UC-NRLF SB 527 012 THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESENTED BY PROF. CHARLES A. KOFOID AND MRS. PRUDENCE W. KOFOID THE WORLD: OR FIRST LESSONS IN ASTRONOMY AID G-EOLOGY, SN CONNECTION WITH THE PRESENT AND PAST CONDITION OF 'OUR GLOBE, BY HAMII/rOH L,. SMITH, A. M. !LL- LIMESTONE, FROM THE MOUTH OF THE THAMES. (From MantelVs Medals of Creation) " The World is God'g Epistle to Mankind." Plato. CLEVELAND: M. C. YOUNGLOVE AND COMPANY. 1 848. .0 Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1848, BY HAMILTON L. SMITH, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the District of Ohio. 34,7 PREFACE. THE importance of the sciences of Astronomy and Geology, is acknowledged by every one. Few, however, find sufficient leisure to bestow upon these subjects much attention. They look upon the ponderous tomes which men of science have from time to time prepared, with a sort of indifference, as too learned for them. And yet, show any of these, a curious star in the heavens ; tell them of the wonders revealed by the telescope; ex- hibit to them, the impression of a fish in sandstone, or chalk; or show them through a microscope, the curious and distinctive structure of fossil teeth, or the infusoria in a fragment of flint ; and they will give willing attention. Since, then^ the subjects themselves are so interesting, so profitable, and withal harmless, we have endeavored with what success will hereafter appear to supply a desideratum long felt. The object of the present volume is to present in a popular manner, so much of Astrono- my, Meteorology, and Geology, as seemed desirable for everyone to know. While no pretensions are made to scientific accuracy, yet it is believed that the book will be found worthy of an atten- tive perusal. There is little to be gained by merely glancing here and there at a page; the knowledge thus obtained, if any, will be small, and soon lost. The attentive reader will, if the book be worth perusing at all, find sufficient to amply repay for the time thus spent. It should hardly be necessary for any one at this late day, to offer an apology in behalf of Geological studies, because of the fancied contradictions to the Mosaic chronology. Writers on this subject heretofore, have spent no little pains, in what we may well term, endeavoring to "make darkness visible." So apolo- gies were once offered fof Astronomy, when that noble science taught the diurnal and annual motions of the earth. We have felt called upon to make no such apology, but simply to state the VI PREFACE. facts, well convinced that true philosophy and religion go hand in hand, and that if "an undevout astronomer is mad,'* so must be an undevout geologist How vast, and how ennobling the ideas of Creative Power and Wisdom, which these sister sciences af- ford. The mind is overwhelmed by the immensity of creation, whether it strives to reach beyond the faintest and fartherest star yet discovered through optic glass, or whether it endeavors to reckon the years elapsed since the first granite rocks upreared their rugged steeps amid the primeval waters. Though we have gazed for whole nights at those dim streaks of nebulous matter in the heavens, at the planets, and revolving stars, when there were companions with us, no longer upon earth ; and though we have split open the sandstone shales, and picked out the fossil shells, and looked for hours at little fragments of fossils through the micro- scope, we do not feel our time as wasted, or wholly spent in vain, if we may be the means of communicating to others a knowledge of these pleasant subjects. However imperfect the execution of our work may be, yet to it we have given long and patient atten- tion. We cannot claim much merit for originality. Among the host of scientific men whose lives have been spent in original in- vestigations, it would be strange could we not find better illustra- tions than our own ; we are still but learners. Should the present attempt to produce a popular work upon Astronomy and Geology prove successful, it is anticipated follow- ing it up with a volume upon the planets and stars ; for in the present, only so much of Astronomy is presented as is necessary to understand the motions and general phenomena of our earth The chapters on fossil remains are not as many as might seem desirable; perhaps we may more perfectly and fully review the same subjects hereafter in another volume. It is but right to say that the engravings have all been executed in this city by Mr. J. Brainerd; and when we add that they are not from transfers, but from pencil drawings, they will be ac- knowledged as very creditable specimens of the artist's skill. Cleveland, August, 1848. INTRODUCTION. IT would be difficult for us to name a study more interesting than a history of the Earth, past and present ; for by a peculiar and distinct chain of causation, it unites the present with the re- mote past ; constantly urges us to look for the beginning of that state of things we have been contemplating; conducts us to the boundaries of physical science, and even gives us a glimpse of the regions beyond. The Astronomer looks upon the heavens as the type of eternity and immortality. The crystal spheres and orbs which he once imagined to exist, are, so far as stability and uniformity are con- cerned, now no longer necessary. A few simple motions, results of one law, controled by one Power Divine, sustains the mighty fabric. The Geologist looks upon the heavens and upon the earth as but everlasting; he comprehends that a thousand changes may come aver them, while still they move in their grand circles. To him the present configuration of land and sea is but one of the many changes through which the globe has passed, and he is prepared to admit that the whole human race may be swept away, and a new creation succeed ; such catastrophes have occurred. We ask in vain, whether other worlds are inhabited 7 no voice comes from those distant orbs to tell us of life , no eye can pene- trate so far; we turn then with a renewed zeal to study " the sci- ence of the changes which have taken place in the organic and inorganic kingdoms of nature," as developed on the surface of our own planet. The beginning; where shall the beginning be ? We endeavor in vain to penetrate the almost sepulchral stillness and darkness of the primeval world, and trace with certainty the origin of things. All that we can possibly know is the simple VU1 INTRODUCTION. truth "In the beginning, Jehovah created the heavens and the earth." Certainly there was a day Geology demonstrates this when nothing but barren rock and wide spread waters covered the globe. Who but Jehovah called into being the successive races of animal and vegetable life, which have flourished and died ? Whose eye but Jehovah's has seen the myriads of revo- lutions* during which the immense fossil-bearing beds were de- posited ? We cannot comprehend these things; "Our noisy years seem moments in the being Of the eternal silence." The granite pebble which we roll over, heedless and careless, is older by millions of years than the first created of our race; and when was that being created ? Questions like this, we are forced to say, we can no more answer, than we can tell the form, and number, of the inhabitants of the evening star. "But though philosophers have never yet demonstrated, and perhaps never will be able to demonstrate, what was that primitive state of things in the social and material worlds from which the progressive state took its first departure ; they can still, in all the lines of research, go very far back ; determine many of the remote circumstances of the past sequence of events ; ascend to a point which from our position at least, seems to be near the origin ; and exclude many suppositions respecting the origin it- self." And this is the boundary of human knowledge. TABLE OF CONTENTS, PART I. CHAPTER I. Page. Rotundity of the Earth Apparent motion of the Sun An- gles Measurement of a Degree, - 13 CHAPTER II. Apparent motions of the Planets Ptolemaic -System Measurement of Angles Diurnal revolution of the Earth Copernican System Phases of Venus Religion and Philosophy, 25 CHAPTER III. Parallax-2-Measurement of Distances Distance of the Moon, how determined Distance of the Sun Immensi- ty of Creation, -------- 39 CHAPTER IV. Time Dials and Clepsydra Siderial Day Transit Instru- ment Geology and Astronomy, - 45 CHAPTER V. The Calendar Length of the YearThe Ecliptic Preces- sion of the Equinoxes Julian Calendar Gregorian Cal- endar, .......53 CHAPTER VI. Right Ascension and Declination Sun Dials Dialing Di- als and Clocks, - - - 67 CHAPTER VII. Measurement of Time Equation of Time Longitude Quadrant Method of determining apparent Time, - - 77 X CONTENTS. CHAPTER V11I. Page Chronology Revolution of the Pole of the Ecliptic Preces- sion of the Equinoxes Egyptian Zodiacs, - - - 87 CHAPTER IX. Signs of the Zodiac Line of the Apsides Change of the eccentricity of the Earth's Orbit, - - - 97 CHAPTER X. The Seasons Declination of the Sun Equinoxes Divi- sion of the Earth into five Zones Sun's Path, - - 105 PART II. CHAPTER I. Meteorology Indications of the Weather Barometer Density of the Air Pressure of the Air Caswell's Bar- ometer, - - - -- . . . 115 CHAPTER II. Winds Temperature of Valleys Trade Winds Mon- soons Hurricanes The Sirrocco The Harmattan The Simoon, - - - - - - - - - 125 CHAPTER III. Clouds and Dew Formation^ Clouds Various kinds of Clouds Table Mountain, - - - - - 137 CHAPTER IV. Climate Distribution of Heat upon the Earth's Surface Different Lengths of Days Thermometer Isothermal Lines Effect of Climate on Plants and Animals Table of Temperatures, - - - - _ - 147 CHAPTER V. Optical Phenomena Color of the Atmosphere Halo Mi- rage Meteoric Showers Zodiacal Light Aurora Bo- realis, - - .*-.--- 159 CONTENTS. PART III. CHAPTER I. Page. Structure of the JSarth Probable Thickness of the Earth's Crust Extent of Surface Simple Substances Minerals Stratified Rocks Succession of Strata, - - - 177 CHAPTER II. Chronological Arrangement of Strata Fossiliferous Strata Tertiary System Secondary Formations Unstratified Rocks Geological Names Ideal Section of the Crust of the Earth, 187 CHAPTER III. Aqueous Causes of Change Action of Running Water Sediment deposited annually by the Ganges Excavation of a Lava Current Fluviatile Formations Peat Bogs, - 197 CHAPTERIV. Springs Artesian Wells Calcareous Springs Incrusta- tions and Petrefactions Silicious Springs Salt Springs Subterranean Springs, - - - 207 CHAPTER V. Currents Gulf Stream Oceanic Currents, Chart of Ef- fect of the Ocean upon Coasts* Encroachments of the Sea Reculver Church The Bore, - - - - 221 CHAPTER VI. Volcanoes, Distribution of Line of Volcanic Vents Rocky Mountains Isolated Volcanoes, - 235 CHAPTER VJI. Volcanic Eruptions Destruction of Pompeii Eruptions of Vesuvius Of Etna Of Hecla Of Skapta Jokul Vol- canic Islands Eruption of Jorullo, .... 343 CHAPTER VIII. Earthquakes, Phenomena of Extent of Country Agitated- Xii CONTENTS. Page. Gradual Elevation of Coasts Temple of Jupiter Serapis Elevation of Coast of Sweden Earthquake in Cala- bria In Peru, - - - . - - - . . 357 CHAPTER IX. Atmospheric Causes of Change Sand Floods Dunes- Chemical Influence of the Atmosphere Disintegration of Granite, 271 CHAPTER X. Vital Causes of Change Coral Animalcules Brain-stone Coral Madrepores Appearance of Living Corals, - 279 CHAPTER XI. Coral Islands Atolls Barrier and Fringing Reefs Whit- sunday Island Bolabola Formation of Atolls and Bar- rier Reefs, - - -287 CHAPTER XII. Organic Remains Infusoria in Flint Age of the Earth Minerals and Fossils Imbedding and Preservation of Or- ganic Bodies Division of the Animal Kingdom, - - 295 CHAPTER XIII. The Granitic Period Basaltic Columns Fingal's Cave Graptolites Encrinites Trilobites Fossil Fishes Ferns Fossil Crustaceans The Belemnite Flora of the Oolitic Period Pterodactyle Close of the first Epoch, - - 302 CHAPTER XIV. Commencement of the second Period Fossil Foot-steps . The Labyrinthodon Dinornis Plesiosaurus Ichthyosau- rus Close of the second Epoch, 310 CHAPTER XV. The Tertiary or third Period Character of the Deposits- Fossil Remains The Deinotherium Mammoth Mas- todon Elephant Megatherium Irish Elk Close of the last Epoch, 319 THE WORLD. CH APTE R 1. Figure of the Earth. *' And still, as sunk the golden Orb of day, The seaman watched him, while he lingered here, With many a wish to follow, many a fear, And gazed, and gazed, and wondered where he went, So bright his path, so glorious his descent." Rogers. THE constant and regular sucwssion of day and night, is the first great phenomenon which arrests our attention, when we com- mence a study of nature. Day after day, we behold the sun, after a definite and well determined period, rising in the east, and as- cending the heavens; and no sooner has the blazing orb sunk beneath the western horizon, than we raise our eyes to the blue vault, expecting and beholding the placid stars. Doubtless, the first impression is always, that we are at rest, and that the sun, and all the stars of heaven, are slowly, and'forever, revolving around us. A thoughtful consideration of the phenomena which attend the regular return of day and night, will soon convince us that this conclusion is erroneous, and will point out to us the true solution of the grand problem. Let us go upon some eminence when evening draws near, and watch the successive changes which usher in the night. The red orb of the sun, shorn of his lustre, his ruddy beams scarce pene- trating the mists which creep over the surface of the earth, sinks gradually beneath the wave, or distant hills; a ruddy glow illu- mines the western sRy, *' Twilight's soft dews steal o'er the village green," slowly the light fades away, fainter and fainter, giving place to 14 THE WORJL1). ' serene night, and now the stars, which the brilliancy of day had; eclipsed, shine forth in all their splendor, and perhaps that fairest one of them all, the evening' star, adorns the western sky. As we look over the heavens, we notice here and there a group, or as the astronomer calls them, a constellation, with which we have been familiar from childhood. If we look upon the winter sky, we recognize Orion, with his bright belt, and the Pleiades or seven stars, or turning to the north, the great dipper or Charles' wain, being a part of the constellation " Ursa Major," or the " Great Bear." As the eye wanders over these familiar objects, another sight bursts upon the delighted vision. The full-orbed moon rises majestically over the eastern hills, and in the increasing light, the lesser stars fade away. The evening star, no longer brilliant,, is now ready to set below the western horizon, and stars, which at the commencement of night, w%re to the east of the meridian, are now in the mid heaven. If we turn to' the north we find a change there, the cluster or group called the dipper, which we will sup- pose, at the commencement of our observation was almost parallel with the horizon, as shown in this figure, has moved eastward, and evidently performed a part of a revolution aboni some unknown centre. If we prolong our observations we find this group, and all the rest of the heavens apparently revolving around one star, which seems not to move at all. This star is called the pole, or polar star, and is nearly m. a line with the two bright stars at the end of the dipper as shown at a and b in the above diagram, and about five times their distance, from the nearest one. Meanwhile, the lunar orb, with all its beautiful diversity of ROTUNLHTY Ol- THE EAKTH. lO light and shade, ascends the heavens, reaches the highest point and declines in the west. Star after star sinks beneath the western hills, and new ones rise in the east. Twelve hours pass away, when again the sun, rising with undiminished lustre, calls the busy world once more into bustle and activity. The phenomena thus presented, convince us that there is no such thing as rest, for the whole heavens seem revolving around us, and the first step towards an accurate knowledge of our earth is, that either we, or the heavenly bodies, are in ceaseless and regular motion. Suppose that before us the waters of some vast lake or ocean are spread out ; far as the eye can reach the're seems to bo a place where the sky is resting upon the water, called the horizon from a Greek word meaning "to see." As we stand, perhaps won- dering how far from us this horizon is, a vessel sails out the harbor and moves steadily from us. Now our first idea is that we are looking out upon a vast plain, and consequently .we expect to see the vessel as it moves away, become fainter and fakiter, until at I ast the straining eye will fail to catch the minute image. This appearance is shown in the engraving below. Instead of this, however, a new and unexpected phenomenon greets the eye. The vessel sails away, and soon arrives at the horizon, and then slowly sinks from view. First the hull disap- 16 THE WOULD . , pears, then the sails;" and at last the flag, presenting the appearance shown in this engraving. This then is the second step towards obtaining an accurate knowledge of our earth, and we learn that the surface of our lakes, and seas, is not an extended plain, but curved. If we were on a vessel at sea, we would perceive the horizon encompassing us like a vast circle, of which, we would be the centre. And in whatever direction we made an observation, we would find the surface of the water curving or bending from us in that direction. The same phenomenon is observed on land. If we ascend some high elevation, such as a mountain, or lofty monument, the horizon appears in every direction equally distant, or, in other words, a large circle, of which we are the centre. From this we rightly . infer that the surface of the earth is convex, like the surface of an apple, or an orange. It becomes an interesting question, after the convexity of the earth is thus established, to determine its actual shape, whether it is a true sphere, or spheroide, i. c., having the di- ameter through one direction longer than another, or, whether the curvature is of such a nature as to return into itself, for it is well known that there are curves, such are the parabola, and hyper- bola, which, however far continued, never return into themselves like the curve of a circle. It was therefore a bold undertaking to circumnavigate the globe and thus demonstrate its spherical form, by actually sailing around it. This was accomplished however by Ferdinand Magellan, or rather by the expedition which he fitted ROTUNDITY OF THE EARTH. 17 out, for he himself did not live to witness the complete triumph of his bold attempt. Magellan was a Portuguese who had entered into the service of Spain. In the year 1519 he sailed for South America, and discovered the straits called by his name, and which separate the island of Terra del Fuego from the continent. He likewise discovered the Marian and Phillipine islands, which _he took possession of in the name of the King of Spain, and was killed on one of the latter group. His fleet was mostly dispersed, but one ship with eighteen men, returned'to Spain in 1522, having sailed westward completely around the world. The rotundity of the earth, by these means, was established beyond a doubt, though indeed this proof was not necessary, a great variety of phenomena giving the same result. For example, the shadow of the earth, which is cast upon the moon at the time of a lunar eclipse, is always bounded by a curved line or circle, and it can be shown mathematically, that a spherical form is absolutely necessary for the stability of the earth. The moon, and all the planetary bodies, are also observed to present discs, the same as a ball suspended in the sky. Having learned these two things, viz : that there is a great and unceasing motion somewhere, and that the earth is j-ound, it becomes interesting to determine its actual size, its diameter and circumference. Previous to determining this and on the supposition that our earth is the grand centre of the uni- verse, let us study the phenomena presented by the sun, plan- ets, and stars in their apparent diurnal or daily revolution around the earth, premising however, that to certain directions upon its surface the arbitrary names, North, South, East, and West, have been assigned. For example, we call the part towards the north star north, the opposite south, and facing towards the north star, we call the right hand east, and the left hand west. These names are entirely arbitrary, i. c., they do not actually represent fixed directions in space, but are simply relative expressions, thus, what is east to one observer, may be west to another, for example, take the next diagram, representing the earth as round, the north pole being at the position N, and suppose two observers one at A, and the other at B, both facing towards the north. If questioned about some object C, B would declare it to be 18 THE WORLD. west, being at his left hand, whilst A would assert it to be east, C being at his right hand. The terms therefore, north, south, east and west, are only relative expressions, and not absolute direc- tions. It will be necessary to remember this, and we may also remark, the same is true of the expressions up, and down. What would be up to an observer at A, would be in the direction N A, but this would be down to an observer at B. Hence we must learn to consider up, as away from the earth, and down as the direction to its centre, and therefore not absolute directions in space but only relative terms. Now as the sun and the stars are observed after certain regular intervals to appear in the east, apparently move over the heavens, and set in the west, the natural inference is, that they are revolving in vast circles around th^ earth, which itself is the immovable centre. Below we have given an engraving which represents the earth as the centre, and the MOTION OF THE SUN. 19 sun revolving around it in a circular orbit, and the stars still fur- ther beyond. Now on the supposition that this is the true system of the world, suppose the suii revolving in the direction A B, and an observer at a, facing towards the north N. He would perceive the sun appear to rise at his right hand, or in the east, and when the sun had travelled far enough round, say to B, to become visible to an observer at b, he would see it at his right hand, or hi the east. The sun in his daily revolution, would thus track out in the heavens a certain line, which astronomers call a diurnal circle. Now suppose that some morning, just at sunrise, we observe a particular star, A, close to the sun, rising just before it. If the stars revolved around the earth in the same time as the sun, as they seem to do from a casual observation, it is evident that after any definite interval, say one month, the sun and this star would still be found together, but this is not the case, for after one month, it will be found, that this star A, which rose just before the sun, will now rise two hours before him, and the sun will be near the star C, having apparently moved backward the distance A C. If we should continue to observe this backward motion of the sun, we would find that after one year had elapsed, the sun would have moved completely around backward, contrary to the direction in which, each day he seems to move across the heavens, arriving again at A. Hence it would appear, that, the earth being the centre, the stars are revolving around it a little faster than the sun, but in the same direction, gaining upon the sun about 4 minutes a day, so that in one month the star A would gain 120 minutes or two hours, and rise just so much sooner than the sun ; and thus, in the course of a year, the stars would make one more revolution than the sun. Now suppose we were to observe carefully the stars near and over which the sun passed in this backward motion, for it is evident that this path would mark out a circle in the heavens. Astronomers have done this, and they call this path or line, which has a fixed position among the stars, the Ecliptic, or sun's path. On the next page we represent the ecliptic, and a certain space on each side of it. This space includes the orbits of all the planets, which also partake of the same backward motion as the.sun. 90 THE WORLIK nat moving- on uniformly with the stars. The middle bla,ck line represents the ecliptic and the whole space or belt is called the Zodiac. The ancients divided the zodiac into twelve equal parts, and gave them names, indicative of the peculiar employment of that season of the year, when the sun happened to be in any one of them. For example, the sun, in the preceding diagram, is in the sign called Virgo, or the Virgin ; this sign was represented by a virgin bearing sheaves of wheat, as the sun was near these stars in the fall of the year, when the harvest was gathered. We shall refer to this again when we explain the phenomena of the seasons. The ecliptic was divided into twelve parts, or signs, because the moon makes the complete circuit in one-twelfth of the time the sun does, hence the twelfth of the year is called a moon, or a month. The time of a lunation,, or interval from new moon to new moon, being thirty days, and twelve of these luna- tions happening In a year, the number of days to the year, when reckoned by lunar months is 360. This number of days however Is not strictly correct, for the sun makes 365^ revolutions appa- rently, around the earth, while moving from any particular star around to that star again. It would be inconvenient to sub- divide the ecliptic into 365 parts as this number cannot be halved, or quartered. So the early astronomers, adopting the lunar year, divided the whole circle into 360 parts, which they called degrees. This division, it will be understood from what we have said, was- ANGLES. 21 perfectly arbitrary. The circle might have been divided into just 100, or 1000 parts, and these called degrees, but it was convenient to adopt for the length of a degree, a space which would represent the progress of the sun in one day as nearly as was possible. When we speak of a degree, it must be remembered that an absolute length is not meant, but only the 1-360 part of some circle. The length which belongs to a degree will vary with every different circle. Thus in this diagram, we have two circles with a common centre, and two lines drawn from that centre, including 20 degrees of each circle. All circles are supposed therefore, to be divided into 360 parts, and the 1-360 part of any circle is called a degree. Two kinds of circles are supposed to be traced on the earth, as also in the heavens, viz, great and small circles; this name does not arise from the fact that one circle is actually greater than another, the distinction is more marked, and is this Let A B C D, &c,, represent the earth, and let GC be a circle 22 THE WORLD. the plane of which passes directly through the centre of the earth; this is a great circle. So is A E for the same reason, for if the globe were to be divided through these circles it would be exactly halved, but a circle passing through H B, orF D, is called a small circle, since the plane of the circle does not pass through the centre of the sphere on which the circle is drawn. From this definition it will be perceived that the circle A I E K, (the part behind the sphere being shown by the dotted line) is a great circle, because the plane of this circle passes through the centre of the sphere. Every great circle, has what is called a pole, that is, a point ninety degrees, or one quarter of a circle, distant from it in every direc- tion, thus A is the pole of the circle G C, for from whatever point on the circle G C, the distance is measured up to A, it will be found 90. For instance the arcs' A G, A I, A O, A K, A C, are all of their respective circles. Now suppose the circle G C, to represent the equator, then A will be the north pole of the earth, and E the south pole. Suppose now this great circle which we have called the equator to be actually traced around the earth and divided into 360 parts called degrees, marked (), and sup- pose these degrees subdivided into minutes marked ('), and call these minutes miles, how many miles would the earth be in cir- cumference? Evidently sixty times 360, or 21,600 miles. This is not so much as the circumference is usually stated to be ; viz, 24,000 miles, and for this reason ; the mile at the equator, is longer than the English statute mile. Referring to the preceding figure, it will be readily perceived that if the circle fl B was divided into 360 parts and these again subdivided into 60 parts each, called miles, these miles would be much smaller than the equa- torial miles, indeed it would require 69| English statute miles to constitute 1, or 60 equatorial, or geographical miles. Now if we take 69 \ miles for the length of a degree, it is evident the circumference of the earth will be 360 times this, or 25,020 miles, and as the diameter is a little less than the circumference, the diameter is called in round numbers 8000 miles. When there- fore we assert that the earth is 8000 miles in diameter, we mean simply this, if the equator, or any great circle drawn upon the MEASUREMENT OF A DEGREE. 23 earth, is divided into 360 parts, and these subdivided into sixty parts each, and their length ascertained, that it would take 8000 of them to measure the diameter of the earth. The length of a mile therefore, instead of determining the diameter of the earth, or its circumference, is itself determined by that diameter or circum- ference. The circle might have been divided into 1000 parts, and these subdivided into 100 each, this would give 10,000 minutes or miles for the circumference, but the mile in this case would be shorter. Having assumed the earth's circumference 24,000 miles, we next desire to know when we have passed over a mile on its surface. This would seem a difficult undertaking at first thought, for how can we determine when we have passed over a degree upon the earth ? A diagram will explain the manner this is accomplished. Let A B C D represent the earth, A C being the equator. A spectator at the pole B, would see the pole star directly overhead, but a spectator at A, on the equator, would see the pole star in the horizon. Hence, in travelling from the north pole to the equator, the elevation of the pole star changes from directly overhead, or in the zenith as it is called, to the horizon, or 90, changing its altitude 1 for every degree traveled over the earth's surface, either north or south. - The astronomer is furnished with the means of measuring the altitude of the pole star, or its distance above the horizon by means of the quadrant, or the astronomical circle which we shall describe, together with some other astronomical instruments in the next chapter. We have 34 THE WORXD. now learned three important facts in regard to our earth, and the celestial bodies, viz: The ceaseless and uniform motion, the rotundity of the earth, and the actual length Of a degree upon its surface, and this is no small progress, supposing we commenced entirely unacquainted with the subject. Fortunately, as we pro- ceed to show the gradual improvement in astronomical knowledge, we can also give a history of the science, and briefly notice those eminent men, and their discoveries, whose labors have brought astronomical science to its present state of perfection. Supposing* that we are ignorant of the nature of the motion perceived in the heavenly bodies, we will lay aside further observation for the present, and notice some of the instruments employed in astrono- mical discoveries. ASTRONOMICAL THEORIES. 25 . ' * ,:**ME**W; i CHAPTER II. MIMC Astronomical Theories. " He sat and read. A book with silver clasps, All gorgeous with illuminated lines Of gold and crimson, lay upon a frame Before him. ' Twas a volume of old time ; And in it were fine mysteries of the stars, Solved with a cunning wisdom." Willis. THE imperfect historical records of the nations of antiquity prevent us from determining with certainty when, and with whom, astronomical science had its origin. It is certain however, that it was cultivated at a very early age by the Egyptians, the Chal- deans, the Bramins of India, and the Chinese. In a fine climate, and fertile country, inhabited by nomadic tribes, we can well imagine the sublime spectacle of the heavens to have arrested early attention. At a later period, when the motion of the sun among the stars began to be noticed, and consequently the helical rising and setting of certain stars, i. e., their rising or setting just before or after the sun, became the signs of approach of certain seasons, the stars were grouped into constellations, and fanciful names given to them. Thus we find Hesiod alludes to the helical rising of Arcturus, and Thales mentions the number of days after the vernal equinox, when the Pleiades set just as the sun arose, by means of which we are now enabled to tell the age in which he lived, as will be explained hereafter. The constellations being located and named, and the sun's apparent path determined in the heavens, astronomers began to observe more carefully the motions of the sun, moon, and planets, among the stars, and endeavored to frame a system of the world which would explain all the apparently irregular motions. It was 26 THE WORLD. very early observed that the sun and moon moved around the earth with different velocities from the stars 1 , and that there were certain bodies, five in number, which also appeared to be wan- dering in the heavens, these were called planets, from a Latin word meaning to wander, and were named in order, according to their supposed distance from the earth, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. As soon as these wandering bodies were closely observed, certain irregularities in their motion attracted attention, instead of moving uniformly in a circle in the heavens, like the sun, their paths were often broken, and even turned back, as represented by the lines below, moving from a to b direct, i. c., in the order of the signs, from b to c, retrograde, or contrary to their previous motion, at b and c, apparently still, or stationaiy for a short time, and from c to d moving again direct. In addition to these irregular movements, two of them were observed to always remain in the neighborhood of the sun, viz. Mercury and Venus, while Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn were often seen directly opposite, rising when the sun was setting. Hence, in framing any theory, it was necessary to account for these motions. All the early astronomers supposed that the earth was the centre of the system, and that all the celestial bodies were revolving around it. The only system of the world which attracted much notice, was that of Ptolemy the great Egyptian king and philoso- pher, called, from him, the Ptolemaic system. This is the system which we would naturally adopt upon casual thought. Here is the earth occupying the centre, and around it the moon is supposed to be revolving not quite as fast as the sun, next comes Mercury, then Venus, the Sun, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn, beyond the whole was supposed to be the grand prinwm mobile, a sphere- PTOLEMAIC SYSTEM. 27 to the surface of which the stars were all attached, and revolving once around the heavens in 24 hours. To account for the irregu- lar motions of the planets before noticed, a modification of this system was necessary. Thus B A C maj^ represent the orbit of 28 THE WORLD. Mercury around the earth, the planet however, instead of revolving in this circle, was supposed to be revolving in another smaller circle c a b d, whose centre v was carried forward as the circle A B C revolved around the earth, in the order of the letters, the planet moving in the contrary direction in the small circle c a b d would apparently describe the curve line d e f g h, being sta- tionary at / and h, and apparently moving backward through the arch f g h. Now in order to make Venus and Mercury always accompany the sun, the centre v of the small circle, was supposed to be always in a right line nearly, between the earth and sun. Such was the Ptolemaic system, and as it appeared to explain the irregular motions by really uniform, or true circular motions, it was soon adopted as the true system of the world. In the time of Ptolemy astronomical instruments began to be used; for some time previous however, the eastern nations, in order to ascertain the instant of mid-summer, or mid-winter, had been in the habit of measuring the length of the shadow of a vertical gnomon or style, but Ptolemy introduced the use of graduated spheres. We have already observed that all circles are divided into 360 degrees, and these subdivided into 60 minutes each. Hence it is evident that by means of a graduated circle, angular distances may be measured in the sky. An angle, it must be remembered, is simply the inclination of two lines and has no reference at all to the length of the lines, thus S A B is the angular distance of the star S from the object B. To observe this angle, or inclination, we may use a small graduated circle thus. Lot A C D be a circle graduated into 360, having a moveable index turning on its, centre, which index is furnished at each end with a sight-hole. First look with the index towards the object B, and observe the MEASUREMENT OF ANGLES. 29 point where the index. marks the circle, say at 10, then turning -----R the index towards S, observe where it makes the circle, say 20, the difference 10, is the angular distance of S from B. The instruments of Ptolemy were constructed upon this principle though not so perfect, using shadows, and other contrivances, instead of simply observing through two vanes or sight holes. Ptolemy had not intended his system to be received other than an hypothesis', which might account for the observed motions ; he did not profess this to be the actual order of the world, but his successors, without their great master's love for truth and careful study, soon gave to these supposed spheres and orbs, a real exis- tence, and the heavens became crowded with crystalline spheres moring in all directions, and with all velocities, and as often as new motions, or irregularities in the old ones were detected, new circles moving at their centres round the old ones, were added, called epicycles, so that at last cycles and epicycles, revolved in all directions, bearing the planets along with them, until amid the crowd of spheres and crystal orbs the brain grew dizzy, and could not comprehend the mysterious revolutions. Amidst all this confusion of " Cycle and epicycle, orb on orb," a bright luminary arose, arid with a master iiand dashed aside the crystal spheres of the successors of Ptolemy, substituting instead, the simplicity of truth. This man was Nicholas Coperni- cus. At the time when the true svstem was about'to be made 30 THE WORLD. known, the followers of the Egyptian school were in their glory, Purbach, professor of Astronomy at Vienna, had reviewed the whole system, and by the addition of various new spheres, had succeeded in explaining all the observed irregularities of the planets, and thus silenced forever the sneers of infidels, and particularly those of Alphonso X. King of Castile, who had observed, "Had the Deity consulted me at the creation of the universe, I could have given him some good advice." But the hour of triumph was short. Error, which had sat like a cloud npon the mountain top, overshadowing all below, was ready to vanish before the bright beams of the sun of Truth. The obscurity which hangs over those early days, conceals the steps by which Copernicus arrived at the knowledge of the true system. It required indeed a bold mind to disregard all the religious dogmas of the time, and methodise a system, which ns Tycho Brahe, himself an illustrious astronomer, observes, "Moved the earth from its foundation, stopped the revolution of the firmament, made the sun stand still, and subverted the whole ancient order of the universe." Such a mind however, Coper- nicus seems to have possessed, although his modesty prevented him from publishing his views, until at so late a period, that he only lived just long enough to see a printed copy of that book which was to gain him immortal honor. At this time, in the words of his admirable friend the Bishop of Culm, "He was occupied with weightier cares" about to test the reality of that unknown world whose mysteries sages have endeavored but in vain to understand, from remotest ages. The first gleam of truth which burst upon the mind of Copernicus was doubtless the idea that the apparent revolution of the starry orbs around the earth from east to west once in 24 hours, was actually accomplished by a revolution of our earth on its axis in the same time but in the contrary direction. Refer to the following diagram and observe the simplicity of this explanation. Here is the earth, anH around it on all sides the celestial con- cave. Suppose now an observer situated upon the earth should see a particular star A, directly overhead at sunset, and that the earth was revolving once on its axis in 24 hours in the direction of DIURNAL REVOLUTION OF THE EARTH. 31 the letters A B, after an interval of 6 hours, the spectator would jr , * ,. ******** arrive under B, and perceive the star B directly overhead while the star A would be just ready to sink below the horizon. After an interval of 18 hours more he would again arrive under A, having performed a complete revolution. Now as all the stars are observed to have a perfectly uniform motion, moving once around the earth in 24 hours, never changing their apparent positions with regard to each other, doubtless this supposition appeared to Copernicus the most rational, and its truth is now incontestably proved, and universally admitted. The great motion of the heavens being thus shown not to be real, but only apparent, Copernicus naturally endeavored to ascertain how far certain other motions, which the followers of Ptolemy explained by innumera- ble cycles, and crystalline spheres, as if all their observed motions were real, might be explained by a movement of our earth instead of these bodies. The actual size of the sun and planets, as also their actual distance from the earth, not being known at that time, rendered this problem more difficult, and beside this, he was wholly unacquainted with the laws of gravitation. Hence it was no ordinary effort of mind to reduce the various compli- cated motions of the planets and the sun to one harmonious system. Pythagoras, the celebrated Greek philosopher who lived 500 years before Copernicus, had already suggested the idea that the sun was the central body, and that the earth and planets were revolving about the sun at various distances. He did not attempt 32 THE WORLD. however to account for the irregularities observed in the planetary motions. Copernicus might have easily perceived, and no doubt did perceive, that the motion of the sun backwards in the heavens, and to which we have alluded, was only apparent, and was due to a real motion of our earth, which may be illustrated thus : Let S represent the sun, occupying the centre of the system, and E the earth moving in an orbit around it. Now an observer on the earth at E would perceive tbe sun S, apparently projected against the heavens near the star B. If the earth was stationary, then after 24 hours, turning around in the direction of the arrow, i. e., frem Jeft to right, or west to east, (the north pole in the dia- gram being supposed towards the eye) the sun would again appear close to the star B, and the sun and stars would come to the meridian or mid-heaven together. Now suppose the earth to have moved forward in its orbit to A, and imagine the sphere of stars figured in the diagram to be expanded to an infinite distance, it will be easy to see that the sun and the star B, will no longer come to the meridian together, the meridian being represented by the black line on A, but that, on the supposition that the earth is turning in the direction of the arrow, the sun would come to the meridian, or this line, much later than the star, and would appear among the stars at C. To explain tbe motions of Mercury, and COPERNICAN SYSTEM. 33 Venus, Copernicus supposed them to be revolving around the sun, but in orbits within the earth's. This would explain why they were never seen at any considerable distance from that luminary and also the various irregularities observed in their motions, Thus : Let S be the sun, E the earth, and V, Venus. In the situation represented in the diagram Venus would appear among the stars at A, the sun being at B. In this case, supposing the earth to turn on its axis in the direction of the arrow, the sun would come to the meridian or overhead, to an observer on its'surface, before the planet, which consequently, setting after the sun, would be the evening star. Now supposing the earth stationary in its orbit, let Venus move from V to W. This would cause her to describe the arc A C in the heavens, gradually approaching the sun, which is apparently at B, and then appearing 011 the opposite side. When in the position W, still supposing the earth to turn on its axis in the direction of the arrow, Venus would come to the meridian, or rise before the sun and consequently be morning star During the rest of her revolution in her orbit, from W to V she would seem to move backwards in the heavens, or retrograde from C to A, and at the points C and A she would appear for a short time stationary. We have supposed the earth to be at rest, 34 THE WORLD, but it really moves in its orbit in tho same direction as Venus, though much slower, -and the phenomena are the same in kind as though the earth was still. The phenomena of Mercury may be explained in the same manner as those of Venus, but as Mercury is never seen at so great a distance from the sun as Venus, its orbit is placed between the orbit of Venus and the sun. The planets Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn being occasionally observed at midnight, or directly opposite to the sun, their orbits are located exterior to that of the earth, and in the order just named, which is according to their relative velocities. Such is the simple and beautiful system of the world known as the Copernican system. Long as time will last, the memory of its successful author shall live. His fame as everlasting as the duration of those bright orbs which roll around the sun. Coper- nicus lived in an age far behind himself, and no .doubt refrained fromf publishing his views to the world from fear of ecclesiastical censure, although indeed he ridicules this idea, and dedicates his book to Pope Paul III, and was induced to publish it by the persua- sions of Schuenberg, Cardinal of Capua and Gisas, Bishop of Culm. In those days the Bible was not only received as the rule of faith, but as the oracle of nature. To assert the rotation of the earth on its axis, and deny the revolution of the sun around it, was impiety, and direct contradiction to scripture. Joshua commanded the sun to stand still, and therefore the sun must move. So it is said, "The pillars of the earth are the Lord's." And yet no one supposed at that time that the earth was liter- ally sustained on pillars. Sir Isaac Newton himself, would say " The sun rises," " The sun sets," and yet would mean far from asserting that the sun actually moved. The ignorance which repressed the efforts of Copernicus, at a later day crushed the energies of Gallileo, who with his heaven-directed tube main- tained and demonstrated the truth of the Copernican system. Referring to the next diagram, it will be seen that upon the supposition that Venus is revolving between the sun and the earth, her disk would assume the phase of our moon. For example when at A he would appear wholly illuminated, her enlightened I'HASKb Ol- VKMJs. 35 disc being turned towards the earth at E. When at B, she would appear half illuminated, as the enlightened hemisphere is now partly turned from the earth. At C, she would appear either wholly unilluminated or at best a 'slight crescent, since her enlightened portion is now wholly or almost wholly turned from the earth, at D, she would appear again half illuminated. These phases were not really observed in the case of Venus, although Copernicus predicted they would be, when we could see Venus plainer, and this was considered by some as an unanswerable argument against the truth of his theory, while others maintained that the planets shone by their own inherent light, and of course had no phases. Such was the state of science when Copernicus died, but already the dawn of a brighter clay was advancing. The use of spectacle glasses was quite common, and many shops were engaged in their manufacture. It is related that some children of a Dutch optician, while playing with the spectacle -glasses one day, chanced to arrange two at such a distance as gave a magnified but inverted image of distant objects, and the optician following out the idea thus accidentally presented, the telescope was first made in Hol- land. Gallileo, at this time professor of Mathematics, at Padua, heard of this wonderful tube, and immediately set himself to work to construct one. In this he was eminently successful, and in his hands it gave the death blow to the opposers of the system of Copernicus. With the telescope, Venus was clearly ob- served exhibiting the phases which Copernicus had predicted. 36 THE WORLD, We cannot imagine the delight which must have thrilled the heart of Gallileo when he, for the first time since the creation of man, beheld the phases of the evening star. Already a cham- pion for the true system, he must have hailed- this complete and unanswerable evidence, with a joy such as we cannot now conceive. We would have supposed that now the absurd dogma which asserted that the earth was the grand centre of the universe, and denied its diurnal revolution, would have been forever rejected, but alas! error is difficult to eradicate,Mt takes root easily, and attains a most luxuriant growth, without any cultivation. Henceforth Gallileo's life was embittered by a persecution from the Church. The doctrines which he maintained, and so ably advocated, were supposed to contradict the Bible, and at the old age of 70, after a life spent in the cause of science, he was tha subject of a most humiliating spectacle. A hoary headed man, with trembling voice abjuring what he knew to be the truth, abjuring, cursing, and detesting as heresies those doctrines which he had spent the vigor of his manhood in establis hing, those eternal and immutable truths which the Almighty had permitted him to be the first to establish, and with his hand on the Gospels, avowing his belief that the earth was the centre of the system, and without the diurnal motion on its axis. Oh ! that the strong spirit which sustained the early martyrs for religion, had supported this martyr of science. But the feebleness of age was upon him, harrassed and tormented, worn out by long persecution, his spirit yielded, and never recovered from the degradation ; blind and infirm, he never talked or wrote more on the subject of astronomy. Here are the qualifications of these two propositions which asserted the stability of the sun and the motion of the earth, as qualified by the Theological Qualifiers : I. The propostion that the sun is in the centre of the world, and immovable from its place, is absurd, philosophically false, and heritical, because it is expressly contrary to the Holy Scriptures. II. The proposition that the earth is not the centre of the world, nor immovable, but that it moves, and also with a diurna motion, is also abimrd, philosophically false, and theologically considered equally erroneous in faith." RELIGION AND PHILOSOPHY. 37 It hardly seems credible that such opposition could have been seriously entertained by grave and learned dignitaries, when the proofs were so abundant to the contrary. Yet at a later day, we find the Jesuit Fathers, P. P. Le Seur.and Jacques declaring in the preface of their edition of Newton's Principia : " Newton in this third book, has assumed the hypothesis of the earth's motion. The author's propositions are not to he explained but by making the same hypothesis also. Hence we are obliged to proceed under a feigned character ; but in other respects, we profess ourselves obsequious to the decrees of the Popes made against the motion of the earth." Such was the strong hold which ignorance had upon the minds of men, that like Sizzi, who refused to look through Galileo's telescope for fear he might be obliged to acknowledge the actual existence of Jupiter's satellites, they would not receive the truth when it was absolutely forced upon them. Even in the present enlightened state of the world, there are many who object to the science of Geology, because some of its teachings, they imagine, are contrary to the word of God. Religion and Philosophy can never conflict, if hoth are based upon the Truth. We may be well assured, that the rapid ad- vancement of science and art, will, so far from being injurious to the cause of Religion, tend but to illustrate, and exhibit, in clear- er characters, the wisdom and goodness of the Creator. Nothing can be more unwise, or of greater injury to the cause of Religion, than the foolish opposition which is sometimes made to the recent developments, if they may be so termed, of natural science. Religion points us to another sphere of action ; it opens before us another world; and bids us aim for higher and nobler ends than we strive for here. The questions, whether the Heavens are eternal, or our own earth a million, or six thousand years old, are of little moment compared with the question of the immortality of the soul. Science elucidates the former, Religion the latter. Since, then, their aim is so very different, and since we believe both to be based upon Truth, and therefore immutable, why perplex ourselves with questions which can never be answered ? 38 THE WOULD, To the Geologist, the proof is abundant, that the present globe has had a being, and been inhabited by wonderful animals and plants, myriads of years past. To the Astronomer, the proof is equally conclusive, that the Heavens are infinite, and eternal, that our system will, at least so far as natural causes are operating, continue for ever, unchanged, and unchangeable. To the Christian, the proof is equally strong, perhaps stronger, that the word of revelation is what it professes, the message of God, teaching what Science could never learn us, but not conflicting with it. PARALLAX. CHAPTER III. Parallax. " The broad circumference Hung on his shoulders like the moon, whose orb Through optic glass the Tuscan artist views, At evening, from the top of Fesole' Or in Valdarno, to descry new lands, Rivers or mountains, in her spotty globe." Milton. WE have now shown that our earth is revolving around the sun, which is the grand central luminary, and that within- its orbit are the orbits of Venus and Mercury, while exterior are the orbits of Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. We have learned to look upon these bodies as orbs, or balls like our own earth, and suppose them to revolve like our earth upon an axis. We now desire to know something of their distance from us, and the actual velocity with which both we and they are moving. The diameter of our earth we have assumed at 8000 miles, or equal lengths, we can, from knowing this, ascertain the distance of the moon from the earth, and of the earth from the sun. Every one is familiar with the fact, that every change of position of a spectator, causes an apparent change of place in the object viewed. Thus, if while in a certain position, we observe a particular house to be in the range, or same line with a distant tree, then upon changing our position, the house will no longer be in a* line with the tree, but will appear to have moved in the contrary direction. This apparent change of place of the object, due to a real change of place in the observer, is called parallax, and by its means, we can determine the distances of the heavenly bodies. Thus, supposing spectators on opposite portions of the earth's surface, as at A and B, to view the moon or a planet, at c, the observer at A, will see the object c, apparently at a, while the observer at B will per- ceive it at the same time at b. Here is an apparent change of * - 40 THE WORLD. place, viz : from a to b, due to a real change in the position of the spectator. This change, enables us to ascertain the dis- tance of the object with much precision, for supposing A and B joined by a line, we have a triangle ABC, in which one side A B, is known, and all three angles for the observers at A and B determine with some graduated instruments, the inclinations of the lines A c and B c to the line A B. We can illustrate the method by which the distance of an object is ascertained by means of graduated instruments thus : Suppose a'spectator at B, to observe by means of a graduated MEASUREMENT OF DISTANCES. 41 circle, the number of degrees subtended by a distant object, as a church, at A C, and let this angle be two degrees ; we have here a triangle A- B C, and knowing its angles, and any one side, we can determine the other sides. Suppose we know the side B C, or the distance of the Church, to be 1 mile, we can ascertain the height A C thus : Twice B C, or 2 miles, will be the diameter of a circle whose centre is the eye of the spectator, and whose radius, the distance of the Church. Three times this (nearly), or 6 miles, will be the whole circumference, and six miles divided by 360 will give the length of one degree, and twice this, since the angle A B C is 2 degrees, will give the height A C. Allowing 5000 feet to the mile, 6 miles would be 30,000 feet, and this divided*by 360, gives 83J feet for the length of one degree, consequently 2 degrees are 166 feet, which is the height required. Now in any triangle whatever, we can deter- mine the length of all its sides, provided the length of 'one side is given and also the angles. We do not mean to be understood that this is the actual process employed by astronomers to deter- mine the distance of the moon, and other heavenly bodies, but simply introduce it as an explanation of the principle. By means of parallax, the distance from the moon to the earth has been ascertained to be 60 semi-diameters of the latter, and the distance of the earth from the sun has been determined to be 95,000,000 of miles. When we reflect upon this vast distance, the absurdity of that system which denied to the earth a revolution on its axis, once in 24 hours, is striking- ly apparent. We could not conceive of the amazing velocity with which the sun must move, at the immense distance which it is situated from the earth, if it was obliged to travel once around in 24 hours. It would require a rate of about 24,000,000 miles per hour, or 400,000 miles in one minute, and 6,666 miles each tick of the clock. Such velocity is abso- lutely incredible, and this would be to save our little globe from turning on its axis at the rate of 1000 miles an hour, or about 17 miles in one minute. When the distance of any of the heavenly bddies becomes known, its actual diameter in miles-can be easily ascertained. It is no more difficult to obtain the diameter of the 42 THE WORLD. moon, when her distance from the earth is known, than to deter- mine the height of a church steeple when we know' how far it is from the observer. We here represent the moon and. a part of B] its orbit, the earth being supposed to be at A. The distance A B or A C, is 240,000 miles, and the angle B A C, which is observed with a graduated circle, is about 30 minutes, or half a degree. Proceeding as in the case of the Church, twice A C is 480,000 miles, and three times this is 1,444,000 miles which is the circumference of a circle whose centre is the centre of the earth, and whose radius, or half diameter, is the distance of the moon. This circumference divided by 360, gives 4000 miles for the length of one degree, and half this is 2000 miles the length of half a degree, which is the diameter of the moon. The actual diameter of the moon is 2140 miles, for the angle B A C is nearly 31 minutes, or a little over half a degree. In precisely the same manner the diameter of the sun is ascertained to be 880,000 miles. Hence we learn, that if a spec- tator at the sun, should look towards the earth, it would appear only the one hundredth the diameter which the sun appears to us, or not larger than a very small star. How absurd then is the idea that the sun revolves around the earth. We now have a just conception of Ihc solar system, and have learned to look upon the sun as the central body, around which the planets revolve in order, our earth being one of the smallest. Far beyond it, other magnifi- cent orbs are moving silently in the depths of space, peopled with myriads of intelligent beings. Very far beyond the boundary of our own system, we believe there are others more beautiful, and IMMENSITY OF CREATION. 43 t hat every star which adorns the heavens, and upon which we turn such unheeding eyes, is a sun, giving light, and warmth, and hap- piness to ,its own attendant planets. Nay, more than this, we believe that all those countless myriads of stars which the tele- scope reveals, twinkling from distances so far, that if blotted from existence, their light would continue a thousand years, so long it would take to travel thence to us, are all centres of sys- tems, around which, worlds peopled with intelligences of the highest order, are revolving, and yet, we have obtained but a faint idea of the immensity of Creation. Where is the central throne from which all power emanates ? The throne of the Eternal. Imagination fails. Reason shrinks back abashed, but Faith, with more than telescopic eye, pierces to that centre, and sometimes catches a gleam, a faint ray of the brightness of its glory. What wonder that astronomy should be called the noblest science, since it affords scope for the highest order of intellect, and pre - sents truths unequalled for their grandeur and sublimity. Uncon- sciously we are moving on, life and death is every where around us, but the heavens seem unchangeable, the type of eternity. We an unwilling to believe that the principle within us, whatever it may be called, soul, spirit, or reason, which is thus capable of comprehending sublime truths, perishes, and becomes inanimate, like the dead flowers, and withered leaves. We feel an ardent aspiration after higher and purer knowledge, and cannot doubt that such longings will one day be gratified. These maybe called " flights of the imagination," but we would do well to remember, that there are things, which are as far beyond the imagination to conceive, and which are more strange than this, yet of whose reality we cannot doubt. Such is the progres- sion of light,, and of electricity. The eye cannot follow them, nor the imagination, as they rush on, with a speed of 200,000 miles in one second ! And, quicker than this is the transmission of that mysterious influence, called gravitation, which acts with all- controlling force, through distances, utterly inconceivable to the human mind, causing the immense masses of the planetary orbs to rise and fall like bubbles on the ocean wave. Shall we then call all these flights of the imagination, or mere fancy, and with 44 THE WORLD. those doubting men of old, deny the reality of everything, ever* our own existence ? We give above a representation of the earth, as it would prWtmbly appear to a spectator removed to the distance of the moon. The same hemisphere of the moon is always turned towards the earth, this is caused by a revolution on its axis in the ame time that it revolves around the earth. Consequently, a spectator on the moon, would always behold the earth as a stationary body in the heavens, as we should behold the sun, if the earth turned on its axis but once in 365 days. The apparent size, of the earth, seen from the moon, would be a globe of about four times the diameter of the moon. In the imaginary view we have given, the great Indian Ocean is directly in front, the Pacific at the rig-lit, and the Atlantic, at the left. The large inland seas are shown; also, Europe, Africa, Asia, and New Holland ; and around its north pole are fields of ice, and cloudy patches are over the whole sur. face. Such a vast globe, suspended apparently in the heavens, and. revolving on its axis with a motion easily perceptible, must be a magnificent spectacle, and if the moon is really inhabited, well worth a journey round half its surface to behold. TIMK. 45 CHAPTER IV. Time. " The last white grain Fell through, and with the tremulous hand of age The old astrologer reversed the glass ; And, as the voiceless monitor wenf on, Wasting and wasting with the precious hour, He looked upon it with a moving lip, And, starting, turned his gaze upon the heavens, Cursing the clouds impatiently." Willis. WE have now determined the relative situation of our earth with regard to the heavenly bodies, and its size compared with them, and we are prepared to investigate the causes of some of the changes which we witness upon its surface. Previous to this, we will devote a few chapters to Time and the Calendar, for the familiar expression of a day, or an hour, or a year, seldom conveys to the mind the exact meaning which belongs to those terms. We may consider time to be a definite portion, that is, a portion which can be measured, of indefinite duration, or, as Young poetically expresses it : " From old Eternity's mysterious orb, Was Time cut off, and cast beneath the skies." Time was personified by the Ancients, under the figure of an old man with scythe and hour-glass, and a single tuft of hair on the forehead. The scythe was emblematic of that all-powerful influence which cuts down every thing as it sweeps past. Man, and his works, perish, and crumble before it, as the grain falls before the mower's scythe. Nor is the emblem unappropriate. The keen edge, while it sweeps through the field of ripe grain, suddenly laying low the proud stalk, cuts down many a flower, and tender stem. The hour-glass, held in the outstretched hand, portrayed the passing moment, and the sand, in its cease : less flow, marked the ebbing of the current of life. We cannot 40 THE WORLD. refrain from quoting a beautiful little poem, from " Hone's Every Day Book," entitled INSCRIPTION, FOR MY DAUGHTERS' HOUR-GLASS. Mark the golden grains that pass, Brightly thro' this channell'd gkss, Measuring by their ceaseless fall, Heaven's most precious gift to all ! Busy, till its sands be done, See the shining current run ; But, th' allotted numbers shed, Another hour of life hath fled ! Its task perform'd, its travail past, Like mortal man, it rests at last ! Yet let some hand invert its frame, And all its powers return the same, Whilst any golden grains remain, 'Twill work its little hour again, But who shall turn the glass for man, When all his golden grains have ran ? Who shall collect his scattered sand, Dispersed by Time's unsparing hand ? Never can one grain be found, Howe'er we anxious search around! Then, daughters since this truth is plain, That Time once gone, ne'er comes again, Improv'd bid every moment pass See how the sand rolls down your glass !" The forelock was also emblematical, indicating that if we would improve the time, we must take it by the forelock, and that time once passed left no hold by which it could be reclaimed. Such was the beautiful emblem of time devised by the ancients, and which we still retain. The diurnal revolution of the earth, or rather, as it was once believed, the revolution of the heavens around the earth, was observed at a very early day to be performed with the utmost regularity. The return of night, and approach of day, the duration of the night and day, are the first great natural pheno- mena which engage attention, and we may suppose, therefore, that the apparent revolution of the stars around the earth was at a very early period, employed to determine equal intervals of time. Sun-dials were undoubtedly the earliest means employed DIALS AND CLEPSYDRX. 47 to mark the passage of time, and are in common use even at the present day. Every country tavern is furnished with its meridian or noon-line, which oftentimes is nothing more than a scratch ov mark in the floor, and the gnomon, or shadow-stick, is the side of, a window or door. In our younger days, we have watched with far more interest, the shadow approach the humble line drawn on the floor of a tinker's shop, than in more mature years the steady passage of a star over the wires of a transit telescope. And we have not forgotten those days of sun-dial memory, when we were, unconsciously, children playing with time. We find allusions to the dial in the Old Testament. The dial of Ahaz, which was, undoubtedly, a large public edifice. Such was the dial constructed by Dionysius, and such the dial used by the Chinese, and in India. Sun-dials were liable to many objections ; they could only be used when the sun was shining, and conse- quently at night, or in cloudy weather they were worthless. The Clepsydra, or water-clock, was therefore invented at an early date. It i said that they were found among the ancient Britons, at the time of the invasion by Julius Caesar. The first water-clocks were made of long cylindrical vessels, with a small perforation at the bottom. These being filled with water, marked the passage of time by the descent of the fluid column. Various ornamental contrivances were subsequently introduced, but they were all dependent upon the same principle. We will imagine one of the early philosophers, with his water- clock, starting the stream when some well known star was occulted, or hidden by a distant object, the tube being long enough to continue the stream until the next night. As the heavens move on, we find him watching the descent of the liquid, and at the approach of the succeeding evening, when the same star is again occulted by the same object, he marks the level of the liquid in his tube, and selecting another star, for the first has gone out of sight, he fills the tube, and at the given signal, when the star passes behind the hill, or other occulting object, he permits the water to flow. On the succeeding evening, as this star is again hidden, he observes the fluid, and finds it at precisely the same level as before, and thus arrives at the conclusion that the star* 48 THE WORLD- all revolve around the earth in the same time, or, more philo- sophically speaking, he learns that the earth turns uniform!}'' on its axis performing each revolution in exactly the same interval of time. The space thus obtained "on the clepsydra, for a revo- lution of the heavens, we may imagine him dividing into portions that will mark the subdivisions of the day. These divisions would not all be equal, but decrease in length as the height of the fluid column decreased. His instrument, thus adjusted to measure the flight of time, we may suppose him to observe the exact instant of sunset, and after an interval of a day, again making the same observation. He would find upon careful observation that this interval was longer than the interval required for a star to revolve around the earth, by about 4 minutes, if his instrument would detect so small a quantity. In other words, he would find that the sun was apparently moving backward in the heavens. And now, he is, perhaps, for a moment puzzled which measure of time to adopt, that of the stars, or of the sun. Convenience points out the latter, and consequently astronomers regulate their time measurers to divide the solar dayinio 24 hours ; the other is called the sidcrial day, and is about four minutes shorter. For a long time, even after Copernitus and Galileo had estab- lished the fact of a rotation of the earth on its axis, there were no means of measuring intervals of time more correctly than by the water-clock. It is true, that instruments made of wheels, and moved by weights, were, in Galileo's time, in use, but as they were without any regulators, the time was too inaccurately mea- sured to be of any service. The discoveries which were being made by Tycho Brahe, and Kepler, demanded some more accurate method of registering the time. It is related that Galileo, observing the swinging of a suspended lamp, in a Church at Pisa, and noticing that the vibrations, whether long or short, were performed in equal times, conceived the idea of adapting such a contrivance, now called a pendulum, to measure intervals of time. His apparatus was rude enough, and it was necessary to employ a boy to occasionally give the pendulum a slight push when it was near resting. It does not appear, at first StPERIAL DAt. 49 thought, that long and short vibrations will be performed in the sam? time yet this is true, at least when the pendulum is quite lonf, anU the arcs over which it swings are of moderate lengths. Huygens conceived the idea of applying the pendulum to the clock, as a regulator, and succeeded in accomplishing this, and thus gave to the world an accurate measurer of time. The clock thus perfected, became so accurate, that it was necessary to contrive some more accurate means to regulate it. Hitherto, the successive occultations of some star, observed without the aid of a telescope, had been sufficient, and the time of noon, or 12 o'clock, was obtained by sun-dials, and other means, with sufficient accuracy, for the instruments hitherto employed. Any occurrence, which takes place at regular intervals, may be adopted as a regulator of time, but the revolution of the earth on its axis is by far the most accurate. For certain reasons, which will be given presently, the sun is apparently subject to such irregularities, that the solar days, or exact interval, from the' time the sun is on the meridian, until his return to it again at the successive revolution, are of unequal lengths. In other words, the solar day is variable. Now the real revolution of the earth on its axis, is the time in which any given meridian, or situation on the earth, moves from a particular star, back to that star again. Thus : A. Let A, B, O, D, be the earth, its north pole N, being towards us, and suppose it revolving in the order of the letters. Let N D be the meridian, or north and south line passing through some particular spot, Greenwich, for example, shown at E, and let the star S, be upon the meridian, that is, if this line was extended to the heavens, or, more properly, a plane passing through this 50 THE WORLD. line, suppose the star to be upon it. As the earth turns on its axis, the star is left behind, and after a complete revolution, the meridian again arrives to it, this interval is called asiderial day, or day as determined by the stars, and to ascertain this day, or its length, we must have some means of determining with the utmost exactness when the star is on the meridian. This is accom- plished by means of the transit instrument, invented by Huygena, and shown in the engraving below. The ordinary transit instrument consists of a telescope, A B, of any convenient length, fixed firmly at right, angles to a conical hollow axis, E F, the exti'emities of this axis are truly turned, and rest in two angular bearings which are called Y's, since they are not unlike this letter, the instrument can be lifted out of these bearings, and reversed, so that the ends E and F may change places. The end of the axis F, is furnished with a small graduated circle C, for the purpose of reading the elevation, or altitude of the body observed, and at D, is a small lamp, the light of which shining into the hollow arm E, is reflected by a reflector inside the tube, down to the eye. The object of this illumination is to make a system of fine lines, usually raw silk, or spiders-web, visible at night, at the same time with the star. In looking into the transit telescope, five of these lines are usually seen, shown in the engraving. A B is, by means wo cannot now describe, located TRANSIT INSTRUMENT. as exactly in the meridian as possible. It will be seen that when the axis of the transit telescope, E F, is placed due east and west, and also made perfectly horizontal by means of the spirit level H, the telescope A. B, will move in the meridian, i. e. t it will, if B directed tq the heavens, mark the exact situation of the meridian, at the time, of the particular plact where the instrument is located. We are thus furnished with the means of determining, with the greatest exactness, the precise time of a siderial revolu- tion of the earth, and as the apparent time of noon, or twelve o'clock, is precisely the instant when the sun's centre is on the meridian, we are also enabled to determine, with considerable precision, the local time, or clock time at the place. The transit instrument and the astronomical clock, are the two chief instruments of the observatory, and by their means, the positions of celestial objects can be ascertained with the utmost nicety. It would be out of place for us to describe more minutely these invaluable aids to the astronomer, and we pass to consider in the next chapter, the "Calendar," or the division of the year into months, weeks, and days, and at the same time we shall give an historical sketch of "its gradual progress to the present state of perfe'ction. It is a difficult thing to comprehend fully, or even partially, the relative dimensions, situation, and movement of our globe. We are so accustomed to look around us and behold the solid founda- tions of the earth, to see plains and oceans, extending as far as the eye can reach, and man is so small, when compared with the 52 tHE VVORLO. immensity of creation around him, that we are wont to look upon the hills as everlasting ; and the ground whereon we tread, and in the utmost confidence build houses, and proud works of art, as unchangeable. We are so accustomed to behold the grand luminary which gives light and warmth to the world, and cheers myriads with its bright rays, rising and marking out the length of a day ; we are so accustomed to plan ahead, and to contrive for years yet to come, as though there was no possibility of a change ; we are so accustomed to behold the fair orb of night, as she illumines a quiet and sleeping earth, and so wont to gaze upon the ever- twinkling and bright stars, that we long ago have ceased to think of our earth as a minute orb, smaller by far than many of those upon which we turn such careless eyes now. We rarely, if ever, imagine that its present surface was once the bed of avast ocean ; that its present crust has been caused to heave and swell like a sheet spread out upon the waves, uplifted by internal fires, until the strained surface has cracked open, and the flames, and molten rock found egress. Careless from a thousand causes, we deem ourselves, like the conceited w r ise men of old, as the only impor- tant beings of the universe, and our habitation, as eternal, and unchangeable. It is ihe peculiar province of Astronomy and Geology, to free the mind from such superstitions, and to elevate and ennoble it by loftier contemplations. The younger Herschel, has truly remarked, " Geology, in the magnitude and sublimity of the objects of which it treats, undoubtedly ranks next to Astronomy in the scale of the sciences." Wo have, in the present volume, associated the two, as was necessary in giving such a sketch of the earth as was planned, and shall strive to interest as well as instruct the reader. Of one thing we are most certainly convinced, and that is, there is not a more interesting subject, to which we may devote our attention. THE CALENDAR. 53 CHAPTER V, The Calendar. " Change of days To us is sensible ; and each revolve Of the recording sun conducts us on Further in life, and nearer to our goal." Kirk White. THE revolution of the earth on its axis, being adopted as the standard of measure, it was natural that the number of days to the .year should be a subject of edrly investigation. We have already alluded to the helical rising of the stars, and it is apparent that upon ascertaining the distance of the sun from any particular star, and after a certain interval, determining when his distance from the same star, is the same as before, the early astronomers could determine the length of the year, ox time occupied by the sun in his apparent revolution around the earth. As it was diffi- cult to observe any stars at the same time with the sun, its place ' in the heavens, or position in the ecliptic, was determined by measuring its distance from Venus, and then the distance of Venus from some known star. Or, we may imagine the time of sunset to be carefully observed, and afterwards the time of setting of some particular star, then, upon making due allowance for the time elapsed, the sun's position among the stars could be ascertained. The rising and setting of certain stars, or constel- lations, was early adopted as the precursor of the return of certain seasons of the year. We find continual allusions to this among the early poets, and even in the Book of Job, we have, " Canst thou bind the sweet influence of the Pleiades, or loose the bands of Orion? The Pleiades were also called Vergillae, i. c., daughters of the spring. The Egyptians watched in like manner the rising of the dog star, which gave notice of the approaching season of inundation by the Nile. The length of the year was soon 54 THE WORLD. ascertained to be about 365 days ; and as the moon, apparently, made near 12 revolutions around the earth in that time the year was subdivided into 12 months, which, in reference to the phases of the moon, were again subdivided into weeks, of seven days each. The time occupied by the sun in the departure from any particular meridian, until its return to that meridian again, is called a Solar day, and a similar revolution, a star being the object, is called a Siderial day. We have already shown that the Solar day was longer than the Siderial day, on account of the apparent backward motion of the sun among the stars ; but it is obvious, that the Siderial day, is the true measure of the time of revolution of the earth on its axis. Now if the earth made an exact number of revolutions on its axis, during the time in which it moves from a particular part of the heavens, back to that par- ticular position again, it is evident we would have an exact number of siderial days to a year. It is found, however, that the siderial year does not consist of an exact number of days, but contains, also, a fractional part of a day. When a long interval of time elapses between different observations, so that the earth makes a great number of revolu- tions around the sun, the length of the year maybe very correctly ascertained. Thus On the 1st day of April, 1669, at Oh. 3m. 47s., mean solar time, (which we shall explain presently,) Picard observed the distance of the sun from the star Procyon, measured on a parallel of latitude, to be 98 59' 36". In 1745, which was 76 years after, La Caille observed the sun, to deter- mine exactly the time when his difference of longitude should be the same from the star, as in Picard's observation. Now the day of the month in which La Caille observed, had been reckoned on from Picard's time, just as if the year had consisted of exactly 365 days, except every leap year, when a day had been added, for a reason that will appear presently. It was not until April 2d, at llh. 10m. 45s., mean solar time, that the difference of longitude was the same as when Picard observed. Now here it was obvious that the earth had in reality, made just exactly 76 revolutions. The number of days however, was as follows, viz : 58 years, of 365 days each, and 18 leap years, of 366 days each, LENGTH OF THE YEAR. 55 and Id. lib. 6m. 58s. more, or in all, 27759d. lib. 6m. 58s., which being divided by 76, gives 365d. 6h. 8m. 47s. for the length of the Siderial year. More recent and exact observations give 365d. 6h. 9 m. 11s. There are various kinds of years. First, the Siderial year, or the time which it takes the earth to perform exactly one revolution around the sun. This year it is not expedient to use, for the seasons being dependant on the position of the earth with regard to the sun, it is more convenient to have for the length of a year, the time from the commencement of spring to the com- mencement of spring again, and this is a period which, for a reason we will soon explain, is shorter than a siderial year. This year is called a Tropical or Equinoctial year. Again, inasmuch as this year does not consist of an exact number of days, and as it would be excessively inconvenient' to have a year begin at any other time except the commencement of a day, we have the Civil year, which consists of exactly 365 days, and every fourth year, of 366. We have already given the length of the Siderial year, which is the time of a true revolution of the earth in its orbit, but the length of the equinoctial year, or year from beginning of spring, to spring again, is shorter than this. It is obvious that the equinoctial year is the one which most intimately con- cerns us, all agricultural, and other operations, being entirely dependant upon the seasons. When we explain, in the next chapter, the cause of the seasons, we shall show why this year, must be shorter than the Siderial year. Meantime we may suppose one of the early philosophers detecting it in this manner. The path of the sun in the heavens being ascertained, it was soon observed that it was inclined at a certain angle, with the apparent diurnal paths of the stars. Thus, if we observe a certain star to-night, (mid-summer,) which rises due east, and watch its diurnal path, or the line which it traces in its apparent motion over the heavens, we will find it a part of a circle, whose centre is the pole of the heavens, near which the pole star is situated, and the star will set due west : at a certain point midway between east and west, it will reach its highest altitude, after which it will begin to set, this highest altitude is 56 THE WORM). when it is in the meridian, or mid-heaven, and the meridian of a place, is a plane, or direction, which passes through the spectator, and the north and south point. If we observe another star which rises 10 south of east, we will find it arriving to the meridian something more than 10 lower down than the other star, according to our latitude. If we were at the equator, it would be just 10. This star would set 10 south of west, and so of any stars whatever, they would all apparently describe diurnal circles, or parts of such circles, all having the pole of the heavens for their grand centre. Now at the time of the summer solstice, or mid-summer, 21st of June, the sun rises directly east, and sets due west, describing apparently a diurnal circle in the heavens, after a few days, however, he will rise a little south of east, and set a little south of west, and in a few days more he will rise still farther south of east, and set so much south of west, until at the time of the winter solstice, or mid-winter, he will, in our northern latitude, rise very far towards the south, and come to the meridian very low down, and set at as great a distance south of the west point, as he arose south of the east. Now, if the backward motion of the sun in the heavens, had been performed in a diurnal circle, he would rise later and later each day, but always just at the same distance from the east. Hence we infer, that this backward motion of the sun, is not in a diurnal circle but inclined to it. This is the case, the ecliptic, or sun's apparent path, instead of corresponding with the equator, or with any particular diurnal circle parallel to the equator, cuts them all at a certain angle, which angle is called the inclination of the ecliptic. In order to make this part of our subject clear, we must have reference to a diagram. Let P P', be the poles of the celestial vault or concave, having the earth A, within it, its poles being in the line P P'. As the earth turns around on its axis, Jet its equator reach the heavens, marking E E' as the celestial equator. Through a point B, at the distance of 33| from the equator, suppose a line B S, which also passes through the centre of the earth, to reach the sky at S. As the earth turns around, this line, B S, will mark out a circle in the heavens, C S, called, for a reason which will soon be given, THE ECLIPTIC. 57 the tropic of Cancer. A similar line D S, which passes through J? the centre of the earth, and a point 23J south of the equator, will trace out the circle C' S', called the tropic of Capricorn. .The circle P E' P' E, will represent a meridian, or a great circle which passes through the poles and the centre of the earth. Let S S', be a great circle, (of course seen edgewise in the diagram) this will represent the ecliptic which is inclined 23| to the equator E E'. When the sun is at S in the ecliptic, his apparent diurnal path in the heavens, as the earth turns around, will be the circle C S ; and to a spectator at B, the sun would be directly vertical, or overhead, at noon. If we suppose a little circle marked on the earth, corresponding with C S, we can readily perceive, that, as the sun is fixed, while the earth turns around, all those places upon the %arth which lie in this circle, will have the sun vertical at noon. But a^ spectator at A, nearer the north pole of the earth, would have his Zenith, or highest point of the heavens, as at Z, hence the sun would come to the meridian below the Zenith. This is the case at all places north of the tropic of Cancer, or south of the tropic of Capricorn. Suppose now the sun to have moved in his orbit from S to O, he would then appear to rise at the same time with the star O, and describe the diurnal circle F G in the heavens, parallel to the equator, arriving at the meridian OD THE WORLD. considerably lower than in the first case. The dotted line POP' will here represent the meridian, which, it must be remembered, is not a fixed direction in space, but simply a plane, extending from the earth to the heavens, and passing through the spectator, wherever he may be, and the poles of the earth. When the sun, after moving through one fourth of his orbit, arrives at the point where the equator and ecliptic cross each other, and which is called the equinoctial point, the days and nights are equal all over the world, and the sun is vertical at noon, at the equator. His apparent diurnal circle will now be the equator E E'. The sun, still moving on in its orbit, finally arrives at S' its greatest southern limit, describing the diurnal circle S' C' at the time of the winter solstice ; after which it again moves northward, rising higher, and higher, each day, until after a tropical year, it arrives at the point S, where we commenced. Now if the points S and S', were fixed points in the heavens, the length of a tropical, or equi- noctial year, would be the same as the length of a siderial year, for the equinoctial points are fixed with regard to the tropical points. It is, for many reasons, more convenient to reckon this year from equinox to equinox, and hence this is generally termed the equinoctial year. Let A B C D, represent the sun's path, inclined 23 28' to the equator E D F B, and suppose B, the position of the vernal equi- PRECESSION OF THE EQUINOXES. 59 nox, and let the apparent positions of the ecliptic and the equator, or rather portions of them, be represented by the dotted lines, and suppose some star S, to lie directly in the equinoctial point, or node, as seen from the earth at H. Suppose the sun, commencing from the point B, or S, to move around in the direction B A D C, it is evident, that if the crossing point still corresponded with the star S, or remained unchanged, the sun would arrive at B, or S, after an interval equal to a siderial year. But this is not the case, the plane of the equator E D F B, is not fixed, but while the sun is performing his journey, it moves slowly backward on the ecliptic contrary to the apparent yearly motion of the sun in the heavens, so that, in about .the time of a year, the crossing points are at N and O, and in the heavens the position of the vernal equinox will appear to have shifted, contrary to the order of the signs, from S to' T ; hence, as the sun arrives at T before it can come to S, the equinoctial year is shorter than the siderial year. This shifting of the nodes is called the Precession of the Equinoxes, because the equinox seems to go forward to meet the sun, and thus precedes the complete revolution of the sun in the ecliptic. Now this change of place, in the position of the equinox, we infer very 60 THE WORLD. readily, must be caused by a motion of our earth, for it will be noticed, that the inclination of the ecliptic to the equator remains unchanged. Let ABC, represent the ecliptic, and D B E, the celestial equator, intersecting each other in two opposite points, one of which is shown at B. Let P P' be the poles of the earth, 9(P distant from the equator F V G, in every direction, and let the star S, in the direction P' P, be the pole of the heavens, every where 90 distant from the celestial equator, D B E, let the point T, be the pole of the ecliptic ABC. We must be careful and not consider the lines F G, H I, marked on the earth as equator and ecliptic, to be fixed, because this would cause the nodes, or equinoctial points, to revolve, apparently, once in a day, through the heavens, but we may suppose them hoops or bands, sta- tionary, while the earth turns around in them. For a moment suppose the diurnal revolution of the earth to be stopped, and let the position of the intersections of the planes of the celestial ecliptic and equator, meet on the earth at V, and let the poles, of the ecliptic H V I thus marked on the earth, be O and R, a spectator at the centre of the earth, would locate the equinoctial point among the stars at B. If, now, the earth should be turned a little, not on its diurnal or equatorial axis P P', but on its ecliptical axis O R, in the direction of the letters C B A, the equinox would appear to shift in the heavens to the star X, and the pole of the heavens S, would appear to have moved partly around the pole of the ecliptic S, and be at Z, This is the fact, whilst the earth is moving around the sun, and all the time turning daily on its equatorial axis, it is making a slow backward revolution around its ecliptical axis, and as the stars are fixed, the equinoctial point continually retrogrades along the ecliptic, thus causing the pole of the heavens continually to shift its place, revolving in a circle whose radius is T S, which is the angular inclination of the axis P P' to the axis O R, or of the plane of the ecliptic, to the plane of the equator. The early astronomers, located the places of the equinoxes in the heavens, and gave the name Aries to the constellation where the vernal, or spring equinox, was located, and the name Libra to the con- stellation where the autumnal equinox was located. Since that PRECESSION OF THE EQUINOXES. 61 time, the equinoctial point iias retrograded 30, or one sign, they whole circle, 360, being divided into 12 signs of 30 each ; consequently, the vernal equinox is now in what was then the last constellation, Pisces, for the stars have not changed places, only the intersecting point. Astronomers, however, have agreed to call the point where the vernal equinox is situated, the first point of Aries, forever, whatever may be the constellation where this point is located, hence the sign Aries, is now in the constellation Pisces, the sign Pisces, in the constellation Ag'tiarius, &c. The annual amount of precession is small, being but 50.1" in a year, hence the time occupied to make a complete revolution, will be 25,868 years. However, small as it is, it is quite palpable in the course of a century, and has been of signal aid in Chronology as we shall show in our chapter upon that subject. As the place of equinox goes forward each year, to meet the sun, 50.1 seconds of space, it is evident the tropical or equinoctial year will be as much shorter than the siderial year, as it takes the sun to describe this small space, which is 20m 20s, nearly, hence the length of the equinoctial year is 365d, 5h, 48m, 51.6s, and this is the year which most intimately concerns us. In ancient times, the days of th summer and winter solstice were determined by means of the shadow of a gnomon, or upright post, as the sun rose higher and higher each day, at noon, the shadow became shorter and shorter, until, having reached its limit, it began to lengthen, this was the day of the summer solstice. The day of the winter solstice, was the time of the longest shadow. When we look back, and think of the ancient philosophers, with their shadow-sticks, and rude dials, and see them trying, with these rough means, to measure the distances of the heavenly bodies, and the size of the earth, we may wonder that they ever approximated as near as they did. In no Science has the advancement of general learning and civiliza- tion been more apparent, than in Astronomy. Tables of the posi- tions of the sun, moon and planets, in the heavens, are now given for many years to come, with such accuracy, that the unassisted eye cannot detect even their greatest errors, and in some cases, the positions are given with more accuracy than even could be obtained from observation itself. 62 - THE WORLD, The tropical, or equinoctial, or n&an solar year, for these dif- ferent names all mean the same, is, as we have just shown, about 365| days long. Now if this year was to begin upon the first day of January, at Oh, Om, Os, the next year must begin January 1st, at 5h, 48m, 51.6s, or about a quarter of a day later. This would be excessively inconvenient, hence it was determined to have the civil year consist of 365 days exactly, and this, for a long period, was the case, but the consequences, after awhile, became very apparent. The vernal equinox, which once was at the commence- ment of the spring months, gradually began to go back, until the calendar was involved in great confusion. This was especially the case with the Roman Calendar, in which the year was reckoned 12 revolutions of the moon, or 354 days, and Julius Ca3sar, with the aid of Sosigenes, an astronomer of Alexandria, attempted a reformation. The beginning of the year had formerly been placed in March, by Romulus, in honor of his patron, Mars. Ceesar determined to commence the year the 1st of January, at the time of the winter solstice. This seems the most natural time, for now, the sun, having reached his greatest southern declination, begins to return, bringing back the spring and summer. Ccesar chose, likewise, to have, for the first year of the new calendar, a year when a new moon happened near .the time of the winter solstice. This occurred in the second year of his dictatorship, and the 707th from the founding of Rome, when there was a new moon on the 6th of January. This, accordingly, was made the beginning of a new year, and in order to make the year commence at this period, it was necessary to keep the old year dragging on 90 days, or to consist of 444 days. All these days were unprovided with solemnities, hence the year preceding the commencement of Caesar's calendar is called the yea* of confusion. To prevent the recurrence of error, which was what he had most in view, and keep the civil and astronomical years together, he determined to add, each fourth year, a day to the calendar, because the solar year being, as was then supposed, 365| days long, this |, would, in four years, amount to a day, and could then be added. It was true, the second year would begin 6 hours too soon, the third would begin 12 hours too soon, and the fourth 18 hours too soon, but the JULIAN CALENDAR. 63 commencement of the fifth would correspond with the fifth astro- nomical year. In the month of February, the lustrations, and other piaculums to the infernal deities, ceased on the 23d day, and the worship of the celestial deities commenced on the 24th.. Ceesar chose, therefore, to insert this intercalary day between the 23d and 24th 'days of February. The Romans did not number their days of the month as we do now, i. e. 1st, 2d, 3d, &c., but they called the first day the Calends, from which our word calendar is derived, thus the 1st day of March was called the Calends of March, the 28th day of February was called thepridie Calendas Martias, the day before the calends of March, the 27th was called the third day of the Calends of March, and the 24th was the sextus, or sixth day, of the Calends ef March, and as Ctesar's intercalary day was added just after this day, it was called bissextile, or double sixth day, and the year in which it was added, received, and still bears the name, bissextile. Many years after, when Christianity became the religion of the Roman Empire, Dionysius Exiguus, a French Monk, after much research, came to the conclusion that the 25th day of December, of the 45th year of Ceesar's era, was the time of the nativity, commonly called Christmas, and therefore the 1st of January, of the 46th year of Caesar, was adopted as the 1st of the Christian era. As the first year of Caesar was a bissextile, and as every fourth year after the 45th, was a bissextile, conse- quently the fourth year of the Christian era was a bissextile, and as every fourth year is the one in which the intercalary day is added, we can always determine when this year occurs, by simply dividing the year of the Christian era by 4, if there be no remain- der, the year is a bissextile,- or leap year, but if a remainder, then that remainder shows how many years it is from the last bissextile. The name leap year is given, because the civil reckoning, which had fallen behind the astronomical, leaps ahead and overtakes it. The correction introduced into the calendar by Csesar, would have been sufficient to always keep the astronomical and civil reckoning together, if the fraction of a day over 365 had been just 6 hours, or | ; instead of this, however, it is but 5h, 48m, 51.6s, and the difference is llm, 8.4s, which, in 4 years, amounts to 44m. 33.6s, by which amount, the fifth civil year begins later than 64 THE WORLD. the astronomical year. In 1582 this difference had accumulated, until it amounted to over 11 days, of course the. equinoxes, and sol- stices, no longer happened on those days which had been appointed to them, and the celebrations of the Church festivals, were conse- quently much deranged. The Council of Nice, which sat A. D. 325, had decreed that the great festival of Easter, should be celebrated in conformity with the Jewish Passover, which was regulated by the full moon following the vernal equinox. Now the decree did not say that this festival, upon which all the others depend, should be on the first Sunday after the full moon following the vernal equinox, but on the Sunday following the full moon, O7i or after the 2isi of March, this being the day, at that time, of the vernal equinox. Pope Gregory XIII., who occupied the pontificate in 1582, determined to rectify this error, which was thus made known, not from any series of observations for that specific purpose, as at the present day, but by the accumulated error becoming so great as to introduce confusion. At this time the vernal equinox really occurred, according to the civil reckoning j on the llth of March, ten days earlier than the time decreed by the Nicene Council. To remedy this defect, Gregory directed that the day following the 4th of October, 1582, should be reckoned the 15th, instead of the 5th, thus restoring the vernal equinox to its former position, by omitting altogether ten days. To prevent the accumulation, he directed the intercalary day to be omitted on every centurial year ; this would have answered every purpose if the difference, which had caused the error, had amounted to a day in 100 years, but it did not, for it was but a little more than f of a day, hence omitting the intercalary day every 100th, or centurial year, omitted of a day too much, which, in the course of 400 years, amounts to 1 day. It was, therefore, further provided, that although the intercalary day was ordinarily omitted each centurial year, it was to be retained every 400th year, thus the centurial years 1600, 2000, and 2400, are bissextile ; but the years 1500, 1700, 1800, 1900, 2100, 2200, &c., are common years. This correction is sufficiently accurate for all purposes, the slight re- maining error will only amount to a day after an interval of 144 centuries. The time of the vernal equinox now is, and always GREGORIAN CALENDAR. 65 will be, the 21st of March. The correction introduced into the calendar by Gregory, was not adopted by the English, until the year 173Q. At this time the difference between the Julian and Gregorian calendars was 11 days ; it would have been 12 days, but the latter had omitted the intercalary day in the year 1700, as we have already stated. It was, therefore, enacted by Parliament, that 11 days should be left out of the month of September of the current year, by cabling the day following the 2d of the month the 14th, instead of the 3d. The Greek Church have never adopted this Romish or Latin correction, and consequently, the Russians are now 12 days behind us in their reckoning, and the Christmas festival, which happens with us December 25th, occurs with them January 6th, or Epiphany day, according to our reckoning, and which is sometimes, even now, called " Old Christmas day." The Julian and Gregorian calendars are designated by the terms " Old Style," and " New Style." Thus, by successive improve- ments, which have been almost forced upon the world, the calendar has been perfected, until it answers all the purposes of civilized life. "Time," says Young, "is the stuff that life is made of," and we do well, therefore, not to waste such a precious possession. We remember the inscription on the dial in the Temple, at Lon- don : "Begone about your business," a wholesome admonition to the loiterer, and the no less appropriate device, once stamped on the old Continental coppers, a dial with the motto, " Mind your business." There is enough to do, and time enough to do all that ought to be done. " There is a time for all things," says Solomon, let us then, be careful and do all things in the proper time. The French Chancellor d' Aguesseau, employed all his time. Observing that Madame d' Aguesseau always delayed ten or twelve minutes before she came down to dinner, he composed n work entirely in this time, in order not to loose an instant ; the result was, at the end of .fifteen years, a book in three large volumes quarto, which went through several editions. No man, we venture to say, ever accomplished more, and to the better satisfaction of all interested, than Benjamin Franklin, another economiser of time. One of his greatest discoveries was THE WORLD. made in France, and that was, Sun-light was cheaper than lamp- light, and better, too. A severe reprimand, -from a man of his standing, and industry, upon the customs of the French court, spending the night in mirth and revelry, and sleeping all the day. It is said there is a moral in every thing, to the moralizing mind. Since, then, " Time once gone, ne'er returns," let us make the best use of it ; not sad, or serious, merely, but sober and reasona- ble - ready to labor in the hours of labor, and to rest in the hours of rest. We shall not, then, look back on misspent moments, with that feeling so aptly expressed in the German : " Ach toie nichtig, ach icic flucMig /" Ah, how vain, ah, how fleeting ! The flight of Time, which is silently, but surely and uniformly, bearing us from scenes, loved, perhaps, too well, cannot be too accurately marked. The correction of the calendar, by Julius Csesar, has done more to perpetuate his name than the victories he won for Rome, and the name of Gregory XIII. has more of meaning in it, than that of a mere Saint, in the Romish calendar. There is something pleasing, and yet mournful, in thus minutely contemplating the passage of the year, and we would do well to imitate the good old custom which our forefathers followed, and on the first day of the New Year, make the first entry in our new account books : Cans 5Deo. SIDER1AL TIME. , CHAPTER VI. Dials and Dialing. ' This shadow on the Dial's face, That steals from day to day With slow, unseen, unceasing pace, Moments, and months, and years away, Right onward, with resistless power, Its stroke shall darken every hour, Till Nature's race be run, And Time's last shadow shall eclipse the sun. 67 IN the preceding chapter, we have made frequent use of the word day, and have throughout meant what is called a mean Solar day. We have already shown that the Siderial day is the time of an exact revolution of the earth on its axis. This day is shorter than the Solar day, by about 4 minutes. We have also alluded to the apparent motion of the sun in the heavens, showing that if to-day he came to the meridian at the same time with any particular star, to-morrow the star would come to the meridian before the sun, which had apparently changed its place in the heavens. Let us consider to what the difference between Solar and Siderial time is really owing, and see how much the Siderial day should be A shorter than the Solar, to do which we will have recourse to a diagram 68 TH 5t A B C D, represent the earth's annual orbit, showing the in four different positions, and let a be the situation of some particular meridian, that of Greenwich, for example. Now, on the supposition that the earth does not rotate on its axis at all, suppose it moving- in its orbit, in the order of the letters ; it is not difficult to see that the effect will be the same, as though the earth, remaining at rest in its orbit, had turned once on its axis during the year, but in a contrary direction to its present diurnal mo- tion. Thus, while at A, the sun would be on the meridian 1 a, but at B, one fourth of a year after, the sun would set in the east, and at C, half a year afterwards, it would be midnight at the same meridian, a~ At D the sun would just begin to rise in the west, and finally at A would come to the meridian again. It will now be understood, that although the earth does turn on its axis, during its yearly circuit, yet this day as really occurs as if the earth had not the diurnal revolution, hence the number of rotations, measured by the sun's coming to the meridian, will be less than the number as announced by a star, by one day, and therefore the Siderial day must be shorter than a Solar day, by the proportional part of a revolution, which is thus divided up among, and added to the 365 Solar days of the year. Upon the supposition that the mean Solar day is just 24 hours in length, the Siderial day will be, the one-three hundred and sixty-fifth and one-fourth, of 24 hours, shorter, i. e. 3m, 5"6s, very nearly,- and a star, in consequence, will come to the meridian 3m, 56s, sooner than the sun, each day, or will gain so much on the sun daily. We have more than once intimated that the time elapsed be- tween a star's leaving the meridian, to its return to it again, viz : 23h, 56m, 4.,01s, is the precise measure of a rotation of the earth, and for this reason astronomers prefer to regulate their time keepers to show what is called Siderial time. Now, suppose to-day to be the 14th of April, which is near the time of vernal equinox, the precise point where the ecliptic intersects the equator, we will imagine to be shown by a bright star. By means of his transit instrument, the astronomer ascertains exactly when this star is on his meridian, and just then sets his clock going, the hands showing at the time Oh, Om, Os, and at the same time the town-clock, we RIGHT ASCENSION AND DECLINATION', 69 will suppose, or some other time-measurer, such as a watch, o$ ordinary clock, is set going, showing, also, at that instant, Oh, Om, Os. Now the astronomer's clock is, like the other time-keepers, divided into 24 hours, only he reckons straight forward from 1 to 24 hours, while in the ordinary time-piece, the hours are numbered twice in a day, from 1 to 12. We ought to say, however, that the astronomer begins his day at noon the 14th of April, while the civil day, April 14th, began at midnight, 12 hours before, but both clocks now show Oh, Om, Os. The astronomer's clock has a pendulum a trifle shorter than the common clock, which makes it oscillate somewhat faster, so that the gain, on the ordinary clock, may be about 3m, 56s, in a day. After an interval of 24 hours, by his clock, the astronomer again looks into the transit telescope and sees the supposed star, or equinoctial point, which is always called the first point of Aries, just on his meridian, that is, if his clock is truly adjusted, but it is not yet a day, or 24 hours, by the civil time, but lacks 3m, 56s. The next dtiy the clocks will be still farther apart, and in about 15 days there will be 1 hour's difference, the siderial clock showing Ih, when the ordinary cjock shows I2h, or noon ; the latter shows the time whea the sun is on the meridian, or very nearly so, but the former indicates that the first point of Aries, or the equinoctial point, crossed the meridian an hour before. Now the great convenience to the astronomer is this: As the whole heavens appear" to revolve around the earth in a siderial day, he imagines a circle traced out in the heavens, which corresponds to our equator, and, commencing at the vernal equi- noctial point, or first point of Aries, he divides this celestial equator, into 24 equal portions, or hours, and these he subdivides into 60 minutes, and each minute into 60 seconds, and he calls the distance of any body from this first point of Aries, measured on the celestial equator, just as we measure longitude en a globe, or map, by ascertaining how far east or west the place is from Greenwich, measured on the terrestrial equator ; this he calls the Right As- cension of that body, designated by the initials R. A., and the distance of the body north or south of the equator, he calls De- clination, north or south, designated thus: N. D., or S. D., corresponding with our geographical terms, north and south 70 THK WORLD. latitude. The only difference between longitude as reckoned on the earth, and right ascension as measured in the heavens, is, the former is reckoned east or west from any arbitrary point, Greenwich, or Washington, for example, but the latter is reckoned eastward, or in the order of the signs, completely around, and always from the first point of Aries, which is a determined point in the sky, being the position of the vernal equinox, and which turns around, apparently, with the whole celestial concave, in its diurnal revolution. When a new comet appears, and is announced as having a R. A. of 6h, and 10m, and N. D, of 2 15', the astronomer places his transit telescope, or .other similar instrument, so as to point 2 15' north of the imaginary celestial equator, for he knows just how high above the horizon this is situated, and when his clock points out 6h and 10m, he looks into the telescope and sees the newly discovered object. Thus the precise position occupied by any star, or planet, in the heavens, can be mapped down, using right ascensions and declinations in the same manner as terrestrial longitudes and latitudes. We should like to say a great deal more on this subject, buj, the nature of our work forbids. Our ordinary clocks and watches, are adjusted to keep mean solar time.. It would, at first, be supposed, that the interval from noon to noon, although longer than a Siderial day, would, never- theless, be an equal period, so thafif a clock was adjusted to show 24 hours during the interval of the sun's leaving the meridian at any particular season of the year, to his return to it the next day, it would always indicate an interval of 24h, for any similar revolu- tion. This is not the case, and we think we can show, very plainly, why it is not. The instaht when the sun is actually on the meridian, is called the time of apparent noon, or 12 o'clock apparent time, although, a clock regulated to keep what is called mean time, or mean solar time, may then show but llh, 45m. The difference between apparent time and mean solar time, is called the equation of time, i. e. the correction which must be applied in order to determine true time, from the time indicated by the sun. It is evident that Sun-Dials will indicate apparent time, and we will, therefore, devote the remainder of this chapter SUN-DIAt.5, 71 to a description of the principles of dialing, and then proceed to illustrate the causes, which make the discrepancy observed between the times indicated by a clock supposed to run with an uniform motion, and a good sun-dial. We do this the more willingly, for we intend our book to be of some advantage to the reader, and we trust that after its attentive perusal, he will feel sufficiently interested to either erect a good dial, or a meridian mark, in order to determine his local time with something more of accuracy than suffices for the ordinary wants of life. We mean by local time, the correct solar time for the place, in distinction from Greenwich time, or Siderial time. Chronometers, which are accurate, but portable, time-keepers, are of4en set to Greenwich time, L e. they are adjusted so as to show, wherever they are carried, the actual time then indicated by the clock at Greenwich, the difference between this and the time indicated by the clock at any other place, or the local time will give, by simple inspection, the difference of longitude. Let P A B C, be the earth, and E the position of a spectator upon it, and let F G be the horizon, or a horizontal circle, and let C H A be the plane of a great circle parallel to the small circle F G, and let P B be the axis of the earth inclined to the diameter 72 THE WORLD. C A of the great circle C H A, according to the latitude of the spectator E. Now as the earth turns once on its axis in 24 hours, it is evident that the several meridians P, P I, P II, PHI, &c., will come successively under the sun at exact intervals of 1 hour, if they are all 15 apart, for 24 multiplied into 15 gives 360, the whole number of degrees to the circle. Suppose, for a moment, that instead of the earth turning up on its axis, once in 24 hours, that the sun moves around the earth in this time, the effect will be the same If the sphere of the earth was transparent, but its axis P D B opaque, then P D would, as the sun passed around, cast a shadow in the directions D A, DI, DII, Dili, &c., when the sun was in the apposite direction, and the progress of this shadow would mark the hour, according to the meridian in which it should fall. It will be observed, that the intervals A-I, I-II, II- III, are not equal intervals, but vary, because the circle C H A, cuts the meridians obliquely. Now the sun is so far distant, that if the observer at E should locate a horizontal plane, which, of course, would be parallel to the large plane C H A, and describe on it a small circle, and then divide this circle in proportion as the meridians divide the large circle C H A, and should, likewise, erect from its centre a gnomon, or shadow stick, inclined so as to point to the north star, or in other words, to be parallel to P D, the progress of this shadow would mark the hour. We have here, then, the principle of the horizontal Sun-dial, and all that is necessary to construct one, is, to graduate it proportionally accord- ing to the latitude. This can easily be done by calculation, which, however, would involve more of mathematical skill than we shall suppose the reader to possess ; we will, therefore, show how it may be done experimentally, and thus any one, with the least ingenuity, can construct a horizontal dial. Referring back DIALING. 73 to the figure, page 71, it will not be difficult to perceive that if the circle C H A, had been the equator,. then all the angles of the hour lines D A, D I, D II, &c., would have been measured by equal arcs, each 15. The same would 'be true of any small circle, I K, parallel to the equator* the meridians, 15 apart, would divide it into 24 equal parts. Now, if on a globe, we should divide any parallel of latitude, such as I K, before alluded to, into 24 equal parts, and then pass a plane, a sheet of paper for example, through each of these divisions and the centre of the globe, then, wherever this plane intersected the plane of any other circle, C H A for example, it would mark out the directions of the hour lines D A, D I, D II, D III. &c. Take, BOW, a flat board, on which a sheet of paper is fastened, and describe a circle whose centre is O, as in the diagram below, and let O B be a metallic rod, inclined to the line A C, drawn on the paper to represent a meridian line, at an angle equal to the latitude of the place, let D E be a small circle, so fixed on O B, that its plane is everywhere perpendicular to it, or in other words, so that the distance from the point B to the circumference of the circle, may be the same throughout. Let this smaller circle be graduated into 24 equal parts, and subdivided into halves, and quarters, and if desired, still smaller spaces. Take, now, a fine thread, or a straight edge, and carry it from B through each division of the little circle, successively, down to the plane of the paper below, taking care, if a thread is used, not to crooR it against the edge of the little circle, but simply passing it straight down. Through the points F, G, H, 74 TIIK WORLD. I, &c., thus indicated on the paper, and the centre of the circle A, draw the hour-lines A F, A G, A H, &c., extending, however, only to the circumference of the circle, and we have a dial ready for use, after adding the figures. Of course the little chicle must be so adjusted that when the line is passed by some one of its graduations, it will reach the horizontal plane at a point in the meridian line A C. Instead of a wire for the gnomon, we may use an inclined plane, so that our dial will now be not unlike this -'. : " - '' - figure. In order to use it, we must next determine the north and south line, or a meridian line, and place the lino on our dial which marks XII, to correspond therewith. This may be ascertained by means of a surveyor's compass, provided the variation of the needle from true north is known ; or, at the time of the solstices, mid-summer or mid-winter, when the sun's declination is changing very slowly, a number of circles may be traced upon a horizontal plane, having a 'common centre, over which centre a plumb-line must be suspended, having two or three knots tied in it. Upon marking where the shadow of these knots falls, suc- cessively, on the circles, in the forenoon and afternoon, and then bisecting the space so measured on each circle, and drawing a line through the centre and these points of bisection, a pretty exact meridian line may be laid down. The use of several circles, is simply to ensure greater accuracy in the result. We will now suppose the dial constructed, and located in a window facing to the south. We may here observe, that there will be no use in graduating the dial all the way round, as that portion only can be used over which the shadow passes during the day, say from 5 o'clock to 5 o'clock, on each side, viz : from V, on the western side, through VI, VII, VIII, IX, X.-XI, to XII, and from XII, to V, on the eastern side. When the sun rises before 6 o'clock, say DIALS AND CLOCKS. 75 at 5 o'clock, it will then be shown at V, by the shadow on the western side of the dial, and the shadow cannot be observed on the dia>to advantage much later than 5 o'clock, Suppose, then, the dial located, and that when the shadow indicates XII, or apparent noon, a well regulated clock is started, the hands of which also indicate XII, and this on the 24th day of December, for, as we shall soon see, this is one of the four days in the year when the clock and dial agree, then, although for a few days, the clock and dial will .appear to indicate the hour of noon together, it will soon be observed, that the clock begins to gain on the dial, and after an interval of one month, the clock will show 12h, 13m, when the dial indicates noon, or 12 o'clock apparent time. This difference will go on increasing, until February 10th, or llth, when the clock will appear to lose time, and by the 25th of March will be only 6m. faster than the dial, and on the 15th day of April they will again correspond. The clock, after this, will continue, appa- rently, to lose time until about May 15th, at which time it will only indicate llh, 56m, when the dial shows noon ; after this, its rate seems to increase, and on the 16th day of June they again come together. The clock now continues to gain on the dial until July 25th, when it is about 6m, 4s, faster, after which, its rate apparently decreases, until at August 31, they again coincide. On the 2d of November, the clock shows llh, 43m, 46s, when the dial says it is noon ; this is the greatest difference of all, being 16m, 14s, after this they begin to come together, and on December 24th, again correspond. Now, can it be that the sun's motion in the heavens, or rather the earth's motion, is thus irregular ? We might, at first, suspect our clocks, and watches, but the utmost pains have been bestowed on these, and when their rates of going have been ascertained, by means of the stars, and a transit instru- ment, as already described, they are found to go perfectly uniform, or very nearly so. Hence we are forced to admit, that the dis- crepancy between the dial and the clock, is to be sought for in the movements of the earth, and we shall fully show, in our next chapter, what these are. Thus far we hope we have succeeded in explaining the phe- nomena of the heavens due to the movements of the earth, nnd 76 THE WORLD. we have, we trust, been sufficiently clear. If, in some parts, we have been tediously minute, the more intelligent reader will remember we are writing for those who may be less expert. Certainly every one must feel interested in understanding the causes of some of the most striking phenomena which are con- tinually occurring. The varying lengths of days, the annual round of seasons, the constant return of day and night, the tides, the winds, and the clouds, all these force themselves upon observation, and demand some attention. To the consideration and elucidation of these great phenomena, the wisest men of all ages have devoted their lives, and simple and clear as the illustra- tion of these great natural causes may now appear, they have cost an amount of human labor and severe study, which we might in vain attempt to estimate. We feel not the less satisfaction, that we can look beyond the occurrences of the day and understand the causes which are concealed from careless eyes. The earth is no less beautiful, and beloved by us, because we can look above and see worlds, which we know to be a thousand times larger, and on which, we sometimes fancy, myriads of intelligent beings are existing, all pursuing the same great ends as we. After all, we are well satisfied with the study of our own planet, and find enough upon its surface, or below it, to fill us with admiration and wonder, and see enough in it of beauty, whether glowing in the warm sun-light, or reposing in the, quiet rays of the moon. ORBIT OF THE EARTH. 77 CHAPTER VII. Measurement of Time. " The Pilots now their rules of art apply, The mystic needle's devious aim to try; Along the arch the gradual index slides, While Phoebus down the vertic circle glides, Now, seen on ocean's utmost verge to swim, He sweeps it vibrant with his nether limb. Their sage experience thus explores the height And polar distance of the source of light." Falconer. HITHERTO we have spoken of the earth's orbit as circular, such being its apparent projection upon the celestial sphere, but this is not the actual case, it is elliptical. This is ascertained by the change in the apparent diameter of the sun, viewed from the earth at different seasons. If the orbit of the earth was a great circle, having the sun in its centre, it is obvious that the angle subtended by his disk would at all times be the same, for his dis- tance from the earth would always be the same. On the contrary, the diameter is observed to increase from the summer solstice to the winter solstice, then to again decrease. It is a proposition established in optics, that the apparent diameter of an object, varies inversely as the distance frcyii the spectator, when the angle is small, hence by observing with great accuracy, the apparent diameter of the sun, at different periods of the year, and actually projecting or calculating the orbit of the earth, it is found to be an ellipse, or oval, as represented in the following diagram.' The sun being situated, not in its centre, but nearer one side, in what is called one of the foci of the ellipse. The foci of the ellipse S and C, are so situated on the major, or longer axis, of the ellipse, that the sum of the length of any two lines drawn from the foci to the same point in the circumference of the ellipse is constant. Thus the sum of the lengths C E and S E, are equal to the sum of 73 THK WOTU.I). the lengths C O and S O, or C D, and S D, and all are equal to the length of the major axis A B. By placing two pins, one at eacli focus of the ellipse, and tying a thread around them of such length as will give the requisite major axis, a true ellipse may be described, by stretching the string and moving a pencil around in the angle. In the preceding diagram, we may suppose S E C, S O C, S I) C, to be three positions of the string, the pencil being placed in the angles E, O, and D. Such is the peculiar property of the ellipse, and in such an orbit the earth is moving around the sun. Let S be the position of the sun, and A the position of the earth, at the time when nearest the sun, and when, consequently, the sun's diameter appears the largest. This point in the orbit, is called the perihelion point, from two Greek words, which mean near or about the sun. The point B is called the aphelion point, or point away from the sun ; when the earth is in this position, the sun's diameter appears the. smallest. The line B A, is called the line of the apsides, La. the line without deviation, or change in length, for we shall show, presently, that whatever changes the earth's orbit may undergo, tlys line will remain unaltered. In the preceding chapter, we observed that the sun's motion was not uniform in the heavens, or did not correspond with the indi- cations of a well regulated clock. It will not be difficult to under- stand, that since it is the attraction of the sun which causes the motion of the earth', it will, while approaching the sun, have its motion continually accelerated, or quickened, until it sweeps around the perihelion point A, with its greatest velocity, itfi motion DIALS AND CLOCKS. 79 will then decrease, and it will move slowest when it passes the aphelion point B. The earth is at the point A, on the 31st of December, and at the point B, six months after, or July 1st, If the inequality between the time indicated by the dial and that by the clock was caused wholly by this change in the velocity of the sun, then the dial and clock should agre% exactly when the earth was in these two positions, for the earth occupies just 6 months in moving from A to B, and 6 months in .returning from B to A, just what it would if its orbit was a circle, and in which case the dial and clock would agree. But by actual observation, the dial and clock are not together twice in the year, but four times, and then not when the earth is at A and B, December 31, and July 1st, but on December 24th, April 15th, June 16th, and August 31st, as we have already intimated. We must look, therefore, to another source, which, united with the one we have just con? sidered, will fully explain all the observed phenomena, and we find it in the inclination of the sun's apparent path to the equator, As the earth turns on its axis, we may suppose a rod which ex- tends from the centre of the earth, and through its equator to the sky, tracing out a line, or circle, in the heavens, which is called the celestial equator. This circle is, as we have already shown, divided into 24 parts, called hours, each hour comprehending 15, and all these spaces are exactly equal. If the sun's yearly path in the heavens had corresponded with the equator, or had been in the same plane, then all the difference between the dial and clock would have been simply what was due to his moving sometimes apparently faster than at others, in consequence of the earth's elliptical orbit, but this is nofthe case, the plane of the ecliptic, or sun's path, is inclined to the plane of the equator. Now, on the supposition that the orbit is circular, let us see what effect this would have upon the sun-dial. In the next diagram, the circle 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, &c., which are hour divisions, represents the equator, and I, II, III, IV, V, VI, &c., which are also hour di- visions, the ecliptic. Clock time is measured on the former, for this is the circle, or others parallel to it, in which the stars, and other heavenly bodies, seem to move on account of the diurnal rotation of the earth. Dial time is measured on the ecliptic, and THE WORLD. we have just shown that the dial was graduated, or marked, with unequal divisions on this very account. The little cross strokes at II, IV, VI, &c., indicate the position of the sun each month from the vernal equinox, P is the north pole of the heavens, and P 1, P 2, P 3, &-c. are meridians cutting the ecliptic I, II, &c. above the equator ; is the place of vernal equinox, VI the position of the summer solstice, XII the place of the autumnal equinox, and XVIII of the winter solstice. On the 2d day of May, which is about midway between the vernal equinox and the summer sol- stice, the sun would be at the point III, but if it had moved over three equal divisions of the equator, it would be at 3, and now if a meridian be passed through 3, as at P 3, it will intersect the ecliptic beyond III, i. e. on the side towards IV. Now III being the place of the sun, if we suppose a meridian passing through P and III, it will intersect the equator on that side of 3 towards 2, i. e, the sun would come to the meridian by the dial before it would by the clock, for the dial will show 12 o'clock, when the meridian, which passes through III, is in the mid-heavens, at any place, but the clock will show 12, when the meridian, which passes through 3, is in the mid-heavens, and this would be after the dial. On the supposition that the earth's orbit is circular, the dial and clock would now, when the* sun is at III (May 2d), be farthest apart, after this they would come together and correspond at VI, and 6, the time of the summer solstice, after this the clock would LONGITUDE. 81 be faster than the dial till the time of the autumnal equinox, then slower till the winter solstice, and again faster till the vernal equi- nox. The earth's orbit is not a circle, but if the line of apsides A B, see figure on page 78 corresponded with the line VI-XVIII, in direction, then the clock and dial would agree at the time of winter and summer solstice, i. e. December 23, and June 21st, but it does not, for we have seen that the earth is in perigee December 31st, and in apogee July 1st, hence, in forming a table to show the equation of time, i, c, the correction that must be applied to the dial, or apparent solar time, in order to obtain true solar, or what is called mean time, which is the time in ordinary use, we must compound the two inequalities, for sometimes when the dial would be fastest, on account of the unequal motion of the sun in* his apparent orbit, it would be slowest from the effect of the incli- nation of the plane of the ecliptic, to the plane of the equator, thus, April 15th, the dial will be slower than the clock, from the inequality of the sun's motion, about 7m, 23s, and at the same time it will be faster, from the obliquity of the ecliptic, about the .same amount, hence they are really together on that day. The tables of the equation of time, are thus constructed. We have now explained, somewhat at length, the method of obtaining true time, from the time indicated by the sun, for it is of the utmost importance to the astronomer, and the navigator, to be able, on all occasions, to determine the local time. It must be evident, that inasmuch as the earth is round, the sun will appear, as the earth turns on its axis, to rise and come to the meridian successively at every point upon its surface. If, therefore, some particular spot, Greenwich for example, is chosen, whose meridian shall be the one from which the time, or longitude, is reckoned, then if we know what time it is at that meridian, when the sun happens to be on the meridian at another place, we can, at once, by taking the difference between the times, viz : noon at that place, and, perhaps 4 o'clock P. M., at Greenwich, determine that it is 4h, west of the meridian of Greenwich, or, allowing 15 to the hour, 60 west. The meridian of Greenwich, where the Royal Observatory is located, is generally acknowledged as the first meridian, and longitude is reckoned east or west from it. In 82 THJi WORLD. the United States, the meridian of Washington is very often used. Navigators are accustomed to carry with them Chronometers, or very accurate time-keepers, which are set to Greenwich time, and give,' at any moment, by simple inspection, the precise time which is then indicated by the clock at Greenwich. On a clear day, the true time on ship-board, or the exact instant of apparent noon, is ascertained by means of the quadrant, figured below. This is an arc of a circle, embracing something more than one- eighth of the whole circle, but it is graduated into 90, for the degrees are only half the length they would be, if the angles were measured without being twice reflected. A is called the index glass ; it is a plane quicksilvered glass reflector, placed, by means of adjusting screws, truly perpendicular to the plane of the quadrant, and attached to the brass index arm A B, thife index turns on a pin directly under A. C is called the QUADRANT. horizon glass, and is also adjusted to be perpendicular to the plane of the quadrant, the upper part of this glass is unsilvered, so that the eye, applied at the eye-hole D, -may look through it. The index A B, carries, what is called a vernier, which subdivides the graduations on the limb of the instrument E F, into smaller portions, usually into minutes. When the index is s6t to 0, and the eye applied at D, the observer will perceive, if he looks through the horizon glass at the horizon, that the portion of the horizon glass which, being silvered, would prevent his looking through, will, -nevertheless, show the horizon in it almost as plain as if it was transparent, it being reflected on to it by the index glass A, and then again reflected to the eye, thus, Fig. 1, A is the index (Fig. I). (Fig. 2). glass, its back being towards the eye, and C the horizon glass, and D E the horizon, Seen almost as plain wthe silvered portion of C, as through the transparent part. If the glasses are all rightly ad- justed, then, even if the position of the quadrant be altered, as in Fig. 2, the line of the horizon will still be unbroken, but move the index ever so little towards 1, or 2, and immediately the reflected image of the horizon will sink down, as shown in this diagram, a space equal to that moved over by the index, and if a star should happen to be just so many degrees, or parts of a degree, above 84 fHE WORLtK the horizon, as the index had been moved, and as shown at a, it would appear in the quadrant, as in the figure preceding,brought to the line of the horizon. Now just before noon, on ship-board, the sailor sets the index of his quadrant to about the altitude of the sun, and defending the eye by a set of dark glasses, shown at G, page 82 he looks through the eye -hole D, and the unsilvered portion of the horizon glass, and sees a distinct image of the sun, almost touching the horizon, thus : It is true, he cannot see the horizon in the silvered portion of the horizon glass, but he can bring the image close to the line where the silvering is removed from the glass, and then by inclining his qua- drant a little, as in figure 2, page 83, he can make the sun, appa- rently, describe the dotted arc c d, just touching the horizon. We will suppose he is looking just before noon, i. e. before the sun comes to the meridian, or reaches his highest altitude in the heavens, and that an assistant stands near, ready to note the time when this highest point is reached. As he looks through his quadrant, the image of the sun, which a moment before described the arc c d, and appeared to touch the horizon in its course, will seem to rise a little, he therefore moves the index, and brings it down again, all the time sweeping backward and forwards ; if it rises a little more, he again brings it down, very soon he perceives APPARENT TIME. 85 it to be changing its position scarcely at all, and gives notice to the person with the watch, or chronometer, to be ready; in a moment, instead of rising, as before, it begins to dip below the horizon, and he calls out, and the time is accurately noted. This is the exact instant of 12 o'clock, apparent time, or the instant when the sun, having reached its highest point, begins to decline. Now the chronometer, with which he has been observing, does not say 12 o'clock, but perhaps, 3h. 5m. 10s. in the afternoon. We will suppose the observation to be made on the 27th day of August. On this day, as will appear from a table showing the equation of time, a clock adjusted to keep true solar time, should show 12h, 1m. 10s. at apparent noon, and this is the time which the clock would show at Greenwich, at apparent noon there upon this day; but when it is apparent noon at the place where we have just supposed an observation made, the Greenwich clock shows 3h. 5m. 10s., the difference is 3h. 4m., which, allowing 15 for each hour, indicates that the observation is made in a place 46 west of Greenwich. It is west, because the sun comes to the meridian later than at Greenwich. Now if the latitude was known by ob- serving the altitude of the polar star, then, by referring to a chart, the position, either on ocean or land, where the observation was made, could be indicated; for all charts, or globes, which represent the earth's surface, have lines drawn upon them, through the poles, called meridians, showing every degree east or west of Greenwich, and also every degree north or south of the equator. We will close this somewhat tedious chapter, with an allusion to a circumstance which has sometimes puzzled the uninitiated, viz : two ships may meet at sea and vary in their reckoning a day or two. Suppose a traveler, leaving New York on a certain day, to travel continually east, until after a certain time, one year, or perhaps twenty, he arrives at the place from which he started; and farther, suppose he has kept an accurate note of the number of days which has intervened. For every 15 he has traveled east, the sun has risen one hour earlier to him than to those left behind. This gain, by the time he has traveled 360, amounts to a whole day, and when he arrives home he finds his reckoning one day in advance of his neighbors, or in other words, he has 86 THE WORLD. seen the sun rise once more than they have. The year to him has consisted of 366 days, but to his neighbors of only 365- Now, what is not at all an improbable case, we will suppose him arriving home on a leap year, on the 28th day of February, and which he calls Sunday, the 29th, but those who have remained at home call it Saturday. The next day, February 29th, is, according to them, Sunday ; here is another Sunday in February, but there have already been four others, viz : the 1st, the 8th, the 15th, and the 22d, making six Sundays in this shortest month. It is said that this case has actually occurred ; that a ship left New York on Sunday, February 1st, and sailing eastward continually, arrived home, according to her log-book, on Sunday, the last day in the same month, but really on Saturday, according to the reckoning at home. The next day, being the intercalary day, made the 28th,' and 29th both, Sundays to the voyagers ; thus giving six Sundays to the month. If, on the contrary, a voyage had been made westward, one day would have been lost in the reckoning, as the sun would rise one horn 1 later for each 15, and if two travelers should leave the same place, say on Tuesday, and each, after passing completely around the globe, the one east, and the other west, should again meet at the same place, there would be a difference of two days in their account, the one calling the day Monday and the other Wednesday, when, in reality, it would be Tuesday. CHROMOLOGY. 87 CHAPTER VII. Chronology. 44 Brightly ye burn on heaven's brow ; Ye shot a ray as bright as now, When mirrored on the unruffled wave That whelmed earth's millions to one grave." E. P. Mason. WK have more than once mentioned the importance of the movements of the heavenly bodies, in determining certain chro- nological questions, and will now give some farther illustrations of this subject. The precession of the equinoxes, and the occur- rence of solar and lunar eclipses, are the two astronomical events which have been of most essential service. We have, in the preceding pages, illustrated the precession of the equinoxes, showing that the places of vernal and autumnal equinox, or the points where the ecliptic intersects the plane of the equator, moved westward at the rate of 50| seconds of arc in one year. The phenomena of solar and lunar eclipses, we have not explained, nor does it fall within the limits w r e have prescribed to our little volume, to embrace them. We shall, therefore, only refer at present, to the service which chronology has received from the knowledge of the retrogradatioii of the nodes of the earth's orbit, on the ecliptic. As already shown, the path of the ecliptic in the heavens, is divided into 12 equal parts, of 30 each, called signs, and these signs formerly gave the names to the constellations, or groups of stars near which they were located, when the ecliptic was thus first divided or portioned out. That point in the ecliptic where the vernal equinox is located, was then, and has been always, designated as the first point of Aries, but as this equi- noctial point changes its position, moving contrary to the order of the signs in the ecliptic, at the rate of 50.2 seconds a year, the first point of the sign Aries no longer corresponds with that group of OO THE WORLD. stars to which it formerly gave a name, for the shifting of the equinox cannot carry forward the stars with "it. The vernal equi- noctial point is now situated in the constellation Pisces, having altered its position about 30 since the constellations were grouped and named in their present order. As we know the annual amount of the precession, we can determine how long ago the present zodiac was formed, viz : 50.2" : 1 year : : 30 (=108,000"): 2155.6 years, that is, about 300 years before the Christian era, when the most celebrated astronomical school of antiquity, flourished under the auspices of the Ptolemies, and the labors of the astronomers of that school, the most celebrated of whom was Hipparchus, who formed a catalogue of the stars, were recorded in the Ahnagest of Ptolemy, and constituted the chief knowledge upon this subject, until the times of Kepler, Tycho Brahe and Copernicus. The conclusions which we may come to, from ancient astronomical observations, are necessarily liable to some error, from the im- perfect manner in which their observations were made, most of them having been 1?ut approximations, and not very close ones, to the truth. We have illustrated, (page 60), in what manner the precession of the equinoxes causes the pole of the heavens to revolve around the pole of the ecliptic, the effect of which is, that successive stars, which lie in the circumference of the circle which the pole of the heavens thus describes, will, in succession, become the pole star. The present polar star was not always the pole star, nor is it as near the true pole of the heavens now, as it will be. In about 240 years, it will be but 29' 55" distant from the pole. At the time of the earliest catalogues, it was 12 dis- tant, and now, 1848, its distance is about 1 25'. About 2900 years before the commencement of the Christian era, the bright star in the tail of Draco, called Alpha, was the polar star, and was then only 10' from the pole ; and in 11,600 years, the bright star Lyra, will become the polar star, and will then be but 5 from the pole, whereas, its distance now is upwards of 51. We give on the next page, a representation of that part of the heavens where the north pole of the ecliptic is situated. Here we have the pole of the ecliptic fh the centre, and the POLE OF THE ECLIPTIC. 89 pole of the heavens, or that part of the heavens towards which the pole of the earth points, at the top, directly where the line VI- XVIII crosses the outermost circle drawn around the pole of the ecliptic, and which is the little circle represented in the figure, (page 59), with the radius T S, or T Z. The pole of the earth, as it revolves around the pole of the ecliptic, passes, in succession, through each point of this circle, moving, as represented in the map, towards the left. This circle we have graduated into spaces of ten degrees each, and drawn meridians from the pole of the ecliptic through them, the pole of the heavens moves over one of these spaces in about 718 years. The meridian VI, XVIII, is the only one which passes through the two poles, consequently when Polaris comes to this meridian, its distance from the pole will be the least possible. In the course of 2100 years, as will be perceived, 90 THE WORLD. the star called Gamma, in the constellation Cepheus, will be the pole star. The meridian VI, XVIII, is called the solstitial colure, because it is the meridian which passes through the highest and .lowest points of the ecliptic, which are called solstices, being the meridian 18, P, 6, of the figure on page 91. We will now give some instances of the application of the pre- cession of the equinoxes to chronology. Eudoxus, a celebrated Greek astronomer, informs us, that in the celestial sphere, he had observed a star which corresponded to the pole of the equator. From various circumstances, we know Eudoxus lived about the fourth century before Christ, hence it could not be our present polar star which he observed, for at that time it was too far re- moved from the pole. Upon reckoning back about 2000 years, however, upon our man, we find a small star of the fifth magni- tude, which may be the one observed by Eudoxus.- We are of opinion that this star is the one meant by him. Others, however, supposing Eudoxus to have borrowed his sphere from some older source, have selected Kappa, in the constellation Draco, as the star. This latter was the pole star about 1310 vears before Christ, but in the time of Eudoxus, it was as far distant from the pole, nearly, as was our present polar star. The little star we have been considering, was the pole star about 200 years before the Christian era, and as it is easily visible to the unassisted eye, was probably the star meant by Eudoxr,?. The effect of the precession of the equinoxes, is to change the right ascensions and declinations of the stars, for, as we have more than once observed, right ascension is the distance from the first point of Aries, but this point is continually changing its place in the heavens. It also changes what is called the longitude of the stars. The longitude of a star, is, like right ascension, reckoned from the first point of Aries eastward, but upon the ecliptic instead of the equator, thus, of R. A. and of Long, are both reckoned from the same point. See the next figure, where the right ascension is marked 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, &c., and longitude is marked 0, 1, II, III, IV, &c. Declination is distance north or south of ftie equator, but latitude is distance north or south of the ecliptic, hence, when a star happens to be in the PRECESSION OF THE EQUINOXES. meridian called the equinoctial colure, or meridian which passes through the equinoxes, a part of which meridian is seen at P O, its declination and latitude will be pretty near the same, but if the star happens to be in the solstitial colure, the latitude will vary from the declination, by the amount due to the obliquity of the ecliptic, being either more, or less, according to the position of the star, and whether the latitude is reckoned north or south. It will also appear that the latitude of a star is not altered by preces- sion. Imagine, for a moment, the system of meridians, and the ecliptic and equator, entirely detached from the stars, and moved slowly around, not the pole of the earth, which we will imagine within it, but the pole of the ecliptic H. It is easy to conceive that a star which is in the equator, say at the point 2, would no longer be in it, but a star at II, in the ecliptic, although its distance from the vernal equinox would be increased, would still be in the ecliptic. The same is true of all small circles parallel to the equator and ecliptic, the former called declination circles, and the latter parallels of latitude. Perhaps we have been tediously mi- nute, but there is some satisfaction in understanding a difficult subject, and if the reader has had like patience with ourselves, we trust the time will not be spent in vain. The grand point at which we have been aiming, after all, is this : if we can find any ancient records of observations which give the longitudes of the stars, we can tell the dates of the observations. It is well known Chat the ancients did not. possess a uniform system of chronology 92 THE WORLD. like ourselves, but they endeavored to perpetuate the memory of great events by recording the positions of the heavenly bodies at the time ; and in this, at least, they exhibited wisdom. We find continual evidences of this, particularly in the poets of those earjy ages. The Egyptians, to whom the overflowing of the Nile was an annual, and in some respects, a dreaded occurrence, were ac- customed to watch for the heliacal rising of the dog-star, which warned them to gather their wandering flocks and herds, and prepare for the coming flood. Hence, that star was called Thoth, the watch-dog, the Guardian of Egypt. The stars rise or set heliacally, when they rise just before, or set just after the sun. They are said to rise or set cosmically, when they rise or set just at sunrise, and to rise or set acronycally when they rise or set just at sunset. It will appear that the heliacal rising, or setting, will precede or follow the cosmical rising, or the acronycal setting, by about 12 or 15 days, for a star cannot be seen unless the sun is 12 or 15 below the horizon, and the sun moves over about a degree in a day. Pliny says that Thales, the Miletian. astronomer, determined the cosmical setting of the Pleiades to be 25 days after the autumnal equinox. At the present time, the same event occurs about 60 days after the equinox, making a difference of 35 days, which, allowing 59' to a day, makes 34 25' change in longitude, due to the precession of the equinoxes. This, divided by the annual precession, 50.2", gives about 2465 years since the time of Thales, or 620 years before Christ. We find, also, in Hesiod, the number of days after the winter solstice, when Arcturus rose acronycally, " When from the solstice sixty wintry days Their turns have finish'd, mark, with glitt'ring rays, From Ocean's sacred flood, Arcturus rise, Then first to gild the dusky evening skies." But as we know the latitude of Bccotia, where Hesiod lived; we can determine the acronycal rising of Arcturus, and by means of the difference between the time how, and the time mentioned by him, which is due to precession, can determine the age in which he flourished. From actual observation, it is ascertained that now this star rises at sunset about 100 days after the winter sclstict. PRECESSION OF THE EQUINOXES. 93 The difference, 40 days, converted into degrees, allowing 59' for a day, is 39, very nearly ; dividing this by the annual precession 50.2", gives 2796 years since he, flourished, or about 950 years before the Christian era. Meton, the famous astronomer of Athens, says that the star Beta Arietis, was in the vernal equinox in his time, but at the commencement of the present century its longitude was 31, 10', 44", this divided by the annual precession, gives 2236 years from the time of Meton's observations to the commence- ment of the 19th century, or 436 years before Christ. If we know the year in which any event occurred, we are frequently enabled to tell nearly the day on which that event transpired. Thus, Thucydides tells us that the investment of Platea, during the fifth year of the Peloponnesian war, which was 426 years before the Christian era, occurred about the time of the heliacal rising of Arcturus. But the heliacal rising of Arcturus then occurred in the month of August, and hence we are enabled to not only give the year, but nearly the month when this event occurred. And we may here remark, that the beginning of the Peloponnesian war, is itself, determined to be 431 years before Christ, by means of an eclipse of the moon which occurred, as can be most accu- rately calculated, April 25th. In the same year, on the 3d of August, an eclipse of the sun was visible at Athens, concerning which, Thucydides, the celebrated Greek historian, remarks : that a solar eclipse happened on a summer's day, on the after- noon, in the first year of the Peloponnesian war, so great that the stars appeared. " We are apt to- undervalue the science of the ancients; we ought rather to look upon it with respect and admiration. It is truly astonishing that with their imperfect instruments, they arrived at so much accuracy in their astronomical calculations. The very want of instruments led to an intensity of observation much greater than ours. As the savage inhabitant of the forest with- out a compass, marks his course through the pathless wilds with an accuracy far beyond that of the civilized man, so at a very early period of the world's history, did even barbarous nations learn by the rising and setting of the constellations to regulate the course of the year. However rude therefore, the Romans under 94 THE WORLD. Romnlus may have been, it was impossible for them to depart greatly from the tropical year; because they .watched the constel- lations, and-connected with their rising and setting the seasons of agriculture, and the times of their religious festivals. Any alterations would be quickly perceived and the very observances of a religion, the gods of which presided over their secular em- ployments, served as a balance-wheel to regulate the movements of their chronology." We shall conclude this chapter with some account of the Zodiacs discovered by the scientific men who accompanied the French expedition to Egypt, and which were thought to give an age to the world much greater than the generally received system of chronology. We may here remark, that the 'evidence appears from other sources, to be pretty conclusive, that man has not in- habited the globe for more than about 6000 years, although the evidence is equally strong, that the globe itself, is, perhaps, millions of years old, and has been inhabited by a race of animals, and covered with a vegetation, entirely unknown at present. During the campaigns of the French army in Egypt, a Planisphere and Zodiac were discovered by Mons. V. Denon in the Great Temple of Dendera, or Tentyra, and copied in his " Voyage, dans la Basse et la Haute Egyple, pendant les Campagnes du General Bona- parte." Paris, 1802, Fol. Vol. II. Plates, 130, 131, 132. Den- dera, anciently the large city of Tentyra, is a town of Upper Egypt, situated at the edge of a small but fertile plain, about a mile from the left bank of the Nile, and 242 miles south of Cairo. Its Temple, magnificent even in ruins, is the first that the Egyptian traveler discovers on ascending the Nile ; it is 265 feet m length and 140 feet in breadth, and has 180 windows, through each of which the sun enters in rotation, and then returns in a retrograde direction. The front of the Temple is adorned with a beautiful cornice and frieze, covered with hieroglyphics, over the centfe of which is the winged globe; while the sides are decorated with compartments of sacrifices. In the front of the building is a massive portico, supported by 24 immense columns, in four rows, having circular shafts covered with hieroglyphics, square capitals resembling Egyptian Temples supported by four human heads EGYPTIAN ZOUIACS. 95 horned, and round foliated bases on square plinths. On the ceiling of this portico is the large Zodiac, partly carved and partly painted in natural colors, on a blue ground studded with yellow stars. The general design of the Zodiac is divided in two, and represents two female figures, which bend over the divisions, typical of Isis, or the year ; with a winged globe placed against each, allusive to the sun entering his course. Each band of the Zodiac is divided into two, by a broad line covered with smaller hieroglyphics. On the upper division of the Zodiac, which is the broadest, are represented six of the Zodiacal signs ; and under them, in the second division of Lhe top band, are 19 boats, each carrying a figure significative of some astronomical appearance ; accompanied by an Eg3T>tian inscription in a square. The con- stellations, and other heavenly bodies, were the Divinities of Egypt, and it was supposed that they performed their revolutions in boats. The other great band contains the six remaining signs of the Zodiac ; and on its lower division are 19 other boats, as before. The Rev. Samuel Henley, in his very instructive and highly erudite remarks on this Zodiac, published in the Monthly and Philosophical Magazines, says, that these boats signify the nineteen years of the Metonic, or Lunar Cycle, which contains 6940 days ; after which, the New and Full Moons, and other Aspects, are supposed to return to the same day of the Julian year. The smaller Zodiac, or rather Planisphere, is carved on the ceiling of a separate quadrangular apartment on the east side of the Temple. It is of a circular form, and is supported by four human figures, standing, and eight kneeling,who have hawks heads. In both these Zodiacs the equinoctial points are in the constellation Leo, and it was by some inferred that they were constructed at the time when the sun entered this constellation at the equinox, or more than 9,700 years ago ; about 4,000 years before the Mosaic record. These Zodiacs were brought away, and exhibited in the Louvre at Paris ; and for a long time were the occasion of much discussion. All the speculations of infidel philosophers were, however, scattered to the winds by the discoveries of Champollion ; and the disserta- tions of Visconti and Henley have proved, in opposition to the infidel arguments of Ripaud, Petau and Archer, that they are of 96 . THE WOKLIX, the age of Augustus Caesar ; and that they were erected in the Julian Year 4695, which then regulated the Egyptian , twenty- four years before the actual birth of our Savior, and twenty-eight years before the common era. All this is confirmed by the fol- lowing Greek inscription, over the outer or southern portal of the Temple : " On account of the Emperor Csesar, God, the son of Jupiter, the Deliverer, when Publius Octavius being Governor, Marcus Claudius Posthumus Commander in Chief, and Tryphon General, the Deputies of the Metropolis consecrated, in virtue of the Law, the Propylaeum to Isis, the greatest of Goddesses, and to the associated Gods on the Sacred Thoth." The Country of Egypt, had at that time become a Romish Province ; and Augus- tus Caesar, in the 31st year of his age and the 725th year of Rome, ordained that the Egyptian Thoth should for ever commence on the 29th of August. THE SEASONS. 97 CHAPTER VIII. The Seasons. " For this the golden sun the earth divides, And, wheel'd through twelve bright signs, his chariot guides, Five zones the heaven surround; the centre glows With fire unquench'd and suns without repose: At each extreme, the poles in tempest tost, Dark with thick showers and unremitting frost: Between the poles and blazing zone confined, Lie climes to feeble man by Heaven assigned. 'Mid these the signs their course obliquely run, And star the figured belt that binds the sun." m Sotheby's Virgil. WE have, at length, arrived at that part of our work, which will treat upon and explain the phenomena of the seasons. All that we have said in the preceding chapters, has been preparatory to this, and, we trust, that there will not be less of beauty, or poetry, in our contemplations of those great changes which mark the rolling year, because we can understand the causes which produce them. To our own mind, there is no subject more delightful than this, of the changing year ; a theme, which is perhaps, still more endeared to us by the beautiful poetry of a Thompson, a Bloomfield, and a Cowper. A theme, which, even to Chaucer, and Spenser, and Shakspeare, and Milton, was a passion. After the somewhat tedious detail and explanation, which has preceded", we feel, on approaching this always interesting subject, as Milton expresses it, " As one who long in populous cities pent, Where houses thick and sewers annoy the air, Forth issuing on a summer morn, to breathe Among the pleasant villages and farms." To behold Nature a? she is, and see the glorious changes which she wears, from the unsullied mantle of winter to the russet garb pf autumn, we must quit the busy haunts of men, and leaving the 98 THE WORLD. noisy streets and smoky cities, seek the country fields, and lanes. We have been much struck with a remark of Howitt, in his " Book of the Seasons," in which he thus deprecates the necessity that deprives our childhood of a contemplation of those beautiful changes which mark the year. *' Oh that I could but touch a thousand bosoms with that melancholy which often visits mine, when I behold little children endeavoring to extract amusement from the very dust, and straws, and pebbles of squalid alleys, shut out from the free and glorious countenance of Nature, and think how differently the children of the peasantry are passing the golden hours of childhood ; wandering with bare heads, and un- shod feet, perhaps, but singing a 'childish, wordless melody,' through vernal lanes, or prying into a thousand sylvan, leafy nooks, by the liquid music of running waters, amidst the fragrant heath, or oh ibe flowery lap of the meadow, occupied with winged wonders without end. Oh ! that I could but baptize every heart with the sympathetic feeling of what the city pent child is con- demned to lose ; how blank, and poor, and joyless must be the images which fill its infant bosom* to that of the country one, whose mind Will be a mansion for all iovely forms, His memory be a dwelling-place For all sweet sounds and harmonies! " In the absence of a system of chronology to mark the returning periods of nature, the ancients were obliged to note the aspects of the stars. We have several times, in the preceding pages, referred to this, and we may now remark, that some of the most beautiful passages of the ancient poets, contain allusions to - the stars as connected with agriculture. Hesiod, the oldest poet of the Greeks, has given a minute detail of the heliacal rising of the stars, accompanied with the most pleasing descriptions of the successive occupations of rural life. The name of the poem is, "Opera et Dies,' 1 the Works and Days. This poem Virgil has imi- tated, in the first and second "Georgics;" a word compounded of two Greek words, and meaning, works or labors of the earth, and corresponding almost exactly with our word agriculture. We shall give occasional quotations from both these poems, in our present chapter. SIGNS OF THE ZODIAC. 99 In the absence of a correct calendar, such as our almanacs now furnish, the early cultivators of the soil very wisely determined the recurrence of various seasons, by the aspect of the heavens. It was, to them, a matter of no small importance, to know, with unerring certainty, the time when first to break the soil, and plant. This they could not do, judging from the simple change in the climate, or temperature, due to the return of spring ; as various causes, which we need not mention, render this indication liable to great uncertainty. Hence, at a very early day, the apparent path of the sun, in the heavens, was divided into twelve portions, called signs ; and as these signs were mostly representatives of living objects, it was called the - Zodiac, from a Greek word meaning life. In a previous chapter, we have shown how this division was accomplished by means of the water-clock. The present division of the Zodiac was probably made by the Egyptians, and they named the signs with particular reference to agriculture, and the seasons at the time of their invention. From the Egyptians it was undoubtedly borrowed by the Greeks, and from them has been transmitted to us. As we have elsewhere shown, these signs are reckoned from the point of vernal equinox, or first point of Aries, eastward, completely around the ecliptic. Their names are, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricornus, Aquarius, Pisces. The sun enters Aries, or the Ram, at the time of vernal equinox ; hence this sign was represented under the form of a ram, to which the character