A NOTEWORTHY UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE -,-*' VERY VALUABLE ANTIQUE ART PROPERTY OF THE CATTADORI ITALIAN ART GALLERIES fegi '-.•Hi i ■>;,''■* * vm IM TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES UNDER THE MANAGEMENT OF THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION MADISON SQUARE SOUTH NEW YORK 'um' m I V I villi as l4"fS! l\\-*n ..\ PROPERTY OF F. CALDWELL CO DESIGNING ROOM ON FREE PUBLIC VIEW AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK BEGINNING SATURDAY, APRIL 9th, 1921 AND CONTINUING UNTIL THE DATE OF SALE FROM 9 A. M. UNTIL 6 p. m. THE VERY VALUABLE ANTIQUE ART PROPERTY OF THE CATTADORI ITALIAN ART GALLERIES TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE ON WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY AFTERNOONS, APRIL 13th, 14th, 15th AND 16th BEGINNING AT 2.15 O'CLOCK AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE OF THE VERY VALUABLE ANTIQUE ART PROPERTY OF THE CATTADORI ITALIAN ART GALLERIES ° FORMERLY LOCATED AT No. 7.H FIFTH AVFNUE TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE ON THE AFTERNOONS HEREIN STATED AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES THE SALE TO BE CONDUCTED BY MR. THOMAS E. KIRBY AND HIS ASSISTANTS, MR. O TTO BeRNET ANH Mr. H. H. PaRKE, OF THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Managers NEW YORK CITY THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION DESIGNS ITS CATALOGUES AND DIRECTS ALL DETAILS OF ILLUSTRATION TEXT AND TYPOGRAPHY uenteenth Century Apricot-])ink ground ; woven in soft colors, silver anil gold threads with infloretted bouquets of flowers and pomegran- ates within leaf-scrolled medallions. Trinnned with gold galloon. 46 inches bij 22 inches. S-l — Crimson Damask Cover Italian Renaissance Lustrous rose-crimson; woven with vase-like acanthus leaves su])porting pomegranates. 2 i/anh 8 inches hi/ 1 i/arrl 6 inches. 55 — CiT Veiaet Cexter Genoese Sid-teenth Century Displaying in rich crimson cornucopias of fruit amid ara- besque strap scrollings, leafage and husks ; on a golden yellow silk ground. Finished with gold thread. Leiuith. 2 ijords 2 incites: Zi'idlli, 11 incites. 56 — Ci'T Velvet Cexter Genoese Si.vteenth Century Similar to the preceding. First Afternoon 57 — Drat d'Or Bkcji ade C'extek ItaJiini Renaissance Floi'al (lamasse crimson field; woven witli varied conven- tional bouquets witliin scroll handed ogivals in gold. Trinmu'd witli gold fringe. 3% yards hi/ 21 inrlirs. 58 — Dkai' d'Or Brocade Cover Italian Hcnaissaiicc Similar to the preceding. 59 — Genoese Cut-velvet Center Renaissance Period Woven with rich crimson acanthus leaves and bouquets of flowers in cut antl uncut velvet on tlushed-ivory silk ground. One end ])ointed and finished witii fringe, othei' with gal- loon. Lenr/lh, 2 2/3 i/arch: w'ullli. 21 Indies. 60 — Gold-emuroidered A'elvet Center Italian Renaissance Sapphire-blue velvet; woven with floral ogivals, which are outlined in gold threads. Triimned with fringe and gal- loon. 2 i/ards hij 7V;> inches. 61 — Drai" d'Or Brocade Center Italian Renaissance Damasse crimson ground ; enriched with bandetl golden ogi- vals enclosing floral motives. 2 yard.i 20 inches Iji/ 21 inches. 62 — Four Lengths of Crimson Damask Italian Seventeenth Centnr// Woven alternatelv witii pateraed cartouches and scrolled banded medallions supporting boucjuets of flowers. Tola! leni/lh. 10 i/arils: xciillh. 21 inches. 63 — Three I^engths of Crimson Damask Italian Seventeenth Century Lustrous rose-crimson ; woven with magnificent infloretted bouquets within scrolling acanthus leaves developing cornu- copias of flowers. Totn! lenrjfh, 12 i/tirils 30 inches; width, 24 inches. First Afternoon 04 — Six Lengths of Ciumsox Uamask Italian Seventeenth Century Lustrous rose-crimson; woven witli larj^e infloretted bou- quets, centered witli pomegranates and enclosed witliin scrolled-leaf and rihlion motived medallions. Total leiKjth, 25 iiards: width. 27 inrhes. 65 — Four Lengths of Crimsox Damask Italian Early Seventeenth Century Heavy silk ; woven alternately with vase-like acanthus leaves supporting pomegranate motives and magnificent bouquets. Total letii/ths, 12 1/3 yards; xcidtli, 21 Inrhes. 66 — Two Crimsox Damask Portieres Italian Seventeentli Century ]{icli rose-crimson ; woven with vase-like acanthus leaves supporting pomegranate motives and trailing bouquets. Trimmed with two vertical bands and edges of patterned gold galloon. Lciufth, 2 yards 28 Inches: width, 1 yfinl 5 Inches. 67 — Yei,i,ow Brocatelle Coverlet Italian Seventeentli Century Lustrous old yellow ; woven with finely scrolled acanthus leafage and magnificent infloretted bouquets of flowers. Trinnned with tasseled Vandyke fringe on two sides. Length. 2% yards: width. 2 2/3 yards. 68 — Green Damask Coverlet ItaVuin Renaissance Rich emerald green ; woven with varied conventionalized bouquets and scrolling acanthus leaves. 3 yards 10 Inches liy 2 yards 16 inches. 69 — Lexgth of Fringe Italian Seventeenth Century Blue lattice with A'andyke ])oints ; finished with jiink tas- sels. Lenyth, 7i/„ inches; depth, 5% inches. First Afternoon 70 — Length of Fringe ItuJian Eighteenth Cent in-// Vandyke gold tliread ; finished with pink at liead and tas- sels at foot. Linijth. 3 yards: dcptli. 2Vj Inches. 71 — Alenvon Lace Flounce Seventeenth Centnri/ Sprays of flowers on net ground ; scalloped vine edge. Lenflth. 1 iinrd 34 Inches: cJepth. 2'^ Inches. 72 — Milanese Lace Flounce Seventeenth Century Interesting leaf scrolls on a diamond lattice reseau. Length. 2 yards by 3'/; inches. 73 — Milanese Lace Flounce Eighteenth Cenfuri/ Trailing leaf vines displayed on a lattice reseau. Lencjth, 4 yards: depth. V Inches. 74 — Milanese Lace Flounce Seventeenth Centnr/i Graceful floral scrolls on a hexagonal reseau. Lenyth, 2 yards 28 inches; depth, 5 inches. 75 — Milane.se Lace Flounce Seventeenth Centnn/ Finely scrolled floral motives displayed on a diamond reseau. Length, 3 yards; depth, 5 inches. 76 — Milanese Lace Flounce Seventeenth Century Trailing vines of leafage displayed on diamond reseau. Length, 3 yards; depth, 5 inches. 77 — Milanese Lace Panel Seventeenth Century Finely scrolled floral motives trailing from a central device on a fine diamond reseau. Length, 24 inches; depth, 10 inches. 78 — Emhroidered Fil-tirk Flounce Late Gothic Ivory linen ; enriched with square medallions enclosed in diamond motives, surrounded by floral embroidered mo- tives. Length, 28 inches; depth, 5 inches. First A ft cm 0071 79 — Milanese Lace Flounce Seventeenth Centarq Arcliaic floral vines displayed on square reseau. Length, 1 yard 34 inches: tlejtlh, G inches. 80 — Milanese Lace Flounce Seventeenth Centiiri) Displaying dainty leaf scrollings on a netted reseau. Fin- ished with a small scalloped edge. Leni/lh, 4 i/orr/s 6 inches; depth, 0'% inches. 81 — Rosaline Point Flounce Venetian Eighteenth Centini/ Dainty scrollings of raised roses and leaves on a ])icot cob- web reseau. Scalloped at foot. Lenf/th. 2 iiards 13 inches; depth, 12 inches. 82 — Embroidered Linen Cover Si}anish Seventeenth Centiiri/ Displaying four panels; enriciicd in colored linen ap[)li(jue with birds and flowers ; interrupted and bordered with wide thread lace. 1 2/3 ii(frds hi/ 25 incties. 83 — Embroidered Fil-tire Cover Italian Sixteenth Century Ivory linen; enriched with broad inserted border at ends and narrower at sides, displaying birds facing jardinieres and floral motives embroidered with yellow silk. Crocbet- lace edge. (Imperfect.) 1 yard 20 inches l)y 24 inches. 84 — Filet Lace and Linen Cover Italian Seventeenth Cen t u ri/ Ivory linen ; eniln'oidered with initials E. R. End borders of stellate diamonil fllet lace. 1 yard 20 inches Inj 20 ij, inches. 85 — Fil-tire Linen Cover Spanish Sixteenth Century Heavy ivory linen ; paneled with angular drawn-work bunds. 2 ifards 20 inches by 15 incites. First Afternoon 86 — Filet Lace Cover Spanish Scventcenfh Century Eiiriclicd with varied bands of rosettes and diamond mo- tives. Trimmed with ivory fringe. 2 i/S i/anh hii 2S inches. 87 — Filet Lace Cover Itiiliiin Seventeenth Century Displaying- a hand of finely rosetted angular scrolls and vines. Finished with i\oiv linen at crown and fringe at foot. 2 yards 10 inches by lOy^ inches. 88 — FiL-TiRK Cover Italian Sixteentli Century Ricli ivory linen ; })aneled with inserted drawn-work of loz- enge motives enriched with embroidery. Gothic lace edge. 1 2/3 yards by 28 Inches. 89 — FiL-TiRE CrsHioN Italian Gotliic Oblong; displaying varied stripes of Gothic leafage and staves. Finished with bands of linen. Lined yellow silk. 90 — FiL-TiRE Cushion Italian Gothic Square. Similar to the jireceding. 91 — Filet Lace axd Linen Center Italian Sixteenth Century Central panel displaying unicorns amid floral motives; flanked by bands of ivory linen. ji/, yards by 27 inches. 92 — Filet Lace Cover Italian Seventeenth Century Ivory linen center marked AL \ . in red ; finished with a succession of varied lattice borders and deep scalloped lace edge. 1 yard 22 Inches by 31 inches. 93 — Filet Lace Center Italian Sixteenth Century Displaying an ornate fountain and jardiniere with unicorns facing the first, dis])layed eagles the second ; these amid scrollings and lesser animals. Rare crowning border de- picting small maidens feeding facing bii'ds. Trimmed with lace at foot. 1 yard U inches by 17 inches. First Afternoon 9-i — FiL-TiRK Border Italian Sixteenth Centiuij Diamond latticed field enclosing floral and animalistic mo- tives ; wave border. Finished with scalloped lace edge. Length, 3 yards; width, 13 inclien. 95 — Filet Lace and Linen Cover Spanish Seventeenth Centuri/ Ivory linen interrupted with square floral motives and bor- ders of wave-motived thread lace. Trimmed with fringe and finished with broad band of linen at crown. 2 yards 6 inches by 28 inches. 96 — Filet Lace Cover Spanish Sixteenth Century Disjjlaying flowering shrubs enclosed witliin interlacing dia- mond trellis. Stellate and heart-motived borders. Fin- ished with fringe; a band of ivory linen at crown. Length, 2 yards; width. 24 inches. 97 — Filet Lace and Linen Cover Italian Seventeenth Century Center and borders of deep ivory linen enriched with in- sertions displaying narrow floral scroll bands at sides and broader at ends, developing angular staves flanking highly conventionalized bouquets of flowers. Trimmed witli lace. 1% yards by 1 yard. 98 — Fil-tire Center Italian Sixteenth Century Displaying cupids mounted on chimeric beasts facing jar- dinieres. Finisiied with borders exliibiting processions of animals. 2 yards 32 inches by 121/2 inches. 99 — Fil-tire Cover Italian Sixteenth Century Displaying band of outfacing chimeric birds amid fine angu- lar floral scrollings. Finisiied with bands of linen and Van- dyked fringe at foot. Length, 3y„ yards; width, 20 inches. First Afternoon 100 — FiL-TiRK Cover Italian Seventeenth Century Ivorv linen ; displaying inserted end borders of birds fac- ing- jardinieres and narrower similar side borders. Trimmed with fringe. 2 ijards 8 inch c a In/ 32 inches. 101 — Filet L.ace Cover Spanish Renaissance Displaying crowned rampant lions facing castles and cen- tral jardiniere of flowers. Crowned with a band of linen. Trimmed with fringe at foot. Length, 2 i/arcls 32 inches; wiilth, 28 incites, 102 — Filet Lace and Lixex Cover Italian Sid'teenth Century Ivory linen ; enriched with end panels of filet displaying fig- ures of monkeys amid floral scrollings ; narrow inserted side borders of Milanese lace. Scalloped lace edge. 1 i/ard 311 inclic.s In/ 2() inches. 103 — Filet Lace and Lixen Coveu Italian Sid'tcentli Century Ivory linen center and borders interru])ted witii panels dis- playing statant lions on three sides ami narrow hand of blossoms on other side. Trimmed witii scalloped lace. ( Needs restoration.) 1 I/ard 32 inches hi/ 1 i/an!. lOi — Filet I-ace axd Lixex Cover Italian Renaissance Ivory linen; enriched witli inserted border of entwining and scrolling leafage. Deep \ andyke lace edge. 1 ijard 30 inches hi/ 1 i/ard tt inches. 105 — Filet Lace axd Lixex Cover Italian Si.rteenth Century Ivory linen; enriclied with central square of filet bearing a chimeric animal. Inserted borders occupied by proces- sions of quaint animals. Scalloped ^Milanese lace edging. (Needs restoration.) 1 1/(1 ni 20 inctte.-< In/ 32 inches. First Afternoon 106 — Fii.ET Lace and Lixex Cover It aUun Sixteenth Century Ivory lace ; enriched with broad inserted borders at ends and narrow at sides, displaying scrolled cornucopias of flowers and angular floral scrolls. Scalloped lace edge. ( Slifihtly imperfect.) 1 yard 14 inches by 1 i/iird. 107 — FiL-TiRi': Cover Italian Late Gothic Alternately displaying diamond motives and staves with angular leafage and rarely conventionalized blossoms. Fin- ished at crown with band of ivory linen ; at foot, with fringe. Lf'iifffh, 1 yanl 2(J itirhtK by 11 inrhcK. 108 — FiL-TiRK Cover Italian Late Gothic Similar to the preceding. 109 — Filet Lace axd Linex Cover Spanish Seventeenth Century Heavy ivory linen ; paneled with squares of angular scroll motives, interrupted by wave-patterned thread lace. Trimmed witli fringe. (Needs restoration.) 2 1/3 i/ards bi/ 2t) inches. 110 — Filet Lace axd I>ixex Cover Italian Sid'tceuth Century Ivory linen ; enriclied with broad inserted borders at ends and narrow side borders, displaying birds and fine angular scrolled tulip motives. Trimmed with scalloped thread lace. (Repaired.) 1 yard 28 inches by 1 i/ard 3 inches. Ill — Filet Lace axii Lixex Cover Italian Sixteenth Century Ivorv linen; enriched witii broad inserted borders at ends and narrow at sides, displaying tliagonally placed staves sus- taining floral motives. \ andyke lace edge. 1 i/ard 26 inches by 1 yard 8 inches. First Afternoon 112 — Filet Lace and Linen Cover Itdlian Sixteenth Century Central square panel and inserted borders ; displaying re- cumbent bulls and processions of quaint birds interrupted by bands of ivory linen. Finislied with scalloped lace edge. 1% i/ards by 1 yard. 113 — FiL-TiRE Center Italian Sixteenth Century Displaying central floral diamond motives, bordered by an- gular scrollings and bands of linen. 2 iianh 10 ijiches bif l^y, inches. 114 — FiL-TiRi: Center Italian Renaissance Displaying beautiful central diamonds enclosing floral and pomegranate motives ; Hnislied with borders of closely placed angular leaves. 3 i/nrd.s 10 inches by 9% inches. 115 — Fil-tire Cover Italian Gothic Ivory linen center; finished witli a (]uaiiit border display- ing facing kings anil queens, and double displayed eagles. Trimmed witli scalloped lace edge. 1 2/3 yards by 3'1 inches. 116 — Filet Lace Cover Spanish Seventeenth Century Displaying gaily caparisoned horses, crowTied rampant lion, minor animals and birds within infloretted angular scrolls. Finished with border of procession of animals and fringe at foot ; broad band of ivory linen at crowTi. 3 yards 8 inches by SOy, inches. 117 — Filet Lace Cover Italian Seventeenth Century Displaying fine angular scrollings bearing infloretted leaves and blossoms. Finished witli ivory linen at crown and scal- loped lace at foot. Lenqlh. 3 i/ards; width, 28 inches. First Afternoon 118 — FiL-TiRE AXD Filet Lace Covku Italian Seveniecnth Cciifurij Displaying alternate squares of floral filet lace and linen enriched with Gothic fil-tire floral medallions. Finished with narrow lattice border and scalloped lace edge. Marked with initials J. A. Z. in red. (Needs restoration.) 1 i/nnl 29 iiiclien hi/ 1 i/ard 6 inches. 119 — Filet Lace and Lixex Cover Italian Sivteenth Cent urij Ivory linen; enriched with central floral filet square and in- serted borders displaying floriated cruciform motives, fac- ing birds under trees and cujjids. I>ace edge. (Needs res- toration.) 2 yards by 1 i/ard 3 inches. 120 — Filet Lace axd Lixex Coverlet Spa7iish Seventeenth Century Four ivory linen panels parted by filet lace variously dis- playing animalistic motives and tjuaint angular scrollings. Trimmed with linen fringe. 2 1/3 jiards hi/ 2 yards 2 inches. 121 — Fil-tire Cexter Italian Sixteenth Century Nine panels of ivory linen parted and bordered at foot by bands displaying conventionalized ])omegranates, and Gothic angular stems bearing bunches of grapes. Length. 3 1/3 yards by 21 inches. 122 — Filet Lace Cover Spanisli Sixteenth Century Displaying highly conventionalized tulip motives and leaf scrollings. Border of trailing vines. Finished with band of linen at crown and fringe at foot. 3 2/3 yards by 24 inches. 123 — Fil-tire Cover Italian Late Gothic Displaying a central band enriclied witii fine pomegranate motives and blossoms borne on beautiful angular scrollings; flanked by broad bands developing intricate bouquets sus- tained on S-scroUs. Finished with ivory linen. 2 yards (i inches bji 27 inches. (lUust rated) m ^.t iilSSI- 3'iU ■2 > O o 05 O first Afternoon 124- — FiL-TiRK Cover Italian Late Gothic Displaying a central band enriched witii fine pomegranate motives and blossoms borne on beautiful angular scroUings ; flanked by broad bands developing intricate floral diamonds. Finished with ivory linen. i ,^„,.,/ 29 mches by 27 inches. 125 — Filet Lace and Linen Cover Spaiiisli Si.rteenth Century Displaying many bandings of floral and animalistic filet interrupted by deep ivory linen. Trimmed witii linen fringe. 2 2/3 iianh bi/ 1 2/3 i/ards. 126 — FiL-TiRE Cover Italian Sixteenth Century The center of linen interrupted by bands displaying fine Gothic angular staves and leafage ; the front bordered with band of similar motives. 2 yards 22 inches bi, 20'i inches. 127 — Filet Lace Cover Spanish Renaissance Displaying rare infloretted angular scrolls enclosing capari- soned horses, rampant lions, birds and further smaller ani- mals. Finished with broad band of ivory linen at crown and fringe at foot. 3 ijards 22 inches by 22 inches. 128 — Filet Lace Cover Spanish Seventeenth Century Displaying two patterns ; at right scrolling leafage bearing bunches of grapes ; at left floriated cruciform motives in- terrupted by large leaf motives. Finished with lattice fringe. Length. 3 yards 4 indies; ifidth. 25 inches. 129 — Fil-tire and Gothic Lace Cover Italian Gothic Broad center panel displaying highly conventionalized staves emitting scrolled leafage ; flanked at sides with bands of ivory linen and borders of Gothic lace developing squares latticed with floral diamond motives. 1 yard 22 inches by 25 inches. {Illustrated) 'r^ -^ •\W1 i'=<»\, ;.^-^v,V^f i*A . '..;■>;»»;■** »">#, '^^'i tr<>: _;:^^ij'- ■> ^ »k"y' >'«?. - -, ■!■ "■'Tij"- ^1 ■-.■ '- ilJ!' mm. ■J.X J/Ot' iJf ■ 'S'l' :,. iU4 ./;-- «i"!l"i ,-, -^ ;l:-'.'^=;&- W'jC ^.^,..^-4^it,.=.i^ S'V. ?l»^1, .\%j «R". :'--^Bf%' ??^>; .-■^1 !.'■ "■-■ -">:■ f-pT; Cl"v' o o O Q O First Afternoon l.'JO — FiL-TiRE Center IttiUan Sixteenth Century Enriclied with double displayed eagles alternating with oak trees sheltering birds. Finished with narrow animalistic borders. Len o U ■a o First Afternoon i;j6 — Filet Lack Coverlet Uuliun Sixtecntti Century Displaying many squares; enriched with varied floral me- dallions. Finished with a border of blossoms and ^'andyke edge. 3 yards bi/ 1 1/3 i/nrds. 1'37 — FiL-TiRE Cover Italian SLrteentJi Century Displaying two varied bands of exceptionally fine angular scrolls bearing conventionalized pomegranates ; one bear- ing rare animal motives. Finished with scalloped lace at foot, fringe on ends and linen at crown. Length, 3% yards; xcidth, 24 inches. 138 — Fn.ET Lace anu Linen Cover Italian SLrtcenth Century Ivory linen ; disjilaying central floral filet square and broad inserted border occupied by facing chimeric lions and uni- corns parted by jardinieres. Trimmed with narrow lace. 2 yards 3 inches by 1 yard 7 inches. 139 — FiL-TiRE AXD Milanese Lace Center Sicilian Sixteenth Century Center panel of angular Gothic leafage bearing highly con- ventionalized pomegranates. Broad side borders of floral Milanese lace, ends with narrow bands of wave trailing scrolls. Length, 3 yards: U'idth. 2+ Inches. 1-iO — FiL-TiRE Center Sicilian Sixteenth Century Displaying unusually fine varied double, angular scroUings of leafage and floral motives enclosing (juaint birds. Border of animalistic heads and angular scrolls. Finisiied with ivor^' linen and tasseled fringe. 31/^ yards by 19 '/o inches. 1-11 — Filet Lace Cover Spanish Renaissance Displaying four intricately composed jianels, each having two caparisoned horses facing a tree of life and standing on quaint chimeric beasts. Borders at crown and foot occu- pied by processions of curious birds. Trimed with fringe. Length, 3 yards 29 inches; width, 28 inches. First Afternoon 1-12 — Filet I^ace Panel Spanish lienaissance Three panels similar in composition to preceding. Finished with an angular scrolled border at sides embroidered in brown linen. Height, 5 feet 2 inches: width, 2 feet 10 inches. 143 — FiL-TiRK LixEx Center Italian Sixteenth Century Ivory linen; enriched with three varied bands of angular Gothic leafage. Trinnned with fringe at ends. 3 yards 4 inches by 30 inches. 144 — FiLET Lace and Linen Spanish Renaissance Displaying a procession of archaic warriors mounted on dromedaries alternately with coronetted chimeric eagles ; finished at crown and foot with borders developing quaint birds facing jardinieres of flowers. Trimmed with scalloped lace; finished with ivory linen at ci-own. 3 yards 15 inches by 22 inches. 145 — FiL-TiuE Cover Italian Sixteenth Century Displaying two bands enriched with rare angular Gothic scrollings of oak leaves bearing acorns ; parted by ivory linen. Finished with similar oak-leaf bordei's at ends, and broader borders, of quaint beribboned and blossomed ogi- vals, at sides. \'andyke fringed edging. 2 yards 8 inclies by 1 1/3 yards 146 — Drap ti'Argent Brocade Cover French Eighteenth Century Rose-pink; enriched in silver threads with all-over trailing vines enclosing sprays of flowers. 19 inches liy 20 incites. 147 — Green Brocatelle Cover Italian Early Eighteenth Century Brilliant forest green ; woven with scrolled leaf and husk motives on a greenish ivory ground. 30 inches l>i) 28 inches. First Afternoon liW — Greex Bkocateli.e Covek Italian Early Eighteenth Century Similar to tlie preceding. 1 yard hij 25 inches. 149 — Greex Bkocatelle Cover Italian Early Eighteenth Century Similar to the preceding. 1 yard by 27 inches. 1.50 — Green Brocatelle Cover Italian Early Eighteenth Century Similar to the preceding. 1 yard 2!) inches by 1 yard 2 inches. 151 — Golden-yellow Damask Cover Italian Seventeenth Century Soft ricli yellow; woven witli floral ogivals interrupted with birds at intervals. Trimmed with lattice fringe. (Needs restoration.) 1 yard 6 inches sqtiare. 152 — Green Brocatelle Cover Italian Early Eighteenth Century Brilliant forest green ; woven with scrolled acanthus-leaf and husk motives on a greenish ivory ground. 1 yard by 31 inches. 153 — Green Brocatelle Cover Italian Early Eighteenth Century Similar to the preceding. 1 yard 30 inches by 33 inches. 154 — Spring Green Damask Cover Italian Renaissance Lustrous daffodil green; woven witli pomegranate motives and large blossoms amid scrolling acanthus leaves. 1 yard 26 inches by 1 yard 8 inches. First Afternoon 155 — Greex Damask Cover Italian Renaissance Fluctuating field-green ; woven witli large highly c'on\en- tionalized bouquets of infloretted flowers. Trimmed with green fringe on three sides. 1 1/3 yards square. 150 — Crimsox DAMiV.SK Cover Italian Seventeenth Century Rich heavy silk ; woven alternately with large infloretted pineapjjle motives and balustered jardinieres within imbri- cated angular scrollings. (Needs restoration.) 42 inches hi/ iG inches. 157 — Drap d'Argext Brocade Cover French Eighteenth Century Soft creamy yellow ; with silver sprays of flowers inter- rupted by dainty feathery old rose stripes. ( Needs res- toration.) 21 inches square. 158 — Crimsox Damask Cexter Louis XIV Period Ijustrous corded silk ; woven with magnificent infloretted bou(juets of flowers and enclosing acanthus leafage. Per- forated in several places for electric light wires. Length, 5 1/3 yards; width, 21 inches. 159 — Silk-embroideked Border Italian Sevcnteentli Century "Hungarian Point." Enriched with wave motives in pastel shades and brown. Length, 2 yards; ■width, 4 inches. 160 — Embroidered Silk Border French Eighteenth Century Pale yellow corded silk enriched in applicjue with running blue ribbon, bowknots and entwining vine of pink flowers. 3 2/3 yards; width. 8 inches. 161 — Painted Silk Valaxce Chinese Eightcentli Century Ivory silk ; enriched witli trailing sprays of flowers and birds in varied colors. Trimmed with multicolored fringe. Length, 4 gards: depth, 13i/. inches. First Afternoon 162 — Painted Silk Valaxce Chinese Eighteenth Century Ivory silk ; enriched witli birds and trailing sprays of beau- tiful flowers. Trimmed with multicolored lattice fringe. Length, i i/ards; diameter, ISy^ inches. 163 — Painted Silk Valance Chimese Eighteenth Century Similar to the preceding. 164 — Two Brocade Covers Italian Sijstecnth Century Rare old pink silk ; woven with an unusual pattern of denii- figures, birds and foxes amid scrolling acanthus arabesques, in soft blue yellow and ivory. Sizes, 33 inches b;/ Ki inches. 165 GOLD-EJIBROIDERED ChALICE CoVEK French Seventeenth Century Deep ivory silk ; displaying scrolled sacred monogram at center and border of raised-gold scrolls entwined with sprays of blossoms in colored silks. 21 inches by 23 inches. 166 — Drap d'Or Brocade Chasuble Italian Sixteenth Century Ivorv silk ; woven in threads of gold, yellow and crimson with pomegranate antl acanthus-leaf motives. The orphreys similarly woven in silver and dull red on light flush-pink grounds. Trimmed with gold galloon. 167 — Brocade Chasuble Italian Eighteenth Century Woven with soft pink strips interrupted by wave-motived ivory bands. Trimmed with leaf-patterned gold galloon. 168 — Drap d'Argent Brocade Chasuble French Eighteenth Century Soft creamy yellow ; woven with silver sprays of flowers in- terrupted by dainty feathery old-rose stripes. Elaborately trimmed with open silver lace. First After nonn 169 — IvoitY Bkocade Chasi'hle Italiaii Scvenicenth Cenfury Heavy corded ivorv silk ; woven witli leaf scrollings and naturalistic blossoms of morning-glories, roses and smaller flowers. Trimmed with gold lace and galloon. 170 — Ivory Brocade Chasuble Italian Seventeenth Century Damasse ground ; woven with golden-yellow leaf and husk scrollings bearing sprays of fine blossoms in delicate colors. Trimmed with gold galloon. 171 — Gold Brocade Chasuble Ifiiliaii Eighteenth Century Ivsry field; woven in threads of gold and harmonious col- ors with trailing vines bearing sprays of wheat and large flowers. Trimmed with gold galloon. 172 — Emiuioidered Chasuble French Eighteenth Century Soft crimson rep ; enriched with borders and vertical trail- ing ivory vines enclosing scrolling sprays of carnations. 173 — Blue Damask Cover Italian Seventeenth Century Lustrous robin's-egg blue; woven with large infloretted blossoms supported on scrolled and liusked leafage. 2 i/nrds 8 inches by 1 yard 4 inches. 174 — Gold-embroideued Silk Cover Freneh Eighteenth Century Ivory silk; enriclieil in gold threads and dainty pastel col- ors with stellate center emitting rayed sprays of wheat and bunches of grapes; the corners with vases of ciiarming trail- ing flowers. (Needs restoration.) 20 inclics by 22 incites. 175 — Printed Silk Cover Italian Eighteenth Century Persian manner; ivoi-y silk, displaying an arabestjued, lobcd medallion ; corners witji floral sprays and two floral borders. 1 yanl 21 inches Sfjuare. First Afternoon 17(5 — Brocade Cover Lute Suteenth Cfiitnrij Ivorv color ground woven in various colors of silk and threads of gold and silver with flowers, foliage and leaflike patterns. Lined witli green silk and edged with lace. 38 inches square. 177 — Brocade Scarf Earlij Serenteenth Century Soft green silk with brandies of flowers in gold and silver threads and lacelike designs in a lighter shade of green edged with yellow silk galloon. Lenijth, 2l^ yards: xcidtli, 18 inches. 178 — Needlework Screen Panel Italian Early Nineteenth Century "The Vision of Victory." A sleeping cavalier reclines at right ; a vestal floats toward him holding aloft a laurel wreath. Oval medallion with spandrils of yellow, and red scrollings. Height, 29 inches: width, 25 inches. 179 — Botticelli Green Damask Cover Italian Seventeenth Century Lustrous dainty silk; woven with acantlius-leaf ogivals en- closing infloretted bouquets. l yard 23 inches by 1 iiard. 180 — Venetian Drap d'Or Brocade Cover Seventeenth Century Soft old-red ground ; woven with floral-vine ogivals in silver threads and delicate colors imposed on intricate devices of gold and green leaf and ribbon motives. Trimmed with gold lace. 28 inches bi/ 21 inches. 181 — Damask Cover Italian, Louis XIV Period Lustrous rose-crimson. Woven with basketed and inflo- retted scrolled leafage, husks and flowers. 2 yards by 1 yard G inches. 182 — Crimson Velvet Cover Italian Renaissance Lustrous close-pile velvet ; impressed with mai-k of em- broidery at one end. Trimed with chevroned gold galloon. 40yo inches by 21 inches. First Afternoon 188 — Damask Cover Italian Kcnaissance Rich rosc-crinison ; woven with hirge inflorcttcd hlossoms and acautlius leaves. 1% ijdrds hji 1 ifdrd 21 inchfa. 184 — RosE-cniMsox Damask Cextek Italian Nciiaissance Displaying fine vase-like acanthus leaves supporting- pome- granates and scrolling iiifloretted leafage. Linftth. ^'■']_^ tianh : xcidUi, 27 inches. 185 — RosE-cEiMsox Damask C'exteu Italian Renaissance Similar to the preceding. Lt'iii/lli, I i/arch: icldtli. 26 inches. 186 — Damask LAMBKEaiTix Italian Seventeen tit Century Rose-crimson ; woven with infloretted acanthus-leaf ogivals enclosing large bouquets of flowei-s. Trinuned with bobbined lattice fringe. Shaped at one end. Lcnfitli. 3 ijanh: iciiifh. ]H inchc.'<. 187 — Two Crijisox Damask Paxels Italian. Louis XIV period Rose-crimson silk ; woven with large floral motives within scrolled leaf and husk medallions. Pieced witli a variant pattern. Hciiihl. U feci .3 inches: xcidth, 2 feet 3 inches. 188 — Crimsox Damask Portiere Italian Renaissance Rich rose-crimson; woven with vase-like acanthus leaves sustaining pomegranate motives and sprays of flowers. Finished with two unequal bands of scalloped linen at crown. Leni/th. 2 i/rirels 20 inches: icidtli, 1 t/rird 6 inclies. 189 — Crimsox Damask Portiere Italian Seventeenth Century Rose-red ; woven with leaf ogivals enclosing lilv bouquets. Lenfilh. 3 iitirtis: xcirUli. 1 i/ard Ki inc]tes. SECOND AFTERNOON'S SALE THURSDAY, APRIL 14, 1921 AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING AT 2.1.3 oVi.OCK Catalogue Numbers, 190 to 369, inclusive 190 — Embroidered Blue Silk Cushiom Louis AT Period Oblong-; ciel-blue silk enriched in pastel colors with trailing sprays of flowers. 191 — Embroidered Bi.ie Silk Cushion Louis AT Period Similar to tile preceding. 192 — Embroidered Bli'e Silk Cushiox Louis AT Period Similar to tlie ])receding. Oval. 193 — Genoese Velvet Cushion Sixteenth Century Square ; woven with bouquets and scrolls in cut and uncut velvet on ivorv silk pround. 19-1 — Genoese \'elvet Cushion Sixteenth Century Similar to tlie preceding, but witli bandings of damask. Second Afternoon 195 — Embroidered Blue Sii^k Cr.smox Louis A'V Period Oblong; lustrous ciel-bluc ; enriched in pastcl-coloi'ed silks with flying eagle within beautiful trailing sprays of flow- ers. Trimmed with particolored tasseled fringe. 196 — Embroidered Blue Silk Ctshion Louis XV Period Similar to the preceding. Without fringe. 197 — Embroidered Blue Silk Ctshiox Louis XV Period Similar to the preceding. 198 — Embroidered Blue Silk Cushiox Louis XV Period Similar to the preceding. 199 — Embroidered Velvet Cushion Italian Seventeenth Century Oblong ; rich rose-red velvet adorned with a coronetted coat- of-arms displaying a rampant lion supporting a castle. 200 — Embroidered Velvet Cushion Italian Seventeenth Centjiry Oblong ; rich rose-red velvet, adorned with a quartered coat-of-arms, displaying mollets, monts, and a stag's head. 201 — Embroidered Velvet Cushion Italian Seventeenth Century Oblong; rich rose-red velvet, adorned with a coat-of-arms displaying three monts and a spray of lilies. Corners fin- ished with gold tassels. 202 — Embroidered Velvet Cushion Italian Seventeenth Century Similar to the preceding; the coat-of-arms mantled with a cardinal hat and displaying a rampant lion. 203 — Embroidered Velvet Cushion Italian Seventeenth Century Oblong ; rich rose-red velvet, imjjressed with an arch and bearing a coat-of-arms displaying two facing lions under a tree. Second Afternoon '20i — E.MBKoiDERED \'elvet Cisniox Italian Kcnui.ssance Oblong; dull wine-red velvet enriclied with coat-of-arnis and borders of zigzags in Hungarian point. 205 — Embroidered ^'ELVET Cvshion Italian Sixteenth Century Oblong; lustrous jade velvet, enriclied with coat-of-arms and trinnned with gold galloon. 206 — Embroidered ^'ELVET Cushion Italian Si.vteenth Century Similar to the preceding. 207 — Embroidered ^'ELVET Ci'smox Italian Sixteenth Century Similar to the preceding. 208 — Gexoese Velvet Cushion Seventeenth Century Oblong ; central panel of cut and uncut crimson floral vel- vet on ivory ground ; flanked by crimson damask panels. 209 — Genoese Velvet Cushion Italian Seventeenth Century Oblong; woven in crimson cut and uncut velvet with jar- diniere and scrolled leaf motives on straw yellow ground. 210 — Two Genoese \'elvet Cushions Seventeenth Century Crimson cut and uncut velvet ; woven with intricate bouciuets on silk grounds. Trimmed with patterned gold galloon. 211 — Cut and Uncut \'elvet Cushion Italian Sixteenth Century Oblong; dull rich yellow velvet; woven with small floral dia- mond motives on a ribbed silk ground. 212 — Two Embroidered Velvet Cushions Italian Seventeenth Century Oblong; ricii rose-crimson velvet, enriched with blue and gold coat-of-arms. Finished at corners with gold tassels. Second xlfternoon 213 — Genoese Velvet Covek Renaissance Period Lustrous rose-crimson velvet ; impressed with marks of previous embroidery at ends. Trinmied witii chevroned patterned gold galloon. 40 inches by 21 inches. 214 — Velvet Cover Italian Seventeenth Century Lustrous fluctuating rose-crimson velvet of close pile. 401/2 inches by 20 inches. 215 — Blue Damask Center Italian Seventeenth Century Bleu-de-cieU woven with scrolled heart-shaped motives en- closing fine bouquets. 2 yards 16 inches by 20'/; inches 216 — Bn'E Damask Coverlet Italian Seventeenth Century Rich Copenhagen blue; woven with jardinieres of flowers amid irregular strap and leaf scrolHngs and vines of flowers. 2 yards 10 inches liy 1 yard 22 inches. 217 — Crimson Damask Cover Italian Sijrteenth Century Rose-crimson; woven with jardinieres of wjieat enclosed within strapped leaf-scroll motives. -Vi yards by 1 yard Ki inches. 218 — Drap i)"Or Crimson Brocade Center Italian Seventeenth Century Damasse ground ; woven in gold threads with scrolled and banded ogivals enclosing rare pomegranate motives. Trimmed with gold galloon. 1 (/"'■'' 22 inches by 20 'i inches. 219 — Green Damask Coverlet Italian Seventeenth Century Fluctuating forest-green; woven with scroll-banded medal- lions enclosing rare floral motives, supported on leafed pomegranate devices. (Needs restoration.) 2 yards 2-5 inches hy 2 yards 7 inches. Second Afternoon 220 — Brocade Center Early ItoHaii Renaissance Lustrous crimson ; woven in golden yellow with ogivals each composed of four birds and interrupting coronets, enclos- ing conventionalized bouquets. Trinnned with ancient gold lace. 1 2/3 i/ards hi/ 21 1/, inchit.; 221 — Two Brocatelle Centers Italian Seventeenth Century Lustrous light golden-yellow; woven with highly conven- tionalized bou(|uets within rustic acanthus-leaved ogivals. Ijiii(/IIi, 1 i/oirf 32 inches: zc-iillli, 20 incheit 222 — Gold-embroidered '\'EI,^'ET Border Italian Renaissance Lavender-grey velvet ; enriched with pear-shaped scrollings in red, yellow and cream silk applique. 1 tjard bii 8 iiirlieK. 223 — Crimson Velvet LAMBREauiN Italian Sixteenth Century Five Vandyke points; paneled and trimmed with gold gal- loon and deep fringe. Length, 1 iiard 30 inches; depth, 16 inches. 224 — Embroidered Blue Silk Valance Louis XV Period Lustrous ciel-blue silk ; enriched in jjastel colors with trail- ing floral vines, animated with birds and dragon-flies. Fin- ished with a scalloped floral border. Length, 2 ifurds 16 inches; diameter, 10'/; inches. 225 — Embroidered Blue Silk Valance Louis AT Period Similar to the preceding. 226 — Gold-embroideked Border SpanLsih Renaissance Ivory silk ; di-paneled ; each panel enriched in delicate col- ored applique silks with vases of berries, beautiful scrolling acanthus leaves and husks. Leni/Ui. 1 yard 26 inches: -width. 9 inches. Second Afternoon 227 — Embroidzked \'elvet A'alaxce Italian Renaissance Displaying running volute scrolled acanthus leaves, husks, berries and ribbons ; finished with a narrow border of small cartouches and leaves. Executed in crimson velvet, cream, light blue and green silks applique on yellow silk ground. Trimmed with gold fringe. Length, II/4 iiariJs; xcUUh, Ki inches. 228 — Embroidered \'elvet Lambkequix Florentine Renaissance Golden-yellow silk enriched in applique crimson velvet, blue and ivory silks with scrolling husks, acanthus leaves and flowers. Finished with band of crimson damask at crown. Lenifth, -Ki inchcn: depth, \i inches. 229 — GoLD-EMBROiDEiiED SiLK BoRDER Italian Renaissance Deep ivory silk ; enriched in apjilique of yellow, brown and s-reen silks with vases emittinji- fine acanthus scrollinijs and fruit. Lenijlh, 2 i/arils 30 inches; zcitltli, 9 inches. 230 GOLD-EMBROIDERED A'eLVET LaMBREQI'IN Italian Seventeenth Centura/ Wine-colored velvet ; enriched in raised work with S leaf- scroll motives and crowning border of individual blossoms. Trimmed with gold lace, galloon and fringe. Leiii/th. l-;4 i/ards; depth, IS inches. 2.31 — Venetiax Brocade Cover Seventeenth Century Light apple-green ; enriched in pastel colors and silver threads with varied detached architectural landscapes and small figures of huntsmen. Trinmied with silver galloon. 2 ijurds H inciii s hij 2 ijards 7 inches. 232 — Si.\ Velvet Panels Italian Seventeentli Centunj Rich fluctuating rose-crimson velvet ; with the arched im- press of previous embroidery. (Two inqierfect.) ^Ippro.rinidle hciifht. IT inclu.t: 'icidlh. 18% inches. Second Afternoon 233 — Drap d'Ok and Damask Center Italimi Renaissance Floral crimson damask center; finished witli valances of crimson drajj d'or ; displaying banded ogivals and leafage. Trimmed with gold galloon and fringe. 3 (/'"'''•■* i'.'/ 21 inches. 234 — Emhkoidered Silk Center Louis AT Period Lustrous ciel-blue silk ; displaying, in pastel colors, birds and butterflies amid beautiful all-over trailing sprays of blossoms. Finislied witii lattice fringe. 2 yards 8 Inches bij 21 inches. 235 — Rqse Brocade Cover Frencli Eighteenth Century Charming pale rose-du-Barry fiekl ; woven in ivory with trailing feather-motived ribbons emitting branches of flow- ers. 1 2/3 1/(1 r (Is bi/ 1% (far (Is. 236 — Brocade Cover French Louis XV Period T>ight flushed-lavender corded ground ; woven in gold threads and pastel colors with infloretted waving ribbon motives entwined with sterns of trailing flowers. Trinnned witli silver lace. 2 yard.'i 1 («<•/( by 21 inches. 237 — Golden-yellow Damask Coverlet Italian Renaissance Woven with liighly conventionalized bouquets within scroll- ing acanthus leaves. 2 2/3 yards by 1 2/3 yards. 238 — Green Damask Coverlet Itidian Earli/ Eighteenth Century Deep jade green; woven witli trailing boucjuets of flowers and irregular watered panels. 2 2/3 yards by 2;4 yards. 239 — Emer(hdere» Blue Silk Center Louis XV Period Delicate blue silk ; enriched with trailing sprays of flowers and butterflies in pastel colors. Trinnned witji latticed fringe. 2 yards i inches by 20 inches. Second Afternoon 2W — Embroidered Blue Silk Center Louis AT Period Ciel-blue ; enriched in pastel colors witli birds and butterfly amid trailing sprays of beautiful flowers. Lattice fringe at ends. 2 i/ar(Js 16 inches by 21 inches. 241 — Genoese Velvet Center Renaissance Period Lustrous crimson cut and uncut velvet on a golden corded silk ground. Woven with interlacing double strap and acanthus scrolls forming oval medallions and developing tulips and cornucopias of fruit. 1 i/ard 22 inches hij 11 inches. 242 — Apricot Yellow Damask Coverlet Chinese Ch'ien-lung Period Lustrous silk ; woven with scrolled dragon medallions and detached symbols. (Needs restoration.) 2 1/3 yards bji 1 yard 3.3 Inches. 243 — Gold Needle-painted Dossal Flemish Eenaissance "St. Catherine." The figure seen at half length bearing her symbols ; under a canopied niche. Finished with gold gal- loon. Height, ITi/o inches; ■zcidth, 9 inches. 244 — Gold Needle-painted Dossal Fletuish Renaissance "St. Elizabeth." Similar to the preceding. 245 — Two Gold Needle-painted Dossals Flemish Renaissance Displaying half-length figures of saints within curiously arched and pedimented niches. 246 — Gold-embroidered Hood Flemish Renaissance Solidly worked ; displaying a colunuied niche enclosing an enthroned figure of "St. Jolni tiie Baptist." Trinnned with fringe. Second Afternoon 247 — Gold Nf.edle-paixted Hood Flemish Rcnnissance "The Assumption of tlie Virgin." Executed in solid thread of gold and delicate colored silks. Finished witli a hand simulating galloon and latticed fringe. 2-18 — Two GoLD-EMBRoiOERED Orphreys ItiiUuii Renaissaiice Ruby velvet ; enriched with floral niedallioned panels, and diamond borders. 249 — Two Embroidered Velvet Orphreys Italian Renaissance CIose-])ile crimson velvet ; enriched with panels displaying medallions and scrolled leafage in yellow silks appli(jue. 250 — Two Gold-embroidered Ctshioxs Italian Renaissance Oblong; lustrous ruby velvet; enriched in gold, silver and colored silk threads with cartouched rondel enclosing vase of lilies ; flanked by Gothic leafage. Finished with gold bands simulating gold galloon. 21 Inches bi/ 9'/^, inches. 251 — Gold-embroidered Apparel Italian Renaissance I-ustrous ruby velvet; enriched in gold, silver and silk threads with cartouched rondel enclosing vase of lilies; flanked by Gotliic leafage. Finished with gold bands sinui- lating galloon. 20'/, inches hij 9i/, inches. 252 — GoLD-EMBROiDERED Apparel Italian Renaissance Similar to the preceding. 253 — Gold Needle-paixted Okphry Italian Renaissance Displaving three figures of saints standing within columned niches. Partially finisiied with gold bands simulating gal- loon. Lenf/fh, 4.5 inches; xcidtli. 8 inches. Second Afternoon 254' — GoLD-EMBEOiDEKED Orphrey Spanish Renaissance Crimson velvet ; di-paiicled with gold bands simulating gold galloon ; each displaying a medallion and scrolling acanthus leaves ; the lower also enriched with needle-painted figure of the Macfdalcnc ; at the foot a coat-of-arms. Length, 1 yard 2 inches; width, 8 inches. 255 — Gold Needle-paixted Orphrey Spanish Renaissance Kose-red velvet, enriched witli rondels enclosing half-length figures of St. Ambrose and St. George and the dragon. Gold scrollings interrupt the rondels. 256 — Two Gold-embroidered Velvet Apparels Italian Renaissance Ruby velvet ; displaying scrolled rondels occupied by rayed oval medallions enclosing figures of the Virgin. 257 — Two Gold Needle-paixted Velvet Apparels Italian Sixteenth Century Ruby velvet; enriched with fine strap arabesque rondels occupied by figures of Sts. John of Beverly and Bernard; surrounded by scrolls of interlacing Gothic leafage. 258 — Needle-paixted Velvet Apparel Italian Renaissance Lustrous rose-crimson velvet, enriched with cartouched rondel occupied by a figure of the ascending A'irgin. The field with Gothic scrollings. Finished with a gold banding. 259 — Gold Needle-paixted Velvet Apparel Italian Renaissance Similar to tlie preceding. With figure of St. Peter. 260 — Gold-embroidered Velvet Apparel Italian Renaissance Similar to the preceding. Smaller; the rondel with vase of lilies. 261 — Brocade Chastble Italian Seventeenth Century Rich ivory ; woven in harmonious colors with beautiful scrolling bouquets of rare flowers. Trinnntd with gold gal- loon. Second Afternoon 262 — Brocade Chasuble Italian Eighteenth Centun/ Ricli dee}) rosc-du-Barrv ; woven witli trailing ivorv vines interrupted by green and Ijlack .strijje.s bearing feather-like sjjrays. Trimmed with gold lace. 263 — Lavender and Greex Brocade Chasible Italian Seventeenth Ccnturt/ Charming lavender ground ; woven in green with flowers amid scrolling acanthus leaves. Trimmed with jjatteriied gold galloon. 264 — PixK Brocade Chasuble Freneh Eighteenth Centiir// Pale ajiricot jiink ; woven in rich colors with bowknotted bouquets of small flowers within trailing vines. Tiimmed with silver galloon. 265 — Drap d'Argext Brocade Chasuble French Eighteenth Ceninri/ Floral damasse ivory field; witli trailing vines of flowers; enriched with ciel-blue orjihreys woven in silver threads with floral pomegranate motives and scrolls. Trinnned with silver galloon. 266 — Brocade Chasuble Italian Sixteenth Centnri/ Rare weave simulating Hungarian point embroidery. Ivory ground; enriched with quaint pomegranate motives within basket and tulip ogivals and zigzags. Woven alternately with vertical stripes of green, ])ink and lavender. Trinnned with gold galloon. 267 — Gold-emhroidered Chasubi^e French Eighteenth Centurij Ivorv silk ; enriched with quaint gold panels and scroUings developed from two cornucopias at foot and bearing flowers and fruit in rich colored silks. 268 — ^'ELVET Brocade Chasuble French Eighteenth Centnru Deep flame-pink, ribbed field ; enriched in brilliant colors with imbricated ribbon motives and bouquets of flowers. Trinnned with silver galloon. Second Afternoon 269 — Gold-embroidered Chasuble Louis XV Period Rich ivory silk, adorned with tlirce panels bearing cornu- copias, trailing sprays of flowers and fruit in ])iistel colors. 270 — \ ELVET Cope Italian Seventeenth Century Pellucid old-red velvet fluctuating witli brilliant light flame areas. Trimmed at crown with patterned gold galloon. Lcnyth, 2 i/nnls 32 inclici; ilcjith, 1 t/anl (i inches. 271 — Gold-embroidered Dalmatic French Eighteenth Centnr/j Unusual siiape with closed sleeves. Ivory silk, enriched in gold threads and dainty silks with golden scrolled panels and trailing vines of flowers. Trinmied with gold fringe. 272 — Gold-embroidered Dalmatic French Eighteenth Century Similar to the preceding. 273 — GoLD-EMBRoiDERED Chasuble French Eighteenth Century Similar to the preceding. 274 — Gold-embroidered Chasuble Louis XV Period Deep ivory silk, enriched with scrollings of gold threads, emitting sprays of flowers in dainty colors. 275 — Gold-embroidered Dalmatic Italian Renaissance Cisele green Gothic velvet centers, enriched ^nth cartouched escutcheons supported by rampant lions and mantled by Cardinals' hats. Flanking panels of ruby Gothic velvet. 276 — Silver-embroidered Cotrt Cape Italian Seventeentli Century Ciel-blue seme witii silver stars ; enriched in raised silver threads and jewels with an interesting border of volute scrolls enclosing varied blossoms. Lciir/tli, 2 feet 6 iiiclies: deptli, 1 2/3 iiarthi. Second Afternoon 277 — Ivory Brocade Cope Italian Early Seventeenth Century Lustrous close woven silk ; enriched with series of flowers alternately in green and rose crimson. Trinnned with gold galloon. Lenj/tli, 3 i/ariix: depth, li/J,. i/'irdx. 278 — Rich Drap d'Or Brocade Cope Venetian Seventeenth Century Ivory silk ; woven in gold tjireads with rare passages of light plum, disj)laying very complex bouquets of flowers within quaintly latticed scrollings. Trimmed with ])at- terned gold galloon. Hood matches. Lfnilth, 'i i/artln 4 hichf.i: ihplh. I '/■ ildrd.i. 279 — Golq-embroidered Silk Ai.tar Froxtai, Louis XV Period Deep ivory silk, enriched with central floriated cruciform motive and leaf scrolls in gold threads emitting sprays of wild roses in delicate colored silks. Li'iiijth, 2 i/ards 8 indies: depth, .34 iiichef:. 280 — Gold-embroidered Silk Altar Cloth Similar to the preceding. 2 i/ards 29 inrhe,'< tn/ 20 inrhe.s. 281 — Gold-embroidered Silk Cope Louis XV Period Blush-ivory silk, enriched with dainty rocaille and leaf scrollings in gold emitting sprays of pink flowers. Hood and oi-j^hreys match. Lenyth, 3 yards; diameter, 1 yard 10 inches. 282 — Ruby Velvet Cope Italian Sixteenth Century Lustrous fluctuating velvet of beautiful tone. Trinnned witli varied gold galloon. Len a > o o O 00 6 .2 Second Afternoon 287 — Gold-embroidered Cope French Eighteenth Century Ricli ivory silk ; displaying dainty scrollings in gold tlireads and trailing vines of flowers in beautiful colored silks. Trimmed with gold fringe. Original hood and oi-phreys match. Length, 3 yards 8 Inches: depth, 1 yar<1 19 inches. 288 — Jardiniere Velvet Cope Italian Late Sixteenth Century AYoven witli broad stripes of highly conventionalized revers- ing sprays, bordered with scrolled floretted motives inter- rupted by narrow leaf and stem stripes. Charming color, to which time has given an intangibly subtle tone ; the sprays, in broad stripes, are alternately in dull rose-pink and pale daffodil yellow, with delicate greens of cut and uncut velvet ; the border scrolls of rare uncut brown pink, centered witli gemlike cut blue; apricot silk ground. Trimmed with gold galloon. Length, 2 i/ards 2 indies: depth, 1 1/3 i/ards. {lUust rated) 289 — GoLD-EMBROiDERED A'est Albanian Eighteenth Century Closely fitting without sleeves. Light tan cloth ; enriched in raised gold with leaf-scrolled and rosetted arabesques. Trimmed with cord and ball edging. 290 GOLD-EMBROIDERED DaMASK DrESS FrOXT Italian Seventeenth Century Rich floral ivory damask ; displaying central motives of golden scrolls entwined with flowers in gay-colored silks. ShajDe V bodice; skirt flaring toward foot. Length, 44 inches: ccidth, 40 inches. 291 — Deep Canary Yellow Damask Dress Italian Seventeenth Century Full pleated skirt; boned and laced bodice. Woven with detached miniature Chinese landscapes amid trailing brandies of apple blossom. 6 r H S > O ►J > ^ 7 '-^ CO ~ 00 .:3 Second Afternoon 292 GOLD-EMUROIDERED ^'ELVET SaDDLE HoUSING Spanish Seventeenth Century Deep jade-green velvet. Comprised of shaped cloth and two holster covers. Richly embroidered in raised gold threads with scrolled cartouches and trailing vines of pome- granate motives. 293 — Embroidered Damask Banner Spanish Seventeenth Century Crimson floral damask ; enriched in dull-toned silks with equestrian figure of St. George. Trimmed with gold gal- loon. Heiriht, 33 inches: rcictth, 29y„ inches. 294 — Gold and Silver Embroidered Pennon Spanish Seventeenth Century Oblong with double points ; enriched in raised silver, gold, passages of colored silks and small floral motives of pail- letted, applique crimson velvet. Displaying central scrolled medallion, enclosing two cherubim swinging censers at the foot of a large rayed monstrance. Trimmed with tassels and galloon. Height, 22 inches; length. 33 inches. 295 — Gold and Silver Embroidered Pennon Spanish Seventeenth Century Similar to the preceding, the medallion displaying a sym- bolic lamb reclining on a cushion. Height, 22 inches; length, 33 inches. 296 — Needlework Cover French Eighteenth Century Oblong, with inset corners ; displaying varied floral stripes in yellow, brown and ivory on a tawny black ground. Trimmed with old blue silk fringe. 41 inches by 251/2 inches. 297 — Three Velvet Panels Italian Seventeenth Century Lustrous rose-red velvet, with the arched impress of previ- ous embroidery. Height. 51 inches; xvidtii, 24 inches. Second Afternoon 298 — Rose Ceimsox \'elvet Center Italian Seventeenth Century Lustrous fluctuating close-pile velvet. Triniined with crim- son silk fringe at sides and gold at ends. Lined with crim- son floral damask. 2 yards 2 inches by 2V/o inches. 299 — RosE-cRiMsox Velvet Center Italian Seventeenth Ccntnrij Similar to the preceding; without fringe on sides. 2 yards l inchis by 20 inches. 300 GOLDEK-YELLOW DaMASK CoVERLET Italian Seventeenth Century Soft closely woven silk ; displaying rarely conventionalized sprays of orchids. 21/, yards by 2 2/3 yards. 301 — Crimson Drap d'Or Brocade Center Venetian Sixteenth Century Rich damasse crimson held ; woven in gold threads with finely banded ogivals alternately enclosing carnation and tulip motives. Trimmed with gold fringe. 2'/a yards by 20 inches. 302 — Two Drap d'Or Brocade Centers Venetian Sixteenth Century Similar to the preceding. 2 1/3 yards by 21 inches 303 — Drap d'Or Brocade Center Venetian Sixteenth Century Similar to the preceding. 3 yards 32 inches by 21 inches. 304 — Two Ruby Velvet Covers Italian Late Seventeenth Century Lustrous ruby-red velvet ; impressed with marks of previ- ous embroidery. 1 yard 22 inches by ISy.. inches. Second Afternoon 305 — Crimson A'elvet Center Italian Sei'enieenth Century Lustrous soft rose-pink velvet. Trimmed with beautiful deep latticed fringe. 2 yards 30 inrhes ht/ 20 inches. 306 — Gold ^'ENETIAN Brocade Cover Late Seventeenth Century Rich damasse apple-green ; woven in threads of gold, pink and ivory witli irregular leaf-scrolled panneau and spray of flowers. Trinuned with gold lace. 48 inches by 41 inches. 307 — Jardiniere \'elvet Center Italian Seventeenth Century Displaying small bouquets of soft-pink flowers, imposed on scrolled pink and blue acanthus leaves of cut and uncut velvet and double bouquets of larger flowers ; in deeper colors on rich ivory ground. Trimmed with gold galloon fringe. ly„ yards by 12i/o inches. 308 — GoLD-EMBROiuERED Center Spanish Renaissance Lustrous sapphire-blue velvet ; enriched with fine arabesqued leaf-scroUings developing pear-shaped and winged motives. Finished with a Gothic leaf band and enlivened with touches of old pink and red. 1 1/3 yards by 9'/^. inches. 309 — Drap d'Or Brocade Center Italian Sixteenth Century Rich crimson damasse field ; enriched in gold threads with banded ogivals, alternately enclosing carnation and pome- granate motives. Trimmed with latticed gold fringe. 3 2/3 yards by 20% inches. 310 — Drap d'Or Brocade Center Italian Sixteenth Century Similar to the preceding. 2 yards (i inches by 21 inches. Second Afternoon 311 — Gold A'exetian Brocade Center Italian Sixteenth Century Cream silk; woven with pomegranate motives and flowers witliin basketed scrollings. Trimmed with gold galloon and fringe. 2 yards by 19 '/a inches. 312 — Gold Venetl^x Brocade Center Italian Sixteenth Century Similar to the preceding. 1 yard 32 inrhes by 19V'; inches. 313 — Gold ^'exetiax Brocade Center Italian Si.vteentli Century Similar to the preceding. 1 yard 35 inches by 19 inches. Sli — Gold Vexetian Brocade Cexter Seventeenth Century Rich damasse apple-green ground ; woven witli canopied vases of flowers in pinks, lavender and gold threads. Trimmed with gold galloon and fringe. 1 yard 28 inches by 291/, inches. 315 — Gexoese Cut-velvet Center Late Sixteenth Century Ivory field ; woven in crimson cut and uncut velvet with large bouquets enclosed by scrolling infloretted acanthus leaves. Trimmed on ends with gold fringe. Length, 3 1/3 yards: tcidth. 211/, inches. 316 — Three Crimson Damask Portieres Italian Seventeenth Century Rose-crimson ; woven with immense infloretted bouquets sup- ported and surmounted by acanthus leaves, developing pomegranate motives. Variously trimmed with scalloped ivory linen. Length, 2 yards 10 incties; ■zcldth, 1% yards. Length, 2 yards 14 inches; widtli. 1 yard 6 inches. Lenqth, 2 i/nrds 1+ inches; ic'idlh. 1 i/ard 28 inches. Second Afternoon 317 — Four Lengths Crimson Damask Italian Seventeenth Century Rose-crimson ; woven witli large acanthus-leaf motives en- closed within scrolls of similar leafage. (Needs restora- tion.) Variance in pattern. Total hnyth, 15 j^ yards; ic'iiUli, 24) hiclws. 318 — Fourteen Lengths of Golden-yellow Lampas French Eighteenth Ccntur/j Lustrous shiniiiicring silk ; woven in ivory with varying infloretted bouquets of flowers within leaf-scrolled medal- lions. Several lengtlis sliglitly imperfect. Eleven: Lenijth, 3 iiards 29 inches; •width, 20 inches. One: Lenijth, 2 ijards 33 inches; width, 20 iiiches. Tzco: Lenffth, 2 i/ards 33 inches; icidth, 15 inches. 319 — Seven Lengths of Blue Damask Italian Seventeenth Century Delicate CojDenhagen blue ; woven with leaf-scrolled medal- lions enclosing hiehlv conventionalized floral motives. A ppro.iimatehj , 2(j yards; width, 20i<> inches. 320 — Gold-embkoidered Lambrequin Italian Seventeenth Century Lustrous amethyst velvet ; enriched in raised gold and silks with panels enclosing S-scrolled leaves and blossoms ; border of detached flowers. Finished with deep, gold fringe. Lent/th, 1% yards; diameter, 18 inches. 321 — Gold-embroidered Border Italian Renaissance Rich crimson silk, displaying jardinieres of fruit amid festoons, husks and scrolling acanthus leaves. Executed in colored silks and drap d'argent api^lique. Lenylli, 1 yard 28 inches; width. 9 incites. Second Afternoon 322 GoLD-EMIiROIDERED LaMBREQUIX Italian Seventeenth Century Dull wine-colored velvet, enriched with S leaf-scroll motives ill raised work and crowning border of individual blossoms. Trimmed with gold lace, galloons and fringe. LciKjth, 2 i/arils 10 Inches; depth, 18 inches. 323 — Embroidered Lambrequin Italian Seventeenth Century Hungarian point. Basketed ivory field, enriched with lyre- shaped motives and bouquets of flowers in pastel colors. . Trimmed with Vandyke fringe and at scrolled foot with galloon and tasseled fringe. Lcnijth, 1 yard 32 inches; diameter, 19 inches. 32-t — Drap d'Argext \'elvet LAMBREarix Italian Gothic-Renaissance Shimmering tlrap-d'argeiit ivory field; woven in wine-red cut and uncut velvet with beautifully drawn ogivals inter- sected by fleurs-de-lis and enclosing finely infloretted carna- tion bouquets. The frieze demarked with gold and pink lattice fringe. (Needs restoration.) Len(/th. 2 yards 14 inches; depth, 1 i/ard. 32-5 — GoLD-EMBROiDEREi) \'elvet Border Spanish Renaissance Lustrous sapphire-blue velvet, enriched with fine arabesque leaf-scrollings of pear-shaped and winged motives. Fin- ished with a Gothic leaf band, enlivened with touches of okl pink and red. Length, IVi yards; tcidth, 9 inches. 326 — Two VELouRs-DE-GiixE Centers Italian Sixteenth Century Woven with a beautifully drawn pattern, displaying inter- lacing double strap and acanthus scrolls, forming ovoidal medallions and developing tulips, further leafage and cornu- copias of fruit. Lustrous cut and uncut crimson velvet on shimmering corded golden-yellow silk ground. 1 >iard 26 inches lnj 11 inches. Second Afternoon 327- — Gold-embroidered ^ elvet Center Italian Early Sixteenth Century Ijustrous sappliire-blue A'elvet ; woven in cut and uncut velvet with small strap ogivals enclosing leaf motives. The en- tire pattern outlined in gold threads, and occasionally sil- ver pailletted. Trimmed with fringe. 2 yards by 10 14 inches. 328 — Gold-embroidered A'elvet Center Italian Early Si.rtcenth Century Similar to the preceding. 1 yard by 8 VI. inches. 329 — Gold-embroidered Velvet Center Italian Renaissance Fluctuating deep jade-green velvet ; enriched with leaf scroU- ings, vases and husk motives. Finished with patterned gold bands simulating galloon. 1 yard 16 inches by IO14 inches. 330 — Green "S'elvet Center Italian Seventeenth Centiiry Richly fluctuating close-pile velvet, with fine deep jade tones ; portions showing the impress of previous embroid- erv. Trimmed with tasseled fringe ; lined with yellow silk. 2 yards 14 inches by 22 inches. 331 — Green Velvet Center Italian Seventeenth Century Similar to the preceding; without fringe. 2 1/3 yards by 26 inches. 332 — Crimson A'elvet Lambrequin Italian Seventeenth Century Lustrous florally embossed velvet formed of four Vandyke points. Paneled with gold galloon ; trimmed with crimson edging. Length, I14 yards; depth, 16 inches. 333 — Crimson Velvet LAMBREauiN Italian Seventeenth Century Similar to the preceding. Second Afternoon 33-1 — Gold-embroidered Cover Itidion Seventeenth Century Hung-ariaii point. Solid unibroidcred black field ; enriched witii border of pink flowers trailing over golden staves and scrolls. 32 inches hi/ 29 inches. 335 — A'exetiax Brocade Center Seventeenth Century Delicate soft lavender ground ; woven with series of de- tached landscapes with ruins and figures, arbored by flow- ering trees ; in silver threads and colored silks. Trimmed with gold galloon. 2 2/3 i/anis bij 18 inches. 336 — Embroidered Sii.k Cover Louis XV Period Delicate blue silk; enriched with birds flitting among grow- ing flowering trees; finislied with borders of birds amid trail- ing floral sprays. Executed in pastel colors. 2 tfaril.s 11 inches hti 1 iiani 14 incites. 337 — Embroidered Silk \ alance Louis XV Period Similar to the preceding. Lenffth, 2 i/artls IG indies: ileplh, lOy, inches. 338 — Embroidered Silk Valance Louis XV Period Similar to the preceding. Lencflh, 1 2/3 yards: lie/ilh. 15 Vi, inches. 339 — Genoese Velvet Cover Itcdian Seventeenth Century Closely woven peacock-green velvet with charming dove- like jaspe lustre. Trimmed with yellow silk fringe. 34 inches hij 29 inches. 3-iO — Genoese \'elvet Table Cover Sixteenth Century Lustrous close-pile velvet with fluctuating tones of rich amethyst. Trimmed with patterned gold galloon. 2 yards 14 inches hy 1 2/3 yards. Second Afternoon 341 — EiiiiKoiDEiiED Crimson ^ elvet Center Italian Kcnaissance Enridied in applique of yellow, ivory and blue silks with S- scrollings, sprays of tulips and Gothic leafage. V'd ends finislied with gold tassels. Trimmed witli gold fringe. 60 inches by 22 inches, 3'12 — Jardiniere Velvet Center Genoese Seventeenth Centurij Enriched in cut and uncut velvet witli an infloretteil floral ogival enclosing a finely conventionalized lily bouquet. Exe- cuted in soft tones of varied pinks, crimson and green on ivory silk ground. 2 yards 3 inches by 21 inches. 3-i3 — Jardiniere Velvet Cover Genoese Seventeenth Centurij Woven in cut and uncut velvet witli line recurring lieart- sliaped motives suj^jjorting bouquets of beautiful flowers; these enclose cornucopias emitting trailing sprays of flow- ers and alternating reversed C-shaped leaf scrolls. Exe- cuted in crimson, salmon pink, varying apple-greens on an ivory ground. Small indentation at corner. 1 yard 28 inches by 21 inches. 3-1-1! — Jardiniere ^"ELVET Cover Genoese of the Seventeenth Ceniur/j Similar to the preceding. 345 — Jardiniere Velvet Center Italian, Louis A'lV Period Displaying basketed vases supporting interlacing scrolled bouquets of flowers in ricli crimsons, coral pinks, and greens on an ivory silk ground. One end incut at corner. Lentjlh, 1 yard 30 inches; rcidth, 22 inches. Second Afternoon 346 SlLVER-EMBROIPERED VeLVET CovER Italian Seventeenth Century Rich ruby volvet ; enriclifd in raised silver threads with two panels of basketed floral arabesques developing pomegran- ate motives and a coronetted coat-of-arms. Trimmed on sides witli rare leaf-patterned silver lace of the period, the ends with narrow fan patterned lace. 1 yard 22 inches hi/ 2(> inches. 347 — Gold-embroidered Panel Italian Renaissance Flushed ivory satin ; enriched in gold threads and harmo- nious silk with jardiniere emitting scrollings of naturalistic flowers sheltering birds. Similar crowning border. Height, 3 feet; zciilth, 3 feet i inches. 348 — Five Embroidered A'elvet Panels Spanish Sixteenth Century Rare close-pile amethyst velvet ; paneled and cartouched with strap and leaf-scrolled arabesques enclosing a symbolic coronetted, jiendent gridiron, "The emblem of St. Lor- enzo." Executed in lavender and yellow silk applique. Height, 31 incites: zciilth, 11 indies. From the Monasterio de Escorial Collection, Spain. 349 — Eight Velvet Panels Italian Seventeenth Century Close-pile fluctuating rose-red velvet, with lustrous sheen. Appro.rimateJii, 30 i/ards 20 inches; width, 18% inches. 350 — Genoese Velvet Center Sixteenth Century Crimson cut and uncut velvet ; woven with double strap and acanthus leaf scrolls developing tulips and cornucopias of fruit ; on a corded golden yellow ground. 3 yards 4 inches In/ 22y;. inches. Second Afternoon 351 — Gold-embroidered Center Italian Renaissance Rich green velvet cisele with scrolls and carnation motives ; enriclied with embroidered scrollings. 2 ijarch '2'2 iiicht's hi) 9 Inches. 352 — Silver Brocade Cover Venetian Seventeenth Century Soft robin's-egg blue ; woven with small diamonds and varied scrolled and detached bouquets of flowers, in delicate colors and silver. Trimmed witli chevron patterned silver galloon. 2 i/ards 4 inclic.i bij 1-54 i/arJs. 353 — Embroidered Velvet Center Italian Benaissance Rose-crimson velvet, enriched with two panels of scrolled rustic Gothic stems and trailing sprays of flowers in yellow and ivory silk applique. Ends rounded. Trimmed with gold fringe. 62 inches hi/ 1!) inches. 35-1 — Eaibroidered Blue Silk Baldachino Louis XV Period Lustrous ciel-blue silk ; enriched in pastel colors with birds and butterflies, amid all-over trailing sprays of beautiful blossoms. Similar border. 2 2/3 i/ards by 1 yard 32 inches. 355 — Crimson Damask Baldachino Italian Renaissance Lustrous rose-crimson ; woven with large inflorctted bou- quets and supporting leafage. Trimmed with festooned and tasseled fringe of the period. 31/3 yards by 3 yards i inches. 356 — Golden-yellow Brocatelle Coverlet Italian Renaissance Displaying vases and baskets of flowers and fruit alter- nately placed. Trimmed witli fringe. (Needs restoration.) 2 1/3 yards by 2 2/3 yards. Second Afternoon 357 — Brocatelle Coverlet Italian Renaissance Liglit peacock blue; woven vvitli varied large bouquets sup- ported by acanthus leaves. Enriched witli central scrolled medallion of patterned yellow galloon. Incut square cor- ners for bed-posts. Paneled falls at sides. Tolul letKjih, 2 ytirils 30 inches: xctdth, 2 ijards 2!) Inches. 358 — Two Embroidered Damask Portieres Italian- Seventeenth Century Lustrous deep ivorv damask ; woven witji festooned formal bouquets and sprays of flowers. Eiiriciied in center with coat-of-arms and bordered at sides in drap d'or apjalique with stems of conventional leaves and raised rosettes, sim- ilar pendants at crown and foot. Trinnned with patterned yellow silk galloon. Lentjlh^ 2 ijanh 20 inches; wiiJfh, 1 i/ard 7 inches. 359 — Greex Brocatelle Portiere Italian Early Eighteenth Century Brilliant forest-green ; woven with scrolled leaf motives and liusks on a greenisli ivory ground. Trinnned with rosette patterned, straw-silk galloon. Len(jlh, 4 yards G inches: width, 1 yard 3t inches. 360 — Drai' d'Or Portiere Italian Sixteenth Century Lustrous crimson ground; woven in gold and silver with rare jardinieres alternately filled with carnation and pome- granate motives, enclosed within infloretted scroll banded medallions, enriched with coronets at crown and highlv coji- ventionalized pomegranates at foot ; trinnned with fringe. Lenijth, 2 yards .32 incites: widtlt, 1 yard (j inches. 361 — Venetian Brocade Coverlet Seventeenth Century Rare resetted lattice-damasse field ; woven in rich harmoni- ous colors with detaclied landscapes occupied by beautiful flower bearing shrubs. Tiimmed witli patterned gold gal- loon. 2 yards 5 incites by 1 yard 29 inches. Second Afternoon 362 — Golden-yellow Brocatelle Coverlet Italian Early Eighteenth Century Woven in apricot pink with scrolling sprays of convention- alized flowers and acanthus leaves ; parted at intervals with bands of earlier blue velvet. Lower corners in-cut for foot board. Length, 2Y. yards; xc'idth, 3 i/ards 4 inches. 363 — Golden-yellow Damask Coverlet Italian Seventeenth Century Shimmering sunlit yellow ; woven with magnificent inflor- etted bouquets of flowers and small trailing vines. Trimmed with patterned yellow silk galloon. Cut at top coi'ners and rounded at foot to fit bed. Length, 3 1/3 yards; width, 4 yards. 364 — Embroidered Silk Coverlet Louis XV Period Ciel-blue ; enriched in pastel colors with birds and butter- flies flitting amid growing flowering shrubs. Similar border. Finished on two sides witli deep bands of floral Milanese lace. 2 yards by 1 1/3 yards. 365 — Two Embroidered Silk Valances Louis XV Period Similar to the preceding. Lengths, 2 yards 16 inches and 1 yard 26 indies; depths, 11 and 151/2 inches. 366^Drap d'Or Brocade Coverlet Venetian Seventeenth Century Rose-peach silk ; woven in threads of gold and pastel colored silks with rare complex bouquets of flowers and pomegran- ates within imbricated scrollings. Supported on bold in- floretted leaves. Trimmed witli gold galloon. 2 yards 20 inches by 1 yard 26 inches. Second Afternoon 367 — Crimsox Damask Baldachino ItaVuin Sixteenth Century Lustrous silk ; wovuii witli scrollefl sprays of carnation and pomegranate motives. (Needs restoration.) 3 i/arfh 11 inrhcs hi/ 2 i/anJs 10 inrlies. 368 — Embroidered Silk B.^ldachixo Louis XV Period Ciel-blue silk, enriched with butterflies and birds flitting amid rare blossoming growing shrubs. Executed in pastel colors. Similar border. Hclfiht. 2 i/artls 28 inrhcs: rcidth. 2 i/iirds (> inches. 369 — Embroidered Silk Balhachixo Louis XV Period Similar to the j)receding'. Heiriht, 2 i/crds 2(i hirlicx: icidth. 2 i/cirds 11 inches. THIRD AFTERNOON'S SALE FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 1921 AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING AT 2. 1.5 oV'LOCK Catalogue Numbers 370 to 545, inclusive EARLY ROMAN AND OTHER GLASS 370 — RoMAx Glas.s \'ase Third Cciifurif Ji.C. ^Mokleti <;ri.i.'iiish glass. Expaniling sides witli nioldoil spreading rim. Cream-colored encrustations with fine areas of green iridescence. On brass tripod. Height. r''s incln'S. 371 — Glass \'ase Venetian Si.vieenlh Centnri/ Rlown smoked glass. Ribbed antl reeded coupe shape, en- circled with filaments of blue glass; spreading stem, circular foot and two looped liandles of blue glass, quilled with wliite. (Cracked.) Height. .3';, inches. 372 — Ro.MAX Glass Jar First Centurij B.C. Blown amber glass. Barrel shape, with molded shoulder and foot ; pear-shajK'd stopper. Iridescent with silvery patina. Hiight of jar, 2% iiiciies. Third Afternoon 373 — Roman Glass Dropping Bottle Second Century B.C. Molded greenish glass. Pear-shaped body, enriched with reticulated motives. Cylindrical neck, witii pierced web and molded spreading rim. Varicolored iridescence. On brass tripod. Height, 3% inches. 374 — Roman Glass Vase Second Centurii B.C. Molded greenish glass. Globular body, incurved neck and sjjreading rim. Enriched witli outstanding zigzags of simi- lar glass. Green iridescence. Height, 3 inches. 375 — Roman Glass Vase Second Century B.C. Molded white glass. Pear-shaped body, with pinched-out vertical ribbings, starting from an applied quilled band ; cylindrical neck, encircled by filaments of glass and flat spreading rim. Golden encrustations with areas of fine iridescence. On brass tripod. Height, 8 inches. 37(i — Two Talaveua Faience Albahelli Spanish Eighteenth Century Decorated in deep rich blue with archaic landscapes. Height, 914 inches. 377 — Glazed Terra-cotta Bouquet Florentine Si.rteenth Century Circular cluster of fruit, flowers and leafage, witli a frog about center. Realistically modeled and glazed in natural colors. Diameter, 13 inches. From the Bardini Collection, 1918. 378 — Two Majolica Faience Vases Savona Seventeenth Century Pear-shaped bodies, with cylindrical rims, circular feet and upright leojiard-head handles. Invested with a starch blue glaze, adorned in black with scrolled acanthus leaves. Height, lO'^ inches. Third Afternoon EARLY FRENCH FANS 379 — Decorated Ivory Fan Louis XVI Period Parchment foil, enriched with subject, "Pastoral I>overs." Pierced ivory blades, inlaid with floral motives and figures in gold and silver. 380 — Decorated Ivory Fan Louis ATI Period I'arclinient foil, enriched with landscape and stream ani- mated by groups of figures. Scrolled ivory blades with pierced and tinted floral guards. 381 — Decorated Ivory Fan Louis XVI Period Foil enriched with subject, "Al Fresco Music," in rich col- ors on chicken skin ; reverse with flying cupid. Pierced ivory blades inlaid in two colors of gold with floral vase and figures. 382 — Decorated Mother-of-pearl Fan Louis XVI Period Foil enriched with shepherd lovers in an Italian landscape ; in rich colors on chicken skin. Pierced mother-of-jjearl blades inlaid with floral motives in two colors of gold. 383 — Decorated Ivory Fan Louis XV Period Parchment foil, enriched with pastoral garden scene in rich colors; reverse with subject, "The Lovers." Pierced ivory blades, carved with pastoral panel and flanking Veniis Mar- tin medallions of landscapes. 384! — Decorated Italian Fan Louis XVI Period Ivory silk foil, enriched with central colored print, flanked with gold pailletted black oval medallions. Pierced ivory blades with arabesques of gold inlaid. 385 — Decorated Ivory' Fan Louis XV Period Foil enriched A^ath pastoral panneaux in varied colors en camdieu after Watteau ; reverse with blue landscape. Pierced ivory blades cai-\'ed with scrolled panels of pastoral figures. (One blade imperfect.) Third Afternoon -X -^^ 386 — Decorated jMotheu-of-pearl Fax Louis XVI Pcriud Foil enriched with panoramic landscape occupied by peas- ants at A'arious avocations, in rich colors on parchment ; reverse, romantic landscape. Pierced blades inlaid in gold and slher with oval nieihdlions of flowers and fiffures. 387 — Decorated Tortoise-shell Fax Dircctoire Period Ivory silk foil, enriched in colors with oval medallion of "The Muse Euterpe" ; flanked by dainty jirabesques and oval colored ])rints. Piercrd toi'toise-shell blades inlaid in gold witli floral ]ianel>. 388 — Decorated Ivory Fax Louis XVI Period Parchment foil, enriched with laiidscajK" and stream enliv- ened by groups of ciiildren. Finely pierced ivory blades carved and tinted with medallion of flowers and iardinieres. 389 — Decorated I\oky Fax Louis XVI Period Parchment foil, enriclied witli broad landscape diversified by many figui'es in carmine camai'eu ; rexerse similar. Dainty pierced ivory blades, tinted and iidaid in gold with figures of shepiierds and colunms of floral motives. Third Afternoon 390 — Decorated Mother-of-peari, Fan Louis XV I Period Silvered foil, enriched witli garlanded medallions of cliildreii playing, pink scroll borders in colors and gold. Pierced mother-of-pearl blades, inlaid with figures and fioral motives in two colors of gold. 391 — Decorated Ivory Fax Louis XVI Period Parchment foil enriched in colors with subject, "Rustic Lovers before a Notary." Rare pierced ivory blades, carved and tinted, displaying central pastoral medallion finished with a back of mother-of-pearl, flanked by animal panels. 392 — Decorated Ivory Fax Louis XVI Period Foil enriched with varied overlapping panels of Mandarins fishing, landscapes, playing cards and a maj3 of Piedmont; on chicken skin. Gold inlaid blades. Foil inscribed, "La Comtesse de Laffnase." 393 — Decorated Ivory Fax Directoire Panel Foil enriched with oval central architectural landscape, flanked by similar panels interrupted with arabesques; on chicken skin. Beautifully pierced ivory blades carved with garlanded butterfly flanked by pastoral panels. Third Afternoon 39-l< — Decokatei) Mother-of-pearl Fan Louis XVI Period Parcliment foil, enriclicd with subject in colors, "The Meet- ing of Alexander and Roxana." Finely pierced mother- of-pearl blades carved with pastoral figures amid elaborate scrollings. 395 — Decorated Mother-of-pearl Fan Louis XVI Period Foil enriched with woodland pastoral subject in beautiful colors on jjarchment ; reverse, with subject, "The Lovers." Mother-of-pearl blades inlaid in two colors of gold with panncaux of figures. 396 — Decorated Ivory Fan Louis XVI Period Parchment foil, enriched with three panels of pastoral fig- ures and floral borders in colors. Finely pierced ivory blades carved with court figures amid floral scrolls. 397 — Decorated Mother-of-pearl Fan Louis XVI Period Foil enriched with subject, "The Three Graces Garlanded by Cupids," in colors on chicken skin ; reverse, with subject, "The Lovers." Pierced mother-of-pearl blades inlaid in two colors of gold with figure medallions. Third Afternoon /^ 398 — Decorated Mothek-of-pearl Fax Louis XVI Period Foil enriclied with subject, "Tlic Triunipli of Venus," painted in brilliant colors on chicken skin ; reverse, with arabesqued medallions of landscapes. Beautifully picrce inches. 441 — Gilded Bronze Mantel Clock Louis XVI Period Engine-turned drum case, supported by Jove's eagle and surmounted by a sjjray of fruit and two entwined serpents. On molded leaf-enriclied plinth and round feet. Annulai' porcelain and gilded bronze dial. Inscribed: T. Straub B. in Wien. Height, 11'- inches. 442 — Bronze Mortar Spanish Sixteenth Century Molded bell shape; enriched with projecting flanges inter- rupting satyr-heads in low relief. Rich patina. Height, H inches: diameter, 51/, inches. ITALIAN. SPANISH AND FLEMISH BRASS CANDLE- STICKS AND LAMPS OF THE SIXTEENTH AND SEVENTEENTH CENTURIES 443 — Two Brass Candlesticks Spanish Seventeenth Century Baluster shaft, with broad bobeche. On molded triangular base and small feet. Height, 9i.<, inches. 444 — Brass Hanging Lamp Spanish Seventeenth Century Molded bowl shape, with cresting and a pendant terminating in scrolls. Sujjported from three scroll brackets by open scroll link cliains to a domed canopy. I'otal height, 36 inches; lam}) height, 1314 inches. Third Afternoon 445 — Brass Haxgixg Lamp Spanish Scventcciiili Ccntnri) Molded bowl shape with unusual ojjen cresting and baluster pendant. Supported from scroll brackets by o])en scroll link-chains to a small canopy. Total hiifiht. 31 Uirhis: lamp hcUiht, 7i/, inches. 44G — Bkass Hancjixg Lamp Italian Sixteenth Century Molded bowl-shape, with balustered ring pendant and pierced scroll cresting. Supported from three open scrolled brackets on scrolled link-chains with stops of winged angels, to a bell-shaped canopy. Total height, 43 inehea; lamj) heir/lit, 17 inche.i. 447 — Brass Chandelier Flemish Seventeentli Centiir/t Balustered shaft, with engraved jiierced ball ])endant and displayed eagle at crown. Supporting a tier of exception ally well scrolled brackets for lights, and above, a similar series of scrolled blossoms. Ileifilil, If) inches. 448 — Brass Chandelier Flemish Seventeenth Century Similar to the preceding. HeiifJit, 17 incJie.\-. 449 — Brass Brasero Spanish Seventeenth Century Low bowl-shape, with flaring turn-over rim, enriched with swinging scroll and shell lifting liandles and three scroll feet. Fitted with j^an lining having two entwined mermaid swinging handles. Height, 12 inches. Third Afternoon iT-i — Lacquer Table Queen Anne Period JMolded oblong toj) ; fitted with long antl three short draw- ers, finely aproned in front. On slightly cabrioled legs with spade feet. Trimmed with engra\ed cartouche bail handles on drawers and ends. Decorated with psuedo-C'hinese pal- ace scenes and basket panels in gold on dark green. Height, 2%% inrhis: length. .30 inrhfu. 475 IVIoi^XTED AND Ixi.AID ToKTOISE-SHEI.I, C'aIUXET Venetian Eiyhteenih Cenfiir// Broken molded, donied oblong top; canted fluted pilasters. Central arclied door enclosing an interior lined with gilded metal. On molded plinth and curved and gilded scroll feet. Mounted in cuirre dore with floral appliques on flanking panels and above door. Feathered kingwood inlay. Ilt'iflht. "idVi iiirJif'f: Icnjilh. 24 inchps. 476 — Gii.DEu Walxut liECTEiix Italian Seventeenth Centurt) Chamfered straight X-supj)orts with balustered stretchers; finished with rosettes. Parcel gilded. Folding book rest of tooled buff leather. Hihlhl. 5 feet "2 inchen: tcidfJi, 1 fool 7 inches. 477 — Carved axd Gilded State Chair Venetian Eigliteeiitli Ccntnri/ Scroll molded back; enriched with leafage and shell motive. Scrolled arms and cabriole legs. Back and seat of brown hide illuminated in a darker tone with large floral motives. 478 — Carved .\xd Gu.ded Armchair Italian Eighteenth Centnrii Deeply serpentined back ; enriched with scroll moldings, leafage and sprays. Scrolled arms and cabriole legs simi- larly adorned. Finished ivory lacque parcel gilded. Loose seat and back covered in pink and ivory floral silk. Third Afternoon ■479 — Two Emhroidered Carved Chairs Louis XVI Period Molded slia])fd oval back ; enriched with ribbon member, bowknot and leaf supports. Oval seat with husk moti\es. On reed-fluted tapering round legs. Seat and back covered in ivory silk with appli(]ue embroidery of beribboncd sprays of flowers in pastel colors. 480 — Carved axd Gilded Mirror Venetian Eiirli/ Eighteentli Ccntnr// Shield-shaped molded frame; eiiriclied with o[)en scrolling of leafage and rocaille, forming a large cartouched jjedi- nicnt and a smaller apron bearing a loop for a bracket-light. Hcif/ht, 48 inchet!: U'iillli. 27 inrlic.t. 481 — Two Carved and Gieded Mirrors Italian Eiyhteeuth Century Oval molded frame delicately enriched with gilded gatlroons and leaf motives on ivory ground; exceptionally fine husk- festooned, leaf-scrolled pediment and similar smaller apron. Hiiffhl. 28'/, inches; wiilfli, 15>/, inrlii-s. 482 — Two Carved axd Gilded jMiruors Italian Eighteenth Centnr// Similar to the preceding. 483 — Two Carved axd Gilded W.\ll Ai'i'i.iauKs Venetian Seventeenth Centurif Elaborately scrolled bracket developing leafage and coronetted cartonclie, sustaining at crown a figure of an Amorino in full relief. Hciiiht. U inchts. 484 — Carved axd Gilded Fire Screex Italian lieiiaisaancc Oblong; enriclied with central crimson \'enetian brocade panel; wo\en with subject, "The Annunciation"; surrounded by borders of gold lace and embroidery. Frame adorned with open member of vines and grapes. On scrolled gar- goyle cross feet and stretcher. Hfif/lil. 40 jnr7/<-.v.- icidlli. 39 inches. Third Afternoon 485 — Needlewokk Carved Walxtt Fire Screen Italian Seventeenth Century Molded oblong frame, scrolled at crowning sides ; supported on quaint open scrolled plinth. Sliding panel of gros and petit point developing ivory medallion occupied by figure of a harlequin surrounded by stra]5 and floral scrolling in rich colors on black ground. Height, SSV-i inches; tcidth, 30 inches. 486 — Cakved AValnct Needlework Screen French Early Eighteenth Century Adjustable oblong panel in gros and petit point and fine Point St. Cyr. Displaying a knight and his lady in pseudo- Cliinese costumes, standing amid fantastic scrollings; the knight with a falcon on his wrist ; at foot is a page and his hound. Executed in rich colors on a tawny l)rown ground. AValnut frame with open pediment enriched with husks and shell motives ; on cross feet scrolled with acanthus leafage. Height, 53 inches; widtli, 27 inches. 487 — Crimson A'eiaet Cassone Italian Sixteenth Century Oblong; with lifting top. Covered in ancient crimson vel- vet. Enriched Avith panels of round-headed nails, shaped forged iron hasps and lock plates in the form of double displayed eagles. Height. 1 foot 5\'„ inches; length, 4 feet 6 inches. 488 — Needlework Walnut Sofa Italian Eighteenth Century Oblong back serpentined at crown, and similarly fronted seat upholstered in Hungarian point exhibiting zigzags in dull colors and black. Finely scrolled arms and supports. On six cabriole legs. Height, 3 feet 10 inches; length, 4 feet 3 inches. Third Afternoon 489 — Decorated Lachjuk Cokxek Caihnet Italiiin Eighteenth Century Strpcntiiiud top ami niojckd front enclosed by two doors, cnriclied in colors with jardinieres of flowers and arabesques on pale green grounds. Supported on curved and gilded cabriole legs; similar scrolled a])ron. Hi'hjht, .'i feet 11 inches; width, 1 foot 8 inrlun. ■iOO — Carved axd Gilded Console Taiu.e Italian Louis A'V Period Molded ser])entined frieze; with round corners, gracefully festooned open rocaille and scrolled-leaf motived apron. The sides bracketed to a molded and paneled back. Sup- ported at front by two cabriole legs with scrolled stretcher having similar rocaille adornment and leaf cartouche ter- minal. Green marbleized top. Height, 35 inches; length, 17 inches. 491 — Carved axd Gilded Cexter Taisle Italian Eighteenth Century Round, fluted and molded top ; fitted with inset Rosso Antico marble top. Open, laurel-festooned frieze enriched with sil- vered patera' and guilloche motives. On fluted tapering square legs and X-stretcher surmounted by a festooned vase. Ileiiiht. 3() inches: Oiumeter. 2iy., inches. 492 — Carved axd Gilded Cexter Table Italian Eighteenth Century Similar to the preceding. 493 — LAcauERED Tall Case Clock English Eighteenth Century Domed hood ; long case, enclosed with molded door ; on high base. Decorated in gold with pseudo-Chinese figures, land- scapes and ships. Height, 8 feet. Third Afternoon ITALIAN, SPANISH AND FLORENTINE WALNUT FURNITURE FROM THE TWELFTH TO THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY ^OSa — IxLAiD Cabixet Flciiiisli Sivtcciitli Century Oblong; fitted with small molded drawers entirely enriched in varied soft-colored woods witli quaint architectural land- scapes ; ends similar. The top witli musical instruments. H(i(/ht. 8 inchet:: 'ccidlJi. m inches. 491: — Carved Walxtt Flax-wixdek Italian Byzaiitiiic, Tzcelfth Centurij Composed of four flarin<>- bands stretchered at head and foot to a central baluster on which they revolve. The bands enriched in low relief with archaic figures of Adam antl Eve, Warriors and chimeric animals. (Two figure teiuiinals missing and one imperfect.) Hcif/hl. 18 indies: xcndtli. 19''4 inches. 495 — FoLDixG Wai.xit Beach Chair Italia II Seventeenth Cen t u ry Composed of a shaped back upholstered in crimson floral damask, su|)]iorted on a racketed easel. Hinged arms with balustered supports and stretchers. Xofe: These enrlv half-chairs for use at the seashore are cxtremelv 496 — Carved Wai.xit Armchair Italian Eigliteentli Cent/ir/i Scroll-molded back, arms and cabriole legs enriched witli rocaille. Seat and back covered in })ink and yellow block- patterned silk. 497 — Carved Walxit Chair Florentine Seventeenth Century Sgabello type. Triangular open back with three splats, the outer of leaf-scrolled crayatids, the center of leaf husks. Octagonal fluted walnut seat. Pierced flaring front sup- port enriched with satyr-mask strap scrolls and claw feet ; back support shaped in a similar manner. Third Afternoon 498 — Two Carved Walnut Chaiks Italian S'Lvtcciitli Century Oblong hack and seat, co\t'rccl in dark brown hide, trinnncd with unusual oval brass nails; back crested witii leaf-scrolled terminals ; scrolled flat arms and baluster supports. On s(juare stretcliered legs, the frontal stretcher pierced with I'ornucopias of fi-uit and leafage. (One seat defective.) 499 — Two C'akvei) Wai.xit C'haiks Florentine Sixteenth Ceiif/iri/ Open back with straiglit supports terminating in scrolled acanthus leaves and two cross splats enriched with variant Florentine fleur-de-lis. Molded wood seat witli rosette and scroll a])ron. On s(juare legs, witli frontal stretcher similar to lower l)ack splat. 500 — Two CAiiVF.n Wai.xit Chairs Florentine Siuteentli Century Similar to tiie precednig. 501 — Foi.Dixc; Wai.xtt T.\bi.e Florentine Sixteenth CenUiri/ Oval top with two hinged flaps; frieze fitted witli two molded drawers at ends, trimmed with walnut knobs. On o])en scrolled and framed end supports with box stretchers and interesting half fleur-de-lis gates. Hihflit. 2 feet 5% iuclirs: (lliimilcr. iipcii. I /rr/ 4 iiiclie.i. 502 — Cak\eii ^VAI,x^T Tahle Italian Heuaissanee Molded oblong top enriched witli scalloped edge. Frieze fitted with molded drawer, at ends with unusual scrolled brackets. On square legs. Hrifflif. 2(i'^_. iiirtif's; iciilfJt. 26^^ inrhcs, 503 — Wai.xi't Table Tnseun Sixtceiitli Centnr// Oblong top, enriched with fine dentil member; frieze with series of half reeded-flutings fitted witli long drawer. On balustered legs and especially fine guilloched stretchers. Height, 2 feet (> inches: Icin/fh. i feet 5 itirliex: diiniirter. 2 feet 9 inrhe.'.: lltird Aftcnioon 504- Tuscaii Fifteenth Century Fluted and molded oblong top. Plain apron, fitted witli drawer having walnut knob. Lyre-.slmped end supports on shaped cross bases with molded feet and central key-shaped stretcher. Height, 1 foot 10 inches; length, 2 feel 6 inches. 505 — Carved Walnut Center Table Spanish Seventeenth Century Massive top in one piece ; frieze enriched with interlacing diamond and square medallions and fitted with two drawers. Supported on balustered legs with center and two cross stretchers. Height, 2 feet 9 inches; length, 5 feet 11 inches; zc'iilth, 2 feet 31/, inches. 506 — Six Carved Walnut Armchairs Italian Regence Period Oblong molded back with serpentined crown enriched with shell, leaf scrolls and basket panels ; scrolled arms and sup- ports adorned with leafage. Serpentined seat with apron similar embellished to crown. On cabriole legs with scrolled feet. Back and seat caned. From the Bardini Collection, 1918. 507 — Six Carved Walnvt Chairs Italian Directoire Period Molded fan-shaped back, enriched with husks and ])ater;E enclosing sweep panel at crown and oval medallion below. Molded round seats; on pateraed and reeded square legs terminating in curved leaf-adorned tapering feet. Back panels and seats caned. From the Bardini Collection, 1918. Third Afternoon 508 — Two Ixi-Aii) Walnut Fratixa Chairs Tuscan Fifteenth Ccntiiri/ S])ade-sliaj)c'cl open buck, witli deep .sj)lats inlaid with Fratina handings. Similar s]ia])ed wood seat having inlaid apron. On square legs with stretchers. iYo/c: Fratina inlay was so called from the Italian "Frate" (a monk). Tlif earliest work of this type was executed in the monasteries. 509 — Two Walnut Chairs ItaVutn Renaissance Oblong back, shaped at crown and base ; seat upholstered in beautiful drap d'argent spring green velvet, Genoese of the period. Woven with cut and uncut husk scrolls enclosing fine blossoms. Trimmed with galloon, fringe and large brass nails. On tapering s(|uare legs and balustered H-stretcliers. 510 — Two Walnut Chairs Italian Renaissance Similar to the preceding. 511 — Two Walnut Benches Italian Renaissance Oblong seats, upholstered to match the preceding. Sup- ported on square legs with small balustered sections and varied scrolled stretchers. 512 — Two Walnit Benches Italian Renaissance Similar to the preceding. 513 — Carveu Walnut Armchair Florentine Si,rteenth Century Oblong back, with fluted finials, flat voluted arms on scjuare supports and legs; frontal stretcher deeply pierced and scrolled, square side and back stretchers. Seat and back upholstered in rose-red velvet ; trimmed with large brass nails and silk fringe. Third Afternoon Sl-i — Wai.xut Table C'aiuxet Italian Renaissance Molded oblong top; fitted with three drawei-s molded to simulate six and paneled with glass in gold and blue to resemble lapis-aventurine. On molded bracketed base. Utic/hf, 20 inches; liiu/fli, '23y„ inches. 515 — Carved Walnut Cahixet Italian SLvfccntli Ccttturij Oblong top, witli gadroon enriched molding; frieze with drawer adorned witli scrolled leafage. Front fitted with jjanelcd enclosing door. Pilasters of leaf-scrolled brackets, curiously tapering at foot. On paneled plintji and archaic claw feet. Rich dee]) ])atina. Heiiiht. 33 inches: iciillh. 2(i inches. 516 — Carved Walnut Column Sicilian Sixteenth Century Spirally twisted shaft profusely enriched witli beautiful vines bearing many blossoms. Composite Corinthian cap- ital, octagonal sectioned base adorned with valanci'd leaf- scrolled arabesques and Inrds. Height. 52 indies. 518 — Two Walnut State Chairs Florentine Sixteenth Centuri) S(juare back, witli acanthus-leaf finials. On square legs with broad frontal stretcher carved with circular rosette and volute scrolls ; square side rails. Seat and back uphol- stered in rich wine-colored velvet. Trimmed with silk gal- loon and brass nails. 519 — Two Walnut Chairs. Italian Si.rteenth Century Low spindled back, with sciolled jx?diment and lower rail: square support with jiatera' and vase terminals. On finely balustered and stretchered legs. Seats covered in most interesting Genoese cloth-of-gold velvet, woven with rose- du-Barry leaf scrolls, jardiniere and bird. Trimmed with frinee. Third Afternoon 520 — Two Wai.xit Chairs Tuscan Early SLvteenth Ccnt/iri/ Ohloiig backs witli supjioits tcrniiiuiting in scrolluil acan- thus leaves; hossed and ])ancle(i s(|uarc logs witli ball feet and shaped frontal stretcher. Seat and back in brown hide studded witli tirass nails ; the back skilfully tooled with mask, double crescents and paneled bordt'r of figures and floral sprays. 521 — Ii.i.rjiixATEn and Tooled Teather Panel Spdnish Seventeenth Century (Jblong; central leaf-scroUeil cartouche occupied by Cujiid soaring aloft on Jove's Eagle ; flanking golden panels en- hanced with garlands of flowers and richly scrolled irregular fruit and floral borders executed in gold, sihei- and ricli colors. (One corner slightly imperfect.) Hcif/lil. :i ff'f't: hvjith. I) fi'cl 9 inrhix. 522 — Carved Wai.ntt Cassoxe Florentine Sixteenth Centnrtf Molded oblong lifting top enriclu'd with dentils; paneled ends and front adorned with leaf scroUings, husks and oval cartouche. On claw feet. Hr!i/hl. 1 fiHit !l hirlir.t: Icillllll. ). /■(■./ 2 inclicx. 52'.i — Carved Wai.xit Cassoxe Ifnlian Sixteenth Centnr// .Molded oblong lifting tojj ; front and ends ])aneled with fine leaf moldings. Pilasters of scrolled demi-nyniphs and jiend- ent fruit executed in the round. Supported on a loose base of boldly scrolled acantiuis leaves and end cross-sti'etchers terminating in archaic croucliing lions. II(i;ilil. 1 fiiiit S liirhcx: Ifiti/th. -t fcrf i ilichr.i. 524 — Carved Walxet SrrrE If alia n Eiglitecnfh Centnr// Consisting of two ainichairs and two-back settee. Open scroll molded back with interlacing splat of ovals ; scrolled arms; sha])ed seat with open front of recurring ovals; on cabriole legs. Loose seat, covered in dark brown hide. Si-Hir hiij ^ 547 — Embroidered Velvet Cushion Italian Renaissance J i/ Oblong; lustrous wine-red velvet. Enriched with coronetted coat-of-arnis in gold and silver threads and blue silk. 548 — Vexetiax Brocade Cushion Seventeenth Century . ^yr Square ; blue-gray ground, woven in gold threads and col- / 7/ ored silks with pseudo-Chinese symbols and flowers. Trinnued witli gold lace. i- — Blue ^'EI.VET Cushion Italian Fifteenth Century h U Oblong; tan-pink ground, woven with detached scrolling blue velvet leaves. 550— Embroidered Velvet Cushion /^'y^^ Italian Seventeenth Century Oblong; rich ruby-red velvet, displaying a coat-of-arms in center. Fourth and Last Afternoon li^ 1 GoLD-EMBROIDEEED VeLVET CuSHIOX Italian Seventeenth Century Oblong; rich ruby-velvet adonied in gold threads applique with husk and scroll corners. Trinniied witli gold galloon. 552 Two GOLD-EMBROIDERED VeLVET CUSHIONS v^ \ Spanish Sixteenth Century Deep sapphire-blue velvet, enriclied with a rondel enclosing double displayed "Hapsburg" eagle, surrounding leaf scroU- ings and border. L 53 Two GOLD-EMBROIDEEED ^ ELVET CuSHIOXS Spanish Sixteenth Century Similar to the preceding, but smaller. 554 GOLD-EMBEOIDEEED VeLVET CuSHIOX Spanish Sixteenth Century Oblong ; lustrous sapphire-blue velvet ; enriched in gold and silver threads with rondel bearing a double displayed "Hapsburg" eagle; surrounded by floral scrolls and border. 555 — GoLD-EMBROiDERED Velvet Cushion Italian Renaissance Square ; jade-green velvet, enriched in gold threads and pas- sages of crimson silk with a finely developed floral pear- shaped motive. Trimmed with gold band simulating gal- loon. A 556 — GoLD-EMBROiDEEED Velvet Cushion Italian Renaissance /In « Similar to the preceding. Smaller. )5S^ — Gold-emhroidered Cushiox Italian Renaissance I f" .y^ Green velvet, enriched with beautiful pear-shaped motives L -J emitting leafage and husks ; finished with a band of gold simulating galloon. / i/S58 — Gold-embroidered Cushiox Italian Renaissance Similar to the preceding, but smaller. Fourth and Last Afternoon ■'■ \^ "V v ^ 559i — Two Gold-embroidered Orphreys Italian Renaissance f ^ I Lustrous green velvet, enriched with leaf scrollings, vases 5 f^i and liusks. Finished with patterned gold bands simulating \J^ galloon. 560— g^wo Gold Needle-painted Cushions Italian Renaissance Oblong; central panel witli cartouched monogram and Gothic foliage; finished with bands simulating gold galloon. Executed in fine gold and silver threads on lustrous crimson velvet of the epocii. Trinnned with narrow crimson fringe. One with crimson velvet back, the other with damask. Fourth and Last Afternoon ^ 5Gl Two GOLD-EMISKOIDEUED A'eLVET CUSHIONS f ti JlA^'^ Spanish Sirteenf . — ""^ Oblong; lustrous sapphire-blue velvet; enriched r- xieenth Century sapphire-blue velvet; enriched with circu- lar medallions enclosing double displayed eagles ; surrounded by leaf scrollings and border. '(^"062= — Two GOLD-EMBEOIDERED YeLVET CusHIONS Spanish Sixteenth Century Similar to the preceding. Smaller. 563 — Gold Needle-painted Orpheey Italian Renaissance Displaying four rondels occupied by various figures of M. saints ; the rondels are scrolled at crown and foot with . '- leafage and dolphins and support jardinieres of fruit. Pan- I I J eled with patterned gold bands simulating galloon. \, 564 — Gold Needle-painted Orphrey Italian Renaissance Similar to the preceding. 565 — Needlework Panel French, Francois I Period "King David and Bathsheba." Toward left, near a cupid fountain, Bathsheba is bathing at a small pool, arbored by fruiting trees ; the King's messenger delivers a message ; beyond is hilly country enlivened witli flowers. At right is a battleniented Gotliic-Renaissance castle with King David appearing at an upper window playing a harjj. Executed in rich mellow colors with quaint, solid long and short stitches. Height, 23 inches; length, 31i/, inches. P^ Note: The figure of Bathsheba is very reminiscent of Jean Goujon's "Diana" at the Louvre. 566 — Needle-painted \'elvet Dossal Italian Renaissance ' Lustrous amethyst velvet ; enriched with central panel dis- playing figures of the Virgin and four evangelists within Gothic canopied and columned niches, (^'elvet needs res- toration.) Height, 2 yards 2 inches; width, 1 yard 7 inches. Fourth and Last Afternoon h 565)^GoLD Needle-painted Hood Italian Sixteenth Century *m I .tj -m •^- ^^m rjT -:iM 'X^ m ifc^fc>gfe:^7fe^)^ No. 572 — Gold-embroidered Velvet Border {Italian Sixteenth Century) Fourth and Last Afternoon 575- ■Embkoidered \ elvet Cover Italiini Renaissance Lustrous wine-rod velvet ; enriched with beautiful border of scrolling Gothic leafage, husks, tendrils and cornucopias of fruit. Executed in ivory and yellow silk a])])lique touched with many passages of blue silk threads. 214 yards by 1 2/3 yards. 57(3 — Two Gold Needle-painted Orphreys Spanish Sidtccnth Cent art/ One composed of three, the other of four oblong panels fin- ished with lattice and gold bands simulating galloon. In the panels are admirably depicted episodes in the "Life of J\\Ahe ^'irgin" within varied landscape and architectural set- tings. In one, "The Annunciation," "Presentation in the Temple" and "The Adoration of the Magi"; in the other, "The Announcing Angel with Dove," "The Adoration of the Virgin," "The Meeting with St. Anne" and "The Marriage of the ^'irgin." Respective heir/hts, 3 feet and 4 feet: li'idths, Syi inches. Front tJie Catettral dc Paiiipelona, Xararra, Spain. (I Hast rated) 577 — Drap d'Or Boucle \ elvet Center Venetian Fifteentli Centiiri/ Displaying an exquisitely drawn pattern composed of broad, scrolled, pear-shaped motives rising from finely lobed infloretted pineapple devices emitting carnations and a further smaller pineapple. On the shoulder of the bands similar smaller pineapple devices occur ; these also emit larger sprays of carnations. The velvet, the centers of flowers and tlie golden drap d'or ground are all enriched with stitches of rare boucle d'or. Trinnned at ends with gold and crimson silk fringe. Length, 3 yards 8 inches: icidtli, 24 inches. From fJie collection of Mons. Gaultldcr, Paris. (Illustrated) 577 .57(i 576 No. 576 — Two Gold Needle-painted Orphrevs (Spattish Si.rti'ciitli Ceiituri/) No. .577 — Dr.ip d'Or Boucle Velvet Center (J'enethui Fiftreiitli Ceniury) FoiirtJi (Hid Last Afternoon STtih^GoLD Needle-painted Velvet Chasuble \ inches; length, 4 feet 41/2 inches. {Illustrated) No. 650 — Carved Polychrome Lacque Suite (Venetian, Louis Xfl Period) Fourth and Last Afternoon 651 — Two Polychrome Carved Console Tables Venetian, Louis XVI Period Similar to the preceding. Molded shaped half-statuary marble tops. Height, 3 feet 3 inches; length, 3 feet 91/, inches. (Ilhtstrati'd) 652 — Two Carved and Gilded Console Tables Roman Late Eighteenth Century Semicircular frieze, enriched witli acantlius rinceaux parted by oval pateraed oblong leg blocks. On fluted tapering round legs with leaf feet. African marble top, mounted in cuivre dore with shell-motived moldings. Height, 2 feet 8V-) inches; length, 3 feet 6 inches. Note: These two and the succeeding table were originally in the Borghese Palace, Rome. From the Stefano Bardini Collection, 1918. {Illustrated) No. 651— Two Polychrome Carved Console Tables (J'enetiaii, Louis XI'I Period) No. 652— Two Carved and Gilded Console Tables {Roman Late Eighteenth Ceutiiri/) Fourth and Last Aftcnwun 653 — Carved Walnut Xeedlewokk Settee Queen Aiuie Period Higli oblong back, witli scrolled arms and loose cushion seat u])l mistered in fine gros and petit point, displaying in the center of back a "Squire and his Dame" amid rare floral scrollingSj animals and jardinieres of flowers; the seat and arms with growing flowering shrubs. Executed in rich har- monious colors on tawny black grounds. Supported on unusually fine bracketed cabriole legs with siiell knees and curious spade feet. Heiijht, 3 feet S inches; length, i feet 5 inches. {Illustrated) 654 — Carved Walxut Needlework Chair Queen Anne Period Similar to the preceding. The back displaying a huntress with her dog, witiiin a scrolled cartouche ; the seat with facing lion and leopard amid scrolled flowers. {Illustrated) 655 — Carved Walxut Needlework Chair Queen Anne Period Similar to the preceding. The back displaying "Four Chil- dren Disporting Tliemsclvcs in an Orchard" ; the seat, a quaint oak tree bearing acorns amid flowering slirubs. {Illustrated) ,-• i»« iuchps sfjiiarf. yote: The weaving is exceptionally fine and varied for this early period. 681 — Renaissance Tapestry Border Flemisli Seventeentli Cciitiirif "Constantia." The subject seated, bearing a column witiiin a cartouched oval supported by winged demi-cupids ; flanked by beautiful scrolling acanthus leaves on a fluctu- ating wine-red ground. Woven in charming pastel colors. Lenf/tli. 3 feet 6.1/ 20 inches. 682 — Renaissance Tapestry Border Brussels Seventeenth Cenfnrt/ "Cupids, landscapes and fruit." Displaying three finely car- touched oval medallions occupied by miniature landscapes animated by chateaux and supported by a cupid who sus- tains intermediate festoons of magnificent fruit. Woven in rich warm colors on tawny ground. Lenijth, 5 yards 10 inches: depth, 18 inches. 683 — Embroidered Panel Italian Seventeenth Century Hungarian point. Basketed ivory field ; enriched in colored silks with reversed lyre-shaped motives enclosing leafage and flowers and supporting baskets of fi-uit. Height, 11 feet 8 inches; width, 1 foot IV/o inches. Fourth and La.st Afternoon GSi — Gold Needle-paixted \'elvet Lambrequin Flemish Gothic Rose-red \elvet, eiiriclit'd witli stepped oblong medallions, at center and ends, interrupted by ovals and panels of gracefully scrolled Gotliic leafage. The medallions occu- pied by subjects, "The Adoration of the Virgin" and many Saints. Length. 3 1/3 ijanh: depth, 18 inches. 685 — Needle-painted Velvet Hanging Florentine Si.rttvnth Ccnfnri/ Disj^laving a central conventionally siiaped hood ; embroid- ered in gold threads and colors witii scrolled rondel occu- pied by a figure of the Magdalene. Flanked by four square velvet panels enriched with dolphin scrolled rondels vari- ously occupied by subjects, "The Annunciation," "Birth of Christ," "The Assumption" and "Circumcision." Length. 3 yardx 7 inches: depth, 20 inches. 686 — Needlework Panel English Renaissance "Allegorical of Abundance." An emblematic amply robed female figure, resting on a staff, is seated before a finely conventionalized field of wheat and flowers ; at left and right are two gamboling cupids ; in the foreground, a hound ami jjcacock. The rising lightly wooded distance is occupied by several habitations, and above .in the clouds the "Holy J'ather is seated in Majesty, blessing the abund- ance of the earth ; the Virgin and Saviour at His sides." Executed in low-toneil harmonious colors, with golden-yel- lows predominating. In molded walnut frame. Height, 53% inches: width. 39 inches. 687 — Ti'DOR Needlework Tanel English Eenaissance Gros-point, displaying a scene from .Esop"s Fables. At the foot of a flower-decked wooded hill crested by a habita- tion are a fox and a dead crane. Executed in rare blues, pinks, tans, ivories and greens. Beautiful border of very varied clustered fruit in colors on a recurring blue ground. Finished with blossom guards. Hetijlit. feef 4 inches: width. 3 feet 5 inches. Fourth and Last Aftcnwun 688 — Petit Point Paxei, Ital'uiii Eiyhiccnth Cviilur/j "The Deposition." Tlie inert Saviour rests on His Mother's la]). She wears beautiful robes of rose-crimson and blue and is seated in center with a clierub kneeling at left, be- fore a ladder, the implements of the Passion nearby ; an- other cherub kisses the Saviour's hand at right and kneels near the tomb, against which rests a spear and symbolic sponge. In wave-molded ebony frame. Height, 2 feet 11 inches; htujlh, 4 feet 6\'z iiiehen. Note: The cartoon for this remarkable spceiiiien of needlework has been attributed to the Venetian painter Domenico Tiepolo (172(i-lS04). (lUii.ftnitrd) 689 — PETrr axd Guds-poixt V.\y;i:.i. French Sivciifcenth Cciif in// Resonant background, disjilaying grotesqued scrolls amid acanthus leafage, cornucopias and husks developed from a central motive composed of jardiniere flanked by two re- cumbent sphinxes. Broad borders, exhibiting numerous animals and birds amid trailing vines laden with flowers and fruit. Executed in rich blues, golden-yellows, crim- sons, ivories and greens. The borders slightly lower in tone, enhancing the coloring of the center. Height, 7 feet: length, 8 feet. 690 — Papal Amethyst Velvet Baldachino IfaUtni Seventeentli Century Lustrous hcavy-])ile velvet, with fluctuating areas of gem- like tone. Tiie borders and corners are impressed with markings of previous embroidery ; the corners exhibit coro- netted cartouches enclosing three-tiered Papal tiaras and crossed keys. Trimmed with original patterned silver gal- loon. Length, 2 2/3 gard.^: iciitth. 3 gards G inches. 691 — Gold-embroidered Velvet Baldachino Italian Seventeentli Century Lustrous fluctuating Botticelli green velvet ; enriched in solid applique embroidery with closely scattered cornu- copias of scrolled flowers. Finished with a Vandyke floral border. Length, 2 gard.i 21 inches; width, 1 gard 31 inches. ^ ■2^ h5 CO to 6 Fourth and Last ^Ifternoon 692 — Amethystine \ elvet BALOAcmNO Italian Seventeentli Century Rare closely woven velvet, pulsating in the light with areas of light amcthvst to deep shades of cool purple. InijDressed with the marks of previous embroidery. Lenpth. 2 1/3 i/ards; tcidth, 1 2/3 i/arils. 693 — Drap d'Oe Crimson Brocade Baldachino Italian Sixteentli Century Rich floral damasse ground ; woven in gold threads with strap ogivals alternately enclosing bouquets of carnations and tulip motives. Leiirjfli, 3% yards: rc'ldtli. 2 1/3 ijnrdx. 694 — Heraldic ^ elours Baldachino Florentine Seventeenth Century Brilliant rose-crimson, displaying a cartouched coat-of- arms, surmounted by a coronet, mantled with a demi-lion bearing a sun ; the shield charged with a mount above three bars. The cartouciie is scrolled and festooned with acanthus leaves. Ivory floral borders, interrupted by le- onic heads at corners. Exccjitionally wide weaving for tliis early period. H,h,ht, 9 feet 3 inches; widtli, 8 feet. From the collection of Principe Gonzaga di Montova. 695 — Renaissance Tapestry French Seventeenth Century "Palais de Versailles." The foreground occupied by blos- soming flowers, hollyhocks and asters which shelter a small spaniel irritating a hawk perched on its dying quarry : on rising ground at left and right gi'oups of trees bower a vista of the elaborately arcaded palace and a formal Ital- ian garden. Woven in rich greens, blues, yellows, tans, pinks, and crimson. Beautiful borders of straps and scrolled acanthus leafage, finished with leaf and bead mold- ings, interrupted with cartouched shell motives at centers and comers ; woven in richer colors tlian the field. Height, 9 feet 9 inches: width, 9 feet. (I Hunt rated) No. 695 — Renaissance Tapestry {French Seventeenth Century) Fourth and Last Afternoon 69() — Gothic Tapestry Late Fifteenth Century "Jacob Feeding Laban's Flocks." Jacob stands in the foreground pouring a bucket of water into a trougii ; be- yond is a colunnied well-lieatl with its tackle, and two siiep- lierds standing before tiieir flocks ; at left is a iieavv, rustic tree-trunk. Jacob's figure is inscribed with his name. Woven in rich red, blue, ivory, tans and browns. A frag- ment of a larger ])anel. Hciffhf, 8 feet 2 inches; ■width, 4 feet. 697 — Renaissance Tapestky FIcmisIi Sivteentti Centurij "Apollo." Standing, carrying a staff and clad in classic garb, an ermine mantle falling from the shoulders ; in the background a balustrade and foliage. Woven in blue, golden yellows, rich brown, ivory and many shades of green. Fragment. Hei(/ht, (> feet 3 inches; width, 2 feet 9 inches. 698 — Allegokical Aubusson Tapestry Seventeenth Century "Flora and Pomona." A broad, fruitful landscape is oc- cupied in the foreground by a triumpiial car drawn by lions. The Goddess, in am23le robes, bearing her attributes is seated therein and a gaily dressed cujoidon stands at the front of the car above a large cornucopia of fruit ; at left, under a clump of trees, are a farmer and his wife reaping in a wheat field. Other clumps of trees somewhat divide the composition into two vistas disclosing several chateaux, their domains and snowclad mountains in the distance. Soft reds, light blues and yellows relieve the deep blues, greens and tans of tlie foliage. Tiie borders exhibit sprays of flowers and acanthus leaves in the colors of the field on a rich tawny ground. Heit/ht. 9 feet G inches; length, 15 feet 9 inches. (Ut list rated) Fourth and La.st Afternoon 699 — AuBUssoN Tapestry Eigliteenth Ccnitirij "The Triumj)li of Flora."' Summer lias brought tiie fair goddess, who reclines on a couch, her triumph. Two flying nymphs scatter flowers from above, at left a vestal ap- proaches with a basket of flowers carried on her head, and another at right offers a large garland. Under a draped canopy at right, two contented children are at a table playing with a bird. Crimson, pinks, greens, blues and yellow give an affluence of generous color, thoroughly com- plementing the profusion of the composition. Height, 7 feet 4 inches; width, 13 feet. rOO — Grotesque Tapestry Flemish Urnaissance Period "Fabulous Animals." Uneven flower-decked foreground, animated by varied large wild animals, birds and clumps of date-bearing palms and oak trees. In the mid-distance at right a stag hunt is in progress ; at left, near a cottage, two peasants are escaping from tlie dangers of the himt. A central vista discloses chateau crested by a wooded hill. AVoven in ricli browns, reds, ivories and yellows with finely contrasting forest greens and blues. Broad borders dis- playing allegorical figures, termes and satyrs amid clustered fruit ; finished with blossom and guilloche guards. JItiqht, 9 feet !) inches: hmith. 16 feet 6 inches. (lUlisfrutccI) Fourth and Last Afternoon 701 — Rexaissaxce Tapestry Bi'ussels Sixteenth Century "Alexander the Great and Porus." The noble Alexander, in classic garb, stands at left, his spear tlirust forward to- ward the body of Porus, who is mounted on a rearing charger and wearing a Persian costume ; before them, on the flower-decked sward, are a fallen warrior and liis steed ; other warriors join in combat nearby, and beyond a troop of cavalry is cliarging on to the field. At right are two further armies ; the distant one attacking two forts, and among its varied equipment are several elephants. The field of battle is crested with wooded hills and several cha- teaux. Woven in rich colors witli a golden yellow, mostly of silk, giving a distinguished sunlit glow. The fine broad borders harmonize in color, presenting miniature classic landscapes within oval medallions and allegorical figures of goddesses interrupted by clusters of fruit, flowers, caryatids and masks. Height, 11 feet T inches; length. 12 feet 6 inches. Note: This t;ipestry was woven from the cartoons of Bernard \'an Orley. From the collection of the Right Hon. Lord Bnii/c. Stan- ford Hall, Leicester. (Illustrated) J^ \%v l>i ii^tt ; ^^ ' \ -.* * No. 701— Renaissance Tapestry {Brussels Sixteenth Century) Fourth and Last ^iftcrnoou 702 — Wai.xit Refectory Tahi.e Spanisli Seventeenth Cenlurii Massive oblong top, in one ])iccc. Snp])ortcd at unds witli splavcd, spirally twisted legs and ])lain stretchers, rcin- foi'ccd with halusteicd forged iron scrolls from stretchers to under center of toji. Height, 2 feet S iiirhex: leiu/lh. 4 feet 11 hiehes: ic-i