AT LOS ANGELES w s Id o o £ n ft, : « pq s s 3 (/) ffl VJ z S w g * o .^ OS J ~ < < * ^ K ^ &3 (/] a w < a W SI < - u ,* ■— 3 EARLY AMERICAN PORTRAIT PAINTERS IN MINIATURE BY THEODORE BOLTON 4 . • ■ ,- '.'• NEW YORK FREDERIC FAIRCHILD SHERMAN MCMXXI • Copyright 1921, by Frederic Fairchild Sherman • 1 * • • • * c « * • • « * < * « s t • • • • I I . . ( «. . ( , t CC i ttl * \o LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Malbone, Edward Charles Harris \ v ' ' Nicholas Bowman f FACING PAGE Copley, John Singleton Self Portrait 7 Van Dyck, James James Lyon 7 Brown, J. Henry President Buchanan 10 Dunlap, William President Tyler 10 Fulton, Robert Samuel Beach 26 ^ Duval, Ambrose Gov. Wm. C. C. Claiborne 26 BOUNETHEAU, HENRY B. Henry M. Manigault 42 Baker, George A., Jr. Andrew Jackson 42 Birch, William vJ George Washington 58 Petticolas, E. A. George Washington 58 Thornton, Dr. W 7 illiam George Washington 62 Ramage, John George Washington 62 Clark, Alvan Barnabas Clark 70 in FACING PAGE Gimbrede, Thomas Mr. Schley 70 Bridport, H. Caroline Dugan 74 Inman, Henry Portrait of a Lady 74 Jarvis, John Wesley Miss Jarvis 90 Allston, Washington Captain A. H. Pray 90 Trott, Benjamin Lewis Adams 106 Peale, James Mrs. John P. Van Ness . . . 106 Andre, Major John Margaret Shippen 122 Staigg, Richard M. John Lothrop Motley 122 Pelham, Henry Jonathan Clark 138 Savage, Edward Self Portrait 138 Field, Robert George Washington 154 James Sargent Ewing, M.D 154 Wood, Joseph Portrait of a Man 158 Munger, George Self Portrait 158 Hill, Pamela Rebecca Dean Salisbury 166 W 7 illiams, Henry Samuel Larkin 166 iv To Ruel Pardee Tolma N 7 HE present volume lists as many of the portrait painters in miniature, both native Americans and foreign painters working in America, from the earliest times until J850, as it has been possible to enumerate. It includes not only ivory miniatures but small portraits in oil and water color as well. FOREWORD i The word "miniature" comes from "minium" meaning "vermilion," the color used by the illuminators of manu- scripts as a border to their decorations. At what time a like- ness with a vermilion border about it was detached from the page of vellum and used as a portable portrait is both difficult and useless to determine. Suffice it to say that the dozen undoubted miniatures by the first great miniature painter, Hans Holbein, were all painted on vellum, or the backs of playing cards, and that was the material generally used in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries in England by such men as Nicholas Hillyarde, Isaac and Peter Olliver, John Hoskins, Samuel Cooper, Thomas Flatman and Lawrence Crosse. It was not until the beginning of the eighteenth century that ivory was used as a painting surface, but upon its adop- tion it was used almost exclusively. Samuel Shelly, John Smart, Andrew Robertson and Richard Cosway, to mention a few of the finest English miniature painters of the period, painted almost entirely on ivory. The change was not partic- ularly for the better. Painting in water color on thin sheets of ivory gummed at the corners to a piece of card is a most pre- carious method. The color may be ruined or entirely removed by the touch of a moistened finger and the ivory, too, is most sensitive to changes of temperature. Hung near a fireplace the ivory is apt to buckle or split. As in the case of other painting, direct sunlight is certain to affect the colors. Per- haps the best way of keeping the small portraits is in a cab- inet that can be covered when they are not being enjoyed. vii Glass at the back as well as the face is an excellent manner of framing ivory miniatures. In more recent times the derivation of the word "mini- ature" has been lost or confused with the word "minute," and the word in its modern sense means simply a small portrait. ii Miniature painting in America started with no more than an ornamental purpose for bracelets, snuff box tops, and watch lids. Even Charles Willson Peale painted miniatures to serve this end. Finally it developed into small portraiture worthy of a special frame. The leisure of the people of the new republic was generously expended upon portraits. 'The country was at this time, mad on the subject generally," writes Mr. John Hill Morgan in his excellent article on Saint-Memin, and portraiture in oils, miniature and engrav- ing flourished in a manner it has never since attained. Stuart, Sully, Trumbull, Trott, Malbone, Fraser, the Peale family — these and many lesser men could not supply the demand. Englishmen like Miles, Birch, Sharpless and Field came to the country and painted with success, and countless Frenchmen varying from the excellence of Saint-Memin to mediocrity found full employment. The movement was a perfectly natural, spontaneous growth. In many cases the craftsmanship is impeccable and would cause astonishment to any one not familiar with the period. For the artists were trained — a number had the advantage of European training but for the most part they trained themselves. The later miniatures were painted on larger surfaces. Some were rectangular in shape, often they were painted on paper and on cabinet size Wood panels. viii Of all the rich variety of portraits produced by the early American miniature painters many compare with the work of European masters in the art. Four names stand out above the rest — Malbone, Fraser, Trott and Field. Miniatures by the eminently artistic Edward Malbone have long been eagerly sought after. Less known but of high worth is the serious art of Charles Fraser. The brilliant Benjamin Trott ranks with Edward Malbone and Charles Fraser. These three artists were native Americans. The fourth was an Englishman who spent almost his entire artistic career in this country and Nova Scotia. His name was Robert Field. His miniatures are superb. Each of these artists in his different way raised the smaller portraiture to the dignity of the larger. Portrait painters in oil also otten painted miniatures that compare with those of the artists who were exclusively minia- ture painters. Among these were Henry Inman, John Wesley Jarvis, Matthew Harris Jouett and Thomas Sully. John Trumbull's miniatures are painted in oils as are a number by Copley. At last a decline set in but it was not because the impulse had spent its force. The doom of the miniature came with the advent of the daguerreotype and Henry Shumway finally reduced to tinting photographs is symbolical of the change. The present book includes only those artists working before 1850 when the photograph had already numbered the days of the small portrait. in My indebtedness is great. Without the aid I have received this undertaking would have been practically impossible. At the outset I wish to thank Mr. Ruel P. Tolman and IX Mr. F. Fairchild Sherman. To Mr. Tolman is due the sug- gestion of the book- — to Mr. Sherman its publication. In the way of assistance I must speak first of Miss Alice R. H. Smith, Mr. Harry Piers and Mr. John Hill Morgan. The information I have received from them, their unfailing responses and their time ungrudgingly given must receive from me my fullest public acknowledgement and my heartiest thanks. I wish to thank, too, all those who have answered my questions or have allowed their treasures to be reproduced. My indebtedness extends in four instances to England. Mr. Walter L. Ehrich has been of especial service. My less formal thanks must be given the curators and secretaries of the twenty-two art and historical associations who have given me aid in many ways, it is not likely that another writer could have had more generous assistance. Theodore Bolton WASHINGTON, D.C., OCTOBER, I92O ACRES, John Edward Flourished 181 5-1826. Miniature painter. Acres studied at the Royal Academy. He came to Sydney, Cape Breton County, early in 1815 to see about a land inheritance. Mr. Harry Piers in a com- munication to the writer states: 'From about Septem- ber, 1 81 5, till 1 816 or later he was in Halifax but re- turned to Sydney about 1817. He went again to Hali- fax sometime before 1823, and apparently was still painting miniatures in Halifax in 1826. He committed suicide at Halifax soon afterwards." Mr. Wilkie? inscribed on back: "Halifax, Jan., 1823, Acres, Painter." Mr. George Ritchie, Halifax, N. S. AGATE, Alfred T. b. 1818; d. January 5, 1846, New York City. Miniature painter. Alfred T. Agate was the younger brother of the painter F. S. Agate. He travelled with Captain Wilkes' expedition making drawings for the government service at that time and later. Francis Emmons wrote a brief account of his life. 1-3. Three miniature portraits. National Academy Ex. 1837-38. AKIN, James b. about 1773 South Carolina; d. July 8, 184.6, Phila- delphia. Engraver, caricaturist and portrait painter in water colors. He engraved illustrations in Salem in 1804 and in 1805 he was in Newbury. In 1808 he settled in Phila- Acres — Akin: 2 1 delphia becoming in turn designer, pharmacist, res- tauranteur and patent draughtsman. See: 'The Gran- ite Magazine," October, 1898. 1. Thomas Leavitt. 2. Hannah (Melcher) Leavitt. ALLEN, Sarah Lockhart b. August 2, s/9J, Salem; d. there July 11, 187"/. Miniature painter and portrait draughtsman in pastel. In Felt's "Annals of Salem" there is the following note for 1820: 'Portraits of full size are executed by Miss Sarah Allen in crayons. She is a native of this city." The following portraits are all miniatures. 1. Catherine Princess of Nassau, after Morelese. Essex Institute. 2. Charlotte Story Forrester, 1832. 334 x 3. Essex Institute. 3. Unknown boy. Essex Institute. 4. Unknown woman. Essex Institute. 5. Thorwaldsen. copy? Boston Museum. ALLSTON, Washington b. November 5, 1779, Brook Green Domain, Waccamaw Co., S. C; d. July g, 184.3, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Historical, religious and portrait painter. Graduating from Harvard in 1800 Allston went to Charleston, South Carolina and in 1801 sailed with Malbone for England where they studied in London under Benjamin West. In 1804 Allston went to Paris and Rome. He returned to the United States in 1809. In 181 1 he went to London with Morse. In 1817 he revisited Paris. He was elected R. A. in 181 8. Allen — Allston: 3 1. Captain A. S. Pray. Rhode Island School of Design. 2. Mrs. Huyer. :}{x i -; , . Mr. R. T. Haines Halsev, X. V. 3. John Harris, rectangular. 2 -'4 x iyk. Painted in 1809. Boston Museum. AMES, Daniel F. Flourished 1841-/852, New York. Miniature painter. AMES, Ezra b. 1768; d. Feb. 23, 1S36. Portrait painter in oils and miniature. Ezra Ames started as a coach painter. He later took to portrait painting with such success that his picture of Governor George Clinton, exhibited at the Pennsyl- vania Academy, received particular notice. He painted a series of some of the members of the New York State legislature. I. Jesse Hawley. 2 x 3^ m rectangle. N. Y. Historical Society. 1. Catherine Louisa Douw Townsend. 3 in. oval. Albany Institute. 3. John Fondey Townsend. 3 in. oval. Albany Institute. 4. Margaret Livingston Douw. 3 in. oval. Albany Institute. 5. John Fondey, Jr. 3 in. oval. Albany Institute. 6. John Fondey Townsend, M. D. 4 in. oval. Albany Institute. 7. Catherine Douw Gansevoort. 4 in. oval. Albany Institute. Ames, D. — Ames, E: 4 3 AMES, Julius R. Flourished 1834-1850. Miniature painter. He was the son of Ezra Ames and worked in Albany. ANDERSON, Alexander b. April 21, 177 S-> New York; d. January 17, 1870, Jersey City. Wood engraver. Alexander Anderson is rated as the first American wood engraver. He was a copper plate engraver as early as 1794 but to please his father he studied medicine at Columbia College, obtained his degree in 1796 and practised until 1798. In 1797 he resumed engraving. In 1820 he devoted himself almost entirely to engraving on wood taking the work of Thomas Bewick as his model. His work in miniature is rare. See F. M. Burr: "Life of Alexander Anderson," 1893. 1. Julia Malvinia Anderson. 1820. 2^x2^. N. Y. Historical Society. ANDRE, John b. 175I) London; d. October .?, 1780, Tappan on the Hudson. Major in the British Army and amateur artist. Major Andre who was executed as a spy during the American Revolution, was an amateur artist of great ability. He painted water color landscapes; assisted at the fetes in Philadelphia by drawing a costume for the "Ladies of the Blended Rose;" probably carved the wooden figure of a British dragoon in the Wister House in Philadelphia; and undoubtedly designed scenery and Ames — Andre: 5 4 drops for the small theatre in Southwark. He also painted a few miniatures and in a letter, speaking of his capture in 1775 at Lancaster he said: 'I have been taken prisoner by the Americans and stripped of every- thing except the picture of Honora which I concealed in my mouth. Preserving that I yet think myself fortu- nate." This miniature was of his own painting. 1. Miss Peggy Shippen. Pencil. Historical Society of Pennsylvania. 1. Honora Sneyd. 1769. ANDREWS, Ambrose Flourished 1829-1852. Portrait painter in oils and miniature. From 1829 to 1831 he was in Troy, N. Y. He later moved to Saint Louis and then to New York. I. General Sam Houston. N. A. Exhibition, 1849. ANNELLI, Francesco Flourished 1841-1828, New York. Historical, portrait and miniature painter. ARMSTRONG, William G. b. 1823, Montgomery Co., Pa.; still living in Philadelphia in zS8o. Engraver and portrait painter in water colors. Little is known of W 7 illiam G. Armstrong except that he came to Philadelphia, was a pupil of Longacre, drew small portraits and finally became a line engraver. For Longacre's "National Portrait Gallery" he engraved portraits of John McLane after Sully, Winfield Scott after Ingham and Thomas Pinckney after Trumbull. Andrews — Armstrong: 6 5 I. Francis Hopkinson. Water color copy of the portrait by Pine. Ehrich Galleries. ATHERTON, E. Flourished 1841-1842, Boston. Miniature painter. There was an Ezra Atherton, a wood engraver who worked between 1 830-1 835 and he may have been identical with E. Atherton the miniature painter who is mentioned in the Boston directories for 1841-1842. BADGER, Joseph W. Flourished /8j2-/8j8, New York. Miniature painter. Joseph W. Badger worked in New York City. It would be well to remember that there were two portrait painters of the same name living a little later in Boston. Thomas Badger lived there from 1 836 to 1 859 and James W. Badger lived there from 1845 to 1846. There was also a John C. Badger in Philadelphia making crayon portraits in 1855. I. Mrs. Cherry. N. A. Exhibition, 1837. BAKER, George Augustus b. iy6o y S trass burg, Germany; d. after 1830 {New York?), Miniature painter. The father of George A. Baker, Jr. BAKER, George Augustus, Jr. b. 1 82 1 New York; d. there April 2, 1880. Portrait painter in oils and miniature. At sixteen George A. Baker, Jr., became a miniature painter with such success that he painted one hundred Atherton — Baker: 7 6 r. u >• D z < > in a S > a I -0! O "rr, O ,> v w ** O - o u 'S. o C> '4, — a s s a: _ s rl Z >> SQ SI CO "& y. ^ _ o — - J and forty miniatures during his first year. I lis work in this branch belongs to the earlier part of his career — he later took up portrait painting in oils. In 1 844-1 846 he studied in Europe. In 1851 he was elected N. A. 1-4. Four Miniatures. N. A. Exhibition, N. Y., 1838. 5. Mrs. R. W. Meade, after Stuart. 6. General Andrew Jackson. 4x3^. The Ehrich Galleries. BALDWIN, William Flourished 1827-/846, New Orleans. Miniature painter. BALL, Thomas b. June j>, iSiQy Charlestown, Mass.; d. igii. Sculptor and portrait painter in oils and miniature. BARBlkRE-WALBONNE, Jacques Luc b. 7769, France; d. after f/po. Miniature painter. Barbiere-Walbonne was trained in the studio of Louis David. He was sent to the United States by Louis XVI to paint a miniature of George Washington and to deliver to the first President his majesty's present of the Badge of the Order of Saint-Esprit. He painted a replica of this miniature for himself which is the one listed below. I. George Washington. Mr. C. Duhamel, 1881. BARKER, M. Flourished 1820, New York. Miniature painter. 1. Robert P. Lee, 1820. Exhibition, Newport, R. L, 1890. Baldwin — Barker: 8 7 BARRALET, John James b. about 1747, Dublin; d. January 16, 1S/5, Philadelphia. Engraver and water-color painter of landscapes and portraits. He went to London about 1770, returned to Ireland in 1779 and sailed for the United States in 1795, settling in Philadelphia. BARRATT, Thomas E. Flourished 1837-1854, Philadelphia. Miniature painter. He may have been identical with or a relation to Edward Barratt who painted miniatures in Dublin in 1790. 1-3. Three portraits in miniature. Penn. Academy, 1847-48. 4. J. S. Da Solle. Lithographed by A. Newsam. BEARD, George Flourished 1840, Cincinnati, Ohio. Miniature painter. BELZONS Flourished 1779, Charleston, 8. C. Miniature painter. Nothing is known of "Mr. Belzons a French gentle- man" who painted miniatures in Charleston, South Carolina beyond the fact that he was the first drawing instructor, in 1799, of Thomas Sully whose sister he married. The teacher and pupil came to blows and Sully left after a brief period. Dunlap remarks: "he was a very poor painter." Barralet — Belzons: 9 8 BENBRIDGE, Henry Often erroneously spelled " Bembridge." b. May 20, 1744, Philadelphia; d. there February, 1812. Portrait painter in oils and miniature. Benbridge went to Italy where he studied under Anton Mengs and Pompeio Battoni and there attracted the attention of James Boswell, the biographer of Dr. Johnson, who commissioned him to paint a portrait of General Paoli. In 1769 he moved to London and was befriended by Benjamin West. In 1770 he painted a portrait of Benjamin Franklin that was exhibited at the Royal Academy. July of that year he returned to America. He was elected a member of the American Philosophical Society in 1771 . Declining health led him to visit Charleston, South Carolina, in 1779 and here he painted many portraits now masquerading under the name of Copley. About the end of the century he moved to Norfolk, Virginia. His remaining years he spent in Philadelphia. 1. Self-portrait. BINGHAM, George Caleb b. March 20, 181 1, Augusta Co., Va.; d. July 7, i8/p 3 Kansas City, Mo. Portrait and genre painter. In St. Louis Bingham met Chester Harding in 1820. In 1827 he studied law and was a lawyer, politician and cabinet maker before finally adopting the career of an artist. He met Harding again in 1827. He went to Dusseldorf in 1857. He travelled in the eastern cities until 1877 when he was made professor of art in the University of Missouri at Columbia, Missouri. See Fern, Benbridge — Bingham: 10 9 Helen Rusk: "George Caleb Bingham," Kansas City, 1917. 1. John Quincy Adams. Cabinet-size. On wood. G. B. Rollins Estate, Columbia, Mo., 1917. 2. John Howard Payne. 9x7. Water-color. Mrs. J. V. C. Karnes, 191 7. BIRCH, B. Flourished 1784, New York. Miniature painter. He inserted an advertisement in Loudon's "New York Packet," for November 25, 1784. BIRCH, Thomas b. 1787, London; d. January 14, 1831, Philadelphia. Landscape, mariiie and miniature painter. Thomas Birch came to the United States with his father in 1793 and settled near Philadelphia painting small profile portraits. In 1807 he was in Delaware. He then started painting marine views with ships and finally about 181 2, also took up historical painting. He must, however, have continued miniature painting for in the catalogue ot the Pennsylvania Academy Ex- hibition of 1 817 he is listed as a "Landscape and Minia- ture Painter, Lombard above Tenth Street, Philadel- phia." He was a member of the Pennsylvania Academy and an Associate N. A. BIRCH, William Russell b. April 9, I755-, Warwick, England; d. August 7, 1834, Philadelphia. Miniature painter in enamel, etcher and engraver. William Birch exhibited forty-one miniatures at the Royal Academy during 1781 and 1782. Sir Joshua Birch, B. — Birch, W.: 11 10 a S T3 ? a w 3 Si s - PI Z so - z D Z H W t*1 60 k! S" m 3 Cfl B- r O r W ~. 2 z CO c Si z r r > M ■0 *> ^ Reynolds employed him to make miniature copies of his paintings and his interest in the technical side of his art was such that he discovered a red brown enamel which he afterwards often used in the backgrounds of his miniatures. For this discovery he received, in 1785, a medal from the Society of Arts. In 1791 he published a book of his engravings after pictures by Richard Wilson, Thomas Rowlandson and other artists called "Delices de la Grande Bretagne." In 1794 he came to the United States and settled in Philadelphia where, as he himself wrote: "Mr. Bingham was my first employer in America, to instruct his two daughters . attended by one of their friends. I then built me a furnace, painted a full-size picture in enamel of Mr. Bingham and a smaller one for Mrs. Bingham." Shortly after he met with great success, gave up the lessons, painted about sixty enamel copies after Stuart's Wash- ington besides excellent original work in miniature, and engraved two volumes of landscapes and city scenes after drawings by various artists. John Neagle painted a portrait of him in his old age. Extracts from an un- published autobiography of William Birch are printed in A. H. W 7 harton's "Heirlooms." 1. George Washington. Enamel on copper, signed " W. B. 1796." Mr. C. Allen Munn, New York. 2. George Washington. 3^ x 3. On copper. Mr. Samuel P. Avery, 1909. 3. George Washington. Enamel. Mrs. S. W. Edwards, 1881. 4. George Washington, 1796. Mr. J. H. McHenry, Baltimore, 1881. Although disfigured said to be a very fine example. Birch — Continued: 12 11 5. George Washington, 1797. On copper. Mr. C. G. Barney, Richmond, 1881. 6. George Washington. Enamel. Mr. Lyle, Dublin, Ireland, 1881. 7. George Washington, 1796. Enamel. Engraved by J. G. Walker. 8. George Washington, after Stuart. Pennsylvania Academy, 1814. 9. Thomas Jefferson. Enamel, profile. Dr. S. W. Mitchell, Pa., 1898. Thomas Jefferson, profile. "Jefferson, G. Stuart, Pinx. W. Birch delin. D. Edwin Sc. 1809." 1}4 x 1 Pi. This may be identical with the foregoing. 10. Alexander Hamilton. Enamel. Dr. S. W. Mitchell, Pa., 1898. 11. Lafayette. Enamel after Ary Scheffer. Mr. Herbert L. Pratt 12. Commodore Decatur. Engraved by Edwin, 1813. A l A x 4- 13. Andrew Jackson. Enamel. 1820. 1 4. Joseph Welsh. Enamel. 15. Clementina Ross. Enamel. Mrs. C. S. Bradford, Pa., 1898. 16. Mrs. Barnes, nee Priscilla Birch. Enamel. Mr. W. Birch, Pa., 1898. 17. Arthur Lee. 2^x2^. 1795. Historical Society of Penn. 18. Portrait of a Lady. Enamel. Hon. A. G. Ponsonby, England, 1865. 19. Mrs. Whittaker. Enamel brooch. 3x2^. Mr. Albert Rosenthal. Birch — Continued: 13 12 2o. Robert Gilmor. Enamel. Mr. C. Allen Munn, New York. BISHOP, Thomas Flourished 1753-1833-, London , Paris and Philadelphia. Miniature painter in enamel. Thomas Bishop exhibited five miniatures at the Royal Academy between 1787 and 1798. "In 1833," wrote John Sartain in his "Reminiscences," 'I became acquainted with Thomas Bishop the painter in enamel. He was very old, a good deal past eighty. He resided in Paris at the breaking out of the first French Revolution in 1789. He had studied medicine, and had also learned the art of painting in enamel while there. . . As his life in Paris had been broken up by the rising of the French people against their oppressors, so afterwards in Portugal his peace was again disturbed by the inroad of the all conquering army of the Emperor Napoleon." He came to Philadelphia about 181 1, took a studio in the city and settled in Germantown. One of his enamels was a Venus; another, a nymph and a third, a night blooming cereus. 1-4. Four portraits in miniature. Pennsylvania Academy, 1811. 5-6. Two Children's Heads after Boucher. BLANCHARD, Mrs. Eliza H. Flourished 1843-/846, Providence, R. I. Portrait and miniature painter. Birch — Blanchard: 14 13 BLANCHARD, Washington Flourished 1831-1843. Miniature painter, Boston. 1. William Ellery Channing. Boston Athenaeum, 1834. 2. Alexander H. Everett. 3^x4^. N. Y. Historical Society. 3. John C. Calhoun. Mrs. G. S. Holmes, Charleston, S. C. [1902]. 4. Henry Clay, 1842. Corcoran Gallery of Art. 5. Abram Aldrich, 1843. Exhibition, Newport, R. I., 1890. BOGARDUS, Mrs. William b. 1804; d. 1878. Miniature painter. Mrs. Bogardus exhibited miniatures at the National Academy Exhibitions from 1842 to 1846. 1. Reverend J. O. Choules, about 1830. Exhibition, Newport, 1890. BOGARDUS, William b. March 14, 1800, Cats kill, N. Y.; d. April 3, 18/4, New York. Engraver, die sinker and miniature pai?7ter. Bogardus exhibited a miniature at the National Academy in 1843. BOLMAN, Miss Flourished 182"/, Philadelphia. Amateur miniature painter. 1. Madame Murat. Copy. Pennsylvania Academy, 1827. Blanchard — Bolman: 15 14 BOUNETHEAU, Henry Brintnell b. December /./, 1J97 ', Charleston , £. C; d. ///m*, January Miniature painter. Henry Brintnell Bounetheau was the son of Peter Bounetheau, an officer of Huguenot descent who fought in the American Army. He received instruction in art as a boy but as a young man entered the business firm of Dart and Spear and later became an officer in the Bank of Charleston. Finally he went into partnership with Hamilton Son and Company. After two years the partnership dissolved, and, according to the Charleston "News and Courier" for February 1, 1877, he took "to miniature painting for support and displayed so much skill that his pictures soon became the rage." He was chief accountant with the C. N. Hubert Company for many years and held that position at the time of his death. He married Miss Julia Clarkson Dupre, and their son, Henry Dupre Bounetheau, lost his life in the great fire at Jacksonville, and many of the paintings by his father were burned at the same time. 1. Mrs. Middleton. Mrs. J. P. K. Bryan, Charleston, S. C, 1902. 2. Mrs. T. Grange Simons. Mr. T. M. Waring, Charleston, S. C, 1902. 3. T. Grange Simons, Jr., 1862. Dr. T. G. Simons, Charleston, S. C, 1902. 4. James Davidson Legare, U. S. N. Mrs. Gadsden King, Charleston, S. C, 1902. 5. Mrs. Charles Kiddell. Miss Kiddell, Charleston, S. C, 1902. Bounetheau: 16 *5 6. Charles Allston Pringle. Miss Susan Pringle, Charleston, S. C, 1902. 7. Mrs. Alfred T. Ravenel. Mrs. James De Sassure, Charleston, S. C, 1902. 8. Honorable James R. Pringle. Miss C. P. Ravenel, Charleston, S. C, 1902. 9. William Ravenel. Miss C. P. Ravenel, Charleston, S. C, 1902. 10. Miss Ravenel. Miss C. P. Ravenel, Charleston, S. C, 1902. 11. William B. Pringle, Jr. Dr. F. L. Frost, Charleston, S. C, 1902. 12. Dr. T. L. Ogier. Mrs. Reid Simons, Charleston, S. C, 1902. 13. Mrs. T. L. Ogier. Mrs. Reid Simons, Charleston, S. C, 1902. 14. Henry Heyward Manigault. 4^x3^. The Ehrich Galleries. 15. W 7 illiam Mason Smith, 1850. Miss Alice R. H. Smith, Charleston, S. C. 16. General Charles C. Pinckney. Engraved by A. B. Durand. 17. Nathaniel Greene. Engraved by J. B. Longacre. BOURDON Flourished about 1810, Pittsburgh, Pa. Portrait painter. James R. Lambden wrote Dunlap that Bourdon was a French refugee "who painted small portraits in an indifferent manner." Bounetheau — Bourdon: 17 16 BREWSTER, John Flourished /S02, Boston. Portrait painter in oils and miniature. BRIDPORT, Hugh b. 1794^ London^ England; d. after i8jj. Portrait and miniature painter and engraver. A student at the Royal Academy and later under C. Wilkin, a miniature painter, Bridport, at Thomas Sully's suggestion, sailed for the United States in 1816 and settled in Philadelphia. In 1 817 he opened an art school with his brother, George Bridport, an interior decorator. In 1 81 8 he conducted a school for both art and archi- tecture with John Haviland. In 1 817 he exhibited three water color scenes in Wales and may have revisited the British Isles. 1. Francis Hopkinson. 3x2. Mr. Rose, Pa. 2. Self-portrait. Pennsylvania Academy, 1826. 3. Chief Justice Tilghman. Pennsylvania Academy, 1826. 4. P. A. Browne. Pennsylvania Academy, 1826. 5. Thomas Sparks. Pennsylvania Academy, 1826. 6. Joseph Hopkinson. After Stuart. Pennsylvania Academy, 1826. 7. A Gentleman. After Raeburn. Pennsylvania Academy, 1826. 8. George Bridport. Pennsylvania Academy, 1817. 9. Miniature. After Reynolds. Pennsylvania Academy, 1817. 10. Reverend Henry Conwell. x^fter Neagle. 3^x2^ cardboard. On the reverse: "H. Bridport, Miniature Painter, 122 Chestnut St." Mr. Livingston, Pa. Brewster — Bridport: 18 17 ii. Man resembling Jared Sparks. 3x2^. The Ehrich Galleries. 12. Caroline Dugan. The Ehrich Galleries. BRODEAU, Anna Maria b. iyys, Philadelphia; d. August, 1-865, Washington, D. C. Amateur miniature painter. She was the wife of Dr. Thornton whom she married in Philadelphia in 1790. 1. Dr. William Thornton. Mr. W. G. Peter, Washington, D. C. BROOKS, Samuel Flourished ijgo, Boston. Medallist, miniature and profile painter. Samuel Brooks and Joseph Wright inserted the following advertisement in the Boston "Independent Chronicle" for September 30, 1790: "The public are respectfully informed, that the Artists who took the most correct likeness of the President of the United States and executed a medal of him, are at the House of John Coburn, in State Street, and will continue for one month only, to take the most correct likenesses in two minutes sitting; and finish them for one Dollar to three, or a miniature from seven to fourteen Dollars. . The artists cannot stay longer than the time proposed having engaged to go to Carolina in the next month." BROWERE, Alburtis D. O. b. March 17, 18 14, Tarry town, N. Y.; d. February 17, 1887, Catskill, N. Y. Sculptor and painter. Browere painted a small profile likeness in water Brodeau — Browere: 19 18 color about 2^x4, of his father John Henri Jsaac Browere the artist who made the life masks of Jef- ferson, Gilbert Stuart and many other eminent Ameri- cans. In 1897 it was owned by Mrs. F. Van Benschsten, Hudson, N. Y. He studied at the National Academy and in 1841 received a prize of $1000 for a composition "Canonicus treating with the English." He later went to California and painted mining scenes. BROWN, Abby Mason Flourished 1800-1S22. Miniature painter. 1. C. F. Herreshoff. Mr. Lewis Herreshoff, Newport, 1920. BROWN, G. Flourished 184"/. Miniature painter. Two miniature portraits by G. Brown were exhibited at the Pennsylvania Academy in 1847. There was a G. Brown who exhibited miniatures at the Royal Academy from 1825 to 1839 and it is possible that the two artists are identical. Other English artists exhibited at the Academy at that time. BROW 7 N, George Loring b. February 2, 1814, Boston; d. June 25, iSSg, Maiden^ Mass. Landscape painter. At eight years of age Brown began to draw and at twelve he was apprenticed to a wood engraver. Finally, borrowing a slender allowance he went to London, and Brown, A. — Brown, G.: 20 r 9 later Rome. At one time he studied with Isabey. He is generally known as a landscape painter but according to a newspaper advertisement he painted "portraits and miniatures" in Worcester, Massachusetts in 1838. BROWN, Henry I. Flourished 1844-185/, Boston. Miniature painter. BROWN, John Henry b. 18 1 8 Lancaster •, Pa.; d. i8gi. Miniature painter. In his own- words Brown "followed business as a painter of all work until 1844, about which time my career as a miniature painter exclusively commenced." He was the boyhood friend of President Buchanan. In i860 he painted a portrait of President Lincoln. At the Philadelphia Centennial Exposition in 1876 he received the medal for ivory miniatures. His son Walter Brown was also a miniature painter. 1. Horace Binney. 2. Edwin Booth. 3. President Buchanan, 5x3^. National Gallery, Washington, D. C. 4. Mrs. J. H. L. Campbell. 33^x2^. 1845. Historical Society of Penn. 5. Mrs. Seth Craige. Mrs. J. B. Lippincott, Sr., 1898. 6. Joseph Hopkinson. 7. Honorable Alexander Henly. 8. Mrs. Isaac Hazelhurst. Mr. G. A. Hazelhurst, Pa., 1898. 9. Joshua Lippincott. Brown, H. — Brown, J.: 21 20 io. Mrs. Henry E. Johnston. Mrs. Henry E. Johnston, 1898. 11. Dr. John K. Mitchell. 12. John N. Reed. 13. Commodore Stockton. 14. Joseph Swift. 15. Mrs. Annie Wiley. 3x23^. 1881. Historical Society of Penn. 16. Captain James Wiley. 3x2^. 1881. Historical Society of Penn. 17. William Welsh. 18. Henry F. Williams. 19. Portrait of a Young Girl. Exhibition, Newport, R. I., 1890. BROWN, Mather b. October 7, 1761, Boston; d. January /, /Sj/, London. Portrait and miniature painter. Mather Brown was the son of a clock maker of Boston. About 1780 he settled in London receiving instruction from Benjamin West. At the Royal Academy Exhibition he exhibited in all 80 pictures. King George III, the Prince Regent, and Viscount Cremorne were among the sitters for his oil portraits but no record has come to light of some miniatures he painted before leaving the United States. BROWN, "Mysterious" Flourished 18/2, New York. Miniature painter. "Mysterious" Brown was an Englishman who came to New York City and drew chalk portraits and painted miniatures. Brown, Ma — Brown, My: 22 21 BROWNING, Mrs. Flourished 1839, New York. Miniature painter. 1. Miniature Portrait of a Gentleman. N. A. Exhibition, 1839. BURLIN, Richard Flourished 7843-/863, New York. Miniature and portrait painter. CALYO, NlCOLINO VlCOMPTE DE b. 1799 Naples, Italy; d. December, 1884, New York. Miniature and portrait painter. Calyo, during the political disturbances in Naples, fled the city with the father of D. G. Rossetti. In 1829 he lived at Malta and later in Spain. In 1837 he sailed for the United States and established himself on Chambers Street New York where he was a host to many refugees among them Napoleon III. In 1842 he sailed for Spain, became court painter but returned to the United States to avoid an arising civic strife. See N. Y. Tribune, Dec. 14, 1884. CARLIN, John b. June 13, 1813, Philadelphia; d. April 23, 1871, New York. Genre painter and portrait painter in oils and miniature. Carlin graduated from the Pennsylvania Institute for the Deaf and Dumb in 1825 and then studied in New York with John Neagle. In 1838 he visited Lon- don and later Paris where he studied under Delaroche. He settled permanently in New York City in 1841 and took to miniature painting. Browning — Carlin: 23 12 1. Mrs. William Alston Pringle. 1845. Mrs. W. A. Pringle, Charleston, S. C. 2. Portrait of a Child. Exhibition, Newport, R. I., 1890. CATLIN, George b. June 26, 1796 : , Wilkesbarre, Pa.; d. December 23, 1872, Jersey City, N. J. Author and portrait painter in oils and miniature. Better known for his book on the North American Indian, which he both wrote and illustrated, George Catlin started as a lawyer and was admitted to the bar in Litchfield. He then entered West Point and finally moved to Philadelphia to study art where he is listed in the directories as a miniature painter. In Albany he painted a portrait of De Witt Clinton. In 1824 he was in Hartford and in 1825 in New York. He was elected N. A. in the latter year. 1. Captain Morgan, U. S. N. Pennsylvania Academy, 1822. 2. Self Portrait. 3. Miniature Portrait of a Lady. 4. Miniature Portrait of a Gentleman. 5. Napoleon, after L. Mansion. 2*4 x 234. Mr. E. Biddle, Pa. 6. Timothy Pickering. "Engraved by Longacre from a miniature by G. Catlin in the possession of W. Meredith Esqre Philadelphia 1822." CHARLES, S. M. Miniature painter, 1836. 1. Andrew Jackson, Signed "S. M. Charles." Col. W. Rives, U. S. A. 1897. Catlin — Charles: 24 2 3 CHESDEBIEN Flourished 1783, Baltimore. Miniature painter. "Mr. Chesdebien, Miniature Painter, announces that he will be at Captain Harrison's, Market Street for a short stay and that he will paint likenesses for 3 guineas" etc. — "Maryland Gazette and Baltimore Advertiser," November 7, 1783. CLARK Flourished 1795-1800 Philadelphia. Miniature painter. John Wesley Jarvis, quoted by Dunlap, speaks of "Clark, a miniature painter" as living in Philadelphia during his school days. CLARK, Alvan b. March 8, 1S04, Ash field, Mass.; d. August 19, 188 J ', Cambridge, Mass. E?igraver, maker of telescopic lenses, and portrait painter in oils and miniature. Self taught, Clark worked as an engraver for a short time in Boston and later in Providence, Fall River and New York. His miniatures were all painted after 1835. He made the first achromatic lenses in the United States. 1. Chester Harding. N. A. Exhibition, 1837. 2. Mrs. Henry Smith, rectangular. 3^x2^-4. 1 836. Boston Museum. 3. Mrs. Alvan Clark. 3x2^. The Ehrich Galleries. 4. Barnabas Clark. Worcester Art Museum. Chesdebien — Clark: 25 24 5. Ann Hill Blake. 1836. Exhibition, Newport, R. I., 1890. 6. Mrs. H. B. Humphrey. Exhibition, Newport, R. I., 1890. 7. Abram Clark, father of Alvan Clark. Mr. T. H. Gage. Worcester, Mass. CLONNEY, James Goodwyx b. 'January 28, 1S12, Liverpool, England; d. October 7, 1867, Binghamton, N. Y. Genre and miniature painter. Clonney started painting miniatures in New York in 1834, and exhibited at the National Academy during 1841-1852. In 1841 he lived at Peekskill, in 1844 he drew on stone for Childs and Inman in Philadelphia and in i8;2 he was living in New Rochelle. He was elected N. A. in 1834. CLOW, J. Flourished iSjj-iS^o, Halifax, X. S. Portrait and miniature painter. Clow came from Europe to Halifax in 183" and took a studio for a time in the Exchange Coffee House. He revisited Halifax in 1840. 1. Hon. Richard John Uniacke. Rectangular, alter Robert Field's oil portrait. Signed "J- Clow, 1831." Lt. Col. C. J. Uniacke, Southsea, England. 2. Temple Stanvere Piers. Mr. W. G. Brookrleld, Halifax, N. S. Clonnev — Clow: 26 2 5 COLLAS, Louis D. Flourished 1818-1828, New Orleans. Portrait and miniature painter. Dr. Cline of New Orleans writes: "Louis Collasisone of the best of the early American miniature painters. . . . He was painting portraits in miniature and oil in 1820 and we can find nothing about him after 1828." 1. Miss Ewing, 181 8. Mrs. J. S. Buist, Charleston, S. C, 1902. COLLES, J. Flourished 1778-1780, New York. Profile miniature painter. He inserted advertisements in the "New York Gazette and Weekly Mercury" for November 9, 1778, and in the "Royal Gazette" for May 10, 1780. COMINGO, Brown 181 1. Halifax^ Nova Scotia. Miniature painter. Comingo was a relative of the Reverend Bruin Rom- cas Comingo, a Presbyterian pastor at Lunenberg, Nova Scotia. COOPER, James Flourished 1853, Philadelphia. Miniature painter. Cooper exhibited at the Pennsylvania Academy in 1855, a "Miniature Copy of a Daguerreotype on Ivory"; "Likeness of a Child, on Paper"; 'Jenny Lind." Collas — Cooper: 27 26 H *■ ^ * s: to 6d rn > x. p s^ < m C ;- M M *r n r J— ■ H i 1 c r tc > H O z — r. H z <• a ft ts $ >t \s> r% g" C) B to p u n -* M n r 3 < > «. V S* r CO o o 7C Pi- COOPER, Peregrine F. Flourished 1840-/890, Philadelphia. Portrait and miniature painter. P. F. Cooper published a book in 1863 called "The Art of Making and Coloring Ivory Types, Photographs, Talbotypes, and Miniature Painting on Ivory . . . bv P. F. Cooper, Miniature, Portrait, Pastil, and Eques- trian Painter and Photographer." He states in his introduction that he has had "the experience of twenty- three years in study and practice in miniature painting, twelve years of that time principally devoted to Talbo- tvpe, or Photograph and Ivorytype coloring." COPLEY, John Singleton b. July J, 1737, Boston; d. Sept. o, 181J, London, England. Historical, portrait and miniature painter. John Singleton Copley was the son of Irish parents of English descent who arrived in Boston in 1736. The father died in the West Indies shortly after his son was born. In 1748 Mrs. Copley married again and the step- father, Peter Pelham, who was both a painter and en- graver, probably gave the boy his first drawing lessons. When he was fifteen he had already painted his first portraits. His success, which came early, was such that John Trumbull wrote of his amazement at seeing the stvle in which the artist lived. In 1766 Copley sent the portrait of his half brother, Henry Pelham, to the ex- hibition in Somerset House. The picture was greatly admired and, although submitted anonymously, the custom of exhibiting only those artists' work who sent their names was waived on account of its excellence. Cooper — Copley: 28 27 Through West's influence he was elected a fellow of the Society of Artists and invited to London. In 1769 he married Miss Clarke, whose father was the owner of the famous consignment of tea destroyed in 1773- by the "Boston Tea Party." From June to December, 1771, he was in New York City. In 1774 he left for Europe never to return, going first to England and then to Italy. From Genoa he wrote: "Genoa is a lovely city! If I should be suddenly transported to Boston I should think it only a collection of wren boxes." He wrote from Parma in 1775 urging his half brother, Henry Pelham, to resist conscription. The treatment his father-in-law received at the hands of the mob would explain this letter, for Copley always remained an American. He visited Germany, Holland and France the same year, settling finally in London. In 1779 he was elected R. A. "The Life and Works of John Singleton Copley," by Mr. F. W. Bayley, Boston, 191 5, gives a list of prac- tically all of Copley's paintings. 1. Joseph Barrell. 1^x1 l / 8 . 2. Mrs. Samuel Barrett. Oval, on copper. 5^x4^. Miss M. E. Cabot, Brookline, 191 5. 3. Joseph Blake. On copper. Rear Admiral C. H. Davis, Washington, D. C. Painted about 1756. 4. Mr. Samuel Carey. Oval. 1 5 /ieX 1 3 /ie. Ivory. Boston Museum. 5. Mrs. Samuel Carey. Oval. 1^x1 3 / u . Ivory. Boston Museum. 6. William Cleland. Oval. iyixi. Ivory, attributed to Copley. Boston Museum. Copley — Continued: 29 28 J. Self Portrait. Oval. Painted in England. Mrs. F. G. Dexter, Boston. 8. Self portrait. Oval, iy&xi. Boston Museum, loaned by Mrs. H. Copley Greene, 1920. 9. Lord Cornwallis. Miniature. 10. Judge Dan forth. On copper. 11. James Erving. Oval, oil. "There is a tradition in the family that it was the first miniature in oil that Cop- ley made." Perkins. Mr. J. Langdon Erving, New York, 191 5. 12. Dr. Samuel Fayerweather. On copper. 3x2^. Mr. E. D. Harris, Yonkers, N. Y., 191 5. 13. Joshua Grafton. Oval. Mr. J. G. Minot. 1915- 14. Benjamin Greene. Mrs. D. F. Prouty. 191 5. 15-16. Thomas Greene and his Wife, two portraits on the same copper panel. 6x8. Miss M. G. Chapman. Boston. 191 5. 17. John Hancock (1737-1793). Exhibited in New York. 18. Thomas Hancock (1 703-1 764). 4^x3. On Copper. 19. Joseph Sayer Hixon. Mrs. J. P. Hixon, Brooklyn, N. Y. 20. Mrs. Joseph Sayer Hixon. Mrs. J. P. Hixon, Brooklyn, N. Y. 21. Miss Thankful Hubbard, 1758. 22. Miss Eliza Hunter, 1784. Exhibition, Newport, R. I., 1890. 23. Judge John Lowell. (1743-1802). Mrs. G. M. Barnard. 1915? 24. Jeremiah Lee, 1 fs x 1 %. Boston Museum. 25. Andrew Oliver, Jr. 3 x 2 H- Boston Museum. Copley — Continued'. 30 29 26. Lieutenant Governor Andrew Oliver, i^xi ]/ 2 . Oil. Boston Museum. 27. Daniel Oliver. Mrs. G. F. Crane, N. Y., 191 5. 28. Mrs. Oliver? 1^x1^. Boston Museum. 29. Chief Justice Peter Oliver. Oval, copper. 5x4. Mrs. G. F. Crane, N. Y., 1915. 30. Lord Rodney (171 8-1792). England. 31. Sir John Saint Clair. 1^x1^, 1758. Hist. Society of Penn. 32. Stephen Salisbury? 1^x1. Oval. Metropolitan Museum. 33. Deborah Scollay. Worcester Art Museum. 34. David Sears. Mr. David Sears, Boston, 1874. 35. Captain John Small. 36. John Sparhawk. Painted 1783-4. Mr. Herbert L. Pratt. 37. Reverend Mr. Stillman. Mrs. J. C. Hixon, Brooklyn, N. Y. 38. Mrs. Stillman. Mrs. J. C. Hixon, Brooklyn, N. Y. 39. Samuel Todd. Miss Alba Davis, 191 5. 40-41. Two miniatures attributed to Copley. Mrs. Sarah Hooper, Boston, 1915. 42. Portrait of a Man. Boston Museum. 43. Mrs. Joseph Barrell, nee Nancy Pierce. (1 744-1 777). Miss Dorothea Keep, 191 5. CORNE, Michaele Felice b. 1712 Italy; d. 1832, Newport, Rhode Island Marine painter and portrait painter in oils. Corne fled to the United States to avoid military duty. In 1 807 he exhibited panorama of "The Bombard- ment of Tripoli," and "The Burning of the Pennsylvania Copley — Corne: 31 30 Frigate" at Washington Hall, Salem. Some small- sized portraits in Indian ink by Corne are preserved in the Essex Institute. CUMMINGS, Thomas Sier b. August 26^ 1804, Bath, England; d. September 4, 1S94, Hackensack, N. J. Miniature painter. Thomas S. Cummings came to New York as a child. About 1 81 8, after meeting Augustus Earl he decided upon art as a profession. From about 1821 to 1826 he studied under Henry Inman and at the end of that time he devoted himself entirely to miniature painting. He also studied at the American Academy and when S. F. B. Morse, a fellow student, called a meeting in 1821 of those dissatisfied with the policy of the director, John Trumbull, Cummings was one of the number. This led to the foundation of the New York Drawing Association which in January, 1826, became the National Academy of Design. Cummings was treasurer of the institution from 1827 to 1865, vice president from 1850 to 1859 and chairman of the committee that erected the present home of the Academy. He was commissioned brigadier general of the New York State Militia in 1838. In 1865 he published "The Historic Annals of the National Academy" that stands with Dunlap's "History of the Arts of Design" in importance as a history of the early American artists. The year after the publication of his book he moved to Mansfield, Connecticut, and finally settled in Hackensack in 1889. 1. Daniel Tylee. N. A. Exhibition, 1 841. Cummings: 32 3 1 i. L. P. Clover. N. A. Exhibit 3. George W. Jenkins. N. A. Exhibit 4. Mrs. Johnson. N. A. Exhibit 5. Henry Clay. N. A. Exhibit 6. John Inman. N. A. Exhibit 7. Henry Inman. N. A. Exhibit 8. M. Yates. N. A. Exhibit on, 1 841, on, 1841, on, 1841. on, 1 841, on, 1 841, on, 1841, on, 184I. 9. Erasmus Darwin Foote. Brooklyn Museum. 10. Elizabeth Stirling, later Mrs. Foote. Brooklyn Museum. 11. Miss Anna Clark. Exhibition, Newport, R. I., 1890. CUSHMAN, George Hewitt b. June 5, 1814, Windham^ Conn.; d. August J, /8y6> Jersey City. Engraver and miniature painter. George Hewitt Cushman at first studied engraving under Asaph Willard and did not start painting until late in life. It was his desire to enter West Point but was unable to carry out his wishes. His activity as an artist extended from New York to Philadelphia. The miniatures he painted were made generally only for his friends. 1. Self portrait. The Misses Cushman, Pa., 1898. 2. Rebecca Wetherill. Miss R. Wetherill, Pa., 1898. 3. Mrs. William W 7 . Young. Miss R. Wetherill, Pa., 1 898. 4. Daniel Wadsworth. DALTON, E. Flourished 1827, Philadelphia. Miniature painter. I . Captain Smith of the British Navy. Penn. Academy, 1827. Cushman — Dalton: ^2 3 2 DE BREHAN, Marchioness Flourished 1/88. Amateur miniature painter. The Marchioness De Brehan was the sister of Count de Moustier, French minister to the United States. She visited Mount Vernon in 1788 with her brother and painted several profile miniatures of George Wash- ington and Nelly Custis. 1 . George Washington Mrs. F. F. Moorhead, Allegheny, Pa., 1897. 1. Nelly Custis. Mrs. F. F. Moorhead, Allegheny, Pa., 1897. 3. Washington and Lafayette. On copper. DEMILLIERE Flourished 1796, New York. Portrait painter in oils and miniature. DENNING, Charlotte Flourished about 1834, Plattsburg, N. Y. Miniature painter. DEWEY, S. Flourished 1800-1810, Baltimore. Silhouettist and miniature painter. The name Dewey appears on a silhouette belonging to Mrs. W. A. Fisher, of Ambrose Clark made in 1800. In 1 8 10 an advertisement in a Baltimore newspaper says that S. Dewey painted "profiles and miniatures in various styles." There was a Silas Dewey — a "portrait painter, Vulcan Alley" in Baltimore in 1814-1815 and De Brehan — Dewey: 34 33 he may have been identical with S. Dewey silhouettist and miniature painter. DICKINSON, Anson b. s/8o, Milton, Litchfield Co., Conn.; d. there March 7, 1852. Miniature painter. Anson Dickinson started life as a silversmith but turned finally to art and took drawing lessons in Hart- ford. He began painting miniatures about 1804 and in that year sat to Edward Malbone for his portrait. The story is told that while Malbone was painting this por- trait the funeral procession of Alexander Hamilton passed by in the street below, but the artist was so absorbed that he would neither look out of the window himself nor allow his sitter to do so. From 1805 to 1810 Dickinson painted miniatures successfully in Albany and in the latter year met and received encouragement from Washington Irving. In 181 1 he was in New York. In 1 81 8 he visited Canada. In 1840 he moved to New Haven and shortly after to Hartford where he spent his remaining years. 1. Archbishop Du Bois. 2. Governor Sam Houston of Texas. 3. Chancellor Livingston. 4. Gilbert Stuart. 3x2^. N. Y. Historical Society. 5. Gilbert Stuart. Mr. H. H. Houston, Pa., 1892. 6. Gilbert Stuart. Mrs. Oscar L. Keith, Charleston, S. C. 7. Governor Oliver Wolcott of Connecticut. 8. J.W.Gates. 2 15 / 16 x2^. Oval. Metropolitan Museum. Dickinson: 35 34 9. Mrs. Robert Watts, nee Matilda Ridley. 2^x2^. Metropolitan Museum. 10. Judge James Gould. 2^4 X3X. Rectangle. Litchfield Hist. Society. 11. Dr. Daniel Sheldon. 3X x - X A> Oval. Litchfield Hist. Society. 12. F. Augustus Tallmadge. 3^4 x iyi. Oval. Litchfield Hist. Societv. 13. Portrait of a Man. Attributed to A. Dickinson by C. H. Hart. Mr. Herbert L. Pratt. DICKINSON, Daniel b. 1795 Litchfield^ Conn.; d. after 1840. Portrait painter in oils a)id miniature. Daniel Dickinson was a contemporary of Jocelyn in New Haven. He moved to Philadelphia in 1820. In 1830 he started painting in oils. He was a brother of Anson Dickinson. He exhibited six miniatures at the Pennsylvania Academy during 1 827-1 831. Two or three were after paintings by Sully. DODGE, Edward Samuel b. July 8, 18 16; d. April 6, 1857. Miniature painter. DODGE, John Wood b. November ./, 1807, New York; d. December /6, iSgj. Miniature painter. 1. General Jackson, 1842. The original from which the postage stamp of 1863 was engraved. 2. Henry Clay. 1843. Mrs. A. C. Gunther, N. Y., 1897. Dickinson — Dodge: 36 35 3. Henry Bergh. 4. Mrs. Winston. 2^x1^. The Ehrich Galleries. DOYLE, William M. S. b. 1769, Boston; d. there May, 1828. Silhouettist and portrait painter in oils, miniature and crayons. Doyle was the son of a British officer stationed in Boston. He was associated with Daniel Bowen as a silhouettist. In the 1805 Boston directory his name appears as a "miniature painter at the Columbia Museum." Of this institution he was the head and retained the position the rest of his life. 1. S. R. C. Moffatt. DREXEL, Francis Martin b. 1792 Dornbirm, Austria; d. June 5, i86j> Philadel- phia. Miniature painter and banker. Drexel came to the United States in 18 17 and in 1 81 8 he was painting miniatures in Philadelphia. Later he went to Peru, then to Chile, where he painted a por- trait of Simon Bolivar, and finally to Mexico. In 1831 he founded the banking firm of Drexel and Company and gave up painting. 1. Self portrait. Mrs. J. G. Watmough, Pa., 1898. 2. Mrs. F. M. Drexel. DRUCEZ Flourished 1805, New York. Miniature painter. He was, according to Dunlap, "a Flemming." Doyle — Drucez: 37 36 DUBOURJAL, Savinien Edme b. February 12, 1/95, Paris; d. there, /Sjj. Portrait and miniature painter. Dubourjal was a pupil of Girodet and studied also at the Ecole des Beaux Arts. He exhibited at the Salon for the first time in 1824. In 1846 he was in Boston and from 1847 to 1850 he was in New York where he exhibited many pictures at the National Academy Ex- hibitions. Although he painted portraits in oils he is best known by his pencil drawings and water-color portraits. He was an attached personal friend of G. P. A. Healy, and some account of their friendship is given in the "Life of Healy" by Healy's daughter. 1. John C. Calhoun. Water-color. N. A. Exhibition, 1847 1. Charles Lanman. Water-color. N. A. Exhibition, 1847 3. Miss C. Lynch. W T ater-color. N. A. Exhibition, 1847 4. Miniature of the artist. N. A. Exhibition, 1847 5. Miniature of the Son of Voisin. N. A. Exhibition, 1847 6. President Polk. Paris Salon, 1854 7. Harriette Story Paige. Mrs. Reginald Foster, Boston 8. Caroline Leroy Webster, 1845. Drawing. Mrs. A. Lawrence, Boston DUNCAN, Mrs. See Anna Claypoole Peale. Dubourjal — Duncan: 38 37 . DUNCAN, James Flourished 184.2-1862, Montreal, Canada. Portrait painter in oils and miniature. DUNKERLEY, Joseph Flourished 1784-/785, Boston. Miniature painter. Dunkerley inserted an advertisement in the "Inde- pendent Chronicle," Boston, December, 1784, saying that he "still carries on his Profession of Painting in Miniature at his house in the North Square." In the same paper for February 17, 1785, Joseph Dunkerley and John Hazlitt advertised to start a drawing school, "as soon as a sufficient number of scholars apply. N. B. Miniature Pictures executed in the neatest manner." DUNLAP, William b. February 17, 1766, Perth Amboy, N. J.; d. September 28, /8jp, New York City. Dramatist, art historian and portrait painter in oils and miniature. Dunlap made a crayon portrait of George Washing- ton as early as 1783. In 1784 he went to London return- ing in 1787 with nothing but a few visits to Benjamin West's studio to show for his stay, on account of aimless peregrinations about England. However, upon his re- turn, he set up successfully as a portrait painter in New York. From 1789 to 1805 he abandoned art and entered civic affairs, visited Boston as a merchant and finally engaged in theatrical speculations. His play "Andre" was first performed in 1798. Failure, bankruptcy, and wanderings about many different cities occupied his life Duncan — Dunlap: 39 38 until 1830 when he settled permanently in New York City. In 1 81 2 he painted miniatures unsuccessfully in New Haven and seems never to have forgotten his lack of patronage there. Gilbert Stuart, who saw him shortly afterward, is said to have remarked: 'Friend Dunlap, it appears to me the good people of New Haven may have had some cause." He was vice president of the National Academy from 1831 until 1838, the year before his death. A benefit performance at the Park Theatre relieved his later years. The loss of his right eye was a serious handicap to his production of good work. William Dunlap placed the future generations in his debt when he wrote his "History of the Arts of Design." He not only knew many of the artists personally but had the immense advantage of being himself an artist. The book is a mine of information, and has, too, the peren- nial charm ofVasari and Cunningham. It was reprinted in 191 8 by Messrs. Bayley and Goodspeed of Boston. The best brief account of Dunlap and his work, aside from his own entertaining autobiography, is the article by Professor Theodore S. Woolsey in the "Yale Review" July, 1914, which is supplemented with a list of Dun- lap's paintings. Oral S. Coad's "William Dunlap," also contains a register of his work. 1. Anthony Bleeker. Sepia on paper. N. Y. Historical Society. 2. Armitt Brown. 1800? Mrs. Fred Brown, Pa., 191 4. 3. Charles Brockden Brown. Sketch. 4. Charles Brockden Brown. 2^x2^. Mr. Herbert L. Pratt. Dunlap — Continued: 40 39 5. Charles Brockden Brown. Brown Family, Pa., 1917 6. Charles Brockden Brown. Lucy Wharton Drexel Collection, Pa., 191 7 7. Mrs. Charles Brockden Brown. Lucy Wharton Drexel Collection, Pa., 191 7 8-9. Two miniatures of George Frederick Cooke. The Players Club, N. Y 10. Thomas Abthorpe Cooper. After the oil painting by Jarvis. The Players Club, N. Y 11. Margaret Dunlap. 3^x2^8. 1810? The Johnson Family, Staten Island 12. William Dunlap. Prof. T. S. Woolsey, 1917 13. W 7 illiam Dunlap. 3x2^. 1800-06. Mrs. Carmalt, 1917 14. W 7 illiam Dunlap. 3^2x3. 1821-26. Mrs. Carmalt, 1917 15. Mrs. William Dunlap. Mrs. Carmalt, New Haven, 191 7 16. Mrs. Darley. 1806. Stan V. Henkel's Sale, 1905 17. President Timothy Dwight. Attributed to Dunlap About 1 8 10. Mrs. W. H. Carmalt, New Haven, 1917 18. James Fennel, the Actor, 1827. S. V. Henkel's Sale, 1905. 19. Mr. Griffin, 1830. Painted in Montreal. 20. Reverend E. Low. 1822. Painted Norfolk. 21. Mrs. Motte. Rhode Island School of Design. 22. Elihu H. Smith; b. 1789; d. 1805. "During this time I painted some small sketchy liknesses of my friends C. B. Brown, Elihu H. Smith and a few others." Dunlap. 23. President John Tyler. 2^ix 2J4. Mr. Albert Rosenthal. Dunlap — Continued: 41 40 24. Mrs. Royal N. Waller. 25. Mrs. Royal N. Waller. Replica of foregoing. 26. George Washington. Jan. 1833. "Touch on a minia- ture of Washington painted by me many years ago." Dunlap. 27. Mrs. Wignel. 1806. Prof. T. S. Woolsey, New Haven. 28. Colonel Hugh Williamson. 29. Francis Bayard W 7 inthrop. Johnson Family, Staten Island, N. Y. 191 7. 30. Mrs. Benjamin Woolsey the First. After an oil paint- ing by an unknown artist. Mrs. W. H. Carmalt. 31. Mrs. Benjamin Woolsey the Second. 1798? Mr. Wm. S. Johnson, Marmaroneck, N. Y. 1917. 32. Captain John Taylor Woolsey. 1795? Attributed to Dunlap. Mrs. W. H. Carmalt. 22- William Walton Woolsey. 1821? Wm. S. Johnson. 34-45. Twelve miniatures by or attributed to Dunlap. Described in "Catalogue of a Collection of Ivory Miniatures and Water Color Views of New York, by William Dunlap to be sold March 10, 1905." Stan V. Henkels. 16 illustrations. One in color. 46. A Cupid and Two Females. 47. Portrait of a Man. 2^x2^. The Ehrich Galleries. 48. Portrait of a Lady. 4^ x 2}^. Mr. A. Rosenthal. DURAND, Asher Brown b. August 21, 1796^ Jefferson Village^ now Maplewood, N. J. d. there September 17, 1886. Engraver and historical and portrait painter. The son of a watchmaker of Huguenot descent, Asher Brown Durand helped his father engrave initials Dunlap — Durand: 42 41 on silver and this practice led him to take up the en- graving of plates. He was apprenticed to Peter Maver- ick and, after five years, became his partner. He en- graved, among other pictures, Trumbull's " Declaration of Independence" and Vanderlyn's "Ariadne." In 1835 he gave up engraving and devoted his time entirely to painting landscapes and portraits. 1. John Durand. Ivory. New York Historical Society. 2. Mrs. John Durand. 12 x 9J4. 1822. Ivory. New York Historical Society. DU SIMITlERE, Piere Eugene b. 1736? Geneva, Switzerland; d. October, 1784, Philadel- phia. Naturalist and portrait painter in miniature and oils. Du Simitiere lived in the West Indies from about 1756 to 1765. He then went to New York and in 1766 to Philadelphia. He resisted conscription in 1777 and was compelled by the military authorities to pay a heavy penalty. In 1780 he opened an "American Museum of Curiosities." In 1781 he received an honorary M.A. degree from Princeton University. The following small portraits were engraved from Du Simi- tiere's drawings and published as a set in a quarto volume. The engraver was Benjamin Reading of London. 1. Washington. Benedict Arnold. Silas Deane. John Dickinson. William H. Drayton. Du Simitiere: 43 42 H to a x M 50 « o G z w H a M > c W to td o Z - o a - a m m Si > <— i > > n 71 _w o 6. General Horatio Gates. 7. Samuel Huntington. 8. John Jay. 9. Henry Laurens. 10. Gouverneur Morris. 11. Joseph Reed. 12. Baron Steuben. 13. Charles Thompson. DUVAL, Ambrose Flourished 182'/ to /Sjo, Orleans. Miniature painter. 1. Governor William C. C. Claiborne of Louisiana. Signed: "A. Duval." 3^4x3. The Ehrich Galleries. Engraved by Longacre. 2. Lelande de Ferrier. 2^x2. Dr. I. M. Cline, New Orleans. DUVIVIER and Son Flourished 1/96. Miniature painters. "Duvivier and Son" painted on "silks and satins." They conducted a drawing academy. 1. Ebenezer Hazard, 1796. Rev. T. E. Vermilye, N. Y. 1892. EAGER, William b. about 1796 in Ireland; d. November 24, sixi^. The Ehrich Galleries. ELLIS, Salathiel Flourished 1845-1846, New York. A " painter of cameo likenesses. " ELOUIS, Jean Pierre Henri b. January 20, 1755, Caen, France; d. there, December 23, 184J. Portrait painter in oils and miniature. Elouis was of German descent and his surname was a Gallicised version of von Ludwig. A pupil of Re- stout and Le Fevre in Paris he later went to London and studied at the Academy where he won a silver medal. He exhibited sixteen miniatures at the Academy Exhibitions from 1785 to 1787. About 1787 he went to the United States living in Annapolis and Baltimore until 1792 when he moved to Philadelphia. Here he painted a portrait of George Washington. About 1799 he started on his travels with von Humboldt in the United States, Mexico and South America making Elliott or Elliot — Elouis: 47 46 drawings for the great naturalist. He returned to France in 1807, abandoned miniature painting and exhibited portraits in oil at the Paris Salon from 18 10 to 1 8 19. He was made curator of the Museum of Caen in 1 8 14 and held the position until his death. An account of Elouis is given by C. H. Hart in the "Penn- sylvania Magazine of History, " 191 1. 1. Martha Washington. 2 6 / l6 x 1 I4 / l6 . Mr. Herbert L. Pratt. 2. Martha Washington. Mrs. J. W 7 . Drexel, Pa. 191 1. ELLSWORTH, James San ford b. 1802, Windsor, Conn.; d. 1873 or 74, Pittsburgh Penn. Miniature painter. James Sanford Ellsworth was born in Windsor, Conn., in 1802. He was eccentric and eventually became insane, after which he removed to the West. He appeared in St. Louis and did some painting while there. He reap- peared in Connecticut as a "weather-beaten wanderer." Thereafter he moved to Pittsburg, Penn., where he died in 1873 or 74. 1. Portrait of a Gentleman, 2 7 /s x 2 V2. Water-color. On paper. Mr. F. Fairchild Sherman. 2. Portrait of a Lady, 2 7 /s x 2 l / 2 . Water-color. On paper. Mr. F. Fairchild Sherman. EMMONS, Alexander H. b. December I2 y /8/6, East Haddam, Conn.; d. after 1879. Portrait painter in oils and miniature. Emmons started as a painter of miniatures on bristol board in Norwich. About 1849 ne painted portraits Ellsworth — Emmons: 48 47 in Hartford and about 1848 settled in Norwich. He travelled for a period in Europe. In P. K. Kilbourne's Biographical History of the County of Litchfield, Conn., New York, 1851, there is an engraving by D. C. Hinman of a portrait of Nath- aniel W. Taylor by Emmons. 1. Master Reed. 4x3. Water-color. On paper. Mr. F. Fairchild Sherman. EVANS, John T. Flourished 1809, Philadelphia. Landscape and miniature painter in water-color. He exhibited at the Pennsylvania Academy both miniatures and scenes in water-color made during his visits to Ireland and England. He may have been the same as John Evans listed as a glazier, sign painter and fanlight maker in the Philadelphia directories from 1807 to 1 821, the only John Evans mentioned. EVERS, John b. August //, 1797, Newton , L. I.; d. May j>, 1884, Hempstead^ L. I. Miniaturist and painter of theatre scenery. Evers worked at the Park Theatre and studied scene painting with Hugh Reinagle under J. J. Holland. In his earlier days he painted a number of miniatures on bristol board. He also painted river scenes and land- scapes. He moved to Hempstead in 1865. He was one of the founders of the National Academy of Design. FAIRCHILD, Louis b. 1800 Farmington, Conn.; still living in A T . Y. 1840. Engraver and miniature painter. Louis Fairchild studied under Asaph Willard as an Evans — Fairchild: 49 48 engraver and helped support himself during this time painting miniatures. FANSHAW, Samuel Raymond b. December 21, 1S14, New York; d. there, December 15, 1888. Miniature painter. Fanshaw exhibited a number of miniatures at the National Academy exhibitions from 184I to 1847. He was made an Associate N.A. in 1881. 1-6. "A Frame of Six Miniatures." N. A. Exhibition, 1847. 7. Mr. George Clark. Exhibition, Newport, R. I. 1890. 8. Mrs. George Clark. Exhibition, Newport, R. I. 1890. FETTE, Henry Gerhard Flourished 1842-18// in Boston. Portrait painter in oils and miniature. From 1842 to 1847 Henry G. Fette is listed in the Boston directories as a miniature painter and after that time as a portrait painter. 1. F. C. Groger. 2. Baron von Cronstern, Jr. FIELD, Robert b. before 1794, Gloucester, England; d. August 9, 1819, Jamaica, West Indies. Stipple engraver and portrait painter in oils and miniature. Nothing is known of Robert Field's life, beyond the fact that he was born in Gloucester and lived in Lon- don, until 1794, when we learn that in April he sailed on the ship " Republic" bound for Baltimore and painted the captain's portrait in miniature at sea- Fanshaw — Field: 50 49 He was in New York the same year. In January 1795 he went to Philadelphia and made miniature copies of oil paintings. He painted an oil portrait of Charles Carroll that may be assigned to this period. Be- sides miniature copies he painted original miniatures at this time and also was busy at engraving. Of the engravings one was for an American edition of Shakes- peare's works — a portrait of Shakespeare from the "Chandos" picture; another was after Walter Robert- son's miniature of Washington. Concerning the matter of Robertson's miniature Field wrote to Robert Gilmor of Baltimore and a portion of the letter is quoted by W. S. Baker in his "Engraved Portraits of Washing- ton." During 1795 he visited Mt. Vernon and made sketches of Washington and Mrs. Washington. Tradi- tion records the "pious theft" by Field of one of the buttons from Washington's old army coat. Rembrandt Peale in a letter tells an amusing incident of Field and himself at Centreville, Maryland, about 1798. Field moved to Boston in 1805 where he was constantly occupied and frequented the circle that gathered at the home of Andrew Allen the British Consul. He made at least two engravings while he was in Boston, one of Trumbull's "Hamilton" in 1806 and another of Stuart's "Jefferson" in 1807. About May, 1808 he took passage to Halifax, Nova Scotia acting on the advice of the governor, Sir John Wentworth, and advertised in the "Royal Gazette" for June: "Robert Field at Alexander Morrison's, bookseller, intends, during his residence in Halifax, to exercise his profession as portrait painter in oil and water color, and in minia- Field — Continued: 51 5° ture, where specimens of his painting may be seen and his terms made known." Among his first commissions were portraits of the members of the "Rockingham Club," later hung on the walls of the "Rockingham Inn," where the club had its rooms. Some of his Hali- fax portraits were of Sir George Prevost, Sir John Sherbrooke, William Bowie, Dr. John Haliburton, and Bishop Inglis. The latter is now in the National Portrait Gallery in London. "Tradition in Halifax," writes Mr. Harry Piers," states that he was somewhat of a dandy and wore Hessian boots, with tassels at the top." He did not, as Rembrandt Peale says, go into the ministry. He returned to England in 1818, exhibited as a "portrait painter of Halifax," at the Royal Academy and sailed the next year for Jamaica. In the Nova Scotia "Royal Gazette" for September 15, 18 19, is the following notice: "Died at Jamaica August 9th, Robert Field Esq., an Eminent Artist very much re- gretted." Robert Field stands in the first rank of the early American miniature painters. An excellent account of the artist is given in Mr. Harry Piers' paper in volume 18 of the "Nova Scotia Historical Society Collections." 1. Mrs. Allen of Boston. 2. John Brown. Possibly by Field. Reproduced in C. W. Bowen's: "Centennial of the Inauguration of Washington." Mrs. J. M. Brown, 1892. 3. Mrs. Samuel Chase. Reproduced in Dunlap: "His- tory," 1918 edition. Worcester Art Museum. 4. Henrietta Maria Hemsley Earle. Mr. J. H. Johnson. Field — Continued: 52 51 5. Dr. James Sergeant Ewing. 1798. Mr. Herbert L. Pratt. 6. Captain Nicholas Hill, 1792-1870. Painted in 1817. Reproduced in "N. S. Hist. Society Collections" v. 18. Miss G. Hill, Vancouver, B. C. 7. Dr. Matthias Hoffman. Mrs. S. Creed, formerly of Halifax, now in England. 8. Benjamin Stoddert. 3^x2^. Signed R. F. Mrs. Campbell Brown, Spring Hill, Tenn. A replica by Miss Bertha E. Perrie is owned by Mrs. Claire Addison, Washington, D. C. 9. Mrs. Thornton of Washington. 10. George Washington. The Ehrich Galleries. 11. George Washington. 3^x2^. After Stuart. Mrs. L. L. Eyre, Philadelphia, 1892. 12. George Washington. After Stuart. Mr. H. L. Pratt. 13. George Washington, 1798. Lawrence L. Conrad, Baltimore, 1881. 14. George Washington. Inscription on satin lining: "Pre- sented to T. Lear by his friend Mrs. Washington, 1 801." Mr. Charles A. Munn, N. Y. 15. George Washington. Presented by Judge Bushrod Washington through the intermediation of Lafayette, to Simon Bolivar in 1825. In 1881 it was in Bolivia. 16. William Clifton. Engraved by Edwin. 17. J. E. Harwood. Engraved by Edwin. 18. Martha W 7 ashinton. Mrs. B. W. Kennon, Washington, D. C, 1897. 19. Martha Washington. Mrs. F. T. Moorhead, Allegheny, Pa. 1897. 20. Thomas Jefferson. After Stuart. Engraved by Long- acre. Field — Continued: 53 5 2 21. Charles Carroll. Engraved by Longacre. 22. Mr. Gallego. Sully made a portrait of "Mr. Gallego, from a drawing by Field." FINN, Henry J. b. 1782, New York; d. Jan. 13, 1840, Long Island Sound. Lawyer, actor, author and miniature painter. Henry J. Finn studied law in New York but made brief appearances on the stage even during his student days. He then toured the English provinces with a company of strolling players until 181 1 when he acted in Montreal for a season. From 181 8 to 1820 he was on the staff of the "Atlanta Georgian" as a writer. In 1 821 he was again in London this time painting mina- tures. About 1822 he sailed for Boston, resumed his stage career, became a successful comedian and toured the states. He perished in a boat disaster on Long Island Sound. FLAGG JR., Josiah Flourished 1783, Boston. Josiah Flagg advertised in the "Boston Gazette," Feb. 10, 1783, the "copying of Miniature Painting in Hair." FLORIMONT, Austin Flourished 1781, Philadelphia. Portrait draughtsman in crayon and miniature painter. FOLSOM, Mrs. C. A. Flourished 1837-1838, New York. Miniature painter. Finn — Folsom: £4 53 FOLYVELL, Samuel b. about 1765; d. November 26, 181J, Pa. Silhouettist and miniature painter. Samuel Folwell was in New York in 1790. About 1792 he was making bookplates in Xew Hampshire. In 1798 he moved to Philadelphia. His silhouette of Washington painted on card in 1791 was in the posses- sion of Francis Wellesley, Esq., England. 1. John Jones, M.D., 1791 . N. Y. Historical Society. 1. George Washington. Inscribed: "Presented to James Henry Stevens, Esq., by his friend Col. William Washington, Sept. 9th 1800. Said to be a correct likeness taken from life of his Excellence Genl. Geo. Washington, first President, United States of America." below: "S. Folwel-Pixet. 1795 — Done 1795." FOULIS, R. Flourished i8ig, Halifax, Nova Scotia. Portrait painter in oils and miniature. R. Foulis worked first in Edinburgh and London; and came to Halifax about 1819. While in Halifax he started a drawing school. FRASER, Charles b. Aug. 20, 1782, Charleston, S. C; d. there, Oct. /J, i860. Portrait painter in miniature and oils. About 1792 Charles Fraser entered Charleston Col- lege and his first miniature dates from this early period. The next year he had as a school companion, Thomas Sully then recently from England. He lost his father when he was nine and his guardians trained him for the law. With a bitterness otherwise foreign to his nature Folwell — Fraser: 5$ 54 he wrote, in later years: "This unfortunate error by which the destiny of my life was directed, or rather mis- directed, will ever be, as it has always been, a source of regret to me." Upon his graduation in 1798 he entered a law office and remained until 1800, his spare moments devoted to painting. In that year he met Edward Mal- bone, and Washington Allston. Probably encouraged by their example he devoted his entire time to art but gave up in disappointment after three years and again took to the study of law. He was admitted to the bar in 1807. In eleven years he accumulated a competence, shook off the dust of the law courts and at the advanced age of thirty-eight became an artist. His lack of early training prevented his becoming a portrait painter in oils of any distinction, although Gilbert Stuart said to him in Boston: "Young man, I am approaching the termination of my career. But when I cease from work, whatever rank may be assigned me, I see by that por- trait, there will be a man to fill my place." His work is almost entirely in miniature. A few short trips to New England, to New York and to Columbia, South Caro- lina were almost the only interruptions to his quiet life spent in Charleston. During Lafayette's visit to Charleston in 1825 he was chosen by the city to paint the portrait of the famous Frenchman. He was a mem- ber of several clubs among them the "Conversation Club" for which he wrote his "Reminiscences," which should be republished, and the "Mutton Chop Club," a favorite rendezvous of General Pinckney. In 1857 admiration for the man as well as for his work led a number of prominent men to collect his paintings to Frazer — Continued: $6 55 an exhibition which showed 313 miniatures. . ^sandman) sketches, rhe catal ; that d sp -- st '.. basis I I u appc rw gister. Charles Fraser was the only miniature painter wh< s< work in quality and number reached that of Edward Malb ne. His miniatures frequently ris< I v the height • th s< ' [lis end and will become more and more - light • r by the public galleries as the) are brought ight from the private collections into which they ginally found their way. His later miniatures are larger than his earlier ones and generally rectangular in shape. An excellent article on Charles Fraser by Miss Alice K. 11. Smith in " \rt in Ameru June, 1915J is illustrated with a -.umber of examples of his work. 1. Reverend Jasper Adams, President of Charleston College . :. James Adgt r, [84 , 3. Mrs. J ames Adg< r, - 3 .. 4. Mrs. 1 . B. Adg ;. Mrs. Charlotte Anne Allston. Mrs. \ an der Horst, Charleston, S. C, i>. . Benjamin Allston. 7. Colonel William Alston, aid to Marion, after Morse- 1839, s . Colonel William Alston. Dr. F. L. Frost, Charleston, S. C, [90a. 9, Mrs. William Alston, formerly Miss Morte, after Morse, 1839. ro. Mrs. William Alston. Fraser — Continued: 57 j i. Mrs. Alston, mother of Governor J<. F. W. Alston. 12. Miss Amelia Annesley, I 9. 1.3. Joseph S. Barker, 1 Mr. J. Heyward, Charleston, S. C, 1902. 14. Mrs. Jo .';4i S. Barker. Mr. J. H< yward, Charleston, S. C, 1902. 15. George Barksdale, infant of Mrs. Barksdale. [6. Mrs. Bark dale, sister of James is. hdwards. 17. Henry Bailey, Attorrn ;. General, S. C. i . Major 1 Jenry H. Bacot. \ 7) J. E M ^ ~ *7 ^ s 3 ^ o a s n to. O - - n 1* M O m > * *d > w m H H X n o Z H O 3 60. Lewis Cruger. 61. James Creighton. 62. Mrs. George Cuthbert. 63. General James Cuthbert. 64. Rev. Frederick Dalcho, Editor ''Charleston Courier." Engraved by A. B. Durand. 65. Col. F. W. Davie, 1835. 66. Mrs. F. W. Davie, 1834. 67. General Davie 1835. Envoy to France. After Van- derlyn. 68. John Dawson, 1829. 69. John Dawson, Jr., 1829. 70. Ann Deas, as a child. Miss A. Deas, Charleston, S. C, 1902. 71. Mrs. E. H. Deas, wife of Dr. E. H. Deas. 72. Honorable Henry Deas. President S. C. Senate. Miss A. Deas, Charleston, S. C, 1902. 73. Thomas H. Deas, 1822. 74. H. W. De Saussure, Director U. S. Mint, Chancellor of S. C, 1818. 75. H. W. De Saussure, 1844. Duplicate. 76. H. W. De Saussure, 1834. Triplicate. 77. Mrs. John M. De Saussure, 181 8. 78. Henry de Forrest De Vereaux. 2 3 / 4 x2 3 /ie- Boston Museum. 79. Mrs. Dr. Dickson. Copy after Mrs. Bounetheau. 80. Colonel William Drayton. About 1829. Miss E. D. Taylor, Pa., 1898. 81. Charles Edmonston, 1831. 82. Mrs. Charles Edmonston, 1825. 83. L. A. Edmonston, 1830. Fraser — Continued: 60 59 84. James F. Edwards. 85. James F. Edwards. Duplicate. 86. Major G. W. Egleston, 1834. 87. George Edwards, 1824. 88. Stephen Elliott, LL.D. Naturalist. 1822. 89. Right Reverend Stephen Elliott, Bishop of Georgia. 90. Miss E. S. Faber, later Mrs. B. G. Wilkins. 1846. 91. Henry F. Faber, 1837. 92. James Fay. Worcester Art Museum. 93. Lord Edward Fitzgerald. After a print. Mr. Middleton, 1857. 94. James Fisher. 95. Mary Theodosia Ford. About 1829. Miss Emma Ravenel, 1898. 96. Charles Fraser, 1800. Mrs. J. Alwyn Ball, Charleston, S. C, 1902. 97. Charles Fraser, 1823. Dr. F. L. Frost, Charleston, S. C, 1902. 98. Frederick Fraser. Mrs. J. Alwyn Ball, Charleston, S. C, 1902. 99. Frederick Fraser, 18 10. Dr. F. L. Frost, Charleston, S. C, 1902. 100. Frederick Grimke Fraser. Mrs. J. Alwayn Ball, Charleston, S. C, 1902. 101. Frederick Grimke Fraser, 1852. Dr. F. L. Frost, Charleston, S. C, 1902. 102. Clara Fraser as a child. Later Mrs. Herbemont. 103. Mrs. Mary Fraser, 1841. 104. Timothy Ford, 181 8. 105. Jacob Ford, 1829. 106. Miss Ford, 1838. Fraser — Continued: 61 60 07. Honorable E. Frost, Judge, S. C. 1843. 08. B. Gaillard, 181 8. 09. Sextus T. Gaillard. 10. James H. Gager, 1839. 11. Major Alexander Garden, 1 81 8. Officer in Lee's Legion. 12. Major Alexander Garden, 1839. Duplicate. 13. Henry G. Ives Garden, as boy of six, painted from memory. 14. Mrs. Yancy Gray, 1842. 15. James W. Gray, 1838. 16. Mrs. James W. Gray, 1843. 17. General Christopher Gadsen. After Peale. 18. Reverend Christopher Gadsen, Bishop, S. C. 19. General James Gadsen. Envoy to Mexico, son of Philip. 20. General James Gadsen. Duplicate. 21. Mrs. James Gadsen, nee Hort. 22. John Gadsen, son of Philip, 1821. Mrs. J. Gadsen, Charleston, S. C, 1902. 23. John Gadsen. Duplicate. 24. Philip Gadsen. Also attributed to Malbone. Son of General C. Gadsen. Duplicate. 25. Philip Gadsen. Also attributed to Malbone. Mrs. J. Gadsen, Charleston, S. C, 1902. 26. Robert Reeves Gibbs, 1830. 27. Mrs. W. H. Gibbs, 1836. Miss S. R. Wilson, Charleston, S. C, 1902. 28. William Hasell Gibbes, 1836. Master in Equity, 1830. Miss S. R. Wilson, Charleston, S. C, 1902. 29. Dr. R. W. Gibbes, Columbia, S. C, 1829. 30. Hon. R. B. Gilchrist, 1841. Judge U. S. Court. Eraser — Continued: 61 61 iji. Reverend Alexander Glennie. Mrs. Glennie, Charleston. 132. Dr. Joseph Glover, 1818. 133. Mrs. Joseph Glover, 181S. 134. James Gourdin. Rectangular. Signed: "C. Fraser, Charleston, July 1824." 3 ; 4 x 4^. Mr. Herbert L. Pratt. 135. Theodore Gourdin. 136. Mrs. Theodore Gourdin, 1S26. Mrs. \Y De Saussure, Charleston. 137. Mrs. John Gravson. 138. Honorable Thomas S. Grimke. State Senator, S. C. 139. Major Elnathan Haskell, Officer Revolutionarv Army. 140. Lady Hamilton. After Romnev. A. M. Manigault, Charleston, 1857. 141. Harriet Hampton. About 1847. 5^x4^. Mr. R. P. Tolman, Washington, D. C. 142. General Robert Y. Hayne. 1827. Governor; U. S. Senator. 143. General James Hamilton. 1835. M. C. and Governor of S. C. 144. A. H. Hayden, 1842. 145. H. S. Hayden, 1838. 146. Mr. Heywood. Worcester Art Museum. 147. Nathaniel Heyward, 1829. Mr. J. Heyward, Charleston, S. C, 1902. 148. Nathaniel Heyward. Mr. J. Heyward, Charleston, S. C, 1902. 1 49. Nathaniel Heyward. Miss Marie Heyward, Charleston, S. C, 1902. 150. William Heyward, 1837. Fraser — Continued: 63 62 3 •* *> — 5 ~ i. t % I 2 7 I § - - - - /"* c • - si ba* — •*-» — / p «-• a- C/J — . s* ~ •^■, •> / 151. William Heyward, Prince William's Parish, copy. 152. William Manigault Heywood. After Malbone. 4x3^. Mr. Herbert L. Pratt. 153. Mrs. W 7 m. E. Haskell (1810-1841). Painted in 1838. 154. Elias Horry the Huguenot (1664-1736). Copy. Dr. F. L. Frost, Charleston, S. C, 1902. 155. Colonel Elias Horry, son of foregoing. Dr. F. L. Frost, Charleston, S. C, 1902. 156. Elias Horry, son of Thomas Horry. Engraved by Longacre. Dr. F. L. Frost, Charleston, S. C, 1902. 157. Mrs. Elias Horry, daughter of Thomas Horry. Dr. F. L. Frost, Charleston, S. C, 1902. 158. Colonel Peter Horry, cousin of Thomas Horry. Dr. F. L. Frost, Charleston, S. C, 1902. 159. Thomas Horry, grandson of the Huguenot. Dr. F. L. Frost, Charleston, S. C, 1902. 160. J. R. Horsey, 1839. 161. Mrs. Horsey. 162. Colonel Paul Hamilton. 163. Colonel Francis Kinlock Huger. 1825. Adj. Gen'l. War of 1 81 2. 164. John Huger. 165. Dr. Benjamin Huger. 166. Alfred Huger. 1820. Post Master, Charleston. 167. John Hume. 1822. Aid to Marion. Mr. W. Simons, Charleston, S. C, 1902. 168. John Hume. 1841. Duplicate. Mr. T. G. Simons, Charleston, S. C, 1902. 169. John Hume. After Fraser. Miss C. Jervey, Charleston, S. C, 1902. 170. Captain Duncan N. Ingraham, U. S. N., 1830. Fraser — Continued: 64 63 171. Mrs. Ingraham, 1830. 172. Micah Jenkins, 1825. 173. James Jervey, 181 8. 174. Dr. Joseph Johnson, author of "Revolutionary Remin- iscences," etc. 175. William E. Johnson, 1823. 176. Andrew Johnstone, 1826. 177. Mrs. Johnstone. 178. Edward Jones. 179. Reverend A. C. Kaufman, 1837. 180. T. J. Kerr, 1826. 181. Honorable Mitchell King, 1826. 182. Mrs. Mitchell King, 1826. Major T. G. Barker, Charleston. 183. Lafayette, 1825. The City of Charleston. 184. Lafayette, 1825. Mr. R. T. Haines Halsey, N. Y., 1920. 185. Mrs. Laborde, 1838. 186. James H. Ladson, 1826. 3^ x 3 j^ oval. Mr. Herbert L. Pratt. 187. Mrs. James H. Ladson, 1826. Miss Isabel Ladson, Charleston, S. C, 1902. 188. Mrs. James H. Ladson at the age of 16. Miss Isabel Ladson, Charleston, S. C, 1902. 189. Mrs. M. Horry Laurens, 1830. 190. Mrs. Henry Laurens, daughter of Chief Justice Rut- ledge. 191. John B. Laurens, 1818. 192. Mrs. James Lamb, 1834. 193. Mrs. Paul S. H. Lee, nee Van Rhyn. 194. T. Marchant Legare. Mrs. Gadsen King, Charleston, S. C, 1902. Fraser — Continued: 65 64 195- William Seabrook Legare. 196. Dr. Le Seigneur. "Engraved from Mr. Fraser's minia- ture." 1834. 197. Mrs. J. C. Levy, 1824. 198. John W. Lewis. 199. Honorable Robert H. McCarter of New Jersey, 1845. 200. James J. McCarter, 1828. 201. Mrs. W. Mayrant, 1842. Miss K. Simons, Charleston. 202. Samuel Mayrant, 1839. 203. S. Mayrant, 1834. 204. Colonel James Elliott McPherson, 181 8. 205. Master Isaac O'Brian Smith McPherson, 1823. 206. Master J. W. McPherson, 1823. 207. General McPherson. x^fter Malbone, 181 8. 208. H. B. Mazyck, 1826. 209. Mrs. H. B. Mazyck, 1826. Miss S. G. Mazyck, Charleston. 210. Mrs. Charles Miot, 1830. 211. Thomas Middleton in costume. 212. Andrew Moffett, 1849. 213. S. P. Monk, 1830. 214. Mrs. Moodie, 1830. 215. Dr. Edward Mitchell. Mr. G. S. Holmes, Charleston, S. C, 1902. 216. General William Moultrie, 1802. Dr. James Moultrie, 1857. 217. Napoleon. Copy, 1830. Hon. R. C. Winthrop, Boston, 1857. 218. Mrs. Nelson, 1833. 219. Dr. North. Fraser — Continued: 66 65 220. Dr. Edward W. North, 1829. 221. Henry Ogden. Mr. H. DuPuy, Pittsburgh. 222. Mrs. E. Patton, 1836. 223. H. W. Peronneau, 1842. 224. Captain Thomas Petigru. 225. James L. Petigru, LL.D. 1834. 226. James L. Petigru, LL.D. 181 8. 227. Mrs. James L. Petigru, 1820. 228. William Petigru. Oval. 3HX3X. Mr. Herbert L. Pratt. 229. Daniel O'Hara. From memory. 230. General Charles Cotesworth Pinckney. Indian ink drawing. 231. General Charles Cotesworth Pinckney, 1823. Mrs. Thomas Pinckney. 232. Colonel R. R. Pinckney. 233. Mrs. R. Q. Pinckney. 234. Joel R. Poinsett, M. C. Secretary of War, Minister to Mexico. 235. Mrs. Porcher, 1839. 236. John Julius Pringle, Attorney General. Mr. D. E. Huger, Charleston, S. C, 1920. 237. John Julius Pringle, 1803. Duplicate. 238. John Julius Pringle, Jr. 1803. Miss R. Pringle. 239. J. McPherson Pringle, 1834. 240. Colonel James R. Pringle, President S. C. Senate. 241. Robert Pringle, the emigrant. Copy, 1845. Miss S. Pringle. 242. Miss Rosa Pringle, 1839. Miss R. Pringle, Charleston, S. C, 1902. 243. Mrs. W 7 illiam Pringle. Miss S. Pringle, Charleston, S. C, 1902. Fraser — Continued: 67 66 244- Captain John Pratt, 1831. 245. William D. Porter, S. C. Senator, 1838. 246. Mrs. Samuel Prioleau, 181 8. Miss C. P. Ravenel, Charleston, S. C.,1902. 247. Mrs. Samuel Prioleau, 1818. Copy. 248. Mrs. Samuel Prioleau, 181 8. Copy. 249. Dr. T. G. Prioleau, S. C. Medical College. 1835. 250. John Pyatt. 251. Mrs. Martha Pyatt. 252. Dr. Alfred Raoul. 253. Mrs. Raoul, 1836. 254. Alexander Robertson, 1 841. 255. Mrs. W. Robertson, 1831. The Misses Blacklock, Charleston, S. C, 1902. 256. Arthur G. Rose, 1840. 257. Hugh Rose, 1826. 258. Dr. James Read. Copy. 259. Dr. William Read, of the Revolutionary Army. 1824. 260. Mrs. T. M. Rhett, Beaufort, S. C. 261. Colonel William Rhett, 1845. Copy. 262. Charles E. Roward. 263. R. W. Roper. 264. Mrs. Catherine Ravenel, 1838. 265. Daniel Ravenel, 1839. 266. Henry Ravenel, 1820. 267. Nathaniel Russell. Fraser's first professional miniature, 1818. 268. Mrs. Frederick Rutledge, 1852. Mrs. St. Julien Ravenel, 1902. 269. Master States Rutledge. Fraser's first miniature, 1792. 270. Mrs. Frederick Rutledge, 1849. Fraser — Continued: 68 67 271. General John Rutledge, 1849. 272. General John Rutledge. Copy. 273. Chief Justice Rutledge. Copy after Trumbull, 181 8. 274. E. C. Rutledge, U. S. N. 181 8. Mrs. St. Julien Ravenel, 1902. 275. Colonel E. M. Seabrook. 276. Captain Shubrick, brother of the ancestor of the present family. 277. Mr. Shubrick, son of the ancestor of the present family. 278. Colonel Thomas Shubrick, son of the above. 279. Mrs. Shubrick, wife of Thomas Shubrick. 280. Dr. B. B. Simons. 281. Harris Simons, 1830. 282. Mrs. Harris Simons. 283. Keating Simons, 181 8. Aid to Marion. Miss K. Simons, Charleston, S. C, 1902. 284. Keating Simons, duplicate. 285. Thomas Grange Simons, 1845. 286. Mrs. T. Y. Simons. 287. Mrs. James Smith. 288. Right Reverend Robert Smith. After Earle. 289. John Martin Smith, Florida, 1837. 290. John Smythe, 1824. 291. Reverend Charles Blair Snowden. Mrs. Yates Snowden, Charleston, S. C, 1902. 292. John Jacob Snell. Mr. Herbert DuPuy, Pittsburgh. 293. Master Toomer. . 294. Joshua W. Toomer, 181 8. 295. Miss Eliza Taylor. 296. Mrs. Paul Trapier. Mrs. S. Martin, Charleston, S. C, 1902. Fraser — Continued: 69 68 297- Ann T. Trapier, as a child. 298. Mrs. Lewis Trapman, 1822. 299. Mrs. Paul Trenholm. 300. Edward Trescott. 301. Mrs. Edward Trescott, 1821. 302. Henry Trescott, 1822. 303. Mrs. Henry Trescott, 1821. 304. Robert J. Turnbull. Copy. 305. Robert J. Turnbull. 306. Charles H. Tunis, 1826. 307. Stephen Van Rensselaer. Engraved by G. Parker. 308. Governor Arnoldus Van der Horst, 1841. 309. General A. Van der Horst. Mrs. Van der Horst, Charleston, S. C, 1902. 310. Colonel J. J. Ward of Waccamaw, first to grow big grain. 311. Mrs. J. D. Ward. 312. Reverend Joseph Walker, 1845. 313. George Washington. From memory. Ink. Mrs. Stock, 1857. 314. George Washington. From memory. Charles Manigault, 1857. 315. Honorable William Waters, Judge S. C, 181 8. 316. Mrs. Wilkes, 181 8. 317. Mrs. Allston White. Mrs. T. S. Grimke. 318. John Blake White, author, lawyer and artist. 319. Plowden Weston, 1738-1827. 320. A. S. Willington, Editor, "Charleston Courier," 1834. 321. C. Williman, Jr. 322. James M. Wilson. Reverend R. Wilson, Charleston, S. C, 1902. Fraser — Continued: 70 69 -> -* Dr. Samuel Wilson. 324. Miss Maria L. Whitridge, later Mrs. Frothingham, Boston. 325. J. Bowdoin Winthrop, second son of Governor Winthrop. 326. Joseph Winthrop, 1826. 327. Joseph Winthrop, copy. Miss Carolyn Winthrop, Charleston, S. C, 1902. 328. Charles Winthrop, 1 82-. 329. Miss Mary Winthrop. 330. Miss Jane Winthrop, 1S02. Miss Carolyn Winthrop, Charleston, S. C, 1902. 331. Alice Belin Flagg. Mr. Herbert L. Pratt. 332. Paul Weston. 333. Dr. Elisha Poinsett. Attributed to Fraser. 334. Mary Shubrick Horrev. Engraved by Longacre. 335. David Ramsav. "Engraved by J. B. Longacre from the drawing by C. Frazer [sic] after a painting by C. W. Peale." Longacre's "National Portrait Gallery." 336. Mrs. Wade Hampton (b. 1818-d. about 1858). 3H x 2^s. Mr. R. P. Tolman, Washington, D. C. 337. Captain Charles Bertody. 3- : 4 x 3. Formerly owned bv Mrs. Howard Bertodv. FREEMAN, George b. April 21 ', f~S~, Spring Hill, Conn.; d. March. 7, 1868, Hartford, Conn. Miniature painter on porcelain and ivory. George Freeman's miniatures are generally cabinet size. From 18 13-1837 he was in Paris and London. While in London he painted portraits of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert. Freeman: ~i 70 K a 2 l7l > K 73 2 V. > ► > - /. C/) n n r\ r r to 71 > H r, ?= , 71 m w a- ^ -. H .-.- a O - ■ . n ~ > « "• 71 w 3 -i M p 01 o r M 1. James Brown. N. A. Exhibition, 1844. 2. Mrs. James Brown. N. A. Exhibition, 1844. 3. Nicholas Biddle. 7^ x 5. 1838. Mr. Edward Biddle, Pa. 4. Mrs. Nicholas Biddle. 3^x2^. 1838. Mr. Edward Biddle, Pa. 5. Mrs. John Butler. Miss A. Biddle, Pa., 1898. 6. Mrs. J. C. Craig, nee Sarmiento. 3^x3. Mr. E. Biddle, Pa. 7. Mrs. Sigourney, 18 10. Engraved by F. E. Jones. 8. President Tyler. N. A. Exhibition, 1844. 9. Mrs. J. W. Wallace. Mrs. J. W. Wallace, Pa., 1 898. 10. Dorothy Francis Willing. 11. Miniature of a Child. N. A. Exhibition, 1842. FROTHINGHAM, Miss Sarah C. b. 182 1 ; d. July 20 , /S61, New York. Miniature painter. Sarah Frothingham exhibited miniatures at the National Academy Exhibition during 1 838-1 842. She was the daughter of James Frothingham, N. A. FULTON, Robert b. November 14, 1765, Little Britain, Penn.; d. February 23, / New York. Inventor and artist. The inventor of the first successful steamboat, Robert Fulton's early career was that of an artist, and during 1782-1785 he painted landscapes and portraits. He is listed in the directory for 1785 in Philadelphia as exclusively a miniature painter. Among his oil portraits Frothingham — Fulton: 72 7 1 is one of Benjamin Franklin. His later activities need not be written about here — he relinquished art early in life. The panel portrait of Joel Barlow was engraved by Durand for "The National Portrait Gallery," 1834. 1. Samuel Beach. About 1786. Worcester Art Museum. 2. Ann Conyngham. Mr. J. Conyngham Stevens, 1913. 3. Mrs. David H. Conyngham. Mrs. W. B. Stevens, 1913. 4. Self portrait. The Lucy Wharton Drexel Collection. 5. John Wilkes Kittera. About 1786. Historical Society of Penn. 6. Mary Kittera. About 1786. Historical Society of Penn. 7. Clementina Ross. About 1786. Historical Society of Penn. 8. Walter Livingston. Attributed. Mrs. W. L. Livingston, 1892. 9. Colonel Michael McCurdy. Mrs. George McHenry, 1913. 10. Mary Conyngham. Miniature in a ring. Mrs. A. C. S. Krumbhaar, Syracuse, N. Y., 191 5. FURNASS, John Mason b. March. 4, 1763, Boston; d. June 22^ 1804, Dedham, Mass. Engraver and portrait painter in oils and water-color. In the "Independent Chronicle," Boston, April 21, 1785, John M. Furnass inserted an advertisement saying that he had "taken a large and comodious Chamber at Mrs. Sheaffe's (nearly opposite Mr. Carter's Writing School) formerly improved by Mr. Smibert and lately by Mr. King, Limners .... is a native of Boston." Furnass was the nephew of Nathaniel Hurd the engraver. Furnass: 73 72 GERMAN, John D. Flourished 1837, New York. Miniature painter. GERRY, Samuel L. b. May 10, /8/j, Boston; d. April, 1891, Roxbury, Mass. Portrait painter in oils and miniature. GILLESPIE, J. H. Flourished 1793-1830, England, Scotland and Canada. Silhouette painter. J. H. Gillespie worked in London, Edinburgh and Liverpool before visiting Halifax, Nova Scotia, in 1829. He painted with the aid of an instrument and worked in various manners. The inscription on the back of one of his silhouettes gives the following information: "Likenesses drawn in one minute by J. H. Gillespie, profile painter." It is possible that he also painted miniatures and was the artist who painted the portraits of George Turner, Dr. James V. Turner and Mrs. James V. Turner at the "Miniature Loan Exhibition" at Newport, R. I., 1890. GIMBER, Stephen H. b. 1810? England; still living in Philadelphia in 1862. Engraver in line, mezzotint and stipple, lithographer a) id miniature painter. Stephen Gimber was an Englishman who came to New York about 1830 and, during 1 832-1 833, worked on the same plates with A. L. Dick. Between 1836- 1842 he exhibited miniatures at the Annual Exhibitions of the National Academy. From 1850 to 1862 he lived in Philadelphia. German — Gimber: 74 73 GIMBREDE, Thomas b. Ij8i in France; d. Dec -ember \ 1832, West Point, N. Y. Engraver and miniature painter. Thomas Gimbrede came to New York in 1802 and was first known as a miniature painter and dancing master. Later he practised engraving and furnished plates to the "Porto-Folio" and other periodicals. He received the appointment as instructor in drawing at West Point in January, 1819, where he remained until his death. 1. M. Schley, signed "Gimbrede." 2^x2^. Ehrich Galleries. 2. Thomas Jefferson. "Gimbrede Del and Sculp N. Y." Wait's: "American State Papers," 1819. GIRAULT Flourished 1798, New York. Miniature painter. GODDING, William C. Flourished 1815, Canandaigua, N. Y. Portrait painter in oils and miniature. GOODRIDGE, Sarah b. February 5, 1/88, Templeton, Mass.; d. December 28, /8jj, Boston. Miniature painter. Sarah Goodridge or Goodrich as her name was frequently spelled received instruction in 181 2 from Gilbert Stuart. Some account of her is given in Mason's "Life of Gilbert Stuart." Gimbrede — Goodridge: 75 74 to > ■t a - r^ X r ^ X ft" W o n yt n G % a 50 H > s X - ft o ft] cd 7: <-," 7: ** m > ^ o pi — 50 ■^ y> Z > ft > z r 1^ 1. Christopher C. Baldwin. 3^x2^. Rectangular. Am. Antiquarian Society. 2. Self Portrait, arched top. 4^x4^. Boston Museum. 3. General Henry Lee. Mr. Luke Vincent Lockwood. 4. Grenville Mellan. Mr. Herbert L. Pratt. 5. A Revolutionary Officer, 2$4 x 2. Ehrich Galleries. 6. Fitz William Sargeant. Miss E. B. Pleasants, Pa., 1897. 7. James Sayville. Rhode Island School of Design. 8. Gilbert Stuart. 3^x2^. Metropolitan Museum. 9. Gilbert Stuart. Mr. Samuel Honey, Newport, 1892. 10. Gilbert Stuart, 1825. 2^< x 2 Vie- Boston Museum. 11. Russell Sturgis. 4^x3 Vie- After Stuart. Boston Museum. 12. Daniel Webster, 1827. Massachusetts Historical Society. 13. Daniel W 7 ebster, 1830. Bowdoin College. 14. Daniel W 7 ebster, 1831. Miss Walker, Boston, 1897. 15. Daniel Webster, 1833. Senator Henry Cabot Lodge, 191 2. 16. Daniel Webster, 1836. Mr. E. x\ppleton, Boston, 1897. 17. Daniel Webster, 1845. The Late Charles Henry Hart. 18. Daniel Webster. Mr. Herbert L. Pratt. 19. General Knox. After Stuart. Bowdoin College. GREATH Flourished 1773-1774, Philadelphia. Miniature painter. "About the year 1773 or 4 a Swedish gentleman named Greath visited Philadelphia. It was said that he Greath: 76 75 only painted for his amusement and it was a favour to get him to paint a portrait in miniature." Charles Willson Peale to Rembrandt Peale, October 28, 181 2. GREINER, Christopher Flourished 1837-/864, Philadelphia. Portrait painter in oils and miniature. 1. Daniel Billmeyer. 2^x1 y&. Historical Society of Penn. GRIFFING, Martin b. 1784; d. 18^9. Painter of colored profiles. See Ethel S. Bolton's "Wax Portraits and Sil- houettes." He worked in Massachusetts, Vermont and New York. GUILLETT, Madame J. Flourished 1839-1842, New York. Miniature painter. Mr. John Hill Morgan in a letter to the writer states that Madame Guillett painted many miniatures in Virginia. 1-5. Five Miniatures. N. A. Exhibition, N. Y., 1838. 6. Charles Mathews. N. A. Exhibition, N. Y., 1839. 7. Moses Paul. (18 15-1848.) Painted in Petersburg, Va., about 1839. 2 ^X2. Mrs. John Hill Morgan. 8. Virginia Johnson. 9. Martha Pegram, later Mrs. Charles F. Stainback, of Petersburg, Va. Mrs. Waller Morton, Richmond, Va. Greiner — Guilette: 77 76 HAAG, C. Flourished 184.8, New York. Miniature painter. • C. Haag exhibited "miniature portraits" at the National Academy Exhibition in 1848. HAINES, William b. 'June 21, 1//8, Bedhampton, Hampshire, England; d. July 24, 1848, East Brixton, England. Engraver and portrait painter in miniature and oils. At Northaw William Haines was apprenticed to Thew the engraver. He sailed for the Cape of Good Hope in 1800 and at Cape Town made a number of drawings of the natives. He afterwards went to Philadelphia and was employed as a book illustrator and engraver. In 1805 he returned to England and was for a time in Chichester. Shortly after he went to London and painted many portraits, in oil and miniature, and exhibited at the Royal Academy Exhibitions from 1808 to 1830. About the latter year an inheritance induced him to retire to East Brixton. 1. Benjamin Rush. "Painted and Engraved by Wm. Haines." 2. Benjamin Smith Barton. "Painted & engraved by W. Haines." 3. Thomas Moore. "Painted & engraved by W. Haines." HALL, Ann b. May 1J92, Pom/ret, Conn.; d. f86j, New York. Miniature painter. Ann Hall studied in Newport under Samuel King and later in New York under Alexander Robertson. Haag— Hall: 78 77 She exhibited at the National Academy during 1845- 1849. 1. Samuel Ward, Jr. 1. Mrs. Jay and her child. 3. Dr. John W. Francis. 4. The Children of Samuel Ward. 5. J. Prescott Hall. Loan Exhibit, Newport, R. I., 1890. 6. J. Prescott Hall, as a youth. Loan Exhibit, Newport, R. I., 1890. 7. Mrs. Harriette Hall. Loan Exhibit, Newport, R. I., 1890. 8. Mrs. Henry Bedlow. Loan Exhibit, Newport, R. I., 1890. 9. Miniature of an Unknown Woman. Mr. T. H. Gage, Worcester. HALL, Henry Bryan b. March 11, 1808, London; d. April 25, 1884, Mor- ris ania^ N. Y. Engraver, etcher and portrait painter in oils and miniature. H. B. Hall was a pupil of Hoppner Meyer and was employed by H. T. Ryall to engrave a plate from a painting called "The Coronation of Queen Victoria." Among his portraits in oil are those of Napoleon III, painted in London and Thomas Sully and C. L. Elliott painted in the United States. HANCOCK, Nathaniel Flourished 1792-1809. Miniature painter. In the Boston "Independent Chronicle" for May 3, 1792, there is a notice of the death of Hancock's wife. Hall — Hancock: 79 78 In the same paper for 1799 Hancock inserted an adver- tisement as an artist. Dr. Bentley wrote in 1801 "I saw at the public house Mr. Hancock of Boston who had come to Exeter as a miniature painter." In 1805 he moved to Salem and in October of the next year the Doctor records a conversation with Hancock concerning Gilbert Stuart, then working in Boston. January 1809, the Doctor writes quaintly: 'Mr. Hancock gave me for a letter of his daughter, an account of the proceedings of the King's Chapel at the ordination of Mr. Carey." On certain bill heads printed in Boston, according to Mr. Mantle Fielding is the signature "Hancock, set. Boston" and it may be that Nathaniel Hancock was identical with this engraver. 1. Colonel William R. Lee. 2^x2. Essex Institute. HANSELL, George H. Flourished 1844-/83/', New York. Portrait painter in oils and miniature. Hansell exhibited a "miniature of a little girl" at the National Academy in 1844. HARKINS, Robert Flourished 184.1-1842, Brooklyn. Miniature painter. HARVEY, George Flourished 1837-1840, New York. Landscape and miniature painter. 1. Reverend E. Mead. N. A. Exhibition, 1837. 1. G. Thompson. N. A. Exhibition, 1840. Hansell — Harvey: 80 79 3. Reverend Dr. Wainwright. N. A. Exhibition, 1840. 4. Daniel Webster. 5^x4. Signed on reverse: "Geo. Harvey." Ehrich Galleries. HATHAWAY, J. Flourished 1833, Boston. Miniature painter. HAZLITT, John b. 1767, baptised July 6, Marsh field, Gloucestershire, England; d. May 16, 1837, Stockport, England. Portrait painter in oils arid miniature. John Hazlitt was the elder brother of William Hazlitt the essayist. The father, a Unitarian minister, moved the family to Maidstone in 1770 where William Hazlitt was born in 1778. They then moved to Brandon, near Cork, Ireland. On April 3, 1783 they embarked for the United States arriving in New York on May 26. In this country the elder Hazlitt preached in many cities. He took his family to Perth Amboy, Burlington and finally to Philadelphia where it is recorded in a family journal that John Hazlitt was taken by his father to a week day gathering at St. Peter's Church to get a sight of George Washington. The family went in August 1784 to Weymouth, Massachusetts, travelling by way of Burlington, New York, Newport and Provi- dence. They lived here from 1785 to July 1786. During this time John often went with his father to Hingham, Salem and Boston. In Salem, 1785, he advertised to paint miniatures. In Boston during the same year he advertised with J. Dunkerley to open a drawing school. Hathaway — Hazlitt: 81 80 At Hingham one of his portraits was a pastel of Rev- erend Ebenezer Gay and about this time he painted on a brooch size ivory a miniature of his brother William. In July 1786 the family moved to Dorchester, John often visiting Boston. In October of the same year the elder Hazlitt sailed for England and was joined by his family in 1787, at Wem. John stayed in London at the home of a friend of his father. He presently met Sir Joshua Reynolds and in 1788, exhibited for the first time at the Royal Academy. He exhibited annually thereafter until 1819. An independent outspoken man of great gifts he counted among his friends Coleridge, Charles Lamb, Godwin, Thelwall, Holcroft, and Stod- dart. Almost nothing is known of his stay in London from 1 819, when he last exhibited at the Royal Academy until 1832. In that year he moved to Stockport where he died, five years later. It seems almost incredible considering the incessant travels of the Hazlitt family in the United States that John Hazlitt could have trained himself at the age of eighteen, to paint such an excellent miniature 01 his brother judging from the reproduction printed in the "Complete Works of William Hazlitt." It is interesting to know that about that time, in Dorchester, John was giving the future essayist his first Latin lessons. 1. Reverend Ebenezer Gay. Pastel. Drawn in the United States. 2. William Hazlitt. At about 13 years of age. Painted in the United States. Reproduced in "Collected Works of W 7 illiam Hazlitt," London, 1904, volume 1. 3. William Hazlitt. About 1784. Reproduced Ibid., v. 4. Hazlitt — Continued: S: 81 HEIDEMANS, Henri Flourished 1841-1842, New York. Miniature painter. HENRI, Pierre or Peter Flourished 1790-1812, London and Philadelphia. Miniature painter. Henri probably studied at the Royal Academy in London. He painted miniatures both in Richmond and Philadelphia. In 1790 he inserted an advertisement in the "Pennsylvania Packet." He exhibited as late as 1 81 2 at the Pennsylvania Academy. 1. Self portrait. Mrs. E. Y. Townsend, Pa. 2. Mrs. Beaumont in the Character of the Grecian Daughter. Pennsylvania Academy, 181 1. HERRICK, Henry W. Flourished 1843, Nashville, Tennessee. Miniature painter. HERVIER, Auguste Flourished 1827-1858, England and the United States. Miniature and portrait painter. Practically the only source of information concerning Hervier is to be found in the "Life of Mrs. Trollope." In 1827 he met the family and sailed with them to the United States in that year. He worked for awhile in Memphis; in 1828 he was in Cincinnati; and during 1 829-1 83 1 visited various other cities. In 1831 he was back in England. In 1835 he accompanied Mrs. Trol- lope to Paris and Vienna and illustrated several of her books. Exhibited at the Royal Academy in 1824-27; Heidemans — Hervier: 83 82 1832-34, 1 838-41, 1845-47; 1H59-55 and 1858. Charles Henry Hart wrote of his portrait of Andrew Jackson: "It is mentioned only because it exists." HILL, Pamela E. b. May 9, /803, Farmington, Mass.; d. i860. Miniature painter. Pamela E. Hill exhibited at a number of the Boston Athenaeum Exhibitions. 1. Mrs. Joel Thayer. 1. Miss L. B. Vose. 3. Reverend Croswell. 4. Reverend Sharpe. 5. Miss Walsingham. 6-1 2. Seven portraits of members of the family of Stephen Salisbury II, and his relatives, painted in 1843. Worcester x^rt Museum 13. Mrs. M. G. Choules. Exhibition, Newport, R. I., 1891. HILLYER, William Flourished 1834-1861, New York. Portrait painter in oils and miniature. Hillyer belonged to the miniature and portrait partnership of Miller and Hillyer. HITE, George H. Flourished 1830-/86/, New York. Miniature painter. Hite exhibited miniatures at the National Academy from 1839 to 1849. I. Mrs. Coleman. N. A. Exhibition, 1849. Hill— Hite: S 4 83 HOMAN, S. V. Flourished 1844, Boston. Miniature painter. HOPE, Thomas W. Flourished 1839-1845, New York. Portrait and miniature painter. HOWES, Samuel P. Flourished 1829-/833, Boston. Portrait and miniature painter. 1. S. Baker. Boston Athenaeum, 1833. HUDSON, Jr., William Flourished 1829-1833, Boston. Portrait and yniniature painter. 1. ''Dr. William T. G. Morton, discoverer of anaesthesia, painted 1845 by W. Hudson." U. S. National Museum. HUNTINGTON, Daniel b. Oct. 14, 18 16, New York; d. there, Apr. 18, 1906. Portrait, historical and landscape painter. Daniel Huntington attended Hamilton College in 1832 and Y. N. University in 1835. Finally he turned to art as a profession and in 1837 exhibited at the National Academy. He visited Paris, Florence and Rome in 1 839-1 840. He revisited Florence in 1 843-1 845. In 1 85 1 he visited London. He was president of the National Academy from 1862 to 1869 and from 1877 to 1891. 1. Mrs. Jay, copy from a French Miniature. Bedford House. Homan — Huntington: 85 84 2. Miniature, in oil, of a Painter. "Painted con amore for a Lady." D. Huntington. INGHAM, Charles Cromwell b. 1796 Dublin^ Ireland; d. December /o, /S6j, New York. Portrait and miniature painter. At the age of thirteen Charles Cromwell Ingham studied at the Dublin Institution and after a year took drawing lessons of William Cummings from 1809 to 1 8 13. In 1 816 he came to New York. One of the foundation members of the National Academy he was vice president from 1845 t0 l $5°- 1. Mrs. J. Green Pierson, about 1824. Mrs. P. K. Paulding, Cold Spring, N. Y., 1898. INMAN, Henry b. October 2<$, zSoi, Utica, N. Y.; d. January //, 1846, New York. Portrait, miniature and genre painter. As a boy the work of Raphael was for Inman the highest ideal, and he took drawing lessons from an itinerant drawing teacher. When the family moved to New York about 181 2 he continued his art studies at a day school. The father encouraged the boy's artistic inclinations but planned for his entrance to West Point. In 1814, however, at the suggestion of John Wesley Jarvis he turned definitely to painting as a career and was apprenticed to that artist. In 1822 he married, took a studio on Vesey Street and started his profes- sional life as an artist. Several illustrations for Cooper's "Leatherstocking Tales" date from this time. He was vice president of the National Academy from 1838 to Ingham — Inman: 86 85 1844- During 1831 to 1835 he lived at Mt. Holly, New Jersey, and Philadelphia. A genial man and fond of good company, at the dinner given to Charles Dickens in 1842 in New York at which Washington Irving pre- sided, he was among those chosen to speak. In 1843 his health broke. Three friends, James Lenox, Edward L. Carey and Professor Henry Reed gave him com- missions to go to England and paint portraits of Chal- mers, Macauley and Wordsworth, as much for the bene- fit of the trip as for the pictures. He sailed for England in that year and stayed until 1845. When he died the following January steps were immediately taken to exhibit his work, and the result was the "Inman Gallery" of 127 paintings. Inman also painted landscapes and historical and genre pictures. Among the many sitters to his portraits in oil were Fitz-Greene Halleck, John Marshall, Thomas Sully and J. J. Audubon. 1. James Bogart, Jr. About 1835. Miss J. Bogert, 1917. 2. Nicholas Biddle. 2^x2^. Mr. Edward Biddle, Pa. 3. De Witt Clinton. Sepia. Pennsylvania Academy, 1836. 4. Fitz-Greene Halleck. Pencil. 3/^x5. N. Y. Historical Society. 5. Mrs. Alexander Hamilton. The Misses Hamilton, New York, 1897. 6. Alexander Hamilton. After Ceracchi's bust. 7. Chief Justice Marshall. y& x ^i. The Ehrich Galleries. 8. Portrait of a Lady. The Ehrich Galleries. Inman — Continued: 87 86 9. Portrait of a Child. The Ehrich Galleries. 10. Portrait of a Young Man. Oil. About 5x7. TheN. Y. Public Library. 11. Portrait of an artist. Sepia. Pennsylvania Academy, 1827. 12. Mr. Samuel Vernon. Exhibition, Newport, R. I., 1890. INMAN, John O'Brian b. 1S2S, New York; d. i8c>6. Painter of small cabinet portraits. John O'Brian Inman was the son of Henry Inman. JACKSON, Edwin W. Flourished /S46-/S4/, New York. Miniature painter. JARVIS, Charles Wesley Flourished iSjo-/S6/, New York. Portrait painter in miniature and oils. Charles Wesley Jarvis was the reputed son of John Wesley Jarvis. A student of the National Acad- emy, he exhibited intermittently at the annual exhibi- tions from 1839 to 1850. The directory for 1 845-1 846 lists him as a miniature painter — the later entries term him a portrait painter. JARVIS, JOHN WESLEY b. iy So-South Shields, England; d. January 14, /Sjp, New York. Portrait painter in oils and miniature. The father of John Wesley Jarvis sailed for the United States and left the boy, who was still very young, in the Inman — Jarvis: 88 *7 care of his maternal uncle, John Wesley, the founder of Methodism. In [795 young Jarvis was taken to Phila- delphia, lie started life as an engraver, apprenticed to Edward Savage, and associated with David Edwin. In [800 he moved with Savage to New York, and in 1S02 set up independently as an engraver, lie starred paint- ing miniatures in [804 and opened a studio with Joseph Wood.. In [805 [ 806 Dunlap records a visit he paid with Edward Malbone to the studio which resulted in Malhone's giving them both assistance in miniature painting. The partnership lasted until [809 when Wood left for Philadelphia. In 1S10 Jarvis visited Charleston, in 1S11 Baltimore. He exhibited in Phila- delphia in [813 and [814. Henry Inman became his apprentice in [814 and the two made frequent visits to the South during the winter, particularly to New Orleans. In [822 they were in Boston together- it was Inman's last year of apprenticeship. In [830 Jarvis's name appears in the New Orleans directory, and his stay m the city at that time must have been longer than usual. A great conversationalist he associated with such men as Irving, Van Wykc and Yerplank but in his latter years sank into obscurity, lie died m extreme poverty at the house of his sister Mrs. Childs. Jarvis's portraits are of great merit and he was one of the first to make an artistic study of anatomy in this country, lie worked with great rapidity and with the assistance of Inman sometimes finished a portrait in a day. Portrait of the Artist's sister. Rhode island School o( Design. Jarvis — Continued: 89 ss 2. Portrait of a Man. 3x2^. Oval. Signed: 'Jarvis 1809." Metropolitan Museum. 3. Miss Anderson. 3x2^. Oval. Mr. Du Puy, Pittsburgh. 4. Christopher Colles, (1 738-1 821). Oil. 12x10. N. Y. I listorical Sociel y. JOCELYN, Nathaniel b. January ?/, r/p6. New Haven, Conn.; d. there Jan uary fj, 188 1. Engraver and portrait painter in miniature and oils. Nathaniel Jocelyn started to study drawing in 1815. In 1 8 17 he was associated with Tisdale, Danforth and Willard in the I lartford Hank Note Company, and later, with Danforth, practically founded the National Bank Note Company. In 1X20 he practiced his art in Savannah. He visited London during 1829 and 1 X 30 with S. F. B. Morse. He worked for a time in New York and became an Academician in 1846. The latter parr of his life he spent in New Haven, where he had a st udio in the Yale Art Building. 1. Charles M. Pope. Mrs. J. M. Etting, Pa., 1898. JONES, William F. Flourished /S^y-iS^y, Philadelphia. Miniature painter. 1. "Full Length Cabinet Picture — Siga Truffi." Pennsylvania Academy, 1850. JOUETT, Matthew Harris b. April 22, 1787, near Harrodsburg, Ky.; d. August /<>, 182/, Lexington, Ky. Portrait painter in oils and miniature. Matthew Harris Jouett went to Transylvania Jocelyn — Jouett: 90 89 University in 1804 and graduated with honors in 1808. He then entered a law office and, after a year, started practice as a lawyer in Lexington. During the War of 181 2 he enlisted as a volunteer and received a promotion from President Madison in 18 13, to Paymaster with the rank of second lieutenant. At the end of the war he abandoned law and took to his favorite vocation — painting. His father was greatly displeased at this step and looked upon the education spent on his son as wasted. However young Jouett thrived at painting portraits for twenty-five dollars apiece and finally earned enough to go east to study. In 1817 he set out on horseback for Philadelphia and Boston. In Boston he met Gilbert Stuart and became a favorite pupil. George P. A. Healy wrote that Stuart always addressed Jouett as "Kentucky." Jouett remained the rest of the summer and in the fall returned to Lexington, opened a studio and doubled the price for his portraits. Here he remained the rest of his life, spending his winters in New Orleans. Jouett was a portrait painter of the first rank. That he was successful in Kentucky is proved by the story told of John Neagle who intended to settle in Lexington but left when he saw the excellence of Jouett's work. General S. W. Price in "Old Masters of the Blue grass" 1902 prints an extensive list of Jouett's paintings. Mrs. William Allen. Mr. R. J. Menefee, Louisville, Ky., 1902. William Brand. Mrs. E. N. Warfield, Pewee Valley, Ky., 1902. Jouett — Continued: 91 90 S3 s- o a. a. ir. 03 'J) > * S3 S: o ft « ^~ c* o a. CO < 3 H - > t/i > X •-' i 3 ^ O o H > O CKi '4 X 2S > o r r C/l H > ,j O H-; ft. 2 S3 3. Mrs. Brand. Mrs. E. N. Warfield, Pewee Valley, Ky., 1902. 4. Fortunatus Cosby. Mrs. E. B. Carpenter, Louisville, Ivy., 1902. 5. Captain Robinson De Hart. Captain William De Hart, McComb, Miss., 1902. 6. Reverend Joseph Cabell Harrison. Colonel Blanton, Duncan, California, 1902. 7. Captain Nat. G. Hart. Miss Lizzie B. Hart, Lexington, Ky., 1902. 8. Thomas Hart. Mrs. Ella A. Harris, Paris, Ky., 1902. 9. Mrs. E. P. Humphrey. Mr. E. W. C. Humphrey, Louisville, Ky., 1902. 10. A. L. Lewis. Mrs. Lewis, Clark Co., Ky., 1902. 11. Stephen Lewis. Mrs. Thornton Lewis, Winchester, Ky., 1902. 12. Thornton Lewis. Mrs. Thornton Lewis, Winchester, Ky., 1902. 13. Major John Loving. Mr. John Loving, Louisville, Ky., 1902. KEARNEY, Francis b. about //So, Perth Amboy, N. J.; d. after 1S34. Engraver. 1. David Garrick. India ink. KELLOG, Minor K. Flourished iSjg-iSjg. Portrait painter i)i oils and miniature. Kellog exhibited at the Pennsylvania Academy. In 1858 he was living in Paris. In 1878-79 he was in New York. Kearney — Kellog: 92 91 I. Andrew Jackson, 1839. Mrs. Olive L. Kellog, Cincinnati, 1897. KELLY, Thomas Flourished 1817, Halifax , Nova Scotia. Miniature painter. KIMBERLY, James H. Flourished 1841-1843, New York. Miniature painter. KING, Samuel b. January 24, 1749, Newport , R. I.; d. there, December 20 y 1819. Instrument maker and portrait painter in oils and miniature. Samuel King was sent as a boy to Boston to learn house painting, but gave up the trade to follow the pro- fession of portrait painting in Newport, encouraged by Cosmo Alexander. He kept a shop for making mathe- matical instruments and continued at odd times to practice art. He gave assistance to Edward Malbone, Washington Allston and C. B. King. In the "Diary" of Ezra Stiles is the following entry: "May 30, 1770. This day Mr. Samuel King took my picture in minia- ture. " This is the only reference the writer has seen concerning a miniature by King. KNIGHT, Charles Flourished 18/1-18/6, Philadelphia. Miniature painter. Charles Knight exhibited at the Pennsylvania Academy. It is possible that this was C. Knight the Kelly — Knight: 93 92 London artist, who exhibited 16 miniatures at the Royal Academy in 1793, 1796 and 1816. KRIMMEL, John Lewis b. lySy Wurtemburg, Germany; d. July '5, 1821, Phila- delphia. Portrait and genre painter. Krimmel came to Philadelphia in 1810, and in 1811- 181 2 he exhibited at the Pennsylvania /\cademy. His portraits in oils are said to be cabinet size. LABATUT Flourished latter part of the eighteenth century. Miniature painter. Labatut was a Frenchman whom Washington em- ployed to paint a large miniature as a gift for General Charles Cotesworth Pinckney. 1. George Washington. Size, including case, 7x6. 1782. On ivory. Miss E. F. Watson, N. Y., 1881. LA FARGE, John Flourished early part of the nineteenth century. Miniature painter. Jean-Frederic de la Farge called John La Farge, the father of the late John La Farge, was a French refugee from Santo Domingo. He came to New York and painted miniatures. LALANNE, Mary E. Flourished 1833, Boston. Miniature painter. Krimmell — Lalanne: 94 93 LAMBDIN, James Reid b. May 10, 1807, Pittsburg; d. January Ji, 1889, Phila- delphia. Portrait painter in miniature and oils. The pupil in Philadelphia of Edward Miles and Thomas Sully, Lambdin worked in Pittsburg, Mobile, and for a while in Kentucky. He settled permanently in Philadelphia in 1837 and taught at the University of Pennsylvania. His son George C. Lambdin (1830- 1896) was a portrait painter and crayon portrait draughtsman. 1. Miniature of an Artist. Pennsylvania Academy, 1845. 2. Samuel Richards. (1769-1842.) Rectangular. 4>^x 3%. Mr. Herbert DuPuy, Pittsburg. 3. Elizabeth Richards Bell. (1810-1848.) Oval. 4^ x 2 l /i. Mr. Herbert DuPuy, Pittsburg. 4. John Tyler. "Engraved by J. B. Forrest from a drawing by J. R. Lambdin. " Longacre's "National Portrait Gallery." 5. Polly Stuart Webb Vincent. (1 822-1 883.) Rectangu- lar, i^fxa^. Writing on back states it was painted by J. R. Lambdin in New York, Dec, 1850. Mr. John Hill Morgan, N. Y. LAMONT, Daniel G. Flourished 1846-1847, New York. Historical painter, and portrait painter in oils and miniature. LESLIE, Charles Robert b. October 17, 1794, London, England; d. there, May 5, 1859. Historical and portrait painter. In 1799 Charles Robert Leslie was taken by his Lambdin — Leslie: 95 94 parents who were natives of America, to the United States. His father established himself as a clock maker in Philadelphia where in 1808 the boy was apprenticed to a bookseller. With one of his employers he went, in 181 1, to London. Here he presented letters, that Thomas Sully had given him, to West, Beechey and other painters for he had, in the bookstore, already shown signs of artistic ability. He was elected A.R.A. in 1 821 and R.A. in 1825. For one year, in 1S31, he was instructor in drawing at West Point. From 1848 to 1 85 1 he taught at the Royal Academy Schools. He was also a writer and his "Memoirs of John Con- stable" were published in 1848. His "Autobiographical Recollections" were printed after his death. 1. Commodore Matthew Galbraith Perry. 1 795-1 858. Oil. 3x2. Peabody Museum, Salem. 2. George Frederick Cook as Richard III. Drawing. 3. George Frederick Cook as Othello. Drawing. L'ESTRANGE Flourished 1832-1S34, Halifax, N. S. Portrait painter in oils and miniature. L'Estrange was an Englishman who visited Halifax from 1832 to 1834. LINEN, George b. f<$02, Greenlaw, Scotland; d. 1888, New York. Portrait painter. Linen was a student at the Royal Scottish Academy in Edinburgh. He settled in New York in 1843. The following are diminutive portraits in oil. 1. Colonel William Popham. Metropolitan Museum. L'Estrange — Linen: 96 95 2. Daniel Webster, 1838. Mrs. J. B. Linen, Buffalo, 1897. 3. Henry Clay, 1838. Mrs. J. B. Linen, Buffalo, 1897. LIVERMORE, Mrs. Flourished 1847-1848, Boston. Miniature painter. LIVINGSTON, Harriet Flourished 1808-1820. Amateur miniature painter. Harriet Livingston became the wife of Robert Fulton in 1 808. On the reverse of a miniature of Walter Livingston in the possession of Mrs. W. L. Livingston, Flatbush, 1892, is the inscription: "The likeness of my beloved father. Harriet Livingston, Tiviot Dale Livingston Manor." It is reproduced in C. W. Bowen's "Centennial of the Inauguration of Washington." LONGACRE, James Barton b. Aug. II, 1794, Delaware Co., Pa.; d. January /, 1869, Philadelphia. Engraver and portrait painter in water colors. Longacre was the descendant of a Swedish colonist who settled in Delaware. Apprenticed to George Murray the engraver in Philadelphia he started engrav- ing professionally in 18 19. From 1834 to 1839 he published the work known as "Herring and Longacre's National Portrait Gallery," a source book for engravings after early American portraits. Many engravers were employed on the plates and James Herring was his Livermore — Longacre: 97 96 associate in the undertaking. Longacre was an engraver to the United States mint from 1844 until his death and designed all the coins struck during that period. He also designed the coinage for the Chilean government. Some "Extracts from the Diary of James Barton Long- acre," were published in the "Pennsylvania Magazine of History" for 1905. 1. Andrew Jackson. "Drawn from life. September 23d 1829 and Engraved by J. B. Longacre." C. H. Hart wrote "Longacre painted a number of small miniatures from it for breast pins." 2. Andrew Jackson, 1829. Drawing. • Mrs. H. C. Wood, Philadelphia, 1 897. 3. Daniel Webster. "Drawn from Life & Engraved by James B. Longacre." Drawing in Sepia, 1830. 4. Daniel Webster. A second drawing in Sepia, 1830. LORD, Phoebe Griffin b. February 20, lygy, East Haddam, Conn.; d. October 12, 1875, Lyme. Miniature painter in water colors. She later became Mrs. P. G. L. Noyes. LOVETT, William b. 1773-, Boston; d. there, June 2g, 1S01. Portrait and miniature painter. But one miniature by Lovett has been identified. There is also an engraving by Hill dated 1798 after a portrait by Lovett of Baker the actor. In the Boston directories he is listed at first as a portrait painter. In Lord — Love 1 1 : 98 97 i8oo, however, he is called both a portrait and miniature painter, living at Bromfield's Lane. i. Reverend John Clarke. Essex Institute. 2. Reverend John Clarke. Replica. Boston Museum. LUND, Theodore Flourished 1841-1844, New York and Brooklyn. Miniature painter. MACKINTOSH, Miss S. B. Flourished 1830, Philadelphia. Miniature painter. 1. Mrs. Harriet Houghton Lane. (1797-1850.) Mr. T. H. Gage, Worcester, Mass. MACK Flourished 1834, New York. Miniature painter. McDOUGAL, John A. Flourished 1836-1881, New York and Newark. Miniature painter. McDougal exhibited at the National Academy Exhibitions during 1841 to 1849. 1. Mrs. S. W. Parmley. N. A. Exhibition, 1845. 2. J. Arthur. N. A. Exhibition, 1841. McPHERSON, W. J. Flourished 1846-/847, Boston. Miniature painter. Lund — McPherson : 99 98 MALBONE, Edward Greene b. August 1777 ', Newport, R. I.; d. May 7, /80/, Sa- vannah) Georgia. Miniature painter. "You may enjoy your mirth but you shall one day see my head engraved." Such were the words of Edward Malbone to his sisters. He was the boyhood friend of Washington Allston, with whom he received casual instruction in art from Samuel King about 1792 in Newport. Even earlier than this he had helped paint theatre scenery and copied old engravings incessantly. About 1793 he copied on paper a portrait by Sir Thomas Lawrence that was greatly admired. Soon he prepared his own ivory to paint on and the miniature of Nicholas Power dating from 1793, was his first commission. In 1794 he left home telling only his sister of his departure, to start as a professional miniature painter in Providence. Here his success was quickly assured as he informed his father after a few weeks. In 1796 he moved to Boston where he renewed his friend- ship with Allston and continued the success he enjoyed the rest of his life. In 1797 he was in New York leaving in the spring of 1798 for Philadelphia. The yellow fever epidemic compelled him to move to the country where he still found continual employment. After leaving Philadelphia he visited various seaboard cities and finally sailed for Charleston, South Carolina in 1800. His reception was enthusiastic. His work was in great demand, he made many friends, among them Charles Fraser, and, feeling justified in making a long deferred voyage to London, he sailed in May, 1801, with his Malbone: 100 99 friend Allston, who had recently graduated from Harvard. Together they visited the public and private art collections, met Benjamin West, who allowed them the use of his studio, and in the Autumn, studied at the Royal Academy. His well known picture "The Hours" at the Providence Athenaeum was painted in August of this year. In December he returned alone to Charles- ton and in the spring of the following year he sailed for Newport. In 1803-4 he was in New York. In 1804 he went to Boston, remaining until 1805, when in December he again visited Charleston intending later to make a second voyage to London. However a cold contracted in March 1806 settled in his lungs and he hurried home. During June he took to field sports for recreation and health but overexertion while hunting forced him to bed. At the suggestion of his physician he sailed for Jamaica in December, but the climate proving without benefit he bought his passage to Newport, fearing the worst, and embarked in May. He only reached Savannah, where he died at the home of his cousin Robert Mackay.. Of all the /American miniature painters none surpassed and few reached the excellence of Edward Malbone. His work is comparable to that of Samuel Cooper, Hans Holbein, John Smart and Isabey. In his later minia- tures, which were often larger than his earlier ones, there is generally no signature. "E.G.M.," or "Malbone," is the usual method when he did sign his name, although he sometimes wrote "Edw.G.Malbone." Painting in oils was an occasional practice in his later years and there is a portrait of himself in this medium at the Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington, D. C. An excellent idea of his art is to be obtained from Mr. Halsey's article in Malbone — Continued: 101 100 "Scribner's Magazine" for May 1910, where a number of miniatures are reproduced in color. 1. Caleb Abell. i^A x 1%. Mr. Herbert L. Pratt. Reproduced in "Macbeth Gallery Art Notes" March, 1915. 2. Ann Crawford Allen. Rhode Island School of Design. 3. Lydia Allen. Rhode Island School of Design. Both this miniature and the preceding reproduced in: "R. I. School of Design Bulletin," Oct., 1914. 4. Dr. W. Allston. 1803-4. Painted in Charleston. 5. Washington Allston. 1800-01. 6. Washington Allston. Boston Museum. Reproduced in "Handbook," Boston Museum, 1906. 7. Joseph Alston. (1778-1816.) 2^x2. Mr. Herbert L. Pratt. 8. Mrs. Amory. Owned in Newport, R. I., 1884. 9. Mrs. Ball, 1803-4. Painted in Charleston. 10. Thomas Barksdale. Providence, 1803. Gen. Thos. A. Hugenin. 11. Joseph Barrell. Mrs. Walter Crittendon. 12. Miss Isabel Barron. 1806? Miss A. Bliss, N. Y., 1898. Reproduced in A. H. Wharton, "Salons," 1900. 13. Colonel Clement Biddle. 14. Mrs. Clement Biddle. 15. Mrs. William Blacklock and Child. 3^4x3^. Mr. R. T. Haines Halsey. Reproduced in color, "Scribner's," May, 1910. 16. Mrs. Edmund Blake. Miss J. Robins, Pa., 1912. Reproduced in M. C. Crawford's "Romantic Days," 1912. Malbone — Continued: 102 101 \~j. Joshua Blake, U. S. N. of Boston. Exhibition, Newport, R. I., 1890. 18. Alexander Bleeker. 1803. 19. Mrs. Alexander Bleeker. 1803. Mrs. C. M. Lea, Pa., 1898. Reproduced in color in A. H. Wharton, "Heirlooms," 1898. 20. Nicholas Bowman, 1793. Providence Athenaeum. 21. Mr. Bowman. 1803-4. Painted in Charleston, S. C. 22. Walter Bowne. 23. Mrs. Walter Bowne. The Bowne miniatures are reproduced in C. Cook: "A Girl's Life Eighty Years Ago." N. Y., 1887. 24. Charles Bulfinch. About 1788. Mentioned in W 7 insor: "Memorial History of Boston," v. 4, p. 472. Mrs. S. G. Bulfinch, Boston, 1881. 25. Luther Bradish. (1783-1863.) 3x2^. Mr. H. DuPuy. 26. Dr. Bruilsford, 1803-4. Painted in Charleston, S. C. 27. General Thomas Cadwalader. 28. Mrs. Calhoun. 1803-4. Painted in Charleston, S. C. 29. Mrs. James Carter. 30. Thomas Corwin. Mrs. R. M. Bryan, Charleston, S. C. 31. Colonel Chestnut. 1803-4. Painted in Charleston, S. C. 32. Mrs. Langdon Cheves, nee Dulles. Miss M. C. Dulles, Pa., 1898. Reproduced in A. H. W 7 harton's "Salons," 1900. 23. Mrs. Langdon Cheves. Mrs. Langdon Cheves. 34. Eleanor Coffin. Miss Rogers, 1887. Reproduced in "A Girl's Life Eighty Years Ago," by C. Cook, 1887. 35. Mrs. Cockran. 1803-4. Painted in Charleston, S. C. Mai bone — Continued: 103 102 36. Richard Dana. General Charles W. Darling. 37. Mrs. Richard Dana. General Charles W. Darling. The Dana miniatures are both reproduced in A. H. Wharton's "Salons." 38. David Deas, born 1 771 . Mr. David Deas, Charleston, S. C. 39. Mathurin Livingston De Lancy. Mr. Herbert L. Pratt. 40. Mrs. R. C. Derby. 3^x2^. Metropolitan Museum. 41. Mrs. R. C. Derby. Dr. W. P. Derby, Boston. Reproduced in A. H. Wharton's "Heirlooms," 1898. 42. Dr. Drayton. 1803-4. Painted in Charleston, S. C. 43. Mrs. Drayton. 44. Eben Farley. Worcester Art Museum. 45. Lydia Coolidge Farley. Worcester Art Museum. Numbers 44 and 45 are both reproduced in "Bulletin of Worcester Art Museum," Oct. 191 5. 46. Miss Ferguson, Daughter of Adams Ferguson. Exhibition, Newport, R. I., 1890. 47. Miss Fenwick. 1803-4. Painted in Charleston, S. C. 48. Nicholas Fish. Mrs. D. Le Roy, Newport, R. I. Reproduced in C. W. Bowen's "Centennial of the In- auguration of Washington," 1892. 49. Captain Fletcher. Exhibition, Newport, R. I., 1890. 50. R. A. Fraser. 1803-4. Painted in Charleston, S. C. 51. Robert Fulton. (1765-1815.) 3x2^. Mr. H. DuPuy. 52. Mrs. Gadsden. 1803-4. Painted in Charleston, S. C. $3. Philip Gadsden. Attributed to Malbone. Mr. J. Gadsden, Charleston, S. C. 54. Alister Garden. Attributed to Malbone. Mrs. H. S. Holmes, Charleston, S. C. Malbone — Continued: 104 103 $$. Nicholas Gilman. Attributed to Malbone. Mrs. C. W. Bowen, N. Y., 1892. 56. Sarah Ladson Gilmor. Mr. Herbert L. Pratt. 57. Rachel Gratz. 1806? The Misses Mordecai, Pa., 1898. 58. Rebecca Gratz. 1806? The Misses Mordecai, Pa., 1898. Numbers 57 and 58 are both reproduced in A. H. Wharton's "Heirlooms," 1898. 59. Ray Greene, U. S. Senator. Miss Turner, Newport, R. I., 1884. 60. Martha Washington Greene. 2^ x 2^. Oval. Metropolitan Museum. 61. Mrs. John Faucherand Grimke. Attributed to Mal- bone. Miss T. S. Grimke, Charleston, S. C. 62. Miss Grimke. 2^x2. The Ehrich Galleries. 63. Major Hamilton. 1803-4. Painted in Charleston, S. C. 64. Miss Matty Hatch. See Mason: "Gilbert Stuart," p. 194. 65. Carl Frederick Herreshoff. Mr. Lewis Herreshoff. 66. Sarah Brown Herreshoff. Mr. Lewis Herreshoff. 67. Thomas Hovey. (1762-1830.) Attributed to Malbone. Mr. T. H. Gage, Worcester, Mass. 68. Major Handy. Miss Handy, Newport, R. I., 1884. Reproduced in G. C. Mason's, "Reminiscences of Newport," 1884. 69. Mrs. C. W. Hare, nee Emlen. Miss Hare, Pa., 1898. Reproduced in A. H. Wharton's "Heirlooms," 1898. 70. Charles Harris. 1804. 334 x 3. Mr. Herbert L. Pratt. 71. R.D.Harris. 1804. 3^x3. Mr. Herbert L. Pratt. Reproduced in Dunlap's "History," 1918 edition. Malbone — Continued: 105 104 72. Mrs. Mary D. Harris. Wife of Jonathan Harris. 3^ x iyi. The Ehrich Galleries. 73. Major Jonathan Haskell. 2^x2. Mr. H. DuPuy. 74. Mrs. F. Haywood. 1803-4. Painted in Charleston S. C. 75. Mrs. B. Hazard. Owned in Newport, 1884. 76. James H. Heyward. Mr. W. J. Taylor, Baltimore, 1898. 77. Mrs. James H. Heyward. Mr. W. J. Taylor, Baltimore, 1898. Numbers 76 and 77 are both reproduced in A. H. Wharton's "Heirlooms," 1898. 78. Miss Matilda Hoffman. 1806? Mrs. G. S. Bowdoin, N. Y., 18 18. Reproduced in A. H. Wharton's "Heirlooms," 1898. 79. Mrs. Daniel Horrey. Mrs. St. Julien Ravenel, Charleston, S. C. 80. Miss Huger. 1803-4. Painted in Charleston, S. C. 81. Judge Daniel Huger. 1800. Mr. D. E. Huger Smith, Charleston, S. C. 82. "Mr. Izard's Three Daughters. " 1803-4. Painted in Charleston, S. C. 83. Captain George Izard. 3 yi x 2%. Mr. R. T. Haines Halsey. Reproduced in color in "Scribner's" May, 1910. 84. Mrs. Ralph Izard. 1803-4. Dr. G. E. Manigault, Charleston, S. C. Reproduced in C. W. Bowen's "Centennial of the In- auguration of Washington," 1892. 85. Elizabeth Allston Jervey. 2^ x 2 yi. Mr. Herbert L. Pratt. 86. Major James Ladson. Miss Isabel Ladson. Malbone — Continued: 106 105 87. Mrs. James Ladson, nee Judith Smith. Miss Isabel Ladson. 88. Sarah Reeves Ladson. 1803-4. Painted in Charleston, S. C. 89. Mrs. P. H. S. Lee. The Misses Lee, Charleston, S. C. 90. George Long. Rhode Island School of Design. Reproduced in "R. I. School of Design Bulletin," Oct. 1914. 91. Mrs. Lowndes. 1803-4. Painted in Charleston, S. C. 3 yi x 2 yi. Oval. Metropolitan Museum. 92. James W. Lowndes. 3x2^. The Ehrich Galleries. 93. Harriet Lyman, later Mrs. B. Hazard. Mr. Peyton Randolph Hazard, Newport, R. I. 94. Harriet Mackie. Mrs. Reid Whitford, Charleston, S. C. 95. General John McPherson. Portrait of his son on the reverse. Miss Rosa Pringle, Charleston, S. C. 96. General William Malcom. Miss M. C. Snowden, Sing Sing, N. Y., 1892. Reproduced in C. W. Bowen, "Centennial." 97. Edward Greene Malbone, 1797. Signed on reverse: "Edw. G. Malbone Miniature Painter." Reproduced in color "Scribner's," May, 1910. Mr. R. T. Haines Halsey. 98. Mr. Manigault, 1803-4. Painted in Charleston, S. C. 99. Joseph Marx. Penn. Academy. 100. Asher Marx. Penn. Academy. 101. Mrs. Middleton, 1803-4. Painted in Charleston, S. C. 102. Joseph Kirk Milnor. Miss F. T. Milnor, Long Island, 1898. Reproduced in A. H. Wharton "Heirlooms," 1898. Malbone — Continued: 107 106 & z S s, § > S 3 z o 3- _> > si 8 m •-3 o — 3 m ea <— i •< O >* >— i ac o > z w in y ^ *a < ,_, > > — r 2 z s ero o !/) 3S t) rj 103. Sally Foster Otis. Reproduced in ''Bulletin of the Society for the Preser- vation of New England Antiquities," March, 1917. Also "Life of Harrison Gray Otis." Also Griswold: "American Court." Owned by the Otis family, Boston. 104. Theophilus Parsons, 1796. Reproduced in "Essex Inst. Collections" v. 35, p. 97. 105. George Pawley. Mrs. Reid Whitford, Charleston, S. C. 106. Mrs. George Pawley. Mrs. Reid Whitford, Charleston, S. C. 107. Mary Pawley. Mrs. Reid Whitford, Charleston, S. C. 108. Edward Perry. Attributed to Malbone. Mr. C. C. Waring, Charleston, S. C. 109. Joseph Pierce, Jr. 2^ xiyi. Mr. H. DuPuy. no. General C. C. Pinckney. (1746-1825.) Mrs. T. Pinckney, Charleston, S. C. in. General Thomas Pinckney, (1750-1828). Painted in Charleston, S. C, 1803-4. 112. Mrs. Poinsett. 1803-4. Painted in Charleston, S. C. 113. Miss Poinsett. 1803-4? Painted in Charleston, S. C. iy% x 2^. Mr. R. T. Haines Halsey. Reproduced in color in "Scribner's," May, 1910. 114. Joel Roberts Poinsett. (1779-1851.) Painted in Charleston, S. C. 2 yi x 2%. Mr. R. T. Haines Halsey. Reproduced in color in "Scribner's," May, 1910. 115. Mrs. Moses Poor. Miss C. Webb, Washington, D. C, 1902. Reproduced in A. H. W 7 harton's "Social Life," 1902. Malbone — Continued: 108 107 n6. Portrait. Reproduced in color. "Scribner's," May, 1900. Mr. R. T. Haines Halsey. 117. Portrait of a Lady in Fancy Costume. 3^ x i$i. Metropolitan Museum. 118. Portrait of a Lady. 3 x 1%. Brooklyn Museum. 119. Commodore Preble. The late Mrs. A. P. T. de H. Carpenter, 1920. 120. Honorable James Reid Pringle. Painted in 1800. Reproduced in "Art in America," June, 191 5. Miss C. P. Ravenel. 121. Richard Kidder Randolph. Profile 1800. Mrs. Thomas Breese, Newport, R. I., 1884. 122. Thomas Radcliffe. (1776-1806.) 2^ x i}i. Painted in Charleston 1803-4. Mr. John Hill Morgan. 123. Captain Benjamin Rathbone. Exhibition, Newport, R. I., 1890. 124. L. P. S. Rhode Island School of Design. Reproduced in R. I. School of Design Bulletin," Oct. 1914. 125. Stephen Salisbury the First. Worcester Art Museum. Reproduced in "Bulletin of the Worcester Art Mu- seum, April, 1 91 4. 126. Mrs. Stephen Salisbury the First (Elizabeth Tucker- man). Worcester Art Museum. Reproduced in "Bulletin of the Worcester Art Mu- seum," April, 1914. 127. Mr. Samuel Lawbere, 1803-4. Painted in Charleston, S. C. 128. Colonel Richard Singleton. 2^ x 2^. Mr. Herbert L. Pratt. 129. Mrs. Sinkler. 1803-4. Painted in Charleston, S. C. Malbone — Continued: 109 108 130. Colonel Scolbay of Boston. "There is a fine miniature of Colonel Scolbay ot Boston in possession of his daughters; they told me that Stuart used to come, at least once a year, to see it, desiring them to take great care of it, as it was decid- edly the finest miniature in the world." Malbone's sister, Mrs. Whitehorne, to Dunlap, 1834. 131. Mary Ann Smith. Mrs. H. S. Foster, Charleston, S. C. 132. Mrs. Robert Smith, daughter of J. J. Pringle. A copy of Malbone's miniature by Ernest Gerard, Paris, is owned by Mr. R. T. Smith. 133. Dr. Elisha Story. 2^x2^. The Essex Institute. Reproduced in "Essex Institute Collections," v. 50. P- ^35- 134. Mr. Strong. The Ehrich Galleries. 135. Archibald Taylor. 2^ x iyi. Mr. John Hill Morgan. 136. Lady Temple. Attributed to Malbone. Mrs. G. S. Bowdoin, N. Y., 1892. 137. A. Louis Tousard. Engraved by Longacre. 138. Job Townsend. Exhibition, Newport, R. I., 1890. 139. Mrs. Benjamin Foissin Trapier. Miss Alicia Trapier, Charleston, S. C. 140. Mrs. Paul Trapier (Alicia Shubrick). Painted in Charleston, S. C, 1803-4. Reproduced in A. H. Wharton: "Heirlooms," 1898. Mr. W. Hayne, Jackson, Miss., 1898. 141. Colonel Trumbull. Painted in New York. 142. Mr. Vaughan. 1803-4. Painted in Charleston, S. C. 143. Mrs. Julian Verplank. (Eliza Fenno.) Mr. B. Richards, N. Y., 1898. Reproduced in A. H. Wharton, "Heirlooms," 1898. Malbone — Continued: no 109 1 44- Mrs. Robert Weir (Lucretia Tuckerman). Worcester Art Museum. Reproduced in "Bulletin of the Worcester Art Mu- seum," April, 1914. 145. Miss West. 2^ix2)4' Mr. A. Rosenthal. 146. Mrs. John Whitehorne. Pastel. Exhibition Newport, R. I., 1890. 147. Henry De Wolff. The Misses Middleton, Newport, R. I. 148. Charles De Wolff. Mrs. W. Guild, Newport, R. I., 1884. 149. Major Samuel Wragg. (1769-1842.) Painted in Charleston, S. C, 1803-4. Reproduced in Dunlap's "History," 191 8 Edition. It may be remarked that this reproduction is from a photograph taken at a slant and does not perfectly represent the picture. 150. Joseph Yates. Miss May Snowden, Charleston, S. C. 151. Mrs. Yates. Miss May Snowden, Charleston, S. C. 152. The Little Scotch Girl. Reproduced in "Scribner's, " May, 1900. Mr. R. T. Haines Halsey. 153. The Birth of Shakespeare. Painted about 1793. Reproduced in "Scribner's," May, 1900. Mrs. C. Carleton and Mrs. H. S. Marshall, 1900. 154. The Hours. Providence x^thenaeum. 155. Charles Fraser's Niece. 3^x2^. Metropolitan Museum. 156. William Manigault Hey wood. A copy by Fraser belongs to Mr. Herbert L. Pratt. 157. James Bowdoin. Miniature copy after Gilbert Stuart. See Mason: "Stuart," p. 267. Malbone — Continued: 1 1 1 no MAPES, James Jay b. May 29, 1S06, New York; d. there, J miliary 10, 1S66. Amateur miniature painter. Ma pes received the title "Honorary Member N.A.D." in 1833. From 1835 to ^38 ne was "Professor of Chemistry and Natural Philosophy of Colors," at the National Academy. MARAS, M. Flourished 1800-/802, New York. Miniature painter. Maras was a Frenchman who after a few years in New York went to Constantinople and became painter to the Sultan. MARCHANT, Edward Dalton b. December 16, /806, Edgartown, Mass.; d. August ij, 1887, Asbury Park, N. J. Portrait painter in oils a?id miniature. Marchant first exhibited at the N. A. in 1829. In 1843 ne visited certain "Western cities" and finally went to Nashville. In 1845 ne settled in Philadelphia. Among the sitters for his portraits in oil were Henry Clay, William Henry Harrison, and Andrew Jackson. 1. Pliny Earl, 1 809-1 892. Mr. T. Hovey Gage, Worcester, Mass. MAUVAIS Flourished 1776, Savannah, Georgia. Portrait painter in oils and miniature. 1. Major John Gedney Clarke. Essex Institute. Mapes — Mauvais: 1 1 2 in MEANCE Flourished 1795, New York. Miniature painter. A portrait of N. G. Dufief is inscribed "Meance delt. Edwin set. " Meance also inserted a notice in the "Gazette Francais" for 1795. MERCER, William Flourished 1773-1850, Philadelphia. Portrait painter in oils and miniature. William Mercer, the deaf mute son of General Mercer, and not the nephew as Dunlap states, was a pupil of Charles Willson Peale. Rembrandt Peale in an instalment of his "Reminiscences" in the "Crayon" for June 13, 1855 tells an amusing story of William Mercer during the Peace Demonstration in 1783. He concludes: 'This same Mr. Mercer, under my father's tuition, became an excellent portrait painter, and continued his profession till his death a few years ago." METCALF, Eliab b. February 5, 17S5, Franklin , Mass.; d. January 75, 1834, New York. Silhouette cutter and portrait painter in miniature and oils. Metcalf was in Guadaloupe in 1807 to 1808 and later in Canada and Nova Scotia. He studied drawing in New York in 18 10 and painted his first portraits about 1 81 5. Owing to ill health he went to New Orleans in 1 8 19. In 1822 and later he visited the islands of St. Croix and St. Thomas. The winter of 1 823-1 824 he spent in New York. He then left for Havana where he Meance — Metcalf: 113 112 remained the rest of his life visiting New York annually. 1. Joseph Rodman Drake. Mr. Charles de Kay, 1914. 2. Captain Benjamin Bradford. Circular. Possibly by Metcalf. U. S. National Museum. 3. Captain Thomas Broom. Mrs. F. M. La Bruce, Charleston, 1901. 4. Dr. John Haslett (1799-1878). Ivory3x23g. Painted 1822. The Brooklyn Museum, Brooklyn, N.Y. See J. H. Morgan; Miniature by Metcalf, Brooklyn Museum Quarterly, Jan., 1921. MEYER, Henry Hoppner b. lySj England; d. May 28, 1847, London. Stipple engraver and portrait painter in oils and miniature. The nephew of the celebrated John Hoppner from whom he received assistance, Hoppner Meyer, as he was generally called, also learned engraving from Francesco Bartolozzi whose stipple manner he followed. He exhibited portraits in oil and water color during 1821- 1826. One of the founders of the Society of British Artists he became, in 1828, the president of that asso- ciation and at the first exhibition showed eight portraits, two chalk drawings and forty-three engravings. At the exhibition in 1826 he showed a portrait of Charles Lamb. In 1830 he sailed for the United States where he was employed engraving portraits and painting minia- tures. 1. Andrew Jackson, 1832. Mrs. R. J. Laurence, Tennessee, 1897. 2. Edward L. Carey. Water color. Meyer: 114 "3 MIFFLIN, J. H. Flourished 1840-1842, New York. Miniature painter. 1. "Mrs. Mary Ann Washington, painted about 1840 at Milledgeville, Ga., by Mifflin of N. Y." U. S. National Museum. MILES, Edward b. October 14^ 1752^ Yarmouth^ England; d. 1828, Phila- delphia. Miniature painter and portrait draughtsman in crayons. Edward Miles started out in life as an errand boy to a surgeon of Yarmouth who encouraged him in his taste for drawing. In 1771 he moved to London where he met Sir William Beechy, who painted his portrait, and Sir Joshua Reynolds, who employed him to make copies in miniature of his paintings. During 1775—1779 he ex- hibited 53 miniatures at the Royal Academy. After being painter to the Duchess of York, he finally became painter to Queen Charlotte whose portrait he painted. He also painted portraits of a number of the princesses. In 1797 he went to Russia and was court painter to Tsar Paul. He stayed in Russia during the time of the assassination of the Tsar and the elevation to the throne of the Tsarevich Alexander and saw the Napoleonic invasion of St. Petersburg. A portrait he painted of Tsar Alexander was given to the Earl of Liverpool. Tsarina Maria Louisa of Baden was also one of his sitters. About 1806 he left St. Petersburg and sailed for the United States, arriving in Philadelphia in 1807 where he lived the rest of his life. In 1808 he lived at Third and Chestnut. In 1809 he is called, "portrait painter in Mifflin— Miles: 115 114 crayons" and his address was 61 N. Seventh St. From 1 8 14 to 1 8 17 he lived at 210 Walnut Street and from 181 8 to 1824 he lived at 206 on the same street. He moved, still remaining on Walnut Street, however, to 218 in 1825 and is called a "drawing master." He seems to have been a man of independent means, painting his excellent miniatures for his friends and giving drawing lessons only after his son failed in business. 1. Grand Duchess "Marie Paulowa von Russland." Grand Duke Wilhelm Ernst von Sachsen-Weimar- Eisenach, 191 2. 2. Alexander of Russia. Mr. E. Miles, Pa., 1898. 3. Maria Louisa of Baden. Mr. E. Miles, Pa., 1898. 4. A Russian Princess. Mr. E. Miles, Pa., 1898. 5. A Russian Princess. Mr. E. Miles, Pa., 1898. 6. Unfinished Portrait of a Lady. Mr. E. Miles, Pa., 1898. 7. Queen Charlotte. 8. Bishop White. MILLER and HILLYER Flourished 18 46-1 861, New York. Miniature painting partnership. MILLER, Godfred Flourished 1841-1887, New York. Miniature painter. He is listed as "an artist" in the later entries in the New York directories. MILLER, William H. Flourished 1846-184"/, New York. Miniature painter. Miller and Hill yer— Miller: 1 1 6 Us MORANGES Flourished 1795, Baltimore. Miniature painter. "Mr. Moranges takes the liberty to offer his services to the public as well in drawing pictures as giving lessons. His terms are the moderate sum of 12 dollars." 'Federal Intelligencer and Baltimore Daily Gazette," July 2, 1795. MOREIN, J. A. Flourished 1841-1842, New York. Portrait painter in oils and miniature. MORSE, Samuel Finley Breese b. April 27, 1791, Charleston, Mass.; d. April 2, 1872, New York. Inventor and portrait painter. Morse, the inventor of the telegraph, started his career as an artist. As a young man he painted minia- tures at five dollars apiece with the stipulation that the sitter furnish his own ivory. For a profile drawing he charged a dollar. -He was president of the N. A. from 1827 to 1845 an d from 1861 to 1862. See "The Letters and Journals of S. F. B. Morse," edited by Edward L. Morse. Boston, 1914. MUNGER, Caroline b. 1808, Guilford, Conn.; d. 1892, Madison, Conn. Miniature painter. The daughter of George Munger. She married Horace Washburn in 1831 and exhibited miniatures at the Moranges — Munger : 117 116 National Academy in New York in 1841 as Mrs. H. B. Washburn. MUNGER, George b. February //, 17S1, Guilford, Conn.; d. July 2, 1825, New Haven. Portrait painter in oils and miniature. A fellow student in New Haven of Anson Dickinson, Munger gave up painting only to resume it again in 1 81 5. At one time he operated salt works at Milford, Connecticut. 1. Self portrait. Oil on paper mounted on wood. Painted about 1800. Mr. Geo. B. Munger, East River, Conn. 2. Captain Josiah Munger. Oil on paper mounted on wood. Mr. Geo. B. Chittenden, East River, Conn. 3. Mrs. Harrison. Dr. Wellman, D.D., East River, Conn. NEWCOMBE, George W. b. Sept. 22, s?99, in England; d. Feb. io, 1845, New York. Portrait painter in oils and miniature. Newcombe came to New York in 1829 and is said to have been very successful painting portraits in that city. 1. Thomas Gurnee. N. A. Exhibition, 1844. 2. "Gustavus Schroeder, Esq., in an Old French Costume 1 6th Century." N. A. Exhibition, 1839. NEWPORT, J. W. Flourished 184.6-184^, Philadelphia. Miniature painter. He exhibited three "Miniatures of Gentlemen" at the Pennsylvania Academy in 1847. Munger G. — Newport : 118 117 OFFICER, Thomas S. b. about 1820, Carlisle, Penn.; d. Jan. 1860, California. Miniature painter. Thomas Officer painted miniatures in New Orleans before coming to Philadelphia in 1845. ^ n J ^47 he moved to New York and exhibited at the Academy until 1849. I n that year he returned to New Orleans. At the close of the Mexican War he established himself in Mexico City. Later he lived in Australia and finally settled in California. He exhibited seven miniatures at the N. A. Exhibitions of 1848 and 1849. 8. Professor Mapes. N. A. Exhibition 1847. 9. Mrs. Isaac Ball. The Misses Ball, Charleston, 1901. O'HARA, Miss Flourished 1834, New York. Miniature painter. OTIS, Bass b. 1784.) Bridgewater, Mass.; d. November J, 1861, Phila- delphia. Portrait painter and lithographer. Bass Otis made one of the earliest lithographs in the United States. It was printed in the "Analectic Maga- zine" for July 1 8 19. Apprenticed first to a scythe maker and later to a coach painter he finally turned to art as a profession and painted portraits in New York in 1808. In 1 812 he moved to Philadelphia and continued his profession. An extensive article on the artist appears in "The Pennsylvania Magazine of History, " for 1913. 1. Miss Eliza Pierce. i}i x 1 y&. The Ehrich Galleries. Officer — Otis: 119 118 PARISEN, Philip Flourished 1798-1812, New York. Miniature painter and jeweller. A mediocre miniature painter, the son of a silver- smith named Otto Parissiens who came from Prussia. PARISSEN, William D. Flourished 1819-1832, New York. Miniature painter. PARKER, Thomas H. b. 1801, Sag Harbor, L. I.; d. after 1851. Miniature painter. Parker studied under Rogers in New York and settled shortly after in Hartford in 1829, where he was extensively employed as a popular miniature painter. He was the teacher and later the partner of C. W. Eldredge. PARSELL, Abraham Flourished 1825-184J, New York. Miniature painter. PARSELL, J. H. Flourished 1846-184.'/, New York. Miniature painter. PARTRIDGE, Joseph Flourished 1819-1822, Halifax, N. S. Miniature painter in water color. Partridge was a drawing master who established himself in Halifax in 18 19. Parisen P. — Partridge: 120 119 I. Joseph Partridge. Water color. 9^x6^. Painted in 1 819. On heavy paper. Mr. Harry Piers, Halifax, N. S. PEALE, x%na Claypoole b. March 6, 779/, Philadelphia; d. there > Dec. 25, 1878. Portrait painter in oils and miniature. Anna Claypoole Peale inherited her artistic gifts both from her father James Peale and from her maternal grandfather James Claypoole, a Colonial portrait painter. She painted in Philadelphia, Washington, New York and Boston. She married twice and ex- hibited her work under three names, her maiden name and as Mrs. Stoughton and Mrs. Duncan. 1. Commodore Bainbridge. Penn. Academy, 1822. 2. Sarah Ball Richards Colwell, 1 805-1 888. Oval. Partly in oil . 2^x1 Mr. Herbert DuPuy, Pittsburgh. 3. General Andrew Jackson. Penn. x^cademy, 1819. 4. Mrs. Andrew Jackson. Penn. Academy, 1 819. Mrs. R. J. Laurence, Tennessee, 1897. 5. Dr. Oliver Hubbard, about 1821. 3^x 2><. Essex Institute. 6. Mrs. John Middleton. Mrs. J. P. K. Bryan, Charleston, S. C. 7. Joseph Nicholson. 2x1^. 1826. 8. Mrs. Elizabeth Noel Bosley. 2x1^. 1823. The two foregoing are in the possession of Mr. J. B. Wyatt, Baltimore. 9. Mr. Henry Rodenwald. Signed "Anna C. Peale, 1825." Mrs. James W. Wilson, Baltimore. 10. Mrs. Henry Rodenwald. Signed "Ann'a C. Peale, 1825." Mrs. James W. Wilson, Baltimore. Peale, A. C: 121 120 11. Mrs. Richard Simmons. Mrs. J. Rodgers, Burlington, N. J. 12. Mrs. Samuel W. Smith, nee Ellinor Donnell. Signed "Anna C. Peale, 1823." Mrs. C. S. Clark, Hartford Co., Maryland. 13. Walter E. Harding. Dr. Carroll Fox, Washington, D. C. PEALE, Charles Willson b. April /J, 1741^ Queen Ann's County, Md.; d. Feb. 22, 1 8 27, Philadelphia. Portrait painter in oils and miniature. Charles Willson Peale started in life as a saddler. In 1762 he married and established himself in this trade and also those of clock making and silver smithing. In portions of his autobiography published by Mr. Horace Wells Sellers in the "Pennsylvania Magazine of History" 1 914, he tells how he became engrossed in politics about 1764 but finally turned definitely to painting the next year and visited Copley in Boston. In 1766 he painted portraits in Virginia, and during 1 767-1 769 he was in London studying with West. Before the American Revolution he was both in New York and Philadelphia, and when war broke out he served under Washington at Trenton and Princeton. From 1779 to 1785 he was painting industriously. His children were Rembrandt, Raphaelle, Titian, Rubens, Vandyck, Sophonisba, Angelica Kaufman, Linnaeus and Franklin. In his later years he estab- lished a museum and was instrumental in founding the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. Peale, C. W.: 122 121 His miniature of Washington in the Metropolitan Museum was once attributed to Copley. See C. H. Hart on the Washington portraits in C. W. Bowen's "Centennial of the Inauguration of Washington. " 1. William Bingham. (1755-1804). Oval. 1^x1^. Mr. H. DuPuy. 2. Master Harold. 2^x2. Mr. Albert Rosenthal. 3. Alexander Hamilton. 1^x1^. Miss M. Bart, Pa., 1897. 4. Major William Jackson. i75q-(i828). Independence Hall, Pa. 5. Robert Morris. Mr. I. C. Van Der Heuvel, N. Y., 1892. 6. Mrs. Robert Morris. Mr. I. C. Van Der Heuvel, N. Y., 1892. 7. Mrs. James Montgomery, 1777. Mrs. W. Griffiths, Pa., 1898. 8. Andrew Moore, 1796. Mr. J. H. Moore, Lexington, Ky., 1892. 9. Colonel John Nixon. Mrs. C. Smith, Pa. 10. Peyton Randolph. (1721-1775.) Oval. 2^x1^. Mr. H. DuPuy. 11. Mrs. A. Robinson, nee Angelica Peale. 12. Mrs. Philip Rogers. Mrs. Ridgeley, Baltimore. 13. Comte de Rochambeau. (1725-1807.) Oval. 1 H x 1 y&. Mr. DuPuy. 14. Major Jonathan Sellman. Mrs. M. D. Iglehart, Maryland, 1898. 15. Mrs. Charles Willson Peale. 16. Captain Andrew Summers. (1721-1775.) Oval. ifyi x 1 y A . Mr. DuPuy. Peale, C. W. — Continued: 123 122 s m £ Co < > ■i *J H> o S <-H > c o - &3 w H Co o X r/> *< V. X ~ > ►fl -4 - p> » X ■ V n •vl^.* ' r v ■ a: o w Hi > n o O r o H JO O 17. Mrs. Andrew Summers. (1742-1806.) Oval. 1^x1^. Mr. DuPuy. 18. Master Andrew Summers. Oval. i l /i\i%. Mr. DuPuy. 19. General Samuel B. Webb. Mrs. J. W. Laidley, Elizabeth, X. J., 1892. 20. George Washington, 1785. Mrs. J. P. C. Foster, New Haven, 1892. 21. George Washington, 1785. Long Island Historical Society, 1897. 22. George Washington, 1777. Metropolitan Museum. 22a. George Washington. The estate of Dr. David Stuart, 1920. 23. Martha Washington. Mrs. B. W. Kennon, Washington, D. C, 1897. 24. Thomas Wharton, Jr. (1735-1778.) Oval. 1^x1^. Mr. H. DuPuy. 25. William White, 1770. Miss M. R. Croes, Yonkers, N. Y. 26. Unknown Man, 1790? Oval. 1^ x 1 %. Mr. H. DuPuy. 27. Colonel John Laurens. Formerly owned by C. H. Hart. 28. John Sevier. Attributed to C. W. Peale. Reproduced in A. Henderson: "Conquest of the Old Southwest." PEALE, James b. 17 49> Annapolis ^ Md.; d. May 24, 1831, Philadelphia. Portrait painter in miniature and oil. James Peale painted a miniature on ivory ot Wash- ington for a snuff box top in 1788, and another on paper in 1795. His brother Charles Willson Peale is said to have been so pleased with his miniatures that he gave Peale, J.: 124 123 up that branch of painting and referred his sitters to James for miniature portraits. His miniatures are signed generally in very small letters either "I. P., "or "J. P. ". He also painted "A Recontre between Colonel Allen McLane and Two British Horsemen" and several other historical pictures in oils. i. Henry Beck, signed "J. P. 1795." Oval. 2^x2. Mr. H. Du Puy. 2. Gunning Bedford. (1720-1802.) Mrs. W. Reed, Baltimore. 3. Miss Molly Callahan. 2^x2. The Ehrich Galleries. 4. Miss Peggy Callahan. 2^x2, Signed "J. P. 1793". The Ehrich Galleries. 5. James Claypoole Copper. Mr. Herbert L. Pratt. 6. Mrs. James Claypoole Copper, 1795. Mr. Herbert L. Pratt. 7. Isaac Coles, 1793. The Misses Coles, Sonans, Penn. 8. Tench Francis, 1798. Mr. E. Gardiner, Pa., 1898. 9. Christopher Greenup. Signed "J. P. 1797." Miss F. R. Hagner, Washington, D. C, 1920 10. Mary Richards Ball Frazer. (1778-1800.) Oval iy 2 x 2. Mr. H. DuPuy, Pittsburgh. 11. John Hancock. Mentioned as lost by C. H. Hart. 12. James Harwood, 1810. 2/4x2^. Mrs. J. B. Schwatka, Baltimore. 13. Nicholas Harwood, 1798. 2^x2^. Mrs. J. B. Schwatka, Baltimore. 14. John Callahan. Signed "J. P. 1799." 3x2^. Mr. H. DuPuy, Pittsburgh. 15. Alexander Hamilton, 1789. Mr. C. W. Bowen, Brooklyn, 1892. Peale, J. — Continued: 125 124 1 6. Anne Anry Pierre Bellon de Pont, (i 772-1 854.) Oval. iy A x 1 y&. Mr. H. DuPuy, Pittsburgh. 17. Dr. William E. Hulings. (1765-1839.) Signed "J. P. 1789. " Oval. 1 u x 1 H- Mr. H. DuPuy, Pittsburgh. 18. Mrs. William E. Hulings, 1770-1854. Oval. 3x2. Mr. H. DuPuy, Pittsburgh. 19. Mrs. Elizabeth Kortright Monroe Hay, daughter of President Monroe. Signed "J. P. 1814. " Stan. V. Henkels sale. 20. Chancellor John Johnson. Mr. J. Hensley Johnson. 21. Samuel Johnson, 1792. Mrs. C. Jones, Rock Hill, S. C, 1892. 22. Samuel Johnson, 1753. Mrs. M. T. Shipp, Raleigh, N. C, 1892. 23. James Mackubbin, 1798. The Misses Walton, Annapolis, Md., 1898. 24. Major Griffith John McRae. Mr. Herbert L. Pratt. 25. Mrs. James Madison, 1794. Mrs. R. D. Cutts, Brookline, Mass., 1892. Reproduced in M. C. Crawford: "Romantic Days in the Early Republic." 26. Harrison Gray Otis, 1 765-1 848. Oval. 2^x2^. Mr. H. DuPuy, Pittsburgh. 27. Self portrait. Mr. Gilbert S. Parker, 1919. 28. Anna Peale. Signed and dated. 2 l /^ x 3^- Mr. A. Rosenthal. 29. John Steele, 1797. Mr. S. F. Lord, Salisbury, N. C, 1892. 30. Pontius Delare Stelle. 1^4 xi^. Signed "J. P. 1790." Miss Bertha E. Perrie, Washington, D. C. 31. Pontius Delare Stelle, 1779. Peale, J. — Continued: 126 125 32. Mrs. General Van Ness, nee Marcia Burns. The Corcoran Gallery of Art. 22- Martha Washington, 1782. Mr. Durant du Pont, New Orleans, 1892. 34. George Washington, 1782. Mr. Durant du Pont, New Orleans, 1892. 3$. George Washington, 1788. On ivory. Washington Grays, Artillery Corps, Pa. 36. George Washington, 1795. On paper. Formerly in the possession of Charles Henry Hart. 37. Portrait of a Man. Signed "J. P. 1797." 2^ix2}i. Mr. R. T. Haines Halsey. 38. Portrait of a Lady. Signed "J. P. 1797." 2^x2^. Mr. R. T. Haines Halsey. 39. Portrait of an Unknown Man. Mr. Herbert L. Pratt. 40. Nelly Custis. 5^x4^. Mr. R. T. Haines Halsey. 41. George Gale. Mrs. G. A. Murphy, Baltimore. This miniature is reproduced in C. W. Bowen's book without attribution. It is, however, signed "I. P. 1794." 42. Samuel Johnston. First U. S. Senator of North Carolina. Mr. Charles E. Johnson, Raleigh, N. C. 43. Rembrandt Peale. Signed "I. P. 1795." Mr. John Hill Morgan. PEALE, Raphaelle b. February 17 ) I774> Annapolis ^Md.; d. March 25, 1825, Philadelphia. Miniature and still life painter. A son of Charles Willson Peale. In the Exhibition Catalogue of the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Peale, R.: 127 126 Arts he is listed as: "Portrait, miniature and Still Life Painter, 24 Powell between Fifth and Sixth Streets." 1. George Washington. Profile. Water-color. Mr. H. H. Houston, 1897. PEALE, Rembrandt b. February 22, 1778, Bucks Co., Pa.; d. October 4, /860, Philadelphia. Portrait painter in oils and miniature and historical painter. Rembrandt, one of the sons of Charles Willson Peale, studied in London under Benjamin West (during 1802- 1803. In 1 804 he was established in Philadelphia. In 1807 and again in 1809 he went to Paris and painted portraits of a number of distinguished men, counting among his sitters Louis David, the painter, Delambre, the astronomer, Gay-Lussac, the chemist, and Cuvier, the naturalist and statesman. During 181 2-1 813 he was in Baltimore and in 1 822-1 828 he was in Philadelphia, Boston and New York. At the end of the latter year he made a tour of Italy, visiting Paris and London, and returned to New York late in 1830. He made a final visit to London in 1 832-1 833, visiting also Sheffield and Liverpool. His remaining years were passed for the most part in Philadelphia. 1. Govert Haskins. (1769-1829.) Oval. 2^xi^. 1798. Mr. H. DuPuy. 2. Reverend Thomas Haskins. (1760-18 16.) Oval. 3 x 1%. Signed "R. Peale." Mr. H. DuPuy. 3. Catherine Mellish. The Ehrich Galleries. 4. Doyle E. Sweeney. Mr. Herbert L. Pratt. 5. General Anthony Wayne. (1745-1796.) Oval. 2^£. Mr. Albert Rosenthal. 18. Mrs. Philip Livingston. 2xi^. Mr. Albert Rosenthal. 19. Portrait of an Unknown Woman. Mr. C. V. Wheeler, Washington. 20. Anthony Rutgers. 1 ? / 8 xi y 2 Mr. John Hill Morgan. RENCH, Miss Polly Flourished before the American Revolution. Miniature painter. Charles Willson Peale in his unpublished reminis- cences tells the story of his visit to Miss Rench. He asked if she had heard of Charles Willson Peale and when she said she had and wanted to take lessons of him, he replied "I am Mr. Peale and will be glad to give you lessons." In a letter to his son Rembrandt Peale he wrote: "She married Mr. Rush, then a young practi- tioner of law, since a judge. After her marriage she could never be prevailed on to paint a single picture; she often told me that she only followed the profession of painting to obtain a living, that it was very disagree- able to her to stare in the faces of gentlemen as she thought it savoured of impudence to paint ladies portraits was more agreeable to her feelings." A. H. Wharton in "Heirlooms and Miniatures" calls her Mary Wrench. Rench: 134 ! 33 RICHARDSON, Mrs. C. S. See Caroline Schetky. RIDER, Alexander Flourished 18/0-/825, Philadelphia. Historical and miniature painter. Rider came to the United States with his countryman Krimmel from Germany in 18 10. In the catalogue of the Pennsylvania Academy Exhibition for 181 1 he is listed as a "Fancy Painter" and in 181 2 as a "Miniature painter." There was a Rider in Charleston, South Carolina, in 18 19 but it is not certain that he was the same man. ROBERTS, John b. 1768 Scotland; d. /803, New York. Engraver and miniature painter. Roberts came to the United States in 1768 and practiced miniature painting and stipple engraving and also drew portraits in crayons. He gave up art ulti- mately to carry out his experiments in steam navigation. ROBERTSON, Alexander b. May /J, ///'2, Aberdeen, Scotland; d. 1841, New York. Miniature painter. Alexander Robertson, the brother of Archibald Robertson, studied in London under Samuel Shelly the miniature painter. He came to New York in 1792 and settled there permanently. Richardson — Robertson, A.: 135 *34 ROBERTSON, Archibald b. May <$> / 7^S^ Monymusk, near Aberdeen^ Scotland; d. 1835 ', New York. Miniature painter. The brother of Alexander and Andrew Robertson. All three brothers were miniature painters, Andrew, however, never coming to the United States. Archi- bald was a friend of Raeburn and Wier in Edinburgh and together they used the green room of the theatre as a studio. He went to London in 1786 and received instruction in miniature painting from Peacock and Charles Sheriff. He also studied at the Royal Academy under Reynolds and West. In 1791 he came to New York and went shortly to Philadelphia with a letter to Washington from Lord Buchan which led to his painting a miniature of the First President. He then settled permanently in New York. With his brother Alexander he started a drawing academy. Besides his work in miniature he drew in crayons and was some- thing of an architect. "The Papers of Andrew Rob- ertson" is the title of a book edited by his daughter that contains valuable information concerning minia- ture painting. See also: "Century Magazine," May, 1890. 1. George Washington, on marble. 1 791 . Mrs. C. W. Darlington, Utica, 1897. 2. Martha Washington. 1792? Mrs. C. W. Darlington, Utica, 1897. 3. Commodore Thomas Truxton, 1802. Mr A. J. Robertson, 1897. Robertson, A.: 136 US 4. Jonathan Trumbull, 1791. Heirs of Mrs. T. W. S. Hubbard, N. Y., 1897. 5. Alexander Hamilton. "Engraved by E. Prud'homme from the Original Miniature, by Arch. Robertson. " Longacre's "National Portrait Gallery." 6. Colonel Tobias Lear. ROBERTSON, Walter b. before 1765, Dublin, Ireland; d. 1802, Futtehpore, India. Miniature painter. The son of a jeweler in Dublin and the brother of Charles Robertson who was also a miniature painter, the first that is definitely known of Walter Robertson is that he attended the Dublin Society schools in 1765. In 1768 he was established as a miniature painter and exhibited from 1769 to 1775 and in 1777. About 1784 he moved to London returning to Dublin in 1792 where he was presently declared bankrupt. He then took passage to the United States, sailing with Gilbert Stuart. He worked in Philadelphia and New York copy- ing some of Stuart's portraits in miniature. In 1795 he sailed for India where he died. He was known as "Irish " Robertson, to distinguish him from the two Scotch brothers of the same name. 1 . George Washington, after Stuart. Engraved by Robert Field. 2. George Washington, 1794. General E. L. Rogers, Baltimore. Destroyed in the Baltimore fire of 1904. Reproduced in the "Century Magazine," May, 1892. Robertson, W. : 137 136 3. Martha Washington. Owned at one time by G. W. Custis. Engraved by Longacre. 4. Alexander Hamilton. Engraved by Graham. 5. Michael Nolan. 6. Mrs. Abbot. The Wellesley Collection, England, 1913. ROBINSON, John Flourished 18/7-/829, Philadelphia. Miniature Painter. Robinson was an Englishman who settled in Phila- delphia in 1 8 17 where he died about 1829. 1. William Bingham. Penn. Academy, 1849. 2. Benjamin West. Penn. Academy, 1817. 3. John Beale Boardley. 4. Joseph Bispham. 5. John Sergeant. 6. Samuel Milligan. Signed "J. R. 1819." 7. Portrait in Miniature of the Artist's Wife. Penn. Academy, 18 17. 8. John C. Craig. 3x3^- Mrs. Edward E. Biddle, Pa., 1920. 9. Nicholas Biddle, 1819. 10. Captain Dulles, U. S. N., 1823. 11. James Lyle. 12. Mrs. Sterling. ROGERS Flourished 1782, Salem. Miniature painter. Robinson J. — Rogers: 138 i37 ROGERS, Charles Flourished 184.6, Boston. Miniature painter. ROGERS, Nathaniel b. 1788, Bridgehampton, L. I.; d. there, December 6, 1844. Miniature painter. Apprenticed to Joseph Wood in New York after that painter had dissolved his partnership with John Wesley Jarvis, Nathaniel Rogers often painted the minor parts of his master's miniatures. Besides this training he also received much assistance from "Mvsterious Brown." About 181 1 he started painting professionally and worked almost exclusively in New York as a fashionable miniature painter. He was a member of the National Academy in 1826. He was retired later as Honorary member for non-residence. Fitz-Greene Halleck. Henry Howland, 1822. Metropolitan Museum. Mrs. Gabriel Manigault. Mr. Herbert L. Pratt. Duncan C. Pell. Exhibition, Newport, R. I., 1890. Charles Tyler Savage. Worcester Art Museum. Mrs. Charles Tyler Savage. Worcester Art Museum. Portrait of a Man, signed "Rogers." Ehrich Galleries. 8-1 1. Frame Containing Four Miniatures. N. A. Exhibition, 1 827. ROWAND, William Flourished 1777, New York. Portrait painter in oils and miniature. He inserted an advertisement in the "New York Royal Gazette" for December 6, 1777 announcing his arrival from Glasgow. Rogers, C. — Rowand: 139 138 < X - < 5 2 Ci a Z > > Z n - - -e ^ M -: & 3 3 V! 2 8 > £° f** • '.'?')<...:''■ RUSSELL, Moses B. Flourished 1834-1854, Boston. Miniature painter. 1. Portrait of a Man. Mr. Joseph Stewart, Washington, D. C. RUSSELL, W. C. Flourished 1837, New York. Miniature painter. SANFORD, Isaac Flourished 1783-/822, Connecticut. Engraver and portrait painter in oils and miniature. SARGENT, Henry b. November 25, 1770, Gloucester, Mass; d. February 21, 1845, Boston. Portrait and historical painter. 1. John William Quincey. Litchfield Hist. Society. SARTAIN, John b. October 24, 1808, London; d. October 25, 1897, Phila- delphia. Engraver. John Sartain received instruction in miniature painting from Henry Richter while he was still in London. He came to the United States in 1830 and settled in Philadelphia. His "Reminiscences of a Very Old Man," written at the request of Thomas Janvier, is a valuable source book concerning the earlier artists of the country. Russell, M. B. — Sartain: 140 i39 1. Reverend John Breckenridge, 1835. Miss E. Sartain, Pa. 2. Mr. Jones, 1833. Miss E. Sartain, Pa. SAUNDERS, Sophia Flourished 185 1-/832, New York. Miniature painter. SAVAGE, Edward b. November 26, 1761, Princeton, Mass.; d. there, July 6, 1817. Engraver and portrait and historical painter. x<\t first a goldsmith, Savage took to painting about 1789 and started a portrait of Washington that year. He went to London in 1791 and learned engraving; and returned to the United States, in 1794, as a professional engraver. In Philadelphia he had as his assistant David Edwin and, as his apprentice, John Wesley Jarvis. His engraving "Washington and his Family" 1788 is his best known work. See: Pine, in the present work. 1. Self portrait. Worcester Art Museum. 2. Sarah Seaver Savage. Worcester Art Museum. 3. Eben Seaver. Worcester Art Museum. 4. Robert Treat Paine. "Drawn and Engraved by J. B. Longacre from a Sketch by Savage." SCHETKY, Caroline Flourished 1820-184'/, Philadelphia and Boston. Miniature and water color painter. Caroline Schetky married T. M. Richardson and as Caroline Schetky Richardson exhibited at the Boston Athenaeum. Longacre in a portion of his "Diary" Saunders — Schetky: 141 140 published in the "Pennsylvania Magazine of History" tells of seeing her in Boston. The entry for July 26, 1825 reads: "Spent the evening at Mr. Stuart's with his family and Misses Schetky and Goodridge." Besides her work in miniature she painted landscapes and flowers. 1. Signor Arfossi, of the Italian Opera House, London. 2. Alexander Reinagle, 18 14. SCHOENER, J. Flourished 1821-1827, New England and Readings Pa. Portrait and miniature painter; and portrait draughtsman in crayon. 1. Miniature of Napoleon. Penna. /Academy, 1827. 2. Deborah Ward. SEAGER. Flourished 1840, Halifax, N. S. Miniature painter a?id silhouettist. Seager came originally from London. He visited the United States and Canada. He was in Halifax in 1840 making profiles in bronze, painting miniatures and giving drawing lessons. He may have been Edward Seager who lived in Boston from 1845 to 1850. SEAGER, Mrs. and Miss Flourished 1834, New York. Miniature painters. SEAMAN, Charles Flourished 1834, New York. Portrait painter in oils and miniature. Schoener — Seaman: 142 141 SEL, Jean B. Flourished 1820-1830, New Orleans. Portrait painter in oils and miniature. A portrait in oil by Sel of Governor A. B. Roman is in the Louisiana State Museum. SHAFTENBENG, Lewis Flourished 1783, Baltimore. Miniature painter. He advertised in Goddard's "Maryland Journal and Baltimore Advertiser" for April 22, 1783. SHARPLES, Mrs. (Ellen) James b. March 4, 1769 Birmingham, England; d. March 4, 1849, Bristol, England. Portrait painter in pastel and miniature. Mrs. Sharples, the wife of James Sharpies (1750- 181 1) the famous pastel portrait painter, often copied her husband's pictures. In her own words: "Mr. Sharpies was usually engaged drawing in crayons the portraits of the most distinguished Americans, Foreign Ministers, and other distinguished visitants from Europe: copies were frequently required; these I under- took, and was so far successful as to have as many commissions as I could execute. They were thought equal to the originals, price the same. We lived in good style, associating in the first society. I was too nervous to practice drawing original portraits, being always exceedingly agitated when I attempted them." She bequeathed a large sum of money for the founding of the Bristol Fine Arts Academy and also the ninety- Sel — Sharpies: 143 142 seven pictures by her husband, herself, James Junior and Rolinda, called "The Sharpies Collection." 1. George Washington. After James Sharpies. On ivory. General E. L. Rogers, Baltimore, 1892. Probably destroyed in the Baltimore Fire. 2. George Washington. After James Sharpies. On ivory. Miss A. E. Evans, New Rochelle, N. Y., 1892. See "Magazine of American History," v. 11, p. 513. SHEPHERD, T. S. Flourished 1845-1846, New York. Miniature painter. SHUMWAY, Henry Colton b. July 4> iSoy^ Middleton, Conn.; d. May 6, /S84, New York. Miniature painter. Shumway came to New York in 1827 and studied at the National Academy. In 1829 he began his pro- fessional career as a miniature painter in New York and other cities. He was elected N.A. in 1832. During the Civil War he took an active part as Colonel of the Seventh New York Regiment. A captain of the New York State Militia for twenty eight years he was also a member of the veteran corps. After the Civil War when the daguerreotype diminished the demand for miniatures he tinted photographs. Before this time, however, his work was greatly in demand. 1. Henry Clay. 2. Cyrus W. Field. U. S. National Museum. Shepherd — Shumway: 144 143 3- Honorable Gideon Lee. N. A. Exhibition, 1838. 4. Mrs. Gideon Lee. N. A. Exhibition, 1838. 5. Prince Napoleon, Later Napoleon III. Rev. Mr. Stewart, U. S. N., 1870. 6. Judge Storrs. 7. Daniel Webster. 8. Colonel Wads worth. SIMES, Mary Jane Flourished 1826-1831, Baltimore. Miniature painter. She exhibited at the Pennsylvania Academy. SMITH, James P. b. about i8oj; d. 1888, Philadelphia. Miniature painter. Charles Henry Hart dedicated his book "Life Masks of Eminent Americans" as follows: 'To the Memory of James P. Smith, miniature painter who first developed my taste for art I inscribe this volume as a token of gratitude. " 1. Miniature of Napoleon. After Vernet. Penn. Academy, 1827. 2. Copy of a Miniature by Malbone. Penn. Academy, 1850. 3. James P. Smith, i^ixi^i. Stan. V. Henkels Sale, 1920. 4. Charles Smith. 2^x2*4. Stan. V. Henkels Sale, 1920. 5. Charles Smith. 2^x2^. Stan. V. Henkels Sale, 1920. Simes — Smith, J. P.: 145 144 SMITH, John Rubens b. about i/"/o in England; d. August 21, 1849, New York. Etcher, mezzotint engraver and portrait painter in water colors. John Rubens Smith was the son of the celebrated English engraver John Raphael Smith. He was in New York in 181 2 and went later to Boston as a drawing teacher. He returned shortly to New York and con- tinued to teach drawing. Miniatures by him are owned by the Brooklyn Museum and by Mr. John Hill Morgan. SMITH, William Good Flourished 1844-1846, New York. Portrait painter in oils and miniature. SOUTHWARD, George b. April 180J, Salem, Mass.; d. there, Feb. 19, 1876. Landscape, still life, portrait and miniature painter. Early in life Southward was a member of the boot and shoe firm of Kimball and Southward. He finally re- linquished business, however, went to Boston, studied under Ames and later accompanied that painter to Rome. A portrait of Southward by Ames is in the collection of the Ehrich Galleries. At one time he was a pupil of Thomas Sully. He settled in Salem after his studies and had a studio in the Bank Building on Central Street. See "Essex Institute Historical Collec- tions," volume 14, pages 77-80. 1. Timothy Pickering, after Stuart. Essex Institute. 2. George Washington, after J. Wright. Essex Institute. Smith, J. R. — Southward: 146 J 45 SOUTHWORTH, Nathaniel b. 1806, Scituate, Mass.; d. April 25, 1858, Dorchester, Mass. Miniature painter. He worked in Boston from 1842 to 1848 and then visited Europe. After his return he lived both in New York and Philadelphia. His miniatures are noted for their accurate drawing. 1. Miss Foster of Scituate. Exhibition, Newport, R. I., 1890. 2. Miss Lucy Ellis. Exhibition, Newport, R. I., 1890. STAIGG, Richard Morrell b. September?, 18 iy, Leeds, England; d. October 11, 1881, Newport, R. I. Portrait painter in oils and miniature. Richard M. Staigg, or Stagg as the name is some- times spelled, worked in an architect's office about 1830- 183 1 leaving in the latter year for the United States. He settled in Newport and, encouraged by Washington Allston, became an artist. His early work was entirely in miniature. He was elected N.A. in 1861, exhibiting regularly at the Academy displays. He visited Europe in 1 867-1 869 and 1 872-1 874. During his last years he took up portrait painting in oils and lived at New- port. At the sale of his effects there were twenty-five miniatures, one hundred and three oil paintings and a number of water colors. 1. Washington Allston. Metropolitan Museum. 2. Washington Allston. Rectangular. 2^x3^. A rep- lica of a painting in 1841. Boston Museum. Southworth — Staigg: 147 146 3- Josiah Belknap. 4. Charles T. Brooke. Exhibition, Newport, R. I., 1890. 5. Mrs. John Castoff. Exhibition, Newport, R. I., 1890. 6. Charles Codman. 7. Mr. A. W. Dennis. Exhibition, Newport, R. I., 1890. 8. Dr. Theophilus Dunn. Exhibition, Newport, R. I., 1890 9. Everett. 10. Mrs. John Henry Gilliat. Exhibition, Newport, R. I., 1890. 11. Mrs. Nathan Gould. Exhibition, Newport, R. I., 1890. 12. John F. Kensett. 13. W. H. King Exhibition, Newport, R. I., 1890. 14. Abbott Lawrence. 15. Reverend Dr. Lowell of Cambridge. 16. Mrs. George C. Mason at 15 years of age. Exhibition, Newport, R. I., 1890. 17. John Lothrop Motley, 1850-51. Lady Harcourt, England. 18. Mrs. John Lothrop Motley, unfinished. Lady Harcourt, England. 19. Daniel Webster. Engraved by Dodson and Cheney. 20. Daniel Webster. Engraved by A. B. Durand. STEVENS, George W. Flourished 1842^ Boston. Miniature painter. STOUGHTON, Mrs. See Anna C. Peale Stevens — Stoughton: 148 H7 STUART, Gilbert b. December J, 1755, near Kingston, Rhode Island; d. July ixi^. Boston Museum. 3. John Henderson, the actor. On canvas. The Wellesley Collection, England. 4. General Knox. Drexel Collection, Pa. 5. George Washington. 8x5. On silk. Stan. V. Henkels Sale, 1920. SULLY, Lawrence b. December 28, 1769, Kilkenny, Ireland; d. 1804, Rich- mond, Va. Miniature painter. Lawrence Sully was the elder brother of Thomas Stuart — Sully, L.: 149 148 Sully. He came to the United States in 1792 and started as a "painter of devices." From Charleston, South Carolina, where he first lived, he went to Virginia the same year and established himself as a miniature painter in Richmond. In 1793 he married Sarah Annis of Annapolis and moved to Norfolk in 1801 with his brother Thomas who helped support the growing family by assisting in the miniature painting. He failed in 1803 and went to Richmond leaving his family in Norfolk for his brother to support. In August 1804 they joined him a short time before his death. 1. Cyrus Griffin. Oval. 2^4 x 2>£. 1799. Historical Society of Penn. 2. Edward Drake Jackson. 2 ^ x 1 Ji The Ehrich Galleries. 3. Thomas West. 2^x2^. Signed "L. Sully." The Ehrich Galleries. 4. Patrick Henry, 1795. Mr. Herbert L. Pratt. See Charles H. Hart, "Portraits of Patrick Henry," in "Numismatic and Antiquarian Society Proceedings" April 17, 191 1. "Engraved by E. Wellmore from a painting by J. B. Longacre after an original miniature in the possession of John S. Fleming Esqr. of Virginia." 5. Portrait of a Man. Signed "Sully 1798." Mr. John Hill Morgan, Brooklyn, N. Y. SULLY, Rosalie Kemble b. June 3 ', 181S, Philadelphia; d. there, July 8, 184.J. Amateur miniature painter. Rosalie Kemble Sully was the stepdaughter of Thomas Sully. One of her miniatures was a copy of her father's portrait of Mrs. Sully. Sully, R. K.: 150 149 SULLY, Thomas b. June iySj y Horncastle, England; d. November 5, /#7 230. 4 1 i 35°- 11 << < ' 3SS- ' 388. Sully, T.: I 5 I IO. Mr. Davis, 1803. Sully's Register No. 423. II. I. Davis, 1804. c< << _ 420. 12. Mr. Falcon, 1804. a " 519. l 3- Mrs. Farlow, 1802. i c 11 521. 14. Lieutenant Gibbon, 1805. 1 i " 615. J 5- John Green, 1804, son of William Green. 11 " 6 55 . 16. William Green, Comedian, 1 804. Sully's Register No. 658. 17. John Grey, 1805. i < " 661. 18. Chancellor Grimes, 1804. << " 674. 19. W 7 illiam Goddard, oval. Boston Museum. 20. John Holmes, 1804. Sully's Register, No. 775. 20a . Mrs. Hiott, "deceased from a sketch." < i 755- 21. Mrs. Hopkins, 1803. 1 i " 783. 22. Mrs. Jennings, 1802. * i " 887. 2 3- David Johnston, 1804. i t " 889. 24. Mrs. Johnston, 1802. Painted from memory. t i " 893. 25. Mrs. McKenzie, 1804. i t " 1122. 26. Mary Matthews, 1803. I c " 1158. 27. Lawyer Nemo, 1803. t 1 " 1260. 28. Elizabeth New, 1802. i t " 1261. 29. M. Ott, jeweler, 1801. Mrs. L. W. Drexel. 1 ( " i^79- 3°- Caroline Shoemaker, of Balti- more, 1 804. * i " 1512. 3 1 - Sophia Sully, 1801. i i " 1643. 3 2 - Chester Sully, 1801. "In Nor- folk, Virga. being my first attempt from life, for Mary Lee." a. " 1619. Sully, T- -Continued: 152 ! 5 J ' 1858. ' 1887. ' 1908. ' 1801. The Ehrich Galleries. 33. Madame Solange of Norfolk, 1 801 Sully's Register No. 1562 34. Mrs. Tome, 1803. " " "1707 35. Mr. White, Glass Merchant, 1801. 36. Mr. Wilson, 1803. 37. Dudley Woodworth, 1 801. 38. Mrs. Worseley, 1805. 39. A Lady "from description." 40. Portrait of a Child. 3^x2^ 41. Edward Drake Jackson. 2^x1^. Stan. V. Henkels Sale, Dec. 1920. SULLY, Thomas Wilcocks b. Jan. j>, 1811, Philadelphia; d. there, April 18, 1847. Portrait painter in oils and miniature. The son of Thomas Sully, Thomas Wilcocks Sully often styled himself Thomas Sully, Jr. Forrest and a number of other famous actors of the day were his sitters for oil portraits. It has, however, been impos- sible to identify any of the miniatures he is said to have painted. TAYLOR Flourished 1760, Philadelphia. Miniature painter. He copied a miniature of Oliver Cromwell. TETLEY, William Birchall Flourished 1774, New York. Portrait painter in oils and miniature. He inserted an advertisement in Rivington's "New Sully, T. W. — Tetley: 153 152 York Gazette" for August 4 and September 8, 1774. Besides offering to paint portraits in oil he undertook to paint miniatures small enough for a bracelet or to be set in a ring. THOMAS, C. H. Flourished 1838-1839, New York. Miniature painter. Thomas exhibited miniatures at the National Aca- demy Exhibitions during 1 838-1 839. THOMPSON, William John b. 177 1, Savannah, Ga.; d. 1845, Edinburgh, Scotland. Portrait painter in oils and miniature. Thompson was a Scotch American who went to England and exhibited at the R.A. from 1796 to 1812. In the latter year he moved to Edinburgh where he was made an Academician of the Royal Scottish Academy in 1829. 1. William Robertson. The Misses Blacklock, Charleston, S. C, 1901. THOMPSON, John Flourished 1809, Kingston, Jamaica and Halifax, N. S. Portrait painter in oils and miniature and silhouette cutter and painter. John Thompson came from Kingston, Jamaica in 1809 to Halifax, Nova Scotia and inserted an advertise- ment in the newspaper in which he stated that he had "returned to accomplish his tour of British America." Thomas — Thompson, J.: 154 *53 THORNTON, William b. May 27, 176 1, Island of Jost Van Dyke, West Indies; d. March 28, 1828, Washington, D. C. Physician, architect, engraver and portrait painter in oils and miniature. Dr. Thornton was of Quaker parentage. He studied medicine in Edinburgh but was also an accomplished architect and artist as well. He designed the Phila- delphia Library Building erected in 1790. He became Commissioner of Public Buildings in Washington, D. C. and drew the first plans for the United States Capitol Building. He also assisted Thomas Jefferson with the plans for the University of Virginia buildings. He be- came the first Chief of the Patent Office. An excellent account of Dr. Thornton by Mr. Allen C. Clark was published in "The Records of the Columbia Historical Society" Washington, D. C, 191 5. In 1781 Dr. Thorn- ton made a few engravings in mezzotint. 1. George Washington. Profile in white on a blue ground. Cardboard. Water color. Loaned to National Museum by Mr. Walter G. Peter, Washington, D. C. 2. Mrs. James Madison. Water color. Reproduced in "Scribner's," Oct. 1906. 3. Mrs. Ann Brodeau. W 7 ater color. Miss V. Miller, Washington, D. C. 4. Mrs. Thornton. Water color. Miss V. Miller, Washington, D. C. 5. Mrs. Thornton. Water color. Mr. J. H. Smith, Washington, D. C. 6. Self portrait. Water color. Mr. J. H. Smith, Washington, D. C. Thornton: 155 154 £ o C IS o o K a. 3 £ a n x ^ S o 3 3 0| S* • - m C/5 S m t/1 3 >< i* W *J O ft 8 H H 5 *J M ,- h 25 ti " g o The last two portraits reproduced in "Scribners, " Nov. 1906. TIEBOUT, Mademoiselle Flourished 1834, New York. Miniature painter. Dunlap speaks of her as "Mademoiselle Tiebout of Paris. " TISDALE, Elkanah b. about ////, Lebanon, Conn.; d. after 1834. Miniature and historical painter. The only assistance Tisdale received in art was from the study of paintings by Trumbull in Lebanon. His picture "The Battle of Lexington" was engraved by Tiebout in 1797 and became highly popular. In 1807 he illustrated Alsop and Dwight's "Echo." He painted miniatures in New York in 1805 and later moved to Hartford where he became a member of "The Graphic Company" making vignettes for engravings. In 1820 he moved to New York, his connection with "The Graphic Company" continuing, however, until 1825. In 1 826-1 827 he visited Albany with Benjamin Trott. He was also a writer and wrote the political satire "Gerrymander. " 1. General Knox. Mr. A. H. Emmons, Norwich, Conn., 1907. 2. Mrs. Jonathan Trumbull. Mrs. J. Trumbull, Norwich, Conn., 1897. 3. J. G. C. Brainard. "Painted by Tisdale — Engraved by J. B. Longacre. " Tiebout — Tisdale: 156 r '55 TORREY, Manasseh Cutler Flourished /<8jo-z8j/, New York, Boston and Salem. Portrait painter in oils and miniature. According to Stauffer, Manassah Cutler Torrey was the brother of C. C. Torrey the engraver. Cummings in his "Annals of the National Academy" records that on March 22, 1830 M. C. Torrey received the first of three premiums delivered by Henry Inman to the students of the National x^cademy. Felt in his "Annals of Salem," says that he worked from 1831 to 1837 both in Boston and Salem and that he died in the latter year. Dunlap speaks of his work as chiefly in miniature. TROTT, Benjamin b. about 1770 probably in Boston; still living in Baltimore in 1S41. Portrait painter in miniature and oils. Benjamin Trott probably came from Boston ac- cording to Dunlap but the precise information, after all, is of small moment. We know that he appeared in New York as a miniature painter about 1791 and left in 1793 for Philadelphia to make miniature copies of paintings for Gilbert Stuart. In 1796 he accompanied Elkanah Tisdale on a visit to Albany. Two years later he moved outside of Philadelphia near the Falls of the Schuylkill and had as neighbors David Edwin and Gilbert Stuart. His name is given in the New York directory for 1798 as a miniature painter living at 1 Wall Street. He returned shortly to Philadelphia. In 1805 he packed his painting materials in saddle bags and went on a horseback tour "to the western world Torrey — Trott: 157 156 beyond the mountains," and returned to Philadelphia in 1806 after a very successful year. He lived at 231 Mulberry Street until 1807, when he moved to Sixth and Minor. There he stayed until 18 10. In 1809-18 10 he shared a studio with Thomas Sully on Sansom Street. He exhibited at the Pennsylvania Academy, in 181 1 and 1 8 12. In the former year Dunlap records a visit he paid, in company with Trott, to David Edwin's rooms to see the drawings of Charles Robert Leslie. Trott moved again in 18 13 and lived at 7 Little George Street until 1 8 19 when he moved to 165 Chestnut Street. He visited Charleston, South Carolina in the latter year. After remaining in Philadelphia for some time he mysteriously left for Newark where he lived in obscurity for a number of years. He then moved to New York. In the directory for 1 829-1 830 there is the following entry: "B. Trott, portrait and miniature painter. 15 Pine. Upstairs;" and in 1 832-1 833 he lived at 40 Arcade. The portraits in oils are said not to have been remarkable for artistic quality. The next move he made was to Boston in 1833, and the directory contains but one entry: "Benj. Trott, miniature painter. 3 Scollay buildings. " The late Charles Henry Hart wrote: "He was painting in Baltimore in September 1839, which is the last we hear of him." However, the Baltimore directory for 1840-1841 shows him as still living in the city. The entry reads: 'B. Trott, portrait and miniature painter. Office cor. St. Paul and Fayette Sts. " Although he painted portraits in oil these have not been brought to light and Benjamin Trott is known only as a miniature painter. His fame rests upon a little more than a score of miniatures. Trott — Continued: 158 ! 57 But these rank with the work of Malbone, Fraser and Field; and time has substantiated the praise of his con- temporaries. In his later miniatures he left as the back- ground the cream colored ivory itself. His splendid portrait of Nicholas Biddle is an example of this prac- tice. It is reproduced in Professor McGrane's "Nicholas Biddle." i. James Abercrombie, D.D., engraved by Edwin. 2. Lewis Adams, 1828. Mr. Herbert L. Pratt. 3. Joseph Anthony, 1738-1798. Mr. Herbert L. Pratt. 4. Mr. Aitken of South Carolina. 3 x 1%. The Ehrich Galleries. 5. Nicholas Biddle. 3^x2^. Mr. E. Biddle, Pa. 6. Mrs. Blair of Germantown. Exhibition, Newport, R. I., 1890. 7. George Clymer, engraved by John Sartain, and also by Longacre. Originally owned by Mrs. G. Grant, Rome, Italy, and La Comtesse de Bryas, Paris, 1892. 8. Solomon Etting. Pennsylvania Academy. 9. Colonel James Gibson. Engraved by Goodman and Piggott. 10. Mrs. Walter Livingston. 3 x 2%. The Ehrich Galleries. 11. Cornelius Lowe. 12. Mr. Lyman. 2vsx iy&. The Ehrich Galleries. 13. Mrs. Alexander Macomb. N. Y. Historical Society. 1 4. Robert Morris. Mr. Herbert L. Pratt. 15. John Woods Power. Rhode Island School of Design. 16. Mrs. Elizabeth Powel. Newport, R. I., 1884. 17. James Richards. 18. Lewis Sandars. Mr. Herbert L. Pratt. Trott — Continued: 159 158 u *fl 6d O H V W s, o > * m ■A H Oi IE O fa ■fi i] «J o > a- o § *TI > <^ X •■ ^ ~ O X R c^ 3 s* I/) k* r d to *> s B ig. Honorable William Wilkins. 20. Charles Wilkins, 1824? Oval. 2^x2^. Mr. Herbert Du Pay. 21. James Williams. Miss A'. Cooper, Pa., 1898. 22-25. A Frame containing Four Miniatures. Pennsylvania Academy. 1. Benjamin Wilcox. 2. A Lady in a Black Laced Veil. 3. and 4. unknown. 26. George Washington. Engraved by Longacre. This was probably a miniature after the Stuart paint- ing. TRUMBULL, John b. June 6, 1756, Lebanon, Conn.; d. November 10, 1843, New York. Historical, portrait and miniature painter in oils on wood. Trumbull graduated from Harvard in 1773 an d> Dunlap states: "This early entrance at college was, as he considers, one of the misfortunes of his life." When the Revolution started he became adjutant under General Gates in 1775. He was stationed at Roxbury during the Battle of Bunker's Hill and served later at Crown Point and Ticonderoga. He was also with Washington in New Jersey. In 1777 he resigned, paid a brief visit to Lebanon and went to Boston to study the paintings of Copley. He sailed for France in 1780 and then went to London where he was arrested as a spy suspect and released through the intercession of Benjamin West. In 1782 he was back in Boston. The winter of 1 782-1 783 he passed at New Windsor. In 1784 he went again to London. The next year he began to think seriously of the historical compositions for Trott — Trumbull: 160 i59 which he became famous. The first was of the Battle of Bunker's Hill. He visited France, returning to London in 1786. He made another visit to France in 1789 and witnessed the fall of the Bastille. He then re- turned to the United States and made many trips about the country to obtain information for his paintings and subscribers for the engraved reproductions. The small oil miniature portraits he painted about this time for the actors in his pictorial dramas may be said to con- stitute his best work. In May 1794 he was appointed secretary to John Jay and sailed for England. Being in Paris in 1797 on a short visit concerning the engraving after the "Battle of Bunker's Hill" he was detained for the lack of a passport. The eloquence of Louis David before Talleyrand in behalf of the artist and his work ob- tained the passport and Trumbull returned to London. In 1804 he sailed for the United States visiting London during 1806-18 12. He settled in New York in the latter year. He wrote his autobiography in Philadelphia. Late in life he established the Trumbull Gallery in New Haven. In 18 16 he became president of the American Academy of Fine Arts. 1. John Adams, 1792. Second President. (1735-1826.) 2. Dr. Allen, 1827. unidentified. 3 Fisher Ames. 1792. Orator and Lawyer. (1758-1808.) 4. Judge Egbert Benson. 1792. Continental Congress; (1746-1833.) 5. Honorable John Brooks, 1790. Governor Mass. (1752-1825.) 6. John Brown. 1792. First U.S. Senator from Kentucky. (I757-I837-) Trumbull — Continued: 161 160 7. General Richard Butler. 1790. Of the Pennsylvania Line. b. Ireland; d. 1791 . 8. John Caldwell Calhoun. 1827. Vice President. (1782- 1850.) 9. Giuseppe Carrachi. 1792. Sculptor. (1751-1801.) Executed by Napoleon. 10. Harriet Chew. 1793. 11. Sophie Chew. 1793. 12. Eleanor Custis. 1792. 13. Tristram Dalton. 1792. U. S. Senator from Massa- chusetts. (1738-1817.) 14. Henry Dwight. 1827. M. C. from Massachusetts. (1788-1845.) 15. Oliver Ellsworth. 1792. Chief Justice. (1745-1807.) 16. Temple Franklin. 1791. Grandson of Benjamin Frank- lin. (i76o?-i823.) 17. Good Peter, a Chief of the Six Nations. 18. Nathaniel Greene. 1792. Major-General. (1742- 1786.) From memory. 19. John Faucherand Grimke. 1791 . Lieut. -Col. (1752- 1819.) 20. George Hammond. 1792. Peace Commissioner. (1763- 18530 21. Major Jonathan Haskell. 1791. Soldier and pioneer. (1755-1814.) 22. Dr. Lemuel Hopkins of Hartford. 1793- Poet and Physician. (1750-1801.) 23. Colonel William Hull. 1792. Governor of Michigan Territory. (1752-1825.) 24. The Infant. A chief of the Six Nations. 1792. 25. Ralph Izard, 1791 . U. S. Senator. (1742-1804.) Trumbull — Continued: 1 62 161 26. John Jay. 1793. Statesman. (1745-1829.) 27. Rufus King. 1792. Statesman. (1 755-1 827.) 28. John Langdon. 1792. U. S. Senator. (1739-1819.) 29. Henry Laurens. 1791. Peace Commissioner. (1724- 1792.) 30. Arthur Lee. 1791. Diplomatist. (1740-1792.) 31. Samuel Livermore. 1791. U. S. Senator. (1732-1803.) 32. Lieutenant Lawrence Manning. 1791. Of Lee's Legion at Eutaw. 22- Thomas Mifflin. 1791. Major General. (1744-1800.) 34. Colonel Daniel Morgan. 1792. Of the Rifle Corps. (1736-1802.) 35. General William Moultrie. 1791. Governor of S. C. (1731-1805.) 36. Thomas Jackson Oakley. 1827. Judge. (1783-1857.) 37. David B. Ogden. 1827. Lawyer. (1 769-1 849.) 38. Charles Cotesworth Pinckney. 1791. Major General. (1746-1825.) 39. Thomas Pinckney. 1791. Major General. (1750-1828.) 40. Brigadier General Rufus Putnam. 1790. Surveyor General. (1738-1790.) 41. Jacob Read. 1790. M. C. from South Carolina. (1752- 1816.) 42. John Rutledge. 1791. Judge Supreme Court. (1739- 1800.) 43. Cornelia Schuyler. 44. Philip John Schuyler. 1792. Major General. (1733- 1804.) 45. Theodore Sedgwick. 1791. M.C. (1746-1813.) 46. Thomas Youngs Seymour. 1792. Major. (1757-1811.) 47. Brigadier General Smallwood. 1792. After C. W. Peale. (1732-1792.) Trumbull — Continued: 163 162 48. Julia Seymour. 1792. 49. William Smith. 1792. M.C. Copy 1831 by Flagg. (1730-1814.) 50. Captain Thomas Stevens. 1791. Probably from South Carolina. 51. Jonathan Trumbull. 1792. Speaker U. S. H. R. (1740- 1809.) 52. Jonathan Trumbull Sr. Governor of Connecticut. (1710-1785.) 53. John Trumbull. 1794. Author of "McFingal. " (1750- 1831.) 54. Faith Trumbull. 1791 . Later Mrs. Daniel Wads- worth. (1 769-1 846.) 55. Mrs. Trumbull. 1793. Of Lebanon, Conn. (1749- 1826.) $6. Catherine W 7 adsworth. 1792. 57. Harriet Wadsworth. 1791. Daughter of J. Wads- worth. (1769-1793.) 58. Mrs. Washington. 1792. Wife of George Washington. ( 1 732-1 802.) 59. General Otho Holland Williams. 1790. Copy by Flagg. 1842. ( 1 749-1 800.) 60. The Young Sachem. A Chief of the Six Nations. 1792. The above sixty miniatures painted in oil on wood are at the Yale School of Fine Arts. They are oval — about four inches high by three inches wide. 61. Egbert Benson. 1792. Hon. J. Jay, Katonah, N. Y., 1892. 62. Joseph T. Buttingham. 2^x1-%'. Boston Museum. 63. Giuseppe Caracchi. 334x3. Mr. R. W. De Forest, N. Y. Trumbull — Continued: 1 64 163 64. Benjamin Franklin. 65. General Nathaniel Greene. Mrs. Louis H. Meeder, Jr. 66. Major Jedediah Huntington. 3^x3^. Miss L. L. Huntington, 1909. 67. Major William Jackson. 4x2^. Historical Society of Pennsylvania. 68. Thomas Jefferson. 1787. Mrs. J. W. Burke, Alexandria, Va., 1892. 69. Captain Thomas Jervey. Mrs. H. J. Jervey, Charleston, S. C. 70. John Lawrence. 1792. N. Y. Historical Society. 71. Samuel Livermore. 1792. Mrs. C. G. Saunders, Lawrence, Mass., 1892. 72. Mrs. Robert Morris. 1790. Mrs. S. Ambler, Hume, Va., 1892. 73. General Thomas Pinckney. Mrs. Thomas Pinckney, Charleston, S. C. 74. Martha Washington. U. S. National Museum. 75. George Washington. U. S. National Museu-m. TUCKER, Benjamin b. November 13, 1768, Newbury, Mass.; d. after iyg6 probably in Newbury. Portrait painter in oils and miniature. See J. J. Currier: "History of Old Newbury." TWIBILL, George W. b. 1806 Lampeter, Lancaster Co., Pa.; d. Feb. 18, 1836, New York. Portrait painter. Twibill was the pupil of J. Parisen and Henry In- man. Cummings wrote: "His portraits in oil in small Tucker — Twibill: 165 164 were of an excellence seldom equalled. " He was elected Associate N.A. in 1832 and N.A. in 1833. 1. Colonel Trumbull. Full length, cabinet size. National Academy of Design. 2. Colonel Trumbull. Full length, cabinet size. Mrs. Benjamin Silliman, 1917. 3. Colonel Trumbull. Full length, cabinet size. 4. General Cummings. Full length, cabinet size. VAIL, Miss A. D. Flourished 1838-1841, New York. Miniature painter. Miss Vail exhibited miniatures at the National Academy from 1838 to 1841. VAILLANT, Madame Flourished 1825, New York. Miniature painter. VALENTINE, William b. 1798 Whitehaven, Cumberland, England; d. Dec. 26, 1849, Halifax, N. S. Portrait painter in oils. Painted a few miniatures. William Valentine left England in 1818 and settled permanently in Halifax, Nova Scotia. He was at first a house painter and interior decorator of the firm of Bell and Valentine until the partnership dissolved in 1824. But his time was not completely occupied at this work and as early as 18 19 he was teaching drawing "in all its branches." In 1826 he visited Boston. His earliest identified portrait dates from 1828. About Vail — Valentine: 166 165 the summer of 1836 he visited London, where he made copies of portraits that were greatly admired, and re- turned about the spring of 1837. About 1842 he started taking daguerreotypes and was never free from having, at times, to continue his trade as decorator. A fire which burned his studio on Bell Lane a few years before his death destroyed a number of his paintings and his interest both in life and art never again fully re- vived. See Mr. Harry Piers' paper in "Nova Scotia Historical Society Collections," v. 18. 1. Edward Sellon. On paper. 2. Sarah Sellon. Valentine's second wife. 3. Self portrait. Profile on bristol board. Mrs. C. S. Pickford, Halifax, N. S. VALLEE, Jean Francois de La Flourished 1785-1815. Miniature painter and silhouettist. Vallee was a Frenchman who came to the United States to start a cotton mill near Alexandria, Virginia. A letter from Jefferson to Vallee written previous to the artist's departure is dated Paris September, 1785. Vallee was unsuccessful in his attempt and moved to Philadelphia and finally to New Orleans about 1815. Besides painting miniatures on ivory he cut a few silhouettes, among them one of Washington in 1795. 1. Andrew Jackson. 3x2^. 1815. Miss L. L. Hunt, Barrytown, N. Y., 1897. 2. Miniature. Mr. H. DuPuy, Pittsburgh. 3. Theodore M. Flotard. Mrs. Ethel (Halliday) Anderson, Washington, D. C. Vallee: 167 166 w a M n •< > J) O r z 5 — 7' a p r — i— . 8 w ■^ ^ CO 7) 2 r > 2 > VANDERLYN, John b. October i/"/'6, Kingston, Ulster Co., N. Y.; d. there, 1852. Historical and portrait painter. In 1792 John Vanderlyn went with his brother Dr. Peter Vanderlyn to New York. He found employment there in the print store of a Mr. Barrow in 1794. During his leisure hours he attended Archibald Robertson's Drawing Academy and x^aron Burr became his patron. He was in Europe during 1 801-18 10 and while in Paris painted the celebrated nude "Ariadne." In 1814 he returned to the United States. He died in extreme poverty in his native town. An annonymous writer in "Putnams Magazine," for June, 1854, gives some personal recollections of the artist. 1. Aaron Burr. Oil. 10 x 8. N. Y. Historical Society. VANDYCK, James Flourished 1S06-1S35. Miniature painter. In the "Polyanthus" for June 1806 there is an en- graving by S. Harris after Vandyck's portrait of John Winthrop. Possibly this was James Vandyck. His name appears in the New York directory for 1834-1835 as "James Vandyck, miniature painter, 62 Forsyth." 1. James Lyon. Mr. Luke Vincent Lockwood. VERSTILLE, William b. about 1755; d. Dec. 6, iSoj, Boston. Miniature painter. William Verstille started painting about 1769 and lived both in Boston and Salem. In 1782 he was working in Philadelphia and advertised in the Pennsyl- Vanderlyn — Verstille: 168 167 vania Gazette. Dr. Bentlev's "Diary" contains the two following entries concerning the artist: "A Mr. Verstille has at present much fame and it is believed great success. 1802." "My miniature was by Hazlitt, now celebrated in London. The dress was changed by Verstille from Connecticut. 181 8." 1. Captain John Carlton, U. S. N. 2. Jacob Crowninshield. 3. Mrs. Mary Crowninshield Silsbee. 4. John Dabney, Post Master. 3x2^, Essex Institute. 1809. Essex Institute. 5. Mrs. S. H. Ward. 1803. Miss M. W. Nichols. 6. Joshua Ward, Junior. WALTERS, John Flourished 1784, Philadelphia. Miniature painter. WARREN, Asa Flourished 1846-1847, Boston. Miniature painter. WARWELL b. ?; d. May 20, 1767, Charleston, 8. C. Limner. The Reverend Robert Wilson in his paper on "Art and Artists in Provincial Carolina" suggests Warwell as the painter of miniatures of William Gibbs and Isaac Mazyck the Third, both bearing the date 1760. He quotes the following item from the S. C. Gazette for June 9, 1767: "Died, on the 29th May, Mr. Warwell, Sr., a noted Limner. " Walters — Warwell: 169 168 WASHBURN, Mrs. H. B. See Caroline Mimger. WATSON, John b. 1685, Scotland; d. August 22, f/68, Perth Amboy y N. J. Portrait Painter. John Watson was a Scotchman who came to the Colonies in 171 5 and settled in Perth Amboy. He revisited Europe for a while returning with a collection of pictures which Dunlap wrote could be called the first of its kind in the country. It was subsequently des- troyed. 1. Governor Keith. India ink. Historical Society of Penn. 2. Governor Keith's wife. India ink. Historical Society of Penn. WEINEDEL, Carl b. 1795; d. May //, 1843, New York. Miniature painter. He exhibited miniatures at the National Academy between 1839 and 1843. He was elected Associate N. A. in 1839. 1. Unknown Man. "Engraved by J. B. Longacre from a miniature by Mr. Weinedel." WELLMORE, E. Flourished 1834-1839, Philadelphia and New York. Engraver and miniature painter. Wellmore was a pupil of Longacre in Philadelphia and engraved a number of portraits for the "National Washburn — Wellmore: 170 169 Portrait Gallery." He also worked in New York. In his later years he took to the ministry. WENTWORTH Flourished 1815, Utica, N. Y. Portrait painter in oils and miniature. He also made profile portraits in pencil. WENZLER, A. H. b. before 1S32; d. i8ji. Miniature painter. He exhibited miniatures at the National Academy during 1842 and 1844. He was elected N. A. in 1869 at the same time as Eastman Johnson. 1. Dr. J. W. Francis N. A. Exhibition, 1842. WERTMULLER, Adolph Ulric b. February 18, 1751^ Stockholm, Sweden; d. October 5, 181 1 at Claymont near Wilmington, Delaware. Portrait painter in oils, miniature and crayon. Wertmuller came to the United States and settled in Philadelphia in 1794. From 1796 to 1800 he went back to Stockholm returning in the latter year to settle permanently in this country. Washington sat to him for his portrait in 1794. His painting of "Danae" was the first painting of the nude figure publicly exhibited in this country. He painted portraits of Gustavus III, Gustavus IV and five portraits of George Washington. The "Schedule" of the sale of his effects lists, besides his materials for oil paintings, a complete set of brushes, glasses, colors and ivory for miniature painting. Wentworth — Wertmuller: 171 170 1. Elizabeth Coates Butler. Oil, cabinet size. Mrs. T. R. Ellis, Pa., [898. 2. General Washington. "From person; small oval, 6 in. by $% in. 1794." See: "Schedule of Property, of the Late Adolphs Ulrich Wertmiiller, " 1812. WEST, Benjamin b. October 10, i/jS near Springfield, Chester Co., Pa.; d. March //, 1S20, London. Historical and portrait painter. Benjamin West painted portraits in Philadelphia 1756 and in New York 1758. Two years later he sailed for Rome, remaining three years. He spent the rest of his life in London and became president of the Royal Academy. His studio was open to all the young American artists either staying in or passing through London. Stuart, Trumbull, Fulton, Wright and Mal- bone are a few of the many painters he befriended as well as instructed. The miniature portrait of himself listed below was shown him in London. He identified it as an early painting and remarked: "Now this is not a bad picture for one who had never seen a miniature!" 1. Self portrait at the Age of Eighteen. Pennsylvania Academy Exhibition, 18 17. 2. Lord Byron's Mother. Signed "B. West, 1799." Bowdoin College. WEST, William Edward b. December 10, 1788, Lexington, Ky.; d. November 2, 1857, Nashville, Tenn. Historical painter and portrait painter in oils and miniature. West painted miniatures for some time before going W 7 est, B.— West, W. E.: 172 171 to Philadelphia about 1807 to study with Thomas Sully. After this he painted in 18 19 in Natchez, Tennes- see and finally in 1820 he sailed for Europe. At Leghorn he painted a portrait of Lord Byron. In 1824 he was in Paris and in 1825, London. He returned to the United States in 1839 staying in Baltimore until 1840. He then moved to New York and in 1855 to Nashville. His por- traits in oil include those of Percy Shelley, Washington Irving, Countess Guiccioli and Mrs. Hemans. See "Century Magazine," Oct. 1805, and "Putnam's" Sept. 1907. 1. Percy Bysshe Shelley. 9x8. Oil. Mrs. J. Dunn, 1905. WESTON, Mrs. Mary Flourished mid nineteenth century , Hartford. Miniature painter. WHEELER, W. R. b. Scio, Washington Co., Michigan; still living /Sgj. Portrait, miniature, still life and landscape painter. Wheeler first received his instructions in art from an itinerant miniature painter, then at Detroit University. In 1 855 he married and moved to Hartford. See French, "Art and Artists in Connecticut." WHITE, John Blake b. September 2, 1781 near Eutaw Springs; d. August 24., 1859, Charleston, S. C. Lawyer, politician, author, historical painter and portrait painter in oils and miniature. John Blake White as a young man studied law at Weston — White: 173 172 Columbia, S. C; then accompanied S. F. B. Morse to Europe about 1800; studied art under Benjamin West for four years and finally resumed the study of the law. He was repeatedly elected to the State Legislature of South Carolina. During his leisure he painted many portraits, wrote plays and signed a number of historical compositions. 1. Mrs. J. B. White. Mrs. G. L. Buist, Charleston, S. C, 1902. WILLIAMS, Henry b. i/8/ f Boston; d. there, October 21, iSjo. Silhouettist and portrait painter in oils and miniatures. Henry Williams seems to have worked exclusively in Boston. Dunlap speaks of him as also modelling in wax and being a professor in electricity. One of his portraits in oil was of Josiah Thomas. He probably made the silhouette signed "Williams" in the possession of Mr. D. M. Prouty of Boston and the one of Mary Moody Emerson, also signed "Williams," reproduced in Emerson's "Journal" volume four. The Worcester Art Museum owns a portrait in wax by Williams of Eben Larkin. 1. Samuel Larkin. Worcester Art Museum. 2. William Lovering. 2^x2. The Ehrich Galleries. 3. Charles Bertody. 3^4x3. The Ehrich Galleries. WILSON, John T. Flourished 1S4.4.-1860, New York. Portrait and miniature painter. Williams — Wilson, J. T. : 1-4 J 73 WILSON, Matthew b. July iy, 1814, London; d. Feb. 23, i8g2, Brooklyn, N. Y. Portrait painter in oils, crayons and in miniature. A pupil of Henry Inman, Wilson first exhibited miniatures in Philadelphia. He was in Paris in 1835. In 1843 ne was elected N. A. During 1 861-1863 in Hartford he became a popular portrait draughtsman in crayons and pastel. In 1863 he moved to Brooklyn. He worked very rapidly often completing a portrait a day, but his work suffered from his haste in execution. Among the sitters for his portraits in oils were Tilden, Gideon Welles, Gallatin, Washington Irving, Fenimore Cooper, Thaddeus Stevens and Lincoln. WOOD, Joseph b. about 1778 Clarkstown, N. Y.; d. 1852, Washington, B.C. Portrait painter in oils and miniature. The son of a farmer who was also the sheriff in his native town, Joseph Wood turned to art as a profession much against his father's wishes and, about 1794, set out on foot for New York with a few dollars in his pocket intending to earn his living with his pencil. His inclinations were for drawing landscapes but by chance his talents were directed toward miniature painting. After a number of years at odd work during the winter and violin playing during the summer, he chanced to see a miniature in a shop window and asked permission to copy it. This started him on his career. In 1804 he formed a partnership with John Wesley Jarvis at 40 Nassau Street and that year both received assistance Wilson, M.— Wood: 175 i74 from Edward Malbone. The partnership was dissolved in 1809 when Wood took a studio at 160 Broadway until 1 81 2-13. He then went to Philadelphia where he had a studio at 93 South Third Street. He lived in Philadelphia at least as late as 18 17 and exhibited at the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. He moved later to Washington and in 1827, had rooms on the north side of Pennsylvania Avenue between Ninth and Tenth Streets, N.W. His portraits are excellent. 1. Samuel Etting. Attributed to Wood. Penn. Academy of the Fine Arts. 2. Andrew Jackson. Cabinet size oil painting. 3. Andrew Jackson. "Engraved by Longacre from an original miniature by J. Wood. B. O. Tyler, Wash- ington City, 1824. " 4. Henry Clay. Cabinet size oil painting. Lithographed in 1825 by A. Newsam. 5. Portrait of an Unknown Man. Painted in water color mounted on wood. Signed 'Painted by J. Wood." Inscription on the reverse: 'Presented to Edith McPherson by Mrs. Abby Wood 1839." Miss Bertha E. Perrie, Washington, D. C. WOOLLEY Flourished iy§/ ', New York and Philadelphia. Painter of cabinet sized portraits. Woolley was an Englishman who came to the United States about 1797. "His best work," wrote Dunlap, "was Archy Gifford's sign at Newark, a tox hunt, doubtless copied from a print." WRENCH, Mary Anne H. Wharton quotes the story about Mary Woolley — Wrench : 1 76 *75 Wrench from Charles Wilson Peale's autobiographical notes that is referred to in the present volume under Polly Rench. WRIGHT, Joseph b. July 16, 1756) Bordentown, N. J.; d. 1793 •, Philadelphia. Portrait painter. Joseph Wright was the son of Mrs. Wright the modeller in wax. Mrs. Wright took her family to Lon- don about 1782, where Joseph received lessons from Henry Hoppner, who married his sister, and from Benjamin West. He drew a "miniature profile likeness" of Washington unknown to the sitter during church service at St. Paul's, New York and this sketch was etched and printed on small cards. Washington appointed him first draughtsman and die sinker to the mint. He de- signed the first United States coins. See C. H. Hart's article in the "Pennsylvania Magazine of History," 1906. Wright: 176 176 INDEX Acres, John Edward Agate, Alfred T. Akin, James Allen, Sarah Lockhart Allston, Washington Ames, Daniel F. Ames, Ezra Ames, Julius R. Anderson, Alexander Andre, John Andrews, Ambrose Annelli, Francesco Armstrong, William G. Atherton, E. Badger, Joseph W. Baker, George Augustus Baker, George Augustus, Jr. Baldwin, William Ball, Thomas Barbiere-Walbonne, Jacques Barker, M. Barralet, John James Barrett, Thomas E. Beard, George Belzons Benbridge, Henry Bingham, George Caleb Birch, B. Birch, Thomas Birch, William Russell Bishop, Thomas Blanchard, Mrs. Eliza H. Blanchard, Washington Bogardus, Mrs. William Bogardus, William Bolman, Miss Bounetheau, Henry Brintnell I Bourdon 16 I Brewster, John 17 1-2 Bridport, Hugh 17-18 2 Brodeau, Anna Maria 18 2 "3 Brooks, Samuel 18 3 Browere, Alburtis D. 0. 18-19 3 Brown, Abby Mason l 9 4 Brown, G. 19 4 Brown, George Loring 19-20 4-5 Brown, Henry I. 20 5 Brown, John Henry 20-21 5 Brown, Mather 21 5-6 Brown, "Mysterious" 21 6 Browning, Mrs. 22 6 6 Burlin, Richard 22 Calyo, Nicolino Vicompte de 22 6-7 Carlin, John 22-23 7 Catlin, George 2 3 7 Charles, S. M. 23 Luc 7 Chesdebien 24 7 Clark 24 9 9-10 10 10 10-13 l 3 !3 14 14 H 14 15-16 Clark, Alvan Clonney, James Goodwyn Clow, J. Collas, Louis D. Colles, J. Comingo, Brown Cooper, James Cooper, Peregrine F. Copley, John Singleton Corne, Michaele Felice Cummings, Thomas Sier Cushman, George Hewitt Dal ton, E. De Brehan, Marchioness Demilliere 24-25 25 2 5 26 26 26 26 27 27-30 3°~3 l 3i-3 2 3 2 3^ 33 33 177 Denning, Charlotte Dewey, S. Dickinson, Anson Dickinson, Daniel Dodge, Edward Samuel Dodge, T°hn Wood Doyfe, William M. S. Drexel, Francis Martin Drucez Dubourjal, Savinien Rdme Duncan, Mrs. See Anna Clay poole Peale Duncan, James Dunkerley, Joseph Dunlap, William 38-41 Durand, Asher Brown 41-42 Du Simitiere, Pierre Eugene 42-43 Duval, Ambrose 43 Duvivier and Son 43 33 33-34 34-35 35 35 35-36 36 36 36 37 38 38 Eager, William Earl or Earle, James Earl or Earle, Ralph Earl or Earle, Ralph E. W. 44 Edwards, Thomas Eichholtz, Eicholtz or Eikholtz, Jacob Eldbridge, C. W. 45- Elliott or Elliot, Charles Lor- ing Ellis, Salathiel Elouis, Jean Pierre Henri 46- Ellsworth, J. S. Emmons, Alexander H. 47 Evans, John T. Evers, John Fairchild, Louis 48 Fanshaw, Samuel Raymond 48- Fette, Henry Gerhard Field, Robert 49- Finn, Henry J. Flagg, Josiah, Jr. Florimont, Austin Folsom, Mrs. C. A. Folwell, Samuel 43 44 44 -45 45 45 -46 46 46 47 47 -48 48 48 -49 -49 49 "53 53 53 53 53 54 Foulis, R. 54 Fraser, Charles 54 _ 7° Freeman, George 7°~7 I Frothingham, Miss Sarah C. 71 Fulton, Robert 7 I- 7 2 Furnass, John Mason 72 German, John D. 73 Gerry, Samuel L. 73 Gillespie, J. H. 73 Gimber, Stephen H. 73 Gimbrede, Thomas 74 Girault 74 Godding, William C. 74 Goodridge, Sarah 74 _ 75 Greath 75—76 Greiner, Christopher 76 Griffing, Martin 76 Guillette, Madame J. 76 Haag, C. 77 Haines, William 77 Hall, Ann 77-78 Hall, Henry Bryan 78 Hancock, Nathaniel 78-79 Hansell, George II. 79 Harkins, Robert 79 Harvey, George 79 _ 8o Hathaway, J. 80 Hazlitt, John 80-81 Heidemans, Henri 82 Henri, Pierre or Peter 82 Herrick, Henry W. 82 Hervier, Auguste 82-83 Hill, Pamela E. 83 Hillyer, William 83 Hite, George H. 83 Homan, S. V. 84 Hope Thomas W. 84 Howes, Samuel P. 84 Hudson, William, Jr. 84 Huntington, Daniel 84-85 Ingham, Charles Cromwell 85 Inman, Henry 85-87 Inman, John O' Brian 87 178 Jackson, Edwin W. 87 Miller, Godfred "5 Jarvis, Charles Wesley 87 Miller, William 11. 1 [5 Jarvis, John Wesley 87-89 Moranges 116 Jocelyn, Nathaniel «9 Morein, J. A. IK, Jones, William F. 89 Morse, Samuel Finlev Breese [16 Jonett, Matthew Harris 89-91 Munger, Caroline Munger, George 116- "7 117 Kearney, Francis 9> Kellog, Minor K. 9] -92 Newcombe, George W. M- Kelly, Thomas 92 Newport, J. W. J '7 Kimberly, James H. 92 King, Samuel 92 Officer, Thomas S. 1 17 Knight, Charles 9 2 ~93 O'Hara, Miss 118 Krimmel, John Lewis 93 Otis, Bass 118 Labutet 93 Parisen, Philip 119 La Farge, John 93 Parissen, William 1). [19 Lalanne, Mary E. 93 Parker, Thomas 1 1. 1 19 Lambdin, James Reid 94 Parsell, Abraham 1 [9 Lamont, Daniel G. 94 Parsell, J. H. 119 Leslie, Charles Robert 94-95 Partridge, Joseph 119- 120 L'Estranye 95 Peale, Anna Claypoole 120- 121 Linen, George 95-96 Peale, Charles Willson 121- 123 Livermore, Mrs. 96 Peale, James 123- 126 Livingston, Harriet 96 Peale, Raphaelle 126- 127 Longacre, James Barton 96-97 Peale, Rembrandt 127- 128 Lord, Phoebe Griffin 97 Peale, Sarah M. 128 Lovett, William 97-98 Pease, C. W. 128 Lund, Theodore 98 Pelham, Henry Penny, L. P. 128- 129 '-9 Mackintosh, Miss S. B. 9« Persico, Gennarino 129 Mack 98 Petticolas, Edward F. 129 McDougal, John A. 98 Petticolas, Philip A. 129 McPherson, W. J. 98 Pine, Robert Edge 129 Malbone, Edward Greene 99-1 10 Plantou, Mrs. 129 Mapes, James Jay 1 1 1 Porter, John S. 130 Mar as, M. 1 1 1 Pratt, Matthew ■3' Marchant, Edward Dalton 1 1 1 Pratt, Robert M. '3' Mauvais 1 1 1 Purinton, J. I3J Meance 1 12 Mercer, William 1 12 Ramage, John •3»- l 33 Metcalf, Eliab 112-113 Rench, Miss Polly 133 Mever, Henry Hoppner !I 3 Richardson, Mrs. C. S. See Mifflin, J. H. 114 Caroline Schetky Miles, Edward 114-115 Rider, Alexander 134 Miller and Hillyer n 5 Roberts, John '34 79 Robertson, Alexander 134 Robertson, Archibald 135-136 Robertson, Walter 136-137 Robinson, John 137 Rogers 137 Rogers, Charles 138 Rogers, Nathaniel 138 Rowand, William 138 Russell, Moses B. 139 Russell, W. C. 139 Sanford, Isaac 139 Sargent, Henry 139 Sartain, John 139-140 Saunders, Sophia 140 Savage, Edward 140 Schetky, Caroline 140-141. Schoener, C. T. 141 Seager 141 Seager, Mrs. and Miss 141 Seaman, Charles 141 Sel, Jean B. 141 Shaftenbeng, Lewis 142 Sharpies, Mrs. (Ellen) Jamesi 42-1 43 Shepherd, T. S. 143 Shumway, Henry Colton 143-144 Simes, Mary Jane 144 Smith, James P. 144 Smith, John Rubens 145 Smith, William Good 145 Southward, George 145 Southworth, Nathaniel 146 Staigg, Richard Morrell 145-147 Stevens, George W. 147 Stoughton, Mrs. See Anna C. Peale Stuart, Gilbert 148 Sully, Lawrence 148-I49 Sully, Rosalie Kemble 149 Sully, Thomas 150-152 Sully, Thomas Wilcocks 152 Taylor 152 Tetley, William Birchall 152-153 Thomas, C. H. 153 Thompson, William John Thompson, John Thornton, William Thornton, Mrs. William, See Anna Brodeau Tiebout, Mademoiselle Tisdale, Elkanah Torrey, Manasseh Cutler Trott, Benjamin Trumbull, John Tucker, Benjamin Twibill, George W. J 53 l S3 1 54-i 55 l SS l SS 156 156-159 159-164 164 164-165 Vail, Miss A. D. 165 Vaillant, Madame 165 Valentine, William 165-166 Valee, Jean Francois de La 166 Vanderlyn, John 167 Vandyck, James 167 Verstille, William 167-168 Walters, John W arren, Asa Warwell Washburn, Mrs. H. B. See Caroline Munger Watson, John Weinedel, Carl Wellmore, E. Wentworth Wenzler, A. H. Wcrtmuller, Adolph Ulric West, Benjamin West, William Edward Weston, Mrs. Marv Wheeler, W. R. White, John Blake Williams, Henry Wilson, John T. Wilson, Matthew Wood, Joseph Woolley Wrench, Mary. See also Polly Rench Wright, Joseph 168 168 168 169 169 169-170 170 170 170-171 n i 172 172 172 173 173 !74 1 74-i 75 J 75 175-176 176 171- 172 180 THREE HUNDRED COPIES OF THIS BOOK PRIVATELY PRINTED BY FREDERIC FAIRCHILD SHERMAN OCTOBER MCMXXI u