^ 001064 883 HOWARD COLLEGE BULLETIN Vol. Lxxxm April, 1925 No. 5 Howard Coflege Stud les by members of the Faculty of Howard College, un- der the editorial supervision of John C. Dawson CONTENTS A Critical Bibliography of the Pamphlet Literature Published in France Between July 5 and December \ 27,1 788 Mitchell Bennett Garrett Book Review Edward H. Reisner PUBLISHED AT HOWARD COLLEGE BIRMINGHAM. ALA. Entered as second-class matter, December 27, 1908. at the Post Office at Birming- ham, Ala., under the Act of July 19, 1894 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, LlflRARY. COS ANOCLES, CALIF. PREVIOUS ISSUES Vol. LXXX. June, 1922 No. 3 CONTENTS The Brochures on the Eve of the Elections to the States General 1-20 Mitchell Bennett Garrett The Rise of Alabama 20-41 James Albert Hendricks Jones Very 42-60 Percy Pratt Burns Shakespeare and the Troy Story 67-131 French Haynes The Little Flower of Encouragement in the Poetic Contests of The College of Rhetoric at Toulouse 132-138 John C. Dawson Vol.. LXXX October, 1922 No. 4 CONTENTS Public Health As a Gauge of Civilization Carey P. McCord Vol. LXXXI March, 1923 Special Issue CONTENTS Bibliography of Alabama Authors Caroline P. Engsfeldt Second Edition (revised and enlarged) June, 1923. Vol. LXXXI July, 1923 No. a CONTENTS The Beginning of the French Revolution M. B. Garrett v::>'■■L^ HOWARD COLLEGE BULLETIN Vol. LXXXIII April, 1925 No. 5 HOWARD COLLEGE STUDIES A Critical Bibliography of the Pamphlet Literature Published in France Between July 5 and December 27, 1 788 By MITCHELL B. GARRETT On July 5, 1788, an arret du conseil announced that the convo- cation of the States General was near at hand but that the government ^J. needed information concerning the manner of procedure. In conse- CJ quence the municipal officers of the cities and communities of the c- kingdom were required to search at once in the archives of their respec- bo tive cities and communities for pertinent documents and to send the documents when found to the syndics of the provincial estates and P provincial assemblies. The intention of his majesty was that the said estates and assemblies should study the documents, formulate opinions based thereon, and submit reports to the keeper of the seals. The king at the same time invited all scholars and well-informed persons to submit to the keeper of the seals reports and information. As soon as the reports and information from all these sources should have reached the keeper of the seals, an account of them would be rendered to his majesty, who would then be in position to convoke the States General in such a way as to make the assembly national and regular. In response to this arret a vast amount of documentary informa- tion flowed in upon the government and may be found today in the Archives Nationales, B% 1-89, and transcribed in series Biii, 1-174, particularly in ten registers, Biii, 164-174. The dates of the numerous reports vary all the way from July to December and even later. The extent to which the government made use of these documents can only be surmised. On November 6 Necker called the attention of the notables to the fact that the government had on hand a collection of pertinent documents, in charge of two or three expert archivists, for the benefit and convenience of the assembly. This collection was probably made from the reports sent in from various parts of the kingdom. 66412 3 Howard College Bulletin The arret of July 5, it is true, did not invite anybody to publish the results of his researches, but the transition from a manuscript report to a printed pamphlet is easy. If a man were especially well pleased with the results of his labor, he would be naturally inclined to make two manuscript copies of his report, and send one to the keeper of the seals for information and the other to the printer for publication. Indeed, now that the king had called for information, it was regarded as a patriotic duty to write and publish. But it is to be noted that writers for the most part preferred, from a lingering fear of the censorship, to take refuge in anonymity. Pamphlets simply began to appear in the bookstalls from nowhere in particular, without any indication of the date or place of publication, and were sold to the reader for a few sous the copy. If a pamphlet proved to be a good seller, it was shamelessly pirated by any publisher who would, reprinted with a new title perhaps and attributed, it may be, to some well known man who may or may not have been its author. Droz, whose history is almost a source for this period, tells us that in the last three months of 1788 someone bought twenty-five hundred of these pamphlets and even then his collection was far from complete. This statement has been frequently quoted by later his- torians to adorn a tale, but I am convinced that the impression con- veyed by it is erroneous. There is no doubt that pamphlets appeared during the latter half of 1788 in such profusion as to astonish con- temporaries, but they did not fall like autumn leaves. When con- temporaries condescend to be specific, they mention the appearance of pamphlets at the rate of three or four a day in November {Gazette de Leyde, No. 94), ten or a dozen a day in December {Le comte de Fersen et la cour de France, I. xlv), and four or five a day in the following January (Ibid.). Making due allowance for the possibility of exag- geration on the part of astonished and displeased contemporaries, I am inclined to believe that less than five hundred pamphlets written by individuals appeared in France between July 5 and December 27, 1788. In the list below, the reader will find, if I have counted cor- rectly, two hundred ninety. The earliest pamphlets were for the most part historical treatises on the national assemblies of France, written in response to the arret of July 5; but after the recall of Necker, and especially after the arrete of the Parlement of Paris on September 25, defenders of the rights of the third estate entered actively upon the scene and showed a marked disposition to discard history and appeal to the dictates of reason and justice. Many writers thus distinguished themselves and were afterwards elected to the States General as deputies of the third estate. Howard College Studies 3 Of only a few pamphlets can the place of publication be deter- mined with precision, but it is safe, I think, to assume that most of them were published at Paris. Paris seems to have been the center of distribution, and, even though a pamphlet might have been first published in a provincial city, it was likely to be published again, if it had proved to be popular, at the capital. The date of many pamphlets can be determined roughly and in some cases precisely from internal evidence, by cross references, or in some other way. The Correspondance litferaire, philosophique et critique de Grimm et de Diderot (Nouvelle edition, Paris, 1831), the manuscript Journal of S.-P. Hardy (Bibliotheque Nationale, Depart- ment of Maunscripts, 6680-6687), and a few contemporary newspapers contain references to pamphlets under dates more or less definite. For the names of the writers, when these are not appended to the titles of the pamphlets, I have been dependent almost wholly upon the authority of the Dictionnaire des ouvrages anonymes, par Ant.-Alex. Barbier. Troisieme edition, revue et augmentee par MM. Olivier Barbier, Rene et Paul Billard de la Bibliotheque Nationale (Paris, 1872). Pamphlets Published Between July 5 and September 25. Chronologie raisonnee des etats generaux, les plus interessants, avec I'analyse des celebres etats de Tours sous Charles VIII, faisant suite a la brochure intitidee ''Des etats generaux et de leur convoca- tion", accompagnee d'un catalogue tres nombreux de livres stir cette matiere et sur I'histoire de France. Paris, 1788. Pp. 63. The pamph- let mentioned in the title was published before August 15 (See below). The present pamphlet, which was a "suite" of the other, was published probably in September. Considerations interessantes sur les affaires presentes, par M***. Seconde edition, Londres et Paris, 1788. Pp. 207. The first edition ap- peared in May, 1788, and the second in the following August (See Observations sur I'egalite de representation prononcee par le roi en faveur du tiers etat S. I., 1789, p. 24). The second edition con- tains (pp. 194-207) Observations sur I'arret du conseil du 16 aout 1788. In concluding these latter Observations the author says : "A I'instant ou Ton termine I'impression de cet ouvrage, Ton apprend que Sa Majeste a fait choix de M. Necker, pour le placer a la tete de ses finances". According to Barbier the author was Mignonneau, but I have not been 4 Howard College Bulletin able to find any information about Mignonneau. The pamphlet is mentioned in Gazette de France, No. 76, under date of September 19, 1788. Coup d'oeil rapide, ou notice historiqiie siir les assemhlees des etats generaux du royaume depuis I'etablissement de la monarchie, etc. Amsterdam; et se trouve a Paris, chez Lagrange, 1788. Pp. 152. Written in response to the King's request for information in the arret of July 5. On page 11 is a reference to the arret of August 8. Men- tioned in the Journal general de France, No. 122, under date of Octo- ber 9. Published probably before September 25. Dialogue entre deux ignorants bons citoyens et attaches de bonne foi I'un au roi, I'autre aux parlements. S. I., Juillet 2788 (sic). Pp. 32. The date seems to be July, 1788. Dissertation sur le point de savoir si le roi de France a le droit exclusif d'assembler les etats generaux. S. I., 1788. I have found nothing to indicate the month of publication. Another edition bears the title Dissertation sur le droit de convoquer les etats generaux, tiree des capitulaires, des ordonnances du royaume et des autres monuments de I'histoire de France. S. I. n. d. Pp. 62. Dolcances sur les surcharges que les gens du peuple supportent en toiite espece d'impots; avec des observations historiques et politiques sur I'origine et les accroisscments de la taille; sur I'assujettissement du tiers etat au paiement de la totalite de ce tribut, et sur les moyens legitimes de soulager les taillables et de retablir les finances sans recourir a nouveaux impots. Par M. J. F. Gaultier de Biauzat, avocat en parlement, membre du conseil nomme par I'assemblee provinciale d'Auvergne. S. L, 1788. Pp. xi-248. On page iv is a reference to the arret of July 5. The author was elected deputy of the third estate to the States General, for Clermont-Ferrand; sat on the left and played an active role; held office under Napoleon; died in 1815. This pamph- let has only an incidental reference to the States General (p. 80). Les droits du peuple. S. I. n. d. Pp. 22. Contains a reference to the arret of July 5. Published probably in August, 1788. Shows little reverence for Louis XVI and his queen. Les droits nationaux et les privileges du Dauphine mis en parallele avec les nouveaux actes transcrits militairement sur les registres des cours souveraines du royaume le mois de nuii dernier. S. I. n. d. Pp. 32. Howard College Studies 5 Entretien entre un paysan et un voyageur en Bretagne. S. I. n. d. Pp. 16. August 14, 1788, according to a manuscript note on the copy in the Bibliotheque Nationale. The peasant and the traveler discuss the decrees of May 8, 1788. — ■ Bssai historique sur les etats generaiix et avis a la nation. S. I., 1788. Pp. 36. On page 30 is a reference to the fall of Brienne and the recall of Necker. Published probably in September. Des etats generaux, de lenr forme et de la cause de lenr convoca- tion. S. L, 1788. Pp. 116. Written in response to the arret of July 5 which the author says had just appeared (pp. 1-2). The same pamph- let appeared under two other titles : (a) Forme et ceremonial des etats generaux et cause de leur convocation; contenant un recueil historique de tous les etats generaux tenus par les rois de France. (S. I., 1788. Pp. 80), and (b) Precis historique sur les etats generaux. Geneve et Paris, 1788. Pp. 116. Des etats generaux et de leur convocation, avec la chronologic des etats generaux par Savaron, et I'analyse des fameux etats assembles a Tours, qui comprend I'ordre et les noms des deputes par bailliages, etc.; un plan nouveau suivi de Vindication des meilleurs ouvrages imprimes ou munuscrits Villefranche et Paris, 1788. Pp. 88. This pamphlet is mentioned in the Gazette de France (No. 66, p. 286) under date of August 15, 1788, and in the Journal general de France (No. 99) under date of August 16. The latter gives the localization as Paris, 1788, and the number of pages as 76. Evidently this was another edi- tion. The pamphlet was written in response to the arret of July 5. At the end is a bibliography of sixteen pages. For the "suite" of this pamphlet see above: Chronologic raisonnee, etc. Des etats generaux, ou histoire des assemblies nationales en France, des personnes qui les ont composees, de leur forme, de leur influence, et des oh jets qui y ont ete particulierement trait es. Par M. Delandine, avocat, correspondant de I'Academie des Inscriptions, des Academies de Londres, Rouen, Nimes, Dijon, Arras, Bourg-en-Bresse, Villefranche, et bibliothecaire-ad joint de celle de Lyon. Paris, chez Cuchet, libraire, rue et hotel Serpente, 1788, sous le privilege de Lyon. Pp. xxii-279. The manuscript of this pamphlet was approved by the Academy of Lyons on August 19, 1788, and published probably soon afterwards. This is perhaps the most scholarly of all the his- torical pamphlets written in response to the arret of July 5. The author was elected to the States General as deputy of the third estate for Montbrison. Arrested in 1793, he remained in prison till the 9th Thermidor. He died in 1820. During the last seventeen years of his life he was a bibliothecaire in his native Lyons, 6 Howard College Bulletin Forme et ceremonial des etats generaux et cause de leur convoca- tion. See above : Des etats generaux, de leur forme et de la cause de leur convocation. La France regeneree, ouvrage public par numeros. Par M. Brun de la Combe, pretre, licencie es loix, etc. Londres et Paris, 1788. Pp. 35. At the end of the pamphlet this appears : "Acheve le 28 juillet ; livre a I'impression le 2 septembre; et presente, le 8 du meme mois, au roi, a la famille royale et aux ministres d'etat". Written in response to the arret of July 5. For another pamphlet by the same author, see below, Section III, Aux notables assembles, etc. Je in en rapporte a tout le monde, ou reflexions impartiales sur les affaires actuelles. Londres, 1788. Pp. 126. On page 16 the fol- lowing appears in a foot-note: "Depuis que ces reflexions sont sous presse, il a paru un arret du conseil qui fixe la tenue des etats generaux au premier mai prochain". This is a reference to the arret of August 8. Mentioned in the Gazette de France, No. 69, under date of August 26, 1788. Lettre a monseigneur de Lamoignon, garde des sceaux. S. I. n. d. Pp. 8. Scurrilous; published probably in September. Lettre a un due et pair. S. I. n. d. Pp. 4. The letter is dated September 8. Lettre d'un citoyen a M. le comte rfe*** sur la conduite du ministre principal, sur V arret du conseil du 5 juillet 1788 et sur I'autorite des etats generaux. S. I. n. d. Pp. 20. The author has no confidence in the ministry. Lettre d'un gentilhomme bourguignon d un gentilhomme breton. — Remontrances projetees pour I'asseniblee de la noblesse de Bourgogne, Aout 1788. S. I. n. d. Pp. 48. Lettre de Michel Blanchard, magistcr du village de Moivieux, a Monseigneur Georges le Franc de Pompignan, archeveque de Vienne. S. I. n. d. Pp. 12. Letter dated August 8, 1788. Lettre du comte de Sanois a Monsieur Necker, sur son rappel au ministere, sur le prompt retablissement de la justice et la prochaine convocation des etats generaux. Yverdon, 1788. Pp. 8. At the end of the letter is the following : "A Neuchatel en Suisse le 2 de septembre 1788. Imprime a Yverdon 1788". Lettre du pape au roi, envoy ee de Rome le 7 septembre 1788. S. I. n. d. Pp. 7. Sarcastic pamphlet against Brienne, Howard College Studies 7 Lettre ecrite an roi par les trois ordres de la province de Dauphine assembles a Romans, le 14 septemhre 1788. — Lettre ecrite a M. Necker. S.l.n.d. Pp. 8. Lettres a M. Necker, ministre d'etat et directeur general des finances. S. I. n. d. Pp. 27. Two letters: one dated August 5 and the other August 28. Each letter is signed B***. Lettres d'ltn citoyen des Btats-Unis a un Francais sur les affaires presentes, par M. le M*** de C***. Philadelphia, 1788. Two letters with separate pagination, 16, 22. At the end of the second letter this appears : "J'achevais cette lettre lorsque I'arret du conseil sur la con- vocation des etats generaux a paru. La nation est consultee sur la forme de cette assemblee d'une maniere aussi reguliere que sa consti- tution actuelle peut le permettre". The reference is to the arret of July 5. The author, according to Barbier, was the Marquis de Condorcet. Memoire au roi par M. le comte de*^^, public par des motifs que la suite des evenements apprendra. S. I., 1788. Pp. 9. On page 5 is a reference to June 20. The pamphlet was published probably in July. Memoire sur la prochaine tenue des etats generaux et sur les objets qui doivent y etre mis en deliberation, par M. D. L. C. A Villefranche, et se trouve a Paris, chez les marchands de nouvautes, 1788. Pp. 15. Another edition has 24 pages and bears the author's name : "M. De La Croix, avocat au parlement." The localization is the same as the above. In the Archives Nationales, B^. 3, there is a manuscript copy of this pamphlet signed by Delacroix. In the same carton is a printed copy, around which is folded a letter signed by Delacroix and addressed to Necker. The letter states that the pamphlet was ready for the printer on July 31. Mentioned in the Journal general de France, No. 121, under date of October 7. Written in response to the arret of July 5. The author was born at Paris in 1743 and died at Versailles in 1832. Eminent as an avocat and litterateur. He was not elected to the States General. Memoire sur les etats generaux, ou V on a reuni tous les details relatifs a la convocation aux assemblies de bailliages, de villes et de paroisses, au nombre et a la forme de deliberation que Von suit dans les etats Lausanne et Paris, 1788. Pp. vi-188. On Page 1 is the author's name: L'Abbe Desprez. Written in response to the arret of July 5, the manuscript of this pamphlet was read by the author to the Assembly of the Clergy of France at Paris on August 5. In the place of a preface a letter appears dated at Paris, September 4, 1788. 8 Howard College Bulletin This pamphlet answers very well the demand made in the arret of July 5 for information concerning the States General. Mentioned in the Journal general de France (No. 137, p. 545) under date of Novem- ber 13, 1788. M. de Calonne justifie juridiquement sur la refonte des louis, ou resultat des experiences faites authentiquement sur les anciens louis S.l, 1788. Pp. 35. Dated August 5, 1788. Observations sur I' arret du conseil du 5 juillet 1788. S. I. n. d. Pp. 3. The author warns his readers that the arret is only a ministerial snare, Au peuple sur ses vrais interets. S. I. n. d. Pp. 15. Mentioned by Hardy in his Journal under date of July 18, 1788. He says that it was published by the administration against the parlements and spread in the capital and the provinces with "a culpable profusion". Precis historique sur les etats generaux. See above: Des etats generaux, de leur forme et de la cause de leur convocation. Le president Dupaty aux Champs-Elysees. S. I., 1788. Pp. 31. On page 11 is a reference to the recall of Necker, but the pamphlet contains no reference to the States General. Le president Dupaty, suivi d'une conference entre un ministre d'etat et un counseiller au parlement, depuis la derniere revolution en France. S. /., 1788. Pp. 41, in 4°. Recherches curieuses et instructives sur les etats generaux, qui donnent une juste idee des droits qui appartiennent aux differents ordres, et dans lesquelles on trouvera les formalites qui sont en usage dans lesdits etats; ouvrage utile a tout le monde et principalement aux membres qui doivent composer la prochaine assemblee. Amsterdam et Paris, 1788. Pp. 95. An historical pamphlet much like those written avowedly in response to the arret of July 5, but it contains no refer- ence to any current events by which it can be approximately dated. Mentioned in the Journal general de France (No. 130, p. 517) under date of October 28, 1788. Recherches sur les etats generaux. S. I. n. d. Pp. 60. The author says nothing about the arret of July 5 but a good deal about the decrees of May 8, 1788. His last sentence indicates that when he wrote the parlements were still suspended from their functions ; they were rein- stated by Necker on September 23. Reflexions d'un negociant sur la convocation prochaine des etats generaux. S. I., 1788. Pp. 14. Written after July 5 (p. 2). Howard College Studies 9 Reflexions sur la forme de la convocation des etats generaux. S. I. n. d. Pp. 16. Gives the order of procedure in the States General in times past. I have been able only to guess at the date of its publi- cation. Resultat des assemhlees provinciales, a I'usage des etats d'une pro- vince. Bruxelles, 1788. At the end this appears: "Fini d'imprimer le 28 aout 1788". La satire universelle ; prospectus dedie a toiites les puissances de VBurope. Paris, 1788. Pp. 33. The authors, according to Barbier, were J. A. J. Cerutti and P. A. Grouville. Cf. Correspondance litter- aire, philosophique et critique de Grimm et de Diderot, depuis 1753 jusqu'en 1790 (Nouvelle edition. Paris, 1831) XIV. 146. Seconde lettre du cardinal de Fleury au conseil du roi. Amster- dam, 1788. Pp. 22. Dated July, 1788. Sentiments d'lin repuhlicain sur les assemhlees provinciales et les etats generaux ; suite des "Lettres d'un citoyen des Btats-Unis a un Frangais sur les affaires presentes". Philadelphie, 1788. Pp. 30. The author, according to Barbier, was the Marquis de Condorcet. See above : Lettres d'un citoyen, etc. Songe d'un bon citoyen frangais, suivi de la "Lettre d'un Anglais". Londres, 1788. Pp. 41. The "Lettre d'un Anglais" is dated at Lon- don, July 15, 1788, and is printed as a part of this pamphlet. Tres humbles remontrances des femmes frangaises. S. I., 1788. Pp. 14. Parodies the remonstrances of the clergy on July 5. Troisieme lettre du cardinul de Fleury au conseil de Louis XVI, contenant un moyen siir et facile de couvrir promptement le deficit, sans impots, sans einprunts, et sans faire de mecontents. Champs- Elysees, Aoiit 1788. Pp. 32. Veritable patriotisme. S. I., 1788. Pp. 40. On pages 3-4 of a pamphlet {S. I. n. d. Pp. 31) entitled Societe patriotique. On proceda a I'election d'un president, et M. Durand fut unanimcment elu, these words occur: "Discours de M. Soules Cette societe m'a fait la grace de me dire que dans mon pamphlet intitule le Veritable Patriotisme, public sous le regne despotique de I'Archeveque, j 'avals donne les moyens les plus practicables d'administrer le royaume de France". This would indicate that the pamphlet was published in July or August, or earlier. Le voyageur consultant la maladie epidemique qui regne en France sur I' administration de la justice. S. I. n. d. Pp. 48. Defends the judiciary reforms of May 8, 1788, and condemns the conduct of the parlements. On pages 25 and 41 are references to the arret of August 8. Published probably before September 25. 10 Howard College Bulletin II Pamphlets published between September 25 and November 6. A qui voudra me lire. S. I. n. d. Pp. 7. At the end of the pamphlet this appears: "Le Comte Duprat, colonel d'infanterie, ci- devant commandant pour le roi a Mahe avant qu'il fut rendu aux Anglais. Octobre, 178S". Discusses the arret of October 5. Adresse au peuple languedocien, par un citoyen du Languedoc. S. I. n. d. Pp. 29. On page 20 is a reference to the constitution of Dauphine which was drafted at Romans during September, 1788. The pamphlet deals with the reform of the estates of Languedoc. Arrets. S. I. n. d. Pp. 4. At the end of this pamphlet is the following: "Arrete a Rennes, le 25 octobre 1788, adopte par la noblesse, et imprime le 3 novembre." This is a series of constitutional principles drafted and adopted by a recalcitrant group of Breton nobles as a protest against the arret of October 5. Avis au tiers etat. Londres, 1788. Pp. 54. Written after Sep- tember 23-25 (See pp. 2, 11, 14). Another edition has the following title : Avis au tiers etat, suivi de trois lettres siir la forme des etats generaux. Londres, 1788. Pp. 77. Among the letters is that written by the three orders of Dauphine to the syndics-generaux of the estates of Beam on October 24. The author calls himself a Breton. Wants the privileges of the nobility limited but not abolished. Avis aux etats de Dauphine, seants a Romans. S. I. n. d. Pp. 16. A sub-title on the first page is as follows : Abus a corriger. Liste d'abus a corriger. 1788. Avis important sur le ministere et sur Vassemblee prochaine des etats generaux. S. I., 1788. Pp. 48. Another edition has 47 pages and still another 61, all dated 1788. In the edition of 61 pages the author's name appears as "M. Des (?)ulins", one letter of the name being erased on the copy in the Bibliotheque historique de la ville de Paris. The author seems to have been Rabaut de Saint-Etienne (See below : Considerations tres importantes sur les interets du tiers etat, etc.). Considerations sur les dettes de I'etat, par un ancien officier. S. I. n. d. Pp. 37. On page 30 is a reference to September 27, 1788. Published probably in October. Opposed to bankruptcy. Howard College Studies 11 Considerations tres importantes sur les interets du tiers Stat, adressees au peuple des provinces; par un proprietaire foncier. S. I., 1788. Pp. 72. In the Bibliotheque Nationale there are three editions of this pamphlet, two dated 1788 and one dated 1789. Each contains 107 pages and the following "Avis du Libraire" : "Cet ouvrage a ete compose en Languedoc, oil il a eu trois editions dans huit jours. Nous avons cru qu'il pouvait etre utile a Paris de savoir comment on pense dans les provinces. La nation n'est pas renfermee dans la Capitale, elle est dans les provinces aussi ; et c'est-la, surtout, que I'interet general parle avec plus de force, parce qu'il n'y est pas trouble par les cris des interets particuliers. Ce n'est pas dans les clameurs d'un peuple attroupe qu'on pent reconnaitre I'opinion publique, mais dans les dis- cussions reflechies des citoyens reunis pour s'occuper de I'interet public, sur lequel il est impossible qu'ils se fassent illusion". C'f. Dardier, Charles, Paul Rabaut, ses lettres a divers (1774-1794), avec preface, notes et pieces justificative s (Paris, j. d.), II. 374. In some editions the words "tres importantes" are omitted from the title, and in at least one edition the title indicates that the pamphlet was written "par I'auteur de I' Avis important sur Ic ministere et sur I'assemhlee prochaine des etats generaux" . The author, according to Barbier, was Jean-Paul Rabaut de Saint-Etienne. Rabaut de Saint-Etienne was a Protestant pastor, born at Nimes in 1743 and guillotined at Paris in 1793. He was elected to the States General by the senechaussee of Nimes and Beaucaire. The date of publication can be fixed approximately by a reference on page 5 to the declaration of September 33 and on page 15 to the approaching assembly of notables. What made the pamphlet so popular was, evidently, its strong defense of the rights of the third estate as against the political and pecuniary privileges of the clergy and the nobility. It contains no direct reference to how the three orders should vote in the States General. De la convocation des etats generaux. S. I. n. d. Pp. 36. By Jean-Claude de La Metherie, docteur en medecine, according to a manu- script note on the copy in the Bibliotheque Nationale. La Metherie was born at Clayette in 1743; resided at Paris from 1780 till his death in 1817. The first sentence of the pamphlet refers to the declaration of September 23. On page 12 occur these words: "la forme que le parlement de Paris vient de reclamer". This would seem to indicate that the pamphlet was written in October. Le despotisme des parlements, on, lettre d'un Anglais a un Fran- gais sur la revolution operee dans la mofiarchie frangaise par I'enregis- trement de la declaration du 22 septemhre 1788, fait dans les divers parlements du royaume. Londres, 1788. Pp. 28. 12 Howard College Bulletin Dialogues entre un Francais et un Anglais sur I'etat actuel et I'etat a venir de la France, puhlies par M. le Franc. Lausanne, 1788. Pp. 233. Written after October 5 (See pages 71 and 95) and before December 27 (See page 7). On page 114 is a reference to the estates of Dauphine "qui viennent d'etre forme". Published probably in Octo- ber. There are four dialogues: (1) Sur I'etat actuel de la France; (1) Sur la maniere la plus avantageuse de convoquer les Stats generaux; (3) Sur la constitution a etablir en France; (4) Sur les ohjets dont les etats generaux doivent soccuper. The appeal is to the dictates of reason and justice rather than to history. Discours sur la constitution francaise, ou reponse a ces deux questions: Quels sont en France les caracteres esscntiels a la souver- ainete? et pour que I'impot soit legitime, par qui doit-il etre etablif^ Par M. B., Geneve, 1788. Pp. 120. Written after the fall of Brienne, see pages 49 and 58. Pamphlet of little value. Dissertation sur les assemblees nationales sous les trois races des rois de France, par M. le Comte de Lauraguais. Paris, October 10, 1788. Pp. 103. The Comte de Lauraguais was the son of a Duke de Brancas-Villars, peer of France and lieutenant general of the armies of the king. At the age of twenty- five he quitted the army to devote his time to writing and to the study of the sciences. Being by tempera- ment a fault-finder, he adopted readily the ideas of the revolution and posed as a reformer. For his epigrams and witticisms he suffered, before 1788, five exiles and four imprisonments. When the convoca- tion of the States was first mooted, he buried himself in the libraries of Paris, particularly in the archives of the Benedictines of Saint- Germain-des-Pres, and emerged after several months of research with enough material for a book on the national assemblies of France. But the book was never written, owing, as he claimed, to the pressure of current events. Perhaps it was owing, rather to his inability to put his material together; for he had a greater penchant for bitter con- troversy than for historical synthesis. He was not elected to the States General. During the reign of terror, his wife was guillotined; he himself was imprisoned and lost his property, but survived to be made a peer of France under Louis XVIIL In this pamphlet, which is of an historical nature, he devotes much attention to the definition of feudal terms and legal formulas and eventually comes to the conclusion that the deputies to the States General were not to be representatives of the people in the modern sense but "mandate-bearers" of the bail- liages ; there was to be no deliberation in any form, all questions being decided by counting the votes of the bailliages. For another pamphlet of his, see below : Recueil de pieces historiques. Howard College Studies 13 L'echo de I'Elysee, on dialogue de quelques morts celehres siir les etats generaux de la nation et des provinces. S. I., October, 1788. Pp. 111. The author, according to Barbier, was Dinge, ancien biblio- thecaire du prince de Conde. Esprit des operations des trots ordres du Dauphine depuis le 10 mai 1788 jusqu a ce jour. S. I. n. d. At the end is the following date : "le premier octobre 1788". Essai conciliatoire sur la forme des etats generaux. S. I. n. d. Pp. 38. Written after October 5 (page 4 et passim). The author be- lieved in vote "par ordre". Essai sur la maniere de com^poser et de convoquer les etats generaux. S. I. n. d. Pp. 46. On page 5 is a reference to the arret of October 5, 1788. Les etats generaux convoques par Louis XVL S. I. n. d. Pp. 75. The author, according to Barbier and much contemporary evidence, was Guy-Jean-Baptiste Target, avocat au parlement de Paris and mem- ber of the Academie Francaise, who, because of ill health, had given up the practice of law before 1788. A very influential pamphlet, written toward the end of October (See pages 3-4, 13, 36). About the middle of November appeared a "suite" (See below, section III) and in December a second "suite" (See below, section IV). Target was elected to the States General as a deputy of the third estate for Paris. Bxamen du pouvoir des etats generaux, etc. See below : Idees d'un citoyen sur les moyens de connaitre promptement, etc. Exposition des ohjets discutes dans les etats generaux de France depuis I'origine de la monarchic, par le marquis de 6"***. 5. /., 1788. Pp. 180. Another edition of this pamphlet is without date. Still an- other purports to have been published in London and Paris in 1789. Written avowedly in response to the arret of July 5, it was on the point of being sent to the press when the arret of October 5 appeared. The author, who according to Barbier, was the Marquis de Serent, suggested that, as a practical means of getting started, deputies to a preliminary assembly be chosen in accordance with the form observed in 1614. This assembly would be able to find out from the cahiers how the nation wanted the States General to be convoked and composed and how the nation wanted the three orders to deliberate and vote. De la foi publique envers les creanciers de I'etat; lettres a M. Linguet sur le No. 116 de ses Annales; par M***. Londres, 1788. Pp. xxxii-184. On page 110 is a reference to October 24, 1788. The 14 Howard College Bulletin author, according to Barbier, was Etienne Claviere. Cf. Plan de conduit e pour les deputes du peuple aux etats generaux de 1789 (S. I., avril 1789), 215, 267, by Brissot de Warville. Opposed to bankruptcy. Forme generale et particuliere de la convocation et de la tenue des assemblies natiottales ou etats generaux de France, justifiee par pieces authentiques. Premiere partie. Paris, 1789. Pp. xlviii-200. This pamphlet is the first part of an elaborate piece of historical research undertaken in response to the arret of July 5. It was just on the point of going to the press when the arret of October 5 appeared (p. 189). Hardy mentions it in his Journal under date of December 3, 1788', and says it was written by two young magistrates of the parlement of Paris, De Lalource and Duval fils, and that it was dated 1789 "par anticipa- tion". The authors, according to Barbier, were Lalource and Duval, conseillers au Chatelet. The Journal general de France (No. 137, p. 545) mentions the pamphlet under date of November 13, 1788. The book when finished was to be a complete account of the States General, covering all essential details, from 1302 down to 1614. In a postscript to this part, the authors discuss briefly the difficulties raised by the arret of October 5, and their conclusion is that, since the third estate had the veto like the rest, it had no reason to fear oppression. Whether the three orders should deliberate separately or in common was a ques- tion, they said, for the nation assembled in States General to decide. Idees d'un citoyen sur les tnoyens de connaitre promptement, par le voeu de la nation, la forme et la composition a donner aux etats generaux. S. I., 1788. Pp. 28. On page 21 these words occur: "L'ouverture de I'assemblee des notables se fera le 3 novembre pro- chain." Another edition of this pamphlet was published under the following title : Bxamen du pouvoir des etats generaux, precede des moyens de connaitre pro'^nptement le voeu de la nation entiere, pour leur donner une composition legale et pour reformer les lois. S. I., 1788. Pp. 34. L'imposteur demasque, ou reponse au memoire intitule : ''Quelle est I'origine des etats generaux, par M. Linguet". S. I., 1788. Pp. 36. I can only guess at the date of publication. Instructions sur la conduite a tenir dans les etats generaux, par les representants des provinces. S. I. n. d. Pp. 4. At the end of the pamphlet is the following: "Fait a Paris le 22 octobre 1788". A con- cise statement of the rights of the third estate in the form of ques- tions and answers. Lettre a M. d'Bpremesnil, a I' occasion de la reprise des fonctions du parlement. S. I., 1788. Pp. 31. The letter begins as follows : "A Paris, ce 30 septembre 1788" and is signed: R. Bt. Howard College Studies 15 Lettre a un plebeien, au sujet de l' assemble e des ctats generaux. S. I. 11. d. Pp. 45. At the end is found this date : "Ce 20 septembre 1788". It must have been pubHshed a few days later. Lettre au chartreux qui croit avoir devine un des motifs de I'en- registrement du parlement du 25 septembre 1788. S. I. n. d. Pp. 16. At the end is the following: "Paris, ce 6 octobre 178'8". Signed: I. D. B. This pamphlet is a reply to another entitled Reflexions d'un chartreux (See below). Lettre au peuple, ou projet d'une caisse patriotique ; par une cito- yenne. Vienne et Paris, 1788. Pp. 31. The authoress, according to Barbier, was Olympe de Gouges. Mentions the recall of Necker, which took place on August 25, 1788. Lettre d'un citoyen de I'ordre du tiers a 1'assem.blee des notables, servant de reponse aiix "Observations du parlement" . S. I., octobre 1788. Pp. 25. Another edition is dated November. This pamphlet appears in Oeuvres de Jerome Petion, membre de I'assemblee consti- tuante, de la convention nationale, et maire de Paris (Paris, I'An premier de la Republique, 4 vols.), II. 7-35. The editors of these Oeuvres say (pages v-vi) that Petion wrote this pamphlet in a single night and that it was burned by order of the Parlement of Paris. It is a response to the Observations sur I'arret du conseil du 5 octobre 1788 (See below). At the time of writing Petion was an obscure avocat at Chartres. He wrote several other pamphlets, notably Avis aux Frangais sur le salut de la patrie (See below, Section IV), and was elected to the States General as a deputy of the third estate for the bailliage of Chartres. His later career is well known. Lettre d'un observatcur philosophe a M. Necker. S. I. n. d. Pp. 48. Signed : Candide. I have been unable to determine the date of this pamphlet. Lettre de Jacques Menassier, bourgeois de Paris, a Christophe Menassier son frere, habitant du village de*** en Champagne. S. I., 1788. Pp. 19. Dated October 6. Lettre de M. de Lessart a Madame N. S. I. n. d. Pp. 14. Humorous and sarcastic. Lettre ecrite par plusieurs citoyens du clerge, de la noblesse et des communes de Dauphine a messieurs les syndics-generaux des etats de Beam. S. I. n. d. Pp. 7. At the end the following appears : "Grenoble, le 24 octobre 1788". Lettre ou memoire historique sur les troubles populaires de Paris, en aout et septembre 1788, avec des notes, par M. Charon. Londres, 1788. Pp. 60. Published probably in October. 16 Hoivard College Bulletin Maniere equitable et juste de convoquer et d'assemhler les etats generaux. Amsterdam, 1788. Pp. 60. The sub-title, or "title of de- parture", of this pamphlet (p. 1) is as follows: Voeu d'un citoyen ou projet sur la maniere de convoquer et d' assembler les etats generaux. Another edition bears only this sub-title (See below). Memoire concernant la deputation aux etats generaux. S. I. n. d. Pp. 14. On page 9 is a reference to the arrete of September 25. Pub- lished probably in October. Memoire sur les etats generaux, leurs droits et la maniere de les convoquer. S. I., 1788. Pp. 279. In what seems to be a reimpression of this pamphlet, made in 1788, the author's name is given as "M. le Comte D'Ant ". In 1789 appeared a "nouvelle edition plus correcte que les precedentes" which gives the author's name as "M. le Comte D' A. N. T. R. A. I. G. U. E. S." This was Emmanuel-Louis- Henri de Launay, Comte d'Antraigues. He composed this pamphlet in the Vivarais during May, June and July, 1788 (See A I'ordre de la noblesse dii Bas-Vivarais, par le comte d'Antraigues, son depute aux etats generaux, 8), and published the first edition in October, 1788 (See Memoire, 271), presumably at the place of composition. Imbued with the doctrines of Jean Jacques Rousseau, his personal friend, he preached in this pamphlet the sovereignty of the people with a fervor approaching vehemence. But the reader must be on his guard lest he be swept along to the wrong conclusion by the whirlwind of the Comte's enthusiasm. The people is sovereign, it is true, but the people can not alienate or even delegate its sovereignty. Hence in the States General there was to be no deliberation in any form. The general will of the nation would be ascertained by comparing the cahiers of the deputies. Elected to the States General as a deputy of the nobility for the senechaussee of his native V"illeneuve-de-Berg, the Comte d'Antraigues showed himself a strong opponent of deliberation in com- mon and voting by head. In 1790 he emigrated and became an ultra- royalist, repenting at leisure, no doubt, for having proclaimed in haste the gospel according to Jean Jacques. Died at Barnes Terrace, near London, in 1812. Memoire sur les formes qui doivent preceder et accompagner la convocation des etats generaux; dans lequel on traite toutes les ques- tions proposees dans I' arret du conseil du 5 juillet 1788 et plusieurs autres accessoires. Par M. Levrier, lieutenant-general du bailliage- royal de Meullent; de I'Academie des Sciences, Arts et Belles-Lettres d'Orleans. 5^. /., 1788. Pp. 87. The composition of this pamphlet was completed when the arret of October 5 appeared (p. 2). The author was an avocat au parlement de Paris, and the pamphlet was published, presumably, at Paris. Howard College Studies 17 A mes compatriotes. S. I. n. d. Pp. 15. Le moniteur. S. I., 1788. Pp. 38. There are at least two other editions : one with 50 pages and dated 1788, another with 48 pages and without date. On page 3 is an indirect reference to the arret of August 8 and the declaration of September 23, and on page 19 is a sentence which seems to refer to the arret of October 5. This pamphlet is not to be confused with a periodical bearing the same title which appeared secretly in 1787 and 1788 and which Barbier attributes to Condorcet, Brissot and Claviere. The author of the present pamphlet is a defender of the privileged orders. He was, very probably, a member of the Parlement of Paris. A la noblesse lorraine. S. I. n. d. Pp. 4. Observations adressees a I'assemblee des notables, sur la composi- tion des etats generaux et sur la forme la plus reguliere de les con- voquer. S. I. n. d. Pp. 66. Published probably before the opening of the assembly of notables. Referred to in another pamphlet entitled Bclaircissement a I' amiable (See below, section III), which was written before November 25. A manuscript note on the copy in the Bibli- otheque Nationale attributes the Observations to Bertrand de Molle- ville, Intendant de Bretagne. Barbier attributes the pamphlet to the same author. Bertrand de Molleville was a supporter of arbitrary government. Emigrated to England in October, 1792, and did not return till 1814. Died at Paris in 1818. Observations sur I'arret du conseil du 5 octobre 1788, pour la convocation d'une assemblee de notables au 3 novembre prochain. S. L, 1788. Pp. 32, in 4°. Contends that the States General should be con- voked and composed in accordance with the form observed in 1614. According to Petion (Lettre d'tin citoyen de I'ordre du tiers, see above), the author of this pamphlet was a member of the Parlement of Paris. Observations sur les principes de la constitution des etats de Dauphine, contenant leur examen et leur developpement; pour servir aux etats generaux. S. I., 1788. Pp. 87. Contends that the election and composition of the States General should be modeled after the election and composition of the estates of Dauphine. Plan d'une banque nationale de France, ou d'une caisse generale de recette et de pavement des deniers publics et particiiliers. Paris, octobre 1788. Pp. 47. Principes naturels et constitutifs des assemblees nationales. S. I., 1788. Pp. 117. On page 5 the following appears: "Cet ecrit com- 18 Howard College Bulletin mence et continue aux differentes epoques qui depuis un an ont vu tant d'evenements se succeder, portera souvent le caractere du moment. II eiit ete difficile de le refondre a chaque nouvelle position". On page 31 is a reference to the assembly of the three orders of Dauphine. Hence the date of publication was probably October. The author, according to Barbier, was the Vicomte Frangois-Emmanuel Toulongeon. He suggests the possibility of a compromise on the question of de- liberating and voting: the three orders might deliberate sometimes separately and sometimes together, or the clergy and the nobility might form an upper chamber. Elected to the States General as a deputy of the nobility, he followed the minority of his order into the union with the third estate. Proces-verbal de I' assemhlee generale des trois ordres de la province de Dauphine, temie a Romans par permission du roi. Grenoble, 1788. Pp. 163. Dated September 5-28. Quelques idces vaille que vaillc, ajoutees a tant d'autres, a I'occa- sion de la prochaine teniie des etafs gencraiix, par I'auteur du "Partage de la peau d'ours". S. I. n. d. Pp. 20. By Biron de La Tour, accord- ing to Barbier. For the most part, this pamphlet is a comment on the Memoirc sur la prochaine tenue des etats generaux (See above, section I). Of little value. Questions a examiner avant I'assemblee des etats generaux, par le marquis de Casaux, de la societe royale de Londres et de celle d'agriculture de Florence. 5*. l, 1788. Pp. 100. On page 85 the author says: "Le post-scriptum qu'on vient de lire n'attendait que le moment d'etre imprime lorsque I'arret du 5 octobre a paru." Publica- tion must have been in October. Mentioned in Correspondance lit- teraire, philosophiqiie et critique de Grimm, et de Diderot, depuis 1753 jusqu'en 1790 (Nouvelle edition, Paris, 1831), XIV. 193, under date of November, 1788. Mentioned also in Le hon sens (p. 124), a pamph- let published in November (See below; section III). The Marquis de Casaux was a writer on agricultural subjects as well as political. Was not elected to the States General. After August 10, 1792, he emigrated to London and died there in 1795. Liberal in opinions; admirer of the English Parliament. Recherches et reflexions nouvelles sur la convocation et la composi- tion des etats generaux. S. I. n. d. Pp. 23. A discussion of the arret of October 5. The author desires that the States General be convoked and composed in accordance with the form observed in 1614. Recherches historiques sur les etats generaux et plus particuliere- ment sur I'origine, l' organisation et la duree des anciens etats provin- Howard College Studies 19 ciaux d'Auvergne; Par M. Bergier (and) Dom Verdier-Latour. Clermont-Ferrand, 1788. Pp. viii-110. On page 5 is a reference to the declaration of September 33. Published probably in October. Recueil de pieces historiques siir la convocation des etats generaux et sur I' election de leurs deputes, par le Comte de Laiiraguais. Paris, ce 20 septembre 1788. Pp. 116. After page 100 follows a "Post- Scriptum" dated September 30, 1788. The author indulges in sarcasm at the expense of Brienne for his delay in convoking the States General and then proceeds to present official documents dealing with the elec- tion at Paris of deputies to the last four States General. Discursive and controversial. For an account of the Comte de Lauraguais, see above : Dissertation sur les assemhlees nationales, etc. Reflexions d'un chartreux qui croit avoir devine un des motifs de I'enregistrement du parlement. S. I. n. d. Pp. 12. Justifies the arrete of the Parlement of Paris on September 25. A "Lettre" was written in reply to this pamphlet and dated at Paris, October 6, 1788 (See above: Lettre au chartreux, etc.). Reflexions d'un citoyen sur les affaires presentes. S. I., 1788. Pp. vi-22. The Gazette de Leyde (No. 89) contains a "Lettre de Paris" dated October 27, 1788, in which this pamphlet is characterized as follows : "Un autre ef fet de la fermentation, que les derniers evenements avaient causees, n'a pas encore cesse entierement : Ce sont les Brochures contre les deux Ministres retires : Une des plus aigres et des plus violentes est celle qui vient de paraitre, intitulee : Reflexions d'un citoyen sur les affaires presentes. Imprime de 22 pages : II s'est repandu depuis peu de temps, quoiqu'il semble avoir ete compose dans les derniers jours de I'Administration de ]\I. I'Archeveque de Sens." Reflexions sur la convocation des etats generaux et moyens d'y proceder. S. I., 1788. Pp. 25. Written after October 5 (See page 4). The author suggests a method by which the orders could deliberate either separately or in common without upsetting the balance between the non-privileged and the privileged orders. Regeneration de la France par les etats generaux, par M***, avocat au parlement. S. I., 17S8. Pp. xvi-80. The preface is thus dated: "De Chatillon-les-Dombes, le 15 octobre 1788". Reponse au memoir e addresse a MM. du tiers. Londres, 1788. Pp. 14. On the copy in the Bibliotheque Nationale is the following manuscript note: "24 7bre 1788. Bretagne". Opposed to ministerial despotism but defends privileges. 20 Howard College Bulletin Reponse aux reflexions de M. Linguet sur la dette nationale en France, inseree dans le No. 116 de ses Annales, a son article du credit public, etc. S. I., 1788. Pp. 67. Opposed to bankruptcy, Reponse bien simple aux observations de M. Poulletier, directeur des mines et minieres, par M. Horn, avocat au parlement. S. I. n. d. Pp. 7. La restauration de la France. S. I. n. d. Pp. 32. On page 11 is a reference to the formation of the estates of Dauphine. Pamphlet published probably in October. Second memoire de M. de La Croix, avocat au parlement, sur la tenue des etats generaux, en reponse a M. le Comte de Lauraguais. S. I. n. d. Pp. 16. For the first pamphlet of Delacroix, see above, section I : Memoire sur la prochaine tenue, etc. This second memoire is a response to the bitter strictures of the Comte de Lauraguais, whose pamphlets are listed above. Sur I'arrete du 25 septembre 1788. S. I. n. d. Pp. 8. At the end of the pamphlet this appears : "Ce 28 septembre". Voeu d'un citoyen ou projet sur la wianiere de convoquer et d' assembler les etats generaux. S. I. n. d. Pp. 60. See above : Maniere equitable et juste, etc. Vues d'un citoyen sur la composition des etats generaux, par M, Mourgue de Mont-Redon, membre et ancien directeur de la societe royale des sciences de Montpellier, etc. S. I., 1788. Pp. 66. Wanted the States General of the kingdom to be modeled after the recently restored and re-organized estates of Dauphine. Jacques Augustin Mourgue was not elected to the States General, but later he had the distinction of serving for five days as Minister of the Interior, June 13-18, 1793, in succession to Roland. He died at Paris in 1818. Vues generalcs sur notre constitution et sur nos assemblies nationales. S. I., octobre 1788. Pp. viii-64. Howard College Studies 21 III Pamphlets published between November 6 and December 12. Analyse de la brochure intitulee : "Des conditions necessaires a la legalite des etats generaux" , avec cette epigraphe : Salus populi, suprema lex esto. S. I., 1788. Pp. 33. Favors voting "par ordre". On the copy in the Bibliotheque Nationale is the following manuscript note: "Par M. Walsh, comte de Serrant, assiste de Delaunay I'aine, avocat. A Angers, chez Mame". A contemporary pamphlet attributes it to "M. le comte de S . . . . t" and says that it appeared "a few days" after the beginning of November, 1788 (See Lettre de M. Chasseboeuf de Volney a M. le comte de S . . . . t. S. I. n. d., page 3). See below: Des conditions necessaires, etc. Apergu rapide et impartial d'un gentilhomme sur la grande ques- tion qui agite les esprits francais et qui paratt diviser les grands et le peuple, le clerge et la noblesse, reunis d'une part, et le tiers etat de I'autre, au sujet du nombre de representants que celui-ci doit fournir aux etats generaux. S. I. n. d. Pp. 29. Favors a double representa- tion for the third estate and voting "par tete". A reference to the second assembly of notables indicates that the pamphlet was written, probably, in November or early December (p. 12). Atix bons patriotes, salut. S. I. n. d. Pp. 8. On the copy in the Bibliotheque Nationale is the following manuscript note : "Par Chail- lon, avocat; et public a Rennes, le 10 novembre". Deals with affairs in Bretagne. Avis a propos donne aux Languedociens, par un gentilhomme. S. I. n. d. Pp. 16. Another edition has the following title: Avis donne aux Languedociens, par un gentilhomme, stir les reformes a faire dans la composition de leurs etats provinciaux. S. I., decembre 1788. Pp. 7. Insists on voting "par tete". Avis au public, et principalement au tiers etat, de la part du com- mandant dti chateau des ties de Sainte-Marguerite, et du medecin et du chirurgien du meme lieu, du 10 novembre 1788. .Se vend aux iles Sainte-Marguerite et se distribue gratis a Paris, chez Robin et Com- pagnie. Pp. 55. This is a satire on Duval d'Epremmesnil. The au- thor, according to Barbier, was Ant.-Joseph-Michel Servan. Servan was a retired avocat general au parlement de Grenoble. Born in 1737, he was a friend of Voltaire and the Encyclopedists. In 1788 and 1789 he published no fewer than seventeen pamphlets. Elected to the States ^ 22 Howard College Bulletin General by two bailliages, notably by that of Aix, in Provence, he re- fused to take his seat as deputy. In 1792 he retired to Switzerland but returned to Provence in 1802. Died at Saint-Remi in 1807. Sar- castic and satirical writer. Avis au tiers etat, par M. le marquis de B . . . . au. S. I. n .d. Pp. 14. The author was the Marquis de Beauvau ; born in 1744 ; killed in 1793 while fighting against Cathelineau in La Vendee. Liberal in opinions ; appeals to Frenchmen to grant no taxes till despotism has been crushed. Le hon sens, par un gentilhomme breton. S. I., 1788. Pp. viii- 135, in quarto. The author, according to Barbier and other con- temporary evidence, was the Comte Armand-Guy de Kersaint. He began the composition of this pamphlet, he tells us, immediately after the promulgation of the decrees of May 8, continued to write during June and July, and finished most of the work before the recall of Necker on August 25 ; but publication was delayed by the printer until November, and he continued to make additions while the pamphlet was in the press. Notwithstanding the arrangement and obsolescence of some of the material, it proved to be a popular pamphlet and went through at least two editions in 1788. Admirer of the English bicameral legislature. Kersaint was not elected to the States General; sat in the Convention; Girondist; guillotined in 1793. Canevas des deliberations des etats generaux de I'annee 1789. S. I., 1788. Pp. 124. In another pamphlet entitled Canevas des doleances des etats generaux de I'annee 1789 {S. I., mars 1789), 8, 50, the author says that he published this pamphlet in November, 1788. Catechisme du citoyen, on elements du droit public frangais, par demandes et reponses; suivi de ''Fragments politiques", par le nieme auteur. En France, 1788. Pp. 220. Barbier attributes this pamphlet to Saige and adds : "C'est une nouvelle edition ; la premiere est de 1785. II en existe une autre de Geneve (Bordeaux), 1787." The author may have been Bosquillon (See below: Code national, etc.). I have been unable to find any information about Bosquillon ; a certain Joseph Saige was elected to the States General as a deputy of the third estate. Code national dedie aux etats generaux. Geneve, 1788. Pp. iv- 233. Barbier attributes this pamphlet to Charles Pierre Bosquillon, avocat au parlement de Paris and gives Paris as the place of publica- tion. On page 80 is a reference to the arret of October 5, and on pages 90, 94-95 there is evidence that the pamphlet was composed before Howard College Studies 33 the notables had reached a decision. Contends that the States General should be convoked and composed in accordance with the form ob- served in 1614; says the ministers were not acting in good faith when they issued the arret of July 5; historical for the most part. Another edition bears the following title : Code national, ou manuel francais, a I'usage des trois ordres, et principal em ent des deputes aux prochains etats gcneraux; par I'auteur du "Catechisme du citoyen" , et pour servir de suite a cet ouvrage. En France, 1789. Pp. 192. (See above: Catechisme du citoyen, etc.) Des conditions necessaires a la legalite des etats generaux. S. I., 1788. Pp. 38. On the copy in the Bibliotheque Nationale is the fol- lowing manuscript note : "Par M. Volney, a Rennes, 5 novembre". For further evidence that the pamphlet appeared at the beginning of November and that Volney was the author of it, see Lettre de M. de Chassehoeuf de Volney d M. le comte de S . . . . t (S. I. n. d.), 3. Contends that the States General should be convoked and composed in accordance with the dictates of reason and justice. Volney was a savant; elected to the States General as a deputy of the third estate for Angers ; survived the Terror and lived to be a peer of France under Louis XVIII. Died at Paris in 1820. De la convocation de la prochaine tenue des etats generaux en France, par M. La Cretelle. 5. /., 1788. Pp. 50. Mentioned under date of November, 1788, and attributed to Lacretelle, in Corre- spondance litteraire, philosophique et critique de Grimm et de Diderot, depuis 1753 jusqu'en 1790 (Nouvelle edition. Paris, 1831), XIV. 187. On page 2 these words occur: "Proces .... decide dans moins de deux mois". This is a reference to the declaration of September 23 which fixed January, 1789, as the date for the convocation of the States General, and seems to indicate that the pamphlet was written in late October or early November. A well sustained argument in favor of giving to the third estate a preponderant influence in the States General. Pierre-Louis de Lacretelle was an avocat and publicist of Paris. Elected as a depute suppleant of the third estate for Paris; deputy for Paris in the Legislative Assembly; died in 1824. Moderate in opinions. One edition, at least, of this pamphlet is anonymous and without localization. Le cri de la verite, ou le point de reunion du peiiple francais. S. I. n. d. Pp. 12. Written in November (p. 5 et passim). Crimes et forfaits de la noblesse et du clerge, depuis le commence- ment de la monarchie jusqu'd nos jours. Paris, s. d. Pp. vi-164. The author, according to Barbier, was Jacques-Antoine Dulaure. I am able only to guess at the date of publication. 34 Hozvard College Bulletin Deliberation a prendre par le tiers etat dans toiites les munici- palites du royaume de France. S. I. n. d. Pp. 6. This was a model "deliberation". On December 17, 1788, it was condemned by the Parlement of Paris (See Brette, Recueil de Documents, I. 34). Denonciation au public a I'occasion de quelques ecrits anonymes, particulierement d'une comedie ayant pour titre : "La cour pleniere", calomnieusement attribucs a M. Bergasse; avec des details sur sa retraite en Suisse suivi d'une lettre missive aux notables. Paris, novembre 1788. Pp. 44. At the end of the "lettre missive" appears: "Paris, ce 13 novembre 1788. Signe, Patriophile". De la deputation aux etats generaux, par M. Roederer, conseiller au parlement de Metz, de la societe royale des sciences et arts de la meme ville. S. I., 8 de novembre 1788. Pp. 88. Roederer composed this pamphlet during September and October (See Oeuvres du comte P. L. Roederer, pair de France, membre de I'Institut, etc. etc. etc., publiees par son fils le baron A. M. Roederer, ancien pair de France .... Paris, 1858, VII. 537 et seq.). In September, 1789, Roederer was elected deputy by the city of Metz to replace Pierre Maujean whose election had been annulled by the National Assembly. A well written pamphlet; a fine sample of what could be done by a disciple of Locke, Rousseau, and Montesquieu. De la difference qu' il y a entre les etats generaux et les asscmblees nationales, etc. (See below: N^ote essentielle, etc.). Discours de M. V., avocat au parlement de Dijon, a son ordre assemble, le 3 decembre 1788. S. I. n. d. Pp. 20 Favors the preten- sions of the third estate. Eclaircissement a I'amiable entre la noblesse et le tiers etat. S. I. n. d. Pp. 18. On page 16 appears an Addition du 25 novembre 1788. In a signed Lettre a MM. les deputes du tiers etat de Bretagne actuelle- ment a Paris, dated February 3, 1789, Toustain de Richebourg admits that he was the author of the Eclaircissement. He signed himself Vicomte de Toustain-Richebourg, Chevalier de Saint-Louis, ancien commissaire aux etats de Bretagne. Contends that the States General should be convoked and composed in accordance with the form ob- served in 1614. Published, probably, between November 28 and Decem- ber 12. tI I Bssai sur les privileges. Nouvelle edition. S. I., 1789. Pp. 54. j On page 1 is the following note : "La premiere edition de cet opuscule i a paru en novembre 1788". This was the only pamphlet published in ) 1788 by the Abbe Sieyes. His famous pamphlet, Qu'est-ce que le tiers Howard College Studies 25 etat? appeared early in January, 1789. Elected to the States General as a deputy of the third estate for Paris, his revolutionary role is well known. Died at Paris in 1836. Des etats generaux de Prance. S. I. n. d. Pp. 16. On page 14-15 is a reference to the clergy and nobility of Dauphine which seems to indicate that the pamphlet was published in November. Opposed to the clergy as a separate order; favors the bicameral system of legis- lation. Des etats generaux, de la forme qu'on pourrait etahlir pour les convoquer, leur faire operer le bien que le roi et la nation ont le droit d'en attendre, et reponse aiix propositions, remplies de sagesse, de M. le directeur general des fitmnces, dans son discours aux notables. S. I. n. d. Pp. 16. Necker's discourse to the notables was delivered on November 6. This pamphlet is found in the Archives Nationales, B^ 7, and the accompanying letter is signed at Paris the 28th of Novem- ber, 1788, by Sabatier. Bxtrait d'un ouvrage imprime a Rennes, intitide: "La sentinelle du peuple aux gens de toutes professions composant le tiers de la province de Bretagne" . S. I. n. d. Pp. 7. An allegory. De la formation des etats generaux. S. I. n. d. Pp. 16. On page 1-2 these words occur : "Telle est la question sur laquelle on consulte les notables". Published during the assembly of notables. Insists that the orders deliberate in common and count the votes "par tete". As a last resource, insurrection. De la formation des etats generaux. S. I., decembre 1788. Pp. 91. On page 75 is a reference to the meeting of the States General in January. This indicates that the pamphlet was written before Decem- ber 27. Favors the third estate. La France plus qu'anglaise, ou comparison entre la procedure entamee a Paris le 25 septembre 1788 contre les ministres du roi de Prance, et le proces intente a Londres en 1640, au comte de Strafford, principal ministre de Charles premier, roi d'Angleterre; avec reflexions sur le danger imminent dont les entreprises de la robe menacent la nation et les particidiers. Par M. Linguet. Bruxelles, 1788. Pp. 147. On page 16 appears the date October 20, 1788. Hardy mentions this pamphlet in his Journal (VIII. 162) under date of December 5, 1788. The author defends himself for advising national bankruptcy in No. 116 of his Annales and denounces the Parlement of Paris for condemn- ing his writings. 26 Howard College Bulletin Les Gracches francais, suite dii "Trihun du peuple", ait peuple. Paris, 1788. Pp. 15. Written after October 15, 1788 (See page 10). Condemned by the Parlement of Rennes on January 8, 1789 (See Brette, Recueil de documents, I. 251). The author, according to Bar- bier, was Michel-Ange-Bernard Mangourit. It would appear that Mangourit pubHshed the first edition of this pamphlet at Nantes, chez Malassis, in 1787. (See Barbier's note. Cf. Cherest, La chute de I'ancien regime, II. 65-66). Opposed to the parlements. Of little value. Idees d'un patriate, citoyen de la capitate. S. I. n. d. Pp. 7. A list of desired reforms. I can only guess at the date of publication. Lettrc a M. le comte rf^***, autcur d'un ouvrage intitide : "Le hen sens" . S. I. n. d. Pp. 22. Opposed to the bicameral system of legislation. The author, according to Barbier, was the Comte Alex- andre de Lameth. Born in 1760, Alexandre de Lameth was brought up to the profession of arms. Fought in America; aide-de-camp to Rochambeau. Elected to the States General as a deputy of the nobility of Peronne, he was the first of the nobles to unite with the third estate; with Duport and Barnave he formed the famous "triumvirate" in the Constituent Assembly. Died in 1829. For the pamphlet entitled Le bon sens, see above. Lettrc a un ami sur I'assemhlee dcs notables. S. I. n. d. Pp. 23. Dated at Paris the 6th of November, 1788. Opposed to the form ob- served in 1614. Lettre de M. Aimant, vicaire a Philanthropie en Montagne, d la noblesse de Franche-Comte. S. I. n. d. Pp. 14. I can only guess at the date of publication. Lettre de M. Le Goasre de Kervelegan, senechal de Quimper- Corentin, a M. Balais, subdelegue, a Nantes, de Mgr. Bertrand de Mollcville, encore intendant de Bretagne. S. I. n. d. Pp. 47. Dated at Quimper the 17th of November, 1788. Lettre ecrite au roi par les trois ordres de la province de Dauphine, sur les etats generaux. S. I. n. d. Pp. 16. Dated at Romans the 8th of November, 1788. Signed by the Archbishop of Vienne as president and by Mounier as secretary. A pamphlet of unusual influence. For a criticism, see below : Observations sur la lettre des etats du Dauphine. Lettre sur "Les etats generaux convoques par Louis XV I" et composes par M. Target; par le comte de Lauraguais. 6^. /., 1788. Pp. 42. On the copy in the White Library, Cornell University, is the following manuscript note: "Paris le 19 9^^®". Mentioned, under date Hoiuard College Studies 37 of November, in Correspondance litteraire, philosophique et critique de Grimm et de Diderot, depuis 1753 jusq'en 1790 (Nouvelle edition. Paris, 1831), XIV. 180-181. On page 41 is a reference to an arret of November 1, 1788. Contends that deputies to the States General were only "mandate-bearers" of the sovereign electors. See above, section II : Dissertation sur les assemhlees nationales, etc. Lettres aux notables, sur la forme et I'objet des etats generaux, par M. P.-V. de Calonges. Londres, 1788. Pp. 59. The author an- nounces that he is going to write a Lettre every week for five weeks. I have found only three of his Lettres. An obscure writer. Lettres d'un avocat a un puhliciste, a I'occasion de la prochaine assemblee des etats generaux du royaume. S. I., 1788. Two letters: the first (23 pages) dated November 18, 1788, and the second (43 pages) dated November 24, 1788. In the Archives Nationales, B^. 2, is a manuscript copy of a part of this pamphlet. Around the manu- script are folded two letters written to Necker, one dated November 21 and the other November 25, 1788. Both letters were written at Mont- pellier and signed J. Albisson. Attached is a sort of synopsis or sum- mary of the contents of the pamphlet, apparently for the benefit of the Minister. This summary is dated December 6, 1788, and is not in the handwriting of Albisson. These facts seem to indicate that the pamphlet was published about the first of December, 1788. Albisson was born at Montpellier in 1732. Before the Revolution he was archivist and member of the conseil des etats du Languedoc. Memoire sur la necessite d'admettre dans le nombre des deputes du tiers etat, des representants du commerce exterieur et interieur du royaume, par un negociant de Bordeaux. S. I. n. d. Pp. 15. Written while the notables were in session (pages 2 and 7). A la nation frangaise et aux notables assembles. — Projet qui peut interesser, etre utile ou au moins inspirer quelques sentiments de patriotisme. S. I., 1788. Pp. 63. Plan for the establishment of a bank and for a popular subscription for paying off the national deficit. This pamphlet is found in the Archives Nationales, B^. 6. An accompany- ing letter indicates that the pamphlet was published on November 27, 1788. A la nation frangaise, sur les vices de son goiivcrnement, etc. See below : Second avis a la nation, sur les vices de son gouvernement, etc. Aux notables assembles. S. I. n. d. Pp. 19. At the end of the pamphlet one finds the following signature and localization: "Brun de la Combe, prete, licencie es loix, etc. Paris, 3 novembre 1788". See above, section I : La France regeneree, etc. 38 Howard College Bulletin Note essentielle a I'usage de MM. les notables. S. I. n. d. Pp. 32. According to a manuscript note on the copy in the Bibliotheque Na- tionale, the date is November 15, 1788. On page 7 is a reference to the arret of October 5. Another edition of this pamphlet bears the following title : De la difference qu' il y a entre les etats generaux et les assemblies nationales, ou principes radicaux de la constitution. S. I., 1789. Pp. 41. The author argues that the clergy should have a tenth of the deputies in the States General, the nobility a sixth, and the third estate the rest. Observations et resultats sur la progression du deficit dans les finances, sur les moyens de le combler, sur la repartition proportionnelle des impots, sur les privileges et abonnements, sur les rentes viageres, Par M. Tur A. D. E. D. Neuchatel et Paris, 1788. Pp. 41. On page 35 is a reference to October 5. On page 41 is the following: "Ces observations ont ete faites pour etre publiees avant I'assemblee des notables." Published probably in November. Observations sur la lettre des etats du Dauphine au roi, sur les etats generaux, du 8 novenibre 1788. S. I. n. d. Pp. 47. On page 5 is a reference to "la premiere brochure de M. T***". Evidently the writer knew about Target's second pamphlet which appeared about November 15. Published probably toward the end of November, Opposed to the demands of the third estate. Observations sur le projet de former une assemblee nationale sur le modele des etats generaux de 1614. S. I. n. d. Pp. 27. The author, according to Barbier, was the Abbe Andre Morellet. On page 17 is a reference to Target's pamphlet and the following comment: "Dans la suite de cet ecrit nouvellement publiee " This would indicate that Morellet's pamphlet was written toward the end of November and published probably soon afterwards. Favors the demands of the third estate. Morellet was a friend of Turgot, Voltaire and Rousseau ; con- tributed articles to the Encyclopedic; member of the Academic Fran- gaise since 1785; died at Paris, 1819, at the age of 92. Petit colloque elementaire entre M. A. et M. B. sur les abus, le droit, la raison, les etats generaux, les parlements, et tout ce qui s'ensuit; par un vieux jurisconsulte allobroge. S. I., 1788. Pp. 61. Rings the changes on all the crying abuses in a series of questions and answers. Calculated to stir up unrest among the non-privileged classes. Leads the reader to fear that the parlements were intriguing against the convocation of the States General. On page 58 is a reference to the arret of September 25. At least three additions. The author, ac- cording to Barbier, was A. J. M. Servan. See above : Avis au public, et principalement au tiers etat, etc. Howard College Studies 29 Petite lettre sur les deux premiers volumes de la fameuse compila- tion en dix ou douse volumes concernant les etats generaux et autres assemhlees nationales, qui se vend chez Buisson. S. I. n. d. Pp. 32. On page 12 is an indirect reference to the declaration of September 23. Petition adressee aux notables. By Petion. I have not seen this pamphlet. The title is mentioned in Oeuvres de Jerome Petion (Paris, TAn premier de la republique, 4 vols), II, in avertissement of the editor, p. 1. Petition des citoyens domicilies a Paris, du 8 decemhre 1788. Paris 1788, in quarto. Pp. 20. By the famous Dr. Guillotin. For the attempt of the Parlement of Paris to punish the author and publishers of this pamphlet, see Chassin, Les Elections et les Cahiers de Paris en 1789 (Paris, 1888), I. 47 et seq. A remarkably clear, complete and moderate expression of the opinions of the third estate. Le preservatif contre I' "Avis a mes compatriotes", avec des obser- vations sur I'affaire presente, par un membre des etats du Dauphine. S. I. n. d. Pp. 25. Barbier attributes this pamphlet to Lanjuinais and it appears in the Oeuvres de J.-D. Lanjuinais (Paris, 1832. 4 vols.), I. 127-145. In the Oeuvres the date is given as October, 1788, but this is inaccurate. The pamphlet contains references (See Oeuvres, I. 142 and 145) to Des conditions necessaires, etc., Catechisme du citoyen, and Arrete, which were published in November (See above). Favors the contention of the third estate. Jean-Denis Lanjuinais was born at Rennes in 1753 ; professor of law at Rennes and avocat conseil des trois ordres des etats de Bretagne. Elected to the States General as a deputy of the third estate for the senechaussee of Rennes, he played a prominent role in the Constituent Assembly ; a deputy to the Conven- tion, voted with the Girondists; lived to be a peer of France under Louis XVIII. Died in 1827. For the pamphlet mentioned in the title, see above, section II : A mes compatriotes. Les principes du gouvernement simplies et reduits a sept unites naturelles. S. I. n. d. Pp. 122. This pamphlet is bound with another entitled Crimes et forfaits de la noblesse, etc. (See above). On page 13 is a reference to the Considerations tres importantes, etc. of Rabaut de Saint-Etienne (See above, section II). Favors the demands of the third estate. Principes sur la constitution de la France et des etats generaux. S. I., 1788. Pp. 47. Demands the abolition of all political distinctions. Written while the notables were in session (See pages 5 and 20). 30 Howard College Bulletin Projet d'edit pour la restauration de la chose publique, la convo- cation reguliere des etats generaux, la restauration des anciennes cours plenieres, le rappel des parlements S.I., 1788. Pp. 115. Signed by Duclosel d'Arneri. On page 7 is a reference to the notables being in session, but in the title the words "le rappel des parlements" seem to indicate a date earlier than September 23, Author obscure and pamphlet unimportant. Protestation contre la forme des etats generaux de 1614, et seul moyen d'imprimer un caractere legal a celle de la prochaine assemblee nationale, suivie d'une lettre a MM. du conseil general de la ville de Nimes en Languedoc, et d'une reponse au memoire des six corps des marchands de Paris; par M. 5***. S. l, 1788. Pp. 46. At the end of the "lettre" appears : "Paris, ce 25 novembre 1788". Signed : Baumier. Appeals to the dictates of reason and justice in favor of the demands of the third estate. Protestations de M. Linguet contre les arrets du parlcment de Paris des 25 et 27 septembre 1788. S. I. n. d. Pp. 12. Bears the fol- lowing localization: "Bruxelles, 7 novembre". The Parlement of Paris had condemned Linguet's writings in favor of national bankruptcy. Recit de ce qui se passe a I'ignoble assemblee des notables. S. I., 1788. Pp. 6. Reclamations du tiers etat et supplique au roi. S. I., novembre 1788, Pp. 18. Favors an upper and a lower chamber. On page 13 this appears : "La necessite de cette division est plus amplement developee dans un ouvrage qui vient d'etre public et qui est intitule: A la nation francaise, sur les vices de son gouvernement." For the pamphlet mentioned, see above. Reflexions d'un citoyen de Besancon, sur les privileges et im- munites de la noblesse, par M. L. D. W . S. I. n. d. Pp. 28. Bears this localization : Besangon, ce 26 novembre 1788. Another edition, dated 1789, has this title: Reflexions d'un citoyen de Franche-Comte sur les privileges et iminunites dc la noblesse, par M. L. D. W. Reflexions d'un magistrat sur la question du nombre et celle de I'opinion par ordre ou par tete. S. I., 7 decembre 1788. Pp. 7. Strongly opposed to the demands of the third estate. The author, according to Barbier, was J. -J. Duval d'Epremesnil. In a pamphlet entitled Declaration de M. d'Epremesnil au sujet d'un imprime, he admits that he was the author of the Reflexions. In the struggles between the King and the Parlement of Paris, during 1787 and 1788, d'Epremesnil played a leading role, but he wanted the States General convoked and composed as in 1614. Elected to the States General as a deputy of Howard College Studies 31 the nobility for the prevote et vicomte de Paris-hors-les-murs, he took up his position on the right of the assembly and ardently defended privileges and the royal authority. Guillotined in April, 1794. Reflexions de Jean-Baptiste, porteur-d'eau, et qui plus est, citoyen; avec une apologie des sentiments de la cour ct des pretentions du tiers etat. S. I. n. d. Pp. 28. Favors a double representation for the third estate and deliberation "par tete". I can only guess at the date of publication. Reflexions patriotiques sur I'arrete de quelqucs nobles de Bretagne, du 25 octobre 1788. S. I. n. d. Pp. 30. An autograph note of the author says : "M. de Volney, auteur de La Sentinelle du Peuple, ni'a fourni des materiaux pour cet ouvrage, dont il y a en deux editions en trois jours." The pamphlet is a severe criticism of the Arrete listed above. Barbier attributes the pamphlet to Lanjuinais and it appears in the Oeuvres de J.-D. Lanjuinais (Paris, 1833), I. 105-126. See above : Le preservatif, etc. Reflexions sur la prochaine tcniie des etats generaux, par un membre de I'ordre de la noblesse. S. I. n. d. Pp. 54. By "M. d'Houlieres", according to a manuscript note on the copy in the Bibliotheque Nationale. Mentioned in La Sentinelle du Peuple (No. III. 17) under date of December 5, 1788, and attributed to "M. le comte d'H , . . res, gentilhomme d'Anjou". Published probably in November. Reflexions sur la reformation des etats generaux, par un ancien magistrat du P .... de G ... . S. I., 1788, Pp. 43. By Servan, according to a manuscript note on one of the copies in the White Library, Cornell University. Attributed to Servan in Exam en de quelques pretentions et demandes par un depute de la noblesse . . . . (S. I. n. d.), 33, 35. On page 7 the author speaks of awaiting "I'equite des notables". Published probably in November. Favors the demands of the third estate. For an account of Servan, see above: Avis au public, et principalement au tiers etat, etc. Reflexions sur les pouvoirs ct instructions a donncr par les provinces a leurs deputes aux etats generaux. S. I. n. d. Pp. 16. This seems to be the first edition. On page 2 these words occur: "La nation est convoquee pour le mois de Janvier prochain. Les notables sent assembles." This seems to indicate October or November as the date of composition. In the "seconde edition" {S. I., 1789. Pp. 29) these phrases are changed. Another edition {S. I., 1788. Pp. 59) purports to be "par quatre magistrats du parlement de Paris". A manuscript note on the copy of this edition in the Bibliotheque his- 32 Howard College Bulletin torique de la ville de Paris attributes the pamphlet to Servan. Barbier gives another edition (5*. /., 1788. Pp. 24) and attributes it to the Marquis de Semonville, who was conseiller aux enquetes du parlement de Paris. The pamphlet is reprinted in the Oeuvrcs de Condorcet puhliees par A. Condorcet O'Connor, Lieutenant-General, et M. P. Arago, secretaire perpetuel de V Academic des Sciences, Vol. IX. Thus the authorship is disputed, and I am unable to settle the dispute. The pamphlet is a discussion of six important demands to be made by the States General. Favorable to the third estate. Reponse de I'aiiteur de I'ouvrage intitide "Le bon sens" a la lettre qu'il a recue a cette occasion. S. 1., 1788. Pp. 25. See above: Lettre a M. le Comte J^***, etc. Reqiiete des femmes pour leur admission aux etats generaux, h messieurs cornposants I'assemhlee des notables. S. I. n. d. Pp. 19. The argument seems to be serious. Since women were too useful and influential to be left out of account, they ought to be allowed to form a fourth order and have a representation in the States General. Reqiiete du tiers etat au roi. S. 1. n. d. Pp. 8. Barbier attributes this pamphlet to J.-B. Huet de Froberville and gives the localization as Orleans, December 1, 1788. Favorable to the third estate. An appeal to the dictates of reason and justice. Reqiiete et avis d'un citoyen du Dauphine, aux membres respec- tables qui doivent composer les etats generaux du royaume, convoques par le roi Louis XVI pour Ic mois de Janvier 1789. Bruxelles, 1788. Pp. 57. Resume propose aux notables. S. I. n. d. Pp. 7. By the Comte de Lauraguais. The evidence of authorship is found in a pamphlet with the following title and date : Lettre sur "Les etats generaux convoques par Louis XVI" et composes par M. Target; par le comte de Lauraguais. On y a joint le "Resume" que le meme auteur a propose aux notables (S. I., 1788). For an account of the Comte de Lauraguais, see above, section II: Dissertation sur les assemblees nationales, etc. Second avis important a la nation sur les vices de son gouverne- ment, sur la necessite d'etablir une constitution, et sur la composition des etats generaux, adresse d I'assemblee des notables par I'auteur de r "Avis important sur le ministere et sur I'assemblee prochaine des etats generaux". S. I., novembre 1788. Pp. 67. Another edition bears the following title : A la nation frangaise sur les vices de son gouvernement, sur la necessite d'etablir une constitution, et sur la com- Howard College Studies 33 position des etats generaux. S. I., novembre 1788. Pp. 96. Still an- other edition is dated 1789. Favors the bicameral system. The author, according to Barbier, was Rabaut de Saint-Etienne. See above, sec- tion II : Avis important sur le ministere, etc. La sentinelle du peuple, anx gens de toiitcs professions, sciences, arts, commerce et metiers, composant le tiers etat de la province de Bretagnc ; par un proprietairc en ladite province. S. I. n. d. Five num- bers, November 10-December 35, 1788. Barbier attributes this pamph- let to Monsodive and adds : "On dit que Volney etait son collabora- teur". Opposed to privileges. Condemned by the Parlement of Paris on March 6, 1789 (See Brette, Rccucil de documents, I. 42). In the Introduction to the Moniteur (page 230), which was published in the Year IV of the Republic, La sentinelle du peuple is thus described: "Ouvrage qui parut par cahiers, et se distribue clandestinement en 1787 et 1788. II en parut 30 numeros; tons les arguments des avocats de la noblesse y etaient habilement refutes". I have seen only the five numbers mentioned above. Perhaps no more found their way into print. Soliloqiie d'un patriote, touchant la forme de la prochaine as- semblee des etats generaux du royaume. S. I. n. d. Pp. 4. Opposed to the demands of the third estate. Date of publication was, probably, early December. Suite de Fecrit intitule : Les etats generaux convoques par Louis XVL S. l, 1788. Pp. 41. Under date of November 18, 1788, Hardy, in his Journal, comments on this pamphlet as follows: "Ce jour on distribuait au Palais, tout mouille et paraissant sortir de dessous la presse, un ouvrage nouveau de Maitre Target, ancient avocat au parle- ment, I'un des Quarante de I'Academie Frangaise, sur la convocation des etats generaux ordonnes par Louis XVI On entendait dire beaucoup de bien de cet ouvrage qui avait ete distribue aux notables." See above, section II: Les etats generaux convoques, etc. Sur cette question : Est-il necessaire ou utile que les etats generaux de 1789 soient convoques dans la forme de ceux de 1614 f S. I. n. d. Pp. 8. An appeal to reason and justice in favor of the demands of the third estate. Sur la liberie de la presse, imite de I'anglais de Milton, par le comte de Mirabeau. Londres, 1788. Pp. 66. On page 64 the author says: "On imprimait cette feuille lorsque I'arrete du parlement de Paris, du 5 de ce mois, a paru." A second edition bears the localiza- tion "Paris, 1792". Mirabeau refrained from writing any pamphlet upon the convocation and composition of the States General lest he jeopardize his chances of being elected as a deputy. 34 Howard College Bulletin Systeme sur la formation de I'assemblee des etats generaux en France, siir la formation des etats provinciaux et de toute autre as- semblee nationale, par M. Pelletier. Paris, 1789. Pp. 24. On page 1-2 of another pamphlet by Pelletier entitled La regeneration de la France, ou essais sur la reformation que les etats generaux ont a faire dans leur constitution (S. I., 1789), he says that his Systeme sur la formation appeared in November 1788. Themis devoilee, dediee aux etats generaux. S. I., 1788. Pp. 46. Signed : P. F.***, citoyen. Opposed to the parlements. Mentioned in the Journal of Hardy under date of December 5, 1788. Le tiers etat eclaire, ou ses droits justifies. S. I., 1788. Pp. 23. Another edition bears the following title: Le tiers etat entierement eclaire sur ses droits, ou supplement a I' "Avis important" , par le meme auteur; suivi des "Principcs de Messieurs Necker et de Fenelon sur V administration" et "De la difference de trois mois en 1788" par le marquis de Casaux. S. I., 1788. Pp. 52. The author of Avis impor- tant seems to have been Rabaut de Saint-Etienne (See above, section II: Considerations tres importantes, etc.). On page 4 is a reference to the arrets of September 25. The pamphlet was published, probably, in November. Le tiers-etat-gibier c ont re le tiers-etat-humain, ou plaint es, doleances et petitions tres serieuses de vingt-six millions de lievres et de quatre-vingt cinq millions de perdrix, seidement, formant le bas peuple gibier de neuf cents territoires, seulement, des environs de Paris S. I. n. d. Pp. 8. A sarcastic pamphlet against privileges. I can only guess at the date of publication. Le tiers etat soulage, ou voeu d'un citoyen, etc. See below : Voeu d'un citoyen, etc. Tres humbles supplications aux notables patriot es. S. I. n. d. Pp. 7. Argument in favor of vote "par tete". Les veritables interets des trois ordres qui composent la nation rapproches. S. I., 1788. Pp. 14. Written after November 6. Voeu d'un citoyen pour la conversion des dimes en un impot territorial qui sera pergu au profit de I'etat. S. 1., 1788. Pp. 16. On the copy in the Bibliotheque Nationale is the following manuscript note : "M. Mole, avocat au parlement de Paris, qui me I'a donne le 14 novembre 88". Barbier attributes the pamphlet to Guill.-Fr.-Roger Mole, avocat au parlement de Paris. Another edition bears the follow- ing title : Le tiers etat soulage, ou voeu d'un citoyen .S*. /., 1788. Pp. 15. Howard College Studies 35 Les voeux d'un Francais, ou considerations sur les principaux ohjets dont le roi et la nation vont s'occuper. Paris et Versailles, 1788. Pp. 135. A treatise on government. Nine chapters devoted to the French monarchy and other chapters to the history of France; the origin and growth of the Parlement of Paris; the financial situation in the summer of 1788. No mention of vote "par tete", etc. Under date of December 18, 1788, Hardy mentions this pamphlet in his Jour- nal : "Cet ouvrage qui ne pouvait partir que de la plume d'un homme fort instruit; on I'attribue a un conseiller honoraire du parlement de Paris." Henri See, by what authority I know not, attributes it to the economist Lemercier de la Riviere, in Les idees politiques en France au XVnie siecle (Paris, 1920), 222. The pamphlet refers (p. 119) to the declaration of September 23. La voix d'un citoyen sur la maniere de former les etats generaux, par Pirre d'Olivier, cure d'une petite paroisse de campagne. S. I., 1788. This pamphlet is found in the Archives Nationales, B^. 6, accompanied by a manuscript letter addressed to the Minister and dated November 27, 1788. Date of publication was probably November. Favors the third estate. 36 Howard College Bulletin IV Pamphlets published between December 12 and December 27. Allegoric sur les differentes pretentions du clerge, de la noblesse et du tiers etat. Bxtrait de la Gazette des Tribunaux, du lundi 22 decembre 1788. S. I. n. d. Pp. 11. L'anti-7noteur, on reponse a la motion de monseigneur le prince de Conti, du 28 novembre 1788. S. I. n. d. Pp. 7. At the end of the pamphlet is the following: "A Paris, ce 15 decembre 1788". Aux bons Francais de tous les ordres. S. I. n. d. Pp. 15. W.ritten after December 12 (See page 7). Aux Parisiens; pro jet d'assemblees de quartiers, pour la ville de Paris. S. I. n. d. Pp. 30. According to Barbier the date of this pamphlet was 1788 and the author was Jacques Peuchet. Avis a la noblesse. S. L, 1788. Pp. 21. In Dugour, A. J., editor, Collection de pieces inter essantes, I. 403-415, this pamphlet is reprinted, dated December, 1788, and attributed to Malouet. Favorable to the third estate. Pierre- Victor Malouet was born at Riom in 1740, had an adventurous career in the civil service, became intendant de la marine at Toulon, was elected to the States General as a deputy of the third estate, and advocated a form of government similar to that of England. Avis au public. S. I., 1788. Pp. 11. This pamphlet deals ex- clusively with the Lettre des pairs au roi, December 20, 1788 (See be- low). In his Annales francaises (Paris, 1813), Sallier says that this pamphlet was published in December, 1788. Avis au tiers etat en reponse a I'auteur de "La sentinelle du peuple" et autres ouvrages qu'il a fails en ce genre. S. I. n. d. Pp. 22. The sub-title, or "title of departure", is as follows : Avis au tiers etat de la province d'Anjou. A sarcastic and bitter criticism of the demand for a double representation for the third estate and deliberation by head. Avis aux Prancais sur le salut de la patrie. S. I., 1788. Pp. x-254. There is an edition of 272 pages dated 1789. The pamphlet was begun and finished before August 25 (See page 235, edition of 1789) but was not published until the close of the assembly of notables (See page 242, edition of 1789). Reprinted in the Oeuvres de Jerome Petion (Paris, I'an premier de la republique. 4 vols.), II. In an avertissement which precedes the reprint (II. 37-38) the editors say: Howard College Studies 37 "Quatre editions en furent faites rapidement et repandues avec pro- fusion dans le royaume. On ignora, d'abord, que M. Petion en fut I'auteur Beaucoup de deputes, arrivant des departements les plus eloignes, le connaissaient et en parlaient avec eloge." It is a veritable treatise on the abuses of the old regime and the reforms to be effected. The author ridicules the study of history and appeals to the dictates of reason and justice. He even goes so far as to point out the advantage of having an elective executive, but he does not urge this innovation. See above, section II : Lettre d'un citoyen de I'ordre du tiers, etc. Avis aux Parisicns ct appel de toiites convocations d'etats generanx ou les deputes du troisieme ordre ne seraient pas superieurs aux deux autres. S. I. n. d. Pp. 11. An appeal to the "frivolous Parisians" to shake off their "shameful apathy" and "cold indifference" to the revo- lution. Radical — almost incendiary. In his Annales frangaises (Paris, 1813), 236, Sallier says that this pamphlet was published and spread broadcast in December, 1788. It is also mentioned in Jugement du champ de mars, rendu le peuple assemble, les laboureurs y seant, du 26 decembre 1788 {S I. n. d.), 17. On January 8, 1789, it was condemned by the Parlement of Rennes (Brette, Recueil de documents, I. 251). As to authorship, there is an edition of the pamphlet in the Bibliotheque historique de la ville de Paris (600728) with the words "par M. Linguet" appended to the title. Linguet was a lawyer, pamph- leteer, newspaper man, frondeur, ex-prisoner of the Bastille, and quite notorious in his day. Avis d'un champenois. S. I. n. d. Pp. 15. Favors voting by head. Avis d'un comtois sur les etats gcneraux et provinciaux. S. I. n. d. Pp. 14. Favors the third estate. Avis d'un cure de Nivernais sur Vassemblee des etats generaux. S. I. n. d. Pp. 47. According to a manuscript note on the copy in the Bibliotheque Nationale, the date was December, 1788. Deals with the history of the Nivernais and its representatives in former States General. Avis salutaire au tiers ctat sur ce qu'il fut, ce qu'il est, et ce qu'il peut etre, par un jurisconsulte allobroge. S. I., 1789. Pp. 32. Barbier attributes this pamphlet to Joseph-Michel-Antoine Servan and gives the date as 1788. Evidently Barbier saw another edition. For an account of Servan, see above, section III: Avis au public, etc. Bases du regime a prescrire pour obtenir une bonne constitution et la restauration du corps social. S. I. n. d. Pp. 16. 66412 38 Hozvard College Bulletin Catechisme des parlements. S. I. n. d. Pp. 16. On page 7 is a reference to December 1, 1788. Condemned by the Parlement of Paris on March 6, 1789 (See Brette, Recueil de documents, I. 41). Catechisme du tiers etat, a I'usage de toutes les provinces de France et specialement de la Provence. S. I., decembre 1788. Pp. 20. An edi- tion of 28 pages was published in 1789. A series of simple questions and answers designed, seemingly, to arouse the peasants. Le citoyen conciliateur, contenant des idees sommaires politiques et morales sur le gouvernement monarchique de la France; suivies d'un projet de convocation des etats generaux du royaume sans s'ecarter des formes anciennes et usitees aux dernieres assembles nationales de ce genre par M. I'Abbe de Lubersac, Paris, 1788. Pp. 75, 86, 87. Dedicated to Monsieur and bears Monsieur's pictures in the frontispiece. Primarily historical. Ponderous and philosophical. In part iii, p. 59, these words appear : "Ce mois de novembre". This indi- cates that the work was probably finished before the close of the as- sembly of notables and published in December. Of no great value. Commentaire tres roturier sur le noble discours adresse par le prince de Conti a Monsieur, frere du roi. S. I., 1788. In another edi- tion, 32 pages, the word "tres" is omitted from the title and the follow- ing words are added: "dans I'assemblee des notables, le 1788. A Paris, et se distribue gratis a I'hotel de Conti, 1789". This pamphlet is a stinging and provoking comment on the discours, famous in its day, which the Prince de Conti addressed to the Comte de Provence on November 28, 1788. In the Archives Parlementaires, I. 581, we read : "Cet ecrit fut condamne par le Parlement, et I'auteur force de se cacher." According to Barbier, the author was Servan. See above, section III : Avis au public, etc. Coup'd'oeil utile, s'il fixe I'attention de mes concitoyens; par M. P. D. C. S. I., 1788. Pp. 18. On page 10 is a reference to Target's pamphlet and the "suite", which helps to fix the approximate date of publication. Of little value. Le dernier mot du tiers etat a la noblesse de France. S. I., 23 decembre 1788. Pp. 9. This is a response to the "Memoire des Princes" drafted on December 14. Difference de trois mois en 1788, par le marquis de Casaux, de la societe royale de Londres et de celle d'agriculture de Florence. S. I., 1788. Pp. 39. On page 36 is a reference to the second assembly of notables. For an account of the author, see above, section II : Ques- tions a examiner, etc. Howard College Studies 39 Discours dans lequel on examine les deux questions suivantes: 1. Un monarque a-t-il le droit de changer de son chef une constitu- tion evidemment vicieusef 2. Bst-il prudent a lui, est-il de son inter et de Ventre prendre? Suivi de reflexions pratiques. Par le C. de Windisch-Graetz. S. 1., ?. Pp. 114. From the copy in the White Library, Cornell University, the date has been entirely erased and the following manuscript note has been substituted: "C'est la premiere edition de cet ouvrage; il n'a jamais ete que reimprime; cette impres- sion est de 1788, les autres de 1789 et sortent des presses de Paris." Arid and unimportant. Entretien de M. Linguet et de M. Bergasse. Bruxelles, 1788. Pp. 54. On page 53 is a reference to the arrete of December 5. Essai sur la nature, I'ordre et la forme des instructions qui peuvent etre donnecs par la province dc Dauphine a ses deputes aux prochains etats gencranx ; par un citoycn du tiers etat. S. I., decembre 1788. Pp. 47. The author discusses the old constitution of France, the new constitution to be made, the power of the king, finances, feudal rights, and the question of voting "par tete" or "par ordre". A well written pamphlet. Bxamen des motifs des douze notables, au bureau de Monsieur, pour adopter, contre I'avis des treize, I' avis qui a prevalu dans les cinq autres bureaux; suivi de courtes observations sur le "Memoire des princes". S. I. n. d. Pp. 30. Written in December (p. 23). Bxamen du "Memoire des princes presents au roi". S. I. n. d. Pp. 33. Extraits du "Memoire des princes present e au roi" et notes rela- tives a ces extraits. S. I. n. d. Pp. 10, in 4°. De la formation des etats generaux. S. I., decembre 1788. Pp. 91. On page 75 is a reference to the meeting of the States General in January, which indicates that the pamphlet was written before Decem- ber 27. Le goiwernement senati-clerico-aristocratique. S. I., 1788. Pp. 30. Written during the latter half of December (p. 8-9). Idee. S. I. n. d. Pp. 15. Upon the composition of the States General. I can only guess at the date of publication. IP suite de I'ccrit intitule: Les etats generaux convoques par Louis XVI. S. I. n. d. Pp. 60. On page 24 is a reference to Decem- ber 10, 1788. As the Resultat du conseil of December 27 is nowhere 40 Howard College Bulletin mentioned, I conclude that the pamphlet was published before the end of 1788. By Target. See above, section II : Les etats generaux con- voques, etc. Invocation a la memoire auguste de feu monseigneur le dauphin, pere du roi, mise en tete du "Memoire pour le peuple frangais". Geneve, 1788. Pp. 16. See below : Memoire pour le peuple frangais. Jugement impartial sur les questions principales qui interessent le tiers etat, par M. Ducloz du Fresnoy, notaire. Paris, 1788. Pp. 21. Suggestion of a compromise between voting "par tete" and "par ordre". Cf. Chassin, Les Elections et les Cahiers de Paris en 1789 (Paris, 1888), I. 48. Lettre d'lm citoyen. S. I. n. d. Pp. 7. Lettre d'un roturier aux nobles, ses confreres. S. I. n. d. Pp. 11. On page 1 the author says : "J'ai vu les Reflexions d'un membre du tiers etat a ses confreres, et j'ai public cette lettre". See below for the Reflexions. Hardy mentions the Lettre d'un roturier in his Journal (VIII. 90) under date of December 30, 1788. Lettre de I' Abbe de T'^** au comte de ***, sur la venalite des ennoblissements et les exemptions fiscales. S. I. n. d. Pp. 15. Lettre de I' Angleterre a la France. S. I. n. d. Pp. 29. Lettre de M*** a M***. 5^. I. n. d. Pp. 16. Lettre des pairs au roi, du 20 dccembre 1788. S. I. n. d. P. 1. The Peers offer to surrender their pecuniary privileges. This letter attracted much attention. Lettre impartiale d'un Breton a un extra-provinciaire, sur les vrais interets des trois ordres en Bretagne. S. I. n. d. Pp. 34. On page 10 is a reference to the "resultats de I'assemblee des notables". On page 34 is the following: "Tous ces objets vont etre eclaircis dans I'as- semblee des etats [de Bretagne] qui ouvrent le 29 de ce mois." The estates of Bretagne were scheduled to meet on December 29, 1788. Favors voting "par ordre". Lettre sur le "Memoire des princes present e au roi" . S. I. n. d. Pp. 45. A la memoire auguste de feu monseigneur le dauphin, pere du roi. S. I. n. d. Pp. 28. See below : Memoire pour le peuple frangais. Memoire du peuple frangais an roi. S. I. n. d. Pp. 13. Favors the third estate. At the end appears : "23 decembre 1788". Howard College Studies 41 Memoire du tiers etat a presenter au roi. S. I. n. d. Pp. 8. A paraphrase of the "Memoire des princes". Favors third estate. Memoire pour le peuple frangais. S. L, 17&8. Pp. QQ. Mentioned by Hardy in his Journal (VIII. 174) under date of December 17, 1788. In Correspondance litteraire, philosophique et critique de Grimm et Diderot depuis 1753 jusqu'en 1790 (Nouvelle edition. Paris, 1831), XIV. 218, a writer, under date of December, 1788, attributes the pamphlet to Cerutti and adds : "On en a fait deux editions en moins de quinze jours. A la tete de la seconde se trouve un discours addresse a la memoire august e de feu monseigneur le dauphin, pere du roi." The Abbe Cerutti was an Italian by extraction and an ex- Jesuit. In this pamphlet, with clarity and felicity of expression and with ample refer- ences to Greece and Rome, he answered ten questions relative to the current issues of the day. He looked with favor upon the bicameral system of the English Parliament. An appeal to the dictates of reason and justice rather than to history. Reprinted in La Revolution francaise, XV. 61-85. Memoire pour les cures de France, relativement a la convocation prochaine des etats generaux. Avignon, 1788. Memoire presents au roi par les avocats au parlement de Nor-, mandie, sur les etats generaux. S. I. n. d. Pp. 15. In the Bibliotheque historique de la ville de Paris (604046), there is a reprint of this pamphlet which gives the date as December, 1788. Barbier gives the place of publication as Rouen and adds : "Ce memoire, signe au nom des avocats par Ferry, syndic, et Legendre secretaire, a ete redige par J.-G. Thouret, membre de I'assemblee constituante." Favors the de- mands of the third estate. Memoire que presentent a MM. les maire et echevins de la ville de Rouen, les commimautes, corporations et citoyens particuliers de Vordre du tiers etat de cette ville. S. I. n. d. Pp. 12. Barbier gives the date as December, 1788, and says that the pamphlet was drafted by Thouret. Memoire sur les rentes foncieres dues aux gens de main-morte et les avantages que I' etat pent en retirer, en autorisani les debiteurs a les racheter, conformement aux edits et declarations de 1441, 1539, 1553 et 1554. S. I. n. d. Pp. 15. I have been able only to guess at the date of publication. The pamphlet may have been published any time between 1785 and 1789. Modestes observations sur le "Memoire des princes", faites au nom de 23 millions de citoyens frangais. S. I., 22 decembre 1788. 43 Howard College Bulletin Pp. 50. Barbier attributes this pamphlet to the Abbe Gab. Brizard and gives Paris as the place of publication. A monseigneur comte d'Artois. S. I. n. d. Pp. 16. The author of this pamphlet shames and excoriates the Comte d'Artois for allow- ing his name to be appended to the "Memoire des princes", and then goes on to defend the cause of the third estate. A la noblesse de France, par un gentilhomme de province. S. L, 10 decembre 1788. Pp. 23. Contends that the votes should be counted "par ordre". Nouvelle discussion des motifs des douze notables dii bureau de Monsieur, contre I'avis qui y a prevalu. 23 decembre 1788'. S. I. n. d. Pp. 45. Defends the claims of the third estate. At the end is a ref- erence to the "Memoire des princes". Observations d'un membre du tiers etat, a tons ceux de son ordre, qui, dans ce moment, eclaires sur ses veritables interets, seraient fermes pour les soutenir inviolablement ; mais asses amis de la paix pour desirer que ces deux objets pussent se conciler. Dijon, decembre 1788. Pp. 8. The author's argument is as follows : Since the privileged orders are willing to surrender their pecuniary privileges and submit to equal taxation, the third estate ought to be satisfied and not urge further concession. Let the three orders deliberate and vote separately. The third estate has its veto to protect its interest. The pamphlet is poorly printed and doubtless had a narrow circulation. Observations d'un tiers sur les "Reflexions d'un magistral" con- cernant le nombre et V opinion par ordre et par tete. S. I. n. d. Pp. 22. See above, section III : Reflexions d'un magistral. Observations lues a MM. les representants du tiers etat de la ville de Bordeaux, le 12 decembre, par M. de Ladebat, directeur et commis- saire-depute de I'academie des arts. 5. /., 1788. Pp. 28. Argument in favor of the claims of the third estate for a double representation in the States General. Observations sur la representation des trois ordres aux etats generaux. S. I., 1788. Pp. 32. The date is December 8-15 (See pages 6 and 24). Observations sur le voeu des notables. S. I., 1788. Pp. 15. The author says (p. 4) that if the government should adopt the advice of the notables there would follow "a universal insurrection of the third estate and the subversion of the kingdom." Howard College Studies 43 Opinion d'un ami de tout le monde. S. I. n. d. Pp. 8. I can only guess at the date of publication — may be 1789. Opinion motivee d'un seul conseiller des enquetes du parlement de Bretagne. S. I. n. d. Pp. 12. Favors third estate. On page 5 is a reference to Dr. Guillotin's Petition des citoyens domicilies, etc. See above, section III. Plaintes, doleances, remontrances et voeu de N., bourgeois de Paris. S. I n. d. Pp. 77. The title of this pamphlet appears in a list at the end of Ultimatum d'un citoyen du tiers etat au "Memoire des princes presents au roi'„ which was published early in January, 1789. Plan pour la formation des etat provinciaux de la Lorraine et du Barrois, et pour I' election des deputes aux etats generaux. S. l, decembre 1788. Pp. 40. Argument in favor of a double representa- tion for the third estate in the States General. Les politiques du galetas. S. l, 1788. Pp. 28. A humorous dis- cussion of the numerous pamphlets of the day. Post-scriptum de I'essai sur la maniere de composer et de con- voquer les etats generaux. S. I. n. d. Pp. 16. Le pour et le contre dans I'affaire qui fait tant de bruit S. l, decembre 1788. Pp. 176. Les pourquoi d'un homme ignorant et les parce que d'un homme sincere, publies par un homme discret, pour instruction des hommes du tier's etat. S. I., 1788. Pp. 17. Questions and answers. The deci- sion of the notables is referred to in the past tense. Hence date of publication was after December 12. Premiere lettre d'un citoyen aux trois ordres de Dauphine, en reponse a lettre des trois ordres au roi. S. I. n. d. Pp. 24. At the end is the following: "Paris, ce 8 decembre 1788". Favors delibera- tion and voting "par ordre". The enemy is ministerial despotism. See above, section III : Lettre ecrite au roi par les trois ordres, etc. Pro jet de reponse a un memoire repandu sous le titre de "Memoire des princes". 21 decembre 1788. S. I. n. d. Pp.51. Reprinted under the title- Pro jet de reponse du roi a un ccrit repandu sous le titre, "Memoire des princes". S. I. n. d. Pp. 31. By the Abbe Morellet, according to Barbier. See above, section III: Observations sur le projet de former une assemblee nationale, etc. 44 Howard College Bulletin Pro jet pour Vassemblee des etats generaux. Au pays des chimeres, decembre 1788. Pp. 12. The false title is L' opinion d'un avocat dans la cause commune. Quelques idees sur les grands questions du moment, par le marquis de Casaux, de la societe royale de Londres et de celle d'agriculture de Florence. S. I., 1788. Pp. 45. Almost wholly devoted to the advocacy of voting "par tete". Written after December 5 (See pages 3 and 7). On page 24 is a reference to Mirabeau's pamphlet Sur la liberte de la presse. See above, section II : Questions a examiner, etc. Quelques mots a la noblesse et au tiers etat. S. I. n. d. Pp. 34. Reflexion faite un peu tard, ou le voyageur babillard. Dediee a mylord W***. Londres, 1788. Pp. 32. Reflexions d'un membrc de I'ordre du tiers etat. S. I. n. d. Pp. 123. Contends that the king is free to convoke and compose the States General as he pleases. Written after October 5 but not published till after December 22 (See pages 18 and 112). Reflexions sur le "Memoire des princes", par un avocat de province. S. I. n. d. Pp. 16. Reflexions sur les tongues et utiles operations des notables. S. I. n. d. Pp. 12. Reponse au memoire de quelques princes du sang. S. I. n. d. Pp. 13. Reponse d'un medecin de village a la petition du Dr. G***. Pp. 24. Signed: D***. D***. For Dr. Guillotin's pamphlet see above, section III : Petition des citoyens domicilies, etc. Reponse de monseigneur comte d'Artois aux lettres adressees a son alt esse royale. S. I. n. d. Pp. 16. In this pamphlet the Comte d'Artois is made to say a number of silly things. He complains that the beaux esprits are getting too familiar with him, and denies that he spends every night "caballing" with women, etc. Reponse de M. de Calonne a la lettre de M. de B eyerie, conseiller au parlement de Nancy. Londres, 1788. Pp. 20. Bears date of December 5. Requite d'un cultivateur au roi, apres la retraite des notables. S. I. n. d. Pp. 16. A plan for financial reforms. S'il est de I'interet du tiers etat de se choisir des representants dans son sein exclusivement. S. I. n. d. Pp. 4. Contends that the third estate should be free to choose nobles as its deputies. Howard College Studies 45 Seconde lettre a Monsieur le comte d'Artois. S. I. n. d. Pp. 14. Tells the Comte how unpopular he is becoming and invites him to pay attention to public opinion. Seconde lettre de M. le comte de S . . . . t, en reponse a celle de M. Del . . . . y I'aine. S. I. n. d. Pp. 19. Bears date of December 9. Soyons de bonne foi. S. I. n. d. Pp. 32. At the end is the fol- lowing: "Le comte Duprat, decembre 1788". Contends that neither the parlements nor the Court wants the States General. See above, section II : A qui voudra me lire. Suite des "Lettres aux notables sur la forme et I'objet des etats generaux, par M. P.-V. C along es" . Londres, 1788. Pp. 61-108. The pagination follows directly that of the "Lettres". See above, section III : Lettres aux notables, etc. Sur la petition proposee aux Parisiens. S. I. n. d. Pp. 8. Refer- ence to Dr. Guillotin's Petition des citoyens domicilies, etc. See above, section III. Le tiers etat au roi. S. I. n. d. Pp. 61. Favors the contentions of the third estate. Preceding the title-page is a letter to the king thus dated : "Rodez, le 20 decembre 1788". The letter is signed : Louchet. Un bonhomme aux etats generaux, sur quelques objets relatifs aux arts; sur M. Poyct et les plagiaires, etc., etc., etc., Londres, decembre 1788. Pp. 28. La veritable sentinelle du peuple. S. I. n. d. Pp. 18. Hardy mentions this pamphlet in his Journal under date of December 22, 1788. Verites philosophiques et patriotiques sur les affaires presentes. S. I., 1788. Pp. 24. Deals with the behavior of the Breton nobility. Barbier attributes this pamphlet to Jacques-Guillaume Thouret, but adds : "La brochure dont il s'agit ici est citee dans "I'lntroduction au Moniteur", p. 229; mais M. Thouret fils m'a declare n'avoir aucune connaissance de cet ecrit, attribue sans doute trop legerement a son illustre pere." I can only guess at the date of publication. 46 Howard College Bulletin Book Review TOULOUSE IN THE RENAISSANCE John C. Dawson, Columbia University Press, New York City, pp. 190 Dr. Dawson's Toulouse in the Renaissance consists of three closely inter- related studies. The first, entitled "The Floral Games of Toulouse," is a his- torical treatment of early phases of French literature and is primarily of in- terest to students of Romance poetry. The second study, "University and Stu- dent Life at Toulouse in the Sixteenth Century," and the third, "Etienne Dolet at Toulouse," give us a picture of university student life in the sixteenth century which, as far as the writer's knowledge goes, is unequalled for concreteness and vividness by anything extant in the English language. The author of Toulouse in the Renaissance has brought to his work what is among American students of education an altogether exceptional liguistic equipment, through which he has made available contemporary records of the Nations, the records of the Floral Games, the minutes of local governmental bodies, and private corre- spondence of principals. Out of this source material he has developed a stirring narrative of real persons and vital social movements. The part of the book which deals with university life at Toulouse is from many points of view attractive to the student of education. For one who is particularly desirous of sensing the relationships of the university to the Church, the Crown, the municipal government, and the rising parlements at a time of active social reorganization, there is given an amount of concrete detail which lifts the mediaeval university out of the half-lights in which we too customarily see it and shows the quick and violent response which that institution was making to the surrounding life forces of the sixteenth century. The conflict between the old learning of the schools and the new learning of the Humanists, the clash of reformer and conservative in religion, the continuous and bitter rivalry be- tween "town and gown", and the turbulent activities of the student body organ- ized into their nations, are made to live again in the pages of this book. The effectiveness of Dr. Dawson's presentation results in large part from its wealth of concrete detail. He shows us the nations not only as aspects of university administration, but also as a fraternity of warm hearted and very red- headed youths who were living temporarily in a hostile environment where organization was the only means of safety, and, one might well add, the pro- vocative cause of most of their dangers. How different a notion does one have regarding the "prior," or president of the nation, when we know him by name and follow him — the most doughty fighter, the most engaging and diplomatic leader of his friends, and the bitterest and most daring aggressor against the nations' foes, through the exciting and sometimes sanguinary adventures which Dr. Dawson recounts out of that three hundred year old record book of the nation of Provence. And Etienne Dolet — sword fighter, humanist, orator, poet, ladies' man, with a strong dash of bad boy — what a tremendous fellow he was ! Dr. Dawson has made in Toulouse in the Renaissance a great contribution to our understanding of mediaeval and renaissance education. The book should be known to all students of the history of education. EDWARD H. REISNER, Professor of History of Education, Teachers College, Columbia University. Vol. LXXXI December, 1923 No. 4 CONTENTS The Custom of the Essay in the Poetic Contests of the College of Rhetoric at Toulouse John C. Dawson Dramatic Economy in "The Return of the Native" Percy P. Burns The Rise of Alabama Baptists James A. Hendricks The Convocation of the States General, July 5-September 25, 1788 Mitchell B. Garrett Philosophy of Method in Teaching Wm. E. Bohannon Vol. LXXXII May, 1924 No. 5 CONTENTS Hosea Holcombe and Early Alabama Baptists (Chapters 3 and 4) James Albert Hendricks The Controversy Over the Composition of the States-General, September 25-November 6, 1788 Mitchell Bennett Garrett Vol. LXXn December, 1924 No. 4 CONTENTS Cromwell's Relations with Spain Virginia Holliman UNJVBSITY OF CALIF UflRARY, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. RFC'D URL-LD •"Wis ^ ^AY 2 2 1967 IT REC'D iD-m: -'AN 1 2 I97S JAN 81376 JAN 1 4 DEC 1 J979 (ir DATE SENT MAR 081995 MAR171395 A L^r B 2000 DUE 3 MONTHS FROM DATE RECEIVED Form L9-Series 444