12 DEMOCRATIC VISTAS. itself believ d in. What penetrating eye does not every where see through the mask ? The spectacle is appaling. We live in an atmosphere of hypocrisy throughout. The men believe not in the women, nor the women in the men. A scornful superciliousness rules in literature. The aim of all the litterateurs is to find something to make fun of. A lot of churches, sects, &c., the most dismal phantasms I know, usurp the name of religion. Conversation is a mass of badinage. From deceit in the spirit, the mother of all false deeds, the offspring is already incalculable. An acute and candid person, in the revenue department in Washing- / ton, who is led by the course of his employment to regularly visit the cities, north, south and west, to investigate frauds, has talk d much with me about his discoveries. The depravity of the business classes of our country is not less than has been supposed, but infinitely greater. The official services of America, national, state, and municipal, in all their branches and departments, except the judiciary, are saturated in corruption, bribery, falsehood, mal-adminis- tration ; and the judiciary is tainted. The great cities reek with respectable as much as non-respectable robbery and scoundrelism. In fashionable life, flippancy, tepid amours, weak infidelism, small aims, or no aims at all, only to kill time. In business, (this all-devouring modern word, busi ness,) the one sole object is, by any means, pecuniary gain. The magician s serpent in the fable ate up all the other serpents ; and money-making is our magician s serpent, remaining to-day sole master of the field. The best class we show, is but a mob of fashionably dress d speculators and vulgarians. True, indeed, behind this fantastic farce, enacted on the visible stage of society, solid things and stupendous labors are to be discover d, existing crudely and going on in the background, to advance and tell themselves DEMOCRATIC VISTAS. 13 in time. Yet the truths -are none the less terrible. I say that our New World democracy, however great a success in uplifting the masses out of their sloughs, in materialistic development, products, and in a certain highly-deceptive superficial popular intellectuality, is, so far, an almost com plete failure in its social aspects, and in really grand religious, moral, literary, and esthetic results. In vain do we march with unprecedented strides to empire so colossal, outvying the antique, beyond Alexander s, beyond the proudest sway of Rome. In vain have we annex d Texas, California, Alaska, and reach north for Canada and south for Cuba. It is as if we were somehow being endow d with a vast and more and more thoroughly-appointed body, and then left with little or no soul. Let me illustrate further, as I write, with current observa tions, localities, &c. The subject is important, and will bear repetition. After an absence, I am now again (September, 1870) in New York city and Brooklyn, on a few weeks vacation. The splendor, picturesqueness, and oceanic amplitude and rush of these great cities, the unsurpass d situation, rivers and bay, sparkling sea-tides, costly and lofty new buildings, fagades of marble and iron, of original grandeur and elegance of design, with the masses of gay color, the preponderance of white and blue, the flags flying, the endless ships, the tumultuous streets, Broadway, the heavy, low, musical roar, hardly ever intermitted, even at night ; the jobbers houses, the rich shops, the wharves, the great Central Park, and the Brooklyn Park of hills, (as I wander among them this beautiful fall weather, musing, watching, absorbing) the assemblages of the citizens in their groups, conversations, trades, evening amusements, or along the by-quarters these, I say, and the like of these, completely satisfy my senses of power, fulness, motion, &c., Camelot Series EDITED UY ERNKST KHVS DEMOCRATIC VISTAS DEMOCRATIC VISTAS, AND OTHER PAPERS. BY WALT WHITMAN. [Published by arrangement with the Author.] LONDON WALTER SCOTT, 24 WARWICK LANE TORONTO : W. J. GAGE & CO. 1888 V/S CONTENTS. PAGE DKMOCRATIC VISTAS I MY HOOK AND I 84 A BACKWARD GLANCE ON MY OWN KOAI) . .95 OUR EMINENT VISITORS (PAST, PRESENT, AND FUTURE) IOO A THOUGHT ON SHAKESPEARE 106 WHAT LURKS BEHIND SHAKESPEARE S HISTORICAL PLAYS IOQ ROBERT BURNS AS POET AND PERSON . . . .113 A WORD ABOUT TENNYSON 115 "HOW I MADE A BOOK" 130 FIVE THOUSAND POEMS 140 NOTES LEFT OVER 142 A LETTER ... . 174 8^0 PREFACE. MAINLY I think I should base the request to weigh the following pages on the assumption that they present, however indirectly, some views of the West and Modern, or of a distinctly western and modern (American) tendency, about certain matters. Then too, the pages include (by attempting to illustrate it,) a theory herein immediately mentioned. For another and different point of the issue, the Enlightenment, Democracy and Fair-show of the bulk, the common people of America (from sources representing not only the British Islands, but all the world,) means> at least, eligibility to Enlightenment, Democracy and Fair-show for the bulk, the common people of all civilized nations. That positively " the dry land has appeared," at any rate, is an important fact. America is really the great test or trial case for all the problems and promises and speculations of humanity, and of the past and present. PREFACE. I say, too, we* are not to look so much to changes, 1 ameliorations, and adaptations in Politics as to those of Literature and (thence) domestic Sociology. I have accordingly in the following melange introduced many themes besides political ones. Several of the pieces are ostensibly in explanation of my own writings ; but in that very process they best include and set forth their side of principles and general ities pressing vehemently for consideration our age. Upon the whole, it is on the atmosphere they are born in, and, (I hope) give out, more than any specific piece or trait, I would care to rest. I think Literature a new, superb, democratic literature is to be the medicine and lever, and (with \ I i Art) the chief influence in modern civilization. I have myself not so much made a dead set at this theory, or attempted to present it directly, as admitted it to color and sometimes dominate what I had to say. In both Europe and America we have serried phalanxes who promulge and defend the political claims : I go for an equal force to uphold the other. WALT WHITMAN. CAMDEN, NEW JERSEY, April 1888. * We who, in many departments, ways, make the Intilding it/ } r>i the masses, by building up grand individuals ^ our shibboleth : and in luu;f that is thf marrow of this book. DEMOCRATIC VISTAS. AS the greatest lessons of Nature through the universe are perhaps the lessons of variety and freedom, the same present the greatest lessons also in New World politics and progress. If a man were ask d, for instance, the distinctive points contrasting modern European and American political and other life with the old Asiatic cultus, as lingering-bequeath d yet in China and Turkey, he might find the amount of them in John Stuart Mill s profound essay on Liberty in the future, where he demands two main constituents, or sub-strata, for a truly grand nationality ist, a large variety of character and 2d, full play for human nature to expand itself in numberless and even con flicting directions (seems to be for general humanity much like the influences that make up, in their limitless field, that perennial health-action of the air we call the weather an infinite number of currents and forces, and contributions, and temperatures, and cross purposes, whose ceaseless play of counterpart upon counterpart brings constant restoration and vitality.) With this thought and not for itself alone, but all it necessitates, and draws after it let me begin my speculations. America, filling the present with greatest deeds and problems, cheerfully accepting the past, including feudalism, (as, indeed, the present is but the legitimate birth of the i 2 DEMOCRATIC VISTAS. past, including feudalism,) counts, as I reckon, for her justification and success, (for who, as yet, dare claim success ?) almost entirely on the future. Nor is that hope unwarranted. To-day, ahead, though dimly yet, we see, in vistas, a copious, sane, gigantic offspring. For our New World I consider far less important for what it has done, or what it is, than for results to come. Sole among nation alities, these States have assumed the task to put in forms of lasting power and practicality, on areas of amplitude / | rivaling the operations of the physical kosmos, the moral ^1 political speculations of ages, long, long deferr d, the democratic republican principle, and the theory of develop- 1 ment and perfection by voluntary standards, and self- reliance. Who else, indeed, except the United States, in history, so far, have accepted in unwitting faith, and, as we now see, stand, act upon, and go security for, these things ? But preluding no longer, let me strike the key-note of the following strain. First premising that, though the passages of it have been written at widely different times, (it is, in fact, a collection of memoranda, perhaps for future designers, comprehenders,) and though it may be open to the charge of one part contradicting another for there are opposite sides to the great question of democracy, as to every great question I feel the parts harmoniously blended in my own realization and convictions, and present them to be read only in such oneness, each page and each claim and assertion modified and temper d by the others. Bear in mind, too, that they are not the result of studying up in political economy, but of the ordinary sense, observing, wandering among men, these States, these stirring years of war and peace. I will not gloss over the appaling dangers of universal suffrage in the United States. In fact, it is to DEMOCRATIC VISTAS. 3 admit and face these dangers I am writing. To him or her within whose thought rages the battle, advancing, retreating, between democracy s convictions, aspirations, and the people s crudeness. vice, caprices, I mainly write this essay. I shall use the words America and democracy as con vertible terms. Not an ordinary one is the issue. The United States are destined either to surmount the gorgeous history of feudalism, or else prove the most tremendous failure of time. Not the least doubtful am I on any prospects of their material success. The triumphant future of their business, geographic and productive departments, on larger scales and in more varieties than ever, is certain. In those respects the republic must soon (if she does not already) outstrip all examples hitherto afforded, and dominate the world:* * " From a territorial area of less than nine hundred thousand square miles, the Union has expanded into over four millions and a half fifteen times larger than that of Great Britain and France com bined with a shore-line, including Alaska, equal to the entire cir cumference of the earth, and with a domain within these lines far wider than that of the Romans in their proudest days of conquest and renown. With a river, lake, and coastwise commerce estimated at over two thousand millions of dollars per year ; with a railway traffic of four to six thousand millions per year, and the annual domestic exchanges of the country running up to nearly ten thousand millions per year ; with over two thousand millions of dollars invested in manufacturing, mechanical, and mining industry ; with over five hundred millions of acres of land in actual occupancy, valued, with their appurtenances, at over seven thousand millions of dollars, and producing annually crops valued at over three thousand millions of dollars ; with a realm which, if the density of Belgium s population were possible, would be vast enough to include all the present in habitants of the world ; and with equal rights guaranteed to even the poorest and humblest of our forty millions of people we can, with a manly pride akin to that which distinguish d the palmiest days of 4 DEMOCRATIC VISTAS. Admitting all this, with the priceless value of our political institutions, general suffrage, (and fully acknowledging the latest, widest opening of the doors,) I say that, far deeper than these, what finally and only is to make of our western world a nationality superior to any hither known, and outtopping the past, must be vigorous, yet unsuspected Literatures, perfect personalities and sociologies, original, ! transcendental, and expressing (what, in highest sense, are not yet express d at all,) democracy and the modern. With these, and out of these, I promulgate new races of Teachers, and of perfect Women, indispensable to endow the birth- stock of a New World. For feudalism, caste, the ecclesiastic traditions, though palpably retreating from political institutions, still hold essentially, by their spirit, Rome, claim," &c., &c., &c. Vice- President Coif ax s Speech y July 4, 1870. LATER London " Times," (Weekly ,) June 23, 82. " The wonderful wealth-producing power of the United States defies and sets at naught the grave drawbacks of a mischievous protective tariff, and has already obliterated, almost wholly, the traces of the greatest of modern civil wars. What is especially remarkable in the present development of American energy and success is its wide and equable distribution. North and south, east and west, on the shores of the Atlantic and the Pacific, along the chain of the great lakes, in the valley of the Mississippi, and on the coasts of the gulf of Mexico, the creation of wealth and the increase of population are signally exhibited. It is quite true, as has been shown by the recent apportionment of population in the House of Representatives, that some sections of the Union have advanced, relatively to the rest, in an extraordinary and unexpected degree. But this does not imply that the States which have gain d no additional representatives or have actually lost some have been stationary or have receded. The fact is that the present tide of prosperity has risen so high that it has overflow d all barriers, and has fill d up the back-waters, and establish d something like an approach to uniform success." DEMOCRATIC VISTAS. 5 even in this country, entire possession of the more important fields, indeed the very subsoil, of education, and of social standards and literature. I say that democracy can never prove itself beyond cavil, until it founds and luxuriantly grows its own forms of art, poems, schools, theology, displacing all that exists, or that has been produced anywhere in the past, under opposite influences. It is curious to me that while so many voices, pens, minds, in the press, lecture-rooms, in our Congress, &c., are discussing intellectual topics, pecuniary dangers, legislative problems, the suffrage, tariff and labor questions, and the various business and benevolent needs of America, with propositions, remedies, often worth deep attention, there is one need, a hiatus the profoundest, that no eye seems to perceive, no voice to state. Our fundamental want to-day in the United States, with closest, amplest reference to present conditions, and to the future, is of a class, and the clear idea of a class, of native authors, literatuses, far different, far higher in grade, than any yet known, sacerdotal, modern, fit to cope with our occasions, lands, permeating the whole mass of American mentality, taste, belief, breathing into it a new breath of life, giving it decision, affecting politics far more than the popular superficial suffrage, with results inside and under neath the elections of Presidents or Congresses radiating, begetting appropriate teachers, schools, manners, and, as its \ grandest result, accomplishing, (what neither the schools . nor the churches and their clergy have hitherto accom- (M* plish d, and without which this nation will no more stand, permanently, soundly, than a house will stand without a t substratum,) a religious and r^nra] rhnrnrtfr bfnpnth the political and productive and intellectual ba^ o. f f ^ p States. j\ For know you not, dear, earnest reader, that the people of 6 DEMOCRATIC VISTAS. our land may all read and write, and may all possess the right to vote and yet the main things may be entirely lacking? (and this to suggest them.) View d, to-day, from a point of view sufficiently over arching, the problem of humanity all over the civilized world is social and religious, and is to be finally met and treated by literature. The priest departs, the divine literatus comes. Never was anything more wanted than, to-day, and here in the States, the poet of the modern is wanted, or the great literatus of the modern. At all times, perhaps, the central } point in any nation, and that whence it is itself really sway d the most, and whence it sways others, is its national litera ture, especially its archetypal poems. Above all previous lands, a great original literature is surely to become the justification and reliance, (in some respects the sole reliance,) of American democracy. Few are aware how the great literature penetrates all, gives hue to all, shapes aggregates and individuals, and, after subtle ways, with irresistible power, constructs, sustains, demolishes at will. Why tower, in reminiscence, above all the nations of the earth, two special lands, petty in themselves, yet inexpressibly gigantic, beautiful, columnar ? Immortal Judah lives, and Greece immortal lives, in a couple of poems. Nearer than this. It is not generally realized, but it is true, as the genius of Greece, and all the sociology, personality, politics and religion of those wonderful states, resided in their literature or esthetics, that what was afterwards the main support of European chivalry, the feudal, ecclesiastical, dynastic world over there forming its osseous structure, holding it together for hundreds, thousands of years, preserving its flesh and bloom, giving it form, decision, rounding it out, and so saturating it in the DEMOCRATIC VISTAS. 7 conscious and unconscious blood, breed, belief, and intuitions of men, that it still prevails powerful to this day, in defiance of the mighty changes of time was its litera ture, permeating to the very marrow, especially that major part, its enchanting songs, ballads, and poems.* To the ostent of the senses and eyes, I know, the influences which stamp the world s history are wars, up risings or downfalls of dynasties, changeful movements of trade, important inventions, navigation, military or civil governments, advent of powerful personalities, conquerors, &c. These of course play their part; yet, it may be, a single new thought, imagination, abstract principle, even literary style, fit for the time, put in shape by some great literatus, and projected among mankind, may duly cause changes, growths, removals, greater than the longest and bloodiest war, or the most stupendous merely political, dynastic, or commercial overturn. In short, as, though it may not be realized, it is strictly true, that a few first-class poets, philosophs, and authors, have substantially settled and given status to the entire religion, education, law, sociology, &c., of the hitherto * See, for hereditaments, specimens, Walter Scott s Border Minstrelsy, Percy s collection, Ellis s early English Metrical Romances, the European continental poems of Walter of Aquitania, and the Nibelungen, of pagan stock, but monkish-feudal redaction ; the history of the Troubadours, by Fauriel ; even the far-back cumbrous old Hindu epics, as indicating the Asian eggs out of which European chivalry was hatch d ; Ticknor s chapters on the Cid, and on the Spanish poems and poets of Calderon s time. Then always, and, of course, as the superbest poetic culmination-expression of feudalism, the Shaksperean dramas, in the attitudes, dialogue, characters, &c., of the princes, lords and gentlemen, the pervading atmosphere, the implied and express d standard of manners, the high port and proud stomach, the regal embroidery of style, &c. 8 DEMOCRATIC VISTAS. civilized world, by tinging and often creating the atmospheres out of which they have arisen, such also must stamp, and more than ever stamp, the interior and real democratic construction of this American continent, to-day, and days to come. Remember also this fact of difference, that, while through the antique and through the mediaeval ages, highest thoughts and ideals realized themselves, and their expression made its way by other arts, as much as, or even more than by, technical literature, (not open to the mass of persons, or even to the majority of eminent persons,) such literature in our day and for current purposes, is not only more eligible than all the other arts put together, but has become the only general means of morally influencing the world. Painting, sculpture, and the dramatic theatre, it would seem, no longer play an indispensable or even important part in the workings and mediumship of intellect, utility, or even high esthetics. Architecture remains, doubtless with capacities, and a real future. Then music, the combiner, nothing more spiritual, nothing more sensuous, a god, yet completely human, advances, prevails, holds highest place ; supplying in certain wants and quarters what nothing else could supply. Yet in the civilization of to-day it is undeniable that, over all the arts, literature dominates, serves beyond all shapes the character of church and schpol or, at any rate, is capable of doing so. Including the literature of science, its scope is indeed unparallel d. Before proceeding further, it were perhaps well to dis criminate on certain points. Literature tills its crops in many fields, and some may flourish, while others lag. What I say in these Vistas has its main .bearing on imaginative literature, especially poetry, the stock of all. In the department of science, and the specialty of journalism, DEMOCRATIC VISTAS. 9 there appear, in these States, promises, perhaps fulfil ments, of highest earnestness, reality, and life. These, of course, are modern. But in the region of imaginative, spinal and essential attributes, something equivalent to creation is, for our age and lands, imperatively demanded. For not only is it not enough that the new blood, new frame of democracy shall be vivified and held together merely by political means, superficial suffrage, legislation, &c., but it is clear to me that, unless it goes deeper, gets at least as firm and as warm a hold in men s hearts, emotions and belief, as, in their days, feudalism or ecclesiasticism, and inaugurates its own perennial sources, welling from the centre forever, its strength will be defective, its growth doubtful, and its main charm wanting. I suggest, there- fore, the possibility, should some two or three really original American poets, (perhaps artists or lecturers,) arise, mount ing the horizon like planets, stars of the first magnitude, that, from their eminence, fusing contributions, races, far localities, &c., together, they would give more compaction and more moral identity, (the quality to-day most needed,) to these States, than all its Constitutions, legislative and judicial ties, and all its hitherto political, warlike, or materialistic experiences. As, for instance, there could hardly happen anything that would more serve the States, with all their variety of origins, their diverse climes, cities, standards, &c., than possessing an aggregate of heroes, characters, exploits, sufferings, prosperity or misfortune, glory or disgrace, common to all, typical of all no less, but even greater would it be to possess the aggregation of a cluster of mighty poets, artists, teachers, fit for us, national expressers, comprehending and effusing for the men and women of the States, what is universal, native, common to all, inland and seaboard, northern and southern. The to DEMOCRATIC VISTAS. historians say of ancient Greece, with her ever-jealous autonomies, cities, and states, that the only positive unity she ever own d or receiv d, was the sad unity of a common subjection, at the last, to foreign conquerors. Subjection, aggregation of that sort, is impossible to America ; but the fear of conflicting and irreconcilable interiors, and the lack of a common skeleton, knitting all close, continually haunts me. Or, if it does not, nothing is plainer than the need, a long period to come, of a fusion of the States into the only reliable identity, the moral and artistic one. JFor, I say, the true nationality of the States, the genuine union, when we come to a mortal crisis, is, and is to be, after all, neither the written law, nor, (as is generally supposed,) either self- interestr^r~Common~^ecum^ or material objects but the-iiervid--ad~-lTeTrreTi"6rous"" IDEA, melting everything else witrr- resistless ""heat, and solving all lesser and definite distinctions in vast, indefinite, spiritual, emotional power. It may be claim d, (and I admit the weight of the claim,) that common and general worldly prosperity, and a popu lace well-to-do, and with all life s material comforts, is the main thing, and is enough. It may be argued that our republic is, in performance, really enacting to-day the grandest arts, poems, &c., by beating up the wilderness in^o fertile farms, and in her railroads, ships, machinery, &c. And it may be ask d, Are these not better, indeed, for America, than any utterances even of greatest rhapsode, artist, or literatus ? I too hail those achievements with pride and joy : then answer that the soul of man will not with such only nay, not with such at all be finally satisfied ; but needs what, (standing on these and on all things, as the feet stand on the ground,) is address d to the loftiest, to itself alone. DEMOCRATIC VISTAS. n Out of such considerations, such truths, arises for treat ment in these Vistas the important question of character, of an American stock-personality, with literatures and arts for outlets and return-expressions, and, of course, to correspond, within outlines common to all. To these, the main affair, the thinkers of the United States, in general so acute, have either given feeblest attention, or have remain d, and remain, in a state of somnolence. For my part, I would alarm and caution even the political and business reader, and to the utmost extent, against the prevailing delusion that the establishment of free political institutions, and plentiful intellectual smartness, with general good order, physical plenty, industry, &c., (desirable and precious advantages as they all are,) do, of themselves, determine and yield to our experiment of democracy the fruitage of success. With such advantages at present fully, or almost fully, possess d the Union just issued, victorious, from the struggle with the only foes it need ever fear, (namely, those within itself, the interior ones,) and with unprecedented materialistic advancement society, in these States, is canker d, crude, superstitious, and rotten. Political, or law-made society is, and private, or voluntary society, is also. In any vigor, the element of the moral conscience, the most important, the verteber to State or man, seems to me either entirely lacking, or seriously enfeebled or ungrown. I say we had best look our times and lands searchingly in the face, like a physician diagnosing some deep disease. Never was there, perhaps, more hollowness at heart than at present, and here in the United States. Genuine belief seems to have left us. The underlying principles of the States are not honestly believ d in, (for all this hectic glow, and these melo-dramatic screamings,) nor is humanity 12 DEMOCRATIC VISTAS. itself believ d in. What penetrating eye does not every where see through the mask ? The spectacle is appaling. We live in an atmosphere of hypocrisy throughout. The men believe not in the women, nor the women in the men. A scornful superciliousness rules in literature. The aim of all the litterateurs is to find something to make fun of. A lot of churches, sects, &c., the most dismal phantasms I know, usurp the name of religion. Conversation is a mass of badinage. From deceit in the spirit, the mother of all false deeds, the offspring is already incalculable. An acute and candid person, in the revenue department in Washing ton, who is led by the course of his employment to regularly visit the cities, north, south and west, to investigate frauds, has talk d much with me about his discoveries. The depravity of the business classes of our country is not less than has been supposed, but infinitely greater. The official services of America, national, state, and municipal, in all their branches and departments, except the judiciary, are saturated in corruption, bribery, falsehood, mal-adminis- tration ; and the judiciary is tainted. The great cities reek with respectable as much as non-respectable robbery and scoundrelism. In fashionable life, flippancy, tepid amours, weak infidelism, small aims, or no aims at all, only to kill time. In business, (this all-devouring modern word, busi ness,) the one sole object is, by any means, pecuniary gain. The magician s serpent in the fable ate up all the other serpents ; and money-making is our magician s serpent, remaining to-day sole master of the field. The best class we show, is but a mob of fashionably dress d speculators and vulgarians. True, indeed, behind this fantastic farce, enacted on the visible stage of society, solid things and stupendous labors are to be discover d, existing crudely and going on in the background, to advance and tell themselves DEMOCRATIC VISTAS. 13 in time. Yet the truths -are none the less terrible. I say that our New World democracy, however great a success in uplifting the masses out of their sloughs, in materialistic development, products, and in a certain highly-deceptive superficial popular intellectuality, is, so far, an almost com plete failure in its social aspects, and in really grand religious, moral, literary, and esthetic results. In vain do we march with unprecedented strides to empire so colossal, outvying the antique, beyond Alexander s, beyond the proudest sway of Rome. In vain have we annex d Texas, California, Alaska, and reach north for Canada and south for Cuba. It is as if we were somehow being endow d with a vast and more and more thoroughly-appointed body, and then left with little or no soul. Let me illustrate further, as I write, with current observa tions, localities, &c. The subject is important, and will bear repetition. After an absence, I am now again (September, 1870) in New York city and Brooklyn, on a few weeks vacation. The splendor, picturesqueness, and oceanic amplitude and rush of these great cities, the unsurpass d situation, rivers and bay, sparkling sea-tides, costly and lofty new buildings, fagades of marble and iron, of original grandeur and elegance of design, with the masses of gay color, the preponderance of white and blue, the flags flying, the endless ships, the tumultuous streets, Broadway, the heavy, low, musical roar, hardly ever intermitted, even at night; the jobbers houses, the rich shops, the wharves, the great Central Park, and the Brooklyn Park of hills, (as I wander among them this beautiful fall weather, musing, watching, absorbing) the assemblages of the citizens in their groups, conversations, trades, evening amusements, or along the by-quarters these, I say, and the like of these, completely satisfy my senses of power, fulness, motion, &c., 14 DEMOCRATIC VISTAS. 1 and give me, through such senses and appetites, and through my esthetic conscience, a continued exaltation and J absolute fulfilment. Always and more and more, as I cross the East and North rivers, the ferries, or with the pilots in their pilot-houses, or pass an hour in Wall street, or the gold exchange, I realize, (if we must admit such partialisms,) that not Nature alone is great in her fields of freedom and the open air, in her storms, the shows of night and day, the mountains, forests, seas but in the artificial, the work of man too is equally great in this profusion of teeming humanity in these ingenuities, streets, goods, houses, ships these hurrying, feverish, electric crowds of men, their complicated business genius, (not least among the geniuses,) and all this mighty, many-threaded wealth and industry concentrated here. But sternly discarding, shutting our eyes to the glow and grandeur of the general superficial effect, coming down to what is of the only real importance, Personalities, and examining minutely, we question, we ask, Are there, indeed, men here worthy the name ? Are there athletes ? Are there perfect women, to match the generous material luxuriance ? Is there a pervading atmosphere of beautiful manners ? Are there crops of fine youths, and majestic old persons ? Are there arts worthy freedom and a rich people ? Is there a great moral and religious civilization the only justification of a great material one ? Confess that to severe eyes, using the moral microscope upon humanity, a sort of dry and flat Sahara appears, these cities, crowded with petty grotesques, malformations, phantoms, playing meaningless antics. Confess that everywhere, in shop, street, church, theatre, bar-room, official chair, are pervading flippancy and vulgarity, low cunning, infidelity everywhere the youth puny, impudent, foppish, prematurely ripe everywhere DEMOCRATIC VISTAS. 15 an abnormal libidinousness, unhealthy forms, male, female, painted, padded, dyed, chignon d, muddy complexions, bad blood, the capacity for good motherhood deceasing or deceas d, shallow notions of beauty, with a range of manners, or rather lack of manners, (considering the advantages enjoy d,) probably the meanest to be seen in the world.* Of all this, and these lamentable conditions, to breathe into them the breath recuperative of sane and heroic life, I say a new founded literature, not merely to copy and reflect existing surfaces, or pander to what is called taste not only to amuse, pass away time, celebrate the beautiful, the refined, the past, or exhibit technical, rhythmic, or gram matical dexterity but a literature underlying life, religious, consistent with science, handling the elements and forces with competent power, teaching and training men and, as perhaps the most precious of its results, achieving the entire redemption of woman out of these incredible holds and webs of silliness, millinery, and every kind of dyspeptic depletion and thus insuring to the States a strong and sweet Female Race, a race of perfect Mothers is what is needed. * Of these rapidly-sketch d hiatuses, the two which seem to be most serious are, for one, the condition, absence, or perhaps the singular abeyance, of moral conscientious fibre all through American society ; and, for another, the appaling depletion of women in their powers of sane athletic maternity, their crowning attribute, and ever making the woman, in loftiest spheres, superior to the man. I have sometimes thought, indeed, that the sole avenue and means of a reconstructed sociology depended, primarily, on a new birth, eleva tion, expansion, invigoration of woman, affording, for races to come, (as the conditions that antedate birth are indispensable,) a perfect motherhood. Great, great, indeed, far greater than they know, is the sphere of women. But doubtless the question of such new sociology all goes together, includes many varied and complex influences and premises, and the man as well as the woman, and the woman as well as the man. 1 6 DEMOCRATIC VISTAS. And now, in the full conception of these facts and points, and all that they infer, pro and con with yet unshaken faith in the elements of the American masses, the com posites, of both sexes, and even consider d as individuals and ever recognizing in them the broadest bases of the best literary and esthetic appreciation I proceed with my speculations, Vistas. First, let us see what we can make out of a brief, general, sentimental consideration of political democracy, and whence it has arisen, with regard to some of its current features, as an aggregate, and as the basic structure of our future literature and authorship. We shall, it is true, quickly and continually find the origin-idea of the singleness of man, individualism, asserting itself, and cropping forth, even from the opposite ideas. But the mass, or lump character, for imperative reasons, is to be ever carefully weigh d, borne in mind, and provided for. Only from it, and from its proper regulation and potency, comes the other, comes the chance of individualism. The two are contradictory, but our task is to reconcile them.* The political history of the past may be summ d up as having grown out of what underlies the words, order, safety, caste, and especially out of the need of some prompt deciding authority, and of cohesion at all cost. Leaping time, we come to the period within the memory of people * The question hinted here is one which time only can answer. Must not the virtue of modern Individualism, continually enlarging, usurping all, seriously affect, perhaps keep down entirely, in America, the like of the ancient virtue of Patriotism, the fervid and absorbing love of general country? I have no doubt myself that the two will merge, and will mutually profit and brace each other, and that from them a greater product, a third, will arise. But I feel that at present they and their oppositions form a serious problem and paradox in ths United States. DEMOCRATIC VISTAS. 17 now living, when, as from some lair where they had slumber d long, accumulating wrath, sprang up and are yet active, (1790, and on even to the present, 1870,) those noisy eructations, destructive iconoclasms, a fierce sense of wrongs, amid which moves the form, well known in modern history, in the old world, stain d with much blood, and mark d by savage reactionary clamors and demands. These bear, mostly, as on one inclosing point of need. For after the rest is said after the many time-honor d and really true things for subordination, experience, rights of property, &c., have been listen d to and acquiesced in after the valuable and well-settled statement of our duties and relations in society is thoroughly conn d over and exhausted it remains to bring forward and modify every thing else with the idea of that Something a man is, (last precious consolation of the drudging poor,) standing apart from all else, divine in his own right, and a woman in hers, sole and untouchable by any canons of Authority, or any rule derived from precedent, state-safety, the acts of legis latures, or even from what is called religion, modesty, or art. The radiation of this truth is the key^f the most , significant doings of our immediately preceding three centuries, and has been the political genesis and life of America. Advancing visibly, it still more advances in visibly. Underneath the fluctuations of the expressions of society, as well as the movements of the politics of the leading nations of the world, we see steadily pressing ahead and strengthening itself, even in the midst of immense tendencies toward aggregation, this image of completeness in separatism, of individual personal dignity, of a single person, either male or female, characterized in the main, not from extrinsic acquirements or position, but in the pride of himself or herself alone ; and, as an eventual conclusion 2 iS DEMOCRATIC VISTAS. and summing up, (or else the entire scheme of things is aimless, a cheat, a crash,) the simple idea that the last, best dependence is to be upon humanity itself, and its own inherent, normal, full-grown qualities, without any super stitious support whatever. This idea of perfect individual ism it is indeed that deepest tinges and gives character to the idea of the aggregate. For it is mainly or altogether to serve independent separatism that we favor a strong general ization, consolidation. As it is to give the best vitality and freedom to the rights of the States, (every bit as important as the right of nationality, the union,) that we insist on the identity of the Union at all hazards. The purpose of democracy supplanting old belief in the necessary absoluteness of established dynastic rulership, temporal, ecclesiastical, and scholastic, as furnishing the only security against chaos, crime, and ignorance is, through many transmigrations and amid endless ridicules, arguments, and ostensible failures, to illustrate, at all hazards, this doctrine or theory that man, properly train d in sanest, highest freedom, may and must become a law, and series of laws, unto himself, surrounding and providing for, not only his own personal control, but all his relations to other individuals, and to the State ; and that, while other theories, as in the past histories of nationo, have proved wise enough, and indispensable perhaps for their conditions, this, as matters now stand in our civilized world, is the only scheme worth working from, as warranting results like those of Nature s laws, reliable, when once established, to carry on themselves. The argument of the matter is extensive, and, we admit, by no means all on one side. What we shall offer will be far, far from sufficient. But while leaving unsaid much that should properly even prepare the way for the treatment of DEMOCRATIC VISTAS. 19 this many-sided question of political liberty, equality, or republicanism leaving the whole history and consideration of the feudal plan and its products, embodying humanity, its politics and civilization, through the retrospect of past time, (which plan and products, indeed, make up all of the past, and a large part of the present) leaving unanswer d, at least by any specific and local answer, many a well- wrought argument and instance, and many a conscientious declamatory cry and warning as, very lately, from an eminent and venerable person abroad* things, problems, full of doubt, dread, suspense, (not new to me, but old occupiers of many an anxious hour in city s din, or night s silence,) we still may give a page or so, whose drift is opportune. Time alone can finally answer these things. But as a substitute in passing, let us, even if fragmentarily, throw forth a short direct or indirect suggestion of the premises of that other plan, in the new spirit, under the new forms, started here in our America. As to the political section of Democracy, which intro duces and breaks ground for further and vaster sections, few probably are the minds, even in these republican States, that fully comprehend the aptness of that phrase, " THE GOVERNMENT OF THE PEOPLE, BY THE PEOPLE, FOR THE * "SHOOTING NIAGARA." I was at first roused to much anger and abuse by this essay from Mr. Carlyle, so insulting to the theory of America but happening to think afterwards how I had more than once been in the like mood, during which his essay was evidently cast, and seen persons and things in the same light, (indeed some might say there are signs of the same feeling in these Vistas) I have since read it again, not only as a study, expressing as it does certain judgments from the highest feudal point of view, but have read it with respect as coming from an earnest soul, and as con tributing certain sharp-cutting metallic grains, which, if not gold or silver, may be good hard, hontst iron. 20 DEMOCRATIC VISTAS. PEOPLE," which we inherit from the lips of Abraham Lincoln ; a formula whose verbal shape is homely wit, but whose scope includes both the totality and all minutiae of the lesson. The People ! Like our huge earth itself, which, to ordinary scansion, is full of vulgar contradictions and offence, man, viewed in the lump, displeases, and is a constant puzzle and affront to the merely educated classes. The rare, cosmical, artist-mind, lit with the Infinite, alone confronts his manifold and oceanic qualities but taste, intelligence and culture, (so-called,) have been against the masses, and remain so. There is plenty of glamour about the most damnable crimes and hoggish meannesses, special and general, of the feudal and dynastic world over there, with its personnel of lords and queens and courts, so well- dress d and so handsome. But the People are ungram- matical, untidy, and their sins gaunt and ill-bred. Literature, strictly consider d, has never recognized the People, and, whatever may be said, does not to-day. Speaking generally, the tendencies of literature, as hitherto pursued, have been to make mostly critical and querulous men. It seems as if, so far, there were some natural repugnance between a literary and professional life, and the rude rank spirit of the democracies. There is, in later literature, a treatment of benevolence, a charity business, rife enough it is true ; but I know nothing more rare, even in this country, than a fit scientific estimate and reverent appreciation of the People of their measurless wealth of latent power and capacity, their vast, artistic contrasts of lights and shades with, in America, their entire reliability in emergencies, and a certain breadth of historic grandeur, of peace or war, far surpassing all the vaunted samples of book-heroes, or any haut ton coteries, in all the records of the world. DEMOCRATIC VISTAS. 21 The movements of the late secession war, and their results, to any sense that studies well and comprehends them, show that popular democracy, whatever its faults and dangers, practically justifies itself beyond the proudest claims and wildest hopes of its enthusiasts. Probably no future age can know, but I well know, how the gist of this fiercest and most resolute of the world s war-like conten tions resided exclusively in the unnamed, unknown rank and file ; and how the brunt of its labor of death was, to all essential purposes, volunteer d. The People, of their own choice, fighting, dying for their own idea, insolently attack d by the secession-slave-power, and its very existence imperil d. Descending to detail, entering any of the armies, and mixing with the private soldiers, we see and have seen august spectacles. We have seen the alacrity with which the American-born populace, the peaceablest and most good-natured race in the world, and the most personally independent and intelligent, and the least fitted to submit to the irksomeness and exasperation of regimental discipline, sprang, at the first tap of the drum, to arms not for gain, nor even glory, nor to repel invasion but for an emblem, a mere abstraction for the life, the safety of the flag. We have seen the unequal d docility and obedience of these soldiers. We have seen them tried long and long by hopelessness, mismanagement, and by defeat ; have seen the incredible slaughter toward or through which the armies, (as at first Fredericksburg, and afterward at the Wilderness,) still unhesitatingly obey d orders to advance. We have seen them in trench, or crouching behind breast work, or tramping in deep mud, or amid pouring rain or thick-falling snow, or under forced marches in hottest summer (as on the road to get to Gettysburg) vast suffocat ing swarms, divisions, corps, with every single man so 22 DEMOCRATIC VISTAS. grimed and black with sweat and dust, his own mother would not have known him his clothes all dirty, stain d and torn, with sour, accumulated sweat for perfume many a comrade, perhaps a brother, sun-struck, staggering out, dying, by the roadside, of exhaustion yet the great bulk bearing steadily on, cheery enough, hollow-bellied from hunger, but sinewy with unconquerable resolution. We have seen this race proved by wholesale, by drearier, yet more fearful tests the wound, the amputation, the shatter d face or limb, the slow hot fever, long impatient anchorage in bed, and all the forms of maiming, operation and disease. Alas ! America have we seen, though only in her early youth, already to hospital brought. There have we watch d these soldiers, many of them only boys in years mark d their decorum, their religious nature and fortitude, and their sweet affection. Wholesale, truly. For at the front, and through the camps, in countless tents, stood the regimental, brigade and division hospitals ; while everywhere amid the land, in or near cities, rose clusters of huge, white-wash d, crowded, one-story wooden barracks ; and there ruled agony with bitter scourge, yet seldom brought a cry ; and there stalk d death by day and night along the narrow aisles between the rows of cots, or by the blankets on the ground, and touch d lightly many a poor sufferer, often with blessed, welcome touch. I know not whether I shall be understood, but I realize that it is finally from what I learn d personally mixing in such scenes that I am now penning these pages. One night in the gloomiest period of the war, in the Patent office hospital in Washington city, as I stood by the bedside of a Pennsylvania soldier, who lay, conscious of quick approaching death, yet perfectly calm, and with noble, spiritual manner, the veteran surgeon, turning aside, said to DEMOCRATIC VISTAS. 23 me, that though he had witness d many, many deaths of soldiers, and had been a worker at Bull Run, Antietam, Fredericksburg, &c., he had not seen yet the first case of man or boy that met the approach of dissolution with cowardly qualms or terror. My own observation fully bears out the remark. What have we here, if not, towering above all talk and argument, the plentifully-supplied, last-needed proof of democracy, in its personalities? Curiously enough, too, the proof on this point comes, I should say, every bit as much from the south, as from the north. Although I have spoken only of the latter, yet I deliberately include all. Grand, common stock ! to me the accomplished and con vincing growth, prophetic of the future ; proof undeniable to sharpest sense, of perfect beauty, tenderness and p.uck, that never feudal lord, nor Greek, nor Roman breed, yet rival d. Let no tongue ever speak in disparagement of the American races, north or south, to one who has been through the war in the great army hospitals. Meantime, general humanity, (for to that we return, as, for our purposes, what it really is, to bear in mind,) has always, in every department, been full of perverse malefi cence, and is so yet. In downcast hours the soul thinks it always will be but soon recovers from such sickly moods. I myself see clearly enough the crude, defective streaks in all the strata of the common people ; the specimens and vast collections of the ignorant, the credulous, the unfit and uncouth, the incapable, and the very low and poor. The eminent person just mention d sneeringly asks whether we expect to elevate and improve a nation s politics by absorb ing such morbid collections and qualities therein. The point is a formidable one, and there will doubtless always be numbers of solid and reflective citizens who will never 24 DEMOCRATIC VISTAS. get over it. Our answer is general, and is involved in the scope and letter of this essay. We believe the ulterior object of political and all other government, (having, of course, provided for the police, the safety of life, property, and for the basic statute and common law, and their admin istration, always first in order,) to be among the rest, not merely to rule, to repress disorder, &c., but to develop, to open up to cultivation, to encourage the possibilities of all beneficent and manly outcroppage, and of that aspiration for independence, and the pride and self-respect latent in all characters. (Or, if there be exceptions, we cannot, fixing our eyes on them alone, make theirs the rule for all.) I say the mission of government, henceforth, in civilized lands, is not repression alone, and not authority alone, not even of law, nor by that favorite standard of the eminent writer, the rule of the best men, the born heroes and captains of the race, (as if such ever, or one time out of a hundred, get into the big places, elective or dynastic) but higher than the highest arbitrary rule, to train communities through all their grades, beginning with individuals and ending there again, to rule themselves. What Christ appear d for in the moral-spiritual field for human-kind, namely, that in respect to the absolute soul, there is in the possession of such by each single individual, something so transcendent, so incapable of gradations, (like life,) that, to that extent, it places all beings on a common level, utterly regardless of the distinctions of intellect, virtue, station, or any height or lowliness whatever is tallied in like manner, in this other field, by democracy s rule that men, the nation, as a common aggregate of living identities, affording in each a separate and complete subject for freedom, worldly thrift and happiness, and for a fair chance for growth, and for DEMOCRATIC VISTAS. 25 protection in citizenship, &c., must, to the political extent of the suffrage or vote, if no further, be placed, in each and in the whole, on one broad, primary, universal, common platform. The purpose is not altogether direct ; perhaps it is more indirect. For it is not that democracy is of exhaustive account, in itself. Perhaps, indeed, it is, (like Nature,) of no account in itself. It is that, as we see, it is the best, perhaps only, fit and full means, formulater, general caller- forth, trainer, for the million, not for grand material personalities only, but for immortal souls. To be a voter with the rest is not so much ; and this, like every institute, will have its imperfections. But to become an enfranchised man, and now, impediments removed, to stand and start without humiliation, and equal with the rest j to commence, or have the road clear d to commence, the grand experi ment of development, whose end, (perhaps requiring several generations,) may be the forming of a full-grown man or woman that is something. To ballast the State is also secured, and in our times is to be secured, in no other way. We do not, (at any rate I do not,) put it either on the ground that the People, the masses, even the best of them, are, in their latent or exhibited qualities, essentially sensible and good nor on the ground of their rights ; but that good or bad, rights or no rights, the democratic j formula is the only safe and preservative one for coming I times. We endow the masses with the suffrage for their own sake, no doubt ; then, perhaps still more, from another point of view, for community s sake. Leaving the rest to the sentimentalists, we present freedom as sufficient in its scientific aspect, cold as ice, reasoning, deductive, clear and / passionless as crystal. Democracy too is law, and of the strictest, amplest kind. 26 DEMOCRATIC VISTAS. Many suppose, (and often in its own ranks the error,) that it means a throwing aside of law, and running riot. But, briefly, it is the superior law, not alone that of physical force, the body, which, adding to, it supersedes with that of the spirit. Law is the unshakable order of the universe forever ; and the law over all, and law of laws, is the law of successions ; that of the superior law, in time, gradually supplanting and overwhelming the inferior one. (While, for myself, I would cheerfully agree first covenanting that the formative tendencies shall be administer d in favor, or at least not against it, and that this reservation be closely construed that until the individual or community show due signs, or be so minor and fractional as not to endanger the State, the condition of authoritative tutelage may continue, and self-government must abide its time.) Nor is the esthetic point, always an important one, without fascination for highest aiming souls. The common ambition strains for elevations, to become some privileged exclusive. The master sees greatness and health in being part of the mass; nothing will do as well as common ground. Would you have in yourself the divine, vast, general law ? Then merge yourself in it. And, topping democracy, this most alluring record, that it alone can bind, and ever seeks to bind, all nations, all men, of however various and distant lands, into a brother hood, a family. It is the old, yet ever-modern dream of earth, out of her eldest and her youngest, her fond philosophers and poets. Not that half only, individualism, which isolates. There is another half, which is adhesive ness or love, that fuses, ties and aggregates, making the races comrades, and fraternizing all. Both are to be vitalized by religion, (sole worthiest elevator of man or State,) breathing into the proud, material tissues, the DEMOCRATIC VISTAS. 27 breath of life. For I say at the core of democracy, finally, is the religious element. All the religions, old and new, are there. Nor may the scheme step forth, clothed in resplendent beauty and command, till these, bearing the best, the latest fruit, the spiritual, shall fully appear. A portion of our pages we might indite with reference toward Europe, especially the British part of it, more than our own land, perhaps not absolutely needed for the home reader. But the whole question hangs together, and fastens and links all peoples. The liberalist of to-day has this advantage over antique or medieval times, that his doctrine seeks not only to individualize but to universalize. The great word Solidarity has arisen. Of all dangers to a nation, as things exist in our day, there can be no greater one than having certain portions of the people set off from the rest by a line drawn they not privileged as others, but degraded, humiliated, made of no account. Much quackery teems, of course, even on democracy s side, yet does not really affect the orbic quality of the matter. To work in, if we may so term it, and justify God, his divine aggregate, the People, (or, the veritable horn d and sharp-tail d Devil, his aggregate, if there be who convulsively insist upon it) this, I say, is what democracy is for ; and this is what our America means, and is doing may I not say, has done ? If not, she means nothing more, and does nothing more, than any other land. And as, by virtue of its kosmical, antiseptic power, Nature s stomach is fully strong enough not only to digest the morbific matter always presented, not to be turn d aside, and perhaps, indeed, intuitively gravitating thither but even to change such contributions into nutriment for highest use and life so American democracy s. That is the lesson we, these days, send over to European lands by every western breeze. 28 DEMOCRATIC VISTAS. And truly, whatever may be said in the way of abstract argument, for or against the theory of a wider democratizing of institutions in any civilized country, much trouble might well be saved to all European lands by recognizing this palpable fact, (for a palpable fact it is,) that some form of such democratizing is about the only resource now left. That, or chronic dissatisfaction continued, mutterings which grow annually louder and louder, till, in due course, and pretty swiftly in most cases, the inevitable crisis, crash, dynastic ruin. Anything worthy to be call d statesmanship in the Old World, I should say, among the advanced students, adepts, or men of any brains, does not debate to day whether to hold on, attempting to lean back and monarchize, or to look forward and democratize but how, and in what degree and part, most prudently to demo- / cratize. The eager and often inconsiderate appeals of reformers and revolutionists are indispensable, to counterbalance the inertness and fossilism making so large a part of human institutions. The latter will always take care of themselves the danger being that they rapidly tend to ossify us. The former is to be treated with indulgence, and even with respect. As circulation to air, so is agitation and a plentiful degree of speculative license to political and moral sanity. Indirectly, but surely, goodness, virtue, law, (of the very best,) follow freedom. These, to democracy, are what the keel is to the ship, or saltness to the ocean. The true gravitation-hold of liberalism in the United S v vj* States will be a more universal ownership of property, general homesteads, general comfort a vast, intertwining reticulation of wealth. As the human frame, or, indeed, any object in this manifold universe, is best kept together by the simple miracle of its own cohesion, and the DEMOCRATIC VISTAS. 29 necessity, exercise and profit thereof, so a great and varied nationality, occupying millions of square miles, were firmest held and knit by the principle of the safety and endurance of the aggregate of its middling property owners. So that, from another point of view, ungracious as it may sound, and a paradox after what we have been saying, democracy looks with suspicious, ill-satisfied eye upon the very poor, the ignorant, and on those out of business. She asks for men and women with occupations, well-off, owners of houses and acres, and with cash in the bank and with some cravings for literature, too; and must have them, and hastens to make them. Luckily, the seed is already well-sown, and has taken ineradicable root* Huge and mighty are our days, our republican lands and most in their rapid shiftings, their changes, all in the interest of the cause. / As I write this particular passage, (November, 1868,) the din of disputation rages around me. Acrid the temper of the parties, vital the pending questions. Congress convenes ; the President sends his message ; re construction is still in abeyance ; the nomination and the contest for the twenty-first Presidentiad draw close, with * For fear of mistake, I may as well distinctly specify, as cheerfully included in the model and standard of these Vistas, a practical, stirring, worldly, money-making, even materialistic character. It is undeniable that our farms, stores, offices, dry-goods, coal and groceries, enginery, cash-accounts, trades, earnings, markets, &c., should be attended to in earnest, and actively pursued, just as if they had a real and permanent existence. I perceive clearly that the extreme business energy, and this almost maniacal appetite for wealth prevalent in the United States, are parts of amelioration and progress, indispensably needed to prepare the very results I demand. My theory includes riches, and the getting of riches, and the amplest products, power, activity, inventions, move ments, &c. Upon them, as upon substrata, I raise the edifice design d in these Vistas. 30 DEMOCRATIC VlSTAS. loudest threat and bustle. Of these, and all the like of these, the eventuations I know not ; but well I know that behind them, and whatever their eventuations, the vital things remain safe and certain, and all the needed work goes on. Time, with soon or later superciliousness, dis poses of Presidents, Congressmen, party platforms, and such. Anon, it clears the stage of each and any mortal shred that thinks itself so potent to its day ; and at and after which, (with precious, golden exceptions once or twice in a century,) all that relates to sir potency is flung to moulder in a burial-vault, and no one bothers himself the least bit about it afterward. But the People ever remain, tendencies continue, and all the idiocratic transfers in unbroken chain go on. In a few years the dominion-heart of America will be far inland, toward the West. Our future national capital may not be where the present one is. It is possible, nay likely, that in less than fifty years, it will migrate a thousand or two miles, will be re-founded, and every thing belonging to it made on a different plan, original, far more superb. The main social, political, spine-character of the States will probably run along the Ohio, Missouri and Mississippi rivers, and west and north of them, including Canada. Those region s, with the group of powerful brothers toward the Pacific, (destined to the mastership of that sea and its countless paradises of islands,) will compact and settle the traits of America, with all the old retain d, but more ex panded, grafted on newer, hardier, purely native stock. A giant growth, composite from the rest, getting their contri bution, absorbing it, to make it more illustrious. From the north, intellect, the sun of things, also the idea of unswayable justice, anchor amid the last, the wildest tempests. From the south the living soul, the animus of DEMOCRATIC VISTAS. 31 good and bad, haughtily admitting no demonstration but its own. While from the west itself comes solid personality, with blood and brawn, and the deep quality of all-accepting fusion. Political democracy, as it exists and practically works in America, with all its threatening evils, supplies a training- school for making first-class men. It is life s gymnasium, not of good only, but of all. We try often, though we fall back often. A brave delight, fit for freedom s athletes, fills these arenas, and fully satisfies, out of the action in them, irrespective of success. Whatever we do not attain, we at any rate attain the experiences of the fight, the hardening of the strong campaign, and throb with currents of attempt at least. Time is ample. Let the victors come after us. Not for nothing does evil play its part among us. Judging from the main portions of the history of the world, so far, justice is always in jeopardy, peace walks amid hourly pit-falls, and of slavery, misery, meanness, the craft of tyrants and the credulity of the populace, in some of their protean forms, no voice can at any time say, They are not. The clouds break a little, and the sun shines out but soon and certain the lowering darkness falls again, as if to last forever. Yet is there an immortal courage and prophecy in every sane soul that cannot, must not, under any circum stances, capitulate. Vive, the attack the perennial assault ! Vive, the unpopular cause the spirit that audaciously aims the never-abandon d efforts, pursued the same amid opposing proofs and precedents. Once, before the war, (Alas ! I dare not say how many times the mood has come !) I, too, was fill d with doubt and gloom. A foreigner, an acute and good man, had im pressively said to me, that day putting in form, indeed, my own observations : " I have travel d much in the United 32 DEMOCRATIC VISTAS. States, and watch d their politicians, and listen d to the speeches of the candidates, and read the journals, and gone into the public houses, and heard the unguarded talk of men. And I have found your vaunted America honey- comb d from top to toe with infidelism, even to itself and its own programme. I have mark d the brazen hell-faces of secession and slavery gazing defiantly from all the windows and doorways. I have everywhere found, primarily, thieves and scalliwags arranging the nominations to offices, and sometimes filling the offices themselves. I have found the north just as full of bad stuff as the south. Of the holders of public office in the Nation or the States or their muni cipalities, I have found that not one in a hundred has been chosen by any spontaneous selection of the outsiders, the people, but all have been nominated and put through by little or large caucuses of the politicians, and have got in by corrupt rings and electioneering, not capacity or desert. I have noticed how the millions of sturdy farmers and mechanics are thus the helpless supple-jacks of com paratively few politicians. And I have noticed more and more, the alarming spectacle of parties usurping the government, and openly and shamelessly wielding it for party purposes." Sad, serious, deep truths. Yet are there other, still deeper, amply confronting, dominating truths. Over those politicians and great and little rings, and over all their insolence and wiles, and over the powerfulest parties, looms a power, too sluggish maybe, but ever holding decisions and decrees in hand, ready, with stern process, to execute them as soon as plainly needed and at times, indeed, sum marily crushing to atoms the mightiest parties, even in the hour of their pride. "In saner hours far different are the amounts of these DEMOCRATJC VISTAS. 33 things from what, at first sight, they appear. Though it is no doubt important who is elected governor, mayor, or legislator (and full of dismay when incompetent or vile ones get elected, as they sometimes do), there are other, quieter contingencies, infinitely more important. Shams, &c., will always be "the show, like ocean s scum ; enough, if waters deep and clear make up the rest. Enough, that while the piled embroider d shoddy gaud and fraud spreads to the superficial eye, the hidden warp and weft are genuine, and will wear forever. Enough, in short, that the race, the land which could raise such as the late rebellion, could also put it down. The average man of a land at last only is important. He, in these States, remains immortal owner and boss, deriving good uses, somehow, out of any sort of servant in office, even the basest; (certain universal requisites, and their settled regularity and protection, being first secured,) a nation like ours, in a sort of geological formation state, trying continually new experiments, choosing new delega tions, is not served by the best men only, but sometimes more by those that provoke it by the combats they arouse. Thus national rage, fury, discussion, &c., better than content. Thus, also, the warning signals, invaluable for after times. What is more dramatic than the spectacle we have seen repeated, and doubtless long shall see the popular judg ment taking the successful candidates on trial in the offices standing off, as it were, and observing them and their doings for a while, and always giving, finally, the fit, exactly due reward ? I think, after all, the sublimest part of political history, and its culmination, is currently issuing from the American people. I know nothing grander, better exercise, better digestion, more positive proof of the past, 3 34 DEMOCRATIC VISTAS. the triumphant result of faith in human kind, than a well- contested American national election. Then still the thought returns, (like the thread-passage in overtures,) giving the key and echo to these pages. When [ pass to and fro, different latitudes, different seasons, behold ing the crowds of, the great -cities, New York, Boston, Phila delphia, Cincinnati, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, New Orleans, Baltimore when I mix with \these interminable swarms of alert, turbulent, good-natured, independent citi zens, mechanics, clerks, young persons at the idea of this mass of men, so fresh and free, so loving and so proud, a singular awe falls upon me. I feel, with dejection and amazement, that among our geniuses and talented writers or speakers, few or none have yet really spoken to this people, created a single image-making work for them, or absorb d the central spirit and the idiosyncrasies which are theirs and which, thus, in highest ranges, so far remain entirely uncelebrated, unexpress d. Dominion strong is the body s ; dominion stronger is the mind s. What has fill d, and fills to-day our intellect, our fancy, furnishing the standards therein, is yet foreign. The great poems, Shakspere included, are poisonous to the idea of the pride and dignity of the common people, the life- blood of democracy. The models of our literature, as we L^et it from other lands, ultramarine, have had their birth in courts, and bask d and grown in castle sunshine ; all smells of princes favors. Of workers of a certain sort, we have, indeed, plenty, contributing after their kind ; many elegant, many learn d, all complacent. But touch d by the national test, or tried by the standards of democratic personality, they wither to ashes. I say I have not seen a single writer, artist, lecturer, or what not, that has confronted the voice less but ever erect and active, pervading, underlying will DEMOCRATIC VISTAS. 35 and typic aspiration of the land, in a spirit kindred to itself. Do you call those genteel little creatures American poets ? Do you term that perpetual, pistareen, paste-pot work, American art, American drama, taste, verse? I think I hear, echoed as from some mountain-top afar in the west, the scornful laugh of the Genius of these States. Democracy, in silence, biding its time, ponders its own ideals, not of literature and art only not of men only, but of women. The idea of the women of America, (extricated from this daze, this fossil and unhealthy air which hangs about the word lady?) develop d, raised to become the robust equals, workers, and, it may be, even practical and political deciders with the men greater than man, we may admit, through their divine maternity, always their towering, emblematical attribute but great, at any rate, as man, in all departments ; or, rather, capable of being so, soon as they realize it, and can bring themselves to give up toys and fictions, and launch forth, as men do, amid real, independent, stormy life. Then, as towards our thought s finale, (and, in that, over arching the true scholar s lesson,) we have to say there can be no complete or epical presentation of democracy in the aggregate, or anything like it, at this day, because its doctrines will only be effectually incarnated in any one branch, when, in all, their spirit is at the root and centre. Far, far, indeed, stretch, in distance, our Vistas ! How much is still to be disentangled, freed ! How long it takes to make this American world see that it is, in itself, the final authority and reliance ! Did you, too, O friend, suppose democracy was only for elections, for politics, and for a party name ? I say democracy is only of use there that it may pass on and come to its flower and fruits in manners, in the highest 36 DEMOCRATIC VISTAS. forms of interaction between men, and their beliefs in religion, literature, colleges, and schools democracy in all public and private life, and in the army and navy.* I have intimated that, as a paramount scheme, it has yet few or no full realizers and believers. I do not see, either, that it owes any serious thanks to noted propagandists or cham pions, or has been essentially help d, though often harm d, by them. It has been and is carried on by all the moral forces, and by trade, finance, machinery, intercommunica tions, and, in fact, by all the developments of history, and can no more be stopp d than the tides, or the earth in its orbit. Doubtless, also, it resides, crude and latent, well down in the hearts of the fair average of the American-born people, mainly in the agricultural regions. But it is not yet, there or anywhere, the fully-receiv d, the fervid, the absolute faith. I submit, therefore, that the fruition of democracy, on aught like a grand scale, resides altogether in the future. As, under any profound and comprehensive view of the gorgeous-composite feudal world, we see in it, through the long ages and cycles of ages, the results of a deep, integral, human and divine principle, or fountain, from which issued laws, ecclesia, manners, institutes, costumes, personalities, poems, (hitherto unequall d,) faithfully partaking of their source, and indeed only arising either to betoken it, or to furnish parts of that varied-flowing display, whose centre was one and absolute so, long ages hence, shall the due * The whole present system of the officering and personnel of the army and navy of these States, and the spirit and letter of their trebly- aristocratic rules and regulations, is a monstrous exotic, a nuisance and revolt, and belong here just as much as orders of nobility, or the Pope s council of cardinals. I say if the present theory of our army and navy is sensible and true, then the rest of America in an unmitigated fraud. DEMOCRATIC VISTAS. 37 historian or critic make at least an equal retrospect, an equal history for the democratic principle. It too must be adorn d, credited with its results then, when it, with im perial power, through amplest time, has dominated mankind has been the source and test of all the moral, esthetic, social, political, and religious expressions and institutes of the civilized world has begotten them in spirit and in form, and has carried them to its own unprecedented heights has had, (it is possible,) monastics and ascetics, more numerous, more devout than the monks and priests of all previous creeds has sway d the ages with a breadth and rectitude tallying Nature s own has fashion d, system atized, and triumphantly finish d and carried out, in its own interest, and with unparallel d success, a new earth and a new man. Thus we presume to write, as it were, upon things that exist not, and travel by maps yet unmade, and a blank. But the throes of birth are upon us ; and we have some thing of this advantage in seasons of strong formations, doubts, suspense for then the afflatus of such themes haply may fall upon us, more or less ; and then, hot from surrounding war and revolution, our speech, though without polish d coherence, and a failure by the standard called criticism, comes forth, real at least as the lightnings. And may-be we, these days, have, too, our own reward (for there are yet some, in all lands, worthy to be so encouraged.) Though not for us the joy of entering at the last the conquer d city not ours the chance ever to see with our own eyes the peerless power and splendid eclat of the democratic principle, arriv d at meridian, filling the world with effulgence and majesty far beyond those of past history s kings, or all dynastic sway there is yet, to who ever is eligible among us, the prophetic vision, the joy of 38 DEMOCRATIC VISTAS. being toss d in the brave turmoil of these times the promulgation and the path, obedient, lowly reverent to the voice, the gesture of the god, or holy ghost, which others see not, hear not with the proud consciousness that amid whatever clouds, seductions, or heart-wearying postpone ments, we have never deserted, never despair d, never abandon d the faith. So much contributed, to be conn d well, to help prepare and brace our edifice, our plann d Idea we still proceed to give it in another of its aspects perhaps the main, the high fagade of all. For to democracy, the leveler, the unyielding principle of the average, surely join d another principle, equally unyielding, closely tracking the first, indispensable to it, opposite (as the sexes are opposite), and whose exist ence, confronting and ever modifying the other, often clashing, paradoxical, yet neither of highest avail without the other, plainly supplies to these grand cosmic politics of ours, and to the launch d forth mortal dangers of republican ism, to-day, or any day, the counterpart and offset whereby Nature restrains the deadly original relentlessness of all her first-class laws. This second principle is individuality, the pride and centripetal isolation of a human being in himself identity personalism. Whatever the name, its accept ance and thorough infusions through the organizations of political commonalty now shooting Aurora-like about the world, are of utmost importance, as the principle itself is needed for very life s sake. It forms, in a sort, or is to form, the compensating balance-wheel of the successful working machinery of aggregate America. And, if we think of it, what does civilization itself rest upon and what object has it, what its religions, arts, schools, &c., but rich, luxuriant, varied personalism? To that, all bends; and it is because toward such result DEMOCRATIC VISTAS. 39 democracy alone, on anything like Nature s scale, breaks up the limitless fallows of humankind, and plants the seed, and gives fair play, that its claims now precede the rest. The literature, songs, esthetics, &c., of a country are of importance principally because they furnish the materials and suggestions of personality for the women and men of that country, and enforce them in a thousand effective ways.* As the topmost claim of a strong consolidating of the nationality of these States, is, that only by such powerful compaction can the separate States secure that full and free * After the rest is satiated, all interest culminates in the field of persons, and never flags there. Accordingly in this field have the great poets and literatuses signally toil d. They too, in all ages, all lands, have been creators, fashioning, making types of men and women, as Adam and Eve are made in the divine fable. Behold, shaped, bred by orientalism, feudalism, through their long growth and culmination, and breeding back in return (when shall we have an equal series, typical of democracy?) behold, commencing in primal Asia, (apparently formulated, in what beginning we know, in the gods of the mythologies, and coining down thence), a few samples out of the countless product, bequeath d to the moderns, bequeath d to America as studies. For the men, Yudishtura, Rama, Arjuna, Solomon, most of the Old and New Testament characters ; Achilles, Ulysses, Theseus, Prometheus, Hercules, yneas, Plutarch s heroes ; the Merlin of Celtic bards ; the Cid, Arthur and his knights, Siegfried and Hagen in the Nibelungen ; Roland and Oliver ; Roustam in the Shah-Neman : and so on to Milton s Satan, Cervantes Don Quixote, Shakspere s Hamlet, Richard II., Lear, Marc Antony, &c., and the modern Faust. These, I say, are models, combined, adjusted to other standards than America s, but of priceless value to her and hers. Among women, the goddesses of the Egyptian, Indian and Greek mythologies, certain Bible characters, especially the Holy Mother; Cleopatra, Penelope ; the portraits of Brunl.elde and Chriemhilde in the Nibelungen ; Oriana, Una, &c. ; the modern Consuelo, Walter Scott s Jeanie and Erne Deans, &c., &c. (Yet woman portray d or oinlin d at her best, or as perfect human mother, does not hitherto, it seems to me, fully appear in literature.) 40 DEMOCRATIC VISTAS. svv ing within their spheres, which is becoming to them, each after its kind, so will individuality, and unimpeded branchings, flourish best under imperial republican forms. Assuming Democracy to be at present in its embryo condition, and that the only large and satisfactory justifica tion of it resides in the future, mainly through the copious production of perfect characters among the people, and through the advent of a sane and pervading religiousness, it is with regard to the atmosphere and spaciousness fit for such characters, and of certain nutriment and cartoon- draftings proper for them, and indicating them for New World purposes, that I continue the present statement an exploration, as of new ground, wherein, like other primitive surveyors, I must do the best I can, leaving it to those who come after me to do much better. (The service, in fact, if any, must be to break a sort of first path or track, no matter how rude and ungeometrical.) We have frequently printed the word Democracy. Yet I cannot too often repeat that it is a word the real gist of which still sleeps, quite unawaken d, notwithstanding the resonance and the many angry tempests out of which its syllables have come, from pen or tongue. It is a great word, whose history, I suppose, remains unwritten, because that history has yet to be enacted. It is, in some sort, younger brother of another great and often-used word, Nature, whose history also waits unwritten. As I perceive, the tendencies of our day, in the States, (and I entirely respect them,) are toward those vast and sweeping move ments, influences, moral and physical, of humanity, now and always current over the planet, on the scale of the impulses of the elements. Then it is also good to reduce the whole matter to the consideration of a single self, a man, a woman, on permanent grounds. Even for the DEMOCRATIC VISTAS. 41 treatment of the universal, in politics, metaphysics, or any thing, sooner or later we come down to one single, solitary soul. There is, in sanest hours, a consciousness, a thought that rises, independent, lifted out from all else, calm, like the stars, shining eternal. This is the thought of identity yours for you, whoever you are, as mine for me. Miracle of miracles, beyond statement, most spiritual and vaguest of earth s dreams, yet hardest basic fact, and only entrance to all facts. In such devout hours, in the midst of the signifi cant wonders of heaven and earth, (significant only because of the Me in the centre,) creeds, conventions, fall away and become of no account before this simple idea. Under the luminousness of real vision, it alone takes possession, takes value. Like the shadowy dwarf in the fable, once liberated and look d upon, it expands over the whole earth, and spreads to the roof of heaven. The quality of BEING, in the object s self, according to its own central idea and purpose, and of growing therefrom and thereto not criticism by other standards, and adjust ments thereto is the lesson of Nature. True, the full man wisely gathers, culls, absorbs ; but if, engaged dispropor tionately in that, he slights or overlays the precious idiocrasy and special nativity and intention that he is, the man s self, the main thing, is a failure, however wide his general cul tivation. Thus, in our times, refinement and delicatesse are not only attended to sufficiently, but threaten to eat us up, like a cancer. Already, the democratic genius watches, ill-pleased, these tendencies. Provision for a little healthy rudeness, savage virtue, justification of what one has in one s self, whatever it is, is demanded. Negative qualities, even deficiencies, would be a relief. Singleness and normal simplicity and separation, amid this more and more 42 DEMOCRATIC VISTAS. complex, more and more artificialized state of society how pensively we yearn for them ! how we would welcome their return ! In some such direction, then at any rate enough to pre serve the balance we feel called upon to throw what weight we can, not for absolute reasons, but current ones. To prune, gather, trim, conform, and ever cram and stuff, and be genteel and proper, is the pressure of our days. While aware that much can be said even in behalf of all this, we perceive that we have not now to consider the question of what is demanded to serve a half-starved and barbarous nation, or set of nations, but what is most applicable, most pertinent, for numerous congeries of conventional, over-cor pulent societies, already becoming stifled and rotten with flatulent, infidelistic literature, and polite conformity and art. In addition to establish d sciences, we suggest a science as it were of healthy average personalism, on original-universal grounds, the object of which should be to raise up and supply through the States a copious race of superb American men and women, cheerful, religious, ahead of any yet known. America has yet morally and artistically originated nothing. She seems singularly unaware that the models of persons, books, manners, &c., appropriate for former con ditions and for European lands, are but exiles and exotics here. No current of her life, as shown on the surfaces of what is authoritatively called her society, accepts or runs into social or esthetic democracy ; but all the currents set squarely against it. Never, in the Old World, was thoroughly upholster d exterior appearance and show, men tal and other, built entirely on the idea of caste, and on the sufficiency of mere outside acquisition never were glibness, verbal intellect, more the test, the emulation more loftily DEMOCRATIC VISTAS. 43 elevated as head and sample than they are on the surface of our republican States this day. The writers of a time hint the mottoes of its gods. The word of the modern, say these voices, is the word Culture. We find ourselves abruptly in close quarters with the enemy. This word Culture, or what it has come to repre sent, involves, by contrast, our whole theme, and has been, indeed, the spur, urging us to engagement. Certain questions arise. As now taught, accepted and carried out, are not the processes of culture rapidly creating a class of supercilious infidels, who believe in nothing ? Shall a man lose himself in countless masses of adjustments, and be so shnped with reference to this, that, and the other, that the simply good and healthy and brave parts of him are reduced and clipp d away, like the bordering of box in a garden ? You can cultivate corn and roses and orchards but who shall cultivate the mountain peaks, the ocean, and the tumbling gorgeousness of the clouds ? Lastly is the readily-given reply that culture only seeks to help, systematize, and put in attitude, the elements of fertility and power, a conclusive reply ? I do not so much object to the name, or word, but I should certainly insist, for the purposes of these States, on a radical change of category, in the distribution of prece dence. I should demand a programme of culture, drawn out, not for a single class alone, or for the parlors or lecture-rooms, but with an eye to practical life, the west, the working-men, the facts of farms and jack-planes and engineers, and of the broad range of the women also of the middle and working strata, and with reference to the perfect equality of women, and of a grand and powerful mother hood. I should demand of this programme or theory a scope generous enough to include the widest human area. 44 DEMOCRATIC VISTAS. It must have for its spinal meaning the formation of a typical personality of character, eligible to the uses of the high average of men and not restricted by conditions ineligible to the masses. The best culture will always be that of the manly and courageous instincts, and loving perceptions, and of self-respect aiming to form, over this continent, an idiocrasy of universalism, which, true child of America, will bring joy to its mother, returning to her in her own spirit, recruiting myriads of offspring, able, natural, perceptive, tolerant, devout believers in her, America, and with some definite instinct why and for what she has arisen, most vast, most formidable of historic births, and is, now and here, with wonderful step, journeying through Time. The problem, as it seems to me, presented to the New World, is, under permanent law and order, and after pre serving cohesion, (ensemble-Individuality.) at all hazards, to vitalize man s free play of special Personalism, recogniz ing in it something that calls ever more to be consider d, fed, and adopted as the substratum for the best that belongs to us, (government indeed is for it,) including the new esthetics of our future. To formulate beyond this present vagueness to help line and put before us the species, or a specimen of the species, of the democratic ethnology of the future, is a work toward which the genius of our land, with peculiar encouragement, invites her well-wishers. Already certain limnings, more or less grotesque, more or less fading and watery, have appear d. We too, (repressing doubts and qualms,) will try our hand. Attempting, then, however crudely, a basic model or portrait of personality for general use for the manliness of the States, (and doubtless that is most useful which is most simple and comprehensive for all, and toned low enough,) DEMOCRATIC VISTAS. 45 we should prepare the canvas well beforehand. Parentage must consider itself in advance. (Will the time hasten when fatherhood and motherhood shall become a science and the noblest science ?) To our model, a clear-blooded, strong-fibred physique, is indispensable ; the questions of food, drink, air, exercise, assimilation, digestion, can never be intermitted. Out of these we descry a well-begotten selfhood in youth, fresh, ardent, emotional, aspiring, full of adventure ; at maturity, brave, perceptive, under control, neither too talkative nor too reticent, neither flippant nor sombre ; of the bodily figure, the movements easy, the com plexion showing the best blood, somewhat flush d, breast expanded, an erect attitude, a voice whose sound outvies music, eyes of calm and steady gaze, yet capable also of flashing and a general presence that holds its own in the company of the highest. (For it is native personality, and that alone, that endows a man to stand before presidents or generals, or in any distinguish d collection, with aplomb and not culture, or any knowledge or intellect whatever.) With regard to the mental-educational part of our model, enlargement of intellect, stores of cephalic knowledge, &c., the concentration thitherward of all the customs of our age, especially in America, is so overweening, and provides so fully for that part, that, important and necessary as it is, it really needs nothing from us here except, indeed, a phrase of warning and restraint. Manners, costumes, too,v though important, we need not dwell upon here. Like beauty, grace of motion, &c., they are results. Causes, original things, being attended to, the right manners unerringly follow. Much is said, among artists, of " the grand style," as if it were a thing by itself. When a man, artist or whoever, has health, pride, acuteness, noble aspirations, he has the motive-elements of the grandest 46 DEMOCRATIC VISTAS. style. The rest is but manipulation, (yet that is no small matter.) Leaving still unspecified several sterling parts of any model fit for the future personality of America, I must not fail, again and ever, to pronounce myself on one, probably the least attended to in modern times a hiatus, indeed, threatening its gloomiest consequences after us. I mean the simple, unsophisticated Conscience, the primary moral element. If I were asked to specify in what quarter lie the grounds of darkest dread, respecting the America of our hopes, I should have to point to this particular. I should demand the invariable application to individuality, this day and any day, of that old, ever-true plumb-rule of persons, eras, nations. Our triumphant modern civilizee, with his all-schooling and his wondrous appliances, will still show himself but an amputation while this deficiency remains. Beyond, (assuming a more hopeful tone,) the vertebration of the manly and womanly personalism of our western world, can only be, and is, indeed, to be, (I hope,) its all pene trating Religiousness. The ripeness of Religion is doubtless to be looked for in this field of individuality, and is a result that no organiza tion or church can ever achieve. As history is poorly retain d by what the technists call history, and is not given out from their pages, except the learner has in himself the sense of the well-wrapt, never yet written, perhaps impossible to be written, history so Religion, although casually arrested, and, after a fashion, preserv d in the churches and creeds, does not depend at all upon them, but is a part of the identified soul, which, when greatest, knows not bibles in the old way, but in new ways the identified soul, which can really confront Religion when it extricates itself entirely from the churches, and not before. DEMOCRATIC VISTAS. 47 Personalism fuses this, and favors it. I should say. indeed, that only in the perfect uncontamination and solitarinesss of individuality may the spirituality of religion positively come forth at all. Only here, and on such terms, the meditation, the devout ecstasy, the soaring flight. Only here, communion with the mysteries, the eternal problems, whence ? whither ? Alone, and identity, and the mood and the soul emerges, and all statements, churches, sermons, melt away like vapors. Alone, and silent thought and awe, and aspiration and then the interior consciousness, like a hitherto unseen inscription, in magic ink, beams out its wondrous lines to the sense. Bibles may convey, and priests expound, but it is exclusively for the noiseless opera tion of one s isolated Self, to enter the pure ether of veneration, reach the divine levels, and commune with the unutterable. To practically enter into politics is an important part of American personalism. To every young man, north and south, earnestly studying these things, I should here, as an offset to what I have said in former pages, now also say, that may-be to views of very large scope, after all, perhaps the political, (perhaps the literary and sociological,) America goes best about its development its own way sometimes, to temporary sight, appaling enough. It is the fashion among dillettants and fops (perhaps I myself am not guiltless,), to decry the whole formulation of the active politics of America, as beyond redemption, and to be care fully kept away from. See you that you do not fall into this error. America, it may be, is doing very well upon the whole, notwithstanding these antics of the parties and their leaders, these half-brain d nominees, the many ignorant ballots, and many elected failures and blatherers. It is the dillettants, and all who shirk their duty, who are not doing 48 DEMOCRATIC VISTAS. well. As for you, I advise you to enter more strongly yet into politics. I advise every young man to do so. Always inform yourself; always do the best you can ; always vote. Disengage yourself from parties. They have been useful, and to some extent remain so ; but the floating, uncom mitted electors, farmers, clerks, mechanics, the masters of parties watching aloof, inclining victory this side or that side such are the ones most needed, present and future. For America, if eligible at all to downfall and ruin, is eli gible within herself, not without ; for I see clearly that the combined foreign world could not beat her down. But these savage, wolfish parties alarm me. Owning no law but their own will, more and more combative, less and less tolerant of the idea of ensemble and of equal brotherhood, the perfect equality of the States, the ever-overarching American ideas, it behooves you to convey yourself im plicitly to no party, nor submit blindly to their dictators, but steadily hold yourself judge and master over all of them. So much, (hastily toss d together, and leaving far more unsaid,) for an ideal, or intimations of an ideal, toward American manhood. But the other sex, in our land, requires at least a basis of suggestion. I have seen a young American woman, one of a large family of daughters, who, some years since, migrated from her meagre country home to one of the northern cities, to gain her own support. She soon became an expert seam stress, but finding the employment too confining for health and comfort, she went boldly to work for others, to house- keep, cook, clean, &c. After trying several places, she fell upon one where she was suited She has told me that she finds nothing degrading in her position ; it is not incon sistent with personal dignity, self-respect, and the respect of others. She confers benefits and receives them. She has DEMOCRATIC VISTAS. 49 good health ; her presence itself is healthy and bracing ; her character is unstain d ; she has made herself understood, and preserves her independence, and has been able to help her parents, and educate and get places for her sisters ; and her course of life is not without opportunities for mental improvement, and of much quiet, uncosting happiness and love. I have seen another woman who, from taste and necessity conjoin d, has gone into practical affairs, carries on a mechanical business, partly works at it herself, dashes out more and more into real hardy life, is not abash d by the coarseness of the contact, knows how to be firm and silent at the same time, holds her own with unvarying coolness and decorum, and will compare, any day, with superior carpenters, farmers, and even boatmen and drivers. For all that, she has not lost the charm of the womanly nature, but preserves and bears it fully, though through such rugged presentation. Then there is the wife of a mechanic, mother of two children, a woman of merely passable English education, but of fine wit, with all her sex s grace and intuitions, who exhibits, indeed, such a noble female personality, that I am fain to record it here. Never abnegating her own proper independence, but always genially preserving it, and what belongs to it cooking, washing, child-nursing, house- tending she beams sunshine out of all these duties, and makes them illustrious. Physiologically sweet and sound, loving work, practical, she yet knows that there are intervals, however few, devoted to recreation, music, leisure, hospi tality and affords such intervals. Whatever she does, and wherever she is, that charm, that indescribable perfume of genuine womanhood attends her, goes with her, exhales from her, which belongs of right to all the sex, and is, or 4 So DEMOCRATIC VISTAS. ought to be, the invariable atmosphere and common aureola of old as well as young. My dear mother once described to me a resplendent person, down on Long Island, whom she knew in early days. She was known by the name of the Peacemaker. She was well toward eighty years old, of happy and sunny temperament, had always lived on a farm, and was very neighborly, sensible and discreet, an invariable and welcom d favorite, especially with young married women. She had numerous children and grandchildren. She was uneducated, but possess d a native dignity. She had come to be a tacitly agreed upon domestic regulator, judge, settler of difficulties, shepherdess, and reconciler in the land. She was a sight to draw near and look upon, with her large figure, her profuse snow-white hair, (uncoif d by any head dress or cap,) dark eyes, clear complexion, sweet breath, and peculiar personal magnetism. The foregoing portraits, I admit, are frightfully out of line from these imported models of womanly personality the stock feminine characters of the current novelists, or of the foreign court poems, (Ophelias, Enids, princesses, or ladies of one thing or another,) which fill the envying dreams of so many poor girls, and are accepted by our men, too, as supreme ideals of feminine excellence to be sought after. But I present mine just for a change. Then there are mutterings, (we will not now stop to heed them here, but they must be heeded,) of something more revolutionary. The day is coming when the deep questions of woman s entrance amid the arenas of practical life, politics, the suffrage, &c., will not only be argued all around us, but may be put to decision, and real experiment. Of course, in these States, for both man and woman, we must entirely recast the types of highest personality from DEMOCRATIC VISTAS. 51 what the oriental, feudal, ecclesiastical worlds bequeath us, and which yet possess the imaginative and esthetic fields of the United States, pictorial and melodramatic, not without use as studies, but making sad work, and forming a strange anachronism upon the scenes and exigencies around us. Of course, the old undying elements remain. The task is, to successfully adjust them to new combinations, our own days. Nor is this so incredible. I can conceive a com munity, to-day and here, in which, on a sufficient scale, the perfect personalities, without noise meet; say in some pleasant western settlement or town, where a couple of hundred best men and women, of ordinary worldly status, have by luck been drawn together, with nothing extra of genius or wealth, but virtuous, chaste, industrious, cheerful, resolute, friendly and devout I can conceive such a com munity organized in running order, powers judiciously delegated farming, building, trade, courts, mails, schools, elections, all attended to ; and then the rest of life, the main thing, freely branching and blossoming in each individual, and bearing golden fruit. I can see there, in every young and old man, after his kind, and in every woman after hers, a true personality, develop d, exercised proportionately in body, mind, and spirit. I can imagine this case as one not necessarily rare or difficult, but in buoyant accordance with the municipal and general require ments of our times. And I can realize in it the culmination of something better than any stereotyped eclat of history or poems. Perhaps, unsung, undramatized, unput in essays or biographies perhaps even some such community already exists, in Ohio, Illinois, Missouri, or somewhere, practically fulfilling itself, and thus outvying, in cheapest vulgar life, all that has been hitherto shown in best ideal pictures. In short, and to sum up, America, betaking herself to 52 DEMOCRATIC VISTAS. formative action, (as it is about time for more solid achieve ment, and less windy promise,) must, for her purposes, cease to recognize a theory of character grown of feudal aristocracies, or form d by merely literary standards, or from any ultramarine, full-dress formulas of culture, polish, caste, &c., and must sternly promulgate her own new standard, yet old enough, and accepting the old, the perennial elements, and combining them into groups, unities, appro priate to the modern, the democratic, the west, and to the practical occasions and needs of our own cities, and of the agricultural regions. Ever the most precious in the com mon. Ever the fresh breeze of field, or hill or lake, is more than any palpitation of fans, though of ivory, and redolent with perfume; and the air is more than the costliest perfumes. And now, for fear of mistake, we may not intermit to beg our absolution from all that genuinely is, or goes along with, even Culture. Pardon us, venerable shade ! if we have seem d to speak lightly of your office. The whole civilization of the earth, we know, is yours, with all the glory and the light thereof. It is, indeed, in your own spirit, and seeking to tally the loftiest teachings of it, that we aim these poor utterances. For you, too, mighty minister ! know that there is something greater than you, namely, the fresh, eternal qualities of Being. From them, and by them, as you, at your best, we too evoke the last, the needed help, to vitalize our country and our days. Thus we pronounce not so much against the principle of culture ; we only supervise it, and promulgate along with it, as deep, perhaps a deeper, principle. As we have shown the New World including in itself the all-leveling aggregate of democracy, we show it also including the all-varied, all- permitting, all-free theorem of individuality, and erecting DEMOCRATIC VISTAS. 53 therefor a lofty and hitherto unoccupied framework or plat form, broad enough for all, eligible to every farmer and mechanic to the female equally with the male a towering self-hood, not physically perfect only not satisfied with the mere mind s and learning s stores, but religious, possessing the idea of the infinite, (rudder and compass sure amid this troublous voyage, o er darkest, wildest wave, through stormiest wind, of man s or nation s progress) realizing, above the rest, that known humanity, in deepest sense, is fair adhesion to itself, for purposes beyond and that, finally, the personality of mortal life is most important with reference to the immortal, the unknown, the spiritual, the only permanently real, which as the ocean waits for and receives the rivers, waits for us each and all. Much is there, yet, demanding line and outline in our Vistas, not only on these topics, but others quite unwritten. Indeed, we could talk the matter, and expand it, through lifetime. But it is necessary to return to our original premises. In view of them, we have again pointedly to confess that all the objective grandeurs of the world, for highest purposes, yield themselves up, and depend on mentality alone. Here, and here only, all balances, all rests. For the mind, which alone builds the permanent edifice, haughtily builds it to itself. By it, with what follows it, are convey d to mortal sense the culminations of the materialistic, the known, and a prophecy of the unknown. To take expression, to incarnate, to endow a literature with grand and archetypal models to fill with pride and love the utmost capacity, and to achieve spiritual meanings, and suggest the future these, and these only, satisfy the soul. We must not say one word against real materials ; but the wise know that they do not become real till tonrhed by emotions, the mind. Did we call the latter 54 DEMOCRATIC VISTAS. imponderable ? Ah, let us rather proclaim that the slightest song-tune, the countless ephemera of passions arous d by orators and tale-tellers, are more dense, more weighty than the engines there in the great factories, or the granite blocks in their foundations. Approaching thus the momentous spaces, and considering with reference to a new and greater personalism, the needs and possibilities of American imaginative literature, through the medium-light of what we have already broach d, it will at once be appreciated that a vast gulf of difference separates the present accepted condition of these spaces, inclusive of what is floating in them, from any condition adjusted to, or fit for, the world, the America, there sought to be indicated, and the copious races of complete men and women, along these Vistas crudely outlined. It is, in some sort, no less a difference than lies between that long-continued nebular state and vagueness of the astron omical worlds, compared with the subsequent state, the definitely-form d worlds themselves, duly compacted, clus tering in systems, hung up there, chandeliers of the universe, beholding and mutually lit by each other s lights, serving for ground of all substantial foothold, all vulgar uses yet serving still more as an undying chain and echelon of spiritual proo!s and shows. A boundless field to fill ! A new creation, with needed orbic works launch d forth, to revolve in free and lawful circuits to move, self-poised, through the ether, and shine like heaven s own suns ! With such, and nothing less, we suggest that New World literature, fit to rise upon, cohere, and signalize in time, these States. What, however, do we more definitely mean by New World literature? Are we not doing well enough here already ? Are not the United States this day busily using, working, more printer s type, more presses, than any other DEMOCRATIC VISTAS. 55 country ? uttering and absorbing more publications than any other? Do not our publishers fatten quicker and deeper? (helping themselves, under shelter of a delusive and sneaking law, or rather absence of law, to most of their forage, poeti cal, pictorial, historical, romantic, even comic, without money and without price and fiercely resisting the limidest pro posal to pay for it.) Many will come under this delusion but my purpose is to dispel it. I say that a nation may hold and circulate rivers and oceans of very readable print, journals, magazines, novels, library-books, "poetry," &c. such as the States to-day possess and circulate of unques tionable aid and value hundreds of new volumes annually composed and brought out here, respectable enough, in deed unsurpass d in smartness and erudition with further hundreds, or rather millions, (as by free forage or theft aforemention d,) also thrown into the market and yet, all the while, the said nation, land, strictly speaking, may- possess no literature at all. Repeating our inquiry, what, then, do we mean by real literature ? especially the democratic literature of the future ? Hard questions to meet. The clues are inferen tial, and turn us to the past. At best, we can only offer suggestions, comparisons, circuits. It must still be reiterated, as, for the purpose of these memoranda, the deep lesson of history and time, that all else in the contributions of a nation or age, through its politics, materials, heroic personalities, military eclat, &c., j remains crude, and defers, in any close and thorough-going estimate, until vitalized by national, original archetypes in literature. They only put the nation in form, finally tell anything prove, complete anything perpetuate anything Without doubt, some of the richest and most powerful and populous communities of the antique world, and some oi 56 DEMOCRATIC VISTAS. M the grandest personalities and events, have, to after and /present times, left themselves entirely unbequeath d. Doubt less, greater than any that have come down to us, were among those lands, heroisms, persons, that have not come down to us at all, even by name, date, or location. Others .( u have arrived safely, as from voyages over wide, century- stretching seas. The little ships, the miracles that have buoy d them, and by incredible chances safely convey d them, (or the best of them, their meaning and essence,) over long wastes, darkness, lethargy, ignorance, &c., have been a few inscriptions a few immortal compositions, small in size, yet compassing what measureless values of reminiscence, contemporary portraitures, manners, idioms and beliefs, with deepest inference, hint and thought, to tfe and touch forever the old, new body, and the old, new soul ! These ! and still these ! bearing the freight so dear dearer than pride dearer than love. All the best experience of humanity, folded, saved, freighted to us here. Some of these tiny ships we call Old and New Testament, Homer, Eschylus, Plato, Juvenal, &c. Precious minims! I think, if were forced to choose, rather than have you, and the likes of you, and what belongs to, and has grown of you, blotted out and gone, we could better afford, appaling as that woiild be, to lose all actual ships, this day fasten d by wharf, or floating on wave, and see them, with all their cargoes, scuttled and sent to the bottom. Gather d by geniuses of city, race or age, and put by them in highest of art s forms, namely, the literary form, the peculiar combinations and the outshows of that city, age, or race, its particular modes of the universal attributes and passions, its faiths, heroes, lovers and gods, wars, tra ditions, struggles, crimes, emotions, joys, (or the subtle spirit of these.) having been pass d on to us to illumine our DEMOCRATIC VISTAS. 57 own selfhood, and its experiences what they supply, indis pensable and highest, if taken away, nothing else in all the world s boundless storehouses could make up to us, or ever again return. For us, along the great highways of time, those monu ments stand those forms of majesty and beauty. For us those beacons burn through all the nights. Unknown Egyptians, graving hieroglyphs ; Hindus, with hymn and apothegm and endless epic ; Hebrew prophet, with spirit uality, as in flashes of lightning, conscience like red-hot iron, plaintive songs and screams of vengeance for tyrannies and enslavement ; Christ, with bent head, brooding love and peace, like a dove ; Greek, creating eternal shapes of physical and esthetic proportion ; Roman, lord of satire, the sword, and the codex ; of the figures, some far off and veil d, others nearer and visible ; Dante, stalking with lean form, nothing but fibre, not a grain of superfluous flesh ; Angelo, and the great painters, architects, musicians ; rich Shakspere, luxuriant as the sun, artist and singer of feudal ism in its sunset, with all the gorgeous colors, owner thereof, and using them at will ; and so to such as German Kant and Hegel, where they, though near us, leaping over the ages, sit again, impassive, imperturbable, like the Egyptian gods. Of these, and the like of these, is it too much, indeed, to return to our favorite figure, and view them as orbs and systems of orbs, moving in free paths in the spaces of that other heaven, the kosmic intellect, the soul ? Ye powerful and resplendent ones ! ye were, in your atmospheres, grown not for America, but rather for her foes, the feudal and the old while our genius is democratic and modern. Yet could ye, indeed, but breathe your breath of life into our New World s nostrils not to enslave us, as now, but, for our needs, to breed a spirit like your own 5 S DEMOCRATIC VISTAS. perhaps, (dare we to say it ?) to dominate, even destroy, what you yourselves have left ! On your plane, and no less, but even higher and wider, must we mete and measure for to-day and here. I demand races of orbic bards, with unconditional uncompromising sway. Come forth, sweet democratic despots of the west ! By points like these we, in reflection, token what we mean by any land s or people s genuine literature. And thus compared and tested, judging amid the influence of loftiest products only, what do our current copious fields of print, covering in manifold forms, the United States, better, for an analogy, present, than, as in certain regions of the sea, those spreading, undulating masses of squid, through which the whale swimming, with head half out, feeds ? x Not but that doubtless our current so-called literature, (like an endless supply of small coin,) performs a certain service, and may-be too, the service needed for the time, (the preparation-service, as children learn to spell.) Every body reads, and truly nearly everybody writes, either books, or for the magazines or journals. The matter has magnitude, too, after a sort. But is it really advancing? or, has it advanced for a long while ? There is something impressive about the huge editions of the dailies and weeklies, the mountain-stacks of white paper piled in the press-vaults, and I the proud, crashing, ten-cylinder presses, which I can stand J and watch any time by the half hour. Then, (though the States in the field of imagination present not a single first- class work, not a single great literatus,) the main objects, to amuse, to titillate, to pass away time, to circulate the news, and rumors of news, to rhyme and read rhyme, are yet attain d, and on a scale of infinity. To-day, in books, in the rivalry of writers, especially novelists, success, (so-call d,) is for him or her who strikes the mean flat average, the DEMOCRATIC VISTAS. 59 sensational appetite for stimulus, incident, persiflage, &c., and depicts, to the common calibre, sensual, exterior life. To such, or the luckiest of them, as we see, the audiences are limitless and profitable; but they cease presently. While this day, or any day, to workmen portraying interior or spiritual life, the audiences were limited, and often laggard but they last forever. Compared with the past, our modern science soars, and our journals serve but ideal and even ordinary romantic literature, does not, I think, substantially advance. Behold the prolific brood of the contemporary novel, magazine-tale, theatre-play, &c. The same endless thread of tangled and superlative love-story, inherited, apparently from the Amadises and Palmerins of the i3th, i4th, and i5th centuries over there in Europe. The costumes and associations brought clown to date, the seasoning hotter and more varied, the dragons and ogres left out but the thing, I should say, has not advanced is just as sensational, just as strain d remains about the same, nor more, nor less. What is the reason our time, our lands, that we see no fresh local courage, sanity, of our own the Mississippi, stalwart Western men, real mental and physical facts, Southerners, &c., in the body of our literature ? especially the poetic part of it. But always, instead, a parcel of dandies and ennuyees, dapper little gentlemen from abroad, who flood us with their thin sentiment of parlors, parasols, piano-songs, tinkling rhymes, the five-hundredth importation or whimpering and crying about something, chasing one aborted conceit after another, and forever occupied in dyspeptic amours with dyspeptic women. While, current and novel, the grandest events and revolutions, and stormiest passions of history, are crossing to-day with 60 DEMOCRATIC VISTAS. unparallel d rapidity and magnificence over the stages of our own and all the continents, offering new materials, opening new vistas, with largest needs, inviting the daring launching forth of conceptions in literature, inspired by them, soaring in highest regions, serving art in its highest, (which is only the other name for serving God, and serving humanity,) where is the man of letters, where is the book, with any nobler aim than to follow in the old track, repeat what has been said before and, as its utmost triumph, sell well, and be erudite or elegant ? Mark the roads, the processes, through which these States have arrived, standing easy, henceforth ever-equal, ever-compact, in their range to-day. European adventures ? the most antique ? Asiatic or African ? old history miracles romances ? Rather, our own unquestion d facts. They hasten, incredible, blazing bright as lire. From the deeds and days of Columbus down to the present, and including the present and especially the late Secession war when I con them, I feel, every leaf, like stopping to see if I have not made a mistake, and fall n on the splendid figments of some dream. But it is no dream. We stand, live, move, in the huge flow of our age s materialism in its spirituality. We have had founded for us the most positive of lands. The founders have pass d to other spheres but what are these terrible duties they have left us ? Their politics the United States have, in my opinion, with all their faults, already substantially establish d, for good, on their own native, sound, long-vista d principles, never to be overturn d, offering a sure basis for all the rest. With that, their future religious forms, sociology, literature, teachers, schools, costumes, &c., are of course to make a compact whole, uniform, on tallying principles. For how can we remain, divided, contradicting ourselves, this DEMOCRATIC VISTAS. 61 way?* I say we can only attain harmony and stability by con sulting ensemble and the ethic purports, and faithfully build ing upon them. For the New World, indeed, after two grand stages of preparation-strata, I perceive that now a third stage, being ready for, (and without which the other two were useless,) with unmistakable signs appears. The First stage was the planning and putting on record the political foundation rights of immense masses of people indeed all people in the organization of republican National, State, and municipal governments, all constructed with reference to each, and each to all. This is the American programme, not for classes, but for universal man, and is embodied in the compacts of the Declaration of Independence, and, as it began and has now grown, with its amendments, the Federal Constitution and in the State governments, with all their interiors, and with general suffrage ; those having the sense not only of what is in themselves, but that their certain several things started, planted, hundreds of others in the same direction duly arise and follow. The Second stage relates to material prosperity, wealth, produce, labor- saving machines, iron, cotton, local, State and continental railways, intercommunication and trade with all lands, steamships, mining, general employment, organization of great cities, cheap appliances for comfort, numberless tech nical schools, books, newspipers, a currency for money * Note, to-day, an instructive, curious spectacle and conflict. Science, (twin, in its fields, of Democracy in its) Science, testing absolutely all thoughts, all works, has already burst well upon the world a sun, mounting, most illuminating, most glorious surely never again to set. But against it, deeply entrench d, holding possession, yet remains, (not only through the churches and schools, but by imaginative literature, and unregenerate poetry,) the fossil theology of the mythic-materialistic, superstitious, untaught and credulous, fable-loving, primitive ages of humanity. 62 DEMOCRATIC VISTAS. circulation, &c. The Third stage, rising out of the previous ones, to make them and all illustrious, I, now, for one, promulge, announcing a native expression-spirit, getting into form, adult, and through mentality, for these States, self- contain d, different from others, more expansive, more rich and free, to be evidenced by original authors and poets to come, by American personalities, plenty of them, male and female, traversing the States, none excepted and by native superber tableaux and growths of language, songs, operas, orations, lectures, architecture and by a sublime and serious Religious Democracy sternly taking command, dis solving the old, sloughing off surfaces, and from its own interior and vital principles, reconstructing, democratizing society. For America, type of progress, and of essential faith in man, above all his errors and wickedness few suspect how deep, how deep it really strikes. The world evidently sup poses, and we have evidently supposed so too, that the States are merely to achieve the equal franchise, an elective government to inaugurate the respectability of labor, and become a nation ol practical operatives, law-abiding, orderly anr 1 well-off. Yes, those are indeed parts of the task of America ; but they not only do not exhaust the progressive conception, but rather arise, teeming with it, as the mediums of deeper, higher progress. Daughter of a physical revolu tion mother of the true revolutions, which are of the interior life, and of the arts. For so long as the spirit is not changed, any change of appearance is of no avail. The old men, I remember as a boy, were always talking of American independence. What is independence ? Free dom from all laws or bonds except those of one s own being, control d by the universal ones. To lands, to man, to woman, what is there at last to each, but the inherent soul, DEMOCRATIC VISTAS. 63 nativity, idiocrasy, free, highest-poised, soaring its own flight, following out itself? At present, these States, in their theology and social standards, (of greater importance than their political institu tions,) are entirely held possession of by foreign lands. We see the sons and daughters of the New World, ignorant of its genius, not yet inaugurating the native, the universal, and the near, still importing the distant, the partial, and the dead. We see London, Paris. Italy not original, superb, as where they belong but second-hand here, where they do not belong. We see the shreds of Hebrews, Romans, Greeks ; but where, on her own soil, do we see, in any faithful, highest, proud expression, America herself? I sometimes question whether she has a corner in her own house. Not but that in one sense, and a very grand one, good theology, good art, or good literature, has certain features shared in common. The combination fraternizes, ties the races is, in many particulars, under laws applicable indif ferently to all, irrespective of climate or date, and, from whatever source, appeals to emotions, pride, love, spiritual ity, common to humankind. Nevertheless, they touch a man closest, (perhaps only actually touch him,) even in these, in their expression through autochthonic lights and shades, flavors, fondnesses, aversions, specific incidents, illustrations, out of his own nationality, geography, surround ings, antecedents, &c. The spirit and the form are one, and depend far more on association, identity and place, than is supposed. Subtly interwoven with the materiality and personality of a land, a race Teuton, Turk, Califor- nian, or what not there is always something I can hardly tell what it is history but describes the results of it it is the same as the untellable look of some human faces. H DEMOCRATIC VISTAS. Nature, too, in her stolid forms, is full of it but to most it is there a secret. This something is rooted in the in visible roots, the profoundest meanings of that place, race, or nationality ; and to absorb and again effuse it, uttering words and products as from its midst, and carrying it into highest regions, is the work, or a main part of the work, of any country s true author, poet, historian, lecturer, and perhaps even priest and philosoph. Here, and here only, are the foundations for our really valuable and permanent verse, drama, &c. But at present, (judged by any higher scale than that which finds the chief ends of existence to be to feverishly make money during one-half of it, and by some amuse ment," or perhaps foreign travel, flippantly kill time, the other half,) and consider d with reference to purposes of patriotism, health, a noble personality, religion, and the democratic adjustments, all these swarms of poems, literary magazines, dramatic plays, resultant so far from American intellect, and the formation of our best ideas, are useless and a mockery. They strengthen and nourish no one, express nothing characteristic, give decision and purpose to no one, and suffice only the lowest level of vacant minds. Of what is called the drama, or dramatic presentation in the United States, as now put forth at the theatres, I should say it deserves to be treated with the same gravity, and on a par with the questions of ornamental confectionery at public dinners, or the arrangement of curtains and hangings in a ball-room nor more, nor less. Of the other, I will not insult the reader s intelligence, (once really entering into the atmosphere of these Vistas,) by supposing it necessary to show, in detail, why the copious dribble, either of our little or well-known rhymesters, does not fulfil, in any respect, the needs and august occasions of this land. America demands DEMOCRATIC VISTAS. 65 a poetry that is bold, modern, and all-surrounding and kosmical, as she is herself. It must in no respect ignore science or the modern, but inspire itself with science and the modern. It must bend its vision toward the future, more than the past. Like America, it must extricate itself from even the greatest models of the past, and, while courteous to them, must have entire faith in itself, and the products of its own democratic spirit only. Like her, it must place in the van, and hold up at all hazards, the banner of the divine pride of man in himself, (the radical foundation of the new religion.) Long enough have the People been listening to poems in which common human ity, deferential, bends low, humiliated, acknowledging superiors. But America listens to no such poems. Erect, inflated, and fully self-esteeming be the chant ; and then America will listen with pleased ears. Nor may the genuine gold, the gems, when brought to light at last, be probably usher d forth from any of the quarters currently counted on. To-day, doubtless, the infant genius of American poetic expression, (eluding those highly-refined imported and gilt-edged themes, and senti mental and butterfly flights, pleasant to orthodox pub lisherscausing tender spasms in the coteries, and warranted not to chafe the sensitive cuticle of the most exquisitely artificial gossamer delicacy,) lies sleeping far away, happily unrecognized and uninjur d by the coteries, the art-writers, the talkers and critics of the saloons, or the lecturers in the colleges lies sleeping, aside, unrecking itself, in some western idiom, or native Michigan or Tennessee repartee, or stump-speech or in Kentucky or Georgia, or the Carolinas or in some slang or local song or allusion of the Manhattan, Boston, Philadelphia or Baltimore mechanic or up in the Maine woods or off in the hut of the California 5 65 DEMOCRATIC VISTAS. miner, or crossing the Rocky mountains, or along the Pacific railroad or on the breasts of the young farmers of the northwest, or Canada, or boatmen of the lakes. Rude and coarse nursing-beds, these ; but only from such begin nings and stocks, indigenous here, may haply arrive, be grafted; and sprout, in time, flowers of genuine American aroma, and fruits truly and fully our own. I say it were a standing disgrace to these States I say it were a disgrace to any nation, distinguished above others by the variety and^ vastness of its territories, its materials, its inventive activity, and the splendid practicality of its people, not to rise and soar above others also in its original styles in literature and art, and its own supply of intellectual and esthetic masterpieces, archetypal, and consistent with itseK I know not a land except ours that has not, to some extent, however small, made its title clear. The Scotch have their born ballads, subtly expressing their past and present, and expressing character. The Irish have theirs. England, Italy, France, Spain, theirs. What has America ? With ex- haustless mines of the richest ore of epic, lyric, tale, tune, picture, &c., in the Four Years War ; with, indeed, I some times think, the richest masses of material ever afforded a nation, more variegated, and on a larger scale the first sign of proportionate, native, imaginative Soul, and first-class works to match, is, (I cannot too often repeat,) so far wanting. Long ere the second centennial arrives, there will be some forty to fifty great Stales, among them Canada and Cuba. When the present century closes, our population will be sixty or seventy millions. The Pacific will be ours, and the Atlantic mainly ours. There will be daily electric communication with every part of the g o ! e. What an age ! What a land ! Where, elsewhere, one so great ? DEMOCRATIC VISTAS. 67 The individuality of one nation must then, as always, lead [ the world. Can there be any doubt who the leader ought I to be ? Bear in mind, though, that nothing less than the mightiest original non-subordinated SOUL has ever really, gloriously led, or ever can lead. (This Soul its other name, in these Vistas, is LITERATURE.) In fond fancy leaping those hundred years ahead, let us survey America s works, poems, philosophies, fulfilling prophecies, and giving form and decision to best ideals. Much that is now undream d of, we might then perhaps see established, luxuriantly cropping forth, richness, vigor of letters and of artistic expression, in whose products character will be a main requirement, and not merely erudition or elegance. Intense and loving comradeship, the personal and passionate attachment of man to man which, hard to define, underlies the lessons and ideals of the profound saviours of every land and age, and which seems to promise, when thoroughly develop d, cultivated and recognized in manners and literature, the most substantial hope and safety of the future of these States, will then be fully express d.* A strong fibred joyousness and faith, and the sense of health alfresco, may well enter into the preparation of future noble American authorship. Part of the test of a great literatus * It is to the development, identification, and general prevalence of that fervid comradeship, (the adhesive love, at least rivaling the amative love hitherto possessing imaginative literature, if not going beyond it,) that I look for the counterbalance and offset of our materialistic and vulgar American democracy, and for the spiritual- ization thereof. Many will say it is a dream, and will not follow my inferences : but I confidently expect a time when there will be seen, running like a half-hid warp through all the myriad audible 68 DEMOCRATIC VISTAS. shall be the absence in him of the idea of the covert, the lurid, the maleficent, the devil, the grim estimates inherited from the Puritans, hell, natural depravity, and the like. The great literatus will be known, among the rest, by his cheerful simplicity, his adherence to natural standards, his limitless faith in God, his reverence, and by the absence in him of doubt, ennui, burlesque, persiflage, or any strain d and temporary fashion. Nor must I fail, again and yet again, to clinch, reiterate more plainly still, (O that indeed such survey as we fancy, may show in time this part completed also !) the lofty aim, /surely the proudest and the purest, in whose service the future literatus, of whatever field, may gladly labor. As we have intimated, offsetting the material civilization of our race, our nationality, its wealth, territories, factories, popu lation, products, trade, and military and naval strength, and breathing breath of life into all these, and more, must be its moral civilization the formulation, expression, and aidancy whereof, is the very highest height of literature. The climax of this loftiest range of civilization, rising above all the gorgeous shows and results of wealth, intellect, power, and art, as such above even theology and religious fervor -is to be its development, from the eternal bases, and the fit expression, of absolute Conscience, moral soundness, Justice. Even in religious fervor there is a touch of animal and visible worldly interests of America, threads of manly friendship, fond and loving, pure and sweet, strong and life-long, carried to degrees hitherto unknown not only giving tone to individual char acter, and making it unprecedently emotional, muscular, heroic, and refined, but having the deepest relations to general politics. I say democracy infers such loving comradeship, as its most inevitable twin or counterpart, without which it will be incomplete, in vain, and incapable of perpetuating itself. DEMOCRATIC VISTAS. 69 heat. But moral conscientiousness, crystalline, without flaw, not Godlike only, entirely human, awes and enchants forever. Great is emotional love, even in the order of the rational universe. But, if we must make gradations, I am clear there is something greater. Power, love, veneration, products, genius, esthetics, tried by subtlest comparisons, analyses, and in serenest moods, somewhere fail, somehow become vain. Then noiseless, with flowing steps, the lord, the sun, the last ideal comes. By the names right, jus! ice, truth, we suggest, but do not describe it. To the world of men it remains a dream, an idea as they call it. But no dream is it to the wise but the proudest, almost only solid lasting thing of all. Its analogy in the material universe is what holds together this world, and every object upon it, and carries its dynamics on forever sure and safe. Its lack, and the persistent shirking of it, as in life, sociology, literature, politics, business, and even sermonizing, these times, or any times, still leaves the abysm, the mortal flaw and smutch, mocking civilization to-day, with all its unquestioned triumphs, and all the civilization so far known."* Present literature, while magnificently fulfilling certain popular demands, with plenteous knowledge and verbal smartness, is profoundly sophisticated, insane, aud its very * I am reminded as I write that out of this very conscience, or idea of conscience, of intense moral right, and in its name and strain J construction, the worst fanaticisms, wars, persecutions, murders, &c., have yet, in all lands, in the past, been broach d, and have come to their devilish fruition. Much is to be said but I may say here, and in response, that side by side with the unflagging stimulation of the elements of religion and conscience must henceforth move with equal sway, science, absolute reason, and the general proportionate development of the whole man. These scientific facts, deductions, are divine too precious counted parts of moral civilization, and, with yo DEMOCRATIC VISTAS. joy is morbid. It needs tally and express Nature, and the spirit of Nature, and to know and obey the standards. I say the question of Nature, largely consider d, involves the questions of the esthetic, the emotional, and the religious and involves happiness. A fitly born and bred race, growing up in right conditions of out-door as much as in-door harmony, activity and development, would probably, from and in those conditions, find it enough merely to live and would, in their relations to the sky, air, water, trees, &c., and to the countless common shows, and in the fact of life itself, discover and achieve happiness with Being suffused night and day by wholesome extasy, surpassing all the pleasures that wealth, amusement, and even gratified intellect, erudition, or the sense of art, can give. In the prophetic literature of these States (the reader of my speculations will miss their principal stress unless he allows well for the point that a new Literature, perhaps a new Metaphysics, certainly a new Poetry, are to be, in my opinion, the only sure and worthy supports and expressions of the American Democracy,) Nature, true Nature, and the true idea of Nature, long absent, must, above all, become fully restored, enlarged, and must furnish the pervading atmos phere to poems, and the test of all high literary and esthetic compositions. I do not mean the smooth walks, trimm d physical health, indispensable to it, to prevent fanaticism. For abstract religion, I perceive, is easily led astray, ever credulous, and is capable of devouring, remorseless, like lire and flame. Conscience, too, isolated from all else, and from the emotional nature, may but attain the beauty and purity of glacial, snowy ice. We want, for these States, for the general character, a cheerful, religious fervor, endued with the ever-present modifications of the human emotions, friendship, benevolence, with a fair field for scientific inquiry, the right of indi vidual judgment, and always the cooling influences of material Nature. DEMOCRATIC VISTAS. 7! hedges, poseys and nightingales of the English poets, but the whole orb, with its geologic history, the kosmos, carrying fire and snow, that rolls through the illimitable areas, light as a feather, though weighing billions of tons. Further more, as by what we now partially call Nature is intended, at most, only what is entertainable by the physical con science, the sense of matter, and of good animal health on these it must be distinctly accumulated, incorporated, that man, comprehending these, has, in towering superad- dition, the moral and spiritual consciences, indicating his destination beyond the ostensible, the mortal. To the heights of such estimate of Nature indeed ascend ing, we proceed to make observations for our Vistas, breathing rarest air. What is I believe called Idealism seem to me to suggest, (guarding against extravagance, and ever modified even by its opposite,) the course of inquiry and desert of favor for our New World metaphysics, their foundation of and in literature, giving hue to all.* * The culmination and fruit of literary artistic expression, and its final fields of pleasure for the human soul, are in metaphysics, in cluding the mysteries of the spiritual world, the soul itself, and the question of the immortal continuation of our identity. In all ages, the mind of man has brought up here and always will. Here, at least, of whatever race or era, we stand on common ground. Applause, too, is unanimous, antique or modern. Those authors who work well in this field though their reward, instead of a handsome percentage, or royalty, may be but simply the laurel-crown of the victors in the great Olympic games will be dearest to humanity, and their works, how ever esthetically defective, will be treasur d forever. The altitude of literature and poetry has always been religion and always will be. The Indian Vedas, the Naekas of Zoroaster, the Talmud of the Jews, the Old Testament, the Gospel of Christ and his disciples, Plato s works, the Koran of Mohammed, the Edda of Snoiro, and so on to ward our own day, to Swedenborg, and to the invaluable contributions of Leibnitz, Kant and Hegel these, with such poems only in which, 72 DEMOCRATIC VISTAS. The elevating and etherealizing ideas of the unknown and of unreality must bs brought forward with authority, as they are the legitimate heirs of the known, and of reality, and at least as great as their parents. Fearless of scoffing, and of the ostcnt, let us take our stand, our ground, and never desert it, to confront the growing excess and arrogance of (while singing well of persons and events, of the passions of man, and the shows of the material universe,) the religious tone, the con sciousness of mystery, the recognition of the future, of the unknown, of Deity over and under all, and of the divine purpose, are never absent, but indirectly give tone to all exhibit literature s real heights raid elevations, towering up like the great mountains of the earth. Standing on this ground the last, the highest, only permanent ground and sternly criticising, from it, all works, either of the literary, or any art, we have peremptorily to dismiss every pretensive produc tion, however fine its esthetic or intellectual points, which violates or ignores, or even does not celebrate, the central divine idea of All, suffusing universe, of eternal trains of purpose, in the development, by however slow degrees, of the physical, moral, and spiritual kosmos. I say he has studied, meditated to no profit, whatever n~ay be his mere erudition, who has not absorb d this simple consciousness and faith. It is not entirely new but it is for Democracy to elaborate it, and look to build upon and expand from it, with uncovnpromising reliance. Above the doors of teaching the inscription is to appear, Though little or nothing can be absolutely known, perceiv d, except from a point of view which is evanescent, yet we know at !exst one perman ency, that Time and Space, in the will of God, furnish successive chains, completions of material births and beginnings, solve all discrepancies, fears and doubts, and eventually fulfil happiness and that the prophecy of those births, namely spiritual results, throws the true arch over all teaching, all science. The local considerations of sin, disease, deformity, ignorance, death, &c., and their measurement by the super ficial mind, and ordinary legislation and theology, are to be met by science, boldly accepting, promulging this faith, and planting the seeds of superber laws of the explication of the physical universe through the spiritual and clearing the way for a religion, sweet and unim- pugnable alike to little child or great savan. DEMOCRATIC VISTAS. 73 realism. To the cry, now victorious the cry of sense, science, flesh, incomes, farms, merchandise, logic, intellect, demonstrations, solid perpetuities, buildings of brick and iron, or even the facts of the shows of trees, earth, rocks, &c., fear not, my brethren, my sisters, to sound out with equally determin d voice, that conviction brooding within the recesses of every envision d soul illusions! apparitions! figments all ! True, we must not condemn the show, neither absolutely deny it, for the indispensabiHty of its meanings ; but how clearly we see that, migrate in soul to what we can already conceive of superior and spiritual points of view, and palpable as it seems under present relations, it all and several might, nay certainly would, fall apart and vanish. I hail with joy the oceanic, variegated, intense practical energy, the demand for facts, even the business materialism of the current age, our States. But wo to the age and land in which these things, movements, stopping at themselves, do not tend to ideas. As fuel to flame, and flame to the heavens, so must wealth, science, materialism even this democracy of which we make so much unerringly feed the highest mind, the soul. Infinitude the flight : fathomless the mystery. Man, so diminutive, dilates beyond the sensible universe, competes with, outcopes space and time, medi tating even one great idea. Thus, and thus only, does a human being, his spirit, ascend above, and justify, objective Nature, which, probably nothing in itself, is incredibly and divinely serviceable, indispensable, real, here. And as the purport of objective Nature is doubtless folded, hidden, somewhere here as somewhere here is what this globe and its manifold forms, and the light of day, and night s dark ness, and life itself, with all its experiences, are for it is here the great literature, especially verse, must get its 74 DEMOCRATIC VISTAS. ^inspiration and throbbing blood. Then may we attain to a poetry worthy the immortal soul of man, and which, while absorbing materials, and, in their own sense, the shows of Nature, will, above all, have, both directly and indirectly, a freeing, fluidizing, expanding, religious character, exulting I with science, fructifying the moral elements, and stimulating ; aspirations, and meditations on the unknown. The process, so far, is indirect and peculiar, and though it may be suggested, cannot be denned. Observing, rapport, and with intuition, the shows and forms presented by Nature, the sensuous luxuriance, the beautiful in living men and women, the actual play of passions, in history and life and, above all, from those developments either in Nature or human personality in which power, (dearest of all to the sense of the artist,) transacts itself out of these, and seizing what is in them, the poet, the esthetic worker in any field, by the divine magic of his genius, projects them, their analogies, by curious removes, indirections, in literature and art. (No useless attempt to repeat the material creation, by daguerreotyping the exact likeness by mortal menial ; means.) This is the image-making faculty, coping wiih , material creation, and rivaling, almost triumphing over it. This alone, when all the other parts of a specimen of literature or art are ready and waiting, can breathe into it the breath of life, and endow it with identity. "The true question to ask," says the librarian of Con gress in a paper read before the Social Science Convention at New York, October, 1869, "The true question to ask respecting a book, is, has if helped any human soul?" This is the hint, statement, not only of the great literatus, his book, but of every great artist. It may be that all works of art are to be first tried by their art qualities, their image- forming talent, and their dramatic, pictorial, plot-constructing. DEMOCRATIC VISTAS. 75 euphonious and other talents. Then, whenever claiming to be first-class works, they are to be strictly and sternly tried by their foundation in, and radiation, in the highest sense, and always indirectly, of the ethic principles, and eligibility to free, arouse, dilate. / As, within the purposes of the Kosmos, and vivifying all meteorology, and all the congeries of the mineral, vegetable and animal worlds all the physical growth and develop ment of man, and all the history of the race of politics, religions, wars, &c., there is a moral purpose, a visible 01 invisible intention, certainly underlying all its results and proof needing to be patiently waited for needing intuition, faith, idiosyncrasy, to its realization, which many, and especially the intellectual, do not have so in the product, or congeries of the product, of the greatest literatus. This is the last, profoundest measure and test of a first-class literary or esthetic achievement, and when understood and put in force must fain, I say, lead to works, books, nobler then any hitherto known. Lo ! Nature, (the only complete, actual poem,) existing calmly in the divine scheme, con taining all, content, careless of the criticisms of a day, or these endless and wordy chatterers. And lo ! to the con sciousness of the soul, the permanent identity, the thought, the something, before which the magnitude even o! democracy, art, literature, &c., dwindles, becomes partial, measurable something that fully satisfies, (which those do not.) That something is the All, and the idea of All, with the accompanying idea of eternity, and of itself, the soul, buoyant, indestructible, sailing space forever, visiting every region, as a ship the sea. And again lo ! the pulsations in all matter, all spirit, throbbing forever the eternal beats, eternal systole and diastole of life in things wherefrom I feel and know that death is not the ending, as was thought, 76 DEMOCRATIC VJSTAS. but rather the real beginning and that nothing ever is or can be lost, nor ever die, nor soul, nor matter. In the future of these States must arise poets immenscr far, and make great poems of death. The poems of life are great, but there must be the poems of the purports of life, not only in itself, but beyond itself. I have eulogized Homer, the sacred bards of Jewry, Kschylus, Juvenal, Shakspere, c., and acknowledged their inestimable value. But, (with perhaps the exception, in some, not all respects, of the sccond-mention d,) I say there must, for future and democratic purposes, appear poets, (dare I to say so?) of higher class even than any of those poets not only pos- sess d of the religious fire and abandon of Isaiah, luxuriant in the epic talent of Homer, or for proud characters as in Shakspere, but consistent with the Hegelian formulas, and consistent with modern science. America needs, and the world needs, a class of bards who will, now and ever, so link and tally the rational physical being of man, with the ensembles of time and space, and with this vast and multi form show, Nature, surrounding him, ever tantalizing him, equally a part, and yet not a part of him, as to essentially harmonize, satisfy, and put at rest. Faith, very old, now scared away by science, must be restored, brought back by the same power that caused her departure restored with new sway, deeper, wider, higher than ever. Surely, this universal ennui, this coward fear, this shuddering at death, these low, degrading views, are not always to rule the spirit pervading future society, as it has the past, and does the present. What the Roman Lucretius sought most nobly, yet all too blindly, negatively to do for his age and its successors, must be done positively by some great com ing litcrotus, especially poet, who, while remaining fully poet, will absorb whatever science indicates, with spiritualism, DEMOCRATIC VISTAS. 77 and out of them, and out of his own genius, will com pose the great poem of death. Then will man indeed con r ront Nature, and confront time and space, both with science, and con amore, and take his right place, prepared for life, master of fortune and misfortune. And then that which was long wanted will be supplied, and the ship that had it not before in all her voyages, will have an anchor. There are still other standards, suggestions, for products of high literatuses. That which really balances and con serves the social and political world is not so much legisla tion, police, treaties, and dread of punishment, as the latent eternal intuitional sense, in humanity, of fairness, manliness, decorum, &c. Indeed, this perennial regulation, control, and oversight, by self-suppliance, is sine qua non to demo cracy ; and a highest widest aim of democratic literature may well be to bring forth, cultivate, brace, and strengthen this sense, in individuals and society. A strong mastership of the general inferior self by the superior self, is to be aided, secured, indirectly, but surely, by the literatus, in his works, shaping, for individual or aggregate democracy, a great passionate body, in and along with which goes a great masterful spirit. And still, providing for contingencies, I fain confront the fact, the need of powerful native philosophs and orators and bards, these States, as rallying points to come, in times of danger, and to fend off ruin and defection. For history is long, long, long. Shift and turn the combinations of the statement as we may, the problem of the future of America, is in ctrtain respects as dark as it is vast. Pride, competi tion, segregation, vicious willulness, and license beyond example, brood already upon us. Unwieldy and immense, who shall hold in behemoth? who bridle leviathan ? Flaunt it as we choose, athwart and over the roads of our progress 78 DEMOCRATIC VISTAS. loom huge uncertainty, and dreadful, threatening gloom. It is useless to deny it : Democracy grows rankly up the thickest, noxious, deadliest plants and fruits of all brings worse and worse invaders needs newer, larger, stronger, keener compensations and compellers. Our lands, embracing so much, (embracing indeed the whole, rejecting none,) hold in their breast that flame also, capable of consuming themselves, consuming us all. Short as the span of our national life has been, already have death and downfall crowded close upon us and will again crowd close, no doubt, even if warded off. Ages to come may never know, but I know, how narrowly during the late secession war and more than once, and more than twice or thrice our Nationality, (wherein bound up, as in a ship in a storm, depended, and yet depend, all our best life, all hope, all value,) just grazed, just by a hair escaped destruc tion. Alas ! to think of them ! the agony and bloody sweat of certain of those hours ! those cruel, sharp, suspended crises ! Even to-day, amid these whirls, incredible flippancy, and blind fury of parties, infidelity, entire lack of first-class captains and leaders, added to the plentiful meanness and vulgarity of the ostensible masses that problem, the labor question, beginning to open like a yawning gulf, rapidly widening every year what prospect have we ? We sail a dangerous sea of seething currents, cross and under-current^ vortices all so dark, untried and whither shall we turn ? It seems as if the Almighty had spread before this nation charts of imperial destinies, dazzling as the sun, yet with many a deep intestine difficulty, and human aggregate of cankerous imperfection, saying, lo ! the roads, the only plans of development, long and varied with all terrible balks and ebullitions. You said in your soul, I will be empire of DEMOCRATIC VISTAS. 79 empires, overshadowing all else, past and present, putting the history of old-world dynasties, conquests behind me, as of no account making a new history, a history of democracy, making old history a dwarf I alone inaugura ting largeness, culminating time. If these, O lands of America, are indeed the prizes, the determinations of your soul, be it so. But behold the cost, and already specimens of the cost. Thought you greatness was to ripen for you like a pear ? If you would have greatness, know that you must conquer it through ages, centuries must pay for it with a proportionate price. For you too, as for all lands, the struggle, the traitor, the wily person in office, scrofulous wealth, the surfeit of prosperity, the demonism of greed, the hell of passion, the decay of faith, the long postponement, the fossil-like lethargy, the ceaseless need of revolutions, prophets, thunderstorms, deaths, births, new projections and invigorations of ideas and men. Yet I have dream d, merged in that hidden-tangled problem of our fate, whose long unraveling stretches mysteriously through time dream d out, portray d, hinted already a little or a larger band a band of brave and true, unprecedented yet arm d and equipt at every point the members separated, it may be, by different dates and States, or south, or north, or east, or west Pacific, Atlantic, Southern, Canadian a year, a century here, and other centuries there but always one, compact in soul, conscience- conserving, God-inculcating, inspired achievers, not only in literature, the greatest art, but achievers in all art a new, undying order, dynasty, from age to age transmitted a band, a class, at least as fit to cope with current years, cur dangers, needs, as those who, for their times, so long, so well, in armour or in cowl, upheld and made illustrious, that far-back feudal, priestly world. To offset chivalry, So DEMOCRATIC VISTAS. indeed, those vanish d countless knights, old altars, abbeys, priests, ages and strings of ages, a kniglitlier and more sacred cause to-day demands, and shall supply, in a New World, to larger, grander work, more than the counterpart and tally of them. Arrived now, definitely, at an apex for these Vistas, I confess that the promulgation and belief in such a class or institution a new and greater literatus order its possi bility, (nay certainty,) underlies these entire speculations and that the rest, the other parts, as superstructures, are all founded upon it. It really seems to me the condition, not only of our future national and democratic development, but of our perpetuation. In the highly artificial and materialistic bases of modern civilization, with the corres ponding arrangements and methods of living, the force- infusion of intellect alone, the depraving influences of riches just as much as poverty, the absence of all high ideals in character with the long series of tendencies, shapings, which few are strong enough to resist, and which now seem, with steam-engine speed, to be everywhere turning out the generations of humanity like uniform iron castings all of which, as compared with the feudal ages, we can yet do nothing better than accept, make the best of, and even welcome, upon the whole, for their oceanic practical grandeur, and their restless wholesale kneading of the masses : I say of all this tremendous and dominant play of solely materialistic bearings upon current life in the United , States, with the results as already seen, accumulating, and reaching far into the future, that they must either be confronted and met by at least an equally subtle and tremendous force-infusion for purposes of spiritualization, for the pure conscience, for genuine esthetics, and for absolute and primal manliness and womanliness or else DEMOCRATIC VISTAS. 81 our modern civilization, with all its improvements, is in vain, and we are on the road to a destiny, a status, equivalent, in its real world, to that of the fabled damned. Prospecting thus the coming unsped days, and that new order in them marking the endless train of exercise, development, unwind, in nation as in man, which life is for we see, fore-indicated, amid these prospects and hopes, new law-forces of spoken and written language not merely the pedagogue-forms, correct, regular, familiar with prece dents, made for matters of outside propriety, fine words, thoughts definitely told out but a language fann d by the breath of Nature, which leaps overhead, cares mostly for impetus and effects, and for what it plants and invigorates to grow tallies life and character, and seldomer tells a thing than suggests or necessitates it. In fact, a new theory of literary composition for imaginative works of the very first class, and especially for highest poems, is the sole course open to these States. Books are to be call d for, and supplied, on the assumption that the process of reading is not a half sleep, but, in highest sense, an exercise, a gymnast s struggle ; that the reader is to do something for himself, must be on the alert, must himself or herself construct indeed the poem 5 argument, history, metaphysical essay the text furnishing the hints, the clue, the start or frame-work. Not the book needs so much to be the com plete thing, but the reader of the book does. That were to make a nation of supple and athletic minds, well-train d, intuitive, used to depend on themselves, and not on a few coteries of writers. Investigating here, we see, not that it is a little thing we have, in having the bequeath d libraries, countless shelves of volumes, records, &c. ; yet how serious the danger, depending entirely on them, of the bloodless vein, the 6 82 DEMOCRATIC VISTAS. nerveless arm, the false application, at second or third hand. We see that the real interest of this people of ours in the theology, history, poetry, politics, and personal models of the past, (the British islands, for instance, and indeed all the past,) is not necessarily to mould ourselves or our literature upon them, but to attain fuller, more definite comparisons, warnings, and the insight to ourselves, our own present, and our own far grander, different, future history, religion, social customs, &c. We see that almost everything that has been written, sung, or stated, of old, with reference to humanity under the feudal and oriental institutes, religions, and for other lands, needs to be re-written, re-sung, re-stated, in terms consistent with the ins .itution of these States, and to come in range and obedient uniformity with them. We see, as in the universes of the material kosmos, after meteorological, vegetable, and animal cycles, man at last arises, born through them, to prove them, concentrate them, to turn upon them with wonder and love to command them, adorn them, and carry them upward into superior realms so, out of the series of the preceding social and political universes, now arise these States. We see that while many were supposing things established and com pleted, really the grandest things always remain; and discover that the work of the New World is not ended, but only fairly begun. We see our land, America, her literature, esthetics, &c., as, substantially, the getting in form, or effusement and statement, of deepest basic elements and loftiest final meanings, of history and man and the portrayal, (under the eternal laws and conditions of beauty,) of our own physiognomy, the subjective tie and expression of the objective, as from our own combination, continuation, and DEMOCRATIC VISTAS. 83 points of view and the deposit and record of the national mentality, character, appeals, heroism, wars, and even liberties where these, and all, culminate in native literary and artistic formulation, to be perpetuated ; and not having which native, first-class formulation, she will flounder about, and her other, however imposing, eminent greatness, prove merely a passing gleam ; but truly having which, she will understand herself, live nobly, nobly contribute, emanate, and, swinging, poised safely on herself, illumin d and illum ing, become a full-form d world, and divine Mother not only of material but spiritual worlds, in ceaseless succession through time the main thing being the average, the bodily, the concrete, the democratic, the popular, on which all the superstructures of the future are to permanently rest MY BOOK AND I. PERHAPS the best of a song heard, or of any and all true love, or life s fairest episodes, or sailors , soldiers trying scenes on land or sea, is the floating resume ot them, or any of them, long afterwards, looking at the actualities away back past, with all their practical exci tations gone. How the soul loves to hover over such reminiscences ! So here I sit gossiping in the early candle-light of old. age, I and my book, casting backward glances over our travelled road. After completing, as it were, the journey (a varied jaunt of years, with many halts and gaps of intervals or some lengthened ship-voyage, wherein more than once the last hour had apparently arrived, and we seemed certainly going down, yet reaching port in a sufficient way through all discomfitures at last) after completing my poems, and letting an interval elapse to settle them, I am curious to review all in the light of their own (at the time unconscious, or mostly unconscious) intentions, with certain unfoldings of the thirty years they seek to embody. These lines, therefore, will probably blend the weft of first purposes and speculations with the warp of that experience afterwards, always bringing strange developments. Result of seven or eight stages and struggles extending through nearly thirty years, T lor,k up^n "Leaves of Grass," MY BOOK AND I. 85 now finished to the end of its opportunities and powers, as my definitive carle visite to the coming generations of the New World,* if I may assume to say so. That I have not gained the acceptance of my own time, but have fallen back on fond dreams of the future (" Still lives the song, though Regnar dies "), that from a worldly and business point of view " Leaves of Grass " has been worse than a failure, that after thirty years of trial public criticism on the book and myself as author of it shows marked anger and contempt more than anything else (" I find a solid line of enemies to you everywhere," letter from W. S. K., Boston, May 28, 1884), and that solely for publishing it I have been the object of two or three pretty serious official bufferings, is all probably no more than I ought to have expected. I had my choice when I commenced. I bid neither for soft eulogies, big money returns, nor the approbation of existing schools and conventions. As fulfilled, or partially fulfilled, the best comfort of the whole business (after a small band of the dearest friends and upholders ever vouchsafed to man or cause, doubtless all the more faithful and uncom promising this little phalanx ! for being so few) is that, unstopped and unwarped by any influence outside the soul within me, I have had my say entirely my own way, and put it unerringly on record, the value thereof to be decided by time. In calculating that decision, William O Connor and Dr. Bucke are far more peremptory than I am. Behind all else that can be said, I consider " Leaves of Grass " and its theory experimental, as, in the deepest sense, I consider our American republic itself to be, with its theory. I think * When Champollion, on his death-bed, handed to the printer the revised proof of his " Egyptian Grammar," he said gayly, " Be careful of this, it is my carte de visite to posterity." 86 MY BOOK AND I. I have at least enough philosophy not to be too absolutely certain of any thing or any results. In the second place, the volume is a sortie, whether to prove triumphant and conquer its field of aim and escape and construction, nothing less than a hundred years from now can fully answer. I consider the point that I have positively gained a hearing to far more than make up for any and all other lacks and withholdings. Essentially that was from the first, and has remained throughout, the main object. Now it is achieved, I am certainly contented to waive any otherwise momentous drawbacks, as of little account. After continued personal ambition and effort, as a young fellow, to enter with the rest into competition for the usual rewards, business, political, literary, etc., to take part in the great mel ee, both for victory s prize itself and to do some good, after years of those aims and pursuits, I found myself remaining possessed, at the age of thirty-three to thirty-five, with a special desire and conviction. Or rather, to be quite exact, a desire and conviction that had been more or less flitting through my previous life, or hovering on the flanks, mostly indefinite hitherto, had steadily advanced to the front, defined itself, and finally dominated everything else. This was a feeling or ambition to articulate and faithfully express in literary form and uncompromisingly my own physical, emotional, moral, intellectual, and cesthetic Personality, in the midst of, and tallying, the momentous spirit and facts of its immediate days and of current America, and to exploit that Personality in a far more candid and comprehensive sense than any hitherto book. Perhaps this is in brief or suggests all I have sought to do. Given the nineteenth century with the United States and what they furnish as areas and points of view, " Leaves of Grass " is, or seeks to be, simply a faithful and doubtless MY BOOK AND I. 87 self-willed record. In the midst of all it gives one man s the author s identity, ardors, observations, faiths, and thoughts, colored hardly at all with any coloring from other faiths, other authors, other identities or times. Plenty of songs had been sung, beautiful, matchless songs adjusted to other lands than these other days, another spirit and stage ol evolution ; but I would sing, and leave out or put in, solely with reference to America and myself and to-day. Modern science and democracy seemed to be throwing out their challenge to Poetry to put them in its statements in contradistinction to the songs and myths of the past As I see it now (perhaps too late), I have unwittingly taken up that challenge and made an attempt at such statements, which I certainly would not assume to do now, knowing more clearly what it means. For grounds for " Leaves of Grass," as poetry, I have abandoned the conventional themes, which do not appear in it : none of the stock ornamentation, or choice plots of love or war, or high, exceptional personages of Old-World song ; nothing, as I may say, for beauty s sake, no legend, or myth, or romance, nor euphemism, nor rhyme. But the broadest average of humanity and its identities in the now ripening nineteenth century, and especially in each of their countless examples and practical occupations in the United States to day. One main contrast of the ideas behind every page of my verses, compared with established poems, is (as I have said once before) their different relative attitude towards God, towards the objective universe, and still more (by reflection, confession, assumption, etc.) the quite changed attitude of the ego, the one chanting or talking, towards himself and towards his fellow-humanity. It is certainly time for America, above all, to begin this readjustment in the 88 MY BOOK AND L scope of verse, for everything else has changed. As I write, I see in an article on Wordsworth, in one of the current English magazines, the lines, " A few weeks ago an eminent French critic said that, owing to the special tendency to science and to its all-devouring force, poetry would cease to be read in fifty years." But I anticipate the very con trary. Only a firmer, vastly broader, new area begins to exist nay, is already formed to which the poetic genius must emigrate. Whatever may have been the case in years gone by, the true use for the imaginative faculty of modern times is to give ultimate vivification to facts, to science, and to common lives, endowing them with the glows and glories and final illustriousness which belong to every real thing, and to real things only. Without that ultimate vivification which the poet or other artist alone can give reality would seem incomplete, and science, democracy, and life itself finally in vain. Few appreciate the moral revolutions, our age, which have been profounder far than the material or inventive or war-produced ones. The nineteenth century, now well towards its close (and ripening into fruit the seeds of the two preceding centuries*), the uprisings of national masses and shiftings of boundary lines, the historical and other prominent facts of the United States, the Secession War, the stormy rush and haste of nebulous forces, never can future years witness more excitement and din of action never completer change of army front along the whole line, * The ferment and germination even of the United States to day, dating back to, and in my opinion mainly founded on, the Elizabethan age in English history, the age of Francis Bacon and Shakespeare. Inde -d, when we pursue it, what growth or advent is there that does not date back, back, until lost perhaps its most tantalizing clues lost in the recorded horizons of the past ? MY SO OK AND I. 89 the whole civilized world. For all these new and evolu tionary facts, meanings, purposes, new messages, new forms and expressions, are inevitable. My Book and I, what a period we have presumed to span ! those thirty years from 1850 to 80 and America in them ! Proud, proud indeed may we be if we have culled enough of that period in its own spirit to worthily waft a few live breaths of it to the future ! Let me not dare, here or anywhere, to attempt any definition of Poetry, nor answer the question what it is. Like Religion, Love, Nature, while those terms are indis pensable, and we all give a sufficiently accurate meaning to them, no definition that has ever been made sufficiently encloses the name Poetry ; nor can any rule or convention ever so absolutely obtain but some great exception may arise and disregard and overturn it. Also it must be carefully remembered that first-class literature does not shine by any luminosity of its own, nor do its poems. They grow of circumstances, and are evolu tionary. The actual living light is always from elsewhere, follows unaccountable sources, and is lunar and relative at the best. There ate, I know, certain controlling themes that seem endlessly appropriated to the poets, as war, in the past, in the Bible, religious rapture and adoration, always love, beauty, some plot, or some pensive or other emotion. But, strange as it may sound at first, I will say there is something far deeper and towering far higher than those themes for the elements of modern song. Just as all the old imaginative works rest, after their kind, on long trains of presuppositions, often entirely un men tioned by themselves, yet supplying the most important parts or bases of them, and without which they could have had no reason for being, so " Leaves of Grass," before a 90 MY BOOK AND L line was written, presupposed something different from any other, and as it stands is the result of such presupposition. I should say, indeed, it were useless to attempt reading the book without first carefully tallying that preparatory back ground and quality in the mind. Think of the United States to-day the facts of these thirty- eight or forty empires soldered in one fifty or sixty millions of equals, with their lives, their passions, their future these incalculable and seething multitudes around us, and of which we are in separable parts ! Think, in comparison, of the petty environage and limited area of the poets of past or present Europe, no matter how great their genius. Think of the absence and ignorance, in all cases hitherto, of the multt- tudinousness, vitality, and the unprecedented stimulants of to-day and here. It almost seems as if a poetry with any thing like cosmic features were never possible before. It is certain that a poetry of absolute faith and equality for the use of the modern never was. In estimating first-class song, a sufficient nationality, or, on the other hand, what may be called the negative and lack of it (as in Goethe s case, it sometimes seems to me), is often, if not always, the first element. One needs only a little penetration to see, at more or less removes, the material facts of their country and radius, with the coloring of the moods of humanity at the time, and its gloomy or hopeful prospects, behind all poets and each poet, and forming their birth-marks. I know very well that my " Leaves " could not possibly have emerged from any other era than the latter half of the nineteenth century, nor any other land than America, and from the absolute triumph of the National Union arms. And whether my friends claim it for me or not, I know well enough, too, that in respect to pictorial talent, MY BOOK AND I gi dramatic situations, and especially in verbal melody and all the conventional technique of poetry, not only the divine works that to-day stand ahead in the world s reading, but dozens more, transcend (some of them immeasurably tran scend) all I have done, or could do. But it seemed to me, as the objects in nature, the themes of sestheticism, and all special exploitations of the mind and soul, involve not only their own inherent quality, but the quality, just as inherent and important, of their point of view* the time had come to reflect all themes and things, old and new, in the lights thrown on them by the advent of America and democracy to chant those themes through the utterance ot one, not only the grateful and reverent legatee of the past, but the born child of the New World to illustrate all through the genesis and ensemble of to-day and that such illustration and ensemble are the chief demands of America s prospective imaginative literature. Not to carry out, in the approved style, some choice plot or fancy, or fine thoughts, or incidents, or courtesies, all of which has been done overwhelmingly and well, probably never to be excelled, but that while in such aesthetic presentation of objects, passions, plots, thoughts, etc., our lands and days do not want, and probably will never have, anything better than they already possess from the bequests of the past, it still remains to be said that there is even towards all those a subjective and democratic point of view appropriate to ourselves alone, and to our new genius and environments, different from anything hitherto, and that such conception of current life and art is for us the only means of their assimilation consistent with the Western world. Indeed, and anyhow, to put it specifically, has not the * According to Immanuel Kant, the essential reality, giving shape and significance to all the rest. 92 MY BOOK AND I. time arrived when, for highest current and future aims, there must imperatively come a readjustment of the whole theory and nature of Poetry ? The question is important, and I may turn the argument over and repeat it : Does not the best thought of our day conceive of a birth and spirit of song superior to anything past or present ? To the effectual and moral consolidation of America (already, as materially established, the greatest factor in known history, and far, far greater through what it preludes and necessi tates, and is to be in future) to conform with and build on the concrete realities and theories of the universe furnished by modern science, and the only irrefragable basis for any thing, verse included to root both influences in the emotional and imaginative action of our time and any time, and dominate all that precedes or opposes them is not a radically new verteber of the best song indispensable ? The New World receives with joy the poems of the antique, with European feudalism s rich fund of epics, plays, ballads seeks not in the least to deaden or displace those voices from our present time and area holds them indeed as indispensable studies, influences, records, comparisons. But though the dawn-dazzle of the sun of literature is in those poems for us of to-day though the best parts of current character in nations, social groups, or any man s or woman s individuality, Old World or New, are from them and though if I were asked to name the most precious bequest to American civilization from all the hitherto ages, I am not sure but I would name those old and less old songs ferried hither from east and west, some serious words and debits remain ; some acrid considerations demand a hearing. Of the great poems received from abroad and from the ages, and to-day enveloping and penetrating America, is there one that is consistent with MY BOOK AND I. 93 these United States, or essentially applicable to them as they are and are to be ? Is there one whose underlying basis is not a denial and insult to democracy ? What a comment it forms, anyhow, on this era of literary fulfilment, with the splendid day-rise of science and resuscitation of history, that our chief religious and poetical works are not our own, but have been furnished by far-back ages cut of their arriere and darkness, or, at most, twilight ! What is there in those works that so imperiously and scornfully dominates all our advancement, boasted civilization, and culture ? Even Shakespeare, who so suffuses current literature and art (which indeed have in most degrees grown out of him), he too belongs essentially to the buried past. Only he holds the proud distinction for certain important phases of that past, of being the loftiest of the singers life has yet given voice to. All, however, relate to and rest upon con ditions, standards, politics, sociologies, ranges of belief, that have been quite eliminated from the Eastern hemisphere, and never existed at all in the Western. As authoritative types of song they belong in America just about as much as the persons and institutes they depict. True, it may be said, the emotional, moral, and aesthetic natures of humanity have not changed that in these the old poems apply to our times and all times, irrespective of date ; and that they are of incalculable value as pictures of the past. I willingly make those admissions, and to their fullest extent ; then ad vance the points herewith as of serious, even paramount importance. I have indeed put on record elsewhere my reverence and eulogy for those never-to-be-excelled poetic bequests, and their indescribable preciousness as heirlooms for America. Another and separate point must now be candidly stated. 94 MY BOOK AND I. If I had not stood before those poems with uncovered head, fully aware of their colossal grandeur and beauty of form and spirit, I could not have written " Leaves of Grass." My verdict and conclusions as illustrated in its pages are arrived at through the temper and inculcation of the old works as much as through anything else, perhaps more than through anything else. As America fully and fairly construed is the legitimate result and evolutionary outcome of the past, so I would dare to claim for my verse. With out stopping to qualify the averment, the Old World has had the poems of myths, fictions, feudalism, conquest, caste, dynastic wars, and splendid exceptional characters and affairs, which have been great ; but the New World needs the poems of realities and science and of the democratic average and basic equality, which shall be greater. In the centre of all, and object of all, stands the Human Being, towards whose heroic and spiritual evolution poems and everything directly or indirectly tend, Old World or New. A BACKWARD GLANCE ON MY OWN ROAD. IT is probably best at once to give warning, (even more specific than in the head-line,) that the following paragraphs have my Leaves of Grass, and some of its reasons and aims, for their radiating centre. Altogether, they form a backward glimpse along my own road and journey the last thirty years. Many consider the expression of poetry and art to come under certain inflexible standards, set patterns, fixed and immovable, like iron castings. Really, nothing of the sort. As, in the theatre of to-day, each new actor of real merit (for Hamlet or any eminent role) recreates the persons of the older drama, sending traditions to the winds, and producing a new character on the stage, the adaptation, development, incarnation, of his own traits, idiosyncrasy, and environment there being not merely one good way of representing a great part, but as many ways as there are great actors so in constructing poems. Another illustra tion would be that for delineating purposes, the melange of existence is but an eternal font of type, and may be set up to any text, however different with room and welcome, at whatever time, for new compositors. I should say real American poetry nay, within any high 96 A BACKWARD GLANCE. sense, American literature is something yet to be. So far, the aims and stress of the book-making business here the miscellaneous and fashionable parts of it, the majority- seem entirely adjusted (like American society life,) to certain fine-drawn, surface, imported ways and examples, having no deep root or hold in our soil. I hardly know a volume emanating American nativity, manliness, from its centre. It is true, the numberless issues of our day and land (the leading monthlies are the best,) as they continue feeding the insatiable public appetite, convey the kind of provender temporarily wanted and with certain magnificently copious mass results. But as surely as childhood and youth pass to maturity, all that now exists, after going on for a while will meet with a grand revulsion nay, its very self works steadily toward that revulsion. What a comment it is on our era of literary fulfilment, with the splendid day-rise of science, and resuscitation of history, that its chief religious and poetical works are not its own, but have been furnished by far-back ages, out of their darkness and ignorance or, at most, twilight ! What is there in those works that so imperiously and scornfully dominates all our advancement, boasted civilization, and culture? The intellect of to-day is stupendous and keen, backed by stores of accumulated erudition but in a most important phase the antique seems to have had the advantage of us. Unconsciously, it possessed and exploited that something there was and is in Nature immeasurably beyond, and even altogether ignoring, what we call the artistic, the beautiful, the literary, and even the moral, the good. Not easy to put one s finger on, or name in a word, this something, invisibly permeating the old poems, religion-sources and art. If I were asked to suggest it in such single word, I should write A BACKWARD GLANCE. 97 (at the ri>k of being quite misunJcrstood at first, at any rate) the word physiological. I have never wondered why so many men and women balk at Leaves of Grass. None should try it till ready to accept (unfortunately for me ; not one in a hundred, or in several hundred, is ready) that utterance from full-grown human personality, as of a tree growing in itself, or any other objective result of the universe, from its own laws, oblivious of conformity an expression, faithful exclusively to its own ideal and receptivity, however egotistical or enor mous (/All is mine, for I have it in me, sings the old Chant of Jupiter) not mainly indeed with any of the usual pur poses of poems, or of literature, but just as much (indeed far more) with other aims and purposes. These will only be learned by the study of the book itself will be arrived at, if at all, by indirections and even at best, the task no easy one. The physiological point of view will almost always have to dominate in the reader as it does in the book only now and then the psychological or intellectual, and very seldom indeed the merely aesthetic. 1 hen I wished above all things to arrest the actual moment, our years, the existing, and dwell on the present- to view all else through the present. What the past has sent forth in its incalcuable volume and variety, is of course on record. What the next generation, or the next, may furnish, I know not. But for indications of the individuality and physiognomy, of the present, in America, my two books are candidates. And though it may not appear at first look, I am more and more fond of thinking, and indeed am quite decided for myself, that they have for their nerve-centre the Secession War of 1860-65. Then the volumes (for reasons well conned over before I took the first step) were intended to be most decided, 7 98 A BACKWARD GLANCE. serious, bona fide expressions of an identical individual per sonality ego/ism, if you choose, for I shall not quarrel about the word They proceed out of, and revolve around, express myself, an identity, and declaredly make that self the nucleus of the whole utterance. After all is said, it is only a concrete special personality that can finally satisfy and vitalize the student of verse, heroism, or religion- abstractions will do neither. (Carlyle said, There is no grand poem in the world but is at bottom a biography the life of a man. ) That I have not been accepted during my own time that the largely prevailing range of criticism on my book has been either mockery or denunciation and that I, as its author, have been the marked object of two or three (to me pretty serious) official buffetings is probably no more than I ought to have expected. I had my choice when I com menced. I bid neither for soft eulogies, big money returns, nor the approbation of existing schools and conventions. As now fulfilled after thirty years, the best of the achieve ment is, that I have had my say entirely my own way, and put it unerringly on record the value thereof to be decided by time. In calculating that decision, Dr. Bucke and William O Connor are far more definite and peremptory than I am. I consider the whole thing experimental as indeed, in a very large sense, I consider the American Republic itself, to be. There is always an invisible background to a high- intentioned book the palimpsest on which every page is written. Apply this to my volume. The facts of these thirty-eight or forty empires soldered in one fifty or sixty millions of equals, with their lives, their passions, their future these incalculable areas and seething multitudes around us, and of which we are inseparable parts ! Think, A BACKWARD GLANCE. 99 in comparison, of the petty environage and limited area of the poets of past or present Europe, no matter how great their genius. That America necessitates for her poetry entirely new standards of measurement is such a point with me, that I never tire of dwelling on it. Think of the absence and ignorance, in all cases hitherto, of the vast ensemble, multi- tudinousness, vitality, and the unprecedented stimulants of to-day and here. It almost seems as if a poetry with any thing like cosmic features were never possible before. It is certain that a poetry of democracy and absolute faith, for the use of the modern, never was. OUR EMINENT VISITORS (PAST, PRESENT, AND FUTURE). WELCOME to them each and all ! They do good the deepest, widest, most needed, good though quite certainly not in the ways attempted which have, at times, to the appreciative nostril, a scent of something irresistibly comic. Can there be anything more farcical, for instance, than the sight of a worthy gentleman, coming three or four thousand miles through wet and wind to spzak complacently and at great length on matters of which he both entirely mistakes and knows nothing, before a crowd of auditors equally complacent and equally at fault? Yet welcome and thanks, we say, to those we have, and have had, among us and may the procession continue ! We have had Dickens and Thackeray, Froude, Herbert Spencer, Oscar Wilde, Lord Coleridge and now Matthew Arnold and Irving the actor. Some have come to make money some for a good time some to help us along and give us advice and some undoubtedly to investigate, bona fide, this great problem, democratic America, looming upon the world with such cumulative power through a hundred years, now wLh evident intention (since the Secession War) to stay, and take a leading hand, for many OUR EMINENT VISITORS. 101 a century to come, in civilization s and humanity s eternal game. But alas! in that very investigation at any rate the method of that investigation is where the deficit most surely and helplessly comes in. Let not Lord Coleridge and Mr. Arnold, (to say nothing of the illustrious actor,) imagine that when they have met and surveyed the etiquet- tical gatherings of our wealthy, distinguished, and sure-to-bc- put-forward-on-such-occasions citizens, (New York, Boston, Philadelphia, etc., have certain stereotyped strings of them, continually lined and paraded like the lists of dinner dishes at hotel tables you are sure to get the same over and over again it is very amusing,) and the bowing and introducing, the receptions at the swell clubs, the eating and drinking and praising and praising back and the next day riding about Central Park, or doing the Public Institutions and so passing through, one after another, the full-dress coteries of the Atlantic cities, all grammatical and cultured and correct, with the toned-down manners of the gentlemen, and the kid-gloves, and luncheons and finger-glasses. Let not our eminent visitors, we say, suppose that they have seen America, or captured any distinctive clew or purport thereof. Not a bit of it. Of the pulse-beats that lie within and vitalize this Commonweal to-day of the hard-pan purports and idiosyncrasies pursued faithfully and trium phantly by its bulk of men, generation after generation, superficially unconscious of their own aims, yet none the less pressing onward with deathless intuition age after age those coteries will not furnish the faintest scintilla. In the Old World the best flavor and significance of a race may possibly need to be looked for in its upper classes, its gentries, its court, its etat major. In the United States the rule is reversed. Besides, the special marks of our grouping and design are not going to be understood in a io2 OUR EMINENT VISITORS. hurry. The lesson and scanning right on the ground are difficult, I was going to say they are impossible to foreigners but I have occasionally found the clearest appreciation of all coming from far-off quarters. Surely nothing could be more apt, not only for our eminent visitors present and to come, but for home study, than the following editorial criticism of the London Times on Mr. Froude s visit and lectures here a few years ago, and the culminating dinner given at Delmonico s : We read the list, says the Times, of those who assembled to do honor to Mr. Froude : there were Mr. Emerson, Mr. Beecher, Mr. Curtis, Mr. Bryant ; we add the names of those who sent letters of regret that they could not attend in person Mr. Longfellow, Mr. Whittier. They are names which are well known almost as well known and as much honored in England as in America ; and yet what must we say in the end ? The American people outside this assemblage of writers is something vaster and greater than they, singly or together, can comprehend. It cannot be said of any or all of them that they can speak for their nation. We who look on at this distance are able perhaps on that account to see the more clearly that there are qualities of the American people which find no repre sentation, no voice, among these their spokesmen. And what is true of them is true of the English class of whom Mr. Froude may be said to be the ambassador. Mr. Froude is master of a charming style. He has the gift of grace and the gift of sympathy. Taking any single character as the subject of his study, he may succeed after a very short time in so comprehending its workings as to be able to present a living figure to the intelligence and memory of his readers. But the movements of a nation, the voiceless purpose of a people which cannoi put its cwn OUR EMINENT VISITORS. 103 thoughts into ivords, yet acts upon them in each successive generation, these things do not lie within his grasp. 7. . The functions of literature such as he represents are limited in their action ; the influence he can wield is artificial and restricted, and, while he and his hearers please and are pleased with pleasant periods, the great mass of national life will flow around them unmoved in its tides by action as powerless as that of the dwellers by the shore to direct the currents of the ocean. A thought, here, that needs to be echoed, expanded, permanently treasured, by our literary classes and edu cators. How few think of it, though it is the impetus and back-ground of our whole Nationality and popular life. In the present brief memorandum, I very likely for the first time awake the intelligent reader to the idea and inquiry whether where isn t such a thing as the distinctive genius of our New World, universal, immanent, bringing to a head the best experience of the past not specially literary or intellectual not even merely good, (in the Sunday School and Temperance Society sense,) some invisible spine and great sympathetic to these States, resi dent only in the average People, in their practical life, in their physiology, in their emotions, in their nebulous yet fiery patriotism, in the armies (both sides) through the whole Secession War an identity and character which indeed so far finds no voice among their spokesmen. To my mind America, vast and fruitful as it appears to-day, is even yet, for its most important results, entirely in the tentative state. (Its very formation-stir and whirling trials and essays more splendid and picturesque, to my thinking, than the accomplished growths and shows of other lands, through European history or Greece, or all the past) Surely a New World literature, worthy the name, is io 4 OUR EMINENT VISITORS. not to be, if it ever comes, some fiction, or fancy, or bit of sentimentalism or polished work merely by itself or in abstraction. So long as such literature is no born branch and offshoot of the Nationality, rooted and grown from its roots, and fibred with its fibre, it can never answer any deep call or perennial need. Perhaps the untaught Republic is deeper, wiser, than its teachers. The best literature is always a result of something far greater than itself is not the hero, but the portrait of the hero. Before there can be recorded history or poem there must be the transaction. Beyond the old masterpieces, the Iliad, the iuterminable Hindu epics, the Greek tragedies, even the Bible itself, range the immense facts of what must have pre ceded them their sine qua non the veritable poems and masterpieces, of which these are but shreds and cartoons. For to-day and the States, I think the vividest, rapidest, most stupendous processes ever known, ever performed by man or nation, on the largest scales and in countless varie ties, are now and here presented. Not as our poets and preachers are always conventionally putting it but quite different. Some colossal foundry, the flaming of the fire, the melted metal, the pounding trip-hammers, the surging crowds of workmen shifting from point to point, the murky shadows, the rolling haze, the discord, the crudeness, the deafening din, the disorder, the dross and clouds of dust, the waste and extravagance of material, the shafts of darted sunshine through the vast open roof-scuttles aloft the mighty castings, many of them not yet fitted, perhaps delayed long, yet each in its due time, with definite place and use and meaning such, more like, is a Symbol of America. After all of which, returning to our starting-point, we re iterate, and in the whole Land s name, a welcome to our OUR EMINENT VISITORS. 105 eminent guests. Visits like theirs, and hospitalities, and hand-shaking, and face meeting face, and the distant brought near what divine solvents they are ! Travel, reciprocity, interviewing, intercommunion of lands what are they but Democracy s and the highest Law s best aids ? O that our own country that every land in the world could annually, continually, receive the poets, thinkers, scientists, even the official magnates, of other lands, as honored guests. O that the United States, especially the West, could have had a good long visit and explorative jaunt, from the noble and melancholy Tourgue neff, before he died or from Thomas Carlyle, Castelar, Tennyson, Victor Hugo were they and we to come face to face, how is it possible but that the right and amicable understanding would ensue ? A THOUGHT ON SHAKSPERE. THE most distinctive poems the most permanently rooted and with heartiest reasoii for being the copious cycle of Arthurian legends, or the almost equally copious Charlemagne cycle, or the poems of the Cid, or Scandinavian Eddas, or Niebelungen, or Chaucer, or Spenser, or Ossian, or Inferno probably had their rise in great historic perturbations, which they came in to sum up and confirm, indirectly embodying results to date. However precious to * culture, the grandest of those poems, it may be said, preserve and typify results offensive to the modern spirit, and long past away. To state it briefly, and taking the strongest examples, in Homer lives the ruthless military prowess of Greece, and of its special god-descended dynastic houses; in Shakspere, the dragon-rancors and stormy feudal splendor of mediaeval caste. Poetry, largely considered, is an evolution, sending out improved and ever-expanded types in one sense, the past, even the best of it, necessarily giving place, and dying out. For our existing world, the bases on which all the grand old poems were built have become vacuums and even those of many comparatively modern ones are broken and half-gone. For us to-day, not their own intrinsic value, vast as that is, backs and maintains those poems, but a mountain-high A THOUGHT. ON SHAKSPERE. 107 growth of associations, the layers of successive ages. Every where their own lands included (is there not something terrible in the tenacity with which the one book out of mill ions holds its grip ?) the Homeric and Virgilian works, the interminable ballad-romances of the middle ages, the utter ances of Dante, Spenser, and others, are upheld by their cumulus-entrenchment in scholarship, and as precious, always welcome, unspeakably valuable reminiscences. Even the one who at present reigns unquestioned of Shakspere for all he stands for so much in modern litera ture, he stands entirely for the mighty aesthetic sceptres of the past, not for the spiritual and democratic, the sceptres of the future. The inward and outward characteristics of Shakspere are his vast and rich variety of persons and themes, with his wondrous delineation of each and all not only limitless funds of verbal and pictorial resource, but great excess, superfcetation mannerism, like a fine, aristo cratic perfume, holding a touch of musk (Euphues, his mark) with boundless sumptuousness and adornment, real velvet and gems, not shoddy nor paste but a good deal of bombast and fustian (certainly some terrific mouthing in Shakspere !) Superb and inimitable as all is, it is mostly an objective and physiological kind of power and beauty the soul finds in Shakspere a style supremely grand of the sort, but in my opinion stopping short of the grandest sort, at any rate for fulfilling and satisfying modern and scientific and demo cratic American purposes. Think, not of growths as forests primeval, or Yosemite geysers, or Colorado ravines, but of costly marble palaces, and palace rooms, and the noblest fixings and furniture, and noble owners and occupants to correspond think of carefully built gardens from the beautiful but sophisticated gardening art at its best, with xo8 A THOUGHT ON SHAKSPERE. walks and bowers and artificial lakes, and appropriate statue- groups and the finest roses and lilies and japonicas in plenty and you have the tally of Shakspere. The low characters, mechanics, even the loyal henchmen all in themselves nothing serve as capital foils to the aristocracy. The comedies (exquisite as they certainly are) bringing in admirably portrayed common characters, have the unmis takable hue of plays, portraits, made for the divertisement only of the elite of the castle, and from its point of view. The comedies are altogether non-acceptable to America and Democracy. But to the deepest soul, it seems a shame to pick and choose from the riches Shakspere has left us to criticise his infinitely royal, multiform quality to gauge, with optic glasses, the dazzle of his sun-like beams. The best poetic utterance, after all, can merely hint, or remind, often very indirectly, or at distant removes. Aught of real perfection, or the solution of any deep problem, or any completed statement of the moral, the true, the beauti ful, eludes the greatest, deftest poet flies away like an always uncaught bird. WHAT LURKS BEHIND SHAKSPERE S HISTORICAL PLAYS. WE all know how much my thus there is in the Shakspere question as it stands to-day. Beneath a few foundations of proved facts are certainly engulfed far more dim and elusive ones, of deepest importance- tantalizing and half suspected suggesting explanations that one dare not put in plain statement. But coming at once to the point, the English historical plays are to me not only the most eminent as dramatic performances (my malurest judgment confirming the impressions of my early years, that the distinctiveness and glory of the Poet reside not in his vaunted dramas of the passions, but those founded on the contests of English dynasties, and the French wars), but form, as we get it all, the chief in a complexity of puzzles. Conceived out of the fullest heat and pulse of European feudalism personifying in unparalleled ways the mediaeval aristocracy, its towering spirit of ruthless and gigantic caste, with its own peculiar air and arrogance, no mere imitation only one of the wolfish earls so plenteous in the plays themselves, or some born descendant and knower, might seem to be the true author of those amazing works works in some respects greater than anything else in recorded literature. The start and germ--tock of the pieces en which the no SHAKSPERES HISTORICAL PLA VS. present speculation is founded are undoubtedly (with, at the outset, no small amount of bungling work), in Henry VI. It is plain to me that as profound and forecasting a brain and pen as ever appeared in literature, after floundering some what in the first part of that trilogy or perhaps draughting it more or less experimentally or by accident afterward developed and defined his plan in the Second and Third Parts, and from time to time, thenceforward, systematically enlarged it to majestic and mature proportions in Richard II, Richard III, King John, Henry IV, Henry V, and even in Macbeth and Lear. For it is impossible to grasp the whole cluster of those plays, however wide the intervals and different circumstances of their composition, without thinking of them as, in a free sense, the result of an essentially controlling plan. What was that plan ? Or, rather, what was veiled behind it? for to me there was certainly something so veiled. Even the episodes of Cade, Joan of Arc, and the like (which sometimes seem to me like interpolations allowed), may be meant to foil the possible sleuth, and throw any too cute pursuer off the scent. In the whole matter I should specially dwell on, and make much of, that inexplicable element of every highest poetic nature which causes it to cover up and involve its real purpose and meanings in folded removes and far recesses. Of this trait hiding the nest where common seekers may never find it the Shaksperian works afford the most numerous and marked illustrations known to me. I would even call that trait the leading one through the whole of those works. All the foregoing to premise a brief statement of how and where I get my new light on Shakspere. Speaking of the special English plays, my friend William O Connor says : SUAKSPERE S HISTORICAL PL A VS. 1 1 1 " They seem simply and rudely historical in their motive, as aiming to give in the rough a tableau of warring dynasties, and carry to me a lurking sense of being in aid of some ulterior design, probably well enough understood in that age, which perhaps time and criticism will reveal Their atmos phere is one of barbarous and tumultuous gloom, they do not make us love the times they limn, .... and it is impossible to believe that the greatest of the Elizabethan men could have sought to indoctrinate the age with the love of feudalism which his own drama in its entirety, if the view taken of it herein be true, certainly and subtly saps and mines." Reading the just-specified plays in the light of Mr. O Connor s suggestion, I defy any one to escape such new and deep utterance-meanings, like magic ink, warmed by the fire, and previously invisible. Will it not indeed be strange if the author of Othello and Hamlet is destined to live in America, in a generation or two, less as the cunning draughtsman of the passions, and more as putting on record the first full expose and by far the most vivid one, immeasurably ahead of doctrinaires and economists of the political theory and results which America has come on earth to abnegate and replace ? The summary of my suggestion would be, therefore, that while the more the rich and tangled jungle of the Sbaksperian area is traversed and studied, and the more baffled and mixed, as so far appears, becomes the exploring student (who at last surmises everything, and remains certain of nothing), it is possible a future age of criticism, diving deeper, mapping the land and lines freer, com- p!eter than hitherto, may discover in the plays named the scientific (Baconian ?) inauguration of modem Democracy furnishing realistic and first class artistic portraitures of the mediaeval world, the feudal personalities, institutes, in their morbid accumulations, deposits, upon politics and H2 SlIAKSPERVS HISTORICAL PLA YS. sociology, may penetrate to that hard-pan, far down and back of the ostent of to-day, on which (and on which only) the progressism of the last two centuries has built this Democracy which now holds secure lodgment over the whole civilized world. Whether such was the unconscious, or (as I think likely) the more or less conscious, purpose of him who fashioned those marvellous architectonics, is a secondary question. ROBERT BURNS AS POET AND PERSON. WHAT the future will decide about Robert Burns and his works what place will be assigned them on that great roster of geniuses and genius which can only be finished by the slow but sure balancing of the centuries with their ample average I of course cannot tell. But as we know him, from his recorded utterances, and after nearly one century, and its diligence of collections, personal songs, letters, anecdotes, presenting the figure of the canny Scotch man in a fullness and detail wonderfully complete, and the lines mainly by his own hand, he forms to-day, in some respects, the most interesting personality among singers. Then there are many things in Burns s poems and character that specially endear him to America. He was essentially a republican would have been at home in the Western United States, and probably become eminent there. He was an average sample of the good-natured, warm-blooded, proud-spirited, amative, alimentive, convivial, young and early-middle-aged man of the decent-born middle classes everywhere and any how. Without the race of which he is a distinct specimen, (and peihaps his poems), America and her powerful democracy could not exist to day could not project with unparalleled historic sway into the future. Perhaps the peculiar coloring of the era of Burns, in the 8 ii4 ROBER T B URNS. world s history, biography and civilization, needs always first to be considered. It included the times of the y6- S3 Revolution in America, of the French Revolution, and the unparallel d chaos-development in Europe and elsewhere. In every department, shining and strange names, like stars, some rising, some in meridian, some declining Voltaire, Franklin, Washington, Kant, Goethe, Fulton, Napoleon, mark the era. And while so much, and of moment, fit for the trumpet of the world s fame, was being transacted that little tragi-comedy of R. B. s life and death was going on in a country by-place in Scotland ! Burns s correspondence, generally collected and published since his death, gives wonderful glints into both the amiable and weak (and worse than weak) parts of his portraiture, habits, good and bad luck, ambition and associations. His letters to Mrs. Dunlop, Mrs. McLehose, (Clarinda,) Mr. Thomson, Dr. Moore, Robert Muir, Mr. Cunningham, Miss Margaret Chalmers, Peter Hill, Richard Brown, Mrs. Riddel, Robert Ainslie, and Robert Graham, afford valuable lights and shades to the outline, and with numerous others, help to a touch here, and fill-in there, of poet and poems. There are suspicions, it is true, of "the Genteel Letter- Writer," with scraps and words from "the Manual of French Quotations," and, in the love-letters, some hollow mouthings. Yet we wouldn t on any account lack the letters. A full and true portrait is always what is wanted ; veracity at every hazard. Besides, do not we all see by this time that the story of Burns, even for its own sake, requires the record of the whole and several, with nothing left out? Completely and minutely told, it fullest explains and justifies itself (as perhaps almost any life does). He is very close to the earth. He picked up his best words and tunes directly from the Scotch home-singers, but tells Thomson they ROBERT B URNS. 1 1 5 would not please his, (T. s), "learned lugs," adding, "I call them simple you would pronounce them silly." As before said, the Scotch idiom was undoubtedly his happiest hit. (Yet Dr. Moore, in 1789, writes to Burns, "If I were to offer an opinion, it would be that in your future productions you should abandon the Scotch stanza and dialect, and adopt the measure and language of modern English poetry " !) As the 1 28th birth-anniversary of the poet draws on, (January, 1887) with its increasing club-suppers, vehement celebrations, letters, speeches, and so on (mostly, as William O Connor says, from people who would not have noticed R. B. at all during his actual life, nor kept his company, or read his verses, on any account) it may be opportune to print some leisurely-jotted notes I find in my budget. I take my observation of the Scottish bard by considering him as an individual amid the crowded clusters, galaxies, of the old world and fairly inquiring and sug gesting what out of those myriads he too may be to us, to the Western Republic. In the first place no poet on record so fully bequeaths his own personal magnetism,* nor illustrates more pointedly how one s verses, by time and reading, can so curiously fuse with the versifier s own life and death, and give light and shade to all. I would say a large part of the fascination of Burns s * Probably no man that ever lived a friend has made the statement \vas so fondly loved, both by men and women, as Robert Burns. The reason is not hard to find : he had a real heart of flesh and blood beating in his bosom ; you could almost hear it throb. "Some one said, that if you had shaken hands with him his hand would have burnt yours. The gods, indeed, made him poetical, but nature had a hand in him first. His heart was in the right place ; he did not pile up cantos of poetic diction j he plucked the moun tain daisy under his feet ; he wrote of a field-mouse hurrying from its n6 ROBERT BURNS. homely, simple, dialect-melodies is due, for all current and future readers, to the poet s personal " errors," the general bleakness of his lot, his ingrained pensiveness, his brief dash into dazzling, tantalizing, evanescent sunshine finally culminating in those last years of his life, his being tabooed and in debt, sick and sore, yawed as by contending gales, deeply dissatisfied with everything, most of all with himself high-spirited too (no man ever really higher-spirited than Robert Burns). I think it a perfectly legitimate part too. At any rate it has come to be an impalpable aroma through which only both the songs and their singer must henceforth be received. Through that view-medium of misfortune of a noble spirit in low environments, and of a squalid and premature death we view the un doubted facts, (giving, as we read them now, a sad kind of pungency,) that Burns s were, before all else, the lyrics of illicit loves and carousing intoxication. Perhaps even it is this strange, impalpable post-mortem comment and influence referred to, that gives them their contrast, attraction, the zest of their author s after fame. If he had lived steady, fat, moral, comfortable, well-to-do years, on his own grade, (let alone, what of course was out of the question, the ease and velvet and rosewood and copious royalties of Tennyson or Victor Hugo or Longfellow), and died well-ripened and respectable, where ruined dwelling. He held the plough or the pen with the same firm, manly grasp." And he was loved. The simple roll of the women who gave him their affection and their sympathy would make a long manuscript ; and most of these were of such noble worth that, as Robert Chambers says, " their character may stand as a testimony in favor of that of Burns." [As I understand, the foregoing is from an extremely tare book published by M Kie, in Kilmarnock. I find the whole beautiful paragraph in a capital paper on Burns, by Amelia Barr.] ROBER T B URNS. 1 1 7 could have come in that burst of passionate sobbing and remorse which welled forth instantly and generally in Scotland, and soon followed everywhere among English- speaking races, on the announcement of his death, and which, with no sign of stopping, only regulated and veined with fitting appreciation, flows deeply, widely yet ? Dear Rob ! manly, witty, fond, friendly, full of weak spots as well as strong ones essential type of so many thousands perhaps the average, as just said, of the decent- born young men and the early mid-aged, not only of the British Isles, but America too, North and South, just the same. I think indeed one best part of Burns is the unquestionable proof he presents of the perennial existence among the laboring classes, especially farmers, of the finest latent poetic elements in their blood. (How clear it is to me that the common soil has always been, and is now, thickly strewn with just such gems.) He is well-called the Ploughman. " Holding the plough," said his brother Gilbert, " was the favorite situation with Robert for poetic compositions, and some of his best verses were produced while he was at that exercise." " I must return to my humble station, and woo my rustic muse in my wonted way, at the plough-tail." 1787, to the Earl of Buchan. He has no high ideal of the poet or the poet s office ; indeed quite a low and contracted notion of both : " Fortune ! if thou ll but gie me still Hale breeks, a scone, an whiskey gill, An rowth o rhyme to rave at will, Tak a the rest." See also his rhymed letters to Robert Graham, invoking patronage ; " one stronghold," Lord Glencairn, being dead, now these appeals to " Fintra, my other stay," (with in one letter a copious shower of vituperation generally). In his 1 18 ROBERT BURNS. collected poems there is no particular unity, nothing th.it can be called a leading theory, no unmistakable spine or skeleton. Perhaps, indeed, their very desultoriness is one charm of his songs : " I take up one or another," he says in a letter to Thomson, "just as the bee of the moment buzzes in my bonnet-lug." Consonantly with the customs of the time yet markedly inconsistent in spirit with Burns s own case, (and not a little painful as it remains on record, as depicting some features of the bard himself), the relation called patronage existed between the nobility and gentry on one side, and literary people on the other, and gives one of the strongest side lights to the general coloring of poems and poet. It crops out a good deal in Burns s Letters, and even necessitated a certain flunkeyism on occasions, through life. It probably, with its requirements, (while it helped in money and coun tenance), did as much as any one cause in making that life a chafed and unhappy one, ended by a premature and miserable death. Yes, there is something about Burns peculiarly acceptable to the concrete, human points of view. He poetizes work- a-day agricultural labor and life, (whose spirit and sym- p.ithies, as well as practicalities, are much the same every where,) and treats fresh, often coarse, natural occurrences, loves, persons, not like many new and some old poets in a genteel style of gilt and china, or at second or third re moves, but in their own born atmosphere, laughter, sweat, unction. Perhaps no one ever sang " lads and lasses " that universal race, mainly the same, too, all ages, all lands down on their own plane, as he has. The surge and swell of animal appetites, with masculinity over all, is in his utterances from first to last. He exhibits no philosophy worth mentioning ; his morality is hardly more than parrot- ROBER T B URNS. 1 1 9 talk not bad or deficient, but cheap, shop-worn, the plati tudes of old aunts and uncles to the youngsters (be good boys and keep your noses clean). Only when he gets at Poosie Nansie s, celebrating the " barley bree," or among tramps, or democratic bouts and drinking generally, (" Freedom and whiskey gang thegither,") we have, in his own unmistakable color and warmth, those interiors of rake-helly life and tavern fun -the cantabile of jolly beggars in highest jinks lights and groupings of rank glee and brawny amorousness, outvying the best painted pictures of the Dutch school, or any school. By America and her democracy, such a poet, I cannot too often repeat, must be kept in loving remembrance ; but it is best that discriminations be made. His admirers, (as at those anniversary suppers, over the " hot Scotch "), will not accept for their favorite anything less than the highest rank, alongside of Homer, Shakspere, etc. Such, in candor, are not the true friends of the Ayrshire bard, who really needs a different place quite by himself. The Iliad and the Odyssey express courage, craft, full-growni heroism in situations of danger, the sense of command and leadership, emulation, the last and fullest evolution of self-poise as in kings, and god-like even while animal appetites. The Shaksperian compositions, on vertebers and framework of the primary passions, portray, (essentially the same as Homer s, and with that certain heroic ecstasy, which, or the suggestion of which, is never absent in the works of the masters I find it plainly in Walter Scott and Tennyson), the spirit and letter of the feudal world, the Norman lord, ambitious and arrogant, taller and nobler than common men with much underplay and gusts of heat and cold, volcanoes and stormy seas Burns, (and some will say to 120 ROBERT BUR NS. his credit), attempts none of these themes. He poeliz?s the humor, riotous blood, sulks, amorous torments, fondness for the tavern and for cheap objective nature, with disgust at the grim and narrow ecclesiasticism of his time and land, of a young farmer on a bleak and hired farm in Scotland, through the years and under the circumstances of the British politics of that time, and of his short personal career as author, from 1783 to 1796. He is intuitive and affectionate, and just emerged or emerging from the shackles of the kirk, from poverty, ignorance, and from his own low appetites (out of which latter, however, he never extricated himself). It is to be said that amid not a little smoke and gas in his poems, there is in almost every piece a spark of fire, and now and then the real afflatus. He has been applauded as democratic, and with some warrant; while Shakspere, and with the greatest warrant, has been called monarchical or aristocratic, (which he certainly is). But the splendid personalizations of Shakspere, formulated on the largest, freest, most heroic, most artistic mould, are to me far dearer as lessons, and more precious even as models for Democracy, than the humdrum samples Burns presents. The motives of some of his effusions are certainly discredit able personally one or two of them markedly so. He has, moreover, little or no spirituality. This last is his mortal flaw and defect, tried by highest standards. The ideal he never reached, (and yet I think he leads the way to it). He gives melodies, and now and then the simplest and sweetest ones ; but harmonies, complications, oratorios in words, never. (I do not speak this in any deprecatory sense. Blessed be the memory of the warm-hearted Scotchman for what he has left us, just as it is !) He likewise did not know himself, in more ways than one. Though so really free and independent, he prided himself ROBER T B URNS. 1 2 1 in his songs on being a reactionist and a Jacobite on persistent sentimental adherency to the " cause of the Stuarts the weakest, thinnest, most faithless, brainless dynasty that ever held a throne. Thus, while Burns is not at all great for New-World study, in the sense that Isaiah and ^Eschylus and the Book of Job are unquestionably great is not to be mentioned with Shakspere hardly even with current Tennyson or our Emerson he has a nestling niche of his own, all fragrant, fond, and quaint and homely a lodge built near but outside the mighty temple of the gods of song and art those universal strivers, through their works of harmony and melody and power, to ever show or intimate man s crown ing, last, victorious fusion in himself of Real and Ideal. Precious, too, fit and precious beyond all singers, high or low will Bums ever be to the native Scotch, especially to the working-classes of North Britain ; so intensely one of them, and so racy of the soil, sights, and local customs. He often apostrophizes Scotland, and is, or would be, enthusiastically patriotic. His country has lately com memorated him in a statue.* His aim is declaredly to be * The Dumfries statue of Robert Burns was successfully unveiled April 1 88 1 by Lord Rosebery, the occasion having been made national in its character. Before the ceremony, a large procession paraded the streets of the town, all the trades and societies of that part of Scotland being represented, and at the head of which went dairymen and ploughmen, the former driving their carts and being accompanied by their maids. The statue is of Sicilian marble. It rests on a pedestal of gray stone five feet high. The poet is represented as sitting easily on an old tree root, holding in his left hand a cluster of daisies. His face is turned toward the right shoulder, and the eyes gaze into the di-tance. Near by lie a collie dog, a broad bonnet half covering a well-thumbed song-book, and a rustic flageolet. The costume is taken from the Nasmyth portrait, which has been followed for the features of the face. 122 ROBER1 BURNS. 1 a Rustic Bard. His poems were all written in youth or young manhood ; (he was little more than a young man when he died). His collected works, in giving everything, are nearly one half first drafts. His brightest hit is his use of the Scotch patois, so full of terms flavored like wild fruit or berries. Then I should make an allowance to Burns which cannot be made for any other poet. Curiously, even the frequent crudeness, haste, deficiencies, (flatness and puerilities by no means absent), prove upon the whole not out of keeping in any comprehensive collection of his works, heroically printed, following copy, every piece, every line according to originals. Other poets might tremble for such boldness, such rawness. In This odd kind chiel such points hardly mar the rest. Not only are they in consonance with the underlying spirit of the pieces, but complete the full abandon and veracity of the farm- fields, and the home-brewed flavor of the Scotch vernacular. (Is there not often something in the very neglect, unfinish, careless nudity, slovenly hiatus, coming from intrinsic genius, and not put on, that secretly pleases the soul more than the wrought and re- wrought polish of the most perfect verse ?) Mark the native spice and untranslatable twang in the very names of his songs " O for ane and twenty, Tarn," " John Barleycorn," " Last May a braw Wooer," " Rattlin roarin Willie," " O wert thou in the cauld, cauld blast," " Gude e en to you, Kimmer," " Merry has I been teething a Heckle," " O lay thy loof in mine, lass," and others. The longer and more elaborated poems of Burns are just such as would please a natural but homely taste, and cute but average intellect, and are inimitable in their way. The " Twa Dogs, ; (one of the best), with the conversation between Caesar and Luath, the " Brigs of Ayr," " the Cotter s Saturday Night," " Tarn O Shanter " all will be long read ROBER I B URNS. 123 and re-read and admired, and ever deserve to be. With nothing profound in any of them, what there is of moral and plot has an inimitably fresh and racy flavor. If it came to question, Literature could well afford to send adrift many a pretensive poem, and even book of poems, before it could spare these compositions. Never indeed was there truer utterance in a certain range of idiosyncracy than by this poet. Hardly a piece of his, large or small, but has " snap " and raciness. He puts in cantering rhyme, (o r ten doggerel), much cutting irony and idiomatic ear-cuffing of the kirk-deacons drily good- natured addresses to his cronies, (he certainly would not stop us if he were here this moment, from classing that " to the De il " among them) " to Mailie and her Lambs," " to auld Mare Maggie," " to a Mouse," " Wee, sleekit, cowrin, tim rous beastie : " "to a Mountain Daisy," "to a Haggis," "to a Louse," "to the Toothache," &c. and occasionally to his brother bards and lady or gentleman patrons, often with strokes of tenderest sensibility, idiopathic humor, and genuine poetic imagination still oftener with shrewd, original, sheeny, steel-flashes of wit, home-spun sense, or lance- blade puncturing. Then, strangely, the basis of Burns s character, with all its fun and manliness, was hypochondria, the blues, palpable enough in "Despondency," "Man was made to Mourn," " Address to Ruin," a "Bard s Epitaph," &c. From such deep-down elements sprout up, in very contrast and paradox, those riant utterances of which a superficial reading will not detect the hidden foundation. Yet nothing is clearer to me than the black and desperate background behind those pieces as I shall now specify them. I find his most characteristic, Nature s masterly 124 ROBER T B URNS. touch and luxuriant life-blood, color and heat, not in "Tarn O Shanter," "the Cotter s Saturday Night," "Scots wha hae," " Highland Mary," " the Twa Dogs," and the like, but in "the Jolly Beggars," Rigs of Barley/ "Scotch Drink," " the Epistle to John Rankine," "Holy Willie s Prayer," and in " Halloween, &c. In these compositions, especially the first, there is much indelicacy, (some editions flatly leave it out), but the composer reigns alone, with handling free and broad and true, and is an artist. You may see and feel the man indirectly in his other verses, all of them, with more or less life-likeness but these I have named last call out pronouncedly in his own voice, " I, Rob, am here." Finally, in any summing-up of Burns, though so much is to be said in the way of fault-finding, drawing black marks, and doubtless severe literary criticism (in the present out pouring I have kept myself in, rather than allowed any free flow) after full retrospect of his works and life, the "odd-kind chiel " remains to my heart and brain as almost the tenderest, manliest, (even if contradictory), dearest flesh- and-blood figure in all the streams and clusters of by-gone poets. A WORD ABOUT TENNYSON. BEAUTIFUL as the song was, the original Locksley Hall of half a century ago was essentially morbid, heart-broken, finding fault with everything, especially the fact of money s being made (as it ever must be, and perhaps should be) the paramount matter in worldly affairs. Every door is barr d with gold, and opens but to golden keys. First, a fa. her, having fallen in battle, his child (the singer) Was left a trampled orphan, and a selfish uncle s ward. Of course love ensues. The woman in the chant or monologue proves a false one ; and as far as appears the ideal of woman, in the poet s reflections, is a false one, at any rate for America. Woman is not the lesser man/ (The heart is not the brain.) The b.st of the piece of fifty years since is its concluding line : For the mighty wind arises roaring seaward and I go. Then for this current 1886-7, a just-out sequel, which (as an apparently authentic summary says) reviews the life of mankind during the past sixty years, and comes to the con clusion that its boasted progress is of doubtful credit to the world in general and to England in particular. A cynical vein of denunciation of democratic opinions and aspirations 126 A WORD ABOUT TENNYSON. runs throughout the poem, in marked contrast with the spirit of the poet s youth. Among the most striking lines of this sequel are the following : Envy wears the mask of love, and, laughing sober fact to scorn, Cries to weakest as to strongest, Ye are equals, equal-born. Equal born ! Oh yes, if yonder hill be level with the flat. Charm us, orator, till the lion look no larger than the cat ; Till the cat, through that mirage of overheated language, loom Larger than the lion Demos end in working its own doom. Tumble nature heel o er head, and, yelling with the yelling street, Set the feet above the brain and swear the brain is in the feet. Bring the old Dark Ages back, without the failh, without the hope Beneath the State, the Church, the throne, and roll their ruins down the slope. I should say that all this is a legitimate consequence of the tone and convictions of the earlier standards and points of view. Then some reflections, down to the hard-pan of this sort of thing. The course of progressive politics (democracy) is so certain and resistless, not only in America but in Europe, that we can well afford the warning calls, threats, checks, neutralizings, in imaginative literature, or any department, of such deep-sounding and high-soaring voices as Carlyle s and Tennyson s. Nay, the blindness, excesses, of the prevalent tendency the dangers of the urgent trends of our times in my opinion, need such voices almost more than any. I should, too, call it a signal instance of demo cratic humanity s luck that it has such enemies to contend with so candid, so fervid, so heroic. But why do I say enemy? Upon the whole is not Tennyson and was not Carlyle (like an honest and stern physician) the true friend of our age ? Let me assume to pass verdict, or perhaps momentary A WORD ABOUT TENNYSON. 127 judgment, for the United States on this poet a removed and distant position giving some advantages over a nigh one. What is Tennyson s service to his race, times, and especially to America? First, I should say, his personal character. He is not to be mentioned as a rugged, evolu tionary, aboriginal force but (and a great lesson is in it) he has been consistent throughout with the native, per sonal, healthy, patriotic spinal element and promptings of himself. His moral line is local and conventional, but it is vital and genuine. He reflects the upper-crust of his time, its pale cast of thought even its ennui. Then the simile of my friend John Burroughs is entirely true, his glove is a glove of silk, but the hand is a hand of iron. He shows how one can be a royal laureate, quite elegant and aristocratic, and a little queer and affected, and at the same time perfectly manly and natural. As to his non- democracy, it fits him well, and I like him the better for it. I guess we all like to have (I am sure I do) some one who presents those sides of a thought, or possibility, different from our own different, and yet with a sort of home- likeness a tartness and contradiction offsetting the theory as we view it, and construed from tastes and proclivities not all our own. To me, Tennyson shows more than any poet I know (perhaps has been a warning to me) how much there is in finest verbalism. There is such a latent charm in mere words, cunning collocutions, and in the voice ringing them, which he has caught and brought out, beyond all others as in the line, And hollow, hollow, hollow, all delight, in The Passing of Arthur, and evidenced in The Lady cf Shalott, The Deserted House, and many other pieces. 128 A WORD ABOUT 1ENNYSON. Among the best (I often linger over them again and again) are Lucretius, The Lotos Eaters, and The Northern Farmer. His mannerism is great, but it is a noble and welcome mannerism. His very best work, to me, is con tained in the books of The Idyls of the King, all of them, and all that has grown out of them. Though indeed we could spare nothing of Tennyson, however small or how ever peculiar not Break, Break, nor Flower in the Crannied Wall nor the old, eternally told passion of Edward Gray; Love may come and love may go, And fly like a bird from tree to tree ; Tut I will love no more, no more, Till Ellen Adair come back to me. Yes, Alfred Tennyson s is a superb character, and will help give illustriousness, through the long roll of time, to our Nineteenth Century. In its bunch of orbic names, shining like a constellation of stars, his will be one of the brightest. His very faults, doubts, swervings, doublings upon himself, have been typical of our age. We are like the voyagers of a ship, casting off for new seas, distant shores. We would still dwell in the old suffocating and dead haunts, remembering and magnifying their pleasant experiences only, and more than once impelled to jump ashore before it is too late, and stay where our fathers stayed, and live as they lived. May-be I am non-literary and non-decorous (let me at least be human, and pay part of my debt) in this word about Tennyson. I want him to realize that here is a great and ardent Nation that absorbs his songs, and has a respect and affection for him personally, as almost for no other foreigner, I want this word to go to the old man at A WORD ABOUT TENNYSON. 129 Farringford as conveying no more than the simple truth ; and that truth (a little Christmas gift) no slight one either. I have written impromptu, and shall let it all go at that. The readers of more than fifty millions of people in the New AV orld not only owe to him some of their most agreeable and healthy hours, but he has entered into the formative influences of character here, not only in the Atlantic cities, but inland and far West, out in Missouri, in Kansas, and away in Oregon, in farmer s house and miner s cabin. Best thanks, anyhow, to Alfred Tennyson thanks and appreciation in America s name. " HOW I MADE A BOOK." MY friends have more than once suggested or maybe the garrulity of advancing age is possessing me ^.ome embryonic facts of " Leaves of Grass," and how I entered upon them. Dr. Bucke has already fully and fairly described the preparation of my poetic field, with the particular and general plowing, planting, seeding and occupation of the ground, till everything was fertilized, rooted and ready to start its own way for good or bad. Along in my i6th year I had become possessor of a stout, well-crammed 1000 page octavo volume (I have it yet), containing Walter Scott s poetry entire an inexhaustible mine and treasury of poetic study (especially the endless forests and jungles of notes) has been so to me for fifty years, and remains so to this day. Later, at intervals, I used to go off, sometimes for a week at a stretch, down in the country, or to Long Island s seashores there, in the presence of outdoor influences, I went over thoroughly the Old and New Testaments, and absorbed (probably to better advantage for me than in any library or indoor room it makes such difference where you read), Shakspere, Ossian, the best versions I could get of Homer, Kschylus, Sophocles, the old German Nibehmgen, the ancient Hindoo poems and one or two "HOW 2 MADE A BOOK" 131 other masterpieces, Dante s among them. As it happened, I read the latter mostly in an old wood. The Iliad (Buckley s prose version) I read first thoroughly on the peninsula of Orient, Northeast end of Long Island, in a sheltered hollow of rocks and sand, with the sea on. each bide. I have wondered since why I was not overwhelmed by those mighty masters. Likely because I read them, as described, in the full presence of nature, under the sun, with the far-spreading landscape and vistas, or the sea rolling in. Toward the last I had among much else look d over Kdgar Poe s poems of which I was not an admirer, tho I always saw that beyond their limited range of melody (like perpetual chimes of music bells, ringing from lower b flat up to g) they were expressions, and perhaps never excelled ones, of certain pronounced phases of human morbidity. (The Poetic area is very spacious has so many mansions !) Hut I was repaid in Poe s prose by the idea that (at any rate for our occasion, our day) there can be no such thing as a long poem. The same thought had baen haunting my mind before, but Poe s argument, though short, work d the sum out and proved it to me. Another point had an early settlement, clearing the ground greatly. I saw, from the time my enterprise and questionings positively shaped themselves (how best can I express my own era and surroundings, America, Demo cracy ?) that the trunk and centre whence the answer was to radiate, and to which all should return from straying however far a distance, must be an identical body and soul, a Personality which personality, after many consider ations and ponderings I deliberately settled should be myself indeed could not be any other. I felt strongly (whether 1 have shown it or not) that to the true and full 132 "HOW 2 MADE estimate of the Present, both the Past and the Future are main considerations. These, however, and much more might have gone on and come to naught (almost positively would have come to naught) if a sudden, vast, terrible, direct and indirect stimulus for new and national poetic expression had not been given to me. It is certain, I say, that, although I had made a start before, only from the occurrence of the Seces sion War, and what it show d me by flashes of lightning, with the emotional depths it sounded and arous d (of course, I don t mean in my own heart only, I saw it just as plainly in others, in millions) that only from the strong flare and provocation of that war s sights and scenes, the final reasons-for-being of an autochthonic American song definitely came forth. I went down to the war field in Virginia (end of 1862), lived thenceforward in camp saw great battles and the days and nights afterward all the fluctuations, gloom, despair, hopes again arous d, courage evoked death readily risk d the cause^ too along and filling those agonistic and lurid years, 1863-4-5 the real parturition years (more than 1776-83) of this henceforth homogeneous Union. Without those three or four years, my " Leaves of Grass/ as they stand, would not now be existing. But I set out with the intention also of indicating or hint ing some point-characteristics which I since see (though 1 did not then, at least not definitely) were bases and urgings toward those " Leaves " from the first. The word I myself put primarily for the description of them is the word Sug- gestiveness. I round and finish little, if anything ; and could not, consistently with my scheme. The reader will always have his or her part to do, just as much as I have had mine. .1 seek less to state or display any theme or " HO W I MADE A BOOK" 133 thought, and more to bring you, reader, into the atmos phere of the theme or thought there to pursue your own flight. Another impetus-word is Comradeship as for all lands, and in a more commanding and acknowledged sense than hitherto. Other word-signs would be Good Cheer, Content and Hope. The chief trait of any given poet is always the spirit he brings to the observation of humanity and Nature the mood out of which he contemplates his subjects. What kind of temper and what amount of faith report these things ? Up to how recent a date is the song carried ? What the equipment, and special raciness of the singer what his tinge of coloring ? The last value of artistic expressers, past and present Greek aesthetes, Shakspere, or in our own day Tennyson, Victor Hugo, Carlyle, Emerson is certainly involved in such questions. I say the profoundest service that poems or any other writings can do for their reader is not merely to satisfy the intellect or supply something polished and interesting, nor even to depict great passions, or persons or events, but to fill him with vigorous and clean manliness, religiousness, and give him good heart as a radical possession and habit. The educated world seems to have been growing more and more ennuyed for ages, leaving to our time the inheritance of it all. Fortunately there is the original inexhaustible fund of buoyancy, normally resident in the race, forever eligible to be appealed to and relied on. As for native American individuality, though certain to contain on a large scale the distinctive and ideal type of Western character (as consistent with the operative political and even money-making features of United States humanity in the Nineteenth Century as chosen knights, gentlemen and warriors were the ideals of the centuries of European T 3 4 "HOW I MADE A BOOK? feudalism) it has not yet appear d. I have allowed the stress of my poems from beginning to end to bear upon American individuality and assist it (not only because that is a great lesson in Nature, amid all her generalizing laws, but as counterpoise to the levelling tendencies of Democracy and for other reasons. Defiant of ostensible literary and other conventions I avowedly chant "the great pride of man in himself," and permit it to be more or less a motif of nearly all my verse. I think this pride indispensable to an American. I think it not inconsistent with obedience, humility, deference and self-questioning. Democracy has been so retarded and jeopardized by powerful personalities that its first instincts are fain to clip, conform, bring in stragglers and reduce everything to a dead level. While the ambitious thought of my song is to help the forming of a great aggregate nation, it is, perhaps, altogether through the forming of myriads of fully developed and enclosing individuals. Welcome as are equality s and fraternity s doctrines and popular education, a certain liability accompanies them all, as we see. That primal and interior something in man, in his soul s abysms, coloring all, and, by exceptional fruitions, giving the last majesty to him something continually touched upon and attained by the old poems and ballads of feudalism and often the principal foundation of them modern science and democracy appear to be endangering, perhaps eliminating. The new influences, upon the whole, are surely preparing the way for grander individualities than ever. To-day and here, personal force is behind everything, just the same. The times and depictions from the Iliad to Shakspere inclusive can happily never again be realized but the elements of courageous and lofty manhood are unchanged. " nOW I MADE A KOOK." 135 Thus the working-man and working woman were to be in my pages from first to last. The ranges of heroism and loftiness with which Greek and feudal poets endowed their god-like or lordly born characters indeed prouder and better based and with fuller ranges than those I was to endow the democratic averages of America s men and women. I was to show that we, here and to-day, are eligible to the grandest and the best more eligible now than any times of old were. I will also want my utterances (I said to myself before beginning) to be in spirit the poems of the morning. They were founded and mainly written in the sunny forenoon and early midday of my life. I will want them to be the poems of women entirely as much as men. I have wished to put the complete union of the states in my songs without any partiality whatever. Hence forth, if they live and are read, it must be just as much South as North just as much along the Pacific as Atlantic in the valley of the Mississippi, in Canada, up in Maine, down in Texas and on the shores of Puget Sound. From another point of view " Leaves of Grass " is avowedly the song of Sex and Animality though meanings that do not usually go along with those words are behind all, and will duly emerge ; and all are sought to be lifted into a different light and atmosphere. Of this feature, intentionally palpable in a few lines, I shall only say the espousing principle of those few lines so gives breath of life to my whole scheme that the bulk of the pieces might as well have been left unwritten were those lines omitted. Difficult as it will be, it has become, in my opinion, im perative to achieve a shifted attitude from superior men and women towards the thought and fact of sexuality, as an element in character, personality, the emotions, and a theme in literature. I am not going to argue the question by 136 " HO W 1 MADE A BOOK." itself; it does not stand by itself. The vitality of it is altogether in its relations, bearings, significance like the clef of a symphony. At last analogy the lines I allude to and the spirit in which they are spoken permeate all " Leaves of Grass," and the work must stand or fall with them, as the identified human body and soul must remain as an entirety. Universal as are certain facts and symptoms of communi ties or individuals all times, there is nothing so rare in modern conventions and poetry as their normal recognizance. Literature is always calling in the doctor for consultation and confession, and always giving evasions and swathing suppressions in place of that "heroic nudity" ("Nineteenth Century," July, 1883) on which only a genuine diagnosis of serious cases can be built. And in respect to editions of "Leaves of Grass" in time to come (if there should be such) I take occasion now to confirm those lines with the settled convictions and deliberate renewals of thirty years, and to hereby prohibit, as far as word of mine can do so, any elision of them. Then still a purpose enclosing all, and over and beneath all. Ever since what might be called thought, or the bud ding of thought, fairly began in my youthful mind I had had a desire to attempt some worthy record of that entire faith and acceptance ("to justify the ways of God to man" is Milton s well-known and ambitious phrase) which is the foundation of moral America. I felt it all as positively then in my young days as I do now in my old ones. To formulate a poem whose every line should directly or indirectly be an implicit belief in the wisdom, health, mystery, beauty of every process, every concrete object, every human or other existence, not only considered from the point of view of all, but of each. While I can not 11 HOW I MADE A BOOK." 137 understand it or argue it out, I fully believe in each clue and purpose in Nature, entire and several ; and that in visible spiritual results, just as real and definite as the visible, eventuate all concrete life and all materialism, through Time. The book ought to emanate buoyancy and gladness, too, for it was grown out of those elements and has been the comfort of my life since it was originally com menced. I should be willing to jaunt the whole life over again, with all its worldly failures and serious detriments, deficiencies and denials, to get the happiness of retraveling that part of the road. One genesis-motive of the verses was my conviction that the crowning growth of the United States is to be spiritual and heroic. To help start and favor that growth or even to call attention to it, or the need of it is the beginning, middle and final purpose of " Leaves of Grass." In fact, when really ciphered out and summed to the last, plowing up in earnest the interminable average fallows of humanity, not " good government " merely, in the common sense, is the justification and main purpose of these States. Isolated advantages in any rank or grace or fortune the direct or indirect threads of all the poetry of the past are in my opinion distasteful to the republican genius, and offer no foundation for its fitting verse. Established poems, I know, have the very great advantage of chanting the already performed, so full of glories, reminiscences dear to the minds of men. But my volume is a candidate for the future. "All original art," says Taine, anyhow, "is self- regulated, and no original art can be regulated from with out ; it carries its own counterpoise and does not receive it from elsewhere lives on its own blood " a solace to my frequent bruises and sulky vanity. As the present is perhaps mainly an attempt at personal 1 38 " HO W I. MA DE A statement or illustration, I will allow myself as further help to extract the following anecdote from a book, " Annals of Old Painters," conned by me in youth. Rubens, the Flemish painter, in one of his wanderings through the galleries of old convents, came across a singular work. After looking at it thoughtfully for a good while, and listening to the criticisms of his suite of students, he said to the latter, in answer to their questions (as to what school the work implied or belonged, etc.) : " I do not believe the artist, unknown and perhaps no longer living, who has given the world this legacy ever belonged to any school, or even painted anything but this one picture, which is a personal affair a piece out of a man s life." No one will get at my verses who insists upon viewing them as a literary performance, or attempt at such per formance, or as aiming mainly toward art or sestheticism. I hope to go on record for something different something better, if I may dare to say so. If I rested " Leaves ol Grass " on the usual claims if I did not feel that the deepest moral, social, political purposes of America (aye, of the modern world,) are the underlying endeavors at least of my pages ; that the geography and hydrography of this continent, the Prairies, the St. Lawrence, Ohio, the Carolinas, Texas, Missouri are the real current concrete 1 should not dare to have them put in type and printed and offered for sale. I say no land or people or circumstances ever existed so needing a race of singers and poems differing from all others and rigidly their own as the land and people and circum stances of our United States need such singers and poems to-day and for the future. Still further, as long as the States continue to absorb and be domiciled by the poetry of the Old World and to remain unsupplied with autochthonous " HOW I MADE A LOOK? 139 song, to express, vitalize and give color to and define their material and political success and minister to them dis tinctively, so long will they- stop short of first-class nationality and remain defective. I conclude with two items for the imaginative genius of the West, when it worthily rises First, what Herder taught to the young Goethe, that really great poetry is always (like the Homeric or Biblical canticles) the result of a national spirit, and not the privilege of a polished and select few ; second, that the strongest and sweetest songs yet remain to he sunsf. FIVE THOUSAND POEMS. THERE have been collected in a cluster nearly five thousand big and little American poems all that diligent and long-continued research could lay hands on ! The author of Old Grimes is Dead commenced it, more than fifty years ago ; then the cluster was passed on and accumulated by C. F. Harris ; then further passed on and added to by the late Senator Anthony, from whom the whole collection has been bequeathed to Brown University. A catalogue (such as it is) has been made and published of these five thousand poems and is probably the most curious and suggestive part of the whole affair. At any rate it has led me to some abstract reflections like the following. I should like, for myself, to put on record my devout ac knowledgment not only of the great masterpieces of the past, but of the benefit of all poets, past and present, and of all poetic utterance in its entirety the dominant moral factor of humanity s progress. In view of that progress and of evolution, the religious and aesthetic elements, the dis tinctive and most important of any, seem to me more indebted to poetry than to all other means and influences combined. In a very profound sense religion is the poetry of humanity. Then the points of union and rapport among all the poems and poets of the world, however wide their FIVE THOUSAND POEMS. 141 separations of time and place and theme, are much more numerous and weighty than the points of contrast. With out relation as they may seem at first sight, the whole earth s poets and poetry en masse the Oriental, the Greek, and what there is of Roman the oldest myths the interminable ballad-romances of the Middle Ages the hymns and psalms of worship the epics, plays, swarms of lyrics of the British Islands, or the Teutonic old or new or modern French or what there is in America, Bryant s, for instance, or Whittier s or Longfellow s the verse of all tongues and ages, all forms, all subjects from primitive times to our own day inclusive really combine in one aggregate and electric globe or universe, with all its number less parts and radiations, held together by a common centre or verteber. To repeat it, all poetry thus has (to the point of view comprehensive enough) more features of resem blance than difference, and becomes essentially, like the planetary globe itself, compact and orbic and whole. Even science has sometimes to vail or bow her majestic head to her imaginative sister. That there should be a good deal of waste land and many sterile spots is doubtless an inher ent necessity of the case perhaps that the greater part of the rondure should be waste (at least until brought out, discovered). Nature seems to sow countless seeds makes incessant crude attempts thankful to get now and then, even at rare and long intervals, something approximately good. NOTES LEFT OVER. NATIONALITY (AND YET.) IT is more and more clear to me that the main sustenance for highest separate personality, these States, is to come from that general sustenance of the aggregate, (as air, earth, rains, give sustenance to a tree) and that such personality, by democratic standards, will only be fully coherent, grand and free, through the cohesion, grandeur and freedom of the common aggregate, the Union. Thus the existence of the true American continental solidarity of the future, depending on myriads of superb, large-sized, emotional and physically perfect individualities, of one sex- just as much as the other, the supply of such individualities, in my opinion, wholly depends on a compacted imperial ensemble. The theory and practice of both sovereignties, contradictory as they are, are necessary. As the centripetal law were fatal alone, or the centrifugal law deadly and destructive alone, but together forming the law of eternal kosmical action, evolution, preservation, and life so, by itself alone, the fullness of individuality, even the sanest, would surely destroy itself. This is what makes the import ance to the identities of these States of the thoroughly fused, relentless, dominating Union a moral and spiritual idea, subjecting all the parts with remorseless power, more needed by American democracy than by any of history s NOTES LEFT VER. \ 43 hitherto empires or feudalities, and the sine qua non of carrying out the republican principle to develop itself in the New World through hundreds, thousands of years to come. Indeed, what most needs fostering through the hundred years to come, in all parts of the United States, north, south, Mississippi valley, and Atlantic and Pacific coasts, is this fused and fervent identity of the individual, whoever he or she may be, and wherever the place, with the idea and fact of AMERICAN TOTALITY, and with what is meant by the Flag, the stars and stripes. We need this conviction of nationality as a faith, to be absorb d in the blood and belief of the people everywhere, south, north, west, east, to emanate in their life, and in native literature and art We want the germinal idea that America, inheritor of the past, is the custodian of the future of humanity. Judging from history, it is some such moral and spiritual ideas appropriate to them, (and such ideas only,) that have made the pro found est glory and endurance of nations in the past. The races of Judea, the classic clusters of Greece and Rome, and the feudal and ecclesiastical clusters of the Middle Ages, were each and all vitalized by their separate distinc tive ideas, ingrain d in them, redeeming many sins, and indeed, in a sense, the principal reason-why for their whole career. Then, in the thought of nationality especially for the United States, and making them original, and different from all other countries, another point ever remains to be con sidered. There are two distinct principles aye, paradoxes at the life-fountain and life-continuation of the States ; one, the sacred principle of the Union, the right of ensemble, at whatever sacrifice and yet another, an equally sacred principle, the right of each State, consider d as a separate sovereign individual, in its own sphere. Some 144 NOTES LEFT OVER. go zealously for one set of these rights, and some as zeal ously for the other set. We must have both ; or rather, bred out of them, as out of mother and father, a third set, the perennial result and combination of both, and neither jeopardized. I say the loss or abdication of one set, in the future, will be ruin to democracy just as much as the loss of the other set. The problem is, to harmoniously adjust the two, and the play of the two. [Observe the lesson of the divinity of Nature, ever checking the excess of one law, by an opposite, or seemingly opposite law generally the other side of the same law.] For the theory of this Republic is, not that the General government is the fountain of all life and power, dispensing it forth, around, and to the remotest portions of our territory, but that THE PEOPLE are, represented in both, underlying both the General and State governments, and consider d just as well in their individualities and in their separate aggregates, or States, as consider d in one vast aggregate, the Union. This was the original dual theory and foundation of the United States, as distinguish d from the feudal and eccle siastical single idea of monarchies and papacies, and the divine right of kings. (Kings have been of use, hitherto, as representing the idea of the identity of nations. But, to American democracy, both ideas must be fulfill d, and in my opinion the loss of vitality of either one will indeed be the loss of vitality of the other.) EMERSON S BOOKS, (THE SHADOWS OF THEM.) In the regions we call Nature, towering beyond all measurement, with infinite spread, infinite depth and height in those regions, including Man, socially and historically, with his moral-emotional influences how small NOTES LEFT OVER. 145 a part, (it came in my mind to-day,) has literature really depicted even summing up all of it, all ages. Seems at its best some little fleet of boats, hugging the shores of a boundless sea, and never venturing, exploring the unmapp d never, Columbus-like, sailing out for New Worlds, and to complete the orb s rondure. Emerson writes frequently in the atmosphere of this thought-, and his books report one or two things from that very ocean and air, and more legibly address d to our age and American polity than by any man yet. But I will begin by scarifying him thus proving that I am not insensible to his deepest lessons. I will consider his books from a democratic and western point of view. I will specify the shadows on these sunny expanses. Somebody has said of heroic character that " wherever the tallest peaks are present, must inevitably be deep chasms and valleys." Mine be the ungracious task (for reasons) of leaving unmention d both sunny expanses and sky-reaching heights, to dwell on the bare spots and darknesses. I have a theory that no artist or work of the very first class may be or can be without them. First, then, these pages are perhaps too perfect, too con centrated. (How good, for instance, is good butter, good sugar. But to be eating nothing but sugar and butter all the time ! even if ever so good.) And though the author has much to say of freedom and wildness and simplicity and spontaneity, no performance was ever more based on artificial scholarships and decorums at third or fourth removes, (he calls it culture,) and built up from them. It is always a make t never an unconscious growth. It is the porcelain figure or statuette of lion, or stag, or Indian hunter and a very choice statuette too appropriate for the rosewood or marble bracket of parlor or library ; never the animal itself, or the hunter himself. Indeed, who wants 10 146 NOTES LEFT OVER. the real animal or hunter ? What would that do amid astral and bric-a-brac and tapestry, and ladies and gentlemen talk ing in subdued tones of Browning and Longfellow and art ? The least suspicion of such actual bull, or Indian, or of Nature carrying out itself, would put all those good people to instant terror and flight. Emerson, in my opinion, is not most eminent as poet or artist or teacher, though valuable in all those. He is best as critic, or diagnoser. Not passion or imagination or warp or weakness, or any pronounced cause or specialty, dominates him. Cold and bloodless intellectuality dom inates him. (I know the fires, emotions, love, egotisms, glow deep, perennial, as in all New Englanders but the fagade hides them well they give no sign.) He does not see or take one side, one presentation only or mainly, (as all the poets, or most of the fine writers anyhow) he sees all sides. His final influence is to make his students cease to worship anything almost cease to believe in anything, outside of themselves. These books will fill, and well fill, certain stretches of life, certain stages of development are, (like the tenets or theology the author of them preach d when a young man,) unspeakably serviceable and precious as a stage. But in old or nervous or solemnest or dying hours, when one needs the impalpably soothing and vitaliz ing influences of abysmic Nature, or its affinities in litera ture or human society, and the soul resents the keenest mere intellection, they will not be sought for. For a philosopher, Emerson possesses a singularly dandified theory of manners. He seems to have no notion at all that manners are simply the signs by which the chemist or metallurgist knows his metals. To the profound scientist, all metals are profound, as they really are. The little one, like the conventional world, will make much NOTES LEFT OVER. 147 of gold and silver only. Then to the real artist in humanity, what are called bad manners are often the most picturesque and significant of all. Suppose these books becoming absorb d, the permanent chyle of American general and particular character what a well-wash d and grammatical, but bloodless and helpless, race we should turn out ! No, no, dear friend ; though the States want scholars, undoubtedly, and perhaps want ladies and gentle men who use the bath frequently, and never laugh loud, or talk wrong, they don t want scholars, or ladies and gentle men, at the expense of all the rest. They want good farmers, sailors, mechanics, clerks, citizens perfect busi ness and social relations perfect fathers and mothers. If we could only have these, or their approximations, plenty of them, fine and large and sane and generous and patriotic, they might make their verbs disagree from their nominatives, and laugh like volleys of musketeers, if they should please. Of course these are not all America wants, but they are first of all to be provided on a large scale. And, with tremendous errors and escapades, this, sub stantially, is what the States seem to have an intuition of, and to be mainly aiming at. The plan of a select class, superfined, (demarcated from the rest,) the plan of Old World lands and literatures, is not so objectionable in itself, but because it chokes the true plan for us, and indeed is death to it. As to such special class, the United States can never produce any equal to the splendid show, (far, far beyond comparison or competition here,) of the principal European nations, both in the past and at the present day. But an immense and distinctive commonalty over our vast and varied area, west and east, south and north in fact, for the first time in history, a great, aggregated, real PEOPLE, worthy the name, and made of develop d heroic 148 NOTES LEFT OVER. individuals, both sexes is America s principal, perhaps only, reason for being. If ever accomplish d, it will be at least as much, (I lately think, doubly as much,) the result of fitting and democratic sociologies, literatures and arts if we ever get them as of our democratic politics. At times it has been doubtful to me if Emerson really knows or feels what Poetry is at its highest, as in the Bible, for instance, or Homer or Shakspere. I see he covertly or plainly likes best superb verbal polish, or something old or odd Waller s "Go, lovely rose," or Lovelace s lines "to Lucusta " the quaint conceits of the old French bards, and the like. Of power he seems to have a gentleman s admir ation but in his inmost heart the grandest attribute of God and Poets is always subordinate to the octaves, con ceits, polite kinks, and verbs. The reminiscence that years ago I began like most youngsters to have a touch (though it came late, and was only on the surface) of Emerson-on-the-brain that I read his writings reverently, and address d him in print as " Master," and for a month or so thought of him as such I retain not only with composure, but positive satisfaction. I have noticed that most young people of eager minds pass through this stage of exercise. The best part of Emersonianism is, it breeds the giant that destroys itself. Who wants to be any man s mere follower? lurks behind every page. No teacher ever taught, that has so provided for his pupil s setting up independently no truer evolutionist. VENTURES, ON AN OLD THEME. A DIALOGUE One party says We arrange our lives even the best and boldest men and women that exist, just NOTES LEFT OVER. 149 as much as the most limited with reference to what society conventionally rules and makes right. We retire to our rooms for freedom ; to undress, bathe, unloose everything in freedom. These, and much else, would not be proper in society. Other party answers Such is the rule of society. Not always so, and considerable exceptions still exist. How ever, it must be called the general rule, sanction d by immemorial usage, and will probably always remain so. First party Why, not, then, respect it in your poems ? Answer One reason, and to me a profound one, is that the soul of a man or woman demands, enjoys compensa tion in the highest directions for this very restraint of himself or herself, level d to the average, or rather mean, low, however eternally practical, requirements of society s intercourse. To balance this indispensable abnegation, the free minds of poets relieve themselves, and strengthen and enrich mankind with free flights in all the directions not tolerated by ordinary society. First parly But must not outrage or give offence to it. Answer No, not in the deepest sense and do not, and cannot. The vast averages of time and the race en masse settle these things. Only understand that the conventional standards and laws proper enough for ordinary society apply neither to the action of the soul, nor its poets. In fact the latter know no laws but the laws of themselves, planted in them by God, and are themselves the last standards of the law, and its final exponents responsible to Him directly, and not at all to mere etiquette. Often the best service that can be done to the race, is to lift the veil, at least for a time, from these rules and fossil-etiquettes. NEW POETRY California, Canada, Texas In my opinion the time has arrived to essentially break down the ISO NO TES LEFT O VER. barriers of form between prose and poetry. I say the latter is henceforth to win and maintain its character regardless of rhyme, and the measurement-rules of iambic, spondee, dactyl, &c., and that even if rhyme and those measurements continue to furnish the medium for inferior writers and themes, (especially for persiflage and the comic, as there seems henceforward, to the perfect taste, some thing inevitably comic in rhyme, merely in itself, and any how,) the truest and greatest Poetry, (while subtly and necessarily always rhythmic, and distinguishable easily enough,) can never again, in the English language, be ex- press d in arbitrary and rhyming metre, any more than the greatest eloquence, or the truest power and passion. While admitting that the venerable and heavenly forms of chiming versification have in their time play d great and fitting parts that the pensive complaint, the ballads, wars, amours, legends of Europe, &c., have, many of them, been inimitably render d in rhyming verse that there have been very illustrious poets whose shapes the mantle of such verse has beautifully and appropriately envelopt and though the mantle has fallen, with perhaps added beauty, on some of our own age it is, notwithstanding, certain to me, that the day of such conventional rhyme is ended. In America, at any rate, and as a medium of highest aesthetic practical or spiritual expression, present or future, it palpably fails, and must fail, to serve. The Muse of the Prairies, of California, Canada, Texas, and of the peaks of Colorado, dismissing the literary, as well as social etiquette of over-sea feudalism and caste, joyfully enlarging, adapting itself to comprehend the size of the whole people, with the free play, emotions, pride, passions, experiences, that belong to them, body and soul to the general globe, and all its relations in astronomy, as the savans portray them to us to the modern, the busy NO TES LEFT O VER. 1 5 * Nineteenth century, (as grandly poetic as any, only different,) with steamships, railroads, factories, electric telegraphs, cylinder presses to the thought of the solidarity of nations, the brotherhood and sisterhood of the entire earth to the dignity and heroism of the practical labor of farms, factories, foundries, workshops, mines, or on shipboard, or on lakes and rivers resumes that other medium of expression, more flexible, more eligible soars to the freer, vast, diviner heaven of prose. Of poems of the third or fourth class, (perhaps even some of the second,) it makes little or no difference who writes them they are good enough for what they are ; nor is it necessary that they should be actual emanations from the personality and life of the writers. The very reverse some times gives piquancy. But poems of the first class, (poems of the depth, as distinguished from those of the surface,) are to be sternly tallied with the poets themselves, and tried by them and their lives. Who wants a glorification of courage and manly defiance from a coward or a sneak ? a ballad of benevolence or chastity from some rhyming hunks, or lascivious, glib roue ? In these States, beyond all precedent, poetry will have to do with actual facts, with the concrete States, and for we have not much more than begun with the definitive getting into shape of the Union. Indeed I sometimes think // alone is to define the Union, (namely, to give it artistic character, spirituality, dignity.) What American humanity is most in danger of is an overwhelming prosperity, " business " worldliness, materialism : what is most lacking, east, west, north, south, is a fervid and glowing Nationality and patriotism, cohering all the parts into one. Who may fend that danger, and fill that lack in the future, but a class of loftiest poets ? 152 NOTES LEFT OVER. If the United States havn t grown poets, on any scale of grandeur, it is certain they import, print, and read more poetry than any equal number of people elsewhere probably more than all the rest of the world combined. Poetry (like a grand personality) is a growth of many generations many rare combinations. To have great poets, there must be great audiences, too. BRITISH LITERATURE. To avoid mistake, I would say that I not only commend the study of this literature, but wish our sources of supply and comparison vastly enlarged. American students may well derive from all former lands from forenoon Greece and Rome, down to the perturb d medieval times, the Crusades, and so to Italy, the German intellect all the older literatures, and all the newer ones from witty and warlike France, and markedly, and in many ways, and at many different periods, from the enterprise and soul of the great Spanish race bearing ourselves always courteous, always deferential, indebted beyond measure to the mother- world, to all its nations dead, as all its nations living the offspring, this America of ours, the daughter, not by any means of the British isles exclusively, but of the continent, and all continents. Indeed, it is time we should realize and fully fructify those germs we also hold from Italy, France, Spain, especially in the best imaginative produc tions of those lands, which are, in many ways, loftier and subtler than the English, or British, and indispensable to complete our service, proportions, education, reminiscences, &c. . . . The British element these States hold, and have always held, enormously beyond its fit proportions. I have already spoken of Shakspere. He seems to me of astral NO TES LEFT O VER. 1 5 3 genius, first class, entirely fit for feudalism. His contribu tions, especially to the literature of the passions, are immense, forever dear to humanity and his name is always to be reverenced in America. But there is much in him ever offensive to democracy. He is not only the tally of feudalism, but I should say Shakspere is incarnated, uncom promising feudalism, in literature. Then one seems to detect something in him I hardly know how to describe it even amid the dazzle of his genius ; and, in inferior manifestations, it is found in nearly all leading British authors. (Perhaps we will have to import the words Snob, Snobbish, &c., after all.) While of the great poems of Asian antiquity, the Indian epics, the book of Job, the Ionian Iliad, the unsurpassedly simple, loving, perfect idyls of the life and death of Christ, in the New Testament, (indeed Homer and the Biblical utterances intertwine familiarly with us, in the main,) and along down, of most of the characteristic, imaginative or romantic relics ot the continent, as the Cid, Cervantes Don Quixote, &c., I should say they substantially adjust themselves to us, and, far off as they are, accord curiously with our bed and board to day, in New York, Washington, Canada, Ohio, Texas, California and with our notions, both of seriousness and of fun, and our standards of heroism, manliness, and even the democratic requirements those requirements are not only not fulfilled in the Shaksperian productions, but are insulted on every page. I add that while England is among the greatest of lands in political freedom, or the idea of it, and in stalwart personal character, &c. the spirit of English literature is not great, at least is not greatest and its products are no models for us. With the exception of Shakspere, there is no first-class genius in that literature which, with a truly vast i54 NOTES LEFT OVER. amount of value, and of artificial beauty, (largely from the classics,) is almost always material, sensual, not spiritual almost always congests, makes plethoric, not frees, expands, dilates is cold, anti-democratic, loves to be sluggish and stately, and shows much of that characteristic of vulgar persons, the dread of saying or doing something not at all improper in itself, but unconventional, and that may be laugh d at. In its best, the sombre pervades it ; it is moody, melancholy, and, to give it its due, expresses, in characters and plots, those qualities, in an unrival d manner. Yet not as the black thunderstorms, and in great normal, crashing passions, of the Greek dramatists clearing the air, refreshing afterward, bracing with power ; but as in Hamlet, moping, sick, uncertain, and leaving ever after a secret taste for the blues, the morbid fascination, the luxury of wo. . . . I strongly recommend all the young men and young women of the United States to whom it may be eligible, to overhaul the well-freighted fleets, the literatures of Italy, Spain, France, Germany, so full of those elements of freedom, self-possession, gay-heartedness, subtlety, dilation, needed in preparations for the future of the States. I only wish we could have really good translations. I rejoice at the feeling for Oriental researches and poetry, and hope it will go on. DARWINISM (THEN FURTHERMORE.) Running through prehistoric ages coming down from them into the daybreak of our records, founding theology, suffusing literature, and so brought onward (a sort of verteber and marrow to all the antique races and lands, Egypt, India, Greece, Rome, the Chinese, the Jews, &c., NOTES LEFT OVER. 155 and giving cast and complexion to their art, poems, and their politics as well as ecclesiasticism, all of which we more or less inherit,) appear those venerable claims to origin from God himself, or from gods and goddesses ancestry from divine beings of vaster beauty, size, and power than ours. But in current and latest times, the theory of human origin that seems to have most made its mark, (curiously reversing the antique,) is that we have come on, originated, developt, from monkeys, baboons a theory more significant perhaps in its indirections, or what it necessitates, than it is even in itself. (Of the twain, far apart as they seem, and angrily as their conflicting advocates to-day oppose each other, are not both theories to be possibly reconciled, and even blended ? Can we, indeed, spare either of them ? Better still, out of them is not a third theory, the real one, or suggesting the real one, to arise ?) Of this old theory, evolution, as broach d anew, trebled, with indeed all-devouring claims, by Darwin, it has so much in it, and is so needed as a counterpoise to yet widely prevailing and unspeakably tenacious, enfeebling super stitions is fused, by the new man, into such grand, modest, truly scientific accompaniments that the world of eru dition, both moral and physical, cannot but be eventually better d and broaden d in its speculations, from the advent of Darwinism. Nevertheless, the problem of origins, human and other, is not the least whit nearer its solution. In due time the Evolution theory will have to abate its vehemence, cannot be allow d to dominate every thing else, and will have to take its place as a segment of the circle, the cluster as but one of many theories, many thoughts, of profoundest value and re-adjusting and differentiating much, yet leaving the divine secrets just as inexplicable and un reach able as before may-be more so. 156 NOTES LEFT OVER. Then furthermore What is finally to be done by priest or poet and by priest or poet only amid all the stupendous and dazzling novelties of our century, with the advent of America, and of science and democracy remains just as indispensable, after all the work of the grand astronomers, chemists, linguists, historians, and explorers of the last hundred years and the wondrous German and other metaphysicians of that time and will continue to remain, needed, America and here, just the same as in the world of Europe, or Asia, of a hundred, or a thousand, or several thousand years ago. I think indeed more needed, to furnish statements from the present points, the added arriere, and the unspeakably immenser vistas of to-day. Only the priests and poets of the modern, at least as exalted as any in the past, fully absorbing and appreciating the results of the past, in the commonalty of all humanity, all time, (the main results already, for there is perhaps nothing more, or at any rate not much, strictly new, only more important modern- combinations, and new relative adjust ments,) must indeed recast the old metal, the already achiev d material, into and through new moulds, current forms. Meantime, the highest and subtlest and broadest truths of modern science wait for their true assignment and last vivid flashes of light as Democracy waits for it s through first-class metaphysicians and speculative philosophs laying the basements and foundations for those new, more expanded, more harmonious, more melodious, freer American poems. "SOCIETY." I have myself little or no hope from what is technically called "Society" in our American cities. New York, of NOTES LEFT OVER. 157 which place I have spoken so sharply, still promises some thing, in time, out of its tremendous and varied materials, with a certain superiority of intuitions, and the advantage of constant agitation, and ever new and rapid dealings of the cards. Of Boston, with its circles of social mummies, swathed in cerements harder than brass its bloodless religion, (Unitarianism,) its complacent vanity of scientism and literature, lots of grammatical correctness, mere knowledge, (always wearisome, in itself) its zealous abstractions, ghosts of reforms I should say, (ever admitting its business powers, its sharp, almost demoniac, intellect, and no lack, in its own way, of courage and generosity) there is, at present, little of cheering, satisfying sign. In the West, California, &c., " society " is yet unform d, puerile, seemingly unconscious of anything above a driving business, or to liberally spend the money made by it, in the usual rounds and shows. Then there is, to the humorous observer of American attempts at fashion, according to the models of foreign courts and saloons, quite a comic side particularly visible at Washington city a sort of high-life-below-stairs business. As if any farce could be funnier, for instance, than the scenes of the crowds, winter nights, meandering around our Presidents and their wives, cabinet officers, western or other Senators, Representatives, &c. ; born of good laboring me chanic or farmer stock and antecedents, attempting tljose full-dress receptions, finesse of parlors, foreign ceremonies, etiquettes, &c. Indeed, consider d with any sense of propriety, or any sense at all, the whole of this illy-play d fashionable play and display, with their absorption of the best part of our wealthier citizens time, money, energies, &c., is ridiculously out of place in the United States. As if our proper man 158 NOTES LEFT OVER. and woman, (far, far greater words than " gentleman" and "lady,") could still fail to see, and presently achieve, not this spectral business, but something truly noble, active, sane, American by modes, perfections of character, manners, costumes, social relations, &c., adjusted to standards, far, far different from those. Eminent and liberal foreigners, British or continental, must at times have their faith fearfully tried by what they see of our New World personalities. The shallowest and least American persons seem surest to push abroad, and call without fail on well-known foreigners, who are doubtless affected with indescribable qualms by these queer ones. Then, more than half of our authors and writers evidently think it a great thing to be aristocratic," and sneer at pro gress, democracy, revolution, &c. If some international literary snobs gallery were establish d, it is certain that America could contribute at least her full share of the portraits, and some very distinguish d ones. Observe that the most impudent slanders, low insults, &c., on the great revolutionary authors, leaders, poets, &c., of Europe, have their origin and main circulation in certain circles here. The treatment of Victor Hugo living, and Byron dead, are samples. Both deserving so well of America, and both per sistently attempted to be soil d here by unclean birds, male and female. Meanwhile I must still offset the like of the foregoing, and all it infers, by the recognition of the fact, that while the surfaces of current society here show so much that is dismal, noisome, and vapory, there are, beyond question, inexhaust ible supplies, as of true gold ore, in the mines of America s general humanity. Let us, not ignoring the dross, give fit stress to these precious immortal values also. Let it be distinctly admitted, that whatever may be said of our NOTES LEFT OVER. 159 fashionable society, and of any foul fractions and episodes only here in America, out of the long history and manifold presentations of the ages, has at last arisen, and now stands, what never before took positive form and sway, the People and that view d en masse, and while fully acknowledging deficiencies, dangers, faults, this people, inchoate, latent, not yet come to majority, nor to its own religious, literary, or aesthetic expression, yet affords, to-day, an exultant justifi cation of all the faith, all the hopes and prayers and prophecies of good men through the past the stablest, solidest-based government of the world the most assured in a future the beaming Pharos to whose perennial light all earnest eyes, the world over, are tending and that already, in and from it, the democratic principle, having been mortally tried by severest tests, fatalities of war and peace, now issues from the trial, unharm d, trebly-invigorated, perhaps to commence forthwith its finally triumphant march around the globe. THE TRAMP AND STRIKE QUESTIONS. Part of a Lecture proposed, (never deliver d.) Two grim and spectral dangers dangerous to peace, to health, to social security, to progress long known in con crete to the governments of the Old World, and there eventuating, more than once or twice, in dynastic overturns, bloodshed, days, months, of terror seem of late years to be nearing the New World, nay, to be gradually establishing themselves among us. What mean these phantoms here ? (I personify them in fictitious shapes, but they are very real.) Is the fresh and broad demesne of America destined also to give them foothold and lodgment, permanent domicile ? 1 60 NO TES LEFT O VER. Beneath the whole political world, what most presses and perplexes to-day, sending vastest results affecting the future, is not the abstract question of democracy, but of social and economic organization, the treatment of working-people by employers, and all that goes along with it not only the wages-payment part, but a certain spirit and principle, to vivify anew these relations ; all the questions of progress, strength, tariffs, finance, &c., really evolving themselves more or less directly out of the Poverty Question, ("the Science of Wealth," and a dozen other names are given it, but I prefer the severe one just used.) I will begin by calling the reader s attention to a thought upon the matter which may not have struck you before the wealth of the civilized world, as contrasted with its poverty what does it derivatively stand for, and represent ? A rich person ought to have a strong stomach. As in Europe the wealth of to-day mainly results from, and represents, the rapine, murder, outrages, treachery, hoggishness, of hundreds of years ago, and onward, later, so in America, after the same token (not yet so bad, perhaps, or at any rate not so palpable we have not existed long enough but we seem to be doing our best to make it up.) Curious as it may seem, it is in what are call d the poorest, lowest characters you will sometimes, nay generally, find glints of the most sublime virtues, eligibilities, heroisms. Then it is doubtful whether the State is to be saved, either in the monotonous long run, or in tremendous special crises, by its good people only. When the storm is deadliest, and the disease most imminent, help often comes from strange quarters (the homoeopathic motto, you remember, cure the bite ivith a hair of the same dog.) The American Revolution of 1776 was simply a great strike, successful for its immediate object but whether a NOTES LEFT OVER. 161 real success judged by the scale of the centuries, and the long-striking balance of Time, yet remains to be settled. The French Revolution was absolutely a strike, and a very terrible and relentless one, against ages of bad pay, unjust division of wealth-products, and the hoggish monopoly of a few, rolling in superfluity, against the vast bulk of the work people, living in squalor. If the United States, like the countries of the Old World, are also to grow vast crops of poor, desperate, dissatisfied, nomadic, miserably-waged populations, such as we see looming upon us of late years steadily, even if slowly, eating into them like a cancer of lungs or stomach then our republican experiment, notwithstanding all its surface- successes, is at heart an unhealthy failure. Feb., 79. I saw to-day a sight I had never seen before and it amazed, and made me serious ; three quite good- looking American men, of respectable personal presence, two of them young, carrying chiffonier-bags on their shoulders, and the usual long iron hooks in their hands, plodding along, their eyes cast down, spying for scraps, rags, bones, &c. DEMOCRACY IN THE NEW WORLD, estimated and summ d-up to-day, having thoroughly justified itself the past hundred years, (as far as growth, vitality and power are concern d,) by severest and most varied trials of peace and war, and having establish d itself for good, with all its necessities and benefits, for time to come, is now to be seriously consider d also in its pronounc d and already developt dangers. While the battle was raging, and the result suspended, all defections and criticisms were to be hush d, and everything bent with vehemence unmitigated ii 162 NOTES LEFT OVER. toward the urge of victory. But that victory settled, new responsibilities advance. I can conceive of no better service in the United States, henceforth, by democrats of thorough and heart- felt faith, than boldly exposing the weakness, liabilities and infinite corruptions of democracy. By the unprecedented opening-up of humanity en-masse in the United States, the last hundred years, under our institu tions, not only the good qualities of the race, but just as much the bad ones, are prominently brought forward. Man is about the same, in the main, whether with despotism, or whether with freedom. " The ideal form of human society," Canon Kingsley declares, "is democracy. A nation and were it even possible, a whole world of free men, lifting free foreheads to God and Nature ; calling no man master, for One is their master, even God ; knowing and doing their duties toward the Maker of the universe, and therefore to each other ; not from fear, nor calculation of profit or loss, but because they have seen the beauty of righteousness, and trust, and peace ; because the law of God is in their hearts. Such a nation such a society what nobler conception of moral existence can we form ? Would not that, indeed, be the kingdom of God come on earth ? " To this faith, founded in the ideal, let us hold and never abandon or lose it. Then what a spectacle is practically exhibited by our American democracy to-day ! FOUNDATION STAGES THEN OTHERS. Though I think I fully comprehend the absence of moral tone in our current politics and business, and the almost entire futility of absolute and simple honor as a counterpoise against the enormous greed for worldly wealth, with the NOTES LEFT OVER. 163 trickeries of gaining it, all through society our day, I still do not share the depression and despair on the subject which I find possessing many good people. The advent of America, the history of the past century, has been the first general aperture and opening-up to the average human commonalty, on the broadest scale, of the eligibilities to wealth and worldly success and eminence, and has been fully taken advantage of ; and the example has spread hence, in ripples, to all nations. To these eligibilities to this limitless aper ture, the race has tended, en-masse, roaring and rushing and crude, and fiercely, turbidly hastening and we have seen the first stages, and are now in the midst of the result of it all, so far. But there will certainly ensue other stages, and entirely different ones. In nothing is there more evolution than the American mind. Soon, it will be fully realized that ostensible wealth and money-making, show, luxury, &c., imperatively necessitate something beyond namely, the sane, eternal moral and spiritual-esthetic attributes, elements. (We cannot have even that realization on any less terms than the price we are now paying for it.) Soon, it will be under stood clearly, that the State cannot flourish, (nay, cannot exist,) without those elements. They will gradually enter into the chyle of sociology and literature. They will finally make the blood and brawn of the best American individualities of both sexes and thus, with them, to a certainty, (through these very processes of to-day, ) dominate the New World. GENERAL SUFFRAGE, ELECTIONS, &c. It still remains doubtful to me whether these will ever secure, officially, the best wit and capacity whether, through them, the first-class genius of America will ever personally 1 64 NOTES LEFT O VER. appear in the high political stations, the Presidency, Congress, the leading State offices, &c. Those offices, or the candidacy for them, arranged, won, by caucusing, money, the favoritism or pecuniary interest of rings, the superior manipulation of the ins over the outs, or the outs over the ins, are, indeed, at best, the mere business agencies of the people, are useful as formulating, neither the best and highest, but the average of the public judgment, sense, justice, (or sometimes want of judgment, sense, justice.) We elect Presidents, Congress men &c., not so much to have them consider and decide for us, but as surest practical means of expressing the will of majorities on mooted questions, measures, &c. As to general suffrage, after all, since we have gone so far, the more general it is, the better. I favor the widest opening of the doors. Let the ventilation and area be wide enough, and all is safe. We can never have a born penitentiary-bird, or panel-thief, or lowest gambling-hell or groggery keeper, for President though such may not only emulate, but get, high offices from localities even from the proud and wealthy city of New York. WHO GETS THE PLUNDER? The protectionists are fond of flashing to the public eye the glittering delusion of great money-results from manu factures, mines, artificial exports so many millions from this source, and so many from that such a seductive, unanswer able show an immense revenue of annual cash from iron, cotton, woollen, leather goods, and a hundred other things, all bolstered up by protection." But the really important point of all is, into whose pockets does this plunder really go ? It would be some excuse and satisfaction if even a fair proportion of it went to the masses of laboring-men NOTES LEFT OVER. 165 resulting in homesteads to such, men, women, children myriads of actual homes in fee simple, in every State, (not the false glamour of the stunning wealth reported in the census, in the statistics, or tables in the newspapers,) but a fair division and generous average to those workmen and workwomen that would be something. But the fact itself is nothing of the kind. The profits of "protection" go altogether to a few score select persons who, by favors of Congress, State legislatures, the banks, and other special advantages, are forming a vulgar aristocracy, full as bad as anything in the British or European castes, of blood, or the dynasties there of the past. As Sismondi pointed out, the true prosperity of a nation is not in the great wealth of a special class, but is only to be really attain d in having the bulk of the people provided with homes or land in fee simple. This may not be the best show, but it is the best reality. FRIENDSHIP, (THE REAL ARTICLE.) Though Nature maintains, and must prevail, there will always be plenty of people, and good people, who cannot, or think they cannot, see anything in that last, wisest, most envelop d of proverbs, " Friendship rules the World." Modern society, in its largest Vein, is essentially intellectual, infidelistic secretly admires, and depends most on, pure compulsion or science, its rule and sovereignty is, in short, in "cultivated" quarters, deeply Napoleonic. " Friendship," said Bonaparte, in one of his lightning- flashes of candid garrulity, "Friendship is but a name. I love no one not even my brothers ; Joseph perhaps a little. Still, if I do love him, it is from habit, because he is the eldest of us. Duroc ? Ay, him, if any one, I love in a 166 NOTES LEFT OVER. sort but why ? He suits me ; he is cool, undemonstrative, unfeeling has no weak affections never embraces any one never weeps." I am not sure but the same analogy is to be applied, in cases, often seen, where, with an extra development and acuteness of the intellectual faculties, there is a mark d absence of the spiritual, affectional, and sometimes, though more rarely, the highest aesthetic and moral elements of cognition. LACKS AND WANTS YET. Of most foreign countries, small or large, from the remotest times known, down to our own, each has contri buted after its kind, directly or indirectly, at least one great undying song, to help vitalize and increase the valor, wisdom, and elegance of humanity, from the points of view attain d by it up to date. The stupendous epics of India, the holy Bible itself, the Homeric canticles, the Nibelungen, the Cid Campeador, the Inferno, Shakspere s dramas of the passions and of the feudal lords, Burns s songs, Goethe s in Germany, Tennyson s poems in England, Victor Hugo s in France, and many more, are the widely various yet integral signs or land-marks, (in certain respects the highest set up by the human mind and soul, beyond science, invention, political amelioration, &c.,) narrating in subtlest, best ways, the long, long routes of history, and giving identity to the stages arrived at by aggregate humanity, and the conclusions assumed in its progressive and varied civilizations. , . , Where is America s art-rendering, in any thing like the spirit worthy of herself and the modem, to these character istic immortal monuments ? So far, our Democratic society, (estimating its various strata, in the mass, as one,) possesses nothing nor have we contributed any characteristic music, NOTES LEFT OVER. 167 the finest tie of nationality to make up for that glow ing, blood-throbbing, religious, social, emotional, artistic, indefinable, indescribably beautiful charm and hold which fused the separate parts of the old feudal societies together, in their wonderful interpenetration, in Europe and Asia, of love, belief, and loyalty, running one way like a living weft and picturesque responsibility, duty, and blessedness, running like a warp the other way. (In the Southern States, under slavery, much of the same.) ... In coincidence, and as things now exist in the States, what is more terrible, more alarming, than the total want of any such fusion and mutuality of love, belief, and rapport of interest, between the comparatively few successful rich, and the great masses of the unsuccessful, the poor? As a mixed political and social question, is not this full of dark significance ? Is it not worth considering as a problem and puzzle in our democracy an indispensable want to be supplied ? RULERS STRICTLY OUT OF THE MASSES. In the talk (which I welcome) about the need of men of training, thoroughly school d and experienced men, for statesmen, I would present the following as an offset. It was written by me twenty years ago and has been curiously verified since : I say no body of men are fit to make Presidents, Judges, and Generals, unless they themselves supply the best speci mens of the same ; and that supplying one or two such specimens illuminates the whole body for a thousand years. I expect to see the day when the like of the present person nel of the governments, Federal, State, municipal, military, and naval, will be look d upon with derision, and when 168 NOTES LEFT OVER. qualified mechanics and young men will reach Congress and other official stations, sent in their working costumes, fresh from their benches and tools, and returning to them again with dignity. The young fellows must prepare to do credit to this destiny, for the stuff is in them. Nothing- gives place, recollect, and never ought to give place, except to its clean superiors. There is more rude and undevelopt bravery, friendship, conscientiousness, clear-sightedness, and practical genius for any scope of action, even the broadest and highest, now among the American mechanics and young men, than in all the official persons in these States, legislative, executive, judicial, military, and naval, and more than among all the literary persons. I would be much pleased to see some heroic, shrewd, fully-inform d, healthy- bodied, middle-aged, beard-faced American blacksmith or boatman come down from the West across the Alleghanies, and walk into the Presidency, dress d in a clean suit of working attire, and with the tan all over his face, breast, and arms ; I would certainly vote for that sort of man, possessing the due requirements, before any other candi date. (The facts of rank-and-file workingmen, mechanics, Lincoln, Johnson, Grant, Garfield, brought forward from the masses and placed in the Presidency, and swaying its mighty powers with firm hand really with more sway than any king in history, and with better capacity in using that sway can we not see that these facts have bearings far, far beyond their political or party ones ?) MONUMENTS THE PAST AND PRESENT. If you go to Europe, (to say nothing of Asia, more ancient and massive still,) you cannot stir without meeting venerable mementos cathedrals, ruins of temples, castles, NOTES LEFT OVER. 169 monuments of the great, statues and paintings, (far, far beyond anything America can ever expect to produce,) haunts of heroes long dead, saints, poets, divinities, with deepest associations of ages. But here in the New World, while those we can never emulate, we have more than those to build, and far more greatly to build. (I am not sure but the day for conventional monuments, statues, memorials, &c., has pass d away and that they are hence forth superfluous and vulgar.) An enlarged general superior humanity, (partly indeed resulting from those,) we are to build. European, Asiatic greatness are in the past. Vaster and subtler, America, combining, justifying the past, yet works for a grander future, in living democratic forms. (Here too are indicated the paths for our national bards.) Other times, other lands, have had their missions Art, War, Ecclesiasticism, Literature, Discovery, Trade, Architec ture, &c., &c. but that grand future is the enclosing purport of the United States. LITTLE OR NOTHING NEW, AFTER ALL. How small were the best thoughts, poems, conclusions, except for a certain invariable resemblance and uniform standard in the final thoughts, theology, poems, &c., of all nations, all civilizations, all centuries and times. Those precious legacies accumulations ! They come to us from the far-off from all eras, and all lands from Egypt, and India, and Greece, and Rome and along through the middle and later ages, in the grand monarchies of Europe born under far different institutes and conditions from ours but out of the insight and inspiration of the same old humanity the same old heart and brain the same old countenance yearningly, pensively, looking forth. What we have to do to-day is to receive them cheerfully, and 170 NOTES LEFT OVER. to give them ensemble, and a modern American and democratic physiognomy. A LINCOLN REMINISCENCE. As is well known, story-telling was often with President Lincoln a weapon which he employ d with great skill. Very often he could not give a point-blank reply or com ment and these indirections, (sometimes funny, but not always so,) were probably the best responses possible. In the gloomiest period of the war, he had a call from a large delegation of bank presidents. In the talk after business was settled, one of the big Dons asked Mr. Lincoln if his confidence in the permanency of the Union was not beginning to be shaken whereupon the homely President told a little story : " When I was a young man in Illinois," said he, "I boarded for a time with a deacon of the Presbyterian church. One night I was roused from my sleep by a rap at the door, and I heard the deacon s voice exclaiming, Arise, Abraham ! the day of judgment has come ! I sprang from my bed and rushed to the window, and saw the stars falling in great showers ; but looking back of them in the heavens I saw the grand old constellations, with which I was so well acquainted, fixed and true in their places. Gentlemen, the world did not come to an end then, nor will the Union now." FREEDOM. It is not only true that most people entirely misunder stand Freedom, but I sometimes think I have not yet met one person who rightly understands it. The whole Universe is absolute Law. Freedom only opens entire activity and license under the law. To the degraded or undevelopt and even to too many others the thought NOTES LEFT OVER. 171 of freedom is a thought of escaping from law which, of course, is impossible. More precious than all worldly riches is Freedom freedom from the painful constipation and poor narrowness of ecclesiasticism freedom in manners, habiliments, furniture, from the silliness and tyranny of local fashions entire freedom from party rings and mere conventions in Politics and better than all, a general freedom of One s-Self from the tyrannic domination of vices, habits, appetites, under which nearly every man of us, (often the greatest brawler for freedom,) is enslaved. Can we attain such enfranchisement the true Democ racy, and the height of it? While we are from birth to death the subjects of irresistible law, enclosing every move ment and minute, we yet escape, by a paradox, into true free will. Strange as it may seem, we only attain to free dom by a knowledge of, and implicit obedience to, Law. Great unspeakably great is the Will ! the free Soul of man ! At its greatest, understanding and obeying the laws, it can then, and then only, maintain true liberty. For there is to the highest, that law as absolute as any more absolute than any the Law of Liberty. The shallow, as intimated, consider liberty a release from all law, from every constraint. The wise see in it, on the contrary, the potent Law of Laws, namely, the fusion and combination of the conscious will, or partial individual law, with those universal, eternal, unconscious ones, which run through all Time, pervade history, prove immortality, give moral purpose to the entire objective world, and the last dignity to human life. BOOK-CLASSESAMERICA S LITERATURE. For certain purposes, literary productions through all the recorded ages may be roughly divided into two classes. 172 NOTES LEFT VER. The first consisting of only a score or two, perhaps less, of typical, primal, representative works, different from any before, and embodying in themselves their own main laws and reasons for being. Then the second class, books and writings innumerable, incessant to be briefly described as radiations or offshoots, or more or less imitations of the first. The works of the first class, as said, have their own laws, and may indeed be described as making those laws, and amenable only to them. The sharp warning of Margaret Fuller, unquell d for thirty years, yet sounds in the air ; " It does not follow that because the United States print and read more books, magazines, and newspapers than all the rest of the world, that they really have, therefore, a literature." OUR REAL CULMINATION. The final culmination of this vast and varied Republic will be the production and perennial establishment of millions of comfortable city homesteads and moderate-sized farms, healthy and independent, single separate ownership, fee simple, life in them complete but cheap, within reach of all. Exceptional wealth, splendor, countless manufactures, excess of exports, immense capital and capitalists, the five- dollar-a-day hotels well fill d, artificial improvements, even books, colleges, and the suffrage all, in many respects, in themselves, (hard as it is to say so, and sharp as a surgeon s lance,) form, more or less, a sort of anti-democratic disease and monstrosity, except as they contribute by curious indirections to that culmination seem to me mainly of value, or worth consideration, only with reference to it. There is a subtle something in the common earth, crops, cattle, air, trees, &c., and in having to do at first hand with them, that forms the only purifying and perennial element NOTES LEFT OVER. 173 for individuals and for society. I must confess I want to see the agricultural occupation of America at first hand per manently broaden d. Its gains are the only ones on which God seems to smile. What others what business, profit, wealth, without a taint ? What fortune else what dollar does not stand for, and come from, more or less imposition, lying, unnaturalness ? AN AMERICAN PROBLEM. One of the problems presented in America these times is, how to combine one s duty and policy as a member of associations, societies, brotherhoods or what not, and one s obligations to the State and Nation, with essential freedom as an individual personality, without which freedom a man cannot grow or expand, or be full, modern, heroic, demo cratic, American. With all the necessities and benefits of association, (and the world cannot get along without it,) the true nobility and satisfaction of a man consist in his thinking and acting for himself. The problem, I say, is to combine the two, so as not to ignore either. THE LAST COLLECTIVE COMPACTION. I like well our polyglot construction-stamp, and the retention thereof, in the broad, the tolerating, the many- sided, the collective. All nations here a home for every race on earth. British, German, Scandinavian, Spanish, French, Italian papers published, plays acted, speeches made, in all languages on our shores the crowning resultant of those distillations, decantations, compactions of humanity, that have been going on, on trial, over the earth so long. A LETTER. To (Dresden, Saxony.) CAMDEN, New Jersey, U. S. A., Dec. 20, 81. DEAR SIR : Your letter asking definite endorsement to your translation of my " Leaves of Grass " into Russian is just received, and I hasten to answer it. Most warmly and willingly I consent to the translation, and waft a prayerful God speed to the enterprise. You Russians and we Americans ! Our countries so dis tant, so unlike at first glance such a difference in social and political conditions, and our respective methods of moral and practical development the last hundred years ; and yet in certain features, and vastest ones, so resembling each other. The variety of stock-elements and tongues, to be resolutely fused in a common identity and union at all hazards the idea, perennial through the ages, that they both have their historic and divine mission the fervent element of manly friendship throughout the whole people, surpass d by no other races the grand expanse of territorial limits and boundaries the unform d and nebulous state of many things, not yet permanently settled, but agreed on all hands to be the preparations of an infinitely greater future the fact that both Peoples have their independent and leading positions to hold, keep, and if necessary, fight for, against the rest of the world the deathless aspirations at the inmost centre of each great community, so vehement, so mysterious, A LETTER. 175 so abysmic are certainly features you Russians and we Americans possess in common. As my dearest dream is for internationality of poems and poets, binding the lands of the earth closer than all treaties and diplomacy As the purpose beneath the rest in my book is such hearty comradeship, for individuals to begin with, and for all the nations of the earth as a result how happy I should be to get the hearing and emotional contact of the great Russian peoples. To whom, now and here, (addressing you for Russia and Russians, and empowering you, should you see fit, to print the present letter, in your book, as a preface,) I waft affectionate salutation from these shores in America s name. Printed by WALTER SCOTT, Felling, Ncu-castte-on-Tyne. TKe EDITED BY WILLIAM SHARP. WITH INTRODUCTORY NOTICES BY VARIOUS CONTRIBUTORS. In SHILLING Monthly Volumes, Square 8yo. Well printed on fine toned paper, with Red-line Border, and strongly bound in Cloth. Bach Volume contains from 300 to 35O pages. Cloth, Red Edges - Is. Cloth, Uncut Edges - Is. Red Roan, Gilt Edges 2s. 6d. Pad. 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