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Blefs thf Lord, m; Soul, and fir^et nnt all hii Benefits, yvho Redetmeth thy Life fiom DijirHilicn, whoCroveneth thee with Loving Kindneft, and tender Mercies, Pfal. log. 2. 4. London, Printed for Nat. Ponder, at tlie Peacock i" Chancery-Lane, neii Fleet -Jlreet, 167$. TIIHM u Upon this Book, and i^^' ^^ its Author. %r- THis Author never was In Print before, And C'etthispleareornotJ will nevermore. j If all the Prefs-OpprefTorsof the Age p Would fo Refolve, 'twould Happinefs prcfage : ,j He ftiould as foon another Voyage take, 3 As be Oblifi'd another Book to make, ' ^ KhCanvaf Boat Efcaped Seas and Wind, J He fears this Paper- Veficl will not find Such gentle Gales, when every Reader haih Pow'r with a puff to (ink the Writers Faith. For who fo Prints a Book, goes off from/liore TO hazard that which was his own before • As one poor Pinnace Ovcr-match'd, that fight* with an Armado, fo doth he who Writes • i,^ „ ■ .(^i/'I^tgoc^'yMerchant.Ships; fee forth, Laden with Richesofthcgrcateawoftht W th CounceIs,Father5,Text-Men,SchooI-Men Mann'd i With Sacred Cannon Mounted at each Hand ; Arehard befer, and forc'd to make Defence Againft Arra'd Atheifm, Pride, and Impudence. Hew can this little Cock-Boat hope Efcape, When Scripture Suffers Piracy and Rape / A !?M . .<^^*'"'^'n the World Epitomiz'd, And Mankind in Oftavo was Compriz.'dO By Infidelity it felf lyes drown'd. That ,W,/e/ with a Rod tlie Sea ftiould Cane, And br t the Coward nreams into a Plain / n7a With Wfththc fam: Cane fTiouId broach a Flinr, and bring Ont of irs Fierv Womb a flowing Spring : That a hape. Old Nidi) Had with a ftraw flecr'd the Boat Catholick. I The Tortoife rakcn n.ipping in the Flood, ,( Had firft faid Grace, and rhcii become the!; Food; , Yea, and his Sacred Shell had been preftrr'd To make fine Combs for WdgifnrtU Beard. ; And 'vho can tell ("for now 'tis Thirty Years ; Sincethis rtrange Expedition from Algiers,') : What Ufc the Friarsof M.ijork^ have made . Of the poor Skiff to raife their Legend-Trade? : But, be it as it will; Euy,ornotBuy; i This Book is Proteflanc, and hates a Lye. ,_ The Reader fhall find in this Breviary , AH Pater-Noflers, not one Ave Mary. . 5f Gentleman and Chriftian may avail, [! if Honour and Religion can bebail ^ For this poor Pilgrims Truth and FaithfuInel^ ji it tray w,th Leave and fafety pafs the Prcfs. I ict him who fcorns to Read, or Reads to fcorn, 11 And thinksthisStorym^ght have beenforborn; U Firft, buy the Cook, then five Security y ?^?.,'?°.''"'''>' TneBook-Sellerandr I VViil give l.im Bond, when he Returns to Land. n Jo pay a Thoufand pounds into his Hand. fi ' Me«n- JJ -T^rai Mean.T.h;if, this Narrative r.11 ptaitiafldTfuc} Is worth a Six-pence to i Turk OTjen', Buaoa ChriaL ( were the Story gone ) The Preface is a Penny-worth ^'o"*: = . The whole hath no Errata's or Mi»»kcJ, SaTc what the Printer and the Poet makes. To the following NARRATIVE. ■ Courteoui Reader., ID O readily agree with thee, that there is no fort of Writings more lyable to abufe than this of the Narrative : Lying much at the Mercy of the Com^ofer to be Corrupted ; and as much in danger to be mifimprovcd by the Reader : The Reader therefore I am fure will de- mand ([(^oaf SecHrity that he is not impofed upon in theenf/iinj^ Relation-, and the Writer craves leave too, to malnum a modejtjeahufte^ leit the Rea- der fhould mifs the benefit that is defigned to him in it : The ylnthor will engage, and pawn his Credit wrro xvrcn^ the Narrative, and he would take fome care alfo that the Reader may not ivron^ hmfelf. It is very true, that every Narrator is under a ilrong Temptatiofi to Seafon his Difcourfc to the ■ - A GHJla ii The Preface. CjiBo of the Time, not impofing a fcvcrc Law upon himfcif, to Report what is true, but accom- inodating his Story to the Liquorilh appetite of others : I have obferved that/ywf AIe» are afha- mcd to Recount nuan and humble Alatters ; if they bring us any thing below Prodigy and Mi- racle, if they fluff not their Farces with G organs, Harfics , Centaures , and Enchanted JJlands , they neither pleafethemfclves, nor hope to take their Readers by the Heart-firings. Hence is it, that we have fo many lean, barren Stories, lard- ed with the Additamcnts of Fruitful Invention, as if they had been Penn'd by the Pattern of Xeao- phon's C)rw. Non ad Htftorij: fidem , fed ad y:flt Imperii Exemplar : Not for Counter-panes of Truth, but Counterfeits of Fancy : Thcy tell US not what was really done, but what they would have had done, if they might have had the Con- trivance of the Scene, and Tragedy: They firft form Idcea's of Ingeniom Romances in their own Heads, and then obtrude them upon the World for Htflorical Verities. JuH: as our Hydrographers in the Delineating of Countries, with one Wanton Extravagant Fro- lick of their Graver can raife Mountains, where Nature left us Galleys; and fink deep galley s,vj\\erc God has llretch'd out a Champagn ; can create Bays, and Creeks, where the Creator made firm Land; and jut out ProMontories,andCapes,\vhcTe there's nothing in Nature to anfwcr them ; and to fill up Vacuities (out of pure good Husbandry. that The Preface. that not an inch of Ground may be loli ) prcfcnt us with fljmg Fijhes, Tritons, and Mermaids, which fpcnd their hours inter PeClnicm c- Spc- ciihor. ; and Icll Mare del zur (liould fiill be a Dcfoi.ite Wiidernefs, have courtcoufly (lock'd it with the Painters Wife's J flan d, and Terra In- cofnita; at this rate are wedeait with, by this kind of Men, who love to blowup Lank^Stones into huge Bladders, and then put fomething in thcin to make them Rattle to plcafe Children, and yet thcy are but hUdders fldl, though fwelled with thcTyn.pany, andU'ind-Cholick^ There are aifo a fort of Stories, which,^^ the way cfCoiirtefle,we mif-call Hifto>tes,ihit fcorn to give us an Account of any thing but Dreadful, and tcr- tible Buttles, and how one great Man above all therelt, chopt olF y^r^^; and yJ.ms, and cut off fome fheer by the veajh, and with his Trenchant blade mowed down whole Files of Armed Ene- mies; the Fields all this while running with ftrcams of Blood, and purple Gore; and all this, with as much confidence, and exadncfs in every Minute Ctrcumftance , as if, like the Familiar D foyi tofct them off, the gicatcd beauty of Truth, is its mkednefs, and Symmetry. There is a vaft difference between the moft ela- borate prodiitls oiArt, and the moft homely pieces cf Nature ; for though the former w-jll needs Ape l\^c latter, yet how pitifully docs /*;f/'««x'^ in the imitation/ Look upon the fubtle point of the Enefl Needle through a Mkrofcope, and you will foon be fatisfied that Art is but a Dunce, tor the Needle will appear as bknt, aud dull as a Drum-flick.; but come and view one of Gods Handy-works in the fame Glafs, T.G. The flt>iz cf a V>ce, and you (hall fee it perpetually Acumi- nated till it ends infomething, which the Eye mult either confefs to be a Point, or Nothing : The fame Difference we may obferve between thofe Rmances, which *rc the Iffues oi flne wlh and the The Preface, the feriom grave Contrivances of Divine Provi- dence ; what clummz.'d things arc the Cajfandra's to one of thofe pieces of proportion, to be fecn in Cods Government of this lower World ! So that it were unpardonable to ftrivc to Recommend the wonderful Providences of God to the Genius of this Age, by a Lye, or to talk, deceitfully fir htm ; whatever therefore this Narrative is, yet its a nailed Account of his own workings, and Gold needs no gilding. But now the Readers great danger lies in run- ning over fome of Gods workj, and yet not feeing God in his workj : Little Children, we fee, do hugely plcafc chemfclves vj\i\\ the gilded Covers, and Marbled Leaves of Books, but concern not thcmfelves, what is within; and if they chance to look a little overly u^on the forms and Jlutpes of the Letters, yet underftand not the fubliMC matter, that may be coucht in them : Now, to divide the words from the meaning, is morally to Annihilate them, and Co whilll they fee Letters, and words ouely, they fee juH: Nothing : There are a great many fuch ■mij^oyie^vni , fuch Old Children in the World, that gaze upon the fur- face of Gods Workj, but never are led by them to admire the Wifdom, Power, Goodnefs, and Ho- lme fs of God : They deal with the works of Pro- vidence, juft as they do .with the worksrof Crea- tion : God has engraven his own Name in Legi- ble Charaders upon the Heavenly Bodies. The Stars in their fingle beauties , their Combined A 3 Aflcrifmsj The Preface, ^[lerifms^ their Mutual ^fpefls, their Intricate, yet Reoiiiir Motions^ fpcak their Author ^ nay, upon the loweJl- Recreations, the Leifure-fports of Nature, there is written, -Df/«/fc;>. But now the common obfcrvcr, whofe thouj^hts arc terminated by hu Eye, and /;// Eye with the vi- fble Heavens, as 'tis bcfpangicd with glittering things, called Planets , and htars, lofcth quite i\\cumaindcfign, which is to condud and argue our thoughts up to a firft Caufe ; for they were not fo much out who crycd up the Mufck^ of the Sphares to be fo Ravijliimr : and we fliould con- fefs it, could we but hear them fing this Antheme, Glory he to God on High. Can wc be fo Brutifh, as once to imagine, thjtthc wife God, wbocre- ates nothing little , nor for a little end, fhould create fuc'i great, and gloria m Bodies only to be the Objcds of Ignorant, and b'ind Amazement ? Surely no ; but that by the contemplation of them, we might be led into the Admiration of Him, whofe Being, VVifdom, Power mufl needs be ttifnitely Gloriow, when his very works are ex- cellently fo: Here then will be the Readers dan- ger, leit all his Spirits (hould evaporate in a con- fufed Admiration, that ^ Bwr, a little, a Canvas B2<»f fliould, like the Ark, convey fo many Per- fons fo many Leagues fafe to flioar, whilit he mif- ks the true intent, and meaning of it, to behold a watchful Providence (as well as the Being of a ■Deity,) over all Affairs. Now, that he may not fplit upon this dangerous RQck.i but improve the The Preface. the Narrative to his beft Advantage, I fhall fub' miffively lay before him a few Dire(ftions. I, Se[l. Learn from this Narrative to trtijl, and in all thy ways to acknowledge God, who by the moil contemptib/e means, can effedt the moji conjiderable things. Created Beings,as they can- not hCi beyond the Sphare of their j^llivity, fo neither can they Operate further than the fuita- hlenefs of their Jnflriimcnts will enable them; it were ridiculous to attempt to cut down a For- reft with aPen-k>tifc, or Lave the Ocean with a fpoon ; but if the great God can make the didlcfl tool to cm, can ferve himfclf of the moft unfit In- firimcnts, and accomplifli the rr.ofl noble wcrkj with the moit Wooden Engines, he will furcde- ferve ourgreateft truji and confidence. As great Princes are attended with a numerous train of Ser- vants , more for State, than ab folate neceffity ; fo God ufes fecond caufes, not becaufe he cannot workjvithont them, but to teach us to admire his ftrength, in their weak>iefs, his All-fHJfioency in their infiijjicicncy. The Grand Seignior had heard of the famous Atchic vcmcnt of Cafi riots Scimitar, and was very defirous to make an Experiment, whether its excellency anfwercd the Report ; he fends for it, proves it, it does no Execution ; he fends it back with fcorn, and indignation, that lying Fame fhould magnifie a forry Ammunition Sword fo far above its merits , but Scanderbeg , before the A 4 McfTen- \ i The Preface. Mcflcngcrs Face, hews in pieces Helmets, Cor- flcts; Go now (fays he) and tell your Maftcr, though I /cut Ijim my Srvordy I Hid not f aid him my ^rm; none Can work with Gods means, that has not Gods ^rm: Hafi thou an Arm likj God? Job 40, 9, Here then the Reader m.iy fee, (and if he fees not, he forfeits his Eyes ) the fame God vho in an Ark^of bulnijlies prcferved Mvfes.m'i in another Ark faved Noah, in a fmall Canvas Ski'ller ( which was our Ark, though in a leflTcr "S'olumn) waft us over the Ocean, and bring us all fafc to Land ; As God is fecn in the fmallcfi Workj of Creation, (o in the fmalUfi Inflriimenis of his Providence, The little Fly, or Ant, ex- prcflcs Creative power, and Omnipotency in Mi- niature, as well as the great, Cafllebearina Ele- jihant : I have read fomewhcre of a Goldrmith that made a Lcck^and Key, and Chain fo finall, and fubtlc, that a Fly would draw them all about a Table, and never be flailed ; furcly theSpe- ditox would not prajdicate the iJren^th of the foor Fly, but the skill of the Artifi. Eft in teniiibits, & Pufdlis Reculis ■ Latu Optimiq; Maxtmiq; Alaxima. Caz.. Piit hilar. The Glory of the Great wife King, Shines greatly in the fmalleft thing. Indeed our whole paflage was wonder ; fuppofe we had met with one Night of Haz.y Weather , we r The Preface. we might have plycd back into the jaws of that Deilruftion which we had fofar cfcapcd. Had we met witho;;^ Sterm (and an ordinary f//^ of wind had been a Storm to tu ) it had prefently cvcr-fct usj but the fame God that commands a caIn) for the Ha'cyon, commanded Halcyon days and nights for us, till under the wings or his gracious ca're he had liMicht his own pnrpofes of Mercy, into per fell Deliverance. It was a won- der too, that in our fix days Voyage, in the Me- diterranean, the very High Road of Navi- gation, both for honefl Men and Knaves, Mer- chants and Pirates, we fhould not meet with cw^ V(Jfel,Friend or Foe : Had we met with a Friend- ly VciTcl, they had pityed us, taken us up, and then the Power of God had not been fo fignalizcd in our Prcfervation •, had we fallen in with an Ene- my, we had immediately become a prey to their Teeth, they had fwalloxved us up ejiiick., we had made but one poor Aforfel to their greedy fto- machs, and thereby defeated a work of God glo- rioudy begun, and rob'd him of the Revenue of his praifc. If then they that go down to the Sea in Ships, fee the rvorkj of the Lord,and his wonders in the deep, Pfal. 107. 23,24. What Wonders , what AH- racles of Providence have wefeen, and may others fee in us , who went down to the feit, not in ajliipy but in a Canoe, which for want of a better Nan-.e we call a haatl Let the Reader therefore ad- TfJireCodmihwe; and both of wwilfa the Pfal- mift, il The Preface. ITltft. Pf^l- S6. 8. yimon^ft the gods there is none Itl^Httto thee, Lordy neither are there any works Uke thy works. Hedcals iinrightcoiifly with God who mcafures him by the frKalifiefs of the means that he ufcs, and not by the ncatnefs of thofc eJfcCls he produces by thofe means. And therefore, Difcc a. Cymbida, ej lipjitis es ; cr Deo J)apro ten.iibiu, O" p'ljillis Reculis, Laudcm Optimofj; Maximocj-, A'faximam. Gaz.. Pta hilar. Let this our little SkifT thy Spirits raife, To give to this great God , thy greated Praife. 2. Sef}. Let the Reader improve this Relation to Fortife his Faith agamfi the little Cavils of Atheiflical Spirits, who lay out their illpliccdwit in forgeing Objedlions againli: Hi'n th.it gave it. There is a Creature famous in Prov. 6. ^» Utie Mttterno impletus calcibiu petit Laltantem, that bcin^ filled with the liberal Dug, iingrarefiilly kicks bit Dam. Thus this fort of Men arc ambi- tious to be accounted witty, in creating ki'ots and difficulties in the Hillorical pafTages of Gods c;reat Providences Recorded in Scripture, and particu- larly in his Prefervation of Noah^ and his Family in the j^'kj. But he that had fccn with w the watch- ful eye of Cod fuper-intended, and the fieddy hand cf God to hold a poor Canvas Boat, built without Rcgu- The Preface. Regular proportion, ill Viduallcd, without An- chor, Helm, Compafs, or Tackle, and there- by prefcrve the Lives of five mconfidir.ibU Per- fons, of no great ufc in the World, and after fix days great extremity and diflrcfs, Land them ail fafe, may cafily Credit the Report, how the fjmc God iliould prefcrve ev^ht Per fans, upon whofe Lives the re peopling of the whole World did depend, maVeffelof moji exalt proportions, ftron;^ built, and well laid in with ail n.anntr of Provifions. He that can fee a Creator in the works of Creation, and a Governi.r\n the workj of Providence, miy rcufonably believe all Divtne Revelations. 1, . SeEl. Let all that would not abufc this Nar- rative bcwarc,lcit wbtift they are adn.ning Provi- dence in this tnflance of our prefervation, they do not ever -look, thofe eminent appearances of God to- wards themfelves every moment , which, though perhaps they carry not fu much of R.inty in them, yet may have in them as much of real power, wif- dom, a'idgoodncfs. We arc apt to deal with our Alercics, jull as wcdowith our fins, where the Commonnefs and frequency of either, abates and takes off from the Obftrvationand Notice which wc owe them ; we gaze, and wonder at Comet Sy and their flaming beards, but feldom admire the Sun, a far more glorious Body, bccaufc he rifcs and fets every Morning and Evening upon the yfi and the hnjuji : Doit thou admire God m our pre- fervai ortt » The Preface. fnvAtion, learn to admire him »« '/^'civ;;: Art thou furprized with wonder, that we were kept a few days, when there was not half an tmh be- ^ twcen us and Death ? ConfiJer, God has kept thee many (iay J, and many years, and every mt- ■ nmc ofthofc many days and years, when there was hut a hairs breadth hciwccn thee and Death: Doll thou then admire God prcferved us alive in i a Fejfel if Cloath ? Admire that God that held- eththy Soul in Life, and that in a more frail Vtf- fel, a Feffcl cf Clay ; Doll thou liill wonder wc we're not blown over with every b, eath of wind ? /.amirc alfo that the Lamp of thy Life which thou carrie(h« a paper Lanthorn, is not blown out h^ every blaft of Sickncfs : But if thou wilt ftill won- der how ftich a Boat fhould carry us f Then won- der alfo how thy Food nonnjhes thee , how thy Cloaths keep thee warm, how thy feep refre(hes thee : There's not a moment in our Lives but is nl- , led with re J Mtrach and Wonder. J will pratfe thee (fays the Pfahnill, Pfal. 139. H-) fo^ f nm fearfully and wonderfully made : Let US all praifcGod, (ot we are fearfully, and wonder f idly preferved. If Frefervation be but a Continued Creation, how (hould WC adorc that FoW'er that Created us once, but preferves US a'ways ! God expcds that wc fliould equally magnifie his skill In making us out of Nothi,.g, and fecuringus that wcdrop not mto Nothing : and as much admire hisgoodncfs, thsit VJC crumble t]ot , moulder not into our duj}, asfhat we were aifirft formed out cfduft. 4- Seil, The Preface. . 4. Sea. Let the Reader Learn from our SU- \ very, to prize, tindmovovc his own Liberty. If i wc fcrve not our Cod fmccrcly, and chearfully tn ; plenty, he can fend us where we (hall fcrve our \ Enemies in want. If wc glorific him not With .;.■''• I Liberty, but turn it into Itcentioufnefs, he can r/.p II Hs up clofe, where wc fhall learn loprr^e it hiy ' ■■ ■■. : and wi(h we had improved it better. It arg^ic. i great dif ingenuity and bafenefs in our Spirits that \ we provoke our God to teach us the worth of ! Mercies by the want of them : The Lord does not I willingly aptl, nor grieve th: Children of men, • I ,am. J . 3 3 . but wc provoke him to take his Rod i into his hand, and lay itfmanly upon our backs, i becaufc that Folly which is bound up in our hearts \ willnotothcrwifc bylalhtoutofus. Thus God \ thrcatnedhisPcopleofold, Z>f«r. :i8.48. B-r- I caufe thou fervedft not the Lord thy Cod with joy- 1 fKlnefs and gladncfs of heart, for the abundance !| of all things, therefore flialt thou ftrve thine Ene- tr.ies, in hunger, thirjl, and n.;kcdiiefs, and tn the want of all t'hnigs. Thus he taught Jiidah by the Captivity ofBahylon,to prize the freedom of Cana- an ; we might learn our Duty much cheaper from Gods Word, but wc like Truants, Will not learn itri5)«r7own /f,is yet obliged to become all thcfe, lefl: God make himkncivh, and whip out of him that Rcfltjf fpirit of grumbling , and Difobedi- cncewith the briars, andThurns of the Wilder- nefs. God comrr.anded all Maftcrs amongT; the Jews to allow their Servants a day of Refl, Oeut. 5.14. and he gives this Reafon for it, RciKerrber that thou xvttji a Servant in the Land of E^ypt. The Equity of which Reafon holds ftrongcr for the Chrillian : Remember thou waft a Servant to the wor/l cf A^f afters, a Drudge <« the bafeftofwrkf, and lyable to receive the worfl if wa^es : Has Chriit fct thee free ? And art tihou become a Ser- vant to the bcjl cf Afaflcrs? Employed in the moll I The Preface. I mofl reafonable, and honourable Servicer ? And / p, in expc« 1 darkncfs, it's righteous with God, to over-fprcad t\ our Habitations with Egyptian, or li.ibylonipj I Turkifl), or Poptfti darksiefs. God can carry us |,| to Rome, or Meters; or clfe fend Rome, and ;] A'giers home to us .■ For what fliould a People do '■ with//';/;;, that onely intend to play, or fight hy it .' The once Famous Churches of Jfia, are now fwallowcd np by the Otion.an Smrd, and the Aiahtimedan unbelicj • and thofc fometimes Fa- mous Cities, Carthage, and Htppo^ which kncw ,^1 thofe burning and fhining Lights, Cyprian, and. ^Hgiiftine, are now poflcit with Moors, and de- filed with the Abominations of \\\care«teft Jr.-.^o- y?t r The Preface. j ThcLofd Jcfus Chrift, in his Ep.ftlc to the . Churchof£p'.M givcshcrthisMcmoruU^... 2 <. Rer.cmbcr therefore from whence thou an fallen, and Refe.t, a.d do thy firfl ^orh.orelfe J ^m come umo thee cj^akly, andremove thy Can- dUflUKont cf tts fUce, except thou Repent : But Ehefl would none of h. Counfd, none oi h^ ciJion; and Chrift was as good as his word he put out her Candle, znAremavedher C^ndlefttcK, 1 have often wondred, what (hould be the grounds of their confidence, whofpcak as if the Cofpel were entailed iipon £ngla„d,hy vertuc oijowe An- cient Charter; as if God would make us f.vc.p- tionsfrom his General Rule, which iS totake away ahifd, defpifedmeans, andmercus,^nd^vcn^u.l owi muchof .cr.^g.n-.. .« o.r cafe-^ y^t.lctUS Re]oyce wabtrer^hng, \c'\ when Prophanene s, and Debauchery dogReligion fo clofe at the heels, fhe five not thither, where (he may find better Quarter : It has made great ImprcfTion upon me when I read the Divine Herbert , in his Church Militant ; ' " Rcligionftands on Tip-toe in our Land, "•Ready to pafsto the American Strand; When height of Malice , and Prodigious . Impudent finning iWitchcrafts,andDiftruIls, ;ij>. The The Preface. ( The Marks of future bane ) fhall fill our Cup Unto the Brim, and make our Meafure up, &c. 7. ScCi. Let it be every Mans care to he found in Gods way : The Promtfe of Proted^iorJ is annext to Gods way, Pfal. 91. 1 1. Be jhall give his Angels charge over thee to keep thee in all thy ways : And tlic Blcfling of God is annexe to his own way too, Pfal. 128. i. Blejfed is every one that feareth God, and walketh in hts ways. When we are over-taken with the evil of Affltilion, let the firft: Queftion we propound to our felves be this. Am I not in the way of Tranfgreffion? Did this c anger f\n(i me in my Duty f Was I in Gods High-way, or in fomc by path of my own ? Was I doing his wo>\ ? Serving bis Glory f If we obfcrve not the way of his Precepts, I know no Reafon we fhould plead the promtfe of his Protedion. There are two things upon which I look upon it as my great Duty to Reflc(ft ; firfl, whether we were $n the way of Gods Precepts when wc fell into our Enemies Hands / Secondly, whether we ■were in the way of Gods Promife when wc efca- ped out of their Hands ? For the former, I am abundantly fatisfied, that we were m the way of our Duty ; for we were fent out by Commillion from the Right Honourable, Robert, Earl of Warwick,, the Lord 5<»;i, and the Lord ^rac^, B who a .jj ^'J The Prepce. who by Patent from His Majcfly King Charlet the Firll, were Governors of the Ifle of Provi- deticcy whither we were bound : For the latter. If the more fevcrc Reader (liall make it a QncAi- on, Whether wc coiildin Faith expeli Protdiion tn an j^dvciiturc vifibly fo rap^ and prtccipitoiu} And Hiall determine itagainft us, that we tempted Cod by cafting our fclvcs upon extraordinary protcClion, cxpeding deliverance without war- rant, in a way little on this fde Miracle: Ifhall firJt fay, Let him fhun that Rock, in his own con- vcrfation, upon which he fuppofes tu to have d.ipt : Let our Ship-wrack be a Buoy to warn him of the like prcfur/jption^ and let him learn more W'fdor.t, at our Cofl and Charges. I (hall further fay, let him not difcover greater rafhnefs in Cenfuring our Adventurc,than he charges upon our yidventure^ but modcfily ccnfider hirifelf, Irfi he alfo be to-ptcd ; and if wc were guilty of folly, he may thus gain wifdom by our folly : But I fh-11 add, Extremity of Ahfery is none of thebefiCounfcllers; let him put himfelf un- der our Circumlknccs, and if CowaVdife did not hinder him from making our Attempt, I am confident Co;-/c»>?;cf would not: Our Lives were bitter to us by Reafon of cruel Bondage, and (though mine was at that time much mitigated) yet there is a fccret A^agnetifme in a Native Soil, with which our Hearts being once flron^ y toucht, could never admit of the leafl variation, but ffill pointed dircdly Homewards ; and fuch I The Preface. \ a Land too, ^swisUkc GoJJjen.aU Li^ht,\vhc:i n the Land of our Captivity was //^f £<;3^;^ both d (or Slavery, and Dark;nfs, that lAtboth be I ! Jell ; and wc thoui^ht it below Men, Un the love -J r/ Lijc, to \ok (be Keajiinj of our Ltvo, ht > f ^11 may have : Qfthey dare try)x Glorious Life, or Crave, ■ Herb.Ch. Porch. ' In a word, though Succefs will not warrant an evil Mlton. ycr there's much of Jiijlifcatt- , ; on in it, on the behalf of thofe which arc not fo ; ' nor did wc tempt God to work Miracles, but trnfledhim to afford US fpccial protection: But ,, if this will not fatisfic, let none imitate us where-- '. in we failed, but rather admire Divine Conde- il fcenfion, that engaged in our Deliverance, r.at- I withftandtng our failing. '! 8. SeU:. Let all that Read this Narrative be ■' Intruded never to promtfe thc»^felvcs ns, and how little rcfpcd we found from/cwf ot our own Countrcy, at Meant, Cadiz., and St. Lti- c.irj, and yet we were tycd together in the (tridt- eft triple bonds of Vn Dieii, Vn Roy, VnLey, 0)ic God, One Kin?, One Law : But God \yas fceninboth. I could Relate a Paflage during our Captivity in Jlt^ten, that had more of bit- tcrncfs in it, than in all cur Slavery; and yet t\\cy wcic Chtifttans, not Jl^crines; ?rote- flants, not?aptfis; Engltjhmen, not Strany^crj, that were the caufe of it : But I have put a force upon my felf, and am refolved not to publifh it. In our Return homewards, we met withfomc who would calk to the grief of thofe whom God had\voiinded;znd was now in 4 rvay to heal again Some would Jnterpretatively (ay, with the Churl- i{h Nabal, I Sam. 25.10. Who are thefe ? And whence come they ? There are many Ser- vants now adays that break away. every one from hu Mafter. But then was the feafon when we had moft Experience of Gods Faithfulnefs : And I fliall never ccafc to own before the world the . great Refpeft we found from fome Engli^} Mer- ^ chants, to whom we were perfect Strangers; and The Preface. the Civiliiics of Captain Coodfun,Ca^ta\n Smithy \iiT, Mate, and his Son, are not to be forgot- ten. Perhaps , after all this, the Reader will be earneft to be fatisficd, why this Narrative has lien fo long Dormant, and appeared no fooner in the World? And I fhall herein alfo endeavour to give him all Reafonable SatPsfaUton. 1. When we return'd into England, we found our Native Countrcy embroy led in a moH dreadful Civil War, and moft Men had enough to do, to bear their own Perfonal Calamities, and had little need to be troubled with the mifs- ries of others ; they were other kind of Decla- rations that flew abroad then, and that was c- nough to fupcr fede a Narrative of this Natnre, for fome Years. 2. Hhz great mercies of Cod\iavz not always their ^«f Wf/V/;: upon our hearts at firfi; and I have received fignal Deliverances from eminent dangers fincc 'that great one ; and it's well if all the mercies of our Lives , all our Deliverances p/it^together, will amount to an Argument ftrong enough to overcome our backwardnefs to make pitbltek^ack/'owledgments. 3 . 1 thought a long while that it was not worth the while, to trouble the World with my par- ticular concerns, till the Importunity of /jwr^/ Minifters, and others, both in City and Coun- trcy, overcame my reluftancy, in whofe Rea- fonsldidacquicfcc. Bj 4.1 The rrcf.ice. 4. Ivas confcious to my fclf of great unfit- vc[s to recommend it to publick view, in fuch a garb as might vindicate it from Connn-.p \ for though it has been drawn out many Years im^ Ti-y own hand, and many have had the pernj^iloi it, h2\'C approved It, and de fired it. ; yet till I could prevail with a Friend to teach it to fpe.ik^ a little better En^Ujli, I could not be pcrfwadcd to \ct[twalk.abrcad: The Stujf andnmur is my own, t\\<:Trinirr)in7 and Form w another s, for whom I muft vouch, that he has done the Truth, piy felf, 'Wd the Reader, jitflice, ■ Having overcome all thefc difficulties, I do here EriU ny Ebcncur, as ^i (rr.idl MoniP'tcnt of q^rcat Mercy, and us an Obligation upon my ,Soul to gre.n Duty, and do pray that it may lland as an AouUu^r n-itiiefs for God in rriy Ccn- fcicr.cc ; that when ever lam tempted to fin, I may have an Anfwer ready to flop the mouth of the Tempter with Indignation : How cm I do this Z_reat evi', and Jin ,!gainjl my good God} When I am tempted to diftruft, I may encou- rage my Faith -from my own Narrative, fayi-ig, Remenibcr that God who delivered thee at the Sea: when I am tempted to murmur, I may fupprefs thofe mutinous thoughts from my own Narra- tive, faying, Remember what that enduredfl in Algiers. When my Heart grows cold, and unthankful , I may chide , and fhame it, from my own Narrative, into gratitude to God^ That God, Vfho rfmcmf>rtd tu tn oftr Ivvf EJfate ; for r The Preface, hii mercy cnditreth for ever! who prefcrved us it the Sea, the Great Sea; for his mercy eudu' reth for ever ! and fecured us in a Boat, a Con- tempt tble Boat, for his mercy enditrethfor ever I who gave us favour in the Eyes of Strangers , for hts mercy endureth for ever ! and opened to US the hearts of Enemies ; for his mercy endureth for ever ! and taught us to look up to his never failing Mercy, when Friends fatted, for his mer' cy endureth for ever ! who returned us fafe to England, for his mercy endureth for ever I WC called upon him tn the day of our Trouble^ hs delivered tu, and we willglorife him. ^ Reader, this Narrative is true, pcrufc it fc- rioufly, and let not Vanity tempt thee to fay, Things might have been better contrived, wife- Her managed; it was God that did what was Good in All; call not his wifdom in Queftion, bccaufehe did not create more wonders tograti- fic thy itching Humour ; perhaps thou wouldfl have had us been brought over upon * Floating Jfland, or in a Whales Belly, but I do not under- ftand that the great God is bound to work Mi- racles to fave mens longings : God has done his work well, and none can mend it ; for, what can the man do that comes after the King ? Eccl. 2. 12. For the matter of FaH Recorded herein, I might fafely call God to Record upon my Soul that I lye not : The thing is known to many, and has been fiftcd , and fcann'd by fuch Eyes and Ears as are not guilty of eafie Credulity; I have B 4 Evi- a The Preface. Evidence that may ftorm the moll obftinatc un- belief: Mr, Thomas Saunders, my Wife's Bro- ther, being in Alayorl^not long after we came from thence, faw our Boat hang up/^r a Mo.ik. went upon the fide of the great Church there. Mr. Robert Hales, who was there 1671. aflurcs me he faw the naked Ribs and Skeleton of ir th-n hanging in the fame place : Now, I afTure thcc, Reader, I ihouldbe much afhamed of my fcif, if Strangers unconcerned in my P^rfonal Deli- verances, fliould be ftifar concerned as to prq- fervc a Memorial of them, and yet itnihankfnl I Hiouid Erecft no Standard or Pillar as an Evi- dence of Gods wonderful appearing for me. It's true, I am informed by one, that fome affirm, there are more Boats hanging up in Jllayork, in Memory of forr.efuch like efcape : Now, if others have rf:po- Jliire, then the gooJncfs of God appears >7:ore rcma/Kabte towards us, that we really were the Subje(f^s of fuch wonder, which others durft onely pretend to ; and it fcts a lul^c upon this great Sa.vation, which others have thought /o confdtrabh, that they judged it worth the while to tell a lye to entitle thcmfelves to the Credit of it; {ot it's Cold and Silver, not Copper, or bafer Metals,i\\^i they who drive the Coyning Trade, ftrive to Counterfeit. Let then every one that Reads , underftandy and ferioufly fit down, and confider with him- felf, whether he has not had many eminent Per- ' fonal Deliverances in one kind or other, which this Marvellous Providence of God towards us may not rcfrefh his memory withal ; and if he fhail hence be taught to blufh at his forgctfuincfs of lapfed Mercies ; if this Narrative lliali recover any loft Providences, and fix them on, and rivet into his Soul ; if he (hall find himfclf awakened toduethankfulnefsto God for all his benefits to- wards him ; let him joyn with me in afcribing all the Power, and therefore all the Glory, to the Alniighty, and let him kindly Accept the Afli- ftanceof him, who fliall reckon it amongft his other Mercies,* to have teen Serviceable to any one in Reviving a better frame of Heart. I am, ■ . Reader, Thy Friend and Servant, W. Okcley. a A SMALL MONUMENT OF GREAT : ME^CT sEcr. I. J Brief JcroH/it ofthofe rrovidcncej which led torpurds our Captivity in Algiers. TH I S Narrative would be too Uappy if it fhould not meet with fonlc hajiy undimfatient Spirits, that grudge the time that's fpent in Preface and Introdftitioni and fuch as thefe, are wild to come at the Story f the Boat ; all the reft is but one great tedious ^pertinency, they'lc not give a Figg for all the * Other. '/ a A Small Moimment other. 1 fhall make never the more hafT: for un- reafonablc Importunity j but the Remedy is in their own hands, they may turn over a few leaves, and meet with it in it's proper place, if they fit upon Thorns. But to the more judici- ous and conrideratc,it will be acceptable to know \\OVf our Foot Wds taken in the Snare, as well as how the Snare was broks", ^ndwe delivered. In the Moncth oi Jitne, in the Year of Our Lord One Thoufand, Six Hundred Thirty and Nine, in purfuance of a Commiflion from the Right Honourable, the Earl of Wamick.-, the Lord Say, and the Lord Brook^. we took Ship at Grave fend, in the Mary of London, carry- ing fix Guns, Mr. Boarder being Mailer, and James Walker the Mafters Mate ; the Ship was chiefly Laden with Linncn and Woollen Cloath, having in her. Seamen and PaiTengers, above fixty, bound for the Ific of Provtdcnce in the Weft- Indies. Five wcek,s we lay in the Downs, whhing, and waiting for a Wind, and then we fet Sail, and came to an Anchor near the Ijle of m^ht ; but by this time all our Beer in the Ship ftunk,and we were forced to throw it over board, and to take in Vinegar to mix with Water tor our Voyage. The next Lords Day we fet Sail again, and coming between the Wand and the Main Land, we ftuck faft in the Sands, but the Tide coming in, hove us off. Thele Circum- ftances fecm very inconfiderable to thofc that were no: concerned in the Products of them; but Of Great Mercy. 3 but God has given us the Advantage and Icifure to fee what^rr., thsn^s were in the Womb ot thefe little tLgs. Had the Wmd flood /.^j^.r againllus, it had been r..r./.r ;«, and the dan- ger had been faft ; had it ftood lefs Me againll us, it had been^r h* too, and we had been oone pa[i the danger : But God appoints it the Moment when it Oiould come about to blow us into the Mouths of our Enemies : We fee the Truth of that, Te know not what to pray for : We prayed for a Wind, and we h^d a Whirl- wind: If we always knew what mifchicf the Anfwerof our Prayers would do us, we ihould be glad to eat our words, and pray againft our Prayers. Denyal is often the bcft Aniwcr, and we had need leave all Petitions to the wifdom ot God to be Interpreted , according to his good pleafure, and returned as they may be good tor us, and make moft for his own Glory : wc werealfo taught, that the Sea may fometimcs be our beft Friend, and the Earth our worit L- ncmy ; and that nothing can do lu good ox hurt bntby the Dncihonand CoMWiJfion of the JlL- mfhty. ■ " ^„j We were now thee- Ships in Company, ana one of the other I remember carried Nine Guns, Mr. Church, Mailer. The fixth day after our fettingSail fromthl J Jle of Wight, hyhrc^koi Day in the Morning, we difcovcred three Ships about three or four Leagues to Lee-ward : The Maftcrsof onr §hips prefcrtly confuitcd, what 1\ if. A Small Aioni'.mcnt was mod advifeablc ; whether to itay and fpcak with them, or to make the belt of our way ; atlall ( upon what Rcafons I know not ) it was determined that wc fliould ftay : It was not long before wc Difcovcred thofc other three Ships to be Turks Men of War, who cfpying their prey, endeavoured to come up with us, which about Night they efTcded : Whilll they were com- ing up, the Mafters of our Ships fecmcd rcfolv- cd to Fight them, and accordingly made prepa- ration to receive them; but in the Night, the Mafter and Company of the Ship wherein I was, altered their Counfcis, let their Kcfolutions uyf, and agreed to run for it; uncertain Ci.tiij '■Is ne- ver prodnce better fuccefs ; when we might h?.vc gone, then wc would //^^; and when there was jio way to efcape, then we mull needs -itter^pr it : Had we either at firft refolvcd ?iot to fi^ht them, or refolving to Fight, h^d p)afeauc/'c::r Rcfo- lutions like men of Courage, wc might, per- haps, cither have av^ydcd th: duuie tov/ards the North, and Vvn Ptfcadorc not far from thence, and PorU Nova towards the South ; built, as they Report, by the Spaniard^ whilft itwasin their PofTcfllon: The Weil: Gate, which they call Bnbawite, and the Eaftcrn Gate, which in their Tongue is called Bub.iz.oon : They have alfo fcveral ftrong Caftlcs befides that upon the pointof the Mole, fothat the Town is judged impregnable. The City is Built vcryftately, antl yet more ftrong than (lately j and more Famous Of Great Mercy. 7 Famous than ftrong, but not more Famous for any thing than for infamy, being the Retreat, the Nell of thofe Tmkjjli Corfairs, which have long Tyrannized in, and been a Terror to the Neigh- bouring Seas. It is fuppofcd by fomc to con- tain four thoufand Families, by others, four- fcour thoufand Ferfons ^ but they mull needs be very fliort in their Reckoning, it having been Judged, that of all Nations there could be (jo !cfs than twenty five thoufand Sluves. The Private Buildings arc very beautiful, flat Roofd, Ador- ned with Galleries towards their Courts, fup- ported by Pillars •• And they may afford to build fiiinptuoufly, bccaufe they build at other mens coll, and with other mens hands : Their Tem- ples are alfo very Magnincent , and much too good for their Religion, whofe Pradice and Converfation fpeaks them to fay, 'Ihcrc is no God. And yet wc Read of a Kelij^ions Thief, who never went about the worl^j of hif c^t/linjr C for fo he called /?f.r/;w^) but he would fulcryinly implore the Ajfiftdnce of his Idol : ;\ {Irange god, fure; that would be acceflary to his De- voto's Robberies: And a firange Worfliipper, that either hoped to Flatter bis god to become his accomplice in Villany, withtheVowof agood round fliare of the Booty, or would be fuch a Fool, to think That God worth the Worfhip- ping that fhould be thus flattcr'd. They have al- io many (lately Baths, to which the Men refort in the Morning, and the Women in the After 8 A Small Monument noon. But they want oncyworth them (ill, where- in they might by Faith and Repentance wa(h awayilk'r hlthincfs. To this /Mr City wc were brought, yet ia our Eyes it was mofl: «?/)' and deformed ; for the French Proverb is univerfally true, 11 n'y a pofnt de bel Prtz.on. There it no fuch thing oi a. fair Prifon. I confefs, for a God, it's one of the btft butlt that I have feen ; there's nothing that the Soul of Man bears with more regret than Reftraint : The Body it felf is judged by fomc to be but the Souls little-eafe, or Cage ; where though it feems to Dwelt, yet 'tis but in HonoHTtibte Durance ; and though it dares no? brc.ik^the Prifon, yet it liftens, and longs for a CouUeUvcry : There can be nothing large enough for a Soul but God, from whom fincc it once at frjl came, it muft needs be reiilefs till it rctnrn to bim again; and furely it has much forgot it felf, and cxtrad, if it can take up with fatisfadion in any thing on thtsfdc its Crea- tor. As foon as wc were put afhore, for the firft Night we were Uckiddoxvn in a deep nafty Cellat ; fomc inconveniences wc/(f/f,but they were no- thing to what we/^rf^: The next day we were carried, or led, or rather driven to the Vice- Roys, or Bafhaw s Palace , who according to theCuftome, and his own Right, is to have the tenth man for his Dividend of the Slaves. When the next Market day came, we were driven Of Great Mercy. g ariven Itkr />c.j/ls thither, and cxpofcd to Sale • and there is a great deal of God's goodncfsin thut one word, tliat it was not to the Slaughter- hotifc to be Butcher' d, 2S \v cW as to r.\\c A f arks t to be SoU. Their Cruelty is great, but their Covttoiifncfs exceeds their Cruelty ; could they |) make as much of us Dead, as they make altvey \ that fo both the Interefls , of Cruelty, and of Covet oiifnefs might he. fe cured and rcconctledy we are well affured which way it fhould have gone with us. But it muft be a great deal of J'allow and Fat, that will anfwer/ivo or three Dollar} a Afoneth. Their manner of Selling Slaves is this. They lead them up and down the Fair, or Market ; and when a Chapman bids any money, they prefently ciy,a-Rache ! a R ache ! that is. Here's fo rr.uch money bidden, who bids n.ore ? They that cheapen the cxpofcd Slaves arc very cn- citiifpeil Perfons, they carry their tyes in their Heads, as well as their mony tn their Piirfes, and ufethe one in laying out ^o. other; for they are loth to buy a Pig in a poke : Their firft Po- licy is to look-in their months ; and a good,lirong, entire fet of Grinders will advance the Price con- fiderably; ani they have good Rcafon for this Pradice : for firft, they are Rational Creatures, and know, that they who have not Teeth, can- not <•-«/; andthcy that cannot eat^ camot n>or k,; and ihzythit cannot work., ate not for their turn; and they that arc not/or their turn, are not for ') C z their J ^ u u ■jo . j4 Small Moniment their money. And SccondIy,thcy intend to keep them dt hard meat M the Year, and it mull not he ^itKS, but folid Teeth (nay, ifitwcrcpof- fiblc, cafe'lMrJeii'd Teeth) that muft chew it ', and when all is done, they had need of the 0- Jiriches Stomach to digcft it. Their next pro- ccfs is to feel their Lin.bs ; QS whether there be any frail itre, or Difloctttion in the Bones j any thing Analogical to Spavin, or Ri>{^-honc, for thcfc will bringdown the Market wonderfully : And to be clean Limb'd, clofe coupled, well joynt- ed, will advance it m much. The yi^^e if very confidcrable ; but they that fell them, did not breed them, and therefore they know nothing, morcorlefs of that: Two ways they lave to find out the Age ; the one is, to ihnd to the courtefic of the Slaves, but they are not bound to make any fuch Difcovery, and therefore they go by general conic(nures from the Beard , Face, or Hair; but a goodfct ef Teeth will make any one ten Tears Toiin^er, and a broken one ten Years Older than the Truth; for if they were: five hundred Tfnrs OWall is a cife, if they could but eat and work^; or if they could not eat, yet if they could but work, or if neither eat nor work^, iftheirS/ywj would but/''rc^»« the mo- ney again. You fhall have the Seller commend his Goods to the Sky, and the Buyer, on the other hand, as much vndervalne them, and the true Market-price commonly lies juft between them; but fo it is all the World over. 0,fays the ^.iC— :, :- ■ ■ ■- - ■ ■■- Of great Mercy. 1 1, the Seller, mark what a b.uk^he has, what. breadth he bears between the fhouldcrs ! What a Che II ! How jlrong fet ! How fitted on the nonet for Burdens I Hc'le dobut e'nc too r>:uch worki PiHi, fays the Buyer, He looks like :y new Employ- ment. Upon the Ciirpcnterjlattcndcd, waited on the Smiths, to get the Iron- work fitted, and finilhcd; and truly he allowed mc more for Por- tage than to the ordinary Han.mcls, or Common Porters. When this Ship was now fitted for another Adventure, my Patron tells me, 1 muj} go in her ; it was a nipping word : I pleaded, that I was no Sea-man , underftood nothing of the Mariners Art, and therefore as he could expe(ft little Service from r>.e in that kind, fo I mull cxpcCi mofi rigorous treatment, becaufe I could not acquit my A If in the Service as well as others; he removed iny Pleas, and promifed I (hould not be wronged ; but there was more at the bot- tom than all "this : For here a cafe of Confcicncc offered it felf, Whether 1 might without /in in any cafe fight again/} Chrifltans, on the Port of the common Enemy of all Chriflianity ? The bell Refolution I could give my felf, was this ; that firJl, my employment would oncly lye m man- aging the T.iciVf, which will kill no body ; but it was rcplycd,that without the due rr.anagement of the 16 A Small MoKiment iheT.:ckle, all the Guns in the Ship would kill nobody: Secondly, therefore! anlwcicd, That it was not evident that they would engage againft Chrifbans more than all the reft of Afi'f'kind , for all the World are their Enemies, who arc JRtch enough to invite thew^und too weak^to reffl them ; but my Patron had a fobaion worth all thefe : He told me peremptorily, / «i«/?, and fijouldgo ; I found my felf under force, I was a Prefft Aian : who could not examine thejuflice ef the Caufe, In a word, his Commands were back'd with Compulfion, and whatever his An. thority was, he had more power than 1 had Con- race to d:ny, or ftrength to refijl -^ and go I did. Yet fhis I will fay for him ; he fpokc to the Cap- tain r.i 1 Officers of the Ship, to treat me civtly, that is, lefs cruelly thnn other Slaves were treated: He gave me feme money alfo in my Pocket, bought mc Cloaths, and laid me in Provifion above the Ships allowance. Nine weeks we were at Sea, within, and with- out the Streights, Cruifing, and Pickarooning up and down, at (aft we met with one poor Hun- garian French Man of War, whom we took, and fo returned. My Patron having been at great charges in fitting, and manning out this Snip, andithe He- frifals fo flenderly Anfwering his great coft, and greater hopes, told mc, I mull allow him two Dolcrs per r/ioaethy and Live afhorc where I wouW, and get it where I could. This was a hard Of Great Mercy. jj hardch.ifter. That he that cou'd not maintain htmfelf, fhould be compelled to contribute to the maintenance of *?«of^fr; it was difficult /<» ratfe tncreafe OMtoi no flock^, and to pay Interefl out of no rrinipal ; but there was no contend- ing .• It coft me much debate with my felf, and I turn d my thoughts into all forms and [hapes, but all projcds that prefented thcmfclves were incumbred with fo many diffciilttcs, that they amounted v^ry near to trrjpofjibtitties. The more Iconfidted, the further I found my felf from « concliifion,ur\d I could fee no way but one, (but that was worth a thoufand, could I have made thebc/l of it,) andzhatwdiS to commit my felf to Cod, who had brought mc into this flrait, be- fceching him that he would bring rr.c out of tt. But that my trufling to God might not be a clo.',k_for La-Ltncf, or a Pillow for Sloath to red upon,I addrcd my felf to an Englijh-man,w\\otQ, condition was that of a SLive , whofe Calling was that of a T.iylor.Uc at firft word counfcllcd me to come and ftay with him, and he would teach me to work of his Trade, I accounted nothing ba/e that was honcft, and neceffity would ennoble afar meaner Employment , and very rea- dily clofed in my thoughts with his motion, and was fuddenly elevated into huge hopes that I fhould now be in a capacity to Anfwer my Pa- tron's demands, and efcape his lafli. But my flraits were not ( it fecms ) great enough to gloj-ific God j nor my condition mean enough to mag- H: 18 J Small Moimmnt ma^^ninc his Power in raifing mc ; I \yas not re- duccdto Ih^it Extrcn-.uy which would make an Oppartumtyto exalt his appearing Mercy ; tor when I came to him the next day, 1 perceived by his filencc that his Mind was changed, and I was loth, enhcr out of Modejly, or Pndc, to give him further trouble ^ and therefore Inter- preting his StUnce to be 4 more Civd way of de- nyal, 1 left him, and once more Laimcbcdout into the wide World. In this forlorn Pofture 1 wandred, but neither k»exv, nor n„ich caredxvhuher ; though the wife God both ^«c,v, andcared; and his Providence Dircrtcd mcto another Enfhjh-»>.:>,, who was fitting in .. hnle Shop : He asked mc what News? And ( as that which is uppcrmolt always comes out firlt) I prefcntly began the Story of my defpcratc Condition i how the Rigid Law ot my Patron ha^ impofcd tm JhlUnper Aoucth Jon me, and I knew not where to levy ihcleajl Mite of n: He heard, conf.dered, htycdmy Condition, and invited mc to come and lit in the Shop with him •, but feeing nothing but bare Walls, I asked him, to wb.^t End? What Trade (hould we drive there ? There's not much difference between //f>-^»«i »" the Streets and ^ the Shop. Countrey-man ( /^'d ^O I dr.v^ here an unknown Trade ; here I fell Lead, Iron, Shot, Strong - waters, Tabacco, and many other thin&s: This Motion was a great deal too good to be rcfufcd ; and I think at that time no to^e- Of Great Mercy. 19 rable condition would have ftuck with mc. 1 acquainted my Patron with my Defign, p'eaded I wanted Itock to fct up with -, he lent: mc a f»iHllmodui:m, and with another pittance that I had privately refcrvcd of my own, 1 be- gan to Trade. That very N-ght I went and bought a parcel of Tabacco ; the next Morning we drefs'd it, cut it, and fitted it for Sale ; and the World recmed to fmile on us wonderfully. In th s way of Partncr-fhip we continued for fome while, and what we got clear, we divided every weekaccordin^ to the proportion of our refpecftiveitocks In a whilc,findingthe world to come in upon us, we ventured upon no Icfs than a whole But of Wwe ; fome Money we had,'and forrje Credn : This Winc we drcw out, andgot confiderably by it. But its very diiTicult to maintain Moderation in an exalted ilatc, for even ff«r//dtcs mi^ht Recover Liberty. As Satan once tempted Job to Curfe God. and dye ; fo he knew how to change his note to us , and accommodate his Snare to our CunditionXo Curfe God, that we might Live. How many have made Ship-wracl^ of Faith, that they might not he Chained to the Galleys? I can never e- nough admire the grace of that Promife, Pfal. 125.3. The Rod of the IVicked fiall not al- ways refliipon the Lot of the Righteotu, left the Ri£hte- 2Z A Small Monument Righteous pit forth their h.tniis to Ininuity ^ nor ever enough adore the faithfulncfs of him, who vpill not fujfer tu to he tempted above th.tt we are Me^ I Cor. 10. 13. And 2. Evil is the unr^aning^ and difptnttng cf the Soul to worthy Anions ; for we arc apt to pit on the Temper and Sprit of Sl.ives with the Habit , and the Chrillians of the Greeks communion, are a very fad tnfiance of this And 3, We were very much at a lofs for the Preaching of the Word : And yet herein the gra- dous God Ikpt in for our Relief. SECT. Of Great Mercy. SECT. IV. >' \\ HoTP Cod Trovided for our Sojtls, by fend- ing us an Able Minifter to Vrcacb the Co/pel to m in our Bond./gc. THE Gracious God looking upon theaffliifl- ion ol his poor Servants, and Remer/,bring M in our low EJlate, was plcafed many ways to m tigate the load of our Captivity: Wc have Rcafon to fay, with the Church, E;Lra 9. 9. IVe were Bondfmcn^ yet our Cod hati) not forfnkcn us in our Bondage, but hath extended Mercy to us, to give U-'.a reviving, and a Nail in hn Ho- ly place : And thus he brought about his Dcfign of Grace and Mercy. There was an Enghfi Ship taken by fome of our Algermc Piratcs,and in her one Mr. Devereux Sprat, a Minifterof thcGofpcl. Itdcfervcsourconfideration, and grcatcft Admiration, that the wife God fhould jHpp y our Ncccfsittes at the coft and charges of others ofhis dear Servants : But thus Providence fcnt Jofeph into Egypt , where he endured a thirteen Years Slavery, that he might preferve the Lives of his Fathers Family, within whofc narrow walls the moll vifiblc Church of God m thofc days was cnclofcd, Cfw. 45. 5. Now, fome of usobfcrving this Mr. Spntt to be a Pcr- D fon if 2:^. A Small Monument Ion of very Sober, Grave, and Religious De- portment, we addrefTcd our fclvcs to him, and humbly entreated him, that we might enjoy the benefit of his Miniltry; in Order whereto, wc (iefircd him that he v/oiild compound with his Patron at fo much a moncth as he could, and bc- caufe we were abundantly convinc'd of our Du- ty to aiiminilicr to him of our Carn,il tlrtngs, who fliould adminilter to us of his Spiritiiah,\vc engaged to allow him tt Competency to maintain liimfcif, and fatisfie the cxpccftations of his Pa- tron : 'I he good man hearkened to us with much rcadinefs ^ and now indeed we found our bur- dens much lighter, and our conditions not prefs fo hard upon our Spirits : Thnce :ce, but I little flif- pe(fted , that the Root of his Dijlempcr lay ia iji-s Confciencc : but it fcems he had fevcrcly rc- flcdted upon hti ylpvjiacy, for he had not Re- nounced onely his J'opoy, but his Chrifitanity : His own Confciencc, which wjs a thoufind Witneffes againit him, was;j thoufind Tormen- tors toWm\: Long he bore it's fccrct and fiing- vig Lajhes, but when he could no longer ihnd under them, he goes to the Vice-Roy's Palace, and there openly declares himfclf a Chriltian , and protcfls againft the Supcrltition and Idola- try of Mahomet, iS 3 moll Execrable, and dam- nable Impoflurc : Immediately he is convened before the Counccl,and there fi:ri(ftly Examined, he pcrfilts refolutcly in his Profcfl'ion, where- upon he is clapt in Irons, and for fomc time there fccurcd ; Now, they pretended this Reafon for their procedure. That there had been fome pradifing and tampering with him, either A/o- rally by Argument, or Natural y by fomi Dofe of intoxicating Drugs, that had thus Diftem- pered him ; for loth they were it fhould be thought, that any Man of found mind, or >,:a- fler of his Reafon, would ever Revolt from their Religion : But when they fiiw him fixt in his Rc- folution, and that neither what he felt, or might fear ; what they had nifliUed, or could threaten, did unhinge him from his Profeflaon, they pro- k D 4 cccdcd 30 A Small Alomiment cccdcd to the laft Remedy, and inexorably Con- demned him to the Fire : A way of Piini(hmcnt which /k^ /fijrwf /'row r/;f Spaniards thcrr.fciva, who fir [} fct lip the Incjuifition a^ainjl the Moors, and have now turned the ed^e of tt amrijt the Protcjlants. And now they proceed to the Ex- ecution of the Sentence, which was performed with fomc Pomp, and State. And firft, they formed h Crown xvith it Crofs upon the top of n^ within the Phtcs, and liars whereof they put Flax; thus Crowned, they Guard him through the City, out of the Welt Gate, about halt a mile, which was the appointed place of Execu- tion : andfirft, one puts Fire to the Flax in his mockzCrown, to takcpofliiTion oi his Had, in the Name of the re ft of his Body : at firit he fliook it off, but another put Fire again to it with a Cane, and then the poor man flood patiently ; and prefcntly they put Fi'-e to the whole Pile, and there burnt him : 1 faw fome of his Bones, and fcorchcd Flcfh after he was dead ; and the fame Evening came a Zealous Spaniard, and carried away fomc of his fcorchcd Flefli, and Bones, as the Holy Reliqties of a Martyr, fay- ing, Jh.roc now done enough to make fati/'fi^ii- en fur .'[I the f-.s th t I h.tve committed. 3. It's worth .Admiration, to fee in what ^reat awe they rtand of ihc meaneft Officer, who is known to be fuch by his Turhant, and Ha- hit. If any AiTray be made, or a murder com- mitted in the Streets, the Chiang- , or Officer pre. Of Great Mercy. 3 i prefcntly comes without any Weapon, or Per- fon to affill him ; and if he feizes the Oficndcrs, none is fo hardy as to refill even unarr/cd Autho- rity. 4. The great Reverence which the Moors pay to the 1 urk^s, though both Aiuhim.etans, is remarkable; If a AUur fliall dare to Jlnke a Tm k^, he is punilht with great fevcrity : I faw two Moors whilil I was there, whofe Ri^ht Hands were chept off for this one Crime, and hung about their Necks inlirings; the one was fct upon an Affc, the other walkt by on foot, the Common Cryer proclaimii g before them their Offence, through the chief Streets of the City. I i.\v; another alio with his heels tyed to a Hor- fesTayl; he was wholly naked, onely he had on a pair ofLinnen Drawers, and thus was he dragg'd through the Strees : It was a molt la- mentable Spc(ftacle. to fee his Body all torn with the rugged way, and Hones : the skin torn off his Back, and Elbows, his FIcad broken, and all covered with blood, and dirt, and thus was he dragg'd through the City out at Biibaz.oon,or the Eait-Gate, where he ended his miferablc Life. Tv/o others of their own Countrcy-mcn I faw Executed in a moll terrible , and dreadful man- ner, ( but cither I did not know, or do not re- member their Crimes : ) The one was thrown off from a high Wat.', and in his Fall he was caught by the way, by one of i be great fharp Hook/, which m m ; f 32 A SntAll A'lonimcnt 'l whicliwcre faflncd in the Wall; it caught him \)\ ytJtnnJer the Ribs, an.l there he hung rodrifiif ;; if m it/ifi>c,ikjb/cp.ii;: till he dycLl. The other was '■I fajhitdto ,t L.idilcr^ his ivny?j, and yl'iklcs hc- iJ I ing nailed through with Iron fpikfs, infucha jj'l poilure as fonicwhat refciiibles the Celebrated \yf Crofs of St. jitjdrew ; an'd le/l his Flcfh and '::| Sinews should fail, and the Nails not hold; his Wrifts and Ankles were bound fait with fmail Cords to the Ladder : Two days I f.iw hu^ alive undtr thii Torture, how much longer he Lived under it I cannot tell. 5. They are generally great Enemies to De- bauchery in Publick : It's a great fcandal to them when they fee any Chri lians, who broi^^^ht th.tt licitjlialtty out uf thrir own Countries with them, to be guilty of it. I have heard them fay, of a Drunken Slave ; A Chn/l-utu ? No, He's a Swine. And though they will indulge thcm- fclves by Night ( cfpeciaily in their Kamciam Moneth) yet woe be to him, that (hall Offend hy Day in th.it kind. There was an EngUfh- man, who had brought over with him his Drunk: en Humour, and his Captivity had not mttde him Sober: and when Rehgton h.is not firm hold of the Heart, a little matter will make fuch a one let go his hold of Religion : This En^ltfi-man turn'd a Renegado, and of a Dntnken"chrt(ltan became a Drunken Tiirk^, and was not able to keep the Tot from his Head,A\ixm^ their holy time «f Ramedam ; being one day foqnd thus like a Sor, Of Grent Mercy. 33 Sot, he was brought into the C.ijJ'.ibJ, or chief Court of Judicature, where he was adjudged to receive many hundreds of violent blows, fome upon his nuked JJticI^ and Reins, others upon bis naked Belly ; he could not creep from the place of punifhment, but was earned away by The Harr.rKcls; his Bi/Zy, and B/Jci^werc fo ex- coriated, thzt SarKpfori Baker, ziiEnghlh-man^ who was his Chirurgeon , afllircd me he was forced to cut otF abundance of his Flefh before he could be Cured. 6. What Cruelties they Excrcifc upon poor Slaves, needs not be mentioned, and there will be an Occafion to fpeak of the mofl Ordinary iv<*)of punifhment c're long. Let it fuffice,that all is ylrbitrary, and tinlimittcd. If a Patron fliall k'ii his Sl.ivc, for ought I could perceive , he fuitcrs no more for it, than if he fhould ksH his Horfe : There was a Dutch Youth, a Slave roa7';(ri;, who, upon fome provocation, ^r^rw his Knife at hts Patron ; for this OJfer, he was Sentenced to be dragg'd out at one of the Gates, and there to have his ^rfns and Legs broken m pieces with the great Sledge Hammer, which Sen- tence was accordingly Executed, for though I could not fee his Face for the crowd, yet / heard the blows, and the mifcrablc Crys of the poor dying Young Man, SECT. "71 % 34 yl Small Monument SECT. V [. The jzriev'>u.f Punipmcnt Tfjjf/^c:! upon John Randal, the Authors Danger, and Dclivcr.wce fro»: thcfiff/ej n'poii prc- tefrcc that they h.ul attempted to niak? tin Ej'cupe. IT is time to rc-aflumc my own concerns, and look a little into my own Condition, which, through the good /"rovidcnce of God, was much better than that of many of my poor Brethren and Fellow Captives j and yet I met with great Ebbings and Flowings in my Tranquillity : whilil I was managing my Trade very lloutly and fuc- cefsfully, ( J oiin Randal wioxV^mg with me in my Shop,_) my Partner having now knockt off, and left all tome: One day I changed a Twenty fhil- ling piece of Gold for Silver with a Friend, and having the money chinking in my hand, John Randul asked mc, what I did with fo much mo- ney ? I dcfired him to keep it for me, till our re- turn, and he fhould know : For he being not very well, wc agreed to walk out of the Town to take the frefli Air j a Liberty, which for fome- what above a mile, is indulged to the Slaves : When wc had walked almoltto the end of our Tedder. Of Great Mercy. 35 Tedder, I was dcfirous to walk a little further toviewtheCoails, if, perhaps, any Advantage might offer it felf afterwards for an Ecape, though wc ytttnaily dcfijTncdnofuch thing. As we were prying about the Scafiie, one of the Spies appoiitcd conltantly to watch, icftany of the Slaves fhould Run away, came to us, and charged us with .7;; itttcn:pt to r,u kf r.n Efcape ; wc flatly dcnycd it, but he l:.id hold on us ; there was no rcfiiting. Obey we mull, and accord- ingly attended his Mallcrfhip towards the City : As we drew near, 1 cfpyed fomc EngUflt rr.en at Quoits, ( for with fuch Recrcdttons and Diverfions, they are willing now and then to be- guile the tcdiom minutes of lingring thraldom, ) I beckoned to one of them whom I knew, tx pre- tending onely to whifpcr with him, I fccrctly conveyed to him my Frrfe, wherein wcxc feven Pieces if eight ; \ve were prcfcntly met by ano- ther Spyc, and thofe two led us to a little blind Houfe, where they fearch'd us, they took away the iwnty flu lings, which I had put into my Friends hand, and finding nothing upon me, tool^ away my Doublet, and then brought us before the Vice-Roy, and hisCouncil : \Ve were (Ira ighc- ly Examined, and ilrongly charged with an At- tempt to Efcape : We peremptorily denyed ally and itood upon our Innocency , affirming, that our onely defign of walkinq abroad, was to take the frefli Ait., occafioncd by my Fellows Sick- nefs. This Purgation would not be Accepted , and A ,5 A S trail MonumeM andtheB.«/c(j« was commanded to be brought forth, \vc anfvvercd, wcdunl notfalfely accufc . ourfelves, nor make our felvcs Criminal, when we were not fo, and therefore if fuch was thetr •will and plc.ifure., we mull: abide by it, and fo tvefat down bytbeJKckj. The way of pHntfinicnt by the B.tttoon, or Cudq^ el, IS thii. They \\zvca jlrong ftajf^aboitt fix Foot long, in the middle whereof are bored two holes. Intothefc holes a Cord is put, and the ends of the Ccrdfajlned on the one fide the flaf, with knots, fo that it makes SECT. VIL C n i^ thi Authors Tdtron grovp'wg poor^ he is Solely or Mortgaged to another'^ thi vpondcrfnl k,wdtiefs that he found front his fecondratrotJt HEfe was nothing yet working towards a Deliverance, nor could I yet fee the leafi: glymmeringofpolTibility which mighs fo much as flatter my willing mind with a hope of cfca- ping : . But it's Obferved, that the Night is al- ways darkefi towards Day-break.; and God is often drawing nearer to us in Mercy, when we conceive he is departing further on in Difplea- fure. My Patron had hccn finckin^ in his Efiate a pretty while, the laft Ship he had put to Sea broke hts backs At laft he was grown (infenfibly) fo low , that it could no longer be daubed ftp with his Repute, but he muft be forced to fell all his Slaves to pay his Debts : It was not much to me whither I was chopt and ihanged; I might •change my Coaler, and my 'Goal, but ftill I was like to be a Prifoner : I might be bought and fold, and fold again, but ftill my Condition was Slavery; yet one thing racthoughj was comfor- i(J Ji Small Afomment tabic, that the hfi InflrurAcm of n.y Bondage was come into Mifcry as well as my fclf. In the partage of his Slaves, it fell to my Lot andanothen to bc Aiortgaaediox i certain fum of Money , ]oymly to tw Perfons , the one a C.ip maker, the other a Grave Old Gentleman, who nrtiongft his own People had the Repute of A <-ocd Natur'dand moderate PfrfoN, {as ^ood Natiirr^ and Modcratt'on go at Mgur. ) 1 he Day of Payment cis,all helps, and there- fore all hofes to rid my fclf out of this Slavery : And though I might have been there 4 p«fy Lordy and B4>aw'd it over the reft of my Felow-Ser. vants, yet Slavery had in it fomething of 1 know not what harpwefs that I could not hrooi. fetters cf ColddomtMcthetr Nature, they are Fet- ters ptl: Had B^j.«^ff's Cage been ofCJcld, as 'twas of Iron, yet it was a Cage; and that was provocation enough to a haughty Sprit to beat out his own Brains againfl: it's Bars. This there- fore quickned my dull temper, and I began to Refolve to make an Attempt once for all. Now therefore muftering thofc few Wits Captivity had left me, I fet them on work, and ran through , all things pofsible, and impofsihle j he that wtll , findwhatbehasloj}^ mtfi lool^where 'tis not, as j 'acll as where 'tis; and forming ftratagems in my . Head, fomc Idle, and Fain; fome Defperate, , o\}ntxs impofsihle; at lafi: I pitcht upon one, that feeme d to mefeifabley and praaieable. SECT. Of great Mercy. SECT. VI I r. 43 ■^ 7he ContrivMce for our Efcapc, the Tcr- fans Acquaitttecl tvith it, and alfo thofe that were Engaged in it 5 fome Debatct about leaving my Patron. HAving Formed the Dcfign, or at IcaH-, the rude draught, and general Model of it , my firft care was to open it to fome skilful and faithful Coitnfellers, who might more imparti- ally difcover to me it's inconveniences, where it was like to prove leaky, or take w; d; And firft, I acquainted Mr. Sprat, our Mmiftcr, with it, and laid before him the whole of the Contrivance ; and he fo far approved it, that he judged it pofjlble : Next, I acquainted one Robert Lake, a very wife and Religious Pcr- fon, who beftowed his BlelTing on it, and wifh d it all good Succefs : And laftly, I acquainted my Friend John Randal , who approved it : Yet noneof thefe««/^, ot would run the rifque of it's mifcarriage. Mr. Sprat was already deli- vered from his Patron, and in a fair way to be abfolutely enlarged, in a more fafe and Regular way, for not long after our Efcape came Cap- jain Pack, oi London, and paid the fixty Dollars, E 3 and ^ A Small Merwmtnt and took him along with him for En>'lar,d: John ;?W./hadaWife, and Child, and thcfc were ,.. dear fledges to be left bchwd and yet too tender things to undergo our Difficulties : ^o- bert Lake was an Jncent Perfon, and nuther able M^vely to be carried in, nor aihvd) to car- ry on a Dclfgn that required much hardmefs of Body and Mind to endure, and much lircngthto CO through with it ; we had nothing niorc from Them than Fraycrs and Connfels, which yet was the main; and then my next care was, to take in Partners, and Accomplices in the Defign And herein I had a three-fold Refped: Firlt, £0 fuch as were necefar.ly required to Form the inftrument of our Efcapc and Deliverance : bc- condly, to fuch, whofcrr_yf^, and approved Ft- ^ deltty I might prefumc would be objlmately, and . j J?./,?,.«y2v/f<:m in-concealing it: Thirdly, to ^ fuch! McConragecfMind, and firen^th of , ^<,^v would render them capable to purfae the < ends of ity to put it in Execution, and go through i with It. n. But before I would reveal the Projedt to any , of them in particular, I Required an Oath ot\ Secrefie: Thatyvbereas J flwuld now reveal to htm, or them, a matter of great concernment \o their Happinefs and Well-fare, they pM Jo- lemnlypromife, andfwear, that in cafe they did not approve it, or Xfould not ]oyn tn ttj yet they (Iwtild, neither direaiy, nor tndireaiyjor fear,, crfiatteryy difcover ih or the Perfons engage A. ^ Of Great Mcrey. 4S in it, to ar.y Perfon whatfoever. When a Pro- iea was once mentioned, which promitcd in- Seneral therr Happ,nefs .ndlVell-fare, I needed not tell them in particular what it drove at, they could fmcU out that with cafe ^ for what could he Good, or Happy to Slaves withoHt L>b^''y, This Oath therefore they willingly took -. I judg- ed fcven Perfons would bc enough to manai^c, carry on, and Execute it ; and therefore except the three fore-mcntioncd, I communicated it to no one Perfon but thcfe following, who engaged in it, though all of them did not go through with it. John Anthony, a Carpenter, who had been a Slave ffteen Tears ; his Trade fu - ficicntly(hews, how ufeful he would prove in thToein. IVUUam Adams who fmcc h.s Captivity, had learnt and u^ed ^he Trade of a Bricklayer : his Serviccablcncfs in it w ill be evi- dent in L'fequeU he had been a Slave eleven Years, hhn jcphs, who was a Seaman, and muft therefore be prefumed one of the ^™ in a Projea of this Nature; he had cndur.d Slavery about five Years, lohn--. a Carp n- tcr, who was a skilful Man m h.s Trade, Lully of Body, andthcreforemuftbe a good Wheel I this Engine , and he had been a Save five Years: And two others, whofe Employ- ment it was to walh Onall Cloaths at the Sea- fide, and thofe had alfo their parts in carrying on the work, though they went not along with us ; and W'lt'^'"Okjley, who prefeots tbc Rc^er £4 ^'i" T\\ 46 A Small Moniimtnt with this Narrative, who was taken jiugufl 1 1.' 1659. and Efcapcdjwwe 30: 1644. thefemade up the Number of 7. There arofe a ScmpUy nay, it amounted to a ^e/lton, whether to at- tempt an Efcape from my Patron, one that fo dearly Lovaime, fo coHrtcou/ly treated mc,had fo fairly boHobt me^ were juftifiable before God and Men/ And, I. It might be a Quertion in point of Prudence -y for, where could I hope to mendmyfelf} Or better my Condition.' I might poflibly find worfe Qnarter in England^ where the Civil Wars were now broke out , and to that height of cxafpcration, that thofc of the fame Nation, and, perhaps, Blood, would hardly giyc ^wrrrr of Life to one another : If the Name of Native Coumrey bcwitcht me, if That da7.1ed my Eyes ; furely jv^f-fwr we are Well is our Coumrey, and all the World « Home to him that thrives all over the World : And why (hould the Name of Bondage, why fhould a jvor*/ grate fo harfhly upon my delicate Spirit ^ when the fting of it was taken away ? Liberty is ^good word; but a Man cannet buy a Meals meat with a word: And Slavery is a hard word, but it breakj no mans back, Tboufands are more Slaves than I, who are yet their own Alafters, and left at Liberty than niy fcif, who have the free raks^ndran^eof the whole World. But yet my Patron's favour was no free hold; I held pot tny Happy time in fttfrrfit, all was advo- Inn: Of Great Mercy, 47 luntatem Domini ; bcfides , he might dye, and leave me to another ; or Live to StU me to ano- ther, who might be of another Charailer, and then my Condition would be therefore worfe , bccaufc I had known a be tar. 2. It might be QueHioned in point of Jnge- nitity, how I could be fo unworthy to leave him, who had Loved mc? Would not all that (hould hear of it, Condemn me if ill Nature, to leave without taking leave, one that had been a Fa- ther tome, who might have ufcd the Right of it Lord ; and ufcd mc as a Child, who might have treated mc as a Slave ? But really I thought there was more of M^mners and Conrtjlitp in thcOh]c{i\or\,zh!iT\oiwci?ht , and Cogency : Stijl I dwelt with 'SAcihcch, ai/dhad my Habitation ar^on^fi the Tents ^/Kcdar ; and one thought of England, and of its Liberty and Gofpcl con- futed a thoifand fiich ObyHtons , and routed whole Legions of thefe little Scruples. It was no time to lUnd upon the Pimfliho's of Honour and Ingenuity ; no time to Complement , and Jhatn coiirtcjie ; here was no Farcwcl Patron, in the Cafe, and therefore I foon ovcr-came that. But, 3. It might be Qucftioned in the Court of Confcience, whether it were not down-right Theft to with- draw my felf from hts Service, who had bought mc, pAid for mc, enter'' d upon mc, pcffcfs'd, and en]oy''d mz, as his own pro- per Coodsi and now I wits not mv own, had no right to rpy flfi Whether mignt not a M^n be ' • ' fth h^4 48 -^ Small Monument felo de fcy in jlc^ilin£ hiwfelf, as well as killing lArrJcip And whether he is not the greater /«//- robber^ that Ikals (iw.'iy hnnfe/f, than he that fteals awiyfrom himfclf ? But I much qucftion- cd their propriety to me ; my Patron's Title was rotten at the Foundation : Man is too Noble a XHreature to be made fubjcd to a deed of bar- gain and Sale ; and my con/en t was never ask'd to all their bargains, which is Efentialytoacztc a right of Dominion over a Rational Creature, where he was not born a fiibjecl. If I had for- feited my Life or Liberty, the Law might take it ; but I was not Confcious to my fclf of any fiich forfeiture, but that I was at my awn Dif- 'pfal. Thus all was clear and quiet, and we went on with our Dcfign , which I now fir.l: opened to them : That I had contrived the Model of a Boat, which being formed in parcels, and after- wards put together, might, by the fupcr-intcn- dcncyof Divine Providence, proves;/ ylrk^zo deliver us out of the hands of our Enemies. This wasfoonfaid, and greedily entertained; to E- fcape was a pleafant word, the Name of Liberty made Mufick in our Ears, and our wifhing hearts danced to the Tune of tt ; and a Boat was as pro- rniftngameans as any thing could be imagined : But when once their thoughts cooled, and came more fedately to look into the difficulties of it, they appeared innumerable, and fome of them |[J:emcd infuDenfble j and fonje things that had - pad Of Great Mercy. 49 nail currant in my own thoughts, and [ went clever away with them, without any rub ; yet when t'-cy came to be pierced into with more JEyes, an:. fc-nnM upon more Fingers, they were attended with confiderable impediments : where this Boat fhouU be built , was one daggering Queition : Where it (hould be Launched, and where put to Sea, was a choaking Objc(ftion : How vvc fhould efcapc thofe y^r^/«-eyes, which arc always obfcrvingus by Day, was a gravel- ling Qucery ; or how to get out of the City by Night, whofc Walls are fo high, whofe Gates arc fo dofe fliut, and firongly Guarded, was another vexatious Quxry : How we fliould be Rigged and Vi(ftuallcd for fuch a Voyage, was a confiderablc enquiry : and whither we Oiould dcfi"n, was not to be ilighted. But hov/fnch a littUSkjfi rather than Bout, (Tiould be able 10 yVeathcr all the Accidents of the Sea, was 4 Netk^Qj*eflion, enovghto Jirangle Faith, and flifle Hi with Defp.-'ir. To thefc Objedions , I Anfwered. That 1 had dtCgncd r,y own Cellar, as the mcetcll place wherein to bialdihe Boat ; that when it was there Built, it might be taken j^p/Vm ^^^.w;, and car- ried out of the City m parcels, and beflowed m private places till things were npefer Executi- on. That for a place where to put to Sea, it would be time enough to dctennine upon that when we had finifh'd our Vcflc! : That M^york, ^vas the mqft commodious place to defign to 50 ^ SmAll Aioiiument Land in : But in general I told them to this pur- fofc ; That if wc never attempted any thing till we had Anfwered tfllObjeiHons,\ve muit fit with our Fingers in our Mouths all our days,and pine, and languifli out our tedious Lives in Bondage: Let Hi be up and doings and God would be with iu. To bey in w one half of our work^ : Let US make an Eflay, and Anfwer particular OhjcCii- onsastheyOfTcr'dthemfclves, and as we met with them in our work. That the Projed had it J difficulties J was confclTcdj but what has not, that is Commendable, and GlortoM ? Yet whatever difficulties and dangers we could meet with, Liberty^ kept in our iye^ would fweeten the dangers wc might encounter in Attempting. They were all well fatisfied with what was faid, and all engaged to venture the utmoil they were, *iw<^^rf7, SECT. Of CrtAt Mercy. SECT. X. The putting of our Boat together, the Dif- ficulties vpc metwiththcrcin-i and our putting out to Sc.i, June 30. 1644. AS foonas wc were met all together at the appointed place, wc began to think of I'.x- ccuting our long intended Dclign ; but wc were Divided in our Counfels, where to begin our work : It had been a Queftion propounded be- fore, and we thought wc had fully Refolved upon the place ; but at our Nketing wc were lir.wgcly dtfcompofed : There '^cxc two pUccs which fl:ood in Competition, each pretending good Conve- niences for that end. The one was .(//id Coffin, upon their flioulders, and the rcfl of us decently attcnauig ■ the Ceremony, huiwew.inted Torches, and be*- fidcs, it's not ufual for any to wait upon their own Coffins : But wc durit not grudge our Boat that ffy.^ll, and Lift Office, to carry it half a Affile, for we expeded, it fhould repay us that Ser- vice and Civility with Intercit, in carrying us ?rany a League : We Carried it at Land, where it could Hotfwim ; that it might carry us at Sea, where we could not walk, As we went along, they thit were in the Gardens heard us pifling by, and called to us, who comes there f But it' was dark, and we hid no mind to prate, and therefore without an, AnlVcr, wc filcntly held on our way. When wc came to the Sca-fidc, wc immedi- ately itript our fclvcs naked, and putting our Cloaths into the Boat, carried it, and them, as far into the Sea as we could wade ; and this wc did, led ct4r tender Boat fliould be torn again ft the Stones or Rockj ; and then all fcven of us got into her : But here wc foon found how our Skill in Calculating the Lading of our V'efTel fail- ed Of Great Mercy. 6$ cd us : For wc were no fooncr Embarqued, but fhc was ready to fink under us, the water coming in over the fides ; fo that once again wc . mult entertain new Counfels •, at laft, one, whofc Heart mojl failed htm, was willing to fhut out, and rather hazard the uncertain Torments of the Land, than certainly be drown' d at Sea ; then ■ we made a fecond Experiment, but ftill fhe was fo deep Laden, that wc all concluded there was no venturing out to Sea : At length, another went afliore, and then flic held up her Head ve- ry ftoutly, and feem'd hearty enough for our Voyage. It was time now to commit, and Commend our felves, and Veflelto the Protedion, and Condud of that God who Rules the Winds ay:d the Waves, andwhofe Kingdom is in the dcip Waters, irr.ploring Alercyfur the Pardon of oi-.r Sins, and refigntng itj> our Souls to Cod-, •« '/ we had been prefently to Suffer Death iy the Hand of the Executioner. And taking our Solemn Farewell of our two Companions, whom wc left behind, and wifiiing them as much Happinefs as could bc hoped for in Slavery , and they to us as long a Life as could be expcded by Men going to their Graves; we Lannched out, upon the thir- tieth day of June , in the Year of our Lord , One Thoufand, Six Hundred, Forty, and Four : A Night for ever' to bc re- mcmbrcd .t:|" rt| (i<3 A Small Monument mcmbrcd by his poor Creatures , who arc cur fclvcs Lrcc.t Monuments of Divine Pro- vidence , and do fct up this Little Monu- rrent of his Goodncfs and Mercy, tharmay furvive us, and bear up the Name of God to after-times , that by us Men may Learn to fut their Trufl in God : And the Bill of Lading is as followcth; John Anthony^ WU- ham Adamj, John Jephs, John-— Carpenter, and Wtllmm Ok^ley. SECT. Of Great Mercy. SECT. X r. 67 7/.1C grcctt Extrcvtitics nv Endured at Sea for SixD.tjif, tinci Sights, iviththcCo- jnctdcfit Providences of Cod that ap- peared for its itionr Extremities, and our Mir ant lo Its Landirg rff Mayork, 'July 6. 1644. WE arc now out at Sea without HeIm,or Pilot ; without Anchor , Tackle, or Ccmpifs ; but God was thfe, all tbcfe, and more than. ill thefc. Our Number was Small, our Work was Creat, we could not afford one Idle Hand, not one Idle Ffocr : Four of the Company continually wrought at the Oars; and indeed wcir>-o//.;/;f /i/r o;(r Lrjcj , and then I fhall not need to' fay how m n-roKfIn : But this 1 IJutll fay, I an trnly fay it, 1 never faw ibength fo drained, nor the utmolt of what Nature could do iorL-fe ^W L^im>, exerted fo much >n all my Life. The Employment of the hfth Man was more eafie, but no Icfs nece(rary,which was to free the Boat of that Water , which by Degrees leak'c through our Canvas. We Labourd the harder thit Nig^t,hcai\x\c we would eladly be out of the Ken of our Old "I :tU C 8 A Small Monument Maflcrs ^^ Z).7 ; but when Day appcar'd, wc were yet within figh: of thcirShips,that lay in the Haven, and Road, and off the Land : But our Boat being fmall, and lying clofc, and fnug up- on the Sea, cither was not at ail Difcovercd,or clfc fccmed fomcthing that was not worth the taking up: A httlc hope in the midft oi great Fears^ made us double, and redouble our Di- ligence; wctugg'd at the Oars like thofe who zrcChjin'dto the G allies^ becaufe we had no mind to be Slaves to our Old Patrones in thctr ijiiUies, But upon all Occafions we found our want of fore call, for now our Bread, which was to be thc/lafi of our decayed ftrcngth, had lien foak- ing in the Salt water, like a drunken Toafl fopt in Brine, and was quite fpoyled : And our frefh water in the Bottles itank of the Tanned Skins , and Owze, having lyen fobbing in the Salt water, which made it naufcous : But yet that hope that hovcr'd over us, and flatter'd us that wc fhould one day mend our Commons, fweetcn"d all a- gain ; fo long as Bread was Breads we com- plained not : Three days with good Husbandry it laftcd, but then pale Famine (which is the worft fhapc Death cm be painted in ) ikred us in the Face ; And there was no fublitute for Bread at Sea: At Land, the Roots of Grafs, the tops of Trees, and the vileft Excrements have fcrved to flop the clamour of a Ravenous Sto- mach, but that which Slaves dcfpifcd,wc fhould hivc Of Great Mercy. 69 have admired, and prized : Water indeed we might have, either cdd^ or hot ; we had choice, but it was a hard choice : Either the cold fait rvatir out of the Sea, or that warmer, which had been drained through our Bodies, and that wcchofe of the two, but we mull not have that, after a while, unlcfs wc would firrt: Accept the ' other : And the Milcry was, thefe did not af- ■fwage our thirll:, but axreafe tt ; nor mcreafe oar ftrength, but dir/.f/.-iJli it; yet thefe were the means of Life : Strange means, that would deflroy the End. Several things added to our Mifery ; for trou- ble fcldom comes folitary. For firil , wc had the Wind for fame time full againfl: us : And this was both an evil in n felf, an evil in its effcli , .and an evil in its caufe. It was a great evil in it felf; it ;«frf:es. We were nowlbdifpiritcd, that wc debated , whc- thtrwe jboitldbe.ir up with the Wuid., or rfujke the be jl of our way^ and Row againfl it? That is, whether it were not better to go back to ^Z- gicrs with eafc , than painfully make towards freedom? At Li f, like Pcrfons that though wc knew not what to do, yctrefolved not to return; wc refolved whilll we had Mfc , and Strength , and Breath, we would itrugile with it: And now the great God interpofed ; he rebuked his IVinJ, kwas not tiyin/l M ; my, hc reconciled his Wind, and it became our friend. I Ic that can turn the Rivers in the South, could turn the W.nd out of the North: Here we might have had a notable demon "tration of Gods Sovereign- ty. He determined i\\cQ_n.irtcr of the Wind, the Qu.iniityo{ the Wind, andthc Cor,tinu4nce of the Wind. The Quarter, whence it fhould blow. The Quantity, bow much it fhou'd blow, and the Continuance , how long it jliould blow. The Quarter was our Enemy, the Continuance had quite brought us to Dcfpair •, but had he opened his Hand, and let out one blaft iwre, the proud Waters had gone over our Souls, we had fcripiedin the deep: But we fee that our times are in Cods Hand ; the Ocean in the hollow of ' the fane Hand, and the Winds in the fame hand, and Happy it was for us, that we, and they , were f.ll there. A Of Great Mercy. 71 A Second great Inconveniency was, that our Labour wat without Jnterniijfton, though we ad- vanced not forwards at many ftroaks, yet cclTa- tion had driven us backwards. The poor Sen- tinel thatihnds upon the Watch, yet comforts himfeif that another will Relieve him; but we had none to take the toyl ofFour Hands, and give us Refpite .• Wc might)/;/// our places, but not our pains, A Third great Evil that lay fore upon us, was the extremity of the heat by day; the Scafon was Raging hot, being the beginning of July -^^ the Climate was hot, being under, or about the Fourth Climate; we wanted freOi Water to cool the Heat, and were engaged in continual Labour to enrage the heat, and all thefe made it infupportable to our Bodies, and our little, or no hope, ( which now like a Candle burnt down to the Socket, did rather blink, than burn) made it grtevoiti to our Souls. One iinall help we had (if it was a help ) that the fifth Man, who cmp- tyed the Boat of the Salt Water, threw it upon the Bodies of the refi: to cool them ; But this was a A'liferable Remedy , for our Bodies were fo bleached between the fcorching Sun, and the cooling Water, that they rofc up in B!i:krs all over. Great pain we felt, great danger wewere in, great Miferies were endured , great wants we were under, and had nothing little, but hope, food, kndflrength. By Day vVe were all ftark Naked, t>y Night we had our Shirts, or loofe ■ ', G ■ Coats, I,. -2 A StmU Monument Coats,.andthat wasallour Cloathing, the reft we left aliiore to cafe our Boat, If any fliall be fo Inquifitivc, as to ask , hy what Direclioris wc fleered our Courfc, that we did not tack about infcnfibly in the dark Night, or Day ? He may know, that for theD^j, one of the Company had rf Pocket Dyal, which fup plycdthe place of the Compafs, e'nc welt e- noiighforlucha VcfTcl, and fuch Mariners. By Night, when the Stars appeared, WC had our advice from them, and when they dif appeared, weghcflcd at our way by the Motion of the Clouds. In this fad and woful ph'ght we continued four Days and Nights ; on the fifth Day, we were on the brinl{ of the brink, of defpair , and all hope that we fhould be favcd, utterly pcriOicd. And now, as Perfons dcfpairing of the End, wc ccafcdto purfue/k means-, laid by our Oars, left oil our Labour ; either wc had no flrength left, or were loth to throw away that little wc had to no purpofe, onely we kept ftill emptying the Boat i loth to drown, loth to dye, yet knew no ways to avoyd Death .• When the End is re- n-.ovcd, all means perijli with it. They that Ad leaft,commonly wi(h the mod: ; thus when we had left frmtlefs Labour, wc fell upon frmtlefs rvifies, that we might meet with fome Vcffel, fome Ship to take us up : If it was but a Ship, wc confidered no further ; Eng-- lijhy or African, Tros, TyrihfX/e; all was a Cafe .• Of Great Mercy. yj Cafe : Or if not, yet the worjl was better- than ottrbadcifc; and therefore refolvcd, could wc have Difcovcrcd any Ship, to have made to- wards her, though it had been one of v^/^/;f >v. How many wiiht tlicmfcivcs again i>i £c')pf, when they Combated with the un cxp'c^ed Difhcultics of the Wtldcmefs I How oft have the People of God been more afraid of the means of their' Dcltvtrance , than of their Danger ! When Chriil came to favchis Difciplcs frorn the Storm, yctbccaufc he came in a way uncouth, and uncxpe(ffcd, they cryed ot-.t for fear. Mat. 14. 26. Whether the Reader will pity, or con- demn us, I know not ; but to that pafs were we now brought, that we would have accepted Life upon any terms not bafe andfi>,fiil, and whether we fhould have ftuck at fnch or w, I have no fuch fccuriry from my own Heart as to rcfolvc him. Whilil wc were at this dead tbbe of Hope, the Great God, whofe mofl Glorious Oiportn- mty tohclp, is his CxaXuxcs^rcateft Exircmi- ty: He that appeared for Abruhar^ in the Mount, and to the three Toung Men in the Fie- ry Furnace ; he that Delivered Ifrael at the Sea, at the Red Sea; he who times all his Mercies for their Advantage : even He fent us fome Re- lief, and a little Rehcf is great, \n great exigen- ces. As we lay hulling -up and do\vn, we'Dif- covered a Tortoife ?iot far from us aflccp in the Sea. Had the great Drake Difcovered the Spa. G 2 v,jh "j^ yi Small Afonitn-.ent tiijlj riate.Fleet, he coul4 not have more Re- joyced ; once again we bethought our fclves of our Oars : and pow our little Boat. (hewed it fclf to be of the ri^ht breed cf yil^ters^ made of firaiicliTfn:ber.\udto its poor^Ability would Iccomc ti Corf.iir ; wc filcntly Rowed to our Trey, took it into the Boat with great Triumph, we cut oif her Head, and Kt her bleed into a Pot V wc drank the Blood , cat the Liver , and fuck'd the Flcfli ; Wtjrm flepi, and hot Li: ^itor ( except our own ) had been a "/cut Ra- rity with us a long time, it was a Novelty of Providence ; and really it wonderfully rcfrclh'd our Spirits, repaired our decayed llrcngth and recruited Nature; at leaf!-, poor cxhaulted Na- ture was willing to be cheated, and fancy her lelf recruited : But there was no cheat in'f, wc were really rcfrcOi'd, and with frclh Vigour and courage fell to our Work ; wc left our fears be- hind us, wc pickt up fomc fcatter'd crumbs of hope, and about Noon, we Difcovercd, or thought we Difcovercd Land. It's impofTihlc roexprcfsthc Joy, and Triumph of our raifed fiou'jatthis apprchenfion. The Poets tell us, that as often as HercnUj threw the great Giant agair. t the Earth, Vis. Alother Earth gave him veKv [trength againft the next Encounter : It was vcw jirerigth^nnv Life tp us^though not to touch, • of Great Mercy. SECT. XII. 79 The great kJncJnefs wc Received at Mayork ''■ froffi the Vicc-Rpy., andthe hrhabitunts ofthatTpud and City. WHcn we were come to Land, we were not unfcnfible of our Deliverance', though like Men newly awakened out of a Dream, wchadnotthe true Dimcnfionsof it: We confeiTed God had done Great thtnos for us, hut hew great th ngs he had done was beyond our Comprehcnfion .• Wc had efcafcd the Sea., but yet Dca'th might be found at L.ird; and wc were ready to fay, withS^w^/ow, judg. 15.18. ^Lord , thou h^Ft given tlnf gritU DcliVcrMce 'tnio the hands of thy Si rv^, nts., and now jhall w_e dye for Thirji ? We had had no Food fince wc eat the Liver, and drank the Blood of thcTor- toife, and therefore leaving three of our Coni- pany with the Boat, the other two, viz.. Joh'n yinthony, and my'fdf were fent 6ut to fcout abroad for frcfli Water .• And the rather were we fent, becaufe this Jt^H Anthony could fpeak both, the Spanijli , and Jtallan Tongues very ^exkCily., and I had as much of the 5f.'«'j?3as might ferve toexprefs our wants, anddefires, if perhaps we might mcetwith any Perfons there- abouts. n ' 8o A SmM Monumnt abouts. Wc were not far gone, before we fell into a Wood, aiidwc were in a Wilderncfs in our thoughts, which way to take : He will needs go his way, and 1 mine. Good Lord/ what a /rail, impotent thing is Man ! That t^cy whom common danger? hy Sci., common Deliverances fromSci hail United, fhould now about our ow.i wills fall out at l.and. And yet thus wc did: He give mc rcproachfiil words, and ifs wellwccuiic not to blows; But I went my own way, and he feeing me refolute, followed me , and the Providence of God, not dealing w;ith us according to our frowardncfs, foil, wed w both: This way led us to a VVatch-Towcr of the Spani- ,arJty many gf whi,;h they keep upon tbe Sca- Coails, to giveth^ Countrcy timely notice of any Pickaroons that come afhoar to Rob, and Spoyl. When we came within call, fearing he might Difchargc at us, we fpoke to him upon the Watch , told him our Condition , what wc were, whence wc came, howweefcaped; and . carncftly begged of him to direO us to fomc frclh -Water, and in the mean time to beftow upon us .feme Bread. ; He -very kindly threw us down jt;! old mouldy Cukc^ but fo long as it was a Cak^^ and not a /i.onf, nor a Bullet, Hunger did not -confidcr' its Mjiddincfs : Then he direded us ^ofrefh Water, which was hard by : Wc flood not telling Stories j W;C rcmcmbrtd our fdvesy we Of Great' Mercy, 8i wc rcmcmbrcd our Brcikrcn left with our Boat, and Obferving the Sentinels Dircdticns, came to a Well, where tlicrewas a Pot with Jtrings. to draw with : Wc drank a little Water, and cat a bit of our Cake, but the pafCigc was fo difufcd, that wc had much ado to force our Throats to relieve our clamourous (tomachs ; But here wc (laid not, but, with the four Le- pers in the Tents of the Syrians, i Kings 7. 9. Rebuked our fclves, We do not wcll^ wc h,:ve j^Ud lidin^s to curry, and dvyvc hvld our pace ? Wcretyrnto ourBout, are welcomed by our Companions, acquaint them with the good fuc- ccfs of our Embii]V> ^""^ ^" pr'^T-^''^" ^o make ;o the Well.. • .., . ,; .. ; -And now we rr.ufl leave our Boat ; that /"./;//;- fnl Injirmtent of Gods Providence, which hacj fo trufiily ferved his purpofc to deliver us : It was not without foine Recqylings upon our Spi- rits, that wc HiQvild fo much as in appearance ir/:it'iie :hr oioratitiide of thofc, who having fer- ved their privstc ends on thcirl rlcnds, and have now no further ufc of them, rpoll ungratefully ftiakc them off.- That we fhoulcj-bc like the war /fr-fl'(??-,which uftjs the water to purfuc his Game, on4 when he comes to Land , (hakes it off as iroulilefome , and t}itrde»fo>r,e. But it was no time to /land upon Complements j Hunger , Thir/l, Wcarinefs, Dcfirc of Rcfrclhment and Rcllj thokirrforinnfiff Pitnst Commanded us i away J ^ S :i A Smitll Monument away; and tying our Boat as fad as wc could totheShoar, wc left her to Mercy, which had ^jcen fogoodto us. ' As wc were going, or rather creeping , or crawling towards the Well, another Qyarrel flatted amongd us, the Memory whereof 'is fo ungrateful, that I Hull give it a Burial in fi- \cnQQ, \\\Qht[\Tombfur Controverftes. '■ And now we are at the Well, and the Well is provided of IVarcr, and we have fomething to drmv ; all tbcfe helps God has given us, but he mull give us one more, even a thrown to fwitllow it, without which, all the reft f^mfie mthtn^^. This was the evil Difeafe Solomon had Obferved in his Days, Ecclef.6. 2. yi Mn>i to whom God had given Riches, Wealth, And Honour y fo that he xvantcth nothing for hn Soul, of all lljat he dcfireth ; yen God giveth hir/> not Power to eat thereof: He that gives us water to dnnk^, and meat to eat, muft give us Power to eat and drink^alh. How totally do we depend upon him for Life, and Breath, and all things ! One of our Company, William Mams, attempting to drink.after many EfTays was not able to fwal- low it,' but ftill the water returned, fo that he funk down to the Ground, faintly faying, lam H de4d Man ; we forgot our fclvcs,t0 remember him, and after much ftriving, and forcing, he took a little ; and when he and wc were rcfrclh'd , ■ with Of Great Mercy. 83 with our Cake and water, we lay down by the Well-fide till the Morning. None of us cou'(| watch for the refi, but One Godwntchcdovtr m all: There we lay lockt up, and buried in Sleep : The Heavens covered us, when wc wan- ted a Canopy .- Each might fay in the Morning, with David, Pfal. 3.57 Lud me down andjlept ; J awaked, for the Lord fujiatnedrrje. When it was clear Day, we addreft 0U15 fclvcs once more 10 the Man upon the wat.h; Tower, entreating him to Dircd us the ready way to the next Houfe, or Town, where we might find Relief. He civily points us towards a Houfe a!)Out two Miles'otf, whither, with wearied ftcps , and joyful Hearts , we now began to Travel : Oor Feet had been fo pa;-' boy led, and ^tiodled with the Sans heat, in the Salt water-pickle , that they were very raw , and more bliiler'd ; and long it was before wc could over-come the tedioufnefs of thofc two Miles. When wc approach'd the Houfe, the Owner efpying us, and concluding by our//wi'- l>y garb, that wc were fomc Pilfering Rafcals, Prefcnted a Fowling Piece at us, and charged us to Hand. The foremoft of our Company, who could fpcak that Language well, meekly told him, he might fparc that Language, we were not abU, if we had fo wicked a will:, nor willing, if we had hcenable, tooffcr him the lead injury j That we were a Company of poor Creajturesj whojj) t]ie \^'onderful Providence ofGoU.h^d '. .^.|j -' ■ • " - Refcii- S.j. ji Strati Montmcnt kcfcucd from the Sl-ivcry of .-//^/f>-.<-,and hoped he would (hew Mercy to the i\inictcd. 'i he llonc'l lamer, moved with our Rdation, fcnt us out Bread, \ Vatcr, ani Olives, with which w!icn we had rcfrefh d our fel vcs, we lay down, an i Kel'tcd three or four hours in tlie Field \ and returning thanks for his Charity, prepared to crawl away at our lame rate. He feeing us thankful Bcggers, enlarged his Civility to us, called us into his Ifoufe, and gave us good warm Bean Pottage, wliich feemed to me the mod Pleafint looJ that ever I eat in my Life : Our Leave once more taken, we Advanced towards the City of Af'iyoil^, which from this place is about ten Miles : No water could we meet with upon our way, but tuwards Evening, we dif- covercd one drawing Water at a Well, wc hafl-ed to hiiri, rind he drew for us ; that was our Supper, and there was our Lodging that Night. 1 he next Morning we came into the Suburbs of the City, theftrangcnefsof our Attire, being bare foot, barc-Icg'd, having nothing on but loofe Coats over our Shirts, drew a croud of en- quirers about us, who we were/ whchcewc came? whither we went ? Wc gavcthcin a particular Account of cur Deliverance, with its Circumftanccs; and thvty as willing ro pity; as to li>iow our Eilatc, and as ready r* Relieve, Vi'$ fit)\ accommodated us for the prefent with food', they (gave us Wine,. andStrong-Avaters, ind il'hatisyer elfe might recover our e^hauftedSpi- '^- rits ; Of CrcAt Mercy. 85 rits^ but told us, wc muft be oblif cd to tarry in the Suburbs, till //;f ru^-iJojhifd notice that , fuch Stranf.crs were Arrived: Me had foon /«- ftrrratiou of us, and wc as foonw Ccn.rr^ndio appear before him : He Examii-.td us about ma- ny AtTairs- what Men of VV:ir the Jherincs had rit Sea ? v.'hat llrtngth they were of at Land ? Llut above all, he was molt curious,and cxad in farisfying himfclf about our Efcape, our Boat, our Ha2ards at :ca, wherein when wc' had fully Obeyed him, he Ordered wc Ihould be mainta'ned at his own Coll till we could have palTagc to our own Countrey. In this while the People gathered us Money- to buy us CloathsandShooes, and we w nted nothing that Nature called for , but ibanlful Hearts to God. And they endeavoured to help to that Mercy too : As I was walking in the Streets viewing the City, a Young Man fteps to me , Friend ( laid he ) are you one of thofe that came lately Over in the Canvas- Boat ! I An- fwcred. Yes, I was one of them : well ( reply- cd the Young Man ) It wm not the little Loat , but the Gre.n God that brought you Over. I mu/l needs fay, I often think of' this Young mans words, and as often as- I think of them they chide me, that I have not hitherto more pub- lickly owned God in his Gracious and wonder- . ful Deliverance. However, others may be con-"' cern'd to Read I know not yet I am cobcern'd tO'' Write of the great things God has done forme. SECT. 26 A Small Monnment SECT. xrii. the TrovidcHca of God rchkh attended uf^ and Conduced us all ftfe to Eng- land. IT may not prove ungrateful to the Reader, to fee how tlic great God, who beirun to work for us, pcrfciled htf werk^'conceri/i/i" ttr. I low he that had, and did deliver, would llill deliver us; as /7«j/ir5r.trj have their Glories, yet Con- y?r//rfr/ow/arc more Glorious : So each Provi- dence of 'God is Admirable; but taken together, as one ferving another, and this helping forwards that, fo indeed they are moll Admirable ; when the Creator viewed his each days work, it fo puncftually anfwercd its Jdjeu according to which, and Obeyed the Power by which it was Created, that he pronounced kCood; but when he rc-viewed the Produ(ft of the fix days, he pronounced alt to be very food : Each Letter in a Book fpeaks sl^ll, but when thofe Letters form wordsy thofe words, fentences, t^ere is a grea- ter Excellency, and more skill Difcovered : S?- farate Providences fpcakout eminently/ow^ of Gods Attributes ; but when wc put them toge- ther, alLthe Attributes of God rtiine forth in' them. Of Great Mercy. Sj th«n, and one Illuftratc another, which refleithony, John— Carpenter , and my fclf went afhoar, and there ftayed : Our other Companions ventur'd along with the Ship, and came into EngLind before us. VVhilll wc wereat 6';Wefo>-e, \.\\z Spaniards undcrllanding our Condition, much pitycd us : and one told us, that if we would accept it, we might have Lodging in his Vefibl, and he had FiHi enough that wc might make ufe of: There wc ftaid till our Money was gone, and then rcfolved to go wit{i the Foot- Poll by hmdto Cadiz.^ which is about fixty Miles : Butwhildmy two Compa- nions were gone to enquire for the Courier, I ftaid upon the (hoar, and faw a fmall Sfam^i VclTcl coming from Malaga, bound for Cadiz. ; I went aboard him, todcfirc Pafljge, ho freely granted it, and the next Morning early, wc fct Sail, and in little time came into C(i^/z,-Road, but not nigh enough togoafhore, the Captain told us,our PafTagc was p3id,we might freely go aOiorc when we would. Now, bccaufc we found no Ship here bound for England, and hearing that there was one at St. Lucars, we Tra- velled thither by Land, which is about twelve Miles : After a fliort itay there, I met with the Ma(tcrs Mate , of whom I earneftly entreated for Paffage ; he told rac> he had very little Pro- yifioiiv and that it would be hard to be Obtained : whillt Of great Mercy. 85 wbilfl we were talking, the Boat came to fetch him aboard, and in her there was a Youth, who was the Mailers Son : He asked his Fathers Mate, who was a! fo his Uncle, who we were? He told him, we were poor Men Efcapcd from Algiers, Jbutfqr Want of Provifion, he doubted Avc could not go for England. No .' '( faid the Youth) do you think my Father will deny paf- fage to poor £/;^//y/;-wf «, that come from AU, gtcrj?- Come Countrey- men (faid he) come into the Boat, you fliall have Paffage : He pre- fently acquaints his Father with us and our Con- dition : He treated us with great kindncfs, he prevailed with the Merchants to lay in Provifion for us : wc continued in his Ship till we came away : In the time of our ftay, I wen; aboard one Captain Good/on, who lay then in the Road , he was extremely civil to me j at my departure he gave me twenty fhillings, and fct me aboard our Ship , in his own Boar, Wc met with contrary winds, and were very near Engaging with a Hamburger ; it was five weeks before wc could reach the Downsiwhcrc wc arrived in Seo. 1 644, The Commander of the Ship was Captain Smtth, of Redriff. H 2 TO fl^ I' 4^ r.J» »^« *-t-* 51? te Ingenious Friend^ Mr. William Okcley, k/^^w /«/ Miraculous Deliverance in his Canvas Boat. THY Boat, thy Cflj^/< call; and Greet The C^wv-^ as thy Winding- Sheet: From C<7^ff, S/;ro»^ Delivered, C'AVt RefurreQion from the Dead! And fince thy Ltfe's the Great , thy Lines prefent " As God's C7rr4t Mercies Lejfer Monument. FINIS. A CatalogHeof fame Bookj PrrTited^andSoldby Nar. Ponder at the Feacock.in Chaticerji- Lane, near Flect-nrect; EXcrcItations on tlie tpirtit to the UebrewssiKo con- cerningtheAfflJI/i'j: Wherein the Promifes concern- ing Him to be a Spiritual Redeemer of Mani A Guide for the 1', aflical Gaugcr ; with a Compendi- um of Decimal Arithmetick. Shewing hrrerty the whole Art of Gauging of Brewers Tims, Coppers, Backs, &c. Alfo tlie Madi or Oyl-Ca