THE CHRONICLES AND MEMORIALS OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND DURING THE MIDDLE AGES. PUBLISHED BY THE AUTHORITY OF HER MAJESTY'S TREASURY, UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE MASTER OF TELE ROLLS. On the 26th of January 1857, the Master oi' the Eolls submitted to the Treasury a proposal for the puhlication of materials for the History of this Country from the Invasion of the Romans to the reign of Henry YIII. The Master of the Rolls suggested that these materials should be selected for publication under competent editors without reference to periodical or chronological arrangement, without mutilation or abridgment, prefer- ence being given, in the first instance, to such materials as were most scarce and valuable. He proposed that each chronicle or historical docu- ment to be edited should be treated in the same way as if the editor were engaged on an Editio Princeps ; and for this purpose the most correct text should be formed from an accurate collation of the best MSS. To render tlie work more generally useful, the Master of the Eolls suggested that the editor should give an account of the MSS. employed by him, of their age and their peculiarities ; that he should add to the work a brief account of the life and times of the author, and any remarks necessary to explain the chronology ; but no other note or comment was to be allowed, except what might be necessary to establish the correctness of the text. Tlie works to be published in octavo, separately, as they were finished ; the whole responsibility of the task resting upon the editors, who were to be chosen by the Master of the Rolls with the sanction of the Treasury. The Lords of Her Majesty's Treasury, after a careful consideration of the subject, expressed their opinion in a Treasury Minute, dated February 9, 1857, that the plan recommended by the Master of the Rolls " was well calculated for the accomplishment of this important national object, in an effectual and satisfactory manner, within a reasonable time, and provided proper attention be paid to economy, in making the detailed arrangements, without unnecessary expense." They expressed their approbation of the proposal that each Chronicle and historical document should be edited in such a manner as to represent with all possible correct- ness the text of each writer, derived from a collation of the best MSS., and that no notes should be added, except such as were illustrative of the various readings. They suggested, however, that the preface to each work should contain, in addition to the particulars proposed by the Master of the Rolls, a biographical account of the author, so far as authentic materials existed for that purpose, and an estimate of his historical credibility and value. Rolls House, December 1857. l^All rights reserved.'] ISiq"] THE METRICAL CHRONICLE OF ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. ~^ EDITED BY " J WILLIAM ALDIS WRIGHT, M.A., Hon. D.C.L. and LL.D., FELLOW AND SENIOR BURSAR OP TRINITY COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE. Part I. PUBLISHED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE LORDS COMMISSIONERS TREASURY, UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE LONDON: \^9fj^l!ll^t^^.^^^ PRINTED FOR HER MAJESTY'S ST ATO^ ^JfrT ^^fjM J^L I G L I S R A R i £ BY EYRE AND SPOTTISWOODE, PRINTERS TO THE QUEEN'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY. And to be purchased, either directly or through any Bookseller, from EYRE AND SPOTTISWOODE, East Harding Street, Fleet Street, E.G. ; or ADAM AND CHARLES BLACK, 6, North Bridge, Edinburgh; or HODGES, FIGGIS, & Co., 104, Geafton Street, Dublin. 1887^'" b9 V.I PREFACE. V PREFACE. The Metrical Chronicle, which is commonly attvihu ted to Robert of Glouce.stei-, appears to have been first noticed by John Stow in A Summarie of Englyshe Chronicles (1565), and is there ascribed, in " TIic names of Authours " in this Booke alledged," to " Robert, a chronicler, " that wrate in the tyme of Henry the thirde." The story of William Rufus and his chamberlain, which will be found in lines 8012 — 8021 of the present edition, is quoted by Stow in the Summarie, apparently from the Cotton MS. In the interval between 1505 and 1580, when he published The Chronicles of England, Stow must have discovered some reason for gfivine the writer a more precise description, for in the later volume he refers to him'more than once as "Robert of Gloster" or " Robertus Glocestrensis." In his Remaines concern- ing Britain, published in 1605, Camden follows Stow in adopting this designation, and gives the well known saying of Mabel FitzHamon to Henry I. on the author- ity of the Metrical Chronicle, " as Robert of Gloucester " in the Librarie of the industrious Antiquary maister " John Stowe writeth." Indeed the appellation seems to have been accepted without question by subsequent writers. Selden (Jani Anglorum facies altera, 1610) quotes him as "Robertus Glocestrensis," or (Titles of Honour, ed. 1072, p. 498) "Robert of Glocester, that " wrote about Edward the first," and his work (ibid. p. 535) as " that old English rythmical Story of " Robert of Glocester," or (p. 115) " the old Rhimes vi PREFACE. " of Robert of Glo. MS." All Selden's quotations are made from the Cotton MS., except one in the Histoiy of Tythes (1618), in which he mentions two manu- scripts, one in the library of Sir Pvobert Cotton and the other in that of Thomas Allen of Oxford, and quotes from the latter, which in all probability is the same as MS. Digby 205 in the Bodleian Library. But it was from Selden's notes to the first portion of Drayton's Polyolbion, containing Books I.-XVIII., which appeared in 1613, that English readers learned to be- come familiar with Robert of Gloucester and his verses, and from this source William Browne in his Britannia's Pastorals (Book II. song 4, ed. Hazlitt, Vol. II. p. 70) no doubt derived his knowledge of " The lay which aged Robert sung of yore In praise of England and the deeds of Swaines That whilome fed and rul'd vpon our plaines." It was very natural for Weever (Ancient Funerall Monuments, ed, 1631, p. 60) to add another touch to the description, and to speak of him as " Robert the " Monke of Gloucester, an old rimer, who writes the " language of our fathers about foure hundred yeares " since " ; and hence Fuller, who only knows him from Weever and Selden, places him among the Avriters of Gloucestershire (Worthies, ed. 1662, p. 358) as "Robert " of Gloucester, so called, because a Monk thereof" In the account of the riot at Oxford in 1263, which took place between the students of the University and the townsmen, Antony Wood (Hist, et Antiq. Univ. Oxon., ed. 1674, vol. i. p. 112) quotes the verses of Robert of Gloucester (11186-11233) as "poette cujusdam Oxo- " niensis, ibi turn prsesentis carmina." The narrative has certainly every appearance of having been written by a contemporary if not an eyewitness of the events described, and Hearne (Preface to Robert of Gloucester's Chronicle, p. Ixxvi.), accepting Wood's statement as not improbable, goes a step further and suggests that Robert, PREFACE. VU being a monk of Gloucester, was sent to Oxford " by " some of the Directors of the great Abbey of Glou- " cester" to take charge of the youth that thej^ had there under their care. And this appears to him so very probable that he adds, " I am apt to think, that, " upon that score, he resided in an old House, where " Monks used to study, on the West Part of Stockwell- " street, in the same Place where Gloucester College " (afterwards styl'd Gloucester Hall, and at lengtli " Worcester College, on the West Side of which the " Monks of Gloucester had a Mill) was since founded " in the year 1283, or, as others say, in 1281, " by John GifFard Baron of Brimsfield, the same that " was so famous for his Military Skill in the time of " Hen. III. and is mentioned, for that reason, towards " the End of this History." All this, however, is merely ingenious speculation, and beyond the fact that the name of the writer of a portion of the Chronicle was Robert, and that from the dialect in which he wrote he was probably a Gloucestershire monk, there is nothing- whatever known about him. But before going further into this question it is necessary to say something of the external form of the Chronicle itself. It is evident that there were two recensions, which are represented, the one by the Cottonian and Harleian MSS. in the British Museum, and the other by the MSS, at Oxford and Cambridge which Avill be hereafter described. These two recensions are in .'substantial agree- ment to the end of the reign of Henry I., but in the former the events from the accession of Stephen to the end of Henry the Third's reign are recorded at much greater length and occupy upwards of 2,900 lines, while in the latter they are compressed into less than 600. In addition to this, in the earlier portion of the Chro- nicle the MSS. of the later recension have upwards of 800 lines which do not occur in those of the earlier recension. All these inserted lines, together with the viil PREFACE. shorter continuation, Avill he found in the Appendix to the present edition. It is remarkable, however, that in both the longer and the shorter continuations the nar- ratives of the events of Stephen's reign are almost exactly of the same length, and they appear to have been derived from the same original source. The most natural conclusion from this fact is that the original Chronicle ended with the reign of Henry I., the earliest form of it which has come down to us being that which we have in the Cottonian and Harleian MSS., and that it was supplemented by at least two different narrators, one of whom supplied the longer and the other the shorter continuation, while the latter may also have inserted the additional lines which are found in the earlier portion of the Chronicle as it appears in the later recension. If the shorter continuation had been a mere brief summary of the reigns of the successors of Henry I, it might very well have been supplied by the author of the longer continuation ; but it is in the highest degree improbable that the same writer should have given two entirely different accounts of Stephen's reiffn, one in 440, the other in 438 lines. It is a further question whether the longer continua- tion and the original portion of the Chronicle are by the same hand. If they are, we must suppose that the writer first carried his narrative to the end of Henry the First's reign, that various copies of this portion were circulated among the libraries of different monas- teries, and that one of these was made the basis of what I have called the later recension, while the ori- ginal was retained by the author and supplemented by himself On the other hand, the first portion of the Chronicle may have been an independent work w^hich was completed in two forms by two different con- tinuators, neither of whom was the original author. It is impossible to say to which of these two suppos- itions the greater probability is to be attached, there PREFACE. IX being no positive evidence for one or the other, although I am rather inclined on a priori grounds to favour the latter. It is extremely difficult in a composite work like the present to argue safely from internal indica- tions of date. In the earlier part there appear to be references to the times of Henry I. which would point to his reign as the period of its original composition. For instance, in speaking of the number of abbeys founded by King Edgar and St. Athelwold, the writer says (5739-5741) : Vor ey^te & fourty abbeys • hii rerde in this londe echon. Ar vre king jmt we abbe]? nou • adde yrerd so vale • To monye him wolde );enche • viftene bi tale • The king here referred to, " our king that we have now," is apparently Henry I,, who after Edgar was the greatest founder of monasteries. But as it is im- possible that the Chronicle in its present form can have been written at so early a period, it is more than probable that the reference in this passage was taken from the original document which the versifier had before him. Other passages indicate that the writer, although not perhaps actually a contemporary of Henry I., wrote at a period when the events of his reign were fresh in the minds of men. He refers more than once to the union of the Norman stock with the older Eng. lish royal family by the marriage of Henry and Matilda of Scotland, the daughter of Margaret, who was in the direct line of descent from Edmund Ironside. See 11. 6466-6469 : As ^e mowe ihurc her afterward • in king henries lif • How engelond com to kunde aten • J^orii pe gode queue mold is wif • pat )?es margarete dorter was • mold pe gode queue • Vor pis lond were ^ut out of kunde • tif heo nere ich wene • X PREFACE. And again, 11. 7250-7257: Ac after )?at willam j?e rede king • issote was bi cas • & ]>e gode henry is bro]?er • after him king was • Seint edwardes nece • ]7at of is fader kunde com • & of ]>e riite kunde of engelond • king henry to wine nom • j^at was mold ]>e gode quene • J?at in gode time was ybore • ])0 smot uerst |?is tre a^en • to is kunde more • & normandie |;oru |>e king • & j^oru ]?e quene enge- lond • lioyned were ])0 kundeliche • as in one monnes hond But these, after all, although they appear to have been added by the versifier, may very well have been written at a much later period than the time to which they refer. Indeed, it is quite clear from another of the writei''s insertions that it was made not earlier than the reign of Edward I., and probably after 1294, when the king exacted of the clergy half their revenues. Speaking of the twenty manors which were given to Winchester in the time of Edward the Confessor by the king, his mother, and the bishop, the writer adds, with a touch of sly humour which sometimes peeps through his monotonous dulness (6998-7001) : And |?at nas no^t lute ]>ere • Vor it wolde linde horn lee & morten • inowe bi J?e tere • Vor gode ]>e nexte king Edward • f^at after him Hu]>]>e com • Ne lei hom nott folliche so muche • wi}>inne is kinedom • All that has been said hitherto refers to the earlier portion of the Chronicle, and it would seem that even this part in its present shape was written not long before the end of the thirteenth century. We come now to the longer continuation as it appears in the text of this edition, and in the Cottonian MS* PREFACE. XI from which it is printed. In this the writer mentions his own name in the description of the great darkness at the time of the battle of Evesham, which was so dense that the monks coidd not see to read the service in the churches. It extended for thirty miles round, and is compared by the writer to the darkness at the crucifixion. Only a few drops of rain fell (11746-9) : An vewe dropes of reine • J^er velle grete inou • pis tokinuge vel in ];is lond • )?o me )/is men slou • Vor pretti mile J'anne • )7is isei roberd • pat verst J?is boc made • & was wel sore aferd • " This saw Robert, that first this book made and was " right sore afraid." The last two lines are omitted in the only other MS. of an early date which I have consulted, and at first I was inclined to think that they might refer merely to the transcriber of the Cottonian MS. But they occur also in the late MS. which is pre- served in the Hunterian Museum, Glasgow, and the expression " |'at verst ]>is boc made " points rather to the author than to the scribe. We know, therefore, that the writer of the longer continuation at least, if not of the whole work, was named Robert, that he lived at the time of the battle of Evesham in 1265, and that he was within thirty miles of the place. The continuation in its present form could not have been written earlier than 1297, because, as Sir Frederic Madden pointed out, it contains a reference to the canonization of St. Lewis, which took place in that year : for the writer, after re- cording the taking of Damietta in 1249, adds (10943), pulke gode lowis • is now seint • & ileid in ssrine • On the whole it seems probable that if we place the date of the Chronicle about the year 1300 we shall approximate within a very few years to the time of its composition, and the Cottonian MS. must be nearly contemporary. The writer of the latter portion at least may have been as a young man an eyewitness ^- XU PREFACE. of the riots at Oxford in 1263, to which reference has already been made, and two years later may have been living, most probably in Gloucestershire, and perhaps in Gloucester itself, not very far from the scene of the battle of Evesham. This is confirmed by the language in which the Chronicle is written, which is the dialect of Gloucestershire, and, according to Dr. Morris, that of the southern part of the county, and by the local know- ledge which the wi'iter shows of Gloucester and the neighbourhood. For instance, in the account of queen Ethelfleda's death (lines 5480-1), he follows Henry of Huntingdon in saying A.t tamewurj^e heo deyde su]?]?e • & ybured heo was ywis • In seint petres porche at gioucestre • but he adds on his own account " as j^e abbey tut is." Again, in the description of the reconciliation of Sir Hubert de Burgh and the banished nobles with king Henry the Third at Gloucester, on St. Swithin's eve in 1234, there are details which have every appearance of being preserved by local tradition (lines 10822- 10831): Sir hubert de boru & o|;ere • ]:'at in prison were ido • & hom l^at iweiued were • is pes he tef al so • & hii a sein swithines euc • of lun ^ ]?e verste day . To him come at gloucetre • as mani man isay • Vn hosed & bareuot • & vngurt al so • Hor amies to ]?e elbowe naked • hor heued bar )7er to • Hii velle to |'e kinges fet • & merci him criede vaste • pe king ne mi^te po uorbere • j^at he ne wep atte laste • ' An error for lul. PREFACE. Xlll & bigan nal vor pitc • isuowe vpritt toumbe • Bote as ]>e erl of hereforde him huld • & sir geffrey of crancoumbe • As we come down to the events of the Chronicler's own time, it becomes more and more evident that he writes as a contemporary, if not as an eyewitness. The account of the violent proceedings of Sir Maci de Besile, the French knight who had been appointed by the king sheriff of Gloucester, how he went armed into the court where his rival Sir William de Tracy, whom the barons had made sheriff', was sitting, forced his way up to the dais, seized Tracy by the hair of his head, and dragged him through the mud of the streets to the castle, where he kept him a prisoner (llOGO-11081), all this is given with a vividness which shows that the narrator must have been in Gloucester at the time of the events which he describes. The sub- sequent attack on Gloucester Castle by Sir John Giffard, the capture of Sir Maci, the revenge taken upon the carpenter who shot one of Sir John Giffard's squires, the sacrilege committed by Sir Thomas de Turbeville in seizing the French bishop of Hereford at the altar and draofffing him out of the cathedral, the audacious manner in which Sir John Giffard answered the con- stable's summons to appear at the hundred court held at Quedgley, the artifice by which he and Sir John do Balun captured the west gate of Gloucester and let in the barons' army, these and many other natural touches mark the narrative as tliat of an eyewitness. No one but a narrator on the very spot would have known that the name of one of the luckless porters at the west gate, who let in Sir John Giffard and his woolpacks, was " Hobekin of Lodelowe," or that after prince Edward's vain attempt to take the city by assault, it was in a ship of the Abbot of Tewkesbury's, which was lying in the river, that he made his way to the castle, or that in a subsequent attack Sir John Giffard broke in by the IT 35441. \) xiv PREFACE. wall of the abbot's orchard, which was left undefended (11587). So that perhaps after all we may with safety- infer that Robert, who saw with his own eyes the great darkness which spread over the land at the time of the battle of Evesham, was living in Gloucester, that he was probably a monk belonging to the Abbey, and that he wrote at any rate the longer continuation of the Chro- nicle which now bears his name. It is now necessary to discuss a much more com- plicated question, the sources of those portions of the Chronicle which are not the narrative of a contemporary, and in doing this I may frankly acknowledge at the outset I have been unable to arrive at a satisfactory conclusion. It has been stated more than once that the Chronicle is evidently a translation from the French. On philological grounds Mr, Kington Oliphant (Old and Middle English, p. 480) says, " We may safely call it a " translation from the French, when we see such forms " as the March (Mercia), Picards (Picts), Daneis (Danes), " ]>e Londreis (Londoners), PountfreU (Pontefract, Pom- [ " fret)." I venture to think that the writer of the Chronicle used these forms because they were already in the language of his time, and not because he was following the French original, for the existence of which there is no evidence whatever. But the statement is repeated by the writer of the article on Robert of Gloucester in the Encyclopa3dia Britannica, without giving any reasons, and M. Taine (Histoire de la Lit- terature Angiaise, i. 107, ed. 1873) speaks lightly, as of a thing well known, of " un moine, Robert de Glou- " cester, et un chanoine, Robert de Brunne, tous " deux aussi insipides et aussi clairs que lears mo- " deles franQais." So far from the Chronicle being a translation from a French original, it is extremely doubtful whether there is any support for the much more guarded and moderate opinion expressed in Gold- beck and Miitzner's Altenglische Sprachproben (1867), PREFACE. XV i. 155, that the writer appears not to have been un- acquainted with Wace's Brut and his Roman de Rou, as well as with the old French poem La Estoire de Seint Aedward le Rei. This view is supposed to be confirmed by certain verbal coincidences, which are indeed very slight and are due rather to the common originals fol- lowed by the writer of the Chronicle and the authors of the poems in question. It is, however, apparently accepted without question by Professor Ten Brink, in his Geschichte der Englischen Litteratur (1877), i. 345, for he mentions La Estoire Aedward le Rei and Wace's Roman de Rou among the numerous authorities which must have been known to and consulted by Robert. What these numerous authorities were, it is not easy to determine, nor can the writer's method in his compil- ation be exactly ascertained. He appears to have had access to many sources of information which he used as suited his purpose, weaving them together into a continuous narrative, and connecting them sometimes by observations, which, as they are not to be found elsewhere, must be supposed to be original, though this is by no means certain. I assume that the compiler of the materials and the versifier were the same, and that the processes of compiling and versifying went on simul- taneously, because I have been unable to discover any compilation which the versifier could have had ready to his hand. Moreover, in saying that he used such and such sources of information, I only mean that the same narrative is to be found in the authors or works referred to, for it sometimes happens that it is only recorded in the pages of a later chronicle, and must therefore have been taken by our author from some authority earlier than both himself and the narrator who has also preserved it. With these preliminary remarks I proceed to analyse the work before us. Roughly speaking, the first half of the Chronicle is taken from Geofirey of Monmouth and Henry of Hunt- b 2 XVI PREFACE. ingdon, for it is not till the time of Alfred that the writer appears to have used William of Malmesbury. In the geographical description with which the Chronicle opens (1-28) he follows Geoffrey ; the account of the division of England into shires and bishoprics is sub- stantially taken from Henry of Huntingdon, and here (91-110) occurs a quotation almost word for word from the Life of St. Kenelm as given in the metrical Lives of the Saints. But only three wonders of England are enumerated, instead of four as in Henry of Huntingdon, and the four great roads are described in a different order. The account of the climate of England however (180-189) is from Henry, while the seven ages of the world (190-205) differ from the number given in Bede and elsewhere in having the period from Abraham to David divided in two. The pedigree of Brutus ( 206- 232) is given from Henry, who follows Nennius, or perhaps from Geoffrey of Monmouth, who is again the principal authority for the greater part of the early history (240-952), with the exception of certain chrono- logical notes (478-483, 62G-627, G46-649, 897-900, 949-952) which appear to be added by the compiler. The accoimt of the Picts (953-996) and the description of Ireland (997-1014) are insertions from Henry of Huntingdon. Geoffrey is again the authority for the narrative down to the reign of Augustus (1015-1385), and after a brief account from some other source of the taxing of the world by Augustus and the reigns of Tiberius and Caligula (1386-1421), the same writer supplies the material for the history to the end of the reign of the emperor Claudius (1422-1529), the chrono- logical note (1426-1429) as before being inserted by the compiler, who probably added lines 1530-1533, fol- I lowing Geoffrey again in 1534-1537. The story of Nero (1538-1585) is apparently taken from the same source I as in Higden's Polychronicon, where it is referred to 'Martinus, and the gap in Geoffrey's history of the PJIEFACE, XVI 1 emperors (158G-1633) is supplied by the compiler, pro- l)ably from Henry of Huntingdon. Geoffrey's narrative is continued to the end of the reign of the Em2:»eror Constans (1634-1868), when a few lines (1869-1874) are again supplied from Henry of Huntingdon, who is also the authority in the main for the account of Con- stantino (1895-1934), the interval (1875-1894) being tilled up from Geoffrey, whose narrative is again taken up and continued, with few exceptions, to the death of Arthur, and the complete conquest of the country by the Saxons (1935-4654). These exceptions arc an original reflexion by the author (2089-2092), and an account of the seven planets (2435-2442), and of the discovery of Arthur's bones at Glastonbury, which may very well have come from the same source. The division of the land among the Saxons and their six kings is apparently described in the comj^iler's own words, but in the account of the arrival of Cerdic and the conquest of Wessex and Northumbria he follows Henry of Huntingdon (4669-4692), whose narrative, after a short digression of his own on Woden and the division of the land between the Saxons and Ano-les (4693-4716), he again abridges in describing the recon- version of the country to Christianity by the mission of Augustine and his companions (4717-4776). William of Malmesbury appears to be the authority for the original introduction of Christianity in the time of king Lucius, and the foundation of Glastonbury (4777-4806), and from this point the compiler for a time takes the material of his narrative from Geoffrey of Monmouth (4807-4904) to the death of Ethelbert, king of Kent. Henry of Huntingdon again becomes his authority from line 4905 to line 56 of the passage inserted from the Harleian MS., the rest of this passage being taken from Geoffrey of Monmouth, as well as the lines which follow xviii PREFACE. (4930-4939).^ The story of the slaughter of Enfrid and his twelve companions by Eadwal (4940-4947) is from Henry of Huntingdon, but the writer by reading " cum xii millibus " instead of " cum xii militibus " has exagger- ated the bloodshed. It is difficult to say what is the au- thority for the few lines (4948-4953) about Saint Oswald the king of Northumbria, but the mission of St. Birin, the conversion of the king of Wessex, and the death of Oswald in battle with Penda (4954-4979), are from Henry of Huntingdon. The writer shows his local knowledge, and perhaps also his partiality for his own county, in fixing the site of the battle at Marshfield in Gloucestershire. There is an obvious error in the date of Oswald's death, owing to a corruption in line 4978, which we should perhaps read thus : & vour & vourty vor seint Oswald • nije 3er king was • The death of his brother Enfrid is placed (line 4953) about the year 634, aud the length of Oswald's reign is given in Bede as nine years, so that the reading of some MSS. " score " for " hondred " is obviously only a conject- ural emendation, which is also cei-tainly Avrong. The narrative is now carried on (4980-5143) by the help of Geoffrey's history to the point which it had reached at line 4654, the complete subjugation of the country by the Saxons, and the writer here takes leave of his former guide. The account of the seven kingdoms of the heptarchy is taken from Henry of Huntingdon (5144-5155), but the history of this period is passed over very briefly, and the events of a centur}'- before the time of Egbert are unnoticed. From Egbert to the beginning of Alfred's reign (51G4-5323) the writer again follows Henry of 1 The lines of tho text are wrougly numbered from this point ; 4932 should be 4923. PREFACE. xix Huntingdon, adding perhaps from William of Malmesbury the slight mention of St. Swithin and Bishop Alcstan (5264-5266). For the early history of Alfred (5324- 5361) he is indebted to the latter source, except for lines (5334-5) which may have been inserted from the Anglo- Saxon Chronicle. The lauding of the Danes in Devon- shire and their defeat, with the baptism of Gudrun or Gurmund (5362-5385), are recorded by Henry of Hun- tingdon, but the name Gurmund is only found in William of Malmesbury, who also mentions that thirty of his chieftains were baptised with him, while he says nothing of the twelve days during which he was entertained by Alfred, as Henry of Huntingdon relates. William of Malmesbury may have been the authority for the rest of the reign of Alfred (5386-5411) and the beginning of that of Edward the Elder (5412-5439), but the Avriter differs from his predecessors in putting the age of Alfred when he first learned his letters at more than ten years, instead of twelve, as his biographer Asser and those who follow him relate. The rest of the reign of Edward and the beginning of the reign of Athelstan are taken from Henry of Huntingdon (5440-5491), but in the account of the rebellion of Ethelwold, although the writer follows Henry in calling him the king's brother instead of his uncle's son, he departs from all the authorities in giving his name Edwolf. Athelstone's love for the church (5492) is commemorated by the writer after William of Malmes- bury, and the note of the birth of Dunstan in the first year of his reign (5493) may be from ^he A.S. Chronicle. From this point to the fifteenth year of Edgar (5494- 5727) William of Malmesbury's narrative is followed, and several lines (5706-571.9, 5722-3) are borrowed from the life of St. Athelwold in the metrical Lives of the Saints. But the scene of the battle against Anlaf is laid atBry- mesbury (5550), which is clearly the Brunesburh of Henry of Huntingdon, instead' of at Bruneford, or Brunefeld, as in William of Malmesbury, and the names of the five boroughs out of vdiich Edmund drove the Danes (5593-4) XX PREFACE. are given from Henry of Huntingdon. The translation of St. Smthin's relics by Edgar and Saint Athelwold (5728-Sl), Avbicli is here placed in the year 971, is recorded by Florence of Worcester under the date 970. The foundation of the abbeys by Edgar (5732-5741) is summarised perhaps from the A, S. Chronicle and Henry of Huntingdon, but the number of them, forty-eight, which is vaguely given as " more than forty " by Florence of Worcester and other authorities, agrees with the number in the metrical Life of Saint Athelwokb and in Eadmer's Historia Novorum (ed. Selden, p. 4). For the rest of the reign of Edgar the metrical Chronicle follows William of Malmesbmy, except in lines 5762-57G9 and 5808-5811, which the writer probably supplied himself. William of Malmesbury is again the authority for the history of Edward the Martyr (5812-5835) which agrees with the narrative in the metrical Lives of the Saints, except that the miraculous escape of Dunstan (5828-5835) is not told in the Lives, and the interpretation put upon it (5836-8539) is derived from Henry of Huntingdon. The story of the murder of Edward is (5840-5877), with the omission of a few lines, taken verbatim from the Lives of the Saints, and follows the narrative which is preserved by a later chronicler, John of Brompton, except 5866-7. Then follow two lines (5878-9) from Henry of Hun- tingdon, and William of Malmesbury again becomes the authority for the reign of Ethelred (5880-5925), with the exception of 5916-5921, the facts in which are also preserved in John of Brompton. Lines 5897-5905 are the same as in the metrical Life of St. Dunstan. For the narrative which follows (5926-5973) I have not been able to discover the original source of information, but from 5974 to 6399 the Avriter's authority is mainly Henry of Huntingdon, though he occasionally departs from his original. For instance, in 5985 the swarms of ants to which the Danes are compared are locusts in Henry. The date of the siege of Canterbury (6044-5) is from Florence of Worcester, and the details of the archbishop's PKEFACE. XXI murder at Greenwich are borrowed from the metrical Life of St. Alphc. The death of Ethelred (6123-4) is put on St. Gregory's day as in William of Malmesbury, not on St. George's day as in the A. S, Chronicle, and the date of the battle of Sherston, St. John's day (6150-1), is from the same historian, as are lines G161-3, and 6200- 6205. The character of Edmund Ironside (6136-6147) is from Ailred of Rievaux, and the rest of his reiim (6216-6399) is to be found in Henry of Huntingdon, expanded by Ailred of Rievaux as far as 6328. The story of the murder of Edmund at Oxford, and of the punishment of his murderer (6329-6399), agrees also with the narrative in Roger of Wendover, with the addition of a few lines marked by the writer's peculiar humour (6390-6395) and apparently his own. It is difficult to say what authority he followed for the reign of Canute. The a'ccount of the first parliament and the banishment of Edmund's children (6400-6471) is substantially the same as that given by Florence of Worcester, who how- ever says nothing of the marriage of Edmund the son of Edmund Ironside to the king of Hungary's daughter, as told in John of Brompton. The name of Edmund Ironside's grandson, afterwards known as the Atheling, is here given as Edward (6462), instead of Edgar as in Florence of Worcester. The marriage of Canute with Emma the mother of Edward the Confessor (6472-6487), which is said to have been suggested by her brother Richard duke of Normandy, with the consent of her sons Alfred and Edward, is related without these cir- cumstances by other historians. The parliament at Oxford in 1018 is mentioned in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, and the name of Canute's first wife, Ailive or iElfgita, may be found in Henry of Huntingdon, but no notice is here taken of the suspicious stories which are told of the birth of her children by Florence of Worcester and others. The goodness of Canute to the church in restoring abbeys and churches, and the trans- XXll PREFACE. lation of the body ot St. Alfe or Alphege (6502-G521) are narrated by William of Malmesbury. The chronicler then (6522-6609) follows Henry of Huntingdon, who is apparently the only authority for the well known story of Canute and his courtiers. The journey to Rome (6610-6621) is described in Florence of Worcester, and Canute's benefactions to Glastonbury (6622-6635) are commemorated by William of Malmesbury, while the account of his death a,fter a reign of twenty years (6636- 6639) agrees with Henry of Huntingdon. Our chronicler, however, reckoning roughly from the death of Edmund Ironside in 1016, places the death of Canute in 1036 instead of 1035 as in the A. S. Chronicle. The short reigns of Harold and Hardecanute (664)0- 6672) are taken probably from Henry of Huntingdon, the chronological notes (6658-9 and 6669-6672) being added from William of Malmesbury. The retui'n of queen Emma from Flanders is related also by John of Brompton (6666-6670). The few lines which follow (6673-6682) are apparently the chronicler's own remarks, but in the account of the murder of Aldred or Alfred, the Confessor's brother, by Godwin, he follows Henry of Huntingdon (6683-6717). For a great part of the reign of Edward the Confessor the chief authority is Ailred of Rievaux (6720-6843). His coming with a small retinue of foreigners is from Henry of Huntingdon (6756-6759). The story of the ordeal of queen Emma is also told in the Winchester Annals (6844-7033), but the details of the death of Godwin vary in some respects from the account there given. The scene is laid at Windsor (7012) as in Henry of Huntingdon, instead of at Hodiham or Odiham, as in the Winchester Annals, and Godwin is dragged out from under the table by his son Harold (7031), as is told by John of Brompton. In relating how the king sent for Edward the son of Edmund Ironside (7034-7062), the chronicler follows the same authority as John of Brompton, and differs PREFACE. XXlll from William of Malmesbury, who does not mention the name of Edward's wife, and calls his son Edgar and not Edward. The early history of William duke of Nor- mandy (7063-7097) is related in the main as it is found in William of Malmesbury, but in the story of the early indication of William's vio-our in fillino- his hands as soon as he was born with the dust of the floor instead of the rushes with which it was covered, the writer has followed the legend preserved in Kn3''ghton, who has " pulvere," rather than the more common form in William of Malmesbury who reads " stramine." In other respects the account of the appointment of William as his succes- sor by Edward the Confessor, and of the visit of Harold to Normandy, agrees with William of Malmesbury (7098- 7134), who, however, says nothing of the swearing of Harold upon the relics of the saints (7135-7145), an incident which is recorded by Henry of Huntingdon. The remainder of the history of the Confessor corresponds with the narrative of Ailred of Eievaux (7146-7267), the date of his burial at Westminster on Twelfth Day being the same as in the A. S. Chronicle. But the date of his death on the 4th of January agrees with that given by Ailred of Rievaux and Simeon of Durham, " pridie Nonas Januarii " ; whereas in the A.S. Chronicle and other authorities it was on the eve of the Epiphany. The beginning of the reign of Harold is described in a spirit hostile to Harold's pretensions, and it is not clear what authority, if any, the chronicler followed (7268- 7281) ; but the account of the invasion of Harold Harfager and the battle of Stamford Bridge agrees with that given by Henry of Huntingdon (7288-7317), while the deser- tion of Harold's soldiers, in consequence of his greediness in keeping to himself the spoils of the victory, is related as in William of Malmesbury (7318-7323). After some reflexions of his own (7324-7331), the writer in the main follows William of Malmesbury in relating the events which preceded the invasion of England by XXIV PKEFACE. William (7332-7395), while the account of the landing of the Normans and the details of the battle of Hastings are made up from William of Malmesbury and Henry of Huntingdon (7396-7513). The date of the battle, which was fought on a Saturday, being St. Calixtus' day, is given as in Radulphus de Diceto and the Waverley Annals (7514-7517). In Henry of Huntingdon the day of the week is not mentioned. The motives which arc said to have decided William to attempt the conquest of England do not agree with those given by other his- torians. According to the chronicler (7360-7369), these were four in number ; the murder of Alfred, the Con- fessor's brother, by Godwin, the perjury of Harold, the grant of the crown to William by the late king, and his being the next of kin. Only three are enumerated by Henry of Huntingdon ; the murder of Alfred, the expulsion of Robert, Archbishop of Canterbury, and other Normans, and the perjury of Harold. Our chroni- cler omits altogether the expulsion of the Normans. The events which followed the battle of Hastings, such as the burial of Harold at Waltham, and William's coronation at Westminster on Christmas Day, are nar- rated as by William of Malmesbury (7520-7551), but the writer interposes some remarks of his own on the language of the Normans (7537-7547). The account of William's taking hostages of the nobles, the flight of Edgar Atheling, the marriage of his sister to Malcolm, king of Scotland, and the division of English lands among the Norman followers of William (7552-7581), may be found in Roger of Wendover ; but the date of William's return from Normandy on St. Nicholas's day (7577) is from the A. S. Chronicle. William of Malmes- bury again becomes the authority for the foundation of the abbeys of Battle and Caen (7588-7595), but he says nothing of Tewkesbury and Oseney (7596-7601), the account of which is perhaps inserted by the chronicler, who takes his character of the Conquerer from William PllEFACE. XXV of Malmesbury (7602-7605), adding some general re- flexions of his own (7606-7611). The endowment of Norman religious houses with English lands (^7612-7617), the marriage of William and the account of his children (7618-7629), may be found in William of Malmesbury. The reception of the English exiles by Malcolm, king of Scotland (7630-7639), is (old in Roger of Wcndover. The invasion and defeat of the Danes (7640-7659), the conquest of Wales (7668-9), the survey of England, the composition of Domesday Book (7673-7685), and the character of William (7686-7697), are from Henry of Huntingdon, but the writer has inserted an account of the devastation of the northern coasts by William in order to prevent the Danish incursions (7660-7667). This he may have taken from Rogei' of Wendover, who however, does not specify the distance, "sixty miles" from the coast, to which the devastation extended. The date of the death of Matilda is placed too early by ten years, 1073 instead of 1083 (7670-7673). William's love of hunting and the formation of the New Forest (7698-7711) are related by William of Malmesbury ; the severity of his game laws (7712-7721) by Henry of Huntingdon. The description of the festivals which he held three times a year, and of his personal appearance (7722-7737), corresponds with that given by William of Malmesbury, but that he wore his crown on the occasion of the great festivals (7722) is an incident recorded in the A. S. Chronicle, which is also the authority for the narrative that folloAvs (7738-7771). Henry of Hunt- intrdon Q-ives the account of William's lettino- his lands to farm at exorbitant rents (7772-7783), but the story of the death and burial of the king is from William of Malmesbury (7784-7853), the exact day of his death " ]>e morwe after seinte mari day |?e later," Sept. 9, beiug from the A. S. Chronicle, as is the date of the coronation of William Rufus at Westminster, three days before Michaelmas (7856 ). XXVI PREFACE, In the narrative of the earlier events of the new king's reign (7854-7993) the A. S. ChronicJeis closely followed. William's character, his pride and lavish extravagance, are described as by William of Malmesbury (7994-8021). The building of the Tower of London and the Hall at Westminster (8022-8027) are from Henry of Hunting- don, but for the king's sickness at Gloucester, the visit oi Malcolm, king of Scotland, and his subsequent defeat and death, followed by the death of his queen Margaret (8028-8061), the A. S. Chronicle is again the authority. The account of the crusade (80G8-8477) is almost entirely taken from Henry of Huntingdon, the numbers of the Christian army as they marched upon Antioch, and the comet which they saw on their way, may have been from William of Malmesbury, to whom also may be due the description of the " sow " which was used in the siege of Jerusalem, and the details of the capture of the city (8478-8507). The choice of Robert duke of Normandy to be the first king of Jerusalem, and his refusal of the dignity (8508-8528), are incidentally mentioned by Henry of Huntingdon and William of Malmesbury, and from the latter the description of the personal appearance and character of Robert (8524-8543) and the account of his marriage (8556-8559) are taken. The election of Godfrey to be king after Robert's refusal, and the names of his three successors (8544-8553) are from Henry of Huntingdon. For the rest of the reign of Rufus (8560-8675) the chronicler follows William of Malmesbury, adding some touches, descriptive of the king's cruelty and rapacity (8614-8626) and the date of his death (8668-9), from the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. The dream of Anselm (8676-8681) is told by Eadmer in his life of the Archbishop. For the early part of the reign of Henry the First William of Malmesbury is the principal authority (8082-8759). The account of Robert's invasion of England and the compact between the brothers (8760- PREFACE. XXVI 1 8775) is from the A. S. Chronicle. The foundation of the abbeys of Reading and Cirencester is recorded also in the Waverley Annals (8777-8781). The account of Henry's children omits all mention of his son William (8782- 8785), although he is brought in later in the narrative. The war with Robert and his defeat and imprisonment are described as by Roger of Wendover (8786-8819), who also connects the comet of 1106 with the same events (8820-1) as a sign of the anger of God. But the date of the decisive battle onMicbaelmas eve (8792) is from the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. The character of Henry is partly from Henry of Huntingdon (8822-8827), and partly from William of Malmesbury (8828-8848), who records the foundation of the abbey of Reading for the monks of Clugni (8849-8853), and the birth and death of the king's only son by his queen (8854-8857). The account of the parliament which was held at West- minster in 1107 is from the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle (8859-8869), and this is followed by a narrative which may have been preserved by local tradition and was not necessarily derived from any written source, the story of the marriage of Henry's illegitimate son Robert, after- wards the celebrated Earl of Gloucester, with the great heiress Mabel FitzHaym or FitzHamon (8870-8925). It is true that we find this also related by the unknown continuator of Wace's Brut (Michel, Chroniques Angio- Normandes, I. 65-117), but the coincidence between the two narratives is more probably to be accounted for by their recording the same traditional story than by sup- posing that one was taken from the other. The mar- riage of Henry's daughter to the Emperor is from Henry of Huntiijgdon (8926-8933), the chronological note which follows (8934-5) and the reflexion on the goodness of Henry and his queen are apparently the writer's own (8936-7). The account of the good queen Mold or Maud is from William of Malmesbury (8738-8957), but the story which is told of her (8958-8975) is to be found in XXVlll PREFACE. Ailred of Rievaux, with the exception that instead of an unknown knight it is the queen's brother, David of Scotland, who remonstrates with her. More reflexions by the writer on the goodness of the queen now follow (8970-8979), and her death on the 1st of May 1118 is recorded from the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle (8980-8983). Henry of Huntingdon is the authority for the narrative of the war with France (8984-9081), the loss at sea of the king's sons (9032-9041), Henry's second marriage, the death of the Emperor of Germany, and the marriage of the Empress to Geoffrey of Anjou (9042-9069) ; but the writer lias made a curious blunder in putting the earls of Flanders and of Anjou (9001) on the side of Henry instead of on the side of the French king, and he inserts for the third time the statement that Henry built the abbey of Reading (9054-5). It is difficult to point to any one authority for the brief account of the founding of the monasteries (9070-9087), or of the birth of the King's grandson (9088-9097). The rest of the reign of Henry is from Henry of Huntingdon (9098-9119, 9128-9131), the writer inserting some reflexions on the succession to the crown which he puts into the mouth of the king at his death (9120-9127). The death of Robert Courthose (9132-9134) and his burial before the high altar at Gloucester are recorded by Florence of Worcester, and the death of his son William (9135- 9137) by Henry of Huntingdon. For the reign of Stephen it may be said generally that the Avriter has followed Henry of Huntingdon ^ f (9138-9535). The death of Robert Earl of Gloucester on the eve of All Saints Day 1150, and his burial in the Priory of St James at Bristol, are probably additions of his own (953G-9539). The death of Geoffrey of Anjou and the marriage of his son to Eleanor, the divorced queen of Lewis of France (9540-9559), and the death of Stephen (9568-9577) after his reconciliation with Henry arc from Henry of Huntingdon. Henry's descent upon PREFACE. XXIX England with six and thirty ships (9560-9567) is re- corded by Roger of Wendover, but the writer gives the date of his landing in a different though equivalent form as " Biuore seint hillaries day " instead of " infra oetavas Epiphaniae." In line 9563 " erl of wareine " seems to be a mistake for " countess of Warwick." The beginning of Henry the Second's reign (9578- 9593) is from Roger of Wendover, and the account of his children (9596-9599) agrees with that in the Wa- verley Annals, except that the names of John and Eleanor are added in the wrong order. The Life of Becket (9600-9725, 9768-9797) is mainly a quotation from the metrical Lives of the Saints, from which the winter borrowed on other occasions. The translation of Edward the Confessor (9628-9), which is mentioned in the Metrical Life, is described in other words by the writer, who inserts also his own versified narrative of events which do not appear in the Life (9630-9652), Becket's flight (9726-9731) is narrated as in the Winchester Annals. The writer differs from other authorities in placing the death of the Empress Maud (9732-8) in 1165 instead of 1167, and in his account of the corona- tion of Prince Henry (9734-9747) he omits the Bishop of Rochester from the list of those who took part in the ceremony, although he is specially mentioned in the Metrical Life and by other authorities. The mission of the three excommunicated bishops to the king in Normandy, and the plot for the murder of Becket (9748-9767), are described as in the continuation of Florence ol Worcester's chronicle. From the same source may have been taken the account of the king's remorse (9800-9817). For the rebellion of the king's son Henry and his reconciliation with his father (9818- 9845), it is almost impossible to say what authority the writer followed. The prince's death on St. Barnabas day, 1183 (9846-9850), is recorded by Roger of U 3.5441. C XXX PREFACE. Wendover, The translation of St. Egwine in the same year is mentioned in the Annals of Tewkesbury and Worcester, the destruction by fire of Glastonbury in those of Waverley (9851-9853), and the finding of the bones of Arthur, which is briefly recorded in the Annals of Margan, is more fully described by Giraldus Cambrensis. The brief account of Fair Rosamond, and of the building of the abbey of Bristol by the rich merchant Robert Harding, are probably insertions by the writer (9854- 9865). The outbreak of the new Crusade is given as by Roger of Wendover and Roger of Hoveden (9866-9877). The visit of the Patriarch Heraclius to England, his offer of the kingdom of Jerusalem to Henry, and Henry's refusal, are related by Roger of Wendover (9878-9881) ; the names of those who took the cross agree with those given in the Annals of Waverley (9882-9887); but the brief summary of the remaining years of Henry, and the account of his death and burial at Fontevraud, may be the writer's own (9888-9903). The coronation of Richard and the slaughter of the Jews on that occasion are to be found in the Annals of Waverley (9904-9921). The creation of John as Earl of Gloucester, and his marriage with the daughter of the late earl, are mentioned by Roger of Wendover and other historians, but the name of the countess is gener- ally given as Hawisa or Eleanor. In the Annals of Tewkesbury she is called Isabel as here (9922-9227). The names of those who fell in the great battle against Saladin agree to some extent with those in Roger of Hoveden, but others are added and the date of the battle differs by a month (9928-9937). For the rest of Richard's reign it is almost impossible to say what authority the writer followed in his brief summary (9938-10097). The circumstances which he mentions are to be found in the longer narratives of Roger of Wendover and Roger of Hoveden, and sometimes in the PKEFACE. XXXI Annals of Waverley. The amount of Richard's ransom and the account of the death of the Duke of Austria (10025-100(31) are from Roger of Hoveden. As we came down nearer to the writer's own time it is still more difficult to suggest what may have been the sources of his information. In narrating the events of the reign of John (10098-10559) he is in substantial agreement with the Annals of Waverley, Avhere these Annals are supposed to be most original. But there are minute differences of detail which show that the writer of this chronicle was not copying the Annalist. Such are tlie insertion of the death of St. Hugh, Bishop of Lincoln (10103-4), the foundation of the order of Dominicans (10105), the reasons for the divorce of John from the daughter of the Earl of Gloucester (10108), which are from other sources. Again the writer differs from the Annalist and other authorities in placing the birth of Henry III. " at alle halwetid," or Nov. 1 (10162), instead of on St. Remigius' day, which was the first of October. The meeting of the bishops to pronounce the interdict is placed " a lute biuore candel- masse" (10172), and the interdict is removed on St. Swithin's day, 2 July 1214, being a Wednesday (10482), as in the Winchester Annals, whereas in the Annals of Waverley the same day is described as the feast of SS. Processus and Martinianus. The visit of the papal legate Pandulf and the submission of John are also added as they are to be found in Mattliew Paris (10401-10449), The marriage of Isabel, daughter of the Earl Marshal, to Gilbert Earl of Gloucester is mentioned also in the Annals of Tewkesbury (10500-1), and the appointment of Alexander Neckham abbot of Cirencester (10502-3) is to be found in the Annals of Dunstable. The causes of the war with the barons (10488-10,499) and its beginning (10503-10531) are related with greater detail than in the Annals of Waverley, but the further incidents of the contest and the rest of the events of the kind's reio-n are briefly given as by the Annalist. c 2 xxxn PREFACE. For the first year of Henry the Third's reign the narrative of the Chronicle agrees with that in the Annals of Waverley as far as the retreat of Lewis (10560-10621). The sum of ten thousand marks (10626), which was paid to Lewis on this occasion by the king, agrees with the actual sum mentioned in the Close EoUs (p. 41 5), whereas in the Chronicle of Melrose the amount is stated as ten thousand pounds, and in Koger of Wendover as "quinque millia libras sterlingorum," while in the Annals of Waverley the transaction is more vaguely described, ''accepta . . . non modica quantitate pecuniEe." The account of " Sir Eichard fiz le rei," the bastard son of king John, whose daughter married Sir Maurice de Berkeley, is apparently added by the writer from personal knowledge (10628-10635). In Dugdale's Baronage (i. 353) the wife of Sir Maurice de Berkeley is said to have been Isabel de Creoun, a niece of William de Valence, earl of Pembroke.'^ Their son. Sir Thomas de Berkeley, who succeeded his father in 1281, was in all probability a contemporary of the chronicler. In the brief calendar of the events which follow in the years from 1218 to 1256 (10636-10977), the narrative agrees for the most part with the Annals of Waverley, v/ith occasional additions which are to be found in the records of other monasteries, such as the Annals of Tewkesbury, Dunstable, Bermondsey, and Oseney, the probability being that the writer had access to some similar record in his own monastery which has now disappeared. From this point onward we seem to come to the chronicler's own period, of which he writes with the knowledge of one who was assisted by contemporary tradition and even by personal experience. * In Atkyns' History of Glouces- tershire she is described as his second wife, the first being Isabella, the illegitimate daughter of Richard earl of Cornwall. PREFACE. XXXm I have already called attention to the evidences of local knowledge which occur in the narrative of the barons' wars, and it is unnecessarj'- to repeat them. The chronicle terminates abruptly with the murder of Henry son of Richard earl of Cornwall at Viterbo in 1270 on St, Gregory's day by Guy de Montfort. The Appendix contains the additions to the earlier portions of the history which are to be found in the MSS. of the later recension, as well as the shorter continuation from the death of Henry the First which is also peculiar to these MSS. Of the additions it may be said generally that those indicated by the letters B, C, D, E, F, G are taken mainly from Geoffrey of Monmouth. The greater part of H is also from the same source, but the account of Morbidus and his conflict with the sea monster is much expanded, and it is clear that in this the writer has borrowed from La;amon. Indeed the influence of Latamon is apparent in the description of the death of Bladud, Appendix E. Compare " & J)er he nom his fe]>er- home" (1. 2) with the earlier version of La^amon, 2878, " his fe^er-home he dude him on " ; and lines 4, 5, " & fley him swi]?e an hey Vp bi ]?o lofte fer • and ]?e wolkne was wel ney," with La^amon (2881-2883), tseih him to j^on lufte • he ferde swi'Se heh^e :' |)ere wolcne he wes swiSe nih. Again (1. 5), " {)e wynd com mid stormes -J^o we|?elede his fe]?eres *' compared with La^amon (2884, 5), Jpe wind him com on wij^ere :' weo^eleden his fluhtes. In G also it is evident that the writer had the earlier version of Laiamon before him. Compare lines 8, 9, Se]?j?e was king Marke • ];ritti wikes alyue Gorbodiagus ]7er after • her was vif ^er king XXXIV PREFACE. With La^amon, 8920-23: Suo'Sen com king Marke :' he wes j^ritti wiken king. |7eo com Gorbodingo :' he wes fif ^ere god king. The account of Ferrex and Porrex is also clearly written under the influence of Latamon. Compare 1. 27, So |?at ]?e king & frendes • him lende faire ferde, with Latamon, 3974, "f)e king him lende ane ferd." Again, in the narrative of the murder of Porrex, 1. 85, Porex slep on boure . sikerliche him ]?oute is clearly from Latamon, 4002, 5 : Poreus lai on bure t & he siker slepte. And tlie lines which follow, 36-40, are from Latamon, 4006-4017 : Con] is moder li^en :' mid leo^lichen creseften. mid o]>er swic (? six) wiuen :' mid six longe cniuen. ])eo uniseli ^ moder r' ]ms hire sune murSde. heo carf him ]?ene swure atwa f a wur]?e hire wa. ]>e uniselie moder t' mid sexe hine to-snaede, & al to-dpelde :' ll from oJ?ere. It must be remembered that there is nothing of this in Geoifrey of Monmouth and that in Wace the details are diflferent. The punishment of the wicked queen ludon is also omitted b\' both these authorities. ' In line 39 of Appendix G I " vnfele," though this is clearly the should probably read " vusele " for | reading of the MS. PREFACE. XXXV Again, compare lines 47-50, &5 echman .sloii o]?ev k, robbecle & reuede • ]>ei he were his bro)>er Her was hunger & hete • wo was pe vnstronge Her was rauche manquahn • wrake was in lande Fewe lefde alyue • with La^arnon, 4038-4044 : elc mon raeuede oSer t J?eah hit weren his bro'Ser. wrake wes on londe :' wa wes J»oiie vnstonge. Her wes hunger & hete :' her wes ah^e hsermene mest. her wes muchel mon-quahn r' ]?at lut her quike bi-lefden. In the account of Cloten we find further instances of the direct influence of Latamon. For example, lines 57-6G, Ac cloten hadde mest ri^te • to ];isse kyneriche Ac l^e ojjere were streugore • & Richore oniliche & cloten hi for leten • & his foredene for howede &5 Cloten hadde cornewail in pes • & wel he hit louede Anne sone he hadde ])o • was god & hardi knyt He was fair & eke mucbe • & kene on eche fyt (Szi was leue cousti • & J^ewes hadde gode Fair man he was ynou • & eke of milde mode & king was after Cloten • dunual his name was So fair king ase he neuer er • in ]ns londe ysey^e nas compared with Latamon (4060-4081), Ah Cloten hrefde mest riht :' to ateu J>as riclie. ah ]7a oSere weoven ra^here :' & eke heo weoren richere. of golde & of garisurae :' XXXvi PREFACE. and of gode londe. Cloten heo o-scuneden ^ & his fseredene for-howede. Cloten hauede Cornwale t pat he heold wel one gri-Se, Cloten hauede enne sune :f pe sel wes on eor^e. he wes feir he wes muchchelr' to feahte he wes msere, cniht he wes kene :' & he wes ^eua custi. monie ]?ewes gode :' he hauede on his moda. His none (?nome) wes ihote Jjus.*^ Donwallo Molinus. ]7is wes ]?e feiruste mon r' ]?e ffiuere aehte aar |?usne kinedom. The remainder of the additional lines in Appendix G are founded on Geoffrey of Monmouth, with some slight variations. For instance, Geoffrey says nothing of the nine ships (1. 103) with which Brennius returned from Norway ; or that Belinus held his parliament at York (1. 123), although the latter fact is mentioned both by Wace and La^amon. The four great ways (11, 135-152) also are described Avith greater detail than by Geoffrey. In Appendix H we again find the influence of Lata- mon, although the writer in this, as in other insertions, has mainly followed Geoffi'ey of Monmouth, Compare, for instance, 1. 21, Damns on his dawe • one chiuese ^ him ches . with La^amon, 6355-6 : ]^es Damns on his deie :' ane chiuese him ichaes. ' Chinese is an error of the MS. PREFACE. XXXVll And again, 1. 25, A kniit he was swi)7e god • ac to wemed of ynou with Latamon, 6365-8 : cniht he wes swi^e strong :' kene and custi muchel and long, of alia |?igen heo weore god ^ lif heo neore to warned. If any more conclusive proof were wanting it might be given by comparing 1. 32, " For his wif ywemned was," with Latamon, 6380, " his wif wes awemmed ; " where " wif" is in both passages an error for "wit," as may be seen by reference to the latter version of Laiamon, which gives " his wit was i-wemmid." Throughout the history of Morbidus the writer has copied Latamon so closely that the instances of resemblance are too numerous to quote, and I content myself with inviting a comparison of lines 21-89 with Latamon, 6355-6526. This passage is decisive, because in the narrative of the conflict of Morbidus with the sea-monster, La^amon 'differs both from Wace (Li Romans de Brut, ed. Le Roux de Lincy, 3467-3520) and from Geoffrey of Monmouth (III. 15). The indel;>tedness of the writer to La^amon does not end here. There are many other parallel passages in Ap- pendix H which might be pointed out, but it would be tedious to quote them, and having given the hint I leave those who will to follow out the investigation for them- selves. The short insertions given in the Appendix, and marked with the letters I to R, have not been traced to their source ; but the account of the taking of Cirences- ter by king Gormond (App. S) agrees with that given by La^amon (ed. Madden, III. 170-174 ; see notes, p. 415) and more briefly by Wace (ed. Le Roux de Lincy, ii. 244, 5), but appears to be from an independent au- thority. It is also to be found with some differences of detail in Robert of Brunne. XXXviii PREFACE. The story of the insult which St. Augustine received from, the inhabitants of Rochester, and their punishment (App. T) is to be found in Wace and La^amon, though in most MSS. the incident is assigned to Dorchester. See Sir Frederic Mad den's note on La^amon (iii. 419- 421), where the whole question is fully discussed. Appendix U is from Geoffrey of Monmouth. The finding of a portion of the body of Sigebert, as de- scribed in Appendix V is related also in the Chronicles of Thomas of Walsingham and William of Rishanger. I have not been able to discover any other authority for the brief account of St. Formond king of Essex in Appendix W, and the story of St. Kenelm's head (App. X) does not agree with that in Roger of Wendover and elsewhere. The benefactions of Ethelwolf to the church, as narrated in Roger of Wendover, are assigned to Egbert in Appendix Y. The discovery of the body of St. Edmund (App. Z) is also told in Roger of Wendover. In the longer insertions, marked A A, BB, EE, II, the writer follows William of Malinesbury. The shorter additions are unimportant and not easy to trace. We now come to the continuation of the history from the end of the reign of Henry the First, which is characteristic of the MSS. of the later recension. I have already called attention to the fact that the reign of Stephen occupies very nearly the same space as in the longer continuation, and that the author follows the same original authority, Henry of Huntingdon. The brief calendar of the events of Henry the Second's reign might be taken from various sources. The beginning of the reign of Richard is singularly like that in the Annals of Burton, in which the chronicler whose narrative is followed is likewise called Hugh of Hoveden instead of Roger. Compare App. XX, lines 515-520, with the Annales de Burton (ed, Luard, p. 188) : " Rex Ricardus coronatus '^ est. Hie fuit bellicosus ct fortunatus in adversis. " Regnum Anglise et omnes terras transmarinas tenuit in PREFACE. XXXIX " vita sua, sod armorum exercitio. Quanfciis ctiani facrifc " si quis scire voluerit, legat Chronica magistri Hugonis " de Hovedene." The death of Richard is from Hoveden, and possibly the reign of John also, but the events arc so briefly related that the narrative cannot be traced to any certain original. The same remark applies to the reigns of Henry the Third and Edward the First, with whose accession in 1272 the shorter continuation of the Chronicle ends. In concluding this analysis of contents I can only repeat my former confession that it is by no means satisfactory to myself, and that I am unable to frame even a plausible theory of the manner in which the Chronicle has been compiled. That two writers at least have been at work is tolerably certain, and I am inclined to believe that there may have been more, for the power of producing doggerel verse, in ballad metre, of which this is a gigantic specimen, appears to have been a not uncommon accomplishment at the end of the thirteenth century. For this reason, I think that the metrical Lives of the Saints, from which the writer of the Chronicle frequently quotes, and especially in the history of Becket, have been too hastily attributed to Robert of Gloucester. The verse is the same, it is true, and the language is the same, but this at most proves that the Lives of the Saints were the work of some monk or guild of monks be- longing to a Gloucestershire monastery, perhaps even to the abbey of Gloucester itself. They can only be assigned to the writer of the Chronicle on the supposition that there was but one person in England at the end of the 13th century who could write in this style, and for evidence that this was not the case we need go no further than the Chronicle itself as it appears in the two recensions. As history, it will have been seen from the foregoing analysis that the Chronicle possesses no original value xl PREFACE. except for the period of the barons' war in the reign of Henry the Third, when the narrative becomes that of a contemporary. As literature, it is as worthless as twelve thousand lines of verse without one spark of poetry can be. Here and there we find a trace of the quiet humour in which gentle duluess delights, but of this the instances are rare and widely scattered. To the student of the earlier forms of English the language of the Chronicle is of the greatest value. The discussion of philological questions would be out of place in this Preface, but in the copious various readings, and the full Glossarial Index, the student of early English will find ample materials both for grammar and vocabulary. It remains for me now to describe the MSS. which I have employed. These fall into two groups as they belonof to the earlier or the later recension of the Chronicle. For the sake of clearness I have denoted the MSS. of the earlier recension by the Roman capital letters A, B, C ; and those of the later recension by the Greek letters a? ^, y, 5, 6. A. British Museum. Cotton Caligula A. xi. This MS., which is used for the text of the present edition, belongs to the earlier part of the 14th century, and was written about 1.320-1330. It is on vellum, and occupies foil. 3-1 GS of the volume in which it is found, the contents of which are described literally as follows on the fly leaf: — Catalogus Tractatufi in isto volumine. 1. Roberti Glocectrensis Historia rythmis Anglicanis (a Bruto nempe) ad Hen. 3. 2. Pierce Plougheman. 3. Quid deceat raonachus vel qualis debeat esse ; ver- sibus Elegiacis : sancto Aldelhino autore. On fol. 3 is written, in Sir Robert Cotton's own hand, " Historia Regum Anglige ad Henricum tertium a PREFACE. xli " Roberto Glocestrensi qui eodem tempore floruit." At fol. 14 is inserted a fragment from the shorter metrical chronicle, a MS. of which is preserved at the end of Add. MS. 19677, and which is printed by Ritson in his Metrical Romances, ii. 270-318. After fol. 74 two leaves are missing, and their place is supplied in the present edition by an extract from the Harleian MS. The Cotton MS, had once been in John S tow's posses- sion, as is evident from the names inserted on fol, 164 h, which are in his handwriting. There are also many notes by Selden, which are printed by Hearne in his Appendix, Num. vi., and described as in a later, but unknown, hand. B. British Museum, Harleian 201. This MS. was wi'itten at the end of the 14th century, about 1.390- 1400. It was used by Hearne for the text of his edition (1724, reprinted 1810), but as it is unfinished and leaves off in the middle of a page at line 9529, he supplemented it from the Cotton MS. The Harleian MS, " was among the books that belong'd to Q^ Symonds d'Ewes" (Letter from J. Bridges to Hearne, 12 March 172|- ; Rawlinson MSS., 3, 83), and was bought with his other MSS. by the Earl of Oxford. It was written by two scribes, the change of hand beginning with fol. 52 and continuing to the end. In the earlier part we find " sh " represented by " sch," and in the latter by " ss." C. British Museum, Add. 19677. Written about 1390- 1400 ; vellum ; imperfect ; begins at line 4684, vif hundred & seuene & f ourty as me telle can, and ends in the middle of a page, at line 11813, a coseil he made & schewede ]P ]>e popes hest ; after which are added the words " et s^ finit^," followed by the short English Chronicle mentioned above as printed by Ritson, and beginning, Herkene)? hiderward ^e lordynges. Xlii PREFACE. Besides these there are two MSS. of the first recen- sion which I have not collated, because they are too late for my purpose. One of them is in the British Museum, Add. 18631, and was written about 1430-1440. It formerly belonged to the Earl of Denbigli, of whom it was purchased 10 May 1851, and a note at the begin- ning states that it is the book referred to by Dugdale in his Warwickshire (p. 58) and Baronage (ii. 441). The MS. ends at line 12014. Than was that lond in pes w*outon dysturbance. The other MS. of the earlier recension is that in the Hunterian Museum, Glasgow (v. 3, 13). It was written about 1560-1570, and I was at first inclined to regard it as a modernized transcript of the Cotton MS., made perhaj)s while the latter was in Stow's possession, for it contains the inserted names in lines 11723, 11724. But further examination proves that this is not the case. The misplaced lines 11858-11861 stand as in the Cotton MS., and when the original transcriber breaks off abruptly in the middle of line 12024 the line is completed in another hand, which also adds the remainder of the chronicle, evidently from the Cotton MS., the same blanks being left in the last two lines. It is from this Hunterian MS. that Camden, in his Remaines (p. 8, ed. 1614), quotes the description of England, with which the Chronicle opens, as from " Okie Robert of Glocester in the time of king Henrie •' the 3." It is probable that the MS. at one time be- longed to Stow, for Camden (ihid., p. 112), in his Chapter on Surnames, quotes the famous reply of Mabel Fitz- Hamon to Henry the First in the following form : — It were to me a great shame, To have a Lord withouten his twa name. It will be seen on reference to the text and notes of the present edition, lines 8886, 7, that the reading given by Camden is supported by none of the eight MSS. which I have collated, but the MS. in the Hunterian Museum has PREFACE. xliil So fair heritage as I have yt were me great shame for to have a Lord without his two na,me, and this agrees so nearly with Camden's quotation that, coupled with the fact that the opening lines of the Chronicle are also given by him from this MS., it is fair to conclude that it originally formed part of Stow's library. On the covers of the MS. are stamped the arms of a previous owner, " or, three lions passant," which, if the gold of the field be really or and not that of the stamp, may be the arms of Carew. Of the MSS. of the later recension I have collated the following : — a. Trinity College, Cambridge, E.. 4. 26. Written on vellum about 1400. It must have been a careful copy of an earlier MS., for, judging by the inflexions and grammatical forms, the language cannot be distinguished in point of date from that of the Cotton MS., which is at least half a century earlier. It was given to the Library by Thomas Nevile, Dean of Canterbury, and Master of Trinity College from ]593 to 1615. jS. Bodleian Library, Oxford, Digby 205. This MS., which belongs to the early part of the 15th century, was formerly in the possession of Thomas Allen, of Gloucester Hall, and was left by him to Sir Kenelm Digby. Hearne (Preface, § xx) was of opinion that Allen had two MSS. of Robert of Gloucester, one of which is that now in the Bodleian, the other having disappeared ; and he sug- gested that it might be the same " that was sometime in " the Hands of the late Mr. Thomas Britton, the famous " Musical Small-Coal Man." J^'or this opinion I do not think there is sufficient ground. Hearne's principal reason for supposing that Allen had two MSS. was that the MS. in the Bodleian was apparently different from that used by the writer of the remarks "in a late, but " unknown, hand, at the Beginning of the Cottonian " MS. of Robert of Gloucester, relating to the age of the xliv PREFACE. " Author, and containing two Passages from a MS. copy " of this Historian, that was formerly in the hands of " the learned Mr. Thomas Allen." This "late, but " unknown, hand," is certainly Selden's, who in his History of Tythes (p. 20G, ed. 1618) quotes two lines of Robert of Gloucester from Mr. Allen's MS. Comparing this quotation and those given in the remarks, " in a " late, but unknown, hand," which Hearne has printed in his Appendix, Num. vi., p. 609, with MS. Digby 205, it will be seen that they agree very closely, the only differences being in minute points of spelling, which the transcriber has not followed exactly, and has sometimes modernized. The variations are not such as would imply the existence of another MS. from which the quotations might be taken, and I therefore doubt very much whether Thomas Allen had more than the one copy of Robert of Gloucester, which is now Digby 205 in the Bodleian Library. Mr. Robert Keck, " who was formerly Gentleman- " Commoner of University College, and died in the " year 1719" (Hearne, Preface, p. x.), "was a young " Gentleman extremely inquisitive after Books in old " English," and had a transcript made of the Digby MS., which, says Bridges in a letter to Hearne (Mar. 23, 172|, KawHnson MSS. 8, 84), " I believe went with " the rest of his Books, to Mr. Keck of Tew in your " County of Oxon." 7. University Library, Cambridge, Ee. 4. 81, vellum, about 1430-1440. The readings of this MS. so closely correspond with those of Digby 205 that it is seldom quoted by itself, and when ^y are given as the autho- rities for any reading the exact form is that of ^, the variations of y being so trifling as not to be worth recording. As far as folio 82 no metrical merks are found. On folio 83 the mark : is used. The first few lines of folio S4<(i, have a full point in the middle, and then the PREFACE. xlv mark :' is used as far as folio 92. After this' v/ is found. The handwriting changes after folio 83. From this point sell of the earlier part becomes sJi : y rarely occurs, and it takes the place of hyi. The MS. formed part of Bishop More's collection, which was presented to the University by George the First. A transcript of y is among the Rawlinson MSS. in the Bodleian Library. S. Lord Mostyn's Library, Mostyn, Flintshire, No. 259. Shelf mark, H. 7. c. Number in the old catalogue, 38. The MS. is on vellum and was written about 1440. It is mentioned in the Appendix to the Fourth Report of the Historical MSS. Commission, p. 361, but the specimens there given are so curiously disfigured either by the writer or printer of the description as to be scarcely intelligible. After line 8569 the handwriting- changes. e. Pepysian Library, Magdalene College, Cambridge, No. 2014, vellum, written about 1430-1440. A frag- ment, containing lines 4216-5811, Appendix IL, lines 1-18, lines 8557-9137, and Appendix XX. In addition to these, there is an imperfect paper MS. of the second recension in the British Museum, Sloane 2027, written about 1450-1460. It begins at line 191, Fram the be gynnyng Off the world • to tyme that now ys, and ends with the reign of Henry the Third, but some- what differently, Tho Come ys sone harry / & this londe nome And ffifftye ter and six / he helde this kingdome In his dayes as ytt y wrytyn ys / was the barons werre That broughte aH Englonde, yn to Ryghte grete dere. The Heralds' College MS., readings from which are given by Hearne in his notes and marked Ar., is partly U 35441. d xlvi PREFACE. in prose and partly in verse, the latter being a garbled version of Robert of Gloucester. It is a late produc- tion, and a sufficient account of it will be found in Black's Catalogue of the Arundel MSS. in the Library of the College of Arms (1829), pp. 104-110. This account was reprinted in Sir T. D. Hardy's Descriptive Catalogue of Materials relating to the History of Great Britain and Ireland, III, pp. 183-187. A cop}'- of the Heralds' College MS. is in the Pepysian Library, Magdalene College, Cambridge. It was made for Sir William Hayward, and after his death came into the possession of Pepys, who brought it of Mills the bookseller, October 2, 1695, for 4:1. 10s. The first part was written by " one Ben net heretofore servant to Sir " W. Dugdale," the latter by Samuel Staben, servant to Mr. Gregory King, Lancaster Herald, by whom the whole was examined with the original and attested. In printing the text of this edition I have followed the Cotton MS. as closely as possible, only correcting obvious errors, without attempting to introduce better readings which are found in other MSS. Sometimes the correction is inserted in the text itself, and some- times I have made it in the Glossary. In three instances at least it would have been better had I made the correction in the text. These are in line 4212, where " barn" is an error for " baru," in 1. 9597, where ''newe " is an error for " uewe," and App. H. 21, wdiere" Chinese " is an error for " chiuese." With regard to the various readings of the other MSS. I have not thought it worth while to note all those which uniformly recur. After giving a sufficient number of instances as illustrations I have ceased to record them. It will be observed that I have given a long list of "corrections." These are for the most part of slight importance, and are such as are inevitable in a work of this kind. But by far the largest number have been PREFACE. xlvii rendered necessary, because I trusted too much to the correctness of Hearne's edition as representing the Harleian MS., and gave the readings of B on the authority of Hearne, whose substantial accuracy as an editor I had tested by comparing his text with the first thousand lines of the original from which he printed. Having found that he was not to be trusted implicitly in minute particulars, I verified every quotation from B by the MS. itself, with the result that there is an apparently formidable list of errata. At the same time I have taken the opportunity of making some correc- tions in the Glossary and Index of Names. In conclusion, I have to record my obligations to those to whom I have been indebted for various acts of kindness and assistance in the course of the work, although many of them have already passed beyond the reach of my acknowledgements. Among these I will especially mention the late Sir Frederic Madden, Dr. E. A. Bond, Mr. E. M. Thompson, and other officers of the British Museum, from whom I have received constant courtesy and attention; the late Rev. H. O. Coxe, formerly Bodley's Librarian, the Rev. J. W. Nutt, once sub-Librarian at the Bodleian, and Mr. George Parker, Oxford ; the late Mr. Henry Bradsbaw, University Librarian, Cambridge ; the late Lord Mostyn ; the Master and Fellows of Magdalene College, Cambridge ; the late Dr. Weir, Professor of Hebrew, and Dr. Jebb, Professor of Greek, in the University of Glasgow. The admirable transcript of the Cotton MS., made for me by Mr. E, Brock, materially lightened my labours. To those who from time to time have had the control of this series of Historical Memorials I desire to express my thanks for the patience with which they have borne with the various delays which have attended the com- pletion of the work. For some of these I may have Xlviii PREFACE. been blameworthy, aud I can only say in my own defence that at the very time when I began seriously to devote myself to the preparation of this edition, I was appointed to a laborious and responsible college office, and became secretary to the Company appointed for the Revision of the Authorised Version of the Old Testa- ment, of which Company I was also a member. These occupations left me but scanty leisure for purely literary work. My hope is nevertheless that no one will find it necessary to go over the same ground after me. William Aldis Wright. Trinity College, Cambridge, 16 November 1886. List of MSS. used. A. British Museum Cotton Caligula A. xi. B. „ ,, Harleian 201. C. „ „ Add. 19677. a. Trinity College, Cambridge, E. 4, 26. ^. Bodleian Library, Oxford, Digby 205. y. University Library, Cambridge, Ee. 4. 31. 8. Lord Mostyn's Library, Mostyn, Flintshire, No. 259. e. Pepysian Library, Magdalene College, Cambridge, No. 2014. The numbers printed in square brackets in the margin indicate the pages of Hearne's edition. THE CHRONICLE OF ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. Cotton MS. Caligula, A. xi., fol. 3. "pNgelond his a wel god lond • ich wene ech londe best • [i] Iset in ]7e on ende of ]>e • woiide as al in ]?e west • pe see gej? him al aboute • he stond as in an yle • Of fon hii dorre |?e lasse doute • bote hit be ])orz gyle • Of folc of ]7e sulue lond • as me ha]? iseye twile • 5 Fram sou)?e to nor]? he is long » eitte hondred Mile • tfc tuo hundred mile brod • fi-am est to west to wende • Amidde ]?e lond as hit be • & nott as bi ]>e on ende • 1. a wel . . , best] lyght a merj'e lond • of alle oj^ere on w' J>e best S. (I luel god lond] AB ; swil^e goiid a ; ryjt good 0y. ich] ABa ; I ySy. ech] of cche B ; hit is a)3y. 2. Iset . . . west] In on (one /Sy) ende hit is iset (ysette fiy) ; of \>e worlde al in J>e west a/Sy. oji] om. B. as] as here 5. 3. pe] ABS ; And \>e a^y. ye)> him] go\) him B ; get a ; go}? y3y ; gothe hyt S. he stond as in aii] he stout as an B ; hit stond also on a ; hit stondel^ also in one 0y ; hyt stant ryght as an S. 4. Of] Here B. hii dorre] heo durre B ; hit Kirf a; hit har /3y ; we dar S. lasse] lesse y. bote hit] Bot yf it 5. 5. folc] fol B. sulue lond] selue lond B ; sulfe londe a ; selfe londe 0y. me] men /3y. ha\> iseye] hit isey a ; hit sej> /Sy ; hath sej'ne S. yvile] wyle B ; while a^y ; sum whyle 5. 6. Fram . . . long] Fram be sou> ende to Jjo nortb bej> (northe ben By) a/3y ; Fram J>e sothe to J>e noi-the hit is longe 5. 7. tuo] foure B. fram] fromB, est] \>e Este 5. to west] west aj3y. 8. Amidde] Amyddes By. \>e] \>o B. as] ase J'ci a ; as )>ou) /3y. §• 7io)< «s] AB ; & norjjest a ; and norjjwest /3 ; and norwest y. i>e] om. a/3y. 35441. A 2 THE CHRONICLE OF Plente me may in engelond • of alle gode ise • Bote vole hit vorgulte • o]?er ^eres ]>e worse be • 10 Vor engelonde is vol ino^ • of frut • & ek of tren • Of wodes & of parkes • ]?at ioye hit is to sen • Of foweles & of bestes • of wilde k, tame also • Of salt iichl & eke verss • of vaire riuers j^er to • Of wellen sAvete & colde inon^ • of lesen & of mede • 15 Of seluer or Sz of gold • of tyn k ek of lede • [2] Of stel of yre & of bras • of god corn gret won • Of wit & of wolle god • betere ne may be non • Wateres he ha]; ek inoui • ac at uore alle o]?ere ]>re • Out of ]>e lond in to J?e se • armes as ]?ei it be • 20 ■tware bi ]>e ssipes mowe come • fram ])e se & wende • And bringe alonde god ino:^ • abonte in eche ende • 9. wie] men Py. in C7tiiehnd'\ on engelond a ; on Englondo fiy. alle (jode /st'] alle gonde i.sco a ; al good jse ^y. 10. Bole . . . he] Bot yf hit be for oure giilte • that \>s %erys ))e wers be 5. Bote] Elite B ; Bote l-a a ; But ^if /8 ; But yf 7. rori/ulte] for gulte Ba ; forgilt ySy. 1>/'] jnit afiy. be] beo a. 11. lo?-] For Uafiy. eiif/elonde] cnglode A. vol hwi,] fill ynow B; goud ynou n; goodynoiu By- . /''"'] ^i'"3't 15" ; frute y3y. Sf eh of] & of B5. 19. parhes] parkes bo}>e ay; parkes bo)- /3. ////] yl B; oni. aySy. 13. of wilde] wWAti afiyS. t^] & eke a^. 14. etie rerss] eche fresch B ; of fersch o ; of fresche /3y. of vaire] and i'ayre B5; of faire a ; and of faire By. riuers] riuere a. 15. ivellen'] wellene a ; welles B/3 ; wellys yS. swete] AB ; gond a ; good /3 ; goode 7. lexeii] AB ; lese 0/87 ; leseo 5. ^•] & eke a/SyS. 16. or] om. 5. ^' of] AB ; & eke of a; and also of ^37. eh] A ; eke a ; om. BJ87. 17. yre] yrn B. cS'] & eke a ; and also By\ om. 5. (jrcl] & gret a. 18. wit~\ whyte B ; -vvhyta; whete 7. of] om. 7. n-olle yod] good wolle 5. lie] om. 5. 19. he ha\t] J^er beha ; )'?r ben By. eh] eke gode B ; goad a ; good /35 ; goode 7. ar] & aBy, bot 5. at uore] at before B ; to for « ; to fore By^. )>«?] ben l>reo a ; ben )'re By- 20. \>ei] |.ou; By. it] om. B5. 21. \>e] om. aBy. viowe] mowen «; may By- fram] fro B. fram . . . irende] & to \>(i see wende S. 22. alonde] on lond 15 ; to lond a ; to londe By^ iu] bi a -, by By- ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 3 Severne • & temese • honiber is )?et ]?ridde • & l^anne is as two sei]? • j;at pur lond amidde • Homber bringi bi norj'e • muche god & wide • 25 Severne bi west sou]; • temese bi ];e est side • So ]7at of god inoi • |>at in o|>cr londes his • per bi come]; to engelond • ];at non defaute nis • Yles ];er hep manion • aboute engelonde • Ac ]>eY he]) at uore alle o]>ere • J>re icli vnder stonde • 30 Commendacio Anglie. pe yle of man );at me clupe]? • bitvene vs & irelonde • fol- 3 b, & Jje gret yle of orkeneye bi ionde scotlonde • pe ]n"idde is toward normandie • \e yle of witt bi sou];e • pre ]?e beste yles • \ese be]? & mest cou]7e • pe werste louerdes & maistres • ]7at in engelond were* 35 pe chef tovnes hii lete • in engelonde are re • Londone • & ever^vik • lincolne • k, leicestre • Golchestre • &l kanterbury • bristowe . & wircestre • 23. homher'] and humbre 5. is \>et] yt is J^e B ; is J)at a ; is \>e fiy^. 24. \>anne] J^enne B ; om. ^y. ywo] \xo B ; who fiy ; who so a. \>(U pur'\ J'e pure B5 ; J-at poure a. 2.5. brinyx'l bringej5 «/3 ; bryugej^ B; bryugeth y. muche'] meche 5; moche y. 26. west] weste a. 27. o/'] om. a/37. /"*] ys B7 ; is a^. 28. p«'] par a ; Where fiy. non] no "Qa^yd. nis] ))er nis a ; J>er nys ^y ; ys 5. 29. he\>] be y. aboute] a bouten a ; AllaboAvte 5. ."50. Ac \>cr . . . \>re] Ac bifore J'e ol)ere alle • be)> \n-e a ; But bifore })er ot>er alle • ben t>re Py ; Bot |n-e Jiere betbc by fore Alle oj^ere as 5. al uore] to fore B. ich] I fiyS. 31, Uit i>ie clupe\>] J'at me clepul' B; hit is iclepid a; is called j8 ; j'S callyd 7 ; J)at on me clepeth 5. 32. 8f] om. B. orkeneye] orcadas a/So ; Orcbadas 7. 34. ?//es] om. afiy. \>ese be\>] t>at beh a ; l->at ben Py. ^] and eke 5. inest] mest of name a ; most of name 187. 35. werste] firste B ; ferste a ; first /3 ; fyrst 78. louerdes] lordes B/875 (and passim). Yat in enf^elond] iu engelond l^at a ; in engloude bat j3 ; in Englond that 7. 36. pe chef] Thes grete & chief 5. }.v] fese B7 ; peos a ; Thise /3. /ja] heo B ; hi a ; bei /3 ; J'ey 78. lete] lette /3. arere] A5 ; rere Ba/37. 37. ^] om. 5 (before everuuk). 38. Golchestre] Golchestre Ba^7. A 2 4 THE CHRONICLE OF Chichestre • & grantebrugge • and ]?anne cirencestre • Derccestre • & winchestre • and suj^J^e Gloucestre • 40 &; dpev grete tovnes • );at were ];o in wales • pis was ]70 in engelond brutons were iwis • Engelond ha]? ibe • inome & iwerred ilonie • Verst ])OYi\i grete loiierdes • ]>e emperours of rome • pat wTOtte & wonne engelond • & J^at lond nome • 45 Sii);]?e ]7ort picars Sz scottes • j^at to engelond come • pat werrede & destruede • ac al clene ne wonne it no^t • Su]?]?e ])Ovt engliss and saxons • ]>Sit hider were ibrott • pori brutons for to helpe hem • & 8uJ?J;e hom over come • pe brutons ]?at hom heder bro^te • & ]?at lond hom binome • 50 Su]?];e ha]? engelond ibe iwerred ilome • Of ]?e folc of denemarch • J;at ne bej? no^t ivt isome • 39. cirencestre'] Circestre ; Cyrcestre y. 40. Derccestre'] Dorcliestre B ; Dorkchestre a^y ; Derkchestre S. sit\>\>e] se]}]>e B ; seth 5 ; Jjanne afiy. 41. were ]>o] >o were B ; weren J>o a5 ; were {'an /8 ; were thanne y. 42. )5o] om. a^y. brutons] whenne Brutons fiy. 43. ha]>] hauejj a, ibe inome] ben inome a ; be benome 5 ; be ytake ^y. iwerred] iworrecl B ; werrecl S. ilome] lome a^y ; ryght lome 5. 44. Verst] First B)3 ; Ferst a ; Fyrst 75. emperours] amjierurs a. of] were of 5. 45. icro-^te] fo^te B ; fowghte 5; ferst a ; fiirst ^y. ^' ivonne] ywonuen a ; wonne ^y. \>at lond'] Jjulk lond 5; to ham hit a ; to hem hit fiy. nome] name jSy. 46. Su]yl>e] Sehhe Ba ; Sitheu ^y ; Seth 5. J^o;-^] ^oru Ba; ))urgh B ; thorugh y. picars] picardes BajS-yS. to engelond come] })are come a ; J^er came By- 47. Vat'] And aBy^. werrede] Aa ; worrede B ; werred y3S ; werryd y. destruede] dcstruiode B ; destruide a ; distroied By- ac] but By ; hot S. al] om. aByB. ne] \>e\ B ; J'ey 75. 48. Su\>);>e] SeJ'he Ba ; Sith By- \>ory] om. aBy. enyliss] cn- glische BaB ; Englyssh 7. hider trere] were hidere a ; were hider By- ibroyt] broujt By ; broght S. 49. .suJ>J>e] seh>e Bo ; sithen By- hom] hem B^7 ; ham a. come] came By- 50. omitted in 5. hom] hem B ; ham a ; Jiei ^37. hcdcr] hyder B ; hedde a. ; haddu By- broyte] ybrought 7. Jiom] hem YjaBy. binome] byname ^87, 51. Su\>\>c] SehK- Ba; Sithen By ; And seth 5. ha]^] haucj> a. ibe iwerred] iworred ben a ; ben werred By ; y worred be 5. ilome] lome 5 ; also many tyme By. 52. denemarch] dencmark B ; Denmark ^37. ne bc\> .... isome] be> ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 5 pat ofte womie engeloncl • and helde it bi maistrie • pe vif|;e time iwan engelond • ]?at folc of normandio • pat among vs AvonieJ? ivt • & ssullej? euere mo • 55 We ssulle]? her after in j^ise boc • telle of al ]>is wo • Brutons was ]>e verste folc • ];at to engelonde com • Voiire kinges hii made ]fO • in Jjis kinedom • pe king of westsex and of kent • & of nor]?homber • pe J'ridde • & ]?c kyng of ])o march • j;at was here amidde • GO Commendacio Anglie. pe saxons & ]?e englisse • ]?o hii hadde al an honde • fol. 4. Vine &; Jjritti ssiren • hii made in engelonde • . Sou];sex • & so]?ereye • kent • & estsex • Barcssire • & hamptessire • k, Jeanne middelsex • Dorsete • & wiltessii'e • & somersete • al so • G5 Deuenessire • & cornewaille • k, gloucestre ];'er to • no^t jet wel ysome B ; juyt ne biij> noujt some a ; jit is nou;t louge syne fiy ; bethe noglit jyt hyclii- welcome 5. 53. Vat] They 5. wonne] wonnen «/3y. helde] hulde Ba. 54. vif\>e] fifte Ba;3 ; fyft 7. jwf/?;] ■won B; wonnen a/87; I'^y wonnen S. \)at] Aa ; jio BS ; \>o 0y. .55. vs] ousa. wo?iie\>] Ao ; wonehBS; wonneJ5/37. ^vt] iotB; jiiyt a ; jit /3 ; yit 7 ; jyt S. ssulle]'] schulle)^ Ba ; schuUeu /3S ; shuUen 7. 56. ssidle\>] schul B5 ; scliullc a ; schal /3 ; shal 7. m jj/sc ioc] in Jiis boI\e B ; on \>'ih booc a ; on his boke 0y. 57. was] Am; were B/Sy., Jjc ucrsat to engelonde] to engelond hhomber] norhhober A. 60. ^] om. 5. Yat] & hat 8. 61. §• )>e] & aj37. ho] when ;3 ; whenne 7. hadde] haddeu B, an] on aj87. 62. ssiren] schireu Ba ; schyre.s )35 ; shyres 7. made] maden B. 63. sohe?-e//e] suhererije a. 64. hamptessire] hamptschire B ; hampteschire a j hampschire /3; hamp- shyre 7. \>anne] |ienue B (and passim) ; her to afiy. 65. ^] om, 8 (before iviltessirc). 66. Deuenessire] Deneschire B, ^ gloucestre] of Gloacester 5; 6 THE CHRONICLE OF Ssropssire • & wurcestressire • & al so hereford • Chestressire • & warewikssire • Derbi • & Stafford • 1-4-1 Lincolne • & hontindone • & al so bedeford • Bokinghani • & norpliamtone • & of oxenford • 70 Norfolc • & souj^folc • & grantebriigge al so • Hertford • & leicestre • & notingham • J^er to • Euerwik • & cardoyl • & nor|>homberlond • pes ssiren w'ip oute Avalis • be); alle in engelond • Seventene bissopriclies • in engelond be]? al so • 75 Cardoyl • Sz duram • & everwik \>ev to • Of ely • & of kanterburi • of norjjwik • & of roueestre • Of londone & of salesbury • of chichestre • of win- cestre • Of lincolne • & of chestre • & ek of wreestre • Of hereford • & of ba];e • & al so of eccestre • 80 panne be]^ )?er in walls' • j^re wij? onte Mor • Sein dauid • tfc landaf • & suj^jje bangor • 67. Ssj-opssire] Schoqjschire /3y. ivui-cestressire'] of wiicestre B ; wiicestre a ; Worccstre iSy ; of Wyrcestre 5. Sf al su] and of B. ; ]>er to a ; & J^er to fiy ; aud eke of 5. 68. warewikssire'] warwil B ; warewyk o ; Warwj k &yS. Derbi'] dorbi o. 69. al so] of BS ; so a. 70. of] so a^y ; om. 5. o.ve7iford] oxcnfox B. 71. iVorfolc] NorbfolcB; Northfolc a; Northufolke /3 ; Northfolke y. yrantcbrugge] grauntebrigge B. 74. \>es] f'ese B; pecs a; Thiae ;3 ; These y. ssiren] scliires B; schiren a ; schire /8y ; sch3'res 5. (tv> oute] with outen /8y. be\> alle] buh a ; ben /By. 75. bissopriclies] bisshopes a ; Byschopes ^y. in] ou a. be)>] bujj a ; ben fiy. 76. ^' duram] of Duram 5. Sf evcrwih] of Euenvyk 5. 77. ely] hely a. o/?tor\>wik] of norJ)wiche B ; Northwich a; Noith- wychc fi. ^" of] of B ; & a0y. roueestre] rouchestre By. 78. Sf] oni. Ba^y. salcsburi/] sahisbuii a. of wincestre] of wyn- ehestre B ; and wincestre a ; & AVynchestre /3y. 79. ek] om. Ba/3y. icrceslrc] wircestre /8 ; wirecestre a ; Worcestre ;8y (and line 94). 80. eccestre] excestre Ba/3y. 81. be]> \>er] Aa ; >er bc)5 B ; ben her ,8y. ]rrc] foure a&y. zvi)> oute] with outen ^y. 82. cy] om. ^y. landaf] landa}^ B. .5- su]>]ye] & sej'^e B ; genitassc & a ; Scyntasse and /3y. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 7 Of everwik • & kantcrbiuy • he]> crchebissoiies tvo • Duiam l)c|> & cardoyl • vnder everwik ido • &; alle j^e o)7ere of cngelond • & also of walls • 85 Vnder ])C erehebissop be)? • of kanterbury iwis • pe saxons |;o in her poor • ])o hii were so riue • Seve kynges made in engelond • & sujjj^e bote vine • pc king of nor|;honiberlond • & of estangle al so ♦ Of kent • & of westsex • & of |>e march \>ev to • 90 Descripcio Anglie. pe kyng of J^e marcli • )?iilke time hadde wel |"e beste • fol. 4 b. Muchedel of engelond • \>e on half al bi weste • Wircestressire & warewik • & also of gioueestrc • pat neii is al o bissopriehe • pe bissopes of wrcestre • He hadde ek j^er to chestre ssire • & derbi ssire al so* 95 & Stafford ssire ]?at be]? alle in o bissopriehe ido • pe bissopriehe of chastre • & tut he hadde ])ev to • ['>] Scropssii-e som & aluendel • of warewik ssire al so • 83. Sf] & of 187. be\>'\ hat ben Py. 84. Durum] Durham a/37. ieh Sf cardoi/l] & Cardoile ben fiy. iifo'] do I3y. 86. he] han a. bc\>] om. afiy. bi'l> of kantcrhuri/] of Caiiutur- biiry beth S. 87. pe] om. a^y. Jic] om. Ba^yS. her'] heore B ; here a0y. jjo] ■wheune ;8 ; when 7. 88. Seve] Seuene ^87. made] heo maden B ; here hij made a ; here hei made 0y ; hey made 5. su\>\>e] sehen B ; sehhe a ; sithen ^87. bote] Aa ; bute B ; but ;87. 89. §•] om. 0/87. of eslaiKjle] of estangle ek a ; of he Estangle fiy al so] ho ^y. 90. §• of ivestsex] and Westsex 7. 91. \>uil(e] hiike B ; hat 0/878. \^c] hat a5. 92. he on] hat on a/87. 93. of] om. afiy. 94. nei-^ is] ys nej B ; is iiey aj87 • ys nyj 5. al] om. afiy. 0] he B. he bissopes] om. B ; of he Bysshopriph 8. 9-5. He hadde . . . chestrcssire] Chestieschire he hadde ek a ; Chester, schire he hadde eke fiy. derbi ssire] dorbischhe a. 96. be\>] ben ^37. alle] om. 8. o] on B. 97. pe] In he B5 ; & he al3y. cluistre] chestre /3a. Sf] om. a^y. 98. Sf] om. 187. aluendel] half B; halfuendele o; halfdel fiy. of] om. B5. 8 THE CHRONICLE OF pis king hadde ek herefordssire • ]>at o bissopriclie is • Ac ssropssire ^eld}* haluendel • to J)iilke bissopriclie iwis • & som of gloucestressire • & of warewikssire al so • 101 ^iit hadde J^e kyng of ]?e march • wel more lond J?er to • Norhamtessire • &; bokingham • &5 J?e ssii'e of oxenford • Leicestre ssire • & lincolnc • & ]w ssire of hertford • pat is al o bissopriche • }>at of lincolne is • 105 pat ^wile was at dercestre • biside oxenford iwis • ^vt hadde \>g king of }?e march • notingham ssire J?er to • In ]>e bissopriche of everwik ♦ ac ]>o nas hit nott so • «fc al walls ivt J'er to • ]7at a gret lond is • Al ]>is was ^wile icluiDed • |>e march of walls • 110 Vor Jjc lond bitvene homber • & ]?e water of temese iwis • Ich wene in ]?e bissopriche of lincolne hit is • 99. pis king hadde eh] Also he hadde a ; And he hadde ySy. eA] also S. o] on B ; a 5. 100. Ac] And afiyo. jeWh] uah B ; cm. aySyS. haliicndtl} halfuendel a; halfdel Hy. \>ulke'\ hilke ^&y ; >at 5. Lines 111, 112, are here inserted in 0^87. 101. §• soni] Sum a; Somme fiy. S^' of] and y. 102. ^ut] ^et B. 103. Norhamtessire] Northamptschire B; Northamteschire a ; Northehamp- teschire fi ; Northehampschyre y ; Norhamton schyre 8. oxenford] oxenfort B. 104. Leicestre ssire] LeycetreB; Leicestre a ; Leycestre /S^. §' K'] and half the 7. hertford] hertfort B. 105. o] on B. 106. yicile] wuleB; while a; somme tyme j8 ; somtyme 7 ; sum tyme 5. dercestre] dorchestre Bj67 ; dorkcestre a. oxeiford'] oxenfort B. 107. of \>e march] of Mai'che 7. 108. In] That in ^7. everwik] Euerwyk is Uy. ac] but fiy. ac . . . so] l^at was uoght J^o 5. Lines 113, 114 inserted here In a/87. 1 09. d/] eke 0/37. jt^O o™- «'87 ; hehadS. a] oal3y. /sjekisa; eke is Py. 110. \>is] i)es5. ywile] \>emieB ; whilenea; ^at tyme /375. ichtped] ycleped B ; icleped o ; clepud 5 ; callyde )8 ; callyd 7. 111. Vor . . . iwis] Bcdefordeschire and Huntyngdoii schire with al his Py. be lond] hat lond hat B ; hulk londc 8 ; om. a. he] hat a. iivis] hat is iwis o. 112. Ich tvene] I wene Hy ; As I wene 6, ////] om. B. ROBERT OF GL0UC'ESTE1{. 9 . And ]>e bissopriche of lincolne • & bi weste al J'at lond • pe king wide of |?e march • adde al in his hond • pe king of westsex adde ]>o • al wiltessire iwis • 115 &i dorsete • & barcssire • }'at a bissopriche his • pe bissoprich of salesburi • & al sou|?sex ]>Qr to • pe welde • & al );e bissopriche • of chichestre al so • & soii)?hamtessire • & souj'ereye • |>at on bissopriche • is • pe bissopriche of winchestre • J^at tvt is ]?ere iwis • 120 Deseripcio Anglie. & somersete }?at to welles • ]ndke time drout • foi. 5, & nou it is ]?c bissopriche of ba]?e • te wetej? wel inot • ^vt adde ];e king of west sex • al deuenessire iwis • & cornewaille • j^at in ])e bissopriche • of eccestre is • pe king of kent was ]?o louerd • of al ]>e lond of kent • 125 [6] pat were tvo bissopriches • & ivt nis it nott ivent • pe bissopriche of kanterbury • j^at of engelond is hext • & ]?e bissopriche of roucestre • J?at in ]>e west side is next • 113. ^ bi weste'] bi west a/Sy. 114. pe king ivide] That tymej'e kynge 5. wulc] while a; soni tyme B; somme tyrae ^y. J^e] om. ^y. in his'] on is o. 116. a] oBaj875. 117. al] ova-afiy. sou)>scx] Sousex 7. \pcr to] he hadde also B ; ck l^er to a ; eke )>er to ^y. 118. al] om. afiy. \>e] om. y, al so] her to B ; eke al so a/Sy. 119. sou\>hamtessire] souhhampschiic B. soii\yerei/e] soj^crey B; Ho)'erei5.c «. on] o afiyS. 120. is] om. a. 121. Sj-] om. aPy. ]mlke] hike B. 122. 8f] om. a$y. it] om. Ba0yS. tuete\)] wteh A ; wyteh B ; wete 5 j whiteh hit a ; weteh hit /3 ; wetyth hyt y. 123. ^vt] Sehhe B. 124. iiat] om. k/Sy. eccestre] exetre B. is] hat is 0/87. 125. ivas . . . lond] hadde (had /3) ho in he loude a^y. loUeril] k^iig B ; kynge 8. cd hfl] ai ho B. 126. pat were] pat y ; There were ho S. bissopriches] bischopes B. nis] ys 78. it] om. a/87. /fcn<] y went B ; ywent aS ; ywente ^y. 127. of engelond is hext] is noble & hey (hye j3 ; hygh 7) a^-), 128. §•] om. 0/87. s/rfe] om, a;37. next] ney a; nye /8 ; nygh 7. 10 THE CHRONICLE OP pe king of estangle • king was of norj^folc • pe bissoprichc of nor]>wik • & al so of soiij^folc • 130 & jje bissoprichc of ely j^at ]?e yle of ely is • & of grantebrugge ssirc • ]?at J^er to val]? iwis • pe kyng of nor]>homberlond • was king icli vnder stonde • Of al ])c lond bi iondc bomber • anon in to scotlonde • Alle ]>es kinges were j^o • ac bote on nov j^er nis • 135 Vor ]7e king of westsex alle ]>& o]?ere wan iwis • & was iin]y]>e al one kyng • as onre kyng nov is • Her after in |ns boce • me ssal ihere al ]>is • In ]?e contrey of kanterbury • most plente of iiss is • & most chas a boute salesbury • of wilde bestes iwis • 140 At londone ssipes mest • & win • at winchestre • At herevorde ssep • & orf • & frut at wirccstre • Sope abonte coiientre • & ire at gloucestre • Metal as led and tyn • in |?e contreie of ccccstre • 129. estangle] \>c Estaugle fiy. 130. pc] Of I'e a^y. nor];>wik'] norjnvych B ; Noithwich a ; Norwyche 7. al so of] ck of a ; eke ^y. 131. §■] & of B ; And of 8. Yc yle'] in he yle a ; in he londe j8y, 132. §•] A fiy. of] of al B; of alle 5; om. a/37. (jrantebrugge ssire] grantebtagge ssire A ; Ciimbrugge scbire B. vul\>] falleh Ba ; fallih fi ; fallytb y ; longeth 5. 133. loas king] kyng was B. 134. Oful])C lond] Al ajSy. \>e] \>o B. in to] to afiyh. 135. AUc Yes] pese fyue B7 ; pus vif a; Tliise fyue /3 ; Tbes fyue 5. were] wereu /3. ac . . . nis] har nou bote on her uis a ; her now but one is fiy ; heie now bot on ys S. 136. oYere] oher B. ivan] won a; wonue S. 137. was suYYe] was sehhe B; sehhe was o; sihe was fi; sythe was 7; was ho 5. one] o S. as] so afiy, 138. Her after] Here afturward B; Asse her after a; Alle here aftir fiy. boce] bok B. me] men fiy. ihcre] Aa ; here Bfiy ; here of S. al h«s] ywis afiy. ]3'J. contrey] contreije a. mesl] most fiy ; nioste 5 (and passim). of ftss is] is of fichs a; is of fEsche fiy. 140. ^] cm. afiy. cluts] Aa; chase B ; chaas y87. iivis] in afiy. 142. herevorde] herford B. ./'"O "le^t fruyt a ; most fruyte fiy. 143. Soiic]Bafiy5; & ope A. concntrc] couintre «; Sf] Om. BafiyS. ire] yrn B. at] abowtc fi ; aboute 7. 144. Metal] Metel B. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 11 Euerwik of fairest wode • lincolne of feirest meN • 145 Grantebrigge • & hontendone • niest plente of dep ven • Ely of fairest place • of fairest sitt roiicestre • Evene est aien franee • stont ];e contrei of cieestre • Norwich aien denemarch • cliestre aten irlonde • Duram ateii norJ>wey • as icli vnder stonde ♦ 150 MirabiHa AiKjlie. pre wondi'es be)? in engelond • none more inot • pat water of baj^e is ]?at on • pat euere is iliclie hot • LO k, verss & newe & euere springe]? • ne be ]?e chele so gret • Swiche baj^es ]?er be]? fale • in clos & in j^e stret • Vpe ]>Q plein of salesbury • ]?at o]?er wonder is • 155 pat ston heng is icluped • non more wonder nis • Evene vp ri^t & svi]?e heit • ]?at wonder hit is to se • pe stones stonde]? ]?ere so grete • none more ne mowe be • & o]?ere lig'ge]? heie aboue • ]?at man may be of aferd • pat echo man wondry may • hoii hii were ferst arered • 160 146. Grantebrigge] Grantebruggc Ba. dep'] dup Ba. oeii'] fen Ba. 147. place] places 5. *«V] Sijte B ; syjta; ly^t /3 ; lyght 7. 148. Evene] Efne a. est'] om.B. aien] «jeynB ; ajen a ; ajeus )3 ; ayeus y. stonf] stonde B ; stoud a ; stondeh /8 ; stoudyth y. cicestre] chichestre «. 14!). aien] ajeyn B; a^en a; a^eus /3 ; ayeus y (and passim). 150. nor)}wei/] norwei B ; Norewei^eo; Norwej'e 7. 151. J^re] f>veo a. bei>] ]>er bej? B ; buj> a; ben Py. none more inot] none more I ne wote 5 ; )jat on lo is ^is a ; )>at one lo hit is )>is ^y. See Appendix, note A. 152. \^at] The 5. 153. neioe ^] blank iuB. • ^- euere] euere hit 5. s/i;'e chele] ne be chele B ; be jjc colde 5. so] no so B ; ucuerc so 5. 154. Swiche] yuche B. Jale] fele B. m clos] in he clos B. 155. Vpe] Vpon B5. ]pat . . . is] anohere wondir her ys S. 156. pat .... nis] Stouhenge hit ys clepud a more wondir }>ere nys S. ston heng] ston hyngel B. fion] no B. 157 and 158 transposed in BS. 157. heix] hye B. i^at wonder hit is] hit ys wondir hem 5. 158. pe stonen .... gretc] Ther stonden stones so grete 5. \>ere] her B. none] no B. nc] om. S. 159. o]>ere] oher B. heie] hye B. man] a mon B. of] pm. 8. 160. pat . . . arered] And henke hit meche wouudir how ht'y were arerd S. eche man] vche mon B. wondnj] wondre B. 12 THE CHRONICLE OF Vor no|?er gyn ne mannes .streng]7e • it j^enchej? ne may- it do/ Telle me ssal herafterward • of J'es wondres bo]?e tvo • & hou hii -were verst imaked • pat oj^er wonder is • Ype ]?e hul of J^e pek • ]>e Avind j^ere iwis • Vp of pe er]?e ofte com]? • of holes ])ei hit were • 1G5 & blou]? \^ of ]7ulke holes • so J'at it wolde arere • &j here vp grete cloj^es tif hii were J^er nei • & bloue horn here & ]?ere • vp in |?e luft anhei • Veire weies manion • ]?er be}> in englonde • Ac voure mest of alle • J'er hep ich vnderstonde • 170* poru |;e olde kinges imad • 2war ];or2 me mai wende • 170 Fram |?e on ende of engelond • vor]? to ]?e o}?er ende • Fi-am ];e sou]? til]? to ]?e nor]? • erninge stret • & fram est to ]?e west • ykenilde stret • [8] Fram douere • in to chestre • tille]? watelinge stret • Fram sou]?est to ])e uor]?west • & }?at is somdel gret • 175 161. Vor . . . do"} Fore \>ev nys ney)?ere gynne ue vys j?at hit myght do S. we] ny B. \^e}ichei>'] J^ynkel^ B. may'] my^te B. 162. jjci] Hs B ; J> A. bo\>e'] om. 5. 163. imaked'] y mad B ; ymade S. pat o>er] J?e >ridde B ; The J?rydde 5. 164. Vpe] Vp B. he ivind] uorjjwiud B ; fore J^e wynde 5. 165. Vp] Out B ; Owte S. ofte] om. 5. ]?ei] as B; as Jjey 5. 166. blou]) vp] ovfte bloweth S, ];>iilke] J'ilke B (and passim). 168. horn] hemB (and passim). 17) in] vpon B. htft] lofte B. laihei] ou hey B. 169. be\>] ben $y. in] on a. 170. poru . . . ivendc] paX Jjoru on olde kynge were ymad er >is a; That Jjiirgh an olde (holde 7) kynge were made er (or 7) J^is yQy. poru'] p^i B ; Throu^ 8. \>c olde kinges] olde kynges J^at were 5, imad] mad B ; made 5. yvar \'or^] wer J^oru B. 171. For this line a reads, Ase me schal ou his boke after telle y wis ; 0y have. As men schal on his book aftir here telle I wis. on ende] ou half 6. 172. till) to \>c nor\>] tilk'h in to he norh B ; in to North takeh a; in to he North takih fiy ; to he northe taketh 5. erninge stret] eninge stret B; cvuingestretc I3y ; Emiiugest strete 8. 173. Sf] om. 0/878. est] he est Ba;37. to] in to a0y ; vuto 8. ykenilde t^trct] goh ikeneldestrete 0^87 ; taketh ikenildstrete 8. 174, 175 transposed in aj875. 174. in to] vn to 8. est] he Sothe este 8. to he] AS ; in to B ; to «/S7. nor];'' west] Northeste 8. §'] om. 0^78. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 13 pe ver|7e is mest of alle • }>at tille}> fram totenas • Fram ]>e on ende of cornewaille • anon to cattenas • Fram souJ>west to ye norJ>est • to engelondes ende • Fos me clupej? ]nlke wei • ]?at bi mani a god toun de]> wende • De Mundicla et pulcrituxline gentis terre. So clene lond is engelond • & so cler wi]? outen hore • 180 foi. 6. pe veii'este men in |?e world • |?er inne be]? ibore • So clene & vair & pur ^wit • among oj^ere men hii be]? • pat me knowe]? hem in eche lond • bi sitte }?ar me hem sep • So clene is al so J?at lond • &5 mannes blod so pur • pat ]7e gret evel ne come]? na^t ]?er • J^at me clupe]? ]?at holi fur . 185 pat vorfrete}? menne limes • ri^t as it were ibrend • Ac men of france in ]?ulke vuel • sone me sue]? amende • 176. ve/'Jie] ferjje of J^ise j3 ; ferthe of these y. totenas'] totteuais B ; totteneys a; Toteneys fiy. 177. of] om. B. cattenas] Catenays B^ ; cateneys a^S. 178. Fram] Fro \>e. B; Fram l^e a^y^. sou\>west] uorJ>est B. to Jx] in to B J to afiy ; in to \>Q S. iior\>est] sou)? west B. to] in to 'Bafiy. 179. Fosi] Aa ; Fosse B/87. ?«e] men 0y. chipe\>] clepuJ^B ; clepej? a ; callil' $ ; calletli y. \>>lke] J^ike B ; J?iilke a. mani] moni a. a yod] god B ; om. 0/87. de\>] clo}5 Ba/37. 180. lond is engelond] and fair is engelond a ; and faire englonde is ^y. so] om. a^y^. cler] pur Ba/3 ; pure 75. wi);> outev] wi)> oute aj87. hore] ore B. 181. J3e] }?at \>Q, BS. in )>e] of >e Ba^y ■ of J^ys 5. be>] ben ^y. 182. §• vair] faire ^y. piu-] om. a375. -yicit] wyt B ; white 0/87. hii] hij a ; heo B ; hei 187 ; Jjey S; hit A. be\>] ben ^y (and passim). 183. me] men fiy (and passim). >ar] where B; wan «; whanne ;97 whan S. hem] ham a. se]>] seen /8; sen 7. 184. So clene is al so] So clene al so is B ; Al so so clene him (he ^87) is a)37 ; Fore al so clene ys S. so] ys so 5. pur] puir a ; pure fiy. 185. )>e] om. 0/87. eye/] vuel Ba ; yuel /87. ?ie] om. B. nayt)>er] not Jjcr B ; J^er noujt 0/87.* me clupe\>] me clepuj? B ; is cleped a ; is callid Py, )i>at] }>o B ; Jie 5 ; om. a;87. holi] helle a/37, /"»'] fiiir o ; fuire &y. 18G. vorfrete]}] forfarejj a/87 ; forfrette S. me7inc] monncs B; mannes 0/87 ; mannys S. i< icere] heo were B ; )>ei it a ; >ey hit 5 ; ))Oui it I3y. ibrend] brende Ba;375. 187. Ac] But ;87 ; Fore 5. ]>ulke] >ike B ; }>at a;37S. so7ie me suc\>] Aa; me syh sone B; sone men see> Py; sone me seeth 5. 14 THE CHRONICLE OF tif hii be]? ibro^t in to engelond • ^ware ]?or^ me may iwite • pat engelond is londe best • as hit is iwrite • [9] T^Ram ]ye biginning of ])e world • to ]>e time |?at now ^ is. 190 De vij. Seiiene ages ]?er habbe]? ibe • as seue times iwis • etatiinis p^ verstc affe & time was • fram oure ferste fader adam • munch. r o To noe & suj7];e |?e o]?er • fram noe to abranam • pe J>ridde was fram abraham • vor te moyses come • pe ver]7e was fram moyses • to dauid ]>es kinedom • 195 pe vifpe was fram danid to ]>e transmigracion • Of babiloyne & |?e six|?e • to ]>e incarnaeion • pat was vorte god was ibore • |;e seue];e was & is • Fram oure louerdes bur tyme • to ]>e world es ende iwis • po adam was verst imaked • & his ofspreng wax Avide • Hii begonne at on ende of ]>e world • as al in pis est side . 201 188. ^If] a; ^is A; ^ef B ; If ^37. bc\' ihm-^t'] ben brou^t B^ ; be)> broujt a ; be broujt 7 ; be brought 5. in to'] to 7. iwite'] wyte Bj37 ; wite a ; wete 0. 189. as] al so a; also ^y. iwrite] j wrete 5. 190. Fram] Fro B. to \>e] to a^yS. 191. Seiieiie] Seue B. hahhe\> ihe] haj> 3^6 fiy ; haue be 5. as] at afi ; atte 7. seue] seuen ;3 ; seucne 78. times] tjme B. 192. age 8( time] time & age a ; tyme an age fiy ; tyme & age 5. fram otire ferste fader] from oure firste fader B ; fnrste fram a; first fram ^y. 19.3. sv\>\>e] sehbe Bo ; si)>e j8 ; se)'e 7. \h'] h>o B. 194. ?;or te] forte B ; for to 0^37 ; vnto 5. 195. was fram] fro B. (hinitl \ws] Aa; dauid B; dauid is ;3 ; Dauid ys75. 197. omitted in 5. i«i//o//«(^'] babilonye B. 198. prt< VHis] J^at isB ; That fiy. vorte] forte B ; forto a^y^. ibore] bore 5 ; borne 7. scne\>e] seue B. 199. louerdes] lordes B. biu-] bur})e Bo ; bure o ; birjie ;87. \>e] cm. o. 200. imaked] y mad B ; jmade 5 ; made ^7. wax] Ao ; wex B ; waxed /3 ; wexid 7. 201. heyonne'] bygouneB ; bigonnen a; biganne j3; beganne 7 ; begunnen S. at on ende of] at J>e on ende of B ; in a^y ; iu \>e on ende of as al in \>is] al in \>q B/37S ; ase al in ))e a. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 15 Su)>];c it wax wide aboute • fram loncle to lonclo • So pat in \>e j^ridde age • it was ar it com to engelondo • in 3a etate For in be time bi tveno abraham • & moyses hit was • ""'^y^^ Men come verst to engelond • ich wiile telle j'at cas • 20o tus in au- A bataile ]>eY was iwile • in j^e contrey of rome • giiam. pe meste ]>at euere was • as me haj> iherd ilome • pe bataile of troye |>at ilast vale <;er • Mani was ]>at gode bodi • J^at aslawe was j^ere • De excidio troie • t5 genelogia hruti. Vor ]>er nas god knitt in mani lond • ne stalworj^e man • f^,} g ^j pat in ]7e on side ]>ere nas • & al vor a woman • 211 pat heleine was icluped • ]ns bataile verst bigan • [i"] An hei man was ];er bi vore • J>at me clupede dardan • Of him com ])e gode brat • j^at was ]>e verste man • pat louerd was in engelond • as ich tow telle can •215 202. .S'«ht>e] Seh-he V,a ; Sithcn liy. ira.v'] Aa ; wex B^Sy ; woxte 5. from'] fro B. 203. !>«<] om. $y. iras «?•] wcs er B ; was er a ; •was or ySy. 204. jh] oni. afiyS. \>e lime Li tvcne^ hitwene }'e time of a/Sy. 205. Men come verst'] IMan com fuist o ; Man com fj-rst 7 ; pat men come B. cornel comen 5. javV/c] wol B ; 011 wole a ; iow wole P ; yow willf y. \>at'\ ;ou I'at B ; jowe ^e S. 20C. Al () a. ];>cr was yvile] )>er was while Ba ; J^er was somme t3nie j3 ; l^er was somtyme y ; sumtyme here was 5. coiitrej/] contrei^e o. rome'\ Ha^yS ; trove A. 207. pe] Sc I'ut a ; And l-c 0y. mesle] most a ; most Py. me /i(i\>] me hit hali a ; men hit h;i)i Py. ihcnl] herd B5 ; ihiird a ; herde Py. Home] lome 0yS. 208. ihist vale] laste fele B ; hist fale a ; hast feel I3y ; last manye a 5. 209. Mani] Manije a. Inif] Aa ■ \^e B/SyS. aslaice] y slawe Ba ; slaj'n fiy ; slayne 5. 210. 7ias] was Py ; was no 5. {/od] om. Ba/SyS. mani] no a^y ; I'at 5. sliiIwor\>e] stalewarde B ; ojiere stalward 5. 211. pat . . . nas] pat he in o)jere syde nas a; But in he one side he was Py ; That he nas in he on syde 5. on] o B. nas] was B. a] one a^y. ivomaji] wommon B ; wimman a. 212. heleine] elyne B. icluped] y clepnd B; icleped a; ycallyde /3 ycallyd y. 213. An] On a. was \>er] her was B ; here was 5. ]>at] hero. vie cltipede] icleped was a ; callid was ^37. 214. brut] hruijt a (and in 221). 21.1. louerd] Aa ; lord B5 ; Icu'Je /Jy. ic/i] yB; I /3y. ^oiv] ea a. 16 THE CHRONICLE OF Dardan bitet troye • ]?at god man was & wis • Troye by;et priamus • & also anchis • pes were in J^isse bataile • of mest mi^t & mayn • Ancliis bitet enias • tfe enias ascayn • Ascayn bitet silvi • of ^wan ]?e ln-ut com • 220 Vor enias after ]>e bataile • ascayn • is sone nom • & silui aseaynes sone • & o}»ere )?at ]>er were • & to |?e lond of lombardie • wende & wonede vor]? jjere • po silui hadde bi^ete a child • Avane he wolde iwite • iwat man ]>e child ssolde be • })at he adde bi ^ete '225 A clerc ]>ov^ enchantement • him bigan |70 telle • pat • ];at child ssolde verst • fader & moder quelle • & su]7]?e he ssulde mani lond • over passi & wende • & mani bataile over com • & su];]>e at ]?en ende • To a noble lond he ssolde come • and j^ere a louerd be . 230 & kynges come of his blod • & ]?at me ssulde ise • 216. bi-^et] bi^^at a ; by^^at y (and in 218, 220, 221). 217. also'] also eke a^y. 218. pes'] pese B ; pat a^y. \usse] Ins B. of mest 7ni^i] moste of mygbt . 219. enias] eneas Bal3yS. ascayn] eschayn a (and in 221, 222, 223). 220. Silvi] silHus afiy (and in 223, 225). -^wan] whom BfiyS ; warn a. 221. \>e] i>at a. 223. §•] In B ; cm. a0y. lombardie] ytaile a/SyS. wende] AB • went S ; hij wende a ; \)e[ went $y. ?,'or)>] om. a0y. 224. bi^ete] bi gete B; bijute a; bi^at P ; by^ate y. a] o afiy. wane] fayn B ; fayne Py ; vayne 5 ; fawe a. iwite] wcte 0yS. 225. Iwat] y&t A ; "What BafiyS. \^e] \>at Ba^y ; J>ilk S. he] om. y. bi-^ete] y gete B. 226. A] O a$y. \>o] to BjSy. 227. pat\>at] pnt\>eBaPy; That l^ulk 5. child] om. B. 228. sMjjIje] se^J^e a ; sithe Py, he] om. a0y. mani] raanye a 5. passi] Aa ; passe B375. 229. mani] many^e a ; ora. 7 ; many a 5. bataile] batailes a/87. at \>en ende] atj>e nende A ; at >e ende B;37 ; at l-anende a. 230. a] o a. a louerd] al lord B ; al louerd a ; al lorde ;35 ; alle lorde 7. 231. come] covacw a^y. /sc] se BS : see ^7. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 17 pat eneas bi gan is of spring • to lombardie verst bringe • pre l^ousend & sixe & twenti • ]?er was fi'am ];e woiides biginninge • po J>e clerc adde iseid • his enchanterie • per vore silui him let sle • ac ]?at was hite maistrie • 235 Vor hit coin no ])e later • as he hadde iseyd • C 1 1 ] Vor in travail of his beringe • is moder was verst ded • po ]?is child was ibore • me let hit clupie brut • Yerst louerd he was in engelond • of iwam me speke]? tvt • Brutus occidit patrem et exulat. pe child wax & wel i]7e^ • as J^e clerc seide er • 240 fol. 7 Su]?|7e ]>o hit adde ]?e elde • of viftene ter • As he wolde ssete an hert • al aien is wille • To dej'e he sset his owe fader • |7at he lai ]?er stille • Hit him of ])Otte sore inou • & na]?eles tvt he was • Out of pe lond idriue • vor ]7e deolvol cas • 245 232. of spring'] of spreng a. to lombardie] J>at to ytaile a ; Jjat to itaile fiy ; to ji-taile 5. bringe] gan J^ringe a ; gan J^ring fiy. 233. sixe] sexti 187, )>er ivas] ^er Ba; ^ere was 5; jeer j3; yere y. fram )>e] fi'o >o B. 235. \}er vore] Ther fiy. silui] sillius afi • Sj'llius y. let] lette a. ac] but /3y ; as 5. lute] lite a ; lyte S ; lytel B ; litel 13 ; lytell y. 236. 710 \>e later] Aa ; nerj^e later B; ueuer J^e lateryS ; ueuyr the latter y; neuere J^e latre S. as] also a. iseyd] seyde y ; first yseyde 5. 237. is]\}e a^yS. 238. ibore] borne $y5. hit clupie] hym clepe B; him clepite a; clepe him 5 ; calle him fiy. brut] Brute S ; bruyt Ba; Bruyte ^7. 239. Verst] The first 5. in] of S. jzram] wham Ba ; whom fiy. ^vt] jet B ; juita; jitte (8 ; yitte 7. 240. pe child . . . 2>ej] Thys waxt & wel gan thee 5. wax] wex 7. i]>ey] yjjei a ; })rof B7 ; J^rofe /3. 241. Sui>\)c \>o] Sejjjje )jo B ; & ^oa; Antl whenne &y. hit] he By. elde] age py. 242. ssete] scheteu afiy. «?«] on a. aje?;] a jeyn B ; ajenst a/3 ; ayenst 7. 243. sset] scheet 7. owe] owne B ; owene a ; own 0. he] om. Py. 244. Hit him of\>o-^te] Hyt forthought him 5. o/])Oj/t] for l^ouite B ; a\>o\Vytea; aboujt ^37. eles] no>eles B ; uatherles 7. 245. be] hat B. «<^matBaj37S. deolvol] deol- ful B ; delful 5 ; reufol « ; rewful fiy. B 18 THE CHRONICLE OF In to ]>e lond of grece • he wende • & J^o vond he j^ere • Of ]>e kinde of priamus • mani men )?at ]?ere were • pat were of his nexte blod • ]mt were )?er in seruage • Vor her eldrene were ]>ev biuore • inome in ostage • Fram p>e bataile of troye • Avi-eche as hit were • 250 Vor ]7e grete slait and wo • ]?at hore kunde dude ]?ere • po brut among hom com • to such jn-owesse he drou • pat al |>e kun • ]?at him isei^ • adde of him ioye • inou • So ]7at atte laste • ]>o he in stat was • & him ]>o^te ]?at is per • in ]>e world nas • 255 pat folc al of ]ndke blode • to him drowe vaste • pat he ssolde is owe kunde • of jnilke seruage caste • Hii come alle aboute him • so ]>at brut isey • pat ]>er was of hom gret poer • & noble vole & hey • 24C. /ft to'] And to afiy. lie'] oni. a&y. wende'] com a ; come jSyS. J)o] J)an P ; thanne 7. vond] wonede B ; woned S ; fond a ; fonde y. 247. kinde] kuynde o. mani] nianixe a ])ere] jjor B. 248. tvere of] wer \>ev of B ; wcicn of a. were ]>er] weren a^y. 249. Vor] oni. B. elifrene] vlderne a. were \)er biuore inome] ]>er by fore were jnome B ; wercn er ynonie bifore a ; were ere take bifore fiy. 250. lorerhe] in ■wreclie Ba^S^S. 251. sicnyt] slaii^t Bo)3 ; slaiiter 7. hore kunde] here kjnde B ; here kun o ; here kyn ^7 ; hor kj'r:ne 5. dude] dide ^ ; dede 7. 252. po] f'e B ; \>o \>ivt a ; Whanne l>at fiy. such] swiehe a. 253. \>e hun] ))e kyn 7 ; ['at kynne 5. isei-^] say B; ysey o ; sawj /S ; sawe 7 ; sygh 5. 254. \nit] om. 7. atte] at I'C B. \'u] whenne fiy. 255. 1dm] hem B/875 ; ham a. l"^')/*'] I'ought 57. nnrld] worlde a/37. nas] ne was 5. 25G. prt/] pe B5 ; Al l>at a ; Alle bat j3 ; Alle the 7. alof\>uJlie] of bat ilke B ; of his a^y. to] aboutein B ; aboute a^ ; abowte 78. droive] AB ; drou a ; drouj ^y. vaste] fast ^y. 257. pat] For 0187. oice] Aa; owneB ; owen;8 ; ownne 7. kunde] kuinde a. of];>nlke] of bat B ; out of be a/87. caste] cast j3. 258. come] comen Bo. alle ahoute him] alle aboutcn hym B ; him al aboute o/3 ; hym alle abowte 7 ; allabowten him 5. brut'] be brut B. isefi] sey^e 5. 359. \>er was of hom yret poer] heo were of gret power B ; muche (moche ^7) power was of ham (hem 187) 0/87. role] men S. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 19 Hii zarked horn to gadere • ];at vair ost it was • 260 ['2] To ]?e king of grcce • lie sende • ]>at ihote was pandras • pat he ssokle }>e noble folc • }>at of so noble blod com • Ooiit of seruage lete • & out of j^raldom • 0]>ev him ne ssolde noli wondri • )^ei hii dede hor mitte • Wip hor bodies ];at atte be so fre • vor to winne hor ri^te • pis king adde in is ]?ott • gret bisemare of ]?is]?inge • 2G6 Pie tarkede is ost anon • him to gronde bringe • pis brut aien him wi]? is ost • wel wisliehe drou • Hii smite J?er an bataile • hard an strong inou • Brutus vicit ixinchxisiirti regem grecorum. pe proiiesse |»at brut dede • no tunge telle ne may • 270 fol. 7 b. Mani was ]?e gode bodi • J;at him self slou a day • ^wat halt hit longe to telle • his fon he ouereom • & pandras J^e stronge king • as prison he J?er nom • 260. HW] Heo B; He aliyS. ■^yCtrked'] jarkeden B; jarkede a; gadered /3 ; gaderj'd y ; aiayd 5. to gadere] Aa ; to gedere B ; to gider j8 ; to gedyr y ; to gedrys S, vair'] a fair B ; a fayre 5. 261. sewd'ejsent /37. ihote was] hatte B ; callid was /Sy. 262. he] heo B. \>e noble] so uoble B5 ; j^at noble a.Sy. noble] gret B ; hendi a ; hende fiy. 263. seruage] \>e seruage afiy ; )n»t seruage 5, lete] late y. 264. 0\>er] Or B ; Or ellis jSy. him ne ssolde] J)at he schulde /By ; him schulde S. \>ei] Aa ; J^ay B ; Jjouj |8S ; thouh y. dede] A7 ; dude Ba ; dide $ ; dud 5. ho?-] here 'Ba^y ; |>eir 5. miyte] my^t B/Sy. 265. IF/|) //or] Mid here Ba/37 ; her 5. ior/;Vs] bodices o. ]>at..vor] to soffre a ; to asay 0y. hor] here BaySy; her S. ri^le] ry^t B/S-). 266. pis] po B; pe aj8y. in] op on a. gret] om. a$y. bisemare] bysmar B ; besniare 5 ; scorn a ; scorne Py. l>is] J)isse a. 267. ^arkede] gadered /8 ; gadcryd y ; gadred 5. him to gronde] to grouudc hem to B5 ; to grounde ham lH)u^te a ; to grounde hem I'ouit to 187. 268. him] hem a. tvi\}] mid a (and passim). drou] he drow; 5. 269. Hii smite] Heo smyton B ; Hij smite a ; Thei smote I3y ; They smyten 5. \>er] to gider P ; to gedj r y. aii] a B5 ; o a ; in Py. (/m] and Jia$yS. 270. brut] \)e brute B. dede] dude B ; dude \>er a ; dide \>eT j3 ; dede ther 7. telle] no telle B. ve] om. a0y5. 271. Ma7ii] Mony^e a. \^e] J^at 5. him self] he sulfa; he him self 5. a day] bat day B ; bat daye 5. 272. "^wat] WhatBa. %wat halt hit] Hit were to ^y. to] om. a. 273. pandras] praudras 7. prison] Aa ; pryson B; prisoner $y ; prisonere 5. \}er] om. BaHyS. nom] nome a^yS. b2 20 THE CHRONICLE OF pis king ])0 he was inome • her wille dede a non • &, brotte horn out of Jraldom • ]?o he ne sey o]?er won • 275 He bigan to loue brut • so niuche vor is faire cheance • pat he wilnede mest of alle • J'ing • to him eliance • Brut he seide })ou art nou • ]?e beste bodi |?at is • Vor J>e noble kinne ]?at )?ou art of • & vor ]>i prowesse iwis • Ich wille obligi me to ]?e • & mi kinedom j^er to • 280 An dotter ich abbe of gret pris • noble & god al so • Ich tivis ]>e to ]n Avif • & tif ]wu wolt bileue here • pe ];riddedel mi kinedom • ich liue ];e to be mi fere • [13] ^if ]70u wilt no^t here be • ac wolt fonde more • Gold &, seluer icholde ^iue ]>e • & inou of eche store • 285 274. \>o he toas inonie'] whan he ytake was /8 ; whan he ytake 7. (fcdc'\ dicle 7 ; he dude o ; he dide & ; he ded 5. 275. I^o] Jiian Py. nc sey'] say nou B ; sygh none 5. 276. loue'] louy^e a. so muche] om. 0^87. 277. ]pat he'] And 7. wilnede] Aa ; wyllede B; wilned /3 ; willed 78. mcst of alle] J>oru out alle a ; ouer al o\>ev fiy. to him eliance] to hym eulyance B ; to him habbe a lyaunce a ; of him to haue alyaunce 187 ; Jjat he were hys Aliaunce 5. 278. \>at] jsat l^er 8. 279. kinne] kyn B ; kuynde a ; kynde ^37. i>at \}0u art of] of worn J>ou art B ; of whom J)ou art 5. art] ert o. vor] om. 0/87. 280, 281 transjjosed in 5. 280. Ich luille] Ych B ; Ich wole a ; I wole (87 ; And I wil 5. ohligi] oblige 0)878. \>er to] al so B. 281. An'] A B5; Oneafiy. ich abbe] ich haue B. gi'et] michea; muche $y. 282. Ich yivis] Y jeue here B ; Ich jeue hure a ; I jeue hure /3 ; I j^eue here 7 ; And jeue S. pe to \)i wif] to j^e wyue a ; Jjee to wife j3 ; the to wyff 7. wolt] wylt 7 ; wylle S. 283. \>riddedel] J>riddendel a;8 ; thryddendel of 7. Jjc] om. 7. mi fere] me nere 8. 284. '^if \>ou wilt] And ^ef \>o\\ uylt B ; ^if \>o\\ nelt a. wilt 7io\t] wyluot 7. ac wolt] ac wolt jet B ; ac wolt jut a ; but wole jit fiy; hot wolt jyt 8. 28.5. icholde yue \>e] ich wol l^e jeue B ; ich jiue \>& a; I jyue pee jQ ; I ycue the 7; I wil pe jeue 8, eche] oper aj37. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 21 And take ]?e mi dorter • vor man j^ou art iwis • To winne tvt a kinedom • wel betere J?an min is • pis king & brut were at on • J>at to wine he tok • His dotter ]?at het • Innogen • ac his lond he vorsok • pe king tok brut is one bodi • in o stage as it were • 290 Vorte it were to gadere ibrott • al ]?at hii wolde arere • He let sende is messagers • into al grece wide • He let fuUe corn & oyl • & win bi eche side • Me chargede ]>re hondred ssipes • & foure & twenti j'er to • per wi)? & al o]?er gode • )?at me mitte J^er inno do • 295 po ]7is ssipes tare were • & fol of alle gode • & Jiis mayde ispoused was • of so heye blode • pe king deliurede J?at folc • out of seruage • & brut deliurede J^ene king • out of hostage • Brutus. & nom is leue vaire of him • & ]?onkede him alle ^o\. 8. god . 300 &L nom wi]? him al J^at folc • ]^at he vond ];ere of his blod . 286. he] to J^e aS ; tojpee fiy. man"] a man 5, You arf] J^at ert a ; Jjat art & ; than art y. 287. }vt a] ^uyt O a. 288. pis] pe a^y. bnit~\ Ye hvut B. iverel vreren a. at on'} attoue ;8 ; atte one y. 289. Yat het] om. B ; J^at hijt ; that hyght y. ac] hot 5. 290. tok] to 5. oue] owneB ; owen 0y ; own S. as it] so hit a. 291. Vorte] Forte B ; Fort a; Vn to 0y. hii] he BajiyS. 292. wide] wel wyde BS ; wel wide a;87. 293. He let] And lette Ba ; And lete PyS. fulle] fiUe fiy. 295. al] midalBa withal/3; wythalle7; with alle 5. we] om. B; J^ey 5 ; men 0y. 296. j«re] faire a/37. alle] vche B ; eche a^S ; ecche 7. 297. ispoused] spoused 0y ; y wedded 5. heye] riche B. 298. deliurede Yat folc] hat folc deliuerede a; hut folke delyuered 0y. Ya,tfola] ho folk 5, seruage] alle seruage S. 299. §■ brut . . . hostage] & he bruyt deliuerede out he king of ostage a. Yene] he 6/875. of] of hys B. 300. nom] toke 1875, of him] om. a^y. alle] of alle 5. 301. nmi . . . folc] nam him al hat folc mid him a ; toke hem alle with him fiy. nom] toke S. vond] wan afiy. 22 THE CHRONICLE OF & his wif • Innogen • & to ssipe wende • Hii nuste to wiiclie londe • bote as god hem sende • pat deol ];at made • Innogen • no tonge telle ne may • Heo criede • & wep mid sorwe inou • & ofte iswowe lay • 305 pat heo wende fram al hire kun • & fram ech ]>at heo knew • k> nuste an erj^e iwderward • bote as j^e wind blew • & wuste ]7at heo ne ssolde neuere • a^en .come ne go • Ne see vadcr ne o]?er kun • louerd J^at hire was wo • [u] Brut hire clupte • & kuste • & confortede hire inou • 310 Ac he ne inizte here herte change • )>at heo to sorwe ne drou • Tweie dawes hii wende in ]?e see • fram \)e lond of grece • So |7at hii come to an yle • me clupede leogece • 302. ss?pe~\ scliip Ba ; schipe a ; schippe (3. ivendc'] hij wende a ; \>ei went fiy ; went 5. 303. nuste'] Ba ; miste A; nyst I3y; ne wyst 5. to] toward Bay; towarde 0S. tvucJie] AB ; wiclic a ; whiche fiy ; whyche S. sende] sent /375. 304. pat] The 5. deol] dul a ; doile /Sy. made Innogen] Innogen made /8-yS. telle] ne telle B. ne] cm. ^yS. 305. Heo] Sche /37S, wep] wepid/3y; wept 5. mid] w' BjSyS, inou] oui. a/Sy. iswowe] yswone B ; in sowne 0y ; asown S. 306. pat] )?o Ba/S-y. heo] ho E ; sche /3)8. iccjide] went 0y. al] om. a$y. fram ech] from al hing B ; fram al afiy ; fram alle 6. knew] kende a/37. 307. nuste] nyst fiy ; wj'st 6. an er\>c'] on er))e B ; neuere a/SyS ; ycderward] wliiderward Ba ; whiderwarde Py ; whedyrward 6. blew] hem blew B ; wende a/Sy. 308. §* wustc^ Heo wisle a ; Sche wist /8y ; And wyst wel S. \pat . . . rieuere] ne seholde heo neuere a ; J^at sche schid neuer Py ; h>at sche ne seholde 5. a^eti come ne o /Sy ; come ageyne Jjyder mo S. ne] uy B. 309. Ne] No /3y. ne] ny B. o\>er] om. 5. hire] hure « ; sche /3y. 310. hire?\ hure a/3y. clupte] cluppede B; chipe o; clyppid Py. kuste] cussede B ; kyssyd /3y. hire] om. a/3y. 311. Ac] patB. /«< . . . drou] )jat ne sche to sorow drouj j3y ; hot euere wepte & neuer lowj S. sorwe] sore B. 312. Tiveie] Twey B; Two /8y5. datves] daycs BS ; dales /Sy. tvende in \>e see] went l^us 5. J'rani] fro B. 313. come] comenB. me clupede] )jat me clepuj? B ; Kat me elepede a; Jjat me clepud S ; )>at men calUde y3 ; }jat men calljd y. leoyece] leogrece o/3y. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 23 pere hii gonne ariue • & brut sende vp J^ere • pre hondred men iarmed wel • to loke zwat lend j^at were • 315 pis men wendc aboute wide • k, man ne fonden hii non • Bote vair contre k, bestes • wildc manion • A temple hii vovnde vair inou • & a maumet amidde • pat ofte tolde wonder gret • & iwat men bitidde • pes men of |?is wilde bestes • slowe & caitc inowe • 320 & to astori hem of mete • vaste to ssipe drowe • Of ]>e maumet hii tolde • brut • J'at hii fonde j^ere • & he nom wi|^ him twelf men • Jpe hexte ]?at wij? him were • & a elerc |'at cou]?e of cnchantement • & to |ns temple drow • «fc offrede to ]'is maumet • k> honoured it inow • 325 314. perel pidcrB. aiiitc] vyucJj ; toaiyuca; aiyde/97. .scndc vp'\ sent vp oil londc 0y. 315. iarmed] armyd 0y. tvcl] om. 0/87. )?«<] yt By ; hit a; it /88. 316. pis men ivende] Ilij wende a; Thei went ^y. ^'j ac a; but fiy. 7iefondc7i'\ fonde B ; ne fonde a ; ne founde 0y ; founde 5. 317. contre] coutreijes a; cuntreys/Sy. besfes ivifdc] -wyldcLcstes B. manion'] mani^eoii a. 318. A] Acq a; Buta/Sy. vovnde] fonde B. a] a. maumet] a; inametA; iiiawnied B ; inawment /Sy ; mawniete 5. 319. ivonder (jrct] wondres grete /3y. Sf ^wat >nen] & wat J'ing mou B ; what )?iug man a/3y ; what hynge myght S. 320. pes . . . bestes] Of hisse wilde bestes a ; Of Hike Avilde bestis liy. pes] pis B. sloice Sj- ca-^te] ca^te & schete B ; cauwght & schotte 5 ; hij caute & schoten a ; }>ei caujt and schoten ySy. 321. Sf] om. a/3y. to astori . . . drowe] forto astoie he schyppes of mete fast ynue Jjey drowe 5. astori] Ao ; astore B/8y. vaste] and fast /3y. drowe] hij drowe a ; \>ei drow; /8 ; they drowe y. 322. maumet] niawmeut ySy. e ilke stede fi ; that like stede y. 32.5. )>is] }>e a/Sy. maumet] mamet B ; mawmcnt /Sy. honoured] honourede a. it] hyin B5. 24 THE CHRONICLE OF Vor to wite in twiche stede • is woniigge were • po he adde is bone ido • he wer]? aslepe ri^t )?ere • Him J7otte j^e ymage in is slep • tolde him is chance • Brut he sede passe vor]? • al bi^onde france • Brut lis. fol. 8 b. Westward toward ]mlhe stede • as j^e sonne di'aw}? a^en eue . 830 per J70u ssalt finde an place • god inne to bileue • [15] An yle god & riche inon • ]7e se ge]) al aboute • ^wile ]'at lond was ifulde • wi); geans suij^e proute • & now it is as a wildernesse • vor noman j^er inne nis • To ye it wole be god & riche • & to alle ]'ine iwis • & it worj? as an oj^er troye • to )>e & so god • 336 pat )?er ssoUe kinges come • and springe of ]>i blod • 326. Vor at hys S. woniigge] wonjiig B ; wouyjenge a; wonnjTige ySy ; wonynge S. 327. icer\) aslepe] worji aslepe a; fel on slepe B; Mle aslepe 1875. ri^t] cm. ajSy. * • 328. tolde] seide o ; said fiy. is] om. y. chance] cheauce a. 329. he sede] hit seide a; hit saide /Sy. vor\>] uoi>e B. al biyonde] al J^e lond of B ; al bijende a. 330. Westward] West B. i>ulhe stede] J>ike stude B. as . . . eue] |?at )?e. Sonne is an (at yS-y) eue a0y ; J>ere as ^e sonne j-s at euene 5. 331. ssalt] schalt B7; schald a; schal P. finde an place] a place fynde S. finde] fynden B. an] a Ba/3y. god] ful good 5. inne] J>er inne ajSy. bileue] byleuene 5. 332. An] On a ; One 5. geV] go\> B;85 ; gooth y. 333. '^wile] WuleB; "NVhilene a; Wilde /Sy ; Sumtyme S. ifulde] yfuUed B ; yfuld a ; yfiUed fiy ; fulled S. geans std\>e proute] geaudes strong & proude B ; stronge geans & proute a ; stronge geauntes & proute y3y ; Geauntus stronge & prowte 5. 334. 335 transposed in 0^87. 334. §•] om. aySyS. as a] al o /Sy ; as S. vor] om. 0)878. \)er inne nis] \>ev inne is ajSy ; J^ere js 5. 335. To \>e . . . riche] Goud & riche hit is to \>q o. ; Goode & riche hit is to bee Py. wole] wille 5. In aj87 the following lines are here inserted : Albion hit was icieped (callidc/Sy) . while (sonime tyuie Py') & jute (jit /97) hit is per hou & alle |>ine . mowe habbe ioyje (haue ioie (87) and blis. 33G. ^- il v'orV] Hit wor> a; Hit schal be to t>ee ^87; There schal be 8. as] om. BS. an'] on a. to Yc . . . god] to \>e & al so god o 5 and also goode I3y ; J)at schal be to he so good 8. 337. pat \>er ssolle] And her scholle a-, And i>Qv schal 187. springe] springeii aPyS. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 25 po brut awok of is slep • al )?is he vnder stod • His men he tolde of |?at cas • wi); wel blijjc mod • Hii larkede horn & wende vor]> • J^e wind was god inou • So ]?at toward ]?e west • j^e ssiprene drou • 841 So )>at wijjinne ]7ritti dawes • to affiic hii come • & arst hii wende ofte alond • & fette horn preie ilome • & fotte & slowe muchel folc • vor noman hom at stod • Fram afFric hii wende vor]> • mid ]>e wind ])at was so god • 345 So bat hii found in a stede • hor kinrede bi cas • r!i".;?,'^'° Of ]7e noble man hercules • ])at wule of troye was • Corineus het hor souerein • )?at so strong was of honde • pat him ne mitte no man • ne no geant at stonde • po )?is folc to gadere com • & brut corineus fond • 350 pe strengost man & mest • him j^ouite of eni lond • 338. aivok'] awoke him 5. al]}is he] & al J?is I3aj37 ; and alle jjys 5. 339. of \>at] al J>is B ; of \Af> a0yS. «;/}?] and w' 5. wel] rijt 0y. 340. ^arkede] jarkeden B ; ordeyned /By ; arayedS. hom] hera afiyd, wende] wenden B ; weuten /3 ; went 7. 341. \>e ssiprene] l>e schipreonea; here schippes eneue B ; Jse schippes echou 0y ; her schyppe euene 5. 342. So \>at] om. o.^y. zr/J>««He] w' B. dawes] dayes B ; daies 0y. affric] affricau 5. hii come] j^come o. ; come y. 343. §•] Bot 5. itrst hii] arsthey y. ofte alond] vp on \>q lond B. hom] om. afiy ; here 5. j)reie] preijes /8 ; preycs y ; prey S. ilome] lome S ; many one (87. 344. 7)iuchel] mnche Ba ; moche I3y ; many S. folc] men 8. hom at stod] ham ne astod a ; hem ne astode /Sy. 34.5, we7ide] wentc B ; went 7. mid] with B;3. so] ora. B. 346. foxmd] fonden B/87 ; founden a. a stede] a stude B ; one stede a^y. hor kinrede] here kynrede B ; of here kunredeue a ; of here kynreden fiy ; of her owia kynred 5. 347. Of \>e] Of B. umle] wyle B ; while a ; somme tyme By ; sum- tyme S. 348. Corineus] Corneus By. het] hatte B ; hijt By, 349. 7ie] om. 5. ne no] ne B. at stonde] ageyne stonde By- 350. corineus] Corneus By. 351. pe] That S. strengost] grettest /37. maw] man he was ^78. mest] \)e meste B ; strongest By. him \youyte of] \>at hym >0itcin B. 26 THE CHRONICLE OF Hii aqueynted horn a non • & bi come frend ri^t gode • Bo])e vol- lior prowcsse • & vor liii Avere of one blode • po was ]>e compaynie strong • k, strengore j^an it was er • Al in one compainie • hii wende vor]> ri^t j^or • 355 In )?e se w'ip god wind • so ]?at atte laste • In to }>e on ende of gascoine • ]?e wind hor ssipes caste • [16] Corineus ]7e strongc man • ]n-e liondred men nom • & wende alond to honti • ]70 he to londe com • Brutus. fol. 9. Vor to porchassi horn mete • & ]>e king • goftar • 360 pat was king of ])& lond • ]fO he was iwar • pat such folc was ariued • as me sede vp his londe • & niiste wat folc it was • to horn he sende is sonde • To wite ^we]?er hii wolde pais • o]?er hii nolde non • His messagers as hii wende vor]? • comen & mette echon • 352. u(jue!/}ilcd] acquiutede a ; acordede Py. bi come frcnd] bi comeu frendes B ; fi-endes bi come a/Sy; frendus by come 5. rhyt] om. B. 354. po ivas \>e compaynie] po \>is company was B. J^e] \ns afiyS. strengore'] stengore A ; more afiy^. it ivas] hit was B ; he was a^y ; J>ey were 5. er] her a. 355. hii] \>o \>ey 5. ivende] wenden Ba ; went I3y5. vor\>] to schyppe anoiie 5. ^i}t] om. B. 356. I71] A.nd in to 5. ]pat atte] J^ei come atte \>e 0y. 357. In to \>e 07i] In to on e] \>is B. J»-f] to B j two a^yS. nom] w"^ hym nom B ; Vo uom a ; \>o name &y ; \>o nome S. 359. alond] on lond B. honti^ hunte jSy. \>o] ]>o hat 5. londe^ lond B. com] came /8 ; come y. 360. porchassi] porchasc B ; porchase a ; purchase /3 ; purchace 7. §"] and h-an /3 ; and thannc y ; and ^o 5. 361. kiny] om. 5. \>e] J^at 5. \>o] whan /S-y. was] was )>erof 5. iwar] ware B. 362. such'] swiche a. ariued] y armed B. me] men fiy. scde] sei)> a ; saw^ ;3 ; sawe y. vp] Si ryuen vp B ; op on a ; vp on fiy. 363. Sf nusle] Nuste he nou^t a ; Wiste he nou^t /8 ; Wyst he nought 7; Wyst he uoght 5. it] t>ei fiy. was] were l3yS. is] om. a. 364. hii] he B. o]>er hii nolde] or wolde )>ei Py. hii] hco B. jiolde] wolde 5. 365. His] pc B. as hii] J^ei B ; om. afiyS. ivcnde] wenden B ; Aventen /3 ; went 7. comen S}' mette] metten hem B ; & mette ham a ; and mette hem 8yS. echon] eucrichon a ; eucrcchone /3 ; euerychone yS. ROBERT OF GLOUCKSTER. 27 Corineus mid is compaignie • as liii wende an honte}> ]7ere • 30 G Hii csste anuii at corineus • hou liii so hardi were* To honti ope ])g kinges lond • bote );e king horn ^eiie leue • Cornells scyde • ]>at he nokle • noman esse leue • To honti & to winne is mete • & to abbe solas & game • pe maister of ]?e messagers • Imberd was is name • 371 He bende is bowe & sset anon • to corineus to gronde • Cornells nom is bowe of him • & taf him anc woiinde • Anowarde is scoUe • mid his owe bowe anon • pat is scolle to brec • in peces manion • 375 His felawes ]>o hii seie j^is • bigonne to He echon • & tolde ]>o king vore • hou ]>g gome was al igon • 366. Corineus'] Coruieus /S^. mid] \\^ B; with )8 ; wyth y; w' alle S. hii wende an lionle\>] heo dude lionte B ; liij hontcde a ; J^ei hunted 1875. 367. Hii csste'] Hco aschede B ; Hij eschte a ; He asked 187 ; They askyd 5. anon] om. B. a/] oni. 0/87 ; of 5. 368. honti] houte B ; hunte ^yd. opeJvpBa; vp ou /37. Iwle] hot if 5. J>e kiny] he Ba/37. honi ^euc leue] leue hem jeue B ; leue jeue a ; hem leue jeue fiyS. 369. Cornells] Corineus Ba ; Cornieus /3. \>at] oui. a/37. noldc] wolde I3y. tioman] of noman 5. esse] asclie B ; esche a ; aske /376. 370. honti] houto B ; hunte ;37. to] om. 7. to] om. Ba^yS. abbe] habhe Bet ; haue fiyS. 371. of i>c] of J>is a.; of Hse /3 ; of these 7. Imberd] Himbied a0 ; humbled 7 ; Ilimberd 5. 372. i/e] om. Ba/375. ^cwrfe] Bent 187. ssc/] schette B. corineUs to gronde] do Corineus schoude 0^78. 373. Cornells] Corineus Ba ; Cornieus (87. 710m] tok B7; toke /87. of him] anoue of him 5. >«/] smot B. une] a B ; de)?es afiy ; om. 5. 374. Omitted in ^y. In a lines 374, 375 arc combined : Anowarde j^e scolle al to clef to peces maniac on. Anowarde is scolle] Abouen on \>e scolle B ; Anoward ]i>e Scolle he him smole 3. mid] w' B. owe] owne B. 375. is scolle] ]pti scolle B5 ; his heed 13 ; hys liede 7. to brec] al to cleef 187 ; anone to clef 5. in peces] to peces 187 j to smale pecys 6. 37G. l>o] whan (87. seie] say B ; yseije a ; sawj ;8 ; saugh7. biyonne to fie] gonue fleo awci a ; gon tte /3 ; gan flee 7 ; Ky fleye aweye 5. 377. Omitted in 187. §-] & swifje a5. )?e] l^at a; )3at l^c S. gome] game Bo5. al igon] agon a ; gone S; 28 THE CHRONICLE OF pe king made him vro]? inou • & lute wonder it was • pat strange men in is owe lond • dude a such trespas • pat asaileden is lond • & to robberie di'owe • 880 & robbed is bestes & is game • & is men so slowe • r^^n He wende vip al is poer • & asailed hom anon • Brut & corineus preste were • & hor men echon • &; smite an bataille strong • ]mt no tunge telle ne may • pe folc Jmt l^er was aslawe • in 'eij^er side a day • 385 Corineus suerd sone brae • so strong he smot & vaste • Vor no suerd ne mitte mid is dunt • longe dure ne laste • Mid him he adde an strong ax • jjat maniman bio^te to dej^e • So strong & gret J^at an oj^er • hit ssolde hebbe unnej^e • 378. made hijii] him made fiyS. vro];>'] wroj B. hitel no BajS^S. it was'] hit nas a. 379. strange ?ne?t] strauge man a ; a strauuge man $y. ?h] on a. otve'] owne B ; owen $y. dtide'] dud 5 ; dide Py. a] hym B7 ; him a/85. such'] swich a. 380. asaileden] asailede Ba ; so asaj'led /3 ; so assayled 78. robberie] robbery B7; robberyje a. drowe] so drouj &y. 381. robbed .... game] robbed & distruyd his game 5. robbed] robbede a; toke fiy. &,'] and eke 5. so] om. By875. 382. asailed] sailede B ; asailede a. 383. Brut] Sf Brut B. preste tvere] prestwereB; were prest ai875. hor vien] mette hem 5. ccho?i] euerichona; euei'echone /8 ; euerych- one 7. 384. S7nite] smyten B5; smitte a ; smote ;S7. ati bataille] a batail !^o B ; bataile so a5 ; a Bataile so Hy. wc] om. Hafiy. 385. pe] pat Ba5. aslawe] yslawe B ; slayn ^y ; J>ere abowte 8. in] on B0J878. a day] J>at day 'BPy. 386. Corineus] Cornieus o;3. suerd] ys swert B. brae] to brae a; to brake $y. 387. Vor] cm. a$yS. ne mi^te inid] ne ne mijte mid A ; my^te w' B ; ne myte a ; ne myjt $y ; myght not 5. dunt] d^-nt fi ; dynte 78. longe dure ne] none lengur B ; longe endure ne 5. 388. Mid] With 187. an] a 8^378; o a. strong] stronge B;S7. ma7iiman] moni^e mon a ; many a man 5. 38y. So strong Sj' grete] So Strong & so gi'et B ; So gret & so strong heo (it /37) was ally ; So stronge & so grcte hit was 8. an o]>er] cny ojjcr o ; any otjcre ^y. kit ssolde hebbe] bme haf «; myjt it lit'te 0y ; hit myght haiie 5. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 29 Brutus. Corineus herwi]? liarde smot • & stured him aboute • 390 fo'- 9 ^• & made is wey bi ei|?er side • & percede }>e route • Mid )>re hondred knittes • a due J>at het syward • Asaylede corineus him sulf • a uorj? ward • He smot corineus harde inou • J'at he it stronge velde • & lut he hente j^ene stroc • muehedel mid is sselde • 395 Corineus was ]>o somdel \vi'o]? • is ax an hei he drou • & smot him anowarde ]?at heued • mid god ernest inou • & vor clef him al ]^at heued • & ]>e bodi to gTonde • po mitte siward segge • ]?at he adde is per ifounde • po corineus was alles wro]? • so strong dunt he tef • 400 pat ech bodi }>at he smot • oj^er heued he to clef • 390. her wi^)] ]>er w' BS; Jjar inide a; f>erwithi8; om. y harde'] hard a. sturede'] scurede a ; scured /3 ; scuvyd y. 391. §■ . . . side] On eyj>er side he mad wey a ; On eyjiere syde he made weye S ; On ei^er side he made goode wey ^y. \>e] al be 5. route] gret rowte ^y. 392. Mid] With fiy. a] o a/37. f'«c] duyk a. het] hi^t jSy. 393. corineus him sulf] corineus sidf a. a uor\>ioard] a noi-Jjward A; a forward B ; al a foreward a ; al in Jje forewarde fiy ; had \>e foi-ward S. 394. smot] smot to a ; smoot to /3 ; smote to 78. stronge] sore B. 395. &f yit] Ac a; But /Sy. he] om. a. hente] hent 5 ; kept j3 ; kepte 7. \>ene] Jjc B ; J'an o ; \>Vii&y\ him a 5. muehedel] mocheldel ^ ; mochedel 7 ; mechedele 5. mid is] vp on }?e Bo ; op on jjc a ;"apon be ^y. 396. J>o] ban /87. an hei] on hey B. 397. 398 combined in 7 : And smote Sywarde apou the heede and felde that body to grounde. 397. him] syward a ; Sywarde /3. anowarde ];>at heued] vpon ]>e hed B ; opon bat heued a. ; apoii be heed (8 ; anoward be hede 5. mid] with fi. god] gret a/3. e;-nes<] vrnest a. 398. /h7h] om. B5. \)at heued] \>e heed j8 ; his hede 5. \>e bodi] be bodi auou /8 ; f ulde bat bodi a ; felde bat bodi ; fellyd be bodye S. 399. po] Than fiy. sepge] say $ ; sey7; seye 5. )i>at he adde is per] his per he hadde aj37. is] ys is B. 400. alles] so Py. so strong dunt] so grete strokes B ; bat strange dynt Py. }ef] jaf Ba;37. 401. ech bodi] \>e body of eche B. ech] be afiyS. o\>er] or B. heued] be hed B ; bat heued a ; be heed jS ; be heede 7 ; be heued 0. he to clef] al to claf o ; he al to claf ^37. 30 THE CHRONICLE OF 0|?er he smot of |?en arm • oj^er hond oj'er heued • No lim nas }>at he smot • mid ])e,bodi bileiied • Amty place he made aboute • ]?at folc fley him vaste • A wonder maister he was on • J'at hom so cou]?e agaste • [18] So vaste hii slowe of J'is men • & adoim hom caste- pat ]>e king mid a vewe men • him self fleii atte laste • po ]ns bataile was ido • brut & corinens • & astored hom aboute • mid richesse & chateus • Of corn & win & alle gode • & to ssipe vaste drowe • & barnde al ]>e contreie • & ]'at folc vaste slowe • 411 po hii adde al bar imad • ]^e contrei al aboute • & hii were hom sulf wel astored • of no ]nng hii nadde doute • 402. \>eii} \>e B5 ; J>an a ; an fiy. arml harme y. ol>ei-'\ or ^e B ; om. $y. o\>er'\ or l>e B ; or ellis 0y. heued'\ heed fi ; heede y. 403. No lim nas] No Hue nas A ; No Ijm B ; pat no lime a ; That no lymme fiy ; No lym was S. mid'] nas mid o; was Avith /8 ; was y. bileued] leued Py. 404. Amti/ place] Voide place fiy ; A rome 5. aboute] al ahoute fiy ; him abowte S. \>at fulcjley] & folc fleu B. fleti] fleije a ; flowe j3 ; flewe y ; flyen y. vaste] so fast fi ; so faste y. 405. \>at . . . agaste] >at folc to so agaste a; )>at folke so to agast (agaste 7) &y. 40G. Itii] he B. slowe] slow B7 ; slowen a/3. ])is] ]>\sse a. adoun hom] to gronde B ; to grouude a^y ; to l>e grounde 5. 407. mid] w' B ; with fiy. him self] \>ey 5. .fid}] flew B ; flei a ; flowe Py ; flyen 5. atte] at he Ba(85 ; atte the y. 408. po] Whan /By. \>is] he B. ^V] & his BafiyS. 409. ^-j om. Ba/3yS. f/s/o;c] hat 5. al] ab A. 413. §• /i/« !/'crc /io/H sulf wel astored] Si. heo wel ystoi'ed B ; Ham sulf hij weren astored Avel a; & hei stored hem self rijt wel j9 ; And storyd hem .sylf ryght welle 7. of . . . donte] hij nadde of nohing donte a hei hadde of 110 man doute ^y. hii nadde] hei were in B5. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 31 Hii wcnde horn to ssipe anon • & euene hii gonne driue • To ])e contreie of tours • & ]>ere hii gonne ariue • 415 A veil- place hii chose horn • & |?ere hii gonne arere • Walles wide & stronge inoii • castles as it were • & astored it wel inou • & hor god |)uder in bere • & abide ];en king . ^if he wolde asaily horn J>ere • Brut as. pe king goftar J>iiderward • gret poer & ost nom • 420 fo^- lo. Of france & of oj^er londes • »fc toward tours com • po he sei ]>e grete walles • castles as it were • Oii^ he sede ):»e gret despit • ]?at i se to me here • pat ]ns vile cumelinges • castles letej^ rere • Vpe min londe baldeliche • as me vor to afere • 425 Ne do|? hii me ssame inou • hou mi^te hii do me more • Bote ich be ]>er of awreke • ich ssal deie wel sore • 414. wendel weute 7 ; went 5. Jiom'] ora. B. to ssipe ation} anou to schipe a ; anone to sehip Py. eucnc'] efne a. Iiii] om. B. 415. tours] toures Ba/S-y; tourys 5. J>tTc] 0111. Py. 416. A veir'] A fair B ; O faire ajSy chose] cheson B ; clioseu a^yS. 417. iiiou'] anon a ; anone $y. 418. astored] astorede Ba, &,•] om. a^Sy. Iior yod] here god Ba ; here good Py ; her goodos S. \>u(h>r in] Jjer inue B^Sy ; Jjer iu a ; jjyder S. bere] AB5 ; liij bere a ; l^ei bere fiy. 419. 8c abide \)en^ For to abide I'e B ; & abide W a; & abode J'C fiyS. asaili/ horn] asayle horn B ; liani asaile a ; hem asaile Py ; assaylye hem 5. 420. \>uderward] J^iderward B ; l^eoderward a. noni] name Py. 421. S{ of] and a. toward] towardes a^y. com] came 0y. 422. po . . . walles] f'o he \)c grete walles sai a ; AV^han he )'o gret wallis sawj 0y. lie sei] heo scye B; t>ey seyje 5. as] also a. 423. )3('] )>at S. j] ich a. here] don here j8 ; done liere 7 ; there 5. 424. ]}is] heosa; )>ise /3 ; these 7; J'es 5. vile cumelinges] filo & komelynges B ; fyle comlynges 5. rere] her arere a; here arere fiy. 42.5. Vj)e miv] Op on my Ba ; Vppon my /875. baldeliche] boldeliche )3 ; boldlyche 7. vor to] nou forto u ; now to fiy. 426. do vie] do B5 ; me do a. 427. be \>er of awreke] \>er of be wreke 5. deic] dye B/37 ; deye a5. ivel] for Ba5 ; for herte Py. 32 THE CHRONICLE OF Vor godes loue stalwarde men • armie]? ^ow vaste • To sle ]7is pi^oute cumelinges • & hor castles adoim caste • pis folc armed hom anon • & hor baners gonne arere • & departede hor ost in tuelf parties ]?ere • 431 [19] Brut ordeinede is ost • & sette hom wisliche • & mid god herte a^en ]ns folc wende baldeliche • pere hii smite an bataile hard • & strong inou • pe stalworj'e folc of troye • of ]>e frensse vaste slow • ^e two ]?ousend & mo • in a lute stonde • 436 So J»at l^e frensse were • nei^wat ibro^t to gronde • & na]7eles hor ferde wax • vaste aboute & Avide • Vor hii hadde suche j^ritti men • as were in hor side • 428. Vor . . . vien] Staleworjje men for gorles loue ct/87. stalioarde] staleworJ>e B. armie\>'] arme> Ba;875. ■^oiv'] eu nou a ; ^ow nowe jSy. 429. ]>is'\ the y. jiroute] om. B ; proude S. ciimelinges'] komlynges B ; kymlynges 5. 430. pi's] These 75. fo^C] fol A. armed hom'] hem armecle B ; hem armed 5. hor] om. Baj37. ()onne arere] goune rere B ; gonuen arere a ; J>ei gon rere. ^y. 43 1 . departede hor ost] deparcede hor ost A ; hare ost depardede a ; her ost departede ^ ; here ost departed 7. in] on 0/87. tuelf] twolf B ; twelue 7. 432. ordeinede] armede wel a ; armed -vrel j8 ; armed welle 7. hom] hit wel a ; it rijt 187. wisliche] wisily 187. 433. &i' . . . baldeliche] And mid gode hmte mette ham wel baldeliche a ; And with goode herte mette hem rijt Boldely 167. \>is] \>e B ; l^ese S. loeiide] he went 5. 434. smile an] smyton a B ; smiteu o a ; smote o 0y ; smytteu a S. 435. pe stahvor];>e] & J>is B ; pis ulke a ; Thise ilke Py ; These stalward 5. of ]>e] \>e afiy. 436. lpouse7id] hundred a. mo] many mo 5. in a lute] in a lytulB ; in o wel lytele a ; in one litel ^y ; w'ynue a litil 5. 437. So] om. 0^87. \>e] l>eos a ; )>ise )37. frensse] frenche men y37 ; ffrensche men S. ivere] weren 0/87. nei-^ivat] ney wat o ; nej B ; nerand ^87 ; nerehand S. 438. §•] Ac a ; But 187 ; Bot S. ferdc] Aa ; ferd B ; ost ^87; oste S. u'ax] wexed fiy. vaste . . . ivide] fast and gadred abowte wyde S. ^] om. B. 439. suche] om. 5. as were in hor] as were on J^e o)>er B ; as weren iu J>c oj^er afiy; a^eynst on of J>at o^ere S. side] om. B. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 33 Vor hor poer & hor ost • wax eiiere so vaste • 440 pat ])is gode folc of troye • oiiercome were atte laste • & flowe in to hor castles • vor hii naclde oj^er won • pe ost wi)?oute of france • biseged horn anon • & bi leye horn so vaste • ]?at ne^ to gTonde horn bro^te • So ]>at brut & corineus • an quointise horn bi |?oii^te • pat |>is corineus bi ni^te • wende out wij? gret route • At a posterne stilleliche • J^at hii nuste it no^t wij^oute • Amorwe brut wi);inne wi\> is ost out drou • & smot wi]^ J^is frensse men • strong bataile inou • Brutus. per were mani a J?onsend • islawe in a stounde • 450 fol. lo b. Brut addo a neuew J>at mony brotte to gronde • Vor he. slow mid is poer • & bro^te to ssame • Six hondered as me sei|> • tours was is name • 440. ivax'] waxed ^y. so"] so swyl^e a/By, 441. )>«s] l^ise /3 ; these 7. were'] was u0y. atlel at t>e Ba ; atte \>e Py. 442. floive] flowen aySyS. in to] vnto'5. vor] \>o 'QafiyS. nadde] hadde uoue /8 ; hadde no 7 ; had non 5. 443. biseged] bi segede B ; bisette al3y. horn] hem B ; ham )?er a ; hem Jser 0y. 444. bi leye] bi lai B ; bileyjeu «3 ; bileyii 7. 445. an] one a ; on j37 ; a 5. quointise] queintise a ; quayntise j3 ; quautyse 7 ; queyntyse 5. 446. l>is] om. S. ni-^te] uyjt B. (/ret] a grete 5. 447. a] one a$y. stilleliche] wel stillych 5. nuste it no^t^ hit nuste a ; ne wiste fi ; ne wyst 7 ; wyst noght 5. 448. out] out so a ; so oute Py. 449. men] om. 0^7. strong bataile] batayle strong B ; one bataile strong a ; o Bataile stronge ^y ; a bateyle stronge 5. 450. per] f'ar a ; And J^ere 5. mani] raanyje a. a] om. Boy37. islawe] slawe B ; yslawen a ; slayu fiy ; slayne 5. in a] in one a ; in one litel Py. 451. Brut] Ac bniyt a; But Brut ^y. a neueio] o god man a : one good man I3y. mouii] manyje a ; many on 5. 452. mid his poei] with his owen (hys owne 7) poAver fiy. dro-^te] broute manyje a ; broujt many 0y ; broujt hem 5. 453. hondered] Jjouscnd a ; bowsand ^y. as me sei\}] and mo a day a/37. tours] tourus B ; for tours so a ■ for Toures ^at ^y. C 34 THE CHRONICLE OF Atte laste he was him sulf • aslawe ])er was cleol inou • po ])e bataile was ne do • corineus vor]? him drou -455 Mid six ]>oiisend wiltemen • out of an wode ]>ere • & come vpe ]ns frensse men • as hii al weri were • [iio] & slou horn to gronde • al vor no^t • so ]>at atte laste • Hii ]>at mi?te ofscapie bigonne to fie vaste • Hii of troye siwede • wi}> oute eni feintise • 460 Vor ^wanne streng]?e faile]:'«me mot nime vor}> qiioin- tise* po bnit & corineus adde hor wille • of ]>is ]nnge • Hii lete hor men ])at were aslawe • veire an er}>e bringe • & tours J>e gode kniit • J^at so muche folc er slow • Brut let bringe an er]>e • wi]? honur inou • 465 454. ^//c] At J^oB ; At )ie a/37 (& passim). sii(f] self HPy. asknve~\ yslawc B ; shiyu fiy. (lcol~\ dul a ; dole 0y. 455. ne do'] iicy ydo Ba ; vteyy ydo 13 ; uye ydo y ; nygh ydo S. cori- ?(fHs] of corineus ct/Sy. i;o?)>] uoiJj B ; foithe S ; vor A. vor him (Iron] ich telle nou a ; I telle ^ow fiy. 45C, 457 are transposed in S. 45G. wiyteme7i] noble men B; of autemen a; of fresche men /3-y5. of an wode~\ of \>ti wode J'O a; of )je wodde J^an fiy. an'] a 5. 457. come] com u ; felle 5. z'pe] vp B ; opou a ; apon 7. \>is] jjisse a ; ]>e Py. as hii al weri] \>o heo al Averi B ; \>o hij wel Averi a; when ))ei rij (ryglit 7) wery ySy; \>o \>ey werye 5. 458. slou] slowen 0/87. a I vor no-^t] om. a/8y. 459. vii-^te] mytena; mj-jten /3 ; myght 7 ; myght }>eu 5. ofscapie] osscapie A ; of scape B ; ascapyje a ; askape ^y ; ascape 5. hiyonne] gonne a; ganne ;8 ; gan 7. fle] fleo a. vaste] wel faste a; rij faste ^ ; ryght faste 7. 460. Hii] & lieo B ; & hij a; And )>ei ^375. of] om. 7. siiredc] sy wede ham a ; seweden hem /3 ; sewede hem 7, wil> ante] wil'outeu afiS. feintise] fant^'se 7. 4G1. xivannc] wenU ; whanne a. stren(/\^e] Jie strengl>e Ba5. 7ne] om. a; men/37. nime vor\>] take 35 ; do 0/87. qiiointise] quintise a ; (juayntisc |3 ; quantyse 7. 4G2. po] Ir'eB; J^obisa; So j-is /37. adde hor iville] hare wille haddeu o ; here wille liaddcn y3 ; here wylle hadde 7. 4C3. were aslawe] weren slayn fiy. an er]ie] on erj^e B ; in erj^e a/37. 464. \>e] I'an a; \>at ^y. so] om. afiy. vntche] muchel a; moche 7. folc] om. 7. (•/■] l>ar a ; J>er ^3 ; there 7. 405. brint/e] hring liim/3; hrynge Lyni 7. an et\>e] on er)>e B« ; in erj>e 187. honur] gret lioiiour a/37. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 35 ^ let vair tabernacle in • honur of him rere • »fe vair hous aboute him • & ]>e cite bigan ];ere • pat noble cite was & his • & vor tours j^at )?ere lai • pe cite me clupej? tours • as me de]> ^ut to ];is day • T>rut & corineus ]>o hii adcle 'hor wille of al j^e lond • 470 Hii wende aboute & preide hom ne mi?te no^t atstonde • Hii chargeden hor ssipes vaste • & wel mid alle gode • &; wende vor}> mid god wind • mid wel driuinde tiode • & driue euere westward • wij? wel god pays • Hii come here to engelond • to J>e hauene of totteneis • To |?e on ende of engelond • as in ]?e west sou]? • 47(J A lute bi nor];e cornewaile • as in an hauene mou]? • 466. t'fl/y] faire a ; a fair B ; a faivc ^75. i-ere] arere fiyS. 467. !>«/>] a fayre 5. aboute] al abouteu Ba ; al aboute /3 ; alle aboute y ; allabowte 0. \u'citf hiyav] bigan l^e cite 60)875. 468. noble cile'\ noble a; om. ^y. iS' /"'«] & 7"t is a ; auil jit is ^87. ^ vor tours \>at'\ ffore l^at tourys 5. 469. Ve . . . tours] He lete clepe it Tourys 5. pe] pat a/87. inc clupe\> tours'] me clepede tours B ; tours ycleped was a ; Toures callid was fiy. as me . . . dot/] and jut is to )>is day a ; and jit is Jiis day 0y. x>il to] &o\> jet toB ; dothe jyt )>ys S. 470. \>o hii] \>o he B ; om. a ; |)us ^y. of al \>e] in al ['e B ; in eche afiy ; in alle \>dt 5. 471. Hii] He B. iceude] wenden a; went 5. aboute . . . atstonde] & saide al aboute for noj^ing iny;te hem atstonde B ; & preide aboute ne myte ham noj'iug astonde a ; and preid aboute ne niyjt uo |>ing hem astonde I3y ; & pleyd hem allabowte for noj^ynge hem myght w' stond 5. 472. cliurciedeii] chargedc B ; charged 5 ; fraujt /3 ; frawte 7. vaste] wel a ; Jjan fiy. c^' wel mid] fol mid a ; ful with I3y ; and full w' 5. 473. u-e?ide] wenden a. (/od] a good 5. mid wel driuinde] & wel dryuyng B ; Si wel driuendc a ; & wel dryuande Py ; and wel driuynge 5. 474. driuc] driuen a; drauen ^87; dr\uen 5. lei]) icel god] so hat in god Bo ; with rijt good Py. 475. Hii] & a$y. come] comen 0)875. here to] in to 5. )><■] om. B. totteneis] tottenais B ; tottenays a ; Toteuays I3y. 476. \>e on ende] \>au ende a; l-e ende fiy. as] al a; alle Py. 477. lute] litel a$; lytell 7; litil 5. bi )ior\>e] bi fore B. as in an] as is an B ; as in he ul3y. hauene] haueues Bfiy; liafneB a. c 2 36 THE CHRONICLE OF pis was jn-e j^ousend • «fc four score & J^re ter • Fram ]^at 'pe Avorld was verst imad • ]'at hii ariuede J^er • foi. 11. Brutus. [21] Ar god was ibore • euene it was also 480 Enleue hondred ^er • & J?ritti J^ar to • pus come verst to engelond • j^e verste men iwis • pat euere wonede in engelond • J?at were brut & his • po brut & is men]* J>us come verst to londe • Hii wende aboute wide inou • ]>e contreies vor to fonde • Gret plente hii founde of fiss • as hii wende bi ]:'e weie • Of wodes & of riuers • as is in ];e contreie • Lond hii founde god inou • to tulye on alle god • So ]?at to bileue ]>er • hor herte wel astod • Hii founde an vewe geans • vorbroide men as it were • 490 Into cornewaile hii driue hom • in to olde diches ]?ere • 478. \)ousend^ |jousend ywis a ; J'owsand I wis ^y. Sf }pre'] ova. ^y. 479. Yaf] om. fiy. >e] \>o B. world'] wolld A. imad~\ mad B ; made ^y. \>at] YdX J^at B. . ariuede'] ariuede so a; so ryuede fiy. 480. Ar] And er B ; & her ]>2A a ; And er J^at fiy ; And ere ]jat S. cuene] efue a. tvas] were B«. ibore] borne ^y ; bore 5. it was] hit ys S. 481. Enleue .... ]>ar to] O t>onsend & two hondred ^eres and noumo o; A J^owsand and two huudrid jeres and no mo ^y. Enleue'] Ellenc B, \>ar to] ^er and two B. 482. verst to] to B ; in to 5. verste men'] formust man a ; formyst man fiy. 483. luere] was fiy. 484. come verst to londe] come first a londe B ; fyrst come alonde 8. come] comen a^y. 485. inou] om. B. vor] om. a/87. 486. hii founde of fiss] of fysche Jjey fonde S. fiss] fichs a. wende] wente B. iveie] contreie A ; weye BJ875 ; weyje a. 487. as is] as ben ^y. 488. tulye] tilie B : telijen a ; tillien /3 ; tyllieu y ; tylye 5. on] & B of 7. 489. bileue )>er] bileuen her a ; bileuen here ^y ; bileue here S. hor herte] here herte B; here hurteu a; hare hertes ^7; here hertiis 5 wel astod] fel and stod B ; I'cr w' stode 5. 490. foundti] fonden B ; foundene a; founden 187. an vewe'] a vewe B ane fewe a ; a fewe ^y. geans] Aa ; geandes B ; geaiintes ^y vorbroide] forbroide B ; forbreiden a;8 ; forbreyden 7 ; forbredde 5. 491. driue hom] ham driue a; hem droue Py ; dryueu hem 5. in to] in ttPy. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 37 Hii hoiisede »fc bulde vaste • & lierede & sewe • So J'at in a lute stoimde • gode cornes liom grewe • Corn «fc frut horn wax inou^ • & fiss inou hii fonnde • & of fless so ];at hii were • riche inou in a stounde • 495 . Brut bad corineus for to chese • of ech contrei iwis • ^wich him were leuest abbe • to him &5 to hi.s • Cornewaile him likede best • ]7er vore he ches ]?ere • To him & to his of spring • & vor ]>ev geans were • Vor he wUlede to fi^te • mid geans «fo do horn ssame • 500 pat lond he ckipede cornwaUe • after is owe name • Cornewaile after corineus • & in ]?is manere iwis • Corineus bi wan comwaile • to him & to his • Brut huld him to engelond • he ne dorste him na^t [22] pleine • & after brut his owe name • he clupede hit brutaine • 505 Brutons me clupede alle men • j^at were in engelonde • As me clupede horn longe su]?]?e • vor te nou late ich vnder stonde • 492. housede'] saiseden o ; seyseden fiy. bulde'] bulden a ; bilden fiy ; byllid 5. herede'] erede B ; ereden afiy ; ered S. setve'] eke sewe fiy. 493. i>at] om. IBy. in] -w' ynue S. a hUe] lutel B ; o litel afiy; a litil 5. stounde] while B. 494. tvax] Trex B ; grewe I3y. fiss] fichs a. hii] \>ei B. 495. so \>at hii were] }f>a,t hij ()>ei /By) woxe afiy. riche inou] ruche a ; ryjt ryche fiy. a] litel a-0y. 496. bad] badde fiy ; bede 5. for to] om. a$y. chcse] cheose a. ech contrei] eche coutrei^e a. 497. were leuest] were leouest a ; leuyst were 5. abbe] to habbe B ; habbe o ; haue 0y ; forto haue 5. §- to his] and his a^y. 498. Conieivaile] Bft; Cornewale /8 ; Corjiewayle 7; Corunwaile 5; Cori- neus A. 499. of spring] osptyng B ; osprynge y. \>er] the 5, 500. willede] wilnede a ; desired I3y. mid . . . ssame] & geans to don scharue a ; and geauntes to done schame /Sy. ?nid] w' 5. 501. clupede] clepude B ; clepede a ; callid 0y. owe] ownc B ; owen /Sy (and passim). 502. §-] om. a^yS. ]pis] >issc a. 503. bi wan] wanne /B-y. 504. huld] heldo; helde /SyS. him to] to him B8 ; to a. nc dorste] ne J'orte «; ne J^ou^t 0y ; dorst 5. 505. ^-] om. a/37. clupede] clepede Bo ; callid fiy. 506. clupede] clepude B ; clepede a ; callid Py (and passim). in] ofB. 607. As . . vndcr stonde] & longe sc]')?e (sij-e /Sy) fort nou (for to now ^7) late for soj? (sothe 0y) ich (I 0y^ vuderstonde «^7. '-o'' 'c] for to B. 38 THE CHRONICLE OF n ogmagog was a geant • suij;e gret & strong • Vor aboute an twenti vet • me sei]? lie was long Brutus rex. fol. lib. A gret ok he wolde braide adoim • as it a smal ^erd were . 510 & bere vor]? in is bond • j^at vole vor to afere • He com mid tventi geans • & asailled brut vaste • Brut wi]7 is poer slou • jns geans atte laste • Alio bote gogmagog • vor him ne slou he no^t • Vor he ssolde mid corineus • WTastli he adde i]?o;t • 515 So l^at corineus & he • to gadere were ibrott • pe wrastlinge bitvene horn . was somdel tott • per was moni a strong breid • so ]>at ribbes |?re • pe geant brae of corineus ' as me mi^te ise • In ]je ri^t side tuo • & in j^e luft side on • 520 po was corineus somdel vro]? • he stured him anon • 508. Go//»irt'/oy] Georaagoga; GoggomagogB. a^oa^y. siu\>c'] fnl Py. 509. Vor] om. 13. «?(] om. Ba^y. twenti] four & twenti B. sei\>] seyde 5. he] Ipat he 0/87. 510. A] O a. ok] om. y ; oke S. braide] breicle Bafiy. as . . . locrc] ase a smal icrd hit were a ; as a smallc ^erde hit were fiy. 511. bcrc vor\>] bercn for)' hit aP ; beren hyt forthe y ; bere hit forth 5. ill] on a. \Htt . . . afere] J>at folc forte afere B ; hat folc fort to afere a ; be folke for to afere ^y ; J'jlk folk to afear 8 ; as it a smal jerd were A. 512. asailled brut] asailede Inut B; briiyt assailede a ; Brut assayled ;3y. 513. wi\> is] mid o. slou \^is (jeans] I'e geans slou a ; \>e gcauntes slouj ^y ; slow^ hem 5. 514. (/o!/mayoy] geomagog a; gograagod 7. hc] om. 8. 515. icrasfli] wrastele B ; warstly /3y ; wrastle 6. /h^i^] jiou^t /Sy. 510. So . . . cy lie] Y'o (Whan I3y') he & corineus a/37. iverc] weren a. 517. icrastlinge] wrastolyng B ; Avalewinge a ; wallowj^nge /Sy. bitvene^ bitwene a. ; bitwex &y. hum] licm two 5. iva.s] hit was a/87. 518. inoui] mani^e a. 519. brae] brek B ; brake 7 ; broke 5. as] ase her a; as )>er 187. isc] her yse B ; yseo a ; se fiy. 520. In \>c rixt] On he Iiift a; On he lefte 13 ; On tlie left 7. ///] on ay. lii/t] lift B ; lyfte 5 ; ry^t a ; ri^^t /3 ; ryght 7. 321. he stured] he sterede B; he sturede a; J>o he steryd S. ROHERT OF GLOUCESTER. 39 And kipte ]nH geant • & to an hei loche him Jrou • pat stod aboue |?e «o an lici • & |?ere ri^t adoun him sloii • So ]7at he was al to ranccd • pecemelc in a stounde • Ech lime Irani oj^cr among j-e roches • ar he com to gronde • 525 Corineu.s was alone louerd • of cornwaile )>o • [23] ^wanne )^e gcans were alle aslawe • ]'at j'er no bileiiede na mo • Brut wende voi|> in to engelond • kj aspiede vp »k; doun • Vor to seche an place • vor to rere an lieucd toun • He com & vond al vpe temese • an place vair inou • 530 In god contrcie & i)lentiuous • pat is herte muche to diou • pat J7e ssipes miite fram eche londe • bringe to god iwis • pere he rcrede is licued toun • |>at londone icluped is • Ac so ne clupede he him noit • ac ]>g niewe troyc • per abbe]? kinges & mani o];ere • ofte ibe in ioie • 535 522. kiptel gripte "Bay, gi'ipt 0; bygrepe 5. an hci] one hcyje a. 523. ipaQ & a. ri}Q om. B. sUm] prcu a; Jax'wu I3y. 524. S'o ]>«<] [■'ar he a ; Thcr /Sy. al tu ranccd'] Aa; al to raced B; al to racedc /Sy. /;/ a] iii o a ; in a litel ^y. 525. fram o^e?'] om. a^y. ainoiKj Yc roclics'] among the rochesse y ; ora. S. ar] or /Sy. 526. Corineus] Ynt coriueus B. ulonc'] al londe /Qy. of] ouer a/3 ; ouyr y; of alle 5. 527. were] -weren afi. alle] om. a^y. aslaice] yslawe B. \^cr] J'erinne a$y. nii . . . wo] nere numo a ; ner no mo fiy. ne] om. B5. na] no B5. 528. er to his hurte droii a ; )>er to his herte drou^ 187. nuiclic] meche S. 532. \>c] om. a/37. '"] ^cr to a/87 ; to al 0. U'3ii. is liciicd l.oitn] I'ys liede toFi 5. ichipcd] iclepud B ; jcleped a. ; call id 187. 534. ylr] But ^87 ; Bot S. nc] om. Hyh. clupcdc lie him] clcpede lie him a ; clcpude he yt B ; clepcd he hit 5 ; he callid it /Sy. ac )-<] hute )'e B. ; but J^e liy ; lF(jre he named hit 5. 535. nbhc\>] huueth 75. Uimjes i^- niani o]>erc] kinges nKmy;e a; kynges many one j37. oj'tc ibe in] ofte ilyucd in re ; ofte lyu(Hl in fiy ; ybe in meche 5. 40 THE CHRONICLE OF Brut ]7is noble prince • sones adde f're • His wif • Innogen • noble men & fre • Lotrin • & kamber • & albanac al so • & attelaste cleide brut • ]>o al j^is was ido • Locrinits rex. fol. 12. After |?at lie com to engelond • In }?e foure & twenti)?e ^ere • 540 Ibured he was in londone • ]7at he let verst rere • pis lond Avas ];o ideled a j^re • amang ]>Ye sones iwis • Bi weste seuerne kember adde • & so al walls • Albanac biionde bomber • ac lotrin adde best • Al out bitwene horn • fram est to J?e west • 545 Vor l^at he was eldest me lokede him mest bi ri^te • pes were as ]?re kinges • & men of muchel mi^te • pe king of hongerie • suj)]?e com • bomber was is name • Into scotlond to worri • & to do albanac ssame • 536. adde] he hadde S. 537. H/s] By hys ByS ; Bi his o ; By his &. 538. Lotrin] Locryu B ; Lokrin a ; Lokj'rin /8 ; Lokeiyn y ; Locrin 5< §• albcman] albanac he hadde afiy. 539. Sj-} om. Bafiyd. \>o al >(s] whan j^is al I3y. 540. to] in to S. ]>e] Jjo B. twentiW] twcnti a$y ; twentye 5. 541. Ibured] Yburyed Ba; Buryed fiy ; Beryed 5, n;] at Bay85 ; atte y. rere] arere fiy. 542. lond] london y. )>o] om. B ; |)anue fiy. ideled] ydeld a ; ydelde fiy ; deled B ; dalt 5. a )'re] a Jreo a ; in j^re /S-y. amamj] among Ba/Sy ; amonge 5. \n-c] )>e a ; ]?ise /9 ; these y. 543. hembcr] kamber Bu/3y. so al] al )'er to a; her to al ^y. 544. See Appendix, note B. lotrin] locryn B ; locrin S (and passim), 545. bitwene] that lond bitwene B ; ]>ylk loude betwene 3. fram est'] fro \>e est B ; ffrara \>e. este S. 546. mc lokede him] he hadde afiy. mest] best B ; j'C best 5 ; most Py. 547. ivcre] wereu /3. as] al 5. \n-c] om. a0y. viuchd] umche Bo ; mochil /3 ; mocliel y ; meche 5. 548. honyerie] hungri B ; hongrye a ; hongry Hy. su\>\>c^ sytheu y. 549. worri] werre B ; wen-i «j werry j8 ; Averrcy y. to do albanac] do albauak B ; albanac to do a^y. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 41 & werrecl vpe him vaste • &; atte laste him slou • 550 Humber. po lotrin iseiz }>is • he was sori inou • After his bro)?er kamber • hastiliche he sencle • & beye mid gret ost • toward j^e king wende • & smite bataile strong inou • strengore ne mi^te non be • [24] So pat homber king of hongri • su]?];e bi gan to fie • 555 In to a gTet water J;ere • & adreinte him sikie mid ssame • per vore me ekipede ];»at water ];o • homber after is name • As me de}> lut & euermo • wulc vor p'is cas • pat homber king of hongrie • ]?er inne adreint was • po lotrin adde al is wille • he astore wel is lond • 560 Wi]:> homber kinges god • J;at me of his wond • po vond he }>ere damaiseles gent & vair ino^ • pat homber wi]? him broutte • to ]>e ones herte droii^ • pat was of horn cheuentein • & J7e kinges doiter was • Of germain & as him j^oiute • in ])e workle her pere nas • 565 550. ti'ened] werrede I3a ; worred 5. upe] vpon 0^875. ^] om. a^. slou^ slo) B ; a slou a ; slou^ fiy. 551. iseiy he's] lierde J:'is B; herd Jiys S; ]f>is yhurde a; Hs herde By. he was sorl'\ sore he wes B ; Sorye he was S. 552. hastiliche'] ho hasteliche a ; J^au hastiliche $y. sende] sent 0y, 553. bei/e] boj^e Ba/S75. J-.c] Jns afiyS. 554. ^- smite'] He siuyte aB; Hij smiten 00; Thei smoten a 0; They 6moteno7; They smytten a 5. strengore . . . be] ne strengor my^te be B ; no strengere myte beo a ; none strenger my ^t be By. non] om. S. 555. \>at] om. a/Sy. su^pW] atte be last jSy. 556. a gret water j^ere] a Mater swij^e (ri^t By) gret aBy. adreititc'] adreynt B ; dreynt 5. him silue] hym self B5 ; om. aBy. 557. per vore . . . homber] par (Ther By) of hat water homber (humber By) is cleped (callid By) o-By. 558. As me de]} yit] ^ujte me de]> a ; ^it men dob By- de\>] dothe 5. euermo] euer more B ; euere a ; euer By. ivnie] wole Ba/Sy ; om. 5. ]>ts] be B ; bis vlke a ; bis ilke By ; bat self 5. 560. astore] astorede Ba ; astored ByS. 561. homber hinges god] kynge humbers good /Sy ; be kyngys good hum- bre 5. ]f>at me of his] bat men of hys 5 ; of his bat me (men By) aBy. wond] fond Ba ; founde By ; fonde 5. 662. po vond he] )"'o fonden hij a ; Thei foundcn By. \>erfi] bre Bft^yS. damaiseles] nuiidencs a ; niaydencs By. gent] gentils a ; gentil By. 663. Omitted in By and a blank left. to \>c ones] to be on ys B ; to bat on his «S. 665. germain] germanie B. c^-] om, Ba/Sy, her] hire B ; hurc a • here B ; om. 5. 42 thp: chronicle of So zwit ne of suich color • ne in eche manere so gent • King lotrines lierte was • al & clene vp hire iwent • He nom liire vor]? mid liim • mid gret honur inou • & Jwutte hire to .spoiisi • so his herte to hire drou • Loo -in us rex. fol. 12 b. Ac corineus due of cornwaile • wro]> inou was ^ 570 Toward ]>e king lotrin • ]jo he herde of ]ns cas • Vor he adde him a vorewarde • is dorter abbe to wiue • His gret ax he nom in is hond • & toward him hicde bliue • His ax l>o he to him com • so grisliche he ssoc «&; vaste • pat ]>e king kwakede & is men • so sore hii were agaste ♦ 575 Seie he sede lotrin • wat |?encstow vor to do • pencstow me corineus • vor to bitraye so • Hastow vor^utc ]?e grcte wo • & moni harde wounde • pat ich aljbe ijwled for ]n fader • & J^e mani haixle stounde • 566. stiicli] such B ; suche y. ne'] ny B. cche] no a^y. 567. hdrines] locriu ys 5. cy] om. Ba/37. cp litre] opon hiue o ; vpfjon hure fiy ; on here S. 568. lie nom] And tok B; & nom a; And name 187; And nome 6. hire] hure a/87 j ^^^ ^- vorY] al for)? a/375. 569. spousi] spouse B;87. to hire] opon hure a ; vpou hur /8 ; vpon here 7. 570. ivro\> iiioii] wro) yuow B; wro)> ynou j'O a; wro)ie yiiou; lie (87 ; Avrothe ynow 5. 571. he] om. B. herde of Jjt's] herde his B5 ; yhurde hat a; hard hat j8 ; herde that 7. 572. adde him] made him yS ; made 7. vorewarde] vorward made 5. abbe] to liauc 75. 57."3. His . . . nom] He nom his gret ax a ; He name his douity ax 0y. in] on o. toward] to B8. him] om. 7. hiedc] om a ; rennc 187. bliue] hi lyue B. 574. grisliche] grimliche 0/87. he ssoc cV vaste] smot and caste (cast /3) 0187. 575. pat] J-^ir a. hint/ . . . men] kyii;;e & alle liis men quaked fiy sore] om. 8. 576. Seie] Nay 7. lotrin] to locryii a ; to Lokryn fiy. \)encstotv] henchest hon a ; hcnkest hou (thee 7) I3y ; Menyst hon 3. 577. pcncstoio me] J^euehest hou me quah a; Thinkest hou me r to] to B ; nouhe a ; now me ^37. 578. Ilastoiv] Hast hou Ba. voryite] Ibr^ete Ba75 ; forget /3. moni] he mouy B ; he numy 5 ; al he a/87. ivoimde] stounde a/87. 579. ich abbe /'ho/tf/j icli j'olede a; 1 holed 187 ; I luiue had 5. he mtiiii hank] he mony luhcr B ; mauy^c a luyj-er a ; many a leher 187 ; many a Juhcre 5. stounde'] woude a ; vvouride 187. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 4o Vor to winne him lond & ^ow • & |:'0U wost now [-J] vorsake • 580 Mi dorter |?at ssoldc bo ]n \vii'« & to a kumeling take • pou nc ssalt l)i liini |mt made me • ofskapie so litte • J)e iwile l^er is in mi liit bond • eni strengj^e or miite • e^ ]?e iwile icb mai |>er \vi]> • min bandax vp a drawe • ^ware w'i\) icb abbe geans • & maniman aslawe • 585 He bigan to ssake is bandax • & bigan to adrawe anon • & kniitcs cride & code • bitwcne bom manion • So ]'at king lotrin • vnder vcng wcl vain • cV: spouse is dotter • |?at bet gvendolein • & dude al is willc • vor be lokede so rowe • 590 More vor eye |>ane vor loue • maniman senie]? bowe • Ac nott vor ]?an ]?at oj^er maide • be louede more of inou- Astrild hire name was • & more to hire he drou « 580. io«'] oil a ; rent Py ; good 5. \wu'\ om. a. tvvsl ?iow^ hast liow B ; woldestc nou a ; -wuklist now /3 ; now Avoldjst y ; woldest now S. 581. kumeling'] kernel} ng B ; kymlynge he 5. 582. ?nade w(c] me made 5. ofskapie j ascapi^e me a ; ascapie me 0y ; ascape now 5. 583. ejii stroiij^e or] strengj-e oj'er (oj'ere B) euy a/3 ; strength or ou}- y. or] & B. 584. \>e xwile] while B ; \>e while ):'at a$y. haiuht.r] lioud axe B . handex /By. vp a draicc] vp drawc B/S^S ; op drawe a. 585. *,tcc kynge 3. under vcmj] vnder fong B ; vuder i'eng a ; vnder fenge ^y. vain'] fayn Ba ; iayue /37. 589. spouse] spousede Bo ; spousid /8 ; spoused 78. het~] hette B ; hi^t fiy ; heyght 5. (jvcndulcin'] gwendelayu a. 590. dude] dud )>o 5. 591. vor eye] for hey^e a ; for hawe fiy. inanimon] mani^e mon a. 592. Ac] And Ba^y. noyt vor h««] J^ei a ; uaK'les ^y. more of] more B ; of 187 ; euere 8; 593. he] om. 8. 44 THE CHRONICLE OF He made hire vnder erjje • a woniinge quointeliche • &; hiild hire }?ere to is wille • longe priueHche • 595 & di'oii to hire wanne he wolde • )?at noman it niiste • Bote it were eni priueman • J»at is priuete al wuste • ^wanne he wolde to hire go • to his meine he sede • pat he wolde to is godes • his offringe lede • Locrinus rex. ol. 13. And ]?at he adde to honouri horn • an priue stude \>ere • To sacrefize to is godes • pat noman iwar nere • 601 Segge he wolde ek also • to ]>e qiiene is spouse • & na|7eles such saerefice • I ne kepte noit at min house • [26] So longe hii dude such sacrefise • & pleide such game • pat hii adde an dorter averne was hire name • 605 & ]7e quene adde also • in spoushod bi^ite • An sone l?at het madan • as it is iwrite • Sone so ]?e queue fader • corineus was ded • pe king adde ]:'er after • wel sone inome i§ red • 594. woniinge] -woni^ing a ; wonyng B ; wonuynge fiy. quointeliche'] coynteliche B ; quinteliclie a ; queyntiliche P ; quentlycLe y. 595. i>ere to is iville] to his wille )>er afiy. to] at 5. priueliche] and priueHche a ; and preueyUche j8 ; and preuely y ; & priueylich 5. 596. nusfe] nyst 1875. 597. eni] ony 7, is jiriuete al] alle his priueytee 8. wuste] -wyste B7 ; ■svist/3. 598. meine] mayne Ba • menye 187. 599. lede] \>o lede 0187. 600. h07wuri] hououre B7 ; honour 13. (ni] a B ; otie &y. stude] stede fiy. 601. sacrefize] sacrifise B; do sacrefise a; do sacryfiee ^7. noman iwar] mon iwar B. Jiere] ne were 5. 602. Seggc . . . also] And al so segge (say fiy) he wolde a^y. Seyye] Seye 5. 603. §•] Aco; But/37! BotS. naj^c/e*] no^eles B. I ne . . . /wuse] uis noutt in godes house a ; is noujt in gdddis house fiy. ne] cm. 5. G04. Ibiigc . , . sacrefise] longe saerefice hij dtide a ; longe sacrifice he dide ^87. diide such] dude ys B ; ded hys S. pleide] pleiden 0^7 ; pleyden fiy. game] a game a^y. fi05. hii] he B ; sche 5. adde] haddeu ^y. an] a B ; one a/37. 60C. Ye quene] on J^e qiiene he 5. spoushod] spoushode a ; spousehode )8 ; sposhed B. biyite] bigete B ; bi^ete ajSy. 007. A71] Anc o ; A B78. het] hette B. iivriic] y writon B. 608. Sone so] And as sone as 5. quene] queues 0y ; quene ys 8. 609. tvel] om. a0y. inome] take 187; ytake 5. is] om. B. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 45 He vorsoc is owe wif.fc astrild made qiiene • 010 He ne dradde no^t ]>o ]>e liandax • as it was isene • po wende ]>e qiiene \ov]> • to cornewaile anon • & ^onge stalvvardemen • gaderede manion • pe poer J^at was hire faderes • & also of engelonde • So )?at sso hadde sone • gret poer an honde • GI5 & gret ost made &l strong • & vpe ]?e king sette • & ]>e king also aten hire • so }'at hii horn mette • &5 an bataile vpe stoure • smite strong inou • Su ]>e quene folc • ]>e king lotrin slou • & mnche of is folc ek • bote hom j^at flowe • 620 So J'at a lu|?er beuerege • to hare biof)?e hii browe • pe king mi^te segge er • ]>e wule he was oliue • pat in a lii)>er time • he striuede wi]:> his wiue • 610. owe wif] wyf al out B ; wif al out a; wyf al oute I3y ; wyfe al owte 8, 611. He ne . . . \>o'] Ne dradde he nout a; No drede he noujt 0y; lie dradde noght \>o S. Jjc] that B. isene'] wel sene 5. 613. stcdwarde] staleworj^e Ba ; stahvorthe /Sy, (/aderedel gederede B ; gadrj'd y. manion'] mauy^o on a. 614. pe poei- . . . faderes] pat poer al j^at was hire fader B ; Al hure fader (Fadris j8 ; faders y) power afiy. pe poer . . . engelonde] W here and alle \>e power J^at hir fader had iu Englonde 5. 61.5. sso] heo Ba; sche /3S ; she-/. sone] ful sone 5. iiret'] stronge 5. an] on 5. 616. ost made ^- strong] & strong (stronge /S^) ost made a^y. vpe] op a ; vpon 75. 617. also] om. ajSy. ai^en hire] hure a^eu a^y ; vpon hir 5. liom mette] ham ymette a; to gider mette ^y ; togedre mette 5. 618. an] a BySy; om. a. i^pe] ope a; vpon (875. smite] hij smite a ; l^ei smote 187 ; smytten 5. 619. §■ J'e] And J^ere \>e BS; So pat j'e 0)37. quene] queues fiy ; queue ys 5. \>e] om. afiy. slou] aslou a ; pei slou^ 187. 620. cS'] & eke a/37. ek] om. 0/87. 621. lu\>er] lui^ere a; fehle /8 ; febyll 7. heucreye] beuerago B ; beuc- reche a ; beaerygge 7. hare] here Ba;87. hiof\>e] Aa ; bi hofjje B ; byhofe S ; prowe 187. 622, 623 omitted iu 0^87. 622. pe] po B. . segge] seye 5. wule] while Bo. oliue] aliue B ; alyue S. 623. striuede] strofe 5. 4G THE CHRONICLE OF ^if alle lu]7er holers • were iserued so • Me ssolde vinde J^e les • such spoushruche do • 625 Enleue hondred ter • );'is king was ]?us biuore • & eitetene ter aslawe • ar god were ibore • [-"] |)o was |ns sturne womman • guendolein ]>e quene • King iniad in J'is manere • vor lieo was somdel kene • Madan rex. Mempvicliis rex. Ehoracus rex. Bi'iUus rex. Leil rex. fol. 13 b. Astrikl ire bedsoster • hire louerdes concubine • 630 & ire doiter auerne • heo let nime atte fine • & adreinte horn bo]^e tuo • in p»e water of seuerne • & vor it was ire louerdes dotter • ]>e maide j'at het auerne • & vor honour of ire louerde • & vor heo was of is kunde • Xo wolde pat ire name were • eueremo in munde • 635 & let clupie ]?e water • after hire auerne • & su]>];e jjoru diuerse tonge • me clupe]> it seuerne • G24. ^^y*] X'\i J'at S. tu\>er holers'] luj^ere holours 5 ; luyj^ere lechours a ; licherous men fiy. wcrc^ weren afiy. C25. vindc'] vnde A. spoushruche'] spousbiielie a ; spousebreche fiy. do] to do a^y. 626. Enleue] Ellene B ; Enlefuc a ; Elleiien fiy. hiuore] by foriie ^y. 627. eytetene] eytetene a ; ey^te B ; ei^tenejSy. aslawe] y sla^e B ; yslayn ^y. 2oere ibore] was borne Py. C28. pa . . . icuviman] And ybiired at londone J'O a; And yburyed at London J)an /S^. nHnniiuut] wommon B. //«f7j(/«/e/«] gueudolyn B ; gwendelcyne a^y. 620. Khig . . . vianere] Was king ymalced after a ; Was kyng ymade aftir $ ; Was kyng made after y. somdel] so aPy. 630. ire] Sc hure a^y. 63L nitne] take Py. alle] at ^e a ; at /3. 632. adreijite horn] drenche B ; dreinte a ; drent ;8 ; dreynt y ; adrenched 5. 633. cV vor it. was] For aySy. \>e maide] J>at mayde B ; )'ys niayde 5. \>at het] om. B. 634. ^- vor] ]>at aySyS (after louerde). hu7ide] kynde B/87 ; kuinde a. 635. ^o] Heo Ba ; Sche /?75. were eueremo] were ener more B ; euere were o ; euer were Py. munde] mynde ByS-y ; Mninde a. 636. clupie] elepe B ; clepy v; o ; calle I3y. \h'] )>iit liafiyS. hire] oni. 15. 637. \] elepede B; clcpej> a; caHi]- I3y. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 47 & de]> a lettre |?er to • & namore iwis • In j^is manere ]nilke water • seuerne icluped is • Giiendolein was king • viftene ter ])0 • G^O & ire louerd was king biuore hire • ten ^er «fc naino • k, inadan hire sone • fourti ^er • |>ulke time |>at samuel • })e ])rophete wardede • j>at folc of israhel • Mempris madanes sone • kyng was an tventi ^er • po kyng said was of israhel • king & non er • 645 pis was as me may in bok • reden &, ise • Av god were ibore a p'ousend ter • & four score k, )'re • Ebraii meinprises sone • sixti ler was king • He made |?e tonn of eiierwik • ]?at strong is |joru alle );ing . After is name ebrau • euerwik cluped it wel • GoO t-^] pulke time pat king dauid • king was in israhel • C38. r/f)'] cloji aj375. a lettre'] o lettei'e more a ; one letter more ^y. ?((/?/(ore] namore a ; no more B^y. iwis] bit nis aySy. C39. l'/.s] I'isse a. \>ulhe] I'ikc^ B; |'is \lke a. icliijicd] yelepiulB; ycleped a ; callid fiy. G40. /i'/«.o hipKj] pe kyng B ; J^o t>at a ; When )>at /3 ; Wanne y. of israhel fiinr/] king in israel afiy • kj'nge of israel 5. non er] non^t her a ; now)t heer j8y. 640. boft] bokys S. redeJi] rede B5. ise] se B; wel yseo a ; wel se /3y. 047. Ar yod . . . xcr] O honsend are god were y bore a; A J>ousand or god was borne /3y. were] was 5. iJiorc] bore B. tf \>re] xqv & breo a ; ^eer & J)re /3y. 048. Ebrau] Ebran B ; Eborac aj35 ; Eborak y. meinprises] mem- brises a ; Membris /3y. 049. strony is] is strong a; is sti'onge /3y. Yoni] in ]>. O.")0. After] & after ay5 ; And aftir ^. ebrau] ebran B; eborac ajSyS. duped it] clepede it B ; elepede him a ; he callid it /3y. wel] ful welle 5. 051. See Appendix, note C. Vat hiny] om. B. kiny was] was kyng B. in] of S. israhel] yrael B. 48 THE CHRONICLE OF Brut is sone king was • jjrettene ^er & nanmo • & leir king vif & tuenti ^er • brutes sone was ]?o • J He bigan ]>en toun of leicestre • & nemnede is owe name • po j?at Salomon ]>e wise • man of gret fame • Co 5 King was of israel • ]?at king dauid is sone was • pat rerede ]>e temple of ierusalem • such temple neuere nas. Leires sone Jnitti ter • king was & nyne also • He rerede verst kanterbury • & winchestre |;er to • Ba]7ulf is sone after him • king was tventi ler • 660 He bigan ]>e toun of ba]?e • & J^e hote baj^es ]?er • In ]>e veines of ]>e water .as pe water de]> vp walle • He let closy fur in metal • quoynteliche wij? alio • 652. Brut . . . nanmo^ Brut eborakes sone Kettene Q>vitti fiy) ^er was king so a/37. Brut'] And Brute 5. kiny was \>rettene yer] l^rottene kyng was B ; thi^ttene )ere kynge was S. nanmo'] no mo B8. 653. leir] leil a ; kele jSy ; leile S. king] kynge was 5 ; one lorde kynge y. brutes sone was] fore brute ys sone he was S. 654. He bigan \>en toun] And he rerde i>o town B-; He rerde J^e toun a ; He rered J>e towne (ton 5) 1878. leicestre] leycetre B ; kaerlcil a ; karlele fiy ; karleyl S. is oive] yt owne B ; hit his owii 5. 655. po ]}at] po a ; Than Py. Salomon^ Salamon B/87. 9J'et] so grete ai37. 656. israel] irael B. \>at] om. a^y. dauid is] dauid B ; dauid hes a ; DaueoJ>es ^ ; Dauconds 7. ivas] that was a/87. 657. pat rerede] pat made B ; Rerde a ; He rered ^87. suclt'] swich a ; swiche fiy. temple] a temple 5. neuere] ner B. nas] was 5. 658. Leires . . . also] Rudhudibras nyne & >ritti )er leiles sone was king Jjo a ; Ludhudibnis (Cudhudybras 7) nyne & l^ritti ^eer keiles sone was kynge l^o ^37. Leires] Leiles B ; Leil ys 5. nyne] fyue B. 659. He rerede] & rerde a ; And rered ^y. \>er to] ek J^er to a ; also Jjer to ^87. See Appendix, note D. 660. Ba\>ulf] Bladulf ai87. after him liing was] . was king after him a/375. 661. Ye hote] ho bote B. 662. ofl'C water] of water fiy. \>e water] yt B ; hit 5. de^] doj) a/37. vp] om. a/37. 663. closij] close B/87. fur] fuyr B; fure Py. quoyiUel'iche] quinteliche a ; queyuliche /8 ; (jueutlyche 7. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 49 pat as ];e water com]; ]?er bi • ];er of it cacj) hete • pe metal is nou iturnd • al in to roches grete • 665 pat ])e]> eucro iliclic liotc; • tS:' J^o watoi-cs ]:'ci- of al so • & eke ])OYu enchantement • hit was verst ido • & vor ])e king bap'ulf })at it made • gret enclianteor was • Bladiui rex. Leir rex. & jjat him miite sn]>];e rewe • ich wolle telle }^at cas • foi. i5. Vor ]7at men ssolde • is enchantement se • 670 He let him makie wengen • an hei vor to fle • & ]?o he was iflowe an hei • & ne coiipe no^t ali^te • [29] Adoun mid so gret eir • to j^en erj^e he vel & piite • pat al to peces he to rod • j^at betere him adde ibe • Abbe bileued J'er doiine • ]?an ilerned vor to fle • 675 pis was ]?ulke time • J'at ]>e prophete elye • In israhel prophete was • & on vr louerd gan crie • pat J?er ne ssolde |?re ter • ne six mon]?es ]?er to • No rein come on er]7e • & it bi vel al so • 664. pat as] So ase a ; So at j3 ; So atte y. \>e'] \>o B ; pat a$y ; Jjilk S. of] cm. B. each] cached B ; caclichet a ; take]) fiy ; tak' 5. 665. pe] fat B ; & J^ulke a ; And J>ilke Py ; This S. is iiou'] is nou}>e a ; now ys S. iturnd] tuiuyd 5 ; turnede I3y. al] om. Ba/87. 666. pat be\>] To ben $y. \>e ivateres] po water B ; >>e water 5 ; J^at water a/87. l^''^' if] om. a/37. 667. eke] also 0y. was verst] furst was 0y. 668. §•] om. Baj875. \>e] om. afiy. ba\>ulf] bladulf a/37. 669. \>ut him miyte] hit mite (mi^t /S7) him afiy. sui>i>e] cm. a/37. ich wolle] ich wole a ; I Avil &y. telle] telle eu a ; telle )0W &y ; tel ^ow S. l>at] \>e afiy. 670. Vor] Al for a/37. men] me B5 ; muche folc a ; muche folke ^87. enchantement] channtement B. se] y se B ; yseo a; ise S. 671. makie] make 6/875. wengen] wyngon B ; wingen a; wygges /3 ; wynges 7 ; whyugys 5. an] and 7. 672. See Appendix, note E. ne] om. ?. 673. k«] \>e BS. 674. \>at] om. 5. to 7'od] to rof B ; to brake 5. 675. Abbe . . . ilerned] Walkynge vpon ^e grovxnde I'an haue leruyd 5. Abbe] Haue B. 676. was] om. B. eli/c] helii^e a ; helye ^87. 677. israhel] irael R. iilf • leir is sone was king • G80 & regnede }>ritti ler - wel ]>ov alle ]nnge • Vpe ]?e water of soiire • an cite of gret fame • He rerecle & cluped it leicestre • after is owe name • pre (lo^tren ]>e king adde • ]^e eklost het gornorille • pe midineste het regan • ];e ^ongeste cordeille • G85 pe fader horn louede alle inou • & ])e ^ongost mest • Vor heo was best & veirest • & to hautesse droii lest • po ]>e king to elde com • alle ]^rc he bro^te • pe dottren bi vore him • to witen of hor J^o^te • Vor he }?otte his kinedom • dele among horn ]n-e • 690 & lete horn spousi wel • iwar he mi^te bise • To ]>e eldeste he sede verst • dorter bidde ich ]>e • Seie me al clene pin herte • hou mnche ]'ou lonest me • 680. t«).i///] Bladulf a/Sy. 681. ]>ritli'] sixti Ba/SyS. ]>or] |>oru Ba ; Jjiirnh )3 ; thorugliY; jn'ough 5. C82. Vpe] Opon o ; Apou /S7 ; ^'pon 5. soiirc'] stoure aS ; Stour J87. 07*] a B5 ; o al3y. cife] town 5. 683. rcrede] endede B. duped'] clepede Ba ; callid I3y. it] ora. I3y. leicestre] Ijxestre 7. 684. do-ytren'] doutren a ; dou^trcs fiy ; donghlris S. Yc hiny] \>h kyng B ; he 0/378. eldott] heldcste a ; eldist fiy. het] om. BS- gornorille] Cornyllc jiy. C8.5. J-V . . . reyan] Kagan hot he midemeste a ; Ragan hi;t J^e mydemyst fiy; Regan he3ght }>e myddylmost 5. liet] hatte B. xonyeste] ^ongost B ; hiidde het a ; ^ridde hi^ ^y ; thryd hcy%t 5. cordeille] cordille a^5 ; cordylle 7. 686. horn louede] louod hem S. c^] ac B ; om.ay37 ; hot 5. -^onyosl] congest 0/878. mest] alremest a ; all'crmest y8 ; althermeste 7 ; al^er. moste . 687. hautesse] hautesce a; hautenesse B ; hauutesse S; pryde 0y. drou] dren a. 688. \>re he b/oyte] j^ey were browU 5. 689. f'e doytren hi vore him] Hys doutren to fore hym B ; Him bifore he doutreua; Him biforn J-e dou^tres ;87 ; Hym by fore these doughtren 5. iviteii] wyte B ; \vite 0/87 ; wete 5. 690. \>oytt] -Nvolde apyS. dele . . . ]>re.] among ham delen aj'reo a ; amonge hem (k'le al hrc J87. 691. lete] leten a. spousi] J^er w' spousi B; |>er mide spousi a; J)er with spouse ^37 ; ]>er w' marye 5. 692. he] hare a. verst] om. 0^875. l/idde ich] ich bidde Ba ; I bidde J875. C93. Seie'j Sey^e a; Sey Bliy. al clene] clene of 0/878, \'ou] om. 7. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 51 Min heie godes qiiaj> ]?is maide • to wittnesse ich drawe echone • pat ich louie more in min herte • ]n leue bodi one • G95 pane my soule oj^er mi lif • )?at in mi bouke is • [so] pe fader was ];o glad inou • ]?o he hurde )?is ,• Mi leue doiter he sede ]>o • vor ]70u ast in loue ido • Min olde lif biuore Jjin • & biuore )>i soule also • Ich J^e wole marie wel • mid ])e ];riddedel of mi londe • 700 To j^e nobloste bacheler • jjat ]?in herte wile to stonde • pe o]?er dorter he esste ]>o ■ jmlke sulue askinge • Sire heo sede bi )>e heie godes • louerdes of alio |nnge • Ich louie more ]n swcte [lif] • |?an al pat in ]>e worlde is • & pel al ]>e world were rain • & al ]>e richesse iwis • G94. (/««{) \>is viaide'\ heo sede a ; sche saide fiy ; sehe seyde 5. ich drawe'] I take B5. 69"). ich louie] y loue B; ich louy^e a; I loue ^.ow ^y. in ?«//*] in myu B ; in \>m A ; \>nn myn a^yS. ]h leue] B ; mi leue A ; ]>\ swete aPyS. one] al one a/87 ; allone 5. 69G. pa7ie . . . lif] & })an mi soule lif a; And l-an myn owen life ^y ; And more t>an my soule or my lyfe 5. mi/] myn B. (i\>er] and B. ill] on a. mi] om. y. hoithe] bodi BySy ; bouk a. 697. was \>o] \>o was 5. inou] om. 5. ))o he] whan he B. \>is] al l^is a/S^S. 698. leue] leoue a. \>u] om. a)35. 699. olde] owen fiy. )>///] J>is B. §• biuore] and biforn fiy. \>i] )>ine a. 700. \>e wolc] wol \>e B/87 ; J^e wolle leten a ; wil J>e lete 5. marie] mari^en a ; marien ^y. mid \>e \>riddedel] with \>c H'idde part B ; mid Jjriddendel a ; with ^>e )>riddendel ^y ; w' J^e thryddeu dele 5. of] om. ay85. 701. nobloste] nobleste a; noblest BI3y. ivile] wol B ; wole a^ ; wolle 7 ; wil 5. to stonde] vnderstonde a/875. See Appendix, note F. 702. pe] To Jje 5 ; ho B. esste] eschte a ; aschcde B ; asked ^y^. \an ^37. \>ulke sulue] J>ulke silue a ; |>at same B ; j'ilke same ^y ; J>ilk same 5. 703. heo sede] tjuod heo B ; qua)' heo a ; q'' sche ^y^. bi ]?e heie] bi hye B ; by hir 5 ; by be 7. louerdes] lordes B ; lordis ^37. of] ouer a)37. \>i7ige] thynges 7. 704. louie] loue B/37. j'i swcte] A ; |)i leue lyf B ; J>i leof hf a ; )e] J^is ^y. 705. i>ei] )i>ouy fiy. ^- al] and 7. D 2 52 THE CHRONICLE OF Al & eke min owe lif • leuere me were lese • TOG pan yi lif )?at me is so lef • ^if ich mi^te chese • Le'w rex. fol, 15 1). pe fader was ]>o glad inou • & bad ire vnderstonde • To tAvan sse wolde imaried be • mid \>e j'riddedel of is londe • pe tongestc he esste ]jo • as he adde \>c o]?ere ido • 710 Heo ne coup>e of no vicelinge • & ne ansiierede no^t so • Sire heo sede ine leue noit • }>at min sostren al so]? sede • Ac auornete me icholle so]? segge • of ]?is dede • Ich ]?e louie as ]?e man • ]?at my fader is • & euere abbe iloiied as mi fader • & euere wole iwis • 715 & lif ]70u wole ^ut ];er vppe • more esse &5 wite of me • Al ]?e ende of loue & ]?e ground • icholle segge ]?e • 706. Al] Al t>at ai37. owe] owyn )3 ; owue By. leuere] Aa5 ; louer B;37. me were] ich hadde Ba ; I hadcle 1875. lese] leose a. 707. me is so lef] is me leof a ; is me leef I3y; ys me lefe 5. %if] ^cf B; & a; and /37c. mixtc] myght it 5. chese] cheose o. 708. \}o] t)an /3 ; thanne 7 (and passim). 709. xwan] whom B^7 ; wha a. sse] heo Ba. wolde imaried] scholde maried 5. mid >e \viddedel] w' t^e Jride del B ; mid j^riddendel a ; with t'dddendel ^y; w' J^e Jryd parte 5. of] om. a/87. 710. pe] To \>e B. xongeste] ^ongost B. esste] askedo B ; asked PyS ; eschte a. J^e] ho B5. ido] her ydo a ; er ydo I3y ; ere j'do S. 711. J)e cou];>e] no kout>e B ; eouj'e uoght 5. of no] no a/37 ; 01^ suche S. vicelinge] fikelyug B ; fikelinge a ; fekelyng fiy ; flattrynge S. ^•] heo a ; sche /375. ne'] om. 5. ansnerede] onswerede B ; answerd S. 712. ine] ich nea; yB; I ^yB. leue] lyue S. min] my BS. sostren] sustren BJ87 ; sosterne a ; sistres 5. al] om. 0)878. 713. Omitted in a. Ac . . . dede] But I schal 50W in so^nesse & uou^t fekel in no dede ^87 ; I wil sothe seye as fore me of his ilke dede 5. auorne-yC me] for me my self B. icholle] ich wol B. 714. Ich ))e louie] I loue ]'e 5. louie] loue B/37. J)e] Jjat S. 715. e?«erc] om. 0/878. abbe iloued] habbe ylouede J^e a ; haue yloued l^e ; haue loued j^ee Py. 71G. ivolc] wolt Ba ; wilt fiyS. yd] ^et B; ^itte 5; om. 0^87. \)er vppe] J'er vppon ^7 ; |>er vpon 5. esse] asche B ; eschc a ; aske 187. wife] ywite a. 117. Al .. . ground] pan end & eke J^e ground of loue o ; An ende and eke grounde of loue I3y; The ende & eke K- groundo of loue S. icholle] ich wol B ; ich wole a; I wole /3 ; I wolle 7; I Mil 5. scgyc] say /37 ; seye 5, ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 53 As muclie as |?ou ast al so muche • ton art wor]> iwis • &j as muche ich louic ^e • ]?e endinge lo is ]ns • po king was ])o wroj? iuoii • vor to sede al ];at so]? • 7:^0 t^i] & sede vor }>ou ne louest mc nott • as ]nn sostrcn do]? • Ac despisest me in miii oldc line • ]>oii no ssalt ncucre iwis • Part abbe of mi kinedom • ne of lond )?at min is • Ac Ymo sostren ssolle]? abbe al • vor lior lierto is so kunde • &- ]?ou ssait vor ]nn vnkundhede • be out of al min munde • 725 * Ac ine segge nott tif ich may • to inariage ]?c biinge • pat inele wij> cute lond • wij> some Intel ]>mge • Vor ];on art mi dotter & ich abbe • more p'an ]>m sos- tren boJ?e • I loued ]>e one }jon ^elst • nou my lone wro]7e • 718. As . . . muche'] Also muche so (as /Sy) >ou hauest (hast /Sy) o/Qy; Also meche as j^ou hast 5. al so] as B. ^ow] l^ou Ba/375. arf] ert a. 719. as] also afiy^. louic] loue B/Sy. \yc endinge lu] }>o eude of loue B. 720. king] cm. 7. ]>o] om. ^y. y] heo Ba ; sche &yS. 721. Sf sede vor] For he seide Ba; For he said 0y; Fore he seydc 5. 7ie] om. a/875. \)i7i] \>i B. sostre7i] ohere sostren a ; o)>cr sustren /3 ; oj^ere sistres 5. 722. Ac . . . Hue] Ac in miu elde despisest me a ; But iu niyu (myue 7) hcldc dispisest (displesyst 7) me Py. nc] om. S. 723. 11c of] ue no afiy. 724. Ac] om. afiy. ]^i7ic sostren] ]^y systerne S. sso?/e]>] schulle B; scholleu a ; schulleu ^7 ; schul 5. al] om. a;37. hor hc7-tc] huro hurte a; here hertes ^7 ; hertys S. is so /naidc] ys k3ude B ; IniJ^so kuynde a ; ben so kynde /S7 ; be so kynde 5. 725. ssalt] om. B. vnhwidhedc] onkuinde hede a ; vnkyndhede /3 ; vukynbede 7 ; vnkyndenesse B ; vukyndeues 5. be] beou a. outofal] al out of a; al outeof)3; alle outc of 5. f.'/"«^] al of 5* 7/vi7i] mi a;87. 7nunde] muinde a ; mynde B;375. 726. i7ie] ich ne a. seggc] seye t>e 5. Tioyt] no)t for )>an B ; nout for I'an a ; not for han $y ; noght for jjan 5. %lf ich i/iai/ to] vf to a ; if to 5 ; yf I to Py. he bri7igr] J'c vrynge B ; I may J'C brynge 5 ; J^e mai briuge a$y. 727. i7ielc] y ne wol B ; I nyl 0y ; ich uelc a. lond] eny londe 8, 728. iV ich abbe] ora. a/87. i/iorc ]yan] bifore a;8 ; byforc 7. hw] \>i B,8 ; J)ine ay. 729. lotted] loue a^y. \>ou yelst] & j'ou ^eldest B;375 ; & {'ou )elst d. nou OT//] now ray B5 ; nou mi a ; me nowe ^87. wrol>e] wel wroj^e a j ful M'roJ'e /By. 54 THE CHRONICLE OF per after euene a tuo • he delede is kinedom • 730 & tef is tueie do^tren half • & half him sulf nom • & f'e eldeste dorter \vi\) here del • ^ef vi}> oute faile • pe king of scotlonde & J>e o]7er • )?e king of cornwaile • To abbe half is lond wi)? horn • atte biginninge • & su]^)^e al is kinedom • after is endinge • 735 & J»e gode cordeile • vnmaried was so • Vor 10 nolde vikeli as ire sostren adde ido • Ac god ];oiute iiit on hire • vor hire triwenesse • Vor ];e king of franee hurde telle • of ire godnesse • &j bed hire fader granti him • ])e gode cordeile • 740 pe king sende word a^en • j^at it Avas wel is wille • [32] Ac he nolde wi\> hire line • tresor ne lond • Vor is tuo eldore doitren • hit adde al an hond • po ]>e king of france hurde ]?is • he ansuerede ]7er to • pat he adde him sulf lond inou • & tresour al so • 745 730. per after"] Anon J>er after a ; Anone J^er aftir Py ; Auone \>eve after S. he delede'] dele a. is kinedom] his loude & kyngdom &y. 731. }ej' is tueie] jaf (yauc 7) his two a/S-y ; ^af hit hys two S. nam] he nom a/3. 732. ^] om. a/37. eldeste] vldest a. wi);> here del jc/"] he jaf wel je bojje a ; he jaf lijt wel ja (ye 7) boj^c ^37. y<^f] he jaf B. 733. pc] f'e ober }>e o ; The tone ]>e 0y ; To J^e 5. cy] om. 0/378. o]>er ]>e] o]f>ere to l^e 8. 734. atte] at i>e a/3 ; atte the 7 ; at J^e first . 735. al is] alle hys al hys 8. 736. gode] om. 7. so] so ho a7 ; ho 0S. 737. jo] hco Ba; sche /37S. ?ioWc viheli] nolde fikele B ; nolde fikelia ; wolde not fikely liy ; cowth uoght flattre 8. 738. yit] om. B/87. oh. hire] of hure /37. triwenesse] trewnesse B ; grete trunesse a,- gret trewnesse 13 ; grete trewenesse 7 ; trouthe & goodnes 5. 739. hurde] }hiirdo a ; harde yS ; horde 7. e yode] liis gode doutcr a; his good (goode 7) doiuter 0y. 741. seiide] send B. ivcl] om. B. 742. nolde] wolde noujt 0y. zt;/J> /»';c yue] jcuc w' her 8. tresor] good tresoure 8. 7(t'] ne no a;37. 743. tuo eldore] two oK'r B ; ojjere two a$y. hit adde] hadde it B|37 ; hadde hit o ; had hit S. an hond] on hond Ba ; on honde 0y. 74'1. po] om. a/37. /'<-■] and a0y. . 745. t'a^ . . /onrf] Him sulf (self /8) he hadde londe aS; Uym self hadde 7. (V] and eke a0y. ul so] her to 8. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 00 & )?at he ne kepte bote hire one • wij; oute allc o]>er Innge • Lelr rex. pat some eirs & children • bituene horn niitte bringe • fol. ip. So |>at atte laste • jus niaide i.spouscd was • To ]'e heie king of franco • as god tef pat cas • ])o |ns king leir eklore was • he bigan to \o]>e • 7-50 Vor he so longe linede • is leuc dottren bo]>e • Hor louerdes hii entissede • ]:'at hii hukle to gadeic vaste • & wonne al ]?is iond to horn • & hor fader out caste • pis tueie kinges nonie hor ost • & endede }ns dcde • &j binome J^is oklemannes Iond • as hor wiues horn bede • 755 Ac pe king of scotlonde • vor reuJ7e & for kundliede • [Hym nom to hym in to his hows ateyn ys wyues rede] • . 750* 746. ^ \>at'\ Ke )jat B ; Aud a/3y ; He scyd 5. no hcpte'] kcptc noght 5. «//e] 0111. y85 ; ciil o. ; any fiy. 747. sonic'] \pcy myglit som S ; hij myteu «; hei my^tcu /Sy. some . . , children] hco niy^tc soiii cyrcs B. mi'^f.e] fov\> Ba ; iori>c 0y. 748. pat] oiu. y. ispoitscd was] ]>o ywedck'd was 5. 749. )3C heic] \)h B ; I'e a$y. y<'f\>at cas] jaf J^at cas B ; scude her )nit grace 5. 750. ];>is] J'at S. Junat . . . vaste] to gedcre to holde fastc B. ];>at hii hidde] to holde afiyS. to (iadere'\ to g^'der y. 753. uwnne] wynuc Ba^yS. ]>is] hys 5. 754. pis] peos a ; Thisc /8 ; These y. tiieic] twelve o ; twei B ; two fiy. name hor ost] gadercde ost a ; gaderid ost /3 ; gaderyd y ; gadred oste S. 755. binome] biiiomcn a ; by name I3y. |>/i] Jjc afiy. oldcmannes] olde mon ysB ; olde man hys 5 ; king his a ; kynge his fiy. horn] om. a/3y. 756. for] om. Ba/3y. Inindhedc] kuudede B ; kyndehedc /Sy ; kuyiid liede a. 756*. Fi'om 15. Omitted in A. ////w ?(om] Toke him /3y. to hi/i/i] om. 8. in to] in afly, viito 5. a^c;/n] ajenst afiy. ir)/ncs] wyf ys S, 56 THE CHRONICLE OF Sixti kniites wi)? honour • to vinde him al his lif • As wo sei]? vor a kinedom • & vor hoiiur of is wif • Wi}; inne tuo ler after • hit of ]?oii^te ]>e lup'er qiiene • pat hire fader adde to muche • *!i:; J^at he wolde to muche spene • 760 Heo made |?at of sixti kni^tes • hire louerd w'ip drou • & made him holde to ]mtti • & horn ]?outte inou • pis leir was assamed ]>o • & in wraj'j^e atte nende • To is doiter qiiene • of cornwaile gan wende • & plainede of ]'e unkimdhede • of is doiter gornorille • & wende j^er amendement • abbe after is wille • 766 [33] pulke dozter him aueng • mid honur as ]>e hende • Ac he was al vol of him • ar ]7e leres ende • Vor he entisede hire louerd J70 • ]?at he is kniztes echone • Vor const binome him • bote an vif men one • 770 757. SixW] & sixti a^y. u/wcfe] sywen a ; sewen 0y. him al A/s] hem alle here S. 758. a] }s B ; his a^ ; hys yh. kinedom'] kyndoin B ; kyngdom /Sy ; kyngedam 5. 759. after] j^er aftur B ; >er after oS ; J^er aftir ^y. of]pouytc'] hoii)te Ba ; a]30U)t fiy; Jiow^t 5. j^e] J53S 5. hiYcr'] luij^ere a; le>er fiy; Inhere 5. 'i^O. fader'] om. B. \xit he] om. Ba/By. \>(it • • • muche] to meche he ded 5. 761. \>cit (f] of a/3-y; of h-o S. hire] })at hir 5. louerd] loiierd J'ritti a ; lorde j^ritty ;8y ; lorde hem S. 7C2. holde] holde him 5. to] but /Sy. lV horn \>ouyte] & >at was hire \>o-yte. B; >at Mas huie J'oute (liouUjSy) afiy ; and hat was hem how^t 5. 763. assamed] of schamed a. atte vrnde] at he ende B5 ; at jniu ende a^ ; atte end 7 ; atte he ende S. 764. do-^tcr] oher dorter he Ba/SyS. ijan] ho gan BaySy, 765. of] himofa/3y. wj/rMj/f/Aet/c] Tnkyndc dede B ; vukuindehede a; vukyndehedc /3 ; vnkynhede y ; vnkyudenys 5. ;/ornorille] Cornyllc (corrected) y. 766. abbe] to habbe Ba; to bane haddc /8y; to haiie 5. after] al at /8y. is] ys owne B ; om. 5. 767. him] om. 7. aueng] to fonge B ; her feug a; here fonge /By; fengc 5. he hende] he wende Bafiy ; bym wende 5. 768. he] heo Ba; sche ;3y5. al] om. 5. ar he] cr he B; er hane a ; or hat 0y. 769. he] lieo Ba; sche ^875, htf] om. Ba/3y5. 770. binome him] by nyme llym alleB; were binoraeu him a ; schuldo him bitalvcn fro fi ; schulde liym l)ytake froo 7. him] hem 5. an] a B ; om. a^79. one] al one a ; allonc 0yd. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 57 Wuche SO hii were to serui him • & j^at was inou • po }>is oldeman J'is ihuixle • to sorwe is hertc he droii • He nuste to twej^er clozter • betere truste ]?o • & naj^eles he wende aten • to |7e o]7er mid muche wo • & hopede vor to finde of hire • betere miilce & grace • 775 k, heo suor bi hire heie godes • anon in ]>e place • pat he ne ssolde mid hire be • bot it one were • Leir rex. Wi]; one kniite wij? oute mo • j^e ^Avile he him wcl ^o^- ^^ ''• bere • &L esste iwat sorwe him were • wanne he nadde him sulf no god • To wilni so gret const • & be of so gret mod • 780 pis word dude muche wo • to ]>is seU olde king • pat heo atweste him is stat • ]7at he nadde no ]?ing • pat word brae nei is herte • muche he it onderstod • pat is child atweste is pouerte • J'at adde al is god • 771. so hii were] so it were B; were \>o 5. to serui hivi] to serue liym B ; to him a ; on\, fiy, for to seruen him 5. ivas'] was heo seide a ; was sche sayd ^j ; hyr J^ou^t 5. 772. oldeman'] seli mon B. )>/s ihurde] Hs herde B ; ]ns hard &y ; herd thys 5. Ae] oni. 'Ea^y^. 773. nuste] wist iiou^t ySy; ne wyst 5. betere] best 5. truste] to triste a ; to trist fiy ; to tryst 5. 774. mid muche] with muche B; mid gret a ; with gret /3-y. 775. cS'] He a/3-y. of hire] at here 5. hctcre] more 3. mulce] meuske B ; milce o; chere &y, mercye 5. 777. ssolde] om. 5. it one] yf it so 5. 778. Wi]> one] And on B ; Mid o a. ?(v'h oute] M'ith onteu By; v/'- ' owten 5. 779. esste] aslcedc B ; axede a. yeat] wad B. him were] him ailed ^y. nadde] hadde liyS. him sulf] om. a/S-y. 780. wilni so] wyluc so B ; wilni habbe a ; wilne to haue 0y. 781. dude] dide him /Sy. muche wo] niuchc sorwe B; meche sorow S. to] om. BajSy, 782. pat . . , slat] Tho he wyst of his astate 5. pat] poa; WhenySy. heo] om.B. atweste] atwiste a; atwytede B; atwited I3y. is] & ys B. stat] a.statc $y. nadde] hadde Py, nadde hyra self B; nad him selfe 5. 783. herie] hertc atwo «; hert atwo I3y. muche] & louge BajSyS. 784. pat] po a ; When ^y. atweste] atwiste a; at wiste B; atwited Py ; atwytte 5. 58 THE CHRONICLE OF Were neuere king ne queue • glad wannc liii him seie • Ac to ]fe loiiiol day hopede • wannc he ssolde deie • 786 He bileuede as he nede moste • vov\> mid one kni^te • & ]>e quene is dotter alle wo • him dude fram dai to niite • [•■54] So j?at he moste vor lin miseise • awey atten ende • pe o]7er dorter ]^at he adde • ifonded • he ne dorste to hire wende • 790 pe quene of france }?e ]?riddc • him j^otte mid vnrizte • Vor he misdude hire • ]:»at he ne dorste • comen in hire sitte • Ac attelaste )?o he isei • j?at he moste attenende • Vor pur meseise vorfare • leuere he adde wende • & Ijidde is mete tif he ssolde • in a strange londe • 795 pan ]>ere as he him sulf • king was • & such Jjing adde an honde • 785. Nerc . . . ylad] Kyng ne quene nere nout (were nou^t jSy) glade a^y ; The kyuge ne ]:>e quene were neuere gladde S. Nerc] om. 13. An] heo B ; hat hij a ; >at hey 5; \>ei fiy. scie'] ysey^e a/37. 786. to J^c loiuol day'] to ioy^e al diii a ; to ioye alday ^y; to loyc al daye 5. wanne he ssolde] t-at heo mi^te B ; I'at he scholde ufiy ; hat he schulde in haste 5. deie] dey^e afiy. 787. bileuede] bilefde o. us he nede] & nede afiy. 788. alle wo him dude] dude him a; dide him Py; ded him al wo 5." frain dai to] boj'e day & B ; dai to a^y ; by daye & eke by 5. 789. So \>at . . . 7niseise] pat he for meseise moste a; That he for niysese most Py ; That he most fore mysseyse 5. uwei/] nede awey a/Sy ; awaye nede 5. atteii ende] at he ende B5 ; at ]>i\n ende a; at he )ere ende 187. 790-793 omitted in a^y. 790. ]Htt] om. B5. ifonded] asayed B ; founded 5. he] hat he B ; that 5. After 790 in 5 lines 795, 796 arc inserted, 791. \)oyte] ho) B. 792. Vor he misdude hire] He misdude hire B; He had mysdo 5. coinen i?t] eorae in B ; come w' ynne 5. 793, 794 omitted in 5. 793. attelaste] at he laste B (& passim). isci] sei B. tnoste] moste nede B. 794. Vor pur] For pore B; For pur a; Than for /Sy. 795. Sj- bidde . . . ssolde] Leuere him were to byd his mete 5. hiddc] beggc J87. yif he ssolde] mid pouere men a ; wih pore men /By ; w' pouerte 8. in a] fer in a; farre in j3 ; ferre in 7 ; in S. 796. pan . . . ivas] That bi fore was hye kyng 0y. as] om B. he him sulf kin;; was] he king a; M'as byfore kyuge 5. such] swhcche 7 h'wy] om. 7. an] on Ba/37. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 59 Attelaste in sorwe inou . to ))e se he wende • To do is beste in raeseisc • ware so god him sende • In ])e ssip o]?er princes • in gret prute he biheld • & he nadde mid him bote tueie men • him )>o^te is herte vekl • 800 [He ]?oite on j^e noblei ]?at he hadde in ybe 800* He wep \>e terus ronne doun j^at deol it was to se] 800** Mid loxinge & gret wop • ]nis he bigan is mone • Alas alas j^ou lu[>er wate • ]?at vilest me ]nis one • pat l^us clene bringst me adoun • woder ssal ich be bro^t . Vor wel more sorwe it de]; me • wan it comp' in mi pe nobleye ]7at ich abbe iheued • & j^at ich was iwoned to wende • 805 Mid so moni hondred knittes • aboute in ech ende • 797. Attelaste'] Bot at last S. to] iu to B. he wende] ho he wente 8. 798. meseise] hys mysscyse 5. ware so] \>er asc a ; J^er as ^y ; wliedyr hat 5. sc7ide] sente 5. 799. o\>er] as oj^er B ; al o\>ev 3. prute] pruydo B; pryde ^y. biheld] bi hulde B. 800. (.y he . . . men] Bote twei^e men uadde he ho 5 ; But two meu hadde he \>AVi Py. c^] oni. 5. tueie] two 5. veld] felde 0y. 800*, 800**. As m B ; omitted iu A. 800*. \yoytc] houte a; >ou)t 0y ; thought 5. noblei] noblei^e a ; noblcy fiy ; gi'ete nobleye 5. in ijbc] ou ibeo a. 800**. wep] Ba ; wept /3 ; wepte yS, \>e] hat he 5. ronne doun] ourue adouu a ; ran adofi 5 ; doun ran y3 ; douu ranue y. deol] BS; dul a; doil ^y. se] seo a. 801. ^] & mid B ; & with I3y ; and w' 5. tvop] wepe S; weping /S-y. he] om. B. 802. ho"] he B. ivate] AB ; whate a0y ; fortune 5. vilest] filest fiy. 803. pat] om. a/Sy. \)its] so 5. bringst me] mebryngustB; briugest me ajSy ; brj-ngest me hus 5. ivoder] wyder B ; Avhider a/8 ; whyder y ; whedir 5. 804. Vor wel] For B; om. a/Sy. com\> in] is on o; is in /Sy. 805. ich abbe iheued] ich was on a ; I was Inne /Sy. iheued] y had B; yhadde 5. i\'] om. B. \>atich] om. a/Sy. iwoned] wond B; woned a5 ; wont /Sy. wende] wynde B. 806. so] om. ajiy. 60 THE CHRONICLE OF & castles nime & tonnes • & min fon bringe to groimde • panne do al ]>e meseise • ]?at ich am on iboimde • Leir rex. fol. 17. Leue dotter cordeille • to so]? pou seidest me • pat as muche as ich adde ich was wor]? • J'ei ine leiiede ]>e . 810 [35] pe wile ich o^t adde ich was wor]; • & nou it is al agon • Min children J?at ich ^ef mi god • be]? min meste fon • Vor my god hii louede me • k; nou hii abbe]? eueridel • Hii nolle]? me tine of min owe • mid gode herte a mel • A wey dotter cordeille • woder ssal ich nou lie • 815 So muche ichabbe j?e misdo • ]?at ine dar ]?e ise • Mid woch bodi dar ich come • in }>in si^t ene • pat bi nom ]?e My frendssipe • vor ]?i sol?nesse al clene • 807. imne'] take fiy; wynne 5. ^- ?«m] mine a; my fiy; myne 5. bringe'] to brynge 78. 808. panne do al] "Wailewai a; Walaway $y; Weyllawey now 5- ■meseise'] myscheef &y. am on] in B; am Inne fiy ; am now yn 5. 809. io] i>e &yS. so\>] so)je B/ByS. 810. pat] cm. aj875. as ich] so ich a. ]pei] Jjou) ^87 ; |>oughe 5. ine leuede] ich ne lefde a ; I lyuecl noght S. \>e] Ba ; l^ec fi ; the 75 ; me A. 811. wile] whiles fiy; whyle J^at S. cV] om. aj875. it] om. 5. ayon] gone li. 812. Min] Mi B. xef] )afa; ^aue )37. mi] om. afiy. be\> . . . fon] ne kepe)> me nou^t on o ; ne kepi)' me noujt one ^7 ; J'cy kepeth me noght one 5. 813. hii . . . hii] heo . . . heB. S\-] om. 0/378. abbc]>] hit habbc)) a; hit ha)> Py ; haue 5. eueridel] euerichclel a; euerechedel fiy. 814. Hii . . . herte] The wylle no)t of myne own w' good hert ^eiic me 5. Hit nolle]> me giue] He uul not )eue B ; And nnlle)' me ^iue a ; And wollen nou^t me ■iiue /3 ; And wolle nought me yive 7. of min oive] of myn owne B ; \>er of al3y. a mel] o mel a; o meel ^y ; o mele 5. 815. A u-ey] A wey (partly erased) a/3; Waye S; A 7. icodcr] wyder B ; whider a/3 ; whydev 7. 816. ise] se /375. 817. ]\[id . . . cue] To ))edoughter dar I noght come of myne angwyscli mc to beraene S. Mid trocli] Mi woch A ; Mid wuche B ; In swich o ; in wliiche fiy. dar] nc dar c-fiy, ]?/«] H a/37. ''"*^] nou^t ene a ; nou^t euene &y. 818. Mij] myn B. al] om. S. ROBERT OF OLOUCESTER. Gl pis men mowe her ensamplc nime • to lete hor sones wiue • «Sj tiue horn vp lior loud • al lii lior line • 820 Vor wel may a wimple frankelein • in iniseise him so bringe • Of hitc lonci wannc J'er biuel • such cas of an kinge • po ]ns king adde iwend aboute • in such soruol cas • Attelastc he com to carric • p'er is do iter was • He bileuede wij; oute toun • In wel grete fere • 825 He sende ]>q quene is dorter word • wuch is aunters were • & ]}8bt pur meseise him j^uder drof • & defaute of biliue • & bad hire vor ])e loue of god • hire wra]?|?e him vortiue • pe quene ])0 zo ihurde j^is • nei is wo we was • Alas heo sede is mi fader • ibrott in such cas • 830 Mid hou mani kniites is he come • ]>e oj^er aten sede • Ma dame bote mid o man • & ^ut l^ulke in feble wede • 819. pis'] pus aByS. vwwe'] may fiy. her] here B ; oiu. aySy. nime] take By. lete] late B. 820. vp hor lond] bare londes vp a ; here londis vp /Sy; her londc vp 5. 821. Vor] om. ajSyS. a] o a. miseise] myscheef /Sy. him so] so hym 7. 822. lute] lutel B ; litel a ; lytil 5. biuel] fel Ba ; felle PyS. cas] om. B. an] a BS ; one a ; on I3y. 823. adde] om. By. iwend] go B; ywent By; weut 5. soruol] sorwfiil B ; soreuful a ; sorowfiil By ; a sorowful 5. 824. carric] caric B ; carik aB ; caryk y. \>er] J^ere as 5. 825. tou)i] \>e toun Ba5 ; J)e town By. In] & in B ; al in aB ; alle in yS. 826. ivuch] Avuche B ; which a ; whiche By. aunters] antres B ; auenturus aB ; auenturys 7 ; auentures 5. 827. \>uder] Hder ByS ; J^eodre a; theder y. defaute] defauntc ;3. of biliue] ofbileue a; where of to lyue By; of relyue 5. 828. bad] bed B; prayed B; preyd y. 829. \>o ^0 ihurde] \>o heo herde B ; \>o heo hurde a ; po sche herd 5 ; ■when sche hard B ; when sche herde y. nei] wel njgli S, iswowe] yswounyng B ; ysowe a ; in swoune sche By ; ysowue sche 5. 830. ibroyi] om. a/SyS. .such] swich o ; sucho By^. cas] deolful cas B5 ; dulfol cas a ; delful By. 831. mani] fale a; fele 5. is he come] com he a; comeJ> he By ; come he S. sede] hure sede aBy. 832. mid man] w» on man S. yit \>idhe] )et }nikc B; ^ulke o; Kit 07S. fcbJe] a fcbul 5. 62 THE CHRONICLE OF Alas qua]^ ]>q qiiene ]:»o • is it nou mid him so • Nimejj anon tresor inou • |;at he a}> neode to • [36J & clo]:»e]? him mid ]?e beste clo]:* • |jat te mowe bise • 835 & vourti knittes wi|? him • ])at of is siwte beo • & do]> hom alle wel an horse • as king bicom]> to • & wanne no defaute nis ];at al nis wel ido • Sende]^ mi louerd word & me • ]>a,t mi fader in ]?is lond is . Leir rex. Cordoille regina. 17 b. Wat halt it to telle longe • ido was al |ns • 840 po \)e king leir atired was • & me hom word sende • pe king & quene vairc inou • aten J?is o]>er king wende • & mid gret honnr him avenge • ])0 he to hom come • & toke to is owe wille • al clene ]'e kinedom • pis was ]>o ]>e gode dotter • ]?at noldo vikeli nozt • 845 Ofte ]>ing pat is ivikeled • to worse ende is brott • 8.33. J>o] >enne B ; |>an fiy. is it] it is A ; ys it B ; is hit aPy. nou] uoul'e a. 7WU mid him] w' him now 5. 834. Nime\>] Take> PyS. \>at] of )>at 5. 835. f7ot>e)j] cloj'e fiy. him] om. S. mid] om. o; in fiyS. clo\>] cloJ>es fiy. nioive] may Py. bise] biseo a; jse B; se I3y. 830. \>af] \>at l>ey S. siwte] siutc a ; sute fiyS. 837. alle] om. ajiy. an hoi-se] to haue horse J87 ; hors 5. hint/] a kyng B ; a kynge 5. bicom\}] bicomcj? a^y ; longe)>e 5. 838. nis] is /3 ; ya yS. 7iis] his nys B ; is o ; ys 5 ; be ^y. 839. word] Ba ; worde fiyS ; vorh A. in >/« lo7id] in loude Ba^yS. 840. halt] nedi)> Py. to telle lonf/e] longe to telle afiyS. was] wes B. 841. po] om. a^yS. \>e] om. B. atired] arayed BS. ?«e hom] men hem B ; J>an hem fiy ; home was 5. sende] sent fiy ; seute S. 842. queue] \>c (jueue Bafiy. )>is] \>q B ; om. fiyS. o\>er kimj] leir king a ■ leyr kyng ^y ; kynge Lcyr J>o 5. wende] went ^y • wente 5. 843. avenge] fongon B ; fouge ay ; foug )3 ; fenge 5. 844. toke to] token hym to Ba/87 ; toke hira to 3. oive] owue B ; om. a/375. J)t'] hare a ; here /3 ; hure y ; her 5. 845. bo] lo B ; om. a/SyS. ntdde vikeli] nolde fikele B ; nolde fikeli a ; fikely wolde 3 ; sykely wolde y ; Avolde fykel 5. 84fi. irikeled] fikeled B; fikcl afiy ; fyknl 5. worse] \>e wors S. is] hit is I3y. broyt] ibrout o ; ybrought 5. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. G3 pe kying of fraimce after folc • wide aboute sende • To awreke him of )?e luj^ere men • )>at i.s frend so ssende • po he adde poer inoii • ])c kyng loir he nom • &; ]>e quene is dotter • & to ]ns londe com • SjO Many kundemen of ]?is lond • Mid king k'ir huldc also • Vor ]je \aikundc suikedom • ]>at is doitrcn adde ido • So ]'at of franco & of pis lond • poer he adde inoii • ifc toward is fon mid horn alio • mid god herte he droii • & ouercom J^is false kynges • & hor wiues also • 855 &5 aten was in is kinedom • mid grete honur ido • Cordeile is leue dotter • eir of al is lond • [37] After is daye he made ]:'0 • j^at he so kunde fond • Bi }>is tale me mai ise • ]?at men triwest we se]? • & best me mai to hom truste • ]mt of lest wordes he]) . 860 Wi|)inne ]?c lev ]>e king of franco • deide &; ]>e king leir • & cordeille ])e kinedom • aiieng as ])e ri^t eyi- • 847. «//«•] om. afiy. 848. awi'ekel wreken al3y ; awTeken 5. him'\ om. 5. of ]fc iii\>ere^ of \>e lu^l^re a ; of le)>er $ ; of hither y ; on J^ese hi)iere 5. Jreinl] om. y. ssende'] schent fiy ; had schende 5. 849. J^e] om a^y^. nom'] name jSy. 8.50. to] in to 5. \>is] l>isse a ; \>e ilke fi ; tlijlke 7. com] came fiy ; he come 5. 8.")1. ]>is] \>Q aPy. l:iney hadde S. 854. ^] ora. BajSy. 855. J)/s] )»es a ; J>ise /3 ; these y. 85G. vHis] om. B. 857. leue] dere y. 858. is daye] his de[>e a ; liis deth (iy. 859. \>is] l^isse a (and passim). ise] Re fiy ; see 5. me7i triwest] trewest men aySy ; trewest euere 5. ire se\>] ofte is seen Py ; me seethe 5. 8G0. truste] triste a. of lest wordes] h^ste of wordys 5. bejp] ben Py. 8C1. Wii>inne . . . france] pe king of france in )>e )>ridde %era; The kynge of Fraunce in \>q )^ridde ^eer ^y. \^e] )>re B5. deide] dyede B ; delude o ; deyed fiy. J'c] eke afiy. 8G2. Omitted in ^y. diieni/] fong B; afenge 5; \>o feng a. as l>e] ase a ; as sche J^at was 5. 64 THE CHRONICLE OF & hire fader let burie • wip* gret prute & honour • At leicestre ]mt he made him siilf • bi side ]>& water of sour • pis godc cordeille • as king & qiiene J70 • 865 Bileuede her in }ns lond • vif ^er «fe nanmo • Ar hire tweie soster sones • stalwarde men J>at were • Hennin & Morgan • worre hire gonne arere • & adde despit ]mt worn man • king ssokle alonde beo • & naj'eles wan mid all rit^e • hii were ner ]>an heo • 870 Cmiedag rex. fol. 18. Hii gaderede vp hor aunte • hor ost aboute wide • & destruede hire londes • ei];er in is side • So l^at attelaste • to bataile hii come • & ]?e qiiene hor amite • in bataile hii nome • & in stronge prison brotte • & \q kinedom • 875 Delde bitwene hem two • & eij^er is del nom • 863. hire fader let burie'] lette hire faclur burie B ; letehir fader berye S; let hiire bury^e a ; lete bare bodies burie jiy. prute] prude B ; pride ^y ; solerapnite 5. 864. leicestre] leicetre B ; licestre a. made him sulf] him self made 5, sour] Stour a^y ; stoure S. 865. p/s] pus )jis a; Thus fiy. 866. Bileuede . . . lond] Her on (in fiy) )>is lond bilefde (bileeued /3 ; byleued 7) a/87. Bileuede] Bylefte 5. he)-] hire B; here 5. vif] an fyve S. nanino] namoo 5 ; no mo 0/87. 867. Ar] Er B ; Are afiy. iweie soster] sustren twey ;S7. ticeie] two S. 868. Hennin] Cunedag aj87S. tvorre] weiTe Ba/875. hire~] with liure i87 ; on hir 5. gonne] gan 5. 869. adde] hadden B ; om. a. 7vomman] wommon B ; winaman a ; a •womman 5. ssolde alonde] sehulde B ; scholde of londe a ; of ^at londe sehulde ^87 ; of londe scholde 5. 870. S)'] Bot S. u'a7i] om. Baj875. hii . . . heo] sche was ncxte as me myght se S. ner] nere a ; nerre Py. heo] sche ^y. 87 J. vp] opon a ; vpon S; vppon fiy. 872. destruede] destruide a. ei]}cr in] eueryche on 5. is] here I3y, 873. \>at] om. 7. hataile] baile B. 874. iV] t'^ere B ; And t>arc a ; And \>cv 13; And there yS. 875. in stronge prison broyte] dude in strong prison B; dude hire in stronge prisone o; diden hure in strong prison 187; putte hir in stronge prison 5. be kinedom] \>o alle ]>e kyugdome S, 87G. Delde] Delden Ba^7. two] om. Bafiy. del] part B. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 65 Morgan king of scotlond • as hii dele cou]?e • [38] Adde al is lond bi nor]?e • & ]>e o])eY bi sou];e • Wi|7inne tuo ter "per after • some to morgan come • & vor he of ]?e eldor soster was • bed him nime gome • 880 & sede him it was gi-et despit • }>at were in J^is londe • Tueie kinges wanne it ri^t was • ]?at he it adde al an honde • pis king was entised so • p'at he nom atte last • His ost & upe is cosin • bigan to werri vaste • & bigan berne & quelle • &l atte laste iwis • 885 pe o]?er bigan to torne a^en • &5 drof him in to walls • & j^er hii smite an bataile • in ]>e sou]? half of }>e londe • & J>ere was morgan aslawe • J>at longe worp> vnder stonde • pe stude ]>&i he was on slawe • me clupe]? tut Morgan • ^^ appei- & eiiere woUe after him • vor he was so worj^e man • 890 de Glan- m[or]gau ^ a rege sco- [tie] ibi occi[so]. 877. A»] he /By. 878. is'\ \>at 'Bafiyd. oJ>er] oJ>er hadde a. bi sojij^e] al by sothe 5. 879. come'] yede Py. 880. §•] om. a0y. eldor^ vldere a. bed] & bade a; and bad $y. nime gome] take hede fiy ; take gome 5. 881. him] }>at afiy; that to him 5. \>at] Jjat )jer BaySyS. 882. Tucie] To y. it] om. B5. ri-yt was] was rijt a ; were ri^t /Sy. he'] Ba/SyS ; hii A. it] om. a^y. an honde] on hond B ; on honde a/87. '383. pis king] pes a. nom] toke fiy. 884. upe] op on a ; ap on /Sy. werri] werre 187 ; worre 5. 885. bigan] gan 5. berne] to brenue BySyS. quelle] kille fiy. 886. fe] That 5. in to] to a^y, t?87. )?er] )>e A. smite] smiten a; smyten /37S. «/(] o a; a ySyS. 888. aslawe] yslawe B ; slayn /8 ; slayne 7. m;o?')>] was Ba)35. Q89. stude] stede /375. Jjo^ /ie icas on] }>at he was at B ; J^ere he was 5. .slaive] y slawe B ; aslawe a ; slayn ;8 ; slayne 7. clupe\> yut] clepujj ^et B ; elepej? )ut a ; callej> ^it ^37. S90. vor] om. 5. so ivor\>e] so worj^i B; a iov\> a ; a gret ;87. man] a man 5. 35441. " E 66 THE CHRONICLE OF Cunedag was \>o one • & J'at loncl to him nom • & nobliche J^re & Jn-itti ^er • huld J?is kinedom • pe tweie holi prophetes • were ose & ysaye • pulke time in israhel • & dude hor prophecie • Romulus & remeus • ]>e tweie bre]7ern iwis • 895 Bigonne ]?o verst rome • J^at noble cite is • Four hondred ter it was • & fourtene also • After ]?e bataile of troye • ]?at ]?is was al ido • & rome was vif hondred • ]ms imad bifore • & ]fre & vifti ler ek • ar god were ibore • After ]?is king kunedag • his sone J^at het riual 900 Gorgont rex. sol. 18 b. King was imad after him • wisman J^oru out al • [39j After him gurgust is sone • & suj^J^e anoj^er sicille • &; monion su]7]7e afterward • of wan we mote be stiUe 891. Cunedag'] Cunegag a ; Cunedak7. \>o one'] \>o al one kyng B; \>o one king a; \>o one kynge S; J^an one kyng $y. \>at lond] J>e kyn- dom B. )>at] om. y. 892. nobliche] nobleliche a ; wel 5. huld] held B ; helde fiy. )>is] 893. pe tweie . . . were] po (Thanne ^y) were J^er tweije (two /Sy) pro- phetes a^y. 894. israhel] irael B. 895. Romulus] Eonulus y. remeus] ramus Ba ; Renus y. i>e] J>eo a ; Jjan Py. tweie] twei B ; twei^e a ; two 0y. 896. noble] a noble 5. 897. four telle] fourti euene B ; fourtene ^eer (yeere 7) fiy. 898. Jji's was al] al Jjis was BajSyS. 899. rome . . . \>us] Rome fyue hundred ^ere was 5. hondred] hundred jer (jeer ; yeere 7) BaySy. bifore] by forn 0y. 900. ar] are a ; er B ; or Py ; ere J^at 5. ivere] was 5. ibore] ybom 187. 901. \>is] Bai87; J^ys S; his A. het] hatte B; hijt fiy. riual] Rynal 37 ; Riualle S. 902. imad] mad B ; ymaked a ; made I3y ; ho ymade S. after hi?n] om. 5. wisman] a wys mon B ; a wyanan a ; a wise man 8 a wyse man 78. \>oru out al] )?orj out al B ; w' alle 5. 903, 904 omitted in 0/875. See Appendix, note G. 904. u-an] wam B. we] om. B. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 67 So ]7at atte laste • gui-guont was kjoig • 905 Stalwarde man & hardy • & god ]>ori alle )nng • Muche J^ing ]?at is eldore • lore p'oru feintise • Mid streng]?e he wan su]7pe a^en • & ])ori is quoyntise • pe kyng of denemarch ber • eehe ier wij> lawe • Truage to engelond • & bigan him to wij^drawe • 910 pe kyng him porueide • of poer inou • & I'ere wi]? in gode ssipes • to denemarche he drou • «fe |7en king of denemarch • in bataile slou ■ «fe wan l^e truage aien • j^at he at hukl wij^ wou • As l^e king gurguont • fram denemarch wende a2e • 915 Vnde hy- Here toward engelond • he mette in J>e se venenmt^*' pritti ssipuol of men • & of wimmen al so • & qwo Of children & of oj'er god • J?at hii adde wi]? hom ido • ^'"P*^"^®" 905. So . . . gurguonf] After belinus (Belins y) daije (dayes fiy) Gurgust his sone a^y ; After Belines daye \>\s Gurgust his sone 5. 906. Stalwarde . . . hard>/'\ Strong & hardi he was afiy. Stahvarde'] Stronge 5. god'] wys B ; staleworj^e a ; stalworJ>e 0y ; stalworth 5. J>or^] on o ; in ^yS. 907. J'(W(/] cm. 5. eldore'] huldere a; eldris fiy ; elder had 5. lore }poru'] loren J>orw B ; loren raid a ; loren w' S ; lost with fiy. 908. Mid . . . ayn'] He won Jjoru strangle a^en a ; He waune ayen f)urgh strengj^e iSy ; He waune w' strengthe ageyne 5. 3Iid'] poru B. ivan] wann B ; was A. J'or^] mid a; with $y. 909. ber] bar a ; bare ^y. 910. engelond] >is loude a^y ; Jiys londe 5. bigan him to] gau him i>o a ; gan him J>an fiy ; began )?o to 5. 911. pe] om. afiyS. kjj^ig] kyug Gurguont B ; King (Kynge ^y) Gurgust a/Sy ; Kyuge Gurghust 5. of] J?o a ; J^an fiy. 912. )>ere wi\>] J>er mide a. he] him 0^75. 913. J?e?;] J^e Ba/87 ; >an J>e 5. slou] he slo) B ; he aslou a; he slouj ^y ; he slow^ 5. 914. ]>e truage a^en] axeyn (a^en a/Sy ; ageyne S) J^e truage Bo/875. Ae at huld] he held B ; he atheld a ; withhelde 187. icon] Aa ; woy B ; wou J ^y. 915. ^«r^!ebi we ne dorre nower atroute • Of l^e kunde of egipt • vr verste more com • Vor ])o ]?e folc of israhel • moyses wip him nom • & ladde hom out of egipt • in to l^e liuerede se • 925 & J'e king adreinte & alle his • J?at hii ne come neuere ate • [40] Among hom ];at bileuede aliue • strif me mitte ise • Woch mest maisters were • & louerdes ssolde be • So J?at hii ]?at maisters were • adde wel gret honde • To J^e kun |?at we come of • & driue vs out of londe • 930 919. cschte'] askedeB/87; axede o. adrad'\ adradde a/Sy. wel] fill B ; om. a/875. 920. pe] Here afiy. adoun'] om. 0y. akne] on kne B ; akneo a ; aknee P. cride] criede B ; cried fiyS. him] om. Baj875. milce] mulce Py ; mercy B ; mereye 5. 921. Louerd he sede] And seyd lorde 5. wide] wynde ;37. idriue] ydryuen 5. 922. to contreie] to ol^er a^yS. \>at] om. a^y. ne dorre] mown B; ne mowe a^y ; maye 5. nower] no war a ; nowhare jS-y ; nowhere S. atroute] route B ; a route ajSy ; at rowt 5. 923. kunde] kulude a ; kyuge/Sy. vr] oure Ba^yS. verste] fiirst a ; first /3 ; fyrst y. 924. he] om. B ; )?at a5. of] om. a. israhel] Irael B. him] a ; hym B ; hom A ; hem 3y. 925. in to] bi Ba; by /3y5. liuerede] reed ;S ; reede y; rede S. 926. adreinte ^ alle his] & his adreinte a ; & his adreynte was 5 ; & his men adreynt /3 ; and hys men ydreynt y. ]f>at hii ne come] J^at he ne com B ; ne com hij a ; ne come )>ei fiy ; & come 5. 927. bileuede] lefde a ; lefte S ; leued yS ; lyued y. aliue] o Hue B ; on lyue S. ise] se B. 928. Woch] "WucheB ; "Whiche a^y. louerdes ssolde] hoo schulde lord B ; who scholde loueredes a ; who schulde lordes j8y ; hwo schulde lordus S. 929. So \>at] So a/3y5. iccl] ri;t /3y. honde] onde Ba;3y5. 930. hun] kyn B ; kynne fiy. \>at] of wham o. driue] droue ;8y; (Iryuen 5. vs] hem Bj8y ; ham a ; alle 5. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. G9 Vor drede J^at hii ne scholde no it • hor maistres be • pus hii were idi'iue awey • & uuste wuder te • Gorgont rex. Hii dude horn vor|> in to ]>e se • & bi moni a londe fol- 19- wende • So ]7at in to spaine • atte nende horn sende • pere hii bileuede & woxe • & alle J^at of horn come • 935 Vorte now ]?is o|?er day • ^at we ne mi^te nozt be isome • Vor ]fe kunde vole of J^e lond • adde to horn onde • & ]7at we to grete maistres • were • driue us out of londe • Ojjer half lev we abbe]; now • iAvend wi]? oute reste • In J^e grete se of occean • vorto seche oure beste • 940 pat oure owe lif ous is lo]? • }>at we nuste ware bileue • per vore we wolde bidde J?e • ]7at ]70u vs som place teue • 931. we] om. 5. hor] ^ere hor 5. 932. hW] we 5. idriue'] driue ;3 ; ydryuen S. 7iuste'\ misten a; wistcn not /3 ; wysten nought y ; ne wete 5. wuder te] wyder to tee B ; wheoder teo a ; wheder te 5 ; whider to fle )3 ; wheder to fle y. 933. Hii dude horn] And sette vs 5. dude] duden B ; diden /8 ; dide y. in to \>e se] in a schippe 5. bi] om. a ; to /S-y ; into S. a londe] o lond a ; londus 5. wende] hi wende a ; )jei went ;8 ; they wente ; we haue went 5. 934. So )>at] Se J'at God B ; So ]'at god a. atte nende horn se7ide] at >an ende ham sende a ; at jje ende )>ei sent (sente 7) 0y ; at J^e ende god vs sent 5. 935. hii bileuede] hij bilefte u ; webyleftc o. woxe] wexed ; T/exidy ; wox 5. horn] vs 5, 936. Vorte] Forto Jia^yS. ne mi^te no-^t be] nere nout a; nere nou^t fiy ; were noght S. isome] some 0/878. 937. i>e lond] thys londe 7. adde to horn] vuto vs had 5. horn] ows B ; vs a/37. 938. we . . . were] to grete maistres (maistris 5) we nere a5 ; to gret maistres we were ^y. were] nere B. driue] & driue a^y ; ]>ey drofe 5. londe] \>e londe B. 939. abbe]f>] haue y375. iwcnd] y wende a ; yweut B/87. 940. occeon] occian a0yS. seche] secheu a^y. 941. owe] om. BaffyS. ous is] ys vs BalSyS. /o)>] ful lothe 5. \>at'] & BS. 7iuste] nutej^ a ; wote not ^y ; ne wete 5. bileue] to byleue 5. 942. wolde] om. 5. biddc] praye I3y. \>at \>ou vs som place] sum plas >at )5ou vs a ; somme place J>at )ow vs (ys 7) 0y ; \>&t sum place t)0u vs 5. 70 THE CHRONICLE OF pat were ampty In )?ine londe • ware )?ou wost bi jjenche • pat we mi;te biswinke oure mete • & libbe bi oure swenche • pe kyng horn nolcle granty • no j^ing of is lond • 945 Ac he sende horn bi god condut • In to yrelond • pat al ampty was of men • J?at no mon ne wonede J^ere • & ]?is were |?e verste men • ]?at in yrlonde were • A )>ousend lev hit was & tuo • |?at ido was al ]?is • After |?at folc of israel • of egipt wende iwis • 950 Seue hondred ^er & nyenty • hit was ek biuore • Er J^an oure louerd crist • aner]?e was ibore • [41] Hit biuel )7erafterward • suij^e long inou • pat out of ]>e lond of seicye • oj^er folc Jjuder drou • A^or in to ]>e grete se of occean • a gret compainie • 955 Of picars wende some time • out of scicie • 943. were ampty'] amty were B ; ampti were a; ampty were ^y. In \)ine'\ on \>\ ajSy ; in )>y 5. tvost] woldest ByS ; woldist )3. bi \>enche~\ bihiuche a ; bi):>inke 187 ; bethenke S. 944. biswinke'] ofswynke B ; tilije a ; tylly &y ; on telye 5. libbe] lyue /S-yS. swenche] swinche a ; sw3iike B/SyS. 945. horn nolde] wolde not hen fiy. yranty] graunte B. is] >is B. 946. he] om. a^yd. bi god condut] by god condyt B ; mid conduyt a ; •with condyd I3y ; by saf condyte 5. In to] fov]> into afiyS. 947. \>at no mon 7ie] & no mon ne B ; & no man afiy, fore none 5. wonede] dwelde 5. 948. \>is] \>ese B ; thise 7 ; J^use S. 949. A] o a. );>onsend] })0usant B. hit was §- tuo] and two hyt was y. 950. israel] irael A ; irsrael B. of] owte of 5. 951. Seue] Fyf B ; Vif a ; Fyue /85; Fiue 7. biuoi-e] by forne ^37. 952. Er \>an] Arc a ; Or ^y ; Ore S. crist] Jhesu cryst B ; ihu crist a^y ; ffiu criste 5. aner)?e] on ert>c 0)87. was ibore] were ybore a ; ■were yborne ^7. 953. \>erafterivard] swythe afterwarde S. su'i)>c] rijt ^y ; ryght 5. 954. \>at] om. Ba/375. seicye] scitic B ; sicije a ; Cisije 187 ; Sacie 5. \>uder] J>ider B|3 ; l>reder a ; there 7. 955. tjrete] om. 0^78. occean] occian 0^7. a] o a^y. 956. picars] picardes a ; Bicardis/SS ; Tycardes 7 (and passim). scicie] scisle B ; sicije a^y. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 71 Fram londe to londe • wide hii gonne wende • So l^at hii come attelaste • to yrlondes nor)? ende • Aien J'at folc of scotlond • & ];at folc ]?at hii founde J'ere • Of ]?is eldore kunde • scottes ickiped were • 960 pe picars bede j^e scottes • an ende of hor londe • To tiue horn to libbe by • bi suench of hor honde • pe scottes sede ]>Sit ]>ei lond • no^t inou be • To horn boj'e to libbe by • as hii mitte ise • Gorgont rex. Ac ]?at hii mi^te ofte ise • in cler weder J^ere • 965 fo^- 19 ^• Estward as |?e sonne aros • a lond as it were • Murie & vair hit j^otte inou • & }>at hii |?uder wende • To wonie & to libbe J'er • &l J^at hii horn word sende • ■^if enimon horn destourbede • & J'at hii wolde hii sede • Wardi horn fram alle men • J'at horn ne tidde no drede • 970 957. hill he B. 958. -So J>a<] & a0 ; om. y ; So 5. hii come attelaste] atte laste heo (>ei P) come ByS ; at ^e laste hij a ; Atte they come y ; at last bey come S. 959. A^en'] Ajenst 5. ]yat] \>eBS. folc] lond Ba ; londe /S-yS. pat folc] i>o folc B. \>at] om. ayS. founde] fondeu B. 960. eldore] vidure a. scottes] >at Scottes a^y; Jjat Scottys 5. icluped] yclepud B5 ; yclepede a ; callid 0y. 961. bede] prayed /S ; preyd y. an] on aS ; one ^y. hor] har 8. 962. to] forto B ; for a. libbe] lyb 5 ; lyue I3y. by] ynne 5. hi suencli] bi swinch a ; with swynk B ; by swynke /S. 962-964. bi suench .... libbe by] om y. 963. sede] seide B; seiden a; saide /8 ; said y. pet] })ilk 5 ; om. a^y. no'^yt] nolde not B ; nolde noujt a; wolde noujt fi; wolde noght 5. 964. horn bope] hem alle S. libbe] lyiie BySy. ise] pev yseo a ; J>ere yse jSy ; hit see 5. 966. a lond as it] ase hit o lond a ; as hit a londe /SyS. 967. Murie] Murine a. po-^tc] seme)? /Sy. 968. libbe] lyue B/35 ; leue y. horn tvord] worde fiy. 969. ^{/'em'wion] If ony man 5. destourbede] gveu&^Q 'Q. Sf pat hii wolde hii] J)ey wolde as pay hem S. 970. Wardi] Warde B/87. horn] om. S. alle] al oi^ere S. horn ne tidde no] hem bi tidde no B ; J>ei hem dide no ^y ; hem dorst nothynge 5. Vnde scoti originem 72 THE CHRONICLE OF pis picars horn wende euere vor]? • estward euere vaste ► To J?e norJ?ende of engelonde • hii come attelaste • pulke ende hii founde al bar • hii bileuede J^ere • & swonke &; tylede hor liflode • & al maistres were • Hii founde horn sustenance inou • & liuede jpus vor]? • 975- pe britons in ]>e sou}>half • & hii In ]>e norJ> • [42] pe picars founde ese inou • & defaute none • To libbe in plente inou • bote of wimmen one • duxerunt. Vor J>er nere none among horn • ]?eruore Into yrlonde ' Hii wende to scottes |?at ]?er were • J>at hii hom ssokle vnder stonde • 980 & lene hom wimmen ];at hii miite • hor ospring eche so • Vor ];ing |7at wone]? & nojnng wex]? • sone it wor]; ido - Scottes hom sende wimmen • In l^is fourme ]>ere • pat wan a chikl were ibore • & me in doute were - 971. pis picars^ peos picardes « ; Thise PicardesyS; These Pjcardes 7-, hom'] J^enne B ; om. aySy. e^lere'\ om. BafiyS (after tcende). 972. come'] comen Ba. 973. \>ulke] pat B ; pat rlke o ; That ilke jSy. founde] fonden B. hii bileuede] and )>ej beleuyd 5. 974. %•] Hij a ; Thei ^y. tylede] telede a ; tilled )3 ; tyllede y. hor] om. oS ; hure j8 ; here y. 975. founde] fonden B. liuede] lyueden Ba^y. 976. pe] pis a; Thise & ; These 7. i>e] i>o B. hii] >e picardes a^y. 977. pe] om. B5 ; pis o; Thise ^ ; These 7. founde] fonden Bj founden afiy. defaute] defa'wtes 5. 978. libbe in] libben in a ; lyuen with fiy. 979. i>er nere none] none J'er nere a ; none l^er were Py. nere] were 5. Into] to Baj375. 980. wende] sende Bo5 ; sent J87. to] om. 5. hii] om. 5. hom ssolde] schulde hem B5. 981. ospring] ofpriug B; of sprench a; ofspiynge j3 ; ossjjringe 7. eche] eke 187. 982. u-one)>] AB ; wane> o/SyS. noting] nou^t 0^37. wex]>] wext o • •wexc>> B3 ; wexith 7. sone it wor\>] sone it ys B ; hit worj? sone a ; hit wor)>e soone (87. 984. a] a^y. ibore] yborn fiy. ^- me] & hi a ; & hei /Sy ; >at me S. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 73 Wo were ])g fader ]?at it ssolde • name & eritage • 985 BoJ'e abbe in |?e moder half • vor drede of outrage • Leste it heode out of kunde • J>ori child mis bi tite • Vor me mai bet so|>nesse of ]?e moder • j^an of }?e fader iwite • In l^is manere picars • mid scottes mengd hor blod • So J?at it si\yede ]?e wimmen • wanne me out vnder stod . 990 & wanne man wiJ?oute eir of him sulue • to de]>e were ibrott • His moder kun was is eir • & is fader riit noit • & vor, J>e modres scottes were • so vor]; it is icome • pat )7e scottes name is al aboue • & ]>e picars bi nome • pus scottes among picars • come out of yrlonde • 995 & ];at lond me clupede • after hom scotlonde • Gorgont rex. Lud rex. foi- 20. Vrlonde is aire yle best • wij'oute engelonde • [-^3] pe se firel? al aboute him ek • as ich vnder stonde • 9*^™"!^°" ^ ^ ^ dacio hy- bernie. 985. Wo'] Whoso &y. ^at] om. a/8y. it] me B5. 986. Bo\>e abbe] Nou^t haue 0y. 987. Leste] Laste Ba. heode] jcode B; ede a; ^ede PyS. mis bi ^ite] mys bi gete B ; mis bi^ete a/37. 988. bet] om. a$y. iwite] wyte B ; betwitea ; better wyte (wete 7) &y. 989. mengd] mongde a; menged /3 ; meiigyd 7; myngen B. 990. it siwede] hij sewede a ; }>ei sewed ^y. out] o-yt B ; oujt a&y. vnder stod] mysvnderstod B ; mis vnderstod a ; mys vnderstode &y ; mysse vnderstode 5. 991. ?«aM] a man 5 ; men 37. wj>oMc modres scottes were] scottes were J^e moderes a/87. so] om. a;87. ico7ne] bicome B. 994. pat \>e] pat B5. K] om. B. bi name] al bi uome B. 995. pus] Thilke Py. come] comen a^y. 996. tV] Al 0^37. clupede] clepuj> B ; clepede seM^e a ; clepe^e sethe 5 ; callid si>e fiy. hotn] hem sej^^e B. 997. aire] aler B; albcr 0y. aire yle best] on He w' ]>e best 5. tvi];>oute] wi}>outen a/37. 998. ge);>] Aa ; got> B/37 ; gothe 5. al aboute him] al abouten hym B ; him aboute 0/87 ; hit abowte 5. 74 THE CHRONICLE OF More he is j?an engelond • & in ]?e souJ?half he is • Braddore & more of inou • panne in |?e nor}>hal iwis . 1000 Aien ]>e lond of spaine he stont • in ]?e norJ> side ritt • Selde snow |?er inne li|? • & nameliche j^re niit • So euene hot Jjat lond is • ];at men dorre selde • Hor orf in house a winter bringe • out of J»e welde • Lese last j^er alle winter • bote more wonder be • 1005 Selde me ssal in lf>e lond • eny foul worm ise • Vor neddren ne oj^er wormes • ne dorre )7er be no^t • Ac tif hii hep f'uder bicas • fram oj^er londe ibrott • Hii deiep* }?oru smul of ]>e lond • o]?er ]?ori torch inge iwis • Ech gras J>at ]?erinne wex]? • a^en venim is • 1010 Vor men |?at bej> enuenimed • ]?oru graces of ]>e londe • Idronke hii bej> iclansed • sone }>oru godes sonde • 999. he is'] ek o ; eke Py ; it ys 5. ^] om. aySy. he] hit a/S-yS. 1000. Braddore] Bradder ByS. more of inou] much more 5. nor\>- half] nor> ende Bal3y ; northe ends 5. 1001. Ayen] Aje S. he] hit afiyS. stont] stond Ba ; stondej5 fiy. nor]> side] nor}> ende afiy. 1003. hot] om y. dorre] durre B ; J^orfe a; see\> Py. selde] ful selde S. 1004. Hor] om. a^y. m] to a$y. a] in al3y. hrinye] bringen a^y. welde] felde BayS^S. 1005. Lese lasf] Lese lastej? B; Hare lese lastej? a ; Here leese lastij? yS-y; Hor leseo lasteth 5. alle winter] al \>q wynter B ; euere a5 ; euer ^y. bote more wonder] bate hyt ]>o more wonder B ; bote t>e more winter o ; but Jje more wynter fiy ; bot if he harder wynter 5. 1006. )>e] ]>aX 5. worm ise] wormes se B. 1007. neddren] nedres B ; naddrena; addrenyS^; addres S. ne dorre \>er] t'ere J'ey mow 5. dorre] mow B ; mowe a^y. 1008. Ac yf] And ^ef B ; & jif hat a ; And yd fiy ; And if S. hii 6e> }t>uder] \>ere be eny 5. ie)?] ben y. fram] of ajS-y ; owte of S. londe] londes B. 1009. deic\>] deyen ^y. smul] smel B ; ^e smul a ; ^esmelle Py. )>e] |5at a. oy>c?'] or /3"y. torchinye] towchyng By ; touchinge a/S. 1010. wcr))] wexeh Bj8 ; wexta; wexith 7. venim] vemyn /8. is] yt ys B ; hit is afiyS. 1011. me7i] h (for hij) a; hei jSyS. /m'^] ben BySy. enuenimed] venymed BySy ; y veuymed 5. yraccs] grases Ba ; grasses fiy. i>e londe] yrlond B. 1012. hii] he B ; Jjat Py. be\> iclansed] ben clansyd /S-y. EGBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 75 Hony & mile ]>er is muche • Muclie folc & bold • pis is j^e stat of yrlonde • as ich abbe itold • After kyng gurguont • kinges monion • 1015 per were here in engelond • me ne may noit telle echon- Aboute ane four hondred ler • after him ]7er com • A kyng j^at was kid ickiped • J'at wel huld |)is kinedom • Grete tounes in engelond • he amendede inou • [44] & londone aller mest • vor j^er is herte mest drou • 1020 & folc he het of |?e tonne • so noble bold arere • pat in al engelond • so noble cite ]?ere • Walles he let make al aboute • & ^ates vp & doim • &; after lud ]?at was is name • he clupede it ludes toun • pe hexte late of ]>e toun • }>at ^ut stont ]?ere & is • 1025 He let hit clupie ludegate • after is owe name iwis • He let him J70 he was ded • burie at ];ulke tate • per vore int after him • me clupe]? it lodegate • 1013. Muche'] mony B. 1014. abbe itold] habbe nou told a; haue ^ow tolde $y. 1015-1018 omitted iu afiyS. See Appendix, note H. 1015. qurguo7it] gurguout A. 1016. we] cm. B. 1017. ane] a B. 1018. huld] hult B. \>is] H B. 1019. in] on o. he] lud a^y. 1020. Sf] & hat a ; And at ^y. aller mest] aller most B ; aire mest a ; al^cr mest ^y^. vor] om. afiy^. ))er] \>ev to Ba/SyS. herte] hurte a ; hert jS^S. mest] om. Ba;875. 1021. §•] pat Ba)375. hef] bad fiy. noble] good 5. bold] booldes 5 ; holde &y. arcre] J>er rere Ba/Sy ; }>ere arere 5. 1022. Vat] So hat afiy; That ^at 5. cite] a cjte 5. )pere] nere B5 ; t>er nere a ; no nere ^y. 1023. Walles he let] He let walles a; He lete wallis ^y ; He Icte wallys 5. make] makije a. al] om. Ba^75. 1024. clupede] clepude B ; callid /Sy. ludes]\\xA\\^a^y. See Appendix, note I. 1025. Ve] pat ayZ. hexte] hy^est /3 ; hygesth y. yate] ^at a. )>at] \>a, B. stont )>ere] stond l^ere B ; stout J^er a; \>eY stonte jS^. \>ere §• is] & J^ere ys 5. 1026. hit] om. 5. chipic] elope B ; calle fiy^. ludegate] ludes gate 'Bafiy. owe] om. ay875. 1027, 1028 transposed in a^y^. 1027. \>o] when ySy. burie] burije him a ; bury him fiy. at \>ulke late] Jjcr ate a ; her atte &y ; at J>ylk same jate 5. 1028. clupe^] callij? 0y. lodegate] ludes gate a; lud gate Py. 76 THE CHRONICLE OF Cassibel rex. fol. 20 b. pe toun me clupe]? ludestoun • ]?at is wide cou]; • & now me clupe]? it londone • |7at is littore in j^e mouj? . 1030 & niwe troye hit het er • & nou it is so ago • pat londone it is now icluped • & wor]? euere mo • Xj^ngelond a]^ ibe • mid streng]?e iwonne ilome • & verst as ich telle can • ]?oru J^e emperors of rome • After king lud ]7er was king • his bro|?er cassibel • 1035 pat noble prince was inou • & |?at lond gouerned wel • luly ]>Q emperour of rome • bi his daye com • & muchedel of ]?e world bi este • to is poer nom • So |?at he drou him westward • k; worrede in mony londe • & wan lond after o]>qx • him ne mi^te non at stonde • 1040 po he adde iwonne france • }?e se he wende nei • & bihuld west & somdel • of engelond isey • 1029. clupe\>'] clepede a ; clepud 5 ; callid /Sy. 1030. dupe])'] callyth y. is li-^tore'] lijtore is a ; Hotter is j3 ; lyghter ys y. 1031, 1032 omitted in afiy. 1031. ^ null'] ac J^us B ; ac nowte 5. so'] om. B ; \>\xs S, 1032. it] he B. now] om. 5. wor\>] scbal 5. 1033. a]> ibe] haue)> ibeo o ; lia)> ben )3 ; hath be y. Home] lome fiy^. 1034. <^] om. S. ich] ich eu a; I jow fiy. can] maye 5. be] om. ajSyS. 1035. \>eT] her a ; here fiy; om. 5. 1036. Vut noble prince was] A noble prince he was 5. ^at] \>\s &yS. gouerned] gouernede B ; wardede a ; wardid ^y. 1037. luhj] luUus a^y. daye] day B. ; dawe aySy. 1038. muchedel] muche a^yS. 1039. So \>at] SehJ>e B. zvorrede] werrede Ba ; werred I3y. mony] mani^e a. 1040 wan] won a; wonne ^y. after] & a/ByS. him . . . at stonde] }>at non ne mi^te at stonde a ; ))at none my^t him M'ithstonde fiy; and J>at none my^t astonde 5. 1041. iwonne] wonne y. 1042. bihuld] biheld a ; bihelde Py. west ^] westward and B; west- ward ayS ; westwarde 0. isey] he sey a ; he sije fi ; he sygh y ; Jjo he syghe 5. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. // He eschte at men wat lond it were • & wat folc [45] ];erinne was • Me sede him }mt it was brutaine • no betere lond nas • & ];at I'e folc was of troye • & of brut icome • 1045 panne be]? hii qua]? ]?e emperour • of ]>e kunde of rome • Vor after ]?e bataile of troye • ])e nobleman eneas • To lombardie com ]?at nou is rome • & vre ferste fader was • & brut also com of him • ]?at his fader slow • & ]?eruore was ]7enene idriue • & to }?ulke lond drou . 1050 panne be we of one kunde • ac bote ich ]?erto lie • Aien kunde hii be]? a^en vs • & of chiualerie • Vor ]?erof ne mowe hii conne no^t • Inot hou hii mitte • To be bi horn sulue in an heme • as }?erof wij? oute si^te • Vor no^t we ssoUe hom ouereome • ac naj^eles as ]?e hende • 1055 We ssoUe hom warni of oure }?o^t • ar we ]?anne wende • 1043. He'] And afiyS. eschte] askede B ; axede a ; askide ^8 ; askyd ay ; asked 5. at men] om. lia^yS. 1044. him )?at] om. a^y. 710] ne B ; none ^y. 1045. \>e] om. a^yS. was of troye] was of )>e kjTide of troie B ; was of troi^e kunde o ; was of Troie kynde ^y ; of Troyes kynde was S. hrut] Jje brut B. icome] come o.^y'^. 1048. lombardie] itaile 0/87 ; ytayle 5. com .... rome] >er nou is rome com a0y; Jjere Rome ys now he come 5. i>at nou is rome] om. B. Sj- vre ferste] J>at hare furste o ; >.at here first ^y ; and her first 5. 1049. \>at] Jjat seh>e Ba ; j^at sithe fiy ; J>at sethe S. slow] asiou o. 1050. )?enene] J^enne B; he Jianne o; he }>ens fiy ; he )>ennys 5. idriue] ydi-yuen 5. to \>ulke] J^at 5. 1051. be ive] we bet> B ; ben we ^y. ac bote ich] and but I &y. lie] ly>e y. 1052. Ayeji"] Ajenst aPy. hii be\>] were aySy; bc> hey 5. a-ten] a^ens /3 ; ayeust y. Sj- of] as of B ; as in afiyd. 1053, 1054 omitted in oySy. See Appendix, note K. 1053. Vor . . , 7Wi,f] Chyualrye conne J>cy noght 5. cojuie] konne B ; come A. hii . . .. hii] heo . . . he B. 1054. To be] om. 5. hom sidue] hem self B. 1055. Vor no-J] Ri^tsone^S^. ssoUe] schullej) B. ac] but;87; om. 5. 1056. ssolle] schul B ; schulle a. hom tcarni] hem warne B • warne hem $y. ar] er B. {>a?!we] to hem ByS^J ; to ham a. 78 THE CHEONICLE OF [46] pe emperours messagers • to engelonde come • pat pe king abude is herte • to pe noble stude of rome • As alle oj^ere kinges dude • & is noble seruage • Dude to]?e heye emperoiu- • & sende him is truage • 1060 Cassibel rex. Iuli[us] imperator p[ri]m[ws] pevquisitor Anglie. fol. 21. & his lond huld of him • & dude him omage • Laste \e heie emperour • vor is outrage • Come & destruede al is lond • & tut ]7at worse were • pe blod schedde of is owe kunde • & defoulede so J^ere • & pe olde heinesse of priamus • worrede so • 1065 Of was kunde hii come echone • & ]?at were him lo]? to do • Vor J^er ne scholde in al J'e world • no lond be uer bore • pis was euene sixti ^er • ar god were ibore • pe kyng sende ]?is word a^en • po he hurde ]?is tij^inge • Cassibel king of brutaine • to luly send gretinge • 1070 1057. pe] pis afiyd. messagers'] messingeres B ; Messangers y. engelonde'] )>ys londe 5. come] hire comeB; her come a ; here come ^y ; hedyr come 5. 1058. pat] And bad ^y. abude] abowe B; buy^de a- bowe ^y. 1059. As] And B. o)pere] \>e o>ere a. ^ is noble] and ys ry^t B ; & his ri)te a ; as his ry^t ^y ; and his ryght 5. 1060. heye] om. ^y. 1061. huld] hulde a; helde ^y. 1062. Laste] Lest /8-y. outrage] gret outrage ^y. 1063. destruede] destruye B ; destruide a; destruc /Sy. al] om. afiy^. \>at] Jje S. 1064. pe], & 0/87 ; om. 5. defoulede] defoule yt B. so )>ere] >e so here a5 ; \>ee so here fiy. 1065. heinesse] hei^enessea; heuynesse 5. ivorrede] werrede B ; )>anne worrede afiy ; J)an worred 5. 1066. was] whas a ; whos jSyS. hii] ^e a^yS. were] was a^yd. lo\>] om. y. 1067. ne] om. B. \>e] J^o B. uer bore] forbore Ba5; be forborne /Sy. 1068. ar] er B;3 ; or y. god] \>3X god 5. were ibore] was yborne fiy ; was bore 5. 1069. sende] sent /Sy. )>is] om. afiy. word] Ba ; wor A ; worde ^375. \>o he hurde] anon for B. 1070. hing] J'e kynge S. send] sende)> B ; sent fiy. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 79 Wonder it is sire emperour • of ]?i noble gentrise • pat is so noble aner|?e iwolt • wi]? so vil coiieitise • pat worles nobleye as so muclie • alle manne mest • & vor coueitise art icome • so ver fram J^en est • To wilny oure lute god • p'at god vs wolde sende • 1075 pat hep here bi vs sulue • at \>q worles ende • & ]7at |?ou nart one ipaid • vr tresour to nime at ene • [47} Bote ]70u ];erafter vs binime • vr franchise al clene • To bringe us so fre as we hep • In to so gret seruage • pat we here pe &5 |?ine • eueremo truage • 1080 Gret vilte J?ou askest ous • wanne we of one kunde • Bep icome te &i we as )?ou ast ]?i sulf in munde • panne att it be inou • wanne we be]> of one blode • Loue & frendssipe to aski us • ^if l?ou pe wel vnderstode • 1071. o/h] MB; J>at H 0/37. 1072. is'] art (87, noble'] fol a; ful ;37 ; fulle 5. aner\>e iwolt] & eke y fuld B ; on eij'e ifuld a ; of erj^e yfild fiy; ou erthe yfulled 5. vil] fyl B ; foul 5. 1073. worles] wordes B ; worldes a^y; worldys 5. as] hast Baj875. muche] meche 5. alle manne] of eclie men B ; of ech manne a; of eche man fiy ; of ony man 5. 1074. ^] pat B. ^' vor .... icome] pat J^ou ert (art ^378) come for coueityse (couetise 5) a/875. fram] fro B. \>en] )>eB|375; Jjan a. 1075. ivilny] Aa; wilne B ; wylue S; couet y3 ; coneit 7. lute] Intel Ba ; litel yS ; lytel 75. 1076. be\>] ben 7. vs sulue] vs sulf a ; oure self B/37. at] as at B ; al bi a^y ; al by 5. icorles] worldes Ba;87. 1077. \>at] ova. B5. nart one] nart nout a ; art not ^y ; art nought only 5. ipaid] apaiede /37 ; apayde 5; ypayed B; ypayt a. vr tresour to nime] to nime tresor o; to take tresour fiy ; to take tresoure 5. at ene] at eueoe ^y. 1078. vs] woldest vs 5. al] om. 5. 1079. so fre as we be\>] \>aX beth so fre 5. bc\>] ben 7. so gret'] fyl B ; so vil a ; vile ^y ; so bonde 5. 1080. eueremo] euermore B;37 ; euere more a ; for eueremore 5. 1081. vilte] wrong B; wrongeS; vileny 187. askest ous] woldest don vs B. wanne] wen B. loe] om. afiy; I'at 5. 1082. Be]> . . . we] ^e and we bethe of icome 5. Be\>] We bej? B; te bu)> a; pat ben 187. icome] come 0y. 1083. ayt] ayte B ; aute a. be inou] ynou to beo a ; ynou) to be fiy ; ynow to be 5. wanne we be]>] sithe we ben fiy. 1084. to aski] aske Bfiy ; aski o. Jjom] om. 7. t^e] om. 5. weT] om. a/37. fol. 21 b. 80 THE CHRONICLE OF pei J'ou ne askedest ]>er vppe • Jralhede euere mo • 1085 Siker |>ou be we ne coime no^t • of ]?ralhede ne of wo • So muche we abbe]? euere ibe • in franchise tut her to • pat ]?ei vr owe god vs wolde • in ]?ralhede do • Fondi we wolde a^en hom • vor oure franchise wi]>- stonde • pei ]?ou }?er vore sire emperour • gret poer abbe an honde • 1090 Cassihel rex. Wite to sdpe J^at we wulle]? • vor oure franchise fitte • & vor oure lond ra)?er J^an we • lese it wi]? vnriite • pis was ek four hondred ter • & four score & J^rittene • After ]7at ]7e boru of rome • verst was bigonne ich wene • po J?e emperour hurde J>is • to schipes he wende vaste . 1095 & al is poer vorj? wi|? him • & hor seiles vp caste • 1085. pei] Thaw B; Tliou) &y; They S. askedesf] asked 0y. \>er vppe'] Jier vppon I3y ; i>er vpon 5. ]f>ralhede] J>ralschipe a ; Jjralscheep fi ; thralschyppe y ; J^ralschj'pe 5. 1086. Siker ])0u be] Sikerliche B. })0w] \>e a ; \>ee Py ; om. 5. be we conne noyt] we be nou^t ycome 5. 1087. So muche] In so meche 5. abbe)?] han ;8; haue yS. ibe] be )8 ; ben y. her to] hider to afiy ; hedir to 5. 1088. vr owe god vs] oure owne godes B; oure godes a; oure goodes jSy; oure goddys S. wolde] wolde haue ^y. in] & in fiy. \>ralhede] thraldam 5. do] vs do Ba^SyS. 1089. Fondi we wolde] Fonde we wolde B ; We wolde fondi a ; We woUe fondy fiy ; We wolde fondye 8. ayen hom] a^eyn hem B ; a^en ham o ; aiens hem /8 ; ayenst hym y ; hem a^eyne S. vor] om. B. wi]}- sto7ide] to stonde afi ; to w' stonde S. 1090. J>er vore] \>eT /3 ; om. y. an honde] on honde Ba^y. 1091. Wite to so]>e \>at] Wite \>e wel a ; Wite I'ou wele fiy ; Wete bou ry)t wel S. wulle])] wollej' Ba ; woUe fiy. 1092. we lese it] we lesed B ; luse hit a ; hit lose Py. we] om. 5. 1093. four] fif a; fyuo fiyS. ^ four] foure 5. \>rittc7ie] Jrottene B ; Jrettene a^y. 1094. ]>at] om. a^yS. boru] Cyte 5. rome] Home was aySyS. verst was bigonne] first was mad B; furst imad a; first made fiy ; first ymade 5. 1095. hurde] herde B; ihurde a; hardo ^y. to schipes he tvende] he wende to schipe o ; he went to schippe 0y. schipes] schyppe 5. 1096. hor] om. B. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 81 Hii entree! In at temese mou}> • «fc j^ere liii gonne ariiie • po cassibel hiirdo ];is ho tarkede him wel bliue • po adde king hid is broj^er « ionge sones tueie • Andi-oge & tennant • ];at to tonge were beie • 1100 po lai^e fader deide • to holde j^e kinedom • [48] per vore cassibel • ]mt lend to him nom • Ac ])o nolde cassibel • }»at hii ssolde allinge faile • Tennant J?e ^ongore • he made erl of cornwaile • & androge erl of kent • & let him londone }>er to • 1105 Beie hii were noble men • |:'o J^is dede was ido • pe king adde ek an broj^er • nenni was is name • Stalwarl^e knitt Sz- hardi • & mon of grete fame • pe kinges chef consolers • p'os ]7re were of ]ns ]nnge • Alle hii come to kaunter])nr3'' • atte biginninge • 1110 pere ])e king & is poor • such consoil to gadere nome • To kepe ]>e emperours folc • ar hii to ver in come • Vor ^if hii adde o J'ing • iwonne • of castel o}>er of toune • Wel ]>Q worse it wolde be • to bringe hom ]?or doune • 1097. //»•] )?ei B. tenwsc] (emse B. 1098. hurde'] hcrcle B ; ihurcle a ; haide /By. yarkecle} araycl 5. wel hliue'] bi Ij'ue B; rlU blyiie j3 ; right blythe y; ful bljue 5. 1099. Jr^o] Now BS ; Nou a ; Nowe ^y. Bones'] sone j8 (corrected to sones) 7. tue>.e'\ twei B ; twey^e a; two fiy; tweyne 5. 1100. to] \>o B. heie] bei^e a; \>o 0y; beyue 5. 1101. yare] here BPy; hare a ; her 5. 1102. cassibel] l>ev to cassibel B; to him Cassibel a/87; J^ere to him Cassibel S. \>at] al pat B ^875. to him] om. B)37S; \>o a. 1103. nolde] uolde not B; nolde nout a; wolde not (87; wolde uo^t S. allinge] allyng B ; alj^ynge 5. 1104. yongore] ^onger Bi37. 1105. Yf] xaf Ba;37. 1106. Beie] Bo)>e B&yB. ido] do fiy. 1107. ail'] a B 0/378. ncuni] ueuny B ; nenni ctS ; Nemni /3 ; Neuimi 75 ; nemi A. 1108. Stalivar\>c] Strong B. hnixt .S] man & a5; & man fiy. 1110. alte] at he a; atte he ^y. 1111. to gadere] to gedyr 7. 1113. o \>i7ig iiconne] eny hing j-wonne B; out ywomie a; ou)t wonne ^y ; owjt ywonne 7. u\>er] or B/37. 1114. be] haue be 5. to] for to 5. \>er] om. 5. F 82 THE CHRONICLE OF pe king wende toward ])e se • mid vair ost inou • 1115 & as ])e emperour adde ipitt • his pauilons he drou • po hii adde iordeined • hor ost in ei];er side • pe bataile hii smite strong • inou • p'at cou]> was wel wide • Mid arwen & mid quarels • so muche folc verst me slou • And Hi\])])e mid speres smite adoun • ];at deol it was inou. "" 1120 po hii were ]wru out imengd • mid suerd & mid mace • Mid ax & mid anlas • so muche folc in j^e place • Cassihel rex. fol. 22. [A'Jl Me slou ];at al ]>e er]'e aboute • stod as in flode • Ar |?e bataile were ido • al of rede blodc • Nenny |:'e kinges bro]?er • & ]?e erl of kent al so • 1125 Mid al ]5e poer of kent • Sz mid londrcis |>er to • Abated hom to ]>ulke ost • J^at ]>e emperor Inne was • So j^at nenny isey • |>e emperour bicas • 111.'), pe"] po V). ircndc'] wente 13. mid iHiir~\ & fail' a; w' a fayre 5. 1110. r/s] where ySy. ipiyf] pi^t ;8 ; ypyglit 7. piniildiis'] pauelon 15 ; paiiilou a ; paiiylou /SyS. 1117. iordeincd'\ ordeyned /Sy. /?/,] on a/SyS. 1118. ]>({] \>o'Q. smite'] smyton B ; smiten a ; smytten 0. ivel] fiil B ; r\x\ I3y. 1119. cirwcti] areM'en 0/87; arowes 5. rci'st vie] me furst a ; men first (87 ; me first S. 1120. su]}\>e] ?ythen 7. smilt:] smyton B; smiten a; sniotyn Py; smoten S. dco/] diil a ; doile ; doylle 7. /7] om. B. 1121. J-""**] So 5. ]y(iru'out] hrowte 5. imengd] meng^d Py; ymeng3'd 5. siicrd] svverdes B. iV] & eke 5. 1122. a.r] axes a/37. (mlas] anles B. ]h'] )'at B. l\23.Jlodc] a flode 5. 1 124. Ar] Kr B ; Are a ; Or ^37 ; Ore 5. ],e] hat 5. al cf] al fol of o ; ful of 0y ; alle on 8. 112.'). Nenny] Ncmni Py. 1126. \n;] liere V,Py ; hare a. londrcis] (.e londreis B ; Londonnys 5. 1 127. Ahitted] Awatede B. Aha ted . . . ost] To )>nlke ost ham abatcdc a ; To ))ilke ost hem abated Py ; To l-ilk oste hem abatyd S. 1128. Su] po a ; When ySy. nniny] iiennyn B; Nemni 187. isey] cm. B ; sawe Py ; J^er sawe 5. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 83 Anon he willedo in is licrtc • wi\) a so hei man to fizte • He asailede him & drou is snerd • & smot mid al is mi^te. 1130 Ac ]>o emperour mid is suerd • J^en stroc hente inon • & adrou is suerd an hei • & to groundc harde slou • & smot nenny j^oru ]^e liuhn • somdel toward ]>c l)raine • & su]^|;e toward Jndkc stude • he smot mid more maine • To al^be icioiie him al ]'at hened • ac nenniii is sseld nom • 1135 & dude bituene j^at ):'C sti'oc • so dep ]?er inne ne com • pat ]>e emperour ne mi^te it • out drawe mid al is mayn • Nennyn caste is owe swerd • awei anon wel vain • & nom j^at suerd to him • ]?at so noble was & riche • Vor J^er nas in al j^e world • suerd him iliche • 1140 Vor J^er non wi}' him iwonded • ]:'at euere keueri mi^te • per vore it was rede de]:» • icluped & mid ri^te • 1129. Ajion . . . hertc'] He wilnede on his hcrte anon a; He wilnycl in his herte anone ^87 ; He wylned in his hert anone S. is'] om. B. ivi\> a so hei] with so hey B ; mid Jjulke a ; -with Jjilke ^y ; w' J^ylk S. 1131. suerd] scheld B ; schelde a;875. \>cn] ho B; l^aue a ; l-at ^^S. ~ hente] heut 1875. inou] ynoutt /3 ; ynought 7. 1132. adrou] drow B; he drou a; he drou^ 187 ; droii) 5. uv hei] a hj-e 7. Ui] to \>c B5. harde] faste B ; herde 7. 1133. smot] om. S. nenrty] nennyn B; Nemni fiy. \>oru] ^l•o^yte 5. \>e] }>an o. 113.5. iclouc] clone ^y. him] om. a0yS. \>al.] l>c /375. liened] A5 ; hed B; hefd a ; heed /3 ; hede 7. vcnnin] nenny a ; Nemni ^7 : Nenni 5. 113G. dude] helde S. so dep] so dupe a; not so depe I3y. vc] om. a/375. 1137. ?ic] om. 5. //] hit noiiit a/37 ; "og^i* S. out dnnvc] drawe ont a/37 ; drawe it owt 5. 1138. Nennyn] Nenni a75 ; Nemni j8. aivei anon] anon awey Bo; anone awey 5 ; anone ^y. wel vain] wel fayn Ba ; riu tayne ^7 ; ful fnyuo S. 1139. nom \>at suerd to him] to liim he noiu hat swerd a ; to liim he toke J)at swerde fiy^. \>at so] so hat 5. 1140. nas] nes B ; no was 187. suerd] no swerd a ; no swerde ^y^. iliche] lyche Py^. 1141. Vol-] om. 0/875. non ?(■/[> him iironded] nas non her with ywonded B ; nas no man ywonded mide o; was no man wounded her with ^7; was neuer man y wondyd her w' 5. heucri] keoueri o ; keuery ^ ; keuer B ; keuyr 7. 1142. icluped] callid fiy. cV] om. 0/87. mid] bi Py. F 2 84 THE CHEONICLE OF po nennyn aclde ];i.s gode siierd • aboute he smot to groimde • Ech man ]?at he ]?er wij> smot • he tef de)>e,s wounde • [50] pe romeins leie sone adoun • he made ampti place • 1145 & \>e brutons arise vaste • so J^at |7oru godes grace • Hii adde |?e maistrie of veld • J?e romeins flowe bliue • Ac mony was ]'e moder child • ]^at arst was ibroit of' line • pe emperour &; is poer • to schipe flowe vaste • & to france flowe at en • somdel hii were agaste • 1150 Hor folc hii lore in |;e se • ]?oru tempest monion ♦ Wat in bataile • wat in ]>e se • & hore hors nei echon • Cassihel rex. fol. 22 b. r^assibel was glad inou • ]>o he adde ]>q maistrie • Vaire he j^onkede is gode folc • & gi'et corteisie • Of liftes delde among horn • enere as hii worj^e were • So j^at ioye & mur|^e inou • among horn was J?ere • 1156 1143. nennyn'] nennyc; Nemni ySy. }>«s] >at B. aboute'] aboute him fiy. 1144. Ech man'] Echo a; To eche mail 5. Yer ioi\>] h>er micle a. yef] ^af ham a ; ^aue him ;3 ; yaue hem 7. 1145. leie sonc] lei^e swijje a; he leyd fast 187 ; he leytl Jjyk 5, ampti'] emty E ; )>ere a rome S. 1146. \>e] om. a/37. arise] arase fiy; keueretl S. 1 147. of veld] of J^e feld Ba ; of l^e felde 5; in J^e felde 0y. >e] l^o B. Jlowe] flowen S. hliue] hi lyue B ; blythe 7. 1148. ibroyt] bro)t B ; hrout a; brou^t fiy. 1149. flowe] flewe 7 ; flowen 5. vaste] J>o faste a; J>an fast 0y. 1150. Jlowe'] xede afiy ; wenten S. Iiii ivere] hi weren a; sore S. 1151. Hor folc] Here folc B ; Hare men a ; Here men 0y. lore] loren Ba ; lost ^75. \>oru] mid a ; with I3y ; \v' ^c 5. tempest] tempeste a. 1152. Wat] And what S. m )jc] in 'Ba^y. tV] om. S. /lors] horses B. eclnm] euerychouc 5. 1153. was] was )'0 o5 ; was j'an y3 ; was thanue 7. 1154. (jode] om. aj37. cS'] and of B ; and eke 5 ; of here cej3 ; of hnrc 7. 1155. Of yftes] And faire jiftes 0^37. delde] deled &y ; dalte S. amonfj horn] ham among a; hem amongc ^y. worl/e] om. B ; worjjj 1875. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 83 Ac ^ev was among horn cleol inoii • vor nemiin ibro^t • pat ]>e emperour j^e wouncle ^ef • ]^at he mi^te hele no^t • He lai iiorpined in ]?e wouncle • & toward J^e de]^e drou • & deide J)e vifte day • mid sorwe & deol iuou • 1160 At ]>Q nor]? tate of londonc • hii Lirede ]ns godc kni^t • & buredo wi]? him in is cheste • ]?at swerd )nit was so • bri^t • j)at he wan of ]?c emperour • wi]> onour inou * pat rode dej? was icluped • warewi)? he him slou • Ibm-ed it was uor]? wij? him • as in tokninge • 11G5 Of is prowessc |;at he it wan • of an so heie kinge • Cassibel ]?is gode king • him gan euere vnderstonde • [51] pat J»e emperour ]>ozie iut • worrie in is londe • ])e vif tonnes of ]>e vif pors • he let walli aboute • & so gode kniltes dude J'er • )?at he nadde ]?er of no doute . 1170 Stakes of ire monion • he pi^te in temese grounde • Aboue ssarpe & kene inou • binej'e grete & rounde • 1157. Ac . . . horn'] Ac among ham -was a; But amonge hem was )37 ; Bot amonge hem was S. deol'] dul o; doil 167. ncnniii'] Nenni aS; Nemni fiy. ibro^t.~\ J^at J))'s abowght 5. 1158. yf] him ^af 01873. ];>at he mi^tc] Jiat he ne my^t B ; me ne my^te « ; men ue my^t Py. he ini^ic hcle'] heled be myjt 5. 1 159. uorpined'] for peyned /85 ; for peiuyd y. in )>e wounde'] in j^e Avonde Ba; in Jjc woode j8; in })e wode 7; on Jjc wounde 5. toward] to B. \>e] om. B. 1160. deide] deydbanS. y//'/e] fyuethe S. sorwe ^- deol] deol & screw 5. 1161. birede] burede « ; buryode B ; buried /3 ; buryed 7. 1162. burede] buryedeB; buried y8 ; buryed 7. is] 1760/878. ]pat] \>e afiyS. 1164. icluped] callid ;87. iuarewi\>] whar mide a, 1165. Iburcd] Yburied B ; Iburyed 7. lo/aiiUfjc] a tokenyuge 5. 1166. lie it wciJi] he h wan a; he wanne /37. an] on B ; one a^7. kitiye] a kyuge B7. 1167.- h«s] }peBa0y5. 1168. woi-rie] werre B; worri ti; \verry fiy ; to worrio S; wonie A. in] on afiyS. 1169. vif] om. ajSyS. vif] om. 187. pors] portes 6/87; ports a. walli] walle B. 1170. nadde] hadde ay ; had /38. ];>er of] \>er B. 1171. ire] yru B; Ireu I3y. pi^te] pyte a; put $ ; putte 7. 86 THE CHRONICLE OF J)at tif ]?er eni ssipes come • ar iiic iwar were • Hii ssolde i)iclie honi ]?oiu out • & adrenche so ]^ere • Her was quointise inou • he let also arere • 1175 Vpe )?e water stronge hoiis • j^at hii vuwariied nei'e • & of )7e tonge folc of ]'e loud • ]:'erinne dude inowe • To be i)rest to kepe hor fou • wenne hii J^uder drowc • lulius ]?e emperour • wij? strong jjoer inou • Tuo lev after }'e bataile • to engelond aien drou • 1180 & ]w2te to sle al j^at folc • & winne ]>e kinedom • Ac he caste amhesas • J^o he to londe com • Casslhel rex. fol. 23. Vor as J?e ssipes wij? gret eir • come toward londe • In temese as ]?ei al ]>q world • ne ssolde hom atstonde • pc })ikes smite hom ]?oru out • ar hii wuste wat hit were • 1185 & to dasste & drainte • vourti ssipes ]?ere • & a }?ousend godc kniites • ]?erinne were adreint • & al hor atir & tresour • was also aseint • 1173. ar me'] or l^at men Py. iwar'] warre /3 ; ware y. 1174. ]>oru 0111] throwte 5. adrenche so] adrenche hem so B ; drenche ham so a^y ; so drenche hem S. 1176. Vpc~\ Op on a ; Vppon /S^ ; Vpon 5. strunye] a stronge /Sy ; stronge 3'now 5. hvus'] houses 5. vnwarncd] ywar a , ywarre /3 ; yware S ; warre 7. 1177. dude] hi dude a; K'i dide ^y; \>Qy sette S. 1178. To be] Alle afiy^. \>udcr] to hem B/SyS ; to ham a. 1179. K-] J'lilke a ; >ilkc /By ; J^ylk 5. 1180. hf] >at afiy^. 1181. Jjoj^e] J^ou^t jjan ^y. to] om. B. loinnc] to wyune S. \>e] Hs B ; al }>is afiy ; Jjys 5. 118i>. ambesas] I'cr of ambesas Ba ; \>i:Y of ambos ase 187 ; J'cr of Ambs- ace 5. 1183. \>e] his B ; hes 5. o • & bi auo]?er ende • To londc he coin wro]? inou • jns loud vor to sscnde • po king cassibel isei • so niuche Iblc vorlorc • & adreint of is fon • glad he was ]?cruorc • & na]>eles he was sori • & made gret inione • 1105 Of horn pat ofscapede • l^at hii nere adreint echonc • po )^e ronicins were iconie • to londe attelaste • Cassibel wip his poor • aten horn sette vaste • Hii smite bataile strong inou • J>er was ido gret wo • & muche folc aslawe in ei)?er half • & of ]?c romeins mo. 1200 Vor ])G brutons woxe vaste • j^e romeins binej;e were • po ];e emperour isei • J^at his fare nas no^t )^ere • Wi]> lute folc l^at him was bileued • to ssipe hii llowen vaste • Hit was folc of an gode londe • J7at hom so coupe agaste • 1189. Icriii'] lurni a; lerne B/Sy. tvic/ic'] ■wiich B ; whiclie a; what /By. 1190. ibe] be B5 ; ben fiy. ^(/m] bane a. iionsicd] y ostcd B ; iu swich o stude a ; in suchc a stede Py. 1191. \>o] oin. /8y. auo\'cr'\ on oK'i" «• 1192. wrojj] wroj B. 1193. po] And B ; pe a5 ; This /3 ; Tys y. isei] ysawe Hy ; saye \>o 5. vorlore'] y lore Jia^yS. 1194. adreint] adienct A. 11 9.5. §-] Ac a; But I3y. (/ret] grete aS. imoiic] mone Ba/875. 1196. Of] Yov I3y. ofscapede] ascapede o ; aseaped /SyS. nere adreint] nadde be dreynt B. 1197. lojidc] \>c londBS. 1199. smite] Aa ; smyton B ; smote Py ; sinytten 5. bataile] o bataile a ; a bataile fiy. 1200. §•] cm. 0/875. muche folc] mony B. aslawe] jslawe B yslawe jSyS. in] on B5 ; of ^87. 8f] ac Ma ; but ^y. mo] wel mo a/37. 1201. ivoxe] wox B ; wexe /3; wex 7 ; vvcxt S. 1202. isei] say B ; sawe fiy, saw 5. ./'"''■] fiih'e 187. nas] was (875. 1203. lute] litel /Sy. \>'it] om. ^y. bileued] bilefd a. hii Jlowen] he go)) B ; he fley a ; he flowe fiy ; ho fley^ 5. 204. Hit was . . . londc] That was good folke Py. was folc] werw men B. an] a B ; om, a. horn so] so ham a ; so hem fiyS, 88 THE CHRONICLE OF pe king cassibel anon • vor ioie made his lieste • 1205 pat alle pe kniites of is lend • come to is feste • To londone at a certein day • & hore wines al so • Hor sacrefize to hor godes • as riit was to do • Vonrti j^onsend of rnj^eren • he let qnelle ]>er to • & of fatte wej'eren • an hondred J?onsend al so • 1210 Of wilde bestes he let • J^ritti ]?onsend quelle • Of wilde foweles & of tame • ne miite no tonge telle • Cassihel rex. iol. 23 b. po ];is feste tare was • |;at folc verst in is wise • To hor godes as hii wolde • dude hor sacrefice • [53] per after hii sete at hor mete • wi]? gret nobleie echon • 1215 pat me nuste J^er biuore • so noble feste non • After mete as ritt was • j^e menestraus eode aboute • & kniites & swaines • In karole gret route • 1205. pe] J-"'ooS; Thannc ;Q7. 1206. of is] of >e a; of Ms Py. 1207. «] O a^y. hore'] om. /3-y. 1208. to do] for to do afiyd. 1209. rui>erc)i] Aa ; io)>eren BjSy ; rotheru S. let] ktte Ba; lete y. 1210. fatte] faire a0y. we\>creii] wej'eres Ba/370. cui] ou a. 1211. let] letteBa; lete 7. 1212. Of] pe B ; Bol-e of a/Sy. foweles] om. al3y. of tame] he tame B ; ne of tame 5. iie mixte no tonge] ue m_) ;te uo mou B ; no tonge ue uiijte a ; no tuugc ne myjt &y. 1213. ^are^ redy &y ; redye 5. in is] on bis a ; in berc B; on here /S7; on ber S. 1214. hor] beoie B. 1215. hii] \>Q B. sete] seten 8. e] Kit a. menestraus] menstrales B ; menestrals o ; mynstrals fiy ; Myustrelt 5. eode] jeode B ; jede a^y ; went 5. 1218. Sf swaines] &quyers)3; & squyers 7 ; & eke swaynes S. In harole] carolynge 5; (jret] mid swibe grete e kinges neueii • & )^c cvles neuen of kent • pe tueie ^ongc bachelers • ]>at noljlo were & gent • 1220 In ])Q,t noble trusche • strif Ijigonno arerc • So ]jat ]7C herles ncueu • ])en o|)er slou ri^t J^ere • po was al \>e court anuyd • as he moste nede • pe king verde ek vor wra]?]je • as he wolde awede • Androge he sende word • |mt he is neueu toke • 1225 & broite him vorp to aiiongc « J'at ]'c court him wokle loke • Andi'oge was adrad • vor ho nuste }>e kinges wille • & lo|:> he adde is neueu • to hongi o];er spille • pe king he sende word a^en • J;at he adde is franchise • In is owe court vorto lokc • domes & assise • 1230 & j;at ^if is neueu adde misdo • In is owe court he ssolde • Ansnerie };at echman • to him siwi wokle • po ]>G king hurde j^is • ];at he ne mi^te bi no lawe • lugi him }>at his neueu • broite of lifdawe • 1219. neueu'] iieue fiy. 6' K] & «• erles] Erie ys 5. neueu] aS; neuew B ; neue fiy ; men A. 1220. pe] pdt B; Tlio &yS. tueie] twelve a; twei B; two HyS. '^otKje] noble afiyd. \>at] om. B8. 7ioble] jonge a^yS. 1221. In] Ou ai87. J'«<] his B/3-yS ; )>isse a. trcsche] Aa treische fiy ; companj'e B ; reuel 5. arere] to areie 3. 1222. \>e herles] l^is erles a/37; j^at Erles 5. iteuea] ueue fiy. i>en] Jjat B5 ; J^e fiy. 1223. anmjd] aferd aS ; aferde fiy, he] hei B)S7; )^ey S ; hi a. 1224. verde ek] eke ferde 5. awede] wede B. 1225. Androije] To Androge afiy. 1226. b?-o^ie] bringe fiy. vor\>] om. afiy. to auonye] forte fongc B ; for to fonge afiy ; to fange 8. him wolde] wold him 5. 1227. Androcje] Andrge A. adrad] of adradde 5. nuste] nust /3 ; nyste y. 1228. neueu] none fiy. honyi] hongc Bfiyh. o\>ei] oiB ; ojier ioafiy; or to 5. 1230. In] On afiy, vorto] to a;87S. domes] donius a. 1231. \>at] om. afiyo. In] on a5. he] me a ; men fiy. 1232. Ansucrie \>at] Ouswerc to B; Answerije to a; Answery to fiy ; Answere to 5. cehman] eucry man 8. to] \>at to Jiafiy ; |>at 6. siwi] siwe B ; clepije o ; clepy fiy ; clcpo 5. 1233. \>e] \>h B. hurde] ihurdc a ; harde fi ; herde B7. wo] ryjt Vt ; om. afiyS. 1234. /".'/''] lugge a; Inge B/87. neueu] ueue fi, of] of y.sB ; owtc of 8. 90 THE CHRONICLE OF He gTei|?ede is est faste • vpe ]ns erl of kent • 1235 To bringe is ueiieu mid streiig|?e • to stonde to Iiige- ment • [54] Oj'cr mid fure o]?er mid swerd • bringe he wolde al out • Him to noite & al is ]>ing • nere he no so proute • pis eii bi grete louerdcs • to |?e king ofte sende • pat he ssolde vor godes lone • is herte somdel amende • & J'at he vor is neueu wolde • vorto abatie strif. 1241 Do hey amendement • sauue lume & lif • Cassihel vex. fol. 24. po l^er nas oj^er wey • bote stonde al out to dome • pe erl of anoj'er wei • bi |>ou2te him ilome • & as he & is conseil • stable conseil nome • 1245 pe lettres he sende to luli • ]?e emperour of rome • To luli emperour of rome • androge erl of kent • Gretinge & stable loue • after wrajjj'e sent • 1235. vpe'\ op on a ; vppoii lij. h's] t'e B. 1236. neueit] neue /S7. . to'] at a; attc ^y. 1237. 0)t>er . . . o>cr] 0>er ... or B;8. 1238. were] uer B ; were /S^S. mo] ncr B ; ueucr /35 ; iieiiyr 7. 1239. k] Hs B. 1240. hcrtc'] wyllc B7 ; wille aj3S, 1241. he vor is ncueti wolde'] lie wold (wolde fiyh) I'ur his neueu (neue ^87) afiyS. abatie] abaty B ; abati^e a • abate Hy. 1242. sauue] sawuc B ; sauc a/3y. 1243. nas oi>cr] nas nou o)>erBa; was none o]>er /^y. Id lUnitc] atte dome fiy. 1244. a7io];>ej- wci] on o)>er red a. ; an oj^er rede Hy. Iii \>oii-ylc] bi houjte bi houjte B. Home] wel louie 5. 1245. Sf' is co7iscil] & bis conseilers o ; at his eounseilours Hy. 1246. pe] )^esc B ; pna a; Thise fty ; Thes S. /„■] om. Ba/SyS. sende] sent &y5, 1247. emperour] )>e emperour B0y ; he ainperour a. erl] be Erie &y. 1248. sent] send B. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 91 Sire wite to ,so]?o • ];at sore ot'Jnnkj; it me • pat icli abbe vor oiire kinges loue • iholde aien l;e . 1250 pat tif mi poer nadde ibe • pou addcst liim oiicrcome • Ac vor he ap now ];e maistrie • such i)rutc him haue]> inoine • pat noLi mc );oru warn he a|^ • of j^e j^e maistrie • Driue he wokle out of his loud • mid gretc vileinie • Ich him abbe ihokle in is lond • & mi mede |;er of is . 1255 pat he me wole driue of is lond • vnofserued iwis • Vor oure godes ich take to witnesse • p'at oj^er gult non )?er nis Bote I'at inclle mi neueu • jmt a kite dude amis • Bitake him to lugement • to hongi oj^er to drawc • Ac ich wokle to sauui lif & lume • bringe him to ech lawe • - 12G0 1249. wite c 5. o/>j«/.)3 it] of Jjinkct yt B ; of J^iuclu'}' hit a ■ hit a]>enki|' $y ; hit athinkehc 5 1250. oure'] ho al3y ; )> 5. iholde] hoklc /8y. a^en] ajenst a5 ; iijens ^y. 1251. yf] om. B. nadde ihe] hud not be By. ^ou] Ba0yS; ho A." 1252. Ac] Aud 5. he] om. y. a\y 7ioiv] hah uouhe a ; nowo hah I3y; now hahe 5. prate] pruyd B ; prude a ; pride /Sy. him] he a/S-y. haur\>] hah Ba/87 ; hahe S. inomc] nomc 5. 1253. pat] Vor a ; For HyS. he In-.] he heo a ; he B. 1254. he woldc] iiie wohle a ; me he wolde 0y. his] om. a^yS. 1255. him abbe iholde] habbc yholde hym B ; habbe holde him a ; liatte holde him fiy ; haue yholde him 5. iji] on a/Sy. 1256. me ivolc] me wolde a/8 ; wol me B ; wolde me y ; Avil me S. of is lond] a^vey 0/87 ; o\vte of his loud 5. vnofserued] vudeserued B ; aud vnaserued a ; aud vn asserued ;S ; and vuaseruyd 7 ; vndescruyd 5. 1257. Vor] om. 0/875. to] om. B. ijult] oilt ^y. nis] ys 5. 1258. inelle] ieh uelle a ; lue wolde ;87. lute] lytel B/37. 1259. hoiKji] lionge Bo;87. 1260. Ac] om. B. uutlde] wole B. to sauui] saue Ba/87 ; sauynge 5, lif Sf lame] lym & lyf B ; lim & lyf a; lyme & lyfe (lyf 7) y875. 92 THE CHRONICLE OF per vore ich bidde }?at ich mowe • mi stat holde ];oru pe • & ]'at ]>ou vp him brutaine • mowe winne jjoni me • [55] & ue ]?ench )?ou sire noj'ing • )?at ich treson ];enehe • Vor siker pis is \>e so]?e wei • wij> oute eni mis wrenche • & god wole ]?at men ofte • be in wraj^J^e &5 in sore • 1265 pat after hor grete wra])];'e • hor lone be ]m more • po ]>e emperour hurde ]ns • he ne trnste wel J'er to • Wi]? onte siker ostage • such j^ing to do • pe erl J?ritti noble men • J>at were of is blode • Sende him &; is owe sone • J'at were ostages gode • Cassihd rex. fol. 24 b. Siker was ])0 j?e emperour • he ne leuede nolt bi- hinde . 1271 Ac com here to engelond • mid j^e nexte winde • pe king ]?e wule londone • bisegede uaste • & destruede ]>e erles lond • & is courtes adoun caste • 1261. bidde'] piaye H ^y. ich motoe'] I mote 5. \>o/-u'] oi a0yS, 1262. ^Jcif] om. afiy. vp] of 0/87. 1263. nc . . . 7w]^i7ig'] ne beo J>ou sire uout of clrad a; be ton noujt sirre adracl Py ; be J'ou Sir of uoght adradde 5. )f>ench'] )>enclie o. treson] of treson 8. 1264. is] om. B. ivi\)oute] withouten B. iiiis tvrenche] Tvrenche B. 1265. men] men J^at a^yS. be] om, B ; beo]? a; were 0y; bethe 8. 1266. hoi- yrete] gret fiy. 1267. hurde] horde B ; liarde/Sy; ihui'de a. triiste] tryste By ; triste aj3 ; trist 8. tvcl] not wel B ; nout wel a ; noujt wel /9-y ; noght Avel S. ]>er to] her to B. 1268. to do] for to do aySyS. 1269. ]^<'] pulke a ; Thilke /Sy ; Thiik 8, of is blode] of hy^e blood 8. 1270. Sende him] llim sendc ad- Him sent /Sy. owe] owune y. ostages] ostage /3y. 1271. \>o] om. /Sy. ?(e leuede] ue lefde a; belefte 8. 1272. ylc cow /jere to] Bot come hedir in to 8. 1273. fc king \>e tvulc] & )'e king J^e while a; And \>e while \>c kj'uge )3y; The while \>e kynge S. bisegede] bisegede wel aS ; he bisegid rijt Py- 1274. destruede] destryede B. fond] loudes 8, f;o he hnrde ])at ])g romeins • icome were to }>is londe • 1275 To horn he wcnde hastcliche • & let londone stonde • po ho com nei kaimterburi • In a valeie biside • He sei }o emperours ost • sprad aboute wide • pe emperour verst in is half • & he in is also • Ordeinede verst hor ost • j^e bataile to do • 1280 Ac mid vif hondred hors iwrie • as it was bispekc • pe erl of kent was in a wode • him vor to awreke • per of nas no^t ]>e king iwar • ac wij^oute faile • Mid gode herte he wende vor]? • to smite ]?is bataile • Bituene ]>e se & kaunterburi • |7is bataile was • 1285 [56] Neuere ich wene more slatt • in so lute wude nas • pat folc vel doun vorwounded • & aslawe in ei]7er side • As jncke as leues do]? of tren • aten winteres tide • Ac ])o ]?e folc of ]ns lond • nei adde ]?e maistrie • Com ]?e erl of kent mid is ost • ]?oru is tricherie • 1290 1275. Ac 1)0 he hurde\>at'] But when he harde K'vt /3; But he herde 7. icome . . . londe'] were nyj come at honde S, icome were] were ycome y. to }>/s] in hys B ; in his 0,87. 1276. horn he iccnde] hem went j3'; hem wente 7. 1277. nei] to a/SyS. a] o a5. biside] )jere bysyde B5; J^er bisyde 0)87, 1278. sei \>e] sawe t>is 5 ; sawe J^e 187. sprad] ysprad Ba ; yspradde 5, aboute unde] wonder wyde 5. 1279. in] on alijS. in is] hym self B. 1280. verst hor] fast here ^37. to] forte B ; for to a/375. 1281. /io?(f//'t'f/] t'ousand B187 ; I'ousend a, ?'«T/e] I weue /37. bispekc] by spoke 5. 1282. vorto] forte B. aicreke] ben awroke 5. 1283. nas] was 0y5. iwa?-] war B/37 ; awar S. 1284. gode] a good S. 1285. Bituene] BytT^xte S. \>is] Jns vlke a; Ms ilke fiy ; hys ilk S. 1286. more . . . wude] in o litel while more slaujter /37. slait] slant a ; slau^ter 5. so lute] o litele a. tcude] wjde B ; while aS. 1287. doun] om. 0^7. vorwounded] wouuded ^37. tislawc] yslawe B ; slayn ^87 ; yslayn 5. ??(] on aj375. 1288. As \-ic/tc] om. 0^87. As] Ac B. leues] Bd ; . leeues /87 ; leuys 5 ; leiieh A. do]) of irev] of he treon a; on he treen ^87; of treen 5. ivi uteres] he wynteres S. 1289. he/ofc] hat folk Ba/875. 1290. tricherie] fals trecherje 5. 94 THE CHRONICLE OF Al verss bi hinde ]>e brutouns • alas Jmlke stoiinde • So ]jat J;is lond was ibrott • ]?oru treson verst to grounde • Ac ]?e king & some of is • defended liom so vaste • J)at hii vol" horn alle aliue • ofscapede atte laste • & nokle horn tekle for no p»ing • ac among al or fon ]?ere. 1295 Ofscapede vp an liei liul • per moni rockes were • & ]>er kii kiidde kor prowesse • vor kii wuste kom ]^ere ankei • Mid stones )?at no mon • ne dorste eome kom nei • Ou louerd ]ye noble folc • j^at is of pis londe • Wanne kii ])q emperour of rome • pat no lond ne mitte at stonde. 1300 Cassihel rex. fol, 25. jj-^ bataile & al is ost • onercome twie • & eiiere wolde as ick wene • tif nadde ibe trickerie • 1291. verss'] fresch B ; ferchs a. \>ulki'] l)ikke B. 1292. ziro^/] broii;,t ^y. treson] |>is treson B; J^is traison a ; pis tresoun jSy. vcrst to] to Viafiy ■ to \>c 5. 1293. defended] defendede Ba. 1294. vor] fro /Sy. alle] om. ySy. aliuc ofscapede] ascaped alyue 5. aliue] o Hue B. ofscapede] ascapede B ; askaped /8 ; aseapj'd y. 1295. nolde] wolde I3y. horn yelde] ^elde hem 5. al or] here B/87 ; hare a ; her 5. 1296. Ofscapede] Ofscape B; At scapcde a; Ascapj-d ^y- Ascaped 5. vp an] op on an a ; vppon an j8 ; vppon a y ; vp on a S. ]ht] as B ; ase a ; }>er as S. moni] maniie a. 1297. hii] cm. a^y. kuddc] kjMe fiy. vor hii uniste] & kepte BS ; & whiste o ; and kept ^7. anhei] an hyxe y3 ; an hygh y ; an heje 5. 1298. stones] frode stones afiy. nc] om. S. come Itoni'] ham come a; hem come fi ; hym come y. 1299. Oil hmerd] Ow lord B ; A louerd a ; A lorde fiyS. ]u-] )>at apy- )3at J^es 5. is of] was of a^y ; were J'O in fi. l.'iOO. Warinc] Wan B ; Whanne a ; Whenne 7; That 5. 71c] oni. 75. at stonde] ofstonde B ; astonde a75. 1301. Sf al] w' al S. oucrcome] \>ey onercome hem 5. tivie] tuej-B; hi hadde twiu; a ; |ici hadde twej^e ^y. 1302. as] om. 0)87. yij] om B. ?)r/fW(; //x;] hit nadde beo a; hit hadde uouU he >urgh /3 ; hyt hadde nought horugh 7 ; it nad he 5. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 95 per vore ich wene ]^at ]>iH lond • neucre iwonne nere • Bote it jjoru treson of ]?e folc • of ])e londe were • po l^e emperour ne mi^te ];e king • mid strengj>e ouer- coine • 1305 pen hul he wusto vorte he adde • mid honger him inome • Atte laste ])0 ])e king • was al ibroit to grounde • pom honger & defaute of mete • alas Jnilke stounde • & he sei wel |>at he mostc • nede vor honger deie • [57] 0)jer tehle him to ])q emperour • as al is men iseie • & |;e emperours prison • he dradde ek wel sore • 1311 per vore ]?e erl of kent • he biso^te milee & ore • pat he adde reu)?e of him • & nor is gentrise • Hadde is pes wi|? J'emperour • wi]? oute feintise • & ])at ])e kunde blod of ]ns lond • of wam Ave bo|?e come • 1315 Nere |wrn him ilirott • to ssame • & ])at he toke gome • & j)at lif he adde ouit misdo • aion him mid won • pat he it wolde amcndi • aten him wel inou • 1304. iQ om. afiyd. \>oru'] mid a ; with /8y. hmde'\ selue lond B ; sulue loiul Jnat a ; same londo J'at ^y ; self loud hat 5. 1305. mid slroKiS'c'] mid no streng|>e a; with no stronl'C ,8; wj-th no sti'engthc y. 1300. pt'?*] plat B^S^S ; pano a. lie umstc'] he kcpte BS ; he Miste a; he kept /3 ; thcj' kepte y. rortr'] for to B ; fort a5 ; vnto fiy. Jte'] Jiei 187. inomit'] nome /By. 1307. \>o'] om. Ba/SyS. \ie king UHts'\ was ^e king a/Sy. «/] om. B. 1308. porw] For B. cV] for Bay; fore 5; & for /3. of mete'] om. aiSy. (lias \>ulke'] alas for hnlke a ; alias bat ilke /3y. 1309. //(.'] om. o;3y. sci] sawe /8y. Ac »7ioser'\ Or B. is mcii'] \>e men ajSy. iseic'] sej'e B ; it seye 5. 1311. emperours] emperom' /3y. iccl] fill B ; ri^t ^y. 1312. \>e crl] hulke vrl a ; hilkeErle ySy. 1313. adde] wolde haue S. f/cntrisc] gcnitrise a. 1314. Hadde] Made BaySy ; Make 5. feintise] en3' feyntise 5. 1315. Sj-] om. aj3y. Jt't' /;oK'] heo bo|>e B; hi bci^e a; ))ei ho^c ySyS, cow/e] om. B. 1310. Nere] Where /3y ; Ne were 5. ^- )>«/ he] l>at he bor of a)3y5. ioAv; (yow.'c] toke her of gome B ; nome gome a ; hede nome fty. 1317. hrt<] om. ajSy. rixeu] aj.enst a/3y. 1318. ?V] om. 5. amendi] amende |8y5. axeii] axenst afiy ; to 5. wel] om. a/3y5. 9G THE CHRONICLE OF po androge hurde ]ns • somdel he was in jjoii^t • pe prinse he sede o|?er king • nis to preisi no^t • 1320 pat in time of worre as a lomb • is bo}>e mek & milde • & in time of pes as leon • bo|>e cruel & wikle • Min godes of heuene & of er]?e • wat segge nou ^e • Mi lonerd bisec]? nou mi grace • ]:'at miite er hote me • Mid pe emperoiu" & me • pes he seep drawe • ] 325 & we bope of him biuore • pes wilnede vawe • per vore he ssolde abbe bipo^t • pat poru me he was aboue • & poru me he mitte abbe icome adoun • & abbe ikud me loue • Cassihel rex. fol. 25 b. "Vol- it is ech prince iwis • & king vileinie ' To defouli is knittes • ]'oru warn he ap pe maistrie 1319.^ hurd a] bevde B; ihurde «; harde y. h/s] of^isS. m] on 8. 1320. pe prinse] l?o S. vis to preisi] nys to pvej'se B ; is topreyse py; may I preyse 5. 132L zvorre] werre Ba. as a lumb is"] is ase o lomb a; is as a lombe 0; ys a lombe 7S. tnek'] muk a. 1322. ^'] cm. a5. as Icon'] as a lyon B ; al so \>e lyon a ; also as a lyon I3y ; 3'S a lioil S. 1328. Mm] Mi B ; Mine a ; My 70. i.V of] {k aS. wat segyc nou] now what seye 5. sef/yc] say Py. 1324. bisec\)] biseche|> B ; bisecbi)? /3; bysecheth 7. vou] oni. aliyS. mi] me a ; me of Py. miyte er] ere myght 3. er] byfore fiy. 1325. Sf me] & mid me a ; & with me $yS. pes] to pes /S ; to pees 75. secj)] sechejje 5. drawe] to drawe a;G75, 1326. x>moe] Mel fawe Ba5; ri;tfawe fiy. 1327. he ssolde] sehulde be fiy. abbe] bym babbe B ; bim habbc a ; him haiie J875. /;/)'0x/] y \>o-yt B. />e] om. OJ875. 1328. he] om. 0/378. abbe icome] haiie come B; come 0)878. abbe] om. B. ikiid] kyd B ; kjdde 7 ; kiid 8. 1329. ech] to echo B/87. vileinie] eke vilenye 8. 1330. defouli] defoule B/87. icam] whan 8. Jx] om. B08. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 97 Vor ]>e maistrie nis nott a kinges • ne be no so god • Ac kni^tes j^at vncler him vi^te]? • & ssecle]? hor blod • Najjeles icholle fondi • to bringe him of is sore • [iis.] Vor iehabbe of him wreche inou • Avanne he bisec}^ min ore • pe erl wcnde to j c cmperovir • & sat adoun a kne • 1335 Sire he sede al )>i wille • ]>ou ast ]?ou mi^t ise • Of ye king |?at is min vncle • he is al at J^in wille • Haue merci of him ich }>e bidde • & ne let him no^t aspille • Wat wostou more of him • bote ]mt he truage ]:>e bere • pc cmperour was stillo ]^o • & ne ^af him non ansuere » Sire emperour qua]> )>e erl J-'o • ne be ^e no so Isolde ^ Vnder ]?at voreward • ichabbo ])q al iholde • To bringe ]?e king binej^e • & ]'at ]wu wonnc al is londe • Wat ssolde ich ]?e more do • nastou al ]>is an honde >■ 1331. nis noyt a kiiiges] nis in J^e king noiit a ; is in \>e kynge nou^t ^y ; ys of J>e kynge noglit 5. nc he no] ne be he ueuer B ; ne be he no a ; he he neuer /SyS. 1332. Ac] Ac in J^e a; But in he ySy; Bot in 5. 1333. Na]>eles'] And najjeles B. icholle'] ich wol B ; ich wole a; I wolle ySy ; 1 wil 5. fondi] fonden B ; fonde fiy^. of] owte of 5. 1334. bisec.\>] biseche> B ; bisekih /3 ; bysekyth 7. 1335. sat] set B ; sette 5. adoun'] om. 5. a kne'] on kne BiSy ; on hys knee 5. 1336. "S'(>e he sede] He seide sire a ; And saide sirre /8 ; And sayd sirre 7 ; And seyd sir 5. \>ou ntiyt ise] he niy^^t iseo a; hat hou my^t se fiy. 1337. al] om. B. at \>in] at hi B ; to h'me a0 ; to hy Sy 1338. of] on /Sy. he] om. BayS. bidde] praye /3-y. t^' "^ '^''] ^ let B ; ne lat hon a ; ne late hou 0y ; lete hou 5. 1339. ivostoii 7nore] woldest hou more B ; woldest hahbe more a ; woklist hou more haue Py ; woldest hou haue more 5. he truage he] he he truage Ba^Sy. 1340. ho] om. B. ne] om. fiyS. ytf] )efB. ansuere] onswere B. 1341. (]ua\>] quoh B (& passim). tie] oni. 5. jw] no)t B ; nout a; nouit /Sy ; neuere 5. 1342. Vnder] Vnderstond Ba ; Vnderstoude iSy ; Vndirstonde 5. \'at] he aBy. iehabbe] hat I haue 5. he d] al he B ; he 5, iholde] holde 0y ; tokle 5. 1343. bi7ie]ye] binehe he BafiyS. Sf l^at \>ou W07nie] and thou wynne y. al] om. Ba/SyS. 1344. nastou al ]>is] nast hou hit ala; hast hou hit nou^t al ^7 ; ne hast al 5. an honde] iu hiu honde B ; on bond o ; on honde &y ; in hyno honde 5. G 98 THE CHRONICLE OF Nolde god J?at ich soffrede • mi louerd J'at is & was • pat bit me voriifnesse • & to amendi is trespas • pat he in j^ine bendes come • god it ssilde me • Vor ]?ou ne ssalt so li^tliche • him nime i segge ]>e • pe wle ich libbe vor ich wolle • in ech manere fonde • To helpe mi louerd & min vncle • bote |?ou me vnder- stonde • 1350 po ]?e emperour hurde |?is • he bigan him bi]?enche • & is wra]?]>e toward J^e king • [for drede of J^e erl quenche • 1351* pe emperour & ]>e king] in ]?is fourme acorded were • [59.] pat ]?e king of J^is lond • to ]'e emj)erom' bere • pre ]?ousend pound of seluer • fram ^ere to ^ere • As J^e truage to rome • J?at non vorbore nere • 1355 In J'is manere was engelond • Ibrott verst in seruage • & J'oru treson of ]?e sulue lond • verst lef truage • peruore a king ne mai nott • among is kni^tes be • To sturne of is iugement • ac somdel him bise • 1345. Nolde (/od] Wolde hit not fiy. 1346. bit mel bid me B ; bidde> ]>e aji ; byddyth the 7 ; byddeth me uow S. voryijhesse'] forjefnesse B ; for^euenesse o. amendi^ mende BySy. 1347. pat . . come'] On )>ine bendes )?at he come a; In J>i bondes >at he come l3yS. it ssilde'] schulde hit euere a ; schilde hit euer ^875. 1348. ne ssalt] ne schalt nout a ; schalt nou)t yS. 7iime] take PyS, i segye] I say fiy ; I seye 5. 1349. pe wle] Wyle B ; pe -while afiy. in ech] on eche a. 1350. bote] bute B ; bot if S. me] J>e ay ; J>ee )3. 1351. po] om. a/37. hurde] herdeB; ihurdea; harde ;37. him] to 5. 1351*. for drede of\>e erl quenche] B ; om. A ; J^oru bede of ^e vrl quenche a; >urgh Jje Erie prayer quenche 187; for drede gan quenche S. 1352 pe emperour &f )?e hiny] po emperour & \>q king B ; om. A ; pe amperour & )>Q king] )>o a ; The Emperour & l^e king J)an I3y. i?i] on 0^87, acorded] acordede Bo. 1353. )>!s] J>isse a. to \>e] to J?en o. 1354. selver] seluere o. fraii] aye fro 5. 1355. As \>e] As to B ; Ase a; As J87 ; Of S. to] of afiy. non] \>o\x fiy. vorbore] uer bore B, 1356. In] And in B ; On aj37. was engelond] engelond was o englonde was $y. Ibro-^t] brou^t B;S7. 1357. if'] om. 0)875. J>e sulue] J)is selue B ; l^isse sulue a ; this self /S-} verst }€/] furst hit ^af a ; first hit )aue ^87 ; for euer to pay 5. 1358. «] o a. ne] om. 5. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 99 Cassihel rex. Tennanci[us] rex. pat he a]; to horn nede • ho not wuche stounde • 1360 fol. 26. Vor a such wille as ze ise]? • broite verst ]?is lond to gToimde • pe emperour J;o & j^e king • to grete loue di'owe • &; hor eij^er o]>ev bitwenc horn • tiftes ^eue inowe • &, bileuede ahie winter • to gadere in |?is londe • Ac a^en somer ]>e emperour • ]>o he adde al anhonde • Wende horn toward rome • & mid gi"ete loue • 136G Nom wi|> him J?e erl of kent • ]7oru wane he was aboue • & ])oru nobleie J^at he was • man of so gret fame • He let an mon)?e in ])e lere • clupie after is name • lulius as he het him sulf • j^e mon|?e ]?at next is -ISTO Biuore heruest as me tut • clupe]^ J?e mon]?e iwis • r^assibel J>e gode king ^as god tef ]?at cas • Deide after seue ^er • ]?at he ouercome was • 1360. Ae] om. a. aj> to honi] to hem haj>e S. 7iede2 ueodeB; nude a. wuche] whiche a^y. 1361. a] om. ajSyS. sudi] swich a; whiche ^y. ise)>\ seet> a/SyS. verst] om. 'Qafiy^. 1362. \>o] om. B ; )jan )8 ; thanue y. 1363. hor] om. 'Qa^yd. ei]>er o]>e)-] ey}>er to oj^er B ; eij>er afiy. ■^eue] )aue o\>ev fiy. 1364. bileuede] bilefde a ; bileiied y8 ; byleuyd y. alne] al \>e 'Ba$y; alle 5. to gadere] to gedere B ; to gider j8 ; to gedyr y. in] on «. 1365. aye^i] aye a. \>e] J)is afiy. anhonde] on houd B ; on honde a^y^. 1366. Wende horn] WendeB ; Wende him a ; Went him /35 ; Wente hym y. grete] rijt gi'et fiy. 1367. Nom] Toke fiyS. \>e erl] J?au vrl a. wane] wam B; -whfi o; whom ^y. 1368. so] om. 5. 1369. He let an] He let a Ba; lie lete a jS^S; He an A. mon\>e] monejj B. in] oi'Qa^y^. clupie] clepye B; clepije o ; clepy iSy ; calle 5. is] ys owne B. 1370, 1371 transposed in y. 1371. me -yut chipe\>] me clepu]? yet so B ; me clepej> jut so a; men callil) jit so fiy ; me clepeth jitte so 5. 1372. yef] jaf a. i>at] i>e afiy. 1373. seue] Jse seue a; \>e seuene fiy. G 2 100 TPIE CHRONICLE OF & ibured was at ^ork • & J'is kinedom • Tennaunt is bro]?er sone • after him nom • 1375 [60.] pat was erl of cornewaile • & ]>e erles bro]>er of kent • Andi'oge "pat was to rome • mid ]>e emperour iwent • A ugustus was emperour • after lulij of rome • pe triiage fram J^is lond • fram lere to zere come • pe kinges sone tennant • kimbel was is name • 1380 He hukl wi)7 him at rome • Man of noble fame • He tef him armes & made him • knitt is owe honde • pis kimbel after is fader • king was of ]^is londe • So miiche he louede |?e emperour • ])at ]?ei he miite ozt . His truage atholde a^en • vor loue he nolde noit • 1385 po august adde ibe emperour • tuo & fourti ter • He let make a descriuinge • ]>&t ido nas neuere er • He sende aboute is messagers • as it is i write • To eeh lond in to al ]>e world • a certein vor to wite • 1374. ibured] y buryed B ; iburet o ; buried ;3y. ^ork'] Euerwyk E;8y ; euerw'ik o ; Euerwyc 5. ^-J and \>o 5. 1375. Tennaunt] Temivaut {or Tenmvant) B ; Tenwanc' 5. vom] \>o nom a ; )>an nome ^y. 1376. ^•\>e] & t-is afiy. 1378. Augustus] August /Sy. of] at a ; atte jSy. 1379. fram] bot>e of Ba5 ; of /Sy. fram yere to ^ere] eche xer a ; eclie jeer fiy. come] "heo nome B ; hi nome a ; }>ei nome $yS. 1380. te7i7tant] tenwant B5. 1381. huld] heldo; helde ySy. u-i\>] mid a. him] om. 7. 1382. yef] jafBa. is owe] ys owne B ; mid his owe a; with his owen j8 ; -wyth hys owne 7. 1 383. after] was after o. kini/ n-as] king a ; was kynge Py. \>is] al t»is o;8 ; alle thys 7. 1385. atholde] with holde /Sy. ayn] a jer B ; ajer a; a jeer y3; ayer 7; ajere S. nolde] wolde J875. 1 386. august] )>\s august B ; Augustus a^. ihe] be ^y. tuo] four a ; foure /SyS. fourti] twenti a ; twenty j375. 1387. make] maki^e a. a] on a; one )3y. descriuinge] discryuyng a ; descreuynge )8 ; discreuyng 7. ido] j mad B ; imad a ; ymade 5 ; made ^y. nas] was fiyS. 1388. messagers] messangers 7. 1389. ech] eche B5. in to] in Ba5 ; of ^37. a] o oy9y. vorto] forte B. ROUEET UF GLOUCESTER. 101 Kymhel rex. Hou mony ssire were in ech lond • & tonnes in eclie foi. 23 b. ssire • 13U0 & hou monimen in echo toune • he was a uret sire • & ];at echman paide a peni • & me him )>e panes bere • War |)orii he wuste hou moni men • in al ]>e worlde were • «fe me made j^is descriuinge • in j^is lond as wel • As in eni o]7er londe • bi j^e kinges dale kimbel • 1395 & naj^eles ine leue it noit • ]?at he ne dude it as wel Jeanne • Vor loue of ]>e j^ancs as to wite • p'e noumbre of eclie manne • Aboute ierusalem • ]>is noumbringe he bigan • [6I.] As in J7e middel of ]?e world • to noumbri echo man • pulke time vr louerd was • in bedleem ibore • 1400 ^'^^l"^ <^*t ■V^ . . Chnstiis. Oi mane to saui men • )?at were arst vorlore • Bi kimbeles dai ]mt was king • of brutaine here • & in ]?e emperours august • two & fourti}?e 5 ere • 1.390. Hou mony'] What aySyS. as'ire] scbiren B; schirene a^y ; schyre.s 5. cc/j] eclie Ba/37 ; euery 5. 1391. vionhnai] muche folc a; muche folke /3y ; muche folk 5. cclu-'] euery 5. a] o c; of 5. sire^ desire 5. 1392. ^-] & |>at BjSyS. panes] money B ; penyes 3 ; peynes y ; pans h. 1393. wuste] wiste Ba ; wist fi ; wyst 7. moni] maniac a. ul] oni. y. 1394. descriuinge] discryuyng a; descreuyuge ^; discieuynge y ; des- yrynge S. ]>is] J-isse a. 1395. eni] ony fiy. date] daies 0y. kimbel] kinbel B. 1396. ^-] Ac a; But fiy. ine leue] y leue B ; I lyue 5 ; ich nc Icue a. it] cm. a/Sy. he] hi o ; J-ei I3y. ne] cm, fiyS. it as] al B ; ase a ; as ^7. \>anne] J^eune /Sy. 1397. panes] panewes a ; penyes ^ ; peynes 7 ; Pauegas 5. as] 0111. 5. cche manne] {>e menne B ; luunne a ; men ^y. 1398. AhoutJ] So J^at aboute a/Sy. nuumbrlnye] nonibre 5. he] om. /3y 1399. As] And S. middel] myddes B. noumbri] numbri a ; numbry ^ ; nombry 7 ; noumbre B. eche] echne a. 1400. bedleem] bethleem a ; Bedlom !iy 1401. saui] saue B/3y. men] mankun a ; mankynde jSy. were ar^l] arst were B ; was arst a^y. 1402. himbeles] kinbeles B ; kvmbes /3y. was hinc/] kyng was B. 1403. fnyrfl\'e] fourti B ; fonrty )3y ; fourtyo 5, 102 THE CHRONICLE pat was icliiped octouian • in ano)7er name • pis emperour august • was of so gret fame • 1405 pat vor luli ]7e emperour • ]>at biuore him was er • Hadde after him icluped • an monJ?e in ]>e ^er • pe nexte monj^e ]?erafter • }»at heruest monJ»e is • He let after him clupie • august iwis • po august adde ibe emperour • fourti ler & fiue '1410 & wel iholde is poer • he wende out of ]>is Hue • Tibery is stepsone • after him com • pat nobliche huld is poer • & is kinedom • pe gywes & herodes • ]?at hore king was • He adauntede hard inou • & non harm it nas • 1415 Pilatus he sende ]7uder • hor lustise to be J'ere • Vorto holde hom harde inou • as hii wel wrj'i were • & lut for al ]?an bi is dale • J^oru hor lu)7er mode • Hii brotte oure louerd ihesu crist • to dej^e on j^e rode • fol. 27. Givy]>er rex. [62.1 P^^ ^ tuenty ter emperour • he was l:)iuore is de|?e • & after him was gayus • vif ^er vnnej^e • 1421 1404. icluped] callid /37. 1405. augtist] augustus a. of] man of ojSy. 1407. icluped] callid jSy. an] a B5 ; one a^y. in] of 5. 1408. );>erafter] afturward B ; afterward a5 ; aftirwarde $y. 1409. let] lete fiyS. after him clupie] clepe aftur hjTii B ; clepije after him a ; clepe after him 5 ; cally aftir him fiy. aur/ust] Augustus a. 1410. autjust] Augustus a. ibe] be /Sy. fourti] fyftyBS; fifti o ; fifty Py. 1411. iholde] holde fiy. \>is] om. 5. 1412. after] J>o after 5. com] ]>o com a ; \>i\n come $y. 1413. huld] helde a^y. if] & eke B. 1414. J>«<] J^at ]>o 5. wax] \>o was a ; J>an was I3y. 1416. Pilatus] Pilat/3S; Pylat y. \>uder] J'ider B ; Kodere a ; Jiedcr /3 ; thedyr y. 1417. mtJ>i] wor)>iBo/3y; worJ>y 5, 1418. J5«?i] Jjat jSyS. lu];>er] luyhei'c a. 1419. de)pe] dye B. on] apon/87; opon o. Tour lines inserted in afiy. See Appendix, Note L. 1421. vnue)>e] \>o vnnej'e a. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 103 Kymbel vi' king of j^is lond • sones adde tweie • Gwider & aruirag • noblemen beie • Gwider after is fader • king was of j^is londe • & Claudius emperour • after gay • ich vnder stonde • Ymad he was emperour • sixti ter ich wene • 1426 After god was ibore • &; aboute an eittetene • & after vr louerdes de]> • seue hondi-ed lev • & euene eizte & nienti • rome Avas imad er • /gwider vr king of ]?is lond • is truage athuld sone • 01 rome ]?at is eldore • were iwoned to done • Claudius ])e emperour • J^er of him gan bi se • pe verjje 4er j^at he adde • emperour ibe • Mid gret ost he wende • in to engelonde • In l^e contreie of souj^hamptone • hii ariuede ich vnder stonde • 1435 po king gwider vnderiet • j^at hii ariuede ]?ere • Him ]?ou2te imete mid is ost • ar he at hom were • 1422. tweie] twei B ; tweije a ; two ^75. 1423. aruiray'] aruigal a ; auigal y; Anniran^ 0. noblemen beie'] )>at noble were beije o ; \>ni noble men were \>o fiy ; noblemen )>ey were bo 5. 1425. emperour] was Emperour S. ycy] Gayus $yS. 1427. After] Aftur hat B; After ^at aS; Aftir >at fiy. aboute] a bouten B. an eiytetene] ninetene a ; nyuteneySy. 1428, 1429 omitted in a^y. 1428. Sf] om. B5. seue] a seue B ; and seuene 5. 1429. imad] made 5. 1430. athuld] atheld a5 ; with helde fiy. 1431. O/] To B5 ; Fram a/3y. eWorc] vldere a ; elders /Sy. iwoned] ywond B ; ywoute 5 ; wonnte /8 ; wonte y. 1432. i>e] his a/87. .'/«" ^* se] b3'gan to se 7. 1433. ver\>e] farj>e a ; fourt>e ^87. 1434. Mid . . . zvende] W a grete oste he come 5. i?!. to en (/londe] here to his londe Ba$y ; hedir vnto hys londe 5. 1435. In \>e contreie of] Aboute B. In] Into a/8. sou\>hamptone] souhhamto B. Idi] he B. ariuede] driue a; dryue ^87. 1436. po] p'e Ba/37. vnder-^et] hit vnderiat o; hit vnderstode ^87 vnderstode 5. 1437. imete] long B ; longe 0/87; fulle longe 5. at hom] at hem B)3; hat bam a ; atte hem 7. 104 THE CHRONICLE OF Hii mette horn togadere • mid poer inou • Muche folc ill e'ipev half • to gronde me sloii • pe king gwider more folc • slou is owe lionde • 1440 pan muchedel of is folc • as ich vnder stonde • [63.] pis romeins were vor nott • ouercome atte laste • pat ]>e emperour mid is ost • bigan to fie vaste • A clieuentein ]7at was wij? him • haym was is name • He sei J^at hor partie • ibrott was nei to ssame • 1445 He bi]70Zte him of felonie • & let him armi ]?ere • Mid amies of brutons • as he of ]ns lond were • He siwede ope |?e romeins • mid J^e brutons so vaste • pat oiire king him louede wel • &5 is lierte al vpe him caste • Aruiragus Tex. fol. 27 b. He spac engliss vor he was • at rome inorssed biiiore • Mid ostages of ]ns lond • me leued him J>e bet biuore • 1438. inou] gret ynou a ; gret ynouj /8 ; grete yuouli y. 1439. in'\ on 5. ei\>er'\ eyjje B. to yronde] to J^e grouude 5. me] \>o me a ; Jjan men fiy. 1440. is owe honde] ich vnderstoude a; I vnderstonde ^y. 1441. paw] pane a. folc] ost BaySy ; oste 5. as ich vnderstonde] mid his owe honde a ; with his owen houde /By. 1442. vor no-^t] for uo^t B; for voute a; for foujt /8 ; forfought y. ouercome] & ouercome ay ; & ouercomen j8. 1443. \>e] \>\s al3y. viid] & S. 1444. A] O 0/87. ]>at] )>er BS. 1445. sei] sawe I3y. hor] heore B. p/irlic] partiie a. ibroyt was we/] wrojt was ney B ; was uyje broujt 5. 1446. him] am. a. of felonie] one felonije a ; on velonye/87. armi] arme B. 1448. ope . . . brutons] myd j^e brytones vp he romaynes B ; mid ^e brutons ope t>e romaius a ; he Brutons vpoii >e Romayns fiy ; w' he Bretons vpon he romayns 5. 1449. wel] om. B. al] om. y, vpe] to afiyS. 14.')0. spac] spek B; spake 5. e7i(/liss] bruton a ; Bruton/By; Breton 5. i7iorssed] ynorisched Ba ; norisched j3 ; norysched yS. 1431. ostaves] ostage Ba^y. \>is] ]>hsc a. Icaed] lefde a; louede B ; loucd 5. \>c bet biuore] he bet her fore B ; he bcttre her fore 5 ; her fore o ; he more By, ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 105 He was eiiere oure kinge next • & atte laste he adrou • His swerd ar me were iwar • & oure king aslou • per was tricherie inou • vor no rnon ne niai bet do • Gile ano]'er |^an ]?ulke • ]>at he truste mest to • 1455 To his felawes he wende anon • & bed horn hardi be • So ]?at J?e brutons were • vpe J^e pointe to fle • Aruirag vr kinges broj^er • wende vor]? anon j^ere • ki dude him on |>e kinges amies • he im sulf as it were • He lei> on is stede &; siwede • & slou vaste is fon • & )?e brutons wi|> him vor hii wende • it were . ]>g king echon • 14G1 Hii were alle ])0 so hardi • & J^at folc slowe so vaste • [^^-J pat j?e emperour bigan to fle • mid is folc atte laste • To scipes & in to ]>e se • mid wrechede inou • Ac ]>e lu]?er haym & is folc • toward wode drou • 1452. ourel ur B. 7ie.vt'] nex B. <^-] ac a ; but Py. atte'] at >e aff ; atte the y. adrou'] drow B. 1453. ar me] ar he Ba ; or he ^y. . trere iwar] ware warre $y ; were ware 5. aslou] so slow B ; he slou o ; he slouj ^y ; slouj 5. 1454. per] pat afiy. tricherie iuou] trichcrije ynou a; tresoiii ywrought S. ne] om. a$yS. inai] mj^^t I3y ; may hit 5. bet] bettre 5. 1455. Gile] Begyle 5. aiio\>er] on ol^er a. \>a7i] hane a. \>ulke] \>e iike 0y. truste mest] truste)> most B ; trist mest o ; most 0y ; moste trust 5. 1456. bed] bad BajSy. 1457. vpe] vp B ; opon a ; vppon jS-y. to] for to a0y. 1458. Aruirag] Annirag 5. vr] oure B; ]^e afiy. anoji] ]io o; Jiau /By. 1459. dude^ ded 5. him on] on Ba5 ; on him fiy. he im sulf] hym self B ; him sulf a ; him self fiy. 1460. He lep] And lepte B ; He lepe fiy. siwede] swede a. i^aste] om. afiy. 1461. wi\> him vor hii] om. a$y ; J^o w' him l^ey 5. it] J>at it B ; J>at he afiy ; he 5. echon] oon fi (a correction). 1462. alle \>o so] alle so ay; also /3 ; )>o al so 5. hardi] hardiie o ; harde B. 1463. folc] power a0y ; cste 5. atte] at t>e a. 1464. scipes] schyppe 5. iiito] to a/Sy. wrechede] wrechede hed B ; wrecchedhed Py. 1465. §•] with B^yS ; mid a. wode] |>e wode hym B5 ; \>e wode oy l)e woode /3. 106 THE CHRONICLE OF de South Aruiraff him siwede • & to grounde slou • hamtone. . ... i i i i i -i Atte laste is tricnerie • wel lute he bilou • He of tok him at an hauene • & slou him v'lit j^ere • Lute harm j^ei trichors • so alle iserued were • pe hauene ]yev he was aslawe • after haym is name iwis • Haymtone was icluped • as he tut icluped is • 1471 Vor sou]?hamtone he is icluped • & wor]? euere mo • In J?is manere ])e brutons • |?is lond wuste ]>o • piaudius J?e emperour • nolde nott tut bileue • ^ef he com mid is ost • in to ]>is lond weue • 1475 Aruirag at winchestre • mid is men was echon • Wi]? is poer ]>e emperour • biseged him anon • Aruirag greij'ed him • & is folc aboute • &; wende vor]> to tiue him • bataile wi]70ute • 1466. Ariii?-a(/'] Armirag 5. grounde] the grounde 7. slou] euer slow^ B ; euere slou a ; him slou^ /8 ; hym slough y ; euere slouj 5. 1467. Atte] At l^e a ; Atte ];>& fiy. wel] om. 5. lute'] luite a; lutel B ; lytel 7; litil S. he] he hit a^y. bilou] by low; B ; bilou) /3 ; bylough 7 ; by lou^ S. 1468. of tok] ouer tok B; ouer toke PyS. at tni] at one a ; atte \>e&y. 1469. Lute] Lutel B ; Litel j8 ; Lytel 7 ; Litil S. hei] J'ou^ alle S. trichors] tricherus B ; trechours $y ; Traytours 5. alle] om. S- iserued] serued fiyS. 1470. aslaive] yslawe B ; slawe $y ; slayn 5. haym is] haymus a ; haymes fiy. 1471. Haymtone] HamptoneBa; Hamptoii ^37. loas icluped] iclepcd was a; callyd hit was;87; hit was callyd 5, he yut icluped] he icleped ■^ut a ; hit ■^it callid fiy ; jytte callyd 5. 1472. Vor] om. fiy. he is icluped . . . 7710] \>eT for callid is & so hit schal for ever mo $y. he is] hit ys 5. worY] worj^e a; schal S. 1473. In] On afiy. wuste] wiste B ; werede o; warred ^87; kepte S. 1474. nMe . . . bileue] wolde nou^t ^it his malese bileue Py. 1475. ■^e/] Eft sone Ba;87; Efte sone S. com] gan B; cam o; came Py ; gon 5. iri to ]pis lond icene] J>is lond to bireue afiy. iveue] wefe 5. 1476. Ai-xiira(f] Armirag 5. was] om. ^37; were S. 1477. WiV • • • a"on] To bisegi him harinne claudius Jjuderward drou anon a ; To bisege him J^cr Inne Claudius ^edirwarde drou% anone fiy. hisc(fcd] bisegede B. 1478. Aruira;/] Armirag 5. ed him] him grei)>ede a ; him grahed 07 ; arayde him 5. is] alle his Py. folc] men hym 5. 1479. wende] wendeb B. to yue] to ^enst a; a^enst &y. bataile] to xeue bataile a ; to ^eue him bataile &y. [65.] ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 107 Aruiragus rex • qid desponsauit filiam im^peratoris • Claudii. po he com outward wi]? is folc • |)e emperour atstod • fol. 28 & di'adde is hardiesse • & J^otte it nas nott god • To don is lif an aunter • & is men al so • He ]70tte to speke of acord • tif it miite be ido • To \q king he sende word • J^at he ssolde him bise • & make fourme of acord • tif it mi^te so be • 1485 Vor wanne hii adde al ifotte • & hor lif anauntre ido • & hor folc aslawe in ei]7er side • & peraunter horn sulf al so • Al vor a lute coueitise • \e bi^ete were J>anne lute • Betere hit were acordi • & bileue hor j)rute • Vor he was so god kni^t • & al so so noble king • He bed vor to ^iue him • is doiter in spousi[n]g • pe nobloste damaisele • J?at was in eni londe • & to spousy ]?e emperours dotter • hit nere him no ssonde • 1480. atstod'] with stocl Ba ; •« ithstode ^y ; w' stocle S. 1481. dradde] dredde B. is] of hys B-y; of his a)35. hardiesse] hardinesse a/8 ; hardynesse ByS. nas] was B/SyS. 1482. don] do B; putte 5. an aunter] on auatre a^y; in aneuture 5. 1483. \>o-yte to speke] t>on^te te speke B ; hoiite speken a. ido] so oyS-y ; do S. 1484. bise] be se B ; yse fiy. 1485. make] niaki^e a. fourme of] a forme of B8; ferme ;8y. yif] as Ba;875. so] best Ba)3y5. 1486. anauntre] on auntre a^y, in auenture 5. 1487. §• hor folc . . . side] In ei>er side folc (folke ^y') aslawe afiy. aslawe in ei\>er side] slawe on ey^er syde B ; perauenture yslawe S. peraunter horn sulf] perauenture him sulf (self 7) aySy; hem selue perauenture S. 1488. Al] And al 5. lute] Intel B ; litel a/8; lytel 7; lytil S. biycte] wynnynge fiy. were] war B. lute] luite a ; lite Py ; fid lyte 5. 1489. acordi] to acorde 5; acorded beo a; acordid be fiy. hor] heore B. prute] pruite a ; prite ^37. 1490. k7iiyt] a knyght 5. al so so] al so afiy. king] a kynge 5. 1491. bed] beod B ; bede /S7; profred S. yiue] jeuen a. 1492. nobloste damaisele] nobleste damesel B; noblestc dammeselea- uobelest damysel j8 ; nobelest damesel 7 ; noblest & fairest ladye S. 1493. §-] om. afiy. to spousy] to spouse 'Bfiy ; forto wedde 6. hit . ssonde] to hym it were no schonde 5. nere] were ^y. 108 THE CHRONICLE OF Vor wat he bere is truage • as ri^t were to rome • As alle oj^ere kinges dude • & is eldore ilome • 1495 pe king vor his heie herte • anon it wi]? seide • Ac naj^eles is conseil • him gan j^er to rede • & sede J'at it was to him • gret prou & honour • To be in such mariage • alied to ]?e emperour • pe heiest prince of al ]'e world • & j^e maide so noble al so . 1500 & ]?at it ncre him no ssame • his truage to do • [66.] To ]>e noble stude of rome • wanne J?e o]7er kinges echon • Hit dude ]?oru al ]:'e world • & in so noble fourme non • pe king ]?ei he hautein were • ches ]>e beste won • &i vnderstond is conseil • so ]?at hii were at on • 1505 pat he bere is truage • as oj^ere dude to rome • & ]?at he ]>e emperoures dorter • in spoushod nome • pis maide was to londe ibroit • of so noble gentrise • Vairor wommon nas ]>o non • ihote heo was gewise • 1494. Vor wat'] To whom 5. were'] was 0^875. 1495. eldore] eldren Jifiy ; vlderne a; elderne 5. Home'] lome 8. 1497. 7ia\>eJes] noheles B. 1498. it] his ;8 ; hys 7. 1499. be] ben ajSy. such] swiche a. alietJ] aleyed 7. 1500. heiest] hexte Ba ; higlicst 7. o/'«/] of Ba/3y. 1500-1503. ^ \>e maide . . . ivorld] 0111.7. 1501. nere] were 187. 1502. ^c v]>vr] oh>er B. 1503. ^•] ac a. 1504. \>c kin;/ \>ei] Al J^ou) /3 ; Alio thouh 7. hautein] haunteyn S. dies] he chcse ^y. 1505. vnderstond] vaderstod Ba. 1506. here] bar a. 150". in spoushod] in spoushed |nis B ; )nis in spousliud a ; Jnis iu sposc- hede j3 ; thus in spousede 7 ; in spousyiige \>\is 5. 1508. pis] pat Ba)375. maide] fressche may 8. ihroyt] broujt /87. ijcntrise] genitrise a. 1509. Vairor wommon] Fairer wimman o; Fairer woman )3 ; Faire woman 7; A fayrcr kidy 6. nas Jw] was J^au ^y; was J'ere 6. gewise] lewise 187. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 109 Impevator Claudius. Aruiragiis rex. At a lute toun |?at was )?o«bi este walls* 1510 fol. 28 b. pat vpe seiierne stod • ispoused hii were iwis • pe king loiiede is wif anon • so purliclie & so vaste • pat al is herte onliche • on hire on he caste • Vor honur of ]>e mariage • ]?e emperour & he • pere as heo was ispoused • rerde a gret cite • 1515 & after J?e emperoures name • ]?at claudius was • He let J^is cite clupie • claucestre vor ]>is cas • & \>e emperour bitet su)7]?e • in ]?ulke toun bicas • An sone )?at me clupede glou • ]7at gret man suj;]7e was • & hei due of al |>ulke stude • he clupede ]>en toun rg- -j iwis • 1520 After his name gloucestre • as he tut icluped is • Gloucestria Aboute foure & twenty ter .as j^is clerkes vnderstode • edmcatur. After ]?at oure louerd was • idon on ])e rode • Gloucestre J^oru j^e emperour • verst )>us arerd was • & souJ>hamptone ]?er bivore • le abbe]> ihurd J>at cas • 1010. a lute'] o lute a- one litul /Sy. walls] in walis a^y. 1011, vpe] ope a; vppon Py. ispoused] ywedded 5. 1512. I'OSte] faste apy. 1513. onliche] outliche B ; outturly 5. on he] one he BaySy. 1514. Vor] For the y. 1515. \>ere . . . gret] Eerde as heo yspoused was a swyj^e fair B ; Arerde ^er heo ispoused was one grete a ; Arered j'er sche spoused was one grete By ; Arered j^ere as sche wedded was a grete & a fayre 5. 1516. Sf] om 5. \>at claudius] claudius J^at ajSy. 1517. He] HeoB ; They 5. \)is cite clupie] J>is jjiscite clupie A; ^e cite clepe B ; \>Q cite clepi^e a ; J>e citee calle ^y ; clepe hit 5. clau- cestre] Gloucestre y ; Claucetre 5. \>is] \>is same S. 1518. ^•] om. a/Sy. billet'] bijat a^y. 1519. An] A BySy ; Anne a. me clupede] men callid fiy. yret man] a grete lord 5. 1520. §•] An B ; & on a ; And a I3y. al] om. ajBy. ]'ulke] J^at E5. stude] stode 5. clupede] callid 0y. i>e7i] \>at BS ; \>e a0y. 1521. he] hit;37; it 5. icluped] called /Sy. 1 522. Joure] a foure 5. \>is] om. a/Sy. 1523. idon on] y do on B ; idon op on a ; don vppon $y, 1524. \>us] om. S. 1525. ye abbe\> ihurd] je haue yhard /3 ; ye haue hardy; as je haue herde 5. \>at] \>e a^yS. 110 THE CHRONICLE OF Sanctus Seinte peter per biuore • so muche so it were • 1526 Petrus. p^^^^ ^^^ ^^ rome verst • cristendom to lere • Marcus. & sende seint Marc j^e ewangelist • in to egypt vor to preche • pen gospel ]?at he adde imaked • & cristendom to teche • Conuersio Seint poul ek ]7ulke time • to cristendom wende • 1530 Dyonisius. Seint denis & monye o]?er • as oure louerd aboute him sende • Seinte peter vif & twenti lev • pope bileuede so • Vorte it was ])e laste ter • of J^e emperour nero • po ]>e emperour adde in );is lond • is wille ido inou • He let ])Q king al iwor]7e • &l to rome a^en drou .1535 pe king let diite ]>o )>is lond • nobliche wi)? alle • &L let bulde vp grete tonnes • ]?at were ney adoun ivalle • po Claudius ]?e emperour • to is ende was ido • After him was emperour • ])e lujjer man nero • fol. 29. Imperator Nero. Aruiragus rex. prettene ter & an half'& J?at was longe inou. 1540 petriis & Vor seinte peter & seinte poul • in his laste ^er he slou • paulus occisi. 1526. so it} as hit a^y ; as it S. 1527. af] of S. 1528. 171 to] to a/Sy. for] om. fiy. to'] om. a. 1529. pe?!^ e BafiyS. imaked] ymad Ba ; ymade 5 ; made fiy. 1530. we7tde] so wende a; so went j8 ; so wente y. 1531. denis] Uionj'S ^Sy. mo7iye]mamye a. aboute htin] ohontehimB ; ham a ; hem &y ; hem abowte S. sende] semde B ; sent j85 ; sente y. 1532. bileuede] bilefde a; lyuedySy. 1533. Vorte] Forto B ; Vort a ; Vn to ^y. 1534. po] om. a^y. adde iii \>is lond] in J^is loud hadde B. is wille ido] idon his wille a ; d.on his wille fiy. 1535. He let . . . iwor\>e] And )>e kynge ywor^'e lete 0y. al iwo7-];>e] y wort>e a ; alle worthe 5. 1536. let] om. Ba&yS. diyte Jpo] di)t J>an fiy. ?r/>] mid a. 1537. 8f] He B. vp] om. afiyS. adou7i] dou 5 ; om.a^y. ivalle] falle B ; afalle a/87 ; yfalle S. 1539. )?e] J)at fiy. lui>er] luij^er a ; wycked S. 1540. i>rette7ie] Jrottene B. a?t] on a; a fiy. 1541. Vor] And Bafiyd. his] ))e ^y ; om. o. hisle] lafte B. he] oin. a. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. Ill He bicom sone l^er after • pur gidy &5 wod • & vor he was in is moder wombe as he vnderstod • He totte he wolde wite &; ise • hou vair be chamber were • ^^«^™. ' occidit War inne he was ikenede • ar is moder him bere • matrem. His moder he let queUe anon • vor to se wij^mne • Hou vair ]7e inewarde was • ]?at he kened was inne • po is moder aslawe was • me blamed him J^eruore • & sede ];at heo him bo^te dere • ar he were ibore • ^e is it qua]? he so strong • mid childe to be bi- stonde • 1550 Bi J?e fei |?at ich owe to mahoun • j^at soj^e ichoUe fonde • Nero voluit His fisicians he clupede • & suor is o]? anon • \.^^J_ Bote hii made him mid childe • he wolde hom sle echon • Hii bispeke hom bitwene • & J?en de]> vor to fle • Hii leue him an quointe drench • mid childe vor to be • 1542. He"] And S. gidy"] gudy a. 1543. Sfl om. Ba/375. was in is moder womhe] in his modir wombe was /By. »(] on a. 1544. wite ^ z'se] wyte & se B/Sy ; ywite & iseo a. 1545. ikenede] & kenede B ; ikened a; kennede fiy; ykenned 5. 1546. se] se hir 5. 1547. ]>e inewarde was'] was J^at Ineward a; was \>e Inwarde fiy; l^at ynwarde Avas 5. kened was] kenede Ba ; kenned fiy ; was kennyd S. 1548. aslawe] yslaw B; yslayu S; slayn fiy. blamed] blamede Ba. 1549. )?al] om. a^SyS. him bo^yte] bo^te hym B ; bou^te him a ; bou^t him 375. dere] dure j^nou o ; dere yuouj /Sy ; dere yuow 5. ar] er B ; ere l^at S. ibore] bore 5. 1550. qua^ he so strong] so hard quod he fiy. bistonde] stoude B ; astounde S ; bound e fiy. 1551. /e/] fait'e ^ ; feyth 7 ; feith 5. to] om. Ba. mahoun] mahone B ; mahun a. ];>at] fje BS. icholle] ich wol B ; ich wole o ; wol I Py ; wil I 5. 1552. he clupede] he clepede he clepede a ; he callid 0y. 1553. made him] maden hym B ; him made affy. echo7i] anone S. 1554. Omitted in ^y. Hii . . . bitwene] Hi bispeke bitwene ham o ; They speken }>o to gedir 5 . \>en de]>] J^e de}> B ; )jane de)j a ; J>oujteu 5. 1555. Instead of this line ^y have: Thei gaue him a drinke : to haue childe & so he bare Thurgh here crafte )>at ^ei dide : to saue here lyfes J^are. 1555. Hii] pei B ; And a ; Bot J^ey 5. -ycue] ^euen B. aii] a B5 ; o a. quointe] koynte B ; quinte a. in vrbe roma. 112 THE CHRONICLE OF His wombe bigan to greti • & euere J?e leng ]>e more • So longe ]?at it jjotte strong • his wombe ok wel sore • He clupede is fisicians • & suor gret o]^ anon • Bote hii made him bere child • he wolde hom honge echon • [69.] Hii teue him ano]>er drench • to abbe child ]^er • 15G0 ^ero gQ |,at atte laste • a sori child he ber • lanamaqua Vor ]?o it alles com vor]> • it was a foul frogge • paiac[ium] y^j, gode me binkb lute harm • bei it adde ibe a lateran- ° f r r en[se] dogge • ^ut ]?is gidie wrecche • louede ])is foule best • As wommon de]> hire child • alle ]^ing mest • 1565 & let hit rere a noble court • mid gret quointise & ginne • At ]>e on ende of rome • to norssi ]>e ssrewe j^er inne • 1556-1561 omitted in fiy. 1556. greW] grete B ; yrex grete 5. e«e;-e \>e'\ euere so o. /t'?j(/] lenger B5. ]f>e more] so more a. 1557. it\ hym B ; him a5. \>oyt.e stromi'] }>ought_ stronge 5. oA] ook S. 155S. fisicians] phisicieus \>o a. o\>] om. B. 1559. Bote] Bot yf S. rnade him] him made a. child] a chyde S. Aom honyc] lete honge hem 7. 1560, 1. \>er . . . child] om. a. 1560. Hii] pe B. «?io)3cr] on ojjer a. 1501. Jjai] om. S. /y«-] bar a. 1562. Vol- . . . i'orJ>] But when hit forj^e come /Sy. \>o] om. B. co/H ?;o?-J)] for)' com a. «] o a ; om. S. 1563. For . . . ]>ink\>] Vor gode hit was a; For trewlj' hit was 0y ; For- southe hit hadde S. lute] litel B^Sy ; lite a ; lyte S. ))£('] ))Ouj ^Sy. arWe ?"ie] had be S ; were ajBy. 1504. yidie] gredi B ; gudije a; gyde 7. 15G5. wommon deh] doJ> wimman a; do)? womman ^87; a womman doth 5. alle i>inf/] of alle (al j85) ^jinge ajSyS. 1566. let] late /87. /<(<] hym B; him ajByS. rere] arere 5. gret] om. S. 1507. i>e] jjan o; Jiat J875. vorssi] norische B^7 ; norischi o. \>e] t>at a/37. W*" inne] inne Bo/Sy. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 113 & clupede laterane • after ]>e frogge iwis • Vor in ])o langage of rome • rane a frogge is • Imperator Vesjxisianus. Domicianus Imiperatov. So is ]>c, sfcude icluped nou • & eiiere wor]> wor ]?isfol.29b, cas • 1570 Fable was ]>& godfader • after warn pe name was • pe verste churclie j'at me let • in J>e world rere • Seint lones de lateran • me rerde sup'l^e ];ere • pat stont 2ute & heued eliurehe • of al cristendom • is^« Ac betere chef J^er is now • j^an ]>e frogge was iwis • SuJ^J^e l^e lu|?er emperour • In is licrte adde loye • To ]?enche of fure |?at was • in ]>e bataile of troye • po me barnde grete tonnes • & courtes day & niit • & J'otte it was murie loie • to se so vair litt • pe gidie wrecche let sette • ]?e toun of rome a fure • [to.] To abbe game of ]'at lilt • ]>e wile it wblde dure • 1568. clupedej callid $y. lateratie'] he court laterane Ba ; hat court laterane Py ; hit coui't Lateran 5. 1569. See Appendix, Note M. 1570. is \>e stiide'l \>e stude a ; he stede is 0y. hf] hat B. icluped mom] icleped jut a ; callid jit ^y. iror]> wor h's] worh for hat B ; worh for his a ; wil for his fiy ; schal for his 5. 1571. warn'] wbam a ; ■whom /Sy. 1572. he world'] ho load B. ?-ere] arere afiyS. 1573. Jones'] lou a5 ; lohn /By. de] he B/3 ; om. 7. rerde] rerede B ; arerde a ; arere d fiy. 1574. sto7it] stoud Ba; stondeh /85 ; stondyth y. 8f heued] & hefd a ; an heued fiyS. of] hat of B. is] hit is /Sy. 1575. Ac] A 5. betere] a beter B. 1576. In is herte adde] hadde in his herte B/Sy ; hadde on his herte a ; had in his hert S. 1577. of] on B ; on he S. fure] fiiire a. z'w] at 5. 1578. barnde] brenncde ^ ; brennyd 78. covrtes] countrayes ^37. 1579. §^] He fiy. murie] a merye 5; muche 0^87. //j<] a lyjt B ; a lijt 0)87. 1580. gidie] gudije a ; gedy 7. )>e] haue a. a fure] on fuyre B ; afuire a ; on fyre ^y. 1581. \>at] he B. wolde] myjte B. dare] duire a ; dyre ^7 ; enduyre 5. ' In blacker ink. 114 THE CHRONICLE OF po wende vorj? ]>e toun folc • as hii moste nede • & nolde namore )?olie ]^an ssrewe • among liom a wede • & slowe \>o ]>e ssrewe • in vile de]> inow • & J7US ^ hira vel vrecche of god • vor he ]>e apostles slou • TTaspasyan 'pe emperour • after nero com • 1586 pat betere man was ];an he • & ne worrede nott cristendom • pe gywes he worrede inou • & bro^te horn verst to notte • Vor as muche as J?e luj^ermen • vr loiierd to de]?e brotte • Vor he & titus is sone • of vr louerd vnderstode •1590 Vom"ty ter after • ]?at he deide on ]?e rode • & wende to ierusalem • & 'pen toun velde to gronde • & slowe ]>e Iviper gywes • alle ];at hii founde • Bote a ssipuol per of scapede • psA were to fale ywis • "War of com }?at luj'er brod • Jjat among men ^ut is • 1582. tcendel wenten S. 1583. nolde namore'] nolde nomore B ; nolde namore o ; wolde no more fiy ; wolden no more 5. \>olie'} ]>o\[ye a ;'>ole jSy ; suffre B5. )>aw] t)ane a ; t>e B ; J^at fiyB. among honi] so afiy ; om. 5. a tvede"] ■wede B ; a weed Py. 1584. slowe'] slowen a. \>o] om. HafiyS. i>e] J>ane vlke a ; >at like I3y. in"] on a^y. vile] fyl B. 1585. vel] added above the line in A ; fel. B ; om. a0yS. vrecche of] wrechede a ; wreched Py ; awreked S, apostles] apostle B; apostil S. 1586. com] )>anne com ay ; J^an come 0y. 1587. ne] om. S. worrede] werred &y. 1588. pe] On \>e $y; Vpon l^e 5. he worrede] aworrede a ; he werred Py. 1589. as muche as \>e] ase muche i>e a ; as )>o fiy. Iu\ierme7i] luj>ere men a. 1591. after] J^er after aS. deide] deijedea; was don 5. 1592. §• wende] Hi wenden a ; Thei went Py ; They wenten 5. \>en toun velde] fellyd ^at ton 5. i>en] |>at B ; \>e o-^y. velde] fulde a ; felde /3 ; felle 7. 1593. lu\>er] luj?ere o. 1594. a] o a/37. \>er of] om. 0^875. scapede] a scapede BS ; at Ecapede o ; askapid fiy. were] was ^37. fale] fele B ; manj /375. 1505. \>at] be Ba)375. among men ^ut] jit amouge men S. 1 MS. }>ul. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 115 Ten ^er vaspasian • Emperour was J?o • 1596 & titus is sone after him • tuo ^er & nanmo • F\omician tytusus broj^er • emperour ]70 was • Viftene ^er after him • no more ssrewe nas • Nqtvm imperator. Adrianus Imperator. Antoninus foi. 30. Imperator. Vor he worrede cristendom • as ]>e hiper nero • 1600 C'l] & let martri seint denis • & moni o|jere al so • XJ^erua was bo emperour • a ter & somdel more • -L^ m • /"i 1 • /♦ J. 1 Troianus iraian com alter him • mon 01 grete lore • imperator Nientene ter & an half • emperour he was • lustus & pe nobloste J^at miite be • bote J>at he cristine nas • So ri^tuol he was |?at J»o he adde • an dede him sulf ydo . 1606 pat aien is lawes was • & is sone al so • Vor woch dede a man ssolde • J>at is adde iwrott • Lese is on eye & he him sulf • ne sparde him sulue no^t • 1597. titus is sowe] his sone titus a^yS. after him tuo ^er] ten jer after him a ; ten ^eer aftir him jSy. tuol ten B5. ?«a?«mo] no mo 61878. 1598. tytusus'] tj'tus B ; titus a^yS. 1599. 710 more ssrewel a more schrewe Jjere 5. nasi ^^^ ^^^ -^* IGOO. worrede] worred on 5. cristendom'] vppou cristendom fiy. as] as ded S. lu\>er] luj^ere « ; wycked 5. nero] man Nero fiy. 1601. martri] martir afiy. seint] seyn B. moni] mani^e a. 1 602. Nerua] A Nerua B. was \>o] >an was afiy ; was 5, a] o 0)878. 1604. ^] cm. S. an] on a ; a 7. he] J^an he ^87. 1605. nobloste] noblest B ; nobleste a ■ noblist man ^37. be] om. B. \>at . . . nas] cristene (cristen 78) J^at he nas 078 ; cristen \>&t he was fi. 1606. he was] ora. 0/87. J)o] J'an (or wan) B ; bouj /3; thouh 7. he] om. a. an] a B. an . . . ydo] him sulf o dede ido a ; him self o dede ydo 187 ; him self a dede ydo 8. 1607. lawes] lawe 0)878. 1608. woch] such B ; whiche 0)8 ; wheclie 7. o] o a. is] \>is B ; hit a/37. 1609. Lese is on eye] Luse his on ei^ea; Lose his owen eye/37; Lese Jjerfore his on ere 8. §• he him sulf] he 0/378. sparde] sparede )3a ; spared ^y^. sulue] self B/378 ; sulf a. H 2 110 THE CHRONICLE OF Ac let 25ulte out is owe eye • & is sones al so • 1610 Vol vewe kinges me suc}> • |?at it wolde do • >;o;a. per iiore seint gregori • J^o he alonde was • More J>an vif hundred ^er . after ]>is rittuol cas • pat a such mon ssolde in helle be • he carede in is ]>o^te • pe soule }>oru godes grace • out of helle he brotte • & to is bodi is ioinede • & tef him cristendom • 1616 Ware wi]^ as he wor]7e was • to J^e ioye of heuene com • t^--^ A ^^'^^^^ co^^^ I'O next • & tuenti zer & on • After him emperour he was • of gywes ne louede he non • pe boru of ierusalem • he let somdel at en rere • 1620 pat vaspasyan velde adoun • ]>o he slou Ipe gywes )>ere • Ac he nolde J>e gywes leue tiue • uor no ]?ing J7at hii mi^te • pat hii moste of ]>e boru • enes abbe an siite • 1610. Ac'] Bute E. pulte] put /3 ; putte 75. oive] own B; om. 0/875. 1611. VoFj Wei Ba5 ; Rijt ^y. sucV] sy)> B ; see}' /SyS. 1612. seint'] sej'u B. alonde] o londe B; on londe o; on \>\s londe By. 1G14. a such mon] such a nion B ; SAvich a; swich one j8 ; swech one y. in is] on his a. 1616. is] om. 0)875 (after hodi). ioinede] loyned B;87. yef] )af o; ^aue ^y. 1617. Ware wi\>] Whar l>oru o; Whare l>rurgh )8 ; Whare thoiugh 7 ; Whare Irouj 5. M»orJ>e] worjji ^^y. \>e ioye] blisse B. com] he com a ; he come ^y^. 1619. After . . , was] Amperour (Eniperoure 5) Mas after him aS ; Em- perour was aftir him ^y. oj f/i/wen] gywes a ; Jewes /8 ne] om. 5. 1620. rere] arere u5. 1621. velde] fulde o. 1622. Ac , . . yue] Bot he noght jeue leue 5. nolde] wolde ;87, J>e ing ^eue leue j^at hi mijte a; for no \>inge jiue leeue J>at J^ei mi^t 0y. 1623. pat hii moste] Ne J^at hi moste o; No j^at J^ei most $y. hii] J>eB. moste] myght 5. \>c boru] Jjare boru a ; J)at Burgh Py ; her borogh 5. enes abbe] cues habbe a ; ones haue fiy ; ouys haue 5. an] a B5 a ; on /3 ; one 7. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 117 He dude horn ssame ynou • »fe temprede horn vol wel • & made horn sone milde ynou • ]70 hii were rebel • A Ntoyn was ]?o emperour • & tuenti ^er & tuo • 161G & after liim tueye bre);eren • in p>e aumperye were ydo . Marcus • & aurelius • nientene ter hii were • Ciistendom by hor daye • me gan vaste lere • Vor cleutherie a god mon • was ]>o pope of rome* 1G30 fol. so b. poru wan verst cristenmen • to engelond come • Icholle ion sone telle hou • as ich vnder stonde • t& telle after J>is emperours • of kinges of j^is londe • A fter king aruirag • of wan we abbe]? itold • Marin is sone was king • quoyntemon & bold • 1035 & is sone was after him • coyl was is name • Bo|5e it were quoyntemen • & of noble fame • & hor truage dude to romc • as hom ]?ou2te hii atte do • ["3.] Vor }>er nas non so noble prince • J>at ne dude al so • 1624. He] Ac he a ; But he /3-y ; Bot he 5. dude] dide $y. vol] om. 5. 1626. A7itoi/7i] Autonin Ba5 ; Antonius /3y. Sf lucnti] tweiUi Baj87. 1627. tueye] tweijc a; twei B; two ^y. aumperye] amperi^u a; emperie BjSy. 1628. hii] hui a. 1629. me gan vaste lere] faste (fast S) lue gan arere aS ; fast men gan arere ^y. ffctn] by gan B. 1630. eleutherie] eleutbere B. a] o a^y. icas );>o] \>o was 5. 1631. wan^ warn B ; wha a ; wham 5; whom ^y. verst cristeiimcji] cristendom first ^y. cristenmen'] cristendom o; ciistendome 5. to] in to B ; vnto 5. tu cnyclond come] in bruteyne men her noma o ; in Brutayne men here nome fiy. 1632. "yOu sone] sone B; sone cu a; soonc )ow fiy; cftsone 5. 1633. emperours] Emperoure S. 1634. /"".'/] J>e king a; J^e kynge ^yZ. ivan] warn B; wha n; whom jSyS. abbe])] habbeh Bo; haue /SyS. 163.5. Marin~] Mariiis B ; Manrius o.^y^. 163C. was] om. afiy. 1637. Bo\>e'] Bei^e a. it were] )^ei were fi-vB. 1638. hor-] om. a^yS. hom \>ouyte hii axtc] hem a^,te to B ; hem jiiu^t hem aujt to /3-y; hey owght for to 5. 1639. nas] was &. non so] nower so B ; m \>q world 5. ne] J>ei jSy . it ne 5. al so] so B. 118 THE CHEONICLE OF T ucie colyes sone • after him king was • 1640 Vor as me may to soj^e segge • biuore him no betere nas • Vor he hurde ofte telle • of miracles ]?at Come • poru cristen men wide aboute • as wel as at rome • He wilnede and in is herte • to auonge cristendom • per vore is messagers • mid gode herte he nom • 1645 pat to ]>e pope Eleuthery • hasteliche hii wende • pat he quic in to is lond • cristendom him sende • pat he miite serui god almitti • vor he willede moche ])er to • Prima & he ne ssolde nozt be glad • ar ])e dede were ido • tasTn^^^ " P® pope was her of glad • & tweie holi men him sende • Angiia. Fagan & diman • is soule vor to amende* 1651 pat ritte bileue him teitte • & teue him cristendom • pat folc vaste aboute • wide ]7er to com • pis was an hmidred ter • & sixti ^er & tuo • After J^at god was ibore • J^at jjis dede was ido • 1655 1640. colyes'] Coylesa; coiles B/Sy. 1641. asl om. ajSyS. to soj^c] ])e so)>e B ; to so)> a ; soJ>e ^y ; to sothe 5. seygel say ^y. hiuorc hitii no betere] no betere bifore him a ; none better by fore him Py ; a better by fore him S. 1642. ofte] ofB. miracles] miracules a. 1643. cristc7i] cristene B. tvide] al B ; om. a$y5. 1644. wilnede] willede B. a7id in] anon in B ; on a ; in J87S. auonge] fonge BaS ; take fiy. 1645. herte] hurte a ; lettres B. 1 646. hii wende] he went 5. 1647. quic in to is] to him on his a$yS. him] om. 5. 1648. he] heo B ; J^ey S. serui] serve B/Sy. almi-^ti] om. BaiSyS. willede] wilnede Ba ; wilned fiyd. 1649. he ne ssolde] )>at he schold 5. ar ]>e dede] er j>e dede B ; or it 5. 1650. was her of ] hereof was B; was J^o her of a5; was ]>er of Py. tiveie] twei B ; tweije a ; two Py. holi] holi^e a. 1651. diman] damian B; dymyan a^y ; Dimian 5. vor] om. 5. 1052. pat] pe ajSyS. linn] >ei him ySy ; he him 5. ^ef^o fasteBa; >au fast /3 ; )50 fast 5. See Appendix, note N. 1654. an] on a ; ay. jpr] ora. 0/37. 1655. ibore] borne /Sy. ido] do ^y. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 119 pus com lo verst here • in to J'is lond cristendom • Bote it were eny holi mon • ]?at stilleliche arst it nom • per were arst in engelond • hor false lawes to lere • [74.] Eitte &5 twenti chef stiides • bissopriches as it were • Indus rex. & ]n'e ercho temples • as it were hext of echon • 1660 fol. 31. Londone & Euerwik • & in glanmorgan was on • pis gode king & j^is holimen • let velle horn alle ]?ere • Episco- & eitte & twenty bissopriches • in hor stede lete rere • ^^ "^' & ]>VQ erchebissopriches • as ]?e erche temples were • As it were of alle chef* cristendom to lere • 1665 Al l^e bissopriches • vnder Euerwik were ido • pat binorJ>e humber be]? • as hii be); tut al so • Londone adde }>o al J'is lond • |?at bi sou]?e humber is • Fram douere to seuerne • & al cornwaile iwis • 1656. verst . . . lond] into Hs lond first B ; to \>is lond furst ]>o a ; to Hs londe furst \>sca fiy • first into bys londe first 5. 1657. e?iy'] anyB; ouy 75. stilleliche] priueliche B^7. 1658. pe?-] par a. ?«] on o. Jio?-] om. k/S^S. 1659. studes] stedys 7. 1660. erche temples'] architemples B ; archetemples ay8 ; archetemplys 7 ; riche temples 5. it] \>e'i I3y. hext] AB ; hexte aS ; hye^est /8 ; hyest 7. of echon] of of echon A ; euerychone 5. 1661. in] om. afiyS. ylatimorgan] glomorgan B; glamorgan a/8 ; Glomargan 7. was] om. B. 1662. pis yodc kivis] his B ; J^ise j8 ; these 7 ; I'us 5. holimen] holye men a. let velle horn alle] lete afuUe ham a ; lete afelle hem fiy ; lete ful hem S. \>cre] )>are a. 1663-4. in . . . erchebissopriches] Omitted in Py. 1663. in] Ba5; & A. hor stede] here studes B ; har studes a; her stedus 5. lete] leten a, 1664. J>re] }je BS. \>e J>e] )>re Ba/37. erche temples] architemples Bj archetemples I3y. 1665. As it] As Jjei (87. 1666. Al i>e] Alle >e aPy ; Alle J>o B5. 1667. hinor\>e humber be]>] a ; binor>e bejj A ; ben bi norJ> homber B ; by northe humber ben fiy ; by fore humbur beth 5. be)>] bu}> o ; de}> B ; ben &y. 1668. Jjo] om. 7. sou\>e] norj> B. torem. 120 THE CHRONICLE OF pe I'vidde erchebissopriche • was • at kayrleon in walis • Ype vske in glanm organ • ac ]>e se adoune is • 1671 Ac endes of olde walles • ]7er stonde]? tut euerne • Vnder liim walis |?ulke adde • & al bi weste seuerne • pus com lo in to |?is lond • verst cristendom • Ac ]?oi'ii a lu]7er emperour • ]?at fer after com • 1675 pat het dioclician • it was su|?]7e ibrott to grunde • &u he]?enesse ybrott aien • uort seint austin it adde vnbounde • ["5.] Lucie ]ns gode king • J?at j^us cristene bicom • Deyde aboute four ler • after is cristendom • At gloucestre he deide • ac eyr nadde he non • 1680 pat acorede al ]ns lond • & ]?e men echon . rtonuml"' Si^^^i' ^^^ emperour . ];ulke tyme at rome • perimpera- So ]>Sit J;e tydinge • sone to him come • pat ]?e king of bruteyne • wij^oute eyr was ded • Sone he |?oru al is court • J?er of nom is red • 1685 1670. ]>e \)ridde erchebissopriche'] An Erchebischopiich al so 5. 1671. Vpe'\ Vp B; Ope a; Apon Py. vske"] osk B; oske aySy. glanmorgcm'] glomorgan B ; glamorgan a ; Glommorgan londe (3 ; Glomorgau loude y. ]>e se] )>' Cee 5. w] nou is a ; nowe is fiy. 1672. olde wanes'] wallys olde y. \>er'] >ar a. yut euerne'] jit at J>c lest ;8 ; atte the lest y. 1673. walis \>idke] Mike •wailis /8 ; )>ilke wailys 7. bi tceste seuerne] Seuerne by west Py. 1674. lo] cm. afiyB. vcrst] formest a. 1675. a lu\)er] o luj^ere 5. 1676. «i)jj>e] cm. afiyS. ibroxt] brought 5. to grunde] to noutc a; to noujt Py. 1()77. 1/bro^t] bicomc (iy. ii<}rl] fur to B5 ; for a; vu to 187. dddr] om. Hafiyd. vnbomide] broute a ; bronjt Py. 1679. four] a foure 5. ] 680. nadde] hadde fiyS. 1681. acorede] a^oujt J87 ; annycd 5. \>e] ys B. echo7i] euerych- one 5. 1682. Seuer] Souer B. 1C83. tydinge] tybinges Ba)37S. sone to Itim] to hira sone fiy, 1684. ivi\>nnte] wi^oiiten a. 1G85. Sinie he );>oru] So J>oru a ; So )>nrgh j3 ; So thorugh y. he"] om. 5. al] om. B. nom] he nom a ; he nome S ; he toke fiy. is] om. S. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 121 & wende hider hasteliclie • wi]? poer ynoii • &/ folc ]7at stod aton him • to gronde vaste he slou • A due ))er was of ]ns lond • fulgencc was is name • j^,,^ He stod azen him mid is ost • & dude him grete ssame • gent [is] Fidgencius. & vorto be ];e sikerore • he wende to scotlonde • 1G90 foi. 31 h. &, made him pere gret ost • of landfolc in ]>e londe • & wende ofte vpen him • & slou & barnde vaste • Ac euere adde j^e emperour • ]?e maistrie atte laste • pe emperour here in pise lond • weddede a wif • spon«ft*^ pat was fulgences soster • al in ])is strife lG9o vxorcm. Bi hire he adde an gode sone • icluped basian • Ano|?er he adde ihote gee • ]mt he at rome biwan po fulgence isei • J'at he ne mizte azen stonde CoUacio pictoruni To ]7e lond of scicye • he wende out of ]>is londe • per fuigen 1686. ?<;enrfe] come him fiyS ; wende him a. -w/t*] mid a. ynou'] gret 3'nou a • gret ynou^ ^y. 1687. ^] \^Sii a^y; The 5. stod'] stode B. aycii] ajeynB; a^enst a^yd. to gronde vaste] faste to gronde B ; to he grounde 8. he] he hem S. 1688. A] O afiy. of \>is] on >is o ; in his fiy. 1689. a^ew] a^eyn B ; ajenst a;3 ; ayenst y. dude him] ded hem 5. (jrete] muche fiy. 1690. weiule] went ySy. to] vnto 5. 1691. him] hem S. landfolc] folk B75 ; folc a ; folke /3. in'] of Bc(j37S. he] hat B5. 1692. wende] went fiy. ofte] eft fiy. vpen] vp B ; open a ; apon /8 ; vpon 7, /a'm] ham a ; hem (87. .s/om §- harnde] Lamed & slou^ 5. barnde] breudc y3 ; hrent 7. 1693. maistrie] maystre B. 1694. here] cm. B. /w] on a. h'^e] his a^y. loeddedc] weddede ho Ba ; wedded han ^y ; ho wedded 5. a] o a. 169.5. fulgences] fulgens 7; ffulgencc 5. al in] ho in al B. m h'*] in hisse in hisse a. 1696. an'] a B5 ; oa; on 187. yoile] god Ba. icluped] iclepcd was a ; callyd he was fiy ; y clepud he was 5. 1697. Ano\>er] On oher ay- One oher ^. ihote] hat het a ; hat hi5,t ^y; hat heyght S. gee] get BaQ75. 1698. /se« ha<] seih hat B ; hat saw 5. we jni^e] myght not wel 5. a^en] a^eyn hym B ; a)en him a ; ayenst him ^7. 1699. scicye] sicije a^7. K'e«rfe] went ^y (& passun). 122 THE CHRONICLE OF [76] bullum. Occisio Inipera- toris. & a gret ost of picars • was clieuentein he was • 1700 Of stalwardemen he gaderecle • to helpe him in ];is cas • po he adde imad him a vair ost • of ])is ^onge bachelerie • He com aten in to J>is lond • out of scicye • He bilay verst euerwik • vpe J^e emperour vaste • So J>at ]>e emperour him ^ef-bataile atte laste • 1705 Ac Mochedel of jjis lond • To fulgence toke • Vor he more of kunde was • & j^e emperour vorsoke • Bataile hii smite strong inou • &) slowe vaste to gronde • So ]7at fulgence J^ere • adde dej^es wounde • Ac ]7e emperour was al aslawe • «& ibured at euerwik • Ac fulgence deide su]7]7e • J70 he adde ileye sik • 1711 po j?is men were boj^e ded • me moste abbe an king • Bituene )>e romeins &; j^is lond • J;er wax ]>o striuing • Gee ]>e emperoures sone • ]>e romeins to kinge nome • Vor he was of fader & moder • of ]>e kunde of rome • Ac ]7e brutons of J^is lond • nome basian J^er to • Vor is moder was of ]>is lond • & is vncle al so • 1700. a] om. 0/87; of a S. picai's'\ picards a; Picardes ^y. was"] whas B ; hare a ; here fiy ; her S. cheuentein] chifteyne S. 1701. stalwordemen'] stronge men B ; stalworth men 7. yaderede'] gederede B (& passim). hi] on o. 1702. adde] om. B. imad]ova. ctjSy. Mm] om. a^y^. a'] o a. ■^011 (je] om, Ba/875. 1703. in] om. a^y. to] \>o a. scicye] sicije 0/37. 1704. hilay . . . vaste] by laye }>e Emperoure in Euerwyc so fast 5. vpe] op B ; ope a ; vpon $y. J>e] Jjis a^y. 1705. So ];>at] Ani d. \>e] Hs fiyS. jf/] -^af /88 ; yaf 7. bataile] a bateyle 5. atte] at t>at a ; atte \>e ^y ; at \>e 5. 1708. Bataile] A batayle 5. smite] smote 187 ; smytteu 5. sloive vaste] mony slowe B ; slowe folc o ; slou^ folke ^y ; slowen folk S. to] to >e S. 1709. \>ere] om. afiy. adde] hadde at >e laste a; hadde atte J>e last j8 ; atte the last hadde 7. de]>es] dej^eis B. 1710. Ac] But 0y; And S. was] om. 5, al] om. Ba;87. aslawe] slayn Py. ihured] yburied B ; biiryede j8 ; buryed 7. 1711. Ac] & aj375. \>o] when ^ ; whenne 7. ileye] leyn 5. 1712. po] When/8; Whenne 7. \>is] >ise/3; these 7 ; {^es 5. an'] a B^7 ; o a. 171.3. \>e] })o B; J>ise )3 ; these 7. )>er] >e a. wax] Aa ; bigan B; wexed ^37. J)o] ban ;3 ; thanne 7. 1714. <7cr] Get Ba/378. }>e] his a/37. \>c romeins to kinge] to kyngc he Komayns 8. kintje] king a. 1716. nome'] toke ^y. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 123 p o per were tiieie kinges ]>\is • |;cr nas nott wel gret beilum. loue • Ne mi^te j^ei hii brc]>ren were • ar J'c on was aboue • So )?at hor ei]?er vp o|?er • worrede vaste • 1720 [77.] & an bataile strong inou • smite atte laste • & basian & is poer slowe get is bro]?er • & basian bileuede king • J>o |;er nas non o|;er • Carausius • I'ex. f^, 3^ A Stalwarde ^ong bacheler • in ]7is lond was \o • Coraus was icluped • J;at cou]7e of muche wo • 172-5 carausii. Vor ]70 he adde moche in worre ibe • & ido gret maistrie • & him sulf moche ifonded • he ]7otte do tricherie • He wende & bed leue j^o • of ]?e emperour of rome • To wite j^e se aboute ]?is lond • fram strange men J'at come • 1729 & bi het horn ]?at tif l^er of • wel avouwed hii were • To zelde more god to rome • ]?an al brutaine ]?uder bere • 1718. were tueie'} was two ^37. nasi '^^s PyS. ivel^ om. 0/878. 1719. Ne7nhyte'] om. aPyS. \>ei hii] Thouj \>ei Py; Thouj \>ey two 5. ar] er BySy ; or 5. Jjc] Jjo B ; J^at 5. 2vas aboue'] were aboue B ; were ouercome a ; wer ouercom & l^at oJ>er aboue fiy. 1720. hor] om. Ba;875. rp] op oua; apou ;87 ; vpon S. worrede] weiTcde B ; worrode )'0 so a ; werred J^an so ^37 ; \>o worred so 5. 1721. an] a Bj87 ; o a. .S7n;7e] smyten B ; lii smiten o ; hei smyteu J87 ; }>ey smytten 5. 1722. 8f basian] J^at basiau a; That Basian ^87 ; So >at Basian S. §• is poer] at )>e laste a; at J^e last j8 ; atte last 7. slowe] slow B. is] his owe a ; his owen /S7. 1723. \)o] for Ba/37 ; fore S. nas] AS; nas )>o Bet ; was ^87. 1724. A] Oa. stalwarde] stalewor>e B ; stalworthe ^87. }07ig] om. 5. i7t] on a. 1725. Coraus] Caraus B; Caraus he 0)878. icluped] icleped o; called fiy. 1726. ]}o] whenne Py. moche] om. Baj87S. ibe] ibeo a ; be 187. ido] do B^7. 1727. moche ifonded] Ifonded beo a ; yfonded be ^37 ; y founded meche S. 1728. bed] bad o ; asked ^87. 1729. tdte] kepe /375. strange] stronge B. ^ 1730. bi het] bihijt ^37. horn] hym B ; him 0/875. )pat] om. 0/378. wel avouwed hii'] he wel avowed 0/87. avouwed'] auaunsedB. hii] heB5. 1731. more god to rome] Britaigne more good 5. Jjon] 60)878 ; jjat A, \>uder] J)ider B ; om. 0)878. 124 THE CHRONICLE OF po Ipe conseil of rome • leuede is vair biheste • & ]?at he was stalwardeman • of gret poer mid ]>e meste • pe emperour mid gode cliartre • «Ss mid is owe ceel • Him lef of ]>e se aboute • ]?e warde eueridel • 1735 I'rcdacio pis false man wende |70 • mid is chartre aboute • Mans. ^ ^£ -^ji[q^|q;[ j;f^Qji . ]-^jj^ gaderede a gret route • & bi het hom god inou • of porchas J'at god hom sende • & porueiede hom gode ssipes • & in to |^e se wende • [78.] & wonne hom sone Moche god • mid strengj^e & quoin- tise • 1740 (Szi su]?|7e mid robberie • bote hii mi^te in oj^er wise • Of is porchas so large he was • to men J?at hem founde • pat he adde a gret ost • in a lutel stounde • pe yles he robbede in j^e se • & ]>& hauenes suj^j^e aboute • So ]>a,t men of porchas • come to him so gret route • pat ]>ev nas no prince vnne]7e • j^at him mitte at route • His poer wax Euere so • J^at ech lond him gan doute • 1732. po Jje] So >at o ; So >at J?e fiy. leucdc'] y leuecTe B ; loued 5. 1733. stalwardemanl strong mon B; a stahvorth man 5. of] & of B. gret] om. a$yS. mid] with fiy. meste] best fiy. 1734. 7Hid] with ^y. gode] om. a&y. chartre] cartre B ; charyte^-y. owe ceel] owne eel B ; owe sel a ; owen seel /S7. 1735. yef] ya( a. eueridel] euerich del o ; euerechedeel I3y. 1736. wende] y wende a; went y. chartre] cartre B; chartres a; charters $y. 1737. willeuol men'] willesful men B ; willesfollemeu a. him] he hira ^y. a] om. afiy. 1738. hom'] him ^y. 1739. wende] hi wende a. ; l^ei wende fiy. 1740. ivomic] wannc 7. 1741. bote] hot if S. in] with /By. 1742. is] hys 5. hem] he Ba/SyS. 1743. «] o 0(87. in] w'ynne 5. a Intel] o liitele a. 1744. 8f] om. 5. 1745. so gret] mite gret a ; with gret j3 ; wyth grete y ; a grete S. 174C. lias no] nas B ; was no 5. liim] om. fiy ; w' him S. at route] o\\-yt route fiy. 1 747. wax] wex B5 ; wexed fi. Euere] om. S. so] >o 08. ech] enerye 5. him] of him 5. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 125 So ])&t he spac mid heie men • here of )nsse londe • »fc bi het hom vaire inou • & dude hom to vnderstonde • pat ^if hii buyde to him • Si to hor king him nome • pat he wolde hom al out bringe • of ]>e daunger of rome • & deliueri }>is lond of romeins • & of straunge men echon • pat so fre lond as J'is • ne ssolde be naur non • pat folc him made ]?o hor king • vor he was so quointe man • «fe he bigan to worri anon • vpe ]>e king basian • 1755 ^ellum. & hor ei]?er aten oj^er • gaderede hor ost vaste • fit Kex So bat hii come & smite • an bataile • atte laste • brit[an- ' nisej . Asclepiod rex. Ac caraus of felonie « him gan vnder stonde • fol. J2, b. & )?outte )>at picars • were of strange londe • pat were wi]? basian J?e king • )>at fulgence is vncle [79.] bro^te . 17G0 pat hii wolde littliche • to him tourne he |?otte • 1748. spacl spek B. heie'] heije «i8 ; hygh y; heyje 5; hey B; beie A, t>me] J>is B. 1750. An'] hiii a. buyde'] abowe B ; abuyjde a; abeyed y3 ; abeiyd 7 ; abowed S. hor] here B ; om. a/SyS. hing] kinge a. 1751. wolde hom al out] wole al out hem B ; ham -wolde al out a ; hem wolde al out y3 ; wolde alle oute y. out] om. 5. 1752. deliueri] deliuere B; delyuere ^y. lond of] men of )>& 5. straunge] stronge B. 1753. pat so fre lond] So t'at so fre a. londe 5. ne] om. 5. be narir] uower B ; neuere beo o ; neuer be ^87 ; neuere be 5. 1754. pat folc] pe lond B ; That men 5. him] o5; hym B ; hom A; hem $y. \>o] om. y. quoiiite] queynte y. 1755. he] om. 5. to] \>o a; J>an j8 ; om. y. worri] 'werre B ; werry jSy. aiion] soue 0/87. vpe] vpon 7. 1756. hor] om. Ba/875. a-^en] ayenst 7. gaderede] gadere o. hor] ys B ; his a. 1757. So] om. 5. smite] smyton B; smytten 5. an] aB; o 0187. atte] at l^e oj8 ; atte the 7. 1758. Ac] & 0/87. of felonie him] him of feloni^e a ; him of velouye $y. gan] bigan J?o o ; bigan )jau him &y. 1759. picars] Picardes ^87. of] of one a0y; of a 5. strange] strong B ; stronge ^37. 1760. is vncle] hider B. 1761. hii^ om. By carai. 126 THE CHRONICLE OF Mid hom he spac so quointeliche • & mede horn gan bede • So l^at ]>e king basian • hii bitraiede in is nede • Vor ]>o hii come into bataile • hii turnde aten him echon • Hii nuste woche were hor frend • ne woche were hor fon . 1765 Ac basian & al is folc • tede anon to gronde • & he him sulf & mani oj'ere • islawe were in a stounde • Cams fit po was ]?is false caraus • king of J'is londe her • Vuele it com him of kunde • to be of such poer • occisio pis tidinge com to rome • ]7at he dude hom such ssame • Hii nome an grete louerding • allect was is name • 1771 & sende him here to ]?is lond • & men wi]? him inowe • So ]7at in bataile • }>is caraus hii slowe ^ po }pis bataile was ido • hii bigone arere • WoiTe vpe men of J'is lond • vor hii mid caraus were • 1762. spac'] spek B ; spake 7. ?«ec?e] made /Sy. liom gan'] bigaiiB; gan to 5. bede] bude a. 17G3. \>e] om. 5. iif] on aySy. 7iede] nude a; dede 5. 1764. Vor] Yo a. into] to Ba/37S. ayen] a^enst 7. echon"] euerych- one S. 1765. Hii] Heo B ; He a/37. nuste] nyst fiy. woche] wich B ; whiche afiy. hor] here B ; his a^y. frend] frendus 5. woche] ■wych B ; whiche a^y. hor] here B ; his afiy. 1766. al] om. 0^87. -yede] eode B ; went 5 ; hi jude a ; J>ei jeed fiy. 1767. he] om. a^y. mani] mani^e a. islawe] aslawe a; slayn $y ; slayne 5. wei-e] was Py. in a] in a ; in J^at 5 ; with lune a fiy. 1768. of \>is] of Jjisse a. 1769. Vuele it com him] Vuel it hi com hym B ; Hit cam him viiele o Hit came him euel ^37 ; Ful euyl hit bycome him 5. kunde] Aa ; kynde Hfiy. he] ben B. such] swich a. 1770. Vis] po B; pea/375. tidinyc] tidigne A; typing B; ti>iuge 0/87 ; tyjjyuges S. com] com ho B ; come ]>o 5. dude hom] ham dude o ; hem dide )3 ; dede 7. such] swich a. 1771. aw] a B07; ane a. louerding] lordyng B^y ; lordynge 5. allect] alec a/37. 1772. /(ere] om. B ; hedyr 5. to] in to Ba/37. lo7id] londe fiy. 1773. caraus] fals caraus fiy. slowe] aslowe o. 1774. arere] to arere 5. 1775. Worre] Werre B. vpe men of] opou a; vppon ^ ; vpon 7. lond] londe a/37. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 127 pe brutons ]>o of ]?is lond • to ssulde ^am fran ssame • Chose horn a niwe king • asclepiod was is name • pat was erl of cornwaile • he gaderede is ost anon • To worry &; to stonde • aten )?e romeins is fon • He wende him to londone • as king allect ]?o was • To honoury hor false godes • as it vel ]?o bi cas • po ]?is king it vnderiet • ]?at J'is folc ]?us com • He bileuede is sacrefize • & is folc wi]? him nom • & wende out aien hom • & strong bataile hii smite • So moche folc ]?er was aslawe • J^at deol it was to wite • pis brutons were so egre • & woxe euere so vaste • pat ]?e romeins & hor king • gonne fle atte laste • pe brutons sywede after • as hii a^te to do • & slowe mani |?ousend • & allect ]>& king al so • A louerding of ]>e romeins • ];at ihote was galle • 1790 Com & telde him to ur king • & is men nei wat alle • [80.] asclepiod fit rex. Bellum. victoria Ijritomim. 1776. pe hrutons Jjo] po J>is brutons a ; Thanne Mse Brutons ySy. t>o] om. S. ssulde] schilde B/37 ; schulde a ; schylde 5. ^arn] ham a ; hem B/87S. frail] fro B7 ; fram oy3. 1777. Chose] Chesou B ; Chosen 7S. niwe] new B; newe /3 ; uuwe 7. 1778. gaderede] gedere B. 1779. worri/] werre B; werry 0y. stonde] stond a. 1 780. him] him \>o 5. as] ase a. king] \>h afiy. allect^ alec a^y. \>o] fjan ^y. 1781. honoury] honoure B/37; onouri a. hor] here B/37 ; hare a; hys 8. 1782. po] Thanne 7 ; Tho>at S. king] alec afiy. if] )>is B; thys 7. V7ideryet] vnder jat a; vnderstode fiy. \>is] J>us S. Jjms] BafiyS ; Jjuc A. 1784. ayen hom] hem aieyne S. horn] him ci;8. smite] smyten S. 1785. was aslawe] was slayu 0y ; were slayne 5. deol] dul a ; doll 187. Wife] weteu 5. so] ])0 so 5. woxe] wox B ; woxeu a ; wexed )37 ; 1786. pis] pe afiy. wex S. 1787. K'] ho B. 1788. pe] poB. aiie] at )?e a^ ; atte the 7. gonne fle] gan to tie 5. aje king] >e kynge Allecte 5. allect] alec a^y. 1790. .4] O a^y. louerding] lordyng B ; lordinge /37. 1791. yelde] )old B. ■yelde him to ur king] to oure king ajeld a; to oure kynge him ^elde 187. ur] oure B. nei wat] neraud jiy ; nerhand 5. 128 THE CHKONICLE OF Asclepiod rex. fol. 33. pe king liim nom to prison • to londone lie was ybro^t . pe king him wolde ^iue lif • ac is men nolde no^t • Ne |;olie l^at j^er were aliue • eny of hor fon • Ac ladde him to londone • k, is men echon • 1795 To an vrninde water • }>at tut is ];er ich wene • & smite of alle hor heued • to bringe hom out of tene • yopj^gjo And J^e broc J'ere hii were aslawe • Me clupede gal- galbroc. broc • After galle J»ulke prince • J^at ];er is de]? tok • 1799 [81.] po was bruteine ]>is lond • of romeins al mest lere • Ac albusy were it ten zev • ar hii here a^en were • Asclipiod him let ]70 • crouny to kinge anon • & wuste aboute ten zer • ]?is lond wel mid fon • Ac J?oru romeins ]7at here come • ]?at he}>ene were echon • 1804 J'oru oj^ere cristendom • was neit wat al agon • 1792. nom'] toke /S7. to londone'] & to londone a^y. 1793. him wolde yue] wolde hym yeue 7; wolde ^efhimS. nolde'] wold S ; he wolde fiy. 1794. );>olie] J^olije a ; suffre B;875. \>er] they 7. aliue] oliue B. eny] none 5. 1795. to] in to B; out of a ; oute of (87. echon] euerychone 5. 1 79G. an vrnijide] on vinynde o ; an vrninge S ; a rennyng B7 ; a rennyuge j8. jwi is] is ^ut a ; is jit fiy. is )>er] )>er ys S. 1797. §•] Hi a. smite] smiten a ; smyten B;37 ; smote 5. heued] hefden a ; hedes B/37; heuedys 5. tene] tune a. 1798. And \>e broc] pe water B ; pe brok o; The broke 0y. were] weren a^y. aslawe] slayn fiy. mc clupede] men callid ^y. (jalhroc] galle brok Ba ; galle broke ^y. 1799. tok] so tok a ; so toke J87. 1800. of romeins al mest] al mest of remains a; almest of Komayns ^37. lere] clere 5. 1801. were] was a^y. ar] er fiy. here ayen] ajen her a; ajen here ^87; ajeyne here 5. 1802. Am /e< >o] let hym J>o B. crouny] crowne 'Qfiy. hinge] kyng B. 1803. wuste] wiste a ; kepte B5 ; kepid ^y. ten] a ten 5. mid] \i\)> a ; with oute J87 ; from his 5. fon] om. B. 1804. here] her o ; hedir 5. he\>ene] el^ene a. echon] euerychone ?>. 180.'). o\>erc . . . agon] ham was her cristendom nei what wal al agon a ; hem was here cristendom ncreand al agon J87. o]>ere] oj^ere aliens 5. wai aV] om. 5. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 129 T'ueie emperours of rome • Dioclician • & anoj^er is felawe • |?at hot maxiinian • Were bo]?e at one time • ]?e on in ]?e est ende • &; Ve oVer in t'e west of Ve world • cristendom to Destmccio ^ ' clnistiani- ssende • t;it[is] Vor |?e ]u}>er maximian • westward liider soite • 1810 & cristen men pat he vond • to stronge de]> he Ijro^te • Chirchen he velde al adoun • ]:'er ne moste non stonde • & alle l^e bokes • ]?at he miite • finde in eni londe • He wokle lete berne echon • amidde j^e heie strete • & ]?e cristenmen alle sle • & non aline lete • 1815 Su)7];e god was ibore • |?er nas nor cristendom . In so lute stounde ido • so gret martirdom • Vor |>er were wi]nnne one monj'e • seuentene ]?ousend (Sz; mo • Ymartred nor vre louerdes loue • nas no2t here gret wo • 1806. Tueie] TweiB; Two 187. o/] were of j3y. Dioclician'] J^at on D. a5 ; bat one lii^t D. ^7. 1807. aiio\>er~\ ou o)>er a. 1808. Were] They wereu /3 ; They were 7. at one] in one 5. \>e on] >at one 5. 1809. &f W] & ]'ut 5. (iies^] west halue a; west half ;37. vf\>civorld] ova. Ba/37. 1811. cristen] cristene B. stronge] strong B; luljer a/87. /"^] om. 0. 1812. Chirchen^, Chirchene a; Chirches B;87 ; Chirchys 5. velde] fulde a ; fel B. al] om. 0^37. ]>er . . . sto?ide] Jjat non ne moste stonde a; l^at none ne my^t stonde ^87. 7ie] om. 5. 181.3. he miytefinde] he fond awer a ; he fonde owher fiy. 1814. wolde lete berne echon] wolde ham lete berne a; wolde hem late brenue ^y ; lete hem brenne euerychone 5. lete] lete hem B. 1815. \>e] J)0 B ; om. 0/878. cristenmen] cristenemen B. aliue] o liue B ; on lyue fiy. 1816. Su\>\>e] Sethe hat S. ibore] broue ^; borne 7. nas] ne was ^87. 1817. lute stounde] luite stounde a; litel a stounde (87; litil a while 5. martirdom] o martir dom a. 1818. were] was ^37. wi)>inne one mon\>e] in a mone]^ B ; in one riionJ>e 0^7 ; in on mounthe 5. 1819. Ymartred . . . loue] Vor godes loue y martred a ; For goddis loue martired fiy ; Fore goddys loue y mavtired 5. nas] v/as /87S. nu-it here] here noujt ^87. I 130 THE CHRONICLE OF [82.] Wij^oute grete halwen • |>at liii helde longe in torment • As seinte cristene & seinte fei • & al so seint vincent • As seint Sebastian &; mony o]?ere • as me may in chirche rede • & Monion turnde aten • to hef'enesse uor drede • & among alle J'es in ]?is lond • J'er were monion • Ymartred as J^ulke time • Seint albon was on • 1825 Albanus. Cole rex. fol. 33 b. pat was ]7e verste martir • j^at to engelond com • Dere aj> louerd monymon • abo^t cristendom • Vnder ]7is luj^er emperours • |per was a lu)7er man • & of hor lu]7er lawe • ]?at moehe vnder hom wan • Constance was is name • he conquerde of spaine • 1830 pe truage ifc of france • &; su]?]?e here of brutaine • /"jole was a noble mon • & gret poer adde an honde • Erl he was of colchestre • here in J>isse londe • 1820. halwen] halwe B; halewen o; halowen fiy. helde longe'] hiilde longe B ; longe helde a^yd. 1821. seinte] seynt B. cristene] cristyne B ; cristine a. Sf seinte] Si, seynt B ; cm. a. Sf] cm. ^y. fei] feye a ; Feyl> j85 ; feythe y. al so] eke a^y. 1822. As seinf] As B ; & a^y. Sebastian] Bastian S. mony o\>ere] mony oj^er B ; o})ere fele a5 ; oj^er many fiy. 1823. Monion] maniac on a. turnde] .tuxaQ&a B; >er turnde a; )>er tumede /3 ; that tm-nede y ; >ere torned 5. he\>enesse] he>ene B. 1824. 6f] om. Ba;375. )>es] \>QOs a. \>er] )jat B. monion'] manije on a. 1825. Ymartred . . . time] pulke time ymartred a ; Thilke tyme martired 0y ; Thulk tyme j^martired 5. seint] & seint aj875. 071] J^at on a ; hat one ^87. 182G. \)at to] to afiy. to] into 5. com'] Jpat com a • J^at come ySy. 1827. Dere] Dure a ; Ful dere 5. a]) louerd] haj^ lord B ; haueth o; hah fiy ; ha^e 5. monymon] mony a mon B ; manije on a ; many one iSyS. a6oji] ybo)t B ; ybouit S ; ybroujt trewe & ; ybought truwe y. 1828. \>is] J>eos o. lu\>er] luijjere a. a] o afiy. lu}per] noble BojSyS. man] mon B. 1829. Sf] As B/375 ; Ase a. lawe] lawes B. moche vnder hom] \'nder hem muche B^Sy; \nder ham muche a; vndir hem meche S. watt] •won B. 1832. a] o «. an honde] on houdo Hafiy, 1833. in] on o. )?issc] >is Ba/8 ; thys 7. KOBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 131 & Colchestre after is name • icluped is icli under stonde • Vre louerd among oj^er J^inges • him sende a uair sonde • pat he adde an holi dotter • at colchestre in bis lond • ^ancta . . . . Elena. pat Seint eleyne is icluped • ]?at ])e holi rode vond ■ Bellum Bituene ure king asclepiod • & ]?is erl wi|;oute faile • [83.] per wex a gTet worre • & ] at hii smite bataile • &; ])e erl cole slou ]?en king • & |^o he adde |?un ouer Cole fit hond . 1840 ^^^■ King he let him crouni • here of l^is lond • pat folc was ]>o of };is lond • ypaid wel ynou • pat he adde y^vonne ]>e kinedom • & he ]?e dpev slou • 1842* pe tydinge to rome com • );at ]>e king aslawe was • Constan- pat hom adde ido so moche ssame • hii were glad of britanniam ]?at cas • pe noble prince hii sende hider . ];e gode kni^t costance • pat wan hom alle poer • of spaine & ek of franco • 1834. Omitted iu 5. icluped] callid fiy. 1835. o|jcr] al oj^er S. a] o a. 183G. an] on a; a (87. at] al B. land} londe -y. 1837. is] wasB. icluped] callid jSy. ])e] J)0 B. holi] lioli^e a. rode] croys B. vo?id] fonde y. 1839. wex] wox B ; wax ay ; waxe fi. «] om. B ; o a. worre] werre ay ; warre j8. ^•] so Jia^yS. hii smite] j^ei smote Py ; t>ey smoteu S. 1840. J>e] ]>[s Ba^y. erl] om. a^y. J)C?i] J>e Ha^yS. \>o he] so &y. i>mi] J>o B ; l^e a&yS. ouer] ouere «. 1841. Ki7iy he let him] And king him let a; And kynge him lete /Sy. crouni] crowne B ; cromie $y. . here] \>o B. \>is] al ]jis BafByS. 1842. pat] & J^at afiy ; These 5. was] om. a^y. lond] loude 0y. ypaid] ipayd was a ; paied was ^y. 1842*. ywonne] om. a^y. kinedom] kyndom B ; kyngdom fiy ; kyng- dame 5. he \>e o\>er] o\>qv hej^ene 5. 1843. tydinge] tyj>iug B ; tij^inge a; til^inges fiy, ty^ynges 5. to rome com] come to Rome ^y. \>e] )?ys 5. J>e kiny] he B. aslawe] slayn ySyS. 1844. hom adde ido] hadde ido ham a ; hadde do hem $y. adde ido] had do 5. so moche] om. B. \>at] ]>e a. 184.5. pe] pane o ; That iSy. costance] coustance Ba/Sy. 1846. alle] al >e B; al l^at ajSy ; are >e 5. I 2 132 THE CHRONICLE OF ])at he ssolde ek ]ns lond • winne aien to rome • So J;at )?is noble prince • and is men hider come • po J?e king cole it vndertet • he dradde in is mod • Vor he was so noble knitt • ]:at nomon him ne wi]?stod • To him he sende of acord • lit it were is wille • 1851 pat he wolde to rome • abuye • & lete al contek be stiUe . & louder bere is truage • as o)^er dude biuore • Vor wat he hulde J^e kinedom • wanne ]>e truage were ybore • Cncordia Constaunce it grauntede • & nom is truage • 1855 ^"i''*.^!'^.:-. & nom al so to be siker • of him god ostage • & granted him J?at kinedom • & ]?at pes of rome • & bileuede in ]?is lond • to gadere bo|7e isome • coustantij. foi. 34. Constans rex S imperator. Constantinus rex tfc imperator. t^'*-] A mon];e it was ]?er after • |7at cole wel sik lay • Obituscole. ^ deide as god it wolde • wij^inne J?e ei^tej^e day • 1848. )>2s] om. fiy. prince . . . come^ prince hider & his men with gret power come /Sy. 1849. po )>e] pe B; Wheune J^at $y. v/ider^ef] vuderstode $y; vndirstode 5. dradde^ drad him fiy. in'] on a. 1850. k7uyt'\ kny^t was S. nomon him nc] non him ne a; none him fiy. ne] om. ByS. 1851. of acord] for acorde ^y ; to aeorde 5. yif] ^ef B ; )>&t jif a^y. 1852. abui/e] abowe BajSyS. al] om. a$y. coulek] strif B ; strife S. 1853. ])udcr] J>eodre a. o]per] o}>ere o. 1854. Vor wat] For whi /Sy. f>e] his 5. kinedom] kiudam B. \>e] \> A; his 5. yhore] bore S. 1855. it] hym 5. nom] toke fiy. 185G. nom also] toke whare for jSy. to he siker] siker to beo a ; siker to be /SyS. 1857. granted] grantede B \>at] he Ba/875. ^at] he Bo^Sy. 1858. in] on o. lond] lond here 5. to gadere] to godere B ; to gidrc /3 ; to gedre y. ho\>e] om. B ; wel 5. isome] ilome fiy ; some S. 1859. A] O o/Sy. mon)>e] moneh B. leel] om. B ; rijt /3 ; ryghtyS. sili] soke ^y ; syke 5. 18G0. deide] deijede a; doicde fiy. it] om. B. ei'yte]>e] eitctehe a eijtcne fiy ; Eyghtenehe 5. ROBEllT OF GLOUCESTER. 133 Sz o]>er eir nadJe he non • bote seint eleyne l^e gode • His dorter ]7at snp]>e fond • ]>e swete holi rode • sponsio Constance nor ir eritage • ]>is, maido to wiue nom • & nom wi]> ire so j is lond • & ];is kinedom • constautius & let him crouni to king • & god king was afin -1805 ^^^' Bi hire he adde an gode sone • ichiped constantin • po Constance adde ibe • enleue lev king iwis • He deide at euerwik • tSc ibured was ]>ev & is • obitus Ponstantin is ^onge sone • ikrouned was |?o king • constantij. & noble mon he bicom • & wis |7oru alle jnng • 1870 constanti- Eang he was britti ter • he ladde is kinedom • ^^^ "^ ^* ° , ' , / rex. Ri^tuolliche & sui]?e wel • wi]? quoyntise & wisdom • A lujjer emperour biuore • j^at het maximian • pat was upe cristinemen • as we sede so luj^erman • Maxenc'ms An sone he adde ssrewe inoii • maxencius bi name • imperator. Him he made emperour • monimon to ssame • 1876 1861. nadde'\ hadde ^y ; had 5. seint'] seinte a. eleyne'] helyne ;8y. 1862. holi] holi^e a. 1863. ij-] bure /3a ; bere y. \>is] ^at ^y ; orn. u. 1864. nom] toke ^y. so] al a^y, ^o 5. ^•] & buld a ; aud belde ^y. 1865. crouni] crowne JR ; croune Qy. to king] kj ng B ; to kiuge afiy. ofin] and fj-n B; & fyne yS^S. 1866. an] a B ; o ayS ; one y. gode] god a. icluped] iclepcd was a ; Jjat callid was ^y ; bis name was 5. 1867. enleue] endleue a; ellene B; elleuen 0yo. 1868. deide] deijde \>o a; deied J>an ^y ; deide j^o S. ibured] y buried B ; iburied fiy. ibured . . . Sf is] her he 3'beryed ys 5. 1869. ikrouned was \>o] crouned t>an was ^y. 1870. if] om. Ba/375. noble mon] B; noble men A ; Noble man 0/875. wis] wytty B. 1871. he] and afiy; and he 5. ladde] bi ladde a. is] bis B. 1872. Ri-ytuollichc] Ryjt nobliche B. .SM/'be] rijt^Sy. quoi/ntisc] quintise a ; queyntiso fiy. icisdom] with wiscdom ^y ;• w' wysdomc S. 1873. A] a/3y. lu\>er] luiber a. 1874. \^ut] far a; Ther ^y. upe] op on a; apon fiy. as we scdc] om. S. so lu)>erman] so lu}>er a man B ; so Inhere a man 5; a lul'cr man aySy. 187.5. An] A B ; O a^yS. ssrewe^ schrewcd 5. bi name] to name B. 1876. he] me B. monimon] mani man a; manye a man 5. szame] do schame a/87. 134 THE CHRONICLE OF [85.] romani veniunt Constan- tino. He was as luj?er as is fader • gret ssrewe inou • Vor in strong martirdom • seinte katerine lie slou • & moni o]?er martir • & J^at folc of rome al so • He vondede to deseriti • & moni ssame do • 1880 So ]7at deserites • into ])is londe come • To constantin ]>e gode king • nor defaute fram rome • & he horn vaire vnderueng • so J^at mo & mo • per come nor enlegeance • to abbe of hor wo • So )?at deserites • bigonne alle on him grede • 1885 Sire hii sede vor godes lone • bring us of j^is wrechede • Of ]ye kunde blod of aunperie • ]>er nis bileued nou • Ne ]?at bi kunde were emperour • non bote ]>o\\ • Hon longe woltou soffri • pe ssrewes outrage • Go & win ]7i kunde lond • & J?in eritage • 1890 1877. teas'] wes B. /«t>c;-] wel Ba^yB. «s] so a. g^ef] a grete 5. (/ret ssrewe'] schrewe gret Py. 1878. strong'] stronge a. 1879. moni] manije a. o\>er] oj^ere a; anoj'er 5. tnartir] martirs a; martris P ; martyrs y. \>at] om. 5. 1880. vondede] fondicl 0y ; founded S. diseriti] deserie B ; disherit! a ; disherity $y. moni] muche a^y. ssame] schames B. do] to do aPy. 1881. deserites] \>e deserites B; \>e desherites a/87; J"^ diseritc^ S. in. to] vnto 5. londe] lond B. 1883. he] om. S. vnderueng] vnderfeng a ; vnder fong B ; vnder- fonge ^y. 1884. pe?-] Here ^87. nor] of 7. enletjeancc] elegeance a; eligiaunce ^7 ; Icgeaunce 5. oflwr] of lieore B ; for here 5. 1885. deserites] >ese deserites BS ; J^es desherites a ; Jiise disherites these disherytes 7. 1886. hii sede] heo seiden B. of h/s] B ; of his of Hs A ; out of a ; oute of Py ; of 8. 1887. J'c] om. afiy. kunde blod] pure kynde 5. aunperie] em- perie BJ87S ; amperi^e o. nis bileued'] is leuyd ;87 ; ys now by leued 5. nou] non Ba ; none ^yB. 1888. Ne \>at] So J^at ^y. none] noman 0)878. ]pou] J>ou on Ba ; |jou one 08 ; thu one 7. 1889. icoltou] wolt hou a; wilt [>ou fi ; w^jlt thu 7. soffri] siiffre B|37 ; sufiri a. 1890. )>in] )>ine owe a ; jjine owen j8. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 135 pou ssalt abbe ])er help inou • of ]>in kundc londe • Wei J70U wost ]>&t lute wile • J^e ssrewe J?e ssal at stondo • Constantinus. Constantin him vnder stod • of is kimde londe • ^o'- ^'^ ^■ & god it were to abbe bo|?e • }>is & ]?at an honde • constanti- Moche ];at poer of ]?is lond • mid him uor]; he nom • Tadat & siij>]? ef sone of france • as he J7er uor]?e com • 1896 ™™^' & wende toward rome • to winnie ]>e aumperie • & to bringe ]>en ssreue adoun • J>at dude such robberie • ^isio .. As he wende he bi huld • toward heuene an hey • & ]70 vp in ye firmament • an aungel he sey • 1900 pat huld an croiz & ];er on • y write was lo J^is • [86.] Constantin ]7oru ]?es signe • ]70u ssalt be Maister iwis • Constantin |?is vnderstod • he]?ene ]>ei he were • An croiz in stede of is baner • is men at vore him bere • 1891. ssalfj schal fiyS. ]>w] J^i B ; om. a ; \>j d. \>in kunde] kynd men of )>e $•} . 1892. Wei . . . wile] Wei lutele while >ou hit wost a; Rl5,t litel while ))0u wel wote ^y. \>e ssal] ]>g B ; schal a ; schal }peG Py ; schal \>e S. at stoiide] astonde Py5. 1893. hini] hem 5. 1894. Sf-] Hou a; How fiyS. bo]>e'] om. Bafiy. «?^] on a^y. 1895. Ixit] om. BafiyS. ? B ; buder o ; J>ider $y ; byder 5. 1896. s«J>J>] sebbe Ba; sithc /8 ; om. 5. efso7ie'] also B5; eft sone a; eft soone Py. of] of be londe of 5. ve] forb B. 1897. ^uinnic] wjTine B;S7; wiuue a. aumperie] emperie BPy. 1898. Sf] om. Ba^y. to] om. B. bew'J be B ; bane a ; bat PyS. such] bat B. 1899. In huld] bihekl a. 1900. ]>o] so 0y. vpi7i'] op in a; vpon 5. an] on a. sey] ysey a. 1901. pat huld] & held a; And helde 0yS. an] a B/875; o a. croiz] croiz in his hond a ; crosse in his honde ^87 ; crosse 5. ywrite] wryte /3 ; wryten y ; y wrytten 5. was] was ber on a$y. ^- \>er on] om. a^y. 1902. Constantin] Costantyne B. \>orn] lo bro) S. \>es] bis Bafiy^. siyne] tokne a ; token ;3 ; tokyn 7. 1 903. he\>ene )>ei /te] bei he hebene o. ; bon^ he heben fiy ; bou^ he hebenne S. 1904. An"] A B ; O a/37. stede] stude Ba. is] om. a^y, a 6. rt< vure] bi fore B ; to fore afiy ; afore 5. 13G THE CHRONICLE OF Mercio Maxencij. capcio rome. baptisacio constan- tini. Siluester. Maxencius J?o he wste him come ' he adde of him gret doute . 1905 He let at rome an stronge dich . make al aboiite • & Deop a^en constantin • & a^en is route • Vor to holde hom ]?er ]>ov\i • wanne hii come wi]?oute • As he was aboute J?is dich • he ne gan nott muche winne • Vor he velle an alle midde • & adreinte J^er Inne • pere ]>oru vertu of ]>e croiz • he was sone ouercome • & constantin adde also sone • ])en toun inome • Constantin ne com nour • in bataile non • pat he nadde ]7oru ]?e croiz • ]?e maistrie of is fon • So ]7at he him vnderstod • of ]>e beste won • 1915 & of seint siluester • ]7e pope • he let him baptisi anon • & he was as it is iwrite • pur mesel J?o • & he bicom in is baptizinge • hoi of al is wo • Sein seluester was pope ]70 • & j^e verste f'at j^er com • Of alle popes ]7at deyde • wi)>oute martirdom • 1920 1905. wstel wiste Ba)8 ; Tvyst y. he'] oni. a0y5. 1906. an stronge dich] a strong dich B ; o gret dich a; o gret diche ; o grete dyche y ; a grete diche 5. make] maki^en a ; maken Py. 1 907. Deop] dep B ; dup a. is] al is B ; al his afiy. 1909. As] And as 5. was] went Py. 7ie] om. S. 1910. velle] fel ^Bafiy. an alle midde] al amidde B ; on aire midde a ; in hit amyddes jSy ; al amydde 5. adreinte] dreynt hyniB; adreinte him a ; adreynte him /Sy ; drcyut was 5. 1911. pere];>oru] |?oru )>e B. 1912. constantin] costautyu B. \>cn] he B ; hauc a; J^at /SyS. 1913. Constantin] Costantyn B. nc com nour] ne com nowcr B ; ueuere ne com a. ; neuer ne com ^y ; neuerc no come 8. non] Ba ; none ;8y5 ; nom A. 1914. nadde] ne haddc &y. is] om. B. 1915. him] om. y. 1916. seint] om. a/SyS. he let him baptisi] liym let baptize B; him let foUi o ; him lete crysten ^y ; was Baptized 5. 1917. Omitted in ajSyS. 1918. Omitted iu u/SyS. J>aptizini)e] baptizing B. al] om. B. 1919. Sein] Seynt BjS ; Seint a. Yer] om. 5. verste] first B. 1920. popes] \>e popys S. KOBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 137 Vor ]7er nas non biuore him • ]?at ymartred nas • Of |?e luper emperours • vor ecli lie]?ene was • An churche of seint Ion |'e baptist • constantin let rerc • 'f "^cio cc- & clnped IS constantiniane • vor he ybaptized was pere • Of seinte peter & seinte poul • ano]?er he rerde also • [87.] «fc in strong niastling • he a}? J^erinne • boj^e hor bones ido . 1926 Octauus rex. Of Seint laurence he rerde ano]?er • of Seint anne foi. a.-j. ek on • tfc of o]7er halwen J7at nite stonde]' • he rerde monion • po sende he seint eleine ys moder • pat wis was wide inucncio ikud . ^i""'^'^- To ieriisalem to seche ]7e croi^ • ];at j^er was yhud • So |?at he was ]7er yfounde • j^e biginingge of may • As Ze abbe]? ofte yhurd • ]>e holi rode day • 1921. 7ias] was fiyS. ymartred'] ymartired a; he martired B; he ymartired ^y ; marth'ed 5. /ms] ne was 5. 1922. /wj^cr] lu^ere o. ec/t] cche B ; echo of hem /SyS. 1923. All] A B ; O a/37. rere] arere S. 1924. duped is] clepude jtB; clepede hit a ; calHd hit /Sy. constan- tiyiiane] costantiniaue B. ybaptized was] was ybaptized B ; baptized was /87S. 1925. Sf seinte poul] & of poule B. 7-crdc] rerede B. ano);>er] on ojjer a. 1926. he a\>] bu)? a ; beu )3 ; bene 7; beth 5. bo\)e hor bortes] her boK bodyes 5. 1927. Of] Andof/37. ano\'cr] onoKra; one oj^ere ;37. of] & of 0)875. amie] anneis Ba ; Anneys ^y. 1928. o]per] oj'erc a. halwen] seyntes B ; haleAvene a. rerde] rerede eke B. inonioii] manije on a (& passim). 1929. eleine] heleyne ay ; helyne ^. ivis] om. 0^875. ivas wide ikud] was ykud B ; was wide kydde fiy ; wyde was kud 5. 1930. \>e] t-at o. yhud] hidde fiy ; longe yhud 5. 1931. he] it B7 ; hit afiS. \>c] in \>e a&yS. biginiugge] by gyng B. may] \>q may B. 1932. Y abbe\>] he habbe}> a ; )e huue S ; we haue ^87. yhurd] harde 187. J'c] vpon a S. holi] bolide o. rex. 138 THE CHRONICLE OF Constantin let also • In ierusalem cherchen rere • & wide aboute elles ware • cristendom to lere • So ]?at Jjoru godes grace • so noble mon he was • 1935 pat ]?er nas prince in al J^e world • ]?at vnder is poer nas • pre vnclen is moder adde • J?at on het leonyn • & traen ^e o]?er het • & J?e J^ridde marin • Alle J>re constantin • nom wi]? him to rome • & grete louerdes |?oru him • alle ]?re ]7er bi come '1940 A N erl jjer was in j^is lond • octaui was is name • Komeins ]mt here were bileued • he dude ofte ssame • Octauus & Slou vaste her & ]?er • & J'at me ssolde vewe ise • pe brutons hii hin crounede ]?o • hor king vor to be • po ]?is word com to constantin • he }>otte wat was to done • 1945 Traen is moder vncle • hider he sende sone • Wi]? gret poer ynoii • to winne ]?is kinedom • At an hauene bi sou]?e • ]^is folc alonde com • 1933. Constantin^ Costantyn B. Jet also] let o chirche a; letc o chirche 1878. cherchen rere] chirches rere B ; \>o rere a ; )>an rere fiy ; \>o arere S. 1934. wide . . . ware] wyde whare allaboute 5. 1937. vnclen] vnclene o; vncles 5. het] hatte B; hi)t fiy. leoni/n] Honyn B ; leomin 7. 1938. traen] traben Ba;875. \>e] \>o B; J^at Sy. het] hette B; hijt j8 ; highte 7. inarin^ het Marin a ; hi^t Marin I3y ; hcte Marine 5. 1939. constantin] costantyn B; t>is constantin 0/87. worn wi\> him] mid him nom a ; with him toke J87. 1940. alle ]>re )>er] alio hi \>cv a; J>ei alle J>er 187. 1941. An] On a; Ane ;3 ; One 7. 1942. here wei-e] here B; were her a; were here 1873. hilcaed] hy lefte S. ofte] gret a^y. 1943. slou] slow hem B; slou ham a ; slon^ hem ^875. ^' \>at] J>at Ba/375. me] men (87. 1944. hii hin] hym B7 ; him o/35. 194.5. po] cm. B. Constantin] Costantyn B. icat] ova. B. was] om. a/37. 1946. Traen] Trahen Ba;87. hider he sendc] he sende hedyr 5. 1947. Wi\>] Mid a. 1948. an] one a. ^nu);>e] sought 7. J^'s] J>es S. alonde] o londe B ; on londe 7. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 139 pe king was of horn iwar • aten horn he sette • bellum. Bi side winchestro in a feld • to gadere hii horn mette • Bataile hii smite ]>er • & to grounde slowe vaste • So }>at octaui king • aboue was atte laste • &5 traen &; moche of is folc • ywonnded ney to de]7e • Flowe to se in hor ssipes • & ofscapede vnncjje • To scotlonde hii wende al bi watre • & )?er hii gonne ariue • 1955 & gaderede |?ere al niwe ost • azen ]>is kinge bliuc • & robbede uaste & bamde • al ]?e contreie aboutc • victoria Vre king wende ]?uderward • iiast mid is route • rum. IN westmoiiond hii mette horn • & gonne fi^te bliue • pat vre king octaui of scapede . vnnej^e aliue • 1960 Ac ofscapede in to norwei • to winne him help vaste • ^'^^- ^^^ po was traen al a louerd • j^e wule it wolde ylaste Ac as he out of londone • wende in an tyde • A gret erl him kepte ]/er • in a wode bi syde • Occisio traen. 1949. hear'] war ; ware y. ayen'] & a^en $y ; aud ajejnie 5. 1950. a feld'] \>e feld a; J>e felde ySyS. horn viette'] ham ymette a. 1951. Bataile'] A Bateyl S. smite] smyten B ; smytteu 5. 1952. kiiig] oiire kyng By; our king a; oure kynge j85. attc] at J^e a. 1953. traen] trahen Ba^Sy. ywounded] wounded /8 ; woundid 7. 1954. Flowe] And y flowe 5. sc] )>c see /Sy. in'] to BajSyS. ofscapede] ascaped ^y ; escaped 5. 1955. To] Vn to 5. al] om. B. \>er] om. y. Iiii] oni. (i. gonne] by gon to 5. 1956. gaderede] gedered y. niwe] any we a ; a newe /SyS. a'^ycn] &. a^en j8 ; and ayein 7. ^is] J>e B. bliue] biliue B. 1957. barnde] brent fiy. al \>e contreie] al Jjb contrei B ; he contreiie al a ; he countreyc al ^y. 1959. gonne] gan to 5. bliue] biliue B- 1960. pat] Ac B. ofscapede vnne\>e] vnnehe ascaped 5. ofscapede] ascapede a ; ascaped ^y. aliue] oliue B. 1961. Ac] He B; And a; And so ^y. ofscapede] ascaped /SyS. norwei] norewei%e a ; Northwey fiy. winne] viuno a. help] helpc a. 1962. al a louerd] al on louerd a ; al one lorde fiy ; alle lord 5. ylaste] laste B ; ilaste a ; alaste ;3 ; last yS. 1963. wende] wente B. a«] a B ; one afiy. 1964. A] O a^y. him kepte \>er] here him kepte 5. a] one a/3- hisyde'] syde By ; side 3. 140 THE CHRONICLE OF Mid an hondred kni^tes . yarmed wel ynou • 1965 pis prince al an onywar • toward liom drou • Keditus Hii come a^en him onywar • & slowen liim al vor nott • (H'taiu Si p^g tidinfve was ouer se • to be kinge ibrott • (luininacio. ^ " ^ ... ' He com hider sone a^e • ioiuol inou • & ]>e romeins ]?at he vond • to groundc vaste slou • [89.] po gaderede he so gret tresour • & also so gret route • & so gret poer ]?at he nadde • of no prince in J7e world doute • Vor ])ev nas prince non • J?at him durste arere strif • So ]?at he huld J»o p'is lond • in pes al is lif • concilium He esste of is conseilers • ]?o he to elde com • 1975 Hou he mitte best do • of ]ns kinedom • Vor he nadde bote an dotter • wo mi^te is eir be • Some of is conseilers • hom gonne )ms bise • pat he ssolde nyme is neveu • }7at het conan • & Crouny him king of J^is lond • vor J7at he was man • regis de re-juo 19G5. (in'\ ou a. ho?i(Ircd'\ huudreth . 1966. al an onywar'\ al vn ywar B ; al in on oniwar a ; al in vnware jSy ; al vnware 5. drou\ J^o drou a-; J>an drou) &y ; >o drowj S. 1967. co?«e] comen B. onywar'] vn war B5 ; on oniwar o ; vnware ySy. slowcn'\ slowe Ba ; slow) j8 ; slough y ; slouj S. 1968. tidinge] tiHng B ; til^inge a ; ti^iuges ySy. icas oner se] ouer sue was a ; ouer \>q see was ^78. hinge] king a. ihro-^t] sone ybroit B ; sone ibrout a ; soone broujt fiy ; soue ybroght S. 1969. He] The kynge fiy. hider] om. /8. aye] a)eyn B; ajen a^y. inou] ]?o y nou a ; Jjo ynow) S ; >an ynou) ^y. 1970. J>e] \>o B. slou] he slow B ; he slou^ S. 1971. he so gret] he gret aS ; J^e kynge $y. so] om. a$yS. 1972. ^] om. afiyS. nadde] ue haddc fiy. no] noneafiy. in J>c world] om. u/375. 1973. nas] was ^y^. him durste arere] dorste arere him a ; durste arere him fiy ; dorst rere a)cnst him 5. 1974. ho] om. a/SyS. 1975. esstc^ ascode B ; eschtea; asked /87. of] at Baj37. clde] hulde a. 1976. do] doiio/3; done 7. of] mid Ba ; with /375. \>is] his 0/378. 1977. nadde] hadde $y. a7i] a B ; o 0/87. wo] ho B ; who a0y. 1978. horn] hym B7 ; him a/3. gonne \>us] gan hus afiS ; thus gan 7. 1979. nyme] om. $y; take S. het] hatte B; ihote was a0yS. 1980. Crouny] crowne B/37. ^rt^] om. a/87. waw] stalcwor)'e man a st-ilwor|'r man Py. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 141 &; lete is dotter spousi • mid richesse • ynou • 1981 To ano}7er prince ellcsware • j^ere as is herte to drou • [OJl^er radde |?at he ssolde • al mid ]>e kinedome • [LJete is doctor spousy • to an prince of rome • [&] |>enne vor ]7e eliance • |?at were ^am so bituene • [H]ii miite J;is lond al in pes • holde wi)?oiite tene • So ]?at l^er was among hom • gret strif vor J?is dede • Craddok erl of cornwaile • is auis sede • pat a senatour of rome • yhote maximian • Was of ]e kimde of p>is lond • a sui]je noble man • Vor he was leolines sone • |'at eleyne vncle was .1991 pe gode constantines moder • vor no betere nas • & wanne he was a prince of rome • tSs he were ek [yo.] ]>er to • King here of j^is lond • suij^e wel it were ido • Siker me miite ]?anne be • to abbe here pays god .1995 fol. 3G. Vor he was ibore at rome • & of ]ns londes blod • 1981. spousi] wedde 5. 1982. aiwi>e]-'} on o^er a; somme o^ev $y. \>ere] om. Ba^Sy. 1983. radde'] radde radde a ; redde y. 1984. Lete] Late B. spousy] spouse jS-y; wedde S. an] on a; one ySy. prince] hey prince B ; heije prince a ; hegh prince j8 ; high prince y ; hy^e prince 5. 1985. \>e] om. afiy. eliance] aliance B; elyaunce a; aliaunce ^7. were] ^er were 5. yam so] hem B ; so ham a ; so hem fiyS. 1986. \>is lond . . . pes] in pees al ^ys londe 5. ivi\>oute] wythouten y. 1987. So\>at] Tho5. 1988. erl] vrl a. is] hy B. sede] \>o sede a; ))an sede /3 ; than seyde y ; \>c sede 5. 1989. a] o a^y. yhote] bat callid is fiy. 1990. suilpe] ry)t fiy. 1991. leolines] leonines afiy. eleyne] eleue B; helyue a/8 ; hcleyne y ; Elene ys 5. 1992. model-] sone moder A. 710] nou B ; none I3y. 7ias] i>cv nas a^y. 1993. iva7ine] whan 0.$. was «]was o a ; were o 0y ; was S. ^•] ^ef B; yi{aPy; yf 5. 1994. here] eke her B. toiul] h)nde o/3. sui\>e] ry^t I3y ; Ryght 5. 1995. here] her a/S. pays] pees PyS. 19 9G. ibore] borne 0y. 142 THE CHRONICLE OF Missio rome post maximia- Diua. & vor he was of ]?is kinges kiinde • J'at of ]?i.s londe was 2000 2005 pe betere pays ]?er ssolde be • uor j^e ri^tuol cas Conan pe kinges neueu • ]>o he hurde j^is • Was wro]? &5 destourbede • al ]?e court iwis • & naj^eles craddoc him hekl • al euene & stille • & ]>en king stilleliche • bro^te al to is wille • To rome he sende morice • ]7at is owe sone was Stilleliche to maximian • to telle him of ]?is cas • per was J^o contek at rome • bituene maximian • & j?e emperonr ];at was )?o • ]?at het gracian • po morice )^uder com • & vau-e was vnderfonge • & yhurde ]^is contek • J'at ylaste longe • To \>is senatour he sede • Sire maximian • Wy artou so Sore adrad • of ]?is gTacian • Wanne ]70u miit of him god wey • in to al |?in wille Vor com mid me to britaine • & ]?ou ssalt }>ere king be • 2010 1997. hinges'] om. a^yB. londc] loud Ba. 1998. hetere] beter B. pays] pees fiy. \>c] \>a.t afiyS. 1999. hurdc \>is] ihurde l^is a- hard of J^is ^y. 2001. ^] Ac a; But fiy. Sf] om. afiy. 2002. \>en] \>q B ; >ane a • Jeanne fi ; thanne the y ; J>at S. 2003. owe] owne B ; owen j3 ; om. y. 2004. Stilliche to maximian] Pryueliche to maximian B ; To Maximian al stille afiyS. 200.'j. contek] stryfB. maximian] his maximiau BajS7S. 2006. \>e] po B. was \>o] \>o was aS ; }>au was I3y. het] hatte B ; icleped was a ; callid was $y ; cleped was 5. 2007. po] \>o J?at aS ; Whenne J>at jSy. was] om. S. 2008. yhurde] herde B ; harde fiy. \>is] of }>is fiyS. ylaste] hit laste o ; hit lasted j8 ; it lastid y ; last hadde 5, 2010. aj-tou] ai't )>ou o. so sore] om. fiy. gracian] gartian a. 2011. Whanne] Wen B ; Whan a. of] fro /3; from y. god wey] go wei o ; go awey jSy. in to al] al to "Ba^yB. \>in] J>i a^y ; Jjy 5. wille] wal 5. 2012. com] cum l^ou 5. britaine] BretayneB; bruteinc a ; BrutayneyS. JjoM . . . be] king ]>ou schalt )>er beo a ■ kynge J>ou schalt l^er be )3 ; kyng there slialt thou be y ; kyuge \>qx ]>o\x schalt be 5. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 143 Vor ])e king nou in is elde • na]; non eyr ywis • Kiinde bote is dorter one • |?at him vol lef is • & he aj> god wille to ]>e • as me de|; him to vnder- [91.] stonde • 2015 pat ]?ou ire spousedest nor f'ou art • of kundo of ]>e londe • & Such mi^te wan it so is • Jjou mi^t }?er ];orii avonge • pat ]70u mitt perauntre rome winne • ar come outt longe • Vor ])i gode cosin constantin • Rome wan al so • & mani o]7ere of ure kinges • in ]>is manere com ]?erto • po ]?is maximian • vnderstod al J'is • 2021 Maximia- He dude him sone hiderward • mid gret poer ywis • br^tau^nie He ariuede at sou]? hamptone • as J^e wind horn adde ylad . po vre king hurde J?er of • he was somdel glad • Laste he vor vuel icome • ac ]>o he wste wat he was • He vnderueng him vaire ynou • & conseilede of pis cas • 2013. 7jom] om. a^yS, is'] om. B. na\>'] ha}> 0y ; liathe 5. nun'} no a. 2014. Kunde'] Of kynde 5. vol lef] ful luf a. 2015, 2016 transposed in afiy. 2015. §•] om. al3y5. de\> him to] don P ; done y. to] om. fiyS. 2016. spousedest] spouse fiy ; wedde 8. /luiule] \>e kjude B5; \>e kunde a ; kynde Py. \>e] that 7. 2017. Such miyte] )ut )?ou myt a ; ^it )50U mi^t ^87 ; ^it jjou myght 5. waji] whanne a ; when ^y. ]>ou miyt] suche myte a ; suche my^te Py ; suche myght 5. avenge] fouge afiyB. 2018. perauntre] par auenture a/8 ; per aueuturc 7. ar] or hit /3o ; or it 7. come] be 5. ou-^t] out a. 2019. cosin] om. S. constantin] costantyn B. Home iuan'\ of rome was a/375. 2020. Mia?«j] mani^e a. o\>cre] om. a)37. /«] on a5 ; of/37. 2021. po] Whannc ^y. \>is] >at 0)875. 2022. Am]om. /3. yretpoer] power gret /87. 2023. Aom] hym B/37. y^ai^] lad /8 ; ladde 7. 2024. vre] vne A ; oure a/37. hurde] ihurde a ; hard fiy. )>cr of] her of Ba75 ; here of j3. glad] adiad Ba/3 ; adradde 75. 2025. Zasis] )>q B. 144 THE CHRONICLE OF Some sede J^at him betere were • take is neueu conan • pe kinedom of |?is lond • & some maximiaN • fol. 36 b. (Sj some an heymon of ]?is lond • ];at he is dotter toke • & |?is kinedom wi); ire • vor he it wolde best loke • Ac is nexte conseil naj^eles • J?at he mest vnder stod • Radde him to maximian . ]>&t was of so hey blod • Of ]>e gode quene eleyne • tfe of |?e gode eonstantin • pat was king here of ]>is lond • & emperour atte fin • [92.] & of ]:>e kinges blod cole • king of ]>is londe he com .2035 pat god it were to al ])e lond • to take him ])e kinedom • spousio pe king & J?e meste men • hulde al J)is wisdom • filie regis, g^ j^^^^ ^^ kinges doiter • mid |?is lond he nom • Ac conan )?e kinges neueu • ne likede nott ]?is game • He tarkede poer a^en him • to don him alle ssame • Ac is poer lute was • vor ])e king was euere aboue « So ];at atte laste • hii were ybrott in loue • 2027. \>at Jmn'] hit a)3 ; it 7 ; liim 5. betere were'] wer beter B ; were betere a ; were better ^yS. take'] tak a. 2029. an liei/vion'] on hey man a ; on hey^e man ; on high man . 20.30. \>is'] ys B ; his 7. wi\> ire'] mid hiire a. wolde] om. S. ivolde best] best wolde ^y. 2031. Ac] & a^y. 7iexte] hext BS ; hexte a ; hey^est /3 ; highest y. conseil] man fiy. he mest] he moste 7 ; meste he S. 2032. Badde] Redde 7. \>at] for he B5. of] om. 5. hei/] hcyo o ; hye 5. 2033. gode] noble 5. eleyne] elene B ; helyne ay. gode] noble Ba;37. 2034. atte fin] at )>e fyn a ; good & fyn j3 ; good and fynne 7. 2035. londe] lond o. 2036. to al] te al A. 2037. \>e meste] ys meste B; his hexte a; his hey^est j8 ; his highest 7 ; next S. hulde] hulden o ; helden ^y ; \>&y helde 5. al] om. 5. 2038. \>c] >is ^37. 2039. Ac] Sc a^y. ne] om. 5. 2040. yar/icde] araydc 5. ayeti him] him a^en 0^37. don] om. B. him] hem y375. 2041. was euere] euer was /3. 2042. atte] actc A ; at K' a^y. were ybro^t] were brou^t fiy ; acorded 5. in] w' 5. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 145 Bi gracianes day ];e emperour • al j^is was ich wene • Aboute ]7e zer of grace • ]>re hundred • & sixti & seuen- tene • t?„ j-. Kex uadit Wi}>inne vif ter her after • ))e king so prout bicom • armore. Vor ]>e grete tresoui' nameliche • J'at he al day nom • pat he nas no^t one ypayd • to abbe ]>is kinedom • Bote he adde france al so • wij? sstreng}?e wip'oute dom • He nom \vi|? him of is lond • gret pore ynou • &; to J7e lond ]7at was icluped armore he drou • 2050 pat bruteine is nou ycluped • as he it nemde l>o • . ^ . ^ , . . victoria Viftene |?ousend hors ywrie • j^er were aien him & mo • maximifni. Of J7e lond of fi-ance • & of o]?er lond bi syde • pere hii smite a bataile • ]7at couj? was wel ^dde • pere was J^e due of fi-ance • aslawe • & al is folc ney • po ]>e king maximian • ]7is grete slatt ysey • 2056 He was glad uor he wuste wel • to winne al is wille • [93] Conan ]?e quene cosin • he clupede j^o al stille • 2043. d(i>/'\ dayje a. einperour'] amperours a. al J>/s ivasi t)ls was as Ba/SyS. z'c/i] I ^yd. •2044. Aboute'} After afiy. §• sixti'j om. aS ; ^eer )3 ; yere y. 2045. her] om. B ; Jjer a^y. >e] t>is B. 2047. was] was ^yS. 7ioyt'\ om. S. owe] ene B ; om. al3y. ypayd] apayd a ; apaied j3 ; apayed y^. 2048. wi])'] in a^y. loi^toute] withoutcn y. 2049. nom] toke fiy. is] Hs a^y ; )>ys 5. pore] power Ba^Sy. 2050. icluped] yclepud B; icieped a ; callid ySy. 2051. Vat] There 5. hruteine] breteyn B. is jiou'] is uou)>e a ; now ys S. ycluped] clepiid 5 ; ycluped B ; icieped a ; callid 0y. 7ieTnde] nempde B ; nemnede a ; nempned 5. 2052. ywrie] ywryje afiy. 2053. lond] londe a. of] om. aS. o\>er] oj'ere a. lond] londes B ; eke a$yo. 2054. S7nile a bataile] o bataile smite a ; o Bataile smyte By ; a bateil smytten 5. wel] ful B/S^S ; fol a. 2055. aslaive] yslaw B ; slayu 187 ; yslaj-n 5. folc] men 5. 2056. po] When By. \>e] \>\s afiy. \>is (jrete slai^t] al \>\s slant a ; al J^is slaujter By ; alle Jjys slaught S. ysey] yseye B ; syje S. 2057. uor he wuste wel] & wiste wel aBy ; & Jjo he wist S. «/] J)o al Ba5 ; J^an al By- 2058. clupede] callid ySy ; clepud 5. \>o al] out \>o B ; owte )>o 5 ; }po out wel a ; )>au cute wel B ; than oute full y. K rex. 146 THE CHRONICLE OF He bigan somdel to lyhe • we abbe]? nou he sede • Ywonne an ende of france • of ]>& o]?er nis no drede • pei ich be king of Bruteine • J?at was ]nn vncle lond • Ne be noit sori J^er uore • nor icliolle abbe more an bond • Icholle p>e make of j^is lond • king ]?ou ssalt yse • & ]7is lond al be j^in • & |?e oj^er bruteine be • Vor honour of bruteyne • to wan J'ou addest kunde • pe o]7er brutainel hit ssal bote • as to abbe of J^e munde • Deliuery we ssolle it of ]?is folc • ]?at her Inne is • & of folc velle it vol • of ure kunde ywis • Couan fit Conan buyde adoun to him • & J^onkede uaste • & bihet him to serui triweliche • J?e wule is lif ylaste . 2070 2059. somdel to lyhe'] lyje a ; lye fiy ; >o to lawghe 5. a6ie)>] haue fiy. 2060. Ywo7inc'] Wonne S. an ende'] B ; amende A ; on ende o ; one ende )8 ; oon ende y; )>e on ende 5. o)>er] o|>ere o. nis] is ^y ; ys 5. 2062. Ne be] Ne be \>ou 'B^y; Ne beo t>ou a ; Be >ou 5. noyt] not B ; uor] om. a^y. icholle] ich wol B ; ich wole a ; I wol /S-y ; I wil 5. nout o ; nou^t ^y ; no>ynge S. sori \>erforc] fol sori a ; ful sory fiy. an hoiid] on hond a ; on honde jSy. 2063. Icholle] Ych wol B ; Ich wole o ; I wol $y ; I wil S. \>e make] make he Ba5 ; make ^ee 0y. yse] it se 7 ; se 5. 2064. Jj/s lo7id al] ^is lond B ; al J^is lond aySy ; alle >ys lond 5. be] schal be Baj85 ; it shalt be y. t>e o]>er bruteine be] litel Brutayne callid be ^y. 2065. wan] warn B ; wha a ; whom /S^S. 2066. brutainel] breteyne B ; bruteine a ; Brutayne fiy. hate] beo a ; be ^875. as] om. 5. oj \>e munde] to mynde 7. 2067. Deliuery] Deliuere B7 ; Delyuer j8. we ssoile it] it we schul 5. her] hire B. is] nou is a; nowe is J87; now ys 5. 2068. velle] fuUe B; we schollea; we schul ^878. vol] fulleoS; fillej37. 2069. buyde] bowede B ; bowed ^y^. uaste] hym faste B ; him \>o fast a5 ; him ful fast fiy. 2070. him to serui triweliche] to seme hym trewliche B ; him seruy treu- liche « ; trulye to serue him 5. serui] serve fiy. tcule] while Py. ylaste] laste B ; last 5 ; may last Py. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 147 Hii -wende aboiite in to al ]?at lond • & heye tounes nome • & alle pG men j^at hii founde • hii slowe as hii come • & lete ]?e wimmen go aliue • tfc J^o hii adde al an honde • & adde yslawe al clene aboute • J^at folc of ]>e londe • In eche stude hii sette J?er • strong warnesture & god • [^4] Of folc of J^is londe here • & of hor owe blod • 2076 pe king an hondred j^ousend men • of ]?is londe ek let uett[e] • & ]7ritti ]?ousend kni^tes • hor wardeins hii sette • & delde among horn al ]>e lond • & ^ef ech diuerse |?ing • & made conan of hom alle • & of J?e londe king • 2080 & J7us was brutaine ywonne • ]7oru vre princes here • & after ]?is lond britaine • ycluped in ]7is manere • Maximian wende vor]^ • ]>or\i is grete maistrie • perquisicio & wan mid streng]?e al france • & sup\>e normandie • raucie. Vor he tef echmon J^at to him com • is porchas in ech londe . 2085 So moche poer him com to • J^at him ne mitte no J>ing atstonde • 2071. ill to al i>af] in al i>e B. 2072. J>e] om. afiy. as] euer as By3 ; euere as ay. 2073. lete'] let B. wimmen'] women y. go aline] alyue go afiy, ]>o] Ba ; >e A ; when ^at ^y ; om. S. Mi] om. ^y. ari] on afiy. 2074. adde yslaive] yslayu ^y. J>a<] >e 5. Jpc] that y. 2075. Ill] On a5. warnesture] warnestur a ; warde fiy ; wardeyns 5. 2077. an] on a. of] iu BajSy. ek] om. Ba/SyS. let] om. B. uette] fette B^Sy ; feche a. 2078. wardeins] wardeinus a. hii] he Ba/SyS. 2079. K'] J'at aPyS. yef] yaf y. 2080. of hom alle] lorde of alle &y ; of alle a. of] of al B5. 2081. was] om. 0y. princes] prince B. 2082. britaine ycluped] yclepud Bretayne 5. ycluped in] icleped on a ■ callid on jSy. 2083. wende] him wende a ; him went jSyS. 2084. normandie] al normandije a ; al Normandye fiy ; alle Normandie 5. 2085. in] on a5. 2086. him com] fel hym B ; come him 5. ]>at him . . . i>in(/] J^at noJ>ing my^t hym B ; )>a ne myte ham no prince a ; >at \>cv my^t hem no prince jQy ; }>at J^ere myght no prince him 5. atstonde] astonde afiy ; w' stonde 5. K 2 148 THE CHRONICLE OF & gracian ]?e emperour • at rome su]7]7e he slow • pat uor is ardy dedes • of him uor dradde ynou • occisio j^Q hoYu. he emperour I'at subbe com • yhote teodose • Maximian was swpye aslawe • maugre is nose • 2090 & so ]>ei ssrewe robeours • abbe hor wille an stounde • & cheni in hor robberie • atte laste hit ge]? to grounde • [95] pe brutons ]7at maximian • of ]>is lond brotte ]>o • In J?e lasse bruteine bileue]? tut • & wor)? euere mo • tfe so ]?ulke bruteine • of |?is londe com • 2095 More ]?oru streng];e as le se]> - j^an ]'oru rizt dom • fol. 37 b. Of ]>e lasse bruteine • conan |>at was ]7us king • Among horn nolde of )?ulke lond • abbe non menging • pe childern of ]?ulke kunde • ]?eruore he let sende • To heye men in ]>is lond • a^boute in ech ende • 2100 pat of heie menne dottren • maidens me nome • Enleue ]70usend atte leste • & to him ]^at hii come • 2087. graciani gartian a. at rome su\>\>e'] seJ'J^e at Rome a; sij^e at Rome fiy. 2088. ardy'] hardije a. uor dradde'] me dradde Ba ; men drad /3 ; men dradde 78. 2089. yhote] J?at yhote 5; Jjiit was callid fiy. teodose'] theodoseB. 2090. was su)>))e aslawe] was slayn 5. maugre] magrei B. 2091. >e/] t>e B; J^ei^ /8 ; thise 7; Vowy 5. ssrewe] schrewesyS; shrewes 7 ; schrewed 5. abbe] hadde B. an] at B; o afiy, a 5. stounde] stonde B. 2092. cheui in] ekny a ; eke (87 ; echeu in 5. hit ge)?] it go\> B ; hi goj' a ; Jjei goii fiy ; ]>ey goth 5. 2093. lond'] londe a. 2094. bileue]) . . mo] bileue)^ euere mo a ; bileued euer mo fiy ; ]>&j belefte euer mo 5. ivor\>] wro}> A ; schul B. 2095. bruteine] Britoiis 5. lo7ide] lond Ba. 2096. as Y se\>] as )e ysej? B; om. 0/875. ;/j<] rijte a. 2098. nolde] wolde ^37. non] no Ba;875. menging] mjTigyng B moting a ; motynge ^37. 2099. pe] Ne ^afiy^. diildern'] children ySyS. kunde] londe ^y. /c<] lette B. 2100. in] of Ba;87S. \>is] l^isse a. loud] londe a. 2101. pat] And 0/378. menne] manue o; menncs /3 ; mennys 7 mennus 8. me] >at me o ; Jjat men ;875. 2102. Enleue] Ellene B ; Endleue o ; EUeuen fiy. hii] \>q fi; they 7. virgmum. EGBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 149 & of simple manne doitren • sixti Jjousend god • pat hii miite make hor kunde • al clene of hor blod • pis maidens were igadered • & to londone come • 2105 Mani were glade ]>er of • & wel sori some • pat hii ssolde of londe wende • & neuer eft hor frend yse • & some to lese hor maidenhod • wiues vor to be • viigines ^ , .. . . 1 • 1 in maii. po hu were in ssipes ydo • & in pe se ver were • [ge] So gTet tempest ]>ev com • J^at drof horn here & ]?ere • So ]?at J^e mestedel • adreincte were in )?e se • 2111 & to o]7er londes some ydriiie • ]?at ne come neuere a^e • A king |7er was of hungiy • guayn was is name • occisio & melga king of picardie • |?at cou]?e ynou of ssame pe wateres uor to loki • aboute ]>e se hii were • 2115 A compaynie of J^is maydens • so }>at hii mette J>ere • 2103. simple manne doytr en'] simpler maydenes B. manne'] menues /8 ; mennys y ; mennus 8. sixti] an sixti B ; au sixty 5. yod] gode Ba. 2104. make] maki^e a. blod] blode Bo. 2105. igadered] ygedered B ; gadered /3 ; gedered y. come] y come B5 ; were icome a ; were ycomme /8y. 2106. Mani] Mani^e a. wel sori'] ful sori B ; wel serine a ; ri^t sory iS-y ; ful sorye S. 2107. of] oute of S. londe] londone a. ^-] om. y. eft] om. /3y. frend yse] frende se fi ; freudes se B7. 2108. to lese hor] to luse hare a; to lose here 13 ; to lose her 7; for lesynge of her 5. maidenhod] maidenhed B. 2109. in] in t>e B ; on a. ydo] do /8 ; om. y. se] om. B. 21 10. coin] com ham to c ; come hem to fiy. 2111. mestedel] mest dele /3 ; moste dele y. adreincte were] adreynt were B ; adreint was a ; adreynt was /Sy. 2112. ydriue] driue /By ; ydryuen 5. i>at] and B. 7ie come] >ei come ;8y ; come S. iieucre] ner B. 2113. A] O aPy. hungry] hongri B. guayn] Gnayn /3y. 2114. melga] Malgo a^y 2115. lohi] loke Bi3y 2116. A] O a/Sy. compaynie] conpaini^e o.. \>at] om. ajSyS. hii mette] hi ymette a ; \>e\ mette /3y. 150 THE CHRONICLE OF guerra pictorum & scot- torum. To hor folie hii wolde horn nime • & hor men al so • Ac ]?e maydens wolde ra)7er deye • ]?an encenty ]?er to • po wende uor]? ]?e luj?ermen • & ]>e maidens slowe echone • So ]?at to pe lasse brutaine • ]?er ne come aliue none • Af ];e wowe J'at j^er aip . in j^is lond ybe • 2121 poru ]>e emperours of rome • here le mowe yse • In o]?er manere of scottes • & picars as ich sede • Habbe]? iworred ]?is lond • icholle telle }'e dede • Guayn ]>e king of himgri • & ]>e king of py cardie .2125 po hii adde as ichabbe ysed • mid so gret vileinie • Yslawe of ]?is maidens • }>at swete compaynie • Hii ]70ite to do ]?is lond • more tricherie • Hii vnderstode ]?at J7is lond • was ymad al clene • Of god folc )7oru maximian • & conan as at ene • 2130 nime'] take 5 ; haue had $y. >e . . . deye'] rat)er hi wolde dey^e a • ra)jer J^ei enceiity] a cente B ; assenty a. ; assent fiy ; con- )pe] \)0 0y ; ]>Qse 5. echone] euerych- hrutaine] breteyne B. we] om. /S^S. none] i] on a. \>is lond] Engelond 2117. hii] he B. 2118. Ac] But fiy. wolde deye fiy. sente S. 2119. wende uor)>] wente 5. one 8. 2120. \>at] om. a^y. rijt none fiy. 2121. wowe] woB. B ; J>isse londe a. 2122. ]>e] om. B. 2123. of] J>atBa; as ^y jow ^y. 2124. Hahhe)> iworred] Hauewerred in/Sy ; Han y worred in 5. ich wol B ; ich wole ou a ; I wil )0u /85 ; I wole you y. 2125. hunyri] hougri B. 2126. ichabbe i/sed] ych haue yseit B ; ich seide oc ; I haue seide ; I you seyde y ; I seyde 5. vileinie] vilanije a ; o vilenye 5. 2127. Ys/ait'e] Islayu /3; Yslayney ; SlaynS. «/] alle 7. )>«<] 2128. Hii] Bi B. ^o-^te] J'Outen a; houjten ^y. more] \>o more 5. 2129. ivas ymad] ymad was B ; was made fiy. 2130. \>oru] J>at J'oru a. as at cne] I wene fiy. \>er] here ^y. yse] se jSyS. J>at Jje S, picars] picardes a^y. ich] I icholle] ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 151 &, }>at hii imzte ]>is lond • al vor nozt Avinne • foi. 38. Hii gaderede folc vaste ]?is worre to biginne • To |?e se hii wende mid hor folc • ]>&t hii adde an [^7] honde • & come as horn leuest was • verst in to scotlonde • Toward J?is lond hii bigonne • vorto robby vaste •2135 pat folc to sle & tonnes • & castles adoun caste • pe simple men ]?at here were • hor red ]>er of nome • Missio «fe sende after beter help • to J>e emperour of rome • ''^™®' AN due |?at het gTacian • fram rome me sende • pat mid gTct poer ynou • to jjis lond hider wende -2140 pe lond vole J^o he hider com • to him turnede vaste • bellum. So ]?at J^er was slatt gret • ]>e wule it wolde ylaste • & |;is king of picardye • & al so is felawe • Were of come atte laste • |?at hii nuste wuder drawe • 2131. >a^] om. a^r a/] as 0y. 2132. Hii'] & a$y. gaderede'] gared /3. folc] hem folk S. i>is] \>e B. u-orre] werre &y. to] forto 5. 2133. ivende] sende B. mid hor folc] mid ost a ; with ost ;37. an] on Ba/SyS. 2134. come] comen a. horn] ham a; hem ^^y. in to] vp in afiy; vnto 5. 2135. Toivard );)is lond] Hiderward a ; And hiderward /Sy. vorto robby] to robbe ri^t /8 ; to robby right y ; to robbe "wel 5. 2136. Vat] The 5. 2137. hor] om. a/87. ^^^ of] her of 5. nome] hi nome a; J>ei nome ^y. 2138. beter] betere a; more B. 2139. A71] A BS ; O a^y. het] hijt yS ; highte 7. me] was 5. 2140. ynou] om. B. \>is lond] J^isse londe a. hider] om. 0^87. 2141. pe] )^o B ; pat ay87. im turnede] turnede to hym B5 ; turde to him a ; turned to him /S. 2142. sla-^t] slau^ter fiy. wide] while afiy. it] >at it 5. ylaste] laste B ; last ;87. • 2143. Vis] the 7. 2144. of come] ouercome a^y ; so of com 5. hii] J^e yS ; they 7. nuste wilder] nuste whider o ; nyst whider /3 ; nyst wheder 7. drawe] to drawe B/875. 152 THE CHEONICLE OF gracianus romanus fit rex. occisio graciani. reditus pictorum & scot- torum. [98.] Villiche hii were & wij? strengj^e • iclriue in to yrlonde • po adde gracian j^is loud • al clanliche anhonde • 2146 He let him crouny king • & ]>o he al louerd was • Nomore ssrewe J^an he bicom • ich wene non nas • pat lond folc tede vor]? • & to gadere drowe • & ar he dude to muche wo • J?an foule ssrewe slowe • 2150 pat ]>e king was aslawe • it was sone wide cou]? • In ech half fram londe to londe • nor]? & eke sou]? • So ]?at it to J^e kinges come • j^at wende to yrlonde • Hii porueyde ]7at hii adde • folc ynou an honde • Of norwey of denemarch • & also of scotlonde • 2155 & barnde & to grounde slowe • vast in ]7isse londe • So ]?at ]?at folc of ]?is londe • al clene was ouercome • For ]?e king adde arst of ]ns lond • al clene ]?is kni^tes inome • aiilwnde'\ wo?*] yorj?] 2145. Villiche . . . ^-] And so ]>ey were S. hii luere] om. a^y. idriue'] iwere idriue a ; were ydryue j8y. in to] to afiy. 2146. graciaii] garciau a. al clanliche'] clanliche alle S. on honde Ba^7 (& passim). 2147. crouny] )>o crowne B; \>o crouni a ; }>an croune fiy. J?o a; when /S-y. al louerd] a lord B. 2148. No more] A more 5. bicom] bicam a ; bigan ^y. neuere a ; neuer ^y ; to fore him 5. 2149. Vat] The S. yede] code B ; jeode a ; ]po wenten S. forjj J>o a ; fort>e \>o fiy. to yadere] to gider hem fiy. 2150. ar] bar a ; er ^y. ^an] )>o B ; and )>ane a ; and >at ySy ; >at 5. foule] om. a/3y. s/owe] hi slowe a ; )>el slou^ )35 ; they slowe y. 2151. Vut] f'o a; "Whenne /Sy. >e] }>o B. aslawe] yslawe B ; slayn j3 slayne y. ivide] om. B. 2152. Ill] On ajSyS. ecA] eche Ba$. 7iori> if eke] bohe nor)) & B; bo)>e bi uorjpe & a/37 ; I'o!' northe & 5. 2153. it] om. 5. it to >e kinges] to )>e kinges hit a; to Jjc kynges hit/Sy. a7i] on BaySy. 2155. norwey] noreweyje a. of] andofBa/SyS. 2156. barnde] brent 187. to grounde slowe] slowe to grounde afiy. in J?tsse] in J>is B ; on \>\s afiy. 2157. \>at \>at] J^at J^e Ba/SyS. al clene was] was clene 5. clene] chene A. 2158. arst of ] er out of a; er oute of ^ ; here oute of 7. of]>is lond . . . kni'^tes] al \>ii knyghtis oute of )>is lond 5. al clene \>is kni-^tes] J)e knyjtes so clene B ; )>e knijtes clene afiy. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 153 Eft sone he sende tut to rome • wepinde wel sore • Missio pat hii ssolde hem in hore wo • ^ut helpe more • 2160 ^o"^*^- & hii hom wolde obligi • & sikernesse vinde gode • To here hom clene hor truage • ^e wule ]>e worlde stode • Eft sone tut ]>e romeins • hider poer sende • romam -tr • / • 1 ^ 1 veniunt. Knittes & o];er worreours • J?at to J^is londe wende • & in J)e souj^half ariuede • & in }»is londe her • 2165 Hii gaderede folc ynou • J^at hii adde gret poer • & wende eft sone vp hor fon • J^at ne mitte ^am no^t at stonde • Vor some were a slawe sone • & some flowe out of londe • po J>is louerdinges of rome • al hor wille adde • Hii nome hore conseil &5 J^is folc • of J'is londe radde • pat hii bitwene ]?is lond & scotlond • ssolde an wal rere • 2171 2159. he'] hi a ; heo B ; l^ei ByS. yiit] om. a/Sy. wepinde'] wepyng B ; weopiude a; wepynge By. wel] ful B. 2160. hem . . . yut] in here wo ^et hem B; on hare sorewe )ut ham a ; on here sorwe ^it hem &y. 2161. hii] om. B. /iom wolde ohliyi] wolde ham obligi a ; wolde hem oblige By- 2162. here] bereu a. dene] om. afiy. ye wule] wyle B; J?e while aySy. 2163. hider poer] power hyder B ; here power hider afiy. 2164. worreours] werrours B ; werreours a; werryours fiy. 2165. 8f in] ofB; & of a/SyS. 2167. eft sone] faste B. vp] op a; apon /S; vpon y. ne] noon y ; cm, 5. yam] ham a; hem BySyS. 7ioyt] non a. at stonde] astoude a^yS. 2168. For] And 7. a s/awc] y slawe B ; slayn/3; slayne 7. floice] flow B ; flowen By^- 2169. louerdinges] lordes B^7. al hor wille] hare wille al a ; here wille al 187. 2170. nome] nomen B. \>isfolc] \>q folk B. \>isfolc . . . londe] J;e lond folc a ; J>e londe folke 187. of] owte of 5. 2171. pat hii] om. a0y. lo7id] om. 0^875. ssolde an ival] anne wal ^e scholde a ; an (a 7) walle je schulde Py. an] a BS. rere] arere aj375. 154 THE CHRONICLE OF [99] leuacio muri versus scottos. Strong & hey in eche stude • j^er no water nere • Fram J'en on se to |7en oJ?er . ];at were tarn bitwene • To lette tarn wanne hii come • horn to saui fram alle tene • Vor scotlond aj» euere ybe • a luj^er recet ylome • 2175 Wanne j^er eni worreours • toward ]?is lond come • pe romeins sede ek J^at hii nolde • in none manere so wende • Out of hor lond hiderward • ne hor poer so sende • Ne to rokky hom so in ]>e se • ne hor lif an auntre do . Ac witye hor owe lond atom • & hor god al so • 2180 & ]7at hii ssolde of hor iunge folc • teche vor to fitte • Vor hii na more in JjIs lond • nolde come ne miite • pat folc ]fo of j?is lond • ]>o hii nuste o]?er red • Bigonne to rere J^on stronge wal • as it was hom ised • 2172. 171 eche stude'] on eche syde B5; on eche stude o. iiere'] were 5, 2173. I>e7i on'] t>at on B ; >e o a'; >at o /SyS. ]>e7i] >at B/SyS ; >an a. yam] hem BySyS ; ham a (& passim). 2174. lette] letten a^y. wa7me] wen B ; whan a; when fi. coTiie] come eftsone 5. Jtom to saui] & to saue hem B ; & saui eu a ; & saue ^ow 0y ; to saue hem 5. frar)i alle] fro B ; fram afi • from yS, 2175. a] o a. recet ylome] rescette lome 5. 2176. ivorreours] werrours B ; werrurs j8 ; werryours 7. toward] toy. 2177. ek ]i>at] om. ajSy. none] no BySy. so] to 5. 2178. ne] no 0y. so] om. fiyS. 2179. to rohky hem so] to rokke hem so B; beon Irobbed a; ben yrobbid 187. an auntre] in auntre a^y ; in auenture 5. 2180. Ac] Bote B; But fiy ; Bot 5. ivitye] wite B ; wytije a; kepe 375. hor Otoe] heore B ; hare a ; here j8 ; her 7. atom] at hom o ; at home BySyS. 2181 ^- \>at] And bad ^y. ^ \>at hii] Ac )e B ; Ac )?at hii a. of] om. 0^87. ho7'] oure B. 2182. 7ia more] ne more B ; no more a^y. ne mi^te] ne >ey myght S. 2183. Vat] Vo ]>s.t a ; Whenne t>at ^y ; The 5. >o of] of oj8 ; in 7. \>o hii 7iuste] nuste a ; wyst ^y. ojjcr] non o>er Bo ; none oJ>er yS ; noon other 7. 2184. Bigonne to rere] Hy gonne arere o; Thei gonne arere/S; Thei gonne to arere 7. ];>on] >e B ; a 0^87 ; J?en a 5. it was ho7n] hem was ^PyS ; ham was a. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 155 Yrered he was strong ynou • as ]?e stede is tut ysene • Muche me moste suinke er • & j?er aboute spene •2186 po ]>e wal was ^are ymad • a conseil hii nome • pariia- pat al ]?at conseil of j^is lond • to londone come • londomim. po hii were alle ycome • wisliche to Rede • pe bissop of londone • in ]?is manere hom sede • 2190 Mi leue frend to telle tou • as Hs heie men me bede • concilium . . ' episcopi. Betere wille ich abbe to wepe • |?an to do oj^er dede • Vor pite it is of |?is lond • & of vre wrechede • After j^at maximian • vre folc gan awey lede • Alle vre knittes &; swaines • & alle vre longhede .2195 & astored j^er wi]? oj'er lond • alas J^e deluol dede • Vor ^e be]? men bet itei^t • to ssofle & to spade • To cartstaf & to ploustaf • & a wissinge to wade • To hamer & to nelde • & to mercandise al so • foi. 39. pan wi]? suerd o]?er hauberc • eny bataile to do • 2200 2185. Yrered'] Arered 078 ; Arerede /8 ; Arerde B. /«e] hit 5. ysene'] sene B ; I lene /8 ; ylene y. 2186. suinke er] er swiake a ; er swynk fiy. 2187. wal was yire] wal wes jare B ; wallys were 5. -^are ymad] ))ere made fiy. a] afiy. 2188. )>at] J>e Bnj87S. to] schulde to B, come] >ey come 5. 2189. po] & >o a ; And when (87. to] for to Bay87 ; forto jif S. 2190. hom] him B. 1191. frend] frendes fiy ; frendus 5. jom] hit eu a ; hit jou /3 ; it you 7. as] and 7. \>is] J)us 5. bede] sede a/87. 2192. Betere] More afiy. ich abbe] haue y 7. i>an to do] t)ane do a, ol>er] eny o]per 5. 2193. pite it is] hit is pite a^yS. wrechede] WTecched hede B. 2194. ya7i aivey] fram eu (jow /3) awey gan a/S; awey from you gan 7; awey gan 5. 2196. ]?er io'i\>] \>ex mide a. o]>er lo7id] an oj^er londe 0y. i>e] ^at B. deluol] deolful B ; dulfol a ; doiful $ ; doifull 7. 2197. be\>] ben B/8 ; bene 7. bet iteiyt] beter ytajt B ; betere itaujt a ; better taujt /8 ; better taughte 7 ; better ytaujt 5. ssofle] schouele Ba^ ; shouell 7. 2198. cartstaf] carstaf a. a wissiny] a fischyngB; in fuschingea; in furland j8 ; in furlande 7 ; to fysschynge 5. to] om. 5. 2199. nelde] nedle Ba5 ; uedyl /3 ; uedill 7. mercandise] marchan- dise B ; marchautise /8 ; marchauntyse 7. 2200. o\>er] or B. hauberc] mid hauberc a ; with hauberk 187 ; ham- berk 5, 156 THE CHRONICLE OF [100] Vor wanne toure fon to ^ou comeJ> • ^e ne conne bote fle • Ase ssep to vore wolues • hou miite more wo be • & ye se biset tou al aboute • bote tweie weies te ne mowe J^enche • 0}>er ligge adoun & be aslawe • o]7er fle & adrenche • Wor]? ]7er eni hope of tou • bote clanliche of al ]>is lond . 2205 Al ]>e help & lokinge is • in oj^er mannes hond • & ]>e romeins hep anud • of hor trauail so sore • Of peril a se & eke a lond • ]?at hii nolle]^ come here nanmore • Hii wolle]7 raj^er bileue hor truage • ]^at te horn berej? atere • Ne conne te noit lerni ]?ing • J^at ze ne dude neuer er . 2210 2201. yojire'] oure B ; eure a. jou] ow B; ou a. come)p'] come 7. ne conne] ue konne no jt B ; ne konne a ; ne can fiy ; con not 5 ; ne ne conne A. 2202. to vore] do)> fore j3 ; doon from 7. 2203. >e se] >ei 187. hiset] ys bysette 5. jo?<] ow B ; eu a. al] ova.. 0)878. bote tioeie weies] om. 0/875. ne] om. B. inotce] may 7. Yenche] o)?er J>enche 0^78. 2204. 0\>er] Bote a ; But ^87 ; Bot 5. Hyge] lye 5. he aslawe] be slawe B ; beon aslawe a ; ben slayn ^37 ; ben yslayn S. Sf] or •) . adrenche] drenche Ba^78. 2205. Wori> . . . }ou] Ther is none ope of helpe of jow y87. TFo;-J>] Wor B. eni hope] eny ope a; ony helpe 5. you] ow B ; eu a. bote] >an ben )8 ; that bene 7. of al )f>is] al >at B ; al J>is a5 ; of J-is ^87. 2206. Al] But al 187. lokinge] longyuge $y. mannes] monue B; manne a ; menues ^87 ; mauere S. 2207. be)>] ben j8 ; bene 7. anud] auyed B; anuyda; anoj-ed /S7 anoyede . 2208. a se] on se B ; in see a/3 ; in the see 7 ; in J^e se 5. a lond] on lond B ; in lond a ; in londe ;S75. \>at hii nolle\>] )>at heo mil B ; & nolle)? a ; and wille J87 ; and woUe 5. nanmore] no more Ba;875. 2209. Hii . . . truage] Ac (But ^87) ra)>er Jse truage lete 0/87. ioolle];>] wol B ; woUe 5. 6ereJ>] here Py. ayere] ajcr Ba; by jere 5. 2210. Ne] om. S. conne] come 7. Ier7ii] lerne lB$y. we] om. B5. dude] dede $y. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 157 Change ^oure hond & to \>e vs • of suerd & lance is do • Vor none men ne be]? strengor ]?en te • tif ze turnde j^erto • Me may yse a bondemannes sone • o]:'er wnle kniit bi come • & some gromes squiers • & su]?j7e kni^tes some • 2214 Wanne le abbep> fourme of men • be]? men an alle wise • [loi] & tourneJ> loure hond to manhede • & wyte}? toure franchise • pis bissop J'at het goscelin • ]?oru hor aire rede • episcopus To I'e lasse brutayne • wende uor Ws dede • ^^.*^'' . minori King conan he uondede • & ano]7er of grete fani^e • britannie. King he vond in is stede • andrew was is name • 2220 Sire king qua]? ]?e bissop • ^if ]?ou wolt under stonde • Deol ]?ou milt abbe in }?in herte • of ]?in kunde londe • Of ]?e more brutaine • as J^in elderne were ybore • Vor ]?ou wost wel maximian • & ]?e king conan her biuore • 2211. Change] Turne)> afiy. ^•] om. a^y. to \>e vs^ to vse B; to )>ulke vs a ; to t^ilke vse ^87 ; to t>e vse 5. of ] t>at in a0y, is e?o] is ydo B ; also 5. 2212. Vor] cm. a/87. none] no B/375 ; None a. Jie] om. 5. bei> strengor )>tn ^e] buj> strongore a ; ben stronger /S7. turnde] turnej? aj37 ; turne 5. 2213. Me may yse a] Me sucj? a ; Men see]? 187. yse] se B5. a] om. aj37. sone] child a ; childe ^87. wide] while Ba,87. 2214. squiers] and squiers ^a^y. se];>]>e] J^an 5. 2215. an alle] on alle B ; in alle a; in al /87S. 2216. -^oiire hond] eu a; jow J87. wyte\>] kepej? ^87; kepe)>e 5. youre] oure Ba5. 2217. het] hatte B ; hi^t /8 ; hight 7. ^osce/m] gocelj-n B ; gocelin 0/87 ; Gotelyn 5. Aor aire] heor alle B ; ar aire a ; alle here fi ; al ther 7 ; al hore S. 2218. i>e] om. 7. 2219. iiondede] fond ded Ba ; fonde dede ^y^. ^' ano\>er] an o)?er B ; & on oj^er a. ; and oj^er ;87. 2221. wolt] wold a; wilt yS. 2222. Z)eoZ] Dul a ; Doile /3 ; Dole 7. in Jx'n /je/7e] in herte a ; om. ^y. \>in] J>i Ba;37 ; Jjyne owii 5. 2223. a«] Jjere 5. elderne] eldre B)87 ; vuldere a. ybore] borne fiy. 2224. we/] om. 0/87 ; wel J>at 5. Sf \>e king] the kyng & B. \>e] om. 5. her] om. afiy. biuore] biforne ;87. 158 THE CHRONICLE OF pe bachelerie al ]?at a^t was • out of j^ulke lond nome • & astorede here J?is lond • «S5 J^e poer of rome • 2226 & ]>e londes abouten vs • abbe]? wel under lite • pat per nis no vole bileued • ]>&t lond vor to wite • Hii slex]? & destrue]? al • ]?at J?er nis no ]?ing bi leued • Ware bi men mowe libbe • & al vor defaute of heued • 2230 & ]>er nis no mon ];at kunde abbe • J?er to bote |?ou on • fol. 39 b. Help ]?in kunde eritage • & ]70u worst )?er king anon • responsio pg king bigan somdel to lyhe • |?o he hurde ]?is • '^ ' Ich abbe he sede sire bissop • such time yseye ywys • [102] pat inolde nott abbe uorsake J^at lond • wo me adde ibro^t ]?erto • 2235 Ac so moche wrecchede ]?er is • }>at it nis nott nou so • & nameliche uor ]?e folc of rome • pat so moche seruise abbej? j^ere • pat in such ]?ralhede uor to be • ech god man lo]; were • 2225. aZ] om. a/Sy. was"] wes B; was al a0y. i>ulke'] J^atB ; he afiy. 2227. i>e'] om. B; al 5. ahouteii] abowte 5. ahbe\>'\ haJj/Sy; haue 5. vnder yte'] vnderstonde 0y. 2228. ww] is y. bileued'] bilefd a. )>at lond vor to wite'] for to kepe J>at londe fiy. 2229. slex\>] sle> Ba ; sleej> /SyS. destrue]>] destruye]? B ; destruijejj a ; distroie> fiy. nis] is 7 ; ys 5. no ]t>ing] noujt afiy. bi leued] bilefd a. 2230. Ware hi] Bi whan a ; By whom 0y. Sf] om. a^y. heued] hefd a ; an heued 5. 2231. ^] om. a/Sy. 7us] is 7 ; ys 5. mon'] mor /3. a66e] ha> BySyS. 2232. \>in] )>i Ba^Sy. it;ors< J^er king] schalt be kyuge >er 0y ; worthest kynge S. 2233. bigan'] gan B5, ///Ae] lyjhe B; lije a; lau) 0y ; laughe S. Awrrfe] ihurde a ; hard Bj3 ; harde 7. 2234. yseye] seyu 5. 2235. jnoWe ?ioi<] ich nolde noujt o; I wolde no)t 0y ; I nold 5. abbe] om. a^7. M-o me adde] who SO hadde me al3y. wo] ho B. ibroyt] brout a ; broujt)3 ; brought 78. 2236. wrecchede] wrccched hed B ; wrecchid 7. J>cr] }>er inue ajSyS. it] om. B. it 7iis no-^t nou] now it is not 5. nis] is /37. 2237. nameliche] om. 0/87. so] om. al3y. abbe]>] ha)> /87 ; han 5. 2238. i>ralhede] j^raldam B. uor to be] bu> a ; ben P ; lyue 7. EGBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 159 pis lond ichabbe so fre her • j^at ine ssal to non herre abuye • Bote wite me fram );e kinge of france • ];at me de]> ofte anuye • 2240 & vor to wite me fram him • inele nott hemie wencle • Ac uor min eldore adde )?ulke lond • ich segge J^e atten- ende • To bringe it a ten to hore kunde • icholle puder sende • Constantin my bro]7er • J^at god kni^t is & hende • & wel yfonded in armes • & tuo hondred kniites al so • 2245 Wel ywrie wi]? j^e atyl • ]?at god dede mowe do • Mid ]?e folc of |>e lond • tif hii a^tes hep • & te mowe him makie loure king • wanne te tyme yse]?. pis constantin was of send • & ]?is kni^tes al so • & ssipes & hor atyl prest • such prowesse to do • 2250 2239. so fre her'\ here so fre B/SyS; her so fre a. me . . . herre'] to non herre j schal B ; to no man ich (I ;8) ne schal o/3 ; to no man I shal y; to non heyer me schal 5. abuye'] abuije a; abije y8 ; obeye y, abowe 5. 2240. me] om. B. fram] fro ^y. me de)> ofte] do> me ofte B ; ofte me de}' a; oft medoh ^y; ofte doj^e me 5. anuye] anyeB ; anuiie a ; anni^e ^ ; annoye y ; wowe 5, 2241. After I. 2243 in 5. wite] witije o/Sy. me fram him] it fram wo 5. inele Jio-yt] y nyl not B ; ich nelle nout a ; I wol noit ; 1 wol not y; I nyl 8. heime] my self 5. 2242. Ac] And y. eldore] vldure a ; eldres ffy. \)iilke] i>at Ba^yS. attenende] atte ende B ; at J>an ende a ; at Jje ende ySyS. 2243. hore] oure B ; om. a^y. icholle] ich wol B ; ich wolle a ; I wole fiy. )?uder] J^eodere a. 2244. Cofistantin] Costantyn B ; Bot Constantine 5. 2246. ywrie] ywri^e a; ywrye B5 ; araied fiy. >c atyl] atyr o; atyre fiy ; armys 5. god] gode a. dede] dedes a ; dedys 0y. 2247. hii] hui o. Vfl jifr ?• a-^ies] aujtes o5; oujtes 0y. bei>] beo}> a ; been $y. 2248. him makie] him maki^e a; him make B^y ; make him 5. ^oure] om. afiy. ^e] ^at je 5. yse\>] \seo\> a ; se]> B ; seen fiy ; se 5. 2249. CoHstantin] CostantjTi B. of send'] afsenda; oner sent /Sy. Yis] })es o. 2250. §•] In to S. atyl] atyr a; atyre iSyS. to] for to B5. IGO THE CHRONICLE OF [103] guerria inter pictoi- scottos & alios^ Advent us constan- tini de hritannia. pu^a. Ac hii ne mitte so rsbpe come • ]?at ]?e kinges tueye • Nere icome out of yrlond • w'ip gret poer beye • Of scottes & of picars • of Denemarch of norj^weye • pat euere abbe]? ]?is lond yhated • bote it were vor eye • Ver binor]7e hii bigonne • & hiderward vaste slowe • & caste adoiin j^is stronge wal • & tounes grete ynowe • pe brutons J>at mitte of scapie • bigonne vaste to fle • Some in roches • some in wodes • |?at reuj^e it was to se • ^onstantin & is poer • annon al ]?is wrechedom • Atte hauene of totenais • stilleliche alond com '2260 Glade were ])o J>is brutons • & ioyuol & proute • Hii come out of ]?e wodes sone ■ & of ]?e rocbes aboute • So J'at constantin adde • sone poer ynou • & toward ]?is luj^er men • norjjward sone drou • slowe'] 2251. kinpes'] Inhere kinges a; lu>er kynges $y ; lu>ere kynges 5. tueye'\ twei^e a ; twei B ; two /S-yS. 2252. Nerel Were fiyS. of] om. B. bei/e] bey B ; beije a; J^o )37 ; bo 5. 2253. picars] picards a ; Picardes^Sy. of7wr];>ivei/e]oinoTwei'B; &of noreweije a ; & of Norweyje )3; and of Norwey y; & Norweye 5. 2254. abbe\}] ]iai>^y; haueS. yhated] liatyd 5. tvere] heo a ; heffy. eye] eyje o ; eije ^ ; eye y. 2255. Ver] For fiy. hii] om. B. hiderward] hider B. drowe B. 2256. tounes grete] gret tounes a ; gret townes &y. 2257. of scapie] ascapije o ; ascape $yS. to] om. a0y. 2258. so?iie] and some y ; & smn S. reu\>e] routhe y. 2259. Constantin] Costantyn B. §•] myd B; mid a; with fiy, annon] among Ba ; amonge /SyS. 2260. Atte] At ^e Ba^7. totenais] tottenels a. aloud'] o lond B ; om. o/Sy. com] op com a ; vp come &y. 2261. >o )>is brutons] J>o )>Q britones B ; \>o)>Q Britons 5 ; >e brutons ]>o a ; |>e Brutons )>an fiy. 2262. Hii come . . . sone] Sone hi comen out of )>e wodes a ; Soone Jjei come oute of \>e woddes jSy ; Sone J^ey come owte of >e wodes 5, Hii come] Heo comen B. of];>e] om. 5. 2263. coiiilantin] costantyn B. adde so7ie] soone hadde of ySy; sone hadde 8. 2264. i>is] )je8 . lii\>cr] luthern y. drou] he drouj fiy. ' MS. a^c. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. IGl Hii ciidde j^at hii were men • & slowe to grounde • & ])e prute of scottes • & of picars • abatede in an stounde • 22 GG Yor hii flowe ]?at miite fle • & some velle to gi'ounde • Hii mi^te segge wan hii come hom • ]?at hii hor per founde • To yrlonde hii flowe a^en • & elles woder hii mi^te • Hii ne ]?ou^te nott a gode wile • wi]> brutons to fi^te . " 2270 pe brutons nome constantin • & glade )?oru alle J?inge • fol. 40. In ]>e toun of cicestre • erouned him to hor kinge • L \ pat lond was ]>o wel iwust • in pes wi]?oute strif • ^^g g^ j.^^^ per ne come no scottes }?uder • ne picards al is lif • 2265. Hii} He B. cudde] kyd ^y. slowe'] slowe i>o a; slou^ }>an j8 ; slowe than y. 2266. §•] om. B. ];>e prute of scottes'] ]pe prude of scottes B ; Scottes prute a ; Scottes pride $y ; ])e Scottys proude 5. Sf of] & JiafiyS. picars] picards a ; Picardes ^yS. abatede] abouten B. an] a BJ875 ; o a. 2267. hii flowe] J>ei slouj ^y. mi-'yte] myjt nojt ^y. velle] fellid /3y. 2268. seyye] say fiy. waii . . . hom] j>ere a/Sy. \>at hii hor per] her per hi hadde a ; here pere i>ei hadde 0y. hii] heo hadde B. founde] Ay ; y fonde B ; ifounde o ; yfounde ;8. Lines 2269, 2270 transposed in 5. 2269. To] Vnto 5. flowe a-yen] flowen ]t>o 5. ^] om. 5. woder] wyder B ; whider o)3 ; wheder 7 ; wheder J>at 5. 2270. \>ou-^te . . . wile] J^oute gode while o; )?ou)t good J^e while fiy. noyt] om. S. brutons] J^e brytones B ; \>Q bretoiis 5. to] for to 5. 2271. nome] nome \>o Ba ; toke J^an ^y, constantin] Costautyn B. glade] were glad 5. 2271. 2272. 8f glad . . . kinge] they crowned hym to kynge In the towne of Circestre and gladde thurgh al thynge y. 2272. cicestre] circestre a/SyS. erouned] hi crounede a ; hei erouned /3 ; Jjey cro^vned 5. to hor] to here B ; to a;3 ; her 5. 2273. Vat lond] pis B ; pis lond o ; This londe /SyS. was \>o] was so B ; was J^an ^y; t>o was 5. wel iwust] wel ywist B ; wel j'wist a ; ykept wel fiy ; wel kepte 5. wi)?oute] wythouten y. 2274. per ne come] pat her ne come B ; Ne come J^er afiy ■ Ther come 5. no scottes )>iider] ne Scottes J^ider B ; no mo (more ^y) scottes hider a^y ; hydir no Scottys S. picards] pycars B. al is] bi his a/SyS. 162 THE CHRONICLE OF iij fiiii pre sones he adde al so • Constance was on • 2275 ^^^^' & aurel & ambrose • gode children echon • Constance is eldoste sone • in godes seruice • Monek he made at winchestre • & dude as ]>e wyse • Godman he was ynou • & gode lawes uorj? caste • & god pays was al is lif • & to lute wule it laste • occisio Vor}> }>er com a pycard • |?at is maners wel wuste • regis. p^^ Yie louede wel ynou • & muche to him truste • He ladde him in to an orchard • as it gret neod were • To speke wi]? him priueliche • f'at no mon ywar nere • Ac J>o hii were al bi hom sulue • & no mon horn ney • 2285 He drou is knif & slou ]>e king • ]>a,t no mon it ne sey. He was sone vor}> iwent • ar eny mon were iwar • po me adde al isouit • ]?e kinglai ded ]?ar • 2275. he addel ha hadde he hadde a. constancel costantyn B. on'] >at on a ; )>at one /85 ; that oon y. 2276. aurel] aurely ByS^ ; aureli a. ambrose] uter B. echon] euerychone 5. 2277. Constance] Costanteyn B. eldoste] eldeste Ba ; eldest ySy. in] putt him in /S-y ; al in 5. 2278. Monek he made] Monk he made B ; Was monek a ; He was Monke ^y ; Monke was 5. 2279. he was ynou] was Ms king a ; was t>e kynge ^y. 2280. was] wes B. al] in al a^y. &•] om. afiyB. to] the y. lute] lutle a ; litle fiy. it] >at Ba^Sy, 2281. Forjj] ForB/Sy; Vor a. a] o a. maners] manere ojSy. wuste] wiste Ba ; wist ^y. 2282. ^pat] And >at 'Qafiy. louede] louede him a; loued him ySy. truste] triste o ; trist fiy. 2283. in to] to 5. aii] on o. neod] ned B ; nud a. 2284. ywar] were y. 2285. al] om. a/SyS. horn sulue] ham sulfa. 8(] om. y. hom] ham was a ; hem was j3 ; was ham y. 2286. ne sey] yseyj B ; ysey j3; sey yB, 2287. 8 transposed in 5. 2287. He] pe treitour a ; The traitour ^y. He was sone^ And he S. ar] er B. iwar] war B ; ware ^y. 2288. po] And \>o Ba5 ; And whenne fiy. me] men /87S, ROBERT OF GLOU(JESTER. 163 po was yis lond king les • wat halt it to telle longe • [io5] Gret word was among )?at folc • wo mi^te ]?e croime auonge • 2290 Vor j?e eldoste sonemonek was • & J^e tueie to ^onge were* & to nime • verrore of is kimne • no ri^t it nere • V tiger ]>e quoynte suike • ]'at was erl of cornwaile • Monachus Vor to do a suikedom • no conseil ne ssolde faile • To ]>e eldoste sone |jat was monek • to winchestre he wende iwys • 2295 Lo he sede nou j^ou sucst • ]?at ]>i fader ded is • & l^ine bri);eren to ^onge hep • uor to auonge \>e croune • «fc ]>ei Jjou be in o]?er cloj^es • pi rilte nis no^t per doune • Wei me wot eldost j?ou art • & mid best riit king also • ^if ]>ou wolt wel be mi frend • & bi mi red al do • 2300 Icholle bringe al )?at folc • in wille • to crouni pe to kinge • & Jjei J?in ordre pev aten be • J'er to icholle pe bringe • 2289. was \>is lond'] ]>is lond was 5. ivat halt] what is fiy. it] om. 5. 2290. word] strif a; strife /37. \)at] om. 5. wo] ho B. auonge] fonge Ba/375. 2291. eldoste] eldeste o; eldest /Sy. monek] monk B (& passim), tueie] twei B ; twei^e a ; o)>ev two fiy ; tweyne 5, to] om. By. 2292. §•] For y. nime verrore] nime fer o ; take fer jSy. verroi'e] om. 5. kunne] kynde B ; kynne j3y. it] om. B ; iwis J>at a I wis ; )>at iS ; ywys it y. 2294. do a] don o a ; don a /Sy. suikedom] wyckedome 5. ne ssolde] ne scholde him a ; schulde hym By ; schulde him ^8 ; schulde he S. 2295. eldoste] om. B ; eldest a/Sy. sone] om. afiy. he] om. a^y. 2296. sucst] Aa ; syst B ; seest j8yS. 2297. \yitie] H B/3y. brii>eren] brel^eren BjSy ; bre]?rene o. ie)>] buj) a ; ben P ; bene y (& passim). uor to] to B. auonge] a fonge B ; fonge a;8y5. Jje] om. a. 2298. §' \>ei] J>ei a ; Thou^ /3yS. wts] is /3y ; ys 5. \>er dou7ie] adoune a/3y ; J>er y done 5. 2299. eldost] eldest Ba/3y. ar<] ert a. Sf] om. a)3y5. Aw^r] om. 5. 2300. wolt] wilt j8y. i<;e/] wol B. a/] om. d. 2301. /cAo//e] loll wole B« ; I wille )3y. bringe al . . . w?7/t'] J^at loud (londe /8y) in wille make a/3y. ol] om. B. t>ae londe 5. cro?er a)e?i ie] be )>er a^eyn B ; beo (be )3y) J)er a^eu o^y ; be her ajeynst 5. icholle] ich wole Ba ; I wole (8y ; I wil 5. \>e] it B5 ; hit o/3y. L 2 164 THE CHRONICLE OF pe monek was ioyuol inou • ]?o he hurde J?is • &; bihet him tif it were so • euere mo to be his • Out of is abit anon • vortiger him drow • 2305 [106] ^ clo]?es as to kinge bicome • dude on him uaire ynow • & to vore al J'e parlement • to londone he gan him bringe • & sede he was purost eyr • to be icrouned to kinge • fol. 40 b. Nomon ne mi^te it wel wi)? segge • me may ri^t yse • Wanne he was ];er & was pur eir • ]>ei he adde monek ybe • 2310 Vpe is owe peril it were • bote he it mi^te wel do • pe heiemen J)oru vortiger • auenge him alle J?er to • pe erchebissop of londone • goscelin was ]>o ded • & non oJ>er him nolde crouni • uor al }>at J>e erl hom bed • Vor he adde so longe in ordre ybe • & he was so out ybro^t . 2315 Vor as )?an vortiger • nolde bileue it nott • 2303. pe] po B. hurde'] ihurde a; harde fiy. i>is] of thys 5. 2304. him] om. afiyS. mo] ova. afiyS. be] be al ByS-y ; beo al a ; be alle S. 2306. as to] J>at a^yS. bicome] om. 5. dude on him] him dude on a him dide on Py ; him ded on 5. 2307. to vore] bifore Ba^Sy. he] om, ajQyS. ga7i him] him gan a0y. 2308. purost] purest B ; puirest o. icrouned] crowned B ; crouned afiy ; croned 5. 2309. Nomon . . . it wel] No mon ne my^t wel it B ; J^at no man mi^te a ; That no man my^t fiy ; And t>at myght no man 5. wii> segye] with sey ^y ; w' seye 5. rjj<] J^e ryght S. 2310. )>er ^ was] om. ojSt'S. pur] so pur a ; so pure /35 ; pure y. ybe] om. B. 2311. Vpe] Op on o ; Vppon &y. is owe peril it] hym self ^e perel B. he] om. B. it miyte wel] wel mi)te hit a ; wel my^t hit $y ; myght it wel 5. 2312. pe] po B. auenye] afong B ; funge o; fonge fiy ; fenge S. 2313. erchebissop] archiebischop y8. (joscelin] goeelyn B. was \>o] ]>o was 5. 2314. non] no o; none fiy. him nolde] nolde hym B ; him wolde &y ; wold him 5. crouni] crowne B ; cronee 5. hom] om. B. 2315. Vor] Vor J>at a ; For J^at fiy. so longe] om. afiy. ybe] be B. he was so] so was Baj87. 2316. as }>««] al )>at B5 ; ^an a ; t>at $y. vortiger nolde] nolde for- tiger a ; wolde Vortiger ; M'olde ffortiger y. bileue] leuo S. it] hit ri)t 0^7. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 165 Ac him sulf him croimede • & made him hinrf so • constancms fit rex. His sacringe was kite wor]^ • & na]?eles it was ydo • po he was king ymad • is heste he made anon • pat clanliche to vortiger • is men buyde echon • 2320 Vor him sulf nolde }»enche no^t • bote take him al an honde • Vor he cou]?e wel bet J>an he • gouerny such a londe • po bij^otte vortiger • mest of alle ]?ing • Hou he raiite do quoyntekicst • ]?at he him sulf were fraus king . vortigerni. Vor Jpat was alwei is ]fOZt • &, ]?eruore ]?e monek he nom . 2325 To be king vor he was nyce • & ne coujje no wisdom • pis tueie brej^eren were ibro^t • out of cradele vnne]7e • [io7] & j^e heie men mest of ]>e lond • were ibrott to depQ • Wi]? batailes & o]7er wo • j^er fore he was so prout • & J?e king nas him sulf • bote as a ssade • & let im worj^e al out • 2330 2317. him crounede'] hiue crounede a. 2318. Mis'] pe Ba ; The Py. lute'} litel fi ; litil y ; lytil 5. Sf] om. a0y. 2319. po] & ))o a ; And when 0y. ymad'] ymaked a ; made fiy. 2320. bui/de] abuyde B ; abuijede a ; abey^ed fi ; obeyed y ; abowed 5. echmi] euerychon 5. 2321. Vor him sulf nolde] &, nolde him sulfa; And wolde him self )3y. volde] he nolde B ; wolde 5. him] om. a^y. an] on Ba/S^. 2322. wel] om. 0/875. bet] better /SyS. youerny] gouerne B. a] o a ; an /3. 2323. of] {>oru B ; ouere a ; ouer ^y ; t>rou^ S. 2324. quoi/ntelucst] quoynteliche B ; quinteHche a ; queyntliche fiy ; queynteliche y ; queyntlokest 5. him sulf were] hym selue were B ; were him sulf a ; were him self ;375. 2325. ivas alwei] euer B ; was alne wei o. cV] om.. 2326. be king] kyng be B. lie] om. B5. no] litil 5. 2327. Vis] And ys B ; & his afiy^. tueie] twei B ; twei^e a ; two ^y^. bre)>eren] bretherne S. were] wereu o. ibroxt] bro)tB ; broujt/Sy. 2328. mest] om. a^y^. o/K] of t>is o/Sy. ihroyt] swi)>eibrout a; swij)e brou^t ^y ; swy}>e ybrou^t 5. 2329. WiV] Mid a ; ISIyd B. batailes] bataylc 5. ^■] & myd B. 2330. (Sr] om. a^y. nas him sulf] nas B; sulf nas a ; self was jS ; him self was y ; him self nas S. as] om. Ba$y. /p<] lette a. u;o7\>e'\ yworthe 5. PIcardi veniunt 166 THE CHRONICLE OF To ]>e king he sede • ]>a,t lie moste is castles astore • panne wolde is fon aboute • douty him ]?e more • & for ]?e picards were is fon • somme he wolde take • To be priue wi]? ]>e king • vor J^ulke ssolde make • Hor felaus j^at were bileued at hom • louie }>at lond ]?e bet • Ac na]7eles J^er vore nas it nott • ]>o it was al by set • Ac vor hii ne louede noit J^e king • & in trayson were cointe • pat hii ssolde J^en king sle • wan hii come vpe pointe • pe king graunted al his wille • & for is gode he wende • After an hondred picars • into scotlond he sende • 2340 regi. Bi certeine messagers • so ]?at hii gonne bringe • ^ An hondred knittes of picars • ]>a,t bileuede mid vr kinge • Of is meste priue men • ]70ru J^is luj>er vortiger • Of ]>e kinges tresour he delde eke • aboute ver & ner • [108] & mest of J7e picars • vor to hom mest loue he drou • Mid alle )?at he wolde him sulf • he made him beloued inou . 2346 2331. h«<] om. a$y5. astore"] >o astore a5 ; |)an astore I3y. 2332. tvolde'] wolden alSy. douti/'] doute B ; douten a ; dowten 0y, \>c more] J)er fore S, 2333. were] -weren a^y. 2334. loiV] mid a. 2335. bileued] leued B ; bilefd a ; left y. louie] to loue B ; loue $y. l>at] >ys S. 2336. Ac] ora. a^y. \>er vore nas it noyt] nas hit nou^t }>er fore o ; was hit no)t J>er fore ^y. nas] was 5. \>o] whenne ^y. urns] wes B. al] ora. a^y. 2337. ne] om. B5. cointe] quointe a; quoynte B5; koynt ^y. 2338. )>en] \>e Bai35; om. 7. Au] heo B; hit fiy ; it 5. vpe] vp he B ; to a/37 ; to he 5. 2339. graunted] grantede B ; grauntede o. yode] godo. he] om. B. 2340. an] on a. picars] of picards ay ; of Picardes fiy. i7ito] to affy. 2342. An] On a. hondred] hundreth y. bileuede] bilefde a. vr] \>e a/Sy. 2343. Of] Al a ; Alle fiy. is] om. B. 7nesie] mest Ba; most /3 ; moste 7. J>or!«] om. a/37. lu];>er] swlkea; swik 187. 2344. Of] And B ; om. ai37. he] om. 0/87. delde] dalt S. eke] om. 0^7. aboute ver Sf ner] bothe fer & eke ner S. 2345. of] to Baj375. vor] & a$y. inest] most j8 ; moste 7 he] om. a$y. 2346. made him beloued] bilouede him a ; biloued hem $. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 167 Alle ]?at seruede ]7e king • ]?oru him were echon • fol. 4i. pat ecli mon were aboute • vor to paye him on • & songe al day bi |)e stret • ase vor is onour • Wor]? were vortiger • to be king oj^er emperour • 2350 po J>is vortiger adde • )ns folc al in is hond • recessus He sede he moste wende • a wnle out of )?is lond • fictus! To porchaci more tresour • ye king vor to spene • Vor he nadde no^t inou • is kni^tes to soustene • At ]>e piears he nom is leue • & at J>e oj^ere ]7ere • 2355 & wende hom to is In • sori as he ]7eruore ]>o were • per was sor & del ynou • among al ]nilke mayne • pat he ssolde fram hom wende • nor |?er nas no king bote he • & nameliche among J^e piears • J^at were of so lu|;er j^o^t • pat he adde ido so m'uche honour • & ne loued ]?e occisio king no^t • 2360 regis. 2347. him were'\ hem was fiy. 2348. Vat ech mon] & alle hi a ; And alle Jjei fiy. )pat] So >at B5. were'] was B5. paye] pay^e a. 2439. al day] om. o/Sy. stret] strete Ba/Sy. ase] al B. 2350. TFor>] Worj^i B ; "Wei worjje a ; Wei wort>i &y. to he] to B ; beo a. o\>er] & ajQy ; or 5. 2351. \io\>is] SoM«;8y; The J>at S. >/s] |>atBa; JjeS. in] on a^y 2352. he] j^at he 5. moste] must ^y. wende a wule] o while wende a^y. 2353. jwrchaci] purchace B. 7nore] om. a^Sy. \>e] to \>e S. king] kinge a. vor to] for to Ba/Sy. 2354. nadde] hadde ^7 ; had 5. inou] tresoure ynowj 5. k7U'^les] folc ; folke fiy. 2355. At \>e] And atte B ; At a ; And at l^e 5. he] om. B. nom] toke fiyh. ]?c] om. Ba/B^S. o\>cre] ohere J>at were 5. 2356. hom to is In sori] hom to hys fir sori B ; him to his in sori a ; him Inne sory /3 ; hym sory Inne 7. as] also a ; as Jjou^ ^87. \>eruore \>o] om. Ba/375. 2357. sor] sorwe B ; sorewe a ; sorowe ^y ; sorow 5. del] deol BS ; dul & dul a ; doil /3 ; doile 7. \>jdke] t>e B5 ; J^er a ; here /3. mayne] meine o ; meynee /3 ; meyne 7 ; maynee 5. 2358. \)at] For B. iias] was Bfiy. 2359. Sf] om. afiy^, \>e] om. B ; hise 187. so] om. afiy. lu]f>er] Inhere a. 2 360. adde ido so much honotir] hadde do such honour B ; muche hadde honoured a/S ; hadde (had 5) muche honoured 78. §-] & J^at B ; ]>& aPy. ne loued \>e kiny] ne louedc king a ; J>e kynge J'Cy louyd 5. 'MS. vortigernus. 168 THE CHRONICLE OF Wat hii secle wat is vs • to lete j^is badde king • Go ]ms aliue as a ssade • J'at nis wor]? no ]?ing • ri09l ^^^^' ^° targe we so long • to quelle him attenende • pat vortiger were king • }>at aten us is so hende • In gret wraJ^J^e & hastinesse • to j^e kinges chambre hii wende • 2365 & smite ]>eY riit of is heued • & to vortiger hit sende • Vortiger made deol inou • & sori was J^er uore • Ac naj'eles so glad he nas • su]>]?e he was ybore • Vor icompaced he adde J^at • atte biginningge • Verst |;o he brotte • a so nyce man to kinge • 2370 & su]?]7e ]>o he let al is fon • & picars to court bringe • pat hatede |?en king • al it was for ]>is ]?inge • & J?at he was so large & hende • of is ^iftes al so • po adde he al is wille • uor wan it was al ido • 2361. Wat . . . vs] What is vs hi sede a; What is vs \>ei saide/Sy; What ys vs Jjey seyde 5. sede'] seyden B. lete] Icten a ; late j8 ; latte y. 2362. \>us'] }jys S. aliue] o Hue B. as a] asc o a. 7iis] is $y ; ys 5. 2363. Waj- to] Whar to aS ; Where to ;8 ; Wher to y. targe] Ao ; tarie BS ; tary fiy. we] ye A (originally). ive so] shulde we y. attenende] at j^an ende a ; at J^e ende ^y^. 2364. ayen vs is] is to vs 0/675. so] to a. 2365. wra)?]>e] wayj^e B. hastinesse] hastyliche 5. 2366. smite \>er riyt] smyten B ; )>er hy suiiten a; }>er J>ei smyteuySy; Jjere J'cy smytten 5. heued] hefd o ; hed B ; heed ;8 ; hedc 78. vortiyer] fortiger a. 2367. deol] dul a ; doil /3 ; doilc 7. 2368. 7ias] ne was ueuer fiy. su\>\>e] se»e a ; sethe J^at S. yhorc] bore (875. 2370. \>o] wen B. a so] as o A ; on so B ; so 0/37S. man] a mon B ; a man 5. kinge] Jjc kynge ^7. 2371. su)>]>e] om. a^yd. \>o] whenne 187. alisfon] ys fon B ; his frendes 5. bringe] come S. 2372. \>en'] muche ^e B ; al bane o; al bat fiy; alle be 5. al it] & al Ba/37; hit 5. 2373. )>at] bo B. .so] om. a^y^. is] oni. fiy. 2374. po] Thanne 187. adde he] he hadde ^875. is wille] his lustis 8. wan] when B ; wha a ; whannc fiy ; bo 5. al ido] ido a do ^37. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 169 & to such ende it was ri^t icome • as he compaced in is ]7o^t . 2375 & na]?eles he fenede him • |?at me ne vndertete it nott • At londone J)is king was aslawe • he let nyme anon • occisio pc picars & J7oru lugement • let smite of hor heueden pictorum. echon • pere he kudde wat he was • vnkiinde ssrewe & quoynte • & al it was J^at me ne vndertete • is suikedom in no poynte • 2380 And naj^eles wel me it ortrowede • & ne leuede noit isglose. ^110-, pe kinges zonge brej?eren • aurel • & ambrose • fuga Dradde vor hor eritage • ymor]7red to be • &ambrosii. & hii l^at hom adde awarde • jjeruore hom gonne bi se • & to ]?e lasse brutayne • wende to J?e kinge • 2385 fol. 4i b, & he sousteined hom wel • uor di-ede of Ws binge • vortigemus ^ ^ ^ fit rex. 2375, 2376 transposed in afiy. 2375. §•] om. afiy. such'] sue B. '"'^C om. Bo^yS. icome'] come 7. he] hehaddeB; om.S. com/>acet/] compascdc a ; ycom- paeed B. 2376. §•] Ac aS ; But 0y. me ne vTidej-^eie] me vnderjet B ; me nuste a ; men wist Py ; he uust 5. 2377. \>is khuj was] was >e kingo; was J>e kynge J87S. aslawe] yslaw B ; yslawe 5 ; slayn fiy. he] hem ^y. let] let \>o Ba ; Icte J^an fiy ; lete >o 5. 7ipne] take /87S. 2378. let] om. ajSyS. hor heueden] \>e hedes B5 ; hare hefden o ; here hedes /8 ; her hedes y. 2380. ^' . . . v7ider-^cte] Ac hit was not vnderstond 5. Sf al it was] Ac al he dude B ; om. afiy. me ne vndenycte] men vnderstode noujt Hy. is] in B. suikedom] wyckedom 5 ; wisedome 7. in 710] in none kunncs a ; in no kynnes fiy. 2381. yl?i(/] Ac a; But;87. wel] om.^a^y^. or/;wref/e] trowede B ; ortrwede wel a ; ouertrowed wel ^y ; ouertrowed 5. 7ic] om. Ba;87. leuede] lefde a ; leued fiy. 2382. -yonqe] om. B. aurel] Aureli aS • Aurely 187 ; Aurele B. 2383. to] for to Baj875. 2384. awarde] to ward B ; in warde /S7S. hom] om. B ; hi a ; be /3 ; J>ey 57. 2385. \>e] om. fiy. wende] ^ei Avent ^y. 2386. ^ he soustei7ied] f»at sustenede o ; For to susteyne ^87. hom] hem B;8 ; ham a ; theym 7. wel] here 187. J^/s] \>\»se a. 170 THE CHRONICLE OF [Ul] aduentus hors & hengist. po vortiger. alone was • & non er nadde alonde • Sone he let him crouny king • & |?e poer nom an- honde • Princes oueral aboute of ech kinedom • Speke him vuel & hated him • vor is suikedom • 2390 pe picars were wro]7e ek • & Jjretnede him yaou. . pat he wi|7 such vnkundehede • hor felawes slow • Fram ]fe lasse bruteyne ek • him com word ylome • J^at ]?e tueie children • gret poer to him nome • & ]>at it stalwarde children • were of hor age • 2395 & J»at hii wolde liider come • to winne hor eritage • Such stronge tidinge • in sorwe & in sore • Bronte |?is false king • & euere ]>e leng ])e more • TJors & hengist tueie men • J^at tuey bre];eren were • Come to kent ]?ulke tyme • & ariuede ]?ere • 2400 ]p7-et7iede^ jratten B ; vnhmdehedc'] vnkyn- slow'\ so aslou a ; so 2387. vortiger'] Fortiger /37. non er nadde"] no pere nad B ; no per nadde a ; none pere hadde fiy ; no pere hadde S. alonde] in londe Py. 2388. crouny] crowne B/Sy. no7n] Ba ; mon A ; toke fiy. anhonde] on honde BajS-y. 2389. ech kinedom] eche kyndom B ; eche kynedom a, 2390. Speke him] Speken a ; Spoken /8 ; Spokyn y ; Speke 5. vuel] yuel fiy ; euyl S. suikedom] •wyckedome 5. 2391. were wro\>e ek] yQ eke Avere a/SyS. hatede a ; hated ^y ; hatyd S. 2392. -wiY] myd B ; mid a. such] om. a^yZ. dede B ; vnkyndhede ^y ; vnkyndeuesse 5. aslou^ fiy. 2393. bruteyne] bretayne B. him] om. 5. ylome] lome 5. 2394. >e] >o B. tueie] twei B ; two afiy. him] hem B^SyS ; ham a. 2395. }>a< it] om. afiy ; >iat S. stahvardc] stahvorthe fi ; staleworthe y ; stronge B. children] childre B. were] hit Avere a5 ; J^ei were jS-y. 2396. hii] \>c\ B. hidcr come] come hider afiy ; come heder 5. 2397. Such stronge] Swiche sori aj8 ; Suche sory y. tidinge] tyjjinges BayS-y ; tyhynges S. 2398. Broyte . . . ki7ig] pis false king me broute a ; This fals kynge men brou)t fiy ; To J^is fals kynge men brouU fi. cue)-] er B. \>c leng] \>(i lenger B/S^S ; so leng a. 2399. tueie men] bothe B ; twei men a ; two men Py. tuey bre\>eren] twei brejire B ; twei^e brc^eren a ; two brej'cr ; two brethcru y. 2400. \>ulkc] >at al3yS. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 171 Mid ]7re ssipuol kni^tes • yarmecl wel ynou • po ]?is folc com alond vor]; in to kent he drow • pe king was ]7o at kaunterbuiy • & herde her of anoN • Biuore him he let bringe • ]ns kni^tes euerichon • pe king bi huld hom vaste ynou . vor it mochel men were • 2405 & Nameliche ]?e tueie brej^eren • vor so grete none nere • He esste hom wanen hi were • & wo him }?ider broite • & vor wat encheson hii come • & wat J'ing hii sozie • Sire heye king qua]? hengist • ]?at vor alle o]?er spac responsio iwys • hengist. Of saxoyne we be]? ibore • pat of germaine is . 2410 pe manere is of )?ulke lond • ]?at wanne ]?er is nor]? ybrott • So moche folc of men • )?at ]?e lond • ne mowe hom susteny no^t • 2401. J>/-e] >reo a. kni-^tes'] of kny^tes B ; of kni^tes a ; of knyjttes ^y ; of knyghtis 5. yarmed'\ armed 5. 2402. com alond'} was on lond B. he'] hit lia ; l^ei $y5. 2403. pe'] po B. her of] \>eT of 0^87. ano7i] sone afiyS. 2404. Biuore . . . bringe] He lette bringe bifore him a; He lete brynge by forn him fiy ; He lete brynge byfore hym 5. \>is] \>e a&yS. euerichon] echon B. 2405. pe] po B. bi huld hom] biheld ham a ; bihelde hem fiy. it] om. 01875. mochel men] muchele men hi a ; muchel men )>ei fiy ; muche men )>ey S. 2406. tueie] twei B ; om. a^y. vor] om. a/S^S. grete] muchel B- none] non J^er Ba ; >er none fiy ; J^o none 5. 2407. esste] ascode B ; axede a; asked /Sy. hom] cm a/875. ivanen'] of wanne B ; whannen a ; whens fiyS. ivere] om. B. too] ho B. him] hem B/37 ; ham a. \>ider] beodre a ; hider y. 2408. encheson] cheson 5. 2409. heye] om. Bay375. o]>cr] om. 0^875. spac] spek B ; spake 187. 2410. saxoyne] saxone a/8 ; saxonie B ; Saxon 7. \>at of germaine] hat of germanie B ; of germaine \>i\X, a ; of germayue hat ^87 ; of germani t>at 5. 2411. is of] his of a. hf/<] om. 0/873. wanne] wen B. 2412. he] \>o B. ne mowe hom susteny] may susteyne B ; ne mai susteni a ; ne may susteyne 187 ; men may susteyne 5. 172 THE CHRONICLE OF Heye men of ]?e lond ssolle • come biuore ];e kinge • & alle ]>e ^ongemen of |?e lond . lete among hom bringe • pe stalworj^est me ssal bi choys • & bi lot al so • 2415 Chese out & sende into o]^er lond • hor heste uorto do. & hii ssolle be such ]?at no prince • ne dorre hom vor- [112] sake. Ac vor hor prowesse gladliche • in to hor seruise hom take • pis cas is to us ycome • y chose we be)? J^er to • Vor so moche folc is in ]?e lond • vre beste we mote do . 2420 & vor to be maistres of J'is folc . we be]? ychose & ynome . fol. 42. Mi bro]?er & ich vor we be|? • of dukes kunne ycome • mercurius. Vor ]?oru ure godes in to ]>e se • we wende ich vnder- stonde . & mercurius us a|? • ylad in to ]>in londe • 2413. Heye] po heye B. jjc] ]>o B. ssolW] schulle B ; om. o/SyS. 007)16] comejj a/87 ! comej'e 5. 2414. alle] om. 0/875, \>e] \>o B. lete] letel^ afiy, \>ey do 5. aviong hom] bifore hym B. 2415. stalwor\>est] strengesteB; staleworde o ; stalwor}>e /8 ; stalworth 7 ; stalward 5. me] men ^y. 2416. Chese] Cheose a. out] om. 0(875. into] to 0/875. hor heste] here beste Ba ; here best j8 ; her beste 7. 2417. hii ssolle be] heo schulle beB; om. a/875. 7ie] om. B. dorre] J>arf o ; thare Py. 2418. yladliche] gladlich 5. m to hor seruise hom] in to here seruise B ; to him o ; to hem 0y ; to him hem 5. 2419. is] 0/87; ys B; it A. ychose tvc be\>] chose we ben Py ; ichose vre buj> a. 2420. Vor] a; Vo A ; For B/875. folc] om B. vre] oure B^7 ; hare a. we mote do] forto do Ba/875. 2421. §•] om. 0/875. maistres] maistrise ^y. \>is] Jjc 5. be\>] h\x\> o (& passim). 2422. Mi bro\>er Sf ich] Ich & mi broj^er a ; I and my brot)er 0y. tve] wo B. kujuie] kyn B ; bei)c o ; bo^e $y. 2423. Vor \>oru] And \>Touy 5. 2424. Sf] om. 5. us aj>] haj? vs B5. ylad] lade Hy ; ylad now 6. \>in] \>i B ; hisse o ; jjis ^37 ; \>v 5. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 173 po ]>e king hurde nemne • mercurius in )?is cas • 2425 falsa fides. He esste wat god & wat )^ing • mercurius was • Oure bileue qua}> p'is oJ?er • in j^e heye godes is ido • Satiu'nus & lubiter • & alle ])e oj^ere al so • pat holde]> up |7en world • & in mercurius mest ywis • pe heye god ]?at in vre tonge • woden icluped is • per uore vi' eldore him bitoc • of ]?e wouke J^en ver];e day . 2431 In oui'e tonge ycluped in honour • of him is wodnes day. After him we honoure); venus mest • |?at frie ycluped is • In vi'e tonge & in ]7e wouke • fry day uor him iwys • Her of ze ssolle vnderstonde • J>at in ]>& fii*mament planete, be]? . 2435 Planetes yliche clere sterren • seuene as ^e sej> • 2425. hurde'] ihurde a ; harde Py. 7iem?ie'] nempny a$y. in] on a$y. 2426. esstel askede B ; axede o ; asked $y. wat god Sf wat \>iny'] what Idone god a; what manere god ^y. mercurius'] \>n\V.e Mer- curius o ; l^ilke mercurius fiy. was] J>an was 5. 2427. qua\>] quoj) B. ]>is] t>e afiy. heye] ova.. 5. godes] god fiy. ido] do afiy. 2428. lubiter] lupiter a. alle] al B. 2429. holde\> up \>en] vp holdet> )i>e Bj8 ; opholde}> bane a ; holdeth vp the 78. 'in] om. afiy. mercurius] Mereurye ^y. mest] moste y. 2430. pe heye god ]>at] pat )>e hel)e god aySy. god] go A. icluped] yclepud B ; icleped a ; ycallyd ^y. 2431. eldore] huldere a ; eldres ^y. bitoc] toke a^y. of] in afiy. wouke] woke B; wike a; wyke/S-y. ]>en] \>&'Qafiy. ver\>e] furj^ea; four)) ^y. 2432. In . . . him is] lu honour of hym yclepud in oure tonge B ; In honour of him icleped (callid /Sy) in oure tonge afiy ; In honoure of him yt is cleped In oure tonge 5. honour] hononour A. wodnes day] Wednesday B ; "Wodenesday ^ ; Wedonesday y ; Weusdaye 5. 2433. mest] om. afiy. frie] B ; fri a ; frj-e 5 ; fyre fiy ; J^rie A. ycluped] yclepud B ; icleped a ; clepud 5 ; callid Py. 2434. i^"] om. 0/87. wouke] wyke B ; wike a$ ; weke y. 243.5. ssolle] scholde a. \>at] om. a$y. be\>] hu)) o ; ben $ ; bene y (& passim). 2436. yliche] alle ilichc ay ; al iliche B. sterren seuene] sterres seuene B ; seue sterreue u ; seuene sterres fiy. sej>] iseoJ> a seen 3 ; sene y. 174 THE CHRONICLE OF Satumus . & lubiter • Mars & ]>e sonne ywis • Venus • & Mercurius • & ]?e Mone lowest is • [113] After ech of horn in ]?e wouke • ycluped is a day • Verst ]>e sonne & so ]>& oj^ere • & ]>e seuejje Saturday • & vor weder & oper J^ing on erj'e • after horn moche is • pis misbileuede men horn clupede • godes wule ywis • respousio ^ori ich am qua]? vortiger • ])0 he hm^de J^is • uortigerni. Yor ioure bileue J>at ze segge]? • vor non bileue it nis • Ac of vor toure kumes ich am glad • wo so ^ou hider ladde • 2445 "Were it god were it oj^er • vor al nede ichadde • Vor ich am mid min fon • in eche half biset • & tif ichom may ouercome • ]7oru ^ou ]?e bet • Ich ton woUe mid me atholde • & in gret richesse ^ou do. Of ^iftes & of chateus • & of londes al so • 2450 2437. lubiter'] lupiter Ba. 2438. \>e Mone] H ne o (so MS.). 2439. loouke] wike Ba ; wyke ;8 ; weke 7. ycluped] yclepud B ; icleped a ; ycallid &y. a] o a/SyS. 2440. Verst] Of ajSy. >e] os B ; of >e 5. ^ so ^e] & so of B ; se^^e of }>e o ; sithe of \>q Py; 8c sej^e of al 5. seuei>e] seuen y ; seuenth is S. 2441. vor] om. a^y ; Jje 5. o\>er] )>e oj^er ay ; J^e oJ>ere 0. er\>e] vrj)e o. moche] om. 0)875. 2442. pis] J5us aPy. 'Jiom] hem B ; ham o ; han 0y. clupede] clepede Ba ; callid Py. tviile] while Baj37. 2443. a7n] ham a. ];>is] al l>is Py. 2444. Vor] om. a. ^oure] Eure a ; oure S. segge]f>] segget B ; seyn $y. vor] om. aj87. vor . . nis] J>at no belyue ys 5, 2445. Ac] A A. oj" vor] ioT H ; oi a^yS. jowre] eurea. kumes] comyng Ba ; comynge 0y ; commynge 5. ich am glad] glad ich ham a ; glade I am ^y ; glad I am 5. wo so] ho so B ; who euer S. }ou] ow B ; eu a. 2446. were it o\>er] oj^er o}>ur l^ing a ; ojjer oher J>inge )3 ; or other thinge 7 ; oJ>er oj^ere 5. al] om. B ; grete 5. ichadde] ich hadde Ba ; I hadde fiy. 2447. min] my B ; mi a. m] on Baj875. eche] ech B. 2448. ichom may] ich hem may B ; ich ham mai a ; I may hem fiy ; I maye hem 5. )>oru] vor a; for fiy. yOu] eu nou a; ^ow now 378. 2449. Ich . . . >ne] Ich ^ou myd me B ; Ich wole eu mid me o; I wole ^ow with me 187; I wil w' me jow 5. atholde] holde 0^875, jom] om. afiyB. 2450. chateus] chastens o. londes] londe 5. guerra pictorum. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 175 Hii made certein couenant • |?at hii were al at on • So l^at hii bileuede uor]? • mid ])e king echon • Hit nas na^t longe ]7er after • j>at ]>e picars ne come Out of scotlond sou]?ward • & tounes vaste noma • po ])Q ti]?ing her of- to oure kinge com • 2455 pen wey mid al is poer • aien hom vaste he nom • [114] So stronge bataile hii smite • & j^e saxons anon • Saxonum So gode were |^at J^e op>ere • bigonne to fie echon • po vortiger J>oru hom • adde \>e maistrie • ^"^ '^-^• He lef hom iiftes gTet ynou • & dude is corteysye • Hengist J'at hor maister was • he ^ef him lindeseye • Londes vaire & Rentes • & tounes grete &; heye • Ware |7oru him & is men • in vair warison he brotte • po hengist adde ]7is • vor|7ere more he yotte • po he adde J>en king in priuete • al clene at is wille • consilium Sire he sede of deme cas • icholle j^e warny stille • pin fon be]? in eche alf • & j^at he is mest to doute • pat ))in owe men ne loue]? ]?e noit • j^at ]?e be]? aboute • 2451. made'} maden B. \>at hit'] \>er hi a; jjer \>ei 0y, 2452. hiil J>ei B. 7nid \>e king'] with \>e kyng B ; mid him a ; -with him fiy ; w' him 5. echoii] euerichon a ; euerchone fiy ; euerychone 5. 2453. nas noyt'] "was not B ; was nou^t ^y. \>e'] }jis B. 2455. po . . . her of] So j^at thulk tyt>ynges 5. po] om. B ; Whenne /Sy. >e ti]>ing'] i\\> /3 ; tithynges y. to oure] to )>q 0/87 ; vnto om'e 5. kinge] kyng B ; king a. 2456. pen] peB/Sy; pan a. m?cZ a/ es] w' his 5. ayen . . . he] fast to hem fiy. vaste] om. S. 2457. So] om. B ; & a/SyS. hii smite] heo smyte J^er B; hij smiten )>er a ; Jjei smyten J^ere fiy ; )>&y smytten j?ere 5. 8f] ac B5. 2458. gode] god B. ivere] hi were a ; J>ei were ^y. \>e] \>o S. to] om. a. 2460. ^ef] ^af a ; ^aue fiy. cortesye] coiteyse B. 2461. hor] o 0/878. y^f] )afBa; jaue ^37. him] in B. lindeseye] lendesey 7. 2464. \>is] ywonne Hs a/87 ; wonnel'isS. vor\>ere] former Ba ; fer>er ^87. 2465. po he] And ^y. \>en] J>e Bay87. 2466. of] 0/37; a 5. icholle] ich wol B ; ich wole o ; I wil ^5 ; I wol 7. warny] wame B;87. stille] al stille 0y. 2467. pin] pme] Ba ; Thi 187. m] on 5. Sf] om. S. i>at he is mest to] J>is ys );>e meste Ba5 ; j>at is )>e most 0y. 2468. owe] owne B ; owene a. ne] om. 5. loiie\>] loiiyeh a. ba< ]>e] )?at we 5. 176 THE CHRONICLE OF Hii J7retnej> ]>e stilleliche • t& seggej? hii woUe]? bringe • pe tueie bre|jeren fram brutayne • & crouni ]>e o]?er to kinge • 2470 peruore ich rede j^at me sende • into my contreie iwis • To saxoyne after more help • vor help ynou jjer is • Vor abbe ]?ou poer ynou • ]?ou mitt be glad & bli|?e • Ac J»ing icholde bidde ]>e • ^if ^ou me woldest tij^e • [115] Send after help qua}* j^e king • )?at j^ou me no^t bi- traye • 2475 & icholle hor wule telde so • J^at icliom wole wel paye • & bid of me wat ]70u wolt • &, icholle ]>e granty iwis • hengist Vor elles ich were vnkunde • ^if it to granty is • petit castra. Ue^gist vaire him J'onkede • & is heued lotte adoun • pou hast he sede line me • mony a uair toun • 2480 & na)?eles such J?ing nabbe ich nott • as it to due bicome • Vor wanne ich am dukes sone • it bicome to me • 24C9. ];>retne);>'] J>reti^e}> a ; J^retiJ? j8y. stilleliche'] stille B. seggel)"] seyn &y ; seyne S. hii wolle]>'] \>ei wille Py. bringe] )>& brynge B. 2470. tueie] twei B ; tweije a ; two /S-y. bre\>eren]'bve)>y:e'&; brethern 7. fram] oute of ^y. crouni] crowne BjSyS. \>e o]>er to] )>at on B ; )3at on to a ; J>at one to j8 ; the one to y ; him to 5. 2471. \>at] om. aS. me] we aySyS. into] to ajSyS. contreie] cuntrey Saxon fi ; cuntre Saxon y. 2472. saxoyne] saxone a ; Saxon &y^. help ynou] ynou help o ; ynouj helpe fiy ; ynow helpe 5. 2474. icholde] ich wolde Ba ; I wolde ^y ; I wil 5. bidde] I praye jSy. }if] \>2A B. wte woldest] wost me o; woldist me jSy ; me wolt 5. ti)>e] lyjje S. 2476. icholle] wole B ; ich wole a ; I wole )8 ; I wol 7. hor ivule] heore while B ; here while a)37. so] om. afiy. ichom wole wel paye] schoUe holde hem wel paie B ; hi scholle ham wel a ; jjei schulde hem wel ^y ; \>Qy hem schul wel S. 2477. bid] bidde B ; bide o; aske fiy. wolt] wilt /3. icholle \>e granty] ich wol J^e grante B ; graunti ich wole a ; graunte J>ee I wol ^87. 2478. were vnkunde] were vnkynde BfiyS ; were vnkuinde a; vnkunde A. yif] ^ef B. granty] grante B. 2479. heued] bed B ; hede fiy^. lotte] lowtede B ; lutte «; lowte ^y; lowted 5. 2480. hast] hauest a, yue] ^eue B ; ijiue a ; yjeue 5. mony a] manije o a. 2481. ^] Ac a; But ^y ; om. 5. nabbe ich] om. a^y ; haue I 5. it] om. 0^75. due] a Duke 7?. bicome] bicom to be ^87. 2482. ivanne] om. S. dukes] a duke ys 5. bicome] bicomeJ> B;37. EOBEKT OF GLOUCESTER. 177 Vor to abbe som gret cite • oj^er castel me to ware • War Inne ich mitte to J>in nede • mi folc abbe ^are • per uore as ich am J'i kniit • Sz prest to J^in nede al so • Graunte me castel o]?er cite • ]?in nede inne to do • negacio Hengist • hengist • qua)? j^e king • hit nere me no^t to ^^^^^' done • Such ]>mg as ]70u me bist • to grante J?e so sone • Vor j/ou art mon of strange londe • & cristine mon non • & eke J?ei icholde myne barons • hit wolde wi]? sege ochon . 2490 Sire graunte me ]?anne qua]? hengist • tif it is ]?i wille • mensura- As moche place as mid a jniong • ich may aboute tille • core^iun. pat ich J^eruppe mo we a siker bold rere • [lie] pat ich me mowe in |?ine seruise • wite tif it ned were • pe king ne huld j^at bote lute • he grantede is bone • Hengist sende in to is contreie • after more poer sone • 2483. Vor'] orn. ayS^. o])C7-'\ or BS. ware] were ay; weer /3. 2484. J)m] H afiy. mi folc abbe] habbe my folk B ; haue my folk 5. abbe] ]>eT haue Py. ^are] %ere a ; al ^eer /8 ; al j'ere y. 2485. per uore] per a ; For Py. ]>in] \>i Ba^y. 2486. i>i7i] ]>i Bl3y. }iede] By875 ; neodea; ne A. i?ine] \>er inne afiy. 2487. Hengist hengist'] Hengist B. king] kyng \>o B. hit] om. B. nere] were 5. 2488. me'] om. ^y. bist] Aa ; biddestB ; byddist 5 ; askij> fiy. grante] grant! a. 2490. ^- eke . . . barons] & mine barons t>ei ich wolde a ; And my Barons J>oii^ I wolde Py. myne] my B. hit wolde] wolde yt B. wi\> sege] witlisey fiy. echo7i] eueryclione 5. 2491. it is] hit be yS ; it be y. 2492. As] So a$y. a] o a^y. )puony] )>ong Ba ; jjonge j37. 2493. Yeruppe] \>er vppe o ; J>er vpon /Sy. mowe . . . bold] o siker bold (holde 187) to me mowe ajSy. buhl] Ba ; blod A ; boolde 5 ; holde /S-y. rere] arere Ba/SyS. 2494. me mowe] mowe Bafiy ; maye me 5. ?w] on afiy. \>ine] |?i Bafiy. wite] wytie B ; me ■nitije a ; me kepe fiy ; kepe 5. it] om. 5. ned] nude a. 2495. ne . . . lute] ]>at bote lute huld a. ne] om. fiyS. huld] hulde B ; >ou5.t fiy. lute] a lutel B ; a lyte 5 ; litel fiy. he] & a^yS. 2496. in to is contreie] hom J)0 a ; home )>an 0y. poe?-] folc a ; folke Py. M 178 THE CHRONICLE OF fol. 43. po carf he an hole hude • smal to an J?uong • poru out |7e wiile it wolde ileste • ]>o was it somdel long . In an harde rochi stede • is ]?uong aboute he drou • & J>er wi]?inne al to is wille • Markede place inou • 2500 & rerde ]?er an castel • god ynou & strong • pat ]7uongcaster o];er tangcaster • icluped was for ]?is p'uong • aduentus per come out of germaynie • vnder ]?at ich wene • plurium. Ycharged mid gode knittes • ssipes eittetene • & rowen hengistes doiter • among hom ybro^t was • pat vairor womman nour aboute • in none londe nas • conuiuium po J^is castel tare was • hengist jjen king bisotte • eugist. rp^ come to is castel & yse • ]?e knittes J^at he brotte • 2497. po carf he'] And carf afiy. an hole'] a bole BySy; o bole a; a bool 5. hude] hyde BS ; huyde a ; hide ^y. to an'] al to a B ; al to o fair a ; al to a faii-e fiy ; al fayr to ou 5. \>uong] J^ong Ba ; Jjonge /37S (& passim). 2498. poru out] om. ajSy. \>e wule it] wil he B ; \>q wile he o; The while hit 187. ileste] Aa ; laste B ; last ;875. \}o was it] & )>o was he B ; & he was a ; & hit was fiy ; and )30 was it 5. 2499. an] one 0(87. 7-ochi] roche BS. stede] stude Ba. he] om. a^y. 2500. Sf] om. afiy. al] om. 0^87. Markede] he markede a ; he marked (87. 2501. 8f rerde .... strong] & rerde o castel strong ynou wy^d & eke long a ; And rered o castel stronge ynoii^ wide & eke longe ^87. 2502. ]>uo7i(jcaster] J:>angcaster B ; hongcastel 01878. o\>er tangcaster'] om. 01)878. icluped] yclepud B5 ; icleped a ; callyd ^y. for] al for 0(878. \>is] ^e B ; J>ulke a ; ^ilke ^y ; J^at 8. See Appendix, Note O. 250.3. germaynie] germanieBa; gennayue $y. 2504. eiytetene] eitetenea; ei^tene ^37. 2505. Sf] om. 0)878. rowen] Kowenne 0/87. hengistes] hengist $y. 1/broyt] brou^t ;37. 506. pat . . . 7tas] pat aboute on oher lond no fairere wimman nas o ; That aboute in oj'er londes no fairer womman nas ^37 ; That nowhere in oJ>ere londe a fayrere womman |>er nas 8. nour] nower B. jione londe] no lond B. 2507. yare] redy /87S ]pcit] \>e 'Bafiy. 2508. to is . . . Itniytes] & seo (se 1878) Jie knytes (kny^ttes &y; knyghtis 6) at his castel 0^378. yse] se B. broyte] had brou^t ^87. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 179 pis king com |?uder priueliche • & ]7es knittes ysey • & Ms castel so sone arerd • so strons: & so hey 2510 P'"™'^^. vGSscllis Mid al he was wel ypayed • & bileuede atte mete • m-i' pis maide out of chambre com • ]>o hii adde neit ytete • Mid a coupe of golde vol of win • side drou hire tail • Akne to ]fe king lo sede • Louerd king washayl • pe king bi huld hire sui}7e ynou • & bi huld hire vair- hede • 2515 Vor so vair wommon nuste he non • & askede wat to sede • Men ]?at knewe |?e langage • sede wat was washail • & ]>at he ssolde to hire J^at bro2te • ansuerie drink hail • Drink hail quaj? ]>e king a^en • & bad hire drinke anon • pe coupe he nom sujjj^e of hire • & among horn eu- - richon • 2520 2509. pis'] po B. Jjxrfer] t>eodere a. >es] )>is B ; >eos a ; >ise $y. 7/sei/'] sy^e S. 2510. so'] om. n/SyS. 2511. ypayed] apayed By; ypayd a ; apaied /3 ; payde 5. bileuede] bilefde a. atte] at J>e a ; J>er at \>e S. 2512. )>o] om. a; when /Sy. hii adde] )>ei hadden B; hei hadde/8; they had y. neix] om. B. 3/^ee] isistfiy. bi huld] wondrede Ba ; wondred 5 ; wondrid of Py, 2516. Vor] om. afiyS. wommon] wimman a. 7iustc] wist fiy ; wyst S. §•] he B5. 50] heo Ba ; sche y35 ; she y. 2517. knewe] knew B ; knowe j3. wat] hit a;875. icashaH] wassayl B ; washayl a. 2518. >a<] om. a/S-y. to hire] om. B. \>at bro'^te] ajeno/S ; ayein y; ajeyne 5. ansuerie] onswere w' B ; segge nou a ; saie nowe y3 ; sey nowe 7 ; seye S. 2519. \>e] \>\& B. a-^en] )?o a ; om. ^yd. bad] bed B. 2520. coupe] coppe a. nom] toke B/87. su\>\>e] s(t\>\>e Ba ; sij?e ^y. ^] om. Bay. eurichon] echon B ; ]>er echon a ; echone iSyS, M 2 180 THE CHRONICLE OF Kuste hire & sette hire adoun • & glad dronk hire heil • & j^at was lo in ]?is lond • ]>e verste washail • As in langage of saxoyne • j^at me mi^te euere iwite • & so wel he paij> ]^at folc aboute • ]?at he nis no^t ^ut vortute • No sire ne be J^e day so long • |?e wule hii sitte]; abenche • 2525 & som of ]?e nizt nime]? }er to • ]?e drinke vor to ssenche • [119] Of an holi prechors word • hii nolde no^t so ofte ]?enche • As of ]'e murye word as horn ]nnc]> • of j?e seli wenche* So fonl lechour was J^e king • J^at anon in J^e house • He wilnede vor foul lecherie • ]'is mayde abbe to spouse • rex dedit Hengist wuste wel is wille « & J?at he was hastif • gfst &^°' He him grantede in is felonie • is doiter abbe to wif • sponsat fii'.am. — 2521. Kuste'] & custe B; Kjst 7. sette ha-e'] sette a. glad'] gladliche a^y ; gladdly 5. 2522. in] on a^y. washail] vassayl B. 2523. As] And 5. saxoyiie] saxonie B ; Saxon )Q7. me mi-^te euere iwite] euere (euer j8) is y write 0^87. iiuite] -wj-te 5. 2524. he] hit a^y. \>at] )je J875. aboute] om. afiy. he 7iis] nis he o; hit is /3 ; it is 7 ; it ys 5. yut] om. affy ; ^it J^er 5. voryute'] forgete B ; forpte o/3 ; foryete 7. 2525. A^ sire ne] Ne a ; No fiy ; om. S. so] no so a ; neuer so & ; neuere so yS. hii sittei>] heo sitte^ B ; je sitteb afi ; ye sette 7 ; ^e sitte S. abeyiche] o benche B ; on benche )875. 2526 omitted in 7. 2526. iiimij;)] om. a/8 ; take^e S. ssenche] schenche BayS ; swenche 8. 2527. Of an] On a; Of J87 ; An S. holi] holi^e a. hii riolde] nolIe> hi a ; nyl )e ;37 ; nyl \>ej 5. ofte] longe fiy ; oft on 5. 2528. >e] that 7 ; J'is 5. as horn Yinc\>] om. 0^875. as] hat B. )pe] )>ulkc o ; Jjilke fiy ; >ylk 5. seli] selije o. 2529. So] As 7. lechour] a lechour 5. 2530. wilnede?^ willede B ; wolde fiy. foul] om. afiyS. lecherie] lecheri^e a. ]>is] >at afiy. abbe to] for te B ; to haue to 5. 2531. wuste] wiste Ba ; Avist ^37. wel is iville] his -wille wel a; his wil wel ^37. <§•] om. 8. was] wes B ; was so 8. 2532. him] om. BS. him grantede] grauntede him o; grauntydhim ;87. felonie] feloni^e a ; foly ^y. is doyter] here 8, abbe to] to be ys B ; to ben his 8. EGBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 181 Vor iwat |?e king zene him • |;e contreie of kent ywis • pe king in is foule wille • grantede al ]>is • & wedclede ]>is mayde • in wel lu}>er cas • 2535 Vor J>at he was cristine • & to payene was • pat lond was vuel ypaid ];er wi|? • & is J>re sones al so • Vortimer • & castigen • & passen ];er to • Four hondred ^er • & fourty • & nyne ich vnder stonde • Hit was of grace p'at |>e saxoyns • |?us com verst to londe . 2540 po were among cristinemen • |7is paiens ]?us imengd • pat misbileue in to al ]>is lond • among men was ysprengd • Hengist sede to |?e king • sire )^ou mitt yse • pat ich am in stede of )?i fader • & ]n conseiler ssal be • Do al after Mi conseil • & |?o.u ssalt J^oru me • 2545 2533. contreie'] contre B; coiitrei^e a; cuntrey 187. 2534. aZ] )>o al a ; t>an al fiy. 2535. J>js] h>at 5. wel] a wel B ; ryjt 0y5. 2536. J>rt<] om. S. ivas] om. a^y. cristine] cristene man a ; cristen man $yS. yo] heo Ba ; sche ^y5. payene] a payuen B ; paynym j8 ; panym y ; Payneme S. 2537. \iat] This /Sy. was] wes B. vuel] yuel ^87. ypaid] payde J87. 2538. castigen] catigeu BS; castigern 7. passen] pascense a ; Pascence fiy. 2540. Hit . . . grace] Of grace hit was a^y ; Of grace was 5. was] wes B. )>e] Hs « ; J>ise 187; om. S. saxoyns] saxones B ; saxons 07; Saxons )35. }pus] om. 0/875. com verst] come B ; come first 5 ; furst come a;87. to londe] to J'is londe Baj37 ; a londe 5. 2541. t>'«] om. S. paiais] paynes B; payns a; paynymes ^y ; Pai- nems S. imengd] y menged B ; y mengid fiy. 2542. to] om. 5. \>is lond] eugelond a ; englond ^y. ysprengd] ysprenged B ; y sprengid 187 ; sprengde 5. 2543. yse] it se 7. 2544. ich am in stede of] I as 5. 2545. )>oru] after 7. 182 THE CHRONICLE OF [120] Missio post octo & ebise. adueutus eorum. Ouercome al j^in fon • to sol'e ich segge it ])e • Sende we tute after mi sones • octo • & ebyse • pat quointe werreours be]? • & stalwarde & wyse • In J^e norj^half tif horn lond • ware ]70u wolt bise • pat hii mowe bituene ]?e • & |?e scottes be • 2550 panne ]?ou mitt siker be • bisou|7e bomber ywis • pe king he sende after hom • & grantede al 'pis • So ]?at wi)? pre hondred ssipes • hii ariiiede per • Vol of armes & of men • her was gTet poer • pe king wel vawe zei hom lond • as hengist him bi- sotte • 2555 & hengist eiiere mo & mo • ssipes hider brotte • po pe brutons ]?is yseye • of trayson hii were in drede • Vor pe lond was al of hom yfuld • J'er uore pe king hii bede • pat he ssolde him vnderstonde • & out of londe hom do • Vor it ne bicome nott to payens • among cristine men be so . 2560 2546. ]>in] >i B ; ]>ine a. to soi>e~] for soj^e afiyS. it] ora. BafiyS. 2547. yute^ om. 5. mi] mine a. octo'] octe B ; octa a/87; Otte 5. §•] & eke 5. ebyse'] Ebise BS ; elyse aP ; Elise y. 2548. quointe] quaynte B; queynt Py. werreours] werroures B; worreors o ; werryours fiy. stalwarde] stalworj^e ByS ; stalewor)je a ; stalwortb y. 2549. yf] ye/B ; jeue fiy. wolt] schalt 5. 2552. he] B; hen A (? het) ; let a; lete $y5. after] all after 5. al] eke al 5. 2553. \>at] om. &y. i>re] Ba$yS; \>e A. ]}er] her a ; here ^375. 2555. wel vaive] wel fayn B ; welfawe a ; ry^t fayne ^y ; fawe 5. }ef] jaf Baj3y. 2556. hider] fiy ; hj'der B ; hidere a ; hedir 5 ; hide A. 2557. po] om. 8. yseye] j-see y. of] and of 5. hii] om. 5. 2558. ^e] ]f>o B. al of hom yfuld] al mid hem yfuld B ; of ham ifuld a ; of hem yfuUyd ^y ; so fulle of hem 5. \>e king] om. y. bede] badde y. londe] the londe y. nc bicome noj<] bicome> noujt ^y ; by come noght 5. payens] payns Ba ; Paynymes ^y ; Paynems 5. 2559. him] om. S. 2560. Vor] ora. 5. in] the y ; om. 5. 6c] to be 5. . IIOBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 183 Vor it was aten hor cristendom • & in moni studes me nuste • Woch was on ne woch was oj^er • & hii nuste to wuch truste • Some faderes were cristine • &5 ]?e moderes he]/ene were • Me nuste to we]?er hii bicome • ]>e children ]?at hii here • pe king louede saxons • uor loue of is wine • 2565 «fe nolde uor al ]>e brutons • out of is lond hom driue • ^eint germayn ])e bissop • to )?is londe com • [121] Vor misbileue at bulke tyme • & to amendy cris- predicacio > '^ -J saucti tendom • germani. & prechede as ned was • & vair miracle wro^te • So J^at ]7e cristinemen • in betere stat he brotte • 2570 & hii aforcede hom ];e more • \% he]?ene awey to driue • Hii nolde bileue hor porpos • vor ]7e king ne uor is wiue • Hii vorsoke |?e king alout • & binome him is poer • fol. 44. h is eldoste sone made king • bat het vortimer • vortimer ^ ^ fit rex. 2561. For] om. 5. a^e?i lior'\ om. B ; ayenst her 7; a^en 5. &f\ ■ ffor S. moni\ mani^e a ; manye 5. sludes\ stede 5. imste\ nyst ^87. 2.562. WocK] Wuch B ; Which a ; Whiche |3 ; Who 5. woch was\ wuch was B ; which a ; whiche was ^87 ; om. 5. ^- Idi nuste to wuch'] ne to warn me myjte B ; ne nuste to whuche a ; no nyst to whiche fiy ; ne nyst to wham to S. truste] tryst 187. 2563. cristine] he>eii &y. he\>ene] crysten J87. 2564. nuste] nyst ^y^. to ive\>er] whedyr 5. hii] om. a^yd. 2565. saxo7is] \>q saxones B. 2566. nolde] wolde nou^t ^y. al] om. 5. 2567. bissop] Busshop 7. to] vnto 5. \>is] ))isse a. 2568. at )>ulke] ]?at B ; on >at a5 ; in ^at ^y. ^] om. a/875. amendy] amende 8/87. 2569. as] as yt B ; as hit a/8S ; as it 7. miracle] miracles Boy87. 2570. ]>e] om. ^yS. cristinemen] cristendom ^y. 2571. aforcede hom Jje more] enforced hem J^erfore 5. to] om, a. 2572. nolde] wolde noujt /8 ; wolde not 7, bileue] leue ^y. 2573. binome him is] binome al his a ; binome ys B ; from him toke al ^37, 2574. eldoste] eldest B ; eldeste a ; eldist ^87. het] hatte B ; hijt /3 ; highte 7. 184 THE CHRONICLE OF guerra. pis vortimer wi]^ gret poer • & wi]? gret ernest ynoii • poru conseil of seint germain • a^en ]?is he]?ene drou • pe seue]?e ter it was after • ]?at hii to londe come • pe king was gode )?onk aboue • in four batailes J^at hii nome • occisio Alle hii were In one iere • & atte verste wi|;oute one • -Castigen ];e kinges broj^er • mid is men echone • 2580 Asaylede hors & is ost • so ]?at hii fo^te vaste • occisio So J^at |?is castigen • aslawe was atte laste • °^^' pe king uor is bro)?er de]? • sori was ynou • To ]?is hors he sraot anon • & amidde al is folc him slou • po l^is stronge mon was aslawe • j^at so strong was in fi^te . ^ 2585 [i22] His men bigonne sone to fie • & vawe ]?at hii mi^te • iij™ bellum. pg i^ridde bataile |?at hii smite • was ritt upe pe se • per com )?e king mid is ost • & hengist him ate • per was batayle strong ynou • & mest was upe tweye • Vpe j^e king & hengist • ]?at were so stronge beye • 2575. wij> gret] god Ba ; good &yS. erriesf] vrnest a. 2577. pe se«e>e] po seue B ; The seueuJjjS ; The seuen 7. it was after'] J^er after ay ; )>er aftir y3 ; after J'at 5. >«< hii] \>ey S. 2578. pe king] pis vortimer a ; This vortymer ^y ; This Fortimere S. yode \>onk] god i \>oiik B ; om. o^SyS. in] at 0/878. 2579. hii] om. 0/87. were] 'weren 5. ^] om. B. 2580. Castiyen] Catigen B. echone] euerychone S. 2581. fo-^te] fou)ten S. 2582. )pis] om. S. castiyen] catigen B. aslawe] yslawe B; slayn fiy. 2583. pe] po B. 2584. amidde] among Ba ; amonge 1875. is] om. 5. 2585. po] Whenne fiy. stronge mon] hors 0/878. aslawe] slawe B ; slayn fiy ; yslayn 5. so strong] kete a/35 ; kythe 7. Jiyte] iyyt B/3. 2586. so7ie] om. B. to] om. a. vawe] fayn B^75; fawea. 7niyte] myjt By3. 2587. sniite] smote /37 ; smytenS. upe] vpB; op on a; vpon/8; vppon 7. 2589. mest] most /8 ; moste 7. was] yt was B ; om. 0/878. upe] vp B ; op on a ; vppon ^37. tweye] twei^e o ; two $y ; tweyne 5. 2590. Vpe] Vp B ; Op on a ; Vppon Py. were so stronge heye] stronge were beije a; stronge men were J>o fiy ronge were beyne S. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 185 pe stronge duntes y&t hii smite • grisliche were to se • fuga So |?at hengist bigan • atte laste to fie • .^^ teneth, He J7at neuer er ne fley • founde ]fev is per • He fley in to be yle of tenet • he ne durste astunte no ner • ^ut eft hii foite in )7e se • & hi side J>erc • 2595 Ac ];e brutons at eche tyme • |^e maistrie awey bere • pe saxons yseye suj^J^e • J?at hii ne mi^te no leng astonde • To l^e king hii sende )7at hii moste • wende to hor owe londe • po hii were alle henne ywend • here was ioye inou pe king tef is men grete ^iftes • & gret loue to horn drou . 2600 & let rere chirchen vp • |?at \>e ssrewen adoun caste • & bigan to makie a nywe lond • ac to lute wule it laste • 2591. pe] po B. smite'\ smyten B ; smote 0y ; smete S. were'] yt was B ; was 5. 2592. biga7i atte laste] at last began 5. to] for to a^yd. 2593. 7ieuer] neuere a. er] her a. ne] om. 5. founde] fond B ; fonde fiy. 2594. fley] flee y. in'] om. ct/S^S. tenet] teneth a^ ; Tenethe y. he lie durste] he no dor.ste B ; ne dorste a ; he diu'st ^y ; he dorst 5. astunte] abide Ba/S^S. 2595. "^ut] ^et B ; ^uyte a. hii] he 5. foUe] fou)ten B; fought 5. bi side] bi sides afi ; besides y. 2597. pe] po B. yseye] heo seye B; ysei^e a; yse 187; sawe 5. SMj>J)e] om. B ; wel ^y. ne] om. B. no leng] om. 0/875. astonde] at stonde Ba. 2598. To . . . sende] Hi bede J'e king a ; Thei prayed ]>q kynge (87 ; They bede l^e kynge 5. \>at] om. afi. to hor owe] hom to heruB ; to hare a ; to here ^y ; vnto her S. 2599. alle] om. afiyZ. henne] hom a ; home /SyS. ywend] ywent B^y. 2600. grete] om. ajSyS. 2601. rcT-e] arere B. chirchen] \>e chirchen a; j^e churches 78 chirches B/8. vp] om. 5. ssrewen] schrewes BjSyS. 2602. makie] make BJ87. nywe] muri B ; nowe ;8 ; newe 7 ; merye S. ac'\ & a^y. lute] lutle o ; litlo 0y. 186 THE CHRONICLE OF toxicacio I'egis. concilium regis. fol. 44 b. [123] pe cleuel adde enuie ]7er to • ]?at he susteinede cris- tindom • & in is stepmoder herte • is woniinge he nom • So ]?at ]?e lu]?er womman • of poyson hire bi]?o^te • & apoysonde ])& gode mon • & to de]?e him bro^te • pe king ]?o he sey is de]? • is kni^tes he let of sende • & ssewede horn alle }»en wey • woder he ssolde wende • & tef horn gold & seluer • & ^iftes riche & gode • & bed horn vor J>e loue of god • ]7at hii horn vnder- stode . 2610 & stabeliche helde to gadere • to saiiy ]?at lond • pat neuere l^e lujjer payens • it adde eft anhond • & lit he mitte libbe leng • he nolde drede no^t • & wanne it alles so was • j^at he was to de|?e ybro^t • He bad )?at wanne he were ded • ]?at me is bodi nome • & bured it atte hauene • }?ere ]>e paiens come • 2616 2603. pe] Fore J>e 5. e7iuie'] envyje a. i>er o B. hi]>er'\ lupere a. ivommati] wimman a ; wommon B. 2606. apoysonde'] apoysenede a ; poysoned j3 ; poyseued 7 ; poysned S. mon] king a ; kynge ^y^. de)>e] >e de]>e B ; >e de)? ay. 2607. pe] pis B. sey] isey a ; sawe 78. is] >en B ; Jjc 5. is] aftir his 37. ^e] om. 5. of sende] asende a ; sende /87 ; owte sende 5. 2608. \>en] J^e Ba/37S. ^voder] wyder B ; weder a. lie] >ey 5. 2609. seluer] soluer B. riche Sf gode] good and riche 7. 2610. bed] bad Ba ; prayed ,87. horn] om. 5. 2611. stabeliche] faste a; fast &yS. helde] holde B57 ; hulde a. sauy] saue B(37. J^a/] hare a ; here ^7. 2612. J>e /Mj>er payens] W lnl>er payns B; Jjulke payens a; J>ilke paynymes /37 ; t>ylk paynmes 5. it adde] nadde hit a ; haue hit fiy. anhond] on hond a ; in honde ^y. 2613. y/] yf hat S. leng] lenger 'BfiyS. nolde] wolde hem fiy; wolde 5. 2614. alles so] so /S7 ; also 5. was to de)>e] wes to dej)e B ; to >e dethe was 8. 2615. 6ad] bed B. \>at] om. Ba^75. rfec?] deb 3. me] me schulde B. 2616. bured] burie B; burede o; buryed ^y ; berye 5. it atte"] ytJ>eB. I'eT-e] wer B. paiens] payns Be ; paynymes 7; Palmns 5. KOBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 187 In an tumbe suijie hey • p»at hii miite hit ver yse • pat hii vor drede of |;e si^te • mitte sone fie • Hardy was is herte to horn • wanne he wolde j^at hii adde • Drede of is bodi ded • wanne hii aliue adde • 2620 per was del & sorwe ynou • ])o };is godemon was ded • ^^^^^ &5 naj^eles hii ne bured him nott • as he him sulf bed • Vor hom ]?o2te it nas bote an wile • ac as hii hom bi}?o^te • In londone mid gret honour • j^is bodi an erj;e hii bro2te • "Uortiger ]?e lu]?er man • ];o is sone ded was • 2625 vortigemus Ynder veng a^en to him • }>e kinedom alas • ^^^' Vor sone |>oru is wiues red • after hengist he sende • Missiopost pat he hider to him • mid simple uolc wende • hengist. Vor he di-adde ^if he adde • to gret poer an honde • pat |7er ssolde arise strif • bituene him & ]>e londe • 2617. a7i tumbe'\ a temple B ; toumbe al3y. sMJ)>e] ryjt fiy. Ae^] heye B ; heyje a ; heije /3 ; high y. hii'] me a; men fiyS. hif] om. a^yS. ver] fer afiy ; }>ere S. 2618. vor drede] draddea/By; drad 5. siyte] sijete a. miyte sone] & sone myte a ; and soone my^t /3 ; & sone myght yd. 2619. is herte] he a^yS. 2620. aliue adde] o hue hym dradde B ; him alyue dradde a0 ; him on lyue dradde y ; ahue him dradde 5. 2621. del] deol B ; dul a ; doiljS ; doile y (& passim). >o] when $y. godemon] king a ; kynge fiyS. 2622. Sf] Ac Ba5 ; But /Sy. na\>eles] no>eles B. ne] om. 5. bured] burede a ; buriede B ; buryed 0y • beryed 5. him sulf bed] ere hem bede 8. 2623. ho)n i>oyte] om. a^yS. nas] was /87S. an wile] awilleB ; o gret wil a; of gret wille I3y. ac] om. a^y. hii] hee B. 2624. gret] om. B. >«s] J^at a/87. bodi] bedi B. an] on a ; in 0y. er]?e] yerthe 7. hii] om. B. 2625. J>e] this 7. ma7i] swike a/87. 2626. V7ider veng] Vnder fong B ; Vnderfeng o ; Vnderfonge 0y. axen to him] to him ayein 7. to him \>e kinedom] >e kyngdom to him a^eine S. 2628. to him] a^en to him a0 ; ayein to hym 7 ; ajeyne to him 5. wendel ywende a/87. 2629. to gret] so grete 5. an] on 0^37. 2630. Vat i>er] Ba^y ; That Jjere 5 ; l^er per A. 188 THE CHRONICLE OF [124] po hengist hurde telle • J^at vortimer was ded • aduentus jjg g;aderede poer ynou • & sone nom is red • regis, ° r J . 1 . & pre hondred ]?ousend men • mid nim yharmed he nom • & mid al }>e atyl j^er to • in to j^is lond he com • po ]?e king *& is conseil wuste • of so gret compainye • Hii bi)?02te & dradde sore • }>at it were uor trieherye • & na]7eles he sende hom word a^en • in is felony e • pat in gret loue hider he com • & ne ]>oZiQ no vileinye • Bote uor drede of vortimer • leste he aliue were • Such folc wij? him he brotte • vor he adde of him fere • 2640 Ac wanne he nas aliue no^t • he bad |?e king be hende • pat he mitte mid is folc • upe is lond wende • Biuore him & is conseil • at a certein time & place • "Wi]?oute eni maner harme • to fondi is grace • & ]?at ]>e king of is men • at helde woch he wolde • & driue aten ouerse • ]?ulke ]?at he nolde • 2646 2632. nom.'] toke 5 ; nom to j8 ; to 7. 2633. >re] thre tho y. him'] om. B. yharmed] y armod B ; )>o a ; Jjan Py. 2634. ^ . . . i>er to] Wei y armed & atyred ek o ; Wele yarmyd & atyred eke 0y. atyl] atire 5. in to] & to aySyS. he] om. a; J)ei jS-y, 2635. }>e] >is a. co7iseil] om. 5. so] ys B ; his a^B ; this y. 2636. Hii] Heo B ; He ajSyS. )>at it were uor] of luj^ere a5 ; of somme hijier ^y. See Appendix, Note P. 2637. §•] om. a^SyS. he sende hom word ajew] hengist sende word a ; hengist sent worde ^y ; he sent worde S. in] on S. 2638. gret] om. 5. hider he] he hider a^y. we] no B. ne . . . vileinye] for no tricheri^e a; for no trecherye ySy ; w'owte trecherie 5. 2639. vortimer] fortimer o; ffortymer 7. leste] last B; laste a. aliue] o liue B ; on lyue 7. 2640. M'«J> him he] he mid him a ; he with him fi. 2641. Ac wanne] Ac wen B ; But sithe &y. nas aliue] nas o liue B ; was alyue /8 ; was on lyue 7 ; alyue was 8. bad] prayede fiy. 2642. vpe is] vp ys B ; op on his a ; vppon his /3 ; vppon this 7. 2643. 2644 transposed in 0^37. 2643. Biuore] To fore a5. at a] a B ; in 0/878. 2644. Wi];>oute] With B ; Withouten 0y. harme] arme Ba fondi] fonde B ; founde of S. 2645. J>c] jpo B. at helde] athuld B ; athulde a ■ atholde $y. woch] wuche B ; whuch a ; whiche 187. 2646. ouerse] ouer )>e ee B ; ouer )>e see ^87 ; o]?er >e se 5. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 189 pe king was her of wel ypayd • & sette liim a day • & al is owe folc • j^at hii come • ]?e uerste day of may • At ambresbury vor to speke • of |ns )nng som ende • fol. 45. To atholde woch he wolle of horn • & "pe of'ere ate sende • 2650 po j^at folc in ey]?er syde • ywar were of j^at daye • fraus In a ny we maner hengist ]>ozte • )?e king & is bytraye • ^°^'^*' He het al is knittes • J'at mid hin p'ere were • rjgsi pat in is hose stilleliche • ech of hom a knif bere • & wanne hii his semble • among J^is brutons come • pat ech of hom an heyman • In. conseil to him nome • & siii]?e vaire speke wi]? him • & wanne he Jeanne sede • NimeJ? lour soxes • ]?at le anon mid |;e dede • 2647. hej- o/] her w}J> B ; ^er mid a ; J>er with ^y ; here w' 5. ypat/dj apaied ^y ; ypayed 5. him'] [>o ham a ; )>an hem 0y ; hem J)o B5. a] om. B. 2648. al'] om. a^yS. 2649. At] To afiy. spelte] om. B. som ende] an ende S. 2650. atholde] holde 0/875. woch] wuche B ; whiichea; whyche {^at 5. wolle] wolde BajSyS. o}>e?'e] o|?er B. c}^] a^en Ba/3 ; ajein 7. 2651. \>at] Jjis B. /?«] on 5. were] was Baj87; om. 5. ];>at] J^e Ba^yS. 2652. In . . . maner] turne S. a] o a. Vo'^te] J^oujt B5. bytraye] to bytraye 5. 2653. Ife] And S. het] hette B ; heyght 5 ; lete/37. \>at mid hin\>ere] w' him Jjer t>at 5. hin] hym B ; hi a ; him 7. 2654. pa<] om. 0/878. is] his a ; here /8 ; her 7. cc/t . . . knif] o long knif Jjat hi o ; a knyf longe yuoiu J^at hei ^y ; a knyfe J^at he 5. 2655. wanne] wan B ; whanne a ; whan ^y. hii .... hrutons] to \>\se Brutons amonge hem J^at ^ei fiy. his] to J^is Ba ; to {^ys 5. semble] om. a. )>js] J>e a5. 2656. an] on a ; one /37. 7/*] to 7. 2657. s?">e] rijt'/87; ryght S. spe;^e] spake S. wi\) him] him wij> 0^875. wa?iiie] wan B ; }>anne a ; \>an /8 ; thenne 7. //e ]>anwe] whanne he a ; whenne he fiy ; J'at he S. 2658. Nime\>] Take je S. your] eure a. scares] saxes B ; sexes 0/87S. J3a< . . . dede] anon mid J^e dede a ; anone with rijt in dede B ; anone right wyth iu dede 7. ye] he B. 190 THE CHRONICLE OF Drou is knif & slowe anon • al an onywar pat hii mitte of ]>e hexte men • ]?at loncl makie bar . 2660 pis word was wel vnderstonde • so ]?at ]70 hii come • In ei|7er side to ambresbury • |7en day |7at hii nome • & ]>e brutons al simpleliche • In god pays hii vnder- stode • & hengist spac wi]? ]>e king • as it were uor gode • & ]>o he sei is time wel • he bigan to grede anon • 2665 Nime]? toure sexes • & is men |7er wi}? Echon • Kipte hor longe kniues • &5 slowe vaste to gronde • So ]7at hii slowe four hondred • & sixti in an stounde • Of erles «& of barons • of ]>e hexte ]7at |?er were • Alas ]?e deol to J^is lond • woch treson was |7ere • 2670 Nou ne cou]?e l^e brutons • non engliss ywys • Ac Ipe saxons speche it was • & J^oru hom ycome it is • 2659. Dro7i .... onyivarl That >iei schulde drawe here knyfes & sle alle vuware ^y. Drou'] Drowe a. is Jmyf] her knyves 5. slowe] sloni S. anon] om. a. al an] al on a ; al 5. onywar] vnware 5. 2660. hii] he ajiy. hexte] heijest ^y. >a<] \>e S. makie] makije a; make B/Sy ; to make 5. 2661. wel] om. 5. wel vnderstonde] vnderstonde wel I3y. ]po] om. a^yS. 2662. In . . . ambresbury] To ambresburi ey>er half a ; To Ambresbury o))ere half ySy. \>en] )>o B ; >>ene a ; J>at fiyS. 2663. ^] om. 5. pays] pay as B ; pes a. Mi] as J^ey S. 2664. spac] spek B. wi)>] mid a. as] as J>ei aS ; as ^ouj ^y. 2665. sei] say B ; saw) /3 ; sawe y. 2666. NimeY] Take je 5. goitre] eure a. sexes] saxes B. );>er wi)>] om. ai37. Echon] euerichon o ; euerechone fi ; eueryehone y. 2667. Kipte] Hente fiy ; Owte w' 5. vaste] J>o a ; >an fiy. 2668. So \>at hii] & aBy. slowe] slow B. an stounde] a stoude B o stounde a ; a litel stounde Py. > 2669. erles] vrles a. &fof] of a/3; and 7. 0/ K] l^eBS; & of K 0/37. hexte] heijest 0y. 2670. j/;oc/i treson was] & treson Jjat was aPy ; suche was J^o S. 2671. Me cou\>e] cou)>e noght S. ]?e] om. By- engliss] englichs a. 2672. ycome] come ^875. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 191 Hengist anon wi|? ]>e word • ]?en king hente vaste • [12 6] Bi |;e mantel & anon • to is fet him caste • So |?at |;is godemen were ybrott • mid trayson to grounde • 2675 Ac some } at ofscapede • mid stones j^at hii founde • & mid staues of hegges • defended hom aboute • & slowe of |?is lu]7er men • manion in ]?e route • XT Idol erl of gioucestre • ]?at stalwar]7e kni^t was • probitas "^ Hente an stronge leuour • |>at him com anhonde ^ ° ' bicas . 2680 po he sei is felawes • ymor]?red so villiche • God ernest he nom to him • & sturede him harde- liche • He smot to gronde & littliche • he ne lef stroc non • pat he ne brae heued oJ;er arm • o];er som o|?er bon • He ne ^ef of is lif no^t • is felawes to awreke • 2685 So ]?at he slou in ]?e place • ar is staf gonne breke • 2673. ivilp'] mid a. t>e«] \>e BPy ; J^ane a. 2674. Sf} om. /Sy. to'] & to 0y. 2675. t>is] hese S. yodemen] folc a; folk 5; folke fiy. were'] was a$y. ybro-'yt] brou^t ^y. trayson] treson Ba. to] to J^e 5, 2676. Ac] & a/3-y. )>at] >er afiy. ofscapede] ascapede a ; ascaped 2677. defended^ defondede B ; defendede a. 2678. slowe] slow B. \>is] >isse a. manion in )>e] manye in a S. 2679. Eldol] Eldol J^e a; Edolf >e fiy ; Cadel f-e 5. \,at stalwar\>e kniyt] J^at a strong knyjt B ; staleworJ?e knijt ))at a ; stalwor>e knyjt }>at fiy. 2680. an] a B. an stronge leuour] o leuor on his bond a; a leuere in his honde jSy. him] om. S. com an honde] a com at houde B ; com J3er a ; come J^er ^y. 2681. set] say B ; isey u ; sawe fiy. 2682. sturede] sturde B ; stered ;8 ; sterryd y. hardeliche] baldelicbe 0/8 ; boldeliche 78. 2683. &f] om. a/SyS. he] & be afiy ; for he 5. ne] om. 5. 2684. heued o\>er anw] hede and arme y. o\>er] or 5. ojjer] or B5; outber 7. 2685. we] om. 5. lif] lyue o. to] for to BafiyS. awreke] wreke afiy. 2686. >e] that 7. ar] er B/3 ; or 7. fol. 45 b. 192 THE CHRONICLE OF Sixtimen & tene & woundede monyon • & tute he of scapede aliue • uor horn eclion • tormentum pat IvLpeY folc ]>at slou |7us • ]7at folc mid tricherie • ^^^^^' pun king hii bounde uaste ynou • ]?at reulich he gan crie* capcio & defoulede him mid bendes • vorte he suor is o]> • Al hor wille euer eft to do • nere him no so lo]? • po wende vor]? ]7is lujjer folc • & nome londone • [127] & Euerwik • & Lincolne • al )>oru |?is traysone • 2694 & su]7]7e winchestre bisou]>e • & o)?er grete tounes mo • & robbede as hii wende • & slowe & dude muche wo . 2695* pis were lo vre faderes • of wan we be]? suj7}?e ycome • pat wi]? such trayson • abbe]? • J^is lond ]'us ynome • l^ortiger vre feble king • j^at lute was wor]? |?o • As he it adde of serued • ynou he adde of wo • 2687. monyon'] mani^e on a. 2688. yite] )etB; ^ut a ; ^it/Sy; ^yt 5. he] om. 5. of scapede] ascapede a ; ascaped /SyS. echon] euer ech on B ; euerichon o ; euerechone & ; euerychone yS. 2689. pa^] And )je B ; pis a ; Thise jSy ; These S. lu\^cr] luthern y. slou] slowe Bay. ]>atfolc . . . tricherie] w' her fals trechorye S. 2690. pMw] po B ; pane a ; That fiy. yno^l] om. a^yS. reulich] rewliche B ; reuHche a^ ; reuthfullich S. he gan] biganne y. crie] to crye y. 2691. bendes] bouades ^y ; bondes 5. vorte] for to B ; vor to a ; vn to jSy. 2692. eft] aftir /8 ; om. y. nere him no so] ner hyra ner so B ; were him not so S ; nere him no a ; nere hit him neuer so fiy. 2693. po wende] Thanne went y. Sf] and anone 5. nome londone] londone nome anon a ; londou toke anone Py. 2694. al ]poru . . . traysone] mid treson J^at wa[s] idon a; with tresoii l>at was ydone 187. traysone] treson B. 2695. smJiJjc] om. a/SyS, o\>er] om. a$yS. 2695*. as] euer as B. Sf slowe] slowe a ; slouj 5. dude] dede Py; ded S. muche] gret BoySy ; grete S. 2696. pis] pise B ; peos a ; Thus 5. were lo] were a^y ; loo were 5, wan] warn B ; wha a ; whom ;8 ; whoom y. siihl^e] of B ; om. ajSyS. 2697. trayson] om. |3y. abbe]?] habbej> >us a; haue^je |>us 0y. >««] to ham a ; to hem /3y5. inome] nome S. 2698. lute] litill y. was worl>] worthe was 5. 2699. it] om. al3y. of serued] of serued wel Ba/Sy ; deserued wel S. ynou he adde] to Intel hadde B. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. V 193 He fley in to walls • ]nider he com sone • 2700 fugavorti- He esste at is conseilers • wat were best to done • geiui. Me radde him uor is castels • al bi nome him were • pat in some syker stude • an castel hulde ]?ere • pere he mitte sikerliche • wite him fram is fon • lucepcio pe king an gode stude ]?er to • let seche out anon '2705 ^'"^tn. & bigan an strange castel • of lym & of ston • & of quoynte vorcmen • let bringe monion • po hii bigonne ]?is castel • al J>at hii made aday • A morwe wanne hii come j^er to • al clene adoune it lay • 2709 No betere sped hii nadde • nere ]?e wore no so strong . qjqs] pe king esste at enchanters • war on it were ylong • pe enchantors sede • |'at me a child soite • Ineanta- pat were biiete wi]?oute fader • )?at me it ]?uder broite • 2700. flei/'] flow B ; flowe I3y. )>Mrfe>-] Jjeoder a. 2701. He'\ & ajS. esste at] ascode of B ; axede of a ; asked of ;35. tvere'] was B;8. 2702. f//] bat alle 5. bi nome him'\ liym bi nome B. him'] om. a/3. 2703. \}at] pat he B5. aii] a B ; o a^ ; sum 5. hulde be;-e] bulde Jiere B ; lete arere a ; lete rare /8 ; scbulde arere S. 2704. pere] pat B5 ; par a ; "Where /8. wite] witeije a ; kepe |35. 2705. an] a B ; one a)3 ; o 5. let] he lete 5. out] om. 5. 2706. hiyan . . . castel] o castel ^oute bulde a ; o Castel JpouU to belde ;8. an] a B. stranye] strong B ; stronge 5. of lym] y made of lyme 5. ^ o/] & 5. 2707. of quoynte] a slyje S. vorcmen] werkmen Ba ; werkemen /8 ; werkman 5. let bringe] let hym bryuge B. monion'] maui^e on a. 2708. made] rerde a; rerede /8. 2709. A morwe] Omorwe B ; Amorewe a. wa7ine] wen B. adoune] J>er dowue B. 2710. nadde] om. B ; nade a ; hadde /8. 7iere \>e wore] were hitymade S. nere] were /8. \>e] }>at B. no] ner B ; neuer /85. 2711. pe kinge esste] Thanne askyd }>e kynge /8. esste] ascode B ; aschte aS. at] at is a ; at his /8 ; of his 5. enchantors] en- chanteors a. tvar on] whar on a ; where of )8. were] was B, ylong] longe /3. 2712. so-^te] out soute a ; oute sou^t /3 ; ofte soughte 7 ; owte sought 5. 2713. were] was yd. biyetc] y gete B ; bijute a. ];>at] & \)nt Baj85, it] him /3. it \>uder] ^uder hit a. N 194 THE C!HRONICLE OF & slowe it & mid ]?e blocl • bi sprengde wel lior ston • & hor morter & it ssolde • stonde }»enne anon* 2715 Horn ]702te it Avas vuel to do • ac ]>ei hii ne bileuede it nott • — "----, pat in many a contreye • a such child \as ysoit • Inuencio So }>at some ]?e messagers • to kermerdin come • Merlin. ^ y^Qn children biuore l?e late • pleyde hii toke gome • po sede on to an oj'er • merlin • wat is ])e • 2720 pou faderlese ssrewe • wy misdostou me • Vor icham of kinges icome • & ]70u nart no2t Avor); a fille* Vor ]70u naddest neuere nanne fader • ]?eruore hold ];e stille . fol. 46. po ]?e messagers hurde ]ns • hii astunte ];ere • & esste at men aboute • A\^at ])e child \v^ere • 2725 Me sede ]?at he ne bod neuere fader » jjat me mitte ATider stonde • fc is moder an kinges dotter • w^as of jnilke londe • 2714. it] him j85. )je] hj's yS. bi sprenyde'] bi sprengo Ba/8, 2715. hor'] om. 5. 2716. vucl] euel B. to do] ydo B ; for to so do 5, \>ei hii] heo B; \>e\ a ; \>ey 5. ne hileitede] bileuede B ; byleft 5 ; ue let a ; ne lete j3. 2717. main/] manije a. a] om. aj3 ; a ferre S. a such] such a B ; o swich a ■ of Avhiche /3 ; the whiche y ; suche a 5. child] om. y. lias] -^yas a^o. 2718. so7ne] some of 7S; somme of fi. viessac/cra] messingcres B. kcrmerdiii] kaermerdin a ; kaermerdyn /3. 2719. plcijde] pleyede B. hii] as hey S; he B. 2720. an o\>er] ou o)'er a. 2721. misdostou] mis dest t>ou a; mj'sdide \>o\\ fi. 2722. nart noyt] art noght 5; art not /3. trorY] wroj^ a. a fille] o villa a)3S. 2723. naddest] haddest ;85; haddist y. veuere] uer B ; neuer a; om. 5. nanne] no BS ; om. aj8. 2724. \}o \>e] To )ns a ; Whcnne his /8. astunte] astynte B/8 ; astynten S. 2725. esste] askedeB/3; axede a ; asked 7. rt<] of a/85. \>e] ^at B5. 2726. Mc . . . fader] lie ue bod neuer fader heo seyde B. }-«/] om, 0/3. he nc hod] hit nadde a ; he hadde y3 ; hit had 5. 2727. ^-J Ac oS ; But ^. an'] a B5 ; om. oy85. \>ulhe] }>ulke sulue «; Hike self 0; }'ylk selue 5. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 195 & wonede at seinte petres . In an nounerie ])ere • U-^l po pe messagors hurde j?is • loyuol ynou hii were • To ])e baylif of ]^e toiin • liasteliche hii wende • 2730 pat liii ])e inoder & ])e sone • to ])e king sende ' po liii wuste wat hii were • hi ne dorste wi]> ^egge Merllnus no;t . ■ " ^"^V^^ So J>at J?e moder & ])e sone • to ]>e king were ybro^t • pe king bad |;e woniman to segge so}' • & uor no jjing lete • pat heo ne sede in so);nesse • wo ]?at child bitete -STSo Louerd king quaj> ]ns o];er • to so];e • ich segge ]>e • Responsio pat neuere mon ney me ne com • ];at it biiete on me • ™^"'''^- Ac of one ]nnge ichot • wanne ich ofte v/as • In chambre mid mine felawes • ]>ev com to me bi cas • A sui|7e vair man mid alle • & bi elupte me wel softe • & semblant made vair ynou • & custe me wel ofte • 2741 2728. pe/?'es] Petrus /3. «n] a R ; o ct/35. nonverie^ nonnerije a Nunrye y. 2730. hayUj"\ baylys B. wendel wente & bisoiut /3. 2731-2733. to \>e kinij . . . seme] omitted iu /3. 2731. An] J>ei /3 ; he B5. /^ijiff] kinge a. 2732. hii] me Ba ; meu 5. wuste] 'wiste Ba ; wist 5. /// ?/(] me ne Ba; men 5. dorste] dorst 5. noyt] it nojt B. 2733. to \>e kiny were'] wei'e to jie kinge a^. to] to fore 5. yhro-^t] broujt j8. 2734. pe hiv(i] He 5. womman] wommon B ; wimmau a. to] cm. Ba;85. S(i\>] J>e sotbe 5. ^- uor no \>ing] )jat heo no}>ing B ; for nojjing )>at heo (sche )3 ; she y) a^y ; jiat sche noght ne 5. lete] lette 5. 273,5. heo] he B. nc sede] schulde say ^8. in] }>e 5. wo] ho B ; who a. \>is o\>er] f>e moder a ; J>e modir /85. to so\^e] to J'e so]>e B ; iioube o ; nowe /3 ; now 5. segge] segge it B5 ; segge hit a ; scy hit /8. 2737. mo7i] man a. ?ie] om. Ba/SS. 6/je/e] bijat a. 2738. Ac] But /3 (& passim). o7ie ]>iiige] o t'ing B. icitot] ich wot Ba ; I wote 0. tvanne] wan B. ofte] often 7. 2739. 7ni7ie] my B/3. 2740. A] And B ; O a. s//(><'] rijt /3. w/u/ a/le] Avith alle B ; me I'OU^te a; me }>oujt 0. bi chipte] bi clepid /3. 7«e] om. B. zrf/] ful /}. .<;r;/V('] ofte 5. 2741. made] made nie a^, wel] rijt ;3. ';/'''] softe 0, N 2 196 THE CHRONICLE OF panne wende he vov]> as in ssade • inuste hou ne ware • po he adde ysywed me • longe in ]?isse fare • [130] Attelaste in fourme of man • ofte he lay by me • Ac oj'ermon neuere non • to soj'e ich segge ]?e • 2745 Dictum po ];e king hurde ]>is • gret wonder him ])ozte ]?ere • clericorum -n .i-ii •± ± i ' de o-encm- ^6 esste at IS clerkes • were it to leue were • done Mer- pe clerkes sede ]?at it is • in phUosofie yfounde • pat ]?er be]? in ]?e eyr an hey • ver fram \q grounde • As a maner gostes • wi^tes as it be • 2750 & me may 2 em ofte an er]?e • in wilde studes yse • & ofte in mannes forme • wommen hii come]> to • & ofte in wimmen fourme • hii come]? to men al so • pat men clupe]? ehiene • & parauenture in ]?is manere • On of hom in J?is womman • biiet ]7is chikl here • dictum po Merlin adde al ]7is yhurd • to ]7e king he wende Merliny. ^^^^^ . 2756 Sire king wi lete te mi moder • & me biuore J^e lede • 2742. 'panne wende /ie] And wende a ; And went /35. as in ssade^ as o schade a ; a schade jS ; as a schade S. inuste'] I ne wiste y3. ne] ny B. 2743. Jjisse] Aa ; }?is B;8 ; tliylk 5. 2744. in fourme of man] in manus fonne S. 2745. to] for afiy ; ]>e S. ich segge] y segge it B. 2746. him \>o-^te] he Jjou^te B ; he had S. 2747. esste] asched B ; axede o ; asked jS. were] wer B ; welder o ; whet>er /8 ; whej'ere S. 2748. is] was aj35. 2749. eyr] heir a. an hey] on heije /3 ; aboue y. fram] fro B. 2750. as] as J^ei a ; as l^ou^ j8. it] )>cj 8. 2751. me] ova. P. yem] hem BS ; ham a ; cm. ;8. a7i] on B ; in afiS. er\>e] yerthe 7. in] hem in j3. yse] se /3. 2752. mannes] monnes B. wommoi] -nymmen B ; wimmen a. comc\}] come y. 2753. wimmen] wimmane a ; wommannes y3 ; wommanys y ; wommens 5. hii . . . men] to men J^ey come)5e S. comeY] come y. 2754. ctupc\>] clepie}> a; calli)? )3. elnenc] elues /3. parauenture] perantre B. J^js] J>isse a. 2755. in] on 5. ]>is ivomman] J>isse womman a. biyet] bi^at afi. 2756. yhurd] harde j3 ; herde 5. loende nede] sede B5; wende & sede a ; went & sede /8. 2757. Sire king] om. 5. lete] dudest B. ^e] >ou Ba/3S ; ye 7 lede'] be leydo 7. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 197 Min enchantors qua]? j^e king • me abbe]? ]?er to yrad • pat a child |>at uadde neuere fader • biuore me were ylad- & l^at ]>e wore mid is blode • J'at we abbe]? an honde • Bi sprengde ]>at iial]? al adoun • & Jeanne it ssolde stonde • Let ]>me chantors qua]? merlin • biuore me sone brings • fol. 46 b. & ichoUe prouy biuore ]>e • ]?at hii telle]> al lesinge • pes enchantors were ybro^t • sone biuore }>e kinge • Wat segge le qua]? merlin • of ]?is nywe }?inge • 2765 Radde te ]?at me by sprengd • J^at morter mid my blod • Here me ssal sone yse • ]?at le ne conne no god • Segge]? me ^if le conne • wat is binu]?e }?e gronde • [i3i] pat make]? ]?at ]>e fondement • ne stent none stounde • pe o]?er ne cou]?e ansuerie nott • as it is iwrite • 2770 fossacio. Louerd king qua]? merlyn • tif J?ou wolt ]?at so]?e ywite • 2758. Min'] My B. enchantors'] enchanteoi's a. 'me abbe\>] hah me j8. yrad] radde fi. 2759. a] o a. nadde neuere] nadde no B ; nadde uanne a ; hadde no ^y ; had no 5. biuore^] to fore ayS. biuore . . . ylad] t>at were to fore me ladde 5. 2760. \>at] cm. /3. \>e] om. a5. wore] werk Ba. blode] blod Ba. abbe\>] haue)? /3. an] on Bay3. 2761. Bi sprengde] Be sprenged B; Ale sprengde u; Men schulde sprencle 3 ; ^len sprenged 5. ual\>] fallej^ Ba/3S. al] om. Ba^5. adoun] don ^ ; doiine y. 6f \>anne it ssolde] hit schold after 5. 2762. Let] LatB; Leteb a/3. \>ine] J>e a/85. cA«n] alle te\Yi]> $ ; telle alle y ; seye 5. al] a y3. 2764. pes] pis Ba. so7ie] \>ev a0 ; anone S. 2765. omitted in /3. Wat] Wad B. )e] ^e now 5. of \>is] of J?isse a ; by hys S. 2766. me by sprengd] me by sprengede B ; me sprengde a5 j men sprengen p. \>at morter] J^ys work 5, 2767. me ssal] shalmen7. ^e] om. B. ne] om. /3S. no] ful litel 5. 2768. Se(j(/ei>] Sei> j8 ; Seytbe 7. yif] '^ef^atB. 2769. mahe]^] makye}> a. \>at] om. aP. \>e] |>o B. ne stent none] no stond none B ; ne stondeJ> none a ; fiat hit stonde> no /8 ; maye stonde no 5. 2770. pe o\>er ne] pei neB/3 ; Hi ne a; They 5. ansuerie noyt] ouswere nojt B ; nout onsweri^e a ; nou^t answere fiy ; answcre him noght 5. 2771. wolt \>(it so]>e] wilt \>q soj^e B; wilt J>e soj? fi; the sothc wol 7. \>nt] he ?. yiuite] wyte B^. 108 THE CHRONICLE OF Let delue viider ^e foundement • & me ssal binepe finde • A water pol }?at aj? ymad • ]'at ])e wore is j^us bihinde • Me dalf binej^e k, foimde • ]?at water • as merlin adde ysed- Wat segge ze maistres qua]:* merlin • ]?at ^eue j;an colde red • 2775 To binime my blod & mi lit" • Avat is binej'e j^ere • pe maistres sete stille ynou • ri^t as hii doumbe were • Uracones. Do]> out ]ns water qua}; merlin • & wannc it is aweye • Xe ssollej; tute bine]?e linde • liolwe stones tweye • & in ei]7er a dragon • ]>er inne slepe vaste - 2780 Me let sone out of ]7is pol • ]>a,t water al clene caste • Hii founde al as lie adde ysed • men wondrede ynou • & 'pozte J?at is manliede • to godhede drou • As ]?is king vortiger • & ];is men toke gome • Tueye grete dragons • out of }>is stones come • 2772. Lcfj Lat B. 6' • • • fi'ide'] seue fet & )>ou sclialt finde «; seuene fote & J?ou schalt fyncle )3 ; seuen fete & J^ou schalt fynde 5. me ssal} \>o\\ schalt B. 2773. A] o. >e] Hs Ba,8 ; \>y 5. \>iis'] om. B ; hys 5. 2774. i1/e] And men 5. fmmdc'] fond B. ]un coIdc] )iat cole B; J^e cole a ; ))s lewed ^3 ; the lewde y ; J?e kynge to 5. 2776. my'] om. B. \>erc] now J>ere B5. 2777. si'tc] satte ;8. rhyl] om. a^. 2778. Do\>] Do 5. ^is] >at a/3. 2779. ssolle\> yitc hine]>e] schul Li nej^e ^et B ; scholle binej^e a ; schuldo bynej'c /8 ; schal byaethe y. ssoUe)>] schul 8. finde] yfyude B. 2780. ei\>cr] ej^ere of hem 5. a] o a^. slepc] slepi> )3 ; slepyuge 5. 2781. Me] Men ^. \>is] he 5. ]Hit] he ByS ; al \>q 5. al] om. B ; owte S. 2782. Hii] And B. al] om. B. Hii . . . ysed] & al so he seide hi founde o ; And as he seyde J^ei founde fi ; And alle as he sede )>ey founde S. wcmdrede] v.oudred B/3 ; wondred fast y. 2783. godhede] godhed B ; wisdome ho a ; wisdome }'an y3. 2784. ^•'"(/] om. B. i^' t"^] ^ ^^^ a; -n' hys S. j/ith] folk B; folc a ; folke )3. caste • So |?at |?e wite was aboue • as al ];at folc ysey • & Drof l^en rede al abac • out of ];e putte ney • pe rede as vor sorinesse • bi turnde him atteuende • & asaylede ]>en wite • & made him abac wende • 2701 As ]7e di'agons fo^te ]nis • ]>& king het merlin ];erc • Vor to segge tif he cou]7e • wat ]?e signe were • inoiiheiia. Merlin bigan to wepe ];o • & bigan is prophecie • [132] A wey he sede ]>o rede dragon • uor is ende bigin}^ to Signacio. hye • 2705 & ]>e wite dragon ssal • in to is holes wende • pat bitokne]? J?e saxons • j^at |;ou lete after sende • pe rede bitokne]> ]>e brutons • & toure kunde l^at is • pat ]>e saxons ssolde tut ouercome • & bi nime hor lond ywis • Grete wateres wor];en ^ut • red of mannes blode • 2800 fol. 47. Cristendom wor}> icast adoun • & chirchen j^at er Stode • prophetia. 2786. pc] pat BaySS. red . . . ivyt] -wbyt . . . red a ; white . . . rede/Sy ; whj-te . . . rede 5. Jje ot»er] J>at oher a^. hii'] \>q B. ei made /35. \>at] he B ; om. a$5. fi"'] fiiyr Ba5 ; fyve 13. he mou\>] here mouses a/3 ; her mouses S. 2788. ahoue] al aboue a,Q ; al boue 7. al] om. Ba/35. \>ut] \>q B. 2789. \>cn] >e B5 ; hane a ; hat y8. al] om. a;85. putte] put B ; puitea. 2790. sorinesse] sohenes 5. atteuende] at han ende a ; at he ende j8. 2791. )?en] he B ; hane a; hau he ^37. 2792. ^s he] As his B ; Ase his a ; As thise 7 ; Tims 5. foytc] foujten 5. het] hette B ; bad ^y. 2793. Vor to] Forte B; To a/35. \>e signe] he tokouyng B; tokuinge hit a ; tokennyngc hit /3 ; tokenjnge hat 5. 2794. bigan] gan B. to iccpe ho] han to wepe fi. 279.5. ende] time a/3. bigin]y] gjnneh B ; bigynneh H- 2798. he brutons] brutons a/35. -goitre] oure a/8S. 2799. he] om. 5. ssolde] schuUeh B ; scholle a ; schal fi ; schul S. •^ut] om. 5. hi nime hor lond] here londe wynne B ; here lond binime a ; here londe bjiiyme fi. 2800. wor\>en'] worheh Ba; schal wexe fi. xut] om. fi. of] al of ^. 2801. icast] caste a; cast ;3. chirchen] chircliene a; chirches /3. 200 THE CHRONICLE OF Ac tute ssolle]? ]>e brutons • som tyme Sbien stonde • Vor ]7e bor of cornewaile • ssal helpe ]ns loncle • & ]>e saxons newen • vnder is fet to trede • 2804 Mani yles winne he ssal • lond & oj^er stude • Louerd he wor]? of franco • rome ssal is sturnede • Douty & quaky J^eruore • ac is lif wor]? in drede • pat folc ssal euere speke of him • and is noble dede • Wor]? to horn a suete mete • ]7at it conne arede • Sixe J'at come]? after him • ssolle]? holde ]>e seignorie • Ac after hom J^er ssal arise • a worm of germanye • & ]7e se wolf him ssal bringe vp • & Jeanne ]>e religion • &L holi chirche wor]? ef sone • ybro^t al adoun • Change worj? of bissopriches • & ]?e digne sege iwis • WorJ? ybrott to kaunterbury • J^at at londone nou is • [133] Al ]7is biuel afterward • as te ssoUe]? ihure • prophetTe! P® cornwelisse bor • of wan he spek • J?at was ]7e king ar]?ure • 2816 2802. ssollei)'] schul By8 ; scholle a. som^ at some a ; at somme |8. 2803. b'«] Hs^se a. 2804. newe}!.'] hedes B ; nekken a ; nekkes /8 ; nekkj-s 5. is] om. B. to] om. B5. 2806. worb] schal be /3. 7'ome] & rome B ; and Eome 5. fiturnede] stm'iide A ; sturnhede BaS ; sternehede /8 ; stm-nehede S. 2807. Douti/ t^ qnakij'\ Doute & quake B/3. Iif~\ endyng B ; eudinge a ; endynge /35. 'wor\>'\ schal be/8. 2808. and'\ and of o;8. 2809. Wor\>'\ Hit worJ> a; Hit worthe 5 ; Hit schal be /3. honi] hym B; ham a ; hem /SS. r/,] om. S. arede] rede a/35, 2810. Sixe] Sithe /3. ssoUe\> Iiolde] scholle habbe a ; schul haue 5. 2811. Ac] And 5. ]>er] om. B5. (t worm] a worre afi; werre in Jje lond 5. 2812. 8f \>c] be ay85. be religion'] religion BaySS. 2812*. wor\> ef sone] eftsone worb B; eft sones schal be fi ; sone efte worthe 5. ybro'^t o/] al ibrou^t a^ ; alle ybroght 5. 2813. ivor\>] ber worb «; ber schal be fi. §•] & of y8. sege] se a; see ^. 2814. Wor\> yhro-^yt] Schal be brouU ;3. \>at at londone~] at London bat S. 2815. .9Ao//eb] schul B/85 ; schuUe a ; shal y. ihure] here aftir hurc j8 ; here 5. 2816. \>c cornwelisse bor] f^o cornewailes bor B; Fore be Cornyssche here S. ivan he spek] warn he spak B ; wham he spac a ; whom we spaVp ft. \>nt] om. a/3S. b he ssolde deye • & merlin him J^is sede • Constantines sones fur ■ fle ^if |?ou mi^t • 2825 Vor hii tarke]) hor ssipes • toward jns lond ri^t • Hii bileue]? ])e lond of armore • ]?at ]7e lasse brutajoie is • Hor seiles hii spredej? in j^e se • &> hider hii come]? iwis • pe saxons hii wille):' asayly • & to gTOunde bringe • Ac hii woUe]? ]>e in ]?in owe tour ♦ sle atte biginn- inge . 2830 poru \>i trayson luj^ermen • hor fader slowe • & ]?oru ]}i trayson saxons • in to p'is lond ]70u drowe • 2817. nobliche^ vrel B$S. huld] held o ; helde ;88 ; help y. )>«s lond] engelond a ; englonde 0- fon] foos 5. 2818. ij-] pat B. is'] om. 5. «] o a ; a grete 5. 2819. l>e] om. B)3y. we ne mowe] ne mai ich a; ne may I jS ; ne maye I 5. tiamore] no more Ba;8 ; more 5. 2820. Vor] om. a/8S. is] om. B. me] men;8. ivere] beo a; be /3. bet] better ;8. 2821. al] om. B. \>at] om. 5. of] of }>e Baj85, sede] gan rede 5. 2822. comene] come B;85. is] this y. 2823. bed] bad a. \>o] that y. him tolde] him schiilde telle 5 ; shulde him y. ati] o ayS. 2824. In] On a/88. him i>is] J>is hym B ; him J^us ;8 ; thus him y ; to him 5. 2825. fur] fuir aS ; fyre /3. fle] fle nou a ; fle hou ;8. 2826. icirlie^] arayeth S. ]>is] J>i B. 2827. bileuey] bileuet a ; bileued y. \>e] hat Ba^. lond] london y. \>e] ]>o B. 2828. hii] om. a$S. hii] om. B. comelp] come fi. 2829. wille]^] wolleJ> a ; wollehe 5. asaylij] asaile B ; assaile ^. to] to ]>e 5. 2830. ^c] & ai3. A«' it'o//eJ> J^e] heo woUe l^e B ; wolleJ> a ; wolle )3. s/c] sle I'oe /3. 2831. \>i] \>m a. hor] lieor B. /rtrfcr] fadres foullych 5. sloicc] }>ou slowe B ; vilelichc slowe a ; villiliche slouj 0. 202 THE CHRONICLE Oi' poll becle hom nor to helpe ];e • ac to pin wo • hii bep icome • Tweye sorwes be]? ]'e vpon • & pe ne woip no]'er bi nome • [134] Vor pe saxons destniyes • ]n lond in ]'c on ende • ])e tneye breperen in ]je on half • vpe ]'i lond wolc wende • 2836 fol.47b. To awreke on pe hor fader dep • pe no tit no peys • Vor hii wollep tomorwc ariiie • at tc haiione of tote- neys • & wanne hengist is aslawe • aureli wov]) king • Pays he wole bringe aien • & chirchen poru alio }'ing • Apoysoned he worp atte laste • & after him worp ido • His bro|?er in pe kinedom • jmt apoisond wor|) al so • So gret trayson wor]? among hom • ])at after ]?e ssolle come • Ac ]?e cornwaillisse bor • hom ssal chasti some • 2843 2833. bedc'] prayed j3. uor] om. ajSy. «c] B5 ; at A ; & o/3. )>(w] \>i a. he)i> icome] ben come 5. 2834. Tweye sorwes iej) }'e] Sorewes Jjc -worhe tweije a ; Sorowes schal be two \>ev /8 ; Sorowes \>e worthe tweyn 8. 6e)> )5e] j>e be)? B. Sf i>e . . . . jwlper'] Tio\>ev ne wor}' he a ; noujier ue schal j?e /3 ; & l^e worthe noher 5, no\>er'\ now^er B. bi iioiiie'] benome 5. 2835. J'e] om. a/3. destruyes'] destruj-ej> B ; destniy^ej> a ; destrueh ^ ; distruyth 5. >t] V\s afi. in >e] in to l^o B ; in >at a^B. 2836. \>e o?»] }>e o>er B ; l^at ol^er aj8 ; )'C oherc S. wolc'] wol B ; wolle}> a. 2837. awreke] awerke a ; awreken 5. on J>c] ham of a ; hem of ;3 ; om. 5. hor] heor B. fader] faderis ^ ; faders y. \>e] & J'e a ; & J>ee p. ne tit] ue tyd B ; ne tidej" a^ ; tytte haue 5. 2838. hiiwolle)) tomorwe] to more we hi wolleh a; to morowe hel wollen fi; to morowu J'ey wil 5. at te] at he afi. kauenc] haue B ; hafne a. 2839. is aslawe] worth yslawe 5. wor\>] schal be /35. 2840. he wole] hi wolleh a. chirchc7i.] churches y. 2841. wor\>] schal be ;3. laste] ende B. icor\y Ido] au liasle B ; schal be do /8. 2842. in \>e] schal haue ^e B ; on his a ; in his /35. wor\>] schal be 13. al so] atte laste B. 2843. So] om. a^S. wor[>] schal be /8. ssolle] wil 5. 2844. cornicallllsse] corncM ailcs B ; Cornysche S. chasti] chaste B ; chastise fi. sunn. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 203 A vreli & vter • }7e tiieye brejiern corteys • --S-i^ Wi|7 gret poer amorwe • ariued at totteneys • adneutns po J^c tidinge s})roiig • j^at liii come attelaste • ^"f^'' ^ pe brutons ] at were helples • aboute horn drowe xsinie • adncntus pat were to sprad her & ]?er • hii were ])0 glad inou '^'"t'^'ien- pat folc also of holi chirchc • aboute lioni vaste drou pere hii made aureli king • & omagc him dude echon • am-elius fit & bede pat hii moste • vpc |;e saxons wende anon • 2852 ^^^' Ac ]^e king aurely • J>er atcn gan speke • Vor he ]>ozte on vortiger • is fader verst awreke • Vor is herte was so gret • uor is fader dej^e ];erc • [i.3o] pat he ne miite glad be • ar he awreke were • Vortiger was iflowe • vor drede of him ywis • To an castel in irchenyeld • in j^e est ende of walls • v.^ait ail Aboue ]7e water of' weye • vpan hul an hey • Aoitiger- pe king aureli ]?uder com • & |nin castel isey • 28G0 To eldol erl of gloucestre • he spec in ];is manere • Rex con- Sire noble erl nim god teme • of I'is castel here • ^"^^*. ^ / > comitem gloucestrie. 2846. Wi\>'\ Mid a. amorwe ariued] aryuedo on he morow S. ariued] ariuede Ba. 2847. po \>e tidinge] Whennc ti)nnges /8. come] comen B. 2848. helj)les] BajSy ; lielpcs A. aboute horn drowe] come aboute hem B. drowe] drowen 8. 2849. to sprad] y spradde S. 2850. pat folc also] & Jmt folc a ; And )>e folke /3 ; And Kit folke S. holi] holi^e a. aboute Item vaste] fast abowte hem 6. 2852. ^] Tho 5. bede] prayed /3 ; bede Wy 5. moste] my)t /3. J>e] cm. a. 2853. Ac] & a/3. 2854. 07i] in a0. vortiger] Fortiger /8. awreke] to awreke S. 2855. herte] hurte a (& passim). fader] fadres /3 ; faders y. 2856. ar] or y. 2857. ivas] ys B. dredc] fere 5. 2858. a?«] one afi. irehenveld] irchinefeld a ; yrchynfeldc 0. 2859. weye] wythe y. vpa?i] op on a ; vpon an /85. an he;/] on hey 8. 2860. pe] po a ; Tho 5. i'uii] ^at B5 ; om. a ; J^c 0. isey] seye 5. 2861. eldol erl] eldolf erl B ; Eldolf >e Erie y3 ; Edolf he Erie y. spec i7i] spac on a ; spake in ; spake on y. 2862. 7ioble] om. S. 7nm] take 5. 7iim god yi7ie] nim non terae a ; mvn owen erne 0. 204 THE CHRONICLE OF Were he mowe pe lu];er vortiger • witie fram ]>e de]7e • pat ich in is Ineward • mid suerd make a sse)?e • pat is aire manne worst • )?at ich euere ne sey mid eye • 2865 pe del? ne miite be to luj^er • ]?at he ssolde Inne deye • Vor mi fader constantin • verst he bitraide amis • pat sauede him & al J>at lond • fram ];e picars ywys • Su]?j7e mi bro]?er Constance • he brotte to kinge • Vor he him wolde bitraye & to dej'e bringe • 2870 [136] & su]7]?e ]7oru is tricherie • ]?o he adde ]fis lond an honde • He mengde )7e hiper paiens • among low in J?is londe • Vor to holde me & mi bro]?er • out of oure eritage • Ac al vpe is owe heued • ybrott is is outrage • fol. 48. Vor ]?o ]fG lu]?er saxons • vnder tete is lu]?er dede • Hii binome him is kinedom • & ]?at is a ri^tuol dede • 2863. Were he] Whejjerhe a ; Whejjer hit j85. Jjc] om. afiyd. lu);)er] om. a/3. vortiger] fortiger B. witiel vfitiye a ; kepe j35. fram'] fro B. 2864. in] of ai8S. mid suerd] my swerd B ; to mi swerd a ; to my swerde /35. make a] A7 ; ne make a B5 ; ne maki^e a ; make /8. 2865. is aire manne] ys aller mon B ; ich al j^e manne A ; is of alle manne o ; is of alle men j8 ; ys man aire S. ich euere ne set/] me euer sey B ; me euere isey a ; euer man yseij (see 7) fiy ; euere man sawe 5. 2866. be to lu\>er] to Iut>er beo (be $y) aPy. he] om. S. Lme deye] on dye 5. 2867. Vor] For Ba$ ; Fore S ; poru A. 2868. ];>at] the 7. picars] picards a; Picardis /3. 2869. Sui>i}e] And seth 5. bro-^fe] bro^te hym B. 2870. him wolde] wolde hym B5 ; wolde him a/3. ^'] and eke 5. 2871. sMj^>e] Jjeu S. an] on a0. 2872. mengde] mengedeB; mengyd /3 ; menge a. in] on o;8; in al 8. 2873. Vor] om. a^S. mi] myn B. out of oure] own 5. 2874. al vpe is owe heued] oure lord ha)> vp ys heued B ; oure lorde haj'e vpon his own hede 5. vpe] op on a ; apon j3 ; vppon 7. i/broyt] schal falle afi. is is] is A ; ys owne B ; his owe a ; his owen & ; his 5. 2875. J>o] om. Ba/S. v)ider }eie] vnder ^ede /8 ; vnderyede 7 ; vnderstood 5. 2876. is a] was a B ; was afiS, riytuol] nyiol A ; ry^tful B;8 ; ri^tfol a ; ryghtful 5. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 205 Ac of one l^inge ichabbe cleol • )?at J>is payns |>at hipev be]? . 2877 pat he broite verst to londe • as le alle jsep • pe noblemen of ]>is lond • ]?us to ssame broite • & ]>h lond ]jat was so riche • wastede al to nozte • & holi chirche & cristendom • abbe]? ibroit to gTonde • Fram ]?en on se to ]?en o]?er • alas ]?ulke stounde -2882 Nou]?e kundemen of ]ns lond • cu]?e}? toure manhede • & awreke]> ^ou of ]?is lu]?ermen • of wan com J?is wrechede • & si\]>])e turne we oure bond • vpe ur dper fon • & deliueri we ]?is lond • of ]?e lu|?ermen echon • pis folc mid gode lierte • ^en castel asaylede • Insultacio Ac vor ]>e castel was so strong • hor wille ]?o failede • ^^^^''■'^■ Wi]? quointise liii caste fur • & barnde ]?e castel wi]?- inne • 2889 ^^^'^ . & ]>e king vortiger was • ybarnd to doust wij^inne • castri & Tortigerni. 2877. of one .... deol] o J>mge I haue doil of /3. owe] o B. J>«] om. aj35. payns'] payens a ; paynjins /8 ; painems 5. be\>'\ beu j8. 2878. londe'] )>\s, londe /3. alle] alle 'wel /8. yse)>] yseen /8. 2879. of] bat of a. Vus] h>at t-us /3. broyte] J^ci broii^t /3 ; J^ey brou^t 5. 2880. so] om. B. 2881. if] And al B. holi] holi^e a. abbe]>] habbet a; ha)j /3 ; Jjey haue S. ?'6ro)/] broght 5. 2882. \>en on] >at o B ; j^e one a;8. J5e?^] >at B ; J^an a ; J>e /9. \>ulke] for hulke a ; for j^ilke /3 ; fore J^ylk S. 2883. iVo?<>e] Now ye B ; Nou je a ; Nowe >e yS. cu]>e];>] kythe /3 ; kepeth S. ^owre] eure a. manhede] monhede B. 2884. awreke\>] awreke /8S. ]>is] J)isse a. lu\>ermen] hij^ere man 5. of ivan] Jportt •warn B; of wham a ; of whom /8 ; ofwhoomy; l^roui whom S. \>is] al }?is 5. wrechede] wrechedhede B ; wrechidhede y. 2885. vpe] op a ; vpon jS ; vppon y. ur] oure By ; eure a. 2886. deliueri we] delyuere B ; delyuere we 0. qf\>e] of J>ese S. 2887. ]>en castel] Ins castel B ; j^e castel \>o aS ; J^e castel )?au 13. 2888. ivas so] wes B. |jo] J>o hem B ; >o ham a ; J^an hem /8 ; ]jo hem S. 2889. TF/})] Mid a. liii caste] heo casten B, f"^] fuir o. barnde] brent j8. J?e] J^at B. 2890. Sf] om. S. J>e Ae?«^ vortiger] wortiger j^e king a ; Fortiger J^e kynge |3. ybarnd to doust] to doust y barnd B ; to douste ibarnd a ; to doust brent /3 ; al to dust ybarne 5. ivi]iinne] J^erinne Bafi ; \>o Jjerynne 5. 20G THE CHRONICLE OF & ]>o mitte ho finde so]? • ]jat merlin him er secle • pat ho constantines sones fur • s.solde fie & drede • po was hengist sore adrad • of ]'e king aureli j^ere • & nameliche vor J^e noble los • j^at he hurde of him ere • pvobitas Vor ]?or nas in non ende of franco • ne in no lond J^er ^'"'■*^'^- aboiite . 2895 pat in ionstes & in tornemens • echmon him nolde doute • Vor ])er nas so god knitt non • nour about© franco • pat in ioustes ssolde sitte • ]?e dunt of is lance • pat he ssolde adoun o]>er is hors • o}?er bo]>e anon • 0)7er ];e lance ssolde broke • in peces monion • 2900 prouideucia peruore heno'ist was adrad • to mete wib is lance • heninst. . ' . '^ Ouer homber he fley anon • to wite him fram mes- chance • & castles & cites • astorede uaste ]^ere • & In scotlond al so • vor jnilke londes were • A hi]>eY recet euero • a^on engelonde • 2905 Vor och l^at wolde hider harm • J>ere mi_^te at stonde • 2891. 7niyte he'] he myte a ; he my^t ;8. 2892. //e] om. a^5. ssolde'] he scholde a; he schulde ;8S. 2893. Vo] Thanne y. \>e] om. B5. 2894. nameliche] nomehehe B. los] lose /3. 289.'). Vor] And 7. nas] ne was ^. 2896. in tornemens] toruemens B ; in turnemeut S. echmon him nolde] echo mon gau hym B ; him nolde ech man a ; him ne wolde Iche man )3 ; him wolde iche man 7 ; )>at nolde of him hane S. 2897. nas] was )35. hnl-yt'] a kuyght 0. mnir] uower B ; nowara; nowhare fi ; nowher S. 2898. ssolde] mv^t /8. sitte] at sitte Ba ; at sytte 5; asitte ;8. \>e] hene a. 2899. ssolde] ne schulde B;3 ; ne scholdo a5. 2900. in jyeces] to peces a^. 2901. \^eruore] per /3 ; And J'erfore 5. adrad'] sore adradde S. ici\>] mid a. 2902. wv'/e] witi^e a ; kepe /35. vieschance] mescheaxmce a. 2903. astorede] he astored fi ; he stored 7. 2904. al so] eke also a ; )>er also j8. 290.5. euere] euere mo a ; euer more y8. w^e?«] towarde ayS. enyelonde] al Englonde 5. 290C. miyte] hi myte u ; he myiit /3 ; Jjey myght 5. at stonde] astonde S. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 207 po aureli wuste • ]?at hii were yfiowe to hurne • am-elius He was glad ];at hii were aferd • & ))0^te be liom P^^'-^^q"'*'*''- sturne • He ^arkede is ost & sywede • after horn iiaste nor|> • [iss] & ]>o he sey |?e contreys • as he passede vor]) • 2910 k destnied & bar in eche half • gret deol hii made ]^ere • & nameliche nor chirchen • |;at icast adoiin were • He bihet god almitti • zif he sonde him |>e oner fol. 48 b. hond • To rere vp aten pe chirchen • abonte in to al ])at loncl • po hengist wuste J'at he com • toward scotlonde • He larkede is ost naste • aten him nor to stonde • Idol erl of gloucestre • as he wende in J^is verhede • Dictum E Toward bataile to ];o king • |^es Vv^ordes he sede • Sii'e king nor al ]7e dawes • ]mt ichabbe aner]?e y go • O day me wolde ]>inche ynon • to libbe wi|? onte mo • 2907. wustel wiste B ; hit wiste a ; hit -wist j3. yflowc'] floweu /3S. to hurne] to )>& hqrne 5. 2908. he] to be i3 ; to be to S. 2909. Hi' .... nor\>] He w' hys oste hem Fewed after as \>ey floM en ei'.ere uoithe 5. is] om. a. nor]>] Ba ; norl^e ^S ; vorj' A. 2910. contrcys] eoiitreiies a. vorY] cuere forthe 5. 2911. iS' destrucd] Destruycle Ba/8. bar] bare B; barnde a ; brent ;8 ; eke brannyde o. yrel] t>at grete 5. hii] he Ba/35. 2912. chirchen] chlrchene a; chirehes B; churches y; t>e churches 5. ]uii] oni. a.. icast] cast /8S. adoiai] to gronde B ; doun to grounde 5. 2913. bihet] behyit 13; bihighte 7. semic him] him sende ayS. 2911. rere] arere S. I'p] om. afio. \>e cliirclien] \>q chirehes B ; )>o chirehes ^ ; tho chm-ches 7 ; ^e churches 5. in to al] in al a ; al In /8 ; in alle S. 2915. he] heo B. 2916. ^arkede] arayed 5. r/^ew] a^enst a^ ; ayenst 7. him] hem B. 2917. JEWo/] Eldolf I'e /3. )>is] his c;S5. verhede] ferhede Ba ; forehede ^ ; forhede 7 ; verehede 5. 2918. bataile] \>e hatail B/3. I»] mid a ; with /8. 2919. rfrtM'cs] dayes B7. aner]>e] on crj^e B ; in er^e o^. ]/ ] y be 5. 2920. libbe] ha])be a; hane y8 ; lybe 5, ie/\' oulc wo] }'at I myght se 5, 208 THE CHRONICLE OF pat icli ]^e h\]>ev hengist • in bataile mitte mete • 2921 Vor on of vs ssolde deye • ar 'pe bataile lete • So moche sor ichabbe in min herte • wenne ich ]?er on jjenche • po we come to makie pais • of is hiper wrenche • [139] pat of vre eiies & ure barons • ]?at noblemen were • Four hondred & four score • mid treson he slou |7ere • 2926 Of liom )>at were onywar • & wij^ oute arme al so • Nou god leue ]?at ]?e wreche per of • bituene vs mote go. pe king aurely is felawes • confortede to fitte • bellum. & al is hope in godes sone • dude & al is mi^te '2930 As ]?e ost in eyj^er side • toward ]?e bataile drou • Hii come & mette horn baldeliche • mid god ernest ynou • Hii smite harde &; made • moni an strange wounde • Hii ssedde blod & slowe • in eij^er side to grounde • 2921. mete'] ymete o. 2922. o?i] o)>er a ; )>e one j8. dei/e'] B5 ; eje A ; deije a ; deyj fi. ar )>e] er we )jat B ; er we )je a ; or we J^e /35. 2923. sor'] sorwe a;8 ; sorowe 8. in min herte] om. aj8. iveyine] wan B ; whanne a ; whan J^at 5. 2924. po we] pon B ; Whenne he 13. makie] make B/8. lu\>er] luj>ere a. 2925. of] om. /8. vre erles] Erles S. ure] om. Ba/SS. baro?is] barnes B. i>at] \>at so Ba/35. 2927. onywar] al on war B ; al on onywar a ; alle vnwar /8 ; alia ATiware 7 ; al vnware 5. arme] armour were B ; armes 0/8 ; armyre were S. 2928. Nou] om. a/3. leue] wolde /3. \>er of] om. aj8. mote go] mow be do B ; mo we go a; my^t go /8 ; maye be do S. 2929. pe] om. ayS. is] alle his ;8 ; al his 5. felaives] folke (8. confortede] comforted B ; he comfortid /3. to] wel to Ba/35. 2930. rf«f/e] he dide /3. 2931. ^s] And )8. ei'>e?-] euery 7. toward ]>e] A7 ; to ]?is B ; toward I'is o ; tOAvarde J^is j8 ; )jus to 5. 2932. mette horn] metten B. yod] om. o;3. 2933. smite] smyten B ; smote 7. moni an strange] mony a strong B ; maul J e o stronge o ; many a stronge /3 ; manye a stronge S. wounde] vounde a. 2934. ssedde] schadde j85 ; shaddo 7. in] on ajS5. c/Jjc?'] euery 7. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 209 Auroli confortedc • ^o cristinemcn aboute • & hengist in is half • )>e he]?enemen is route • Ac ]>e cristine poru gocles grace • adde J^e betere ende • So l^at toward cornebury • ]?e hej>ene gonne wende • fugapaga- & ]?e cristine afterward • & to grounde brotte ynowe • Vor al ]?at hii miite of take • hii nome o]?er slowc • 2940 po hengist ysey ]?e cristinemen • sy wi him so vaste • iteracio & ))at he moste nede turne aten • oJ?er deye attelaste • '" He bigan ordeiny is folc • & to bataile aten drou • In eipev side as me dude er • to grounde me slou • pe cri of ]>e folc ]?at me slou • |;e o}»er bro^te in drede • Attelaste ]?e hej^enemen • bigonne iam to sprede • 294G pe cristine were ]>e baldore • ]>e king harde sette • [140] Vor to conforti is men • & slou al ]'at he mette • Eldol erl of gloucestre • al so in is syde • Eidoi & Barnde & kepte her & ];er • & slou aboute wyde • 2950 *'''"^''^- & moche his entente was • hengist uor to mete • foi, 49. Hii mette hom atte laste • ar ]>e bataile lete • 2935. covfortede] comfortede B ; comforted wel ,i3 ; enforcyd 8. abouie'] al aboute j8. 2936. m] on 5; eke on a; also on j8. he\>enemen ?s] he|>ene meuuesB; hej>eue manne a ; he}>en mennys /3 ; hej?ene manys 5. 2937. Ac'] om. a;8S. betere'] lytter 7. 2938. cornebury] corneborwB; coneboruaS ; coneborow /S ; coneborowey. he\>ene] he)?ene men 5. 2939. afterward] aftur B ; aftir hem R. 2940. Vor] om. a^5. of take] atake a; ouertake /8. nomc] uomen a ; toke 78. 2941. ysey \>e] sa we that 7 ; sawe \>c j85. sywi him] hym siwe B ; sewe him /8. 2942. omitted in 7. c^] om. aj85. 7tede] nude a ; nedys S. deye] be slayn /8. 2943. biyan^ gan 5. ordeiny] toordeyne Bj3 ; to ordcini a. Sf] om. 7. 2944. In] And in Ba/3S. me] heo B. er] her a. to] euer to S. me] faste a ; fast /3. 2945. pe] pat J>e B. of\>e] of aff. oi>er] o)>ere a. 2946. ]>e] om. aj8. bigonne] gan 5. ^f//«] hem B;35 ; ham a. 2947. /;arf/e] faste Bo5; fast /3. 2948. conforti'] eomforte B/3. 2949. JE:/f/o/] Eldolf /3. /?;] on 5. 2950. Barnde] Arnde Ba ; Frekyd /3 ; Cried S. 2951. his] of his S. 2952. «r] or heo B ; av hi a; er jjei j8 , or hey 5. O victus. 210 THE CHRONICLE OF On louercl ])e duntes stronge • j^at bituene horn was J;ere • pat fur smot out of ]>en yre • lit tinge as it were • So stronge kniites bo]?e hii were • & eke ]?e herte gret was • 2955 Gorlois erl of cornwaile • bi horn com bi cas • hengist As sone as eklol him ysey • is herte vpward drou • Hengist bi ]?e hehn binejje • he hente vaste ynou • & mid streng]>e him drou adoun • & loude bigan to grede • Cristinemen vitte]? nou • of no]nng ^e ne drede • 2960 God me a]? mi wille y^iue • vor ich im abbe nouj^e • Him ]?at made al ]?is wo • bi norj^e & eke bi sou)?e • Cu]?e]7 nou]?e }>at te hep men • vor pe maistrie al vre is • pe cristine men to grounde slowe • po hii hurde ]>is • Hii ne finede neuermo • ar pe opere were at grounde • ^Some flowe to huUes • & to wodes J?at hii founde • 2953. Ou . . . . strojKjel Stronge were \>e duutes ((i3-ntes fi ; dyutis S) a/85. bituene horn ivas'] were bitwene hem B ; hi smite a ; l^ei smyte P ; hey two smytten 5. 2954. ha/] The /35. fur] fuyr B ; fair a ; fyre /3 ; fuyre 5. ouQ om. a/3. J>e«] hat B; J>e y85. yj-e] yren . Ij/. tinge els'] as hjttynge ; as lyghtyng y ; lyghtiiynge as 5. 2955. kniytes] om. a^. bo\>e hii were] hi wereheiie a; hei were bo^e ;3. eke] om. Ba)3S. \>e herte] here herte B ; here hurte a; here hertys /3. gret] so grete S. 295G. hi horn] her forh Ba ; hei' forhe j8 ; bysyde hem S. 2957. As] So . eldol] Eldolf/3. gseg] seye B ; sau) /3 ; sawey. vpward] opard a. 2959. him droit] drough hym y. drou] dreu a ; drowe /8. higan] gan aj35 ; ganne y. 2960. vi-yteV] fijteh B; witeh afi ; wytteth y. je ne] bane no P ; haue ye y. 29f)}. yyiie] ^euen j8. im abbe] habbe a; haue him /3. 2962. \>is] hat a/3. 2963. C«ht'h] Kithe /3 ; Cuyhe 5. non}}e] nou a ; nowe 7 ; >ow uowe 5. ich] ben B ; buh a. vre] oures ; oure B7. 2964. nte}i] om. a/3. /o grounde slowe] slouj to grounde S. 2965. finede] stynt neuer h^n /3. «;•] or /3. icere] ware B. a/] at hP )3 ; to 7. 2966. floice'] floweu ai3. e^] and sum 5. K0BP:RT of GLOUCESTER. 211 Ac octa hengistes sone • & is poer attelaste • fuga octe. Of scapede to cuerwik • & of streng|;ede |?en toiin vaste • Hengist was aliiie ynome • & yholde uaste • [i-ii] po ]>is bataile was 3^ do • ]^is brutons attelaste • 2070 Nome ]>en toiin of corneboru • & ]?er Inne adde reste • pre dawes & ]n-e nitt • vor to ];enche lior beste • pe king let ]'e wule burie • ]>e dede men j;ere • & do vnder lecliecraft • horn J?at iwounded were • pe king let bringe |?er after • hengist biuore liim sone • paiiiamcn- & esste at erles & barons • wat were mid him to done • Eldad J^at bissop • of gloucestre was • Concilium & ]>e erles broj^er eldol • hii were j^erc bi cas • g^^^j ^^^" po he sey hengist stonde • biuore J^e king j^ere • iudicio He stod vp & sede ]>e verdit • vor al oj^ere J^at ]?ere ™^'^ ' were • 2980 if o];ere he sede |>at here be]; • him wolde deliueri echone • To smale peees ichim wolde hakky alone • } 2967. hengistes'] heugist. y. §• is] mid his a ; with his j8. 2968. Of scapede] Ascapede a ; Ascapid /3 ; Of ascaped 5. of streny\>ede] strcngl>ede a ; streugj'ed fiS. \>eu] l^e Bj8S ; Jvine a. 2969. aliue] oliiie B. t/iiome] take ; ytake 5. yhohle] in warde kept j8. 2970. \>is brutons] ]>e hrntons a/3 : ]>e brctous 5. 2971. Nome] Toke i85. ]>en] )jcB5; ]>imc a ; J>at /8. cornehoru] Corneborow /3 ; Corneborowe y ; Coueborue 5. 2972. dawes] dayes 7S. h«^<] iiy^ttcs /3 ; nyghtes y ; iiyglitys 5. ];>enche] bi t)enche Ba ; byljcuche S ; bij^enke ;8. 2973. wule] wyle B ; -while a,8. ],cre] alle J^ere ay ; al l^ere 0. 2974. do] dude ham a ; dide hem /3. /wm] om. Ba/3. iwomidcd] ywonded a ; woundede )3. 2976. esste] aschede B; axede a; asked )3. al] ora. afi ; of 5. barons] barues B. 2977. Eldad] Eldal B ; Aidate 5. \o 5. of] J>at of a/3. 2978. erles] erl ys B. eldol] oui. S. hii tvere] was B; }iat was a/3; Jier was 5. \>ere] h>ar a ; eke S. 2979. sey] saw^ /8 ; sawe 78. 29S0. vor] by fore B ; afore /3. 2981. ^if] pei a; Thou-^ /85. /;«•] I>er B. bc\y] buj. a ; ben 18. wolde] wol B. deliueri] deliuere B ; delyuere /8. 2982. zcA/hj luolde] ich hym wolde B ; ich M-olde hiiu a ; I wolde him /33. hakkij] to hiikke B ; to hewe a^ ; hewe /S. o 2 212 THE CHRONICLE OF Vor icholde \ie prophete wule • samuel vnder stonde • pat ])0 he adde ]?e lu]?er king • agag vnder honde • [142] He let him hewe to peces • Sz> al so he sede • 2985 As ]?ou ast ymad mony wif • deohiol lif lede • & moni child wipoute fader • & moni wif loiierd les • Al so icholle make to day • ]>ine sones fader les • fol. 49 b. Also do]? bi ]?is mon • J;at so moche wo a]? ydo • So mony child ymad faderles • diite]? him al so • 2990 occisio pjg word was for dom yholde • Ve erl eldol him drou • hengist. . & ladde him wij'oute J?e toun • mid god herte 3rnou • & smot of is heued • |?at so moche wo adde ydo • per was monimon awreke • & monimon glad al so • pis was euene vourty ^er • ]?at he adde is dom • 2995 After ]?at he mid is folc • verst to ]?is londe com • po wende ]>e king mid is ost • to euerwik anon • Vor to sle hengistes sone • & is men echon • octa se pq QQ^g^ j^ adde vnderiet • Vat hii cominde were • recidit reo'i. ' '^ He sey wel |7at is poer nas nott • aten horn }»ere • 3000 2983. wule\ wyle B ; om. a;85. vnder stonde] gan vndirstonde S. 2984. agag] agad a ; Agat ^8. 2985. He] And he 5. let] lette B (et passim). to] al to 5. 2986. ymad mony wif] mani^e wif ymad a ; many wife made ;8. mony wif] many a wyfe 5. deohiol'] dulfola; doilful ;8. lede] toledeBySS- 2987. cAf W] a chylde S. iw//"] lady /3 ; a wyfe 5. /owerrf/es] loi'dlesB)35. 2988. make . . . so7ies] to dai bine sone make o ; to day )>i sone make 0. i>i7ie sones] by sone 5. 2989. Also do\>] Eyght so do le S. a\> ydo] hajje doii 5. 2990. .So] That so 5. mo?«^] mani^e o a ; manj' a ;8 ; manye a 5. ymad] mad Ba ; made /3 ; haj>e made 5. di-^te\>] lete dy^t 5. him'] AB^S; ^e him afi. al so] so sone 5. 2991. icord] om. a/3. for dom yholde] j'holde fore dome'5. 2992. ladde] lade o. be] om. a. god] glad a$ ; gladde yb. 2994. \>er] bo B. monimon] many a man ; manye a man 5. moni- mon] mani^e a ; many 0. glad] glade o. 2995. is] bis Ba)3 ; bys 5. 2996. mid is folc] ymade his folk 5. verst to \>is londe] to bis loud B ; to bis lond fiirst a ; to bis londe first j3 ; first hedir 5. 2997. is] god B. 2998. hengistes] Hengiste B ; Hengist j8. echon'] cuerychone 5. 2999. octa] bis Occa ay, bis octa /3 ; bys Octa 5. it adde] om. BaySS. vnderyA] ouderstod B ; vuderstode P ; vndirstood 5. cominde] Aa ; comyng B7 ; comynge )35. .^Ono. is] om. 75. ?.'«.s] was jS5. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 213 An raketeie of hire • in is hond he nom • & wi]7 ])e hext of is men • a^en j^e kinge he com • Sire he sede myne godes • al ouercome bej? • & ]7i god is louerd one • as we to so]?e ise]? • & J?at l^us noblemen to I'in wille • bring}? in j^isse manere • 3005 [143] per uore us wi)? j?is veteres • vnder vong nou here • pat to ech torment ];at ]:'0u wolt us do • we be]? ^are in |?is place • Bote |?ou wole of vs abbe here • pite & grace • pe king adde pite of him • & as is conseil him ^ef ]>o • Nom of him sikernesse • to be is ]?ral euere mo .3010 miseiicor & of ech ]7at wi]? him was. & in gret destresse • tiaiegis. Biside scotlond horn ^ef an place • al in wildernesse . To wonie ]>er inne in |?ralhede • vnder ]?e king euer mo . po eosa & mony o]?ere . ]?at yflowe were ]>o - 3001. Ati] One oj8. raketeie'] raketyne B ; raketije o/S ; Eaketeye S. hire] yre Ba ; Ire /35. 3002. Sj-] om. a/S. wi]>] Mid a; om. S. hext] hexte Ba ; hei^est /3 ; highest y. is] om. y. ayen] to B. kinye] kyng Ba. 3003. al ouercome] ouercome al 5. Oe\>] we buj> « ; ben /3 ; bene y. 3004. yod is louerd] lord ys god B ; louerd is god a ; lorde is god /3. one] al one B. to soi>e] l>e so]> fi ; J^e soJ>e S. ise];>] isu)' a ; se\> B ; now seen /8. 3005. §•] om. Ba/35. \>us] J^use 5. J)««] }?i a/3. 6r«ni/t>] bringest a/3. J^me] |>is Ba/3. 3006. i*s] om. oj3. Jj(s] om. Ba^. i;e a ; alle in to J>i wille we ben j8 ; ben al to \>j wille 5. ech] eche B. 1>om wolt vs do] ye wole vs B. we be]> ^are] ^are Ave bej? B ; redi o ; redy j8 ; redye now 5. \>is] |>isse a. 3008. i?ote] Bot yf 8, wole] wilt y8 ; wille 5. abbe here pite] here pyte habbe Ba ; here pytee haue ^ ; here Pyte haue 5. 3009. pite] rewj?e B/3 ; reuj>e a5. of him] of hem B ; on him/3. §• as] & B ; om. a^5. 3010. iVoMt] pat he nom (nome 5) a5 ; To take /3, Itim] hem B. 6e] om. B. 3011. ech'] eche Ba. wi\>] mid a. 3012. homycfa7i] ^af hem a 5. yefa7i] ^efaB; ya,f o a ; ^aue o ;8 ; yaue a y, 3013. i<;o?«'e \>er i?mc] wone inne B ; woni^ea; wonne /3 ; wonne yune S. i>ralhcde] J^raldam B. 30.14. po eosa] pese B ; J^eose o ; Thise &. yflowe] flowe /3 ; j'flowen 5. 214 THE CHRONICLE OF releuacio ccclesi- arum. [144] Vadit lou- donie quam emendavit. fol. 50. Yseie pat ]>e king aclde • sucli milce liom ydo • 3015 To l^e king hii wende as prisons • & bede him milce al so • pe king al in one manere • liom lef milce & grace • To wonye al in ]>ralhede • in j;ulke wilde place • To Avro]:'e hele al ]ns lond • was he so milde ]?o • Vor ]?e ssrewen dude fie]>]>e to ]ns lond • suij^e moche wo . 3020 po al ]ns Avas ido • J?e king ar he wende • Lob ordeiny in euerwik • |?is lond vorto amende • & let rere up chirchen • & to al j'at lond aboutc • & bissopes dude in hor poer • ]?at er were al wi]?oute • After viftene dawes • ]^at he adde yordeined ];is • To londone he wende uor to amende • j^'at ]^er was amys • 8026 He let amendy al J>en toun • of hous |?at were adoune • & in ]^e contreye chirchen let • rere & in ]7e toune • 3015. Yscie] Ysei B ; And sci^o a; And sithe ;3 ; Saweu 5. milce'] mercy B ; grace S. horn'] him 5. 2/''''] ^^^ ^^• 3016. i>e king] hjvo. B. prisons'] prisoues Ba. bcdc him] bcdom B; bede a ; prayede fi. milce] mercy B ; grace 5. 3017. horn -ycf] lafhemS. viilce] mercy B. 3018. wonye] woue B; woniic/3; Avonije a. al] om. o/3 ; alle y. al in YraVhcde] in o thralled 5. )>ulkc] J>ike B. 3019. ivro\>c hele] ■wrot'er hele aj8. al] to al 5. 3020. >e] J^es 5. \>e ssrewe7i] }'C schrewes B ; hi o ; J>ei 0. dude] dide j3. se];)\>e to b's lond] to }>is loud sehJ^e Ba ; to J^is loude sithe /3 ; to )>is londe sethe 5. sni]>e] wel Ba5 ; ry)t /3, moche] muche Ba/S ; meche 5. 3021. ido] doun /3. 3022. ordeiny] ordeyne B ; ordeni a. euerwik] oucrwik a. Jj/s] )>e a/3. 3023. let rere] rered j3. rere] arere 5. u]> chirchen] vp chirches B/3 ; op circhen a. §■ to al ];>at] in al J^c BajS ; in alle ]^at S. 3024. dude] sette 5. al] om. ^5. 3026. Mor] om. aPS. 3027. amendy] amende Bo/3. jpcn] J>o B; >e a,8. hous] bowses B; houses ^5. 3028. contreye] contrey B. chirchen let rere] lete arere churches 5. chirchen] chirches B/3. lei] he let,« ; he lete /8. cjr] & eke 5. \>e] om. a/3. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 215 Gode lawes ]?at were aleyd • nywe he let make • pe londes |>at were arst binome • ]>q v'lZt eyres he let take . 3030 Bote is wille clene was • is lond iior to amende • & after al J^is to winehestre • fram loudone he wende • vadit win- Vor to amendy ]>ulke syde • & so to salesbury • & so vor to amendy more • to ]>e doune of ambres- bury • principium J)o he com to |)ulke place • |)at ])e heye men inne stouheug'. laye • pat heng'ist mid is sexes • let sle k, bi traye • 3035 Of I'e mor];ere he adde deol • & bigan to wepe sore • He J?otte in is herte hou he mitte • pe place Avorj^i more • Vor ]?er leye so gode men • hit was wel ydo • pat vor to defend! ]7at lond • ymor]?red were so • His conseil he nom ]70 • hou he mi;te makie J'ere • Som wore in honour of honi • ]mt euere in muncle were • 3041 pe erchebissop of walls • sede is avys • Sire he sede tif J^er is • Enymon so wis • 3029. let] lete /3 ; hete y. 3030. J^e] oin. B5. ejp-cs'] eyr B; eir a; eyre /3; heir y. 3030*. cletic] al cleue Ba/35. is lo?id'] }>atlonda; J^at londe /35. uor to] forto Ba/3 ; to 5. 3031. at] om. a/35. to ... . londone] from Londou to Wynchcstre o. 3032. omitted iu 5. amendi/] amende B;3. \>ulke syde] \>q cite a ; he Citee /35. ^ so] & so & so B. 3033. vor] wov a ; om. 8. amendij] amende B;8. to] iu a/8. doitne] toun ay35. 3034. \>%dke] hat B; W ^5. men'] me A. 3036. he] her he S. biyaii] gan aS. 3037. ill is herte] om. oj85. ivor\)i] worscbip /8. more] om. B. 3038. Ici/c] ley ; lay By. 3039. vor] om. /8. defendi] defende B/3. \>at] he 5. >jmor\>red were] for hem (theim y) hat morhred were /Sy ; hey were murthred 5. 3040. nom] tok B ; toke /8. miyte] my^t B. makie] make Ba;8. 3041. wore] werk Ba. \>at] hat hey 5. munde] myude B. 3042. sede] \>o £eyd 5. is] ho his o ; han his /3. avys] avice B. 3043. Enymo7i] any mou B ; ony man J3 ; cny man ay. 216 THE CHRONICLE OF [145] aduentus merlini. concilium Merlini. pat beste red conne rede • merlin ]?at is • Vor ]>er nis in ]?is kinedom • so wisman iwys • 3045 To segge so)? of |?inges • ]?at to comene be]? • Ne of quoynte gynnes • uor to rede as we al day ise]? • Merlin was |?o in walls • he was sone of so^t • Mid messagers & yfounde • & to ]7e kinge ybrott • pe king made him loye inou • & among alle • 3050 Bad him telle of som J?ing • ]?at him ssolde biualle • Sire king qua]? merlin ]>o • such ]?inges ywis • Ne be]? uor to ssewy noli • bote iwanne gret ned is • Vor lif ich it sede in busemare • o]?er bote it ned were • Sone fram me he wolde wende • ]?at gost ]?at de]? me lere • 3055 pe king ]7o non oj^er nas • bad him som quoyntyse • Bi |?enche aboute ]?ulke cors • ]?at were so noble tfo wyse • Sire king qua]? merlin ]?o • tif ]?ou wolt here caste • In honour of hom a work • ]?at euere ssal ylaste • 3044. conne] j^e can B ; konne l^e ot/S. 3045. nis'] is /8. ];>is] )>i B ; J^y 5. wistnan] witti man a ; wyse a man 5. 3046. comene] konninge a ; comynge )3. be\>] but> « ; ben 0. 3047. quoijnte gynnes] quoyntes B. uo7-] om. a/8. as we al day] asal day we a ; al day we )8. ise]>] suJj o ; seen /S. 3048. ofsoyt] af sout a ; oute sou^t /3 ; ysoujt 5. 3049. Mid] And w' 5. messagers] messingeres B. ^-j om. S. Sf to] & to fore a ; and afore ;8 ; and byfore 5, kinge] kyng Ba. rjbro-'yt] broujt /3. 3050. Iiim] of him 5. loye] cliere j8. Sf] & \>&re 5. among] amon B. alle] hem alleB;85 ; hal alle a (sic). 3051. Bud] Bed B. sow] some a. 3052. qua\>] quod ^ ; seyde y. suc/t] suche B ; swich a. 3053. Ne . . . tioyt] Beth uoght for to be schewed 8. ssewy] schewe Bj3 ; schewi a. ywanne] weu B ; whanne a ; whan j8 ; wheune y, ned] nud a. 3054. ich it sede] J>ei were seyd ;8. it] om. Bo5, busemare] bismare B)3 ; busmare a. ned"]. nud a. 3055. fram . . . wolde] he wolde from me 5. )pat gost] he gost BaS. 3056. ]'0 /ton o\>er ?ias] saw) han none ober was /3. ?*ffs] it nas S. if/f/l bod B. 3057. i>ulkc cors] J>e bodices a ; Jjc bodies ; >e corsscs 5. icere so noble] so noble were B ; noble were a/8 ; so noble men were 5. 3058. \>o] om. o. ivolt] wilt /3. 3050. hononr] J>c honour B. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 217 To ]>e hul of kylar • send in to yrlonde • 3060 After ]>e noble stones • )?at ]fev abbe]? longe ystonde • pat was J7e treche of geans • vor a quointe wore it is • Of stones al wij? art ymad • In ]>e world such non is • Ne |?er nis noj'ing )?at it ssolde • wi|? streng]?e adoiin foi. 50 b. caste . [1-16] Stode hii here • as hii do]? ]?ere • euere hii wolde laste • pe king bigan somdel • to liyhe • ]>o he hurde j^is tale • Hou miite he sede suche stones • so grete & so uale • Be ybrott fram so ver lond • & lut )7at mest of were • Me wolde wene ]7at in |?is lond • no ston to worke nere • Sire king qua}? merlin • ne make no^t an idel such lyhinge • 3070 Vor it nis an ydel no^t • ];at ich telle ]>is tydinge • Vor in ];e verroste stede of affric • geans wule vette • pulke stones vor medicine • & in yrlond horn sette • 3060. kylar'] Ba5 ; kylare /8 ; hilar A. send] sende aj35. m to] vorj? to a ; forjje to )3 ; forthe into S. 3061. abbe\>] habbet B ; ban 7. lonye] leuge B. ystonde] stonde jS. 3062. \>at] There S. treche] Bu/Sy ; trethe 5 ; crecche A. geans] geaudes B ; geauutes /3. it is] J^er ys B5. 3063. wi\>] mid a. ymad] made /3. such non] uoue suche 7. is] nis a. 3064. Ne] om. a^S. nis] is /3 ; ys S. it] me B ; ham a ; hem /35. w/)>] myd B ; mid a. 3065. Stode] Stoden o. as] so a. do]>] done y. hii] a B. laste] ylaste a ; ylast /3. 3066. biyan] om. B ; gan 5. liyhe] Iy)he B ; li^e a ; lawgh )3 ; laughe S. 3067. miyte he sede] he said myjt /8. suche] om. S. wa/c] falc Ba)35. 3068. Be . . . lond] Fram so fer lond beou ibroujt a ; Fram so fer londe ben broujt j3. Be ybro-'yt] Brou^t be 5. fram] of B. \>at] om. B. mest of] mest a ; most fi. 3069. »«] on 5. nere] were 5. 3070. Sire] Srre A. /«'?«(/] om. a/3. ?je] om. 5. ?«rt^e] make J>ou a^. «?i «f/e/] on ydel a/8. lyhinye] ly^hyng B ; lyghynge 5 ; lesinge a ; lesynge |8. 3071. nis] is /3. an ydel noyt] noght an Idel 5 ; on ydel nouta; on ydel noii)t /3. )pis] suche 5. tydinge] tibinge ayS. 3072. Vor] om. aj8. verroste] farreste B ; ferreste a. affric] aufrike a. geans wule] geaudes while B ; geans while ham a ; geauutes hem |8. wule] souityme S. 3073. pulke] pike B ; And J>ulk 5. §•] om. S. in yrlo?ul] yrlonde a. horn] t>ey 5. 218 THE CHRONICLE OF pe wule hii wonedc in yrlonde • to makie hor baj^es Jjere • per vnder vor to ba]7ie • wanne hii sike were • 8075 Vor hii wolde ]'e stones wasse • & j^er inne bajne y wys . Vor ])er nis no ston ]?er among • ];at of gret vertue nys . [147] pe king & is conseil radde ]>o • ]?e stones vor to vette • & wi]:» gret poer of bataile • iif enimon horn lette • vadunt Ambrose I'e kinges brober • bat vter het al so • 3080 post petras. -r i t i i i In an oyer maner name • ichose was per to • Wi]? viftene j^ousend men yarmed • );is dede nor to do • & merlin • vor is quoynte wit • jnider wende al so • rex Gyneman was jnilke tyme • king of yrlonde • po me tolde him of pis briitons • ]?at icome were in J^is londe . 3085 A^en hom he wende anon • mid gret poer ynou • po me tolde him hor erande • he astunte & lou • hibernic. 3074. pe] orn. B. ivo?icde'] wonedenB; duellyd j8. makie'] make B/8 ; makije o. 3075. vur] om. oj8. ba]>ic'\ ba)>i)e a ; baj^i hem /8; bathi thcymy. 3076. Z»fl]?«e] bahyje a ■ baj^e B ; hem ba}>e /8. 3077. ]>er'\ om. B. nis] ys B5. \>er among'] hem amonge fi. of] ue of /3. itys] is ;8. 3078. king §• is] kinges a ; kyoges /8S. \>c] oiu. B. vor to] forte B ; j^at me a ; t?at men j95. vette] fette Ba^5. 3079. §"] om. a/35. enimon'] eny men wolde 5. 3080. Ambrose] Uter B. vter] ambiosc B ; vther a. liet] hettc B ; hyjt j8 ; highte 7. 3081. ««] on a. Ichose] chese j8. 3082. 'Wi\>] And B. yarmed] om. B. dedc nor] om. a/35. 3083. quoijnle loit] quoyntisc B. wende] wente B ; ^o wende a ; ))an went /8. 3084. Gi/neman] Gyncmon B. tyme] om. B. of] in a. 3085. Mm] om. 5. of] M B. \>is] \>q a/35. \>at] om. B. iconic were] come were a ; were come j8. in \>is] to ys B ; in his a35. 3086. wende] wente B. gret] god B. 3087. erande] ernde B ; heriude a. astnnle] atstuntca; astyntc B/3. ton] loW) Bj8. EGBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 219 No wonder he sede ]jei bruteine • al day go to grounde • Wanne hii l?at );er inne be]; • such foles be|? yfoundo • Wo as yhurd such folye • wcr j^er ne be in non ende . 3090 Stones |;at aite be • bote liii hider sende • Arme|) lou vaste nou • & wite)? ^oure lond • Vor hii ne ssolle}? abbe |>e leste ston • ])c wule ich may weld min hond • Vter & is compaynic • yredy aien horn were ♦ -victoria & a strongc bataile smite • & J?c yrisse to driuc p'ere • ^rutonum. & wende vor]> mid streng|;e • J^o no mon ne lette • To Ve hul of kylar • be stones vor to vette • 3097 ^^"encio ' J i pctrarum. po hii seye ]>e stones • horn wondrede ynou • [148] Of ]>e wore ]?at was so gret • & wo hit ];uder drou • 3088. );>ei . . . . al dai/'] al daye Jiou^ bretoiis 5. \>ei'\ j>aw B. hriiteine] briitous a/3. grounde] the groimclc y. 3089. bc\>\ bujj a ; om. 5. sucK] suche Ba. 3090. as yhurd] ha|> yherd B ; baj? hurd a; haj> hurde $ ; hathe harde y ; hajje herde 5. tver] whcher a^. ne he] be B5 ; no ben /3 ; non bene y. non~] no y. 3091. )>ut] >er Jjat Ba^. a-yte he] ajtes be B ; au^tes bco a; oujt ben yS ; aughtys bethe 5. bote] om. B ; but \>zX /3. 3092. -yon vaste nou] eu nou faste anon a ; ^ow nowe anon fast /3. vasle nou] now fast 5. ioite\> -SjOurc] witej> wel cure a ; kepe|> wel cure /3 ; wai'de we wel oure 5. 3093. Vor .... uhhe] Hi ne schoUe habbe a ; Thei schal uo)t haue /8 ; They ne schul haue 5. ne . . . . ston] schul not habbe here no ston B. \>e wule] wyle B. weld min] wolde niyn B ; hebbe op a ; lyfte myn /3 ; Jyfte my y. 3094. Vter] Vther a. yredij] redi B ; redy 35. a^e?/] a^enst a/3. 3095. a stronge .... smite] bataile smite strong 3mou a ; Bataile smyte stronge ynow^ /3 ; a batayle smytten stronge ynowj 5. ^-J om. a/8. 3096. \>o] })at |3. 7U'] hem no B ; ham ne a ; hem ue /3 ; hym ne 5. 3097. To \>e lad of] And come to B. \>e] l^o B ; & J^e ad ; and \>o /3. vor to] om. a;85. 3098. hii sei/c] heo sey B ; hi iscije a ■ he saw^ $ ; he saM'e y. seye \>c st07ies] \>Q stonys sawe 5. ^e] ))o B. hoin] heo B ; he /3 ; J^ey 5. wondrede] wonndrede of hem j8. 3099. icorc \>at icas] stones J^at were j8. wo] ho B ; who a^. hit] hem /39. 220 THE CHRONICLE OF Xe tongemen qua]? merlin • cuj'e]? loure mi^te • 3100 Hou le mowe ]7is stones • best to ssipe diite • fol. 51. Hii stode & bi]?otte horn bet • & cables vette ynowe • & laddren & leuours • & uaste ssoue & drowe • Ac hii ne miite nor noj^ing come • to ende mid hor wille . Merlin ysei ]?is & Ion • & bed hom stonde stille • He sette ys ginnes as he wolde • & is quointise dude stnie . 3106 pat folc mid ]7e stones ]>o • dude al hor owe wille • & let hom to ssipe bringe • & so in to pis londe • Ac J?er was som enchanterie • per to ich vnder stonde • Ductio To ]>e doune of ambresbury • pes stones ybroit were • buihim '^^^' ^^6n pe feste of witesontyd • as merlin gan lere .3111 Four hondred lev & fourscore • & aboute j^e te]?e iere • After ]?at god an evpe com • yset hii were peie • 3100. CMj)e)>] cuj>ej> now B ; kij^e now (85. 3101. \>is stones best] best the stones 7. J?es] J>e a^ ; Jjus 8. to ssipe] to I>e schip B ; to i>e schyppes S. 3102. hom bet] hem best B ; hare beste a ; here best ; ther best y ; her best 5. cables] gables /3. 3103. laddren] laddrene a; laddres BySS; ladders 7. leuoiirs] hokes 5. uaste] fate a (sic). ssoue] schofe 5. 3104. hii ne mi-^le] J>ey myght 5. uor no]>ing come] come for noj^yug B ; come nout a ; noujt come )3 ; come noght 5. ende] hende )3. mid hor] w' al here 5. 3105. ysei] say B ; sey a ; saw) /3 ; sawe 7. lou] lew) /3 ; lough 7. bed] bad Bai3 ; badde 7. 3106. He] Merlin a. sette] sette \>o 5. as he wolde] \>o a; Jjan ^8 ; om. 5. is] om. a/35. quointise] queyutise /3. 3107. Vat] And ]>q B. owe] om. Bo/85. 3108. let hom to ssipe] lette hem to schippes B; let to schipes o; lete schippes hem /3 ; lete to schyppys S. §•] om. )3. in] forthe 5. 3110. ]>es] )>eB. 3111. witesontyd] whitsonetyde a j wytsoutydeB. 90171] can 7. 3112. yer S^ fourscore] & four score )er a ; & foure score jere yS. tc)>e] tenj>e B;8S ; teoi>e a. 3113. c/] gon B. an] on Bo/35. er)>e] yereth 7. ?/se<] sette )3. /»t ?<;ere }>crc] iwere so J^ere o ; j^ei were so ]>ere ; so they there were 7. scopatiium. lapiclum. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 221 Alle ]>e heyemen of ]>e lond • ]>c king let of sende • t'estum ad Erles & barons • & knittes in ech ende • 3115 ^ ' Bissopes & abbodes • «fe oJ»ere J?at |?ere were • pat ]>e feste of witesonetyd • mid him were ]?ere • pe king a witesoneday • ])o hii come alle to is heste • [149] Sette ]>e croune on is heued • «fc huld noble feste • & alle |?e foure dawes • ]7e feste he huld ]?ere • 3120 • In onour of j^e noblemen • ];at j^ere ibured be]? • X)ascence vortigeres sone • ])0 is fader ybarnd was • Fley in to germayne • mid wel hastif pas • 3114. Alle'] To alle S. o/|jc] of }jo B ; of J)is j8. let] lette B ; faire a ; J^er aftir j3 ; f ayre S. of sende] af sende a ; sende 5. 3115. Sc barons] Barons j8. i7i] aboute in /3. ech] eche Ba. 3116. abbodes] abbotes B. 3117,3118. pat }f>e . . . . heste] And men of dygnjte bo)>e fer & nere At \>e feste of wytsonday whenne \>ei come to Hs heste /8. 3117. pat] At a5. witesonetyd] whitsonetj'd a. ivere] to beo a • to be 8. 3118. a witesoneday] at wytsonday B ; at wittesoueday a. alle] om. a. 3119. hidd] helde a/3, 7ioble] a noble 0. 3120. daives] dayes B. he] hi a ; l^ei/S; J^ey 5. huld] huldea- helde /35. 3121. Bissopriches] Bischopes B. deliuered] deliuerede a. 3122. hom] ys B. 3123. &f ofwalis] & walls ayS ; & walys S. c5-] & also B. oi>ere] o\>ev a. 3124. mid] mid his a; with ys B ; with his /8 ; w' his 5. enchantement] chauntement B. 3125. vp . . . . also] vp J^e stones ryjt so B ; op ri^t \>e stones a.; vp ry^t \>Q stones ^ ; vprj-ght ]>& stonys 5. hii . . . . er] >ei in Irlonde dede ere j8 ; tbei dide in Irlonde ere y ; \>ey in Irlond were ere 5. 3126. stonheny] j^e stonehenge 3. uerst] J>us B ; om. afid. men al day] al day men aj3. yse\>] isuj> a ; se|j B ; seen /3. 3127. \>e] \>o /3. ibured be\>] yburicd be]? B ; buryed been /3. 3128. vortigeres] ffortigeree /8 ; ffortiger y. \>o] om. B. ybarnd] for barnd B ; brent /3 ; breuned 5. 3129. in to] to 7. germayne] germanyeB; germani^e a. ivel hastif] wel hasty B ; ry^t hasty j8. 222 THE CHRONICLE OF pere he gaderede folc • of saxons ynowe • 3130 Vor to awreke him of hom • )?at is fader slowe • In ]>e nor]? ende of ]ns lond • hii bigonne ariue • & vaste slowe & barnde •'& robbede bliue • pat word to vre king com • so ]>at he wende • Mid is poer among hom • & hor prute ssende • 3135 Pascence & is men • ]?at of scapede ]?er aliue • To ssipes flowe aten • ech wiile hom ]>ozte vine • [li^o] Aboute hii wende by ]>e se • to yrlonde ]>o hii come • Gyneman ])e king of yrlonde • & hii gi'et conseil nome • fol. 51b, ^ j,is lond vorto ssende • alle hii snore an o]> • 3140 Vor gyneman vor stonhenge • was tut hyderward wro]^ • Aduentus So j^at ]^e yrisse & hii • mid gret poer ywis • ybernensi- Wende toward ]>is lond • & ariuede in walis • bus. In |7o toun of seint dauit • hii bileuede & aboute • & vor to asayli jns lond • grei}>ed hor route • 3145 Kyng aurcli at winchestre • to gret syknesso drou . Gynemon & pascence were • |?eruore glad ynou • concilium A quointc mon of j'e saxons • eope was is name • cione^re-ris. "^^ pascence he wende anon • ];at god ^iue him ssame • 3130. pere'] And her aj3 ; And l^iere 5. /o^f] of folke^. 3131. of] on . 3132. hiyomie'] gan S. ariue'] to aryuc 7S. 3133. harnih'] brent jS. hUue'\ bi lyue B. 3135. hor] beore B. prnle'] Pryde /3. 313G. !>«/] I'O B. of scapede] ascapede Ba ; ascapyd fi; ascaped 5. \>er'] cm. BS. 3137. ^ozye] flo ^3 ; flowcn o. ayen'] faste ajen Ba; fast axen /8 ; fast a)eync 0. icide] myle j8. hom \>o-:^te] Jjou^t hem 5. 3138. to] so J>at to B ; J^at to 5. \>o] om. B ; ^at afi. 3139. )>e] om. Ba,85. 3140. vorto] to a/35. alle hii] ^ere ))ey 5. an'] on a ; one )3 ; con y. 3141. vor] was for )'e B ; was for aj3S. was yiit hi/dcrirard] biderward let B; biderward jute a; biderwarde ryjt )3 ; biderward jitte ful 5. 3143. Wende] Come B. 3144. seint] sent B. dauit] dauid Ba. ^- ahoute] a 1 aboute ;8. 31 4.'). asai/li] asailc B ; assaile j8. J'i's] J'at ;3. i)rei\>ed hor] bi grcijjede ham gret a ; J^ei gral'cd hem gret ^ ; J'ej gaddred grete S. 3147. \>eruore ylud] gbid l^er of B ; glad l^er fore 5. 3148. A] O 0/3. mon] maistre B. t>e] om. o)3. 3149. Ac] om. B5. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 223 Wat woste he sede ]mlke mun • to is mede tiue uawe • pat |;e king aurely • brotte sone of lifdawe • 3151 ^if ich mitte qua)> pascence • such mon vinde on • A ]?ousend pound of sehier • ichim wolde line anon • & make him euere vnder me • maister of al mi lond • & ])at ich im wolde mid treu]>e • sikeiy him vaste an hond . 3155 pis vorewarde was uaste ymad • nou cou|'e ]us lu]?ei' man • Langage of ]ns londe • as he were a cristineman • * »fe ]?e manere of brutons • as he adde among hom er ygo • & ]'e art of Icchecraft • al to moche as ]>o • His herd he let ssere verst • & is croune al so • 31 GO & su]>]7e monekes abit • on him he let do • & nom wi|? him spicerie • j^at to fysike drou • ['^i] & wende him to winchestre • quointeliche ynou • 3150. ivustc'] wolJcst B; wost I>oii a; woldist )'ou ; •woldest J)Ou 5. he sede .... naire] he seide ^iiie Jjulke man fawe a ; he sayde ^eiie J)ilke man fayu )3 ; ^ene he soyde to ))ylk man fawe 5. 31.51. broy/e .... lifdawe'] wolde vndertake to slayn /3. sone'] ora. Ba ; owte 5. li/daive] da we 5. 3152. moil] a man /35. 3153. A] O a. ichim ivolde j/«e] ich wolde hym ^eue B; ich wolde him ^iue a ; I wolde him ^eue ;3 ; I wolde ^ef him S. 3154. make] makije a. al] om. a/3. lond] londe B. 315.5. im] om. a;35. treu\>e] grcte treuj^e o ; gret treuj^e /3 ; trowhe 5. siherij him] siker B ; sikir him ^ ; him sykere 5. vas/e] om. a,8. an hond] on hond a ; on honde B;8. 3156. \>is] The j3. vorewarde] forthward 5. vaste ymad] ymade fast y8. noil] nowc 75. \>ls lu]>er man] he Jio he cam a ; he whenue he came j8. 3157. >/s londe] brutons a; Brutoiis 13. he .... cristineman] hit were on of ham a ; he were one of hame /3. he were] had be 5. a] om. B. 3158. brutons] ham alle a; hem alle 13. er] om. BajSS. 3159. as] om. B. 3160. is] a brod B ; one brode a; one broode ; a brode S. 31 01. monekes] a moukes B ; a mouke ys S. on him lie let] he ded on him 5. 3162. nom] toke ^~. ?r/|)] to a. spicerie] spiceri^e a. 31 C3. to] om, a. (jiuiiiilclielie] queruliche y. 224 THE CHRONICLE OF & sede J^e kinges meine • )'at ho wolde him to helc bringe . pat folc was sone glad ynou • vor ]?e tydinge • 31 G5 So wisliche he made hit • & so wel • J'at me leuede him uaste • toxi[caci]o pe king ek in is syde • is herte up on him caste- leg's- jjg .g£ l^^j^ ^ luj'er drench • & ])o he adde ydronke so • He bad him ligge & slepe wel • ];at it mitte ]>e bet do . 31G9 pe king hopede wel to him • & let him helie vaste • & stille was wi]?oute noyse • & lay & slep is laste • Vor ]>e poyson in is slep • ]>e veines so ]7oru so^te • pat it of eode al ]?at body • & to de]?e him sone bro^te • pe wuIq he slep ]7e traytor • |7en wey awey^ard nom • Stilleliche bi halues • ]7at me nuste • ware he bicom • visio stelle. Ri^t aboute ]>e kinges de]>e • in ];e firmament an hey • An sterre gret & vair ynou • sui]7e cler me sey • 3164. J>e . . . . him'] hat he wolde welj>ane king (>>e kynge /8) a/3. I^e] to >e 5. 7neine'] om. B ; men S. 3165. pat] The 5. was soyie] was Jjo a ; was }>au /8 ; were 5. vor t>e] for )>ulke a ; for J>inge fi ; for thilke y ; of ])ilk 5. tijdiiiye] A7 ; ty)>inge Baj3. 3166. he ... . wel] he spak & Avel aS ; he spake & wel /3. leuede] lefde a ; louyd j8. 3167. ek] om. B. in'] ou 5. up on] al vpBa; al on /3 ; alle vpon 5. caste] he cast y. 3168. rt] o a. drench] dreuche a ; drinke /8. adde] hit hadde a. j/dronke] drouke B. so] yt so B ; it so 5. 3169. bad] bed B. Hffge] lye P. ivel] \>a,n wel 0. \>e bet do] do bet hyni do B. bet] better y3. 3170. helie] heli^e a; helyje /3 ; hely y. 3171. s/e;>] slepte B;3S, 3173. of code] of jeode a ; J>urgh jede ^ ; ouerwent 5. \>at] J^e j85. e a5. A/m so?je] sone hym B ; him ayS. 3174. slep] slepe ;S ; slepte 5. \>en ivey aweyivard] aweywardj'e weyeS. \>en] \>o B ; ^>ane a; )?e ^. 3175. Sat] om. a. me nuste] men nyst )3. 3176. an hey] on hey 7. 3177. An] A B ; One a/3. y?io?/] om. aj8. S7«>c] and swyK B5 ; ryjt /3. »«r> si;^] men ysey )8. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 225 Vtcr. fol. 52. cler leom wi}>oute mo • ]>ev stocl frara him wel pur • Yfoiirmed as a dragon • as red ase fur • 3179 Out of ]?e dragons mou|7e • tueye leomes ];er stode |7ere • pe grettore tylde euene est • ouer franco as it were • pe o]>ev adde seue branches • alle clere ynowe • [152] & toward ]?e yrisse se ♦ westward euene drowe • po ]?is sterre was yseye • men wondrede ynou • Vter J?e kinges bro]?er • mid is ost ]>o drou • 3185 To walis to |7is strange men • to asayli hom & fi^te • Adrad he was sore ynou • of ]?is wonder sitte • Merlin he clupede & esste anon • hou it mitte j^er of be • Meiiinn> Merlin wep anon so vaste • ]>at reu};e it Avas to se • tans'^"" Alas he sede |;e deoluul harm • ]?at ys endeles • Alas j^at folc • of brutaine • ]?at is nou help les • 3190 Ded he is ]>e noble king • aurely |^i bro|?er • Ac l^e sterre J^at me ysey • bitoknej? anoj^er • 3178. O] One ay3 ; A 5. leom'] leome a; leme /3. wi]>oute'] wyth- outen /3. \)er] l^at a/3. /;//«] hure afi ; hire y. icel'] vyxt 0. pur] puir a ; puire j8. 3179. as a] as on a. ase] as J>e B ; so eny a ; as ony /3 ; as eny 78. fur] fuyr B ; fuir a. 3180. dragons] Dragon 5. tueye leomes] twei leomes B; tweije leomes a ; two lemes 0. J^er] om. afiS. 3181. pe] om. B. tylde] tilled yS. eue7ie] eftie a. est] estward aj8 ; estwarde 5. oue)-] on /3. 3182. seue] seuen 0. 3183. yrisse] hyrische a. droice] \>ei drowe B; hit drowj 5. 3184. yseye] yse /3. 3185. Vter] Vther aS (& passim). Jjo drou] J>an he drou) 0. 3186. to \>is] toward \>is a; toward J)ise j3. \>is strange] i>es stronge S. asayli] asa3'le B ; assaile /3. 3187. zvo7i(le}'] wonderful S. 3188. clupede Sf esste] clepude & aschede B ; clepede & eschte a; callyd & asked 0. it] he B ; i>at hit $. ]>er of] om. a^d. 3189. icep aiion] gan wepe a0 ; wepte anon 5. reu\>e] deol B ; wonder o ; wondre j8 ; wondir S. 3189*. \>e] that 7. deoluul] deolful B ; dulful a; doilful /3; delful 5. 3190. ]>at] om. 5. is vou] now ys B5 ; nou is a ; nowe is j8 ; is nowe 7. 3191. See Appendix, Note Q. 3192. ysey] yseyb B; sey a; seen 0. hitokne\> ano\>er] bitokone]> a nojjer B ; nl bitokneJ> on oj^er a. ano\>cr] al anoj^er y3 ; al ano^ere 0. P 22G THE CHRONICLE OF Hye nou |?ou noble due • ]'at ]>& batayle were ysmite- Vor king |?ou worst of brutayne • & ]>e maistrie bi 2ite- Vor |;e sterre bitoknej) ];e • & ];e fury dragon al so • pe lem J^at out of is mou]; • ouer france is ydo • 3196 pat bitokne]? a chikl • J^at ]70u ssalt bi^ite ywis • pat ssal biiite france & o]?er londes • in j)e world such mon nis • pe lem J^at tyl]? westward • a dotter }?at is • pat ]?ou ssalt biUte • & lo ssal abbe sones ywis • [153] pat ssal ecli after o]?er • king of bruteine be • 3201 Of som o]?er al in contek • & ]ns me ssal yse • pe noblemon of wam lie spac • j^at he ssolde biiite • pat was Ve king arj^ure • as je ssolle]? ywite • bellum ad Vter let al ]?is be • vor he ne leuede it nott anon • daukL '" ^ wende toward seint dauid • to mete wi]? is fon • pe o]:»er ^\ere of hom y war • & tarkede in hoi- side • Hor ost & let hom army wel • bataile uor to abide • 3193. Hi/e] Hi)e a ; Ily^e 0. nou ^o(<] >ou noii a; J^ee J^oii /3. 3194. king \>ou icorsQ \>e kynge Jjou schalt be $. ivorst of brutayne'] schalt of bretayn be S. hi yte'\ l>ou scbalt gete B ; sehal gete /8. 3195. fury'] fur B ; furi a; fuire /3. 3196. lem] leom B ; leome a. out] om. a/3 ; ys 5. ouer fr mice] that ouere france y. is] ^at was o/3 ; was y. 3197. «] o a. 3198. Vat ssal bi-^ite] pat sehal wynne B ; Schal wione france a ; That Wynne schal Fraunce fi ; Schal wynne fraunce 5. o]^er lo}ides] londes nio a$S. mon] man afi ; on 5. 3199. Ve] V'at aP. lem] leome Ba ; leme /3. ////).] tylde B ; tilled a. a] o afi. 3200. i>ou] hir jjou 5. bixite] bi^ute a. Sj- yo] and Bafi ; hat S. abbe soues] sones habbe a ; sones haue ;8 ; sonnes haue 5. 3201. /dug] kyngys S. 3202. Of] And of j8. 3203. wam] wham a ; whom j3. he spac] he spek B ; we speke a/3. ssolele] wolde B. biyite] begete B ; bijete o. 3204. ssolle\>] schul B^S ; scholle a. yicite] ywete /3. 3205. vor] om. a)3S. nc leuede] lyued 5. 3206. wiY] mid a. 3207. hom] him aS ; hem B/3 ; hyiii y. ywar] war P ; ware y. yarkede] larkede hem B ; %arked fiist ; arayed hem 5. in] on a8. 3208. Hor army] And lette arme here ost B. hom army] army hem /3. vor to] vort c. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 227 Hii come & smite ]?is bataile • & vaste slowe to gTOunde • In ey]?er side moche folc • in a lutel stounde • 8210 Kni^tes &5 o]?er folc • ac attelaste vre louerd J?02tc • victoria In is cristine folc • & ]>e maistrie horn brotte • Vor }?er was gynemon aslawe • king of yrlonde • &, })ascence vortigeres sone • ]>&t so moche poer adde an honde • • Vter ' fol. 52 b. (fe moche of hor folc wi}> horn • so ]'at vewe atten ende • 3215 Aline ]>er of scapede • ]>at to ssij^e miite wende • &J so hii ssolde lerny • mid cristinemen to iiiie • Yor vre lonerd wole among is men • euere cu}»e J^e ri^te • To vter of is broJ>er de]? • |>er com word atte laste • After ]ns bataile he wende • to winchestre uaste • 3220 Ac arst Avas ];e king ybured • ar he mitte come }?ere • [154] VVij'inne ]'e place of stonheng • |>at he let him sulf '.''^.^^ '"^ rere • 3209. smite'] smote P. 3210. fn] On a/3. hi r/] iu o ao ; with Inne a )3. /iilcl] lute Via; litel ;3 ; litill y. 3211. ac] cm. BS. 3212. In] Ou BI3. is] >e afi. 3213. aslawe] yslawc B/3. /''«.'/] I'C kynjr B. 3214. vortiyercs] vortigcrnes a ; fortigeres ^ ; forliger -y. so vwche] so gret B ; gret a/? ; grete 5. an lionde] in honde B ; on honde a^. 3215. wi\>] mid a. so] om. a/35. rcwe] fowe B. atten] at l-an a; atte t>e /3 ; at the 7 ; at )>e 5. 321G. of scapede] afscapede a ; ascliapede y3 ; aseapid 7. mi-^te] gan 5. 3217. ssolde lerny] schulde lerne B: scliolde lurni a; lerne schulde B. cristinemen] crystendom j8. 3218. vre louerd] oni* lord B ; iti'c a; Ihe /3 ; Itic 5. n-ole] wolde 5. me7i] folke y. cu\>e] ku)>e a; kij^e j3 ; luthe y ; cuyj>e 5. |>e] ys B ; his aySS. ri-!,te] my^teB ; myght 5. 3220. vaste] fol faste o ; fid fast j3. 3221. Ac] om. B; But 0. arst] first /3. was . . . r/biired] Jie, kynge was buryed P. ybured] jburyed B. ar] er Ba/8. 3222. stonheixj] he stonheng B ; stonhenge a. him sulf] oni. B. rere] there y. p 2 228 THE CHRONICLE OF Vor he let ]>en stede halwy • vor \fe gode cors j^at ]?er were leuacio saxonum kine- & bissopes & wur];e men • is bodi J^uder bere TTter after is broj^er de|? • ]>e croune to him nom & Jjoru ]?e heyemen of ]?is lond • aueng ];e dom • Of |?e dragon he vnderstod • j^at yseie was an hey • & of ]?at merlin adde ysed • & of sitte }>at me sey • dracones. Tueie riche dragons of golde • he let makye anon -3229 At ]>e heye munstre of winchestre • he offrede J^at on • pe o]?er he let biuore him bere • in bataile wan he was • Me cluped him vter pendragon • ]?er after vor j^is cas • pat was vter dragon heued • »fe ]?at was to singnefie • pat merlin him clupede dragon • in is prophecye • Occe hengistes sone • ]>e hiper saxon • 8235 & eose is cosin • hii ]70^te of treson • 3223. \>eii'] \>e B ; J>aiie a ; Jjat ;SS, stede'] stude a. halwy'] halweB ; halewi o ; halowe )3S. gode cors] bodijes a ; bodies j8 ; corsses 5. 3224. wuri>e] wor}n Ba ; olpere 13 ; worthye S. \>uder] t>ider B ; l>udere a. 3226. \>e] om. a/3S. aueng \>e] fong Hs B; afeng Ms a; afonge )>is 13 ; he fenge J^e 5. 3227. 1/seie loas] was iseyje o ; was yse ;3 ; seyn was 5. a7i hey] on heye B. 3228. Sf ofshyte] of i-e sijte B ; & of t>e syt a ; & of J^e syjt j8 ; of l^e sjyt S. sey] seye B. 3229. Tueie] To B ; Twei^e a; Two (85. riche] om. a/8S. makye] make B^S'; maki^e a; to peynte S. 3230. At \>e heye] And at Jae B ; At )>e a5 ; To he ;3. munstre] myn- stre B ; uiynster /3 ; monastere 5. offrede] rerud vp S. 3231. Ipe] pat B5. biuore] by forn /3. iva7i] whanne a. 3232. cluped] clepede Ba ; callyd /3. \>er] om. 5. 3233. dragon heued] dragoncs heued Ba ; dragons heede /S ; dragons hede S. singnefie] signifie By ; signefyje a ; signyfye /8. 3234. him clupede] cleped him S. clupede] clepude B ; chpede a; calhd 0. in] on a)3. 323.5. Occe] Otte B ; Occa ay ; Octa j8. hengistes] hengiste B. >c] Jpat B5. 3236. /(// \>oyte] he J^ouU /3 ; hou^ten 5. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 229 pe o]> ]>Sbt to king aureli • hii suore biuore • Hii ]?o^te ]fo he was ded • ]7at he were al uor lore • Hii J'o^te to do J?is lond • ssame to germayne hii sende lome . 3239 [i55] pat is a lond of alemaine • fram wan hii alle come • After more folc of hor kunde • so ]?at ]7er come ynowe • At scotlond hii bigonne • & vaste barnde & slowe • &; so ]?at toward eiierwik • ]>e contreye adoun caste • Hii bi segede euerwik • ]7o hii j^uder come vaste • pe king vter hurde her of • ]?uderward vaste he drou • bellam. To gadere hii come & smite • bataile strong ynou • Hii slowe & smite in eij^er side • ]?at rente it was to se« Atte laste ]?is saxons • bigonne vorto fle • & j^is brntons after • & slowe to grounde vaste • So ]?at some of scapede • vpe monteyns atte laste • & some in to tonnes • & it drou to niite • 3251 So ]7at hii ne mitte noj^er • leng yse to fiite • 3237. pe'] That 5. king] the kynge y ; om. S. Aureli'] Auryli B. suore] swere B. biuore] \>er bifore a/3. 3238. Hii i>oyle] Hem Jjo^te B ; Ham Jjoute a; Hem |jou^t /85. he were] yt was B ; he was oy85. 3239. to do] do a. (jermayne] germanye B ; germani^e a. lome'] ylome Bj8 ; ilome a. 3240. a] om. B ; o a. o/] in Ba;35. alemaine] alymaine B ; Almayue )3 ; Almaine 5. ivan] warn B ; wha a ; whom /3 ; when S. hii] Ave /8. 3241. more] om. 5. \>er come] ham com a ; hem come ^ ; thej-m come y ; to hem come 5. 3242. vaste . . slowe] bamed & fast slou) 5. vaste barnde] fast brent j8. 3243. so \>at] so for)> B ; so a5 ; om. ;8. contreye] contre B. adoun] doun /8. caste] )>ei caste Bj8 ; hi caste a ; >ey cast 5. 3244. Hii] And B. 3245. pe] po a. her of] >is a)3S. );>uderward] Jpcoderward a. drou] drow> B. 3246. smite] smite \>o a ; smote ban /8 ; smyt'eu \)0 5. bataile] a batail B ; a bataile 5. 3247. sloioe c^ smite] smyteu & slowe B. <.y smite] om. a/35. in] on a/3S. 3248. \>is] Jje a;35. bigonne] \>o bygan 5. 3250. of scapede] of hem ascapid /3 ; \>o ascaped 5. vpe"] ope a ; vpon (8. monteyns] moyntenes y. 3251. in to tonnes] in townes /3. Sf it'] as it y. to ni-^te] to Jjc nytt P. 3252. no\[>er] nou^t a;SS. ieny] longor B; Icuger /35. ys^] to se 7 ; se 0. 230 THE CHRONICLE OF foi. 53. • Vter ' couciliiira. & ]'Q brutoiis lioiii wij^clrowc' & j^e saxons bom reste • King vter nom is conseil • woch red were ]>e beste • Gorloys erl of coriiwaile • |mt wysost was iholde • & old & mest adde yseie • is red verst he toide • We mote he sede be hardy • & stalwarde & wyse • ^if we wolle]; abbe vre lif • & holde vre franchise • Wexinge euere be]? vre fon • bi water & bi londe • & tif we abidep longe • we ne ssolle]? hom no^t at stonde • 3260 [156] Nou hii be]? al onywar • hii wolle]? yswyke by daye • peruore I ne rede in no rnanere • ]ns nede leng delaye • We ssolle]? honi abbe al nor no^t • I ne rede no leng abyde • Vor hii be]? naked k> onywar • & ysprad Avydc • capclo hos- pis conseil was wel yhurd • hii heolede her to echon • Al by nitte hii wende uor]? • & so^te out hor fon • tiuin noctc. 3254. 7tO!H'] tokej85. ivoch'] wat B ; which a; whiche ^. J>c] om. B. 3255. Gorloijs'\ Corloys ^. 3256. §• oW] 0111. /8. mest] most /3. addc yseie'] he haddc yseeii /3. 3257. mote] moste 5. S^ stalwarde] staleworde a ; stalworhe B/3 ; stalward S. ivyse] eke wyse S. 3258. wolle]>] Avol B/3. abbe] haue ;8. 3259. Wexinge] Wexinde o. euere be\>] cuer Le]' B ; bii)' eueic a ; beii euer ^ ; bene euere y. water] watere a. 3260. ^] J-"'at Ba,35. abide\>] bidej? a; bide /8. ne ssoUe\'] schal B; lie scholle a ; scluille /35. hom noyt] iiouit hem y3. atstonde] astoude 78. 3261. hii be\>] he be)? B. woUe]^ ysuujlie] woUeu waxe yS; wil rest 5. by] J^ys S. 3262. / ne] ich ne a ; 15. in no manere] nout a ; noii^t fi ; noght 5. \>is nede] J>is neodc a ]y]< vercdct P ; in J'is nede hat we 3. ^cny] leiigor B ; leiiger /85 3263. ssolle^] schul B ; schuUe a ; schulle 0. al] now B5 ; noii a ; now^ j3. / 7ie] ich a; 1/35, 710 Icny] no lengor B ; uon leng a ; we no lenger j3 ; j^at we noght 5. 3264. hii] he B. he])] buj? a; ben ^ ; bene y. Jiahcd] nakede «. onywar] vnwar j3. ysprad'] to spiad B ; to si)iad buh a ; alle to sprade ben /8 ; to sprad J^ey ben 5. 3265. hii heolede her to] \>qv to hi huldc a ; J^er to )'ei helde ^ ; J^cr w' ]>cy heldc 5. heolede] hulde B. lier to] j^er to B. echo7i] euerychouc 5. 3266. hii] he B. hor] bar 5. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 231 Some hii foiinde ligge slepe • hii demayde horn anon • Some hom wolde army • ac wule nadde hii non • So |;at hii slowc |?ere • a pousend & mo • «fc nome octa & eose • J^at made al j^e wo • 3270 & dude hom at londone in prison • & ]»at was to lywe sore • pat hii nadde hom aslawe • nor sorwe liii dude tut more • A tte festo of cstre j>o • ]>g king sende is sonde • febtum ion V)at hii come alle to londone • ])o heyemen of |ms londe • & ]7e leuedies also god • to is feste wide • 3275 Vor he wolde croune here • vor ]'c heye tyde • Alle I'e noblemen of ]ns lond • to j^is feste come • & hor wiues & hor dottren • rnoni wij? hom nome • pis feste was noble ynou • & nobliche ydo • Vor mony was ]>e vayre leuedi • ]7at icome was )7er to • 3267. ligge slepe] aslepe a;85. dcma>/de'\ demayede /3 ; demaydud 7. 3268. army'] anne B. nadde] liadde ji; had 5. hii] be B. 3269. hii] heo B. a] o a/3. 3270. nome] nomen a; toke /85. octa] ocia 'Q ; occa a. made] Avrojte B ; wroujt 5. 3271. ^- . . . . prison] At londoue in prisone ham dude a; At loudon iu Prison hem dede ;8 ; At Londoii in prison \>ey ham ded 5. ^y] om. o|85. to ryive] rew^e B. 3272. nadde] ue hadde ;3. aslawe] yslawe B ; slayne 7 (& passim). sorwe hii] sorw ^ei B; he sorow )?at ]'ey S ; screw J^at \>ei /3. ytt] ora. ay35. 3273. i>e] om. B. 3274. come] comen B. heyemen] hey men B. \>is] \:>e a$S. 3275. leuedies] lefdics a ; ladies y3 ; ladyes S. feste] noble test B ; noble feste 5. 3276. ivolde] schulde B. croune] his croune 5. 3277. \>is] t>e 5. \>is feste] \>q noble fest B. 3278. wiues §• hor] wyues & o/3. do-)^tren] doutren a; douUreu $ ; dou^trys 5. moni wip hom] w' hem mony B ; mid ham mauite a ; with hem many /3 ; -w' hem manye )>ey 5. 3279. noble ynou] noble & fair a; noble & faire /3 ; ful roysX 5. nobliche] uobleliche a. 3280. mony was \>e] manije o a ; many a /85. leuedi] ledy B ; lefdi a ; lady ; ladye 5. \yat icome ivas] icome was a$ • was ycome 5. 9:i^! THE CHROJslCLE OF [157] Igerne goiioyses W3''f • was vairost of echon • 3281 Soi"sor- P^^ ^^^^ contasse of cornwayle • vor vairor nas J^er loys. non • amor regis, pe king bi liuld ire vaste ynou • & is herte up ire caste • & ]>oite ])ei io were wif • to do folie atte laste • He made ire semblant vair ynou • to non o]?er so gTet • 3285 Iracomitis. pe crl nas no^t |?er wi]? ypayd • J>o he it vnder ^et • rccessiis After mete he nom is wif • mid stourdi mod ynou • comitis. ^ wij^oute leue of ]>g kinge • toward is contreye drou • iia regis, pe king sende to him ]to • to bileue al ni^t • Vor he moste of gret conseil • abbe som in si^t • 3290 fol. 53 b. . Vter . pat was vor noit nokle he no^t • J^e king sende ^ut is sonde • pat he Avere at is parlement • vor neode of ])e londe • vairost'] fairest «;8. echo7i'] 3281. gorloyses] gorlojs B/3. euorechonc ^ ; euerychoue 7S. 3282. vor vairor] for so fair B ; so fair a ; so faire /8 ; so fayre S. nas >er] >er nas a ; her was /8 ; was >er 5. 3283. vaste ynou] juriie a; ^crue S; longe y8. up] on B; op a; •vpon /3. 3284. \)ei] ]pay B ; Jjou) /85 ; thof7. yo] heo Ba; sche /85j she 7. wif] a wyfe 5. to do folie] to foli^c a ; to folye /3. 3285. ire] ora. fi. 3280. 7:as] was iSS. J)cr ivi];>] J>er mid a. vpuyd] ypayed B ; wel payed 5 ; apayd ;8 ; apayed 7. 3287. n(/»j] nome 5 ; toke )3. mod] med B. 3288. cS J om. a/8, toward] to B ; towardes 8. contreye] contrei B. drou] he drou a; he drou) /3. 3289. \>o] J^an /3 ; thaune 7. to] for to /3. 3290. of] in a/S. siyt] his sy)t ;8. 3291. ?to/f/c he noyt] he nolde a;85. \>e king sende yul] ^ut >c king sende a ; jit Jjc kynge sent ^ ; jyt l^e kynge send 5. 3292. lucre] by leuede B ; bilefde a ; byleued &. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 283 pe king was ]>o he nolde no^t • anguisous & wro]? • Yor ]>e despit he wolde be • awreke he siior is oj> • Bote he come to amendement • is poer attelaste • pcisecusio reffis. He tarkede & wende uor]? • to cornwayle uaste • Goiioys is castles • astorede uaste aboute • In a strong castel he dude is wif • vor of hire Avas al is doute • In ano]?er him sulf he was • vor he nolde no^t • [i58] ^if cas come ]>at hii were • bo]?e to dope ibrott • 3300 pe castel |?at ]?e erl inne was • |7e king bisegede uaste • obsessio Vor he imite is ginnes • vor ssame to J>en o];er caste • ^°^^ ^^' po he was j?ere seueniit • he ne spedde nott • Igerne |?e contesse • so moche was in is ]?o^t • pat he nuste non o)?er Avit • ne he ne mi^te uor reueiacio* ssame • Telle it bote a priue knitt • vlfin was is name • pat he truste mest to • & ]>o ]>e kniit hurde ]ns Sire he sede I ne can wite • wat red her of is • 3305 P^'"P°*^'' 3293. teas J>o] J>o he saw S ; was when ; was whanne y. anyuisous} anguysche /3 ; anguyssh y ; was angwyschous S. 3294. l?e] om. BajS. be awreke'] awreke be B. 3295. he] om. a. 3296. ^arkede Sf ivende] arayecl & weut 5. to] toward 5. uaste] ryjt fast j3 ; at J^e laste a. 3297. astorede uaste] a store al B. 3298. a] om. o^. dude] sette 5. vor of hire] for her 5. 3299. ano]f>er] on o]>er a ; one o>>er /3. vor] for J^at 0. nolde] wolde j85. 3300. bo]}e to de\)e] to dej^e boj^e afi ; to \>q deth boj^e 6. ibro^t] ybrout a ; broujt /3 ; ybrought y. 3302. ?uiyte .... ssame] ne myte nout for schame ginnes a ; ne my^t nou^t for schame gynnes /3 ; myght noght for schame Gynnys 5. to ];>en oi>er] to J?e oj^er BmS ; jper to ;3. 3303. he ne spedde] and he spedde B ; him ne sped a ; he spedde ryght S. 3304. i?i] on a/3. 3305. ne he 7ie] he ne aj8 ; and he ne S. miyte] my^te nou)ta; my^t noujt 0. 3306. bote] bote to o ; but to j8 ; hot to S. a] o 6. 3307. truste] triste a. mest] most /3 ; nieche 5. hurde] ihm'de a; yharde )3. 330S. wite] om. a/35. wat] no a/S5 ; ne y. is] ywis a ; I wis /3. * MS. retcuaci'o. 234 THE CHRONICLE OF Vor ]>e castel is so strong • |>at |?e leuedi is Inne • pat ich wene al jns lond • mid strengj^e ne ssolde it winne • 3310 Vor ]:»e se ge|? al aboute • & entreie bote on |;er nis • & |mt is vpe harde roches • & so nare wey it is • pat ]yev nc may go on & on • |7at ]>re men wijnnne • Miite sle al |?at lond • ar liii come ]7er Inne • & no2t for l^an lif merlin • at ]n conseil were • 3315 ^if eni mitte he couj^e • ]>e beste red ]>e lere • concilium Merlin was sone of send • ysed it was him sone • ^"^ ^°'' pat he wolde ]?e beste red • segge wat were to done • Merlin was sori ynou • vor J?e hinges folye • & na]?eles sire king he sede • her mot to maistrie • 3320 [159] pe erl a]? tueie men him next • briithoel & Jordan • IchoUe make ]n sulue tif ]7ou wolt • jwru art ]>at ich can • Abbe al ]>e fourme of ];e erl • as ]70u were purliche he • & vlfin as Jordan • & as bri;thohel me • 3309. ha/] here 5. leuedi] lady 1113 ; Icfdi a. 3310. pat] For B. h«s] he B5. mid strcng\>e nc ssolde it] ne schulde yt myd strenghe B ; ne scholde w' strengthe it 5 ; ne scholde him a; ne schulde him /3. iviiute] iwinne aj8. 3311. gei>] goth hit 5. ^- entreie bote 07i] bute entre on B ; & eutre bote on a. §•] om. 5. \yer nis] there is y. 3312. )^>at is] om. afiS. vpe] vp on B/8; oppou a ; vp 5. so nare ivey it] he wey so nareu a ; he 'vvey so narowe /3. nare'] narw B ; uarow 5. 3313. ne may yo] may go bote B ; ne mai go bote a ; ne -may go but /3 ; may go bot 5. h''fi] her fi ; there y. 3314. \>at] he B5. hii] there y. 3315. at] of S. 3316. red \>e lere] rede & Icre a^5. 3317. sone of send] ho afsend a; han sent fore fi ; sone after ysent 5. ysed] Si, saide fi ; & yseyd 5. 3318. ivolde] schulde B ; scholde aS ; schulde ^eue /3. seyge] om. j8. 3320. if] Ac a ; But /3. her mot to] here to mote /8. 3321. hri-ythoel] bry^thowel a/8 ; Bryghtwel 5. 3322. Icholle] Ich wol B ; Ich wole o ; I wole ^ ; I wil 5. make] om. aj83. 3323. Abbe al he] IMakije he habbe a ; Make hee haue /8 ; Make thee y ; Make he haue he 5. purliche he] a. ; purliche A ; pureliche he j8 ; ry^t he B ; priueliche 5. 8324. t^] om. afi. vlfin] olfyn B. §- as] & 5. briythoel] brithoel B ; bry^thowel afi ; Bryghtwel EGBERT OF GLOUCESTEE. 235 pis art was al cleiie ydo • j^at ychanged hii were • mutacio Hii ]>Ye in j^e oj^eres fourme • horn sulue as it were • Aten eue hii wende vor]? • nuste no mon ]7at cas • To j^e castel hii come ari^t • as it eue was • . Vter . f«l- •'^•*- pe porter ysei is louerd come • & is mest priue tueye • Intracio Wu]? god herte he let is louerd in • & is serians beye • 3330 pe contasse was glad ynou • J'o hire louerd to hire com • &- hor ei]?er in o]?er armes • mid gret ioye hom noni • & l»o hii to bedde come • l?at so longe atuo Avere • Generacio ' aithuri. Bituene hom was so gret delit • |'at bituene hom |;ere • Bitite was J^e beste bodi • ]mt euere was in ]?is londe • King arthure ])e noble mon • j^at euere wor]? vnder- stonde • 333 G po \>e kinges men nuste amorwe • were )?e king was bicome • Hii verde as wodemen • hii wende hii were ynome • lusuhacio •^ castri. 3325. ychanged'] al chauget B ; chaungyd /3. hii'] he B. 3326. ]>e] ova. 5. o);>eres fourme] oj^eres formes a; ojjcro fourmes B, hom sulue] ]>e .selue B ; hii sulue a ; J>cy hem self 5. as] at B. it] \>ey S. 3327. eue] euen B/8 ; euene 5. hii] he B. niiste] wist |8 ; J^er wyst 5. 3328. ari-^t] ryjt B/3 ; ri^t a ; ryght 5. eue] euene B8. 3329. ysei] yse B; sei a; saw^ j8 ; sawe y. mcst priue luei/e] meste priuey twei B ; mest priues twelve a; two priue men also /3. tueye] men tweyne 5. 3330. Wu\> god] ]\Iid gode a. is ioucrd] ys lord B ; ham a; him /3 ; hem 5. Sf is serians] & ys men B ; & Jse serians a ; & his scruauntes $ ; hym & J^e seriantus 5. l^eye] bei^e a • two P ; beyne 5. 3331. to hire] om. ai35. 3332. hor eii>er ill o];>er] ey^er o^er in here B ; hare ey}?er o^er a; eij'er oJ>er in ^ ; eij^er in otjeres 5. hom] om. Bc.j35. 3333. §•] om. Bo^5. atuo] atwynnc 5. 3334. Bituene] AVith B. 333.5. \>e] J>at a. ]vs] om. aj3. 3336. wor\>] was 0. vndcrstonde] I vnderstonde ;35. 3337. po] om. a/35. nuste] uyst ^. rccre] wer B ; whar a ; where /35. Ye king] he B. was] om. o. 3338. verde] ferden o/3. hii wende] and wende B. hii were] he were Ba/3 ; he had be 5. ynome] uome 5. 286 THE CHRONICLE OF Hii asaylecle pen castel • ri^t as he ssolde adoiin anon • Occisio Hii ]7at wi]7inne were • tarkede horn echon • 3340 comitis. ^ smite out in an fole wille • «& foite wi]' hor fon • So ]?at ]?e erl was aslawe • & of is men monion • [ICO] & j)e castel was ynome • & j^at folc to sprad ]7ere • ^ute ]>o hii adde al ydo • hii ne founde no2t ]>e king ]?ere • Nunciacio pe tyding to ]?e contasse • sone was ycome •" 3345 coniitisse. p^^^ \iQYQ louerd was aslawe • & ]?e castel ynome • Ac ]>o ]fe message!' ysey • ]?an eii as him ]70^te • pat he adde so foule ilowe • wel sore him of ]?otte • pe contasse made somdel del • for no soJ>nesse 4e nuste • blanclicio pe king vor to gladye hire • biclupte hire & kuste • legib. Dame he sede ne sikstou wel • J^at les it is al J^is • Ne sixtou wel icham aliue • icholle segge hou it is . 3352 3339. asaylede] asaileden B. \>en^ J>ane a; J>e B ; t-at 5 ; })an J^e /3. rhyf] om. Ba;8S. he] yt B ; hit 8. 3340. yarkedc\ arayed 8. 3341. smite] smiten aj8. an fole] a fole B; o foul ayS; a foule 8, wille] wil a. foyte] fou^ten 87. ivi\>] mid a. 3342. aslaive] >ere yslayne 8. of] om. a;38. 3343. ynome] ywonue )3. ^at] \>q B5. Jjere] were a^. 3344. hii ne] ne a. ne] om. )38. no'^t \>e hiny] J>e king nout a ; J>e kynge uoujt j3. 3345. tydiny] tij>inge a; ti>iuges /3 ; ty)?yngs 6. contasse] compas B. ycome] ynome B. 3347. \}o] om. aP. messaycr] messinger B. U^cy] liym sey B ; ysawe ;3. \>an] \>e JialS. 3348. wel] ful B; ry^t /3. him] hit him a^. o/J^oj^e] of ^joute a; ajjoujt i88. 3349. 7nade] sche made /3. y] heo Ba; sche /3S. 7iusie] nyste ;3. 3350. gladye] glade B;3 ; gladi^e a ; gladde 7. biclupte hire] biclupte faire o ; byclypt faire /3 ; byclipte hir faire 7. 3351. ne] no B. sikstoii loel] sixt I^ou wel B ; sucst J'OU nout a ; seist )>oii not /3 ; seest J>ou noght 8. 3352. Nc sixtou ivel] Ne wost Jjou wel B ; Ne siixt >ou wel a; Ne seist i>o\\ nou^t wel /3 ; Seest J>ou noght wel 8. atiuc] olyue B. icholle] ich wole \>e B. seyye] telle }?ee 0. KOKERT OF GLOITCESTEE. 237 Out of J>e castel stilleliche • ich wencle in priuete • pat none of mine men it nuste • vor to speke wij? & ]>o hii myste me to day • & nuste Avar ich was • Hii verde ichot as gydie men • mid wan no red nas • & fotte wip ]>e folc wi)?onte • & abbe|> in j^isse ma- nere • Ilore |>en castel & hom siilue • ac wel ]70u Avost icham here • Ac vor mi castel j^at is jdore • sori ich am ynou • [ici] & for mine men J^at ]>e king • tfo is poer slou • 3360 Ac onre poer is nou to lute • j^er fore ich drede sore • Leste ]?e king vs nime here • & sorAve ]?at were more • perfore icholle hou so it be • Avende aten ]>e kinge • & make my pays Avi]? him • ar he to ssame vs bringe • 3353. m] al in B. 3354. 7)07ie] om. j8. ?«e«] om. afid. ?iuste'] wist /3S. loi])^ mid a. 3355. 7)iyste me'] me m3"st y. iiiiste'] nyst /8. wai-'] wer B ; whar a. 3356. verde'] ferden Ba ; ferde /3. icJiot^ ri^t B; om. afiS. tvaii'] wam B ; wham a ; whom S. 3357. foyte] foujten aj3. ?m>] mid a. \)e] Jjano ; \>at /3. folc] om. /8. wi\>oute] i>er oute a/3 ; other oute y. ahhe]> in~] habbej> on a ; ha\> on B. \>isseP^ J^is Ba. 3358. Ilore] Host 3. \>eii] >e B ; Jjane a ; J?at /8. wel \>ou wost] )50u siixt wel a ; Jjou seist wel j3 ; J>ou seest wel 5 ; thou seest wel that y. 3359. mi castel \>at] \>e castel a/S ; Jpat Jje Castel S. ylore] for lore oj85. sort] sore /3. son t'cA am] sore am I /3 ; sorow I haue S. 3360. mine] \>& a/38. s/om] aslou o ; so slouj j3. 3361. OMyc] my B. to lute] lute a ; litel /3 ; lyte S. sore] me sore S. 3362. Leste] Last a. I'S »u'»it'] vs take /8 ; take vs 75. Sf] oure 5. )>at were] J^at we were B ; were S. ?yiore] jut more a ; lit more /3 ; jit >e more 5. 3363. J>e] to \>e S. 3364. jHa/i'e my pays] mi pays makije a ; my pees make /35. ar] or /Q (& passim). to ssame vs] vs to schame a/SS ; vs to schame vs B. 2'6H THE CHRONICLE OF For}? he wende & het ]'e men • tif j^at jje king come' pat hii ssolde him |?e castel lelde • ar he wi|? strengj^e him nome • 30G0 54 b. • Vtcr • po he com toward is men • is owe fourme he nom • & bileuede ];e erles fourme • & ]?e king vter bi com • Sore him of j'o^te ]?e erles de]? • ac in o]>er hahie he founde • loye in is herte nor ]>e contasse • of sponshod was vnbnnde • 8370 po he adde ditt al ]'at he wokle • & ypaised wi)> is fon • To J?e kontasse he wende a^en • me let him in anon • Wat halt it to telle longe • bote hii were su]?]?e aton • In gret lone longe jniou • wan it nolde oj^er gon • & adde to gadere |?is noljle sone • j'at in ]>e Avorld is per nas • 3375 pe king arthnr • & an dotter • anne her name was • [1C2] r^cte & eose • |?is luj^er saxo^mes tueie • In prison were in londone • as ich 2ou tolde beye • 336.5. Fo)-]}] For/S. het'] Lad ;3. N'] ys B ; his ;35. y/k'O M -,ef B ; that if y. 33GC. hii . . . -ycldc] i>ey hhn J^e Castel ^olde 5. him] oni. a;3. jpe] l^ane a ■ J^at /8. wi];>'] mid a. hiiii] it By ; hit /3. 33G8. bileuede] Icuede B ; hilefde a. 33G9. Sore him of \>oxte] Sori (Sory j3) he was for a/3 ; Sorye he was fore 5. erics] Krle ys 5. oj^e;] \ie o]>ev /3. halue] half Ba;3. 3370. m is herte] om. a;S5. iiar] for j^at 5. spoushod] spoushed B spousehede i8. 3371. di-yt . . . wolde] what he wolde idiit a/3. diyl al] oni. B. 7/paised] paysed B. ?<">] mid a. 3373. halt] schiild /3. to telle lonye] longe to telle a^o. hii were s?at] om. a&S. 3370. \^c] om. a;85. arthur] artiire B. a7i] o a/35; a By. 3377. Oc<(;] Occa a/3. \>is] J>e a/35. /^J^er] lu}>re a. sa,ro//Hes] saxoncs B ; saxoiis a. /upi'e] tweyne 5 ; }>at were J>o )3. 3378. in] at Ba/35. /oA/c] telle 5. bej/e] beyne 5 ; bo|> tuo P. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 230 Mid hor wardein hii speke so • ]nit hov wardein & hii ywys fuga octe & eose a Flowe in to germaynio • ];at in alymaync is • 3380 carcere. & gret poer gaderede • of saxons ];er • ^ut it adde betere ybe • ]?at me adde yslawe horn er • In scotlond hii ariuede • &5 worrede vaste • reuenUis & barnde & slowe to grounde • & tonnes adoun caste • l^orum m , , .. . scocia. pe king lay ]?o sore syk • hii were glad nor J'is cas • lauo-uoi- An erl ])er was of leicestre • lot is name was • 3386 I'^g^ & pat stalwarj^e kni^t was & god • ])e king l)i tok him comitis. is mitte • & ])e poer of ]>is lond • wi|? ])e he};ene men to litte • Also anne is dotter • he 2ef him to wine • pis noble erl wi)? j?e brntons • a;en is fon wende bline • ' 3390 & euere naste slon • & ];e he]>ene al so god • 3379. wardehi] wardeioe a; warcleyncs B; vrardeius S. spcke'] spekon B ; spake /8. so'] om. S. Jior u-ardein 8f hii~\ \)i''i bop B ; he & hi a ; he & \>e\ fi. wardein'] wardeins 5. 3380. Flowe] Flowcu a^S. in to] vn to 5. yermai/7iie] germaniie a. alymcnpie] alemayne a ; Alinaync /3. 3381. grvf] grete B. of] of ^e 5. jvi] alondel?era; in hat londe here /8. 3382. it] hem 5. me . . . horn er] hi liadde beo slaweu er a ; ]>ci hadde hen slaya ere ^ ; hey hadde be slawen ere 5. 3383. worrede] werreden B ; worrede euere a : wened her /3. 3384. barnde] brent her ;3, sloice to grounde] .slow; fast 5. shnce] slow B;8. 3385. }vs] hat B;8 ; he aS. 3386. An] On a ; One 13. leicestre] lejcetre B. 3387. \>at] & a/3 ; om. 5. slalwor\>e] strong B. yod] boldey. hi tok him] hym by tok B ; tok him a ; to him /3 ; him toke 5. 3388. h's lond^ engelond a ; Englonde ;8. \>is] his 5. wi\> . . . to] mid ham forio a ; with hem for to /8S. he\>ene] hehe B. 3389. enme is do-'yter] anne is do)ter is dojter A ; ys do;ter anne B ; anne his douter a. to] to hys B5. 3390. 'pis noble] & he «;S ; And hys 5. «;<> he brulons] mid ho brutons a; w* hretofis 5. ayn . . . wende] ajenst ham wende a ; azenst hem went /8 ; went a^eynst hem 5. wende bliue] wente biliue B. 3391. euere uastc slou] fa^t and sIoav faste B ; fouUe & slowe ftiste (fast |8") here fon (fone ;8) a/3 ; fowght Sc slou^ fast ynow, 5. 240 THE CHRONICILE OF superbia brutonum. [163] Duccio regis in feretro. Ac naj/^eles |?e liepen folc • vaste a^en stod • Vor ];e brutons nolde uor prute • after ]7e erl do • Vor he nas nott king & ]?eruore • J^e worse hom com to. po ]>e tydinge com to ]^e king • J^at hom so febliche spedde • 3395 He was so sori & so wro]? • j^at he ney awedde ■ Biuore him he let bringe is men • & bigan hom vaste blame • pat hii vor hor prute • bro^te ]?e lond to ssame ♦ puder he sede he wolde him sulf • ]7ei he ne mi^te an fot go • tif eny horsbere him wolde here • to awreke him of -^ is fo . 3400 Mid ffode wille he wende uorb • in an hors here • & is folc vor]7 wi); him • ];at he baldere vor him were • pe saxons were so proute vor ];e king com so • pat vnne]?e hii wolde • armes on hom do • 3392. he\>en] he>ene Ba. vaste'] faster B ; fastore a ; faster yS. ayen] a^en ham a ; ajeyu hem ^. 3393. Vor'] om. 5. hrutons] bretous 5. nolde uor prute] iov \^viAe nolde y. noUle] wol noght 5. prute] prude B ; pride ;8 ; pruyd S. erl] Erles wille j8. 3394. Vor] Vor >at a ; For J^at j85. nas] ne was /8 ; was 5. 8f ]>eruore] om. aj35. hom com] come hem S. 3395. po] om. aj35. tydinye] tlj^ing B ; tij>inge a ; ti>iuges ; tyj>ynges 5. to i>e] to y. horn so febliche] heo so febliche B ; ham so viiele a. ; J>ei euyl |8 ; J>ey so euyl 5. 3396. he ney awedde] his hert to dej> ney bledde ^. 3397. Biuore] By forn /3. bicjanr] gan S. 3398. prute] prude B ; pryde j3. bro-^te] bronge y. he] >is B ; J^at aj8. 3399. \iudcr] peoder a. he sede he luolde] he wolde he seyde y. J^e/] >ai B. mixte] my to a (sic). an fot] o fote a ; on fote B;8 ; a fote S. go] gou a ; gone 0. 3400. eny] ony /3. liorsbere] horse beer /3 ; hors 5. him wolde] wolde hym B ; wolde him S. awreke] Avreke B. of] on yS. fo] fon o ; fone )8. 3401. gode] god B. in a7i] in one a^ ; on one y ; on an S. 3402. \>at he] J>at J>e B ; ^e a;3 ; }jat J^ey ^e S. baldere] balder B ; baldorea; bolder ;8S, tvere] hi were a; Jjei were )8. 3403. proute] prowde B;3. vor] t>at B. 3401. armcs] liruicre 5. oti] vpon P. ROBERT OF OLOUCESTER. 241 fol. 55. . Vter ' Vor him hii sede it were ssame • pat we yliarmed were • 3405 Nis he more }>an half ded • ylad in an here • pe king sette up is herte hey • & ordeined is folc bellum. uaste • pe saxons he asaylede • & to grounde hom caste • So |?at sone dawes • hom of J^o^te hor prute • Occlsio pat hii of ]>e noble mon • ]>e king tolde so lute • 3410 saxonuuu ^ Vor ]>ev was octe aslawe • & is cosin eose al so • &; so it adde ybe betere • ]7at me adde er ydo • pe saxons |?at mi^te fie • bigonne to fle uaste • pus |?e samdede king • cou]?e hom agaste • Lo he sede hii clupede me • samdede king some • 8415 & tut ichabbe leuere samded • hom ouercome • pan hoi & sound • be ouercome • & leuere al so me is • Vor to deye myd honour • ]?an libbe in ssame ywys • 3405. him'] om. B ; hem 5. y harmed] yarmed Ba;8 ; armed yS. 3406. Nis he] Nis he bote a ; Is he but $ ; Is he noght 5. 7)iore ]pan half ded] an half dedman a ; an half dede man ;8. /?* a7i here] in on horsbere a ; on one horse here 0. 3407. hey] an hey o; an hye 0; on bye 7. ordeined] ordeine a. folc] men B5 ; ost afi. 3408. he] Bafi ; him A (altered to hi) ; \>ey 5. asaylede] assayled 5. hom] om. B. caste] slo^re & caste a; slou) & cast ;8 ; slouj fiist 5. 3409. dawes] daises a ; dayes BS. of Jjoj^e] of J^oute a ; a)50U) $ ; athoughte y. 3410. hii] om. $. \>e noble mon] B ; \>e noblemen A ; \>e noble man S; nobleman a ; so noble man fi, tolde] tolden a ; J^ei told en y2. lute] lite y. 3411. \>er was octc] Octa -was l^er o ; Occa was fjere /3. octe] otte B. aslaice] yslawe By. eose] oese B. 3412. ybe betere] be beter B ; betere ibeo a; better ybe /3; be better 5. 3413. bigonne] gonne a/3. 3414. samdede] same dede B; half ded /3. agaste] so agast 5. 3415. clupede'] callyd /3. samdede] ]?e samdede a ; }>e half ded /8. 3416. ichabbe] haue I 5 ; I hadde j8. samded] half ded /S. 3418. I>a7i] J-anno a. ssa?ne] chame a. Q 242 THE CHRONICLE OF [164] pe saxons were ]>o oiiercome • ac liii ne bileuede tut nott • Hor ssrewhede ac to wroj^erhele • were hii to dej^e ybro^t . 3420 Yor hor ost euere wax • ]>ev come euere mo & mo • Bo}>e by este & by nor]?e • hii dude wel muche wo • pe king wolde aten hom wende • ac he ne moste uor is conseil • Vor ]?e feblore he was • vor ];e eror trauail • pe saxons hom adde ymad • in )>is lond ywis • 8425 Kinges in ]?re stede • ]?at al to on ycome ys • Hengist was verst king • in kent • & elle in sou]?sex • Aduentus & su]?]7e last was certik • king of west sex • certik & Yqj. |-^g ^ kenryk is sone • com vp at 2arnemou|?e • & su]>|;e a gret due • j^at het port • com vp at portes- mou]7e . 3430 Hit ^it^as as In ];e ter of grace • |?at god was ybore ich wene • pat certyk com verst four hondred ^er • &i four score & tene • wcl muche] muchel B ; ryU moste'] n\y^i fi. febler p. ' he] wel he Ba ; 3419. ne bileuede] ne leuede B ; ue lefde a ; ne leuyd yS ; beleuyd 5. 3420. ssrewhede] schrewede dede B ; schi-ewede a ; schrewdnesse S. wro))erhcle'] wro)>e hele B. to] })0 to a ; J>an to )3. 3421. wax] waxt 5. \>er] hem BS. 3422. Bo\^e'] om. a^i. S^•] Si, eke u/S. muche /8. 3423. ac lie] and a; & he j8. ne] no B 3424. \>c] wel J>e 5. feblore] feblor B muche he /8. croi-] o^er B ; rajjere o5 ; raj^er /8. 3425. ho7n adde] had hem 5. 3426. stede] studes Ba; stedes 13 • stedys 5. al] om. a/3. i/come] yeomen B ; icome nou a ; now ycome ft. 3427. verst] om. afi. in kent] of keng B. elle] BaySS ; eke A. 3428. last was] alas was o; alias was /8; was last S. certyk] Cortyk^S; kynge Cortyk 7. 3429. Vor] And 7. he 8f kenryk] he & henrik a ; hcuryk $. com] comen a. yartiemou\}e] jermouthe 8, 8430. a] a. f/ret] om. B. het] hatte B. 3431. as] oni. a/3. )>c] om. B. ybore] bore B. 3432. certyk] Cortyk j8. rerst] om. aj8. jer] om. aft $core] fom* score jcr o ; foiue score jeer ft. Si'four ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 243 King he was of westsex • & is of spring al so • & atte laste jnilke kunde • alle ];e oj^ere wan ])er to • Vor port ];ulke grete due • com vp her bi soiij'e • vocacio Me clupe)? it ]>er he iierst com up • after liiiii portes- n°ouj>e'. moul^e . 343G pus were in worre & in wo • ymeng J>e saxons • fifi^] Some tyme iboue & some bine]?e • her mj'd |;e bru- tons < Ac al aboue neuere liii nere • ar after ]>e king ar);ure • Ac su)?j?e liii wonne al clene out • as le ssulle after yhure • 3440 Vter ]>e gode king • of wan we speke biuore • Was feble after })at he was • in ])e hors bere ybore • . Vter • Arthure • fol. ss h pat he moste vor feblesse • nede holde him stille • per uore ]>e \u]>ev saxons • so moche adde hor wille • & lute ]?o hii ne mitte him sle • hii |?otte wi)? tray- Toxic [ac]io son . 3445 ^'^'• In some manere him bringc of Hue • o]?er wi]; po}^- son • 3433. of spring'] ofspreng a. 3434. alle \>e o)>ere wari] wau alle t>e o^ere 5. \>e o\>ere'\ the tother 7. 3436. Me clupe)>'] Me clepejj a; Men calli|5 ;8; Men calle 7. //] om. 5. 3437. were] were heo B. worre~\ werre Ba;3. in] om B. j/iiiniy] ymenged B ; iraengd a ; ymengyd /35. 3438. &i' some] & some tyme B^ ; somtyme 5. 3439. neuere hii nere] nere hi neuere a ; were Jjei neuer ;8 ; -were \>ey neuer 5. 3440. Ac su\>])e] & seW^e a; And sithe j3; Bot than 5. ssulle] solle B. after] here aftur B ; here after 5 ; om. ajS. i/fiure] hure B. 3441. wan] wham a ; whom )3. 3442. Was] Wer}? a ; AYorthe 13 ; Wonder 7. )>«/] om. j8. 3443. feblesse] feblenesse /35. 3444. so inoche adde lior] hadde al hare (here /3) afi. 3445. wi\>] wyt B ; mid a. 3446. him hringe] bringe a ; hrynge him 5. of Hue] alyue /S. wi\>] mid a. Q 2 244 THE CHRONICLE OF Hii sencle hor felle messagers • in pouere manne wede • pat at doles in j^e court • mete w'ip oj^ere bede • Hii aspyede in J^e court • oueral of ];inges alle • fous. So ]>at hii vnder ^ete • a welle ney ]>e halle • 3450 Of wan ]>e king ofte dronk • uor lie ne drone in such cas • Lute ]?ing bote )?er of • vor ]?at water so cold was • Wanne he drone ek eni wyn • ]?er among it was ydo • & me made metes in |?e court • mid ]?ulke water al so • [166] po ]>e traytors it vnderiete • hii enuenimed wi|?inne • pe welle aboute in eche stude • mid hor lu]?er gynne • Toxic [ac]io pat ]?et water ]7at ]?er of com • poyson was wel strong • r"igis. p^ king was sone apoisoned • ]>o he J'er of drong • & mo ]?an an hondred of is men • ar me wuste wer of it com • Moche ssame were hii wor]?e • ]?at do]? such suike- dom . 3460 3447. setide'] sent P. hor'] om. ajS. felle] feble B ; fele a ; many j8. manne] monne B ; mannes /8 ; mennus S. 3448. mete] her mete B7S ; hare mete a ; here mete ;8. iui\>] mid a. 3449. aspyede] aspyed B; aspyde a. of\>inges] of eche binges a/S. 34.50. vnder yete] vnderstode )S ; vndirstode S. a] an B ; one a/3. 3451. wan] wat B; wham o; -whom P; water Jjat 5. o/te dronk] of dronke j3 ; dronk of 5. ne] om. aP. in] on aj8, 3452. Lute ]f>inff] Lutyl o^er J>yng B ; Lute o]>er Jnng a ; Litel oj^er >inge i8 ; hot lytil olpev drynk S. \>at] \>c B/8. zvater] wadyr B. 3453. Wannc] And whan ) 5. ck eni] ckj-n B. ek] om. I3S. it] om. a^. 3454. mid] of oj8. 3455. l^e] \>ese S. vnder^eie] vnderstode j85. enuenimed] envenymede a, wi]>inne] hit w'ynne 5. 3456. aboute] om. 5. stude] syde B. lu]}er] luj^ere a. 3457. J^e^] ])Q B5 ; om. a0. ivel] ry^t /3. 3458. sone] wel sone 5. apoisoned] apoysoud B. drong] drone B ; dronk a ; dronke S ; dcde fonge j8 ; fonge y. 3459. mo \>an] om. a^. an] on a. wuste] wiste a; wist S. wer of] how S. 3460. wor)>e] worpy fi. do\>] dude a; dide ;8. suikedom] wyckedome S. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 245 So]? him sede meiiyn er • j?at he ssolde ];oru poyson deye- pe heye men of ]?e lond • ])o hii j^is de]? iseye • Del &; sorwe hii made ynoii • & ]>o per nas non o|7er red • Hii lete him burye by is broj^er • as he him sulf bed • sepultura Atte mimstre of ambresbmy • at stonheng ywis • ^^^'^" Wei atte ]?at be a wiirj^e stude • wamie ]>ei' such se- pulture ys • 3466 A rthvire vteres sone • of wam we tolde biuore • ^e abbe]? yhurd hou he was • biiite & ybore • po ]>is king was ]?us ded • ]?e heye men alle come • Of J^e londe to eilicestre • & conseil ]?er of nome • 3470 Vor to make horn a king • uor nede hom drof ]?er to • Vor ]7e saxons Avuste • ]?at ]?e king was ded so • saxonum Hii sende uor]? to alymayne • after more poer bliue • [167] &; ]?o^te ]?is brutons al clene • out of londe driue • So ]'at hii adde ywonne • al clene ]7e nor]? lond • 3475 Fram homber to totenays • & adde al in hor hond • 3461. he] hi a; \>ei /8. 3462. heye'] chere B. >/s del)] ded hym B. )>/s] his ay^. isei/e'] seije a ; sey^e j3 ; sey y. 3463. Bel] Dul a. §• Jjo] ac J^o B ; ac a ; but /S. 7imi] om. Ba0. 3464. Hii .... burye] Hi bixrede him a ; Thei huryed him /3. hurye] beburye B. 3465. Atte munstre] Atte mynstre B ; An ope \>Q doune a ; Apou ]>e doune /3. ambresbury] ambysbure B. 3466. be a] he beB. icur\>e] worH «/8. wanne \>er] ))at B; j>er a/85, sepulture] a sepulture 8 ; burijng a; buryenge /3. 3467. vteres] Vter B; Vter is 5 ; vtheres a. ivam] wan B ; wham a. tolde] spake 5. 3468. abbe\> yhurd] habbujj ihiird a ; hau herd 6. Sj-] & eke a5 ; & also )3. 3469. \>is] \>e a/8. 3470. eilicestre] Cirencestre a/8. 3471. make] makije a. a] o a. 3472. Jjfi] i>o J^e a. iviiste] wiste « ; wist \>an 13 ; hit wist 5. 3473. sende] went /3. 3474. Sf i>o-^tc] Wei hi }?oute a ; Wei J^ei t>ou)t /8. c/e?je] oui. 6. out] om. Ba/3. londe] londone a. 3475. te] })at Ba/8. 3476. to] vnto 5. totenays] catanej's B ; catheueys a/8. adde] haddeu hit a. in] on a/3. /lor] om. a/85. Arthure. 246 THE CHRONICLE OF arthure ArJ'ure was ]70 long mon • of viftene lev vnnej^e • fit rex. ^ .^^^ g^l j^g lond made him king • after is fader dej^ie • & he bigan anon & eke er • such mon vor to be • pat me ne solde in no lond • is per noiir ysc • 8480 fol. 56. . Arthure • So laro'e lie was & so hende • & al so debonere • So hardi & so gentil • & of so vair manere • pat so mochefolc to him com • of kni^tes :;onge & olde- pat he nadde no2t wel war wi]? • such menie u\) to holde • Ac is herte was euere god • long \>ei he were • 3485 Vor he ]7o^te of )?e saxons • is spense vp arere • Guerra He bigan |70 wel sone • to arere vp is baner • Vor is prowesse he adde sone • gret folc &5 poer • He wende toward euerwyk • wi]? vair compaynye ynou • po J'e saxons it vnderiete • j^at he ]mderward drou • 8490 Of scottes & of pycars • & of horn sulue hii nome • Gret poer ynou & strong • & aten horn come • 3477. A)-];>ure'] Av\>n\>e A; Artur B. yO?)^] a jonge S. vmiel-e'] onnejje a. 3478. Jje] hat Ba ; \>[\k S. made him'] him made ajS. /«"/7] oin. B. 3479. ^] om. a^. Ae] om. B. anon'] suon B. cV] om. B5. eke er] eke 5. moii] a man 5. 3480. no] Aa75 ; none B|3. nour'] uowar a ; noAvhere ^5. 3481. so hende'] heudc afi, 3482. so vair] faire aS. 3483. J-^/^J Vo B. knbytcf-] kyn^tes B (& passim). 3484. nadde] hadde /3 ; had 5. menie] meyne B ; meiiie a ; a mayne 5. 3486. of J'c] of J?is k ; in )nse /3. spense] spenscs afi ; cxpensis 5. arere] rere j3. 3487. ]>o ivel sone] fol sone anon a; i'ul sooue anone jQ. arcrc] rcre 0. vp] om. Ba/85. 3488. he adde so?ie] sone (sooue /3) he haddc a0. 3489. ir/Jj] mid a. conipai/ni/c] copanyc B ; ost ap. 3490. J^e saxons it] )>is saxons o ; \>e Saxons y3. vndcr'^ele] vnderstode/85. 3491. scottes] soctes a. horn'] hym B. hii name] ynome a. 3491'. Gret .... strong] Strong power & gret ynou a; Strouge i)o\ver & gret ynou^ 0. hoin] hym B/3 ; liim a ; hem y. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 247 per was sla^t in ey|>er syde • no mercy J^er nas • [168] Ac king arthm-e atte laste • as god wolde aboue was • ^ "'"' & sywede in to euerwyk « colgrim hor cheuenteyn • & him l^o he was wi)>imie • by segede mid al is mayn • Baldulf colgrymes bro])cr • six ]?ousend men mid him nom • &, is bro]7er nor to helpe • toward euerwyk com • po he was fram euerAvyk • aboute an ten myle • He at stunte & J70tte • );at he wolde mid gyle • 8500 Vpe ])e king arthure come • an onywar bi niite • & so him & al is folc • ssende tif he mitte • pe king was |?er of ywar • he ]?02te to do bote • Mid six hondred knittes • & ]>ve hondred men auote • Cadur erl of cornwayle • aten hom he sende • 3505 pat aien hom com an onywar • by a wey ]>at hii wende • & slowe & euere woundede • &l monye brotte to de]?e • So |>at l^is baldulf • of scapede aliue vnnejje • 3493. sla^yf] slant o ; slaujter 0. in'] on a0. sijde] half B5. j/o] none B. 3494. Ac"] ova. afi. atte .... wolde] ase god wolde at he kiste a ; as god wolde atte \>e last /8. 349.5. &'] He /3. in to] vn to /8. 3496. him )>o] when /3. mid'] him with /3. mayn'] many B> 3497. mid him] ]po a; he 0. 3498. com] he come 5. 3499. po] So B. fram] toward a$. ati] a y. 3500. at stunte] astunte a ; astjnt /3 ; astynte 5. mid gijle] hy gWki fi-. 3501. an onyivar] al vnwar y3 ; al vuware yS. 3502. folc] men 5. he] j>ey 5. 3503. he \>o'^te] and J?ought 5. 3504. hondred] }>ousand /3. hondred] housend Ba ; J'ousaude /3 ; Jjousaud 5. auote] afote a; of fote ^. 3505. hom] hym B. 3506. hom] hym B. an onywar] on onywar a; on vnwar /3 ; vnwar 5. a] a/8 ; one y. \>at hii] >at he B ; }?er hi o ; as Wy 5 ; per \>t\ )3. 3507. cuere woundede] vere woundede B ; forwondede a ; forwounded /85. 8f monye] many & 5. 3308. of scapede aliue] alyue of scapede aweya; alyue scaped awey /8. vnnchc] ouncj'e c. 248 THE CHKONICLE OF Adueutus ducis aly- manie. [169] parlia- mentum arthure londoni- ense.* fol. 56 b. rex mittit britannie minori. ;e pe wule J^at ]>e king arthure • by segede euerwyk Me tolde him of a gret due • J^at het theldryk pat out of alymayne com • to scotlonde so • Mid six hondred ssipuol of knittes • & al l^er to • per was lo gret poer • yii to a po ]?e kinges conseil wuste • adi'ad • pe king ar];ure hii radde anon To nyme ]?er is conseyl • woch were )?e best ende Leste such poer come • vpe him & him ssende • pe king dude after hor red • & to londone wende 3510 atyl londe ylad • ]ns • hit was • to londone to somdel 3514 wende • Arthure pere he huld is parlement • wat were best to done • So ]?at he & is conseil • at o red were sone • 3520 So |?at to J?e lasse brutaine • ]?e king sone sende • To howel king of ]7e lond • j^at he to him wende • To helpe him in suche nede • & |'at he him vnder- stode • pat kunde it wolde ]?at he dude • vor hii were of one blode • best] 3509. ^paf] om. oS. Jse] om. S, by segede^ biseged B. 3510. thcldri/k] AB7 ; theldrik a ; Theldryl )3 ; Cheldrik 5. 3511. to'] into B; vnto 5. 3512. of} om. B. al \>e ati/l] J^e atyr a ; >e atyre /3 ; al J^at longe^e S. 3513. lo] so B5. poe?-] poyr B. «] au B; one a/3. 3514. hit tvas] J?ei were )8 ; \>ey were 5. 3515. to wende] vorte weude B ; for to wende 5 ; Avende a. 3516. nymc] take j85. woch] wich a ; which /3. ^e] om. B, bestc a. ende] ^ende B. 3517. vpe] on /8 ; to 7. &; him] Si her rijt (ry^t ;S) bhu a/S. 3519. huld] hulde B ; held a; helde ;85, best] beste a. 3520. So] Jr'o B. o] one Bct/S. 3521. So] po B. to] om. /3. isove se7ide] his sonde sende afi. 3522. ivcude] auone wende 5. 3523. i)i suche tiede] at his ueode a ; atte his nede /3. 7icdc] a nede S he] om. B. him] om. aySS. 3524. pat] Vor a; For )3. it] om. a/8. i>at he dude] he soded d. * MS. loHdoniecis. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 249 King arthures soster sone • ]7e king howel was • 3525 & ]>e kinges sone of ]>e lasse briitayne • no wer kiinde ]>ev nas . po ]>e messagers wi]' ]?e tydinge • to king howel come • His eonseil wol hastiliche • in suche nede he nom • Vor to helpe is neveu • & is kynedom . Wij? fiftene ]70usend knittes • in to )?is londe he com • At souj^hamtone hii come vp • & ]?o hii to gadere [i7o] come . 3531 f^^^"'^^^ pis tueye kinges hii ciiste hom • & bi chipte ylome • howel. po hii adde hor folc yset • as ritt was in such cas • bellum. Nor]7ward toward lineolne • hii wende mid god pas • pere hii come & mette hom • & strong bataile smite J?ere • 3535 So J?at mo J>an six jjousend • of ]?e saxons islawe were • Wat aslawe wat adreint • so ]?at atte laste • fnga po hii ne seye o)7er won • hii gonne to fle vaste • ad^nemus. In to an wode ]>er by side • |?o hii |7er inne come • Hem J70^te hii were siker ynou • & toke j^e lasse gome • 3540 3525. King'] )>e kyng B ; \>e. king a ; The kynge /35. soster'] systiir B. \>e] }>ys B5 ; j?is a/8. 3526. Sj'] om. aj3. \>e lasse] lasse BjS. no wer] & none nerer B ; & non ner a ; & none nere ; & no fer S. kimde] kyn S. \>er nas] t>at nas 8. 3527. ):o] om. /3a. ??iessrt^ers] messager Ba. ?«>] mida. ti/dingc] ti\>jTig a ; tij^inges )3 ; tyj'yngs S. khig] J^e kynge 5. co)iie] com a. 3528. wol] welBa; ryjt y3. 3529. Vor] om. S. neveii] Erne 8. ^-J and eke 8 ; and to sane $. 3530. Wi];>] Mid a. kni-^tes] om. 8. in to] vnto 8. londe] lond a. 3531. hii] he B. come] comen a)3. come] came /3. 3532. kii] om. a/85, custe] kyste /3, bi chipte] hii clupte hem B ; clnpte ham wel a; clypte hem faire j8. ylome] same /3 ; hem lome 8. 3534. Nor\^ward] YorJ^ward B. * 3535. hom] hym B. smite] smote /8. 3536. !So] om. a|8. mo )>an] om. o;8. \>e saxons] \>e saxonB; saxons a;8. islawe] aslawe B ; t>are aslawe o ; \>ev aslayn /3. 3538. sef/e] say a. to fle] fle wel a; fle ryjt )8. 3539. an] a B. \>o] and \>o B«5 ; & when /8. 3540. siher] sykcre Ba. 250 THE CHRONICLE OF pe king sywede vaste • & bi segede lioni aboute • Ac among |?e tren hii wiistc horn • ]?at hii nadde no doute • Ilex obsi- po |:'e king arthure ysey • ]7at hii nokle out come • ' Aboute J>e wode he let fulle • ])c grete tren some • & leide ech eeh vp o]?er • aboute in eche ende • 3545 pat it was as it were a wal • j^at hii ne ssolde out wende • pre dawes & |?re niit • meteles hii wuste hom so • pat hii nuste hou on take • ne wat for honger do • pe king arthure hii bisotte • mercy attenende • pat he grantede hom in pes • out of |?isse londe wende • 3550 & hii grantede him al here god • }>at hii hider ladde • Gokl & sehier & tresour • al clene ]?at hii adde • Hii bihete him ek eche ter • to bere him truage • Out of hor londe & ]?er to • take him god ostage • Misericor- pe king ]?oru is conseil • assentede wel |?er to « 3555 a I'egib. ^ gQ J ostage of hom nom • ]?e truage vor to do • peticio venic. [171] 3541. vastel after B«5 ; aftir /8. bi segede'] byseged B. 3542. Ac] om. a^. wuste] -wisten o ; kepte /35. nadde] hadde /3 ; had 5. 3543. iiolde] wolde not 5. 3544. Aboute . . . fulle] He let fulle \>e wode aboute a; He lete felle \>e wodde aboute 0. let] lest A. fulle] felle 5. yrete] gret a. treii] trees S. some] sone B. 3545. cch ech] ecli Ba ; eche j3S, vp] vp on a5 ; apou y3. 3546. a] o o/8. ne ssolde] ne solde B ; ne my^t /3 ; ne myght S ; mite a. 3547. ni-^t] nyjttes j8 ; nyghtis S. w^iste] wiste a; kept yS ; kepte 5. 3548. take] to take 5. 3549. biso-^te] bisou^t soone /3. attenende] atte endeB ; at Kin ende a; at ]>Q ende yS. 3550. yrantede] granted B. \>isKe] ysB; his a;85. londe] lond o. iccnde] to wende fi. 3551. hii] he fi. him] hem y3. 3552. Sj- scluer] om. j3, al] & alle a ; and al j3. 3553. Hii ... e^] & hi bihete o ; And )>ei bi hijt )3. 3554. Out of] Fram al3. talit] toke j3 ; to take 5. 3555. assentede] encented B ; enseiited 5. i>cr to] herto 8. 3556. god] gode a. hom.] om. B. nom] toke 13. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 251 • xirthwre • id. 57. & at huld al hor god - & let horn al bar Avende • & tut him of potto sone • ]'at he was horn so hende • Mid hor gold & sehier • & mid hor trcsour hii mi^te • Soustcini a god luile is ost • atens horn wor to vi^te • k, tut his hiber false men • in be se come • 35G1 Keditus c ( 1 1-11 I' 1 ] Raxonum & tornde aten to snikedom • to an o]>cr red nome • j^,^ ^Q^^^_ Atte hauene of tottenays • hii gonne arst ariue • n^is- & dude hom alond & robbede • in deuenissire bliue • & so vorj? in somersete • moche wo gonne do • 35G5 Al anon to seuerne • & to l)aJ7e al so • Obsesslo & bisegede ];ene toun • ac wip oute hii were • ^^^^• Vor ]ye king bi norj^e was • hii gonne hor werre arere • Vor ]7e king was toward seottlond • & awreke him he ]?o^te • 8569 Of scottes & of picars • )?at euere euele him wrotte • po J^e tyding him com • of ]>e saxons is fo • [i"^l He nuste in we]7er ende turne • so uol he was of wo • 3557. at huld] atel B ; with helde ;8 ; at helcle 5. Ao?«] him B. 3558. him of Jjojie] B ; him of jote A ; him at>outc a ; he aj^ou^t fi ; him forthou^t 5. hom] to ham a ; to hem /8. 3559. c5- mid] & a/3. hii] he Ba/35. 3560. a] om. B. god] gode B; grct afi. ycile] wjle B; while a/3. aye7is hom] om.'BS ; a^eu ham a ; agejn hem /3. ivoi- to] vor to B ; forto S ; to a/8. 3561. cy]AcBa; But/3; BotS. yU]>is] ^\t]^ctiS ; \)Qal3. m] into /3. come] ]}0 liii come B ; ho hi come a ; i>o ]>ey come S ; wheu )7ei come y3. 3562. Sf] om. Ba^5. snikedom] wyckednesse S. an] on a. 3563. Atte haucnc] At \>c liafne a. tottenays] tottenas B. arst] eft Ba; efte/85. 3564. dude hom] dude hym B ; come a/8. alo7id] on londe 7. rob' bede] rewede B. 3565. in] in to a^. moche] and muclie Ba/85. yoviic] gan /8, 3566. Al] And /3. §• to] & vn to/3. al] om, 5. 3567. \)ene] \>e B5 ; j^aue a ; J^at /3. toun] thoun B. 3568. bi nor\>e] byuore B. yotmc] hygonne B. hur iccrre] her worre a. arere] here B. 3569. ^"awreke] to awrelie as 5. him he] hym B ; he him a, 3570. Of] On he 5. §" «/] & he 5. picars] pigars B. euele] vuele B ; vuel o. 3571. tijding] tihinge o ; tihinges /3 ; tyhyuges 8. him] to hym B; to him aj85. is fo] M'e B ; wo S ; hat dude so a ; J^at dide so /8. 3572. ?)»s?r] nyst/8. inwe\>erende]\\h\([^vvfAYAa; whiderwarde him /3. so ... . ivo] he was so ful of wo /3 ; so thoughtful he was ho 5. 252 THE CHRONICLE OF Morbus howel. vaclMt versus saxones. Of scottes he wolde awreke be • tif time him ]>ev to teue • Ac he nolde uor no ]nng • f^e saxons bileue • & howel is soster sone • king of ])e o]7er brutayne • Mest in is herte was • uor anguysse to playne • 3576 Vor he lay binorj'e sik • }?at he ssolde bileue him J'ere • Leste ]?e scottes him dude ssame • o]?er J?at he ]>e wule ded were • He bileuede him poer ynou • & toward somersete • 3579 Wende toward ]>e saxons • vor p>at nolde he nozt lete • po he com to somersete • & ]?e saxons ysey • He houede & spac wij? is men • ]7es wordes al an hey • Vor ]?is luj^er saxons • abbe]? gTet dedeyn • Vor to holde me treu]?e • lif ich abbe eny mayn • IchoUe holde to ihesu crist • treu]?e tif ich may -3585 «fc l^at blod of my kunde folc • awreke ^ut to day • ArmyeJ> ^ou nou hasteliche • arme]? tou anon • Vor we ssolle to day mid godes help • ouercome vr fon • 3573. scottes'] j^e scottes B5. awreke be] j'wroke haue be S ; him awreke &. him \>er to] )>qv to him a/S. 3574. nolde] wolde ;8. no] nonB. bileue] so byleueS; >o bileue a; >an so byleue j8. 3575. Sf] om. B. hoivel] howe 5. soster] seyster B. o))er] lasse aj8. 3576. in] on a/35. herte] hurte a. playne] compleyne S. 3577. binor\>e] byuore B. bileue] leue 5. 3578. Leste] Laste Ba. \>e] om. S. kim dude] dude him a; dide him )8. )>at] om. aySS. \>e wule] le wule A ; om. B ; J>e while a/85. 3579. bileuede] byleuyd B ; bilefde a. 3580. ]>at . . . no-^t] nold he nojt ))at 5. nolde] wolde /3. 3581. to] toward a; towarde /3, ysei/] sey B ; J^er sey^e 6. 3582. spac] spec B ; speke 5. wii>] to B ; mid a. 3583. lu]per] luj>ere a. abbe]>] abbyt B. dedeyn] scorne & dedayne /S 3584. eny mayn] myjthe or mayne /3. 3585. Icholle holde] Ich chylle treube hoklc B. holde . . . crist] to Ihu Cryst holde /8. treu])e] treuly B ; treuliche a/8 ; trewlich 5. 35S6. ]pat] >e o/35. my] ys B. folc] floe B. 3587. Armyc])] Armejj Ba/S. arme\> ^om] & make )ow redy 5. 3588. Vor] om. aj35. godes] god B. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 253 Ac J?e king atte biginninge • let hangy echon • 3589 [i'3] Hor ostages uor ];e treson • he ne bileuede nott on • po pis gode folc ^are was • in batayle to Ride • predi[ca]- Sein dubric ]>e erchebissop • of caiieon gan abide • & "wende vp a Intel hul • amidde ]?e compaynie • Xe cristinemen he sede • of so noble seynorye • 3594 • Arthwre • m. 57 b. pat hep godes owe lumes • ]7oru toure cristendom • penche]? on god J?at vor us deide • & on |7is kinedom • Vitte]? nor loure kunde • & defendej> •^oure ritte • penche]? of pe nede of pe lond • & of vre louerdes mi^te • &L tif eny of ton is aslawe • in J>is ulke fitte • To saui ];at lond folc • &> uor }'e londes ri^te • 3600 He sywe]? purliche god • j^at lef is owe lif her • To savy us sinuol men • fram pe deueles poer • & wo so her is aslawe • is de]? him sal be • In lesnesse of al is sinne • & is soule ssal fle • 3589. Ac ]>e] Bo5 ; But \>e /3 ; Atte A. hangy'] hang B ; hongi a ; honge j8. echon'] ]>o echon a ; J^o echone S ; J^an echone /3, 3590. ostar/es] ostage 0. >e] om. /3. he ... . o?;] ]>ej left no^t alyue one 5. bileuede] bilefde a. 3591. po \>is] }?o Jje a ; "Whenne Jje /8 ; And >ere his 5. yare] redy fiS. 171] in to aB. in batayle to] in to batayle B ; to J^e bate3'l for to 5. 3593. vp a] apon an 0. Intel] lute B ; litel $. k] J>ys B. 3594. seynorye] seynore B. 3595. Otoe] owene a; om. /3. lumes] lyniys B ; limes a; ymmes 13. youre] om. 5. 3596. penche]>] penc he B. on .... deide] J?at god deijde (deyed B ; deyd 5) for vs ajSS. 3597. uor youre] now for oure 5. youre] oure 5. 3598. of i>e nede] he nede BBS ; J?e neode a. ^' of] and on 5. lou- erdes] louerd B. 3599. 6t'] om. aj85, is aslawe] be slayn 13. in \>is ulke] here in jpys B5 ; her on J:)isse a ; here on J^is 0. 3600. satti] saue 0. \>at lond] J>e lond B ; ^is londes 0. londes] loude 0. 3602. sinuol] sunfole a. deueles] deoueles a. 3603. her is aslawe] is here aslayn 0. 3604. In lesnesse] On lesnesse a ; Of forjeuenesse j8 ; Relesse 5. al] om. a0 sinne] synnys B5 ; sinnes afi. 254) THE CHRONICLE OF & be ybrott biuore god • ar ]?at bocli be cold • 8605 He asoylede al ]mt folc • ]?at he adde ]?us ytold • pat folc ]>oru is prechinge • so god wille nom ]?ere • pat horn j^o^te ech wule vine • ar hii in bataile were • ['".4] pe king was aboue yarmed • wi]> auberc noble Sz, riche • arthure. Wi]? helm of gold on is heued • was non him yliche • pe fourme of a dragon • ]?er on was yeast • 8011 His sseld j^at het Jnidwen • was ];onne yhonge vaste • Aboute is ssoldren & J»eron • ypeint was & ybro^t • pe ymage of vre leuedy • on warn was al is ]>ozt • Mid is suerd he was ignrd • ];at so strong was & kene- Calibourne it was ickiped • nas nour no such ich wene • In is riit hond is laimce he nom • J^at was ycluped Ron • Long & gret & strong ynou • him ne mi^te at sitte non • 3605. 2/broyt'] brou)t S. biuore] to fore a5 ; afore /3. )?«/] ^e 360C. asoi/lcdc] asouled B. }-(//] hys B ; Y-is afi ; >ese S. \>at he adde >io he adde al ^ys B ; }'0 he hadde his a ; when he hadde )>is /8 ; J>o he he hadde alle >ys 5. 3607. pat] pis a ; This ;3 ; These 5. j>oru is'] for \>e a/SS. god] gode a. 710711] nome o ; toke /8. 3608. wide] wyle B ; while afi. ar hii in hataile] in hatayle ar hii B ; ill bataile ar hi a ; in Bataile tille >ei j8 ; in hatayle to J>ey y, in bataile ar \>ej 5. 3609. wi\>] mid a. auhcrc] haubert B ; haubree a; hawbrek y3 ; hawberk y. 3610. Wi\>] IMid a. was 7wn him] nas nour hym B ; non him nas o ; none hiin was ;3 ; none was him y ; was J>er nowhere him 5. ylichc] lyche /3. 3611. a] o a. on] inne a/3; yn 5. i/cast] cast 5. 3612. \yridtrrv] Pridwen 5. })07nie] J?anne Bay ; }>an /35. yhonge] ihonget a; honget )3; hanged y ; hoiiged 5. vaste] wast B. 3613. ypeint'] peynt )3; ypeintid 5. iMoyt'] ywort B; ywrouit a; wrou^t (8. 3614. leuedi/] lady B ; lefdi a. on warn] in wan B; in wham a ; in whom JS. 361.5. iyurd] gurde ;3. strong] stronge a. 3616. Calibourne] Callibourue a; Calliborne fi. ichiped] callyd ^. nas .... such'] nas nower no such a ; was nowhare non suche /3 ; was nowhare suche 7 ; nowhere was such 5. ich] yc B. 3617. /?«] On o. 7J0)«] namo; toke /8. ivas ycluped] ycluped was B ; was icleped a ; Avas callyd /S ; yclepud was 5. 3G18. him] hure a; hit /3. at sitte] asyttc ft. non] Ba5 ; none ft\ om. A. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 255 He jjo^te al on ihesu crist • & is men eclion • Bellum Vpe ]>e doune aboue bape • liii mette mid hor fon • oG20 i"xtaba>e. Hii smite bataile strong ynou • j^at al longe day ilaste • pe saxons in hor syde • stode euere a^en vaste • Moche folc I'er was ynou • aslawe in eyjer side • po ]>(i niit vpe horn com • pat hii ne rniite no leng abide • 8024 Vpe pe torret of an lierre hul • pe saxons wende pere • pat pe heye hul to horn was • a castel as pey it were • A morwe po it day was • adoiin eft hii ali^te • & in batayle strong ynou • bigonne eft sone to fiite • & sloue uaste in eyper alf « pat reupe it was ynou- [175] po pe king arpure ysey • pat me is men so uaste slou . 3G30 His herte he gan vp arere • pat he nadde pe maistrie • probitas & dude is wille al to god • & on is moder marie • arthure. 3G19. echo7i'] euerj-chone 5. 3620. Vfie'] Opou a. 7nette'] mytte B ; metten S. 3621. al hmyc day'\ al day ayS ; alle a dayc S. ilasfe] hit lastea; hit last/3. 3622. slode] stodcn a/8. 3623. Moche] Myclic B. irus ynou'] was )>ere I'O 5. aslairc] slayn 0. in'] ou a;35. 3624. >e] J>at afih. rpc] vp on a ; apon y. )>(//] om. a^. ?/ey] om. Ba/35. 3627. A morwe] Amora^e B. 3628. hlyonne] bygonnen S ; jjci bigonne y3. ef'l sone] ef sone B ; eft o;8 ; cfte 5. 3629. in] on a/35. 3630. po] There S. ysey] isey >is a ; yse >is /3 ; om. 5. me] men 5. is men so uaste] so vaste ys men B ; his fole (folke ^) so a/3 ; his folke thus y ; fast his men 5. 3631. he] om. afi. he (/an ?•;>] vp he gan S. ai-ere] rere /S. nadde] ne hadde $. 3632. 071] in a/3; vp S; om. y. 256 THE CHRONICLE OF fol.58. ^Avthwre. &5 calybourne is gode suerd • mid god ernest he drou • & smot aboiite in ei]7er side • to grounde harde ynou • & four hondred men ar he reste • is owe honde he slou • 3635 & sixti & tene al so • |?e asaut was somdel ton • victoria & ]^erto nadde he o|?er help • bote god & seinte marie • britanuo- ^ calibourne is ^ode suerd • to do such maistrie • j)o IS men iseye j^is • aiter vaste hii drowe • & to gronde aboute smite • & ]>e saxons uaste slowe • «Sz; colgrim )7at hor maister was • & baldulf is bro]?er •3641 Asia we were at ]?ulke asaut • & al so moni an o]7er • Vor mony a ]?ousend )?er were aslawe • & teldrich atte- laste • His felawes ]>o he sey aslawe • bi gan to fle vaste • Nunciacio po jjis batayle was ydo • to ]>e king com message • scottes^ pat ]7e scottes & J>e picars • dude him gret outrage • & sire howel is neueu • king of ]?e o]7er brutayne • pat sik lay as ich sede er • bisegede mid al hor mayne • 3633. god] gode B. ernest'] huvnest a. he drou] adrou B. 3634. in] on afiS. ci\>er] eu>er B. to grounde harde ynou] & sturede him faste ynou a ; & stured him fast jnouj ;8. harde] & hard B ; & harde 5. 3635. Sf] cm. 8. ho7ide he] body a/3. 3636. ^] An B. 3637. nadde he] hadde he none $. seirite] seinoe A. 3638. gode] god a. do] don a ; doun /8. maistrie] a maistrije a. 3640. smite] smote |3. \>e] om. S. 3641. Sc] om. BajSS. K'O om. 0. \>at hoi-] that ther y. 3642. Aslawe] Slayn $. asaut] slant a ; slawite S ; slaujter $ ; om. y. a7i] on a ; om. y. 3643. Vor] om. a^B. «] om. Ba/3. aslawe] slayn fi. teldrich] teldryc B ; Theldric S ; Cheldrik a ; Cheldryk /3. 3644. felawes] falawes /8. J>o . . . . aslawe] J>an slayn /8. se?/] isey a. ij gaii] he bygan j8. ras/e] wel faste a. 3646. Jje] om. S. Jjc] om. B5. picars] pj'gars B. 3647. is 7ieueu] l>e kynge neueu j3 ; the kjTiges neueu y. oJ>er] lasse afi. brutayne] brutannye B. 3C48, lay] day B. bisegede] byseged B. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 257 po ]'c king hurde pis • him longede ];uder sore* [^'^] He ne mitte |?ere longe abide • ]>e saxons to sywy more • 3650 Cadour eii of cornwayle • he bileuede ]?ere • Mid ten J^ousend men • nor to sywe • horn |?at ofscaped were • pe erl sywede mid is men • ]?e saxons uaste ynou • & strong batayle smite • & teldiic J^e prince slou • Occisio & is compaynie ]>e mestedel • bote an vewe atten ende • '^ "^• Mercy him cryde ];at hii moste • Into hor owe londe wende • 3656 (fc suore & toke him ostage • ]>at hii ne ssokle neuere ywys . pis lond eft asayly • ne ssame do ne amys • So )>at ]>et folc of saxons • namore hider ne come • pe wule J?at ]>e king arthure • wiste ]>is kinedome -3660 ^adour erl of cornwayle • Jjo he adde ydo al ]?is • cudour To ]>e king is louerd wende • to scotlond ywis • J^^^^^ 3649. hurde'] him harde $. him longede ^^uder] Jsedir him louged 5. )?uder\ Jjudere a. 3650. \>ere longe'] >er leug B ; no lenger 5. sijwy] sywe B. 3651. bileuede] bilefde a. 3652. meji] of meu a. nor to] to o^S. ofscaped] ascapede o ; ascaped fi. 3653. i>e] J)es aS ; Jjise fi. 3654. Sf] A 5. smite] sraot Ba ; smote 13 ; he smote 5. teldric] Theldric S ; cheldric a ; Cheldryk ^. slou] he slou « ; he slouj ;3. 3655. mestedel] most del y3. an vewe] auewe B ; a fewe a. atten ende] at J>an ende a ; at jje ende j8. 3656. Mercy him cryde] Hi cride merci a ; Thei cryed mercy /3. him] J>ey S. moste] my^t j8. Into] vnto 5. 3657. ^- suore] Hi sn'ore a ; Thei swore )3. hii ne ssolde neuere] t>ei schulde 13. 7ie] om. S. 3658. ne ssame] mid schame a ; with schame j85. do ne] dou B ; ne do o)35. 3659. So] po B. \>ct'] \>e Bo/35. saxons] saxome a; Saxonye ;8. ne] om. 5. 3660. ivule] wyle B ; while a^. ]>at] om. Bo)3. Jse] om. S. wiste] wuste B ; kepte /3 ; regned in S. 3661. erl] >e Erie 5. of] om. 7. a/rfo] idou a ; doS. S. 3662. kitig] king arthur a ; kynge Arthure $. ivende to scotlond] to scotlond wende (went /3) a^. R 258 THE CHRONICLE OF pe king adde er among • j^e scottes • ystured him uol wel • (fe deliuered of hom ar he come • is neueu sire howel • fuga & yslawe of hom monyon • so l^at in an yle • 3665 SCO 01 urn. jj-^ ^|. gcapede atte laste • bi nor)?e mony a myle • Nidi pet water ge]? al aboute • & J?er inne eke be}> • aquilamm. gj^ti grete roches • as men al day yse]; • [177] per Inne nomon ne wone]? • ac in ech roche ];er is • In tyme of tere an ernes nest • p'at hii brede}> inne ywis . 3670 fol. 58 b. • Arthure • Ech is in a roche him sulf • vor hii ne mowe no2t ney be • Vor hom by hoiie]? moche mete • & hii ne mowe nott wel fie • Vor feblesse of hor brode • ac wanne hor briddes rype bej? • per hii finde]? more mete • in londes aboute hii flej? • 3663. adde er'\ cm. a^S. ystured him'] hadde isturcd (stored /3) him er o;8 ; hadde sturryd her y ; had stared }>ere 5. 3664. ofhoni] ofhym B; cm. a^5. ar] hare a; or By3. 3665. yslawe] slowe ^. of hom] ova., a^. in] in to afiS. an] one aj3. 3666. of scapede] at scapede a. hi nor\>e] by uore B. moiiy a] mani^e o a.. 3667. \^et] pe 5 ; pat a. yc]> al] goth hit 5. 3668. (jrete] heye B; helje a; hey^ 5; hey /3. al day] t>ere B; Jjerofte a/8 ; J^ere ofte 5. yse\)] ysene y. 3669. ne] om. 5. wone^] wonyej? B. in] on o/8. erii] eche B«i3. 3670. In ... . nest] Vor so> (For sothe )3) o nest of ernes aP. 3071. Ech is] Euerich is a; Euereehe /3. /?(] on 13. a] o o)3. him sulf] bi him sulf a ; by him self yS ; by him selfe 5. 7te] om. 5. noyt] om. y. ney] ne B. 3672. ne] om. S. noyt] om. y. 3673. feblesse] feblisce a ; feblenesse^ ; febulnesse 5. briddes] byrdes y. 3674. per] There as 5. hii] hi hi a. Ji7ide\>] fyuden /3. in londes aboute] in o^ere londes a ; in ojier londes )3 ; Into oJ?ere londes S. fle]>] fluj» o ; fleu ;9 ; flene y. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 259 pe king bilay |;es scottes • ])ere mid alle wo • 3G75 Rex obsl- pat ];er deide of horn vor honger • a ]jousend & mo • «fe tut nolde j^e ssrewen • to none pays go • Gillam ])e king of yrlonde • to horn wende ]}0 • AVi|? gi'et poer in J^e water • to helpe horn of )ns cas • po ]>e king arthure it wuste • prest aten him he was . 3680 & slou of horn to gTOunde • so j;at hii gonne \vi]> di'awe • & hii ]?at miite come aien • aliue were wel vawe • Ac l^e king hom adde afayted so • ]?at hii ne kepte nanmore him mete • ^ut he ]70tte afayty • ]>e scottes ar he hom lete • He bi sette hom vaste jtiou • so J'at attelaste J^ere • Aduentus pe bissops & o}?er prelats • J^at of J?e londe were • rum*^°^''' Com wi]? gret procession • wij? gret anguisse & fere • Wepinde bin ore ]>e kinge • &; hor relikes wi|> hom here • 3675. \>es'] J^is a ; }>ys B. Jsere mid] t>at mid a ; >at witli ^ ; >ere he dud hem 5. alle] al B. 3676. pat] om. afiS. deide] doyede 0. a] o a;3. 7no] wel rao a$. 3677. nolde] wolde /3; wolden y. 7io?)e] no $5. pays] pes Ba. 3678. Gillam] And Gillam oyS ; And Gillian y. [] Mid a. hom] hym B. of] in B;8. 3680. po] om. /8. i>e] om. Ba ; |iat 5. it wuste] I wiste )3 ; ywyste 7. A/m] hem B;8S ; ham u. 3681. to] to ]>e 5. ici]> drawc] fle ajeyue ;8 ; flene ayein 7. 3682. Iiii] \>o /3. come] comeu o; comyn y. tcel vatve] ful fawe 5; ry^t fayne /3 ; ful fayne y. 3683. Ac] po Ba5; When ^. /(ow adde] hadde hem 5. so )?«/] om. aj85. ne . . . mete] ne kepte him more jmete a ; ne kept him more to mete /3 ; kept him no more mete S. 3684. -^ut] Sithe /8. afai/ty] to affaite 5. hom] om. a/3. 3685. so] om. ajSo. 3686. pe] om. a;85. prelats] B ; prelates a5 ; prelatis /3 ; prelascs A. J>e] om. B. 3687. Com] Come a; Some B. «•?>] mid a. ivi\>] in Ba;35. grete] grete a. 3688. !re/)/wf?p] Wepinge a ; Wepynge |8. hor] om. 5. jtv'^ //<)?« 1 myd hem B ; mid ham o ; by fore hem ^ ; by fore him y. R 2 9,60 THE CHRONICLE OF [178] & oj^er holy chirche );inges • bareuot eclion • 3689 Hii velle alle adoim akne • biuore ]fe kinge anon • & bede him uor is suete loue • ]^at deide on Ipe rode • pat he adde reu]?e of horn • &l is soule vnder stode • Wanne he adde • ])er biuore • of horn aslawe ynowe • pat he soffrede ];ulke libbe • )?at he foUiche alle ne slowe . 3694 & jjat he som hiirne of |^e lond • grantede horn Jjere • Warinne hii leuede & eueremo • seruage him bere • Misericor- pe king vor pite her of-bigan to wepe sore* ° ' iSz; nom of hom sykernesse • p'at hii ne ssolde mis do namnore • & grantede hom an end lond • to libbe inne in ser- uage • To bere J?er of him & is • euere mo truage • 3700 Nou wer ];er wij? him j^re men • ]7at of ]>e riite kunde come • Of kinges of J'ulke lond • vor te saxons hom bi nome • 3689, 3690 transposed in ^y. 3689. Sf o];>er'} Sc o\>ev ho)>er A ; With /8. holy] holiye a. bareuot] hare vorj^e B. echon'] eiierichon a ; euerechone ;8. 3690. velle] welle B ; fellen a5 ; felle )8. akne] eke B; akneo a; on knee 7. kitige] kyng Ba. 3691. bede him] him a; sayde /8. suete] dere S. 3692. §• is] & of ysB. 3694. libbe] lyue & ; to lyue S. folliche] voUiche o; fouliche /3. alle] ham a ; hem j3. 369.5. grantede] awayted 5. 3696. §•] om. ay85. seruage] & seruage aj85. 3697. vor] nom a; toke ;8, bigan] & bigan a;8. 3698. nom] toke ^S. hii . . . namnore] hi mis dude no more a ; }jei mysdide no more /8 ; J^ey mysded nomore 5. 3699. an end lond'] annende lond B ; on ende of lond a; one ende of }je londe /3. lond] of jjc londe S. libbe inne] wonye yune B ; libben a ; Ij'ue j8. 3700. of him] to him 5. euere mo] eueremor B ; euere more oj8. 3701. \>er wiY] Jjer myd B ; \>a,v mid a. \>rc] l>er /3 ; there 7. \>e] om. B. ri-^te] om. a;85. 3702. vor te] fort a ; vn to /8. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 261 Auncel & vrian • & lot j^e Jridde was • Rex facit pat spoused j^e kinges soster • ^e abbej? yhurd ]^at cas • "J^^^JJ^* "^ & adde bi hire tueie sones • sire waweyn j^e liende • pe oJ?er het modred • j^at J^e king bytrayde attenende • pe keng arthure ]7es ]n*e men • kinges made ]>eve • [179] Ech of is riit eritage • as hor elderne were • 'Arthure* foi. 59. Auncel king of scotlond • & vrian is bro];er • King of ]7e lond of murifens • vor he was ner ]7an an o]7er . 8710 Of ^e contreie of lodenesie • Lot he made king • & of al \q contreie |?at \qv to uel • & J^at was gret )?ing . po he adde al ];is lond • ybroit • & scotlond al so • Al clene in riite to is wille • an o]?er he moste do • He spousede a noble wif • gwenwar ire name was • Sponcisio Of ]?e heye kunne of rome • no vairor womman nas • s^vemuar. 3703. Auncel] Auusel afi. Vriaii] yarian ;8. lot] loth o3. 3704. spoused] hadde 5. J>a<] Jjc a0 ; of )>ys 8. 3705. waweyn] wawayna; wawayne /3. 3706. f'e o]>er het] And eke a;35. modred] Modret S. )>e hiny] J>eue king a. attenende] at i^an ende o ; at the ende /3. 3707. >es] t>ys B; t>ls a ; >o j8. made] he made 5. 3708. of is] ou his o.^. eritage] ertage B. elderne] huldere a ; eldren (8. 3709. scotlond] pur scotlond B ; pujr scottlond k; puir scotlond /3; puire scotlande y ; pure scottlaad 8. 3710. ]>e] oni. B. murifens] muryfycens B. vor] om. a/38. an] eni a ; any j8 ; eny 7. 3711. lodenesie] ledeneseye B ; lindesey^ea; lyndeseye /35. 3712. al] om. a)35. J?e] om. B. gret] muche BS ; muche fair a ; muche faire /3. 3713. al] om. a;3S. also] ek also a ; eke also fih. 3714. clene] om. a^. in ri-yte] aryght 5. ri'^te] erased in o. 3715. noble] wel noble 8. gwenwar] guerwar B ; gwenhuuer a/3. 3716. kunne] kunde a. no ... . nas] a fayrer womman J>ere nas S. womman] wimman a. 262 THE CHRONICLE OF Rex uadit iberuie. bellum. Capcio regis willami. Perquisi- cio yrloii- die et insu- larum. [180] A s sone as somer com • to yrlond he gan wende Vor to afayti ]'at lond • & to winne ech ende • Gillam king of ]>q lond • ar he ]mder com • Vole as it were wi]^ oute noumbre • a^en him he nom • 8720 Hii come tk: mette horn sone • & gret bataile smite • Ac ]'e king arthnre waf? aboue • as me may wel ywite • & ]ie king gyllam was inome • & so al ]?at lond • Bi certein couenant was • in king arthures bond • Fram |7anne he wende • sone • to ]'e lond of yrlonde • & wan it al clene to him • & al p'at he vonde • po such tydinge aboute com • as ech sende o]'er sonde • pat so noble nion he was • ];at him ne miite no lond at stonde • Deldam wende anon to him • ]^at was king of god- londe • & ginnas king of orcadas • his grace for to fonde • 3730 3717. As'] Also a,8. as] ha « ; j^e P. yrlond] yrlonde a. 3718. Vor to] Fort a. afayti] alfaiti a; affaite j8. ech] eche o. 3719. Gillam] Gilliam y. >>e] cm. B. ar] are a. 3720. it were] om. afi3. 3721. mette] ymette B. smite] hii smjte B ; smj'ten 5. 3722. Ac ]>e] But j3. yioitc] wj'ten 5. 3723. Jjfi] om. oj8. inome] ytake /8. 3724. certein] certey B ; sj^ker 5. couenant] coimenant B. ivas] om. afi. ?h] alle in 5. 3725. \>(inne] Joannes o ; J^enues j8. ivende] wente ;8. \>e lond] heu yle a ; ]?s He li. yrlonde] yslond Ba ; Islonde ;85. 3726. a/] om. a5. (§• al] mid al a; with al ;3 ; and eke al 5. vonde] wond B ; fond a ; fonde /3. 3727. po] So B. tydinge] tilling a; tyjiynge B; tithingea y ; tijjyuges S. sonde] his sonde S. 3728. mon] a man 5. him ne mi^te no lond] ue my^te no lond B ; ne my^te him no lond a ; her myjt him no londe /3; ther myght no londe him 7 ; no loud myght him 5. at stonde] astonde 7. 3729. Deldam] Doldam B ; Doldan a&S. 3730. (jinnas] gumyas B ; Gymmas a ; Gunnas S. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 26o k, bicome is men k, bihete him • to bere him truage • Ech ter & holde of him • & of his in seniage • Of |?isse brutaine he was king • «fc adde al so scotlonde • & yslonde & oreadas • vnder him & yrlondc • po winter was al ydo • to )?isse londe he wende • RecUUtus To bringe ]>e lond in god pais • & ]>e lawes amende • ^ '^ ^' Tuelf ler he bileuede ]70 here • mid nobleye ynou • nobilitas & }'e hexte men of mani londes • aboute him uaste drou • tic bigan to streng]?e is court • & to eche is mainie • Mid so gret plente huld is ho us • & mid so gret cor- teisie • 3740 pat me ne mi^te of so noble los • man neiier vnder- stonde • & p>at ]7er nas noiir aboute • kniit of none londe • pat me tc^lde of eny ];ing • bote hii of sute were • Of king arthures hous • oJ?er som signe ]?er of bere • 3731. Sf bicome] Bicomen o; Byconiyu /8. bihete'] byhijt /3 ; bighte 7. hini] ova.. 5. to] forto 5. bere] beren a. 3732. Ech] Eche a. S^- holde] to holde a^. Sf of his] & his he londe a ; & his }pQ londe /3. 3733. \>isse] >is a, ; >y3 B. brutaine] brytanye B. was] was >o Ba5 ; was J'an /8. 3734. ydonde] B; yrlondc A; yslond a ; IsIoude/85. 3735. to] in to Ba)35. \>isse] i^ys B ; J>is a. 3736. )>e] Jiys B5 ; >is /3. god] om. /3. pais] pes Ba ; pees /3. 3737. bileuede'] bilefde a. \>o] om. ay85. wuV/J wyth B ; in a;85. 3738. J5e] om. B. hexte] hei^est fi. mani londes] maniie lond a ; many a londes y. uaste] he 5. 3739. strengVe] astreng^y B; streug^i a. gf to] & ayS. eche] eke fi. maiiue] maignie a. 3740. Mid] And myd B ; & mid a ; And with /83. so] om. a/35. AmW] holde B ; held a ; heldc /8 ; om. 5. mid] om. a/8. 3741. me ne miyte .... w(c/h neuer] no man. . . . ne myte name a; no man . . . . ne myjt no man P ; no man ... , ne myght be 5. 3742. ]f>at] om. a/8. 7ias] was no /8 ; nas ]?er 5. woMr] \>tre B. nour abotite kniyt] kni^t aboute her ne o; kny^t aboute here ne ^ ; knyjt there aboute here ne 7. o/"] in Ba/3. jiowe] no/85. 3743. /iu] he B5 ; jif he a/3. s«e B. )>er of] of him 5. 2G4 THE CHRONICLE OF Of robes o]>ev of armes • & ]>e gode mon was so hende • pat he aueng vawe echon • |?at to him wolde wende • foi.59b. 'Arthure- [181] Bote to sigge ssortliche • J^er nas ver ne ner • alii tim»nt ^^ prowesse lie of corteisie • in ]>e world is per • eum. Is los sprong so wide sone • of his largesse • Of streng]7e & of is corteisie • & off is prowesse • 3750 To ]>e verrost ende of ]>e world • J?at such nas nour non • So ]?at o]?ere grete kinges • doutede him echon • Biionde J'e se in ech stude • & dradde ver & ner • pat hii come & binome hor londes • o]7er hor poer • Hii bigonne hor heite tonnes • & streng)?ede vaste aboute • 8755 Hor castles & astori • |?at hii mi^te be Inne in doute • po ]:'is gode tidinge com • to )ns noble arthurg • Mid gode herte he Avolde • such tydinge yhure • 3745. o>er] or S. Sf \>e gode mon'] J>at to ]>e gode (good ;8) men afi ; This good lord 5. 3746. auenyl feng a ; fonge P ; fenge S. vawe'] fawe aS ; fayne /3. him] hem 5. 3747. to] for to a/85. se] in al >8 /8 ; In )>is 5. loorld] worl B ; londe founde S. 3749. so] om. a;35. 3750. Of. . . ij-ofis] His strengthe & 5. of is] of ByS. Sfoff] and eke of 5. 3751. verrost] ferest a; ferrest/8. such] such man B. 7ias] was ;35. nour] nowar a ; nowhere /3. 3752. o]>ere] o>er Ba. . grete] om. 5. doutede] douted B, echo7i] euerychone S. 3753. Biyonde \>e se] Bi^ende see B ; Bi ^onde see«. ech] eche Ba. ^' dradde] & dradde him ayS ; Jjcy dradde 5. 3754. pat] Laste a ; Lest j35. hii] he Ba^S. binome] nome oySS. 3755. Sf streny\)ede] streugjjy B ; streng))i a ; to strengl^e j85. 3756. castles] castellis 5. Sf astori] & storys B ; to astore S ; & astore hem ;3. mit^te <>e Inne] J^er Inne myjt be /8. Inne] )>ere o. 3757. gode] om. afi, tidinge] tydyug B ; ti}>iuges aj8 ; tyj^yngs 8. com] come o)3. \ns noble] Jjys noble kyng B ; ]>q noble king a ; J>e noble kynge /85. 3758. gode] god B. he ivolde] wolde he a/8. such] suche a. tydinge] ti)>iuges a/8 ; tyhynges S. yhure] hure /3. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 2(j5 He ]>oite come bi horn • & bringe some to lure • & to wimae al europe • tif he mi^te dure • 3760 pe }»ridde del of al j^e world • europe icluped is • pat tyl)? ver fram bitonde rome • to l^e west worles ende y wis • Him ]?oite he adde yrest yiiou • no leng he nolde abyde • Is poer he let someny • )?at ysprad was wel wyde • paiacio & gTei]?ede is noble ost • & dude him in ]>e weye • [182] & dude him so in to he se • & verst to nortweye • ^^^^} f iiii'i- nortpweye. Nou was ]7e king of nor]?wey ded • perbiuore bi cas • & Lot J7at was is o]7om • ]7ulke kinges neueu was ■ & Jje king him adde ymad is eyr • ]7erbiuore longe • Ac |?e men of norweye nolde • vor prute him vnder uonge • 3770 Ac adde ymade anoJ>er mon • king of ]>e londe • pat aien ]?e king arthure • hopede wel at stonde • 3759. come] to come /3S. Iiomi ham )ut a; hem jit /8. some] ham a ; hem /35. 3760. al] -yWX al Ba ; jit al j8. europe] J>e Europe 5. dure] hit endure 5. 3761. \>ridde del] Jjriddeudel o.^. europe] \>e Europe 5. icluped] yclyped B ; callyd /3 ; called S. 3762. tyl]>] tille> a/3. ver fram] fram ver B ; fer fram a ; fram j8 ; from 7 ; fram ferre 5. worles] worldis S ; om. a/3. 3763. yrest] rest /3. no leng he nolde] he wolde uo lenger /3 ; no lenger wolde he S. 3764. let someny] let sumny B ; somenede a; somonede |8. ysprad] B ; isprad a ; yspad A ; sprade ;8. wel] ryjt /3 ; ful 5. 3765. & dude .... iveye] J^at he hadde in euere (euery 7) weye fiy. 3766. dude . . . . se] anon toke }>e Se 5. so] om. a/3. ]>e] om. B. verst] vorst B. we2j] noreweyje a. \>erbiuore] byfore 5. 3768. o]}om] oj'am a/8. \>idke] i>e B. 3769. ^'J om. a/35. /i'«^] kind a (sic). ymad] mad B ; made /3. 3770. >e mew] >ei /3. norweye] nor}>eweye B ; norewey a. /irw^e] pryde ;8. Aim] hem 5. 3771. adde] Jjey had 5. ymade] made /375. ano];>er] on o]>er a. J?e] |>elke a ; J>ilke ; bat ilk 5. 3772. ayen] aje a. j^g] om. /3. hopede toe/] was & hopede wel a8 ; was & hoped wel him 5. 266 TEE CHRONICLE OF Waweyn. Wawein fit miles. bellum in nor)5wcya. Oscisio regis norj'weje. Child wawein lotes sone • ]?ulke time uas • Bote tuelf ter & ];e pope of rome • ]?at child bitake was To norisy \>oyu. ]>e king arthure • & )?ulke time ri^t • pe pope bitok him armes • & is owe honde made him kni^t . 8776 As \>e king arthure as ich sede • to nor)?weye com • pe king of j^e lond aten him • sone Jjen wey nom • Mid is poer tfc smite • an bataile strong ynoii • & ssedde blod in ei]?er side • & moche folc me slou • Ac hor poer of norweye • ydo was anon • 8781 pe king him sulf was sone aslawe • & is men monyon • pe brutons hom sturede ]?o • & slowe & barnde uaste • So ]?at hii wonne al clene • norj^wey atte laste • fol. 60. • Arthure • conquisicio per after hii wonne denemarch • uor to do seruage • deuem . rj.^ -p^ king arthure euermo • & to here him truage 3773. nas'] was B. 3774. Bote'] Bote of Ba; Bot of 5 ; But of /3. tuelf yr] twelf )er elde a ; twelue jere olde /8. J^e] wi]? he afi ; to ^e 5. ]}at child] om. BajSS. bitake] ytake 5 ; om. ay8. 3775. norisy] uorys B ; norischi a. Sf \>ulke time] J'ut time itake a ; J>at tyme ytake /3. 3776. bitok him] hym tok B; him bitok >e a; him bitoke \>e $ ; him bitoke y ; him toke \>e S. is owe honde] eke a/85. 3777. As] om. a;85. arthure] om. )3. nor\>weije] norweye B ; nore- wey^e a. 3778. >e] om. B. sone }pen wey] J)eu wey sone B; sone hane wey a; soue ]?e weye /8 ; J^c weye sone 5. 3779. smite] hi smite o ; J^ei smote /8 ; J^ey smytten 5. an] om. «/3. 3780. m] on a/35. s((/e] lialf Ba ; halfe 5. 3781. norweye] North wei^e a. ydo] done /3. 3782. pe Am^ .... (/s/a!t'e] & he king sone aslawe a ; And )>e kynge sooue slayn y3 ; And J^e kynges sone slayn y ; And her kyng was sone yslawe 5. 3783. hom] hym B. sturede \>o] stirred faste y. barnde] brent /9. 3784. nor\>wey] Noreweije a. 3785. to do] to don a ; to douu /3 ; to done y, 3786. K'] om. o^5. ^ to] for to 5. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 267 He made Lot is o|^om • king of norjnveye • Lot fit lex per after toward france • hii dude horn in ]>e weye • ^ ori>\\eye. Nou adde france jmlkc tyme • j^e cmperour leon « .. 'i^^^-^ & he bi tok in warde • an due ]?at net ftollon • o/90francie. pat hardy bodi was & god • & poer adde ynou • po he wuste ]?at ]?e king • arthur )?uder drou • Alle ]}e kni^tes & }7at folc • |?at in is poer were • bellum. He nom & niette j^e brutons • & smite batayle j^ere • victoria Ac al l^at hom was kite wor]? • vor aien |'e king '* arthure • 3795 & is poer hii niitte • kitel wule dure • Vor euere wan he nom a lond • al ]>e bachelerie • Largitas & pat a^t was in }>e lond he nom • in is compaynie • eiiis & of is mayngnage vp is coust • &> uor he was so hende • Ech noblemon vawe was • mid him uor to wende • & ];e beste party of france • to him al so he drou • Vor he was so large & hende • j^at him com poer ynou . 3802 3787. ojjom] o^am a/3. 7wr]>ivei/e^ Norewey^e o. 3789. Nou .... ii/me'] pulke tyme hadde franco a; Thilke (Th3'llc S) tyme hadde Fraunce ;85. 3790. he bi tok'] he bytoc yt B ; bitok hit a; bitoke hit /3 ; toke hit 5. in] ine a. cm fZ«c] o diik a ; o duke /3 ; to a Due S. 379L poer adde] hadde power S. 3792. ]puder] Jjederward a5 ; J^iderwarde jS. 3793. ^ \>at] & J^e B5. nt] on o;3. 3794. nom] toke j3. sniite batayle] bataile smite a ; Bataile smote /3 ; smj'tteu a batail S. 3795. )>at hom] J^at ayS ; oiu. 5. vor] om. a^B. 3796. §• is] And al his /3 ; For ajeyn his 5. lutd] Kite B , litel /3 ; hot lite S. dure] endure S. 3797. ivan] wanne B. nom] toke ;35. a loml] o lond a ; one loude /8. 3798. in is] on his a. 3799. of] on a. maijnynaye] mayuageBay; nianyage 5. vp] vp on a ; vppon /3. 3800. vawe was] was fawe a; was fayn ^ ; was fayne 8. 3801. >e] om. B. party] partite a. he] om. B. 3802. so large §• hende] hende & large afid. ]pat] J^at to B ; om. a^ ; to 5. com] cam a. ; came /3. 268 THE CHRONICLE OF Vor me ne tolde wel ney of nomon • no|7er here ne ]7ere • Bote he mid ]7e kinge arthure • In som manere were • [184] po ye due foUon ysey • ]?at is poer no ]?ing nas • fuga ducis. jjg £gy -jj^Q paris • mid wel quic pas • 3806 & astorede ]?en toun • & strengj^ede him aboute • King arthure & is poer • asegede horn wi]?oute • conciiiium So J^at wij'inne a mon]7e • J?e due foUon ysey • de duello, p^^ fg ^qj^ yqj. defaute . & uor hunger deyde ney • 3810 & ]?at is poer nas noj^ing • a2en ]>e king ar]7ure • He ]?o2te do is owe body • wat he mi^te dure • Vor he was strong ynou • & hardy • ]>e strengost of ]?is londe • To ]>e king arthure he sende • J'at he ssolde him vnder stonde • To do an batayle horn sulue tuo • mid hor owe honde • 3815 & we]?er so mi^te aboue be • were louerd over o]?eres londe • 3803. Vor'] om. a;35. me lie'] Men ne S ; Men $. ivel ney'] noujt )3. 3804. Bote] Bote )if «; But yf 8. \>e] era. a)3. som] some a. 3805. no )>ing] noujt /8. nas] wa.s ;85. 3806. fley] fleu B ; flowe iS. into] vuto 5. mid] with y3. wel quic] rj^t a quycke /3. 3807. ]>en] )>ane a ; l^at j8; the 7. streng)>ede] strengjje B. 3808. if is] ■w' his 8. nscgede] aseged B ; bisegede a; biseged /3 ; byseged S. hom] hym B ; him afi. 3809. a] o aS. 3810. J3a< .... ney] That his men deyed for faute for hunger eueryche ney y. 3811. nas] was 8. nas no);>ing] no J>mg nas a ; no l^inge was )3. J>e] om. B. 3812. He] Ac he o; But he iS. do] don a; doun )3. owe] owen )8. ?<>a<] wyle B ; ]?e while a;3. dure] endure 8. 3813. ?/?is] ys B ; J>e aj3S. 3814. \>e] om. aj35. ssolde him] him schulde j8. 3815. an] om. a)3. owe] owene a; owen ;9. 3816. over] oSBafiS. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 269 y pe kine- arthiire hurde bis • no sfladdore mon nas • assensus TT 1 -1 1 11 11 arthuri. Me sende word |>at al prest • to such batayle he was • p^g^j^^,^^ Sikemesse & treu]7e ypli^t • of )?is voreward hii nome • iuxta pmi- So \dX a certein day yset • to |?e batayle hii come • A lute wi]; oute paris • atyled wel ynou • 3821 Moche was )?at folc aboute • J>at to l^is batayle di'ou • 'ArtUure' foi eo b. Hii fondede hor steden uerst • hor lances su}j|?e hii nome* [185] & wi|; hard dunt & gret eir • to gadere sone hii come • King arthure aten |?e brest • is felawe verst ahitte • Aien ]?e brust |;at a vul • & ne mi^te no leng sitte • Ase sone as he miite • turne is hors • is suerd he drou ]7ere • Vor to asaile him ]?erwi]? • ac ]?e o]7er was vp ere • & tef his stede wi]> j^e spere • a^en }?e brest de]?es wounde • 3829 So ]7at bo]7e stede & king • leye sone atte grounde • 3817. pe] \>o Ba; Whenne &. gladdore'] glader /3. nets'] \>o nas a; J?an nas j3 ; )>er nas 5. 3819. treu\>e'\ trouj^e B. )>/s] his 8. 3820. rt] at B ; to a a/3S. ]je] Jjys B5 ; >is a^. 3821. atyled] atired a ; atirede /3 ; arayed 5. wel] \>Qi were ■wel ; they were y. 3822. \>(U] i^e 5. folc] Ba ; fol A ; folke fi ; folk 5. 3823. steden] stedes /8. uerst] vorst B. hor lances] & her lancen B. nome] name p. 3824. ivi\>] mid a. dunt] dyntus 5. eir] yre B. sone] su^>)>e B. come] came j8. 3825. King] fJe kyng B. ayen'] on 8. brest] bruste a. verst] uorst B. ahitte] an hytte B ; an hitte a ; he hitte ;8 ; hytte 8. 3826. Ayen \>e brust] Mid gret eir u ; With gret ire 0. brust] breste B. a vtil] he vel B ; he fel a ; he felle ;3S. §* 7ie] & y ; |>at he 5. leJig] lenger j88. sitte] A-y ; sytte B ; atsitte o ; asitte 13. 3827. Ase .... turne] So bat sone he turnde a ; So J>at soone he (he soone 7) turnede ^87. is suerd he drou] & di'ou his swerd ri^t a ; & drou) his swerde ry^t 0. 3828. asaile] asayly B ; asaili a. vp] vppe Ba. 3829. ^e/] ^af a. his] J>e Ba/38. ivi\>] mid a. Jje] ys B ; his /8S. a^ew \>e] ayen B ; in })e Ba/88. brest] bruste a. 3830. ftojjg stede Sf] J>e stede & \>e 8. /e.'/e] leije a ; lye y ; laye 8. aY^e] at B ; at Jjc a. 270 THE CHRONICLE OF po J>e bnitons seye ]ns - hii vorbere vnne)>e • 3831 pat hii ne breke couenant • & bro^te }>an o])er to de]>e • Ac J?e king arthur keuerede vp • & asailede fullon vaste • & smite hor ei)>ev oj^er her & |?er • Sz harde duntes caste • So ]?at fullon wi\> a stroc • |?e brutons sore agaste • Vor ]>e king arthur a^en ]^e frount • he smot atte laste . ' 3836 pat tif he nadde wiy ]>e sseld • somdel ])e dunt yhent • Siker he im adde aslawe • o]?er al out yssent • po king arthure it ivelede • & ysei al so is blod • Vpe is hauberc & is sseld • he was ney uor wra]?]je wod . 3840 [186] He adrou sire calibourne • is suerd j^at was so god • fullon'?* & anowarde ]ye helm • mid wel stourdy mod • ])en o]?er he smot & to clef • J^e heued mid ]?e wounde . He vel & ssoc |>e helm • & deide in a stounde • 3831. seye'] isei^e a; yse 13. <;?me>e] onnej^e a. 3832. couenant'] \^e couenaut B ; J^e Couenaunt S. Sf broyte ]pan o\)er'] to do hat oWv a$ ; to do the other y ; & ded >e o^er 5. J>an] J>en B. 3833. J^e] om. Ba/3S. keuerede] keouerede a. fullon] follon Ba. 3834. smite] sraitea a ; smoten ;3. hor] om. Baj35. 3835. fullon'] follon Ba. ioi\>] uiyd B ; mid a. a] o a/3. 3836. Vor \>e] om. a/3S. 3837. nadde] ne hadde fi. uii\> \>e] mid his a ; v;\\> his yS ; w' his 5. 3838. im adde aslawe] had him yslaya y. o\>er] outher y. yssent] ischent a ; yschent )3 ; sheut y. 3839. po] The /35. it] J^is 5. ivelede] yuelde B ; ifelde a ; yfelde fi ; felte 5. ysei al so is] sey his owe a ; sawe his owen fi ; sawe his owii 5. 3840. hauberc] haiibert B ; haiibreekc ;3. sseld] sselde B. he was . . . u'rrth>J'f] he was for wiaJ'C ney a ; he was for wrathe nere fi ; he was for wrothe ner y ; for wrath he was nyj 5. 3841. adrou] drou B; adrowe /S ; droii S. sire] JjO a ; om. B. call- bourne] caleboiirne a ; Calliborne /3. 3842. anoivarde] ouowarde a ; abouen )3. ivcl] ry^t j8, 3843. pt'«] pane a ; The )3. \>e heued] \>a.t heued Ba ; >at heed yS. 3844. He] pat he a/8. J>t' //(-//y;] \>et heued a ; J^e heed /3 j J^e helys 5. in a] in lute a ; iq a litel P, ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 271 po |?is dede was ydo • & ]>e o];er was ded ' 8845 patria pe conseil of france • sone nom hor red • arlhuro^ & to )'e king arthiire hom ^olde • ech man ]'at was wys . & tolde him vp al pat lond • & pe kej^en of paiys • pis was lo ]'e cornwelisse bor • of wan merlin spac ynou . 8849 & pe cler leom of pe sterre • pat oner france drou • Som was ycome as he sede • of pis noble king arthure • Wei more me ssal herafter • of him ^ut yhure • t)o he adde vwonne france pus • &l al pis was ido • s^^^ . . 111. T 1 / . , bipartita. pis noble king arpure • delde is men atiio • pe king howel he bitoc • & oper princes al so • 8855 pe del of is ost • to wende to peyto • Vor to winne ] at lond • & him sulf he wolde wende • Vor to winne seygnorie • aboute in oper ende • King howel wip is poer • wan sone peyto • perquisicio Al to king arthiires wille • & gascoyne al so • 3860 yasconie. 3845. J5e] >ere B. 3846. pe] put B ; Alle Jse 5. nom] om. a ; t)an toke /3. hor'] ys B. 3847. J'fi] om. a^S. /io?w] liym B ; hi a; Jjei P. xohle] loulde o ; ^elde 13. cch'] cucry o. u'cis'] om. /8. 3348. >a?] J^e )35. /ici/cu] koyien a ; keyes /35. 3849. /o] om. 5. cornwelisse'] Cornewailis /3 ; Cornewaylis y ; Corun- wail 5. of wau] of wham a; of whom yS ; J>at 5. apac] spec B; spake of S. 38.iO. }>e] om. B. Itom] leome a ; leme ;S ; leme B7. 3851. ycome] commyn /3 ; comjn 7. l>/s] J^e B. 3852. more] om. B. me] men 3. yhure] iu hiire y. 3853. he] om. 5. ywonne france] france ywonne a ; Fraunce ywoune/3 ; Fraimt ywonne 5. Jjms] om. aj35. 3854. pis] Jje a. 3855. o\>er] obere a ; \>e o\>cv B ; to other y. 3856. pe 0] pat o Ba5 ; That one 0. 3857. him sulfite] him sulfa; him self /3 ; he him self 5. 3858. seygnorie] J)e signorye )3. 3859. wi)>] mid a. 3860. Omitted in 5. ^/] ora. aS. arthures] Ax\.\n\ve a. also] jser to ajS. normannie & aungeo. 272 THE CHRONICLE OF foi. 61. • -A-Tthure ' perquisicio pe king wan normandye • & al so god angeo • & witinne a nye ter • al l>is was ydo • [187] pe king wende J^o to parys • \o he adde ydo al Jjis • & alle ]?e heye men of ]?e lond • ]7uder come y wis • Hor omage of hom • & hor seruise he nom • 3865 & lawes as he wolde im siilf • sette in ]?e kinedom • He tef ]?at lond of normandye • bedwer is boteler • & )?at lond of aungeo • kaye is paneter • & o]?er ]?ing o]?er he5^emen • & syker it made ynou • & su];|7e aboute leinte • toward ]?is londe di'ou • 3870 po ]?e king arjjui-e com • here in to }?is londe • & so moche lond adde ywonne • & adde al so an honde • In ioye & blisse he was ynou • & alle )jat wi|? him were • concilium & aten witesontyd • hit was in \q ^ere • de rotundo tabulo {sic). 3861. king'] king arthur a; kynge Arthure |3. loan'] won B. al so] ek a ; eke j3. god"] J^e good 5 ; om. afi, 3862. ^'] & al a ; And al ;8. a mje] o ny^e a ; nyue |3 ; an nyne 5. al \>is] Jjis nobleie a ; Hs nobley ;8. ?/rfo] do /8. See Appendix R. 3863. \>o to] to ct;8. ?/rfo] doii 5. ydo al] al do y. 3864. ^-j om. $. alle \>e heije] al hey B. \)e] om. B. \>iider] t>edere o. come] hi come a ; ]>ei come |8. 3865. For] Al here a ; Alle here )35. omage] homages B. 3866. lawes] ]>e lawes BaySS. m] on Ba/8S. 3867. bedwer] to Bedwere 5. 3868. /crtye] kaxe B ; kayi^e a. paneter] panyter a ; panter B ; Pantere j8. 3869. ]>i7ig o\>er heyemen] strange men o}>er >iug a; straunge men o)>er Hnge j3. o)jer] to o^ere S. 3870. leinte] lenten S. toward \>is londe] to engelonde o ; to Eug- londc ^. droii] he drou a ; he drou^ j85. 3871. be] om. afi^. here] hedir 5. in to] in B; vnto 5. 3872. §• adde] & 5. al so a??] al on a/3. 3873.] yoe B. Sf] & in 5. «'/>] mid a. 3874. aje??] a)e a. witesontyd] i>e wytsontyde a • jje witsontyde ; ^e Wytsontid S. ROBERT OF OLOUCESTER. 273 He |;o^te ]>e heye feste • of wytesonetyd do • 3875 Wip> honour among is men • & |?at alle come )?erto • Boj^e kinges & dukes • & erles echon • Barons & kni^tes • &5 squiers monyon • Leuedies & maidens • & ech mon • j^at a^t were • In eny lond p>at it was • ]?at hii were alle ])eve - 3880 Of Jjis rounde table • is ban aboute he sende • pat ech a witesonetyd to carleon wende • A toun }>at is in glammorgan • vpe ]?e water of osk ydo . A lute bisyde seuerne • in murye stude al so • Vor me may ];ere in ]>e souj^half • al bi ]>e se lede • Fram o]fer londes god ynou • to endy such a dede • In ]>e o]?er half hep grete wodes • lese & mede al so • So ]?at ]?er nas non defaute • such noble J^ing to do • per come to J?is rounde table • as he sende is ban • [iss] Auncel king of scotlond • & al so viyan • 3890 ygnien- pat was king of murifens • & king of nor}? walls • cium. Cadwal & al so seater • king of sou]?walis • Cador king of cornwayle • & erchebissopes al so • Of Londone & of euerwyk • & of carleon J>er to • Comites. 3875. do] to do a/3. 3876. Wii>] Mid a. 3877. echo7i] ek echon a; also echone $ ; euerychone 5. 3878. Sf squiers'] squeers B. 3879. Leuedies] Laydyes B ; Lefdi^es a. maidens] raaideues a, 3880. it] ys B ; is o/35. 3881. \>is] J)isse a; ys B. is] this y. ban] bayne )3; spnde 5. 3882. ech] eche B ; eche man S. a] at a;Q5. witesonetj/d] wyt- sontyde a/S. wende] }jo wende a ; J)an weude /8 ; J>o went S. 3884. murye] murine o ; the myrie y ; a merye 5. 3885. \>ere in] al bi Jjb a ; al by J^e /3; alle by l^e 5. al] om. a)3. 3886. o)>er] oJ>ere a. endy] ende ^. 3887. J>e] om. B. o\>er] oJ>ere a. 6eJ>] ben )3 ; bene y. lese] leseo 5. 3388. So] om. a/SS. nas non] vas no B ; nis no a ; is no /8 ; was no 5. noble] om. S. to] for to 5. 3889. ban] baan $. 3891. murifens] muryfycens B ; merifons 5. /,/«i/] also V>0 ; ek o; eke 5. 3892. Cadwal] Gadwale $. al si>] ck a ; eke /35. scatrr] St;ilcr /}. 3894. ic (if carleon] of kaeileon a. cV] om. /3. carleon] caileu B. S 274 THE CHRONICLE OF Erles )?er come ek monion • as J^e erl of gloucestre • Moroud & Ingemer • erl of leicestre • 3896 Mauron erl of warewik • & cursal of cicestre • Gallut erl of salesbury • lonatal • of dercestre • foi. 61b. 'Arthure- Kjninnar erl of kanterburi • of hsipe sire vrgen • "" ~^; Bose lerl of oxenford ' |?at were alle noblemen • 3900 ^e barons & kniites • ]>&t of J^is londe a day • At J>is rounde table were • noman telle ne may • reges. Kinges ];at were of yles • as king of yrlonde • Gillam & al so malueys • king of yslonde • Lot king of nor|?wey • & doldam of godlonde • 3905 & ]?e king of orcadas • &i of denemarch ich vnder stonde • Kinges ek of byionde se • as kay of aungeo • Bedwer of normandye • Gwider of peyto • Ligger of coloyne • &l al so ]?e dosse pers • 3909 Of france were Jjer echon • J^at so noble were & fers • [189] His neueu king howel • of ]>e lasse brutayne al so • Mid so vair uolc J>uder com • & mid so gret charge ]?er to • 3895. gloucestre'] Gloucestrye B. 3896. Moroud] Morond B ; Moroude 5. Ingemer] Ingomer B. erl] \>e erl a ; Jje Erie ^. See Appeudix, Note R. 3897. Mauron] Marou B. 3898. Gallut] Galluc Bo^ ; Galluk y ; Galuc 5. dercestre] dorcestre B)3 ; Dorccestre a ; Derkchestre 5. 3899. Kyninnar] Kymmar Ba)3S. 3901. pe] om. 5. kiii-^tes] J^e kyn^tys B ; Jjiskni^tes a; the kuy^tes /3, \>is] hys B. londe] lond a. a day] J^at day y3 ; \>aX daye S. 3902. At] That at 5. >is] hys B ; >isse a ; >e 5. ne] om. 5. 3903. \>at] Jjer B. were] were eke Ba5 ; were also /3. as] ar >e B ; ase ^e a ; as }>e j85. 3905. nor\>wey] norl^eweye B ; uorewey^e a. of godlonde] kjTige of godlonde )3. 3907. ek] om. oj85. byyonde] byjende B. se] )>esee/8. of] & /8. 3908. Gwider] & Gwider a^. 3909. coloyne] colonye B. al so] eke aj85. dosse pers] douj piers S. 3910. so] om. aj35, fers] ferys fi. 3911. lasse] om. A. brutayne] briitenye B. 3912. vair] farre 5, charge] om. /8. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 275 Of mules &D of cartes • & of hors mid alle gode • pat \>er nas non so wyttimon • ]?at it al vnder stode • per nas bituene ]>is & spayne • no prince wij^oute al >is . 3915 pat nas at l^is rounde table • & at is feste ywis • & no wonder uor J^e kinges los • so wyde sprong ynou • Of godnesse & of cortesye • ]?at hor herte to him drou • po ]?is heymen were alle ycome • & ]>e heye tyme al so • festum. Of )?e wytesonetid • ])e feste uor to do • 3920 pe erchebissopes were ybro^t • to sette J?e kinges croune • On is heued ac sein dubric • of ]>e sulue toune • corona Was erchebissop him biuel • ]?e croune on him do • & |;e seruise ek of holi chirche • J^at biuel |?er to • po ]?e croune was on is heued • & ydo ech o]?er j^ing • Duccio Tueye erchebissopes • ladde j^is noble king • 8926 ^^^^^' To j^e chirche of ]>q heye munstre • & }»at tede biuore [i9o] him ]?ere • Four kinges & four suerdes • of golde biuore him bere • 3913. Sf of cartes'] of caites B ; & cartes S. mid alle} & alle /8 ; and of al y. 3914. lias] was j3. wi/ttimon'] wytty a man S. 3915. 7ias} ne was ; was 5, spai/tie] spanye B. 3916. 7jas] he ne was /3. i>is] J>isse a ; his /8 ; om. 5. table} table \>o S. is} Jjys B ; )>is a,8 ; his "y ; j^e 5. 3918. Sf} om. a/8. 3919. heyvmi} hei)e men a. alle} al B; om. 0^35. &f \)e} & )>is afi ; & J>ys 5. 3920. 0/>e] Of B. 3921. erc/jeJzssopes] herchebyssopes B ; archiebisshopes 7. 3922. heued^ hefd a. ac} and 0/8. dubric} Diibuic 5. \>e} om. B. sulue} same )3. toune} tyme B. 3924. ek} om. o/SS. ek of holi chirche} of holy chyrche ek B. holi} holije a. 3925. po] om. a^5. \>e} om. B. ydo} ydo was B5 ; ido was a; doun was /S ; done was y. 3926. Tueye] 8i twije a ; And two /8. erchebissopes} Erchebischopes Jjo 5. i>is noble} }>isne a ; l>iin Ye 0. 3927. o/}>e] of B. Sf \>at} And j^er B ; i>ev afi ; And bere S. jerf«] 5 code Ba ; went 5. 3928. if} mid a ; with /3. s 2 cantus. 276 THE CHEONICLE OF Verst ]>e king of scotlond • & ]>e king of norpwalis • &; pe king of cornwaile • & J?e king of sou}>walis • 3930 0]7er bissopes & prelats • biuore )?is king arjnu'e • & clerkes songe as rizt was • j^at ioye it was to hure • Duceio In ]>e o]?er half ):'e quene was • of erchebissops al so • regme. yiad & ycrouned ek • as ritt was uor to do • & to ano]?er munstre ylad • & vour quenes biuore hire wende • 3935 pe voure kinges wines • )?at we biuore nemde • fol. 62. • Arthure • & foure wite colfren • al so biuore hire bere • pe compainye of leuedies • wel gret al so were • dulcis po hii were to chirche ybrott • eyj^er in is side • So murye & so gret was ]?at song • ]?at me song ]>er- inne wyde • 3940 pat pet folc stod j^at per was • as hii were ynome • Ne hii nuste to we)?er chirche • murgore it was to come • 3929. Verst] Vorst B. cV] and sethe 5, 3931. 0]>er'] And oljere S. \>is kini/'j the kynge y, 3932. sottge'] Ba;8 ; songeu 5 ; soue A. 3933. J>e oher] oj^er B. half] syde j3. 3934. ycrouned'] crouued |8. uor] om. j8. 3935. ano\>er] no^er B ; on oj^ere a. munstre] Monasterie 5. ylad] ladde y. quenes] queuene a. hire] om. a. 3936. we] were a;3. nemde] ynempde a; nempnede j3. 3937. colfren] colueren a/85. al so biuore hire] byuore hyr also B ; bifore hure al so a ; by fore hure also $. here] hei bere /8 ; >ey bere 5. 3938. compainye] coupjiny^es a; companyes y3. leuedies] laydyes B ; lefdi^es a ; ladies /8. wel (/ret al so] al so greto a ; also gret 0. ivere] ywere a ; J)ei were /3. 3940. murye Sc so f/ref] gret & murye B; coryous & merye S. jnurye] murine o. so] om. a^. \}at me .... u\i/de] In i>o two monasteries large & wyde 5. 3941. \H;t] beB; om. afiS. stod] atstod a; astoined 13. iras] were B. as ... . ynome] Byght as f>ey had be uome 5. 3942. Ne hii 7iusle] That ^ei nyst P ; And hey nyst S. mnryore] nuirgoryo B ; mnryer /3 ; Meryor 5. it] om. S. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 277 pe king was to is paleys • )^o }>e seruisc was ydo • reditus ab Ylad wi|7 is meyne • & ]>e quene to hire al so • ^^ ^^^'^' Vor hii hulde ]>e olde vsages • ]7at men wij? men were • [I'Ji] Bi horn sulue & wymmen . bi horn sulue al so |?ere • ' po hii were echon yset • as it to hor stat bicom • seruiciuui Kay king of aungeo • a J'ousend knittes nom • ^^^^'^ "" Of noble men • yclo];ed • in ermine echon • Of syw^te & seruede • at J'is feste anon • 3950 Bedwer )?e boteler • king of normandye • Nom al so in is alf • a uayr compaynie • Of o sywte uor to semi • of |?e botelerye • Biuore |?e quene it was al so • wi]? a such corteisye • Vor to telle al J^e nobleye • J'at j^er was ydo • 3955 pey my tonge were of stel • me ssolde nott dure j^er to • Womman ne kepte • of no kni^t • as in druerye • Bote he were in amies wel yproued • & atte leste J^rie • 3943. Am*/] om. A. leas'] went 5. ,'/f^o] do &. 3944. Ylad] Ryally 5. wi\>] mid o. is] l>js B. mcijne] menye 13. hire] hure a ; hurs j8 ; herys 5. 3945. wi\>] mid a. 3946. wymmen] wimraan a. 3947. were] weren a. yset] isete a ; sette )3. as it'] as ay35 ; and j. ste<]Ba ; State ;8 ; astate S; stot A. bicom] bicam a ; bigaiie /8 ; biganno y; bycam S. 3948. king] JjC kynge S. aungeo] auugeo a. a Youscnd] fif (fyue /3) hundred a/8. nom] nome B ; nam a ; name y35. 3949. yclo\>ed] cloj^ed /8. echon'] eueryclioue S. 3950. o] on B5 ; one a^ ; oon y. at] as B ; al a. fesle] noble feste Ba ; noble fest ,65. 3951. Bedwer] Bediwer a. of] om. a. 3952. Nom'] Toke ;85. in] on a/SS. a] o a ; anoJ>er /3. 3953. o] on B5 ; one o/S ; oon y. sywte] sywyte B. semi] serue P. of] alonly of ;8 ; allonlyofy. botelerye] Boterye /3. 3954. u-i]f>] of B ; mid a. a such] al suclie B^SS ; al such a. 3955. al [>e nobleye'] J>e noblcy alle /S. al] of 5. \>er icas] ',vas Jjer a^. 3956. me ssolde no^t dure] ich ne schoide duii a ; 1 ne schulde dure yS ; hit mjght noght endure 5. 3957. Womman] Wymmen 15/3 ; Wimman a. ne] om. y^. heptc] kepe a. of] om. 6- hni-'yt] kynge 5. 3958. he] \>cy S. //{ armts wel yproued] in anues wel yprowed B ; of arme.s iproued a ; of arnies ypreuede /3 ; ypreuyd in amies 6. cV] om. aQ. atte leste] B ; atte laste A ; at he kslc u ; ;it he lest 5 ; at he hi:>{fi. 278 THE CHRONICLE OF pat made lo ]>e wimmen • )7e chastore lif lede • &5 ]>e knittes |7e stalwordore • & ]?e betere in hor T ,. , dede • 3960 hastiiudia " Sone after 'pis noble mete • as ritt was in such tyde • dium^'^^^' P® knittes atyled horn • aboute in eehe syde • [192] In feldes & in medes • to prouy hor bachelerye • Some wij? laimce & some wij> siierd • wi];oute vileynie • Wi)? pleyn de atte tables • o];er atte chekere • 8965 Wi]? castinge o]?er wi]? ssetinge • oj'er in som manere • & woch so of eny game • adde pe maistrie • pe king hom of is tiftes dude • large corteysie • aspectus Vpe J?e alures of J?e castles • j^e leuedyes Jeanne stode • domina- ^ bihulde ]?is noble game • & wuche knittes were ™"' gode . 3970 AUe J^e pre hexte dawes • laste ]>h nobleye • In halles & in veldes • of mete & eke of pleye • retribucio pis men come |?e ver]?e day • biuore ]?e kinge l^ere • promeritis. ^ ^® }^^ ^^^^ large ^iffces • euere as hii worj^e were • 8959. K] Jjo aPS. chastore^ chaste 5. lede'] to lede y. 3960. stalwordore'] stalwardere a ; stalworJ>er )8. 3961. in] of B. 3962. atyled] atiredeo; atired i35. 3963. feldes] felde aS. prouy] preue B/8 ; preoue a. 3964. wi\>] mid a (bis). Sf] om. BajSS. wi\>oide] ■wythouten y. 3965. TFi'J'] Mid a. pleynde] pleyn de A ; pleyynge BS ; plei^inge a ; pleynge /3. atte] at Yq ajSS ; at B. o)>er] or j8 ; and oj^ere 5. atte] at )>e aj8. 3966. 'Wi)>] Mid a. wi\>] mid a. som] som ogyrt B ; some ©Jjcre a ; somme o^er /3 ; som oj^ere S. 3967. woch so] wuch so B ; who so S ; whuch \>o a ; whiche ^jan j8. 3968. yftes] 5yfte> B. large] ful large 5. 3969. 'Vpe] Opon a. alures] Aleres S. leuedyes] laydes B ; lefdies a. 3970. bihulde] bihul o. \>is] J>at afiS. noble] om. 5. wMcAe] whiche a. kni-^tes were] were knytes a ; were knyjttes fi ; were knyghtis 8. 3971. hexte dawes] hei^est dayes /8. laste] ylaste B ; lastid y. \>is] J>e a. 3973. pis men come] jDeos comen a ; Thise comen /3 ; They come 5. 3974. horn"] om. j3. trorjje] om. o/38. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 270 • Arthurs • foi. 62 b. Bissopriches & chirches • clerkes he tef some • & castles & tounes • knittes J^at were ycome • Sein dauit was J>e kinges vncle • him he tef aday • Sanctus pe erchebissopriche of karleon • as he him wel by say • ' Vor he was sui];e holyman • Sz, an mimstre he let rere • pat me clupe]? in walis sein dauid • & tut he li]? ]?ere • pe bissopriche of wincestre • a god mon he tef ]?o • [193] Of chichestre an o]?er • & ^ut o]?er mo • pe wule ]7e king & is men • aboute }?is nobleye were • uuncii per come in tuelf olde men • wi}? euene pas ]7ere • Men of wel vair semblant • & branches hii here • Of oliue as in signe • }>at hii aien pays nere • 3986 A lettre hii toke ]?e kinge • ]?at ]fO he hit let rede • Fram |?e senatour of rome • hii come & ]7us sede • Utere. 3975. (§•] om. a/85. clerkes'] and chekkeris 5. ^ef] yaue y. 3976. ^ castles'] Castles afiB. kni'^tes] to knyghtis 5. jf>at. . . . . ycome'] hat )>e pley begoaue 5. were] were huder a ; were )>ider )3. 3977. dauit] dauid Ba. him he yf] him ^e ^af a ; he jaf him S. aday] J>at daye 5. 3978. erchebissopriche] bisschopriche a ; Bischopryche 3 ; byschoprich 5. he] om. )3. him] om. Ba/35. 3979. sui\>e] ry^t j8 ; right an 7 ; ryght an 5. an] om. B; he aj35. nmnstre] Monasterie S. he] om. B. rere] arere S. 3980. ?«e c/»] me clepuj> B ; hatte a ; hat 5 ; hy^t ^; hightc y. he li)?] he ligget a ; liggeh B. 3981. a] o aB; 00 7 ; to a 5. 3982. ano);>€r] ek ou oher a ; eke anoher B ; eke to anoJ>erc 5. ^ yit] jyt he ^af S. o^er] o^ere a. 3983. ?t'M/e he] Avhile hat he 8. he hiny] Hug Arthur o; kynge Arthur e B- 3984. come] comen a. ivi\>] mid a ; myd B. 3985. Men] Hi were a ; Thei were ;8 ; They were 5. wel] ryjt B ; om. 5. 3986. ]>at] om. ^. /u' ayen pays] aje he pes hi a ; ajeu he pees hei /3. ajc?j] of B. pays] pes a ; he pes 5. nere] were B. 3987. A lettre^ Lettres a; Letteres B; Letters y ; Lettrys 5. Iiii toke] he too B. hit] ham o ; hem /85. let] lete a)35. 3988. h«5] bys B. 280 THE CHllONICLE OF Lucye senatour of rome • to ar|?ure )>e kinge • Send ]?at he of serued ap • wijjoute gre tinge • 3990 Moche me wondred »Sz; ouermoche • of |;ine reuerye • Of Jjin cruel lu]?erhede • & of ]7in robberye • & nameliche of f>in vnriit • ichabbe gret dedeyn • pat ]70u to }?e noble stude of rome • dest mid al |'i mayn • & jmt };ou nelt him iknowo • ne do J^in seruage • Ne vnderstonde hou lu|>er it is • to do cny outrage • Ojjer winny out ]?e noble stude • ]:'at al j>e world abue]) to . Vor ]>ine aimcetres hit dude al • )?at we J?e hote]? do. & )>ou as in gi-et despit • of so noble seignorie • 3999 Ne at halst nott one ])i truage • ac mid ]>i I'euerye • [194] Rauissest france & oj^er londes • J^at bi weste be]; echon • pat here truage to rome • & )>oru )?e ne de]> nou non • 3989. se7iatour'] J>e cenatour B ; \>e senatour a$. senatour of rome'] of Rome Senatoure 5. ar]>ure'] arture B. 3990. .Senrf] Sendeh /3. o/ serMcrf] ofte serued B ; serued 5. wi\)Oute'] wythouten y. 3991. ivon(l?-ed] wondrej) Ba; wondre)je 5. J?/7ie] )?y B. 3992. OJ"} And of 7. \>in'\ \>[ 0/8. lvj>erhede] wickede liedc a; ■wiekydhed 5. of] om. 5. )>m] M a0. 3993. imri^t] ouri^t a. ichabbe'] I haue /S. dedci/ti] disde3'iie 5. 3994. \>ou to] om. 5. dest] dost 13 ; doost y. 3995. Sf] om. a;35. nelt] nylt /8. him iknoice] him knowc ^3 ; hit knowe 5. \>in] J>i afi. 3996. Ne] No j8. do] don a; doun j8. 3997. OWr] And 5. winny] Averny B ; wenini a; harme j8 ; weyfe 5. out] oujt afi ; owte S. abuc])] bowe)' afi. 3998. uuncvtrcs] auncestros a. hit'] om. Ba,Q5. dude] dudcn a ; didcn j3 ; deddcn 5. \^r. hot(\>] hotche \>i to 5. 3999. iS"] As 5. so] he S. 4000. Neat halst] Ne withhohlist /3 ; Uakkst 5. one] 15a; oalic'iu/i; oonly y ; out A ; om. 5. \>i] )nne a. reueriie] pruerie 5. 4001. Rauissest] Tiauysest B; Rauicest a. o\>er] om. a;8. 4002. 7] do^ Ba. de^ nuu'] uowe do)'e 5. nou non] noit non B; nou nont on a; no\t one /3. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 281 Vor |>anne of j^e gret despit • j^e noble court of rome • Ri^t wol abbe of J>e ywis • |?at |?ou horn misdest ylome • , , t Amidde haruest we |?e sette); day • of j^is nexte ^ere • \j^'' Aj^i At rome iior to ansuerye • & ]?at )70u be ]n sulf j^ere • * V> ^ We ]?e bote]? uor to auonge . j^at ]>q court J?e wole deme • & bote J>ou do of one ]>mge • nym wel god leme • pat icholle |?e mi sulf seche out • & ]>oru suerd re- store • Al ]>at I?! reuerye • vs a]? binome & more • 4010 Dedignacio pis was a prout mandement • & an heiuol dede • pe king adde j^er of gret despit • \>o he hurde it rede • • Arthure • fol. 63. Vor J^e uerste truage ];at he sende to rome • of seluer dper of golde • pat was kicyes body aslawe • burye lit hii it wolde • pe king clupede no^t uor ]?an -is conseil sone • 4015 concilium To ansuere to |ns mandement • wat were best to done • dato. 4003. Vor \>a?me'] For \>j S ; Whare for j8 ; Wherfore y. 4004. wol abbe] wil haue 5. tcol abbe of )>e] of the wol haue $. ham misdest'] hym dest B ; misdest a ; mysdedist fi ; dost hem 5. 4005. Amidde'] At myd S. )>e sette]>] settej' he a ; sette)> }>ee 3 ; sette the 7 ; setteh S. 4006. nor] om. o/8. unsuerye] answerije a ; auswere /8. ^•] ova.. afiS. be \>i sulf] be he sulf B ; thi self be y. 4007. auonge] afonge 5 ; fonge a/3. he wole deme] wil ordeyne 5. 4008. bote] bot yf S. do] om. a/3. nym] nune a ; take /35. ivel] ry^t /3. yod] ^ode B. 4009. \>at icholle] hat ychylle B ; I wil 5. he mi sulf] mysulf he B ; mi sulf he a ; my self her /3 ; he 5. sedie] scchyn B ; secheu S. §•] om. a;35. restore] & restore a;85. 4010. ^' /v/o>r] and eke more y. 4011. ««] on o. haitiol] heifol a. 4012. h«" 0/"] om. 5. hurde it] hit hurde a; hit hard )S. 4013. 'Vor] But )3 ; om. 5. neisle] vors>te B. sonde to rome] to rome ^af a;8 ; to Rome yaue y; iaf 5. of seluer . . . ijoldc] was neyhere siluere ue golde 5. 4014. )patwas] Was a;8 ; Bot 5. body] bod B ; om. S. aslawe] slayne j3 ; yslayne S. yf hii it] hit who so a/3 ; it who so S. 4015. clupede'] cluped B; clepedc a; callid fi. noxt] ac no^t B. voxt uor h«"] anone han ;3. so:ic] wel sonc B ; to him sone (soone ;S) a/35. ' 16. To] om. rt. ansuere] ansuerye B; Answeriie a. 282 THE CHRONICLE OF clictuni cadour. [195] dictum arjjure. Cadour erl of cornwayle • stocl & somdel lou • & verst sede is auys • mid god wille ynou • Sire he sede her biuore • ich abbe ybe sore adrad • Leste ]?at ydel lif • ]7at ];ine men abbej? ylad • 4020 Nou moni day out of los • tSz; in sleu]7e hom bro^te • Vor wanne men be]? al ydel • ]>at er batailes sotte • Hor ydelnesse hom ssal bringe • to sunne of lecherye • To tauerne & to sleu]?e • & to hasardrie • Hit is ney vif ter ]?at we abbe)? • yliued in such vice • 4025 Vor we nadde nott to done • & in such delice • & J?er wi]? nis nott god ypaid • ]?eruore he sip ibroit • pe romeins in such wille • ]?at we nere to ydel nott • Ac ]7at we come to vr stat a^en • of vre verste prow- esse • Leste we velle in dedlich sunne • vor vre ydelnesse • po he adde ysed is auys • & o]?ere him bere wit- nesse • 4031 pe king ar]?ure sede is • al in gladnesse • 4017. eW] klug a; kynge ;85. Sf somdel'] somdel and B. 4018. verst'] verste B. sede] he seide afi. mid] myde B. 'jod] gode a. 4019. ich abbe ybe] ich was a; I was /85. adrad] drad B. 4020. Leste] Laste B. \>at] \>q 5. ydel] idele a. abbc\> ylad] ban ladde j8. 4021. jno7ii] mani^e a. day] AB7; o day a; a day y35. Sf] al aS ; alle p. 4022. batailes] bataile ctj8. 4023. Hor] Her B ; Vor a ; For )35. hom] era. 5. hom ssal] schal ham a ; schal hem ;8. to siinnc of] to sj'nne B ; to syunc & /8 ; hem to synne of 5. 4024. §• to hasardrie] & eke to h. S. 402.5. \>at] om. a. we abbe\> yliued] ^e habbej' ilyued a ; ^e haue}> lyued /3 ; ^e haue lyued 5. such] suche a. 4026. Vor] Vor hat a ; For >at j8. nadde] hadde /8. §•] hot lyue 5. such] suche a. 4027. \>er wi\>] \>er mide a. nis] is H ; ys 5. jperuore] & J>er fore a/S. 4028. nere to ydel] to ydel were 8. nere] ne were /S. 4029. come] rome A. stat] astate S. 4030. Leste] Laste a. 4031. ysed] iseyd a ; yseide /3; seyde y. Sf] om. a$S. 4032. sede] ho fceyd 5. is] his ho a ; his han P. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 283 Xe louerdinges he sede ]>a,t ich abbe • in conseil & in batayle • Ifonded as uor anante me • j^at nolde me neuere faile • Do]? nou]7e al loiir wit j^er to • me wel to consayle • & ich hopie we ssolle|> ]>e lasse recche • of \>e romaynes tayle • 4036 Vor me |?inche]? mid vnritt • hii eschej> vs truage • [196] Vor luli cesar hit nom verst • mid strengj^e & outrage • Vor deseord & contek • f»at bituene vr eldorne was )70. He nom it verst mid vnriit • & brotte J'at lond in wo • 4040 & l^ing ]?at is mid streng]?e inome • hou mitte it be mid riite • Vor he na}? reson non • bote robberie & miite • & mid as god reson mowe we • of hom esse ywis • Bere he ]7anne J?e truage • ]?at bine]7e is • 4033. ■^e] om. afiS. louerdinges'] lordynges fi. abbe'] haue aj8. 4034. anante me] a^te men B ; aujte a ; au^t y3 ; ow^t men 5. noldc ?ne] me nolde Baj85 ; me wolde y. 4035. 7iou\>e'] nou B ; om. a/35. yoiirl euro a. ivit] wj'ttes /3. 4036. ich hopie] om. oj85. sso//eJ>] ssolle B ; scholle a ; schulle )3. lasse] lesse j8. of] of al fi. 4037. ]>i7ichei>] Hnchez a. 7nid] Jjatw'S. esche]}] essej^ B ; essche>a; asken fi. vs] ova. 5. 4038. lull] lulius o. nom] wan a; wanne j8. nom verst] first wan 5. outrage] myd outrage B. 4039. Vor] poruB. vr] ourea; Ler . eldorne] elderne B ; vlderne o; eldr^s y3 ; elder 5. was] vas B. 4040. nom] wan a5 ; wanne fi. it] om. B. vnriyt] swerd a ; swerde /35. \>at] Jje 5. 4041. )?ing . . . i?iome] J^at hi woune mid streugj?e «; >at hei (jjey 8) wonne with strengj>e /8S. mid riyte] injA rj'^t B ; ry^t/8. 4042. 7ia]>] nade a; had /3 ; ^af 5. bote robberie ^] midrobberi^e he a ; with robberye he ;3 ; Robberye he 5. miyte] my^t B/3 : rayght 5. 4043. i/tid . . . we] myd as resou we mowe B ; we mid swiche reson wolle}> o; we with such resoii wolle /3 ; w' w' suche reson wollej^e 5. esse] esche o ; aske /8 ; eke S. 4044 Bere he \>an?ie] Aske 5. J^e] J>e o^er B ; obere a ; ot>er j3 ; anohere 5. i^at] ^>at now S. is] nou is a ; nowe is 0. 284) THE (JHllONICLE OF Vor Iiili & o]>eve emperours • hii seggej? come ];er to • pat emperours were of rome • ich may segge al so • [197] pat min aimcetres of |?e lond • wule womie rome • As bely j^e noble king • |7at ^e abbe]? yhurd ylome • & constantin eleyne sone • ze wite]; wel rome nom • & su]>]>Q maximian • }>at of hor beyre blod ich com • foi. 63 b. • Arthure • Min aimcetres hii were alle ])rc • & kinges of j^is londe • 4051 & wonne ]?e aumperye of rome • &5 boj^e addo an honde • Of france & of o))er londes • )?at wc wonne mid vre mitte • We mowe segge |?at we nabbe]? • to ansnerye noli mid ritte • Wanne hii vorsoke is »fc uorslewede • & to none defense ne come • 4055 po we l^oru chiualerie • out of hor poer is nome • 4045. hii segge]f>1 >ei seyn /3 ; \)ey seyue 5. 4046. emperours were'] were amperours a; were Emperours 3. iccrc of rome] of Rome wore 5. ich] 8c I 0. seyge] sey /3. 4047. auncetres] auucestres a^. \>e] )>ys B ; J'is a/85. wule] wylc B ; while a; also )8 ; ere 5. iconne] wanuey. 4048. hely] belin o;85. abhe\> yhurd] ban harde ;8 ; liauc harde y ; bau bcrd 8. ylome'] lome j85. 4049. ^6' wite)>] bii wutej' B. 4050. maximian] eke maximian a5 ; also Maximian (i. hd] and B. hor] om. B. beyre] om. «,8 ; bohe 5. 4051. auncetres] auncestres afi. hii] om. B. iiwrc^ wcren a. h''<] >ere ay ; J)er )3. tS'] om. /3. 4052. ^] Aud Jjey 5. cuinipcriic] emperye B ; Empire )3. bo))e addc] badde hit (it /9) al a/3 ; bo]>i' liit liad 5. an] in a ; on fi. 4053. Sf of] \y ; & r>a,33. 4054. !>«/] om. aj33. nabbv]^] iial)l)et nout a ; ne bauej> nouit/3; we haiie noght 5. dnsuerye] answeriio a ; ausvi'cre /3. noit] om. a.35. 4055. inyrsokc /.vj liit I'ursoke 5. is] om. a/3. norslcwcde] ft>r slew|ji'd B ; for sleu^edo o ; t'o:sk'u)5;'d /8 ; Ivfte 5. ncne] d< n a ; IK) 5. ne] oni. a/3 ; wolde 5. 405(;. Old] nm. al3. f)ocr is] liondus bit 5 ; pii\i(_r hit a/3. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 285 Vor hii ne mowe nott segge |?at wi}> treson • oj^er stal]7e it were ydo • Vor wi]>imie nye lev non of horn • ne com enes ]?er to • Howel king of ]>e o|?ei" brutayne • ]>o he hurde ]?is he Dictum sede . ^«^^'- pei ech of vs sete al day • ]?e beste red to rede • 4060 Betere ansuere we ne ssolde vinde • J^en ^e abbe); nou ysed • peruore we aite onoury wel • of so noble wit ]?i red • For tif we in J>isse manere wende]? • we ne fayle]? on [i98] none wyse • pat we ne wolle)? abbe ]^e maistrie • wanne we defends vre franchise • & wo so an o|?cr mannes god • bi nime wole mid vnritte • 4065 Wi)? ritte he may is owe lese • ^if J^e defendour a]? ]?e miite • & wanne pe romeins aboute be]? • vs to binyme vr ritte • Wij? reson we woUe]? horn bi nime • tif we mowe to gadere fi^te • 4057. For] om. a. 7je] om. 5, iioxf] om. o/3. seyye] sey /3. ^paf] om. o85. wi)>'] mid a. ojjcr] ne afi ; ne w' 5. stal)>e it were'] stelj^e hit was /8. ydo] do B. 4058. nye] uije a ; nyne ;35. ne] no |8 ; om. 5. com] come o. enes] om. 5. 4060. sete] sitte ;8. sete al day] al daye sytte 5. to] forto S. 4061. we ne ssolde vinde] ne solde we fynde B ; ne finde we a/85. abbeV] haue fi. nou] om. a;85. ?/se(/] sede /3 ; ysede y. 4062. onoury] to honour )3. 4063. in ]}isse manere ivende\'] ]pns ywendt't> a ; j^us -wenden /8 ; }>us wend' 3. 7iefaile\>] faile /3 ; fuiion 5. on no7ie] anone B ; in none afi ; in no S. 4064. 7ie ivolle)f>] ne ssolde B ; ne scholle a ; ne schujle /8 ; nyl S. maistrie] maystre B. ivanne we] & a^5. defendy] defended B; defendi a; defends /8S. vre] ioure ;8. 406.5. §•] Vor a ; Fore 5. r/« o\^ei-] on o)>er a;3. i^■ nime ivole] binemejj a; bynymme> /83. vnri-yte] vnryjt B ; oury^te a. •4066. WiV] Mid a. r/^/e] ry5,t B. /fse] leose o. a\>] haue /35. >c] om. 5, 4067. aboute bt)>] \)\\]> aboute a; ben aboute /8. ys] om. a/35. 40G8. H7))]Mida. we] om. /8. «'o//p)j] wolle B;8 ; wil 5. Ao7«] ha?e a ; hers /3. w/o?<'e] om. o|85. to yadere] to gidre ;8. ^J/^"] fvjt B. rex scottie, 286 THE CHRONICLE OF Nou it wor]? iended ];at Sibile • J?e sage sede biuore • pat ]>er ssolde of brutayne • ]>re men be ybore • 4070 pat ssolde winne J^e aumperye of rome • of |»e tueye ydo it is • As of bely & constantin • & j^ou art ]?e )?ridde y wis • Hye nou vaste uor to auonge • }>is noble honour al • To bringe horn vnder J^e • ]>&t J^e wolde makie J>ral • Hye to anhansi vs alle • & inele nott be bi hinde • Ten ]7ousend hors ywrye • icholle ]?e ]>Qr to vinde • [199] Auncel ]?at ]>e king adde ymad • king of seotlonde • Glad ynou was mid J^is word • Sz uor ioye huld vp is honde • Vor ]?at he sede ich abbe yhurd • so gret ioye ich abbe & blis . pat inabbe no tonge J^at mowe • hit al ssewe ywis • Vor al |?at we abbej? of londes • & of kinges her bi- uore • 4081 Ywonne mid chiualerie • it J^inc]? me al uorlore • 4069. wor\> iended'] schal be ended )3. Sibile'] Sibili o ; Sibyly j8 ; Sibeli 7 ; Sibly S. i>e] om. 5. 4070. be] ben a. 4071. pat ssolde] 8c afi. a M»nper?/e] emperyeB ; Empire /3. of\>e]8c)>e'B. 4072. bell/] belin afiS. art] ert a. 4073. Hye] Hi)e a. uor] om. afiS. auonge] fonge a/85. 4074. 4075. Omitted in 7. 4074. V7ider \>e] anunder a ; ))er vnder ^ ; al vnder S. \>at] Ba;85 ; & A. )>e wolde makie] )?& wolde make her B ; wolde )>e maki^e a • wolde l^ee make ^ ; wolde make J>e S. 407.5. Hye] Hye nou B ; Hi^e nou a. anhansi] auansi a ; auauncy j8 ; enhaunce S. ^ inele] & ynelle B ; ich nelle a ; I wil /3 ; & I wil 5. 4076. Ten'] And ten a;85. yivrye] ywrije o ; al redy /8. icholle )>e i>er to] ych ]>e woUe B ; ich i>e wole o ; I wil >ee /S ; I wil i>e now 5. vinde] ifinde o. 4078. ynou] om. 5. uor ioye huld vp] held vp for ioy^e o ; helde vp for ioye j85. huld] held B. 4079. he sede ich abbe] ich habbe he seide o ; I haue he seide P ; 1 haue here he seyd 5. yhurd] harde /8 ; tide 5. ich abbe] om. 5. 4080. inabbe] ich nabbe o ; I haue ;8. 710] non B ; to a. \>at . . . ssewe] to teUe hit al a0 ; to telle al 7 ; to tel hit alle 5. hit al] al yt B ; 4081. 7ve abbe];)] we han )8 ; whan 7. her] om. B. 4082. Ywo7ine] Wonne P. it ]>i7ic\) me] hit }>inchet me o; hit ]>enkej> me jS ; Me Jjynke it 5. uorlore] ilore a ; ylore j85. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 287 Bote we of romeins be awreke • & of saxons al so • pat vre elderne er j^is • so moche ssame abbe}> ydo • & nou )7e time is icome • J'at we mowe be awreke • So glad ich am ]>&t inot • wat vor ioye speke • 4086 Vor ine wilnede neuere )?ing • so moche • as icli do hor blod. Oil iesu }>at ];ulke day • worp me suete & god • . Arthure • ^°^- ^^• Swete woUe)? ]>e wounden be • to me & no|?ing stronge • Suete wole ek my de]> be • tif ich im auonge • 4090 Vor to awreke vre faderes • & to holde \q) \Te fraun- chise • &; voiiio anhansy vre king • as we ssolle on alle wyse • Seche we out )?ulke haluemen • ne abyde we nott to longe • pat we after hor wrecche de)? • hor londes auonge • 4083. Bote} Bot if 5. be'] bene y. ^- of] & of )>e 5. 4084. eldeme] vlderue a ; eldres y3. er \>is] er J)isse o ; or J>is /3. so] om. a)3S. ahhe)>] han )3. 4085. nou] om. y. is] him is a. icome] come y. moxve] maye S. be] ben B. awreke] awreken 5. 4086. ich am] ich ham o ; ycham B. speke] to speken 5. 4087. ine wilnede] ich ne wilnede a ; I desirede /3 ; I wylned 5. ich do] om. a)3S, 4088. Ou] B ; On A ; A a;3S. \>ulke] vlke a ; ilke fi. wor^ me] schal be to me )3. 4089. wolle\>] woUe /3 ; woUen 5. wounden] wounded B ; wondene a ; woundes )35. 4090. wole ek] wol eke a. im auonye] him schal fonge a; hit schal fonge )3S. 4091. For «/Ae] J>e a/3. Aa/we «ie«] able men /3. ?at we abyde not 5. 4094. we ... . auonge] we mowe wreke om-e eldres dej> & J)ilke londes fonge ;8. tvi'ecche] om. aS. hor] jjulke a ; J>ylk 5, auonye] fonge o5. 288 THE CHRONICLE OF [200] numeracio gentis. Summa equorum. represen- tacio. & icholle vre ost eche • & vre baclielerye • 4095 Wi]^oute archers & votmen • wi]p tuo ]7oiisend hors ywrye. Of ]>e men here of ]>is lond • |)e king adde her wi);- oute • Sixti ]70usend hors ywrye • & ]'at was a uair route • pe kinges of six yles ek • as norj'wey & yrlonde • Godlond & orcadas • denemarch & yslonde • 4100 Seue kinges ek aboute france • as brutayne & nor- mandye • Gascoyne & aungeo • & al so of pycardye • Of peyto & of o]jer to • & ]?e dosse pers of france • Among hom alle hii were siker • al wij? oute balance • Of an hondred ]?ousend hors • & four score jwusend ]>er to • 4105 & ]>re J'ousend wel yrwye • & tuo hondred al so • "Wip oute votmen ]?at were so vale • ]7at ]>er nas of non ende • pis was a uair compaynye • jjoru al l^e world to wende • po ]?is was syker & bi speke • ]>e king hom het echon • 4109 pat hii wende ech in is syde • to hor contreye anon • 4095. eche'] echen 5. 4096. votmen'] B ; votraon A ; fot men a ; foote men ;3. om. /3. 4097. ]>e 7«e«] men B. her] l^er a^. 4098. ywrye] ywri^e a ; al redy /3. «] o a. 4099. six] }>e six a5 ; J>ise sex )3. eh] om. a;3. norewei^e a. yrlonde] yrloud a. 4100. yslonde] yslond o. 4101. ek] om. a;35. 4102. of] om. BaS. 4103. o);>er] oJ>ere a. to] two a^. 4104. Amony hom] Ac of o ; And of fi. 4105. an] two a/3. 4106. \>ousend] sousend B. ywrye] 3-wri;c a : arayed /3 wi)>] mid a ; r\)wey] \>e dosse pers] dojze pers B. sihe)-] sikere a. 4107. ]f>cit] Jjer 0. vale] fale a; many j8, 7ion] nas non a ; was none /3 ; was non 5. 4108. a] a. 4109. hi speke] by spoken 5. liuni] oni. ayG 4110. in] on 5. /o hor] to /3 ; the 7. \>at] oni. a/3. wrts 0/" het] badde ;3. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 289 & ]?at hii a lanmasse day • mid hor poer come • ^ Euerichone to barbesflet • & pes veiage nome • pe kino' sede to be messa^cers • bat hii be senatour Hesponsio ■, or r adroma- sede • uos^ pat he wolde to rome come • ac no truage him to lede • Ac vorto conquciy of hom • pulke sulue seruage .4115 ])at hii askiop of him • vilHche &) mid outrage • & pat he wokle to rome come • pe day pat he settc • pe ritte abbe weper so mitte • wanne hii to gadere ^^ -' hom mette • pus departede po pe cour • & ech in is syde • parked him aten ]?e day • vor hii ne mittc long abyde • 4120 T ^icye pe senatour • po he wuste pis mandement • imperacio Son he adde wide aboute • is messagers ysent • lucje. Vor to gadery to is help • al pat poer of rome • So pat aten lanmasse • alle pes kinges to him come • Of afFric & of grece • of spayne & of scyrye • 4125 Of medes & of parkes • of y tours of libye • 4111. a lanmasse'] a lammasse Ba5 ; at hiiumas ^. 4112. Euerichone'] Echoue Ba5. barbesflet] barbesfleod aj8. \>cs] t)is o. veiage] veage Ba. 4113. sede to] bed B. 4114. to rome come] to rome a; come to Rome ;3. , ac] Si ad ; and fi. to] cm. a;85. 4115. hom] hym B. sulue] same )3. 4116. hii askie\)] he askej? a ; he askih /3. Sf] & eke a ; and also yS. 4117. wolde] wole 0. l>e] )?ilk 5. he] hii hym B ; he him o/3. 4118. to gadere] om. a)35. to gadere hom] hem to gadere B. tnctte] ymette a/3. 4119. coiir] court Ba)3 ; courte 5. ech] eche B ; ech louerding o ; eche lordynge /3. iji] ou a^S. 4120. parked] ^arkede a; Arayed 5. him] hem B/85. vor] om. aj85. 7ie] om. ByS. le?ig] leugore a ; lenger /3 ; no lenger 5. 4122. 7/se?it] j'send B ; isend a. 4123. to is] him P. l>at] Jjc afiS. 4124. lanmasse] lammasse Ba. ]>es] i>c afiS. 4125. Sf of grece] of grece afi. scyrye] Syrye B ; sirije a; SyiTye /8 ; Surrye 5. 4126. ^ of parkes] & of perces B; of parthes o)3; & of Paites 5. of lihyc] & of libyje o ; and of libye )85. T 290 THE CHRONICLE OF fol. 64 b. . Arthure • Of egypt • of babiloyne • & of frygie • Of mesepoc • of bytynie • & of boecye • Alio ]>es kinges & alle oj'ere • |?at were bi este rome • & alle J'at to rome ssolde • seruise to him come • 4130 summa. gg j^^t fourty ]?ousend hors • & sixty hondred al so • pat were \o hii tare were • J?is chiualerye to do • arthurus j^w arthure bitok modred • is soster sone ich wene • tradit ter- ° ram pis lond to loke ])0 he wende • & gwenwayr Jje quene • & redne ^^^ ^® truste to hom mest • as me J^inc]? he wel [202] " a^te • 4135 Ac as le ssoUe her after yhure • hii bro^te him suJ'J'e to na^te • regis. ^^^ ^ ^g ^^^ ^^ j^.^ lonA • to sou]?hamtone he wende • & dude him in to )?e se • mid wind J'at god him sende • visio vrsy. po he com ver in J^e se • & he aslepe was • At tyme of midni^t of ]7e ni^t • him mette a greuous cas • 4140 4127. of'\ and of BS. babiloyne] babylonye B. §• ] & eke a5 ; and also jS. frygie] frugye fi. 4128. Of mesepoc] And al so of mesopot B ; Of perse & of mesopot a; Of Pars of Mesopotayne /3 ; Of Partes & of mesepot S. bytynie] bitiui^c a ; Bytenye )3. ^ of] of B. boecye] becyje a ; Betye /8. 4129. Jjcs] t>e a. alle] al B; om. a/35, 4130. alle] al B. \>at] \>o J>at fi, to rome ssolde] scbolde to Rome 5. 4131. ^] om. 5. hondred] & on (one)3) hundred a;8. al so] & on also 5. 4132. Vdt] per Bj3; par a; There S. '^are were] come o/3S. 4133. bitok] tok a; toke /35. soster] syster B, 4134. loke )>o] kepe )8. §•] & eke S. gwenwayr] gouernewaur B ; gwenheoucr a ; Gwennoure yS ; Gwennore y ; Gwenuare 5. )>e] his S, 4135. truste] triste a. hom] hym B; him a/3, mest] meste a. hiMcJ?] }>jTigJ> B ; HiigJ> a. Ae] so he o)3. 4136. -4c] And B ; om. a. ssolle] ssolde B. her] om. /35. yhure] here /3. Au] he ot;35. 4137. lond] londe B. /e se] in see B ; in J)C see J?er (J^ere )3) o;8. at] so t>at 5. 4140. vl<] Aboute J>e o)85, inidniyt of \>e ni-^t] midder nyjt a; mydnyjt ;8. a] o a. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 291 Him J70^te he sey a grislich bere • fle in ]7e eir an hey • pat alle ]>g hauenes quakede • of is flitt • him J?ottc ek he sey • & a dreduol dragon • fram ]>q west • com mid him to fi^te. pat ])G leom of is eyen • al J>e contreye li^te • 4144 Ac j^e dragon vekle j^ulke bere • & to grounde him caste • An oJ?er dragon com fram J^en est • &5 mid jjulke dragon fa^t uaste • po J?e king awok he tokle • his meyne of |?is cas • & some Jjo^te & tolde • wat J?e bitokne was • signacio. pat ]?e dragon of biweste • bitokne]? ]>e king ar)7ure • ^^'^^^ & \>e bere som foul geant • J'at me ssolde of yhm-e • 4150 pat he ssokle ouercome ]>e geant • & J?e dragon bi este • Bi toknede |?e emperour of rome • & ]>e bataile of pe beste • Ouercome bitoknede • & |?e romeins ssolde al so • Ac ]?e king ne lugede no^t • Jjat it ssolde be so ydo • per after hii come to barbesflet • & piite her bi syde • ^ex uenit . L / r J barbesflete. Hor tentes & hor pauilons • hor compaynie to abide • 4141. sey"] sawe y. a] o a. berej beore B ; beor 5. fle"] flye 7. \)e eir"] Jjan eyr a. 4142. 2s] i>e Bo)35. him \)oyte'] Jjat 5. ek"] om. Ba/85. sey'] syjeS. 4143. a] an B ; o a ; 00 7. 4144. leoin'] leome a. liyte] \>o ly)te o; ];>o lyght 5; ))an ly^t /3. 4145. ^c] An B. velde] afuldea; afelde ;3. i)ulkc 6«-c] }>ano bere a ; \>e Bere /3 ; i>e bore 5. groimde'] the grounde 7. 4146. An o\>er'] An nol^er B ; On oj^er a. }>e?j] om. B ; }>an a ; J^e /8. \>ulke] J?at /3 ; the 7. /«><] faute o. 4147. awok] awoc of slep a; awoke of slepe /85. meyne of \>is'] men J>at 0)35. 4148. \>o-^te'] by>0)te B ; bi)>oute a ; by >ou^t /35. jjc bitokiic'] hit to tokni a ; hit to token /3 ; it to bytokene S. 4149. hitohie\>'\ bytokned B ; toknede a ; tokenede S ; tokened /3. 4150. here] beore B; beor 5. 4151. bi este] of byheste B ; of bi este a ; of by Est /3. 4152. Bitoknede] Bytokned B. 4153. bitoknede] bytokned B ; bitokened t>at y3. 8f] }jat Ba)8. 4154. ne] om. S. /ajrerfe] demyd j8. 4155. o/ie?] om. j3. 4156. 8f hor] & B5. T 2 292 THE CHRONICLE OF gygans. fol. 05. arthurus iiadit gi- ganti. [204] Vndcr ];at ]>er com word • to J^e king ar)>ure • pat |?e meste geaunt • )?at mon ssolde of yhure • Out of ]>e lond of spayne come • & adde ynome eleyne • pat was so vair j^e kinges nece • howel of brutayne • & vpe ]>e mount of sein michel • hire ladde atte laste • 41 Gl & ];e kni^tes of ]>e lond • sywede after vaste • Ac hii ne mitte nott aien hym do • no we]?er so hii wende • Bi water o]>ev bi londe • anon riit he hom ssende • Arthur e • Mid gleyue o]>er mid roches • & vewe aliue he let • & some he mid strencj^e nom . & al quic hom vret • & al stilleliche wi]>inne nitt • j^e king nom is boteler • Ijcdwer ];at no mon it nuste • & kay is paneter • Vor he truste to hom mest • & wende vor]? alone • Vor he nolde to such geant • verdes lede none • 4170 4157. Vnder )>at'] Theder 5. word'] a worde 7. 4158. mcste] mest a. mo7i] men a. ylmre] hure y. 4159. ynome'] ytake 7. 41 GO. \!at .... nece] I?e kinges (kjmges $ ; kyngys 5) nece J^at -was so fair (faire ;8 ; fayre 8) a/35. howel] Howellys y3. 41G1. &f i^pe] Apon 7. sein michel] seint Michel o; sejTit Michael y. ladde] lede B. 4162. sywede] sywed B. 4163. Ac hii ne mi-^te] But ]>e rny^t ;8 ; But they myght 7. noyt] om. 5. no] vor B ; om. 0|3 ; ffor 5. wc)>er] wheoder a ; whi|jer )3 ; whether 7 ; whet>er 5. so] Ba/35 ; so so A. hii] ]>q ; they y. wende] went 5. 4164. oJ>er] or fi. n')<] om. $. 4165. aliue] on lyue 7. 4166. Sf some .... nom] pat he mid streng^e ne noma; That he with strenghe ne toke ;3 ; That he w* strengthe ne nome 5. quic] quike a, vret] fret Ba5 ; frete $. 4167. Sj-] om. Ba)35. |>e king nom] Jjo nam a ; he name j3. nom] toke 5. 4168. no man] name a. 7iuste] wste B ; wist j85, kay] gay B. pa7ieter] panyter Ba ; panter 7. 4169. truste] triste o. mest] meste Ba; most 7. alone] as alone B ; as al one o/3 ; as allone S. 4170. 7iolde] volde B. yeant] a gcaunte 5. 7io7ie] Yone B. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 203 Vor o body as wo sei}? • & so moche ck he trustc • To him siiliie & to hardysi • is men wan hii it wustc • po he com toward ]?is hul • a gret fur j^eruppe he sey • & ano]?er vp a lasse hul • ];at ];er bi syde was ney • Nou nuste hii to so|^e • vpe we|?er ];e geant were • Bedwer he sende vorto aspye • stilleliche verst }'erc • Verst to )'e lasse hul he wende • by a ssip J'at he vond • He wende al bi watere • vor he ne mitte nott alond • po he com vpe j^e hul an hey • he hurde atte bigin- ninge • Of a womman a deoluol cry • & a pitos wepinge .4180 Verst he was sore adrad • J>at J^e geaunt were ]?er ney • & na]?eles he hente herte • & drou more an hey • po vond he |?ere J?at fur • & a lute j^er bi syde • A buryels al nywe ymad • & a womman |?at so cryede • Al uor olded sitte |7ere • & anon so ^o^ysey • 4185 pe king bedwer ^o si^te • & bi gan to grede an hey • Missio bedwer. lamcutacio vctule. [205] 4171. wo'} we B ; who so a^. ek] eke a ; also /8. truste} triste a ; trist 5. 4172. sulue'] sulfa. hardysi^ hardyssyB; his hardisschi a; hardischipe P ; his hardynesse S. is me?)} J>at was in liim /9. /«>:] he a^. waste'] wiste afi. 4173. ^e] J?ei p. a] om. ai35. ]>eruppe'] |>eron /8. /«e] ]>ei /8. 4174. awoher] on o)>er a ; one oJ>ere 0. vp"] vp on al3, a] an P. 4175. Nou'] poa; Thenne ;3. 7iuste .... sol^c] wist \>ei nou^t Jjc soj^e 0. to so\>e'] to l^e soJ>e 5. vpe] apoH /8. 4176. sende] sent j35. vorto] to aPS. 4177. he wende] om. Ba/35. hi/] myd B ; mid a; with /3 ; w' 5, a] o o ; one /8. 4178. miyte noyt alond] myte bi lond a ; mj'^t by londe /35. 4179. vpe] vp a. 4180. u-omman] wimman a. deoluol] dulfol a. a] o a; om. 7S. pitos] pitouse a ; Piteuouse 7 ; piteous 5. 4182. §■] Ac a; But /3 ; Bot 5. licntc] tok a; toke yS. droii] drou him a ; drouj him 5. 4183. v07id] fouude a. here] )ere B. \>atfitr] a fuyre 5. a lute] lute a; a litill7. 4184. yl] An B ; O a ; One P. burijels] buryeles o ; Buryelys /8 ; bcry- ellis 5. nywe'] mylk whyte S. a] o a ; one /8 ; Jie 5. icommcm] wimman a. 4185. uor olded] uerholdcdB ; for olded o; for elded /3. sitte] & gate 5. so yo] so heo B ; so hurc a ; so sche 5 ; when sche him (3. ysey] scii /3. 4186. Jje] om. /3. /(?;ir/] kind a. jo] heoBa; sche /35. siytc] saide /3. /;/ f/oji] gan o/35 ; ganne 7. 294 THE CHRONICLE OF Dictum ^las alas bou wrecche mon • woch mesaunture • vctulc. Ap> J;e ybro^t in to J>is stede • alas hou ssalt tou dure • Alas ])0 pynes ]7at ]?ou ssalt • sone ]?olie of de]? • pe pyte j^at ich abbe of ]?e • J^oru out min herte ge|> • Vor ]>\s vorbroyde geant • abbe he of ]>e an si^t«4191 pi faire body so gentil • vor swolwe he wole to nitt • Vor he wole sone come • ]>uYke vorbroyde pece • pat nom eleyne |?at noble mayde • king howeles nece • pat ichabbe nouj'e riit here ybured • was norice ich was • 4195 pat was al mi soule & al mi lif • ich wene no such nas • [206] & |7e wule he wolde J>is tendre j^ing • wemmy foule ynou • & heo ne mi^te sofry no^t • Md lecherye he hire slou • po code he to me olde wrecche • to endi ]>is foule cas • To witnesse god ich take • j?at a^en my wille it was • 4187. wrecche'] wreched ;8. woch'] wuch B ; which a ; what 13 ; whyche 8. mesminture] mes auenture a ; mysse aventure /8 ; mysauenture B5. 4188. yhroyt in to] broujt to ojS. ssalt tou] ssalt ou B; schalt \>o\x apS ; shal thou y. dure] endure 5. 4189. \)o] \>e Ba/85. py7ies] peynes 5. so7ie i>olie] J^ole sone a; JjoIc soone )3 ; dole sone y ; sone Jjole 5. of] om. B. 4190. out] om. al35. ye]}] hit goth 5. 4191. vorbroyde] verbroyde B; forbroyde o5 ; forbrayde P. an] a aj3 ; o 5. 4192. vor swolwe] vor swolewc a. he] om. a. 4193. vorbroyde] verbroyde B ; for broide a ; forbrayde P ; forbroyde 5. pece] om. P ; geaunt ferce y. 4194. nom] toke 7. eleyne] heleneB. \>at] om.B. noble] om. a/35. howeles] howwel B. 4195. ichabbe nou\>e] I nowe haue 5. noui>e ri^t here] noji ryjt her B ; nou here a ; here nowe /8. ybured] yburyed $, was] whas afi ; whos 75. 4196. al] om. oj85. al] om. a0S, no] non B. 7io such nas] suche on J?ere nas 5. 4197. \>e wule] lome a5; ofte P. wemmy] wempni a; wempny 0. 4198. 7ni^tc] my^te ytR ; mijtehita ; my^^t hit /3S. sofry 7io%t] sofFri a ; suffrc $. 4199. po . . . wrecche] To me oldc wrecche he ^eode ()cde y3) a/3; To me olde \vrecche he ded t>o 5. to oidi] and endede o ; & endide j8 ; & ended 5. \>is] ys B. foule] fioule B. 4200. n-^en] a^e o. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 295 & dude bi mc is lecherye • alas j/ulke stounde • 4201 peruore fie ]fou hendy mon • vor siker be )?ou yfoundc • • Arthure • f oi. 59 b. Wanne he com]; binne to ligge • he wole ]>q limemele • To drawe Sm uorsuolwe • par auenture at one mele • Bedwer bigan to conforti • J^e wommon In ]>q place • conforcio & bihet hire bote of hire wo • bi tyme j^oru godes ^^^^<^'^^- gi-ace . 420G & wende aten to J^e king • & tolde al J?is cas • reditus pe king was sori j^o he wuste • |jat J>et maide aslawe was • ^*^^^v^'"^- Ac anauntre he ])OZte him do • &i dude him in ]?e weye • pis clene maide uorto awreke • & is felawes beye • 4210 Ar hii come vpe ];e hul • arst he was ycome • [207] pis grisliche geant &; adde • an vatte barn ynome • & yspited him ]?oru out • mid an yrene spite • & rostede in ]?is grete fur • to abbe ]>& voile bite • Arthure bed is felawes • to late him yworj^e al one • Ac tif hii seye him in nede • ]?at hii ne made targinge none • 4202. Jle jpou] J)ou fleo henne a ; J^ou fle henne ;8 ; thou flee heus thou y. hendy mon'] heudi man a ; hende mau ;S. yfoundc'] here fouiide H. 4203. binne] by me B(85 ; bi me a. 4204. iiorsuolwe] for swelewe a. par auenture] perauuti'c B. 4205. co7iforti] comforty B. ivommo7i'] womman B ; wimmau a. 4206. bi tyme] sone aS ; soone /3. 4207. tolde] tolde him o/35. 4208. wuste] wiste a. \)at \>et] Jje afi ; l^at \)Q 5. maide] maiden /3. aslawe] slayn 0. 4209. anauntre] in auenture aj8. in \)e weye] J>iderwarde J>o j8. ])c] om. B. 4210. uorto] vort a. beye] two j8. 4211. Ar hii] Or he 13 ; Or Kit t>ey 5. vpe] vpon /8. \>e] i^js BS ; Hs aj8. 4212. an vatte barn] an vatte beren a ; a fatte beere ;8. 4213. yspited him'] spitted /3. an] one ayS ; cone 7. 4214. in] him in aj8 ; on 5. \>is] h-e oj3. 4215. bed] bad a, late] leten a. ywor]>e] worjie o/3. 4216. seye him in nede] seijo neode a j sawe nede /8 ; seye ueode 5 ; se nede e, tar()inqe] taryinge 6 ; tarcyng e ; sterynge j3. 296 THE CHRONICLE OF King arthuro him blessede • & baldeliclic ynou • Toward |?is grisliche foiirme • mid god herte him droii • pis geant ]>o he sey • him come • bigan is mace adrawe • pat tueye stalwarde men • ne ssolde nott enes wawe • - Toward ]>e heued J^e king he smot • ac he hente mid is sselde • 4221 Ac tut he buyde al adoun • & wel harde it yvelde • Vor hit J^ozte al ]?e hul • mid ]>e stroc was astoned • Ar]?ure was li^t ynou • as he was ywoned • He hupte J70 he ywra]^}?ed was • & is suerd adrou • & smot ]7en ssrewe in j^e frount • mid god emest ynou • [208] »fc ]?e vel ^& fless was so hard • &, ]>g scoUe hard & l^ikke • peruore |?ei it ne come no^t ]70ru • ]>e dunt nas nott wikke • 4217. blessede'] blescede o. baldelicke'] boldelyclie e, 4218. Ills'] \>e5. fourme] geaunt J3. god] gode B ; glad 5. him] om. afi ; he 5e. 4219. ]^is . . . sey] Tho \>\'S, Geaunt se e. p«s] peB. hescy] isey a; he sawj )3 ; he sawe y. bigan] he byganne e. mace] mase e. adrawe] drawe $ ; to draw) S ; to drawe e, 4220. pat] Whiche e. tueye] two P ; tweyne e. stalwarde] stale- worde o; stalworthe )3e. ne ssolde no'^t] ne scholde a; vnnet> schulde P ; myghte no)t 5 ; schuld no^t e. enes] ones ^e. waive] drawe e. 4221. Ye heued \>e king] J^e kingcs heued a ; J^e kynges heed/S; he kyugys hedc hede 5 ; \>c kyngges heed e. hente'] hent hit e. 4222. yit] )ute o. lie bni/de] he brj'de B ; he bu^de a ; he bowed /D ; hit bowed downe e. al] om. 5. adoun] his body e. wel] ry^t )3. it] he hit al3f. yvelde] veldc B ; felde o^Se. 4223. Vor hit] That him e. ]poyte] >orte B; J^ou^t e ; semed ^8. mid ]>e] w' J'at e. 4224. Ar];>ure] & arthur a ; And Arthure /3e. tvas] was eucre a5 ; was euer )8e. ywoned] wonede /3. 4225. hupte] hupe vp B ; vp j8 ; rose vp e. ^o he] Jiau when he 13 ; i>o for he e. ywra]>]>ed was] wro^J'e was B ; AvroJ^e was P ; was wrothc 5. adrou] ho drowe e. 4226. i>en] >ane o; j^e )3e. m] on 5. god] gode B. 4227. Sf] Ac Ba ; But ySe ; And y. i>e] J'atajS. vel Sj-Jless] fel & flechs a ; felle & flesche j8. ivas] ys 5. hard] bard B. hard] stronge $. 4228. ):'er»/rtre . . . come] That hit pcrsshed e ; Ac ^ei hit come S. J.Vr7e c/mw^] ]k' dj'ntc j3 ; for ^e dyute e. ?'ffs] was a^SSe. no%t] nowyt a. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 297 & is male he dude ek bituene • ac ]:'at blod adoiin wende • So vast in eye & in face • |^at hit him ney ablcnde • J)e king hupte her & ]?er • & Icyde on euere vastc • So strong was j^e ssrewe • pat no dunt • ne mi^te him adoun caste • 4232 He vemde & gi"unte & stod a^en • as it were a strong bor • pat euere wole a^en ]>e stroc • vor te he ne may nammor • pe king smot euere her & J?er • so j^at atte laste • Occisio Ernest of herte he nom to him • & adrou so vaste* ^ ^' Calebourne is gode suerd • j^at he J?ut scollo clef a tuo • pat |?at suerd was al J^er Inne Ihud • ]?at brayn orn out al so • So grisliche ^al ]>ai ssrewe po • & grislich was is here • He vel adoun as a gret ok • j^at bine)?e ykorue wer • 4229. mo/e] mace Boj35 ; mase e. ek'] om. a/35e. biinene'] bitweone a. ac] but /3e. \>at] >et B ; ]>e )3Se. 4230. 171 eye ^ in face] in ey^en & iu face a ; in his eyen & in (on 7) his face ^y ; in j'en & face 5 ; hit ranne in his face & in his yjen e. hit] om. B. him ney ahlende] ny^e him ablcnt e. 4231. hiiplc] euere hupte S ; him stert ; skypped e. oti] on him 0(3e. 4232. ivas] vas B. f>e] J^at e. ne mi^te him admm] adoun nc myte him a ; adon my^t hym ^ ; adoun him myght S ; a downe my^t him e. 4233. vemde] -wende o; wenteS; went ;3e. yrunte] grounte a ; grunt j8 ; grunted e. a] o o. 4234. ayen'] a^e o. stroc] stroke stonde e. vor te] for to Se ; fort a ; vn to /3. ne] om. y3e. nammor] no more )85e. 4236. Ernest] Hurnest a. nom] noma B_; toke )3e. adrou] smote /3 ; smote at him 5 ; drowe e. so vaste] \>o in hast e. 4237. Calebourne] With Calliborne /3 ; W' Calebiirne 5. \>at ... a tao] where \s\\> his senile he claffe in two e. ]>ut'] om. B ; )>e 5; his a^. clef] cleef /3. 4238. Yat \>at] pat )>Q Ba^SSe. was al i>er Inne] was al inne a/35 ; al lunc was"/; })erin was al 6. Jhud] yhydde e ; hiddeyS. \>at brayn orn] \>e brayn orn 5 ; ]>e brayne ran 13 ; and the brayne ran e. 4239. So] po B. (jrisiichc] grysly €. xal] polled 5 ; gelled e. \>at] Jjc Ba75. Sf] hat B ; & so o/Be ; J-at so 5. grislich] grym 5. bere] beree e. 4240. He vel] And he felle e. adoun] douu) B; om. a/85 ; by hnry- ing e. a] ABye ; o a ; om. /35. ykorue] corue/3. francie. 298 THE CHRONICLE OF foi. 66. • Arthure • pat it )70ite )?at al ]?e hul • mid j^e vallinge ssoc • po stod ]>G king & lou • & J?ei ech lime him ok • Decollacio. Vor he was weiy yfa^t • bedwer he bed ]>ere • pat he corue of \>e grislich heued • & to ]?e castel it bere • So ]?at hii come to hor felawes • in ]>e dawiinge • 4245 So noble los nas neuere yhurd • as me bar J?o ]>e kinge • [209] His men truste J^e bet to him • & mony a blessinge • He adde uor he deliuerede men • of an so voule ]?inge • vadunt po king ar]?ures men • ycome were echon • Sone hii drowe horn to ward france • vor to seche hor fon . 4250 Horn com tydinge • l^at }»e emperonr • of rome • ycome was • Mid so gret folc him to seche • |?at such neuere yseye nas • 4241. it] him e. ];>oyte] semecle ;8. )f>at'] om. ajSe. al K'] al B. vallinye] failliuge a. 4242. stod \>e king] )>& kynge stode 5. lou] lou^e e. §• \>ei] })at ;8. §•] om. B5. ech] euery 5. him] of him j35e. ok] koke /3. 4243. Vor he was] Thouj he were e. «(/«><] ifoute a ; for fou^t /3 ; of fyght S ; & forfou^t e. hedwer] Jjerfor to Bedwer e. bed] het Ba ; badde j8 ; seid e. 4244. corue] croune B ; corfe /8 ; kutte e. \>e] om. y ; Jjat 8. heued] heed e. \>e] om. B. it] om. Bo/85. 4245. \>e] cm. B. dawiinge] dawynge B)3 ; dawy^iage a ; dawnynge -yS ; dawenynge €. 4246. nas] was jSSe. yhurd] herde S. me] men e. /etn^e] king a. 4247. His] Thohis e. truste] triste a; trysted e. 5e<] better /3e. §-] & eke 5. mony] maui^e a ; fuUe many e. a] om. B ; o a. 4248. an] on a ; one /3e ; oon 7 ; om. 5. Vmge] a thynge 5 ; a J'ing e. 4249. po] The ;8. king] J^e kynge 5. ycome were] commyn were j8; were come 5. echon] euerychone S. 4250. Sone] om. a;85e. /tow] om. ajSSe. yor] om. oi3e. sec/ic] seche out e. 4251. Horn] To hem S ; To Arthure e. co?«] cam o ; come 7S6. tydinge] ti}>inge a ; thihynges /3 ; tithingcs 7 ; tytyuge B. \>c] om. B. of rome] to franco B ; to frauuce S. 4252. Mtrf] AndS. /ofc] pcple j8. a<] om. e. S7e king adrad • ac vor]70re he wende by syde • & bigan to picche is pauilons • him vor to abyde • pe erl of oxenford he nom • & an o|?er erl al so • wawein et & sire wawein is soster sone • ]>o al ]>is was ydo* aiiorum & to hieye ]>e senatour • in J>is manere horn sende • ^^^^ °'^"°^" To hote him ]7at he hasteliche • out of france wende • Oj^er |?at he com amorwe • batayle uor to do • Vor to cuj?e wej^er adde • betere ri^t ])er to • 4260 pis noble knittes wende vor}) • & hete liicye al so • Vor to wende out of france • o]?er ]>e batayle do • Quintylian is neueu • ansuerede atten ende • pat he nas noit |>uder ycome • out henne uor to wende • Ac to gouerni france • |?at of ri^te of rome was • 4265 & l^at bote lelpinge & host • mid brutons no|?ing nas • 4253. peruore'] per of B. peruore . . . adrad"] Nas nou)t J^e king J^er of adrad o ; Was nou^t }>er of i>e kynge ydrad /3 ; J^fe kynge her of noj^ynge dradde S ; The kyng was no^t \>eT of adradde e. ac vor\>ore] but far}>er e. by syde] in his syde e. 4254. biga?i] gan 5. picche] puthe B. him] him J^ere e. vor to] fort o. 4255. 7iom] toke ;8. an] on o ; one fi. 4256. soster] syster B ; susters e. \>o] whenne y. 4257. Sf] om. /3. m] on afiS. horn sende] he sende a0; he sent e. 4258. hote] bydde e. he] om. B. wende] he wende B. 4259. 0\>er] Outher y. amorwe] to morowe e. jtor] with him /8 ; om. a. 4260. Vor] om. 5. cui>c] kyj)e fi ; kithe y ; kuy)je 5 ; vryte e. adde] ha}> €. betere] \>e better ;8. 4261. wende] ^eden e. hete] badde j8; seid to e. al] om. Ba;85e. 4262. Vor to] That he e. o\>er] eijjer e. i>e] om. B. do] for to do e. 4263. Quintylian] Quintilicyan /3 ; Qvintylucian e. is] Lucijes a; Lucyes /Se. atten ende] at jjan ende o ; at )je ende ;3 ; J^o at J)c ende e. 4264. nas] was /SSe. ycome] come iS. hcnine] )janne Ba ; )>en 5 ; Jjens /3 ; ]>ennys e. 4265. -(4c «< o/] }>at a/3 ; t>at 1)6 5 ; & J^at 6. 'oas] ys B. 4266. L^- hrti iote] For ther nas but e. yelpinye] ^ulpyngc B ; lolp ae ; ^elpe 5 ; brag iS ; bragge y mid brutons no]>ing] uo)>yng myd brutons B ; mid brutons a ; with \>q Brutons /Se ; amonge J>e bretons S. was] ny< B ; J>er nas o;3 ; in eche cas e. 300 THE CHRONICLE OF occisio Sire wawein ]?e gode kniit • was |;o wro]? ynou • quinti lam. ^ among al J?at folc • hupte ner • & is suerd adrou • [210] & smot of )>at heued anon • & j^at heued wij? him nom • & wi|7 is felawes to is hors • vor hom alle tut he com • 4270 romani Ac wat an horse wat auote • ]?e romeyns hom sywede sequuntur. ^ ynou • Vor to awreke hor grete mayster • ]7at sire wawein slou • G^eryn erl of carcoys • |?at mid king arj»ure was • He biturnde him J?o he sey • ]>e romeins lu]?er pas • & on ]7oru out J'at body • he smot mid is lance • pe erl of oxenford ek • ]?o^te of is cheance • 4276 He biturnde him & mid is launce • }?oru ])o ]?rote smot on • & }^us ]?is ]?re gode kni^tes • sturede hom among hor fon • 4267. teas i>o'] ))0 was 5. 4268. ^] om. j3. hupte ner"] hupte for]? ct ; hupte fur S ; lepe forj^e j3 ; leppe forthe y ; skypped forjje e. adrou'] he drowe e. 4269. of i>at heued] him ofj^at heued a ; of quyntilicyanes heed )3 ; of bis hede 5 ; of his heed e. anon ^] & anon B. anoii] om. a)35e. \>at .... him] fo [r] \> mid him hit a ; for{>e with him hit )35 ; so for)) wit" him hit e. 4270- wi)>] to oy85e. /o] mid a ; with j856. 7Jor hom] from hem y ; fro hem e. ^?/<] om. a;85e. 4271. an ^orse] on horse a ; on hors /SSe. ?«a< a?/oe . . . . sywede] l?er sywede puple o ; \>ev sewede pcple /3 ; )>er sewed peple 5 ; Jjer sewyd him peple e. hom] hym B. 4272. Vor to] Vort a. hor] his 7. grete] om. o^SSe. s/o?<] aslou a. 4273. erl] om. o/Se. carco?/s] arthois « ; Arthoys /Se ; Cartoys 5. 4274. biturnde] turned ^e, sey] sawe y ; se e. 427.5. \>oru out] throwte 5. )>at] J>e )35e. /;e s»?o<] smote 5 ; he smote him e. 4276. oxenford] oxeneforde a. e^] also y. of]on 5f. 4277. biturnde] turned $e. §"] om. a;85e. )5o?-k] & J)oru a; & }>rou) 6 ; 8i, I'urgh P • and J^oruj e, 4278. .'/tx/f] om. a/SSe. sat B. §• a/ . . . . breste] & Jpat heued te )>e bruste a ; That \>c heed to \>C: brest /8 ; And J>e brest & \>c hede 5 ; Marcel jjorui >e heed in to \>q bryst e. al] om. B. him to clef] in two him claue e. 4283. quintilyan] quinciliana; Quintilicyan y3 ; Quintilucian «. /w] in to )35. 4284. seye] seij> /3 ; seythe y. him smdc] seudo him a; sendej? him ;8; sended him 7 ; sent to him e. 4285. brutons] broutons o. 4286. pa< he ... . hom] pat seyb }>er nis mid ham no Jjiug a; That se\\> \>er nys with hem no}>inge (8 ; That seij' I'er is no >ing w' hem e. sei\>] seyde B ; seyd 5. hom] hym B. yulpimjc] julp o ; jelpe 5 ; jelp € ; brag )3. nis] }>er is a)3e ; \xivc nys 5. 4287. tc/io<] ychot wel B ; ich wot o ; I wot /3 ; y wote e. ^uder] )>at )>ydir )>ou 5. \>in del] J>i del o ; J>y dool ;3 ; thi doel y ; l^erfor J>i doole €. Am] om. a^e. 4288. 6a(/] bed B. al \>ei] & K'i a ; & Ijou) ;3 ; J)0U5 e. t;ewe] bot fewe 5. 4289. ech] & ech Ba ; & eche /85e. atte laste] atte leste B ; at \>q leste ai35. slou] a slou a. 302 THE CHRONICLE OF auxiiium go )?at |?er com out of an wode • as- it was bi speke • An SIX pousend oi brutons • nor lelawes uor to awreke • Hii come out mid god eyi' • & asaylede uaste • pe romeins & monye slowe • & some adoun caste • po to petreye a gret rome}^! • ]?es tydinge com • 4295 Ten j^ousend hors ywrye • mid him sone he nom • - Vor te helpe is felawes • & ]?o J?e o]?er ne mi^te be • Toward ]?e wode wanene hii come • |?e brutons gonne to fle. Ac ]>o hii come among narwe hegges • hii stode a^en anon . & turnde "pe brest aten • & vaste slowe hor fon • 4300 & )?e romeins stode azen • so ]?at 'per was gret sla^t • pe erl of oxenford ysey • J»at ]?is fare nas na^t • pulke J»at he mast truste to • as a gret compaynye • He bed hom sywy treweliche • to do chiualerye • 4291. out] om. S. an] o a; a )8Se. was bi speke] had ybe byspoke e. 4292. A71] O o ; om. /3 ; And 5. brutons] broutons o. uor to] forto )8 ; fort a ; to 5. awreke] wreke yS ; haue wroke S, 4293. god eyr] gret eir a ; gret eire /3 ; gret Ire e ; good chere 5. Sf] & \>Qi €. uaste] him fast 5. 4294. Sf] om. 5. monye] mani^e a ; many \>ey 5e. some] som }>ei e. 4295. petreye] Petreys e, a] o a ; oo y. \>es] J>ys B5 ; J>is aySe. tydinge] tij^inge a ; tyjjinges )8 ; thidynges y ; ty)>ynges 5. 4296. hors] of hors Ba;8e. 4297. \>e] om. Bo;95. \>e o\)er . . . , be] i>e to>er no my^t had ajenst hem to be e. 4298. Toward] To afi ; But to e. wanene] fram wanne B ; fram wha o ; fram whom ; whens 5 ; fro whennys e. hii] he B. go7ine to fle] gonne fle a ; gan fle /SSe. 4299. Ac \>o hii] Tyl }>ei e. among] to o;85 ; a monge )?e e. hit] \>o \>ei e. 4300. brest] breste B ; bruste o. 4301. stode] stod B. so] \>o B. • 4302. oxe7iford] oxeneforde a. ysey] sawe y; se e. nas] -was /SSe. 4303. y^ulke ]f>at he] He t»at Arthure €. viest truste] mest triste a; trust moste 7 ; tryste most e. as a] as o a ; as 00 7 ; as of t>at e. 4304. He bed] He bad u ; Badde e. hom] hym B. sywy] sywi him o ; sewc him y35e. Jo] don f>at «)3 ; don Jjere 5 ; do a newe e. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 303 po J>is voreward was ymad • ];oru out ]?is ost he drou • & percede J?e ost ]?oru out • &s uaste aboute slou . So )?at to hor maister • petreye he com • capcio & uaste as he adde i)?o^t • binej'e ]>e nekke he him nom • P^^treye. & wi'aste him adoun of is hors • & him sulf al so • Anoward him he vel adoun • as he adde i]?o^t to do . 4310 pe romeyns sturte to anon • hor prince vor to arere • r2i2] pe brutons to helpe hor alf • vaste aboute were • per was pultinge & ssouinge • &; stroc monyon • So J^at |?e brutons atte laste • among al hor fon • Mid streng]?e ladde vor]? • petreye hor prince J^ere • po l?e romeyns were wij'oute chef • desconforted hii were • 4316 • A'rthure • foi 67 & to spradde hom her &; J^er . & ];e oj'ere after vaste • victoria & slowe & despoylede • & to grounde hom caste • brutonum. 4305. l>is ost] ost B. 4306. J>e] Hs $. 4307. hor maister petreye'] Petreys her master sone to him e. 4308. uaste] ova. e. i\>oyt] J>ou)t /3. binei>e .... 7iom] he mette him & by J^e necke him nome e. hine])e] by B^5 ; bi a. he] ova. Baj85. 4309. ztrasie] >raste B ; wreste a ; wrest e ; pulde/3; pulled 7. adoun] doun 5. sulf] sulue B. 4310. Anoward .... adoim] And he fylle a downe vppon him e. Anoward] Anowarde Bo. he] cm. Baff. adoun] doun 5. i);>oyt] Jjou^t j8. 4311. sturte] sturt 0; stertte e. to anon] anone 3; a noon to e, vor to] Tp to Bo/35e, 4312. hor alf] here side )3 ; ther syde y. vaste] besy fast e, tvere] J>ei were e. 4313. pultinge] pultyng B ; puttynge $ ; pultyng c. ssouinge] ssouyng B ; schuuinge o ; schowynge j8 ; schowyng e, stroc] strokes a$5e. 4314. \>e brut07is] at \>e broutons o. 4315. vor\)] swi>e forjj a; swyjje forJ>e e. petreye] Petreys €. hor] \)e a)35e. 4316. po ]pe romeyns were] Tho were \>q Romayns e. chef] cheftajTie /3 ; cheuenteyn c desconforted] J^erfor j^ei discomforted e. 4317. o\>ere] tot)er e; Brutons /3. 4318. despoylede] despoyled hem e. to] fast to )8. caste] swijje caste a. 304 THE CHRONICLE OF & astorede horn mid hor armes • & j;e hexte aliue nome • So ]>at mid gi'et prowesse ♦ to ]>e king arjmre hii come . 4320 Welle J?at ]>e king • vor he niiste her of nott • Vayre ^ifte he horn ief«& wel mo he adde i|>o^t • ]>e prisons amorwe • to parys he sende • To holde in prison & wi]? hom • god condut ]?er wende • pe romeins ]?otte ]^is wel • & as }?e maystres hete • Viftene J^ousend ]>er wende • J^is prisons to mete • Obuiacio. po ];e brutons come • mid ])e prisons p'ar • pe romeins come aten hom • al an onywar • & wende hom to ssende anon • ac J?e brutons a^en stode • & defended hom • ]}e wule hii mi^te wij; wel stourdy mode . 4330 So ]?at vor defaute of help • hii were wel ney issend • Ac ]?o com )?e due of peyto • as god adde J?e grace ysend • 4319. astorede'] a'^tored B. armes'] armere 5 ; armoure e. hexte] hi^cst men e. aliiic] on lyue y. 4320. he] om. aj85e. 4321. Welle \>at \>e king] Welle )>at t>e kyng was J^o glad B; Wel -was J>e king ho & glad ynou a ■ Proude was he kyuge han & glad ynowj $ ; The kynge ho herof was gladde 5 ; Tho was he kyng glade y nowe e. he 7iiiste] he wist & ; he wyst e ; ere he wist 5. noyt] ry;t nojt e. 4322. yifte] }yftys B ; ^iftes ae ; ^yftes y3. ho7n] hym B. horn yef] ya{ hem ho 5 ; hem ^aue e. wel mo] many mo e. 2ho)<] hou)t /8. 4323. prisons] prisones a ; Prysoners &f. 4324. wi\>] mid o. hom] hym B. co7idut] conduyt a. 4325. ho)te] wist B. h«s wel] a noher wile e. Sf as he] & what he ; as her e. hete] sette c. 4326. prisojis] prisones a; prisoners )3e. to] vor to B. 4327. prisoTis] prisoners )3e. 4328. ayen] a^enst e. an] om. fiSe. out/war] vnware /3e. 4329. hom to ssende] to haue shende hem e. ayen] aye a ; ho aien e. 4330. defended] defendede o. \>e wule] wyle B ; while 6. wi\>] myd B ; mid o. wel] ry^t j3. mode] mod a. 4331. wel] alB; om. a^e. issend] ichend o ; yschent j8. 4332. adde he] )aue hat e. ysend] ysent e ; sent /8. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 305 Mid jn-e |?ousend hors ywiyc • «fc her of was ywar • [213] po were J^e brutons glade ynou • &; j^en feld made bar • trutonum. & J?en king of Scyrie • & mony o]7ere liii slowe • & louerdinges |^at liii nome • to prison vaste hii drowe • 4336 po hii to ]?e king come • & ssewede hor stalwardhede • pe king was ])o glad ynou • vor him j^o^te he nadde no drede • T ueye |?e senatour • in gret }^o^t was sone • In such hard cas as him biuel • wat were best to done • 4340 So Vat he ]?02te stilleliche -In to a strong cyte to wende • Vorte ])e emperour him mi^te • more poer sende • King arj'ure was ]^er of ywar • & }>o^te ar he .slepe • *J Wi}> al is poer bi j^e wey • somwar him kepe • 4333. Mid'} And ;Se. liars'] of hors 7. her of ] )>erofB. ywar] •ware ^ ; \>ei ware e. 4334. ylade] glad B ; Jjerof glad a ; J'erof glade € ; ry)t glad 13. ynou] om. a. }pen] \>ane a ; J>at jSe. made] mad a ; J>ei made e. bar] lar a. 4335. \>e7i] J)e B/3s ; t>ane a; J^an J^e 5. Scyrie] sjTge B ; syri^c a; Siri^e ^ ; Surrye 5. mo7iy] monije a. 4336. (^-J Andiiea. louerdinges] cj^ere lordes 5; lordyngges e. nome] toke /35. to] to J>e ay3 ; and to S. vaste hii] hi a ; J^ei ^ ; hem 5 ; \>ei hem e. 4337. pohii] And when J^ei ; And ]>o \>ei e. stalwardhede] stalworthe dede /Se. 4338. was] wos B. vor] om. a$Se. nadde 710] haddc no 13 ; had ])C lesse e. 4339. gret] om. B. ivas] was he B. 4340. hard] a e ; om. a/3. biucl] vel B ; felle S. were Z»es/] host were afiS. 4341. /te] BajSye ; \>e A. /?« ] Mid a. is poer . . . kepe] Jjc power Kit he hadde hy he Aveye somwhare him mete fi ; }>e power hat he had to be in he wey somewhere hem to mete e. kepe] ymete a ; mete 5. U pna, 306 THE CHRONICLE OF Ordinacio Vor|? he wende mid is ost • & ]?o he was ycome • rum beui To ]7e stude j^er he wolde be • cheuenteins he made per ar- some • 4346 As ]>e king of cornwayle • & of scotlond al so • Of iiorJ?weye of denemareh • of brutejnae of peyto • Of gascoyne • of normandye • & erles ^ut ]?er to • Of carcois of oxenford • of leicestre al so • 4350 summa . & sire wawein is neueu • flour of corteysye • armatorum jj^^ ^^^ j^^ delde a seueiie • & in ech compaynye • Vif )70usend & vif hundred • he dude of hors ywrye • & vifti & viue • & ]?at was vair seignorie • foi. 67 b. • Arthure - Acies pro- pe eitte]7e ost to him sulue • he adde ]>er wijjoute • Six hundred & six ]70usend • ]7er were in J^ulke route • [214] & sixti & sixe • & is dragon arerd of golde • As in stude of is baner • & ]?anne ^if eni wolde • Come as to defense • J^at vorwounded were • Oj'er wery as in castel • recetted were j^ere • 4360 4345. mid'] wit> al e. 4346. stude'] stede B/8 ; stedde e. cheuenteins] cheueteyns B ; and cheuenteyns e. 4348. 7ior]i>we>/e] noreweyje a, of peyto] & of P. e. 4349. norinandye] Normardy e. 4349. 50. §• erles . . . oxenford] omitted in 5. 4350. carcois] cartoysB; artoysa; Arthoys;8e. al so] he made also /3. 4351. flour] >e floure j8. of] of al e. 4352. delde] delta e. a seuene] Ba5; inseuenciSe; as euene A. 8f i7i] on a ; & >at in /S. ech] eclie a. 4353. hors ywrye] bachelerje B. 4354. 8f >a<] J^at S. ]pat~] J)is j3. vair] a faire ^ ; a fayre e. 4355. eiyte)>e] eytuj^e a; ey^te j8; eijt e. to him . . . adde] lie hadde (had e) to him (his -y) self fiye. \>er wi\>oute] \ni> out doute e. 4356. hundred] ^ousend Ba ; l^ousande ^ ; thousand 5 ; }>ousand e. }pousend] hondred B ; hundred aS ; hundrede j8 ; hunderd e. )>e/'] \>2it S. were] was e. ];>tdke] J>are o ; }>at j35e. 4357. Sf is] and si{>>e his e. dragon] gragon a. arerd of] yrerd of B ; rerd of o ; rered of ;8e ; rede as 5. 4358. stude] stedde e. 4359. as to defense] and in defence be e. \>at] l^ei \>aX e. vorwounded] uurwounded B ; forwonded a. 4360. 0];>cr wery] Ther e. castel] a castel Be ; o castel a ; ony Castel )3 ; eny castell j ; a castell 5. recetted] rescetted j3 ; resettyd e. were \>ere] ^ei wwe «. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 807 po he adde )?is ost yset • he bigan horn Rede • predicacio & in ]7is batayle to conseyli • & ]?es wordes sede • arthure Min leue priiie kniites • ]?at euere abbe]? god ybe • Vor noil as wide as is |?e world • me ne ssal tome pers yse • Xe abbe]? ymad leiiedy • briitayne toure owe lond • Of |?rettene kinedoms • J^at we abbe]? in vi*e bond • Vor ]7er te abbe]? noii vif ler • of batayle vn vsed be • ^iit in toiire noble prowesse • wel diirinde ich tou se • pat so gret folc of romeins • le vewe made fie • In to j)is toun her biiiore • ]?at sone wolle]? out te • 4370 & ye ssollej? hom mete & quelle • as so mony ssep uor na^t . Hii wende wel hor owe sleuj^e -on tou abbe yca^t • 4361. koni] him S; hem e. Rede'] to rede Se. 4362. in'] on a ; of Se. ]?is bataile to conseyli] his Bataile hem coun- seylede /3 ; J)is he hem conseilled e. i>es] J>is o ; j^ise /3. 4363. Mi?i] Mine a; My )35e. leue priue] leoue priue a; gentile priue 5 ; most trysty & preuy e. euere abbe]> god] gode abby)? euere B ; gode habbe}? euere a ; good han (haue 7) euere fi-} ; good euere haue S ; good euer haj> e. ybe] be 5 ; been fi ; bene y. 4364. Vor . . . world] For nowe as in J>e Avorlde ; Nowe in al t)is worlde e. 7«e ?ie ssal] men schal no^t e. youre] eur a (& passim). pers] per Ba. yse] se e ; seen ; sene y. 4365. abbei)] haue /8 ; han e. ymad] ymaked a; made /3 ; ymade e. leuedy] lefdi o ; lorde & heed j3 ; one lady e. owe] owne e. 4366. ]>rettene] Jpirtene e. kinedoms] kyngdomes e. abbe\>] hauen )8 ; haue y ; hajj e. 4367. Vor \>er] And e. >er] J^ey B; om. aj85. ^e] -we y. abbe\> . . . rer] non habbej? fif ^er a ;''now haue)? fyue jere ;8 ; haue an fyue ^ere S ; nowe ha}> y ben J^is fyue ^eer e. of batayle vn vsed] vn vsed of bateille e. 4368. •^Mi] And )it 5. yoiire noble] eny 5. noble] om. o)3e. wel] weel e. durinde] duryng e ; durynge |8. 4369. gret] moche e. made] mad B. 4370. biuore] afore 7. wollc\> out] je schal with oute /8 ; wille out S ; •woUe out 6. te] teo o ; se /3 ; flye e. 4371. ssoUe\>] ssolle B ; scholia a ; schal ; schul Se. so mony] so nionye B ; fele afi ; so fele 5 ; om. e. 4372. Hii] TheiS. wel] om. a)35e. hor owe sleu^pe] here owen sleujjc )3 ; in loure slowj^e e. o?i] in ct/85 ; om. e. aZ in franco ydo • 4375 In nor)?weye & in denemarch • & in o]:'er londes al so Of hor stinkinge seruise • ]?at le aljbe]; out ybro^t • pis haluemen • ze ssolle winne • wel liitloker & uor nott • [215] Woeli honours wolde tou come • tif le hom ouercome • Yor we wolde anon ])er after • vor]? & winne rome '4380 Of tresours |?at tou Jeanne wor]> • ne of tounes ne of tours • Ne of londes non ende ne worJ> • ne of oj^ere honours • pat folc bi het him }?o echon • prest vor to be • To deye raj^er in ]fe felde • |?an ]7e bataile fle • predicacio Lucye be senatour al so • in is dede • 4385 luCVG. Ordeynede & radde is ost • & )7es wordes sede • 4373. yourel oure 5e. habbe] haue e. 4374. so] om. B. so] om. a/356. 4375. NuteV] Wote> ^; Wete 5; Wynne e. \>e] what 5. abbeV] ha)> 6. 4376. nor\>weye] norewey^e a. ^ in denemarch] in denemarch a/Se. o)>er] ojjere o. londes] places 5. 4377. Of] And of e. stinkinye] stinkinde a. ye abbe)p] ^e habbe)> eu o; ^e haue ^ow /3S; \xa.\> jovl e. z/6;-o^<] broujt fi. 4378. p/s] Thuse S ; Thise ySe. haluemen] vnmy^thy men fi ; vn- myghtymeny. sso//e] schul e. wel liytloker] J>e ly^tlokoure /8 ; )>^ lyghtloker 5. §•] om. afie. 4379. Woc/i . . . come] Eor whiche honour it wil to ^ow be 5; Whiche were to 5011 gret honoure e. honours] onouers B ; honour a/3. 4380. wolde] wole yS ; wolle 5 ; wol ye. )>er after] after )>at e. 4381. Of] Than of e. tresours] \>e tresour B^ ; \>e tresor a; J>e TresoureS; tresoure e. "yOu \>anne ivor\>] ^e schal worJ>e e ; ^e schal haue )8. ne of tounes] of tounes a; of townes )3e. ne] & e. 4382. Ne . . . honours] No londe schalle be to 50U lyke nei^er of hououres e. londes] loude /3. e?u/e] om. 7. /«e worj?] ■worj? a5 ; schal be )3. 7ie] no j3. 4383. f'a^ folc] pet folc B ; They 5. bi het him \)0 echon] echon graunted him j^o e. bi het] by bete BS. prest] alle prest 5. 4384. \,e felde] feld B ; J^e feld o, )>an ]>e] )>an in )>e e. fle] to fle Se. 4385. senatour al so . in] senatour :al so in a. m] on S. rierfe] syde e. 438G. radde] rayed )3. §•] and to hem e. )3es] )>eos «. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 309 Mine noble kni^tes • to was poer &l heste • Alio londes ssollc abuye to • by este & bi weste • penchej? on ^oure olderne • J>at were so noble on mitte • pat ne dradde no^t vor to sscde hor blod • vor to winne hor ri^te • 4390 Ac euere vou^te as horn nere • de]? issape non • & so liii wonne hor seignorye • & ouercome hor fon • • Arthure • foi. 68, & adde seruage of al ]?e world • were it nou wel bi gonne • pat we lore \q nobleye • ]7at hii so nobliche wonne • Oure fon al tare be}) • bote we vaste hye • 4395 Seche we horn in \e, feld • vor vre is ]?e maystrye • An ern in stude of is baner • he sette vp of bellum. golde • & wende toward |?is batayle • abyde wo so wolde • 4387. Mine] My /3e. was] whas a; whos j85e ; whoos y. 4388. ssolle] shal y ; schulde 5. ubui/e] abouye B ; abowe a/8o ; obcye 6_ este] weste Ba ; west 5. 8f] Sc eke 5. weste] este Ba ; est 5. 4389. oil] ofa/Se. youre] oure 5. elderne] vlderne a; cldres ;8. so noble on] of so noble Ba;35e. 4390. p«< ne dradde] Ne dradde B ; Ne dradden a ; The drad fi ; They dradde y ; And drede 5 ; AVhiehe dredden e. vor] om. BajSSe. hor] om. a/35. vor] om. a;8. 4391. vou-yte] fouten a; fou^ten jS; foujtten e. horn nere] hem were fi ; hem had y be e. issape] y shapen e. 4392. wonne] wanne )3. 4393. were] but were e. 4394. we] Jpei e. lore] lese /3 ; lost 5. \>c] \>^i 5. so] oui. aj8. 4395. 4.196. Omitted in B. 4395. ^are] redy /8e ; redye 5. bote we] ote wc a ; oute we /3 ; late vs 5 ; J)er for ou^t we e. //?/e] to hi^e e. 4396. Seche] Sewe «. vre] oare a ; oures j9e ; ours y. 4397. An'] On a ; One 3. stude] stedde e. 4398. wende toward] wende to a; went to )3 ; jeede to e. 310 THE CHRONICLE OF Hii made hor cry in eyj^er half • & to gadere smite • Wo so nuste neuere of sla^t • j^ere he miite ywyte • 4400 pat folc vel to grounde aslawe • as leues do]? of tre • occisio pe brutons adde j^e worse verst • vor hom was lo]? to fie • rliei P® king bedwer was ]?er aslawe • vor ^e king of medes him slou • Mid an launce j?oru J^e ]?rote • as he toward him drou • Kay is felawe him wolde awreke • king of aungeo • &5 to dej^e was in j?ulke verde • ywounded al so • & tut as a noble knitt • is felawes body he nom • & ]7er wi|? ded as it was • to J?e kinges dragon com • Ou louerd ]>e deol ]7at J^er was • of hom of normandye • po hii seye hor king aslawe • flour of chiualerye • 4410 pe deol of hom ek of aungeo • ]?o hii hor king yseye • Wi]7 woundes to Raunced so • J>at he moste nede deye • 4399. in'] on 78. ey\>er half] euery syde 7. SJiiite] smytte e. 4400. so] om. B. 7mste neuere] nuste nout a ; nyst neuere 7 ; Tvist noght 5 ; knewe neuer e. slayt] slaut a ; slaughter 7 ; slaujtter e. ywyte] wyte e ; wytte )3. 4401. vel] vel doun B ; fel don 5. aslawe] om. a^e. as] so a. leues do)p] do> leues yS ; leues don 8 ; leflFes doen e, tre] ]>e treo a ; J^e tree j8. 4402. >e worse] >at worse a. verst] vorste B ; furst a. tojle] fleo a. 4403. pe] And e. bedwer] of bedwer a. aslawe] ysleyne e ; slayne 7. vor] om. aySSe. 4404. an] one a ; a 76. ])oru] J>oruj out e ; })urgli oute j8. as] are S. 4406. 8f] pat a;35e. m . . . al so] for wondedin }>e feeld eke also e. \>ulhe verde] )>q ferde a ; }>e felde )85. ywounded] for wonded a ; forwoundede )8. also] ek also o; eke also j8S. 4407. as] om. /3e. a] o a. 4408. rferf . . . com] ^eede to \>q kyngges stondard dragon sone he come e. 4409. Ou] om. a/3e ; A 5. deol] dul a ; dole 7 ; doole e, J>er was] was >ere )3. 4410. hii seye] )>ei se e. aslawe] y sleyne e. 4411. 'pe deol . . . aungeo] & hi dulede of angeo a- & ]>ei doled of Aungeo ^ ; And J>ey made deol of Aungeo 5 ; And J^ei of Aungeo doled €. of hom ek] ek of hem B. Jjo hii] for J^ei e. yseye] sey 7 ; se e. 4412. zco?»!tfcs] wounden B ; wondene a. to Raunced so] so to ranced o ; so to raced )3 ; so to rassed 5 ; so al to rased e. nede] nedys 5 ; nedes 76, ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 311 Hyrel bedweres neueu • |>o is vncle aslawe he sey • nepos He vercle as a witles mon • hit was cleol to be him ney • Mid ]?re hundred hors ywrye • In is wod rage • he wende • 4415 Vor to awreke is vncle dej> • as fur is herte tende • He percede est & oVer • vorte he ysey ynou • occisio pe kinges baner of medes • |jat is vncle slou • modes. So gret was is herte |7at of de]? • he ne ro^te no J?ing • To grounde he smot him & is • & a slou ])en king • 4420 & ]?ere as is vncle ded lay • is foule caroyne he brotte • & riit per bi pecemele • hakked it al to no^te • po gradde he to is felawes • mid god herte ]?ere • To legge on vaste ]?e luj^ermen • ]>e wule hii versche were • Vor 'pe prowesse J^at he adde • ydo • hii sturede horn alle [217] vaste • 4425 & fotte & in ejper half • J7at folc adoun caste • 4413. Hyrel'] Birel afi ; Byrel e. is vncle . . . set/'] he his vncle aslawe sey o ; he his vncle slayu sei^e ;3 ; he se his vncle sleyne e. 4414. a] o a. 4415. wod'] om. afiSe. 4416. Vor to] Vort a. vncle] mcles oj8e. /w] ver B ; fure j8 fyre y ; fyer e ; a fuyre S. tende] tent )8 ; brende e. 4417. vorte] vorto B; fort a; for to e; vn to j8. l/sey] sey a; sawe ^ ; se 6. ynou] wel ynou^ ;85 ; nowe e. 4419. was is herte] was his hurte a ; his hart was e. )>at] om. a/SSe he ne ro-^te] ne route him a ; ne rou^t him )8 ; rought he 7 ; he ne rowght him 5 ; him rou^te e. 4420. he smot him Sf is] smote bothe him and his y. him Sf is] he & ys B; he & his a^e ; him }>ere S. a slou \>en] aslowe \)en B ; slowen Jjane a ; slowen bat fi ; slowe i>at y ; slouj }>ere ^e 5 ; slowe l^e e. 4421. deJ lay] lay deed e. is] J?ider J^is e. caroyne] careyne 76. 4422. ri^t] om. S. riyt \>er] there right y. hakked it'] he hacked it /Se ; hit hackede o ; hit hakked S. 4423. gradde he] grad he a ; he callyd fi ; he crj^ed e. god] gode B ; gude a. 4424. legge] bete e. on vaste] faste in a ; fast on ySSe. lu\>ermen'\ luj'er folk 5. J^e wule] while e. versche] versse B ; ferche a ; fresshe ye ; fers S. 4425. )>at] om. 5. he adde ydo] \)q\ hadde do /8. horn alle] hem wel e. 4426. fo-^te] fouten a ; fou^ten /3 ; faiighten 7 ; foughten S ; fouitten e. ^ m] in Bae. \>at] and bet B ; & >at a;8e ; J>e 8. adoun] to grounde o/Se ; to the grounde 7. 312 THE CHRONICLE OF romani In ]?e romeyns alf • to de])Q j^er were ydo • occisi. pg j^ij-^g Qf babiloyne • & ]>e king of spaine al so • & tueye grete senatours • & o]?er folc wij? oute ende • In is half ]?er were aslawe • noblemen & hende • 4430 foi. 68 b. Arthure. brutones Sire le^er due of boloyne • »fe an ol>er due al so • occisi J f & J>e erl of salusbury • &, of cycestre j^er to • & ]?e erl of ba]^e al so • so ]/at J»oru ]?is cas • pe compaynie of }?is alf • moche anej?ered was • wawem & Hq ^om be king of brutayne • & sire wawein • be rex howel. , -, hende • Mid hor nywe ost al verss • & stured horn in ech ende • So ]?at ]>er were among hom • ]>o to depe ydo • A gret due & tuo ]?ousend • of oJ?er men al so • 4427. In ^le romeyns alf '\ & fouten in eil>erhalfa. /?«] Anclof/3e. de\>e'\ Jie dethe S. 4428. babiloyiie'] babilonie a ; Babilonye ;8. 8f \>e king of^ & of ajSe. spaine'] sapyne fiy. 4429. §• tueye'] And J>e kyng of medes & tueye B ; & two 7 ; And tweyne e. o]>er] om. B. ivi\> oute] wij'outen a ; w' outten e ; wythouten 7. 4430. In is half] In f>ys half B ; On J>is half a ; On J^is side /8 ; Of ^ys syde 5 ; And on J^is half e. aslawe] y sleyne e. noblemen] J^e noblemen Ba;85e. 4431. leyer] A/37 ; lyger Be ; liger a5. boloyne] babyloyue B. an] on o. 4432. Sf] & eke ay35 ; And also e. ^'j & ^e erle e. c?/ces^>'e] Circestre 7. )>er to] eke J^er to ;8. 4433. \>e erl of ba\>e al so] also \>e erl of baj^e Ba;8S ; And eke J>e Erie of Baajje e. 4434. of\>is] a \>es B ; of )>isse a ; ou J>is 5. ]j/s alf] }>ise half men e. ane\>ej-ed] anyjjered a ; y lessed e. 4435. J>c Amt/] king j8. 4436. M/V/ .... verss] Al mid hare nywe ostes fersche a ; Al with here newc ostus fresche /8 ; Al wi}> her newe fresshe ostes e. i)//*/] And w' 5. al] om. 5. stured] sturede a. hom] hem fast e. ccA] eche a ; good 5. 4437. J'o] here B ; har a; l^er /3 ; there yS. ]>o to dei>e] to dc> ber e. 4438. /I] O a ; One 7. of o\>er ^nen] and oj^er myd B. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 313 pe king howel & sire wawein • J'at so gode bodyes • were • Euere hii were yliche versse • »fe slowe her & ]>ere • 4440 Bote hii som mon broite adoun • vewe duntes hii smite • We]7er of horn betere were • strong it were to wite • — y Sire waweyn willede • euere mid al is mi^te • pugna / Mid lucye |?e senatour • in batayle to fiite • lucye. Lucye ne wilnede noj^emo • no ]>ing somoche alonde • As to fitte mid a such knitt • him sulue uorto fonde • So ]?at hii mette hom ]7ere • boj^e hii were wel vaAve • [2 is] pere were duntes ariit • & suerdes wel adrawe • pe romeins come to hor maistres sone • to helpe him in such cas • 4449 So ney }>at sire wawein ney • ybroit to grounde was • pe king arthure it vndertet • & com sone in an aduentus stounde . ^'''^''''■ Wat do]> le he sede sire kni^tes • quelle]^ on to grounde • 4439. pe] Tho e ; om. |8. 4440. yliche] elyche 7. versse] ferschs a. 4441. Bote] For e. som mon bro^te] suinme men broute a ; somme men brou^t ; brou^t som men e. vewe . . . smite] at fewe dynttes J>at l>ei smytte e. 4442. We];>er] Where 5. betere ivere] were Jjc better S. stronemo] nahemo B ; neuer)>emo 5 ; also ;8e. l""^] Mn A. alonde] in londe ;8S ; in no londe e. 4446. to] for to 78. a such] such o a ; suche a j85e. sulue] sulf a. uor to fonde] with his honde )3. 4447. hom] to geder e. wel] om. 5. wel vawe] ry^t fayne /8. 4448. dtmtes .... adrawe] swerdes drawen & dyutes with gret mayne /3. ariyt] aryjt y sette e. adrawe] idrawe a; y drawe Be. 4449. to hor maistres] to her mayster B ; om. a;85e. him] hem B. in such] in hat a^e ; on J>at 5. 4450. ney] hycke B; J>icke aySe ; om. 5. Jiey ybroyt to yrounde] ney at grounde o ; nyje at grounde e ; nye atte he grounde /8 ; Mel nyie to grounde brou^t 5. 4451. jTtf] Tho e. «/-hMrc] aihure A. /7] hat 5. «;i] do ttj35e. sjre] om. a/35e. quelle)) on] killeh on fast /8. 314 THE CHRONICLE OF Wy lete te ]?is haluemen - ]7us longe aliue go • pencliej> on ]>e batailes • ]?at le abbe)? ar |?is ydo • On vre elderne ]>at ]>es wrecches • worrede mid vnritte • On vre franchise }>at hii wolde • binime vs lif hii mi^te • Ne lete]? non aliue go • to grounde smite]? toure fon • Sire calibourne is suerd • he bi gan to ssake anon • & slou to grounde her & ]7er • ac he ne smot nott on • pat he ne slou him o]?er his hors • & among horn echon • 4460 pe king of lybye • & of bytynie • him sulf gan to quelle • Mid calibourne & sende • hor he]7ene soule to helle • pe brutons as hii versse were • to grounde ]?o slowe • & ]?e romeins in hor alf • uaste ek aien drowe • 44.'i3. lete'] suffer e. i>is'] \>es a ; J>ise |8. aliue] on lyiie y. 4454. pe7iche]>'] ThynkeJ' e. abbe])] ha^ e ; haue 13. ar] er o ; or ye. i>is] J>isse o. ydo] do )3. 4455. On] 8c in a; And on /35e. vre elderne] eur vlderne a ; yovie eldres /8 ; pure elders e. i>at] cm. /8. \)es] ]?ys B ; jjis a ; Hse /3. ivorrede] werrede a ; werryd & ; haue worred 5 ; werred on e. 4456. On vre franchise ]>at hii ivolde] & oure franchise wolde a; And oure fi'aunches wolde j8 ; And oure franchyses wold e. binime vs] binime a; bynym 5; bynome vs e. yifhii iniyte] w' vn ryght 8. yif] 5yf>at/3. 4457. Ne letei>] Ne latej? B ; Ne lete )e a5 ; No lete ye /8 ; Nowe lete ye y ; Suffre ye e. aliue] ou lyue y. S7nite\>] slei^ a^; sleeth 5e. youre] oure a^e. 4458. Sire] om. 0e. is] his gode a ; his good /8e. bi gan^ gan a5. 4459. her Sf ]>er] Ba ; here & }?ere /85e ; her J^er A. ac he 7ie] ac he S ; for he 6. 44G0. pat he ne slou him] J-'^at he slou^ him S ; But he him slowe e. o)>er] or 5. §•] om. ajSSe. among horn] among ham J>er a ; amonge hem >er 13 ; amonge theym there y ; among hem J'ere 5 ; J^ere a monge hem 6. echon] euerychoue 5. 4461. lybye 8f of bytynie] bitinie & of libi^e a; Bitinie & of Lybie/8; Bytenye & of Lybye e. gan to] he gan Ba ; he dide /3 ; gan S ; gan hem e. 4462. calibonie] calyborn his good swerde e. soule] soulys B ; bodi a; bodies ;S ; bodyc S ; bodyes e. 4463. as] for e. versse] fersche o ; frcsshe e. to grounde \>o] \>o to grounde aSe ; Jiau to groiiiide H ; thanue to the grounde y. 4464. c/(] om. aySSe. ayen'] ajeynward 5. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 315 Lucye to hardissi is men • prikede here & j^ere • & bigonne as a nywe batayle • ri^t as hii versse were • Moroud erl of gloucestre • mid is ost bi syde • Aduentus In an valeye houede • j^e endinge uor to abyde • . Arthure • fo^- 69- Atte laste mid is versse vole • to horn he com ];ar • & biclosede |>is romeins • bi hinde an onywar • 4470 po were J^e brutons al aboue • hii slowe |?o to grounde • [219] ^e mony ]?ousend of j^e romeins • in a Intel stounde • occisio Lucye |7e senatour was • mid a spere J7oru ysmite • lucye. po adde ]?e brutons • ];e maistrie al bi lite • ' -j- pe romeins \aX mitte of scapie • flowe uaste some • victoria & ]7e brutons after • vor te hii were al ouercome • brutonum. Ai-mes hii adde J^ere & hors • «& alle richesse ynou • J pe king \o al J'is was ydo • toward reste drou • Sepultura regis, 4465. hardissi] hardy B; hardissclii a; hert & hardyn fi; conforfe 5; bolde 6. 4466. as a] al o a ; al a /3; also a 5 ; a e. Wj<] om. oySSe. as hii] as \>ei hi a; as l^ou^ J>ei j8e ; as thof J^ey y. as hit versse] fresche as \>ej S. versse] fersche a. 4467. Moroud] Morond B ; Morounde e. 4468. aji] one a0; a e. endinge] ende 5. uor to] fort o ; vn to j3. 4469. vei'sse] fersche a ; fresshe e. vole] men j3e. com] came 5. 4470. biclosede] closed in 6. \>is] J>e aj8e. an] om. 5. an onywar] al on vniwar a ; al vnwere /8 ; al vnware e. 4471. aboue] aboute /3. )>o to] to the y; \>o fast to e. 4472. ye mony] ^e monije a; Many /Se. \>ousend of \>e] Jjousend o; a J>ousand j35e, romeins] Romayne e. a Intel] one lutele a ; one litell y. 4473. Lucye .... spere] pe scenatour was wy}> a sper Lucye B ; The senatour was w' a spere Lucie S. was mid a spere] mid o sper was o ; with o spere was )3 ; w' a spere was e. ])oru ysmite] >oru out ismite a ; )>urj oute smete /8 ; J>rou) ysmyte S ; j^oru^ out y smytte e. 4474. al] om. e. bi yite] y gete S ; y gette e. 4475. of scapie] ascapi^ea; ascape jSe. floive] h>ei flowe e. some] sone B. 4476. vor te hii were al] for hi were a ; for f^ei were jSe. 4477. Amies] Armere 5. Armes .... hors] Armoure and hors J>ei had J:>ere e. alle] al a. 4478. al] hal B. ydo] do ;8. drou] he drowe e. I , 316 THE CHRONICLE OF & let ])& bodies of is men • j^at aslawe were • Gaderye out & burye • nobliche ynou ]?ere • 4480 Kinges in to hor owe lond • he let lede al so • As bedwer in to normandye • & kay in to aungeo • & an o]?er in to flaundres • & oj^ere of ];e route • Kni^tes he let burye • in abbeyes J?er aboute • Men bysyde of ]>e lond • he let burye is fon • 4485 Vor he ne kepte uor reu]?e • ]?at J^er were vnbured non • corpus Ac lucyes body • he sende horn to rome • "^^^' & bed hom hor maystres body • vor is truage J^at hii nome • & l^at he nolde neuermo • o}'er truage hom sende • Ac he wolde him sulf tut j^uder • &; seche hom in echende • 4490 Grettore batayle )?an ]?is was • ich wene nas neuere non • Bote it were ]mlke of troye • vor ]?er nas vnne]?e non • 4479. aslawe'] slayne P ; y sleyne e. 4480. Gaden/e'] Gadder e ; Sechen S. burye'] berieu 5 ; burye hem e. iiohliche ynou] wi{> al hououre e. ynou] alle aj8 ; om. 5. 4481. in to] in ;8 ; vnto 5. owe] owen /3 ; owne ye. lond] londe B. let'] dude €. lede] lede and burye ;8. 4482. As] & a; om. e. 7iormandye] nomandye A. in to] toBa; vnto 5. 4483. ^] om. e. an] on a. in to] vnto S. ^ o\>ere of\>e] one of J^at 6. 4484. \>er aboute] al aboute 13. 4485. Men bysyde] Men bisides a^ ; And he comaunded men e. he let] he het to B ; he het a ; he made to 5 ; to e. 4486. ne kepte] kept no)t e. \>er] om. fi ; }>ei e. 4487. lucyes] lucie ys S. body] owe bodi a ; owen body /3 ; owne body ye ; own bodye 5. hom] hym B ; home y. 4488. bed hom] bad ham a; badde hem e. is] om. 5. \>at hii] om. Bfie ; hi a ; \>ej 5. 4489. nolde] wolde ySe. neuermo] neuere mo a ; neuere more B ; neuer more /8e ; euermore y. o\>er] nother y. 4490. Ac .... ]>uder] Ac J>udcr he wolde him sulf come a ; Ac J^ydir be wolde him self come 5 ; But jnder he wole (wolde 7) him self come fiy. rut \)udcr] ^ut J^uder come B ; Jjider come e. §• seche] to seche 5. crhcnde] echo ende a. 4491. \>(tn )>is ivas ich wenc] I wene |>an hys 5. was] om. e. nas] was /3e ; was J^er 5. 4492. Bute] But if y. \>ulke] l>at e. 7ias] om. fie ; was 5. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 317 Prynce in al |?c world ]?at ne moste • be ];ere o])qv sende • Fram |?e west syde of ]>e world • to ])e est most ende • po adde king arj^ure ywonne • fram ]>q west moste [220] se • 4495 Anon to f>e mouns al ]>at lond • & ar he come ate • He J^o^te winne al clene rome • & al |?at lond ];er aboute • & vor to passy vor}> ]>e mouns • he tarkede uaste is route ♦ & as he was prest to do • ))ulke noble dede • nunciacio A messager com fram ]?is lond • & ny we tydinge sede • ^ "^ ™° ^^ • pat modred is neueu • wam he bitok ];is lond • 4501 Hadde ynome )?is kinedom • clanliche in is hond • & yerouned him sulue king • ]?oru jje quene rede • & huld hire in spousbruche • in vyl flesses dede • 4493. al'] om. a0. world'] worlde o. i>at ne . . . . o\>er] \>&i nas I'ar oJ>er Jjuder a ; J?at he nas J>ere o)jer j^lder ; J^at he nas j^ere o)>er 5 ; but he was ^ere ei)>er J^ider e. 4494. to] vn to fi. )>e] \>a.n a. most] om. ajSe. 4495. king] )>e kyng B ; om. aj3e. ywonne] woune 7. fram] fro e. moste] om. a;85e. 4496. Anon .... lond] Al J>at lond (loude e) to }>e mons ae; And al J>at laud to \>e mons fi. Anon'] om. S. 1^-] om. Bay35e. ar] er a ; or fie. 4497. winne] to wj'nne Se. al] om. e. c/e?ie] om. afi^e. ]>cit] J>e B. \>er] om. a/35e. 4498. passy] passe 7e. yorj?] om. e. ■^ui'liede] arayd 5 ; gadcrd e. uaste] om. a/SSe. 4499. prest] al prest a/Se. }>«/Ae] ]>at e. 4500. A] O a. messager] messanger e. com fram] come fro e. tydinge] tiping a ; tit>inges j8. serfe] hym seyde B ; to him seid e. 4501. modred] mordred 7 wam] wan B ; whaa; whom /8 ; whome7; to whom e. bitok] toke e. J>js] ys B. clanliche] al hole e. »«] on a ; in to e. 4503. yerouned] croimed /3 ; crowned 7. him sulue] him sulf o. quelle] quenes /3e ; quene ys 5. 4504. in] on o. spousbruche] spousebreche 0. in] w' 5. vyl flesses] foule fleschly S ; foule flesshely e. 318 THE CHEONICLE OF Alas J'e lu]?er tiycherye • hou mi^te be more • po was ]>e king arj^ure • vol of sorwe & sore • foL 69 b. vadat anfflie. [221]. Imperacio modred. Ar])ure. In woch half turne he nuste ]>o • wej'er est J^e west • Ac to awreke him of is luj»er neueu • his herte bar aire best • 4508 pe veage toward rome • he bileuede vor ]fis, cheance • & ye king howel of brutayne • mid J'e poer of france • He bileuede ]?er to wardy • is londes bi ^onde ]?e se • & hopede to wyinne rome • wanne he com eft ate • Mid J^e poer of \>e lond • hiderward he drou • & mid ]>e kinges her bisyde • horn "pozte er longe ynou • Ac modi-ed ]>q hiper suike • ];er biuore bi sotte • 4515 iChelrik king of saxons • ]?at he help J?uder brotte • 4505. }>e] J)at P. trycherye'] tresoua j8. &e] hit be j8e ; it be 78. 4506. J)e] om. e. sore] of sore e. 4507. In ... . nuste Jso] He wyst uo)t J>o in whiche half to turne e. J>e] o)>er )35 ; outher 7 ; or e. 4508. awreke'] wreke B5. of] on 75, lu\>er] om. a^SSe. bar] ber B ; here 78 ; to him here e. aire] euere B ; him a;8S ; om. e. best] mest /3e. 4509. bileuede] bilefde a ; lefte S ; left e. vor \>is] vor J?ys B ; for Jjis a/3 ; vorJ> is A. 4511. bileuede] bilefde o; leued y3 ; lefte. to] and 7. wardy] warde e; kepe & warde /S. is londes] \>e londes o;8e ; J>e loude 5 J>e] om. B. 4512. to wyinne] Avinne o. eft] om. «;85e, 4513. 4514 transposed in e, 4513. Mid] And so w' e. of]pe] of J^ys B5; of >is aj8e. hiderward] home hyderward e. 4514. §• mid .... bisyde] Wi> J>e stalworj^e kny^ttes J>at he had hinges] knyjttes )8. Aom] hym B7 ; him o/3S ; he e. er] euere 7; or €. 4515. \>e] that 7. suike] suyke B ; swike ajS ; swyke e ; suiker A ; man 5. \>er biuore] afore he him ^ ; Jjere a fore e. bi so-^te] bijjou^t /3. 4516. Chelrik] Chesrik o; Chesryke |8; Chesryk e. help \>uder'^ hem help B ; help him o ; helpe him S ; him helpe j8 ; som helpe to him e. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 319 & he bi het him & his • al kent ver & ner • Al ];at hengist adde wule • hi ]>e kinges day vortiger • He bi het him & is al so • al nor homber lond • &; al p&t lond fram homber • anon in to seotlond .4520 So ]>Sbt eitte hundred ssipes • in to ];is londe he bro^te • potestas Vol of Saracens yarmed • as he him bi sotte • Gret poer of yrlonde • Modred him wan al so ♦ Of picars & of scottes • & of ech maner men ]7er to • pat he wuste |?at no loue • to ]?e king ar]?ure ne bere • Summa. So ]7at eiite score J'ousend • of hors ywrye p>er were • In is ost po hii were • ygadered in J>is cas • Wat of cristine wat of pay ens • «Sz; al to moche J^at was- po arjjure mid is poer • ariuede in ]?is londe • 4529 Aduentus Modi-ed bi gan mid is ost • aien him uaste at stonde • ^^^ "^®* Atte hauene an batayle • hii smite wi]? gret mayn • Occisio per was aslawe |?e hende knitt • ]?e noble sire wawein • waweyn. 4518. wule'] furst a0 ; first ySe. bi })e] wyjjc B. bi . . . . day] of >e king a; of Jje kynge /35 ; of \>e kyng e. vortiger] Fortigere j8 ; Foitiger e ; Fortagere 5. 4519. He bi het] & bihet a ; And bihy^t /3 ; And behighte y ; And by hete 5 ; And by hette e. nor homber lond] norj^omberlond B ; northumber lond a ; Northumbre lond y ; northlonde S ; Northumber lond e. 4520. §•] om. Ba|8. fram] fro e. anon] om, 5. in to] to afie ; vnto 5. 4521. So] po B. londe] lond a, 452'?. Vol of Saracens] Of sarasins folle a ; Of Sarazyus fulle ^ ; Of Sarasonnes wel e ; Of Saxons fulle 5. yarmed] yarmede a/8. him] hem 5 ; had him e. 4523. wan] gat 5, 4524. picars .... scottes] Scottes .... Pycardes e. 8f of scottes] om. B ; of Scottes /8. <^ of ech] & ech a ; & eche )8 ; & of al e ; eche 5, maner] om. e. 4525. pat he wuste \>at] Al l^at he wyst e. i>e] om. 5e, ne] om. Ba/SSe. 4526. So] om. a/8S. of] om. e. 4527. In] Of a^e ; On 5. is] this y. ygadered] gadered Bj3. in] on a;85. 4528. Wat] That y. wat of] & of o;8e. payens] payns B ; pains a ; panyms /8 ; panims 5, ^] om. o/85e. 4529. in] on afiS. 4530. At'wi] om. B. at sto7ide] stonde BaS ; to stonde ^e. 4531. an] o«; of S; one e. hii smite] J?er J>ei smytte e. wi];>] myd B ; mid a. 4532. aslawe] ysleyne e; slayuey. K'] Jjcn B. hende] hendi a; hendy €. kni^t] man e. t)e] Jjat e. s«re] man /8 ; knyjt Syr e. 320 THE CHRONICLE OF & aiincel ]'e king of scotlond • & mony J^ousend al so • fuga & ]?e luj?er modred attelaste • ]>o al ]ns was ydo • Fleu mid al is poer • to winchestere uaste • 4535 So ]>at ])e king ar]?ure • ]>e veld adde atte laste • fuga po gwenwar ])e lu]?er quene • hurde of ];is cas • regine & Fram eiierwik to karleon • to fleu mid quic pas • monacacio. , . / , ^ , -"^ [222] & bicom nonne j^ere • to libbe in chaste line • Som wat 20 was er adrad • ar he hiede so bliue • 4540 Heo ne hiede nott aten hire louerd • to welcome him to londe • ^ut hire was betere nonne to be • |?en come vnder is honde • persecucio po king ar]?ure adde ybured • is folc J^at ded was • regis. jjg sy wede after ye traytour • mid wel quic pas • fol. 70. • Ar\ure • Beiium pe ssrewe tarkede is ost • & at en him com • 4545 wm onie. ^ wi];oute winchestre • ano|?er batayle nom • 4533. auncel'] Amysel e. t>e] om. a^Se. monii~\ maui^e a ; many a e. 4534. &,• \>e] Ac B ; Ac >e 5. modred'] man Modred a/Se ; man Mor- drede 7. attelaste] om. a)85e. ydo] do y. 4535. Fleu] Flei a ; Fley) 5 ; Flye e. 4536. ]?e khuj] king a/SSe. 4537. Gwemvar] gwanwaur B ; gwenheoiier a^ ; Gwenhuuer e. hurde] harde y. 4538. Fram] Fro e. ^0 fleu] heo fleu B ; heo flei a ; she flowe y ; sche flei) S ; sche fley f . mid quic] a wcl good S ; wij? wel quycke e. 4539. nonne] a Nonne 5. nonne )>ere] ]>&v nonne a/8 ; there a Nonne 7 ; J>er a Nunne e. to lihhe] to lyue e ; in lyue 7. 4540. 50] heoBa ; sche ^5e ; she 7. er] \>o S ; om. a^e. ar] J?at a)3e ; J?o S. he] heo Ba ; sche /SSe ; she 7. hiede] hi^ede a; ^ede )3e ; yede 7. 4541. ne] om. 5e. a^ew /i/re] to hure afi ; to hyr e. we/cowe] ■wolcome B. 4542. '^ut hire] Yit she 7. io] om. Ba;85. ))e?i] J^ane a. 4543. ybured] buryed 7. 4544. we/ (/«/c] ryjt good /8. 4545. ^arAeJe] araj'ed 5 ; gaderd e. /s ost] a newc ost 6. ^ at,e7i him] ayen hym 7 ; a^eyn him to e. 4546. 7jo/h] he nom Ba ; he nome 5 ; l^ei uomc 0e. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 321 pere hii dude sorwe ynou • & slowe to grounde uaste • Ac |?e traytonr was bine]?e • & fley atte laste • ^^"^^ ^ To comwaile mid gret eyr • he ne dorste no ner abyde • 4549 pere he gaderede him nywe ost • aboute in eche side • So ])a,t he adde vnder al • wib bat him bileuede er • Numerus imint oriim Sixti j^ousend hors ywrye • al to moche was }?er • His ost he ditte suij^e wel • al hou it ssolde be • & suor he wolde ra];er deye • ]7an euere eft fie • King arp'ure was anguisous • in is compaynye • 4555 persecucio pat J7e luj^er traytour • adde ofscaped so tuye • He sywede mid is folc • to eornwayle uaste • bellum. Bisyde |?e water of tamer • hii mette horn atte laste • pere hii smite an batayle • deoluol ynou • pat deol it was so muche vole • in ey}>er syde me slou • Vor ];er ne bileuede in no];er syde • non heymon \nnepe • 4547. pere . . . i/no2i'] And her l>ei fou^t y nowe e. sorwe'] sorewe a. 4548. Jlei/] fleu E ; fley him a ; fle him y8 ; he fled e. 4549. gret} god Ba ; good 0e. et/r] hast ; haste 5 ; hert e. we] cm. 5. noj om. ayS. 4550. I>e7-e Ae] & o/35e. him nijjce'] on nywe a ; a newe )8e ; newe his S. eche'] eche a y ; euery S. 4551. wi]) . . . were] wi> hem l^at by fore left were e. ici\>] myd B ; mid a. bileuede] bilefde a. 4552. al] & al o/35e, 4553. cU-'yte] set e. sui)?e] ry^t ;6. 4554. §•] He oySSe. ra]>er] om. a/SSe. i>a7i euere] cr he wolde a ; Or he wolde j3 ; or he 7 ; ere he wolde S ; or he schuld e. eft] efte o;85e. fe] to fle B. 4555. King] Tho kyng e. angui»ous] wroj^e ynou^ )3. in] & (8 ; & al e. 4556. adde] om. a)3 ; him had 5. ofscaped so] of scaped hym so B ; ascapede him so a ; ascaped him so )3t ; so ascapid hem 7. iuye] twy^e a ; tweye ;8. 4557. sywede] sywed hym B ; sjwede after after a ; sewed aftyr ;35€. 4558. tamer] camble BajSSe. hii mette Jiom] \>cy smytten 5; he mette hem e. 4559. pere hii smite] As J^ey hem mette 5. pere] And })ere t. an] o 07 ; a 5e. deoluol] hit was dulfol a ; J)at was doleful ^ ; hit was delful 5 ; doole hit was e. 45G0. deol] ru^^e 5; sorowe e. i?i] \>ev in e. me] men 7. 45C1. 7ie bileuede] ne lefde o; ne leued )3 ; ne lefts 5; lyued nonne e. 7io]i>er] neyhcr e. 71071] on aj85 ; one 7 ; any e. X 322 THE CHRONICLE OF [223] dictum ar]>uri. Occisio Modred. King ne due ne o]>er • ]>at nas ybrott to de]7e • Ac modi'ed ]>e tray torn' adde • more fole of ynou • po ]7e king ar]?ur ysey • J?at me is folc so slou • & ]>e king of denemarch was aslawe • & ]>e king al so • Of norweye & of is o]>eY men • mony a ]?ousend J^er to • & he sey ]>at is fon • stode euere aten vaste • To ]>e Intel folc ];at he adde • he spac atte laste • Sulle we he sede vre lif«dere ar we be ded • 4569 & ichoUe sulle min dere ynou • wanne j^er nis oj^er red • Habbe ich aslawe ]?e false suike • ]?e luj^er traytour • Hit wor]? me Jeanne vor to deye • gret ioye tfc honour • He drou calibourne is suerd • & in ey|?er side slou • & vorte he to ]>e traytour com • made him wey god ynou • 4562. 7ie due ne o\>er] duke ne nonne oj^er e. \>ut nas] but he was e. 1/broyt'] brouglit y. 4563. Ac] And 5. folc of] of folk e. of] & y8 ; om. S. 4564. po ]>e] & >o )>e o ; And i>e fi; po S ; And ^o 6. yscT/] ysawe y ; hit so e. me] men y. me . . . slou] his foon so fast his men e. 4565. aslawe] slayne y ; \>tv yslejn e. ^ )>e king] om. aj3e. 4566. Of norweye . . . men] & \>e king of Noreweije a ; And ]>e kynge of Norwey y3 ; And J>e kyng of Norjjwaye e. norweye] nor>wey B. Sfof... me7i] & his powers 5. 7nony a] mony B ; & manije o a ; and many a j8e. 4567. Sf] & i>o aSe ; And whenne /8. sey i>at] sey a ; sawe /3 ; se e. fo)i] fon ek a ; fon eke B ; foon eke 5 ; foon also e. stode] stonde a/3e. ayen] aye a. 4568. spac] spec B. 4569. Sulle] Selle /3 ; SelleJ^ e. tve] om. B ; ye afiS ; ye 7 ; dere e. he sede vre lif] eur lif he seide a ; joure lyfes (lyues 7) he saide By ; ^oure lyues he seyd 5 ; ^oiu-e lyffes he seid e. dere ar ice] dure ar ^e o ; dere or ^e j85 ; or ^e e. 4570. icholle] ychelle B ; ich wole a ; I wole B ; I wol 7 ; I wil 5 ; y wylle e. sidle] om. oi35e. dere] dure a. nis] ys 5. nis o];>er] is nonne oj^er e. 4571. aslaive] slawe B ; slaj-n/S; slayne 7; sleyne e, false] luther i8. \)e] \>ai 5 ; J>is e. lu\>er] false j3. 4572. iuor\> . . . to] schal be me )>z.\\ to /8 ; schal be to me houj y e. vor] om. aS. 4573. He . . . suerd] Calebourne his swerd he drou o; Calliborne his sworde he drou^ fi ; Caleburne he drou) his good swerde 5 ; Calyborne his swerde he drowe e. slou] he slou a ; he slou^ 5 ; he slowe e ; him he slou) )3. 4574. ^ vorte] & vort a ; Vn to 8 ; And for tyl e. inade] he made a)35e. (jod] gode B ; cm. ajSSe. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 323 He hente vcrst of is helm • & su|?J)e raid wille god • Anne stroc lie ^ef him • mid wel stourdy mod • & j;oru hauberc & j^oru is coler • |>at nere noj'ing souple • He smot of is heued as li^tliche • as it were a scouple • pat was is laste chiualeiye • ];at vaire endedc ynou • Vor ]?at folc so pikke com • J>e wule he hor louerd slou . 4580 Aboute him in eche half • |?at among so mony fon He aueng de]?es A^^ounde • & wonder nas it non • Alas. • Ar]>ur ' foi. 70 b. Ac ouercome nas he nott • ]>ei is wounden dedlich were • po he adde is laste chiualerye • ]?us nobliche ydo ]7ere • He lef ];e croune of }ns lond • ]?e noble constantin • constan- ^ pe erl cadoures sone of cornwayle • ]?at was is cosin • rex^per Occisio arthnre. arthurum. 4575. hente'] hitte liim ;8. verst of is] of vex'st ys B ; furst on \>e /3. s?<»5e mid wille god'] mid wille sejjbe god a ; with wille ry)t good /3 ; w' wylle seth good 5 ; w' good wjUe and bolde e. 4576. A?me] Ane a; One y ; A 5e. ivel] ryjt /3. 4577. Sf] That e, hauberc] haubryk /3 ; >e haubrec a ; the haubrik y; hawbrek e. i>oru is] ys B ; J^e a^ ; om. Se. i>at nere] J^at were /8 ; ]5at was e. souple] so souple e. 4578. He . . . li-ytUche] Lytliche smot of his heued a; Ly^tlyche smote of his heed /3e ; LyghtHch he smote of his hede 5. a scouple] o stouple o ; a stouple e ; a lute stouple B ; a lyte stouplc 5. 4579. \>at vaire] t>a vayre B. endede] ended B. 4580. Vor \>at] Vor J^e B ; Vn to J^at /3 ; Vnto the y. he hor louerd^ her lorde he e. 4581. him] om. 5. in"] on S. eche] ech B. half] side /3. inony] mani^e a. 4582. aueng] fenge a5; fouge /3 ; had €. nas] was )35e. 4583. nas] yas B ; was )35e. \>ei] thof y ; Ijou) e, is wown^/c?/] }>e wondes a ; Jje wouudes )65 ; he wonded e. dedlich] dedliche aP ; deedly e. 4584. adde] om. a/Se. Jjijs 5 ; so a/3€, 7jdo] hadde ido a ; hadde do /3 ; had ydo e. 4585. Jpc no6/e] to J?e noble /Se ; to noble 5. 4586. cadoures] codours a. X 2 324 THE CHRONICLE OF [224] Obitus arthuri. Guerra. & he let him lede in to an yle • vor to hele is woimde • & deide as ]?e beste knitt • ];at me wnste euere yfoundc • & naj^eles \)e brutons • & |?e cornwalisse of is kunde • Wene]> he be aliue tut • & abbe]? him in munde • 4590 pat he be to comene tut • to winne a^en ]?is lond • & na]7eles at glastinbuiy • his bones su]?]7e me fond • & ]7ere at uore J>e heye weued • amydde ]>e quer ywis • As is bones ligge]? • is toumbe wel vair is • 4594 In ]?e vif hundred ter of grace • & voiu-ty & tuo • In ])is manere in cornwaile • to dej^e he was ydo • r^onstantin was ]fo king • after )je king ar]?ure • Ac ]>e saxons sette aten him • ]?e wule hii mitte dure • & modredes tueye sones • ]>e wule hii durste abide • Ac constantin hom to drof • ey];er in is syde • 4000 4587. /it'] om. Bo/35e. ifito'jtoa^. a?i] on a. vor] om. 5. Ae/e] leche j8e. 4588. deide'] deijede a. kiiiyt'] king a; kynge PS ; kyng e, me wuste euere] euere me ■wiste a ; euer men wist y3 ; euere wist men y ; men euer wist 5 ; euer men wyst e. yfounde'] in any londe e. 4589. ^-] Ac Ba5 ; But j8e. ?/a>e/es] ne)>eles e. ^•)?e]&a. cornivalissc] Cornysche men 5 ; Cornewalsshe . of] ben of e. kuvde] kynde e. 4590. Wene\>] Thei wene}? e. he] J?at he 5e. ahheh] habere 5 ; liaue}? e ; hauen y. him] hym ^ut B. munde] mynde Be. 4591. pa<] And >at S. be to comene] B; be to comence A; to cominge be a ; to comj^nge be /3 ; be to come 5 ; be to comyng e. to ivinne ayen] a^eyn to wynne 5. ayen] a^e a. 4592. na^peles] no^t vor J^an B ; nout for }>an o ; nou^t for t>an fi ; noght for ^au S ; no^t e. glastinbury] glastingbury a ; Glastyugburye y ; Glasten- bury Jjat he is but e. his hones su\>)>e] Seth his bonys 5. fond] wond B. 4593. i^- \>ere] ova. e. at uore] to uore B ; bifore « ; by fore /85 ; Afore e. weued] Auter ^ ; Autre y ; awter e. quer] queor a. 4594. As] And e. ligge]> . . . is] buj> in tombe fair ynou hit is a ; ben in Tumbe faire yuou^ hit is /8 ; beth in tombe fayre ynow^ hit ys 7 ; bel> in tumbe feyre y nowe hit is e. 4595. \>e] om. B. vourty] fifti ^er a; fyftye 5 ; fyfty ^eer /8e. 4596. In] On a;8e. 4597. be] om. S. 4598. Ac] As B ; & o ; And /3 ; om. e. sette] setten fi. him] him J30 a5€ ; him J>an p. \>e wide] while 0. dure] endure S. 4599. modredes] modred his /35 ; Mordred his y. tweyc] two P. durste] dorste Ba. 4600. to dr(f] drof 5 ; drofe awey 6. in] on 5. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 325 pen anne in to winchestrc • & J^ero wi|? sorwo ynoii • In chirche at uorc ]?e heye weued • constantin him slou • pe o}»er fley to londone • & ]:>oru constantin al so • pere biuorc ]fo heye weued • to dej'e he was ydo • Conan slou su]?J>e constantin • in J^e Jridde tere • 4G05 occisio At stonhenge he was ybured • as is elderne were • tin^^"" Seint dauid deyde ]>ev biuore • bissop of walis • [225] & |;ere he was vaire ybured • in is owe chirche ywis • sancti Constantines neueu • aurely was king ]70 • dauid. & leuede in is kinedom • tuo ler &5 nammo • firrex"'' Vortipor was ]>o king • vour ter vnne]?e • pe saxons he brotte al binej'e • & monyon to dej;e • 4610 Malgo com ]>o after him • ]?at }>e vairost king was • Maigo rex pat me wuste eucre in ]?is lond • & al so ]>er nas • pwlcher & Strengorc man bi is daye • vor he wan ek to J>is londe • pe six yles J'at be]; aboute • & heoldis al an honde • 4601. pen aime'] That one j3e ; That on 5. ivii> sorive'] mid sorewe a. 4G02. Ill'] In I'e ;85e. at uore'] to vore B ; to fore aSe ; be fore y3 ; by fore y. lieye] om. a/35. weued'] wef ed a ; auter y3 ; awter e. 4603. pe ojier] The to}>er e. fley] fleu B ; flowe 7. 4604. biuore] to fore ae ; afore /3. tceued] wefed a ; Auter /3 ; awter e. he] om. y. 4605. slo\i su\>]>e] \>o slou a ; })an slowe fi ; slowe )po e ; slou) 5 (in text) ; sethe slou J 5 (in catchword of previous page). \>riddc] J>yrdde B. 4606. ybured] buryed /8. elderne] vderne a; eldres fi ; elders e. 4606*. Seint] Seyn'B. dauid] dauit a. deyde] deyed ;8 ; dyed e. 4606f. ybured] yburyd B ; yberied S ; yburyed e ; buryed /3. owe] owen j3. 4607. aurely was] was aureli a^. 4608. leuede] liuede a. in] on a. nammo] nanmo B ; no mo a/3. 4609. Vortipor] Vortiger j3 ; Vortiper e, 4610. pe] om. a;35e. al] om. 5. monyon] manion a, to] to )>c 5. 4611. \>at] om. /35e. )>c] om. a. wazrosi] vayrostc B. luas] he was a/35 ; \>a,t euer was e. 4612. me ivuste eucre] cuer men wyst e. J>/s] om. j8 ; any e. 4613. Strcngore] Stronger j8. man] mon uon B; non a; none /3 ; man non 5 ; nonne e. daye] day B. ek] om. afi^e. 4614. six] sixe a. \>at he\>] al a^e. heoldis al] heldys adde B; huld ham a; hclde hem /3e ; heldc it 5. an honde] on his honde a ; in his honde /35e. 326 THE CHRONICLE OF As godlond • & orcaclas • & al so yrlonde • Nor]>weye & denemarch • & al so god yslonde • Carrik rex. /^arrik was king after him • ]>at stalwarde man was • Ac to prout lie was & to fals • }?at ssende }'is lond alas • fol. 71. Vor ];e saxons «& englissemen • were euere in ]7is londe • & adde at en ]>e brutons • euere worre an honde • 4620 po liii seye ]?e falshede • of }>is king • karrik • Hii wende after godmound • j^at was king of affrik • To helpe horn winne ]?is lond • & bihete liom vaire ynou • pe king godmound mid is ost • hiderward sone drou • & mid an hondred ]70usend men • & sixti )?ousend jjer to • He com here mid ]?e saxons • ]?is worre vor to do • [226] pe saxons & )?at grete folc • ]?at com so of affrik • persecucio Asavlede vaste be brutons • & hor king carrik • super re- "^ ., , .. . , , , . gem car- Mony bataile hii smite • & .sywede vpe him vaste • "^" & fram toune to toune him driue • so ]?at atte laste • 4615. godlond'] godlonde B. 4616. Nor\>weye\ Norewey^e a. god] om. B ; J>e god a; )>q good/Se. 4617. Carrik] Caryc B; Carik a^. 4618. to fals] fals a)35 ; false e. \>at ssende] and shent7. lond] londe B. 4619. §•] & H B. 4620. tvorre] werre y. an honde] andonde a ; on honde /3 ; in honde e. 4621. hii seye] hi isei^e a ; J^ei se e. falshede] Bay3 ; falseheed e; falshe A. )>is] \>e Ba;85e. karrik] carik a/3. 4622. Hii wende] The Saxons sent e. godmound] gormond a ; gor- monde j8 ; Gurmunde S ; Gormounde e. 4623. 4624. Omitted in 5. 4623. winne] to -nynne /Se, lo7id] londe B. bihete] biheten a; bihi^t /3 ; byhette e. honi] hym B ; him a. 4624. J?e king .... ost'] pat mid fair ost gormond a ; That with faire ost Gormonde /8 ; And wi}> a fayre ost Gormond e. is] vayr B. 4625. ^] om. e. an] om. B ; on a. 4626. He] Thei /3. here mid he] to J)is o ; to hise /Se ; to ]>& 5. \>is] Jjc B. wo7-re] werre 7. 4627. pe] Thes 5. 8f >a<] and J^et B; and \>c 0(. so of] so fast fro S ; so out of e. 4628. Asayledc] Asayled B. 4629. Mony] Manie o o ; Many a S. hataile] batailes ayS ; bateilles e. smile] smeten S. vpe] op a ; vppon ;8e ; vpon 7. 4630. fram] fro e. to toune] to o^cre a/3 ; to ^e toj^crc e. him] om. 5. driue] droue /3 ; dreuen S ; dryffe e. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 327 Hii driiie him to cirencestre • & biseged him l^er inne • fuga ciren- CGStrp pen toim hii barndo vpe him • ar hii him mi^te winne • pere hii smite an bataile • & snp]>e hii di'iue ywis • Bellum. Carrik in to seiierne • west in to walis • fuga ad Vor ]?e kunde men of })is lond • recetted were p'ere ♦ Enere wanne of straunge men • yworred hii were • pe ki]7er he]?ene vole • barnde bo so vaste • destmccio & destruede al ]?is lond • »fe ]?e tonnes adoiin caste • Wat mid fare wat mid suerd • hii destruede al ]?at hii founde • Hii ne sparede prest ne chirche • j^at hii ne brotte to grounde • 4640 Hii ]?at mitte of scapie • vaste flowe J'ere ♦ To walis & to cornwaile • & hudde hom vor fere • pe erchebissop of londone • & of euerwik al so • fuga cum po hii seye |?at cristendom • to grounde was al ydo «> ^^^^"LUis. & pe chirchen yeast adoun • pe relikes hii nome ywis • pat hii adde of holy men • & flowe in to walis • 4631. driue'] droue /3. to cirencestre'] in to Cyrcestre e. biseged'] bisegede a. 4032. pe7i^ pe a^e. barnde] brent fie. vpe] vpen B ; vppou fie. ar] or ye, him iniytc] my^te hym B ; myte him a ; m3-jt hym fi ; myght hit S. See Appendix Note S. 4633. ftmite] smote fi ; smytte e. an'] om. a. ^-j oni. B. hii driue] idriue a ; was dryue fi. 4634. in to] ouer Baj3; ouere 5 ; on e. ivcst] al west fi. 4635. loere] )>qi were e. 4636. hii] hat hi a ; J>at J^ei fi^e ; wlienne they 7. 4637. pe] Jret B ; pat afie • Tho 5. lu\>er] lu^ere o. vole] men 5. barnde] A'amde B ; brenned fi. \>o] om. 5. so] om. Bae. 4638. destruede] desturde B ; destrude a ; distroyed fi ; to stered 5. al] om. afide. j^e] om. Baj3Se. 4639. furc] fyre fi ; fyer e. wat mid] & mid a ; Si with fie. hii] & afi ; om. e. destruede] destrude a ; distroyed fi. al] om. afie. 4640. Hii ne sparede] Thei spared nojt e. jircst] preost a. ]>at hii ne bro'^te] but brou^t al to e. 4641. of scapie] ascapi^e a ; ascape /85e. 4642. hudde] hidde 7. hom] hem here e. 4645. he chirchen] chyrchen alle B; chirches al e; churches allc 7; chirchen a ; chirches fi ; churcheu 5. adoun'] ydoun B ; al adoun a ; alle adoun 5 ; alle doun fi. nome] toke fi. 4646. holy] bolide a. 328 THE CHRONICLE OF pe relikes nolde hii no^t bileiie • ac berc wi]; horn vor fere • Vor rajjer hii wolde ymartred be • ]7an hii yperissed were • Destruccio & in to Jje lasse brutaine • men flowe so J^ikke • tatis. ' So ]?at here nas no^t bileued • bote he|>ene & wikke • [227] So ]7at fram nor)? in to ]7e sou]? • no cristendom nas '4651 Ne fram seiierne in to ];e est se • ac pur he];enesse was • Alas J7e gode ar]?ure • to ver he was ]?o • His de]? bro^te to ]?is lond • moche sorwe »fc wo • Saxones plene Dominantes. fol. 71 b. Qaxons ]>e englisse • & hor compaynye • 4655 Adde ])0 of ]?is lond • al clone ]?e maystrie • & made horn kinges of ]ns lond • as hii adde biuore • Ac j^e brutons nadde neuer er • so clene hor mitte vor lore • 4647, 4648 transposed in a^e. 4647. relikes .... fere'] relikes of i>e holi^e men here a; relikes of l>e holy men ]>ei here /8 ; relykes of holy men ];>e\ here e. 7tolde .... bileue] J>ey nolde byleue 5. 4648. ra\>er hi wolde'] J?ei wold ra>er e. ymartred] matred 5 ; ymartyrd e. hii] ova. $. yperissed] yspersched o ; yperced S. 4649. in to \>e] to a/3 ; to the 75e. so] al so Ba7e ; also ry^t ;8. ]?'ikkc] y; J?ycke Bct/Se; Jjyk S; J^ilke A. 4650. So] om. a/Se. nas] was ySSe. noyt] none /8. hilcucd] bilefd a ; leued j8 ; y left e. lie]>ene'] hehene folc 13 ; hel^ene men a/35 ; he)>eu men e. 4651. So] om. a^e. fram] fro e. nor]>] J>e nor)> a; )>e. northe /SSe, in to] to a/35. \>e] {>e J^c A. 7ias] }>er nas a^5e. 4652. Nc] om. a;8e. fram] Fro e. in] om. Ba^S. es<] sou]) B. acpitr] ac pure B; but pur e ; but clene fi. he\>encsse] he}>enc afi ; hehen e. was] hit was ojSSe. 4653. Alas] Alas alas BaySe ; Alias alias 5. (jodc] god B. to] al to /8. 4655. Sfi-ro/js] The Saxons e. \>e] & >e B ; & ai3; and eke 5; aii e. &f hor] w' al her e. 4656. of] of al e. Zowf/] londe a. 4657. q/"] in e. /i/i adde] hit had be e. 4658. .4c] om. ajSSe. nadde] hadde /8'; had f. we»rr rr so c/ene] so clene er neuere B. so clene .... I'o;- /ort] here my jt so clene lore /3 ; her my^t so eleen y lore e. mi-yte] peer B. ?;or lore] uerlore B ; ilore a ; ylore 5. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 329 pe saxons & ]7C englisse • in pes hiiklc ];o • Ech king is kinedom • |?at hii dude cr in wo • 4GG0 Six kinges ]7er were in some time • as of kent & of "^J- regcs. estsex • Of estangle • of nor]^liiimber • of ye march of west sex • In ]?e biginning of }>is boc • me may rede & nozt lye. Hon moche lond ech of horn ' adde to is partye • pe verste king j^at of saxons was • ];at was king of kent • 4665 Hengist ];oru wan ]?is lond • verst was yssent • Hit was eitte & viffcy ler • after hengistes kinedom • quando Ar eny king of saxons • In westsex com • westscx*^ Vor hengist was king • vourty ter • & in J^e eittej'e ^ere • ^ After is dep at ^arnemouj'e • ariiied f'er were • 4670 Vif ssipuol of saxons • yarmed wel ynou • Certik het hor cheuentein • f>at to )?is lond hom drou • 4659. ^' Jjc] & af- «" /^es] to geder iu pees e. huldc'] his loudc helde y8 ; helde e. 4660. itat .... wo'] as J>ei dude afore or \>ei were iu wo e. /««] om. 0. dude er in wo] ded muche wo 5. 4661. \>er'] hii B ; her a; here /Se. in] om. Ba/35e. Sj-] ora. B. estsex] westsex B. 4662. Of] And of 7 ; Of }>e 5. of nor]>kiimber] aud Northumbre 7. of west sex] of estsex B7 ; & of westsex a/3e. 4663. i>e biginning] ]>& biginnig A ; bygynnynge B ; J>e furst ende a/3 ; i>e first ende Se. lye] Uye a. 4664. lond] om. a0e. partye] partite a. 4665. \>at] om. e. of saxons] saxon aj85. )>a< luas] was verst B; he was o^SS ; \>e e. 4666. wan] wha a; whom e ; whome )3. verst was] furst him was a ; furst hit was $ ; was first e. ysse7it] yscheud a ; schent ;3. 4667. Hit] pat a ; That /3 ; This e. 4668. Ar eny] Ba ; Oor any /3 ; Or eny y5 ; Or any e ; Areyn A. In] in to a^e ; into the 7 ; to 5. 4669. yer] er a. in] om. S. eiyte\>e] oyyte B ; eitetejje a ; eyghtc7 ; eijt e. 4670. yarncmou]ye] ^crnemou^e B ; ^armou^c 13. ariucd] aryucde a/3. 4672. Certik] Cortyk e. cheuentein} cheueteyne 7. 330 THE CHRONICLE OF port & ^^rQl c-e^ie ter j^er after . a due Vat was wide coul^ • uocacio / ^ . . ' ' portes- Ycliiped port mid is ost • atte hauene of portesmou]? • ™7^^281 ^ after port J?at was is name • \q hauene me clupede so • 467o So ]:'at hor poer euere wax • |?e brutons ssame to do • & moni a bataile hii smite • so ]?at atten ende • pe saxons wonne al j^e lond • as al ];e sou]? ende • Certik fit Euere bi souj^e tamese • fram est in to \q west • ^^^' Certik hii made ]?ere king • vor he was ]?er to best • Westsex hii clupede is kinedom • as te abbe]? yhurd ylome • 4681 pis was a lute biuore • ar pe king arthure come • primus rex pe verste kinsj of norljhumber • in l?e ler of gfrace iiorJ>hum- -^ , . '^ ^ i 7 ^ ber. Digan . Vif hundred & seuene & fourty • as me telle can • After king ar]?ure it was • & ]?o was kinrik • Noble kina: of westsex • after is fader certik • 4673. Wei sexie] Aboute seuene B ; Wei ny^e seuene e. \)er after'] after ]>zX e. o] o 07 ; a gret e. was wide'] wyde was BaiSe ; was wel 5. 4674. Ychiped] Y cleped a ; Callid 7. atte hauene of] com vp at a ; come vp at )356, 467.5. haueiie] hafne a. me clupede so] me clupeh" so B ; icleped is so a ; callid so is y8 j so callid is 7 ; cleped ys so S ; is cleped so e. 4676. wax] wexe 7; wyxe e. ssame to do] to do schame I wis /3. to do] for to do e. 4677. moni a bataile] mani^e batailes a ; many Batailes ^ ; many batelles 6. hii smite] \>e\ smote )3. atten] at J^an a ; at }>e ySe. 4678. wonne] wonnen S. al \>e] of >is BaflSe. as] om. Boj35e. 4679. tamese] temese Ba. fram] fro e. est] \>e est ajSe ; Jjc este 5. \)e] om. B. 4680. Certik] Cercik a ; Cortyk e. 4681. clupede] clepede a ; callid 7. ahbe\>] baue7; ha}> e, yhurd] hurd a ; harde 7 ; herde e. ylome] lome 7. 4682. lute] litel 7. or] er a ; or /8e. Jjc] om. Ba/35e, 4683. Z/ji^rrt?/.] he byganne e. 4684. tV scKcne Sf fourty] & fourti & seuene a ; & fourty and seuen /3 ; & fourtie and seuene 5 ; & fourty & seuene e. as me] ich a ; I 50W 13 ; as I 5 ; I €. 4685. ^ \)o] hat J'O aSe ; J>at han /3. AinriA] kenryk C ; heuryk e (kyuryk ?'?» marcjin'). 4686. cere cnglissemcn • in ]n.s lond addo poor • Hii worrede nor]?ward • & wonnc vcr & ner • So ]7at hii wonne humberlond • &i an bacheler • pat het ydc hii made king • ]?cr nas nour ]?o is per • Yde pri- He com of woden ]?e olde louerd • as in ]>e te])e □o"thum- kne . "4691 bcr. pat J^e saracens wene]? • j^at he an hey god be • Vor ]7iilke woden J^e grete louerd • soncs adde ]?re • fol. 72. Wekleg • & wittleg • & bekleg • }>at was so fre • Of wekleg com ];e king of • kent • & ]:'c king of march of ]>e oJ?er • 4695 pe king of westsex & of humber • of ]?e Jn-idde ]7at was hor broj^er • pnlke woden adde a wif • ]?at ychiped was dame frye • A latin dame veniis • as ich abbe ysed noii tuye • 4687. m i>is lond adde'] adde in I'ys loude B ; hadde iu J^is lond C ; hadde al Jjis aj3 ; hadde al his y ; hadde )>y?. 5 ; had \>o al his e. 4688. worredel worred C. wonne'] wouueu /8 ; wynnen e. ner] ho> ferr e. 4689. So] om. a/3. hii wonne] J>ei wonnen /3 ; hei wynnen e. 1mm- herlond] NorJ'hiimberlonde e. an'] a noble B5 ; an noble C ; o noble a/8. 4690. het^ hyte e. made] made hare a ; made here ^ ; made hor S ; made him her e. 7ias] was jSSe. nour \>o] naur \>o B ; uawhar C ; nowar a ; no whare /3 ; nowhere Se. 4691. He com] Become 7. of] to S. louerd] lord C (& passim). J?e] om. BC. tc\>e hie] tuj>e kueo a ; ti^e kne fi ; token e (tuj^e kne in mary.^. 4692. saracens] sarasins a; Sarasonnes e. an hey god] agrct godBC ; gret louerd a ; gret lorde /3 ; a gret lorde S ; gret lord e. 4694. wi^tleg] lightleg 7 ; lijtleg e. Jre] hende & frco a; hende & fre /3€. 4695. Sj-] om. a^e. march'] ]>& march Ba ; J^e Marche /SSe. \>e o\)er] J? at cjjer e. 4696. of)>e. . . hro\>cr] come of he hridde brohcr a ; come of ^e Jn'idde brobere j85 ; come of j^e J^irdde broj^er e. 4697. \>ulke] Thilke e. a] a7. i/clnped] iclcpcd a ; ycleped e ; callld 7. f''yc] fry)e a. 4698. A] & a C ; On 13. dame] as dame 7. ich ahbe ysed] I haue seyde 7; I haue seid e, nou] nouj^e C. tuyc] tueye B; twi^e o. 332 THE CHRONICLE OF [229] periiore ]>e englisse clupede • after woden wodenesday • curii & ^ ' Pa-t is a day in l^e wouke • & after frye fryday • 4700 veneris. Yor |?e he]?ene englissemen • }>at misbileued were ]>o • Bileuede ]?at in heuene • godes hii were bo • & J^at to tueye sterren • ]?at me sucj? ylome • Venus & Mercurius • hii wene]? )>at hii bicome • pe saxons & ]>e englisse • come in to })is londe • 4705 As wo sei]? at o tyme • as ich vnder stonde • particio Hor londes s\\\>]>e as hii mitte • hii delde as hii cou]?e • terre inter pg englisse in ];e nor];half • J^e saxons bi souj^e • angios. ^s estsex & middelsex • & soii]?ward al souJ»hsex • (MS. an- ^ gQ al west bi soul?e temese • al clene westsex • 4710 **"llOS.') ° ' pe englisse nor]?folc • & souj^folc • adde al in hor honde • & al west binorj^e temese • & al nor|?humberlonde • Ac J^e kinges of westsex • lengost gonne dure • & alle ]>e oj^ere wonne to horn • as te ssolle her after yhure • 4699. \>e eiiglisse'] in englyseh S. clupede] clepede a; cluped C; clepecl e ; callicl y ; me clepet>e S. ivodenesday'] Wedonesday 7. 4700. a] o ay; om. B. wo^ike'] wike a/3 ; weke 7; wyke e. 4701. he);>ene'\ ejjene a. misbileued ivere'] mysbyleuede were C; mis bileuede were a ; were mysbylyued 5 ; in mysbileue Avere y8 ; in mysbyleue were €. 4702. Mi'] >at J^ey 5. ho] \>o)>e two j8 ; boJ> e. 4703. to tueye] )>e two ojSSe. sterren] sterres /3e. me] men ^e. SMc}>] seyj* C ; seetb 5 ; sie> e ; seen /3 ; sene 7. 4704. bicome] come /8. 4706. wo] we B ; who so a^e. o] one Caye ; on S. ich] y e. 4707. as] \>o BC /«'«' mi'^yte] they couthe 7. delde] deled C. as Ai'z] so hi a. 4708. Hi] om. BCajSSe. \>e saxons] & j^e saxons a/3e. 6« so«)>e] the ."^outhe 7. 4709. ^s] & ajSSe. sof^Jj^sea:] Sou})esex e. 4710. so] om. B. a/] om. ay85e. ij sojtj^e] by nor^e B ; bisought 7. 4711. pe englisse . . . honde] Al norjpfolc & souKolc i>e englischc hadde an honde a ; al Northfolk & southefolk Jjc Euglische hadde on honde $ ; Alle northfolk & southfolk J>e englysche had an honde 5 ; Al Norh- folk and Souj^efolk ^e englysshe had in honde e. 4713. Ac] And B. hinges] king a ; kynge j8S ; kyng e. lengost] lengest aj35. gonne] gan aiSSe ; can 7. dure] endure 5. 4714. alle] al a. ^e o]>erc~] \>at oj^er e. wonne to horn'] wan to him oj3 ; to him wanne 7 ; wanne to him e. ssolle] schulle C/8 ; schul e. her] om. Co/SSe. yhure] hure iSe. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 338 pe brutons as ich abbe vtold • in west walls were • bmtoncs & worred euere as hli dorste • fram ^cre to ^ere • Vor bl ]>Q. klnges daye chenllng • ]?at was kenrlkes sone • Hli dude horn vorj^ere In |?ls lond • }>an hli were in wone • & wonne \q middel of JjIs lond • to bedeford anon • & streng];ede castles • & astorede monyon • 4720 ^^^o'] So ]?at at bedeford • come J^e saxons • Beiium ad & smite an batayle • &; to driue j^e brutons • & nome );re of hor castles • j^at stronge were al so • capcio de Eynesham & bunsintone • & axlesbury J?er to • & aiiorum. So J'at cristendom was • al clene vor lore • 4725 & he)?enesse in to al j^is lond • as ich sede biuore • & ylaste aboute an fourti ^er • vor te seint austin com • & )7oru sein gregory ]?e pope • brotte cristendom • 4715. ytoW] tolde ye. 4716. worred'] worrede Ba. euere] om. a;88e. dorste'] durste C. fram] euere fro S ; fro e. yerc to jere] ^er to jere C. 4717. kenrihes] kenricus a; henricus fi; henrykes e. 4718. dude] ^eede e. vor\)ere] verrore B ; norj^er C; forj^ere a; far)jer e. in \)is] in J>e C. lond] londe B. ]>an] J)at B. ]pan . . . wone] \>an er was here (her e) wone afie. 4719. wonne] wanne y. bedeford] betford C. 4720. monyon] mani^e on a. 4721. come] come for}? a ; come forj^e ^SSe. 4722. smite] smete C; smite l^er a; smote J^er fi; smote J^ere S; l^er K'i smytte e. an] o a ; a /35e. to driue] to droue /8 ; to drofe S ; dryfe a wey e. 4723. nome] toke ;85. \>re of hor] of hem i>re e. hor] her gode B; \)e o5 ; hore goude C. 4724. bunsintone] Bmisiton7; Enyssham e. axlesbury] aylesbur B ; Aylesburi a ; Aylesburye iS ; Aylisburye 5 ; Aylesbury e. 4725. was] was i>Q aSe ; was \>au j8. c/ewe] clanUche a ; clenliche /8 ; clanlyche e. 4726. in to al] was in ufiSe. biuore] er bifore o)8 ; ere by fore S ; er by fore e. 4727. ylaste] yt laste B; laste a; last 7; dured 6, aboute] om. e. an] om. oj35e. vorte] vort C ; fort a ; for to e ; vn to ^. 4728. sein] seynt C ; seint a. broyte] he broujt e. 334 THE CHRONICLE OF Sanctus Aiigiis- tinus veniens. fol. 12 b. Numerus regum. Numerus sociorum Auffustini. Ceint austin mid is felawes • to engeloncle com • poru }»e pope seint gregori • to prechi cristendom • Maurice was \o emperour • & J^er adde ybe biuore • Vifty emperours at rome • su]?j7e god was ybore • In ]?e vif hundred ier of grace • seint austin hider com • & four score ^er &; tuo • to prechi cristendom • 4734 & aboute an hondred ^er it was • & fyfty al so • After J^at saxons & englisse • verst come J'is lond to • «& after king ar]?ures de|?e • aboute an fourty ler • pat so noble king was of )?is lond • as we abbe]? ytold er • po seint austin &; is felawes • ]?us come to ]?is lond • Wippe was king of ]?e march • «fe adelfred of humber- lond . 4740 Coh-ik was king of westsex • & of kent king ayl- bri^t • Of estsex is sostersone • ]?at me clupede king selbritt • Wei an fourti holy men • & monekes echone • Seint austin adde wi}? him • & \o nas he nott alone • 4729. mid'] 8i S. to] into S. engelo7ide] engelond BCa. 4730. sei7it'] seyn B ; om. afiSe. prechi] preche C;3e. 4731. was] om. 5. \>er] J?ere C; om. 5. biuOre] Jser byfore 3. 4733. vif] vifte a ; fyfte fie ; fyue^e 5. hider] huder C. 4734. Sj- tuo] & to, C. prechi] preche C0e. 4735. a7i] on ajS ; one y. it was] om. C. 4736. After i>at] hit was after Jje C. saxoiis] >e Saxons ye. Sj-] & \>e 5. come] com Ca. 4737. ar];>ures] artures B. de\>e] deh Ca. a;t] a Ce; om. a;85. 4738. pat so] pat afie ; This 5. (f] in S. abbe)> ytold] tolde eu a ; tolde yovf /3 ; tolde ^ou e. 4739. ])us] om. 5. to] in to C. /o7id] londe a. 4740. Wippe] Wyppa 5 ; Phylp C. 77iarch] marche a. huviher- lo7id] humberlonde o. 4741. Colrih] Celryc B. of he7it M7ig] kyng of kent e; of kent a;85. 4742. Of] & of BCa^SS. estsex] Westsex 5. sosterso7ie] susters Sonne e. ?«e clupede] me chiped C ; was icleped a • was callid /8 ; clepud was S; was cleped e. ki7ig] om. aySe. selbriyt] sebryjt BG ; Sebryght S ; segbri^t a ; Segbry^t /3e. 4743. Wei a7i fourti] Aboute fourty P ; And wel ny^e a fourty e. Ao/y] holi^e a. Sf mo7iekes] j^at were Monkes P. ccho7ic] enerychone S. 4744. §■] om. C. nas] was j8e. 7w^t] not C. alo7ic] oueBCa;85; by him self one e. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 835 po hii come in to ]ns loncl • to king aylbritt of kcnt • [23i] In was lond hii ariuecle • hii sende hor maundement • lJ^^'outen ende • tif he him vnder stode • Suehe hi hestes quap> ]>e king • me J'enches hep gode • 4750 Lete]? hom vinde mete ynou • & p'at hii abbe]; nede to . Yor te ich abbe wip hom yspeke • «fc wite wat hii woUe]? do • Vor J>e king wel vnderstod • of j^e cristendom • pat biuore hom was in )^is lond • & |;orii hom to grounde com • So J'at atte laste • wat halt to telle longe • 4755 pe king bigan & is vole • cristendom auonge • Baptizacio. 4745. i7i to'] vnto 5. loiidl londe C. /drig'} om. /8e. 4746. /?t ivas] In whas C; On -wbas a; On wlios /8e ; In -whos 7. ariuecle] aryued C. sende] sent e. maimdement] comaunde- meut /3. 4747. y)a?«] fro e. ycome] come 7. hey] heijc a; an heyj S. messages] message BCa/35e. 4748. to] so B. to ... . ssolde] scholde to ioijea; schuldc to ioj-e jSe ; scholde in to Ioye 5. to] om. afie. ^ to] and Ba/8e. 4749. §■] om. aySoe. he] ^e a; ))eye 5. him] hem B5 ; hom C. vnder stode] vnderstod C. 4750. Suclte] Swiche C. qua]>] quod e. \>enches] J>enche)> B ; t)enkej' Cy8 ; )?inche> a ; >inkej> e ; thynkej^e 5. be)>] ]>aX bu> a ; )>ei bejj e ; Jiei ben y3 ; bethe ryght 5. 4751. Lete)>] Late]> BCa ; Lette e. hom vinde] hamfiude a ; hem haue 5 ; fynde hem e. \>at] alle j^at 5. abheY] habbe a; haue 7 ; hauej) e. 4752. Vor te] Vort Ca ; Vn to y8 ; For to €. ich] {<" C. ici\>] mid o. yspeke] yspoke Be ; speke 7. ivite] ywite a ; y wyte e ; ■wytte 7. wolle\>] wolde C7 ; wolle e. 4753. vnderstod] vnderstood him e. of >e] of >>ulke a ; of >!lke /3e ; of S. 4754. hom] him )3 ; om. 5. hom] him 7. See Appendix, Note T. 4755. %uat halt] wat halt yt B ; what were hit /8 ; what profyte hit e. longe] to longe 7. 4756. auonge] to vonge C ; to fonge ayS ; for to fonge e. 336 THE CHRONICLE OF & of Seint peter & seint pol • an chirclie he let rere • At ]>e est ende of kaunturbuiy • j^at J^e chef chirclie were • tinus ' Erchebissop of kaunterbuiy • seint austin was jjer • archiepi- pe verste l^at euere was • vor at londone \>e se was sconus. ^w^^ er . 4760 po com merlynes word • to soj'e atte nende • pat ]>e dingne sege to canterbury • of londone ssolde wende • At roucestre j?at is a toun • In kent of gret fame • Justus epi- geint austin made a bissop • sein luste was is name • Scopus , ^ Roucestre. pat was a monk is felawe • so )?at atte fin • Seint luste was J^e verste bissop • after seint austin • [232] Ceint Mellit ]>e holymon • In to est sex wende • To prechi j^ere cristendom • as seint austin him sende • Nou departe]; euere temese • est sex fram kent • 4769 fol. 73. conuersio sebrijti. Sebritt he vond j^ere king • ]>o he was J>uder ywent 4757. §•] cm. e, seint pol^ seyn poul B ; poula; Poule /8e. an^ BC ; o aj3 ; a 8e ; & A. /je] cm. 7. lef] lete Bj8. rcre'] arere 75e. 4758. At \>e] In B ; In \>e afiSe. J^e] cm. S ; hit J^e e. were} hit were S. 4760. verste} verst C. loiidone} londe C. 4761. so)>e} sone o ; soone iS. atte nende} atte ende B ; atten ende C ; at Jjan ende a ; at )>e ende /3 ; at a ende e. 4762. dinyne} dygne B; digne Ca^e. sege} se BCa ; see 7; Cee 5e. to ... . londone} of london to Canturbury e. of} fro 5. londone} london BC ; londe a. 4763. a toun} toune B. 4764. a] an C ; o a ; om. 7. bissop} bysshoppe here €. sein} seynt C. 4765. monk} monek BCa. is felawe} one of his felawes e. 4766. Seint} Syn B. Jjc fcrsie iwsop] bisschop furst a ; Bischopfurst )8 ; bysshoppe fii'st e. verste} vorste B ; verst C. 4767. Seint:} Seyn B. In to} in fi. 4768. prechi} preche j8e. )>ere} J>ar a. 4770. Sebri-yt} Segbrijt a ; Segbry^t e ; Segbright 7. yo7K/] foude C- >o he ivas} \>Q was o. ywent} ywend C ; went 7. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 887 He turnde him to cristcndom • k, ).'c confcrcye al so • Scbri^t & ]'e king of kent • ]>o al |ns was ydo • At londone of seint poul • an heued chirchc gonnc arere • pat ^iit is & seint Mellit • bissop made j^ere • pus com lo cristendom • a^en in to J^is londe • 4775 Among ])e hej^ene saxons • as ich vnder stonde • Ac among ]>e briitons in walis • was euerc cristendom • Su]')jc it verst )joi'u pc king • liicye hider com • & J'at was biiiore }>is tyme • vour hundred ^er • & aboute & fourc & tuenti • as we abbe]? y write er • pe pope eleuthery |>at sonde • verst hider cristin- dom . 4781 Was ]>e ])Yette]>e pope j^at after • seinte peter com • pe deciples p»at he hider sende • cristendom to bringe ♦ Bileuede in an wiklernesse • after hor prechinge • pat me clupe]? nou glastingbury • |?at desert was ])o • & jjere hii bigonne monekes • & nome to hom mo • lenacio ccck'sic Sancti pauli. Mellit cpi- scopus. prima christiani- tas lucyo. GlaBting- buiy. leuacio prime ec- clesie. 4771. {f\>e] & a. 4772. Sehriyt'\ Segbrijta; Scgbry^t e ; Segbright 7. 4773. loiidone'] london C. ««] om. o ; J^e /3. Iieucd'] heed /3e. yoiine'] gan ^ ; \>e\ ganne e. arere'] AC7e ; rere Ba/8. 4774. !s] f>er ys 5. iV] & of)3. made'] })ci made . 4775. lo] \>e. 0; om. €. ayc7>] furst a/3; first e. hi tu] vnto 5. londe] lond C. 4779. hiuore] a fore e. \>is] Jjulke B. 4780. §• aboute .... tuenti] & tweuti jer & foiire a ; And twenty %cer & foure /3e; And twenti 3,cre & foure 5. c^] An B. &; fvnrc §•] an four & B ; an fourc an C. abbe\^] haue e. ywrite] ywriten a0 ; ■wreten 5 ; y wrytten e. er] here ^Se. 4781. pe] pat J?e ajSSe. eleuthery] culeuthery C; eleutheri^c a ; Eleutherie 5. \>at . . . . hider] hider sende a; hider sent /3c ; first sent 5. 4782. Was] He was a)35e. \>rctteVc] )>ryttehe C ; ]>ritteneh ;8. seinte] om. aiSSe. 4783. deciples] desciples a; discipules 7. sende] sent e. 4784. Bileuede] Bilefde a ; Dwelled e. an] a BCe ; one a0: on 5. 4785. vie clupe\)] men callel' fi; men callen 7. ylastiiu/buri/] glastyn- bury B. 478G. \>erc hii biyonnc] })ey bycome ^ere 5. hii] om. a/3e. bitjonnc] bycome B/86 ; bi come Co. nome] toke /35e. 338 THE CHRONICLE OF & J^ere mid hor owe honde • hii rerede verst an chirchc • Of herdles & of terden • as hii couj^e wurclie • [23.3] & i^at was l^e verste chirche • ]^at in engelond com • & ]}e eldost hous al so • as in lawe of cristendom • peruore me it a]? euere ycluped • ]>e olde cliirche ywis • Moni is ];e holi halwe • |?at j^ere ybnred j'-s • 4792 Nour so moni in engelond • to so)?e y segge )?is • & as me ap wule ysed • grettere o]> non nis • pan bi j^e holde chirche of glastingbury • wo so dep o]? nome • Yor ]?er was chirche four hondred ter • ar seint austin hider come • patricius. &; seint patric was )?ere monek • & suj^j^e abbot ]7er • 2e ar seint austin come • mo ]>en an huncb-ed ^er • & in ]?e vizi alf of j^e weued • ybured was j^er al so • Six score ^er & on he was old • ar de]> him come to • 4787. owe] om. a^Se. honde'] hondes ye. rerede"] arerud 5 ; rerde hem B ; rered horn C. an] o a; a e. 4788. ^erdeu] ^erdes /3e ; jerdys S. coui>e] cou>e Jjo 5. 4789. Sf] om. o;8e. verste] verst C com] was bygonne e. 4790. eldost] aldest B ; vldest a, hous] om. a;35e. 4791. peruore] Aud J'Crfore 5. inc it ... . ycluped] men ha)j euer y cleped hit e. it] om. a)35, ycluped] caUid y. }pc] hit I'e 5. 4792. hahve] BC ; halewe a ; halowe j85e ; halwen A. l>ere] her B ; }>erimie a^ ; her yune 5 ; J>erin e. ybured] buryed yS ; beried 5. 4793. Nour] Nowhar C ; Nowar a ; Nowhare ; No where e. to soi>e] for sobe ;8e. y segge] ych segge B ; ich segge a ; i'' segge C ; y sey e. 4794. as] so 5. loule] while Ca ; somme tyme /3 ; smii tyme y ; som tyme e ; euere 5. ysed] seide /8. grettere] grettor C ; grettore B. nis] is i3e ; ys S. 4795. holde] olde BC«j3e. glastingbury] glastynbury BC wo so] B ; who so Ca)356 ; wose o A. dep o)>] duh \io\> a ; doJ> o)> jS ; any oojje do e. 7iome] njnne e. 4796. chirche] a ehurche C ; a chirche 5. ar] or ^e. 4797. monek] a monk 5. s?<}>J>c abbot] abbe}) suhj>e B ; abbot SUFI'S C ; abbot seJ'J'e a ; Abbot sithe /3 ; abbot seth 5 ; abbotte sij? e. 4798. ye] om. a^S. "^e ar] Or )>at e. come] hyder come f. 7no t>«i] more l^an a)35e. an] on a. 4799. weued] weuede C ; Auter ; hi^e awter e. ybured . . . . al so] also )jer I beryed he was bo «. ybured] buryed P. was] he was BCa;35. 4800. Sf on . . . old] he was olde & one 0. ar] or e. him c«me] him com a ; come him 5. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 339 pus was at glastinbuiy • verst yholde vp cristendom • & sii]^|;c |?cr after |;at );ct folc • of englich hidcr com • & ])o brutons were ydriue • al in to west walls • Hil hulde uorj? cristendom • & bissopes ywis • So l^at scint austin com • among hom he vond • 4805 Religiosi Bissopes & monekes • manyon in ];e lond • '^"^ banf^'or. In ]7e cite of bangor • a gret hous ]?er was • fol. 73 b. pat were vnder seuc cellen • & ]?cr of non nas • pat ]>re hondred monekes • nere Inne oj^er mo • [234] & alle leuede bi hor suench • loke ^If hom nas wo • 4810 Dlnoc het hor abbot • J^at gret clerc was & god • Seint austin was wel yiDayd • bat hor bileue was so ffod • concilium Ptincu & na]?eles he hom enioynede • bocsomnesse do • augustini. To J^e ercheblssop of kaunterbury • & to engiisse men al so • & among englissemen vorjj mid him • cristendom to amende • 4815 Wende aboute & prechi ■ as ]>e pope hom sende • 4801. at glasthiburi/ verst'] first at Glastjmgbury e. glastinhuri/'] glas- tyngbury C ; glastingburi a. yholde] hokle y. 4802. su\>\>e] om. a)35e. \>er] nou BCa ; now 5; nowe /Se. \>et] om. a/35f. of englicli] of englyss B ; of engliche C ; of cngelond a ; of Englonde j8 ; of Englond 5 ; to yngloud e. 4803. §•] That e. ydriue] ydrife e ; drive y. al] om. /SSe ; alle a. in to] vnto 5, 4804. cristendom] \>qv cristendom B ; here cristendom C ; her cristendom o ; here crystendom j8 ; her crystendomc e. cy] and \>e e. 4805. ha/.] hat ho Ba ; ho 5. austin] luste j8. among] 8c among fi. 4806. manyon] mauye 5. 4807. «] o a. 4808. ]pat .... cellen'] That was heed house of seuene selles e. 4809. iiere] were Be. Inne] her in e. 4810. alle] om. 5. leuede] lyuede C; liueden a; lyueden ye. suench] suenche B ; swenche C ; «winch a ; swikc j8 ; swynke y ; labourc e. yif] I'^t ^- '''^^j ■'^^s noU e. 4811. het] hyte e. abbot] abbod B. god] goude C. 4812. ypayd] apaid C ; payd /8. so] om. afie. god] goude C. 4813. t*f] Ac a ; But /3e ; om. 5. bocsomnesse] bocsumpnessc a. do] to do a)3S ; for to do e. 4814. he] om. C. 4815. among aiglissemen] among englisch C ; to englischc a ; to Englonde ; to englysshe e. vor\>] om. a)35f. mid him] mid hom C ; w' hem e. 4816. We7ide] And wende B ; And go a boute f. prechi] preche ye ; prechid S. pope] pote a. liom] him a8e. Y 2 840 THE CHRONICLE OF dictum augustini Respousio po bissopes him ansuerede • & j^e abbot dinoc • runi!^'^ ° -^1 '^^^1^ grete reysons • & wit of hor boc • pat wanne hii adde horn sulue • erchebissop & king • Hii ne ssolde to englissemen • abuye ritt no )?ing • 4820 Vor ])Q folc of englisse & saxons • hor lond horn bi nome • & hor kunde eritage • mid trayson & suikedome • Ware uore hii nolde nor no mon • nammorc to horn wende • pan to so moni houndcs • bote hit were horn to ssende • ^if ^c nolle}* qua}> seint austin • mid toure bre]?eren in pcys be • 4825 pat be]? as ?e wite}> wel • cristine as wel as le • & ^if te nolle englissemen • godes lawes teche • & vorJ> mid me among horn • cristendom preche • ^oure fon ssolle hor poer • among ow wide reche • & bringe tou to de|je monion • & ]?at ssal be lourc wreche • 4830 a7isuerede'\ answered C. abbot'] abbod J5. rei/sons'] reson aSe ; resoun &. wit'] wijt o. enylisscmen'] englische folc a; abuye] abue BC ; abowe afii. 4817. bissopes] hyssop B. 4818. «;;>] myd BC ; mid a 4819. wa7mc] sij-he e. 4820. 7IC ssolde] wolde no)t «. Englysche /8 ; englysshe folke riyt] om. C5. 4821. \^e folc of cnglisae] englische men aj8 ; J)at Englische folk 5; englysshe men e. 4822. trayson] strengjje a^^f. suikedome] wj'ckedome Se. 4823. nolde] wolde /3 ; wold no)t «. no Dion'] non man B. nam more] nanmore B ; no more y3. 4824. moni] fale a ; fele 5. houndes] hundes C hot] hot C. 4825. nolle\>] nolle B ; nuUe C ; nylle)> )3 ; -wyl 5 ; nyl nojt «. qua\>] quod €. mid] wyt B. '^ourc^ oure C5. in peys] on pees 5. 4826. be)>] bene 7. 4827. nolle] nolle}? a ; nolle)?e S ; ne wille fi ; wylle no)t to f. cn- ijlissemen] criste Englische 7. lawes] lawe BCojSe. 4828. ^ vor)p] Ne go €. preche] nou preche « ; nowe preche 5 ; to preche j8e. 4829. yo7ire] Oure C. ssolle] schnlle C. among ow wide] wyde a mongc )ou e. oio] ^ou BC ; eu o ; jow j85. 4830. you] om. aBSe. ^oure] for ioure e. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 3 11 After seint austines day • to so];e come al ]ns • [235] Ac ]>e wiile he was aliue no^t • as le mo we yhure ywis • 1\ y^to aylbri^t gret despit • adde in |?is ]>ozt • concilium pat be brutons nolde • Seint Austin abuve no it • ^^ destiuc- ' . "^ / Clone Dn- Edelfred ];at was king • of nor]?humberlond • 4835 tannye. He enticede oper kinges • here of ];is lond • pat hii wende to walis • & ]?e brutons ssende • pe kinges }>o hii preste were • mid hor poer ];uder wende • BeUum ad Atte cite of kairleon • ]>e ost of brutons was • kayrloou. pe englisse anon puderward • drowe mid god pas • 4840 A gret bataile hii smite ]>ev • In a lutel stounde • Ac brocmajd due of brutons • was ]?erc ybroit to grounde • Vor he fley & bileuede is folc • p'o he nuste o]?er won • Occisio Some aslawe & some ywounded • & bine);e echon • n"m '^'^^" 4831. .vo)>e] sou^e C. 4832. ]>c ivule] while 6. he was aliue'] )>at he liuecle o ; \)at he lyued $e. uoxf] to sol'e hit come no^t e. as . . . i/kure'] je schoUe huro a ; 3,0 schulle here ; je schul hure e. mowe] may 5. 4833. udde] hadde euere a ; hadde euer /3 ; had eucr e. in b's] in j-s B ; in his Ci8 ; on his a. 4834. nohle Seint Austin abuj/e'] nolde abowe seint austiu a; nolde abowe Seyut Austpi /8 ; nolde abowe to seyot Austyne e ; to seint Austyne abowe wolde 5. seint] to scynt C. ahuiie'] abue 13; abowe C. 4835. Edelfred] Edelfrede C 4836. enticede] entyccd BC ; tycede a ; tyeed )3e. o\>er] and oJ>er BjS ; & ol^ere a. of ] ek of o. 4837. to] in to 5e. 6f] ora. 0e. ssende] schimde C ; to seheude /3 ; for to shende e. 4838. hor] om. BCa)3S. tvende] to wende /3. 4839. Atte cite] The Cytee €. >e ost oj] Jjan be /3 ; K' fulle of e. ost of brutons] brutons ost B. u}as] J>er was B. 4840. mid god] \\\\> wel good e. 4841. A] O ay. smite] smete C ; smote y. \>er] om. 5. In] on S. a] ay. Intel] lute B ; litel C. 4842. Ac] 8c aye. bi-ocmayl] Brocinalle e. 4843. Vor] Thcrfor e. Jley] tleu B ; flowc y ; fledde e. bileuede] bileued C ; bilefde o ; left e. >o he ?iustc] & niiste a ; and nust 5 ; and wist none /3 ; for he knewc nonne e. 4844. aslawe] were y sleyne e. Sf some ywounded] & ywonded a ; & wounded /3. t^- bi)ie\>e] hi were biue^e a ; I ei where bynepe /3 ; ))ey were bynej'e 5 ; l>us }e maystrie moste by tyde • po such folc of I'is holymen • king edelfred ysey • Sitte & bidde vor hor folc • & crie on god an hey • 4850 & me sede him ];at hii bede • vor ]?e brutons echon • ^if it so is qua]? ])Q king • ]>&i hii biddej? vor vre fon • panne vi^te)> hii aten vs • as moche as is hor mi^te • Mid hor armes toward god • ]>ei hii mid arme ne fi^te. SleJ> hom hastilichc anon • as oure puyre fon • 4855 pat folc was prest j^erto • & to grounde slou anon • So j^at tuelf hondred of holymen • hii martrede J^ei'c • & aboute an vifti ofscapede • aliue vor fere • 4845. ]i>er'] om. a/3S. icome . . . monekes'] monekes icome fram bangor a ; raonkes come fram Bangor j8 ; \pQ monkes y come fro Ban- gor e. 4846. vastinge'] vastyn C. orisons] oresons Ca. bidde] pray )3e. 4847. §•] om. e. ermites] hercmytes «. studes] stedes C ; stcde 5 ; steddes t'cr e. 4848. Bede] Freydc )3 ; Prayed 7 ; Prayden e. ])at \>e] that 7. \>e maystrie moste] my^t J?e mastry e. moste] most C ; my^t )8. 4849. t?o such] po swuchc C ; The which 5. holymen] holijc men a. edelfred] clfred B ; Eldefrede 7. ysey] sey 7 sije e. 4850. bidde] prey /Se. §• crie] hoi cryed e. on god] to god ye. 4851. bede] dede B ; prcyde /8 ; prayed 75 . echon] euerychone 5. 4852. is qua];>] be quod e. bidde\>] bidde a; praye ;3 ; pray 7 ; prey e. vre] oure Ca. , 4853. vi-yte]>] worreJ> a ; werrej) )3e. ayen] a^eust e. 4854. armes] oresuns a; orisouns |8; orysons e. toward] to B ; to bore C ; to hare a ; to here j8 ; to her ye. mid arme 7ie] uo^t w' armes e. arme] armes a/8S. 4855. hastiiiche anon^ a noon hastelyche e. nnon] ynou a ; ynouj /3. puyre] pure BCajSe. 4856. Vut] The 5. prest] prest anon a; prest anoue )8S; prest y uowe 6. slou] sloAve Ba ; hem slowe e. anon'] echon a ; echone P. 4857. So] om. a/3Se. of] om. B. holymen] hohje men a. hii martrede] hi martrcd C ; ymartred were a5 ; martirede were ^ ; y martyrd were c. 4858 aboute] om. e. an] a C5 ; om. a;8e. vifti] sixti a;85 ; sixty e. ofscapede] ascapede a ; ascaped j3e. aliue'] alyuc J^ere e. vor] forjj for a ; forJ>c for S ; & bei fleddo for e. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 343 po was hit to horn ycoine • J?at seint aiistin . horn sede • & no^t vor)?an gcwi dude wreche • of J;^ lii|;er dcdc • Vor i>Q king edelfred wende • toward bangor ])o • 48G1 Victoria To destruye be briitons • wat he founde mo • brutomim IT 111 '•^'^ baugor. pe louerdinges ];at |?erc were • tarkede horn anon . & ordeynede hor ost • to li^te mid hor fon • So ]>at mo l^an ten J70iisend were • of p'e englisse ybrott to de|;e • 48G5 & ]?e king edelfred vorwoimded • |jat ofscapede aliue vnnej'e • Ac bedwer due of cornwayle • aslawe was |?o • &; moni of ]>e brutons • ac of J?e englisse wel mo • & ]>e englisse flowe • ouer humber uaste • Brutones A parlement ]>e brutons • made ])0 atte laste • 4870 r\^^™a. To chese horn a nywe king • & chose horn ];e kino- mcutum.] cadwan • , =;f »° pat was among horn alle • ]?e stalwordoste man • 4859. to hom ycome] ycome to horn C ; y come e. hoiii] om. C5 ; to hem 6. sede] seyde B. 4860. vor\>an'] for }>at e. Jjc] )>ulke a ; J^ilke fi ; \>a,i e. 4861. edelfreir] Adelfred e. 4862. To] Vor to Ba ; For to /35e. dcslrwje'] destruc B ; dcstryc C. ivat] what a. mo] J^ere mo 5. 4863. louerdinges] lorlyuges C. yirkede] parked BC ; a rayed e ; ^arkcm j3 ; yarkem y. 4864. mid] a^en B. See Appendix, Note U. 4865. mo \>an . . . ivere] ten jjousend & mo a/85e. \>ousend] Jjou- sond C. W] om. Ba/35f . yhroyt] hi broute a ; \>q\ brouit /8e ; )jey brou)t 5. de\>e] J>e de)>e C. 4866. I^e king] om. a;35e. edelfred'] Adelfred Be. vorwounded] was woimded B ; for wonded a ; for wonded was e. Ipat] om. a/SSe. ofscapede aliue] ascaped alyue C ; ascapede alyue a ; ascaped alyuc /8 ; ascaped ou lyue y ; alyue ascaped 5 ; he a lyuc ascaped e. 4867. Ac] But /8e ; And y. bedwer] bledder BCa/35e. aslawe] slayu ^ ; sleyue e. was] J)er he was a ; ]>erc he was j8e ; J>er was 5 ; he was there y. 4868. moni] many C ; mauije a. ]>e^ om. y. uc] &, Ba/3e. \>c englisse] Euglysch men 8. 4869. 8f] So l^at e. )>e] om. a. jlowe] flowe I'O ae ; flowe han /3 ; flowen \>o 5. 4870. made Jjo] )>o made ae ; }>an made i8 ; jjo helde 5. 4871. cAesc] chcosc a. a] o a. ^- chose] & cheos C ; & hei chose e. /torn] om. BCa)35e. pe /«»ev sydc • Som frend bi|?o^te him bet • & bituene horn gan ride • & made acord bituene hom • J;at ]>e king adde al j^at lond • Edelfred bitonde bomber • al clene in his hond • 4880 & king cadwan bi souj^e bomber • & al is owe lond walis • poru hard o]) & god ostage • yconfermed was al |>is • Bituene pis tueie kinges anon • so gret louo per was • pat hor noper nadde noping • pat to operes wille nas • Bituene pe king edelfred • & pe quene is wif • 4885 perafter poru luper wille • wax a gret strif • pat pe king hire drof awey • mid , childe as ^o was • & nom him an oper wif • & pat was a dcoluol cas • 4873. i/crouricd'] crowned 7. yarkede'] parked BC ; arayed 5; gadcrd e. 4874. Sf in is /8e. 4876. yare] redy 5 ; J>er /3 ; there y; here e. ror] om. 5. 4877. Mi] on aySS. 4878. bii>oyte him] hym byj)0)te B; hom bi )>ou)te C; him bijioute a ; him bi^ou^t /3 ; him by )>ou)t e. bet] better /3 ; a better wey e. f/(m] gonne BC ; can 7. 4879. al \>at] al Ms e. 4880. Edelfred] Eldelfred B. biyonde] bi^ende C. in] ou a(3. 4881. al] om. BCa^Se. oivc] owen /3 ; owne 7. 4882. yconfermed raas] hi confcrmcde a; K'i confermed ; J^ei con- formed to e. 4883. anon] i>o aSe ; )>au P. 4884. hor noi>er] nojier of hem /3 ; noutber of hem 7. nadde] haddc i8 ; had 756. to] om. e. 4885. king] quene 7. 4886. perafter . . . ivillc] poru lu)>er wlUe perafter a ; Thur^ lu^er wille |>er aftir j8 ; Throuj euyl wil )>er after 5. ivax] wexe ; was 5. a yret] a wel gret ae ; a ry^t gret ;3 ; wel gi'ete 5. 4887. hire drof] droue hure C ; drof her 5. drof] drouc H. yo] heo B ; he C ; beo "; 8clie ;8f ; she 7. 4888. vom] toke /85 ; toke to e. ./] om. aQ PvOBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 345 To J'c king cadwan • ])g quene wendc ]?o • & ciyedo on him |>at he ssolde • helpe hire in hire wo . 4890 pc king cadwan was ]>o aboutc • bitucnc hire & pe kinge • To make acord hi his poer • ki ne mitte nor none );inge • So l^at he huld vor ]7e quene • In is owe house • Mid childe hclplcs as 20 was • mid ];e quene is owe spouse • pat mid childe was as wel as heo • & of one time ney • 4895 & J>o "pe children were ybore • )^at of kunne were so Ortus fiiio- V rum. Hii clupede edwyne ]>o kinges sone • of nor];homber- [238] lond • & cadwal ]?e kinges sone • here of )?is sou]; lond • Missio pis children were wel ^onge ysend • to salamon |;e ad biitau- kinsre • nia[m]. Of ]?e lasso bruteyne • to gode norrissinge • 4900 pe king hom noryssede wel • & mid him priue ynou • & |70 hii to eldo come • to armes hom drou • So |?at stalwarde knittes • bo];e hii bi come • & wel yfonded in armes • & in batailes ylome • 4890. cryede] cryde B ; cride a. tare ?i-o] |>at wo afie. 4891. pe kingl om. a;85e. ^V \>c] & B. 4892. make'] maki^e a. cV] & he /8e. nc mi-yte'] tuy^t nu-^t e, none'] no Ba/856. 4893. huld] hulde B ; kept e. uor] vor}; B ; for)) a ; fuipe /SSe. ///] on a. 4894. -yu] heo Ba ; sche ;3e ; she y. \>c (jucnc] om. a/35e. 489.5. as wel] ek a ; eke /SSe. 4896. S^] om. 5. ijborc] borne y. 4897. clupede] callid 7 ; clcped him e. 4899. wel] ry^t ^8. 4900. norissiriije] norschinge o ; norschynge 0. 4901. noryssede] norysede B ; uoryschyuge 5. S^-] om. a/35f. 4902. elde] ^ekle C ; uklc o ; Age e. hom] he hum a ; he hem /83f. 4903. 'S'c;] om. a/35e. stalwarde] stalwoithe y. hii] lieye S. 4904. Sf i}i] & ae. 346 THE CHRONICLE OF l^ylbri^t king of kent • ]'at }?oru seint austin nom • As we abbe)? ytold biuore • verst cristendom • Obitus Deide as in J^e ^er of grace • six hundred & sixtene • Eei^r^*^ & he was six «& fifty ^er • king as ich wane • Edbai fit His sone was king after him • Edbal was is name • ^^^- pat spousede su}>]?e is fader wif • him to grete ssame • & ne tokle no^t of is cristendom • & ])q king sebri^t al so . ' 4911 Guerra Cristine king of est sex • |;o he was of line ydo • tatis per ' His ]>YQ sones he bileued eyrs • of is kinedom • regern. pat were payns alle J>re • & a^en cristendom • petunt a So )?at hii come at one tyme • in hor lu|;er Rede • panem To seint Mellit bissop of J?e lond • & at is masse sede • album dci. gi^e bissop wu ne ^ifstus • of ]?ine wite brede • pat ]70ii est |?i siilf at ]n masse • in ]?ine vayre wede • 4905. Eylbriyt] AilbriU a ; Aylbryjt e. kingi \>e king a j })e kynge 4906. abbe])'] haue y ; ha>> i. ytold] ytol B ; tolde y, 4907. Deide] Dei^ede a. 4908. fifty] sixti a)3e. as] arst as aj85 ; erst as y ; byfore e. 4909. Edbal] edbald BCa ; Edbaldc i85e. 4910. spousede] spoused C. fader] fadris C ; f adres /3 ; faders7; ffaders e. yrete] gret C. 4911. ne] om. /35e. tolde] told C. is] om. aySe. ^-] and also e. sebri-^t] segbrijt a ; segbryjt ; Seybry^t e. al so] );>o e. 4912. Cristine] Cristeue C. 4913. J)re sones] BC/8; prisons A; \>veo sones a; j>re sonnes e; thre sonnes 5. bileued] byleuedo BC ; bilefde a ; left e. ^y^s] cirj's C ; his elris a ; his eires ;3 ; his heirs y ; for his eyers e. of] on «. kinedom] kyngdom C. A'dlA. payns] panys B; paens a; paynyms /8 ; Faiuyms S. See Appendix, Note V. 4915. So] om. S. So ... . tyme] In one time come his >reo sones o; In one tyme come his \>t:q sonnes ;3 ; In a tyme come his J-- re sonnes €. lu\>er Rede] lu^ere hede a ; luj^er hede j8S ; luj>er heed e. 4916. Mellit] MelU^t a(& passim). bissop] J^e bisschop a; fie Byschop ^ ; \>Q Bysshoppe e. (f \>c lond'] om. aj3e. is] )>e a;85e. sede] hym seyde B ; hym sede Caj35 ; to him scid e. 4917. Sire] om. oj35e. ^vll] wy B ; whi CajSe ; why S. ne yifstus] ne ^efste vs C ; ne ^ifst Jjou vs o ; ne ^euest J^ou vs ;3 ; ne jeuyst J'ou vs 5 ; ^euyst })0U no^t to vs e. Yine] Yi 0e. 4918. est] ABa5 ; ctyst C; etistc /3 ; ettyst e. y,i siilf] \>e sulf B; om. ojSSf. )"■] Hue C ; J'C a5 ; cm. /Se ; thi y. ]v'nc] ]>i /3c. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 347 pat ]/0u ^cuc vre fader wulc • tk; ^ut ^ifst |;at folc ,., f.^'^^^.. al so • Melliti. Zi£ ^0 wollcJ> quaj; ]>g bi.ssop • as toure fader dude do . 4920 152 lines omitted in Cotton MS. after 4920. Copied from Harleian MS. r& be yuolled in holy water • & myd cristendom monge Zq mowe sauflyche }»et holy }>yng • as he dude auonge We nolle]) no^t qua}^ ]>ys o])ev • |;ey pou vs bede Wy])ynne ];ulke water come for we nabbe]? non nede Ac in alle manere we wolle}> ete of ]7ulke brede 5 pe byssop yt nolde grante • ac outlych yt wy]; seyde To ^yue hym j^ulke holy J'yng • bote hii y uolled were Hii suore anon in wra)?])e » lyf he ensentan nere 4919. yeue'] jaf C; yaue y, yane to e. zvule'] while Ca; whilom /3; som tyme 6. yfsQ >efst C ; ^euyst to e. i>at'] Hs e. 4920. woUeit} wolde B ; wold C ; wollen ^3 ; woUe e. qua\> )>e bissop'] seide he o ; seid he e ; sayde he do /3 ; he seyde 5, dude do'] dide Jjo /3 ; dude I'O e. 1. yuolled'} ifoUed o ; foiled ; fullowed 5; yfiilled e. m] Be ; iu }>c Ca;85. myd cristendom] BC ; to cristendom a5 ; to cristeudome e ; ^oure hejjenes /3. monge] BC ; ou jiue a ; jow jeue 5 ; ^ou ^eue e ; forsake j3. 2. saufiijche] sauflych C ; saueliche a& ; sauelyche e ; sauelye 5. \>et] y- C ; t>at a65e. he] \>Qy 5. auonge] vnderuimc a ; vnder nyme e ; vndertake /3 ; Jjcron beljnie 5. 3. 7iolle\>] willed ; wol y; nyllejj e. noyt] om. aSe. J>?/s] )jise /8e ; thuse S. \>ey] t)OU) /3e ; thof y. hcdc] so bede a)3S ; so bydde e. 4. \(>ulkc] t^ilke J3 ; Jjilk 5 ; l^at e. nabbe\> non'] haue no /85 ; hauc}? no e. 5. vianere] wyse uSe ; wise /3. wolle\>] willc ; wol 7 ; woUe e. 6. ?/< nolde] wolde nou^t hit /3 ; wolde no)t liit e ; nolde hem 5. (jrante] granti a. outlych yt] outliche hit a ; outerliche /8 ; onlich he hit S ; vtterly hit €. 7. hym] ham a ; hem /SSe. jJi/Z/i'f] J>at o^e. yuolled'] ifollcde a ; foiled )3 ; yfuUowed 5 ; yfulled e. 8. Hii] & hi a ; And )3 ; And J-ey 5 ; Thei e in] on 5. yyf] Sc gif e. ensentan'] assentant a ; asseutaunt fie ; assentyng 7 ; assentynge 5. 848 thp: cimoNicLE of To ^yue hem so lute ]>yng • & bote he yt hem teuo pat he ne ssolde in her lond • in non manere byleue 10 Hii dryue hym out of her lond • & ys men echon pys holy man seyn Mellyt • to Kent wende anon To speke wy]? pe erchebysso}) laurence • & al so Wy]; yuste byssop of rouchestre • wat were best to do Seynt austyn nou al by ys daye • to erchybyssop nom Laurence & made after hym to susteyne Cristendom pys ]fre byssopes bytueyne hem • nom hem ]?us to rede pat hii myite in her owe lond • holyor lyf lede And wy]?oute peryl sykerore • j^an to Ijyleue ]?ere Among mys bylyuede men • bote |'er eny bote were 20 So ]?at seynt luste & seynt mellyt to france )?o wende & lete J^e lu|?er men ywor];}>e • vorte God yt wolde amende [240] Ac nas nott long jjer after • a]? god wreche of hem nome pat after her fader dej^e • worrede cristendom 9. so lute b^"//] ^o litcl Jjingc ;3 ; so lytel a thynge S ; pat piug }'at so litel is 6. bote'] liut )it' i3. yt hem] hem liit 5 ; hit to hciu e. yciie'] yaue f. 10. 7ie ssolde'] schulde not e. in non manere] no mort; here (her a) a/35e. /)i/leue] dwelle e. 13.. H/i] To /3. dryue] dryuen 5 ; dryfc e. echon] euerychone S. 12. icende'] went )35e. 13. leyV] mid a; cm. 5. cS'] om. a^e. 14. Wy]>] Mid a. rouchestre] Rouccstre ;8e. 15. Seynt] For seynt e. nou] om. ajSSe. to erchybyssop] to Archi- bischop /3 ; laurence \>o he e. 16. Laurence S{ made] And made him Arthebys.shoppe e. susteyne] susteni o ; sustene /3. 17. nom hem \>iis] nome pus Cae ; nome \>y^ S ; toke pus . 18. »i] on 5. owe] om. a^Se ; own S. holt/or] holiore a. 19. And] om. 0. sj/A(;ro?e] sekerer 13 ; sykerer 5 ; syckorer e. /vy^e"<'] dwelle €. l>ere] here a^f. 20. mys bylyuede] mis hileucd a ; vnbelefful t. bote per] hot yf 5. 21. po wc7ide] po y wende a ; pan wende P ; po pel ^ede e. 22. lu\,er] lupere a. ijwor\>]?e] alone /3. i-or^e] vott C ; wort a ; vn to J3 ; ffor 5 ; for tyl e. 23. Ac nas] But hit was ;3e ; Ilyt wa? S. lony] longe a/3. p,/-] om. 5. up] ar Ca ; or ;35e. o/'] on 5. 24. fader] fadrcs /3 ; faders e. ivorrede] worrcd C5 ; wcrred vj on /G ; I'oi werred on f. ROIJERT OF rxLOUCESTER. 849 For aton })at folc of westsox • hii nome an batayle 25 & )jerc hii were ybro;t to groimde • & ysscnd wyp- oute fayle Vor her folc was inuehe aslawe • & ybro^t to de}>o & hii vor her hi|?erhede • of scapede alyue vnne}7C Laurence ]?e erchebyssop • al prest hym made also Vorto wende out of ]?ys lond • as ys felawes adde ydo 30 pe ny^t )7et he adde imund vort abbe ywend a- morwe He lay muchedel of |>e ny^t in wo & in sorwe • To bydde god vor holy chyrche « and vor cristen- dom So ];at aslep atte laste • vor werynysse hym nome Seynt Petur to hym come • as |7e slep hym toke 35 & tormented hym sore ynou • |?at hech lyme hym oke 25. \>at'\ i>e 5. nome'] toke fi. an] J>o a ; i>e $ ; a e ; om. 5. 26. ybro-yt] brou^t 3. groimde] groude C ; nou^t o)3 ; noght S ; no^t e. yssend] ischende C ; ischead a ; schent /3 ; yschent 5 ; yshente e. 27. her . . . aslawe] moche of her folk Jjcr I sleyne was f . her] here C ; har 5. was] were 5. mucJie] meche 5. aslawe] yslawe 5; slayn jS. ybrot^t'] brou)t /8. 28. lu\>erhede] luj'ernesse o^5 ; luj>ernes e. of scapede] of schapcd C ; ascapede a; ascaped /35e. alyue] on lyue y. 29. erchebyssop] Archibischop /3. hj/in] \>ei him e. also] i>o a$5e. 30. Vorto] Vort to a. ydo] do y. 31. pe] pat C. imund'] ymiind a ; yment C/3e ; ymynte 5 ; in mud B. vort abbe ywend] for to habbe iweude C ; for to wende a)85e. amorwe] a morewe a ; a morowe /35e ; on morowe y. 32. muchedel] mocheldele e. be] om. a. wo] wop Ca ; wope 5 ; wepe /3 ; wepynge y ; sore wepyng e. c^] & eke a5 ; & also &. sorwe] sorowe a ; sorowe /35e. 33. bydde god] bidde a ; bide /3 ; bydde 5 ; prey «. 34. \>at aslep] bat aslepe C ; he slep a ; he slepe /3e ; he sleptc 5. atte laste] at )>e last /3 ; at be laste e. werynysse] weryncs bat S ; sorowe & heuyues bat e. 35. as] Si, as /3. 36. tormented] tormentedea; turment /3 ; tomentyd 5. hech] echo C/3e; ech a ; euery 5. lyme] lima. hym] of him e. o//c] sore oke C 350 THE CHRONICLE OF & esste of hym wy he adde • so vyllyche ys ssep vor- sake Wyjjoiite warde among )?e wolues • pat in warde hym were bytake & wy of god ne of hym • ensample he ne nom pat deyde bo]?e in rode • to susteyny cristendom 40 pys erchebyssop was adrad • wel sore ]>o he awok He hyede to ]>e kyng • vor ech lyme hym ok & ssewed hym al ]>at cas & ys wounden some & bed hym ys lyf amende • o]?er vp hym sulf yt ssolde come [241] pe kyng anon • for drede • ys false wyf vor soke 45 pat he hukl in such hordom • & cristendom toke And after Sejni lust & Seynt Mellyt • ])e tueye byssopes sende So J^at a^en to ]?ys lend • )?ys gode men boJ>e wende 37. csste'] ej'ste B ; esched C ; axede a ; asked jBSe. ofhyni] him Q; om. a5e. 38. })e] om. oiSSe. in] to ajSS. hyiii] to him e, hyt.ake'] take -y; ytake e. 39. yod 7ic of hym'] him ne of god a;8e. ensample he nc] noune ensample of hem he e. ne] no fi ; none 7. 40. deyde] dei^ede a; deyjed j8; deyd 5; dj^ed e. in] in \>e a; on \>Q j85e. s%isteyny] susteni a ; susteyue ;85e. 41. erchebyssop] Archibischop /3 (& passim). adrad] draddc ;8. wel sore] ryjt sore )8 ; for "wel sore he was e. )>o] when ^. awok] woke ^. 42. hyede] hyed /3S6 ; hyed him 7. to] towarde 5. lyme] lim a. /(?/?« o/] of him quokc e. 43. ssewed"] schewede a ; tolde €. ?/s tvomide7i] his wondene a; his wondes ;8 ; shewed to him woundes e. 44. bed] bad a^e ; bade 5. ?;/)] to ajSSe. sm//"] snlue a. ssolde] wolde a;8e ; Avil 5. 46. he huld] he helde /Sf ; helde 8. snch"] om. o/SSe. foAe] he tok a ; he toke j8e. 47. .47jisc 13 f ; thes 5. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 351 & hii of rouchestre Seyn lust • to her byssop vayrc toke Ac ]7e Londres Seyn Mellyt al clanlychc versokc 50 Ac huld hem to her hc]?enesse • & in ]?ys manero com Kyng edbald after ys fader • vorst to cristendom After Laurences depe • as god ^ef }'at cas Erchebyssop Seyn Mellyt • of Kanterbury was Erchcbyssop he was vyf ^er • & after hym me nom 55 Seyn lust to erchebysso]^ • to sauy crystendom Cadwal ]>e kynges sone • J^at was of j^ys lond As ych seyde er • & edwyno of norj^homberlond pat in brutayne were • hom hii gonne wende After her fader dej^e • eyj^er in ys ende 60 & auonge her erytage • & louede hem wel boj^e Attc bygynnynge wel ynou • & su)?];e somdel wrope For ])o hii adde an tuo ^er ybe louerdes in her londe Edwyne sende to cadwal ]7at hym ssolde vnderstonde 49. S,-"] Tho 5. rouchestre'] roucestre a/3e, toke'] \>ei toke e. 50. Ac] And jSe. he Lojidrcs'] J'c londreys CkjS ; Jjc londreis 5 ; londofi e. «/] ac B. clanh/che'] clene hi a ; clene ]?e\ $ ; clene J^ey 5 ; cleen l^ei e. versoke] forsoke aj85e. 51. Ac] & Ca;85e. Indd'] hiilde C ; heldc afiSe. hei>e)iesse'] hc^eu- nys e. in'] on a0Se. » 52. edbald] edbal C. fader] faders dej> e. iwrst] furst afi ; ferst S ; first 6. to cristendom] cristendome nome e. 53. Laurences] laiirencis C ; laurence y ; Laurence is S. yef] jaf o5 ; ^aue j3e. cas] grace 75e ; gras /3. 54. Seyn Mellyt of Kanturbimj] of Caunturbery seynt Mellyte e. was] \>o was oSe ; J>an was ^. 55. vyf] vif Cct; fyue ;85e. me] men jSSe, 56. lust] luste ojSSe. sauy] sauc /SSf. 57. was] was \>o 5. 58. er] byfore e, 59. brutayne] litel Bruteyn e. hom] Ca5 ; home y3 ; hem B. 60. herl hore C ; here /3 ; hor 5 (& passim). fader] Faderes ^ ; ffa- ders e. rfej)e] de)> Cai3e. 61. ^ . . . erytage] The londes folk fongo hem fayre in to her heritage €. auonge] auenge C ; fonge a)35. hem wel] wel hem e. 62. .4He] At t>e a/35e. s?e] sehj^e a; sithe ^ ; sethe 5; si|>^e e. 63. For] Fore 5 ; Or e. \>o hii] \>Qi 0e ; J>ey 5. «?*] om. oj35e. tuo] to C. ^er] ^eres j8. louerdes] lordes Cj85e. m*] of o/SSe. lo7tde] loudes B. 64. sende] sent /35e. /( vor ])ys • & suor ys more o]? To be yerouned wy):'0ute hym • ner hym no so loj? Cadwal suor ys o]> a^en • ^yf he croune here Vorto smyte of ys heued • vnder ys croune ]^ere pus wax stryf bytuene hem • hii greyj^ed her host vaste 75 And by nor];e homber • mette hem atte laste 65i ^] om. €. soffri/l soffri a ; suffry C ; suffre $5f. hpii'] om. S. /m] on a/35. owe] om. /Se ; owu 5. yerouned'] crounede /8 ; crowned 78. 66. As] Also a. ivas] is e . here] to bere e. 67. Kyng] om. a^Se. nom] nome e; toke /85. scnde] sent ^ ; send 5. hym] om. y. so] J)0 aj35e. 68. ne jc/" hym noyt] ne ^aue noujt ^ ; ^ef him noght 5 ; ^aue him no suehe rede e. ensejitede] asentede C ; assentede a ; assented /3 ; assentyd 5 ; asscnte)> no)t e. 69. \>at of ... . were] & one crowne y lere e. 70. yt] om.*)3. ivere departed] were to parted a ; were to parted nou^t j3 ; be nojt departed in two e. 8c] om. a;85. Vat] om. «. me tueye croiinen] to croiinenen me o ; two crounes men /3 ; two crowmes me 5 ; tweyne men hit e. 71. Edwyne was icro\> vor \>is] Therfor Edwyne was wroJ> e, suor ys 7nore] swore ]?o his grct «. 72. To be] That he wolde be 5f. yerouned] crouned $ ; crowned 5f. wy]}oute] with outen B ; wij? outten e. ner hym no] nerc he neucr /8 ; were him neuer 5e. 73. ys o)>] \>o 5; his oJ>e J^er e. yjf] )if J'at 5; J>at ^if e. cro%inc'] any crowne e. here'] bore C. 75. wax] was 35; waxed e. ////] andbol^e S; so |jat l>ei e. yrcy\>ed] grei}>ede o ; graj>ed $ ; gaderd f. her] om. a$ ; his 5. 76. i?/ 7iori>e] byfore 5. mette hem] hi mette hem o ; }>ei mette hem j8; J'cy mette hem 5 ; ^ei mette to geder e. atte] at he aj85e. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 353 Mony ))ousend ]>er were ybrott • of cadwales men to de|;e & he hym sulf wy]? vewe men • of scapede alyue vnne]>e & fleu hym vor]? in to )?e see • al j^oru scotlond & so vorp> euere in to \>e see • vorte he com to yrlond Edwyne wende ]>o anon • out of ys owe lond 81 & destrude wyde aboute • ]?at cadwal adde an honde Alle ys stedes ver & ner • &5 to grounde caste Cadwal in yrlonde ys ost • tarkede vaste & vor)> toward |>ys lond • J?e veage nome 85 Ac euere wanne he myd ys ost • to eny hauene com Edwyne was aten hym • & drof hym a^e [243] So }>at he ne mytte aryue • ac huld hym in |'e see Ac anchanteor edwyne adde • of Spayne wyj? hym ])o pat cou]?e hym segge of ys dedes • al hou yt ssolde go 77. were ybroyt'] was I brou^t e ; ]>ei broujt 0. Cadwales^ Cadwalis $ ; Caflwal ys 5 ; Cadwals e. 78. wi/lp'] mid a. of scapede'] ascapede a ; ascaped ^Se. alyue"] on lyue 7; om. 5. 79. fleu him vor];>] fleyj him forthe 5 ; flei him sulf a ; flowe him self P ; he him self fled e. m] & in e. al ];>oru] al forjj bi a ; al fort>e bi )3 ; al forthe by S ; forJ> by f . 80. m to ]>e] in J>e afie ; in S. vorte] fort o ; vn to /3 ; tyl 5 ; for tyl e. 81. icende] went /35e. )>o] laan /3. owe] owen $ ; own 5 ; owne e. 82. destrude] distroied j3 ; destroyed e ; stered 5. wyde] al e. rt?j] on aj85 ; in e. 83. so a ; parked ban j8 ; arayed 5 ; gadered j^o e. 85. ]>e] Jeanne a. veage] viage y85 ; wey e. nome] he nom o; he nome /35e. 86. CTiere] om. S. Ae] om. 7. e?!?/] any $e ; ony 5. hauene] ha&e a ; hauen $. co7h] he come 7. 87. a^e7i] a^enst 5 ; ajeyn e. %'«] him )'er o€ ; him J>ere j85. drof] droue jSe. aje] sone a^e afi ; sone ajee 5e. 88. So] om. a^€. tie myyte] myjt noU e. huld] helde /85 ; euer helde e. 89. .4c anchanteor edwyne hadde] Edwyne hadde enchanteour a ; Edwyne had an enchauntour /3 ; Edwyne was an enchauntour 5 ; Edwyne had an enchauntoure e. of Spayne] \>Qr 5. wy\>] mid a. hym] om. 7. 90. cou\>e] cou)j a ; coude 7 ; cowde f. Aym] om. )8e. segge] saye )3 ; seye S ; sey e. Z -^ 354 THE CHRONICLE OF poru ys chantement • so }?at cadwal Ne dude no]?yng J^at edwyne • ]?oru hym yt nuste al Cadwal rniste ]>o o]?er rede • bote myd al ys mayne Wende to porcliacy hym help to j^e lasse brutayne Tempest hym drof in ]?e see • here and |:'er vaste 95 So psbt in ]>e yle of gerneseye • hii aryued atte laste po cadwal com to reste • ]>er so gret deol he nome pat he adde so ys folc vorlore • & ys kynedom pat he lay syke in ys bed • vor deol & vor sore pat he ne ete non mete • |?re dawes ]7er vore 100 pe ver]?e day to veneson • hym Jjo^te ys herte drou Bryan ys owe priue man • was ]7erof glad ynou Hys bowe he nom & so^te a best • aboute mony a myle & he ne mytte ssolde he deye • vynde non in al j^e yle 91. chantement'] enchantement aiSSe. cadwal'] king cad^val a; kynge Cadwal ;3 ; kynge Cadwalle 5 ; kyng Cadwal e. 92. Ne] om. 5e. Yaf] but 6. liyin] his cncbauntoure e, miste] wist /3 ; wyst e. 93. nuste J>o] nuste C ; nuste non o; wist none j8 ; wist non S; knewe nonne e. 94. Wende] Went /35e. porchasy] purchaci C ; purchasi o; purchase iS ; purchas 5e. help] more helpe e. to] in to e. hrutayne] Bretayne S (& passim). 95. %??(] horn C ; ham a ; hem /35 ; him 7e. drof] droue ;86 ; drofe S. 96. So] om. a;85. in] in to e. \>e] J>an a. gerneseye] gernesye C ; gernesey^e a ; Garnseye /3 ; Gamsey e. aryued] ariuede a. atte] at aB ; at \>e /3e. 97. com] byganne e. reste] reste him e. deol] del C ; dul a ; dole $ ; dule e. 98. so] om. a/SSe. vorlore] ilore o; ylore Se ; lost j3. ^] and eke yB. 99. paf] So e. s?/Ae] vaste sike C ; om. a/3e. m] on ae. rfeo/] del C ; dul a ; dole ^ ; dule e. 100. ne ete] et C ; ue et a; eete ; ete 78; had nojt etten e. 7Jon] nanne C ; mannes afi ; no manere 5 ; mannys e. ]>er vore] ne more Ca/3 ; no more y ; 8c more Se. 101. ver];>e] fer^e a;35 ; fourthe yt. veneso7i] venesun C ; venyson j3 . 102. owe] o afiS ; om. e. was \>erof] J>erof was 5. 103. nom] toke 3. a] o a. ?;io???/ a] in mani o a ; in many a e. 104. §•] Ac o5; But ^e. ne iny^tc] myjt nojt e. ssolde he] I'ouj he schuld e. vynde non] any fynde t. a/ J^e] J>at 5f. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 355 Soiy was j^ys biyan ]>o • ]?at ho noii grace naddc 105 For he hopede yt were ys loiierdes hele • vor j^e wylle ]?at he adde He ne vnderstod of non o]?er fless • }jat ])e kyng yknowe ne coil]? pat yt nere non veneson • wanne yt were in ys laoupe He byjjo^te hym of harde ynoii • to abbe ys louerdes [044] lyf 109 A gi-et pece of ys owe ]>y • he kerf out wy]> a loiyf And helde |?e wounde wanne he mytte loke tyf he nas trewe pe kyng he brotte yt wel yi'osted • vor veneson newe Newe and verss yt was ynou • p>e kyng ete ]?erof anon Hym J>o^te J^at so suete mete • he ne ete neuere non Ne so saiiery in ys mou]? • so j^at he turnde to hele 115 & hoi was ]>e l^rydde day • vor ];ulke suete mele 105. J>ys] om. 5. Jjo] |>an j3. 7jo?j] no Ca/85e. narfrZe] hadde 7 ; had e. 106. hopede^ om. S. i/t were 7/s louerdes] hit were his loidis hele C ; eadwales o ; Cadwalis j8 ; to Cadwalles e. wjjUe \>at he'] while myght haue 5. 107. ne vnderstod of] vnderstode 5 ; vnderstood of e. of] that y. fless] flechs a; flesch C ; flesche /35 ; flesshe e. \>at'] hut suche as e. yknowe] knowe a/3; knowen 5; kuewe & e. ne] om. 5. cuu\>] cou}>e a. 108. nere non] nere no CaS ; were no )3 ; were none 7 ; were e. iccre] was )3. 109. He] At he last he e. o ] om. a;35e. abbe] hahbe Ca ; haue /35 ; saue e. 110. A] O a/3. owe] owen ^ ; own 5; owne e. \>y] J>ij a ; hi^e /3 ; thee 7 ; th3")e ; )?ye f . herf] carf a5 ; carfe /8e. out] om. e, a] his a/3e. 111. And] He 5. Ae/fZe] helede C ; heled /3e; helyde 5. \>e] om. 5. 2ran?ie] whanne C ; whan aSe ; when /3 ; om. B. }yf] orii- « ; whejjcr /Se ; if 5. nas] was iS ; was not 5 ; was no)t e. 112. jTe] To l^e e. yt] om. o/S. tre/ yrosted] wel i roste C ; irosted wel a ; rosted wel ^. newe] god & newe a ; good & newe /SSe. 113. rerss] fi-esch C; ferchs a; fresche /8 ; fresshe 5e. eulke sxiete] ^oru^ steng^c of hat good e. z 2 356 THE CHRONICLE OF Hym longede after veneson • ]jer after longe sore Ac uer gode of ]>\ilke beste • ne com in ys mou]; nan- more To ]?e lasse brutayne • wyj; ys folc ]>o he drou & of ]>e kyng Salomon was vnderuonge vayre ynou 120 & byleuede wy]? hym alle wynter • vorte after ]>e leres ende & grey]?ede her poer • hyder vorto wende Kyng edwyne adde ywonne er al out ]>o Brutons lond More ]?an eny englyss kyng • euere er adde an hond Al by^onde seyn dauid • & al walys al out 125 By uore hym nas non englyss kyng • so ryche ne so prout He]7en man he was ywys • & to Cristendom poru erchebyssop of euerwyk • seyn paulyn he com 117. \>er after loiiye'] J'er after ofte Ca5 ; ;)>er aftir ofte ^ ; after J^at many a tyme e. 118. Ac uer'\ Ac for Ca; But for /3Se. yode'] gvde C ; god a. \>ulke'\ \>aX e. ne . . . mou])'] In his mou)>e come 5. ?«e co7n'] come /8 ; come nojt e. nanmore] na more C ; no more fiZe. 119. To"] And so to e. wy\>^ mid a. folc] men e. )>o he'] )>o a ; fast he jS ; he e. 120. \>e] ova.. a$e. was] he was aySSe. vayre] wel C ; fayr a. 121. Sf byleuede] He bilefde a; He bileued 13; He bylefte 5; He dwelled e. ivy]) him] om. a^SSe. alle wynter] alle J>e wynter C ; al J>at winter t>er o ; al |>at wynter bere &e ; alle J>e wynter J^ere 5. vorte] for C ; vort a ; but /3 ; for to 5 ; and e. 122. ^ yrey]>ede] He graced ;8; And gaderd e. her poer] hore power C ; hare power a ; his power )3e ; her^oste S. hyder] hedir 5 ; hyderwarde e. 123. yivonne] wonne j8. a. ok/] al aboute 7. ]f>e] om. C. Bru- tons] bretons 5. lond] grounde 7. 124. englyss] englichs o. er adde] had byfore e. aw] on oj85 ; in 6. 125. hyyonde] biende a. §• al] Sf so oj8e ; and S. a/ out] aboute y. 126. Omitted in y. tias non] nas noo; was /3 ; was none 5; was noune e. enylyss] englisschs a. ne] no S. 127. 7/eJ)e7i] Hehene Ca;85. t^] and first e. to] good /8. 128. X'oru] )--'oru Jjc Ca ; Thurj t>e /3 ; The S ; Thoru) J>e e. paulyii] 05 ; panliu ajSf ; paulym 15. com'] nome /3. nOBEllT OF GT-OUCESTER. 357 Cadwal kyng |>at a^te be • of brutons londe r^jrn Myd poer ]?at kyng- Salomon • liym adde ytako an hondc pat was ten ]?oii.send knyites • & myd ys owe poer Aryuede bysyde totoneys • come somdel ner In ])e toini of exestre • mony brutons were & a lu]7er kyng of ]?e marche • byseged hem J^er Penda |>at he]?ene was • vnder edwyne J'e kyng 135 Cadwal ]^o he wuste ]?ys • ne made no targyng Ac smot to hym myd ys ost • & J?er wy|?oute fayle At eccestre strong ynou • hij smyte an batayle Penda ]?ys he}>ene kyng • was sone ouercome & ys folc muche aslawc • & he hym sulf ynome 14 po he in prison was ydo • & o]7er coii|)e ne yse He byhet cadwal myd hym • myd al ys poer be & ]7at he ssolde vor hym • j^e bet kyng edwyne ouercome Of ]7ys was sykernesse ydo • & ostages ynome 129. k;/}ig ]^at a^te be"] ^at ante be kyng C ; i>at ou^t to be kyng e. ayle ic] autebeoa; aii^tto be /8. o/'] of }>e 0. brutons] brutones a ; bretons 5. 130. poer] J^e power e. kynij 80101)1071] Sakimon kyngej3. hi/7n addc ytake] had ytake bim e. ytake] take /85. an] on a)85 ; in e. 131. \>oxiS€nd] }>ousond C; Jjousand /SSe. fuiyytes] Ca ; knyjttes j3e; knj-ghtis 5 ; kyn^tes B. Sf mj/il] to streng|>e e. owe] houne a ; oweu ; own 5 ; owne e. 132. Art/ucde] lie aryued e. by syde] bisiJes a/S ; be syde e. Totc- ncys] tottenejs a ; Tottynas e. ^'] & so e. come] com a. 133. Exestre] eccestre C ; excestre a/Se ; Eccetre 5. brutons'] bretons 5. icere] t>ere were 5 ; jjer were e. 134. cS'] om. C. a] o aj3. byseyed] bisegede Ca. 136. \>o] when y3. wuxle] wiste a ; wist ;35 ; knewc e. ne] he /35e. taryifny] taryenge /8 ; taryingo 5 ; tarying e. 137. smut] smote /QSe. ivy\)uute] wythouten y; wijj outteu e. 138. eccestre] excestre a/Se ; Eccetre 5. hij smyte] |hi suiitcn a ; ])oi smote /3 ; J>ey sraoten 5 ; jjei smytte e. an'] o a ; a /35e. 140. ysfulc muche] his folk meche 5; moche of his folk e. aslawc] slayn ;8 ; yslayne 5 ; sleyne e. ynome] nome j3. 141. po] Whenne /8. ydo] do j3. o\ere S; nonue o>er bote 6. cou)>e ne] ne couJ)e Ca/8 ; couj^e S ; cowde e. yse] iseo o ; se ySt, 143. byhet'] bihi^t/3; byhete S. cadwal] mid Cadwal a ; with Cad- wal /35. ?«?/(/ hym'] om. aySSf. Zi<'] to be C5 ; to beo a ; for to be 143. \>at'] for Jiat 5. vor hym] \>orv\-y him e. bcf] better /Se. 144. !»as sykernesse] sikerncsse was 7. ,V'/o] made /3 ; ymade e. oslayes] ostage a ; hostage 5 ; good ostage /Se. ynome] uome /3. 358 THE CHRONICLE OF [246] ol. 76. occisio edwini. Occisio osric. Penta parked ys poer • & cadwal ek ys route 145 Of brutons ]7at vor defaute of help to sprad were wyde aboute po J'ys ost al ^are was • vorj^ward vaste hij drowe And in norj^homberlond • |'at folc vaste hij slowe Kyng edwyne adde al so • in ys half gret poer Igadered of englysse kynges • & of ys owe ver & ner In to ]?e veld of haduele • ech of hem drow 151 Myd her ost & smyte ]>er • an batayle strong ynou~] King edwine was ]>er aslawe • & offrid is sone al so • & godbold king of orcadas • & hor folc ney }'er to • Cadwal was al aboue • J^e wide it wolde ylaste • 4932 pe englisse & ])e saxons • he slou J?o wel vaste • He ne sparde old ne longe • ne womman mid childe • pat he ne slou wanne he vond • he nas no j^ing milde • An o|?er bataile su]?|?e he smot • aten osric strong ynou • 4930 pat king was after edwine • & ]?ere he him slou • parked] ^arkede ayS ; gaderd 6. /'] 145. PeiUa] Penda C a. om. fie. 146. hratons'] Bretons 5; Jje Brutons e. \>at vor . . . to sprad were] for ... . i'at isprad were a ; for .... j^at sprade were /8 ; for . . . . they sprade were y ; for ... . t>at sprad Avere 5 ; l^at J^er were y spradde e. 147. po] Whenne ^8. jare] redy 0e ; redye S. vor]pward] norjjward C ; for|>ward a ; for}>warde ; forward e. 148. }pat] here e ; om. S. 149. in] on S. half] side )3. 150. Igadered] Gadred 5. kynges] knyjttes /8. owe] owen/3; own S ; owue e. ver] boj^ fer e. 151. haduele] hadfeld C; hadfelde 5; handefeld a ; haudefelde )3e. drow] ]>o drou a ; Jjo drowe e ; )>an drou^ &. 152. smyte Jjcr] smete >er C ; smote J^er /3 ; smytten J^ere 5; i>eT J>ci smytte e. an] o « ; a aSe. 4930. \>er] \>a,ve C. aslawe] slayne y ; I sleyne e. offrid] Ofred )3e. 4931. Sf] & muclie of e. ?ic?/] ner C ; nere /3 ; nyje e. 4932-35 omitted in a0e. 4932. Cadwal] Cadwal B. ivule] while C. 4934. He] And 5. mid] ne BC. 4935. wanne] wham C. 7ias] was 5. 4936. An] On a ; One y. si/l>];>e he] si)?e J'ei j3 ; sil>)je >ei e ; ]jo he S- ayn] aye « osric] offric ciS ; Offrye 0. s ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 359 & is tueie neueus J»at after him • kinges ssolde be • & cadan king of scotlond • aslawe hii were alle ]^re • Enfiyd edwines bro]?er • ]>o he sey J^is wo aboutc • To cadwal he wende & mercy • him cryede vor doute • 4941 Cadwal him & tuelf ]70usend • |^at mid him come Magna slou . ''''''''''■ pis ter was among hom • of feble grace ynou • & j^at was of hom gret harm • vor after hor cristen- dom • To hej'enesse hii turnde a^en • & ]>o such wreche hom nom . 4945 King cadwal & J^e brutons • hor wille adde al so • & stured hom among hor fon • ];at hom adde er ssame ydo . eint Oswald enfrides broj^er • king was ymad ]>o • [247] Of al norWiomberlond • amono- al Hs wo • ^^°^Vj* ' . UswalQua pat holimon was & god • J^e betere is grace was "4950 fit rex. & king cadwal to him • to sturne verst nas • 4938. tueie'] two 7 ; tweyne e. neiteus'] neueuos 5. \>at after him'] after him \>d.t afie. ssolde] schul 0. be] haue be ye. 4939. cada7i] cadwan a/8e. aslaiue] yslawe C ; y sleyne e ; slayn /3. hii] om. o;8. 4940. )>o] )>eri 0. he] om. a/35. aboute] al aboute e. 4941. we7idc] •wente C ; weut e. mercy him cryede] cryed him mercy e. hiiii cryede] cryde B ; cride him a ; cryed him j8 ; cryed to him 5. 4942. him] toke him e. mid him, come] come wij> him e. slou] ^an slou^ 0. 4943. jer] J>are S. 4944. \>at] hit e. gret] lute Ba ; Hte C ; litel ;3e. 4945. To] And to B. hii] om. a/35. )>o] \>\xs, BC. such] swich C. 4946. wille] wil a. adde al so] Jjci had ))0 e. 4947. stjired] sturede a. hom] hem so e. adde] had to him e. cr ssame] schame er C ; schame ere 5. er] ore y. 4948. ymad] made y ; raaked 5. 4949. among] in e. 4950. ]pat] This e. is grace ivas] Mas his grace iSe. 4951. to sturne] no J^ing sturne e. verst] vorstB; om. e. nas] ■was B ; ))0 nas a ; J>an -was /3 ; he was y ; he nas «. 3G0 THE f CHRONICLE OF Aduentus sancti birini. conuercio regis. pis was in ]>e ler of grace • six hundred ^er ywis • tfc aboute vour & j^ritti • j^at ydo was al j?is • ^eint birin ]?e bissop • an holimon was • pat in to J^is lond • J^oru )?e pope • honory ysend was • 4955 To turne ]>e king of west sex • kingilf to cristen- dom • & ]7at lond of west sex • in to }?is lond he com • Sein birin him to cristendom • turnde ]7oru godes grace • & as god wolde seint Oswald • was in jmlke place • & of l^e holi vantston • J?is grete king nom • 4960 & is godfader was • in is cristendom • Seint Oswald & ]>is oj^er king • ];oru vre louerdes grace • Purueyde seint birin • to is wille an place • pat dercchestre is ycluped • ]>at biside oxenford is • As in |?e estesou]? • an scue mile ywis • 4965 4952. pis^ That 5. 4953. vour'] an foure B ; a foure 5. \>ritii] Jjriiti ^er a; J>ritty >at'] oni. afie. ijdo'] do)3. 4954. birhi] berin a; Burine /3. leas'] J>at was ajSSe. 4955. pat in] oni. a)35e. ht:] om. ySe. Iioniinj] hono a; hider /8 ; lyon €. ysend] sente /3 ; y sente e. 4956. \>c] om. B. khu/ilf] kjngyh B; kyngils C; kingils 5; kyndely e. kinyilfto cristendom] into this londe he corae y. 4957. ^- . . . . west sex] And so in he Countree of Westst'x he prechede. \>at] eke the y. J>is lond come e. 4958. birin] berin o. 4959. i>ulke] hat e. 49G0. of] at e. m to him co7)i] in to cristendome y, & in to turnde] to cristendome him turned e. vantston] fantston CyS ; fonston a. 2?i] on o5. l>e] om. B. \yis'] to his e. 7uini] he nonie e. 4961. is godfader was] was his godfader e. 4962. o\>cr] om. C. louerdes] lordes e. 4963. Purueyde] Puruayed for e. birin] berin o. an"] o o; ay. 4964. pa<] At e. dercchestre] dorchester B ; derchestre a ; Dorchestre e is ycluped] is icleped o ; is clepid ;8 ; whiche is y cleped e. 49S5. As] Alle ase a ; Al as /Se ; Alle 5, estesou\>] sourest C. an] om. ojSSe. seuc] seuene )3e. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 361 pere sein birin bissop was • ]>e iierstc |>at was ywis • Vor J?e se was ]?ere of bissop ]>o • ];at at lincolne nou is • pere he deycle & ]?ere he lay • vortc suj^pc J^cr after ^ol. 76 b. longe • pat he was to winchestere ylad • as he tut is uaire auonge • Cadwal king of brutons • worred euere uaste • 4970 [249] & panda vpe seint Oswald • vorte su]?]?e atte lastc • sancti pat at ]?e toun of mersfeld • binorj^e ba]?e hii come • oswaldi. Seint Oswald & ]>e due penda • an bataile nome • Penda |7ere J^e luj^er due • in batayle slou • &5 Martrede seint Oswald • »Sz; al is body to drou • & mony a J^ousend of is men • aslawe ek per were • 497G pis was of ]?e lev of grace • In j^e six hundred tere • 4966. sem]seiata; seyut /8e. birin'] beriu o. verstc] vorste B (& passim). 4967. se] see B ; ce C ; sec )35 ; Cee e. was .... J^o] J>at j^er was \>o a5 ; J^at t>er was t>au )3 ; ^at J>ere was J'O e. ^at] om. 5?. \>at at ... . is] lincolne nou heo is a ; lyncoln nowe hit is ;8. is] hit is e. 4968. vorte] vort a; vn to ^ ; for tyl e. sn\<\>c] hit was e. 4969. X^at] om. a/85. ylu'l] ladde /3. as] & e. he yit is] ys )ut B ; is jut a; in yit $ ; ys jytte 5. iiai7-e] om. afiS ; J^cr e. 4970. worred] worrede Ba. cucrc] euere more C. 4971. vpe] vpon a; apon fi ; on 7 ; vppon e. vorte] vorto a; vn to j3 ; fort 5 ; for tyl e. su])]>e] om. e. 4972. at \>e toun] vpon J^e douue a ; vpon \>e dowue /3 ; at l^e dowue 5 ; vppon Jjc downe e. mersfeld] mersueld B ; marsfeld C ; niarsfelde aySe ; Merschfelde 5. hinor\>e] by fore 5, ha)>e] Baa|> e. 4973. ]>e due] kynge 5. an] Si BC ; ase hi a ; as Jjci fie. 4974. Penda )>cre] J^er penda afi ; Thare Penda 5 ; There Penda e. in batayle] seint Oswald o ; seynt Oswalde lie. slou] aslou a ; he slowe ;8 ; slowe e. 4975. seint Oswald] )>aue godeman a; \>a,t good man /8e. al] om. afiSe. to drou] drowe e. 4976. Omitted in y. S(] om. e. a] om. BCa/35e. aslaive] slayn /3 ; I sleyne e. ck] also /8. 4977. of] in 5e. jer] time a; tyme )3e. /n J)c] iu B ; & in J)C a. rex. V/ TT 362 THE CHRONICLE OF & vour hondred vor seint Oswald • in J^e ^er king was • & of eitte & ]?ri^ti ^er old • ]?o him biuel ]>is cas • Oswy fit (^Swy seint oswaldes bro|?er • king was ymad |?o • He bifo^te him of pes • to libbe wij^oute wo -4981 He acordede wi]? king cadwal • & tresour him tef ynou • Vorto be is priue frend • wi]70ute worre & won • pe fourme of pes was vaste ymad • bituene hom & hore • pat ne miite nott wel be ybroke • bote treii]?e were uorlore • 4985 Ac penda ]?e he]:'ene due • adde eiiere god wille • To worry him & don him ssame • & }>otte in is herte stille • Ac he ne dorste vor cadwal • &5 naj'eles atten ende • To ]7e king at is parlement • to londone he gan wende • 4978. hondred] score a/3 ; scoore e ; om. 5. vorj )>o furst a ; when furst 13 ; ]>at e. in .... king] kyng of age e. in \>c jer] ny ^er C ; nyne )ere S. 4979. S^qf] & aj8 ; om. e. Sf >r/)ritty C. biuel] vol B ; ful C ; "felle 5. 4980. oswaldes] Oswald B. ivas ymad] ymad was BC; was made y. 4981. pes] peis C. Uhhe wi\>oute] libben out of C ; lyue withouten y ; lyue w' outten e. 4982. wi\' king] w' J)e kyng C ; mid king a. 4983. wi]>oute] wi}) outten e. worre] werre Ca. §• ivou] or wouj 5. 4984. \>e fourme] A couenaunt e. ymad] made 7. ^- hore] hereB; J^ore )3 ; euermore 5 ; & her e. 4985. ne] hit ne j8 ; om. 5e. noyt icel he ybroke] be ibrokc nout a ; be broke )3. wel] om. e. be ybroke] ybroke be B ; ibroke be C. bote] Bot if C. were uorlore] ylore were B ; were ilore C ; were ylore 5. 4986. \>e] om. B. heS^ene] lu>er o/35e. due] kynge 5. yod] gret ^e ; grete a ; goude C. 4987. worry him] woiTe hym B ; werre on him 13; werre e. doji] do BCe. ^- \yoT,lc] he >ou)t e. stille] ful stylle e. 4988. ne dorste] durst nojt e. ^•] ac Ba ; but /3e ; bot 5. alien ende] atte ende C ; at J^an ende a ; at the cndc y ; at I'e last ende e. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 363 & allc ])c dukes of brutayne • & |;e englisse kinges echone • 4990 Ycome were to ]>is parlement • bote king oswi one • Penda esste p>e king anon • wy king oswy nere )?ere • [250] pe king sede he vnder stod • j^at he sik were • dum^'^'nci' Sire qua]> ]>e o]>ev to soj^e • hit nis noj'ing so • pro oswy. Ac he gadere)? uaste is poer • us ssame to do • 4995 & he a}> ysend bitonde se • after saxons mo • & wole awreke is bro}>er dep • he suere]? on vs tuo • peruore tif me mid poer • leue ]?uder to wende • & bringe him to ssame & binej^e • er ]7an he vs ssende • To breke is triwe couenaunt • ];e king was lo]? J^er to • & na]>eles is conseil him tef • ];at he it moste nede do . 5001 po penda ];is leue adde • he nom poer ynou » penda pcr- &u toward J>is king oswy « over homber drou • sequitur. 4990. }>e] om. B. hrutayiie'] Brutons e. 8f >c] & o/85. 4991. Ycome were] per come were a; Ther were come /8 ; Thei M-ere y come €. h/s] om. /3e. iofe] alle bot S ; saue e. king osivi'\ Oswi kynge )3. one'] alone e. 4992. esste] askede B ; eschte C ; axede a ; asked Qe. ncrc] uas a ; was nou^t fi ; was not y ; was nojt e. 4993. sede] seid J>at e. silt] ryjt sike /3 ; right seke y. 4994. qiia\>] quod /Se. ];>e o\>er] penda a^Se ; l^ys ot>er 5. to so])c] for so)>e aySe. nis] is CySe ; ys 5. 4995. uaste is poer] power faste a ; power fast /3e. us ssame] schamc vs a3 ; shame vs e. to] for to a/BSe. 4996. he] om. C. ijsend] isende a ; sent ;8. bi^ondc] bijende a. se] J>e see jSe ; }>e se 5. 4997. wole] wol C ; wil 5 ; he wol e. br(i]>cr dc\)] broj^crcs de> /8 ; . broJ>ers deej? e. s«ere)>] sweriej^ a ; sei)> jSe. 4998. yif] yc\xe];> fi ; jeue e. wte miV/j mid me a ; with me 0e, poer] good power e. leue )f>uder to] and leue for to a/3e. e] mid schame binej^e a ; with schame bynej?e ; downe w' shaame e. er Jja/i] er t>at a ; or }>at j8e ; ore J^at 5. 5000. triwe coue7iaunt] trewj:)e }>at he made j8 ; trow)>e & couenaunt e. 5001. ^•] Ac a. is] om. a/SSe. it moste nede] moste uede hit S. it moste] moste yt B ; moste hit C. nede] om. afie. 5002. t>is leue] his leue e. 710m] tokc y. 5003. >is] om. S. rfroK] he drou a; he drouj )3 ; he drowe e. 30 4 THE CHRONICLE OF & barnde vaste & robbede • &5 to grounde slou • pe king oswy him let esse • wy he dude him so wou • 5005 foi. 77, • Cadwallad • & bed him vor godes loue • abbe of him reu]?e • & of is lond & l^enche bet • of foreward & of treu]?e • po penda nolde oj^er do • ]>e o]>ev aten him sette • & dude him al in godes grace • & mid is ost him mette • & an bataile smite strong ynou • & J^oru godes grace • King oswy |?e cristinemen • bileuede in ];e place • 5011 Vor penda ]>e he]?ene due • aslawe was J^ere • & l^ritti oj^er dukes • J^at mid him al so were • [251] Six hundred ^er it was of grace • & in ]?e vifti];e ^ere • per biiet penda lute • cristinemen to afere • 5015 5004. harnde] brende e. After this line are repeated iu y eleven Hues, ending with line 4943. 5005. }>e] om. ajSSe. him let esse} him let esche C ; let axi him a ; Icte aske him ;3S; let aske him e. dude'] dide /3 ; ded 5. him so loou} h-at wou a ; J^at wou) ^ ; I'js wouj 5 ; J^at wrong e. 5006. bed} bad a; badde e ; prayed /3. abbe] to habbc a; to hauc l3Se. of] on ye. reu\>c] sum routhe 5. 5007. \>enche'] hynke fi. beQ better ;3e. oj"] on BC ; of \>c 5e. of] on BC ; on \>e e. 5008. iiolde] woldc none /3e. do] om. B. j^e] hat e. 5009. dude] putte 5. at a0e. 5011. cristinemen] cristineman a ; Cristen man 5. bileuede] hadde ^e better fi ; alyue scaped e. in] om. Ba5. )'t] ]>at e. 5012. penda. . . due] \>e he^eue due penda a; J^c hehen Duke Penda I3e • J^e hej'cne Due Penda 5. aslaice] aslawe >o a5 ; slayn han ^ ; );o I slawe 6. 5013. dukes] dukus B. 5014. it was of grace] of grace yt was B ; of grace hit was Ca;Q5e. vifti\>c] fiftej>e a ; fyftene €. 5015. bit^et jienda] penda bijat a; Penda bygateS; Penda wanne ySe ; Piui'a wonne y. lute] Ba ; luce A ; lyte C ; litil S ; lytcl e ; but litel /3. to] vor to B ; for to e. afere] fere o5e. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 365 po cadwal king of brutaine • nobliche adde ynou • Obitus Ybe king ei^te & fourty ^er • & to ekle drou • ^^'^'''^^• He deide after martin masse • riit ]:'e sixte day • pe brutons made deol ynou • |;o he ded lay • &o made a kinges fourme of bras • al holu wij^inne • Sepuitura Vpe an hors ride of bras • & ])at bodi dude wi];- doniam^n inne • 5021 equo eneo. & ype ];e west ^ate of londone • sette hit wel heye • In signe of is nobleie • }^at men wel wide yseie • & ]?e siite J;er of • |?e saxons aferde • An chirche of sein Martin . ];er bine|?e hii rerede • War imie me ssolde • godes seruise do • 502G & singe vor is soule • & vor alle cristine al so • f^ Adwallad is sone was • j^er after ymad king . tong bacheler & stalwarde • atte biginning • 5016. brutaine^ In-utons BCae ; Brutoims 0; Bretons 5. nobliche\ nobleije a ; uobley fie, 5017. Ybe'] & ibeo a ; And hadde be fi ; And hadde bene y ; For he had I be e. ^ to] & J>o to e. elde] elde he e. 5018. He deide after martin inasse] After martinemasse he deiiede o; Aftu' martynmasse he deied fi ; After Martinmasse he deyd 5 ; After Martelniasse he dyed e. J^e] J^en B. sixte] sex y ; sixe e. 5020. made .... holu] })ei'made of bras J'C forme of a kyng & al holowe e. a] om. B ; an C ; one afi. ul] & al a;85. 5021. Vpe .... bras] And sette it on a hors to ryde j8. Vpe an] Vpon a ; Vppon an e. ride of bras] of bras rydynge 5 ; of bras rydyug e. \>at bodi dude] dude >at bodi ae ; dide J»at bodi fi ; his body ded 5. wi\>inne] Jjerynne BS. 5022. vpe] vpon a ; vppon e. sette] J>ei sette e. wel] ryjt /3. 5023. wel] ry^t j8. yseie] sei^e /3 ; sey y ; hit se €, 5024. §-] An B. aferde] BCa ; af erde A ; afered S ; for to make a ferde j8 ; to a ferde e. 5025. An] & o a; And one ^8 ; And a e. hii] om. afi. rerede] arered 5. 5026. do] \>QV do fi. 5027. vor alle] alle a/S ; al 5. 5028. Cadwallad] Cadwallandre oyS ; Cadwalladre 5 ; Cadwallandyr e. was] om. )>er after t/mad] after him was made 5. hint/] to kiuge o ; to kynge 0. 5029. '^ony] tonge C. stalwarde] stalworl)e man 0. atte] at his «/3e. 30G THE CHRONICLE OF & jjorii out wel wusto is lond • & sauede ]>e briitons • Stifliche al an tiielf ^er • a^en j^e saxons • 5031 .Morbus Ac po vel lie in siknesse • & sorwe vpen o]>eY • regis pestis p^ bputons vo^te her & J'cr • ech vpon ojjer • [252] & lore as wo seij? grace of god • & ]?at he gan horn ssewe • Vor he sende hom so moche hunger • «fe luj^er ^eres arewe • 5035 pat ];et folc was meteles • bote wo so cou]?e myd ginne • Op>er mid bowe & arwe • eny wilde best winne • So gret qualm com ek among mon • ]?at hii ]^at bi- leuede aliue • Ne mi^te nott al burye ]?at folc • ])at deide so Riue • Vol of siknesse & of qualm • & sorwe )>is lond was ]>o . 5040 Of hunger & of vuele teres • hou miite be more wo • 5030. wel wuste'] wel wiste a ; wel gouerned /3 ; kepte wel S ; kept wel €. 5031. ala7i] alle a ; al j3; om. e. twelf] twelue /8e. aye?i'] aye C; a^ens fi ; ayenst y. J^e] om. B. 5032. ho] when /3. vel he'] he fel aP ; he felle Se. ^- sorwe vpen] gret sorowe ros hem a monge e. vpeh] up on C ; vpon a;8. 5033. vo-yte] fouten a; fou^tten e. ech] echonae; echone )35 ; & eche C. vpon] ajen BCa ; ajcyn S ; atens /3e ; aj'enst 7. 5034. lore] lost j85. wo] who so ae. ijrace~] i>e grace C/35e. 5035. hoyn] om. afi. lu]>er] Inhere a. 5036. >£'<] hys B ; om. ai35e. meteles] meteles nei C ; ney meteles Ba ; nere meteles 3 ; nj^e meteles Se, 5037. arwe] arwen B ; arewyn C ; areweu a ; arowes 5. wimn'^ ywinne a. 5038. qualm] manqualm a ; manquelme e • de\> yS. co7n .... 7non] com ek among men B ; was ham among a ; was hem amonge /8e ; J>er was amonge hem eke 5. \>at hii] ]>ei e. hii ];>at] hi J>e a. bilctiedc] were Be ; lefde a ; leued $ ; lyued yS. 5039. Ne] om. Se. al burye ^yatfolc] burije alle a; bury alle P; burye alle 76 ; berie al ]>e folk 5. ]i>al] )>ei e. so] >o so aSe ; han so )3. 5040. of qualm] manqualm a ; gret deh fi ; of manquelme e. sorwe] ful of sorowe e. 5041. &•] om. 6e. viicle] wickede a ; wicked /3 ; wyckcd f. it] l-er be e. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 367 pat folc gret compainye • & o|>er mid sorwe & wop fuga gent- [iuml . JTIOU • -^ Wanne hii miiie abbe ssipes • in to oj^er londe drou • . Cadiuallad • f«i- ' - ''• pe king him let ek in sorwe • & in siknesse lede • ^^^ f"g''t- Toward J^is lasse brutaine • & ]>is deoluol pleinte sede • Awey awey we sunuol men • Alas vre wreccliede • planctus • • ■* rcffis. pat we abbe]; ]7us god agiilt • mid moni a sunuol dede • We & vre elderne ek • j^e wreehe ich vnder stonde • pat |7us wi'ecchedliclie vs drifj; • out of vre kunde londe • pat ]?e romeins ne mitte • mid bataile neuere do '5050 Ne scottes ne picars • ne j^e saxons ]>ev to • Nou we hep ]>oyu wreehe of god • vor vre sunuol dede • YDriue out al clene • wi}?oute hope • wij; sorwe • & wrechedhede • 5042. gret'l om. 5. gret compainye Sf ojjcr] mid compaigni^e & oh'er o ; with companye & o>er )8 ; wI}j o)?er companyes e. sorwe Sf wop'] wop & sorwe BC. wop'] wepe ;8 ; wepyng e. 5043. abbe ssipes] ssypes abbe B; schipes habbe Ca; schippes haue /8 ; schyppis haue S ; shippes haue e. londe] londes BCaySS ; londes J>ei e. 5044. king . . . lede] kyng in his sorowe eke & in his sykenes was ledde e. ek in sorwe] iu soreue ek a ; in sorowe eke 5 ; in sorwe also 0. 5045. Jj/s] l^e HCafiSe. deoluol] delfol C. pleinte] worde e. 5046. Awey awey] Wailewai a ; Walawey /8 ; A weilhiweye S ; "Weyla- way €. wrecchede] wrechedheed e. 5047. we] i>ey S. abbe];>] om. 7 ; haj? e. god agidt] godagylt7; greued god e. moni'] mani^e a. a] om. BCa^Se. 5048. elderne] vlderne a ; eldres )3 ; elders e. ek] also /3. >e] ^is afie. wreehe] wreehe is aSe ; is wreehe /8. 5049. \>us wrecchedliche] pure wrecchidlye 5, vs drif\>] nouvus dryfj? B ; nou vs dryf C ; drifj> vs a ; dryuej^ vs ;3e ; vs now dryueth 5. 5050. J>e] om. B. ne] neuer 5 ; om. 6. mid bataile neuere] neuere mid bataile o ; neuer with Bataile hit /8 ; neuer w» batelle e ; w' strengthe of bateil S. 5051. Ne] Neitjer e. )>e] om. Ca/SSe. \>er to] hider to a/3e. 5052. he\>] bu> a ; be 7 ; ben e. vor vre] boru oure a ; )jurgh oure |3 ; J)rou) oure 5 ; & J^oru^ oure €. 505.3. Yf/HMc] D*yuen^. al] om. a^he. ivi);>oute] w' outten €. wrechedhede] wreehe B ; ■vrrechede Ca; wrechehede ;3 ; wrechhedeS; wrecheheed e. 368 THE CHRONICLE OF [253] ^or na^t we abbej> so ofte • vpe horn ywonne |;at lond • Wanne god nel no^t })at it be • lengore in vre bond . Vor |;e soj'uast god ]?o he ysey • }?at we nolde uor no ]?ing. Fram vi*e sunnes vs wij^drawe • ne }?at no prince ne king • Ne mi^te us bringe out of )?e lond • he J'at miitfol is • De]» after vre decerte • & pult us out y wis • Come]? nou &zen le romeins • & te scottes also • 5060 Pycars & saxons • »fe englisse j^er to • pat so moche abbe]? desired ]7at lond • ^e mowe hit finde noujje • Al bar wi|?oute defence • binor];e & eke bisou}>e • &L al |?at ]7oru wreche of god • &, ]?oru our poer noit ydo . Vor poer ]?at te alle adde • ne miite it bringe ])er to • 5054. ?jaj<] va^t B. a56e}>] haue 7 ; haj^ e. vpe lioni^ ofhemj35; vppon hem e. ywonne'] wonne fi. 5055. nel] nele a ; wil /85 ; wol 7 ; Mylle e. lengore] lengor C ; longer ;8 ; no lenger e. 5056. Vor] Vor J^o a ; For )>o e ; For Jjan ;8. J?o he] ova. a^e. ysey] yse B ; sawe j3 ; hit se e. nolde] wokle yS ; wold e. 5057. vre] cm. a^SSe. sunnes] synne B. ne );>at no prince 7ie] ne prince ne J>at no a ; no prince no ^it no ;8 ; for Prynce neij^er e. no] non B. king] om. B. 5058. Ne mhyte] My^t nojt e. us bringe] brynge vs BS. >c] )?at 5 ; oure e. he] but he e. 5059. L>cjj] De>eB; De)> sent /3; Dobe e. ptilt] pul C; put $ ; putte 75 ; putte)? 6. 5060. a^e7i] om. 5. ^- ^e] & J>e a. 5061. }jer er to a/35e. 5062. so moche abbe]f> desired] habbej> desired so a; han desired so ; hauejie desyred so 5 ; haj) desired so e. abbe])] habbe C. desired] desire A. nou\)e] nowe f. 5063. Al bar] Al bare nowe 7. defence] eny defence 5. 5064. \>oru] is J>urgh y3 ; is t'oru^ e. J>orH ourpoer «oj<] no^t ^oure poer no^t B ; no^t Jjoru^ ^oure power e. our] cur a ; ^oure ;8 ; jour 5. 5065. Omitted in 7. poer] al i^e poer B ; al iie power a/86 ; alle }>e power S ; no poer C. alle adde] habbe}> a ; haue /85 ; had e. I'i bringe^ hit nouU brynge ;8 ; ^e brynge hit e. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 369 Ac |7oru ])e uiiiie of ihesu crist • we be]) ybro^t to grounds • pat we wra]?]?ede euermo • & nou we it abbe]? yfounde • Alas Jjat by myne daye • suche wreche ssolde come • pat y nadde be dedbore • bote god adde ]?e soule ynome • pe deol ne may no tonge • telle • ]7at ]>e king to him Aduentus nom . 5070 ^"'"^"^^' So }?at to ];e lasse brutayne • mid J7is sorwe he com • To J7e kinges neueu Salomon • Aleyn ]?at was king ]?o • & vaire of him was vnderuonge • in is mochele wo • po }?e brutons }?er after were • al as out of munde • [254] After vole Ipe saxons • sende of hor kunde • 5075 To come & wonye in |7is lond • j^at no mon aten horn nas • & ]7ut lond to hor wille • al bar aten hom was • po J?is strange men hurde p'is • ynou of folc hii nome • Aduentus Of men & of wimmen ek • iSz; to pis londe come • Lxonum. & anon fram cornwayle • to nor]?humberlond • 5080 Bote it were of pouerayl • al bar hii founde j^at lond • 5066. Ac'} Al S. be\) ybroyt] bene brought y. 5067. Vat] For \>a,i e. wra\>\>ede'] wraj^l^ed him e. euermo'] euermore 5e. Sf] om. S. it ahbe)>] abbe> B ; haue hit )35 ; hit 7 ; ha)> hit e. 5068. myne] my 7. 5069. y nadde] ich nadde a ; I ne hadde jS ; I had e. be] ybe B ; ibe C. ded bore] dede born j3 ; ybore S. bote] bote ]jat ; but >at /8 ; so J^at Se ; so C. \>e] my e. ynome] nome 7. 5070. ne] om. Se. no] non B. 5072. ivas king] kyng was B ; king was a ; kynge was /35. 5073. ^ . . . . vnderuonge] He was faire vnderfonge of him aS ; He was vnderfouge of him /8 ; He was vnderfonge feyre of him e. 5074. po}>e] Whenne J'at ;8. al as] al ase a ; alias 5. iiiunde] mynde e. 5075. \>e] Jjan J^e ;8. sende] sent f. kunde] kynde e. 5076. wonye] wonien a ; wonnen j85 ; wonen e. \>at] for bat e. nas] was e. 5077. \>ut] J>at bet B ; bat bat C ; bat a/3 ; be 5 ; bis e. to hor] al to bore C ; at her 7. 5078. )pis] bise e. strange] stronge C. 5079. ek] also y3. come] J^ei come j3. 5080. ^] om. B. anon] al anon a ; al anone /3 ; al a noon e. 5081. Bote] Hote B. pouerayl] poueral B ; poraylle e. hii founde ]>at lond] this londe they fonde 7 ; bey hit fonde 5. \>at] bis e. A A 370 THE CHRONICLE OF fol. 78. pauperes fugiunt walJie. Aspicio angel [i]. • Cadiuallad • pe pouerail ouer Seuerne • fley ]7at J'er was ])0 • & bileuede vor]? in walis • in sorwe & in wo • Wei longe j^er afterward • j^o it com to amendement • & bote of hunger & of qualm • vre louerd adde ysent • Som help of ]?e king alein • ]?e king cadwallad biso^te • & ]7at he in to is kunde lond • ]7oru help of him him brotte • pe king him grantede anon • & as hii were aboute • Ej}>er in is half to gadery • gret ost & gret route • To king cadwallad • an angel • in auision bro^te • 5090 Fram heuene & bad him • wi]?drawe of ]>at he ]:'0^te • Vor it nas noit godes wille • ]'at of ]>& brutons kunne • Regnede more in engelond • & al uor hor sunne • & nameUche at ]?ulke tyme • ]?at in is prophecye • Merlin sede to arjjure • J^at nolde noj'ing lye • 5095 pouerail} poueral B ; poraylle e. Sj' m] & ek in & eke in 5e ; Sc 5082. pe] patC. flowe /3. 5083. bileuede'] bilefde a ; dwelled also in /3 ; & eke in Se. 5084. Wei'] We B ; Tyl fi. longe \>er] longe her BCa ; longe here ;85e ; here longe 7. ]>o it com] whenne J?ei come /3. £085. qualm] de)> jS ; manquelme e. vre] and oure 8. ysent] ysend Ba. cadwallad] cadwallandre o/3 ; hiso-'yte] sou^t 5. help of him] ys help B ; his help to gadery] to 5086. \>e] oni. 5e. \>e] om. B. cadwallander ye ; cadwaUader S. 5087. in to is] to his a;3e ; to \>ii 5. aS ; his helpe /3e. 5088. him] om. a^Se. 5089. in is half] on his half aSe ; on his side fi, gadre j8 ; to gedre 7 ; to gader e. 5090. To] To >e e. cadwallad] cadwallandre aj8 ; Cadwallander ye ; cadwallader 5. an] on a ; come on y. in] om. BC5. auis'ion] a Tisioun y; a \dsion 5. bro-'yte] to him brou^t e. 5091. heuene] heuene word a; heiiene worde )36 ; heuenwarde 7. bad him] bed him C ; seide a; saide iS; seid e. ofYat he] >at he C ; i'ce of >at j8 ; J)e of \>i e, 5092. nas] was i85 ; is e. no'^t] om. B. of] none of e, \>e] om. C. kunne] kunde C ; kynde S, 5093. Reqnede] Kegne e. sunne] synne C. 5094. at] ar BCa or /SSe. \>idke] ]>at e. ys in B. 5095. nolde] nold C; wolde )88 ; he wold e. \>at in"] or in 5. in is] ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 871 Vor lie sede J>at J?e brutons • me ssolde ^ut yse • [255] Winne hor ri^te kinedom • ac it ssolde arst longe be • Wanne J?e relikes of halwen • yfounde were & ykud • pat vor drede of saxons • er wide were ybud • To sergi J^e pope |?at ])0 was • to rome he bed him wende • 5100 & do ]>Qre is penance • J?at god him wolde sende • & bUeue al er]?lich J^ott • ]^en deuel vor to ssende • & he ssolde among holimen • to heuene atten ende • pe king J^is auisyon • ];at ]>e aimgel him sede • pe o]?er king tolde priueliche him |?er of to rede • pe king alein let |;o anon • in is bokes aspj^-e • 5106 quesiclo Bo|?e of sybile ]?e sage • & of merlines prophecy e • iibro[rum] Were hii to is auision • acorded in eche J?inge • &; ]>o he vond pat bituene hom • nas non discordinge • He radde ]>e king cadwallad • to J^enche nammore '5110 Of engelond ac do al out • ]>e angeles lore • 5096. me] men 76, ssolde'] schul e. yse] ysey B ; se 7. 5097. kinedom'] kj-ngdom y€. arst] ars C ; ry^t 5. 5098. halwen] halowes e. yfounde] founde 7. 5099. \>at] om. 7. er] 0111. B)3; ben e, ivere] where were fi ; were where 7 ; where e. 5100. sergi] sergius aSe ; Sargius /3. \>e pope \>at }f>o was] |>at pope \>o was o ; )>dX pope was t>an fi ; )jat Pope was J>o e. bed] bad ae. 5101. him wolde] wolde him 5. 5102. hileue] leue e. er\>lich] erlyche C; erHiche a. \>o-)^t] j>outes o ; Jjou^tes /3 ; |70U)tis S ; ]>ou)ttes e. \>en] j^an C ; I'ane a ; ]>e )3e. deuel] deouel a. 5103. holimen] holije men a. atten] at \>an a ; atte C ; at J^e ey. 5104. pe] Tho ]>e 5. auisyon] auysyon B ; vision 5e. him] to him e. sede] )>us sede aj85. 5105. pe . . . priueliche] he tolde priuely to kj-ng Aleyne e. pe] To ]>e 5. king] om. B. tolde] he tolde 5. him \>er of to] & bad him )>Qv of aj35 ; & asked of him >er of e. 5106. alein] om, a^5e. in is bokes] his b[o]kes o ; his bokes for to /3e. aspye] spye /3e. 5108. TTere] WheJ^er afiSe. is] this 7. auision] vysion e. acorded] acordede Ca. 5109. 7eas 7io?(] was no /35 ; was non e. 5110. cadwallad] cadwallandre afi; Cadwallander 76; Cadwallader 5. \>enche] J?ynken 5. 5111. ac do al out ]>e] ac al out do \>\x\kQ a ; but al cute do Hike )8; al out ac of )>e 5 ; but al out do i>ilke €. A A 2 fol. 78 b. [256] 372 THE CHRONICLE OF & wende to rome • holy lif to lede • pe king cadwal dude al out • ]^at ]>& aungel & he him bede • & at rome was of ]?e pope • vayre vnder vonge • & In penance & holy lif-liuede ]?ere longe • 5315 & J^e nyente]>e day of aueryl • out of J'is worl he wende • To ]?e loye of heuene • as god after him sende • Hit was seue hondred ter • bote on ter lasse vnne]7e • After |?at god an er]?e com • ]?at ])is king com )7us to dej^e* pe englisse ]>o &, saxons • ]?at al one ]>o were- 5120 Edificacio Grete tounes & castles • bigonne bulde & rere • Saxonum. p^^ j^-^ adde er yeast adoun • & louerdes were po • & ]>e brutons clene al out • mid sorwe & mid wo • & lore }>o boj^e al clene • name & eke lond • Vor ]>&t was bruteyne ycluped er • me clupe]? nou en- gelond • 5125 5112. we7ide'] wende forh aj3 ; wende forj^e Se, to] forto a^e. 5113. pe king'] om. a/3Se. cadwal] cadwallad B ; cadwallandre a^ ; Cadwallander ye ; Cadwallader S. al out] al J^iug e. \>at] as 5. §■] om. B. 5114. vnder vonye] ■vnderfonde C ; ynou vnderfonge a; ynouj yfonge /3 ; ynowe y fong e. 5115. ^] & iu /BSe, liuede] leuede C. loiif/e] wel longe a ; wel long 6 ; rj'^t longe )8 ; ful longe 5. 5116. \>e nyente\>e] in ettej'e B ; in Jje nytej>e C ; in t>e nyneteoj^e a ; in l^e nyntene ySe. ivorl] lif C5 ; lyf a ; lijf /3 ; lyfF e. 5117. after] for e. 5118. seue] seuene ye. on] o a. 5119. an] on a/88. \>is] \>e a05e. com \>us to] J^us toke his 5. 5120. \>o] oni. Bafipe.}is] ]^e saxons BCa^Se. ])at al one] alle one \>iiii $ \>o] l^us /3 ; J^o ))us e. 5121. hirionne] gonne to afi; bygonne )?o to 5 ; ]>ei beganne to e. hulde] bilde a ; belde (8 ; bylde e. bulde ^ rere] arere 5. 5122. er] erst e. yeast] ycastea; cast 7e. ivere] I^ei were e. i>o] al )>o B ; alle )>o C. 5123. clene al] alle cleen e. a lout] al on C. ^wirf] &ekea5; & eke with /Be. 5124. lore] lost ;8. J)o] om. ayQ5. Jjo ioj^e] bot)e J'O C. bo\>e al clene] all cleen bot>e e. 5125. \>at was . . . er] >at bruteine ycleped was a; >at \>Sit Bi'uteyne callid was (was callid 7) /Sy ; J>an J>at Bruteyn ycleped was e, me] men &i clape\>] cliiped B ; cleped o ; calli)> yS ; calle it y. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 373 pe vewe j^at were of horn bileued • as in cornwaile & walls • Brutons nere namore ycluped • ac waleys ywis • vocacio After walon J^at was hor due • hil adde verst ]?e "»^''ilenciuin. name • & ne ml^te neuere eft ]?ls lond keuere • ac llbbej> mid alle ssame • Bote hil |?us mid seolkinge • vpe ]>e engllsse .^wende • & do]? eni skek feble ynou • & abbe]? ]?e worse ende • 5131 Ac as ]?e angel sede er • & merlin ek biuore • Hil ssoUe]? ^ut keuery moche lond • ]?at hil abbe]? y lore • Al walls & al ]?e march • & al middel lond ywis • pat is al ]?at bituene temese • & homber is • 5135 Al est toward londone • ])is me ssal ^ut yse • Ac vjDe godes wille it is • wanne it ssal be • Here we englisse men • mowe yse some • Mid woche riite we be]? • to ]?is lond ycome • 5126. pe] po B. J>a<] om. B. of horn bileued] >o bilefd a; f>an bileued )3 ; jleft \>o e. as] om. a/8e. ^•] & in afie. 5127. 7iere'] were &Se. namore'] no mo e. ycluped] callid y. waleys] walis C. 5128. J)e] \>nt 5. 5129. ne] om. 5 ; \>ei e. eft] efter B ; after y ; om. afiSe. \'is] the y. libbei>] liuede a ; lyued ;85e. alle] gret a$( ; miiclic 5. 5130. scoUunye] schowynge /3 ; showynge y. vpe] vpon a; apon /3. 5131. eni] ane a; a /35€. skek] skec BC ; seek a; skekke 5 ; checke /S ; cheke "y ; chiefFe. abbe]>] haue 7. 5132. Ac] And 7. 5133. ssoUei>] schuUe C ; shuUe y ; scliulleu e. yut] om. B. keuery] keouerio; keuere ye. lond] om. aj35e. \>at] of hat e. abbe))] haue )S ; haj? e. ylore] for lore C : lore /S. 5135. is al \>at bituene] al bitwene for soj^e |8. 5136. ))is] Sc i>at B. me ssal yit] ^ette me schal 5. yse] ysey B. 5137. vpe] vpon a; apon /3. tva7me] whannet>ata; whenne t>at j3 ; whan Jjat e. 5138. yse] iseoo; se /8S. so?ne] sone B; lome 5; nou some a nowe some j8 ; nowe sone e. 5139. woche] whiche a- what e. be]}] buj^ a ; bene 7; ben e. I??*] hisse ot. ?/co7«e] come y. 374 THE CHRONICLE OF [257] numerus regam saxonum. Ac ]>e -wrecche welissemen • be]? of ]>e olde more -5140 In woche manere te abbe]? yhurd • hoii liii it abbe}? ylore • Ac }?e feble is euere bine]?e • vor hii ]?at abbej? mitte • Mid streng]?e bringe]? ofte • ]?at -wowe to ]?e ri^te • po brutayne was ]?us ylore • & ]?e londes name • To }?e name of engelond • yiurnd horn to gret ssame • 5145 Seue kinges hii adde longe • as J?e king of est sex • Of kent of hombeiiond • of estangle of sou]?sex • Of ]?e march of westsex • of alle ]?es echon • Wule ]?er were kinges • ]?at nis nou bote on • Vor eche bigan to worre • mid o}?er • tSs o]?eres lond bi nom • 5150 & hii of denemarch among horn • vorte alle to one com • 5140. Ac"] And y. wreche] wrecchecle ^ ; wreched e, welissemen'] englysse men B ; walismen C ; walische men a ; walsshemen e ; waleys- men . 6eJ>] bu]? a ; ben e ; bene y. 5141. abbe\> yhurd] haiie yharde y ; ban herde e 11011] om. C. it abbe\>] baue bit 5. abbei>] haue y ; ha}> e. 5142. ]>e feble is euere] euere >e feble is o ; euer J^e feble is /Se ;. euer Jje feble ys S. 5143. Mid] And 5. \>at waive] J^e -wowe ad; i>e vn'onge/S; \>e wrong e. 5144. po] The )3. ylore] lost $. 5145. yturnd] hit turnde a ; bit turned /8 ; J^ey tumede S. horn] om. Baj35e. gTfet] om. C. 5146. Seue] Seuene ye. 5147. kentof]'kQVLi &ofBai8e. homberlond] humbelond a, of soui>sex] & of sou}? sex Ce. 5148. of ivestsex] and Westsex )8 ; & of westsaxe e. \>es] J)eos a echo7i] euerychone 5. 5149. Wule] While a ; Whilom S ; Somme tyme /8 ; som tyme e. i>er] ^es B. i>at] \>ev a$ ; ther as 5 ; J^ere e. Jiis Jiou] noujj ys B ; nou nys C ; nou nis a ; nou is /3 ; now ys 5 ; nowe is e. bote] boute a. 5150. bicjaii] gan aj8 ; ganne e. worre] worry BC; worri a; worrie 5; werre e. mid] vp BC ; om. a ; vpou /8 ; on y^e. o)>eres] eche ojjer his e. lond] londes BCe. 5151. hovi] om. o;S5e. vortc] vort a; for e ; vn to /3, a//e] it al 5. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 375 pe king of west sex adde • euere ]>e ouere hond • Dominacio So ]7at atte laste he won • alle ]?e ojjeres lond • ^q^^ Ac soujpsex ne laste nozt longe • ne est sex naj^emo • pe king of westsex sone horn wan . bote viue nero ]>er ])0 • 5155 pe kinedom of ]7e marcli • ylaste longe &; wel ynou • occisio Vorte ]>Q kunde king seint kenelm • in martirdom me kenelmi. slou • King kenulf is fader god mon was • ]?at ]>e hous of foi. 79. winchecoumbe • Rerde uerst & |?ere li]? • him sulf in an coiimbe • po sein kenel ymartred was • is vnele seowulf • 5160 King was after him ymad • ]?e kinges broj'er kenulf- He nas king bote on ter • ar on bernulf com • & ]>oru streng|;e him caste • out of is kinedom • T^Gbri^t was king ymad • as o|;er biuore him were • Egbnjirex Of west sex in 'pe yer of grace • ei^te hondred ^ere • 51G5 5152. kmgl kynges BCiS ; kinges o; kyngys 5; kyngges e. euere'] om. BCaySS. 5153. So'] on?, a0e. Ae] hii B ; hi Ca; J)ei )8; J>ey 5. wo7i] wonne BCa. 5154. Ac'\ om. a/35e. ?ie] om, Se. laste'] last B ; lasted 6. naitemo'] no ^6 mo a ; neuer ne mo ;8. 5155. so7ie] om. ajSSe. wa7i] won a. 7iere \>er] l^er nere Ba; l^ere were /3 ; ne -were {>er 5 ; Jjer were e. \>o] no mo e. See Appendix, Note "W. 5156. hi7iedo7n] kynge y. ylaste] laste a ; last y ; lasted e. 5157. 'Vorte] Vort a ; Vn to j8 ; Forto e ; For C. See Appendix, Note X. 5158. Ki7ig] om. aySe, Ki7ig kemdf is fader] His fader kenulf 5. \>at \>e] & J>at a/3e ; J)at 5. ioi7ichecou7nbe] "wynchom C. 5159. jRerde] He rerde a ; He rered ;85e. li]>] he Hl^ o; he lie]? P. an cojimbe] an tonmbe C ; a tombe Bye ; o toumbe a ; a toumbe /8 ; in tombe 5. 5160. seiTi] seint a. ke7iel] kenelm Ba5; kenelme /8e. ymartred'] martired B. seowulf] seewolf a ; Seewolfe )3. 5161. after hi7/i ymad] made after him S, ymad] ymaked B ; made y. 5162. 7ias] was I3e, on] o Ca. ar] or ye, 5163. strenf/}pe] strengb B. caste] kyst e. kinedom] kyngdome e (& passim). 5164. ymad] made y. as] and 5. ojjer] oj^ere a. 376 THE CHRONICLE OF [258J beJlum de eliudon. occisio bernulf. Bi is daye seint kenelm • to de])e ybrott was • pe kinedom was J?er after lute • vor wreehe of ]?at cas • Vor bernolf of warn we tolde • noit ]7re ter king nas • Ar egbri^t king of westsex • made him fyki pas • Vor an bataile at elendone • hii smite mid hor ost • pe king bernulf was ]?er binej^e • &, binome him al Jjis bost . 5171 & is folc moche aslawe • & he fley mid moche wo • In king egbrittes poer • is kinedom was ydo • Eitte hundred ter & tuenty • & sixe ]>er to • As in pe ter of grace • ]>is batayle was ydo • pe king of westsex her after • adde al J?e kinedom • Of ]>e march oj^er eche ter • truage of hom nom • In egbrittes kinedom • j^e four «fe tuentij?e tere • Hit was ar |?is batayle • at elendone were • Bernulf suj^j^e in est angle • of men of ]>e londe • 5180 & ]?oru egbrittes poer was aslawe ich under stonde • >a<] 5166. kenelm'] kenelin A. ybro-^tl brought y. 5167. lute] lute wor}) a; litel good wor>e I3e. vor] of 7. J'ysS. 5168. warn] wan B; wha a; whom e. 7ias] was j8. 5169. Ar] Or e. made .... pas] as hitfel by cas $. fyki] feke B ; feky C ; fiki a ; feki 5 ; seke a newe 6. 5170. a7i] o a; om. j8 ; a e. elendone] eliudone «; Elyndonue /3 ; Elyndoune e ; loudone C. hit] |>at hi a ; J^at \>&\ fi. smite] smete C ; smote )3. 5171. him] om. BCo/Be. );>is] ys B ; his Ca. 5172. is folc moche] moche of his folke €. aslawe] slayue y; sleyne e. §• he fley] & he fieu B ; & fley a ; & fleyj 5 ; & flowe )3 ; Jjerfor he fledde 6. mid moche wo] mid gret pas a ; with gret pas jSe ; a grete pas S. 5173. was ydo] was J?o BC ; l^o was oSe ; \>&tx was /8. 5174. -ycr] om. a5. sixe] syxte B; six jeres a; six jerys S; sixty jeres )3 ; sixty jeeres e. 5175. \>is] )>at afi^e. 5177. o\>er eche] eche o)>er aySe. hom] him 5. 5178. kinedom^ regne e J>e] om. Ca/35e. tuenti)>e] twenti a^; twenty ^. 5179. elendone] elindone a ; Elyndonne e ; londone C. 5185. of men'] >oru men BCa; Jjoru^ men /8e ; l^rouj men 5; though meu 7. \>e] om. B. 5181. eghri-^les] egbri^t o. aslawe] slayne y ; ysleyue e. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 377 & ]?at folc of estangle • vnder uenge |?ere • King egbriit to hor souereyn • & truage him bere • King egbri^t was J^o prout • vor is seygnorye • 5184 luctacio Adelwolf is sone he sende • mid vair bachelerye • K*:°* ^*' -^ _ aliorum. To winne kent & estsex • & so]^ereye mid maystrie • To ]>e lond of kent • hii wende verst • mid hor chiiial- erye • Kent hii wonne timeliche • & bah-ed ]>e king • Fley ouer temese • & bileuede is owe |?ing • Estsex & sou]7sex • & so];ereye al so • 5190 Hii wonne ar hii come a^en • & po al J'is was ydo • Egbriit king of westsex • al |?is to him nom • Al to be vnder him • & vnder is kinedom • Al )7at lond bisouj^e • clene he adde ]>o • [269] Vnder him oj^er in is hond • winne he Jjotte mo • • Adehuolf' foi. 79 b. Aien horn of norj^humberlond • mid ost he com at dore • luctacio Hii dude him anon hor manhede • & ne contekede ^^^ ^'^' nammore • 5182. v7ider uenge'} vuderuonge B. J'cre] J>o }>ere aS; Jjau J^ere 0; him \>o )3ere e. 5183. Aor] om. ajSSe. truage] seruage B. him'] to him e. 5184. prout] prout yuou C; proude y ; prowde e. is] \>\s /3. 5185. vai}-] vayre B; om. 5. 5186. so]>erei/e] soj^ereijea; southerey7; Sou}')>erey e. 5187. To ]?e lond of] In to ajSSe. wende] went e. hor] alle hereS. 5188. Kent] And kent e. hii'] he ;Se. loonne] wonde B. time- liche] li^tiiche /3. 5189. Fley] Fleu B. temese] temese anon o; Temese anone ;85 ; Themys a noon e. bileuede] bilefde a ; lefte ^ ; left e. 5191. a-yen] a)e a. 8f] om. o/SSe. ]>o] when /8. ydo] do y. 5193. Al] Ase a ; As iSe; om. C. to be vnder him] vnder him to beo (be ^e) afie ; vndir him to be 5. 5194. Al] And S. he] we 7. \>o] also BCa/3Se. 5195. o);>er in] 8i oJ>ere to a ; & ot>er on S ; & )>at o>er to P; 8c ol^er to ye. 5196. com at dore] goune go /3 ; gunne a dore e. dore] doyre B. 5197. him anon] anon hym C. him . . . manhede] him manhede anon a ; him honoure ynou^ /3 ; him homage anone 5 ; to him manhode a noon e. Sf ne contekede] & coutetekked 5 ; ))at ^ei contected e ; & wij^stode him ^. 7iammoTe] noujt jjo fi. 378 THE CHRONICLE OF po ]:'e king egbri^t adde ybe king • J)re & {^ritti ^er • pat folc of denemarch hider com • as it adde ydo er • Schej^eye liii robbede verst • & snype Innore mo • 5200 Ac ]ye king egbri^t horn drof a^en • ar hii dude to moche wo • po king egbritt adde ybe king • seuene & ]7ritti ^er • He deyde as a noble mon • ac is londes he delde er . Adelwolf is eldore sone • he ^ef ]?o al west sex- pat was as is eritage • & su]:>]?e al sonj^sex • 5205 His longore sone aj^elston • he lef & kinedom • Of kent &5 of estsex • J^at of is porchas com • Hit was ei^te hundred ^er • & nyene «& j^ritti J^er to. As in ]?e ter of grace • ]?at he deyde so • [260] Of l^e batayles 'of denemarch • j^at abbe]? ybe in ]?is londe . " 5210 Guerra pat worst were of alle o];ere • we mote abbe an danorum. j^^j^^jg . 5198. po i>e king'] pekyng B ; po aSe ; Wheune ;8. yhe king'] kyng ybe e. ybe] bene y. 5199. pat] pet B ; The S. it] hi C ; ^ei $S ; l^ey 5. ijdo] do y. 5200. Schei>eye] Ssepeye B; Schepeie C; So>eri^e o; Southerey -> ; Sou)>)?erey /8e. Innore] ot>er B ; inner C/S. mo] also j3. 5201. horn drof] drove hem y. ayen'] a^e Ca. to moche] more a;8e. 5202. po] Whenne ^. king] om. afi^e. ybe king] kyng ybe Be ; kyng ibe C ; king ibeo a ; kynge ben j8. seuene] \>ve. C. 5203. a] om. C ; o o. 5204. eldo7'e] vldere a; eldeste B; eldest /35. 5205. as] al oj8 ; alle e. sou]>sex] Sou)>sax e. 5206. -tongore] )onge e. a]>elston] adelston a;3e. je/] jaf a5 ; pue /3e. %^] & >e BC ; J^e a^Se. 5207. estsex] Estsax e. See Appendix, Note Y. 5208. 9. Omitted in y. 5208. Sf nyene §• \>ritti] & nyne trytty B; & )>[r]itti a ; & fyfty jere i3 ; & fyfty ^eer e. 5210. batayles] batailc aj3 ; Bateil 5 ; batelle e. abbe\>ybc] hii dude B ; hi dude Ca ; J>ei dide /3 ; J>cy dud S ; |>ei dude e. 5211. worst were] was worst a5 ; worst was j3e; worste was y. o\>ere] om. a;3e ; ))e oj^ere 5. abbe] nou habbe o ; nowe haue fie. an"] on o ; in E. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 379 Worst hii were vor oj^ere • somwanne adde ydo • As romeins & saxons • & wel wste ]?at lond ];er to • Ac hii ne kepte hit holde nott • bote robby & ssende • & destrue & berne & sle • & ne cou]?e abbe non ende • 5215 &; bote kite it nas worj? • l^ei hii were oiiercome ylome • Vor mid ssipes & gret poer • as prest ef sone hii come • King adelwolf of )?is lond • king was tuenty ler • pe deneys come bi him • riiiore ]?an hii dude er • Vor in }>e allor verste ^er • of is kinedom • 5220 Mid J>re & ]?ritti ssipuol men • hor prince hider com • & at sou]?hamptone ariuede • «fc at an haiiene bisoiij^e • An opev gret ost J>ulke tyme • ariuede at portes- mouJ?e • 5212. Worst] First /3e. hit were"] hitwasa/3e; it was 75, vor] fore 5. somwanne adde] adde somwanne B ; hadde sumwhanne a ; hadde som whaune C ; hadde sumwhan 5 ; hadde somme tyme /3 ; had somwhat e. 5213. romeins Sf saxons] ]>e Romeyns & ^e Saxons e. wel wste] kept wel e. wste] wuste Ba ; wust C ; kept j8. i>at] l>e e. 5214. hii . . . noyt] J>ei kept hit no^t for to holde e. hit holde] holde hit 5. hit holde 7ioyt] noujt hit holde /3. 7-obbi/ §• ssende] to robbe & to shende e. 5215. destrue] destrie C; destruyje a ; destroyed e. §• bertie] berne o; brenne ; brende e. sle] slow^e e. ne] om. 5e. 5216. lute] lite C ; litel 7; lytel e. it] his C. 7ias] was 5e. ]jei] Jjouj e. were ouercome] ouercome were e. 5217. as] al C. ef] eft C/35 ; efte oe. 5218. adelwolf] adelwold 5. king tvas] was kynge 5. tuentij ^er] \>o e. 5219. bi him riuore] ryuore bi him a ; ryuere by him /3e ; more ryue by him 5. riuore] ryuor B. er] euere er afi ; ciier ere S ; euer er €. 5220. allor] al our B ; aire a ; al>er 5 ; om. j8e. verste] vorst B ; furst o;3. of] al of j8 ; alle of S. 5221. Jpritti] thirty 7. men] of men ;S5e. 5222. §" at a7i] an BCa; at /Se. an] i>e /8. hauene] hauene >at is o)3 ; hauen Jjat is e. 5223. A71 o)>er] & on oj^cr a ; And anoJ>er /8 ; And a no>er e. \>ulkc] bat o;8e. aduentus danoriim. 380 THE CHRONICLE OF Victoria danorum. pe king nuste we];er kepe • is ost he delde atuo • pe deneys adde J>e maystrie • ])0 al J^is was ydo • 5225 & bi estangle & ludeseye • hii wende vor\> atte laste • & so ham ward al by kent • & slowe & barnde vaste • Aten winter hii wende horn • ano];er ^er eft hii come • destructio & destruede kent al out • & londone nome • londonie. P^^^ ^^ ^^ ^^^ }^^ ' ^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^ bro^te ]7er doune • So ]?at in ]?e tepe ter^ of ]?e kinges croune • 5231 victoria j^ bisou]?e hii come alond • & ]7at folc of somersete • britaunie poru ]>e bissop alcston . & j^at londfolc of dorsete • per alcstou '/}'<^^T?^- . Adelwolf. fol. 80. '' Hii come & smite an batayle • & J^ere \oy\\ godes grace • pe deneys were al binej^e • & |^at lond folc adde \q place • 5235 & more prowesse dude )?o • jmn j^e king mitte biuore • peruore gode bonde men • ne be]> nott al vor lore • 5224. we\>er'] whaber C ; where e. kepe'] to kepe jSSe. is ost he delde'} ac deled his ost (oste S) C5 ; ac delde his ost a ; at delde ys ost B ; but delte his ost e ; but departed his ost j8. 5225. Jjjs] om. B. ydo"] do y. 5226. ludeseye'] lyndeseye B ; lyndeseie C ; lindesei^e a ; lyadesey S ; bi lyndesey yS ; by lyndesey e. vor\>] om. 5. 5227. al] om. S. slowe Sf barnde] barned & slou 5. barnde] brende e ; brent y. 5228. wende] went ;8. horn] hem B. ano)>er] on oJ>er a. 5229. destruede] destrude Ba. nome] ek hi nome a ; eke J>ei nome /Be. 5230. an] a ^e. Vis] ]>2it B. \>er] here ye ; ny^e 5. doune] adone j8 ; adoune y. 5231. )>e te\>e] \>eo)pe a ; \>e o\>Qv j8 ; J^e secunde e. 5232. alond] on londe y. \>at] J)et B. somersete] somesete C. 5233. alcston] adelston CjSe ; aleston a. )pat] J>et B. londfolc] folc Ba ; folke j8 ; folk Se. 5234. smite] smete C ; smote j8 ; smytte e. a?*] o a ; om. )3e. ]>ere] om. S. 5235. were] om. j8. ^ Vat] & t>e C ; )>e ai35e. 5236. dvde \>o] J^au dide /8. }>o] om. C. wu'^ o ; ben e ; bene y. vor lore] verlore B. EGBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 881 pe king was ]>e boldore J^o • Sz ]>q more a^en horn [2gi] drou • & is foure gode sones • woxe uaste ynou • Adelbold & adelbri^t • adelred & alfred • 5240 jjij g^j pis was a stalwarde tern • & of gret wisdom & red • ^egis. & kinges were alle foure • &i defended wel ]?is lond • & ]7e deneys dude ssame ynou • & )?at me vol wel fond • In ]>e sixte])e 2 ere • of ]?e kinges kinedom • primus Is eldoste sone adelbold • gret ost to him nom • 5245 fiiius capit & is fader also god • & o|?er heyemen al so • & wende a^^en J^is deneys • p>at moclie wo adde ydo • Vor mid tuo hondred ssipes & an half • at temese mou]?e hii come • & londone • & kaunterbury • & o]7er tounes nome • aduentus & so vor]; in to so|?ere3^e • & slowe & barnde vaste • danorum. pare |?e king & is sone • horn mette atte laste • 5251 Beilum. 5238. ]>e boldore] J^e baldore a; balder )3 ; bolder 7e. \>e more ate7i homi a^en hem (hom C ; ham a) |je more BCa/3 ; a^ea hem more 5 ; a^eyn hem ]>e more he e. 5239. ffode] godes B ; %onge a/Se. tvo.vel ^^'oxen 5; waxed e. uastcl stalwor))emen e. 5240. Adelbold] Edelbold B. adelred] Edelred B. 5241. pis was] Thise were e. a stalwarde tern] stalworjje men e. tern] teme /8 ; tyme C. red] of rede e. 5242. were] om. C ; i>ei were e. alle] al B. defended] defendedeBo. wel] al wel j8 ; wel al 7. 5243. &f \>e] An B ; And to 5. )>e de7ieys dude] dude J^e danys e. §•] om. C. me] men e. vol wel] se\>\>e wel a ; sithe wel /3 ; wel sithe 7 ; sethe 5 ; si^J^e wel e. fond] ifond a. 5244. \>e] om. B. sixte)i>e] sixte 7 ; sixtene e. ))e] mo ^ys 5. 5245. eldoste] vldeste a. ost] power a;3Se. nom] nome B. 5246. yod] good power /3 ; om. e. o)>er] o)>ere Bo. al so] mo o/35e. 5247. moche .... yrfo] had dou muche wo 5. 5248 ssipes] shipfuUe e. an] on a. 5249. o\)er] oJ>ere a. nome] \>ey nome 5 ; mo }>ei nome €. 5250. ^ s/owe] }?ei slowe e. barnde] brende e ; brent 7. 5251. king ^ is sone] kyngys sonues 5. so7ie] sones a/8;sonnese. Ao?H me«e] mette ham o ; mette hem /SSe. 882 THE CHRONICLE OF per was batayle strong ynou • ysmite in an ]7rowe • pe gode kni^tes leye adoun • as gras J?at me do]? mowe • fluuius Heueden ]jat were of ysmite • & o|?er lymes al so • fnWr' Flote in blode al fram ]>e grounde • ar ]>e batayle were ydo . 5255 Wanne ]?e blod stod al abroc • nas ]?ere wo ynou •• Nis it reu]7e vorto hure • j^at so me folc slou • Ac vre suete louerd atte laste • ssewede is suete gTace • & sende ]:'e cristine englisse men • J7e maystrie in ]>e place • & l^e hejiene men of denemarcli • binej'e were echon • Nou nas ]fev ^ut in denemarcli • cristendom non . 5261 5252. per was"] And was ;8 ; And y ; And J>er was e. ysmite] hi smite o ; }>ei smote ;8 ; }>ey smytten 5 ; J^o ]pQi smytte to geder e. in an ]>rowe'\ in a t>rowe C5 ; in o Jrowe afi; on o J>rowe y ; in J^at prowe e. 5253. pe gode kni-^tes] pat >at folc a ; That J>ei )8 ; So t>at J>ei e. gode] godes B. leye] leije a ; lay /3e ; leyn 5. adoim] doun 5. J?a< me do\>] wan mede)? B ; whanue me do]? C ; whanne me dej^ a ; when men do)> )8e ; when men do y ; whan me de> 5. 5254. Heueden] Hefden a ; Heedes /8e. of ysmite] of smyte C; of smytte j8 ; smytte of e. o\>er] o)pQV& a. 5255. Flote] Flete B. Flote .... grounde] At \>& grounde flete in blod a ; That J^e grounde flette al in (on 7) blode fiy ; Fram \>e grounde floten in blode 5 ; At l^e grounde }>ei flette al in blode e. ydo] do 7. 5256. ]>e] Jjat BCa. stod] was o/3Se. al abroc] al abrod B ; as a broke C5e ; as o brok o; as one broke j8. nas i>ere] vas >>er B ; was Jjer nou^t ;8 ; was i>eT nojt e. wo] gret wo B. 5257 in ;3 follows 5259. Nis it] "Was it noujt )8 ; Is hit no)t e, vorto] to aj85e. hure] here ;8e. so me] me so BC5 ; men so 7. so me folc] me folc so a ; men folk so )8e. 5258. suete] om. ojSSe. 5229. sende] he sent e. fjep/ace] place C; >at place e. 5260. q/"] /3. jrcrc] sone I'd were e. echon] euerychone 5. 5261. Nou] No 7; None e. was] was /35e. ^?<<] not 7; om. e. cristendom] jit cristendome e. ho?j] rijt nou a ; ryjt none j8 ; ryght none 5 ; ryjt nonne e. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 383 pe king |)er after to holy chirche • is herte pe more di'ou • &; tej'egede wel al is lond • as hii a^te wel ynou • Seint swithin at wincliestre • bissop ])0 was • ^tuwni & & alcston at ssireboiu-ne • ];at amendede moche pis aicston. cas • 52G5 pe king was wel j^e betere man • J^oru hor beyre [202] red • Tventi winter he was king • ar he were ded • obitus At winchestre he was ybiired • as he 11); tut f^ere • adeiwoif. His tueye sones he tef is lond • |?at eldoste were • Adelbold }>e eldore ]>q kinedom of estsex • 5270 & sou}>sex adelbri^t • & kent & westsex • adeibri^t iit rex. ' Aldred - Alfred ' foi.sob. Ei^te hundi-ed ^er it was • & seuene & fifty al so • After |?at god an er]7e com • ar j^is dede were ydo • 5262. J>er after'] her after B ; om. alide, is herte'] J)er after a ; ]>er aftir euer j8 ; therofter euer y ; afterwarde S ; here after e. \>e more] more S ; more he e. 5263. teWgede] te>egade C ; tij>ed y3 ; tyj>ed e. al] & al BC. is] \>js S. hii] he 5. hii a'^te] hii aute C ; he haute a ; he au)t /3 ; he aiighte y ; he was tau^t e. 5265. alcst07i] aleston Ca; Adelston fie; Adeleston y, ssirebourne] syrebourne B ; schereborne C ; schirebourne « ; Shyrebouroe e. moche] wel ojSSe. \>is] ]>e S. 5266. was] om. A. hor beyre] bo^ her e. beyre] boj^e /85. 5267. winter] ^eer e. were] was /8. 5268. was] \\\> a ; \[e\> fi ; lyi^e e. ybiired] buryed fi. as ... . \>ere] in l^e abbei^e of J'e byde o ; m]>e Abbay at ]>q hide yS ; in >e Abbey at J^e hyde e. //> yut] yut li> B ; ^ut ly> C. 5269. \>at eldoste were] as he by^et ham ere B ; j^at couj'e is wel wyde ae ; J>at cou>e is ryjt wide j8. 5270. Adelbold] Adelbode 5. ]>e eldore] i>e vldere a ; his elder sonue had e, 5271. sou\>sex] suj't'e B. 6f ke7it] kent B. c^] & eke C«5e ; & also i8. westsex] estsex A. 5272. yer] om. A. §" setce7ie] seuene ayS; seueu /8. 5273. a7i] on o5e; in /3. ar] J)at BCojSSe. zvere] was BCajSe. ydo] do /8. 384 THE CHRONICLE OF Obitus adelbold. adelbri^t fit rex. guerra. obitus Adelbriit. Bo|?e hii wuste bi here time • wel hor kinedom • Ac ]?e vifte ler adelbold • god of liue nom • 5275 Ac at ssirebourne he was ybured • & is broj'er adel- bri^t . pis kinedom adde after him • as lawe was & ri^t • Bi is daye ]?e worre com • of ]?e he]?ene men wel prout • In hampte ssire & destruede • wincestre al out • & |?at folc of hamtessire • hore red j^o nome • 5280 & of barcssire & fo^te • & ]>e ssrewen ouercome • Adelbriit was king • teres foUe tene • Sz of westsex bote vine • ])o he deyde ich wene • T^debed was after him • king ymaked in J?e place • Eitte hundred ter & seuene & sixty • as in ]>e ^er of grace • 5285 pe verste ler of is kinedom • |?e deneys ]?ikke come • & robbede & destruede • & cites faste nome • 5274. wuste] kept jSe ; kepte 5. here'] hore C. 5275. Ac] At B ; Ac at a ; But at fie. yod of Hue] out of hys (>is C) lyue BC ; oute of pys lif 5 ; out of his lyue a ; oute of his lyfe /3 ; out of his lyfFe e. nom] nome B ; com Ca ; come /SSe. 5276. Ac] om. BCa^Se. ssirebourne] scherebourne C. ybured] buryed fi. 5277. pi's] His BCajSe. adde after him] he nam to him a ; he nome to him Se ; he toke to him ^ ; to him he toke 7. was] wolde /Se, ^] om. C. 5278. ]?e worre .... men] )>e four)>e tyme was Jjat \>en men come e. worre] verde B ; verd C ; ferde a^ ; fere 5. men] om. Ca)85. wel] ry>t ^. 5279. In] And B. In hampte ssire] In hampte chyre C ; pat hampteschire a ; That hamptschire ;85 ; That hamshyre e. ^ destriiede wincestre] & wynchestre destrued C ; destrude & wiuchestre a ; distroied & Wynchestre ;8 ; destruyd and wynchester 5 ; destroyed and Wyn- chestre e. 5280. )>at] J>o 5. folc] londfolc BC. \>o] om. 5. 5281. barcssire] barcchyre C. ^ fo-^te] J>ei foujtten « . ssrewen] schrewes ;8e ; shrewes 7. 5282. king] kyng of kent BC« ; king of kent a ; kynge of kent j85. folic] ful e. 5284. Edelred] Adeked BCaS. king ymaked] imad kyng a ; ymade kynge S ; made )3. ymaked] ymad BC ; I made e. in )>e] on ]>e a)8S ; in )jat e. 5285. "^er] om. BjSe. sixty] fifti C. as in \>e] om. ci/85e. 5286. Yihke] J^ycke B ; )>ykke C ; J^icke a/Se ; thikke 7 ; J'yk 5 ; J>ilke A. 5287. cites] tounes a ; towncs j8Se. faste] vaste B. nome] J>ei nome e. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 385 Maistres hii adcle of hor ost • as it were dukes tueie • hinguar & Hinguar & hubba • pat ssrewen were beye • In estangle liii bileuede • to reste horn as it were • Mid hor ost alle winter • of ]>e verste ^ere • 5291 pe o]7er ler hii dude horn vor]? • & ouer bomber come • [2C3] «&:; slowe to grounde & barnde • & euerwik nome • Euerwik. per was bataile strong ynou • vor islawe was ]?ere • Osric king of humberlond • & monie J?at wi]? him were • 5295 po humberlond was bus yssent • hii wende & tounes occisio ' osnc regis. nome • So ]7at atte laste • to estangle a^en hii come • pere hii barnde & robbede • & ]?at folc to gi'ounde slowe • reditus aci & as wolves among ssep • reuliche hom to drowe • Seint edmund was |70 hor king • & ]>o he sey |?at deoluol cas • 5300 pat me morj^rede so ];at folc • & non amendement nas • .'5288. Maistres'] Mistres a ; Maistrisse y ; Mastryse e. o/"] wih e. if] J>ei e. tueie] two j3 ; tweyne 5. 5289. Hinguar] hynggar e; kyngar y. hubha] hulba A. were heije] ho^e were ho ;8 ; were bothe tho y ; were beyue 5. 5290. hii bileuede] bi bilefde a ; >ei abode e. 5291. Mid] And 5. alle] al l^e B ; al hat Cct;8e ; alle \>^t 5. of] ase of o ; as of )35e. verste] vorst B ; fest 5. 5292. pe] pat aj35e. jer] om. y3. hii dude] \>q put 5. come] >ei come 6. 5293. barnde] brende «; brent y. nome] hi nome a; )?ei nome /Se; \>&j nome 5. 5294. bataile] a batelle e. islawe] yslayne e ; slayne y. 5295. monie] mani^e a. jot>] myd C ; mid a. 5296. JjMs] om. 5. yssent] yssendB ; yschende C; ichend a ; shent y. wende] went forj^e e. 5297. to estangle ayen] a^en to estangle oy3 ; ajeyne to Estangle S ; a^eyn to Estangle e. hii] hym B. 5298. pere hii barnde] And brent /3. Sf i>at] & aj35e. 5299. reuliche] ru>efullye 5. to drowe] drowj 5. 5300. §• 1)0] }>o aSe ; when j8. sei/] se 7? . )>af] J)e C5. 5301. me] men € ; >ey S. so j5«e folk 5 ; so j^icke J>e londes ^ folk €. 7jas] Jjer nas ae ; >er was j3 ; >ere was 5/ K B 386 THE CHRONICLE OF He ches leuere to cleye him sulf • J^an such sorwe yse. He dude him vor]? among is fon • nolde he no]>ing fle. Martiriimi Hii nome him an scourgede him • & su]?]7e naked him saucti Ed- ■, i mundi. bounde . To an tre & to him ssote • & made him mony a wounde • 5305 pat ]>e arwen were on him so J>ikke • ]7at no stede nas on him bileued • Atte laste hii martred him • & smite of is heued • Nona acies pe sixtej'e ler of ]?e cournement • of aldred j^e king • A ny we ost com in to J>is lond • gret ]7oru alle ]?ing • fol. 82. . Aldred • Alfred • & anon to Redinge • robbede & slowe • 5310 pe king & alfred is bro]7er • nome men ynowe • 5302. to] oin. ajSS. \>a}i'] ]f>a,t B. ?/se] to ysey B ; to se /8. 5303. isfmi'] bam a ; hem jSe. nolde'] wolde ;85. nolde he noYing"] for no >ing wold he e. 5304. Hii'] & hi a ; And Jjei j3e ; And J^ey 5. nome him] nome oe ; toke |3. an] & BCa/85 ; and e. naked] maked a ; made /3 ; in }>at place e. 5305. an] a B-ye ; one a. ssote] schete C. made] jaf 5. him] in him 6. mony a] many^e o a. 5306. Vat] om. ajSSe. arweri] arewe B ; arewene a ; arewesjS; arowes e, were] weren a. on] in e. so] Jjo B. \>ihke] J^ilke A. no stede nas on. him] no stede nas B ; no stede nas bar C ; nas nout bar a ; >er -was nou^t bare /3 ; J>er nas on him bare 5 ; j^erc was no bare e. bileued] byleuede B ; bilefde a ; leued 0; yleued €. 5307. smite] smiten a ; smote j8; smotenS; smytten e. heued] hefdea; heed e. See Appendix, Note Z. 5308. sixte\>e] syxte Bf ; sixte aS; sixt 13. o/\>e . . . king] of >e kyng Adelreds crownyng e. cournement] croimement B ; corounement a ; coroment y. aldred] Aldered B ; adelred a. 5309. ^] a ; one y. 5310. 8^] ova. aySSe. Redinge] Eedinges toii S. robbede] hi robbede a ; J>ei robbed e ; >iey robbed S ; J^ei brent & robbed $. 5311. Sf alfred] Adelred e ; Adelfred Sc S. nome men'] men nomeu a : men toke j8 ; toke men S ; ^ei nome men e. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 387 & mette horn & ane batayle • smite vpe assesdoune • beilum de per was many moder child • j^at sone lay J^er doune • doune. pe batayle laste uorte nitt • & ]?ere were aslawe • Vif dukes of denemarch • ar hii wolde wi]?drawe • & mony j7ousend of oj^er men • & ]70 gonnen hii to fle . 5316 Ac hii adde alle be ssent • ^if J>e ni^t nadde ybe • Tueye batayles her after • in }>is sulfe ^ere • Hii smite & at boj^e • J?e hej^ene maystres were • duo alia pe king aldred sone ]>o • ]?en wey of de]>e nom • 5320 ^[2*64] As it vel I'e vifte tere • of is kinedom • obitus 7 aldred. At wymbourne he was yburd • as god ^ef J^at cas • pe god alfred is bro]7er • after him king was • A Lfred ]>is noblemon • as in ]>e yer of gi-ace he nom • ^^ ^^^^^ Ey^te hundi'ed «Sz; sixty • & tuelue ]>e kinedom • 5312. Sf mette'] Mette B. awe] aB. ane batayle smite'] smite togadere a bataile a ; smote to gidre a Bataile B ; smytte to geder a batellc e. vpe] vp Ba ; apon ; vppou e. assesdou7ie] asschesdoune a ; Asshe- doim /3 ; Asshesdou 5 ; Asshedowne e. 5313. ma7ii/] mani^e o a ; many a jSSe. \>at . . . doune] sone yieydc adoii 5. doune] a downe e. 5314. laste] ylaste B ; lasted e. uorte niyt] vorto ny^t B ; forto ny^t a ; fouitny^t )3 ; fort nyjt S ; fourtennyjt e. were aslawe] were sleyne e ; ri^t slayn were ;8. 5315. hii wolde] ]f>ey were S. tviWlrawe] hem wiWrawe }>ere 0. See Appendix, Note AA. 5316. 7no?ii/] mani^e o. o\>er] o\>eve a. men] folke fi. ho] >an P. gon7ie7i] gonne 'Ba^e ; gan y ; gon 5. 5317. adde alle be] alle had be 5. alle be] alle ybe B ; ben alle ajS ; ben al e. ssent] asseud B ; ischend a ; y shent e. ]f>e] om. al3Se. nadde ybe] hadde nou^t be /3 ; had ybe e. 5318. her] J?er were aySe. ^zs] >e Ba;85 ; J^at e. 5319. S)7iite] smiten ay ; smytten e. 5320. pe] om. a/SSe. aldred] Aldered B ; adelred a^e ; Adelrede 5. ))en] J^ane a ; J?e ;8e. 5321. it vel] was in a/8 ; hit was in e ; hit byfelle in 5. vifte] vyfty B ; fifte>e 0/3 ; fyftene e. 5322. wymbour7ie] winebourue a ; Wyneburne 7 ; wynebonrne f . yburd] ybured B ; ibured a ; buryed y. 5323. god] gode Ba. 5324. noble] gode a; good ySof. as] om. afle. he] om. aySSe, 5325. ^] om. Se. \>e] here his h ; >is ■. B B 2 388 THE CHRONICLE OF vnctio alfredi per papam leonem. ix bella. Alfredus victus. Arst he adde at Home ybe • & uor is gret wisdom • pe pope leon him blessede • J70 he ]7uder com • & pe kinges croune of )?is lond • ])at in ]ns lond ^ut is • & elede him to be king • ar he were king ywis • & he was king of engelond • of alle jjat per come • 5330 pat verst J?us yeled was • of j^e pope of rome • & siippe oJ>er after him • of pe erchebissop echon • So )?at biuore him • pur king nas ]7er non • In pe sou]?side of temese • nye batayles he nom • Aten pe deneys pe verste lev • of is kinedom • 5335 Nine ler he was ]7us in J'is lond • in batailes & in wo • Ofte si];e aboue he was • & binej^e ofter mo • So longe J7at him nere bileued • bote pre ssiren in is hond • Hamtessire • & wiltessire • & somersete of al is lond • 5326. i/be'] be 7. Sf"] om. 5. ffref] grete Ba. 5327. Ie07i'] lyoun j3. 5329. Sf elede . , . ki7ig'] Sette him on & elede (oyled j8) him a$; Sette on & enoynted him S ; He sette on his heed & oyled him e. elede'] he led B. ar"] are a ; or pSe. were king] kyng were B ; king were a ; kynge were j8 ; was resseyued here e. 5330. ^] An B ; So t>at e. \>er] here e. 5331. pat verst }i>us'] The firste >at euer e. verst i>us'] euere furst a ; euer furst j3 ; euer first }>at 5. yeled] ylad B ; anoiled P ; oyled e ; enoynted 5. 5332. o\>er] oj^ere a. erchebissop] erchehyssopes B ; Archebysshopes e. echon] euerychone 5. 5333. pur] pore B ; pu^r a. nas] was Se. 5334. temese] Themys e. nye] nyne Ba/8 ; nyune e. he nom] \>ei nome j3. 5335. verste] vorst B. of] al of /S. 5336. Ni7ie] Nye B ; Ny^e a. in \>is] on \>is a/S. batailes] batayle B ; bataile afi ; batelle e. 5337. Ofte] An ofte B; & ofte ajSSe. sH>e] se»e a; tymes /3. he was] om. I3e ; was B. ofter] oftere a ; wel yS. mo] ho 5. 5338. 7iere] was $; ne 5; were €. bileued] by leuede B; ilefd o ; lefte P ; leued 5 ; ylefte e. ssire7i] shires y ; shyres e. ?«] on afi. 6339. Hamtessire] Hamshyre €. §•] om, a/Se. M;27/essj>e] wylshyre f. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 389 A day as he weri was • &5 a suoddringe him nom • 5340 & is men were ywent • a visse]? • seint cuthbert to him com • Icham he sede cuthbert • to ]>& icham ywent • aparicio . sancti To bringe ]>e gode tydinges • fram god ich am ysent • cuthberti. Vor jjat folc of j^is lond • to simne hor wille al teue • C-^^3 & ^ut nolle]? hiderto • hor sunnen bileiie • 5345 poru me «& o]?er halwen • ]?at in ]>is lond were ybore • pat for ^ou bidde]? god • wan we be); him biuore • • Alfred • Vre louerd mid is eyen of milce • on ]7e lokej? j^eruore • & ]7i poer ]7e wole tine aien • ]?at ]70u ast ney vorlore • & )7at |>ou l^erof so]; yse • |>ou ssalt abbe tokninge • Vor ])ine men )7at be); ygo • to day avissinge • 5351 5340. -4] O aj3 ; On a e. §•] om. Sf. a] o oj8. suoddringe] swondyng e. 5341. §■] And as e. were ywent a visse\>'] a fihssche)> were a; a fyschynge were /3 ; a fysshyng were e. ywent] ywend B. vissc\>] fysschynge 5. cuthbert] cutbert B (& passim). 5342. ywent] ywend B ; isend a ; I seude e ; ysent yd ; sent j8. 5343. tydinges] tijjinge a ; tydyng e. fram] fro Se. god] heuene aySe ; heuen 13. ich am] ys my 5. ysent] ysend B ; sent y ; ywend a ; ywende e ; went ;85. 5344. al] om. )8e. 5345. nolle\> .... bileue] hyder to her synnes wol nojt leue e. 7iolle];>] nolle B ; wollen nou^t ;8 ; wol not y ; wil J^ey no^t 5. hiderto] herto B. smmen] synnes Ba;8 ; synnys 5. bileue] nout bileue o ; nou^^t bileue /3. 5346. poru] Ac J>oru a ; But ^urgh )3 ; But \>OT\iy e. o])er] o]}eve a. halwen] halewen B; halewene a; lialowes jSe. in] on al3. ybore] borne 7. 5347. pat . . . . bidde\>] pat bidde]) for )>e a ; pat prayeh for hee 13 i Whiche prayen for \>e e. \>at] J^an B. god] to god a/8Se. bei>] bu)> a ; bene y. biuore] biforne y. 5348. is] om. a;85. eye?t] eijen a/3 ; yen 5 ; yjeu e. «u7cc] mercy j8e ; pite 5. oh ]>c loke\>] Ioke})e on |>e 5. 5349. hi] om. o;3Se. \>c wole] he wil J^e S ; he wylle J>e e. 5350. })e/Y)/' soJ>] J>er of J^at so)>e a; J^er of j'C soI)e 67; Jjc soJjc ^er schalt e. ?/Ae] se €. abbe] haue 7. 5351. i>ine] )>i €7. iet>] bu}> a; ben )3 ; bene 7. ?/^t)] ago tt)3 ; ygoen e. ys daye 5. avissinge] on fisshynge 7. fol. 82 b. 390 THE CHRONICLE OF regis, vigilacio aduentus danorum. In lepes & in coufles • so moche viss hii ssolle]; horn bringe • pat ech mon ssal wondiy • of so gret cacchinge • & more vor ]fe harde vorst • |>at }?ut water yurore is • pat ]>e> more at en J^e kunde • of fissinge it is • 5355 Of serue it wel aten god • & lef me is messager • & ]?ou ssalt ]>i wille abide • as ich ]>e abbe ytold her • As ]7is king her of awok • &l of J'is sixte }>o^te • His vissares come to him • & so gret won of fisse him brotte • pat wonder it was tfe nameliche • vor J?at weder was so cold • 5360 po leuede ]>e godemon ;wel • 'put seint cuthbert adde ytold • In deuenissire J?er after • per ariuede of deneys • pre & tuenti ssipuol men • al aten ]>e peys • 5352. coxifles] kouueles a ; cowles ySe ; Couelles 5. viss] fichs a ; fissche j8. hii ssolle\> horii] hii ssolde hym B ; scholle a ; schulde /3 ; shul 7 ; schul 5 ; Jjei scliul e. 5353. }?«<] So \>dX afiSe. ssal wondry'] wondry ssal B ; wondri schal a ; wondre schal /35 ; wondyr schal e. 5354. more'] i>e mor B ; J>e more a^5e, harde] om. ajSSe. vorst] vorste B ; forste a ; frost j8 ; froste e. i)ut ivater yurore] J^e water yfrore B ; ifrore nou a ; frore now so /8 ; >e water now froren 5 ; yfrorre uowe 6. 5355. >e kunde] kynde ye. it] om. 5. 5356. Of serue it] Of serue a ; Do serue j8 ; Deserue S ; And serue e. ayen god] a^e god a ; god l^er a^eyn e. lef] ylef B ; leue 7. messager] messanger e. 5357. ssalt] ssalB. abide] haue /8. ich \>e abbe] ycham B. J>e abbe ytold] l^e seide nou a ; J>ee seyde nowe /8 ; >e seyde S ; J>e seid nowe e. her] er o. 5358. i-is] be afie. her of] om. 0e, sixte] syjte B ; binge a; kynge /3 j thinge 7 ; bynge 8 ; biug e. i>oyte] him ]jou)t e, 5359. so gret tvon of fisse] so muche fischs a; so muche fissche /3 ; so muche fysche S ; so moche fysshe e. 5360. )?at ivedcr] be weder B ; be forst a ; be frost 5 ; frost /3 ; be froste e. 5361. leuede] lyuede B ; lefde a. godemon] king a; kyng e; kyuge^S. adde] om. S. ytold] tolde ye ; him tolde S. 5362. bcr after] after bat e. be/" ariuede] aryuede ad. of deneys] J>e danys e. 5363. ?«e«] of men /35e. «/ ojt?i j^e pt'!/s] ajen be pees al at anys )3. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 891 pe kinges bro]?er of ]?e march • due of |?e ost was • Oure kinges men of engelond • mette horn bi cas • belhun. & smite ]?er an batayle • &5 hor grete due slowe .5366 & ei^te hundred & fourty men • & hor caroines to drowe • po king alfred hurde J>is • is herte gladede ]}0 • releuacio pat londfolc to him com • so J^ikke so it miite go • alfredi. Of somersete of wiltessire • of hamtessire J'er to • 5370 Euere as he wende • & of is owe folc al so • So Vat he adde poer vnou • & atte laste hii come • , [,^^^^, , ^ "i T bellum de & an batayle at edendone • a^en }>e deneys nome • edindone. & slowe to grounde & wonne • ])& maystrie of ]?e velde • pe king & is grete dukes • bigonne hom ])0 lelde • To king alfred to is wille • & ostage him toke • 5376 Vor to wende out of is lond • ^if he it wolde loke • &; tute ]?erto uor is loue • vor to auonge cristendom • Baptizacio King gurmund hor hexte king • verst ]?er to com • 5364. ]>e marcli] denemarch Ba ; Denmarche S ; Denmark ^ ; Denmarkc e. \>e ost] ost B ; })at ost he «. 5366. smite] smote /8. an] o a ; a /Se. hor] \>q a^Se. sloivc] aslowe o ; ])er i>e\ slowe e. 5367. men] om. e. carohies] caronyes B ; Carayues /8. to] alto e. 5368. po] The ;35. gladede] he gladed 5. 5369. pat] The S. londfolc] londes folke e. to him co7n] >o come to him S. so] ase a ; as j85. so it] so a ; as jiei fie ; as >ey S. 5370. of wiltessire] and Wiltshire y; of wylshyre e. of] and of 5e. hamtessire] hamshyre e. jper to] al so afiS. 5371. Euere] & euere o; And euer jSSe. u-etide] went e. ^] om. aj8Se. of is owe folc] his owne folke come e. al so] )>er to a/85e. 5372. y7iou] y nome e. 5373. a7i] a B ; o a. edendone] Edyndoune /S ; Edyngdonne e. nome] Jjei nome e. 5374. &,- slowe] Thei slowe e. maystrie] maystre B. 5375. pe kiny Sf is] To t>e kinge i'C a ; To \>q kynge ho /3; To ^e kynge Jje 8 ; To he kyng J)e e. dukes] duke B. biyonne] goune afie ■ gan 5. i>o] to BS ; Kiu fi ; om. e. yclde] a)elde a/8. 5376. To] To \>e Be. alfred to is] alfredes afie. to] om. 5. ostage him] ostages B ; ostages him a ; ostage to him e. 5377. is] this y. 5378. vor to auonge] to auonge B ; to Ibuge afiSe. 5379. King] om. /SSe. hor] he B. lie.vte] highest y ; bluest e. 392 THE CHRONICLE OF King alfred is godfader was • & baptized ek j^er were • 5380 pritty of hor hexte dukes • & moche of }7at folc )?ere • King alfred horn huld wi)? him • tuelf dawes as ]>& hende • & su|?|7e he ief horn large ^iftes • & let horn horn wende • Hii ]?at nolde cristine be • of londe flowe ]>o • & bitonde se in france • dude wel moche wo • 5385 ^^^- ^^- • Alfredus • • Edwardus • ^ut J?e ssrewen come eft a^en • & moche wo here wro^te • Ac king alfred atte laste • to ssame horn euere bro^te • sapiencia King alfred was wisost king • J?at longe was biuore • Vor ]>ey me segge ]>a,t lawe s be]?«in worre tyme uor- lore • 5380. baptized] ybaptised B ; ifolled a ; foiled /8 ; followed y ; fulled S ; y fulled e. ek"] also /3. 5381. hexte'] highest y ; hi^est e. of\>at] o>er a5e ; o))ere ;8 ; of her other y. \>ere'] J>er I lere e. 5382. Jiom huld] ham held a ; helde hem e. tuelf] tyl twelue e. as \>e hende] as he hende B ; were ended e. 5383. he ^ef horn large] jaf ham a; ^aue hem $€ ; ya,{ hem 5. horn horn] hym B ; ham horn a ; hem home ye. 5384. nolde cristine be] cristene nolde be o a ; cristen wolde noujt be y3 ; Cristen be nolde 5 ; cristen wold nojt be e. of] out of e ; owte of 5. londe] lond B. flowe] J^ei dude hem fle e. 5385. §•] om. e. se] \>ti see /3. dude wel moche wo] with muche dole & wo )3 ; wijj muchel wo e. 5386. ]>e ssrewe7i cotne] come ^^e schrewen a ; comen |>e schrewes /3 ; come \>e shrewes y ; come \>e schrewes 5e. eft] om. B. ayen] aye a, here] om. afiSe. 5387. Ac] om. a$Se. king] >e kyng B. to ssame horn euere] euer to schame (shame e) hem /8e. 5388. King] om. a/Se. was wisost king] wysest kynge was S, ivas] om. ajSe. wisost] \>e wysost B ; \>e wisest a ; J>e wysest e. biuore] byforn )6 5389. \>eij] \>o\iy e. me segge] men sey ye. \)at] \>q B. lawes .... tipne] in worre tyme lawes beth 5. be\>] bene y. uorlore] ilore a ; lorn j8 ; y lore e. EGBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 393 Nas it nott so bi is daye • vor ];ei he in worre were . 5390 Lawes he made riituolore • & strengore ]?an er were » Clerc he was god ynou • & tnt as me telj? me • He was more |^an ten ter old • ar he couj^e is abece • Ac is gode moder ofte • smale iiftes him tok • Vorte bileue o]>ev pley • »fe loky on is bok • 5*3 9 5 So )>at by pur clergye • as ritte lawes he vond • pat neuere er nere ymad • to gouerny is lond • & vor ]>e worre was so moelie • of ]>e luj^er deneys • Inuencio pe men of )?is sulue lond • were of ]>e worse peys • rum ' & robbede tfe ^slowe oj^ere • J'eruore he by vond • 5400 [267] pat ]?er were hondredes • in ech contreye of is lond • & in ech toune of J?e hondred • a tej^inge were al luuencio decima- *"" • _ ^ rum. & |?at ech man wi]? oute gret lond • In ]>q te)>inge were ydo • 5390. Nas"] Was fiS ; ^it was e. so bi is daye] bi his dai^e so a ; bi his day so /3 ; by hys daye so S. hi is] hiis B. vor] om. aySSe. 5391. ri-i^tuolore] & ryjtfulle lore /8. riytiiolore Sf strengore] strengger & ryjtfuller e. ej- uwre] were ere 13 ; byfore were e. 5392. Sf] ac a; but /Se ; om. S. me] men /Se. teli>] telle)) Ba; tellithy. 5393. He .... i>an] More he was J^an ajSe. old] hold a. 5394. is gode moder ofte] ofte his godmoder e. 5395. Vorte bileue] Vorto by leue B ; Vorto leten a ; For to leten )35 ; For to lerne e. o]>er pley] ol^er J^ynges be 5 ; & to pley e. ^oky] loken o;3 ; loke e. is] \>e. oe. 5396. pMr] por B. clergye] clergije a; clargie "y. as] ys B; his oj35e. vond] wonde B. 5397. nere] were /85e. ymad] ymaked a ; made j85. gouerny] gouerne y ; goueme w' e. 5398. worre was] wer res were ;8. so] om. y. moche] strong ae; stronge $S. lumper deneys] Inhere denays a ; Danys j^at wolde noujt sees ^. 5399. sulue] same j8 ; self e. of {jc worse peys] J^erfor in }>e worse pees e. 5400. Sf robbede] For eche robbed e. o\/ere] eyj^er ol'ere S. he] )>ei j8 ; l^e kyng e. i// yo?iq a/3S ; this y ; Hs e- 5402. ech] eche a-y. a] o ay. were] man were 5. al so] do y. 5403. t>e] om. Ba)85e. ^rfo] do /3. alfredi. 394 THE CHRONICLE OF & J7at ech man knewe o]7er • J?at in te]?inge were • & wuste somdel of hor stat • ^if me J^efj^e vpe horn here • 5405 So streit he was ]?at ]>ei me leyde • amidde weyes heye • Seluer ];at nomon ne dorste • hit nyme vor beye hor eye . Abbeys he rerde monion • In mony studes ywis • At winchestre he rerde on • ]?at ny we munstre ychiped ys • Obitus His lif eytte & tuenti ter • in is kinedom ylaste •5410 After is dej? he was ybured • at winchestre atte laste • "L^Dward is gode sone • king was ymad ]?o • In ])G lev of grace nyen hundred ter • & on & nammo • Foure & tuenty ter he was king • & to more poer com • 5414 pan euere is fader dude • ac no^t to so gret wisdom • 5404. knewe'] knewena; knowen fi ; knowe e. o>er] oj^ere a. te^inge'] teoHnge «. 5405. ivustel wiste a ; eche knewe e. hor stat] o>ers astate e. me .... hom] any man >eft on o>er e. i>ef\>e] \>u B ; >uf>e a ; ])eft )8 ; thefte 5. vpe] vpon y. 5406. he] hit /3 ; it 7. \>at] om. ye. \>ei me] though men y. leyde] ledde B. amidde] amyddes /8 ; vpon J^e S. weyes heye] J^e hei^e weije a ; >e hye strete ;8 ; >e hi^e wey e. 5407. Seluer] om. ;8 ; Syluer or gold e. nomon'] uon man B. ne dorste .... eye] hit durst take )>e lawe was so grete /3. ne] om. Se. nyme] take Se. vor beye hor eye] hey he yt seye B ; for his ei^e a ; fore his eye S ; for his y^e e. .'5408. Abbeys] Abbei^es a. rerde] rared j8 ; rered y. monioii] mani^e on a. In] andB. mony] manije o. 5409. nywe inunstre] nowe mynstre /8. 5410, 5411. See Appendix, Note BB. 5410. in] on S. 5412. yode] god o. ymad] made y. 5413. jcr . . . . yer] nyne hundred yere of grace y. nyc7i] nyje o. yer] om. ojS. ^ o?t] om. a0e. 5414. com] come B. 5415. euere] euere )ut a ; euer jit ^Se. ac] hot 5. ?iOi/] boit B. to] om. o)38 ; of e. KOBEKT OF GLOUCESTER. 395 He wan j^e kinedom of jje march • mid is dedes bolde • couquisicio So J'at of him he was • after warde yholde • mercie. & pat lond of estangle • & of norj^homberlond • conquisicio & walis he wan ]?oru batayle • al vnder is hond • humb^r- & he nas neuere in batayle • binej'e in J^is londe • loud & He biuond uerst an quoyntise • aten te deneys to at ! ' . , ^ *^ / ' M.^^ restitencia Stonde • 5421 contra Vor ]ye heye tonnes in ]>e lond • & ]?e castles j^er to • ^^^r^'^'o-. Mid gode knittes let astory • & mid sustinance al so • • Edwardus • foi. 83 b. So ]?at ware ]?e king were • & j^er come hor fon • In eche contreye prest hii were • mid ]7e lond folc anon • & smite mony batayle • ]?at ]>e king it nuste • 5426 So )?at ];oru streng|?e of heye tonnes • ech contrey him sulf wuste • His soster he let spousy • |?at yhote was elfled • To ]>e king ]?at huld ]?e march of him • J'at yhote was e]7elred • 5417. o/'] euere of a; euer of /3e. of ... . after warde] euere after- warde of him liit was S. he'] yt B. after ivarde] ]>ar after a ; >er aftir /3 ; )>ere after e. 5418. \>at] Jpe S. §• of] and B ; & eke aSe ; and also )3. 5419. he wan] om. a;3e. )>oru] mid a ; with /8e. 5420. nas] was /85e. ]>is] j^isse a. .5421. biuond] bifond a; fonde jS ; founde y. an] one aj8; a e; om. 5. at stonde] anstonde B ; stonde a/SSe. 5422. Vor] And a/SS; Al e. m >e] in J^is e. \>e] om. 5. 5423. Mid .... astory] He astored wij? good knyjttes e. let astory] he let astory B ; astorede aj3 ; astored 5. al so] \>qv to By. 5424. ware] war a ; whare S ; where y ; where euer e. \>e king] he ajSSe. come] comen a/8. 5425. >e] om. aj85. 5426. smite] smote fi ; >ei smytte e. mony] manije o a ; many a j8e ; manye a 5. nuste] nyst 76. 5427. -So] om. ct/SSe. J)oy«] niyd B; mid a; with jSSe. heye] \>c hi^e e. him sulf ] hem self 5. ?<;?oyte'] hit af]>oute a ; hit ajjoujt ; hit a >ou^tte e. so'] om. e. 5431. Ar )>af] Er >at a; Or J>e )3 ; Or )>at e. were] was aj8f. ybore] borne /8. he] heo Bo ; sche )35e. ne willed it] ne wilnede a ; ■\vilned fiS ; wylled e. nammor] no more /35e. 5432. Come] Com B. 7iammor] more B ; om. o;3Se. vie ne miyte] no man my^t e. hire] yre B. 5433. ^o wolde euere eft] heo come a ; sche come )8S ; sche wold nojt come 6. monnes] mannes aj3 ; mannus S ; manry« *. come vor eny] vor none kunnes a ; for no kynnes ^e ; for no kynnys 5. eny] non B. 5434. euere] om. ^e. sede] heo seide o ; sche saide j8 ; sche seid e. such] suche B. 5435. ^o] he B. hit] om. 5. ne] om. Be. hi covi] bicome a ; bycome hur e. 5436. fol] foule ySe. such] J?e a/35e. na\>emo] no ^e mo a; ne Jjc mo € ; neuer J>e mo S ; neuere mo y. 5437. encheson] encheison a. /)2He]payne e. 5438. Ac] And 76. yut] om. |3 ; yit 7. as] om. aSe . as is \>e] ase J:'e latere a ; as J>e latter jSe. 5439. "yut] y.i l^at 5. moyii womman] mani^e wimman a. womman] ■vvommen 5. ]>ulke] )>at aj3e. 5440. edivolf] Edolf 7. ivas] so was a;8 ; \>o was 5. 5441. pwr] om. afi^e. hate] ate a. ayen] ayenst7. held] he helde e. ssrewarrf] schreward a ; scherewarde /3. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 397 [269] pe deneys were in hombeiiond • to horn he gan fit rex 1 danorum. drawe • Hii auenge him vayre ynou • & were wi]; him we] vawe . & made him hor king anon • is bro];e r uor to ssende • Sone hii greyj^ede hor ost |^o • soujnvard vor to wende • 5445 & asaylede estsex • & nome J'at lond anon • capcio Vor j?e maystres of ]?e lond • tolde hom to hom rum. echon • po wende hii in to ]>e march • & moche sorwe made • & robbede «Sz; destruede uaste • anon to crekkelade • So hii passede temese • & dude wo ynou • 5450 fugacio King edward sone mid is ost • toward hom drou • & drof hom in to humberlond • mid wel quic pas • Ac king edwolf ]?er after • sone aslawe was • Vor ]>G king edward & is men • hamward ywend were • 5454 pat folc of kent aten is wille • bileuede bihinde ]?ere • 5442. homberlond'\ uorhhumberlond a ; Northumberlonde /8 ; NorJ>luimber- londe €. he gan drawe] he drowe w' mayne j3. 5443. auenge'] vnderfeDge a ; vnderfonge jSe; vndirfonge 5. wel] v\yi j8 ; ful S. vawe] fawe a5 ; fayne /3 ; fayn e. 5444. ^] Thei e. 5445. Sone hii] Aud J^ei e. hor] om. a/35. 5446. asaylede] asayle B. nome] nom a ■ toke -yS. 5447. of \>e] of J^at Co^e. yolde] ^ulde C ; )Oulde o; ^eldede /3; ^elden e. hom to hom] to hom C ; to hem BySSe ; to ham a. 5448. in to] to aySSe. 5449. uaste] om. a)35€. to] om. y. crekkelade] crecklade C ; creokelade B ; krekelade a ; kyrkelade e. 5450. So] So J'at /8. 5451. so7ic] om. a/35e. toivard] after BC ; sone to osSe; soone to y. 5452. drof] drove y. wel] ry^t /3. 5453. Ac] & a/Se. \>er after so7ie] sone after e. aslawe] slayne y. 5454. Vor i>e] Vor \>o B ; Vor bo ^c C ; po a; Whenne j8 ; The 5 ; Tho e. ywend] went y. 5455. pa<] The 5. a^n] ayenst 7. hileuede bihinde }pere] yleft behynde Jjei were e. bileuede] bilefde a. 398 V THE CHRONICLE OF bellum. po edwolf & J^e deneys • wuste horn so bileue • occisio rp^ i^^j^ 1^-^ smite anon • & batayle horn teue • pe kenteys stode vaste at en • & ]>e king edwolf slowe • Heye & lowe ]7er were aslawe • in eyj^er alf ynowe • King edward J^e ni)?e ter • of is kinedom • 5460 pe castel made of liereford • & to god ende com • JqI g^ . Edward ■ • ^|?e[Z].stow • pe ler }>erafter jje deneys • wende • fram leycestre to Occisio ad norhamtone • 10*^6°*^^' Toward oxenford vaste • & at hogenortone • [270] Slowe moehe vole ynou - &5 in ]7e contreye aboute • Atte laste ]>e contreye folc • com mid gret route • & driue hom al to no^te • & hor preye nom • 5466 Su])|)e in ]7e endlefte ter • of ]?e kinedom • 5456. wusie'] wiste a ; wist 7 ; vryst 5. so"] om. Ce ; J>ere so 5. hileuel be hynde e. 5457. smite] smete C ; smote /8. anon'\ )>er anon o ; >er anone /8 ; })er a noon e. ^ batayle hom yeue'] batelle in J^at stedde e. hom'] hi hom C. 5458. kenteys] Kent ers B ; kenteys men a ; kentische men /3 ; kentyssh- men 7 ; kentysche men S ; kentysshe men e. stode] stod a. slowe] \>ei slou^ /8 ; \>ei slowe e. 5459. i>er were .... alf] in eij^er half J^er were aslawe C. aslawe] slayne 7 ; y sleyne e. a//"] halfe a ; side P. 5460. 7ii]f>e] uynj^e /SSe ; nynteth 7. 5461. §• to] J^at to a^€. god] gode B; goude C. 5462. \>erafter] after a^Se. J>e deneys wende] wende )>e deneys a; went \>e Danys ;3 ; wente }>e danys e. to] & C. norhamtone] norjjham- tone BCa; Northampton /Be ; Northampton 7. 5463. oxenford] oxenforde a. at] om. C. hogeiiortone] hogenorte B ; hogge Norton S. 5464. Slowe] Thei slowe e. ynou] \>o 5 ; om. e. 5466. rfrme] to dryue B ; to dreue C ; drof S; drove ye. noi^te] naut C ; nau^te a. preye] preyej 7. nom] hem bynom B ; hom by nom C ; ham binom a ; hem by nome /SSe. 5467. Su\>\)e] Setthen S. endlefte] enlefbe a; elleiiene /8 ; ]511euenthe S ; eleuen)?e e. }>e] Jje kynges BCy3 ; J>e kinges a; J^e kyugs S; >>e kyngges e. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 399 pe cleneys come & robbede • nor]> walls vaste • dani in So ];at to yrclienefeld • hii come atte laste • irchenfeld. Out of ]?e castel of liereford • J^at folc iiaste ]>o com • 5470 & of ]?e contreye al aboute • & batayle wi|^ horn nom • OCCISIO & slowe of hom j^e hexte due • & opev men mony- danorum. on . Hii ]7at mitte ofscapie aliue • of londe flowe echon • Alfled quene of ]>e march • strong wommon was «& ^^oynte . ^ p^^b;^^^ In batayle & yholde • as king In eche poynte • 5475 alfled. Al walls 10 ouercom • & ]>e march ]7er to • '- -' Stafford to wan & leycestre • & warewik al so • & bruges & euerwik • & J^e contreye al so • Of euerwik to hire com • hire wille vorto do • At tamewurj>e heo deyde s,up])e • & ybured heo was ywis • 5480 In seinte petres porche at gloucestre • as lf>e abbey tut is • 5468. nor\> walls'] in norj^walis o ; in to Nor)>-walis & ; in North Walys 5 ; al norhwalys e. 5469. yrclienefeld'] Irchenfelde 7S. come] comen a5. 5470. \>e] om. B. \>at] >e 5 ; om. e. uaste \>o] )po feste a ; \>o fast 5e ; ]>^n fast ;3. 5472. sloioe] slou B; slowen a5 ; slouj j8. of hom] om. a)35e. \>e] her B ; hore C ; hare a ; here ;SS ; her 76. hexte] hext 5 ; heiest C ; hi^est /3e; heyest 7. o]>er] o^ere Ba. vien] om. aj85e. 5473. ofscapie] ascapije a ; ascape ;8 ; scape e. aliue] on lyiie 7. of] owte of S. londe] londone a. flowe] ]>e\ flowe e. echon'] anon ay ; anone /8. 5474. quene] \>e quene fi. tvommon] womwan B ; wimman o. quoynte] quenyte B ; queynte C ; queynt e. 5475. Sf] om. a^Se. yholde] holde j8. king] a kyng e; akynge /35 ; quene B. poynte] ponyte B. 5476. yo] heo Ba ; he C ; sche e ; she 7. \>cr to] al so a/SSe. 5477. )o] heo Ba ; sche e ; she 7. a7 so] ]>ev to Ba;85€. 5478. bruges] brugges a ; bryges e. al so] & al so B. 5480. tamewur\>e] BCa; Tamworjje /Se ; camewor)>e A; Camworth S. ybured] buryed 7. Aeo] he B ; she 7. 5481. at] of Ca/8Se, as] at $. 400 THE CHRONICLE OF pe kinedom J>o of ]>e march . king edwai'd to him nom • As in ])e sixe & tuenti|?e tere • of is owe kinedom • iij filij ed- King edward adde ]?re sones • ]?e eldost aj^elston • & edmimd & eldred • )7at kinges were echon • 5485 obitus & Buppe he deyde at farendone • as god tef )?at edwardi. ^^^ , & in ];e munstre at winchestre • bi is fader ybured was • A J>elston was ]>o king • j^at was edwardes sone • & |?oru J^e heymen of ]?e lond • ycrouned at kinges- tone • In ]>e nyen hundred ter & four & tuenty • of grace ycrouned he was • 5490 & bote aboute vourtene ter • king \>Qr after he nas • Holi chirche he louede wel • «fe rerde manyon • ortus" pe verste ter of is kinedom • ybore was seint dun- sancti dun- r.+nn stani. "^^°^ • 5482. ]>o of] om. y. 5483. As] & afie. tue7>ti]>e'] tuentye B ; twenti Co. ; twenty Pe; twentie S. owe] om. Ba/3e. 5484. eldest] eldoste B ; vldest a. a\>elston] Adelston a ; Adelstone y. 5485. See Appendix, NoteDD. 5486. su]?]>e he deyde] he deied sithe ;8 ; he deyeth sythe y ; he dyed si})]?e e. farendone] farndone B ; farindone a ; Faryndon y ; flfaryngdon e. 5487. in] om. y. \>e] om. B. munstre] mustre B ; mynystre C. at] of afiSe, ybured] he buried /3 ; buryed he 7 ; he beryed e. 5488. A\>elston] Adelston ay. 5489. \>oru )>e] J>oru C. heymen] heye men B ; heije men a. ycrouned] crowned 7 ; he y crowned was e. 5490. In he] om. B. ]>e nyen] J^e nyje a ; nyn}>e fi ; nyne 7 -^er] ^er of grace Ba ; jere of grace j8 ; jeer of grace e. jer ^ four Sf tuenty] & xxiiij'' jere S. of grace] om. BojSe. ycrouned he] crowned he S ; hit a/3e. 5491. Sf] om. 7. bote aboute] aboute B ; bote a; hot 5; but ;8e. vourtene] an fourtyne B ; an vourtene C ; a fourtene S ; ane viftene a ; a fiftene /3 ; fyftene e. jer] yere fully 7. Anf^- her a/ter] king after >an ae ; kynge aftir hanne j8 ; after kynge S. nas] was Be. 5492. Holi] Holije a. manyon'] manije on a. 5493. ^e] & Jjc a/3e. ybore] borne 7. dunston] donston a. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 401 Nywe abbeys he made vaste • ]>e gode aj^elston • emendacio & |;er nas of olde house • in ]?e londe non • 5495 rum.'°^°" pat he ne amendede wij? som lond • oJ?er mid buld- inge • Oj^er mid boc oj^er riche clo)^ • oj^er som oj^er riche J)inge . [272] Norbhomberlond he wan • & walis & seotlond • conquisicio bibcrQiG & ]?e kinges & hor lond • heold al in is bond ' ^allie scocie. fol. 84 b. . A]>elston • Him l^otte it was more nobleye • ])o he adde an honde al >is . 5500 Vor to maky kinges • J?an to be king yivis • Aien he made kinges • ]?at kinges er were • Bote Jjat hii were vnder him • & truage him bere • po hii adde hor lond aten • |?e king of seotlond • j.^^ scottie Constantin & analf • king of homberlond • 5505 & humbrie sequuntur. 5494. J)e] >ys B5 ; i>\s ajSe. gode'] good kynge S ; good man e. ai>elstcm'] adelston afi. 5495. ^] om. e. 7ias o/] was none /Se. oWe] holde a. house] houses 8. J?e] )>is e. londe'] loud B. ?/o?t] nout on a ■ nou)t on /3 ; nojt one e ; neuere one 5. 5496. \}at .... amendede] But l^at he amended hit e. ivi];>] myd B ; mido. som] om. a/SSe. biddinge] byldynge B ; beldynge y; beldyng e. 5497. o]>er] ol^er with $5; or wi> e. oi>er] oj^ere ajS ; or Se. som o]>er riche] o)>er ryche B ; ouj^er riche C ; o>er riche 5 ; mid o>er a ; •m\> oJ)er /Se. 5499. ^ )>e] The 6. hor lond] \>q kinedoms a ; J?e kyngdomes /3 ; j^e kyngdome e. heold] held B ; huld a ; helde /Se. al] om. ye. in] on a/3. 5500. Him] He C. it was] om. a;85e. Jjo] J)at a;8S. a?;] in a; in his )3e. honde] hondes e. «/ b^'s] bis a/3 ; ywys e. 5501. For] &vora; And for /3e. maky] maki^e a ; make B/Se. to be] be a. 5502. made] made horn C. >«<] her a. er zi-ere] were eve y. 5503. 5ois king aj^elston • gaderede men ynowe • & here bisouj^e humber • mid hor ost drowe • Analf was god kni^t • Sz stalwarde & quoynte • Menestral he was god ynou • &5 harpare in poynte • To aJ?elstones pauylon • mid is harpe he wende ■ & so wel wi]?oute harpede • ]?at me after him sende • pere he harpede so wel • J^at he payde al ]>e route • Ac euere were is eyen • in eche hurne aboute • licenciacio After mete ]>o hii nolde • nammore of is pley • Hii leue him siluer uor is gle • & lete him go is wey • 5515 Of ]>e siluer he adde hoker • vor he ne com j^uder vor non • Ac is wille he adde \>o he sey • ]>e stat of is fon • On ]^at adde ybe mid him • ]?e king tolde J^er • pe king him blamede j^o • J?at he nadde ytold him accusacio eius. er 5506. Vpe Jjjs] Vpon )>e a ; Apon the y ; Vppon ]>e e. a])elston'] adelston a. gaderede] hi gaderede a ; j>ei gadered fi ; Jjey gadred 5 ; )>ei gadred e. 5507. drowe'] hi drowe a ; \>e\ drou^ ^ ; J^ei drowe e. 5508. Analf] Analaf BCajSe, was] om. e. god] godeB; goude C ; a good S ; jje good e, ^] was e ; om. a/85. stalwarde] stalward B ; stalewoi'J'e o ; a stalwor]>e mau e. quoynte] queynte BC ; queynt e. 5509. Menestral] Mynstral C ; A mynstrel e. god] gode B. 8f harpare] an harper e. 5510. a\>elstones] a>elstonB; Adelstones 7. 5511. wi^oute harpede] he harpede wi>oute o ; he harpid with oute /8 ; he harped w' oute S ; he harped w' out for)je e. me after him] after him • me aS ; aftir him men y3 ; after him men e. sende] sente fi, 5513. were] was ;8. hurne] hyrne e. 5514. hii nolde] J^ei no wolde /3 ; wolde J>ei no)t e. 5515. siluer] seluer BCo. yle] gleo a. go] gone o/3. 5516. siluer] seluer BCa. ne] om. ajSSe, 5518. Om] One 7 ; Of 5. adde] he hadde a ; he had 5. yhe] ibeo a ; bene 7 ; be 5. }pe] to ]>q Se. tolde] ;he tolde e. \>er] of him \>evQ a$. 5519. 7iadde] no hadde /3 ; ne had 7; had not e. ytold] tolde fi. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER.* 403 Sii'e he sede ich was ysuore • to him ar to J'e • 5520 & ^if ichadde him bisuike • J^e wors );ou wost leue me • Ac rem we in to anoj^er stude • ]>i pauilon bi mi [273] rede • 0]?er povL mitt 2ut to nitt • of som treson drede • pe pauilon was remewed 'po ■ &5 ]>e king & alle his • Ac a bissop & is men • ]?er uor]? come ywis • 5525 occisio & pi^te ]?ere hor pauylon • &; bileuede al nitt J^ere • p?o^rege & Jjis luj>er men come ani^t • & wende ^e king it were • & slowe bissop & al is men • ]?at gult nadde non • & su)7J7e hii wende vor]?ore mo • & sotte aj'elston • Of hom nas he no^t ywar • ar ]?o atte laste • 5530 bellum. Ac sone he & is men • armede hom wel vaste • 5520. 7/suore'] sworne )3; swore e. ar] er ^an o ; ere )>an 5; rat>er l^an P; OT I was e. 5521. him bisuike'] him biwryed j8 ; him desceyued 5; be wreye' him e. \>ou wost leue me} ich were mid i>e a; I were wi> >e jSSe ; it hadde bene for the y. 5522. renme'] remuwe o; remoue fi ; remeue Jje e. m er'] on o>er a. stude] place y. pauilon] pauilons A (s marked for erasure), bi mi rede] by myn rede B ; ich rede o ; I rede j8 ; I >e rede e. 5523. 0]>er] Or els e. 5524. remewed] remuwed a; remeued Bi3. 8f ]>e] J>e e. 5525. Ac a] Ac o a ; But o y. come] com Ba. 5526. piyte] put C. hor] o a; a )3Se. pauylon] pauylons C. §• bileuede al ni-^t] to a byde a nyjt e. 5527. \>is lu\>er men] \>\s traitor a; Hs traytour /3 ; }>is traytoure e; J^es traytours 5. come] com Ba. aniyt] at nyght 5 ; Jjat ny^t e. )>e] om. Ce. hing] kyngges pauylon e. 5528. slowe] slou B. bissop] J>e hyssop B ; J?e bischo (sic) C ; t>e bisschop a. ; J)e Bischop ^ ; ]>e byschop 5 ; }>e bysshoppe e. al] om. aySSe. nadde] hadde /3 ; had Se. 5529. we7ide] BC ; wendenae; went /S5 ; om. A. vor\>oremo] forl^ere more o ; for)>ermore j8 ; fer]>ermore e. so-'yte] souten a ; souiten /8. aj>e/s<07t] adelston a ; kynge Athelstone 5. 5530. nas] was /35e. ywar] warre /8 ; ware 7e. ay \>o atte] or at }>e 6. 5531. armede] assayled 5. wel] om. o;85e. c c 2 404 ~ THE CHRONICLE OF & edmund is broj'er mid him • & ^o hii preste were echon • Hii wende vor]? to )?is batayle • & mette mid hor fon • depredacioi pe king to is suerde drou • & ]?o ne vond he non • ga 11 regis. ^^ ^^^ ^.^ treson him binome • hard cas was ]?at on . 5535 On god al mi^ti &; seint aldelm • ]7e king cryde vaste ]>o • Inuencio. ^ j^-j sende him bi uair miracle • bote of is wo • fol. 85. A])elston To is seaubere he pulte is hond • al prest a suerd he vond • |. - perinne J'oru god ysend • no betere nas in "pe lond • gladius pro In ])e kinges tresorie • }?at suerd iwust ys • 5540 rehquiis. ^g ^^j, noble relike • ^ut to J^is daye y wis • 5532. Jjo hii] om. a/Se. 5533. Hii . . . batayle^ And to this Bataile went y. Hii wende vory] And wende BC ; And wenten 5 ; Wenden a ; Went j8 ; Thei went to e. mette'] metten aSe. 7nid] om. afie ; wyth y. 5534. ne] om. y. 5535. Ac] Hyt B ; atC ; But hit e. hard] an harde e. was );>at on] was J>er on C ; Jjat was one fi ; J>er was one €. 5536. On] To e. god al mi'^ti] Ihesu ciist afi; Ihesu criste 5; Ihesu cryst e. vaste] om. a/SSe. 5537. if hii . . miracle] Bi faire miracle him sende him a; By faire miracle him sent /8 ; By fayre miracle J>ey send him 5 ; By fayre myracule to him was sent e. of] in BCe ; on afid. 5538. is] i>e o5. seaubere] scaubert 5. pulte] put ; putte y. a] o 5539. t/send] ysond B ; sent /8. 7io betere nas in \>e] a better nas in no 5 ; J>er was no better in )>\s e. nas] om. B ; was jS. \>e] om. B. 5540. kinges] kyng B. tresorie] tresom'/3; tresoure e. iwust] ywust )ut a ; kept ^it ; kept it y ; ^ytte ykep te S ; ykept yX e. 5541. As] & a/Se. noble] o noble a ; a noble )85e. yut] om. a/Se. to] vnto 5. i>is] >isse a. MS. deprecacio. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 405 Yegged it is in j?e on half • & in ]?e o]?er no^t • per ne miite neuere gold ne seluer • j^er on ben ybro^t • pis noble king a|?elston • |^o )?is gode suerd to him com • Nobliche & wel he fatt • & so god ernest to him he nom • 5545 pat fram ]>&t ]?e sonne aros vorte hit derc ni^t was • pe batayle ylaste • «fe neuere wery he nas • Wat ]?oru is stalwardhede • wat j^oru godes grace • Mony was ]>e gode body • |7at he slou in ]?e place • pe batayle was at brymesbury . & |7er were of deneys • 5550 & of scottes aslawe • & al so of yreis • •Vif longe kinges • proute |7oru alle ]?ing • & ]>e proute constantin • )?at of scotlond was king • 5542. Yegged] legghed a ; Egged /35. it is . . . half'} yt ys in on alf B ; bi >at on half a ; by J>at one side & ; on \>at on half hit is 5 ; by ]>at one half e. |>e] J>at a^e. 7ioyt'] ry^t no^t e. 5543. ne] om. e. neuere , . . );>er on] seluer ne gold neuere l>er on o ; syluer ne gold neuer ber on j3 ; siluere 'ne golde neuere beron 5 ; nei)>er syluer ne golde neuer )>er on e. ben] be BCajSe. ybro-^^t"] brout o ; brou^t /3 ; wrou^t e. 5544. king] king \)0 a ; kynge \>o 5. \>o] \>an /3. gode] om. a^5e. to] om. B. com] nome 0e. 5545. Omitted in e. Nobliche . . . ?»ow] And raanfuly smote j^er with to fende his kyngdome j8. Nobliche] Nobylyche B ; Nobeliche a. he] om. a. so] om. aS. ernest] vrnest a. he] added above the line in A; om. BCaS. 5546. pa < /ram] There fro 5 ; And fro e. J^ai >e] )>e C;8. vorte] vorto a; vn to ;8 ; for to e. hit] om. 5. derc 7ti'i,t] dernyjt C. hit derc niyt] derk ni^t hit a ; derk ny^t hit /8 ; derke ny^t hit e. 5547. ylaste] ilaste J^are a; last here /3; lastid there 7; so longe last S ; lasted J'ere e. neuere ivery] \>q weriore a ; J'e weryer j3 ; J>erfor \>e ■weryer e. nas] was e. 5548. 9. Omitted in a^y^e. 5549. J>e gode] gode B. 5550. pe] pat C ; pis aye. brymesbury] bremesbury C ; brunesburi a ; Brunesburie S. irere] was 7. deneys] denys o. 5551. aslawe] eke aslawe a; eke slayn ;85; eke ysleyn e. yreis] yreyns a ; yreynys j3 ; yrenys 7 ; Irysshe e. 5552. proute] prowde men 6. alle] al B. 5553. \>e proute] prout B. \>at of scotlond] of Scotland J'at e. 406 THE CHRONICLE OF & of oj^ere ))at were aslawe • me ne mi^te non encle yse • Hii ]7at of scapede aliue • bigonne vaste to fie • 5555 pus ]>e king aJ?elston • agaste ]?o is fon • & vor hii ne ssolde in is lond • abbe recet non • pe castel of euerwik • to grounde he let caste • Vor is fon were ofte )7er inne • ]?e wule he ylaste • [275] pat hii nadde no recet • vor to greuy is lond • 5560 Also of ech maner purchas • ]?at com bi is hond • Oj^er ]?at eny of is • as in purchas nome • He vorbed J^at neuere more • among is spence ne come • Ac to hous of religion • J'at me hit al clene here • & to poueremen aboute • |?at meseyse were • 5565 Subieccio j^Iq ^q kinges of walls • he brotte al to lawe • To hereford al vnder him • to is wiUe uawe • 5554. ofj om. e. aslawe"] ysleyne e ; slayn y. me . . . yse] non ende ne myte beo o ; none ende ne my^t be /3 ; none ende me myght see 5 ; nonne ende J^er my^t be e. 5555. Hii] Tbey J^o S. of scapede] ascapede o ; ascapedS; scaped /Se. aliue] on lyue y. hiyonne vaste] fast bygan S. bigonne] gonne aj3 ; )>ei gonne e. 5556. a)>elston] >at time a ; }?at tyme iSSe. J>o] ]>er aySe ; J^ere S. 5557. Sf . . . recet] & >at hi on J^is londe nadde recet a ; And J>at ]?&i on >is londe hadde recet ;3 ; And >at >ey in Jjys londe Eescette had S ; And t>at Jjei in >is londe had resette e. ^] om. B. is] )?js B. 5558. pe] pane a ; Than }>e /3 ; Thanne the y. of] Jjo of 5. 5559. he ylaste] hit last /Be ; that hit last y ; it last 5. 5560. 'pat hii nadde] po hi hadde a; Whenne they hadde y; Tho l^ey had S ; Tho had l^ei e. no] non B. vor to] vort to o. greuy] gryuy C ; greue e ; greve y. is] t>is e. 5561. ech] eche o. maner purchas] manere porchas a; purchased manere j8. com] was e. bi] in BCaySSe. is hond] J>is lond o ; his londe e. 5562. eny] ^yf enyB. 5563. vorbed] veibed B. neuere] euer P. more] mo o ; non B. spence] spences e. ne] om. C5 ; J^at hit e. 5564. hous] houses 5. al] om. 5. 5565. poueremen] )>& poure men y. aboute] al aboute jSe. meseyse] meseile a ; mesel or prisoners j8 ; in mysseise 5 ; meselles e. 5566. he] king aJ)elston a ; kj'^nge Adelston ^ ; kyng Adelston e. ai] wel B ; om. ajSe. 5567. a/] aUe a. to] to do 5 . uawe] fol vawe a ; welle fawe j8 ; iii lowe e ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 407 pat tuenty pound of golde • ech of horn bere • &5 ]?ritti pound of seluer • fram leve to lere • & tuenti ]?ousend oxen • ek to }>is golde • 5570 & hauekes «fe houndes • as mony as he wolde • habitacio To certein woniinge he horn broite • boj^e lowe & heye • So ]?at hor woniinge were • al bi weste weye • & no ]?ing in ^e est alf • so ]?at weye ywis • ut to |?is day to del}? • engelond & walls • 5575 } • Edmond • foi. 85 b. & TpOYU. king a]7elston • ]7at was verst ydo • certus Men of cornwayle he bro^te • to certeyn stude al so • ^or^ubie Vor bitonde \fe water of tamer • he horn adde alle [276] ybro^t • To wonye J?er as in hor owe • & a ]?is alf no^t • 5568. horn'] hem hym B ; hotn hym C ; ham him a ; hem him j8S ; hem to him e. 5569. ];>ritii'\ \>re hundi-ed aj8e. pound of seluer"] J)Ousand oxen j8e; thousande of oxen y. fram'] euere fro 5. fram yere to yere] with oute any were j8 ; wythouten any were y ; wijjoutten any werre e. 5570. §•.... oxen] Thei him jeldede bi truage ; Thei him gelded by trewage e. ek to \)is] and also his /3e. 5571. 7noni/ as] manije so a. 5572. To] And to e. certein] a certeine S. woniinge] woni^inge o; wonynge B ; wonyng C ; wonnynge /8. horn] om. 0j3e. hom bro'^yte] brou^t hem S. ioJ>e] om. a/8. 5573. So] om. aySe. woniinge] wonijinge a ; wonynge B ; wonyng C; wonnynge /3. weye] wei^e a ; wy^e /3 ; wygh y. 5574. \>e] J>an a ; fjat ySe. loeye] weije a ; wy^e /3 ; wygh y. 5575. yut to] tute to a; Vnto S. day] daye B5 ; day^e a. to del\>] to delej^ C ; dele)? a ; delethe 5 ; parted )3 ; departeth y ; hit dele)? e. §•] fram a ; from /SSe. 5576. ki7ig] \>e kyng C ; >e kynge S. ]pat] }>is e. was] om. C. 5577. certeyn] a certeyne S ; a certeyn e. stude] stede C. 5578. Vor] Ver a ; flfer e. irrtier] watere a. tamer] tame a;3 ; Tene e ; Camere 5. /i07« adde] adde hem B ; hadde hom C ; hadde ham o ; hadde hem j3 ; had hem 5e. 5579. To ivonye] To woni^e a ; To wonue ,8 ; ffor to dwelle e. )?er] om. ajSoe. ?m Aor oice"] in her owne e ; with Inne here owen j8. a \>is alf] a l>eos half a. 408 THE CHRONICLE OF Vor hii wonede ]?er biuore • anon to excestre riit • & |)e welisse ver in engelond • vorte he it adde ydi^t . 5581 Mainies- King a]?elston louede moche • malmesbury ywis • He ^ef horn of ])e holy croys • som j^at tut ]?ere is • & he was at is ende day • vaire ybured ];er • , King he arst adde ybe • aboute an viftene ter • 5585 T^Dmond aj^elstones bro];er • after him was king • Godmon & doutede • god ]?oru alle ]>ing • In ]>e ter of grace it was • nyen hondred & fourty ter • pat he was king ymad • & old he was er • Eyttetene ter he was king • & six ^er & a day -5590 V^our & tuenti ^er he was old • ar he aslawe lay • 5580. her] om. 5 ; here e. ano7i to'] vorto o ; for)>e to yS ; vn to S ; fori? to 6. 5581. \>e welisse'] welsse B; \>e walysch C; \>e welische a; }>e walsshe men e. ver] were B ; feor C ; fer a. vorte] vort a ; vn to $. it adde] hadde Jjus a/S ; had hit 5 ; had >us hit e. ydi^t] dyjt B ; di)t j8. See Appendix, Note EE. 5582. a\>elsto?i^ adelston ae. See Appendix, Note FF. 5583. horn] hem som S. som] om. 5. yut ]>ere] \>ete )ut B ; J>ere jitte S. 5584. ende] endynge S. \>er] J^ere B. 5585. King .... adde] After he hadde kynge S. arst adde] adde arst B ; hadde arst C. viftene] fiftie 5. 5586. a\>elstones] adelstones o. 5587. Godmon] Gode man B ; A good man 5. doutede god] idouted wel a ; douted wel j8 ; douhted wel 7 ; dou^tty e. \>oru] J>oru out a ; Jjorowe oute j3 ; ))rowte S. 5588. /?«)>£.. . . hondred] Nije (Nyne /SSe) hundred of grace hit was ufiSe. it was nyen hondred] nyne hondred j't was B ; nyn hundred hit was C. fourty] foruty B ; foure & twenty e. 5589. ki?ig ymad] made kyng e. ymad] ymaked a ; made 7. ^•] an Se. old] old man a ; olde man ;85e. 5590. Eyyietene] Ey^tene B ; eitene C ; Ane six o; And sixe /3 ; Syxe e. he] and he BC. §•] om. BCSe. six] half a0e. a] om. B ; an C ; o a/3. 5591. Vour .... yer] Vour score winter a; Foure score wynter /3e. ar] \>o BCae ; when /3. aslawe] slayn ; y sleyn €. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 409 Saracens ]?at were j^er ^ut • bileued in engelonde • fugacio In lincolne & in leycestre • & in derby icli vnder ^^^^' stonde • In Stafford «& in notingham • he horn drof • al to no^te • & cristine men aboute • in hor studes brotte • 5595 pat hous of glastingbury • he loiiede wel ynou • dunstanus. & made seint dunston abbot |7er • & to is conseil him drou • & ])orvL is conseil chirchen • wide he let rere • & abbeys &, priory es • aboute her & ]>ere • 5599 Into ]>e hous of glastingbury • gret )?ing he tef ]>o • & gret franchise hom grantede • ]?at laste]? euermo • pat hii adde hor franchise • as veruor]? • as ]>e king- [2 77] & mid god chartre |?at tut is J^er • made ]>e conferming • Edwyne is sone was • {^at lu|;er was ynou ■ g^ji^ & Edgar ]>e ^ongore • ]?at to aUe godnesse drou • 5605 5592. \>at] J)er BCS. >er] J^e BC ; I'D 5; om. afie. bileued] bilefd a ; byleuede B ; ylefte 8e. engelonde'] engelond B. 5593. §•] om. a;35e. Sf in] in afiye ; & 5. derby] dorbi a. 5594. §•] om. Se. horn drof] drof hem B ; drof hom C ; drof ham a; droue hem /SSe. 5595. aboute] al aboute |3e. studes] stude B ; stede C ; stede he 5. 5596. Vat] pet B ; The 5. glastinybury] glastynbury B ; Glasten- bury 6. 5597. ^ . . . . dunston]^&int dounston he made o; Sejant Dmiston he made /3e ; Seint Dunstan he made 5. abbot Jjcr] abbed ]>ere B ; J)er abbot 6. 5598. chirchen] churches y ; chirches e. rere] arere 5. 5599. Sf] om. e. 5600. }pe] om. B. glastingbury] Glastynbury B ; Glastenbury €. "ycf] )aue e. 5601. &f] And ]>&v to e. gret] grete Bo. franchise] franchysesB ; ffraunchyses e. hom] om. a/SSe. euermo] euere mo o. 5602. Vat] And )>dX e. hor] om. a;85e, franchise] franchyses B ; franchises Ca ; frauuchises 5. as veruor\> as] ase fer for|> so a. 5603. ^] om. e. god chartre] gode chartre B ; scry^t a. ; scryt B ; Scryte 5 ; scripture e. made] he made e. \>e] om. B. 5604. is sone was] het his vldere sone a • hi^t his elder sone fi ; het his elder sone e. ivas] om. 5. lu\>er] lul>er man a)3e. 5605. if] om. 5. }>e] het \>e a ; hi)t i>e /3 ; het his e. yongore] ^onger sone e. 410 THE CHRONICLE OF OCCISIO regis. pokele chirche. fol. 86. King Edmund atte laste • mid lu])er dejjes wounde • Pitosliche was aslawe • alas ]7ulke stounde • Vor a traytour of is lond • lof was is name • Yflemd was out of engelond • mid wrecchede & ssame • Suj^f'e aday as J?e king • sat at is mete • 5610 At pokelchirche bi side bristowe • & somdel adde y^ete • Lof ]7is lu]?er traytour • mid is clo]?es ychanged ]>ere • Com in & biuore him et • ano]?er mon as it were • • Edmond • • Edred • At seint austines day • it was • as it val]> in may • pe king bi huld aboute • & ]?e traytour ysay • 5615 & auisede him sui]?e wel • wat man it were • & 'po he sey ]^at ]?is lof • ]?is traytour sat J?ere • He hupte him vp fram j^e bord • in gret wra]7]?e ynou • & hente ]?is lof bi ]>e top • & fram j^e bord him drou • 5606, 5607. See Appendix, Note GG. 5608. a] o a; one y. of] on a^ ; in e. 5609. Yflemd'] Yflou B ; y flemyd 5 ; That was flemed /3. engelond'] J>e lond a ; ]>e londe fi ; loude 5 ; \>\s lond e. wrecchede ^] wreched- heed & w' e. 5610. aday] o day a ; on a daye 5 ; on a day e. 5611. pokelchirche] potelchurche C; pokeles chirche a^; Pokilchurche 5; Puckels chirche e. bristowe] Brustowe 78. 8f] om. e. adde] he had e. yyete] yete ^ ; for^ete e. 5612. is] om. o;85€. 5613. §•] om. 5. et] eete 7 ; om. 5. ano)>er mon as it] as hit anoJ>er e. ano)>er] on oj^er o. mon'] om. a;85. 5614. At] ABCa; On ;8e. austines] Austyue e. val\>] failed a/36. ysay] sey e. sui]>e] om. aiSSe. as it] as ajS- 5615. <^ J>c] & bys B5; & Hs Co/3 5616. 8f] He e. him] om. a. he €. 5617. )>is traytour] \>e traitor o;85 satte so j8. 5618. hnpte] rose ;8 ; skypped e. grete a. 5619. hente] he toke e. \>is] om. ai35 fram] fro e. if] )jat hit )3 ; J>at J>at traytoure e. sat] sat so aSe ; /i«>«] om. S. fram] fro e. 5"'e<] t>e] om. a. ^] om. B. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 411 & clefoulede him vnder him • mid hond & mid fote -5620 pis ]?ef ]7at lay bi ne^e • j^otte on hij^er bote • & smot ]7en king |?at lay bine]?e • in ye brust dep ynon • To grete harm of al J?e lond • ]>e gode king so slou • pat folc to drou ];at traytour • ech lime pece mele • pe king bigan bi is lif • is god wol wyde dele • 5625 & ]?e toun of pokele chirche • & oj^ere J>at ^er were • sepultura. He tef in to glastingbury • & let him biirye J>ere • &} y&re he li|? tut to ]>is day • ac ynot to wuche dome • pe toun su]?J?e of pokel chirche • fram glastingbury come • Seint dunston was at glastinbury • ])0 ]>e king ywounded was • 5630 ^ut ]?oru ioye of ]>& deuel • he wuste of J^at cas • 5620. defoulede At»t] defoulede \>e traitor (traitour ;8) ay3 ; defouled \>q traytoure e. hond'] honde Ba. 5621. Visl pe B ; pis vlke a; This like j8; Thys ilke 5 ; This ylke €. ije/] l>uf a. bi ne\>e'] bynej'e hym B. J'ojie] >oujt him e. lu\>er'] a luj^er Se. 5622. §• . . . bine\>e] He lay bine}>e & smot Jjane king a ; He lay (laye 5) bynej'e & smote \>e kynge (kyng e) jSSe. }>ew] \>e BC. \>at lay bine]>e] v a knyf B. in'\ in to e. brust] breste B ; hurte a ; herte j8 ; hert e. dep] depe By3 ; dup a. 5623. To . . . lond] Mid one longe knyue o ; With a longe knyf |8 ; Wi)' a long knyffe e. To] & to BC. of at \>e] to al Jjys B ; to al Jje 5. \>e] J>is C ; & Jjene a ; and J^at 13, gode] om. 5. so] he Baj8e ; so he 5. 5624. folc] om. 5. to drou] to drewe y. }>a<] J>en B ; ^e C5 ; J>ane o. lime] lim a. 5625. pe king] & J>e king a ; And han /3 ; And ]?ei e. ii] by al B ; al bi CajSe ; al by 8. /jf ] leue C. wot] wel Bae ; ry^t ^ ; om. 5. rfe/e] forto dele S ; to dele e. 5626. pokele chirche] pokelchyrche B ; pokelchurche C ; pokeles- chirche ajS ; Puckel chirche e. \>er were] ys were B ; his were Ca;35e. 5627. in to] to aj35e. him burye] berie him 5. Jjcrc] om. a. 5628. to] in to C. \>is] J>us B. ynoi] ich not a ; I wote no)t e. ur^ /3 ; jji'ou^ S. e e. smJpJ^c] om. a/SSe. come] com a ; seth come 5. 5630. ywounded] wounde 7. 5631. tM<] & )ut BC ; &a; And ;85€. }porti ioye] for ioije a; for ioie C^ ; for Ioye S ; by ioying e. \>e] om. Bj3. rfcMe/] deouel o. 412 THE CHKONICLE OF Gaudium diaboli. vincit scottos. [279] Vor ]>e deiiel com biuore him • & hoppede & lou • & saylede & pleyde • & made ioye ynou • pis holy mon wuste anon • wy is ioye was • & l^at for some mesehaunce of ]>e king • he made so glad pas • 5635 Toward pokele chirche he wende • hastiliche & bliue • & me tolde him bi ])e weye • )?at he was out of |7is Hue • I^dred was ]?o king anon • after edmund is broJ)er • Vor is tueye sones so tonge were • p'at me ne mitte abbe hor noj^er • God man edred was ynou • & to godnesse drou anon • & moche louede holy chirche • & ]?e godemon sein dunston • 5641 Men of nor]?humberlond • were aien him vaste • & of scotlond al so • ac hor poer lute ylaste • Vor wat wi]7 loue wat wi|? eye • he brotte horn alle to is wille • & hor olde seruage • made hom holde al stille • 5645 5632. deuel'l deouel o. biuore"] to fore ae. 5634. pis holy mon] Seint dunstan a ; Seynt Dunston fie. wuste] wiste a ; wist yS ; wyst e. anon^ well 5. wy is] wu ys B ; hou Hs C ; why alle \>js 5. 5635. Sf] om. a$de. he] })at he 5. so] >at e. 5636. Toward] To o/3e, he weride] seint dunstan wende o ; Seynt Dunston went j8e. S,' bliue] om. e. 5637. vie] men ye. weye] wey Ba. he] >eking a- )je kynge j85. out of\>is Hue] deed redelyche e. ]>is] om. Ba/SS. 5638. Edred] Eldred ay ; Eldrede e. ]>o] om. C. edmund] om. 5. 5639. tueye] om. a^e. so ^o?i(/e were] were jonge a^Se. me 7ie miyte abbe] ne myte a ; J>ei ne myjt /3 ; Jjei myjt e ; hit myght be 5. hor 7io\)er] non o})er B ; non not>er 5 ; neuer noJ>er a ; neuer nouj^er ;8 ; neuer neij^er e. 5640. God man edred] Eldrede good man e, God] A good 5. edred'] eldred ay. drou] he drowe e. 5641. moche] om. a;85e. godemov'] god man o. 5642. were] hulde a ; helde /SSe. 5643. §• of] & men of a;3Se. ac] & 5. lute] litil y ; lytel e. ylaste] laste a ; last ye. 5644. Vor] om. ajSe. wi]>] mid a (bis). eye] ey^e a ; eygh y. om. a/Se. 5645. al] om. 5. alle] ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 413 Vourtene ter he was king • & at is ende day • Me tolde sein dunston vore • ]?at he sik lay • To him he wende hastiliche • bi )?e weye ywis • He hurde angles singe an hey • bi ]>e luft J^is • pe king edred nou aslepe • in our louerd is • oGoO po wuste seint dunston • j^at he was • ywent to heuene blis • • Edtuinus • foi. 86 b. Suiche gode kinges • me ssolde non finde among • pat angles of hor ending • mizte make hor song • l^Dwyne Edmundes sone • after edred king was • Fals & lujjer vor no worse • in is kunde nas • 5655 Malicia Ase a nywe herodes • in such poer he com • & vpe is poer destruede • & apeyrede cristendom • A fol womman in spousbruche • he huld vnder is wif • Sein dunston him sede wel • bat it was a luber lif • Adulte- num regis. 5646. ende'} endynge 5. 5647. Me . . . dunston'] Seint donston (Donstan 5) me tolde aS ; Seynt Dunston men tolde $; To seynt Dimston men tolde e. vore] oni. iSe. he'] J>e kyng e. sik] sore sike afi ; sore syke e. 5648. he] om. C. tve?ide] went 6. bi] & by BCSe ; & bi a0. iveye] wey B ; wej'^e a. 5649. an hey] on heygh y. luft'] lyf te B ; lofte a ; lofe j3 ; loft e. \>is] ywys e. 5650. pe] om. a;8Se. edred] eldred a ; Eldrede y. nou aslepe] aslepe nowe 6. in] myd C. our] om-e Bae ; om. C. 5651. he] om. C. ywent to] ywend to BC ; in o/356. 5652. Suiche] Suche B. me . . . among] nou fewe me finde may a . newe (nowe 7) to fewe men fynde may $y ; now me fewe fynde maye S ; nowe fewe men fynde nowe a day e. 7wti] nou B ; om. C. 5653. angles] angelesBa; angelis S. of hor . . . song] wole maki^e songe of hare ende day a ; wole make songe on here ende day )3 ; wol make songe at here ende daye S ; wol make songge on her ende day e. ending] endynge B. make] made B ; makye C. hoi-] om. B. See Appendix, Note HH. 5654. edred] eldred a ; Eldrede 76. 5655. vor] & oySe ; om. 78. no] non B ; none /8. nas] was e. 5656. Ase] Ac as o ; But ase /3 ; But as e. a] o afi. herodes] herod C ; herode 5. in] om. 5. 5657. vpe] vpon a ; Math /3 ; by 5e. 5658. A fol] An foule C ; One fol a; Onefoule)3; Afoulee. ivomman] wimman a. in . . . huld] he held in spousbruche a; he helde in spousebreche fie. 5659. him sede wei] wel to him seid e. a] om. aj85. 414 THE CHRONICLE OF Ase seint Ion |;e baptist • calanged hore misdede '5660 Wro]:' was ]>e king & is hore • jjat he hor folie wij>sede • [280] & ]?e womman fondede • him to dej>e bringe • dunsfau? ^^ 1^^^ seint dunston was • ]>oru hire & ]?oru ]>& kinge • Yflemed out of engelond • & to flaundres wende • pe gode man ne tok neuere gome • l?at me him so foule ssende • 5665 Destruccio Abbeys ]?is lu\ier mon • brotte ek in alle wo • rum. & ]?e hous of mahnesbury • ];at an old hous was j^o • Of tuo hundred ^er & seuenty • he arerd )?er biuore • He made hit stable to his hors • as it were al uor lore • So hiper man was ]>is king • J^at ]?e heye men of ]?e londe . 5670 Bigonne ase hii nede moste • aten him vaste at stonde • & binome him moche of is lond • & bitok edgar is bro]?er • Vor he drou to alle godnesse • & betere was ]7an ]>e o]7er • 5660. Ase] & as BCySSe ; & ase a. calanged'] kalangede B ; calangede a5 ; chalanged j85e. hore] her e. 5661. §• is hore'] \>ev fore ajSSe. hore] houre C. he] om. e. wi]>sede] wyt> B ; wissede C. 5662. womman] ■winunan «. him] hem S, 5663. seint] om. /S. Sf i>oru] & BajSSe. 5664. Yflemed] I flou B ; Yflemd a; Flemyd fi. of] om. C. Sf to] & in to 6. 5665. 7)ian] om. «. 7ie] om. CajSSe. tok 7ieuere go7ne] tok uo gome a ; toke no gome S ; toke no game /8 ; sorowed uo^t e. 7ne] men ye. him] dude him e. foule] om. aj85e. ssende] schentjS. 5666. Abbeys] Abbeis eke 5. ek m alle] al so in a^e ; in muche 5. 5667. \>e] J>at BC. a7i] om. a/8e. hous] om. 0. 5668. yer Sf seuenty] & seuenty ^ere ; and seuentene yere y. seuenty] seuety C. he arerd] yrerd B ; irerd a ; yrered Ce ; rered j85. 5669. hit] om. afie. stable] a stable 5e. to] for Caye. al] alle B ; om. a/3e. 5670. ]>is] ]>e Ba;8Se. ]>e heye] heije « ; hye /3. <>/))e] of >is C. 5671. ase hii] & aySSe. vaste at sto7ide] for to stonde o/35e. ai stowf/e] astonde C. 5672. Sf] And>ei e. bitok] bytoke B ; tok C ; toke /3 ; ]>eitoke e; jaf its. 5673. Vor] & aj35. drou] drewe y. alle] om. aj85e. ]ja?t] om. 7. J>e] om. B ; \>a,t e. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 415 pis edwine was ]>us king • J^re lev & somdel more • & j?at lond vor is de]>e • ne wep no ]?ing sore • 5675 & ^ut for alle ssrewede • as it ywiite is • poru biddinge of seint dimston • is soule com in to blis . T^Dgar edwines broj^er • & edmondes sone J^e king • King was after Edwin • god man )?oru alle ]?ing • No licchere is bro|?er him nas • ]?ane wolf is a lomb • Of manere ne of dede • p>ei liii were in one womb • 5681 Vor ]7ulke tyme j^at edgar • of is moder was ybore • Cantus Seint dimstan was at glastingbury • ^er after & ^^ °" biuore • po hurde he j?ulke tyme • angles singe ywis • Vpe in l^e luft a miirye song • & |?at song was ]?is • To holy chirche &j to ]>q lond • pays ys ybore & [281] blis • Bi ]?ulke childes time • f'at nouf»e ybore is • 5687 5674. somdel niore^ more ywys ae ; more Iwis (8. 5675. Sf ]>at . . . sore"] & dei^ede & was ibured at -winchestre & J^er is a ; And deyed & was biiried at Wynchestre & j^er ^it is ;8 ; He dyed & beryed was at wynchester & ];>ev ^it is e. ?je] om. 5, wepj wept C. no ]>ing sore'] no^t ouersore B ; nout ouersore C. 5676. alle] al B. ssrewede] ys ssrewede B; his scbrewede o; his schrewehede iS ; his schrewedhede y ; his schrewdeheed e ; his schrewd- nesse S. ywrite] ywriten a ; ywryten e ; wretyn y. 5677. biddinge] prayenge j8; J^e prayer e. com] comeajS. in to] to BCajSSe. 5679. god mon] gode man B ; J>at good man was e. 5680. No .... nas] He nas no lechore his broiler a ; He was no lyker his bro}>er /3 ; He was no lichyr is broj^ere S ; He was no lechoure his bro>er e. No licchere] Non lyckore B ; no hckor C. ])ane wolf] t>an an wolf B ; Jjan a wolf C ; }>an )>q wolf S ; J>at wolf e. is a] is )>e a^e ; to >e 5. lomb] lombe a. 5681. [>ei hii] thof thei y. womb] wombe a. 5682. \>ulke] >at e. ybore] borne y ; bore e. 5683. )?er after] & J>erafter BCaS ; & )>ere after /3 ; here after e. Sf biuore] byfore 5 ; & J>er byfore e ; & byforue y. 5684. po] Thenne fi ; om. 5. hurde he] hurde a ; he harde fi ; He herd 5; he herde e. }pulhe] that e. angles] angeles a. 5685. Vpe in \>e luft] Opon )>e lofte a; Vp on loft fi ; Vpon )>q loft 5. murye] murine o. \>at song] >at C. 5686. ybore] borne y. 5687. \>ulke] Jjat . nou)>e] nouB ; uowe iSe. ybore] iboren «; bomev. regis. 416 THE CHRONICLE OF Su)7|>e ])0 seint dunston wuste • ]?at child ybore r'ltt po . He wuste |^at al engelond • he ssolde bringe of wo • fol. 87. . Edgar - Bonitas & SO he dude for ]>o he was • after is broj^er king •5690 He broite al ]?at lond in pes • ]?at er was in striuing • He vndude alle ]>e lu]?er lawes • j^at me huld biuore • & gode lawes broite vor]? • ]?at er were as uorlore • Scotlond tfe nor]7humberlond • & walis al so • Wi|?oute heste to him come • is wille vor to do • pe er]?e ^eld betere & J^et weder • was murgore bi is daye • & lasse tempeste in J>e se • j^an me er ysaye • 5697 Me tolde him of seint dunston • j^at is bro]>er drof of londe • After him he sende anon • & he com |7oru is sonde • & is abbeye aueng in pes • fram wan he was so longe • & was J?e kinges conseiler • &; vaire was vnderuonge • 5888. J^o] om. Ca ; )jat S ; that y. semi] om. y. child ybore'] J>e chyld was ybore B ; }>e child was ibore Ca ; \>e childe was born j3 ; Jje childe was bore S ; \)e child ybore was e. riyt] om. a/Se. 5689. of] owte of 5 ; out of e. 5690. Sf so] As 5 ; So 6. for] om. a/SSe. \>o] om. C ; when P. was after] was man & after e. 5691. i>at lond] )>e londe 5; j^is lond e. 5692. He] And e. vndude] ondude o. alle] al o. \>e] om. BCajSSe. bmore] biforne j8 ; beforne y. 5693. gode] goddys S. i;or>] afore for>e 5. }pat] JjerA. er] arst;8; erst y. er were] were er C. as] al a/3 ; om. 5e. uorlore] for- lorne fi. 5694. al so] ek al so a ; eke also /35. 5695. Wi\>oute] Wythouten y. 5696. er\>e] vrJ>eo; yerthe 7. yeld] jelde a; yeldid7; jaue his fruyte e. betere] bet BCa. J>e<] )>e BySe ; t>at a. nnirgore] mergore B ; myrgor C ; muryer y ; merier 5. bi] in a/Se ; on S. 5697. me] men j8. er] euere er a ; euer )3 ; ere euere S ; euer er e. ysaye] isai^e a ; ysay j8 ; saye 5 ; sey e. 5698. Me] Men 7. of] out of «. 5699. he com] come a. 5700. abbeye] abbey a. aueng] auong B ; veng C ; feng a ; fonge 7 ; fenge S ; fonged him e. f.-am wa7i] fram wham a ; from whome 7 ; fro whom e. 2<;as] had be e. 5701. ^ ?»as] He was of 6. conseiler] counseille e. 11 aire was] was faire a/3 ; \>ev to fayre 5. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 417 Erchebissop of kaunterbury • j^oru J>is gode kinge • Sein dunston was su]f\>e ymad • ]>e more god to bringe • pis king also at glastingbury • as he )?eruor|7 com • Seint a]?elwold )?at was j^ere monek • out of ]>e house he nom • 5705 & ^ef him an place in barkssire • |?at moche is in mone • Vif mile bisou]?e oxenford • ]?at me clupej> abindone • Abindone. pis holy mon seint ap'elwold • bulde ]>ere uaste • & a uayr abbeye ]?er bigan • ]?at euereft &]> ylaste • Verst abbot he was Jjere him sulf • & monekes to him [282] nom ■ 5710 In |?is manere abindone • verst to abbeye com • . Hit biuel J?at |?e bissop • of winchestre was ded • woldus fit pe king him made bissop }?er • p>oru sein dunstones ^Pi^copus. red • Atte heye chirche of winchestre • ]>ere is se was ydo • pat me clupede chirche cathedral • & tut me dej» al so • 5715 5702. J>2s] his a$. 5703. ymad] va&dey. }>«] om. a;856. ^orf J godnesse B ; goudness C; gognesse (^sic^ a ; goodnesse /3S ; goodenys e. 5705. a\>elwold'] adJ>elwold C ; Adelwold e. >ere] om. o;8e. }>e] ys B. he'] om. C. 5706. an] o a. bar kssire] havchyre C ; barchire o. moche] muchelij. mone] moone e. 5707. 6isoM}>e] bysydes 5. oxenford] oxeneford a. me] meu 7. clupe\>] clepen e ; calle y. abindo7ie] habyndon e. 5708. bulde] bulde him a ; bilde him jS ; bylded him e. 5709. a] an C ; 00. \>er] om. 5. )?at . . . ylaste] ]>& fende for to a gast e. euereft] euer efte a ; euer after y ; euer sethe 5. aj>] om. a/3. ylaste] last /3. 5710. Verst] pe furst afi ; He was J)e first e, abbot] abbod B. he was \>ere] )>er he was C ; )>at was Yqx j8 ; J^at j^er -was e. him sulf] om. a^^e. 5711. In] On a/85. abbeye] an abaye 5. com] hi com C. 5712. biuel] b>-uelle B. J>e] J>is afi. 5713. him made] made him «. 5714. Atte] At J>e a5e. se] Gee e. ydo] do y. 5715. clupede] clepej>e 5; clepen be «; callijj y3 ; calle y. me] om. C. de\>] doj) C ; dothe 7. D D 418 THE CHRONICLE OF conuercio canoni- corum in mona- chos. Canons per were seciilers • ]>o he verst ]?iider com • Force men & proute • J7at moclie were in hordom . pe king & seint a])elwold • at en hom sette vaste • & out of hor hous &; of hor rentes • ech after oJ>er caste • & made an hous of monekes • to holde hor ordre bet )720 pe monekes out of abendone • verst were }>uder yuet • Of seint swithin ]7at hous was • as it is tut al so • So ]?at out of abendone • hit was verst ydo • In ]?e secunde tere |^at he verst bissop was • pis gode king & he • dude |?is gode cas • 5725 & ek in j^e viftej^e lere • of |?e kinges kinedom • Seint a]7elwold verst bissop was • & pe bissopriche nom fol. 87 b. Edgare Translacio pis gode king Edgar & he • sein swithin atte fine • s^thini ^^^ longe adde vnder evpe ybe • verst bro^te in ssryne • to 5716. Canons \>er were seculers'] Seculer chanons J^er were e. verst \>uder'] }>ider farst j3 ; l^ider first e. 5717. were"] lyued 5. 5718. a]?elwold'] Aldelwolde 7. 5719. Aor] )>q B; om. Caj85e. of hor'] of her B; hore C ; ajSe ; om. S. rentes'] Rente 5. 5720. 8f] And >erof e. an] om. C ; on a; one 7. holde] kepe e. 5721. were] -were they 7. );>uder] )>edere a. yuet] ifet Ca ; fet /3. 5722. as] and 7. it is -^ut] )ut hit is a ; yit it is 7 ; ^it hit is e ; ^itte ysS. 5724. ]>e] om, B. he] \>& 5. verst] om. afi^e. 5725. pi's] pat >is aySe ; There )>ys . 5726. eh] om ajSe. \>e] om. e. vifte]>e] fiftejie o ; vyfte B ; vifte C ; fifte 8 ; fiftene j3 ; fyftene e. 5727. a\>elwold] Aldelwalde 7. verst] om. ojSSe. 5728. \>is] pe a^SSe. king] om. 3. atte] ate o ; at 7. .')729. vnder er\>e ybe] ybe vnder er^e e. ybe] yleye B5 ; ilei C ; be 7, verst bro-^te] \>e\ brou^t him first e. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 419 Yssryned he was nyn hondred • & on «& seuentij^e ^ere • 5730 After ];at vre louerd aliite • in is moder here • Religiones King edgar & seint aj^elwold • In winchestere arerde al so . An oj^er hous of Monekes • ]?at tut stonde]? bo|?e tuo* & ^ut ]7at |?ridde ]?ere al so • hii rerde of seinte [-^^3 marie • Of womman of religyon • & made a nonnerye • 5735 Momales. pe priorie of hely • ]7ere a bissoprichp is • & )?e abbeye of petresboru • hii rerde al so ywis • & )7omeye & rameseye • & o]?ere monyon • Vor eytte & foui-ty abbeys • hii rerde in j^is londe echon • Ar vre king j^at we abbe}* nou • adde p'erd so vale • To monye him wolde )>enche • viftene bi tale • 5741 5730. Yssryned .... hondred'] Ni^e hundred jer he was yschrined a ; Nyne hundred ^ere he was sehryned j8 ; Nyne hundred ^eer he was yshryned e. hondred'] hondred ^er B. seue7iti}pe] senetejje C ; seuentej'e a ; seuentie S ; seuenty e. 5731. is moder] Marine a ; maide marye /3 ; marye e. here'] an er])e here BS ; an erjje her C ; on erjpe here a^e. 5732. a)>elivold] Aldelwolde 7. arerde] rered C. 5733. An^ On a ; One y. stonde\>] stonden ef 5734. \>at] \>e Ba)35. )>at \>ridde i>ere] J>er \>e >irdde e. Jjcre al so hii rerde] hii rerde al so I^ere B. 5735. Of] To a;8e. womman] wynmen B ; wymmen CjS ; wimmen a ; wommen 5. Sf] ]>ei e. a] one 076 ; an C. 5736. hell/] ely Ca. i>e7-e] }>er as S. a] o 07 ; one e. bissopriche] hischope 5. is] nou is a. ; nowe is /3. 5737. petresboru] Petrus Borowe y3. rerde] arerde B. al so] om. 5. 5738. Sf] ova. e. )>orneye] J>orney B ; {>ornei)e a. rameseye] romesei C ; tameseije a ; Rampsey e. o];>ere] ou>er C ; o}>er also e. monyon] ek mani^e on a ; eke many one ;8. 5739. hii rerde in \>is londe] in >is lond hi rerde a ; in J»is londe )>ei rerede (rered e) |8e. 5740. 5741 omitted in Be. 5740. Ar] Era; Or 7. we] om. C. abbei>] haue 7. adde] haue 5. yrerd] rered 78. vale] fale a. 5741. bi] albi ^; alle by 7. D D 2 420 THE CHRONICLE OF As |?is king edgar • an honte]> ywend was*- visio in Al one he com fram is men • as god tef )?at cas • arbor^ ^^ ^^ j^at he ali^te adoun • & aslepe lay • 5744 po J?o^te him in is slep • j?at he an hey tre ysay • Stonde |?ere bi syde him • & as he bi huld an hey • Vpe ]>Q hexte bowe • tweye applen he sey • & ]>e bowes of ]>e on appel • smite ]>e o)?er vaste • So harde ]jat he vel adoun • in ]>e water atte laste • vox. A voys sede as him j^otte • ]>es wordes )?oru J?e soun • 5750 Wei is ]?e • wel is pe • as he vel adoun • po he awok him }>o^te • wonder of J^is cas • Interpre- His gode moder alfife • he tolde al hou it was • matris. %^ ^^^^ '^^^® qua]? ]?e moder • ]>e tokninge her of is • pat heye tre j?at )>ou yseye • bitokne]? j^e ywis • 5755 5742. As"] And as e. an ho7ite\>'\ an hunted C ; an huntyng ae ; an huntynge 5 ; on huntynge /3. ywend] ywent C ; ywende a ; went /3 ; y gon S. 5743. com fram] went fro 6. 5744. ali-^te'] lyjte o ; li^t C ; ly^t ;8€. adoun] doun y. Sf] om. a/3e. lay] anon he lay a ; noon he lay e ; anone he lay )>ere ^3. 5745. \>o-^te him] him t>oujt e. in] on a. he an hey tre] an hey (hei C ; heye 5) tre he BC8 ; on heije tre he a ; an hei^e tre )8, ysay] say B ; sal C ; sey ae ; Jjer were j3, 5746. Stonde] That stode /S. hi syde] bysydes B ; bisides Co; bysides )8 ; besydes e. ^] om. B. hey] hei^e so ^. 5747. Vpe] Vpon ay ; Vppon e. hexte] heiste C ; bluest € ; heyest y. bowe] bow a ; bow}>e )8. tweye applen^ tweije applene a ; two appulles 7 ; tweyn apples e. sey] saw) )>o fi ; sawe tho y. 5748. >e 07i] )>at on 5; J>at one e. smite] bete e. \>e] om. B; ]jan a ; J>at 5e. o\>er] o>er so 5. vaste] ry^t fast $. 5749. vel] fill C. in] in to e. 5750. A] O a. Jie] se A ; om. B ; thi y. 5751. he vel] is felde j8 ; hit felle e. 5753. alfife] aluyue C ; Alfiue 5 ; alyue a0 ; alyue was e. tolde] tolde to hur 6. al hou it was] of jjys cas 5. 5754. leue] leoue a. qua\> i>e moder] heo seide a; sche saide 0; sche seid e. )>e moder] moder B. 5755. pat heye] pe heye B ; pe affe. tre] treo o. \)ou] you y. yseye] seie C ; sey^e a ; sawe y ; se e. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 421 pe tueye applen bitokne}? • xii |?oii wolt ywite • Tueie heye sones of ]?e • j^at )?ou ssalt bitite • pat l^e ones bou smit • |?en o)?er adoiin to grounde • pat is J?at ]>e ones frend ssal • sle \>en o)7er mid wounde • pe voys ]7at sede wel is ]?e • to tokny ]?at is • 5760 pat him worj? wel ynou • vor to heuene he wend ywis • Al |>is biuel afterward • vor sones he adde tweye • ij fiiios. [284] Seint edward • & aeldred • ]?at kinges were beye • & |?e ones kinrede • ]>en o]?er su))]7e slou • & he wende to heuene • & was wel ynou • 5765 • Edgar • foi. 88. He adde Edward bi is uerste wjrf • as ich abbe ysed • & bi alfred is o]?er wif • he adde aeldred • 5756. tueye applen'j tweije appleneo; two appulles y; tweyn apples e. wolt] yt wolt B ; hit wolt Ca ; hit wolde P ; wylt e. ywite'} wete /3 ; wyte €. 5757. Tueie heye'] Twei^e hei^e o; Two high 7 ; Tweyne hi^e e. 5758. ^at \>e ones bou] The on bow^ Jiat 5 ; The bowes Jjat e. oties] o C ; oi>eT a ; om. P. boti] bon A ; bowe BC ; bowes oj8. s»iit] smyte B ; smete C ; smite o ; smote ; smytte S ; bete e. \>en] >an C ; )>o 07 ; J^at 5e. o\>er] oj'ere o. adoun] om. B0756. to] to ]>e ayS. 5759. pat is] om. a ; Is J^at /Se. ones] oj^eres B. frend] frendesa/8e. ssal] ssoUe B ; schulle Ca ; scholle a. sle \>e?i ojjcr] t>e o)>er sle B0 ; Jjan ojjer sle Co ; l^e oj^er sley 7 ; J^at oj^er sle 5 ; sle t)at o>er e. ?nid wounde] mid wonde a ; to grounde 5. 5760. pe] pat C. tokny] token ye. 5761. pat him wori>] That hit is j3 ; That is 7 ; He worjje e. he we7id] he wende Ba ; he went C ; hit went /3 ; he schal wende e. 5762. tweye] two 7 ; tweyne 5. 5763. aeldred] Alfrede /8. 2<;ere beye] were beyne 5 ; bo^e were aftir ]>o ;8 ; were there after tho 7. 5764. §-] om. e. \>e] om. B. o?ies] one y3. kijirede] kunrede BC ; kunredene o; kynreden /3. Jjejj] )>an a ; t)e )3 ; |>at e. 5765. he] om. /Se. 5766. He adde Edward bi] Edward he hadde on $. He . . wyf] Edward on his furste wif he hadde o ; Edward on his first wyfe he had 5 ; Edgar had by his first vrjQ. e. as ... . ysed] J^e good kyng Edward €. abbe ysed] haue sede 7 ; haue seyde 5. 5767. Sf- bi] & a ; And on $ ; And one 7. alfred] alfrede B ; aelfred o. o]>er] broker 5. aeldred] king aeldred a ; kynge Aldrede j8 ; kyng Aldrede e. 422 THE CHRONICLE OF & alfiue is gode moder • let rere ywis • Verst I'at hous • of ssaftesbury • as seint edwardes body is • King edgar adde vnder him • alle Ipe kinges here aboute • Vor |7er nas non ywis • ]?at nadde of him doute • 5771 per uore ]?e king of walis • as in gret seygnorye ■ lupi -wallie. He het J?at he him sende • eeh ler by maystrye • pre J^ousend of wokies • in name of truage • pe welisse king vpe is poer • dude him ])e seruage • & sende him J?es wolues • fram lere to tere • 5776 pre ]70usend at certein terme • vor te J'at lond de- liuered were • pre ter he huld is rente • ac J^e ver]?e was bihinde • Vor he sende })e kinge word • J?at he ne miite namo vinde • & ]?at was lute wonder • vor to vale ]>er were by viue • Vor al J>at lond were ]?e wors • adde hii bileued aliue • 5768. Sf alfiue .... ywis] His moder by hur lyffe sche rered fully y ■wys 6. alfiue] alfife B ; aluyue C ; aluyne a ; alyue y8. is gode moder] his moder goude C. gode] om. a^. rere] arere 5. ywis] foly wis a ; fully I wis P. 5769. i>at] J>e y95. ssaftesbury] schaftebury C. as] J>ar C ; ]'er a/3 ; }>ere Se. edwardes body] edward ^ut a ■ Edward ^it fie. 5770. vnder] ^it vnder fie. 5771. 7ias] was fiSe. \>at nadde] j^at ne hadde a; ))at lie ne hadde ^8 ; but J^at l^ei had e. 5772. gret] grete a. 5773. het . . . . se7ide] hi^t him for to sende fi. het] comaunded e. 5774. l>ousend] J>ousond C ; hundred afie. of] om. fie. wolues] wolffes 6. iMj in \}e fi ; as in 5. name] maner e. 5775. welisse] walesch C ; walsshe e. vpe] ope a ; at |8 ; by e. him] to him 6. J>e] J^at afiSe. 5776. ]>es] J>ys B ; >>eos a. 5777. \>re ];>ousend] )f>Te )>ousond C ; & >at afiSe. certein] a serteyne fi ; a certeyn e. terme] time a ; tyme fi^e. vor te] vor B ; uort C ; fort a; vn to ;8 ; for to e. ]>at] the y. deliuered] y delyuered e. 5778. he huld] he hulde C; h[e] ^eld o; he ^elde fi ; }pey helde S; he gelded 6. is] )>is a- )>ys S. 5779. Vor] Wherfor e. ]yat] om. aye. ne] om. 5e, namo] nanmo Ba ; none 5. vinde] yfynde BC. 5780. hde] lyte C ; litel y ; lytel €. vale] Me a ; fele 5 ; many fie. \>er] om. y. 5781. WJt] be 5. adde hii] yii\>ei had e. bileued] by left C ; bilefde « ; be left Se ; ben fi. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER, 423 Bo]?e walls & engelond • }?e betre Is ]7eruore ^ute • & ]7eruore ])Q godeman It dude • more ]?an vor prute • pis gode king edgar • J»at so stahvarde knltt was • rex scottie. & wys & hardl J'orii out al • bote lute of body he nas . 5785 peruore )?e king of seotlond • enuye adde j^er to • & as he sat atte mete • & mony oj^er knlit al so • He sede a wel hey word • among Is gustes echon • [285] pat he adde gret hoker • & wonder nas It non • Of a so lute half man • as king edgar was • 5790 pat ])ei' nas lond ne prince non • j^at of him adrad nas • pis word com to king edgar • );eruore he ]?o^te him teche • Woch were ]>e haluemon • ^if he him ml^te of reche • He com & mette him In a wode • & bed him abyde • & he adde uor ]?e nones • tueye suerdes bl Is syde • 5782. Bo]>e walls .... yite'] Wherfor ^it J^ei ben J^e better bo)?e Walys & ynglond e. \>e betre is \>eruore'\ her fore \>e betere is a ; J>erfore \>e better is )3 ; Jjerfore ^itte W better ys S. yutel }^^^^ ^ 5 ^'^^ ^• 5783. ^-J om. aySe. more'] more for prowe e. prute'] prytte j8 ; pruyd ywys 5 ; pryde e. 5784. gode] good man y. hiiyt] kyng B ; man afie; om. S. 5785. Sf wys] Wys a;8e. Sf wys .... a/] Was fiil hardy w' alle S. lute] litil y ; lytel e. body] bodice a. he] om. BC. nas] was e. 5786. ]per%wre] Wherfor e. 5787. §•] om. e. sat] sete C. atte] at B ; at \>q ay ; at his e. o\>er] anojser 5. kniyt] kny^tis C ; kny^ttes /8 ; kny^ttes w' him e. 5788. ivel] vyyt j8, gustes] kyn^tys B; gistes a; gestis 78; gestes e. echon] euerychone 5. 5789. gret hoker] wel grete wonder 5. nas] was /85e. 5790. a so] al so C ; o o ; a /85 ; one e. lute] lyte C ; litel j8 ; litil 5 ; lytel €. half] halue B. 5791. nas] was )3; was no e. lond] lorde 5. ne] nci>er e. \>at] but J?at J:>ei e. nas] was e. 5792. pjs word] Sone J^is a/35e. king] >e kyng B ; om. ;8e. teche] to teche e. 5793. TFoc/j] Wich Ba. ha luemon] haXf m.aa a^e. himmi-s^te^ vayyie hym BC ; myjt him 6. of reche] a reche a^Se. 5794. a] o a, bed] bad a ; badde 76. abyde"] J^er abide ae ; ]>ere abyde 78. 5795. Sf] om. a/Se. \>c nones] \>&n ones a. tweye] tweije a; two 7 ; tweyne e. 424 THE CHKONICLE OF He drou out boj^e to • & bed him nime an honde • 5796 & chese we)?er he wolde • & ]?en aluemon fonde • & loke wej^er j^e aluemon • him mitte ozt at stonde • Vor dereyny hii wolde hom sulue tuo • & take godes sonde • pe oj^er vel adoun akne • anon Kitt vor drede • 5800 & cryede him mercy uor godes loue • of ]?at }»at he mis sede • Kyng edgar adde reu)?e of him • so reulich he gan crye • Sire king he sede eeh god mon • hit is vileynye • To be of bold word atte mete • & coward in ]>e velde • Vnderstond ]>e bet ef sone • & hold me )jin helde • 5805 fo . 88 b. pe godnesse al of king Edgar • no tonge telle ne may. Mony was J?e gode abbey • j^at he rerede bi is day • 5796. to'] tuo B ; two a. bed'] bad a. nime] take yS ; take one e. a7i] on o ; in €. 5797. chese] cheose a. Sf \>e7i] Jjane Ca; jp&t $ ; & i>e 5 ; >e e. aluemon'] haule man B ; half man Ca/35e. fonde] to fonde oySe. 5798. ^] To 5. loke] loki a. we\>er] werB; jifa/S; if 7; yf 5 ; yflF €. a/?/e7H07i] halue man Ba; half man Cj85e. him miyte] myte him o ; myjt him j85. o-^t] out Bo ; oujt $ ; owjt 5. at stonde] a stonde CSe ; withstonde ^8. 5799. dereyny] proue ;8 ; preve y. 5800. pe] That e. o]>er] toiler 7. akne] akneo a ; on knee ye. 5801. cryede] bad o ; bade 5; askede /8. him] om. a^Se. \>at\>at he] ))at he Ba^. he] he had €. 5802. Kyng] om. afiSe. of] on 76. reulich] reuliche a ; pyteously e. 5803. ech] to eche ^Se. 5804. of . . . mete] at mete bolde of worde e. word] wordis C atte] ate a ; at the 7. coward] kouward o. \>e] om. e. 5805. Vnderstond] Vnder }>inch o ; Be >enke )35; Be J>inke e. bet] better )3€. efsone] eft sone a;85 ; cfte sone e ; a sone C. }>m helde] )>\ frende e. 5806. al] om. e. of] of J>is «. no] none B ; om. oj8. ne] om. 5807. Mony] Manila o. gode"] god o. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 425 Seint Edward ]>e martir • as ich sede er was is sone • Bi is ra}7ere wiue • & seint Edithe of wiltone • He deyde & wende to heuene • nyen hundred ^er [287] ich wene • 5810 As in ]?e ^er of grace • & sixty & viftene • CEint Edward )?e martir • is eldore sone • After him was king ymad • as lawe was & wone • pe godnesse of }>is longe king • ne may no tonge Mores teUe . '^^'^ Vor he was meok & mykle ynou • & vair of flesse & felle . 5815 Debonere to speke wi]? • & wi]? pouere men mest • Chaste & wis of conseyl • & prute he louede lest • Wylde men ne louede he nott • pat recheles were of J^o^te • Ac wisemen he drou to him • & after horn he wroite • Ech gret dede )?at he dude • \>e mestedel ssolde go • After ]>e erchebissop • sein dunston ]>Sii was }?o • 5821 God pais ^er was in engelond • & loue & loye ynou • & richesse bi is daye • vor elles it were wi]? wou • To J^e godnesse of ]>e holymon • J?e deuel adde enuye • & pe luper quene is stepmoder • pat vol was of tri- cherye • 5825 5809. is ra\>ere wiuel his first wyff e. ^] & his dou^tter e. wiltone'] Walton 5. 5810. wende] went o. nyen] ny^e a. 5811. in] of aj8. yr] om. B. Sf sixty] sixty e. See Appendix, Note II. 5812. eldore] vldere o. 5813. king ymad] made kynge 7. 5814. J)?s] J>isse a. ne] om. 5. tonge] man 5. 5815. meok] mekB; meke C; muk a. flesse] fleschs a. 5816. wi)>] mid riche o ; with ryche fi. ^ tvi)>] and o. pouere men] )>e pouere oiS ; }>e pore )3. 5818. ne] om. S. recheles] rechyles B. 5820. J>e mestedel] mest hit a ; meste hit 5 ; most hit j3. 5822, 3. Transposed in 7. 5822. pais] pes B. ^ loue] loue o;85. loye] ioi^e o. 5823. vor] and )8. wi\>] om. a^. 5824. of\>e] of J>ys B; of Ms Ca/35. 5825. Sf )>e] lu Jje C. vol was] was fol o ; was fill /85. 426 THE CHRONICLE OF Casus calne. [288] Sicrnacio. Venacio. Vor heo ]?02te nitt & day • lii heo mkte J?oru eny j^ing • pat seint edward were aslawe • & hire sone ymad king . pe zer ])at he ymartred was • J^e hexte men of ]?e londe • In l^e toun of calne were • as ich vnder stonde • As hii sete in an chaumbre an hey • in conseil of speche • ' 5830 pe flor to brae vnder horn • as it were nor wreche • & hii velle & to brusede • some anon to dej^e • & some ymaymed & some yhurt • so ]?at eny vnne]7e • WiJ? oute gret harm of scapede • bote sein dunston bicas ■ pat hente him by a bem • and ysaued was • 5835 Wat bitoknede ]?is • J>at ]?is heyemen velle so • Bote ]jat hii & al J'at lond • bine]?e ssolde be ydo • poru folc of strange londe • & ]?at me ssolde yse • Vor hii soffrede hor king • so villiche ymartred be • Vor a day as seint Edward • an honte]? wende bi cas • In an wode in dorsete • ]7at byside warham was • 5841 5826. heo] he C. heo'] he C. \>oru'\ om. afi ; w' 5. 5827. pat] Do j?at aj8. seint] om. a/8. hire] here C. ymad] ymaked a ; made 7. 5828. ymartred] martired 7. hexte] heiest C ; heyest 7 ; heye 5. 5830. sete] satte 7. in an] in afi^ ; in a C. 5831. to brae] to breke C. 5832. velle] felle a ; fuUe C ; felle doixn ;8. &f to brusede] 8c debrusede Ba ; & debrused C5 ; al to brusede ;8. some] and somme afi. to de\>e] to >e dej^e C. 5833. ymaymed] maymed 7. Sf some yhurt] & yhurt a ; & yhurte jSS. 5834. of scapede] ascapede ay; ascaped C. 5835. hente him] him hente a ; him hent )35. ysaued was] asaued he was fi. 5836. Wat bitokenede )>is] What myjte h>is bitokni a ; What my^t >is bitokene /85. )>is] \>e BC ; J^ise ; >es 5. heyemen] hci men C ; men aj35. 5837. )>at] the 7. ydo] do 7. 5838. yse] iseo a ; se 7. 5839. so] om. a^. ymartred] ymor})red Ba ; ymur>red C ; morj-erede y3 ; raorderede 7 ; murthred S. he] to be fi. 5840. a day] o day a ; one day /3 ; on a daye 5. an honte\>] an huntejj a ; an hunted C ; on huntynge $ ; an huntynge 5. wende] felle ^. 5841. an'] o a; a )3. ivarham] Wharhama; waram 7. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 427 pat vair wode was jjulke tyme • a gret wille him com to • Vor to se is tonge bro]?er • vor anon he ]>ozte it do • Vor he was a lute ]>ev bi side • as is stepmoder was • In a toun ]?at me clupede corf • J?at bote |?re myle J?anne nas • 5845 • Sanctus Edivardus • foi. 89. A strong castel j^er is nou • ac ]>o nas J'er non ];ere • Longe ]70^te seint edward • at is broJ>er ar he were • An vewe men mid him he nom • & J?uderward gan Ride • His men pleyde bi ]>e wey • & spradde aboute wyde • So l^at |?is holy king • al one was sone • 5850 & alone wende vor)? • as he J?otte to done • po is lu]7er stepmoder • al one ysey him come • Heo ];o^te do hire wille of him • as heo adde hire red ynome • po j^is holymon was ney ycome • ];e quene at en him ^eode • 5854 Wij? noble mayne ynou • & gret lone him gan beode • 5842. \>ulke'\ j^at afi. a gret . . . cotnl him com (come /3) o gret wille a/8 ; him come a gret wille y3. 5843. For] era. ofiS. se] yse B. it do'] to do C ; it to do y. 5844. lute] lyte C ; litel y3. J^er] om. afiB. as] \>eT 0. 5845. a] an B ; o a. clupede] cluped B ; clepede a ; callij? j8 ; calle y. }pat] om. al3S. l^anne] ]pev hanne hit a ; fram him hit ^ ; Jjen hit 5. 5846. A] om. a/3. J>o nas ]per no7i] }po nas non BC ; nas l^er non ]>o a ; was ]>er none \>o j8 ; })er was non \>o 5. 5847. ar] or y. 5848. A71] Ane a ; And /8 ; And a 5. he twin] nom CS ; toke /8. 5849. »«e?i] om. a ; meynee /3 ; meyne y. 5850. was] J>o he was 5. sojie] Jjo sone a ; J^an sone fi ; ful sone 5. 5851. alo7ie] so alle on 8. wende] went 8. 5852. is] \>is C. lu]yer] om. a^. y^cy] sei C ; say o ; sawe 7. 5853. Heo] He C. do] don a; to do 7; to don S. of] bi a; by /3; on 8. heo] he C. addc hire red] red hadde o ; rede hadde j8. 5854. po] 8c \>o a; And when /3. holymon] king a ; kynge /35. jeorfe] eode B ; ^ede C ; yede 7. 5855. Wi\>] & mid a; And with j8. mayne] mayny C ; main a. ^•] om. aB. beode] bede B7. 428 THE CHRONICLE OF pe feste ]7at heo wi]? him made • no tonge telle ne may • Heo suor ))at he ssolde ali^te • & bileue wij? hire al day . [289] Certes ma dame qua]? ]>e king • so ne may it noli be . Ac lat me speke mid my broj^er • vor me longe]? him to se • Vor ar ich him abbe yseye • ine wor|? nott blij^e ywis • Min herte is so moche on him • & no wonder it nis . 5861 Potacio. A sire qua]? ]>is hiper quene • wanne it ne may o]?er be • Verst icholle to ]>e drinke • & sn]>]>e ]70u ssalt him yse . Occisio. As me him di-inke tok • on was prest ynou • & ];oru is wombe smot a knif • & is gottes to drou • A long knif it was & smal ynou • as me may tut yse . 5866 Atte churche of kaueresham • as he a]; tare ybe • 5856. feste'] chere /8. heo'] he C. wii>] ova. $. wo] non B. ne] om. o5. 5857. Heo] He C- bileue wi\> hire] byleue myd yre B ; myd hure bi leue C ; t>er bileue a$ ; bileue 5. 5858. ma dame] dame ajS. \>e king] J>ys oj'er BC. ne] om. 5. 5859. lat] let a; latte 7. 5860. ar] or ^. ich him abbe] ich habbe him o ; I haue him $S. ine wor]>] yne worJ>e B ; worjj ich a ; worthe I 5 ; schal I $. bli]>e] be bli>e fi. 5861. Min] For myne 5. Sf] )'at 5, 710] non B ; none y. nis] is y. 5862. i>is] t>e a^. ne may] mai non C ; maye none S. 5863. "Verst .... drinke] Ich wole to )>e drinke furst a ; I wille (wol 7) to )>e drynke furst (first 5) $yS. icholle] ych wolle B ; i"^^ wolle C. ssalt] schal ;3 ; shal 7. yse] seo a ; se /8. 5864. As] And as S. 5865. smot a knif] a knyfe smote 7. a knif] an knyf C. to drou] to dro) B ; drough 7. 5866. ^ smal ynou as] om. 5. ynou] om. a/8. me may yit] men yit 7- 5867. Atte] Atte he C ; At \>e a. kaueresham] keueresham C ; Cauernesham 8. he] hit C$S. }cire] yore 5 ; longe /5. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 429 pis holi man sat vpritt • & ysei is clej^es wounde • He ne rod bote lute wey • ar he vel to grounde • & let ))ere is suete lif • & to heuene wende • 5870 Away lute vuel )?otte he • \>o me is wombe rende • Sepultura. po ]?is holymon ymartred was • hii jjat him bro^te ]>er to • BiJ^o^te hou hii mi^te best • mid J'e holy bodi do • Hii porueiede an derne stude • & J^er inne hit caste • Villiche & stilleliehe • & burede it ]?ere vaste • 5875 po ]>is dede was al ydo • \)e quene adde al ire wille • Vor me halt euei'e mid |?e quike • ]>e dede was sone stille • Seint Edward ]>e vifte ter • of is kinedom • A^en eue aday aslawe was • in such martirdom • A Eldred ]>e quene sone • ];at king was ymad ]?o • Nas bote of ten ^er old • |?o is moder dude }?is wo • Clamor in Ne of J>is dede nuste he no^t • bote as god ^ef J^at cas • ^^^ °-'' In ]>e luft he hurde an hey • as he al one was • 5868. pis'\ So ]>is afi. ^sei"] say a ; sawe $. wounde] wonde a. 5869. lute] lytel C ; litel 7. ar] er a ; or t>at y8. vel] ful C ; fel o. 5870. let] lefte /3. wende] he j'wende a ; he wente fi. 5871. Awey] Alas ;S ; Weilaway 5. lute] lite 5; lytel C ; litel fi. vuel] wel B ; harm a; eu3l S. vuel \>oyte he] jjou^t he of harme ;3. 5872. po] So )>at /3. holymon] king a ; kynge i85. ymartred] martired /3. him broyte] brou^t him j85 ; hem brought y. broyte \>er] Jjer broyte B. 5873. Bi\>oyte] Bjjjou^t hem S. 5874. porueiede] porueyde B ; porueide ham a ; purueyde him /3 ; pur- ueyde hem 7. aw] one aj3 ; a C. derne] durne C ; priuey $. ^•] om. a. 5875. stilleliehe] stille ynou a ; stille j'nouj fi ; stille ynow^ 5. burede it ^ere] buryed they it 7. 5876. al] om. BCafiS. 5877. »ne] om. 5. halt] hal B ; holdej) ;8; helde 5. was sone] is euere a ; is euer P ; euere 7 ; was euere S. 5879. eue] euen 7. aday] om. afiS. aslawe] slayn ; yslayne 5. See Appendix, Note KI^. 5880. quene] queues $. ymad] made 7 ; maked 5. 5881. Nas bote of] Nas he bote a ; Was he but fi. of] om. 5. old] wolde a. 5882. Ne] And 5. nuste] wist /85. 5883. luft] lofte a/S. an hey] on heye 7. delis. 430 THE OHKONICLE OF [290] His bro]?er |7at was aslawe • pitosliche grede • 5884 pat child criede & sore wep • & is moder ];at cas sede • fol. 89 b. • Aeldred • verberacio Welle }»at )?is luj^er quene • anguisous was 'po • cum can- pat child heo hente vaste anon • he ne moste an vot " go . ^erd ne vond heo preste non • ];at child uorto bete • An hondfol heo hente • of condlen • longe & grete • pat child heo bet so stronge • mid ]>e condlen longe & towe . 5890 Heo ne bileuede no^t ar he lay • at hire vet yswowe • War poru J^is child afterward • such heymon as he was • Was ]>e worse wan he ysey • candlen vor j^is cas • Wat halt it to telle longe • J>is child me made king • Ac sein dunstan wel vnnej^e • wolde do J»e sacring • 5884. as/awe] slayn $ ; slayne y. pitosliche'] pitouseliche a ; piteuously 7 ; pituoslich 5. 5885. pat] pet B ; pe aj3. ivep] wept C ; wepte ^. Sf] & to 5. i>at] i>e a0 ; Jjys 5. cas] cas he S. 5886. 5887 transposed in y. 5886. Welle ]f>at] Anone ; Lord Jjat 5. anguisous] ryjt angry |8. 5887, 5888, transposed in ;8, but marked for correction. 5887. heo] he C. he] >at he B ; hei C. a7i vot] anne fot C ; on vot B ; afot a ; afote /3. 5888. Zerd ne vond heo] ^erdes sche fonde 5. heo] he C ; sche /3. preste] prest a ; )?er )3. 5889. An] On a ; One /3. heo] he C. he7ite] fond a ; fonde /8. condlen] candlen BCa ; candles j85. ^] & eke o/8. 5890. pat] pis ajSS. heo] he Ca. bet] bette /8 ; bete y. so] om. S. mid] that y. )>e] >is C. condleii] candlen Co ; candles )3 ; candels y. longe] long B ; smarte Ca ; smerte fi ; smart 5. 5891. Heo] he C (& passim). ne] om. S. bileuede] let him a; lefte him ^ ; left him S, ar] or J>at fi. he] hei C. vet] feyt C ; fet a ; fote j8. yswowe] in swowe j3 ; ysow^ S. 5892. War] What C. heymon] man oj8 ; a man S. he] hei C. 5893. ysey] sey B ; sei C ; sawe y. candlen] condlen B ; candle /3 ; candele y. J>is] jjys same 5. 5894. halt .... longe] halt to longe telle o ; schulde it longe to telle |3. \>is] \>dX a^5. 5895. wel] om. aj35. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 431 Vor ]>e godemon spek lut ];erof • wel longe ]>er biuore • po he baptised ]7is aeldred • sone so he was ybore • Vor }?at child fuled in is hond • )7at water & Ipe vant- ston . Biuore bissops J>at J^er were • & heyemen monyon • & dude is kunde ful}>hede • seint dunston sede anon • pat he ssulde of sunne eneheson be • & of wreechede monion • 5901 & |70 he ssolde king be • j^is godemon seint dunston • Hatede muche to crony him • tif he it miite vorgon • Ac ]>o he it moste nede do • |?oru pur londes lawe • Sire king he sede uor \)0\i art • mid vnriit her to ydrawe • 5905 Vpe J?in owe heued it ssal come • J>i moderes hipev rggn plawe • poru ssedinge of ]?i broj^er blod • j^at ]?us is ybro^t of dawe • 5896. \>e godemon] god man B. speh'] spak o; spake y ; speke 5. jwi] ek B ; eke C ; om. a/3S. \>erof ivel'\ J>e J^er of wel C ; of o}>ere S, J)er] cm. BS ; eke C. biuore'] biforne y. 5897. baptised] foUede a; fulled j8 ; fouled 7. aeldred] a>eldred C. so7ie so] as soone as )3. ybore] born $. 5898. ]>at] \>e Ba/35. fuled] foulede a ; fyled ;8. iti] on a5. i>at] )je B/3 ; & \>e S. Sj- \>e] & >ane C ; 8c ad ; in Jje /8. vantstoii] vanston B ; vanstone C ; wanston a ; fanston /8 ; fantstone 5. 5899. Bitiore] Byforne y. 5900. ful)>hede] fulhede C. dunston] donston C. 5901. sunne] Ba; somme jS ; sinne y; synne S; sume A; sum C. Sf of] & summe 7 ; & 5. wreechede] wrechliede B ; wrecliidhede y ; wreched 5. 5902. godemon] godmau Bo. 5903. crony] crouny BC ; crouni o; croune y. it mi-^te] myte a; my^t hit /3 ; my)t hit haue S. voryon] vergon B ; furgon C ; forgou «. 5904. it moste nede] moste nede yt B ; most hit nede Q^ ; moste hit neode a ; must nedes y. \>oru] J^our C. 5905. ydrawe] drawe y. 5906. 5907, transposed in C. 5906. Vpe] Vpon a. owe] a ; owe owe A ; Owen /8 ; own S. heued] hed C ; heed j3 ; hede y. it] om. afi. ssal] schuld 5. moderes] moder BCa ; modir /3. 5907. \>i] om. /3. broker] bro>ers C. yiroyt] bro)t B ; brou)t /8. dawe] drawe /3. 432 THE CHRONICLE OF & uor englisse men • were wel ypayd • In ssedinge of )?i bro]?er blod • J>at so was bi trayed • peruore hor poer ssal • al clene horn be bi nome -5910 & ]>ou al so uor strange uolc • of strange londe ssal come • & ]7is lond wor]; in seruage • & to grounde ybro^t • & al l^at ssal come bi |>ine daye • & bi myne no^t • & atte laste vr louerd wole • of hom vnder stonde • & al ]?is word to so]>e com • su]>]>(i to engelonde • 5915 penitencia '^ut elfred |?e luj^er quene • ]?at seint Edward slou • regine. q^ .^^ trespas biuore ire de]> • repentant was ynou • Monas- & rerede tuo nonneryes • worewelle J^e on was • *®"^' &; ambresbury \>&t o]?er • to bete hire trespas • & adde grace tif god wole • hir sunnes vor to bete • 5920 & com to god amendement • ar heo )>at lif lete • gueiTa. pe |?ridde ter as it wolde be • of aildredes kinedom • pe biginning of ]?is sorwe • to engelonde verst com • Vor of ])e vole of denemarch • J»er ariuede J^o • Atte hauene of souJ?hamtone • seue ssipuol & nammo • 5908. wel] wel \>aT wij> a ; wel l^er with j8 ; wel ]>o wel 5. ypayd] apayde y ; payed 5. 5909. In'] On o ; Of fi. bro\>er] brokers Cy ; brojjeres $. 5910. hom] om. a)85. 5911. J>om] J^e C ; \>m ay ; J>ine /8 ; hyne 5. 5912. §-] om. a|85. \>is] ]>j B. worJ> in] vor J>yn B ; sehal be in $. 5913. al] om. o/3S. ssal come] om. a^S. 5914. S^] om. B. vr] oure a. louerd] lord C. of hom] hom C. 5915. \>is word] i>es wordes 5. \>is word to so];>e] to sothe this worde 7. 5916. ytit] And ^ytte 5. elfred] aelfred a ; eldfred B ; Alfrede 7. lu]>er] \e\>er B. 5917. ire] yr B ; hure Ca. ire] yie B ; hure C ; \>e a. 5918. worewelle] worwel B; whorewelle C; worwelle o; whorwel $ ; Orwel 5. ]>e] Jjat Bafid. 5919. \>at.] t>et B. 5920. %if] yif of 7. wole] wolde C. sun7ies] synne BC. 5921. ar] or 7. lete] for lete C. 5922. aildredes] aeldredes o ; Aldredes 7. 5923. verst] om. Co/35. 5924. of\>e] \>e 5. 5925. Atte hauene] Atte \>e hauene C ; At Jje hafne o j At the hauen 7. seue] seuen 7. nammo] nanmou B mo a ; moo 7. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 433 •^^^^^''^^^' fol.90. & robbede ]^en toim vaste • ac hor poer no]nng nas - pis was as a tokne • }>at to comene was • Ac bi sein dunstones daye • nammore per ne com • Vor he deyde pe tape lere • of |>e kinges kinedom • & nyn hondred ler & ei^te & eiitety • after pat god [292] was ybore • 5930 & pe bissop seint apelwold • was ded per biuore • & seint Oswald pe bissop • after pre ter • As in pe prittepe ^er • pat pe king croime ber • pe betere pays it was nor horn • pe wuie hii were aline • Ac after hor daye sone • pe sorAves spronge bliue • pe king adde bi is verste wif • an stalwarde sone • [293] pat nor is stalwardhede • euere worp in nione • 5937 ?'^™""'^i^ Vor me ne vond non so god kni^t • ware so he wende wide • Me clupede him nor is stalwardhede • Edmund yren- syde • 5926. i>en'] j^ane a ; J;an C ; J^e B ; hat /3. ac'] at B. 5927. a tofme'] atokuyng C ; tokniiig a ; o tokenynge /3 ; a tokenj-nge 5. \>at'] of hat C5 ; of what a ; what )3. co}>ie?ie'] comyug BC ; comyuge /3 ; come 78. 5928. Ac] As B ; Ac he C -, Aud 7. sem] cm. 3. nammore] uo more 7. com] come a. 5929. \>e te\>e] in he teohe a ; in >e tenhe 3. kinedom] kyuedome a. 5930. nyn'] nyje a. ^er] om. Ca/SS. Sf eii^te] eijte afi. ei-^tety] ei^tehe ^. after] yere 7. ybore] born ^3 ; y borne 7. 5931. §■] AcCaS; But ;3. a\>elwold] Adelwolde 7. her] ;ut her Cct yt her )3S. biuore] byforn 0. 5932. Oswald] oswold a. uftcr] her after Ca ; her aftir ^ ; hat after 5. '^er] 5 ere o. 5933. \>ritte\>e] hrettehe a. ber] bere o. 5934. pe] per B. pays] pees 7. wide] while Ca. aliue] on lyue 7. 5935. \>e sorwes] han sorowe ;8 ; he sorowe 5. 5936. an] one B ; a 07. stalwarde] staleworhe a. 5937. stalwardhede] stalewarde dede he is a ; stalworhe dede he is /3 ; stalwardnes 5. euere] louge B. wor)p] more afi. 5938. ne] om. 5. yod] gode B. ware] whar a. so he] he n)35. wende] went alond S. 5939. Me clupede] Men callid 7. stalwardhede] strenghe BCa)35. yrensyde] yrenesyde a. E E 434 THE CHRONICLE OF dani. pe sorwes as ich abbe ytold • spronge aboute ylome •5940 Vor j^at folc of denemarch • sone to londe come • [294] As a iiour alf |?is land • ]^e hauene hii adde ysott • So ]?at norj^humberlond • was al to grounde ybro^t • Kent hii destruede al so god • & J?e est contreye wide • Eccestre hii barnde al adoim • & in ]^e west syde • Vr king worrede ofte aien • as he mitte do • 594G Ac wreche of is bro|?er de|^ • wel harde him com to • Eedemp- YoY is poer was lute wor]? • ac he lei horn atten ende • i^^our j^ousend pound of sterlinges • horn at en to wende • Obitus So ]7at is quene deide • & of sorwe «& sore • 5950 regme. Him com in ech half • euere ]?e leng ]?e more • Vor ]?e deneis come aien • & in euerich ende • Him worrede her & J^er • j^at he nuste wuder wende • He bi];o2te him wel narwe • ^if ]>er mitte be eny red • poru wiuinge oj'er J?oru eny ]>mg • vor is wif was ded • 5940. ich abbe] ych cliabbe B. ytold'] itolde a ; of tolde /3. ylome] lome ;8. 5941. londe] londone C. 5942. As] & B. a uour al/] a four half a ; a foure half 5 ; in foure partes (parties y) of ^y. hauene] hauenes B/S. yso^yt^ sought y. 5943. tvas al to grounde] to grounde was 5. 5944. Kent .... yod] Al so hi destrude kent a ; Also j^ei destroyed kent ^ ; Also >ey destruyd Kent S. destruede] destryed C. 5945. Eccestre] Exetre B. iarttde] brent )3. al] om. a^5. t^' "'] as in C. In C lines 5946-6029 are placed after line 6113. 5946. Vr] Oure o. ayn] aje a. do] ydo fi. 5947. bro)>er] brokers C7; broJ>eres /8. wel] ful )3. him com] com him o ; come him j8. 6948. lute] litel 7. ac] vorB. atten] atte C ; at >ian a; at the y. 5949. horn] hem B. 5950. is] jjis a^ ; )>ys 5. deide] deijede a. 5951. Him com] Come to him a5 ; Com to him ;S. ech] eche Bay. \>e leng] >>e lenger C ; J^e longer /8 ; so leng a ; so lenger 5. )>e more] so more 5. 5952. ayen] ajen ope him a ; ajen vpon him ^, Sf] om. afi. iii] om. C. euerich] eueryche B ; eche 5. 5953. Him] 8c a$; On him 5. worrede] werred $. nuste] ne wist /3. wuder] whoder C. wende] to wende 78. 5954. ij>oj/e] broujt 5. wel] ry^t /3. yif . . . rede] whejjer he myjte mid eni red a ; where he myjt with any rede $. 5955. o\>er ]f>oru] oj'er Ca7 ; of 5. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 435 He vnderstod ]?at richard • due of normandye • Was mon of grct poer • &, of gret seygiioiye • Vor emme is gode doiter • he sende ofte is sonde • To spouse hire & to make hire • queue of Inglonde ■ pat he mitte ]?oru }>e aliance eny help vndergo- 5960 [295] To wite him fram hem of denmarch ]xit dud them such vjo ' So ]>at J»o hii were at one • ])is spousing was ydo • As in pe ter of grace a j^ousend ter (6 two • & of ];e kinges corouning • in \e foure & twenty yere • po ]>ozte ]>e king ];at he adde • of is fan y" lesse fare • . • Aeldredus • foi 90 b. & here sprong lo ]>q uerste more as of hom of nor- mandye • 59GG Ware ]7oru hii come in to J>is lond • & abbe)^ ]>e maystrye • Vor ]7e kynge adde bi ]ns emme • tueie sones ywis • ij filii. Alfred & seint edward • j^at at westmunstre yssrined is • 5956. due] Jje Duke $. 5957. 111071'] man BCa. 5959. spoicse] spousi a. to make hire] makije a; hir to make S. In- glonde] Engelond B ; eugelonde a ; Englonde /35 ; })is loude C. 5959-65. Partly defaced in A, and written over in a later (perhaps Seldeu's) hand. The later writing is marked in italic. 5960. mi'^te . . . help] J^oru alyance eny help niyte a; t)urgh aliauuce eny helpe myjt /8 ; t)rou) aliaunce eny helpe myght 5. J>e] om. B. 5961. wite] witije a ; kepe ;8. fram hem of denmarch] wi)j {?e deneys a; fram \>e Danys /3 ; from \>q Deueis 5, dud] dude BCo ; dide /3 ; ded 5. them] )>ys lond B5 ; \>\s lond Ca ; J?is londe yS. siicli] no BCa ; muche /3 ; om. 5. 5962. )>o] om. 5. at one] aton B ; at on Ca ; attoue fi. )>is] \>q B. ydo] do 5. 5963. a] o afi. \)Ousend] )30usund C. )er] om. B, ttoo] to C5. 5964. corouning] croun3'uge ByS ; coroument C ; crounementa; corono- ment S. in \>e] in BC. twenty] tuentyj^e BC ; twentij^e a. 5965. )>at] om. a ; )>ou^t 5, lesse] lasse BCaS. 5966. &,• here] po aS ; Thanne j3. spromj] spronge a. as] om. 5. 5967. Ware] Whar a. into] to j8. ahbe\>] haddea^: had 5. 5968. hynye] in later hand. emme] .M. B. tueie] two"), 5969. westmunstre] westymustre B ; westmystre C. yssrined] cm. a/35 E E 3 436 THE CHRONICLE OF & J?oru p»ulke blode su|?]>e • willam bastard com • 5970 As ^e ssoUe her after ihure • & wan Jjis kinedom • pat poer miiche of denemarcli • in pes wij^oute strif • Was horn ywent to denemarch • ar ];e king weddede wif • Occisio pe kino- uor is grete poer • as of is wiuinge • Alle pe deneis pat were bileued • he let to depe bringe • In a seinte bryce day • & in one day echon • 5976 pat non nere of o]?er ywar • ne )?at |^er ofscapede non • Suan J»e due of denemarch • ])o he hurde of ]?is cas • Made him wro]? & wod ynou • & ech ]?at wi]? him was • Hii gi-eij^ede hom mid gret poer • & to engelond come • 5980 As in ]fe vif & tuenti]?e ^ere • of j^e kinges kinedome • & in ])& yev of grace • a ]?ousend & J>re • Hii slows &i sorwe dude ynou • non more ne mitte be • [296] po l^ikce hii come J>at ]?et lond • oueral hii gonne fuUe • As j^ikke as ameten crepe)? • in an amete huUe • 5985 5970. i>07'u'] of B. willam^ william fi. 5971. ssolle . , . ihure] after yhure schollea; aftir schal here fi; after here schul S. 5973. hom ywent] hem ywend B ; hom iwend C ; hom ywend a ; hom went y. ar] er a. w^;/ ] his wif C ; his wyf aQ ; is wyfe 5. 5976. In a] Ino a; Apou /8. bryce] Bryde ys S. Sf] om. afi. echo?i] euerj'chone 5. 5977. nere] were C7. oJ)e?-] o)?ere B. ywar] ware y. 7ie \>ai Jjg?'] ne \>at )>er ne B ; )>at Jjer ne a ; J^at J>ere )8, ofscapede] ascapede a ; ascaped j8. 5978. \>e] om. C. 5979. wod] woude C. ech] eche B; om. S. 5981. vif] uyue B ; vyue o; vyuethe 5. tuenti\>e] twenty y8 ; twenties. 5982. Sf] Hud B. a] o a. )>re] ek Jjreo a ; aisoJ>re /3. 5983. sorwe dude] dide sorowe y. non more] no more Ba/35. ne] om. 5. 5984. po] So Ba|3. \>at \>et] \>&t Jjc Ba)35 ; to this y. hii] om. afi. gonne fulle] gonne fylle )8 ; gan to fulle 5. 5985. \Hkke] l^ilkeA. as ameten crepe\>] so crupej? emeteue a ; as erep('> emetene /3. ameten] emeten C ; Ematen 5. an] one a/S. amete] emete Ca;S ; Emate 5, Imlle] hylle /9. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 437 Bi nor]7e & bi soii]7e • in j^e est Szi in ];e west • occisio. So J^icke hii come ]?at me nuste • in wuche alf kepe best • Hii ne sparecle prest ne clerc • )>at hii ne slowe to gTOundc • Ne men of religion • ware so hii eni foiinde • Ne wommon ne soukinde child • ne dotter ne sone • Hii vorbarnde norJ»wich • & })e toim of wiltone • 5991 pat a reulich lond was engelond • & vol of sorwe ynon • Hii mi^to acorci ]?e fole quene • j^at seint Edward slou • Vor suan ])q luj^er due • adde euere is yuere • pre velawes l^at next him were • ech in J^at manere • "j socu Brenningge & robberye • & quellinge atte laste • 599G &c. ^'''^ pis were is |?re felawes • j^at he huld euere vaste • Wanne at an gode monnes house • is men were at inne • Verst hii wolde ete & drinke • ]?at hii founde ]7er inne • & su];]7e ]>e louerd of )?e hous • quelle & alle his • 6000 &5 su]>\>e brenne al is hous • al uor hor scot ywis • 5986. cV] & eke a ; & also/8 ; om. 5. ^-J & ek a. 5987. hii come'] om. a0. 7iusfe'\ nc wist /8. in louche alf] in wuch half B ; whar ham a ; whare hem /3. Aepe] to kepe j8 ; to kep S ; kepc horn C. 5989. iVe] Ne uone a ; Ne uo |3. loare so hii] Avhar hi a; whare J>ei j3 ; whare ^at hey 5. 5990. ivoiinnon'] wommaue B ; womman C ; wimman a; woman y. sou- kinde'] soukende C ; soukyug B ; .soukynge ayS. child] chylde B. 5991. vorbai-ndc] verbarnde B; furbarnde C; forbrent /8 ; breut y. nor\>unc]i] norwych BC. of] om. 5. 5992. a] om. a^. 5993. ucorci] acorsy B ; acursy C ; corsi a ; curse /8 ; curssc S. fole] om. a)35. slou] aslou a. 5994. Ye] )3ulke o; Jjilke /3. yuere] ifere o; in fere /3; fere 5. 5995. next him were] euere were next hym C ; him were next a ; him were nexst |8 ; euer were next 3. cch in ]>at] in echt B ; in eche Caj85. 5996. Brenningge] Byreynynge B ; Bcrninge a. robberye] robbynge 5. quellinge] quellyng B. 5997. lie huld euere] euere he helde 5. 5998. Wanne] om. a/3. aii] a C ; o a; ouy $ ; one y. gode] god Ba ; goude C. moniies] nonues A ; mannes BCa; mannys )3. is men . . . inne] whar hi were at inne a; whare J^ei were at Inne;8. 5999. wolde ete] ^ete a ; eete j3 ; ete y. drinke] dronke a ; dranke /8. 6000. quelle] quokle a ; K^i killyd /3. 6001. brcniie] barnde a..; breut fi, iil uor] as For B; for a/35. 438 THE CHRONICLE OF Suche were lo ]?e gistes • J^at hider come ]?o • Mochc a]? ]m lond ar ]ns • idrive in sorwe & wo • Mest wo hii dude in barcssire & vpe assesdoune • & so aboiite quiclielmeslewe • & so in mani a toune • foi. 91. ' Aeldred • Atte laste king aildred • J?o he was to grounde ybrott • [297] & Miiche of ]?e lond aslawe • & destrued al to nott • Siian l^e due of denemarch • he tef atten ende • Folle Jjritti J^ousend pound • to denemarch to wende • tfe bileue ]?is lond in pes • so ]?at Jns was ydo • GO 10 Ac lute it was ar J»er com • wel more wo ]?er to • gentes per Vor ]}e king aildred • isey is lond al bar • Of ])e folc of denemarch • he nolde noli tut be ywar • Ac let gadery a nywe ost • ]?oru al engelond wel wide • Of heyemen & of lowe ek • ygadered bi J»e hide • 6015 pat euere eiite hide lond • an man him ssolde finde • Wi}) helm & hauberc & J^e atil • ]?at non nere bihinde • 6002. Suche] Hit aS ; Thei /8. lo )je] )>o >e B ; \>Q C ; sori a ; sory /3 ; sorye 5, (fistes] giistes C ; gestys ;8 ; gestis 5. hide]-] huder C ; hidere a ; tliider 7. J^o] so a/S. 6003. \>is lond ar J?2s] engelond B. ar'] or 7. Yis] )>isse a. idrive] dryed ^ ; ydured 5. in'] om. BCa/S ; of 5. 6004. hii dude] that dide y. vpe] vpon a ; apon y. assesdoune] asschesdoune a ; Aiscliesdoune y. 6005. so] al so C ; om. S. quichelmeslewc] quychelmesley B ; qnich- helmes lyje a ; kouchamslew /8 ; Quichelmesleye S. marii a] mony B ; mani^e a ; many /3. 6006. aildred] aeldred a. he tvas] was he C. ybroyt] brought 7. 6007. aslawe] slayne 7. destrued] destrud a. 6008. atte7i e7ide] atte ncnde B ; at \>an cnde a ; at the ende 7. 6009. to] a^en to aj8. denemarch] demarch a. to] om. a. 6011. Ac lute] Aite a; A litcl while j3. hit. . . com] or j^er come hit was 13. 6012. aildred] aeldred a ; Aldrede 7. 6013. he] ne a. nolde] wolde fi ; ne wolde 7. no^t] om. S. 7/wai-] war Ca ; ware 7. 6014. (jaderij] gadre 7. «] o a. al] om. k/35. wel] ryjt /3. 6015. §• of] of C ; & 5. cA] om. a)35. 6016. ewere] euery 7. an man him] ane man him a; one man he 7, 6017. hauberc] A7 ; haubert B; haubrek a; haubryk jS ; hamberk 5. \>e atil] atyr o ; atyre )35. wow ner^] no nere a ; non were /3. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 439 & greijjede him ssipes in |?e se • ac al nas wor]? a fille • Vor |?o is const was al yclo • he mitte bet abbe be stille • To siian j?e due of denemarch • ]>e tidinge sone com • His ost & is poer • wib him sone he nom • 6021 reditus ^113111 & in J?e a j^ousend lev of grace • & ])e tepe ^er al so • & of vr kinges crounement • jn-itti ^er & tuo • In an haly ]:'oresday • to p'is lond he com • 6024 & |7en toun of gypeswich • mid streng|;e sone nom • & robbede aboute in ]?e lond • & tonnes adoun caste • Ac ]>e contreye of grantebrugge • aten horn stod g'"a°te- uaste • resistit. & fotte ase stalwardemen • ]>e wnle hor poer ylaste • Ac hii were as hii nede mosto • binej^e attc laste • & ]?er was j^e kinges soster sone • islawe aj^elston -GOSO & barons & knittes • & heiemen monion • 6018. grei\>ede'] greyj>ed B ; graced i8; graded 7. Am] hem By3. 7ias'\ was noujt /8 ; was not 5. a fille'] o ville a ; a ville j8 ; a wille y ; a frille C. 6019. is const ivas al] al his cost was C ; al Jiis coust was a; al his cost was )8 ; alle hys cost was 5. i/do] do /85. bet] let B ; better /3. abbe] B ; habbe Ca ; albe A ; haue P. be] ybe B ; ben at home $. 6020. \>e due] due Ba. \)c tidinye so7ie] sone he tihinge a ; soone \>e tyhinge /3 ; sone he tyhynges S. tidinge] tytynge B ; tihynge C. 6021. ziv'h him so7ie] sone w' him 5. 6022. ^-] om. C. a] om. Ba/35. Sf he] & in he ;3 ; and in 5, te\>e] tenthe 5. 6023. vr] he afiS. crou?ie7nent] corounement a ; croiinynge /3. h''^'''] hrittehe a. 6024. Li a7i] In one a ; Apon an /8. haly] holy Ba ; halwe C. 6025. i>en] han C ; he afi; in he 5. gypesioich] gripeswych C ; Episwiche j8. 71.0m] he nom a ; he nome ;3. 6026. robbede aboute] aboute robbede a/S ; abowte robbed 5. 6027. aje?i horn stod] stod a)en wel a ; stode ajenhim /8. 6028. ase] alheB. wm/c] while Co)3. hor poer] power a. ylaste] laste a ; last 7. 6029. Ac] And y. hii were . . . 7iioste] as hi nede moste hi were a ; as hei nede muste hei were /3 ; as hey nedys moste hey were 5. laste] at he laste a ; cast /3. 6030. Sf] om. 5. islaioe] yslawen a ; slayne y. 440 THE CHRONICXE OF predacio. [298] Obsessio kanter- burie. Aboute heriiest |>is deneis • as rotes arnde • Bi chilterne & to oxenford • & J»en toun barnde • po wende hii vor]? of denemarch • & robbede al est sex • & grantebruggessire & estangle • & al so middelsex • Bokinghamssire & oxenfoi'dssire • & hertfordssire al so • 6036 Bedeuord ssire & haluendel • hontindone ssire ]?er to • NorJ^liamtone & bisouJ>e • temese barcssire • & soj^ereye & souj^sex • & soii];hamtessire • & muchedel of wiltessire • & ]>o al ]?is was ydo -6040 Hii drowe bom toward kanterbury • to robbi j^ere al so • In ])e a } ousend ter of grace • & endlefte ]?er to • pis folc com to kanterbury • robberye to do • Bituene vre leuedi day ]>e late • & misselmasse day • pis folc bisette kaunterbury • & uaste it bi lay • G045 6032. herucst] J)e heruest 5. rotes'] roters B5 ; rotours C ; rotors o ; robbers )3. arnde] ernede 5 ; went /8. 6033. chilterne] a; chjdterneB; chiltarn C ; chilterme A, ^-/o] to Ba ; and y. )pen] j^ane a ; )>at )35. barnde] hi barnde a ; )>ei brent ^ ; \>Qy barned 5. 6034. po] So a. of] to y. robbede] robbed B. 6035. yrajitebruggessire] gutebruggessyre B ; grantebrugge a ; graunt- burge /3 ; grauntbrugg y. 6036. t^] om. C. oxenfordssire] oxeneford a ; Oxenforde yS. hert- fordssire] herfordsebire C ; herefordeschire o ; herforde schire ^3 ; hert- fortschire 5. 6037. haluendel] haluendcn y. 6038. Nor\>hamtone] NorJ^hamtessyre B ; Norhhampteschire C ; Nor- hampte schire a ; Northe haptschire j8 ; Northamptonshire y ; Nor- harapschyre 5. temese] temese & aj85. 6039. ^ sou];>hamtessire] & also sou|)hampteschire a/3. 6040. §• muchedel] An mucheldel B ; And mucheldel y. 6041. horn] om. 5. robbi] Ca ; robb A ; robby B ; rebbe y. 6042. a] om. B75. \>ousend] l^ousund C. endhfte] endlofte A (later hand) ; endlcuene B ; elleuene S ; enlefhe :er a ; he elleueh ^ere /3. 6043. robberye] robbery C. to] for to 5. 6044. vre] hour B. leuedi] leuede B ; lady ojS, late] latere BCajS later S. tnissclmasse] myelmasse B ; mychelmasse C ; seint Micheles a ; scynt Michaelys ; seint Micheles 5. day] dai^e a. 604.). hannterburi/] cauntebury C. it] om. BC ; hane touu a; J?at toune H ; bat touu 5. bi lay] bilay^e o ; bylaye 5. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 441 Aelclred • fol 9i b. & gret raunson of horn wi}>inne esste • to be out of wo • Ac ]:'e erchebissop of j^e toun • seint alfe j^at was ]>o • Was vaste j^er at en -to liue eni raunsoun • pe deneis vor wraj^j^o ]>o • asailede uaste J?en toun • & wonne him & vaste slowe • & j^o hii wij^inne come • 6050 Heye men p'at inne were • & seint alfey hii nome • & monekes & ]?en toun • barnde & adoun caste • pe erchebissop seint alfe • hii hulde & bounde uaste • & ladde him biside londone • to ]?e toun of grenes- wich • & helde him }>ere in prisoun • ]?at he nas no mon ilich • 6055 Half ^er & somdcl more • & su|)])e in ])e ^er of grace • A ]70usend & tuclf ^er • hii ladde him in an place • 6046. raunson'\ raymson B ; Raunsom 5. of horn wi\>inne] hamo; hem )8S. esste] eischte C ; eschste a. ; escht S ; asked y8. to he'] to leten ham ben a ; to late hem be ;85. 6047. )>e] om. ;8. seint] om. S, alfe] aelfege C ; alphe a/3. 6048. vaste] fast a ; om. y. ayen] ayens y. eni] hem any /3. raunsoun] raymson B. 6049. >o] om. S. asailede uaste] vaste asaillede C. ]>en] }>anc a }>e BC ; t>at 3- 6050. wonne him] wonne a ; hit wanne /3 ; wonne hit 5. §• \>o] )>o C & a5. 6051. inne] \>qv inne Ba;8 ; J^erynne C5. alfey] alfe B; aelfege C alphe a/3 (& passim). hii] om. C. 6052. \>en] Kinea; )>e B ; Kit /8. barnde] >ei brent )3. adoun'] doun fi. 6053. alfe] aelfege C. hidde] heolde B ; hente a ; toke /3. 6054. ladde .... lo7idone] biside (bysyde S) londone (London /35) him ladde a/3S. r/reneswieh] grenewlch a ; grenewych C ; GreneAviche /3 Grenewj-che yS. 6055. helde] hulde a. Jjtve] forthe J^ere 5. nas] was j3 ; ys 5. no mon] nan man B. ilieh] ylyehe B ; liche 0. 6056. Half] An half ;3. of] om. 5. 6057. ^4] O ay. tuelf] \>n tuelfte C ladde] hadde C. in aii] on a ; on a y3 ; in 5. 442 THE CHRONICLE OF Wij'oute J?e toiin of greneswich • & henede him wi]? stones • As me henede seinte steuene • & tobrusede is smale bones • [299] ^tte laste mid an deneniss ax • me smot him to gronde • 6060 Occisio In be heued bat he lay • & deyde in an stounde • alphcTi. pe saterday }»e ester wouke • ]?is holy man liii slowe • Ac vewe j^er were atte dede • ]?at J^e beuerege bilowe • Vor some bicome canerefrete • & some blinde o];er wode • & som deyde verlich • vpri^t as hii stode • 6065 So ]?at vor drede of ]?is wreche • ]>e deneis were agaste • & wi]? drowe horn of hor lu]?erhede • }?e wule it wolde ylaste • & ]>er was ];e betere pays • a ter & vmiej'e • Vor in ]>e ler of grace • a pousend & Jn-etteJ^e • 6069 Suan ]>e due of denemarch • bigan to turne is bond • & after ]?at he adde destrued • ]^e souj^half of ]ns lond • 6058. ofl om. B. grcneswicJi] greneswyke B ; grenewyke C ; grene- •wich o ; Grene'wyclie 75. henede] hende Co ; steuede B ; stoned j8 stenyd S. ivi\>'] om. C. 6059. henede'] hende C« ; stenede B ; stoned & ; steued S. • steuene] stefne a. tobrusede] debrusede Ba ; debrused C5 ; brusede j8 ; brused y. smale] om. B5. 6060. an] o o ; a BC)35. deueyiiss ax] denchax B5 ; deynesch ax C ; denischs ax a ; Deuenysche axe j3. gronde] the grouude y. 6061. heued] heuedeB ; hede y. Sf deyde] ded «'; dede /3. an stounde] a stounde BC ; o stounde a ; one litel stounde j8 ; o Utel stounde y. 6062. Ye] in )>e BCajSS. icoiike] woke C ; wike a^ ; weke y. 6063. \>er] )p2X B ; om. Co. atte] at J^e a ; at that C. }>«/] om. B. beuerege] beuereche o ; beueriche 5. 6064. bicome] hi bicome a ; J^ei bicome fi. 6065. verlich] ferliche o. vpriyt as hii] as hii vp ry)t B. 6066. \>is] }>at S. 6067. wi)> drowe'] w' drowen 5. horn of] om. a;85. ylaste] last Cy. 6068. ^ . . . . pays] pe betere pays j^er was after a; The better pees )>er was aftir j3 ; Tlie better pees was after 5. a jer] o )er a ; o jere /35. &(] om. S. 6069. a] o a. \>ouscnd] }>ousund C. \>rette\>e] t>e thryttej>e 5. 6070. he] om. a. 6071. adde] om. aj3. destrued] destrud B ; destrude a. )>ts] }>e S. EGBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 443 He wende & robbede of J>is lond • al ];o norJ> side • predacio Norhumber & lindeseye • & destruede wyde • °^'^ '^" Euere fram watelinge stret • & so bi oxenford • Hii come & nome winchestre • & so walinford • Fram walingford hii wende • & ]>en toun of ba]?e nome • G076 So j^at suan was king yholde • ware so he euere come • Ac pe king of engclond • in such sor & morninge • Missio Carede of is 2onge sones • mest of alle j^inge • ^^^j^ ^^^^' Leste hii were defouled oit • vor hii ne cou];e of fi^tinge . 6080 peruore in to normandio • he let hom sone bringe • Bo|7e alfred & seint edward • & ]?e quene hor moder [300] also . Wi}> ]7e due richard |?e quene broper • vorte such wo were ydo • Ac is eldoste sone • Edmond yrene syde • Vor he was hardi & god kni^t • at hom he let abide • 6085 6072. of] al B. 6073. Norhumber'] Nor)'homber B ; Northumbcr a ; NorJ^humberlonde )3. 6074. Sf so] so afi. oxe^iford] oxeneforde a. 6075. so] su)5t>e C. ivaliiiford] walyngford C ; wlingi'orde o ; walyng- fordc y. 6076. ]>en] >ane a ; Jpe BC ; }>at /8. 6077. yholde] hi holde C. iv ie so he euere] whar hi a ; whare J^ei /3 ; whare J>at t>ey 5. he euere] euere he C. 6078. sor] sorewe a ; sorowe ^5. 6079. of] for . ?« est] moste 7. alle] eny 5. 6080. Leste] Laste Ca. defouled] defoulde B. oyt] out a. hii ne coui>e] he coulje nout o ; ]?ei cou)je uou^t j3. 6083. J>e] oin. a^. i>e quene] hure a)3 ; hir S. vorte] for C ; vort o; vn to ;3 ; forto 5. such] swich C ; ]>c aj35. wo] woM^e a ; werre fiS. ydo] do y. 6084. eldoste] vldeste a. 6085. hardi ^* yod kniyi] kuy^t hardi & god (good /8) o/3 ; knyght hardy & good 5. yod] gode B. abide] him bide /3. 444 THE CHRONICLE OF foi. 92, • Aeldred • pat hiper folc of denemarch • robbede & slowe uaste • Chirclien & abbeys • barnde & adoun caste • Men leye vnbured to drawe • ]?at reupe it was ynou • pat feble folc to wildernesse • & to wodes faste droii • Aildred king of Engelond • ysei al ]?is wou • 6090 Hou me destruede is lond • & is folc so slou • To mide winter he wende anon • ]>o he ne sey o]>cv red • To normandie & huld him |;er • uorte J^e due suan was ded • Obitus Suan deide in J^e ^er of grace • a ];ousend & four- suan. ^Q^Q . (3094 His folc made euere uaste worre • ^ut after is dej^e • knout. & made is sone king after him • knout was is name • pat dude as wel as is fader • engelond gret ssame • & false knittes of engelond • hulde mid him vaste • Ac hii ]mt trewe & gode were • aien horn hor herte caste . G099 rpditus & sende after king aildred • in to normandie stille • ^^ ^^ • & he com sone to engelond • & wende abbe is wille • 6087. Chirchen'] And chyrchyn B ; & churches C ; & chirchen a ; And chirches )35. harnde'] brent 5. adoim'\ adoun also a ; also adoun hem ;S ; also doune hem j. 6088. leye'] layne 5. vnlmred to drcnce'] to drawe al vnbured Ca ; to drawe alle vuburied /8 ; to drawe vnburied y ; al to drawn vuberied S. Wf] at C. 6089. pa<] The . faste droit,'] drowe fast drowe {sic) y. 6090. Aildred] Aeldred a ; Aldrede y. ysei] i>o he sey B ; y say a ; sawe y. 6091. destruede] destruyde B ; destrude o. so] cm. B; me a ; men /8. 6092. To] At )8S. sey] sawc y. 6093. uorte] vort a ; vor C ; vn to j8 ; forto 5. )?e] om. 8. 6094. Suan] He affS. a] o a. ];>ousc7id] J^ousuud C. fotirtc\>e] foutet'e A. 6095. folc] men 5. nasie] om. ajSS. tcorre] werre a. 6097. as icel] also aB5. as] om. j8. gret] muche afiS. 6098. hulde] held C. 6099. trcwe §' gode ivere] trewe were & ffoude C ; godo & trewe were a; good & trewe were /3. ayen] a^enst S. hum] hym B ; him a/35. 6100. aildred] aeldred a; aidred C- in to] to afid. 6101. aO()c] to babbe C ; to haue ^5. is] al his a; alle his B. PvOBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 445 Ac ]>o king knout it vnder ^et • he was vol of rage • Occisjo He wende anon to sandwich • & men ]?ere in ostage • j.m^° pat were bitake is fader • vor heye men of ]>e londe • [30i] He nom & let hom smite of • bop'e vet & honde • G105 Nou adde heyemen of )>e lond • itake J?er bi uore • His fader ostage god ynou • & deop o]> ysuore • Wi]) him to holde treweliche • & breke ];o hor o]) • per uore ]?e king knout wi]? hom • was j?o so wod wi-o]? • & for wra]?]7e let bilimie • hor ostages ]'at were- GllO Su]?J>e he wende in to westsex • & robbede ]?ere • & in dorsete dude & wiltessire • & somersete gret wo • Morbus King aildi'ed lay sik • in ]>e toun of cosham ]?o • cosham. In ]>e west ende of wiltessire • vor he was feble & old. & wij> care & sorwe ouercome • as me a]> itold • 6115 & fram cosham to londone • he ofscapede vnnej?e • londone. Vor to witie him fram is fon • )?at hii ne brotte him to depe • 6102. Acl om. o;35. Jjo] \>eB; Whenno /3. vnder je<] vnderjat a; vnderstode |S. vol q/"] of grete 5. 6104. bitake is fader'] his fader bitake a; his fadir bitake /3 ; bis fadir bytake S. 610.5. hom'] hym B ; cm. C. vet] fot C ; fet a. 6107. Sf] & eke o ; & also ^. deop] dep B; dup o; so depe 5. ysuore] swore j3. 6109. ]po] om. a5. ivod] om. C ; wood wood 5. 6110. bilimie] bylyme B ; bilymy^e a; bylymme /8 ; bylemmeT'; he- lymmye 5, 6111. wende in to] wende to a5 ; went to;3. robbede] vaste robbede a; fast robbed pan /8. Jjcrc] fast ]>eve 5. 6112. i?i dorsete dude] dude in dorsete a; dide in Dorsete )3 ; ded in Dorset 5. §•] & in j8. ^] & in a$. 6113. King] C; Kyng B ; Kynge 5; Kin A ; & king a ; And kyngo ^, aildred] Aeldred a ; Aldred fi. cosham] corsham a/8 ; Corsam y. 6114. i>e] om. B. 611.5. care Sf sorwe] sorowe and care 7. 6116. Sf] om. a)35. cosham] Corsham oj8. ofscapede] ascaped /3. 6117. icitie] wityje a; wyte B; wite C; kepe /35. de]>e] bis dethe 7. 44G THE CHRONICLE OF pere he huld him in ];e toim • mid muche sorwe & sore • pat of al is lond of engelond • he nadde an vot more • pe ^ates he made vaste • & wuste him wijunnc • G120 His fon asailed j^ene toim • wi)? oiite mid al hor ginne • obitus Atte laste Jjis king aildred • as in al |?is strif • In a seint gregories day • wende out of }>is lif • As in J7e ler of grace • a ]?ousend & sixtej^e • 6124 Febleliche he liuede al is lif • & deyde in feble de|;e • ^°'" ^" • Echnund iren side • In such sorwe he was king • seuene & ]?ritti ter • He adde moni a sori day • & mochel anguisse her • & for wi"eche of is broJ?er deV • al such sorwe him com • pat lute ioye he adde al is lif • of is kinedom • [302] ipDmond yren syde • king aildredes sone • G130 So god knitt of bodie was • ];at he wor|? longe in mone • 0118. vmche] muchel 7. 6119. is lond o/] om. a/35. nadde'] hadde /8. an vot'] fot a; o foot S ; no fote j8 ; fote no 7. 6120. ivuste] wiste C ; kept y8 ; kepte 5. 6121. asailed] asaylede Bo. >e?(e] >ane o ; }>at|8S; J^e C. al] om. a^. hor] his C. 6122. Atte] At >e a. \>is] he C ; om. o;8. aildred] aoldred a. al] alle a5. ]pis] his C ; ora. a/85. strif] stryuc Ba/85. 6123. In] On ^d. o] an B ; o a. \>is lif] >ys lyue B ; his lyue ai8. 6124. a] o a. \>02isend] l>ousund C. 6125. al] om. a;85. is] in 13. 6126. such] suche B. 6127. He adde .... her] He was ibured at londone at seinte poules & lijj \>er a ; He was buried at londoun at seynt Poules & liejj \>ere j8. a] an B. her] er B ; ere 5. 6128. broi>er] brojjeres C/8. «/] om. /8 ; to al 5. Imn] to hymB ; he 5. 6129. lute] litel C7. ioye] ioije a. he adde] hadde o/3, al] on a; in ;8 ; of 5. of] & eke of 5. 6130. T/rew si/(/e] yrenesyde Ba. hing] J>at was king a ; Kit was kynge j8 ; hat was kynges 7. 0131. yod] gode B. of bodie icas] was of bodice a; was of bodi C;8 ; was of bodye S, he wor\> longe] longe worj? B ; worJ> longe a ; woru)j longe C ; longe schal be i3. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 447 Me nuste so god in none londe • & atte biginninge • After is fader de\) • me dies him to kinge • pe heye men of ]>e lond • ]?at fals ne lu];er nere • Ac monie hulde mid king knout • )>at false & trichors were • 6135 EDmond vor is streng|;c was • ycluped yrensyde • Dreduol he was to is fon • j^at him dorste vewe abide • Debonere & mikle he was • to alle j^at gode were • Quointe & siii];e hardimon • as mon wi)7oute fere • Verst he wende to westsex • & }?ere ech contreye • G140 Abuyede al to is wille • bo]?e uor loue & eye • As leon hardi ynou • he wende aboute wide • & wan contreye & o]?er • aboute in eche side • pat knout nadde poer non • at en him vorto stonde • ^if false traytors nadde ybe • here of engelonde • G145 pat hulde mid J^e king knout • traytours as hii were • So ]7at nol^er of J'is kinges • abuyinde to o]?er nere • G132. Me nuste .... londe'] So god in no lond me nuste a ; So good in no londe men wist ^ ; So good in no lond me nust 5. god] gode B. 6133. fader] faders y. 6134. fals] false a; nej'jjer fals 5, C135. hulde] J>er helde 5. false Sf trichors] false an trysthors B ; traitorus & fals C ; traitours & false afi • trecliours & fals 5, C136. streng\>e] strengeB ; strenj^e C. was ycluped] w[as] ycleped a; was callid y. yrensyde] jTenesyde Bo ; ]>e Ireusyde 5. 6137. Dreduol] Drefol C. him dorste vewe] fewe him dorste o ; fewe him diu'st j8. 6138. Sf inilde he ivas] he was & milde ayS. alle] ham o ; hem /3. 6139. Quointe] Queynte BC. sui]>e] ful /3. 6141. Abuyede] Aboute B ; Abowcde Ca ; Abowed j8S. ul] om. a. is wille] his honde S. uor] om. S. §• eye] & eije a ; & eke w' eye S. 6142. leon] lyon C ; o leon a ; a lyoun fi ; a lioii 5. 6143. co7itreye] B5 ; tontreye A; coutrei C; contreije o; cuntreye fi ; cuntree y. 6144. nadde] hadde /3; had 5, 6145. traytors] traitorus C. iiadde yhe] hadde nouit ybe ;8. 6146. mid \>e king] with kynge /8. 6147. no\>er of \>is kinges] neuer noj^er king o ; neuer no]>er kynge )3S. abuyinde] abouynde B ; y bonde C ; bowing a ; bowynge /85. o>t'y] oJ>ere a. 448 THE CHRONICLE OF Ac ei|?er gaderede gret ost • & of o]?eres men slowe • Atte laste mid hor ost • to gadereward hii drowe • Bellum & mette horn after midsomer • be feste of seint Ion • A gret bataile smite • Li side ];e toim of sserston • Glol & slowe to grounde muche folc • & j^o al was ydo • pe kinges & muche of hor folc • aliue partede atuo • po wende king Edmund • to londone mid is route • & al J'at folc of denemarch • destruede ]>er aboute • & drof hom out of J?is lond • & ^ut nolde he nott blinne • Ac wende in to westsex • ]7ulke contreis to winne • [303] pQ }^Q -y^a^s fram bi este ywent • ]?e deneis mid al hor ginne • Bisegede londone ac hii ne mi^te • noli come wi|;inne • So wel he was wi}>inne ywust • ];oru men j^at ]>er were • 61 GO pat ]>e deneis hom wi|)drowe • J^o hom ne spedde nott J'ere • & wende estward in to kent • & robbede J>ere vaste • & hor preye at medeweie • in to ssipes caste • 6148. yretl hare a ; here $ ; her y ; om. 5. of] om. C5. 6149. Atte .... ost] Afterward atte laste C. Atte] And the y. 6150. midsomer] myssomer C. he feste] l>e fest a ; in )>e feste (8. Ion] iohon a. 6151. A] And a BC5 ; & o afi. smite] smete C ; hi smite a; j^ei smyte /3. bi side \>e] at )pe aj85 ; atte C. sserston] scherston aj3 ; Sherston y. 6152. al] al J^is ai35. ijdo] do /3. 6155. al] om. a^. aboute] al aboute aP ; allaboute S. 6156. yut] om. a^5. nolde he 7io-^t] wolde he uojt /3 ; he nolde >o S. 6157. westsex] Estsex fi. \)ulke] J^ane a ; J^at )35. contreis] contreye B ; contreije o ; cuntreye j8 ; contrey 5. 6158. was . . . ywent] wende fram estsex a ; went fram Estsex /3. ywent] ywend B ; ywende C. al] aUe oj8. hor] om. a/35. 6159. lo7idojie] londone faste a; london f ast ;8 ; London anone 5. no^t] om. afiS. wi];>itmc] i>er ynne C ; l^er inne a/S. 6160. he] hit /35. ywust] kept/3; kepte S. men] ham a; hem /35. J>er were] were w'ynne 5. 6161. pa<] om. BCaySS. )>o] when /8. hom ne spedde] i>eyne spedde 5. no^t] om. o;35. \>ere] nere j8. 6162. robbede i>ere] J>er robbede a; J^er robbed /3. 6163. medeweie] mydwei C; medewei^e a. ssipes] the shippes y. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 449 King edmoncl horn sywede • |;o he hurde yin • & passede temese • at breinford ywis • G1G5 • Edmundus • fol. 93. & slou aboute vaste ynou • moni J^at he vond • & Monie flowe her & ])er • aboute in j^e lond • Batailes hii smite moni on • as we biwonne to telle er • Vor ei^te batailes hii dude • ney wat wij^inne half ter • As at sserston & elleswere • & |?e sixte bataile was -0170 Vpe "pe hul of assesdoune • ichoUe telle ]?at cas • Assedoun. pis tueye noble kinges • mid hor poer horn mette • & smite ]>er an bataile • & faste to gadere sette • lordeined hii adde hor ost • wel in eyj^er syde • & edmond diite is stondard • ware he ssolde him sulue abide • 6175 & is dragon vp sette • & J^is bataile ysmite • Hii slowe to grounde in eij»er side • ]?at deol it was to wite • 6164. Kinff'\ Kind o. he'] hi C ; om. 5. 6165. passede'} sone passede a; sone passed ^35. temese'] forJ?e 13. at] & Ba5 ; by /3. breinford] braynford Ca/35. 6166. moni] maui^e a. 6167. flowe] slou) 5. 6168. smite] gonne smyte /3. bigonne] gonne ct/8 ; gau 5. to] om. Caj35. er] here y. 6169. ney wat] nerand fi; om. S. hal/] ou half a; one half 0. 6170. elleswere] ellis whar C ; elles whar a. 6171. Vpe] Opon a ; Apon y. assesdoune] aschedoune C ; assches- doune a ; Aischesdon y. icholle] ychylle B ; ichwul C ; ich wole a ; I wol 7. 6172. horn] togeder 5. 6173. smite] smote y. an] a B ; o ay. sette] ]>ei sette ;3. 6174. lordeined] Ordeyned 7. eii\>er] aij^er C. 617.5. di-^te] ydy^t B ; idi^t a ; om. 5. stondard] standard B ; stan- dart a. he ssolde him sulue] he wolde aj35. 6176. sette] yset Ba; iset C ; ysette 5 ; he sette /8. ysmite] hi smete C ; hi smite a ; J>ei smyte fi ; J^ey smytten 5. 6177. slowe] smyten 0. iri] on 7S. side] alf B ; half a5. deol] del C ; dul a. wite] weteu 5 F F 450 THE CHRONICLE OF In is standard edmund was • as ri^t was uor to abide • He sey ]?at me slou is folc • aboute in eche syde • His herte him nolde soffri no^t • abide uor te time were • 6180 Ac to J7e bataile smot anon • as man wij^oute fere • & bileuede dragon & standard • & sturede vaste is honde • & slou to grounde as noj^ing • him ne ssolde at stonde • Sone adde is gode body • yperced ]>e ost ]?oru out • He made is wei roume ynou • vorte he com to king knout . 6185 [304] per were duntes ariit • ismite bituene hom tueie • Of ]>e helmes J^at fur sprong out • vor hii were stronge beye • A due ]>er was mid king Edmund • Edric was is name • pat was traytour & louerd suike • ]?at god tiue him ssame • Vor he fondede him bitraie • vor king knoutes loue •6190 po he sey |?at Edmund was • as he dradde al aboue • 6178. In'] At S. standard] standart a. 6179. sey] sai C ; sey^e « ; sawe y. )pai me] how men y. eche] euerye 5. 6180. him nolde suffri] wolde him siiffre ;8; wolde suflfre him 5. abide] to abide $5. uor te] for C ; vort a ; fort S ; vn to 0. 6181. smot] he smot a ; he smote /8S. 6182. bileuede] bilefde «. 6183. 7ie] om. /35. at stonde] astonde /3. 6184. yperced] persid y. 618.5. vorte] vort a; vn to 13. king] om. a$S. 6186. were . . . ismite] dyntis ysmy ten aryght were 5. ismite] smytc j8. bituene] J?at were bitwene a/8. tueie] tweije a ; two ^ ; tweyne S. 6187. fur] fair a ; )>& fire /3 ; J?e fuyr 5. vor] om. ajSS. hii] boJ>e hei /?. beye] men }>o ;8 ; beyne 8. 6188. A] O a. \>er] }>at B ; om. ayS. 6189. traytour . . . suike] traytoure to him 5. louerd]\orA& y. ^at god] our louerd B. god yue him] xyue him god C ; god )if him a. 6190. fondede] foude ^ ; fonge y. him] his kynge )8. bitraie] to bitray ^ ; to bytraye 5. kiiig] kinges a ; kynges y. knoutes] knoute y. 6191. sey] dradde B ; say o ; sawe y. dradde] sey B. al] om. a)85. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 451 & king knout ney ouercome • vp an hul an hey • He wende wi|? is siierd adi'awe • ]>dA> ]?et folc him al ysey- He adrou is blodi siierd • & loude bigan to grede • fugaanglo- Englissemen englissemen • fie]? anon ich rede • 6195 Vor edmond vre noble king • to depe he is ydo • Him sulf he gan uerst to fie • vor ojjere ssolde al so • Englissemen him leuede wel • & flowe after bline • & al it was to bitraye • is louerd j^at was aline • po king Edmond |>is isey • ]?at is folc vnderstod • 6200 Edinundus pat he was to dej>e ybroit • & ]?eruore hii flowe vor wod • monstrat. He arnde vpe a lute hul • & gradde in J»e place • Is folc & dude of is helm • & ssewede is face • & sede turne]? faste at en • ich am aliue ywis • Is folc turnde anon aten • ]?o hii hurde J^is • 6205 • Edmundus • foi, 93 b. & smite vor]> ]>is bataile • grettore ne miite non be • & fotte uorte it was nitt • j^at hii ne miite no leng ise • 6192. vp aw] op on o ; apon an y. an'] on y. 6193. suerd'] suerde B. \>et.'] J^e aj35. ysey'] hi sei C ; sey y. 6194. adrou] drou a ; drowe /3 ; drewe 7. loiide] fast 0. hiyun] gan afi • he gan 5. 6195. fle\> anon] fleojj anon o ; anone fleeth 7 ; fle}? anone anon 5, 6196. vre] youre 7. nohlc] om. B. de\>e] ]>e dethe 5. he] ova.. oj85. 6197. he] om. C. o\>ere] \>q o]?er a7 ; \>q oJ)ere ;8. 6198. leuede] lyuede C; louede 5. wel] om. o^5. after] after hym 5. 6199. it] om. 5. to] for to 5. to bitraye] for tray^e a. 6200. isey] yse 7. is folc] his men so 5. 6201. ijbroi^t^ brought 7. hiifloive] flowe BS ; flowen a/S. 6202. arnde] harnde a ; erne S ; ran /3. vpe] vp on j3. lute] Intel a; litel C/3. hul] hulle fi. gradde] cryede ; gadred 5. 6203. 7s] To his Ca0. of] vp C. sseivede] schewede ham a ; schewede hem /35. 6204. 6205. Omitted in 5. 6206. smite] smote 7. mow] om. C. 6207. foyte] om. P. uorte] vort C ; vorto a; vn to j8. it] is A. ne] om. B5. wo le7ig ise] nout seo a; noujt se P; not se 7 ; noght se 5, F F 2 452 THE CHRONICLE OF Ac ]>e englisse adde ybe aboue • ^if it nadde ybe uor niite • Ac hii departede as hii nede moste • as uor defaute of siite • aliud Hii grei]?ede horn j^er after • an oj^er bataile to do • bellum. ^ g£ gQj^g come to gadere • up assedoune al so • 6211 & bataile smite strong ynou • ac knoutes poer uaste • Wexinge was ]?at he wan • J^e maistrie atte laste • [305] ^QYi was edmond bo • to gloucestere he wende • Edmondus . ' ° uadit To porueye him more help • tif god him grace gloucestrie. ^^^^^ . (3215 King knout sywede after • mid an longe tayle • viij bellum. So |?at aboute gloucestre • ]?e eittej^e batayle • Vpe seuerne hii smite in a stude • tfe so vaste me slou • pe gode bodies in ei]?er half • ]?at it was deol ynou • Mid blod ]7e erjje was iheled • ]7at pite it was to wite . 6220 & noj^er partye ne mitte • ]>e maistrie al bi tite • 6208. ?/6e] bene y. nadde ybe"] nadde beo o ; had nojt be & ; had be 5. uor'] om. C ; ferre 8. 6209. as uor] vor B ; for a^S. siyte] lyght S. 6210. an] on a; one y. 6211. efsone] eft s one CS ; efte sooues /8 ; eft scones -y. to gadere] to gaderes a ; to gidre 7. up] op a ; apoii ;8. assedoune] assesdoune B ; asschesdoune a ; Aischesdou 0. 6212. S7nite] smote y. 6213. Wexinije] Wexende C. wa?/] won a. 6214. to] and to S. gloucestei'e] gloucestrye B. 6215. god him] hym god C. 6216. aji] a C ; his aj85. 6217. gloucestre] gloucestrye B. eiyte\>e] ei^te /8. 6218. Vpe] Opon a; Apon y. smite] smote 7. in a stude] & a stede B ; om, aj35 ; in a stiide C. 6219. pe] That S. gode bodies] goodies /8 ; bodies 7. deol ynou] doel to y nowe 7. 6220. Mid blode \>e er]>e] pe er)>e mid blod a ; The erj^e with blode )3S. iheled] helid j3 ; heled 5 ; felid 7. it] om. 5. 6221. Sf] Ac BCa ; But /3. ne] om. S. al bi yite] om. B; al gete 5, vetus Miles. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 453 Ne hii ne mitte yse uor |?o nitte • ]>q batayle to fol ende« Hii departede mid sor ynou • amorwe at en to wendc • & king edmond of seuerne • was in |;e west side • & king knout bigan mid is ost • in j^e est alf abide • &L seuerne was bituene hom • & knoutes poer • 6226 Of folc of bi tonde se • wax euere vor & ner • As edmond sat mid is ost • aniit in such solas • As folc mitte j^at vorwounded • & sor & wery was • & speke of Jns batayle • hou it mitte be god • 6230 An old knitt j^er ros vp • & biuore |?is folc stod • Ich am he sede mest fol • j^eruore as foles wolle • Mi fole red lif <;e wolle ihure • uerst ssewi icholle • Muche |>ing we abbe]? yseye • & vr elderne vs ek sede • [306] Anguisse & sorwe we abbe}^ ynou • of wel more we mowe drede • 6235 We fiite]? & be]? ouercome • & no maistrie we ne sep • Hou mitte we be bote ouercome • ];at ))us defouled be]? • 6222. iVe .... 7u'j^e] Ne lengore (lenger /3) jse for nyjt a/8; Ne lenger y se for nyght 5. to fol] to do non B. 6223. sor] sorw B ; sorewe a ; sorowe y3 ; sorow S. 6224. of] ouer BC. i>c] om. B. 6225. i>e] om. B. abide] to abyde S. 6226. §•] om. a/35. §■] & king a ; and kynge )S5. knoutes] knottes /3. 6227. se] \>g see j8 ; Jjc se 5. ver §• ner] ner & ner o ; nere & nere j85. 6229. \>at vorwounded] al forwonded a ; al forwounded /8. Sf sor] & sori a ; & sory ^ ; sor S. 6230. speke] spac o ; spake j8. 6231. An] On a; One ;8. 6232. am] ham a. mest'] ]je most 5. fol] foulC; fole S. );>eruore] J^er aj3 ; and J^erfore 5. foles] foules C. wolle] wille 5. 6233. fole] fol a; fool y ; foule C ; fole ys S. ^e] jje A. wolle] woUeJj o. ihure] hure a ; here y3. tierst .... icholle] first I wil schewc my wille S. ssewi] ssewe B ; schewe 0. icholle] ichylle B; Ich wolle a ; I schulle /3. 6234. a6iej>] haucj? ;3 ; haue 7. yseye] yseney. vr] vreB; oure a. elderne] eldres /3. vs ek] ek vs a ; eke vs /3 ; eke he 5. 6235. ahbe\>] hau ;8 ; hauc 7. wel] om. a^S. we] wei C. 6236. fii^te)>] fitteth 7. be\>] bene 7. no] non B. tve ne] ne o; om. 5. loe ne se\>] hit is to seen )3. se\>] ysej> B. 6237. be bote^ bote be B. \>at .... be)>] & no maistrye it is that thus defouled bene 7. defouled] defoulede B. 454 THE CHRONICLE OF Despoiled & vorwoimded • & vr streng]?e lesej? vaste • Vre felawes & vre owe lif • we drede]? ek atte laste • Wanne ssal vre reste come • & ]>e endinge of vre wo • 6240 & among vs sikernesse & pais • ich drede neuere mo • Edmond ne mai be ouercome • uor is strengj^e ywis • Ne ]>e king knout vre fo • uor he so quoynte ys • Wat may |?anne vre ende be • bote wanne |?is knittes echone • In ey]?er side be]? aslawe • & vr maystres bileued one • 6245 ^oi, 94. . Edmundus • Oj>er hii mote ]?anne acordi • oj^er fitte horn sulue tuo • Wat reson is j^at hii ne mowe • as wel nouj'e so • pe wule hii abbe]? eni aliue • )?at horn mowe serui & drede • Nere hom nott boJ?e uairor so ■ wuwat is ]?is gidi- hede • per were wule in engelond • at on time kinges fiue •6250 & alle hii were riche ynou • & of noble liue • 6238. vorwounded'] for woundede a. it] vre B ; oure a. 6239. ///■] lifes S. dredeY'] dreden ^. eK] eke o; also ^ ; om. 5. 6240. \>e] om. Baj85. 6241. among vs'] among vus B ; among ous C ; eke a5 ; also yS. mo] ]je mo 5. 6243. Ne] Nor y ; om. S. \>e] om. Ca/3. vrefo] or fo C ; >at oure fo is afi ; j^at ys oure fo 8. quoynte] queynte BC. 6244. \>anne] J^ane a ; J>an fi. vre] oJ>er Ca;8. bote] om. a/8. )pis] Jjes o. 6245. In] On . In ... . aslawe] Beth in ey^ere syde yslayn 5. be]) aslawe] bene slayne y. vr] oure Ba. maystres] maister S. 6246. Ojjer .... acordi] panne hi mote acordi a ■ Thanne >ei mote a corde yS ; Then )>ey mote acorde 5. 6247. nou\>e] nou do Ca; nowe do )3 ; now do 5 ; do nowe y. 6248. abbe])] haue j3S. eni] ame a ; hemjS; men 5. ]>at hom moive] to ham a ; hem to /3. serui] serue B;85, 6249. Nere] Were /35. bo])e] om. a;3S. uairor] fairere o. wuwat] whi -what C ; what aySS. ]>is] om. B ; JjI i8. 6250. ivule] while « ; somme tyme )8 ; somtyme S. at on time kinges] kinges o time o ; kynges oftyn /3. om] o B5. 6251. alle] om. C. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER, 455 & nou to lute to horn tueye • al engelond is • & offce wo so coiieite]^ al • al lese]? ywis • Zi£ eil?er king so moche wilne]> • to be louerd her • pat hor nojjer nele abbe • felawe ne per • 6255 Fizie horn sulue tueye • J?at louerd wole be one • [307] Wy nere horn nott so betere nou • j^ane wanne hor kniites echone • & hor folc were aslawe al • «fe hii bileued al bare • & ne founde wo horn seruede • in anguisse ne in care • Ne wo mid horn in nede • ];at lond defendi mi^te • 6260 Her of J^at sope segge]? te • as bi loure in sitte • Nadde J>is knitt folliche • is reson ysed • Concussus pat is felawes nadde sone • ynome hor red • ommum. & sede alle mid one mouj^e • we ensente]? Jjer to • pat J>is tueie kinges acordi • of'er bataile hom sulue do . 6265 6252. isj so is aj8. 6253. coueite\> a/] al coiieiteJ>e 5. lese\>'] luse)> a. 6254. so vioche'] om. o/8. wihie])'] ■woliiot7. /ojei nouJ>er haue j8; neuer nojjere wil haue 5. we] no /S ; nor y. G256. Fiyte honi] Fyght }>ey hem 5, \>at . . . be] to loke Avho schalbe lord S. louerd] louerdes a ; lordes j3. wole] wolde BCa^J. 6257. Wy nere] Wu nere B ; Were j8 ; Why were S. hom «0)< so betere nou] hem no)t betere nou so B ; hom betere so C ; ham nout betere so o; hem nou)t better so (8; noght hem better so 5. )?ane'] hat Bet. 6258. aslmce al] al aslawe B ; alle aslawe Ca ; alle slayu fi; al y slayn 5. hii] om. 0. bileued] bilefde a. 6259. ivo ho7n] whom hem /3. 6260. wo] who Bj8 ; whom y. J)«<] J>c S. defendi] defende /8. 6261. \>at] \>e ;65. seggei>] segge BCa ; say /3 ; seye S. youre] cur a. 6262. Nadde] Hadde /3. folliche] fulleche B ; fullich C. ysed] nout al ysed a ; nought al sede y. 6263. nadde] hadde /3. ynome] ytake /8. 6264. alle'] om. a)35. ensente\>] asentet> C; assentej? a/8 ; consenten 5. 6265. e batayle to do anon • Hii lete hom a]'mi beye • & in to an yle mid god pas . 6270 Amidde seuerne hii wende • );at olenege icluped was • Duellium. perinne hii were hom suhie tuo • & ]?at water al aboute • Hor ost was ei]7er in is- side • alonde bileued wi|?oute • Mid gret ernest & god ynou • hor suerdes hii adrowe bo}7e • pis kinges ])0 hii to gadere come • & mad hom boj^e wi'oj^e . 6275 1 308] To grounde hii smite & harde • mid stalwarde honde • pat wonder was hoii oj^er mitte • oj'eres dnnt at stonde • 6266. pis'] om. BCa/3. fol was'] was fol a; was ful ;85. 6267. he wolde itime] ich wole nyme a ; I wil take S ; he wolde take y. 6268. amorwe] on morowe y. to] om. Ca. 6269. he] om. B. J>e] \>at aj85. do] don a ; done y. 6270. armi beye] armi bei^e a; armi boJ>e C5; harme bo>e /8 ; arme bothe y. i^"] om. B. an] on a. god] gode B. 6271. Amidde] Al mydde B ; Amiddes y. oleneye] alenege a0S. icluped] callid ^. 6272. tuo] om. fi. \)at] \>e B. al aboute] hem allabowte 5. 6273. m] on S. alonde] in londe aP. bileued] bilefde a ; ylefte S. wi]poute] by)70ute B. 6274. gret] god B ; goud C. god] gret C ; wille $. hii] om. BCa/3. adrowe] drowe a ; drou) ;85. 6275. pis kijiges] Sc so a/35. ]>o hii] om. BCa;85. to gadere] to gidre j8 ; togedir 5. mad] made Ba. bo\)e] sone CaS ; soone )3. 6276. To grounde] To gidre ;8 ; Togedir S. smite ^ harde] smote ry^t harde /8 ; smytten ryght hard S. 6277. was] hit was j8. o]>er] eny 5. o\>eres] other y. at stonde] astonde Cy3 ; stonde 5. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 457 po king edmond ywraJ^J^ed was • & wijnnne hot • He ssoc is suerd & gi'onte • & mid such ernest smot • pat )?at fur sprong out • mid ech dunt • out of ]>e hehn so l^ere • 6280 pat it }70^te mid ech dunt • ]?at pat heued afure were • As |7onder {'at soun was • |?e silt as lilting • So |7at ech dunt ]?otte litt • as it were & J;ondring • Me sei]> of a stalwarde kni^t • ac me wondred on |?ere • 6284 Yblessed be )?e moder wombe • }'at him to monne here • . Edmumlus • ^o^- ^-^ ^• pe king knout was so debrused • ]7at he stod vnnej^e • He di'adde wanne he lore ]>at lif • & were ybrott to dej'e • He adde leuere l^an eni ]?ing • J?at hii acorded were • Ac he ne dorste is feblesse • telle edmund vor fere • 6278. i/wra\>i>ed'\ wrathed y ; wratthed S. 6279. suerd'j suerde B. yronte] grynte C ; grunte Ba/3 ; grunted 5. mid such er7iest'] with ernest fast fi. 6280. pat \>at'] pat i>e B5 ; pat ojS. fur] om. B ; fuir a ; fure /8. sprone] of B ; of ]?e afi. helm] helme B. 6281. i>oyte'] semede )3. ech] eche a. \>at \>at] ast)atB; J^atoy; J^at l^e /35. afure] afuire a. 6282. As . . . teas] Ri^t ase )>ondre was J^at soun o ; Ry)t as fonder was )>e sounde 0. siyt] ly^t B. 6283. ech du7it \>oyte] \>e dynttes semed|3. liyt] lejyt B ; leit C ; om. 5. Sf] om. a|85. ];>ondri7iy] Jjonringe a. 6284. Me] Men y. sei\>] specjj B ; spekej? Caff ; speke 5. a] mony B ; om. Ca$. stalwarde kniyt] staleworjje knytes a ; stal- worjie kny^ttes /3. ac] & /3 ; as 7. wondred] vond B ; fond Co; fonde ;85. 07i] one /3. \)ere] J>ar o ; ))are /3 ; the 5. 6285. Yblessed] Blyssed ;8. \>e moder] J^at a ; \>e P. him to] to hym C. mo7i7ie here] manne ybar a ; man bare /3. 6286. pe] om. a$S. ki7ig] om. 5. so] J)0 so a ; so )>an 0. debrused] to brused a ; to brusede $. stod] ne stode /8. 6287. dradde iva7me . . . lif] drad to lese his lyfe j8. tore \>at] lost his 5. ivere t/broyt] to be broujt /8. 6288. hii] he S. acorded] acordede a. 6289. is feblesse . . . fere] be yknow (knowe /3) so muche he was in fere a$. feblesse] feblenesse C. 458 THE CHRONICLE OF Laste ^if he vndertete • j^at he were so ouercome • 6290 pat he nolde fine ar he adde • is lif him binome • po he him adde an wule yrest • is armes he gan to caste • & wi]? gret ernest step ner • & asailede edmond vaste • Mid al l^e strengj^e J'at he mitte • & ssewede more ]>ev to • & al uor he ne ssolde wene • ]?at he were ouer- come so • 6295 pis knout bigan to reste • j^o is asaut was ydo • & bed edmond as in pes • a word hure o]7er tuo • King edmond him grauntede • & somdel him wij? drou • & lenede vp is sseld • & herknede him ynou • [309] Ichabbe qua]? knout ywihied • ]?i kinedom ar |ns • 6300 & nou wel more ];an f^i lond • ])i sulue ich wilni ywis • humiliacio. 6290. Laste . . . vndeVyete] Last edmund vnderstode a ; Lest Edmunde vnderstode )8 ; Lest Edmunde vndirstood 5. were so'\ were a/3 ; so were 5. 6291. iwlde fine'] nolde neuere fine a5 ; wolde neuer leue fi. ar] er a; or 7. adde] wolde 7. him] om. a^5. binome] ynome 5. 6292. he] knout aj8. him] om. BC. an wide] a wule B ; o while a ; awhile j8. yrest] hym irest C ; rest /3. caste] gast /3. 6293. gret] om. aj8. step] stap a; stapped fi; stepped 5. ner] ver B. 6294. Mid] And w' S. Jjc] his a)35. \>at he miyte] om. o/85. ssewede] ssewe B. more] more jut a ; yt more ^. 6295. ^ al] Al B ; om. oj85. uor] pat afi. ]>at he] >at /8. ivere ouercome] ouercome were afi. 6296. is] Jjis C. asaut] asawyt fi. ydo] do 7. 6297. bed] bet B ; hete 5 ; preyede )3 ; prayed 7. ' a word hure] here a worde 5. a] o ay. hure] ihure a ; to here ^. o>e;-] or 78. 6;!98. Kinif] pe kyuge )3. 6299. lenede] lende B ; lynede hym C ; lenede him a^5. vp] vp on o ; apon y3 ; ypon 78. sseld] schul C. 6300. ar] or 7. 6301. z«e/] wol 7. sulue] sulfB; lyfe /3. ich wilni] wilnya; wylne /3 ; wil ne 7. EGBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 459 Vor |?ou nart nott one wor];e be • of engelond king her • Ac to be prince of al J^e world • uor in ]?e world nis ]>i per . Icb abbe al |7at lond of norj^weye • & of denemarcli anhonde • Ine wende nott j^at eni mon • min dimt ssolde at- stonde • G305 Ac ]?ou ne atstonst it no^t one • ac art al clene aboue • Ware uore icb desiri mest • ]7in grace & J)in loue • pat ]70u of alle min londes • me be felawe & per • & ich mot ek of engelond • be ])i parciner • Vor iif we to gadere bej) • & al clene of one rede • Nor]7wey & ecb oj'er lond • & ech prince vs wole drede • G311 peruore ich biseche J?e • haue half mi lond mid me • & ich as J?i parciner • half engelond mid ]>e • Edmond J?o he hurde ]?is • is grete herte wi\> di'ou • & ensentede to is red • & bi com milde ynou • 6315 Concordia. 6302. 7iart'} nerta; art fi; ert S. one worjje] wor]> one B ; "worj^e one C ; wor))! one a ; -worj^i only to j8 ; worthye S. of engelond king'] kynge of Englond 5. 6303. he] om. B. world] Avorle C. Jjc world] ]>e wordle C ; no lond a; no londe ;3 ; thi londe y. nis] is /8; is none y. 6304. >a<] ]>e 5. nor\>ivei/e] norwei C ; norwey y ; norewei^e a. anhonde] on honde ay. 6305. Ine] lehne a. no-'yt] om. C75. mon] man nout C. min] myne a ; my B7. atstonde] astond C ; astonde y. 6306. ne . . . . one] ne atstondest nout one a. ; ne astondest hit onlye S ; nou^t only me ■with stode y8. atstonst] acstonst A ; astonst C. it] om. C. art] >ou art ;8. 6307. desiri mest] desire most y. )>/?«] )>i ay. ]>m] \>i ay. 6308. nmi] >ine a ; my y. me be] be mi a ; be my jS ; be 5. 6309. ^] An B (& passim). ich mot ek of] t>at I myjt of /3. mot] mote a. ek] om. a5. he] by S. parciner] partyner BC ; partiner a ; partynere /35. 6310. to gadere be\>] to gidre bene y. 8f] om. /8. 6311. Nor\>wey] Xorewei^e a; France B. vswole] vs 'wil /3 ; wol vs 7. 6313. parciner] partyner BC ; partiner a ; partynere y. 6314. hurde] ihurde C. 6315. ensentede] assentedea; assentidyS; assented 5. to is rede] J>o he hurde \>i% C. 460 THE CHRONICLE OF & abuide to is mikle word • |?at mid suerd was aboue • Hii caste awei sseld & suerd • «& turnde al to loue • & biclupte horn & custe • & hor folc in eyj^er side • po hii seye horn acorded • uor ioye loude hii cride • & songe te deum laudamus • ei|?er in is route • 6320 & to gadere wende & custe horn • ech o]?er aboute • Bi tuene ]?is tueye kinges • was • a certein fourme ydo • & forewarde among al hor folc • ar hii departed atuo • [310] Wat eij>er adde to is del • of lond & o})er |7inges • & departede wij) loue atuo • & bileuede bo|;e kinges • foi. 95. . Edmond • & i\i hii adde in gode loue • longe iliued beye • 6326 Me adde poru al cristendom ■ yspeke of hom tueye • & ech prince & ech lond • ydouted hom tuo • Ac edmond was al to ra]?e • alas to de]7e ydo • Vor ]7e luj^er due edric • |?otte euere to bitraye • 6330 King edmond is owe louerd • knout uor to paye • 6316. abuide'] byude B ; aboude C ; abou^dea; abowed /3. 6317. Hii caste] Hi casten a ; And castas. sseld Sf suerd] swerd & scheld a ; swerde & schelde ;8. sseld] schuld C. turnde] drou^ 5. 6318. biclupte] biclujiped C ; byclipped /8. custe] kist y. ifi] on o;85. 6319. seye] sawe y. hii] om. afi. 6320. so7ige] songen 5. 6321. we7ide] hi wende «; >ei went $. custe hom] kyst theym y. 6322. a] o ay. 6323. al] om. a;35. ar] er a ; or /3. departed] partede Ca ; parted j8. G324. lo7id] londes C. 6325. departede wi\>] partede myd C- 6326. longe iliued] bo))e lyued /3 ; bothe longe lyued y. bei/c] he'iye a; beyne 5 ; so /3. 6327. yspeke] j'spoke BC ; speke /3. tueye] tweyne S. 6328. ydouted] douted B ; idouted eke a; dowted also /8. ech] eche B. cell lond] eche londe B. 6329. alas] al wyckedly yS. 6330. Vor] The S. to] to him a ; him to /3. bitraye] tray^e a. 6331. hnout] king knout a; kynge knout j85. xwr] om. aj8. paye] apayje a. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 461 A luj^er gadeling was is sone • bo]?e at one rede • proditor. Hii fondede mid alle gile • to do ]?is luj^er dede • po hii ne mitte ano|?er wise • ]ns dede bringe to ende • G334 In to an cliaumbre foreine • j^e gadeling gan wende • pat king edmond com ofte to • & in \)e dunge ];ar • Hudde him binej^e in )?e dunge • )?at nomon nas ywar- po ]?e king ]>er to com • is nede uor to do- pe luj?er ]>ef tare was • mid is arme p>er to •. Occisio. & smot him )7oru j^e fondement • & l^orii |;e gottes ri^t . G340 Edmond j^e noble king • ]7at was so noble kni^t • Wi]7 a long ipointed knif • iegged in ei|7er side • pus senduoUiche he him slou • aboute seint andi'ewes tide • At oxenford he was aslawe • ]?oru J?is lu]7er lore • Mid treson & gile ynou • inot hou miite be more • pe beste bodi & noblost • ]?at in eni lond \>o was • Islawe was ]7oru a gadeling • so villi che alas • 6347 6332. A] O a. 6334. anoi>er'] in oper Boj35. \>is'] J>e a/3. 6335. I7i to] In a/3. «w] a BC ; one a/3. foreine'] forene B. weiide] to wende a)35. 6336. J^e] }jat ^. dunge] dungeon y. 6337. Hudde him hine)>e in \>e dunge] Hudde hym >ere longe B ; Lay & hudde him hi nejje a ; Ley & hydde him byne)je /3 ; Laye & hudde him bynejje 5. nomon] none men B. 7ias] was ^8. ywar] ware y. 6338. po] An Jjo B. >er to com] come J^er to /3. 6339. Yef] pete C ; gadeling a ; gadelinge ;3 ; gaddlynge 5. yare] redy /35. arme] harm a ; harme ;S5. 6340. him] i C. 6341. noble] goude C ; gode o; good /35. kni-^t] a knyght 78. 6342. Wi)> a] Myd a C ; Mid o a. long] longe o. ipointed] j-ponyted B ; pointed )3. iegged] igged ^ ; egged y^. in] on ;8. 6343. senduoUiche] ssenduoUyche B ; scheudfullych C ; schendfolliche a ; schenfulliche /3 ; schenfullich 5. aboute] at a/35. andrewes] andreu B ; Andrew ys 5. 6344. At] An B. he was aslaioe] hit was ido a;3. 6346. pe] pat Co5. noblost] noblest Ba. 6347. Islawe was] Slawe a; Was slayn ;8. a] one a. villiche] villiliche a. alas] alas alas a/3 ; alias alias 5. 462 THE CHRONICLE OF [311] Ar men mitte aboute come • ]7en J^ef to seche J^are • Of scaped he was & iflowe • nomon niiste ware • sepultura. Me grei]?ede |?is gode king • wanne non oj'er nas ■ 6350 & brotte him vaire an erpe • as he wel wur]7e was • In J)e abbey of glastingburi • biuore ]>e heye weued an hey _ Vor he wilnede vorto ligge • is grantsire ney • pe king edgar J»e gode king • J^at ]7ere ybured is • pere hii ligge]? uaire ynou • bo]?e tut ywis • 6355 Ac J^is lu)7er gadeling . ]>a,t ])e king so slou • To king knout wende anon • glad & prout ynou • Aue rex He grette him anon & sede • hail J'ou be king one • solus. gQ j^g -^ jjQ^^ qua]? ]?e king • uor mi kinedom is ymone • Vor an felawe ich abbe ]?er to • ]?at ich louie ynou- Vor gode sire king qua]? ]?is }?ef • uor ]>i loue ich him slou . 6361 Here is ]?at knif al blodi • ]?at ich bro^te him wi]? of dawe • 6348. Ar] Er o ; Or 7. >e?j] ]?anea; ]>at /S. . ^e/"] >eof a. 6349. Of scaped he was"] He "was ascaped a/35. nom(»i] non man B. nustel -wist )3. 6350. )>zs] }>isne o. wanne'] wlian a. 6351. a?i] on aj85. er]>e'] vr>e a. ivel wur\>e'] wor)>i Ca$ ; wel wor)>i y ; wel wortliie S. 6352. glastingburi] glastynbury B. \>e heye] J>e hey B ; Jje hei C; he heye A ; )>e a^SS. weued] Vefed a ; weuyd S ; Auter /8. an] on y. 6353. vorto] om. o ; to j85. 6354. pe king] Bi a ; By j8 ; om. S. ybured] buryed 7. 6355. liggeV] lyggen ;8. uaire] fair a. bo\>e] alle boJ?e )3. 6356. ))e Am^] )?ys gode kyng B ; >is gode king a ; J>is good kynge /8. 6357. wende] wente C ; he wende a ; he went /8. anon] J^an )3. ^ /»roM<] om. B. 6358. He grette him anon] Him he grette a ; Him he gret /3 ; Hym he grette S. \>ori be] be J'ou Caj35 . one] al one a ; alone )3 ; allone 5. 6359. nis] is j8; ys S. ?er /3. 6361. For] VcrB. king] om.y. \>is] ]>c a^. \>ef] ]>Qoi a. 6362. J>a<] \>Q aj85. a/] lo al /3. 6roje mawe • pi loue ich abbe wel dere aboit • & mi lif an aun- tre ydo • per nis non aliue nou • ]?at ]?e abbe yserued so • 6365 • Edmundus • foi. 95 b. peruore vnder stond j^e wel • & teld min mede bliue • Vor ich abbe ydo |?e more god • J?an alle men aliue • pou seist so)? qua|j ]>e king • ]?ou ast muche ydo vor me • Icholle wel J>in mede lelde • bi ]>e treuj^e ich 011 to ]>e • Icholle make j^e hey mon • bi time ich abbe i)70^t -6370 [312] pat ]70u ne ssalt of )?in liflode • neuere carie nott • Edric \>e lu]?er suike • is fader com al so • Sire king he sede ich abbe • muche loue ]>e ydo • Vor sake edmond min owe louerd • & bitrayd uor J'e • & let him ,sle uor ]?i loue • hou woltou it lelde me • 6363. m] hym BC ; him ayS. »*] vp BCaj85. to] om. 5. >e] om. C. 6364. wel] om. Cy ; ry^t j8. dere'] dure Ca. abo^t] ibout o ; ybou^t /3. an au7itre] on auntre a ; on aunter fi ; in auenture 5. ydo] do /3. 6365. nis] is ;3 ; ys S. no7i aliue noti] nou alyue non o. abbe ysemed] hath serue d y ; hath yserued S. 6366. yeld] ^elde /3. min] my B ; mi a ; me my C/8. 6367. abbe ydo] haue doon y. god] gode B. men] J^e men BaySS. aliue] on lyue /3. 6368. X>ou seist so\>] SoJ> seist t)Ou aj3 ; Sothe seist Jjou 5. king] king knout a • kynge knout )8. muche ydo] do muche aS ; done muche /8. 6369. Icholle wel] An ychylle wel B ; & ichulle wel C ; Wel wole ich a ; Wel woUe I ^ ; Wel wil I 5. >/?*] J>y Ba ; >i /8. J>e treu)>e] troujje C. ich] )>at I ;8. ou] owe a. 6370. Icholle] Ychylle B ; Ich wole a. make )>e] makye be C ; J^e maky^e a ; J^e make j3. bi time] iu tyme as /3. a66e «)>o^<] haue thought y. 6371. o/l vor B. \>in'] \>y B ; om. a^SS ; thi y. liflode] lyuelode y. neuere] neuereft a ; neuer aftir /8 ; neuere eftc S. carie] karije a ; care j8 ; ne cary C . 6372. suike] duke 5. com] J>an cam /3; thanne come y. 6373. zc/i . . . J>e] gret loue ich habbe Jjc a ; gret loue I haue for J^ee /3 ; grete loue I have J>e 5. ydo] do o. 6374. For sa^e] Versakc B ; I forsoke /3. min] my C. /owerrf] lord U. bitrayd] bitraide him a ; bitrayed him 3. 637.5. him sle] slee him (8. woltou] wolt J>ou a; wol thou 7 ; wilt )>ou 5. 2< jeWe] hit ^ulde a ; qwyte it /3. e'<] om. C5. 464 THE CHRONICLE OF Mersio edric. Traccio occisoris. po sede king knout ate • traytour ]?ou art ywis • & miiclie aten god & aten me • {)ou ast ydo amys • Waime }>ou ast ]>m owe louerd • as ]?ou me tellest vore • To so vile de]7e ybrott • |?at was mi broj^er ysuore • His blod J>at |?oii madest ssede • ssal harde come on ]?e • 6380 Vor ]?in owe mou]? ]>e a]? ydemd • bi ]?at J-ou seist me • He let caste J^is traitour • in ]7e eueninge late • At an fenestre in temese • noise vorto abate • & let him stilleliche adrenche • nor monnes speche ]?ere • 6384 & ]7at was lo is noble mede • to lute ]?ei it were • pe lu];er traitour is sone • auaunced was lut bet • Vor is robe & is dignete • was al wel bi set • He tef liim such auauncement • as he wolde he suor is o]> • pat he ne dorste neuer eft • carie of mete ne of clo]? • 6376. kingl the kynge y. aje] ayen y traytour^ a traytoure S. art'] ert Cct. 6377. Sf] Wel a5 ; om. /3. o^en] a^eBC; a^enstoS; ayenst 7. ^ aye7i Hie] & me CafiS. ydo] doun /3 ; dou 5. 6378. me] om. B. tellest] telst a. 6379. ysuore] swore /8. 6380. \>at] om. aP. ssal harde come] )3at harde schal come j8. on'] to aj35. 6381. ydemd] idampned C ; >e dempue> a; >ee dampnej> /S ; J)e damp- neth 5. me] nou me a ; to me /8. 6382. in >e] in j^an a ; in an 5. late] vy-yt late j8. 6383. aw] om. B ; one a; a C7. in] in to y3. Jioise] nouse B; J)e noise )3. vorto] vort a. 6384. let him]om..a^^. arfre?jc/«e] to adrenche 5. ?«o«wes] manneB. 6385. lo] om. o^S. is noble] hi[s] noble o; J^e hei^e /3. 6386. was ^ut] was ^ute a; yit was 7 ; ^itte was 5. 6387. was al wel] was wel al a ; al was wel 7. 6388. He yef . . . oJ>] He was avaunced as \>e kynge wolde & swore his ot)e 0. 6389. Ite] him 5. ?*e dorste] ne derstc C; ne J>orte a ; ne Jsurst j8 ; ueded 5. iieuer eft] neuer cf B. carie] kari^e a; care fiS. of in etc 7te of cloi>] of drynke ne cloj^e ;3 ; for his mete ne for clothe 5. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 465 A robe he let him ssape iierst • of blod red scarlet [313] f'ere • 6390 pe ssarpe stones bi ]?e stret • is tailors were • Vor he let him mid hors to drawe • fram strete to strete • pat l^e peces foUe of is ffless • aboute moni & grete • pe tailors corue so moni peces • uor is robe ne ssolde powte • He ne dorste carie nozt • of ]>e winter cowle • 6395 Su|7)>e he let smite of is heued • bi ]?e ssoldren as me sey • & let it sette vp on \>e tour • of londone an hey • & so he was hey man ymad • as he bihet him to is mede • Alle traitours & louerd suiken ■ god late hom so spede • IJNout was ]>o al one king • as wo seij? of enge- londe • 6400 Of nor]?wei of denemarch • & gret poer adde an honde • 6390. A"] An BC ; One a; O7. ssape'] scbuppe a. uerst] om. /8. scarlet'] scarleit a. 6391. stret] strete B. were] ]>o were ct5 ; )jan were yS. 6392. to drawe] draAve 5. 6393. pa<]om. aj35. foUe] ffelle B ; ful C ; fellen oS ; felle/3. of is] of \>e o5 ; fro ]>e P ; from the y. ffless] flechs a. moni] monye B ; many^e a. 6394. pe tailors . . . peces] Vale peces made \>e tailors a ; Many peces made ]?e tailour )S. pe] po S. ?«o;«'] monge B. ?je ssoWe] schulde not 5 ; shulde not 7. pow^e] powe B ; pouwe C ; pouhe a ; pow^ 5 ; poke /3. 6395. He . . . noy^t] Ne j'orte kari^e nout J>o o ; Hym neded noght care \>o 5 ; Neuer nedede him care more )3. dorste carie] dorste J'O carye B ; derste )>o cary C. of \'e winter cowye] for no winter cloke )8. cowye] kouhe a ; couwe BC. 6396. ssoldren] schulder /3. sey] isei C ; sede 5. 6397. it] him 5. ^e] om. B. an hey] >at is so hey a; )>at is so hei^e )8 ; >at was a good dede 5. 6398. hey] hei^e a. ymad] ymaked a ; made 7. bihet] bihy^t /8 ; hy)t 5. him] om. j3. is] om. ayS. 6399. louerd suiken] lord sweken C ; louerd swykes a ; lu))er swikes /8 ; lond swykes S. late] let a; latte 7. sol so to 5. 6400. al one] al 00 )3. 6401. nor\>wei] norewei^e a; Norwey 7. of] Si of 5. an] on ay. G G 466 THE CHRONICLE OF Ac edmond j^e gode king • ];at so villiclie me slou so • filii Adde tueye longe sones • ar he were to dej'e ydo • ec muu 1. Edward & edmond • & brej^eren also tueye • 6404 Seint edward & alfred • ]?at in normandie were beye • fol. 96, Vor ]7es were king edmond next • & is eirs al so • King knout ]?o^te hou he mitte • best her offe do • To binime hom hor eritage • & mid woch wrong he mitte • & mid woch treson bote he adde • som colour of ri^te • [314] Vor wanne man may do • wat he wole • & vnri^t ynou • 6410 Offce he bring]? uor coueitize • to riit ]>e pm' wou • He made a gret parlement • & brotte heyemen |7er to • As wo sei)? inele no J»ing • wij^oute lokinge do • po bed he J?e court segge so]? • & ritt vnderstonde • Wat vorewarde ]?er were ymad • & fourme of enge- londe • 6415 Bituene him & king edmund • J>e wule he was aliue • & wan edmond made is eir • of is lond wi]?oute striue • 6402. so] om. ayS. me sloti'] aslawe was a ; slayn was /3 ; slawe was 5. so"] \>o $S. 6403. ivere^ was P. 6405. were beye'] boJ>e were \>o /8; were bothe tho y. 6406. al so'] were also afi. 6407. Kingl om. a;85. best her offe] of Hs ilke cas )8. her offe] herof Bo ; here of C. do] J>o do a^. 6408. hom] om. Ca/35. woch'] wyche C ; swich a ; suche )8. miyte] ne my^t j8. 6409. ^ . . . treson] Ne do suche tresoun /3. mid] om. a5. woch] wuch C ; which a. bote] BCa ; bot 5 ; but /3 ; bote A. 6411. ri'^t] rijte a. )?e] om. Ba/SS. pur wou] pure wrouge & woui j8. 6412. He] Knout a/S. o] o a ; one )8. 6413. inele] i nelle C ; ich a ; I wolde /3. lohiiiye] a ; lokyng BC ; lokynge j8S ; kokinge A. 6414. bed] bad a ; badde 7. segge so\>] say )>& sojje fi ; sey sothe y. 6415. her] om. oj3. z/^ere ?/?narf] was made /3. ^/bwrnie] in fourme B. 6416. king edmund] Jjc king of engelond a ; )>e kynge /8. ^e wule he ivas] while he was here yS. nliuc] on lyue j8. 6417. wan] warn B ; wham C/3; wha a ; whan 5; whom 7. is lond] londe ;8. wi\>oute] wythouten 7. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 467 & wan of is ^onge sones • wardein ek ydo • & "wat J^ing he adde asigned • to is brej^eren al so • Her of he let horn segge so]? • as it were in glosinge • Vor he ne kepte he sede mid vnri^t • of none monnes \>mge • 6421 po stode l^er some vp • ])at adde inome hor rede • Vorto paye king knout • & nott edmond J^at was ded. & sede biuore al |?e court • J'at king edmond bique]? • Is kinedom & al is lond • king knout biuore is de]? • & ]?e warde of is tueye sones • vor te hit of elde were • Alas alas ]>e tricherie • }>at me mitte ise ]>ere • 6427 Vor J;e dede was voriite • & j^e quike uor to paye • Hii bitoke j^e qued hor soule • ]>e kunde eirs to bi- traye • pis word was iholde stable • & iloked uor dom • 6430 King knout of edmondes londes • anon seisine nom • 6418. wa7i'] warn B; wham eke C; wha a; whom /8 ; whan eke S. yonge'] ^onges B, ek'\ also P, 6419. adde^ om. /3. to is'] ys tuej'e B; his to C. 6420. let] bed BC ; had a; bade S ; prayed fi. segge] sai j8. so)>] the sothe y. as ... . glosinge] t)at hit were for no glosynge |3 ; nat as it were glosyng y. in] om. BCaS. 6421. Vor] om. a;85. none] no B5 ; om. /3. 6422. po . . . . vp] po stode summe o ; There were somme j8. J)er] om. S. inome] ynome J>ar of a ; ytake |jer of j3. 6423. Vorto paye] Vert apay^e a, ; For to plese ^. king knout] knou^t J>e kynge /3. 6424. \>e] om. B. 6425. king] om. &. 6426. tueye] tuo B. vor te] vot a ; vn to ^. elde] helde a ; age S. 6427. me] om. C ; men y. miyte ise] myght see y. 6428. voryite] vergyte anon B ; for ^ete anon Co ; for^ete anone 5 ; sone forjete j8. Sf] om. fi. uor to paye] vort apay^e a. 6429-6568 omitted in C. Two leaves lost. 6429. Hii bitoke] Hi toke a5 ; Thei toke 0. qued] quede 5 ; fende &. soule] soulen a ; soules /35. eirs] eire /8 ; heir y ; eyre S. 6430. iholde] holde /3. stable] stable ynou o ; stable ynouj /3. iloked] loked j3. 6431. King knout] Peking a; The kyuge 3- edmondes] kynge Ed - mundys S. anon . . . nom] and anone to him he nome ^. G G 2 468 THE CHRONICLE OF [315J OCCISIO consan- guiuei Edmundi vel f u- gacio. fugacio filiorum. fol. 96 b. & huld him ]>o al clene king • of al engelonde • Of nor|?wey & of denemarch • gret poer he adde an honde • Ech |?o^te he was gode next • l^at miite abbe is grace • Of so grefc poer ]?er biuore • me ne kneu non in no place 6435 po he was of al engelond • king wi]?oute mone • He bigan to cu]?e anon • jjat he was king one • Alle l^at were )?o o^t isibbe • edmond ]?e kinge • Oper in aliance of eni loue • to de|?e het bringe • 6439 0]?er flemde hom out of engelonde • none bileued nere • Bote is tueye ^onge sones • |7at so feble & tendre were • He ne miite nor worldes ssame • hom to dej^e bringe • He sende out of engelond • to an heie kinge • Of biside denemarch • |7at he hom to de]?e bro^te • So ver in vnekoj^e lond • |;at no mon of hom ne rotte • Awey seli longe l^inges • frendles were hii j^ere • 6446 pat so uer as milde lomb • to dej?e ylad were • 6432. Sf . . . kingl And him [jan al clene helde ^. o/] & of o. 6433. ^] om. BayS ; and y. he] om. 3. cm'] on 07. 6434. Ech] Eche man /35. he] \>dA he aS. 6435. me ne kneu] me ne knewen 5 ; men knowe ;8 ; men knewe 7, non] om. 5. no] non B. 6436. wi\>oute] wythouten 7. 6437. cu]>e] kupe (sic) a ; kuythe 5 ; kithe 7. one] al one a; alone )8 ; allone 75. 6438. \>o] om. Baj35. o)<] ^oiit o ; ou)t ^ ; ow)t 5. isibbe] ysyb B ; bisibbe a;3 ; sibbe 5. ))e] oure a^ ; oure good 5. 6439. het] he let Ba; he lete )8; he lete hem 5. 6440. engelonde] J>e londe yS ; londe 5. none] Jjat non o ; t>at none )85. bileued] bilefd o. 6441. so] om. o;85. 6442. worldes] \>q worldes B ; \>q worldys 5 ; ora. a/3. hom] ham nout a. 6443. sewf/e] sende hem B5 ; sende ham a; sent hem ;3. aw] & B ; one 07. 6444. Of] om. B. 6445. vneko)pe] onekeJ>e B ; vnco>e o ; vncowthe ^. lond] londe a. )>at no mon] A7 ; \>ev non man B ; }>ar noman a ; J)er no man /3. ne] ora. ^5. 6446. Awey] Awai o ; Weillaye S. seli] j>e a/3 ; >o 5. )pinges] kynges /3 ; kyiiges sones 7. 6447. so uer as milde lomb] ase milde lambren fer o; as mylde lambes fer /3 ; as mylde lambes ferre 5. ylad] iladde « ; ladde 7. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 4G9 po hii to ]>e kinge come • ]>at he horn to de|?e brotte • Vor l^e heie blod of wan hii come • )?e king him bi )70^te • & adde gret reuj^e of hom • & is wille gan wij^drawe • & ne mitte nor reu}>e nor no ]?ing • bringe hom of lif dawe • G451 To ]>e king of hongri • \>is seli children tueie • He sende uor to norisi • |?at he wardede hom wel beye • pe king hom vaire vnderueng • & anourede in eche [3i6] wise • & gret deinte tolde of hom • uor hor gentrise • 6455 So longe J?at he let edmond • jjat was J^at o broj^er • Sponsacio Spousi is owe doiter • & su]?]7e he made ]?e o)7er • uxorum. pat het edward spousi • )?e emperours mowe • po adde hii boj^e iwiued • wel & no^t to lowe • Ac edmond leuede lute wule • & no child nadde aliue • G460 Ac edward j^e oj^er adde • }?re children bi is wiue • ^^ ^ 6448. he hom .... bro-^te'] hem to dej>e schulde brynge fi. 6449. heie'] om. a/3. of wan hii cornel J'^* ^' come of o; t)at )>ei come of /35. tvaiil warn B. him bi J>ojo bit>oiite a ; my^t for no J'inge fi. 6450. ^] But (8. gret reu);>e of hom'] Ten\>e of hem gret B. of hom] on hem y. 64.51 . if ne] He ne o)35. nor no )>ing] vor non hyng B ; )>o a ; Jjaa fi ; om. S. bringe] do ay35. hom] hjTn B. 6452. hongri] hongari B. \>is] ]>j S. tueie] two j3. 6453. sende] sende hem B. uor] fer a ; for]?e y8. norisi] norisehi a ; norsshe y. \>at he wardede] & warded /8. hom wel beye] wel ham bei^e a ; wel Jjo j8. 6454. hom vaire vnderiieng] hem vayre vndervong B ; hem faire vnder- fonge fi ; -vTidirfenge hem fayre 5. anourede] honoured B ; ouourcde a ; honowred hem 13 ; honoured hem yS. in] on aff. 6455. deinte] denyte B ; dentee 5. uor] al for a/85. hor] her greteS. gentrise] genitrise a.. 6456. }pat o] ^at on B ; Jie ^ongore a ; J^e ^ongur fi. 6457. Spousi] Spouse y. he] om. 5. made] let B. \>e] ^at fl. 6458. spousi] spouse y. emperours] amperoures a. 6459. to loive] ry^t lowe /3. 6460. /euerfe] lyuede a ; lyued 7. /«/e] but litel y. nadde] hadde /3 ; had 8. aliue'] on lyue 7. 470 THE CHRONICLE OF An sone J>at het eclward • & dottren al so tueie • Margarete & cristine • ]?at gode wimmen were beye • pis gode children atte be • eueremore in munde • Vor engelond lif hii nere • were tut out of kunde • As ye mowe ihure herafterward • in king henries lif- 6466 Hou engelond com to kunde aten • ]7oru ]?e gode quene mold is wif • pat J7es margarete dorter was • mold ]>& gode quene • Vor |?is lond were tut out of kunde • tif heo nere ich wene • [317] King knout of al engelond • was ])o king al out • 6470 Me ne dar nott esse we]?er he were • kene ]>o & prout • po he was of edmondes sone • & of alle )7at mid him were • Deliuered he was fers ynou • ac somdel he was in fere • Of edmondes tueie brej^eren • ]?at wonede in normandie • Alfred & seint edward • leste hii gonne astie • 6475 6462. Alt'] A B ; O a. tueie'] two a. 6463. cristine'] Cristiane /3. gode] om. iS. wimmen] wommen B. were beye] were bo o ; boj^e were \>o j8. 6464. Vis] peos a. a^e yode . . . wif] Mold hisgodewyfa; molde his good wife J3. que7ie] om. B5. 6468. \>es] Hs a. 6469. 'V^or] om. afi. ivere] went 5. yd . . . kunde] out of kunde ^ut a ; owte of kynde }ytte 5. yit] om. fi. heo] hii B. nere] nadde ybe B ; ne hadde be /3. 6471. Me . . . we\>er] No wonder )5ei Qpoxxy ; thof 7) he were afiy ; No wondir Jjou) he were 5. we\>er] wer B. \>o] {^an 3. 6472. po he was of] Of bei^e a; Of bo^e )85. sone] sones BayS; sones bothe S. him] hem 5. 6473. Deliuered] Deluered A. was fers yiiou] was ynou a ; was al clene )3 was he wend \>o 5. 6474. tueie hre\>ere7i] tweije brejjerene o; two brether 7. 6475. leste] laste Ba. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 47i pom ])e due of normandie • j^at hor vncle was • Him yoite were he siker of horn • him ne doutede in no cas • Seint edwardes moder • |>eraore he of sende • sponsacio Emme quene of engelond • J»at heo hider wende • pom conseil of ire broj'er • ]?at was ]>q due riehard • & Jjoru ensent of ire tueie sones • alfred & seint edward • 6481 & were ispoused him to wiue • & vre quene were also • Wat halt it to telle longe • J^is dede was ido • Vor king edmond was aslawe • at seint andrewes tide ieh wene • As in ]>e ter of grace • a J^ousend & sixtene • 6485 & to ]?e lammasse ]?er after • he spousede J^e quene • fol. 97. As in ])e ter of grace • a J'ousend & seuentene • [3 is] ^ut to be ]>e sikerore • after ]>e spousinge • He let is barons of engelond • to oxenford bringe • A ]?ousend in J^e ter of grace • & ]?e ei^tetej^e ^ere • 6490 & a parlement uor is stat • of horn made tere • parha- '- ' mentum. 6476. vyicle'] vnche A. 6477. Hini] He o. were he'] if he were )3. ne] no P. ^7^] of Baj85. 6478. of sende] for sente y ; after sende S. 6479. quelle] )>q quene B. ];>at heo hider] J>at he hyder B ; hider J>at heo a ; hider \>dit sche j3 ; hydir J>at sche 5. 6480. ire] her B ; hure a. J?e] om. |8. 6481. ensent] assent aj35. ire] hyr B; hure a. 6482. were] was /S5. ispoused] spousid P. to wiue] to wyf B ; to ^vif o ; to his wife 5. ^] om. S. were also] was also ^ ; anon \>o 5. 6483. Wat . . . lonye] What halt hit longe telle a ; What schulde hit longe be to telle j8 ; What shulde it be longe to telle y. to telle lonye] longe to telle 5. was] was )>us /3. 6484. Vor] Or y. aslawe] slayne y. af] a B. andrewes] androwes B ; Andreus o. tide] day 5. 6485. a] o a ; oo y. 6486. §• to \>e] As in J^e j8 ; And at 5. lammasse] lammese 5. )>er after] afterward BaS ; aftirwarde j3. 6487. a] o a; oo y. 6488. \>e] \>y& B ; Hs ot/S ; his 7S. 6489. is] t>e aj3. enyelond] he londe /3. 6490. A \>ousend . . . yrace] As in \>e yer of grace o housend a ; As in \>e yere of grace 00 housande ^ ; As in )>e xere of grace a ^ousand S. in] as in B. ]>e ei-i,tete\>e] evitebe B ; eytetej^e a ; ei^tene )3 ; eyghtene 5. 6491. Sf a'] & o a; As 00 ;3. uor is] of his ;3. jwarfe] he made a5. 47.2 THE CHRONICLE OF So ]?at ^if J>er eni was • l^at aten him herte bere • Him ]?o^te is poer no}>ing nas • ac uor noli as it were • Ac was to him al clene ysuore • J^er nas non bi hinde • po was he al clene louerd • to binde & unbinde • 6495 ij filii. A wif }7at het ailiue • he adde er of gret fame • Bi hire he adde an sone • harald was is name • pat of ]?e kunde was of denemarch • in eijjer half al out • Bi emme he adde an o]?er sone • ]?at het hardeknout • pat beye were kinges after him • as me ssal sone rede • pis king was ]>o }>oru out al • mon of noble dede • po he was al one king • of Ipe grete londes • )?re • 6502 Him l^otte al |?e world ne miite • at en is poer be • & na|?eles he bigan is herte • in bocsomnesse amende • & l^o^te on ]>e vaire grace • J^at vr louerd him sende • [319] ^ louede englissemen • & engelond ber to • 6506 leuacio ox ecclesia- & muche louede holi chirche • & susteinede al so • «fc restorede abbeis • j^at destrued were biuore • & chirchen let vp arere • ]?at were arst as uorlore • rum 6492. eni"} ony S. herte'] hurte a 6493. no\>{7ic/'] non J^yng B. 7ias'] was )8. tior . . . it"] as vor no^tyt B ; as for nont hit a ; as hit for noujt j8 ; as for noght hit 5. 6494. Ac ivas] As was B; Hi were a; Thei were P ; They were 5. 7/sMore] sworne y. nas"] was 6495. a/] om. 5. louerd] a lord 5. 6496. A] O ay. ailiue] Ailyne fi ; Alyue y. he adde . . . fame] of gret fame he hadde j8. er] J>er a ; om. 5. 6497. a?«] one o; oo 7. harald . . . 7iame] his name was Haralde y3. 6498. o/J>e kunde was] was of J>e kiinde a ; was of >e kynde j85. 6499. an] on o. het] hight y. 6500. pat] Tho S. bei/e were] were bothe y ; bo>e were 5, after him] ora. ctj8. 6501. pis] pe afi. out] om. /3. 6502. \>e] om. B. \>re] Jjere (sic) o. 6503. al] \>a.t ala; M alio /3. is poer] him a&; om. y. 6504. Sf] Ac a5 ; But 7. bigaii] gan a)85 ; ganne 7. amende] to amende fi. 6505. on] in o. vaire] om. ;8. vr] houre B ; cure a. 6507. vmche louede] eke o5 ; also /3. susteinede] cristendom o ; Crys- tendomc 85. 6508. destrued] destrud B ; destrude a. were biuore] weren biforne 7. 6509. Omitted in 5. chirchen .... arere] chirchen let vprere a ; liirchcs he dide vp rere p. arst as} arst /3 ; erst 7. uorlore'} verlore B ; forlorn fi. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER: 473 & let arere moni any we • & in studes mest J?er • 6510 As he adde men aslawe • tfc batailes ydo er • & vp assedoune & j^er aboute • mest chirehen he let rere • A.S uor hore soulen • |jat islawe were '\>ere • Vor he & Jje king edmond • mest armes ]>ere bere • & mest manslatt )?oru hom • & batailes |?ere were • Sein alfeyes body • ]?at ymartred was • 6516 Sepultura At grenewich J»oru is fader • as we tolde ]?at cas • atfeg/. At seint poules of londone • as it was aner]7e ydo • His owe honde nom it up • & as it biuel |?er to • He let it uaire anouri • & sende it atte fine • 6520 To pe munstre of kaunterburi ■ as he li|7 in ssrine • pe Jjridde ^er ich vnderstonde • ]7at he was al one Guerra UjpQ. . danorum. Fram is lond of denemarch • me brotte him tiding • pat he was j^ere iworred • uaste of is fon • 6510. arere'] rere a/8. moni'] monye B ; mani^e a; many 5. anrjwe] nywe Ba ; newe /85. studes] stede ^. 6511. aslawe] slayne y. §* batailes ydo er] ]>Qr Batailes don were )3. 6512. if] ova. a^S. vp] Apon y8. assedoune] assesdone B ; Asschesdoune a ; Asschedone $. mest chirehen] most chirches y. 6513. As . . . soulen] Ther to praye for ];>& soules 5. As] Af (sic) o; Al fi. hore] her B. soule7i] soules /3. islawe were \>ere] J?er aslawe were o ; in ))ilke stedes slayn were )8. 6514. 6515, in y follow 6511. 6514. i>e] om. afi. armes bere \>ere] mis bere J^ere o; mysdede \>ere /3 ; armes bere there 5. 6515. manslayt] manslaujter /3. Sf batailes] in Batailes /8. ]>ere] that y. 6516. alfeyes] alfeus B ; alpheus o; Alphes y; Affeus is 5. ^at ymartred was] for godes loue was $ ; was for godes loue y. 6517. grenewich] greneswuch B. we] he $. 6518. of] at j85. it . . . ydo] hit in erjje do was J>o j8. a7i er]>e] on erjje aS. 6519. honde] hondes 0. nom it up] he nom vp a ; he uome vp 5 ; him vp toke /3. 6520. it] him a. ayiouri] honoury B ; honour! a ; hououre /35. ^-J om. a. sende] sente y. 6521. munstre] munste (sic) a; mynystrc /3 ; mynstre -y. he ii\)] ho Ivt' ^ut B ; he\> (sic) a ; he is )3. 6523. tiding] tythyngB; tiJ>ingo; tythinge 7. 6524. iworred] ywaiTed y. 474 THE CHRONICLE OF He nom w'ip him of engelond • knittes gode monion • fol. 97 b. & mid gret poer & muche folc • ])uderward wende anon • 6526 & so J>at he sone com • hi side is fon Echon • & bileuede him ]7ere al nitt • & is ost al so • & ]>otte anon amorwe • strong bataile to do • bellum A gi'et erl of |?is lond • godwine was is name • 6530 go wine, jyj-^ |g pQg^ j^^^ j^^^^ ^^^ ^ ^^^ monimon dude ssame • [320] Vor ]?is lond as me ssal ihure • ofte he dude bi traie • He Jjoite ]>o hou hii miite • king knout best paye • Bi nitte him & is poer • he let armi ]?ere • & wende so an onywar • as ]?e kinges fon were • 6535 & fond hom as aslepe • he leyde on hom to grounde • & slou & to drof hom alle in a lute stounde • A morwe J^o ]7e king wolde • wende vp is fon • tfe miste godwine & is men • of gile he dradde anon • 6525. no?«] nam o. kniytes gode'] god kny^t B ; gode knytes o ; goode knyjttes ;8 ; good kny^tis 5. 6526. Sf'] om. 5. wende] vende B. 6527. Sf] om. Ba3. \>at . . . com] Avhenne he nere J^ider come /S. hi side] bisides )3. 6528. 8f bileuede] & bilefde a ; He bileued )3. is] al his BajS ; alle his S. 6529. a7iiorwe] on morowe y. to] om. B. 6530. A] O a. erl] vrl o. 6531. Mid .... 7nid] Mid .... wi> o. Mid] And 5. tnid him] wijj him a ; J^at "with him fi. monimon'] monyon B ; mauion a ; many one 7 ; many a man 5. 6532. lond] man j3. ihure] hure B ; here y. he dude] dude he o ; dud he 5 ; dide he )3 ; he dide y. 6533. hii] he Bay. 7niyte] miyjt best & ; might best 7. M7ig] i>e kyng B ; i>e king a ; >e kj^nge S. best] om. $. paye] apai^e a. 6534. Am] he j3S. he let] lete hem /8 ; hem lete 5. 6535. wende so an onywar] wende for)? an onywar a; wende forthe al vnware 5 ; al vnwar J>us wente forj^e )3 ; al vnware went forthe thus 7. as] \>ex a;35 ; there 7. 6536. as] as wo seyb B ; alle j8 ; om. 5. he] & a;8S. on hom] hem on 5. 6537. slou Sf to drof] to drof & slou o ; to drof & slou) S ; to drofe and also slouj /3. a lute] a Intel B ; o lute a ; one $; a S. 6538. wende vp is fon] wende opon his fon a ; on his fone gone /S. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 475 pat englisse men him bitraye wolcle • he ]>oiie of luj^er won • 6540 Vor to sle J'is godwine • & J^e englisse men echon • & najfeles he wende to is fon • mid al is poer uaste • Vor t9 smite an bataile • & ]70 ne vond he atte laste • No^t of horn bote caroine • &5 ]>e bodies dede also • po he vond |7at godwine • such an dede adde ydo • & deliuered of is fon • & ibrott him al so aboue • 6546 Euereft he louede him pe more • & al englisse uor is loue • po he sey J'at englissemen • so god in nede uere • & is fon ouercome • of no]?ing he nas in fere • po he adde one ]>e kinedom • of grete londes ]>re • 6550 Him Jjotte al |^e world ne mitte • aien is poer be • Of alle is proute dedes • ine may iiorbere nott • [321] pat ine mot ton telle of on • nou it come|? in mi ]>ozt • A l^oiisend as in ]fe ter of gTace • & on & tuenti J?er to • Cessio & in ]fe vifte ter Jjat king knout • in such poer was ydo • ^"P^'^"^^''^- 6540. englisse men^ i>e englysse B ; ]>e englissche a. 6541. godwine'] Godewyne & his men jS. men'\ om. Boj85. echon^ euerychone 5. 6542. io] toward B. 6543. aw] 00; 00 7 ; vr^ hem 5. vond'] Avond B. \>o nefond he] when he fonde yS. he] om. S. 6544. Noytofhom] No>mga; K^o ^ynge /S5. caroine] carayne )8 ; careyne S. \>e bodies dede] dede bodies 5. 6545. an] om. a;35. 6546. of] hym of B ; him of a/8. ibro'^yi] brou^t j3. al so] so Ba; al 5 ; om. )3. 6547. Euereft] Euer aftir ;8. him] om. )3. more] bette 5. §•] om. /3. englisse] englisch men 5. 6548. god] gode Ba. m] at 5. 6549. ouercome] were ouercome Ba/S ; so ouercome 5. a.t al )>e worlde ajeiist his power ne myjt be j8. 6552. ine] ich ne a; om. 8. uorbere] verbere B. 6553. ine] ich ne a. mot you telle] most telle of 5 ; mote telle jow j8 ; telle mote you 7. iii] on 0/8 ; to 7. 6554. A] O a. 6555. king] om. S. l/do] do 7. 476 THE CHRONICLE OF He wende aboute as noble sire • fram londe to londe • pat him J>o2te al }?e world ne ssolde him at stonde • As he wende aboute bi ]?e se • tSz; such poer adde an honde • Vppe a chaere he sat adoun • al vpe ]>& se sonde ■ & enresonede is men as hii biuore him stode • 6560 So ]7at ]?e time com • of ]>e se flode • pat it bigan to wexi uaste • ase it dej* atte tide • pe king bihuld j^e wexinge • an hoker al an side • So |?at l^e water uaste wax • vpward hei & wide • poite J?is grete louerd • tut ichoUe abide • 6565 fol. 98. po it was nei to him icome • baldeliche he spac • & sturneliche to ]?is water • ]70 it alles out brae • Water he sede wat f?encst |70u • ich rede ne com no ner • Vnderstond jjat )jou art • al clene in mi poer • 6556. He wende .... sire'] Ase o noble sire he ■wende aboute o ; As J>is noble sire abowte wente /8 ; As a noble sire he went aboute 5. aboute] om. B. 6557. pat him .... u'orld] Thought J>at alle J>e worlde w' no power $. al \>e'] al B ; bat al i>e a ; >at alle J>e 5. ssolde] mygh(t) S. him at sto7ide] ayen hym stonde Ba$ ; him w' stond 5. 6558. bi \>e se] by see S. an honde] on honde a. 6559. Vppe] Vp B ; Op on a; Apon y. chaere] chaire a; chayre 5. vpe] op a ; apon 7. sonde] stronde y. 6560. enresonede] areisonede a; aresowned j3 ; aresoned 5. men] men J>ere 6. 6561. )>at Jje] Jjat when J>e /3. 6562. bigan] gan aj35 ; biganne y. to ivexi] to wexe B7 ; wexe a/8 ; wex 5. atte tide] at tyde a ; at eche tyde j3. 6563. 6564. Omitted in y. 6563. bihuld] byheld Ba. an side] asyde B5 ; on side ;8. 6564. uaste ivax] vaste waxe B ; wexe faste o; fast wexe fi; wax fast 5. vpward] vppard B ; opward o. 6565. po-^te .... louerd] But ay J>ou^t ]>e gret lorde $. louerd] louerding a ; lordynge S. icholle] ychelle B ; ich wole a ; I scbal y3. 6566. nci] nere /3. he] om. B. 6567. it alles] hit wawes ^ ; it wawes 7. out brae] vp brake fi. 6568. \>encsi )>ou] J^encst ou B ; wiltou/8; wilthou 7. 7ie] t^ee 3 ; om. 5. ner] ver B. 6569. Vnderstond] And vnderstonde /3. art] ert o. in] on a. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 477 Vor ]?at lond vp wan ])ou crnst • & vp wan ich sitte her . 6570 Is clene min al aboute • vor J)ou wost inabbe no per • peruore ich hote pe • j^in wexinge )?at j^ou lete • pat pou ne be so hardi nott • j^in louerdes cloj^es to wete • No is limes ac vp min owe • let me in pes sitte • [322] Oj^er bi |?e fey ich owe to god • icholle rekeni mitte • pat water dude uor]> is kunde • & wax euere uaste • So )jat to }»is grete louerd • it com atte laste • 6577 & watte is sson & is vet • so longe it wax an hey • pat it watte is brech al aboute • & euere vpward it stey • So )? hupes smorte • & of cale were ney • 6580 pis grete louerd sturte him vp • J;o he o|?er ne sey • 6570. J>a/] )je j8. vp wcni'] op wham a ; apon whom /3. ernst'\ vrnst Ba ; ernest 5 ; rennest /3. Sf vp ivanl & ope wham a ; ou ■whom )8 ; & vp whan 5. 6571. al aboute'] al cute 5. zvost'] wotest y. inabbe] ich nabbe o; I haue ^5. 6572. hote] ote B. )>e] )jee nowe 0. >»«] {jyne B ; J>i ay. \>at i>ou] anon B ; anon to CaS ; anone to $ ; anone thou y. 6573. so hardi 7ioyt] so hardi afi ; not so hardye 5. ]>in louerdes] J>ine louerdes a ; thi lordes y. clo\>es] clothe 5. 6574. No] Ne BCa/35. limes] knyghtis 5. vp min owe] apon myn owen y. vp] ope a. let] lat C. 6575. 0\>er] Or 7. fey] fei^e 0; feyth 5. ich] \>a.t ych B ; J>at ic C ; Jjat I 5. owe] ou B. to yod] to \>e BCa5 ; to bee /3. icholle] ychelle B ; ich wole a ; I wil /3 ; I wol y. rekeni] rikeni a ; rekece )>ee /3 ; rekyn the 7. 6576. pa<] pe B. uor\>] om. a;8S. ivax] wexe 7 ; waxt 5. 6577. >w] t'e j8. 6578. watte] wette ; wete 7. sson'] ssone B ; ton o ; toon /S ; toos 5. so] & so j3. wax] wexe 7 ; wext 5. an] on 7. 6579. Omitted in 5. watte] wette j8 ; wete 7. brech] brych B ; breke 0. al] om. o. vpward] opward o ; vpard B. stey] tey o ; tei^e $ ; teye 7. 6580. So] om. 5. hupes] hepes C. smorte] smourte B ; smerte aS. Sf] & also /3. 0/ ca/e] of cold B ; of cal a ; of colde /8 ; ucolde 5 ; colde 7. were] was he 13 ; was so 7. 6581. Omitted in 5. sturte] sterte 7. vp] op a (& passim). 478 THE CHRONICLE OF & wod him vp to londe • him ]>ozte late inou • & bi held toward \>e water • & is grete herte wi]? drou • Wite he sede alle men • J^at an erj^e wonie]? her • pat it nis bote ]?e pure mase • eni kinges poer • 6585 Ne J'at no mon nis wurpe • to be icluped king • Bote ]>e heie king of heuene • ]7at wroite alle |?ing • pat ha]? heste of water • & of erj'e al so • Of heuene of helle of ech ]>ing • mot nede is heste do • & abowe him as louerd • vor man non ywis • 6590 peruore me to clupie king • mid vnriit it is • peruore ich bihote god • }»at ine ssal kinges croune • Neuere bere an erjje • vor mi poer is J?er doune • Coronacio He wende him uor]? to chirche • & biuore ]>e rode crucis. nTiA com • 6094 & mid mek herte pitoslicche • is kinges croune nom • 6582. wod'] wed B ; wende a ; wente ; went 78. him Jjo^ie] hym >>o)te er B ; hit ))oute hym to C. 6583. §•] HeBa; hei C. biheld'] bihuld o. toward'] om. /3. water'] water J>an /3. grete herte] herte )>an j8. 6584. Wite"] Witen a ; Wete]j j8. an er\>e wonie]>] on erj^e wony^ej? a ; woneij on erjie j3. 6585. nis] is ;8. \>epure] pur a; pure /3; om. 5. mase] masse B. kinges] erlych kynges C. 6586. wis wur)>e] nis worJ)i C ; ys wur^e B ; nis wer])e a; is worj)i y3 ; ys worthie 5. to] om. a. icluped] callid y. 6587. heie] om. oj85. wroyte] made a)35. 6588. water] watere a. er\>e] )>e er}>e j3. 6589. Of] om. B. heuene of helle] Heuene & helle B ; helle of hefhe a. of] 8i B5. ech] eche CS; alle $. mot 7iede] jjat moten a; J>at mote ; )jat most 5. is heste] heuene hestis )8. 6590. abowe] habbe B. him as] to hym as to a C ; as to a ; to him as 0. man] y nam BC ; ich nam a ; I am j3 ; eche man S. no7i] nowe 5. 6591. 7ne to clupie king] to calle meakyngeyS; to calle me kyngey; me clepud kynge 5. mid] with gret )8. vnriyt] wronge S. is] is ywysse 5. 6592. 'peruore] om. )3. yod] to god C5. ine] ich ne a. kinges] neuer \>e kynges fi. 6593. Ne^lere] om. /3. an] on a^; apon )>is'|3 ; vponthisy. doune] ydoh 8. 6594. him] om. C. com] he com o. 6595. mek herte] muke hurte a. pitoslicche] pyteslyche B. is kinges] his kine (sic) a ; >is kynge his fi. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 479 & sette is vpe ];e rode heued • & sede ]?at he alone • [323] Was worj'e to croune bere • & oj'er kinges none • He bileuede J^e croune j^ere • sikinge wel sore • & ]>er after vp is heued • ne com he nammore • & me seij? )>at he ne bar neuere • \>e croune of enge- londe • CGOO Ac he ne bar f)ulke ne non oj^er • ]>er after ich vnder stonde • Sui|)e god mon he bi com • & aforcede him ynou • bonitas & bihet god euereft afterward • to bileue wou • ^^^' & god «& holi chirche • to louie mid al is mi^te • & to make gode lawes • & to sosteine ech ritte • pis biheste he huld vol wel • & gode lawes ynou • foi. 98 b. He made ]?e beste jjat mitte be • & to eche godnesse drou • 6607 Vor ]?e manslatt }»at he adde ydo • & ]>q vni-itt ilome • & vor }7e moni god cas • J^at him offce come • 6596. is'] om. B ; hure a; it )3. vpe] vpon ByS ; opon o. rode] roodys S. heued] hefd a ; hede y. 6597. wor]>e] woTi>i C7 ; worthye 5, to crou7ie] crowne to )3 ; crone to 5. o\>er] oJ>ere a. 6598. bileuede] bilefde a. sikinye] sykynde B. wel] ryjt fi. 6599. i'p] vp on j8. ne] om. S. /ie]heoa; it/3; hit 5. nammore] namore B ; neuereft more a ; neuer more j8 ; neuere efte more 5. 6600. ne] om. 5. 6601. Ac he ne bar ]>ulke] As })ilk 5. he] om. B. \>itlke] \>\xkc a; thilke 7. 6602. Siii]>e] Ry^t ^8 ; A ryght S. bi com] bi came /S. aforcede] enforced S. him] him self ;8. 6603. euereft] euermore 5. afterward] after a; aftir /8. to bileue] to lete oS ; for to leue ;3. 6604. louie] loue y. is] my 7. 6605. to] om. B. make] makye C ; makie a. yode] godes B. to] om. Ba/3. sosteine] susteyny C ; siisteni a. ech] eche a. 6606. pis] pes BCo. huld] held B ; hult a. vol] om. 7. 6607. eche] ech Ba. 6608. mansla^t] manslaut o ; manslaujter j8. ydo] do 7. J>e V7iriit] vnri^t a • also vnry^ttes ;3. Home] echone j8. 6609. 7Honi] monye B ; mani^e a ; om. j3. yod] gode Ba ; om. 7. him ofte come] to him often come many one $. ems. 480 THE CHRONICLE OF viarome. He bihet god to wende • j?en holi wei to rome • G610 So l^at he & is kniites • wij* gode herte ]>en wei nome ■ & as he toward rome • wende bi moni londe • Wanne he eny luj^er lawes • in eni stude vonde • pe prince o]?er louerd of ]>e stude • sone he ne o^t so^te • & bote he grantede him amendement • mid is tresour he it bo^te- 6615 & vor he was mon of such poer • vewe aten him wrotte • So y&t euere ware he com • gode lawes he brotte • GentU men ]?at he vond • in prison ek ydo • 0)?er in warde mid vnri^t • he botte hom out al so • reditus At rome he was vaire auonge • & asoiled al so • 6620 ang le. ^^en he wende to engelond • ]>o al J^is was ydo • s'^':*'^; po he com a^en at glastingbury • him longede ar he emendacio were • Vor loue of king edmund • ]?at yburyed was ]>ere • 6610. K'w] \>e Bafi; Kane C. holi'] om. C. 661 1. wi]) yod herte] om. ajS. he?) ivei] t)ane wei C ; )>ane wey >uder a ; J)ilke weic ]>ider fi. iiomi'] come fi. 6612. toward rome wende] wende toward rome a ; wente towarde Rome^S. mo?ii] mony a B ; many a S ; many^e mannes o ; manye mennes fi. londe] lend Ba. 6613. he] om. )3. in] on a. stude] stede C; cuntrey 7. vonde] vond B ; fond a. 6614. o\>er] or j8. \>e] om. B; J>at /3. stude] stede C. sone .... soxte] of amendement he him sou^t ;3. ne oyt] out BCa; owte S. 6615. he] me C. him] om. aj85. is] om. Ba/35. tresour] om. y. it] him /3. 6616. mon] a man 5. 6617. ware] whar o. 6618. Gentil] Gengyl B. men] mon A. ek ydo] owher doj8; owhere doo y. 6619. 6o)o 5. 6621. Ai^en he wende] And a^en wente j8. wende] come 5. ydo] do y. 6622. at] to o;3. ar] er a ; or y. 6623. loue'] \>Q loue a;85. yburyed'] ybured B ; ibured C ; ihurijed o ; buryed 7. ROBEET OF GLOUCESTEE. 481 pat he clupede is broper uor ])e treiij»e • J^at bituene [324] horn was er • pat bodi he onoui'ede ynou • ]>o he com j^er • 6625 & al |>e stude uor is loue • & dude uair ofFringe • & amendede j^at hous • mid moni riche ]7inge • & lef horn lond & rentes • & eonfermede al so • pe tiftes }?at o]?er kinges • adde er itiue ]>ev to • Of rentes & of londes • as ]>e king cu^red • 6630 \^S^^ ^ ° . dantes & king crutwine & lue • & su|?|;e king alfred • glastin- Edward & a]?elston ■ Edniiuid & edgar • bime. Hor tifte he eonfermede • to make ech mon ywar • He eonfermede hor londes • as frelieh to holde ywis • Bi gode chartre & hor rentes • as )?e king huld is • pis king knout was tuenti ter • king of engelonde • obitus. & in |;e a ]?ousend ler of grace • & J'ritti ich vnder stonde • 6637 & sixe he deide at ssaftesburi • & at winchestre wi|> gret prute • At sein swithines he was ibured • }»ere as he li]? ^ute • 6624. clupede'] callid y. J>e] om. afiS. i>at'\ om. 5. 6625. he onourede'] honovrrede he /3. )jo] when >at )8. 6626. stude'] place 5. ^•] & also ;8. 6627. amertdede] amendede wel a/3. moni] mani^e a. riche] a rjche B ; a riche 5. 6628. horn] om. ajSS. lond] londe B ; londes afiS. 6629. yiftes] ^eftes B. o\>er] oj^ere o. adde er iyue] hadde )iuen a ; hadde ^eue ^ ; had ^euen S. 6630. rentes ^- of londes] londes & of rentes o/3 ; londes & rentes y. cu]>red] Cuprede S. 6631. crutwine] centwyne BC5 ; Grutwyne ;8. /we] Ine Ba;S5. 6633. yfte] jeftes BC ; >iftes a)3 ; jiftis 5. to] & to Caj3. viake] maky^e o. ywar] war y. See Appendix, Note LL. 6634. frelieh] frelyche B ; freliche a. 6635. Bi . . . . rentes] & hare rentes mid god chartre o; And here rentes (her rentis S) with good chartre /35. 6637. in >e a] in a BC ; in o a ; in oo )3 ; in j^e 5. ^] et a. 6638. ssaftesburi] ssaftebury B ; schaftebury C ; schafteburi o. ivi]f> grct prute] w' pride /3 ; ^e schul wete S. 6639. ibured] buryed y. )>ere .... )Mat was knowyii wide y3 ; J>at knowen was wyde y. yute] ^ette S, H H 482 THE CHRONICLE OF [325] fugacio regine. fol. 99. obitus. IJAralcl ])& kinges sone knout • after him was king • Ykrouned he was at oxenford • a ssrewe J^oru alle ymg • 6641 Of ])e kunde he was of denemarch • of ]>e eror wif ybore • pe lasse he louede englissemen • &l engelond J^eruore • pe verste ter )jat he was king • Emme j^e gode quene • He drof out of engelond • & is ssrewede made isene • Is stepmoder is fader wif • |7at quene adde ybe tueie • Of engelond & j^at is fader • let vette in normandie • po l^is quene was of londe ydriue • j^oru hire wi|7er- wine • Heo wende to J?e erl of flaundres • |?at het baldewine • pis erl hire vaire vnder veng • j^at was hende & fre • & toe hire ]?e castel of bruges • Inne vorto be • 6651 pere was J'is gode quene • wi]?oute eni striuing • Vorte hire stepsone was ded • harald I'e lu]?er king • Vor he was king bote four ^er • & six mon]?es vnne}»e • Ar he lay at oxenford • & drou toward ]>e depe • 6655 & deide |7er in pine inou • & su]7]?e is bodi me ber • To } e abbei of westmunstre • & burede it uaire ]?er ■ 6640. )>e] om. C. 6641. Ykrouned'\ Croiined y. oxenford"] oxenforde a. a] o a. 6642. he was'] om. ;8. )>e] om. C. eror] erore Co; herror fi ; first 5. ivif] wyue a/8. 6643. louede] loue a. 6645. He] om. 5. ssrewede] schrewehede a; schrewedneR j8 ; schrewed- nesse S. made isene] he made sene $. 6646. fader] fadris C. yhe] be y. tueie] twy^e a. 6647. §•] om. a/85. vette] vecche C ; fecche a/35. *" 6648. ydriue] dryue y. ivi\>erwine] wej^erwyne C/3. 6649. Heo] He C. het] heit C. 6650. hire vaire] faire liure )8. vnder veng] vndervoug B. 6651. bruges] brugges a. Iniie] \>er inne a)8. 6652. ]iere] par a. wi\>oute eni] with owten )3. 6653. Vorte] Vort a ; Vn to /8. was] were a. 6654. was] nas BCa. 6655. Ar] Or 7. 6656. pine] peyne j8. 6657. abbei] abbey^e a. westmunstre] Westmonastre y. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 483 In |?e ^er of grace • an Jwusend &l on & fourtij^e tere • pis king deide in aueril • moni glad mon was |?ere • TTArdeknout is bro]^er ]?o • ]>en wei sone nom • G660 Fram denemarch to engelond • & to sandwich com • poi'u J?e baronie of engelond • & of denemarch al so • Ichose he was to be king • nor hii encentede J'erto • Vor he adde somdel to engelond • More kunde ]?an ]?e ojjer . GQQ4< Vor he was in is moder half • seint edwardes bro]7er • Sone so he was king ymad • after is moder he sende • reditus pe quene emme to flaundres • & bigan hire stat^^S'°^' amende • & huld hire uaire as riit was • is moder & quene al [326] so • Ac \>m hardeknout nas king • nozt foUiche teres tuo • Vor |7er failede of ten dawes • ]?at he ne deide ywis • obitus. At lamhu|?e he was ded • & ybured he was & is • 6G71 At seint suithines at winchestre • bi is fader ]?at li]? ]7ere • Kinges of denemarch • in J>is manere were • 6G58. aw] a BC7 ; o a. fourti\>e'] fourti aS ; fourty CjS. 6659. moni'] many a CS ; mani^e a. 6660. \>enP\ t)ane a; J'C /3. noni] uame )8. 6661. to] in to B. §• to] & at C. coiii] came /3, 6662. )>e baronie'] Baronye j8. 6663. Ichose] Chose 7. to be king] to kynge P. encentede] assentede a0 ; asentyde C. 6664. to] do a ; of y3. J>aM \>e] than of the y. 6665. m] on o5. moder] om. a/3. half] cm. C. 6666-6697, omitted in 5. 6666. So7ie so] Sone \>o Ca ; As sone as /8. ymad] ymaked a ; made y. moder] mo)>ei' o. 6667. iPe] om. /3. to] in to 13. amende] to amende j8. 6669. 7ias] was /3. 6670. Vor ]>er] And there y. ten dawes] dales ten /3. deide] deyde of B. 6671. lamhu]>e] Qa ; lambhel^e /3; lamhupe AB. ybured he'] buried /3. 6672. fader] faj^er a. 6673. in )>is] in Jjisse C ; on J^isse a; on }>is /3. were] ywere a; wise here /3. H H 2 484 THE CHRONICLE OF Kinges here of ]ns lond • kinges ech after o))er • pe sone verst after ]?e fader • J^e broj^er after ];e broj'er • & engelond was out of kunde • six & tuenti ler • In pine & worre & sorwe inou • as seint dunston bi het er ■ 6677 Ac ]>o ]?is ]>re kinges • were ded • of denemarch ]>er nere • Bileued nammo in engelond • ]?at of j^e kunde were • po moste it nede come aten • to |?e ritt eir of kunde • pe holimon seint edward • j^at euere worp> in munde • Vor aldred is eldore bro]?er • was arst aslawe here • Wi]7 treson in engelond • ichoUe telle in wuch manere • A time to speke mid is moder • to engelond he com • Occisio & gret folc of normandie • wij; him hider nom • 6685 & ]>e ualse erl of engelond • godwine was is name • pat euere adde wi]? treson • ]?is londe ydo ssame • fol. 99 b. An dorter he adde god • he ])oite he wolde fonde • To make hire tut tif he mitte • quene of engelonde • 6674. here of] haue ben on &. kinges'] om. B ; ry^t }>us P. 6675. verst after] next aftir /8. after] next aftir /8. i>e 6roj?er] }>en ojjer C. 6676. Sf engelond was] And }?us was Englonde /8. 6677. pine &^ icorre] worre & pyne BCa ; werre & peyne j8. sorwe] wo j8. hi het] seide a;8. 6678. ivere ded] ded were C. 6679. Bileued] Byleuede B ; Bilefd a. nammo] namon B. nammo in engelond] in Englonde no mo /3. of J?e] of tbat y. 6681. pe] To >e j3. wor]>] woruj? C ; schal be j8. 6682. aldred] alfred afi. eldore] vldere a. arst] ars C. aslawe] slayne 7. 6683. icholle] ich wole a ; I wole ^ow j8 ; I wol you y. in umch] in whuche a ; on what $. 6684. A time] om. a/3. he com] ase he com u ; as he came )3 ; as he come y. 668.5. Am] hem 7. hider] he hidere o ; he hider ;8. 710m] he nome B ; he nom C ; name )3 nome 7. 6687. trcso?!"] gret tresoun )3. J>/s /onrfe ?/(fo] doun Englonde ;3. ssa7ne] gret schamc a ; muche schame /S. 6688. A7t] And B ; One o ; O 7. doyter] dorter B. god] J>at was goode 0. 6689. To make] Make BC ; Makije a. yut] om aP. quene] be quene o ; to be quene P. EGBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 485 pat aldred nolde nott spoiisi • is dotter he was in fere • 0090 Vor prute & is lieynesse • lit ]>at he king were • To fe tongore bro{?er seint edward • is hope was more [327] inome • Vor he was simple & mildc • & e]? to ouercome • peruore ]>o he sei alfred • so gi-et heinesse drawe • GG94 He |?o^te hou he miite do • j^at he were of lifdawe • To ])e heie men of engelond • uaste he wende aboute • & sede engelond mitte be • of aldred in gi'et doute • Vor he J^o^te tif he were king • J^at folc of normandie • Al maistres make in engelond • ];oru strengp'e & tri- cherye • & deseriti hom also • ]7oru normannes he ]>ozie • 6700 peruore mid him of normens • so muche folc he broite • So J?at heie men of j^e lond • he brotte al to is wille • occisio ad pat hii nome akbed & is folc • mid tricherie & stiUe • S^^^^^ovd. «fe ladde hom uaste ibounde • to guldeforde al so • Awei seK gultelese men • lute hadde hii mis do • 6705 6690. pat^ Lest j3. aldred^ alfred o/8. ?] eisi C ; e>ore a ; esier & ; hesier y. 6694. sei'] sawe 7. alfred] ABCa; Alfrede;8. so] to so ^8. 6696. engelond] >e londe /8. 6697. aldred] alfred Baj3 ; Alfrede y. in gret doute] gret adoute y. 6699. make] maki^e a. 6700. diseriti] deseryth B ; disherit! a ; diseryt yS ; disheritc y. nor- mannes] iioremaus a. 6701. mid him of 7iorme7is] of Norniandes with him /8. 7iorme}is] noremans a ; normandye B. 6702. heie] hey B ; j^e hei^e /3. 6703. 7iome] toke 0. aldred] alfred BayS. is] al hys B. tricherie] tresoun fi. ^•] om. B ; al /3. 6704. hom] him y3. uaste] fast tho y. guldeforde] gildeforde a. al so] J30 a0. 6705. Awei] x\ goode /8 ; Weillawey 5. gultelese] gulteWs C . lute] litill y. hii mis do'] they do y. 486 THE CHRONICLE OF po hii come to guldeforde • ]^e erl godwine J?e ssrewe • Let ]7is g-ultelese men • sette al arewe • & telle out euere ]>e tepe mon • & J?e nine ]7oru out he nom • & let smite of hor aire heued • & made a reufol dom • po |?e te]>e was aliue • lie ]?otte of more wou • 6710 Him l^o^te \>er were to monye • aliue of ynou • Alle ]7at were aliue bileued • arewe ef sone he drou • & tolde of hom J^e te]?e out • & ]>e nine slou • So ]7at J?er bileuede • aliue vewe ]>o ' 6714 «fe ]?ulke out of engelond • he drof mid muche wo • [328] Alfred hii ladde to ely • & pulte out bote is eye • cscftcio alfredi. & huld him ]?ere in prison • vorte ]?e selimon gan deye • Nas ]>is of J?is godwine • a ssrewe &; hiper dom • "tut our louerd ar he deide • gret wreche ]7er of nom • 6706. yuldeforde'] gildeforde a. ]>e erl'] J>js erl B ; >is erl Co;88. 6707. Let] Lete B. ]>is] >es a5. sette] sitteu o; setten hem ^3. al] alle a ; om. fi. arewe] on a rewe j85 ; ou rewe 7. 6708. telle] tolde /3. e] tuj^e a ; tenthe 7. 8f J>e] ac >e C5. 6709. hor aire] her aire B ; hore alle C ; are aire a ; alle here fi ; alle her 5 ; alle of her 7. heued] hefd a ; heuedys B ; heuedis C ; hedes /35. a] o a; one j3. reufol] reuthful S. 6710. te\)e] tu>e a; tenthe 7. o/"] on 7. 6711. Him . . . ?/7Jow] And Jjou^t l^er were alyue of ]>at companye ynou^ /3. 6712. Alle . . . drou] Of giltles men Jjat were alyue he hadde litel awe j8. bileued] bilefd o. ef sone] eftsone Co5. 6713. §* tolde .... s/om] And on a uewe rewe anone he gan (they ganne 7) hem blyue drawe /8. tc]>c] tu]>e o. nine] nyjje B. s/o?<] he slou a. 6714. Jjcr] Jjere were 5 ; here j8. bileuede] bilefde a. a/iwe vewe \>o] but fewe alyue were >o yS. reet^e] a fewe 5. 6715. enyelond] londe a^5. 6716. fe'j] he 7. ell/] hely a. ^] ct a. pulte] pult a; put ^ ; putte 7. e^/e] ey^e a ; ei^en ^ ; eyen 7. 6717. /tw/rf] hulde B ; held a; helde 7. i;oris nojt /3. a ssreive] o schrewehede a ; a schrewede Cj3 ; a schrewd 5. lui>er] a lu^ere 5. 719. Xut] p' C. our louerd] om. 7. ar] area; or 7. i^erof] anon him /8. See Appendix, Note MM. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 487 ^Eint Edward in normandie • was ]>o bileued al one • As bar as wo sei|' of ]>e kunde • as he sprong of J'e stone • 0721 He dradde uor he was al one • of ]fe tern bileued there • & uor ]>o traitours of engelond • so ualse & lu];er were • Leste he were of is fon • ]7oru treson ibott • & vor loue of is eritage • so to dej^e ybrott • G725 To god he made is pleinte ofte • wepinde wel bliue • pUmctus & nameliche ]?o wule is fon • of denemarch were aliuc • Help me he sede in j^is wo • louerd bidde ich ]>e • fol. luo. Vor min frend & mi nexte • ney stonde]? ate me • My fader J^at leuede here • in worre & in strif ■ 0730 In worre & sorwe & sor ynou • he endede is lif • Min bre]7eren hep boJ?e aslawe • ]7oru treson al so • Min neueus hep bo];e yflemd • & out engelond ido • & mi moder iwedded to mi meste fo • [320] & ich al one bileued • woder ssal ich louerd go • 0735 6720. bileued] by leuede 13 ; bilefde a. 6721. As] Also ajSS. as wo sel]>'] om. a/35. }pe kunde'] kunde a ; kynde /35. 6722. He dradde] & dradde a5 ; And drad him .8. al] om. a;S5. teiii] teme /35 ; tyme C. bileued] byleuede B ; bilefd a ; yleft 5. 6723. ualse Sf /«Jjer] lujjere & false a ; lu)>er & false )3. 6724. Leste] laste a ; last C. ibo-^t] J^ere bou^t 8 ; there brought 7. 6725. so to de)>e] to \>Q de))e a)8. ijbro-yt] bebrou)t /3. 6726. made is pleinte] pleinede a ; pleyned )3. wepinde] wepynd B wepende C ; wepynge j3. wel] om. a ; sore and j8. 6727. \>e] om. C;8. aliue] on lyue 7. 6728. Help . . . sede] &, seide help me god a; And seide heipe me god /8 ; And seyd helpe me S. 171] of ay3. louerd] lord B. biddc ich] I praye /3 ; I bydde 5. 6729. min] my B^S ; mine a. frend] frendes ^. mi nexte] myne nexte C ; sibbe a ; sybbe 85. '>^ey] nerande j8. stonde\>] stoudc 7. a)e] a^en EC ; ayen 7. 6730. leuede] liuede a ; lyueth 7. ivorre] werre 7. 6731. worre ^-J wowe & in a ; wo & in 8. ^ sor] om. a85. endede] hendede a. 6732. Min] My B7 ; Mine a. iejj] bu)) a ; bene 7 ; ben 5. aslawe] dede 8. 6733. Min'] My B; Mine a. bc\>] buj? a; ben 85. bo\>e] om. BCa85. yflemd] yfloynd B ; yflemed 5 ; flemed 8. Sc out] & out of B ; out of a ; oute of 8 ; owt of 5. ido] w' wo a5 ; with wo 8. 6734. iwedded] wedded 8- to] vn to 7. meste] most C8 ; moste 7. 6735. wo(/er] whoder C ; whider a ; whej^er 8. 488 THE CHRONICLE OF Hii l^at of min eritage • al louerdes be]? • Wilne]? alle J^inge mest • min de]? as men jsep • & al poiiere louerd icli am • to ]>e bileued ywis • & J70U wolt louerd help be • to him )?at faderles is • Al to soj'e it is icome • J^at sein dunston gan telle • pe wreche of min vncle de]> • j^at is stepmoder let quelle • 6741 Mi fader abo^te it dere ynou • & min bre]?eren bo • So ]7at J?er nis non bileued • bote ich louerd & nammo • Nis it vine & sixti ter • louerd nou non ago • pat to engelond uor Jjulke dej? • uerst com such wo • Hou longe ssal hit ylaste • louerd wi]? draw j^in bond . 6746 Of ]n wreche send sum ende • and reu of engelond • po J'is kinges of denemarch • alle ]?re were dede • & alfred al so aslawe • ]7e barons nome to rede • Eleccio .E. And o]7er heiemen • as god ^ef ]7at cas • 6750 adregem. j^^ chose seint edwa.rd to king • jj-at kunde eyr ]>o was • 6736. min eritage] mine heritage a. he]>'] nou buj? a; now ben /3. 6737. Wilne\>'] Wilny^e> o. alle] of al /35. meat] meste a ; most B ; moste 7. mill'] my B7 ; mi a. men yse\>] men ysujj a ; men now seen /3 ; nowe men sene y. 6738. al] al to a/3. pouere] poure C. ]je] om. 7. 6739. ^] And yf S. icolt louerd help be] lorde wolte helpe me /3. to him . . . is] as T am faderles fi. 6740. icome] come 7. 6741. min] my B7. vncle] vucles /S. 6742. aho-^ie it] hit aboute a ; hit aboujt fi ; bou^t it 5. min] my B7 ; mine a. bo] to C ; boJ>e also /8 ; eke also 7. 6743. \>cr] om. o. nis] is /8 ; ys 5. non] BCa ; none /35 ; nou A. louerd] om. /3. §•] om. a. nammo] nanmo B ; namo a ; no mo /3. 6744. Nis it] Is hit ^ ; It is 7. sixti] twenti j8. louerd . . . ayo] & fourty now lorde ago j8. nou non] non mon B. 71071] om. C5. 6745. sztch] h-ulke Ca ; >ilke j3 ; Hlk 8. 6746. i/laste] lastc a ; last /3. 6747. Of] & of C. ]>i] J'e /S5. se7id] sende B. reu] haue reu>e C ; haue reuth 5. of] on B/85. 6748. i>is] i>e j3. 6749. alfred al so aslawe] also alfred aslawe a ; also Alfred slayn ^8. barons 7i07ne] Brutoiis tokc j3. 6750. And] & eke aS ; And also y3. heiemen] heye men al so B. 6751. chose] chosen aj85. hinc/] her kyng B ; hore kyng C. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 489 As he was f^er to ichose • cr ]^an he was ibore • po was it to soj^e icome • )^at ised was biuore • pat seinte peter at glastinbuiy • to bissop brittwold sede • po com verst pais to engelond • after ]7e wrecchede • Me sende after him to normandie • to engelond ];at he come • G756 & lute folc of normandie • mid him hider nome • So f'at mid lute oneke]? folc • to engelond he drou • [330] pe heiemen come aien him • mid ioye &, prute inou • ei^s^"*"^ & vnderuenge him as hor louerd • vaire ]7oru alle ]7ing • lie. & an esterday at winchestre • crouned him to king • corona- Isacred he was |70 to king • of erchebissopes tuo • Of kanterbury of euerwik • & of ojjere al so • Hit was in a ]wusend ^er • & fourti & tuo • 6764 After |>at god an erj'e com • ]7at he was icrouned so • po was ioye in engelond • aboute in eche side • His godnesse & is gode los • aboute sprong so wide • 6752. ichose'\ chose ^8. er \>an Ite] ar he a ; or he )8; are he 5. was^ were BCa5. ibore] borne 7. 6753. iconic] come 7. t)a<]BCa)35; }>anA. ised] seideyS, biuore] to fore aS ; to forne /3. 6754. gl astinb ury] g\&s,iyng\)Vivy C; glastingburi a. bissop] sciuta; seynt 0. briytwold] bri^twolde a ; Dry^twoltle /8. 6755. \)e] that 7. wrecchede] wrecchedhede /8 ; wrechidhede 7. 6756. him] edward a ; Edwarde 0. to normandie] of Normandie /3. 6757. lute] litel 7 ; fewe S. mid him hider] that he Avyth him 7. hider] }jat he a/35. 6758. lute] lite C ; litel 7; fewe 5. oneke])] onkede C ; onkou]> a; vncowthe j8 ; vnkyd 5. 6759. ayeji him] him a^en a$ ; him a^eyne 5. 6760. V7uleruenge] vuderuoDge B ; vnderfengen a ; vnderfonge 7. as hor] for a/3 ; for her 5. )>ing] l^inge a. 6761. an] on a; apon j3. crouned] crounede a. to] for /3 ; om. 5. king] kinge a. 6762. Isacred] Sacred /8 ; Sacrede 7. \>o to] for fi. 6763. of] & B/3; & of 5. of o);>ere] of oj^ere bisschopes a; of oJ>er Bischopes j8 ; other bissopes B ; oJ?er bischopes C ; oj^ere bischopes 5. 6764. was] om. S. a] o a. 6765. an] on a/8. \>at] )>o a; when ;8. icrouned] cromied B ; crowned /3 ; crounyd 7. 6766. aboute] al oute B. in] on 5. 6767. so] wel B ; om. S. 490 THE CHRONICLE OF fol. 100 b. pat 'per nas no god prince • ne king in none londe • pat ne wilnede enqueintaunse • of him ich vnderstonde • pe emperour of rome to him • in god loue iwis • 6770 Obligede bi his messagers • alle ];ing ])at was his • Vor J?at edmundes sone yrenside • ]>Sit his bro]?er was • Hadde ywedded is cosine • he was glad of }»ut cas • & seint edward nei kun was ■ f>e king of france al so • pat ech ]7ing clene |5at is was • obliged him to • 6775 So ]?at nas prince nour • ];at at his wille nas • Bote he one of denemarch • ]7at euere is fo was • mores. Seint edward vor al is god • debonere was ynoii • & nameliche to pouere men • to none prute he ne drou • Reufol he was to nedi men • of is almes large & fre • Of more deuocion nomon • in chirche ne mitte be • He was selde iseie wro]? • ne in glotonie ne in piute • pei is tresour were ilore • ]?er of he tolde lute • 6783 6768. paQ om. /3. 7ias'\ was /35. ?jo] nonB. 7i07ie'} no )8S. 6769. paQ ThatJjeijS. enqueintaunse] aqueyntaunce C5 ; aquointansc a; aqweyntise ;8. 6770. god] gode B. iwis] sente I wis j8. 6771. Obligede] Obleged B; Oblyge C; And oblisched ^8. alle] al Bo. 6772. \>at] om. BCay85. sone] sone myd C ; loue 5. bro];>er] on broker B. 6773. ywedded] weddid 7. of\>ut] of i>a.t B ; vor >at a; for >at yS5. 6774. nei kun icas] nei)e him ^ ; neyghe him 7. 6775. pat ech] pat eche Ba ; To eche 7. clejie] om. 5, obliged] he obleged B ; obligide a ; oblisched j3. to] also aS. 6776. nas] )jeruasBCa; J>erwas/35. nour] nonCa; none )8S. his] hit A. nas] al nas /3. 6777. he] \>e C. 07ie] alone )3; allone 7. In C5 lines 6778-6843 are omitted here and inserted after line 7009. 6779. to 7ione prute he 7ie] to prute he nout ne o ; to pryde nojt he /3 ; to pruyd he noting 5. 6780. Reufol] Reuthful 5. 7iedi] neody B; uudi^e a; nede )3. almes] almessc B7. 6781. Of . . . . no mo7i] Of his deuocioun no man more /3. 7io)no7i] non mon B. nomon in chirche ne 7niytc] in chirche noman myght 5. ne] ora. C. 6782. iseie] sene 7. 7i(;] om. Coj85. gloto7iie] gloteni^e a. prute] pride 7. 6783. Omitted in 5. ilore] lorne 7. \>cr of . . . lute] he row j to but a litel P. EGBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 491 So holi lif he ladde & god • so chast & so clene • 6784 pat |?e heiemen of ]?e lond • wolde horn al day mene • pat hii nadde non eir of him • & ]7at gret peril it was • [•■^31] Vor \>ev miite come to al |?e lond • gret wo uor such cas • Vor ^if he adde an kimde eir • bitite bi is wif • Concilium pe sikerore were ]?at lond • -VNaj^oute worre & strif • ^^'^ uxore. perl godwine ]>e false mon • ]?at ]?e kinges broj^er slou • Aldred as ich tolde er • an dotter god ynou • 6791 Of holi lif & clene adde • Edithe was hire name • pat as it is of hire iwrite • & of ire holi fame • pat as ]>e rose spring]? of ];e brer • |?at ssarp »& kene is • Also com ]?at clene maide • of |7e hiper man iwis • 6795 pis luj^er mon was uaste aboute • to heiemen ylome • To bringe it ];er to tif it miite • J'at ]>& king is dotter noma • 6784. Sol To j8. Zie] cm. a. god'} drou) (6. chast Sf so clene] good & clene j3. 6785. \>e heiemen'] heymen B. icolde horn al day] alle daye wolde to him 5. ivolde] wolden a. 6786. hii] he C5. nadde] hadde )3 ; had 5. none] nanne a. of lam] bytuene hem B. §■ ]>at . . . j)eril] to grete peril 5. c/ret peril it] hit gret perel )3. 6787. lo7id] rewme /3. gret] muche BCaj3 ; meche 5. such] swich a C ; suche « ; J^at fi. 6788. an] a C ; o a ; oo 7. biyte] bi ^ute a ; bygeten 5. hi] of )3 ; on S. 6789. were \>at lond] J^e londe were 5. ici\>oxite] wj-thoutcn y ; w'owten 5. worre] werre ay. &f] or 5. 6790. }perl] ))Q erl B ; )>e vrl a. \pe false] \,aX false C ; that fols y. 6791. Aldred] Alfi-ed a ; Alfredo y. as] y C. tolde] ^ow tolde 5. an] hadde o o ; hadde a /3 ; had a 5. god] \>i\t was good /8. 6792. §-] om. /8. adde] ynou C; hco was a; sche was /85. Edithe] edwyna a;8. 6793. Vat] om. a^S. ^-J om. )3. AoZ/] holy^e o. 6794. \^at as \>e rose] pat ase rose a ; Ry^t as a rose j8. spring))] spryngB; come}) a/3 ; comej^e 5. "/J'e] of a a)3. ircr] brerer 7. ssar/j] so scharp C. 6795. Also] So /3 ; Eyght so 5. )>at]\>QB. c/ewe »ia?c?e] maide for>e /3. J^e] ]>dX j3. /M>er] luj^ere a. man] BC;85 ; manne a ; men A. 6796. was uaste] spak o; spake fi. ylome] some /3. 6797. bringe it \>er to] makije a ; maken 5 ; make /3. it] be B ; hi Ca • Jjei ^ ; >ey 5. 492 THE CHRONICLE OF Me sede ]^e king }?at he moste • nede wedde wif • & |?at pet maide was him best • uor hire clene lif • pe king him bi ]mite • priueliche & stille • 6800 pat in such cas god it was • to do ]7e londes wille • & nor heo was so clene maide • & of so clene line • pat betere him were in holinesse • nime hire to wine • pan an heie kinges dorter • of veire londe ybrott • pat to is holi line • nolde acordi noit • 6805 [332] & weddede j^is maide • ];at so holi & clene was • ^ponsacio. j^^^.^ ^^q^, ^.^ p^^-^ |,^^ lond • ]?an vor eni o|?er cas • ol. 101. Longe hii were to gadere • ]ns gode king & quene • Ac of ott bote of holinesse • lute it was isene • Vor god as hii sede ofte • hii toke to witnesse • 6810 pat bituene hom neuere nas • no ]nng bote clannesse • BoJ^e hii were at one worde • to libbe in clene line • So J?at hii were wij^oute eir • me J^inc]? vor al is wiue • 6798. \)at he'] he a ; ova. fi. moste'] most a. nede] nedes ;8. loedde] wecldy BC ; weddi a. wif] a wyf C ; a wif a ; a wyfe ;8S. 6799. \>ei] he C; om. o/85. best] beste a. 6800. him bi ]>o-^te] biJ>oute a ; bil^ou^t j3 ; byjjou^t him 5. priueliche] priueU jS. ^ stille] him silae swi^e stille a ; him silf swyth stille 5 ; him self ry^t stille )3. 6801. such] suche a. londes] om. B. 6802. 8f uor heo was so] & he was o/3 ; And as he was y ; And }>at sche was so 5. clene] holy BCa ; holi j3 ; holye S. 6803. pat] pe B. betere him were] was betere o ; hit was better /3. nime] to nyme B ; to nime a ; to take /S ; take 5. 6804. an] one ay. of] owte of S. veire] verreB ; ferre Ca5 ; fer ;3. 6805. nolde] wolde ;8. noyf] ryght nou^t ^. 6806. iceddede] he wedde /3. )>is maide] )>at mayde a5 ; >at maiden /3. so holi §• clene] so clene & holy Ca ; clene and holi y8. 6807. iior to] vort a. paie] apay^e a ; apaie 0. >a<] J?e ^5. o>e?-] ou)>er C. 6808. Sf quejie] & J^e quene a5. 6809. ^c ofo-^t bote of] Ac out bote of a ; On any o>er >an /3. lute] litel /8 ; lytil 5. it was isene] was sene 5. 6811. hom] hem two ^. 7ieuere 7ias] was neuer /3. 7ias] was S. no \>i7ig] om. BCa;8S. bote] bote holi a ; but holi /3 ; bot holy life &5. 6812. hii were at one tvordc] at on assent hui were a ; at one assent >ei were /3 ; at on worde J^ey were 5. to libbe] for to lyue fi. 0813. wii>oute] wythouten y. ])inc\>] )5cnche]j C. is] om. ^. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 493 pe king of denemarch & is men • j^retnede him wel vaste • So }?at hii greij^ede hom • hiderward atte laste • 6815 A witesoneday as seint edward • at is masse stod • & bed vor ]>e pes of j^e lond • ]?at god it sende god • Ritt atte sacringe • he stod as he lowe • In ]>e chiirche at westmunstre • as men bihulde ynowe • Hii ]7at him were mest priue • askede wy it were • pe king ];o he hom com • & wy he made such chere • Certes sires qua|> ]>e king • ihered be godes sonde • pe lu|7er men of denemarch ■ mid hor king of ]>e londe • To hor okle lu]7erhede • iturnd adde hor [?ott • 6824 To worry vr suete pais • ]?at ur louerd vs a]? ibro^t • & to day in ]jis gode tyme • hor poer clene hii nome • & Jje wind hom paide wel • & to pe se hii come • Vor to destrue engelond • as hii abbej; ofte ydo • & Jjulke time J?at ye iseye • ]7at ich somdel Ion so • 6814. Jr'e] So J^e S. ];>ret7iede'] J^reted $. him'] om. a$. wel'] oin. Co, ; ry^t ^8 ; ful 5. 6 815. hom] hym B. 6816. A] Apon /8 ; Apou a y. witesoneday] witsonedai C; whytsonen- day a ; wytsonday /3. seint] kyuge /8 ; the kynge y. is] Jjc /8. 6817. §• led] & bad o ; He praied j8. \>e pes] pes S. 6818. he stod as he lowe] as he prayed he louj 5. as he lowe] and somwhat low^e yS. 6819. at] of a/SS. men] me C; hit a/35; it y. 6820. him were] to hym were C ; were him ay. tnest] most /8 ; moste y. priue] preue j8. wy] wu 0. 6 821. he hom com Sf wy] to hem tolde why S. ho7n] hem B. 6822. sires] sirre j8; sirres 7. ihered] heried /3. 6823. lu\)er] lu}>ere a. hor kiiig] \>q kynge )8 ; \>q \\x]>&v k}-uge 5. \>e] Jjat 5. 6824. aide] om. C. iturnd adde] tm'nede haue]? /3. 6825. worry] distrouble /3. vr] owr B ; oure CayS. ur] oiire Qa. vs ai>] ous hajj a ; haj> vs 5. ibroyt] brought y. 6826. to day .... tyme] in Jjisse gode tyme to dai a ; in ]?is tyme to daie )3 ; on J>is good tyme to daye 5. 6827. Sf >e] Vor ^e Ca ; For )>e j8 ; Fore >e S. 6828. '[■W to] fort to C ; To 0/8. destrue] destrye C ; destruy^e o. abbe]>] haue $ ; om. y ; han 5. ofte] often P. ydo] doo y. 6829. iseye] seie C ; sei^e a ; sawe /3. ]>at . . . so] me law) somdel so p. so] J)0 C. 494 THE CHRONICLE OF [333] Mercio regis da- norum. G836 & m pe king bi an laddre • to J?e ssip clam an hey • G830 & jn-eu vp to doun in J^e se • & adreincte as ich sey • & is men as in wanhope • wende hom aien bliue • So |7at ich hopie to god pais • j^e wule ich am aliue • Messagers to denemarch • sone isend were • & as ]>e king adde ised • al clene hii founde J?ere Neuereft hii of denemarch • hiderward ne come • Yor god prince al a lond • var]? ]>e bet ylome • Vor 'pe lond was vine & sixti ^er • in worre sore • As ^e abbe]? ihurd biuore is day • & afterward ^ut more • As te ssolle yhure her after • ac J?e wule he was king . 6840 pat lond was in god loue & pes • wi|70ute ech striuing • Ac tut eir nadde he non • ywis uor al is liue • Vor he nadde neuere bote in clannesse wi]? is wiu[e] • to doiinge ssipl schipe a. clam'] clambe 13. an 6830. a?t] a C ; one ay. heyl on heye y. 6831. ^>re^^] he felle /3 ; ouerthrew 5. vp to doun] vp so doun C ; adoun /S ; vpsodon S. m] in to j8. adreincte] adrenctj>e B ; a dreyntte C ; adreinte a ; dreynte j3 ; drenched 5. sey] ysey B ; ysel C ; isey a. 6832. wende] wente j8 ; wenten 5. hom a-^en] a^ewela; a)enry^t/3; ateyn wel 5. 6833. hopie] hope y. to god pais] of pes 5. aliue] on lyue y. 6834. Messagers] Messangers y. ise7id] sent l^an )3. 6835. Sf] om. )3. adde ised] hadde >an seide fi ; than hadde seyde y; al cle7ie] to soj^e B ; as clene j8. 6836. Neuereft] Neuer aftir yS. hiderivard ne] hyder nolde B ; hider ]>ei ne ;3. 6837. god] a goude C ; o god o ; oo good ^ ; a good 5. var)>] far)> a ; fare}? ;8. het ylome] better lome )3. 6838. Vor \>e] Vor J^at a. 6839. ye] he B. abhe\> ihurd] hurde a; harde of here /3. om. B ; Jjis dai )3. afterivard] aftir )3. 6840. As ... . after] Ac ich segge eu for soj^e a ; But I say jow for sothe /3. yhure] hure BC. after] afterward BC5. ac] at C ; om. aj8. 6841. pa<] The /3 ; This S. ioi]>oute] wythouten y. ech] eche Ba; any |8 ; eny 78, striuing] striuinge « ; steringe 5. 6842. 6843. Omitted in BCa;85. a] ]>e /8. is day] CATALOGUE OF ENGLISH, SCOTCH, AND IRISH RECORD PUBLICATIONS, REPORTS OF THE HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS COMMISSION, AND ANNUAL REPORTS OF THE DEPUTY KEEPER OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS, Printed for HER MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE, And to be purchased, Either directly or through any Bookseller, from EYRE AND SPOTTISWOODE, East Harding Street, Fleet Street, E.G. ; or ADAM AND CHARLES BLACK, 6, North Bridge, Edinburgh ; or HODGES, FIGGIS, & Co., 104, Grafton Street, Dublin. CONTENTS. Page Oalendaks or State Papees, &c. - - - - - - 3 Chronicles and Memorials of Great Britain and Ireland during the Middle Ages ........ 9 Publications of the Eecord Commissioners, &c. - - - - 26 Works Published in Photozincogeaphy - - - - - 29 Historical Manuscripts Commission - - - - . - 31 Bepobts of the Deputy Keeper of the Public Eecords - - - 35 Scotch Eecord Publications - - - - - - - 39 Ieish Eecord Publications - - - - - - - 40 I ENGLAND CALENDARS OF STATE PAl'EliS, &•. [Imperial 8vo., cloth. Price \os. each Volume or Part.] As far back as the year 1800, a Committee of the Hoaee of Commons recom- mended that Indexes and Calendars should be made to the Public Eecords, and thirty-six years afterwards another Committee of the House of Commons reite- rated that recommendation in more forcible words ; but it was not until the incorporation of the State Paper Office with the Public Eecord Office that tho Master of the Rolls found himself in a position to take the necessary steps for carrying out the wishes of the House of Commons. On 7 December 1855, he stated to the Lords of the Treasury that althono'h " the Records, State Papers, and Documents in his charge constitute the most " complete and perfect series of their kind in the civilized world," and although " they are of the greatest value in a historical and constitutional point of view " yet they are comparatively useless to the public, from the want of proper *' Calendars and Indexes." Acting upon the recommendations of the Com- mittees of the House of Commons above referred to, he suggested to the Lords of the Treasury that to effect the object he had in view it would be necessary for him to employ a few Persons fully qualified to perform the work which he con- templated. Their Lordships assent,ed to the necessity of having Calendars prepared and printed, and empowered the Master of the Rolls to take such steps as might be necessary for this purpose. The following Works have been already published under the direction of the Master of the Rolls : — Calendakium Genealogicum ; for the Reigns of Henry III. and Edward I. Edited by Charles Roberts, Esq., Secretary of the Public Record Office 2 Vols. 1865. This is a work of great value for elucidating the early history of our nobility and landed gentry. Calendar of State Papers, Domestic Series, of the Reigns of Edward VI., Mary, Elizabeth, and James I., preserved in Her Majesty's Public Record Office. Edited by Robert Lemon, Esq., P.S.A. (Vols. I. and IL), and by Mart Anne Everett Green, (Vols. IIL-XIL). 1856-1872. Vol. I.— 1547-1580. Vol. II.— 1581-1590. Vol. III.— 1691-1594. Vol. IV.— 1595-1597. Vol. v.— 1598-1601. Vol. VI.— 1601-1603, with Addenda, 1547-1565. Vol. VII.— Addenda, 1566-1579. Vol. VIII.— 1603-1610. Vol. IX.— 1611-1618. Vol. X— 1619-1623. Vol. Xi.— 1623-1625, with Addenda. 1603-1625. Vol. XII.— Addenda, 1680-1625. These Calendars render accessible to investigation a large and important mass of historical materials. The Northern Rebellion of 1566-67; the plots of the Catholic fugitives in the Low Countries ; numerous designs against Queen Elizabeth and in favour of a Catholic succession ; the Gunpowder-plot ; the rise and fall of Somerset ; the Overbury murder ; the disgrace of Sir Edward a 2 Coke ; the rise of the Duke of Buckingham, &c. , and numerous other subjects, few of which have been previously known. Oalendak of State Papers, Dohestic Series, of the Eeign of Charles I., pre- served in Her Majesty's Public Record Office. Edited hy John Bruce, Esq., F.S.A., fS^ols. I.-XII.) ; hy John Bruce, Esq., F.S.A., and William Douglas Hamilton, Esq., F.S.A., (Vol. XIII.) ; and t?/ William Douglas Hamiliois-, Esq., F.S.A., (Vols. XIV.-XVII., 1858-1882. Vol. I.— 1625-1626. Vol. II.— 1627-1628. Vol. III.— 1628-1629. Vol. IV.— 1629-1631. Vol. v.— 1631-1633. Vol. VI.— 1633-1634. Vol. VII.— 1634-1635. Vol. VIII.— 1635. Vol. IX.— 1635-1636. Vol. X.— 1636-1637. Vol. XI.— 1637. Vol. XII.-1637-1638. Vol. XIII.— 1638-1639. Vol. XIV.— 1639. Vol. XV.— 1639-1640. Vol. XVI.— 1640. Vol. XVII.— 1640-41. of a large number of original documents of great to the history of the period to which it refers, Series, during the Commonwealth, pre- Record Office. Edited hy Mary Anne This Calendar presents notices value to all inquirers relative many hitherto unknown. Calendar of State Papers, Domestic served in Her Majesty's Public Everett Green. 1875-1885. Vol. I.— 1649-1649. Vol. II.— 1650. Vol. III.— 1651. Vol. IV.— 1651-1652. Yol. v.— 1652-1653. Vol. VI.— 1653-1654. Vol. VII.— 1654. This Calendar is in continuation of those during the reigns from Edward VI. to Charles I., and contains a mass of new information. Calendar of State Papers, Domestic Series, of the Reign of Charles II., pre- served in Her Majesty's Public Record Office. Edited hy Mary Anne Everett Green. 1860-1866. Vol. VIII.— 1655. Vol. IX.— 1655-1656. Vol. X.— 1656-1657. Vol. XL— 1657-1658. Vol. XII.— 1658-1659. Vol. XIII.-1659-1660. Vol. I.— 1660-1661. . Vol. II.— 1661-1662. Vol. Ill— 1663-1664. Vol. IV.— 1664-1665. Vol. v.— 1665-1666. Vol. VI.— 1666-1667. Vol. VII.— 1667. Calendar of Home Office Papers of the Reign of George III., preserved in Her Majesty's Public Record Office. Vols. I. and II. Edited hy Joseph Redington, Esq. 1878-1879. Vol. III. Edited hy Richard Arthur Roberts, Esq., Barrister-at-Law. 1881. Vol. I— 1760 (25 Oct.)-1765. 1 Vol. III.— 1770-1772. Vol. II.— 1766-1769. 1 These are the first three volumes of the modern series of Domestic Papers, commencing with the accession of George III. Calendar of State Papers relating to Scotland, preserved in Her Majesty's Public Record Office. Edited hy Markham John Thorpe, Esq., of St. Edmund Hall, Oxford. 1858. Vol. I., the Scottish Series, of the Reigns of Henry VIII., Edvpard VI., Mary, and Elizabeth, 1509-1589. Vol. II., the Scottish Series, of the Reign of Elizabeth, 1589-1603 ; an Appendix to the Scottish Series, 1543-1592; and the State Papers relating to Mary Queen of Scots. These volumes relate to Scotland, between 1509 and 1603. In the second volume are Papers relating to Mary Queen of Scots during h«r Det«ntion in England, 1568-1587. Calendar of Documents relating to Ireland, in Her Majesty's Public Record Office, Loudon. Edited hy Henry Savage Sweetman, Esq., B. A., Trinity College, Dublin, Barrister-at-Law (Ireland) ; continued hy Gustavus Frederici: Handcock, Esq. 1875-1886. Vol. I.— 1171-1251. Vol. II.— 1252-1284. Vol. III.— 1285-1292. Vol. IV.— 1293-1301. Vol. v.— 1302-1307. Calendar of State Papers relating to Ireland, of the Reigns of Henry VIII., Edward VI., Mary, and Elizabeth, preserved in Her Majesty's Public Record Office. Edited by Hans Claude Hamilton, Esq., F.S.A. 1860-1885. Vol. I.— 1509-1573. 1 Vol. III.— 1586-1588. Vol. II.— 1574-1685. | Vol. IV.— 1588-1592. Calendar of State Papers relating to Ireland, of the Reign of James I., pre- served in Her Majesty's Public Record Office, and elsewhere. Edited by the Rev. C. W. Russell, D.D., and John P. Prendergast, Esq., Barrister-at- Law. 1872-1880. Vol. IV.— 1611-1614. Vol. v.— 1615-1625. Vol. I. -1603-1606. Vol. II.— 1606-1608. Vol. III.— 1608-1610. This series is in continuation of the Irish State Papers commencing -with the reign of Henry VIII. ; but for the reign of James I., the Papers are not confined to those in the Public Record Office, London. Calendar of State Papers, Colonial Series, preserved in Her Majesty's Public Record Office, and elsewhere. Edited hy W. Kcel Sainsbury, Esq. 1860- 1884. Vol. I. — America and West Indies, 1574-1660. Vol. II.— East Indies, China, and Japan, 1513-1616. Vol. III.— East Indies, China, and Japan, 1617-1621. Vol. IV.— East Indies, China, and Japan, 1622-1624. Yol. V. — America and West Indies, 1661-1668. Vol. VI.— East Indies, 1625-1629. These voUimes include an analysis of early Colonial Papers in the Public Record Office, the India Office, and the British Museum. Calendar of Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, of the Reign of Henry VIII. , preserved in Her Majesty's Public Record Office, the British Museum, &c.' Edited hy J. S. Brewer, M.A., Professor of English Literature, Kind's College, London (Vols. I.-IV.) ; and hy James Gairdner, Esq., (Vols. V VI VII., VIII., and IX.) 1862-1886. I Vol. L— 1509-1514. Vol. II. (in Two Parts)— 1515- 1518. Vol. III. (in Two Parts)— 1519- 1523. Vol. IV. — Introduction. Vol. IV., Part 1.— 1524-1526. Vol. IV., Part 2.— 1526-1628. Vol. IV., Part 3.— 1529-1530. Vol. v.— 1631-1532. Yol. YL— 1533. Vol. VII.— 1534. Vol. VIII.— 1536, to July. Vol. IX.— 1535, Aug. to Dec. These volumes contain summaries of all State Papers and CorrespoDdence relatino- to the reign of Hcnrv YIII., in the Public Record Office, of those formerfy in the State Paper Office, in the British Museum, the Libraries of Oxford and C'ambrid"-e, and other Public Libraries ; and of all letters that have appeared in print in the works of Burnet, Strype, and others. Whatever authentic oriffinal material exists in England rel.itive to the religious, political, parliamen- firv or social history of the country during the reign of Henry VIII., whether despatches of ambassadors, or proceedings of the army, navy, treasury, or ordnance, or records of Parliament, appointments of officers, grants from the Crown, &c., will be found calendared in these volumes. Calendar of State Papers, Foreign Sekies, of the Reign oi Eptvard VI. pre- served in Her Majesty's Public Record Office. 1547-1553 Edited hy W. B, Turnbull, Esq., of LincoljVs Inn, Barrister-at-Law, &c. Ibbi. 6 Calendak of State Papers, Foreign Series, op the Eeign of Mart, preserved iu Her Majesty's Pablic Record Office. 1553-1558. Edited by W. B. Turnbull, E?q., of Lincoln's Inn, Barrister-at-Law, &c. 1861. The two preceding volumes exhibit the negotiations of the English ambassadors •with the courts of the Emperor Charles V. of Germany, of Henry II. of France, and of Philip II. of Spain. The affairs of several of the minor continental states also find various incidental illustrations of much interest. The Papers descriptive of the circumstances which attended the loss of Calais merit a special notice ; while the progress of the wars in the north of France, into which England was dragged by her union with Spain, is narrated at some length. These volumes treat only of the relations of England with foreign powers. Calendar of State Papers, Foreign Series, of the Reign of Elizabeth, preserved in Her Majesty's Pablic Record Office, &c. Edited by the Rev. Joseph Stevenson, M.A., cf University College, Durham, (Yols. I. -YII.), and Allan James Crosby, Esq., M.A., Barrister-at-Law, (Vols. YIII.-XI.) 1863-1880. Yol. 1.-1558-1559. Yol. II.— 1559-1560. Yol. III.— 1560-1661. Yol. lY.— 1561-1562. Yol. Y.— 1562. Yol. YI.— 1563. These volumes contain a Calendar of the Foreign Correspondence during the early portion of the reign of Elizabeth. They illustrate not only the external but also the domestic affairs of Foreign Countries during that period. Calendar of Treasury Papers, preserved in Her Majesty's Public Record Office. Edited by Joseph Redington, Esq. 1868-1883. Yol. I.— 1557-1696. Yol. lY.— 1708-1714. Yol. II.— 1697-1702. Yol. Y.— 1714-1719. Yol. III.— 1702-1707. The above Papers connected with the affairs of the Treasury comprise petitions, reports, and other documents relating to services rendered to the State, grants of money and pensions, appointments to offices, remissions of fines and duties, &c. They illustrate civil and military events, finance, the administration in Ireland and the Colonies, &c., and afford information nowhere else recorded. Calendar of the Carew Papers, preserved in the Lambeth Librarj^ Edited by J. S. Brewer, M.A., Profeasor of English Literature, King's College, London ; and William Bullen, Esq. 1867-1873. Yol. I.— 1515-1574. Yol. YIL— 1564-1565. Yol. YIII.— 1566-156S. Yol. IX.— 1569-1571. Yol. X.— 1572-1574. Yol. XI.— 1575-1677. Yol. IL— 1.575-1588. Yol. IIL— 1589-1600. Yol. lY.— 1601-1603. Vol. Y.— Book of Howth; Mis- cellaneous. Vol. VI.— 1603-1624. The Carew Papers relating to Ireland, in the Lambeth Library, are unique and of great importance to all students of Irish history. Calendar of Letters, Despatches, and State Papers, relating to the Negotia- tions between England and Spain, preserved in the Archives at Simancas, and elsewhere. Edited by G. A. Bergenroth 1862-1868. Vol. I.— Hen. YIL— 1485-1509. Yol. II.— Hen. YIII.— 1509-1525. Supplement to Yol. I. and VoL II. Mr. Bergenroth was engaged in compiling a Calendar of the Papers relating to England preserved in the archives of Simancas in Sjiain and the correspond- ing portion removed from Simancas to Paris. Mr. Bergenroth also visited Madrid, and examined the Papers there, bearing on the reign of Henry VIII. The first volume contains the Spanish Papers of the reign of Henry VII. ; the second volume, those of the first portion of the reic^n of Henry VIII. The Supplement contains new information relating to the private life of Queen Katherine of England; and to the projected marriage of Henry VII. with Queen Juana, A>idow of King I'hilip of Castile, and mother of the Emperor Charles V. Calbndar of Letters, Despatches, and State Papers, relating to the Negotia- tions between England and Spain, preserved in the Archives at Simancas, and elsewhere. Edited hy Don Pascual de Gayangos. 1873-1886. Vol. III., Part 1.— Hen. VIIL— 1525-1526. Vol. III., Part 2.— Hen. VIII.— 1527-1529. Vol. IV., Part 1.— Hen. VIII.— 1529-1530. Vol. IV., Part 2.— Hen. VIII.— 1531-1533. Vol. IV., V&Yt'l.— continued.— Ran. VIII.— 1531-1533. Vol. v., Part 1.— Hen. VIII.— 1534-1536. Upon the death of Mr. Bergenroth, Don Pascual de Gayangos was appointed to continue the Calendar of the Spanish State Papers. He has pursued a similar plan to that of his predecessor, but has been able to add much valuable matter from Brussels and Vienna, with which Mr. Bergenroth was unacquainted. Calendar op State Papers and Manuscripts, relating to English Affairs, preserved in the Archives of Venice, &c. Edited hy Eawdon Brown, Esq. 1864-1884. Vol. I.- 1202-1509. Vol. II.— 1509-1519. Vol. III.— 1520-1526. Vol. IV.— 1527-1533. Vol. v.— 1534-1554. Vol. VI., Part I.— 1555-1558. Vol. VI., Part II.— 1556-1557. Vol. VI., Part III.— 1557-1558. Mr. Rawdon Brown's researches have brought to light a number of valuable documents relating to various periods of English history ; his contributions to historical literature are of the most interesting and important character. Syllabus, in English, of Rymer's Fcedera. By Sir Thomas Duffus Hardy, D.C.L., Deputy Keeper of the Public Eecords. Vol. I.— Will. I.-Edw. III., 1066-1377. Vol. II.— Eic. II.-OhaB. II. 1377-1654. Vol. III., Appendix and Index. 1869-1385. The "Fcedera," or " Rymer's Fcedera," is a collection of miscellaneous docu- ments illustrative of the History of Great Britain and Ireland, from the Norman Conquest to the reign of Charles H. Several editions of the " Fcedera" have been published, and the present Syllabus was undertaken to make the contents of this great National Work more generallj' known. Report of the Deputy Keeper of the Public Records and the Rev. J. S. Brewer TO THE Master of the Rolls, upon the Carte and Carew Papers in the Bodleian and Lambeth Libraries. 1864. Frice 2s. Qd. Report of the Deputy Keeper of the Public Records to the Master of the Rolls, upon the Docunaents in the Archives and Public Libraries of Venice. 1866. Price 2s. Qd. I In the Press, Calendak of State Papers, Domestic Series, op the Reign op Charles I., preserved in. Her Majesty's Public Eecord Office. Edited hy William Douglas Hamilton, Esq., F.S.A. Yol. XVIII.— 1641-1643. Calendar of State Papers and Manuscripts, relating to English Apjairs, preserved in the Archives of Venice, &c. Vol. VII. — 1559, &c. Calendar of Letters, Despatches, and State Papers, relating to the Negotia. tions between England and Spain, preserved in the Archives at Simancas, and elsewhere. Edited hy Don Pascual de Gatangos. Vol. V., Part 2. — 1537, &c. Calendar of State Papers, Domestic Series, during the Commonwealth, preserved in Her Majesty's Public Eecord Office. Edited by Mary Anne Everett Green. Yol. XI Y. Calendar of State Papers relating to Ireland, of the Reign of Elizabeth, preserved in Her Majesty's Public Record Office. Edited by Hans Claude Hamilton, Esq., F.S.A. Vol. Y.— 1592-1594. Calendar of Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, of the Reign of Henry YIII., preserved in Her Majesty's Public Record Office, the British Museum, &c. £^cZi7eci &?/ James Gairdner, Esq. Yol. X. — 1536. I7i Progress. Calendar or State Papers, Colonial Series, preserved in Her Majesty's Public Record Office, and elsewhere. Edited by W. Noel Sainsbury, Esq. Vol. YII.— America and West Indies, 1669, &c. Vol. VIII.— East Indies, 1630, &c. Calendar of Treasury Papers, preserved in Her Majesty's Public Record Office. Edited hy .Joseph Redington, Esq. Yol. YI.— 1720, &c. THE CHRONICLES xlND MEMOKIALS 0¥ GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND DURING THE MIDDLE AGES. [Royal 8vo. half-bound. Price \0s. each Volume or Part.] On 25 July 1822, the House of Commons presented an address to the Crown, stating that the editions of the works of our ancient historians were inconvenient and defective ; that many of their writings still remained in manuscript, and, in some cases, in a single copy only. They added, "' that an uniform and con- " venient edition of the whole, published under His Majesty's royal sanction, " would be an undertaking honourable to His Majesty's reign, and conducive to " the advancement of historical and constitutional knowledge ; that the House " therefore humbly besought His Majesty, that He would be graciously pleased " to give such directions as His Majesty, in His wisdom, might think fit, for " the publication of a complete edition of the ancient historians of this realm, " and assured His Majesty that whatever expense might be necessary for this " purpose Avould be made good." The Master of the Eolls, being very desirous that effect should be given to the resolution of the House of Commons, submitted to Her Majesty's Treasury in 1857 a plan for the publication of the ancient chronicles and memorials of the United Kingdom, and it was adopted accordingly. In selecting these works, it was considered right, in the first instance, to give preference to those of which the manuscripts were unique, or the materials of which would help to fill up blanks in English history for which no satisfactory and authentic information hitherto existed in any accessible form. One great object the Master of the Eolls had in view was to form a corpus Mstoricum within reasonable limits, and which should be as complete as possible. In a subject of so vast a range, it was im- portant that the historical student should be able to select such volumes as conformed with his own peculiar tastes and studies, and not be put to the expense of purchasing the whole collection ; an inconvenience inseparaljle from any other plan than that which has been in this instance adopted. Of the Chronicles and Memorials, the following volumes have been published. They embrace the period from the earliest time of British history down to the end of the reign of Henry YII. 1. The Chkonicle or England, by John Capgkavz. Edited by the Kev. F. C. HiNGESTON, M.A., of Exeter College, Oxford. 1858. Capgrave was prior of Lynn, in Xorfolk, and provincial of the order of the Friars Hermits of England shortly before the year 1464. His Chronicle extends from the creation of the world to the year 1417. As a record of the language spoken in Norfolk (being written in English), it is of considerable value. 2. Ohb-Onicon Monasterii de Abingdon. Yols. I. and II. Edited by the Eev. Joseph Stevenson, M.A., of University College, Durham, and Yicar of Leighton Buzzard. 1858. This Chronicle traces the history of the great Benedictine monastery of Abingdon in Berkshire, from its foundation by King Ina of Wessex, to the reign of Kichard I., shortly after which period the present narrative was drawn up by an inmate of the establishment. The author had access to the title-deeds of the house ; and incorporates into his history various charters of the Saxon kings, of great importance as illustrating not only the history of the locality but that of the kingdom. The work is printed for the first time. 10 3. Lives op Edward the Confessor. I. — Ls, Estoire de Seint Aedward le Eei II. — Vita Beati Edvardi Regis et Confessoris. III. — Yita iEduuardi Regis qui apud Westmonasterium requiescit. Edited hy Henry Richards LuARD, M.A., Fellow and Assistant Tutor of Trinity College, Cambridge. 1858. The first is a poem in Norman French, containing 4,686 lines, addressed to Alianor, Queen of Henry III., probably written in 1245, on the restoration of the church of Westminster. Nothing is known of the author. The second is an anonymous poem, containing .536 lines, written between 1440 and 1450, by command of Henry VI., to whom it is dedicated. It does not throw any new light on the reign of Edward the Confessor, but is valuable as a specimen of the Latin poetry of the time. The third, also by an anonymous author, was apparently written for Queen Edith, between 1066 and 1074, during the pressure of the suffering brought on the Saxons by the Norman conquest. It notices many facts not found in other writers, and some which differ considerably from the usual accounts. 4. Monumenta Franciscana. Vol. I. — Thomas de Eccleston de Adventu Fratrum Minorum in Angliam. Adte de Marisco Epistolee. Registrum Fratrum Minorum Londoniee. Edited hy J. S. Brewer, M.A., Professor of English Literature, King's College, London. Vol. II. — De Adventu Minorum ; re-edited, with additions. Chronicle of the Grey Friars. The ancientEnglish version of the Rule of St. Francis. Abbreviatio Statutorum, 1451, &c. Edited hy Richard Howlett, Esq., of the Middle Temple, Barrister-at-Law. 1858, 1882. The first volume contains original materials for the history of the settlement of the order of Saint Francis in England, the letters of Adam de Marisco, and other papers connected with the foundation and diffusion of this great bod}'. It was the aim of the editor to collect whatever historical information could be found in this countr}-, towards illustrating a period of the national history for which only scanty materials exist. None of these have been before printed. The second volume contains materials found, since the first volume was published, among the MSS. of S'r Charles Isham, and in various libraries. 5. Fasciculi Zizaniorum Magistri Johannis Wyclif cum Tritico. Ascribed to Thomas ISTetter, of Walden, Provincial of the Carmelite Order in England, and Confessor to King Henry the Fifth. Edited hy the Rev. W. W. Shirley, M.A., Tutor and late Fellow of Wadham College, Oxford. 1858. This work derives its principal value from being the only contemporaneous account of the rise of the Lollards. When written, the disputes of the school- men had been extended to the field of theology, and they appear both in the writings of Wycliff and in those of his adversaries. WyclifE's little bundles cf tares are not less metaphysical than theological, and the conflict between Nominalists and Realists rages side by side with the conflict between the diflferent interpreters of Scripture. The work gives a good idea of the controversies at the end of the 14th and the beginning of the 15th centuries. 6. The Buik of the Croniclis of Scotland ; or, A Metrical Version of the History of Hector Boece ; by William Stewart. Vols. I., II., and III. Edited byW. B. Turnbull, Esq., of Lincoln's Inn, Barrister-at-Law, 1858. This is a metrical translation of a Latin Prose Chronicle, written in the first half of the 16th century. The narrative begins with the earliest legends a'id ends with the death of James I. of Scotland, and the " evil ending of the traitors that slew him." Strict accuracy of statement is not to be looked for; but the stories of the colonization of Spain, Ireland, and Scotland are interesting if not true ; and the chronicle reflects the manners, sentiments, and character of the age in which it was composed. The peculiarities of the Scottish dialec are well illustrated in this version, and the student of language will find amp\.e materials for comparison with the English dialects of the same period, and with modern lowland Scotch. 11 7. JoHAiTMS Cabgkave Liber de Illustribus Henricis. Edited by the Kev. F. 0. HiNGESTON, M.A., of Exeter College, Oxford. 1858. This work is dedicated to Henry VI. of England, who appears to have been, in the author's estimation, the greatest of all the Henries. It is divided into three parts, each having a separate dedication. The first part relates only to the history of the Empire, from the election of Henry I., the Fowler, to the end of the reign of the Emperor Henry VI. The second part is devoted to English history, from the accession of Henry I. in 1 100, to 1446, which was the twenty- fourth year of the reign of Henry VI. The third part contains the lives of illustrious men who have borne the name of Henry in various parts of the world. Capgrave was borne in 1393, in the reign of Hichard II., and lived during the Wars of the Roses, for which period his work is of some value. 8. HiSTORIA MONASTERII S. AuGUSTINI CaNTUARIENSIS, by ThOMAS OF ElMHAM, formerly Monk and Treasurer of that Foundation. Indited by Charles Hard- wick, M.A., Fellow of St. Catharine's Hall, and Christian Advocate in the University of Cambridge. 1858. This history extends from the arrival of St. Augustine in Kent until 1191. Prefixed is a chronology as far as 1418, which shows in outline what was to have been the character of the work when completed. The only copy known is in the possession of Trinity Hall, Cambridge. The author was connected with Norfolk, and most probably with Elmham, whence he derived his name. 9. EuLOGlUM (HiSTORiARUM SITE TEiiroRis) : Chronicon ab Orbe condito usque ad Annum Domini 1366 ; a Monacho quodam Malmesbiriensi exaratum. Vols. I., II., and III. Edited % F. S. Haydon, Esq., B.A. 1868-1863. This is a Latin Chronicle extending from the Creation to the latter part of the reign of Edward III., and written by a monk of the Abbey of Malmesbury, in Wiltshire, about the year 1367. A continuation, carrying the history of England down to the year 1413, was added in the former half of the fifteenth century by an author whose name is not known. The original Chronicle is divided into five books, and contains a history of the world generally, but more especially of England to the year 1366. The continuation extends the history down to the coronation of Henry V. The Eulogium itself is chiefly valuable as contain- ing a history, by a contemporary, of the period between 1356 and 1366. The notices of events appear to have been written very soon after their occurrence. Among other interesting matter, the Chronicle contains a diary of the Poitiers campaign, evidently furnished by some person who accompanied the army of the Black Prince. The continuation of the Chronicle is also the work of a contem- porary, and gives a very interesting account of the reigns of Kichard II. and Henry IV. It is believed to be the earliest authoritj- for the statement that the latter monarch died in the Jerusalem Chamber at Westminster. 10. Memorials of Henry the Seventh : Bernardi Andrere Tholosatis Yita Eegis Henrici Septimi; necnon aliaqugedam ad eundem Eegem spectantia. Edited by James Gairdner, Esq. 1858. The contents of this volume are — (1) a life of Henry VII., by his poet laureate and historiographer, Bernard Andre, of Toulouse, with some composi- tions in verse, of which he is supposed to have been the author ; (2) the journals of Koger Machado during certaim embassies on which he was sent b^- Henry VII. to Spain and Brittany, the first of which had reference to the marriage of the King's son, Arthur, with Catharine of Arragon ; (3) two curious reports by envoys sent to Spain in 1505 touching the succession to the Crown of Castile, and a project of marriage between Henry VII. and the Queen of Naples; and (4) an account of Philip of Castile's reception in England in 1506. Other documents of interest are given in an appendix. 11. Memorials of Henry the Fifth. I. — Vita Henrici Quinti, Roberto Eedmanno auctore. II. — Versus Rhythmici in laudem Regis Henrici Quinti. III. — Elmhami Liber Metricus de Henrico V. Edited 61/ Charles A. Cols, Esq. 1868. This volume contains three treatises which more or less illustrate the histoiy of the reign of Henry V., viz. : A life by Robert Redman ; a Metrical Chronicle by Thomas Elmham, prior of Lcnton, a contemporary author ; Versus Rhythmici, written apparently by a monk of Westminster Abbey, who was also a contempo- rary of Henry V. Th«se works are printed for the first time. 12 12. MuNiMENTA GiLDHALL^ LoNDONiENSis ; Liber Albus, Liber Custumarum, et Liber Horn, in archivis Gildhallse asservati. Yol. I., Liber Albus. Vol. II. (in Two Parts), Liber Custumarum. Yol. III., Translation of the Anglo- -Norman Passages in Liber Albus, Glossaries, Appendices, and Index. Edited hy Heney Thomas Eiley, Esq., M.A., Barrister-at-Law. 1859-1862. The manuscript of the Liber Albus, compiled by John Carpenter, Common Clerk of the City of London in the year 1419, a large folio volume, is pre- served in the Kecord Room of the City of London. It gives an account of the laM'S, regulations, and institutions of that City in the 12th, 13th, 14th, and early part of the 15th centuries. The Liber Custmnarum was compiled probably by various hands in the early part of the 14th century during the reign of Edward II. The manuscript, a folio volume, is also preserved in the Eecord Room of the City of London, though some portion in its original state, borrowed from the City in the reign of Queen Elizabeth and never returned, forms part of the Cottouian MS. Claudius D. II. in the British Museum. It also gives an account of the laws, regulations, and institutions of the City of London in the 12th, 13th, and early part of the 14th centuries. 13. Chronica Johannis de Oxenedes. Edited by Sir Henky Ellis, K.H, 1869. Although this Chronicle tells of the arrival of Hengist and Horsa in England in 449, yet it substantially begins with the reign -of King Alfred, and comes down to 1292, where it ends abruptly. The history is particularly valuable for notices of events in the eastern portions of the Kingdom, not to be elsewhere obtained. Some curious facts are mentioned relative to the floods in that part of England, which are coufii-med in the Friesland Chronicle of Anthony Heinrich, pastor of the Island of Mohr. 14. A OOLLECTIOK OF POLITICAL PoEMS AND SoNGS RELATING TO ENGLISH HiSTORY, EROM THE Accession op Edward III. to the Reign or Henry YIII. Vols. I. and II. Edited hy Thomas Wright, Esq., M.A. 1859-1861. These Poems are perhaps the most interesting of all the historical writings of the period, though they cannot be relied on for accuracy of statement. They are various in character ; some are upon religious subjects, some may be called satires, and some give no more than a court scandal ; but as a whole they pre- sent a very fair picture of society, and of the relations of the different classes to one another. The period comprised is in itself interesting, and brings us through the decline of the feudal system, to the beginning of our modern history. The songs in old English are of considerable value to the philologist. 15. The "Opus Tertium," "Opus Minus," &c., of Eoger Bacon. Editedby J. S. Brewer, M.A., Professor of English Literature, King's College, London. 1859. This is the celebrated treatise — never before printed — so frequently referred to by the great philosopher in his works. It contains the fullest details we possess of the life and labours of Roger Bacon : also a fragment by the same author, supposed to be unique, the " Compendium Studii Theologia." 16. BartiiolomjEI de Cotton, Monachi Norwicensis, Historia Anglicana ; 449- 1298: necnonejusdem Liber deAchiepiscopis et Episcopis Anglia'. Edited by Henry Richards Luard, M.A., Fellow and Assistant Tutor of Trinity College, Cambridge. 1859. The author, a monk of Norwich, has here given us a Chronicle of England from the arrival of the Saxous in 449 to the year 1298, in or about which year it appears that he died. The latter portion of this history (the whole of the reign of Edward I. more especially) is of great value, as the writer was con- temporarj- with the events which he records. An Appendix contains several illustrative documents connected with the previous narrative. 17. Brut y Tywysogion ; or. The Chronicle of the Princes of Wales. Edited by the Rev. John Williams ab Itiiel, M.A. I860. This woi-k, also known as " The Chron'.cle of the Princes of Wales," has been attributed to Caradoc of Llancarvan, who flourished about the middle of the twelfth centur)-. It is written in the ancient Welsh language, begins with the abdication and death of Caedwala at Rome, in the year 681, and continues the history down to the subjugation of Wales by Edward I., about the year 1282, I 13 18. A Collection of Eotal and Historical Letters during the Eeign op Henry IY. 1399-1404. Edited hy the Eev. F. C. Hingeston, M.A., of Exeter College, Oxford. 1860. This volume, like all the others in the series containing a misceliaueous selec- tion of letters, is valuable on account of the light it throws upon biographical history, and the familiar view it presents of characters, manners, and events. The period requires much elucidation ; to which it will materially contribute. 19. The Kepressor of over much Blaming of the Clergy. By Reginald Pecock, sometime Bishop of Chichester. Vols. I. and II. Edited by Churchill Babington, B.D., Fellow of St. John's Collesre, Cambridge. 1860. The " Repressor " may be considered the earliest piece of good theological dis- quisition of which our English prose literature can boast. The author was born about the end of the fourteenth century, consecrated Bishop of St. Asaph in the year 1444, and translated to the see of Chichester in 1450. "While Bishop of St. Asaph, he zealously defended his brother prelates from the attacks of those who censured the bishops for their neglect of duty. He maintained that it was no part of a bishop's functions to appear in the pulpit, and that his time might be more profitably spent, and his dignity better maintained, in the performance of works of a higher character. Among those who thought differently were the Lollards, and against their general doctrines the " Repressor " is directed. Pecock took up a position midway between that of the Roman Church and that of the modern Anglican Church ; but his work is interesting chiefly because it gives a full account of the views of the Lollards and of the arguments by which they were supported, and because it assists us to ascertain the state of feeling which ulti- mately led to the Reformation. Apart from religious matters, the light thrown upon contemporaneous history is very small, but the " Repressor " has great value for the philologist, as it tells us what were the characteristics of the language in use among the cultivated Englishmen of the fifteenth century. Pecock, though an opponent of the Lollards> showed a certain spirit of toleration, for which he received, towards the end of his Ufe, the usual mediaeval reward — persecution. 20. Annales Cambria. Edited hj the Eev. John Williams ab Ithel, M.A. 1860. These annals, which are in Latin, commence in 447, and come down to 1288. The earlier portion appears to be taken from an Irish Chronicle, used by Tigernach, and by the compiler of the Annals of Ulster. During its first century it contains scarcely anything relating to Britain, the earliest direct concurrence with English history is relative to the mission of Augustine. Its notices throughout, though brief, are valuable. The annals were probably written at St. Davids, by Blegewryd, Archdeacon of Llandaff, the most learned man in his day in all Cymru. 21. The Works of Giraldus Cambrensis. Vols. I., II., III., and IV. Edited hy J. S. Brewer, M.A., Professor of English Literature, King's College, London. Vols. V.^ yi., and VII. Edited hy the Eev. James F. Dimock, M.A., Eector of Barnburgh, Yorkshire. 1861-1877. These volumes contain the historical works of Gerald du Barry, who lived in the reigns of Henry II., Richard I., and John, and attempted to re-establish the independence of Wales by restoring the see of St. D.avids to iis ancient primacy. His works are of a vei'y miscellaneous nature, both in prose and verse, and are remarkable chiefly for the racy and original anecdotes which they contain relating to contemporaries. He is the only Welsh writer of any importance Avho has contributed so much to the media;val literature of this country, or assumed, in consequence of his nationality, so free and independent a tone. His frequent travels in Italy, in France, in Ireland, and in Wales, gave him opportunities for observation which did not generally fall to the lot of medieval writers in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, and of these observations Giraldus has made due use. Only extracts from these treatises have been printed before and almost all of them are taken from unique manuscripts. 14 The Topographia Hibernica (in Vol. V.) i$ the result of Giialdus' two visits to Ireland. The first in 1183, the second in 1185-6, when he accompanied Frince John into that country. Curious as this treatise is, Mr. Dimock is of opinion that it ought not to be accepted as sober truthful history, for Giraldus himself states that truth was not his main object, and that he compiled the work for the purpose of sounding the praises of Henry the Second. Elsewhere, how- ever, he declares that he had stated nothing in the Topographia of the truth of which he was not well assured, either bj his own eyesight or by the testimony, with all diligence elicited, of the most trustworthy and authentic men in the country ; that though he did not put just the same full faith in their reports as in what he had himself seen, yet, as they only related what they had themselves seen, he could not but believe such credible witnesses. A very interesting portion of this treatise is devoted to the animals of Ireland. It shows that he was a very accurate and acute observer, and his descriptions are given in a way that a scientific naturalist of the present day could hardly improve upon. The Expug- natio Hibernica was written about 118S and may be regarded rather as a great epic than a sober relation of acts occurring in his own days. No one can peruse it without coming to the conclusion that it is rather a poetical fiction than a prosaic truthful history. Vol. VI. contains the Itinerarium Kambrise et Descriptio Kambrise : and Vol. VII., the lives of S. Re migius and S. Hugh. 22. Letters and Papers illustrative of the Wars of the English in France DURING the Reign of Henry the Sixth, King of England. Yol. I., and Vol. II. (in Two Parts). Editedby the Rev. Joseph Stevenson, M.A., of University College, Darham, and Vicar of Leighton Buzzard. 1861-1864. These letters and papers are deprived chiefly from originals or contemporary copies extant in the Bibliotheque Imperiale, and the Depot des Archives, in Paris. They illustrate the policy adopted by John Duke of Bedford and his successors during their government of Normandy, and other provinces of France acquired by Henry V. Here may be traced, step by step, the gradual declension of the English power, until we are prepared for its final overthrow. 23. The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, according to the several Original Autho. BITIES. Yol. I., Original Texts. Vol. II., Translation. Edited and trans- lated by Benjamin Thorpe, Esq., Member of the Royal Academy of Sciences at Munich, and of the Society of Netherlandish Literature at Leyden. 1861. This Chronicle, extending from the earliest history of Britain to 1154, is justly the boast of England ; no other nation can produce any history, written in its own vernacular, at all approaching it, in antiquity, truthful- ness, or extent, the historical books of the Bible alone excepted. There are at present six independent manuscripts of the Saxon Chronicle, ending in different years, and written in different parts of the country. In this edition, the text of each manuscript is printed in columns on the same page, so that the student may see at a glance the various changes which occur in orthography, whether arising from locality or age. 24. Letters and Papers illustrative of the Reigns of Richard III. and Henry YII. Vols. I. and II. Edited by James Gairdner, Esq. 1861- 1863. The Papers are derived from the MSS. in Public Record Office, the British Museum, and other repositories. The period to which they refer is unusually destitute of chronicles and other sources of historical information, so that the li"-ht obtained from them is of special importance. The principal contents of the volumes are some diplomatic Papers of Richard III. ; correspondence between Henry VII. and Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain ; documents relating to Edmund de la Pole, Earl of Suffolk ; and a portion of the correspondence of James IV. of Scotland. 25. Letters of Bishop Grosseteste, illustrative of the Social Condition of bis Time. Edited by Henry Richards Luard, M.A., Fellow and Assistant Tutor of Trinity College, Cambridge. 1861. The Letters of Robert Grosseteste (131 in number") are here collected from varicus sources, and a large portion of them is printed for the first time. They tit,u.gQ in 15 date from about 1210 to 1253, and relate to various matters connected not only with the political history of England during the reign of Henry III., but with its ecclesiastical condition. They refer especially to the diocese of Lincoln, of which Grosseteste was bishop. 26. Descriptive Catalogue op Majiuscripts rblatixg to the History op Great Britain and Ireland. Vol. I. (in Two Parts); Anterior to the Norman Invasion. Vol. II. ; 1066-1200. Vol. III. ; 1200-1327. By vSir Thomas DuFPUs Hardy, D.C.L., Deputy Keeper of the Public Records. 1862-1871. The object of this work is to publish notices of all known sources of British history, both printed and unprinted, in one continued sequence. The materials, when historical (as distinguished from biographical), are arranged under the year in which the latest event is recorded in the chronicle or history, and not under the period in which its author, real or supposed, flourished. Biographies are enumerated under the 3'ear in which the person commemorated died, and not under the year in which the life was written. This arrangement has two advantages ; the materials for any given period may be seen at a glance ; and if the reader knows the tim.e when an author wrote, and the number of years that had elapsed between the date of the events and the time the writer flourished, he will generally be enabled to form a fair estimate of the comparative value of the narrative itself. A brief analj-sis of each work has been added when deserving it, in which original portions are distinguished from mere compilations. If possible, the sources are indicated from which compilations have been derived. A biographical sketch of the author of each piece has been added, and a brief notice of such British authors as have written on historical subjects. 27. Royal and other Historical Letters illustrative or the Reign of Henry III. Vol. I., 1216-1235. Vol. II., 1236-1272. Selected and edited by the Rev. "W. W. Shirley, D.D., Regius Professor in Ecclesiastical History, and Canon of Christ Church, Oxford. 1862-1866. The letters contained in these volumes are derived chiefly from the ancient correspondence formerly in the Tower of London, and now in the Public Record Office. They illustrate the political history of England during the growth of its liberties, and throw considerable light upon the personal history of Simon de Moiitfort. The affairs of France form the subject of many of them, especially in regard to the province of Gascony. The entire collection consists of nearly 700 documents, the greater portion of which is printed for the first time. 28. Chronica Monasterii S. Aleani. — 1. Thom.e Walsingha^i Historia Angli- cana; Vol.1., 1272-1381 : Vol.11., 1381-1422. 2. Willelmi Rishangek Chronica et Annales, 1259-1307. 3. Johannis de Trokelotve et Henrici DE Blaneforde Chronica et Annales, 1259-1296 ; 1307-1324 ; 1392-1406. 4. G-ESTA Abbatum Monasterii S. Albani, a Thoma Walsingham, reg- nante Ricardo Secundo, ejusdem Ecclesi^ Pr^centore, compilata ; Vol. I., 793-1290: Vol. II., 1290-1349: Vol. III., 1349-1411. 5. Johannis Amundesham, Monachi Monasterii S. Albani, tjt videtur, Annales ; Vols. I. and II. 6. Registra quorundam Abbatum Monasterii S. Albani, qui S^CULO XV™° FLORUERE ; Vol. I., ReGISTBUM ABBATIiE JOHANNIS "WhETHAM- STEDE, Abbatis Monasterii Sancti Albani, iterum suscept^ ; Roberto Blakeney, Capellano, quondam adscriptum : Vol. II., Registra Johannis Whethamstede, Willelmi Albon, et Willelmi Walingfobde, Abbatum Monasterii Sancti Albani, cum Appendice, continente quasdam Epistolas, A JoHANNE "Whethamstede Conscriptas. 7. Tpodigma Neustrle a Thoma Walsingham, quondam Monacho JMonasterii S. Albani, conscriptum. Edited by Henry Thomas Riley, Esq., M. A., Cambridge and Oxford ; and of the Inner Temple, Barrister-at-Law. 1863-1876. In the first two volumes is a History of England, from the death of Henry III. to the death of Henry V., by Thomas Walsingham, Precentor of St. Albans, from MS. VII. in the Arundel Collection in the College of Arms, London, a manuscript of the fifteenth century, collated with MS. 13 E. IX. in the King's Library in the British Museum, and MS. VII. in the Parker Collection of Manuscripts at Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. 16 In the 3rd volume is a Chronicle of English History, attributed to William Rishanger, ■who lived in the reign of Edward I., from the Cotton MS. Faustina B. IX. in the British Museum, collated -with MS. 14 C. VII. (fols. 219-231) in the King's Librarj', British Museum, and the Cotton MS. Claudius E. III. fols. 306-331 : an account of transactions attending the award of the kingdom of Scotland to John Balliol, 1291-1292, from MS. Cotton. Claudius D. VI., also attributed to William Rishanger, but on no suflBcient ground : a short Chronicle of English History, 1292 to 1300, by an unknown hand, from MS. Cotton. Claudius D. VI. : a short Chronicle Willelmi Bishanger Gesta Edwardi Primi, Regis Anglise, from MS. 14 C. I. in the Royal Library, and MS. Cotton. Claudius D. VI., with Annales Regum Anglise, probably by the same hand : and fragments of three Chronicles of English History, 1285 to 1307. In the 4th volume is a Chronicle of English History, 1259 to 1296, from MS. Cotton. Claudius D. VI. : Annals of Edward II., 1307 to 1323, by John de Trokelowe, a monk of St. Albans, jund a continuation of Trokelowe's Annals, 1323, 1324, by Henry de Blaneforde, both from MS. Cotton. Claudius D. VI. : a full Chronicle of English History, 1392 to 1406. from MS. VII. in the Library of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge ; and an account of the Benefactors of St. Albans, written in the earlj^ part of the 15th century from MS. VI. in the same Library. The 5th, 6th, and 7th volumes contain a history of the Abbots of St. Albans, 793 to 1411, mainly compiled bj' Thomas Walsiugham, from MS. Cotton. Claudius E. IV., in the British Museum : with a Continuation, from the closing pages of Parker MS. VII., in the Library of Corpus Christi College, ■ Cambridge. The 8th and 9th volumes, in continuation of th« Anuals, contain a Chronicle, probably by John Amundesham, a monk of St. Albans. The loth and 1 1 th volumes relate especially to the acts and proceedings of Abbots Whethamstede, Albon, and Wallingford, and may be considered as a memorial of the chief historical and domestic events during those periods. The 12th volume contains a compendious History of England to the reign of Henry V., and of Normandy in early times, also by Thomas Walsiugham, and dedicated to Henry V. The compiler has often substituted other authorities in place of those consulted in the preparation of his larger work. 29. Ohronicon Abbati^ Eveshamensis, Atjctokieus Dominico Pkioke Eve- SHAMI^ ET ThOMA DE MaBLEBERGE AbBATE, A FuNDATIONE AD AnNUM 1213, UNA CTJii CoNTiNXTATiONE AD Anntjm 1418. Edited hy the Eev.W. D. Mackat, Bodleian Library, Oxford. 1863. The Chronicle of Evesham illustrates the history of that important monastery from its foundation by Egwin, about 690, to the year 1418. Its chief feature is an autobiography, which makes us acquainted with the inner daily life of a great abbey, such as but rarely has been recorded. Interspersed are many notices of general, personal, and local history which will be read with much interest. This work exists in a single ilS., and is for the first time printed. 30. EiCABDI DE ClKENCESTKIA SPECULUM HiSTORIALE DE GeSTIS EeGUM AnGLLS, Yol. I., 447-871. Yol. II., 872-1066. Edited hy John E. B. Mayor, M.A., Fellow of St. Jolin's College, Cambridge. 1863-1869. The compiler, Richard of Cirencester, was a monk of Westminster, 1355- 1400. In 1391 he obtained a licence to make a pilgrimage to Rome. His history, in four books, extends from 447 to 1066. He announces his intention of con- tinning it, but there is no evidence that he completed any more. This chronicle gives many charters in favour of Westminster Abbey, and a very full account of the lives and miracles of the saints, especially of Edward the Confessor, whose reign occupies the fourth book. A treatise on the Coronation, by Wilham of Sudbury, a monk of Westminster, fills book iii. c. 3. It was on this author that C. J. Bertram fathered his forgery, De Situ Brittanice, in 1747. 31. Tear Books Oi' the Eeign of Edward the First. Tears 20-21, 21-22, 30-31, 32-33, and 33-35 Edw. I.; and 11-12 Edw. III. Edited and trans- lated ly Alfred John Horwood, Esq., of the Middle Temple, Barristor- 17 at-Law. Years 12-13, 13-14 Edward III. Edited and translated by LuKE Owen Pike, Esq., M.A., of Lincoln's Inn, Barrister-at^aw. 1863-1886. The volumes known as the " Year Books " contain reports in Norman-French of Cases argued and decided in the Courts of Common Law. They may be con- sidered to a great extent as the '■ lex non scripta " of England, held in the highest veneration by the ancient sages of the law, and received by them as the repositories of the first recorded judgments and dicta of the great le. 1150. The principal events narrated in the later portion of the work are, the invasions of foreigners, and the wars of the Irish among themselves. The text has been printed from a MS. preserved in the library of Trinity College, Dublin, written partly in Latin, partly in Irish. 47. The Chronicle of Pierre de Langtoft, in Feench Yerse, from the earliest Period to the Death of Edward I. Yols. I. and II. Edited hy Thomas Wright, Esq., M. A. 1866-1868. It is probable that Pierre de Langtoft was a canon of Bridlington, in York- shire, and lived in the reign of Edward I., and during a portion of the reign of Edward II. This chronicle is divided into three parts; in the first, is an abridgment of Geoffrey of Monmouth's " Historia Britouum ;" in the second, a history of the Anglo-Saxon and Norman kings, to the death of Henry III. ; in the third, a history of the reign of Edward I. The principal object of the work was apparently to show the jaitice of Edward's Scottish wars. The language is singularly corrupt, and a curious specimen of the French of Yorkshire. 48. The War of the Gaedhil with the G-aill, or The Invasions of Ireland by THE Danes and other Norsemen. Edited, with a Translation, hy James Henthorn Todd, D.D., Senior Fellow of Trinity College, and Regius Pro- fessor of Hebrew in the University, Dublin. 1867. The work in its present form, in the editor's opinion, is a comparatively modern version of an undoubtedly ancient original. That it was compiled from contemporary materials has been proved by curious incidental evidence. It is stated in the account given of the battle of Clontarf that the full tide in Dublin Bay on the day of the battle (23 April 1014) coincided -with sunrise ; and that the returning tide in the evening aided considerably in the defeat of the Danes. The fact has been verified by astronomical calculations, and the inference is that the author of the chronicle, if not an eye-witness, must have derived his in- formation from eye-witnesses. The contents of the work are sufficiently described in its title. The stor^' is told after the manner of the Scandinavian Sagas, with poems and fragments of poems introduced into the prose narrative. 49. Gesta Regis Henrici Secundi Benedicti Abbatis. Chronicle of the Reigns OF Henry II. and Richard I., 1169-1192, known under the name of Benedict OF Peterborough. Vols. I. and II. i/citfec??)?/ William Stub cs, MA., Regius Profesuor of Modern History, Oxford, and Lambeth Librarian. 1867. 21 This chronicle of the reigns of Henry II. and Richard I., known commonly under the name of Benedict of Peterborongh, is one of the best existing speci- mens of a chiss of historical compositions of the first importance to the student. 50. MUKIMENTA ACADEMICA, OR, DOCUMENTS ILLUSTRATIVE OF ACADEMICAL LiFE AND Studies at Oxford (in Two Parts). Edited hy the Eev. Henry Anstey, M.A., Vicar of St. Wendrou, Cornwall, and lately Vice-Principal of St. Mary Hall, Oxford. 1868. This work will supply materials for a History of Academical Life and Studies in the University of Oxford during the 13th, 14th, and loth centuries. 51. Chronica Magistri Rogeri de Houedene. Vols. I., II., III., and IV. Edited by William Stubbs, M.A., Kegius Professor of Modern History, and Fello-w of Oriel College, Oxford. 1868-1871. This work has long been justly celebrated, but not thoroughly understood until Mr. Stubbs' edition. The earlier portion, extending from 732 to 1148, appears to be a copy of a compilation made in Xorthumbria about 1161, to which Hoveden added little. From 1148 to 1169 — a very valuable portion of this work — the matter is derived from another source, to which Hoveden appears to have supplied little, and not always judiciously. From 1170 to 1192 is the portion which corresponds with the Chronicle known under the name of Benedict of Peterborough (see No. 49) ; but it is not a copy, being sometimes an abridgment, at others a paraphrase; occasionally the two works entirely agree ; showing that both writers had access to the same materials, but dealt with them differently. From 1192 to 1201 may be said to be wholly Hoveden 's work ; it is extremely valuable, and an authority of the first importance. 52. WiLLELMi Malmesbiriensis Monachi de Gestis Pontificum Anglorcm Libei QuiNQUE. Edited, from William of Malmesburtf s AiUograph MS., hy I^". E. S. A. Hamilton, Esq., of the Department of Manuscripts, British Museum. 1870. "William of Malmesbury's " Gesta Pontificum" is the principal foundation of English Ecclesiastical Biograph}-, down to the year 1122. The manuscript which has been followed in this Edition is supposed by Mr. Hamilton to be the author's autograph, containing his latest additions and amendments. 53. Historic and Municipal Documents of Ireland, from the Archives or tab City of Dublin, &c. 1172-1320. Edited hy JohnT. Gilbert, Esq., F.S.A., Secretary of the Public Eecord Office of Ireland. 1870. A collection of original document'^, elucidating maiuly the history and condition of the municipal, middle, and trading classes under or in relation with the rule of England in Ireland, — a subject hitherto in almost total obscurit}'. Extending over the first hundred and fifty years of the Anglo-Norman settlement, the series includes charters, municipal laws and regulations, rolls of names of citizens and member.^ of merchant-guilds, lists of commodities with their rates, correspondence, illustrations of relations between ecclesiastics and laity ; together with many documents exhibiting the state of Ireland during the presence there of the Scots under Robert and Edward Bruce. 54'. The Annals of Loch Ce. A Chronicle of Irish Affairs, from 1041 to 1590. Vols. I. and II. Edited, tvith a Translation, hy William Maunsell Hennessy, Esq., M.R.I.A. 1871. The original of this chronicle has passed under various names. The title of " Annals of Loch Ce " was given to it by Professor O'Curry, on the ground that it was transcribed for Brian Mac Dermor, an Irish chieftain, who re>ided on the island in Loch Ce, in the county of Roscommon. It adds much to the materials for the civil and ecclesiastical history of Ireland ; and contains many curious references to English and foreign affairs, not noticed in any other chronicle. 55. MONUMENTA JuRIDICA. ThE BlACKBoOK OF THE ADMIRALTY, "WITH AfPENDICZS. Vols. I., II., III., and IV. Edited hy ^m Tbavers Twiss, Q.c.. D.C.L. 1871-1876. This book contains the ancient ordinances and laws relating to the navy, and was probably compiled for the use of the- Lord High Admiral of England. Seldeu calls it the " jewel of the Admiralty Records." Prynne ascribes to the Black Book the same authority in the Admiralty as the Black and Red Rocks have in the Court of Exchequer, and most English writers on maritime law recognize its importance. 22 5f?. MsMoaii-Ls OF XHB E,EIG^f OP HE^fRY VI. :— Opficial Correspondence op Thomas Bekynton, yECRETARY to Henry VI., and Bishop op Bath and Wells. Edited, from a MS. in the Arohlepiscopal Library at Lambeth, ivith an Appendix of Illustrative Docameiits, by the Rev. George Williams, B.D.,Vicar of Ring- ■wood, late Fellow of King's College, Cambridge. Vols. I. and II. 1872. These curious volumes are of a iniscellaueous character, aud were probably compiled under the immediate direction of Beckynton before he had attained to the Episcopate. They contain many of the Bishop's own letters, and several ■written by him in the Kind's name ; also letters to himself while Royal Secre- tary, and others addressed to the' King. This work elucidates some points in the history of the nation during the first half of the fifteenth century. 57. MATTH.EI Parisiensis, Monachi Sancti Albani, Chronica Majora. Yol. I. The Creation to A.D. 1066. Vol. II. A.D. 1067 to A.D. 1216. Vol. III. A.D. 1216 to A.D. 1239. Vol. IV. A.D. 1240 to A.D. 1247. Vol. V. A.D. 1248 to A.D. 1259. Vol. VI. Additamenta. Vol. VII. Index. Edited hy Henry Richards Luard, D.D., Fellow of Trinity College, Registrary of the University, and Vicar of Great St. Mary's, Cambridge. 1872-1884. This work contains the " Chronica Majora " of Matthew Paris, one of the most valuable and frequently consulted of the ancient English Chronicles. It is published from its commencement, for the first time. The editions by Arch- bishop Parker, and William Wats, severally begin at the Xormau Conquest. 58. Memoriale Fratris Walteri de Coventria. — The Historical Collections or Walter op Coventry. Vols. I. and II. Edited, from the M8. in the Library of Corpus Ghristi College, Cambridge, by William Stubbs, M.A., Regius Professor of Modern History, and Fellow of Oriel College, Oxford. 1872- 1873. This work, now printed in full for the first time, has long been a desideratum by Historical Scholars. The first portion, however, is not of much importance, being only a compilation from earlier writers. The part relating to the first quarter of the thirteenth century is the most valuable and interesting. 59. The Anglo-Latin Satirical Poets and Epigrammatists op the Twelfth Cenitjry. Vols. I. and II. Collected and edited by Thomas Wright, Esq., M. A., Corresponding Member of the National Institute of France (Academie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres). 1872 The Poems contained in these volumes have long been known and appreciated as the best satires of the age in which their authors flourished, and were deservedly popidar during the 13th and 14th centuries. 60. Materials tor a History op the Reign of Henry VII., from original Documents PRESERVED in the Public Record Office. Vols. I. and II. Edited 6«the Rev. William Campbell, M.A., one of Her Majesty's Inspectors of Schools. 1873-1877. These volumes are valuable as illustrating the acts and proceedings of Henry VII. on ascending the throne, and shadow out the policy he afterwards adopted. 61. Historical Papers and Letters from the Northern Registers. Edited hy James Raine, M A., Canon of York, and Secretary of the Surtees Society. 1873. The documents in this volume illustrate, for the most part, the general history of the north of England, particularly in its relation to Scotland. 62. JtEGISTRUM PALiTINUM DUNELMENSE. ThE REGISTER OF RiCHARD DE KelLAWE, Lord Palatine and Bishop of Durham ; 1311-1316. Vols. I., II., III., and IV. Edited 6?/ Sir Thomas Duffus Hardy, D.C.L., Deputy Keeper of thfi Public Records. 187-3-1878. Bishop Kcllawe's Kegister contains the proceedings of his prelacy, both lay aud ecclesiastical, and is the earliest Kegister of the Palatinate of Durham. 63. Memorials op Saint Dunstan, Archbishop of Canterbury. JSdited, from various MSS., hy William Stubbs, M.A., Regius Professor of Modern History, and Fellow of Oriel College, Oxford. 1874. This volume contains several lives of Archbishop Dunstan, one of the most celebrated Primates of Canterbury. They open various points of Historical and Literary interest, without which our knowledge of the period would be more incomplete than it is at present. 23 6i. CujioNicoN Anglle, ab Anno Domini 1328 usque ad Annum 1388, Auctoee MoNAcno QuoDAM Sancti Albani. Edited hj Edwakd Maunde Thompson, Esq., Barrisfcer-at-Law, and Assistant-Keeper of the Manuscripts in the British Museum. 1874. This clu-onicle gives a circumstantial history of the close of the reign of Edward III. which has hitherto been considered lost. 65. Thomas Saga Erkibyskups. A Life of Auchbishop Thomas Becket, in Ice- landic. Yds. I. and II. Edited, with English Translation. Notes, and Glossary by M. Eiei'kk Magnusson, M.A., Sub-Librarian of the University Library, Cambridge. 1875-1884. This work is derived from the Life of Becket written by Benedict of Peter- borough, aud apparently supplies the missing portions in Benedict's biography. 66. BiADULPHi DE Coggeshall Ohkonicon Angiicanum. Edited by the Kev. Joseph Stevenson, M.A. 1875. This volume contains the " Chronicou Angiicanum," by Ralph of Coggleshall, the _" Libelhis de Expuguatione Terrse Sancta; per Saladinum," usually ascribed to the same author, and other pieces of an interesting character. 67. Materials for the History of Thomas Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury. Yols. I., II., IIL, lY., Y., and YI. Editedby the Rev. James Craigie Robertson, M. A., Canon of Canterbury. 1875-1883. Yd. YII. Edited by Joseph Brigstocke Sheppard, Esq., LL.D. 1885. This publication comprises all contemporary materials for the history of Archbishop Thomas Becket. The fast volume contains the life of that cele- brated man, and the miracles after his death, by William, a monk of Canter- bury. The second, the life by Benedict of Peterborough ; John of Salisbiuy ; Alan of Tewkesbury; and Edward Grim. The third, the life by William Eitzstephen ; and Herbert of Bosham. The fourth, anonymous lives, Quad- rilogus, &c. The fifth, sixth, and seventh, the Epistles, and known letters. 68. Radulpi de Diceto Decani Lundoniensis Opera Historica, The Historical Works of Master Ralph de Diceto, Dean of London. Yols. I. and II, Edited, from the Origliial Maimscripts, by William Stubes, M.A., Regius Professor of Modern History, and Fellow of Oriel College, Oxford. 1876. The Historical W^orks of Balph de Diceto are some of the most valuable materials for British History. The Abbreviationes Chronicorum extend from the Creation to 1147, and the Ymagines Historiarum to 1201. 69. Roll of the Proceedings of the King's Council in Ireland, foe a Portion OF THE 16th Tear of the Reign of Richard II. 1392-93. Edited by the Rev. James Graves, A.B. 1877. This Roll throws considerable light on the History of Ireland at a period little known. It seems the only document of the kind extant. 70. HeNRICI DE BraCTON DE LegIBUS ET CoNSUETUDINIBUS AnGLI.E LiBRI QuiNQUE IN Yarios Trlctatus Distincti. Ad Diversorum etYetustissimorumCodi- cuM Collationem Typis Yulgati. Yols. I., II., III., IY.,Y.,and YI. Edited by Sir Travers Twiss, Q.G., D.C.L. 1878-1883. This is a new edition of Bracton's celebrated work, collated with MSS. in the British Museum ; the Libraries of Lincoln's Inn, Middle Temple, and Gray's Inn; Bodelian Librarj', Oxford ; the Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris ; &c. 71. The Historians of the Church of York, and its Archbishops. Vols. I. and II. Edited by James Raine, M.A., Canon of York, and Secretary of the Sartees Society. 1879-1886. This will form a complete " Corpus Historicum Eboraceuse," a work verj' much needed, and of great value to the Historical Inquirer. 72. Registrum Malmesburiense. The Register of Malmesbury Abbey; Phe- SERVED in the Public Record Or;FicE. Yols. I. and TI. Edited by J. S. Brewer, M.A., Preacher at the Rolls, aud Rector of Toppesfield ; and Charles Trice Martin, Esq., B.A. 1879, 1880. This work illustrates many curious points of history, the growth of society, the distribution of land, the relations of landlord aud tenant, national customs, &c. 73. Historical Works of Gervase of Canterbury. Yols. T. and If. The Chronicle of the Reigns of Stephen, Henry IT., and Richard I., ey Ger- vase, THE Monk of Canterbu_ey. Editedby Wjclliam Stubbs, D.D. ; Canon Residentiary of St. Paul's, London ; Regius Professor of Modern Histoi'y and Fellow of Oriel College, Oxford ; &c. 1879, 1880. 24 The Historical Works of Gervase of Canterbury are of great importance as regards the qnestions of Church autl State, during the period in which he wrote. This work was printed by Twysden, in the "Historic Anglicause Scriptores X.," more than two centuries ago. The present edition has received critical examination and ilhistration. 74. Henbici Auchidiaconi Huntendunensis Histokia Angloktim. The Histoet OF THE English, by Henky, Archdeacon of Huntingdon, from a.d. 55 to A.D. 1154, in Eight Books. Edited hy Thomas Arnold, Esq., M.A., of University College, Oxford. 1879. Henry of Huntingdon's work was first printed by Sir Henry Savile, in 1596, in his "Scriptores post Bedam," and reprinted at Frankfort in 1601. Both editions are very rare and inaccurate. The first five books of the History were published in 1848 in the " Monumenta Historica Britannica," which is out of print The present volume contains the whole of the manuscript of Huntingdon's History in eight books, collated with a manuscript lately discovered at Paris. 75. The Historical Works of Symeon of Durham. Vols. I. and II. Edited ly Thomas Arnold, Esq., M.A., of University College, Oxford. 1882-1885. The first volume of this edition of the Historical Works of Symeon of Durham, contains the " Historia Dunelmensis Ecclesise," and other Works. The second volume contains the " Historia Regum," &c. 76. Chronicles of the Eeigns of Edward I. and Edward II. Vols. I. and II. Edited hy William Stubbs, D.D., Canon Residentiary of St. Paul's, London ; Reo-iusProfessor of Modern History, and Fellow of Oriel College, Oxford, &(;? 1S82, 1883. The first volume of these Chronicles contains the " Auuales Londonienses and the " Annales Pauliui : " the second, I. — Comniendatio Lameutabihs in Transitu magni Regis Edwardi. II. — Gesta Edwardi de Carnarvan Auctore Cauonico Bridliugtoniensi. III. — Monachi cujusdam Malraesberiensis Vita, Edwardi II. IV. — Vita et Mors Edwardi 11. Conscripta a Thonia de la Moore. 77. Registrum Epistolarum Fkatris Johannis Peckham, Archiepiscopi Can- tuariensis. Vols. I., II., and III, EfiifetZ % Charles Trice Martin, Esq., B.A., F.S.A., 1882-1886. These Letters are of great value for illustrating English Ecclesiastical History. 78. Register of S. Osmund. Edited hj the 'Rev.W.Bi. Rich Jones, M.A.,r.S.A., Canon of Salisbury. Vicar of Bradford-on- Avon. Vols. I. and II. 1883,1884. This Register, of which a complete copy is here printed for the first time, is among the most ancient, and certainly the most treasured, of the muniments. of the Bishops of Salisbury. It derives its name from containing the statutes, rules, and orders made or compiled by S. Osmund, to be observed in the Cathedral and diocese of Salisbury. The first 19 folios contain the " Consuetu- dinary," the exposition, as regards ritual, of the " Use of Sarum." 79 Chartulary of the Ancient Benedictine Abbey of Ramsey, from the MS. in the Public Record Office. Vols. I. and II. 1884,1886. Edited hy William Henry Hart. Esq., F.S.A., and the Rev. Ponsonby Annesley Lyons. This Chartulary of the Ancient Benedictine Monastery of Ramsey, Hunting- donshire, came to the Crown on the Dissolution of Monasteries, was afterwards preserved in the Stone Tower, Westminster Hall, and thence transferred to the Public Record Office. 80. Chartularies of St. Mary's Abbey, Dublin, &c., preserved in the Bodleian Library and British Museum. Edited hy John Thomas Gilbert, Esq., F.S.A., M.R.I. A. Vols. I. & II. 1884 and 1885. These Chartularies, published for the first time, are the only documents of that description known to exist of the ancient establishments of the Cistercian Order in Ireland ; two being of St. Mary's Abbey, Dubliu, and one of the House ai Dunbrody, Wexford. One Chartulary is in the Bodleian Library, Oxford, together with that of Dunbrody ; the second is in the British Museum. 81. Eadmkri Historia Novorum in Anglia, et opuscula duo de Vita Sancti Akselmi ex quibusdam MiRAcuLis ejus. 1884. Edited hy the Rev. Martin Rule, M.A. This volume contains the " Historia; Novorum in Anglia," of Eadmer ; his treatise " Da Vita et conversatione Anselmi Archiepiscopi Cantuariensis," and a Tract entitled " Quaedam Parva Descriptio IMiraculorum gloriosi Patris " Anselmi Cantuarien'sis." 25 82. Cheonicles of the Eeigxs of SiEruEN, Henry II., and Richard I. Vols. I. & II. 1884, 1885. Edited by Richard Howlett, Esq., of the Middle Temple, Barrister-at-law. Vol. I. contains Books I. -IV. of the " Historia Reruni Anglic arum " of William of Newburgh ; Vol. II. contains Book V. of that work, the continuation of the same to A.D. 1298, and the " Draco Norrnaunicus " of Etienne de Rouen. 83. Chronicle of the Anciext Abbey of Ramsey, from the Chartulary of that Abbey, in the Public Record Office. 1886. Edited hy the Rev. William Dunn Macray, M.A., F.S.A., Rector of Ducklington, Oxon. This Chronicle forms part of the Chartulary of the Abbey of llamsey, pre- served in the Public Record Office (see No. 79). 84. Chronica Rogeri de Wendoyer, Site Flores Histoeiarum. Vol. I. Edited hy Henry Gay Hewlett, Esq., Keeper of the Records of the Land Revenue. This edition gives that portion only of Roger of Wendovcr's Chronicle which can be accounted an original authority. 85. The Registers of the Monastery of Christ Church, Canterbury. Edited hy Joseph Brigstocke Sheppard, Esq., LL.D. Vol. I. hi the Press, Chronicle of Robert of Brunne. Edited hy Frederick James Furnivall, Esq., M.A., of Trinity Hall, Cambridge, Barrister-at-Law. Parts I and II. The Metrical Chronicle of Robert of Gloucester. Edited hy "William Aldis Weight, Esq., M.A. Parts I. and II. A Collection of Sagas and other Historical Documents relating to the Settle- ments and Descents of the Northmen on the British Isles. Edited hy Sir George Webbe Dasent, D.C.L., Oxon., and M. Gudbrand Vigfusson, M.A. Vols. I.— IV. Lestorie des Engles solum Geffrei Gaimae. Edited hy Sii* Thomas Duffus Hardy, D.C.L., Deputy Keeper of the Public Records ; continuedhy Charles Trice Martin, Esq., B.A., F.S.A. The Tripartite Life of St. Patrick, vfith other documents relating to that Saint. Edited hy Whitley Stokes, Esq., LL.D., D.C.L., Honorary Fellow of Jesus College, Oxford ; and Corresponding Member of the Institute of France. Chaetulaey OF THE Ancient Benedictine Abbey of Ramsey, from the MS. in the Public Record Office. Vol. III. Editedhy William Heney Haet, Esq., F.S.A., and the Rev. Ponsonby Annesley Lyons. Cheonicles of the Reigns of Stephen, Heney II., and Richaed I, Vol. III. Edited hy Richaed Howlett, Esq., of the Middle Temple, Barrister-at-Law. Willelmi Monachi Malmesbieiensis de Regum Gestis Angloeum, libei V. ; et Histoele N0VELL.E, LIBEI III. Edited fci/ William Stubbs, D.D., Bishop of Chester. Vols. I. and II. Chaetees and Documents, illusteating the Histoey of the Cathedral and City of Sarum, 1100-1300 ; forming an Appendix to the Register of S. Osmund. Vol. III. Edited hy the Rev. W. H. Rich Jones, M. A., F.S.A., Canon of Salisbury, Vicar of Bradford -on- A von. A Collection of the Cheonicles and Ancient Histoeies of Geeat Britain now called England, by John de Waurin. 1399-1422. (Translation of Vol. II). Edited and translated hy Sir William Hardy, F.S.A., and Edward L. C. P. Haedy, Esq., F.S.A., of Lincoln's Inn, Barrister-at-Law. Floees Histoeiaeum, per Matth^um Westmonasteriensem collecti. Edited hy Henry Richards Luard, D.D., Fellow of Trinity College, Registrary of the University, and Vicar of Great St. Mary's, Cambridge. Ranulf de Glanvill ; Tractatus de legibus et consuetudinibus AnGLIjE, &c. Edited hy Sir Teavees Twiss, Q.C, D.C.L. Cheonicle of Adam Mueimuth, with the Cheonicle of Robeet of Avesbuey. Edited hy Edwaed Maunde Thompson, Esq., Keeper and Egerton Librarian of the Manuscript Department in the British Museum. 26 l7i Progress. Descriptive Catalogue of Manuscripts relating to the History of Great Britain and Ireland. Yol. IV. ; 1327, &c. By Sir Thomas Duffus Hardt, D.C.L., Deputy Keeper of the Public Records. The Treatise " DbPrincipum Instructione," of G-iraldusCambrensis; with an Index to the first four volumes of the "Works of Giraldus Cambrensis," edited by the Rev. J. S. Brewer. Edited by George F. Warner, Esq., of the Department of MSS., British Museum. Recueil des Croniques et anchiennes Istories de la Grant Bretaigne a PRESENT NOMME Engleterre, par Jeuan DE Waurin. Vol. Y. 1443-1461. Edited hy Sir William Hardy, F.S.A., and Edward L. C. P. Hardy, Esq., F.S.A., of Lincoln's Inn, Barrister-at-Law. The Red Book of the Exchequer, preserved in the Public Record Office. Edited by Walford Daking Selby, Esq., of the Public Record Office. Annals or Memorials of St. Edmondsbury. Edited by Thomas Arnold, Esq., M.A., of University College, Oxford, Chronicle of Henry Knighton, Canon of Leicester, to the death of Richard II. Edited by the Rev. Joseph Rawson Lumby, D.D. Lexicon Geographicum. From a Manuscript of the 14th centmy. Edited by Frank Scott Haydon, Esq., B.A., Assistant Keeper of the Public Records. Year Books of the Reign of Edward III. Edited and translcdedhy Luke Owen Pike, Esq., M.A., of Lincoln's Inn, Barrister-at-Law. Chronica Rogeri de Wendover, Sive Plores Historiarum. Edited by Henry Gay Hewlett, Esq., Keeper of the Records of the Land Revenue. Yol. II. The Registers of the Monastery of Christ Church Canterbury. Edited hy Joseph Brigstocke Sheppard, Esq., LL.D. Yol. II. publicatio:n^s of the recoed commissioners. &c. [In boards or cloth.] Rotulorum Originalium in Curia Scaccarii Abbreviatio. Hen. III. — Edw. III. Edited by Henry Playford, Esq. 2 Yols. folio (1805—1810). 12s. M. each. Oalendarium Inquisitionum post Mortem sive Escaetarum. Hen. III. — Ric. III. Edited by John Caley and John Bayley, Bsqrs. Folio (1821—1828) : Yol. 3, 21s. ; Vol. 4, 24s. LiBRORUM Manuscriptorum Bibliothec^ Harleian^e Catalogus. Yol. 4. Edited hy the Rev. T. Hartwell Horne. Folio (1812), 18s. Abbreviatio Placitorum. Richard I. — Edward II. Edited &?/ the Right Hon. George Rose and W. Illingworth, Esq. 1 Yol. folio (1811), 18s. LiBRi Censualis vocati Domesday-Book, Indices. Edited by Sir Henry Ellis. Folio (1816), (Domesday-Book, Yol. 3). 21s. LiBRi Censualis vocati Domesday-Book, Additamenta ex Codic. Antiquiss. Edited by Sir Henry Ellis. Folio (1816), (Domesday-Book, Yol. 4), 21s. Statutes of the Realm. Edited hy Sir T. E. Tomlins, John Raithby, John Caley, and Wm. Elliott, Esqrs. Yols. 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11, folio (1819— 1828). 31s. Qd. each ; Indices, 30s. each. 27 Valor Ecclesiasticus, temp.Hen. VIII., AuctoritateEegiainstitutus. E'ditedhy Jonx Caley, Esq., and the Kev. Joseph Huutee. Vols. 3 to 6, folio (1817- 1834). 25s. each. The Introduction, separately, 8to. 2s. 6d. RoTTJLi Scotia in Tukei Londinensi et in Domo Capitulari Westmonasteriens Asservati. 19 Edw. I. — Hen. VIII. Edited hy D. Macpiieesox, J. Caiet, W. Illingwoeth, Esqrs., and Eev. T. H. Hoene. Vol. 2. folio (1818). 21s. FcEDERA, CoN'STiNTiONES, LiTTER/E, &c. ; Or, Eymer's F(edeea, New Edition, folio. Vol. 3, Part 2, 1361—1377 (1830): Vol. 4, 1377—1383 (1869). Editedhy John Caley and Feed. Holbrooke, Esqrs. Vol. 3, Part 2, 21s. ; Vol. 4, 6s. DucATus Lancastei.e Calendaeium Inqui.sitionum post Moetem, &c. Part 3, Calendar to Pleadings, &c., Hen. VII.— 13 Eliz. Part 4, Calendar to Plead- ings, to end of Eliz. (1827— 1834.) Edited by E. J. Haepee, John Caley, and Wm. Minchin, Escirs. Folio. Part 3 (or Vol. 2), 31s. 6(7. ; Part 4 (or Vol. 3), 21s. Calendaes of the Peoceedings in Chanceey, Eliz. ; with Examples of Proceed- ings from Eic. II. Edited hy John Bayley, Esq. Vol. 3 (1832), folio, 21s. Parliamentary Writs and Writs or Military SuiiiioNS, with Eecords and Muniments relating to Suit and Service to Parliament, &c. Edited hy Sir Francts Palgeave. (1830—1834.) Folio. Vol. 2, Diy. 1, Edw." II., 21s. ; Vol. 2, Div. 2, 21s. ; Vol. 2, Div. 3, 42s. RoTULi Litterarum Clausarum in Turri Londinensi asservati. 2 Vols, folio (1833, 1844). Vol. 1, 1204—1224. Vol. 2, 1224—1227. Edited hy Thomas DuFFUS Hardy, Esq. Vol. 1, 63s. ; Vol. 2, 18s. Proceedings and Ordinances of the Privy Council of England. 10 Eic. II. — 33 Hen. VIII. Edited hy Sir Nicholas Harris Nicolas. 7 Vols, royal 8vo. (1834—1837). 14s. each. Eotitli Litterarum Patentii>m IN Turri Lond. asservati. 1201 — 1216. Edited hy T. DuFFUS Hardy, Esq. 1 Vol. folio (1835), 31s. 6d. The Introduction, separately, 8vo. 9s. Eotuli Curle Eegis. Eolls and Eecords of the Court held before the King's Justiciars or Justices. 6 Eichard I. — 1 John. Edited hy Sir Francis Palgeave. 2 Vols, royal 8vo. (183-5). 28s. Eotuli NoEMANNi^ IN Tueri Lond. asservati. 1200 — 1205 ; 1417 — 1418. Edited by Thomas Duffus Hardy, Esq. 1 Vol. royal 8vo. (1835). 12s. 6d. Eotuli de Oblatis et Finibus in Turri Lond. asservati, temp. Eegis Johannis. Edited hy Thomas Duffus Hardy, Esq. 1 Vol. royal 8to. (1835). 18s. ExcERPTA E Eotulis Finium IN TuRRi LoNDiNENSi ASSERVATis. Henry III., 1216 — 1272. Edited hy Charles Eoberts, Esq. 2 Vols, royal 8vo. (1835. 1836) ; Vol. 1, 14s. ; Vol. 2, 18s. Fines, sive Pedes Finium; sive Finales CoNCOEDm in Curia Domini Eegis. 7 Eichard I. — 16 John, 1195 — 1^214. Edited hy the Eev. Joseph Hunter. In Counties. 2 Vols, royal 8vo. (1835—1844) ; Vol. 1, 8s. Qd. ; Vol. 2, 2s. Qd. Ancient Kalendars and Inventories of the Treasury of His Majesty's Ex- chequer ; with Documents illustrating its History. Edited hy Sir Francis Palgrave. 3 Vols, royal 8vo. (1836). • 42s. Documents and Eecords illuBtrating the History of Scotland, and Transactions between Scotland and England; preserved in the Treasury of Her Majesty's Exchequer. Edited hy Sir Francis Palgrave. 1 Vol. royal 8vo. (1837) . 18s. Eotuli Chartarum in Turri Londinensi asservati. 1199 — 1216. Edited hy Thomas Duffus Hardy, Esq. 1 Vol. folio (1837). 30s. Eeport of the Proceedings of the Eecord Commissioners, 1831 — 1837. 1 Vol. folio (1837). 8s. Registeum Yulgariter nuncupatum " The Eecord of Caernarvon," e codice MS. Harleiano, 696, descriptum. Edited by Sir Heney Elijs. 1 Vol. folio (1838), 31s. 6cZ. 28 Ancient Laws and Institutes or England ; comprising Laws enacted under the Anglo-Saxon Kings, with Translation of the Saxon ; the Laws called Edward the Confessor's ; the Laws of William the Conqueror, and those ascribed to Henry I. ; Monumenta Ecclesiastica Anglicana, from 7th to 10th century ; and Ancient Latin Yersion of the Anglo-Saxon Laws. Edited by Benjamin Thoepe, Esq. 1 Vol. folio (1840), 40s. 2 Vols. royal 8yo, 30s. Ancient Laws and Institutes or Wales ; comprising Laws supposed to be enacted by Howel the Grood, modified by Eegulations prior to the Conquest by Edward I. ; and anomalous Laws, principally of Institutions which continued in force. With Translation. Also, Latin Transcripts, con- taining Digests of Laws, principally of the Dimetian Code. Edited hy Aneukin Owen, Esq. 1 Vol. folio (1841), 44s. 2 Vols, royal 8vo., 36s. Eotuli de Libehate AC DE Misis ET PrjESTitis, Regnante Johanne. Edited hy Thomas Dufeus Hardy, Esq. 1 Vol. royal 870. (1844). 6s. The Great Rolls of the Pipe, 2, 3, 4 Hen. II., 1155—1158. Edited hy the Rev. Joseph Hunter. 1 Vol. royal 8vo. (1844). 4s. 6d. The Great Roll op the Pipe, 1 Ric. I., 1189 — 1190. Edited hy the Rev. Joseph Hunter. 1 Vol. royal 8vo. (1844). 6s. Documents Illustrative of English History in the 13th and 14th centuries, from the Records of the Queen's Remembrancer in the Exchequer. Edited hy Henry Cole, Esq. 1 Vol. fcp. folio (1844). 5s. 6d. Modus Tenendi Parliamentum. An Ancient Treatise on the Mode of holding the Parliament in England. Edited hy Thomas Duffus Hardy, Esq. 1 Vol. 8vo. (1846). 2s. 6d. Eegistrum Magni Sigilli Reg. Scot, in Archivis Publicis asservatum. 1306— 1424. Edited hy Thomas Thomson, Esq. Folio (1814). 10s. 6d. Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland. Folio) 1814 — 1875). Edited hy Thomas Thomson and Cosmo Innes, Esqrs. Vol. 1, 42s. Vols. 5 and 6 (in three Parts), 21s. each Part; Vols. 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11, 10s. 6d. each; Vol. 12 (Index), 63s. Or, 12 Volumes in 13, 121. 12s. Acts of the Lords Auditors of Causes and Complaints (Acta Dominorum Audi- torum). 1466—1494. Edited hy Thomas Thomson, Esq. Folio (1839). 10s. 6d. Acts of the Lords of Council in Civil Causes (Acta Dominorum Concilii), 1478—1495. Edited hy Thomas Thomson, Esq. Folio (1839). 10s. 6d. Issue Roll of Thomas de Brantingham, Bishop of Exeter, Lord High Treasurer, containing Payments out of the Revenue, 44 Edw. III., 1370. Edited hy Frederick Devon, Esq. 1 Vol. 4to. (1835), 35s. Or, royal 8vo., 25s. Issues of the Exchequer, James I. ; from the Pell Records. Edited hy Frederick Devon, Esq. 1 Vol. 4to. (1836), 30s. Or, royal 8vo., 21s, Issues of the Exchequer, Henry III. — Henry VI. ; from the Pell Records. Edited hy Frederick Devon, Esq. 1 Vol. 4to. (1837), 40s. Or, royal 8vo., 30s. Handbook to the Public Records. By F. S. Thomas, Esq., Secretary of the Public Record Office. 1 Vol. royal 8vo. (1853). 12s. Historical Notes relath'e to the History of England. Henry VIII. — Anne (1509 1714). A Book of Reference for ascertaining the Dates of Events. By F. S. Thomas, Esq. 3 Vols. 8vo. (1856). 40s. State Papers, during the Reign of Henry the Eighth : with Indices of Persons and Places. 11 Vols. 4to. (1830—1852), 10s. 6d. each. Vol.1. — Domestic Correspondence. Vols. II. & HI- — Correspondence relating to Ireland. Vols. TV. & V. — Correspondence relating to Scotland. Vols. VI. to XI. — Correspondence between England and Foreign Courts, 29 WORKS PUBLISHED IN PHOTOZINCOGRAPHY. DjMESDAY Book, or the Great Survey of Exglaxd of 'WiLLiAir the Conqtteeob,, 1086 ; fac-simile of the Part relating to each county, separately (with a few- exceptions of double counties). Photozincographed, by Her Majesty's Com- mand, at the Ordnance Survey Office, Southampton, Colonel Sir Hejtrt James, E.E., F.R.S., &c.. Director- General of the Ordxance Survey, under the Superintendence of W. Basevi Sanders, Esq., Assistant Keeper of Her Majesty's Records. 35 Parts, imperial quarto and demy quarto (1861-1863), boards. Price 8s. to 11. 3s. each Part, according to size; or, bound in 2 Vols., 20L {The edition in two volumes is out of 'print.) This important and unique survey of the greater portion of England* is the oldest and most valuable record in the national archives. It Mas commenced about the year 1084 and finished in 1086. Its compilation -was deti-rmined upon at Gloucester by William the Conqueror, in council, in order that he might know what was due to him, in the way of tax, from his subjects, and that each at the same time might know what he had to pay. It was compiled as much lor their protection as for the benefit of the sovereign. The nobility and people had been grievously distressed at the time by the king bringing over large num- bers of French and Bretons, and quartering them on his subjects, " each " according to the measure of his land," for the purpose of resisting the invasion of Cnut, King of Denmark, which was apprehended. The Commissioners appointed to make the survey were to inquire the name of each place ; who held it in the time of King Edward the Confessor ; the present possessor ; how many hides were in the manor ; how many ploughs were in the demesne ; how many homagers ; how manj- villeins ; how many cottars ; how many serving men ; how manj^ free tenants; how many tenants in soccage ; how much wood, meadow, and pasture; the number of mills and fish ponds ; what had been added or taken away from the place ; what was the gross value in the time of Edward the Confessor ; the present value ; and how much each free man or soc-man had, and whether any udvance could be made in the value. Thus could be ascertained who held the estate in the time of King Edward ; who then held it ; its value in the time of the late King ; and its value as it stood at the formation of the survey. So minute was the survey, that the writer of the contemporary portion of the Saxon Chronicle records, with some asperity — " So verj- narrowly he caused it to be " traced out, that there was not a single hide, nor one virgate of land, nor even, " it is shame to tell, though it seemed to him no shame to do, an ox, nor a cow, " nor a swine was left, that was not set down." Domesday Survey is in two parts or volumes. The first, in folio, contains the counties of Bedford, Berks, Bucks, Cambridge, Chester, and Lancaster, Corn- wall, Derby, Devon, Dorset, Gloucester, Hants, Hereford, Herts, Huntingdon, Kent, Leicester and Kutland, Lincoln, Middlesex, Northampton, Nottingham, Oxiord, Salop, Somerset, Stafford, Surrey, Sussex, Warwick, Wilts, Worcester, and York. The second volume, in quarto, contains the counties of Essex, Norfolk and Suffolk. Domesday Book was printed verhatim et literatim during the last century, in consequence of an address of the House of Lords to King George III. in 1767. It was not, however, commenced until 1773, and was completed early in 1783. In 1860, Her Majesty's Government, with the concurrence of the Master of the Eolls, determined to apply the art of photozincography to the production of a fac-simile of Domesday Book, under the superintendence of Colonel Sir Henry James, K.E., Director-General of the Ordnance Survey, Southampton, The fac-simile was completed in 1863. * For some roason left unexplained, many parts were left unsur\e,ved; Northumberland, Cumber- land, Westmoreland, and Durham, are not descriljed in the survey ; nor does Lancashire appear under its proper name ; but Furness, and tlie northern part of Lancashire, as well as the soutli of Westmore- land, with a part of Cumberland, are included within the West Riding of Yorkshire. That i)art of Lancashire which lies between the Ribble and Mersey, and which at the time of the survey compre- hended 688 manors, is joined to Cheshire. Part of Rutland is described in the counties of Northampton and Lincoln. 30 Fac-similes of National ilAxuscEipis, from William the Coxqu£roe to Queen Anne, selected under the direction of the Master of the Rolls, and Photo- zincographed, by Commaud of Her Majesty, by Colonel Sir Henky James, E.E., F.R.S., Director-General of the Ordnance Survey, and edited by W. Basevi Sanders, Assistant Keeper of Her Majesty's Records. Price, each Part, with translations and notes, double foolscap folio, 16s. Part I. (William the Conqueror to Henry VII.). 1865. {Out of prhit.) Part II. (Henry VIII. and Edward VI.)' 1866. Part III. (Mary and Elizabeth). 1867. Part IV. (James I. to Anne). 1868. The first Part extends from William the Cv>uqueror to Henry VII., aud contains autographs of the kings of England, as well as of many other illustrious per- sonages famous in histor^y, and some interesting charters, letters patent, and state papers. The second Part, for the reigns of Henry VIII and Edward VI., consists principally of holograph letters, and autographs of kings, princes, statesmen, and other persons of great historical interest, who lived during those reigns. The third Part contains similar documents for the reigns ,of Mary and Elizabeth, including a signed bill of Lady Jane Grey. The fourth Part con- cludes the series, and comprises a number of documents taken from the originals belonging to the Constable of the Tower of London ; also several records illus- trative of the Gunpowder Plot, and a woodcut containing portraits of Mary Queen of Scots and James VI., circulated by their adherents in England, 1580-3. Fac-similes of Anglo-Saxon Manuscripts. Photozincographed, by Command of Her Majesty, upon the recommendation of the Master of the Rolls, by the Director- General of the Ordnance Survey, Lieut. -General J. Cameron, R.E., C.B., F.R.S., and edited by W. Basevi Sanders, Assistant Keeper of Her Majesty's Records. Part I. Price 21. 10s. The Anglo-Saxon MSS. represented in this volume form the earlier portions of the collection of archives belonging to the Dean and Chapter of Canterbury, and consist of a series of 25 charters, deeds, and wills, commencing with a record of proceedings at the first Synodal Council of Clovestho in 742, and terminating with the first part of a tripartite cheirograph, whereby Thurston conveyed to the Chuixh of Canterbury land at Wimbish in Essex, in 1049, the sixth 3'ear of the reign of Edward the Confessor. Fac-similes of Anglo-Saxon Manuscripts. Photozincographed, by Command of Her Majesty, upon the recommendation of the Master of the Roils, by the Director- General of the Ordnance Survey, Major- Genera I A. Cooke, R.E., C.B., and collected and edited by W. Basevi Sanders, Assistant Keeper of Her Majesty's Rscords. Part II. Price 31. 10s. (Also, separately. Edward the Confessor's Charter. Price 2s.) The originals of the Fac-similes contained in this volume belong io the Deans and Chapters of Westminster, Exeter, Wells, Winchester, and Worcester ; the Marquis of Bath, the Earl of Ilehester, Winchester College, BLer Majesty's Public Record Office, Bodleian Library, Somersetshire Archaeological and National History Society's Museum in Taunton Cattle, and William Salt Library at Stafford. They consist of charters and other documents granted by, or during the reigns of, Baldred, ^thelred, Offa, and Burgred, Kings of Mercia ; Uhtred of the Huiccas, Ceadwalla aud Ini of Wessex ; ^thelwulf, Eadwardthe Elflei', iEthelstan, Eadnnmd the First, Eadred, Eadwig, Eadgar, Eadward the Second, .^thelred the Second, Cnut, Eadward the Confessor, and William the Conqueror, embracing altogether a period of nearly four hundred years. Fac-similes of Anglo-Saxon Manuscripts. Photozincographed, by Commaud of Her Majesty, upon the recommendation of the Master of the Rolls, by the Director-General of the Ordnance Survey, Colonel R. H. Stotuerd, R.E., C.B., and collected and edited by W. Basevi Sanders, Assistant Keeper of Her Majesty's Records. Part III. Price 31. 10s. This volume contains fac-similes of the Ashburnham collection of Anglo-Saxon Charters, &e., including King Alfred's Will. The MSS. represented in it, range from A.D. 697 to A.D. ilGl, being charters, wills, deeds, and reports of Synodal transactions during the reigns of Kings Wihtred of Kent, Offa, Eardwulf , Coenwulf, Cuthred, Beornwulf, ^thelwulf, iElfred, Eadward the Elder, Eadmund, Eadred, Queeu Eadgifu, and Kings Eadgar, ^Ethelrcd the Second, Cnut, Henry the First, and Henry the Second. In addition to these are two belonging to the Marquis of Anglesey, one of them being the Foundation Charter of Burton Abbey by -Ethclred the Second with the testament of its great benefactor Wulfric. P white Record Offi.ce, November 1886. HISTOEICAL MANUSCRIPTS COMMISSION. BEPOKTS OF THE ROYAL COMj\nSSIONERS APPOINTED TO INQUIRE WHAT PAPERS AND MANUSCRIPTS BELONGING TO PRIVATE FAl\nLIES AND INSTITUTIONS ARE EXTANT WHICH WOULD BE OF UTILITY IN THE ILLUSTRATION OF HISTORY, CONSTITUTIONAL LAW, SCIENCE. AND GENERAL LITERATURE. 1870 (Ke- printed 1874.) 1871 1872 First Eeport, with Appendix Contents : — England. House of Lords ; Cauibriiloje Colleges ; Abingdon, and other Cor- porations, &c. Scotland. Advocates' Library, Glas- gow Corporation, &c. Ireland. Dublin, Cork, and other Cor- porations, &c. Second Report, ■with Appendix, and Index to the First and Second Ee- PORTS - - - - - Contents : — England. House of Lords; Cam- bridge Colleges ; Oxford Colleges ; Monastery of Dominican Friars at Woodchester, Duke of Bedford, Earl Spencer, &c. Scotland. Aberdeen and St. An- drew's Universities, &c. Ireland. Marquis of Ormonde ; Dr. Lyons, &c. Third Report, with Appendix and Index . . . . - Contents :-- England. House of Lords; Cam- bridge Colleges ; Stonyhurst Col- lege ; Brklgewater and other Cor- porations ; Duke of Northumber- land, Marquis of Lansdowne, Mar- quis of Bath, &c. Scotland. University of Glasgow ; Duke of Montrose, &c. Ireland. Marquis of Onnonde ; Black Book of Limerick, &c. f'cap C. 55 C. 441 C. G73 3 10 6 32 Datfi. Size. Sessional Paper. 1873 1876 1877 1879 1881 Fourth Report, Part I. - Contents : — England, minster Oxford Hythe ATiTH Appendix. House of Lords; West- Abbey ; Cambridge and Colleges ; Cinque Ports, and other Corporations, Marquis of Bath, Earl of Denbigh, &c. Scotland. Duke of Argyll, &e. Ireland, Trinity College, Dublin; Marquis of Ormonde. Ditto. Part II. Index - - - Fifth Report, -with Appendix. Part I. - Contents : — England. House of Lords ; Oxford and Cambridge Colleges ; Dean and Chapter of Canterbury ; Rye, Lydd, and other Corporations, Duke of Sutherland, Marquis of Lansdowne, Reginald Cholmondeley, Esq., &c. Scotland. Earl of Aberdeen, &c. Ditto. Part II. Index - - - Sixth Report, -r-ith Appendix. Part I. - Contents : — England. House of Lords ; Oxford and Cambridge Colleges ; Lambeth Palace; Black Book of the Arch- deacon of Canterbury ; Bridport, Wallingford, and other Corporations ; Lord Leconfield, Sir Reginald Graham, Sir Henry Ingilby, &c. Scotland. Duke of Argyll, Earl of Moray, &c. lREL.iND. Marquis of Ormonde. Ditto. Part IL Index - - - Seventh Report, "with Appendix. Part I. - Contents : — House of Lords ; County of Somerset ; Earl of Egmont, Sir Frederick Graham, Sir Harry Verney, &c. Ditto. Part II. Appendix and Index - Contents : — Duke of Athole, Marquis of Ormonde, S. F. Livingstone, Esq., &c. Eighth Report, with Appendix and Index. Part I. . . _ Contents : — List of collections examined, 1869-1880. England. House of Lords ; Duke of Marlborough ; Magdalen College, Oxford ; Royal College of Physicians ; Qu€en Anne's reap C. 857 C. 857 i. C. 1432 C. 1432i. C. 1745 C. 2102 C. 2340 C. 2340 i. C. 3040 33 Size. Sessional Paper. Price. Bounty Office; Corporations of Chester, Leicester, &c. Ireland. Marquis of Ormonde, Lord Emly, The O'Conor Don, Trinity College, Dublin, &c. Ditto. Part II. Appendix and Index - Contents : — Duke of Manchester. Ditto. Part III. Appendix and Index - Contents : — Earl of Ashburnham. Calendar op the Manuscripts of the Marquis of Salisbury, K.G. Part I. • Ninth Report, -with Appendix and Index. Part I. - Contents :^ St. Paul's and Canterbury Cathedrals ; Eton College ; Carlisle, Yarmouth, Cancerbury, and Barnstaple Corpora- tions, &c. Ditto. Part II. Appendix and Index - Contents : — England. House of Lords ;• Earl of Leicester ; C Pole Gell, Alfred :Mor- rison. Esquires, &c. Scotland. Lord Elphinstouc, 11. C. Maxwell Stuart, Esq., &c. Ireland. Duke of Leinster, IMarquis of Drogheda, &c. Ditto. Part III. Appendix and Index - . . . - Contents : — Mrs. Stopford Sackvillc. Tenth Report . . - . This is introductory to the following : — (1.) Appendix and Index The Earl of Eglinton, Sir J. S. Max- well, Bart., and C. S. H. D. Moray, C. F. Weston Underwood, G. AV. Digby, Esquires. (2.) Appendix and Index Wells Cathedral. (3.) Appendix and Index The Family of Gawdy, formerly of Norfolk. (4.) Appendix and Index The Earl of AVestmorland, Captain Ste:wart, Lord Muncaster. Shrop- shire Collections, &c. Part IV. fcap C. 304Ui C.3040ii. 8vo. I C. 3777 fcap j C. 3773 C. 3773i. „ C.3773ii. 8vo. C. 4548 ! 1 . „ I C. 4575 C.457r, ii. C.4576iii C. 4576 s. d. 1 » 1 4 3 5 5 -J. 1 7 3 3 7 2 1 4 3 6 34 D^tc. c,. Sessional ^'■''- Paper. Price. - (5.) Appendix and Index - - - The Marquis of Ormonde, Earl of Fingall, Corporations of Galway, Waterford, the Sees of Dublin and of Ossorj-, Archives of the Jesuits in Ireland. Part V. (6.) Appendix and Index - - - Marquis of Abergavenny, Lord Braye, &c. In the Press. 8vo. 45/6 i. s. d. 2 10 Stationery Office, January 1887. 3®; ANNUAL REPORTS OF THE DEPUTY KEEPER OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS. REPORTS Nos. 1-22, IN FOLIO, PUBLISHED BETWEEN 1840 AND 1861, ARE NO LONGER ON SALE. SUBSEQUENT REPORTS ARE IN OCTAYO. Date. Number of Report. Chief Contents of Appendices. Price. 1802 18C3 18fi4 ISC'; 18CG 18C7 23 Subjects of Research by Literary Inquirers, 1852- 18G1. — Attendances at the various Ifecord Offices, previously to the passing of the Public Pecord Act. 24 List of Calendar.*, Indexes, &c., in the Public Record Office. Calendar of Crown Leases, 33-38 Hen. VIII.— Calendar of Bills and Answers, &c.. Hen. VHI.- Ph. & Mary, for Cheshire and Flintshire. — List of Lords High Treasurers and Chief Commissioners of the Treasury, from Hen. VII. 26 List of Plans annexed to Inelosure Awards, 31 Geo. II.-7 Will. IV.— Calendar of Privy SeaKs, &c., Hen. VI.-Eliz., for Cheshire and Flintshire. — Calendar of Writs of General Livery, &c., for Cheshire, Eliz.-Charles I. — Calendar of Deeds, &c., on the Chester Plea Rolls, Hen. III. and Edw. I. — List of Documents photoziucographed. Will. I.-Hen. VII. 27 List of Awards of Inelosure Commissioners. — Refer- ences to Charters in the Carta; Antiquae and the Confirmation Rolls of Chancery, Ethelbert of Kent-James I. — Calendar of Deeds, Sic, on the Chester Plea Rolls, Edw. II. — List of Documents photoziucographed. Hen. VIII. and Edw. VI. 23 Fees in the Public Record Office. —Calendar of Fines, Cheshire and Flintshire, Edw. I. — Calendar of Deeds, &c., on the Chester Plea Rolls, Edw. III. — List of Documents pbotozincographed, Mary and Eliz., and Scottish, Part I. -Table of Law Terms, from the Normau Conquest to 1 Will. IV. 8 1 6 lOi 36 Date. Number of Report. Chief Contents of Appendices. Price. 1868 ISCO 1S70 1871 29 .".() 31 .32 iS71 5872 33 IS 73 1874 34 Calendar of Royal Charters. — Calendar of Deeds, &c., on the Chester Plea Rolls, Richard II.- Hen. VII. — Durham Records, Letter and Report. Duchy of Lancaster Records, Inventory. — Durham Records, Inventory, Indexes to KeUawe's Regis- ter. — Calendar of Deeds, &c., on the Chester Plea Rolls, Hen. VIII. — Calendar of Decrees of Court of General Surveyors, 34-38 Hen. VIII. — Calen- dar of Royal Charters.— State Paper Office, Calen- dar of Documents relating to the History of, to 1800. — List of Documents photozincographed, Eliz.-Anne. — Tower of London. Index to Docu- ments in custody of the Constable of — Calendar of Dockets, &c., for Privy Seals, 1634-1711, in the British Museum. Report of the Commissioners on Carte Papers. — Venetian Ciphers. Duchy of Lancaster Records, Calendar of Royal Charters, Will. II.-Ric. II.— Durham Records, Calendar of Chancery Enrolments ; Cursitor's Records. — List of Officers of Palatinate of Chester, in Cheshire and Flintshire, and North Wales..^- List of Sheriffs of England, 31 Hen. I. to 4 Edw. III. — List of Documents photozincographed, Scottish, Part II. Part I. — Report of the Commissioners on Carte Paper.s. — Calendarium Genealogicum, 1 & 2 Edw. II. — Durham Records, Calendar of Cursi- tor's Records, Chancery Enrolments. — Duch}' of Lancaster Records, Calendar of Rolls of the Chancery of the County Palatine. Part II. — Charities ; Calendar of Trust Deeds en- rolled on the Close Rolls of Chancery, subsequent to 9 Geo. 11. c. xxxvi. Duchy of Lancaster Records, Calendar of Rolls of the Chancery of the County Palatine. — Durham Records, Calendar of the Cursitor's Records, Chancery Enrolments. — Report on the Shaftes- bury Papers. — Venetian Transcripts. — Greek copies of the Athanasian Creed. Parliamentary Petitions ; Index to the Petitions, to the King in Council.— Durham Records, Calen- dar of the Cursitor's Records, Chancery Enrol- ments. — List of Documents photozincographed. Scottish, Part III. — Supplementary Report on the Shaftesbury Papers. Duchy of Lancaster Records, Calendar of Ancient Charters or Grants. — Palatinate of Lancaster ; Inventory and Lists of Documents transferred to the Public Record Office.— Durham Records, Calendar of Cursitor's Records, (.'hancery Enrol- ments. — List of Documents photozincographed, Irish, Part I. — Second Supplementary J?eport on the Shaftesbury Papers. s. d. 9 3 1 10 1 6 37 Date. Number of Report. Chief Contents of Appendices. Price. 1875 187C 1870 1877 1878 36 .37 1879 1880 .38 39 40 41 1881 1882 42 43 Durham Records, Calendar of the Cursitor's Re- cords, Chancery Enrolments. — Duchy of Lan- caster Records ; Calendar of Ancient Charters or Grants. — List of Documents photoziucographed ; Irish, Part II. — M. Armand Baschet's Report upon Documents in French Archives relating to British History. — Calendar of Recognizance Rolls of the Palatinate of Chester, to end of reign of Hen. IV. . Part I. — Durham Records, Calendar of the Cursi- tor's Records, Chancery Enrolments. — Duchy of Lancaster Records, Calendar of Ancient Rolls of the Chancery of the County Palatine. — I\I. l>as- chet's list of French Ambassadors, &e., in Eng- land, 1509-1714. Part II. — Calendar of Recognizance Rolls of the Palatinate of Chester; Hen. V.-Hen. VII. Exchequer Records, Catalogue of Special Commis- sions, 1 Eliz. to 10 Vict., Calendar of Depositions taken by Commission, 1 Eliz. to end of James I. — List of Representative Peers for .Scotland and Ireland. Calendar of Recognizance Rolls of the Palatinate of Chester, 1 Hen. VIII.-ll Geo. IV.— Exchequer Records, Calendar of Depositions taken by Cora- mission, Charles I. — Duchy of Lancaster Records ; Calendar of Lancashire Inquisitions post Mortem, &c. — Third Supplementary Report on the Shaftes- bury Papers. — Anglo-Saxon Charters photoziuco- graphed. — M. Baschet's List of Despatches of French Ambassadors to England, 1509-1714. Calendar of Depositions taken by Commission ; Commonwealth-James II. — Miscellaneous Re- cords of Queen's Remembrancer in the Exchequer. — Durham Records, Calendar of the Cursitor's Records, Chancery Enrolments. — Duchy of Lancaster Records, Calendar of Patent Rolls, 5 Ric. II.-21 Hen. VII. — Rules and Regulations respecting the public use of the Records. Calendar of Depositions taken by Commission, William and Mary to George I. — Calendar of Norman Rolls, Hen. V., Part I. — Anglo-Saxon Charters photoziucographed. — Report from Rome. — List of Calendars, Indexes, &c. in the Public Record Office on 31st December 1879. Calendar of Depositions taken by Commission, George II.--Calendar of Norman Rolls, Hen. V., Part II. and Glossary. — Calendar of Patent Rolls, 1 Edw. I. — Anglo-Saxon Charters photoziuco- graphed. — Transcripts from Paris. Calendar of Privy Seals, &c., 1-7 Charles I. — Duchy of Lancaster Records, Inventory of Court Rolls, Hen. III.-Geo. IV., Calendar of Privy Seals, s. d. 4 4 1 2 4 4 4 3 4 6 4 8 4 3 lo 38 Date. Number of Report. Chief Contents of Appendices. Price. 1883 44 1884 45 ISSt 46 1886 47 Ric. II.— Calendar of Patent Rolls, 2 Edw. I.- Anglo-Saxon Charters photozincographed. — Fourth Supplementary Report on the Shaftesbury Papers. — Transcripts from Paris. — Report on Libraries in Sweden. — Report on Papers relating to English History in the State Archives, Stockholm. — Report on Canadian Archives. Calendar of Patent Rolls, 3 Edw. I. — Durham Re- cords, Cursitor's Records, Inquisitions post Mortem, &c.— Calendar of French Rolls, 1-10 Hen. V. — Anglo-Saxon Charters photozinco- graphed. — Report from Venice. — Transcripts from Paris. — Report from Rome. Duchy of Lancaster Records, Inventory of Ministers' and Receivers' Accounts, Edw. I.-Geo. III. — Durham Records, Cursitor's Records, Inquisi- tions post Mortem, &c. — Treasury of the Receipt of the Exchequer, Calendar of Diplomatic Docu- ments. — Anglo-Saxon Charters photozinco- graphed. — Transcripts from Paris. — Reports from Rome and Stockholm. — Report on Archives of Denmark, &c. — Transcripts from Venice'. — Calen- dar of Patent Rolls, 4 Edw. T. Presentations to Offices on the Patent Rolls, Charles II. — Anglo-Saxon Charters, Ccc, photo- zincographed. — Transcripts from Paris Reports from Rome. — Second Report on Archives of Den- mark, &c. — Calendar of Patent Rolls, .5 Edw. I. — Catalogue of Venetian Manuscripts bequeathed by Mr. Rawdon Brown to the Public Record Office. Transcripts from Paris. — Reports from Home. — Third Report on Archives of Denmark, &e. — List of Creations of Peers and Baronets, 1483- 1646.— Calendar of Patent Rolls, 6 Edw. I. There have also been printed Indexes to Reports 1-22, and Reports 23-39. S. i1. 4 8 2 10 Public Record Office, January 1887. 39 SCOTLAND, CATALOGUE OP SCOTCH RECORD PUBLICATIONS PUBLISHED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE LORD CLERK REGISTER OF SCOTLAND. [Other Works relating to Scotland will be found among the Publications OF THE KeCORD COMMISSIONERS, ."fee pp. 26-28.] 1 , Chronicles op the Picts and Scots, and other early Memorials of Scottish History. Eoyal 8vo., half bound (1867). Edited hy William F. Skene LL.D. FricelQs. Out of print. 2. Ledger of Andrew Halyburton, Conservator of the Privileges of the Scotch Nation in the Netherlands (1492-1503) ; together with the Books of Customs and Valuation of Merchandises in Scotland. Edited hv Cosmo Iknes. Eoyal 8vo., half boniid (1867). FricelOs. Z. Documents illustrative of the History of Scotland from the Death of King Alexander the Third to the Accession of Egbert Bruce, from original and authentic copies in London, Paris, Brnssels, Lille, and Ghent. In 2 Vol?, royal 8vo., half bound (1870). Editrd hy Eev. Joseph Stevenson, Price loV, each. 4. Accounts op the Lord High Treasurer of Scotland. Vol IAD 1473- 1498. JE/fZt^efZ 5?y Thomas Dickson. 1877. Pnce 10s. 5. Eegister of the Privy Council of Scotland. Edited and arranged by J M Burton, LL.D. Vol. 1, 1545-1569. Vol. 2, 1569-1578. Vol. 3, A D 1578- 1585. Vol. 4, A.D. L585-1592. Vol. 5, 1592-1599. Vol. 6, 1599-1604 Vol. 7, 1604-1607. Vol. 8 in progress. Edited by David Masson, LL d' 1877-1884. Price 15s. each. ' ' 6. EoTULi ScAccARii Eegum Scotorum. The Exchequer Eolls of Scotland Vol. 1, A.D. 1264-1359. Vol. 2, A.D. 1359-1379. Edited hy John Stuart, LL.D., and George Burnett, Lvon King of Arms. 1878-1880 Vol 3 A.D. 1379-1406. Vol. 4, A.D. 1406-1436 (1880). Vol. 5, A.D 1437-1454 (1882). Vol. 6, 1455-1460 (1883). Vol. 7, 1460-1469 (1884). Vol 8 AD 1470-1479 (1885). Vol. 9, 1480-1487 Addenda, 1437-1487 (1886). ' Vols.' 10 and 11 in progress. Edited by George Burnett. Price 10s. each. 7 Calendar of Documents relating to Scotland. Edited by Joseph Bain Vol. 1(1881). Vol. II. 1272-1307 (1884). Vol. IIL (in progress). Price \5s'. each. 8. Eegister of the Great Seal of Scotland. A.D. 1424-1513 n882) A D 1513-1546(1883). A.D. 1546-1580 (1886). A.D. 1680 (in progress). 'Edited fci/ James Balfour Paul and J. M. Thomson. Price 15s. each. Fac-similes of the National MSS. of Scotland. {Out of print.) Parts I., II., and III. Price 21s. each. Stationery Office, January ] 887, ■4> 40 IRELAND. CATALOGUE OF IRISH RECOED PUBLICATIONS. Oa-lendar of the Patent and Close Rolls of Chancery in Ireland. Henry VIII., Edward VI., Mary, and Elizabeth. E dited by J a.u-es Morrin, Royal 8vo. (1861-3). Vols. 1, 2, and 3. Price lis. each. Ancient Laws and Institutes op Ireland. SeuchusMor. (1865-1880.) Vols. 1, 2, 3, and 4. Price 10s. cacli. Vol. 5 in progress. Abstracts of the Irish Patent Rolls of James I. Unbound. Price 25s. Abstracts of the Irish Patent Rolls of James I. "With Supplement. Price 35s. Fac-similes of National Manuscripts of Ireland, from the earliest extant specimens to A.D. 1719. Edited by John T. Gilbert, F.S.A., M.R.I. A. Part 1 is out o/ ];)rint. Parts II. and III. Price 42s. each. Part IV. 1. Price bl. 5s. Part IV. 2. Price 41 10s. This work forms a comprehensive Pahcographic Series for Ireland. It furnishes characteristic specimens of the documents which have come down from each of the classes which, in past ages, formed principal elements in the population of Ireland, or exercised an influence in her affairs. With these reproductions are combined fac-similes of writings connected with eminent personages or transactions of importance in the annals of the country to the early part of the eighteenth century. The specimens have been reproduced as nearly as possible in accordance with the originals, in dimensions, colouring, and general appearance. Characteristic examples of styles of writing and caligraphic ornamentation are, so far as practicable, associated with subjects of historic and linguistic interest. Descriptions of the various manuscripts are given by the Editor in the Intro- duction. The contents of the specimens are fully elucidated and printed in the original languages, opposite to the Fac-similes — line for line — without contrac- tJQns — thus facilitating reference and aiding effectively those interested in palseographic studies. lu the work are also printed in full, for the first time, many original and important historical documents. Part I. commences with the earliest Irish MSS. extant. Part II.: From the Twelfth Century to A,D. 1299. Part III.: From A.D. 1300 to end of reign of Henry VIII. Part IV. 1.: From reign of Edward VI. to that of James I. In Part IV. 2.— the work is carried down to the early part of the eighteenth century, with Index to the entire publication. ( This work ifs sold also by Letts, Son, 8f Co., Limited, 33, King William Street ; E. Stanford, Charing Cross; J. Wyld, Charing Cross; B. Quaritch, 15, Piccadilly ; W.