River, N. C II 22 Yager Creek, Cal XI 137 Yakima River, Wash XII 150 Yakima Valley canal, Wash. See Congden canal. Yalobusha River, Miss VII 85 Yamhill River, Oreg XII 159 Yamhill River, South Fork, Oreg XII 159 Yampa River, Colo IX 106 Yazoo River, Miss VII 85 Yellow River, Ga . II 23 Yellow River, Ind V 55 Yellowstone River, Mont VI 66 Yosemite Creek, Cal XI 134 Yosemite Water & Power Co.'s canal. See La Grange Water & Power Co.'s canal. Youghiogheny River, Md., Pa Ill 31 Yuba River, Cal XI 136 Yuba River, Middle Fork, Cal XI 136 Yuba River, North Fork, Cal XI 136 Yuba River, North Fork of North Fork, Cal. XI 136 Zealand River, N. H 17 Zion Creek, Utah IX 110 Zumbro River, Minn V 55 Zumbro River, South Fork, Minn V 55 O i*