^4 '^tosti'tne ^ J 1 iiftffi W^'5^^l«' c V\!T:)coft>arr\ m \\WiMm Cofjright, igig, hj Gtorge ff^harttn Edwards All Right I Rtitrvtd T-ZGe, or >S. .A. .^. Uffe maer C^rf^cis a9eo ' eonscienf/ae J//wa/zi^ '# eerafio eamfa/e/0'erey^ eiem eon(ra6eref^ omJiem ai?ersarefaf;pec affip/i'us croetf" aretipenr)cej)r6Bferea el defi^ueSanl^^ el'CUisj?e/?aa/iJ^ om/resfaeelihsin'- lerxnitfi% etiram waeer qp/tarultzif omnes e/asmiJerefyeere^f' ^TuTJc affaJ'd'aeerdoh^tupma/f' — ' ^ct^ptf at ^un^us/arem af^o/pere^f^ quo^eto^ Chrms, ozfr/f£6a

is&ssmay^ Sat on the Cardinal's chair ! Bishop, and abbot, and prior were there ; Many a monk, and many a friar, Many a knight, and many a squire, With a great many more of lesser degree, — In sooth, a goodly company ; And they served the Lord Primate on bended knee. Never, I ween, Was a prouder seen, Read of in books, or dreamt of in dreams. Than the Cardinal Lord Archbishop of Rheims! [I] ^^' <^^PP2^«90r[G ;v Through the motley rout, That Uttle Jackdaw kept hopping about ; Here and there, Like a dog in a fair. Over comfits and cates, And dishes and plates. Cowl and cope, and rochet and pall. Mitre and crosier ! he hopp'd upon all ! [3] JLGjlI a saucy air, He perch'd on the chair Where, in state, the great Lord Cardinal sat ^ In the great Lord Cardinal's great red hat; And he peer'd in the face Of his Lordship's Grace With a satisfied look, as if he would say, " We Two are the greatest folks here to-day ! " And the priests, with awe, As such freaks they saw. Said, " The Devil must be in that little Jackdaw ! ! " [5] £I& r&lHS'5 Was over, the board was clear'd, The flawns and the custards had all disappear'd, And six little Singing-boys, — dear little souls ! In nice clean faces, and nice white stoles, Came, in order due, Two by two, Marching that grand refectory through ! A nice little boy held a golden ewer, Emboss'd, and fiU'd with water, as pure As any that flows between Rheims and Namur, Which a nice little boy stood ready to catch In a fine golden hand-basin made to match. [7] "^OKICfe Little boys, rather more grown, Carried lavender-water, and eau de Cologne ; [ And a nice little boy had a nice cake of soap, Worthy of washing the hands of the Pope. One little boy more A napkin bore, Of the best white diaper, fringed with pink. And a Cardinal's Hat, mark'd in *' permanent ink." [9] m 6MHI Lord Cardinal turns at the sight Of these nice little boys dress'd all in white: From his finger he draws His costly turquoise ; And, not thinking at all about little Jackdaws, Deposits it straight By the side of his plate, While the nice little boys on his Eminence wait; Till, when nobody 's dreaming of any such thing, That little Jackdaw hops off with the ring ! ["] 5alH&RV&-fl CK2 And a ^ f shout, And a deuce of a rout, And nobody seems to know what they 're about, •' "^ But the monks have their pockets all turn'd inside out; The friars are kneeling. And hunting, and feeling The carpet, the floor, and the walls, and the ceiling. The Cardinal drew Off each plum-colour'd shoe, And left his red stockings exposed to the view ; [13] O* X & %> Jt 5p^ And he feels In the toes and the heels ; They turn up the dishes, — they turn up the 1 ^ ^w i J ,,m^^ ^ plates, — They take up the poker and poke out the grates, — They turn up the rugs, They examine the mugs : — But, no ! — no such thing ; — They can't find THE RING ! And the Abbot declared that, " when nobody twigg'd it, Some rascal or other had popp'd in, and prigg'd it ! " [ 15 1 S[& CaSS>mtrk Rose with a dignified look, He call'd for his candle, his bell, and his book ! [ In holy anger, and pious grief. He solemnly cursed that rascally thief! He cursed him at board, he cursed him in bed ; From the sole of his foot to the crown of his head ; He cursed him in sleeping, that every night He should dream of the devil, and wake in a fright ; He cursed him in eating, he cursed him in drinking. He cursed him in coughing, in sneezing, in winking ; He cursed him in sitting, in standing, in lying ; He cursed him in walking, in riding, in flying. He cursed him living, he cursed him dying ! — Never was heard such a terrible curse ! ! But, what gave rise To no little surprise, Nobody seem'd one penny the worse ! [17] That's him. . iit> ^jfVS Was gone, ^f The night came on, The Monks and the Friars i. ' ' they search'd till dawn ; When the Sacristan saw, * On crumpled claw, Come limping a poor little lame Jackdaw ! No longer gay. As on yesterday ; His feathers all seem'd to be turn'd the wrong way; — His pinions droop'd, — he could hardly stand, — His head was as bald as the palm of your hand ; His eye so dim. So wasted each limb, That, heedless of grammar, they all cried, "That's him! — [ 19] that has done this scandalous thing ! \ That 's the thief that has got my Lord Cardinal's Ring! " — ^ The poor little Jackdaw, When the monks he saw, Feebly gave vent to the ghost of a caw ; And turn'd his bald head, as much as to say, *' Pray, be so good as to walk this way ! " [21] liOWt% And slower He limp'd on before, Till they came to the back of the belfry-door, Where the first thing they saw. Midst the stocks and the straw. Was the RING, in the nest of that little Jackdaw ! [23] ^ I Lord Cardinal call'd for his book, And off that terrible curse he took; The mute expression Served in lieu of confession, And, being thus coupled with full restitution, The Jackdaw got plenary absolution ! — When those words were heard, That poor little bird Was so changed in a moment, 't was really absurd : [25] t^ (5R^^rW Sleek, and fat; In addition to that, A fresh crop of feathers came thick as a mat! His tail waggled more Even than before ; But no longer it wagg'd with an impudent air, No longer he perch'd on the Cardinal's chair. [27] & JlOPP*i> Now about With a gait devout ; At Matins, at Vespers, he never was out ; And, so far from any more pilfering deeds, He always seem'd telling the Confessor's beads. If any one lied, — or if any one swore, — Or slumber'd in pray'r-time and happen'd to snore. That good Jackdaw Would give a great "Caw! " As much as to say, " Don't do so any more ! " While many remark'd, as his manners they saw. That they " never had known such a pious Jackdaw ! " [29] pride Lived the Of that country side, And at last in the odour of K sanctity died ; ""^ When, as words were too faint His merits to paint, The Conclave determined to make him a Saint ; And on newly-made Saints and Popes, as you know. It 's the custom, at Rome, new names to bestow, So they canonized him by the name of Jem Crow! [31] [eDtoryoftfie The story of the Jackdaw of Rheims is to be found in "Johan. Wolfi Lectionum Memorabilium Centenarii," vol. 1, p. 216. The same volume contains the original story of Southey's " Pilgrims of Compostella " ; and on the same page with the latter there is given a legend of St. Patrick, who, when a man had stolen some mut- ton, detected the thief by making the sheep bleat in his inside. (T. L.) [33] In writing to Mrs. Hughes on the 29th of April, 1837, Mr. Barham refers to this, probably the most popular of legends, in the following terms: " I have no time to do more for this number [of " Bentley's Miscellany "] than scratch off a doggerel version of an old Catholic legend that I picked up out of a high Dutch author. I am afraid the poor 'Jackdaw ' will be sadly pecked at. Had I more time I meant to have engrafted on it a story I have heard Cannon tell of a magpie of his acquaint- ance." The story is given at length in the " Life and Letters," vol, 2, p. 21. In a subsequent letter to Mr. Bentley he says: "I am glad you like the 'Jackdaw ' ; it was struck off at a heat and almost in despair, when I found it impossible to finish the other article [ "The Spectre of Tapping- ton" ?] in time." Happily for the present generation, the memory of Mr. Rice, the great American comedian, and his in- terminable "nigger" song, "Jim Crow," has passed away. The time was, some thirty years ago, when this fearful composition seemed to pervade all space. It was sung, shouted, howled, and danced — semper ubique et ab omnibus ! A certain clever scholar of the Father Prout variety pronounced it a plagiarism, and pro- fessed to have discovered the original in a French chanson, which is given at length in "Bentley's Mis- cellany," April, 1839. A stanza may suffice as a speci- men: — En Amerique j'ai fait des sauts, En Angleterre aussi; En France j'irai s'il le faut, Pour sauter quand je cris, — Je tourne, re-toume, je caracole, Je fais des sauts; Chacque fois je fais la tour, Je saute "Jim Crow." [34] The audacity of the famous Jackdaw of Rheims has been equalled if not excelled at Monkton in Kent. Dur- ing the divine service a jackdaw (now belonging to Mr. Stapleton Cotton) made its way into the church with the other portion of the congregation, and not only took a lively part in the responses, but also became exceedingly talkative at other times. The whole con- gregation were disposed to explode with merriment; the clergyman himself with difficulty kept a serious face; while the school children present broke out into open laughter. Things became so bad that the clergy- man had to order the children out of the church. Then an effort was made to capture the intruder, who had perched himself boldly upon the reading-desk. The bird, however, was not to be caught, and flew to the rafters above, where it remained until the end of the service, still continu- ing to deliver itself of more or less pertinent expressions of opinion. (" St. James's Gazette," 25th August, 1888.) [35] THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WIUU BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO R^URN ^ms BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY WILL Increase to so cents on the fourth DAY AND TO $1.00 ON THE SEVENTH DAY overdue. ;» <:S< M*^^ :■■;•./;*'■ ■^" ^r^-^^r^ '■n--^ ■",>(%