GIFT OF iPIRfTCAL PS1 IOLOGI ? 1 Kill£ nee of SPIRITUAL PSYCHOLOGY AND HUMAN EFFICIENCY OR Mhe Science of Knowing Ourselves Published hy MRS. ADELLE HOWLAND PSYCHOLOGIST AND HEALTH CULTURIST 50 MARY STREET, PASADENA, CALIF. COPYRIGHT APPLIED FOR JUNE, 1921 CONTENTS FIRST LECTURE PHYSICAL 1. How to rebuild the body. 2. How to live, eat, exercise, breathe, sleep so that at the age of 75 you may be supple and agile, and healthy as at the age of 25. 3. How to develop the lung capacity so that tuberculosis is im- possible. 4. How to build the body of a child so he will be strong and healthy during life. 5. How to overcome any acute disease if taken at the onset within 24 to 48 hours. SECOND LECTURE MENTAL 1. How to make of yourself a Super-man or a Superior Person. 2. The laws and workings of the mind explained. 3. How to be positive and suc- cessful in business. 4. How to develop scientifically the will power, the memory and the reason, also any other faculty of the mind. 5. How to generate at will, human electricity, personal magnetism, or pep. Two formulas. 6. How to train your children. 7. How to obtain a magnetic personality. 8. How to control the mental attitude and think correctly, and gain self control. THIRD LECTURE THE SOUL 1. What it is like. 2. What it contains. 3. How it can be made to serve you. 4. How to write inspirationally. 5. How to send messages by mental telepathy. 6. How the Soul may travel. 7. By what method it is possible to see future events. 8. Seat of happiness, where located. 9. How to be blissfully happy. 10. The X-ray picture. FOURTH LECTURE SPIRITUAL The downfall of man explained. How one may live forever in happiness and bliss if he desires to. Note. These lectures are very deep and Scientific, and require study and deep concentration of the mind. They should be read and studied every day, for thirty days, and the formulas practiced. If you will follow the instructions herein given, your life will positively be transformed within a short time. MY GUARANTEE If after thirty days of thorough study of the lectures and practice of the formulas herein contained, you can conscientiously say the instructions have not been worth $500.00 or more to you, I will cheerfully refund the price paid for the same. MRS. ADELLE HOWLAND, Psychologist and Health Culturist. Price $10.00. 464192 Is there a blessing known ? Pass it on. Let it travel down the years, Let it dry another's tears, Till in Heaven the deed appears, Pass it on. FIRST LECTURE PHYSICAL VV1 E have an intensely interesting and fascinating study before us in W/ the subject of Spiritual Psychology and Human Efficiency, which is simply the study of ourselves, or the greatest study v of mankind, which is said to be man, physically, mentally, morally and spiritually. We know much about art, science, literature, our automobiles, even our horses, dogs and canary birds, but I want to ask you in all honesty how much do we know about ourselves ? We are dependent upon our phy- sicians for the knowledge we have of our bodies, we know little about the laws and workings of our minds, less still about the Soul, and practically nothing about the Spirit. It is my intention to give you an introduction to yourself, or in other words to make an X-ray picture of you, and when you see yourself for the first time, I trust you will not be like the native of South America, who picked up a hand mirror which had been dropped by a missionary. He held it up to his face, and when he saw himself for the first time, he dropped the mirror and ran, frightened almost to death. So I trust when we see the X-ray picture which I expect to make of you, we will not be frightened but will remain with our studies until we have fin- ished them all. Mankind as a whole is only about one third of what he might become under proper development. He is using only about one third of his brain power, a part of his physical capacity, and the average person uses a small part of his lung power. It is possible by knowledge and the right applica- tion of the laws and principles, which I expect to teach you, to make of yourselves practically anything you wish to become, providing you will go the right way about it, and are willing to work and sacrifice for it. In our first lecture which will be on the Physical, or the body, we teach you how to rebuild yourself; how to live in conformity to natural law so you will grow younger and more agile, and at the age of fifty or sixty be as you were at sixteen; also how to overcome any disease at the onset within twenty-four to thirty-six hours ; how to eat, drink, bathe, exercise, and live so to be healthy, happy and successful. In our second lecture (the mental) we teach you the laws and work- ings of the mind; how to develop scientifically the will power, the reason, and the memory; also how to generate nerve energy at will, so you may be at all times full of energy or pep, how to be positive and successful. In the third lecture we tell you about the Soul, what it is like, how it can be made to serve you, etc. How to tell the condition of the Soul. It is the seat of your happiness. How it can be regenerated, etc. In the fourth lecture (The Spiritual) we teach you how you may live forever in happiness and bliss if you desire to. We teach you about the fall of man, how he can be regenerated. I would like to make this assertion before we start. Although it is possible for man to make of himself almost anything he desires, yet he cannot gain for himself eternal life. This is a gift and will be fully ex- plained as we advance with our studies. THE PHYSICAL, OR BODY Christ, the greatest teacher who ever lived or ever will live, always taught Spiritual truths by comparing them to natural facts ; as in the case of the wise man who built his house upon a rock, and the rains descended and the winds blew and beat upon the house and it fell not, because it was founded upon a rock. To the foolish man who built his house upon the sand, and the rains descended and the winds blew and beat upon the house and it fell and great was the fall thereof. So by comparing ourselves to a four-story house — the Physical to the foundation, or first story, the Mental to the second story, the Soul to the third story, and the Spiritual to the fourth story, we will receive a mental grasp of our subject which would be hard to convey to our minds in an- other way. The Physical is the foundation, and upon the strength and well built condition of the physical in childhood depends all the other three stories. Like the building of a house, its strength and durability depends on the kind of material which is used in its construction. If it is of the right kind, the building or body will be strongly built, and when life's storms assail us, it will not break down but will be like the house built upon the rock. As a building is constructed out of the material which is put into it, so our bodies are built out of the material or food we put into them. If the material out of which we have built our bodies in childhood, has not been good, we are like the house built upon the sand. When the storms of life assail us, it falls to pieces, and one either goes into a state of invalidism or passes away. This is a sad picture, especially so, when we ourselves are not responsible for the care we had in childhood or the method by which the Physical has been built. But I have some good news to tell you ! It is possible even in the age of maturity to reconstruct ourselves, so that, as the years go by, we may become stronger and healthier, and be stronger, more flexible and agile at the age of fifty or sixty than at the age of twenty or twenty-five — providing we have no incurable disease, and if we have, the condition may be greatly benefited and sometimes cured, by following 8 the methods which I shall explain later. For the incurable I would say, that although there seems no hope, yet above and beyond any power of man, there is a Divine power "Who forgiveth all our iniquities, who healeth all our diseases." Now I am sure you are interested to know how this reconstruction process is to be accomplished, and before I tell you about it, I am first going to tell you something about the Architect or the builder of this tem- ple, also of the whole universe and world upon which we live, whom we all know to be God. Resting in the bosom of infinity, our little world is upheld by the hand of Deity as a babe in the arms of its mother. It is His child, His creation. His breath is its atmosphere. His laws are its delight. Their obedience is not questioned or disregarded. All nature revolves in one vast system of law, harmony, order, and regulation; upheld by the fixed immutable, un- changeable laws of the universe — God's laws. When understandingly we approach and consider the three kingdoms of the earth, embracing the mineral, the vegetable, and the animal, what a marvelous display of infinite intelligence we find! Each tiny molecule in the earth's stratum are held together as in a vice through the operation of the law of molecular attraction. Operating along these same lines is the stupendous law of gravitation, also the power of steam, and later on the wonders of electrical phenomena, the great and mighty forces of nature now harnessed and brought under the sway of man to be used for his benefit. In the vegetable kingdom we find the infinite wisdom, law, and un- bounded love of God depicted in the grandeur of the scenery ; in the velvety green carpet underneath our feet; in the face of every blossoming flower; in the blossoming and the fruitage of the fruit trees ; in the golden yellow fields of ripening grain. In the animal kingdom, we find the love and tenderness of the father- hood and motherhood of God combined; bringing forth the very highest type of all God's creation, — man — created, in the beginning, in the image and likeness of his creator. "In the image and likeness of God created he them "male and female." In the lower order of the animal kingdom all were made to be subject to the law and dominion of man. In this human and animal kingdom we hear the Divine fiat of the Creator's voice saying, "reproduce, increase and multiply, replenish the earth and subdue it." The law, the order, the harmony and the omni- presence of God are again depicted in the coming and going of the seasons ; the regularity and rhythm of the tides; in the rising and setting of the sun; in the revolving of the earth upon its axis, and the movings of the planetary systems about the sun. So we find that our God, the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth and of mankind, is a God of infinite intelligence. We find also that he operates through fixed immutable laws. Through scientific study and observation we find these laws are: 1. Order. 2. Regularity. 3. System. 4 Har- mony. 5. Rhythm. 6. Love and fixed, immutable, unchangeable law. When God's laws are perfectly obeyed there is always perfect harmony and peace. Nature always obeys his laws, and nothing is wrong or out of order in nature. There is nothing wrong with the whole universe ex- cepting man. What is wrong with man? Before we finish with our full course of instructions we will find out what is wrong with him. Yet man is the greatest of all God's creation. By study we find him to be a miniature universe in himself. His body is composed of millions of tiny cells; these are held together in compact form by the law of heat and cold ; the heat on the inside and the cold outside, compressing together the atoms, or by the law of vibratory action. As the universe is upheld by fixed immutable laws, so our Physical being is governed by laws or the laws of nature. By living in harmony and obedience to these laws we have health, strength and longevity. Vio- lation of any one of the laws of nature brings a train of woes too numerous to mention. By study and observation we find there are ten laws of the body which we must observe and obey if we would be healthy, strong and suc- cessful. These are: 1. Sunshine. 2. Fresh air. 3. Food. 4. Sleep and Rest. 5. Exercise. 6. Regularity. 7. Warmth. 8. Elimination. 9. Clean- liness. 10. Water. The law of sunshine will be our first consideration. Sunshine is God's great antiseptic and disease destroyer. We do well if we spend a part of our time each day out where its rays can penetrate our bodies. Especially is it beneficial for one who is weak to take sun baths, or lie in the sun with no clothing on. Beginning with fifteen minutes a day, continue increasing the time until hour sun baths may be taken. I would advise anyone who can do so to wear light or white clothing. You place a dark cloth over green grass and it grows yellow underneath. Our skin is like the grass, it becomes in an unhealthy condition when dark clothing is worn. The next law is fresh air. It is necessary that our home be well ven- tilated, especially our sleeping rooms. Outdoor sleeping is very beneficial, providing the body does not become chilled ; we are much like a hot-house plant, and should protect ourselves just as carefully, as a horticulturist does a rare and exotic flower. In order to be well and strong it is imperative that we learn to breathe correctly; about one person in a hundred uses all his lung capacity. The abdomen should be drawn in and the ribs expanded under the arms and the breath forced up into the chest, held for a second then expelled. Well de- veloped lungs make tuberculosis impossible. Watch the breathing of a 10 perfectly healthy child and imitate it. Always imitate the natural — Nature is in harmony with God's laws — man is out of harmony. If you wanted to draw a straight line you would take a ruler and draw a line — then you would try to make one like it. So always imitate the natural in everything. This is the slogan of this lecture. Next to fresh air comes food. People make a great mistake when they try to economize on food to save money. The body is built out of the material which is put into it, and the better the material, the stronger and more enduring is the physical. Plain substantial food as: Beef, rice, potatoes, whole grains, milk, etc., are the foods our ancestors were raised on and they had better constitutions than we have in this age. In building the body of a child, there are a few rules which I will give which will assist wonderfully in giving a strong constitution. Avoid sweets of all kinds. Honey is better to use than sugar — (of course children will get some sweets for everyone is always giving them candy, and it is very difficult for a mother to prevent it ) (They receive enough on the outside to supply all that is needed in the system.) (This has been my own experience.) Give the child the whole grains — wheat, corn, oats, or oat meal, (the devil invented the grist mill — to destroy men's lives). A child should al- ways have an abundance of pure, sweet milk, regular meals, and ten hours of sleep. He should be allowed to run about and play, go barefooted in the summer, be as free as the birds of springtime. There are several laws in regard to food which everyone should ob- serve to be healthy and efficient: 1. Never eat unless hungry. 2. Chew every bite until a liquid. 3. Never put anything into the body which does not belong in it. 4. Every meal should contain a protein, a carbohydrate, oil and mineral matter. Meat, peas, beans, cheese, etc., contain protein. Rice, bread, potatoes, or starchy foods contain carbohydrates. A sample meal would be : Meat, potatoes, whole wheat bread, butter. The oil and salt in butter contain fat and mineral matter — making a com- plete food for one meal. Much is written in physical culture magazines and physiologies relative to food combinations; those interested in the study of food subjects would do well to make an investigation of this sub- ject, as we will not take it up in detail at this time. Our next law is sleep and rest. We should have six to eight hours' sleep every night — two always before mid-night. When retiring for the night, drop from the mind all the events of the day. If there is difficulty in relaxation, towels wrung out of hot water and placed over the abdomen for one-half hour before going to sleep is very beneficial to secure perfect relaxation ; sitz baths are also very good for this purpose. Before dropping off to sleep if one can say from the heart, "I love the Lord my God, with all my Soul, with all my heart, with all my strength, with all my mind, and li my neighbor as myself/' the sleep will indeed be sweet and refreshing, and a sense of exhilaration will be in the mind on awakening in the morning. Anyone who can do so, should take a nap in the afternoon. It will prolong life, and enable you to do your work more easily and effectively. The next law which we will consider is exercise. I will give one rule for exercising. Whether working, walking, climbing, hiking, or exercising in a gym, it should be rythmic, harmonic and systematic. Imitate waving branches, the frolicksome gambols of a playful kitten; a cow move her head — watch children at play — let it be accomplished easily and gracefully. Walking a mile before sunup, and after sundown will benefit one more than a drug store full of medicine. At this time the air is full of ozone, which is a great tonic to the system. Always breathe deeply while walking. Walking or climbing are better exercises than gymnastics, because they are natural and do not cause any strain, which gymnastics sometimes do, unless taken very carefully. Warmth is the next law under consideration. The body must be prop- erly clothed to maintain the even temperature which is necessary to health. There must be no impingement to the circulation on the part of tight clothing. Corsets, high collars, high heeled shoes, tight bands, etc., are an abomination and should be discarded, if we would keep young and healthy. Dress for comfort and not for style. Never should we let the body get chilled. It is debilitating, and congestion will follow undue exposure, unless warmth is gained in a short time afterward. Our next law is regularity. To harmonize our Physical functions with the laws of nature will require regularity and system on our part. We should have a regular time for arising, — the earlier in the morning the better — our meals, and all life's functions should be on schedule time to maintain a healthy and a happy life. Be good to yourself and do not become so absorbed in your occupation or pleasures, that you fail to give your bodily functions prompt attention. To be kind to others you must first be kind to yourself. Self preservation is the first law of man. Elimination is the next law under consideration. Like a room contain- ing four windows is our physical organism. The organs or windows are lungs, kidneys, skin and intestines. Through these organs all the waste materials of the body must be eliminated. To maintain health it is neces- sary that all these organs be kept open, and in perfect working condition. The lungs must be kept open by deep correct breathing, filling all the lungs with every breath. The kidneys by drinking plenty of pure water; two quarts a day is the amount required. The bowels by laxative food, — or in the case of constipation, high enemas, — or herb teas, cascara, etc. The skin or pores by perspiration — one should perspire freely once a day. Fail- ure to do this should be attended to by measures which will be explained later. Cleanliness and water are the last laws which we will discuss. The skin is like a sponge containing millions of little mouths. Through these the impurities of the body must not only be eliminated, but electrical 12 properties must be absorbed from the atmosphere during sleep and rest. This will be explained in our Mental lecture. So we see how important it is that the skin be given much attention in the way of bathing. It has been said that we should take five baths a day, water, sun bath, air, friction and sweating. Brushing is a very efficacious method for stimulating the skin. The sun bath has already been mentioned. The sponge bath should be taken every day, and a sweat bath once a week. We should drink two quarts of water every day. A good filter is a splendid investment from a health standpoint. Pure water is absolutely essential to health. To over- come an acute disease within twenty-four to forty-eight hours — open the windows of the body — lungs, kidneys, bowels, skin. Lungs by deep breathing; skin by a sweat or turkish bath; bowels by high enemas or herb tea; kidneys by drinking large quantities of hot water. If in pain place hot applications or towels wrung out of hot water over seat of pain until it has been relieved. If taken in time almost any ordinary ailment can be overcome within a few hours, if these methods are persisted in. To maintain health, assimilation and elimination must be equal. The clean system is the healthy system. To have a well ordered day arise at 5 :30 a.m. Always arise when you first awaken in the morning. Rub body vigorously with coarse towel until the skin is red; then drink two glasses of water — lie down on floor and vibrate over pit of stomach — this washes the stomach out and prepares it for breakfast — many people are benefited by omitting the breakfast — (a little fruit may be taken) then brush the skin all over the body with coarse brush which can be bought at any drug store. Take rythmic exercises for five or ten minutes — without apparatus by swinging arms — reaching over and touching floor without bending knees, etc., then go out and walk one or two miles, breathing deeply, if possible walk over hills and valleys, for the climbing is excellent exercise. Chew all food to a liquid. Rest often, drink two quarts of water daily. After giving attention to your body forget it — one half hour a day devoted to the care of God's holy temple will give you wonderful returns in health, strength and longevity. MRS. ADELLE HOWLAND, Psychologist and Health Culturist. 13 ffi SECOND LECTURE MENTAL ARVELOUS in its construction is the human brain. Through com- parison we may liken it to a storage battery, a dynamo, or a magnet. Stored away in this wonderful piece of machinery is the power to master great and mighty forces of which we now little dream. Lying dormant within the brain of each and every one of us, is the power to receive the ability which tranquilizes every inharmonious condi- tion and brings order out of chaos. Subject to the power of the Divine will of God it may become dynamic in its action to overthrow the disastrous consequences of the wages and effects of sin. The achievements of man in the past are as nothing com- pared to that which may be achieved in the future. Restoration back into the image and likeness of the Creator is only possible when the human will has acquiesced to the Divine implantation and through this operation, man may be transformed from the human into a God-man — or from the human into the Divine. (Man may make of him- self a super-man, but only God can make of him a God-man.) It may be well said that within every man there are two men. There are. (When we see ourselves in a mirror we see our reflection in the glass, we look down and see our real self. This is typical of our two selves.) Science has proved beyond a doubt that we have two minds. We will call them the conscious and the sub-conscious; the objective and the sub- jective, or my own special name for them is the Prisoner and the Jailer. The objective or jailer occupies the front part of the brain — the sub-con- scious or prisoner the back part of the brain. Please create in your mind a mental picture. A jail with the jailer sitting in his office in front, while a beautiful wonderful prisoner stands behind the bars, holding under one arm, a book with many pages, in his right hand he holds a pencil, and is constantly writing. This is the memory. He obeys every command of the jailer, excepting when a command is given which is contrary to his con- science, then he may yield to sin or may resist it. The Jailer is often arbitrary and tyrannical in his commands. The du- ties of the Prisoner or Soul is in the care of the jail or body — keeping it in or- der, repairing it when out of order, managing the furnace and rebuilding the jail, constantly as different parts wear out. He is a very faithful servant, 15 never shirking his duty. This is a very good picture or type of the human soul or subjective mind. In many people this prisoner is sad and unhappy ; never finding any respite in unconsciousness, for he never sleeps and never dies. He is the real man. He occupies the house in which he lives tempor- rarily. Our next lecture will tell you all about this very strange person and it is intensely interesting. In this our mental lecture we will deal with the objective mind and learn about its development and unfoldment. The objective mind contains the reason, the will power; and the power of commanding the subjective mind, who obeys him perfectly, and carries out every suggestion made to him as far as possible, when they do not interfere with his sense of right and wrong. He gains his knowledge through the five senses, seeing, feeling, tast- ing, hearing and smelling. He has the physical body through which to manifest himself. (The life of the body is in the blood and nerve energy.) The reason and will power, and memory are subject to the law of develop- ment by proper exercising as are the muscles of the body. Not one person in a thousand is using all of his mental capacity. The Roosevelts, Edisons, some of our great men and women have developed and used all their brain capacity, and they are our great men and women of to- day. It is possible for anyone who has ambition and ordinary ability to be as brilliant as they — possibly not in the same way — not all talents lie in the same direction. When we understand the laws of the mind and learn to apply them we may develop and unfold ourselves to a wonderful and marvelous degree ; but we cannot do it and waste our time and talents on frivolous things. We must be willing to work and practice as a master musician who is making music his life work. If we find we possess a talent, we are held responsible for it, and should we neglect to cultivate it, we are like the Bible story of the man who buried his talent in a napkin. Devote hours a day if necessary to the development and unfoldment of the mind. There are two classes of people in the world, those whom we will term the positive and the negative. If I can hear anyone say "No" or "I can and I will," I will tell you whether or not he is positive or negative. To be successful in any line it is necessary to be very positive. To be able to say "No" — and mean it, or "Yes" and mean it. A negative "No" means yes. To be positive it is necessary to possess a very strong will. The will power will grow strong and powerful by proper exercising. All the effort spent in developing it, is time and effort well spent. Especially should parents cultivate the will, for should they lack the positive attitude they will not be able to control their children. (There comes a time in the life 16 of every child, when if the parent does not control the child, he will control the parent; this time usually comes between the ages of two or' three years old — then is the time to fight the battle to the finish). If you then conquer him there is usually no more trouble later. If your will is weak at that time, and you are not able to master him, there is no end of trouble laid up for you in the future. (The "Proverbial Slipper," or the hickory stick may help matters along, at this time.) "Spare the rod and spoil the child" is a Scriptural verse of great significance. Always punish in love, however, and not in anger or on the impulse of the moment. By a strong will power is not meant stubbornness. The personality of one possessing a strong well developed will power, may be felt when he enters the room, before he utters a word. It gives him power, poise and magnetism, and is a most valuable asset especially to one in authority or in a public life. To develop the will requires work, patience and persistent effort. We are told in the Bible to "Ask and ye shall receive ; seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you." So we should ask God to give us a strong will power, then proceed along the lines of exercise, to get it. (If we asked God to give us a strong body, and did not exercise we would never have it.) So we have our part to do in its development. Making yourself do what you are not inclined to do, as arising at a regular time each morning, overcoming bad habits, overcoming anything, develops the will. Each victory will help you some other to win, is a very good motto by which to exercise your will. Each time you overcome a temptation you find it easier to do next time, because your will power has been exercised and strength- ened by the effort. The subjective mind is like a sheet of wax — especially in children — it can be moulded and formed by the positive suggestions of the objective mind, or under certain conditions by the mind of another person who makes positive suggestions to it. By looking one straight in the eyes and making a positive suggestion the sub-conscious mind may sometimes be reached, and any statement made to it will be accepted as true, and carried out accordingly. Auto or self suggestion is one of the most potent means for exercising the will. Write on slips of paper the following: 1. God helping me I shall cultivate my will. 2. My will shall grow stronger every day. 3. My will power must become strong and powerful. 4. My will power is strong. 5. I will master myself in every particular. 6. I will overcome every bad habit. 7. I can and I will. 8. I shall control my children, etc. Look at these many times and say them over and over positively a dozen of times a day, for months and years. Persist. One may invent other suggestions to suit each individual case. An- other good exercise for will development is to force yourself to sit, relaxed 17 and passive, perfectly still without moving for five, ten or fifteen minutes at a time, etc. Now that you have the idea how to exercise your will — you may invent methods of your own, which will have the same effect. Although these suggestions seem very simple, yet they will develop your will power and personality to a marvelous degree. (Do not make the mistake, however, of doing as many people do, "Keeping up on your will, or forcing your body to do that which it is not able to do — be good to your- self ; give your body proper care and it will be able to do all that is required. REASON The law of development is scientific exercise. To develop the reason, it is necessary to read books that require thought and deep concentration. Never waste your time on trashy literature. The Bible is the best book in the world for mental as well as Spiritual development. (If men would spend as much time in reading their Bibles as they do the newspaper they would be much better every way.) Mathematics is a good exercise for men- tal gymnastics, especially working out problems in the mind, — adding, subtracting, multiplying, without the use of pencil or paper, is excellent work. Many people think when they finish school that no more study is necessary. On the same principle if an athlete develops a strong body and then stops working, his muscles grow week and atrophied. Likewise the mind grows weak, if we stop exercising it. Make it a rule of your life to study, at least a half hour a day, and your brain will increase in a manner which will surprise you. (When you have a few spare minutes, — while on a car, or waiting for one, practice adding or subtracting in your mind, your brain power will develop wonderfully. "Many people do not think at all, they think they think." For every condition there is a first cause, — always try to find it. The analytical mind desires a reason, and will not be satisfied until one has been found which satisfies it in every particular. MEMORY The memory is in the subjective mind; however, it is subject to the same law of development as the will power and reason, or in fact any fac- ulty of the mind or body. All are developed by use and exercise. Memorizing anything strengthens the memory. Make it a point to commit to memory something every day — a poem, a quotation, best of all a verse or a chapter of scripture. By doing this you soon become possessed with mental as well as spiritual wealth. Throw away your note books, in which you write notes. You want to remember, they act like crutches. Make your memory work, do not assist it too much. There are courses on training the memory, also the will power, — these are very good and I would advise you to procure them although I have given you the laws and principles and you can invent many exercises for yourself, thus developing originality. We now come to the study of nerve energy. In every healthy individual there should be 100' ; of nerve energy, or human electricity, which is only generated by rest and sleep; also by the practice of the formulas which I shall give you. Nerve force is the vital and propelling force of the body; — every morning if in a normal condition we have 100 per cent. In the evening — we may go down to 80 or 90 per cent depending upon the degree to which we have used our forces during the day. As this is the most important force of our lives I want you to have a perfect understanding of it and learn how to generate it at will, hence I will illustrate it. Please get into your minds a picture of a thermometer. The mercury in it goes down or up with every change of temperature — so the nerve energy is down or up, with every change in your life. In many people it is down to 80 or 90 per cent nearly all the time. This causes them to be weak, indolent, and subject to any disease which comes along. It takes the full amount to operate all the organs of the body, but if a deficiency occurs the Prisoner or subjective mind, who controls all the bodily func- tions — has not enough force with which to operate all the organs, so in order to compensate, he has to rob some organ of energy, in order to keep the person alive. In absolute wisdom he robs the one, who can best spare it, — usually the stomach or intestines. He protects the vital organs, the heart, lungs, kidneys, and brain, in every way possible in order that life may be maintained. Hurry, worry, dissipation, loss of sleep, etc., depletes the nerve energy, and if it is not soon regenerated, one goes down in a state of weakness or total collapse. It is like a bank account. Supposing we have $100 in the bank. We draw out $10 and put $5 back every day. How long would our $100 remain in the bank? Nerve energy is the connecting link between the two minds, — depletion separates the soul from the natural mind. HOW TO GENERATE NERVE ENERGY Formula No. 1 RELAXATION PLUS PASSIVITY PLUS FIXATION of attention, equals RECUPERATION. Keep in your mind the idea of recuperation. Formula No. 2 When thought ceases the blood and nerve energy leave the brain, and rush to the surface of the skin all over the body. There the pores and ducts open up, and drink in the electric properties from the atmosphere. On awakening this energy is conveyed by the nervous system and circulation 19 back to the brain and nerve centers, where it is stored ready for use. (The more we have of this vital fluid the stronger the personality, — the greater the power, mentally and physically.) EXPLANATION Sit or lie down and relax perfectly. Fix the eyes, passively on one object or let them wander from one object to another. "No two things can occupy the same space at the same time," neither can any two thoughts occupy the same space at the same time. This exercise will stop thought. Do not maintain any tension, keep quiet and passive. Do not strain the eyes. Move head slowly to the right. Exhale while moving head slowly to the left. Inhale while raising right arm slowly. Exhale while lowering right arm. Repeat with left arm. Take same exercise with limbs. Open and close eyes, inhaling and exhaling while opening and closing them ; close one eye and look at end of the nose while inhaling ; close other eye and look at the end of nose while exhaling. By this time one should feel a tingling sensation all over the body, especially in the arms, hands and limbs, and he should be in a semiconscious condition. If he is not, repeat the exercise. This exercise should occupy from fifteen minutes to one half an hour, and may be taken at any time, but it is better to have a regular hour, for generating nerve energy every day. This formula will be worth thousands of dollars to you, when you learn to accomplish it successfully. When aroused you should feel as though you had taken a good refreshing nap, and the nerve energy should be up to the 100'; mark, sometimes it may run over to 105 or 110'; — then we may help our weak brother or sister, by holding their hands in both of ours, and imparting our strength to them. Always conserve your energy. Never waste your energy. To husband your forces practice the following: 1. Slow deliberate movements. 2. Op- timistic, happy frame of mind. 3. Never let trifles or annoying occur- rences trouble you. 4. Be content with what you have. 5. Pray without ceasing." 6. "Wait on the Lord." 7. Love and not hate. 8. "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness and all things will be added unto you." PSYCHICS AND NON-PSYCHICS There are two classes of people in the world other than the positive and the negative. These are called the Psychic and Non-Psychic. The Psychics are the natural people. These may be told by four indications. 1. The large luminous child's eye. 2. The flat top of the head. 3. The full temples. 4. By pressure from one to four minutes on the ulner nerve, in the hand. If a tingling sensation is experienced from the point of pressure to the base of the brain it indicates a natural Psychic. The Psychics usually assent to all you say while in converation with them. The Non-Psychics are hard to influence and have to have a reason for everything. They very often antagonize you. A Psychic child seldom 20 needs punishment. You can influence him by positive suggestions making him almost anything you wish to become, by positively suggesting to him, "Johnny you are going to be the best boy in California to-day." "You will never smoke, drink or do the bad things some boys do." You will always mind father, etc. You are going to study hard; save your money; be a preacher or a doctor," etc. Look him straight in the eyes and use powerful, positive suggestion. Many parents ignorant of these wonderful laws of suggestion, are ruining for life their children by telling them they are mean, ugly, selfish, they are going to the bad, — calling them nick-names, which annoy them, etc., etc. Such names as "Dearie," "Darling," "Honey," "Sweetheart," have an excellent psychological effect on the mind of the child, and should always be used by the parents. HOW TO HAVE A MAGNETIC PERSONALITY 1. Always think of the happiness and best welfare of others. 2. Cul- tivate the habit of seeing the good, not the evil in your friends. 3. Be kind hearted and considerate. 4. Strive to please, by your manner, appearance, and personality. 5. Study yourself in the mirror and cultivate a pleasant expression. 6. Cultivate a beautiful speaking voice. 7. Cultivate a win- ning smile. It may well be worth your while You may many hearts beguile With your smile, with your smile. You can banish clouds away Change the darkness into day Cheer the traveler on his way With your smile, with your smile. THOUGHT PRECEDES ACTION Your thoughts create your atmosphere or the Aurora which surrounds you. Always think bright, happy, loving, optimistic thoughts. Expect the good — never the evil — for we usually get what we expect or what we fear. Think love, joy, peace, happiness, abundance, health, strength, vigor, courage, bravery, and be thankful for everything. Commit the 150th Psalm to memory, and repeat it often. You will soon find your dif- ficulties vanishing as the mist before the morning sun. In closing, I will give you some rules, which I have already given, but will do well to repeat. 1. Be poised. 2. Be balanced. 3. Imitate the natural. 4. Repetition increases the power of suggestion whether to yourself or another person; 5. Cultivate habits of order and system. 6. Never worry or have the blues. 21 7. Never tell your troubles. 8. Husband your forces. 9. Downward ges- tures increase the power of suggestion. 10. Have a place for everything and everything in its place. Read and make a study of the Bible. WHAT TO AVOID 1. Cheap, trashy literature. 2. Tobacco, liquor, drugs, tea, coffee, pork and oysters. 3. Slang and careless language (swearing). 4. Evil associa- tions and negative people. 5. High heels, corsets, tight bands, any clothing which is uncomfortable. 6. Lying in bed after awaking in the morning, it is debilitating. With one Bible verse I will close. If you follow this line of thought you will certainly have no trouble in right thinking. "Whatsoever things are true; whatsoever things are honest, whatso- ever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things." Philippians 4-8. MRS. ADELLE HOWLAND, Psychologist and Health Culturist. 22 THIRD LECTURE THE SOUL "^^"\HEN climbing to the top of a lofty mountain peak we ascend the \A/ heights and gaze on the supernal beauty of the scene around and below us, we become enveloped with a sense of awe, wonder and deep and holy reverence. Before our vision lies vistas of a world we have never yet explored. So today, in the realm of Physical research we are approaching a world con- cerning which we have had but little cognizance in the past, but now the veil is lifted for one brief second, that we may look beyond and see that which hitherto has been unseen and unknown. To study the Soul and the Spirit, seems to me like treading on holy ground and I feel most unworthy to be intrusted with the secrets which have been given to me, and that I am about to impart to you. But that is my mission. We have found in our first lecture how to live in harmony with natural law so as to be healthy, happy and successful, also how to overcome dis- ease, and to practically rebuild our body. In our second lecture we learned the laws and workings of the mind — how to develop and unfold the objec- tive mind, how to generate nerve energy, which is the connecting link be- tween the two minds. Now we come to the study of this very strange person whom we have named the Prisoner. In order to study the Soul, we will have to consult science and the Bible and ask for Divine inspiration ; as we cannot perceive the Soul with any of our five senses, but one the sense of feeling. When the canal was cut through the Isthmus of Panama some years ago, our two oceans, the Pacific on the west side, and the Atlantic on the east, met and kissed each other. Today I hold to the fact that science and the Bible, have met and shaken hands together in our present study of Spiritual Psychology. Scientific investigation has long since established the fact of the duality or the dou- bleness of man. The Bible teaches us that "There is a natural body, and there is a Spiritual body." Scientific investigation has proved that the Soul can live independent of the body, through the statements of men and women who were honest and truthful, and have had the experience of lying for hours in a trance- 25 like condition, and upon their resuscitation, have corroborated each other's statements that they were alive and able to travel through space, and told of incidents and events which transpired while they were in that condition. (My father-in-law, a godly man, made the statement to his wife an hour before his death, that he had gone out of his body, had seen it lying on the bed. It is very hard for a materialistic person to understand what cannot be conceived with the five senses. If we will stop and reason with our- selves, we will find we can perceive the Soul with the sense of feeling. Did you ever have your conscience trouble you ? You felt your Soul. Did you ever experience any great joy or sorrow? You felt your Soul. Did you ever sincerely love anyone? You felt your Soul. Did you ever have any deep longings which were not physical ? You felt your Soul. The subjective mind, soul or prisoner is imprisoned in this house or body and cannot leave it permanently until the oxygen leaves the lungs. We have found through our study of the natural man, that his body is com- posed of atoms or cells, which return to atoms when the life is gone. Its enabling forces are blood and nerve energy. His end is death. Not so with the soul ; he has a body also — in size and shape a little larger than the natural body. He never sleeps, and never dies, but flies away the moment the oxygen has left the lungs. He is the real man — the Ego — the "I am." We have found, thus far that he contains the memory — which is absolutely perfect, — he keeps a perfect record of all events and incidents of the life — and every night he turns over a page and in the morning we have a fresh page pure and white. He has everything which has ever happened in your life written down in this immense book — (I have also a reason for believing that every event which will transpire in your life, is written down in possibly another book, and the mind is like a spool of thread which unwinds a little every day) . In case of fever or great mental agitation it sometimes unwinds faster than ordinary and often those in delirium or mental stress can see events which will occur in the future. This is also explanatory of the method by which clairvoyants, or for- tune tellers (so called) can tell future events with accuracy. They read the sub-conscious mind, while one is in a condition of passivity, usually with the attention fixed on cards or the palm of the hands, a tea cup, etc., etc. It is not all fakery, but a scientific fact of great significance. The Soul also contains the heart, which is the seat of all emotion. It also contains the conscience. The sense of right and wrong. The state of our happiness or our unhappiness is in the Soul. If your Soul is happy, you are happy. If your Soul is unhappy, you are miserable no matter how much wealth or health, or material conditions you may have to make you so, you are un- happy if your soul is unhappy. (We have all seen invalids, and those hav- ing everything in the world to make them miserable, with bright, smiling, happy faces. Have we not ? And we have seen the reverse. The Soul was happy and satisfied in the one, and miserable in the other. 26 So we have found the Soul contains the memory — the heart, the seat of the emotions, — also the conscience, that he never sleeps and never dies, that in substance he is like a sheet of wax which can be molded in any shape. How necessary it becomes, that the soul be molded in the right shape — that it be not dwarfed or misshapen. How is it molded in shape? By the power of suggestion, both by our own objective mind, and by the suggestions of others. The more positive one is, and the stronger the will, the more potent are the suggestions. Oh, how necessary it becomes that we know how to make the right suggestions in order to mold this Soul in the right way. The little plastic mind of the child is molded almost entirely by the parents and teachers. We have found the Soul has a body, this is called the celestial body, in the Bible — "There are bodies celestial and bodies terrestrial." 1 Cor. 15-40. This body never wears out, or is sick, or ever dies ; it is lighter than air and floats upon it, and travels through it, as a fish in water. It is said that it is the Soul who builds the body or house in which he lives. Starting with one cell which is called (protoplasm). He operates all the functions of the body, working through the nervous force and blood, recreating and rebuilding it. While the jailer is asleep he is on guard carefully watching the jail or body keeping it in running condition, very much like the engineer of a train. If we can avoid the jailer or objective mind, we can sometimes come in touch with the Prisoner, or Soul who will obey our commands, providing we make them strong and powerful enough. Thus we may influence one for good in the way of overcoming bad habits, or in leading them to a higher life, etc. HOW TO WRITE INSPIRATIONALLY Lie down and go into a state of passivity; form into your mind the subject matter of that which you wish to write. Then listen attentively to the voice of the Soul. Soon you may be able to hear in your mind, a sen- tence which you must write down at once; listen silently again and you may hear the next sentence. Soon you will be able to write down what comes to you as though you were taking down dictation. CAUTION Often unprincipled men use the laws of the mind on their unwary victims without their knowledge and against their will, and before you know it you may be cheated out of money or property. To avoid anyone influencing you never let him look you straight in the eyes while talking to you. You will thus protect yourself from being unduly influenced. It is very hard to reason while the eyes are fixed on one thing. You go into a state of passivity as soon as you do this, thus starting to generate energy, as we learned in our last lecture. 27 How We May Use the Soul for Our Benefit It is said that the Soul may travel when we are asleep or in a state of passivity. Many psychics claim to have seen strange phenomena, and we cannot doubt their word. What they have seen is the Soul of those who are traveling while asleep, whether they have seen the Souls of those who have passed out of their bodies, or after death, I am not prepared to say — I do not see why it could not be possible, still spiritualism is a dangerous thing and the Bible tells us to let it alone. SOUL TRAVELING By giving yourself a positive suggestion just before going to sleep that you will go to a certain place, see a person whom you would like to see, gain information which you want to know, etc., etc., you will sometimes find the next day, that the information you desired will come to your mind, possibly upon first awakening in the morning, or you may ask a question and the correct answer will come to your mind as you awaken. MENTAL TELEPATHY When two minds are in perfect enrapport, or connection with each other, it is possible for them to send telepathic messages to one another, especially when one is in a positive and the other a negative condition. When one is generating nerve energy, if he fixes his mind on the message he wishes to convey to the other party, it may be received by the other, providing he is in a passive condition at the same time. There seems to be no limit to the possibilities which lie within the subjective mind. Its knowledge is infinite, why should it not be when God created it? — the natural man was created out of the dust of the ground, "And God breathed into man the breath of life and man became a living Soul." Gen. 2-7. And now comes the X-ray picture, which I shrink from showing you, as a wise surgeon would shrink from telling a patient of a fatal disease which had fastened itself upon him, but as is in the case of the surgeon, the malady would not seem bad at all if he had a sure and certain remedy. And before I show you the picture I am going to tell you that there is a remedy which will make you the happiest person in the world if you will accept it. We have found from our studies that the life of the natural man or jailer is in the blood and nerve energy. Now I want to ask you a ques- tion. What is the life or enabling forces of the Soul ? In the natural state it is the Spirit of God — its Father, — just the same as the natural life of our earthly father is in all of us. But why this restless uneasiness, this unsatisfied longing, this Soul hunger in the majority of people about us every day? Why do people use tobacco, liquor, drugs, narcotics, go to theatres, card parties and what not, to stifle this great yearning, this longing within them? We have all had it — we are all guilty. 28 Some people remind me of a mother who had left a tender baby to starve while she went to dances, took to drinking and a life of gaiety to forget and drown from her mind its pitiful moaning and wailing. The picture is not pleasant, is it? But what is the matter with this Prisoner, the Soul? The matter is that in the majority of people he is dead. The Spirit of God, his natural life, has been withdrawn, and he is in a dead, lost and hopeless condition. No wonder people are driven to distraction by his pitiful moaning and wailing; it is the voice of a lost Soul. This is the abso- lute truth in the light of God's word and our own personal experience. But you ask, how came this Soul to be dead, why did it die, what is the trouble ? We are all familiar with the story of the fall in the Garden of Eden. Gen. 3. How God said to Adam and Eve, "In the day thou eatest of that tree thou shalt surely die." Eve ate of the tree, and gave also to her husband and he did eat. Did they die ? Yes, they died. Well you say, but Adam lived hundreds of years after that, how is it he died ? Listen. In the Bible it says, "The Soul that sinneth it shall die." Ezekiel 18-4. Again in Hebrews 4-12 it says, "The word of God is quick and power- ful, and sharper than any two edged sword piercing even to the dividing asunder of Soul and Spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and the intents of the heart." Again in I Tim. 5-6 we find these words, "She who liveth in pleasure is dead while she liveth." We also find these words, in Eph. 2-1, "And you hath he quickened who were dead in trespasses and sins." What did we find the natural life of the Soul to be? The Spirit of God. What then happened in the Garden of Eden ? The Spirit of God was withdrawn from the Soul of man. What then is the matter with man? He has a dead Soul. But you ask would not the withdrawing of the Spirit of God, from the Soul of man, cause the immediate death of the body also ? Evidently not, or the race would have become extinct. God had in his mind a plan for the restoration of man's soul, otherwise he probably would have caused the death of the body at the same time. But nature abhors a vacuum, so the devil, the tempter, was on hand and entered the Soul of man and injected his life full of sin. We have found from our studies that the Soul contains the seat of emotion; the conscience; the heart which is the seat of the motives and intents of the man — the thoughts are manufactured in the heart, for the Bible says "Out of the heart proceedeth evil thoughts," etc., and speaks in other places of the thoughts of the heart. Therefore when the spirit of the devil entered the Soul of man, he changed the thought; from pure, sweet, holy thoughts they became evil and corrupt. He, the devil, became the spiritual father of the whole race, and from having the natural life of God in our Souls, we have the unnatural spirit of the evil one — which is not life but death, — as the "devil has the power of death" — therefore he is 29 causing us to have : 1. Evil thoughts. 2. Wrong desires. 3. He causes us to violate every law of nature, which makes us to be sick, unhappy, etc. He is bent on the destruction of the body and he usually accomplishes it as early as possible. The average life is said to be only about thirty-three and one-third years. When a wise surgeon has found the cause of a disease, he rejoices be- cause he knows if the case is not incurable he has the remedy. So we can now rejoice because we have found the cause of our trouble and what is the matter with us ; God has the remedy, which he is only waiting to apply to our sin-sick or dead Soul. Did you ever see a baby stretch up its tiny arms to its mother, when it had hurt its little finger? Oh how the mother reaches down and takes the little one up in her arms and coddles and consoles it. Just that way does God reach down to us, when the Soul cries, and lifts up its arms to Him. He then reaches down, and for Jesus' sake (because he paid the price of our redemption) or to have the Spirit put back into our dead Soul, and also that the whole world might have "Light and immortality brought to light." He destroys the Spirit of the evil one, who has usurped His place in our Souls, with a breath at His coming and again puts His Spirit within us — then there comes a change. Oh joy, oh gladness, this hungry, dissatisfied, discontented Soul is at last at rest and peace — the thoughts change, — the countenance changes, the body changes, — for sorrow, there is joy, peace and gladness. Old things pass away, all things become new. Oh joy — Oh rapture. This is a scientific explanation of the change which takes place when one is converted or begotten of the Spirit. What it means to be born of the Spirit, and for the complete develop- ment and unfoldment of the Spiritual nature, also the explanation of the fall of man and the redemption work of Christ, by His death on Calvary, will be the theme of our next lecture. The top story of the house — the Spiritual. Then our whole structure will be completed. 30 FOURTH LECTURE SPIRITUAL IN our three preceding lectures on Spiritual Psychology we have been engaging our attention to the development and cultivation of the man, in our efforts to make of ourselves a super-man, or a superior person. In this lecture we are going to learn how it is possible for us to not only be a super-man but how God can make of us a God-man so we may live forever in happiness and bliss. We are coming into a new and more rarefied atmosphere as we ap- proach the study of the Spiritual. We are indeed treading on holy ground. We now have scaled the heights and have ascended to the top of the moun- tain where the grandeur and sublimity of the scene about us fills and thrills us with wonder, awe, and deep and holy reverence. The question we should ask ourselves is this. Is my Soul regener- ated, or is it not ? If it has been and you are sure of it, you have nothing to worry about. If it has not been you have everything to worry about, and I would not let one hour, no not a minute pass until I were sure of the condition my Soul was in. Delays are dangerous, and it takes very little to extract the oxygen from the lungs. When seeking for regeneration we must remember it is the prisoner or Soul, who is seeking God, — the natural man is doomed to death and destruction. The desire must spring from the Soul, or heart ; — it must be a Soul, heart cry for God, else He will not an- swer us. "When ye seek me with your whole heart ye shall find me." Supposing you were out in a desert, dying of thirst and a caravan came along having water, you would not casually ask for a drink, but you would ask as if your life depended on it. "For mercy sake give me a drink!" This is the method by which we must ask God for regeneration. Again to receive from God His Divine life, we must not ask for our own sake, (be- cause we have done nothing to merit eternal life) but we must ask for Jesus's sake, and in His name, because He has given His life for us, that we might have this wonderful gift. And there is no other name by which we can have access to the throne of God but by the name of Jesus. We cannot just recognize that we are God's children, as the Scientists do, and be saved, for we are not God's children until we have the Spirit or life of God in our dead Souls, as we learned in our last lecture. Supposing we wanted to see President Hard- 33 ing, — we could not go to the White House and ask to see the President, — no we would have to see his secretary first; so to find God we must come in the name of His Only Begotten Son Jesus. We have found from our studies that the Soul never sleeps and never dies, in the sense of going out of existence, neither can it be destroyed, unless God chooses to destroy it. After the death of the body it lives on and on, — either in happiness or extreme unhappiness — Heaven or Hell. If it has been regenerated, by the Spirit of God — its natural life, in Heaven — bliss — contentment. If regeneration has been neglected, in Hell, unhappy- ness, sorrow, regret, remorse. "How can we expect to escape if we neglect so great a salvation ?" In our studies in our Mental lecture we have found there are two classes of people in the world, — the Positive and the Negative ; the Psychic and the Non-Psychic. In the Spiritual realm we again have two classes of people. The Bible has for them a number of names. Christ called them sheep and goats ; in Paul's epistles and other parts of the New Testament they are called the children of light and the children of darkness; the dead and the living ; the children of day — and children of night ; the children of God and the children of the devil — the saint and the sinner. Were I to ask one hundred ministers of the gospel for a scientific ex- planation of the change which transpires, when a sinner is made a saint I do not believe one could give it unless he has studied spiritual psychology, (but we understand just what this means, do we not?). Now I would like to show you a picture, — not an X-ray one this time, but a simple, ordinary street parade or procession, which may be seen any time on Labor Day or New Year's. They are a mixed multitude, all dressed in ordinary attire, with one exception. Each have about their necks an emblem, an electric light bulb; this is fastened upon the breast of each one, by the means of a white ribbon about their necks, so it is in plain sight of all. They march on keeping step to the music, which is played by a band following behind in a band wagon. We watch them as they pass, keeping time, step by step wondering greatly why they have the simple contrivance upon their person, when suddenly we see one globe which is lighted — there is no wire or apparatus of any kind visible — yet it is lighted; on and on they pass, and there is another lighted, and another and another, until out of a hundred people having these globes about them, there are possibly twenty or twenty-five lighted. Brother, sister, could we but see the Souls of the people who pass by on our streets every day, they would appear very much like this simple il- lustration. The people whose lamps are lighted are the regenerated Souls. The Bible calls them the sheep, the children of light, the living, the children of day, the children of God, the saints. The ones who have no light are the dead, or unregenerated Souls. The word speaks of them in many places as the goats, the children of night ; children of darkness, the children of the devil, the sinner. 34 Here I differ with much of our present day teaching and the opinions of many very brilliant people who say that God is within — born within the human Soul — it may be in a child, but as soon as that child sins, the light is shut off for "All have sinned and come short of the Glory of God." If the Bible is true, and I stake my life on the fact that it is, as will thousands of thorough Bible students all over the U. S. and Europe, the Soul is in a dead and unregenerated state, until acted upon by the Spirit of God, and I want to say right here that it is as impossible for a man to restore his own Soul by his own good works or anything he can do, as it is for a new born baby to arise and dress himself. No one can restore the Soul or put life into it but God, neither can anyone destroy the Soul but God. We are entirely dependent upon His Mercy. "Fear not they who kill the body, but cannot kill the Soul, but fear Him who has power to destroy both Soul and body in Hell." Now I would like to show you another picture — this will be a very beautiful one. Let us travel back through history, back, back, thousands upon thousands of years to the Garden of Eden. 'Mid a scene of wondrous beauty, in a garden where tropical fernery and trees grew in profusion, where the fragrance of a million blossoming flowers pervaded the atmosphere; where the days were fairer than the fairest day known on earth, where the choruses of warbling birds in silver cadences sing from morn till evening; where wild animals were gentle and tame as our domesticated animals. Where streams of crys- tal water flowed, tinkling and rippling, winding their way through green beds of fernery. Where trees, luxuriant, blossoming and fruitful, yield all the food which man required to sustain his never ending life. Where never rain or storm, or wind or cloud arose to disturb the wondrous beauty and harmony of the primitive paradise upon earth. Here in divine and tender compassion God created for His own pleasure, His son Adam, "In His own image created He him." When He had finished all His creation He pronounced it good, very good. Then Adam was lonesome and God created him a mate — a counterpart of himself — taken out of his side — bone of his bone, flesh of his flesh, and oh how he loved her! — there were no divorces in Eden — simply a blending of two lives which God had divinely appointed for each other. Here in this beautiful Garden, — in perfect har- mony with God — in harmony with each other, in harmony with nature, not subject to disease, or death, living on all the fruits of the garden, — only one was forbidden, — could you imagine a more exquisite Heaven than this ? One day there came a change. The devil in the form of a serpent suggested to Eve. Gen. 3-1. "Hast God said, Ye shall not eat of all the trees of the Garden." The woman re- plying said, "We may eat of all the trees of the garden; but of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden God hath said, ye shall not eat of it neither shall ye touch it lest ye die." (God said nothing about touching the tree, in this she did not quote God's Word correctly) and the devil saw his vantage ground, and said "Ye shall not surely die." "For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, 35 then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as Gods knowing good and evil." And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof and did eat, and gave also unto her husband and he did eat. "And their eyes were opened, and they knew they were naked." (With this we will take another scripture.) "The Soul that sinneth it shall die — God said "In the day thou eatest of that tree thou shalt surely die." "He restoreth my Soul" (showing it had been dead). (Sin had entered and the Soul had died.) And they knew they were naked, and they sewed fig leaves together and made them aprons. And they heard the voice of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of day, and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God, amongst the trees of the Garden. And the Lord God called unto Adam and said unto him, Where art thou? And he said I heard thy voice in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked, and I hid my- self. And he said who told thee thou wast naked ? Hast thou eaten of the tree whereof I commanded thee that thou shouldst not eat? And the man said "The woman thou gavest to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I did eat. (Isn't that just like human nature, to blame some other person for our own sin?) And the Lord God said unto the woman "What is this that thou hast done ? And the woman said, "The serpent beguiled me, and I did eat." (Eve followed Adam's example by blaming the serpent for her sin.) Is this allegorical, or simply a story of fiction? No indeed, it is not, if it is then the whole Bible is not true, and we have no hope whatever for our faith. (If they had then fallen upon their faces, confessed their sin and begged God for forgiveness, possibly He would have made their punish- ment lighter, or revoked it entirely, but they did not do this, nor did they show any repentance or sorrow whatsoever, for their sin.) But as God's Spirit had been withdrawn from their Souls and the Holy Spirit had not yet been given to draw men's hearts back to God, there was not the Spirit of repentance. Then followed God's curse, first upon the serpent ; then upon the woman, then upon Adam ; then upon the ground ; for man's sake — and later upon the whole creation — for "The Whole Crea- tion groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now." Although nature is in harmony with the laws of God as we learned in our first lecture, yet all creation is under the curse (temporarily, how- ever) for the time is fast approaching when the "Desert will blossom as a rose" — and the curse will be removed as we will learn later. Before God drove Adam and Eve out of the beautiful Garden wherein they were cre- ated, He gave them a promise, in obscure language, Gen. 3-15. "And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed, it shall bruise thy head and thou shalt bruise his heel." In other words God said, "From the woman shall I raise up a seed (Christ) who shall destroy what the devil or serpent has done." 36 • • • • •• And the Lord God said, "Behold the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil and now lest he put forth his hand and take also of the tree of life and eat, and live forever." Therefore the Lord God sent him forth from the Garden of Eden, to till the ground from whence he was taken. The condition of Adam and Eve when they were driven out of Eden has been the condition the world has been in for six thousand years. A dead Soul — a dying body — the ground cursed, so it is a struggle to make a living. Generations growing weaker and wiser — in the early days men lived to be 800 or 900 years old, now the average life is thirty-three and one-third years. Unless there is some change, the race will be extinct with a few more generations. But a change is coming, thank God. God has not forgotten his promise, and in due time there came one who was born of a woman, after the flesh, whose Father was God. Matt. 1-23. "Behold a virgin shall be with child and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is God with us, and he shall save his people from their sins." Long had the Prophets heralded the glad cry of the coming Saviour of the world, and on that memorable night the Angels appeared to the Shep- herds — with the message "For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour who is Christ the Lord." "Peace on earth Good Will to- ward men." "But he came to His own and His own received Him not, — but as many as received Him to them gave He power to become the Sons of God, even to those who believe on His name" — Christ did not say that He came to show us that we were Sons of God, all we had to do was to recognize it, as the Scientists would have us believe, but He gave us power through the New Birth to become Sons of God. He said to Nicodemus "Ye must be born again, in other words, "Have the Spirit of God replaced in your dead — or devil inhabited Souls. This is the meaning of the term justifica- tion, forgiveness of sins, etc. Christ's death on the cross purchased for us redemption of spirit, soul and body. We are all familiar with His life and sacrificial death. How He established His Divinity as a Son of God by the performance of many and various miracles — raising the dead, healing the sick, turning water into wine, stilling the tempests, casting out demons, feeding multitudes with a few loaves and fishes, walking on the water, etc., etc. After His work had been completed He died to pay our death penalty and to redeem us from sin. After lying in the grave three days, He arose with a glorious resurrection from the dead. He was then seen by hundreds of people, after which time He ascended into Heaven. "For God so loved the world that He gave His Only Begotten Son that whoso- ever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." John 3-16. Many people have censured God for giving His Own Son to be mar- tyred, in the world; but Jesus gave Himself freely to the world, and did it for the joy that was set before Him. "Who for the joy that was set 37 before Him endured the cross, — despised the shame, and because He has done this work of redemption, God has given Him a name above all other names, "For at the name of Jesus, every knee shall bow, and every tongue shall confess, that He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Many people are in complete darkness concerning the redemption, the atonement. In the study of the character of God we find Him pos- sessed with many attributes. God as a Creator — is a God of Infinite In- telligence. We have already found He operates through fixed immutable law — Spiritual laws and natural laws. We have found Him to be a God of harmony, order, system, rhythm, love and fixed, immutable, unchange- able law. As a Father we have found Him to possess all the love, tenderness, solicitousness of the father and mother combined, "Like as a father piti- eth his children so the Lord pitieth them who fear Him." As a judge — we have not yet considered Him. Supposing in our Superior Court in Los Angeles we have a judge in jurisdiction over a Criminal Court, in whom we place great confidence as a man of authority, integrity, honor and justice. A crime has been committed. The author of the crime has been proven guilty by a number of competent witnesses, he himself having pleaded guilty. Supposing the sentence for such a crime was life time im- prisonment in the penitentiary. What would we think of the judge, if he frankly forgave the man and allowed the guilty man to go free? Certainly he would not keep his position very long. God is a just Judge — He made a command, and gave the penalty. Man violated the command — disobeyed God, was found guilty. The sentence must be carried out to satisfy Divine justice. The price of sin must be paid. There must be a sacrifice. "The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ." "Without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sin." So Jesus offered himself, to pay the redemption price of our transgression. The just for the unjust, that through His sacrificial death on the cross, we might go free. When Christ on the cross said, "It is finished," He had satisfied Divine justice, purchased our redemption with His own precious blood. But it was a great joy to Him to do this, — and He likened His joy to "A woman in travail who hath sorrow, but as soon as she is delivered she has joy for a man child is brought into the world." And because of His great sacrifice "Whosoever will may come and take of the water of life freely." And this is not all He has done. For within a short time, — we cannot tell how long — all the indications are that it will be within a few years — this "Same Jesus will come again in like manner as ye have seen Him go" — then "The dead in Christ shall rise, and we that are alive and remain shall be caught up to meet Him in the air" — then the curse shall be removed, "Old things shall pass away and behold all things will become new." "Nations shall beat their swords into plow 38 • •. . . • . •• • • • shares and their spears into pruning hooks," — then the "desert shall blos- som as a rose," — "The lamb and the lion shall lie down together," and there will be one thousand years of peace on earth, good will to men. From our studies we have found the law of development to be sys- tematic exercise. The law of growth is the consumption of food. Faith is the law of the Spiritual Life. We are now assuming that the union be- tween our Soul and God has taken place — we have repented, or turned away from our sins, accepted Christ as our personal Saviour, and have sought God with our whole heart, and we now have our sins forgiven, and we have been begotten of the Spirit within our Souls, as it were, a "Baby Spirit" which must be cared for and tenderly nourished, or else it will not grow and flourish. Its food is: 1. The reading of God's Word. 2. The associa- tion of God's people — Christians, and personal testimony. 3. The Com- munion with Christ. 4. The life of prayer. 5. The overcoming of tempta- tions which will come upon us from the world, the flesh and the devil. 6. The obedience in every particular to God's Word. 7. The yielding of our will, our lives — even our bodies to the Spirit of God within our Souls. As we do this the Spiritual Life grows larger and larger, while the old man grows less and less. The Prisoner or Soul, now behind the bars, writing his eternal record, — caring for the body — operating all its functions, containing the heart the seat of emotion, is at last filled with Divine life — His natural life — He is no more sorrowful or sad, his life is full of joy, peace, happiness and satisfaction — He knows all things and, he realizes in only a short time he will be free to fly away to his eternal abode to live in peace, happiness, and bliss forever. No wonder the true Christians have a joy, a peace, a happiness the world cannot understand. They are the most satisfied people on earth be- cause their Soul has been restored and they are now as Adam and Eve in Eden's Garden. In harmony with God and filled with His Spirit; in har- mony with their fellow-men — and only awaiting the redemption of their bodies. THE END 39 46419 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY