TURNER'S SKETCH BOOK LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. Class TOPOGRAPHICAL RECORD AND SKETCH BOOK FOR USE WITH TRANSIT AND STADIA BY DANIEL LAWRENCE TURNER, C. E. Associate Member American Society Civil Engineers Instructor in Surveying and Hydraulics, Harvard University. NEW YORK THE ENGINEERING NEWS PUBLISHING COMPANY 1902 QUA G'A( Copyright, 1901, by THE ENGINEERING NEWS PUBLISHING COMPANY. INTRODUCTION. This record and sketch book is the outcome of efforts in teaching students topographical surveying. Sketches are always desirable in this work ; and, if properly made, the number of points necessary to develop any particu- lar area is thereby 'reduced. To be most useful, sketches should be approximately to scale, and should clearly in- dicate the configuration of the area covered. It is almost impossible for beginners in topography to make sketches that are of any value; and it is difficult in many cases for even the experienced topographer to do so. A sketch book with concentric circle and radial rul- ings was first tried by the author in 1896. The results proved to be so satisfactory that in 1890 a book con- taining such rulings was printed for students in the au- thor's classes, where it has since been used v/ith gratify- ing results. Believing that such a book may also be ap- preciated by fellow teachers and by engineers and sur- veyors generally, it is with pleasure that it is now placed at their disposal. The method of using the book is almost self-evident. The vertical rulings are of such form that they may be readily adapted to almost any method of recording. They are suitable for level notes, and also for the ordi- nary land survey and traverse records. The right-hand page can be used for any kind of sketching. For topographical work the form of record shown on the next page is suggested. INTRODUCTION. For stadia station sights in addition to azimuths fore and back magnetic bearings should be read and re- corded. It is not necessary, however, to provide an ex- tra column for recording these magnetic bearings. They can be noted down under the corresponding azimuth on an extra horizontal line. It is essential, though, that they be noted down, in order that they may serve as witnesses, should errors be afterwards discovered when plotting. Remembering that in most cases it is only necessary July "5., \S98. Oc. B IV El e. 93.27 H. I, 4-.70 S-ra. am AT:. Dish Vert. L. Diff. EVe. Ele. Remarks. B.5. N 87'55'W 688 ' &5 . 63/0' 1080 +60f Saddle. 46 6725' 8ZO +'3I8' Ft. Slope. 47 etc. etc. etc. 13 Y 82 19' -5=33- -ZI2' F. 5. NKie'E 531 to reduce to the horizontal the distances between stadia stations, such corrected distances may be noted under the distance read, in the same extra horizontal line pre- viously used for the magnetic bearings. With regard to the "side shots" the sights taken to determine the position of the controlling points in the configuration they should be numbered continuously through adjacent stadia stations, except when the to- tal number taken at the several adjacent stations runs up into the thousands. If not numbered in this manner, two or more plotted shots may happen together on the sheet, and so cause confusion when interpolating INTRODUCTION. 5 for contours. Also, such numbering saves time when it becomes necessary to look up the record in order to check the plotting. The azimuths of side shots need only be read to the nearest five minutes. In determining the necessary data for obtaining ele- vations, it is often convenient to sight at the rod at some point above or below the H.I. point, and in such cases a + or correction indicating this can be noted under the ''remarks" column. The columns headed "Differences of Elevation," and "Elevation" are for the office reduc- tions. The right-hand page of the book is reserved for the concentric circle and radial rulings upon which the sketches are drawn. The concentric circles are one- quarter of an inch apart; corresponding conveniently to scales of 100, 400, or 800 feet to the inch, which ever may be most suitable to the work in hand. The topog- rapher predetermines the scale to be used in each par- ticular case. The radial lines are 10 apart, the posi- tion of a point being easily interpolated to the nearest degree. As soon as the recorder has noted down the observed azimuth, distance, and vertical angle on the left-hand page, he proceeds to plot the corresponding point ap- proximately in its true position on the sketch page. Each point being designated by its number. As fast as the controlling points are plotted the sketch is drawn in. It is not mxessary to reduce the elevations in the field, the sketch as drawn need only indicate the config- uration. DANIEL LAWRENCE TURNER. Cambridge, Mass., May, 1901. r _. ! I. . V 7 / r 1 i: \ ^-'. d T r 7 TABLES SHOWING HORIZONTAL DISTANCE AND DIFFERENCE OF ELEVATION For stadia readings of 100 units at various vertical angles. The values of other readings are obtained by multiplying the quantities under the proper vertical angle by the stadia reading divided by 100; for instance, if the stadia reading is 204 and the vertical angle 5 the horizontal distance is found by multiply- ing 99.24 by 2.04. These tables were computed by Mr. ARTHUR WINSLOW (now General Manager and Consulting Engineer of the Liberty Bell Gold Mining Co., of Kansas City, Mo.), and first appeared in a report of the Pennsylvania Geological Survey. O \O >- \O N tv. MOO - to O O I-" v> N tv. 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ONOO"i'OONOO''-O tvroO-iOi- txroO-ion txMO-iOM txroO'iOM o N ^VDOO o N ^ooo o N ? ooo ON ^ooo S.N 5000 o N 3000 i <* Vl ENGINEERING NEWS Founded 1874. Published Every Thursday. Price, $5.00 a Year. The past volumes of Engineering News constitute an encyclopedia of American engineering practice and public works' construction that has no rival. It has the ad- vantage over the ordinary ponderous reference book is- sued by some publisher once in a decade or two, in that its contents are always fresh and up-to-date, and if errors occur, they are promptly criticized and corrected. There is no engineer so thoroughly equipped intellec- tually and practically that he cannot at times add to his knowledge from the pages of Engineering News; to the young engineer just struggling "for place" in his profession, and to the engineering student, there can be no agency more helpful than the weekly installment of this journal. 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