THE TEAM LEFT THE ROADWAY, AND THE NEXT INSTANT HAD CRASHED THROUGH A FRAIL RAIL-FENCE. Page 24. H>ar>e porter Series DAVE PORTER AND HIS DOUBLE OR THE DISAPPEAKANCE OF THE BASSWOOD FORTUNE BY EDWARD STRATEMEYER Author of " Dave Porter at Oak Hall," " The Old Glory Series. " Colonial Series," " Pan-American Series," "Soldiers of Fortune Series," etc. ILLUSTRATED BY WALTER S. ROGERS BOSTON LOTHKOP, LEE & SHEPARD CO. Published, August, 1916 COPYRIGHT, 1916, BY LOTHROP, LEE & SHEPARD Co. All rights reserved DAVE PORTER AND HIS DOUBLE Norwood press BERWICK & SMITH CO. NORWOOD, MASS. 17. S. A. SRLE .URL 51409LZ PREFACE " DAVE PORTER AND His DOUBLE " is a com- plete story in itself, but forms the twelfth volume in a line issued under the general title of " Dave Porter Series." This series was begun some years ago by the publication of " Dave Porter at Oak Hall," in which my young readers were introduced to a wide-awake American lad at a typical American boarding-school. The publication of this volume was followed by " Dave Porter in the South Seas," to which portion of our globe the lad journeyed to clear up a question concerning his parentage. Next came " Dave Porter's Return to School," telling of additional happenings at Oak Hall; " Dave Porter in the Far North," where he went on a second journey looking for his father; " Dave Por- ter and His Classmates," in which our young hero showed what he could do under most trying cir- cumstances; "Dave Porter at Star Ranch," in which he took part in many strenuous adventures in the Wild West ; " Dave Porter and His Rivals," in which the youth outwitted some of his PREFACE old-time enemies ; " Dave Porter on Cave Island," giving the details of a remarkable sea voyage and strange doings ashore; "Dave Porter and the Runaways," in which the boy taught some of his school chums a much-needed lesson; " Dave Por- ter in the Gold Fields," whither he went in search of a lost mine; and finally " Dave Porter at Bear Camp," which was located in the Adirondack Mountains, and where we last left him. In the present volume we find our hero in a new field of activity. Having graduated from school, he has taken up the study of civil engineer- ing, and while engaged in that calling in Texas he becomes mixed up in most unusual happenings, the particulars of which are given in the pages that follow. Once more I wish to thank my young readers, and many of their parents, for all the kind things they have said regarding my stories. I trust that the reading of the present book will not only please but also profit the young folks. EDWARD STRATEMEYER. March I, 1916. CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGE I OFF FOR A SLEIGH-RIDE i II SOMETHING OF THE PAST .... 13 III THE TEAM THAT RAN AWAY ... 22 IV WARD PORTON AGAIN ..... 32 V WHAT ASA DICKLEY HAD TO SAY . . 42 VI MORE TROUBLE 53 VII FACE TO FACE 63 VIII THE BASSWOOD FORTUNE .... 72 IX SOMETHING ABOUT MINIATURES . . 82 X THE BIG SLEIGHING-PARTY ... 93 XI HELD BY THE BLIZZARD 104 XII TIM CRAPSEY'S PLOT 114 XIII WHAT WASHINGTON BONES HAD TO TELL 124 XIV MOVEMENTS OF THE ENEMY . . .133 XV THE RETURN TO CRUMVILLE . . .143 XVI How THE MINIATURES DISAPPEARED . 153 XVII A VAIN SEARCH . . . . . . . 163 XVIII THE CIVIL ENGINEERING EXAMINATION 173 XIX OFF FOR TEXAS 181 XX IN NEW YORK CITY 191 CHAPTER XXI CONTENTS PAGE DAVE IN WASHINGTON . . . . . 201 IN TEXAS AT LAST . . . . .. . 211 AT THE ENGINEERING CAMP .. ,., . 221 A MIDNIGHT ALARM . . , ; >., . 230 THE MEXICAN RAIDERS . . : . . 239 THE CHASE ON THE BRIDGE ... ; . . 249 ACROSS THE Rio GRANDE . . -., . 259 A STRANGE DISCOVERY . . ,. ,. . 269 THE CAPTURE ....... 278 THE FORTUNE RECOVERED CON- CLUSION . 288 ILLUSTRATIONS THE TEAM LEFT THE ROADWAY, AND THE NEXT IN- STANT HAD CRASHED THROUGH A FRAIL RAIL- WAY FENCE (Page 24) Frontispiece FACING PAGE HE SEIZED PORTON'S UPRAISED ARM AND BACKED THE FELLOW AGAINST A TREE 7