P7KS The Heroes of Battle Rock, or The Miners' Reward, A Short Story of Tfiriffino Interest How a Smaff Canon Done its Work. Port Orford, Oregon, the Scene of the Great Tragedy. A Desperate Encounter of Nine White Men with Three Hundred Indians. Miraculous Escape After Untold Hardships. HISTORICALLY TRUE. Savages Subdued and Rich Gold Mines Discovered. Edited by Orvii, Dodge. January, 1904. Gift of C. A. Kofol* p 8 ? ] he ^lero of Battle nock- "I was working in Portland, Oregon, at tlie carpenter •trade along in the latter part of May, 1851, when a friend by the name of Palmer, introduced me to ("apt. Win. Tichenor, who was at that time running an old steam propeller called the Sea Gull, between Portland, Oregon, and San Francisco, California, Before introducing uie to Oapt. Tichenor, my friend told me that the Oapt. wanted eight or ten men to go down on the steamer with him to a place called Port Orford