H9aJ »rm*'77-r&wm THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES FREDERIC THOMAS BLANCHARD ENDOWMENT FUND 7 ODE T O Mr.WRIGHTofDERBY. O D E T O Mr- WRIGHT of DERBY. By WILLIAM HAYLEY, E SQi CHICHESTER: PRINTED BY DENNETT JAQ^UES. M.DCC.L XXXIII. TR He, (A ODE, &c. AWAY ! ye fweet, but trivial Forms, That from the placid pencil rife, When playful art the landfcape warms With Italy's unclouded fkies! Stay, vanity ! nor yet demand Thy portrait from the painter's hand ! Nor afk thou, indolence, to aid thy dream, The foft illufion of the mimic ftxeam, That twinkles to thy fight with Cynthia's trembling beam ! B Be 359407 [ 6 ] Be thine, my friend, a nobler tafk ! Befide thy vacant eafil fee Guefts, who, with claims fuperior, afk New miracles of art from thee: Valour, who mocks unequal ftrife, And clemency, whofe fmile is lite! " Wright! let thy (kill (this radiant pair exclaim) " Give to our view our favorite fcene of Fame, " Where Britain's Genius blaz'd in glory's brighteft flame". Celeftial miniflers! ye fpeak To no dull agent floth-oppreft, Who coldly hears, in fpirit weak, Heroic virtue's high beheft: Behold ! tho' envy ftrives to foil The Artift bent on public toil, Behold ! his flames terrific luftre fhed ; His naval blaze mounts from it's billowy bed ; And Calpe proudly rears her war-illumin'd head. [ 7 ] In gorgeous pomp for ever fhine Bright monument of Britain's force! Tho' doom'd to feel her fame decline In ill-ftarr'd war's o'erwhelming courfe, Tho' Europe's envious realms unite To crufh her, in unequal fight, Her genius, deeply flung with generous fhame, On this exulting rock array 'd in flame Equals her ancient feats, and vindicates her name. How fiercely Britifh valor pours The deluge of deftructive fire, Which o'er that watery Babel roars, Bidding the baffled hoft retire, And leave their fall'n, to yield their breath In different pangs of double death! Ye fhall not perilh : no ! ye haplefs brave, Recklefs of peril thro' the fiery wave See! Britim mercy fleers, each proflrate foe to lave. B 2 Ye [ 8 ] Ye gallant chiefs, whofe deeds proclaim The genuine hero's feeling foul, Elliot, and Curtis, with whofe name Honor enrich'd his radiant roll, Bleft is your fate; nor bleft alone, That refcued foes your virtues own, That Britain triumphs in your filial worch : Bleft in the period of your glory's birth, When art can bid it live to decorate the earth ! Alas ! what deeds, where virtue reign'd, Have in oblivious darknefs died, When painting, by the Goths enchain'd, No life-fecuring tints fupplied ! Of all thy powers, enchanting art, Thou deemeft this the deareft part, To guard the rights of valour, and afford Surviving luftre to the hero's fword: For this, heroic Greece thy martial charms ador'd. Rival [ 9 ] Rival of Greece, in arms, in arts, Tho' deem'd in her declining days, Britain yet boafts unnumber'd hearts, Who keenly pant for public praife : Her battles yet are firmly fought By Chiefs with Spartan courage fraught : Her Painters with Athenian zeal unite To trace the glories of the profp'rous fight, And gild th' embattel'd fcene with art's immortal light. Tho' many a hand may well portray The rufhing war's infuriate (hock, Proud Calpe bids thee, Wright, difplay The terrors of her blazing rock: The burning bulks of baffled Spain, From thee (he claims, nor claims in vain, Thou mighty matter of the mimic flame, Whofe peerlefs pencil, with peculiar aim, Has form'd of lading fire the baiis of thy fame. Juft t io ] Juft in thy praife, thy country's voice Loudly afferts thy fignal power : In this reward may'ft thou rejoice, In modeft labour's filent hour, Far from thofe feats, where envious leagues, And dark cabals, and bafe intrigues Exclude meek merit from his proper home ; Where art, whom Royalty forbade to roam, Againft thy talents clos'd her felf-difhonor'd dome. When partial pride, and mean neglecT, The nerves of injur'd genius gall, What kindly fpells of keen effect His energy of heart recall? Perchance there is no fpell fo ftrong As friendship's fympathetic fong : By fancy link'd in a fraternal band, Artift and Bard in fweet alliance ftand ; They fuffer equal wounds, and mutual aid demand. Go [ « 3 Go then, to flighted worth devote Thy willing verfe, my fearlefs mufe ! Haply thy free and friendly note Some joyous ardor may infufe In fibres, that feverely fmart From potent Envy's poifon'd dart: Thro' Wright's warm bread bid tides of vigor roll, Guard him from meek depreflion's chill controul, And roufe him to exert each finew of his foul ! FINIS. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. Form L9-40m-7,'56(C790s4)444 AKY (JNIVEli. VLIFORNIA LOS ANGEJ ES rmrarfAR n§59" PR 3^06 H9od 000 00