,vt UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA HALIFORNIA COLLEGE OF MEDICINE MAR 1 5 1973 IRVINE, CAUFORNIA 92664 SURGERY OF THE Prostate, Pancreas, Diaphragm, Spleen, Thyroid, and Hydrocephalus. A HISTORICAL REVIEW. BY BENJAMIN MERRILL RICKETTS, Ph.B., M.D., CINCINNATI. CINCINNATI 1904 zm^ \oo INTRODUCTION. 1^^ In dealing with the surgery of the subjects herein mentioned, all available literature has been examined, chronologically arranged and placed in chapters. So far as possible all of the conditions which are surgical, or may become so, have been considered in each. An attempt has, therefore, been made to place the literature especially in the hands of surgeons and writers. It may be of equal value to students and practi- tioners as well. It is to be regretted that the hospital work bearing upon these subjects has not reached the current medical literature, for it, no doubt, contains many valu- able reports that would greatly aid in solving many of the problems which can- not otherwise be solved. Hospital work alone is not responsible for this loss of valuable material. There are many cases met with by the general practitioner in the rural dis- tricts, and cities as well, which are never heard from. It is the multitude of cases from which the most valuable deductions are made. Many of the references have been transcribed several times by pen and- type after having left the hands of the author, thus giving opportunity for error in duplication and otherwise. An effort has been made to correct these so far as possible; however, many remain as found. In many instances a given case is reported by several authors. Such refer- ences have been preserved because of their value, in that one might be available while another would not be so. Benjamin Merrill Ricketts, Pii.B., M.D. N. W. Cor. Fourth and Broadway, May 20, 1904. M Surgery of the Prostate. CHAPTER. I. Anatomy II. Etiology III. Cystotomy IV. Massage V. Injection VI. Ligation of Cord VII. Ligation of Iliac Arteries V''.I. Vasectomy \X. Castration X. Prostatotomy XI. Galvano-Cautery XII. Perineal Prostatotomy XIII. Suprapubic Prostatectomy XIV. Combined Perineal and Suprapubic XV. Abscess XVI. Tuberculosis . XVII. Hydatid Cysts XVIII. Prostatic Calculi XIX. Carcinoma XX. Sarcoma XXI. Cancer XXII. General Surgical Bibliography XXIII. Miscellaneous Prostatotomy PAGE. I I 4 5 5 S 5 5 6 8 8 9 II 13 14 15 16 16 17 17 18 18 31 Surgery of the Pancreas. CHAPTE R. I. Anatomy II. Abnormalities III. Physiology IV. Experimental V. Pathology VI. Fat Necrosis VII. Lymphoma VIII. Lipoma IX. Lumbricoides X. Fungosities XI. Calculi XII. Cysts . XIII. Hemorrhage XIV. Abscess XV. Syphilis XVI. Tuberculosis XVII. Gangrene XVIII. Carcinoma XIX. Sarcoma XX. Cancer XXI. Hernia XXII. Surgery XXIII. Miscellaneous Bibliography 45 46 47 50 51 53 S3 .«i3 54 54 54 55 57 58 59 59 60 60 62 63 65 65 69 Surgery of the Diaphragm. CHAPTER. PAGE. I. Anatomy . . . . . . • .75 II. Anomalies . 77 III. Surgery . 78 IV. Rupture . 79 V. Injuries and Lacerations . 8o VI. Hernia . . 8i VII. Congenital Hernia . 82 VIII. Abscess ■ 85 IX. Gangrene . 86 X. Lipoma . 86 XI. Ossification . 86 XII. Angiomata . 86 XIII. Echinococcus . . 86 XIV. Tuberculosis . • 87 XV. Carcinoma . 87 XVI. Sarcoma > • 87 XVII. Miscellaneous Bibliography . 87 vii Surgery of the Spleen. CHAPTER. I. Anatomy . II. Abnormalities III. Displacements IV. Experimental V. Injuries VI. Tuberculosis VII. Gangrene VIII. Syphilis IX. Ossification . X. Anthrax XI. Abscess XII. Hydatid Cysts XIII. Hemorrhage XIV. MiscellaneoKs Cysts XV. Carcinoma . XVI. Sarcoma XVII. Unclassified . XVIII. Tumor XIX. Enlargement XX. Pathology XXI. Splenotomy . XXII. Splenectomy XXIII. Splenopexy . XXIV. Splenorrhaphy XXV. General Surgery XXVI. Miscellaneous Biblic )graph_ f 92 95 96 97 99 102 103 103 103 104 105 107 108 109 109 109 no no 112 "3 119 119 120 121 121 130 Surgery of the Thyroid. CHAPTER. PAGE. I. Anatomy . . . . . • • -139 II. Physiology 142 III. Anomalies . 144 IV. General Goitre . H5 V. Etiology 146 VI. Endemic 149 VII. Thyroiditis 150 VIII. Tumor .... 153 IX. Simple Goitre . 154 X. Spasm 154 XI. Paralysis 154 XII. Displacement 154 XIII. Congenital 154 XIV. Domesticated Animals 154 XV. Exopthalmic Goitre 154 XVI. Cretinism 178 XVII. Concretions 178 XVIII. Cystic Goitre . • 179 XIX. Echinococcus 182 XX. Blood Cysts 182 XXI. Abscess . 183 XXII. Gangrene 184 XXIII. Tuberculosis 184 XXIV. Syphilis . 184 XXV. Cancer . 18s XXVI. Carcinoma 186 XXVII. Primary Carcinoma .87 XXVIII. Cylindrical Epithelioma 187 XXIX. Medullary Carcinoma . 187 XXX. Sarcoma . 187 XXXI. Cysto-Sarcoma . 188 XXXII. Spindle Celled Sarcoma 188 XXXIII. Melanotic Sarcoma 188 XXXIV. Round Celled Sarcoma 188 XXXV. Pathology 188 XXXVI. Experimental 195 XXXVII. Medical Treatment 196 XXXVIII. Electrical Treatment . 198 XXXIX. General Surgery 199 XL. Thyroidotomy . 204 XLI. Seton 206 XLII. Injections 206 XLIII. Cautery , 209 XLIV. Division and Resection of Isth UlUS 209 XLV. Thyroidectomy . 209 XLVI. Intra-Glandular Enucleation 222 XLVII. Laryngotomy 223 XLVIII. Exothyropexy . 223 XLIX. Ligation of Superior Thyroid Artery 223 L. Compression 225 LI. Tracheotomy 225 ix Surgery of Hydrocephalus. CHAPTER. I. Aspiration. II. Lumbar Puncture. III. Subcutaneous Drainage. IV. Compression. V. Seton. VI. Cranial Injection. VII. Internal Treatment. VIII. Conclusions. IX. Pathology. X, . Bibliography. I. — Surgery of the Prostate. ANATOMY, The prostate gland is composed of two lateral and a middle lobe, enclosed in a thin, continuous and firm fibrous capsule. The middle lobe, which was first described by Home in 1806, is not always present, and each is subject to anomalous vari- ations. The urethra and seminal ducts pass through the gland, varying at times in their course. Its normal size varies from one and one-half to two inches in its transverse diameter, one inch antero- posterior diameter, and about one inch in its depth. Its weight varies from one- half to one and a half ounces. Cowper's glands are two small yellow bodies, each about the size of a pea, and lie beneath the anterior part of the mem- branous urethra close behind the bulb, en- closed in the transverse fibers of the com- pressor urethra- muscle. It is composed of numerous follicles ^nd muscular tissue arranged in such a manner as to form fifteen or twenty channels, which constitute the secretory ducts lined with columnar epithelium, and open into the prostatic urethra. The follicles secrete a slightly acid, milky fluid, which passes through these ducts to dilute the semen, that it may more easily escape into the urethra. All vertebrates, whether mammals, birds, reptiles or fish, fecundate in the same way. "Seminal fluid, when discharged from urethra, is mixed with the secretion of the glands of the vas deferens, of Cowper's glands, of the prostate, and vesiculae semi- nales. " It contains water varying from So to 90 per cent, in different animals, serum- albumen, alkali-albumen, nuclein, lecithin, cholesterin, fats, salt, especially salts of the alkaline earths with sulphates, carbonates, and chlorides, and a peculiar odorous prin- ciple, the nature of which is unknown." (Smith). The internal pudic gives off" hemor- rhoidal and vesical branches to nourish the gland, while the venous blood enters the internal iliac vein through the dorsal vein. Its nerve-supply is from the hypogastric plexus, and the filaments of the sympa- thetic. ETIOLOGY. There have been many causes assigned for hypertrophy of the prostate in man, he being the only animal that has it — ex- cessive sexual indulgence, character of food, stimulants and gonorrhea being the most common. Habits and general en- vironments of a certain character may greatly influence a development of pros- tatic disease. No one of these causes has of itself been shown to produce hyper- trophy. One or all of them, combined with evolutionary changes, may produce it. Sexual intercourse of any degree can- not be the cause, as prostatic hypertrophy seldom develops in the negro, with all of his excessive indulgence. Otis says that hypertrophy of the prostate is not seen in Japan, India or China. It seems that one must look further for the cause of this condition. While the prostate gland is constant in mammals, man is the only one in which the gland becoms hypertrophied or the hemorrhoidal vessels varicosed. Changing from quadripedal to bipedal, not only is the relation of the gland to its adjacent tissues changed, but also those of the entire pelvic floor. The rectum un- dergoes a complete change in position, and consequently its relation to the prostate. Si'RCERr OF THE PROSTATE. The vascular system is changed from a parallel to that of a perpendicular position, especially the hemorrhoidal vessels. The rectum itself becomes perpendicular instead of parallel. Constipation is more or less the result of this change in the rec- tum. Varicosity of its vessels is also a result. The erect posture of the body throws the weight of the abdominal viscera greatly upon the floor of the pelvis, and conse cjuently more or less upon the prostate and rectum, thereby obstructing to some de- gree the circulation. Nutrition is impaired and irritation in- duced, which is the first step in the pro- duction of pathologic changes in the gland. Then, too, why not infection of the gland through the rectal wall from the mass of feces within it? Irritation, congestion and inflammation are the preliminaries to the production of new tissue, whether they be produced by trauma or infection. The relation of prostatic hypertrophy to rectal hemorrhoids has not been given much consideration. That they have such a relation has been suggested by various writers. Hemorrhoids are oftener found in pros- tatiques than in prostatic enlargement with hemorrhoids. While the removal of hemorrhoids has oftener given much relief, no observations have yet been recorded concerning the effect the removal of the prostate has upon hemorrhoids. It is hoped that those who are interested in the relation of the two will give them further consideration as to their relation and causation. BIBLIOGRAPHY. De ledibus et causis morborum per anatomen indigatis. Bj J. B Morgagni, 3 vols , folio. Ve- nice, 1761, letter xi. art. 18. Phil. Trans., i8oq. paper viii. An Account of a Small Lobe of the Human Prostate Gland, which has not before been taken notice of by Anatomists Hj Everard Home, F. R. S. Sullivan, R. M. A Dissertation on Sclerocele of the Prostate Gland, with an Inquiry into the Cause of tlie Disease, and also why this Affec- tion Occurs more particularly in O d and Seden- tary Men. New York, 1816. Shaw. Some Observations on the Structure of the Prostate Gland. In Bell C. Surg. Ohs. London. 1816, 221-226. Wagner, C. T. De prostatitidis pathologie. Leipoc, 1822. Mi-rcier. Recherches anatomiques sur la pros- tate des veillards. Bull. sec. and anat., Paris, 1836-7, xi, 12-22. Troussel. Observation d'un cas de retention d'urine suivie de considerations pratiques sur la cure des engorgements prostatiques. Rev. med. Iranc et etrang. Paris, 1840, i, 343-363. Traite d'Anatomie Chirurgicale.vol. ii, pp. 327- 330, par J F. Malgaigne, Paris, 18^8. Roth. F. De prostatidis chronicoe pathologie. Monachii, 1842. Guerard. Aigue Gaz. d. hop., Paris, i'845, vii, Dolier. Bull. soc. anat , Paris, 18.8, xxiii, 268. Broca. Development pathologique du lobe moyen de le prostate. Bull. soi-. anat., Paris, 1849 xxiv, 8; Ibd., 1851, xxvi, 27. Adams. J. The Anntomy and Diseases of the Prostate Gland. London, 1851. Ramsey, H. A. Prostate Enlargement: the Causes, Symptoms and Treatment. Nashville Journal Medicine and Surgery, 1855. iv, 193-198. DassonVille, J. J. Causes et anatomic patho- logique de I'engorgement de la prostate. Paris, 1855- Curling. Tr. Path. Soc. London, 1856-7, viii, 266-269. Thompson, H. Some Observations on the Anatomy and Pathology of the Adult Prostate, founded on fifty preparations of the organ. Medico-Chirurg. Trans., London, 1857, xl, 77-105, 2 pi. Mott V. Remarks on the Anatomy and Dis- ease of the Prostate Gland. New York Journal of Medicine. 1858, v, 318-332. Hughes, J. S. On Diseases of the Prostate Gland, with introductory remarks on the anatom- ical position and intimate structure of that body. Dublin Medical Press, i860, xliii, 27, 71, 113, 195, 231- 249. 321. Zubovski, N. Z. Filjres of Transverse Stri- ated Muscles intersecting at the Prostate Gland. Med. vestnik, St. Petersburg, 1863, iii, 308. Mason, F. Tr. Path. Soc, London, 1864-5, xvi, 187-189. Cadge. Tr. Path. Soc, London, 1866-7, xviii, 182. Zubovski, N. Z. Microscopical Investigations on the Striated Muscular Fibres of Prostate Gljmd in Man. Med. vestnik, St. Fetersburg, 1866, vi, 69, 81, 93, 105. Dodeuil, C. M T. Recherches sur I'alteration senile de le prostate et sur les valvules du col de le vessie Paris, 1866. Rattray, R. Remarkable Outgrowth from the Prostate. Tr. Path. Soc, London, 1866-7, xviii, 186. Croft, Tr. Path. Soc, London, 1867-8, xix, 285-287. Langlet. Bull. soc. anat., Paris, 1868, xliii, 61. Pettigrew, J. B. On the Muscular Arrange- ment of the Bladder and Prostate, and the man- ner in which th» Ureters and Urethra are closed. Phil. Trans., 1867; London, 1868, civii, 17-43, 2 pi. Laroyenne. Presentation de le vessie d'un homme mort dans son service. Memet compt rend soc. d. ac med. de Lyon (1867), 1868, vii, no. Kraus, B. Contributions to the Pathology of the Prostate Gland. Med. Times and Gazette, London, 1871, i, 271-273. Gant, F. J. Philadelphia, 1S72. Boulomie, P. Consideration generales sur la pathogenic des maladies de la prostate et pros- SURGERT OF THE PROSTATE. tatite subaigue. Tribune med., Paris, 1873-4, vi, 253. 265. 277, 289. lverson,A. Prostatas normale anatomi. Nord med. Ark, Stockholm, 1874, No. 6, 1-17; 10, 1-36; 20. 1-15. Stall, O. Zur Pathologie und Therapie des Acuten Prostata Abscesses. Zurich, 1877. Whitehead, \V. R. Rocky Mountain Medical Times, Denver, 1882, i, 233-241. Lewis, D. C. Pathologist, Brooklyn, 1882, ii, 123-125. Rockwell, F. W. On Some Points in the Pathology and Treatment of Enlarged Prostate. Pathologist, Brooklyn, 1882, ii, 25-41. Perivier, M. A. E. Etude sur la prostatite chronique d'origine hemorrhoidale. Paris, 1882. Stilling, H. Beobachtungen ueber die Func- tion der Prostate und ueber die Entstehung der prostatische Concremente. Arch. f. path, anat., Berlin, 1884, xcviii, 1-21, 2 pi. Post, A. C. New England Med. Monthly, 1884-5, iv, 289-295. Homan, G. St. Louis Courier of Medicine, 1884, xii, 316-319; British Med. Journal, London, 1886, i, 1 156. Anderson, W. A Case of Chronic Prostatitis : A Pathological Contribution to the Study of the Physiology of the Prostate Gland. British Med. Journal, London, 1887, ii, 237. Wilson, A. H. The Prostate Gland a Review of its Anatomy, Pathology and Treatment. Journal American Medical Asso.iation, 1887, ix, 449-453- Drugaoul, G. Sulla rigenerzaione del tessuto della prostata Gior. d. r. acad. di med. di To- rini, 1887, xxxv, 243. De Lannoy, C. W. Some Points in the Path- ological Histology of Prostatic Inflammations. Med. Register, Philadelphia, 1887, i, 298. Harrison, R. Abstract of a Post-Graduate Lecture on the Pathology and Treatment of the Enlarged Prostate. Lancet, London, 1888, ii, 102. Norton, A. T. A Clinical Lecture on Hyper- trophy of the Prostate Gland. Med. Press and Circular, London, 1888, xlvi, 433-435. Desnoy, E. Etiologie et pathogene de la scle- rose vesico-prostatique. Gaz. de med., Paris, 1888, V. 399-41 t. Roth, A. Contributo alia patologia a terapia della ipertroiia prostatica. Spallanzani Roma, 1889, 2s, xviii, 467-497. Smith. Physiology of Domestic Animals, 1889, p. 913-914 Kirmisson and Desnos. De la transformation fibrouse des tissus periprostatiques retrecisse- ments du rectum consecutifs. Ann. d. inal. d. org. genito-urin.. Paris, 1889, vii, 72-84. Griffiths, J. Observations on the Anatomy of the Prostate. Journal of Anatomy and Physiol- oey, London, 1888-9, xxiii, 374-386, i pi; 1889- 90, xxiv, 24-41. Regnauld, L Sur revolution de la prostate chez le chien. Comp. rend. soc. biol., Paris, 1891,9s, iii, 521-524. Sexton, J. C. The Third Lobe: A Study of Prostatic Obstruction. Transactions Indiana Medical Society, 1892, 215-229. Lydston, G. Frank. The Etiology of Pros- tatic Hypertrophy. Philadelphia, 1893, 11 pp. Von Sehlen. Zur Diagnostik und Therapie der Prostatitis chronica. Internat. Centralb. f. d. Physiol, u. Path. d. Harn u. sex-org. Leip- zig, 1893, i^. 310. 403- Latis, M. R. Ricerchi sperimentali riguar- danti gli effetti delle operazione sulla prostata. Riforma med. Napoli, 1893, i^' P*- ^' 3- MouUin, C. M. A Contribution to the Mor- phology of the Prostate. Journal of Anatomy and Physiology, London, 1894-5, xxix, 201-204. Belfield, W. T. Urtriculitis\ a Contribution to the Pathology of the Prostatic Urtricle. Jour- nal American Medical Association, 1894, xxii, 574-578. Jores, L. Utber die Hypertrophie des soge- nannten mittleren Lappens der Prostate. Arch, f. Path. Anat., Berlin, 1894, cxxxv, 224-247, i pi. Ciechanowski, S. Ueber die sog. Hypertrophie der Vorsteherdruse und ueber anatomische Grundlagen der senilen Insifficienz der Blase. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipzig, 1896, xxiii, 761-763. Sachur. Kritisch-experimentelle Beitrag zur modernen Behandlung der Prostata- Hypertro- phie. Therap. Monatsh., Berlin, 1896, x, 480-488. Phelip. Nouvelles sondes elastiques pour grosses prostates (avec dessins lineaires). Lyon med., 1896, Ixxxi, 432-435. Bangs, L. B. Med. News. New York, 1898, Ixxii, 193-199. Guepin, A. Des relations entre la prostate et les vesicules seminales. Tribune med., Paris, 1898 XXX, 185-188. Albarran and Motz Result of Experiments upon the External Genital Apparatus on the Prostate Gland in Animals, Przegl. lek Krakow 1898, xxxvii, 49. Antonini, A. Distribuzione del tesuto elas tico nello prostata del cane. Monitore zool. ital. Firenze, 1897, viii, 237-241, i pi. Lohnstein, H. Einige Arbeiten ueber Pathol ogie und Therapie der Erkrankungen Prostata AUg. Med. Centr. Ztg., Berlin, 1900, ixix, 1103 1105. Ciechanowski, S. Recherches anatomiques sur I'atonie vesicle des viellards ainsie que sur le affection dite hypertrophie de la prostate et sur quelques formes de I'atrophie de cet organe. Przegl. chir. Warszawa, 1900, iv, 445-538. Reliquet, J. Recherches sur i'etiologie de I'hypertrophie senile de la prostate. Paris, 1900, 48 pp. Schlagintweit, F. Das Phenomen der schwim- menden Tropfen (les gouttes flottentes) : Ein Beitrag zur Diagnostik der Prostatitis sowie der Physiologie der Prostata. Centralb. f. d. Krankh d. Harn u. sex-org. Leipzig, 1901, xii, 173-178 fig. '• Ciechanowski, S. Quelques apercus sur le prostatisme au point de vue anatomo-patholo gique. Ann. d. mal. d. org. genito-urin. Paris 1901, xix, 536-588, 5, fi<. 4, tr. Green, brooks. Journal American Medical Associati( n, April 26, 1902 Nature of Pros tatic Hypertrophy. Med. Review of Reviews July 25, 1902, p. 673. SURGERY. The operations for the cure of prostatic hypertrophy — the removal of the gland and stone in the bladder — being so similar in character, and the operations for stone antedating those for prostatic hypertrophy SCRCERV OF 711 E PROSTATE. (so far as are known at least twenty-five hundred years, it is necessary that a his- torical resume of their respective methods be given, that a better knowledge of them may be had. Doubtless the various stone operations have much to do with bringing about the removal of the prostate gland. Ammonius Lithotomus, an Egyptian surgeon of Alexandria (about the time of Hippocrates, 15. C, 460-357), invented an instrument by means of which he broke down stones in the bladder to facilitate removal. The word lithotomy is thus derived from his name. Johnnes de Romanes, 1555, introduced the use of the grooved stick in lithotomy (Marion operation). An incision was made into the membranous portion of the urethra, and the prostatic portion of the urethra was then either dilated or rup- tured He and Marianus introduced the prac- tice of cutting upon the staff in lithotomy about 1595 A.D. The lateral incision for stone was intro- duced by Ran, of Leyden, during the seventeenth century, and Frere Jean, 1700. Ran was said to be the most successful lithotomist that ever lived. He was taught his method by the celebrated Frere Jacques. Ran kept his method a profound secret ; not even his favorite pupils, Heister and Albinus, were able to learn it. Both attempted to describe what they saw when eavesdropping, but they differ in their accounts. Roonheysen, of the same school, men- tioned a case in which the old operations of "cuttingon the gripe," or with grooved sound and gorget, was impracticable, and he was forced to perform the supra-pubic operation. This is probably the first supra- pubic operation ever made for intra- vesical conditions. Paulus Aegineta made an incision for lithotomy to one side of the raphe, not in the centre of the perineum, as was the usual practice. Senarez tells of one of these "cutters" who introduced an iron rod into the penis until it met the stone ; the latter was then removed by perineal incision. This un- known is supposed to have given John de Romanes his idea. Pierre-Franco w^as one of the most fa- mous of the incisors. That surgical treatment and its results upon the prostate gland may be better un- derstood, available bibliography has been collected and classified as herein indicated. The subject in general is so extensive that . this work will be limited to the biblio- graphy, chronologically arranged, with the exception of the chapter on surgery, which will be made a special feature of this work. Here, again, it was found necessary to classify the various forms of treatment, which constitute nothing more or less than mechanical and mechanico-surgical methods. In arraging the bibliography an attempt was made to avoid the duplication of refer- ences. This, however, has been impossible in many instances. On the whole, it is often desirable to have different references to the one title, that they may be more available and easy of access. It has been known for many years that the prostate gland has been a factor in causing obstruction in the urinary passage, especially in advanced age. It has been the subject of attack in many ways from many sources. That the surgical technique of its re- moval should have required so much time for its development remains an unsolved problem. The deadly trocar was used to enter the bladder supra-pubically, through the peri- neum and rectum, its effects being most diabolical. The metallic catheter has been used with similar results, for in the majority of cases it becomes a prostatic trocar, being just a little more liscensed than the sharp- pointed, jacketed staff". The beginning of serious trouble in enlargement of the prostate is with the first introduction of a catheter, and the danger increases with each successive in- troduction. Prostatotomy, prostatectomy (supra- pu- bic, perineal and urethral.) — In this class of surgery all operations for the removal of a part, or all of one or more prostatic lobes, will be considered ; also any incision into the prostate. CYSTOTOMY. Cystotomy has been done in various ways for many years for the relief of en- larged prostate; supra- pubic and perineal incisions and punctures have been made with both knife and trocar with but little SURGEUr OF THE PROSTATE. if any effect upon lessening the size of the gland. The benefit obtained by such an oper- ation is only palliative by lessening the degree of cystitis, which is always more or less severe. This being so, cystotomy alone will receive no further consideration at this time. MASSAGE. Massage was employed by Estlander in 1878 for relief of enlarged prostate. Erh- mann in 1891 ; Brant, 1892 ; Schlafka, 1893; and Halberstram, in 1893, each em- ployed and considered the subject more or less favorably. Hogge employed electro- massage, claiming quite an innovation in the treatment of prostatic enlargement. Lewis, in 1899, however, claimed supe- rior results without the use of instruments (massaging the prostate gland with the index finger). Colin, 1900, was of the same convictions as Lewis. Kemp, 1901, showed an instrument which he had em- ployed for electro-massage, together with the applications of inunctions. Neiswauger, 1900, employed cataphoric applications of iodine to the hypertrophic gland. INJECTION. Various kinds of solutions have been injected into the prostatic and testicular glands, singly and combined, to reduce prostatic elargement, with but little benefit. Hall, 1887, employed argenti nitras, iodine, iodoform and cocaine for this pur- pose. Heurate, 1896, employed testicular ex- tracts for injecting the testicle and pros- tate, separately and combined. Erwin, 1896, injected various remedies into the testicles for the enlargement of the prostate gland. Jaboulay, 1900, employed rectal medi- cation for the reduction of prostatic en- largement. In none of their cases were the results sat- isfactory. LIGATION OF CORD. The spermatic cord, which is composed of arteries, veins, lymphatics, nerves and the vas deferens, has been ligated for the relief of prostatic hypertrophy by Mears, 1894. The result was so unsatisfactory that he did not repeat the operation or advise that it be done. Stafford, 1895, ligated the spermatic cord with but little if any benefit to the patient, or influence upon diminishing the size of the gland. • LIGATION OF ILIAC ARTERIES. Believing that hypertrophy of the pros- tate gland was more or less due to in- creased blood supply. Bier, 1893, ligated both internal iliac arteries to lessen its nutrition and thereby, if possible, cause atrophy of the gland. Meyer, 1894, was led to the same prac- tice by the statements of Bier. In each case there was but slight if any beneficial results. Loze, 1898, advocated the removal of the venus plexus (vesico-) for enlarged prostate gland. The results obtained by either of these procedures did not warrant further inves- tigation in their behalf. VASECTOMY. It was supposed that the removal of the vas deferens would have some effect upon hypertrophic prostates, and while there have been many such operations recorded, in which one or both have been excised, there is but a small percentage that have been materially benefited, even for a short time. The desire to preserve the ability to perform the sexual act gave vasectomy preference over emasculation, or destruc- tion of all the tissues involving the cord, whether by ligation or excision. The pathology resulting from vasec- tomy, ligation of the cord or emasculation has not been established. Division or ligation of both vas defer- ens causes but slight atrophy of the pros- tate gland. It is probably due to the loss of their nerve connection, while the same procedure on the blood-vessels of the cord, or cord itself, will cause atrophy of the gland; the testicle becomes disorganized. Sleinach, 1896, has shown by experi- ments on rats that the removal of the seminal vesicles and prostate gland does not lessen the sexual passion or ability to perform the sexual act, with a discharge of spermatozoa, but that fertilization is prevented. The ability of the semen to fertilize is lessened by the removal of their vesicles. Loumeau, 1895, performed this opera- tion with but slight effect. Chalot, dur- sriac.ERr of riiE prostate. ing the same year, did the operation. Mears, 1895, applied a ligature to the vas deferens, and Ochsner, during the same year, resected the vas deferens for pros- tatic enlargement. Isnardi, 1895 ; Guelliot, 1895 ; An- drews, 1896; Floersheine, 1896; Van- fritch, 1896; Harrison, 1896; Walton, 1896; Nove-Jasserand, 1896; Isnardi, 1S96 ; Negretto, 1896; Zuckerkandl,i896 ; Brasher, 1896; Brown, 1896; Bobeca, 1896; Nicolich, 1S96; Freeman, 1896; Oliver, 1896; Ringier, 1896 ; Leuenstein, 1896; Pontier, 1896; Pavonie, 1896; Kohl, 1896; Carlier, 1896; Brown, 1896, each divided the vas deferens by ligature, knife or excision for hypertrophy of the prostate gland. Rissler, 1896, injected the vas deferens for enlarged prostate ; failing to secure any benefit, he later performed emascula- tion, resulting in much benefit. White, 1896, gave an exhaustive report on castration and vasectomy in the treat- ment of hypertrophy of the prostate. Heurate, 1896, besides ligating the vas deferens, injected testicular extract into the prostate gland for hypertrophy. Louman, 1896, injected the vas defer- ens and removed the testicles for prostatic enlargement. Wagner, 1896, removed the vas deferens and testicles for prostatic enlargement. Sherping, 1896, was contented with simply dividing the vas deferens for pros- tatic enlargement. Lennauder, 1897; Chetwood, 1897; Turazza, 1897; Drezique, 1897; Sakhar- off, 1897; Bernoud, 1897; Winter, 1897; Derynzhinski, 1897; Czaplinski, 1897; Erdberg, 1897; Benninghoff, 1897; Win- field, 1898, several cases of castration and vasectomy; Hamonie, 1898; Albaran, 1898; Yakuhonski, 1898; Hanbarn, 1898 Redi, 1898; Wodarz, 1898; Loumean 1898; Von Schullen and Gervell, 1898 Nicholich, 1898; Long, 1898; Bruni 1898; Harrison, 1900; Jackson, 1900 Desnos, 1900; Pape, 1900; Suetinoff, 1900; and Kondinoeff, 1900, each made a vasectomy. CASTRATION. Removal of one or both testicles for prostatic hypertrophy has given more re- lief than any of the extra-capsnlar opera- tions. There need be but slight if any mor- tality resulting from it if a local anesthe- sia alone be employed. The fatal cases have no doubt been due to the use of gen- eral anesthesia, which should never be employed for this purpose. The removal of one testicle is supposed to cause its corresponding prostatic lobe to undergo atrophic changes, while the removal of both testicles will cause atro- phy of all the lobes. Emasculation was not accepted as a remedy for prostatic enlargement until White had proven by experiments upon animals that emasculation in the very young would prevent the development of the prostate gland, and that the removal of the testes in the aged would cause more or less atrophy of the gland, especially in certain forms. While more or less relief has been given in certain cases, there are many in which no benefit whatever ensued. There are many objections to this oper- ation, but there are cases, especially in the very old and feeble, in which it should be done before subjecting them to the more radical and severe methods for relief. Mercier, 1857, was perhaps one of the first, if not the first, to emasculate for hypertrophied prostate. He records a case of retention of urine of nine years, w^ith cure by excision of the prostate gland, followed by castration and an oper- ation for fistula of the anus. Cabot, 1893, records a case of castration for hypertrophied prostate. White, 1894, gives a summary of the history and present position of the oper- ation of castration for prostatic hyper- trophy. Haynes, 1894, performed orchidectomy for hypertrophy of the prostate, Moullin, 1894, wrote on the treatment of hypertrophy of the prostate. Smith, 1894, refers to a case of obstruct- ive hypertrophy of the prostate, treated by castration. Finney, 1894, performed double castra- tion for enlarged prostate. Ricketts, 1894, resorted to double cas- tration for enlarged prostate, with restora- tion of urethral function. Meyer and Haenel, 1894, report a case of emasculation for enlarged prostate. Lichty, 1894, and Thomas, 1894, each record emasculation for enlarged prostate. Lannois, 1894, observed atrophy of the prostate as the result of emasculation. SCRGERl' OF THE PROSTATE. Ramm, 1894, obtained excellent results from emasculation for enlarged prostate. Hayden, 1895, made double castration for enlarged prostate. Kraemer, 1895, reported a similar case. Morton, 1895, reports a successful case of castration for prostatic hemorrhage and hypertrophy. Norton, 1895, speaks of the effect of unilateral castration on the prostate. Lutkins, 1895, and Pavoue, 1895, each report a case of emasculation for enlarged prostate. Livings, 1895, reports two such cases. Lydston, 1895, writes on a recent sur- gical "fad," castration for hypertrophy of the prostate. Roberts, 1895, records death resulting from castration for enlarged prostate. Lilienthal, 1895, and Thayer, 1895. record cases of castration for hypertrophy of the prostate gland. Lezin, 1895, noted changes in the pros- tate of animals after castration. Piercy, 1895 ; Stratton, 1895 ; Spencer, 1895; Willington, 1895; Thayer, 1S95 ; Pegurier, 1895, each report a case of cas- tration for prostatic enlargement. Martin, 1895 ; Thomas, 1895, and Mc- Conkey, 1895, each report emasculation for enlarged prostate. Bryson, 1895, made a castration for enlarged prostate, and Alexander, 1895, did a double orchidectomy (with a protest) for hypertrophied prostate. Faisst, 1895 ; Faulds, 1895 ; Desnos, 1895, and Bard, 1895, each record one or more cases of emasculation for enlarged prostate. Boeckmann, 1895, gives a critical his- torical review of the subject of castration for enlarged prostate. Church, 1895, re- cords a case of bilateral castration for hypertrophy of the prostate. Garin, 1895, performed castration for hypertrophy of the prostate. Bangs, in 1895, sounds a warning against castration for prostatic enlargement. Moullin, in 1895, wrote on some of the immediate re- sults produced by castration in cases of enlarged prostate. Watson, 1895, re- ported a case of castration for relief of prostatic enlargement. Walker, 1895, re- ports seven cases of double castration for relief of enlarged prostate. Bangs wrote on some of the acute chronic conditions of the prostate and their treatment. Among those who have done one or more castrations for hypertrophy of pros- tate gland are : Koren, 1895. Andrews, 1895. Griffiths, 1895. White, 1895. Watson, 1 89;. Moullin.,, 1895. Swain, 1895. Souchon, 1895. Fleming, 1895. Enrue, 1895. Albaran, 1895. Roosking, 1895, Fenwick, 1895. Kane, 1896. Collingwood, 1896. Charlton, 1896. Chelalier, 1896. Bazy, 1896. Rice, 1896. Lezin, 1896. Farrant, 1896. Morton, 1896. Milne, 1896. Borelius and Czerny, 1S96. Handly, 1896. Gabrielson, 1896. Rand, 1896. Byrne, 1896. Moullin, 1896. Legnen, 1896. vSchulten and Ger- vell, 1897. Carlier, 1897. Bazy, Escat and Chaillous, 1897. Jones, 1897. Albaran, 1897. Vitte, 1897. Eastman n. 1897. Freemantle, 1897. Kozlovski, 1897. Lou mean, 1897. Leghen, 1898. Flodorus, 1897. Homans, 1896. Pilcher, 1896. Bryne, 1896. Chavelier, 1896. Berezkin. 1896. Locin, 1896. Caird, 1896. English, 1896. Goldschmidt, 1896. Kelsey, 1896. Einhorn, 1896. Guepin, 1896, Tilley, 1S96. Palmer, 1896. Thomas, 1896. Cabot, 1896. Bruns, 1896. Southam, 1896. Nott, 1896. Murray, 1896. Robinson, 1896 (a failure). Meyer, 1896. Englisch, 1896. Moullin, 1896. Boyden, 1896. Tunis, 1897. Jones, 1898. Schulten, 1897. Carr, 1898. Steiner, 1898. Nicholson, 1898. Pilcher, 1898. Larue, 1898. Keyes, 1898. Lanz, 1898. Ilarmonio, 1898. (^uintann, 1901. Carlier, 1898. (juepin, 1898. Tunis, 1898. Rouville, 1897. Motz, 1898. Grosglik, 1S98. Ilorwitz, 1898, reports four cases of stone in the bladder, with hypertrophy of the prostate gland where positive diagnosis was impossible until double castration resulting in atrophy of the prostate rendered the passage of the stone- seacher possible. Hillard, 1898, performed castration for enlarged prostate. SURGERT OF THE PROSTATE. Thompson, 1898, castrated for enlarged prostate. Albaran, 1898, made experimental oper- ations to determine atrophic effects on the prostate in animals. Johnson, 189S, made twenty-eight emas- culation for prostatic enlargement. Ricketts, 1898, reports nine cases of emasculations for enlargement of prostate, Erotozzyner, 1901, wrote extensively upon all the various operations for hyper- trophied prostate. Wood records 143 castrations; 117 re- covered (82 per cent.) ; 26 died (18 per cent.); of the 117, no (94 per cent.) improved, 4 not benefited; 63 (53 per cent.) the prostate became smaller. In his last 92 cases of emasculation for hypertrophy of prostate, 9 died, and 66 had return of bladder function, and cure of cystitis. PROSTATOTOMY. One or more incisions into the prostate gland to cause it to shrink and become smaller have been accomplished by the simple cautery, and various ingeniously devised instruments, through the urethra, perineum and suprapubic regions, with a considerable degree of success. They have been made separately and combined. The benefit from such incisions was prob- ably first noticed in subjects on whom a lithotomy was made, and who possessed an enlarged prostate, together with a stone. At any rate, operations for stone were known to greatly benefit prostatiques. Operations for abscess, foreign bodies, cysts, injuries and pathologic conditions are included in this class. Tenotomy of Levator Prostate. — This operation appears to have been first done for hypertrophy of the prostate by Wy- man in 1885. It was again done by E. W. Andrews, in 1902. There have not been a sufficient number of these operations made to determine its merits at this time. Andrews read a paper at the .Saratoga meeting of the American Medical Association, 1902, in which he gave great promise of much benefit resulting from it. Prostatotoniy {uret/iral). — Incisions of the prostate through the urethra with a knife and puncture with catheter, and various other means have been done for many years. Many cases treated in this way for the relief of prostatic enlargement received more or less benefit. It was this practice, with its results, which induced the use of cautery combined with the knife. Incision alone is now seldom done, it having given place to more radical meth- ods. Home, 1817, mentions an operative procedure upon the prostate glands through the urethra. Costello, 1836, describes an instrument for incising the prostate through the urethra. Berrier, 1S50, also mentions having in- cised a large prostatic gland through the urethra. Bonnet and Berrier, the same year (1850), observed excellent results from incision of a large prostate gland through the urethra. Mercier, 1857, incised the prostate through the urethra by means of a con- cealed knife. Heine, 1874, chose for the subject of his address "The Practical Operation for Hypertrophied Prostate." Gouley, in 1885, incised the prostate through the urethra with a concealed knife. Harrison, 1887, incised the prostate through the perineum for hypertrophy of the gland with beneficial results. GALVANO CAUTERY. This practice has offered many induce- ments in the treatment of prostatic en- largements. Especial hope was given when an instrument was perfected that would enable an operator to make one or more incisions in its lobes with more or less safety. In this way the prostatic urethra was supposed to become functional as the re- sult of cicatricial contraction. This prac- tice, which has been followed with but a slight degree of success, is uncertain in its application and results, and accompanied by a mortality that should not be tolerated. An operation so severe in its character, and for a condition from which one needs so much to be delivered, should not be done away from the eye sight of the oper- ator. The per cent, of cases benefited by its use, and the still smaller per cent, of re- coveries, is of itself sufficient evidence to condemn it. SL'RGERr OF THE PROSTATE. Rabitsch, 1875, writes of Bottini's thermo-galvanizer, which Bottini (1876) himself considers at length. He again makes a plea for its use in 1S80. Tansini, 1882, indorses the use of the cautery, as does Biedert also during the same year. Alpago-Xovello, 1S83, used a cautery needle suprapubically. Bottini, 1884, and Musatti, 1885, each speak of excellent results obtained by the cautery. Bottini, 1S85, speaks of the complete and permanent benefit resulting from the use of the cautery in prostatic enlarge- ment. Newman, 1887, reports excellent re- sults from the use of the galvano-cautery sound applied especially in hypertrophied prostate. Roux, 18S8, reports having used the cautery in enlarged prostate. Davis, 188S, speaks of electrolysis in morbid alterations that are produced in the prostate by gonorrhea of the urethra. Casper, 1888, reports on the radical treatment of enlarged prostate with the galvano-cautery. Tansini, 1888, reports a permanent cure of hypertrophy of the prostate by the use of the galvano-cautery. Biedert, 1888; Binaghi, 1889; Roth, 1S90; Morotti, 1890-1891. Wishard, 1890 and 1902, employed electro-cautery to incise the prostate through a perineal incision, giving much relief. Von Dittel, 1890, made a coccygio-peri- neal incision with more or less benefit. Lalesque, 1890, made a suprapubic puncture of the prostate, and used anti- septics and lavage. Clarke, 1891 ; Caprara, 1891 ; Bottini, 1891-1893; Jemoli, 1893; Bottini, 1896; Negretto, 1896; Freudenborg, 1897; Mar- coni, 1897; Simon, 1898; Weber, 1898; Meyer, 1898; Bottini, 1898; McGrane, 1898; Von Frisch, 1898; Wassidle, 1898; Hanc, 1898; Lewis, 1898; Sanesi, 1898; Morton, 1898; Chassignac, 1898; Free- men, 1898; Kreissl, 1898; Carlton, 1898; Motz, 1898; Lohanstein, 1898; Rydygier, 1899; Nicolich, 1899; Downes, 1899; Stehr, 1900; Newman, 1900; Haenens, 1900; Lavauz, 1900; Hogge, 1900; Debedat, 1900; Cauterman, 1900; Mc- Gowan, 1900; Mynter, 1900; Verhoogen, 1900; Harp, 1901, and Koenig, 1901, each have employed the galvano cautery described by Bottini in prostatic enlarge- ment with more or less benefit. Young, 1901, made forty Bottini opera- tions. Guiteras, 1901, collected 753 prostatot- omies, made m various ways, with eighty- five cures and forty-four deaths. Bangs, 1901, made forty Bottini opera- tions with three deaths. Kreissl, 1901, reports his work with the Bottini operations. Meyer (Lydston Text-Book, 1900, p. 727) collected 164 operations by the Bot- tini method from eighteen different opera- tors. Eighty were cured, forty-four im- proved, twenty-six not improved, eight deaths due to the operation, and six deaths independent of operation. Schlagintweit, 1901 ; Blucke, 1901 ; Roth, 1901; Desnos, 1901. and Young, 1901, each report operations with the cau- tery. Hayden, 1901, makes a plea for conser- vatism in treating the prostate glands. Whitacre, 1901, reported his experi- mental operations with the Bottini cau- tery upon the prostate gland of dead hu- man bodies. He demonstrated the cau- tery to be extremely uncertain in its re- sults, and more di'ngerous than any of the more radical prost ototomies or prostotec- tomies. Ransohoff, 1901, employed the cautery knife in five cases of prostatic enlarge- ment. Wishard, 1902, describes a new cautery for incising the prostate glands. Kreissl, 1902, reports permanent results failures and relapses following Bottini's operation for the relief of prostatic ob- struction, giving nine cases. Meyer, 1902, reports two cases of pros- tatic hypertrophy associated with stone in the bladder by means of litholapaxy and Bottini operation at one sitting. Boullleur, 1902, reports upon trans- vesical cauterization as a substitute for the Bottini operation in the treatment of some forms of prostatic enlargement. PERINEAL PROSTATECTOMY. Perineal prostatectomy has been slow in being accepted as a rational operation, but at present stands as the best surgical operation for prostatic enlargement. It is accomplished through a transverse or me- dian incision, similar to or identical with SURGERl- OF THE PROSTATE. that of lithotomy. A part or all of one or more of the three lobes may be easily or rapidly removed in this way. If pos- sible, their capsules should be preserved, the glandular tissue being separated from the capsule with the finger or a blunt in- strument. It is supposed that hemorrhage is less if enucleation is confined within the capsule. This, however, is of little consequence in many cases, as gauze pack- ing around the drainage-tube will con- trol it. Removal of the prostate in cer- tain cases will no doubt be done through the rectum, especially where it is desirable to use the rectum for a urinary recep- tacle. Gibb, 1857, asked the question, "Can not enlargement of the middle lobe of the prostate gland be removed by the lateral operation of lithotomy .'^" Bryant, 1S77, reports cases of prostatic tumors removed in the operation of lithot- omy. Luno, 1881, records a case of prosta- totomy, in which a silver tube was worn in the perineum for fifteen months with great benefit. Gluck and Zeller, 18S1, reported a case of extirpation of enlarged prostate. Eddowes, 18S4. removed an enlarged prostatic gland through a perineal incision. Stein, 1889, also considered the subject of extirpation of the prostate. Woodling, 1890, adopted the operation of lithotomy for the prostate. Vignard, 1890, performed prostatotomy and prostatectomy. White, 1890. reports two cases by pros- tatectomy, and Belfield, 1S90, considered the operations on the enlarged prostate, with a tabulated summary of cases. Weir, 1891, removed a hypertrophied prostate. Tobin, 1890, wrote on resection of the prostate gland for enlargement, causing retention of urine. Reverdin, 1890, on the perineal incision for prostatitis. Keyes, 1891, on the enlarged prostate and its operative relief. Wishard, 1892. mentions the perineal operations on the prostate, with a brief report of a new method of removing the lateral lobes. W^ishard, 1891, enucleated the prostate through a perineal intraurethral incision. Pyle, 1892, removed the prostate through a semilunar perineal incision. Symes, 1891, employed a rubber bulb in the bladder for pulling the prostate down, that it might be removed through a perineal incision. (juiard, 1900, writes on the application of the urethral lithotomy for calculus in the treatment of prostatic enlargement. Verhoogen, 1900, mentions a perineal prostatectomy for enlargement of the glands. Thorndike, 1900, gives his notes on prostatectomy. Frayer, 1900. gives a new method for performing perineal prostatectomy. Proust, 1900, speaks of a perineal pros- tatectomy. Jabouley, 1900, speaks of the ablation of the hypertrophied prostate. Roux and Brignoles. 1901, write on perineal prostatectomy totalc. Horwitz, 1901, writes: "What have I learned from 161 operations for the relief of senile hypertrophy of the prostate gland.?" Gouley, 190 1, reports on the advantages of the perineal operation, and a retractor of his own device in operations upon the prostate gland. ^^'yeth, 1 901, advocates the perineal operation for enlarged prostate gland. Ferguson, 1901, devised an intra-ure- thra-vesical prostatic depressor for sub- capsular enucleation, and morcellement through the perineum, with the report of nine consecutive successful operations. Murphy, 1902, employed hooks to pull the prostate for perineal enucleation, re- porting cases. Ricketts (B. Merrill), 1902, removed the prostate gland in its entirety, includ- ing its capsule, through a transverse peri- neal incision in two emergency cases. Case of Dr. y. O. Blackerby. — Case sixty-seven years old, troubled for several years with difficult urination. Passed daily from 50 to 140 ounces of thick urine and mucus. He used a small soft rubber catheter for several months. Lost about forty-five pounds in weight during last eight months ; was told that he could not recover; settled his business aff"airs and went to bed prepared to die. After hav- ing been confined to bed for two weeks I made a transverse perineal incision to attack the prostate, which was small and hard, the left lobe larger than the right. It was impossible to remove either one of its lobes, owing to the firmness of their SUnaERT OF THE PROSTATE. structure. The urethra was very small, not permitting the introduction of a sound of any size, even though a small rubber Nelaton catheter had been used for some time. It, however, did not remove the mucus ; only the thin watery portion of the urine would pass through it. It was decided to remove the gland in its en- tirety, with its capsule. In doing so it was not necessary to ligate or torsion a blood-vessel. A large silver tube, similar to the letter "S," was introduced and secured by gauze packing. Temperature remained normal nearly all of the time since the operation. He has made an un- interrupted recovery with the use of the silver tube remaining in the perineum. He has regained much of his flesh and general health. Case II. — Aged seventy-seven, patient of Dr. Wm. Moore, of Ironton, Ohio. Small, poorly nourished. Used silver catheter about two years. June 4, 1902, in attempting to introduce it, he pene- trated the body of the prostate twice and lacerated the wall of the rectum. I saw him twenty hours after this occurred ; blood was passing from the rectum and penis, A catheter, hard or soft, could not be introduced into the bladder. A transverse perineal incision was made and the entire prostate, with its capsule, re- moved, with bleeding of little consequence and without the necessity of ligating or torsioning a blood-vessel. A silver tube not being at hand, the wound was packed with gauze until forty-eight hours after, when a letter of " S " silver tube was in- troduced and retained with gauze pack- ing. The contents of the bowels have continued to escape through the wound. The passage of urine through the urethra will never be re-established in this case. July 24, the urine passes directly into the rectum. The use of the rectum as a receptacle for urine in cases where the urethra can- not re-established is desirable, and should be accomplished in many cases. October 10, 1902. Rectum is now the urinary receptacle. Urinates about every five hours by rectum. Perineal opening almost closed. The same will be accom- plished in the first case. Dr. W. W. Keen, in a personal con- versation, relates the case of a woman who utilized her rectum for the urinary receptacle for twenty-two years, necessi- tated by the loss of the base of the bladder in prolonged confinement. If the rectum has been so utilized in man the record has been overlooked. However, there seems to be no reason why it should not, especially if the fistu- lous tract be short. Whether it be short or long, there is a possibility of one or more channels (other than the primary one) forming to estab- lish perineal openings, and thereby cause much trouble and inconvenience. The formation of these channels would no doubt be the result of stenosis of the ©riginal opening into the rectum, the possibilities being proportionate with the length of the channel. If the base of the bladder could be united to the rectum these difficulties would, no doubt, be overcome; also the necessity for any perineal opening. There being no resistance to the escape of urine, the muscular fibres of the bladder contract and become atrophied to such a degree as to enable it to retain but one or two ounces or less of fluid, a condition to be desired, as there is a possibility of feces accumulating within it. There is the same danger of kidney in- fection from a vesico-rectal fistula as where the ureters are implanted into any other portion of the alimentary tract. SUPRAPUBIC PROSTATECTOMY. This operation includes all measures for the removal of a part or all of the prostate glands suprapubically. Roonhysen, in his work on cutting on the gripe, or with grooved sound and gorget, was impracticable, and he was forced to perform the suprapubic opera- tion for stone. This probably is one of the first of suprapubic operations. Suprapubic prostatectomy has for sev- eral years been more extensively employed. It was purely an intravesical operation, intended especially for the removal of the middle prostatic lobe. There were, however, many objections to it, some of which are : first, difficult drainage; second, difficult manipulation; third, difficulty in controlling hemorr- hage. Then, too, the mortality was about 20 to 30 per cent. The smaller tumors and undersized prostate were not reached by this operation. It was only the larger growths, especially of the middle lobe, to SURGERr OF THE PROSTATE. which the method is applied with any de- gree of satisfaction. Lisrink, 1882, extirpated a large pros- tatic gland suprapubically, Harrison, 1SS3, records a case of direct exploration of the bladder and removal of a large prostatic tumor by the suprapubic method. Belfield, 1S86, enucleated the prostate gland through a suprapubic incision. Edwards, 18S5. records a prostatectomy (Mercier's operation) for complete ob- struction to micturition. Groves, 1887, considers prostatotomy, with report of case. Atkinson, 1888, removed portions of a large prostatic gland suprapubically by AIcGili's method. AIcGill, 1888, reports three cases of suprapubic prostatectomy. Rouchand, 1 888, wrote extensively upon surgical intervention in treating hyper- trophied prostate. Browne, 1888, records a suprapubic prostatectomy. Obalinski, 1889, reports a radical cure of retention of urine from enlargement of the prostate gland by prostatectomy. Delageniere, 1889, wrote upon hyper- trophy of prostate and the various pos- sible routes for the extirpation of its lateral lobes. Cabot, 1888, records two cases of pros- tatotomy for obstruction. Kummell, 1889, wrote extensively on the operative treatment of hypertrophy of the prostate, as did Helferick, also in the same year. Lane, 1889, excised the middle lobe for a considerable hypertrophy; death ensued. The Boston Medical Journal., 1889, records a suprapubic prostatectomy in a patient sixty-nine years old ; recovery. Robson, 1S89, records a prostatectomy as a sequel to the operation of suprapubic lithotomy. Drake-Brockman, 1889, records a case of suprapubic prostatectomy (McGill's operation) for enlarged prostate. Zuckerland, 1889-91, reports a case of prostatotomy. Southam, 1890, reported a case of suprapubic prostatectomy for retention of urine. Post, 1891, records a prostatotomy in a patient of forty-two years. Kuster, 1891 ; vStewart, i89i,each re- cord a case of prostatectomy. Cameron, 1891, removed large masses of a prostatic tumor suprapubically. Tobin, 1891, records a case of prosta- tectomy for senile enlargement. Wishard, 1893, writes on the palliative and operative treatment of enlarged pros- tate. Lewis, 1893, records a prostatectomy for enlarged prostate, with recovery of power to urinate voluntarily; pyelitis; death. Adams, 1893, gives a report of three prostatic tumors removed by Dr. Arm- strong, of Montreal. Home, 1893, gives a case of hypertro- phy of the middle lobe of the prostate ; successful removal by the suprapubic method. AlouUin, 1893, mentions the operative treatment for enlargement of the prostate. Hutchinson, 1892, records a case of prostatectomy for bladder obstruction. Keys, 1893, speaks of an efficient method of controlling hemorrhage after a suprapubic prostatectomy. Pyle, 1892, mentions a new method for removing the prostate gland. JuUin, 1893, records a case of cystotomy and prostatectomy for gland enlargement. Hays, 1893, advocated suprapubic fis- tula. White, 1893, wrote on the present posi- tion of the hypertrophied prostate, as did Broome also. Broome also wrote (1893) on the ra- tional treatment of prostatic enlargement in old men. Clagg, 1893, gave some notes on the operative treatment of enlarged prostate. Schmid, 1893, records a prostatectomy. Barling, 1893, recorded a case of pros- tatectomy performed twice on the same patient, the second time with complete success. Gervais de Rauville, 1893, wrote on the surgical intervention in hypertrophied prostate. Brown, 1893, wrote on suprapubic prostatectomy, and Desnos on cystotomy in prostatiques. Van Hook, 1893, records two prosta- tectomies. Pousson, 1894, considers the various partial prostatectomies. Briddon, 1893, also considers prosta- tectomy by suprapubic incision. Bron, 1894, writes on the surgical treat- ment of prostatiques. Lydston, 1894, writes on prostatectomy. SURGER7- OF THE PROSTATE. n McKinnon, 1894, reports three cases of McGill's operation for prostatic enlarge- ment. Moullin, 1894, asks the question: Can atrophy of the enlarged prostate be in- duced by partial removal ? Nicoll, 1894, considers a method of ex- cising the prostate. Romme, 1894, writes about cystotomy and cysto-drainage in prostatiques. Robson, 1894, reports a series of twelve cases of McGill's suprapubic prostatec- tomy. Bryson, 1895, gives a tabulated report of twenty-seven operations for prostato- myomectomy by the suprapubic route. Cox, 1895, records a case of removal of the middle lobe of the prostate in a man seventy-six years of age. SutclifFe, 1895, reports a case of prosta- tectomy and encysted calculi, with re- marks and chromolithograph. White, 1895, gives his recent experi- ences in hypertrophied prostate. Fuller, 1895, records six successful and successive cases of prostatectomy, supra- pubic. Woolsey, 1895, gives some considera- tions on prostatectomy. Little wood, 1896, records a case of suprapubic prostatectomy (McGill's oper- ation) illustrating a method of arrest of hemorrhage by packing the bladder with a roll of gauze. Alexander, 1896, writes on prostatec- tomy. Halliday, 1896, records a case of en- larged prostate removed by suprapubic prostatectomy. H<>tchki>-s, 1897, reports two successful ca^es of prostatectomy. Robson, 1897, a case of suprapubic prostatectomy, with subsequent history of the patient. English, 1897, considers prostatectomy, a- does Koehler also (1897). Chown, 1897, gives his notes in three cases ol prostatectomy. Crnig, 1898, gives his notes on a case of proslii'ectomy. McKinnon, 1898, made a suprapubic prostatectomy. Tunis, 1898, records a case of hyper- trophy of the prostate gland in a man seventy-eight years old, six days after castration. Hinder, 1898, records four cases of prostatectomy. Pyle, 1898, gives title of paper, "Pros- tatectomy : A Claim of Priority." Andrews, 1898, considers at length the four new operations for prostatic enlarge- ment. Syms, 1899, briefly considers perineal prostatectomy, reporting nine cases, all recovering, eight of which had complete restoration of function. Pasquion, 1900, mentions a suprapubic prostatectomy. Guiteras, 1900, writes on the status of the treatment of hypertrophy of the pros- tate in the United States. He collected 153 prostatectomies made in various ways ; no recovered (72.3 per cent.) ; 25 deaths (16.4 per cent.); 17 failures (11. 2 per cent.), Minter, 1900, makes remarks on the technique of prostatectomy. Clarke, 1900, advocated two stages of suprapubic operations for enlarged pros- tate, reporting seven cases, although Senn advocated two sittings for removal of stone in 1894. Hawkes, 1900, records a case of supra- pubic and submucous prostatectomy. Young, 1901, had two deaths in fifteen suprapubic prostatectomies. He says that eleven were complete enucleations. McRae, 1901, reports three successful suprapubic prostatectomies. COMBINED PERINEAL AND SUPRAPUBIC PROSTATECTOMY. There are many advantages in making both a suprapubic and perineal incision for the purpose of removing the prostate gland, especially where there is doubt as to the intravesical conditions, or securing perfect drainage, whether the drainage is through an unopened urethra, a perineal opening, or into the bladder. Fuller, 1895, removed a prostate gland by the combined method and draiged both ways. Nicoll, 1895, made a perineal enuclea- tion, with counter- pressure from above through open open bladder. Drainage in his case was through a catheter retained in the unopened urethra. Alexander, 1896, removed the gland through the perineum (intraurethral), with counter-pressure from above through open bladder. Drainage was secured both ways. However, he prefers the perineal route for the removal of the prostate. Watson, 1898, records a prostatectomy SCRCiERr OF THE PROSTATE. by the combined method of suprapubic and perineal incision. Recovery resulted, with complete restoration of bladder function. Bryson, 1899, performed a perineal sub- capsular enucleation, with a suprapubic prevesical incision (did not open bladder) for counter pressure. Drainage through the perineum. Syms, 1899, enucleated the gland through a perineal incision, making coun- ter-pressure through an epicystic incision into the peritoneum. Guiteras, 1901, mahe a suprapubic enu- cleation of the gland, making counter- pressure with the finger in the rectum. He drained from above and below. ABSCESS (1824-1902). Abscess of the prostate gland is quite common, and due to many causes, princi- pally injury and gonorrhea. The most frequent exit of pus is by rupture into the bladder, although it frequently ruptures into the rectum. There is no special dif- ference either way, one being almost as serious as the other, single or multiple, usually the latter. There is more or less fever, with great pain and tenderness upon pressure through the rectum. An incision should be made into the gland and through the perineum as soon as there is the slightest indication of pus being present. Cysts of any character within the pros- tate may bt-coine infected, as may also blood-clots contained therein. Prostatic stones, caliareous deposits or foreign bodies of any character may become in- fected and rrsult in an abscess. Abscess and foreign bodies should be removed by perineal incision (raphe). Many such operations have been made; also puncture of abscess through rectum. Segond collected 114 cases of prostatic abscess, with 34 deaths, 10 permanent fistuljE ; yo recovered. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Cocchi, A. In his Cunsulti med. Milano, 1824, 364-367. Cloquet, J. Arch. gen. de med., Paris, 1827, xiv, 500-502. Macfarlane, J. In his ciin. rep surg. pract., Glasgow Rov 1 Intinnarj, 1832, 146-150; Dublin Med. Press, 1X39. ii, 52. Munchme}f t, E. Berlin, 1839, Ixxxviii, 6 St., 96-101. Mantell, G A. Lancet, London, 1840-41, ii, 301. Liston. Lancet, London, 1840, ii. 794. Bonnafout. Ann de la chir. franc, et etrang, Paris, 1841. iii, 238-241. Allison, W. Prov. Med. Journal, London, 1842-3, V, II. Velpau. Gaz. d hop, Paris, 1842, iv, 523. Laforgue, H. Arch. gen. de med., Paris, 1842, XV, 78-90. LeRoy, d'EtioUes. Gaz. de hop., Paris, 1843, V, 211-239. Bassot. Ann. de la chir. franc, etrang., Paris, 1843. vii, 235-243. Lallemond, De. Gaz, med. de Montpel., 1S43-4, iv, 65. Jallaguier, E. Gaz. med. de Montpel., 1846-7, vii, i. Pluskal, F. Oesterrmed. woch., Wien, 1845, 1467-147 1. Civiale. Bull. gen. de therap., Paris, 1848, xxxiv, 337-381. Lopez, J. F. Bol. de med, cirurg. y farm., Madrid, 1850, v, 321. Rooke. Med. Times, London, 1851, iii, 258. Bertherand, A. Gaz. med, de Paris, 1851, ■^i) 53- White, J. P, Buffalo Med, Journal, 1852-3, viii, 358-361. Thompson, H. Tr. Path. Soc. London, 1853-4, V, 208. Anderson, N. B. Western Journal Medicine and Surgery, Louisville, 1853, xi, 206-210. Schurman Schimmel, H. F In his Tweeziek- tegevallen, Leyden, 1857, 32-64, i, pi. Bryant, Lancet, London, i860, i, 347. Meade, R. H. Med. Times and Gaz,, London, i860, ii, 372-374, Lee. Proc. Path. Soc, Philadelphia (1860-66), 1867, ii, loi. Pitman. Lancet, London, i860, ii, 408. Sarrazin, C. Rec, d. men. de med. mil., Paris, i860, iv, 69-72. Cal3ot. Boston Med. and Surg, Journal, 1861-2. Ixv, 411. Desormeaux. Bull, soc, de chir,, Paris (1861), 1862, ii, 277, Schiaroli, A, Gior. di med. mil Torinc, 1862, X, 433-436. Dittel. Wchnbl. d. K, K. gesellsch, d, aerzte in Wien, 1862, 89-100. Cases. Aerztl. ber d. k, k. allg. krankenh. zu wien (i86i),i862, 195. Lorut. Soc, d. sc. med. de Gannat. Compt. rend., 1863, xvii, 59-''5. Rossander. Forh. Svens. lak-sallsk. Sammank, 1863-4, Stockholm, 1865, 142-145. Bianchi. Mem. et compt. rend, soc. d see. med. de Lyon (1864), 1865, iv, 346. Couche, E. Men. et compt. rend. soc. med. de Lyon, 1866-7, ^i» 2 pt., 261-270. Descuhes, A. Paris, 1866. Maunder, C. F. Lancet, London, 1866, i, 423; Med. Press and Circular, London, 1866, ii, 613-639. Beck, B, Memoraillien Hilbr., 1867, xii, 261-263. Dupuy. Bull, soc, de med. prat, de Paris, 1867, 14-18. Bodin. Rec. d. trav, soc, med. 'd 'Indre-et- Loire, Tours, 1867, Ixvi, 62-67, Little, P. C. Med. Press and Circ, London, 1867, iii, 434-436; Clin. Lect. and Rep,, London Hosp., 1867-8, iv, 72-66; Bull, soc, anat., Paris, 1867, xlii, 151. SURGERr OF THE PROSTATE. 15 Maihieson, J. H. Canada Med. Journal, Mon- treal, 1870-71, vii, 151-153. Mackinnon. Army dep. rep., 1870, London, 1872. xii. 370; Bor. d. k. k. krankenanest, Ru- du ph-Siftung in Wien (1869), 1870, 231. Pastureau, J. L. Des abces. de la prostate, Paris, 1872. Heigel, A. Allg. Wein. med. ztg., 1874, xix 83. Dell 'Orto, J. New Orleans Med. and Surg, journal, 1874-5, ii, 599-603. Picard, H. Paris, 1875. Revillout, V. Gaz. d. hop., Paris, 1876, xlix, 788. Uelcross, G. J. Que ces absces. detriment, Paris, 1879. Cheever, D. W. Boston Med. and Surg. Jour- nal, 1879, C. 738. Barry, L. B." Tr. N. Y. Path. Soc, 1879, iii, 239 241 Terrillon. J. d. conn. med. prat., Paris, 1880, xlvii, 65 73. Tungrl, E. Berl. klin. woch., 1880, xvii, 161. Segond, P. Paris, 1880. Eustache, G. J. d. sc. med. de Lille, 1880, ii, 688-694. Godlee, R. J. Lancet, London, 1880, i, 243. Gross. N. Am. Chir. Rev., Philadelphia, 1880, iv, 460-465. Ford, W. H.. Prostatic Hypertrophy Reten- tion Prostatic Abscess; thirty five Aspirations over the Pubes ; Puncture of the Bladder by the Rectum; Final Systematic Solutions of Nitrate of Silver into the Bladder; Recovery. St. Louis Med. and Surg. Journal, 1882, xliii, 123-131. Cospedal. Rev. de oftal., Madrid, 1883, ii, 237-243' Knight, C. H. Arch. Med. N. Y. 1883, ix, 202. Ladroitte. Bull. soc. anat., Paris, 1884, xii, 289. Settler, A. Siglo med., Madrid, 1884, xxxi, 809 81 1. Lundberg, V. Tidskr. i. mil. Helsov, Stock- holm, 1884, ix, 431-433. Ginlian. Perineal Operation for Abscess. Paris, 1885. Poncet. Province Med., Lyon, 1887, Ii, 417-4^0; Wien klin. woch., 1889, ii, 43, 438, 458. Harte, R. H. Univ. Med. Magazine, Phila- delphia, 1889 90, ii, 530-536. Estor. E. Gaz. hebd. d sc. med. de Montpel., 1899, xi, 301-303. Delphine, S. Tr. Path. Soc, London, 1890-1, xlii. 219. Wyman, H. C. Med. News, Philadelphia, 1890, Ivii, 265. Coats, J. Glasgow Med. Journal, 1891, xxxvi, 452 Dandolo, A. Gaz. med. lomb. Milano, 1891, I, 235-239. 1 eale, T. P. Brit. Med. Journal, 1891, i, 180. Ballou, W. R. N. Y. Med. Journal, 1891, liv, 99-101. Fairbault, G. B. Gaz. med. de Montreal, 1891, V, 289-296. Barbacci, O. Firenze, 1892, 28;-295. Dubuc. France med., Paris, 1893. xl, 611. Meyer, W. New Yorker med. monatschr., 1894, ^'i' ^11- Casper, L. Veroffentl. d. Hufeland Gesellsch. in Berl. Vortr. (1894), 1895, 71 86. Routier. Med. Paris, 1894, xi^> 549- Nami, G. Spitaulul Bucuresci, 1895, xv, 132, 151. 174- Sorel, E J. d. mal. cutan. et syph., Paris, 1896, viii, 210-213. Lindsay. J. Med. and Surg. Reporter, Phila- delphia, i8y6, Ixxv, 390. Lang, E. Jahrb. d. Wien. k. k. Krankenanst, 1895; Wien. 1897. iv pt., ii, 111-113 5)chultz, K. A. Vratch., St. Petersburgh, 1897, xviii, 36 59. Potieyenko, V. V. Med. obozr. Mosk., 1898, xlix, 491-493. Heidingsfeld, M. L. Cincinnati Lancet- Clinic, 1898, xii, 425 429. Cottet et Duval. Ann. d. mal. d. org. genito- urin., Paris, 1900, xviii, 280-284. Nitot. J. de med , Paris, 1900, xi, 12. Herbert, A. Rev. med. de Normandie, Rouen, 1900, i, 362-365. Routier, A. Presse Med., Paris, 1900, i, 79 81. Costin. Bull, et mem. soc. de chir. de Buca- rest, 1900, iii, 72 73 ; 7477; 7475; 75 77- Guillon, P. Paris, 1899, proc. verb., 1900, 244-254. ■ Guiard, F. P. J. med., Paris, 1900, xi, 9 12. Guiteras, R. Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1900. xvi, 73-82. Saint Cene, A. Delhypertrophie prostatique, Paris, 1900, 69 pp. Lamole, M. Toulouse Imp. St. Cyrien, 1900, No. 375, 76 p. Moller, M. Centralbl. f. d. krankh. harn-u. sex-org. Lpz , 1901, xii, 157162. Ricketts, B. Merrill. Incised prostatic abscess in two cases through the rectum and one through a perineal incision ; recovery in each. TUBERCULOUS PROSTATE. (1836-I9O1). Tuberculosis attacks the prostatic gland in the same way as it does other tissues. It seldom originates in the glandular tis- sue, so that primary tuberculosis is rare. The secondary form is more frequent. . It may be caeseous or undergo cystic degen- eration, and open in any direction. The disease may confine itself to the gland or extend into the neighboring tissues. Its most thorough and radical removal should be done as soon as possible after its dis- covery. It was first described by Louis. Little has been done in this class of cases, but much is to be gained by active surgical treatment, with reference to its complete removal. niHLIOGRAPHY. Annales de chirurgie, 1845 (Vidal de Cassis). Large tuberculous cavity. L' Union Medicale, 1850 (Ditto). Large tuberculous masses. Lancet, vol. i, 1850, p. 290 Mr. Simon men- tions a case in which the entire genitourinary tract was more or less affected with tubercular deposits. i6 SURGERV OF THE PROSTATE. Pigeaux, H. J. Univ. et behd. de med. et chir. prat., Paris. 183 . ii, 365-369. Viard. Bull. soc. anat., Paris, 1847, xxii, 330 332. Burchardt, I. Vratislavis, 1856. Guerlain. Bull. soc. anat , Paris, i860, xxxv, 133- Obedenare. Bull. soc. anat., Paris, 1861;, x, 636. Delfau, B. A. G. Paris, 1874. Eschaquet. Bull. soc. anat., Paris, 1874., xlix, 54^- Garin. Ann. soc. de med. de St Etienne et de la Loire (1872 75), 1876, C 262 273. Jamin, R. Bull. soc. anat., Paris, 1882, vii, 54-57- Lycops. Arch. med. beiges, Brux, 1884, xxvi, 163-168. Bouilly. Bull, et mem. soc. de chir., Paris, 1885, xi, 576 578. Rich. Liverpool Med. Chir. Journal, 1885, V, 219. Stonham, C. Tr. Path. Soc, London, 1887 8, xxxix, 197. Sarda, H. Arch. prov. de chir., Paris, 1900, ix, 177-190. Marwedel, G. Beitr. z. klin. chir. Tubing., 1892 ix, 537 576. Desnos, E. Cong. pi. etude de la tuberculeuse 1893, Paris, 1894, i"> ^^9- Zmke, E. B. Paris, 1894. Thesis: Trait. Des Abces Tuberculeux. Gaudier, H. Ann. d. mal. d. org. genito urin., Paris, 1895, xiiii 125-132. Lane, W. A. Tr. Clin. Soc, London, 1895, xxviii, 288-290. Hannemann, F. ]\L Kiel. 1895, 19 pp. English, J. Wiener klinik, 1S96, xxii, 17. Fuller, E. Journal Cutan. and Genito-Urin. Dis., New York, 1N97, xv, 457-462. Duean, W. C. Report to the Louisville Clin- ical Society. Southern Med. Record, Atlanta, 1898, xxviii, 292-295. Meyer and Hanei, 1893. De la tuberculose genitale. Gaz. Med. de Paris, No. 25, 1892. Baumgarten. Centrabl. f. chir., July 20, 1901 — supplement. HYDATID CYSTS (1846-I9O1). Echinococci are found more frequently in the prostate gland than any of the animal parasites. They are usually pri- mary, but may be secondary in their origin. The cyst may rupture into the rectum, bladder or peritoneal cavity. If into the rectum or bladder, spontaneous recovery may ensue ; if into the peritoneal cavity, death may follow or the parasites may become rl-encysted retro-peritoneally, or within the peritoneal cavity, without seri- ous results so far as the primary rupture of the glandular cyst is concerned. If possible, the glandular cyst should be reached through the perineum as soon as detected and before rupture. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Lowdell, G. Med. Times, London, 1846, xiv, 199. Englisoh, J. Med. Jahrb. VVien, 1873 71-76. Planty-Mouxion, E. Paris, 1878. Butruille, H. Bull. soc. anat., Paris, 1878, iii, 265-267. Mallez. France med., Paris, 1878, xxv, 258-260. Le Dentu. Bull, et mem. soc. chir., Paris, 1879, V, 27. Tillaux. Bull, et mem. soc. de chir., Paris, 1883, ix, 143-146. Nicaise, Dr. Millet. Bull, et mem. soc. de chir, Paris, 18K4, x, 551 559. Winterberg, W. Med. News, New York, 1896, lixix, 521-523. Bangs, L. B. Ann. Surg., Philadelphia, 1901, xxxiii, 565- 573. PROSTATIC CALCULI (1843-I9O1). Concretions may form in the prostatic ducts, to be retained or discharged into the urethra. Those retained may be- come large and encysted in the prostatic tissue. Fuller reports such an one, weighing three ounces. The smaller ones may be expelled into the urethra, and then back- ward into the bladder, to subsequently pass out of the urethra, or to form the nucleus of a cystic stone or pass forward out of the urethra. This variety vary in size from that of a millet seed to a grain of wheat. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Smith. Dublin Journal Medical Science, 1843, xxiii, 163. Mussey. W. H. Tr. Am. Med. Assn., Phila- delphia, 1872, xxiii, 521, I pi. Jean, A. Bull. soc. anat., Paris, 1878, iii, 102-105. Teeven. W. F. Proc Med. Soc. London, 1879 81, V, 67. Picque, L. Bull. soc. anat., Paris, 1883, Iviii, 442. Clarke, W. B. Tr. Path. Soc, London, 1888-9, xl, 179-181. Venzikovski. J. L. Ejened klin. gaz St. Peters- burg, 1888, viii. 277, 309. Psalidas. Gaz. med. d'orient, Constantinople, 1890-1, xxxiii. 168-171. Bangs. L. B. Med. News, New York, 1896, Ixviii, 657 659 Herescu et Cottet. Bull. soc. anat., Paris, 1898, Ixxiii, 645-657. Goldine-Bird, C. H. Brit. Med. Journal, Lon- don, 1898, ii, 129 132. Bardesco. Bull, et mem. soc. de chir., Buca- rest, 1900, iii, 98-101. Spencer, J. C. Philadelphia Med. Journal, 1900, vi, 457 460. Loumeau, E. Ann. de la policlin., B rdeaux, 1900, xii, 14-16 Pasteau, O. Ann. d. mal. d. org. genito urin., Paris, 1901, xix, 416-432, 16 tig. SURGER2' OF THE PROSTATE. 17 CARCINOMA OF THK PROSTATE (1833-1902). Malignant neoplasms of the prostate gland are not uncommon, and are more frequent in advanced age and childhood, rarely under fifty years. They may be of primary or secondary origin, more fre- quently secondary, and more often in the aged and in the white than the black races, and especially more frequent with the civilized than the uncivilized, consti- tuting about 80 per cent, of malignant growths of the prostate. Carcinoma i« the most common form, and usually primary, only occasionally secondary. It usually originates in the mucosa of the prostatic urethra, gradually involving a portion or all of the prostatic gland or its surrounding tissues. It is usually of rapid growth, and may undergo cystic degeneration at any time in the course of its developmect. Its removal is uncertain and unsatisfac- tory, and should not be attempted unless in the very earliest development. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Beling. Arch. f. med. erfarh., Berlin, 1822, i. 443-457- Walton, H. Tr. Path. Soc, London, 1846 8, 287 289. Mann, J. Med. Times and Gaz., London, 1862, I, 105x07. Thompion, H. Tr. Path. Soc, London, 1853-4, V, 204-207, I pi. Heyfelder, J. F. Deutsche klinik, Berlin, 1885, vii. 505- Herzfelder, H. Ztschr. d. k. k. gesellsch. d. aerzte zu Wien, 1856, xii, 81. Isaacs. N. Y. Med. Times, 1856, v, 169. Aschenb«rn, O. Arch. f. klin. chir., Berlin, 1880, XXV, 327. Schottelius, M. Ein fall von primarencarcinom. der prostata. Schrift d. gesellsch. z. Bedford ges naturw. zu Marb., Cassel, 1881, xi, 7 abhandl. 32-37- Barton. Dublin Journal Med. Science, 1881, l"i, 553- Boyd, S. Tr. Path. Soc, London, 1881-2, xxxiii, 200 203, I pi. Bubb. British Med. Journal London, 1881, i, 849. Wesseler, F. W. St. Louis Med. and Surgical Journal, 18H2, xlii, 278 283. Odwald, R. J. W. Med. Times and Gaz., London, 1883, 11,423; abstract of a clinical lec- ture on a case where a scirrhous carcinoma of the prostate was removed, Lancet, London, 1884, ii, 483. Clarke, W. B. Tr. Path. Soc, London, 1884-5, xxxvi, 289. Favell and Jackson. Tr. Path. Soc, Lodon, 1885. i 843. Guyon. Bull, med., Paris, 1837, i, 1339, 1375. Maylard, A. E. Glasgow. Med. Journal, 1887, xxvii, 374377. Fenwick. E. H. Tr. Path. Soc. London, (1886 77), 1887, xxxviii, 195. Maylard. Tr. Glasgow Path, and Clin. (1886- 1891), i8qj, iii, 21-23. Exner, Kurt. Griefswald, 1892, 31 p.; i fall Jahrsh. u. d. chir. abt. d. spit. zu. Basel, (1883), 1894, *^^- Sasse, F. Arch. f. klin. chir., Berlin, 1894, ilviii, 593 606. Morte. Gaz. d. osp. Milano, 1895, xvi, ion. Dubuc. France med., Paris, 1895, xlii, 465 467. Carless, A. King's Coll. Hosp. Reports, 1884 5. London, 1896, ii. 88. De Rouville, G. Bull. soc. anat., Paris, 1896, Ixxi, 534. Herlemont, G. E. Lille, 1896, 28 p. Beyer, G. B. A. Griefswald, 1896, 33 p. Redtenbacher, L. Jahrb. d. Wien. k. k. krank- enanst, 1895, Wien, 1897, iv, pt. ii, 68 72. Tailhefer, E. Gaz. hebd. de med., Paris, 1897, ii, 805. Albarran et Holle. Compt. rend. soc. biol., Paris, V, 722725. Cone. S. M. John Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Balti- more, 1896, ix, 114, 118. Bamberger, L. Inaug. diss., Wurzburg, 1900, Juli-Dezember. SARCOMA OF THK PROSTATE. (1853-I902). Sarcoma is less frequent, hard and slower in its growth. It usually originates in the cortical substance, and of any type. There may or may not be pain, and seldom hem- orrhage until greatly advanced. Usually in young subjects. The growth may develop in any direc- tion, usually in the direction of least resist- ance. For that reason the growth usually extends upward (opposite to the triangular ligament) . Spanton, 1882, removed a large sarco- matous tumor of the prostatic gland with fatal results. The removal of a sarcoma- tous prostate offers much in the way of relief and cure. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Lancet, London, 1853, i, 473. Coupland, S. Tr. Path. Soc, London, 1876 7), 1877, xxviii, 179-185. Spanton. Lancet, London, 1882, i, 1032. Hughes, W. E. Med. and Surg. Reporter, Philadelphia, 1882. xlvii, 68S. West, S. Tr. Path. Soc, London, 1882 3, xxxiv, 145. Wharton, H. R. Med. News, Philadelphia, 1882, xli, 538540. Olivia, V. Torino, 1883, xix, 609, 625, 641, 657. Tordeus, E. Jourde med. chir. et pharmacol., Brux, 1890, xc, 405 412. Barth, A. Arch f. klin. chir., Berlin, J891, xlii, 758 766, I pi. Aiken, A. Prov. Med. Journal, Leicester, 1891, X, 208. SUnGER7' OF THE PROSTATE. Graetzer, Georg. Zur statistik der prostatasar- kome, Wurzburg, 18^5, 25 p. Dupraz, A. L. Rev. d. nial. cancer., Paris, 1896 7. ii, 72, 145. Dupraz, A. L. Rev. de med. de la Suise Rom., Geneve, 1896, xt, 465, 486, 1896; xvi, 465, 509. 655. Marsh, H. Tr. Clin. Soc, London, 1S96 7, XXX, 162-166. Burkhart. 1894. CANCER OF THE PROSTATE. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Pasquier. Gaz. d. hop., Paris, 1840, ii, 421. Leplat. Bull. soc. anat , Paris, 1855, xxx, M4 146. Arinitage. Tr. Path. Soc, London, 1856-7, viii, 281. Dickinson. Tr. Path. Soc, London, 1864 5, xvi, 190. Harsthorne and Tyson. Proc Path. Soc, Philadelphia, (1866-70), 1871, iii, 116 121. Rollett, E. Spitals ztg., Wien, 1864, 233-241. Jolly, J. Arch. gen. de med., Paris, 1869, i, 577. 705; 1869, ii, 64, 184. Berger, P. Bull. soc. anat., Paris, 1871, xlvi, 222 226. Gray, G. H. St. Louis Med. and Surg. Journal, 1877, xiv, 1-14. Coupland, S. Path. Soc. London, (1876-7), 1877, xxviii, 185-189. Julien, L. N. dicy de med. et chir. pract., Paris, 1880, xxix, 697-708. Winsio, R. Maryland Med. Journal, Balti- more, i88r 2, viii, 49>-494. Silcock, A. Q. Tr. Path. Soc, London, 1S83-4, XXXV. 244-248, I pi Letaroully. Paris, 1884. Carver. Lancet, London, 1886, i, 788. Stonham, C. Tr. Path. Soc, London, 1887 8, xxxix, 194. Engelbach, P. Les tumeurs Malignes de la prostate. Paris, 1888. Hill, B. Tr. Path. Soc, London, 1888-9, xl, 181. Buchal, Fritx-Griefswald, 1899, 32 p. Souville. Journal d. sc med. de Lille, 1890, ii, 432 427. Riguad, Jean. Bordeux, 1891, 78 p. Harris, W. J. Lancet, London, 1893, i, 587. Buffet, 1S91. earlier, V. Bull. Med. du. nord., Lille, 1893, xxxii, 196, 216. Whitney. C. M. Boston Med. and Surg. Jour- nal, 1893, cxxvili, 361-364, I ch. Liesching, C. E. Brit. Med. Journal, London, 1894. ■'. 1 24 1. Mascher, S. Kiel, 1895. Pauly. Lyon med. 1895, Ixxviii, 262-264. Madisar, E. H. Cancer of the Prostate Gland ; Med. Record, New York, 1895, xiviii, 715. Desnor, 1896. earlier. Ass. franc d. urol., proc. verb., Paris, 1896, 90-94. Carlier. Ann. d. mal. d. org. genito urin., Paris, 1896, xiv, 1050-1054. Botescu, H. Spitalul Bucaresci, 1897, xvii, 267 271. Verhoogen. Centralblat. s. d. kranka harn u. sexore, i pi. 1898. Ix, 19 25. Guepin, A. Gaz. d. hop. Paris, 1893. lxx,79i. Loumeau, E. Ann. de la policlin. de Bordeaux, 1900, xii, 113 121. Adenot. Lyon med. 1900. xciv, 237-239. Loumeau, E. Echo med. loulouse, 1901, xv, 78-84. Jacobson. Ann. Surg., Philadelphia, 1901, xxxiii, 269 298, 2 plates. SURGERY OF PROSTATE. BIBLIOGRAPHY — CHRONOLOGICALLY ARRANGED (181I-I902). Home, E. Practical Ob«ervation;i on the Treatment of the Diseases of the Prostate Gland London, 1811 ; same, London, 1811-18; Lepz., 1817. Stafford, R. A. Edinburg Medical and Sur- gical Journal, 1H31. xxxv, 358-364. lets over de gebreken der voorstander klier Aesculaap., Amst , 1S34-5, i, 162, 250, 455, 535. Aufrenstcin Beobachtung einer hartnackigen harnverhalt ung durch entzundung und vereiterung der prostata veranlasst. Mag. f. d. Ges, Heiik , Berlin, 1835, xliv, 275-290. Costeilo. Lancet, London, 1836-7, i, 826. Henderson, W. New and Successful Method of Treating Disease of the Prostate Gland, Lan- cet, London, 1840-41, i, 645. Leroy. Paris, 1840. Colles, W. On the Treatment of a Peculiar Form of Disease of the Prostate Gland. Dublin Journal Medical Science, 1845, xxvii, 342-385. Statt'ord, R. A. An Essay on the Treatment of Some of the Affections of the Prostate Gland. Second edition, with additional cases. London, 1845. Wilson, J. S. South. Med. and Surg. 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Die diagnose und therapie der gonorrhoischen prostatitis ruckblic und sammel- referat uber die letzen. funf jahro. Deutsche med. Woch., 1900, xxvi, Therap heil, 38-40. Rpdon, B. M. De los accidents eretrales en la hypertrophia de la prostata tecinca del cathe- terismo. Rev. val. de cien. med , Valencia, 1900, ii, 171-172. Legneu. De la hypertrophie prostatique. In- depend. med., Paris, 1900, vi, 225-226. Castran, A. Sur la prostatite chronique. IV sess. assoc. franc, d'urol., Paris, 1899, proc-verb., 1900 298.312, Mincer, A. L'hypertrophie de la prostate. Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1900, xx, 1212 1219. Nicoll, J. H. Calculi from Three Cases of Prostatic Hypertrophy, in which the Calculus Formation was Secondary to and Masked by the Symptoms of the Prostatic Hypertrophy. Glas- gow Med. Journal, 1900, liii, 258 259. Delore, H. Meat hypogastrique avec survie de il mois chez un cancereaux prostatique. Gaz. hebd. de med. et de chir., Paris, 1800, xlvii, Janet, Jules. Phenomenes des prostatisme dans la prostatite chronique. IV sess. assoc. franc, d'urol., Paris, 1899, proc-verb., 1900, 312-316. M. (Th.). Le Regime chez les prostatiques. Hy. usuelle, Paris, vi, 20-22. Oberlander, F. M. Ueber prostata ver let zun- gen durch unfall. Centralbl. f. d. krankh. d. harnu. sex-org., Lpz., 1900, xi, 9-17, 63 68. Herbert, A. Sur la prostatite chronique. Rev. med. de Normandie, Rouen, 1900, i, 172-176. Warner, P. Management of Hypertrophied Prostate Gland. Am. Journal Surgery and Gyne- cology, St. Louis, 1900, xiii, 151-152. Lavaux. Lavages de la vessie sans sonde chez les prostatiques. Therap., contemp., Paris, 1900, V, 22-23. R. L. Faut il faire usage de la sonde dans I'hypertrophie de la prostate. Monit. therap., Paris, 1900, xxvii, 113-116. Kornfeld, F. Zur krankenflege bei prostata- leiden. Med. -chir., Centralbl. Wien, 1900, xxxv, 117-118, 130.132, 143 145. Tiedtnat, E. Hypertrophie de la prostate. In Lee. de clin. chir. faites d I'hop. de Montpel., 1900, 361-410. Corson, E. R. The Value of Ergot in Dis- eases of the Prostate. Atlanta Journal-Record of Medicine, 1900, ii, 346 249. Lose, P. Conception Rctuelle de I'hjrpertrophie prostatique du viellard. Medic, martials, Paris, 1900, xiv, 599 6.6. Legueu. De I'hypertrophie prostatique. In- depend. med., Paris, 1900, vi, 233. Martigny, A De. Du traitment de la retention incomplete aigue chez le prostatique. CUnique, Montreal, 1900, vii, 137 142. Miller, A. G. Clinical Note on Residual Urine in Cases of Enlarged Prostate. Scottish Med. and Surg. Journal, Edinburgh, 1900, vii, 101-109. Porosz, M. Die acute entzundung der pros- tata. Ungar. Med. Presse, Budap., 1600, v, 457-459- „ , , Melchior, Max. Beobachtungen uber prosta- titis Monatsbl. d. krankh. d. harn. sex. apparat., Berlin, 1900, v, i 11. Lohnstein, H. Ueber die reaction des prostata secretion bei chronischer prostatitis und ihren einfluss auf die lebensfahigkeit der spermatozoen. Deutsche med. Woch., Leipzig u. Berlin, 1900, xxvi, 841-844. Posner. Ueber die reaction des prostata se- crets bei chronischer prostatitis und ihren ein- fluss suf die lebensfahigkeit der spermatozoen. Deutsche m<-d. Woch., Leipzig u. Berlin, 1900, xxvi, ver heil, 268. Porosz, M. Die therapie der acnten prostii- titis. Heilkunde, Wien 1900. iv, 738 761. Thomas, J. D. Chronic Hypertrophy of the Prostate. Internat. Med. Magazine, New York, 1900, ix, 330-333. Vetere, G. La cura della retenzione nei pros- tatici specie in riguardo al careterismo. Arch, internaz. di med. e chir., Napoli, 1900, xvi, 267- 283 289 302. Guyon, F. La sonde a demeure dans le traite- ment de I'infection urinaire des hemorrhagies prostatiques et uretrales. Presse med., Paris, 1900, i, 121 214, 5 traces. Albarran et Halle. Valeur et indications du massage de la prostate. Gaz. hebd. de med. et chir., Paris, 1900, xivii, 216. Frank, E. R. W. Lesions blenorrhagiques de la prostate. XIII cong. internat. de med., sect, de chir. urin., 1900, Paris, 1901, compt. rend. 269-274. Blake, L. B. Gonorrheal Prostatatis. Boston Med. and Surg. Journal, 1901, cxlv. 137-139- Prunas Tola, G. Contributo alia cura della disura senile da ipertrofia prostatica. Raccogli- tore Med., Firli, 1901, vi, 97-103. Freyer, P. J. On Enlargement of the Prostate. Lancet, London, 1901, i, 7991. 3 ^gi 149156, 9 figures. Banzet, S. Di choix des sondes et de quelques diteculties du catherisme chez les prostatiques. Journal de practiciens, Paris, 1901, xv, 195- 196. Guiteras, R. The Non Operative Treatment of Prostatic Hypertrophy, with Special Refer- ence to Catheter Life. New York Med. Journal, 1901, Ixxxiii, 389 395. Hinder, H. V. C. Prostatic Hypertrophy. Indian Med. Record, Calcutta, 1901, xx, 4S5 490. Goldberg, B. Klinik diagnostik therapeutik der prostatitis bei und nach gonorrhea. Klin, therap. woch., Wien. 1901, viii, 209-213. D'Haenens, Ed. Un cas de prostatite paren- chymateuse chronique pros pour un cas de pveo- 10 nephrite. Cliniqiie, Brux, T901, xv, 209-216, 4 fig- Tarnaud, R. Etude sur les calculs de la prof tate, Paris, 1901, 127, p, 17, fig. 44 SURGERr OF THE PROSTATE. Moore, J. E. Prostatic Surgery: Anatomical and Technical Reasons Why. Annals of Sur- gery, Philadelphia, September. 1902, p 431. Thorndike, P. Prostatectomy Casts, with Remarks on the Operation. Boston Med. and Surg. Journal, August 28, 1902, p. 233. Leiueu. Prostectomy, Perineal Section and Taille Perineal, etc. Annales des Mul-tdies des Organes Genito Urinaires, August, 1902. p 897. Andrews, E. W. Infra pubi>- Section for Pros- tectomy. Journal of Am. Med. Association, Chicago, 111., October 18, 1902, p. 955. Jacoby, A. Bottini's Operation, keport upon. Bhrtrag, etc., September iS, p. 677. Deutsche medizinische Woch., Berlin. Shelmire. J. B. Prostate Fibres Encircling Vesical Neck; Chronic Contraction. American Medicine, Philadelphia, September 20, 1902, p. 462. Lydston, G. F. Etiology of Prostatic Hyper- trophy. Interstate Med. Journal, St. Louis, Mo., September, 1902. p. 473. Packard, II. Prostate Hypertrophy and Bot- tini Operation. North American Journal of Homeopathy, New York, S 'pt' mber, 1902, p. 565. Hubbard, B. R. Prostatic Hypertrophy ai d Methods of Treatment. California Med. [ournal, San Francisco, September, 1902, p. 181. Bernays, A. C. Prostatic Hypertrophy, Path- ology and Etiology of and Suprapubic Drainage as Slethod of Treatment; Prostatectomy and Momectomy Recommended. Medicus, Fred- erick, Md., Aueust, 1902, p. 242. Moullin,C. M. Present Position of Treatment of Enlargement of Prostate. Edinburgh Med. ]ournal, October, 1902, p. 317. Ricketts, B. M. Surgery of Prostate, Pan- creas and Diaphragm. Lancet-Clinic, Cin- cinnati, November i, 1902, p. 463; November 8, 1902, p. 4S7 ; November 15, 1902, p. 513; Novem- ber 22, IS)02, p. '528. Anderson, W. Prostatectomy. Pacific Med. Journal, San Francisco, Cal., November, 1902, p. 6,1. Cern( zzi. Perineal Prostatectomy (Per la Storia, etc ). Gazetta Medica Lombarda, Pa- lermo, Italy, October 12, 1902, p. 401. Delbet. Perineal Prostatectomie (Prostatec- tomie, etc.), Annales des Maladies des Organes, Genito-Urinaires, October, 1902, p. 1193. Bryson, J. P. Technique of Prostatectomy. Annals of Surgery, Philadelphia, November, 1902, p. 649. Ransohoff, J. Prerectal. Curvilinear Incision for Prostatic Abscess. Annals of Surgery, Phila- delphia, November, 1902, p. 670. Freyer. Reports ot cases ef Suprapubic Oper- ation for Prostatic Hypertrophy. British Med. Journal, London, November 8, 1902. Desnos. Indications for Bottini Operation. Presse Med., Paris, ii, October 29-November 8, 190-. Kt-yfs, E. L., Jr. Symptoms of Prostat'C Hypertrophy : Their Causes and Relief. Phila- delphia Nled. Journal, December 6, 1902. Rydyeier. Intracapsular Resection for Pros- tatic Hypertrophy. Centralblatt f. Chirurgie, Breslau, October ir. p. 1057. Schmidt, L. E. Surgery of Prostatic Obstruc- tions. Iowa Med. Journal, De&Moines, Nevem- ber, 1902, p. 579. Albarran. Treatment of Prostatic Hyper- trophy. Journal Am. Med. Association, Decem- ber 13, 1902, p. 1534. II. — Surgery of the Pancreas. ANATOMY (17S3-I903). The pancreas is the most constant of all f^lands in animals, birds, reptiles, and most fish and insects. A few fish have glandular appendages which secrete a fluid, which answers the purpose of true pancreatic fluid. Its ana- tomical arrangement varies in each class of animal life. It is larger and intermit- tent in carnivora, and its secretion con- stant in herbivpra. The amount of secretion is but little dur- ing fasting, and the amount proportionate with amount of food. It is situated in the cavity of the duodenum of mammals, most birds and reptiles. The gland is thick, tongue-shaped, and transverse to the first lumbar vertebra, and behind the stomach. The right end is larger and fills the cur- vature of the duodenum, to which it is adiierent. The tail end comes in contact with the spleen. In mammals the duct usually enters the intestine within two or three inches of the pylorus. In young dogs the pancreas is not con- nected with the duodenum. It is first in two parts, then it unites to form one gland, and one duct to enter the intestines. In the pig there is but one duct, and it opens into the bile-duct. Its blood sup- ply in mammals is from the superior and inferior pancreatoduodenal branches of the hepatic and superior mesenteric arteries. The venus blood passes through the splenic and mesenteric veins. It receives its nerve supply from the solar plexus. Charmiel, 1785, was one of the first to report anatomical observations upon the pancreas. Stannius, 1848; Bernard, 1850, Ver- neuil, 185 1 ; Scherer, 1858, each contri- buted to the comparative study of the pancreas. Rhode, iS6^; Saviotti, 1869; Pfluger, 1869; Langerhaus, 1869, and Corse. 1878, have done much to enlighten our knowl- edge upon both physiology and anatomy of the pancreas. Pfluger paid special attention to the nervous supply, and Benaut, 18S0, to the lympho- glandular structures of vertebrates. Hoggan and Iloggan, 1881, did more than duplicate the work of Benaut. Garrigues, 1881, publi>hed his report on the anatomy and histology of a cyst of the pancreas. Klein, 1882, contributed to the study of the lymphatic system, and the minute struc- ture of the pancreas and salivary glands. Gibbes, 1884; Lewaschew, 1885; Mett, 1888; Pavloff, 1888; and Asmann, 1888, made a special study of the minute struc- ture of the pancreas. Laguesse, 1889, made his report upon the development of the pancreas. Steinhaus, 1891, made his contribution to the study of parasites of the pancreas in the amphibians. Goppert, 1891, published his work on the pancreas of the amphibians. Petrini, 1892, made special mention of his research concerning the presence of corpuscles in nerve ganglia^ of the pan- creas. Saint-Remy, 1893, did much for the study of the development of the pancreas. Harris, 1895, made some special obser- vations upon the comparative histology of the pancreas. Rogie, 1894, published his notes on the various points concerning the anatomy of the peritoneum and morphology of the pancreas. 46 SURGERY OF THE PANCREAS. Kroulein, 1895, made an extensive study of the topographical anatomy, with special reference to the surgery of the pancreas, Pugnant, 1896, contributed to the histo- logic study of the pancreas. Bachet, 1896, published his research work concerning the development of the pancreas in selacians, reptiles and mam- mals. Francois Franck, 1896, developed a se- ries of experiments pertaining to the vaso- motor innervation and circulation of the pancreas. Popelski, 1S96, made a special study upon the nerves retarding secretion of the pancreas. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Charmeil. Jour, de med. mil., Paris, 1783, ii, 97-101. Stannius. Arch. f. anat. phys. u. wissench. Med., Berlin, 1848, 4C5 407. Bernard, C. Compt. rend. soc. de Biol., 1849, Paris, 1850 i, 117-119. Verneuil, A. Gaz. med., Paris, 1851, vi, 384. Slade. Boston Med. and Surg. Journal, July 5. 1855. Scherer. Arch. f. path, anat., Berlin, 1858, XV, 388. Zenker, F. A. Arch. f. path, anat., etc., Ber- lin, 1861, xxi. 366 376. Gegenbauer. Arch. f. anat. physiol. u. wis- senbach. med., Leipzig, 1863, 163-165 Rhode, C. G. R. Regionionti, Paris, 1865. Pfluger, E. Arch. f. mikr. anat., Bonn, 1869, V, 196 204, 1 pi. Saviotti, G. Arch. f. mikr. anat., Bonn, 1S69, V, 404414. Langerhans, P. Der bauchspeicheldruse, Ber- lin, 1869. Corso, F. Imparziale Firenze, 1878, xviii, 193, 257, 298. Benaut, J. Compt. rend. acad. d. sc, Paris, 1879, Ixxxix, 247-250. Ribbert, H. Centrbl, f. klin. med., Bonn, i88a, 385 387. Hoggan, G. and Hoggan, F. E. Journal of Anatomy and Physiology, London, 1880-81, xv, 475-495> I Pl- Garngues, H. J. Bull. N. Y. Pathological Society, 1881-2, s. i, 376 380. Klein, E. Quart. Jour. Micros. Sc, London, 1882, ns. xxii, 154175, 2 pl. Gibbes, H. Quart. Jour. Micros. Sc, London, 1884, xxiv, 183 185, I pl. Lewascpew, S. VV. Arch. f. mikir. anat., Bonn, 1885, xxvi, 453-485, I pi. Mett, S. G. St. Petershurgh, 1888, 35 p. PavloiT, L. P. Ejened klin. gaz., St. Peters- burgh, 1888, viii, 667, 692, 720. Assmann, E. Arch. t. path, anat., etc., Berlin, 1888, cxi, 269 280. Laguesse, E. Compt. rend. soc. de biol., Paris, 1889, 9s, i, 341, 343. Plainer, (j. Arch. f. mikr. anat., Bonn, 1889, xxxiii, 180-192, I pl. Steinhaus, J. Beitr. z. path. anat. u. z. allg. path., Jena, 1890, vii, 367 374. Goppert, E. Morphol. jahrb., Leipzig, 1891, xvii, 100-122. Nauwerck, C. Beiir. z. path. anat. u. z. allg. path. Jena, 1892, vii, 29 32. Petrini. Compt. rend. soc. di biol., 1892, 9«, i^, 275. Hamburger, O. Anat. anz Jena, 1892, vii, 707. Saint-Remy. G. Rev. biol. du Nord de la France, Lille, 1892 3, v, 449, 457, i pl. Schirmer, Alfred Max. Basel, 1893, 82 p., a tab., 3 pl. Hams, W. D. and G«.w, W. J. Jour. Physiol., Camliridge, 1S93. xv. 349 360. Kotschau, J. Centrul. 1. allg. path. u. anat., Jena, 1893, iv, 454 456. Laguesse, E. Jour, de I'anat. et physiol., etc., Paris, 1894, XXX, 591, 731. Morat. Gaz. de hop. de Toulouse, 1894, viii, 217- 19. Laguesse, E Compt. rend. soc. biol., Paris, 1894, ^OS' ^' ^^7 669. Rogie, C. E. Jour. d. sc. med. de Lille, 1894, ii, 169, 209, 233, 257, .81,5 pl. Tschaussow, M. Anat. anz. Jena, 1895, ^'' 342 -355 • Kroulein. Beitr. z. klin. chir.. Tubing., 1895, xiv, 663 696, 5 pl. Kasahara, M. Arch. f. path. Anat., etc., Ber- lin, 1S96, cxliii. III 42. Pugnat, C. A. Coinpt. rend. soc. de biol., Paris, 1896, los, iii, 1017. Brachet, A. Jour, de I'anat. at physiol., etc., Paris, 1896, xxxii 620 696, 3 jil. Francois-Franck et Hallien. Compt. rend, soc. de biol , Paris, 1S96, los, iii, 561 563. Popelski. Trudi { )l)sli. russk. vrach,St. Peters- burgh, 1896-7, 55 66. Francois-l'rauck et llallion. Arch, de Ph}-- siol. norm, et path., Paris, 1897, 5s, ix, 661 676. Pugnat, C. A. J^'ur. de I'anat. micr., Paris, 1897, i, 137-152, I pl- Mayr, J. Anat. hefte VViesb., 1897, viii, 75-151, 8 pl. ABNORMALITIES (1S42-I903). Abnormalities of the pancreas are quite frequent. There may be one or more ac- cessory lobes. They may or may not be connected with the pancreas proper. The pancreatic duct in man may have several bifurcations, each entering the common duct or the intestinal tract at different points. The position of the pancreas may vary. Its normal relation to other organs may also vary. The pancreas may consist of one or more lobes, each having its own duct to enter the pancreatic duct or the duodenum. Le Blanc, 1842, wrote upon the analo- gies and the differences found in the pan- creas and the salivary glands. Bodinier, 1843, described the pancreatic canal, together with a unique orifice of the common bile duct. Lynah, 1852, reports a case of cancer of SURGERT OF THE PANCREAS. 47 the liver, absence of the pancreas, and almost complete occlusion of duodenum. Hoppe, 1S56, describes an abnormal pancreas. Berard, 1856, mentions accessory pan- creatic glands, which were capable of doing the work of the normal pancreas. See, 1838, and Klob, 1859, each report anomalies of the pancreas, while Mont- gomery, i860, and Wagner, 1863, describe cases of accessory pancreatic glands. Dijerine, 1S76, reports a case of sclero- sis of tlie pancreas, and obliteration of the canal choledochus, with icterus. Fry, 1881, records a case of dislocation and transformation of the pancreas. Estes, 1882, mentions one of displace- ment of the pancreas and spleen, with sloughing of both organs, and gangrene of intestines. Symington, 1884; Bimar, 18S7; Apol- lioni, 1887; Genersich, 1890; Bocardi, 1891 ; Neve, 1893; Charpy, 1898; Helly, 1899; Letulle, 1900; Nichols, 1900; Gi- ordano, 1900; and Glinski, 1901, each record anomalous and accessory pancre- atic glands. Zenker reports six cases in which he found accessory pancreatic lobes. Klob found no excretory duct in his specimen. lie thinks that accessory lobes are due to embryonic tissue. There has been no malignant disease of such lobes found on record. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Le Blanc de Varennes, M. L. Paris. 1842. Bodinier. Bull, soc, anat., Paris, 1843, xviii, 262. Lynah, A.. M. Charleston Med. Journal, 1852, vii, 325 328. Hoppe, F. Arch. f. path, anat., etc., Berlin, 1856, xi, 96 98. Berard, Quand. Bull. Acad, de med., Paris, 1856 7, xxii, iioo 1107. See, M. Comp. rend. Soc. debiol., 1857, Paris, 185,8, 2 s, iv, I. Klob, ]. Ztch. d. k. k. gesellch. d. aerzte zu Wien, 1859, XV, 732. Montgomery, E. Tr. Path. Soc, London, i86o-t, xii, 130. Wagner, E. Arch. d. heilk., Lpg , 1862, 111,283. Ecker, A. Bildungsfehler des pancreas und des herzens. Ztschr. f. rat. med , Leipsig. 186', 3 R, xiv, 354 356, I pi. SuUe funzion del pan- creas e della milza. Imparziale Firenze, 1865, v, 115 117. Dejerine, J. Bull. soc. d. anat. Paris, 1876, li, 165-167. Fry, J. T. Texas Med. and Surg. Record, Galveston, 1881, i, 3-'5 329. Estes, W. L. Med. News, Philadelphia, 1882, xli, 119 121. Symington, J. Jour. Anat. and Physiol., Lon- don, 18S4 85, xix, 292. Bimar. Gaz. hebd. d. sc. med. de Montpel., 1887, ix, 232-234. ApoUioni, C. Gaz. d. osp , Milano, 1S87, viii, 196 Van Gieson. Accessory Pancreas in the Wall of the Duodenum Simulating a Tumor. Proc. N. Y. Med. Soc. (1888), 1889,93. Genersich, A. Verhandl. d. X Internat. med. cong., i860, Berlin, 1891, ii, 3 abth., 140144. Bocardi, G. Arch. ital. de biol., Jurin, 1891, 2, xvi. 50-58. Neve, E.F. Indian Med. Record, Calcutta, 1892, iii, 71. Charpy, A. Jour. anat. et physiol., etc., Paris, 189S, xxxiv, 720-734. Helly, K. K. Wien. klin. Woch , 1899, xii, 207. Letulle, M. Comp. rend. soc. biol., Paris, 1900, Hi, 233 235. Nicholls, A. G. Montreal Med. Journal, 1900, xxix, 903 907, I fig. Giordano, D. Clin, chir., Milano, 1900, viii, 242-51. Glinski, L. K. Przegllek., Krakow, 1901, xl, 6^-31. 44 47- PHYSIOLOGY (1667-I9O3). The physiology of the pancreas has occupied the minds of many observers for several hundred years; as early as 1667 it was believed to be influential in producing sugar in the urine. The pancreatic cells become much larger during digestion, and are greatly influ- enced by the different foods taken into the stomach. It is supposed to have some specific action upon the ferments. Its of^ce is not well understood, and its com- plete extirpation results in immediate death. Swalve, 1667, believed that the pancreas was influential in producing sugar in the urine. Saumarez, 1806, wrote upon the func- tions of the pancreas. Rush, 1806, made an inquiry into the functions of the pancreiis, spleen, liver, and thyroid gland. Sewall, 1813, in an inaugural address gave quite a dissertation on the functions and diseases of the pancreas. Bouchardat and Sandras, 1845, wrote on the functions of the pancreas and its influence upon digestion. Fanconneau-Dufrescue, 1S47, delivered an address upon the subject of pancreat- ologie. Moyse, 1S53, wrote a critical history on the functions and maladies of the pan- creas. Lussana, 1S52, wrote upon the chemical physiology of the pancreas. 48 SURGERV OF THE PANCREAS. Virchow, 1853, also wrote upon the same subject. Bernard, 1856, gave a memoir on the pancreasi, and the particular plienomena it produced in digestion. Corvisart, 18^7, wrote a similar article. Embleton, 1874, wrote a paper on the symmetry of the pancreas and spleen. "Do the shoulder tips pain, and other sympathetic pains occur in disease of these twomembersof the pneumogastric series?" Fossion, 1S77, gave notes on the func- tions of the pancreas. Langley and Sewall, 1879, wrote on the changes in pepsin-forming glands during secretion. Kurschinski, 1888, reports the effects of some digestive and pharmaceutical pre- parations for promotion of secretion of pancreatic juice. Pilliet, 1889, wrote on the transforma- tion of fat by the pancreas, Zawadzti, 1890, considers the chemical composition of the pancreatic juice of man. Gley, 1891 , makes his preliminary report on alimentary glycosuria, and the relation of the pancreas to it. Abelous, 1891, speaks on the action of antiseptics on the pancreatic ferments, and on giving doses of them as antizy- motics. Chauveau et Kaufmann, 1S93, speak of the pancreas, and the regulating the function of glycosuria. Dastre, 1893, writes upon his observa- tions on pancreatic digestion in a note to Herzon. Ver Eecke, 1893, speaks of the modifi- cation in the pancreatic cells during active secretion. Kassillief, 1893, contributes a study of the physiology and pharmacology of the pancreas. Gottlieb, 1894, contributed an article upon the same subject. Harris and Grace-Calvert, 189:1., wrote upon the human pancreatic ferments in disease. Jablousky, 1895, 'contributed a study on the physiology and pharmacology of the pancreas, and a comment of panolacte on the pancreas. Yablonski, 1895, mentions the activity of the pancreas under the influence of a milk and bread rcgiuic. Gutschy, 1898, speaks of the influence of the spleen on the pancreatic juice. Hedon and \ ille made experiments to determine the effects of digestion of fats when the pancreatic fluid is removed by fistula or the extirpation of the pancreas. Schirokokh, 1900, studied the effects of local irritation with the common stimu- lants on the pancreatic secretion under normal conditions. niBLIOCRAPHY. Swalve, B. Amstelodami, 1667. GrieslaiiP, J. G. De repeiUina sua morte ex panceate sjiliacelato et ohiter de potentia imaei- nationis. ISIisc. ecad. nat. curios, 1672; Leipzig, Francof, i6.Sr, iii, 65. Saumarez, R. Med. and Phjs. Journal, Lon- don, 1806, xvi, 2S9 300. Rush, ii. Med. and Pliys. Journal, London, 1S06, xvi, 193 208. llildebrandt, F. Abhandl. d. Phys. med. soc. zu Erlang., 1810, i, 251-267. Sewall, T. New England Journal Medicine and Science, Boston, 1813, ii, 20-25. Tiedemann, F. Ueber die verschiedenheiten des ausfuhrungsgangs der bauchspeicheldruse bei dcni menschen und der sauge thieren 1). Arch, f. d. physiol., Halle. 1818, iv, 405-411. Bpucchardat and Sandras. Conipt. rend. acad. d. sc, Paris, 1845, xx, 1085 1091. P^auconneau - Duffescue. Union med., Paris, 1847, i, 2, 6,33. Bernard. Claude, 1848. Moyse, D. Paris. 1S52. Lussana, F. Gazz. med. Ital. lomb., Milano, 1852, iii, 297, 305, 313. Virchow. R. Arch. f. path, anat., Berlin, 1853, vii, 580. Weinmann, A. Ztschr. f. nat. med., Heidelb., 1853, iii, 247-260, I pi. Alessandrini, A. Bononiae, 1855. Bernard, C. Paris, 1856. Corvisart, L. Azotes Gaz. hebd. de med., Paris, 1857, iv, 250, 266, 317. Union med., Paris, 1859, 2s, vi, 289-294. Remarks on a Critique of Dr. Brinton's on mv Memoir on a Little Known Function of the Pancreas, Dul)lin Qiiarterly Journal Medical Science, i860, xxix, 66 69. Moore, W. J. Tr. Med. and Phys Soc, Bom- bay (i860), 1861, vi, 143-191. Schiff, J. M. Arch. d. heilk. Plz., 1862, iii, 271-273. Bull. Acad, de med., Paris, 1863-4, xxix, 687 695. Bernstein, N. O. Arb. a d. physiol. Anst. zu Lpz. (i860), 1870, iv, 1-36. Landau, L. Bauch-speichel- Absonderung, Bres- lau, 1873. Embleton, D. British Medical Journal, Lon- don, 1873, ii, 367, 1874. Heidenhain, R. Arch. f. d. ges. physiol., Bonn, 1875, ^'' S^l ^3-' ^ P'- Fossion. Bull. Acad. roy. de med. d. Belg., Brnx, 1877, 3s, xi, 37S-404. Herzen, A. Et la Arch, de physiol. norm, et path., Paris, 1877, 2s, iv, 792-794. Afanasslew and Pawlow. Arch. d. f. ges. physiol., Bonn, 1877, xvi, 173189. Kuhne and I>ea. Verhandl. d. naturh. med. ver zu. Heidelb., 1877, nF, i, 445 450. Engesser, \\. Stuttgart, 1877. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn, 1S78, xvii, 555 56S. Langley and Sewall. (From physiological SURGER7' OF THE PANCREAS. 49 laboratory, Cambridfje). Journal Physiol., Lon don, 1879-80, ii. 281-301, I pi. Siolinikoff, J. J. Podjcluochnoi jelezi, St Petersburgh, 1880. Hechanip, A. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Paris 1881, xoii, 142 144. Malqassez. Coinpt, rend. soc. di. biol., i88r Paris, 1882, 7s, iii, 72. Uiitersuch. a d. physiol. Inst. d. Heidelb. (1878-82), 1882, ii, 446-487, 5 pi Masanori. Arch. f. j)hjsiol., Lpz., 1883 405 437. I pl- Baginsky. A. Ztschr. f. physiol. chem. Strassb., 18S3-4, ^'''' 39^- James, P. British Med. Journal, London, 1885 ii, 1012. Arch. f. d. ges. physiol., Bonn, 1885-6 xxxvii 32-44. Nicolaides, R. Centrbl. f. physiol., Lpz. 1888-89, ii, 686. Kuvschinski, P. D. Ejened Klin, gaz , St Petersburg!!, 1888, v, 262, 284, 320, 343, 377. Pilliet, A. Bull. soc. anat., Paris, 1889, Ixiv 245 247. Verhandl. d. X Internat. Cong. Med. 1890, Berlin, 1891, ii, 6 abth., 9-11. Zawadzki, J. Gaz. lek. Warzawa, 1890, 2s X, 922 929. Gillet, H. Ann. de. la. Policlin. de Paris 1 890-1, i, 56 60. Melissinos, C. U. Arch. f. physiol., Lpz. i8qo, 1890, 317-325, I pl. Nicolaides, R. Compt. rend., 189X, cxii, p. 752 Gley, E. Compt. rend, soc. de biol., Paris 1891, 9s, iii, 270. Gaglio. BolJitino delle Scienze Medichi d Bologna, 1890, p. 113. Abelous. Compt. rend. soc. de biol., Paris l8qi, 9t, iii, 215-217. Lepine. Annales de Medicine, 1891. Thiroloix, J. Compt. rend. acad. d. sc, Paris 1892, cxv, 420. Carvallo, J et Pachon, V. Compt. rend, soc de biol., Paris, 1893, 9s, v, 641 645. Laguesse. Compt. rend. soc. de biol., 1893, 819 Sympson, E. M. British Med. Journal, Lon don, 1893, i, 113. Laserstein, JS. Arch. f. d. ges. physiol., Bonn 1895, iv, 417 433, 2 pl. Kupifer, C. Sitzungsb. d. gellsch. f. morphol u. physiol. in Muenchen, 1893, ix, 37 58. Arch de physiol. norm, et path., Paris, 1893, 5s, v 774-778. Compt. rend. soc. de biol., Paris, 1893 9s, V, pt. 2, 29 54. Compt. rend. soc. de biol. Paris, 1893, 9s, V, 622 624, 696 698. Pawlow, J. P. Arch. f. d. physiol. der suppl Bd., Lpz,, 1893, 176-200. Chauveau et Kaufmann. Compt. rend, acad d. sc, Paris, 1893, cxvi, 463 469. Dastre, A. Compt. rend. soc. de biol., Paris 1893, 9s, V, 818. Ver Eecke, A. Arch, de biol., (Jand., 1893 xiii, 61-88, 2 pl. Kassillief, B. N. Arch. d. sc. biol., St. Petersb. 189-5, ii, 218-244, 4 tab. Mett, S. G. Arch. f. physiol . Lpz., 1894. 5^ Gottlieb, R. Denaturh-med. ver zu Heidlb. 1894, n f. V, 203-208. Kudrewetzky, B. B. Arch. f. physiol., Lpz. 1894, 83 116. Havlow, J. Arch. d. sc. biol., St. Petersb. 1894, iii. No. 2, 189. Harris, V. 1). and Grace-Calvert, G. A. St Bnrth. Hospt. Reports, London, 1894, xxi.v 125-142. Schafer. Lancet, 1895. "> P- 3^1. Jablonsky, 1. Arch, de sc biol., St. Petersb., 1895-6, iv, 377-.392- Montnori. A. Compt. rend, de soc. biol., Paris, 1895, io^> •'» 847-850. Mouret, J- Jour, de I'anat. et phjsiol.. Paris, 1895, xxxi, 2.'i 236, I pl. Carvallo et Pachon. Pouvior. Digestif du pancreas dens I'etat do jeune chez les animaux normaux et derates. In Richet C. Physiol. I rav. du lah, Paris, 1895. iii, 426 444. Kotlar, E. Ueber den eiiitluss dts pankreas auf das wachstum eingcr palholencn spaltpilze. Centrbl. f. bakteriol. u paraseitenk., Jt-na, 1895, XV ii, 145-168. Albini, (J. Riforma mcd. Napoli, 1895, xi, pt I, 220-230. Bourqueiot et Gley. Compt. rend, de soc. biol., Paris, 1895, los, ii, 238 240. Yablonski, I. Bach. biol. nauk., St. Petersb., 1895-6, iv, 377-390- Floresco. N. Compt. rend, de soc. biol., Pans, 1896, los, iii. 77. Savelyeff, N. A. and I. I. Stotski. Med. obozr. Mosk., 1897, xlvii, 961.-976. Baldi, D. Arch. It.il. de biol., Turin, 1897, xxvii, 255-259. Gutschy, L. Liec vicsLnik n. Zagrcbu, 1898, XX, 376 378. Biedl. Centralbl. f. physiologic, 189S. p. 624. Bang, I. Ztschr. f. physiol. chem., Strassb., 1898, xxvi, 133-159. Laguesse, E. Echo ined. du Nord Lille, 1898, ii, 399-403- , ., Rosenberg, S. Arch. f. d. ges. physiol., Lonn, 1898, Ixx, 326-345. Klug, f'. Arch. f. d. ges. physiol., Bonn, 1898, Ixx, 329-345. Yung, E. Compt. rend. acad. d sc, Pans, 1898, cxxvii, 77. Diamare. Internat. Monatschr. f. anat. u. phys., 1899, p. 155. Tuckett. Journal of Physiology, 1899, xxv, p. 63. Palleri e Margari. Racoglitore med., Forli, 1900, iv. 97-109. Schirokikh, J. Arch , de. soc. biol., St. Petersb. Ssobolew. Centralbt. f. allgem. path. u. path, anat., 1900, xi, d. 202. Foster. Lectures on the History of Physi- ology, 1901, p. 156. Foster. Loc cit., p. 156. Foster. Loc cit., p. 163. Opie. Jour, of Exper. Medicine, 1901, v. p. 398. Opie. Loc. cit., p. 399. Opie. The Relation of Diabetes Mellitus to Lesions of the Pancreas. Jour, of Exjier. Medi- cine. 1901, v, d. 5?9. Flexner. Johns Hopkins Hospital Reports, ix; also Univer. of I'enn. Medical Bulletin, August, 1901. Bang. Zeitschr. f. phys. chem., xxxii, p. 218, 1901. Blum. Deutsches Archiv f. klin. Mcd. Ixxi, p. 146, 1901. Chittenden. R. H. Physiology of the Pan- creas. Med. News, New York, August 9, 190:, vol. 81, No. 6, p. 241-246. Von Mering and Minkowski. Di.ni>etes Mel- litus nach Pankieas c.xiii pation. Archiv. f. i xp. path. u. pharm., Bd. 26, p. 371. 50 SURGERr OF THE PAXCREAS. Minkowski. Untersuchungen uber den Dia- betes Mellitus nach Extirpation des Pankreas. Archiv. f. exper. path. u. pharm. Bd. 31. p. 85. Minkowski. Untersucluingen uber den Dia- betes Mellitus nach Extirpatiou des Pankreas. Archiv. f. exper. path. u. pharm., Bd. 31, p. 105. EXPERIMENTAL (1643-I9O3). Wirsung, J.G., 1645, anatomist, Padua, discovered the pancreatic duct and the fluid which flows through it. De Graaf, a pupil of Sylvius, of Leyden, 1664, made a pancreatic fistula, and col- lected pancreatic fluid. Using the quill of a wild duck as a cannula, he opened the abdomen of a dog and introduced it into the duct of Wirsung, and collected one ounce of pancreatic fluid in about seven hours. Brunner, 1662, holding a chair of medi- cine at Heidelberg, published the results of his experiments upon extirpation of the pancreas from dogs. He states that the animal recovered from the operation with- out any noticeable after-effects. As early as 1685 experiments with refer- ence to its arterial supply and its secretion were made. Experiments have been more numerous of recent years, and have been rather general in their application, both as to the functions and the effects of its extirpation. Brunner, 1683, conducted ex{)eriinents with reference to the arterial supply and secretion of the pancreas, and in 1688 confirmed his first observations. Epallanzani, 1785, made many observa- tions upon pancreatic digestion. King, 1827, and Bicourt, 1830, each ex- perimented extensively upon the functions of the pancreas, the latter especially being interested in the secondary organic changes. Beaumont, 1830, experimented upon Alexis St. Martin, who had received a gun-shot wound in the stomach resulting in an external fistula. Bouchardat and Sandras, 1845, estab- lished amylolytic power. Corviscart, 1857, proved the proteolytic power of the pancreatic secretion. Turner, i860, employed transparent in- jections in the examination of the minute structures of the human pancreas. Diakonoft', 1865, experimented with albuminous matter digested in pancreatic juice. Arnozau and Vaillard, 1880, ligated the pancreatic duct that they might observe the alterations in the organic tissues. Nussbaum, 1884, conducted research work to determine the action of different poisons on the pancreas. Di Mattel, 1885, irritated the pancreas to determine the effect upon its secretion ; and Verardini, 1888, did so on animals, that he might study the elimination of fat. De Dominicus, 1889, experimented upon the lower animals that he might observe the effects of the extirpation of the pan- creas on diabetes. Inoko, 1892, of Japan, ligated the pan- creatic duct to study the results. Hedin, 1891, contributed much to the experimental study of the pancreas. Thiroloix, 1892, experimented upon the external and internal secretion of the pan- creas, with special reference to its physi- ology and diabetes. Schabad, 1892, experimented upon the same subjects. Thiroloix, 1892, experimented to observe the effects of suppressing the flow of the pancreatic fluid into the duodenum. Harris and Gow, 1892, experimented upon different animals to determine the action of pancreatic ferments. Gley, 1892, destroyed the pancreas to study the effects of the absence of its seTetion upr>n digestion. Cavaz-zani, 1893, contributed an exten- sive study on the consecutive alterations due to extirp ition of the pancreas. Harley, 1894, noticed the absorption and metabo'ism in obstruction of the pan- creatic duct. Dolinsky, 1894, stimulated the pancre- atic secretion with the local application of acid. Mouret, 1895, mentions certain pancre- atic lesions resulting from injections into and ligating the canal of Wirsung. Biondi, 1896, contributed a clinical and experimental study of surgery of the pan- creas. Korte, 1896, experimented concerning fat necrosis and the possibilities of its relief by surgical means. Valter,i896, writes concerning the work of the pancreas in the introduction of meat, bread, milk and acids. Katx and Winkler, 1898, made obser- vations on the experimental study of fat necrosis. Hildebrand, 1S98, included the study of pancreatitis and hemorrhage in his experimental work on fat necrosis. SURGERT OF THE PANCREAS. 51 Williams, 1S98, confined his experi- mental study of fat necrosis alone. Gipolina, 1S9S, experimented concern- ing the regeneration of the pancreatic tissue. Flexner, 1900, experimented on pan- creatitis. The injection of paraffine has been made into the canal of Wirsung to determine the effects of its obstruction. ISIeissner, Kuhne, Ileidenhain, Langley, Korsel and Pawlow have added much to our knowledge of the physiology of the pancreas. Eperiments have shown that pieces of pancreas transplanted under the skin will functionate and preserve life after com- plete excision of the pancreas. But when the grafted portion is completely excised (with the absence of the original pan- creas) glycosuria will again rapidly appear. Alering and ISlinkovvi^ki showed that removal of the pancreas caused glycosuria (diabetes) . BIBLIOGRAPHY. Briinner, J. C. Amstelaedami, 1683. Brunnerus, J. C. Misc. Acad. anat. curios., 168S, Norimb., 1716, decuria 2, vii, 243-48. Kinp. Reert gen. d'anat. et physiol. path., Paris, 1827, iii, 43-49. Becourt, P. J. G. Strausbourg, 1830. Turner, W. Q^iart. Jour. Micr. Sc, London, i860, viii, 147-150. Diakonoff, K. Med. vestnik., St. Petersb., 1865, V, 377, 385. 401, 413, 425. Arnozau and Vaillard. Jour, de med. de Bor- peax, 1880-1, 402-5. Sclerose du pancreas de- terminee chez le lapin par la ligature du canal de Wirsung, Compt. rend. soc. de biol , Paris, 1882, 7s, iii, 284, 291. Vigelius, W. J. Vergleichend - anatomische untersuchungen ub das sogenannte pankreas der cephalopoden. Verhandl, d. k. akad.v.Wetensch., Amst , 1883, 33, xxii, 1-30, 4 pi. Nussbaum, H. In Matlakowski, W. Ksiega pamietkowa. H. Hajerowi, Warszawa, 1884, 507. Contribution a I'etude du pancreas du lapin lesions provoquees par la ligature du canal de Wirsung. Arch, de Pliysiol. norm, et path. Paris, 1884, 3s, iii, 287-316, i pi. Di Maitei, E. Gior. d. r. Acad. med. di Torino, 1885, 3s, xxxiil, 476. Verardini, F. Riv. Ital. di terap. ed ig Pia- cenza, 1888, viii, 3 '3 329. De Dominicus. N. Gior. internaz. d sc. med., Napoli, 1889, xi, 801834. lledon, E. Arch, de med. experm. et d'anat. path., Paris, 1891, iii, 341 360. Inoko, Y. Ztschr. d. Tokio med. gesellsch., 1892, V, vi, No. 15, 12-14, I pi. Thiroloix, J. Arch, de physiol. norm, et path., Paris, 189?, 5s, iv, 716 30. Gley, E. i)ed< ul)linic'nt du salol dans I'intes- tin des chiens drives de pancreas. Compt. rend, soc. de biol., Paris, 1892, 9s, iv, 298 300. Schabad, T. O. Vrach, St. Petersb., 1892. xiii, 1187, 1217, 1244. Gley, E. Compt. rend. soc. de biol., Paris, 1892, 9s, iv, 841 846. Harris and Gow. Jour. Physiol., Cambridge, 1892, xiii, 469 492. Thiroloix, J. Compt. rend. soc. de biol., Paris, 1892, 9«, iv, pt. 2, 203-311. Hedon, E. Sur les eiletsde la destruction lents du pancreas. Compt. rend. acad. de sc, Paris, 1893, cxvii, 238-240. Cavazzani, A. et Cavazzani, E. Arch. Ital. di clin. med., Milano, 1893, xxxii, 493-509. i pi. Harley, V. Jour. Path, and Bacteriol , Edinburg and London, 1894-5, 245.258. Dolinsky, J. Arch, de sc. biol., St. Petersb., 1894-5,111,339427. Mouret, J. Compt. rend. soc. de biol.. Pans, 1895, los, ii, 132-134. Hildebrand. Experimente an pankreas zur erzeugung von fettneerosen. Verhandl. d. deutsch. gesellsch. f. chir., Berlin, 1895, xxiv, pt. I, 115 121. Floresco, N. Pouvoirs zymotiqiies compara- tjfs fics pancreas de bocut chien el pore par rap- port a la gelatine. Compt. rend. soc. de biol., Paris, 1896, los, iii, 890 8 )2. Biondi, D. Clin. chir. Milano, 1896, iv, 131,145. Korte, W. Berl. Klinik, 1896, lift. 192, i 27. Valter, A. A, Trudi Obsh. russk. vracl', St. Petersb., 1896-7, 31 42. Carnot, Paul. Reserches experimentales et cliuixues sue les pancreatites, Paris, 1893. Katz et Winkler. Arch. f. verdaungkr., Ber- lin, 1898, iv, 289-367. Hildebrand. Arch. f. klin. chir., Berlin, 1898, Ivii, 43S-437- Williams. II. U. Boston Med. and Surg. Journal, 898, cxxxviii, 342. Cipoline, A. Riforme med., Napoli, 1898, xiv, pt. 2, 649 651. Williams, H. U. Jour. Exper. Med., New York, 1898, iii, 585-59f, i pi. Charrin et Levailiti. Pancreatites heinor- rhagiques experimentales mecanisme. Copt, rend. soc. de biol , Paris, 1899. vi, 46 48. Flexner. S. [ohns Ilopkuis Hosp. Rep , Bal- timore, 1900, ix, 743 771. Blumer, George. Med. News, New York, August, 1902, p. 246. PATHOLOGY. Abercromhie. J. Contributions to the Path- ology of the Stomach, the Pancreas and the Spleen. Edinb. Med. and Surg. Journal, 1824, xxi, I, 243. xxii, 1-9. Bigsby, J. J. Observations, Pathological and Therapeutic, on Diseases of the Pancreas. Edin- burgh Med. and Surg. Journal, 1835, xliv 85 102. Moiidiere, J. T. Reserches pour servir a I'his- toire pHthologi(|ue du pancreas. Arch. tren. de med., Paris, 1836, 2s, xi, 36, 265; 2s, xii, 133. Ei.'smann. Zur pathologie des p. iicreas. Vrtljschr. f. d. prakt. heilk., Prag., 1853. v, 73 84. Ancelet, E. Essai analytique sur TanatMinie pathologique du pancreas. Paris, 1S56. Klob, I. Zur pathologischen aiiai(.mi<> des pankreas. Oesterr. ztschr. f. prakt. heilU.. Wien, i860, vi, 529-534 Bi-sson", J. B. M. De quciqiws f;.i's p,.tlu)log- iques pour servir a I'ctude Uu pancreas. Paris, 1864. 52 srnciERr ot the pancreas. Moore, N. Pathological Observations on the Pancreas. St. Barth. Mosp. Report, London, 1882, xviii, 207 212. Rodionoff,G. Pathological Anatomy of Glands of Pancreas in Most Chronic Diseases. St. Petersb., 1883. Miignai, A. Patologia e terapia chirurtrica del pancreas. Coiieg. Ital. di lett. s. uied., Mi- lano, 18S9, V, 383-447. Hadden, W. B. Cirrhosis of Pancreas in Diabetes (Microscopical;. Tr Path. Soc , Lon- don, i8go-i, xHi, 1S4. Pontlick. Zur patholopie dcs pancreas ri- cherche anatoino - pathologiche su gli animali prixati del pancreas. Resoc. r. acad med. chir. di Napoli (i8qo-j), xliv and xlv, 85 14s, i pi. Boccardi, G. Richi-rche anat<>m()-])ati)ologische sugli aniniali privati del pancreas. Riforma med.. Napoli, 1S90, vi, i6ro. Neve, E. T. On the Morbid Anatomy of the Pancreas. Lancet, London, 1891, ii, 659-661. Roux, Jeah B. Etude anatoino-pathologique et clinique du cancer et des kystcs du pancreas. Paris, 7891. R ddingius, R. A. Aiiatomisch-pathologische bijdrage tot de casiiisiiek der p intreas-nando eningen. Nederl. Tijdschr v. Geneek., Amst , 1802. 2, R. xxviii, pt I, 297 3"9. Tilger, A Beitrag zur p.ithologishen anato- mic und aetiologie der pancreas c^ sten. Arch, f. p:ith. anat., etc., Berlin, 1894, cxxxvii, 34S 376, I pi. Kleiner, W. Zur pathologic d< r calculosen uiid arteriosclerotischen pancreas cirrhose und der entsprechenden diabetes formen. Berlin klin. Woch., 1S94, xxxi, 5, 38. De Grazia. Y. Studio clinico ed anatomice suidi alcuni stati morbosi del pancreas. Riforma med., Napoli 1894, ^' Pt- 2, 843 855, 868. Mouret. Tissu lymphoide du pancreas et cellule centro-acineuse. Comjit. rend. soc. de biol.. Paris, 1894, ^o*, i, 731-733. Heit/.mann, L. Normale und jialhologisihe histologic des unterhautfettgewebes. Arch. f. dermat. u. syi)h.. Wien u. L[)z., 1895, xxxii, Aldor. Contribution to the casuisticof tumour of the pancreas. Gyogaszat., Budapest, 1895, XXXV, 421-424. Simon and Stanley. Acute Pancreatitis, with a Pathological Note. Lancet, London, 1897, i, 1325 1327. Carnoc, P. Pathogenic des pancreatites. Presse med., Paris, 1898, i, 249. Yarotski. A. Structure of Pancreatic Cells Dependent Upon their Function and Nutrition. Bolnitsch. g;iz. Botkins, St. Petersb., 1898, ix, Schlesinger, E. Die erkrankung des pancreas bei hereditartr Lues. Arch. f. path, an it., Ber- lin, 1898, cliv, 501 528. Moore, F. C. The Pathological Aspects of Acute Pancreatitis. Med. Chron., Manchester, i8w8. ix, 355-348. S.bolev, L. Structure du pancreas dans cer- tains etals pathologiques. Enjened, St. Petersb., 1900, vii, 105-109. D<-vot(>, L. Sulla patologia del pancreas (le pancreatiti acute) relazione. Lavori d. cong. di med. int., 1899, Roma, 1900, 107-135. Leonhardt. M. Die pathogenese der entzun- dung der blutungen und der multiplen fettge. webes-nekrose der bauchsdeicheldruse und ihre umgebung in einetn fallereiner solchen erkrank- ung. Arch. f. path. Anat., Berlin, 1900, 16, F., ii, 299 340, I taf. Ssoblew, L. W. Ueber die structur der baurh- speicheldruse unter gewissen pathologischen bedingungen. Centralbl. f. allg. path. u. path, anat., Jena, 1900, xi, 202-203. (iracie. Diseases of the Pancreas. Med. Brief, St. Louis, Mo., March, 1902, p. 357. Percival, E. Two Cases of Intlamniation and Enlargement of the Pancreas. IV. Assn. King's and (^leen's Coll. Phys. Ireland, Dublin, 1818, ii, 128, 139. Warren, J. C. A Case where the Pancreas Indurated and Enlarged Through its Whole Course, but Especially the Part Called the Omen- tum Minus. Boston Med. and Surg. Journal, 1893, I, 149. llamon, C. Apoplex'e cerebrale cancer du foie et du pancrea*. Hypertrophie du coeur mort. Bull, clin., Paris, 1836-7, ii, 129 134. Ht)lscher, G. P. Ileus in lulge vi>n h\pertro- phie des pancreas und dadurch erzeuete struc- tura duodeni. Hannov. ann. f. d. ges. lieilk , 1S40, v, 350 353. Freckles, L. Pancreatitis chronica mit begin- nendr induration des magens. Ztschr. f. d. ges. med. Hamb., 1845, xxxix, 102-105. Lolller. Induratio pancreatis Tinct. jodis. Ztsehr. f. erfahrngshlk., Eilenb., 1848, ii, 363. Dumelil. Induration du pancreas compression du canal choledoque par la tete de cet organe. Compt. rend. soc. biol , Paris, 1849-1850,1,65 Stille. Enlargement and Induration of the Pancreas. Tr. Path. Soc, Philadelphia, 1857-60, i. 34- Castelain. Hypertrophie du pancreas. Bull, med. du nord. Lille, 1863, 2S, iv, 30 31. Rigal. Hypertrophie du pancreas avant pro- duit une compression de la veine-cave inferieure et des canaux biliares degeneration graisseuse du foie des reins et du pancreas ictere grave autnpsie. Rec. d. trav. soc. med. d't)bs. de Paris, 1866-70, 2s, ii, 310.319. Sur la formation des ilots de langerhans dans le pancreas. Compt. red. soc. de biol., Paris, s, v, 819. Barton, J. M. Tumor of the Pancreas and of the Pylorus; Calcareous Deposit in Pulmonary Aortic and Mitral Valves. Tr. Path. Soc, Phil- adelphia, (1871-3), 1874, i"^'' 7^- Pepper, W. Tumor of the Head of the Pan- creas. Proc. Path. Soc, Philadelphia, 1871, ns. Ixi, \tf) 161. Sattervvaite, T. E. Bloody Tumor of the Pan- creas. New York Med. Journal, 1875, xxii, 170. Ellis. Obstruction of the Common Duct De- pending upon Hardening of the End of the Pan- creas. Boston Med. and Surg. Journal, 1877, xcvii, 531. Hesse. Tumor of Pancreas. Proc. Med. Soc. County Kings, Brooklyn, 1879-80, iv, 94. Baudch. J. Ueber angiome myxomatosum des pancreas (cylindroma) ein beitrac zur casuislik der pankreas cysten. Freiberg, 1885. Bonnamy, J. Etude clinique sur les tumeurs du pancreas. Paris, 1879. Morache. Induration hypertrophique du pan- creas dans un cas de tuberculosis generalisee. Jour, de med. de Bordeuax, 1881-2, xi, 154. SURGER2' OF THE PAXCREAS. 53 Bruen, E. T. Small Tumor of the Head of the Pancreas. Tr. Path. Soc, Philadelphia, (881-2; 1884, xi, 45. Kuyshinski, P. D. Tumor of Head of the Pancreas. Ejended klin. gaz., St. Petersb., 1887, vii, 183 189. Segre. R. Studio clinico sui tumori del pan- creas. Ann. univ. di med. e chir., Milano, 1888, cclxxxiii, 3 62. Councilman. Primary Tumor of the Pancreas. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Baltimore, 1886-90, I, 51- Cesaris-Demel, A. Di un adenoma acinose del pancreas con pancreatic indurative d'origine sifilitica. Gior. d. r. Acad. med. di Torino, 1895, Iviii, 199 201. Bell. Fibroid Pancreas. Montreal Med. Jour- nal. 1895-6, xxiv, 225. Flexner, S. Nodular Tumors of the Pancreas. Maryland Med Journal, Baltimore, 1899, '^'i) 'o7- Villar, V. Diagnostic et traitement tumeurs du pancreas. XHI Cong, internat. de med., sect, de chir. gen., 1900, Paris, 1901, compt. rend, 2r4 216. Barling, G. Remarks on Chronic Enlarge- ment of the Pancreas in Association With or Producing Attacks Simulating Biliary Colic. British Med. Journal, London, 1900, ii, 1766 1768, 2 fig. Kucera, P. L. Emphyseme des organes et angiopancreatite suppurative. Gaz. lek. Wars- zawa, 1900, XX, 241 247, 280-285, 305-310. Bozzolo, C. Tumore del pancreas e del colon con diabete morte per enterorragia. Clin, med., Pisa, 1921, vii, 145-148, 155. FAT NECROSIS. Taylor. Cirrhosis of Liver; Inflammation of its Peritoneal Coat; Disease of the Pancreas; Softening, with Thinness of the Mucous Coat of the Stomach; Enlargement of the Spleen. Lon- don Lancet, 1841-2, i, 223-227. Lowenhardt. Woch. f. d. ges. heilk., Berlin, 1845, 638-640. Verga, A. Gaz. med. Ital. lomb., Milano, 1850, 3s, i, 200-202. Clark, A. Case of Disease of the Pancreas and Liver, Accompanied by Fatty Discharge from the Bowels. Lancet, London, 1851, ii, 152. British and Foreign Med. Chir. Rev., London, 1853, ^'') 154-166. Herbst, G. Die unterbindung des wirsung 'schen ganges an kinnichen mit rucksichtauf die Bernard'sche ansich uber den zweck des pankre- atischen saften saftes. Ztschr. f. rat. med., Heidell)., 1855, nF, ili, 389-391. Jones, 11. 11. Tr. Path. Soc, London, 1854-5, vi, 223. Jones, C. II. Med. -Chir. Tr., London, 1855, xxxviii, 195 217, 2 pi. Caley. Tr. Path. Soc , London, 1872-3, xxiv, 121. Lepine and Cornil. Compt. rend. soc. blol., 1874, Paris, 1875, 6s, i, 372-374- Albertoni, P. Firenze, 1878, xlii, 16-20. Litten, M. Chaite Annallen, 1878. Berlin, 1880, V, 181-193. Riv. Ital. di terap. ed ig., Pla- cenza, 1882, ii, 3, 33, 65, 97, 137, 177, 241, 280. Chambers. Maryland Med. Journal, Balti- more, 1883-4, ^i 656. Van Gieson, J. Med. Record, New York, 1888, xxxiii, 477. Konig, William. Ein nach blutting und fett nekrose, 1889, Kiel. Van Gieson, I. Proc. New York Path. Soc (1888), 1889. 47. Podbielski A. I. Vrash,, St. Petersb., 1889 X, 590-595- Loomis, H. P. Med. Record, New York 1890, cxxii, 105. RoUestpn. British Med. Journal, London 1892, ii, 894. Balser, W. Verhandl. d. cong. f. innere med. Wiesb., 1892, xi, 450-461. Ponfick. Jahrsb. d. schles, gessch., f. vaterl cult., 1893, Bresl., 1804, Ixxi, i abth., med. sec tion 35. Stockton and Williams. Am. Jour. Medical Sciences, Philadelphia, 1895, ns. ex, 251 259. Le Cf'unt, E E. Jour. Am. Med. Assn., 1896, xxvi, 581. William?, W. C. Chicago Med. Record, 1896, X, 37-42. Strube, G. Charite Ann., Berlin, 1897, xxii, 222 228. Riforma med., Pelermo, 1900, i, 103-105. Libikk, P. L. Bolnitsch. gaz. Botkina, St. Petersb., 1900, xi, 48-54. Opie, E. L. The Relation of Cholelithiasis to Disease of the Pancreas and to Fat Necrosis. Am. Jour. Med. Sciences, Philadelphia, 1901, cxxi, 27-43. Schmidt, M. B. Muench. med. woch., 1900, xlvii, 640 642. Wagner, Hermann. Inang. Diss , Heidelberg, 1900, Juli u. August. Brentano, A. Arch. f. klin. chir., Berlin, 1900, Ixii, 640, 642. Lederer, Franz. Inaug. Diss., Munchen, 1900, Aug. u Sept. Brentano. Verhandl. d. deutsch. desellsch. f. chir., Berlin, 1900, xxix, Th 2, 390 418. Miyo, W. ]. On Fat Necrosis, 1902. Blumer, G. Some Aspects of the Pathology of the Pancreas of Recent Investigation. Med. News, New York, August 9, 1902, Vol. 81, No. 6, p. 246-248. LYMPHOMA. This form of new growth in the pan- creas is exceedingly rare. Its pathology is therefore limited, and little known. The pancreatic tissue sulYers from pres- sure, and may therefore become cystic, especially if the duct is involved. Such a case was reported by Lepine ^nd Cornil [Gaz. Med. dc Paris, 1S74, 4 s., iii, 624). Panarolus wrote upon this subject (re- porting such a case involving the pan- creas), in his " latrologismorum Romae," 1652, 51. He was rather explicit in his description of " lapidosum," and there can be but little, if any, doubt as to the cor- rectness of his statements concerning him. 54 SURGER7- OF THE PANCREAS. ATROPHY. The absence of reported cases, other than the two herein mentioned, would indicate that simple atrophy of the pan- creas is one of its rarest conditions. Its secretion is lessened in anjount so that it is difficult to determine what amount of pancreatic fluid is necessary to main- tain life. Gairdner, 1850, reported a case of atrophied pancreas, giving quite a lengthy discussion of it, the history of the patient, and subsequent results. Yeo, 1874, records a case of atrophy of the pancreas associated by hydro- pneumo- thorax. The latter condition was prob- ably coincidental. LUMBRICOIDES. These parasites have been known to pass through the duct into the pancreas, causing its obstruction, and subsequent trouble, or die, to cause infection, abscess or cystic degeneration. Shea, 1 88 1, reports a case of abscess of the pancreas with a large lumbricus ob- structing the pancreatic duct. Nash, 1883, reports a case in which the lumbricus has passed into the pan- creas. Cazel and Vaillard, 1891, wrote upon the maladies of human parasites. FUNGOSITIES. Such a condition of the pancreas is in- deed rare, if they are ever present. There is much doubt as to the true character of Norman's case, 1848. His reports are meager as to facts, and his diagnosis not well established. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Lepine et Cornil. Cas de lymphone du pan- creas et de plusieurs autres organes. Gaz med. de Paris, 1874, 4S» iii) 624. Panarolus, D. Pancreas lapidosum. In his latrologismorum, Roma, 1652, 51. Gairdner, W. T. Case of Atrophied Pancreas. Monthly Journal Med. Science, London and Edinburg, 1850, xi, i'6\. Yeo. Atrophy of the Pancreas; Hydro-pneu- mo-thorax. Dublin Journal Med. Science, 1874, vi, 167. Shea, J. Lancet, London, i88r, ii, 791. Nash, J. P. British Med. Journal, London, 1883, ii, 770. Cazel et Vaillard. Ann. de PInstit. Pasteur, Paris, 1891, V, 353-361, i pi. Norman, G, Prov. Med. and Surg. Journal, 1848, 654. CALCHJ.I (1839-1903). Calculi of the pancreas are, indeed, quite frequent. They may vary in size from a millet seed to several ounces in weight. They are composed principally of lime. There may be one or more. One may break into several fragments, each to be the nucleus of the new formation. They may obstruct the duct from pressure, or pass into it and occlude it, or they may escape into the intestinal tract. They may be the cause of cystic degeneration, hemorrhage and infection. They may rupture into the peritoneal cavity, stom- ach or the gall bladder. Moret, 1835, records a case of pancreatic calculus. Clayton, 1849, reports one which es- caped into the cavity of the abdomen, causing death by internal hemorrage. Guignard, 1852, wrote concerning the treatment of pancreatic calculi. Henry, 1856, and McReady, 1856, each record a case of pancreatic calculus. Harris, 1858, reports a case of athero- matous deposit, and degeneration of the pancreas. Labes, 1861, records pancreatic obstruc- tion due to a calculus. Janeway, 1872, found a pancreatic cal- culus, and Curnow, 1872, found numerous calculi in the pancreatic duct. Gaillard, 1880, found a calculus in the stomach that had escaped through a fistula (pancreatico-gastrique), Johnston, 18S3, reports on calculus and other affections of the pancreatic ducts. Moore, 1883, records cases of pancreatic calculi. Crowden, 1884 ; Chicol, 1885 ; Virchow, 1887 ; Crawford, 1889, and Houston, 1892, each report cases of pancreatic calculi. Weir, 1893, removed a pancreatic cal- culus by manipulation. It was impacted and associated with a cyst. BIBLOGRAPHY. Moret. Bull. soc. anat. de Paris, 1835, ''^i 30 32. WolfT, |. Case Presenting Ossification of the Arteries of the Pancreas. Lancet, London, 1836, ii, 825. Clayton, O. P. M. Med. Times, London, 1849, XX. 37. Guignard, P. E. Bull. soc. de med. de Poitiers, 1852. 54-73- Henry, O. France med., Paris, 1856, iii, 42. McCready. New York, Journal of Medicine, 1856, ns, xvi, 78. SURGERY OF THE PANCREAS. 55 Harris, R. P. North Am. Med.-Chir. Rev., Philadelphia, 1858, ii, 515 517. Labes. O. Org. f. d. ges. heilk., Berlin, 1861, X, 17 28. Janeway, E. C. Med. Record, New York, 1872, vii, 356. Curnow.J. Tr. Path. Soc, London, 1872-3, xxiv., 136. Gailliard, L. Bull. soc. anat., Paris, 1880, Iv, 191. Johnston, G. W. Am. Jour. Med. Sc, Phila- delphia, 1883 ns, Ixxxvi, 404-429. Moore, N. Tr. Path. Soc. London, 1883-4, XXXV, 232. Crnwden. British Med. Journal, London, 1884, ii, 966. Chicol, N. Palermo, 1885, i, 321-40 Virchow. Berlin klin. Woch., 1887, xxiv, 248 250, 267, disc. Crawford, J. P. Jour. Am. Med. As=n. Chi- cago, 1889, xii. 158-161. Houston. Kansas City Med. Record, i8_^2, ix, 267 271. Weir, R. F. Med. Record, New York, 1893, xliv, 803. Nimier, H. Beitr. zur. path. anat. u. z. allg. path., Jena, 1894, ^v, 351-374. ^ ?•• Eichhorst. Boll. d. clin. Milano, 1894, ^'> 3.^^- Shattock, S. G. Jour. Path, and Bacteriol., Edinburg and London, 1896-7, iv, 219-227. Giudiceandrea, V. Policlin., Roma, 1896, iii, M. 33, 126. Cipriani, A. Therapist, London, 1898, viii, 256-258. Taylor, A. E. Proc Path. Soc, Philadelphia, 1898-^, ii, 129 131. Richardson, M- H. Philadelphia Med. Jour- nal. 1900, vi, 665 670. D'Arnato. Rivista Critica di clinica Medica, Florence, June 28, 1902, p. 513 ; July, 1902, p. 531 ; July 12, 1902, p. 545. CYSTS (1730-9103). Cysts of the pancreas have been recog- nized for many years. They may be single or multilocular. The may remain single, or, if multilocular, rupture to form one common cyst. They may contain blood, serum, pus or feces. The latter is some- times to be found when the contents of a cyst have escaped into the intestine, leav- ing a fistulous tract. The cyst may rup- ture into any of the cavities of the body, escape externally, or become absorbed. They may vary in size from a drachm to several gallons. There are many adhesions resulting from a cyst. The stomach, liver, kidney, spleen, and omentum are usually extensively in- volved. Cysts may be slow or active in their development, and many times accompany or are the cause or the result of malig- nancy, as their association is intimate. Behn, G. H. De pancreas ejusquore. Argentorati, 1730. Parsons, 1857, reports a case of pan- creatic cyst due to obstruction of the duct. Lediberdef , 1S67, reports a case of fibro- cyst of the pancreas associated with folli- cular degeneration. Janeway, 1878; Walker, 1879; Dixon, 18S4, and Riedel, 1885, each record a case of cystic degeneration of the pancreas. Senn, 1885, wrote on the surgical treat- ment of pancreatic cysts. Bunham, 1885, gave an address on peri- hepatitis, causing stricture of the bile and pancreatic ducts, and cystic enlargement of the pancreas. Salzer, 1886, considered the diagnosis of pancreatic cysts. VVolfler, 1888, wrote on the diagnosis and therapy of pancreatic cysts, and Fen- ger. 1888, on a case of traumatic cyst. Zielstorff, 1887; Nichols, 1888; Steele, 1888; Linder, 1889; Karewski, 1890; Treves, 1890; Martin, 1890; Fillippoff, 1890; Boeckel, 1890, aud Savill, 1891, re- port cases of spontaneous rupture of cyst. Hartman, 1891 ; Stiller, 1892, and Swain, 1893, each report a case of pancre- atic cyst or effusion into the lesser perito- neal cavity. Tricomi, 1892 ; Rotgans, 1892 ; Hulke, 1892; Stapper, 1892; Lloyd, 1892, each record cases of injury to pancreas as a cause of effusion into the lesser peritoneal cavity. Little wood, 1892, reports a case of trau- matic cyst of the pancreas. Martin and Morrison, 1893; Reeve, 1893; Schwartz, 1893; Schnitzler, 1893; Flaischlen, 1893; Barnett, 1893; Stiede, 1893, each report a case of pancreatic cyst. Brown, 1894, treated a case of traumatic pancreatic cyst by abdominal incision. Gussenbauer, 1894; Middleton, 1894; Ott, 1894; McBurney. 1894, each record a pancreatic cyst, and Ficher, 1894, a san- guineous cyst of the pancreas. I3eFilHppi, 1894; Mayo, 1894; Strunk, 1895; Drobnik, 189^; I)ryzehner, 1895; Mikhailoff, 189s; Cartledge, 1895; Rail- ton, 1896, a case of pancreatic cyst in an infant. Lauwers, 1897; Ogata, 1897; Penrose, 1897; Coleman, 1897, and Horrocks, 1897, each reports a case of pancreatic cyst associated with glycosiiria, and gall- stones ; recovery. Bas Arsene, 1897; Tsigler, 1897; Wat- son, 1897, and Lane, 1898, record a case of multiple cysts of the pancreas. 56 SUl^GEIil' OF THE PAXCREAS. Brockman, 1898; Cade, 1898; Noth- negel, 1899; Delageniere, 1900; Posselt (multiple), 1900; Greisen, 1900; Mchai- lofF (traumatic), 1900; Bernard, 1900; Dexman (traumatic), 19CX). Lisianski, 1900, a case of blood cyst. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Portal. Traite de I'apoplexie, Paris, 1811. Storck. Archiv. gen. de Maiet, Juillet, 1836. Rugg. Lancet, May, 1850. Parsons, J. British Med. Journal, London, 1857, i, 475- Haller-KIob. Wiener Zeitschrift, N. F., ii, 37 1859 Oppolzer. Med. Neuigk., April, 1859. Anger, T. Bull. soc. anat., Paris, 1865, xl, 192-214. Lediberder. Bull. soc. anat., Paris, 1867, xlii, 58r. Janeway, E. G. New York Med. Journal, 1878, xxvii, 523. Hilty. Correspondenzblatt fur Schweitzer Aertze, November 15, 1877. Walker, H. F. Tr. New York Path. Soc, 1879, iii, 85-S7. KulenkamplT, D. Ein fali von pancreas fistel, Berliner klin. Woch., 1882, xix, 102-105. Rokitansky. Wiener med. Presse, November 15, 1881. Kollman. Bayr Aertz Intellegencebl., No. 39, 1881. Thiersch. Berliner klin. Woch., 1881. Bozfman. Med. Record, January 14, 18B2. Dixon, G. Med. Record, New York, 1884, XXV, 304. Kramer. Centralblatt f. Chir., November,i885. Riedel. Verhandl d. deutsch. gesellsch. f. chir., Berlin, 1885, xiv, pt. 2, 269-272, i pi. Senn, N. Journal Am. Med. Assn., Chicago, 1885, V, 337, 365. Banham. H. F. Med. Times and Gazette, London, 1885, i, 314. Starr, L. Pract. Med. (Pepper), Philadelphia, 1885. ii, 1112 1131. Salzer, F. Ztsch. f. heilk., Prag., 1886, vii, II 26, I pi. Zielstorflf, H. H. F. Griefswald, 1887. Woltler, A. Ztschr. f. heilk., Prag., 1888, ix, 1 19-130, I pi. Nichols, J. A. New York Med. Journal, 1888, xlvii, 575. Fenger, C. Chicago Med. Jour, and Exam., 1888, Ivi, 74 77. Steele, D. A. K. Chicago Med. Jour, and Exam., 1888, Ivi, 205 209. Lindner, H. Internal, klin. Rundsch., Wien, 1889, iii, 332, 365. Karewski, F. Deutsch. med. Woch., 1890, 1069- 107 1. Treves, F. Lancet, London, 1890, ii, 655- 657- Nothnagel. Allg. wien. med. ztg., 1899, ^Hv, I. 13. 25. Martin, A. Ein Arch, f. path, anat., Berlin, 1890, cxx, 230-247, I pi. FilippofT, N. N. Chir. vestnik., St. Petersb., 1890, vi, 27-34. Boeckel,j. Gaz. med. de Strash., 1890, xlix, 85, 97, 121. Savill, T. Lancet, London, 1891, ii, 666. Hartmann, H. Cong, franc, de chir. proc- verb., etc., Paris, 1891, v, 618 628. Stiller. Pest. med. chir. Presse, Budapest, 1892, xxviii, 548. Swain, P. British Med. Journal, London, 1893, i, 456. Tricomi, E. Gazz. osp., Milano, 1892, xiii, 894897. Rotgans, J. Nederl. Tjidschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 189.', 2 R., xxviii, pt. i, 261-285. Schroeder, Hugo. Beitrag zur diagnosis und therapie der pankreas-cysten. 13resl , 1892. De Wildt. En geva! van pancreas cysten. Nederl. Tidjschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1892, 2 R, xxviii, pt. 2, 275 277. Hulke. British Med. Journal, London, 1892, ii, 1220. Stapper. Bonn, 1892. Lloyd, J. British Med. Journal, London, 1892, ii, 1051-1054. Littlewood. British Med. Journal, London, 1892, i, 814. Martin and Morrison. Edinburg Med. Jour- nal, 1893-4, xxxfx, 35-38. Reeve, J. C, Jr. Ann. Surg., Philadelphia, 1893, xviii, 227. Schwartz. Semaine med., Paris, 1893, "> 1061. Scnitzler, J. Internat. klin. Rundsch, Wein, 1893, vii, i69"-i73. Fleischlen, N. Ztsch. f. Geburtsh. u. gynakol., Stuttg., 1893, xxvii, 93, 227. Brockman, D. C. Omaha Clinic. 1893-4, ^'> 260. Barnett, L. E. New Zealand Med. Journal, Dumedin, 1893, ^''> 258-266. Stiede, H. Centralbl. f. path, un path, anat., Jena, 1893, i'^. 449-454- Brown, W. H. Lancet, London, 1894, i,2i. Gussenbauer, C. Prag. med. Woch., 1894., xix, 15, 29. Middleton, G. G. Glasgow Med. Journal, 1894, xliii, 99 103. Ott. C. H., and Estes, W. L. Lehigh Valley Med. Mag., Easton, Pa., 1894-5, vi, 265 267. McBurney, C. Ann. Surg., Philadelphia, 1894, xix, 492. Fisher, T. British Med. Journal, London, 1894. ii, 1362. De Fillippi, F. Clin. chir. Milano, 1894, i'l 557-561. Mayo, W. J. Med. Record, New York, 1894, xlv, 168. Strunk. Kiel, 1895. Dryzehner. Arch. f. klin. chir., Berlin, 1895, i, 261-274. Leith, R. F. C. Ruptures of the Pancreas, their Relation to Pancreatic Cysts, with Some Remarks Upon Treatment. Lancet, London, 1895. ii. 770 777. Drobnik, T. Wein. klin. Woch., 1895, ^'ii' 645. Hadra, B. F. Rupture of the Pancreas. Med. Record, New York, 1896, i, 77 80. MikhailolT, N. A. Vrach. Zapiski Mosk., 1895, ii, 220 231. Hermann, Zur. Deutsche mil-artzl. ztschr., Berlin, 1895, xxiv, 473 484. Cartledge, A. M. Louisville Med. Monthly, 1895-6, ii, 401-404. Railton, T. C. British Med. Journal, London, 1896, ii, 1318. Genersich, A. Pathologic Products of Pan- SURGERT OF THE PANCREAS. 57 creatic Cysts. Orvosi. hetil., Budapest, 1897, xli, 71. Lauwers. Rfv. de gynec, et de clin. ab. d., Paris, 1897, i, 1117 1122. Ogata, S. Iji. Kwai Ho Ogata Byoin, Osaka, 1897, No. 61, 1-32. Penrose, C. B. Ann. Surg., Philadelphia, 1897, XXV, 491 498. Coleman, W. Med. Record, New York, 1897, Hi, 246. Horrocks. Lancet, London, 1897, i, 242. Bas, Arsene. Lyon, 1897. Indemans, J. W. M. Over de pathologie en therapie der pancreas-cysten maastricht (Amster- dam), 1897, 155 p. Tsigler, D. K. Laitop russk. chir., St. Petersb., 1897, ii. 457-460. Watson, L. H. New England Med. Monthly, Danbury, Conn., 1897, xvi, 11^9 161. PfaflF, F. Some Observations in a Case of Human Pancreatic Fistula. Jour. Boston Soc. Med. Sc, 1897-8, ii, 10. Rolleston, H. D. Localized Effusion in the Lesser Sac of the Peritoneum Due to Pancrea- atitis. Imitating a Pancreatic Cyst ; Fat Necrosis. Tr. Path. Soc, London, 1897-8, xlix, 145-150 Lane, A. Med. Press and Circular, London, 1898, Ixvi, 116. Cade at Jourdanet. Province med., Lyon, 1898, xii, 229 231. Brockman, D. C. Tri-State Med. Journal and Practitioner, St. Louis, 1898, v, 205-208. Lenarcic, J. Punctions flussigkeit einer pan- kreas cyste. Centralbl. f. innere med., Lpz., 1898, xix, 773 776. Hemmeter and Adler. A Chemical, Physio- logical and Clinical Study of Pancreatic Cyst Fluid. Med. Record, New York, 1898, liv, 183-189. Delageniere, H. Une observation. Arch, prov. de chir., Paris, 1900, ix, 209 226, 3 fig. Poeselt, A. Prag. med. Woch., 1900. xxv, 133-135- Greisen, L. Ueber einen fall von pankreas cyste mit den ersceinungen des choledochusver- schlussen. Inaug. diss., Kiel, 1900, Marz. Michailoff, N. N. Khirurg., Mosk., 1900, viii, 301-304. Berard, L. Presse med., Paris, 1900, ii, 28 32, 6 fig. Dexman, M. Liecnicki viestnik. Zagreb., 1900, xxii, 1-5, 33 35. Lisianski, W. L Vratch., St. Petersb., 1900, xxi. 1172- 1174. Lejonne et Milanoflf. Ktstes du pancreas re- trissement du pylore. Bull, et mem. soc. anat., Paris, 1900, ii, 406-408, 408-409. Fitz, R. H. Multilocular Cystoma of the Pancreas. Am. Jour. Med. Sc, Philadelphia, 1900, cxx, igi 190, I fig, Gangolphe. Deux observations de kyste du pancreas. Bull, soc de chir. de Lyon, 1900, iii, 129 130. Starck, J. Zwei falle cystischer pankreas ges- schwulste. Beitr. z. klin. chir., Tubingen, 1901, xxix, 713 730, I taf. Boelke, Otto. Beitrage zur kenntniss der pan- kreascysten. Inaug. Diss., Greifswald, 1901, Marz. Soubbotitch, V. Sur un cas opere de kyste hematique du pancreas avec analyse anatomo- pathologique. XIII Cong. Internal, de Med., Sect de Chir. Gen., 1900 (Paris), 1901, compt. rend.. 216-219. Seefisch, G. Mittheilung, ueber pankreascys- ten. Deutsche ztschr. f. chirurg., Lpz., 1901, lix, 153-168. Moynihan. Med. Chir., Manchester, England, January. 1902, p. 241. HEMORRHAGE (1873-I903). Hemorrhage into the body of the pan- creas is quite frequent, and may be due to trauma, degeneration of one or more of its blood-vessels from disease, external pres- sure, or the presence of a calculus or other foreign body within it. It may be sudden or slow in its develop- ment, and vary in amount of its contents from a drachm to several gallons. They may disappear by absorption, rup- ture into the alimentary tract, peritoneal cavity, into the bladder or through the abdominal wall. Their contents may become infected, and thereby become pus. Sometimes the clot becomes organized, to become benign or malignant in character. Auger, 1865, recorded a sanguinary cyst of the pancreas. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Zenker. Sitzungsh. d. phys. - med. soc. zu Erlang., 1873-4, vi, I54- ^ ^^ .^ , q SaUerwaite. Med. Record, New York, 1875, x, C41. Hilty. Corbl. f. schweiz. aertze, Basel, 1877, vii, 666 669. Challand and Rabow. Bull. soc. med. de la Suisse Rom., Lausanne, 1877, xi, 345. Kollmann, O. Aerztl. Int.-bl., Munchen, 1880, xxvii, 421 424. Verhandl. d. phys. -med. ges. in Wurzb., 1880, n F., xiv, p. iii. Draper, F. W. Boston Med. and Surg. Jour- nal, 1880, ciii, 615. Harris, J. C. IBoston Med. and Surg. Journal, 1881, cv, 593. Homans, C. D. Ibid., 592. Farge. Bull. soc. de med. d'Angers (1882), 1885, n s. X, 188-193. Amidon, R. W. " Boston Med. and Surg. Jour- nal, 1886, cxv, 594. Osier and Hughes. Semi-Monthly Journal, Proc Path. Soc, Philadelphia, Wilmington, 1886, i, 7. Tr. Assn. Am. Phys., Philadelphia, i88b, i, 244-251, Med. News, Philadelphia, 1888, liii, 80. Fitz, R. H. Med. Record, New York, 1889, XXXV, 197-204. Harris, F. A. Boston Med. and Surg. Journal, 1889, cxxi, 606. Thayer, W. S. Boston Med. and Surg. Jour- nal. 1889 cxxi, 506-508. Fitz, R. H. Middleton Goldsmith Lecture. Proc New York Path. Soc (1889), 1890, 3-70. Formad, W. F. Univ. Med. Magazine, Phila- delphia, 1891 92, iv, 49-52. Day, F. L. Boston Med. and Surg. Journal, 1892, cxxvii, 569-571. 58 SURGERT OF THE PANCREAS. Hawkins, H. P. Lancet, London, 1893, "» 358-361. Biggs, G. P. Med. Record, New York, 1893, xliii, 153. Paul, W. E. Boston Med. and Surg. Journal, 1894, cxxx, 8. Whitney, W. F. Boston Med. and Surg. Jour- nal. 1894, cxxx. 379-381. Kraft, L. Ilospt.-tid. Kjobenh., 1894, 4 R> "» 805-816. Nimier, H. Rev. de med., Paris, 1894, xiv, Wagstaff, E. H. Lancet, London, 1895, i, 404. Cutler, E. G. Boston Med. and Surg. Journal, 1895, cxxzii, 354. Chantemesse et Griffon. Bull. Soc. anat. de Paris, 189!;, Ixx. 578-586. Russell.' Tr. Med.-Chir. Soc, Edinb., 1895-6, ns, XV, 1 14-116. McPhedan, A. Canad. Practitioner, Toronto, 1896, xxi, 650 656. Muir, R. Edinb. Hosp. Rep., Endinburg and London, i8i,6, iv, 141 -150, i pi. James, A. Internat. Clin., Philadelphia, 1896, 6s, ii, 106-113. Rolleston. Lancet, London, 1896, i, 705. Hlava, J. Rozpr. ceske. akad. cis Frantiska Josefa, etc., v, praz, 1897-8, 2 t., vii. No. 8 1-50, 2 pi. Rama. Rao C. B. Tr. South Indian. Branch British Med. Assn., Madras, 1897, vii, 134-136. Quensel, U. C-r., No. 38, 10-12, Nord. med. ark., Stockholm, 181^7, nF, viii, Festbd. Axel. Key, No. 12 1.31. Weaver, G. H. Medicine, Detroit, 1897, "i» 915 9^7- Shutt'eworlh, C. B. Canada Lancet, 1897-8, XXX, 6-10 Tuttle, G. A. Med. and Stirg Rep., Presby- terian Hospt , New York, 1898, iii, 397 414. Ferrand et Ferrand. Bull, et mem. soc. med. d. hop.. Paris 1898, xv, 765-770. Roche. L. Gaz. d. hop., Paris, 1898, Ixxi, 797 802. Warthin, A. S. Tr. Mich. Med. Soc, Grand Rapids, 1858, 365-386. Trollope, T. British Med. Journal, London, 1898, i, 1452. Fripp and Bryant. British Med. Journal, vii, p. 1816, 1898. Carnot, P. Compt. rend, soc de biol., Paris, 1898, los, V, 1896 240. Larkin, J. H. Med. Record, New York, 1898, li". 354 356. Hitchcock, C. W. Med. Age, Detroit, 1898, xvi, 72-77. Milton, W. T. Guy's Hospt. Rep. London, 1899, xiii, 126-133. Caven and Oldright. Canada Pract. and Rev., Toronto, 1899, ^xv, 68-73. Bryant, J. H. Lancet, London, 1900, ii, 1341- 1345, I ch., I fig. Ros.'bach. Inaug. Diss., Erlangen, 1900, August and September. Stockton and Williams. Philadelphia Med. Journal, 1900, vi, 649 650, i pi. Kratter, J. 1899, 1900, Th. 2, Halfte, 550. Uhthoff et Maynard. British Med. journal, London, 1900, i, 1532. Eiselt, B. Casop. lek. cesk. Praha, 1900, xxxix, 125-130. Opie, E. L. Johns Hopkins Hospital Bulletin, Baltimore, 1901, xii, i8i 188. Subbotic, V. Deutsche ztschr. f. chir., Lpz., 1901, lix 197-200. Halstead, W. S. Johns Hopkins IIosp. Bull., Baltimore, lyoi, xii, 179 182. Batchelor, W. A. Hemorrhagic Pancreatitis; Operation; Recovery. Med. News, New York, August 9, 1902, Vol. 81, No. 6, p, 249-250. Freeman. A Case of Gangrenous Hemorrhage Pancreatitis. Denver Med. Times, April, 1902, p. 463. ABSCESS (1829-I9O3). Abscess of the pancreas may be either primary or secondary, single or multiple. The most common form of abscess of the pancreas is infection of some pre-existing pathologic condition, such as serous or sanguineous cysts or calculi, tuberculosis, parasites, injuries or foreign bodies. Their contents may vary from a few minims to several pounds. They may rupture into the stomach, intestinal tract, perineal, pleural, mediastinal or pericardial cavities, into the urinary bladder or tnrough the abdominal wall. They are usually retro- peritoneal. Berrende, 1829, records an ulcer of the pancreas. Fletcher, 1848; Roddick, 1869, and Smith, 1870, each report a case of abscess of I lie p iiicreas. Frison, 1875 records a very interesting case of pancieatic abscess, associated with icterus from retention of bile in a case of diabetes. Counnaille, 1876, mentions a similar case. Chiari, 1S76, records a case of seques- tration of the pancreas with a round per- forating ulcer. Moore, 1881, records two cases of pan- creatic abscess. Musser, 1883, and Daraignez each re- cord a case of pancreatic abscess due to thrombosis of the portal vein. Rosborg, 1885, reports a case of chronic suppurative induration, peripancreatitis, adhesion nephritis, and chronic parenchy- matous gastritis. Graeve, 1891, mentions a case of sup- purative pancreatitis associated with icterus and pericarditis. Whitton, 1891, records an abscess of the pancreas, and Walsh, 1893, a celiot- omy for ab-^cess ot the pancreas, with the report of a case. Musser, 1894, reports a sub-diaphragm- atic abscess of the pancreas, with re- SURGERY OF THE PANCREAS. 59 marks on effusions in the lesser peritoneal cavity. Thayer, 1895, gives a case of acute pan- creatitis, parapancreatic abscess and dis- seminated fat necrosis. Atkinson, 1895, gives his notes on a case of acute suppurative pancreatitis, with report of necropsy. Fowler, 1896, notes a case of suppura- tive pancreatitis, and parapancreatic ab- scess ; diagnosis made by exploratory ab- dominal section. Faivre, 1897; Elienne, 1898; Hulshizer, 1898; Sikora, 1898; Marwedel, i90i,and Falkenstein, 1901, each report a case of abscess of the pancreas. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Berrends, C. A. G. In his Op. Postumorum. Borol., 1828, i, 263-269. Mayo-Percival. Outlines of Human Pathol- ogv, p. 409, London, 1836 Perle. De pancreate ejuFque morbis. Dissert. Bern!.. 1837. Fletcher. Prov. Med. and Surg. Journal, London, 1848 20. Kilgour, J. London Journal of Medicine, 1850, ii, 1052-1057. Raboli. Schmidt's Jahrbucher, 1859, p. 177. Cases. Suppurative pancreatitis mit durch- bruch in den magen und zwolfllngerdarm wo- durch ein spulvurm in der milzvene gelangte leberabscess. Tod. Ber. d k. k. krankenanst., Rudolph Stiftung in Wien (1868', 1869, 301-304. Roddick, T. G. Canada Med. Journal, Mon- treal, 1869. V, 385 390. Smith, W. Dublin Qiiarterlj Journal of Medi- cine and Surgery, 1870, i, 201. Frison, V. Rec. de mem. de med. mil., Paris, 1875, xxxi, 262-269. Counnaille, A. Monit. sclent., Paris, 1876,3s, iii. 375 383- Chiari, H. Wien. med. Woch., 1876, xxvi, 293 294, St. George's Hospital Reports. Frison. Recniel de Mir. de Med., Mil. Mai- Juni, 1876, 1877-8, London, 1879, ix, 95. Moore, N. Tr. Path. Soc. London, 1881, xxxiii 186 189. Shea. Lancet, November 5, 1881. Abscess of the Pancreas, Lancet, London, 1882, i, los- Musser, J. H. Tr. Path. Soc, Philadelphia (1883-5), 1886, xii, 66-72. Rosberg, C. A. Hygiea, Stockholm, 1885, xlvii, 274-276. Daraignex Jour, de med. de Bourdeaux, 1887 8, xvii, 479. Graeve, H. Upsala lakare Forh., 1891 2, xxvi, 432 435- Whitton, T. B. Australia Med. Gazette, Syd- ney, 1891 2, xi, 276. Walsh, J. E. Med. News, Philadelphia, 1893, Ixiii, 737. Musser, J. H. University Med. Magazine, Philadelphia, 1894-5, vii, 375-379, i pi. Thayer, W. S. Am. Jour. Med. Sc, Philadel- phia, 1895, ns. ex, 396 405 Atkinson, L E. Jour. Am. Med. Assn., Chi- cago, 1895, xxiv, 999-1002. Fowler, G. R. Brooklyn Med. Journal, 1896, X, 223-230. Faivre d'Arcier, C. M. J. Nancy, 1897. Etienne, G. Arch, de med. exper. et d'anat. path., Paris, 1898, x, 177-213. Hulshizer, A. H. Philadelphia Med. Journal, 1898, i, 1115-1117. Sikora, P. Report d. hop., Paris, 1898, Ixxi, 729 734- , . Marwedel. Munchen med. Woch., 1901, xlviii, 11-14. Falkenstein. Inaug. diss., Kiel, 1901, Mai. SYPHILIS (1878-1903). Syphilis of the pancreas is uncommon, there having been but a few cases reported. It is probably never primary, always sec- ondary, and may alone be involved. It seems to have great resistance to this as well as other disease. It is, however, more frequently involved than is generally supposed. It has not been given careful consideration until recent years. The tissue becomes hard, localized of general. A part or all of the gland may be in- volved. It is amenable to syphilitic remedies, and is probably as much influenced by them as any other organ. It is difficult, however, to determine syphilitic disease of the pancreas, except by autopsy. Huber, 1878, records a case of syphilis of the pancreas, and Schlagenhaufer^ 1895, one of acquired syphilitic pancrea- titis, induration and gumma. Cesaris-Demel, 1895, records a case of adenoma, and induratio pancreatitis of syphilitic origin. Lounin, 1900, records a case of heredi- tary syphilitic pancreatisis. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Huber, K. Arch. d. heilk., Lpz., 1878, xix, 430-34- Schlagenhaufer, F. Arch. f. dermat. u. syph., Wien u. Lpz., 1895, xxxi, 43 48. Cesaris Demel, A. Arch, per le sc. med., To- rine, 1895, xix 225-237, i pi. Lounin, N. Bolnitsch gaz. Botkina, St. Peters- burg, 1900, xi, 1036 1044. Gianelli, L. Monitore zool. ital., Firenze, 1901, xii, 207. TUBEHCULOSIS (1835-I9O3). Tuberculosis of the pancreas is rare. It may be primary or secondary, more fre- quently secondary. When primary, the source of infection is probably from the alimentary tract through the panrreatic duct. When secondary, it is usu.ill} from adjacent tissues. 6o SURGERT OF THE PANCREAS. There may be one or more foci, and they may remain so or unite to form one common cyst containing pus, serum, blood or caseous matter. The caseous deposits may undergo calcareous degeneration. If cystic the fluid may escape, by absorption or rupture. Martland, 1825, mentions a case of tu- berculosis ot the pancreas associated with tuberculosis of the liver. Duplay, 1834, writes rather extensively upon a case in which there was tuberculo- sis of the pancreas, in which there was great induration and tumefaction ; also duodenitis. Berlyn, 1842; Aran, 1846; Sandras, 1848U Barlow, 1875; Bruen, 1885; Car- not, 1897 ; Lefas, 1900, each report a case of tuberculosis of the pancreas. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Martland, R. Edinburgh Med. and Surg. Jour- nal, 1825, xxiv, 73. Duplay, A. Arch. gen. med., Paris, 1834,2s, iv, 41 r 418. Berlyn, C. Med. cor-bl. Rhein u. Westfal Aerzte, Bonn, 1842, i, 321 329. Aran, F. A. Arch. gen. de med., Paris, i8j6, ill, 61-75. Sandras. Rev. med. franc, et etrang., Paris, 1848, i, 279-293. Barlow, T. Tr. Path, soc, London, 1875-76, xxvii, 173-175. Bruen' E. T. Polyclinic, Philadelphia, 1885- 6, iii, 7. Carnot, P. Compt. rend. acad. d. sc, Paris, 1897, cxxv, 1135-1137. Lefras, E. Arch. gen. de med , Paris, 1900, iv, 312 323, 2 fig. Mays. Outlines of Human Pathology, p. 410. GANGRENE (1884-I9O3). Gangrene of the pancreas is infrequent. A part or all of the gland may be involved. It may result from injury, obstruction of its ducts, pressure from neoplasms, or otherwise. It may be primary or secondaay, usually secondary. It may also result from the presence of a calculus, which has caused pressure upon its blood-vessels or ducts. Infection is also the cause of gangrene of the pancreas. Gangrene may result in the develop- ment of any neoplasm, benign or malig- nant. Mader, 1884, records a case of gangrene of the pancreas due to thrombosis. Von Bonsdorff, 1895, reports a case of acute gangrene of the pancreas. Sievers, 1895, writes of a case of acute gangrene. Guinard, 1898, mentions a case of sup- purativ'e and gangrenous pancreatitis. Brennecke, 1898, reports two ca«;es of gangrenous pancreatitis with disseminated fat necrosis. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Chiari. Wiener med. Woch., No 6 and 7, 1891. Rosenb ch. Centralblatt Sur. Surg., 1882. Prince. Boston Med. and Surg. Journal, July, 1883. Mader. Ber. d. k. k. krankenanst. Rudolph- Siiftung in Wien (1SS4.), 1885. 371. Von BonsJorfF, 11. F'inska lak salsk handl. Helsingsfor, 1895, xxxvii, 607-613. Guinard, A. Bull, et mem. soc. d. chir., Paris, 1898, xxiv, 380-386. Brennecke, H. A. Jour. Am. Med. Assn., 1898, XXX, 1329 1332. Israel. Virchow's Arch., vol. Ixxxiii, p. 181. Trayfoyer and Heronals. CARCINOMA (1789-I9O3). This is the most common form of cancer of the pancreas, and more frequently in- volves its head. All forms of carcinoma have been found in this organ, both of primary and second- ary origin. The first is not so frequent as the second, and in either the stomach is frequently involved, owing to their intimate relation. Malignancy of the pancreas is often associated with cysts of it, and when pres- ent is no doubt a cause of the formation of the cyst, and many times vice versa. The duodenum is frequently involved with pancreatic cancer. The pancreas is subject to the same laws concerning malignancy as other organs of the body. Da Costa says that cancer of the pan- creas is more frequent in the male. Bright reports several cases of carcinoma of the pancreas in which fatty diarrhea was present. He concludes, therefore, that it indicates disease of the pancreas. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Van Doeveren, A. J. De pancreate carcino- matoso eo in loco ubi ipsi ventriculus accumbit cum erosione hujus visceris et sanguinis demum omnis intra ipsius et interestinorum capacitatem elTusione. In his Observat. path. anat. Lugd. Bat., 1789, 35 49, 3 pi. Brassier, B. Historie d'une tumeur squirrheuse qui renfermait dans son sein I'aorte la veine cave une port portion du pancreas et le pylo pylore eclaree par I'ouverture du cadavre. Jour. gen. de med. chir. et pharm., Paris, 1817, lix, 239 256. Sandwith, T. Edinb. Med. and Surg. Journal 1820, xvi, 380. Recamier. Rev. Med., 1830. SURGER2' OF THE PAXCREAS. 6i Bayne, J. H. Am. Jour. Med. Science, Phila- delphia, 1830-31, vii, 265. Bright. Med.-chir. Trans., Vol. xviii, p. I, 1832. Suche, F. R. Nonnulla Berolini, 1834. Sjm, J. Edinb. Med. and Surg. Journal, 1835, xliv, 125. Muehry, Casper's Woch., No. x, 1835. Casper. Woch. f. d. ges. heilk,, Berlin, 1836, 433. 449- Hultgren, C. W. Lundae. 1837. Dickson, D. J. H. Med. Chir. Rev., London, 1840, xxxiii, 590-591 Kruger-Hwnsen. Ein wort uber Casper's Cur des skirrhus des pankreas. Med. argos., Lpz., 1840, ii, 628 632. Crompton. Prov. Med. and Surg. Journal, London, 1842-3, v, 234. Albers. Med. cor.bl. rhein. u. westfal aerzte, Bonn, 1843, ii, 131, 144. Knowleton, C. Boston Med. and Surg. Jour- nal, 1845, xxix, 379-382. Battersby, F. Dublin Quarterly Journal Medi- cal Science, 1844, xxv, 219 244. Fletcher. Prov. Med. and Surg. Journal, Lon- don, 1843-4, vii, 318. Smith, R. W. Doublin Jour. Med. Science, 1844, XXV, 175. Campbell, H. F. Southern Med. and Surg. Journal, Augusta, Ga., 1848, ns. v, 336 342. Lees. Dublin Quarterly Journal Medical Sci- ence, 1848, vi, 188. Dorset, J. L. New Jersey Med. Reporter, Burlington, 1851, iv, 91 92. McClurg, J. R. Med. Exam. Philadelphia, 1851, ns. vii, 640 6^4. Williams. Med. Times and Gazette, August, 1851. Wiiks. Tr. Path. Society, London, 1854-5, vi, 224-228. Frerichs. Klin. d. Leber krankheiten, vol. i, p. 146 153. McPhail. New York Journal Medicine, 1854, ns. xiii, 227 (From Proc. Path. Society, Dublin,) ibid., 1854, xvii, 447. Haldauer. Ass. Med. Journal, May, 1854. Thorn, W. Lancet, London, 1855, ii, 437. Bartrum, J. S. Assoc. Med. Journal, London, 1855. ii. 437- Kist, J. C. Lugd. Bat., 1855. Milner, K. Tubingen, 1856. Bauer, L. New Jersey Med. Reporter, Bur- lington, 1855, vii, 588. Emiliani, E. Bull, d. sc. med, di Bologna, 1857 ; 4s, viii, 161-177. Van der Byl. Medullary Cancer of the Com- mon Bile Duct; Dilatation of All the Biliary Ducts; Enlargement of the Gall-Bladder ; Can- cerous Growth in the Pancreas; Intense jaun- dice. Tr, Path, Society, London, 1857-8, ix, 228-231, Demme, T, A. Med. and Surg. Reporter, Philadelphia, 1858, 9, i, 77. Laborde. Ictere degenerescence de la tete du pancreas cancer epithelial du duodenum au niveua de I'embouchure dans ce dernier des naanaux cloedoque et pancreatique. Compt, rend. soc. de biol., 1856 Paris, 1860,33,1,84-87. Crisp, E. Tr. Path, Society, London, 1861-2. xiii, 124. Roher, ]• S. Case of Scirrhosity of the Pan- creas, with Induration, Hypertrophy and Ulcer- ation of the Duodenum and Pyloric Extremity of the Stomach. Med. and Surg. Rerporter, Philadelphia, 1862, vii, 201. Wagner, Arch, der heilk., vol. ii, p. 285. Wedekind, G. Wurzb., 1863. Roberts. British Med. Journal, ,1865. Boucaud. Gaz. med. de L^on, 1865, xvii, 527, Pop, G. F. Genesk. Tjidscher v. de zeemagt., Gravenh., 1866. iv, 310. Taylor, E. R, Case of Scirrhus of the Pan- creas, with Consequent Involvement of the Por- tal Vein and Common Choledoch and Pancreatic Ducts, Causing Ascites and Jaundice, Pacific Med. and Surg. Journal, San Francisco, 1866-7, ix, 19-23. Von Lichtenfels, Ber. d. k. k. krankenanst., Rudolph Siftung in Wien (1867), 1868, 277. Williams. J, Med and Surg. Reporter, Phila- delphia. 1868 xviii, 274. Hamilton, E. Dublin Quarterly Journal Med- ical Science, 1870, i, 476. Keen, W. W. Tr, Path, Soc, Philadelphia (1871-^), 1874, i'^' 69. Webb, W. H. Philadelphia Med. Times, 1871-2, ii, 86. Bowditch. Boston Med. and Surg. Journal, July. 1872. Davidsohn, S. Berlin, 1872. Luithlen. Memoirs a d. Artzl. Praxis, vol, xvii, p. 319, 1872, Luithlen. Memorabilien heilbr, , 1872, xvii, 306314. Gross. June, 1872. Sauter, R. Berlin, 1874. O'Hara, M. Tr. Path. Soc, Philadelphia (1875-6), 1877, vi, 12. Pott, R, Deut, Ztschr. f. prakt, med., Lpz , 1878, V, 181-183. Janicke, O. Verhandl. d. phys.-med. ges. in Wurzb., 1877, nF. x, 125-157. Soyka, L. Prag. med, Woch., 1876, i, 777-782. Tibaldi, A, Ann. univ, di med. e chir., Milano, 1876, ccxxxv, 545 1^56. Reinhard, F. '^ Wurzb., 1878. Waid, J. F. Buffalo Med. and Surg. Journal, 1878, xviii, 121-123. Strumpell, A. Deut. arch. f. klin. med., Lpz., 1878, xxii, 226-229. Westbrook. Proc. Med. Society County Kings, Brooklyn, 1879, iv, 16. Rokitansky. Ber. d. naturw. med. ver in Ins- bruck (1877), 1879, viii, 2 hft., 78. Hermann, F, St. Petersb., med. Woch, 1880, V, 61. Arnozan & Vaillard, Jour, de med. de Bor- deaux, 1880-8 1, V, 584. Bull. New York Path. Society, 1881, 2s, i, 67-70. Aufrecht. In his Path, Mitt Magdeb., 1881, 126-129. Scholz, Carein. Pancreat 2 (M) im alter von 62 und 79 jahren. Aerztl. ber. k. k. allg. kran- kenh. zu Wien (1880), 1881, 32. Gaule, ]. Arch, f, anat. u. Entwcklingsgesch., Lpz,, 1880, 364-368. Foa, P, Gior. internaz. d. sc, med., Napoli, 1881, ns. iii, 1032-1035, I pi. Earle, C. W. Chicago Med. Journal and Ex- aminer, 1882, xlv, 254. Biach, A. Mittli. d, ver. d. aertzte in Nied oest, Wien, 1882, viii, 171-173. Wesener, F. Arch. f. path, anat., etc., Berlin, 1883, xciii, 386-395. 62 SURGE/? 2' OF THE PANCREAS. Osier. Med. News, Philadelphia, 1883, xlii,694. Losch. St. Petersb. med. Woch., 1883, vii, 205. Jour, de med. de Bordeaux, 1883-4, ^i"> 232. Mitth. d. Wien. med. doct-coll., 1883, ix, 43, 78, 116, 134, 157, 168. Stintzing, R. Aerztl. int.-bl., Munchen, 1883, XXX, 185. Lilly^ M. W. Med. and Surg. Reporter, Phila- delphia, 1884, i, 422, 453. Med. Record, New- York, 1884, xxvi. Howitz, L. N. Coll. aod Clin. Record, Phila- delphia, 1884, V, 166-169. Ria, G. In his Alcune lez. di clin. med., Napoli, 1884, 359-368. Rep. Surg. Gen. Mar. Hospt., Washington, 1885,-6, 183. Holley, D. C. Penn. Journal Medicine, Ann Arbor, 1885-86, iii, 293 297. Tajlor, T. C. Gaiilard's Med. Journal, New York, 1887, xliii, 546 1^51 Hadden, W. B. Tr. Path. Societj-, London (1886-7), 1887, xxxviii, 163. White, W. H. Tr. Path. Society, London, 1887-8, xxxix, 147 149. I fall Jahrsb. u. d. chir. abth. d. spit, zu Basel (1887), 1888. 58. Ramos and Cochez. Rev. de med., Paris, 1887, vii, 770-779- Roussel, A. Loire med. St. Etienne, 1888, vii, 146-148. Schwerdt. Cor.-bl. d. allg. arztl. ver. v. Thur- ingen, Weimar, 1888, xvii, 37^ Kofler, E. Riv. clin. e terap., Napoli, 1888, x, 620-622. Legrand, H. Rev. de med., Paris, 1889, ix, 165-179. Suckling. Lancet, London, 1889, i, 127. Richmond, N. G. Buffalo Med. and Surg. Journal, 1889-90, xxix, 728-732. Thompson, W. G. Primary Carcinoma of the Pancreas. New York Med. Journal, 1889, xlix, 407. Simon, Fritz. Greifswald, 1889. Klemperer, G. Deutsch. med. Woch., Lpz , 1889, XV, 742. Moritz. St. Petersb. med. Woch., 1889, nF, vi, 116. Lachmann, S. Griefswald, 1889. Bettelheim, K. D. arch. f. klin. med., Lpz., 1889, xlv, 181-185. Ruggi, R. Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Napoli, 1890, ns, xii, 81 90, I pi. Hlava, J. Shorn lek v. Praze, 1890, iv, I^6 160. Musmeci, N. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1890, xi, 642, 650, 658. Fahndrich, Carl. Freiburg, 1891. Galvagni (E) eG Bassi. Riv. clin. e terap., Napoli, 1891, xiii, 613, 632. Mollard. Lyon Med., 1891, Ixviii, 299. Strandhartner. Aerzt. ber. d. k. k. allg. krank- enh. zu Wien (1891), 1893, 77. Stockton, C. G. Int. Clin., Philadelphia, 1892, iv, 17. Knoch, V. A. Bolnitsch gaz. Botkina, St. Petersb., 1892, iii, 250, 275, 300. Flexner, S. Johns Hopkins Hospital Bulletin, Baltimore, 1892, iii, 54 59. Steele, C. Lancer, London, 1893, ii> i3^"^33' Smith, J. B. Lancet, London, 1893, ii, 306. 2eri. Lavori d. cong. di. med. int., 1892, Mi- lano (1893), V, 447 449. Billings, F. Chicago Clin. Rev., 1893,11,43-50. LeBoutillier, VV. G. Med. Record, New York, ,1893, xliii, 221. V. Engel, R. Prag. med. Woch., 1894, ^'^> 609, 626. Sympson. E. M. Quarterly Med. Journal, Sheffield, 1894-5. iii, 375-380 Severi, A. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1894, ^^' 1537-15+1- Bogdan, G. Bull. soc. d. med. et nat.,Jassy, 1894 5. viii, 77-79. Monari, A. Gazz. med. lomb., Milano, 1894. Kramer, A. St. Petersb. med. Woch., 1894, nF, x1, 426. Bello, E. Cron. med., Lima, 1894, xi, 337-353. Miller, J. M. Med. Record, New York, 1895, xlviii, 301. Melvin, J. T. Denver Med. Times, 1895 ^> '^i'^i 262. Kelly, A. O. J. University Med. Magazine, Philadelphia, 1895 6, viii, 98-103. Gade, F. G. Histologi Festskr., Professor Heibergs (etc.), Kristiana, 1895, 75-90. Casarini, C. Rassegna di sc. med., Modena, 1896, xi, 244-246. Bevan, It. Philadelphia Hospital Reports, 1896, iii, 62 65. Blumer, G. Johns Hopkins Hospital Bulletin, Baltimore, 1896, vii, 189. Wright, J. H. Med and Surg. Reporter; Boston City Hospital, 1896, 7s, 273-281. Rahn, J. R. Illustrate Gottinfjae, 1896. White, W. H. Lancet, London, 1896, ii, 1805. Sweet, G. B. Australasion Med. Gazette, Sydney, xv, 464-467. Maxon, E. R. New York Med. Journal, 1897, Ixv. 83 85. McFarland, J. Proc. Path, soc, Philadelphia, 1898 9, ii, 112-114. Hare, H. A. Tr. Path. Soc, Philadelphia, 1898, xviii, 55-57. Bauernieister, W. An ein trauma. Monatschr. f. unfalheilk., Lpz., 1898, v, 363-372. Woolsey, G. Ann. Surg., Philadelphia, 1898, xxvii, 371. Ebstein,W. Deutsch. med. Woch., 1899, xxv, 71. Ward, S. B. Albany Mod. Ann., 1899, xx, 24-28. Schilling, F. Munch, med., 1899, xlv, 148. Mager, W. Wien. med. Presse, 1899, xl, 15 17. Gunther, H. D. arch. f. klin. med., Lpz., 1900, Ixv, 376, 636 642. Boye, Bruno. Inaug-Dissert., Kiel., 1900, Sept. Kassel, Fritz. Inaug-Dissert., Plz , 1899 1900, Dec-Feb. Baldwin, F. A. Philadelphia Med. Journal, 1900, vi, 1 195 1 199. Rozsa, F. Pest, med-chir. Presse, Budapest, 1900, xxxvi, 121 124. Aubery. Loire med., St. Etienne, 1900, xix, 128-133. Parodi Cron. d. clin. med., Geneva, 1901, vii, 105. SARCOMA (1S68-I903). vSarcoma of the pancreas may be pri- mary or secondary, usually primary, as indicated by reported cases. It is usually the tail that is involved. Sarcoma of the piincreas is usually r>f rapid growth, and seldom undergoes c) b.ic degeneration, SURGERT OF THE PANCREAS. 63 Historical. — Paulicki, 1868, reports a case of primary sarcoma of the pancreas. In the Bulletin is to be found the report of a case of lympho-sarcoma. Machado, 1883, records a case of sar- coma of the pancreas, as does also Chiari during the same year, Kuhn, 1887, mentions a case of primary sarcoma of the pancreas. Ricketts, B. M., 1889, had a case of primary sarcoma of the pancreas. Garda-Mansilla, 1892, records a pro- gressive sarcoma of the pancreas, and Ehrmann, 1896, and Greene, 1898, each one of primary sarcoma of pancreas. The first was of its tail. Italia Edorado, 1900, records a pri- mary pancreatic sarcoma. Jamison, 1902, one of a similar nature. BIBLIOGRAPHY, Paulicki. Allg. med. centrl. ztg., Berlin, 1868, xxxvii, 781. Le Pine and Comill. Gaz. med. de Paris, 1874, p, 624. Bull. soc. anat. de Nantes, 1880, Paris, 1881, iv, 76. Machado, V. Correio med. de Lish., 1883, xii, 61 63. Chiari. Prag. med. Woch,, 1883, viii, 122. 1885, Ivi, 394-397- Joccun, D. Jour, de med. et chir. prat., Paris, Kuhn, A. Berl. klin. Woth., 1887, xxiv, 494-496. Garday, Mansilla S. Med. -farm. Madrid, 1892, V, 77- Ehrmann, F, J. E. Journal Am. Med. Assn., Chicago, 1896, xxvii, 1240-42. Piccoli, E. Beitn. Z. path. anat. Z. Ig. path., Jena, 1897, 'xvi, 105 131, 2 pl. Greene, H. W. New England Med. Gazette, Boston, 1898, xxxiii, 65. Italia, Edorado F. Roma Dante Alighieri, 1900. Janeson, H. The Surg. Clinic, p. 259, 1992. Mayo. Outlines of Human Path., p. 411. A Contribujion to the Study of Primary Sarcoma. Am. Jour. Med. Science, March, 1902, p. 471. CANCER (167O-I9O3). Hertodius a Titenfeld, J. F. Misc. acad. nat. curios , Lpis, 1670, i, 230. Irwin, W. F. Philadelphia Journal Med. and Physical Scienee, 1824, viii, 406-413. Vidal. Clinique, Paris, 1829, i, 234. Uupre. Bull. soc. anat. de Paris, 1830, 2 ed., 1846, V 44-46. Truinpy, J. Jour. d. pract. heilk., Berlin, 1830, Ixxi, 6, 35 43. Andral. Gaz. d. hop., Paris, 1831-2, v, 6r. Cases. Gaz. d. hop., Paris, 1832, vi, 533. McDowell. Proc. Path. Soc, Dublin (1840-49), 1849, i, 167-169. Pepper. Med. Exam., Philadelphia, 1842, ns, i. 723- Greene. Dublin Quarterly Journal Medical Science, 18^16, i, 250. Carmichael. Dublin Quarterly Journal Medi- cal Science, 1846, i, 243. Rnssell. Prov. Med. and Surg. Journal, Lon- don, iSsr, 153. Williams. Med. Times, London, 1852, ns. v, I3ri35- Vesselle, A. P. Paris, 1852. Haldane, D. R. Monthly Med. Jour. Science, London and Edinburg, 1854, xix, 77. O'Rourk. Am. Monthly, New York, 1855, iii, 139- Babington, T. H. Dublin Quarterly Journal Medical Science, 1855, xx, 237. Barth. Bull. Soc. anat., Paris, 1856, xxxi, no. Roques. Bull. soc. de anat., Paris, 1857, xxxii, 24c;. Da Co^sta, J. M. N. Am. Med. Chir. Rev., Philadelphia, 1858, ii, 883-909. Forwood, W. S. Med. and Surg. Reporter, Philadelphia, 1858-9, i, 125 127. Buckingham, C. E. Boston Med. and Surg. Journal, 1859-60, i, Ixi. Cancer of the Pan- creas, Case and Table of Thirty seven Cases. Tr. Path. Soc, Philadelphia (1857-60), i860, I 8, 109. Agnew. Proc. Path. Soc, Philadelphia (1857- 60), i860, i, 84-86. Wagner, E. Arch. d. heilk., Lpz., 1861, ii, 285. Meigs, J. F. Med. and Surg. Reporter, Phila- delphia, 1862, vii, 107. Ward. Lancet, London, 1863, ii, 66. Labbe, E. Bull. soc. anat. de Paris, 1865, xlv, 267 270. De Lignerolles. Bull. soc. anat. de Paris, 1866, xli, 38 40. Gibbons, H. Pacific Med and Surg. Journal, San Francisco, 1866-7, ix, 24.27. Gross, S. W. Am. Journal Medical Science, Philadelphia, 1869, ns, Iviii, 132 135. Cameron. Med. Times and Gazette, London, 1869, ii, 491. Nancrede, C B. Am. Journal Medical Science, Philadelphia, 1870, Ix, 150. Jayaker, A. S. G. Indian Med. Gazette, Cal- cutta, 1870, V, 230. Tyson, J. Med. Times, Philadelphia, 1870-71, i| 365- Bell, J. R. F. Proc. Path. Soc. Philadelphia (1866-70), 1871, iii, 158. Reece, M. Med. and Surg. Reporter, Phila- delphia, 1871, XXV, 6. Bowditch. Boston Med and Surg. Journal, 1872, Ixxxvii, 65 67. McCollom, J. H. Boston Med. and Surg Jour- nal, 1872, ix, 371-373. Troupeau. France med., Paris, 1873, xx, 613. Smith, H. Med. Times and Gazette, London, 1873, i, 249. Finnell. Med. Record, New York, 1873, viii, 314- Bailey, J. S. Philadelphia Med. Tirres, 1873-4, iv, 667. Cutter, E. Southern Med. Record, Atlanta, 1874, ^^> 12-16. jarvis, G. C. Proc. Conn. Med Soc, Hartford, 1876, 37, I pl. Jamieson, A. Customs Gaz. Med. Reporter, i, 1876, Shanghai, 1877, 51-53. Dechamps. Arch. med. beiges ux 1878, 3s, xiv, 257-259. 64 SURGERT OF THE PANCREAS. Mackenzie, S. Med. Examiner, London, 1878, iv, 126. Allin, C. M. Tr. New York Path. Soc. 1879, iii, 40 42. Johnson. Med. Times and Gazette, London, 1879, i, 591. Masing, E. St. Petersb. Med. Woch., 1879, iv, 263. Edwards, W. E. Ohio Med. Record, Colum- bus, 1879 80, iv, 402. Jamieson, R. A. China Med. Miss. Journal, Shanghai, 1887, i, 8-10. Dyson. British Med. Journal, London, 1887, i, "S- Dickinson, E. H. Liverpool Medico-Chirur- gical Journal, 1888, viii, 85-94. Cash, A. M. British Med. Journal, London, 1888, i, 133. Bard and Pic. Rev. de med., Paris, 1888, viii. Isch, Wall. Progres med., Paris, 1888, vii, Ewart, W. St. George's Hosp. Reports, 1879, 423 25. London, 1880, x, 282. Cimbali, F. Sperimentale Firenze, 1889, Ixiv, de Cerenville. Bull. soc. med. de la Suisse, 282-297. Rom., Lausanne, 1880, xiv, 86. McNaughton, G. Brooklyn Med. Journal, Bartley, E. H. Ann. anat. and surg. soc, 1889, iii, 385-391. Brooklyn, N. Y., 1880, ii, 455-497. Mariani, J. M. Rev. de med. y cirung pract., Brechemin, G. Progres med., Paris, 1880, Madrid, 1889, xxiv, 12. viii, 70. Caron, A. Bull. soc. de med. de Rouen (1888), Salles, E. Contribution a I'etude du cancer 1889, 2s, ii, 97-104. primitif du pancreas, Paris, 1880. Herringham. British Med, Journal, London, Deguy et Piatot. Bull. soc. anat., Paris, Ixxiii, 1889, i, 593. 215. Isch-SVall. Bull. soc. anat. de Paris, 1889, Ixiv, Anders, J. M. Philadelphia Med. Times, 1880- 330 335. 81, xi, 803. Moncorge. Province med., Lyon, 1889, iii, Carson. St. Louis Courier of Medicine, 1881, 569-571. V, 342-44. Kestevon, W. H. Tr. Path. Soc, London, Kernig,V. M. Vratch, St. Petersb., 1881, ii,i-3. 1888-89, xl, 140 143. Legendre. P. L. Bull. soc. anat. de Paris, 1881, Aigre, D. Bull. soc. anat. de Paris, 1889, Ixiv, Ivi, 186-1J Moore, N. St. Barth. Hosp. Reports, London, 1881, xvii, 205 215. Galloupe, L F. Boston Med. and Surg. Jour- nal, 1881, cv, 592. Tyson, J. Philadelphia Med. Times, 1881-2, xii, 786. Kidd, P. Tr. path, soc, London, 1882 3, xxxiv, 136. Madre, C. A. Paris, 1883. 253- Collier, J. T. British Med. Journal, London, 1890, ii, 790. Masters, J. L. Med. and Surg. Reporter, Philadelphia, 1891, Ixv, 91-93. Bret, J. Province med., Lyon, 1891, v, 210, 220. Cane, L. British Med. Journal, London, 1891, ii, 1309. Thacher, S. J. Med. Record, New York, Gillar, F. Med.-chir. centrbl., 1883, Wien, I891, xl, 79. Cancer of Pancreas. Rep. Superv. xviii, 239. Surg. Genl. Marine Mosp., i89[-2. Washington, Dixon, G. A. Philadelphia Med. Times, 1883- 1893, p. 184. 4, xiv, 472. Steven, J. L. Tr. Glasgow Path, and Clin. Ramey. Bull. soc. de anat. et physiol. de Soc, 1893 5, 185. Bordeaux, 1883, iv, 24. New York Med. Jour- Sousa Martins. Med. contemp., Lisbon, 1893, nal, 1884, xxxix, 333 p. Vernay, J. Lyon, 1884. Bennett, C. D. Med. Record, New York, 1884 XXV, 695. Barbfllon. Bull. soc. de anat., 1884, lix, 86 88 Anderson, M'C. Glasgow Med. Journal, 1884 xxi, 59. Armstrong. Canada Med. Record, Mon(real 1885-6, xiv, 555. Aphel. Gazz. med. di Torino, 1885, xxxvi 179-181. Jaccoud. J. de med. et chir. prat., Paris, 1885 Ivi, 394 397- Rotch, T. M. Boston Med. and Surg. Jour- 193 195 xi, 226, 233, 241. Chaoupin et Molle. Loire med., St. Etienne, 1893, X"' 62, 141. Mirallie, C. Gaz. d. hop., Paris, 1893, 'xvJ» 889 898. Paviot, J. Province med., Lyon, 1893, ^"1 I47- Courmont, J. et J, Bret. Province med., Lyon, 1894, 'viii> 30 1 •304' Olivier, E. Beitr. z. path, anat, u. z. path., Jena, 1894, xv, 351-374. i P'- Rankin, G. British Med. Journal, London, 1895, i, 1033. Stiller, B. Orvosi hetil, Budapest, 1895, xxxix. nal, 1885, cxii, 175-177. Mayet. Lyon med., 1885, xlix, 31-33. Welch, G.T. Tr. Med. Soc New Jersey, New- ark, 1886, 231. Gamier, R. Bull. soc. de anat., Paris, 1886, xxi, 472-474. Verardini, F. Rev. de med. de Seville, 1886, viii. 108, 129, 200. Dalton, H. C. St. Louis Courier of Medicine, 1887, xviii, 134. Call, E. L. Boston Med. and Surg. Journal, 1887, cxvii, 576-578. Hamilton, J. B. Journal American Medical Association, 1887, viii, 630. Kelly, C. W. American Practitioner and News, Louisville, 1895, ^^^i 297. Epler, E. G. J. Arkansas Med. Soc, Little Rock, 1895-6, vi, 205-207. Cochez, A. Rev. de med., Paris, 1895, xv, 5-15-.S52. Maxon, E. R. New York Med. Journal, 1895, Ixii, 367. Bard, L. Rev. de mal. cancer, Paris, 1895 6, i, 225 230. Cangini, E. Riv. clin. e terap., Napoli, 1895, xvii, 122-127. Taliaferro, V. Columbus Med. Journal, 1896, xvii, 439-442- SURGER7' OF THE PANCREAS. 65 Gorbatovski, V. K. Meditsina, St. Petersburg, 1896, viii, 419 421. Fothergil], W. E. British Med. Journal, London, 1896, i, 1323. Pepper, J. Ferl. kiin. woch., 1896, xlvi, 581. Stoicescu, G. Romania med. Bucuresci, iv, 2, 41. Jamison, W. B. Proc. Path. Soc, Philadel- phia, 1897-8, ns, I, 301. Leven, G. Bull. soc. anat., Paris, 1897, Ixxii, 951-954- Metarazzo Carveni, G. Corriere san Settim, Milano, 1897, '^i"' No. 19, 4. Lamb, D. S. Nat. Med. Review, Washington, 1897-8. vii, 268. Bard et Pic. Rev. de med. Paris, i8g7, 929 953. Boston Med. and Surg. Journal, 1897, cxxxvi, 578-580. Guillou Francis. Paris, 1898, 78 p.. No. 424. Veratrate et Danel. Jour. d. sc. med. de Lille, 1898, i, 630-635. Routier. Bull, et mem. chir., Paris, 1898, xxiv, 152-154. Rigot, H. Loire med., St. Etienne, 1898, xviii, 122. Arnold, J. P. Tr. Path. Soc, Philadelphia, 1898, xviii. 127-129. Guillou, F. Gaz. hebd. de med., Paris, 1898, iii, 841-843. Bielogolovvv, A. A. Bolnitsch. gaz. Botkins, St. Petersb., 1898, ix, 1633.35. Darrach and Davis. Univ. Med. Magazine, Philadelphia, 1898, 9, xi, 22-27. Monod, R. Bull. et. mem. soc. anat,, Paris, 1900, ii, 136-139. Morlot, E. Anatomiques Bourgogne med. Dijon, 1900, viii, 48 50. Pic et Tolot. Province med., Lyon, 1900, xv, 277-279, 294-297, 301-305. Robson, A. W. M. Lancet, London, 1900, ii, 235 240. Vance, A. M. Louisville Monthly Journal of Medicine and Surgery, 1902, p. 416 417. HERNIA (1856-I9O3). Hernia of the pancreas usually results from penetrating wounds in the back. It may, however, be congenital. It may become gangrenous as the result of stran- gulation, and undergo a spontaneous re- covery. The strangulated portion has in few instances been successfully removed by ligature or otherwise. Cecchini, 1886, records a case of con- genital ectopia of the pancreas. Pererirao Guimaraes, 1896, mentions a case of traumatic hernia of the pancreas, as does Foy, 1897, also. Hondal, 1897, records a curious case of prolapse of the pancreas. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Labedorie. Gaz. des hopt. aux.. No. 2, 1856. Dagu. Med. and Surg. Reporter, August 22, 1874. Kleberg. Langenbeck's Arch fur Chir., vol. ix, p. 523. Med. and Surg. History of the War of the Rebellion, Part ii, vol. ii. Surg. History, p. 158, gives two cases of hernia of the pancreas, following gun-shot injury. Nussbaum. Die verletzungen des um Terle- leibes, 1880. Cecchini, S. Rassegna di sc. med. Modena, 1886, i, 314-325. Pererira Guimaraes. Prog, med., Pf ris, 1896, 3s, iv, 236. Foy, G. Med. Press and Circular, London, 1897, ns, Ixiii, 557. Honda, T. Chiugai Iji Shinpo, Tukio, 1897, xviii. No. 411, 15 22. SURGERY (1856-1903). Pancreatotomy is done for the evacua- tion of all kinds of cysts, removal of for- eign bodies or calculi ; all kinds of neo- plasms, malignant or benign ; and ligation of the pancreatic arteries or ducts. The trocar should never be used in pan- creatic cysts only when the abdomen has been previously opened. Pancrecctomy is I he removal of a por- tion or all of the pancreas for hernia, gan- grene, laceration or otherwise. Pancreopcxy consists in fixing the pan- creas, healthy or diseased, in its normal position or in the abdominal wall, for dis- lodgement, laceration, cysts or other- wise. Pancreorrrapliyls suturing the pancre- atic tissue for lacerated or incised wounds produced by accident or surgical opera- tions. The suturing of walls of cysts to the abdominal wall is not properly included in pancreopexy. Death finally results from complete ex- tirpation of pancreatic tissue. Subcutaneous or peritoneal implanta- tion of pancreatic tissue (in the absence of the original pancreatic tissue) will maintain life indefinitely. His/orical.— One of the first memoirs on extirpation of the human pancreas is by Bernard and Colin, 1856; Allen, 1876, contributed another in which he spoke of the possibilities of exsection of the pancreas. Zukowski, 1881, made a laparotomy for a pancreatic cyst, and Bozeman, during the same year, removed a cyst of the pancreas in the same manner, weighing twenty and one half pounds. Gussenbauer, 1883, performed an oper- ation for a cyst of the pancreas. In the Transactions of the American Surgical Association, is to be found a most inter- esting report on the surgery of the pan- 66 SURGERY OF THE PANCREAS. creas based upon experimental and clinical researches. Bull, 1887, reports a case of pancreatic cyst treated successfully by incision and drainage. The patient subsequently died from diabetes. Tremaine, 18S8, was successful in re- moving a pancreatic cyst and preserving the life of the patient. Cathcart, 1889, reports a case of trau- matic cyst of the pancreas in which rup- ture occurred after the introduction of a hypodermic needle. He made a laparotomy with recovery. The danger is thus shown that a needle or trocar should never be introduced into such a cyst unless its wall is extra-peritoneal. Parkes, 1889, drained such a cyst, and Amandale, 1889, was fortunate in having his case recover after abdominal section and drainage. Minkowski, 1890, extirpated a cyst, and Pitt and Jacobson, 1S90, drained one, with recovery, by abdominal incision. Agnew, 1S90, and Briggs, 1890, each removed a pancreatic cyst with recovery. Lancereaux, 1891, performed complete ablation of the pancreas in a case of diabetes, and Hedon, during the same year, studied the effect upon the general nutrition after extirpation of the pancrens. Aldehoff, of the same year, also noted the effects of extirpation in cases of dia- betes mellitus. Pitt and Jack 799" 801. Vanni, L. Arch. ital. di clin. med., Milano, 1894., xxxiii, 157, 206. Korte, W. Verhandl. d. deutsche ges. f. chir., Berlin, 1894. xxiii, pt. ii, 365.396. Zweiful, P. Centralhl. t. gynak., Lpz., 1894, xviii. 641 647. Ashurst, W. W. Med. News, Philadelphia, 1894. Ixiv, 377. Richardson, M. H. Boston Med. and Surg. Journal, 1895, cxxxii, 280. Ramsay, O. Ann. Surg., Philadelphia, 1895, xxii, 771 776. Elliot, J. W. Boston Med. and Surg. Journal, 1895, cxxxii, 351 354. Herczel, M. Orvosi hetil, Budapest, 1895, xxxix, 431. Cibert. Gaz. d. hop., Paris, 1896, Ixix, 347- 350- Turner, G. R. Lancet, London, 1896, ii, 25-28. Theren, A. V. Hygiea, Stockholm, 1896, Iviii, pt. 2, 315 317. Sendler, P. D. Ztschr. f. chir., Lpz., 1896, xHv, 329 345. Fodera, P. A. Untersuch. z. naturl. d. mensch. u. d. thiere, Giessen, 1896, xvi, 79-89, i pi. PMnotti. Wien. klin. woch., 1896, ix, 266 268. Madelung, O. Handb. d. spec, therap. inner krankh., Jena, 1896. iv, 2 teil, 2 11-219. Doran, A. British Med. Journal, London, 1897, ii, 1779 1786 Hultl, H. Unger med. presse, Budapest, 1897, ii, 1047. Heinricius, G. Arch. f. klin. chir., Berlin, 1897, liv, 389-470, I pi. Malcolm, J. D. Tr. med. soc, London, 1897 8, xxi, 97-109. Parry, Dunn and Pitts. Lancet, London, 1897, i, 36. Randall, E. B. Lancet, London, 1898, ii, 1702. Tricomi, E. Riforma med., Napoli, 1898, xiv, pt- 4,433-437- von Brachel, A. Heilung, d. ztschr. f. chir., Lpz., 1898. xlix, 293 303. Korte, E. W. iStuugart, 1898, 258 p. Takayasu, M. Mitt. a. d. grenzgeb. d. med. u. chir., Jena, 1898, iii, 89-162. Jaboulay. Lyon med., 1898, Ixxxix, 365 368. Page, Paris, 1898, loi p. Payr, E. Wien. klin. woch., 1898, xi, 629-654. Gushing, H. W. Jour. Am. Med. Assn., 1898, XXX, 1 108. Pollard, B. British Med. Journal, London, 1899, i, 594 596. Manges, M. Philadelphia Med. Journal, 1899, iii, 7J4 728. Northrup and Hester. Am. Jour. Med. Sc, Philadelphia, 1899, cxvii, 131-136. Delageniere, ii. Bull, et mem. soc. chir., Paris, 1900, xxvi, 2?7 232. Ceccherelli, A. In. xiii Cong, internat. de med. Res. d. Rap., Paris, 1900, Sect, de chir., gen. I 3 Robson, Mayo. In. xiii Cong, internat. de med. Res. d. Rap., Paris, 1900, Sect, de chir. gen., 6-8, 811. Boeckel, J. In. xiii Con. internat. de med. Res. d. Rap., Paris, 1900, Sect, de chir. gen., 13 H- Hahn, E. Deutsche Ztschr. f. chir., Lpz., 1900, Iviii, 1-12. Boeckel, J. Paris, 1900, xiv, 652 653. Robson, A. W. M. Polyclinic, Lundon, 1900, iii, 207-219. Bessel-Hagen. Verhandl. d. deut=ch. gesellsch. f. chir., Berlin, 1900, xxix, Th. 2, 683 695. Berard. De la poche Lyon med., 1900, xciii, 94 95- Lund, F. B. Boston Med. and Surg. Journal, 1900, cxliii, 543-550, 2 fig. Hagen, F. Bessel. Arch. f. klon. chir., Berlin, 1900, Ixii, 157 169. Robson, A. W. xiii Cong, internat. de med. sect, de chir. gen., 1900, Paris, 1901, compt. rend. 140-159, 159 206. 206-213, 213 214. Richardson-Fitz. Amer. Jour. Med. Science, August, 1900. Deaver. Annals of Surgery, Vol. 32, p. 708. Fisk. Anna's of Surgery, Vol. 32, p. 723. Morton. Annals of Surgery, Vol. 29, p. 760. Franke, F. Arch. f. klin. chir., Berlin, 1901, Ixiv, 364 392. Munro,J. C. Boston Med. and Surg. Journal, 1901, cxliv, 235 236. Eve, P. F. Med. and Surg. Reporter, Phila- delphia, Ixxiv, 583-586. Ransohoff, J. Trans. 56th Ohio State Medical Society, p. 225-234, 1901. Arch. f. clin. chir. vol. 62, p. 157. Starck Biet. Zurkl. chir., 1901, p. 713. Layne, P. C. Personal communication. Pauchet. (Jaz. de Ilopitaux, Paris, January, 1902. Hadra, B. E. Philadelphia Med. Journal, January, 1902 ; II Policlinico, Rome, January, 1902. Park, Roswell. American Medicine, Phila- delphia, February, 1902, p. 261. Tilton, B. F. Annals of Surgery, Philadelphia, Pa.. July, 1902, p. 59. Park, Roswell. American Journal of Surgery and Gynecology, St. Louis, July, 1902, p. 192. Murray and Gies. American Medicine, Phila- delphia, July 26, 1902, p. 133. Ricketts, B. M. Surgery of Pancreas. Cin- cinnati Lancet-Clinic, Ohio, Oct. 11, p. 369; Oct. 18, p. 399; Oct. 25, p. 431. Murray, F. W. Acute Suppurative Pancrea- titis. Annals of Surgery, Philadelphia, Pa., Oct., p. 49+. SURGERT OF THE PANCREAS. 69 Moynihan, B. G. A. Chronic Pancreatitis, Lancet, London, England, Sept. 27, p. 856. Majn, W. J. Surgical Aspects of Pancreatitis. Journal American Medical Association, Chicago, 111., Oct. 4, p. 807. Nash, W. G. Acute Pancreatitis with Chole- lithiasis and Glycosuria ; Cholecystotomj. Lan- cet, London, England, Nov. i, p. 1192. Owen, E. Chronic Pancreatitis: Two Cases Treated by Laparotomy. British Med. Journal, London, England, Oct. 25, p. 1310. Weichselbaum. Histology of the Pancreas in Diabetes Mellitus. Wiener klin. Wochenschrift, September, 18, October 9, 1902. Blodgett, T. H. Three Phases of Pancreatic Disease with Report of Cases. Med. Record, New York, December 13, 1902 Ruediger, G. F. Journal Am. Med. Assn., vol. xl, No. 16, April 18, 1903, p. 1059 1062. MISCELLANEOUS BIBLIOGRAPHY 1672-I902. Leonicenus, J. Metamorphosis ^Esculapii et ApoUonia'pancreatici. Gratianopoli, 1672. The same, editio postrema priore correctier, Jense, 1678. Romhild, J. S. De pancreate sm., Altdorfi, 1706. Heldefreund, C. B. De pancreatis morbis, Halae Magdeb., 1713. Vlot, R. De pancreate sm., Lugd. Bat., 1733. D'Orville, P. De fabrica et usu pancreatis., Lugd. Bat., 1745. Targioni Tozzetti, G. Due cbndotti pancre- atici, in his Prima race di ossery med Flrenze, 1752, 139. Sur deux conduits pancreatiques rec. period d obs. de med. de chirurg. et pharm., Paris, 1756, iv, 283. Paldamus, G. C. De damnis ex male aflfecte pancreate in sanitatem redundantibus, Ilalae Magdeb., 1759. Sebire. Observation sur le pylore et le pan- creas trouves cartilagineux. Jour, de med. chir. pharm , etc., Paris 1783, Ix, 5;(8-55i. Henning. Merkwurdige kranken und section- schichte. Jour. d. pract. arznk. u. wundarznk, Jena, 1799, 4, R, viii, 3560, i pi. Wecker, J. C. De conditionibus pancreatis materialibus quod praevia solemni de thesibus medicis disputation (etc.), Halae, 1805. Harles, J. C. F. Ueber die krankheiten des pancreas mit besonderer berucksichtung der phthisis pancreatica und mit einleitenden bemer- kungen uber schwindsuchten uberhaupt. Nurn- berg, 1812. Schmackpfeffer, E. S. Diss sistens observa- tiones de quibusdam pancreatis morbis. Halae, 1817. Kraft. Merkwurdige leichenoffnuner. Jour, d pract. heilk. Berlin, 1818, xlvii, 4 st , 68 77. Marquett. Merkwurdiger fall einer ganzlichen verknorpelung des antrum pylori und des pan- creas. Mag. f. d. ges. heilk,, Berlin, 1819, vi, 147. Vogel. De pancreatitis nonsologia generali. Halis, Sax., 1819. Eyting. Pancreatitis chronica. Jour. d. prakt. heilk., Berlin, 1822, liv, 4 st., 3-15. Lilienhain, L. Beitrag zu den krankheiten des pankreas. Jour. d. pract. heilk., Berlin, 1825;, Ixi, Supplhft, 78 91. Denis, P. J. Phlegmasie chronique du pan- creas developpee sous I'influence d'une phleg- masie uterine hemorrhagique chronique. Ann. de la med. physio)., Paris, 1826, ix, 58 73. Lerche, C. C. De pancreatitide. Halae, 1826. Knauer, R. De pancreatitide ejusque sequelis. Jenae, 1828. Koenig, J. Diss, sistens disquistionem mor- berum pancreatis. Tubingae, 1828. Koenig, J. Disuisitie morborum pancreatis. Tubingae, 1829. Schirlitz, J. A. Melaena in felge einer verhar- tung des pancreas. Mag. f. d. ges. heilk., Berlin, 1829, xxviii, 545-550. Bardenheurer, B. De insania cum morbis pan- creatis conjuncta. Bonnae, 1829. Maercker, F. F. De pancreate. Berolini, 1830. Watson. Cases of Jaundice with Disease of the Pancreas. London Med. and Phys. Journal, 1830, ns, viii, 499 503. Lawrence, W. History of a Case in which on Examination After Death the Pancreas was Found in a State of Active Inflammation. Med. Chir. Tr., London, 1831, xvi, 367 376. Samberger. Entzundung und veriterung des pancreas. San. ber. d. k. med. coll. zu Posen [1830], 1832, 26, 27. Ulrich. Austerung des pancreas. Gen. ber, d. k. rhein. med. -coll., 1831. Coblenz, 1833, 53. Dawididoff, J. De morbis pancreatis obser- vationes quaedem. Dorpati, 1833. Hohnbaum. Zur diagnose der krankheiten der bauchspeicheldruse. Ibid., 1834, iii, 241, 270. Medicis, C. L. Nonnulla de morbis pancreatis. Berolini, 1835. Muhry, A. A. Markschwammbildung in pan- creas und desen umgebung. Woch. f. d. ges. heilk., Berlin, 1835, 153-157- Polak, J. J. Diss, sistens quaedamsde pan- create ejusque inflammatione adnexis observa- tionibus pancreatitidis chronicae [i, ii] et phys- coniae pancreatis [iii]. Pragae, 1835. Unckell, H. J. Cospectus nosographiae pan- creatis. Bonnae, 1836. Conti, P. Interne I'inflammazione del pan- creas osservata durante una constituzione epi- demica di parotti. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1837, 2s, iii, 3 12. Perle, E. De pancreate ejusque morbis. Bero- lini, 1837. Lappe, F. J. De morbis pancreatis quaedam. Berolini, 1837. Hesse, G. F. De morbis pancreatis. Berolini, 1838, Knox, R. The Pancreas, London Med, Gaz., 1839-40, XXV, 96, 196. Herzog. Verliarten pancreas. Woch. f. d. ges, heilk., Berlin. 1839, 786. Redi, F. Per un sense moleste nel pancreas con lang languidezza in tutto il corpe ec in his. Cons. med. [etc.], 12, Venezia, 1S39, i, 81 88. Burger. Was ist in den neuren zeiten fur die diagnostik der krankheiten der bauchspeichel- druse gescheher. Beantwortet ven jour. d. pract. heilk., Berlin, 1839, Ixxxix, 2 st., 104-123. Holscher, G. P. Langjahriges leiden des pan- creas und tod durch perforation des duodeni. Hanney ann. f. d. ges* heilk., 1840, v, 354-358. Landsberg. Krankheiten des pankreas. Jour, d. prakt. heilk., Berlin, 1840, xci, i, St., 49 79. Engel, J. Ueber krankheiten des pancreas und seines ausfuhrungsganges. Med. Jahrb. d. k. k. 70 SURGER2' OF THE PAXCREAS. osterr. staates. Wien, 1840, nF. xxiii, 411, 1841, nF. xxiv, 193. Gorter, M. S. De pancreatitide. Lugd, Bat , 1840. Pauli, F. Beleuchtung eines falles von krebs der bauchspeicheldruse mitgetheilt von Casper in desen f. d. ges. heilk.. 1836, No. 28, S. 439, und einer kritik dieses falles von Kruger-Hansen in Med. Argos. ii, 2 S. 628. Monatschr. f. med. augenh. u. chir., Lpz., 1840, iii, 287-292. Chatelain, G. De I'inflammation du pancreas, iii (etc.). Paris, 1841. Thompson, W. Diseases of the Pancreas. Syst. Pract. Med. (Tweedic), Philadelphia, 1841, iv, 295-304. Whitfield, W. B. Diseases of the Pancreas. Lancet, London. 1841-2, ii, 445. Ollivier and Raige-Delorme. Pancreas Diet, de med., 2 ed., Paris, 1841, xxiii, 6598. Claessen, H. Die krankheiten der bauchspeich- eldruse. Koln, 1842. Wilson, J. A. Extensive Disease of the Pan- creas. Meri.-Chir. Tr., London, 1842, xxv, 42-47. Claessen. Vergleichende diagnostik der pan- kreaskrankheiten. Med. cor.-bl. rhein u. westfal Aertze. Bonn, 1842, i, 171-176. Cases, pancrea- titis duodenitis helling. Med. jahrsh. v. Peter- paiils-Hoep. in St. Petersb. [1840], 1843, 147-159. Schleisier. Zur lehre vom sklrrh der bauch- speicheldruse. Med. Ztg", Berlin, 1843. xii, i, 47. Tabor, S. J. W. Autopsy of N. ^G. Trow's "Final Reply," Boston Med. and Surg. Journal, 1844, XXX, 450460. Trow, N. G. Case of the Late Major Gris- wold, Boston Med. and Surg. Journal, 1844, xxx, 154-158. Melion, J. V. Beitrag zur kenntniss und be- handlung der bauchspeicheldruse krankheiten. Cester med. Woch., Wien., 1844, 449 454. Lehwess. Krankheit des pancreas, Woch. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berlin, 1844. Knowlton, C That Pancreas, etc., referring to Dr. Trow's case. Boston Med. and Surg. Journal, 1844, xxx. 233 236. Battersby, F. 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Diflferenci- ation des ilots de langerhans dens le pancreas par la thinonine pheniquee. Compt. rend. soc. de biol., Paris, 1901, Hii, 187 8. Lanceraux, E. Traite des maladies du foie et du pancreas. Paris, 1899. Tribondeau. Pancreas des ophidiens. XIII cong. internat. de med., sect, d'histol, et d'em- bryol., 1900, Paris, 1901, compt. rend., 9 11, 12, 13. Priestly, G. Diseases of the Pancreas; Re- view of the Present Status of Knowledge Con- cerning them. Journal Am. Med. Assn., 1900, xxxv, 19-21. Lanceraux. El colico pancreatico sus causas su diagnostico su tratameiento (Trad). Gac. med. catal., Barcel., 1900, xxiii, 279-283. Chszelitzer. Ein fall von pancreatitis luetlca. Beitr. z. dermatol. u. syph., Festschr. f. J. Neu- mann, Wien, 1900, 77-86. Les aflfezioni acute del pancreas. Riforma med., Palermo, 1900, i, 397 398. Jacob, II. W. Notes on a Case of Acute Poncreatitis Complicating Mumps. British Med. Journal, London, 1900, i, 1532- 1533- Abbott, W. A. Examination of the Rectum and the Sigmoid Colon (abstract(. Med. Dial, Minneapolis, 1900, ii, 146-147, Israel, J. Erfahrungen uber pankreaserkrank- ungen. Deut. med. woch., 1900, xxvi, 352354. Bonnuzzi, E. Un case di pancreatite acuta generative a tipo emorragico. Gior. d. r. acaad. di med. di Torino, 1900, vi, 41-42. Francke, G. Beitrage zur acuten pankreaser- krankung. Deut. ztschr. f. chir., Lpz., 1900, liv, 398-410. Doertler, H. Casuistischer beitrag zur symp- tomatologie der pankreatitis acuta. Munch, med. woch., 1900, xlvii, 254-255. Jolles, A. Ueber positiven ausfall der phenyl- hydrazinprobe bei abwesenheit von zuch zucher namentlich bei gewissen leber und pancreas erk- rankungen. Allg. wien. med. Ztg., 1901, xlvi, I3I. H SURGERr OF THE PANCREAS. Carapelle. Sulle pancreatiti revista sintetica. Riforma med., Roma, 1901, ii, 673. Bloodgood. Two Cases of Acute Pancreatitis. Bull. Johns Hopkins Hosp., Baltimore, 1901, xii, 26-27. Schultz, Walter. Die bedeutung der langer- hans'schen inseln im pankreas. Inaug.-Diss., Rostock, 1901, Jany, Eai. Muench. med. woch., 1901, xlviii, 591-592. Fromme, F. De verwerthbarkeit der glutoid- kapseln fur die diagnostik der darmerkrankun- gen sppciell der erkrakungen des pankreas. Inaug.-Diss., Giessen, 1901, Februar. Perkins, A, J. Diseases of the Pancreas. Chi- cago Med. Times, 1901, xxxiv, 259 262. Edsall, D. L. The Estimate of the Urinary Sulphates and of the Fecal Fat in the Diagnosis of Pancreatic Disease. Am. Jour. Med. Sc, Philadelphia, 1901, cxxl, 401-410. Bauermeister, W. Diagnosis and Prognosis in Pancreatic Disease. Alkalo'd Clin., Chicago, 1901. viii, 112-118. Glinski, L. K. Zur keuntniss nebenpankreas und verwander zustande. Arch. f. path, anat., Berlin, 1901, 16, iv, 132-146, i taf, 2 fig. Tarchetti et Badeno. Contributo alio studio delle citotossine pancreatiche. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1901, xxii, 991-993. Lancereaux. Le diabete envisage comme syn- drone d'un desordre material ou fonctionnel du pancreas. XIII cong. internaf, de med , sect, de path. gen. e pathol. exper., Paris (1900), 1901, compt. rend. (4fo), 444. 1 11.^ — Surgery of the Diaphragm. ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY (1661-I9O3). The diaphragm is the chief characteris- tic in mammals (among them man) ; it forms a thin muscular fibrous partition between the abdominal and thoracic cavi- ties. It is the base of a closed cavity con- taining the heart and lungs. It is absent or rudimentary in birds. Amphibia and animals below them in scale of structure have no diaphragm. First trace is in the crocodile and birds ; even in birds it is not complete. In cetacea the centrum tendineum is almost obsolete. It has four divisions — central tendineum, middle, right and left leaflet. Its fibres vary greatly in length; those from the middle leaflet arising from the ensiform appendix are short, while those of the right and left leaflets are much longer. They arise from the whole of the inter- nal circumference of the thorax, and at- tached to the inner surface of the cartilages, and bony portions of the six or seven in- ferior ribs interdigitating with the trans- versal is; and beiiind to two aponeurotic arches, the ligamentum arcuatum exter- num, and internum, and to the lumbar vertebra. The fibres of the diaphragm touch those of the psoas and quadratus lumborum muscles. The diaphragm is perforated by the esophagus, vena cava and aorta. The right cons transmits the sympathetic, and the greater and lesser splanchnic nerves on the right side. The left cons, the greater and lesser splanchnic nerves of the left side, and the vena azygos minor. There is a deficiency in the fibres of the diaphragm about the ensiform appendage and the cartilages of the adjoining ribs. owing to areolar tissue, pleura upon the thoracic side, and peritoneum on the ab- dominal side. The blood supply is from the right and left phrenic arteries. They arise, as a rule, independently from the aorta or the celiac axis, sometimes from the renal ar- tery. There may be but one origin, the artery bifurcating from one to three inches from its origin. The nerves of the diaphragm are the phrenic and phrenic plexus of the sympa- thetic. The phrenic nerve arises from the fourth, fifth and sixth cervical nerves. In man the diaphragm receives a sympathetic branch from the inferior cervical ganglia, also a sympathetic branch from the ab- dominal brain along the phrenic arteries — the' phrenic plexus. The diaphragm is composed of lym- phatics and spaces. Recklinghausen was first to show the importance of lymphatic system in dia- phragm. Ludwig vSchweigger-Seidel and Klein perfected his work. Diaphragmatic lymph vessels contain deposits of colored granules, but the lymph glands and viscera do not. Von Recklinghausen, i86t, and Pia Foa and Radjewsky showed that fluids injected into the peritoneum would pass through the serosa of the centrum ten- dineum, and become deposited in the lym- phatics of the diaphragm. Bizzozero, Salvioli and Muscalello showed that the diaphragmatic serosa was capable of absorbing solid material. HIHLIOGRAPHY. Clauder, G. Ad doct marcuni rujscli df ob- servatione practico-anat oniico mirabili ei)i>tela, Patavii, i66r. liartholinus, C. Diaphrapmatis sti ujima nova. Acta med. et phil. Hafn, 1676, iv, 14-16' 2 pi. 76 SURGER2- OF THE DIAPHRAGM. Lewenhoeck, A. Of the Structure of the Dia- phragm. Phil, tr., London, 1719 33, vi-vii, 683- 687, I pi. Budacus, G. Renunciation uber diezerspring- ung des diaphragniatis. Samml. nv. u. med. Gesch., Lpz., 1724, xxiv, 561-563. Senac. Sur le diaphragme (From memacad roy. d. sc. de Paris, 1729). Collect, acad. d. mem. etc., Paris, 1781, vi, 440 452. Senac. Memoire sur le diaphragme. Hist. acaJ. roy. d. sc. (de Paris;, 1729, Amst , 1733, Mem. 163-187, I pi. Haller, A. De musculis diaphragmatis, Ber- "ae, 1733. The same, 2 ed., Lipsiae, 1737. Louiche-Desfontaines, R. An praecipnum respirationis organum diaphragma, Paris, iis, 1781. Mondat, V. M. Essai physiologique et medi- cal sur le diaphragma, Strassbourg, 1810. Reisigius, A. De ventriculi in cavo thoracis situ congenito, Berolini, 1S23. Berard, A. Bull. soc. anat., Paris, 1826, 2 ed., 1S41, i, 25 27. Allnatt, R. H. London Med. Gazette, 1834 5, XV, 340. Cloquet and Berard. Diet. d. med., 2 ed., Paris, 1835. X, 252-269. Pacini, F. Del inerzla del diaframma nello sforzo neila defecazione e nel parto della sua azione nel vomito e nuova teoria di questa fun- zione, Pistoja, 1840. Heinke, A. Berolini, 1845. Boullard. Paris, 1846, xxi, 333 336. Bauer. Med. cor.-bl. Bayer Aerzte, Erlang, 1847, viii, 270 272. Luschka, D. H. Stutig, 1847, vi, 32-36, i pi. Blondeau. Bull. soc. anat. de Paris, 1849, xxiv, 263. Rouget, C. Compt. rend, soc.de biol., Paris, 1851, Paris, 1852, iii, pt. 2, 165-187. Duchenne, Paris, 181^3. Hugnet, A. B. H. Paris, 1852. Duchenne. Union med., Paris, 1853, vii, lor, 105, 109, 149, 155. 157, 166, 173. Eulenkamp, J. H. P. Bonnae, 1S56. Luschka, U. Arch. f. anat. physiol. u. wis- sensch. med., Berlin, 1857, 333346, i pi. Aubertand von Tschischwitz. Untersuch. z. naturl. d. mensch. u d. thiere, Frankfurt-a-M., 1857, iii, 272 293. Destruge, A. Gaz. med. de Lima, 1857, No. 24. 9; No. 2:;, 11; No. 26, 22; No. 27, 33; No. 28, 39. (ierhart, C. Tubingen, i860. Rosenthal. Amtl. ber. u. d. versamml. deutsch. naturf. u. aerzte, Koenigsb. (i860), 1861, xxxv, 122-125. Rosenthal, J. Compt. rend. acad. d. sc, Paris, i86r, li, 754-756. Lehwesp, A. Dorpat, 1861. Blnaut. Bull. med. du Nord, Lille, 1861, 302- 3o■^• Bouchard. Bull, soc anat., Paris, 1863, xxxviii, 344- Caballero, F. G. Siglo med., Madrid, 1864, xi, 151 153. Liidwig and Schweigger Seidel. Arb. a. d. phvsiol. anst. zu Lpz. (1866), 1867, i, 174 i8r, i pi. Chesney, J. P. Leavenworth Med. Herald, 1869 70, iii, 385-3S9. Dcspres. N. diet, denied, etchir. prat., Paris, 1869, xi, 34I-3-14- Bert, P. Comp. rend. soc. de biol., Paris, 1868. Paris, 1869, 4s, V, 21. Fernet, C. N. diet, de med. et chir. prat., Paris, i86r^, xi, 344, 360. Ange. Nouveaux Elements d'Anat. chir., Paris, 1869. Henocque and Eloy. Diet. Enely. des sei. Med., vol. 29, 1st series, article Oiaphragm. Cazalis, J. Arch, de physiol. norm, et path., Paris, 1870, iii, 64-74. Alshevski, V. (Mechanism of the Diaphragm in Animals.) St. Petersb., 1871. Popp, A. Leipzig, 1872. Esbach. G. Gaz. med. de Paris, 1873 4^i "» 571. 597, 637, 684. Rajewsky, A. Arch. f. path, anat., Berlin, 1875, Ixiv, 186 20?, I pi. Kronecker and Milne Edwards. Arch, fur Anat. und Phys., 592-594. Comptes-rendus de I'Acad. des Sei , Paris, 1875. Carlet, G. Compt. rend. soc. acad. d. sc, Paris, 1875, Ixxx', 158. von Brunn, A. Ztschr. f. anat. u. entweklings- esch., Lpz., 1875, ', 205 21.', I pi. Todd. Cyclopedia of Anatomy and Physiology, article Diaphragm. Linoli, G. Sperimentale Firenze, 1876, xxxvii, 61 1-619. von Teutleben, E. Arch. f. anat. entwcklings- geseh., Lpz., 1877, 281 287, i pi. Zahn. Arch. t. path, anat , Berlin, 1878, 7 F, iii, 166-180. Marckwald. Leipzig, 1879 Bonnet, M. Jour, de med. chir. pharm., Paris, 1878, ix, 518 520. Thiriar. Ann. soc. d'anat. path, de Brux, 1880, xxix, 179-187. Forbes, W.S. American Journal Med. Sci- ence, Philadelphia, 1S80, Ixxx, 88 97. Arthur, T. Wien. med. bl., 1881, iv, 953, 1059. Schweinburg, L. Arch. f. physiol., Lpz, 1881. Zahn, F. W. Rev. med. de la Suisse, Rome, Geneve, 1882, ii, 19, 24. Hyrtl. Handbuch der Topograph. Anat., 7th edition, Wien, 1882. Uskow, N. Arch. f. mikros. anat., Bonn, 1883, xxii, 143 219, 4 pi. Hasse. Anat. anz., Jena, 1S86, i, 99. Gray. Anatomy (Keen), 1887. llultkrautz, J. V. Forh., 1888-9, xxiv, 507-529, I tab. Pansini, S. Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1888, X, 259 266. Guinard, L. Jour, de med. vet. et. Zootech., Lyon, 1890, XV, 472-476. Gley, E. Mouvements rhythmiques du dia- phragme observes sur un supplice. Compt. rend, soc. de biol., Paris, 1890, ii, 519. O'Brien, J. D. Original Studies on the Func- tions of the Diaphragm as a Rhythmical Com- pressing Muscle of the Abdominal Viscera by Virtue of which Compression it Becomes a Most Important and Essential Aid to Nutrition. Weekly Med. Review, St. Louis, 1891, xxiii, 1-4. Bertelli, D. Contribute alia anatomia del dia- framma carnivori Monitore zool. ital. Firenze, 1894, V, 211-21C. Bertelli, D. Recherche sulla morfologia del muscule diaframma nei mammiferi. Arch, per le sc. med., Torine, 1895, xix, 381-437, i pi. Brachtet, A. Recherches sur le development SURGERT OF THE DIAPHRAGM. 77 du diapjrafjine et du foie chez le lapin. Jour, de I'anHt. et physiol., Paris, 1895, xxxi, 51 1-595, 3 pi. Wilinart, L. Du carrefour musculaire dia- phragine transverse de I'abdomen et triangulaire du sternum. Jour, de med. chir. et pharniacoL, Brux, 1895, 545-547. Jaworski, VV. On the Diaphragmatic Phe- nomenon and its Clinical Value. Przegl. lek Krakow, 1895 ^xiv, 733. Ravu, R. Utber das proarmnion besonders bei der maus (studien ueber die entwickelungdes zwergfells unci der benachbarten organe bei der wirbelthieren). iii Arch. f. anat. u. entwick- lingsgersch., Lpz.. 1895, 189 224, i pi. Patrizi, M. L. Sur I'addition et I'elison entre les in citations naturelles et les incitations arti- ^cielles dans les mouvements du diaphragme. Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1896, xxv, 1-13. Sulzer, M. Ueber den durchtritt corpuscular gebiide durch das zwerchfell, Heidelberg, Berlin, 1S96. Cavalie. De I'innervation du diaphragme par les nerfs intercostaux. Jour, de anat. et physiol., Paris, 1896, xxxii, 199 205. Stabj, C. F. R. Dass Litten'sche zwerchfell- phenomen und seine bedeutungfur den arztlichen sachverstandigen, Berlin, 1S96. Gronroop, II. Das centrum tendineum und die respiratorischen verschiedungen des zwerchfells. Anat. anz., Jena, 1897, xiii, 555. Robinson, B. The Peritoneum, 1897. Gvvyn, N. B. The Diaphragm Phenomenon — the So-called Litten's Sign. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bulletin, Baltimore, 1898, ix, 35 38. Cavalie. Innervation du diaphragme par les nerfs intercostaux chez les mammiferes et chez les oiseaux. Jour, de anat. et physiol., Paris, 1898, xxxiv, 642-656. ANOMALIES (1757-I9O3.) Anomalies of the diaphragm are com- mon. The diaphragm may be absent in man in part or in its entirety. The attachments may be higher or lower than normal, and its thickness vary greatly. It may have one or more fissures varying in size, shape and location. The openings in the diaphragm through which the esophagus and larger blood- vessels pass vary considerably as to loca- tion and size. The number and distribu- tion of the phrenic nerves, lymphatics and smaller blood-vessels may also vary. Historical. — De Galatigny, 1757, men- tioned a case in which he observed a sin- gular displacement of the diaphragm. Lawrence, 1S52, noted a congenital de- ficiency of the muscular fibres in the left half of the diaphragm, with displacement of the stomach and double pneimionia. liereaud, 1852, noted atrophy of the diaphragm and its corresponding tissues. Wood, 1855, reports a case of malfor- mation of the diaphragm and displace- ment of organs. McClintock, 1857, records a case of con- genital perforation of the diaphragm. Robinson, 1S60, had a case of congenital deficiency of the diaphragm, with malpo- sition of the viscera. John, 1867, reported a case of ectopia of the diaphragin. ISIarsh, 1867, reports an abnormal con- dition of the diaphragm. Van Gieson, 1871, reports a case of par- tial deficiency of the diaphragm in a still- born infant. Tigri, 1873, speaks of an anomalous conformation of the diaphragm. Raven, 1878, reports his notes of a case of arrested development of the diaphragm. Caruthers, 1879, recorded a similar case. I*olialon, 1881, records a case in which there was congenital absence of the dia- phragm. Clarke, 1883, and Livingston of the same year, each record a case of congenital deformity of the diaphragm. Ledouble, 1883, contributed a history of the anomalies of the muscular dia- phragm. Bernabei, 1884, records an anomalous conformation of the diaphragm. De Schweinitz, 1888, reports a case in which there was an anomalous arrange- ment of the right diaphragmatic leaflet. Paget, 1891, reports a case of deficiency in one-half of the diaphragm. Guinard, 1891, reports his observations on the development and anomalies of the diaphragm of animals, especially the ox. Fry, 1895, records a case of congenital defect of the diaphragm with combined diaphragmatic hernia. BinLIOGKAPlIY. De Galatigny. Rec. period d'obs. de med. de chir. et pharm., Paris, 1757, vii, 38 41. Pezzi, P. Di alcuni vizj precordial! congiunti aid altri esterni disordini. Gior. per serv. ai progr. d. patol., Venezia, 1836, iv, 274 302. Lawrence. Lancet, London, 1852, ii, 327. Bereaud. Conipt. rend. soc. de biol., 1852, Paris, 1853, iv, 5. Wood, S. N. Y. Med. Times, 1S55, iv, 120-122. McClintock. Dublin IIosp. Gazette, 1857, ns. iv, 138. Robinson, T. British Med. Journal, 1850, ii, 854856. Jahn, L. Deutsche klinik., Berlin, 1867, xix, 325- Marsh, F. H. Lancet, London, 1867, i, 298. Van Geison, R. E. Med. Record, New York, 1871, vi, 427. Polailon. Ann. de gynec, Paris, 1881, xiv, 267-275. 78 SURGERT OF THE DIAPHRAGM. Clarke, W. B, British Med. Journal, London, 1882, ii, 1086. Livingston, B. Am. Jour. Obst., New York, 1882, XV, 'Jzy'JzS. Ledouble, A. Bull. soc. d. (anthropol.) de Paris, 18S3. vi, 835-S, 847. Bernabei, C. Bull. d. soc. tra i cult. d. sc. nied. in Sienna, 1884, ii, 146 148. De Schweinitz. G. E Leonard's Illustrated Med. Journal, Detroit, 1888, ix, 53. Tigri, A. Arch, di med. chir. ed., ig., Roma, 1873, ix, 164-169. Longworth. Clinic, Cincinnati, 1877, xii, 279. Raven, T. J. British Med. Journal, London, 1878, Ii, 796. Caruthers, H. Lt. C. Lancet, London, 1879, i. 503- Paget, Sir J. London, 1891, 149 151. Guinard. Mem. et compt. rend. soc. d. sc. de Lyon, (1890), i88r, xxx, pt. 2, 130 135. Guttniann, P. Angeborener defect in der linken zwerchfellshalfte niit hindurchtritt dcs grossen netzes in die linke pleurahohle. Ver- handl. d. Berl, med gesellsch. (1892), 1893, xxii, pt. 2, 235 239. Fry, F. Montreal Med. Journal, 1895-6, xxiv, 101-105. SURGKUY (1S6S-1897.) Surgical operations upon the diaphragm for any purpose have been exceedingly limited. No doubt many interesting cases in which surgery has been applied in vari- ous degrees have not been reported. The most common injuries are gun-shot and stab wounds. There does not seein to have been any cases reported in which any of the benign or malignant growths have been removed. Cysts, due to parasites, tuberculosis, gangrene, or otherwise, have also escaped surgical intervention. However, abscesses, lacerated and pene- trating wounds of the diaphragm from any cause have been more or less success- fully dealt with, surgically in a few cases. Hernia of the abdominal viscera through the diaphragm into the thoracic cavity is probably the most frequent condition re- quiring surgical interference, and one in which the least has been done. Great care should be exercised in dealing with all injuries of the body, that hernia of the diaphragm may not be overlooked, espe- cially in gunshot and stab wounds, blows upon the chest and abdomen, and falling from a loft. When any condition requiring surgical intervention is known no hesitation should be had in applying the same surgical prin- ciples to the diaphragm as are applied to the other tissues of the body. l^epair of the diaphragm is as certain as repair of other tissues, and plastic oper- ations of the diaphragm in the more highly organized mammalia can be made as cer- tain in their beneficial results. Drainage in a certain class of surgical operations upon the diaphragm must be provided for anteriorally or posteriorally through the abdominal or thoracic cavity. Catgut is the most desirable material for suturing the diaphragm. Exploration of the diaphragm in cases of doubtful involvement of it should not be neglected. There are no doubt many cases of hernia of the diaphragm that are never recog- nized, except post-mortem. Many of them do not result in immediate death, but remain to cause more or less trouble months or years afterward. Ricketts, Girard R., 1S6S, had a case in which a circular saw cutting from be- hind divided all of the ribs on the right side near their spinal attachment. The lung and liver were extensively lacerated, also the right leaf of the diaphragm. Deep and superficial sutures (sixty-nine in num- ber) were utilized in closing the various tissues. Drainage was established and the patient (a man, Agustus Fuller, twenty-five years of age) recovered. He is living. May 20, 1903. But few surgical operations of any char- acter have been made on the diaphragm for any cause. Despress, 1S69, contributed his study on the surgical pathology of the diaphragm, and Delahaussr, 1S85, on its surgical mala- dies. Lagrange, 1SS6, notes an operation for empyema, which involved the diaphragm. De Nicola, 1S91 , refers to a case in which he sutured the diaphragm. Rydgier, 1S92, reports a case in which he had performed quite an extensive oper- ation upon the diaphragm. Parlavecchio, 1893. reported a surgical operation in which he sutured an injury of the diaphragm. Borsuk, 1893, speaks of the operative technique of wounds of the diaphragm. Rossini, 1894, reports a case in which he applied sutures to a wound of the diaphragm. Ballerini, 1894, mentions a case of in- jury of the diaphragm, which was treated by suture. Postemski, 1894, made a surgical oper- ation on the diaphragm. Schlatter, 1895, mentions a case of sur- gery for rupture of the diaphragm. SURGER2' OF THE DIAPHRAGM. 79 Tartauez, 1897, prepared an elaborate treatise on the intervention in abscess, cysta, empyemas and subphrenic abscess. UIKLIOGRAPIIY. Despress, A. N. diet, de med. et chir. prat., Paris, 1869, xi, 360 374. Delahousse, A. Paris, 1S85. Lagfrange, F. Arch. gen. de med., Paris, 1886, ii, 299 314. De Nicola. Postempski. Bull, de soc. med. Lanciasiana d. osp. di Roma (1889-90), 1891, x, 151- Rydygier. Wien. klin. Woch., 1892, v, 713- 715- Parlavecchio, G. Postempski. Rydygier modi- ficati, Riforma med., Napoli, 1893, ix, pt. 2, 146- 151- Borsuk, M. Medycyna Watzawa, 1893, xxi, 337340- Severeano, C. D. Considerations sur les plaies du diaphragma par la voie theracique. Assoc, franc, de chir., Proc. verb., Paris, 1893, vii, 488- 499- Rossini, L. Bull. d. sc. Lancisiana d. osp. di Roma, 1894, xiii, fasc. 2, 136. Ballerini, E. Bull. d. soc. Lancisiana d. osp. di Roma, 1894, fasp. 2, 134. Saraiva, L. Bull. d. soc. Lancisiana d. osp. di Roma, 1894, xiii, fasc. 2, 137. Postemski C. Atti di xi Cong. med. internaz., 1894, Roma, 1895, iv, Chir , 175-188. Schlatter, C. Corr. bl. f. schweiz. aerzte, Basel, 1895. XXV, 353 358. Tartavez, H. Lyon, 1897. RUPTURE, Rupture of the diaphragm may result from injury or disease without causing serious trouble. It may result from injury without frac- ture of the bony structures in the chest or external manifestations, and may be single or multiple, with or without hemorrhage or hernia of either the thoracic or abdom- inal viscera. Recovery may ensue with or without surgical intervention. Jlistorical . — Peyerus, J, C, 1685, re- ports a rupture of the diaphragm. Fethergill, J., 1743-50, describes the case of a female child ten months old, in which there was a cleaving of the dia- phragm and the situation of the viscera altered. Godefroy, 1801, reports a case of rup- ture of the diaphragm, including the stomach and the arch of the colon. Cavalier, L. J., 1805, mentions several different lesions, and a case of hernia in particular. Coutelle, 1819, reports a case of rupture of the attachments of the diaphragm, and the accompanying reflex disturbances. Davat, 1834, published his memoirs on the rupture of the diaphragm, and some of the grave questions involving the medi- co-legal aspects. Taylor, 1838, mentions a recovery after extensive rupture of the diaphragm, Dumas, 1841, reports, in a general way, several ruptures of the diaphragm, Verriest, J., 1844, gives his observations on rupture of the diaphragm, including hernia of the abdominal viscera. Morehead, C, 1844, reports a case of ruture of the diaphragm, sanguineous effu- sion into the left pleura, and into the abdomen a strip of the mucous coat of the stomach, lacerated from the subjacent tunics, Williams, C. J. B,, 1846-8, reports a rupture of the esophagus and diaphragm induced by violent vomiting. In the Medical Times and Gazette, of London, is mentioned a case of rupture of the diaphragm associated with ventral hernia (1850). Bigelow, H. J., 1856, describes a rup- ture of the diaphragm, with hernia and fracture of certain viscera. Murchison, 1862, mentions an unusual case of rupture of the diaphragm, accom- panied by displacement of liver and stomach into left pleura, with rupture of stomach and left kidney and fracture of leg. He reports another case, 1866, where there was displacement of liver into right pleura. Aman, 1869, speaks of a fatal rupture of the diaphragm ; autopsy revealed eccen- tric alvi. Minor, T, T., 1873, had a case of double diphragmatic rupture and hernia. Puzey, 1877, reports a rupture of the diaphragm with hernia of stomach and transverse colon, and impacted fracture of neck of the femur, death, Drepres men- tions a similar case (1879), Desir de Fortunet, H., 1887, mentions a rupture of the diaphragm with fracture of the cartilage. Leighton, 1888, describes a case of rup- tured diaphragm and death by apnea, the stomach and spleen occupying the left thorax. Clark, 1891, had a case of rupture of the diaphragm at the anterior superior dependent angle of the esophagus orifice, with consequent laceration of that branch of the phrenic artery which passes through the diaphragm at the point, and dis- 8o SURGERl' OF THE DIAPHRAGM. turbance of the accompanying phrenic nerves. Warner, 1S91, reports a rupture of the diaphragm. Manara, 1S94, mentions a rupture of the diaphragm with hernia of the stomach. ()mboni, N., 1S94, describes a case in which there was a ruptured diaphragm, accompanied by displacement of stomach and colon into the pleural cavity. Czernicki, 189^, had a case of rupture of the diapliragm into the thoracic cavity, followed by hernia of the stomach. Kilgore, 1S97, describes a case in which the stomach protruded through a laceration in the diaphragm. lUIiLIOGRAPHV. Peyerus, J. C. Misc. acad. nat. curios., 1685; Noriinb., 1705, iv, decuria, 2, 195. Fethergill, J. Philadelphia Tr., London, 1743-50. xi, 1077-10.S3. Godefroy. Jour.de Med.Chir. Pharm., Paris, 1801, 1,339-343- Cavalier, L. J. Paris an., xiii, 1805. Coutelle. Jour. gen. demed. Chir. et. Pharm., Paris, 1819, Ixvi, 305 314. Davat. Arch. gen. de Med., Paris, 1834, 2s, vi, 32 54- Taylor, H. S. Guy's Uosp. Report, London, 183S, iii, 366-369. Dumas. Jour. Soc. de Med prat, de Montpel., i8|.i, iv, 10-22. Cases. Lancet, London, 1842-43, ij, 702. Verriest, J. Ann. Soc. ISIed.-Chir. de Bruges, 1844, V, ?40-246. Morehead, C. Tr. Med. and Phys. Soc, Bom- bay, 1844, vii, loi. Williams. C. J. B. Tr. Path. Soc, London, 1846-8, i, 151. Med. Times and Gaz., London, 1850, xxi, 314. Bigelow, H. J. Extra Rec, Boston Soc. M. Improv. (i8t;4-^), i8s6, ii, 291. F ^ ^ Murchison. Tr. Path. Soc, London, 1861 2, xiii, 70. Murchison. Tr. Path. Soc, London, 1865 6, xvii, 164. Aman. P'orh. svens. lak-sallak sammank, Stockholm, 1869, 72 74. Minor, T. T Rep. Superv. Surg. Mar. Hosp., Washington, 1873, 115 119, i pi. Minnich. Wien. Med. l^resse, 1875, x^'> 57 59- Puzey, C. Lancet, London, 1877, ii, 571. Despres. Paris Med., 1879, 2s, v, 73. Stunipf, J. Wurzburg, 1879. Desir de Fortunet, H. Mem. etCompt. Rend. Soc. d. Sc, Med. de Lyon (1886), 1887, xxvi, 218-226. Utz. Thierarztl. niitth., Karlsruhe, 1887, xxii, "3-"5- Leighton, N. W. Gaillard's Med. Journal, 1888, xlvii (xlvi), 3 9-321. Clark, S T. Tr. New York Med. Ass'n., 1891, viii, 285 288. Werner. Berlin thierarztl. Woch., 1891, vii, 49. Manara, (). Bull. d. Soc. Lancisiana d. Osp. di Roma, 1894, xiii, fasc. 2, 138. Omboni, V. Gazz. Med. cremonese, Cremona, 1894, ''''^» ^4"i30- Czernicki. Arch, de Med. et. Pharm. Mil , Paris, 1894, xxiv, 39^ 399 Kilgore, F. D. Univ. Med. Mag., Philadel- phia, 1896 97, ix, 349. INJURIES AND LACERATIONS. Injuries of the diaphragm, such as lacer- ations, perforations, and contusions, are frequent and of many varieties, depending upon the character of the instrument. They may result from injury without frac- ture of the bony chest or evidence of ex- ternal violence. Hemorrhage may be mild or severe, and escape into the thoracic or abdominal cavity, or both. Laceration of the diaphragm is supposed to occur more frequently from a blow upon the chest or abdomen, or falling from a loft, while the lungs are at their maximum distention. Destruction of one or all of the phrenic nerves or blood-vessels does not interfere with respiration. Historical. — Halle, 1804, made obser- vations on perforating ulcers of the dia- phragm. Lorey, 1808, made observations in a case which had received injuries in the head causing perforation of the diaphragm and the stomach. Wheelwright, 1819, reports a lacerated diaphragm from external violence, without fracture of the ribs. Wood, 1824, had a case which recov- ered from a punctured wound of the dia- phragm. Raphael, 1841, reports the case of a patient falling from the fourth story caus- ing fracture of the ribs, laceration of the liver, diaphragm and pericardium, with singular displacement of the stomach. Banks, 1848, reports an extensive lacer- ation of the liver and diaphragm from the kick of a horse. Vogler, 1854, describes a penetrating wound of the diaphragm. Bonamy, 1858, made observations of the ulceration and perforation of the dia- phragm with eruption in the peritoneum and bronchi. Solly, 1867, reports on injuries of the diaphragm, illustrated by a case in which there were all the symptoms of lacera- tion of that muscle, but the patient re- covered. Henwood, 1868, describes an extensive SURGERT OF THE DIAPHRAGM. 8i laceration of the diaphragm, with protru- sion of the great curvature of the stomach into the right pleural cavity. De Morgan, 1S73, reports a perforation of the diaphragm by a fractured rib, with wound of the bowel and spleen. Chamousset, 1875, mentions a case of acute pleurisy followed by perforation of the diaphragm, death. Gerard - Marchant, 1900, describes a penetrating wound of the diaphragm with rupture of the liver. The diaphragm was sutured, patient recovered. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Halle. Bull. Fac. de Med. de Paris, 1804-12, i, 118-122. Lorey. Journal de Med.-Chir. Pharm., Paris, 1808, xvi, 2^-34. Wheelwr"ight, T. Med.-Chir. Tr., London, 1819, vi, 374 380. Boyle, A. Edinburgh Med. and Surg. Journal, 1812, viii, 42-44. Malez, W. Pam. lek Warszaw, 182S, i, 9-16. Raphael, B. J. New York Journal Medicine and Surgery, 1841, iv, 114. Richard and Duhordel. Journal d. Conn. Med.-Chir., Paris, 1842-3, x, 190-194. Banks, E. C. Medical Examiner, Philadelphia, 1848, ns., iv, 534. Vogler, Jun. Deutsche Klnik, Berlin, 1854, ^i. 435- Taney, F. L. New Orleans Med. News and Hosp. Gazette, 1855-6, ii, 74 77. Boncmy, E, Journal de la Sect, de Med. So- ciety Acad., Loire-Inf., Nantes, 1858, xxxiv, 199. Solly, S. Med. Times and Gazette, London, 1867, i,547- Hoffmann, C. E. E. Arch. f. Path. Anat., Berlin, 1868, xlii, 231 6. Henwood, R. Dominion Med. Journal, To- ronto, 1868-9, i> 185-187. Needon. Wien Med. Presse, 1869, x, 900 992. Malmsten. Forh. svens. lak sallsk., Sammank., Stockholm, 1872, 70-72. De Morgan, C. Tr. Path. Soc, London, 1S73, xxiv, 173-5. Chamousset. Bull. Soc. Med. de Chambery, 1875-7, No. 5. 58 62. Klingelhoffer. Mit einklemmung und perfor- ation des magens etc., Berlin. Klin., Woch, 1877, xiv, 171. Ravu, E. Arch. f. Anat. u. entweklingsgesch, Leipzig, 1889, 412 426, I pi. Gerard-Marchant. Bull, et M^m. Soc. de Chir. de Paris, 1900, xxvi, 1141 1144. HKRNIA (aCQJJIRED, CONGENITAL), ( I 700-1 903). Hernia of thoracic or abdominal viscera through the diaphragm, may result from congenital defects, disease or injury. It may exist indefinitely without causing serious trouble in any way whatever ; in- deed, their presence may never be detected except by autopsy. Obstruction and gangrene are two of the most common complications. Historical . — Holt, C., 1700, describes hernia of the diaphragm in a child with the intestines and other viscera in the thorax. Loder, 1784, and Derrecagaix, 1792, each mention hernia of the diaphragm. Spry, 1801, observed a hernia of the stomach through the tendinous orifice of the diaphragm in a domesticated cat. Reynaud, 1S13. made some observations on hernia of the stomach, colon and part of the duodenum through the diaphragm. Lerminier, 182 1, describes a case of strangulated hernia of the stomach through the diaphragm. Cornell, 1825, reports a case of hernia of the diaphragm, with the escape of all the intestines through the diaphragm into the right side of »he thorax. Hunt, 1827, mentions hernia of the stomach through the diaphragm. Fehleisen, 1828, made observations on hernia of the diaphragm in a horse. J^erndt, 1829, reports a case of hernia of the diaphragm penetrating the thoracic cavity. Larussac, 1831, describes a strangulated hernia formed by part of the transverse colon passing through an opening in the diaphragm. Cases, 1831, and Caultier de Claubry, 1834, each make mention of hernia of the diaphragm. Hughes, 1837, describes a hernia of the diaphragm caused by a blow on the side, followed by peritonitis, the ulcerated bowel breaking through the diaphragm, resulting in gangrene of the lungs. Curling, J. B., 1837, mentions a hernia of the diaphragm. Tliere was extensive laceration of diaphragm with the escape of a great part of the abdominal viscera into the left cavity of the chest. Da Silva, J. T., 1840, made observations on hernia of the diaphragm penetrating the thoracic cavity, with fracture of the humerus. Auzelly, 1842, made a report on the symptoms, character and anatomy of her- nia of the diaphragm. Williamson, 1848, contributed an inter- esting article on the wounds of the dia- phragm followed by hernia of the stomach and colon. Tvlartus, 1849, mentions a singular case of strangulated hernia of the diaphragm. Sallion (pare), 1S50, reports a case of 82 SURGERT OF THE DIAPHRAGM. hernia of the diaphragm through the stomach, spleen and colon, Valette, 1852, had a case of perforated diaphragm with hernia and rupture of the stomach. Bowditch, H. I., 1853, wrote a treatise on diaphragmatic hernia, being an account of a case observed at the Massachusetts General Hospital, followed by a numerical analysis of all the cases of this alTection found recorded in the writings of medi- cal authors between the years 1600 and 1846. Beck, 1854, mentions a hernia of the diaphragm, the stomach, spleen, omentum and a portion of the colon found in the left pleural cavity. Jackson, 1858, reports a case of hernia of the diaphragm with the protrusion of the abdominal viscera into the chest; death, autopsy, Alderson, 1858, describes a diaphrag- matic hernia with symptoms of pneumo- thorax, the stomach, spleen, omentum and transverse colon lying in the left pleura, resulting in death. Herchon, 1861, reports a case of hernia of the diaphragm in a suicide; autopsy revealed double penetration of the dia- phragm, with the spleen rupturing into the thoracic cavity. Gallois, 1867, mentions a case of hernia of the diaphragm causing displacement of the heart and stomach. Hammer, 186S, had a case of strangu- lation of the transverse colon caused b}' a diaphragmatic hernia; death. Hill. 1870, mentions -a true diaphrag- matic hernia, with stricture of the eso- phagus, Vezien, 1871, describes a diaphragmatic hernia penetrating the thoracic cavity, ISIuller, 1 87 1, reports a case of diaphrag- matic hernia displacing the heart, death from uremia consequent on granular de- generation of the kidneys, Minor, 1S73, mentions a case of double diaphragmatic hernia penetrating the pleural cavity. Cameron, 1874, a case of fracture of the femur with hernia of the diaphragm, a knuckle of the liver strangulated; death. Cartier, 1876, made observation on her- nia of the diaphragm with a great part of the abdominal viscera penetrating the thoracic cavity. Foster, 1S76, reports a diaphragmatic hernia with protrusion of stomach into thorax, rupture of liver, iliac veins and jejunum. Macnah, 1878, reports a case of dia- phragmatic hernia of the entire stomach three years after the cure of empyema. Dean, 1884, mentions a case of diaphrag- matic hernia of the stomach. Kough, 1884, describes Bufl'er accident, necropsy revealing two ruptures of the diaphragm and protrusion of the right lobe of the liver, the spleen, and the stomach into the thoracic cavity, with laceration of spleen and kidneys. Flaherty, 1903, describes a case of dia- phragmatic hernia following penetrating wound of the thorax. Erdt, 1902, mentions a case of diaphrag- matic hernia with stomach and intestines rupturing into the thoracic cavity ; death on the fourth day after accident. CONGEXITAL HERNIA. Benjumeda, 1S25, was among the first to make observations on congenital hernia of the diaphragm. Anthony and Forget, 1835, report a congenital hernia of the diaphragm, with rupture of the abdominal viscera. Hillier, i860, reports a congenital her- ni.i allowing nearly all of the small intes- tines and two-thirds of the large to pass into the right side of the thorax. Pozzi, 1874, mentions a congenital her- nia of the diaphragm, with displacement of the greater part of abdominal viscera, including the heart. Smith, 1874, reports a fetus with a dia- phragmatic hernia. Davis, 1884, describes a singular case of congenital malformation of the bowels, intestines in the chest, in an adult. lilBLIOGRAPnY ACCyjIRED HERNIA. Holt, C. Phil. Tr., London, 1700-20. v, 265, I pi. Derrecagaix, E. E. Jour, de Chir. (Desault), Pari?, 1792, iii, 9 12. Loder, J. C. Jenae, 1784. Spry, J. II. Felis catus Domesticus, Med. and Phys. Jour., London, 1801, v, 105, i pi. Reynaud. Jour, de Med. Chir. Pharm , Paris, 1813, xxvi, 361 364. Zwanziger, H. L. 11 ilac, 1819. Lerminier. Bull. Fac. de Med., dc Paris, 1820-21, vii, 78-85. Maefadyen, J. Edinb. Med. and Sure:. Jcnirnal, i8-'3. xix, 382 385. Cornell, E. American Med. Record, Phila- delphia, 1825, viii, 236-239. Sym.J. Edinburgh Med. and Surg. Journal, 1826, xxvi, 293 295. Bignardi, A. D. Modena, 1827. SURGERT OF THE DIAPHRAGM. 83 Hunt. Med.-Chir. Rev., London, 1827, vi, 599. Fehleisen, F. G. Tubingae, 1828. Berndt. Mag. f. d. ges. heilk., Berlin, 1829, xxviii, 162-186 Larussac. London Med. and Phys. Journal, 1831, X, 234. Cases. Mag. f. d. Gerichtl. arzneiw, Berlin, 1831-2, i, 387-392. Greettiam. j. London Med. Gaz., 1832, x, 43. I Pl- Lawrence, W. Lancet, London, 1832, ii,75i. Stierling, H. G. Heidelbergae, 1834. Peters, C. A. F. Gotingenae, 1834. Gaultier de Clauhry, E. Jour. hebd. d. Progr. d. Sc. Inst. Med., Paris, 1834. iv, 6r 64. Hughes, M. H. London Med. Gazette, 1837, XX, 306-308. Curling, J. B. Brit. Ann. Med. Pharm., Lon- don, 1837, i,"55i 553. Mueser, F. G. Berolini, 1836. Lambron, E. Gazette Med. de Paris, 1839, vii, 177-182. Reid, J. Edinburgh Med. and Surg. Journal, 1840, liii, 104-112. Da Silva, J. T. Journal Soc. d Sc. Med. de Lisb.. 1840, xi. 88 91. Fisrher, A. O. Berolini, 1840. Reid, J. Edinburgh Med. and Surg. Journal, 1840, liv, 112 \\\. Bayless, G. W. West. Jour. Medicine and Surgery, Louisville, i8j.i, iv, 14-27. Auzelly, A. R. Paris, 1842. Schuler and Mampe. Med. Ztg., Berlin, 1846, XV, 123. Richard. Bull. Soc. Anat., Paris, 1846, xxi, 337-50. Goblet. Avec. Sac. Bull. Soc. Anat. de Paris, 1846, xxi, 248 252. Goblet, Bull. Soc. Anat. de Paris, 1846, xxi, 243-248. Hawkins, G. Tr. Path. Soc, London, 1846-48, i, 150. Dubois, E. Bull. Soc. Anat. de Paris, 1847, xxii, 313-316. Thompson, A. T. London Med. Gazette, 1847, V. 583-586. Williamson, G. Edinburgh Med. and Surg. Journal, 1848, Ixix, 55 58 Martus, A. Telegrale Med , Barcel., 1849, iii, 27. Cooper, B. Lancet, London, 1850, i, 569. Sallion (pere). Journal de la JSect. de Med. Soc. Acad., Loire- Inf., Nantes, 1850, xxvi, 309 315- Vannoni, P. Gazette Med. Ital feder, tose Firenze, 1852, ii, 273 275. Valette. Gazette Med. de Lyon, 1S52, iv, 155-187. Wood, C. M. Boston Med. and Surg. Journal, 1852, xlvi, 217. Tufnell, J. Dublin Med Press, 1853, xxix, 290. Bowditch, H. I. BulTalo Med. Journal, 1853-4, ix, 1-65. Beck, T. S. Tr. Path. Society, London, 1854-55, vi, 219-221. Copeman, E. Association Med. Journal, Lon- don, 1855, 201-203. Hamilton and Mixer. Ohio Med. and Surg. Journal, Columbus, 1855-56, viii, 271. Vent, M. T. Halis, 1855. DuncHlfe, H. Association Med Journal, Lon- don, 1S56, 1033-1035. Pallier. Bull. Soc. Anat., Paris, 1856, xxxi, 305 309- Eraser, P. Lancet, London, 1856, i, 67. Smith. St. Louis Med. and Surg, journal, 1857, XV, 349. Fleury. Monito d. Hop., Paris, 1857, v, 269. Marzolo and Sala. Gazette Med. Ital. Lomb., Milano, 1857, ii, 93. Jackson, V. Med. Times and Gazette, London, 1858, xvi, 318. Alderson, J. Lancet, London, 1858, ii, 396 398. Wilks, S. Lancet, London, 1858, ii, 434. Spilcan. C. H. North. Am. Med.-Chir.-Rev., Philadelphia, 1859, iii, 879. Butter, G. H. Lipsiae, 1859. Bohn. Konigsb. Med. Jahrb., 1859, ii, 36 71. Berchon. Union Med. de la Gironde, Bor- deuaux, 1861, vi, 119 122. Martin. Verhandl. d, Gesellsch. f. Geburtsh., Berlin, (1861-1862), 1863, xv. 32-37. Virchow, R. Verhandl. d Gesellsch. f. Be- gurtshl., Berlin, (1861-62), 1863, xv, 31. Berchon. Gazette de Hop., Paris, xxxv, 447. Walton, E. Gazette de Hop., Paris, 1863, xxxvi, 139. Samhaline, E. Gior. di Med. Mil., Torino, 1863, xi. 038 948. Markoe. American Med. Times, New York, 1863, vi, 127. Lorinser. Wien. Med. Woch., 1864, xiv, 37, 53- Paxton, J. Glasgow Med. Journal, 1865 66, xiii, 425. Klebs. Arch. f. Path. Anat., Berlin, 1865, xxxiii, 445 447. Farabeuf. Bull. Soc. Anat., Paris, 1865, xl, 652 654. Hoist. J. Norsk. Mag. f. laegevidensk. Chris- tiana, 1865, xix, 754-760. Petit. Bull. Soc. A.nat., Paris, 1866, xli, 497. Gallois. Ann. Soe. de Med. de St. Etienne et de la Loire, (1866), 1867, iii, 578 sSr. Le Long. Bull Soc. Anat , Paris, 1867, xlii, 219-221. Jahn, L. Kilae, 1867. Hemmer, A. Humbolt Med. Arch., St. Louis, 1867 8, i, 321 325. Verardmi, F. Bull. d. Sc. Med. di Bologna, 1868, vi, 191.-215. Hill, J. D. Tr. Path. Soc, London, 1869 70, xxi, 154 159 Borland. Boston Med. and Surg. Journal, 1870, Ixxxii, 460-462. Vezien. Rec de Mem. de Med. Mil., Paris, 1871, xxvii, 438. Verdie. Etranglee Mort., Gazette d. Hop., Paris, xliv, 149. Muller, A. F. Proc Path. Soc, Philadelphia (1866-70), 1871. iii 97. Pitsehke, H. Verhandl. d. Phys med. Gesell- sch., Wurzb., 1872, iii, 260 270, i pi. Lorge, V. Jour, de Med. Chir. et Pliarin., Brux.. 1872, Iv, 126 129. Valhii, E. Gazette Hebd. de Med., Paris, 1873, X, 777-780. Minor, T. T. Proc. Med. Soc, Wash. Ter., Olympia, 1873, 26 28. Schneider, |, Diaphr igmat'que=. Pari*. 1873. Randolph, 11. W. Briti>h Med. Journal, Lon- don, 1S73, ii, 5T4. NfNon. A. H. American Med, Wecklv, Louis- ville, 1874, •' 19-21. 84 SUBGER7' OF THE DIAPHRAGM. Dornier. Union Medical, Paris, 1S74, xviii, 646 65 1 . Ciuneron, J. C. Canada Med. and Surg. Jour- nal, Montreal, 1874. ''> 217 219. Leichtenstern. Berlin Klin. Woch., 1874, ^'1 497, 515. 539.551- Lombroso, C. Ann. Univ. di Med., Milano, 1874, ccxxvii. 491 5. Uarrier. Jour, de Med. vet. Mil., Paris, 1S74 75, xii. 641 8. Hull, A. P. Philadelphia Med. Times, 1874 5, V, 69. Foucras. Gazette de Hop., Paris, 1875, xlvii, 202-294. Hernir. Compt. rend. soc. de Biol., 1875, Paris ; 1876, 6s, ii, 284-287. Whiting, L. M. Ohio Med. Recorder, Colum- bus, 1S76, i. 159-162. Arch. f. Path. Anat. Berlin, 1876, Ixvi, 154-171, I pi. Cartier. Lyon Med., 1876, xxi, 232 235. Wigand. Voyenno-Med. Jour. St. Petersburg, 1876, cxxvii, 245-24S, pt. 3. Foster, O. Lancet, London, 1876, ii, 572. Baker. W. M. Tr. Path. Soc, London, 1876 7, xxviii, 58 62, I pi. Manhiosio, ^L Gior. di Anat. fisiol. e Patol. d. Animali, Pise, 1877, ix, 117 122. Brancaccio, F. Morgani Napoli, 1883, xxv, 5(8-519. Briiiton, R. D. St. Barth. Hospital Reports, London, xix, 285 288. Weed, G. A. Med. and Surg. Reporter, Phila- delphia, 1S83, xlix, 647. Tyson, J. Boston Med. and Surg. Journal, 1885, cviii, no. Stampacchia, R. Movimento Napoli, 1883, xv, 18-118. Boussac, De. Paris Med., 1883, viii, 205 209. Fraser. Glasgow Med. Journal. 1883, 68 72. Dean, D. V. St. Louis Cour. Medicine, 1884, xi, 127-130. Zubrilin, L. L Protok. zasaid kavkazask Med. Obosh., Tifilis, 1884, xxi, 20-25. Lach. Gaz. Med. de Strasbourg, 1884, xiii, lot 103. Holt, L. E. Med. Record, New York, 1884, xxvi, 503. Kough. Lancet, London, 1884, ii, 277. Kortright, J. L. Med. Record, New York, 1884, xxvi, 402. Harris, M. L. Med. Record, New York, 1884, xxvi, 401. Guttmann, P. D. Med. Woch., Berlin, 1884, X, 209 21 r. Gavin, NL G. Boston Med. and Surg. Journal, Garlick, G. Tr. Path. Soc, London, 1877-78, 1S84, cxi, 490. xxix, 125-127. Dodd, W. S. Med. and Surg. Reporter, Phila- Boussi, R. Bull. Soc. d. Anat., Paris, 1877, delphia, i,S8^. Ii, 601. "'> 576 579 Gross and V'autrain. Rev. Med. de Pest Nancy, Dupont, B. Rev. Med. -Chir., Buenos Aires, 1886, xviii, 6?5. 1877, xiv, 39. Bonnar, T. H. Indian Med. Gazette, Calcutta, Soderbani, P. Eira Goteborg, 1878, ii, 468-471. ' 1887, xxii, 201. Little, T. E. Dublin Jour. Med. Sc, 1878, Utz. Thierarztl. Mitth., Karlsruhe, 1887, xxii, Ixvi, 60-63. 113 I ' 5. Macnab, R. Lancet, London, 1878, i, 11, Saw'icki, B. Gazette lek. Warszawa, 1889, ix, Med. and Surg. Reporter, Philadelphia, 1878, 834 845, 883, 8S9, 928. xxxix, 175. Weydenmever, A. F. Au point de vue Medico- Egan, C. J. Med. Times and Gazette, London, legal, Lyon, 1893. 1878, ii, 410. Ninni, G. Ritorma Med., Napoli, 1894, pt. 2, Drake, F. R. Tr. New York Path. Soc, 1879, 207, 218. "i, ^05. Lapalie, J. J. Par la voie Thoracique, Bor- Salisbury, J. H. Chicago Med. Journal and deaux. 1896. Examiner, 1879, xxxix. 268. Porter, M. Ohio Med. Journal, Cincinnati, Thierry, E. Bull. Soc. Med. d'Yonne, 1879, 1898, ix, 265 270. Auxerre, 1880, xx, 133- 138 Weischer, A. Centrbl. f. Chir., Leipzig, 1900, Adams, J. A. Glasgow Med. Journal, 1880, xxvii. 963-965. ^•^' 353 9- Bergmann. Centrbl. f. Chir., Leipzig, 1900, Robert, A. Bull. Soc. de Anat., Paris, 1880, xxvi, 1206-1209. Iv, 646 649. Abt, 1. A. Arch. Pediatrics, New York, 1900, Stevens. St. Louis Med. and Surg. Journal, xvii, 261-265 1880, xxxviii, 666 668 Riba, M. Encicl. Med. farm. Barcel., 1880, iv, 279. Dieiz, E. Strassburg, 1881. Hjelt. Finska lak-sallsk Handl., I lelsingsfors, 1881, xxiii, 36. Henrot. H. Union Med. et Scient. du nord est Reims, 1881, v, 248-253. Morton. Glasgow Med. Journal, i88i,xv, 323. Boussac, C. Paris, 1882. Edwards, D. Q. Lancet, London, 1882, ii, 115. Albert, E. Allg. Wien. Med. Ztg., 1882, xxvii. 305. Dumitreanu, A. Gyogyazat Budapest, 1882, xxii. 209 215. Lvoy, L. iVL Med. vestnik., St. Petersburg, 1882, xxi, 283. Thomas, R. Arch. f. Path. Anat., Berlin, 1882, Ixxxviii, 515-555, I pi. Garnier et Fruhinsholz. Rev. Med. de Test, Nsncy, 1900, xxxii, 134-142, I, lig. Pearson, F. B. Vet. Jour., London, 1900, ns. i, 164 165. Walther. Bull, et M^m. Soc. de Chir. de Paris, 1901, xxvii, 38-39. Moser. Philadelphia Med. Journal, April, 1902, p. 7-67. Flaherty, F. American Medicine, Philadel- phia, Pa., June, 1902, p. 1071. Erdt. Munchener Med., September, 1902. CONGENIT.\L HERNIA. Benjumeda, J. Jour. Univ. d. Sc. Med., Paris, 1825. xxxix, 113-121. Anthony and Forget. Jour. Hebd. d. Progr. d. Sc et Inst. Med., Paris, 1835, i, 225-231. von Basedow. Woch. f. d. Ges. Heilk., Berlin, 1837, 466-471. SURGERT OF THE DIAPHRAGM. 85 I Gadecheup, B. Zeitschr. f. d. ges. Med., Hamb., 1838, vii, 503 510. Scholler, J. Mag. f. d. Ges. Heilk., Berlin, 1842, lix, 437 461, I pi. Bloest. Med. cor.-bl. Layer aerzte, Erlang , 18+6, vii, 337, 353, 369 Feiler. Verhandl. d Gesellsch. f. Geburtsh. in Berlin, (18^6-7), 1858. x, 32 37. Hillier, T.' Tr. Path. Soc., London, i860, 1861, xii, 115, 117. Balfour, T. A. G. Edinburgh Med. Journal, 1868-9, xiv, 883 914. Gruber, W. Arch. f. path, anat., Berlin, 1869, xlvii, 382, 399, 2 pi. Lorge, V. Journal d. Med. Chir. et. Pharm., Brussels, 1872, Iv, 126129 Pozzi, S. Bull. Soc. Anat., Paris, 1872, 1874, xlvii, 90 95. Smith, H. Tr. Obst. Soc, London (1873), 1874, XV, 162, I pi. Kohn, R. Congenita, Erlangen, 1879. Cuervoy et Alvarez. Cron. med. quir. de la Habana, 1879, v, 54 57. Michener, E. Med. and Surg. Reporter, Philadelphia, 1882, xlvi, 138. Pohrovvki, P. A. Russk. Med. Voskresensk., 1883, i, 13. Davis G. G. Med. Age, Detroit, 1884, ii, 60. Waldeyer. Deutsche Med. Woch., Berlin, i88v, X, 211. Dugeut, J B. De la hernie diaphragmatique congenitale, Paris, 1886. (The same, Paris, 1866.) ABSCESS (1868 1901). Abscess may be primary or secondary, usually secondary, and about the posterior attachments of the diaphragm. The pus usually passes into the pleural cavity and lung, to escape through the bronchus or along the psoas muscle, to es- cape at some point about the pelvis, pre- ferably Poupart's ligament. It may rupture into the stomach or in- testinal tract, peritoneal cavity or at some point about the groin. Primary, is usually due to infection of various kinds of cysts, including hema- toma. Secondary , when infection extends from the lung, liver, necrosed ribs or vertebra;, or disuse of adjacent tissues or organs, such as the biliary tract, appendix, pan- creas, kidney or liver from any cause. Historical. — Larcher, 1868, records a case of primary serous cyst of the dia- phragm. Janeway, 1877, reports a case of abscess of the diaphragm and distention and rup- ture of the bile-duct. Paetsch, 1S82, operated for a subphrenic abscess. White, 1890, speaks of the relation of subdiaphragmatic abscess to the thoracic viscera, with three illustrative cases. Freiberg, A. H., 1S97, reported a case of subphrenic abscess drained posteriorly with recovery (Cincinnati Academy of Medicine). Ricketts, E. S., 1897, had a case of sub- phrenic abscess complicated with rupture into the pleural cavity. Operation ; an- terior and posterior drainage; recovery. Ricketts, B. ISIerrill, had two cases of subphrenic abscess from appendicitis; one (1898) recovered at the end of ten weeks by thorough drainage ; the other died after several weeks (1894). Dalbes, 1900, contributed to the study of subphrenic abscess. Godlee, 1900, also discussed the subject of subphrenic abscess. Baldwin, 1900, records two cases of subphrenic abscess following appendicitis. Kohne, 1900, records a case of subphre- nic abscess with pyopneumothorax, in which drainage was thoroughly estab- lished. Sorel, 1900, records a subphrenic ab- scess rupturing into the pericardium. Majewski, 1900, contributed a paper on the diagnosis of diaphragmatic cysts of liquid collections. Baron, 1900, reports one case, and Berg, 1900, three cases of subdiaphragmatic ab- scess. Strajeska, 1901, records a case, and Gas- ton, 1901, one in which there were many complications. Cheedle and Collier, 1901, record a case of subphrenic abscess complicated with splenic abscess, with recovery. Ramagoli, 1801, reports a subphrenic abscess, and Thomas, 1901, one with cal- cified walls, discovered during conva- lescence from typhoid fever, operated upon, with recovery. Areyzi, 1901, reports a diaphragmatic abscess. Weber, 1901, also reports such a case. Cambell and Wood, 1801, had such a case recover from operation. Ricketts, B. Alerrill, 1901, had a case of pulmonary abscess rupturing through the diaphragm, passing downward behind the peritoneum into the pelvic cavity, from which the pus escaped through an incision to reduce a femoral hernia. Large quantities of pus escaped through the opening for several months; recovery otiierwise uneventful. (This case was under the care of Dr. Corliss, Brooksville, Ky.) 86 6" URGER r OF THE DIA PIIRA GM. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Larcher, O. Arch. gen. de med., Paris, iS68, i, 283 288. Janeway. N. Y. Journal Medicine, 1877, xxvi, 531- Sanson. Gaz. d. hop., Paris, 1832, vi, 237. Paetsch. Charite Ann., Berlin, 1882, vii, 300 307. Bernabei, C. Boll. d. soc. tra i. cult. d. sc. med, in Siena, 1884, ii, 83-85. White, J. W. British Med. Journal, London, 1890, I, 1002- 1006. Faure. (Neoplasme ou ulcere.) Independ. med., Paris, 1900, vi, 321. Lauwers. Amm. soc. beige de chir., Brux, 1900, viii, 242-249, I fig. Dalbes, E. Toulouse Imp. G. Berthoumien, 1900, No. 373, 62 p. Godlee, R.J. British Med. Journal, London, 1900, ii, 996, 998, 999, 1000. Baldwin, R. J. Cleveland Med. Journal, 1900, V, 337 341- Jonnesco, Th. Bull, et mem. soc. de chir. de Bucarest, 199, ii, 130-132. Krohne, O. Deut. med. woch., Lpz., 1900, xxvi, 708-711. Serel. Languedoc med. chir., Toulouse, 1900, 2s, viii, 65-67. Baron, J. Pest. med. chir. Presse, Budapest, 1900, xxxvi, 481-484. Majewcki, A. Gaz. lek. Warszawa, 1900, xx, 214 218. Berg, A. A. Med. Record, New York, 1900, Ivii, 221-226, 2 fig. Romagnoli, U. Lucca Lucca Baroni, 1901, 2ip. Strajeske, N. Vratch., St. Petersb., 1901, xxii, 737-739- Gaston, J. MoF. Atlantlanto Jour. Rec. Med., 1901, iii, 98-111. Cheadle and Collier. Lancet, London, 1901, I, 1079 1080. Thomas, W. T. Liverpool Med. Chir. Jour- nal, 1901, xxi, 65-68. Arezzi, F. Riforma med., Roma, 1901, ii, 687. Weber, J. Ueut. Ztschr. f. chir., Lpz., 1901, Ix, 127-139. Campbell and Wood. British Med. Journal, 1901, 1, 697-698. Grunbaum, A. Trois eas d'absces sous-phre- nique. Gaz. lek. Warszawa, 1901, xxi, 478-482. Darling, E. A. Boston Med. and Surg. Jour- nal, July, 1902, p 70. GANGRENE (1835-I9O3). This is a rare condition, and when pres- ent may be primary or secondary, rarely primary, and generally due to injury or infection, or both. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Leguey. Un cas de foyer gangreneux dia- phragme. Bll. soc. de anat., Paris, 1855 6, x, 40. Hertz, H. Ein fall von gangran der lunge des diaphragma's und der milz. Arch. f. path, anat., Berlin, 1867, xi. 580-586. Manussi. Tuberculosis. Resoc. s. d. Osp. Civ. di Trieste (i875(, 1877, "U 186. NEOPLASMS. Neoplasms, benign or malignant, are infrequent. The cases of lipomata, chon- dromata, angiomata, carcinomata, sarco- mata and ossification are exceedingly rare ; also cases of echinococcus and fun- gosities. LIPOMATA. D'ajutolo, G. Su di un case rare di ernia dia- jramatica lipomatosa con altre particolarita anatomiche nella pleura destra e nello sfenoide. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologua, 1884, 6s, xiv, 27-40, I pi. Clark, F. W. Subpleural Lipoma of Dia- phragm. Tr. Path. Soc, London, (1886-7) 1887, xxxviii, 324. OSSIFICATION. Lefevre. Fievre grave apoplexte pulinonaire avec hemorrhagic exterieure ossification du dia- phragme. Gaz. d. hop., Paris, 1837, xi, 473. Pagan, J. Curious Case of Chronic Pleuritis, with Ossification of the Diaphragm and Partial Aphonis- India Jour. Med. and Phys. Sc, Cal- cutta, 1841, ns. vi. 665. Neil, J. Ossification of the Tendon of the Diaphragme. Am. Jour. Med. Sc, Philadelphia, 1849, ns. xviii, 121. Guyon. Concretion ossiforme trouvee sur la face oonvexe du diaphragme. Bull. soc. deanat., Paris, 1855, XXX, 37. Brute. Ossification en plaques du centre phre- nique du diaphragm. Bull. soc. de anat., Paris, (1868), 1874, xliii, 429. Garraud. Note sur un cas d'ossification du diaphragme. Loire med., Ss. Etienne, 1888, vii. 34- ANGIOMATA. Texter, K, Beitrag zur saustik der angeboren zwerchfellebruche Med. cor - bl. bayer Aerzte Erlang, 1847, viii, 317 324. Schranl, J. M. Waarneming eene anngeborene middel-rifsbreuk bij een 15 jahrigen jongen Nederl Weekbl. v Geneesk. Amst., 1854, '^^> ^'3> Muller, C. D. R. Angeborener zwerchfell- bruch Marburg, 1856. Hoffmann, K. Angeborne hernia diaphrag- matica Wien med. woch., 1866, xvi, 943. Froebelius. Fall von angeborenen partiellem zwerchfeldefect, St. Petersb. med. woch., 1881, vi, 17. Abel, K. Ein fall von angeborenen links- seitigen zwerchfellsdefect mit hindurchtritt des magens des grossen netzes eines theiles des colon un des duodenum in die pleurahohle Berl. klin. woch., 1894, xxxi, 84-114. Hubl, H. Kind mit angeborenen linksseitieem zwerchfeldefekt Centrbl. f. gynakol., Lpz., 1897. xxi, 1353. ECHINOCOCCUS. Wolff. Fall von ecchinococcus diaphraghrag- matis. Deut. mil-arztl. Ztschr , Berlin, 1882, xi, 231-334. Berger, E. Cisti da echinococco della cupola del diaframma asportazione guarigione Incura- bili. Napoli, 1900, xv, 449. SUIiGERl' OF THE DIAPHRAGM. 87 FUNGOID. Grawcher. Vegetations Causing Tumor in the Center of tbe Diaphragm. Bull. soc. nnat., Paris, (1868J, 1874, xliii, 385, TUBERCULOSIS OF DIAPHRAGM. There is great doubt as to this disease, when present in the diaphragm, being primary. The cases of any form of tubercular disease of the diaphragm being so few, but little opportunity has been given for the consideration of the subject. It seems to resist attacks in all forms of pulmonary tuberculosis. CARCINOMATA. Walters, J. Scirrhus of the Diaphragm. Tr. Path. Soc, London (1876). 1877, xxviii, 218. Smith, W. G. Carcinoma of Diaphragm and Peritoneum and Myoma of the Uterus. British Med. Journal, London, i88r, i, 17. SARCOMATA. Dalzell. Primary Sarcoma of Diaphragm with Secondary Deposits in Skull and Femur Leading to Fracture of the Latter Bone. Glas. gow Med. Journal, 1887, xxvii, 298-301. MISCELLANEOUS BIBIOGRAPHY- (1689-I9OO.) DIAPHRAGM I Lautitz. P. G. De Morbis praecordialibus. Jenae, 1669. Valentinus, M. B. De contusione diaphrag- matis let hali. In his Nov. medleg. Francof. a. M.. 1711,837 843. Stehelinus, B. Tentamen medicum. Basil, 1724. Pi hlerus, C. F. De machinae humanae vitis praecordia affligentibus. Tubingae, 1726. Ettmuller, M. E. (Pr.) de diaphragmatis vul- neribus. Lipsiae, 1730. Richter, E. E. Von einem stich mit einem breiten degen durch das diaphragma die lieber des magen durch so perse et aViSolute lethalis. In his Digesta med., I^pz., 1731, 153-162. Van de Wercke, M. De paraphrenitide. Lugd. Bat., 1735. Kezel, A. C. De paraphrenitide sm. Halae Magdeb., 1742. Linpruner, J. A. De paraphrenitide. Gotin- ga^'. 1747- lloernigk, R. G. De induratione partium praeter naturam. Lipsiae, 1750. Bez, J. Diss, sistens paraphrenitidis rationem et curationem. Heidelberg, 1751. Rogers, C. De paraphrenitide. Edinburgh, 1751- Maoaulay, G. Med. obs. soc. phys., London, 1757. '. 25 34, I pi. Kavier, J. De med. mil., Paris, 1782, i, 114 125. De Vicq-d'Azyr, F. (From mem. acad. roy. d. sc, Paris, 1772), Collect, acad. d. mem., Paris, 1787, XV, 310. Gattenhof, G. M. Specimens sistens para- phrentidis rationem et curationem (1751). In collectio dissertationum, etc., Heidelberg, 1791, i, 1-28. Roeseke, J. S. F. De letatitate vulnerum septi transverai questiones medico-forenses. Traj. ad Viadr., 1794. Aaskow, Beobachtung. Einer entzundug des mittel und zwergfells. In Merkwurdige krank- engesch, Halle. 1795,6468. Aepli. Geschichte einer gallichten zwerchfell- sentznndung. Museum d heilk , Zurich, 1797, iv, 1-21. Cooper, A. Med. Record, Private Med. As- sociation, London, 1-18, i pi., 1798. Preiss, B. Geschichte eines sogenannten zwerchfellbruschs. Med.-chir. ztg.; Salzb., 1798, iv, 265-272. Clarke, J. Tr. Soc. Improve Med. and Chin. Knowl., London, 1800, ii, 118 131. Rubini. Storia d'una singolare afifezione del diaframma. Gior. d. soc. med.chir. di Parma, 1807, iv, 241-248. '■ Nicoali. Geschichte einer entzundung des swerchfelles. Arch. f. med. erfahr., Berlin, 1808, vii. 19-44. Rebentisch. Krampf des zwergfells. Arch, f. med. Erfahr., Berlin, 1810, xiv, 157-160. Sobaux, F. L. Observations sur la paraphre- nesie ou diaphrBgmite. Jour. gen. de med. chir. et pharm., Paris, 1814, xliv, 359 371. Chevreau. Rec. de mem. de med. mil., Paris, 1818 V, 247-251. Cases. Passage de I'est'imac dans la cavite gauche de la poitrine. Jour, univ. d. sc. med., Paris, 1818, ix, 381-388. Ramsay, A. Med. Repository, New York, 1818. iv, 178, I pl. Dzondi. Geschichte einer merkwurdigen und zwerchffllsentzundung an sich selbst becobach- tet. Aeskulap., Lpz., 1821-2, i, 2 hft., 83-118. Isenflani, H. F. Ueber eine verletzung des zwerchmuskels. In his Anat. iuntersuch., Er- lang., 1822, 147-162. Andral (fils). Observations sur I'inflammation de la plevre diaphragmatique. Arch. gen. med., Paris, 1823, iii, 246 267. Lueder, G. F. L. De diaphragmatitide. Bero- lini, 1826. Condret. Observation d'un cas de nervalgie aigue et rheumatismale du diaphragme. Jour. Compl. du diet. d. sc. med., Paris, 1830, xxxvi, 164-168. Zuingerus, F. De paraphrenitide. Basileae, 1831. Luber, M. W. N. verhadl. v. h. Genootach. t. Bevord d. heelk. Amst., 1832, iv, 323-338. Gompertz, A. De septi transversi moribis. Bonnae, 1832. Brach, B. Entzundung derschenkel des zwerch- felles. Mag. f. d. ges. heilk., Berlin, 1832, xxxviii, 539-543- Morgpn, W. F. London Med. Gaz., 1833, xii, 673. Mullen. Entzundung des zwerchfells. Gen.- ber. d. k. rhein. med. coll., 1834. Koblenz, 1837. 99. Braun, A. De diaphragmatitide. Pestini, 1834. Joel, A. De Diaphragmatitide Regiomonti. Pr., 1835. Mondiere, J. Hebd. d. proge d. sc, et inst. med., Paris, 183=;. ii 79 82. Norris, W. Tr. Prov. Med. and Surg. Assn., London, 1836-7, v, 344-349. SURGE RT OF THE DIAPHRAGM. Lorinser. Med. zig., Berlin, 1835, iv, 153. Wolff. Krampf des zwerchfells. Med. Ztg., Berlin, 1836, v, 72. Nolscher, G. P. Hannov. ann. f. d. ges. heilk., 1837, ii, 25-27. Osberhaus. Todtlicher bruch des zwerchfelles. Gen. ber. d. k. rhein. med. coll., 1834, Koblenz, 1837, no. Lippich. Entzundung des serosen ueberzuges der leber verbunden mit einer entzundung des zwerchfells brustfells und einer lebergeschwulst. Woch. f. d. ges. heilk., Berlin, 1838, 57-63. Lepine. Etranglee Precis d. trav. soc. med de Dijon (1838 41), 1843, 76 79. Lesser. Mag. f. d. ges. heilk., Berlin, 1841, Ivii, 75-90, I pi. Eiselt. Angeborner zwerchfellbruch. Oesterr med woch., Wien, 1841, 577-580. Zwerchfells- rheuma N. ztschr. f. geburtsh., Berlin, 1842, xii, 242. Fritz, N. T. Sugillationen am zwerchfelle entstanden durch heben einer last. Oesterr med. woch., Wien, 1844, 595. Olivet, J. De med. de Lyon, 1844, vii, 53 66. Mehliss, C. W. Die krankheiten des werch- fells des menshen. Eisleben, 1845. Davies, G. Am. Juur. Med. Sc, Philadelphia, 1846, xi, 126-128 Wood. Diaphragmatis and diaphragmatic pleurisy. Analyst, New York, 1846 7, i, 369 371. Cases. Missouri Med. and Surg. Journal, jst. Louis, 1846, ii, 221. Kermann, J. Zerrssung des zwerchfells und herzbeufels mit versetzung einzelner unterleib- seingeweike in die brusthohle in folge ausserer gewalthatigeit. Oesterr med. woch., Wien, 1846, 317 330- Nurth. O. R. A. Ueber zwerchfellsbruch. Wurzberg, 1847. Pigne. Bull. soc. anat., Paris, 1847, xxii, 169. Bull. soc. de anat., Paris, 1848, xxiii, 347. Bockdalek. Einige bemergungen uber die entschung des angeborenen zwerchfellbruches. Vrtjschr. f. d. prakt. heilk., Prag., 1848, iii, 89-iq7, I pi. Fischer. Deutsche klinik, Berlin, 1849, i, 54. Ferrario and Custodi. Gazz. med. Ital. lomb., Milano, 1850, i, 281-283. Barth. Bull. so. de anat., Paris, 1851, xxvi, 147. Walter, C. Ueber magenbruch. Rhein Mo- natschr. f. prakt. aerzte, Koln, 151, v, 648662, 2 pi. Huber, A. Ueberz werchfellbruch nebat der beschreibung eines falles dieser krankheit. Basel, 1852. Bujal^ky, E. Med. ztg., Russlands, St. Peters- burg, 1852, ix, 205 Michel. Zweri hfellsbruch. Med. cor.-bl. d. wurttemb. arztl. ver Stuttg., 1853, xxiii, 115. Crang, J. Congenitalt Assoc. Med. Journal, London, 1853, 5S9. Hauschka. Wien. med, woch., 1853, iii, 586. Osborne. Dublin C^iarterly Journal Med. Sc , 1854. xviii, 452-454- Verletzungen. Die zwerchfelles BI. f. gerichtl. anthrop. Ansbach, 1854, ^'> ^^t., 39 51. Cohn. Erkrankungen des zwerchfells. Ztschr. f. klin. med., Bresl. Woppisch. Erysipelas des zwerchfells. Med. ztg., Berlin, 1855, xxiv. 157. Chancellor, C. W. Am. Journal Med. Sc , Philadelphia, 1855, xxx, 404 406. Milard. Bull. soc. anat., Paris, 1856- xxxii. Finnell, T. C. New York Med. Journal, 1856, xvi, 84. Kunznitzky, S. Meletemata atque observa- itones de diaphragmatic natura nonnullisque ejus morbis. Vratislaviae, 1857. Heiss, L. Aerztl. Int.-bl.. Munchen, 1858, v, 179. Mecklenburg. Seltener fall eines eingeklemm- ten zwerchfellbruchs. Med. ztg., Berlin, 1858, i, 202. Cases. British Med. Journal, London, 1858, 285. Flogel, J. Eintritt des quergrimmdarmes in die brusthohle thrombose beider schenkelarterien und eines theiles der gemeinschaftlichen l^uftpul- sadern. Oesterr. ztschr. f. prakt. heilk., Wien, 1859, V, 463. Cases. Bei einem neugeborenen kinde. Oes- terr. ztschr. f. prakt. heilk., Wien, 1859, ^) 722. Laurent, H. Gaz. d. hop., Paris, i860, xxxiii, 451- Von Pachner. Bei einen neugeborenen. Oes- terr. ztschr. f. prakt. heilk., Wein, i86r, vii, 775. Peacock, T. Tr. Path. Soc, London, 1862-3, xiv, 146 154, 1 pi. Hillier, T. Double Pneumothorax from Rup- ture of Air-Vessicles ; Textural Change and Thickening of Diaphragm ; Solitary Kidney. Tr. Path. Soc, London, 1863-4, xv 43 48. Barth, R. Die zerreissung des zwerchfelles. Lpz., 1863. MacGiliivray, P. H. Austral. Med. Journal, Melbourne, 1864, ix, 353-355. Da-Nenezia, P. Transposizione dello stomac e di sei metri di anse intestinali della cavita dell addome in quella del torace attraverso una fes- sura congenita del diaframma. Gior. veneto di sc. med., Venezia, 1864, i, 337-345. Wagner, E. Rwerchfeilhernie in folge eines magengesch magenges'hwurs. Arch. d. heilk., Lpz., 1864, V, 566-569. Kaufmann, M. Ueber die krankheiten des zwerchfells. Deutche klinik, Berlin, 1865, xvii, 221, 229, 262, 289, 307, 318, 3:9' 346, 370. Namias. Intorno a due casi di vizii precordial! e alle loro successioni e complicazloni Gion. ven- eto di sc. med., Venezia, 1866, 3s, iv, 661-666. Verletzungen der lunge des bauchlells und neizes durch messerstiche. Allg. mil. arztl. ztg., Wien, 1866, vii, 345. Verardini, F. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1866, i, 81-105. Engel, J. Geheilter zwerchfellriss. Wien med. Woch., 1867, xvii, 737 Gouley, R. J., and Stokes, W. Med, Gaz., New York, 1867 8, i, 93. Bochdalek. Praktische bemergungen uber zwerchfellbruche nebst beschreibung eines mit einer fractur der lendenwirbelsaule complicirten falles. Vrtjscer. f. d. prakt. heilk., Prag., 1867, xciv, 14, 27. Duguet. Rapport sur la candidature de M. Habran (D'une varietedehernie diaphragmatique celie qui a lieu dans un age plus ou moins avance par I'espace trianguJairp post xvphoidcn). Bull, soc. anat. de. Paris. 1867, xlii, 34.7-351. Callender, G. W. On Fatty Degeneration of the Diaphragm. Lancet, London, 1867, i, 39. Engel. Dfis zwerchfell sein \erhalten in krnnk- heilen. Wein. med. woch., 1S68, xviii, 821, 837. Sherman, N. Chicago Med. Journal, 1869, xxvi, 321. SURGERT OF THE DIAPHRAGM. 89 Maiden, W. P. Am. Jour. Med. Sc, Phila- delphia, 1869, Ivii, 283. Fischel, J. Tonischer krampf des sweichfelles beobachtet bei einer puerpera im verlaufe einer rheumatischen affection einzelner respirations- muskeln. Nrtjschr. f. d. prakt. heilk., Prag., 1870, cvii, 58 67. Larimore, F. C. Autopsy. Med. and Surg. Reporter, Philadelphia, 1870, xxiii, 401-404. Joor, J. F. N. Orl. Jour. Medicine, 1870, xxiii, 721 726. Hajden, T. Diaphragmatic Pleuritis. Dub- lin, Quarterly Journal Med. Sc, 1871, Hi, 49. Hoffmann, H. Jahrsb. u. d. verwalt, d. med.- wes. d. krankenanst. d. stadt., Frankf. (1868), 1871, xii, 154-156. Dubar. Plaie du diaphragme. Bull. med. du Nord. Lille, 1872, 417. Bollinger, O. Ueber knorpel und knochen im zwerchfell des pferdes. Arch. f. path, anat., Berlin, 1872, Iv, 283. Bernheim. Gaz. heod. de med., Paris, 1872, ix, 596-599- Jenkins, W. H. Austral. Med. Journal, Mel- bourne, 1872, xvii, 284-286. Burkhart, A. Berlin klin. woch., 1873, '^i '59- Ross- Boston Med. and Surg. Journal, 1873, Ixxxviii, 114. Alschewsky, W. Ueber die kunstliche lah- mung des zwerchfells. Berlin klin. wock., 1874, xi, 432-435- Ritter. Idiopathischer klonscher krampf des zweichfells. Med. Cor.-bl. d. wurttemb. arztl, ver Stuttg., 1874, xliv, 29. Rajewsky, A. 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It is soft and brittle, highly vascu- lar, and connected with the stomach to the gastro-splenic omentum, which, together with two folds of the peritoneum, hold it in position, and connect it, more or less, with the kidney, and sometimes with the diaphragm. Its size varies with different individuals, and under different circumstances ; in adult life it weighs from five to eight ounces, and is from four to seven inches long and from two to four inches wide. It is about the same size at time of birth, not increas- ing normally with the growth of the body. At birth its weight in proportion to the entire body is almost equal to what it is in the adult, being i to 350, while in the adult it varies from i to 320 and 400. In old age it decreases, becoming as i to 700. It becomes larger during digestion, is greatly influenced by the character of food, and becomes less during fasting. Various fevers cause it to enlarge to fifteen or more pounds. It has an external serosa, and an inter- nal fibrous elastic coat. The first is thin and smooth. The splenic artery arising directly from the abdominal aorta is large, tortuous, and divided into four, five or six branches, which enter the hilum of the spleen and ramify throughout its substance, receiving sheaths from an involution of the external fibrous tissue. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Panoralus, D. Ittrologismorum, Romae, 1652, 232. Straussius, L. Conatus anatomicus, Gissae, 1666, 97-120. Tillingius, M. Rinthelii, 1673. Behm, M. Phil. Tr., London, 1700, iii, 84. Douglas, J. Phil. Tr., London, 1700-20, v, 252. Van Dyck, E. B. Traj. ad Rhenum, 1710. Schmidt, P. G. Francof ad Voadr., 1713. Stukeley, W. London, 1723. Campdomercus, J. J., and Ruyschius, F. Epis- tola anatomica problematica quota ad Fredericum Ruyschium de glandulis fibris cellulisque lien- alibus, etc, (Cum responsione), Amstelaedami, Schaaf, A. W. Duisburgi ad Rhenum, 1734. Pohl, J. C. 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Beitrage zur morphologic und funktion der milz, Erlangen, 1855. Fuhrer and Ludvvig. Arch. f. physiol. heilk., Stuttg', 1855, xiv, 315-491. Crisp, E. Treatise on the Structure and Use of the Spleen. London, 1855. Fuher, F. Arch. f. physiol. heilk., Stuttg., i8^6, XV, 65-105. Draper, H. N. Y. Jour. Med., 1858, v, 182- 189. Fick, L. Arch. f. anat. phvsiol. u. wissensch. med., Leipz-, 1859, 8-12, i pi. Doweli, G. New Orleans Med. and Surg. Journal, 1859, xvi, 337-347- Burrows and Hawkins. Lancet, London, i860, i. 36. Foltz. Ann. soc. med. de Lyon, 1861. ix, 252-259. Key, E. A. Hygiea, Stockholm, 1861, xxiii, II 14. Kowalewsky, N. Arch. f. path, anat., Berlin, 1861, XX, 203, I pi. Billroth. Neue beitrage zur vergleichenden anatomie der milz, Leipzig;, 1861. Key, E. A, Arch. f. path, anat., Berlin, 1861, xxi, 568-578, I pi. Silven, F. J. E. Om mjeltens anatomi och fysiologi. Helsingfors, 1861. Stieda, L. Ueber das capillar system der milz, Dorpat, 1862. Billroth, T. Ibid., 409, i pi.; 1862, xxiii, 457, 1 pi. SchiflF, M. Bern, 1862, i, 201-397. Patellani and Moroni. Ann. univ. di med. Milano, 1864, clxxxvii, 555-571. Fenenk, N. On the Glandular Structure of the Spleen. St. Petersb., 1866. Ferran. Rec. do de med. mil., Paris, 1867, xviii, 177-191. Fossion. Bull. Acad. roy. med. de Belg., Bruz, 1867, i, 104 (discussion), 654, 710, 756, 1S68, ii, 363, 442, 512, 930. Jones, H. K. Chicago Med. Exam , 1868. ix, 129 139. Rev. med. franc etetrang., Paris, 1868, ii, 654664. Bonnefin, J. G. Etude sur les functions de la maladies infectieuses. Strassburg, 1869. Compt. rend. soc. Biol., Paris, 1870, i, 320. Herzen, A. Imparziale, Firenze, 1869, ix, 641738, 1870, x, 97. Ricou. Rec de mem. de med. mil., Paris, 1870, xxv, I 60, 2 pi. Silvester, H. R. London, 1870. Kyber, E. Arch. f. mikr. anat,, Bonn, 1870, vi, 540- 580. Lattanzi, R. La risposta del Prof Vincenzo Diario ad una interpellanza relative alia teroria di una nuova funzione della milza (Atti de lincei sessione iv, del 6, marzo, 1870), e la note del Dr. Herzen (Imparziale, 16 maggio, 1870), esam- inate dal Dr. , Arch, di med. chir. ed ig Roma, 1870, ii, 265-276. Mosler. Centalbl. f. d. med. wiss., Berlin, 1871, ix, 390. 94 SURGERT OF THE SPLEEN. Perosini, F. Gior. d. r. acad. mek., Torino, 1871, X, 578-587. Spallazani Modena, 1872, x, 20-26. Bochefontaine, L. T. Action physiologique de la quinine sur la rate. Meaux, 1S73. Stotl and Hasse. Centalbl. f. d. med. wiss.^ Berlin, 1S72, x, 753-756. Rochefontaine. Arch, de phjsiol. norm, et path., Paris, 1873, v. 558 664. KusnezotT, A. Sitzungab. d. k. akad. d. wis- sensch., Wien, 1873, Ixvii, 5867. Langwagen.V.V. O nervach selezenki (nerves of spleen). St. Petersb., 1873. Grasset, J Montpel, med., 1873, xxxi, 416 512 ; 1874, xxxii, 13. Corona. Spallazani, Modena, 1874, xix, 218, Von TarchanoflF. Arch. f. d. gas. physiol., Bonn, 1874, ^^>i> 97-100. Scoville, S. S. Tr. Ohio Medical Soc, 1874, 267-80. Malassez and Picard. Compt. rend. soc. de Biol., Paris, 1875, i, 339, 378; 1876, ii, 94, 108, 114. Ocken, II. Microscopische untcrsuchungen uber die marklosen nerven der milz. Griefs- wald, 1875. Klein, E. Quart. Jour. Micr. Sc, London, 1875, XV, 363372, I pi. Botkin, S. Gaz. lek. Warszawa, 1875-6, xx, i, "8, 135, 157, 209. Black, P. London, 1876. Bulgak, J- Arch, f, path, anat., Berlin, 1877, Ixix, 181-213. Lussana, F. Gazz. med. Ital. lomb., Milano, 1877. iv, 331- Weddington, S. C. Cincinnati Lancet and Observer, 1877, xx, 172 179. Fonctions de la rate Cong, period internat. d. sc. med. compt. rend., Geneva, 1878, 47-49. Les fonctions de la rate Rev. Scient., Paris, 1870, xvii, 463 469. De Garraj, A. Eisiologia del bazo Escuela de med. Medico, 1879, i. No. i, 8; No. 2, 9. Roy, C. S. Jour. Physiol., Cambridge, 1880 82, iii, 203-228, 3 pi. Lucinni, L. Spallanzani. Moden, 1881, x, 461-464. Arch. f. d. ges. physiol., Bonn, 1882 3, 295-307. Pouchet, G. Selaciens. Jour, de I'anat. et physiol., Paris, 1882, xviii, 498-502, i pi. Russell, G. H. Newburg, Pa'., 1882. Tizzoni, G. Arch, per le sc. med. Torino, 1882, vi, 1-7. Vinogradoflf, K. Vrach., St. Petersb., 1882, iv, 86-103. Mereu, G. Riv. internaz. di sc. med,, Roma, 1883, i, 2-8. Foa, P. Sperimentale. Firenze, 1883, Hi, 241-264. Maffucci, A. Movimento. Napoli, 1883, xv, 290-297. Bourne, J. D. Lancet, London, 1884, ii, 127. Zesas, D. G. Arch. f. klin. chir., Berlin, 1884, xxxi, 267, 275. Gior. di anat. fisiol. de patol. d. animali, Pisa, 1884, XV, 233, 264. Baumgarten. Arch. f. path, anat., Berlin, 1884. xcvii, 21 36, I pi. Phisalix, C. Rev. bibliog. univ. d. sc. med., Paris, 1885, ii, 401-411. Grigorescu, G. Compt. rend. soc. de biol., Paris, 1886, iii, 277, 417, 501. Joachim, H. De functionen der milz. Wurz- burg, 1886. Foa and Carbone. Gior. d. r. acad. di med. di Torino, 18S7, xxxv, 498 501. Chlodovski, I. Russk.'^med., St. Petersb., 1887, V, 143, 160. Laguesse, G. E. Compt. rend. so. de biol., Paris, 1887, iv, 468 460. Malinin, J. Russk. med. St. Petersb., 1887, V, 303. .319. 335. Arnold, J. Arch. f. mikr. anat., Bonn, 1887-8, xxxi, 341 564, 3 pi. St. Locquart, A. Arch, de med. et chir. prat , Brux, 1887-8, ii, 40-42. Gray, II. Descriptive Anatomy, 1887. Denys, J. Bull acad. roy. de med. de Belg. , Brux, 1888, iii, 261-289 (Rap. de Van Bambeke), 321-224. Beorchia Nigris, A. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bo- logna, 1889, xxiii, 145-165, I pi. SokolofT, N. Ejened klin. gaz., St. Petersb., 1889, ix, 237, 253, 296, 313. Beitr /.. path. anat. u. z. allg path., Jena, 1889, V, 227-252, I pi. Fleming, W. P. Tr. Texas Med. Assn., Aus- tin, 1889, 130-134. Kostjurin. Munchen med. woch., 1889, xxxvi, 402. Jour, de i'anat. et physiol., Paris, 1890, xxvi, 345. 425. 4 Pl- Hoffmann, N. Eenige beobachtungen bet- reflfend die functionen der leber und milzellen. Dorpat, 1890. Compt. rend. soc. de bid., Paris, 1890, ii, 425. Arch, de Physiol, norm, et path., Paris, 1891, iii, 561-574. Anat. anz., Jena, 1891, vi, 131-134. Hoyer, H. Ueber den feineren bau der milz von Fischen amphibien reptillien und vogeler. Strassb., 1892, 42 p. Touton, K. Sitzungsb. d. gesellsch. f. mor- phol. u. physiol. in Muenchen (1892), 1893, viii, 86-104. Gaule, Alice L. Jour. Morphol., Boston, 1893, viii, 393-414- Vulpius, O. Beitr. z. klin. -chir., Lubing, 1894, xi, 633-700. Pilliet, A. H. Compt. rend. soc. biol , Paris, 1895, ii, 679-682. Warbasse, J. P. Brooklyn Med. Journal, 1895, ix, 12-20. Georgiyevski, K. N. Bolnitsch, gaz. Botkina, St. Petersb., 1895, vi, 217-223. Letuelle, M. Presse med., Paris, 1895, 409 411. Piqou, R. Bull. soc. anat., Paris, 1895, Ixx, 698-734. Hunter, W. British Med. Journal, London, 1895, ii, 1286. Stanziale, R. Gior. ital. d. mal. ven. Milano, 1896, xxxi, 190-195, 1 pl. Schafer, E. A. Proc. Royal. Soc, London, 1896, lix, 229. Picou, R. Gaz. d. hop., Paris, 1897, Ixx, 1401- 1408. Michelazzi, A. Gaz. d. osp., Milano, 1898, xix, 456. Monti (Rina). Boll, scient., Pavia, 1898, xx, 114-117. Mall, F. P. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., 1898, ix, 218. Gachet, J.,et V. Pachon. Compt rend. soc. biol., 1898, V, 364. SURGERY OF THE SPLEEN. 95 Herzen, A. Inter. -med. d. biol., Paris, 1897- 8, I, ^66. Pugliese, A. Arch. ital. de biol., Turin, 1900, xxxiii, 359. SdvelietT, N. A. Med. obozr. Mosk., 1900, Ivi, 58 72, I fig. Pugliese et Luzzatti. Arch, per le so. med. Torino, 1900, xxiv, i 48. Jawein, G. Arcli. f. path, anat., Berlin, 1900, 16, F. i, 461, 508. Gulewitsch u. Jochelschn. Hoppe-Seyler's ztschr. f. physiol. chemie, Strassk., 1900, xxx, 53.-^- 538. Bonner, T. H. Indian Med. Rec, Calcutta, 1900, xi, X, 622. Dieu'afe, M. Pressenied., Paris, 1900, ii, 308- 309, 3 fig- Pugliesse et Luzatti. Note i rate et poissons hematiques resume du doct Puglies. Arch, ital. de biol., Turin, 1900, xxxiii, 349. Dominicis, N., de Herzen. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1900, xxi, 1188-1189. XIII cong. inter- nat. de med., sect, phjsiol., phys. et chim. biol., 1900, Paris, 1901, compt. rend. 108 115. Bellamy, II. F. Lancet, London, 1900, ii, 1 185 1 190. Mori, A. Riforma med., Roma, 1901, ii, 506. Silverstri, T. Riforma med., Roma, 1901, i, 843- Sig^vart, W. Inaug. diss., Tubingen, 1901, Juni. Arloing F. Compt. rend. soc. biol., Paris, 1901, liii, 625, 626. Herzen, A. Arch. f. d. ges. physiol., Bonn, 1901, Ixxxiv, 115 129. ABNORMALITIES (1763-I9O3). The spleen is subject to many anoma- lies in all animals. There may be one or more spleens. They may be located in any part of the abdominal cavity. Several cases are recorded in which the spleen was found entirel}'^ absent. This may be congenital, or due to destruction by disease. When absent there is general compensa- tory lymphatic hyperplasia. Historical. — Nenci, 1763, mentions a case of disruptured spleen, while Aber- nethy, i79;^> gives an account of two in- stances of uncommon formation of the spleen in the human body. Fabre, 1825, considers the importance of irregular types and forms of the human splerti. Cheselden, 1831, records two and three spleens found in one human body. Lebby, i8.|6, reports a case of entire absence of the spleen. IJainbrigge, 1846, records a case of sup- plementary spleen, causing death from the patient being placed in the supine position in consequence of a fractured thigh. Ramsay, 1850, records a case of gastro- enteritis with entire absence of the spleen. Koranyi, 1857, contributes his study on the theory of wandering spleen. Jameson, 1874, reports a case of double spleen and kidneys. Masoin, 1879, writes upon the artificial production of atrophy of the spleen. Tizzoni, 1882, records a case of acces- sory spleen. Penn, 1885, reports a case in which there was entire loss of the spleen, with recovery. Peevor, 1SS5, mentions a case of sup- plementary or second spleen. Younge, 1893, reports a case of super- numerary spleen. Jolly, 1895, also reports one of the same character. Tedeschi, 1897, records a case .of super- spleen, and Hodenpyl, 1898, records a case of apparent absence of the spleen, with general compensatory lymphatic hyperplasia. Lanphear and Walker, 1903, found three spleens in one body, one of which was intramesenteric (personal communi- cation). BIBLIOGRAPHY. Nenci, J. Atti. accad. d. sc. di Sienna, 1763, ii, I95-I97- Abernethy, J. Phila. Tr., London, 1793, Ixxxiii, 59 66, 2 pi. Fabre, P. Soc. d. sc. med. de Gannat. Compt. rend., Paris, 1825, xxxix, 104 125. Martin, G. Bull. soc. anat., Paris, 1826, 1841, i, 40. Gates, A. W. New York Med. and Phys. Journal, 1829 30, iii, 120. Cheselden, W. Phila. Tr., 1700 20, 2 ed., London, 1831, iv-v, 252. Lonneman, R. De splenitide adjunctis hujus morbi casibus. Groningae, 1845. Lebby, R. Southern Journal of Medicine and Pharmacy, 1846, i, 481 483. Bainbrigge, W. H. London Med. Gaz., 1846, xxxviii, 1052. Ramsay, H. A. Charleston Med. Journal and Review, 1850, v, 728-732. Diet), J. Pam Towarz lek. Warsawa, 1854, xxxi, 50-64. Scholz. Allg. wien. med. ztg., 1856, i, 32. Koranyi, F. Orvosi hetil, Budapest, 1857, i, 289, 305, 321. Luczkiewicz. Pam Towarz lek. Warsawa, 1857, xxxviii, 13-55. Ferrant. Bull. soc. anat., Paris, 1861, xxxvi, 264-267. Bruzelius. Forh. v. Svens. lak-sallsk. sam- mannk., Stockholm, 1872, 332 336. Jameson, Ci. W. Indian Med. Gaz., Calcutta, 1874, '^t i^- Gruber, W. Arch. f. path, anat., Berlin, 1875, 1-^v, 397, I pi. 96 SURGERT OF THE SPLEEN. Kispert, G. Am. sc. ginec espan., Madrid, 1878, iv, 155-160. Bernabei, C. Imparziale, Firenze, 1879, xix, 132 149- Tizzoni, G. Sulle milze accessorie e sulla neo- formazione della niilza per processi patologici della milza primaria, Roma, 1882. Penn. W. W. Texas Courier Record of Medi- cine, 1885 6, iii, 453 455. Peevor, G. H. Indian Med. Gazette, Calcutta, 1885, XX, 216. D'Aguanno, Bellet A. Morgagni, Milano, 1888, XXX, 605 60S. Bonome, A. Riv. clin., Milano, 1888, xxvii, 886-899. Fink, G. H. Indian Med. Gazette, Calcutta, 1890, XXV, 334. Younge, G. H. British Med. Journal, Lon- don, 1893, i, ii6r. Malins, E. Lancet, London, 1894. ii, 627. Jolly. Bull. soc. anat., Paris, 1895, 1^^' 74^- Bureau, P. Gaz. hebd. de med., Paris, 1896, xliii, 349-354 (Abstr.). Pinzani, E. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1896, xvii, 1089 1091, Jolly. Rev. mens. d. mal. de I'enf., Paris, 1896, xiv, 439. Tedeschi, A. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1897, xviii, 1017-1020, 954. Hodeupyl, E. Med. Record, New York, 1898, liv, 695 698. Gouraud. Bull. et. mem. soc. anat., Paris, 1900, 6s, ii, 480-481. DISPLACEMENT OF THE SPLEEN (1746-I9O3). Displacement of the spleen is quite fre- quent, and may be of any degree from a slight displacement to occupying almost any position within the abdominal cavity. It may be due to injury, disease, or re- laxation of the ligaments from any cause. A floating spleen may cause intestinal strangulation, and it may be congenital or acquired. It may be mistaken for any of the abdominal organs. Historical. — Kreysig, 1746, gives an illustration of displacement of the spleen. Piorry, 1845, reports a case of intermit- tent fever caused by displacement of the lower part of the spleen. Ecker, 1847, descjibes displacement of blood corpuscles in the spleen. Lescher, 1850-51, a case of remarkable change in position of the spleen and ab- scess of same. Kuchenmeister, 1856, suggests remedies for wandering spleen. Buss, 1868, reports misplacement of the spleen in connection with the hemorrhagic diathesis. Baryholm, 1S68, reports a case of float- ing spleen. Kums, 1869, reports a displacement of the spleen with intestinal strangulation. Velasco, 1875, mentions a case of dis- placement of the spleen in an infant. Reed, 1877, a case of movable and en- gorged spleen, post-mortem. Picard, 1879, mentions changes in the volume of the spleen. Schenck, 18S0, reports displaced spleen mistaken for sub peritoneal fibroid of the uterus. Riggs, 1881, tells of dislocated spleen in hypogastric region in a woman, eight years' duration. Ogilvie, 1891-93, mentions a case of unusual mobility of the spleen. Collins, 1S95-6, reports a case of pelvic spleen. Crowly, 1S96, mentions a case of mis- placed and rotated spleen which simulated an ovarian tumor. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Kreysig, J. D. Ad illustrandum vexatum, Hippocrates, libr., vi, sect, ii, aphor. xxx, locum Vitembergae, 1746. Piorry. Gaz. d. hop., Paris, 1845, vii, 128, 291. Etker. SchatThausen, 1847, xxxii, 115-119. Lescher, J. J. Northwest. Med. and Surg. Journal, Chicago, 1850-51, vii, 309 313. Batchelor, J. C. Proc. Med. Ass., Alabama, 1852, 81-83. Christiansen. N. pract. tijdschr. v. de Ge- neesk., Gorinchem, 1854, vi, 167 171. Kuchenmeister, G. F. H. Wien. med. Woch., 1856, vi, 433. Buss, H. Med. Times and Gazette, London, 1868, ii, 530. Baryholow, R. West Jour. Medicine, Indian- apolis, 1S68, iii, 161. Tasso. F" Gazz. med. ital. prov. veneto, Pa- dova, 1868, xi, 353 355. Kums. Ann. soc. de med. d'anvers, 1869, xxx, 363 366. Kilpatrick, A. R. Soulh. Med. Record, At- lanta, 1873, ii'i 534- Battey, R. Atlanta Med. and Surg. Journal, 1874-5, xii, 211, 613. Velasco, I. Gac. med. de Mexico, 1875, x, 268. Muller, K. Orvosi hetil, Budapest, 1876, xx, 665 674. Reed, C. H. Toledo Med. and Surg. Journal, 1877, i, 165-168. Shattuck, F. C. Boston Med. and Surg. Jour- nal, 1878, xcix, 236 272. * Wassiljew, S. St. Petersb. Med. Woch., 1878, iii. 329 332. Picard, P. Compt. rend. acad. d. sc, Paris, 1879, Ixxxviii, 1033 1035. Schenck, P. V. St. Louis Courier of Medi- cine, 1880, iv, 117-121. Riggs, B. H. Med. Record, New York, i88r, XX, 752. Botkin, S. P. Ejened klin. gaz., St. Petersb., 1884, iv, 369-379. SURGERT OF THE SPLEEN. 97 Younkin, E. Am. Med. Journal, St. Louis, 1884, xii, 289-294. Eiigel, G. Orvosi hetil, Budapest, 1886, xxx, 145 149. Lambotte, E. Jour, de med. chir. et Pharma- col., Brux, 1889, Ixxxvii, 575-584. Ogilvie, L. Tr. med. soc, London, 1891-2, XV, 460 462. Sutton, J. B. Tr. Clin. Soc, London, 1892-3, xxvi, 46-49. Collins, E. T. British Gynec Journal, Lon- don, 1895-6, xi, 324-328. Kouwer. Lederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst., 1895, 2r., xxxi, pt. 2, 669 673. Crowley, H. G. Dublin Jour. Med. Science, 1896, cii, 5356. Bacelli, G. Policlin, Roma, 1896, iii, M, 549- 554- Picou, Raymond. De la situation normale de la rate par rapport a la parol thoracique chez I'adulte. Paris, 1896, 55 p. Sutton, J. B. British Med. Journal, London, 1897, i, 132. Malkoff, G. M. Bolnitsch. Gaz., Botkina, St. Petersb., 1897, viii, 177, 222, 271. Sutton, J. B. Tr. Med. Soc, London, 1896 7, XX, 95 103. EXPERIMENTAL (1735-I9O3). The experimental work pertaining to the surgery and physiology of the spleen was commenced by Deisch, in 1735, who recorded many such experiments upon dogs. It has been shown that an animal or human being can live after its spleen has been totally removed. There have been many experiments upon the spleen to determine its physiology, but as yet it has not been definitely deter- mined. That it has something to do with the leucocyte there seems to be no doubt, but its exact function seems never to have been discovered. Its office seems to be identical through- out animal life. To John Harley, 1857, is given the credit of having removed both the spleen and suprarenal capsules from a rat, which continued to live. Historical. — Deisch, i735i recorded his experiments upon dogs concerning the spleen. Chailly, 1822, published his researches concerning the functions of the spleen. Dobson, 1830, carried on a series of experiments concerning the structure and functions of the spleen. Nivet, 1838, made extended researches concerning engorgement and hypertrophy of the spleen. Pages, 1846, experimented on living animals to show the instantaneous decrease of the spleen under the influence of alco- hol and quinine. Beclard, 184S, also conducted exten- sive experimental research concerning the functions of the spleen. Rayer, 1849, published his observations and experiences on the contractibility of the spleen. Kuchenmeister, 1S51, experimented on the influence of quinine, gentian, and squills on a spleen. Jaschkowitz, 1856, conducted a series of experiments concerning the pathology of the spleen. Sappey, i860, published his researches on hypertrophy of the spleen. Estor and Saint-Pierre, 1865, made ex- periments to discover how the spleen worked. Philpeaux, 1866, experimented to de- monstrate that the spleen taken from young animals and replaced in the abdom- inal cavity becomes grafted and develops or continues to have life. Bochefontaine, 1873, gives his notes on experiments relative to the influence of tying of the splenic artery. Servel, 1876, experimented extensively on the physiology of the spleen. Masoin, 1879, wrote upon the artificial production of atrophy of the spleen. Masoin, 1880, published his experimen- tal researches on a withered congenital and enlargement of the spleen. Tizzoni, 1883, published his experimen- tal researches on the reproduction of the spleen. Grigorescu, 1886, recorded his experi- mental researches on the normal physiology and pathology of the splenic circulation. Von Limbeck, 1889, published his ex- perimental study of leukocytosis. Panski, 1890, contributed his experimen- tal research considering pigmentation of the spleen. Eliasberg, 1893, made an exhaustive experimental study of the spleen and blood-building. Ruzicka, 1893, experimented concerning leukocytosis. Botazzi, 1895, contributed his experi- mental research on the physiology of the spleen. Lote, 1901, experimented on anthrax of the spleen. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Deisch, M. P. De splene canibus excise et ab 98 SURGER2' OF THE SPLEEN. I his esperimentis capiendo fructu. Halae Mag- deb.. 1735. A=soliant, J. P. Recherches sur la rate. Paris, 1802 3. Siau-Lavigne, P. Recherches sur la phleg- masie aigue de la rate. Strassbourg, 1821. Lebidois, J. Recherches sur les usages de la rate la deviation de la langue dans I'hemiplegie et le siege precis de U pneumonie. Paris, 1821. Chailly. Jour. gen. de med. chir. et pharm. Paris, 1S22, ixxxi, 145 160. Dobson, W. An Experimental Inqiiir}- into the Structure and Functions of the Spleen. Lon- don, 1830. Nivet, V. Arch. gen. de Med., Paris, 1838, i, 310; ii, 25. Pages. Gaz. med., Paris, 1846, i, 97:-974. Beclard, J. Arch. gen. med., Paris, i8.(8, iii, 129, 319. 432- Rayer. Compt. rend. soc. biol., 1849, Paris, 1850, i, 156 158. Kuchenmeister. Arch. f. physiol. lieilk , Sutt- gart, 185T, X, 85, 483. Jaschkowitz, E. Arch. f. path, anat., Berlin, 1856, xi, 235 239. Sappey. Compt. rend. soc. biol., 1859, Paris, i860, i, 2346. Maggiorani, C. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1864, xxi, 195. 267. Estor and .St. Pierre. Jour, de I'anat. et phy- siol., Paris, 1865, ii, 190 6. Philpeaux, J. M. Compt. rend. acad. d. sc, Paris, 1866, Ixiii, 431-3. Baccelli, G. Sperimentale. Firenze, 1869, xxiii, 513 517. Poletti. Gior. di med. mil., Firenze, 1871, xix, 141 157. Bochefontaine, K. T. Recherches experimen- tales relatives a la contractilite de la rate a Tac- tion sulfate de quinine et de quelques autres substances sur cet organe. Paris, 1873. Petraglia, G. Arch, di med. chir. ed ig. Roma, 1874, vi, 222 228. Bochefontaine. Arch, de physiol. norm, et path., Paris, 1874, ') ^9^ 7'^4- Serve], A. Recherches experimentales sur la physiologia de la physiologia de la rate. Mont- pelier, 1876. Correnson, II. Q^ieUjues recherches sur les deplacements de la rate. Paris, 1876. Compt. rend, soc biol., Paris, 1876, ii, 370, 1877, iii, 90; 1879, V, 189. Masoin. Bull. Acad. Rojal de Med. de Belg., Brux, 1879, ^'i') ^54 ^T^- Bufalini, G. Rendic. d. richerche spereseg. nei. gabinetto. fisiol. d. r. univ. di Sienna, 1879, Masoin. Bull. acad. roy. de med. de Belg , Brux, 1880, xiv, 772 791. Arch. per. le sc. med. Torino, 1880, iv, 49 66. Puglin, G- Spallanzi, Modena, i88r, x, 292 4. Gritlini, L. and Tizzoni, G. Studio sperimen- tale sulla reproduzione parziale della milza. Roma, 1883. Tizzoni, G. Nuove richerche sulla riproduz- ione totale deli milza contribuzione sperimentale allostudio de della funzione ematopoetica del tesuto connett. Roma, 1883. Phisalix, C. Propositions donnees par la faculte (des sciences de Paris), Paris, 1885. Grigorescu, G. Compt. rend. soc. biol., Paris, 1886, iii, 417 420. Ughetti and DiMattei. Ar. h. per le sc. med. Torinri, 1S85 6, ix, 235 252. Bardach, J. Ann. de I'inst. Pasteur, Paris, 1889, iii, 577 603. Wicklein, E. Experimenteller heitrage zur lehre vom milzpigment. Dorpat, 1889. Von Limbeck, R. Ztschr. f. heilk,, Prag., 1889,. X, 392-457. Panski, A. Experimentelle untersuchungen uber den pigmentgehalt der stauunsmilz. Dor- pat, 1890. Panski, A. Gaz. Itk. Warzsawa, 1891, xi, 968 974 Barbacci, O. Sperimentalo comminicaz e riv. Firenze, 1892, 329 332. Pilliet, A. Compt. rend. soc. de biol., Paris, 1892, iv, 283 287. Panski und 'rhoma. Arch. f. exper. path. u. pharmakol., Lpz., 1892-3, xxxi, 303.328, : pi. Gabbi et Barbacci. Sperimentale mem orig. Firerze, 1892, xlvi, 407-413. Schulz, G. Deutsche arch. f. klin. med., Lpz., 1892-3, Ii. 234-281. Gabbi et Harbacci. Lavori d. cong. di med. inst., 1892, Milano (1893), '^' ^03-105- Zanda, L. Arch. Ital. de bid., Turin, 1893, xix, 432 440. Eliasberg, M. Experimentelle untersui hungen uber die blutbildung in der milz der saugelh^er. Dorpat, 1893, 102 p. Pacinotti, G. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1893, 897 900. Ruzicka, V. Allg. wien. med. ztg., 1893, xxxviii, 345, 31^9, 384, 395, 406. Livini, F. Sperimentale. Firenze, 1894, xlviii, 248, 269. Fedeli, C. Riforma med., Napoli, 1895, xi, pt. i, 123, 135. Pilliet, A. II. Tribune med , Paris, 1895, xxvii, 892 910. Botazzi, F. Speromentale sez biol. Firenze, 1895, xlix, 408 416. Pitzorno, G. A. Clin, chir., Miiam^, 1896, iv, 262-^74. Courmont et DufTau. Compt. rend. soc. biol., Paris, 1896, iii, 604 607. Laudenbach, J. Arch, de physiol. norm, et path., Paris, 896, viii, 69V706; also Arch, de physiol. norm, et path., Paris, 1897, ''^i 200 215. Laudenbach. J. Arch, de physiol. norm, et path., Paris, 1897, ix, 200, 385, 388. Blumreich u. Jacoby. Berl. klin. woch , 1897, xxxiv, 444-446 Courmont ct DufTan. Arch, de med. exper. et d'anat. path., Paris, 1898, x. 431-451). Lepine et Lyonnet. L>on med., 189S. Ixxxix, 341 3- Courmont et Dullan. Province med., Lyon, 1898, xii, 133-135 Monier, M. (jsz. med. beige. Liege, i8v;8 9, xi, 152 4. Boinet. Recherches experimentales sur les functions de la rate xiii cong internat. de med.. sect, de pathol. interne, 1900, Paris, 1901, compt. rend., 520-522. Michelazzi, A. Policlin. Roma, 1900, vii, 398-411. Leclainche et Vallee. Ann. inst. Pasteur, Paris, 1900, xiv, 202-224. Fochier et Merieux. Compt. rend, soc, biol., Paris, 1900, Hi, 639 641. Colpi, A. Suil attivita distruggitrice della SURGERY OF THE SPLEEN. 99 milza verso il bacillo del carbonchio nell infezione carbonchio?a sperimentale note preventiva (Pa- dova), tip. 190U, 7 p. Leclaiiuhe et Vallee. Ann. d I'inst. Pasteur., Paris, 1900, xiv, 513 534. Testi, F. Gior. med. d. r. esercito. Roma, 1900, xlviii, 337. Leclainche et Vallee, Compt. rend. soc. de biol., Paris, 1900, li'i, 139 140. Sclavo, A. Riv. d'alg. e san. puhl. Torino, 1901, xii, 247 256. Lote, J. Ungar med. presse, Budapest, 1901, vi, 405. Sclavo, A. Riv. d'alg. e san. publ., Torino, 1901, xii, 212 223. Sclavo, A. Berl. klin. woch., 1901, xxxviii, 481-484, 520-523. Erikson, E. V. Obozr. psjkh. nervol. i, exper. psycol., St. Pfttersb., 1901, 26 27. INJURIES (1696-I903.) Injury of the spleen is quite frequent. It is due to traumatism and pathologic changes. Rupture of the spleen due to these cau?es may be independent or associated wth other organs — kidney, pancreas, stomach or liver. Spontaneous rupture of a normal spleen is highly improbable. Death may ensue as result of hemor- rhage, shock or infection. Historical. — Vanselow, 1696, gives the history of a case of rupture of the spleen, while Valentinus, 171 1, describes one of rupture in a homicide. Scheid, 1725, exhibited a specimen of ruptured spleen with a report of the case. ZopfF, 1740, records a case of rupture of the spleen. Sporing, 1 775' records a case of rupture of the spleen. Pyle and Wunder, 17S9, mention a similar case of rupture. Chisolm, iSii, reports a case of rupture of the spleen and liver by external injury. Audouard, 1827, considers sanguineous congestions and intermittent fevers as a cau.se of rupture of the spleen. The excessive use of alcohol is ascribed by Thompson, 1829, as being the cause of ru] ture of the spleen in a case reported by him. Campbell, 1836, records a case of rup- ture of the spleen and kidney. Hamilton, 1841, records rupture of the spleen due to violence. Vigla, 1844, records his observations and researches concerning the spontaneous rupture of the spleen. Malherbe, 18^7, reports a case of rup- ture of the spleen due to its tubercular- ization. See, 1852, and Saurel, 1852, each record a case of traumatic rupture of the spleen. Dalton, 1852, reports one in a case of metastatic abscess resulting from a com- pound fracture of the thigh. Swaving, 1854; Bowie, 1855; and Col- lins, 1855, each report a ca?e of sponta- neous rupture of the spleen. Waring, 1856, reports three cases of ruptured spleen, with remarks on the dif- ferent organic changes which gave rise to this lesion and the different modes in which it may occur. vSalter, 1857, records a case of recovery following rupture of the spleen. Aufrecht, 1866, records a case of rupture in miliary tuberculosis of the spleen. Kralezyfiski, 1867, records a case of rupture of the spleen, with hemorrhage into the abdominal cavity, resulting in death. A\ hitney, 1869, mentions a case of lacer- ation of the spleen in pregnancy. Love, 1 87 1, records a case of rupture of the spleen, with discharge through the alimentary canal. vStone, 1876, reports a case of rupture of the spleen due to muscular exertion. Greene, 1880, reports one due to the same cause. Chrostowski, 1884, considers ruptures of the spleen in general, and two cases of the spleen in the course of abdominal typhus. Dock, 1888, records two cases of rupture of the spleen from traumatism. Coville, January, 1902, describes a trau- matic rupture of the spleen, with slow hemorrhage, HIULIOGRAPHV, Vanselow, M. Historia de rupture lienis. Er- fiordiae, 1696. Valentinusf M. B. De homicide ictu scuticae peractoet rupture lienis. In his Nov. med. leg., Francofurti ad Moenum, 1711, 844-849. Scheid, J. (>. Diss. med. exhibens observa- tions quasdam lienum disruptorum. Argentinae, 1725- Zopfi", II. (j. Rupture lienis mortis subitaneae causa. Acta. acad. nat. curios, Norimb., 1740, V, 428 436. Sporing, H. D. Rupture der milz. (Jenesk. verhandl. a de k. Sweed. acad. (Sandifort), Leiden, 1775. i, 28 33. Pyle and Wunder. Rupture der milz. Auf- salze u. bech. a. d. gerichtl. Arzenyw., Berlin. 1789, 66-70. Chisolm, C. Edinburg Med. and Sujg. Jour- nal, 1811, vii, 257-269. S URGENT OF THE SPLEEN. Mertzdorff. Arch. f. med. erfahr., Berlin, 1824, ii, 282-284. Bailly, E. M. Rev. med. franc et etrang., Paris, 1825, iv, 211-233. Mag. f. d. ges. heilk., Berlin, 1825, xx, 158. Cooper, R. Lancet, London, 18^6, xi, 584. Auiouard. Jour, de med. chir. et pharm., Paris, 1827, c, 3.38. Duret. Jour. gen. de med. chir. et pharm., Paris, 1827. xlv, 85 87. Thomson, A. Lancet, London, 1829 30, ii, 89J-898. Wuestefeld, J. C. Berolini, 1829. Falot. Jour, compl. du duct. d. sc. med., Paris, 1830, xxxvi, 400-403. Meissner, V. L. Eoch. f, d. ges. heilk., Berlin, 1833, ii. 969-973- India Jour. Med. and Phys. Sc, Calcutta, 1836, i, 53. Leckie. Tr. Med. and Phys. Soc, Calcutta, 1836, viii, pt. i, pp. iii-v. Campbell, A. Tr. Med. and Phys. Soc, Cal- cutta, 1836, viii, pt. i, p. xxxiv. Heddle. Tr. Med. and Phys. So., Bombay (1836 7), 1838, i. 304-310. Ettmueller. Summ. d. Nuest. u. wissenswurd a d. ges. med., Leipz., 1838, ix, 209-221. Susewind. Gen. ben. d. k. rhein. med. coll., 1837, Koblenz, 1839, 102- 104. Kilgour, A. Edinb. Med. and Surg. Journal, 1841, Iv, 355-358. Hamilton. Proc. Path. Soc, Dublin, (1841-9), 1849, i, 382. Fritsch. Ann. d. staatsarznk., Freih., 1843, viii, 716 738. Welch, A. G. Am. Jour. Med. Sc, Philadel- phia, 1843, V, 503. Vigla. Arch. gen. med., Paris, 1843, iii, 377; 1844, iv, 17. Morgan. Guy's Hosp. Rep., London, 1844, ii, 488. Morehead, C. Tr. Med. and Phys. Soc, Bom- bay, 1844, vii, 102. Potter, J. B. West. Lancet, Cincinnati, 1844 5, iii, 412. Jansseus, P. T. Ann. Soc. de med. d'Anvers. 1845, 561-564. Mitchell, B. R. Missouri Med. and Surg. Journal, St. Louis, 1848, ii, 125. Friedrich, J. B. Centr.-arch. f. d. ges. staats- arnzk., Ansbach, 1846, iii, 319-326. Malherbe. Rev. med. -chir., Paris, 1847, ii, 52 55- Verga. Gazz. med. Ital. lomb., Milano, 1848, i. 295- Kleeberg, A. G. Berolini, 1848. Gaz. Hop., Paris, 1849, i, 559. Mack, S. Brit. Am. Med. and Phys. Journal, Montreal, 1850 51, vi, 256 2:^9. Whitney, M. C. Med. Exam., Philadelphia, 1850, vi, 20. Moebius, E. Deutsche klinik., Berlin, 1850, ii, ?22. Goubaux. Compt. rend. soc. biol., 1850, Paris, 1851, ii, 199. Cohen, L. A. N. pract. Tijddschr. v. de Geneesk., Gorinchem, 1851, n. R. ii, 208-210. Bryan, W. New Jersey Med. Reporter, 1851, iv, 172. See, M. Bull. soc. anat., Paris, 1852, xxvii, 312. Saurel, L. Rev. de therap. du midi.. Mont- pelier, 1852, iii, 147-149. Dalton, J. C. Buffalo Med. Journal, 1852 3, viii, 549-556. Finnel), T. C. Nelson's North. Lancet, Platts- burg, N. Y., 1853, vii, 76. Swaving, C. Nederl. Weekbl. v. Geneesk , Amst., 1854, i^. 341-351- Hinsey, J. C. Northwestern Med. and Surg. Journal, 1854, xi, 201-204. Journez. Arch beiges de med. mil., Brux, 1855, XV, 49. Duftin. Dublin Hosp. Gazette, 1855, i'l 293. Bowie, J. M. Tr. Med. and Phys. Soc, Bom- bay (1853-4), i!^??' ii. 318. Collins, E. Rec de med. mil., Paris, 1855, XV, 1-99. Schnell. O. H. Regiomonti Pr., 1857. Chinn, R. H. State of Texas vs. John Dorma. New Orleans Med. and Surg. Journal, 1855 6, xii, 458 465. Warring, J.J. Am. Jour. H. Sc, Philadelphia, 1856, xxxii, 354-359. Crawford, J. Glasgo Med. Journal, 1856-7, iv, 42. Playfair, G. R. Edinburg Med. and Surg. Journal, 1856 7, ii, 898 901. Roser. Wien. med. Woch , 1856, vi, 816. Harlan, J. C. Proc Path. Soc, Philadelphia, 1857-60, i, 161. jungnickel. Med. ztg., Berlin, 1856, xxvi, 41. Jowers, F. Lancet, London, 1857, ii, 413. Salter, H. Lancet, London, 1857, ii, 413. Hess. Cor..bl. d. vernassau Aerzte, Weilburg, 1858,4-7. Charcot, J. M. Compt. rend. soc. biol., 1858, Paris, 1859, V, 1 16-1 18. Schwartz. Org. f. d. ges. heilk., Berlin, 1859, viii, 88-91. Love, G. Lancet, London, 1859, i, 329. Erichsen, Lancet, London, 1859, ii, 9. Lopez, A. North. American Med. Chir. Rev., Philadelphia, i860, iv, 286. Adams, A. L. Dublin Med. Press, i860, xliii, 232. Ashhurst, J. Proc Path. Soc, Philadelphia, (i860 66), 1867, ii, 159. Jackson, N. Lancet, London, 1861, i, 287. Bertolotti, F. Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1861, clxxv, 354. Garrard. Austral. Med. Journal, Melbourne, 1862, vii, 193. Tyrrell. Dublin Q^iarterly Journal Med. Sc, 1862, xxxiv, 444. French, J. G. Indian Ann. Med. Sc, Calcutta, 1862, No. 15, 273. Mennier, J. Bull, soc, anat., Paris, 1863, xxxviii, 200-216. Hyatt, B. N. Indian Med. Gaz., Calcutta, 1868, iii, 85. Gargarin. Gaz. d. hop., Paris, 1864, xxxvii, 534- Evans, C. Tr. Path. Soc,, London, 1865 6, xvii, 299-301. Hutchinson. Med. Times and Gaz., London, 1865, ii, 35. Porter, A. Madras Quar. Journal Med. Sc , 1866, X, 403. Aufrecht, E. Arch. f. path, anat., Berlin, 1866, xxxvii, 422-425. McLeod, K. Indian Ann. Med. Sc, Calcutta, 1867, xxii, 341-359. Lidell, J. A. Am. Jour. Med. Sc. Philadelphia, 1867, liii, 347. SURGEET OF THE SPLEEN. Furgusson, W. Loncet, London, 1867, i, 11. Wolf, H. Arch. f. path, anat., Berlin, 1867, xli, 543- Fenn. Chicago Med. Journal, 1867, xxiv, 607. Kralezyfiski. Przegl. lek. Krakow, 1867, vi, 275- Whitney, J. O. Boston Med. and Surg. Jour- nal, 1869, ii, 132. Davy, R. Tr. Path. Soc, London, 1869-70, xxi, 395. Peltier, G. Rev. phot. d. hop. de Paris, 1871, iii. 301 306. Wright, J. P. Indian Med. Gaz., Calcutta, 1871, vi, 72. Bazille. Rec. de mem. de med. mil , Pari?, 1871, xxvi, 119. Odevaine, F. Indian Med. Gaz., Calcutta, 187 1, vi, 249. Love, W. A. Atlanta Med. and Surg. Journal, 1871 2, ix, 75. Med. Record, New York, 1871-2, vi, 281. Curran, R. H. Indian Med. Gaz., Calcutta, 1872, vii, 222. Med. Times and Gaz., London, 1873. i, 197. Hazlett. Madras Monthly Journal Med. Sc , 1873, 323-325- Atkinson, E. British Med. Journal, London, 1874, ii, 403. Roy, M. C. Indian Med. Gaz., Calcutta, 1874, ix, 212. Quod. Warseilles med., 1875, ^"> 641-645. Mo, G. Osservatore, Torino, 1875, xi, 337; 1878, xiv, 358. Fornara, F. Independente, Torino, 1875, xxvi, 150 152. Mathon, A Paris, 1876. Kuster, F. In nis Ein chir. Trienn., 1876 8. Kassel. u. Berlin, 1882, 146. Kernig, W. St. Petersburg med. ztschr., 1876, V, 3 1 5-339 Maschka. Allg. Wien. med. ztg., 1877, xxii, 348. Bertherand, E. Jour, de med. et pharm. de I'Algerie, Alger, 1877 8, ii, 135. Bolles, W. P. Med. and Surg. Rep., Boston City Hospital, 1877, 2 s, 276. Martin, E. Montpellier, 1877. Wolflnger, F. X. Ann. d. stadt. allg. Kran- kenh. zu Munchen, 1878, i, 51. Woinlechner. Ber. d. k. k. krankenanst Ru- dolph-Siftung, in Wien (1878), 1879, 340. Courtney. Indian Med. Gaz., Calcutta, 1878, xiii, 17. Skerritt, E. M. British Med. Journal, London, 1878. i, 641. Schlimmer, A. Allg. Wien. med. stg., 1878, xxiii, 106. Stone, R. S. British Med. Journal, London, 1878, ii, 469. Ayres, D. et al. Tr. N. Y. Path. Soc, 1879, iii, 99. Hubbard, ^C. G, New York Med. Journal, 1879, xxx, 75 78. Lowenstamm. Med. -chir. centralbl., Wien., 1879, xiv, 53. Greene, J. A. Indian Med. Gaz., Calcutta, 1880, XV, 47. Tomkins. Lancet, London, 1881, i, 134. StelTen, A. Jahrb. f. kinderh,, Leipz., 1881-2, xvii, 88. Roy, G. C. Indian Med. Gaz., Calcutta, 1881, xvi, 332. GrosP, F. H. Philadelphia Med. Times, 1881-2, xii, 82. Zwicke. Charite ann., i88r, Berlin, 1883, viii. 443- Konovaloff, L. Vrach, St. Petersb., 1882, vii, 3274-76. Calkins, F. M. Michigan Med. News, Detroit, 1882, V, 283. Murphy, P. J- Med. New?, Philadelphia, 1882, xli, 452 454- Pellereau. Ann. d'hyg., Paris, 1882, vii, 2'X'X 2 l2 ^ VVindle, B. C. Dublin Jour. Med. Sc, 1882. Ixxiv, 414. Piique, L. Bull. soc. anat., Paris, 1883, Iviii, 230. Jackson, V. Lancet, London, 1883, 11,635. Hartigan. Maryland Med. Journal, Baltimore, 1884-5, xii, 36. Hauenstein. Vrach, St. Petersb., 1884, v, 120-130. Chrostowki, B. In W. Matlakowski Kaiega pamietkowa Hoyerowi, Warazawa, 1884, 333-344- Robertson. Liverpool Med. Chir. Journal, 1884, iv, 228. Ponnar, T. H. Indian Med. Gaz., Calcutta, 1885, XX, 349. Darnall, C. F. Jour. Am. Med. Association, 1885, V, 205-207. Faunce, C. E. British Med. Journal, London, 1886, ii, 412. Gaudin. Marseilles med., 1886, xxiii, 681-683. Graham, G. G. Philadelphia, 1886, liv, 264. Heidenhain, A. Vrtjschr. f. gerichtl. med., Berlin, 1887, xlvi, 87-91. Barrallier, A. Arch. gen. med., Paris, 1888, ii, 299 314. Bellin, E. F. Charkoff, 1888. Von Worz. Repert. d. thierh., Stuttg., 1888, xlix, 13-36. Dock, G. Univ. Med. Magazine, Philadelphia, 1888 9, i, 469. Corre, A. Arch, de L'anthrop. crim., Paris, 1889, iv, 57-70. Cimbaii. Bull. d. soc. Lancisiana d. osp. di Roma, (1889-90), 1891, X, 373377. Mackenzie, S. C. Indian Med. Gaz., Calcutta, 1889, xxiv, 329-363; Indian Med. Gaz., Calcutta, 1890, XXV, 47-49- Contague, H. Lyon med., 1890, Ixv, 535 539. Power, D. A. British Med. Journal, London, 1890, i, 295. Darwin, R. T. Indian Med. Gazette, Calcutta, 1890, XXV, 296. Darwin, R. T. Indian Med. Gazette, Calcutta, 1890, XXV, 171. Willett, E. Tr. Path. Soc, London, 1890-1, xlii, 183. Bowie, J. Lancet, London. 1892, ii, 659 661. lonescu-Triffan, I. Spitalul, Bucurasci, 1892, xii, 84. Ballantyne, J. W. Arch. Pediat., Philadelphia, 1892, ix, 275 280. Greiwe, ). E. Berl. klin. Woch., 1892, xxi, 825. Schwartz. Bull, et mem. soc. de chir., Paris, 1892, xviii, 830. Dorken, E. Kiel, 1892, 14 p. Battle, W. H. Med. Press and Circular, Lon- don, 1893, iv, 403-5. Battle, W. H. Med. Week, Paris, 1893, i, 618- 630. SURGERJ- OF THE SPLEEN. Vincent, E. Rev. de chir., Paris, 1893, ^'''i 449 579- Munson, E. L. Yale M. N , New Haven, 1894 5) ') 256. l-'ierson, S. Tr. Soc. Alumni Tlelleviie Hosp., N. Y., 1896, 169 173. Scheller. Deutsches mil.-arztl. ztschr., Berlin, 1896, XXV, 479-481. Pseudoleukemia. Wien. med. presse, i8y6, xxxvii, loSS 90. Phuker. Deutsche med. Woch., 1897, xxiii, ver heil, 154. Wallace, C. S. St. Thomas Ilosp. Reports, London, 1897, xxiv, 372. Hermann, E. Unfaliverl. in Bicsl., 1897, 42 59. Macdonald, W. G. Allian}' Med. Annals, 1897, xviii, 33 3:;. Watkins, A. II. South African Med. Journal, Cape Town, 1S9S, vi, 5. Le Dentu. Bull. acad. med., Paris, 1898, xl, 711-13. Potel. Echo med. du nord Lille, 1898, ii, 199. Goffe, J. R. Med. News, 1898. Ixxiii, 831 833. McBurney, C. Med. Record, New York, 1898, liii, 601. Carr, W. P. Nat. Med. Rev., Washington, 1898 9, viii, 430. Glazenbrook, L. W. Nat. Med. Rev., Wash- ington, 1898 9, viii, 430. Ballance, C. A. Practitioner, London, 1898, Ix, 347-358. GolTe, J. R. Am. Gynec. and Obst. Journal, New York, 1899, xi'^> 84. Bell, J. Lancet, London, 1901, i, 178 9. Auvray. Bull, et mem. ?oc. anat., Paris, 1901, iii, 65. Auvrav. Bull et mem. soc. de chir., Paris, 1901, xxvi', 2J2-233. Ramdoiir, W. Arch. f. path, anat., Birlin, 1901, 16. F, iv, 32, 50, I taf., 2 fig. Loison. Bull, et mem. soc. de chir., Paris, 1901, xxvii, 40-45 Coville. Gaz. dcs. hop., Paris, January, 1902, p. lOI. TUBERCULOSIS (1838-I9O3). Tuberculosis of the spleen demands radical removal of llie tissue involved, whether it be a partial or total extirpa- tion. Drainage may or may net be necessary. Several splenectomies are reported for general tubercular involvement of the spleen. The spleen resists tubercular disease probably better than any of the abdominal viscera. It is usually secondary, rarely primary, and oftener miliary. It may involve a part or all of the or- gan, and become caesous, cystic, or both. It is usually found at autopsy or by ex- ploratory incision. It may be slow or rapid in its develop- ment, probably never recovering sponta neously. Manicatide {Review Alcns. de Mai. de r R)if., June, 1S96) reports ten cases of tubercular disease of the spleen found by autopsy in children. He believes that the spleen is always larger in tuberculosis of children. Landowzy and Henoch say that hyper- trophy of the spleen is always present in children with tuberculosis, and that gray granulation predominates, with conges- tion of the organ ; as the child becoines older the tubercules are caseous, with in- creased connective tissue. One had amyloid degeneration of the small vessels. Giant cells are numerous, but bacilli are scarce. Manicatide found that the tubercules develop in the Malpighian corpuscles and pulp; also in the interstitial tissue about the veins, and even the capsules of the organ. RoinanolT records a case of priinary tu- berculosis of the spleen in a man eighty years of age, who died two days after en- tering the hospital. Collet and Galavor- din, to whom he refers, divide the dis- ease into two types — the pure splenic and the spleno-hepatic. He refers to nine cases of primary tuberculosis of the spleen reported by the French authors, six wo- men and three men {Roussky \ratcJi, Oc- tober 5, 1902 ). Historical . — Palm, 1S38, recorded a case of hypertrophy of the spleen due to tiiberctjlosis. Eberstaller, 1S42, mentions an interest- ing case in which he discovered tubercular disease of the spleen. Coley, i8^6, reports a case of tubercti- losis of the spleen. Alquie, 1847 ; Chalk, 1S52 ; Verneuil, 1854, each mention a case of tubercular disease of the spleen. Sibley, 1857, reports extensive tubercu- lar disease of the spleen in a child suffer- ing from purpura. Sene, 1880, records a case of tuberculo- sis of the spleen in which a special histo- logical study was made. Scharold, 1S83, reports a case of miliary tuberculosis of the spleen. ^'olpe, 1896, considers the etiology of leucemia and tuberculosis of the spleen. Tedeschi, 1898, reports a case of " sple- nomegalie pretubercolare." Qiienu et Bandet, 1898, record a case of primary tuberculosis of the spleen. Auche, 1901, also reports a case of pri- mary tuberculosis of the spleen. SURGERT OF THE SPLEEN. 103 niHLIOGRAPIIY. Palm. Med. cor.-bl. d. Wurtemb. artzl. ver Stutttr., i8.vS, viii, 129-132. Eberstalier, C. Oesterr. med. Wochen.,Wien, 1842, 1298-1301. Fiorry. Bull. acad. med., Paris, 1845-46, xi, 607 610. Colej. Tr. Path. Soc, London, 1846 8, i, 276. Alquie. Gaz. d. hop., Paris, 1847, ix, 343. Chalk. Med. Times and Gaz., London, 1852, V, 8-12. Verneuil. Bull. soc. anat., Paris, 1854, xxix, 24. Sibley, S.W. Tr. Path. Soc, London, 1857 8, ix, 425. Powell. R. D. Tr. Path. Soc, London, 1868-9, XX. 366 369. Sene. Bull, soc anat., Paris, 1880, Iv, 510 12. Scharold, J. Aertzl. int.-bl., Munchen, 1883, XXX, 352. Kiemann. Rev. d. k. k. krankenanst., Wien (1S85), 1886,413. Vulpe, A. Arch, internaz. d. med. e chir., Napoli, 1896, xii, 161 175. Hamilton,]. B. Interuat. Cli-i., Philadelphia, 1896, 6s iii, 213 216. Hayden, A. M. Tr. Indiana Med. Soc, 1897, 96 106. Hayden, A. M. Jour. Am. Med. Assn., 1898, XXX, 778 780. Tedeschi, G. Riforma med., Napoli, 1898, xiv., pt. I, 2c6, 21Q, 222, 231, (4j^ienu et Baudet. Rev. de. gynec et de chir. abd., Paris, 1898, ii, 317 352. Dominico, H. Compt. rend. soc. biol , Paris, 1898 V, 1 193. Riforma med., Palermo, igoo, ii, 277 280. Bender, X. Gaz. d. hop., Paris, 1900, Ixxxiii, 375 380, 407 411. Auche, B. Jour, de med., Bordeaux, 1901, xxxi, 381-384. GANGRENE (1860-1903). Gangrene of the spleen is one of the rarest pathological changes taking place within it. It is usually due to obstruction to its blood supply by thrombosis, calcareous de- posits, new growths or injury. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Brown, T. B. Indian Ann. Med. Sc, Cal- cutta, i860 I, vii, 1 12-5. Satterthwaite, T. E. Tr. N. Y. Path. Soc, 1879, iii, 102-104. SYPirii.is (1S69-1903). Like tuberculosis, syphilis does not fre- quently involve the spleen. It may cause hypertropliy, gummata, a local or general splenitis. Tliere may be one or more cysts, all of which, as a rule, will disap[)ear under the influence of syphilitic remedies. Historical. — Naudier, 1S67, records a case of hypertrophy of the spleen prob- ably due to syphilis. ]Moxon, 1870, reports a case of syphilitic splenitis, and another such is mentioned by Gold, in 1880. Tyson, 1880, writes about an enlarged spleeii in a child due to syphilis, and Sharkey, 1881, speaks of a gummata in the human spleen. Tommasoli, 18S7, contributes his study of the spleen. Still, L896, considers the subject of gumma of the spleen in children. Guerin, 1900, and Chamaides, 1900, each report cases of syphilis of the spleen. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Naudier. Bull. soc. anat., Paris, 1867. xlii, 297. Gregoric Memorabilien heilbr., 1870, xv,64. Moxon. W. Tr. Path. Soc, London, 187071, xxii, 274 6. Weil, A. Deutsches arch. f. klin. med., Lei] z , 1874, xii i, 317 339. Gold, L. Vrijschr. f. dermatol., Wien, i88o, vii, 463472, I pi. Tyson, W. J. Lancet, London, 1880, ii, 653. Sharkey, S.J. Tr. Path. Soc, London, 1881 2, xxxiii, 339. Nolte," A. Griefswald, 1883. Baumgarten. Arch. f. path, anat., Berlin, 1884, xc, 36 39. Tommasoli, P. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1887, viii, 708 710. Bianchi, A. Lavori d. cong. di med. int., 1S88, Milano, 1889, i, 286-288. Wolfert, P. Wu-zeburg, 1S90. Stil', G. V. Tr. Path. Soc, London, 1896 7, xlviii, 205 209. Guerin, A. Arch. prov. de med., Paris, 1900, ii, 59- 69 Chamaides, H. Beitr. z. dermatol. u. sjph. fe tschr. f. J. Neumann, Wien, 1900, 5663. OSSIFICATION (1672-I903). The spleen is subject to deposits of cal- careous and bony tissues within it. They may be single or multiple, and vary in size from a millet seed to two or more inches in diameter. The presence of the depo.' 228 232. Leudet. Bull. soc. anat., Paris, 1853, xxviii, 120. Poumier. Bull. soc. anat., Paris, 1840 i, xv, 171. Goyrand, G. Gaz. med., Paris, 1855, x, 79. Wilkes. Tr. Path. Soc, London, 1858 9, x, 263. Bizzozero, G. Morgagn.i, Napoli, 1867, ix, 429 432. Magdelain, L. Des kystes sereux et acephalo- cystiques de la rate historique de la spleenotomie suive de qu.xues reflexions sur les consec^uences de cette operation. Paris, 1868. Peltier, G. Rev. phot. d. hop , Paris, 1871, iii, 204 211. Marcano, G. Progress med., Paris, 1874, ii, 262. Downes, A. J. Progres?, Louisville, 1888 9, iii, 101-6. Hasweli, J. F. Liverpool Med. Chir. Journal, 1889, ix, 65-70. Gilder, j.K. Tr. South Car. Med. Assn., Charleston, 1890, 49-52. Pilliet, A. H. Compt. rend. soc. biol., Paris, 1892, iv, 9057. Terrier. Bull, et mem. soc. chir., Paris, 1892, xviii, 661667. Hamill, S. H. Tr. Path. Soc, Philadelphia, 1898, xviii, 426-S. Ileurtaux, B. Bull, et mem. soc. de chir., Paris, 1898, xxiv, 928-935. Virchow, R. Berl. klin. Woch., 1898, xxxv, 67. Baginsky, A. Berl. klin. woch., 1898, xxxv, 40. Benek. Compt. rend. 1900, Paris, 1901, 317- 323- Schmidt, M. B. Arch. f. path, anat., Ber n, 1901, 16, F. iv, 50-71, I taf. CARCINOMA (1619-1803). Carcinoma of the spleen is infrequent, and generally involves all of its paren- chyma. It may be primary or secondary, usually primary, and is supposed to originate upon its surface. It may be slow or rapid in its develop- ment, and attain a considerable size before detection. It may be associated with one or more cysts, which may rupture and produce death by hemorrhage. Jfistorical . — A. Fonseca, 1619, men- tions a case of scirrholienis (spleen), and Gerber, 1655, and Schlegal, 1694, each record such a case. Ezler, 1723; Parker, 1850; and bridges, 1868, each report a case of carcinoma of the spleen. Russell, 1872, records a scirrhus stricture of the cardiac orifice of the stomach, with a pecular history, and death from hemor- rhage through sloughing of the spleen. Baccelli, 1876, records a case of primary carcinoma of the spleen, with a histo- logical study, showing the association of lympho-sarcoma. Verite, 1893, gives the diagnosis and history of a case of a primary epithelioma of the spleen. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Fonseca, A. Pro scirrho lienis. In his Con- sult, med. fol. Venetiis, 1619, 145-8. Gerber, F. De scirrho lienis. Jenae, 1655. Schlegal, P. De scirrho lienis. Jenae, 1694. Ezler, P. De scirrhis viscerum occasione sec- tionls viri tympanite defuncti in que praeter alia notatu digna scirrhus lienis singularis carnosus observatus fuit. Wittenbergae, 1723. Parker, E. H. New Hampshire Jour. Medi- cine, Concord, 1850-51, i, 104-6. Bridges, V. R. Chicago Med. Journal, Con- 1868, XXV, 729-734. Russell. Med. Times and Gazette, London, 1872, ii, 7. Baccelli, G. De primitive splenis carcinomate (histologice lympho- sarcomate) historia diag- nosis extispicium. Romae, 1876. Verite, Henri. Du diagnostic de I'epithelioma primitif de la rate (maladie de Gaucher). Lyon, 1893. 51 P- SARCOMA (1858-1903) Sarcoma of the spleen is about as fre- quent as carcinoma, and may be of any variety. They are slow in their development, and usually primary. They may be due to trauma, probably more frequently so. They are usually hard, having the same characteristics as other solid viscera, but they may become cysts. JlistoricaL — Orpen, 1858, reports a case in which the convex surface under- neath the peritoneal sheath was invested with fibro- cartilaginous tissue of bony consistency to the extent of four or five suhgert of the spleen. lines in thickness ; its parenchyma was highly congested, of a reddish - brown, sarcomatous appearance. Woodward, 1867, reports a case of me- dullary sarcoma of the spleen. DeRitis, 1879, records a primary lympho- sarcoma of the spleen. One of this char- acter is also reported by Marcondes, 1888; Masi, 1893; and Acker, 1895. IJIULIOGRAPHY. Orpen, A. H. Dublin Q_iiarterly Journal Medi- Science, 1858, xxv, 468. Woodward, L. Cincinnati Journal Medicine, 1867, ii, 471. De Ritis, M. Movlniento, Napoli, 1879, i, 511, 580, I pi. Kendall, II. Med. Record, New York, 1881, XX, 123. Von Hacker. Demonstration eines mi ztumors primaries sarkom welches von Prof. Billroth, Am. 2 O Marz d. j. mit. glucklichen erfolge durch laparotomie entrerent wurde. Verhandle. d. deutsch. gesellsch. f. chir., Berlin, Leipz., 1884, 70-2. Marcondes Rezende, I. Rev. Brazil de med., Rio de Janero, 1888, i, 97-103. Helmuth, W. T. Rep. Helmuth House, New York, 1888 9, iii, 14-18. Masi M. Incurabili, Napoli, 1893, viii, 3-12. Crawford, A. K. Clinique, Chicago, 1895, xvi, 124-129. Acker, G. N. Arch. Pediat., New York, 1895, xii, 59? 594. Grohe, B. Arch. f. path, anat., Berlin, 1897, cl, 3 •4-342. KrilofT, N. Khirurgia, Mosk., 1898, iv, 41-43. UNCLASSIFIED (1853-I903). Gunsberg, F. Ztschr. f. kiln, med., Breslau, 1853. iv, 387-390. Sarramea. (Jirende, Bordeaux, 1863, viii, 214. Sangalli, G. Bull. d. sc. med. d'i Bologna, 1864, xxi, 437 451, I pi. Borland. Boston Med. and Sujg. Journal, 1867, Ixxvi, 282-284. Perry. Glasgo Med. Journal, 1868 9, i, 275. Brown, P. R. Med. Record, New York, 1870 i, V, 196. Arnott, H. Tr. Path. Soc, London, 1872 3, XXiv, 223. Aflfre and Moutard-Martin. Bull. soc. anat., Paris, 1876, li, 328-330. Gosselin. Rev. de therap. med. -chir., Paris, 1876, xxiv. 396. Kfng, R. M. Nashville Journal Medicine and Surgery, 1876, xvii, 259. Balzer. Bull. soc. anat., Paris, 1876, li, 1^49. Clark, A. Tr. N. Y. Path. Soc, 1879, iii,' 94. Gaucher. P. C. E. De epithelioma primitifT de la rate sans leucomie. Paris, 1882. Notta, M. Arch. gen. med., Paris, 1886, I, 166 179. Dalton, H. C. St. Louis Courier Medicine, 1887, xviii, 135. Picon, R. Bull. soc. anat., Paris, 1895, Ixx, 531 5.34- Lannois et Regaud. Arch de med. exper. et d'anat. path., Paris, 1896, vii, 254-264, i pi. Picon et Ramond. Arch, de med. exper. et d'anat. path., Paris, 1896, viii, 168 185, i pi. Lungo. Sieroterapia, Roma, 1900, iv, 2. The spleen is subject to the formation of new tissue due to many causes. In this class is included all benign growths, which are not included in other chapters of this work. HIULIOGRAPHY. Petraeus, II. In Nosol. harmonica dogmat. et hermet., Marpurgi Cattorum, 1616, ii, 244 263. Von Flammerdinge, J. De tumoribus lienis. Lugd. Bat., 1671. Schmid, J. Misc. acad. nat curios., 1677, Vratislaviae et Bregae, 1678, an. viii, 157. Pohl, J. C. De tumore lienis saccate a causa hydropica. Lipsiae, 1749. Siefvert, J. G. De doloribus et tumoribus hypochondrii sinistri lieni immerito saepius ad- scriptis. Gryphiswaldiae, 1761. Broche de la Bouttiere. Jour, de med. chir. pharm., Paris, 1767, xxvii, 235 237. Bree, R. Med. Chir. Tr.,' London, 1817, ii, 85- 102. Cocchi, A. In his Consulti med., Milano, 1824, 184-186. Horing. Med. cor.-bl. d. wuttemb. arztl. ver Stuttg., 1838, viii, 222. Bright, R. Guy's Hos. Rep., London, 1838, iii, 401 460, 6 pi. Nuckel. Org. f. d. ges. heilk., Bonn, 1840 41, i, 613 615. Behn, G. H. Ztschr. f. d. ges. med., Ham- burg, 1841, xviii, 368 373. Deville. Bull. soc. anat., Paris, 1843 4, xviii, 478-483. Piorry. Gaz. d. hop., Paris, 1845, vii, 601. Bessieres. Jour, de med. et chir. de Toulouse, 1845 6, ix, 81 90. Jacquot, H. Jour, de med., Paris, 1846, iv, 110-114. Chambers, T. K. Tr. Path. Soc, London, 1S46 48, i, 109. Piccinelli, P. Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1846, cxx, 250-257, I tab. Loffler. Ztschr. f. erfahrngsh., Eilenburg, 1848, ii, 364. Marchal de Clavi. Bull acad. med., Paris, 1849 50, XV, 797. Cruveilhier. Bull. soc. anat., Paris, 1849, xxiv, 361. Lachaise. Bull. acad. de med., Paris, 1849 50, XV, 345. Heymann, F. M. De lienis tumore. Lipsiae, 1850. Grisolle. Gaz. d. hop., Paris, 1850, ii, 257. Christensen. Hosp. medd. Kjehenh., 1851, Iv, 358 382. Hare, C. J. Tr. Path. Soc, London, 1851-2, iii. 334 337- Hare, C. J. Tr. Path. Soc, London, 1851-2, ii'. 329 333- Clemens, J. H. De tumere lienis deque moebis in quibus iste observatur. Bonnae, 1852. Prince, D. Am. Jour. Med. Sc, Philadelphia, 1852, xxiv, 570. SURGERT OF THE SPLEEN. Leudet. Compt. rend. soc. biol., 1853, Paris, 1854, V, 3-12. iiarth. Bull. acad. de med., Paris, 1854-5, -^^» 3B-34S- Gazzo, J. B. C. Boston Med. and Surg. Jour- nal, 1855, liii, 224. Guyot. Bull. soc. anat., Paris, 1856, xxxi, I 52- 154- Philpot, W. H. Atlanta Med. and Surg. Journal, 1856 7, ii, 705. Friedrich. Deutsche klinik, Berlin, 1856, viii, 206, 226, 236. Goepel, H. De lienis tumore. Berolini, 1856. Millard. Bull. soc. anat., Paris, 1856, xxxi, 154- Bernard, C. Compt. rend. soc. biol., 1856, Paris, 1857, iil, 147. Wolff. Med. ztg., Berlin, 1857, xxvi, 133. Part, J. Tr. Path. Soc, London, 1860-61, xii, 224-227. Marechal. Bujl. soc, anat., Paris, 1861, xxxvi, 234. Schwarz, M. Ailg. Wien. med. ztg., i86r,xi, "5- Gibb. Tr. Path. Soc, London, 1S61 2, xiii, 244. Gilib. Tr. Prth. Soc, London, 1862 3, xiv, 286 Monier, L. Montpel. med., 1863, x, 212 220. Woillez. Bull, et mem. soc. med. d. hop., Paris (1856 8), 1864, iii, 207-212. Sangalii, G. Bull. d. sc med. di Bologno, 1864, xxi, 433 434. Butler, N.J. Med. Press, Dublin, 1865, liii, 374- Walker, A. Clin. Lect. and Rep., London Hospital, 1865, ii, 278 280. Hawwelka. Wien. med. woch., 1865, xv, 856. Liouville. Bull. soc. anat., Paris, 1866, xli, 291. Van den Corput. Ann. soc. d'anat.path. de Brux, 1866, xi, 3-5. Feeny, J. L. Med. and Surg, Reporter, Philadelphia, 1866, xiv, 346. Fredet. Bull, soc anat., Paris, 1867, xlii, 304. Mushet, W. B. Med. Times and Gaz., Lon- don, 1867, i, 275. AUin. Med. Record, New York, 1867 8, ii, 185. Fagge, C. H. Guy's Hosp. Rep , London, 1869, xiv, 205-207. Prunac Lyon Med., 1870, v, 627. Wilmart. Ann. soc. d'anat.-path., Brux, 1870, xix, 63 66. Sullivan. Jour. Gynec. Soc, Boston, 1871, iv, 275 286. Rettier, G. Rev. phot. d. hop., Paris, 187', iii, 264-268. Chouppe, H. Progres med., Paris, 1873, 1, 184. Ramskill. British Med. Journal, London, 1874, i, 682. Cripps. Med. Times and Gaz., London, 1874, i, 27. Friedrich, N. Samml. klin. vortr., Leipz., 1875, No. 75 (innere med. No. 26, 567 590). Duval, E. Med. Contemp., Paris, 1875, xxii, 584. Marsigny. Arch. med. beiges, Brux, 1876, x, 182. Oswald, J. W. J. Tr. Obst. Soc, London (1876), 1877, xviii, i9r. ' Wewer. Deutsches arch. f. klin. med., 1876, xvii, 459-466. King, D. F. Med. Record, New York, 1876, xi, 347- Ziffer, E. Wien. med. Presse, 1877, xviu, 1 106- 1 1 10. Bergonzini, C. Spallanzani, Modena, 1877, XV, 481-483. Lyon, I. W. Proc Conn. Mad. Soc, 1878, 59. Standthartner. Aerztl. Ber. d. k. k. allg. Krankenh., Wien, 1878, 107. Manichon. Union med. et scient. du nord.-est, Reims, 1878, ii, 117, 126. Filipowicz. Gaz. lek. Warszawa, 1878, xxiv, 17-19. Lowenstamm. Med.-chir. centralbl., Wien, 1878, xiii, 185. Tortora, L Sull. impiego dei sali di berberina nel tumore cronico di milza per malaria con febbre e sanza Morgagni. Napoli, 1878, xx, 287-296. Aonso, A. Independente, Torino, 1878, xxiv, 433435. ChVostok. Wien. med. bl., 1879, ii, 40, 63,88, III. Courtney, W. M. Indian Med Gazette, Cal- cutta, 1880, XV, 98. Deutsche med. woch., Berlin, 18S0, vi, 6 7- 622. Von Mosetig-Moorhof. Med.-chir. centralbl., Wien, 1880, XV, 412. Bouchut. Paris med., 1881, vi, 209-211. Cullimore, D. H. Med. Press and Circular, London, i88r, xxxii, 188. Tyson, J. Philadelphia, Med. Times, 1881-2, xii. 429. Gerhardt, C. Ztschr. f. klin. med. Berlin, 1882, iv, 449. Lucas. Med. Times and Gazette, London, 1882. ii, 605. Allen, Austral. Med. Journal, Melbourne, 1882, iv, 404. Osier, W. Canada Med. and Surg. Journal, Montreal, 1882-3, xi, 267-270. Weichselbaum, A. Ber. d. k. k. krankenanst. Rudolph Siftung in Wien (1883), 1884, 382. Gilson. Bull, et mem. soc de chir., Paris, 1884, X, 515. Terrier, F. Bull, et mem. soc. de chir., Paris, 1884, X, 508 514. Leveque. Union med. et scient. du nord. est, Reims, 1884, viii, 207. De Renzi, E. Bull, di clin., Napoli, 1885, ii, 337-339- Crognale, G. Li tumore di milza nei morbi infettivi testi di laurea. Bologna, 1885. Qiieirolo, G. B. Saluto Italia med., Genova, 1885, xix, 545-562. Maragliano. Saluto Italia med., Genova, 1885, xix, 365. Fazio, F. Riv. clin. e terap., Napoli, 1886, viii, 341 344. Wickers, H. A. British Med. Journal, London, 1886, i, 153. Nunn, J. A. Vet. Jour, and Ann. Comp. Path., London, 1886, xxii, 237. Pinna, G. Spallanzani, Roma, 1886, xv, 571- Prior, J. Munchen. med. woch, 1887, xxxiv, 669 671. Practitioner, London, 1887, xxxviii, 413 421. Shore, II. G. Lancet, London, 1887, i, 11S4. SURGERT OF THE SPLEEN. Riv. clin. e terap., Napoli, 1887, ix, 591, * Solaro, A. Med. contenip., Napoli, 1887, iv, 13-26, I pi. D'AUocco, O. Riv. clin. e terap., Napoli, 1887, ix, 281-283. Pennato, P. Riv. veneta di sc. med., Venezia, 1887, ■^i. 545 567. D'Armin, D. Riv. veneta di sc. med., Vene- zia, T8S7, V, 5". Montefusco, A. Med. contenip., Napoli, 1887, iv, 457 461. Ann. clin. d. osp. incur., Napoli, 1887, i, 357. Drasche. Wien med., bl., 1888, xi, i 4. Romano, T. Una neoplasia splenica del peso pi i5cIiilog rinvenuta in un asina. Givia, 1888. Riv. clin., Milano, 1888, xxvii, 641 643. Lavori d. cong. di med. int., 1888, Milano, 1889, i, 27S, 2S6. Tedeschi, G. Progresso med., Napoli, 1889, iii, 361, 422, 450. Martinotti and Barhacci. La tnmefazione acuta della milza nelle malattie infettive Morgagni. Milano, 1890, xxxii, 521-594. Martinotti and Barbacci. Rassegna di sc. med. Modena, 1890, v, 97-102. Buglioni, G. P. Gazz. di osp., Milano, 1890, xi, 58 Andrjeevski, L. I. Med. obozr., Mosk., 1891, XXXV. 657-674. Dette. Berl. thierarztl. woch., 1891, vii, 191. Waern, J. Forh. v. Svens. lak. sallsk. Sam- mank , Stockholm, 1891, 57 63. Bsrbacci, O. Sperimentale mem. orig., Firenze, 1891, xlv, 361 364. De Rinzi, S. Arch, internaz. d. spec, med.- chir., Napoli, 1S91, vii, 433-444. Gaucher, F. France med,, Paris, 1892, xxxix, 529 531. Brancaccio et Solaro. Incurabili, Napoli, 1892, vii, 129-143. Marchand. Bull, et mem. soc. chir., Paris, 1892, xviii, 675-679. Fox, T. C, and Ball, J. B. British Med. Jour- nal, London, 1892, i, 854-856. Coop, S. (iior. internaz. d. sc. med , Napoli, 189?, xiv, 500-508. Billig, A. B. Meditisna, St. Petersb., 1893, S<'ga, V. Racoglitore med., Forli, 1893, ^"^y 65-82. Abbe, R. Internat. Clin , Philadelphia, 1893, 2s, iv, 210-212, I pi. Frusci. Incurabili, Napoli, 189^, viii, 249- 254- Cerracchio, S. Cirillo, Aversa, 1895, iii, 57, MalkoflF, G. M. Trudi obsh. russk. vracli., St. Petersb., 1896 7, i, 243 267. Lamb, D. S. Nat. Med. Rev., Washington, 1896-7, ix, 223. Intaglietta, M. Terap. clin., Napoli, 1897, vi, 580. Villeneuve. Marseilles med., 1897, xxiv, 131- 137- Intaglietta, M. Riforma med., Napoli, 1897, xiii, pt. 4, 640. Tillaux et Hayeni. Concours med., Paris, 1898, XX, 426428. Moscucci, A. Riforma med., Napoli, 1898, xiv. pt. 2, 208 213. GanchefT, P. ^Med. sborn., Sofiya, 1898, iv, 8587. Houzel, G. Bull, et mem. soc. de chir., Paris, 1898, xxiv, 815 818. Nattan-Larrier, L. Bull, et mem. soc. anat., Paris, 1899, l.xxiv, 41. Routier. Bull, et mem. soc. de chir. de Paris, 1900, xxvi, 250. Sclavo, A. Siena tip., Bernardino, 1900, 12 p. KNI.AKGEMENT (1719-I9O3). lUBLIOGRAPHY. Rauby, J. Large Spleen and Small Bladder. Phil. Tr., London, 1719-33, vii, 560. Garlick. VV. Case of an Enlargement of the Spleen. London Med. Gaz., 1784, v, 186 i.S8. Elliot, J. Account of a Remarkable Enlarge- ment of the Spleen. Med. Comment., Edinburg, 1793, December 2, vii, 495-498. Burrowes, G. Med. Facts and Observ., Lon- don, 1797, vii, 219-224. King, J. London Med. Repository, 1823, xx, 360 365. Heustis, J. W. New York Med. and Phys. Journal, 1826, v, 553. Gillette, \i. C. Boston Med. and Surg. Jour- nal, 1831. X, 77-79. Reid, C. Tr. Med. Phys. Soc, Calcutta, 1835, vii, 456. Boston Med. and Surg. Journal, 1835, xi, 387. Uashiell, R. R. West. Jour. Med. and Surgery, Louisville, 1840, ii, 96-101. Davis, N. S. Am. Jour. Med. Sc, Philadel- phia, 1842, iv, 367. Fuller. London ISIed. Gaz,, 1846, xxxviii, 474. liaskins, E. B. West. Jour. Medicine and Surgery, Louisville, 1851, vii, 185-191. Ward, O. Tr. Path. Soc, London, 1851 2, iii, .338. Jones, H. Tr. Path. Soc, London, 1851-2, iii- 333- Banks. Dublin Hosp. Gaz., 1854, i» ^4- James. J. A. Med. Counsellor, Columbus, 1855, i, "196-198. Croskey. H. Dublin Hosp. Gaz , 1858, v, 39. Wilks, S. Tr. Path. Soc, London, 1858 6, x, 259-263. Lees. Dublin Hosp. Gaz., 1859, vi, 337. Guy's Hosp. Rep., London, 1859, v, 109,375. Crisp. Tr. Path. Soc, London, 1859-60, xi, 307- Jackson, G. Med. Times and Gaz., London, i860, ii, 631. Raddock, C. E. Indian Lancet, Lahore, 1861, iii, 36. Nunn, T. W. Tr. Path. Soc, London, 1862-3, xiv, 252. Jones. H. Lancet, London, 1862, ii, 10. Briggs, L. Tr. Med. Soc, New York, 1862, 379,381. Maclean. Army. Med. Dep. Rep., London, 1863, V, 488 490. Gadbury, W. T. Med. and Surg. Reporter, Philadelphia, 1S66, xiv, 266. Murchison. British Med. Journal, London, 1867, i, 170172. Burnet, J. B. Med. and Surg. Reporter, Phila- delphia, 1867, xvi. Si. Gross. Med. Record, New York, 1867 8, ii, 273- Given, A. Chicago Med. Exam., 1868, ix, 146-149. SURGERr OF THE SPLEEN. "3 Adams, W. Tr. Path. Soc, London, 1870, xxi, 392 364. Squire, W. Tr. Path. Soc, London, 1870-71, xxii, 276. Jay, J. G. Baltimore Med. Journal, 1870, i, 589 592". Van Derveer. Philadelphia Med. Times, 1872-3, iii, 413. Ritchie, C. C. Lancet, London, 1873, ii, 6. Smith, (^C. Pacific Med. and Surg. Journal, 1873-4, ^'ii. 555 SSS. Longstreth, ISL Philadelphia Med. Times, 1873-4, i^' i^^' Pye-Smith, P. H. Tr. Path. Soc, London, 1874 5, xxvi. 199 202. Kennard. St. Louis Med. and Surg. Journal, 1875, xii, 423-429. jonasson, H. A. Austral. Med. Journal, Mel- bourne, 1876, XX, 139 142. Porter, W. G. Tr. Path. Soc, Philadelphia, 1876, V, 214-217. Ingersoll, D. B. Tr. Med. Soc, New Jersey, 1877, i8r-i86. Med. Record, New York, 1878, xiv, 269. Stokes, J. G. Med. Herald, Louisville, 1879-80, i. 443-445- Hutchinson, J. H. Med. News and abstr., Philadelphia, 1880, xxxviii, 449-456. Shaha, B. Indian Med. Gaz., Calcutta, 1881, xvi, 320-332. Guhman. St. Louis Med. and Surg. Journal, 1881, xl, 563-566. IIardison,W. II. Louisville Med. News, 1882, xiv, 285. Osier. Med. News, Philadelphia, 1882, xli, 581. Emanuel, W. E. St. Louis Courier of Med., 1882, vii, 132. Coates. Indian Med. Gaz., Calcutta, 1882, xvii, 104. Miller, J. H. Med. Record, New York, 1876, xi, 253. Fox, E. L. Bristol Med. Chir. Journal, 1885, iii, 145 158. Adams, W. P. Vet. Journal and Ann. Conip. Path., London, 1885, xx, 250. Porter, W. S. British Med. Journal, London, 1885, i, X42. Taylor, VV. II. Med. Register, Philadelphia, 1888, iv. 221. Balfour and Stewart. Edinburg Med. Journal, 1888 9, xiv, 589-598. Du Cane, E. Dublin Journal Med. Sc, 1889, Ixxxviii, 444. Douglas, R. Am. Jour. Obstetrics, New York, 1889, xxii, 357-362. Hodges, F. J. North Am. Practitioner, Chi- cago, 18S9, i, 39. Barrs, A. G. Lancet, London, 1891, i, 422. Macphail, D. Tr. (Glasgow Path. Soc, 1891-3, iv, 136 138. Hutchison, [. Arch. Surg., London, 189091, ii, 77- Andrews, F. W. St. Barth. IIosp. Rep., 10 ed., xxvi. 131-145, Garr, J. W. Tr. Med. Soc, London, 1891 2, XV, 244268. Wilson and Stanley. Tr. Clin. Soc, London, 1892-3, xxvi, 163-171. Macphail, D. Glasgow Med. Journal, 1892, xxxviii, 303-305. Garr, J. W. Lancet, London, 1892, i, 907, 963. Buchanan, W. J. Indian Med. Gaz., Calcutta, 1893, xxviii. III. Leslie, R. M. Edinburg Hosp. Rep., 1894, ii» 258.274, I pi. Smith, W. R. King's Coll. Hosp. Rep., 1894-5, London, 1896, ii, 181-183. Hawthorne, C. O. Glasgow Med. Journal, 1895, xliv, 354-358. Walker, R. Indian Med. Rec, Calcutta, 1896, X, 270. Griffin, M. Dublin Jour. Med. Sc, 1897, ciii, 3ro-3i5- Turner, R. British Med. Journal, London, 1898, ii, S95. Bridge, N. Internat. Clin., Philadelphia, 1898, 8a, i, 135 140. Jour. Am. Med. Assn., 1898, xxx, 1299-1301. Allison, C. C. Med. Record, New York, 1898, li'«', 313- Cantile, J. Clin. Jour., London, 1898-9, xiii, 305-310. Ostrovski, L. I. Protok. zasaik kavkaszkmed. Obsh., Tifiis, 1898 9, xxxv, 31 37. Kormoozi, E. Orvosi hetil., Budapest, 1899, xliii, II. Morse, J. L. Ann. Gynec. and Pediat., Bos- ton, 1900, xiv, 153-160, 3 fig. Hamill, S. M. Extreme Enlargement of the Spleen, with Anemia. Arch. Pediatrics, New York. September, 1902. Ricketts, B. M., and Moore, N. W. A Case of Enormously Enlarged Spleen. Eploration ; death ; 1899. PATHOLOGY (1683-I93). The pathology of the spleen varies but little, in variety and character, from path- ology of other living tissues, as shown by the chapters herein contained. Its bibliography is so voluminous and varied that it alone will be given. BIBLIOGKAPllY. Stalpart von der Wiel, C. Een boven-maaten grote milt in een kint., in his Hond. seldz. aam- merk., Amst., 1682, 160, 165, i tab. Malphigi, S. Phil. Tr., London, 1700, iii, 84. Grew, N. A. Phila. Tr., London, iii, 85. Pfitzner, M. De morbi-s lienis. Halae, Mag- deb., 1704. Bacmeister, J. Diss, sistens historian! lienosi. Tubingae, 1707. Schroeder, F. J. W. Guelpherbyti, 1761. Leuthner, J. N. A. Practische heilungsver- suche der niilzunste durch verschiedenen ge- branch des gemeinen wassers. Ulm, 1779. Herissant. Collect, acad. d. mem. Partie franc, Paris, et Liege, 1786, xi, 406-408. Miller, E. De physconia splenica, Philadel- phia, 1789. Drake, N. Edinburg Med. and Surg. Journal, 1806, ii, 409. Audouard. Ann. clin. Montpel., 1811, xxvi, 126-139. Schmidt, C. H. Commentatio de pathologia lienis observationibus per anatomen instututis indignata ad illustrandam physiologiam aenig- natici hujus visceris. Gottingae, 1816. Bailey, J. Med. Chir. Jour, and Rev., London, 1816, ii, I77-179- "4 SURGBRr OF THE SPLEEN. Ruhfus, L. T. C. De lienis Pathologia adno- tota quaedam. Halae, 1819. Yeats, G. D. Med.-Chir. Journal and Rev., London, 1817, iii, 372-375- Kenntniss. Arch. f. med. erfahr., Berlin, 1819, i. 447-541- Gridley, M. New England Jour. Med. and Surg., Boston, 1823, xii, 243-247. Crane, W. Edinburg, Med. and Surg. Journal, 1823, xix, 243-247. Hesse, C. G. Arch. f. med. erfahr. Berlin, 1824, ii, 416-449. Abercrombie, J. Edinburg Med. and Surg. Journal, 1824, xxii, 1-9. Vetch, J. London Med. and Physiological Journal, 1824, li, 439 446. Hartle, R. London Med. and Physiological Journal, 1825, liv, 277-279. Wetzler. Falle von chronischer milz-entzun- dung mot den leichenoffnungen N. jahrb. d. teutsch med. u. chir., Hamm., 1825, ix, 2 St., 70, 76. Hesse, C. A. De immutationibus lienis patho- logicis earumque causis. Dorpati Liv., 1827. Twining, W. Bengal Tr. Med. and Phys. Soc, Calcutta, 1827, iii, 351-418. Milligan, W. London Med. Reposit., 1828, xxix, 114-119. Plaisant, P. L. Essai i.ur la splenite aigue. Strassburg, 1829. Edward, J. Med.-Chir. Rev., London, 1834-5, xxii, 272. Bigsby, J. J. Cycl. Pract. Med. (Tweedle), London, 1835, iv, 55-61. Nasse. Woch. f. d. ges. heilk., Berlin, 1836, iv, 689 695. Delaporte. Bull. acad. med., Paris, 1836, i, 133. Brunner, H. De morbis quibus lien afflcitur. Monachii, 1837. Baldwin, A. C. South. Med. and Surg. Jour- nal, 1838, iii, 131- 135- Thierfelder, J. G. Monatschr. f. med, Augenh. u. chir., Leipz., 1839, ii, 540-561. Ingalls, W. Boston Med. and Surg. Journal, 1840. 149, 170, 185. Wemacr, E. Ann. soc. med. chir., Bruges, 1840, i, 193 200. Thomson, W. Syst. Pract. Med. (Tweedle), London, 1840, iv, 208, 214; also ibid., Philadel- phia, 1841, iv, 305-314. Nuckel. Gen.-ber. d. k. rhein. med. -coll., 1840, Koblenz, 1841, 8r. Klaes. F. De hydrope lienis morbis producto. Bonnae, 1842. Dalmas, A. Diet, de med., 2 ed., Paris, 1843, xxvii, 245-270. Imman, T. Edinburg Med. and Surg. Journal, 1845, Ixiv, 309. Boghe, G. Ann. d-univ. de Belg., 1845, Brux, 1846, 315-387. Helfft. Woch. f. d. ges. heilk., Berlin, 1846, xiv, 484, 507. Jackson, J. B. S. Med. Chir. Tr., London, 1846, xxix, 277-282. Pollock. Tr. Path. Soc, London, 1846-8, i, 109. Ponza, G. L. Gior. d. soc. med. -chir., Torino, 1847, XXX, 20-39. Tholozan, D. Arch. gen. med., Paris, 1847, XV, 207-222. Cakembergh, T. J. Jour, de med. chir. et Pharmacol., Brux, v, 1851. Boissy, J. A. Considerations sur les maladies de la rate. Prris, 1847. Halliday, J. H. Dublin Med. Press, 1848, XX, 180. Zacharais, J. De lienis morbo acuto aestate anni, 1848, regnante. Regimonti, Paris, 1849. Dittmar, A. Ueber periodische volumveran- derungen der menslichen milz. Giessen, 1850. Durand, S. Bull. acad. med., Paris, 1849-50, XV, 316 323. Petit, A. Gaz. d. hop., Paris, 1851, iii, 469. Albar, F. Bol. de meg. circurgy. farm., Madrid, 1851, i, 213. Ogle, J.' W. Tr. Path. Soc, London, 1851-2, iii. 337-' Piorry. Maladies de la rate. Gaz. d. hop., Paris, 1851, iii, 389. Alvaregna, P. F. C. Jour. soc. d. sc. med. de Lisbon, 1852, x, 75 89. Bristowe. Tr. Path. Soc, London, 1852 3, iv, 177-180. New Orleans Med. and Surg. Journal, 1852-3, ix, 278. Ayer, J. Boston Med. and Surg. Journal, 1852, xlvi, 149 151. Todt, G. G. A. Die intumescentia lienau. Berolini, 1855. Linas. A. Gaz. hebd. de med., Paris, 1855, ii, 867-872. Rhind, S. Med. Times and Gaz , London, 1855, xi, 131. Martin, A. Gaz. hebd. de med., Paris, 1855, ii. 3H- Hart, O. H. P. West. Lancet, Cincinnati, 1856, xvii, 659 665. Billroth, T. Arch. f. anat. phys. u. wissensch. med , erlin, 18^7, 88-108, i pi. Henry, M, Tr. Path. Soc, London, 1857 8, ix, 462. Merbach. Ueber chronischer milztumoren mi. leukamie. Jahresb. d. gesellsch. f. anat. u. heilkt in Dresd., 1858, 35-39. Ste-Rose, E. Apercu sur les maladies de la rate. Strassbourg, 1858. Monneret, E. Arch. gen. de med., Paris, 1859, xiv-, 513-524- Lemarie. Bull. soc. anot , Paris, 1859, xxxiv 352. Le Brun, A. Pam Towarz lek Warszaw, 1859 xlii, 133 149. Hutchinson, D. Cincinnati Lancet and Ob setver, i860, iii, 553-562. Gould, A. A. Boston Med. and Surg. Journal i860, Ixii, 529 532. Jenner, W. Med. Times and Gaz., London i860, ii, 553. Da Assumpecao, L. M. Echoliaste med., Lis bon, i860, xi, 374 377. Page. Lancet, London, i860, i, 9. Mayer, E. Erlangen Donaueschingen, 1861. Gusten. Arch, beiges de med. mil.. Brux, 1861, xxvii, 241-248. Stadler. Arch. d. ver. f. gemeinsch. arb. z. ford. d. wissensch. heilk., (Jottingen, i86i,v,657. Smoler, M. AUg. VVien. med. ztg., 1861, vi, 309- Canton, E. Tr. Path. Soc, London, 1861-2, xiii, 241-244. Gibb. Tr. Path. Soc, London, 186x2, xiii, 245- Wagner, E. Arch, d. heilk., Leipz., 1862, iii, 478. SURGERT OF THE SPLEEN. "5 Stieda, L. Arch. f. path, anat., Berlin, 1862, xxiv, 540 550, I pi. Schweig;ger-Seidel, F. Arch. f. path, anat., Berlin, 1862, xxiii, 526; 1863, xxvii, 460, 2 pi. Erichsen, J. St. Petersb. nied. ztschr., 1863, iv, 337-342. Gros, A. France med., Paris, 1863, x, 317-320. Kuttner, G. St. Petersb. med. ztschr., 1863, V, 309 315- Gros, A. France med., Paris, 1863, x, 374-376. Sangalli, G. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1864, x'^'' 434-437- Ailg. Wien. med. ztg., 1865, x, 186-194. Haflfner. Deutsche klinik, Berlin, 1866, xviii, 385- Grandesso-Silvestri, O. Italia Gazz. med. ital, prov. venete, Padova, 1866, ix, 165-167. Wehenkel, J. M. Jour, de med. chir. et Phar- macol., Brux, 1867, xiv, 375, 472. Auber, P. A. An. r. acad. de cien. med., Ha- bana, 1867-8, iv, 233-242. Payne, J. F. Tr. Path. Soc, London, 1867 8, xix, 401-404. Timerman?, G. Gior, d. r. accad. med. di Torino, 1868, vi, 3<4-348. D'Arcy, H. Abeille med., Paris, 1868, xxv, 81-83. Payne, J. T. Boston Med. and Surg. Journal, 1868 9, Ixxix, 133. Thomason, B. H. Waarneming van eenen verwaalden bal., Geneesk, Tijdschr. v. de Zee- magt, Gravenh., 1869, vii, 320. Oyon. Bull. soc. anat., Paris, 1870, xix, 124. Southback, J. W.. et al. Bellevue and Char. Hosp. Rep., New York, 1870, 36^. Guyot. Gaz. d. hop., Paris, 1870, xliii, 369. Peltier, G. Pathologie de la rate. Paris, 1871. Kretschy, F. Med. -chir. rundschau, Wien, 1871, xii, pt. 3, 60 62. Dickinson, J. C. On Indian Spleen. Med. Press and Circular, London, 1871, xii, 45-47. Birch Ilirschfeld. Studien zur pathologie der milz. Jahrsb. d. gesellsch. f. nat. u. heilk. in Dresden, 1872, 30-43 (following p. 104). Warner. Jour. Gynec. Soc, Boston, 1872, vi, 268 272. Lebedeff. Amyloid Deposits in Spleen. St. Petersburg, 1873. Malinin, J. I. Protck. zisaid Kavlaszk. med. Obsh., Tiflia, 1873-4, 373380, i pi. Besnier, E. Diet, encycl. d. sc. med., Paris, 1874, ii. 438-568. Compt. rend. soc. de biol., Paris, 1875, "> 294- 296. Townsend. Tr. Med. Soc, New Jersey, 1875, 116 119. Sechtem, J. Zur normalen und amyloiden milz. Bonn, 1875. Socoloff, N. Arch. f. path, anat., Berlin, 1876, Ixvi, 171-186. Del Prato, P. Iperplasia della milza osservata in una gallina commune. Gior. d. anat. fisiol. e patol. d. animali. Pisa, 1877, '^i 150 152. Picard, P. Compt. rend. acad. d. sc, Paris, 1878, Ixxxvii, 606-608. Clark, A. Tr. New York Path. Soc, 1879, iii, 95- Delafield, F. Hosp. Gaz., New York, 1879, vi, 51- Pulides, S. Pathologisch-histologische unter- suchungen uber die amyloide degeneration der milz. Wurzburg, 1879. Warden, J. R. Syst. Med. (Reynold's), Lon- don' 1879, V, I39-2I5- Ilorton, J. A. B. In his Dis. Trop. Climates, 2 ed., London, 1879, 493-515. Sturges, O. Lancet, London, 1880, ii, 215. Nikolaides, R. Arch. f. path, anat., Berlin, 1880, Ixxxii, 455-466, I pi. Cutler, E. G. Cycl. Pract. Med. (Ziemssen), New York, i88t (suppl. 402-420). Tizzoni, G. (From Atti d. r. accad. d. Lincei). Arch, per le sc. med., Torino, 1881-2, v, 388-392. Fogliata, G. Gior. di anat. fisiol. e patol. d. animali. Pisa, 1880, xii, 199-277; 1881, xiii, 3. Collins, M. British Med. Journal, London, 1882, i, 458. Foa, P. Spallanzani, Modena, 1882, xi, 22. Foa, P. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1883, Hi, 241- 264. Michaelis, A. Halle, a. S., 1883. Haven. Ugesk. f. laeger. kjebenh., 1883, 4 R., vii, 206. Allen. Austral. Med. Journal, Melbourne, 1883, V, 444-446. Escherich. Berl. klin. woch., 1884, xxi, 145- 147. Huber, G. Gaz. med. de Picardie, Amiens, 1885, iii, 37. Fink, F. Ztschr. f. heilk., Prag., 1885, vi, 399-420, I pi. Robertson, R. Jour. Anat. and Phys., Lon- don, 1885-6, XX, 509 515, I pi. Kirschner, L. Ueber splenitis und den hemor- rhagischen milzinfarkt. Berlin, 1886. Stilling, H. Arch. f. path, anat., Berlin, 1886, ciii, 15 38, I pi. Hoyer. Gaz. lek. Warszawa, 1887, vii, 646- 657- Burnett, J. C. Diseases of the Spleen and their Remedies Clinically Illustrated. London, 1887. Montechiari, G. Bull. d. soc. lancisiana d. osp. di Roma, 1887, vii, 75-79. Cohen, A. Muench. med. woch., 1887, xxxiv, 317-319- Muller, F. Charite-ann., 1885 6, Berlin; 1887, xii, 274-287. Casali, T. Bull. d. osp. di Casa di Loreto, 1887-8, i, 76, 160. SokoloflF, N. Arch. f. path, anat., BerliH, 1888, cxii, 209-336, 2 pi. Foa and Carbone. Gior. d. r. acad. med., To- rino, 1888, xxxvi, 19 21. Lueder, J. Beitrrge zur lehre von der leu- kamie mit besonderer berichtsichtigung der stein- bildung. Gottingen, 1888. Fichtner. Deutsches arch. f. klin. med., Leipz., 1888-9, xliv, 334-340. Muller, P. Wurzburg, 1889. Bucklers, J. E. Bonn, 1889. Foulerton, A. G. R. British Med. Journal, London, 1889, ii, 817. Smith, C. M. Canada Lancet, Teronto, 1889- 90, xxii, 69 72. Arndt, R. Berl. thierarztl. woch., 1889, v, 243- Cardarelli, A. Bull. d. r. acad. med. -chir. di Napoli, 1890, ii, 17-44. Savill, T. Lancet, London, 1890, ii, 176. Beatty, W. Tr. Troy Acad. Med. Ireland, Dublin, 1890-1, ix, 129-134. Ashton, A. S. Med. Record, New York, 1890, xxxviii, 334. ii6 SURGER2' OF THE SPLEEN. Northrup, W. P. Proc. New York Path. Soc. (1890), 1891, 95 97. Testi, A. Lavori d. cong. di med. int. Milano, 1890, ii, 298 308. Neusser. Ber. d. k. k. krankenanst. Rudolph- Siftung, Wien (1890), 1891, 271. Ruthmann, P. Centralbl. f. d. Aerzte Oest- Ungarn, Wien, 1891, 199-201. Jftseph, M. Deutsche med. woch., Leipz., 1891, xvii, 1373 1375, Riemer, B. Berl. klin. woch., 1891, xxviii,886. Adams, Franz. Bonn, 1891, 27 p. Arming, E. Deutsche med. woch., Lpz., 1891, xvii, 1372. Wicklein, E. Arch. f. path, anat., Berlin, 1891, cxxiv, 1-30. Drew, D. Tr. Clin. Soc, London, 1891-2, XXV, 258 264. von Jaksch, R. Ztschr. f. physiol. chem., Strassb., 1891-2, xvi, 243 254. Ord, W. M. Tr. Clin. Soc, London, 1S91-2, XXV, 301-304. Troje. Deutsche med. woch., Lpz., 1892, xviii, 360 362. Campbell, C. British Med. Journal, London, 1892, ii, 126. Weber, F. St. Petersb. med. woch., 1892, ix, 47-50- Rovighi. Lavori d. cong. di med. int., 1892, Milano (1893), v, 63 66. Pavlovski, A. D. Russk. med., St. Petersb., 1892, xvii, 195-198. Stockton, C. C. Internat. Med. Mag., Phila- delphia, 1892, i, 708 710. Tissier, P. Gaz. d. hop , Paris, 1892, Ixv, 789- 795. Tordeus, E. Clinique, Brux, 1892, vi, 369-385. Pawlowsky, A. Deutsche med. woch., 1892, xviii, 641-643. Nash, W. G. British Med. Journal, London, 1892, ii, 1054. KurlofF, M. G. Vrach, St. Petersb.. 1892, xiii, 469-474. Oliver, T. Am. Jour. Med. Sc, Philadelphia, 1892, civ, 515-521. Thayer. Johns Hopkins IIosp. Bull., Balti- more, 1892, iii, 142. Eichhorst, H. Arch. f. path, anat., Berlin, 1892, cxcx, 365 376. Westphal, A. Plz., 1892-3, Ii, 83-126. Anderson, A. V. M. Australas. Med. Jour., Melbourne, 1S93, '^^t 537-540- Peter. Bull, med., Paris, 1893, '^i') i5-i7- Krebs, Walter, Beitrag zur entzundlichen leucocytose. Berlin, 1893, 3^ P- Holtzmann, G. Arch. d. sc. biol., St. Petersb., 1893, ii, 632 677. Monro, T. K. Glasgow Med. Journal, 1892, xxxvii, 349-355- Kast und Rumpel. Knochenmark bei Leuca- mie. In their path. -anat. tafeln. llamb. Staats- krankh.. Eandsbek Hamb., 1892, Hft. 3, i pi, (F. i. b.). Kohler, A. Deutsche med. woch , Lpz., 1892, xviii, 123. Muller, H. F. Deutsche arch. f. klin. med., Lpz , 1892, i, 47 81, I pi. Pilliet, A. H. Gaz. hebd. de med., Paris, 1892, xxix, 221-224. Wolff. Berl. thierarztl. woch., 1892, viii, 121. Thayer. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Balti- more, 1892, iii, 142. Troje. Wien. woch., 1892, xlii, 1096 1098. May, R. Deutsche arch. f. clin. med., Lpz., 1892, i, 393-406. Muir, R. Jour. Path, and bacteriol., Edinl)urg and I^ondon, 1892, i, 123 139, i pi. Verdelli, C. Gazz. med. di Torino, 1892, xliii, 601 606. Litten. Verhandl. d. cong. f. innere med., Wiesh., 1892, xi, 159-165. Fajersztajin i Kuczynski. Gaz. lek. Warszawa, 1892, xii, 650 653. Emelyanoff, P. N. St. Petersb., 1893, 38 p. Dastre, A. Compt. rend. soc. bid., Paris, 1893, V, 584-586. Vehsemeyer. Muenchen med. woch., 1S93, xl, 564 567. Winteinitz, W. Centrlhl. f. klin. med., Lpz., 1893, xiv, 177-179- May, R. Arb. a. d. med. -klin. Inst. d. k. Ludwig-Maximilians Univ. zu Muench., Lpz., 1893, iii, 476 489. Middleton,G. S. Glasgow Med. Journal, 1893, xxix, 356363. Boresteneff, N. N. Study on Leucemia. Med. obozr., Mosk., 1893, xxxix, 859-871. Smith, J. L. Arch. Ped., New York, 1893, ^> 136 138. Med. News, Philadelphia, 1S93, Ixii, 191-193. Dock, G. Am. Jour. Med. Sc, Philadelphia, 1893, cvi, 152-185. Wright and Bruce. British Med. Journal, London, 1S93, i, 400. Vehsemeyer. Therap. Monatsh., Berlin, 1893, vii, 158-160. Verdelli, C. Centrlbl. f. d. med. wissensch., Berlin, 1893, xxxi, 545 547. Frohlich, J. Wien. med. woch., 1893, -^liii| 285, 331. 384. 422. Masing, E. St. Petersb. med. woch., 1893, x, 41-44. Grossi, C. Riforma med., Napoli, 1893, '^i pt. 3, 62-74. Akanuma, S. Ztschr. d. med. Desellsch., Tokio, 1893, vii. No. 10, 16, i pi. Taylor, F. Lancet, London, 1894, ii, 1282. Campbell, C. British Med. Journal, London, 1894, i, 463. Herzfeld, A. A. New York Polyclin., 189 j, iii, 10 14. Cabot, R. C. Boston Med. and Surg. Journal, 1894, cxxxi, 507-511. Hektoen, L. Med. News, Philadelphia, 1894, Ixiv, 325. Hintze, K. Deutsche arch. f. klin. med., Leipz., 1894, liii, 377 398. Wohler. Ztschr. f. veterinark., Berlin, 1894, vi, 49-53- Follo, F. Incurabili, Napoli, 1894, '*> 443453- Lowit, M. Centrlbl. f. allg. path. u. path.- anat., Jena, 1894, v, 828839. Dallemagne et Tordeus. Med. inf., Paris, 1894. i. 609-619. Jacob. Arch. f. anat. u. entwickelungsgesch., Leipz., 1894, 378-383. llerrick, J. B. Internat. Clin., Philadelphia, 1894, 4S> "> 3^ 43' I P'- Monari, A. Gazz. med. lomb., Milano, 1894, liii, 442. Tschistowitsch, N. Centrlbl. f. d. med. wiss., Berlin, 1894, xxxii, 260-273. Bigger, \W . G. Lancet, London, 1894, ^^» ^82. SURGERT OF THE SPLEEN. 117 Pianese, G. Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Napoli, 1894, ^^'1 697 • Colombini, P. Atti. d. r. accad. d. fisiocrit in Siena, 1894, 4^» "^'> suppl. 1895, 67 117. Quine, \V. E. Chicago Clin. Review, 1894-5, iv, 161-174. Hindenburg;, W. Deutsches arch. f. clin. med., Lpz., 1894 5, 'i'^' 209 228, I pi. Seelig, A. Deutsches arch. f. clin. med., Lpz., 1894-5, liv, 537-543, I pi. Latham, V. A. Tr. Chicago Path. Soc. (1894- 5), 1896, i, 38-^10. Carter, W. S. Univ. Med. Mag., Philadelphia, 1894 s, vii, 17-81, 158. Tinen, E. H. Tr. Chicago Path. Soc. (1894-5), 1896, i, 40-55. Vehsemeyer. Wien. med. woch., 1895, xlv, 241-244. Ceresole, G. Beitr. zur path. anat. u. z. allg. path., Jena, 1895, xvii, 602 626. Tinen, E. H. Jour. Am. Med. Assn., 1895, xxiv, 127-131. Lion, G. Compt. rend. soc. biol., Paris, 1895, ii, 43 46. Latham, Vida. Jour. Am. Med. Assn., Chi- cago, 1895, xxiv, 126. Upson, H. S. Med. News, Philadelphia, 1895, Ixvi, 372. Taylor, F. A. Tr. Clin. Soc, London, 1895, 47 -.S8. Heckenlauer, Max. Wurzburg, 1895, 21 p. Butler, G. F. Internat. Clin., Philadelphia, 1S95, 5s, ii, 114-119. Graziani, G. Riforma med., Napoli, 1895, xi, pt. r, 652 663 Lutz, A. Muenchen med. woch., 1895, xliii, 671. Robison, J. A. North Am. Pract., Chicago, 1895, vii, 301-3. Ewing, J. New York Med. Journal, 1895, Ixi, 257263. Nammack, C. E. Med. Record, New York, 1895, xlviii, 858. Eisenmenger, V. Wien. klin. woch., 1895, viii, 505-507. Hutchinson, J. Arch.surg., London, 1895, ^'> 103-106. Potazzi, P. Arch. ital. biol., Turin, 18956, xxiv, 453-455. Kahn. Bull. soc. anat., Paris, 1895, Ixx, 181. Fussell and Taylor. Univ. Med. Mag., Phila- delphia, 1895-6, viii, 65760. Pilliet, A. H. Progres Med., Paris, 1895, ii, 373- Kast, A. Ztschr. f. klin. med., Bar in, 1895, xxviii, 79 92. De Witt, T. B. Pacific Med. Jour., San Fran- cisco, 1896, xxxix, 523-528. Buchanan, R. J. M. Liverpool Med.-Chir. Journal, 1896, xvi, 300 324. Whiting, A. J. Tr. Roy. Soc, Edinburg, 1896, xxxviii, 253-316, 3 pi. West, S. Med.'Chir. Tr., London, 1896, Ixxix, 323-33.=; • Heubner, O. Internat. Clin., Philadelphia, 1896, 5s, iv, 92 loi. Cavazzani, A. Riforma med., Napoli, 1896, xii, pt. 4, 494-509. Charon et Gratia. Soc roy. d. sc. med. d. nas. d. Brux, Bull. 18, 1896, liv, 63-72. Fraenkel, A. Medycyna, Warszawa, 1896, xxiv, 59 83. Calabrese, A. Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Napoli, 1896, xviii, 458-462. Brothers, A. Tr. Soc. Alumni Bellevue Hos- pital, New York, 1896, 124. Craig, J. Dublin Jour. Med. Sc, 1896, cxx, 187-191. Craig, J. Tr. Rov. Acad. Med. Ireland, Dub- lin, 1896, xiv, 113 118. Leilmann, W. Berl. thierarztl. woch., 1896, xii, 195. Marischler, J. Wien. klin. woch., 1896, ix, 686 690. Kolisch u. Burian. Ztschr. f. klin. med., Ber- lin, 1896, xxix, 374 380. MuUer, E. Jahrb. f. kinderh., Leipz., 1896, xliii, 130-147. Kerr, R. A. Peoria Med. Record, 1896, i, 93- 97- Ledo. Gac med. d. Norte, Bilboa, 1896, ii, 7681. Musser and Sailer. Tr. Assn. Am. Physicians, Philadelphia, 1896, xi, 310-316, i pi. Brand, W. J. Med. Age, Detroit, 1896, xiv, 45. Mercandino, F. Gazz. di Torino, 1896, xlvii, 1-6. Stuve, R. Arb. a. d. stadt. krankenh. zu Frankf.-a-M., Festschr., 1896, 2329. Albrecht, H. Beitr. z. anat. u. z. allg. path., Jena, 1896, xx, 513 527, 3 pi. Fraenkel, A. Gazz. med. di Torino, 1896, xlvii, 165-170. Mya, G. Clin, med., Firenze, 1896, ii, 1-3. Taylor, F. Guy's Hosp. Rep., London, 1896, Hi, 173 184. Von Starck. Deutsches arch. f. klin. med., Leipz., 1896, Ivii, 265-278. Shattuck and Cabot. Syst. Pract. Medicine (Loomis), New York and Philadelphia, 1897, ii, 679-702, I pi. Stein, H. Wien. med. woch., 1897, xlvii, 1045- 1049. Fraenkel und Benda. Verhandl. d. cong. f. innere med., Wiesb." 1897, xv, 359 382. D'Allocco, O. Riforma med., Napoli. 1897, xiii, pt. 4, 519 531- De Renzi, E. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1897, xviii, 1392- 1395. Herrick, j. B. Jour. Am. Med. Assn., 1897, xxix, 171-173. Picou, R. Bull. soc. anat., Paris, 1897, Ixxii, 694-698. De Renzi, E. Riv clin. e terap., Napoli, 1897, xix, 563-570. Bozzol'o, C. Clin, med., Pisa, 1897, iii, 381-385. Oliva, L. A. Gazz. di osp., Milano, 1897, xviii, 609 613. Vickery, H. F. Boston Med. and Surg. Jour- nal, 1897, cxxxvi, 362. Rinaldi, S. Riforma med., Napoli, 1897, xiii, pt. 3, 4, i6, 27. Munzer, F. Prag. med. woch,, 1897, xxii, 171, 184, 197, 209, 224. Stevenson, N. A. Russk. arch, patol. klin. med. i, bakterioi., St. Petersliurg, 1897, iii, 164- 176. Mannotti, A. Policlin., Roma, 1897, iv, C, 255-269. Arch, internaz. di med. e chir., Napoli. 1897, xiii, 448-454. Ouskow et Selinow. Arch., d. sc biol., St, Petersb., 1897, v, 1-45. Kraus, F. Mitth. d, aerzte in steirmark, Ciraz, 1897, xxxiv, I, 21. ii8 SURGERT OF THE SPLEEN. Pfeiffer, T. Wien. klin. woch., 1897, x, 548. Upham, J. H. J. Columbus Med. Journal, 1897, xix, 568 574. Gracia del Arco. Med. Salamanca, 1897, iii, 353-3^6. Menko, M. L. H. S. Med. Weekbl., Amster- dam, 1897, i^> 462-464. Borgen. Forh. med., Selsk. i, Kristiani, 1897, 191 194. Rabek, L. Kron. lek. Warszawa, 1897, xviii, 54 58. IJe Renzi. Semaine med. Pari«, 1897, xvii, 414. Weiss, J. Jahrb. d. Wien. k. k. krankenanst., 1895, Wien u. Leipz., 1897, '^'> P*^- •!• 87-89. \'an Rensselaer, H. Albany Med. Ann., 1897, xviii, 530, 541. Duncan, E. Glasgow Med. Journal, 1897, xlvii, 212. Maure], E. Compt. rend. soc. biol., Paris, 1897, is 77I- Belsheim, G. G. New York Polyclinic, 1897, X, 169. King, H. M. Tr. Mich. Med. Soc, 1897, xxi, 153-161. Van Hayek, A. Wien. klin. woch., 1897, x, 475 480. Stengel, A. Twentieth Century Pract., New York, 1897, ix, 353-388. Martin and Mathewson. Canada Jour. Med. and Surgery, Toronto, 1897, i, 25, iii, ii, 21. Desoil, P. Echo med. du nord. Lille, 1897, i, 164-169. Theodor, F. Arch. f. kinderh., Stuttg., 1897, xxii, 47-60. Hare, H. A. Med. News, New York, 1897, Ixx. 396-402. Weidner, C. Internal. Clin., Philadelphia, 6s, iv, 126 133, 2 pi. Grummer, B. F. West. Med. Record, Lincoln, Neb., 1897, ii, 39. Bonardi, E. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1897, xviii, 1-5. Garcia del Arco, A, Salamanca, 1897, iii, 353 356; 1898, iv, 8 14. Soderbaum, P. Upsale Lakaref. Forh., 1897 8, iii, 504. Hare, H. A. Proc. Pract. soc, Philadelphia, 1897-8, i, 227. HoshelefT, A. N. Arch. biol. nauk., St. Peters- burg, 1897 8, vi, 17 39. Reed, W. National Med. Rev., Washington, 1897 8, vii, 265. Goodkind, M. L. P. and S. Plexus, Chicago, 1897 8, iii, 231-235. Maragliano, E. Cron. d. clin. med. di Genova, 1898, V, 129 138. Koster. Hygiea, Stockholm, 1898, Ix, pt. 2, 200-204. Bradford and Shaw. Med. Chir. Tr., London, 1898, Ixxxi, 343-373, 2 pi. Finzi, G. Riforma med", Napoli, 1898, xiv, pt- 3. 152-171- Lewis, W. M. Maryland Med. Journal, Balti- more, 1898, xxxix, 813-817. Blumreich und Jacoby. Ztschr. f. hyg. u. infectionskrankh., Leipz., 1898, xxix, 419-453. Finzi, G. Policlin., Roma, 1898, v, sez. med., 294. Morse, J. L. Arch, pediat.. New York, 1898, XV, 330-334- Battistini, A. Gaz. med. di Roma, 1898, xxiv, 309-323. Piotrowski, J. Gaz. lek. Warszawa, 1898, xviii, 1239, 1268, 1320, 1343, 1366. Pollmann, L. Muench. med. woch., 1898, xlv, 44-48. Cassel. Berlin klin. woch., 1898, xxxv, 76 78. Banti, G. Beitr. z.path. anat. u. z. allg. path., Jena, 1898, xxiv, 21-33. Banti, G. Clin. mo?d., Pisa, 1898, iv, 209-213. Chimici, G. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1898, xix, 1497- Pye Smith. Guy's Hosp. Gaz., London, 1898, xii. 469-474. West, S. Syst. Med. (Allbutt), New York and London, 1898, v, 539 548. Fussel, jopson and Taylor. Tr. Assn. Am. Phys., Philadetphia, 1898, xiii, 124, 146, i pi. Beauneck. Monaischr. f. unfahikeilk., Leipz., 1898, V, 387. Jolles, A. Ztschr, f. klin. med., Berlin, 1898, xxxiv, 53-58. Wiglesworth, J. Liverpool Med. Chir. Jour- nal, 1898, xviii, 221. Apert, E. Bull, med., Paris, 1898, xii, 93 96. Mori, A. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1898, xix, 1223. Goodkind, M. L. Medicine, Detroit, 1898, iv, 651 654. Kozhin, L. M. Med. obzr., Mosk., 1898, i, 377-380. Wenzel. Deutsche med. woch., 1898, xxiv, 667. Love, L N. Internat. Clin., Philadelphia, 1898, 7s, iv, 149 155- Magnus-Levy, A. Arch. f. anat., Berlin, 1898, clii, 107 130. Barnick, O. Munchen. med. woch., 1898, xlv, 589 629. Kose, O. Casnp. lek. cesk. v. Praze, 1898, xxxvii, 125 147. Gilbert and Weil. Compt. rend. soc. biol., Paris, 1898, xii, 1207. Bwart, W. British Med. Journal, London, 1898, ii, 235. Wright, C. O. Northwest. Lancet, St. Paul, 1898, xviii, 379-381. Hirschlaff. Deutsche med, woch., 1898, xxiv, 169. Steven, J. L. Internat. Clin., Philadelphia, i8y8, 8s, ii, 96-106. Brunton, T. L. Clin. Journal, London, 1898 9, xiii, 113-118. Hirschlaff, W, Deutsche arch. J. klin. med., Leipz., 1898 9, Ixii, 314 322, 2 pi. Fritsche, L. A, Northwest. Lancet, St. Paul, 1899, xix, 26 30. Jagot. Arch. med. d'angers, 1899, iii, 55-59- Crook, J. K. Post-Graduate Journal, New York, 1899, xiv, 17-28. Van der Scheer. A. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Gen- esk., Amsterdam, 1899, 2 R, xxxv, d. i, 42 48. Hall, J. M. Jour. Am. Med. Association, 1899, xxxii, 661. Subbottie, V. Deutsche ztschr. f. chir., Leip- zig. 1900, liv, ^87-502, 2 fig. Einige. Allg. med. centr.-ztg., Berlin, 1900, Ixix, 661 662. Dominici. Presse med., Paris, 1900, ii, 257. Bovaird, Jr. Am. Jour. Med. Sc, Philadel- phia, 1900, cxx, 377 402, 10 fig. StjeglolT, M. A. Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1900, liv, 389398, 3 fig. Hoehl, E. Anat. anz., Jena, 1900, xvii, 216-218. SURGERT OF THE SPLEEN. 119 Emmerich, R. Jena, 1900, xxvii, 776-787, i pi. Legnami, T. Clin. med. Ital., Milano, 1900, xxxix, 634 637. Bernrlt, E. Jena, 1900. xxviii, 648-651, i taf. Ball, O. Jena, 1900, xxvii, 10-21, 19 tab. Carpenter, C. R. Med. Record, New York, 1900, Ivii, 273-277. Cohn, Th. Munchen med. woch., 1900, xlvii, 609-611. Galtier, V. Jour. med. vet. et zootech., Lyon, 1900, iv, 204-208. Malfitano, G. Compt. rend. acad. d. sc, Paris, 1900, cxxxi, 295-298. Besancon et Labbe. XIII cong. internal, de med., sect, d'anat. pathol., 1900, Paris, 1901, compt. rend. 306 316. Lange, L. Hyg. rundschau., Berlin, 1901, xi, 481-485. Carriere et Vanverts. Compt. rend. soc. biol., Paris, 1901, Hi, 1134-1135. Sternberg, K. Wien. klin-woch., 1901, xiv, 654-655- loffe, D. B. Ejened, St. Petersb., 1901, viii, 186 190. Weil, R. Arch. f. hyg., Muenchen, u. Leipz., 1901, xxxix, 205 229, 18 tab. Heim, L. Arch. f. hyg., Munchen, u. Leipz., 1901, xl, 55 62. Dominicis, N. de. XIII cong. internat. de med., sect, de pathol. interne, 1900, Paris, 1901, compt. rend., 289, 294.. Wilde, M. Ztschr. f. hyg. u. infectionskrankh., Lpz., 1901, xxxvii, 476-496. Fraenkel, C. Hyg. rundschau. Berlin, 1901, xi,633 635. Weil, R. Ztschr. f. hyg. u. infectionskrankh., Lpz., 1901, xxxvi, 451-458, 2 tab. Wedl, C. Histologische mittheilungen zur anatomie der milz. Wien, n. d. SPLENOTOMY. Splenotomy is incising the spleen for any purpose, such as opening cysts, re- moving neoplasms and foreign bodies. Many such operations have been success- fully made. The introduction of an aspirating needle for the purpose of removing or intro- ducing fluid into the spleen may be classed under this heading. Historical. — Goslin, 1880, reports a case in which he used a hypodermic injection of ergotin into the spleen for chronic enlargement. Peiper, 1883, injected Fowler's solution into a parenchymatous spleen for leukemia. Vidal Garin, 1884, punctured and in- jected a splenic cyst, resulting in a cure. For further reports see bibliography. Aspiration of the splenic cysts (pus or otherwise) has been successfully accom- plished in a number of cases, but the dangers are far greater than when drained through an abdominal incision, with or without adhesions of the splenic capsule to the abdomieal wall. Peritoneal infection and injury to blood and lymphatic vessels by the trocar are possible and highly probable, and for that reason the trocar should never be used. An herniated spleen should be returned to the abdominal cavity when possible. If not, a part or all of it may be sacri- ficed. It is probable that it is only hernia of long standing that will offer much resist- ance. The acute ones should offer no serious complications in their reduction. Wounds of the Spleen. — Lacerated, in- cised and penetrating wounds are frequent and of many varieties. Many of them will recover without sur- gical interference, while there are still others that will cause death from primary or secondary hemorrhage, alone or subse- quent peritonitis. Just where the border line is between leaving them alone and opening the abdomen has not been deter- mined. Until it has been more accurately and definitely established the treatment should be most radical surgery, where there is the least doubt, as opening the abdomen will permit of most accurate knowledge of the extent of the injury. If suture, packing or the ligation of a bleeding vessel, removal of clots or foreign substance be necessary, it can be done. If not the incision may be closed with safety, and the knowledge that nothing has been left undone. Mosler records fifteen splenotomies for hydatids. Six aspirated, six died, three not recorded SPLENECTOMY. Removal of the spleen is a time honored operation, the ancients having removed the normal spleen from runners to give them greater speed. It is done with ease as compared with the removal of certain other abdominal organs. That life may be maintained indefinitely without it, has been proven by experi- ments upon animals and human beings alike. That a part or all of it should be re- moved in certain conditions is without question. It has been successfully done for hernia, injury, hypertrophy, leukocy- themia, tuberculosis, new growth>^ (ma- lignant and benign), and cysts, parasitic or otherwise. A part or all of it should be retained SURGER7' OF THE SPLEEN. if possible in all conditions, except when malignant. There have been more than three hun- dred splenectomies made on human beings for various purposes. It is diilicult to determine what the rate of mortality has been, but, in general, a fair estimate would be 50 per cent. This can hardly be considered a high rate of mortality when the character of the cases and the emergency of the work is considered. From 1865 to 1875 the mortality was 80 per cent. ; from 1S76 to 1885 .1^5 per cent. ; from 1886 to 1895 20.68 per cent. ; from 1896 to 1903 13 to 15 per cent. Conklin {Med. Record., J"ly 28, 1894) tabulates splenectomies for malarial spleen with eight deaths. Tricomi {Lc Mercrcdi) , in 1894, records eight splenectomies for various conditions, with eight recoveries. Zuccarelli (^Iwcr/ran A/cd. and Surg. ]hiUct'ni,^\-Ay I, 1894) records two sple- nectomies for mfalarial spleen with two recoveries. He gives an additional table of nine splenectomies for movable spleen with two deaths ; eight for simple hyper- trophy, with three deaths; twelve mala- rial hypertrophy, with tliree deaths; four for leukocythemia, pseudoleukemia, two deaths. (Sutton {London Lancet, No. 3764, 1895) recorded three successful splenec- tomies. He recommends the operation for simple or malarial hypertrophy, and says that the mortality is high in leukocythemia and low in wandering spleen, and that the principal dangers are shock and hem- orrhage. Spanton {Britisli ALed. yournal, No- vember 2, 1895) reports three splenec- tomies : First, simple hypertrophy, death five hours from hemorrhage; second, simple hypertrophy, death eleven hours, from shock; third, simple hypertrophy with recovery. His table shows twenty- five splenectomies for leukocythemia with only one recovery. Thirty -eight sple- nectomies for hypertrophy with twenty deaths. Douglas {Journal American ALcdical Association , April 25, 1896) reports twenty-nine splenectomies in America with eleven deaths. In an additional table which he gives is shown six splenectomies for hydatids with four deaths, five for primary sarcoma with two deaths, thirty- six for leukocythemia with thirty -one deaths. Assaky, Ceci, Landfois, Franzolin and Ilartman, each had a case recover. Again, Douglas records forty-one sple- nectomies for malarial hypertrophy with twenty- four recoveries, his own case re- covering; fifty-nine for simple hypertro- phy, with thirty-four recoveries, a mor- tality of 42 per cent. ; three for simple cystoma, all recovered; three non-trau- matic abscess and slough, with three re- coveries ; two for floating spleen, with one recovery; forty - three for wounds, forty-two recoveries. In eight of the forty- three the part protruding was excised. Halm collected seven splenectomies with two deaths. Trinkler says the mortality in splenec- tomies is 21.7 per cent. Terrier found three twisted pedicles, Hartman one, and Klein found one at autopsy. The spleen should be removed whenever the pedicle is found twisted. Schwarz {N. 1\ Med. Journal, No- vember, 1903) gives ten clinical histories of patients with hypertrophied and dis- placed spleen due to malaria, in which cases he performed splenectomy. In six cases he found torsion of the pedicle. In some of the patients the malarial symp- .toms disappeared after the operation, but in others they continued, showing that splenectomy does not cure malaria. splenopp:xy. Splenopexy has been performed in sev- eral cases with gratifying results. That the aggravated forms of "wandering" spleen should be returned to its normal position and kept there by one or more of the various surgical methods devised for that purpose is without question. IMucker, 1895; Heydenreich, 1S96, and GreifTenhagen, 1S91, each succeeded in anchoring a wandering spleen. K^ydygier first advised anchoring of the spleen. Bardenheur cites a case in which he fixed the spleen outside the cavity of the peri- toneum in the sub-peritoneal tissues. The spleen was forced through a small opening in the peritoneum ; the parietal peritoneum was then sutured to the parietal coat of the pedicle, and thus communication with the peritoneal cavity was closed. To ancJior, pass the suture around the SURGERl- OF THE SPLEEN. tenth rib and lower end of viscus and small sutures in fascia and connective tissue. Incise longitudinally from tenth rib to iliac crest, then at right angle to upper end of this incision. SPLENORRHAPHY. Splenorrhaphy is suturing for any pur- pose. It is done to anchor a wandering spleen, and to close incisions or lacera- tions from any cause. It has been dotie successfully many times. The sutures should be of silk or cat-gut, preferably silk, and should not be too near each other. They should not come nearer than one-half inch to the border of the incision, and only taut enough to approxi- mate the incised borders. GENERAL SURGERY. Historical. — Clark, 1673, mentions a case of resection of the human spleen. Cruger, 1685, published a case of ex- cision of the human spleen to the Academy of National Curiosities. Taritoni, 1700, removed the entire spleen. Ferguson, 1732, gives an account of the extirpation of a part of the human spleen. Larry saw three cases of laceration of the spleen by weapons, all of which re- covered. Young, 1801, records a case of enlarged spleen cured by actual cautery. Cooper, Sir A,, records a case of dirk wound of the spleen. O'Brien, 1816, mentions a case of re- moval of the spleen without injury or derangement to the animal economy. Leveille records a sabre wound of the spleen which recovered. Schultze, 1828, writes about the extir- pation of the spleen. Chapman, 1836, excised a spleen. Qiiittenbaum, during the same year, commented on hypertrophy of the spleen, and gave the history of extirpation of a hypertrophied spleen. Eagle, 1842, proposed the excision of the spleen and tying the splenic artery and vein as a remedy in some professedly incurable diseases. Bregoli, 1844, proposed a similar oper- ation. Dunglison, 1845, reports a case of dis- location of the spleen in which a splenec- tomy was made. Degaille, 1850, operated for an infected hydatid cyst of the spleen. Rombeau, 1854, punctured a hydatid cyst of the spleen ; result, death. Kuchler, 1855, extirpated a spleen with tumors upon it. Dorsey, 1855, incised a spleen and broke up adhesion for splenalgia. Harley, 1857, exhibited specimens of a living rat from which both the suprarenal capsules and the spleen had been removed. This exhibition was before the London Pathologic Society. Simon, 1858; Eggel, 1859; and Mar- tini, 1859, each record a case of extirpa- tion of the spleen. Gibb, 1S62, removed a spleen weighing fifteen pounds from a live dog. Skoda, 1864 ; Pserhofer, 1865 ; Koeberte, 1867; and Thiernesse, 1867, each report a case of extirpation of the spleen. Pean, 1867, made a splenectomy, with complete extirpation of a cyst, in a woman twenty years of age. Hyatt, 1868, reports a wound of the spleen, removal of portion ; recovery. Schumann, 1868; Bryant, 1868, each made an extirpation of the spleen ; the latter was for enlargement of the gland, attended by leukocythemia. Pean, 1869, made both an ovariectomy and a splenectomy upon the same pa- tient. Uterhart, 1869, removed a hydatid cyst of the spleen. Schindeler, 1870, extirpated the spleen, and Philipeaux, 1870, made a complete transverse section of the spleen. Magdelain, 1868, recorded a case of cyst of the spleen, followed by sple- notomy. Powell, 186S, discussed spleen and su- prarenal capsules removed from a case of phthisis. Bazille, 1871, reported a case of com- plete hernia of the spleen due to trauma- tism. He applied a ligature to the pedicle and removed the spleen. Wilde, 187 1, incised a hydatid cyst of the spleen. (ialliet, 1873, punctured a unilocular hydatid cyst of the spleen. P^lias, 1873, had a case of traumatic hernia of the spleen, in which he made a splenectomy. Trafton, 1874, tapped the spleen with a pneumatic aspirator. Markham, 1874, made an excision of a SURGERY OF THE SPLEEN. portion of the spleen with recovery of the patient. Renger, 1874; Mosler, 1874; Fowler (J. II.), 1875; Brochin, 1876; Barrault, 1876; Fowler (S. P.), 1876; Kuster, 1S76; Hard, 1877; Billroth, 1877; Simmons, 1877; and Goldhaber, 1877, each record a case of extirpation of the human spleen, the latter with recovery ((ioldhaber) . Browne, 1877, reports a case of rapid hypertrophy of the spleen in which he excised it. Otis, 1877, gives a history of a case of complete extrusion of the spleen from an incised wound, with ligature and removal of the spleen ; recovery. Hammond, 1878, successfully aspirated the spleen, with recovery. Faris, 1868, made a partial excision of the spleen, with recovery. Mori, 1878, made a successful operation for echinococcus of the spleen. Monod, 187S, made a successful punc- ture of the apex of the spleen for a hydatid cyst. Arnison, 1878, and Martin, 1878, each made a successful splenectomy. Rogers, 1878, reported a case of extir- pation of the spleen. Nedopil, 1879, one of laparosplenec- tomy, as did Czerny also in 1879. Roux, 1879, punctured an abscess of the spleen, and injected with a solution of iodoform. Goslin, 1S80, reports a case in which he used a hypodermic injection of ergotin into the spleen for chronic enlargement. Franzolini, 1882, made a splenectomy for hypertrophy. Wallace, 1883, successfully punctured an abscess of ihe spleen, with complete drainage; recovery. Crede, 1883, and Haward, 1883; each report a case of splenectomy ; while Collier, 1883, questions the operation of splenec- tomy for leukocythemia. Corona, 1883; Morse, 1882; and Blum, 1883, each report a case of excision of the spleen. Partsevski, 1883, aspirated an abscess of the spleen. Peiper, 1883, injected Fowler's solution into a parenchymatous spleen for leukemia. Younkin, 1884, made a splenotomy for a wandering fpleen; recovery. Mollier, 1884, made a splenectomy, and Asdale, 1884, successfully removed the spleen in a dog. Terrier, 1884, made a splenectomy for hypertrophic spleen ; death from hemor- rhage. \'on Hacker, 1884, and ISIosler, 1884, each made an extirpation of the spleen. \'idal Garcin, 1884, cured a cyst of the spleen by puncture and injection. Pietryikowski, 1884; Biziel, 1884; Tiz- zodi, 1884; (jilson, 1885; and Roddick, 1885, each report a case of splenectomy. Eternod, 1885, considers at length the regeneration of the spleen after it has been extirpated. Collier, 1886, considers the cases of splenectomy made by Knowsley Thornton. Lauenstein, 1887, records a case in which he opened an abscess of the spTeen. Chowdlioory, 1887, reports a case of abscess of the spleen bursting into the left lung; cured by operation. Donat, 1887; Deakin, 1887; (Jovseef, 1887; Ceci, 1887; Casini, 1887; Pomara. 1887 ; and Vrabie, 1887, each record a ca>e of splenectomy. Hyer, 1887, reported an incised wound of the spleen. McCann, 1887, made a splenectomy for a dislocated or wandering spleen, as did Myers also in 1887. Podrez, 1887; Ribera, 1887; Pennato, 1887; and Orlowski, 1887, each made a splenectomy. McCiraw, 1888, excised a dislocated spleen, and the patient subsequently ex- pectorated the ligature of the pedicle. Goodell. 1888; Liebmann, 1888; and Nilson, 1888, each made a splenectomy, the latter for a floating hypertrophied spleen. J'ostempski, 1888, reports a case of laceration of the lung due to contusion, with laparotomy and exploration, and splenectomy. Severeanu, 1888; Putti, 1888; Inotescu, 1888; Park, 1888; Kocher, 1888, and A^ch, 1888, each report a case of sple- nectomy. Kohler, 1888, reports a case with splenic tumor with ascites and anasarca ; explora- tive laparotomy. Ilelmuth, 1888, reports a case of .spindle (spindle myeloma) cell sarcoma of the spleen in an infant eighteen months old, in which he made a splenectomy ; the tumor weighed nine and one half jiounds. Lawrason, 1888 ; Fussell, 1889 ; Willien, 1889; Hatch, 1889; D'Antona 1889; Beijers, 18S9; Bond, 1889; Terrillon, SURGERT OF THE SPLEEN. 123 1889, and Relazione, 1889, each report a case of extirpation of the spleen, Ross, 1889, reviews the list of cases of splenectomy recorded by Dr. Asch, of Breslau, and his deductions therefrom. St. Lawrence Hurke, i8S9,made a sple- nectomy for tuberculosis of the spleen. Wyman. 1889, ligated the splenic artery for cure of hypertrophy of the spleen. KurloflF, 1889, reported his observations on the alteration in the blood of animals in the course of first year after removal of spleen. Balls-Headley, 1889; Spandow, 1SS9; Fink, 1889; Bollici, 1889; Metzges, 1890; Filippoff and Kauznezoff, 1890, each re- port a splenectomy. Fountain, 1890, reports a case of abscess of the spleen in which he operated with drainage and recovery. Ledderhose, 1S90; Ghillini, 1890; Bar- denheur, 1890; JVIartino, 1890; Glasgow, 1890; De Renzi, 1890; Tassi, 1890; IMensi, 1891 ; Bruhl, 1891 ; Folet, 1891 ; Ilolbek, 1891 ; Due, 1891 ; Von Burck- hardt, 1S92 ; Tricomi and Lindfors, 1893, each record a splenectomy. James, 1893, reports a case of gunshot wound of the spleen and diaphragm in which he sutured both, with recovery. Orlando, 1893 ; Paine, 1892 ; Lennan- der, 1892: Emelianoff, 1893; and Meero- vitsch, 1893, each report cases of the re- moval of spleen, the latter reporting three splenectomies. Ilertaux, 1893, reports a splenectomy for displacement of the spleen. Cowen, 1893, reports a case of splenec- tomy for carcinoma ; death from shock. (jangitano, 1893; Massopust, 1893; Treub, 1893: Jemoli, 1S93, each report extirpation of the spleen. Riegner, 1893, removed the spleen for traumatism of that organ. Paine, 1893; Pirri, 1893; Ceci, 1893; Postempski, 1894; Markoe, 1894; and Conklin, 1894, each report one or more splenectomies, several of which were successful. Warbasse, 1894, wrote on the surgery and physiology of the spleen. Wagner, 1894, extirpated a wandering sarcomatous spleen. Stemen, 1894, reports a case of partial removal of the spleen. Terrier, 1894, reports his observations on splenectomy with torsion of the ped- icle. Sabbatani, 1894, records a case of sple- nectomy for enlargement of the spleen due to influenza. Murphy, 1894, published his notes on a successful removal of the spleen. Schalita, 1894, and Poisson, 1S94, each report a case of removal of the spleen. Jvatzenstein, 1893, reports a case of subacute pseudo - leukemia in which he injected a solution of arsenic. Zikoff, 1895, reports a case of lacer- ation of the spleen which he successfully sutured. Spanton, 1895, reports three such cases. Regnoli, 1895, made a total extirpation of the spleen. Ilerczel, 1895, made a splenectomy for primary sarcoma of the spleen. Rydygier, 1895, reports a case in which he operated for wandering spleen. Mueller and Staley, 1895 ; Ketchersid, 1895 ; Schalita, 1895 ; SykoflF, 1895 ; Kouwer, 1895; Salomoni, 1895; and Aievoli, 1895, each record a splenec- tomy. IvanoiY, 1895, speaks of the value of steam in surgery of the spleen. Delatour, 1895, records a case of throm- bosis of the mesenteric veins as the cause of death after splenectomy. Bertini, 1895; Hahn, 1895; Markoe, 1895 ; Gabbi, 1895 ; Domenici, 1895 ; Sut- ton, 1895; Neel, 1895; Duncan, 1895; Hahn, 1896; Ghetti, 1896; Douglas, 1896; Pitts and Ballance, 1896; Briggs, 1896; Lodigiani, 1896; Rocheblave. 1896; Hatchett, 1896; Jonnesco, 1896; Bell, 1896; Valeggia, 1896; and Rakhmanoff", 1896, each report a splenectomy, the latter for a wandering spleen in a pregnant woman. Guerin and Legros, 1896, report a sup- puratory hydatid cyst of the spleen with perforation of the diaphragm, in which a thoracotomy was made. Bond, 1896; lonescu, 1896; Ninni, 1896; and Brown, 1896, each report a case of splenectomy ; the latter was for the prolapse of spleen through a perforated wound of the abdomen ; recovery. Courmont and Duffau, 1897; Strange and Ware, 1897; Catellani, 1S97; Fuller- ton, 1897; Deeble, 1897; Ilartman, 1897; Von Beck, 1897; Vaquez, 1897; Walter, 1897 Pariyski, 1897; Strong, 1898; and Mikhailovski, each report cases of sple- nectomy, the latter reporting nine such cases. 124 SURGERT OF THE SPLEEN. Jonnesco ( Gaz. des hopitaux, October 27, 189S) reports twenty-three cases of splenectomy, one for hydatids, twenty- two for malarial enlargement. One died from ihe operation and seven from causes not connected with the operation. Hartley, 1S98, made a splenectomy. Jordan, 1898, speaks of conservative surgery of the spleen, and mentions a bloodless method of partial excision per- formed on twenty-two dogs with twenty- one recoveries ; note of the blood exami- nation before and after operation. Moulonguet, 1898; Colorni, 1898; Van- erts, 1898; Bragagnolo, 1898; and Kirch- off, 1898, each report a case of splenec- tomy. Merritt, 1898, records a case of explora- tory incision in an immense spleen, filling to a great extent the abdominal cavity. Aach, 1898; and Sutton, 1898, each report a case of splenectomy, the latter for a wandering tubercular spleen. Morestin, 1898; ZiatarofF, 1898; Mag- liano, 1898; Quine, 1898; Laccetti, 1898; Parona, 1898; Tricoma, 1898; Temoin, 1898; Alessandro, 1899; and Pugliese, 1899, each report a case of splenectomy. Morrison, 1899, reports a case of excision of the spleen with recovery. Ricketts, B. Merrill, 1899, made an ex- ploratory incision in a case of enormous spleen; death in six hours. Man, aged fifty-four. Gushing, 1899, made a splenectomy for splenic-anemia. Bovee, 1900, made a splenectomy with attempted surgical cure of ascites due to scirrhus of the liver. Nunez, 1900, reports three splenecto- mies for hypertrophy. Dallas, 1900; Hagen, 1900; Parlavec- chio, 1900; Chandelux, 1900; Llobet, 1900; Moses, 1900; Power, 1900; Men- del, 1900; Nannotti, i9(X); Schwarz, 1900; Sandoveanu, 1900; Michailowsky, 1900; Cominotti, 1900; Sokoloff, 1900; Ashby, 1901 ; Jordan, 1901 ; Mixter, 1901 ; McKenna, 1901 ; Cirillo, 1901 ; Warren, 1901 ; and Lazanet, 1901, each report cases of splenectomy. Harrison, March, 1902, reports a sple- nectomy in splenic anemia. Earnest, J. G., 1902, reports a splenec- tomy. McGraw, T. A., 1902, reports a sple- nectomy for leukemic enlargement. Balloch, 1902, reports a traumatic rup- ture of the spleen ; splenectomy ; death on sixth day. Micili, 1903, reports a case of hydatid cyst of the spleen which recovered after puncture and drainage. Sappy records a case of a boy, eleven years old, who recovered from laceration of the spleen. Webster, J. C, removed a spleen weigh- ing twenty -eight ounces. The pedicle was twisted. Diagnosis not made until after abdomen had been opened. Recov- ery, {your. Amer. Med. Assn., April 4, 1903, p. 887-891.) UIBLIOGRAPHY. Clark, T. Misc. acad. nat. curios., 1673, Fran- cof et Lipz., 1788, decuria i, anu 4 and 5, 198. Cruger, 1). Misc. acad. nat. curios., 1684, Noiimb,, 1685, decuria 2, iii, 378 380. Ferguson, J. Phila. Tr., London, 1732-44, ix, 149. Young. Ann. Med., Edinburgh, 1801, i, lus- trum 2, 437-446. O'Brien, E. Med.-Chir. Journal and Review, London, 1816, i, 8. Seiler and Ficinus. Ztschr. f. nat. u. heilk., Dresden, 1820-22, ii, 317-421. Rousseau. Jour. gen. de med., chir. et pharm., Paris, 1824, Ixxxvi, 376 380. Schultze, C. A. S. Lit. ann. d. ges. heilk., Berlin, 1828, xii, 385-397. Chapman, L Tr. Med. and Phys. Soc, Cal- cutta, 1836, viii, pt. i, p. 30. Qiiittenbaum, C. F. Rostocchii, 1836. Eagle, F. Lancet, London, 1842 3, 1, 58 61. Babel, A. Grjphiae, 1843. Bardeleben. Compt. rend. acad. d. sc, Paris, 1844, xviii, 485. Bregoli, G. Raccoglitore, Fano, 1844, xiv, 341-345- Dunglison, R. Cycl. Pract. Med. (Tweedle), Philadelphia, 1845, iv, 229. Rombeau. Bull. soc. anat., Paris, 1854, xxix, 341 5- Degaille. Bull. soc. anat., Paris, 1850, xxv, 112. Coyrand, G. Mort. Gaz. Med., Paris, 1855, X, 7-9- Kuchler, H. Darmstadt, 1855. Dorsey, G. V. Med. Counsellor, Col., 1855, i, 777-9- Adelmann, G. Deutsche klinik., Berlin, 1856, viii, 175, 183. Pignacca, A. Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1857, clix, 445. Braun,J. Dorpati, Liv., 1857. Harley. Tr. Path. Soc, London, 1857-8, ix, 401. Simon, G. Darmstadt, 1858. Eggel, F. G. F. Berolini, 1859. Martini, O. Schmidt's Jahrb., Leipzig, 1859, ci, 228-236. Gibb. Tr. Path. Soc, London, 1862-3, xiv, 286. Skoda. Wien. med., Halle, 1864. v, 473. Pserhofer. Wien. Med Presse, 1865, vi, 731. Wilks, S. Guy's Hosp. Rep., London, 1865, xi, 37-44- SURGERY OF THE SPLEEN. 125 Wells, Sir T. S. Tr. Path. Soc, London, 1865-6, xvii, 29f-8. Koeberte, E. France med.. Paris, 1867, xiv, 707. 715- Thiernesse. Bull. acad. roy. de med. Belg., Brux. 1867, i, 154 157. Pean. Union med., Paris, 1867, iv, 340, 373, 405. 431- Infarto del bazo Aapiracion med., Madrid, 1867 8, r, pt. 2, 328. Hyatt, B. N. Indian Med. Gaz., Calcutta, 1868, iii, 85. Schumann, A. Schmidt's Jahrb., Leipz., 1868, cxl, 218 228. Bryant, T. Guy's Hosp. Rep., London, 1866, xii,444; 1868, xiii, 411-418. Magdelain, L. Splenotomies, Paris, 1868. Cutcliffe, H. C. Indian Med. Gaz., Calcutta, 1869, iv, 262. Powell, R. D. Tr. Path. Soc, London, 1868-9, XX, 366-369- Pean, J. E. Ovariotomie et splenotomie, Paris, 1869. Uterhart, C. Berl. klin. woch., 1869, vi, 35 46. Schindeler, T. Beitrage zur kenntniss der veranderungen des thierischen organismus nach mizexstirpation. Griefswald, 1870. Philipeaux, J. M. Compt. rend. soc. biol., Paris, 1870, ii, 40. Bazelle. Rec. de mem. de med. mil., Paris, 1871, xxvi, 119. Wilde. Destche arch. f. klin. med., Leipz., 1871, viii, 116-120. Galliet. Bull, soc med. de Renns, 1873, 68 72. Elias. Gaz. med. d'Orient, Constantinople, 1873-4, xvii, 148. Trafton, A. Tr. Med. Soc. Calif., 1874-5, 116 119. Markham, H. C. Med. Record, New York, 1874, 'X, 482. Renger, M. C. Zur behandlung chronischer milztumoren, Griefwald, 1874. Mosler, F. Deutsches arch. f. klin, med., Leipz., 1874 5, XV, 1 17-122. Fowler, J. H. Nashville Journal Medicine and Surgery, 1875, xv, 275-277. Gaz. med. de Paris, 1876, v, 355. Brochin. Gaz. d. hop., Paris, 1876, xlix, 1066. Barrault, E. Etude sur la valeur de la sple- notomie. Paris, 1876. M. Ch. Robin et M. le Dr. Pean. Etude de la splenotomie. Paris, 1876. Fowler, S. P. Splenotomy, Lancet, London, 1876, ii, 699. Jaxa Kwiatkowski. Ann, soc. de med., St. Etienne et de la Loir. Compt. rend. (1872 5), 1876, V, pt. 3, 367-372. Kuster, E, Ein chir. Trienn., 1876 8, Kassel u. Berlin, 1882, 157. Hard, J. Finiske lak-saillsk handl. Helsings- fors, 1877, xix, 205 214. Billroth, A. Wien, med. woch., 1877, xxvii, 97 100. Goldhaber, A. Przegl. lek. Krakow, 1877, xvi, 427. Simmons, G. B. Pacific Med. and Surg. Jour- nal, San Francisco, 1877-8, xx, 306-313. Med. and Surg. Rep., Philadelphia, 1877, xxxvi, 221-3. Browne, H. L. Lancet, London, 1877,11,310. Otis, G. A. Boston Med. aud Surg. Journal, i877^cxvi, 361-363. Hammond, W. A. Richmond and Louisville Med. Journal, 1878, xxvi, 105-109. Loomis, A. L. Hosp- Gaz., New York, 1878, iii, 191 5. Farris, A. A. Am. Pract., Louisville, 1878, xvii, 269. Mori, R. Racoglitore med., Lorh., i8;8, x, 113-130. Anderson, E. C. Am. Med. Bi-Wetkly, Louis- ville, 1878, ix, I. Monod, E. France med., Paris, 1878, xx, 743- 749 ,, , . Arnison, W. C. British Med. Journal, Lon- don, 1878, ii, 723. Semple, A. Med. Exam., London, 1878, iii, 30. B. F. Boston Med. and Surg. Journal, 1878, xcix, 195. Martin. British Med. Journal, London, 1878, i, 191. Pouchet. Comp, rend. soc. biol., Paris, 1878, 1880, V, 187. Rogers, H. W. Buffalo Med. and Surg. Jour- nal, 1878-9, xviii, 367 369. Roux. Marseilles Med., 1879, xvi, 418, 465. Nedopil, M. Wien. nud. woch., 1879, xxix, 222, 252, 285. Czerny, V. Wien. med. woch., 1879, xxix, 333' 367) 395. 457- kurz, E. Deutsche med. woch,, Berlin, 1879, V, 370373. Guerin and Roze. Union med., Paris, 1880, xxix, 953-955. Malassez and Picard. Comp. rend. soc. biol., Paris, 1880, V, 117-119. Jaeger, J. Strassburg, 1880. Goslin, A. St. Jos. Med. and Surg. Rep., 1880-81, 1, 129 134. Franzolini, F. Independente, Torino, 1882, xxxiii, 217, 241, 265, 289, 337, 361, 385, I tab. Wallace. Indian Med. Gaz., Calcutta, 1882, xvii, 52. Crede, B. Verhandl. d. deutsche gesellsch. f. chir., Berlin, 1882, xi, pt. 2, 89 98. Haward, W. Tr. Clin. Soc, London, 1882, xv, 172-179. Collier, H. Lancet, London, 1882, 1, 219 222. Corona, A. Spallanzani, Modena, i88-', xi, 113-118. Morse, J. F. West. Lancet, San Francisco, 1882, xi, 403. Winogradow, K. Centralbl. f. d. med. wiss., Berlin, 1882, xx, 900 905. Partsevski, A. S. Med. Obi , Z. R., Moskow, 1883, XX, 453 460. Blum, A, Arch. gen. med., Paris, 1883, xi, 7^5 7.34- ^ , , Thornton, J. K. Tr. Path. Soc, London, 1883-4, XXXV, 385. Peiper. Deutsches arch. f. klin. med., Leipz., 1883 4, xxxiv, 352-356. Thomas, J. D. Austral. Med. Journal, Mel- bourne, 1884, vi, 385-390. Younkin, E. Am. Med. Journal, St. Louis, 1884, xii, 289 294. Mollier, D. Diet, encycl. d. sc. med., Paris, 1884, xi, 327-3 »5. Asdale.W. J. Med. and Surg. Reporter, Phila- delphia, 1884, i, 681. Terrier, F. Bull, et mem. soc, d. chir., Paris, 1884, x, 505 514. Von Hacker. Wien. med. presse, 1884, xxv, 435- 126 SURGERl' OF THE SPLEEN. Von Hacker. Berlin, Leipz., 1884, 70 72. Mosler. Deutsche med. woch., Berlin, 1884, X, 337- Vidal, Garcin M. Cron. med., Lima, 1884, i, 253 255 Pietzikowski. Piag. med. wocli., 1884, ix, 1S5, 205, 234, 248. Bizit^l, J. Deutsche ztschr. f. chir., Leipz , 1SS4-S, xx"i, 579 5^3- Tizzoni, G. Arch, per le sc. med., Torino, 1884-5, viii, 255-282. Mem r. acad. d. sc. d. ist. di Bologna, 1S84 6, vi, 731 742- Eternod, A. Rev. med. de la Suisse, Rom., Geneve, 1885, v, 24 43, 2 pi. Gilson, H. Rev. de chir., Paris, 1885, v, 317- 329- Roddick, T. G. Med. News, Philadelphia, 1885, xlvii, 581. Le Bee. Ann. med. chir. franc, et etrang., Paris, 1885, i, 252-257. Weiss, r. Rev. med. de I'est, Nancy, 1885, xvii, 50-54. Collier, H. Lancet, London, 1886, i, 854. Med. -Chir. Tr., London, 1886, Ixix, 407 417. Fouhert, S. Paris, 1886- Thiele, F. W. O. Berlin, 1886. Deutsche med. woch., Berlin, 1886, xii, 213. Austral. Med. Gaz , 1886 7, vi, 215. Donat, E. Arch. f. clin. chir., Berlin, 1886 7, xxxiv, 957 962. Lauenstein, C. Deutsche med. woch., 1887, xiii, 1098. Deakin, C. W. S. Indian Med. Journal, Cal- cutta, 1887, vi, 54 56, I pi. Govseef, L. A. Vrach., St. Petersb., 1887, viii, 668, 691, 708. Arch. f. klin. cliir., Berlin, 1S87, xxxvi. .^42- 492. Ceci. Arch, et atti d. sc. ital. di chir., 1886, Roma, 1887, iii, 206 323, 5 pi. Casini, A. Ann. clin. d. osp incur , Napoli, 1887, i, 3+2-3-15- Pomara, B. Sicilla, Messina, 1887. Lancet, London, 1887, i, 441. Severin, (i. Beitrage zur extirpation von milz tumoren, VVurtzburg, 1S87. Chowdhoory, K. P. British Med. Journal, London, 1887, ii, 1947. \'rabie, V. Spitalul Bucuresci. 1887, vii, 266. Hyer, W. F. Mississippi Valley Med. Monthly, Memphis, 1887, vii, 204. McCann, J. Tr. Am. Surg. Assn., Philadel- phia, 1887, V, 365-373. Myers, W. H. Jour. Am. Med. Assn., 1887, viii, 371. Strong, A. B. West. Med. Reporter, Chicago, 1887, ix, 215. Podrez, A. G. O vyrezyv selez Splenitomia Trudi, Obsh. Russk., Vrach v Moskve, 1887, i, 61-78. Ribera y Sans, J. Rev. de med. y cirurg. pract., Madrid. 1887, xx, 229, 286, 347, 399, 456, 570- Pennato, P. Ulteriori notizie intorne alia donna operata di splenectomia nel 1881 da! 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Hilgendorf and Puli( ki. Knotigc- hyperplasia der milz bei einem afTen (macacus cynamolgus). Centralbl. f. d. med. Wiss., Berlin, 1869. vii, 561. Mi'on, V. I. Ueber den bau der mi!z. Ber- lin, 1869. La perniciosita. Arch, di med. chir. ed. ig , Roma, i86g, i, 65, 129. Eichwald, E. Ueber percussion der milz. St. Petersb. med. ztschr., 1870, i, 365 367. Intorno al corso del sangue nella vene porta dei mammiferi subordinatamente alia esistenza della nuova funzione attribuita alia milz. Bull, d. sc. med. di Boloena, 1870, x, 44 53 Boettcher, A. Ueber die entwiikelung von milz cysten. Dorpat. med. ztschr., i87r, i, 287-296. Inflammation de la rate. Rev. phot. d. hop., Paris, 1871, iii, 268274. Birch-Hirschfield, F. D. Defect der milz. bei einem neugebornen. Arch. d. heilk, Leipz., 1871, xii. 190. Birch-Hirschfield. Der acute milztumor. Arch, d. heilk., Leipz , 1872. xiii, 38 1-413. Hunter, J. S. A Strange and Rare Case. Nash- ville Journal Medicine and Surgery, 1872, 10 15. Concato, L. 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Sulla splenopessia. Terap, clin., Napoli, 1896, v, 63. Wells, G. W. The Spleen in its Relation to Insurance. Med. Exam., New York, 1896, vi, 192-194. Danilevski, V. I. Note on the Therapeutic Value of Spleen Extract. Vestnik med., Khar- kov, 1896, i, 373. Barbas, J. Ein interessanter fall von leukemia. Ungarmed. presse, Budapest, 1897, ii, 145-147. Silva, B. Su di un case, di malattia dei Banti (Splenomegalia con cirrosi epatica). Corriere san Settim, Milano, 1897, viii, 2 4. Margarucci. Un caso di splenopessica abdomi- nale. Arch, ed atti d. sj. ital. di chir., 1897, Roma, 1898, xii, 27-31. Bacelli, G. Di una cisti ematica della milza. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1897, xviii, 394 399. Woit, O. Zur entwickelung der milz. Anat. hefte, Wiesb., 1897, ix> 119-202, 6 pi. Giorane, D. Contributo alia fissazione di milza mobile. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1898, xix, 1565- Ewart, W. Resonant Spleens. Lancet, Lon- don, 1898, ii, 960. Picou, R. Des variations des rapports de la rate suivant I'age et le seze. Echo med., Tou- louse, 1898, xii, 49 54. Banti, G. Nuovi studio sulla splenomegalia con cirrosi epatica. Policlin, Roma, 1898, v, sez. med., 104-116. Nesti, G. Li volume della milza nella intossi- cazioni. Riforma med., Napoli, 1898, xiv, pt. 2, 145-157- SUR0ER7' OF THE SPLEEN. 137 Bradford, J. R. A Clinical Lecture on Leu- kaeniie. Clin. Journal, London, 1898, xii, 109. Franke, F. Ueber die annahung der wander- milz (nebst mittheilung eines falies von spastis- chen darmverschluss). Deutsche ztschr. f. chir., Leipz., 1898, xlvii, 580 589. Bois and Kerr. Clinical Studies with Spleen and Thyroid Extracts. British Med. Journal, London, 1898, ii, 684. Clark, A. C. The Therapeutic Value of Spleen Extract. Edinburgh Med. Journal, 1898, iii, 152 163. Ehstein, W. Ueber die beziehungen der sogen harnsauren diathesec -^ur leukamie. Arch. f. path, anat., Berlin, 1898, cliv, 349-362. Grandis, V. Sur I'echange retpiratiore dans le leucemie. Trans, from Gazz. med. di Torino, 1898, xlvii. Arch. Ital. de biol., Turin, 1898, xxix, 250-258. De Buck, D. Opmerkingen over een gaeval van leukaenmi. Med. Weekbl., Amst., 1898-9, V, 5+1-4. Virchow, R. Milzpigment und blutkorper- chen-haltige zellen. Arch. f. path, anat., Berlin, 1900, 15, X, 473 4. Rate (question d'onternat). Gaz. hebd. de med. et chir., Paris, 1900, xlvii, No. 57, ann., 1 p. Costes, L. Charbon blanc. Rev. med. Afric- que du Nord. Alger, 1900, iii, 964 966. Ball, O. Untersuchungen uber milzbrand- feindliche eigenschaften des hundeorganismus. Centralbl. f. bakteriol. paraseitk., Jena, 1900, xxvii, 517.525. Cardarelli. La ipermegalia splenica con cirrosi epatica (Morbo del Banti). Riv. crit. di clin. med., Firenze, 1900, i, 333-338. Conradi. Baktericide und milzbrandinfection. Ztschr. f. hyg. u. infectionskrankh., Leipz , 1900, xxiv, 185 205. Delaunay. Observation d'un cas mortel de pustule maligne. Poiton med., Poitoires, 1900, XV, II. Matzuschita, T. Ueber die veranderlic hkeit der eingenschaft des bacillus anthracis gelatine zu verflussigen. Centralbl. f. bakteriol. parasi- tenk., Jena, 1900, xxviii, 303 304. Zenzes, H. Ein beitrag zur casuistik des milz- brandes beim menschen (infection durch Ros- shaare). Inaug.diss., Munchen, 1900, Juli. Corradi, G. La pustola maligna di origine commerciale ed industriale a Genova. Riv. d'lg. e san pubb,, Torino, 1900, xi, 498-510. Nascimbebe, M. La milza nell economia dell organism© nota. Union med. Ital., Torino, 1900, iv, 58. Strubell, A. Ein neuer beitrag zur therapie des milzbrandes. Munchen. med. woch., 1900, xlvii, 642 6. Leguizamon, H. Esplenomegalia con cirrosis del higade enfermedad de Banti. Rev. soc. med. argent., Buenos Aires, 1900, viii, 287 295. Reich, C. Ueber die enstehung des milzpig- ments. Arch. f. path, anat., Berlin, 1900, 15 F., X, 378-393- Thole. Ileus durch faserkrebs, der flexure coli lienalis bei einem 20 jahrigen soldaten. Deutsche mil. arztl. ztschr., Berlin, 1901, xxx, 257 275. Tomsa, W. Die pymphwege der milz. Wien nd. d. Miraglia, L. Splenomegalia per autointossi- cazione. Arch, internaz. di med. e chir., Napnli, 1901, xvii, 201-206. Karewski. Vorstelhing eines falies von trau- matischer milznekrose. D. utsche med. woch., 1901, xxvii, ver bei, xxvii, 3. Fortin. R. De la phonendoscopie etude pho- nendoscopique de la rate. Paris, 1901, No. 254, 60 p., 2 fig. Stachelin (Arch. f. klin. med., vol. 76 no. 4) reports his observations on the blood following splenectomy. Spear. Jour. Am. Med. Assn., August i, 1902, p. 304-305. Abscess of Spleen ; Operation ; Death Six Days After. Finkelstein (New York Med. Journal, July 25, 1902, p. iq6) records a splenectomy and Talma's operation for malarial ascites and enlarged spleen ; artificial anastomosis of the portal circulation by Talma's method ; recovery. Rogers (Amer. Med. Journal, September 12, 1903, p. 69) reports two cases of splenectomies for Bante's disease (enormous hypertrophy of the spleen and liver, with ascites and low hemoglobin rate), in which most gratifying results were ob- tained. V. — Surgery of the Thyroid. ANATOMY (1849-I9O3). The thyroid gland in the human body consists of two lateral lobes united by an intervening portion named the isthmus. The right lobe is usually slightly larger than the left. The weight of the whole gland is about one ounce. The geiieral shape of the gland bears some resemblance to that of a horseshoe, the concavity being directed upwards. Each lateral lobe is roughly pyriform in shape. The upper end is smaller; it is directed upwards and slightly backwards, and usually extends as high as the middle of the pof-terior border of the thyroid car- tilage ; sometimes it extends as high as the upper border. The lower end is broader and more rounded. It commonly extends as low as the sixth ring of the trachea. Its relation to the upper border of the sternum varies according to the position of the head and the length of the neck. When the head is extended the lower part of the gland is from half an inch to an inch above the upper border of the ster- num. During flexion of the head it de- scends down to or below this level. The icppcr hor)i of the gland is that part of the lateral lobe which lies above the level of the upper border of the isthmus. Similarly the lorcer hor/i is that part which lies below the lower border of the isthmus ; it is usually much smaller than the upper horn ; frequently it is altogether absent. The isthmus varies greatly in size in different subjects. In rare cases it is en- tirely absent, the two lateral lobes being quite separate from each other. This is the normal condition in many of the lower animals. It may, on the other hand, be thick and broad, covering several rings of the trachea and part of the larynx. Between these two extremes every variety in the size and shape of the isthmus may be found. The isthmus usually covers two or more of the first four rings of the trachea. The py7-afnid o^ Lalouette, often known as the middle lobe, is an elongated portion of gland, which, when present, extends from the isthmus upwards in front of the larynx for a variable distance. Some- times it reaches the hyoid bone ; more often it covers only the lower part of the larynx. From its tip a band of connective tissue frequently extends up- wards to the back of the hyoid bone. Usually the pyramid is present on one side only, most commonly the left. Barely two pyramids are present, in which case one at least will be very small. The pyramid becomes enlarged like the rest of the thy- roid gland when this organ becomes the seat of general enlargement. It may thus, by covering up the cricothyroid membrane and other parts of the larynx, become a source of considerable trouble in such operations as tracheotomy for parenchy- matous goitre. The Jiilus is a term used to denote that place, at the inner and back part of each lateral lobe, at which the inferior thyroid artery enters the gland. Here the recur- rent laryngeal nerve comes into close con- tact with the gland, lying in the space between it and the trachea and esophagus. Relatio7is. — The convex anterior surface of each lateral lobe is covered by the sterno-hyoid and sterno-thyroid muscles, and overlapped by a portion of the sterno- mastoid. On the outer side is the carotid artery, enclosed in its sheath with the internal jugular vein and pneumogastric nerve. Posteriorly, in the concavity formed by the isthmus and the two lateral lobes, lie the trachea, esophagus, and recurrent laryngeal SURGERr OF THE TIIVROID. 139 nerves. Small portions of the larynx and pharynx are embraced by the upper horns, which lie on either side of these struc- tures. The posterior border of each lateral lobe is in contact with the spine and pre-ver- tebral muscles. The gland is invested by a delicate but distinct capsule of connective tissue. This covers uniformly the anterior and lateral aspects of the organ. Passing round the side of the gland to its posterior surface, this capsule then splits into portions. One remains in contact with the gland and invests its posterior surface. The other, the thicker of the two, passes to the pos- terior surface of the pharynx and esopha- gus, thus enclosing thein with the larynx, trachea and thyroid gland in a common sheath. This is an anatomical point which, as will be seen hereafter, is of considerable importance in connection with operations for removal of the diseased gland. To the cricoid cartilage the gland is most firmly connected on each side by a band of connective tissue termed the sus- pensory lioainent. This passes from the inner and back part of the lateral lobe upwards to the cricoid cartilage. Blend- ing below with the capsule of the gland, these two bands form the upper ends of a kind of sling in which the organ is sus- pended and by which it is firmly fixed to the larynx. When the gland has undergone great enlargement and is much increased in weight, these ligaments become of con- siderable importance. They form strong cords, supporting the tumor, which other- wise, by reason of its weight, would tend to fall away from the larynx. It should be added that the recurrent laryngeal nerve lies in immediate contact with this liga- ment on its outer or posterior surface. When enlarged to a moderate extent the gland also comes into relation above with the omohyoid muscle and below with the upper part of the sternum and the inner ends of the clavicles. Blood- J'cssels. — The thyroid gland has a relatively large blood supply. The chief arteries are the superior and inferior thy- roid, the former derived from the external carotid, the latter from the thyroid axis, a branch of the first part of the subc- lavian. The superior thyroid artery meets the gland at the tip of its upper horn. Here the artery frequently gives off a large branch which parses down to the back of the gland. The artery then continues its course downwards and inwards along the inner and anterior border of the horn un- til it reaches the isthmus, where, much diminished in size, it forms an anastomo- sis with the corresponding artery of the opposite side, along the upper border of the isthmus. In its course it gives off, besides branches to neighboring organs, a series of branches which run downwards over the anterior surface of the gland. The smaller branches penetrate the gland and anastomose freely with the other thy- roid arteries. The inferior thyroid artery, usually considerably larger than the superior, runs at first upwards ; it then turns abruptly inwards, runs behind the carotid sheath and the sympathetic nerve and reaches the back of the gland. Here it breaks up into several branches, some of which enter the hilus, while the others spread out upon the posterior surface of the gland. The close proximity of the artery to the recurrent laryngeal nerve is of much importance. Usually the main trunk of the artery passes behind the nerve ; sometimes the artery breaks up before reaching the nerve; in this case one or more of the branches may pass in front of it. Much less commonly the main trunk or all its branches will be found to lie in front of the nerve. Occasionally the thyroid arteries are re- inforced by an additional artery, the thy- roidca ima. This, when present, is usu- ally derived from the innominate artery. It may come, however, from the aorta or the common carotid, or some other neigh- boring vessel. It runs upwards and in- wards, and is distributed to the lower part of the gland. All the thyroid arteries communicate freely with each other. When one is small or absent the others are usually large in inverse proportion. It is worth noting that nearly all the larger branches ramify on the surface of the gland just beneath the capsule. Only the smaller branches penetrate to the inte- rior. The thyroid veius form at first a well- marked plexus on the surface of the gland ; this plexus lies immediately beneath the thin delicate capsule of connective tissue which encloses the gland. At certain points the veins penetrate thiu capauleand 140 SURGERT OF THE THTROID. pass off" into the neighboring trunks. The chief veins thus leaving the gland are the following : The superior thyroid vein has a course similar to that of the corresponding artery ; it leaves the apex of the superior horn and enters the internal jugular vein a little ;ib 've this level. The superior thyroid Veins are connected with each other by a large transverse branch running along the upper border of the isthmus. At the side of the gland is sometimes found a single vein, the middle tliyroid, entering the internal jugular vein ; more often, however, the place of this vein is taken by two others known as the superior and itiferior accessory thyroid veins. The superior comes from the upper horn, a little below the apex ; the inferior comes from the lower and back part of the gland ; both pu-s transver-ely outwards to join the internal jugular. The arrangement of the veins which leave the lower border of the gland varies considerably in different bodies. From the isthmus and inner side of the inferior horn comes a vein which descends more or less vertically near the front of the trachea ; this Kocher gives the name of thyroidea ima. On the left side it enters the left innominate vein ; on the right it joins either the right or left innominate vein. Frequently this vein is small or absent on one side ; frequently the two veins unite to form a single large one, which descends vertically in front of the trachea until it enters the left innominate. This single vein may sometimes be regarded as an enlarged right thyroidea ima, that of the left side being represented merely by a small accessory vein. At the lower and outer part of the inferior horn there is often a small vein, the inferior thyroid^ which runs obliquely downwards to enter the innominate vein at its commence- ment. When the thyroid gland is normal in size, many of these veins may seem small and unimportant. But when it is much enlarged by disease all the veins become greatly enlarged and distended, and assume considerable importance, especially in con- nection with operative procedures. Nerves. — These come from the middle and inferior ganglia of the cervical sym- pathetic and from the inferior laryngeal nerve. It is said that a branch also comes from the external laryngeal nerve. Lymphatica. — The lymphatics pass chiefly into the glands that lie in front and at the sides of the trachea ; some pass also into the cervical glands at the sides of the thyroid gland. The glands first affected in malignant disease of the thyroid, for example, are usually very deeply seated behind the sternum, where they cannot easily be seen and felt. Structure. — The thyroid gland is com- posed of a large number of small closed vesicles supported by a framework of con nective tissue, derived from and continu- ous with the delicate capsule that sur- rounds the whole organ. Lying between the vesicles are masses of round cells which are to be regarded as undeveloped vesicles. They are more abundant in the young than in the old, and are often with difficulty distinguished from cells of inflammatory origin. The vessels are lined with cubical epi- thelium and contain the well known col- loid material, the exact use of which is unknown The gland has no duels, but the vesicles communicate with the lym- phatic vessels, that ramify between them, and it is probably through the medium of the lymphatics that the colloid secretion of the gland reaches the general circula- tion. The existence of colloid material in the lymphatic vessels can easily be demon- strated. ( James Berry, " Diseases of the Thyroid Gland and their Surgical Treat- ment," 1901.) The anatomy of the thyroid has many times been described from a topographical and microscopical point of view by as many different investigators. A comparative study of it was made by Simon, 1844, and by Brunier, 1859, each of whom considered and described the thyroid gland of many kinds of animals, including amphibians. Creswell, 1877, contributed an exhaus- tive study of the minute anatomy of the gland in the dog. The probable branchial origin of the thyroid and thymus gland has been sug- gested, but never proven. Regeneration of tissue that will secrete thyroidine is considered impossible; once destroyed, always destroyed. Historical. — King and Cooper, 1S36, made observations on the thyroid gland. Simon, 1844, considered the compara- tive anatomy of the thyroid gland, and SURGBRT OF THE TllTROID. 141 Godart, 1S46, described the Duvernoi muscle of the thyroid gland. Brunier, 1859, wrote an interesting paper on the comparative anatomy of the thyroid, and Turner, W., 1859, considered the thyroid glands in the cetacea (whale) and gave his observations on the relations of the thymus to the thyroid in these and certain other mammals. Qjiiintana, A., 1873, reported his ob- servations on the anatomy of the thyroid gland. Pflug, 1875, made a comparative study of congenital goitre. Cresswell, E., 1877, contributed to the minute anatomy of the thyroid gland of the dog. Quarterly Journal, London, 1877, published a paper on the lymphatics and parenchyma of the thyroid gland of the dog, and Baber, 1877 made contributions to the minute analomy of the thyroid gland of the dog. Proceedings of the Royal Society, Lon- don, 1878, contained reports of further researches on the minute structure of the thyroid gland, as did the Philadelphia Tr., London, 1881, also. Clevenger, S. V., 1881, reported on probable branchial origin of the thyroid and thymus glands. Vincenzi, L., 1S85, investigated partial regeneration of the thyroid gland. Drobnik, 1886, wrote on the thyroid gland, and Piana, G. P., 1886, recorded his observations on the anatomy of the thyroid gland. ISIalijeff, N., 1887, mentions the pas- sage of the hypoglossus nerve through the thyroid gland. Herrmann and Tourneux, 1887, studied the development of the thyroid. Mayer, 1888, made a study of the goitre and thymus in amphibians. Sebileau, 1888, made notes on the capsule and the ligaments of the thyroid gland. Med.-Chir. Tr., London, 1888, consid- ered the macroscopical and microscopical variations of the human thyroid body. Ribbert, 1889, and Sanquirico, 1S89, believed in the regeneration of the thyroid gland. Gaudier, IL J., 1891, reported on the anatomy of the thyroid gland, topography, and descriptive anatomy of the original development, with a record of a series of animal operations. Prenant, 1893, contributed to the study of the development, organic, and histology of the thyroid, and Brooks, 1893, wrote on the origin of the thyroid gland. Abram, J. H., 1896, published a note on the development and the anatomy of the thyroid gland in disease. Welsh, 1897, wrote a critical anatomi- cal study concerning the parathyroid glands, and Brian, Eugene, 1898, made researches, anatomical and physiological, on the enervation of the thyroid gland. BIBLIOGRAPHY. King and Cooper. Guy's Hospital Report, London, 1836, i, 429, 653, 2 pi. Simon, J. Philadelphia, Tr., London, 1844, cxxiv, 295 303. Godart, J. Bull. Soc. Anat., Paris, 1846, xxii, 202 205. Panagiotades, D. De glandulae thyreoideae structura penitiori, Berolini, 1847. Rokitansky, C. Wien, 1849. Schaffner. Ztschr. f. rat. med., Heidelburg, 1849, vii, 340 344- Gallois, E. J. Paris, 1851. Brunier. Compt. rend. soc. med. de Cham- bery, 1859, 69-71. Turner, W. Tr. Royal Society, Edinburgh, 1859-60, xxii, 319 3-5. Hueter, C. Arch. f. klin. chirurgie, Berlin, 1864, V, 319-321. Peremescho. Centralb. f. d. med. wissensch., Berlin, 1866, iv, 609 6[r. Callender, G. W. Proe. Royal Society, Lon- don, 1867-8, xvi, 183-188. Muller, W. Jenaische Ztschr. f. med. u. na- turw., Leipzig, 1871, vi,428 453, i pi. Boechat, P. A. Recherches sur la structure normaledu corps thyroide, Paris, 1873. Quintana, A. Anfiteatro Anatomy, Madrid, 1873, i, 117. Berger, P. Arch. gen. med., Paris, 1874, xxiv, 72, 207, 442. Pliug. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Thiermed., Leip- zig, 1875, i, 349-392, 2 pi. Jour, de I'anat. et physiol., Paris, 1875, ^'1 477" 481, I pi. Jour, de I'anat. et physiol., Paris, 1877, xiii, I23-I43' Creswell, E. Phil. Tr., 1876; London, 1877; clxvi, 5i:;7-5;68. Q^ J. Micr. Anat., London, 1S77, xvii, 204- 212. Baber, E. C. Philadelphia Trans., Ivondon, 1877, clxvi, 557-568, 2 pi. Proc. Royal Society, London, 1878, xxvii, 56- 60, I chart. Zoja, G. Atti d. r. Accad. d. Lincei cl. di Sc. Mat. e Nat., Roma, 1879; iv, 317-356, 5 pi. Philadelphia Tr., London, 1881-2, clxxii, 577- 608, 2 pi. Barth and Gomljault. Goitre Examen Histol- ogique Bull. Society, Anatomy, Paris, 1884, lix, 197-201. Clevenger, S. V. Science, New York, iSBr, ii, 293. Ragazzi, C. Recherches Anatomiques sur le goitre, Bern, Milan, 1884. 142 SURGERl' OF THE THYROID. Maurer, F. Morphol. Jahrb., Leipzig, 1885-6, xi, 129-175, 2 pi. Vincenzi, L. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1885, '^U 428. Streckeisen, A. Arch, f, path.anat., Berlin, 1886, ciii, 131, 215, 2 pi. Drobnik. Gaz. lek., Warszawa, 1886, vi, 77 - 77S- Herzen, A. Semaine med., Paris, 1886, vi, Piana, C. P. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1886, vii, 330- Malijeflf, N. Vrach, St. Petersburg, 1887, viii, 942. Waldeyer. Berlin klin. woch., 1887, xxiv, 23.V Julin, C. W. Bull. acad. royal d. sc. de Bel- gium, Brussels, 1887, xiii, 293 300. Fredericq, L. Diet, encycl. d. sc. med., Paris, 1887, xvii, 453455. Herrmann and Tourneux. Diet, encycl. d. sc. med., Paris, 1887, xvii, 455-467. Mayer, S. Anat. Anz., Jena, 1888, iii, 97. Sebileau. Bull. Society Anatomy, Paris, 1888, Ixiii, 463 470. Med -Chir. Tr., London, 1888, Ixxi, 181 190, I pi. Vrach, St. Petersburg, 1888, ix, 141, 188, 206. Ribbert. Arch. f. path. -anat., Berlin, 1889, cxvii, 151 158. Sanquirico, C. Atti d. r. accad. d. Fisiocirt di Siena, 1889, i, 287-290. Biol. Centralb , Erlanger, 1889-90, ix, 426 460. Gaudier, H. J. Lille, 1891. Home, R. M. The Blood Vessels of the Thy- roid Gland in Goitre. Lancet, London, 1892, ii, 1213-16. Riviere, Arthur. Lyon, 1893. Prenant, A. Compt. rend. soc. biology, Paris, 1893. ^^ 675 677. Paladino, G. Riforma med., Napoli, 1893, ix, pt. i, 863-872. Brooks, W. K. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Baltimore, 1893. iv, 47-49. Sciolla, S. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1894, xv, 1081-1083. Poirer, P. Note sur les muscles elevateurs de )a glande thyroide. Bull. Society Anatomy, Paris, 1895, Ixx, 654-656. Mauclaire. Bull. Society Anatomy de Paris, 1895, Ixx, 131 135. Abram, J. H. Liverpool Med. -Chir. Journal, 1896, xvi, 634 Ewald, C. Munchen med. woch., 1896, xliii, 634- Jacoby, M. Anatomy Anz., Jena, 1896, xii, 152-157; 1897, xiii, 8588. Batraid, L. Medical, Lyon, 1896, x, 541 544* Welsh, D. A. Journal Anatomy and Physi- ology, London, 1897 8, xxxii, 293, 380, i pi. Brian, Eugene. Paris, 1898, 67 p. Kursteiner, W. Anat. hefte, Wiesburg, 1898, x>. 391. 459. 4 Pl- SchaeflFer, F. C. Journal American Medical Association, 1899, xxxiii, 1313-1320. PHYSIOLOGY (1806-I903). The function of the thyroid is to secrete thyroidine, which is not understood, ex- cept that its absence in animal life results in cretinism or myxedema. It is supposed to have some relation to the generative organs and to have a diu- retic influence, but this is very indefinite. Its effect upon the cardiac system has been known for many years, but the vwdiis operation remains unsolved. The relation of thyroid to the thymus gland remains in doubt ; also its relation to all other glands and their functions. Historical. — Rush, 1806, made an in- quiry into the functions of the spleen, liver, pancreas and thyroid gland. Von Vest, 1838, and jSIartyn, 1856, en- deavored to discover the functions of the thyroid and its relation to other organs. Porcher, 1880, and Lombard, 1883, con- tributed essays on the thyroid and its re- lations to the functions of the generative organs. Meuli, 18S3, investigated the functions of the thyroid with experimental physio- logical study, and Rogovitch, 1886, a similar investigation on the physiology of the thyroid gland and glands related to it. Further researches into the functions of the thyroid gland, and into the pathologi- cal state produced by removal of same, was published in the Proceedings of the Royal Society, London, 18S6, xl, 69. Freund, 1890, considered the functions of the thyroid and its relation to the gene- rative organs. Gley, 1891, reported on the physiologi- cal effects in the other glands into which had been injected the extract of the thy- roid gland, and Fenwick, 1891, reported on the diuretic action of fresh thyroid juice. Sgobbo and Lamari, 1893, reported on the functions of the thyroid gland and the physiological effects of fresh thyroid juice in myxedema. Putnam, 1894, made observations on the functions of the thyroid gland and the relation of its enlargement to (xraves' disease ; also remarks on the therapeutic use of sheep thyroids and olher organic extracts. Gley, 1894, discovered certain actions of the extract of thyroid gland, with poi- son. Cadeac et Guinard contributed a study on the functions of the thyroid body in animals. Masoin, 1895, contributed a study of the urinary poison in determining the func- tions of the thyroid body, and Morkotun, 1895, one on the phosphate of albumen in SURGERY OF THE THYROID. 143 the thyroid gland in connection with the question of its function, while Hutchinson, 1896, gave one on the chemistry of the thyroid gland and the nature of its active constituent. Warren, 1S96, reported on the present knowledge of the interstitial secretion of the thyroid gland, and Gley, 1897, re- marked on the influence of internal secre- tion of thyroid gland on the other organs. Tourneux et Verdun, 1897, wrote on the early development of the thyroid and its functions, and Comte, 1898, contributed a study on the functions of the thyroid and its relation to other organs, in which he considered the indirect influences of fer- ments on the thyroid gland. Guinard, 1899, wrote on the cardio vas- cular actions due to goitre. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Rush, B. Philadelphia Medical Museum, 1806- 7. •",929- Hofrichter, B. Deutsches Arch. f. physiol., Halle, 1820, vi, 161-186. Von Vest, J. Med. Jahrb. d. k. k. Osterr. Staates, Wien, 1838, xvi, 188-193. Maignien, A. Des usages du corps thyroide dans I'espece humaine et dans les mammiferes, Paris, 1842. Fourcault. Sur les recherches relatives a I'ab- sence de I'iode considere comme cause du goitre (abstr.) compt. rend. acad. d. sc , Paris, 1851, xxxiii, 544. Michel, J. B. A. Paris, 1850. Kohlrausch, Z. Arch. f. anat. physiol., u. wissensch. med., Berlin, 1853, 142148, i pi. Martyn, P. Proc. Royal Society, London, 1856 7, viii, 315-318. Morigin, A. Gior. d. r. accad. med.-chir. di Torino, i86r, xl, 65, 337, 478; xli, 30-90. Gruber, ^V. Medical Jahrb., Wien, 1863, v, 3 9- Daake. Ztschr. f. rat. med., Leipzig u. Hei- delberg, 1865, 3 r, xxlii, 3 5, I pi. Niepec, pere. Nice Medical, 1878 9, iii, 81, 117. Horcicka, J. Ztschr. f. heilk., Prague, 1880, Porcher, V. C. M. Paris, 1880. Lancet, London, 1883, ii, 1064. Lombard, M. C. Rev. med. de la Suisse, Roma, Geneve, 18S3, iii, 593 604. Meuli, J. Arch. f. d, ges. physiol., Bonn, 1883 4, xxxiii, 378 412. BliIjuow, N. a. Ztschr. f. physiol. chem., Strassburg, 1883-4, ^'''> i"47- Horsley, V. Proc. Royal Society, London, 1884 5, xxxviii, 5. Tauber, A. S. Arch. f. path. -anat., Berlin, 1884, cxvi, 29-35. Fischelis, P. Arch. f. mikr. anat., Bonn, 1885, XXV, 405-440. Rogovitch, N. K. Med. Obozr., Mosk., 1886, xxvi, 175177. Prus, J. Przgel lek Krakow, 1886, xxv, 461, 469, 477. 487. 497- Simpson, J. Y. Boston Med. and Surg. Jour- nal, 1886, cxv, 618 621. Proceedings Royal Society, London, 1886, xl, 69. Grutzner, P. Deutsche med. woch., Leipzig, 1887, "^iii. 715 717- Trudi Obsh. Russk., Vrach. v Moskve, 1887, li, path. 22 32. Ewald, J. R. Berlin klin. Woch., 1887, xxiv, 177-179. Berlin klin. woch., 1887, xxvi, 320-324. Langendorff, O. Arch. f. physiol, Leipzig, 1889, suppl. bd. 219-242, I pl. Grutzner, P. Deutsche med. woch., Leipzig, 1889, XV, 9-11. P^ano and Zande. Arch, per le sc. med., Torino, 1889, xiii, 365384. Alonzo, G. Sicilla med., Palmero, 1890, ii, 688 766. Freund, H. W. Deutsche Ztschr. f. chir., Leipzig, 1890-91, xxxi, 446 460. Lindemann, W. Centralbl. f. allg. path. u. path, anat., Jena, 1891, ii, 551. Centralbl. f. allg. path. u. path. -anat., lena, ii, 321. Laulanie. Compt. Rend. Society Biology, Paris, 1891, iii, 307-312. Gley, E. Compt. Rend. Society Biology, Paris, 1891, iii, 841. Lustig, A. Sperimentale Firenze, 1891, Ixvii, 84 89, 2 pl. Horsley, V. Internat. Beitr. z. Wissensch. Med. Festschr., R. Virchow, Berlin, 1891, i, 367-409 Gley, E. Compt. Rend. Society Biology, Paris, 1891, iii, 250. Fenwick, F. H. British Med. Journal, Lon- don, 1891, ii, 798. Hertig, A. Wien. Med. Bl., 1891, xiv, 672. Arce. de Physiol. Norm, et Path., Paris, 1892, iv, 311-326. Christiani, H. Compt. Rend. Society de Biol., Paris, 1892, iv, 798. British Med. Journal, London, 1892, ii, 894. Canizzaro, R. Deutsche Med, Woch., Leip- zig, 1892, xviii, 184. Ugobbo and Lamari. Riv. Clin, e Terap., Napoli, 1892, xiv, 449-459. Hofmeinter. Fortschr. d. Med., Berlin, 1892, X, 81, 121. Godart and Glosse. Journal de Med. Chir- urgie et Phirmacol, Brussel, 1892, xciv, 465-470. Sghetti, G. B. Sulla fisiologia della Tiroide Apounti Critici nota Preliminaire sul Trapianta- mento di questa Ghiandola Riforma Med. Na- poli, 1892, viii, pt 4, 675 680. Sur la Fonction Thyroidienne, Compt. Rend. Soc. Biology, Paris, 1893, ^» 280-394. Nouvelle preuve de I'importance Fonctionelle des (Jlandules Thyroides. Compt. Rend. Soc, Biology, Paris, 1893, v, 396 400. Hedon, E. N. Montpelier Med. Supplement, 1893, ii, 467 494. Sacerdotti, C. International Monatsch. f. Anat. u. Physiol., Leipzig, 1894, '^'t 3^6 331, I pl. Von Elselberg, A. Arch. f. Klin. Chirurgie, Berlin, 1894, xlviii, 489 501. Putnam, J.J. Boston Med. and Surg. Journal, 1894, cxxx; I53-I59- Gley, E. Compt. Rend. Soc. Biology, Paris, 1894, i, 830. 144 SURGERT OF THE THYROID. Verstraeten et Vanderlinden, Brussels, 1894, 82 p. Cadeac et Guinard, Compt. Rend. Soc. de Biology, Paris, 1894, i> 509 S''- Beclere. Bull, et Mem. Soc. Med. d. Hop., Paris, 1895, xii, 37. Masoin, L. Arrh. de Physiol Norm, et Path., Paris, 1895, vii, 368 373. Morkotun, K. S. Vrach, St. Petersburg, 1895, xxi, 1028-30. Hutchinson. R. Journal Physiol., Cambridge, 1896, XX, 474 496. Warren, J. W. Boston Med. and Surg. Jour- nal, i8c,6, cxxxv, 101-104. Frankel, S. Beitrag. zur Physiologischen. Chemie der Thyreoidea. Wien. med. bl, 1896, xix, 195. 213-230. Bourneville. De Paction de la glande thy- roide sur la Croissance et I'obesite. Progres Medical, Paris, 1896, iii, 66 69. Arch. f. Path. Anat., Berlin, 1896, cxliv (Sup- plement) 224-252. Gley, E. Arch. International Pharmacol., Gand et Paris, 1897-98, iv, 347-350. Compt. Rend. Acad. d. Sc, Paris, 1897, cxxxv, 439-441- Moussu, G. Compt. Rend. Soc. Biology, Paris, 1897. iv, 44-46. Ver Eecke, A. Arch. International de Phar- macol., Gand. et Paris, 1897 98, iv, 81-168. New York Polyclinic, 1897, ix, 143-147. Mabile, L. Echo Med. du Nord., Lille, 1897, i. 576-583- Oswald, A. Ztschr. f. Physiol Chem., Strass- burg, 1897. xxiii, 265 310. Tourneux et Verdun, journal de 'I'anat. et Physiol., Paris, 1897, xxxiii, 305-325. Nicolas, A. Bibliog. Anat., Paris and Nancy, 1897, V, 214-250. Soulie et Terdun. Journal de I'anat. et Physi- ol., Paris, 1897, xxxiii, 604-633, i pi. ■ Verstraeten et Vanderlinden. Ann. Soc. de Med. de Gand., 1897, Ixxvi, 72-84. Gley, E. Compt. Rend. Acad. d. Sc, Paris, 1897, cxxxv, 312 315. Moller. Physiat. Rundschau Chemnitz i. S., 1897, iv, 10. Moussu. Rec. de Med. Vet., Paris, 1897, iv, 431-4- Comte. L. Beitr. z. Path. Anat. u. z. Allg. Path., Jena, 1898^ xxiii, 90-110. Roos, E. Ztschr. f. Physiol. Chem., Strass- bourg, 1898 9, xxvi, 429-535. Hutchinson, R. journal Physiol., London, 1898, xxiii, 178-189. De Cyon, E. Arch, de Physiol. Norm, et Path., Paris, 1898, x, 618-633. Ztschr. f. Physiol. Chem., Strassbourg, 1898, xxvi, 160.174. Compt. Rend. Soc. Biology, Paris, 1898, v. 1177-1179. Bernard, J. Gaz. Med. de Picarbie Amiens, 1898, xvi, 144-152. Guinard, L. Compt. Rend. Soc. Biology, Paris, 1899, vi, 161-163. ANOMALIES (1838-I9O3). The thyroid gland may be represented by one or more lobes, with or without an isthmus. If but one lobe it may vary in size, shape and location. If more than one lobe they may all be upon one side of the neck, usually upon the left, and vary in size. If more than one lobe, all are influenced, as a rule, sooner or later, in tlie same way at the same time or at differ- ent times, if one lobe becomes cystic, all become so. If one becomes hypertrophied, all become so. The exception to this rule is rare. All may and should be removed when diseased, except a small portion of the most normal lobe. All vertebrates are subject to the same laws concerning abnormalities and disease of the thyroid gland. It may vary in shape, size and location, single, multiple, fixed or wandering. Historical . — Lingi, 1830, mentioned a case of substernal thyroid gland, while Sestie, 1846, described one situated behind the scapula. Curling, 1850, observed two cases in which the thyroid glands were absent, with symmetrical swellings of fat tissue at the sides of the neck. There was also defective cerebral development, Kadyi, 1S79, reported a case of acces- sory thyroid glands situated above the hyoid bone, and Gow, 1883, one in which there was total absence of the left lobe. Pollard, 1885, recorded a case of an accessory thyroid gland with an intra- cystic papilloma, and D' Ajutolo, 1890, one in which there was struma, Warren, 1892, recorded a case of en- larged accessory thyroid gland at the base of the tongue. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Gassan, A. S. Goitre hereditaire et dans un rapport singulier avec in phthisic pulmonaire. Arch. Gen. de Med., Paris, 1827, xiii, 76. Dalrymple, W. Journal Mort. Anatomy, Lon- don, 1828, i, 43-47. Lingi, C. Monachii, 1830. Campbell, A. Observations on the Congenital Goitre in Animals, which occurs in Nipal. Tr. Med. Phys. Soc, Calcutta, 1833-4, '^i'' ^8. Sestie. Bull. soc. anat., Paris, 1832, 2 ed., 1846, vii, 53 55. Besnard, A. Ein beitrag zu struma congenita. Med. cor.-bl. bayer aerzte. Erlang, 1847, viii, 806-810. Curling, T. B. Med. Chir. Tr., London, 1850, xxxiii, 303-306. Riberi, A. In his Rac d' Opere. Minori, To-ino, 1851, ii, 446-459. Philipeaux, R. Bonnet Gazette Medical de Paris, 1851, 3s. vi, 752, 770, 786. Spiegelberg, O. Drei falle von Struma Con- genita, Wurzb. Med. Ztschr, 1864, v, 160-163, I pi. Coats, J. Transactions Pathological Society of London, 1866-7, xxxviii, 399-405, i pi. SURGERY OF THE THTROTD. 145 Hartmann, G. Med. cor.bl. d. Wurttemburg. Artztl., Stuttgart, 1866, xxxvi, 52. Arch. f. Anat., Physiol., u. wissensch. Med., Leipzig, 1876, 208-220, I p]. Grueber, W. Arch. f. path, anat., Berlin, 1876, Ixvi, 447-454 Madelung. Arch. f. klin. chir,, Berl,n, 1879, xxiv, 71-107. Kadyi, H. Arch. f. anat. u. entvvcklingsesch. Leipzig, 1879, 312-320. Chiari, O. Ueber Retropharyngeal Strumen, Monatschr. f. Ohrenh., Berlin, 1881, xv, 184 6. Kaufmann, C. Deutsche ztsch. f. Chir., Leip- zig. 1882 3, xviii, 255 285. Gow, W. j. Journal Anatomy and Physiology, London, 1883 4, xviii, 118. Kronlein. Ueber Struma Intrathoracica Re- trotrachealis. Deutsche ztschr. f. Chir., Leipzig. 1884, XX, 93 99, I pi. Pollard, B. Transactions Pathological Society, London, 1885-6, xxxvii, 507, i pi. North London or Univ. College Hospital Re- port, 1885, Londoa, 1886, 38. Moore, N. Transactions Pathological Society. London, 1886, xxxvii, 513, i pi. Dichiara, F. Gazette Clinical di Elettroter, Palermo, 1886, iv, 165. De Renzi, E. Flajani Riv. Clin, et Terap., Napoli, 1887, ix, 36. Cardone, F. Arch. Ital. di Laringol., Napoli, 1887, vii, 179 184. Bell. Montreal Med. Journal, 1888 ■ 9, xvii, 842. Wolf, R. Verhandl. d. Deutshh. Gessellsch. f. Chir.. Berlin. 1889 xviii, pt 2, 84, i pi. Hirsch, S. Wurzburg, 1889. Ajutolo, G. Mem. Acad. W. Sc. d. ist. di Bologna, 1889 (1890), x, 773 882, i pi. Osier, W. Med. News, Philadelphia, i88g, Iv, 257. Lalitte, E. Nantes, 1890. Warren, J. C. Transactions American Sur- gical Association, Philadelphia, 1892, x, 213-218. Cohen, S. S. Times and Register, Philadel- phia, 1893, xxvi. 221-4. Kastand Rumpel. In their Illustrated Patho- logical Anatomical Folio, London, 1893, S. pi. i, with text. Schremer, Fritz. Congst. i., Paris, 1893. Mcllraith, C. H. British Med. Journal, 1894, ii, 1234. Bucher, J. Zurich, 1894. Jones and Thomas. Lancet, London, 1894, ii, 1087. Wagner. Ueber Vcrkalkte Retrosternale Stru- men. Verhandl, d. Deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chi- rurgie, Berlin, 1894, xxiii, pt. i, 152-5, Marshall, C. F. Journal Anatomy and Phy- siology, 1894-5, xxix, 234 239. Sutton, J. B. British Med. Journal, London, 1895, i, 463. Piatt, Julia B. Necturus Anat. Anz., Jena, 1895 6, xi, 557 567- Wuhrmann, F. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chirur- gie, Leipzig, 1896, xliii, 1-117. Prenant, A. Anatomy, Anz , Jena, 1896, xii, 242-244. Parker, A. F. Lancet, London, 1898, i, 102. Natalucci, G. Flajani Associato al dittoa- scatto. Corriere, San Settina-Milano, 1897, ^'"1 No. 5, 1-3. Prague med. woch., 1898, xxiii, 81. Reinbacb,G. Beitr. z. klin. Chirurgie, Tubing., 1898, xxi, 365 394. Gazette Medical d. Marche, Porto Civitanova, 1900, viii, No. 6, 1; No. 7, 1. Shurley, E L. Med. News, October 11, 1902. GENERAL GOITRE. Causes. — The causes of goitre are not definitely known, but they are supposed to be many, as follows, in the order of their supposed frequency: (i) Heredity, (3) mental worry, (3) water, (4) iron pyretes, (5) earthy salts, (6) nephritis, (7) malaria, (8) acute infectious diseases, (9) hemorrhage, (10) parasites, (vegetable and animal), (11) bacill. Hereditary lufiucnccs. — The prepon- derance of evidence is that this is the greatest causative factor in the production of enlargement of the thyroid gland, borne out by the fact that many cases of con- genital goitre have been reported. Mental Worry, although believed by some to be a cause, has not been well sub- stantiated. Water from fresh water sand-stone is claimed by Waters to be conducive to abnormal growth of the thyroid gland, while he claims that water from salt water sand-stone is not conducive to their de- velopment. Animals have goitre by drinking water free from bacteria found in water which victims had drank. Iron Pyrites in water was supposed by Paracelsus (sixteenth and seventeenth cen- tury) to be a cause of goitre, but this has never been proven. Earthy Salts, such as silica, aluminum, lime, magnesia, iron and manganese, are supposed to be causes of goitre found in the clay eaters of Bolivia. The disease is prevalent among them. Goitre is also found to prevail in the carboniferous lime districts. Neprhritis from any cause may induce it, and when due to nephritis is of rapid development as a rule. Jlen/orrhaoc into the gland as a result of rupture of a blood-vesi^el from any cause will also excite an abnormal development of the thyroid gland. Thyroiditis is rare, and when present follows an operation or injury, or local or general infection from any cause. Parasites. — (i) Echinococcus, most common; (2) cysticercus, rare; (3) para- gonimus westermani, rare. 146 SURGERY OF THE THYROID. Bacilli. — (i) Coli commune, rare; (2) pneumonococci, rare ; (3) typhoid, rare; (4) tuberculosis, not common; (5) micro- organisms of selective type waters, (?). lUHLIOGRAPHY. Starr, L. Philadelphia Medical Times, 1878, viii, 344. Marchant, G. Thyroidite a Pneumococoques. Arch. International de Laryngol., Paris, 1891, iv, 129-132. Gerard - Marchant. Thyroidite Pnruntococo viics, Coner. Franc, de Chir., Proc. verb., Paris, 1891, V, 268 270. Jeanselme and Navarro. Thyroidite a Sfref- toroques. Rev. Gen, de Clin, et Terap , Pans, 1895, ix, pt. 2, 149-152. Heddacus. Ein fall von Acuter Strumitis durch Diplococctis Frankcl Weichselbaum mit Secun- darer Metastat Pneumonie. Munchen Med. Woch., 1896, xliii, 492 494. LaxarefF, E. Staphylomycose. Ejened., St. Petersburg, 1900, vii, 593 596. Actite may be solid or cystic, containing pus or blood. May be slow or sudden, in either event varying in size, shape and position, single or multiple, fixed or mov- able. Chronic may be solid or cystic, contain- ing blood, pus or serum. May vary in size, shape, location and degree of con- sistency, and be fixed or movable, single or multip'e. Atrophy is infrequent and usually results from tumor pressure or the internal use of iodine. Amyloid degeneration usually attacks hypertrophied tissue, and involves the epithelium and vessels, producing great vascularity, and is intimately associated with the lymphatics. There is albuminous colloid material, the contained active principle of which is iodine. Results. — (i) Insanity; (3) death — rupture, hemorrhage; infection, sudden development. Insanity may be due to pressure upon the carotids, with its cerebral anemia. Riipturc may be into trachea, pleural cavity and subsequently into the lung. Empyemia may ensue. IIcvio)-rhagc. — One or more blood- ves- sels may rupture, with hemorrhage into the capsule sufficient to produce death from pressure, or the blood may escape into the trachea, pleural cavity or lung, or both, or it may be subcutaneous or intramus- cular. Sudden development usually results in death. riemmorrhage may result in infection and abscess. ETIOLOGY — B I BLIOGRAPH Y. Dorr. J. Facts Concerning Goitre as it Occurs In the Towns of Camden, Sandgate and Chester Within the States of New York and Vermont, and Conjectures Concerning its Cause. Med. Repos., New York, 1807, iv, 141-144. Spalding, L. Further Information on Goitre. Med. Reposit., New York, 1808, xi, 3-6. Si-hade, F. A. De struma aetiologia et diag- nosi nonnulla. Lipsiae, 1809 Paris, ]. L. Dissertation sur les maladies du corps thyroide, Paris, 1826. Chevalier, U. Memoire sur la thyroidite Rec de mem de med mil , Paris, 1830, xxix, 323-337. Bouissingault, J. B. Recherches sur la cause qui produit le goitre dans les Cordilleres de la Nouvelle - Grenade. Ann. de chim. et Phys., Paris, 1831, xlviii, 41 69. Baumgarten. Einige bemerkungen uber die aetiologie des kropfes mit besonderer ruksicht auf sein vorkommen auf dem Harze Hannover. Ann. d. gesund. heilk., 1837. ii, 90-101. Marchessaux, L. Quelxues recherches sur les causes et la frequence du goitre en partie de I'ouvrage de J. M'Clelland. Arch. gen. de Med., Paris, 1839, 3«, vi, 418 434. d'Arbent, N. Observations sur le goitre des nouveaunes. Bull. gen. de therap., Paris, 1840, xix, 54-58. Falck, C. P. Die trappformation in der aeti- ologie des endemischen kropfes. Woch. f. d. ges. Heilk , Berlin, 1844, 113 124. Falck, C. P. Stati-^tische und kartographische darstellung der haufigkeit des kropfs in einigen landern Europas : ein beitrag zur aetiologie. Ztschr. f. rat. med., Heidelb., 1846, v, 267, 847, vi, 198 GrynfeJt, C. Nouvelles idees sur les causes et le traitement du go'tre. Rev. Med. Franc, et etrang., Paris. 1847, ii, 517.526. Leclerc, N. L. De I'etiologie du goitre. Paris, 1849. Grange. Rapport sur les causes du goitre. Ann. de cons, centr. de salub. pub. de Brux, 1849 50, V, 221-224. Rousse. Observations sur le goitre sevissant a Bagneres de-Bigorre a Gerde et a Aste (Hautes- Pyrenees). Gaz. d. hop., Paris, 1853, xxvi, 68- Tourdes, G. Du goitre a Strasbourg et dans le department du Bhas-Rhin, Strasbourg, 1854. Tourdes, G. Du goitre a Strasbourg recherches statistiques et medicales. Gaz. med. de Strasb., 1854. xiv, 209-230. Moretin, L, F. C. M. De I'etiologie du goitre endemique et de ses indications prophylactiqaes et curatives. Paris, 1854. Heschl. Zur entwichh-rnggeschite der kropfes. Wchnbl. d. k. k. gesellsch. d. aerzte zu Wien, 1856, ii, 437-44.^- Heine. Die verbreitung des kropfes in Russ- land. Med. ztg. Russlands, St. Petersb., 1857, xiv, 244. Langsdorf. Bemerkungen uber die ursachen welche einen mangel der korperentwicklung und die bildung des kropfes zur folge haben. Mitth. d. badisch. aerztl. ver. Karlsruhe, 1857, xi, 132- 134- SURGER2' OF THE THYROID. H7 Ulloa. Etiologia del coto. Gac. Med. de Lima, 1856, 1857, i, No. 20, 2; No. 21, 2. Vingtriner. Statistibue du goitre endemique dans le department de la Seine; Inferieure suivie dc rccherches sur I'etiologie de cette maladie. Kap. een. trar. cons, centr. d'hyg. de la Seine, inf , 1851 5. Roeuen, 1857, 72, i pi., i map. Oldekop. Einiges uber die verbreitung des kropfes in Russland, St. Petersburg, 1858, xv, 57. Lenoir, L J. E. Considerations sur I'etiologie du goitre endemique. Paris, i8-,9 Berkowsky, A. Ueber den kropf in Govern- ment Perm. Med. ztg. Russlands, St. Petersb., 1859, xvi, 4. Brown, N. W. An Inaugural Dissertation on Goitre. Month. Med. News, Louisville, i860, ii, 145-151. Rilliet, F. Exposition et refutation de la the- orie du docteur Roeser sur la cachexie goitreuse nouvelle confirmatione de la realite de I'iodisme constitunionnel memoire posthume. Gaz. hebd. de med., Paris, i86r, viii, 621-625. Massais, E. Sur le goitre observe dans les Hautes-Alpes et en particulier dans le Briancon- nais quelques considerations sur le cretinisme, Paris, i86r. Baillarger. Du goitre chez les animaux do- mestiques. Union med., Paris, 1862, xvi, 116- 119. Gouget. Rapport sur une epidemic de goitre aigu observee a colmar pendant le premiere se- mestre, 1861, Rec. de mem. de med. mil., Paris, 1862, vii, 289 328. Rey, A. De la frequence du goitre chez les animaux domestiques. Ann. soc. de med. de Lyon, 1862, X, 103-113. Emery, F. Du goitre chez les animaux do- mestique. Gaz. hebd., Paris, 1863, x, 40. Rozan. Etude sur I'etiologie du goitre en general Pjopos d'une epidemic de goitre aigu observee a Briancon Pendaet le 1 trimestre, 1863; Ibid.. 1863, X, 343-359- Tolmatschew. Notizen uber das vorkommen des kropfes in governement Kasan. Arch. f. path.-anat., Berlin, 1864, xxix. 477 Helbron. Notice sur le goitre observe a Cler- mont-Ferrand. Rec. de mem. de med. mil., Paris, 1864, xi, 128 133. Bresson. Epidemic dc thyroidite aigue ob- servee a Saint-Etienne parnii les enfants de troups du 9th regiment de ligne. Rec. de mem. de med. mil., Paris, 1864, xii, 273 279. Halbron, L. Considerations sur I'etiologie et le traitement du goitre aigue apropos d'une epi- demic observes dans la garnison de Clermont- errand pendant les 2 et 3 trimestres, 1862; Ibid., 1865. xiti. 99-107. Maumene. Reoherches experimentiles sur ies Causes du Goitre (abstr.) Compt. rend. acad. d sc, Paris, i865, Ixii, 381. Fuster. Du goitre dans le department de la Haute-Savoic rapport de la commission medicaie instituec par arrete prefectoral du 20 aout, An- necy, 1866. Saint Lager. Etudes statistiques sur I'endemic du goitre dans le department de la Drome. Jour, de med. de Lyon. 1868, x, 433 413. Decaisnc E. Remarques sur les diverses con- ditions de production du goitre (abstr.). Compt. rend. acad. d. sc. Pzris, 1869, Ixix, 920. Brunet, D. Note sur L'etiologie du Goitre. Compt. rend. acad. sc, Paris, 1869, Ixix, 971. Hahn. Influence qu'exerce la tension du con sur la Production du Goitre (abstr.). Compt. rend. acad. d. sc, Paris, 1869, Ixix, 897. Brunet, D. Etiologie du Goitre. Ann. Med. Psych., Paris, 1870, iii. 54 56. Etiologie (de'l) du Goitre, Rec. de Mem. de Med. Mil., Paris, 1870, xxv, 60 78. PorototT, I. V. On the Origin of the Goitre, Epidemiolog., Listok, St. Petersburg, 1871, ii. No. 8 8-11. Poulet, V. Du Goitre a Planche-les-Mines de ses causes et de sa prophylaxie. France med., Paris, 1871, xviii, 149, 163, 170, 187. Slizewiez, P. Essai sur I'originc du Goitre Endemique. Marseilles. Med., 1873, x. 513 526. Marthe, F. Qiielques rccherches sur le de- veloppement du Goitre au point de vue Statis- t'que et Etiologique Specialement dans le canton dc Berne. Neuchatel, 1873. Betz, F. Der symptomatischer kropf der lun- gentuberkulose. Meniorabilien, heilbr., 1873, xviii, 599. Utz, J. Quelxucs reflexions Etiologiques a prupos de I'endemic de Goitre qui sevit sur la garnison de Sainte. Rec. de Mem. de Med. Mil , Paris, 1876 xxxii, 209 222. Carillo, I. El buia en la provincia de Jujuv. Rev. med.-quir. Buenos Ayres, 1876-7, xii', 105. Araoz, B. F. El bocio en la pruvini ia de Tucuman. Rev. med.-quir., Buenos Ayres, 1876 7, xiii. 126 135. Bocio. El en la republica Argentina. Rev. med.-quir. Buenos Ayres. 1876-7, xiii, 75 78. Frey, A. Vertheilung der kropfe auf die ver- schiedenen landesgegenden des Kantons Aargau mit rucksicht auf ihre geologischen verhaltnisse, Muri, 1876. Considerations generales sur les diverses es- peces de goitres ob'^ervees dans le department du Puy-de-Dome. 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Thuringen, Weimar, 1880, ix, 216, 2,^7. 283, 313. Memoire sur la distribution et la genose des goitres dans le department du Puy de-Dome. Rec d. trav. romite consult d'hve. pub. de P'rance, Paris, 1880, ix 2ri 243. i ii'an. Lebour, G. A. On the Geological Distribution 148 SURGERT OF THE THVROID. of Endemic Goitre in England. Rep. Proc. Northumb. and Durham Med. Soc, Newcastle upon T}ne, 1880-81, 125 134. Robinson, B. Clinical Lecture upon Cases of Goitre and Atonic Dpspepsia. Med. Rec, New York, 1880, xvii, 389-391. Chouet. Etude Critique sur I/etiolopie du Goitre en General a Propos des Epidemies de Goitre aigu dans la Garnison de Clermont Fer rend. Rec. de Mem. de Med Mil., Paris, 1881, XXXV. i 353-376, I map. Pozzi, G. Cenni Eziologici Intorno al Gozzo. Gazz. med. ital. lomb.. Milano, 1882, iv, 243 246. De Domincis, N. Osserviizioni sulle cause del gozzo e su la possible profiliasi di caso. Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Napoli, 1882, iv, 1123- 1138. Thursfield, W. N. The Etiology of Goitre in England. Tr. Society, MedicarOtTue Health, London, 1884 5> "Q*^ 208. Krivyakin, L \. Goitre in the Andiysk Dist- rict. Protok. zazaid Kavkazsk med. obsh., Tiflis, 1884 5, xxi, 407-411. Schranz, A. Beitrage zur theorie des kropfes. Arch. f. klin. chir., Berlin, 1886 7, xxxiv, 91-159. Singh, y. Prevalence of Goitre in Chiniot and the Villages About I-. Indian Mtd. Gazette, Calcutta, 1886, xxi, 74 76. Webb, W. Further Obsejv.Tlions upon tlie Derbyshire Net k British Med. [ournal, Lon- don, 1886, i. 686-688. Curran, \V. (i -itre in he Himalayas. Dublin Journal Medical Science, 1886, Ixxxi, 223-231. Williams, J. The Etiology of Goitre. Med. Press and Circular, London, 1887. xliii, 97. Kandaratski, M. F. Signs of Dying out of the Cheremisi of the Lowlands of Knzan Gov- ernment; Enderic Goitre and Cretanism. Kazan, 1889. Salamoni, A. Contributo alia curz del gozzo. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1889, x, 738-740. Holder, A. B. (ioitre: A New Habitat. 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New York Med. Journal, 1895, '^'i- 5'3-5i8- Morris, H. C. L. Notes on the Etiologv of Goitre. British Med. Journal, London, 1895, ii, 1.3- Hartoghe. Influenza dei prodftti tiroidiana sulla Crescenza dei Fanciulli. Rev. Internaz. d'ig., Napoli, 1895, vi, 5^^- Ashmead, A. S. Note on the Etiology and Natural Cure of Goitre. New York Med. Jour- nal, 1895, Ixvii, 241. Stevenson, L. E. The Cause of Goitre. Lan- cet, London, 1895, ii, 1836. Nicholson, H. O. Supposed Causal Connec- tion Between the Presence of Ferrous Sulphate in Solution in Drinking Water and Endemic Goitre and Cretinism. British Med. Journal, London, 181,6, ii, 1353. Astolfi. G. Contributo all Eziologia de Gozzo, Raccoglitoire med., Forii, 1896, xxi, 365-371. Turner, G. I. On the Etiology of Acute Thy- roidttis Strumitis. Vrach., St. Petersburg, 1896, xvii, 831 833. Ewald, C. Zur Etiologie der Strumitis. Munchen med. woch , 1896, xliii, 634. Ferrier. Considerations sur I'etiologie du goitre epidemique. Review de Medical, Paris, 1897, xvii, 9).-io8. Munk, H. Zur lehre von der schilddruse, Arch. f. path, anat., Berlin, 1897. cl, 271-305. Leo Lesions du foie et des Reins chez les ani- maux Ethyroides. Bull. acad. Roy. de Medical de Belgian Brux., 1897, xi, 698704, i pi, 666- 668. Berkley, H. J. Studies on the Lesions Induced by the Action of Certain Poisons on the Cortical Nerve Cell; Study vii, Poisoning with Prepara- tions of the Gland. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bul- letin, Baltimore, 1897, viii, 137 140. Duboe, L. Contribution a I'etude de revolu- tion clinique du goitre malin. Bordeuax, 1897. Kolyago, S. I. On the Etiology of Goitre Among Troops. Vrach., St. Petersburg, 1897, xviii, 1234; 1898, xix, 1533. Gagman, A. K. On the Etiology of Strumitis. Khirurgia, Mosk., 1898, iv, 556 560. Iglovski, I. M. Report on His Travels in the Goitreous Region of Perm Government. Duev- nik. obsh-vrach. pri imp. Kazan, univ., 1899, 33-47. Springle, J. A. Goitre: Its Etiology and In- SURGERT OF THE THYROID. 149 cidence in the District of Montreal. Montreal Med. Journal, 1899, xxviii, 909 9t4. Etude sur la frequence du goitre aux difTents ages. Lyon med., 1900, xciii, 505 517. Adami, J. G. On the Etiology and Sympto- matology of Goitre. Montreal Med Journal, 1900, xxix, 1-17. Poncet and Mayet. De la repartition geo- graphique actuelle du goitre en. France. Bull, acad. de mod.. Pari?, 1900, xliii. 629 637. Mayet, L. De la Repartiti(jn geopraphique du goitre en France. Gaz. d. hop., Paris, 1900, Ixxiii, 678 680. ENDEMIC. Brunier J. Considerations generales sur le goitre endemique. Paris, an. xii, 1804. Bonnardin, A. E. B. Sur le goitre endemique. Strassbourg. 18 ri. Fayolle, J. G. E. Sur le goitre sporadique. Paris, 1825. Darre-Larbonne, P. Sur le goitre considere comme endemique r'ans la vallee de Bigorre pre- cedee d'un leger apereu de la topographie medi- cale de cette contree. Paris, 1830. Rampold. Noch einiges ueber die ursachen des endemischen krops. Med. cor -bl. d. VVur- temb. arztl. ver Stuttg., 1835, v, 159 161. Gross, T. Ueber die ursachen des endemis- chen krops und des cretinismus. Tubingen, 1837. Falck, C. P. De thyreophyriate endemico per Nassoviam atque Hassiam electoralem Marburgi. Cattorum, 1843. Nivet. Note sur les goitres, estival epidemique et variquex observes dans le departement du Puy-de-Dome. Rev. med. chir., Paris, 1852, xii, 328-334. Nivet, V. Note sur les goitres estival epidem- ique et variqaux observes dans le departement du Puy de Dome. (Rap. de Deguise). Bull. soc. de chir., Paris, 1852-3, iii, 437, 493. Vingtrinier. Du goitre endemique dans le departement de la Seine-Inferieure et de I'eti- ologie de cette mala die. Rouen, 1854. Vingtrinier. Du goitre endemique dans le departement de la Seine-Iuferieure reflexion "sur I'etiologie de cette maladie. Ann. d. hyg., Paris, '853, i, 380; 185 1, 2s, i, 32. Filhol. Goitre endemique rapport sur le con- cours de 1855 presente au nom d'une commission a I'academie imperiale des science de Toulouse (Extrait des memoires de I'academie). Jour, de med. chir. et pharm. de Toulouse, 1855, vii, 270, 306, 336. Fleury. Memoire sur une epidemia de goitre qui a regne a Clermont pondant I'ete de i860 sur les soldats de la garnison. Gaz. med., 1861, xvi, 510 512. Communication sur fe goitre endemique des rivres de la Seine. Caen, 1862. HofTmann. Der epidemische kropf. Aerztl. int.-bl., Munchen, 186.', ix, 62. Morelle. Nole sur une epidemie de goitre observee an 8 de ligne en garnison a Clermont- Ferrand et a Riom. Rec. de med. mem. mil., Paris, 1862, viii, 438 440. Rapport sur une epidemie de goitre observee dans la garnison de Colmar pendant les mois de Janvier et Fevrier, 1863. I!)id., 1863, x, 180, 271. De I'undemie goitreuse des rives de la Seine. Long. med. de France, Paris, 1863, i, 290-298. I pi. Hcdoin. Endemo-epidemique de goitre ob- servee sur la garnison d'Embrum (Hautes Al- pres) de Janvier a mars 1863. Ibid., 465-488. Haberkorn, G. Strassbourg, 1864. Weisse, J. F. Ueber den endemischen kropf in government Oionetz. St. Petersburg med. ztschr., 1864, vii, 389-391. Sallard, A. Essai sur le goitre epidemique. Paris, 1865. Worbe. Epidemie de goitre aigu. Rer. de mem. de med. mil., Paris, 1867, xviii, 104-106. Relation de I'epidemie de goitre qui a regne dans le 45 regiment d'infanterie de ligne en 1866 precedee d'une etude topographique du departe- ment de la Haute Savoie et de la ville d'Anneey en particulier. Ibid , 1867, xix, 273. 369. Thibaud, L. Du goitre epidemique, Paris, 1867. Mulier. Du goitre epidemique dans la garni- son de Neuf Brisach, 1869 7o- Ibid., 1871, xxvi, 24-! 255. Nivet, V. Etude sur le goitre epidemique. Paris, 1873. Plot, C. Du goitre endemique. Paris, 1873. Voutier, J. F. Du Goitre endemique au point de vue symdtomatologique etiologique diagnos- tique et curatif. Montpeilier, 1874. Michaud. Observations sur le goitre epidem- ique de la garnison de Saint Etienne (1873). Gaz. med. de Paris, 1874, i"' I7> ^7- Labit, F. A. Montpeilier, 1877. Nivet, V. Gazette hebed. de med., Paris, 1874, xi, 55- Cespedes. El bocio endemico en la republica Argentina. Siglo med., Madrid, 1876, xxiii, 642 646. Gaillard, A. Reflexions sur une epinemie de goitre curbenue a la caserne du palais des Papes a Avignon (1877). Montpeilier, 1878. A propos de la genese taenoide et de ses rap- ports avec I'endemie goitreuse. Gaz. med. de I'Algerie, Algeria. Paris, 1877, xxii, 29. Baelen, B. Genese taenoide du goitre endem- ique. Rec. d. trav. soc. med d'Indre et Loire, 1877. Tours, 1878, Ixxiv, 71 75. Chaligin, K. O zobie voobtche i obe endemis- cheskome iobie ve kokanie ve osobennoist. (On Goitre) Voyenno Med. Jour St. Petersb., 1878, cxxxii, 50, 115, 179, cxxxiii, 177. Urzica, J. B. Etude sur le goitre aigu a propos de I'epidemie suryenue au mois de mai 1878 dans 13 12 regiment de ligne en garnison a Lodeve. Montpeilier, 1878. Fereol. Disparition spontanee d'un goitre epidemique coheredilaire chcz un phthisitiue de 23 ans. Ann. d. mal. de I'oreille et du larynx, Paris, 1879, v, 95. Viry and Richard. De la nature du goitre epidemique a propos de I'epidemie qui a sevi sur les troupes de la garnison de Belfort en. 1881. Gaz. hebd. de med , Paris, 1881, xviii, 457, 480. Czerhicki, A. De la non - transmissable du guitre aigu epideinique. Gaz. hebd. de med., Paris, i88r, xviii, 611. Krishaber. Du goitre epidemique revue gen- erale. Ann. de mal. de I'oreille et du larynx, Paris, 1882, viii, 125 133. Low, R. B. TheEtialogy of Endemic Goitre. British Med. Journal, London, 1882, i. Sloan, A. E. Endemic Goitre in Wishaw and Neighborhood. Edinburg Med. Journal, 1883-4, XXX, 30-37. ISO SURGER7' OF THE THTROID. Bircher, H. Der endemischer kropf und seine beziehungen zur taubstummheit und zum cretin- isms. Basel, 1883. Giles, G. M. Notes on Endemic Goitre: Its Etiology and Treatment. Indian Med Journal, Calcutta, 1888, V, 467, 515. Hacon. Endemic Disease of New Zealand; Goitre Endemic on the Canterbury Plains about Christchurch. Nev Zealand Med. Journal. Dunedin, 1888-9, I'l ^44- Fratini, F. LI gozzo endemico e le acque cal- careo-magnesiache. Feltre, 1889. Lustig. Ueber die Aetiologie des Fpidemis- chen Kropfes. Verhandl. d. X International Med. Congress, 1890, Berlin, 1891, ii, 33 abth., 99-104. Charvot. Etude clinique sur les goitres spora- diques infectieux. Rev. de chir., Paris, 1890, x, 701 730. M'Kenzie, D. Endemic Goitre and its Occur- rence in Lanarkshire, with Some Observations on the Pathology of the Disease. Glasgow Med. Journal, 1890. li, 15 24. Armaingaud, A. Sur I'opportunitie de rap- peler I'attention sur la question du goitre endem- ique aux points de vue etiologique et prophylac- tique. Toulouse, 1891. Sananelli. Le condizioni attuali delle endemie gozzigene in Italia. Gior. d. r. soc. Ital. d'ig., Miiano, 1895, xvii, 173 192, i ch. Hupenden, F. O. H. Die aflfectionibus in- flammatoris glandulae thyreoidea, Heidelbergae, 1823. Conrad, J. G. H. Commentatio de cyanche thyreoidea et struma inflammatoria. In Frank J. Delect opusc. ad. prax. med. spec, Novocomi, 1827. Plieninger. Entzundung und vereiterung der schilddruse thyreoadenitis therophyma ac utum angina thyreoidea. Ztschr. f. wundarzte u. ge burtsh., Stuttg., 1854, vii, 56 59. Bauchet, L. J. Ue la thyroidite (goitre aigue) et du goitre enflamme (goitre chroniqiie en- flamme). Gaz. hebd. de med., Paris, 1857, iv, 19. 52. 75. 9^- Martinache, N. De I'inflammation aigue du corps thyroide ou thyroidite, Paris, 1861. Geschichte (zur) des acuten kropfs in den Armeen Preuss mil arztl. ztg., Berlin, 1862, 138. Ludwig. Ein fall von acutem kropf. Arch. d. heilk., Leipz , 1873, xiv, 94 96. Detrieux, J. G. Considerations sur la thy- roidiet ou inflammation aigue du corps thyroide, Paris, 1879. Knight, F. A. Acute Idiopathic Inflammation of the Normal Thyroid Gland. Arch, Laryngol., New York, 1880, i, 155. Simon, M. D. Contribution a I'etude de I'in- flammation aigue de la glande thyroide, Paris, 1880. Gaiter, H. De la thyroidite aigue primitive etat actuel de la question, Paris, 1881. Lane", C. L. Acute Inflammation of the Thy- roid. Gland. Med. Record, New York, 1885, xxviii, 65. Kohn, A. Ueber strumitis und thyroiditis. Allg. Wien. medical ztg., 1885, xxx, 153, 162, 188, 216, 244, 258. Zoulovitch, E. De la thyroidite aigue rheu- matismale, Paris, 1885. Ricklin, F. Observations de thyroidite aigue, Gazette medical, Paris, 1885, ii, 448 469. Koranyi. Inflammation of the Thyroid Gland. Orvosi Hetil, Budapest, 1892, xxxvi, 172, 187. Brunner, C. Ein fall von acut eiteriger stru- mitis versacht durch das bacterium coli com- mune. Cor. bl. f. Schweiz Aerzte, Basel, 1892, xxii, 298-307. Given, J O. M. Acute Thyroiditis. Lancet, London, 1892, ii, 935. Ungar, U. Case of Acute Thyroiditis, Or- vosi Hetil, Budapest, 1892, xxxvi, 413. Chantemesse et Marie. Les glandes parathy- roidiennes de I'homme. Bull et. mem. Society Medical d. hop. y. Pari'^, 18L3, x, 202 204. Minutilla, S. Un caso di I'iroidite acuta idio- patica. Atti d. r. accad. di Sc. Med. in Palermo (1891), 1895, 224-230. Munk, j. Case of Thyroiditis. Gyogyaszat, Budapest, 1895, xxxv, 410. Mytrind, 11. Thyroiditis acuta simplex, llosp. tid., Kjobenh., 1895. 4 •■' i'> 11811197. Jeamseime, E. Thyro'dites et strumites in- fectieuses, Gaz d. hop., Paris, 1895, Ixviii, 133- 142. Gailliard. Un cas de thyroidite aigue terminee par resolution. Bull ct mem. Society Medical d. hop. Paris, 1895, ''^''> 507"509 Tailhefer, E. Variete tres rare de thyroidite chronique. Gazzette hebd. de Medical, Paris, 1897, ii, 145. llalipre, A. Congestion thyroidienne chez un Jeune homnie traitement iodure suivi du traite- ment thyroidien, Normandie medical, Rouer, 1897, xii, 517 527. Findlayson, D. W. A Fatal Case of Acute Thyroiditis. American Journal Surgery and Gynecology, St. Louis, 1898 9, x', 67. Ceci, A. Strumite acuta del lobu sinistro della Tiroide, Riforma medical, Palermo, 1900, i, 79. Gozzo vascolare esoftalmico di 1 hb • sini-tro e dell'istmo della Tiroide, Riform i medical, Pa- lermo, 1900, i, 65-66 Stamm, G. Thyreoiditis acuta (idiopathica). Arch. f. kinderh., Stuttgart, 1900, xxviii, 228- 230. Anatomia patologira dell. Apparecchio Tiroi- deo, Gazz. d. 0?p., Miiano, 1900, xxi, 265 266. THVKOIDITIS. Historical. — Gaucher, 1S42, recorded a case of hypertrophied thyroid gland pro- ducing asphyxia. Foote, 1852, presented an address on " Goitre in Grenada." Bounet, 1855, reported a case of simple goitre producing suffocation. Simpson, 1855, recorded a case of goitre in an infant, and Keiller, 1855, a congeni- tal goitre. Blackman, 1858, observed a case of en- larged thyroid gland producing suffoca- tion, and Edwards, 1858, one producing fatality. Danyau, 1861, reported a case of goitre found in a fetus. Mitchell, 1862, mentioned the " Niths- dale Neck" (goitre), in Scotland. SURGER2' OF THE TIITROID. 151 Baillarger, 1S63, observed goitre in ani- mals, and recorded some interesting facts. Potain, 1863, reported a case of goitre with dilatation of the breast and pulmon- ary apoplexy. Simpson, 1866, reported a case of con- genital goitre. Rey, 1873, reported a case of lateral compression of the trachea, due to enlarge- ment of the thyroid gland. He also re- corded a case of double lateral compression causing suffocation. Bergeret, 1873, wrote on apoplectic vertigo due to strangulation and suffoca- tion from goitre. Marsh, 1874, recorded two cases of goitre in young children. Brochin, 1874, reported a case of glos- sitis and suffocation due to goitre. Tait, Lawson, 1875, recorded a case of enlargement of the thyroid gland in preg- nancy. Starr, 1878, recorded a case of sponta- neous cure of goitre following an attack of typhoid fever. Duplay, 1879, mentioned a case of retro-sternal goitre causing suffocation. Bennett, 1880, mentioned a case of acute menstrual goitre. Mackenzie, 1881, recorded a case of fibroid goitre causing paralysis of both recurrent laryngeal nerves and giving rise to aphonia and dysphagia. Chalmers, 1883, mentioned a case of congenital and hereditary goitre. Humrichouse, 1890, recorded two cases of suffocation due to goitre. JoftVo, 1892, mentioned a case of goitre associated with pregnancy, and PyeSmith, 1893, reported a case of congenital en- largement of the thyroid. Holmes, 1895, wrote on sporadic goitre, its variations and the results of modern treatment. Hodenpyl, 1896, observed an enormous goitre in a white mouse. Goris, 1897, mentioned a case of retro- sternal goitre. De Sante, 1898, recorded a case where an enlarged thyroid gland produced pres- sure upon the recurrent laryngeal nerve. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Richter, J. G. De glandula thyroidea in statu naturali ab ovulis verminosis libera contra Jaco- bum Verceilonium Vitemburgae, 1721. Charmeil. Observation sur un engorgement considerable a la glande thyroide. Jour, de Med. Mil., Paris, 1783, ii, 95. Von Loder, J. C. Inest. examen hypothescos de glandolae thyroideae usu Jenae, 1797. Lettsom, J. C. Mem. Medical Society, Lon- don, 1792, iii, 489-493. Brun, J. Paris, 1815. Meyer, R. B. Beobachtung der zunahme eines kropfes bei unterdruckter menstruation. Russ. samml. f. naturw. u. heilk., Riga u. Leipz.,ii, 1817. Mease, J. American Medical Recorder, Phila- delphia, 1818, i. 48. Bolut, J. N. F. X. Paris, 1820. Sylvoz, C. M. Paris, 1820. Cauvier, J. C. Strassbourg, 1822. Schneider, J. Journal Compl. du Diet. d. So- ciety Medical, Paris, 1822, xiv, 329-338. Austin, J. B. Medical and Phys. Journal, London, 1822, xlviii, 298-300. Roots H. S. Medical-Chir. Tr., London, 1823, xii, 310 314. Mery, J. B. J. Paris, 1826. Cassan, A. S. Arch. Gen. de Medical, Paris, 1827, xiii, 76. Coliny, J. C. F. Paris, 1828. Raines, H.J. London Med. and Phys. Jour- nal, 1830, viii, 430. Freire-Allemao, F. Paris, 1831. Coussole, B. Paris, 1832. Monay, H. C. Paris, 1833. Dalbavie, J. Paris, 1834. McClelland, J. Tr. Med. and Phys. Society, Calcutta, 1834, vii, 145 155. Bandier, A. J. Paris, 1835. Ferrus and Dezeimeris. Diet, de Medical, 2 ed., Paris, 1836, xiv, 166 184. Jacquier, N. Paris, 1843. Adelmann. Woch. f. d. ges. heilk., Berlin, 1845, 221 229. Muston, E. Paris, 1845. Fontanel, J. A. C. Du goitre diagnostic dif- fentiel des tumeurs de la glande thyroide., Paris, 1846. Hedenus, J. E. Erstickungstod eines neugc- bornen kindes von hypertrophie der schildruse verursacht. Woch. f. d. ges. heilk., Berlin, 1847, 65 73- Chocus, L. E. A. Paris, 1847. Alison, S. S. London Med. Journal, 1849, i, 518 522. Robert, M. A. Strassbourg, 1849. Chauvin, P. A. Jura, Paris, 1852. Foote, T. M. New Grenada American Jour- nal Medical Society, Philadelphia, 1852, xxiii, 278. Banks, J. L Proc. Path. Soc, Dublin, 1852-8, 111-113. Collin, M. E. Briancon Rec. de mem. de medical mil., Paris, 1853, xii, 261 274. Rec. de mem. de med. mil., Paris, 1853, xii, 24I-3IS- ^. , Gerard. Besancon rec. de mem. de medical mil.. Pari?, 1854, ^'''> ^S^'SQ- Taylor, W. Tr. Med. Association, Alabama, 1854, 78 97- Boulet, A. C. Paris, 1854. Pombo. Gac. Medical de Lima, 1856 7, i. No. 18, 2; No. 20, 3. Cramer, C. Echo Medical, Neuchat., 1858, ii, 592- Edwards, A. F. Lancet, London, 1858, n, 421. Rec. de mem. de med. mil., Paris, 1859, ii, 82. 152 SURGERY OF TUB TIIVROID. Skey, F. C. Medical Circulation, London, 1859, xiv, 121. Eager, R. Lancet, London, i860, i, 276. Hawkes, J. Lancet, London, 1861, ii, 130. Mitchell, A. British and For. Med.-Chir. Review, London, 1862, xxix, 502-515. Svitzer pludselig ded aarsaget af en hyper- trophieret glandula thymus. Hosp. tid. KJobenh., i860, iii, 87. Swayne, A. C. Dublin Med. Press, 1862, xlviii, 547. Crisp. (Young lions.) Tr. Path. Soc, Lon- don, 1863-4. ^^> 260. Da Costa. Medical and Surgical Reporter, Philadelphia, 1864 5, xii, 431. Schmit. Bull. Soc. d. sc. med. du Gr. duche de Luxemb., 1865. 3339. Trelat. Thyroidite aig e dans I'etat puerperal. Gaz. d. hop., Paris, 1866, xxxix, 493 Geissler. Vollstandig Spontanee Losstossung einer Struma. Ztschr. f. med. chir. u. geburts., Leipz., 1867, vi, 531 533. Gueneau de Mussy. De I'emploi de I'iodure d'amidon contre le goitre hypertrophique. Bull, et mem. soc. de Therap , 1867 8, Paris, i p, xlii. Semple. Tr. Path. Soc, London, 1868 9, xx, 397 400. Currie, ]. Dean Glasgow Medical Journal, 1870 71, iii, 153-162. Macudzinski, W. Prezgl lek., Krakow, 1870, ix, 363- Agnew, D. H. Philadelphia Medical Times, 1871-2, ii, 305. Savage, G. H. Lancet, London, 1872, ii, 77. Luton, A. N. diet, de med. et. chir. prat., Paris, 1872, xvi. 471 49^. Gr ss, .». Philadelphia Med. Times, 18723, iii, 518; 1873 4, iv, 118. Bouilly. Bull. Society Anat. de Paris, 1873, xlviii, 850 853. Delalield, E. Medical Record, New York, 1873, viii, 210. Sassot, A. Paris, 1874. Marsh, H. St. Bartholomew Hosp. Report, London, 1874, x> ^^3 Kappeler, O. Chir. beob. a. d. Thurgau Kan- tonssp., Munsterlingen Frauenfeld, 1874, loi. Bertolet, R. M. Tr. Path. Society, Philadel- phia (1871 3), 1874, iv, 222. Darses, F. Du goitre chez la femme et en particulier de Tinriaence exercee sur son devel- oppement par les fonctions genitales, Montpel- lier, 1875. Tait, L. Obst. Journal, London, 1875, ^"i 203- 213. Roberts, J. B. American Journal Medical Science, Philadelphia, 1876, Ixxii, 374 385. Verneuil. Thyroidite aigue terminee par reso- lution, France Medical, Paris, 1876, xxiii, 533. Browne, L. Tr. Path. Society, London, 1876, xxvii, 291-293. Weeks. Boston Med. and Surg. Journal, 1876, xciv, 461 464. Wilson, H. B. Maryland Med. Journal, Balti- more, 1878, iii, 90-93. Sechtem, J. Wien medical presse, 1878, xix, 1412-1479. Hall, T. K. Indian Med. Gazette, Calcutta, 1879, *i^. 18. Horton, J. A. B. In his Dis. Trop. Climates, 2 ed., London, 1879, 593 602. Nivet. Genese du goitre chronique. Assoc. franc, pour I'avance d. sc. compt. rend., 1878, Paris, 1879. vii, 963-966. Bennett, E. H. Medical Press and Circular, London, 1880, xxix, loi. Bundy, J. F. Califo^rnia Med. Journal, Oak- land, i88r, ii, 249 2c;i. Jenks, E. W. The Relations of Goitre to Pregnancy and Derangements of the Generative Organs of Women. Am. Jour, of Obst., New York, 1881, xiv, 1-37. Bauwens, I. D'Yvon Journal d. sc. med. de Louvain, i88r, xi, 539-544. Deblois, T. A. Boston Medical and Surgical Journal, 1882, cvii, 584. Krishaber, M. Diet. Encycl. d. sc. med., Paris, 1883, 4s, ix, 489-553. Cohen, J. S. Polyclinic, Philadelphia, 1883-4, i, 33. 53- Lamaree. Union Medical du Canada, 1884, xiii, 145 8. Lloyd, J. Birmingham Med. Review, 1884, xvi, 201-211. North London or Univ. Coll. Hosp. Rep., 1885, London, 1886, 37. Struma parenchymatosa five falle, Jahresh. u. d. chir. abth. d. spit, zu Basel, 1883- 188+. Fusicr, M. Encephale, Paris, 1888, viii, 437 9. Wolfler, A. Wien. klin. woch., 1889, ii, 371-3. Stoker, G. Proc. Med. Society, London, 1888- 9, xii, 28t. Sloan, A. T. The Relation of Goitre to Men- struation and Pregnancy, and the Influence of the Sympathetic Nervous System on its Produc- tion. Tr. Med.-Chir. Society, Edinburgh, 1885- 6, V, 154-163. Parnet, E. L. M. F. Q^ue'ques eas de thyroid- ites aigues a la suite de la menstruation, Bor- deaux, 1886. De Burine, A. Considerations sur le goitre dependant de la groscsse et de I'accouchement, Paris, 1886. Ellis, W. Remarks on a Case of Acute Goitre Occurring During the Puerperal Period. Brit- ish Med. Journal, London, 1890, ii, 1175. Joflfroy. Union Medical, Paris, 189-, liii, 637- 641. Influence de modifications utero ovariennes sur les affections u corps thyroide. Jour. d. Medical et Chirprat , Paris, 1895. Ixvi, 733-735. Marconi, E. Raccoglitore Medical Forh., 1889, vii, 217 223. Lebedinski, I. I. Hypertrophy of Thyroid Gland and Clinical Relations to New Born In- fants and Sucklings. Trudi Obosh. St. Peters- burg, Dietsk. Vrach., 1893. ii, 39 46. White, J. A. Atlanta Med. and Surg. Journal, 1895-6, xii, 593-599. Perre, Marie. Journal de la Sante, Paris, 1895, xii, 361 381. Cache, S. American del Sud., Tr. Pan-Am. Med. Cong., 1893, Wash., 1895. pt. 2, 20282035. Dock, G. Michigan Tr. Association American Physicians, Philadelphia, 1895, x, 101-107. Fowler, G. R. New York Polyclinic, 1896, viii, 82-84. Hidaka, K. Kokka Igaku Kwai Zasshi, Tokyo, i8c,6, 423-427. Reyes, C. Sulla cura dell 'ipertrofia Paren- chimatosa della Glandula Tiroide Terap. Clin., Napoli, 1896, V, 206-209. Depage. Belgique Ann. Socielj Bolge de Chir., Brussels, 1896 7, iv, 267-279. SURGER2' OF THE TIirROID. 153 Dunn, J. H. Northwest. Lancet, St. Paul, 1897, xvii, 65-70. Meige, H. N. iconog. de la Salpetriere, Paris, 1897, X, 294.- 304. Kox, W. Australas. Med. Gazette, Sydney, 1897, xvi, 265. Marvin, J. B. International Clinic, Philadel- phia, 1897, 7s, i, 173. Ohisha, H. Tumors of the Thyroid Gland in Formosa. Gun. Igaku Kwai Zasshi, Tokyo, 1897, 233 240. Goris, G. • Bull. Acad. Roy. de Medical Bel- gium, Brussels, 1897, xi, 518 520. Stevenson, A. Gaz. lek. Warszawa, 1897. xvii, 950' Bouchereaii. Society d. Sc. Medical de Gan- nat C-r, Paris, 1898 9, liii, 51. Berkeley, W. N. A Study of a Series of Cases of Enlargement of the Thyroid Gland Examined with Special Reference to their Histology. Medi- cal and Surgical Report, Presbyterian Hospital, New York, 1898, iii, 192 210. Reinbach, G. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipzig, 1898, XXV, 545-548 Miller, J. W. Memphis Med. Monthly, 1898, xviii, 357 359. Clerc, A. Bull, et Mem. Society Anat., Paris, 1899, Ixxiv, 132-134. Kraus, F. Wien. klin. woch., 1899, xii, 416- 42r. Dubourg. Bull. Society Anat., Paris, 1826, i, 130 134. Farrin, A. Paris, 1833. Sanson, A. Paris, 1841. Gaucher. Bull. Society Anat., Pari?, 1842, xvii, 178-180. Diener. Schweiz. ztschr. f. medical chirurgie u. geburtsh., Zurich, 1848, 432. Trompeo, D. Caso singolare di polipionia oservata in Villar nella valle di Luserna provincia di Pimerole. Gior. d. r. accad. med. chir., To- rino, 1849, vi, 248-351. Sangalli, G. Gazz. medical Ital. Lomb., Mi- lano, 1848, i, 77. Legenore. Bull. Society Anat., Paris, 1851, xxvi, 85. Raymondaud. Bull, society de medical et pharm. de la Haute-Vienne, 1855, 75 82. Basset. Bull. Society Anat., Paris, 1855, xxx, 148. Verneuil. Bull. Society Anat., Paris, 1855, xxx, 71-75. • Eade. Arch. Medical, London, 1857 9, i, 51. Guillot, N. Actes Society Medical d. Hop., Paris, 1857 6r, v, 470 478. Mott, A. B. New York Medical Press, 1856, >. i3. Raynaud. Bull. Society Anat., Paris, 1859, xxxiv, 348-350. Houel, C.'N. Paris, i860. Guillot, N. Arch. gen. de medical, Paris, i860, ii, 513-521. Uemarquay. Gaz. medical, Paris, i860, xv, 450453- Halle. Bull. Society Anat., Paris, 1862, xxxvii, 275-279. Bowditch. Boston Med. and Suig. Journal, 1863, xxviii, 100. Potain. Bull. Society Anat., Pari.=, 1863, xxxviii, 87 90. Zavizianos. Bull. Society Anat., Paris, 1865, xl, 316 323. Cheever, D. W. Boston Med. and Surg. Jour- nal. 1866, Ixxiii, 329 333. Christot, F. Mem. et compt. rend, society medical de Lyon (1866), 1867, vi, 132-142. LoUiot. Bull. Society Anat., Paris, 1868, xliii, 356. Von Dumreicher. In his Jahrb. d. chir. klin., 1869 70. Wien, 1871, 26. Hanot, V. Bull. Society Anat., Paris, 1872, xlvii, 352. Forster, J. C. Guy's Hospital Report, Lon- don, 1874, x'X' ^5- Restellini, C. Gazz. medical Ital., Lomb., Milano, 1874, 353 5. Packard, J. H. Tr. Path. Society, Philadel- phia (1874-5), 1876, v, 213. Jaupitre, A. Paris, 1876. Labbe, L. In his lee. de clin. chir , Paris, 1876. 659-708. Gensmer, H. Arch. f. path, anat., Berlin, 1878, Ixxiv, 543 5. Heath, R. E. Britis-h Med. Journal, London, 1879, i, 428. Griffini, L, Arch, per le sc. medical, Torino, 1880, iv, 169-182, I pi. Rattone, G. Osservatore, Torino, 1881, xvii, 721-727. Rose, W. British Med. Journal, London, 1881, i, 232. Monatschr. f. Ohrenh., Berlin, 1883, xvii, 229- 23+- Gerster, A. G. Hyperplastic Follicular Goitre. Med. News, Philadelphia, 1884, xlv. 549. Terrillon. Gaz. d. hop., Paris, 1884, Ivii, 801. Sands, H. B. Weekly Med. Review, Chicago, 1885, xi, 394. Guillet. Bull, society anat., Paris, 1886, Ixi, 373 377- ^ ^ Moure. Journal de medical, Bordeaux, 1887-8, xvii, 572. Aigre. Review mens, de laryngol , Paris, 1887, vii, 304 313. Sievers, J. (Adenoma Gellatinosum Gland Thyr.), Wurzburg, 1889. Corley, A. H. Tr. Roy. Acad. Med. Ireland, Dublin, 1889, vii, 169 175, i pi. Rodman, G. H. British Med. Journal, Lon- don, 1890, ii, 1361. Paltauf, R. Beitr. z. path. anat. u. z. allg. path., Jena, 1891, xi, 71 90, i pi. Edwards, W. A. International Med. Maga- zine, Philadelphia, 1892, i, 242-244. Villy, F. Journal of Pathology and Bacteri- ology, Edinburgh and London, 1894-6, iii, 477. Carless. King's Coll. Hosp. Rep., 1894 5, London, 1896, iv, 89. Gaillard. Un cas de thyroidite aigue tcrminee par resolution. Bull, et mem. society medicaid, hop., Paris, 1895, xii, 507 509. Cooke, A. S. British Med. Journal, London, 1895, i, 1262. Rakhmanint ff, I. M. Adenoma of Embryonal Rudi;nents of Thyroid Gland. Medical obozr., Mosk., 1896, xlv, 311, 1 pi. Lane, A. Medical Press and Circular, Lon- don, 1897, Ixiv, 215. Sommer, II. O. Med. Times, New York, 1898, xxvi, 217. Takanaka, S. Chingai Iji Shinpo, Tokio, 1899, XX, No. 462, 9-19. 154 SURGER7- OF THE THTROID. Milligan, J. Journal Morgan Co. Med. Society, Jacksonville, 111., 1899, ii, 70, 8, 15-18. Duplay, S. In clin. chir. de I'Hotel Dieu, Paris, 1900, no 123, i fie;. Stengel, A.. Univ. Med. Mag., Philadelphia, 1900, xiii, 276-285. Pock, W. M. Ann. Gynecology and Obst. Journal, New York, 1900, xvi, 140- 141. SIMPLE GOITRE. Rodman, W. L. International Clinics, Phila- delphia, 1899, 9s, i, 2 6. Carrel. I'rois cas de goitre avec troubles re,"?- piratoires, Lyon medical, T900, xciii, 271-272. Cabannes. Journal de la Sante, Paris, 1900, xvii, pt. 2, 62 64. Murray, G. R. Edinburgh Med. Journal, 1900, viii, 113-117, 2 pi. Powers, F. W. Med. Age, Detroit, 1900, xviii, 607-612. Adami, J. Canada Lancet, Toronto, February, 1902, p. 372. SPASM FROM PRESSURE. Balzar. Gaz. d. hop., Paris, 1874, xlvii, 107. Revilliod, L. Le thyroidisme et le thyropro- teidisme et leurs equivalents pathol. ogiques. Ann. d'hyg,, Paris, 1895, xxxiii, 408-423. Buschan, G. Zum sogenannten thyroidismus, Aerztl. Rundschau, Munchen, 1895, xlv, 2106. Bignami, G. Thyreoidismus und Schwanger- schaft, Wien. nied. hi., 1896, xix, 51-68. De Sante, P. R. W. Med. Press and Circular, London, 1898, Ixvi, Webb, M. Australasian Med. Gazette, Syd- ney, 1890 91, X, 36. Ander^on, II. B. Canada Lancet, 1900-1901, xxxiv, 57 60. PARALYSIS. Mack' nzie, M. British Med. Journal, London, i88r, i, 595. DISPLACEMENT. Gleitsmann, J. W. Med. Record, New York, 1886, xxix, 303. CONGENITAL GOITRE. Keller, A. Edinburgh Med. Journal, 1855, Ixxxii, 31. Danyau. Gaz. de hop., Paris, 1861, xxxiv, 78. Beraud and Danyau. Bull, society de chir., Paris, (1861), 1862, ii, 108 114. Simpson, A. R. Glasgow Med. Journal, 1866- 7, i. 181193. Porta, L. Gior. di anat. e fisiol, Milano, 1866, i", 37 44. I Pl- Chalmers, G. S. Med. Record, New York, 1883, xxiv, 390. Miller, N. F. Med. obozr., Mosk., 1884, xxii, 987 989. Ormsljy, G. H^ Lancet, London, 1888, i, 396. Tansini, I. Gazette medical ital. Lombardy, Milano, 1888, xlvii (xlviii), 335. Pye Smith. Med. Press an-l Circular, London, 1893, Iv, 91. Davis, W. R. Vet. Journal and Ann. Comp. Path.. London, 1898, xlvii, 25 27. Abt, I. A. Arch. Pediat., New York, 1900, xvii, 261 265, 2 fig. Abt, I. A. Chicago Med. Recorder, 1900, xix, 106-111. GOITRE IN DOMESTICATED ANIMALS. Baillarger. Compt. rend. acad. d. sc, Paris, 1862, Iv, 475-477. Foot, A. W. (N. P.), 1870. Sk)an, A. T. Lancet, London, 1887, i, 1082. Hodenpyl, E. Proc. New York Path. Society, (1895), 1896, 18. EXOPHTHALMIC GOITRE (1761-I9O4). IVIore frequent in female, seldom before puberty, rare after middle life, and ap- pears during sexual activity. Independent of other forms of goitre. Pathology not known. Almost always bilateral. Eyes do not always protrude. Symptoms and diagnosis difficult if eyes do not protrude in early stage, easy in ad- vanced stage. Epiphora in exophthalmic goitre is con- sidered by Berger (^Archives of Ophthal- mology^ New York, September, 1903). He reports having observed a secretory neurosis of the lachrymal glands similar to the other secretory neuroses of exophthal- mic goitre. He rejects the mechanical explanations that have been offered. If this theory is correct, of course, sounds and astringent injections are useless. The best treatment is that which relieves the general symptoms as well as the epiphora, though in otistinate cases perhaps the in- ternal use of atropine or local instillations of cocaine might be tried. For any an- noying dryness of the ball he has suggested the instillation of sterile salt solution, which has been employed with good re- sults {you")ial American Medical Asso- ciation) . Exophthalmus, tachycardia and goitre are the three most important symptoms. Tedeschi has established that a lesion of tjie restiform body is able to induce in rabbits and dogs not only exophthalmos and tachycardia, but a generalized tremor, polyuria, glycosuria and salivation. This occurred invariably in his experimental research when the lesion was in the an- terior portion of the restiform body, directly behind the auditory tubercle. Usually there is great nervousness ; diar- rhea, glycosuria and skin pigmentation may one or all be present, but are not constant or universal. Hofbauer has studied the respiratory curves in several cases of exophthalmic goitre which showed marked disturbances of respiration. Some of these disturbances are of a secondary nature, being due to SURGBRT OF THE THTROID. 155 cardiac complications, pressure on the tra- chea, bronchitis, etc. But in other cases the respiratory changes cannot be attri- buted to those causes, being directly due to the perverted function of the thyroid gland. The changes may be more or less permanent, and are characterized by flat- tening of the respiratory curve, lengthen- ing of inspiration and expiration, and irregularities in height and form of curve. Accidental disturbances may occur in the form of deepened respirations, rapid in- spirations and expirations, and respiratory pause. {^American Medicine, October 3, 1903, p. 564.) Rapid pulse following removal of a thyroid gland is probably due to rapid absorption of thyroidine in the process of repair. Pulse will sometimes reach 150 per minute, but subsides to 80, 90 or 100 at the end of one hundred hours. Stridor, dyspnea, dysphagia, rapid growth, emaciation, fever, infection or syncope, one or all, may be present. It was recognized by Morgagni in 1761 ; C. H. Parry, an Englishman, in 1786; Graves, 1835, and Basedow (German), 1840. The English call it Graves' disease, the Germans Basedow's disea'^e, and the Ital- ians morbo di Flagani, after an Italian by the name of Flagani, who was an early observer of the disease. The proper name should be exophthalmic goitre. It was first believed to be due to anemia, which suggested the use of quinine. Treatment. — But few medicaments, if any, are even palliative ; none curative. Sodium phosphate, salicylic acid, thy- mus, and suprarenal gland are most pop- ular. IMany cases of acute goitre, whether simple or exophthalmic, will disappear after colon flushing or change of residence. This is especially so when due to Plasmo- dium malarijE and septic matter found in drinking water and air. Surgery offers the only means of relief. Tillaux, 1880, was the first to operate. Manheimer, 1894, collected 40 cases oper- ated upon. Starr has collected 190 cases operated upon before 1895 — partial re- moval of the gland, and a few ligations of the thyroid artery ; 23 died immediately, mortality 12 per cent. Sargo reports 174 operations from 18S4- 1896; 2 result not known; 27 (iS 2 per cent.) much improved; 62 (36 per cent.) distinctly improved; 48 (27.9 percent.) cured; 11 (6.4 per cent.) not improved or made worse; 24 (13.9 per cent.) died soon after the operation. Ord and Mackenzie report 33 opera- tions; 8 died, 5 recovered, 9 almost com- plete recovery, 9 considerable improve- ment, I slight improvement, i in statu quo. Williamson records 24; 6 fatal, 5 com- plete recovery, 2 almost complete recovery, 4 considerable improvement, 3 slight im- provement, 3 static quo, and i alive but condition unknown. Kocher (Mitteilungen a. d. Grenzge- bieten, Jena, ix, 142, 1902) gives 1,432 titles and reports 93 operations for exoph- thalmic goitre since 18S7; 50 of these were of his own cases ; 45 of his cases are permanently cured, 8 improved, 2 slightly so, and 4 died. Of the 93. 30 were ex- tremely severe. 22 well developed. 14 were cases of struma vasculosa, 9 of which were operated, 3 pseudo Basedow, both of which were operated upon, and 4 tran- sient. The exophthalmos vanished com- pletely in only 26 of his 45 completely cured cases, In the others it persisted in a slight degree, probably owing to the anatomic alterations induced by the mor- bid process previous to the operation. Albert Kocher (Mitteilungen a. d. Grenzgebieten der Medizin und Chirur- gie, 1902, ix, Bd. i u. 2) reports 93 cases of exophthalmic goitre from his father's records, of which 59 were operated upon ; 45, or 76 per cent., cured ; 10, or 17.5 per cent., benefited; 4, or 6.7 per cent., died of tetany within ten hours after the opera- tion. Ileydenrich, 1895, collected 61 cases operated upon, Ehrhardt collected 230 operations; 68 per cent, cured or greatly improved, vSchulz collected 319 opera- tions ; 79 per cent, cured or greatly im- proved. Coiiclnsio}is for Rxoplithalniic Goitre. — Destroy vascularization, resect smallest amount of tissue, limit blood supj^ly ; liga- ture of superior arteries ineffectual. Eigi- tion of afferent arteries with partial ex- cision will cure a few of the severest ca-es ; remainder of gland will spontaneously subside, Kocher says that " iodine will aggra- vate, that medicines are useless, and that operation should be m ide wi hout waste of time." 156 SURGERr OF THE THYROID. Huntington says that operation is the only hope. Operations of selection in order of their supposed value are : 1. Thyroidectomy — most radical, less mortality, and attended by better results and a greater number of cures. 2. Sympathectomy, It>< value is yet to be determined {by a great number of operations) as to mortality, efficacy and per cent, of cures. 3. Exothyropexy is the easiest and quickest, results not so good or great in number. ]\Iortality higher, with more complications. 4. Ligation of arteries least desirable. Will not cure, only occasionally palliative, and the goitre will recur. Thyroid poisoning following thyroidec- tomy is infrequent, while more or less al- bumin and granular casts have been found in the urine after operation on those that have died. Ether is prone to cause pneumonia in exophth.ilmos. This alone should indi cate the use of chloroform A few should be operated upon under the influence of cocaine subcutaneously injected. Simple Section of the Sy?upathctic Nerve. — Jaboulay performed bilateral section in six cases and the unilateral operation in two cases. He records two cures, five improved cases, and one death, which occurred eighteen months after operation — a mortality of 12,5 percent. In all of these patients the exophthalmos was influenced favorably after the first day; the thyroid enlargement disappeared slowly, while the tachycardia was scarcely influenced by the operation. He proposes that in cases in which the tachycardia is pronounced the inferior cervical ganglion shall be excised. Balacesu claims that simple section in- fluences the exophthalmos and thyroid enlargement but little, and the tachycardia not at all. Pean pronounces the operation resultless and unnecessary. He advocates thyroidec- tomy. Gayet has stated that simple section powerfully influences the triad of symp- toms, and this effect is permanent. It must be remembered that (niyet's article appeared in 1896, while that of Balacesu was published in 1902. Stretching of the Cervical Sympathetic. — In the only (Jaboulay's) case in which this operation was performed the tachy- cardia was markedly increa<5ed, the pulse ranging from 110 to 130 two weeks after the operation. The exophthalmos and thyroid enlargement were uninfluenced. Stretching' of the Pnciimogastric Nerve. — This has been tried by Jaboulay in cases of exophthalmic goitre with severe cough. It is said to arreat the laryngeal spasms. This procedure must be regarded as dan- gerous and without curative value. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Jaboulay. Chirurgie du Grand Sympathetique et du Corps Thyroide, 1900. p. 79. Balacesu. Archiv. fur Klinische Chirurgie, 1902 (Vol. 67). jaboulay. Lyon Medicale, April, 1898. Gayet, Lyon Medicale, No. 30, 1896. Pean. Bull. Acad, de Med., Tome iii, p. 31, 1897. Ablation of the cervical sympathetic has been abandoned. Partial Resection {^Removal of the Su- perior Ganglion^ and Partial and Ex- tensive Resictioti {Removal of the Supe- rior and Middle Ganglia with the Intcr- veni)ig Strand) . — These procedures have gained an established position among exophthalmic goitre operations. Balas- cesu reports twenty -seven cases which were treated by partial resection, and were observed for periods varying from one to four years. In all of these cases there was a rapid and pronounced improve- ment. The exophthalmos disappeared with the first few days, the thyroid diminished in the first eight days, but the tachycardia persisted, the pulse ranging from no to 120. The palpitation did not return and the facial expression was changed for the better. After a time the tachycardia showed a tendency to decrease, but never was as pronouncedly influenced as were the other Basedow symptoms. In this series of twenty-seven cases there were nine cures, eleven improvements, two uncured cases and five deaths, none of which could be attributed to the opera- tion. The mortality of these procedures is small, probably less than 5 per cent. Sud- den death, however, has occurred after partial resection. One such case, which was operated bilaterally by Bernays and Simpson, of St. Louis, died on the day. That partial resection is not always curative is shown by a case recorded by SURGERr OF THE TIIVROID. 157 Chauffaud and Quenu, who removed the superior ganglia without influencing the exophthalmos and goitre. It seems reasonable to concede (i) that partial resection is the operation of choice in those cases of exophthalmic in which the ocular and thyroid are more prominent than the cardiac symptoms ; (2) that the bilateral resection should be made, but not at the same sitting, an interval of two or three weeks being advisable ; (3) that the mortality is low. (Ball.) BIBLIOGRAPHY. Balascesu. Archiv. fur Klinische Chirurgie, 1902. BernayB and Simpson. Personal communica- tion. Chauffaud et Q^'enu. Prcsse Med'cale, July 3. 1897. Total Bilateral Resection. — This is the procedure of choice among the sympa- thetic opera' ions. Of nineteen cases which are reported by Balascesu as occurring in the practice of Jonnesco, Soulie, Fuure, Penguecz, in fourteen after the second day after operation the Basedow symp- toms disappeared one after another. This improvement continued daily until cure was complete. This report is verified by the experience of Halslead and Wither- spoon. Halstead, writing four weeks after total bilateral resection, says: "The pa- tient'sexophthalmoshasgreatly improved ; the pulse is better, the tremor and general nervous condition are improved." Witherspoon, in 1899, was consulted by a woman, aged fifty nine years, who showed moderate exophthalmos, marked enlargement of the right thyroid lobe, and a pulse rate varying from 130 to 150. She heard strange noises and had ideas of per- secution ; the skin was moist and the urine showed casts and albumin. The diagnosis was chronic interstitial nephritis asso- ciated with Graves' disease. Believing that in her general condition thyroidec- tomy was contraindicated, Witherspoon advised sympathectomy. On Septem- ber 10 the operation was made on the right lobe. Eleven days later the left side was operated. After the second operation the pulse showed improvement in quality and rate, the exophthalmos and enlarge- ment of the thyroid almost completely disappeared and her mental condition im- proved. In December she went on a visit to the country. In the following February, while riding, she became chilled and died two hours afterward. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Depape. Societe Royale des Sciences Reidi- coles et Naturalles de Brussels, 1898. Balascesu. Arrhiv. fur Klinische Chirurgie, 1902. Halstead. Personal communication, April 14, 1902. Witherspoon. Personal communication, April 15. 1902. Classification of operations on the cervical portion of the sympathetic nerve, where procedures which have been tried in the treatment of exophthalmic goitre, are as follows: 1. Simple division of the cervical sym- pathetic (first performed by Jaboulay). 2. Ablation of the cervical sympathetic consisting in the torsion and ablation of the nerve by means of artery forceps passed through a small incision (Jaboulay's pro- cedure). 3. Simple t>tretching of the cervical sympathetic (first practiced by Jaboulay). 4. Partial resection of the cervical sym- pathetic (first performed by Alexander, of Edinburgh, in 1889, for the cure of epilepsy and limited by him to the removal of the superior ganglion). 5. Partial and extensive resection (ex- cision of the upper and middle ganglia with the intervening strand). 6. Total resection of the cervical sym- pathetic (removal of all three ganglia and the nerve strand). This was first per- formed by Jennesco. 7. Thyroidectomy with partial and ex- tensive resection of the cervical sypathet'c was suggested by the writer in 1901, and was practiced by Dr. J. W. Smith, of St. Louis (J. M. Ball). Conclusions of my paper read at New Orleans : 1 . Excision of the superior cervical gan- glion of the sympathetic nerve is worthy of a trial in those cases of simple atrophy of the optic nerve which resist measures less heroic. 2. It is yet impossible to say whether the bilateral operation is advisable in uni- lateral optic nerve atrophy. 3. The value of sympathectomy in con- genital hydrophthalmos has not been demonstrated. 4. In exophthalmic goitre complete ex- cision of the cervical sympathetic is fol- lowed by a larger percentage of cures than 158 Si/RGBRr OF THE THYROID. is any other procedure. Thus far no deaths have been recorded. The number of operations, however, is small and final conclusions can be announced only after a large number of cases shall have been treated by this method (J. M. Ball). SUKGKRV OK SYMPATHETIC NEKVE FOR EXOPHTHALMIC GOITRE. Historical. — Jaboulay, 1S91 ; Admed Hussein, 1896; Pean, 1897; Marchant and Abadie, 1897, each made an excision of the sympathetic nerve for exophthalmic goitre. Valencon, 1S97, described surgical treatment for exophthalmic goitre, and Rosa, 1897, said that surgery of the sympa- thetic nerve was the treatment tor ex- ophthalmic goitre. Viguard, 1S97, wrote on the treatment of exophthalmic goitre by excision of sympathetic nerve. Soulie, 1897, contributed his study of exophthalmic goitre and its treatment by excision of the sympathetic nerve. Jonnesco, 1897, made a total excision of the sympathetic nerve for exophthalmic goitre. Chauffard and Quenu, 1897, made a bilateral resection of the sympathetic nerve for exophthalmic goitre. Faure, 1896, treated exophthalmic goitre by total resection of the sympa- thetic nerve. Poncet, 1897, and Bernaud, 1897, re- ported two cases of exophthalmic goitre treated successfully by resection of the sympathetic nerve. Tremoin, 1898, made a resection of the sympathetic nerve for exophthalmic goitre. Bled, 1898, operated on the sympathetic nerve for exophthalmic goitre. Schwartz, 1898, made a resection of sympathetic nerve for exophthalmic goitre. Durand, 1898, made a partial resection of sympathetic nerve for exophthalmic goitre. Despage, 1898, treated exophthalmic goitre by resection of sympathetic nerve. Delageniere, 1898, made resection of sympathetic nerve for exophthalmic goitre. Peugniez, 1898, made a bilateral re- section of sympathetic nerve for exoph- thalmic goitre. Comemale and (yaudier, 1898, operated on sympathetic nerve for exophthalmic goitre. Cerkez and Juvara, 1898, made a double extirpation for exophthalmic goitre. Jeunet, 1898, contributed his study on resection of sympathetic nerve for exoph- thalmic goitre. Notys, 1898, also contributed to the treatment of exophthalmic goitre by a bilateral resection of sympathetic nerve. Boissou, 1898, made a critical study of the surgical treatment, for ex>[)hthahnic goitre. Gaudier. 1899, made a double sympa- thectomy for exophth;ilinic goitre. Dastre, 1899, contributed his study on surgical treatment of the sympallietic nerve for exophthalmic goitre. Abadie, 1899. made a resection of the sympathetic nerve for exophthalmic goitre. Lorentz, 1899, treated exophthaltnic goitre by operation on the sympathetic nerve. Boinet, 1899. m.'ide a total resection of sympathetic nerve for exophtlialmic goitre. Mariani, 1S99, operated bilaterally on the sympathetic nerve for exophthalmic goitre. Coomes, 1900, removed the sympathetic ganglia for the relief of exophthalmic goitre with the report of the case. Curtis, 1900, made a resection of the sympathetic for exophthalmic goitre. Witherspoon, 1899, removed both sympathetic nerves (two sittings, resulting in great relief) . Curtis {Annals of Surgery, August, 1903, p. 161- 201 ) considers thyroidectomy and sympathectomy for exophthalmic goitre, and reports eleven females, partial thyroidectomies, eight recoveries, three deaths. Six females subjected to sympa- thectomy, four recoveries, two deaths. One male on whom he mude a sympa- thectomy died. Total thyroidectomies eleven, three deaths due to thyroidiiie. Total sympathectomies seven, three deaths. Here we have less than 25 per cent, mortality in his thyroidectomies, and more than 40 per cent, mortality in his sympathectomies. Deaver {Annals of Surgery^ August, 1903, p. 202-211) writes on the surgical treatment of exophthalmic goitre, and re- ported a bilateral sympathectomy on a female, with recovery. Exophthalmos cured, but the goitre remained without discomfort. He prefers sympathectomy to thyroidectomy or other operations for exophthalmic goitre. He also advises SURGERT OF THE THYROID. 159 sympathectomy in the treatment of epi- lepsy. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Jaboulay. Ljon med., 1891, Ixxxi, 389. Lancereaux. La Seniaine Medicale, Pari?, January, 1894. Gayet, G. Lyon med., 1896, Ixxxii, 419 428. Alimed Hussein. Lyon, i8t,6. Tricomini. II Policlinico, Roma, 1896. Province med., Lyon, 1897, xi, 82. Surrell. These de Paris, 1897. Pean. Bull. acad. de med., Paris, 1897, xxxviii, 132-1.-^7- De Cvon. Acad, des sciences, 1897. Juin. Marchant and A.badie. Pre?se med., Paris, 1897, i') I- Valencon, P. Gaz. d. hop., Paris, 1897, Ixx, 603-700. Rosa, U. Suppl. al Policlin., Roma, 1897 8, i^. 30 33- Viguard. Bull, med., Paris, 1897, xi, 167- 170. , Soulie. Arch. prov. de chir., Paris, 1897, vi, 579581- Jonnesco, T. Ann. d'ocul., Paris, 1897, cxvii, 161 175. Gaz. d. hop., Paris, 1897, Ixx, 841. Chauffard and Quenu. Presse med., Paris, 1897, ii, 2. Faure, J. L. Assoc, franc, de chir., Proc- verb., Paris, 1897, xi, 273-283. Poncet, A. Bull. acad. de med., Paris, 1897, xxxviii, 121-125. Presse med., Paris, 1897. 11,392. Bi rnoud, C. Bull, mt d., Paris, 1897, xi, 1177- 1180. Tremoin. Assoc, franc, de chir. Proc. verb., 1898, xii, 210-212. Bled, H. Paris, 1898. Jour. d. Conn. med. prat., Paris, 1898, Ixvi, 381-386. Schwartz, E. Bull, et mem. soc. de chir., Paris, 1898, xxiv, 748-750. Bull, et mem. soc. de chir., Paris, 1898, xxiv, 893 918. Durand. Province med., Lyon, iSgg, xii, 266- 268. Depage. Soc. Roy. d. Sc. med. et nat. de Brussels, Bull., 1898, Ivi, 73 92. Booth. Med. Record, Aug. 13, 1898. Delageniere, H. Arch. med. d'Angers, 1898, ii, 303 306. Peugniez. Gaz. med. de Picardie, Amiens, 1898, xvi, 153 174. Comemale and Gaudier. Bull. soc. eentr. de med. du nord., Lille, 1898, ii, 157-169. Presse med , Paris, 1898, i, 81. Cerkes and Juvara. Arch. d. sc. med. de Bu- carest, Paris, 1898, iii, 22-29. Hnrries. British Med. Journal, May 4, 1900. Reiiaud. St. Louis Med. Review, February, 1902. Booth. Journal of Nervous and Mental Dis- eases, Sept., 1902. Halstead. Medicine, September, 190J. Balacesu. Archiv fur klinische chirurgie, T902 (vol. 67). Kocher. Mittheilungen aus dem Grenzge- bieten der Medicine und Chirurgie, 1902. Sorgo. Centralb, fur Grenzgeb. der Medicin, No. I, p. 329. Witherspoon. Operative Treatment of Exoph- thalmic Goitre. Journal American Med. Assn., July 25, 1903, p. 228-233. Jeunet, F. Paris, 1898. Notys, E. Lyon, 1898. Boissou, P. Paris, 1898. Gaudier. Echo med. du nord, Lille, 1899, iii, 131- Dastre, A. Compt. rend. soc. biol., Paris, 1899, vi, 88 91. Ball. Congres international d'ophthalmologie, d' jhrecht, 1899, p. 551. Abadie. Compt. rend. soc. biol., Paris, 1899, vi, 87. Lorenlz, G. Lyon, 1899. Rehn. Munchener medizinische wochenschrift, Oct. 10, 1899. Boinet. E. Bull, et mem. soc. med. d'hop., Paris, 1899, xvi, 783-786. Mariani, C. Clin, chir., Milano, 1899, vii, 826, 1900, viii, 27, 109. Coomes, M. F. Am. Pract. and News, Louis- ville. 1900, XXX, 121-124. Curtis. B. F. Jour. Nerv. and Ment. Diseases, N' w York, 1900, xxvi, 405. Suker. New York Med. Journal, February 24, 1900. Gninert. Bericht xxvii Versammlung der Ophthrilmologischen Gesellschaft (Heidelberg, 1900) Wiesbaden, 1901. Lanphear. St. Louis Med. and Surg. Journal, May, 1900. EXOPHTHALMIC GOITRE. Historical. — Parry, 1825. reported a case of enlargement of the thyroid gland in connection with enlargement or palpi- tation of the heart. Debar, 1830, contributed his observa- tions on exophthalmic goitre. Von Basedow, 1840, described exoph- thalmic goitre as an enlargement of the thyroid gland with protrusion of the eye- balls. MacDonnell, 1845, made observations on a peculiar form of disease of the heart attended with enlargement of the thyroid gland and eyeballs. Begbie, 1848, described a case of anemia and its consequences — enlargement of the thyroid gland and eyeballs — and asks the question : " Anemia and goitre, are they related?" Banks, 1855, reported his observations on the increased action of the heart and arteries of the neck, with enlargement of the thyroid gland and prominence of the eyeballs, dropsy, etc. Stokes, 1855, recognized the increased action of the heart and of the arteries of the neck, followed by enlargement of the thyroid gland and eyeballs. Charcot, 1856, described the character- istics of exophthalmic goitre as palpitation i6o SURGERY OF THE TIIYROID. of the heart, increased action of the ar- teries, swelling of the thyroid gland, and abnormal protrusion of the eyeballs. Markham, 1857, reported an affection of the heart with enlargement of the thy- roid and thymus glands and prominence of the eyeballs. Harimann, 1859, mentioned exophthal- mic goitre with dilatation of the heart. Williams, i860, contributed his obser- vations on exophthalmic goitre. Hamburger, 1862, reports exophthalmic goitre as an epidemic. Begbie. 1863, reported a case of vascu- lar bronchocele and exophthalmos. Moore, 1863, described palpitation, vis- ible pulsation in the carotids and thyroid gland, with exophthalmia. Laycock, 1863, wrote on the causes and nature of the vascular kind of bronchocele and of the pulsations and palpitations termed anemic. Begbie, 1863, described bronchocele and exophthalmos. Turgis, 1863, contributed his researches and observations, with history of exoph- thalmic goitre. Collard, 1863. reported the case of a young woman where exophthalmic goitre was attended by congestion of the grand sympathetic nerve. Tatum, 1864, recorded a case of exoph- thalmic goitre ; sloughing of the cornea from exposure. Reiih, 1S65, reported a case of exoph- thalmos enlargement of the thyroid gland ; autopsy, affection of the cervical sympa- thetic. Chalubinski Choroba, 1866, reported a case of exophthalmic goitre with chronic bronchitis. Rose, 1S67, described carcinoma of the thyroid gland, with palpitation of the heart and exophthalmos. Fournier and Ollivier, 1868, reported exophthalmic goitre resulting in gangrene of the grand sympathetic nerve. Chvostek, 1869, described exophthalmic goitre and Basedow's disease as one and the same. Andrews, 1870, mentioned exophthal- mic goitre with insanity. Patchett, 1872, exophthalmic goitre, with unusual severity of symptoms ; ulcer of cornea ; cured. Vance, 1873, reported ophthalmoscopic appearances in cases of exophthalmic goitre. Daviller, 1873, considered the physiol- ogy of exophthalmic goitre. Smith, 1874, treated exophthalmic goitre with belladonna. Goodhart, 1874, reported exophthalmic goitre with enlargement of thymus. Bartholow, 1875, gave some practical observations on exophthalmic goitre and its treatment. Bulkley, 1875, reported two cases of exophthalmic goitre associated with chronic urticaria. Boddaert, 1S75, contributed his study of the physiology of exophthalmic goitre. Walzberg, reported a case of exophthal- mic goitre with abnormal protru8ion_^of the eyeballs. Gagnon, 1876, reported an exophthal- mic goitre. O'Neill, 1878, reported exophthalmic goitre and diabetes occurring in the same person. Smith, 1878, reported exophthalmic goitre lesions of the cervical ganglia. Eales, 1S78, described exophthalmic goitre with unilateral exophthalmos. Earle, 1878, considered the frequency of exophthalmic goitrejin Illinois, with a brief consideration of its recent pathology and treatment. Morgan, 1S79, reported on dilatation of the cavities of the heart with probably some hypertrophy, complicated with ex- ophthalmic goitre, successfully treated with digitalis. Cornwell, 1880, recorded a case of ex- ophthalmic goitre terminating in total loss of sight from neuro-paralytic inflammation of the cornea. Blackwood, 1880, had a case of exoph- thalmic goitre which he treated by elec- tricity. Stewart, 1881, reported three cases of exophthalmic goitre treated by ergot. Desnos, 1881, treated an exophthalmic goitre by injections of duboisin. Merklen, 1882, described a case of ex- ophthalmic goitre resulting from a fever and epilepsy ; recovery. Fauquez, 1882, made observations on exophthalmic goitre originating with men- struation ; recovery. Hunt, 1883, reported on exophthalmic goitre treated with duboisinja. Major, 1883, reports an exophthalmic goitre, hygroma and acute inflammation of thyroid gland, with illustrative cases. Fitzgerald, 1883, contributed an article SURGERl' OF THE THTROID. i6i on "The Theory of a Central Lesion in Exophthalmic Goitre." Savage, 18S3, and Greidenberg, 1883, reported on mental disturbance in Base- dow's disease. Maher, 1885, reported on exophthalmic goitre with unilateral exophthalmos. Santangelo, in Seta, 1885, made an experimental research in exophthalmic goitre. Marie, i8Sy, made observations on ex- ophthalmic goitre. Syers, 1886, had a case of exophthalmic goitre terminating fatally. DeRause, 1886, reported on treatment of exophthalmic goitre. Aiken, 1887, reported a case of exoph- thalmic goitre following ether anesthesia. Lloyd, 1887, reported a case of rapidly fatal exophthalmic goitre. Dubreuilh, 1887, exophthalmic goitre with tuberculosis. Vierodt, 1887, described the combina- tion of exophthalmic goitre with laryn- gitis. Moore, 1887, reported exophthalmic goitre with loss of an eye by exposure. Brower, 1888, reported on exophthal- mic goitre and its treatment by tincture of strophanthus. Burton, 1888, reported on cutaneous affections in exophthalmic goitre. Kurella, 1888, reported bronzed skin accompanying exophthalmic goitre. Cohen, 1889, had a case where ex- ophthalmic goitre was associated with phthisis. White, 1889, reported on the pathology of the central nervous system in exoph- thalmic goitre. Semon, 1889, had a case of unilateral incomplete exophthalmic goitre after re- moval of nasal polypi. Deunitieres, 1889, reported a fatal case of exophthalmic goitre. Thyssen, 1889, mentioned hereditary possibilities in exophthalmic goitre. Hutchinson, 1889, reported on recovery from exophthalmic goitre, with note on the non-liability to recurrences of the dis- ease and on the great importance of change of climate in its treatment. Finlayson, 1890, reported on paralysis of the third nerve as a complication of ex- ophthalmic goitre. Rosenberg, 1890, reported a case of ex- ophthalmic goitre, apparently hereditary. Bramwell, 1890, reported on the symp- toms of myxedema and exophthalmic goitre contrasted. Weil and Diamantberger, 1891, reported a case of exophthalmic goitre associated with rheumatism. Another case is re- ported of exophthalmic goitre in a girl causing death by asphyxia. Lawford, 1890, reported a case of re- covery from exophthalmic goitre. Montgomerie, 1891, reported a case of exophthalmic goitre ending fatally from sudden pressure on the trachea. Lashtshenko, 1891, reported on exoph- thalmic goitre and alcoholic automatism. Spencer, 1891, reported a case of ex- ophthalmic goitre causing death by as- phyxia. Nine cases of exophthalmic goitre ; oph- thalmoplegia ; remarks on the lid symp- toms (St. Bartholomew Hospital Reports) . Sollier, 1891, recorded a case of exoph- thalmic goitre with myxedema. Bradshaw, 1891, recorded a case of ex- ophthalmic goitre complicated by hemi- plegia and unilateral chorea. Cardew, 1891, reported on the value of diminished resistance of the human body as a symptom in exophthalmic goitre. Hay, 1891, described a case of exoph- thalmic goitre with mental disease ; report of three cases with rare complications. Rosenblatt, 1892, reported on trembling of the limbs as a first symptom of exoph- thalmic goitre. Maude, 1892, reported on the use of Leiter's tubes to the precordium in exoph- thalmic goitre. Jeafferson, 1893, mentioned thyroid secretion as a factor in exophthalmic goitre. Mader, 1893, reported a case of exoph- thalmic goitre with compression of the trachea, terminating in lobular pneu- monia. Broomall, 1893, reported on exoph- thalmic goitre; death on the twentieth day after a Porro operation for uterine fibromata. Yema, 1893, considered "muscular twitchings" in exophthalmic goitre. 0'Donovan,i894, had a case of exoph- thalmic goitre treated during two years with tincture of strophanthus. Auld, 1894, reported on the effect of thyroid extract in exophthalmic goitre and in psoriasis. Wood, 1894, reported a case of exoph- thalmic goitre with spontaneous cure oc- l62 SURGBRr OF THE THYROID. curring apparently from the use of extract of spleen. Dourdoufi, 1894, contributed a study on the relation of myxedema to exophthalmic goitre. West, 1895, reported two ca?es of ex- ophthalmic goitre in sisters with morbus cordis, and a history of rheumatic fever in both. Moore, 1895, reported on exophthalmic goitre and its treatment with sodium phosphate. Watson Williams, 1S95, had a ca^e of exophthalmic goitre with unilateral symp- toms treated by thyroid feeding, etc. Power, 1895, reported on exophthalmic goitre treated with thyroid extract. Bacon, 1895, reported on the treatment of exophthalmic goitre with nuclein solution. Bogroff, 1895, reported nine cases of exophthalmic goitre with injections of thyroid gland. Cunningham, 1895, reported on the ad- ministration of thymus in exophthalmic goitre. Hektoen, 1895, considered hyperplastic persistent thymus in exophthalmic goitre. Bouchaud, 1895, wrote on the heredi- tary possibillities in exophthalmic goitre. Fridenherg. 189:;, reported a ca<=e of exophtiuilmic guilre willi monocular symptoms and unilateral th)roid hyper- trophy. Baldwin, 1895, reported some cases of exophthalmic goitre succeeded by thyroid atrophy. Hannemann, 1895, had a case of exoph- thalmic goitre resulting in glycosuria and diabetes. Edes, 1896, reported on the treatment of exophthalmic goitre with animal ex- tracts, and especially extract of thymus. Smith, 1896, reported a case of exoph- thalmic goitre with marked tremors treated with thyroid extract and iodine in- jection ; slight improvement in the end, but symptoms appeared worse under the thyroid treatment. Goldschmidt, 1896, mentioned a glyco- suria with exophthalmic goitre. Kinnicutt, 1896, reported on the theory of the thyroid origin of exophthalmic goitre, with its bearing on the surgical treatment of the disease. ^Mackenzie and Edmonds, 1S96, re- ported two cases of exophthalmic goitre with persistent thymus. Georgiyevski, 1900, contributed a short sketch on the epidemic of fulminating goitre in Vilmanstand in the autumn of 1896. Smith, 1896, reported on exophthalmic goitre with glycosuria and general alo- pecia. Bettmann, 1896, reported a case of ex- ophthalmic goitre with diabetes. Cohen, 1897, reported on the treatment of exophthalmic goitre and other vaso- motor ataxias with preparations of the thymus gland and of the adrenals. Crary, 1897, described the use of the extract of suprarenal capsule in exoph- thalmic goitre. James, 1897, reported a case of exoph- thalmic goitre treated with extract of thymus gland. Kerley, 1897, reported an apparent cure of exophthalmic goitre by the use of thyroid extract. Curtin, 1897, reported on heredity as a primary factor in exophthalmic goitre, with remarks on other etiological in- fluences. Low, 1897, considered edema in exoph- thalmic goitre. Mackenzie, 1897, had a case of edema in exophthalmic goitre. Troit'^ki, 1897, had a case of exoph- thiilinic g .itre wtili erysipelas, terminating in complete recovery. Murray, 1897. considered acromegaly with goiire and exophthalmic goitre. Bradley and Eyre, 1897, reported some cases of exophthalmic goitre associated with increased intraocular tension. Belloli, 1898, treated exophthalmic goitre with suffocation. Gillespie, 1898, contributed a note on the action of bromide and iodine of strontium on exophthalmic goitre in chil- dren. Brower, 1898; Holmes, 1898, each re- port four cases of family type of exoph- thalmic goitre. Fraiken, 1898, mentioned acromegaly coexistent with exophthalmic goitre. GrifHlh, 1898, reported on a case of acute exophthalmic goitre with ulcerative kera- tosis. ISIiller, 1898, had a case of exophthalmic goitre with unilateral eye symptoms. Putnam, 18(5,8, reported on the clinical aspects of the internal secretions; nature of the thyroidal cachexis infantilism acromegaly. SURGERY OF THE TIU'ROID. 163 Noble, 1S98, reported abdominal section on a patient suffering from exophthalmic goitre. Kalblleisch, 1S98, reported on exoph- thalmic goitre, chorea confinement and heart failure. Mollard and Bernoud, 1S9S, reported respiratory ditliculties in exophthalmic goitre resulting in tuberculosis. Szontagh, 1899, reported on exoph- thalmic goitre and its successful cure at New Tatra in eighty-two cases. Allan, 1S99, gave his suggestion as to the treatment of exophthalmic goitre by the administration of bile through the mouth, hypodermatically and intrathy- roidal, with cases. Minor, 1899, reported two cases of ex- ophthalmic goitre treated successfully as intestinal autointoxication. Pitres, 1899, reported on the treatment of exophthalmic goitre with injection of iodoform. Iho, 1899, reported on exophthalmic goitre in gynecology. Beard, 1899, had a case of exophthal- mic goitre attended by rapid increase in myopia occurring in an elderly subject. Shepherd, 1899. gave some remarks on the symptoms and operative treatment of bronchocele, especially in relation to ex- ophthalmic goitre. Hinshelwood, 1900, reported a case of exophthalmic goitre which improved un- der treatment with antipyrine. Jacobi, 1900, treated exophthalmic goitre by intestinal antisepsis. Armstrong, 1900, reported a fatal case of exophthalmic goitre in a girl eleven years old. Harland, 1900, contributed notes on two cases of exophthalmic goitre appearing suddenly in men who have been in action. vSutherland, 1900, described a case of cyclic albuminuria and exophthalmic goi- tre. Nicol, 1900, reported on cutaneous hemorrhage and pigmentation in a case of exophthalmic goitre. Ryan, 1900, reported a case of unilateral exophthalmic goitre. Abt, 1900, had a case of congenital goitre and diaphragmatic hernia. Pasteur, 1900, reported a case of myxe- dema supervening on exophthalmic goitre. Ilerringh; m. 1900 meiiti')iied a case of exophthahnic goitre with extreme emacia- tion. Stewart, 1900, reported a case of acute Graves' disease without exophthalmic goitre. Warner, 1900, reported ophthalmoplegia externa complicating a case of Graves' disease. BlBLIOGRAPilY. Parry, C. H. In his Coll. Unpub. Med. Writ- ings, London, 1825, ii, 111-125. Debar. Rec. de mem. de med. Mil., Paris, 1830, xxix, 338-345- Von Basedow. Woch. f. d. ges. heilk., Berlin, 1840, vi, 197-220. MacDonnell, R. L. Dublin Journal Med. Sci- ence,. 1845, xxvii, 200-211. Begbie, J. Monthly Journal Med. Science, London, Edinb., 1848-49, ix, 495-508. Helfft. Woch. f. d. ges. heilk., Berlin, 1849, 449. 465. 765. 781. Cooper, W. W. Lancet, London, 1849, i, 551. Nathanson, F. Berolini, 1850. Egeberg, C. A. Hjertesypdom Norsk. Mag. f. laegevidensk., Christiana, 1850, iv, 201-209 Heusinger. Woch. f. d. ges. heilk., lierlin, 185 1, 49 55- Taylor, L E. New York Med. Times, 1852, ii, 65-74- Naumann, M. Deutsche klinik, Berlin, 1853, V, 269 272. Zschuck, F. G. Halae, 1853. Primassi' , L. Org. f. d. ges. heilk., Aachen, 1853, ii, 162 Banks, J. T. Dublin II< sp. Gazette, 1855, ii, 129 132. Stokes, W. In his Dis. Heart and Aorta, Phila- delphia, 1855, 294 313. Edinburgh Med. and Surg. Journal, 1855, Ixxxii, pt. 2, 33 36. Hermann. Zt-^chr f. med. chir. u. geburtsh., Magdeb., 1856, x, 365368. Charcot, J. M. Gaz. med. de Paris, 1856, xi, 583- 5<»9. 60 i. Worthington, J. H. American Journal of In- sanity, 1856 7, xiii, 36 38. Charcot, J. M. Compt. rend. soc. biol., Paris, 1856 (1857),' iii, pt. ii, 53-56. Gros, L. J. Paris, 1857. Prael, F. Arch. f. Oplith., Berlin, 1857, iii, 2 abth,, 199-210. Fleischer, T. Regimfnti, Pr , 1857. Von Graefe, A. Arch. f. Ophih., Berlin, 1857, iii, 2 abth., 278 307. Marce. Compt. rend. soc. de biol., Paris, 1857, iii, .'2:. Markham. Tr. Path. Soc, London, 1S57 8, ix, 163. Gros, L. Compt. rend. soc. biol., 1857, Paris, 1859, iv, 21-28. Withu^en, C. Biblioth. Laeger Kjobenh., 1858, XI 1, 253-294. Hartmanii, C. A. Cleveland Med. Giizi tto, 1859 60, i, 301 305. Aran. Bull. acad. de med., Paris, i86o-6i, xxvi, 122 126. Trousseau. G z. d. hop., Paris, i860 xxx'ii, 5.'^3 565. Ronzier-Joly. G;'/.. d. ho-^., Ptri , S6 ., \\x ii, 605. Williams, E. Cincinnati Lancet and Observer, i860, iii, 82-90. 164 SURGERr OF THE THYROID. Dumontpallier. Union med., Paris, i860, viii, 434 452. 485. 500,513- Heinze, C. G. Lipsiae. i860. Cachexia. Hosp. tid. Xj(»benh., 1861, iv, 1; 7. Hiiard, L. O. Paris, j86i. Lavirotte. Ann. see. de med. de Lyon, 1861, ix, 264-270. Hainill, R. C. Chicago Med. J )urnal, 1861, i^. 318 3.7. Gildemeester, J. P. Arch. f. d. Holland Beitr. z. nat. u. heilk., Utrecht, i86r 4, iii, 414 429 Postel, E, Gaz. de hop., Paris, 1861, xxxiv, 54- Levy, C. Strasbourg, 1861. Puel, A., fils. Soc. d. sc. med. Marseille, 1862, Metz, 1863, 221-228. Hiffelsheim. Gaz. hebd. de med., Paris, 1862, ix, 468-476. Fritz, E. Gaz. d. hop., Paris, 1862, xxxv, 349. Hamburger, W. Vratislavlae, 1862. Gros, L. Bull. gen. de therap., Paris, 1862, Ixiii, 97108. Stocker, A. Wurzburf^, 1862. Cros, A. Gpz. hebd. de med , Paris, 1862, ix, 547 550. Gaz. d. hop., Paris, 1862, xxxv, 425. Gaz. d. hop , Paris. 1863. xxxvi, 389 401. Bigelow, H. J. Extr." Rec. Boston Soc. M. Improv. (1859 61), 1862, iv, 41. Teissier. Ann. soc. med. de Lyon, 1862, x, 100 154. Gazz. med. Ital., Padovn, 1863, vi, 269. 276. Moore, W. Dublin Med. Press, ifc6^, xlix, 365 495- Lotin, V. Med, vestnik., St. Petersburg, 1863, iii, 209 212 Macker. Bull. soc. med. du Haut Rhin , Stras- burp, 1863, ii, 175-177. Laycock, T. Edinburgh Med. Journal, 1863, ix, I 16. Begbie, J. W. Edinburgh Med. Journal, 1863- 4, ix, 198^29. Turgi=. E. EI. Paris, 1863. Gilbert d'Hercourt. Cong. med. de France, Paris, 1863. i, 177 185. Fletcher. J. O. British Med Journal, London, 1863. i. 529 533. ColJard. C. Rev. med. Franc, et Etrang., Pari=, 1863, ''• 646 660. Hermann, F. St. Petersburg Med. Ztschr., 1863, iv, 3^7 351. Frobelius. St. Petersburg Med. Ztschr., 1863, i^. 343 345 Horschelmann. St. Petersburg Med. Woch , 1863, iv, 34:; 317. Corlieu. Gaz. d. hop , Paris, 1863, xxvi, 498. Giasi, G Gaz. med. ital. Prov.-Venete, Pa- dova, 1863, vi, 313 15. Teissier. Paris and Lyon, 1863. Peter, M. Gaz. hebd. de med., Paris, 1864, i, 180-3. Russell, J. Med. Times and Gazette, London, 1864, i, 339. Klahr, A. Gryphiae, 1864 Jones, C. H. Med. Times and Gazette, Lon- don, 1864 i, 6, 30. Schniizler, J. Wien med., Halle, 1864, v, 245, 283. 3-9. 350. 371. Med. limes and Gazette, London, 1864, ii, 323 325- Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh., Erlang., 1864, ii, 183 185. Von Graefe. Deutsche klinik, Berlin, 1864, xvi, 158. Portal, U. Montpellier, 1864. Verbiest, Arch. med. Beiges, Brux., 1864, xxxii', 450 454. Ceyp z Peclinovec, J. Casop lek Cesk. v. Praze, 1864, iii, 214, 220, 230. Gaz. htbd. de med.. Pans, 1864, i, 82t; 8. Tatum. Med. Times and Gazette, London, 1864, i, 89. Gaz. d. hop., Paris, 1864, xxvii, 109. Baccelli, G. In his Patol d. cuore e d. aorta, Roma, ii, 209-220. Coletti, F. Gazz. med. ital. prov. venete, Pa- dova, 1864, ^ii> I7- Paul. Berlin klin. woch., 1865, 276-280. Reith, A. Med. Times and Gazette, London, 1865, ii, 521-523. Dublin Quarterly Journal Med. Science, 1865, xl. 344-352- Rosenberg, M. Berlin klin. woch,, 1865, ii, 496. Gemundt, L. Memorabilien, Heilbr., 1865, x, 168. Paul. Jahresb. d. Schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Kult., Bresl., 1866, xliii, 143-146. Luczkiewicz, O. Gaz. lek. Warszawa, 1866, i, 38 54- Rossander. Forh Svens Lak-sallsk Sammank, Stockholm, 1866, 228-230. Simpson, A. R. Glasgow Med. Journal, 1866- 67, i, 181-193. Oppolzer. Wien med. wo(h., 1866, xvi, 763. Aerztl. her d. k. k. allg. krankenh. zu Wien (1865), 1866, 5963. Geigel, A. Wurzb. med. ztschr., 1866, vii, 70 88. Chalubinski. Gaz. lek Warszawa, 1866, i, 209. Rose, J. Berolini, 1867. Viri how, R. In his krankh. geschwulste, Ber- lin, 1867, iii, 73 83. Bobb, G. Strasbourg, 1867. Moreau, J. P. Paris, 1867. De Meyjounissas du Repaire, G. P. Paris, 1867. Compt. rend. soc. bid., 1867, Paris, 1869, iv, 116 Bauer, A. Berlin, 1867. Drummond, E. Lancet, London, 1867, i, 206. Boudet. Bull. soc. de med. et pharm. de la Haute- Vienne, Limoges. 1868, 185 9. Lauer, E. Giessen, 1868 Allg. Wien. med. ztg., 1868, xiii, 12, 46. 108. Molliere, D. Jour de med. de Lyon, 1868, x, 21 25 Mackenzie, M. Tr. Clin. Soc, London, 1868, i, 9 16. Seely, W. W. Western Journal of Medicine, Indianapolis, 1868, iii, 276 281. Pulitzer, T. Wien. med. presse, 1868, ix, 1081. Fournier and OUivier. Bull, et mem. soc. med. de hop , Paris, 1868, iv, 312-323. Dawson, W. W. Cincinnati Med. Report, 1868, i, 101-107. Baumler. C. Deutsche arch. f. klin. med., Leipzig, 1868, iv. 595602. Homen, L. J. E. Helsingfors, 1868. Barwinski, O. V. Berlin, 1868. Wietfeld. Tapebl. d. versamml. Deutsch. naturf. u. aerzte, Dresden, 1868, xlii, 64 67. Robert Bocio. Compilador med , Barcelona, 1868-9, iv, 247, 279. SURGERY OF THE THYROID. I6S Knijrht, F. I. Boston Med. and Surg. Jour- nal, 1868, Ixxviii, 161-164. Molliere, D. Mem. et compt. rend. soc. med. de Lyon, 1869, viii, 65, 7:. Keller, C. Griefswald, 1869. Reimonenq. Mem. et bull. soc. med., Bor- deaux, 1869, 255. Stellwag von Carion, C. Med. Jahrb., Wien, 1869, xix, 737 740. Mulnier, R. Berlin, 1869. Babejac, P. Paris, 1869. Glatz, P. Berne sur la Maladie de Basedow, Paris, 1869. Benedikt. Wien. med. presse, 1869, x, 1225- 1229. Vergely. Mem. et bull. soc. de med., Bor- deaux, 1869, 257. Chvostek, F. Beitrage zur elektrotherapie morbus Basedowi, Wien. med. presse, 1869, x, 433, 484, 505, 557. 583, 653, 919, 950, 1086; 1871, xii, 1032, 1054, iioi, 1 131, 1 155, 1300, 1332; J872, xiii, 497, 597. 729, 889, 942, 985, 1012, 1036, 1052; 1875, xvi 857, S83, 907, 957. Gintrac, H. Mem. et bull. soc. med.-chir. d. hop. de Bordeaux, 1869, iv, 193- 196. Cheadle, W. B. St. Georges Hosp. Report, London, 1869, iv, 175-19;; 1875, vii, 81-88; 1879, ix. 797-810. Andrews,}. B. American Journal of Insanity, 1870 71. xxvii, 1-13. Hauchton, R. E. Indiana Journal of Medi- cine, 1870-71, i, 161-165. Lacey Guy's Hospital Reports, London, 1870, XV, 22 28, I pi. Filipowicz. C. Wurzburg, 1870. Douglas, W. T. P. Guy's Hospital Reports, London, 1870, xv, 28. Bailey, F. K. Med. and Surg. Reporter, Philadelphia, 1870, xxii. 270. Chisolm, J. J. Med. Times, Philadelphia, 1870- 71, i. 213 Wilks, S. Guy's Hospital Reports, London, 1870, XV, 17-J2. TurnbuU. Philadelphia Med. Times, 1870 71, i, 241. ^Ieynert. Psychiat. centralbl., Wien, 1871, i, 35 Galezowski. Gaz. d. hop., Paris, 1871, xliv, 425-429. Montmeja. Rev. phot. d. hop. de Paris, 1871, iii. 275. Southworth, J. W. Buffalo Med. and Surg. Journal, 1871 2, xi, 2935. Soenens. (Rap de Pigeolet), Bull. acad. roy. de med. de Beige, Brux , 1871, v, 457. Solbrig. Allg. ztschr. f. psychiat., Berlin, 1870 71, xxvii, 5 9. Murray, J. Med. Times and Gazette, London, 1871, ii, 190. Kemper, C. W. II. Tr. Indiana Med. Soc, 1871, 181 191. Verhandl. d. Berlin Med. Gesellsch. (1867 8), 1871, pp. xxi-xxviii. Greenamyer, P. S. Med. and Surg. Reporter, Philadelphia, 1871, xxiv, 365. Emmert, E Arch. f. Ophth., Berlin, 1871, xvii, I abth , 203-220. Elli.«, A. N, Cincinnati Lancet and Observer, 1871, XIV, 597600. Biernawski, A. Paris, 1871. Traube, L. In his ges. beitr. path. u. physiol., Berlin, 1871, ii, pt. 2, 1044-1047. Dufour. Bull. soc. de la Suisse Rom., Lau- sanne, 1872, vi, 78-81. Gawronski. Przgl. Uk. Krakow, 187', xi,ii7- 119. Meigs, J. F. Philadelphia Med. Times, 1872 3, iii, 741. Luton, A. N. diet, de med. et chir. prat., Paris, 1872, xvi, 493-508 Schneider, L. Bonn, 1872. Perry, P. Glasgow Med. Journal, 1872, v, 401. Patchett, W. A. Lancet, London, 1872, i, 8j7. James, P. Med. Press and Circular, London, 1872, xiv, 70. Gaudesaligues, L. Paris, 1872. Hutchinson, J. Lancet, London, 1872. Meyer, F. F. Ann. Brasil de med., Rio de Janeiro, 1873 4. xxv, 299 333. Octerlony, J. A. Richmond and Louisville Med. Journal, 1873, ^vi, 9-33. Becker, O. Wien. med. woch., 1873, xxiii, 565-589. Dobell. British Med. Journal, London, 1873, i, 227. Domansk', S. Przegl. lek Krakow, 1872, xi, 457. 465; 1873, xii, 9, 17, 90, 391. Vance, R. A. Chicago Med. Journal, 1873, XXX, 449 452. Davliler, A. Paris, 1873. Ball. Gaz. d. hop., Paris, 1873, xlvi, 107, 114. Swanzy. Irish Hospital Gazette, Dublin, 1873, i, ^58. Ricchi, T. Raccoglitore med. Forh., 1873, xxiv, 409 451. Baumblatt. Aerztl. int. bl., Munchen, 1874, xxi, 308. Steffermann. Mem. soc. de med. de Stras- bourg, 1874, xi, 90 96. Fenwick. Med. Times and Gazette, Londc n, 1874, ". 260. Westcott, W. W. British Med. Journal, Lon- don, 1874, i'> 811. Smith, R. T. Lancet, London, 1S74, '. 902. Hill, M. Liverpool and Manchester Med. and Surg. Report, Liverpool, 1874, ", 7" 18. Brunton, T. L. St. Bartholomew Hospital Reports, London, 1874, x, 253 263. Schulz, T. Griefswald, 1874. Perres, A. Wien. Med. Woch , 1874, xxiv, 997- Goodhart, J. F. Tr. Path. Soc, London, 1874, XXV, 240-2^5. Foot, A. W. Iri'h Hospital Gazette, Dublin, 1874, ii, 163-5. Beni-Barde. Bull. Soc. de Med., Paris (1S73), 1874, viii, 274285; 292-302. Foot, A. W. Irish Hospital Gazette, Dublin, 1874, ii, 179 Habershon. Lancet, London, 1874, ', 5io. Shapley, H. T. Students Journal and Hospital (jazette, London, 1874, ii, '9^ Glass, O. Upsala lakaref Forh., 1872, vii, 463; 1874 ix, 38. Bartholomew, R. Tr. Am. Med. Association, Philadelphia, 1875, xxvi, 145-155. Dublin Journal Med. Sc, 1875, iix, 267. Robertson, A. Journal Mental Science, Lon- don. 1S75, XX, 573-578. Raynaud, N. Paris, 1875. Roth, M. Wien. Med. Presse. 1875, xvi, 680 682. Ryesner, R. Breslau, 1875. 1 66 SURGER2- OF THE THTROlD. Delasiauve. Bull. Soc. Med. de Hop., Paris, 1875, xi, 292-294. Bulklej, L. JJ. Chicago Journal Nervous and Mental Diseases, 1875, ii, 513-522. Lancet, London, 1875, i, 371. Bugnon, L. Montpellier, 1875. Boddaert, R. Compt. Rend., 1875, I^rux et Paris, 1876, iv, 476-483. Fereol. Bull, et Mem. Soc. Med. d. Hop., Paris, 1875, xi, 279; xii, 4. Bowen, W. S. Proc. Connecticut Med. Soc, 1876, 34-37- Thomas. J. P. Richmond and Louisville Med. Journal, 1876, xxii, 40i-4»4. Oesterr Jahrb. f. Paediat., Wien., 1876, vii, 51 56. Walzberg, T. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh., Stuttgart, 1876, xiv, 401-429, 3 pi. RoUand, E. Paris, 1876. Friedrich, F. Munchen, 1876. Day, H. Lancet, London, 1876, i', 422, 458. Boettiger. AUg. ztschr. f. psychiat , Berlin, 1876, xxxiii, 338 346. Thompson, W. R. Ohio Med. and Surg. Jour- nal, Columbus, 1876, 138-146. Villeneuve, H. Paris, 1876. Lacoste, J. B Paris, 1877. Cane, L. Lancet, London, 1877, ii, 798. Rabello, S. Progress© Med., Rio de Janeiro, 1877; 1878, ii, 38-46. Lowenstamm. Med.-Chir. Centralbl., Wien, 1877, xii, loi. Loving, S. Ohio Med. and Surg. Journal, 1877. ii. 537-548. Rey, M. L. Paris, 1877. Hourlier. Bull. Soc. Med. de Reims, 1877, No. XV, 101-109. Howse, H. C. Tr. Path. Soc, London (1876 7), 1877, xxviii, 115-119. Yeo, L B. British Med. Journal, London, 1877, i, 320 322. F'ort, C. H. American Bi- Weekly, Louisville, 1877, vi, 173 176. Blake, E. T. Practitioner, London, 1877, ii, 189-193. Williams, W. R. Lancet, London, 1877, ii, 724. Benicke, F. Ztschr. f. geburtsh. u. Gynak., Stuttgart, 1877, i, 40 42. Gagnon. Assoc. Franc, pour I'avance d. Sc, Compt. Rend., 1876, Paris; 1877, v, 880. Eulenberg, A. Handb. d. Spec Path. (Ziemm- sen). New York, 1877, xiv, 75-103 O'Neill, W. Lancet, London, 1878, i, 307-309. Smith, S. R. Med. Times and Gazette, Lon- don, 1878, i, 647 649. Kelly, B. Med. Press and Circular, London, 1878, xxvi, 41. Vizioli. Morgani, Napoli, 1878, xx, 568 576. Alt, A. Canada Lancet, 1878, xi, 107110. Duroiziez, P. Gaz. Med. de Paris, 1878, vii 540 542. See, G. P'rance Med., Paris, 1878, xxv, 689 697, 707. Eales. British Med. Journal, London, 1878 i, 303- Earle, C. W. Tr. Illinois Med. Soc, 1878 xxviii. 63-75. Allg. wien. Med. Ztg., 1878, xxiii, 33, 87 238. Dills, T. J. Tr. Indiana Med. Soc, 1878 xxviii, 92 95. Sutton. British Med. Journal, London, 1878, ii, 170. Wilson, J. C. Philadelphia Med. Times, 1878- 1879, ix. 621. Thermes, G. France Med., Paris, 1878, xxv, 642, 658. Hartmann. C. Tubingen, 1878. Hava, J. G. An. Roy. Acad. d. Cien. Med. de la Habana, 1879 80, xvi, 257-263. Morgan, D. F\ Med. and Surg. Reporter, Philadelphia, 1879. xli, 290. Beigel, H. Syst. Med. (Reynolds), London, 1879. ^. 368 380. Filehne, W. Sitzungsb. d. Phys. Med. Soc. du Erlang., 1879, ii, 177 182. Reyes, A. W. An. Roy. Acad. d. Cien. Med., Habana, 1879 80, xvi, 253-257. Lidell, J. A. Med. Record, New York, 1879, XV. 327. Rohn, D. A. Eclectic Med. Journal, Cincin- nati, 1879, xxxix, 543. Jacobi, A. Med. Record, New York, 1879, xvi, 14. Herries, J. S. Physician and Surgeon, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1879, i, 208. Lockridge, J. E. American Practitioner, Louisville, 1879, xix, 287 301. Bull. Soc. Clin, de Paris (1878), 1879, ii, 169 Waldenberg, L. Charite Ann., Berlin, 1879, i'^, 342 3 » 6. Von Ziemssen. Aerztl. Int.-bl., Munchen, 1879, xxyi, 302. Wilheim. Pest. Med.-Chir. Presse, Budapest, 1879, XV, 471-474. Fajarnes, R. Cron. Oftal., Cadiz, 1879, ix, 40. Douglas, G. C. Med. Record, N^w York, 1879, xvi, 285. '^'^ Da Costa, J. M. Med. and Surg. Reporter, Philadelphia, 1879, xl,2ii. Pepper, W. Tr. ^Ied. Soc. Penn., Philadel- phia, 1879, xii, 649-665. Walker, E. Med. Record, New York, 1879, xvi, 355. Cantilena, P. Gior. Venete di sc. Med. Vene- zia, 1879, i, 218 223. Gibson, C. Lancet, London, 1879, ii, 937. Eger. Deutsche Med. Woch., 1880, vi, 153 7. Grancher. Gaz. d. Hop., Paris, 1880, liii, 1060-62. Sattler, H. Handb. d Ges. Augenh., Leipzig, 1880, vi, 9 19- 1024. Cornwell, H. G. Am. Journal Med. Sc , Phila- delphia, 1880, Ixxx, 399 403. Windle, B. C. Proc ' Path. Soc, Dublin, 1880 82, ix, 181-183. Boston Med. and Surg. Journal, 1880, cii, 337-341- Blackwood, W. R. D. Philadelphia Med. Times, 1880 81, xi, 449-452. Tapret, O. (Rev. Critique). Arch. Gen. Med , Paris, 1880, cxivi, 592; cxlvii, 73. Park, R. Practitioner, London, 1880, xxiv, 188 191. Wooster, D. Pacific Med. and Surg. Journal, 1880-1881, xxiii, 347-51. Murrell. Lancet, London, 1880, i, 130. Costa, C. Corresp. Medical, Madrid, 1880, XV, 214. Cabezas, L. F. Rev. Med. de Chile, Sant. de Chile, 1880 1881, ix, 295 321,353. Bull, E. Norsk. Mag. f. d. Laegevidensk., Christiana, 1880, x, 137 174. SURGERY OF THE THYROID. 167 Si-hultz, O. T. Med. Herald, Louisville, i88o- 81, ii, 4. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh., Stuttgart, 1880, xvii, 1-4. Graham, J. E. Canada Journal Med. Science, Toronto, 1880, t, 138. Dublin Journal Med. Science, 1880. Ixx, 452- 4.'^8. Foot, A. W. Proc. Path. Soc, Dublin. 1880-82, ix, 80. Panas, F. Arch, d'opth., Paris, 1880 81, i, 97-'"- Fischer, G. Aerztl. int.bl., Munchen, 1880, xxvii, 293 295. Abadie, C. Union Med., Paris, 1880, xxx, 879-881. Stoffella. Canada Lancet, 1881 2, xiv, 165-167. Saleimi-Pace, B. Pisani, Palermo, 1881, 105- 128. Stewart, J. Canada Journal Med. Science. Toronto, 1881, vi, 312-314. Mobius, P. J. Memorbillien Heilbr., 1881, i, 446 459. Stevenson, S. W. North Carolina Med. Jour- nal, 1881, viii, 263. Putnam, J J. Cycl. Pract. Med. (Ziemssen), New York, 1881 ; Suppl., 606 608. LutkemuUer. J. From Jahresb. d. off. Bezirk- skrankenh. in Sechshaus, 1881, Wien, Med. Woch , 1882, xxxii, 1 163. Pethothan. Arch. Med. Beiges, Brux, i88r, XX, 482 488. Potain. Practicien, Paris, 1881 iv, 304 306. Dublin Journal, Med. Science, i88r, Ixxi, 67. Adair, L. J. Med. and Surg. Reporter, Phila- delphia, i88t, xliv. 89 91. Higgens, C. Med. Chir. Tr., London, 1881, xlvi, 247-255. Gueneau de Mussy, N. Bull et Mem. Soc. de Therap., Paris, 1881, xiii, 218-229. Bull. Soc. de Med., Paris (1880), 1881, xv, 133137. 147- Chevailie. France Med., Paris, 1881, xxviii, 431- Schonfeld, R. Berlin, 1881. Engel, H. Philadelphia Med. Times, 1881-82, xii. 65-69. Debove, M. Bull, et Mem Soc. Med. Hop., Paris (1880), 1881, xvii, 101-105. Desnos, E. Bull. Gen. de Therap., Paris, 1881, c, 59-70. Bull, et Mem. Soc. de Chir., Paris, i88r, vii, 407. Wood, E. H. Michigan Med. News, Detroit, 1881, iv, 72 74. Langer, L. Med. Jahrb , Wien, 1881, 497 500. Lyon, L W. Proc. Conn., Med. Soc, 1882, »i. 43- Bernard. H. 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Graves' Disease an Emotional Disorder. Kings' Coll. Hosp. Rep., 1895 6, London, 1897, iii, 45-56. Sull avoelcnamento sperimentale da tiroidine in rapports alia genesi del morbo di Basedow. Ann. d. neurol., Napoli, 1897, x^> I43i63- Abadie, C. Pathogenie et traitement du goitre exophthalmique. Presse med., Paris, 1897, 93. Dupuv, L. Contribution a la etude pathogen- ique du goitre exophthalmique application an traitement, Lyon, 1897. Wien. med. bl., 1897, xx. 95 97. Nammack, C. E. New York Med. Journal, 1897, Ixvi, 13. Devay, F. Arch, de neurol., Paris, 1897, isr, 491-7- CholmogoroflF, S. S. Monatschr. f. geburtsh. u. gynaek., Berlin, 1897. v, 313 317. Blottiere, L. Paris, '897. Med. Orient, Paris, 1897, i, 93. Treatment, London, 1897, i, 76. Winternitz, W. VeroflFentl. d. Hufeland ge- sellsch. in Be»lin balneol. gesellsch., 1897, xviii, 4-20. Cohen, S. S. Jour. Am. Med. Assn., 1897, xxix, 6567. Crary, G. W. Tr. Soc. Alumni Bellevue Hos- pital, New York, 1897 8, loi 5. SURGERr OF THE THYROID. 175 De Trarzewski, C. F. Neurol, centralbl., Leipzig, 1897, xvi,944 6. Seeligmann, L. Allg. med. ztg., Berlin, 1897, Ixvi, 743. Baldi, R. Manicomio mod., Nocera, 1897, xiii, 3 18. Grawitz, E. Fortsch. de med., Berlin, 1897, 8.49 53- James, P. Australas. Med. Gazette, Sydney, 1897, xvi, 337 9. Kerley, C. G. Arch. Pediat., New York, 1897, xiv, 891-3. Tarnier. Jour, des sages femmes, Paris, 1897, XXV, 225 227. Mackenzie, H. Am. Jour. Med. Sciences, Phila- delphia, 1897, "-"xiii, 132-152. Curtin, R. G. International Clinics, Philadel- phia, 1897, 63, iv, 74 84. Besancon. Jour, de med. int., Paris, 1897, i, 24-26. De Grandmaison, F. Med. mod., Paris, 1897, viii, 425. Verhoogen, R. Soc. roy. d. sc. med. et nat. He Brussels bull., 1897, Iv, 97-104 Low, J. Wien. med. presse, 1897, xxxviii, 721- 728. Letienne and Arnal. Arch. gen. de med., Paris, 1897, i, 513-523- Bull et mem. soc. med. d. hop., Paris, 1897, xiv, 57-60. Liegeois. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Paris, 1897, xi, 502-4. Jour. d. conn. med. prat., Paris, 1897, 275, 290, 298. 307. 317, 324 331- Edinburgh Med. Journal, 1897, ii, i38-'43. Morat, J. P. Le grand sympathique et le corps thyroide. Presse medicale, Paris, 1897, ii, 385. Ord and Mackenzie. Syst. Med. (Albutt), New York and London, 1897, iv, 489 515. Huchard, H. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Paris, 1897, 114. Lastaria, F. Atti e rendic d. accad. med.-chir. di Perugia, 1897, ix, 233 239. Huguenin, P. Concours med., Paris, 1897, xix, 499 502. Costa, S. Lyon, 1897. Ferrier. Arch. gen. de med., Paris, 1897, ii, 270, 430. Marvm, J. B. International Clinic, Philadel- phia, 1897, 7s, ii 176-178. Muzio, G. Gazz. di Torino, 1897, xlviii, 201 203. Cobb, G. II. New York Med. Journal, 1897, Ixvi, 7-13. Abadie, C. Gaz. hebd. de med., Paris, 1897, ii. 735- Clarke, J. F. American Journal, Ophth., St. Louis, 1897, xiv, 349. Indepen. med., Paris. 1897, iii. 17. Hays, T. W. Ohio Med. Journal, Cincinnati, 1897, viii, 73 78. Propos. Bull. soc. med. de Charleroi, 1897, xviii, 151-156. Prins, G. Geneesk. Courant, Tiel, 1897, ii. No. 52. Rev. Internat. de med. et de chir., Paris, 1897, viii, 77. Riche, P. Gaz. hebd. de med., Paris, 1897, ii, 409 411. Collins, A. N. Physician and Surgeon, De- troit and Ann Arbor, 1897, xix, 543 547. Mackenzie, H. Edinburgh Med. Journal, 1897, i, 401 410, 2 pi. I'roitski, I. I. Ejened Jour., " prakt med.," St. Petersburg, 1897, iv, 85 88. Cullen Allen, E. Australas. Med. Gazette, Sydney, 1897, x'^i. 4S4-486 Dawson. J. L. Tr. South Car. Med. Associa- tion, Charleston, 1897, 75-79- Pitres, A. Bull, med., Paris, 1897, xi, 773. Brnnton, T. L. St. Barth. Hosp. Reporter, London, 1897, 1898, v, 33-37. Gazz. d. Osp., Milano, 1897, xviii, 455-8. Deschampa and Perriol. Duphine med., Gre- noble, 1S97, xxi, 66 71. Ffrran. C. Gaz. d. osp., Milano, 1897, xviii, Milano, 1897, xviii, 257-261. Eulenberg, A. Centralbl. f. nervenh., Leipzig, 1897. X, 513-518. Souques and Mari.iesco. Bull. med.. Paris, 1897, xi, 561 566. Murray, G. R. Edinburgh Med. Journal, 1897, i, 170-4, 3 pi. Matthes, M. Verhandl. d. cong. f. innere med., Wiesb., 1897, xv, 232-237, 238 241. Bull, et mem. soc. de chir., Paris, 1897, xxiii, 179 183. Bradley and Eyre. Guy's Hosp. Report, 1897, London, 1900, liv. 65-76. Gtikie, W. B. Philadelphia Med. Journal, 1898, i, 167. Baduel, C. Atti. d. cong. naz. d'idrol. e Cli- mat., Parma, 1898, v, 150-154. Martin, O. Presse med., Paris, 1898, ii, 19 Belloli, L. Lucina, Bologna, 1898, iii, 182, 1899, xiv, 3. Blottiere, L. Rev. internat. de Med. et de Chir., Paris, 1898, ix, 145-148. ChirefF, S. Russk. arch, patol. klin. med., i, Bakteriol., St. Petersburg, 1898, vi, 523-526. Coe, H. W. Western Med. Review, Lincoln, Nebraska, 1898, iii, 261. Paulesco. Jour, de med. int., Paris, 1898, ii, 264-286. Rauge, P. Bull, med., Paris, 1898, xli, 213-226. BeniBarde. Arch. gen. d'hyprol., Paris, 1898, ix, 1-14. Tissier. France med., Paris, 1898, xiv, 33. Berghinz, G. Riv. Veneta di sc. med., Veneta, 1898, xxix, 406411. Proc. Philadelphia Co. Med. Soc, Philadel- phia, 1898, xix, 161 166. Weiller, L. Presse med., Paris, 1898, ii, 117. Gorig. Deutsch. thierartzl. woch., Karlsrhue, 1898, vi, 306. Gillespie, A. L. British Med. Journal, Lon- don, 1898, ii, 1042. Abadie, C. France med., Paris, 1898, xiv, 61. Seniple, W. M. Bristol Med. Chir. Journal, 1898, xvi, 114 120. Brower, D. R. Chicago Med. Recorder, 1898, xiv, 335-337- Holmes, B. Philadelphia Med. Journal, 1898, i, 1117. Fraiken, A. Jour, de med., Bordeaux, 1898, xxyiii, 361-3. Internat. Med. Mag., Philadelphia, 1898, vii, 251-3- Grifllth, J. British Med. Journal, 1898, ii, 490. Von Notthaft, A. Centralbl. f. innere med., Leipzig, 1898, xix, 353378. Hare, H. A. Internat. Med. Mag , Philadel- phia, 1898, vii, 249. 176 SURGER7' OF THE THYROID. Nihill.J. E. Intercol. Med. Journal, Austra- las., Melbourne, 1898, ill, 729 733- Diernot, F. Lyon, 1898. UhlhofF, W. Jahrb. d. achles. gesellsch. f. Vaterl. Cult., 1898, Breslau, 1899, Ixxvi, i abt., Med. Sect., 290-3. Lannois, M. Mem. et compt. rend. soc. d. sc. med. de Lyon (1897), 1898, xxxvii, 153 159. Klamann. Monatschr. f. prakt. wasserh., Mun- chen, 1898, V, 79. Benvenuiti, E. Sulla pathogenesi del morbo di Flaini Gomdi Basedow - Graves, Policlin Roma, 1898, V, sez. Medical, 77-100. Boinet, E. Rescherches sur la pathogenie du goitre exophthalmique, Marseilles med., 18 XXXV, 420 428. Rauge, P. Pathogenenie de la maladie de Basedow. Echo med. Toulouse, 1898, xii, 445- 481. Oliphant, F. Birmingham Med. Rev., 1898 xliv, 205-219. Wilson, L. D. Tr. Med. Soc, W. Va., 1898 191-197. Kollarits, J. A. Orvosi Hetil, Budape'st, 1898 xlii, 164 261. Griffith, J. Ophth. Rev., London, 1898, xvii 193-198. De Santi, P. R. W. Med. Press and Circular London, 1898, Ixvi, 62. Reverdin, J. L. Rev. med. de la Suisse Rom. Geneve, 1898, xviii, 636 641. HirschlafF, W. Zur pathologie und klinik des morbus Basedowii, Ztschr. f. klin. med., Berlin 1898, xxxvi, 200 217. Internal. Clinic, Philadelphia, 1898, 8s, iii 233-242. Moses and Cathala. Bull. acad. de med., Paris 1898, xxxix, 420423. Bourggraflf, P. Paris, 1898. Schwerdt, C. Munchen med. woch., 1898 xlv, 1334, 1375, 1407. Raviart. Bull. soc. centr. de med. du Nord. Lille, 1898, ii, 236-239. Miller, V. British Med. Journal, London, 1898 ii, 629. Noble, C. P. Am. Journal Obstet. and Gynec. New York. 1898, xiii, 587, 611. Brower, D. R. N. A. Pract , Chicago, 1898, x, 13 16. Schenck, E. Berlin, 1898. Osterwalde, K. Gottingen, 1898. Schurmann, M. Kiel, 1898. Putnam, J. J. Am. Jour. Med. Sc, Philadel- phia, 1898, cxv, 31-49- Delafield, F. Tri-State Med. Journal and Pract., St. Louis, 1898, v, 8. Rinaldi, S. Union med. Ital., Torino, 1898, ii, No. II. Campbell, F. W. Canada Med. Record, Mon- treal, 1898, xxvi, 61 63. Kammerer, F. Ann. Surg., Philadelphia, 1898, xxvii, 764 766. Kalbfleisch, E. H. Canada Med. Review, To- ronto, 1898, vii, 105. Arany. G. A. Ungar med. presse, Budapest, 1898, iii, 807. Gayme, L. Paris, 1898. Askanazy, M. Deutsche arch. f. klin. med., Leipzig, 1898, Ixi, 118 186, 2 pi. Claibourne, J. H. Virginia Medical Semi- Monthly, 1898-9, iii, 557 560. Wien med. bl., 1898, xxi, 362. Jahrb. d. Wien. k. k. krankenannst., 1896 Wien u. Leipzig, 1898, v, pt. 2, 224. Hinshelwood, J. British Med. Journal, Lon- don, 1898, i, 1653. Mollard and Bernoud. Rev. gen. de clin. et de therap., Paris, 1898, xii, 337-357. Soulier. Jour, de med. anat., Paris, 1899, iii, 486. Parker, W. R. British Med. Journal, London, 1899, i, 12. Szontagh, M. Orvosi Hetil, Budapest, 1899, xliii, 223. Moreau. Paris, 1899. Vasilin, C. Pressa med., Rom., Bucuresci, 1899-1900, vi, 132-134. Delaunay. Presse med., Paris, 1899, i, 35. White. H. British Med. Journal, London, 1899, i, 786. Ries, J. N. Rec. de med. vet., Paris, 1899, vi, 145-9 Boinet, E. Rev. neurol., Paris, 1899, vii, 564. Clarke, J. F. Philadelphia Med. Journal, 1899, iii. 398 400. Monin, E. Jour, de la sante, Paris, 1899, xvi, 201-203. Gayme. Essai de pathogenie Basedowienne, Dauphine med., Grenoble, 1899, xxiii, 172-206 Donath, J. Beitrage zur pathologie und the- rapic der Basedow'schen, Krankheit, ztschr. f. klin med., Berlin, 1899, xxxviii, 169-182. Carter, G. The Etiology of Graves' Disease, Edinburgh Med. Journal, 1899, vi, 343 350. Gatta, R. N. riv. clin.-terap., Napoli, 1899, "> 349 353- Hoinburger, A. Strassburg, 1899. Ziegelroth. Arch. f. phjs. diatet. therap., Berlin, 1899, i, 230. Cazauz, A. Paris, 1899. Libotte, O. Jour, de neurol., Paris, 1899, i^» 485 491. Vlachanis. Pari?, 1899. Allan, C. M. London, 1899, ii, 555-558 Cox, R. Maratine Med. News, Halifax, 1899, xi, 317-321. Debove, G. M. Bull, et mem. soc. med. d. hop., Paris, 1899, xvi, 416 420. Minor, C. L. Tr. Miss. Valley Med. Associa- tion, 1899, i, 376 388. Pitres. Cong, franc, de med. rapp., Paris, 1899. ^^ 590-592. Gilbert and Castaigne. Compt. rend. soc. de biol., Paris. 1899, i, 46:5. Popoff, S. Med. bbozr., Mosk., 1899, Hi, 640 43. CooHdge, J. M. Boston Med. and Surg. Jour- nal, 1899, cxI, 259. Davey, J. B. Middlesex Hosp. Journal, Lon- don, 1899, iii, 131-133. Jaunin, P. Rev. de med. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1899, xix, 301 315. Haskovec, L. Compt. rend. cong. internal, de med., 1897, Moscow, 1899, iv. Sect. 7, 673. Shirka prednasek. a rozpr. a oboru. lekarsk., V, Praze, 1899, No. 41, 1-36. Vetlesen, H.J. Norsk, mag. f. laegevidensk., Kristiana, 1899, 4 R, xiv, 754 787. Minassian, H. A. Tr. Iowa Med. Soc, 1899, xvii, 73 80. Delearge, A. Gaz. hebd. de med., Paris, 1899, iv. 52-54. Wood, J. C. N. Am. Journal Homeop., New York, 1899, xiv, 102-108. SURGERT OF THE THTiWID. 177 Iho, S. Kyorin-no Shiori, Tokyo, 1899, xi, 322 332. Glasgow Med. Journal, 1899, i'> 84-87. Takada, T. Ijishimpo, Tokio, 1899, 116-120. Brettauer. Riv. veneti di sc. med., Venezia, 1899, xxxi, 516 518. Moyer, H.N. Medicine, Detroit, 1899, v, 459. Robinson, L. N. Paris, 1899. Beard, C. H. Am. Jour. Ophth,, St. Louis, 1899, xvi, 57-62. Schiodte. Kjobenhavn, 1899. Morestin, H. Assoc, franc, de chir. procverb, Paris, 1899, xiii, 317-327, Shepherd, F. J, Montreal Med, Journal, 1899, xxviii, 903 8, 2 pi. Yamadui. Olcayama igaku kwai zasshi, 1899, 23 27. Schultze, F, International Clinics, Philadel- phia, 1899, 9s, iii, 139 148. Stengel, A. Prog. Med., Philadelphia and New York, 1899, ii, 359-365- Morrow, H. British Med. Journal, London, 1899, xi, 286 288. Pader, A. Paris, 1899. Lichtesstein. Arch, f, physdiatet, th«rap., Berlin, 1899, i, 255 258. Bojnet, E. Rev, de med., Paris, 1898, xviii, 525, 1899, xix, 964. Jumon, L. (Rev. crit.), France med., Paris, 1899, ii, 1169 73. Lek rozhledy praha, 1899, vii, 229-2g6. Dinkier. Zur pathologic und therapie der Basedowschen krankheit. Munchen. med. woch., 1900, xlvii. 724 726. Breuer, R. Beitrag zur etiologie der Base- dowschen krankheit und des thyroidismus. Wien. klin. woch., 1900, xiii, 641-671. Lamphlar, E. 1 he Pathology and Diagnosis of Exophthalmic Goitre. St. Louis Med. and Surg. Journal, 1900, Ixxviii, 242-254. Thomson, W. H. Tr, Assn. Am. Physicians, Philadelphia, 1900, xv, 515 522, Med, Record, New York, 1900, Ivii, 76. Hinshelwood, J. Glasgow Med, Journal, 1900, liv, 19^ 6, Jacobi, Mary P, Med. Record, New York, 1900, Iviii, 473. Hasse, C. B. Breslau, 1900. De Leon. Rev. iberno-am. de cien med., Madrid, 1900, iv, 196 9. Armstrong, H. Liverpool Med. -Chir. Jour- nal, 1900, XX, 75-78. Zuber, Arch, de med. d'enf., Paris, 1900, iii, 606 613. Vires, J. In his lecture de clin. med., Mont- pel, and Paris, 1900, 1-37, 2 pi. Wurm. Med. cor.-bl. Wurtemmb. arztl, ver, Stuttgart, 1900, Ixx, 69 72, Vires, J. In his lecture de clln. med,, Mont- pel, and Paris, 1900, 53 70. Gauthier, G. Rev. de med., Paris, 1900, xx, 225-243. Rossi, G. Gior. internaz. d. sc. med., Napoli, 1900, xxii, 145-159. Harland, W. H. British Med. Journal, Lon- don, 1900, ii, 584. RozanofT, V. V. Med. obozr. Mosk., 1900, liii, 716-721. Sutherland, G. A. Physician and Surgeon, London, 1900, i, 915 917. Perros. Arch, med, d'Angers, 1900, iv, 550- 556- Sittmann, G. Verhandl, d, gesellsch. deutsch. naturf. u. aerzte, 1899, Leipzig, 1900, Ixxi, pt. 22, hefte59 65, Inglis, D, Physician and Surgeon, Detroit and Ann Arbor, 1900, ix, 422-427, Flatau, G. Deutsche zeitschr. f. nervenh., Leipzig, 1900, xvii, 109 116. Nicol, B. A. British Journal of Dermatology, London, 1900, xii, 56-58. Ryan, J. P. Intercol. Med. Journal, Austra- las., Melbourne, 1900, v, 168. Gordon, A. Philadelphia Med. Journal, 1900, V, 1384. Alessandri, R. Bull. d. r, accad. med., Roma, 1900, xxvi, 441-464. Higgins, F. W, Jour, Am. Med. Assn., 1900, XXXV, 6'4. Patel, Province med., Lyon, 1900, viv, 61. Norbury, F. P. Jour. Morgan County Med. Soc, Jacksonville, 111,, 1900, iii, 5 8, Osborne, O, T. Med, News, New York, 1900, Ixxvii, 366 373. Arneill, J, R, Jour. Am, Med, Assn., 1900, xxxv, 880-2. Abt, I. A. Arch. Pediat., New York, 1900, xvii, 261-5. Coomes, M. F. Tr. Kentucky Med. Soc, 1900, viii, 200-3. Simons, T. G. Charleston, 1900. Commandeur. Province med., Lyon, 1900, xiv, 184-6. Dupre aud Guillain. Bull, et mem. soc. med, d. hop., Paris, 1900, xvii, 525 533. Clinical Review. Chicago, 1900, xii, 194-7. Bull. d. clin., Milauo, 1900, xvii, 193 7- Ehrich, E. Beitr. z. klin. chir.. Tubing., 1900, xxviii, 97-197, 3 pi. Pasteur, W. Tr. clin, soc, London, 1900, xxxiii, 189-192. Bartholow, R. Philadelphia Med. Journal, 1900, V, 972-4. Herringham, W. P. St. Barth. Hosp. Re- port, London, 1900, xxxv, 125-9, 3 pi. Hirschl, J, A. Wien, klin, woch,, 1900, xiii, 622-^, Stewart, D, D, Tr. Assn. Am. Physieians, Philadelphia, 1900, xv, 304 7. Ulrich, C. C-r. No, 127 nord, med, ark,, Stockholm, 1900, xi. No. 9, 19. Fere, C. N. incog, de la Salpetriere, Paris, 1900, xiii, 494-7, I pi. Warner, F. Med. -Chir. Tr., London, 1899- 1900, Ixxxiii, 97-104. Dore, S. E. British Journal Dermatology, London, 1900, xii, 353-362. Vires, J. In his lee. de clin. med., Montpel. and Paris, 1900, 38-52. Popoff, S, Neurol, centralbl., Leipzig, 1900, xix, 338-341 • Maragiiano, E. Gazz, d, csp., Milano, 1900, xxi, 469 472, Schulz, J, Wien, med. bl., 1900, xxiii, 265- 266. Patel. Lyon med., 1900, xciii, 199-200. Bacaloglu, C. Gaz. d. hop., Paris, 1900, Ixxiii, 33-34- Lockridge, J. R, Exophthalmic Goitre, Hyde and McEwen, Dermatosis Ocaurring in Exophthalmic Goitre. Journal Cutaneous Dis- eases, March, 1903, p, 142, 178 SURGERT OF THE THTROID. CRETINISM (180I-I904). Characterized by physical, physiologic and mental non-development from infancy, the subject seldom reaching five feet in height, due to congenital absence of thy- roid gland. Myxedema, a disease of adult life, is due to the absence of thyroid tissue, whether removed by disease or otherwise. It may result from atrophy of the gland. The neck is thick, arms and legs short, abdomen large, tongue protruding, with imbecility or idiocy. Coitus during intoxication is supposed to be a cause of myxedema, not well founded. Cretinism or myxedema may be asso- ciated with enlargement of the tkyroid body, but that body has been converted into connective tissue as the result of dis- ease, with the loss of physiologic thyroi- dine. Treatment. — There is but one known remedy, that is in the administration of the thyroid or thymus secretion taken from animals. This must be given as long as the patient lives, and stands as one of the greatest achievements in the practice of physic. Their administration never cures ; is only palliative, and sometimes fails to do that. Historical. — Fodere, 1800, delivered a discourse on cretinism and the influence of altitude on it, wkile DuMirari, July, 1831, presented his memoirs on cretinism, its causes (natural, accidental and dis- eases), hereditary influences and precau- tions. De Baumont, 1851, reported his re- searches a»d relative causes of cretinism, and Giordano, 1866, considered its eti- ology. Lombard, 1874, believed that cretinism was due to atmospheric influences, and Hermann, 1882, wrote on cretinism and idiocy and their causes. BinLIOGRAPHY. Fodero. Rec. period soc. de med., Paris, 1801, X, 35-42- Du Mirari Jeuoj. Journal univ. et hebd. de medical et chirurgie, prat., Paris, 1831, iii, 316 329. Alciate. Gior. d. society medical chirurgie di Torino, 1846, xxvii, 158 178. Barth. Bull. soc. anat., Paris, 1850, xxv, 5. Villerme. Niepee, 2 v, Paris, 185 1-2, (review). Sztam. Vratislavia, 1852. Gosse. De I'etiologie du goitre et du cretin- ism, Geneva, 1852; also ueber die aetiologie des kropfes und des kretinisms schweix. Ztschr. f. med. chir. u. geburtsch., Zurich, 1853, 73-102. Fabre. Paris, 1857. Baron. Contribution a I'etiologie du goitre et du cretinisme, Grenoble, 1867. Giordano. Ezlologin del gozzo e del cretin- ismo. Gior di med. mil. Firenze, 1866, xiv, 129, 161, 203, I ch. Wilson. Indian Ann. Med. Soc, Calcutta, 1873 4. xvi, 395-404. Lombard. Bull, society med. de la Suisse Rom., Lausanne, 1874, viii, 6, 55. Hermann. Friedreicb's bl f. gerichtl. med., Nurnburg, 1882, xrxiii, 37 128, i tab. Gamba. Arch, di psichiat., ete., Torino, 1882, iii. 437 440- Bagliatto. Asturias rev. Asturiana de cien med., Oviedo, 1884 5, ii,4-io. British Med. Journal, London, 1885, i, rii, 121. Mercandi, Gioberti. Gazz. med. di Torino, 1886, xxxvii, 633-9. Metlesen. Aetiologie studier over struma, Kristiana, 1887. Cane. Canada Pract., Toronto, 1888, xiii, 145-149. Hanu Verhandl. d. x international med. cong., 1890, Berlin, 1891, ii, 3 abth,, 128-130. Murray. British Med. Journal, London, 1891, ii, 796. Langhans. Arch. f. path. anat. Berlin, 1892, cxxviii, 318, 3 pi., 369. Antonini. Arch, di psichiat, Torino, 1894, ^^» 554-S59. Gaide. Bordeaux, 1895, no p. De Coulon. Arch. f. path, anat., Berlin, 1897, cxlvii, 53 99. Laire. Journal de med. int., Paris, 1899, iii, 447. 464- Graves. Wichita Med. Journal, March, 1903, vol. 2, pp. 43-49. CONCRETIONS (1837-I9O4). Calcareous and bony concretions varying in size, shape and number; are not infre- quently found within the body of the thy- roid gland and in its capsule. Their eti- ology is unknown, except that they may form independently of other pathologic changes in the gland or its capsule. They have been found where the gland has the normal number of lobes, when the number is less than normal, and in accessory lobes of any number, size or position, and, like hyaline and fatty degeneration, are found more frequently in advanced life. Historical. — Marjolin, 1837, recorded a case of bony degeneration of the thyroid gland, and Fouraytier, 1841, one of a similar character. Welford, 1858, reported a case of cancer of the thyroid gland with a small bony tumor.ij Toland observed a bony depo 7- Chassaignac. Gaz. d. hop., Paris, 1849, i, 488. Qiiinlin. Proc. Path. Soc, Dublin, 1852 3, iii, 287. Legendre. Bull. soc. aniit., Paris, 1852, xxvii, 470. Duchek. Vrtljschr. f. d. prakt. heilk., Prague, 1853, i, hft. 30. Noutard-Martin. Bull. soc. med. d. hop., Paris, 1856 8; 1884, iii, 2433. Pitman. British Med. Journal, London, 1857, ii, 581. Von Bruns. Deutsche klinik., Berlin, 1859, xi, 83, 122, 129, 145. Gosselin. Gaz. d. hop., Paris, 1861, xxxiv, 131. 1 86 SURGBRT OF THE THTRUID. Stoddard. Med. and Surg. Reporter, Phila- delphia, 1861, vi, lO!. Krebs Aerztl. der. d. k. k. alig. krakenh. zu Wien, 1862; 1863, 136. Boucher. Bull. soc. anat., Paris, 1867, xlii, Lucke. Arch. f. klin. chirurgie. Berlin, 1867, viii, 88 93. Stokes. Dublin Journal Med. Science, 1868, xlvi. 220. Williams. Tr. Path. Soc, London, 1868 9, XX. 394 397- Church. Tr. Path. Soc, London, 18689, ^x, 392 394' Payne. Tr. Path. Soc, London, 1870 71, xxii, 283-354. Harris. St. Bartholomew's Hospital Report, London, 1875, 263 265 Mo, G. Osservatore, Torino, 1875, xi, 358. VVeir. Med. Record, New York, 1876, xi, 146. Meissner. Verm, chirurgie schrift, Berlin u. Stettin, 1876, i, 299. Rouse. St. George's Hosp. Report, 1877 78, London, 1879, ix, 275. Ballet. Bull. soc. anat., Paris, 1878, liii, 116- 118. Deutsche ztschr. f. chirurgie, Leipzig, 1880- 81, xiv, 25 49. Sands. Med. Record, New York, 1881, xx, 303 Polaillon. Ann. d. mal. de I'oreille et du larynx, Paris, 1881, vii, 340343. Senion. Tr. Path. Soc, London, 1881-2, xxxiii, 38 48 I pi. Gerster. Med. News, Philadelphia, 1882, xli, 740. Brann. Verhandl. d. Deutsch. gellsch., Ber- lin, 1882, xi, pt. 2, 1-65, I pi. Bircher. Samml. klin. vortr., Leipzig, 1882, No. 222; Chirurgie, No. 71 (1893- 1896), 2 pi. Mdthieu. Progres med., Pans, 1882, x, 263- 266. Krishaber. Ann. d. mal. de I'oreille et du larynx, Paris, 1882, viii, 239 248. Puzey. British Med. Journal, London, 1883, ii, 430. Ann. d mal. de I'oreille et du larynx, 1883, ix, 12 18. Coulon. Paris, 1883. Giraudeau. Rev. de med., Paris, 1884, iv, io2-io8. Jenaischo. ztschr. f. med , u. naturw., Leipzig, 481-495. Webster. Weekly Med, Review, Chicago, 1885, xi, 176. Gulliver. Tr. Path. Soc, London, 1885 6, xxxvii, 511 513. Stoker. Tr. Path. Soc, London, 1886-7, xxxviii, 396. Strecker. Wurzburg, 1887. Wien med. woch., 1888, xxxviii, 673 677. Mason. Brooklyn Med. Journal, 1888, i, 229- 232. Hayem. M. Parmentier Bull, et mem. soc, medical hospital, Paris, 1888, v, 3^3 348. Rollet. Gaz. med. de Paris, 1888, v, 234-247. Pic. Lyon med., 1888, Iviii, 307 311. Parmentier and Hartmann. Bull. soc. anat., Paris, 1888, Ixiii, 947-953. Hebb. Westminster Hospital Report, London, 1838, iv, 189 192, I pi. Wolfenden. Med. Press and Circular, Lon- don, 1888, xlvi, 591-594. Orcel. Lyon, 1889. PoUosson. Province med., Lyon, 1889, iii, 133. Hutchinson. British Med. Journal, London, 1889, ii, 128. Albert. Allg. wien. med. ztg., 1889, xxxiv, 55. Turner. Tr. Clin. Soc, London, 1889-90, xxiii, 226-231. Schmidt. Wurzburg, 1890. Schutt. Kiel, 1891. Busachi. Gaz. d. osp., Napoli, 1891, xii, 651. Porte. Lyon med., 1891, Ixvii, 402. Petrakides. Wurzburg, 189' Willet. Tr. Path. Soc, London, 1891-2, xliii, 144. Senion. Med. -Chirurgie Tr., London, 1892-3, Ixxvi, 375 390. Chabory. Rev. de laryngol., Paris, 1893, xiii, 490 492. Poncet. Gaz. hebd. de med., Paris, 1893, xi, 319 321. Schmalbach. Wurzburg. 1893. Jahresb. u. d. Chirurgie abt. d. spit, zu Basel, -893; 1894, 50. Morris. Lancet, London, 1894. i, 332-334. Letulle. Presse med., Paris, 1894, 269-272. Botticher. Halberstadt, 1894. Brindel et Liaris. Jour, de med. de Bordeaux, vi, XXV, 4.'3-425. Hutchinson. Arch. Surgery, London, 1895, vi, 911. Bertrand, Joseph. Lyon, 1895, 'S^ P- Friedland. Prague med. woch., 1896, xxi, 103 Limacher. Berlin, 1898 Guinon et Bufnoir. Bull, et mem. soc med. hop., Paris, 1898, xxv, 253. Talihefer. Rev. de chirurgie, Paris, 1898, xviii, 224-231. Hellendall. Deutsche med. woch., Leipzig u. Berlin, 1899, xxv, 222. Carrell-billard. Lyon, 1900, N. 147, 303 p., 6 pi., 6 fig. Winter. Breslau, 1900 Gruie. Lyon, 1899 1900, 91 p. Muscatello et Cancitano. Riforrna med , Pa- lermo, 1900, ii, 508. Balacesco. Bull, et mem. soc. de chirurgie de Bucarest, 1900, iii, 95-96. CARCINOMA (1844-1904). Carcinoma of the thyroid gland is fre- quent, primary or secondary, usually pri- mary, and may involve one or more lobes, of any variety, hard, soft or cystic, and of slow or rapid growth. Historical. — Hawkins, 1844, reported cases of carcinoma of the thyroid gland. IMuller, 187 1 ; Eberth, 1872; and Cor- nil, 187 ;i, each report an epithelioma of the thyroid. Von Schrotter, 1880, and Demme, R., 1880, mentioned a medullary carcinoma of the thyroid. Mayor, 1881, reported a carcinomatous tumor of the thyroid with secondary nucleus in the brain and lung. SURGERY OF THE THYROID. 187 Ofer, 1884, described a perforation of the thyroid with carcinoma. Weinlechner, 1S88, mentioned a medul- lary carcinoma of the thyroid with sec- ondary carcinoma of the lung. Banti, 1889, describes a primitive carci- noma. Baginsky, 1891, reported a carcinoma of the thyroid gland. Branca et Menier, 1896, reported a case of tumor of the thyroid with epithelioma development ; death by asphyxia. Galeotti, 1896; Della-Vedova, 1896; andEwald, 1896, each reported carcinoma of the thyroid glands. Berger, 1S97, described an epithelioma of the thyroid gland. Frank and Guntermann, 1897, men- tioned a cystic carcinoma of the thyroid. Le Fur, Buffnoir et Milian, Hobbs et Beguin, 1898, each report an epithelioma of the thyroid gland. Banti, 1889; Baginsky, 1891 ; andMott, 1899, each had a case of primary carci- noma of the thyroid with secondary infil- tration of the lymphatic glands. BIBLIOGRAPHY — PRIMARY CARCINOMA. Hawkins. Med. Chirurgie Transactions, Lon- don, 1844. xxvii, 25-^7. Brown. Med. chirurgie Transactions, Lon- don, 1844, xxvii, 3740. Neiatun. Encephaloide du corps thyroid re- marquable par la rapidite de son developement, Gaz. d. hop., Paris, 1849. 287. Seitz. Deutsche klinik, Berlin, 1856, viii, 403- 405- Werner. Ztschr. f. wundarzte u. geburtsh., Stuttgart, 1869, xxii, 161-170. Billroth. In his chirurgie klin., Wien, 187 1-6; Berlin, 1879, 184. Eberth Arch. f. path, anat., Berlin, 1872, Iv, 254. Holdt. Clinic, Cincinnati, 1873, i^- 26. Cornil. Compt. rend. soc. biol., Paris, 1875, ii, 273 280. Eppinger. Vrtljschr. f. d. prakt. heilk, Leip- zig, 1875, cxxvi, 13-17. Gemniel. Freiburg, i, Br.. 1875. Menzel. Resoc. san. d. osp. di Trieste, 1876, ii, 97- Socin. Jahresb. u. d. chirurgie, abth. d. spit, zu Basel, 1876, 26. Von Schrotter. Ber d. k. k. kranrenannst, Rudolph Siftung, in Wien, 1879; 1880, 337. Smith. British Med. Journal, London, 1880, i. 479- Englisch. Ber. d. k. k. krankenanst, Rudolph- Siftung in Wien, 1881 ; 1882, 291. Zwiike. Charite Ann., Berlin, 1882, vii, 506. Osner. Wien. med. bl., 1884, ^i'> '5^8 70. Carrington. Tr. Path. Soc, London, 1885-6, xxxvii, 508 511. Aerzti. ber. d. k. k. allg. krankenh. zu Wien, i886; 1888, 15- 17. Cases. Jahresb. u. d. chirurgie, abth. d. spit, zu Basel, 1886; 1887, 36; 1889. 57. In Feeder, aerzti. ber., 1888; Wien, 1889, 24. Banti. Arch, di anat. norm, e patol., Firenze, 1889 90, V, 131 -142. Scheinmann. Deutsche med. woch., Leipzig, 1890, xvi, 263-265. Journal Laryngol , London, 1890. iv, 50-3. Baginsky. Veroffentl. d. hufeland. gesellsch. in Berlin, Vortr., 1891-2, 86 91. Pet Rakides. Wurzburg, 1892. Podbelsky. Ueber das vorkommen des col- loides in den lyrnphgefassen der strumos erkrank- ten menschlichnen schilddruse, Prague med. woch., 1892, xvii, 197, 211. Branca et Menier. Ann. d. mal. de I'oreille du larynx, Paris, 1896, xxii, 476, 485. Galeotti. Arch. f. mikr. anat., Bonn, 1896, xlviii, 305-328, I pi. Della-Vedova. Atti d. assoc. med., Lomb., 1895; Milano, 1896, 381-386. Ewald, Wien klin. woch., 189, ix, 1866. Berger. Assoc, franc, de chirurgie proc-verb., Paris, 1897, xi, 15-37. Frank and Guntermann. Leonard's Illustrated Med. Journal, Detroit, 1897, xvii, 12. Frank and Guntermann. Medicine, Detroit, i8q7, iii, 33-36. Le Fur. Bull. soc. anat., Paris, 1896, Ixxiii, 790 2. Hobbs et Beguin. Rev. internat. de rhinol., otol. et laryngol., Paris, 1898, ix, 261-3. Mott. Med. Press and Circuh^.r, London, 1899, xlvii, 245. CYLINDRICAL EPITHELIOMA. MuUer. Jenaische ztschr. f. med. u. naturw., Leipzig, 1871, vi, 456-475. MEDULLARY CARCINOMA. Demme. Med. ber. d. thatigk. d. Jennen'schen Kinders. in Berne, 1879; 1880, xxvii, 5560, i pi. Weinlechner. Aerzti. der d. k. k. allg. kran- ren. zu Wien, 1886; 1888, 213. Mayor. Bull. soc. anat., Paris, 1881, Ivi, 723-727. SARCOMA (1838-I9O4). Sarcoma of many forms are found in the thyroid gland, both of primary and secondary origin, cystic or solid, single or multiple, fixed or movable, rapid or slow in their development, varying in size, with or with®ut glandular involvement. They usually appear in early life, without reference to sex or any known cause. Historical. — Raynaud, 1838, reported an encephaloidic sarcoma with contents in chest. Kuchler, i86j, described cystosarcoma of the thyroid gland. Thorl, 1866, also, mentioned a cysto- sarcoma of the thyroid gland. Muller, 1871, reported a spindle-celled sarcoma with consumption. Doleris, 1876, reported a primary sar- coma with compression of vocal cord. SURGEin' OF THE THTROID. Boechat, 1877, described the spindle- celled sarcoma. Kaufmann, 1878, contributed his study of primary sarcoma of thyroid gland. Fornari. 1S79, aspirated a primary sar- coma of thyroid gland. Heath, 1879, had a case of spindle- celled sarcoma of the thyroid involving larynx ; secondary deposit ; death. Braun, 1879, contributed to the anatomy of the lympho - sarcoma of the thyroid gland. Geffrier. j8So, reported a melanotic sarcoma of the thyroid with pneumogas- tritis. Mathieu, 1881, reported a primary sar- coma of the thyroid gland. Koch, 1883, contributed his study of primary sarcoma of the thyroid gland. Bowlby, 1S84, reported an infiltrating sarcoma of the thyroid. Paget, 1886, reported a malignant dis- ease of thyroid (round celled sarcoma). Pitt, 1887, reported a sarcoma of left lobe of thyroid growing round the eso- phagus and invading the left internal jugular vein and left vagus; ante mortem clot on right side of heart containing growth. Shattock, 1887, reported hypertrophy of an accessory thyroid gland in a case of spindle-celled sarcoma of the thyroid. Bryant, 1891, made a similar report. Labbe, 1895, reported a primary sar- coma with tuberculosis. Gatti, 1895, mentioned the rapid de- velopment of a sarcoma of the thyroid gland caused by infection from a strepho- tome. Rabe, 1897, reported a primary sarcoma of the thyroid gland with pneumonia; death by infection. Franckel, 1897, mentioned a melanotic sarcoma of the thyroid. Kummer, 1898, described a sarcoma- adenoid of the thyroid gland. BIBLIOGRAPHY PRIMARY SARCOMA. Doleris. Bull. soc. anat., Paris, 1876, ii, 225 227. Kaufmann. Deutsche ztschr. f. chirurgie, Leipxig. 1878 9. xi, 401-485, i pi. Mathieu. Bull soc anat., Paris, 1881, Ivi, 370-5. Koch. Ann. H. mal. de Toreille du larynx, Paris, 1883, ix, 195-9 Kobler. Wien med. woch., 1896, xxxvi, 295, 344. Piit. Tr. Path, soc, London, 1886-7; 1887, xxxviii, 398. Sharpies. Univ. Med. Magazine, Philadelphia. 1889 90, ii, 422. Cohen. New York Med. Journal, 1889, i. 1468. Koch. Luxembourg (n. d ). Labbe. Bull. soc. anat. de Paris, 1895, 1*^> 308 II. Gatti. Rev. de chirurgie, Paris, 1895, ^^> 618 625. Hesse. Wurzburg, 1895 Rabe. Bull. soc. anai., Paris, 1897, ixii, 597 605. Shears. Clinique, Chicago. 1898, xix, 291-3. Stengel. Tr. Path. Sgc, Philadelphia, 1898, xviii, 425. Rajmond. Bull. acad. de med., Paris, 1838 9, i". 573- CYSTO- SARCOMA. Kushler Deutsche klinik, 1861, xiii, 422. Thorl. Ztschr. f. nat. med., Leipzig u. rleidel- berg, 1866, 3 R, xxvi, 180-185, i pi. SPINDLE- CELLED SARCOMA. MuUer. Jenaische ztschr. f. med. u. naturw., Leipzig, 1871, vi, 476-480. Boechnt. Bull. soc. med, de la Suisse, Rome, Lausanne, 1877, xi, 39-42. Heath. Med. Times and Gazette, London, 1879, ii, 663. Shattuck. Tr. Path. Soc, London, 1884-5, xxxix, 229-237, I pi. MELANOTIC SARCOMA. Geffrier. Gaz. d. hop., Paris, 1880, liii. 337 9. Franckel. Prague med. woch., 1897, xxii, 321. FIBRO-SARCOMA. Bowlby, Tr. Path. Soc, London, 1884 5, xxxvi, 426 423. ROUND CELLED SARCOMA. Paget. Tr. Path. Soc, London, 18867, xxxviii, 367. Bryant. International Clinic, Philadelphia, ii, 123 5- Kummer. Rev. de med. de la Sbisse Rome, Geneve, 1898, xviii, 702 709. PATHOLOGY. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Romhild. De struma, Altdorf, 1707. Everetze. De glandula thyroidea lugt., Ba- tavia, 1708. Sellin. Ganzliche heilung eines ungeheuren kropfs. Verm. chir. schrift, Berlin, 1779, ii, • 175 9- Jordon. Die struma, Gottingae, 1793. Siegmann. De struma, Jenae, 1785. Hasse. De struma eamque sanandi methodo Helmstadii, 1796. Loder. Observata quaedam circa struman, liii, Jenae, 1796. Barton. A Memoir Concerning the Disease of Goitre as it Prevails in Different Parts of North America. Philadelphia, 1800. Sommer. Geschichte einer merkwurdigen geschwulst der schildruse. Allg. med. ann. (med. korrespbl.), Altenb., 1801, xix, 72 74. Tardiveau. Dissertation sur les maladies de la gland thyroide, Paris, an., xi, 1803. SURGERY OF THE THYROID. SchmidtmuUer. Ueber die ausfuhrungsgange der schildruse, Landshut, 1804. Hausleutner. Ueber die erkenntnis natur und heilung des kropfes. Arch. f. med. erfahr., Berlin, 1810, xlii, i 53. Maas. Diss, sistens glandulam thyroideam tarn sanarn quam morbosam eandemique imprimis strumosara, Wirceburgi, 1810. Bemerkungen ueber den kropf. Arch. f. med. erfahr., Berlin, i8ri, i, 133 37. Postigliune. Memoria pathologico-practica sulla natura del g zzo e sulla facile maniera di curarlo, Napoli, 1812. Meyer. De strumis earumque causis atque medela, Hannoverae, 1817. Boquet. Sur les affections de la glande thy- roide connues sous le nom de goitre, Paris, i8i7. Alexander De glandulae thyroidea eilicio, Berolini, 1818. Hopfengartner. Beobachtungen eines kropfes mit organischen veranderungen der grossen ge fasse. Jour, de pract. heilk., Berlin, 1817, xliv, 6 St., 26 36. Formey. Bermerkungen ueber den kropf und nathricht ueber ein dagegen neu endektes wirk- sames mittel, Berlin, 18 o. Nordhof. Bemerkungen ueber coindet's neues mittel gegen den kropf. Allg. med. ann. Leip- zig, 1821, 282-284. Killiches. De struma. Prague, 1821. Ehrenberg. Struma, Halae, 1822. Hedenus. ( ractatus de glandula thyreoidea tam Sana quam morbosa imprimis de struma e jusque causis at que medela, Lipsiae, 1822 t\-dere. Beflcxions pratiques sur les moyens propres a guerir le goitre et sur leur maniere d'agir. Jour, compl. du diet d. sc. med., Paris, 1823, xvii, 42 50 Conradi. Commentatio de cyanche thyreoidea et struma infiammatorio. Gottingae, 1824. Von Hunibult. Observations sur quelques phenomenes peu connus qu offre le goitre sons les tropiques dans les plaines et sur les plateux Andes. Jour, de physiol., Paris, 1824, iv, 109- 118. Moehring. Anatomia normalis pathologica ph^siologica ihyroideae, Nerolini, i8.'5. Preradov. De struma, Pestini, 1825 Roulin. Note sur quelques faits relatifs a 1' historic des goitres jour, de ph}siol. exper., Paris, 1825, V, 266 274. Buesch. De glandula thyreoidea strumosa in genere et de ejus specie lymphatic, Dorpati, Livonorum, 1826. Robert. De struma Leodii, 1826 IVussen. De struma, Vratislaviae, 1826. Krugelstoin. Die kunst die krankheiten der schildruse und den kopf zu heilen, Gotha, 18 7. Wurzer, F. A. De struma, Marburgi, 1831. Sacchi. Sopra il C'zzo, ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1832, Ixiv, 468 503. Beck. Ueber den kropt, Freiburg, 1833. Ausrottung von kropfen. Jour. d. chir. u. augenh , Berlin, 1834, xxii, 21-25. Gualla, B. \)t\ gozzo, Pavia, 1835. Berlhold. Ueberdiecyanche thyroidea. Woch. f d. ges. heilk., Berlin, 1834, iii, 335-38. Nick. Radikale heilung eines lymphatischen. Med. cor.-bl. d. Wurttemb. arztl. ver., Stuttg , '834 5..i'«'. 123 126 L-helius. Unterbindung der oberen schildru sen schlagader bei struma lymphatica. Med. ann., Heidelberg, 1835, i, 71 80. Reuss. Ueber die kropfe in der Paulinenpflege zu Stuttgart. Med. cor.bl. d. Wurttemb. arztl. ver., Stuttg., 1836, vi, 168 170. Bellony. De struma, Budae, 1836. Wuerst. De glandula thyreoidea, Berolini, 1836. Wetzlar. Fall einer struma infiammatoria welche in eiterune uberging. Jour. d. ehir. u. augenh , Berlin, 1837, xxvi, 517-526 Hamburger. De evolutione strumae endemicae, Pragae, 1837. Netimann. Nonnulla de pathologia struma, Berolini, 1837. Weber. Die struma, Gryphiae, 1838. Broers. De glandulae thyroidea. Traj. ad Rhenum, 1839. Turban. De strumae lymphaticae pathologia, Monachii, 1839. Lange. De struma, Berolini, 1839. Reiser. De struma, Monachii, 1839. Meurer. Ueber ausgang nach dem durchziehen eines haarseils durch einen kropf. Gen. ber. d. k. rhein. med. coll., 1839, Koblenz, 1842, 115. Bicking. Ein veralteter kropf die verborgene ursache eines plotzlichen todes. Jour. d. prakt. heilk., Berlin. i8^o, i st, xci, 121. Lutgent. Die vitis organinic glandulae thy- roideae, Amstel, 1839. Kopf. Ueber den kropf im allgemeinen und den lymplatischen ins besondere, Salzbach, 1839. Bopp. Ueber die schildruse, Tubingen, 1840. Tourtual. HarnstofT in kropfen. Arch f. anat. physiol. u. wissensch. med., Berlin, 1840, 2^o 258. Maibtre. Ueber den kropf, Munchen, 1842. Du Bois. De glandula thyroidea tam sana quam morbosa, Berolini, 1842. Lowenhardt. Einige bemerkungen ueber die entzundung der schildruse nebst einem fall von entzundung und brand dieser druse. Med. ztg., Berlin, 1843, xii, 57-59 Zwr pathologic des kropfes. N, med. chir. ztg., Munchen, 1844, ii, 129 132. Gichri Ueber struma substernalis. N. med. chir. ztg , Munchen, 1844, *'^» 321-323- Gunther. Die entzundung der schildruse eine selten beobachtete noch seltener aber bescheri bene krankheitsform. Ztschr. f. chir. v. chir. osterode u. goslar, 1845, iii, 169 176. Von Fradeneck. Einige bemerkungen uebei die sogennanten kropfquellen und tostenhube* karntens. Ztschr. d. k. k. gesellsch. d. aerzte z' Wien, 1845, ii, 278 288. Weitenweber. Ueber die entzundung d< schidru«e. Med. jahrb. d. k. k. osters. staat* - Wien, 1845, liii, 35-54. Frerricks. Struma, Hannov. ann. f. d. g< ■ heilk., 1845, V, 643 647. Ueber die paihologische anatomischen 1 sachen des kropfes. Amtl. ber. u. die versam deutsch. naturf. u. aerzte, 1845, Numb. !>•,•. xxiii, .57 259. Lowenhardt. Brand der schildruse. Wocl • d. ges. heilk., Berlin, 1846, xiv, 531. Weil. Entzundung der schildruse. Sch^• ztschr. f. med. chir. u. geburtsh., Zurich, n , 39.V.394- Grotzner. Ueber die entzundung der ' ' druse und deren wichtige beziehung zun- mungsorgane. Med. ztg., Berlin, 1847, x\ , ~j 190 SURGERY OF THE TUTROID. Luebeck. De struma, Halis, 1847. Rosch. Entzundung und eiterung eines kropfs. Med. cor.-bl. d. Wurtemb. arztl. ver. Stuttg., 1848, xviii, 269. Reinhardt. Die ausschneidung eines kropfs. Ztschr. f. wundarzte u. geburtsh., Stuttg., 1849, ii, 50-56. Albrecht. De struma, Gryphiae, 1849. Bruck. Die glotzaugen. Woch. f. d. ges. heilk., Berlin, 1849, 212. Naegie. Vereiterung der glandula thjreodea. Med. ztg., Berlin, 1849, xviii, 10. Betz. Ueber den kropf der neugeborenen. Ztschr. f. rat. med., Heidelb., 1850, ix, 233 238, I pi. Upber balgkropfe. Jour. d. chir. u. augen- heilk., Berlin, 1850, xxxix, 169-242. Grange. Nouvelles recherches sur les rapports qui existent entre la presence du goitre dans un pays et la nature geologique du sol. (abstr). Compt. rend. acad. d. sc, Paris, 1850, xxxi, 58. Asroroth. De glandula thyroidea cum sana turn morbosa, Berolini, 1850. Hoburg. De struma, Berolini, 1850. Eichholtz. De struma, Berolini, 1850. Hoetle. Entzundung der schildruse, Jena, ann. f physiol. u. med., 1851, ii,478. Betz. Die cholesterinablagerungen in der schildruse. Med. cor.-bl. d. Wurtemb. arztl. ver , Stuttg., 1851, xxi, 172. Merchie. Observation de thyroidite aigue. Arch, beiges de med. mil., Brux., L, 1852, ix, 433440- Knuppel. Brandige zerstorung der schildruse. Med. ztg., Berlin, 1852, 25. Le Gendre. De la thyroide, Paris, 1852. Bonnet. Memoirs sur les go tres qui compri- ment et deforment la trachee-artere. Bull. soc. de chir., Paris, 1852 3, iii, 608. Schrader. De thyreophymate, Halis, Sax, 1853- Neubert. De struma, Halis, Sax., 1853. Maurer. Ueber den kropf neugeborner. Jour, f. kinderkr., Erlang., 1854, xxii, 357. Friedreich. Der krankheiten der thyreoidea in handb. d. spec. path. u. therap. (Virchow), Erlang., 1854, '^' ^ abth , 514-526. Neale. State of the Blood in Goitre. Med. Times and Gazette, London, 1854, viii, 430-432. Neuenzeit. De struma, Vratisiaviae, 1855. Berger. Vereiterung der schildruse und er- gruss des eiters in die luftrohre. Med. ztg., Berlin, 1855, xxiv, 219. Billroth. Ueber totales drusengewebe in schil- drusengeschwulsten. Arch. f. anat. physiol. u. wissensch. med.. Berlin, 1856, 144-149, i pi Thamhayn. Zur pathologie und therapie des kropfes. Schmidt's jahrb., Leipz., 1856, xci, 238 248. Silve. Quelques considerations sur le goitre, Paris, 1850. Hafner. De struma, Berolini, 1856. Price. Observations on Certain Strumous Swellings; their Nature, Variety and Treatment. Tr. Med. Soc. King's Coll., London, 18578, ii, I35I49- Baumann. Ueber vereiterung der schildruse, Zurich, 1856 Mathieu. Du goitre, Paris, 1856. ^Verner. Beitrage zur lehre von den krank- heiten der schildruse. Med. cor.-bl. d. Wur- temb. arztl. ver., Stuttg., 1858, xxviii, 265 273. Ringbom. On struma, Helsingfors, 1859. Tellier. Note sur quelques cas de goitre aigue observes a neuf-brisache pendante le 2e semestre de 1858. Rec. de mem. de med. mil., Paris, i860, iii, 369-373- Roser. Ein beitrag zur kropfcachexie bisher falschlich jodkrankheit gennant. Med. cor.-bl, d. Wurtemb. arztl. ver., Stuttg., i860, xxx, 257- 262. Herpin. Paris et Geneve au point de vue du goitre. Union med., Paris, i860, v, 561-566. Model. Eine kropfausrottune und ilire folgen. Arch. f. path, anat., Berlin, i860, xviii, 547 554.. Eulenberg. Anatomischpathologische unter- suchu'igen. Greenhow. Observations on Goitre as Seen in Oude Indian. Med. Sc, Calcutta, i860, vi, 435- 451- Foerster. Ueber die gesrhwulste der schild- druse. Wurzb. med. ztschr, i860, i, 24-36. 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Zur frage nach der anzahl der wirk- samen substanzen in der schilddruse, Munchen m 1420. Sellerier. Considerations sur la pathogene de la maladie Basedow, Paris, 1897. Baurowicz. Ueber schilddrusengeschwulste im innern des kehlkopfes und der luftrohre. Arch. f. laryngol. u. rhinol., Berlin, 1898, viii, 362 373. Levy. The Changes Occurring in the Blood of Dogs After Removal of the Thjroid. Journal Path, and Bacteriol., Edinburgh and London, 1898, V, 316 330. De Voogt. Zur beziehung zwischen der schild- druse und den weibtichen geschlechtstheilen. Centralbl. f. gynak., Leipzig, 1898. xxii, 713-716. Honsell. Metapneumonische strumitis. Beitr. z. klin. chir , Tubing , 1898, xx, 601 606. Majewski. Strumitis dissecans. Gaz. lek., Warzawa, 1898, xviii, 1 156- 1 159. Krecke. Ueber struma intrathoracica. Mun- chen med. woch., 1898, xlv, 233-235. Hofmeister. Aberrierte struma unter der brusthaut. Beitr. z. klin. chir., Tubing., 1898, XX, 595-600. Lanz and Luscher. Eine beobachtung von pyocyaneus strumitis. Cor.-bl. f. schweiz. aerzt., Basel, 1898, xxviii, 137-140. Reymann. Zur casuistik der nebenkropfe eine aortenstruma, Giessen 1898. Ohayashi. Researches on Goitre. Gun igaku kwai zasfhi, Tokyo, 1898,932-942. Pathogenie et traitement du goitre exophthal- mique Presume fasc. (3, 12-14), cons:, interna- tional de neurol. de psychiat., 1897, Brux , 1898, i, 125 128. Eshner. Some Considerations on the Pathol- ogy and Treatment of Exophthnlmic Goitre. Philadelphia Polyclinic. 1898, vii, 521 523. Tambach. Zur chemie des jods in der schild- druse. Ztschr. f. biology, Munchen u. Leipzig, xviii, 549 567. Giard. Sur I'homologie des thyroides later- ales (corps post-branchiaux Verdun) avec I'epi- carde des tuniciers. Compt. rend. soc. de biol., Paris, i8g8, v, 464-466. Militello. Sull'azione della tiroide nel pro- durre ia glucosuria influenza della stessa sul dia- bete, terap. clin., Napoli, 1898, vii, 387 389. Schlussbemerkung zu H. Monk's aufsatz in diesem archiv : Die schilddruse und Prof. Dr. Freih v. Eiselberg, Bd. 154, S. 177. Freund, Zur beziehung zwischen der schild- druse und den weiblichen geschlechtoreanen. Centralbl. f. gynak , Leipzig, 1898, xxii, 857 9. SURGERY OF THE THYROID. 195 Blum. Die schildruse als entgiftendes or^an. Deutsche med. woch., 1898, xxiv, Verbeil, 185. Arch. f. path, anat., Berlin, 1898, cliv, 569- 57^- Von Eiselberg. Zur lehre von der schilddruse mit besonderer beruchsichtigung des gleichnam- igen artikels von H. Monk (dieses archiv, bd. 150), Arch. f. path, anat., Berlin, 1898, cliii, 418- 459- Munk. Die schilddruse und Prof. Freih v. Eiselberg, Arch. f. path, anat., Berlin, 1898, cliv, 177 186. Lepinois. Action du formol sur le corps thy- roide conservation des glandes fraiches. Bull, gen. de terap., Paris, 1898, cxxxvi, 655 663. Anderson and Bergman. Ueber den einfluss der schilddrusenfutterung ouf den stoffwechsel des gesunder menschen. Skandin, arch. f. phy- sio]., Leipzig, 1898, viii, 326 346. Gley. Glande thyroide et glandules parathy- roides. Presse medical, Paris, 1898, i, 17. Langp, Die beziehungen der schilddruse zur schwangerschaft. Ztschr. f. geburtsh. u. gynak., Stuttgart, 1899. xi, 34 72, i pi. Hollander. Eine lamiliare kropferkrankung in Berlin. Berl. klin. woch., 1899, xxvi, 997. Honsell. Ueber gutartige metasierende stru- men. Beitr. z. klin. chir.. Tubing., 1899, xxiv, 112 128. Ueber grykogenhaltige strumen. Arch. f. path, anat., Berlin, i8c,9, civ, 532-556, i p'. Sukhareflf. Goitre in kazan dvevnik obsh. vrach. pri. imp kazan univ., 1899 59"77> ' plan. Thorburn. Remarks on the Pathology of the Thyroid Gland. Med. Chronicle, Manchester, 1900, iii, 173-182 Pedrazza. Bocio quistico. Rev. de san. mil., Madrid, 1900, xiv, 317 324. Farnum. Diseases of the Thyroid Body. Chi- cago Med. Times, 1900, xxxiii, 1-5. L'endemie goitreuse. Cosmos, Paris, 1900, xlii, 783 785. Mayet. Etude sur la frequence du goitre aux diflferents ages. Lyon med , 1900, xciii, 505 517, 4fiS. Glynn. On the Symptoms of Slight Inactivity of the Thyroid Gland Liverpool Med. Chir. Journal, 1900, xx, 338 347. Kocber. Ueber folgen der thyreoptosis. Cen- tralbl. f. chir., Leipzig, 1900, xxvii, 681 684. Mayer. Ueber die hauflichkeit des kropfes in den verschiedenen lebensaltern. Wien. med, bl., 1900, xxiii,327 328, 343-344. Fabris. Sopra un caso di struma benigna me- tastatica. Gior. d. r. accad. di med. di Torino, 1900, vi, 655. EXPERIMENTAI. (1884-I9O4). Historical . — Tizzoni, 1884, made in- teresting experiments upon the thyroid gland to determine its physiopathology. Schwartz, 1888, removed the thyroid gland in animils to determine the effects of extirpation of the thyroid gland; Neu- meister, 1888, made a series of experi- ments pertaining to the histology and re- generation of the thyroid gland, and Kemperdick, 1889, experimented on the eliminating properties of the thyroid gland. Lannelongue, 1890, made experiments in transplanting segments of the thyroid gland. Moussu, 1892, experimented with the thyroid gland to observe its function and influence upon cretinism. Godart, 1894, reported his researches in transplanting thyroid tissue. Jacobs, 1894; Enderlin, 1898; and Sul- tan, 1898, each rhade many experiments pertaining to transplantation of thyroid tissue. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Tizz mi. Mem. r. accad. d. society de ist di, Bologna, 1884 6, vi, 457-470. Schwartz. Dorpat, 1888. Neumeister. Bonn, 1888. Kemperdick. Bonn, 1889. Schultze. Centralbl., Leipzig, 1889, viii, 217. Lannelongue. Bull, med., Paris, 1890, iv, 225. Zuccaro. Progresso med., Napoli, 1890, iv, 361368. Legroux and Lannelongue. Compt. rend, soc, biol., Paris, 1890, ii, 135-137. Barewsky. Beitr. z. path. u. z. allg. path., Jena, 1892, xi', 122-130. Moussu. Compt. rend. soc. biol., Paris, 1892, iv, 972 979. Gibson. British Med. Journal, London, 1893, i, 58-62. Christian!. Compt. rend. soc. de biol., Paris, 1893, V, 4. Fano. Arch. ital. di clin. med., Milano, 1893, xxxii, 519 535- Godart. Jour, de med. chir. et pharmacol., Brux., 1894, 49 ^4- Hofmeister. Beitr. z. klin. chir.. Tubing., 1894, xi' 441 523. 5 pl- Jacobs. Bull. soc. de med. d'anvers, 1894, Ivi, 83-87. De Dominicis. Contributo sperimentale alia fisiologia della tiroide. Gior. d. ass. Napoli di med. e nat., Napoli, 1894 5, '''1 167 i8r, i pl. Simon. Note preliminaire sur chez de I'ebauche thyroidienne laterale chez les mammiferes. Compt. rend. soc. biol., Paris, 1894, '» 202-204. Edmunds. Physiological Society, London, Cambridge, 1895, PP' xxix xxxi. Haskovec. Wien. med. bl., 1895, xviii, 743. Ballet and Enriquez. Med. mod., Paris, 1895, vi, 801 804. Blumreich and Jacoby. Arch. f. d. ges. phy- siol., Bonn, 1896, Ixiv, i 52. Ballet et Enriquez. Limousin med., Limoges, 1896, xx, 69, 91, 103. Irsai, Gava et Vas. Orvosi hetil Szemele, Budapest, 1896, xx, 213 217. Panialeone. Gazzette d. osp., Milano, 1897, xviii, 65 67. Leonhardt. Experimentelle untersuchungen ueber die bedeutung der schilddruse fur das wachstum im organismus. Arch. f. path, anat., Berlin, 1897, cxlix, 341 377. Wormser, F. Arch. f. d. ges. physiol., Bonn, 1897, Ixvii, 505 540. 196 SURGERT OF THE THYROID. Gluzinski et Lemberger. Bull, international acad. d. sc. de Cracovie, 1897, 194-198. Fraina, R. Policlinic, Roma, 1898, v, sez. med., 441-469. Roger et Gamier. Compt. rend. soc. oiol., Paris, 1898, V, 889. Enderlin. Mitt. a. d. grenzgeb. d. med. u. chir., Jena, 1898, iii, 474-531, 2 pi. Sultan, C. Centralbl. allg. patologj u. path, anat., Jena, 1898, ix, 388390. Roger et Gamier. Presse med., Paris, 1900, ii. 93-97. 7 fig- MEDICAL TREATMENT (1794-I9O4). Medical treatment of hypertrophy of the thyroid gland has been both local and internal, and the two combined, with more or less beneficial results, and with out any knowledge of their fnodus oper- andi or any tangible logic for their em- ployment. Strophanthin has been extensively em- ployed, especially in cases of exophthalmic goitre in which very gratifying results were obtained. It was supposed to more or less influence the heart's action, and in that way become beneficial. Animal extracts have been employed with great benefit in both exophthalmic and parenchymatous goitre giving better results than any other form of treatment. They do not cure, they only lessen the size of the neoplasm in a certain number of cases, and they are therefore commend- able as a palliative measure. Fresh glands on ice do not produce toxic etTects, and the best results are in chlorotic patients when raw sheep's glands are used. Medicative measures not being curative, cannot be recommended. Historical. — Dubouloz, 1855, considered the therapeutics of goitre. Monat, 1857, wrote on the use of iodide of mercury in combination with the rays of the sun for the cure of goitre. Grandjoin. 1858, employed the use of iodine in connection with salines in the treatment of goitre. Frodsham, i860, treated goitre by the external use of mercury, while O'Connor, i860, successfully treated goitre by large doses of bromide of potassium and liquor potass- a;. Guptill, 1874, treated exophthalmic goitre successfully with iodo-bromide of calcium, and Woakes, 1879, used fluoric acid. Boechat, 1880, employed iodoform, and Fussell, 1S87, Lugol's solution in treating goitre. Born, 1892, applied a solution of nitrate of silver externally in the treatment of goitre. Putnam, 1893, reported his observations on the use of sheep's glands for goitre, and Alekseyeff, 1895, record? two success- ful cases of goitre treated with sheep's thyroid. Britan, 1897, treated goitre with a com- bination of " iodo-thyrine." BIBLIOGRAPHY. Gayterus. Tyrolensium carunthiorum syrio- rumque struma, Vindobonae, 1794. Coindet. Decouverte d'un nouveau remede contre le goitre (iodine). Ann. de chim. et phys., Paris, 1820, XV, 49-59. Helling. Peobachtung eines veralteten kropfes durch die jodine gluchlich geheilt. Mag. f. d. ges. heilk., Berlin, 1821, xi, 419438. Schneider. Das wissenwurdigste ueber die jodine als specificum cegen den kropf nebst eige- nen erfahrungen ueber dieses neue mittel und bemerkungen zur pathologie und etiologie des kropfes. N. jahrb. d. deutsch med. u. chir., El- berfeld, 1822, v, st. 107, 2, st. i. Pitschaft. Ein wort ueber den kropf zunachst in therapeutischer beziehung. Jour. d. prakt. heilk., Berlin, 1825, Ix, 4St, 88 91. Co!-ta. Intorno alle cause del gozzo ed ai remedii utili a fugario Escuiapio, Napoli, 1827, i, .^21-331. Beauquin. Traitements des goitres, Stras bourg, 1 85 1. Jaeger. Ueber die anwendung der hydrargy- rum jodatum gegen struma. Org. f. d. ges. heilk., Aachen, 1852, i, 37. Dub )uloz. Ann. soc. de med. de Lyon, 1855, iii. 359 361. Monat. In 'ian Ann. Medical Society, Cal- cutta, 1857, iv, 436 440. Garret and Revel. Bull. soc. med. de cham- brej, 1859 74. 82 84. Frodsham. Lancet, London, i860, i, 543. O'Connor. Lancet. London, i860, i, 62. Greenhow. Med. Times and Gfzette, London, 1861, ii, 552. Grant. Review de therap. med. chir., Paris, 1863, 177. Gosse. Journal d. Connecticut med. prat., Paris, 1863, XXX, loi 103. Memminger. Bull. soc. med. du haut-reim, Strasbourg, 1864, ii, 303-307. Guptill. American Journal Med. Society, Philadelphia, 1874, Ixvii, 125. Onate. Observador med., Mexico, 1874 6, 'ii. 348350. Valieri. Clin., Napoli, 1875, 'i. 118-120. Browne. British Med. Journal, London, 1876, ii, 851 854 Bella. Morgagni, Napoli, 1877, xix, 603-7. Cazalis. Ann. d. mal. I'oreille et du larynx, Paris, 1877, iii, 141 165. Picou Paris, 1878. Shannon. British Med. Journal, London, 1879, i. 545- Stevens. Canada Med. Record, 1879, viii, ^'3- Woakes. Proc. Medical Society, London, 1879 81, V, 289 298. SURGERT OF THE TIITROID. 197 Ciurtney. Indian Med. Gazette, Calcutta, 1880, XV, 176. Boechat. Corbl. f. sch. eiz. aerzte, Basel, 1880, X, 12-14. Nivet. Puy de-domo, Paris, 1880. Sullivan. Cincinnati Lancet-Clinic, 1881, vii, 34- Gore. Dublin, Journal Medical Society, 1883, xix, 354-358; 1883, Ixxv, 476 484. Worihington. Med. Record, New York, 1883, xxix, 708. Jamieson. Australia Medical Journal, Mel- bourne, 1884, vi, 63. Thiroux. Paris, 1884. Mackenzie. Cong, period international d. so- ciety medical c-r., 1884, Copenhagen, 1886, iv, sec. de laryngol., 6r-75. Fussell. Med and Surg. Reporter, Philadel- phia, 1887, Ivii, 712. Pagello. Riv. veneta di society medical Ven- ezia, 1888, ix, 551, 1889, x, 32. Hayssen. C)intment for Goitre, No. 4 8 717, Jan. 7, 1890. Brown. North American Practitioner, Chi- cago, 1890, ii, 364-6. Goris. Presse medical, Belgium, Brussels, 1890, xlii, 305-307. Reverdin. Du goitre et de son traitement. Cong, franc, de chir proc. verb., Paris, 1891, v, 639 643. Mohr. Tranaactions Homeopathic Medical Society, Pennsylvania, 1890, Philadelphia, 1891, 83-5- Stiller. Breslau, 1891. Born. Cor.-bl. f. schweiz. aerzte, Basel, 1892, xxii, 244. Christiana. Compt. rend. soc. de biol., Paris, 1892, iv, 798. Dupuis. Montreal Med. Journal, 1892-3, xxi, 490 500. Putnam. American Journal Medical Society, Philadelphia, 1893, cvi, 438-440. Mackenzie. Clinic Journal, London, 1893-4, iii. 401-405. Reinhold. Munchen. ined. woch., 1894, ^'^> 613, 1895, xliii, 1205. Berkley. Johns Hopkins Hospital Report, Baltimore, 1894, iv, 281-281. Angerer. Munchen med. woch., 1894, xlv, 556. Macphail, S. R. and L. C. Lancet, London, 1894, ". 846-848. Lebon. Gaz. d. hop., Paris, 1894, Ix^ii, 887- 894. Anderson. Arch. f. anat. u. entwicklinggesch., Leipzig, 189^, 225-268, 4 pi. Zwaardemaker. Nederl. ti jdschr. v. geneesk, Amsterdam, 1894, 2rl, xxx, 441-454. Jaboulay. Arch, d'an hop. crim., Lyon and Paris, 1895, X, 282 292. AlekseyefT. Med. obsh., Mosk., 1895, xliii, 704-707. Alpago-Novello. Riv. veneta di soc. med. Venezia, 1895, xxii, 425-440. Review medical, Louvain, 1895-6, xiv, 496 498. Firbas. Zur klinik und therapie der schild- drusen-krankungen im kindersalter. Jahrb. f. kinderheilk., Leipzig, 1895 6, xii, 281 291. Marie. Bull, et mem. soc. med. d. hop., Paris, 1895, xii, 7II-7I4- Marconi. Clin, chirurgie, Milano, 1895, jii, 185-240. Pizzini. Atti d. assoc. med.-lomb., Milano, 1895, 56-65. Ingals and Ohis. New York Med. Journal, 1895, 'xii, 302-309. Robison. North American Practitioner, Chi- cago, 1895, vii, 403-406. White. Maryland Med. Journal, Baltimore, 1895 6, xxxiv, 37-40. Grant. Cincinnati Med. Journal, 1896, xi, 157- 162. Notkin. Thyroid Gland Normally, Pathologi- cally and Therapeutically Considered. Russk. arch, patol. klin. med. i. bacterid., St. Peters- burg, 1896, i, 530-547. Bacalossi. Settimanna med. d. sperimentale, Firenz, 1896, i, 347-351. Lamari. Review clin. e terap., Napoli, 1896, xviii, 228-J32. Stabel. Zur schilddrusentherapie. Berlin klin. woch., 1896, xxxiii, 93-97, discussion, 107-109. Branthomme. Frnnce med., Paris, 1896, xliii, 51- . Sabrazes and Cabannes. Gaz. hebd. de med., Paris, 1896, xliii, 327-329. Walling. Med. and Surg. Reporter, Phila- delphia, 1896, Ixxiv, 132. Reinbach. Jahresb. d. schles. gesellsch. f. vaterlcult (1895), Bresl., 1896, Ixxiii, i abth.. Medical Section, 88. Gaz. d. osp., Milano, 1896, xvii, 195. Poyet. Gaz. med. de Picardie, Amiens, 1896, xiv, 126-128. Irsai, Vas and Gara. Deutsch. med. woch., Leipzig u. Berlin, 1896, xxii, 439.441. Kijewski. Gaz. lek., Warazawa, 1896, xvi, 989-998. Hugonnenq, Lyon med., 1896, Ixxxiii, 172- 178. Reyes. Riforma med , Napoli, 1896, xii, pt. 2, 314 317- Heydenreich. Semaine med., Paris, 1896, xvi, 257- AleksandrofT. Laitop. khirung. obsh. v. Mosk., 1896, XV, 1-6. Serapin. Vrach, St. Petersburg, 1896, xvii, 119. Mitt. i. d. grenzgeb. d. med. u. chir., Jena, 1896, i, 202 233. Lepine. Semaine med., Paris, 1896, xvi, 5759. Desplats. Jour. d. soc. de Lille, 1896, i, 97- 102. Fawsett. British Med. Journal, London, 1897, i, 18. Legnani. Rassegna di soc. med,, Modena, 1897-8, xii, 57-59. Critchmaroff. Ljon, 1897. Mucci* Practico firenze, 1897, ii, 293-296. Brian. Lyon med., 1897, Ixxxvi, 102-112. Lichtwitz and Sabrazes. Bull, med., Paris, 1897, xi, 93. Huber. Arch, pediat., New York, 1897, xiv, 888890. Colonna. Gaz. med. di Torino, 1897, xlviii, 228 236. Thiriar. Ann. soc. beige de chirurgie, Bjus- sels, 18978, V, 28-37. Gomez. Morgagni, Milano, 1898, xl, 732 735. Morello. Riv. veneta di soc. med. Venezia, 1898, xxviii, 193, 241, 341, 389. Baldi. Pre enza del bromo nella glandola ti- roide normale, Gaz. med. Lumb., Milano, 1898, Ivii, 227. SURGERY OF THE THYROID. Hayes. Tr. Royal Medical Society, Ireland, 1898, xvi, 54-56. Craig. Western Med. Review, Lincoln, Neb., 1898, iii, 371. Bonnaire. Bull, soc, d'obst., de Paris, 1898, 8 16. Araoz, Alfaro. Arch, de med. d. enf., Paris, 1899, ii, 162. Kennedy. New England Med. Monthly, Dan- bury, Connecticut, 1899, xviii, 310. Brugnola. Ann. d. fac. di med. e mem d. accad. med. chir. di Perugia, 1899, xi, 203 219. Bouflleur. Illinois Med. Journal, Springfield, 1899 1900, xlix, 368-372. Murray. Edinburgh Med. Journal, 1900, viii, 113-117, 2 pi. Reinbach. Mikuliez'schen klinik verhandl. d. gesellsch. deutsch. naturf. u. aerzte, 1890, Leip- zig, 1900, Ixxi, pt. 2, 2 hfte, 124-127. ELECTRICAL TREATMENT (1860-I904). Electricity of various kinds has been extensively employed for all kinds and degrees of disease of the thyroid gland, with more or less beneficial results. Galvanism and the electro cautery have been given preference ; however, the use of any form of electricity has not been satisfactory. In point of fact no definite claim can be accorded this form of treat- ment at this time. There being so many cases that recover spontaneously it is diffi- cult to ascribe recovery to the application of any form of electricity in a given case ; therefore, no form of electricity should be employed in the treatment of goitre. It is more injurious than beneficial, especially in the event of subsequent thyroidectomy, as it causes more or less adhesions, which renders the operation more difficult. Historical. — Schuh, i860, applied gal- vanism to an enlarged thyroid gland, and he was followed by Lamm, in 1S70, with the same method. Wahltuch, 187 1, successfully treated a case of bronchocele by electrolysis and the subcutaneous injections of iodine. Meyer, 1874, applied galvanism to the sympatheticus in a case of exophthalmic goitre. Smith, 1875, cured a cyst of the thyroid gland by electrolysis after injections had failed. Erienmeyer, 1877, experimented ex- tensively with the application of galvan- ism to the sympatheticus in exophthalmic goitre. Niepoe, 1877, applied the electro-cau- tery to an enlarged thyroid gland. Rockwell, 1879, wrote on the value of the galvanic current in exophthalmic goitre as illustrated in the treatment of four cases, and Poole, 1880, considered the subject of electricity as a paralyzing agent in the treatment of exophthalmic goitre. Hadden, 1887, treated exophthalmic goitre with the continuous current, and Lacaille, 1889, employed the negative pole to hypertrophied goitre. Lloyd, 1890, contributed his study on the g ilvano puncture in a case of goitre. Juettner, 1890, wrote on the thyroid gland, the neurotic character of its en- largements, and the relative value of the galvanic current in their treatment. Wile, 1893, recorded a case of goiire cured by galvanism and syrup of hydriodic acid. Dickson, 1892, made a contribution to the electrical treatment of cystic goitre, hydrocele and psoriasis. Bordier, 1894, reported his observations on the use of faradistn in the treatment of exophthalmic goitre. King, 1898, and Bonatdi, 1900, have contributed some very interesting observa- tions on the treatment of exophthalmic goitre with galvanism. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Schuh. Wien. med. woch., i860, x, 145. Lamm. Stockholm, 1870, 29. Wahltuch. Med. Times and Gazette, London, 1871, i, 96. Meyer. Berlin med. gesellsch. (1871 3), 1874, iv, pt. i, 116 121. PandoUi. Reniic. accad. med. -chir. di Nap- oli, 1872, xxvi, 6. Smith. Med. Record, New York, 1875, x, D'Ancona. Gaz. med. ital. prov. venete. Pa- dova, 1876, xix, 409 413. Erienmeyer, A. Jun. Cor bl. d. deutsch. ge- sellsch. f. psychiat., Neuweid., 1877, xxiii, 113- 127, I pi. Niepoe. Nice med., 1877, i, 321 326. Independite. Torino, 1878, xxix, 175-185. Rockwell. Med. Record, New York, 1879, xvi, 317-319. Rockwell. Transactions American Medical Association, Philadelphia, 1880, xxxi, 177 183. Poole. Med Record, New York, 1880, xviii, 4. 569- llenrot. Union med. et scicnt. du nord-est., Reims, 1881, v, 84 91. De Giacomo. Ann. din. d. osp. incur., Nap- oli, 1882, vii, 316 321 Massei. La corrente constante nel gozzo boll d. mal. d'orrechio d. gola e d. naso, Firenze, 1883, i, 17 21. Di Giacoma and Vizioli. Resoc accad. med- chir. di Napoli (1883), 1884, xxxvii, 268 278. Eschbach. Iowa .State Med. Reporter, Des Moines, i886 7, iv, 163 169. Epstein. St. Louis Courier of Medicine, 1887, xviii, 309. SURGERY OF THE TUT ROW. 19$ Hadden. Lanret, London, 1887, i, 264. Veinbaum. Vrach, St. Petersburg, 1888, ix, 521- Pelzer. Therap. monatsh., Berlin, 1888, ii, 464. Danion. Bull, et mem. soc. de med. pract. de Paris, 1888, 794 801. Marano. Australasian Med. Gazette, Sydney, 1889 90, ix, 67. Lacaille. Bull. soc. de med. prat., Paris, 1889, 513-518. Ingals. Jour. Am. Med. Assn., 1890, xiv, 233- 235- Juettner. Cincinnati Lancet-Clinic, 1890, xxv, 341-347- Renault. Paris, 1890. Lloyd. Univerbity Med. Magazine, Philadel- phia, 1890-91, iii, 102- 106. Gardew. Lancet, London, 1891, ii, 6, 64. Vigouroux. Gaz. hop. de Paris, 1891, Ixiv, 494. Wile. New England Med. Monthly, Danbury, Connecticut, 1892-3, xli, 46. Miller. Med. News, Philadelphia, 1892, Ixi, 634- Abstr. Transactions Hunter Society, London, 1892 3, 63-66. Dickson. Transactions Am. Electrother. Assn., 1892, 126-137. Thomas. Arch, d'electric med., Bordeaux, 1894, ii' 432 436. Dickson. Canada Med. Record, Montreal, 1891-5, xxiii, 97-99. Bordier. Arch, d'electric med. Bordeaux, 1894, ii, 417 426. SoUier. Rct. d'hyg therap., Paris, 1894, vi, 265 268. Peyrou and Noir. Progres med., Paris, 1894, XX, 169. Dickson. Transactions Am. Electrother. Assn., 1895, '^. 174 179- Transactions Am. Electrother. Assn., 1895, v, 102, 106. Regnier. Review d. hyg. therap., Paris, 1895, ■^ii. 323 329- Phillips. British Med. Journal, London, 1895, ii, 964. Newman. Jour. Am. Med. Assn., 1895, xxv, 975-978. Spencer. Med. News, New York, 1896, Ixix, 600-602 . Page. American Journal of Obstetrics, New York, 1897, XXXV, 137-139. Bertran. Review de cien. med. de Barcel., 1897, xxiii, pt. 2, 138 151. King. Jour. Electrotherap., New York, 1898, xvi, 289 292. Dickson. Toronto, 1898. Libotte. Jour, de neurol. et hypnol., Paris, 1898, iii, 266. Allard. Ann. d'electrobiol., Paris, 1898, i, 457 467 ■ Jour, de neurol., Paris, 1899, i, 405 410. Vaudey. Ann, d'electrobiol., Paris, 1899, ii, 182-198. Veslin and Leroy. Presse med., Paris, 1899, i» 287. Bonardi. Morgagni, Milano, 1900, xlii, 109- 128. GENERAL SURGERY (1769-I9O4). In the chapter on general surgery must, necessarily, be included all the operations the character of which is in doubt. The writings are so voluminous that it is impossible to refer to all of them for a minute description of the character of the operation. There is, however, enough available material to consume more time than the average investigator cares to give. The object of this compilation has been to make the work already done as concise as possible for those who are busily en- gaged ; by doing so more definite conclu- sions can be obtained. The subject in general is one that seems to have been known to but a few, while, in fact, if it had been more generally known the great achievements that have been accomplished would not be confined to the comparatively few operators who are to be so highly complimented for their work. The want of progress, many times, in a given direction is due to a want of knowl- edge of what has been accomplished. Historical. — Prosser, 1769, reported an account and method of cure of the broncho- cele or Derby neck, to which are subjoined remarks on some parts of Mr. Alexander's experimental essays. Lewis, 1791, advised surgical treatment of goitre, and Doser described a monstrous goitre successfully treated by operation. Iledenus, 1821, suggested surgical treat- ment for goitre. Speyer, 1832, made observations on the surgical treatment for goitre, and Ileiden- reich, 1835, made some experiments on both surgical and medicinal treatment for goitre. Hancke, 1838, reported his observations on the surgical treatment for goitre, and Schindler, 1840, described the methods of surgical treatment for goitre. Heidenreich, 1843, reported on the pathology, anatomy and surgery of the goitre; Heidenreich, 1845, on surgery of the goitre, and Petit, 184S, reported a case of goitre in which operation resulted in death. Porta, 1849 ; Werner, 1853 ; Hess, 1854 ; and Kuchler, 1855, made reports on sur- gical treatment for goitre; while Rennes, 1855, operated on goitre with success. Mayorfils, 1856, reported a case of SURGERT OF THE THTROID. goitre where operation proved success- ful. There are tabulated statistics of the young recruits in the military service of Chalon, 1S59, showing that those who were operafed on for goitre were cured and re-enlisted. Lebert, 1S62 ; Steiger, 1862; andMeeh, 1S64, operated for goitre. Hansen, 1864, exposed the causes which appear to determine an acute goitre found in the Fifth Regiment garrisoned at Col- mar. Konig, 1865, reported on the surgical treatment of goitre for asphyxia. Uhl, 1867; Lucke, 1S6S; Schwalbe, 1872, and Sittel, 1872, each advocated surgical treatment for goitre. Deininger, 1875; Standenmayer and Gay, 1876, each operated for goitre. Rose, 1878, reported a carcinomatous goitre treated surgically, and Grundier, 1883, one of cachexia in a simple goitre treated surgically. Harsant, 1888, reported cases illustrating the surgery of the thyroid gland. Roux, 1891, reported 115 operations on goitre, and Wette, 1892, on the symptom- atology and surgery of goitre. Xeudorfer, 1892, reported a primary goitre with cachexia, myxedema of the thyroid gland treated by operation, and a case of tetanus operated upon. Sulzer, 1893, reported 200 operations for goitre. Shepherd, 1895, contributed a report on the surgical treatment of certain forms of bronchocele, with reports of sixteen cases. Lugenbuhl, 1895, had a case of con- genital goitre treated surgically. Talmon-Gros, 1S95, reported cachexia with primary goitre, and myxedema treated surgically. Heydenreich, 1896, reported on the treatment of retrosternal goitre, and Ika- vitts, 1896, on the etiology of goitre, with review of sixteen cases of its surgical treatment. Sandelin, 1896, reported his observa- tions on goitre, with eighty cases operated upon. Ferguson, 1896, reported on the surgery of the thyroid gland, and Ikehara and Watsuzi, 1896, on its surgical treatment for bronchocele. Marsil, 1896, reported on the surgical and medical treatment for goitre, and Hitchcock, 1897, reported his observation on surgery of the thyroid gland and myx- edema. Austin, 1897, considered the origin of goitre, with remarks on its treatment. Jonnesco, 1897, made a total resection of the cervical sympathetic, with treat- ment for exophthalmic goitre and epilepsy. Hitchcock, 1897, wrote on the surgery of the thyroid gland and myxedema, while Wette, 1897, reported a bronchocele treated surgically. Vanderlinden, 1S97, reported a case of goitre treated surgically. Soupault, 1897, made experiments on the histology and surgical treatment of the goitre. Peugniez, 1S98, advocated surgical treat- ment for goitre, and reports a case of resection (bilateral) of the grand cervical sympathetic. Wolfram, 1898, reported on surgical intervention for goitre, with a report of ten cases treated surgically. Hendley, 1899, gave notes on eleven cases of goitre operated upon, and Petroff, 1899, reported thirty-six cases of goitre treated by Kocher's method. Katzenstein, 1899, reported on degen- eration of the thyroid gland, with remarks on surgical treatment for goitre, and Preindlsberger, 1900, on the operative treatment for dislocation of goitre. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Prosser. London, 1769. Lewis. Prijsverh. genootsch. t. Bevord. d. heelk. te Amst., 1791, i, 1-240. Allg. med. ann., Altenb., 18:2, 781-4. Gibson. Philadelphia Journal Med. and Phys. Sc, 1820, i, 44-73. Hedenus. Jour. chir. u. augenh., Berlin, 1821, ii, 237-261. Gaz. med. de Paris, 1831, ii, 442. Speyer. Ztschr. f. d. taatsarznk., Erlang., 1832, xxiii, 157-168. Heidenreich. Jour. d. chir. u. augenh., Berlin, 1835, xxiii, 1-58. Hancke. Jour. d. pract. heilk., Berlin, 1838, Ixxxvi, 5 St., 77-102. Schindler. Jour. d. chir. u. augenh., Berlin, 1840, xxix, 575-592- Heidenreich. Allg. ztg. f. chir , Augsb., 1843, iii, 29, 37. Heidenreich. Ansbach, 1845. Petit. Bull. soc. anat., Paris, 1848, xxiii, 205 209, Porta. Milano, 1849. Malgaigne, Rev. med. chir., Paris, 1851, ix, 368 370. Werner. Tubingen, 1853. Hess. Wurzburg, 1854. Hey. Assoc. Med. Journal, London, 1855, ii. 993- SURGBRr OF THE THTROID. 20t Kuchler. Deutsche klinik, Berlin, 1855, vii, 269. Rennes. Gaz. d. hop., Paris, 1855, xxviii, 162. Mayorfils. Bull. soc. de chir., Paris, 1856 7, vii, 162166. Gac. med. de Lima, 1857 8, ii, 12. Tableau. Chalons, 1859. Klein. Tubingen, i860. Lebert. Breslau, 1862. Steiger. Wurzburg med. ztsch., 1862, iii, 61 66. Meeh. Erlangen, 1864. Hansen. Rec. de mem. de med. mil., Paris, 1864, xi, 117-128, Busch. Veahandl. d. naturh. ver d. preuss., Rheinel u. Westphal, Bonn, 1864, xxi, 72. Konig. Arch. d. heilk., Leipzig, 1865, vi, 245-256. Watson. Med. Times and Gazette, London, 1866, ii, 342, Wijtema, Groningen, 1866. Uhl. Aerztl. int.-bl., Munchen, 1867, xiv, 665. Lucke. Berlin, klin. woch., 1868, v, 26r. Samml. klin. vortr., Leipzig, i87o. No. 7, (chir.. No. 3), 37 50. Billroth. In his chir. klin., Wien, 1871 2; Berlin, 1879, 183. Schwalbe. Arch. f. path, anat., Berlin, 1872, liv, 88-108, I pi. Sittel. Lucke (Bonn), Clinic, Cincinnati, 1872, ii, 241. Kumer. Berlin, d. k. k. krankenanst, Rudolph- Siftung in Wien (1874), ^875, 415. Deininger. Aerztl. int.-bl., Munchen, 1875, xxii, 261-265. Rossander. Evidement af struma hygiea, Stockholm. 1875, xxxvii, 601-605. See. Bull, et mem. soc. de chir., Paris, 1876, ii, 729-73I- Standenmayer. Ztschr. f. wundarzte u. Geb- urtsh., Winnenden, 1876, xxvii, 325 328. Gay. Boston Med. and Surg. Journal, 1876, xciv, 728. Billroth. Wien- med. presse, 1877, xviii, i505-t537- Rose. Verhandl. d. deutsch, gesellsch. f. chir., Berlin, 1877, vi, pt. 2, 75-145. Buffalo Med. and Surg. Journal, 1878, xvii, 207 210. Rose. Arch, f, klin. chir., Berlin, 1878, xxiii, I 40. Wolfler. Arch. f. klin. chir., Berlin, 1879, xxiv, 157-175. Wolfler. Wien. med. woch., 1879, xxix, 731, 758,782,810,831. Schill. Schmidt's jahrb., Leipzig, 1879, clxxxii, 177-193. Monod and Terrilion. Bull, et mem. soc. de chir., Paris, 1880, vi, 643-650. Jahrst. u. d. chir. abth. d. spit, zu Basel, 1880- 1881, 37 39. Devecchi. Independente, Torino, 1881, xxxii, 649-661. Elias. Kult., 1881 ; Bresl., 1882, lix. 97. Flataw. Berlin, 1882. Pietrzikowski. Prague med. woch., 1882, vi, 41. 55. 65, 74, 93, 105, 125. Maclaren. British Med. Journal, London, 1882, i, 380. MansurofT. Laitop khirurg. Obsh. v. Mossk., 1883-6, vi, 95-101. Grundier. Mitth. a. d. chir. klinik zu Tubing , 1883-4, i> 420-451, 2 pi. Reverdin. Rev. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1883, iii. 169, 233, 309, 413, 3 phot. pi. Hofmokl. Ber. d. k. k. krankenanst., Rudolph- Siftung in Wien, 1884; 1885, 300. Bruns. Samml. klin, votr., Leipziz, 1884, No. 244 (chir. No. 76), 20672086. Maas. Amtl, Ber. u. d. Versamml. deuisch. naturf. u. aerzte, 1883, Freiburg i, B., 1884. Ixvi, 176 178. Deutsche med. woch., Berlin, 1884, x, 115-117. Schmidt. Amtl. ber. u. d. versamml. deutsch. aerzte, 1883; Freiburg i, B., 1884. Ivi, 300. Wyeth. Med. Record, New York, 1894, xxvi, 671. Przegl. lek., Krakow, 1885, xxiv, 393, 405. Rotter. Arch. f. klin. chir., Berlin, 1884-5, xxxi, 683 76o. Baumgartner, Verhandl. d. deutsch. gesellsch, f. chir., Berlin, 1884, xiii, pt. 2, 55-61. Wien. med. bl., 1885, viii, 1566-1569. Bolter. Berlin, 1885. Deutsche med.-ztg., Berlin, 1885, vi, 625 637. Classen. Berlin, 1885. Humbert. Bull, et mem. soc. de chir., Paris, 1885, xi, 902-911. Cor. bl. f. schweiz aerzte, Basel, 1885. ^^t i77"i^4- Garre. Centralbl. f. chir., Leipzig, 1886, xiii, 769 771. Riviere. Gaz. d. hop., Paris, 1886. Ixix, 631; 642. Schill. Schmidt's jahrb., Leipzig, 1886, ccx, 187-273. Mikulicz. Wien. med. woch., 1886, xxxvi, i, 40, 70, 97. Britan. Trudi obsh. Russk , Vrach. v. Mosk (1885), 1886, 97, 104. Deutsche med. woch., Betlin, 1886, xii, 891-893. Schmid. Berlin klin. woch., 1886, xxiii, 509. Thiery. Paris, 1886. Porter. Tr. Internal. Med. Cong., Wash , 1887, iv, 115. Glutton.' St. Thomas Hosp. Report, London, 1887, xvi, 173-193. Hahn, Verhandl. d. deutsch. gesellsch. f. chir., Berlin, 1887, xvi. pt. 2, 132-140. Kihn. Wurzburg, 1887. Kribben. (Erlangen) Aachen, 1897. Obalinski. Przgel. lek. Krakow, 1887, xxvi, 365-384. Marconi. Spermentale firenze, '887, Ix, 480- 483- Folinea. Med. contemp., Napoli, 1887, iv, 312, 368, 421. Hoffa. Verhandl. d. phys. med. gesellsch. in Wurzburg, 1887, xxi, 189 205, 2 pi. Fick. Munchen med. woch., 1887, xxxiv, 494-515. Laurer. (Erlangen) Schwabach, 1887. K()tschovit<«. [ena, 1887. Rev. by LangendorfT, Centralbl. f. d.' med. Wissensch., Berlin, 1888, xxvi, 129. Luten, Progres med., Paris, 1888, viii, 249 252. Howell. London, 1888. Af Schulten. Helsingsfors, 1888, xxx, 665 679. Orefice. Racoglitore med., Forli, 1888, vi, 245. Munk. Rev. by Baginsky, Centralbl. f. klin. beitr, z. path. anat. u. z. allg. path., Jena, 1888 9, iv, 453 470, I pi. Whitehead. Lancet, London, 1888, i, 459 461. Harsant. Bristol Med. Chir. Journal, 1888, vi. 265 272. Foy. Tr. Roy. Acad. Med. Ireland, Dublin, 1888, vi, 127-131. Weil. Prague med. woch , 1889, xiv, 153. 202 surgeut of the r in' row. Stieda. Konigsberg, 1889. Arch. f. klin. chir., Berlin, 1889, xxxix, 5 6 536, r pi. Hovell. Wood's Med. and Surg. Monog., New York, 1889, i, 679-696. Hartley. New York Med. Journal, 1889,1, 169 172. Bose. Centralbl. f. chir., Leipzig, 1889, xvi, 14. Some Points in the Pathology of Goitre, with Remarks upon the Treatment by Operation; illustrated by cases, specimens and photographs. Birmingham Med. Rev., 1890, xxvii, 321 339. Wright. Med. Chron., Manchester, 188990, xi, 458 462. Piiky. Orvosi. hetil.. Budapest, 1889. xxiii, 289. Jonas and Battle. St. Thomas Hosp. Report, London, 1888-9; London, 1900, xviii, . 33 244. Hochgesand. Heidelberg in den Jahren, 1878- 88; Heidelberg, Tubingen, 1890. Bally. Beitr. z. klin. chir., Tubing., 1890-91, "^ii. 509 .S70. Van Arsdale. Ann. Surg , St. Louis, 1890, xii, 161-202. Charite ann., Berlin, 1890, xv, 433. Cohn. Berlin, 1890. Kiselberg. Wien, i8oo. Rosenblum. Erlang«:-n, Wurzburg, 1890. Steinthal. Med. Cor. bl. d. Wurtemb. arztl. ver Stuttgart, 1890, ix, i 3. Breisacher. Arch. f. physiol, Leipzig, 1890, 5095-^9- Stokos, Sir W. Tr. Roy. Acad. Med. Ireland, Dublin, 1890. 1891, ix, 282-292, 2 pi. Broca. Gaz. de med., Paris, 1890, xxvii, 243 246. Ohage. Northwest. Lancet, St. Paul, 1890, X, 283-5. Clarke. Lancet, London, 1890, ii, 4,6. Biondi. Verhandl. d. Internal. Med. Cong., 1890. Berlin, i89r. ii', 7 abth.. 62. Cbristovitch. IJuU. gen. de therap., Paris, 1891, cxx', 500-502. Naumann. Lund., 1891. Parkes. Chicago Med. Record, 1891,1, 197 404. Wolfler. (Berlin, 1887), 2 thiel, lierlin, 1891 ; 3 theil, Berlin, 1891. Poppert. Deutsche med. woch., Leipzig u. Berlin, 1891, xvii, 1401-1404. Santovecchi. Atti e rendic d. acad. med. chir. di Perugia, 1891, iii, 288 315. Hache. Rev. de chir., Paris, 1891, xi, 794. 796. Roux. Festschrift z. jubilaum v. Theodore Kocher, Wiesburg, 1891, 197 260. Rossander. Verhandl. d. Internat. Med. Cong., 1890, Berlin, 1.S91, iii, 7 abth., 63 68. Kummer and F'avel. Wien. med. presse, 1891, xxxii, 162023. Mitth. d. ver. d. aerzte in Steier- mark, 1891 ; Graz, 1892, xxviii, 96 104. Kronlein. Klinische untersuchungen ueber kropf kropfoperation und kropftod., Beitr. z. klin. chir., Tuljing., 1892, ix, 577 647. J4hreb. u. d. chir. abth. d. S[)it. zu Basel, 1891 ; 1892. 46. Brown. Indian Med. Record, Calcutta, 1892, iii, 419-423. Warren. Boston Med. and Surg. Journal, 1892, cxxxvi, 433 437. Kohler. Berlin klin. woch., 1892, xxix, 583. Von Eiselberg. Beitr. z. klin. chir., fostchr., Theodor Billroth, Stuttgart, 1892, 371 393. Gallez. Ann. soc. de med. de gand., 1892, Ixxi, 89-186. Reverdin. Rev. de chir., P2ris, 1892, xii, 185 223. Catterina. Riv. vineta di sc. med., Venezia, 1892, xvii, 397-4x6, I pi. Jabresb u. d. chir. adth. d. spit, zu Basel, 1891 ; 1892, 36-45. Ernst. Jena, 1892. Colzi. In his Resoc. d. op. eseg. in Clin. chir. in Firenze, 1892, 19. Wette. Arch. f. din. chir., Berlin, 1892, xliv, 65.^. 7^4- Steizner. Jahresb. d. gesellsch. f. nat. u. heilk. in Dresd., 1892 3, 65 68. Neudorfer- Wien. med. presse, 1892, xxxiii, 289 334- Naumann. Reyher, Lund., 892. Jenny. Lyon, 1893. Mort. Atener di brescia nella seduta 18 gingno, 1893, Brescia. 1893. Szuman. Mun hen med. woch., 1893, ^'t S^i- Sulzer. Deutsche ztscher. f. chir., Leipzig, 1893, xxxvi, 193 232. Strom. Tin. zkr. f. d. morske Laeg. for Kris- tiana, 1894, ^i^> '4ii58- Riforma med., Napoli, 1894, ^> P'- 4i 435 7- Carless. King's Coll. Hospital Rep., 1894-5, London, 1896, ii, 89. Maas. Physician and Surgeon, Detroit and Ann Arbor, 1894, '''^i' 49^ 496- Jeannel. Midi med., Toulouse, 1894, iii, 773 781. Stefani. Lyon, 1894. Garre. Beitr. z. klin. chir., Tubing., 1894, xii, 321-332. Bastianelli. Bull. d. soc. lancisiana d. osp. di Roma, 1894; 1895, ''^i^j fasc. 2, 57. Shepherd. Ann. Surg., Philadelphia, 1895, xxii, 289-310, I pi. Kranz Konigsberg, 1895. Bianchi-Mariotti. II Potere Battericidal del san dopo la thyroidcetomia, Riforma medical, Napoli, 1895, xi, pt. 2,64. Assoc franc, de chir. proc-verb., 1894; P^fis, 1895, viii, 5t 56. Pacheco Mendes. Gaz. med. da Babia, 1895 6> vi, III 122. Morelli. Gio. internaz. d. sc. med., Napoli, 1895. xvii, 93f 95'- Lui?enbuhl. Beitr. z. klin. chir.. Tubing., 1895, xiv, 7n 7-0- Kocher. Cor.-bl. f. sthwiz. aerzle, Basel, 1895, XXV, 3 20. Talmon-Gros. Ztschr. f. wundarzt u. geburtsh, Feldbach, 1895, xlvi, 195 208. Ostermayer. Orvosi heti!, Budapest, 1895, xxxix, 515, 541, 553. Himann. Strassburg, i. E , 1895. De Vlaccos. Paris, 1895. Notkine. Semaine med., Paris, 1895, '^^t ^S^- British Med. Journal, London, 1895, "• 9°^ 9°^. Lugenbuhl. Beitr. z. klin. chir.. Tubing., 1895, xiv, 713-720. Kocher. Cor.-bl. schweiz. aerzte, Basel, 1895, XXV, 3 20. Berard. Mem. et compt. rend. soc. d. sc. med. de Lyon (1895), 1896, xxxv, pt. 2, 33 37. Rouxeau. De I'intluence de I'ablation du corps thyroide sur le developpemf nt en poide des glandures parathyroides, Compt. rend. soc. biol., Paris, 1896, iii, 970 972. Rivere. Gazz. d. hop., Paris, 1896, Ixix, 653 962. KisilefT. Dnevik syczda Obsh. russk., Vrach, V. pamyat. Piragova, Kiev, 1896, vi, No. 10. suppl., i8 20. Angerer. Munchen med. woch. 1896, xliii,69 71. SURGERT OF THE THTROID. 203 Hejdenreich. Med. Week, Paris, 1896, iv, 325- Clin, de la fac. de med. de Toulouse, 1896, ii, 145-151- Ikavitts. Laitop. russk. chir., St. Petersburg, 1896, i, 33-79. Lediard. Internat. Clin., Philadelphia, 1896, 5s, iv, '41-250, I p!. Prolok. zasaid kavkazsk med. obsh , Tiflis, 1896 7, xxxiii, 132-134. Sandelin. Finland med., 1896. Loddo. Terap. clin., Napoli, 1896, v, 421. Grant. Cincinnati Med. Journal, 1896, xi, 157- 162. Bourneville. Compt. rend. soc. biol., Paris, 1896, iii, 55 59. Ferguson. North American Practitioner, Chi- cago, 1896, viii, 1 14- 1 19. Nicol. Birmingham Med. Review, 1896, xl, 229-240. Dutto e Lo Monaca. Bull. d. soc. lancisiana d. osp. di Romo, (1895), 1896, xv, fasc. i, 70-7Q- Treupel. Munchen. med. woch., 1896, xliii, 117 121. Bazy. Prrsse med., Paris, 1896, 105. Ikehara and Watsuzi. Ztschr. d. med. ge- selUch. zu Tukjo, 1890, xl, 193 2 pi. Ruini. Riv. ventta di sc. med., Venezia, 1896, x-^;v, 529 595. Ruta. Riforma med , Napoli, 1896, xii, pt. 3, 325- Abadie. Assoc, franc, de chir. proc. verb., Paris, 1896, X, 314 320. Riedel. Handb. d. spec, therap. inner krankh., Jena, 1896, v, pt. 2, 531 547. Verhandl. d. deutsch. gesellsch. f. chir., Ber- lin, 1896, XXV, pt. 2, 30 41. Union med. du Canada, Montreal, 1896, xxv, 577 641. Fock. Leipzig u. Wien, 1897. Journal Nervous and Mental Diseases, New York, 1896, xxiii, 400 407. Shears. Clinique, Chicago, 1896, xvii, 446- 447- Ingianni. Gaz. d. osp., Milano, 1896, xvii, 1412-16. Weir and Foote. Syst. Surg. (Dennis), Phila- delphia, 1896, 811 837. Hitchcock. South California Practitioner, Los Angeles. 1897, xii, 441 446. Vassale. Riv. sper. di freniat Reggio-Emillia, 1897, xxiii, 915 924, I pi. Austin. Lyon, 1897, 49 p. Marchant. Gaz. htbd. de med., Paris, 1897, ii, 625-7. Surrel. Paris, 1897. Jonnesco. Compt. rend. cong. internat. de med., 1897, Mosc, 1899, v, 513 530. Poncet. Bull. acad. med., Paris, 1897, xxxviii, 221-227. Lejars. Bull, et mem. soc. de chir., Paris, 1897, xxiii, 120-125. Kopp. Geneve, 1897. Berard. Gaz. hebd. de med., Paris, 1897, ii, 147-150. Martin. Ph'ladelphia Policlin., 1897. vi, 432- 437; Therapeutic Gazette, Detroit, 1897, xiii, 793-800. Lyon med., 1897, xiii, 793 800. Doubre. Bull, iner"., Paris, 1897, xi, 6063. Wette. Oor.-bl. d. allg. arztl. ver. v. Thurin- gen, Weimar, 1897, xxvi, 168-180. Vanderlinden and De Beck. Bull. acad. roy. de med. de Belgium, Brussels, 1897, xi, 488 499. Berlin klin. woch., 1897, xxxiv, 613, 728, 877. Nonnc (etal). Munchen. med. woch., 1897, xliv. 5H-597- Soupault. Rev. neurol , Paris, 1897, v, 630- 64?. Rodocanachi. Lancet, London, 1897, ii, 911. Eulenberg. Verhandl. cong. ini.ere med., Wiesb., 1897, XV, 206-226. GrenkotT. Shorn protok obsh. kaluzh, Vrach, 1897, Kaluga, 1898, xxxvi, 42-44. Cor.-bl. f. schweiz, aerzte, Basel, 1898, xxviii, 54'^-553- Kadyi. Przegl. lek Krakow, 1898, xxxvii, 191. Ann. soc. Belgium de chir., Brussels, 1898-9, ■fi, 273. Girard. Assoc, franc, de chir. proc. -verb., Paris, 1898, xii, 515 5i9. 5.V=; 542- Lee. Chicago Clin., 1898, xi, 60, 71. Schwartz. Assoc, franc, de chir. proc. -verb., Paris, 1898, xii, 519 527. Peugniez. Gnz. med. de Picardie, Amiens, 1898, xvi, 153 174, 306, I pi. Garampiizzi. Terap. din., Napol', 1898, vii, 445 447- Wolfram. Wurtzburg, Berlin, 1898. Kuzmik. Orvosi hetil, Budapest, 1898, xiii, 576. Assoc, franc, de chir. proc. verb., Paris, 1898, xii, 450 506. Wormser. Rev. de chir , Paris, 1898, xviii, 308 318. Sorel. Normandie med., Rouen, 1898, xiii, 253 260. "Anzilotti. Clin, mod., Pisa, 1898, iv, 49. Kraske. Munch, med, woch., 1898. xlv. 133. Horseley. Clin. Jour., London, 1898 9, xiii, 321-327. Beitr. z. klin. chir., Tubing., 1898, xxi, 503- 512. Reinbach. Mitt. a. d. grenzgeb. d. med. u. chir., Jena, 1898 9, iv, 606 640. Berard. Assoc, franc, de chir. proc. -verb., Paris, 1898, xii, 548 552. Zoege von Manteutfel, W. Centralbl. f. chir., Leipzig, 189S, xxv, 476. Bornholdt. Kiel, 1899. Borneman. Bonn, 1899. Gaz. med. de Strasburg, 1899, Iviii, 13 25. Schiller. Heidelberger kliiiik in dem jahren 1888-98; Beitr. z. klin. chir.. Tubing., 1899, xxiv, 535 614 Lanz. Cor. bl. f. schweiz. aerzte, Basel, 1899, xxix, 715 717. Gonczy. Orvosi hetil, Budapest, 1899 xliii, 541- Katzenstein. Arch. f. physiol., Leipzig, 1899, 84 88, I pi. Hendley. Indian Lanctt, Calcutta, 1899, xiii, 139- T 44. Peiroff. Med. shorn., Sofiya, 1899, v, 708- 747- Reinbach. Beitr. z. klin. chir .Tubing., 1899, xxv, 267-343. Goris. Ann. soc. Belgium de chir., Brussels, 1900, viii, 273. Symoiids. Tr. Clin. Soc , London, 1900 xxxiii, 218. Navratil. Orvosi hetil, Budapest, 1900, xliv, 552- 204 SURGERY OF THE THYROID. Preindisberger. Wolfler, Wien. klin. woch. 1900, xlii, 523. Brunner. Beitr. z. klin. chir., Tubing,, 1900, xxvi, 233 259. Lucke. Sianiml. klin. vort.. No. 7 (inn. med.), No. 3. 37 50. Herrj. Polyclinic, London, 1900, iii, 80 96, II fiuf. Keck. New York Med. Monatschr., 1900, xii, 541-549- Levings. Tr. Wisconsin Med. See, 1900, xxiv, 288305. Kocher. Jour. Am. Med. Assn., March i, 1902, p. 6m 622. TUVROIDOTOMV (1S16-I9O4). In this class are included all punctures and incisions -of any character in the normal or pathologic thyroid for any purpose. Tapping is only applicable in cystic goitre, and there only successful when the fluid is uf a watery c!i iractt- r. The deiiber fluids will not flow through a trocar. If a cyst contains blood it will re-fiil, and then the condition is more serious than before. Injections, cautery, seton, together with division of the isthmus, are consid- ered in their respective chapters. Historical. — Newhan, 1816, reported two cases successfully treated by thyroid- otomy, and Von Walther, 1S21, made a thyroidotomy for aneurism. Lemaire, 182 1, made observations on incision for cystic goitre. Kennedy, 1S23, made disquisilive re- marks on certain modes of treating bron- chocele, with cases and dissections. Selwyn, 1838, reported on encysted dropsy of the thyroid gland, with a method of operation and cure and cases treated successfully at the Ledbury Dis- pensary. Blumhardt, 1S52, made an incision for cystic goitre, and Betz, 1853, operated upon one of the same character. Iley, 1858, operated for bronchocele, and Cussack, 1857, had a case of dyspnea from bronchocele relieved by division of the cervical fascia. Ferguson, 18,9, reported a case of seri- ous bronchocele treated by puncture. Ancelon, 1863, Schaetzke, 1864, and Bovet, 1864, each contributed their obser- vations on surgical treatment for cystic goitre ; and, furthermore, made observa- tions on the transformation of parachy- matous goitre by tearing subcutaneously. Greene, 1866, successfully removed a large bronchocele ; wound of internal jugular vein ; ligature. Warren, 1867, reported a large encysted thyroid tumor removed by incision ; re- covery. Patrubau, 1867; Hamburger, 1867, and Weinlechner, 1870, each operated on cys- tic goitre, while in another case of paren- chymatous goitre caus'ics were injected. Blackman, 1870, reported pendulous pedunculated bronchocele successfully re- moved. Richet, 1873, punctured and drained a cystic goitre, thereby inflicting and causing abscess of spleen. Macaro, 1873, punctured a multilocular cyst, destoying the pouch ; recovery. Holmes, 1873, reported a case in which a large bronchocele was removed with fatal result. Gibb, 1876, and Hamilton, 1876, each made a division of the isthmus of the thyroid gland to relieve dyspnea in bron- chocele. Nelson, 1S76, reported fibro-cystic bron- chocele ; operation and recovery. Bairardi, 1878, aspirated a voluminous goitre. Gacon, 1878, contributed a study on the treatments of cystic goitre. Von MosetigMoorhof, 1878 and 1879, made thyroidotomies, Duplay, 1878, reported a simple punc- ture for large cystic goitre. Maclean, 1879, had a case of cystic goitre complicated by epilepsy operated with complete and permanent cure of the epilepsy. Smith, 1882, reported a case of cystic bronchocele; impending asphyxia; aspi- ration, relief; early re enlargement ; at- tempt at radical cure; traumatic fever; death. Bellamy, 1883, contributed a note on the treatment of a case of fibro-cystic bronchocele. Robson, 1887, reported a method of treating thyroid cysts; illustrating cases. Vascheli, 1887, reported a case of cystic goitre treated by "shelling out." Butaresco. 1889, had a case of suffoca- tive goitre successfully treated by opera- tion. Alibert, 1894, treated a cystic goitre surgically by thyroidotomy. Bowlby, 1S94, reported a case of large intrathoracic cystic goitre causing dyspnea and treated by operation. IMarsh, 1894, reported on the treatment of bronchocele, with notes of five cases SURGERr OF THE THYROID. 205 of the parenchymatous form operated upon for urgent pressure symptoms. Carless, 1894, operated for cystic tumor of thyroid ; death from sudden dyspnea. Morris, 1895, reported two cases of operation for cystic bronchocele. Williams, 1896, reported a thyroid cyst in a child eleven months old ; operation ; recovery. De Santi, 1899, reported on exploration of the thyroid for dyspnea. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Newham. London Med. Repository, 1816, v, 185-188. Von Walther. Jour. d. chir. u. augenh.. Ber- lin, 1821, ii, 584-597. Lemaire. N. Jour. d. med. chir. pharm., Paris, iSii. X, 25-30. Kennedy. London Med. Repository, 1822, xvii, 177-200. Reid. Med. Rev., London, 1834, ^'> 4^5 446. Selwyn. Ledbury Dispensary, Lancet, Lon- don, 1838 9, i, 432 437. Hall. London Med. Gaz., 1839-40, xxv, 385. Bonchacourt. Jour, de med. de Lyon, 1845, viii, 126 148. Ladrier. Jour, de med. chir. et pharmacol., Brussels, 1846, iv, 343-345. Deutsche klinik, Berlin, 399. Wien. med. woch., 1851, i, i. Blumhardt. Med. cor.-bl. d. Wurttemburg arztl. ver Stuttgart, 1852, xxii, 365. Bockersteth. Month. Jour. Med. Sc, London and Edinburg, 1852, xv, 540-543. Betz. Med. cor.-bl. d. Wurttemburg artzl. ver Stuttgart, 1853, xxiii, 37. Turner. Med. Times and Gazette, London, 1855, X, 56. Hey. Assoc. Med. Journal, London, 1855, ii, 993- Cusack. Dublin Hosp. Gaz., 1857, iv, 276. Fergusson. Lancet, London, 1859, i, 536. Med. and Surg. Reporter, Philadelphia, 1862, viii, 38. Memorabilien Heilbr., 1863, viii, 49-51. Ancelon. Bull. gen. de therap., Paris, 1863, Ixiv, 31-33. Schaetzke. Vratislaviae, 1864. Bovet. Zurich, 1864. Mcintosh. Edinburg Med. Journal, 1886, xi, 584 592. Greene. Med. Record, New York, 1866, i, 44I-443- Warren. In his Surg. Obs., Boston, 1867, 506. Patrubau. Allg. wien. med. ztg., 1867, xii, 43^ 439. 447- Hamburger. Wohnbl. d. k. k. geseilsch. d. aerzte in Wien, 1867, 257, 265, 281, 285. Weinlechner. Ber. d. k. k. krankenannst, Ru- dolph-Siftung in Wien (1869), 1870, 156-165. Blackman. Amer. Med. Sc, Philadelphia, 1871, lix, 93; 1871, Ixi, 80-7. Brown. Med. Times and Gaz., London, 1872, i'. 134- Richet. Bull. soc. anat., Paris, 1873, xlviii, 308 310. Macaro. Jour, de med. et chir. prat., Paris, 1873, xliv, 254 256. Meyer. Wien. med. presse, 1874, xv, 761-765. Gibb. Lancet, London, 1875, i, 120-122. Hamilton, Med. Record, New York, 1876, XV, 4. Goering. Jenae, 1876. Nelson. Canada Med. Record, Montreal, 1876, iv, 79 82, I pi. Du Terrail Convat. Nancy, 1876. Miles. New Orleans Med. and Surg. Journal, 1877, iv, 704707. Bairardi. Osservatore, Torino, 1878, xiv, 161-4. Sands. Med. Record, New York, 1878, xiv, 215- Gacon, Paris, 1878. Gross. M. michel rev., med. de I'est Nancy, 1878, X, 295, 361. Von Mosetig-Moorhof. Ber. d. k. k. krankenh., Wieden, 1878, \Vien, 1879, 133. Duplay. Ann. d. mal. de I'oreille et du larynx, Paris, 1878, iv, 253-255. Krabbel. Arch. f. klin. chir., Berlin, 1878, xxiii, 367. Schinzinger. Memorabilien heilbr., 1879, xxiv, 9--23- Maclean. Physician and Surgeon, Ann Arbor, 1879, i. 9-II- Obalinski. Medycyna, Warszawa, 1879, vii, 641 644. Littlewood. Lancet, London, 1879. ii,9ii. Threvenot. Union med., Paris, 1879, xxviii, 799, 845. Badolle. Lyon med., 1880. xxxv, 229. Bouzol. Mem. compt. rend. soc. d. sc. med., Lyon Lyon, (1879), 1880, xix, pt. 2, 62. McLeod. Indian Med. Gazette, Calcutta, 1880, XV, 250. Mem. et compt. rend. soc. d. sc. med. de Lyon (1879), 1880, xix, pt. 263 265. Schultz and Hicks. Med. Herald, Louisville, 1880, ii, I 4. Votolini. Berlau arztl. ztschr., 1881, iii, 73- 75 ; i88r, 142-146. Smith. Lancet, London, 1882, ii, 739 741. Gaz. d. hop., Paris, 1882, Iv, 64i-6<43. Bellamy. Med. Times and Gazette, London, 1883, ii, 737. Anz. d. k. k. geseilsch. d. aerzte in Wien, 1883- 4. 63- Ann. soc. med. chir. de Liege, 1884, xxiii, 467- 469. Berlin d. k. k. krankenh., Wien, 139 142. Thornton. Lancet, London, 1885, i, 506. Robson. Tr. Clin. Soc, London (1886-7), 1887, XX, 102. Boucher. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Paris, 1886, vii, 353-356. Aerztl. ber. d. k. k. allg. krankenh., zu Wien (1886), 1888, 215. Vachell. Bristol Med. Chir. Journal, 1887, v, 264-267. Clutton. St. Thomas Hospital Report, Lon- don, 1887, xvi, 173-193. Marconi. Gaz. med. di Roma, 1887, xiii, 3746. Aerztl. ber. d. k. k. allg. krankenh. zu Wien (1886), 1888, 210. Audebert. Jour, de med. de Bordeaux, 1887-8, xvii, 589 592. Butareaco. Cong, franc, de chir. proc. verb., 1889, Paris, 1890, iv, 335 351. Bowlby. Tr. Clin. Soc, London, 1894-5, xxviii, 197-200. 306 SURGERY OF THE THYROID. Marsh. Birmingham Med. Review, 1894, xxvi, 271-277. Alibert. Bordeaux, 1894. Lordi. Ufficiale, Napoli, 1894, '''^'> 465- Carless. Kings Coll. Hosp. Rep., 1894-5, London, 1896, ii, 142. Morris. Lancet, London, 1895, '> 28 30. British Med. Journal, London, 1895, "> 9°' 6. Grant. Anti Med. Journal, 1896, xi, 157-162. Williams. British Med. Journal, London, 1896, i, 970. Ana. Surg., Philadelphia, 1899, xxx, 564, 570, 3 pi. De Santi. Med. Press and Circular, London, 1899, Ixvii, 248. Massa. Gior. med. d. r. esercito, Roma, 1900, xlviii, 126. SETON (1819-I904). Seton was first employed by Moreau, more epecially in the cystic form of goitre. Many such cases have been cured in this way occupying more or less time for its accomplishment. The Feton should not be introduced into a sac containing blood. In these days of more advanced surgery the seton is not employed. Historical. — Quadri, 18 19, reported a new method for treating bronchocele by seton, and Hutchinson, 1821, reported several cases of bronchocele treated by seton. Lyford, 1827, had a case of goitre suc- cessfully treated by seton, and Kennedy, 1847, a case of enlargement of the thyroid gland treated by seton. Hugier, 1854, treated a voluminous goitre by seton, while Appley, 1874, cured a case of cystic goitre by seton. Molliere, 1880, employed seton in a large cystic goitre. Jowers, 1882, had a case of cystic bron- chocele cured by seton. Barling, 1890, recorded a case of sup- puration in the thyroid gland; drainage; recovery. Smith reported two cases of broncho- cele successfully treated by the seton. BIHLIOGRAPHY. Qijadri. Med.-Chir. Tr., London, 1819, x, 1626. Hutchinson. Med.-Chir. Tr., London, 1821, xi, 235 257. Lyford. Med.-Chir. Tr., London, 1827, vii, 263. Kennedy. Dublin Qiiarterly Journal Med. Science, 1847, iii, 270. Huginer. Bull. soc. de chir., Paris, 1854-5, v, 113. Appley. Med. and Surg. Reporter, Philadel- phia, 1874, xxx, 521. Molliere. Mem. et compt. rend. soc. d. sc. med. de Lyon (1879), i88o, xix, pt. 2, 208. BadoUe. Mem. et compt. rend. soc. d. sc. med. de Lyon (1880), i88r, xx, pt. 2, 207. Jowers. London Lancet, 1882, ii, 488. Smith. London Lancet, 1884, i, 12. Despres. Gaz d. hop., Paris, 1885, Iviii, 523. Barling. Birmingham Med. Review, 1890, xxviii, 151. INJECTIONS (174O-I904). Many substances in the form of solu- tions have been injected into both solid and cystic growths of the thyroid gland. Iodine, zinc chloride, iodoform, alcohol, ergotine and argenti-nitras are among the more common employed. Iodine injections are indicated in the hypertrophic follicular and recently devel- oped goitres. Such subjects are especially susceptible to iodine only. Zinc, iodo- form, alcohol and other astringents are indicated in the soft goitre, especially those of rapid development. Bacellis suggested a treatment for echi- nococcus, the principle of which has been adopted many times during the last cen- tury. After removing but a small amount of the fluid a similar amount of solution of mercuric chloride, i ; 1,000, is intro- duced. Hemorrhage is thereby avoided as sufficient pressure is maintained. The parasite dies and the contents of the sac are absorbed. He and Pirrone recom- mend this procedure in hydatid cysts of the liver, several cases of which they report having been successfully treated this way. This treatment cannot be advised in hydatids of the thyroid gland. On the contrary it would seem irrational to apply it to any organ, gland or part of the hu- man economy, for there are other methods more rapid and radical. Then, too, there is less danger from infection and injury to blood-vessels. The introduction of a needle, while less dangerous than chemicals, into living organs, is not without more ar less anxiety. The special reason for applying this method would seem that it prevents hem- orrhage. This cannot be accepted, as there are other methods such as packing with gauze, hot water irrigation and the application of forceps and ligatures that are more effectual. Therefore, the injec- tive treatment for hydatid or any other kind of cyst in the thyroid or elsewhere should be condemned. Historical. — Liuth,i740; Bowie, 1830; Barker, 1834; Ileidenreich, 1848; Hilton, 1852; Jobert de Lamballe, 1853; and SURGER7' OF THE THYROID. 207 Guntner, 1859, each report a cystic goitre treated by injection of iodine. Dufour, 1S60, punctured thyroid abscess, and injected iodine, with partial recovery. Senftlebon, i860, employed iodine in- jections for cure of cystic goitre. Bryant, 1861, reported a cure of cyst in the thyroid gland by injection of iodine. Boucaud, 1862, cured a goitre by inject- ing iodine. Savory, 1867, reports a large cyst of the thyroid gland successfully treated by in- jection of iodine. Heller, 1868, injected, subcutaneously, tincture of iodine for enlarged thyroid Mears, 1873, treated cystic goitre by evacuation and injection of the solution of the perchloride of iron. Gosselin, 1874, treated a cystic goitre by injection of iodine. Erichsen, 1875, tapped a cystic goitre and injected with iodine, greatly relieving patient. Lupo, 1877, reported a cystic goitre treated by iodine injection. Koch, 1877, reported a case of cystic goitre treated by injection of iodine, re- sulting in gangrene; death. Coghill, 1877. reported on the hypo- dermic treatment of bronchocele by ergo- tine. Palmer, 1878, reported goitre success- fully treated by intraglandular injections of ergot. Burton, 1878, tapped a cystic goitre, injected with iodine and iron ; suppura- tion ; cured. Reynier, 1879, reported on hypertrophy of the thyroid gland treated by injection of iodine. Gosselin, 1879, treated goitre by suffo- cation and injection of iodine. Folier, 18S0, successfully treated goitre by injection of acohol. Grunmach, 1882, treated goitre by in- jection of arsenic. Dumont, 1884, reported a case of goitre treated by injection of arsenic. Cameron, 1884, treated goitre success- fully by injection of hydrochloric acid. Beau, 1884, reported on iodoform in the treatment of goitre. Szuman, 1884, advocated iodine injec- tiction for cystic goitre. Krieg, 1884, treated goitre by injection of iodine, and McCaskey, 1885, treated a goitre successfully with iodine internally and by injection. Haven, 1886, successfully treated goitre by carbolic acid. Terrillon and Sebileau, 1887, report a case of goitre treated by injection of iodine. Puech, 1888, contributed a study on the treatment of goitre by injection of iodine. Terrillon, 1889, treated the goitre by injection of iodine. Dionis des Carrieres, 1889, successfully treated goitre by injection of iodine. O'Reilly, 1892, treated goitre by iodine, mercury and potash injections. Marquet, 1894, injected iodoform for goitre. Ballet and Euriquez, 1894, experimented by injecting subcutaneously thyroid extract for goitre. Sene, 1895, cured goitre by injection of thyroid gland. Gottrelle, 1896, injected thyroid extract for treatment of goitre. Ghosal, 1897, reported on the use of dilute hydrochloric acid in cystic goitre, with notes of a case successfully treated with that drug. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Lauth. Argentorati, 1740. Toulouse. Gaz. d. hop., Paris, Ixv, 1405-1410. Formey. Jour. d. pract. heilk., Berlin. 1830, li, 4 St., 91 ; 1821, lii, 2 St., 31. Ruppius. All, med. ann.. Leipzig, 1822, 705- 708. Barlow, E. Ediuburg Med. and Surg. Journal, 1824, xxi, 337. Cock, T. N. M. and Phys. Journal, 1828, vii, 373-375- Bowie. Glasgow Med. Journal, 1830, iii, 18 21. Barlow, E. London Med. Gaz., 1834, xv, 230-3. Lee, W W. South. Med. and Surg. Journal, Augusta, 1837, i, 27. Ingles, J. London, 1838. Poirson. Gaz. d. hop., Paris, 1840, ii, 162. Bouchacourt, A. Bull. gen. de therap., Paris, 1844, xxvii, 191-203. Velpeau. Gaz. d. hop., Paris, I8^6, viii, 129. Heidenreich. N. med. chir. ztg , Munchen, 1848, iii, 289-297. Gallois. Lyon, 18.^8. Bouchacourt. Bull. gen. de therap., Paris, 1849, xxxvi, 497-510. Delaye. Jour, de med. chir. et pharm., Tou- louse, 1850, ii, 6 10, I pi. Langebeck. Deutsche klinik, Berlin, 1850, ii. 39- Callegari. Gior. Veneto di sc. med., Venezia, 1851, iii, 357-363. Borelli. Rac. di oss. clin. patol., Torino, 1851-4, fasc. I, 31 50. Sayre. New York Med. Times, 1852. i, 68 70. Harris. Stethoscope, Richmond, 1854' iv, 689. Hilton. Med. Times and Gazette, London, 1852, iv, 37. Jobert de Lamballe. Gaz. d. hop., Paris, 1853, xxvi, 409. 208 SURGER7' OF THE THTROID. Schuh. Oesterr. ztschr. f. prakt. keilk., Wien, 1857, iii, 833 849. Werner. Med. -cor. -bl. d. Wurttemb. arztl. ▼er Stuttgart, 1857, xxvii, 201-204. Case. British Med. Journal, London, 1857, ii, 1019. Guntner. Vrtljschr. f. d. prakt. heilk., Prag., 1859, Ixiii, 38. Von Bruns. Deutsche klinik, Berlin, 1859, Murney. Dublin Hospital Gazette, i860, vii, 164-166. Dufour. Rec. de mem. de med. mil., Paris, 1869, iii, 146-149. Senftleben. Arch. f. path, anat., Berlin, i860, xviii, 163- 165. Bryant. Laucet, London, 1861, i, 137. Boucaud. Mem. et compt. rend. soc. d. sc. med., Lyon, 1862-3, ii, 29. Gaz. d. hop., Paris, 1865, xxxviii, 3. Dymock. Indian Med. Gaz., Calcutta, 1866, J, 363- Mann. Cincinnati J. M., Indianapolis, 1867, ii, 18. Savory. Med. Times and Gaz., London, 1867, i. 193. Curling. Lancet, London, 1867, ii, 729. Heller. Deutsche arch. klin. med , Leipzig, 1869, Ti, 101-104. Berlin d. k. k. krankenannst, Rudolph Siftung in Wien (1869), 1870, 155. Leveque. Paris, 1872. Leveque. Gazz. med. ital. Lombardy, Milano, 1873, xxxiii, 257-274. Gosselin. France med., Paris, 1874, xxi, 745. Wien. med. woch., 1874, xxiv, 896. Kumar. Ber. d. k. k. krankenannst. Kudolph- Siftung in Wien (1874), 1875, 4i5- Erichsen. Med. Times and Gazette, London, 1875, i, 251. Lupe. Ann. clin. d. osp, incur., Napoli, 1877, ii, 194-198. Koch. Ann. d. mal. de I'oreille et du larynx, Paris, 1877, iii, 292299. Burton. Med. Times and Gazette, London, 1878, ii, 435. Robinson. New York Med. Journal, 1878, xxvii, 533. Reynier. Ann. d. mal. de I'oreille etdu larynx, Paris, 1879, V, 96 99. Gosselin. Gaz. d. hop., Paris, 1879, Hi, 1009. Fischer. Ztschr. f. wundarzt. u. geburtsh., Wunnenden, 1880, xxx, 9. Riedinger. Rapide abmagerung in Folge der jodtinctur injection in eine struma, Med. chir. centralbl , Wien, 1880, xv, 112. Richon. Bull, et mem. soc. de chir., Paris, 1882, viii, 441 443. Chenantais. Gaz. med. de Nantes, 1882-3, i» 98 100. Schindel. Med. Era, Kansas City, 1883, i, 341- Worner. Mitth. a. d. chir. klin. zu Tubing., 1883-4. Scarpori. Gazz. med. ital. proy. Venete, Pa- dova, 1883, xxvi, 157-160. Szuman. Berlin klin. woch., 1884, xxi, 236. Rossander. C-r. No. 30, Nord. med. ark., Stockholm, 1884, xvi, No. 23, 1-28. Krieg. Med. cor.-bl. d.'Wurttemburg arztl. ver Stuttgart, 1884, liv, 145 149. Kirmisson. Rev. de therap. med. -chir., Paris, 1884, xxxii, 484. McCaskey. Med. Record, New York, 1885, xxvii, 38. Semon. British Med. Journal, London, 1885, i. 917- Tivy. British Med. Journal, London, 1885, i, 653, Notta. Normandie med., Rouen, 1885-6, i, 337-343- Martha. Gaz. d. hop., Paris, 1887, Ix, 681-685, Terrillon and Sebileau. Arch. gen. de med.. Paris, 1887, i, 22, 167. Morris. Lancet, London, 1887, ii, 613. Puech. Paris, 1888. Terrillon. Bull. soc. med. de I'Yonne, 1888, Auxerre, 1889, cxvii, 241-246. Chretien. Poiton med., Poitiers, 1892, vi, 73-103. Duguet. Jour, de med. et chir. prat., Paris, 1892, Ixiii, 129-132. O'Reilly. Lancet, London, 1892. i, 741. Hubbard. New York Med. Journal, 1895, Ixi, 667. Chosal. Indian Lancet, Calcutta, 1897, i''^> ^26. Rosenberg. Berlin klin. woch., 1897, xxxiv, 8046. ALCOHOL. Folier. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1880, vi, 377 383- ERGOTINK. Coghill. Lancet, London, 1877, ii, 158. Palmer. Tr. Am. Med. Association, Philadel- phia, 1878, xxix, 155-160. Fox. New England Med. Monthly, Bridge- port, Conn.,. 1885-6, V, 496. Grunmach. Berlin klin. woch., 1882, xix, 493 5- Dumont. Cor.-bl. f. schweiz aerzte, Basel, 1884, xiv, 201-208. HYDROCHLORIC ACID. Cameron. Liverpool Med. Chir. Journal, 1884, iv, 417-20. Ghosal. 1897. PKRCHLORIDE OF IRON. Mears, Philadelphia Med. Times, 1873-4, iv» 741. IODOFORM. Beau. Northwest. Lancet, St. Paul, 18845, iv, 121. Marquet. Limousin med., Limoges, 1894, xviii, 74. Rev. internat. de rhinol., otol. et laryngol., Paris, 1894, 'v> 181-183. CARBOLIC ACID. Haven. Weekly Med. Rev., St. Louis, 1886, xiv, 288. EXTRACT THYROID. Ballet and Euriquez. Bull, et mem. soc. med. d. hop., Paris, 1884, ^i, 805. Sene. Jour, de med. et chir. prat., Paris, 1895, Ixxi, 369 374. Cottrelle. Gaz. med. de Picardie, Amiens, 1896, xiv, 60-65. SURGERT OF THE TIITROID. 209 CAUTERY (185O-I9O4). Cautery^ both thermic and chemical, has been employed in the treatment of diseases of the thyroid gland with more or less benefit. A hot iron varying in degree of heat produced by electricity or otherwise has been applied with very gratifying results in a few cases. They have been abandoned because of their danger and uncertainty as to beneficial results. Caustics were used by Celsus, who first suggested them. They may be introduced into a solid or cystic tumor after an in- cision has been made through the cuta- neous structure, or they may be plunged into the tumor or cyst through the skin in the form of dagger-like crystals or solution with a needle. Historical. — Bonnet, 1850, reported a goitre entering between the sternum and trachea. The cautery was used with ap- parent success; while Larghi, 1873-1874, employed cautery in the treatment of goitre. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Bonnet. Gaz. med. de Ljon, 1850, ii, 79 82. Larghi. Gur. d. r. acad. med. chir. di Lorino, 1856, XXV, 3 10. Gaz. d. hop., Paris, 1868, xlv, 177. Dumolard. Montpelier, 1868. Larghi. Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1873, ccxxvii, 260, I pi.; 512, i pi. ; 1874, ccxxviii, 183. DIVISION AND RESECTION OF ISTHMUS (1874-I904). Operations upon the isthmus of the thyroid gland have been frequently made, especially in England. Historical. — Holthouse, 1874, was the first to resect the isthmus, while Gibbs, 1876, was the first to simply divide the isthmus. Tillaux, 1883, and Jams, 1884, were its special advocates. Twenty resections were tabulated, with four deaths, one of which occurred at the time of operation. Morton, 1896, made the operation, and Gibbs made two such operations. It was claimed that relief from dyspnea and lessening of the size of the growth resulted. The operations were based upon the thought that the isthmus constricted the trachea, but this teaching was fallacious, as it was found that the pressure was lateral and not antero-posterior. Berry offers the most plausible explana- tion for the relief obtained by division or resection of the isthmus when he says that it is due to "shrinking of the lateral lobes." This operation should not be advised, now that safer, more radical and effica- cious methods have been determined. THYROIDECTOMY (1778-1904). Thyroidectomy may be partial or com- plete removal of the thyroid tissue, whether in the form of one or more lobes. How- ever, complete removal should not be done, except when the neoplasm is malignant. It is, indeed, seldom that the thyroid tissue is completely removed in any opera- tion, and for that reason the term thyroid- ectomy has been erroneously applied to operations involving but partial removal. Partial thyroidectomy should, therefore, be the term applied. Technique. — All aseptic precautions having been instituted, a transverse in- cision is made through the cutaneous structures immediately over the clavicle on the side corresponding with the gland to be attacked. The superficial fascia and platysma myoides is divided from below upwards, and retracted laterally while the skin is retracted upwards. The gland, once approached, may be dissected from its surrounding tissues with the finger; but little, if any, hemorrhage will have taken place during this entire procedure. The gland is at once delivered exter- nally, and its vessels transfixed and ligated separately with, preferably, kangaroo ten- don, great care being taken not to injure the recurrent laryngeal nerves. All ves- sels once severed, the wound may be dried with gauze, the immediate overlying tis- sues sutured with absorbable material, and the cutaneous structure with silkworm- gut. Drainage is not always necessary, but when so it should be done with a small piece of gauze. Dry sterile gauze is all that is further required. The general mortality of this operation is 7 per cent. (Booth), while the percent- age of death in cases of exophthalmic goitre is much higher. Rehn, of Frank- fort, who collected 177 cases, places it at 13.6 per cent. His figures practically agree with the experience of Kocher, who lost two of fifteen cases. Jonnesco agrees with Starr that the mortality is over 17 per cent., and rejects the operation be- cause of the high death-rate. 310 SURGBRT OF THE THYROID. When we remember that many of the unsuccessful cases have not been reported, it seems reasonable to place the mortality of thyroidectomy for exophthalmic goitre at 20 per cent. Rehn claims 57.6 per cent, of cases for thyroidectomy. Jon- nesco claims that the reported successes of this operation have been largely among those atypical cases in which the goitre long preceded the ocular and cardiac symp- toms. Doyon is a strong advocate of thy- roidectomy, and would resect the sympa- thetic only after failure of the former operation. Reverdine reports 42 cases of partial extirpation resulting in death as follows : Suffocation i, pneumonia and bronchitis 18, syncope 2, lesions of recurrent nerve I, collapse I, tetany i, myxedema and tetany i, hemorrhage 6, septicemia 7,me- diastinitis i, various and unknown 3. He also records 10 cases of complete extirpa- tion, 4 from suffocation, 3 from pneu- monia and bronchitis, and 3 unknown. Iricomini, 72 cases, places the mortality at 15 per cent., and Sorgo, 172 cases at 14 per cent. Liebrecht reports the following table : Cases. Recov- Death. Mortal- eries. ity. Before 1851... 5^. 35 17 31.48 per cent. 1851-1876 138 loi 27 20 30 " 1877-1882 164 140 24 14 63 " Reverdine, up to 1898, reports 6,103 cases with 5,927 recoveries and 176 deaths, a mortality of 2.88 per cent. Berry reports 100 cases with only i death (1S94-1901). Delore [Revue de Chirurgie, June 10, 1903) reports a case of fibroma of the thy- roid, which is exceedingly rare. It was single and identical with uterine fibroma. They may be encapsuled or diffused, and correspondingly easy or difficult to remove. Removal; hemorrhage slight. Myxedema has never been observed as result. Dif- fused form difficult and prognosis bad. Complications During Operations. — 1 . Sudden death from anesthetic, shock, hemorrhage or injury to nerves. 2. Injury to nerves, such as the recur- rent laryngeal, sympathetic, vagus, and hypoglossal. 3. Injury to trachea, pleura, pharynx or esophagus. 4. Secondary complications ; secondary hemorrhage ; recurrent hemorrhage ; sep- sis; scar compressing on the recurrent nerves and tetany. Personal Operations. — No. i. Male, twenty seven years, white, parenchy- matous goitre, right side. Eight years' duration, associated with epilepsy. Re- moved five and one-half ounces, leaving small amount of the base; recovery. No. 2. Female, forty-five years, white, cyst right side, size of goose-egg, for sev- eral years. Removed all but small portion of right gland ; recovery. No. 3. Female, white, twenty eight years, parenchymatous goitre, right side, for seven years. Removed four and one- half ounces, leaving but little glandular tissue ; recovery. No. 4. Female, twenty-two years, white, right side, parenchymatous exoph- thalmic goitre, several years' duration. Tachycardia. Removal, 1897, leaving small portion of gland. Recovery. In 1903 stump grew size of hen egg and symptoms returned. Removal complete, small left gland undisturbed. Recovery. No. 5. Male, thirty years, white, cys- tic goitre three years, left side behind manubrium of the sternum. Severe pres- sure upon trachea. Immediate operation imperative ; removal of six ounces of fluid, sac and nearly all of left lobe; right lobe undisturbed; recovery. No. 6, Female, twenty-seven years, white, exophthalmic parenchymatous goitre, left side, seven years. Tachycar- dia pronounced ; removed four ounces parenchymatous tissue, leaving but a small portion of the left gland. There was a normal gland upon the right side; re- covery. No. 7. Female, twenty- seven years, white, exophthalmic goitre, left side, for several years. November, 1902 (two cysts each size of guinea egg), removed. This was the most severe case of exophthalmos of all operated upon ; recovery and great improvement. No. 8. Female, fourteen years, white, parenchymatous goitre, right side, three years' duration. Removed three and one- half ounces glandular tissue; recovery. Improvement slight; continue to have severe nervous symptoms, November, 1902. No. 9. Female, forty-five years, white, married, seven children, exophthalmic goitre for twenty years ; severe tachycardia and nervousness. Removed six ounces of SURGERr OF THE THYROID. azi parenchymatous tissue from right lobe ; one four-ounce cyst (left subclavicular) and two small cysts on left side ; recovery most rapid, with complete cure, May, 1904. No. 10. Female, twenty-seven years, white, married, one child four years old. Parenchymatous goitre, right side, four years' duration. No tachycardia or ex- ophthalmos. Pressure symptoms aggra- vated ; chloroform ; removed five ounces of glandular tissue, leaving a small por- tion, as no other thyroid tissue could be found. Recovery uneventful, September, 1903. Summary: 10 subjects; 8 females; 2 males ; 10 recoveries ; 5 parenchymatous ; 4 exophthalmic; 2 cysts; 3 solid and cystic; 7 single; 3 multiple; 6 right side, 3 left side; i both sides. Eruptio7i Appearing Upoti the Skin Follo'iL'iiig Thvroidecto7ny. — A discrete eruption has appeared within thirty hours after the removal of the thyroid cysts in two cases. It first appears as a macule, papule or vesicle, and then a pustule, greatly resembling the eruption of variola even in the process of desquamation. The duration of either stage is not so long as variola. Desquamation is complete by the end of the sixth day, leaving a highly reddened circular area about one-half the size of an ordinary pea, which gradually disappears, leaving no cicatrix. This eruption is in all probability due to thy- roidine which escaped from the denuded stump of the thyroid gland. I have not seen any mention of this eruption, which does not itch or cause pain. Historical. — Freytag, 1778, made an extirpation for enlarged thyroid gland. Giraud, 1792, contributed his obser- vations on the extirpation of a part of the thyroid gland. Tlie Lancet., of London, 1823, reports an operation for the removal of a very large bronchocele. Zartmann made an extirpation of the thyroid gland. Green, 1829, removed the right lobe of the thyroid gland. Liston, 1830, removed enlargement of the isthmus of the thyroid gland. Dupuytren, 1830, reported a fibro-cell- ular tumor of the left lobe of the thyroid gland in an infant. An extirpation was made, ligating the pedicle, patient dying eighteen hours after operation. Mandt, 1832 ; Smith 1835 ; and Roux, 1836, each reported a case of extirpation for goitre. Voisin, 1836, reports ablation of a tumor situated in the region of the thy- roid gland ; recovery. Wilson, 1837, described cases of re- moval of part of the thyroid gland. Karawajew, 1843, made a partial extir- pation for goitre. Hoyt, 1847, reported the successful ex- tirpation of the thyroid gland. Otis, 1854, reported a case in which an enlargement of the isthmus of the thyroid body was successfully extirpated. Douglas, 1856, made observations on extirpation of the cystic goitre resulting in cure. Cooper, i860, reported an operation for the removal of bronchocele ; death of pa- tient. Chassaignac, 1861, made a complete ablation of the thyroid gland by the method of linear destruction. Floeret, 1S61, reported an ablation of a thyroid cyst with the assistance of the cautery. Parsons, 1862, removed an osseous tumor from the thyroid gland. Voss reports a successful removal of the thyroid gland. King, 1865, recorded cases of broncho- cele of the isthmus of the thyroid body, with remarks on the practicability of ex- cision under certain circumstances. Hamilton, 1865, advocated extirpation of the thyroid body. M. J. B. A., 1866, reported on the treatment of the goitre, with the effects of thyroidectomy and injections. Bloxam, 1866, reported two cases of goitre; removal of gland; recovery. Sick, 1867, made a total extirpation for goitre. Pesme, 1867, reported extirpation for goitre. Marshall and Von Rozycki, 1868, each made an extirpation of the thyroid gland. Maury, 1871, performed an extirpation of the thyroid gland for cystic enlarge- ment. Poland, 1871, reported a tumor of the neck in connection with the thyroid gland; removal; structure thyroideal ; re- covery. Briere, 1871, reported on treitment of parenchymatous goitre by extirpation. Watson, 1873, made an excision of the SURGERr OF THE THYROID. thyroid gland, and Hodder, 1872, re- ported fibro-cystic disease of the right half of the thyroid gland and its removal. Hopmann advocates extirpation for goitre, and Holmes, 1873, had a case in which a large bronchocele was removed with fatal result. Durham, 1873, removed a bronchocele, and Michel, 1S73, advised complete extir- pation of the thyroid gland in cases of suffocative [cystic and parenchymatous goitre. Jessop, 1873, extirpated a cystic enlarge- ment of the thyroid gland; recovery. Fenwick, 1873, reported a case of fibro- cystic bronchocele, with removal of the right half of the thyroid body. Kocher, 1874, made an extirpation of the thyroid gland ; he also advocates injec- tions fur parenchytnutous goiire. Skilosovski, 1S74, and Bruberger, 1876, each made a total extirpation of the thy- roid gland. Menzel, 1876, and Miner, 1876, each expatiated on the feasibility of extirpating the thyroid gland in some ca^es of disease, with report of a case. Homans, 1876, made an excision of a cystic adenoma of the thyroid, resulting in a cure. Willoughby, 1876, reported removal of the right thyroid gland. Spence, 1877; Czerny, 1877; and Albert, 1877, each removed a thyroid gland for goitre. Wood, 1877. exhibited a specimen of cystic tumor of the thyroid gland success- fully removed from the living subject. McLean, 1877, reported a case of fibro- cystic tumor of the thyroid gland ; ex- cision ; recovery. Fuller, 1878, successfully removed the right lobe of the thyroid gland. Bottini made a total extirpation for a parenchymatous goitre. McLean, 1S78, reported two successful cases of extirpation of the thyroid gland for fibro cystic tumor. Dowson, 187S, had a case of hyper- trophy of the thyroid gland, successfully removing the right lobe. Sands, 1878, removed a congenital cystic tumor of the thyroid. Wolfler, 1878; Boeckel, 1879; and Al- bert, 1879, each made an extirpation of the thyroid. Pean, 1879, reported on surgical treat- ment for tumors of the thyroid gland. Tillaux, 1880, made a thyroidectomy for exophthalmic goitre. Brochin, 1880, made an ablation for goitre complicated by abscess and hemor- rhage; death. Boursier, 1880, reported on surgical intervention for tumor of the thyroid gland. Boeckel, 1880, made an excision for suffocative goitre. Bruno, 1S80, and Hermann, 1881, each made a total extirpation for goitre. Boeckel, 1881, reported a thyroidectomy for suffocative goitre. Schlapuer, 1881, made a total extirpa- tion for a sarcomatous goitre. Novaro, 1881, and Giommi, 1881, each reported a total extirpation of goitre. Pitts, 1881, had a case of bronchocele in which the thyroid gland was removed during an attack of dyspnea. Piccinelli, 1S81, contributed his ob- servations on the extirpation of cystic goitre. Falkson, i8Sr, and Fiorani, 1881, each expatiated on goitre. Tillax, 18S1, reported ablation for ex- ophthalmic goitre and sarcoma of the thy- roid gland. Barker, 1882, reported a small goitre producing great difficulty on exertion ; excision ; recovery and complete relief, Pietrzikowski, 1882, made extirpation for carcinomatous goitre. Englisch, 1882, and DeRoubaix, 1882, each reported an excision for a parenchy- matous goitre. Wyeth, 1882, reported some cases of goitre recently treated by excision. Bouilly, 18S2, reported a thyroidectomy followed by infection and death. Pozzi, 1883, had a case of parenchy- matous and cystic goitre. Bennett, 1883, reported a case of ex- cision of a large bronchocele, with pre- liminary tracheotomy. Fuller, 18S3, reported the removal of the thyroid gland in parts. Pozzi, 1883, had a case of parenchy- matous and cystic goitre with compression of the trachea. An extirpation was per- formed after a tracheotomy ; the forci- pressure was used for forty-eight hours ; a second hemorrhage occurred, resulting in death. Brugia, 1883, reported a case of folli- cular goitre cured by extirpation of the thyroid gland. SURGERY OF THE THTROID. 213 Delens, 1S83, reported his observations on thyroidectomy. Jones, 1883, reported on enlargement of the thyroid gland in a male, producing pressure on the trachea and serious attacks of dyspnea ; removal of isthmus ; atrophy of lateral lobes ; cure, lieckel, 1S84, removed a sarcomatous goitre, with recovery. Rehu, 1884, removed a cystic goitre, resulting in death. Jankowski, 1884, reported a case where paralysis of the larynx resulted after ex- cision of goitre. Mazzoni, 1884, made an incision in the latteral lobe of the thyroid for aneurys- matic goitre. Weinlachner, 1884, and Ilieguet, 18S4, each made a thyroidectomy for adeno- cystic goitre. Fitzgerald, 1884, published his notes on a successful removal of a large goitre. Marchand, 1884, completely extirpated the thyroid gland for cancer. Jones, 1884, reported two cases of dis- eases of the thyroid gland ; removal of isthmus and part of lateral lobes ; cured. Billroth, 1884, made a total extirpation of the goitre. Saltman, 1884, reported on the removal of the thyroid gland and its consequences. Mudd reported an extirpation of a thy- roid gland weighing sixteen and one-half ounces ; recovery. Allara, 1885, made an extirpation of the thyroid gland, and Hack, 1886, on treatment for exophthalmic goitre. Weinlechner, 1886, had a case of double parenchymatous goitre on which he oper- ated, making an extirpation ; patient col- lapsed half an hour after operation. Hlroea, 1886, reported a thyroidectomy, and Tassi, 1887, an extirpation of the thyroid gland. Avtokratoff, 1887, recorded the effect of extirpation of thyroid gland from ani- mals on the central nervous system. Morris, 1887, reported two cases of dis- eases of the thyroid, one treated by ex- cision, the other by injection of iodine; recovery. Sanquirico and Orecchia, 1887, extir- pated the thyroid gland. Weir, 1887, removed a tumor of the thyroid by Socin's method, vSavory and Parker reported on the removal of a thyroid cyst, followed by ulceration, opening into the trachea. Von Nussbaum, 18S7, made an ampu- tation of a goitrous gland. Lenger, 1887, removed a suffocative goitre. Browne, 1888, reported cases of partial removal of goitre. Lupo, 1888, made a contribution to the study of thyroidectomy. Welch, 1888, exhibited microscopical specimens of the thyroid gland after par- tial extirpation. Matas, 1888, reported on a case of thy- roidectomy for malignant disease, with a synoptical consideration of the present status of this operation. Phelps, 1888, reported on the removal of the thyroid gland. Harsant, 18S8, made observations of cases illustrating the surgery of the thy- roid gland. Kocher, 1889, reported 250 extirpations of the thyroid gland. Pascale, 1889, reported on extirpation of the thyroid gland. Schott, 1S89; Stierlin, 1889, and Audry, 1889, each extirpated for exophthalmic goitre. Cheever, 1889, reported on thyroid tumor ; a large double bronchocele, weigh- ing ten and a half ounces ; excised ; death resulting from impaired inspiratory power and from shock. Berger, 1S89, made a thyroidectomy for epithelioma of the thyroid gland. Symonds, 1889, reported eight cases of thyroid cysts and adenomata treated by extirpation. Martina, 1890, advocated total extirpa- tion for goitre. Levitan, 1890, reported on the new methods of surgical treatment of goitre in general and on resection by ]\Jikulicz's method in particular. Eghetti, 1890, made extirpation of the thyroid gland for goitre. Tizzoni and Centanni, 1890, reported on the effect of thyroidectomy. Borghi, 1891, extirpated a suffocative goitre. Gley, 1891, contributed a study on ex- cision of the thyroid gland and its func- tions. Arthaud and Magon, 1891, reported on harmless ablation of the thyroid gland and the cause of the grave accidents of thyroi- dectomy. Lemke, 1891, reported a fatal extir' pation for exophthalmic goitre. 3X4 SURGERT OF THE THYROID. Zadlmann, 1893, reported seven cases of extirpation for goitre. Gley, 1892, made new researches of the effects of thyroidectomy on a rabbit, and Moussu, 1892, reported on the effects of thyroidectomy performed on domesticated animals. Lannelongue, 1892, reported partial thyroidectomy. Gamalieya, 1892, had two cases of ex- cision of goitre. Schwarz, 1892, made a successful thy- roidectomy. Collier, 1893, removed a large tumor of the thyroid gland, with recovery. Levings, 1893, reported two cases of partial thyroidectomy, and Kent, 1893, used thyroid extract after thyroidec- tomy. Thiriar, 1893, made a total thyroidec- tomy for an enormous goitre ; death by tetanus. Fostemski, 1894, reported on partial extirpation of the thyroid gland. Ranschoff, 1894, reported on thyroi- dectomy for thyroid abscess ; recovery. Roberts, 1894, advocated thyroidectomy in the treament of goitre. Booth and Curtis, 189.1, performed thy- roidectomy for exophthalmic goitre. Briner, Solary and Newton, 1894, treated exophthalmic goitre by thyroidec- tomy. Booth, 1894, gave a brief review of the thyroid theory in Graves' disease, with report of two cases treated by thyroidec- tomy. Gley and Rochon-Duvigneaud, 1894, contributed a study on excision of the thyroid gland performed on animals. Nicholas, 1894, reported on the effect of thyroidectomy on a salamander. Dalziel, 1894, exhibited a specimen of cystic adenoma of the thyroid removed by operation. Pean, 1894, reported an excision of the thyroid gland followed by complications resulting in temporary dysphonia. Bocardi, 1894, made ablation for goitre. Gley, 1894, remarks on the subject of the communication of Launalic on toxi- city in the urine of dogs after having thy- roidectomies. Semmola, 1894, performed thyroidec- tomies on dogs, and Rouxeau, 1894, con- tributed a study on the excision of the thyroid in rabbits. Sata, lleydenreich, Pochazka and Mus- kovec, 1895, each made thyroidectomies for exophthalmic goitre. Coley, 1895, and Schafer, 1895, each removed a parenchymatous exophthalmic goitre by excision. Starr, 1896, reported on the nature and treatment of exophthalmic goitre with special reference to the thyroid theory of the disease and to the treatment by thyroi- dectomy. Goujon, 1895, made thyroidectomy and the use of the extract of thyroid after operation. Spencer, 1895, made report on fibrosis of thyroid ; partial thyroidectomy ; trache- otomy and dilatation of the stenosed trachea. Sheen, 1895, excised cystic thyroid; death. Capobianco, 1895, reports a thyroidec- tomy. Masoin, 1895, reported on the influence of extirpation of the thyroid gland with the quantity of oxyhemoglobin in the con- tents of the blood. Thiriar, 1896, made an excision of a parenchymatous goitre. Stokes reported a case of large cystic bronchocele necessitating complete re- moval of the thyroid gland. Berard, 1896, contributed his observa- tions on' the effects of thyroidectomy. Katzenstein, 1896, made an extirpation of the thyroid gland. ISIurray, 1896, reported on some of the effects of thyroidectomy in the lower animals. Vorhoef, 1896, advocated thyroidectomy for exophthalmic goitre. Morton, 1896, reported on the causation and treatment of sudden dyspnea in goitre, with report of a case in which the middle lobe of the thyroid was excised. Rouxeau, 1896, experimented by ex- cision of the thyroid gland on the rabbit. Johnson, 1897, reported on extirpation of a retrosternal tumor of the thyroid. Pokrovsky, 1896, reported on the influ- ence of extirpation of the thyroid gland, in a dog, on the quantities and qualities of the white globules in the blood. IMercier, 1897, reported a case of par- tial thyroidectomy. Saenger, 1897, excised the thyroid gland for exophthalmic goitre. Jonnesco, 1897, made thyroidectomy for exophthalmic goitre, coexistent with epilepsy. SURGERY OF THE THYROID. 215 Inouye, 1S97, made an excision of the right thyroid gland. Doyen, 11^97 ; Pean, 1897; and Sorgo, 1897, each made an excision for exoph- thalmic goitre. Schulz and Jonnesco, 1897, each re- moved the thyroid gland for exophthalmic goitre. Reverdin and Buscarlet, 1897, reported extirpation for suffocative neoplastic goitre, Rouxeau, 1897, reported three hundred operations and thyroidectomies on the rabbit. Cathercart, 1S98, removed a tumor of the thyroid gland. Takaki, 1898, made extirpation of right lobe and isthmus of hypertrophied thyroid gland ; recovery. Gray, 1898, gave notes on a case of ex- ophthalmic goitre ; removal of half the thyroid gland. Thomson, 1896, made a total extir- pation of the thyroid gland for exoph- thalmic goitre. Jaboulay, 1898, made an excision for exophthalmic goitre. Booth, 1898, reported on the results obtained by the operations of partial thy- roidectomy in eight cases of Graves' dis- ease, Hampel, 1898, contributed further ob- servations on the effects of partial thyroi- dectomy. Takaki, 1898, made an extirpation of the right lobe and isthmus of hypertrophied thyroid gland ; recovery. Levy, 1898, reported on blood changes after experimental thyroidectomy. Apopenko, 1898, reported on the effect of thyroidectomy on the growth and de- velopment of the bony and nervous sys- tem in young animals. Gibert, 1898, reported a :iew theory of ablation of the thyroid gland. Sandelin, 1898, made one hundred thy- roidectomies. Keen, 1899, reported good results from an operation for exophthalmic goitre by excision, and Pollard, 1899, had a case of exophthalmic goitre treated by extirpation of thyroid gland, with recovery. Doepfuer, 1899, and Nicoli, 1899, each reported a case of exophthalmic goitre in which the thyroid gland was excised. McCosh, 1899, reported on aphonia fol- lowing extirpation of goitre. Berry, 1900, gave his notes on seventy- two consecutive cases of removal of goitre by operation. Bennecke, 1900; Reverdin, 1900; and Witmer, 1900, each made an excision of the thyroid gland for exophthalmic goitre. Klemperer, 1900, reported a fatal re- moval of thyroid gland for exophthalmic goitre. Witherspoon, 1903, recorded eight par- tial thyroidectomies ; seven cases ; one death for exophthalmic goitre. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Freytag. Lisiae, 1778. Giraud. Jour, de chir. (Desault), Paris, 1792, iii. 3-8. Klein. Jour, compl. de diet. d. sc. med., Paris, 1821, viii, 89-92. Lancet, 3 ed., London, 1823 4, ii, 358. Zartmann. Bonnae, 1829. Green. Lancet, London, 1829, ii, 351. Liston. London Med. Gaz., 1830, vi, 477. Dupujtien. Gaz. de hop., Paris, 1830-31, iv, 95- Mandt Mag. f. d. ges. heilk., Berlin, 1832, xxxvii, 387 433. Gaz. med. de Paris, 1835, iii, 169. Smith. North America Arch. Med. and Surg. Sc, Baltimore, 1835, ii, 309314, i pi. Roux. Arch. gen. de med., Paris, 1836, x, 25 44- Voisin. Gaz. med., Paris, 1836, iv, 372. Wilson. British Ann. Med., Pharm., London, 137, i, 11-13. Karawajew. Ztschr. f. d. ges. med., HamlDurg, 1843, xxii, 160. Hoyt. Boston Med. and Surg. Journal, 1847, xxxs', 297. Bull. acad. de med., Paris, 1849-50, xv, 1106- IIIO. Otis. Virginia Med. and Surg. Journal, Rich- mond, 1854, ii, 115-118. Douglas. Gaz. med., Paris, 1856, xi, 129. Gac. med. de Lima, 1857 8, ii, 12. Cooper. Cincinnati Lancet and Obs., i860, iii, 15 17. Berlin, d. k. k. krankenh., Wein., 136 139. Chassaignac. Bull. soc. de chir., Paris (i860) ; i86r, i, 379. Floeret. In his Doc, chir., Lyon, 1861, 39-44- Parsons. Med. Times and Gaz., London, 1862, ii, 685- Voss. Am. Med. Times, New York, 1862, iv, 10. King. British Med. Journal, London, 1865, ii, 5-7- Hamilton. Dublin Quar. Journal Med. Sc, 1865, xi, 315-319. I pi. M. J. B. A. Therap. contemp., Paris, 1866, vi, 645 648. Bloxam. British Med. Journal, London, 1866, ii, 4i,'^- Sick. Surg. Obs., Boston, 1867, 507. Med. cor.-bl. d. Wurttemburg, ar/tl. ver Stutt gart, 1867, xxxvii, 199-205. Pesme. Strasbourg, 1867. Marshall. Chicago Med. Journal, 1867, xxiv, 97-104. Von Rozycki. Munchen, 1868. 2l6 SURGERT OF THE THYROID. Maury. Prot. Rev. Medicine and Surgery, Philadelphia, 1871 2, 17, i pi. Poland. Guy's Hosp. Report, London, 1871, xvi, 484-496. Briere. Lausanne, 1871. Ilodder. Canada Lancet, Toronto, 1872-3, v, 159-164. Watson. Edinburg Med. Journal, 1873 74, xix, 252 255. Holmes. Ann. Jour. Med. Sc, Philadelphia, 1873, J^^> 17 21. Hopmann. Deutsche ztschr. f. chir., Leipzig, 1873, ii. 185-188. Durham. Guy's Hosp. Gaz., London, 1873, ii, 38. Michel. Gaz. hebd. de med., Paris, 1873, x, 699, 718. Jessop. Lancet, I^ondon, 1873, i^ 841. Fenwick. Canada Med. and Surg. Journal, Montreal, 1873, i, 208 214. Kocher. Deutsche ztschr. f. chir. Leipzig, 1874, iv, 417-440, I pi. SkilosoTski. St. Petersburg, 1874-5. ^^i? ^29- 132, I pi. British Med. Journal, London, 1875, "> 386-388. Bruberger. Deutsche mil.-arztl., ztschr., Ber- lin, 1876, V, 447 463. Menzel. Resoc. san. d. os civ, di Trieste, 1876, ii. 93- Miner. Buffalo Med. and Surg. Journal, 1876 7, xvi, 323-327. Homan. Boston Med. and Surg. Journal, 1876, xciv, 44-46. Willougliby. Canada Lancet, Toronto, 1876, ix, 73- Spence. Lancet, London, 1877, ii, 843. Czerny. Centralbl. f. chir., Leipzig, 1877, iv, 433- Wood. Tr. Path. Soc, London, 1877 78, xxiv, 2C6-II. Albert, E. Wien. med. presse, 1877, xviii, 227-229. Jones. Lancet, London, 1877, i, 387. Cor. bl. f. schweiz. aerzte, Basel, 1877, vii, 317. McLean. West. Lancet, San Francisco, 1877, vi, 258-260. Suskind. Tubingen, 1877. Fuller. Detroit Lancet, 1878, i, 883-890. Gensmer. Arch. f. path, anat., Berlin, 1878, Ixxiv, 543-545- Bottini. Gior. d. r. acad. med. di Torino, 1878, xxiii, 253 371, 4 pi. Arch. f. klin. chir., Berlin, 1878, xxiii, 339-344. McLean. West. Lancet, San Francisco, 1878, vii, 263 265, I pi. Dowson. Tr. Bristol Med. -Chir. Soc, 1878, i, 71. Tr. Am. Med. Association, Philadelphia, 1878, xxix, 253 261. Lindh. Hygiea, Stockholm, 1878, xl, 129-132. Kocher. Cor.-bl. f. schweiz. aerzte, Basel, 1878, viii, 702-705. Sands. Med. Record, New York, 1878, xiv, 215. Wolfler. Anz. d. k. k. gesellsch. d. aerzte in Wien, 1878-79, 45. Kocher. Cor.-bl. f. schweiz. aerzte, Basel, 1878, viii, 702-705. Dionislo. Osservatore, Torino, 1879, xv, 433- 438. Gazz. med. ital. Lombardy, Milano, 1879, i» 481-483. Deutsch. Berlin, 1879. Boeckel. Bull, et mem. soc. de chir., Paris, 1879, V, 303 308. Kohler. Charite ann., 1879; Berlin, 1881, vi, 443- Bilroth. In his chir. klin., Wien, 1871-6, Ber- lin, 1879, 183. Albert. Wien. med. presse, 1879, xx, 669. Pean. Paris med., 1879, v, 9. Zeissl. Wien. med. presse, 1880, xxi, 78. Walser. Oesterr.-arztl. vereinsztg., Wien, 1880 iv, 35-38. Tansini. Gior. d. r. acad. di med., Torino, 1880, xxviii, 81.95, 4 pi. Reverdin. Jour, de med. et chir. prat., Paris, 1880, ii, 119-121. Reuss. Jour, de therap., Paris, 1880, vii, 776-784. Osservatore, Torino, 1880, xvi, 129 132. Brochin. Gaz. d. hop., Paris, 1880, liii, 193-195. Albert. Casop. lek. cesk. v. Praze, 1880, xix, 393. 425, 483. Weidemann. Augusta hospital zu Berlin, wahrend. der jahre, 1880-5, Berlin, 1886. Ruggi, Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1880. vi, 127-130. Albert. Wien. med. presse, 1880, xxi,87o-873. Boursier. Paris, 1880. Tillaux. Bull. acad. med., Paris, 1880, ix, 401-412. Boeckel. Gaz. med. de Strasbourg, ix, 97. Bruno. Osservatore, Torino, 1880, xvi, 476. Tansini. Gazz. med. ital. Lombardy, Milano, 1881, vi, 441-443. Englisch. Lister heilung. ber. d. k. k. krank- ennanus., Rudolph-Siftng in Wien (1881), 1882, 289. Hermann. Berlin, 1881. Baumgartner. Tagelbl. d. versamml. deutsch. naturf. u. aerzte, Salzberg, 1881, liv, pt. 2, i4;-i48. Boeckel. Mem. soc. de med, de Strassburg (1879-80), 1881, xvii, 129-132. Schlapfer. Cor.-bl. f. schweiz. aerzte, Basel, 1881, xi, 586-588. Perier. Bull, et mem. soc. de chir., Paris, 1881, vii, 574. Richelot. Union med., Paris. 1881, xxxii, 997 1004. Novaro. Gior. d. r. acad. di med. di Torino, i88i, xxix, 34-53. Fiorani. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1881, ii, 241-250. Berg. Hygiea, Stockholm, 1881, xliii, 533 537. Giomml. Raccoglitore med., Forh., 1881, xv, 13-19- Von Mosetig-Moorhof. Wien. med. woch., 1881, xxxi, 993-1021. Pitts. Tr. Path. Soc, London, 1881-2, xxiii, 364-366. Piccinelli. Guglielmo da Saliceto, Pianenza, 1881-2, iii, 229-235. Falkson. Berlin, klin. woch., 1881, xviii, 165-167. Goschel. Aerztl. ins.-bl., Munchen, 1881, xxviii, 311 328. Gior. internat. d. sc. med., Napoli, 1881, iii, r39-i43- Wise. Lancet, London, 1881, i, 953. Tillaux. Bull, et mem. soc. chir., Paris, i88r, vii, 688-713. Whitehead. British Med. Journal, London, 1881, ii, 779. SURGERT OF THE THTROID. 217 Berker. Tr. Clin. Soc, London, 18823, xvi, 207-211. Tillaux. Bull. acad. de med , Paris, 1882, xi, 1445- 1449. Pietrzikowski. Prague med. woch., 1882, vii, 453-455- Jowers. Lancet, London, 1882, ii, 488. ConnelJ. Med. and Surg. Reporter, Philadel- phia, 1882, xlvi, III. Fort, Gaz. med. de Bahia, 1882-3, '^"> 337 34^- Baumgartner. Wien. med. bl., v, 71-104. Riegner. Breslau aarztl ztschr., 1882, iv, 17-20. Hofmokl. Wien. med. presse, 1882, xxiii, 108. De Roubaix. Bull. acad. roy. de med., Bel- gium, Brussels, 1882, xvi, 837-866. Cheever. Med. and Surg. Report, Boston Hosp., 1882, 3s, 130-133. Riedel. Centralbl. f. d. med. wiss, Berlin, 1882, XX, 606-612. Wyeth. Med. Record, New York, 1882, xxi, 94. McGravv. Detroit Clinic, 1882, i, i. Bouilly. Bull, et mem. soc. de chir., Paris, i88i, viii, 293-300. Borel. Cor.-bl. f. schvveiz. aerzte, Basel, 1882, xii, 417-421. Schmidt. Greifswald, 1883. Bennett. British Med. Journal, London, 1883, i, 1227, Weinlechner. Aerztl. Berlin d. k. k. allg. krankenh. zu Wien (1883), 1884, 261. Pozzi. Bull, et mem. soc. de chir., Paris, 1883, ix, 763 772. Fischer. In Bruns P. mitth. a. d. chir. klin, zu Tubing., 1883, i heft, 80-132. Hichuet. Bull. acad. roy. de med. de Belgium, Brussels, 1883, xvii, 1029-1054. Lebec. Arch. gen. de med., Paris, 1883, xii, 196, 319. Brugia. Raccoglitore med., Forli, 1883, xx, 373-392. Reverdin. Rev. de la Suisse, Rom., Geneve, 1883, iii, 169, 233, 309, 413, 3 phot. pi. Wyeth. Med. Record, New York, 1883, xxiv, 556. Barker. Lancet, London, 1883, 1,950. Liebrecht. Bull. acad. roy. de med., Belgium, B'-ussels, 1883, xvii, 357-620. Von Nusbaum. Aerztl. int-bl., Munchen, 1883, XXX, 361. Centralbl. f. chir., Leipzig, 1883, x, 649 651. Arch. f. klin. chir., Berlin, 1883, xxix, 254 337, 3 PJ- Cor.-bl. f. schweiz. aerzte, Basel, 1882, xii, 225-260. Julliard. Rev. de chir., Paris, 1883, iii, 585- 617. Kocher. Verhandl. d. deutsch. gesellsch. f. chir., Berlin, 1883, xii, pt. 21-84, 3 pl- Von Nussbaum. In his ein vade mecum f. d. prakt. chir., Munchen, 1883, 25. Delens. Bull, et mem. soc. de chir., Paris, 1883, ix, 21-25. Darapsky. Erlangen, 1883. Jones. Lancet, London, 1883, ii, 900. Studsguard. Hosp. tid., Kjobenh., 1883, i, 3 r, 121-135. Stokes. Tr. Acad. Med., Ireland, Dublin, 1883, i, 231-238, I pi. Bardeleben. Charite ann., 1883, Berlin, 1885, X, 460-464. Hofmokl. Berlin, d. k. k. krankenannst., Rudolph-siftung in Wien (1882), 1883, 459. Hogner. Eira goteberg, 1883, vii, 171-176. Fuller. Med. Record, New York, 1883, xxiv, 283-286. Boeckel. Gaz. d. hop., Paris, 1884, Ivii, 100. Smith. Lancet, London, 1884, i, 12. Rehn, L. Berlin klin. woch., 1884, xxi, 163. Pierson. Med. News, Philadelphia, 1884, xliv, 331. Jankowski. Przegl lek Krakow, 1884, xxiii, 577. 589- Hieguet. Bull. acad. roy. de med. de Bel- gium, Brussels, 1884, xviii, 1157. Bottini. Med. contemp., Napoli, 1884, i, 505- 519- Pietrzikowski. Prague med. woch., 1884, ix, 470 477, 499, 511, 521, 1885, X, 4, 15. Weiss. Rev. med. del'esi, Nancy, 1884, xvi, 20-29. Wagner. W^ien. med. bl., 1884, vii, 771-775- Philipeux. Compt. rend. soc. de biol., Paris, 1884, i> pt- 2, 606. Boyer. Lyon, 1884. Fort. Gaz. d. hop., Paris, 1884, Ivii, 364. Sanquirico and Canalis. Osservatore, Torino, 1884, ^^1 449"456- Usiglio. Gaz. d. osp., Milano, 1884, v, 36. Stoker. In his Atacta Chirurgica, Dublin, 1884, 8-15. Wyeth. Med. Record, New York, 1884, xxvi, 67i. Mazzoni. In his clin. chir., Roma, 1884, viii, X, 123. Burckhardt. Centralbl. f. chir., Leipzig, 1884, xi, 713 717- Colzi. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1884, liii, 349- 380- Berg. Hygeia, Stockholm, 1884, xlvi, 291- 310. Feijao. Med. contemp., Lisbon, 1884, ii, 84, 98, 116. Schramm. Przegl lek Krakow, 1884, xxiii, 481, 495, 505, 519, 529. Weinliechner. Aerztl. Berlin'd. k. k. krankenh. zu Wien (1884), 1885, 229, Deroubaix. Presse med., Belgium, Brussels, 1884, xxxvi, 401-405. Fitzgerald. Australia Med. Jeurnal, Mel- bourne, 1884, vi, 66 69. MacCormac. British Med. Journal, London, 1884, ii, 228-23'. Marchand. Bull, et mem. soc.de chir., Paris, 1884, X, 908-916. Kaufmann. Arch. f. exper. path. u. pharma- kol., Leipzig, 1884, xviii, 260 269. May. Birmingham Med. Review, 1884, xvi, 212-219. Wien. med, woch., 1884, xxxiv, 1555 1560. Jones. Arch. f. klin. chir., Berlin, 1884, ii, 367- SchilT. Rev. med. de la Suisse, Rom., Geneve, 1884, iv, 65-425. Schmidt. Griefswald, 1882-3, Wien. u. Leip- zig, 1884, 131- 139. Billroth.' Allg. Wien. med. ztg., 1884, xxix, 129. Colzi. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1884, liv, 36-40. Saltzman. Finska laksallsk hand!, Helsings- fors, 1884, xxvi, 287-307. Von Dittel. Aerztl. Berlin d. k. k. allg. kran- kenh. zu Wien, (1883), 1884 304. Halley. Kansas City Med. Record, 1884, i, 415- 2l8 SURGERT OF THE TIITROID. Mudd. St. Louis Med. and Surg. Journal, 1884, xlvii, 183-6. Rockwell. New York Med. Journal, 1884, xxxix, 608-61 1. Wagner. Wien. med. bl., 1884, vii, 931 3. Schwartz. Bull, et mem. soc. de chir., Paris, 1884, X, 784 800. Wien. med. bl., 1885, viii, 1566-1569. Berlin u. d. betrieb d. Ludwigs spit., Charlot- tenhille in Stuttgart (1884), 1885, 14-18. Wolrter. Med. -chir. centrafbl., Wien, 1885, XX, 152. Muller. Tubingen, 1885. Wolff. Deutsch. med. woch., Berlin, 1885, xl, 209. Bakowirz Berlin, 1885. Volkovich. Chir. vestnik., St. Petersburg, 1885, i, 29-45, I pi. Omboni. Bull. d. comit. med., Cremonese, 1885, V, 226 242. Classen. Berlin, 1885. Dionisio. Gaz. d. clin., Torino, 1885, xxii, I47I52- Morse. Lancet, London, 1885, i, 1163. Chavasse. Lancet, London, 1885, ii, loi. Hardie. British Med. Journal, London, 1885, i, 791. Hejdenreich. Semaine med., Paris, 1885, v, 215- Allara. Sperimentale, Firenze, 1885, iv, 281- 284. Demons. Mem. et bull. soc. de med. et chir. de Bordeaux (1884), 1885, 116-119. Schmitz. Wurzburg, 1885. Jankowski. Heidelberg, Leipzig, 1885. Weinlechner. Aerztl. Berlin, d. k. k. allg. krankenh. zu Wien (1885), 1886, 198 200. Albertoni and Tizzoni. Centralbl. f. d. wis- sensch., Berlin, 1885, xxiii, 419. Gaz. d. clin. d. sc. iiied. in Siena, 1885, iii, 98. Union med., Paris, 1885, xxxix, 193 205. Aerztl. Berlin d. k. k. allg. krankenh. zu Wien (1886), 1888, 211. Reverdin. Lyon med., 1886, li, 477, 511, Hi, Toison. Bull. soc. anat. clin. de Lille, 1886, i, 145-154- Tronibetta. Arch, ed atti d. soc. ital, di chir., 1886, Roma, 1887, iii, 13-51- Garre and Socin. Cor.-bl. schweiz. aerzte, Basel, 1886, xvi, 592 600. Sjmonds. Lancet, London, 1886, i, 829. Hack. Deutsch. med. woch., Berlin, 1886, xii, 425 427- Arch, per le sc. med., Torino, 1886 7, x, 45 91. Prewitt. St. Louis Courier of Medicine, 1886, XV, 76 8. Bramwell. British Med. Journal, London, 1886, i, 1020. Broca. Gaz. hebd. de med., Paris, 1886, xxiii, 550 553- Deschamps. Ann. soc. med. chir. de Liege, 1886, XXV, 359-361. Fuhr. Arch. f. exper. path. u. pharmacol., Leipzig, 1886, xxi, 387 460, i pi. Van Iterson. Nederl tijdschr. v. geneesk, Amst., 1886, xxii, 90-92. Catellan. Bordeaux, 1886. Chicken. British Med. Journal, London, 1886, i, 1212. Tassi. Bull. d. r. accad. med. med. di Roma, 1886-7, xiii, 18-23. Girard. Jour. soc. de med. et pharm. de I'lsere Grenoble, 1886-7, xi, 49-51. Dionisio. Gaz. di clin., Torino, 1886, xxiii, 362-364. Kesser. Basel, Paris, i887. Robson. Tr. Clin. Soc, London, 1887, xx, 102. Verhandl. d. Berlin med. gesellsch. (1887), 1888, xviii, 204 206. Kohler. Deutsche ztschr. f. chir., Leipzig, 1887, xxvi, 124-138. Fort. Gaz. d. hop., Paris, 1887, ix, 42. Chenieux. Jour. soc. de med. et pharm. de la Haute-Vienne, Limoges, 1887, xi, 52 54. Weir. Socin's Method. Med. News, Phila- delphia, 1887, i, 77. Borel. Proc. Med. Soc London, 1887-8, xi, 158 70- Von Nussbaum. Munch, med. woch., 1887, xxiv, 273. Valat. Bull. soc. anat., Paris, 1887, Ixii, 442 5. Mazzoni. Bull. d. soc. lancisiana d. osp. di Roma, 1887, vii, 177-185. Savory and Parker. St. Barth. Hosp. Reports, London, 1887, xxiii, 218 220. Lenger. Ann. soc. med. chir. de Liege, 1887, xxvi, 193 197. Cavazzani. Riv. veneta di sc. med., Venezia, 1887, vi, 249-267. Zesas. Arch. f. klin. chir., Berlin, 1887, xxxvi, 733752, I pl- Aerztl. Berlin d. priv. keilanst. d. Dr. A. Eder, 1887, Wien, 1S88, 10. Pavlovoski. Russia, Russk. med., St. Peters- burg, 1887, v, 27-30. Herzen. Bull. soc. vandoise d. sc. anat. Lau- sanne, 188T, xxiii, 65 77. Avtokratoff. Vrach., St. Petersburg, 1887, viii. 867 914. Reverdm. Bull, et mem. soc. de chir., Paris, i887, xiii, 307. Morris. Lancet, London, 1887, ii, 613. Marsh. British Med. Journal, London, 1887, ii, 1338- Ann. Surg., St. Louis, i887, vi, i-7. Broca. Diet, encycl. d. sc. med., Paris, 1887, xvii, 487 516. Sanquirico and Orecchia. Bull. d. sez. d. cult, d. sc. med , n.r. acad. d. fisiol. crit. di Siena, 1887, V, 269-^73. Twynam. Australas. Med. Gaz., Sydney, 1887 8, vii, II. Frank. Berlin, klin. woch., 1888, xxv, 823 845. Wolper. Berlin, 1888. Browne. British Med. Journal, London, 1888, ii, 1220. Trzebic. Przegl. lek. Krakow, 1888, xxvii, 189, 219, 228. Schwartz. Rev. de chir., Paris, 1888, viii, 988-997. Vignard. Luton, progres med., Paris, 1888, viii, 249 252. Salomoni. Camerino bull. d. osp. di S. Casa di Loreto, 1888-9, 641 647. Avtokratoff. St. Petersburg, 1888. Lupor Progress© med., Napoli, 1888, ii, 602, 695, 2 pl. Welch. Medical News, Philadelphia, 1888, liii. 455- Hume. Rep. Proc. Northumb. and Durham Med. Soc, New. Castle - upon - Tyne, 18889, 156-158. SURGERr OF THE THYROID. 219 Arch. f. exper. path, u pharmakol., Leipzig, 1888-9, XXV, 366. Rogowitch. Arch, de physiol. norm, etpath,, Paris, 1888, ii, 419 467, 3 pi. Chretien. Paris, 1888 Zuccaro. Gazz. d. osp , Milano, 1888, ix, 370. Drobnick. Arch. f. exper. path. u. pharmakol., Leipzig, 1888 9, XXV, 136 160. Matas. New Orleans Med. and Surg. Journal, 1888-9, x^i' 662-693, 2 pi. Phelps. Med. Press West. New York, Buffalo, 1888, iii, 41-46. Lebenu. Ann. see. med. chir. de Liege, 1888, xxvii, 439. Carle. Centrnlbl. f. physiol., Leipzig u. Wien, 1888 1889, ii, 213-218. Bull, et mem. soc. de chir., Paris, 1888, xiv, 584- Fenelon. Osservatore, Torino, 1888, xxxix, 649 651. Gac. med. de Mexico, 1888, xxiii, 36 38. Aeztl. Berlin, d. priv-neilanst. d. Dr. A. Eder, 1888; Wien, 1889, 27. Kocher. Cor.bl. f. schweiz. aerzte, Basel, 1889, xix, I, 33. Jes«;op and Berrj. St. Barth. Hosp. Report, London, 1889, xxv, 97 104, i pi Rail. Erlangen, Amberg, 1889. Raymond. Jour. soc. de med. et pharm. de la Haute-Vienne, Limoges, 1889, xiii, 28 36. Secchi. Spallanzani, Roma, 1889, xviii, 385- 398. Picquet. Arch, de laryngol. de rhinol., Paris, 1889, ii, 3-12. Mickeison. Arch. f. d. ges. physiol., Bonn, 1889, xlv, 622 624. Cheever. Med. and Surg. Report. Boston City Aospital, Boston, 1889, 45-54-56. Pascale. In his Oss. di patol e clin., Napoli, 1889. 180-186. Michelsen. St. Petersburg, 1889. Audry. Gaz. med. de Paris, 1889, vi, 481-485. Aerztl. ber. d. priv-neilgnst. d. Dr. A. Elder, 1888; Wien, 1889, 19. Potemski. Spallanzi, Roma, 1889, xviii, 489- 491. Purcell. Lancet, London, 1889, ii, 339. Reboul. Bull. soc. anat., Paris, 1889, Ixiv, 483. Burchardt. Berlin u. d. Betrieb. d. Ludwics- spit Charlottenhilfe in Stuttgart (1885 7), 1889 (chirabtr.), 38 40. McBurney. New York Med. Journal, 1889, xlix, 444. Schott. Veroflfentl. d. hufeland. gesellsch., Berlin; Balneol. gesellsch., 1889, xi, 23 39. Stierlin. Beitr. z. klin. chir.. Tubing , 1889 90, V, 247 254. Audry. Bull, med., Paris, 1889, iii, 708. Berger. France med., Paris, 1889, i, 577, 601. Symodds. Tr. Clin. Soc, London, 1889 90, xxiii, 151 65. Warnots. Jour, de med. chir. et pharmacol., Brussels, 1889, Ixxxvii, 729-740. Bottini. Gazz. med. lombardy, Milano, 1889, xlviii, 81 83. Heldrich. Maryland Med. Journal, Baltimore, 1890-91, xxiv, 74 76. Berti. Gazz. d. osp., Milano, 1890, xi, 363. Camagna. In his Alcune Storie, clin., osp,, Celesia, Genova, 1890, 43 45. Koch. Munch, med. woch., 1890, xxxvii, 42-63. Montaz. Dauphine med., Grenoble, 1890, xiv, 17. Martino. Bull. d. r. acad. med. chir. di Napoli (1889), 1890, xliii, 125-172. Keen. Med. News, Philadelphia, 1890, Ivi, 693-695- Lloyd. British Med. Journal, London, 1890, ii, 1125. Lavaise. Bull. acad. roy de med. de Belgium, Brussels, i8qo, iv, 117-122. Warnots. Bull. acad. roy. de med. de Belgium, Brussels, 1890, iv, 122-126. Levitan. Meditisma, St. Petersburg, 1890, ii, 509. 517. 562, 593. 666. Rev. gen. province med., Lyou, 1890, iv, 77-80. Barth. Wurzburg, 1890. Moreau. Bull. acad. roy. de med. de Belgium, Brussels, 1890, iv, 129-140. Lavise. Bull. acad. roy. de med. de Belgium, Brussels, 1890, iv, 1 17-122. Ewald and Rockwell. Arch. f. d. ges. physiol., Bonn, 1890, xlvii, 160170. Huntington. Occidental Med. Times, Sacra- mento, 1890, iv. 352 354. E^hetti. Ritorma med. Napoli, 1890, vi, 1364 66. Tizzoni and Centanni. Arch, per le sc. med., Torino e Palmero, 1890, xiv, 315-331. Jalland. British Med. Journal, London, 1890, i. 479- Bruns. Feitr. z. klin. chir., Tubing., 1890-91, vii, 650 652. Bull. acad. roy. de med. de Belgium, Brus-els, 1890, iv, 122 126. Hayward. Australas. Med. Gaaette, Sydney, 1891 92, xi, 348 351. Gley. Compt. rend. soc. de biol., Paris, 1891, iii, 366 368. Pepper. Lancet, London, 1891, i, 770. Terry. North American Journal Homeop., New York, 1891, vi, 319. Arthaud and Magon. Compt. rend. soc. de biol., Paris, 1891, iii, 548 550. Falkeuberg. Verhandl. d. cong. f. innere med., Wiesburg, 1891, x, 502 511. Bruns. Verhandl. d. deutsch. gesellsch. f. chir., Berlin, 1891, xx, pt. 2, 160-162, i pi. Arthaud and Magon. Compt rend. soc. biol., Paris, 1891, iii, 581. Deaver. Journal Am. Med. Association, 1891, xvii, 203 206. (^linquad. Compt. rend. soc. biol., Paris, 1891, iii, 550. Esquerdo. Rev. balear de cien. med., Palma de Mallorca, 1891, vii, 545-549. Borghi. Rassegna di sc. med., Modena, 1891, vi, 489-491. Lehotzky. Wien. klin. woch., 1891, iv, 75J.-784. Chamozzi. Paris, 1891. Stevenson. Lancet, London, 1891, i, 1378. Schuler. Festsch. z. jubil. v, Theodor Kocher, Wiesb., 189', 261-272. Lemke. Deutsche med. woch., Leipzig u. Berlin, 1891, xvii, 47. Caddy. Australas. Med. Gaz., Sydney, 1891-2, xi, 313-315- Alonzo. Riforma med., Napoli, 1891, vii, pt. 2, 569-571. Stierlin. Beitr. z. klin. chir.. Tubing , 1891-2, viii, 578-588. Jour, de med. chir. et pharmacol., Brussels, 1891, xcii, 129-133. SURGERY OF THE THYROID. Zahlmann. Hosp. tid, kjobenh., 1892, 3 R, X, 909 1006. Compt. rend. soc. biol., Paris, 1892, iv, 979-981 Gley. Arch, de physiol. norm, et path., Paris, i?92. iv, 664 669 Dreesmann. Deutsche med. woch., Leipzig u. Berlin, 1S02. xviii, 90-93. Moiissu. Conipt. rend. soc. de biol., Paris, i?9J, iv, pt. 2, 271-276. Vassale. Riv. sper di freniat., Reggio Emilia, 1S90, xvi, 43S; 1S92, xviii, Si. Augier. Lyon, 1S92. Choupin. Loire ined., St. Etienne, 1S92, xi, 5761. Lannelongue. Bull. soc. d'anat. et physiol. de Bordeaux, 1892, xiii, 178-180. Gamaiieya. Med. obozr., Mosk., 1S92, xxxviii, 25' 255. Bode. Berlin klinik, 1892, 44 hft., i 23. Arch, de physiol. norm, et path., Paris, 1S92, iv, Si 91 ; 1892, iv, 135-147. Lannelongue. Jour, de med. de Bordeaux, 1892, xxii, 28S. Gley. Cumpt rend. soc. biol , Pari?, 1892, iv, 666 669. Christirna. Compt. rend., acad. d. sc , Paris, 1S92, cxv, 390. Capobianco. Riforma med., Napoli, 1S92, viii, pt. 3, 590, 603. Arch, de physiol. norm, et path., Paris, 1^92, iv, 664 669. Von Eiselberg. ^Vien. klin. woch., 1892, v, Si 85. Kopp. Arch. f. path, anat., ]]erlin, 1892, cxxviii, 290-317, I pi. Schwarz. Sperimentale mem. orig , Firenze, 1592, xlvi, 19 2S. Menocal. Abeja med., Habana, 1893, ii, 29. Jenny. Lyon, 1893. Gerard. Jaboulay, Lyon, 1893. Sickinger. (Strasburg), Mainz, 1^93. Vassale et Di Brazzi. Riv. sper. di freniat., Reggio-Emilia, 1893, xix, 378-383. Lund Lancet, London, 1893, ii, I3''4. Von Eiselberg. Verhandl. d. deutsch. gesellsch. f. chir., Berlin, 1893, xxii. 82 86. Boeckel. Gaz. med. de Strasburg, 1S93, Hi, 37-39- Compt. rend. soc. biol., Paris, 1893, v, 5S4 586; 1593, V, 691-693. Briddon. Ann. Surg., Philadelphia, 1893, xvii, 207. Laidley. Jour. Am. Med. Assn., 1893, xx, 411. Eve. South. Practitioner, Nashville, 1893, xv, 355-59- Gaz. med de .Strasburg, 1S93, Hi, 61, 73, 85. Levings. Milwaukee Med. Journal, 1893, i, 94 97- Marcus. VerofFentl. d. hufeland, gesfellsch., 1893, XV, 187 206. Ann. soc. Beige de chir., Brussels, 1893 4) i> 245 251. Deutsche med. woch., Leipzig u. Berlin, 1893, xix, 245-251. Ortiz. Gac. med., Mexico, 1^93, xxix, 713. Meyer. Ann, Surg., Philadelphia, 1893, xviii, 553 555- Putnam. Jour. Nerv. and Mental Diseases, New York, 1S93, -"^x, 799.821. Ripamonti. Gazz. med. lombardy, Milano, 1893, Hi, 281-283. Riforma med., Napoli, 1893, ix, pt. 4, 627. Collier. Lancet, London, 1893, ii, 746. Bottini. Clin, chir., Milano, 1893, i, 97 164. Gaz, med. de Strasburg, i*~93, Hi, 61, 73, 85. Kent. Proc. Physiol. Soc, London, 1S93, pp. xviii, XX. Marchesi. Arch. perv. le sc. med , Torino e Palmero. 1893. xvii, 75-88. Woltr. Berlin klin. woch., 1S93, xxx, 75 78. Ortiz. Gac. med., Mexico, 1893, xxix, 7 13. Christian!. Arch, de physiol. norm, et path., Paris, 1893, V, 39-46. Fhiriar. Ann. soc. Beige de chir., Brussels, 1893-4, ^> 294-296. Casuso. Progresso med., Habana, 1S93, v, 160 162. Postempski. Bull. d. r. acad. med. di Roma, 1894. XX, 98. Masoin. Compt. rend. soc. biol., Paris, 1894, vi, 105-107. Ransohoff. Ann. Surg., Philadelphia, 1S94, XX, 406 413. Dalziel. Glasgow Med. Journal, 1894, xii, 227 2:9. Christian!. Rev. med. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1^94, xiv, 84 86 Riforma med , Napoli, 1894, x, pt. 4. 435 7. Wurstdorfer. Jahre, 1886-1S93; in der Chir. klinik zu Wurzherg Ausgtf Lihrten, kropexstirpa- tion, Wrzberg, 1891. . Roberts. Med. and Surg. Reporter, Philadel- phia, 1894, Ixxi, 751-772. Pariyski. Protok i trudi, Russk. chir. obsh. Pirogrova, St. Petersburg, 1894-5, xiii, 62 65. Booth. Boston Med. and Surg. Journal, 1894, cxxx, 391. Curtis. Internal. Clin., Philadelphia, 1894, 4s, ii, 213-216, I pi. Herskind. Bibboth. f. laeger., Kjobenh., 1894, 7 R, V, 204 242. Newton. Boston Med. and Surg. Journal, 1894, cxxx, 392. Thomas. British Med. Journal, London, 1894, ii, 1231. Booth. Journal Nerv. and Mental Diseases, New York 1894, xxi, 486 493. Gley et Rochon-Duvigneaud. Arch, de phy- siol- norm, et path., Paris, 1894, v, 101-106, i pi. BogrofF. Yuzhno Russk. Med. Gaz., Odessa, 1894. i''. 321- Briner. (Zurich), Tubingen, 1894. Nicolas. Compt. rend. acad. d. sc, Paris, 1S94, cxviii, 168-172. Rosenblatt. Arch. d. sc. biol., St. Petersburg, 1894, iii, 53 94, I tal. Pean. Gaz. d. hop , Paris, 1891, Ixvii, 477 480. Internat. Clin., Philadelphia, 1S94, 4s, ii, 213-216. Bocardi. Riforma med., Napoli, 1894, x> P^- 2, 422-424. Jahresb. u. d. chir. abt. d. spit, zu Basel (1893), 1894, 165. Gley. Compt. rend. soc. biol., Paris, 1894, *> 193; 1S94, i, 193. Gley et Phisalix. Compt. rend. soc. biol., Paris, 1894, vi, 5. Laulanie. Compt. rend. soc. bid., Paris, 1894, i, 187-189. Solary. Paris, 1894. Bruns. Beitr. z. klin. chir.. Tubing., 1894, xii, 847-853. Bottini. Clin, chir., Miiano, 1894, "> 97-130. SURGERY OF THE THTROTD. Von Eiselberg. Arch. f. klin. chir., Berlin, 1894, xlix, 207-2.^4, 3 pi. Atti d. X cong. med. internaz,, Roma, 1894, ^'> fisol., 9-15. D'Amore, Falcone et GiofFredi. Atti d. xi cong. med. internaz., Roma. 1894, "'» farmacol., 44-47- Semmola. Cong franc, de med., 1894, Paris, 1895, '> 602606. Gaz. med. de Nantes, 1894-5, xiii, in. Rouxeau. Gaz. med. de Nantes, 1894-5, xiii, 121-123. Gley and Physalix, Atti d. cong. med. inter- naz., Roma, 1894, i'» fisiol., 7-9. Paladino. Atti d. r. accad. med. chir. di Napoli, 1894, xlviii, 482-486. Postempski. Bull. d. r. accad. med. di Roma, 1894. xxi 98- Sato. Koseikwan iji. krenkju kwai Zashi, Tokyo, 1895, "> No- 9> i^o. Bergeat. Beitr. z. klin. chir.. Tubing., 1895-6, XV, 633 719. Lancet, New York, 1895, S^S- Verhandl. d. deutsch. gesellsch. f. chir., Ber- lin, 1895, xxiv, pt. i, 29 37. McCosh. Tr. American Surg. Association, Philadelphia, 1895, xiii, 480. Heydenreich. Riforma med., Napoii, 1895, xi. pt. 4, 530 53^- Prochazka. Casop. let. cesk. v. Praze, 1895, xxxiv, 991, 1012. Lanz. Eruahungen uber die schilddrusenthe- rapie bei thyroidektomirten hunden, Mitth. a. kliij. u. medical inst. d. schweiz., Basel u. Leip- zig. 1895, 3 R, 529 537. Sacchi. Op pia de Ferrari brignole Sale in Geneva, Resoc. Clin. - statist, d. Osp. (1895), 1896, 229 235. Muskooce. Clin, chir., Milano, 1895, iii> 64. Gaz. d. hop., Paris, 1895, Ixviii, 833-840. Tahier. Jour. d. bog. med. de Lille, 1895, '» 298-304. Gouujon. Lyon, 1895. Renner. Verhandl. d. pflaz aerzte Franken- thal, 1895, xi, 49. Coley. Ann. Surg., Philadelphia, 1895, xxii, 792 794. Durand. Paris, 1895. Schaefer. Clin. Rev., Chicago, 1895 - 1896, V, 334- Sheen. British Med. Journal, London, 1895, ii, 10. Masetti. Riv. sper. di freniat., Reggio, Eme- lia, from Gazz. med. lombardy, Milano, 1895, liv, 418-420. Brown. Lancet, London, 1895, ii» 722. Discussion. British Med. Journal, London, 1895, ii> 901-906. Compt. rend. soc. biol., Paris, 1895, ii. 22. Spencer. Ann. Surg., Philadelphia, 1895, xxi, 565-567- Mikulicz. Verhandl. d. deutschc gesellsch. f. chir., Berlin, 1895, xxiv, pt. i, 21-29. Botazzi. Arch. ital. biol., Turin, 1895-6, xxiii, 360371. Frankl. Wien. klin. rundschau, 1895, ix, 697. Tuffier. Bull, et mem. soc. de chir., Paris, 1895, xxi, 125-128. Lugenbuhi. Beitr. z. klin. chir.. Tubing, 1895, xiv, 713-720. Bowlby. Tr. CUn, Soc,, London, 1895, xxviii, 197-200, Mills. Canada Pract., Toronto, 1895, xx, 719-728. Capobianco. Riforma med. Napoli, 1895, xi, pt. 2, 254-257. Masetti. Riv. sper. di freniat., ReggioEmelia, 1895, xxi, 343-346. Gayet. Arch. prov. de chir., Paris, 1895, i^, 718724. Masoin. Bull, accad. roy. de med. de Belgium, Brussels, 1895, ix, 88 109. Sacchi. Riforma med., Napoli, 1896, xii, pt. i, 554 566. Ducceschi. Centralbl. f. physiol., Leipzig u. Wien., 1896, X, 217 219. Goris. Presse med., Belgium, Brussels, 1896, xlviii, 145. Vassale e Generali. Riv. di patol. nerv., Firenze, 1896, i, 9599. Stokes, Sir W. Lancet, London, 1896, i, 7, Katzenstein. Arch. f. laryngol. u. rhinol., Berlin, 1896, v, 285 295. Murray. British Med. Journal, London, i, 204 206. Soave. Bottini riforma med., Napoli, 1896, xii, pt. 3, 614-617. Thiriar. Ann. soc. Belgium de chir., Brussels, 1896 97, iv, 230-233. Lyon med., 1896, Ixxxii, 392-394. Massot. Jour, de med. vet. et zootech., Lyon, 1863, xi, 509-511. Berard. Lyon, 1896. Starr. Medical News, Philadelphia, 1896, Ixviii, 421-429. Journal Nerv. and'Ment. Diseases, New York, 1896, xxiii, 669-673. Vorhoef. Ann. soc. Belgium de chir., Brus- sels, 1896-97, iv, 279 283. Bernat. Arch. f. klin. chir., Berlin, 1896, Hi, 609 20. Morton. Bristol Med. -Chir. Journal, 1896, xiv, 213 224. Hofmeister. Deutsche med. woch., Leipzig u. Berlin, 1896, xxii, 354. Baldi. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, i8g6, vii, 191. Ducceshi. Arch. ital. de biol., Torino, 1896 97, xxvi, 209-215. Journal ©f Nervous and Mental Diseases, New York, 1896, xxiii, 669 673. Rouxeau. Gaz. med. de Nantes, 1896-97, xv, 112-144. Jaboulay. Lyon med., 1896, Ixxxiii, 392-394. Johnson. New York, Med. Journal, 1897, Ixvi, 261. Pokrovsky. Arch. d. sc. biol., St. Petersburg, 1897, V, 319-344. Mercier. Union med. du Canada, Montreal, 1897, xxvi, 71-73. Stabel. Berlin klin. woch., 1897, xxxiv, 721, 747, 764- Rev. de therap. med. -chir., Paris, 1897, Ixiv, 537-539- Inouye. Tokyo iji Shinshi, 1897, No. 1025, 1-4. Saenger. Munchen med. woch., 1897, xliv, 361. Kocher. Compt. rend. cong. internat. de med., 1897, Mosc. (1899), v, 497, Doyen. Rev. de chir., Paris, 1897, xvii, 1016- 1018. Pean. France med., Paris, 1897, xliv, 504-506. Sorgo. Centralbl. f. d. grenzgeb. d. med. u. chir., Jena, 1897-8, i, 329, 398, 467, 532, 599. Sorel. Rev. de chir., Paris, 1897, xvii, 1018. 222 SURGERT OF THE THTROID. Allen. Ann. Surg., Philadelphia, 1897, xxv, 720-726, 2 pi. Tuffier. Gaz. hebd. de med., Paris, 1897, ii, 229. Hobbs and Begonin. Jour, de med. de Bor- deaux, 1897, xxTii, 494. Preface de M. le Professeur Poncet, Paris, 1897. Pauchet. Gaz. med. de Picardie, Amiens, 1897, XV, 225. Wolff. Berlin klin. woch., 1897, xxxiv, 945. Schulz. Berlin kiinik, 1897, 108 Hft., 1-38! Jonnesco. Assoc, franc, de chir. proc.-verb., Paris, 1897, xi, 283-298. Kummell. Deutsche med. woch., Leipzig u. Berlin, 1897, xxiii, ver.-beil., 178. Deutsche med. woch., Berlin, 1897, xxiii, ver.- beil., 178; disscussion, 180, 205. Debove. Bull, et mem. soc. med. d. hop., Paris, 1897, xiv, 55. Desguin. Ann. soc. Belgium de chir., Brus- sels, 1897-98, V, 55-59. Rauzy. Lyon, 1897. Sourpault. Rev. neurol., Paris, 1897, v, 630. Reverdin and Buscarlet. Rev. med. de la Suisse Rom., Geneve, 1897, xvii, 764-770. Hanszel. Wien. klin. woch.. 1897, x, 1008-1010. Gley. Compt. rend. soc. biol., Paris, 1897, iv, 18-20; 1897, iv, 17. Rouxeau. Arch, de physiol. norm. et. path., Paris, 1897, ix, 136-151. GrenkoiT. Shorn, protok. obsh. Kaluzh. vrach, 1897; Kaluga, 1898, xxxvi, 42-44. Bernays. St. Louis Med. Gaz., 1898, i, 45-48. Sandelin. Res. pp. Ixix : Ixxii, Finska lak- sallsk-handl., Helsingfors, 1898, xl, 651-670. Krusen. Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1898, xiv, 516. Fontan. Assoc, franc, de chir. proc.-verb., Paris, 1898, xii, 542-548. Detwiler. Therap. Gaz., Detroit 1898, xiv, 508-510. Doyen. Med. Press and Circular, London, 1898, Ixvi, 61. Walker. Internat. Clin., Philadelphia, 1898, 8 s, i, 221-223, I pl- Cathercart. Tr. Med. Soc, Edinburgh, 1898-9, xviii, 35 37- Rolando. Boll. d. r. accad. med. di Genova, 1898, xiii, 22-48. Herczel. Orvosi. hetil., Budapest, 1898, xlii, 9. Polk. Ara.;Gynec. and Obst. Journal, New York, 1898, xii, 201. Picque. Bull, et mem. soc. chir., Paris, 1898, xxiv, 702. Takaki. Sei-i Kwai Med. Journal, Tokyo, 1898, xvii, 453-455. Gray. Intercolon. Med. Journal, Melbourne, 1898, iii, 2S0-282. Thomson. Ilosp. tid. kjobenh., 1898, 4 R, vi, 297-300. France med., Paris, 1898, xiv, 17-19. iaboulay. France med., Paris, 1898, xiv, 4 6. iobius. Arch. f. psychiat., Berlin, 1898 9, xxxi, 921-927. Stokes, Sir W. British Med. Journal, London, 1898, ii, 1297. Wolff. Mitt. a. d. grenzgeb. d. med. u. chir., Jena, 1898, iii, 38-57. Booth. Med. Record, New York, 1898, liv, 217-20. Salomon*. Ann. d. med. nav, Roma, 1898, iv, 718-723. Edmunds. Proc. Roy. Soc, London, 1898, Ixiv, 123125. Hampel. Griefswald, 1898. Erase. Halle. Wittenberg, Halle, a. g., 1898. Abadie. Bull, med., Paris, i8y8, xii, 275. Levy. British Med. Journal, London, 1898, ii, 608. Apopenko. Nervol. vestnik., Kazan, 1898, vi. No. 3, 72-131. Gibert. N. Montpel. med., 1898, vii, 432-424. Detwiller. Penn«.ylvania Med. Journal, Pitts- burg, 1898 9, ii, 138 141. Krusen. Therap. Gaz., Detroit, 1898, xiv, 516. Wiese. Bonn, 1899. Keen. New Orleans Med. and Surg. Journal, 1899 1900, Iii, 386. Beatson. Glasgow Med. Journal, 1899, Ii, 57. Pollard. British Med. Journal, London, 1899, ii, 99S. Rehn. Verhandl. d. gesellsch. deutsch. naturf. u. aerzte, 1899, Leipzig, 1900, Ixxi, pt. 2, 2 hfte., 65 69. Jahrsb. d. schles gesellsch. f. vaterl. kult., 1899, Bresl., 1900, Ixxvii, i. Doepfuer. Illinois Med. Journal, Springfield, 1899-1900, xlix, 372 376. Nicoll. Glasgow Med. Journal, 1899, Hi, 203. McCosh. Ann. Surg., Philadelphia, 1899, XXX, 642. Schilling. Munch, med. woch., 1899, xlvi, 250 252. Bottini clin. chir., Milano, 1900, viii, 833. Symonds. Tr. Clin. Soc, London, 1900, xxxiii, 218. Gondard. Lyon, 1900. Viannay. Province med , Lyon, 1900, xiv, 403. Charon. Ann. soc. Belgium de chir., Brussels, 1900, viii, 9296. Jonas and Battle. St. Thomas Hospital Rep., London, 1888-9; London, 1900, xviii, 233-244. Gondrand. Lyon, imp., 1900, No. 165, 50 p. Bonardi. Morgangni, Milano, 1900, xlii, 109. Capobianco et Mazziotti. Arte med., Napoli, 1900, ii, 543-6. Bennecke. Deutsche med. woch., Leipzig u. Berlin, 1900, xxvi, ver.-beil., 87-88. Berry. British Med. Journal, London, 1900, ii, 3-ii,6fig. Reverdin. Propagateur med., Parii, 1900, v, V, 7-12. Witmer. Beitr. z. klin. chir.. Tubing. 1900, xxix, 191-243. Wien. med. bl., 1900, xxiii, 211, 332, 249, 265, 3". 329. 344. 3f^0- Mitt. a. d. grenzgeb. d. med. u. chir., Jena, 1900, vii, 165-182. Klemperer. Therap. d. gegnew., Berlin u. Wien, 1900, ii, 536 541. Witherspoon. Journal Am. Assn., July 25, 1903, p. 228-233. INTRA-GLANDULAR ENUCLEATION. Historical. — Porta, of Pava, 1840, about the first to operate, Billroth, 1866, did it. Keser, of Vevy, 1887, and Symonds, 1889, each operated in this way. Lund, 1893, reports three cases of thy- roid cyst and adenomata treated by enu- cleation. SURGERr OF THE TIITROID. 223 Mitrovich, 1894, contributed a study on enucleation and the partial extirpation for goitre. Curtis, 1894, reports enucleation for an adenoma of the thyroid. Brown, 1895, notes of two cases of enucleation of thyroid cyst. Schwartz, 1897, reports enucleation for a massive goitre. Masi, 1899, employed enucleation for goitre. Mailland, 1900, on enucleation for can- cer of thyroid. Patel, 1900, reported a case of benign tumor of the thyroid treated by enuclea- tion. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Schwartz. Rev. de chir., Paris, 1888, viii, 988997. Lund. Lancet, London, 1893, ii, 1384. Mitrovich. Geneve, 1894. Curtis. Internat. Clin., Philadelphia, 1894, 4?, ii, 216-218. Brown. Lancet, London, 1895, ii, 722. Bull. acad. de med., Paris, 189C), xxxvi, 507 5:1. Schwartz. Rev. gen. de clin, et de therap., Paris, i8y7, xi, 593. Assoc, franc, de chir. proc.-verb., Paris, 1898, xii, 510-514- Masi. Au san mil , Buenos Aires. 1899, i, 326330, I p). Mailland. Lyon med., 1900, xciii, 234. Patel. Lyon med., 1900, xciv, 408-410. Lyon med., 1900, xciv. 50-52. LARYNGOTOMY. Weinlechner. Aerztl. berlin d. k. k. allg. krankenanst zu Wien (1886), 1888, 212. EXOTHYROPEXY (1892— I9O4). This operation was first practiced by Jaboulay, in 1892, who with Berard and other of his colleagues in and about Lyons, did many operations of this character for both parenchymatous and exophthalmic goitre. The gland is delivered through an incision and allowed to remain so until atrophy of the gland occurs under aseptic precautions. The operation is more fre- quently made in France. Poncet aban- doned the operation because of the high mortality (23 per cent.), and the frequent recurrence of exophthalmic disease after this procedure. The most favorable growths for this operation are those most prominent; but little time and knowledge is required to perform this operation. Jaboulay reports 35 cases, Lyons, France, 1892; Poncet, 15; Blanc, 3; Guillemont, 3; Pollosson, 5; Rocket, Albertin, Bu- chanan and Hartman, each i. Total, 65. Mortality : Berard collected 65 opera- tions (some of which were exophthalmic), 4 deaths from pneumonia, 2 from septic infection with hemorrhage and acute ex- ophthalmos ; some greatly benefited, others not. Both primary and secondary hem- orrhage is rare. In a few cases it may be necessary to remove the manubrium of the sternum that the gland may be luxated. Historical. — Jaboulay, 1894, con- tributed a manual on the operation of exo- thyropexy. Poncet and Jaboulay, 1894, advise the treatment of exothyropexy. Brissaud, 1894, reported a case of ex- ophthalmic goitre, on which was performed the operatien of exothyropexy; death. Hartmann, 1895, performed an exo- thyropexy for suffocative goitre. Blanc, 1895, contributed his observa- tions on the operations of exothyropexy for suffocative goitre. Albertin, 1895, reports an exothyro- pexy. Nicolas, 1895, advocates exothyropexy for suffocative goitre. Naumann, 1S98, reports an exothyro- pexy for parenchymatous goitre. Pollosson, 1899, made an exothyropexy for suffocative goitre. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Jaboulay, Lyon mod., 1894, Ixxv, 491-494. Bull, et mem. soc. de chir., Paris, 1894, ^^» 304-307- Med. mod., Paris, 1894, ^> 5^^- Poncet and Jaboulay. Bull, med., Paris, 1894, viii, 121-123. Brissaud. Med. mod., Paris, 1894, t, 243 245. Med. mod., Paris, 1894, i^' i93-i95- Hartmann. Mercredi med., Paris, 1895, vi, 123. Blanc. Loire med., St. Etienne, 1895, xiv, 159 166. Albertin. Areh. prov. de chir., Paris, 1895, iv, 427. Nicolas. Gaz. d. hop. de Toulouse, 1895, i^. 129. Nicolas. Mem. et compt. rend. soc. d. sc. med. de Lyon (1895), 1896, xxxv, pt. 2, 37-43. Severeanu. Bull, et mem. soc. de chir. de Bu- carest, 1898 9, i, 128-134. Naumann. Hygiea, Stockholm, 1898, Ix, pt. 2, 86. Lyon med., 1898, Ixxxvii, 445. Pollosson. Lyon med., 1899, xcii, 303. INDIRECT SURGERY LKiATION SUPERIOR THYROID ARTERY (1779-I9O4). Ligation of the arteries supplying the thyroid gland was first suggested by Bliz- ard and practiced by Moreau, at the Hotel Dieu, 1779. Blizard's case had slough, secondary hemorrhage and death. Brodie 334 SURGERT OF THE THYROID. disapproved the theory upon which this operation was based, Walthar, 1814, ligated both thyroid arteries. Coates, 181S, ligated the left superior thyroid ar- tery. Mayor, 1822, employed ligation of the thyroid artery (and other associated vessels) and excision combined. This method was an innovation in surgery of the thyroid gland, for better results were accomplished with fever complications during the operation than had any method previously employed. This method per- mitted the removal of a part or all of the gland tumor to be accomplished with comparative ease. Rydygier, 1889, col- lected 16 such operations; Gunther col- lected 21 cases of ligature of the superior thyroid artery, with 2 cures and 3 deaths before 1875. Ligature of thyroid arteries, according to Rehn, gives a mortality of 28.6 per cent ; 2.4 per cent, were cured and 50 per cent, were improved. Regarding this Balacesu says : " The method of ligaturing the thyroid arteries has been the first to be abandoned (among operations attack- ing the thyroid gland), because in nearly all cases the disease recurred in a few months after operation. Secondly, the execution of this operation was difficult where the thyroid was very large, espe- cially in cases in which its relations to surrounding tissues was altered ; or it pre- disposed to secondary hemorrhages on ac- count of the fragility of the vessels. Kocher, Kopp and Rehn, have recorded cases in which this operation was followed by tetany. Historical. — Coates, 1819, had a case of bronchocele in which the superior thy- roid artery was successfully tied, Jameson, 1822, reported a case of bron- chocele relieved by taking up one of the superior thyroid arteries. Langenbeck, 1823, successfully tied the superior thyroid artery. Earle, 1826, reported a case of broncho- cele in which the superior thyroid arteries were tied, Hoering, 1829, succeeded in ligating the superior thyroid artery for broncho- cele. Wells, 1832, reported a deep-seated tumor under the angle of the jaw, compli- cated with bronchocele; ligation of su- perior thyroid artery. Hirtz, 1841, ligatured the superior thy- roid artery for goitre. Rigal de Gillac, 1841, treated a goitre by ligature of the superior thyroid artery. Marzuttini, 1846, reported a highly inflamed goitre treated by ligature of the superior thyroid artery. Weickert and Eickmann, 1847, ^^^h reported ligaturing of the superior thyroid artery. Porta, 1850, reported a cure of broncho- cele by tying the superior thyroid artery. Alquie, 1854, ligated the superior thy- roid artery for suffocative goitre, Richter, i860, successfully ligated the superior thyroid artery. Berruti, 1879, treated bronchocele by ligature of the superior thyroid artery. Karli, 1879, reported a ligaturing of the thyroid artery. Downes, 1881, treated a pulsating bronchocele by ligature of the thyroid vessels ; relief. Lejars and Le Roy, 18S8, for suppura- tion, ligated the superior thyroid artery ; death. Hurwitz, 1887, reported a ligature of the superior thyroid artery. Weinleichner, Billroth and Rydygier each reported a ligature of the superior thyroid artery. Rydygier, 1890, treated bronchocele by ligature of the superior thyroid artery. Koller, 1891, successfully tied the su- perior thyroid artery. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Coates. Med.-Chir. Tr., London, 1819, x, 312 314- Jameson. Am. Med. Recorder, Philadelphia, 1822, V, 116. Langenbeck. N. biblioth. f. d. chir. u. opth., Hannov,, 1823-8, iv, 558,617, i pi. Weistiog. Heidelbergea, 1823. Gior. d. chir. prat., Trento, 1825, i, 524 530. Earle. London Med. and Phys. Journal, 1826, i, 201-205, 1 pi. Hoering. Mag. f. d. ges. heilk., Berlin, 1829, vii. 314-331- Wells. Am. Jour. Med. Sc, Philadelphia, 1832, X, 33. Lancet, London, 1832, ii, 479. Laymann. Bonn, 1833. Lancet, London, 1840 41, i, 691. Hirtz. Gaz. med. de Paris, 1841, ix, 9. Rigal de Gaillac. Bull. gen. de therap., Paris, 1841, xxi, 224-230. iviarzuttini. Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna, 1846, ix, 365-370. Weickert. Jour. d. chir. u. augenh., Berlin, 1847, xxxvii, 396 398. Eichmann. Med. ztg., Berlin, 1847, xvi, 251. Porta. Ann. univ. di med., Milano, 1850, cxxxvi, 5. Alquie. Ann. clin. de Muntpel., 1854 5, ii, 222-4. SURGERY OF THE Tin'ROID. 225 Ztschr. med. chir. u. geburtsh., Magdeb., 1855, ix, .^81-384. Richter. Leipzig, i860. Perassi. Gior. d. r. acad. di med. di Torino, 1878, xli, 389-396. Berruti. Gior. d. r. acad. di med., Torino, 1879, xxvi, 140 148. Karli. Berne, 1879. Dovvnes. Lancet, London, 1881, i, 458. Lejars and Le Roy. Bull. soc. anat., Paris, 1886, Ixi, 611-614. Wolrier. Wien. med. woch., 1886, xxxvi, 1013-1052. Hurwitz. Wurzburg, 1887. Falcone La. Gaz. d. osp., Milano, 1887, viii, 217. Verhandl. d. deutsch gesellsch. f. chir., Ber- lin, 1887, xvi, pt. i, 93. Weinleichner. Deutsche med. woch., Berlin, 1888, xii, 841. Billroth. Wien. klin. woch., 1888, i, 3-5. Rydygier. Wien. med. woch., 1888, xxxviii, 1633, 1665. Rydygier. Verhandl. d. dautsch. gesellsch. f. chir., Berlin, 1890, xix, pt. 2, 47-58. KoUer. Bonn, Siegsburg, 1891 ; Lund., 1892. Ann. soc. Belgium de chir., Brussels, 1893 4' '1 16 22. Iricomini. II policlinico, Roma, 1896. Jonnesco. Revue chirurgicale, Nov. 1897, supplement. Booth. Med. Record, August 13, 1898. Rehn. Munch, med. woch., Oct. 1899. Balacesu. Archiv fur klin. chirurgie, 1902 (Vol. 67). Sorgo. Centralbl. f. grenzgeb. der medicin. No. I, p. 329. COMPRESSION TREATMENT (1817-I9O4). The treatment of goitre by compression was suggested and practiced by Holbrook in 1817, since which time there have been several cases cured by this method. There are comparatively few of any kind of goitre benefited by compression. These few reports are not sufficient evidence to commend its uses. Any degree of pres- sure that would be of benefit would in all probability cause troublesome, if not dan- gerous, effects upon the trachea and blood- vessels, one or all. Compression cannot be classed other than an irrational method of treating any form of enlargement of the thyroid gland. Historical. — Knafll, 1840, treated goitre by compression. Dwight, 1850, treated bronchocele by compression. Newman, 1858, reported a case of com- pression of the trachea by enlarged thy- roid ; laryngotomy ; post-mortem. Brunelli, 1861, reported a case of goitre with hemorrhage, which he treated by compression ; permanent recovery. Arnott, 1874, had a case of simple goitre resisting ordinary treatment cured by pressure. Clarke, 1890, treated goitre by com- pression ; recovery. Le Beck, 1896, used compression in cystic goitre. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Holbrook. London Med. Report, 1817, viii, 288 290. Knafll. Med. jahrb. d. k. k oster saates, Wien, 1840, xxxii, 56 58. Dwight. Buffalo Med. Journal, 1850 51, vi, 458-470. Newman. Med. Times and Gazette, London, 1858, xvi, 554. Brunelli. Gaz. med. d. Orient, Constanti- nople, 1861, iv, 83-85. Dickinson. Tr. Path. Soc, London, 1861, xii, 229. Arnott. St. Thomas Hosp. Report, London, 1874, '^. 273 5. Clarke. Lancet, London, 1890, u, 446. LeBeck. France med., Paris, 1896, xliii, 49- 51- TRACHEOTOMY (184O-I9O3). Tracheotomy is sometimes resorted to when the trachea is becoming occluded from pressure of a thyroid cyst or neo- plasm. Now that the removal of the thy- roid gland has become so perfected it is seldom necessary to resort to opening the trachea, unless it should become suddenly occluded as the result of pressure from hemorrhage ; even in such an event there is usually ample time to give relief by other methods. Historical. — King, 1S65, reported a tumor of thyroid gland ; tracheotomy ; death. Stahl, 1868, performed a tracheotomy on a hypertrophied thyroid gland. Chaboureau, 1869, reported a tracheot- omy for goitre. Jessop, 1872, reported a case of bron- chocele giving rise to dysphonia ; trache- otomy ; subsequent death from phthisis; trachea compressed by the enlarged thy- roid body. Bottini, 1880, performed a tracheotomy for adenoma of the thyroid gland. Terillon, 1880, reported a case of suffo- cative goitre treated by tracheotomy. Zwicke, 1882, reported tracheotomy for a parenchymatous goitre. Terrillon, 1883, performed a successful tracheotomy for suffocative goitre with asphyxia. Graham, 1884, had a case of goitre with obstruction, which was operated by trache- otomy, lie also contributed his observa- 326 SURGERT OF THE THYROID. tions on trachea-tubes and the modified tubes for low tracheotomy. Curgenven, 1890, reported goitre in a boy causing softening of tracheal car- tilages; tracheotomy; death, Gangolphe, 1893, performed tracheot- omy for sufiFocative goitre, with recovery. Casati, 1894, reported a case of volumi- nous parenchymatous goitre, in which a tracheotomy was performed. Moinel, 1895, reported a fatal tracheot- omy for goitre. Gayet, 1895. described a case of cancer of the thyroid gland, which spread to the trachea. A tracheotomy was performed, resulting in death. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Hughes. Tr. Path. Soc, London, 1848-50, ii, 130 132, Berlin, 1848, xvi, 252 255. Mettenheimer. Wurzb. med. ztschr., 1862, iii, 308 320, I pi. King. British Med. Journal, London, 1865, i» 5- Stahl. Berlin, 1866. Chaboureau. Strassbourg, 1869. Jessop. British Med. Journal, London, 1872, ii, 498. See. Bull, et mem. soc. de chir., Paris, 1876, ii, 72Q-731. Hutchinson. British Med. Journal, London, 1876, ii, 275. Bresgen. Deutsche med. woch., Berlin, 1876, ii, 318-320. Lauzet. Marseille med., 1876, xiii, 343-347. Casson. British Med. Journal, London, 1877, i, 12. Schnitzler. Wien. med. presse, 1877, xviii, 1836 1866. Donon. Paris, 1879. Maas. Breslau med. ztschr., 1880, ii, 145. Vedrenes. Bull, et mem. soc. de chir., Paris, 1880, Ti, 62-67. Bottini. Osservatore, Torino, 1880, xvi, 132- 134- Terillon. Bull. et. mem. soc. chir., Paris, 1880, vi, 394398. Zwicke. Charite ann., Berlin, 1882, vii, 505. Terrillon. Ann. d. mal. de I'oreille et du larynx, Paris, 1883. Labbe. Ann. d mal. de I'oreille du larynx, Paris, 1883, ix, 146 9. Graham. Tr. 111. Med. Soc, 1884, xxxiv, 160-166, I pi. White. British Med. Journal, London, 1885, ". 342. Curgenven. Lancet, London, 1890, i, 598. Von Bamberger. Jahrb. d. Wien. k. k. krank- enannst. (1882), 1893, i> ^48- Gangolphe. Province med., Lyon, 1893, ^"> 146. Ewald. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. med., Berlin, 1894, 3 ^> '^i". Supbl. hft. 33 47. Cacati. Atti accad. d. sc. med. e nat. in Fer- rara, 1894 5, l^'x. Moinel. Arch, de med. et pharm. mil., Paris, 1895, ^x'«'i. 123-127. Gayet. Arch. prov. de chir., Paris, 1895, iv, 7i8 724. Delore. Lyon med., 1897, Ixxxv, 480-3. Belloli. Lucina, Bologna, i8y8, iii, i82-i87. Rev. de chir., Paris, 1899, xix, 440. THE END, [Reprinted from American Medicine, Vol. VII, No. 25, pages 983-987, June 18, 1904.) SURGERY OF HYDROCEPHALUS.* A Historic Review. BY BENJAMIN MERRILL RICKETTS, Ph.B., M.D., of Ciucinuati, Ohio. Surgery of Hydrocephalus. (1744-1903.) (a) Aspiration cranial — spinal subcutaneous. (b) Compression. (c) Seton. (d) Injection. (8) Internal treatment. (f ) Topical treatment. (g) Electric treatment, (h) Conclusions. (i) Pathology. Chapter I. Aspiration. — This method has been most universally employed. There is some difference of opinion as to where the trocar should be made to enter the place from which the fluid is to escape. The principal caution to be observed is injury to bloodvessels and sinuses. When possible the opening should be made in the fontanels. When the ventricles are involved the site of tapping js at the lateral angle of the anterior or posterior fontanel because of the absence in this locality of vessels and sinuses. An opening in the basilar arachnoid cavity is some- times best, and the arachnoid cavity should be opened before the cyst of spina bifida is punctured when this is an associated condition. When such exists the canula may be inserted above the spina bifida for temporary drainage until the incision in the spina bifida sac has become united. Dr. Stevens proposed trephining the cranium of Dean Swift in 1745 ; this is the first recorded suggestion for this operation. Dionis' suggests draining the arachnoid cavity through the various sutures and fontanels. Le Cat, October 23, 1744, punctured for hydroceph- alus. ♦Read before the Western Surgical and Gynecological Association, Denver, Colo., December 28-29, l9o3. Rommot, of Plymouth, 1778, used tho trocar in re- moving 80 ounces of fluid from a patient witli liydro- cephalus. One of the earlier reports on surgical operations for hydrocephalus was by Odier, 1785. Vose, 1818, successfully treated hydrocephalus by a surgical operation in which he removed the fluid. 12,584, U W. Museum.— Hydrocepbalns. Plaster cast of head of adult male, showing hydrocephalus. Measures 21..5 inches sagitally lioni nasal point to inion j 21 inches coroiially between tips of ears; and 25 inches horizontally on level of glabella. Textor, 1821, no doubt prompted by the brilliant results ()l)tained by Vose, succeeded in benefiting an extreme hydroccplialus by a.spirati(»n. During the year 1821, Lizars, Frcckleton and lU'la- field each operated for this condition, with more or less benefit. 3Iichaelis, 1S22, employed paracentesis for hydro- cephalus. Fenoglio, 1823, punctured the subdural space for the accumulation of fluid resulting from injury. Ruppius, 1823, removed the fluid by trocar in a case of hydrocephalus. Gray, 1825, records a case of hydrocephalus in a child 9 months old, in which the head was tapped three times. Sym, 1826, and McComb, 1831, each report repeated puncture in a case of chronic hydrocephalus. Dubrueil, 1837, mentions a case of the voluminous formation of fluid in the meningeal cavities relieved by puncture through the occiput. Conquest, 1837, mentions tapping the head in 19 cases of hydrocephalus, once successfully. Kilgour, 1840, records two such cases, in which oper- ation was done by puncture. Petit, Huster, Boerhaave, De la Motte, Pare, Portal, Richter, Golis, Breschet, Bayer, Dupuytren, and Physick, each condemned the trocar. Battersby ^ also condemned its use for hydrocephalus. West, 1842, before the days of aseptic surgery, col- lected 55 cases of tapping for hydrocephalus, with 40 deaths and 15 cures. Fifteen appeared at birth; 36 before 6 months of age, and 4 not given. Dickinson reported 26 cases; 4 began at birth, 16 before 6 months, and 6 near 2 years. Edward, 1846, cured a patient with hydrocephalus by puncture and drainage, as did also Kilsell in 1849. Battersby, 1850, reports three cases of congeuitid hydrocephalus, in which he employed puncture with the evacuation of sanguineous fluid. Malgaigne only aspirated under four months of age, and in older patients when life was threatened. Langenbeck, 1850, operated by puncturing the cranial cavity through the orbit, entering the anterior horn of the lateral ventricle, passing the trocar under the lower lid. Geo. C. Blackman, 1854, records 69 operations, from which the following deductions are made : There were 24 males, 20 females, and in 15 cases sex was not stated ; 32 patients were under 1 year, 2 of these being under 1 month ; 6 patients were from 1 to 2 years, one 2 years old, and the ages of 17 were not given. Sixteen recov- ered, and 53 died. Ages in patients that recovered were 1 2 years; 2, 4 months; 1,3 months; and 1, 20 months. The ages of 8 are not given. In the patients that recovered, congenital enlargement occurtd in 1, and in the others from a few clays to 14 months after birth. There were 8 females, 5 males, and in 3 sex was not given. In the patient 12 years old, the head was a third larger than was natural ; 6 pounds of fluid was drained away in 20 days. Patients were heard from, 90 days to 8 years afterward. Health and intellect were good in all w ^ ^^ A ^^"^""'••w^^H KU-^>i^^''\ r From U. S. College Veterinary Surgeons, Washington, D. C. Sliull of hydrocephalic calf two days old. of them. In those that died, death occurred from 1 to 115 days afterward. Autopsy showed dilation of the ventricles, atrophy of the pineal gland, and very little trace of choroid plexuses. The cavity of the brain was filled with clear water, brain was atrophied ; dura mater thickened, pia mater inflamed. Gibson, 1857, records a case of spina bifida with post- natal hydrocephalus in which paracentesis capitis was performed 17 times. Thompson, 1864, cured a patient with hydrocephalus by paracentesis capitis. A case of chronic hydrocephalus in which the patient was successfully operated upon, is reported in the Glas- gow Medical Journal, 1866-67, i, 162. Kidd, 1866, records a cure following paracentesis for chronic hydrocephalus. Palmer, 1884, cured a patient with chronic hydro- cephalus by tapping. Morris, 1887, speaks of a case of hydrocephalus in which the patient responded to surgical treatment. A. D. Stapleford, Cincinnati, February, 1904, reports the following : In the case of congenital hydrocephalus, 1887, I performed paracentesis of the cranium by the use of a small trocar, one- eighth inch in diameter. Selected site for puncture at a point one and a half inches to right of median line on a line corres- ponding to union of frontal with parietal bone. Withdrew lour ounces of clear straw-colored fluid at first sitting. The antici- pated collapse did not occur. There were no difficulties experi- enced. Four ounces was removed each succeeding day, clos- ing the opening each time with pad of iodoform gauze held firmly in place with strip of surgeons' rubber adhesive plaster. At times 1 felt that I could remove any quantity with impunity, and would often allow double the usual quantity to drain away. The total amount removed, (about 13 pints), did not all exist at the same time, as the cavity was observed to refill dur- ing the intervals of removal. The residual fluid which I was unable to withdraw amounted to between one and two pints. The enormous growth of bone on the left side was not discov- ered before the operation, it was thin and had not interfered with the translucency of the cranium. Its presence made it impossible to empty the cavity completely, and would have rendered nil any good effect of the operation had the child con- tinued to live. Ewart and Dickenson, 1891, report two cases of chronic hydrocephalus in infants in which treatment consisted of tapping and the introduction of air in the place of the fluid. Mauny, 1893, trephined and drained in hydroceph- alus. Roswell Park, 1893, "operated at the base pos- teriorly, gouging away the bone one inch below the superior curved line of the occiput, and a half inch to the right of the median line, incising the dura mater, and with a probe opening up the subarachnoid space." Moseley, 1894, aspirated the lateral ventricles for hydrocephalus. Glynn and Thomas, 1895, record a case in which they trephined and opened the fourth ventricle with recovery of the patient. Bilhaut, 1895, made a circular craniectomy to drain in hydrocephalus. Gordon, 1897, mentions the treatment in a case of adult hydrocephalus by supratentorial and subtentorial oi)eration. Good, 1897, cured by operation a patient with hydro- cephalus and .Jacksonian epilepsy. Bruce and Stiles, 1897, drained through the fourth ventricle in a case of acquired hydrocephalus due to chronic nontuberculous basal meningitis. Stewart, 1897, reports a case of unilateral hydro- cephalus, epileptiform convulsions, and hemianopsia, treated by drainage of lateral ventricle. Declen, 1898, punctured and drained the lateral ventricle in hydrocephalus. Grosz, 1899; Keen, 1899; and Dehler, 1899, each resorted to ventricular drainage for hydrocephalus. Davis, 1900, made a craniotomy and drained in a case of hydrocephalus. Ricketts reports three cases, viz., (1) rupture of lateral ventricle ; (2) operation ; (3) operation. Cumston ' reports a case of spina bifida in a child of 11 months. Family history of syphilis, a brother or sister of the child had hare-lip. Fourth and fifth tho- racic vertebras. Operation, cyst connected with cord. Dissection, sac cut away. Death on fifth day. Anterior fontanel became tense. Autopsy, ventricles distended with fluid. Internal and external hydrocephalus pres- ent. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Fabricius Hildanus: Observ. Chirurg. cent, iii, obs, 17. Odier, H. : Leipzig, 1785. Vose, J.: Med.-Chir. Tr. London, 1818, ix, 354-358. Textor, X. : Noue (Den Chiron, Sulzbach, 1821-3, i, 469-473. Lizars, J. : Edinburgh M. and S. J., 1821, xvii, 243-250. Freckleton, G. : Edinburgh M. and S. J., 1821, xvii, 240-243. Hood : Ed. Med. and Surg. Jour., Vol. xvii, p. 516, October, 1821. Delafield, E. : American Medical Recorder, Philadelphia, 1821, iv, 448-453. Whitmore: American M. Recorder, July. 1821. Micheali.s, Englischen milgetheilt J. d. Chir. u. Augenh., Berlin, 1822, iv, 140-158. Fenoglio, G. C. : Ann. Univ. di Medical, Milano,1823, xxviii, 372-379. Rurrell : Ed. Med. and Surg. Jour., Vol. xxxvlil, p. 43. Graefe and Walther's Jour., Bd. xv, S. 348. Fourcade: Lancette Francaise, Vol. iv, No. 47, p. 188, reports from recollection, case operated on by Dr. Bidor. Marsh: Medical Gazette, Vol. xvii, p 985. Kuppius: AUg. Med. Ann. Altenb., 1823, 114.5-1152. Money, W. : London M. and Physiology Jour., 1824, Hi, 462-4t)9. Brown, J. D. : London M. and Physiology Jour . 1824, li, 102-lH. Holbrook, J. : London Medical Reposit., 1825, i, 345. Gray, R. R. : London M. and Physiology Jour., 1825, liv, 204. Syra, J. : Medical Recorder, Philadelphia, 1826, ix, 78-80. Roechling: Hufeland's Journal, August, 1826, p. 114. Hall, S. : Med. Daz., Vol., vi, p. 334. Lee, C. A.: New York Med. and Phy., Jour , 1827, vi, 490-498. Oppenheim, F. W.: Mag. f. d. Ges. Heilk., Berlin, 1827, xxiv, 34-96. Marsden, W. : Lancet, London, 1830-31, i, 648. McCorab, J R. : New York Med. Chir. Bull., 1831-2, i, 21-26. Caldwell, H. S. : Lancet, London, 1832, ii, 741. Russell, R. C. : Edinburgh Med. and S. Jour., 1832, xxxviii, 43. Allaire: J. d. Conn. Med -Chir., Paris, 1834-5, ii, 304-6. Cooper, F. : Lancet, June 27, 1835, p. 4a5. Alison, S. S. : Edinburgh M. and S. J., 1835, xliii, 359-363. Monroe : P. 146 quotes the case from Prof. Rossi and Monroe on his " morbid anatomy " of the brain. Whitridge, J. B. : South M. and S. J., Augusta, 1836-7, i, 31.3-522. Jeffrey, J. : Lancet, London, 1836-7, i, 617. Dugas : South M. and S. J., Augusta, 1836-7, i, 440, 442. Dubrueil: Bull. Gen. de Therap., Parts, 1837, xii, 354-357. Le Cat: Philosop. Trans., xxlvii, p. 257. La Motte : Trait comlet de Chirurgie tome i, obs. 115. Remmet: Edin Med. Comment, Vol. vi, part 4. Hofling : Woch. f. d. Ges. HLeilk., Berlin, 18.37, iii, ft5,5-8. Conquest, J. T. : London Med. Gaz., 1837-8. xxi, 967-9. Schaffer: Woch. f. d. Ges. Heilk., Berlin, 1837, iii, 521-527. Gotlow : Lancet, p. 100, 1839. Rose: Am. Med. Record, Vol. xlii. Smith, J. R. : London Med. Gaz., 1839-40, xxv, 83-94, 2, pi. Dickinson, J. : Lancet, London, 1839, ii, 42. Tetlow: Gaz. d. Hop,, Paris, 1839, i, 185. Kilgour, A. : Edinburgh Med. and Surg. Journal, 1840, liii, 363-366. Malgaigne : Bull. Gen. de Therap., Paris, 1840, xix, 226-238. Watson: In Tweedies Lib. of Medicine, p. 147. Crooker: Dublin Med. Press, 1840, iv, 148. Clark, H. G. : New England Q. J. M. and S. Boston, 1842-3, i, 420-3. Kilgour: Ed. Med. and Surg., Jour., Vol. liii, p. 365. Coldstream, J.: London and Edinburgh Monthly Journal Medical Science, 1841, i, 255-257. West, C. : London Medical Gazette, 1812, xxx, 127-138. Glover: Phila. Jour, of Med. and Phys. Sciences, Vol. ii, p. 159. Durand-Faradel, C. L. M. : Bull. Gen. de Therap., Paris, 1842, xxiii, 190-9 Wutzer, C. W. : Orig. f. d. Ges. Heilk., Bonn., 1842-3, ii, 113-6. Pancoast : Med. Exam., Philadelphia, 1843, vi, 291. Chater: Prov Med. and Surg. Jour, 1845. Edward, J.: Monthly J. M.Sc, London and Edinburgh, 1846. vi, 398. Heidenreich: Leichenottnung Med., cor-bl bayer aerzte, Erlaug., 1847, viii, 441-445. Edwards, P. G. : South. J. M. and Pharm., Charleston, 1847, ii, 148- 152. Fletcher: London Med. Gaz., 1847, iv, 208. Parkraan : Amer. Jour. Med. Sci.. October, 1848, xvi, 299. Armstrong, C. : Dublin q. J. M. Sc , 1848, vi, 215. Kitsell: Prov. Med. and S. J., London, 1819, 431. Bellingham, O. B. : Dublin Med. Press, 1849, xxii, 210. Taylor: London Med. Gaz.. 1850. Battersby, F. : Edinburgh M. and S. J., 1850, Ixxiv, 46-73. Pepper: Q,uar. Sum. Trans, of Col. Phys. and Surg., Phil., Vol. iii. Alison, J. : Ed. Med. and Surg. Jour., Vol. xliii, p. 359. Collins, G. L. : Boston M. and S. J., 18.50, xlii, 80. Howard, M. : Transylvania M. J., Louisville, 1851-2, i, 37:3-377. Heidborn: Woch. f. d. Ges. Heilk., Berlin, 1851, xvii, .536-551. Detmold : N. Y. Med. Times, 185:3-4, iii, 363. Blackman, G. C. : New York Journal of Medicine, 1854, xii, 219-349. Mussner: Du Kinderkrankheiten, Vol ii, p. 187. Menschel : Med. Ztg., Berlin, 1855, xxiv, 37. Lambert, T. T. : Med. Times and Gazette. London, 1855. xi, 222. Kunkler, G. A. : West. Lancet, Cincinnati, 1856, xvii, 267-269. Gibson, J. B. : Med. Chron., Montreal, 1867, iv, 245-248. Cases, Med. Times and Gazette, London, 1857, xiv, 489. Wilks and Bryant : Lancet, London, 1S.")8, ii, 654 Chippendale, W. : British M. J., London, 1858, 2,59. Hevfeldcr, J. F.: Deutsche Klinik., Berlin, 1858, x,449. Kliuisciie, J. f. Kinderkr. Erlang., 1858, xxi, 212-223. Lawrence : Med. Times and Gazette, London, 1858, xvi, 12. Lancet, London, 1858, i, 583. Hahn, G. A. F. : Berolini, ia59. Marsh, M. : New Orleans, Med. News and Hosp. Gazette, 1860-61, vii, 13-16. Rogers: Med. Times and Gazette, London, 1800, ii, 613. Van Gondoever, I. C. : Nederl Tijdsehr. v. Heel-en Verlosk, Utrecht, 1862-3, xiii, 240-249. Thompson, T. Y. : Med.-Chir. Tr. London, 1864, xlvii, 289-293. Clarecus, F. : Hygiea Stockholm, 1864, xxvi, 410-415. Kidd, L. A : Indian Med. Gazette, Calcutta, 1866, i, 184. Braeey, C. J. : British M., London, 1870, ii, 6,i6. Nemmerl: St. Petersburg Med. Ztschr., 1870, i, 84-86. Buttenwieser : Von Bresgen Deutsches Arch. f. klin., Med., Leipzig, 1872, X, 301-304. Hecht, A.: Casop. lek. eesk. v. Praze, 1S73, xii, 129. Busey, S. C. : Tr. Med. .Soc, Dist. of Columbia, Washington, 1876, iii, 38-40. Moore, N. : St. Bartholomew Hospital Report, London, 1878, xiv, 161. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Puncture, Cranial. Brinckhoff, W. : Griefswald, 1881. Dunn, H. P. : Lancet, London, 1882, i, 779. Palmer, J. G. : Med. Record, New York, 1884, xxvi, 705. Johnston, W. : Tr. Mississippi Med. Assoc, 1885, 85-7. Stapleford, A. D. : Cincinnati Lancet-Clinic, 1887, xix, 68. Morris, R. T. : New York Med. Jour., 1887, xiv, 319. Pfeiffer, C. F. C. : Griefswalder Medizinischen Klinik., Griefswald, 1888 karnitski, A. O. : Protok. Zasaid, Obsh., Kievsk., Vrach., 1888-9, pt. 2, 38-59. Pott, R. : Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Leipzig, 1890, xxxi, 34-50. Ewart and Dickinson: British Med. Jour., London, 1891, ii, 602-605. Phocas, G. : Rev. Mens. d. Mai. de I'enf., Paris, 1892, x, 75-81. Piechaud : Assoc. Franc, de Chir. Proc-verb, Paris, 1893, vii, 697. Mauny : Assoc. Franc, de Chir. Proc-verb. Paris, 1893, vii, 693-697. Park-Connor and Chornomer: Keating Cyclopedia Diseases of Children, 1899. Zadernovski, F. V. : Vrach. St. Petersburg, 1893, xiv, 884, 917, 976, 1082. Boltze, O. : Halle, A. S., 1893. Miinch. raed. Woch., 1893, kl. 304. Hern, J. : British Med. Jour., 1893, ii, 1046. Lamphear, E. : Jour. Amer. Med. Assoc, 1894, xxii, 116. Nuijens, F. : Ann. Society de Medical d'Anvers, 1894, Ivi, 147-163. Durand : Arch. Prov. de Chir., Paris, 1894, iii, 522-533. Zaleski, K. : Gaz. Lek. Warszawa, 1894, xiv, 1347-9. Mosely, G. T. : Tr. Homeop. Med. Society, New York, 1894, xxix, 111-113. Raczynski, J.: Przegl. Lek. Krakow, 1894, xxxiii, 469-484. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Puncture, Cranial. Terrier, F. : Progres Medicale, Paris, 1895, ii, 225-7. Glynn and Thomas : Lancet, London. 1895, ii. 1106. Power, D. A.: International Clinic, Philadelphia, 1895, 5s. iii, 251- 262. Tribondeau, L. M. F. A. : Bordeaux, 189.5. d'Astros, L.: Med. Inf., Paris, 1895, Ii, 60:i-609. 9 Bilhaut: Assoc. Franc, de Chir., rroc-verb.. 1894, Paris, 1895, viii, ^^^Aleksandroflf, L. P. : Otchet Dietsk Boon, Sv. Olgiv. v. Mosk., (1895), ^^^Vchimni F. : Miinch. med. Woch.. 1898. xliii, 8-10. Gordon. W.: Lancet, Liondon, 1897, 1,91-96. lon-r •,- i Good? J W. : Manitoba and W. Canada Lancet, Winnipeg 1897 v, 1. Lemaistre, J.: Jour, de Clinic Ct. de Therap. Inf., Pans, 1897, v, ^^^tutherland and Cheyne, A. : Tr. Clinic Society, London, 1897-S, ^"""Bruc^eand Stiles: Tr. Med.-Chir. Society, Edinburgh, 1897-5, xvii, ^^Stewart: Scottish Med. and Society Jour., Edinburgh, 1897,1,805- ^^^"Sutherland and Cheyne: British Med. Jour., London, 1898, ii, 1155- Schramm H.: Przegl. lek. Krakow., 1898, xxxvii, 451-464. Declen K A. F : Mid. Weekbl., Amsterdam, 1898-9, v, 245-255. Schrarnm', H. : Klin-Therap. Woch., 1899, vi, 97-102. Grosz J -Pest Med.-Chir. Pres-se, Budapest, 1899, xxxv, 48.5-487. Keen W.'w!: International Clinic. Philadelphia, 1899; 9s, ii, 171. clhler A. : Festchr. z. Feier v. d. Phys., Med. Gesellsch. zu Wurz- ^"'"u'avi's ' E."?.': Arch. Pediat. New York, 1900, xvii, .497-500. mmas K: Bull, et Mem. Society de Chir., Par-.s, 1901, xxvu, 828- 830. Chapter II. Lumbar puncture to drain hydrocephalic fluid has not as yet resulted in a cure. In a few cases, slight improve- ment and considerable comfort have ensued. Repeated punctures at intervals varying in length have been prac- tised aseptically, but the cerebral fluid cannot be removed by a lumbar puncture in all cases. However, this method might prove successful if con- tinuous aseptic drainage could be maintained from the onset of the disease. Quincke, 1891, resorted to lumbar puncture for the relief and cure of hydrocephalus. Koster, 1892, succeeded in removing the cerebral fluid, but without any permanent beneficial results. Parkin, 1893, made basal drainage in hydrocephalus. Raczynski, 1898, resorted to lumbar puncture in a case of hydrocephalus. Maisch, 1897, made repeated lumbar punctures for therelief of hydrocephalus, with resulting great improve- ment and comfort. , ^^ .,. Bauermeister, 1898 ; Pozzolo, 1901 ; and Varavssilis, 1901, each resorted to lumbar puncture in cases of hydro- *^^^Tyler and Williamson, 1903, discovered hydatid cyst in the spinal cfhial by aspiration. BIBLIOGRAPHY. L/umbar ptmrture- Quincke, H.: Berlin, klin. Woch.. 1«9^, ''^ viii, 929 9(!5. Koster, H.: Goteborg's lak-sallsk. Forh,, 189.', 122-129. 10 Parkin, A : Lancet. London. 189;J, ii, 1244. Park, K.: Medical News, New York, 1897. Ixx, 432^35. Kacynski: Conipt. Rend. Cong. International de Medical, 1897, Moscow, 1898, ill, Section 6, 76-79. Maisch, C. O.: Po.st-graduate, New York, 1897, xii,619. Bauermeister, W.: Verhaudl. d. Versamml. d. Gesellsch. f. Klnderh. Deutsch. Natiirf. u. Aerzte, 1897, Wiesb., xiv, 224-230. Pozzolo, G.: Riv. Veneta di Sc. Med., V'enezia, 1901, xxxiv, .531-534. Caravassilis: Ann. de Medical et Chir., Anf., Paris, 19ul. Caravassilis : AUg. Wieu. Medical Ztg.. 1901, xlvi, 592. Tyler and Williamson : British Medical Journal, February 7, 1903. Chapter III. Subcutaneous Drainage. — Feiss suggested subcutane- ou.s draiuage, and it was practised by Tiirck, 1885 to 1890, but without avail. Seiin ♦ attempted to drain subcutaneously in a case of internal hydrocephalus, the object being to avoid infec- tion. The patient died somewhat unaccountably. No autopsy was permitted, though marked improvement seemed to follow the operation. He says, " the case indicated that subcutaneous drainage is preferable to open draiuage, and proves con- clusively that the cerebrospinal fluid is quickly absorbed by the connective-tissue elements as soon as it escapes from the ventricles." — {Journal American Medical Asso- ciation.) Chapter IV. Compression of the cranium for hydrocephalus has been frequently practised with more or less benefit, for almost a century. Ifuslin bandages have been firmly adjusted and read- justed daily, and kept moistened with water to contract them. Adhesive planter has also been applied after the scalp has been divested of its hair. Straps of this material do not require readjustment as often as muslin. Rubber bandages are probably the most desirable for bandaging the head in treatment of hydrocephalus as the pressure is greater, more uniform and constant, less olijectionable than plaster and can remain longer than muslin without readjustment. Blanc, 1821, mentioned compression as a most effica- cious means of effecting a cure in certain cases of hydro- cephalus. Girdlestone and Costerton, 1822, employed compres- sion with most satisfactory results in certain cases of hydrocephalus. Barnard, 1825, succe.ssfuUy treated a patient with chronic hydrocephalus, by compression. 11 Compression is mentioned in the London Lancet, 1838, 1839, i, 376, as a most useful method in dealing with hydrocephalus. Trousseau, 1843, resorted to compression with gratify- ing results in a case of chronic hydrocephalus. Baader, 1848, employed compression, and the appli- cation of turpentine in the early stages of chronic hydro- cephalus, with beneficial results. Phillips, 1857, resorted to elastic pressure in a case of hydrocephalus. Didion, 1858, combined compression with dramage in a case of hydrocephalus with marked improvement. Koux, 1859, employed this treatment in a case of hydrocephalus, benefiting the patient materially. Lowenhardt, 1888, compressed in hydrocephalus, greatly lessening the size of the head for a considerable time. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Compression. Blanc G.: London Medical and Physical Journal, 1821, xlvi, 353-356. GirdlestoneandCosterton: Medical and PhysicalJournal, London, "Barnard, J. F.; London Medical Repository, 1S25, i, 262. Lancet, London, 1838-9, 1,376. ..,.,. ,0.0 • ^,^-, Trousseau, A.: Journal de Medical, Fans, 1843, 1, 107. Baader, F.: Journal f. Kinderkr., Berlin, 1848, x, 413-422. Phillips, R.: Lancet, London, 1887, ii, 543-545. ^, ^ ^ , ., „^„„ Didion, J.: Expo.se d. Trav. de la Society d. fee. Med., de la Moselle Metz., ia58, 396-404. ^ . „. „ ■ ic=:.. •• ^-<, la^ Roux flls : Monit. d. Sc. med. et Pharm., Pans, 1S59, vii, 1/8-181. Lowenhardt : Woch. f. d. Ges. Heilk., Berlin, 1888, iv, 593-bOO. Chapter V. The seton has been employed for many years in the treatment of hydrocephalus. It is especially adapted to the arachnoid type, and in the early stage of the disease. It is efficacious, as it permits of constant drainage indefinitely or until the desired end is accomplished, whether it is partial or complete obliteration of the arachnoid cavity or otherwise. The seton can be used in any form of hydrocephalus, gauze probably being the most desirable material to be employed. It should be passed through the anterior fontanel, its exit to be the posterior fontanel on each side of the median line, and it should be reapplied daily with aseptic precautions. Histori/. —Chsiter, 1845, treated a patient with hydro- cephalus by instituting drainage and seton ; death fol- lowed. Grantham, 1854, reported a case of hydrocephalus in 12 which he made repeated punctures and employed the seton. Demeaux, 1854, drained and introduced a seton in a ease of hydrocephalus. Kennedy, 1867, records his observations on hydro- cephalus, and its treatment particularly by the use of setons. A case of hydrocephalus is reported in the Irish Hospital Gazette, 1873, i, 134, in which cure followed the use of the seton. Haven, 1882, resorted to puncture and "antiseptic" drainage in hydrocephalus. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Seton. Chater. G.: Prov. Medical and Society Journal, London, 1845,599-602. Grantham, J.: Medical Times and Gazette, London, 1854, ix, 110. Demeaux : Monit. d. Hop., Paris, 1854, ii, li47. Kennedy, H.: Dublin Q. J. M. Sc, 1867, xliii, 193-204. Irish Hosp. Gaz., Dublin, 1873, i, 134. Haven, H. C.: Boston Medical and Surgical Journal, 1882, cvi, 266. Chapter VI. Cranial injection is one of the most dangerous, irra- tional, and ineffectual of all the methods employed for the cure of hydrocephalus. Various kinds of astringents and irritating solutions have been used with but little if any good effect. They have been injected into the cyst both before and after the removal of its contents. Some operators have increased the strength of the medicament, at the same time removing more or less of the contents at intervals of days, weeks, or even months. Injection of lodin. — Boinet, 1856, after removing the fluid in a case of congenital hydrocephalus, injected tincture of iodin. Hayden resorted to the same treatment during this year. Brainard, 1859, made multiple injections of tincture of iodin into a hydrocephalic tumor. Racis, 1865, made repeated injections of iodin in a case of chronic hydrocephalus. Lauder, 1881, employed iodin injections in cases of hydrocephalus. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Injection, Iodin. Boinet ; Bull. Soc. de Chir., Paris, 1^56-7, vii. 386-392. Hayden, T.: Dublin Hosp. Gazette, 1856, iii, 168. Brainard, D.: Chicago Medical Journal, 1859, xvi, 198-216. Racis : Proc. Verb Society de Medical de Strasbourg, 1865-6, iii, 61-70 Lauder, R.: New England Medical Monthly, 1881-2, i, 9. 13 Chapter VII. Internal Treatment. — Greatwood^ claimed to have efff( ted a cure in a case of hydrocephalus by the internal adniinistration of potassium hydriodate. Chapter VIII. Topical Treatment. — Hannay,* 1843, applied a lini- 6,410, U. S. Museum.— Skeleton of a dwarf (Thippewa Indian squaw, aged 85. The brain of this subject constitutes specimen " 1,031 b" of the Anatomical Section. The dura mater and scalp constitute specimen " 1,031 C" of the Anatomical Section. ment combined with ipecacuanha to the scalp in hydro- cephalic cases. Electricity. — Brenner and Januszkjewitsch, 1H70, employed galvanopuncture in a case of hydrocephalus. BIBLIOOR.\PHY. Brenner and Januszkjewitsch; St. Petersburg Medical Ztschr., ISTO, 1,25-31. 14 CONCLUSIONS. Hydrocephalus and spina bifida, 7 months. (From personal collection.) 1. Excessive se- cretion of the cere- l)ial meninges may occur in any form of animal life. 2. The various forms of vegetable life are subject to excessive local or general secretion to a fatal degree. 3. Hydroceph- alus, ventricular or meningeal, may de- velop in utero or at any time through- out infant or adult life. 4. The cases of spontaneous recov- ery are probably numerous, espe- cially in infant life, in which the arach- noid is alone in- volved. 5. All cavities may unite, with or without external rupture ; when so, it is usually fatal, not necessarily in- stantly so. 6. Spontaneous ruj)ture may occur externally or sub- cutaneously, w i t h an occasional recov- ery. 7. The effusion may be into the lat- eral third or fifth ventricle, or it may be in the arachnoid or subarachnoid cavity, one or all. 15 8. A clot in the arachnoid cavity may cause a cyst which will enlarge, with all its consequences. 9. Syphilis, tuberculosis, and rickets have been assigned as causes of hydrocephalus, but such have never been proved ; the cause is yet unknown. 10. Sometimes zones of new osseous material are scat- tered here and there in the meninges, and sometimes upon or in the brain substance. 11. The septum lucidum is invariably thickened, as are the cerebral meninges in general. 12. Probably the greater number of cases of early hydrocephalus, whether of the third, fourth, fifth, or lateral ventricle, or of the arachnoid variety, can be cured by some form of drainage. 13. Continuous drainage by seton or the repeated use of the trocar has given the best results in the way of benefit or cure. 14. Spinal drainage has been practised in a very limited degree, and its value is as yet undetermined. 15. Subcutaneous drainage has not resulted in a cure, but there seem to be many possibilities for this method. 16. Trephining for drainage is only resorted to in cases in which the fontanels have been closed by bony union. 17. Results from drainage are more favorable if done when the presence of fluid is first detected. 18. It is sometimes necessary to drain both hemi- spheres, together with the right and left cerebellar cavity. 19. The secret of curing arachnoid hydrocephalus by drainage probably lies in obliterating the arachnoid cavity. However, this can be done with hydrocephalus of the third, fourth, and fifth ventricular variety. 20. The cardinal principle in this, as in all operations upon the brain, is asepsis. Chapter IX. Pathology. — The word hydrocephalus should be applied to noninflammatory cerebral exudation. It is found alike in both animals and man and is due to the same causes, although they are not definitely understood. Breschet gives five varieties: (1) Between dura raater and brain ; (2) between dura and parietal arach- noid ; (3) in cavity of arachnoid ; (4) ventricles (most common) ; (5) between arachnoid and brain. It is thought that the children of cretinous parents, and those suffering from myxedema, are especially sub- 16 jeet to hydrocephalus. No explanation being given, Dickenson believes rickets to be a cause. Syphilis, both hereditary and ac(iuired, has been accredited as being a cause, while tuberculosis has been more frequently so. Embolisms and neoplasms varying in type have no doubt been properly classed as exciting causes. Arachnoid engorgement from any cause, such as rheumatism, gout, and the infectious diseases, are sup- posed to l>e a causative factor. Rokitansky ' believed the seat of hydrocephalus to be in the lateral ventricles, while Rilliet and Barthez* thought that hemorrhage from the arachnoid membrane is the cause of fluid in the arachnoid cavity, for in this variety the fluid generally contains blood. The disease may originate in the third, fourth or lateral ventricles, or anywhere in the arachnoid cavity. It, however, is supposed to occur rarely in the arachnoid sac. A blood clot in this sac may cause excessive and serous eff"usion. The development of the disease may be unilateral or bilateral, and remain so, or when in one ventricle it may rupture into the other or into the arachnoid cavity, one or both, aud thus become general in character. Nelaton thought that spontaneous recovery would result from diarrhea, copious perspiration and cutaneous eruptions. HubbelP reports a recovery following cutaneous eruption upon the head. In either event there may be spontaneous rupture externally with or without recovery. If rupture does not occur externally and the fluid is not removed artificially, hypertrophy or atrophy of the brain may ensue, with all its consequences. Zones of new osseous material are now and then found scattered here and there in the meninges, and sometimes upon or in the brain substance. It is not known whether or not they are a cause or a consequence of the disease. The cranial bones separate in the young before union of the sutures as they never separate after that time, consequently hydrocephalus is confined to infancy. The disease may not manifest itself until a time when the sutures should be united, but the formation of the fluid begins before the sutures unite, and is the means of preventing their union. 17 Blackman says : " In the majority of cases the fluid is confined to' the ventricles ; rarely in the arachnoid However, this statement is very much questioned a^ there seems to be no special age for hydrocephalus. J. Lewis Smith thinks congenital hydrocephalus is due to syphilis alone. Spina bifida is sometimes associated with hydro- cephalus. , , , Destruction of bloodvessels, laceration or pressure has in a few instances resulted in gangrene of the brain sub- stance, and in certain other cases of continued severe pressure the septum lucidum has been found very much Retzius, of Stockholm, has a collection of large hydro- cephali. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Skene, C: Deapoplexia bydrocephalica, Edinlnirgh 1799. Armstrong, A.: De apoplexia bydrocephalica, Edinbu gh. 1800. Moffat, T. rbe apoplexia bydrocephalica, Edinburgh, 1800. Weaver, P.: Another case. Med. and Phys. Journal, London, 1806, '''' Cllrke, J.: Case of apoplexia hydrocephalica, Edinburgh M. and S. "'■' ^M^'uto?E.: A case of cerebral hemorrhage in hydrocephalus, Paris, ^^%isa- Reports a apoplexia serosa, in Bernt J. Gutachten Wien., ^«^R^h[Sncief'j."R.:U's\vfali^^^^ ^^"so\oT^?VpSle''xirsir4ife'irky'^Jcephalus, Journal Univ. et Hebd.deMed.Chir. Prat., Paris, 1831, iv,353-3tia de Med et Harrotte: Apoplexia sereuse, Journal Univ. et Hebd. de mea. ei ''%£lys:Frcdsfo\'IhSi'Sa hydrocephalus. Lancet, London, 18.50, '■^Lente, F. D.: Casesof serous apoplexy. New York Journal Medicine, ^^^^slnkey, A. H.: Serous apoplexy, Med. Times and Gazette, London, ^^^Merto^'s, J.: Observations d. apoplexie sereuse, Ann. Soc. Med. ''''^:YrTeVfl::''on the'ireatment of apoplexia hydrocephalus, Ann. Med Psych.', Paris, 1854, vi, 197-220. r.„,.;„ iocq Gourdon, J.: Apoplexia hydrocephalus, Gaz. Hop., Pans, 1859. ''''''pigulira, M.: Serous apoplexy, Gaz. Med. de i^^^b = 1862 33 61 Kempter, W.: Serous apoplexy, Am. J. Insan., Ulica, N. \ , 1868-9, '"'"'"I'sh^m A. B.: Reports sudden death in general effusion of serum into encephalic cavities, enormous enlargement and hypertrophy of heart. Clinic, Cincinnati, 1873, V, 206. Mathieu, A.: Serous apoplexy, France Med., Pans, 1821, i. 6J,- "'^^^ Wigglesworth, J.: A case of serous apoplexy. Journal Ment. Sc , London, 1884-5, XXX, 551-553. Mr,rtViiitrih Philipsen, G. H.: Notes on serous apoplexy. Rep. Prop. Noithumu. and Durham M. Soc, Newcastle-upou-Tyne, 188.5-<), L0-17J. Black J Q: Notes on cerebral serous apoplexy in gouty constitu- tion, Prov. M. J., Leicester, 1892, xi, 398-401. 18 REFERENCES. 1 Operations de Chirurgie, third edition, 1736. "Edinburgh Medical and Surgical Journal, July, 1850. '^ Amei-icayi Medicine, July 25, 1903, p. 158. ^Senn, Alienist and Neurologist, .St. Louis, August, 1903. 6 Am. Journal Medical Science, Philadelphia, 1851, xxi, 1U9. 'Edinburgh Medical and Surgical Journal, 1843, Ix, 321. 'Path. Anatomy, Syd. Ed., Vol. iii, p. 366. * Traits des Maladies des Enfants «New York Journal of Medicine, ia50, p. 396. University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90024-1388 Return this material to the library from which it was borrowed. CO ZWO 100 R539S 190ii Ricketts, Benjamin M Surgery of the prostate, pan- creas, diaphragm, spleen, thy- roid, and hydrocephalus, g, historical review ZWO 100 R539S 190U Ricketts, Benjamin M Surgery of the prostate, pancreas, diaphragm, spleen, thyroid, and hydrocephalus; a historical review MEDICAL SCIENCES LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, IRVINE IRVINE, CALIFORNIA 92664