GIFT OF MICHAEL REESE ,- SOAP-BUBBLES AND THE FORCES WHICH MOULD THEM, )RNife THE ROMANCE OF SCIENCE. SOAP-BUBBLES AND THE FORCES WHICH MOULD THEM BEING A COURSE OF THREE LECTURES DELIVERED IN THE THEATRE OF THE LONDON INSTITUTION ON THE AFTERNOONS OF DEC. 30, 1889, JAN. I AND 3, 1890, BEFORE A JUVENILE AUDIENCE. BY C. V. BOYS, A.R.S.M., F.R.S., ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF PHYSICS AT THE ROYAL COLLEGE OF SCIENCE, SOUTH KENSINGTON. PUBLISHED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE GENERAL LITERATURE COMMITTEE. XTNIVERSITT SOCIETY FOR PROMOTING CHRISTIAN KNOWLEDGE, LONDON : NORTHUMBERLAND AVENUE, W.C. J 43, QUEEN VICTORIA STREET, E.G. BRIGHTON: 129, NORTH STREET. NEW YORK: E. &J. B. YOUNG & CO- 1896. TO G. F. RO DWELL, THE FIRST SCIENCE-MASTER APPOINTED AT MARLBOROUGH COLLEGE, BY THE AUTHOR AS A TOKEN OF ESTEEM AND GRATITUDE, AND IN THE HOPE THAT IT MAY EXCITE IN A FEW YOUNG PEOPLE SOME SMALL FRACTION OF THE INTEREST AND ENTHUSIASM WHICH HIS ADVENT AND HIS LECTURES AWAKENED IN THE AUTHOR, UPON WHOM THE LIGHT OF SCIENCE THEN SHONE FOR THE FIRST TIME. or THE UNIVERSITY*; PREFACE. I WOULD ask those readers who have grown up, and who may be disposed to find fault with this book, on the ground that in so many points it is incomplete, or that much is so elementary or well known, to remember that the lectures were meant for juveniles, and for juveniles only. These latter I would urge to do their best to repeat the experiments described. They will find that in many cases no apparatus beyond a few pieces of glass or india-rubber pipe, or other simple things easily obtained are required. If they will take this trouble they will find themselves well repaid, and if instead of being discouraged by a few failures they will persevere with the best means at their disposal, they will soon find more to interest them in experiments in which they only succeed after a little trouble than in those Vlll PREFACE. which go all right at once. Some are so simple that no help can be wanted, while some will probably be too difficult, even with assist- ance ; but to encourage those who wish to see for themselves the experiments that I have described, I have given such hints at the end of the book as I thought would be most useful. I have freely made use of the published work of many distinguished men, among whom I may mention Savart, Plateau, Clerk Maxwell, Sir William Thomson, Lord Ray- leigh, Mr. Chichester Bell, and Prof. Rucker. The experiments have mostly been described by them, some have been taken from journals, and I have devised or arranged a few. I am also indebted to Prof. Rucker for the use of various pieces of apparatus which had been prepared for his lectures. SOAP-BUBBLES, AND THE FORCES WHICH MOULD THEM. I DO not suppose that there is any one in this room who has not occasionally blown a common soap-bubble, and while admiring the perfection of its form, and the marvellous brilliancy of its colours, wondered how it is that such a magnificent object can be so easily produced. I hope that none of you are yet tired of playing with bubbles, because, as I hope we shall see during the week, there is more in a common bubble than those who have only played with them generally imagine. The wonder and admiration so beautifully portrayed by Millais in a picture, copies of IO SOAP-BUBBLES, AND which, thanks to modern advertising enterprise, some of you may possibly have seen, will, I hope, in no way fall away in consequence of these lectures; I think you will find that it will grow as your knowledge of the subject increases. You may be interested to hear that we are not the only juveniles who have played with bubbles. Ages ago children did the same, and though no mention of this is made by any of the classical authors, we know that they did, because there is an Etruscan vase in the Louvre in Paris of the greatest antiquity, on which children are represented blowing bubbles with a pipe. There is however, no means of telling now whose soap they used. It is possible that some of you may like to know why I have chosen soap-bubbles as my subject ; if so, I am glad to tell you. Though there are many subjects which might seem to a beginner to be more wonderful, more brilliant, or more exciting, there are few which so directly bear upon the things which we see every day. You cannot pour water from a jug or tea from a tea-pot; you can- not even do anything with a liquid of any kind, without setting in action the forces to THE FORCES WHICH MOULD THEM. II which I am about to direct your attention. You cannot then fail to be frequently re- minded of what you will hear and see in this room, and, what is perhaps most im- portant of all, many of the things I am going to show you are so simple that you will be able without any apparatus to repeat for yourselves the experiments which I have prepared, and this you will find more inter- esting and instructive than merely listening to me and watching what I do. There is one more thing I should like to explain, and that is why I am going to show experiments at all. You will at once answer because it would be so dreadfully dull if I didn't. Perhaps it -x would. But that is not the only reason. -BtJBBLES, AND liquid than water, and so still more must the skin of alcohol be weaker than that of water. We can easily put this to the test of experi- ment. In the game that is called the tug-of- war you know well enough which side is the strongest ; it is the side which pulls the other over the line. Let us then make alcohol and 0-285 Inch water play the same game. In order that you may see the water, it is coloured blue. It is lying as a shallow layer on the bottom of this white dish. At the present time the skin of the water is pulling equally in all directions, and so nothing happens ; but if I pour a few drops of alcohol into the middle, then at the line which separates the alcohol from the water XTNIVEI THE FORCES WHICJt MOULD fHEM. 37 we have alcohol on one side pulling in, while we have water on the other side pulling out, and you see the result. The water is victori- ous ; it rushes away in all directions, carrying a quantity of the alcohol away with it, and leaves the bottom of the dish dry (Fig. 13). Fig. 13- This difference in the strength of the skin of alcohol and of water, or of water containing much or little alcohol, gives rise to a curious motion which you may see on the side of a wine-glass in which there is some fairly strong wine, such as port. The liquid is observed to 38 SOAP-BUBBLES, AND climb up the sides of the glass, then to gather into drops, and to run down again, and this goes on for a long time. This is explained as follows : The thin layer of wine on the side of the glass being exposed to the air, loses its alcohol by evaporation more quickly than the wine in the glass. It therefore be- comes weaker in alcohol or stronger in water than that below, and for this reason it has a stronger skin. It therefore pulls up more wine from below, and this goes on until there is so much that drops form, and it runs back again into the glass, as you now see upon the screen (Fig. 14). There can be no doubt that this movement is referred to in Proverbs xxiii. 31: "Look not thou upon the wine when it is red, when it giveth his colour in the cup, when it moveth itself aright." If you remember that this movement only occurs with strong wine, and that it must have been known to every one at the time that these words were written, and used as a test of the strength of wine, because in those days every one drank wine, then you will agree that this explanation of the meaning of that verse is the right one. I would ask you also to consider THE FORCES WHICH MOULD THEM. 39 whether it is not probable that other passages which do not now seem to convey to us any meaning whatever, may not in the same way have referred to the common knowledge and Fig. 14. customs of the day, of which at the present time we happen to be ignorant. Ether, in the same way, has a skin which is weaker than the skin of water. The very smallest quantity of ether on the surface of water will produce a perceptible effect. For instance, the wire frame which I left some 4O SOAP-BUBBLES, AND time ago is still resting against the water-skin. The buoyancy of the glass bulb is trying to push it through, but the upward force is just not sufficient. I will however pour a few drops of ether into a glass, and simply pour the vapour upon the surface of the water (not a drop of liquid is passing over), and almost immediately sufficient ether has condensed upon the water to reduce the strength of the skin to such an extent that the .frame jumps up out of the water. There is a well-known case in which the difference between the strength of the skins of two liquids may be either a source of vexation or, if we know how to make use of it, an advantage. If you spill grease on your coat you can take it out very well with benzine. Now if you apply benzine to the grease, and then apply fresh benzine to that already there, you have this result there is then greasy benzine on the coat to which you apply fresh benzine. It so happens that greasy benzine has a stronger skin than pure benzine. The greasy benzine therefore plays at tug-of-war with pure benzine, and being stronger wins and runs away in all directions, and the more you THE FORCES WHICH MOULD THEM. 41 apply benzine the more the greasy benzine runs away carrying the grease with it. But if you follow the directions on the bottle, and first make a ring of clean benzine round the grease-spot, and then apply benzine to the grease, you then have the greasy benzine run- ning away from the pure benzine ring and heaping itself together in the middle, and escaping into the fresh rag that you apply, so that the grease is all of it removed. There is a difference again between hot and cold grease, as you may see, when you get home, if you watch a common candle burning. Close to the flame the grease is hotter than it is near the outside. It has therefore a weaker skin, and so a perpetual circulation is kept up, and the grease runs out on the surface and back again below, carrying little specks of dust which make this movement visible, and making the candle burn regularly. You probably know how to take out grease- stains with a hot poker and blotting-paper. Here again the same kind of action is going on. A piece of lighted camphor floating in water is another example of movement set up by 42 SOAP-BUBBLES, AND differences in the strength of the skin of water owing to the action of the camphor. I will give only one more example. If you are painting in water-colours on greasy paper or certain shiny surfaces the paint will not lie smoothly on the paper, but runs together in the well-known way ; a very little ox-gall, however, makes it lie perfectly, because ox-gall so reduces the strength of the skin of water that it will wet surfaces that pure water will not wet. This reduction of the surface tension you can see if I use the same wire frame a third time. The ether has now evaporated, and I can again make it rest against the surface of the water, but very soon after I touch the water with a brush containing ox-gall the frame jumps up as suddenly as before. It is quite unnecessary that I should any further insist upon the fact that the outside of a liquid acts as if it were a perfectly elastic skin stretched with a certain definite force. Suppose now that you take a small quantity of water, say as much as would go into a nut- shell, and suddenly let it go, what will happen ? Of course it will fall down and be dashed against the ground. Or again, suppose you THE FORCES WHICH MOULD THEM. 43 take the same quantity of water and lay it carefully upon a cake of paraffin wax dusted over with lycopodium which it does not wet, what will happen ? Here again the weight of the drop that which makes it fall if not held will squeeze it against the paraffin and make it spread out into a flat cake. What would happen if the weight of the drop or the force pulling it downwards could be prevented from acting ?, In such a case the drop would only feel the effect of the elastic skin, which would try to pull it into such a form as to make the surface as small as possible. It would in fact rapidly become a perfectly round ball, because in no other way can so small a sur- face be obtained. If, instead of taking so much water, we were to take a drop about as large as a pin's head, then the weight which tends to squeeze it out or make it fall would be far less, while the skin would be just as strong, and would in reality have a greater moulding power, though why I cannot now explain. We should therefore expect that by taking a sufficiently small quantity of water the mould- ing power of the skin would ultimately be able almost entirely to counteract the weig-ht of the 44 SOAP-BUBBLES, AND drop, so that very small drops should appear like perfect little balls. If you have found any diffi- culty in following this argument, a very simple illustration will make it clear. You many of you probably know how by folding paper to make this little thing which I hold in my hand (Fig. 15). It is called a cat-box, because of its power of dispelling cats when it is filled Fig. with water and well thrown. This one, large enough to hold about half a pint, is made out of a small piece of the Times newspaper. You may fill it with water and carry it about and throw it with your full power, and the strength of the paper skin is sufficient to hold it together until it hits anything, when of course it bursts and the water comes out. On THE FORCES WHICH MOULD THEM. 45 the other hand, the large one made out of a whole sheet of the Times is barely able to withstand the weight of the water that it will hold. It is only just strong enough to allow of its being filled and carried, and then it may be dropped from a height, but you can- not throw it. In the same way the weaker skin of a liquid will not make a large quantity take the shape of a ball, but it will mould a minute drop so perfectly that you cannot tell by looking at it that it is not perfectly round every way. This is most easily seen with quicksilver. A large quantity rolls about like a flat cake, but the very small drops obtained by throwing some violently on the table and so breaking it up appear perfectly round. You can see the same difference in the beads of gold now upon the screen (Fig. 16). They are now solid, but they were melted and then allowed to cool without being disturbed. Though the large bead is flattened by its weight, the small one appears perfectly round. Finally, you may see the same .thing with water if you dust a little lycopodium on the table. Then water falling will roll itself up into perfect little balls. You may even see 46 SOAP-BUBBLES, AND the same thing on a dusty day if you water the road with a water-pot. If it were not for the weight of liquids, that is the force with which they are pulled down towards the earth, large drops would be as Fig. 16. perfectly round as small ones. This was first beautifully shown by Plateau, the blind experi- mentalist, who placed one liquid inside another which is equally heavy, and with which it does not mix. Alcohol is lighter than oil, while water is heavier, but a suitable mixture of alcohol THE FORCES WHICH MOULD THEM. 47 and water is just as heavy as oil, and so oil does not either tend to rise or to fall when immersed in such a mixture. I have in front of the lantern a glass box containing alcohol and water, and by means of a tube I shall slowly allow oil to flow in. You see that as I remove the tube it becomes a perfect ball as large as a walnutr There are now two or three of these balls of oil all perfectly round. I want you to notice that when I hit them on one side the large balls recover their shape slowly, while the small ones become rooHid again much more quickly. Thsre is a v^ry beautiful effect which can be produced with this apparatus, and though it is not necessary to refer to it, it is well worth while now that the apparatus is set up to show it to you. In the middle of the box there is an axle with a disc upon it to which I can make the oil adhere. Now if I slowly turn the wire and disc the oil will turn also. As I gradually increase the speed the oil tends to fly away in all directions, but the elastic skin retains it. The result is that the ball becomes flattened at its poles like the earth itself. On increasing the speed, the tendency of the oil to get away is at last too much for the elastic skin, 48 SOAP-BUBBLES, AND and a ring breaks away (Fig. 17), which almost immediately contracts again on to the rest of the ball as the speed falls. If I turn it suffi- ciently fast the ring breaks up into a series of balls which you now see. One cannot help Fig. 17. being reminded of the heavenly bodies by this beautiful experiment of Plateau's, for you see a central body and a series of balls of different sizes all travelling round in the same direction (Fig. 1 8) ; but the forces which are acting in THE FORCES WHICH MOULD THEM. 49 the two cases are totally distinct, and what you see has nothing whatever to do with the sun and the planets. We have thus seen that a large ball of liquid can be moulded by the elasticity of its skin if Fig. 18. the disturbing effect of its weight is neutral- ized, as in the last experiment. This disturbing effect is practically of no account in the case of a soap-bubble, because it is so thin that it hardly weighs anything. You all know, of 5 So/is, Limited, London & Bungny. LOAN DEPT , or ocT29B52U&^ 6656