PHOTOSTAT FACSIMILE REPRODUCED FROM THE COPY IN THE HENRY E. HUNTINGTON LIBRARY FOR REFERENCE ONLY. NOT FOR REPRODUCTION THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES WfiQiw.i !AA Rft 6dS5 55 &) rvH ^1 ?5ji 5^^ The rewarde of W^ickednejfi^ Difcourftng the fundrye monftrous abufcsof wicked and vngcxl Irc too^lDclingrs dnfuctCo^t fctDoiunc ano tu;iitfcnas Hjc fame taucbancDy* ucrfelt pjaaifcointlje perfoncsof Popes,HarIots,Proudc Princes, T) rauntcs, Romish By- shoppcs, ailD otbcro. With a huely dcfcription ofthcir feuc- rallfallcsanDfinaU iwltruction. tUcr^c pzoBtdbIc fo; all fo;tc of cttafcfi torcaccanolobc ^ tjpoit. f Newly compiled by Rtchard Rohiafift, ^tuaunt tn ItoufT^onte to tl)c ci£l)t ^onozQbic (Sncle of Sliiovvfbury. \mi A drcamcmortpitifuljanci to be dreaded Ojthwges that bejiraitn^e, yyho loueth to reed: : In this Book: let him rMtnge, HtsfjkKcie tofeedc. m ^^^^^m^dmm'^ iwm%m^%'Mi m:w^^m Jjj i-Jj Ji3 • « • • • • • • • • » • • • . •• •• * ; , m ••••• *, • ,•• •••• «c • • ••' • • • • • • • f -r brcy- To the WorfliipfuU, filbert Talhote^ Ef^ttier , Sccondc Sonne to the Right Honourable EayU of Shrowjhurie.crc^ 'J{jchard T^jhmfin^ Wisheth the feruent fcarc of God , Incrcafc of Vertue> Worship and Ho« nourj vvith Good fuccefle, and many loyf ul ycarcs. ^ Or as much as the litle crce^ pin^ Ocaturescf the Farth, doc tcache eucrie reafonablc pet Ton to vfe foiric kinde of trade, whereby for his trau.ile in the Sommer , Iicc niaye in tlic bluflcring blades of HiempSy be rclccucd by the fwcate browcs,v.!icn notl)ing elfe is to bcc reaped vpon the foile , but onelyc Mcnilcrous aii-l hn^c dnftcs of Siiowe: V^'hIcllisda^ly put in vfe by the hdc Dc»rw///,w!:oin tlieSommer- tinK*,ccal7cth not from ttaUcylinajailUhcc I cFuIIv pcrfv/adcdtohauc fufJiciciunorcin her Ctbbin, to dcfciidc the hungry tiincof v/inter: LikcwirethecrawhiigtxYA/r, toilcth from the hrll ihoweof Sir/'/j*- bm face in thcmorniMi^,tili the blaclccMaiitcllcs doe obfcurc the bla- flng bcamcs of the fame: The 5^«;rn// tliat liglithc Leapes from Brauiiche toBraunchc , is cucr occupied, as appcaretli by the great€ fioreof Nuttcs>tliat shcch.capctli tct;cather in Sommer time , to in- counter the barren fcafon: The fcarctull Flye is not forgctfull of the fame, but carrieth Ins trauailcs to the warme hoilowerccde, "wherein liccdwelleth holfomclyjand llinkcttcs mcriiie of his late trauailes: (VVhat shall I fay, of the bullc Ikc)whofe curious fkill in building of her Lodge , and knowledge in Flowers and Hcarbcs ,in chofing the Good, and leaning for the Spider the ill,ncucr cej(ing,but alwaies in trauaile, hoping ui winter to rert and enioye the fruites of her tra- Uiilc:Iinmedia:clye vpon the fodaine.isnot onelye fpoiledot this the fruitesof her great toy le, but commonlyc llaine for the lucre thcrof; (Euen fo) Right Worshipful , as I am not onely taught to abandon Idlenes, as wel by the holy Scriptures, as alfp by thefe creeping Crea- turcs:So am 1 doubtful, leaft after my trauaile,! shall reape the lianr.e- les Bees rewardcctxccpt, (as my truftis)your Worship i\o feeme by ycur curtefie,to protcftas well mec,as this litle portion o^ my labour: ror mce tliinkcs tliat Ihearcalrcadic Enut^ v/hcthis Teeth, whofe A a blade 458724 THE EPISTLE DEDICATORIE, blade ifoulde long agoc, haucbccnc bathed in my blood, if fccrcate tlnvacks could hauc touched my guiitles CirkasiYet notwjthftandmg 1 fee the blafing brond in his fill , to ficrc the great Cannans vpon mc; foralteadic falle 'Kjport his Trumpeter, loundcth vp his forging Trumpc of Dctraaion , whofc honclt nature is neither content WJth that-whichhcewishcth himfclfcnoryetpleafedjf he might hauc or obtaincthat which other men dcfirc. Many mo fricndcs this chafing Champion hath , whofe Cankered mi ndes, andprowdeftomackes, vould not much (lick to take in Lift with j4tUj{To wralHc with SAmpfon^ox take the club from Hercules. But difdaining further tofpeakeof 5w«i^,and his faide fnendeSjV/hich hatcth cuery man, and euerv man him,5cthem,being nothing douUful of Mtf>««/jZo»/«<,n6r SUophants wlkMps: I am as well content to beare with their barkmg, as many worthy Clarkes heretofore haue done , and doe daylyc. So that itmayepleafc your VVorshippe.totake in good part this fimpletrauaile of mine, which to efchewc Idlcnes,and fpccialiyeii fuche times as my turnc came to fcrue in watche of the Scottishc Queene.I thcncuciynightcolle for good example fake: In cofideration whereof (Gcotle reader) as well to profite. HI) countrey ( to my power ) as alfo to cfchevre IdJcndTc: I banc attempted this my fccond vvorke vntothe place of thy indifferent iudgcment,nc t miftrufting, but thou wilt as thniikefully accept the fame,as I haue vvillini;ly vouchf;-.fcd lobc; ftowc my tt3uaiIe,to pleafure thy delite in reading hereof. And though it be efcapcd my handc$>not altogether fo v vcl plained and pollished, as I purpofed it should h.iue betne: Attribute I praye thee , the caufe to the bulic hues , that all my Lorde my Maimers men do leadc in the feruice of our Soucraigne Lady,the Queenes Maieftic: Sith the proteftion of the Scottishe Quecne was committed to myfaide Lordc in charge, whole true and duetifull feruice therein, to bis Prince both night and daictat well by the trauailc of his Honours ovvnc Pcrfon, as alfo all them that fcrue hun : I duubre not but fame hath tulde it to all the Princes in e v r o p k and noble lubicAes: asit were tobeea Mirrourtorhe Kft j that shall ferue in cro- ditc of their Prince,froiv» age to age , no litle to the encreafing of bihwfcn. S-kpThe Audlhour to tlie Booke. THT yjoefull plaint J jhy rueful face, atd car ef nil countenaunce shoe, T all the yiorlde : bee net tongue tide, reueale abroade the yjoe That is among thefillie foMlej,w Plutos OHglie Uke, For vz'ici^edfiejfe done on the ^artlijooyje \ouc doth vengeance take, 'Mushe not my booke, to thunder foorth, the tormcntes thouhafifeeney Tell TJVilfuU wits, and hate full hearts, what iujl deferued teene : In Plutos fine they shall abide ^ that headlongplunge infinne. Bee not abash te to tell the bcsl, what plagues be there ytithtn. ^nd yfhome thoufiTre tnfincke of for ro\j,be\taile and toile ingriefey Why and where fore, for ^thome^and \jhat, they bide in this mtfchiefc. yindwhythoHmournefl, tell the cauji, and wherefore thou art fad, N doubt thy teares^and trauaile both, may thonfands make full glad, Sxccpt the Coblcr^iw to carpe/hat al-vraies l&ues to cauell, Orfetle of Sicophantsy?«r vp,(Zoi\\ii,) that drnnken lauel. and /come againjl thy talke, that thou art chargde withallf For ti rcviarde thy fugcredgift, bitter flifikifig ^a!l. (TJut if they doe)no force, no harmr, their v uynted vfe is kjJoyren, 7 he difference both of them, [and thee) Report hath iuHly bloyjen', jind dohbte not but the learned, loue, thy company to hnue, jindhifjingW\Av3i^vemmde (hnge yihall dayhefrom theeftue. tyfnd when the fktlfull heades shall fcan, the tale that thou mufl tell, J charge thee. pardon craue ef them, it doth become thee well, 9^4 ndtf they doe demaunde,from whence thou camc,or yihats thy name ^ The\\x(\. reward of wick^dncirc.wy Lords f am the fame, (Saye thou) whichcamefrom Plutos-Pit,v//j5m Morpheus led yfith him^ Jndro^fie Dreamt,tofee the foules. Rewarded there for finne. Which fightes,fo rare andfeldomefeene,as tn my dreame / fee, Good Lords, and Ladu(,wuh the reft, shall firaight reuealed bee^ And doing dutie,thus no doubtejbut thou shalt bee imbrafte. Of fuchf as doe of honour, or ofvertuouj learning tafie. FINIS. fO^oihli^ichard KobinfoKj^ J^ The ^00^ to the Juclhour. A NDmuftlnecdcsbc packing hcnccabout fuchnewestobcarc, Jl Which shalbc to the moftjthefc daics,an inward griefe to hcare? V Vhy knowft thou not, that worldlings wish, to dwcl on cartli for aic. And may not bidcjbut them abhorrcwhich faycthey muftawayc? Howe shall I rcapethecrucllludge,that is corrupt with guide, Or craftie Carles and Muckfcrapcs now, that al from poore men hold^ The Tyrant he will whet his blade, the prowde will prcfentpufFe, / The wanton Dames will fkould at mcc,thc Roilter ftrange wil fnuffc. Piers Ptckthanke and Towirf/r^/^jWiUdcuifeathoufand waies, TtbbtTitttmlly, that lo wring Laflcjfomeyll on meewil raifc. 'L''U/7oy^wtf«fffr/,they and al their mates.l doubt wilftonc me flraighr, Flatterers, Ftlchersy^ind ScUndere^^s both,l looke but when ihey fight» T<^ent ^^r/;cr/,thatdoe fleece thepoore,and 'Bdtlitfes fdlfc vntruc, V\^tii bragging Oj(//ce.iJo/:,7 heft and" Gutle, mayc not abide my face, Tlic gredtcll iiumberat thcfe daies,will hui t niec in eache place, And luQie Yf«//;,lbrkc (lamping mad,wilbc to hcare thcfc ncwcs. V Vhcrforc I greeuc thcfc Dicaires to tcl.iftc were in metodioofe , Tliinkll thou the) IccrcditeDreamcsthcfcdaiesthatChriflwiircarce Ko,no,K!oubtitoi:ermuch:thcnbiamcnotineetogreeue. (bcleeue^ But had tliou pende fome pleafaunt fongcs,of Venus fmiling boye, ] not mirtrud but almoft all,-wouId<:lappc their handes for loyc Or any tliing,but that which doth,! eprooue mens filthy vice, No doubt among the moft,it would haucbccne ofgreateit Price . But fpeede, as fpeede maye,abiOudc I will attcmpte in haftc, Eythcrof tlianke$,oreIfe rebukes, the toneortother tafle. The vcrtuous forte J not miftiull, the wicked here I wamc, Tlic wife in chn(l,wil thanke me much.thc foolc wil laugh me fcornc* And now the paincs 1^ plagues bclow,whcrc C/jnetlincytlicrboatc nor Barge. Trytiti fouiulci hir trump.anJ '?{eptutK^ gtns to frownc, TlisHiN Icr ilnkesfroinmaftthclaylci acTownc. VVIicn youngand olde their bones with dotli docleadc. And hoodes vnto their licadcs doe buckle Kafl : And wlicn the Bovc doth rcfltliat bare the »oade, Andkccpesthcchimncycscndctil/yjTm^^llornisbcpalt, VVhcnincn doc doubt tlieirwnitcrllatn; tol.iH, And carefullcittell wich open la we doth crauc^ Their keepers meate tlicir carkas for to fauc. VViicn men delight to keepe the fire ndf. And winter tales n)dine their cares to heaie. When mery mates be met, that will abide, tachchlleshispotofNiitbrownc Atcor Ber^, ' • • As is the trade of Ale knightescueiy where. To toffethepottes and plye the fluting boules, Then pay tlicir pence, and pacltc with dronkcn nould. Inthisfcafonitwasmylottctofull, Aiponganjafqucchofcnforthe nr ncc. Some rccldc.fonie fell, ron->ch ride them by the wall, Some J fwarc gj^s precious bones , ((^otli onctt> me) fncndecam(l: thou from (aint/^MW/ i what pen.'.uncc haft thou done, thou art fo Icanc & pale f No force (tjuoth aiiotlicij he shall fyllhispot of Al«. Conter^tfquotli I) and tlicreto I agree, Fyll pot Hofticcof Per)',Alc,or ficrc ; My hcadcit recreated after fiudie, Toshutfoorth the lime, though r\jflic*1' they were, Thus walkttiicKnnikin both here and there, TjlIthcT/ifetrcdtobcdfo; fani.'goFhir fite. Contented (quin'. I)ro: tluL m^^w.s ci.ii.c. TLo TLeTroIogHc. 7 Ik shot v^a$ galhcrcd,2nd the f) re rakte vp, Eiiche man to hislod\;c^an K>r to draw : So-'uclhickcringftuniblcdasinad as a Tup, •Somc-crrptvnder the rpattrcflc into t!Kitrav;c. Aiiotlier fort began to plcade tliccoiniiion lawe. I lookt about and fawc them f > djglu, I\;touttIiecanJIeand bad them ^oodni^ht. o~ My droi^zie heart thir beingat his refl , Toc.kc no care forihecolde, all forrowts were pad : Solatcitliadbecncat thcgtx>d Ale feaft, Th \t tbc woildcfor cuer 1 thouglit wouldc lal} . Ill mine carcthund.-rs no foundc of winters blaft. ] thought none yll , my hcade was layde full (aft, All carkc and carr my wandring fpritc had Ufi Not lyingthus one houfc by theclocke, Me thought the diamber shone witii Torches brightj And in the hallc at doorc 1 hearde one knockc, (And faydc what)Slugge,why fleepcU all the nightf 1 ftarting vp bchcldc one in my Tglit, Dasht all in golden raics^beforc ine A\^ appeare, (And fayde) lam aGjd,beholdc that Ibndcth here. Mine cares were fildc,with noyfe ofTrumpetsfoundc, Anddazlcd were nunc eiC5,niy fence was almoft gon. But j et amazdc my knee vayldc to the grounde, And fa> dc hcare Lorde, thy will and mine be one. What is thy niinde, more red ic there is none, Torideto ninnc. to traucll hcreandtlierc, Hv laiule jnd fcas haltc v/orlh.c it I were. But fii Q to know thv name 1 humbly thee Uftcchc, Forgiuemv ludeiHllctiiisorthcctocrauc, Heaunfwenng fayd,v;ith in ckc and L^wlic fprcc'ifj //orp^r«/i$'nyni!n;:.tS.U,iKv PiTSpow-r banc, % DrcaiiiCs to ilic .;c i:i <^yumiic,Cv'jrte,or Cauc . .;» 1:2 In The Trohgue. Try thchcaUCBS aboucjor ?/«*<»« kingdomc loc, Its I thathauc the power each thing c'unfblde and shot. And knowc (quoth he) thatcueric night and daye. Who shutteth vp his eyes,his headc to fccde with (leepc; His wandering fpirite attcndes on mc al wny e , To trudge and traucll.where 1 shall thinkc it mcetc, A$ well to mountc the f kics,as in the fccrcts decpc , As fwifte as thought, what God liath greater pourc; Thcnallthatisorwas,to shcwetliccinan houre^ And wliether wilt I goe,Lord« Morphus ('quotli I) I here am prcll tliy will for to obey. With an earneft lookes (quoth hee)Iwilltliatby andby» To T'/wrwikingdomewith mee thou take thy wayc. Though frayde I were,I durfl not well fay naye. V Vith h iin I went that irkefoinoiplace to fee. Where wofiill fpritesfull fore tormented bee. And goingby the way thefe wordcs he fayde. Be ofgood clicare, methinkes thoulookcll pale, Pluckc \p thy hcartc aiui be no dealc afrayde, Althougn thou goc into this ouglic vale. And tlius or he had fynisht halfc his tale, Cerberus barckttliat gnfelichoundconicll, The cartli did quake to heare him houle and yell. VVhtn M or^heus hearde this cruel! barcking Currc* For /l/^rc«r*r/roddchefendewithallthchafl, * This wondering porter charmde he might not llurrc, Till hec and 1 throughout his oftyce paft , Sotothcfccondewardc wee camcatlaft. Where PTr4th kepttlic wallcs, and ^rthte tlie gates, Affociate with Pride and wkoredame their mates. With cruellcountinaunce terrible tofct, Thefe Itorriblc officers fixed their cyesi Fit. _ * • The T^rologue. Filthietobcholdcmonftrousandouglic, They gathered to the gntcs like fwarmcs of Bces^ Gnashingthcirtceth.afking who were thcfc. That durit be fo bolde PImtos kingdoms to enter. Or withm their office (o nidehe to venter. I am Morpheus (qiiotli hec) mine auifloritic you knovc, » As well in the hcauciis as al(b here, My nature and qualitie isdreames for to showe, Therefore giue place,and let me come iieerc. Thefe wordes fcarce faide,but the ^ates opaicd were. Soto thethirdewardewecamebyandby, Not tar from that place where great Pluto did lyc . The warde as I faide where Pluto then lay, Was fortefied with Tirauntcs for the nonce, Somccrying, rwareyea,ardotherfomenay. Renting eche others llesh from the bones. Some flang fierbrandes,and other fbme Hang ftoanes. With howiingandcrying ten ibletoheare, V Vhat plague could be thought tliat was not prcfct there i The chicfe Captainesof all this rablous route, » (^(jc -^ .g.. Were Ovprtjjion of the poorc and eake PrmategAtne, tcft fciccs Wilha Toneof their kmnethat looked full ftoute, *>" *;"!? •** That in that vale for eucrmuft remaine. taince m There was Petet Ptcl^fhankj and 'Vriuie dtfiUtm , ^iU., Tom 7"f/r4/tf was appointed in aTurrcttowatche, Laurence Lurchtr a Bavlifc to fnatche and to catchc. There was DMrckenejfe and Ign»raunce\\TiQVx. in a chainc , tct bs tbt With Srrour and hrecwilly ArrogitncCydiuA Setfetooue, •»W(j>i/vndcrhandc began to conuaye, , Sota 3es /wx^wr/^and Sophijfne,\/iih countcnaunccfull fMc, i*oar \ijict Sat with A^ft>ther,^nd Tjrannjt CiwCm^thcdayc, kfOnfJc* Ccrtain^hctofeeitwasatrajiojllplayc, To bchoideabhomi nation, -what torments ihehady (widithc rcQ^v/hereat Confufion wis glad. Many thoufandcs there r/crc that I oirjt. For wantof timefulhctodcfcribe. To tell truth the number palTcthfkill and wi% To be natndeof mec, that howled there and cr)'dc. V Vhen tliefc lolli(biuclc) ds.,had /1icr^>//cfpydc, They flew on heapcs tu know from whence hccamc^ VVhoauurvKrwdthusIiimaGod no man, • And v/hats thy narc^q joth they) Aforphctu aunfvrcred he ' V\^lionic ^/;//<»dothadn»ire,andlKmorlx)thItrowc, Ai.d Pro'irpincyo^x Qncenc, mji^httc though tliey bcCj And Mynos yoar Jud^e will doc the fame 1 knowe. I am the dod that al waycs dreanics doth show. I am free tins wa> e to guide and leade cache man. Without dcraaunde toknowctrom whcncclcamc^ Tlicn x\> nart Ptter Pickethanke by and by, Tl.errnfwc<;to/'//«r<7 inharichcrantotell. And aln:oT ntadJf, with open lawes gan cr)'e, My Lordt ( (Uoth hcf)tl)ers Oraungcrscometo hell, VS-^hattKcJIqaot!! PlHto)\^i\oi allthinges well/ Yea Sir ((lujth hcc)its Morpheus i])^i li here. Then PlhtoaHnfii'eredjVihy bidll Inm not corr.C nccrc* Th:th'(rdc waidc opened then atlirgc. The Pallace then approthinsz; in our H'jhf, VVherj^ragm^ furies of wofullfoules hadcliarg^. To torment ihoufancle waves, both da) e at»d mghr, JMifcrabk darckcndll ihcic wa> withoul Ji^Vt, Ciafpirg The Prologue. GraffTingand groping,grcatc difcorJcand (Irifc, YVecpingand wayling, and blafphcitiomlific. Theftinking fnokctliat fromtkatdongeon rofc, Corruptsthc f kics, and clowdcth all with shnde, The thundering blafi thatfrom that furncrtc blofc, A dabble painc, the fiUic fpritcs hath hiadc; VVith ruftillplamtcstoficarcincucncgladc. Tliat W the (orrowcs halFc were pntof vorc, Butlookc of mee thou fcemeto crnufrndifnorc* rxceptyoutwo,whois my gates within. To pray for pardon it proty te$ liot a pin. Thenaunfwcred M«rpheHtlt\cvi<:T thougl-.t to craue. The pardon ot the prowdll that ui thy foylcdoth reft, Nor yet tiic grccdic Tyraunt toombdc iMgrieHic grauc. Nor'aiiy fiuli thatpjorcmen hathoppreft. For gylefull gluttons to fpeakc I thought itieaft. Alithefc with otiicr )na,l kno\/ muft ft.iyc with thcc, Howe -^'.ckediicirc rewarded is thatsall 1 wish to fee. Contentf quoth /*/"r:»)im^a-)mmaTindmcnthc '^>rac, To>aUhisofi)'c.Li hiikin2domctlucu''h , T!:at TThe \Trologue. That Morpheus and I shouldc licence then fiane, tachc place for to fearchc in Hill, Dale, and Oowo-h, In thickeor in thin,in fmooth or in rough, In hotc or in colde where euer it bee. The wickcds rewarde we shoulde both heare and (ec. Thisfaide,wc departed from that filth ic puddle^ And foorth wee part, the left fide that cauc. Where weefoundc a greater and cruclJcr trouble, Then ail this while I knewe any to haue, For one among manie we hearde rai !e And rauc , With a wofuU voice me thought it faide this. Come fee alas thctewardc of wjckcdncilc. At length to the plaee we chaunrt for to hit. Where /4Utto had charge to rule and difpoCe, Thcrewcbchcldeonelyingin apit, / •• • ' Sodden in forrowcs from the toppc to the toes. Their paincs for topainteinmccterorprofe , Doth pafl'e my fkill, the Icart to dcfcribc. Though Tejfiyhon hir fclfi: my pen now shbulde guide. Hut what 1 fawcin this my drowfie drcamej And wlio tliey wcr-^as now to mindc I call, V\'hy and wherefore to you 1 shall proclaimed, Thatthus they loll thejovesrupcriiall, And hauc poirdl die woHill pl.uc mfcrnall Lcnde me your cares tor now my talc bcgmncsj How wicked wia;htcs rewarded be for mines. ■tf fijyjs. ^ The rewarde of wickednefle. ^H ELLEN tonneoted for h«r treafon to her Huf- bande^ and liuing in fornication ten yearcs , nhofe wordes fbllowe. iFonlcafucrr^tbat raBingfjcIlDotb gutw, ilD too;fc t^cn \u;at(j,o<: cnolcffe Ujubeo life © ftoarming pla(je«, i paffctb flcQ) to bioe, iiD Doubtful Dome of Plutostpoiling If rife, vD Scigion fpctu tbp flames to rnoe tb Ufe . fl) iuft rcUjarDc J tape, of toichco Daoee: £Dgreatc(l nnrcl)icre,amonQtl)crepoDDcl0 rifr» ^ come nubc baSc^roa flames of stotDing glsDcs • l^ouOoDs tbat Gt in Crates of paCTttig b litre, lubofe 5opc0 mi? cnolcspaines furmonntetti farre: E:)oe 120U conff nt foj to rctoaroe ma tbis> tbatiobrlonic luasin Gicccc,tbeiampc,anb Starrer tabat meant ton firtt to maUe ano tbcn to marrc;^ 31 am tbe tDo;he of all rcnr Uibolc confentes: /^o b;ute no; fame,of C!;artbti> tooman barre , tDoe U)o;tb mi? fate,fult (o;c it mec repentes £) lDo;tb^c 2l>amc0, IcnOe ma tonr lIlIcninB eares, rcframcpoar Othcrons, ano pleaftiunt Lutes alfo ; caiitb Vit^inallcsorligbtmg nianpcarcs> from out pour beartc£i,letthougbtof spuQchcgcC' IDerbaps rou Daine, tbat i fliaU tetti rott fo , but mcruaile not, nc at \x\\> Idojdcs tahe fcc:nc: 3it is pour partes tbougb ro" ^(^re ten times moe, to beipe my plamte.tuub trares tbat 3 leas bo;ne. CaCe of pour OolDcn Uaf rs , ano ritcbe attjpK, put on tbe mourners toaniS.fiXuie to lament: f^iot ^ur pdintco fares > ti U (i:tte mens brarres oti flr^ Icarn: tbis of mcc, ^ou; be\x)tt:e (omc is f^tiU. C ^oo The rewar Jc - ^ fdu mant br tak tour tD^cbcD Hues lament, froin rpolDttng ConDuttcs let pulbe tt)c floD< of tcsrrii l^et fc^l6tng a^c0 Prom b;oi?le&Ueattcs be fcnt^ l^ouriaft reUiarDcCo; ivubeottefle oppcareff, ^Kboagb it Dotb abafbe eacbc Dofnti^e SDamt (0 rcaDc of fiia,o; ret to t)rarc ma rcao : 5amtt)cmarkero;i>outon)un likefljnmey Dtfoainc me not ttjougi) t)rgb vo" i'i^^r^ tour bcal. ^oattjatof l^nrbanoeBall tbis U)bile bee fpcD^ bff trne to tbcm in all voor conmrfatiom SiBclnaretabcbaDc^oefilenotimc tbev; brO« among tbe Ooub iVs great abbommation. JtDasmbrlstrtpairmgall tbcreff > ano To bp nature at curious maoe anD Ivjongbt*- &bat if in mee tberebao bane grace poITcffi (0 matcb tbe (&OD0 J migbt baue loell becne ttoagbl. «*rtiH tt )i5nt ticrtue is tbe betutre, ilaDies all> tfttwinanJ anDnotvourpaintcDfdcc0anOfl)inin0glA.- ta>nian. i^c greater mifcbafc can among pou fall* tbcn fo; to faoe tour ficle p;opbane e^e, ifo; once 31 bad m? felfc focb p;opbane lehcf , tlDirloe out tottb eves tbat U)cre eeteaiall Ithe, ^bofc fparcUIingtUnnrbe loere f^a r per tbcn tbrt^itff* catt In tbe fircaine U)itb batte fo; jfifbe to bite. dtbingtmmo;taliramrD3ltobee, bot^ctco;rupt loubmanerftbat toerenongbf* SiB patntcD Somb£0,Untb bones bet inluaroe aitbc: (0 outioaro J, but inioarOc bices U);oagbt. Unb f ber felfe beloaFl^ng tbni Alar, in eptber banoe an >2);e, (da Uboaretb fo^e: dttengtbtbs UjasefpiDe taibere )anP Morpheus tobat beare retoarteo bk* 9^ani a b)o;t|)i? Ivtgbt (oS Ihs Itfo fo; ma^ ano Di?eb all berai^oe ano ao;rieo all in bloo : Ebtrefo;e | p;apc tbff t^t come neare anb fftt t\tt to;mentca I abioe \s)it^itt t\)i9 (jellilbe flab. Sllaa tnctti mt (;anbe can bolbe tte pen, m V 08bt bcuour eb ta ioitt^ gretaons teoref ( Q23i)en|buttb(nbe()otDett)at Ifatvebcrtten. . tbat once Dto leabe tbe creioe of ^enua peareir* i^o bonett \)em b u( it tooalo retoe \)tt fiate. tlint tjearoc anb fatue as moct aa tna tt^at ttbe: 3i&ut all alas to gr^ue it t« to late » t\)t d^oDa o;beine ti^at Q^et Q)«U tjicre abcbi Smiba&cat^At boplett) fierce flobs, tDit() mtreo bloD a?rs bp ano botone (Hic ^hlea* ^lasi^cre lurbing Uochcs iDttt)l)autieb;eabfoU mnba on ener^e Goc appeareb tn our ei^ea, 0bont tbe tobtcb nioff e bcnemoti^ Terpentee Area > buge lto;ming blaffcs ttjis tiMcbcb (treamc botb mone: tM^at rparbea of gUtoca rife bp lifte (ioarmra of )l5aa , % Defcnptu ano furiea fell tOe)^; U)icl»b partem boe p;«ue» on oe the place tt)t}er« ifo; in a Boatc bercnt on c ner^c iloe , tna rnen^ (anbaa |rapbc)(lbaQttc0,tneuerrbaniran£);(t i&oatctn 0nb ttriaetb ff ^11 betVoftnc tbc U)tnoe ano SCroe, ^^ei^ notoeljaUng from tbe Uocbca,anbbs f bvfioml6o;c. €2 ^t The rewardc to tonle amto tiiere fldoiins flaODei as (ba: £); cKe f artue amto ttie f^etptntts neff, f o; on t^e Unoe U)itb bloogs cbe SCc;antef b^. QQlbicb roatiDc about tljit plasait Stigion ptf, in battdUe rape anoarmonrbiacbe Doe ftanoct tbataIb)apctf\pat(beto feebcr comctolanDc* (^acbe )6utcberbolDC0 a mo;taU Sivt in banDe* fo; to rcuenge t^e blot) (bee caufcD (bcD; fiCbe U)bicb fo; trntbilDben as 3I DeiDOe ano fcanOf » tDitb bcapr0 of tooe, to Morpheus tbu£ 3 faioi • ma mah^ aUw(quotb 3) (b^ Br«uc« m& moff of atU Muc na <<) ^® bcr fate , tubofc beiDtpe Clarhrg comtnenOCi eecptct of ^s tbtnbe (be <^oO0 tbat fit in Crates (upcrnall » pn(on§. fome mcrcpe (boulo at lengtb aiU) pitvc f f noe. Cacbe onc(qaotb Morphcu5)iDbo fecmctb to otfcnOfy acco;ctng to tbe^; Deeocs luttbout refpect l^aue bcre reU)arDc Co; lutckccnrtre tn fbetiOr, as pleafetb Pluto^o; iptjome ba batb tied. CiK ottr ^"^ ^ ^^^^^ luo2t)cs lucre farbc,lu« bcarDc b(r r rrr» fo^nicsto; (^ P^f^s • P^ris, ) fa; cucri]io;e tDoe bs tbe tims J|«ftropctij JCbrfaignuiufaccjitludsmp cbaunfctorpvCf tduti). Uoo HepnDe mr name, alas fo did I tbinr* mp mtfcbicfc bit br ^bct^Uf? ma tbe iilic tbou bat t ^tuklieo Hcllcn,tbic;alhnrnmave Define, SnoP^tis fo; tbrpart jtbp fo;tune Has as bad. r5°<^*Doitr ^ U)o;f bpc SCropc , bappte bao tbou binne . not a u>ic if dotpie /^urfc bao arangleD met in bcD: hei a4)m8n 2C|}cnblo)Dte uiCfbicfe baD frapfDall mr b:nnc» b^um ^^^ j^uj^jg Hc^or l^oD neucr Icfl bts lc«iD. * (jpanf of wickcdncflc. Ipjnt « too jtti? man bao Hate, tW noluc in Dcao , TroytKid flo;t(btaill,U}bore U)aflc0 are fact foUloe: McnelamOaD neucrpetpoUutcDbcD, ano iftbe <^009 mc oeatb (jao pofiittD To. lailGrcecc \mto t\ii§ DAv^ ootb curfe t\)t ttuif , tDttb manpafamoaspitnccof noble btrtb-' j^o Pans, cbou art ltHcU)ire curtt of tbtnr, fo; tbou ano j tucrc troubles to tbc rartb. 0lad tbcrcfo;c nou^c cbautigeo is our mirtb* tbe bIa3fl)eo in oar caufc ootb tengeanncccri^e: tCbcrcfo;e tattebetOe rou Dames of mtgbtpe birtb* tot'bcnOcoraUbegtnninge0,caereatt ijourerc ifo;,bab 3 nc ucr pafnfcD tp mp face, no;a}ot cbeboultesoriDantonlDbirHngcr^f: ^aD grace ano bertoc oioelUo in tbat place, tben bao j fauco al tbc ItucB of tbefe. if o; tuben a man tbe lohcB of luomen tks» bs Ipctb at loatcbe , to (a ber call tbe Darte : ^it iDbomc it bappcs, {ijaisna man tbat fler^O (ben blame bim not, tbat ooctbbcfcnoe bt« part. if o; tbou alas gcoo Paris not to blame, (iio;noncbat3l)tbatca(lm? recreate laHef |l»oacisbtfull]7c,toti:retba isitbtbc fame, before tbe CoD0 3iU}iQ)t none otbcrbobef. . 3^aae bim Tugreo battcs.l catcbe on bitter bakc5, o; clfe tbe faitc bao Pans ncuer tatic * ) lapDc btm letterSfin recreate boles ano nouhcs , fo; toattemptc toe Denture fo; mrfahe. flnb iDbat \s3as btt tbat tooulD not take in bante, tobalTdroealKat tbat timcfo: mp fabe, CQbofe matcbc on eartb> oto ncucr goe no; Hanor, ebiO bUme bim not tucbc cnterp;ire to mabc^ 9n pR ftai; game )tt]tf no man k>tnnc0.»c. elb p;ouer> tahe f)ttlM C>I^( pre* Cuui Ii;eD< neat ro;i tOXJXS. ft fct?. Tlie rcwardc £) lae(c0b^ U)ittt>e,anD qutetneO'e mabe, ano o;eaD (Oc CDoOf vcu U)o;tbp Grecian &)amefr jf o; bcre Qjee l^cs toifbin tbte flaming labe. beU);ap: m qtute tcr ^outl^fuU geimef » Ipp pageant tbougb 3 plai'Bc in open Cgbf, ano tt^at tbc U)o;ld DID manifcat^ bnoloe : 3 tnouloe not tuiCbc (!jat tou Ijp recreate ntgbt. o; clofcr craft Q)oulD bfc roor ^ufban&rg fo. SCbcC^oosaboacaUaeiQU)!^ recreates Oictoe* to cuerpe earc ano encba ftratgtit reuealDe: ^oubeare it reaD in Scripture Ions agoe, tbat naugbtec aacs mn neoer tet cencealDc . f anjinte illnbttjenUibeti jFame^l^Knoebtpbtr trompf, %^oi^^^\ anopubliHtall voar o«Dc»anomtbvtift: mm alto £^^^"^^1* confuQon pot routoronr Jnmpe^, tour l^ulbanoes D^ali Dtfoaine to call poa Uhfe< ^onr frienbes (I)a(l bluOje to bcare rou namoc » VotirfocBrcioi^ce in eucrpcoaOt about: £Lo rail jpou motberB,our fo;roUic0 iff, marhc lucll mp Idojoc0, 3 Doe alleaOge no I^t» UnD Ibcn tt is to |,;tc fo: to rrp:'nt o; crrc tonr UJccfiiU S^r rihca reiorfc tb bell f o bearc : (as fo; m f parte } bnbappr c \3i;eubc J trre, Uibofe iudc r^ii7arD tgou (mtt platne appeare. s^atfecpon tClbenfotoIcfttbo«(^htof treafontopoormatefl, ^;n?pc njall p;ictie vcur tuhte mii.bes as foinc it Dotb: K'Si ?ct let tbic one tiling pearccvour pceuiftepatee, or uiofuH t(}a; Ube tbe flippifi v(e fo sdOctb froQ} \t ^outt^. of wickednedc. Unvj fltft (bcrc 10 nottjmg of firsater (rutbj ti);ougb IciDOrnrCTc loCe not tbrii pour noble nattigr< JBaemod 4(riircD>inirc!)tef£ SretgbC ttifutlj, alas tt;crcro;( , tabeU^^s t^ou Iso^tt^i? ^ame«» ^Intjfcotnc noo^af^) m^ rctofull plainttB tof)(are» U t) mg fa(e liUe Damigcr fo; to flee. SCbcrefo;c as oftc as foU vc ftCDes vouc ^r^^ (pcnbe ttmc m rcaOing bo aCS. tbat tDo;tt)t Clarlu battt 3n Hitoc of iiurta ano other barmonie, (penOf •* l^our VDtthnj3 cares a tu^ile to Icarntng Unbc» ^0 Cupid ano !jiglLo;erc»lI)anfojgcf, eht^tto U}|tb all fiu'b D;iftcs as \)t ano bis ooe D;toe: tuoua and ilDf fclaunccr anO rep;cct)e ron Hjall efcape ti)t net, f o^tFf ano if ame Vuittj golocn (rumpc ftjal founo rear terttioos ^[IJj} ^ £DonsU)inntngnob(enaaTC,rourltne0fl)allen3# Uoi^ monstke fotiertuouapetljat after t}itall b^eatb* (^ooeroi JDbe <^oDs tUer; flungels fo; xow fpirite I^all fenoc, *"*•• to o\ucUlDUt) tt}cm in blttiTctbas ^criptare fai^tl). 0no iuitt} tf)c(e tDo:oes ca0 almoll on tbc tboit, tbc iDocfnU U);etcb Vuitb torUO iDearre bones, tUiti) alt tt^e batte tn floo Dotb lapt tbe >S);e, tb at bcaolong ^nu ano ail^ooib Qit attonce . CHilbcrcbitring&crpentfs rmarmc as tbicbc as ^aite> tbat libetotfe Voai^teD tn tt^er; Tubtile btnoe tasiitt} \Di)rttcD Hinges (bis laoi? to atTaile, fo; to reVDaroe bcr lot^fome luQfull mtnoe. 0nO as iDee D(o p'^rce rue Hide toiHit IW toe « to tacv^ \uo;tt)t! lotgbt repo;( (Ijoulo maHt, ^toe fo;nicatours tn betl reUiaroeo bff« «nO |)0U)g tiit 15tiIc0,vcelDc manr mo;taIl Imocbeff Id tbfbnmpingof^ tbe Cannona cruell ftottcfi: filbsnorrcof C()^iiic0,anDlDKncbcorbanorBanofo(&0» U)UO rmo;(D fiuobc , of bovUna ]^itcbc in ji'octcs. 1^1^ j„, fl8fcaref»llDaunfeof«Ibimncp5biul0cDbrc, nocentes ano fall of £Eurrf t0,tbat Qcpctb man ano cbtlbf : Lufnito*^ Caiib U)iDotor«, tobofe fatbt rlfg cbilojcncoc crpf , c«iu ou might to (cath, VVhorcfacedidflaine the rclt,ofall that earthly v/eie Adorndc in euery joyntand drcll, moll like dame Bewtics pcrc. D Ihcrc- Thercwarde TTierefcrc from fecrcd brcaftji/Knt fcaldine fighes ftrcight fcn accuQomcO tc tti;Q among tbe routes tinto vour cbargc committco : Come DOC rour tuo^ft, confume ts all aro, < oifpaUtjc t)s llrctgbt, letfl (jc no longer fliUcD. CUoofilJfj^flctJcofLymbos Itircfei'ng fabc, #rom cboakcD pittc , come bclcbc abjoaoc tbr fiamt0: tza bl? come rou not pou ivories fo; to taUc a greater ticngaunce, Jcall pou b^ pour namc0. fepeU) out Plcgcthon , tf)t furious fierp flahe, £) t)ellU)Op oomitft not tbp greacctt go;gc of alh £)ncc giuc confcnt a finall cnoc to mahc of t)i;> tbat DOC pour lD;atb (o glaolp call. Come ouglpfbapcsfcomolDerepufcbcrsfcnt. (Oiticfittl)p^oU)lesfrom (oatbfomc boplmg pnDDle, dome monacrous C^rppcs, Cbat Tynusguttes batt) rent, •ome 3uoge of &p;its,comc,comc increafe our (rouble. Came ofwickedncfle. Come pjinre of Darcbne(re,0iue tWearetall lta>qtmtn^ £) bell bnfoloe ttjig gates, ano let ttt flaming Iteamf ^hr baft to tncreafe our panif^menf , U>\(^tt\)t \)d oncc>^oat of tbtB enDeieflTc trouble, ^ btle Idolatric, tf)t p;tnce of prrofcton, the Uiare tbou otrmrB to euerlathng patne^: £) filtbte momenf , atro toubeo rupcrftttion, £) bitinoe Doarine, 3interp;eto; of o;eame0« £> rotten rcUUes iottb all ^our aDDicton , fpe tpon rou all> fitb tbu0 it comco to palTe. ^airrboDDc in (be eno batb no remiffion, as iLttncde our DemUiCbcDcteSable mafe* Sno iDttb tbcfe liicD]bc0,be caQc bis beao a U)<:r^ amongFtbeOjaueling greaSc cbuffbraD i^ncrs: 3no feeing Morpheus ftanoing p^cfent b^e, (appraret ttjc fdluae fo;tc of p;tcftcB toitb ^nhs ano ^uunctf flt U)Dicb tbts pope brgannc to ronrt aiiD r rpc, alas (quco bet) bcbolDc lubcre Morpheus ffanoes: l^ce \uill p;o(larmr ab:DdDc Itat bcare \i>a Ipr, (tdt rule J b l>)'^np|)caucn did take Dppo'nf. t3 hat (ball \rttOoc (qnoD bff) brll call him bclbcr. irha';nc;biottifrrisnoneo:bcrQ)tftc: li;ris fdv lun csmr fo; Monies, tbcranriDcrcDaltogctbcr,^. ^ anott)at\j»ffincanctomabcagfnrralfl):ifte. |g hnSS iic':ioHicck^oU}n(!tl]ecaufelubercroaeauDU)bT'* i^* Ms lva;ioijrofcrfDitctbfrfbi»ourlLaU)e«beB bjongbt: ^'^*'' flnr Ti i) uf cuftomc Wee Ujoiiteo tocrc to Ipf , tordltrut^enoU}c,atalUtp;ofitc0naugbt* ^nt U?hilc tbe roU^tc of Sathans bonoe anD florbe, aD;eftetbemrcluc6togIaareanDpatnttbt8l{;e: (Macc;era coincB )an0 catt btr ficri?c blocftf , amonrt tbc bcape tb^t all in fl lucre fo p;ichl U)itb paincs tbcr tao no time to f^c, tbc par. Hoc lua0 bc0utlDc, tbe frrcnDc pralc not rcng. ^omc fong San(ftamanaOra pro nobis, (ftiCi't tuitb &f nfars f Canolcftici cstbc^ bMhccacbcotljcrij Ebepopcflueiirc OoDs3c(l)c P<\\ nobis, U)bo lott but bts labour tbcrt [jdas fo fniaU grace. ^omr cr^ f D on &atnt lames , nno feme on ^aintlo^jp, anofomcon&aint Auftcn, feaint Laurence anoLc^. £>n feaint Peter luitb bis UcpcB,f rrc D man;^ a onr, but among tbc lubolc rotute 3 (jcatO net Laus dco. ^ucbe rat^c luas nrucr bearDc, lubat cucr tbcv meant, tbc novft fljotic tbe cIoU»dc5 tbat bang In tbc fslits: tCUibnaiIf5anDtcctbc,c Cbdt bdtb tljc brcac ct Ccd tcfo;c tie D^bt. ofwickedneile. aSat Icnne a IdIjiIc t\yf Ipflcning cares f o ma, ano J 0)3(1 fricgOr tb? JjeaD in bearing of tUc Icafil ' ^ii\) mi? relDarDc tbou oocft fo pcilttc far, CO tell t\}c trutU at Icngtb H call itbcft. 3[n If arncD fecfjolcs 3 fjaD beenc fratncD foiig, Tkodne anD oopftc bp fojtnncg lubalr J loas a lofi^c^cigfjl: ^6-r!f/4 l^ct (till niv heart in Innlj Ambition bonp, efr.-flatDe mpbcaDfozbisbfrtlarcHiUpiaaifDcRcigbt *"l'5J'°4f ^roin b!gl?c to barrc, J gapcD cucrpc boUije, !^ wV firftcalocTIicDdore Borguof birtOanDlinc: u\^t\uxx\n CarDindlfJttjouglUnotofarcatcapolucr, nuoiijc j>ct fa mp fo;tur,c tn nij: later time. **«^* (i?o; Rsj farDc)fiomf)ctQf)ttol)flrrf,rcflicrtE of nil, ^^:i;3ti3r)ttofit,\)nlucifbrethciigl)3iU)£rc: JZbci c ojjs fo tnanv hatching fu; tbc ballc, toijofc crcs bv Dcnillitlicartc, J did Dccciue anD bicarc. jp-inp being of migbtierbirtb ano bIcDD, ' of greater fauictbcn I b^jfarrc ntoarc CClsuloc baiic pjcticntcD mcc Ujitb inanp a fm;b, Uccaufc 3 foug'jt iljc fcatc,anO Papal fea. flnD \u!)cn 31 faluc 31 coiilD not rcacbc tbc mdrhc ano 3 lu.uitco poU):r siW^i fricnotbJp tcoc; tClito comuration 5 gan to plarc mv parte, anO crafrr Ivc tbev: niinDcs i alcercD ncicc. 2^i)2On5bM'5'''J'""icican0 Inuocation ,3 calocup jDcuillUJitblDljouie ^ Dio confarrc- Coiie')i"g»"r'"-'^f»'-/'0'i""f^frf^^r''*^o^r. to graiint bnn b req:icil) l;a: luoulD eralt nice b^rre^ ESbus being conucrfaunt U)it')Dcui(lfg Icng, lOcp.MpOcan'j bflpc JcraticD cucrv oave: JTbcj^ aunfUjrrcD ma Uiitb fpe.irbe of plcafniint (onguc, to oo; t^jv't; bell i|?:j: U?oulo uct CicUc no; I^n;:f . * £> 3 X-^ut •• The rewarcl^ if cije p>o^ ^"- fi"*^ ^ ^"^ both coucnaunt anD botoe, roue to ti»e in p;efcnce of tftc ftUUvc Prince pfoarbenrCre: z^eutiu jrtjat all t)(0 iLaU)cs tufcrnall Bl OjoulDc altotDfy anD tt)ercUnto aODictc m ^ fclfe bp p;a(tife« ^/j*/ cnbicbc graunf CO Urns , anD not DenvcD at all. CAkiUhs to Mods Caballus, a pUcc not Dit!antfarre, la a Ccctcu JnaclcarcDdve tbis pitnci infcrnail '^^"k ^h 5 nictte, fo clofc no hums boor Inarrr, S^rl i a utu Jn ^ €t)amb;c tticrc ,bim ft Ifc l?a Dio p?rfcnt itfitijj u in Uitcbc apparcll, ano C?oloi*n rarf to ftti Uoiiw, j^M^ croUjneB t)p6 bis tic.)0,^.ucht luitb ftonee iDjIcnt: Ipbc aatcli:c robes fcatlj lut tanc fccnc toitb c^jc. fl fffmclvf f.;cfp:c renting miDlcapc* a ilaturc lucerc aa might bcc tlio'.Hsht m mhiDo ipis coun^f nauncf ll)clbO ,a piilon berve f«2.P» ji Prt. U)horcU^^llfam:iif,! vtn.cilo^.tbtjs jJio^nDc thonotArn i^ljUS C02pj;a:c h!'C .. Protlionot.uic, 16 unicr- o:of:I)clro;!Dri)cgica:cft pai'ccof all: OanD;ttj: ctliaf Irdsitthrntl) .t js falocbntomcuio;\jc: iD^trct*: ^"^'^ XuS2raan:tDiiiivluirboulDcnuiIl^ u>!)o:? itUr; j;:2t^crc^ccftraun(cDnicc mrhcar'rsorfirf, un f^L/o' ''^^' ^ i'^^ •* ftjiiiio bo: y^^[ii tlie ncrt tbu: Uias: ijiiii r.icv, wii»r.c:i toitri the 1 Iicmxc U\.n\\ bfurt oi> (ire, f'UO?iiafti inaicTOnxitbinuahtiopulTr. ISfhoiuthr £S',enU)Ui)a ^ i3..tfctMttirn? b»boU)CiU>acq,utiCdnDpavOr, It p;cu DC no: (o Uib^n all MiAH (ugOc ano oouc- ofwickednefle, J tm'^.c acfoimtc to pjofpcr nmctenc rarc» mk rrutf to anoclaoiJU)afiaBanymanr.;igbrbff.* f^ £atUt 3Jtb3u;bttoniaketbrmaoiipcboitfairc antinare» "^ tut v^c 5; U;a6DC(cruOe,ct)e PciuU tailco mcc. Innoccns srtlwtnamc.tbctcnthB DieD'sljf. tbt 11 bv il}C moS elcftionsivlacf b luas ^: 311 ttc cbavic cf pompc, jfi fti etcUtc my fclfc on [jcrsb^ fo; pope 3: luao p;oclaimcb byano t\>, XZ\):n Alexander ti)f Ort^babtoname, anball fo: dotrmm^attonof oegrs: Cbus rrrbrlcCTc Uomc agreeb fo tbc fame* botbc Uitcbc aiiD ]3o);r,tbcn U)(Q)U it fo to b^, ff ba0 luas tbc 2prf cr, tuitb tbc 2:riplf crotcne, oucbterounbc about U)ttbQonc6cf Uiojtbrcpjrc^i (^:tonntrbcaDDc)mcbav;cof(latclrrl\omC} igraticn fubf ellf bv curious craftv V)icc. flrapco in robes of glcaring beaten CDoloe, buitb pearlcs bepotbcnb bcre ano there m Cgbt: jano at mp fate in banDcs bib Caroinals boloe, aUorcof&ncIlmettallcoai{)CDtgbtc. J treabc on TiiTuc, e acbc fotc 3 fct on grounbc, abouc mvbcaDU)a0bo2nea(l);rneofgaloe: Cache hncc fell to the earth, to beare mr vjovce 0; fonnW> U)bo Ujcnt at libc rtpc,tbat Jj bao tahe 0; bolDC/ Binges ano U>2uue6,U;itb noble pcercs 3 b;ought uifeareana aiuc fomucbe,tbei?burU not route, Ebem auD their countrcrs 1 fjcUt i bjougbt to nougbt to inee ano mine that U)oulD not bolrc ano ftou*pe« fl:i Italic in mp tojatbc 3 rente anb fljcofte, oil CbztQian p;inccB jH tocrco night ano Oare»* Jban Qj'ttnijcs.tbcirrcgalireatcsJtmUc, U)bo ourft to moc^ fo harbcc boe 0; (ai^e. ^noarci The rewardc l^nour PtJ lihe a c:^ of Ni^roinancic in^ciiuiisfirft fJiqiicnt. ftjj)u5i£g. CCltje.i aBmrfcriiauntintomv Ci3arcD;oabccame, S" mi ^'^ ^°P^ ^^ founoc) all Dccfetc m Uitcbe araj^c.* ciG t'ouitt 23bat fff mcD as ba tbougbf a tierp c ariblr man, curftDQcts. iC^fivbomcafravDe.mijjferuaunt tame bis loa^. 0nD all a frcigbt to me be f f Is tbip falf, U)"i)!cbD:cU)cmemamajcar.DmuGnijminDc: Pt t affcr a lulitle, 3 ralDc mv nun br nr.!iir, aiiorciitbP.nonceagatnctbcbffllictofinDe, Sbis brtjljc iDitb iTOloc p:cctons rtonrc Uias bounOc, Jncn^rfoiicO(I'].jinctoiIcQ:aincntbalfcfoU)cll: 0.j;ii^{ircma:iC!c tbcre UJrS cont;ii:iDc tbc groiinO , t{j;oi;2!)3tit tbe earib tb«. ic Ujjb not aii^ fu:b. 15ut lobcti iTiTi man fbc ^nrn:oabc cntcrcD aGainf,bc founoc tbe pope iavuftmg bp ano DoUine: ^Itbonab bt^Uirrc afra\?oc,vct nianl-f^ ticntrco, anDfainoc bmifclfCyas tbou^b Uc feugbt a 0oU)ne. I3ut ofwickcdncflc. ^f (trdbl^e ftHs pope tuttb fparblittfi lobe, ( (arde to mf man ) m^ frtcnDe tntiat Doed t^oa httti Q&Ebcrc at Ha Q)^nbc ro;gett(ng of tbc bohc, almoa^ft iollbtstumDefo;t)grco;eaDano fiare» IQ^itl) trembling fleCbe anon tIjusatinnuercD bee: CHf aun fo2tbe \aopc3conie to fctcbca ©oUJnc (bee fapo) fi^p« cf the CQbat pope f (qnoD tiCon) pou bauc no pope bat jjitt, ^^t^'^'^Ji^j, , ano3amba>tbatongbt to bee obcfOe. (n;9(irc ait* Vaitb tbte uij^man rctarneo bacbc agarne. fiixc: of ant) tobat bee fatoe renealcD in mpnc care; a^^atn:.°" fSlbicbctoben I bearoDiomurb augment mtparnc* ^ ' '' ft;oeatbatbanoe,3titicU)tDouiO Sratgbt appears S^enGrbncdcbto rncrcare,ca(bcboU}cr mo2canDmo;c« anD at tt}c lcngtb> ttme gan to D;aU)c Co nj^c : ^nclibcamclTcngrrrap{:tngattkccoK» ta)ttbopenmootbaU)avc oifpatcbc gancr^c, t^itbtbistbcccD;c0ab;oaDcganflr(*9 ' ano rtiQjtng in bcc comes to ipcat;e tottb ma: 5f irft lDo;o bee fatoc: ballc ba&e t if patcbc ( quoc bet) . tbe time is (cmc,from Dcatb tbou c^nQ not &ff» SL\)cn 3 obtcctco to bis cbargc full fo^r, tbe fo;mcr p;omifc ibat be maoc to nieic : ^'a^coiuiri \j^oU)c 51 ougbte to hue cpgbte ycerc bf coucnanCmo;c : jj j^,. ^^j, Sno if a leucn ano cvgbt obferucD bcc uwhb ctaf^ (£iuoo bee) agavnc mp fap.ngcs ron bauc mittahcn, »P* pjonwfe ctcncn scares ergwt nionctbcs luae all j meant: i^^ p^omife to obfcrue i bane not ^ct fo;faUen, of clcacn )^cerc0 cpgbi monctbcs uot ouc coetb Isattt* if ull glao 3 Ujouloc bauccrau'ee a longer time, butallloajs batnctofpca^Kbuu fav^eatall* IsaitberuclllokfS.beeauiltLcrcDi'bcu art mtnc» C))Ouil)aUluitbma:,into(t;e laUc ir.firnall. e 2nd The rewarde 2no ttiad be turnoe 1)10 bacbe ant) toent t)id tuapc, tbcnaraigl)tm^Co^p:3>Dto tclDtpt)ttaIl b;catb: ^i? Vvofullfptntc be tobclDttb^tm tt)at oa^c, U)i)erenou?c Jlamto;nienteD tDitb DoablcDcotti. HocVu^at KX i^ to tDOiibc b^ Comuratton, o;toOeaicU)itt)Ociiil0bi7U]icUeDartc^ J. X^cboloetfjeenoeofailabomtnatton, te8tntngft?j am 3 not locll rctuarDcD fo; m\j part? iContiircte a Guerdon mate t0 \^cU,fOJ fuctc 38 J, f Indian; f (jat fougbt fo ttiiicb to fittc in ftattlpc feat «: (j^oU)ctoboiflPope)t)nt)appreU)jctcbf3trtc> ti)a( am p^eparDc to; &at^it0 bobe a batt(, inf ^s/?' toe iMorplicus:tbn0 3lDiobcgfnneano enDe, co^t> begin ji Icftc mi? &onnc U);tb all mp \itx^t9 of rrcafnre: v.\\\x makj 2uij;3tigij al tbc u«ilo,tbcrc tuas not one bt0 fritnof, \^f^ ^'^' pa);c ano ritcbc ttill foagbt bis great oifplcafurc. Bi Ufte bis &taer(U)bomc botb U)ee two) (5oMre a0oftca0plearcDt)6DtDbreanDtake, aic9 of out Carnalize eacbe nijjbt ano ba^e tea hnr toe, lli? Bo J?a^ a common Concobinej oto mu S)augbtcr mabe. • 3110 toftb tbefe toojocs, Mneg^ra f omrnc tb flying, • a tboufanoe nelue oemfcD plaguc0 Cbce b;tn0C0: SiZ;i\ic bcare (quoo (bee) pour iutt rc^arofoz Irinfl, ^ano tbcrcUJtrbal areat flamc0 of fire fli?ngc0. ;L^h:0 Donctbee tben ocpartcs a pace> toputtnbfcber tOGuteDcaiicaroe nature: fl oeatb It u>a0 fo; to beboloe ber face> n o; elfe to beUie ber bg^t^c monaroii0 Mature* Mbercattberableofalltbt0recbc(r0 rambr, immeDiateIpe liUe bcolenw ftocare ano (tare: 3nto tbe boUoloc bole of alepoe0 tbct^ fanche , Uibere furiou0 6enoc0,tber; flrtbe in petce0 tare. SCbntf ofwickedncfle. SCknit^^^Mltfsi, andfleooatof onrS0t)t, \»itb carefoU tr^cty oor rot^fal tires tbei? fifeet 2Ct)e{Kttt»ttbdoiD9e6or fearefall trkefomemgt^tf ftnDD;(aoral Darkettes ronnoc about luos bttoc. ^ct man? tott bebclDe,U)ttboflfi?nngc0 anD oblaf^onf tbat app^ocbeD ntgbe,fo; baft tbe^ beaolong came: if ricr l^iiOjc bare tbe Crorre,Clarfee of tbe fcffton0, a mrmber of tbcir Cburcbctbe pop«s olune man; ^^^.^ j. jj SDboaranDr5camekntpbnap,pdttednoonl5eaD(;0, ^ ^ ^ f jfrtara^nnkcf anD j^unnes, came after iDitb baff, II0 botueo pjgrtmeff, came ^tuc6 UitDolnes 1 ^aioro, oftbe boipe jjdopes U)o;Uc8 tb« frutccs fo; to taft. VIbome iDben H CatDeitbcr; (!ate 31 Dtb bctoatlr, Uiitbtearcs afteepte atboufanotimcfimg facet dla0,the? fougbt tbdt mtgbt nottbcm p^euatte, tbc pope tbetr (2I>oo,lDaBmalDofut cafe. X^a b;orlnetnfire,anDenO(e(retDoeano patnc* anoaU \)iB fccte, tbei; taffeo cf tbe fame: ifo^lDo;iDti7plearurc,l^cin0 alUbc^; gatnei ISeSoeoneartbanluerladtng t^atm^ C^oulDc (DoD tbougbt IM this ntt* o;car^c dk amc, mi? coantre? mtUt toere p;crent notsc lotrb mc: fl>o t)ctDC tbe pIagne0,U)berc paptftcs Dec remains tbattbcn tber miQbttbatfiltbpefaOitonflcie. 0nD turnc to Cbitft.lubtcb fuffcreo fo; tbtp; fabe, tbe bloope butcbertng l^ope fo; to oetcft: 3pibcaltbanDlDealtb.tbe^;p;arer0fo;tomabrt to (DoDof mtgbt tbat grauntetb our rcqncff. )Bat tobilc tbat tbns, 3 toa^loe tbe toant of faitb, aVDare (qooo Morpheus) Hctg pacfecanDgct MBffcncti lanpbrarcfttboa noronegarpmgfo;bi0 bjiatbcf jSca(quoD J) but imm not U)cl from tobcme Tlie r. ward? SDhe tnoftill no^fe tmttfi (ome«no; lD')ere U is^ gcoema tbgbanoc(q'40D bee) ant) b^notfracM* 9|t ii fome d^aitc relD iroed foi \)\b miffe, U)Dofc CiUcfull crscd)t)i0 Isicbco life bctuja^oe, \ ^ Hi/ ;74w< />!/ />^, his 4lles that did complaint, jiiiat fe^e wordes heanafter doe remained •mm ^ T'ke bookes vtrditc vpon this mcf^d Pope. OGoci howc wortfiy is thy namefThou art our Lord and Kin^ As many asconfclle the fame, to ioyc thou doell them bring. And fiii;!i as doe thy name denye^and rob the of thy glory: Thou doft confound them by & by.and dashe them out of memory. All recreates thou doftknowefull wcl,no man can hide from thcc : And all that \n the earth docth dweIl,or in the hcaucns bee. Or in the Seas or ftony rockes, from farre thou doeft behold The fov;lcs that fcile thefkies by flockes,and more then can be tolcL Thi rjfcrnal lake quakes at thy voice, caclic fiend doth how le and yd; And thundreth out an odious noife, when they of the hcare tcll» O nithie Tiraunt then to thee, ( I fpcakc) that tookc in handc Among vs all a God to bee, to rule both Sol and landc. And heaucn where the Lord doeth Ht,and hell where nowc thou artt No doubt thou hadft but litle playe tha: theeuishe part. It is to tx//fAv«/»<^r tliatjWith open mouth Icric: V Voi worth the time he fpared not,to leadethc flockc awrie, Loe, where he is tliat ruldc the roll, and euery kindc of feaft: Vv'hofev.umtina; tongue would boafl.he wasa Fatherblett As well within the holic throne, as lowc in 5//^u« Lake: . (take. And that he could both vp and downc, bring whome he plealdc CO Twenty hundicth tlioufand foules,at Malfe he could remouc: VVich fcalingof hisBullesandfcrowleSjOr waggingof his Glouc. So could he piil them downe from God, when pleafed him agamc: . As thicke as fUkic fnowc abroadc,or miftjc droppmg Ra}oe. And ofwickednefle. y^nd tfnu dbe wvolfe dcnoured our good,& nude ys Haues Sc dnidges Sackt our countries,/poyldc ovr kk)ode,and made vs hue like (nudges • Kilde our fbules and bodies two.deflowred wiues and maydcs : And kept from vs Chhfls tefbuiiet new, and gaue vs bels and baides C^dc rotten rellickes^ockes,and (lones, and Ceremonies blindc: With (linking pardons for the Donce,tofcedc our foolish niindc. Thus with his Gods both deafe and dumbe.he ty fte vs from tlie Lord; VVhich (cnt fiom heauenCJinfthisfonne.asfcripturesdoerecorde . VVhofcprccious bloud hath made vs free,from hell and all hir (ling And hellish Pope from thine and thecjwhich God his people wring. . I yrke to name him any morcand faint within my breaft : Ven jancc doth vpon him rorc, the Lorde hath thee deteft. Thy luft rewardc among thy mates, with lading pames is quit: In flashing flames bcwayle their ftates,in dolefull dreadc tncy fit. Yet would they fay that with a maflc,they could 'VUgethon quenche : And all the foules that damned were, deliuer with a blenchc. And yet themfelucs lye broyling therc,in fire pafl the aownes t And with their Idoles fweate & fwcare,thougli here they fat in thrCs Me thinke them fooles that had filch fkill^n fetching (oulcsfromheh And be compelde againft their will, in carefull Caue lo dwell. Sith Itidie had caufc to ioye, at this vile Tyrantcs death : What caufe haue we to thanke the Lordc,that arc reflordc to fay th^ From bondage now arc fet at large, and woolues deliuercd fro : And therefore duetie giucth charge, our thankefull hcaftes to sha Lets lift our handes with ioyed heart,that liumg be this time : That Godi true worde in euery part.may flonsh fhll and shine* Let Alexander fa\!e him felfe, with all hisholie flcill : For with his rellickesandfuch pelfe ,hemay doe what he will Nod;nibt he lyeth there for fport,topafic the time away.* Or elfc to vrwe the greate refort, shat Ladies Psalter (aye, Perlmps that Purgatorie paincs.he will to blifle conuert : The fillie foules that thereremainesjshalltalle no moreoffraart Fic on him fie,and all his mates, the hcauens cur fe him yet : Of flaming hell he is the gatcs.and guide to Stigutn pit* His flmcking Mafles let him take,and Ceremonies blindc : Doom Gods athoufaoddioughhceraake,accordingtohis mindc. D3 Yft 53 The rcwarde Yet he and they doc perish all, the fcripture prooucs it plaijK t So doc as many (lippeand fall^as to his loarc doc leane. But let vs buildc vpon the rockc,of ChriftcsGofpell pure: Sowcc with him amongQ his Hockc, for cuer shall endure. Whereas one God and pcrCons three, be pray fed day and night* And where wc shall for cuer bcc,alwaycs within his fight. 5^ Young Tarquine rerpardcdfor his wickfdncflc. ^^ CKaijc tot'tl) all rour pla^nf cs ano bld)bcniig (car? <^ ^^^ taourt4rcftillcrpc«(^ottjpmfllcnccqode: '^!l jffozbcrcbetjoulocrucbcrurtncOicappcerg, i)f all tbc rctt but J no Iwig'jt batb felt t(jc like. BclKboiuc? l3tr foice on me toitb Doubl; fpuc» i^o patnc to mm;, no; none fo U>o;tb^ blame, 09 j^ Defcroe, SUDcUconff ffc (be (amc ^p;rbr, ^ittti of mtrcNcfe rajfcanoall, CSQo tDo;tb tbe ftnie j tbee oclisbtcD To : £:bou mace mecltmbe bntttl 3i caUbt tbc fall. ^ot onct^ to mv fl)dmc. \i\A alfo cnolcfiTe \xm. d^b^oQQb p;rt>^> } (on botb loue,ano bono; long a^o, P;poc rulcD mc To mucbi no goOncHf | resarDcOr !Ibercfc;c fo; UitckeOncOre beboloc J am re U}drDeo^ jS>f noble line ano racCtbefccnccD I9 lanc a Uuier loais.ano Uulcr mtgibc banc bdrne» li5ut vet nip bcart tnU};et(l;(Dnr(rcbU(re : 3 fcarecnotoo5 agroct) tbetr \}enoanre fb; to poute On cartb fo; arc : mv- name Ji ItainDeano CjamOe, xLtiUS ma? rou tearc bcU) j am Jnlllt blamce. Ko mv Dtrp2avre,anb to tbe p;a pre of fome, VCiat \)\: m\:loirc to bonottr i great p;ai!re bauecomf » ^itb Moi plicus tboo art ftrrcanb bjougbt tbp fricno tuifb yse vuitntfTe of tbc \jooz tbat Tarqume bpdetb bere : (tbft ^ttb poe(5 bc^ue pcnoc tbe iDtchcD life of mce, iDf mp rduaroc tbou ma?ft repo;te toctl bere. Soi tbe pnrpofe none mo;e meetcr tben tbcu bere : Jt iB no councell tbat alt tbe iJDo;loe botb bnoe^ i^o; ^ct fo;got, tbat luas Done long agoe. ifieonraptne,tb}ougb gutlefuU trcafonlD^ougbf) j?(e on tbc flDclUng flcO) tbat foule anb boDie ktl0 : if te on filtbmel&,tubore enbe 10 euer nougbt, ^nb fic on folI?,tbat all goDH maner fpilff. SDabe btsbe all t?ou tbat folloto aeO)!^ \Dil8. i2)f me pjoUJoc Tarqumc mabe a mirro; clere; &o mav vou Hjunns tbe pames 31 (uffer bcrc. 1l3ebolce,lDbcn BJ cio Lucrccc finbe in beb, ^ 2Lt);oug;)b4rm£fullCh:igi)tp;emeoitatcbefo;e, XMitl} nabeo fU)o;Dc m bano to btr 3 fapbc : Confcnt to mc(quotb jj ) clfe Ojalt tboa hue no nw;0 : The rewai'de nv ^^^tv flc({)s t!)t8 Haincbc Qiall earue fuU fo;e: X^iti ioill J Qea tbc tt)o.:(t ci)^ boufc toitbtn , 3iU ma^ rcpo;t ^Q Isere commuting Qnne. tSabtcbVt}o;ct0t)ft>ram'Q)C Colter noble fence anoMfe, Sbat tremblingly! (bee quaUes, as Doctb tbe :Hrpcn lleafc; jfcare ftreigtitcompelD bcr quabinglpe to Qt> Ltke as Qjee U)oulcc Depart U)ttb Dttall b;eatb9 SLbe nahcD &\i}o;De in Ggbt^tl'.l tb^eatning pjcfenf Dcattt SLtaB i raaifl)t a HaOge botb tiertuons anD cbaQe» €S3berfo;e J| am copeloe,(dla5) tbcfe (o;olvc0 to ta0e, ISSlbereat eac^ tongue oiD taiUe to m^Xii(p;a^(Cf 0no (o; tt}e fame, 3 baniQ)t vsaB fo; euer : (ditb tbcn) all mp podcritie a^e euermo;e oecat^fl, . Hoe tbu6 tbc Cl^oO0 tbeir bcngancc Doe Dcliucr : . IBctoar IcD be tbe Da^e tbat tbcn j DIo com tbitber, flmong mp tuicUeo ds oe?, tbis onclp U)jingmg banocfi , aias flic maketb mone, ffomeAtroposfquotb da) maHcbatt tbat Ji lucre gone flna f rping ttil!, come Clothoe ome mabc fpecDf , tt^f Urcrccc ufe^ Vnttome tbe fatall t^;«cc. ofwiclcednefle. JCften partoii cratico flja of Colatinc Cotatint ano of^irfatbfr Spurius bpano bp: f^^ci?5 ^^ 3 bau«5 maoe offence, too tumjtb tbe lui'c&eb time. Zwcr^l:*. ; SDbuB luixping fa^Dc tbis ilaDv rufullp : 3 bCiUing tbis from rbcncc Dcpartco fpemfre. (tf arcff, ;3nDUft in u^ofuUpligbMbisSDamc D;oUjnD Uptoitb ^bofe DcrtucB,in tuomcn full rarelg noU) appeared. )lButa! poti lLaofe0,tClfucg,anD £patcf£; car be one, ^f lubat Degree o; t^et eftatc von bee: ^0 ooubte altbougb Lucrecu bee gone, as mpirour mare remame , thts if o^ve tubcn t?ou fa* ^0 map pon learne tbc ^iftc of cbaflUpe, CH:iat lone pou ongbc pour bufbanDca foj to be are, 3nrpenDm0ofbcroaie0,tbcp;ofeooetbplatneapeaie. £) Uj;cfcbcO toigbf (quoo be) bol«e Dare 3 Ojetur mpface^ EbceartbDoetb tOitatc tbiB luilfullattcof mjjnc: , 3t is.ano luilbc JuDgoc J tuanteo grace, SLbus loCng bononr, | Qepnoe m^ i^nnctcntCB Une. dtall tbarbearemp name, tbe people Doc repmc • l^ea tbc berp tloncB tbat m tbe fireatefl Doe Ige, Binto tbc l^eaucnB,tpon tbts crime Ouc cr^c Ebcn luifijeD fija Ipolas bnppre cbaunre , iDi Virgineas cnDc.o; Didos long agoc : (bauncf, ( ^uoD (bee ) tbercof tbts DaDe , faife Taquine (boulD not Clbat notue fo> euer, (bame ab;oaDe (bat bloc. i3nD(balImrbufbanDU)a:tebmircrui.Dro^ Ebat (l)all b£e not,(quoD (bee; a (iLm^Dc ^k f o^ie. Bin blattering bloiD , tbc tit alt b;eatb fo;ra>Ue» Hoc Morpheus , a !a0, notoe bane 3! toloe tba all , flno of my bemg be re. tbc caufc iDbcrcfojc anD U)bf e. /JiniBc maipD thou tbmbe, mp gr ;ce U)ap \3c rv (mall, iibutit) mc life couloe not fo;meuv<^ crt>:. ^ I3ut ^ff The rewarde »nt luicfectJUclTc cranw beitgeaance , to tde fbpe. 3nD not toitljout a catifc (fte ©oD0 Doe punitK^e bate > ano Co ttiec ooe al t^em (i)at \m in l»6o;eoome Kate* jaut Morpheus , Morpheus, iith tbou feeft m^ lot , ;a blcHcD DffOc it ifi, tbe fame fo; to Declare: ifrom UitctJcanD p©;c, 3 p;ar£ tt)C |)iDe t( not, |l3;oclamie tiotoe toicbeD men rctoarDeD arc. if rem p;tDe ano U)bo;eDome,U)i(ljetlj^fnenDc« betoare. SCbc tim e is fto;t on cartb t^ei? tiaot to DUjell, I5ut cnolcs to;mentc0 eucr bioe tn beU • 31f mo;faU men Dto bnotoe , WM patne is bcare, Kiicn loouloe tbe? lotbe ti)c loo^loc tt)cp loue fo loell: ^betr pompe> tbttr p;tDc, ano all i\3m slittermg gcare, 2:0 pnnil^etbe paancl^e, Tome fcarc tuoulD furecompcll. ^11 treafon anD tlcOilFe fcauoe, fo; to rrpelL 011 Xnsintes traced no Doubte,tUti7 iDOulO fo;soef and if tbes felt tbe leaft of t|)i0 ms luoe* 36at be£ tbat blinDeD i9, lottb eafr ano toealtb^ aSbctr rautOjt beartc0 batb ouloe tbeir Witee as leaD: ^oDs fcare is gone, anD eacbc man fo; btm felfc, %o piircbafe pelfe tbe U)o;IoItng todies \)is braD» ^beCbtlDefo;gettc0 bt0 ifatber being Dcao, 2lo taSe of Deatbbim fclfe,no Dealcmittruff, ^rll gn^l^e gbod do bloloe^tbat neeoesalDas be rnuS. a las botsc tatne t0 all tbtng on tbe eartb» viSlbat care to catebe, tobat fcare to beepe it ttiW: tm\)at fo;rotoeit fctte0,U3berc (boulo bcc iope anD mirtb, BingcnDertngbate , tbere as IboulD bee goD luilK |B;ouoklng to;afb, SDbe bcrpe fpiritc to fpill. anD ipct bcboloebotoe euerre man Dotb toatcbe, ano luitb tbctrolute tbe cbo^ing ^0^6 Dotbcatcb^ ofwickedneflc* 0nDtbtif fare toell nottie Qstte ^on bencefrom mer, - l^ou bnotoe ms mmDc&eale in it as ton iDtlU ^p tDtcheo a(te,anD iutte rctoaroe tou fee $ ^nDbolDemi?patne tncreaferbcuer fitU * DcdarD tobat plagues fl)ec fdt bp fittea . So beare ber plaint J almott ioft mp totttes . jS)n tDbo;eDome ttiU iba cr^eOjluoe U}o;tb tba( U)i bt0 boor all toas blotte. ^iDo ficnos (dot tbonoerbolte0,at bim on citbcr OOe^ CSabereatbaooU)he0,bi0 careful face to btoe» fiCbci0 in tbt0 fo;tnace, am to tbcfe boiling beaten • )^a (lanoetb to tbe Cbtn> but loben bae DotDbetb foe t 0nD tbns tbe feeing Oarte0, ofte in bis bifagc bcate0, S^be fcare tbereof tncrcaletb Double tuoc. (moe. VLljus Tarquinctuas retoarDcD, ano fo Vuere tbonfatioctf 2Luat bao tber; fa ct e0 Oeclareo to tbe^; face , WDb^b teas to late 00 tben> to cr^e fo; ^race. * ' fTht Tlie rewarde j^ The rmarde of Medea for hir wicked a£^e$,andfalfe deccyuingofhir father, (leying of hir children and hir owne Bro- ther.and working by mchaiintmeiit. This hiftoric is mcruey lous tragicall, and a good example for Women. SDjcaDfull Stix, boplc tp tbp popfonrD flajDes, ano crucilCacusto;mcnts nclue Drutfc : OuiefcntenccMynosoftbcr;gtiiltIcffcbla)Dc0 tbat murDcrcrs banocs b^uc (bcD in an^i bDife* ^ou furtes fell, U)b? Doc pou pet Ocfptfe tuitb greater plagues nip panics fo; to incrcafc, l2nDfo;{to foctbcblcDoeofBlnnocents arife, Uiljofc mouibcs from crvtns^(^"93"(^ "^ucr ccafe^ 3nb tobcrefijffi ttmocbir beabe fljae call atojp, j;nU)ofullpl(3btascucrU)>etrbmtgbtbp, 3nDrob\?cbaunce at Icngt!) DID Morpheus rpte, iDt}ofe open laUics. gr^cD ttrcigbt to btni ano me. Raping Morpheus come anobjmgtbrfnnbelDitbtb^, a greater nttoes to Icarnc tbou Il)dlt m (^aH, i^f all thou bcilt perufcD iPitb tbine cpc, i \uo;ibp am tbc greateU grtcfc to taff e, 3ihnoU)ctboucamff from place tobcrcHellcn rem w, in tb trkclomc laljs Vobcreooubtfull £r>;agonB ba> !3no pet bir U)ic^co life ano mmc Cod bnoUics arc not to be comparQc,altbouftb tbat fljce, irci ccrtainc f cares liueoin aoultcric, (inobctrapcD birbufbauocgojo noble Mcnela us, i&ct Greece ano Troy at great moitalitic, G3C0 blfloDc, facl;t Ciiics, baniOjt gool c laU)C0, ofwickedaefle, (l^ef tbid hit fa(t)not balfe Ube mine atas) U)bv Dotb not be U b;avDe oat btr ainbtng b;e(bf ^no mv Dcfcrtea mucb ino^fe tbcn Hcllens teas, (l^clt fpeVD tbv rptgbt)oruourc me oncelDitbfirntb. Wixil nc -'ther rutbcnc; fptgbt> 0trrcDp pour beartcs^ \utll none of iWc once mosue pou to Dtfpatcbe > )i5ut UJtll vou altodref pla^c fncb cruell partesi mo;c iDiIbing oea:b, mo;c Imgcrtng Ufc J| catcb^* (^tiotb Morpheus) tobat 10 tbr name Declare if, lubcrc \i)a(l tbou bo2ne, Uibf art tbou plagucD tell i (i^uDtb (bee) againc, no mo2C J| iDtU not fpare it, Si^;x\i£ bad (quotb l;(c) 31 map not tarry U)eU. jQ'tbe U)btcb) VDitb grecnous fcribtng pell, (bee tio Defcrtbc bir tuirbeD crtmea anD name^ H am (quotb (bee) f o puntfl^t bcre in bt\U tbat palTctb U)igbt vuitb tongue to tclt tbe famc« ^P name 10 Mcdeafqnofb (bee) moS trctoe, caugbter ^ \uas to Oetes tbat U)o;tbp king: MbicbbaDtbciaammeiDbcredeeceofgolDepgretoe} tbe greatrtt leiodl ofanp cartblp tbmg. tSEbicb tpas mp ratber0,anD in bt0 beeping, iDatcbt \Dttb a 13ul(, tbat Mjas of wo;tbp migb^ jHiD a E)2agon luitb mtgbtic popfoncD fltng, tljatHoutlpbepttbiB Uammc botboapanDnigbt- $panp a Uiojtbp 1B:tnce antj cbampion ttoutf , tiAO ioflt rticir liQe0 in tenturc gluing. CQbicb ncacrbjougbttbeirpurpofcpetabont, ajnotbt no: no imn to tbts Dap but laibn Immg. Cii'ms^al ^enourcD thep Vocrc bp Ibc raucnmg of tbcff ttoo, 5^""'*'* he toft b^s life, tbat tbougbt to U)tn bi0 fl:Q)C0: SEhcreDeanesrottoIcnllpDiDaltmcnpurluc, tbat fo; to Die mtgbt ncptber U)iii no; cbofe. CCtiirb 10^. i The rewardc SKbicbe toas mt if atijertf cbiefe of ei:aUac bee fo;lte no llrengtbof a!l bt0 foc0 a mtte* 0nD set of treafure all, be fette bis cbtefe oeltte on mee biB E^angbf er Dear e> tbat Tongbt bts ctiefei; 3 qai^e mf jf'atbers loue toitb mo;taIt fptte, i pla^De tb^ ^i)o^( > (t)^ murD;c(& sno Cbe tb^fa, ^arbe notoe Morpheus, tobat a parte 3I pla^br* b? mr if atbcr Dcare m^ B;otber ano m^ Cbtloe; 0nb tDbat a noble qu ene 3 aftertvaro betrai?eO> luttb mani? moe bp totcbeo arte 31 b;otlDe, ji3nb otber fome 31 bamibteano eriloc, br SDeutUil&e loa^eB as loomen (boulDe not Doc ifo) tDb? tbe^ oogbt tottb nierci?e to bee mtlo^, ano not tbet; loickeo lotUes fo; to pnrfue, IBeboIoe botoe | d(d nature quite fo;rabrY fo; tb^s i DtD as true as bere 31 am: tRIben lafoD came tbts conqncS fo; to mabfy (falfc trairoor 1) tb;oa3b mde tbc aeecebee toanne. if o; arte of loir hco Cbarmc 3 araigbt beganne, fb; lafon faiic mp parent to bctratc: laoifmaioe mtj^atbcr Ctlrc agcD man, abanooneo bis boufe, toitb lafou rannc atoaj^e. 15? (ncantacion: J hmm it fo to patTe, tbat lafon aeU)eb0tbel3ull anDgricflglBeall: 0tcbi?u'oe all tbingcs as bis Ocfirc luas, fo;ofmp)£;ot{)cr3(caarcDbim poirel!, SDbat in tbe ificgall feate,fljottlo crotonc t fcepter been. m Colcos Hanoe it boteo not to rett: if o; iDbp mp jfatbcr fogrcatc an boaftoio rcare, toitb fleeu to age, toe tbongbt it toas tbe bett Set of wickedneflc. ]i5ut to efcape bt0 OanDcs, barhe lobat i Dto t 31 btlDe nt)? l5;od}er,bid armes ano leggea I caft SDb^ou^onttbe fSeloe iDbereas mt ifatber rio, CSibttb U)ben mr ifatbcr raU)e> fo til beftoe, ano hnetoe bis fonne tbod martt^;reb fo; to ba: ^Zaitb tBoefnll cbeare to set tbembppe llratgbt bioe. tojjeatbcr (alan) eacbe cboppeo p«cg Ui^oc b^ « SCbenootDiicbi^ 00(0 face, Doctb fumble (carei apace* ano bp in armes tbe ^rtr^eo beao Doetb eettc: ^b 0onne moft Dcare, alas (quoD bee) fo; grace^ ano man^ a tiitTe on oeaoli^e moutb Dotb fettc* j^ofben iDttb nat!lcd> bis face be rentes ano tearef^ tbat Dotunc tbe purple dreames of bla)D Doe (la: 0nD reai)pebeatbU)ttbinbiB faceappeares, bat tt|?U be cn?eD> (alas) Deare fonne fo; tbet* %o tell bnf balfe tbe mojmng tbat ba maDe> no ooubte ronr e^ts Itbe conbntcte fpoates iooolo rttHi if o; bcrpe looe bee pnlletb out a btaoe, to acabtntfclfefo; fo^rotue of bis fonne* 35ut net bis men ano fcruaontes cbauntte to come^ m^ careftiU if atbcr tbere tbep oio p;caenft €); elfe no Doubte mo;e mtfcbiefe bao beene oonet anb all tb;oueb mee, accurlt anO btfobeotent, SLben after ao;mes of manttsoefullpIainteS) perfUiaDcD b^ (acbemenas toittteluere: Jlibeas Apellcs Agamemnon, patnte«» J ma^e compare mp ^at^ers ojeirue cbareJ 5!Dben in meane iubile, tbat bee toas ffa^eb tbere» toitb fpeeoe from G)Icos Iaron,anD 3 Dto palTe if o; m? )i&:otbers funcral!,bee bniloeo Walters fa)?;9 to Sacrifice bpon» as tbcn tbe manertoas, Itoe^ The rewarde Hoe br m? if atbcr tba0 1 plartie tlje the tbafe, gains nature ano WomanboD mp 113;ott}e( flctDC lAno tfeo U)itct)crart agatnd tbc true bcleefc, ano Uhe a 2:raitre0,aU)are U)ttb I^^on flciue. l^aSe tbou euer baroc of anp fo t)ntruc i SLo plare libe part 31 tbtncbe Dto nf ucr none: f^a^c Morpheus ^ct uio:c nufcbtcre oto | b^eVofi fo; after tbiB i murocreo manp a one* ICbioagb Nigromanric , Efon befnfl oloc, from crabococroUco 0ge,| maoe btm t:ong agafnc: ILtuc(reanOligbtromr,aauicanDboliip, ano purcipe purgeo m cuerpe puis ano t^tnc. 0no Srees being oeao 31 maoe bcare fruite ngainr, lubtcb increateo m^^C'COite^nioK tbcn cuer tr lua0.* EDtj;ougb falfecraftf. jJraufoePclleus be nunc, by bt0 iQ)augbtcr0 banoes i b;ongbt (t fo patTc Qiailbome3maocbelsap,a5 Efonoto. tbat Pellcus tbep: ^atber t^otih poutb acbciue: 2no tolDc tbf m pla^nc tn oomg as i bio, bee QjoulD bee alterco nc\or,not feeling paine no2 grefe. SCbus i illuotngti)em,tbcvtbougbttttrue, (&3 DID Pellcus bifii felfc) tbat time gmo man: %W being aamt from age to poutb a neloe, bee fljouloe bee cbaungco bt) UilUng of a l$am» (S^betructbtDSdnsCbtngfoe) it toas m^ fefcbf , tocaufebis SDaugbtera, tbcir ifatbersbtootodirDt Bn oloe mm J baDOc tbem Qea ano VDittci? to luarcbei tiiat no man faVcc, \Dbcn tber to Ido;!jc pjoccoe, 3IBat (quoo 3) Itolje tbat pour ^atberbleeoe m one bclldl, ano UJitb this Ham at once: 0n5O (bat tbri?; oloc ifatfjcr OioniD bes niaoe fong: (aiafi) tDbtcb iDas not fo , but oncl^c craftc ofmtnt, to make an cnoeofbtm luiioinc Jibaobatcolong. Xbiiitxittm, br crafte tbewtDo;heaIa^ anooeao Ipctb iber; f^tber blabing faft. )Butbarbe,Morphcus barbcboUiU tbcncametopatrr, mircbicfc battj eaer bcr Doe relDaroe at laff . 31 tbougbt tbt0 iDicbeD oeeoe^tbat tbuB luas Done ano pafl^ iDoutoe bed bane pica fsD Iaron.tbenmp]lo;De: liSlbtcb cbaun(!e not fo, fo; b^ luitb all tbe bait flro from meequttMnb all m]?aacs abbo;be. Sinn fo to Corinth c, fo Crcon , JCbcn tbcftttlg bee tcDbe tits U)avc as Oraigbt ae tbtng mt^t bs : Wi\90 bao "I S>augbtcr calleo Cmfo, (betotttB Dariinfi) iDbomelafon marrteD,anD fo refufeb ma, CSSberrat 3>ame ^ame founo bp ber Krumptt b|?e, eacbc llatng care luas fillcD toitb t\)e fame: m^icb maoe mee b;oFle as U)bot>a0 glc|70emigbt b&» till 1 bao fpiloe tbts tCHOer nobie K>ame« QaSbfrb tb;oa6b Magike.anD bile Coniaratton» cofcr i innenteo luttb Diucrs letuels moe: ^nbtillpecontriueoofa Orannge falbion, tDttb tbc vubicb to Crcufo , j mabe mt fonnetf (o goei SCopKfcnttOc fame, tbatltuttpe LaOfetoe, iDbogratcfull^c recc^ucD it,but pet (alaa) begnilor? ifo; tb;oiigb mp arte, U)ben as it teas buDoc, tberc fl;U)€ f(D;(|^ Ute, tbat burnoe botb uian anbetUo. The rcwardc tontnmtt to ^wtt ^iB Haote frefl^ anD ga^^ft barnoe all ttit pallas fiue varDef tott|)in f||f sroanM : m;gcDlaron \)im felfitoflaatDati, o; circ loitb fire (yc bao ba;ne ar^rgbt confounD . flpan? a tDofuI 1 (jeare Bl ntaoe iotttttn tbat Ooanoc, t\)t CloU)DC0 (bcmCelues, beU)ai>Itng tcatm let falU SCbe ro(bc0 ano btllc0 b;ahe oat t^tix platnting rounoe* beftoe tUe suiltle(rebloDe,tbac oiDro;t)engaiugcalU fi)f noble lafon tbtf0 tbc bcarf 3 flctne, )ubo tbougbt to be reuengoe of mine in(i)aitie i %o\DSirta me tobcn Bl pcrcctn'De be o;clu» ni|? ttso fonne0 left aliue, iDttbout compaflion o; pitie» tKHbtcb luere botb tenoer, tor l( maocano tDt(tie» of mi? boDs begot, ano naturallfte bo;ne» Jfo; nialtre to tbetr fatber^D tbe Ctt(e, 31 cut tbeir tbjotes (ano maos tbctr boDie0 to;nc> WEiUfj lotloe bo;rc0)bp anb botone fbe (trktc , btOoe mDcb mircljtcfe ino;e tban t\}is be fur^. ! 3[n all t\)iB ttincblngbale, vtt oio tbou ncuer mktt iuttb ant! tojctcb ttiat did like greefe p;ocare* I3utix)boroeaermeanc0, uiUilcUeOnefTeto b^titt o; Icaoea^V^auntes lifctn tbcnoiball baue rctooroet dcco;Ding btB Dcrert0, tbi0 cannot be oen^eD. ^bougb mo;taU Qclbe tbereto bane no regarbe* flnDtben(qtiooQ)e) tboti bnobDett mp name ano tobf tbat 3 am tbas to;m cntt tn Stygion pltte , fO tbat toitcbCB ano Coniurcr0 bncU) fo U)ell a0 %, •f joac0 mig^ttc Dome tbat Dotb in beaiien Otte» ffben tooQloc tbep menDe,tr tbep bad grace o; loittef So feruc tbe to;De IdoqIdc fet tbep; tobole Deligbt t flno DifobcDient cbtlD^n toou loe tbeir follce 8icte» ^ oOureoie tb< lto;be at Ungtb oot|) (miu> ofwickednefle. anttoit^fttfe tDo;orsbcrpa !^ote flamc0 of Bre, at toounocB on enerie fibf, Ipon0er0 tuttb bo;ne0,anblotbfome loupeo eared^ Uanne on tt)i0 bD;ctct; , luitb gnalbing teett) Witi cr^eD. %\it bloDD br mnrber , tbt0 tDiehcD tD;etcbe bab tlicDp ttlponoereD ticngeaunce, tuboCe terrible noi^fe, ^captc Double pained bpon bee to;etcbeD bcaD, anDfitDetbatD;eaDeraIbalei (alad) U)itbisocfaInoire« 3lnnumerable o(Q8litcbe0,out of tbei?; Cabbin0 rore» U)itbf(remingrcrtbe0,tbeprclocD lonbe anD br0* ^ote^itcbe anD 25;imQone,carbe one on otbettt;o(e> Si bell it f elfe> mer tbougbt it toa0 to f^. €acbe one in banDr, bcgrppte a )i^tcberf bnife> tb9 blaDeB in fletbe on cuerpe Hoe tbe^ biDe: SCbe tb;oate, Cbe(3>utte0, o; nepte to riODe tbe life> tbc mt);tall toounDed tbe\> mabe on cueri? llDe« ffbcn ttraigbt toitb tbunojing lb;oatc Maegaera cr^De, come, Cacus, come, b;ing Double paine anD Uioc: lettDtcbecnetTe in enDle0 flames bee frtDe» iome« come, ttje (S^oDs dauc flf te it foe Thcrewarde at to!j(c!j came Cacus.anD Clonics of fire f^akctf , tno;e fi^arefuU farre tfjen blaSe of ao;mtng tuinoc CDacbe pittf bo^loc t)p,tf)ecra80i?e mounta^nequahccr, all cra^jjhns creepes , ttje ^nabc^ of ^crpcntrs btnoe. /^3 greater grieffy no oamn0Dfp;)?tecoalDefinDey iro;outorfi'iQ)e,togtei?or0of6lotX)ingcoalf, ifrompamcta paindfrompliice to place aHignDf. ano al to tojle ano teare tbc iDoernll foaie. flno tba0 Ids leftc ttiiB latr retoariirD E>ame, ano To aOicSoar felae0, to crooked Charons bote, VSlbere manr « toanoertng (pirtte,baD paOage b? i fame. tb;oagb boiling b;oatb>tb;ff ttmre as foifer t)ote» Mitb macbe a Doe, at Icngtb tuer pafiage gotr , ano Dolune tbe fmoabtng bancte^t \o» crepte on bna> SCgll at tbe lengtb by cbaunce it boas our lottr* ttuoinento fee to;tnenteD ioocfaUge. J^ The bool^s vtrdite vfon Medea. HEr caufe who can bcwaile, that plaide this butchers parte: Aifrom her father deare to fteale,that lou'de her in his hart. Her brother thus to flea , the Parentes hearts to kill: And witli a ftraunger ronnc awaye, to fecdc lier fleshly will TheguiltleflTcbloodtofuclcejOf CreHJo worthy Dsmel And all at once vppon a waft in fiery flame. Bcfide , her Children deare. hath wounde with mortall knife. The ftn ihng Babes her body bcare, bereft their tender Uk. What c)'cs can ftjnt from fluddcs, whcfeearesdoc vnderftande To cal to ininde the gyltlcs bloods, shed by this womans handcsf VVhatharmc by v/itchraft done, it pafleth tongue to tell: Or any heart to thinke the fomme.or hand to penne it well. ( Alas) whoe would haue thought, that in a womans breafl: Dame nature would hauc let been breedc (o much vnreftf But pfwickednefle. But hardc it is to truft.what CHcr that shcc bee : That to fiir father is vniu{>,shcc mcancs the fame to thcc. But loc you CTi:c!l Daincs,tliat louc yonr wils fo much J I fpcakc it n»w to all your shamc$,ir there be any fuch. ^*<^4 now is gone, that all the bate did brcwc : Take hcedeamong you there be none, with hirto proouevntrcwci You vfitchcs all take fee how God rewardes : And what appoynted is your mecde, that diuclish a£les regardcs, Lcaucof your inuocation,yourcrosfing$ and your charmcs : (Alas) it is abommation,and doth increafcyour harmes. You parents it is time,U) lookcyour younglings to : Leaft with this Prince, you fay in fine.hcartes eafc and child aduc. Kccpe in your daughters ftrayght,bcft counfcil I can geuc : Leaft that perhaps shce catch a bay te,that both your harts may grcne. And bring them vp in fcare,and godlie bookes to rcede : And then be furc that thou shalt hcare.that wd thy chide shall (peede And banish wilie will/rora out thy daughters place : His flcyghtie shiftes will thoufands fpill,you know he wantcth grace Letbouldcneffe banishtbe.lay hbertieafide: And looke you neuer doe agree, to paint tliera vp in pride. And fo you shall reioyce.your daughters dayes to fee : With Helchutj lift vp your voycc,wlth pray (c ?' glad as hce. Thus Tarwcll Virgins all.God guide you in his way : I doubt not but Medeas fill . your tender heartcs shall frayc Andfithsheebroylesin hell, whereas rcleafc is none: There I am furc that shecihall dwell, it hclpeth not to mone. I cannot wcepc therefore, to th i nke what partes shee playde: Shcelofl hir foule for euermore,hir name is quite decaydc Take heede,hir gaines you fee, the Gods not one doe (pare : For this or tliat,lookc what they bc,rcwardcd well they are. g 5 ^ The Th^ rewarde l-^T'/jcypordes oftormentcdT^ntalus, hetng rewarded ^^ his extortion anclcoiietouCics.Opprcsfing ofdiepoorc people ofhisODuntrcy: And for other wicked a^cs. if anrbercbane caufc fo;focomp!ainc, matmdrc iDftctt)atp(neDamfo;}f(DDe^ BilDinjeanD tDantc,3i crauc bat all intaiue^ 31 fee tiie temptins fruttcanD To 31 ooc ttjc Acdd; ^bereof Co cau anDO;inbc> j toiCb none otbcr goiD. Sfailtteluo^lD lucre mtne,Q)arpebuugcrgnaU)e0 me %,Q ]^\xi ms bell)? filoe* al tbts j; isoulD fo;goe, (fo , f^Q tovc noa plearure,balfe Dotb glaD tbc brarf, j^o;greate(ltb(ngtbatm(noe batb tbougbt moHftDate: ^bongb all tpcre m tnc,in eucrp ptare ano parte, ano tbat eacbe man Isere kneeling at mpfeete, Hike pUafure to tbte lDoc,U)as not compareo tcf. ifo; bunger paSitb all , lubo bnetoe bt^ part tuttii taih i^o Deatb To baD> as Ituing tbu0 to bo. €rci9r. 55tj( U)ufectjne« toanfb not Ws iutt retoaru. SIl ton tbat brarc rule tberero;e 1^0 tDc ^on come tbercbr , It's beC rou banc regattt anD being mtgbti?, boto vou tfe tbc pcD;c. I^oiir otone tnflrmitres remember cucrmo;e. tirnAr. i^ctoarc of couctoufncfl, it's a Dye ano niegbt^e b«it^^ Ebc fatber of BIpocrtfie, ano fo;g(r of oifccite* 0nt) ambition is a p;ttif e poifom St'salfoa pcffilcne,coucreDcloirc: Plutm', Sbe rouriflbc of ennie, tbc fountainc of freafow, Cbe moutbc of mabe bate, to all mens loffc, &be biinocr of bartes, as tbc U)o;(o noloe goetf, Htrm, ^aliingof rfmeoies,t)ifearcs grcatefto;^, anDofpurcfalues,manragrcat ro;e. ThUm, 5Bntba tbatfabcsaboue fbcreCtoba, flno gapes to reacbe tbe b^bett fterre alofte.- «i cfwickcdneflc. 0Q Doubt manr timtt fojgtttetb tquitir> ^no alfo lattice, it platne appcareti ofte, > tetbo Defiretb gIo;i?e> tbat fo;tane batb not tkottti SDbougt) laloe a tcbilc , tottbin ber fichlc lappc, fit Ungtt) flije ItiutB bim caogoe iDttbtn bcr crad trappe. J5at al to late ala0 31 Doe confc CTc, 9e tukUeD crimes, lobe rcfo;e J! fnffcr ncfr e. 3n time anD fpacc,} UjouId not finDe rcDjctTe, SDo (SoD no; m an j toou lo not b enD c no; b o U) c: ^0 man0 BlaDgement but mine otutie Bi tDoulDallolue. Kept nt tbat life, 3 tboagbt 3 bao no nceor , ^o; a5 on eartb» 3 tt^ougbt eacbc Vubcre to rpeeoe. flCtongb foa mj belpe.confcflton come to late, ^^#« j. l^et in time , confeflion is a remcDic: itconfounoetb Dices, rettojetb Dertuc«to cacbc ettatc. S)euttle9 it DanquiOjctb, in grcatcl! cptrcmitie; ff be oe r«be tbi< U)o;lDlij VDcaltb , tb ^.'ftcs, m^t ns octu better p;a)fe, o; trpall bnt bi? mr, lacohnt, Sfo2 fnogcmenf toftbout mcrcic (s eucr Due si^otbem toat bet)nnurcifun(otbep0;r: IBut fare migbttc men,D05 tbintK ©oDs UJo;De nof true, SEbcr tbinkc to lioe,ano Dure foj eucrmo;^, . ;a3 3 mp felfe Di5, aia? 3 crpe tbercfo;c. ^^)tDichcDD(£DeB, mi? luoeoocdtllmcreafe, Bud putten me out of ooubt , mp patnf djaU ncacr cf afe, ♦iP/i«;«/. ^ne Da\? Damctb anotl^er from time to time , ^tnid, 0; tbat, as tbtnge ooe cbaunce to fall : ydiit tbe ia(l Dap giuetb tuDgcment,tiecIanng euerp crime Mlbenecbemants compeloe to mahc a(connte0fo;all, SIben fboate toojloeip loettb, Dotf) taftc lihc bitter gall Mbobatbfal!atncOU);ong8,fo;tengauncetbenn)all fiCt)'opp;c(ro;sof tbe p(D;e,Q)al periQ) b^ anob^. (crt» ^no boitb tbf fe tDo;Df 0, be fnatcbctb at ti)t tta, JSLbc fraitc ttJbereof, Declrnco to bie linpe : t23bicb on tbe foDatn> from brs moutb gan fler, dnD aooes Ujitb fUielling luaues bpon bts cbinne Doe \)it, y f t might be not attajnc tbercof one bit. iSut ttaruing ttanOf c, bet toane tbcfc ttoo fo; foDc : DifgairDc fo; loant of meate,tbix! careful Catttue (lob. anD losing bacfte bt? cbaunce ba Morpheus fprcD (iinDmc)tt)atfta)Debpcnabanchcaboue.* SLo tobome arcigbtlDapcbeEOjolDtcDjboolDcanDcrpeO, Come nare goo Morpheus aiU) faibcpainefiJ|p;cDuc.. ianD ofwickcdnellc.. 0nO Uiame all tbcm, to \s)\iomt t(}ou bcarelt lone, tnv ivtcbeo Ipfc , t bat once 3 Itvnt to flet : iD^o tbem rcfto;e c^e goDOOea got U);ongfollr* flno totat'c tljr name quot b Morpheus toonlDe % ftnoto^ ^rom tDbcncetboucamcoflD^otnetbouart DefccnpcD^ ano iDbi? t^ou Doelt cnoure tb s crncli luoe, C23f)at iitt tbou Done, tbc CDotiiS be tbu5 offcnoeo i ^1? attcs ( quotb bep) tntsbt toell baue bene amenoeo* )ButU)bcn Jiluas oneartb,anDbao tbe too^losat tuill. ^alUnnni 31 nencr tbougbt to D^e, but to baue UncD ailU 9 am tU Tonne oflupitcr^a C^oo of migbtie fame» 0nD bo;ne of Piotc,as luttneffe U);iter0 oloe> ^ 0nD at ms birtb baO Tantalus to name, llo;oeofmant!acountrte. J luaBadaptaineboloe, 3l5ut rbe canfe of m)? plague tbe )3oets baue mtHoloe. I^et Morpheus tbou fl)alt bere tbe caufe tDbcrfo;te an^ %}^t (2DoD0 atcarce me bcre to toa^le anb crte. (U?b? ^ome tbinbe tbc (DOD0 tcobc tengaanct fo)tttt fotme» |^oungPclops,U)bomcU)ben3U)anteomeate9 BnD tbat tbe Cl>oD0 tnto mp boufe oio come, liSteaurc fo me Tape j Qevue blm fo; to eate, SLbe poets tberefo;e tboiigbt that j tbrs fleeing bapfe, CZHae luDgcD bp tbe C3oD6 dliua^ro to bant f U)i(l) i (^i( ftill i ooe)but pet tbe caufe U)a0 tbt0. if 0; irt mi? countrf e none but 31 tbc cljafe : ^iibteatjnto mc tbcT? tocre botb far ano nte. Mbo U)a8 fo barote but tiaugcr of bts t&tb» 31 pluckt bim on bis kn^s, ano tf be icobt ato^i? f |5ut(a(a0)of VDtcbcD coanfeltcacb bourc mac } crte> ^Mh\t^ put It in mp beaoe, tbe p0;e fo; to fubOne In Phiigia Vobcr^ i rulDe> \3aM nolo foil fo;e I nte* * The rewarde tnSbaf coulo b« tbodgtit, tbat eart^lj? man mfobt plKfr. flDo pompe tt)c pauncl)e,o; fsDe ttie graO)? e^e < ( iliotbing at all) baf bp tbe lanoe o; feas, ysub a iuo;o of mv moutbi j baD it bj^ano br* 3itbougbttomomitabouetbc(!arrr ffe^c. a loocfnll cbauncc bettor . tbc caufers of mp fmait, Oabubcounrelo mee to pla?, tbc Er;antc0 parte* aU0, ala0>lobat grace bat) 31 ^iU tJD;etcbr» #*«?*' ^^ pouU,ano fpoilc, m^ fubie(ic0 a0 J oiw iwc. *° ^ot of reafon,tberi rentes 3 oio botb racftcano rcttbct 3nD anotbtr (o;t from boafe ano groanoe 31 rtD: Compclo tbem tobanDone familveanD btnreD, 31 bantlbt iDbome am lia.eacbc man Vosa glao to plcaf^ Idotb ma ano mine, tbat tbottgbt to Itae at eare» 3lnenerbaa)(noa6b)necoolD3|t£e content SCO take tbe U)o;lD as all m^ eloers Dto: 3 famtOjte tbe coantrei^ toitt) fines ano Double] rent, effcemingnot tbe mitctbat p(D;e mtn to me offreo, jgaptefo; gob6of(DolDc,\ohicb greeoilit Icoffreo. sp3ncptDa0mvDe(trc,eettt boUic 3i mtgbt, £)f Kitcbc o; ^wity all one,a6 loel bp lu;ong oB rlgbt. S.K 5i5alMorplicus,no\»ctotclltljcfumanDall, J iDill not leaac tbc lead) fo; ti}ii0 tt ie: ^t? feruauntes tb;oudb tber ; counfcll toere p;lnctpall» S^bat tbas Ji load coKupt, | cri^e t^crefo;e alas, S^be? feo mee toub fable0> to b;tng tbep: purpofe to paSie. ^nu in mt? name tbe pfl5:e tUcv fpoplcD quite, %o ma t)nlinoU}cn, lu^cn jk recem'De no mite« SCbas manp a fcoje, tbat ferueb met tbat time, SCtiat U)ere of bafe oegree,ano of tbe Qmplea fojt: 16? title of m^ name, alofte beganneto dime, 3no fougbt fo; reatv^0 of greater fame ano po;t: (jonnfelU ofwickednefle. SCo fpotU m^ fabk(te0 tbei? t^agM Q9la0 bono;eO of mf ^bieaee^ I mi? felfc it loere« ipo; tlievi otone aimsantage as i( Dto appcare, SDo piche tbem tbanbe£;,U)i(bm mine earcs f be? lobtTper, li&peootDti vOungbUhnauc0(quotbtber)in o^eaD i feare SLbc Cbarlea bee ntcb()Ut'0 purge tbem Uiteb a glitter: SSDbe pcDjett tuioolDf) btt Cure tbep ncuer mttt ber . £CbefatberU0, (alas) a begging out tbeptb;utt. caSbo pa^be not al I moe^a packing necDcs tbc]? mnS* 0nD To mp fubicites bcarfcff (alas) BE loS, ^1? bono; the Oecaidr,cacbe tongue DeclarDe m^ crime: S^busjpurcbaftc bate 9f tbem tbatlou'D me mott> 0no bare tbe name » fo; U)o;ttof almp line: ^bnstDeretbc po^e opp;ett,eacbe Da? bpmecanb minf« 9i tboufanD bungr^ ronIes,\Dttbtn one ^sre maoe 3I > ^o; meate anb D;inke> tbe coomre^ tb;ou60 to crgf • 31 tsas corrupt toitb couetire, 31 neuer bao inongb* ^o; all m? Uio;loIp trea(urc,t)et euer txias 3I neeopt, 00 fatt as I fpoiloe ,al tbe countrei? tb;ougbi l^etloitb tbe Cormorant , 3 gapeD ailDa^es graope, SLberero;e tbe retoaroe of m^ luicbeones came fpeoi^e* i?o; m^ crtoKton ano famtOjing of tbe po;e, ^eboloe boloe J) am qaitte, tuitb like fo; euermo;e. Morpheus, mouetbme acqnainfaunce to take go)D be^D$ Mbomc tbev appoint ano put in auctbo;itre) S.ettbembeefure,tbe^(ballaunrii7creU)i(bfpttDe> jf o; erto;ting tbe pa)K» anD otber eno;mit^e; dUbougl) tbe V mttlrutt^ tranffo;mit\:e. ^ut aluia^ cs DOC tbmhe^ on tbe cartb fo; to Dtuell) iintolite fo; comes Dcatb>ano rcU^aross tbem ful loci. ^2 M^o The rcwardc Mf^'btteb I to HUM tbem lubtcb lou'oe mk Ufti mtio fiftineDae nn? banDc8,but fucb as (augbt mce gutU # S^ofc timt VoiOitc mee U)o;a)tp,B| eucr loueD Uaa: ||^ piaaif c U)a0 alU)ave» »ti? countrcp fo; to fpocle^ ]tacinean:UibcrcofJlDiomi>nanicDcfilc« of tbanbcB | baue oenreo, SCbufl on tbis Isajloe, a (5ot) Bl alUjatcd made, C«)ma g5aj,greinJ|tt)ou8i)ttoDU)cllfo;fUfrmoae: tenbicS » 3t mvpiearureano iDilUtljc Countrcroio tnaaoc: ttteCeOaUfl. |^airingnoCapmncfo;rUc currt6oft^ep(D;e. 3f bff filoc not m^ biiggts, | tb;u(l bim our of iia);c» jgs fo; mcrcvc> at tnfi banot, it btattn not to traur, SCberOtobtttftorremrcboicr,kno;ccructIptorauc. Cbetc 31 tou'oe twincgloj^ moff, fja tDa« mi? f ounfcl ctjicff > lbant70 no j^nopiioate game of iDbome j fpalic brfo;e, pi(bti)ab9. ^j^^j pfijgy fyjtj^ a J tfarc mp fabicaes luitb tber; (dffr, fl6 a2)og8C a boiictbcp bfoe m p people pojr , ^f ILcUalcs ano ptchtbank5,3| aluiaicB bao great doit » (tObors)DbtfpermQta(e5,lDcre^orpcl5inmtntbfaD» jkl no tou6 in a « DC of truetb) tvitb falfcboD tDis 3 feD« f|5p tl»3u!Der«IaDen tof re, U)itf) Ujo:Id!e mpth, ii nC5 vet mine cfcs Oc QrcD lotjat jt fee: SLbongb all the U)02to U)rre (aTOe Upon a rocbe 3t ne'jer might baue fatiffieo m pue ct?f , jf mo;e tt)en inotigb, baO balfc confcntco mff, S miabt banc liu 't)c,in bonour af mp oaf c», )3nl) of tbr po:e banc luonnc i!iimo;tal p;atff . /'attiw ^^'^^'''«^oftD02lolT»mncfec,ficontttliJcnfrttmcff, jEo motnall cnotc,moa men it Doetb p;ouoUe ano bamcgln2rc,i5cstb tearhe a tboufano careful crimes, ill eucr? mifcticfc, Ujcfc tU)«,ooc cacr ttrife^a flroUe, 4 ofwicfeedncflc. flljcccptfaUCto&tcac(rc,2Ct)8tbinDC0ro^a(baMro'ie . - an\)nfruitcful ldt)our,a contmuall 0;paD anofcare, •^"i*** ja Ddungcrous a JUduuccmcnt, ^(jc auct^o; of oiCpaire* maineg!oj\'alU)ape£5,tDitbout rcpcntaunce cnDetb. %ijlborcbeginntnQ luitbont p;ouiDcnce 10: ^;ouobe0 tbc (!DoD8 to U);atMt)e people ix offcnDcfb. Wk^z glo^ctt) tn U2t0 0lobe,tbat tbinhcs bee Doct]) amtCTc^ ^uci^ ti^cit i^a; g ipctb UHe a guf ton, fo: glo;ve to ba bis, «w* f2Ii;)arc t'iif^ becfirtc into tbe &ktcs on bv^ i^na iDiQlctb U)inscfi aboue tbc &unne to floe. i«' Qdbaf greater foltie can bee tbcn to ronet Uitcber* d^^ 3t to;mcnte0 tbe mmoc, ano b;eahe0 tbc qutetc Qecpr 0> Jt bcretb tbe beart.ano mr;tbaU)artt tloitcbu'- Spanv mtferabte tbougbtcs, in tbc confrirncc it bdcprs, ItfljaUes bp tbe ftomachc,uiahing folurrB of f U)0(e0, Bit Q)o;tcnctb tbe lifcas tbc pbtlofopbcr fapetb) ^t mabes CbitD;en>« btnCfolbc^WtQicrB of conr ocatb* 3t Ueepetb from Doing CDoblpc c baritable Dabe0,* ^ jt caufetb tbe pnrtf c not cbcriQic btm feifc, 13ctng neuer frienol^ to anp man tbat necoc0> EJifpatcbma cacbe man of tt)evi pcrftrc braltb, Hoc^tbefc bee tbc fruircs of tbt0 Utic U)o:lD[p pelff» CSlbtcl) caufetb man, f n hue a mtfcrs life, tM Qofc enoc t0 Dcdrua ion>to man> mai>oe > and luife . ianDU)itbtbefetDO2Dc0,tbe UioefutlOUrc tn;et(bc )^i0 jBaU)C0 ope (afte> tbat boilDe ano burnoe U)itb bcafc: 2anoU)ttbcrrDllarurnarmc0,lDitbtio!cnccDoeftrctcbC| Jn bopc to catcl)c tbc aiegbtp tempting bay te, (eaie, tKftnicb banges on flattering bouic0 . tbat flatters bim to iSno to bi0 ino^io moutboecl!nc0 i barlicD 10 ful D;re> OQbc tbe bunsiri? (ouU,\voulo eate, aloar § fruite boiO (fli'C. ^3 )^n9 The rewarde SnD (IcdO on cuery fft)c, flDelstp U)it()bopHng to4ne9> "\M\)tvcitt bee aanoctf an incite about tbe Cbmnc: dS^bofe crncU ii^vi^ to o;pnlic>no Utlc craaefi, ^ttobentotaftcpo^efoulebeeootbbfg^nnc. 3t blencbetb out of 0g!9t,a6 tt bad neuer beenc. SSJ)e\\ (oucbcD frnitcooetb beat( bun on tbe tdetbe, 0ppointco bn tbe CDoo0>to U)o;He bint Double grtefe^ Mttb face befo;niDe ,al qnabmg Sanoetbb^) SLen times tDo;fe tbcnocatb) tbe Cattifr Icd^cb: /^ougbt els bpponbifl legge0,but rbiuncano bones to fff> Cacbe finger of bi9banDe,as bare as ansltns bobes » ^10 bellre as tbtnne,as out of feafon flolobcs . ipucbe ttbea (baootxie of tbe ^one bee ttdnbes, Qi3ttb reU)fulUbeare,OotbU);tng bis careful banocs. 0nD after a tobtle, amio bts to;mentes great e, ^ far cut (^UOtb bCE)^bMaraij Curius, bIclICD bcC tbp OatC0, Crnjiii. Xbou luaft tnDtfferent,tbou Dealt not lotto Difceate* 2:bou iuanS tbv Tubtecte bart0,f Vuana immortal p;atre: SI^bouU)a(laIouin8Capitaine,to men at al alTates, f;o; to tbi? people ebon Watt a parent icare, 2s b^ tb)? noble aae^.ainong tbem did appears. Sl^bon DiDa DcuiDe tbe forIe,b^ tutl anD equall Itne« iJno ro cacbc man, tbou fo;tte acrrs gaue: v:eclare it to tfip frinDr0,boU) cuer tbcv regarD if, ^oU)3l fo; ms kuukcDncfTc of Pluto am reuiaroco. %W\i)ill'iOot (quoth hc)tlic bed J! mat? o; can, %o all tl}e U)o;loe Dtuolgat (ball it be, ^l?\3o?ce Qjall tbuiiDcr it our Unto ccbe man, itie reloarDc of VuicbroncITc tbat nolo j fee : Doe fo (quoo Tantalus ) ano tbcrcUiitbali Dotbbcc yStt\xiixt tbefmitcanDguplefuU founttiincsbatnr, CSlatcbtng isiOjetb fffioe to cafe biB bungr];' paine. 0nti tbuj tDebofbbepartr, ano luent our toaf, SSubtB OKirt^e Doubtfull ^rf^rjeft toe tbere, ^bofe tbirtte incrcafctb griefe, to fee tbe p;a? . * SLbat beart iDouloe baucin ftgbt ootb ape appocre. ^tretgbtcame Ak^o,0no Qjs began t3 ftoeare .* (quotb Q)s) tbon opp;eiro;, tbp bunger 0ill tnrreafr, . ^0 reUiaroe tb? U)teKeDnc(&i bope not to baue releafe* j^ofionertyom (beballeploeretDegone, 513nt tn our eareg U)c bcarDea carefull cri?c, tGbicb favDe(aIa3) in PlutosUmgDomcnonc ^uaatnctb balfe ttc plagues tbat 3i ooc tadc anO tr^ti iftc one lDo;lDeIf tuo;bcs, fi^e bpon tbcm fve. (a^uotb Morpheus to me, malJCbaKe,U)cU)Ulgo fee, XM\30 it i5 tbat plamc0 ano monts fo grteuouflDe. 5^ The bookcs vcrditc vpon Tantalus. TTHc monftrousCamel.tliat Raping b€aft,& cake tlicfluggbh Aflc And Bayarde boldc, I may compare to many men alas . VVhich with the Camell beares awaye,thc masfic packc of |xlfc. Yet twifc as Ilowc as fluggish Aflcbut oncly for thcmfclfc Tie 'Thcrewarde Tliclot'.rome bade ofwuhcd wealth, the harts hath fobcwitdit: That Iu(1:icc,f. ictidship, pitie, and louc.away is from them twitcht VVitli bra^s they boul dly lcape& pIun»e,nothingthey do miltrufl: As ^* V Vliofccuftomesin their countrey is, to beaftly now and then. For oft their greedy pauchc dcuoures,their neighbors houfe & groud. Yea PaOurcs,Pajfks,whole ficlds,& Touncs, & al that may be K)und. V XHiich patlgtH1>eaft,or beaftly boncs,of worldlingcs for to bcare: Altliough their hcartsdocraueasmuch,as both they fee and hearc. The)' h.olceand holdcwith tothcaiid naile,by flightof wily bramc. That w'.uch we fee,each time and tide, dotli walte like ftiow in rainc, GooJcs arc ill gotte, which caufcth lolTejOrcndleffc ioy and bliffc, • To purchafepaines^wheieiaftinggriefejandtormcnte euer is. ALrkc thiswel you mightieswhomc,thc Lord appointestorulc, Lendc not your earcs in any wife, to Peter Picktnankcs (cholc. His flattering fctche doth robbcyou al,offamous honour due. Whole paintingpenfelscuermorc,rcprocheful colours hewc. And caufeih curfes of the poore,whofe plaints the Lord docth hearc, l.-^rclTinsiftreii'ht their care are neuer6lde,till gaping chappes bee full Of fndclic foile,and flimicfbtche,whereatthis while you piilll: And then your woeful foulcs bcwaile, the daies your carkallc fpcndt« -i^ In wickednes,and neuer could hnde any time to mendc. D It wordes are wind,what will you morcf No vertue is rcgaix^etf: ' ' Ec as be maic, thcn luoilol^ lueaUb tuas euermojc m y tbougbt. Iftodorm. taut cuftomc teacbetb al tbmgcs fljal litlc ba, SCbat to tbc fljolu femes greatc,ta)U)o;lDlr e^e. taUbo oiDcllcs in princes fauours tbat Unotocs bim fclfc, fi/j at tbc Icaft fo;gettcfi not tobat Vx lu^ie^ QQHtio lobes trot bpe, tbat catcbctb U)o;loli: Ujcalifj, 3 tat'tcb Th^ rewarde Hermes, ^tjicfj Qippes atoap as oc luc tpan tl)e gratTc. if i^e.on it fpc,it leaocs to moles fire, flnc mcarc ocCruction b;in8C0,on t^cm tftat it Dcfirr. 3i5at (nbalIepfilotDP,fbcqiuctftoU)clImgt?, £Jn loftpc mounfaincs , tt)c ftojining blaft Dotb blotoe : ^, . Ebc mounting Plicmx,a)allli)itflCffc bee of tbi0, ^«««'* • ;;5jt,o ootb full iuell,tbc bcartes of climbers ttjotoe. fCSbofc enDe Uhtb bcr,Dotb mcare oeUrnmon calf> iDbicb DotO from loftre fh^cs, beloloe to albcs fdU ^bo tsitb Icarus faemcs to 0i:ea lofte, £):U}itbtbtPinc,bi8fcllo\oc0ouergroU)cd> S^bat manp times, loito ro;tunr is not fboftc^ j^no tuttb tbc Pine, be rente ano fpoilDc of bolues i cabo(IanDetbinconceftc>^ifbfolifl)cfonDcNcsrus, SLbat in tbc cnDcof bis mirro;tunc milTcs^ iBut UibJt auailDe iht IScliCs tbat 3 banc rcao i £ShcluicbeDenocofnone, might caufemee to amcnDc: 3 faluc longfptb,boU)C eucrp E^^ant fpeao, ^^ lso;tb? iDjiters. iDofe atfcs bao dlcrblp pence. 2nD tbcr; rucces, tbat in fucb tiire abonnDco. V;^oU)e ()^o;t tb^r rainDe>anQ U)erc b^ Coo confoanocb . I5ut let mc ba,fo; fo 3 marc no Doubtc, irull lucU be maOe a mirrcur to racb one: £i:batbcnip;mces fjuour,t mah^tbcmfelucsfottonf, (*4S 3;)bnbapppUj;efcb,bauebancnotlong a gene. 3; ban fo Dcepc a loitte to parcbafc U)o:lDlv luealtb, in bcrtiie a Ucr^ fa)le,ano cleane oeceiu oc mp Celfe. anO Uiitb tbcfc too?Dcfl bis paints fo tuucb cncrealle, ^ H^batlro:rc-tbenmao,a tbonfano times be flingcs: £^()cn to tbc b;mt;e of loatbrome labe tee p;effc. 0nOcri?c3,bcbolD,U}bat UiuhcD Doingcs bitnges. iD;jaU)c neare gmo Morpheus, barticn lubal J fa|?e, iinc to f bi' frienoes repo;l anotbcr oapc. of wicked nefle. 3 \uat (qaotb ljee)aDuattnac to fucb Dcgra , ^^^ janD in toe fauour fl©oe, of Alexander grace: . ^0 mucbatlaa,tbattnallcaurc0 tjce S^cDbc mine aDuifc, in tbtngcs tbat Doubtful \s)a8. S0^ counfcU leaD t}tm,cucr as m^ lia, tDt)o bao a fate, 3 not bi^ frienDc,bis pnrpofc mitt, Sill men gane placcluftcn J m counfcU clofc , wlnto tbis noble CEmperoare, botb nigbt ano Dan: spp fame cacbc boU);c,cncrcafcD ftpl ano rofe, JfaucDlDbomemv'lia.aga^nc BfputaVDarc (cabomeplcafcD ma) anD rulcD ma at Voill, 31 maoe botb goD^ano baD,full glao to pleafc mec QUI, Vctron'tus Turinus,i« m^? p;oper name, VetroniMj Cbicfccounfellcr.tbifl famous Cmp;ourfifcbbapaU)1n!c crcaDctb Loiosfaflc, ta oofe fmatcb lomc licboias lips, tbc moft ooe luifte: l^ctUibofoeucrtogapctbcrcfojcoottjbaCc ^altrrc tntbcnDcSciclonia.plamGitig. i?o; rujfftcft mcarcs, fourc faucc tbcp fare is bel!, j^bisis.anDcucrmo;c,u;asbrcD at cacbc feaQ. Cba« 3 clc(t,anD cbofpn cbtcfc of all, 3ln recreate famiUantic, VDi'b tbiB noble man: a IPOB fo puftc ujitb p2;0c, 3 tJio mittrutt no fall, E^bua eacbc mans beart, tbioogb DjcnD ano ff are 3 tuan. Si UJbile 3i plaiDctbc )i3:arc,3 nipt botb ro»a anD oloc, 31 bcpt tbem fo in alucto barbc none onrtt ba boloe. JCbns cnert man of mee tiD CanD in fcare, ©dcbeoneVDitbbrnDmgUnecs.tonfc DlDbotoC; Chepi)«iOMrfO wa,;» i tbcCmp^oure tocrc, Therewarde I gapcD fo; fuclrg!o;^,a« toas not mate no; Dcto. &usi uaea cbotDgb, Depatnt tn pcacobs tarlcsr. amiD tbe gulfe of Glle,3i bortt mg rotten fa^lcfi. £lno at tf)c Icngtb tbts one tijtrtg blinOcD me, tSUbcn cueri? man mt> la U)full fauotir roug!)t> SCben 3i began to Icohc botb (lolutc anD bte, 3fpaUc tbemfar;c>^t)cnmtoarDetll31 tbougl)t. CD>rcat b;tbc:3 j DtD rccevuc^anDmabe all men beldcur, 2Lbat iPbomc mvlta, 3; couloc bott) gtaoDc anD gdcue. Ou« ritcbe 3 maocm\? ft Ifc,anD moff men pa);c, SDbattotbifinobIeCmp;ourcantfutcp;onirDc: iano tbofe of lubome tbc Cmp;oure maoe a ao;c, ^ucb meaner j lu.2ongbt, tbat long be not tnDurDc. Sinn ^ct a greater Qergbt tben tbis 3[ ^feo long, BE Da^li) Tongbt to \s);cft all men U)itb U);ong. if aire iDojDeg % fcDOc tbcm tuitb, ann nof&ing tUts , JiDn cptber part tbeir monev J recetueo, 3 eate tbeir Utrneld,anD fco tbem luttb tbe (bellea. t^bo truttcD me tbat fcapeo tonoccerucD ^ 3 plapDc tbe partner, tbat l ^nD pet U)itt) fla)Oe,biB b04te contrarie floloefl. i?o; iMbcrc tbefc fuf erg did atoartc fo UnoUje, ISp mc tbis noble Gmperour bis plcafure, ((botoe. £Eben vdouId j noDoe m^a beaD,anDfrtnDelt7 countcnauncc *(3s luljo CboulDe fai:e)abpDca notbcr Icrfure. £:b"0oftbeemp;oursgrauc Determination, 3i maoe a traoe as ttoere an occupation. JLill at tbc Iengtf),all men ioiib murmuraticn, pcrccpmngtbatJlfablfDlDitbtbcmfo, fJ3itb open Jaiues, maoc open crclamation, • ilno earneft IcoUes call on me troanD fro, tClbereat repo;t, a pottc DiD fcnDe fo; ifame , ffamg ^i;ic:;caGrDt)ircr(DbeDErumpcti0 founDab;oDc tbe of wicked neiTe. KW^ to tW noble ^nnccs eareis at lengtb it came> anDpubIta)(aii ab?oaoe,tt luas on cncrtfioe. flnoof tbc fame accufor of eacr\? man, SLbat rounoc about me ftcDOe, ano to tbc (IEmp;our crpoe: £) famous noble pjinr e, incline tbinc eares to beare. Turinus botckeDnctTc. to tbcc Q)aU nobP appcare. ^ben all mp fo jmcr lt?fe oifclofcD luafi, 0no p:(DuDe b)[? creoiblc perfons before m^ face : Wllben tbe Cmpcrour bnoerCmnc botb mojc anb le0 , Ij^c iaogoe me to be leo into tbe market place. CQberc ttraungcrs toerc of countricafar and nte, ^btcb srieuDe me U)o;fe, tben tlucntie times to ote» Bin tbe marhct placcfometime luberc 3 ^it\) pjpoe, £^o;e liUe a p;ince tben otberlDife bao loalbD tbe Untiti JDberc to a (tabe, m? limbefi full faft tber tpDe, tditb cruell engins inucntcD foj tbc nonce, XjGH)ttc t!oung ano olDcflooDe rounoe about to fe?, SLbe fall of bim> tubicb eara oiD Uobe full bie. JCben biODcn malice bio (betoc his furious face, ®3bofe tongues bcfo;e as fU) eetc as fuger fecmoc : (ano crvnng ra\:Dc) tbou Evcaunt bo^oe of grace, Hbe pjojfc IS p'.aine, it teas not as tbou iDeenoe, (bnccloe, SIboutbougbt tbou bao our bartSjbccaufe toe capt anO tabicb intoaroel^ toitb fpttefull bate toe (teelDc. £:ben cnrfes blache into tbe fbies tber fenbc, i^<« wau 2:0 all tbc eoDs tobere migbtie loue Dotb Uttt^ |,*°^ Jljj SLbat after all tbts tljamc, 3 migbt be to;ne anD rent, giaD, ^itbin tbc puDOlc of Plutos ttinching pitfe. ano tbcrc toitball, tbeir banoes a pace tbct? clappr, CDrdene Qickcs ano aubble, about tbe ttahc tbe^ to;ap, • anb fire tbcrcfo, on euerr fibc f bep fct, ?iailbofc potooering fmohc, mountrs bp tbe loftiefhicf, Sbe flatbmg flame ecbc man toas p;one to let, 5 3 2:0 The rewarde %o t\i'tnnt t\)ctch^ mr DonblcD patnc mt'gfjf rtfc, na0lin9ercDltfc,U}itbto;mente0U)o;rctt)eiit)eatK;, ^^ medn(0 of (iiiohc compcfDc to ^eloc m^ bmi\j. tiZSbereat tDttbglatromebeartcffretonceDman^aone^ SLotb' cf rat rcp^ocbe of all mp blooe ano line, ^Ut)t)aaal5cDle S^bcmprrour caloe on , ano Sraisbtlv cbargoc, about tbe Qabc tbat tt'mc , Co foanoc tbcfc U}o;Dcfii in tb'carcs of roung ano olDr, f^ K %th futjcj lo ber< he dieth,thatfHrMj hath euerjoldc, %\^\M confuOon m^ gaerbon quit tc ful IdcII, ano pa^Dc mr bne lobicb 31 ocfcruco bctt, Cbe OoDs alfo conocninoe mc into bell, among tbe U)tchco fo.:te Vuub tubomc I am po(rc(!. of 5;bcfomc Stigion UJbcrcas Plilcgctlions flaniefi, %\it pompc of crucll ^r^auntcs cuer oa^Ip tanK0. Loe tbt0 tbc (otte of tDtcbcblifc in tb'^nber Hmhc to vour ttatcs fou tbat Counfcllo;^ bet, ^ou iljat pcrfluaDc tbc nobles to offcnor, ircaucofbctimc fojmprcluarDcpoafee, )iDOC fure tDboforucr in tDtciicDnrflrc p;ocffCC0> ^n tb^nbe tbc Coos ooc recompcncc tbcii D(edc0. ^lu farft tbou Morpheus batt tbou bcarDc tbc libcf tS3 borne baa tbon hnotonc to baue a fall Ithe minci Couloc Fortune tuo;Uc to me a greater fpitc , S^brn firS to lubtrle me bp, tben call mc Dolunc in fine, CS^ben lean of all bir lD;atb I Dio mtttrattf if rem bcpt of Pclopsturrc t,Do be(pe but ootone j( mntt. SCbus (bjongb tbc coffc 3 got ecbe p©jt man^ carfc. ^irb Q).imefull Deatb; ano bell at latter Dare : aoa:rebougbttrearure,tbu6to61lmi:pnrre, SLo tofc tbe 10 ve0 among tbe dDoDDcsfo; are. ^befe fcuo;D0 no fioner farb^ To mucbmcreatt bt0 paint 1^10 tongue U)it<)ruful noiti^^ix&ii9Ms<%iQniimt\s, s:bi< ofwickednefle. niB Cncbe of fo;jrotD tobcrcin be ftanoeB aiiD crte0, ^ttbpttcbeanDB;itmaoneborU0t)p libeaflcoDe, mfatre fcrpcntc toitb tbcir triple heats flill telling fl^ci?* XMWc trcolitn clalucB arc batbcD in tis blaoe. jprom outlubofc moutticBfucbfoming flames arifc, ml[)it\) Itsbtetb in ti3 face,o; fpolDtetb m bis c^cs. (fcbe finger of bia banDc tDa0 (nrnDc to onglp fnahcs, 'S**" l^is teetbtoerc cbaungoc to too;me8 Orcftres lifte : ^is lcggc6 all ferpcntef, tljat Dapli? tengaunce tabej, ^pon Cf be otbcr, tbat tjcnoml^ gan finite. I^istors tipon btsfccte,U}crcfiltbie£i^oDe0tofeei £LbaC riDelDc Ivitb pocfon as biggc as i\)V2 migbtbee. \^\B bcart Cbe Captaine of bis flcrgbttc tongne, CranffojmDin likcnrlTc of a l^cDgcbogge ktnDe : 15efo;c tobofc grccDic moutb fncb ripco fruitc \sja3 bong, as monttrous bcaC in bcartc Dio luiQje tofinoe. Cdbicb UJbcn be toucbt, tbcr turnoc to feco;jpions ali, perfp;cc bis tippcs f;om gapingcbappes lets falU V)ig gadefnll tongue tuas turnoe to drocaiJplc, amiDOe tDbofc ncigtitiebeaoc b.2aQ out confutning roles, if rom oat tobofe eres fell ojoppes lihc gaoocs of fteele, Gai]crcU)t:bfonutimct)Ctraptpa};cIiUieronles. iano molten goloe Into bii5 moutb toas pouroe, mbofegafpmggummcsmoagraoelBOcaoaroe. flnor^ta greater gricfctbentbisbaDDeba> Si plagiepaincabouettierctt no Doubt: anbo;rtblefjinO,noncfucbinbclltofa, iBcfo^c bim aauDcSjiuboic bofcc Dotb roarc ano (boute, mm io^ts among the CDoDS tbep lofc tbat boicUeo are, JLbis Duglr C^cylo; to bun ftrcigbt did Declare. (^[,e ftnp-. tuccanea. flno totlbtbcpralmcs began this crucllClarhf, ^canll SLo taunfetbeto;mcntU);etcbeU)iibsricfetobcarc^ pfai.i^'. fedrina Tuiuiusinclwc tbinc care ano barUe : l^fai-s. 3 Tlierewarde 3 am tb? Curate, tbou art mt? panftner. (Dene eare(quotb l)s)anD marbe mi? ra^mges ioelly eife (bal tbef c boUcd, U)itb care tbis co;p0 compel. ano tfjcn tbcfc places of fcrlpfure Oraigbt ba reaoe0, Woma 8. ano njaUcs bis ^iiabic beao, vuitb drinning tatb: nootatx. atiD fcoffca bim ftill,U)itb all bio oloc Done Daoe«, fi^atij ri?* anDtbcn tbis frounfnGCuratCjbjacginglppn boaff, apoca.7. anDtel6tbeUJ^Etrb>Uibatcnolc£iioi>e»ba loIt» ''°^''^. £:boubartloa(quolbba)mp;tboutofmcafurc, (Cfap. V ' ^** iibcrtpc, all lltfibt, all rcionfing ano bealtb: arap!i. " , ail U)ealtb)all (o^cano glo;toti0 plrafurc, ^fap.^. ,ailbonoar,allpotocr,allongoftbpfclfc. , 3o?in jV* > ^'fb folac e,anD loue, tjnilic,conco;Oc,anD peace, "Moling, , MtfeDom,t)crtuou0 meloOne, ano felinticfi incrcafe* , ^aebcnes^ano beatituOc,from tbe is flco ano gone* , ano (bat in mod &lo;tou5 bcaucnlr C\tvc: 9 l^ope fo; no rco;eflre,bc fure bearc (0 none> , 13ut cucr mo;r,tnrpeahcablc mifcrre. 9 £!:bt9E>cu(quotbbeB)>ts(t(lltbcplaceofpainef< . 9 if o; tbiJc ano fucbjof lubom tbc pa);e comptatne0« , ijioloe baa toou loS tbe company of arcbangcl0, > C^ttb i:b^poaiC0,patriarbr?,anDCbcrubtn0: , poUJcr0,2Cl)aonc0,2Dominion0,anD aungel0, > Confc(ro;9,ultrgtns.^art^;0, luttb blcHco ^erapbtn0. , CSHbere rigbtcouB fp;itc0.ccafc not,but alluairs fing. , l^olr, lt>lp,\^olp,©oO of cartb,«nD bf aur n jl&lng. ano Vuifb tbcfc lDo^i)s,U)ttb batt bee (but tbc boohc, STo fomc pla*cc tlfe bee ranne to trccutc bi0 fpitc: M'icrcat TurinccaabpaUJOcful l©he.' (Si lot!) bee) gojo Morpheus taljcf©.itb!bppc»tan0 Uj;itf, (aias) rcgeCcrbpmp rcVofuU WicbiD cnDe. Bit in a 1' p>eucntmucb barme^i If tbc fame lucre pence. )^ut ofwickcdneflc. jBnt Morptictis raSfn0DoU)ne bis beaDs fo; tooe. tBnctt) one U;o;De, (onloe lucll pronounce almcffy )l3ut fa^o.comc Kobinfon,! p;are tl}ee let tfi gocy Sj^V t)f art ootl) U)ii;rt)e to fee t^is griQvc Qtioft. jSno tbcn t)c VDiOjt tbat all offcnOerB fee, l^oipPIucocott) rcVDarocsUttjcintbatluickcDbff. 5!ut) tboB tDc left Turhius in bid painc0, tanbofetoanteofgracCflDc botb lamentrt) mucb : dno tbere in Jatilc tie (babes bis imcbco cbainc0> Wi\)oft banocs to b;caHe,no mo;tatl banors ma^ tncb* 1^10 enolcITc patnc0 it botes not to bcU)avIc, i^o focrifice to j;oae> can ousbt at all p^cuatte « ^ The ^oof^es verdit. L"Oc thus ttf fee him puWc.with raging hagges of hcH , That whilom thoufandcs ruldccftccmd with Princes well. I meratll in my minde/uch raf n should plagued bee , V Vhome Fortune hath alTi nde,vnto fuch djgnitic. But now I doc percey ue,nonc fuch the Gods will fpare : That poore men doe bereaue,of money eoodcs or ware. OrwhomebycounfeUreemes.toblindetheirNobIc eyes: VVhofe ludgements bcft eftecmcs,and quiteswith double tecs. Or fuch as fcntence fel, by five and dokcd craft' : And harmelcncfoulcs compel, afruitclellctreetdgrattc. On thefe the Gods doc poure.their w rath by whole content : And alter in an houre,thcwickedsyll intent. Regardms; not at all.thcir (lateJic hie degree : But shorttyc giue the (uch'as clirobe to hie. ^ : ji / 1 r . r«rm«i now hath loft Ins prince that lou de him beft : Andfuchashatchimmoft.ioydethustofcchimdrclt. ^ VVhatprofittes blubbrcH tearcsf The Gods hauc ludged thee . How long or fewe yeres,(ihey knowjfo doe not wee. To leaue thee in thy pames, of vcrx/o^e 1 muft : No hope but thi$rcmainc?,a warniPgfeyre I truR,, . I -FlNlS. ^^, The rcwardc ^ The vp of till complaint of the mon^ ftrous Empcrour HtliogAbMus for (bending of his dayes in abhominable whorcdoine. I^t^ Morpheus ttou art cemc (o take Vst tetoe of Plutos bmgoom e toberc tbe totcfteD gueroon ^g ; ^f all tb0 reS ttoa cacr fe o; knt lpe» 3 am tte marbe to gaioe tbe reft from fcatf), 9^e tK>tee 31 l^e, tba( eard oiD flo;iQ) b^ue. ano t^t Tuhnus tbtttftc0 be batb mncb ii);on0y 31 beare bimbitber, bpon tbcfartrB raue, f ct not fncb caufe a0 1 . Torinus bo loc tbi? tongai^ ^ bob) tfcble is tbe (fai^e of bonojf bte f tobat Dotb auaile a \DbiU to sntoe tbe eartb f ^b'erampleplameappearetbnolD bp me^ an tts at alt regaroc a ttraUie. (jpo Morpheus no) tobo Dotb otftnDetbetr latof* altboaobbe U>eretentime0ajbi0bagatne: Qlpon tbe fnaplber catcbe btm in a flatpe, tbeir baatic malte (Ue^ oner bo;oe amaine • tKpon tbe roche tbe (baben l^ull xb calT , tbat p^otDOclp boptl bir faple bcft;e en bte : flnOfobnloarcetberperitbtJDptb ablaff> tbe lubtcb bcfoK miaraaco net to ote. SCben from Vit (ttncking garlc tbe rp;tts ootb fla: . ^ooastbcounabiureche^battrpentbtfoaizetf^ jrvv JDC^ . of wicfecdncflc. SCbt tntif ronte^bi bale o; bliflTe (ball bar, tbof bice 0) bartue batb retoaroa alioa^af • Vnbappie tD;e(cb 31 toad ofHotne tied. «iO b? confent ofaK tbe rntera (bare , Srfte noble Senate cbofc me to p;otetfy but U)ben tn banDc tbe fcarefall f tDo;oe J bearfy ^ot oncls Komeibut tb;ou6b tbe lobole Cmptrei Bqutgbt fo;got m^ (eire,anD place tbep fet me in $ SCbcn Dto mif filtbia natnra ttraigbtappcere, tbe btboen bnoke^ to tlalbing flamea begin* Sfo) aftey tbaO bab inbanbe to ntle, ano ^at mi? Inojoc to lofe ano binoe bad potDer> 3 baougbt tbe lilenate to a notber fcboile, aralting bice mmb biertben Pclopstotoer. SCbe^a^ea grane erpalfins eaerp boure> neto &o}Oe0,nctD latoca, it oio appeare be me •' Sba< Kome to tn^nt 9 b;oii0bt ft'om bonour • from bertae tobicey gi^eat (bame ano infomie. ICbttt 8rff of all,t0ben 31 from Syria came, to Home to rule, ano roi^atl fcepture fiuioe : Hcliogabalus tbe Komainc btooe mar banne, *^^?''^ 31 Uiaa a mcane to lane tbeir fame aODc. ^/^^ ' ^tfbome noj Dertoc H ncucr migbt abioe , **^'"' 3n b;ateanD beadite tovee altoasea H otoeloe* BUfacbaiCiineco;rcfte 3|DtDDertoe, tofiltbie liuinga cbouCanoe 3l compeloe. ito tbaa of Kome tbat toaa a mirrour cicare, from \ol)ome atfirdalt naiionabnoiulcDgc bane* i^bonouribertue ano p;oU)cs tbe name oio bcare» in m^ttc of flitbic ttaunoer b? me toxs laooe tKIHbereat tbe pjuoent men toept tcarco full faDOe, to fs tbe bile abufe tbat tben 31 fct aloft : ^ertuona tairgina tben to flte locre glaDDt, tmranilbt feU)c feapt, tbat mtsbt be caugbt* f^Mrius The rewardc |n(at{able \jmb ntj? (iDelling laSe^ mi? pampereD fledge to lo^KDpme toM wtlHv 3|labte on none bat neaat confent tb^c mnlt : Hoe tba^Calotf) tottb tire i U)a5 aflfKtfc. 9 tooobe tbe mortal tannce in tenoer ^oatb bob ft ickfc tni; tDtcbeD bearc tbat \s>i(ktmt1k orftrcb : SDbcn (bonio not notu no Plutos furte p;icU cbii foole of mme> tbal bcre in (Umef Icctb f^itt « 3ir Atis cbaance betime | bad fnftainbe* tbenbabjl fqaencbt tbe fparbe tbat b;rb tmreS ; ^^ to;ietcbeD rp;ttr. tbat notoe in bell (0 pamoe» among tbe (1&OD0 in blilTcbab ban poffeff. ' tSSbom notoe tbou faft tottb (o;ment0 ftplt opp;el!» . ^ ano alfofcapte on eartb> rep;ecbc ano fbame: Vnbappt Home, tbr n bab tboa tlDtfc been bUft> tbat noloe fo; euermo;e beUmi^les tbe fame. Sar- ^^^ '^^ Asfirian feing in fittbf Hffi ttanapaluj ^ ^^^ cit ttUe a tboofanD Uinoe of wa tf «: tbe taft 30 ^^ l&omt tb^ougbouf, | rauilbt ^aioe ano mik, finan iitn? of cSlrgins ener. 3 mooe tbem rommonp;af ii« SS^'fl u? ^"^ ^P^"^ ^ ""^ iDicbeo ftcfljli? Dapr 8t to 'bee re* Jmaoea Scnatc,of barlotteganD baubw: |c8((e&. Bin open figbt j bept no better piapef, tben fittbilve to bfe tbcfe common 3[aoe«. SCbns bonfctf bnilDeD |, fo; fcbaHes of 0it. to apDc tbem toitb 3 gauc tbemlar gclp f reafare : SSee tjcrtuoaff nTNtronsJ plucfit tbem qtiicUlv int compelling tbem \mto tbia fittbp plcafure: (-3la«, alao) J paft at (25ool^e meafiire, tbereluas no(}o,U)itbma:U)boD'.utl ocn^^c; ySin if tbcp baD, 3 fpico fucb a Icafure, tbat from tbetr iboulocrs,] mooe tbeir bcabB to fli?e< Into tbc banoe« of 1BaUjoe0, 3 oto commit, tbe srratea oignttse of tf)e iDublibc isealet CCo ofwlckedneffc. ICo common Hi?baf8Dei,t)0fDt%r6ra(eiliiDtoM^ . 30atieaa >m ^ SCbc finc0 beao it iveulo botb tire ano tame^ tberfb;e to trouble tbSi 3 tDill not noloe beghmt. QQIlbat (boulD 3 fpeabe of noble famoua S)ubea» tbat from tbc ^enatr ,b v tNolencc 31 put: £D;of tbe fage lotfc ^atttera> rbattsitb rcbubea> 31 cruellpe,ont of tbe Senate (but; 31 catcbt tbe bitter bufbe,ano loS tbe pleafanni /^nt» '^ tlDo Cartera I (f:of e to btt mi? counfell cbtefe: 31 bltnoire Djetse to (bote at blanbeo )13ot* lubicb loaa tbe caafe at (eang!b of admp sriefir ProtogcfKs Ctje tone of tbcfetocre caloe j Cordius, ibotbcr bao b^ pwpcr name: ILbefe tlvcD t!}:ougb Uome tbe common loealtb foaSalO* to tbe lode f ni V tiononr ,ano great tncrcafc of Ujame* ifo) bice Go;ia)eo,anD«crturU}arcD lame: Vitcllus tn 3iuttotiv»alU)a^c0 3I oto ercffte: Canton meatea fo; the nonce> tbrn 5 gan frame, to pamper tbe pauncbe,tDbcu nature litt oot fteoc. tCtbat (bonlb 3! tell of tbe ftranngc btnoe of ififljea* Co fcire t)netb no vmw can hnoloc diem U):tl ; QSnbtcb at one niealf ,tcn tt}onf&nO oUbcSi iDitbao mans ifoivlc^ aa ooc ttie if )Q)c erctll. tttf ncOeflinfbf |dMnu0 f noUcmm to cal Cage, totrreuaci net mem* bccof tbett coontdl »f fbct) a0 brc ' (Identic m2» totll t\wxt Protogena (ir cordttu t JOn Oeucf bo;:ir, yiteUM at one rup» |;it isas (et uco tt)iili.7 t^oui.'anlx fiQ7C0>ar.t).5 tltoufanDc iTotoKB* The rcwarde SCOt UlM trt Mtot^tf) in^ mm bearo telU an Cmiwroorc to lc«oe (aUf ) like glottoM Ufe^ yong ttnDer 4^aioeMib)ai?(0 i DID comptll, (t^^ugboot Iu1k,U)U|j nuinc a noble toUC BatMKmi l3nDU)brn3lbaoraf(i(beb^ttoUme, Bswe ti)iaft mc filtb^e flcQje, v^t not contenteo fo: ""to*"*^ jriptctbewtoombeomopcnanoicncc, ^ tbet; tenoer boloeUe0,anD fecreatee fo; to Q)oe« 3ln p;o0reire,tDben 3 oto oeltte to goe, UMtb mee Ore banD;ctb Cbarlots of barlotf Ssmt ; 3|n (taoe of jbage, anD noble counfcl^ IO0 , tbao 3 mi^ttmemlDicbconcire aill fpcnt. ^nb fnebai cbiefeto mk 31 otoappolnf, ano o;Damc greateft rule of all (0 b ca re: S^be fcntence of mf fame,t()e t)tUan0 tornt, Bl innocrnt,tbe futerf not tbc neare. STbep feo me koitb foU|?e tbe? iDtjifpcreo m mine tmts JSitiau, ZotKus tbat tMrlctte , a flaue anD Dungbitt bo;ne: CSbome of nongbt to noblene0,3 oio tip reare, ia tbcnoe retoaroco m» U)ttb Double fco;nf« ^ftpla)?Deb)?m^, ns TurinusDtDbefo;e > bvnoble Alexander, U)bo guf rDon gaue: ( ^0 tpcil) tbat fame, fo; euermo;e, founoco tip bie p;airc fo; qutting of tbat hnaat* ISKbat 0)0010 i Tape, It IB b ut batne to raae, fo; in time J bao no grace tbts to p;enent: ]S3ntbs tbat vutll tbuf jnacb cratta Qaur, bmi fclfe Ojaibe tbs fi^H $ tbat (bail repent. SBrcaafe tb)0 tiarf ette, Zociaas otD erceH in nil bncKcD Uttt mod abbommable* 3 p;eraDc bim to tte grtateft lining tbat fell, botb tteatmeif ftingDom«,toitbcoontretf bono;«bU: Sono mantiertnouf 3 (icemeoconfo;mabIe> butoncl]^ tofntb aiaboonoeD in Cnnc: So ofwickcdneflc. tD^en eact^num loM^eknaarf o^totont. Sbe J^eniU (o tdnoleo liif 8re tn nif b;faft, anD (toSoreo in mit fttcb DetcffaMe tice: )3ecanfe Mcxamlcr tuai not flame, 3 coolo noC reft, tt»a( Voa0 mine atontca foime bott learneo aoD toift, . So poi^fon \m 3 ot!i?reo,ietD(tU of fputpiUt, becaufe mr tDickeoneftie fo mtubb« batco: ;^e tDbile trcarom 3 conrptreo tDicb (pice, in Diuerf Djinhef ano mt9it$, b^ Deatb f ttiimaUt, 1BafnoU>ebel)olDtbegoerDon anoretDarbfi of filtbv thle ano oeteffable life : anDboU)etbe tbeflrS lUMtfmis reUe,tbattntbcfoniiPibrpAU if o; bet tt^ongb tertue, loanne tbe noble beaitef» of Cbandent^enatcanb common! of tbe fame; 3|n tDbofe faf^garo(> not one from otber ffartei* but tDttb confent, togeatberioimtip frame. 0no tbns brganne tettb mee,tbattragtcallit(eQantf : s:T';antee can not raigne>erperience long batb tatigbts jO)e OoO0at lengtb ooe blame* tbe U)icheo imaginatton^tbes euer b;ing to nongbt* 5f 05 bi? p;ocnring Alexanders Oeatb* 3 tiaaeo mine otone to m^ life agreeing: epp \utcheD feruauntea, like SCraitonra falfe of faitb» \Dcre tbonelt; conrpiratoare,anO caafers of mi? Oiling. SDbe^ fletoe m^ aoberentee, ano pat mce to tilling, rnvfamtltcrdatboufanDtDA^ca t\)£^ btloe «ffo;cmi?fdce.3ftanDincbi?anO faing, fo; lif e Dura not (peake,bot 80 a cobMuO i^etlo. IBut 1^ Therewarde m t!!!z!l'Il 3(|co()af cbt in fo tH0b a nea. ]5ut tDbat pKuailea lubere \iict U fo potTcl}. B tobilc i rulocanD (umbIrD in m^ anne 2 J toantcD notbing, tbat moarous life reqaeff, of feare J fruaratc toas, Ji d;cd not Cod a }^n» ffberefo;e mineoDioua co;p«tb}ougt)out tbe Cttif » tDitb^bea tbcc D;eiDe , botb tp ano Dotune tbe Qrettei tQitb o;Darc fploe,no man of mc bao pitic, t>anUcr0 ofbempe U>f re botb our iDmoingCjatetf. jf ie on bim bitlaine.tbei? (briebt « rrroe tibe fpntea, iDitbclappingbanbca ecbe one retard to fee, Wiitti tt)o;De6 cf g;eat rcp^ocbetbe fort^iB; baP oelitei* mg oloe oeferueo Daoea taluieabe on ma» flCben to the common 3abr0 tbep b;c£sr b m ff» at tt)e4(tbiett conoaia Do lone tbci: luouloe me eaff» 35ut tbat it toas to narroU}> at leaQ bv fingcrd tb;ff» 0) elfe 3 bao b f ne ai;inDc iDUbin tbat opngue at lad,. S5iit tbrn tpcD to 9 inigbtie mrlQonc full fall, into the floDe of Tiber loo^ 31 tb;olDnc : ttlbcre man^ a IX)o;tbr(bippe batb patt, iQc tumbhnfl areama luaa maoe ms tumbe anb tb;on«« toe Morplicus loc, tbufi loaa jj feru'oe of fu(b> tbat e4r afrom naugbc to |p;(iKca mate^ 3 b;ougbC t of wickednefle. 36e&oloe thWwtcBi to to^ome Bl sane fo mudtt abouetberefi^,m^ m^faonentnref Tougbh ^t ala8,t(te cnoe of luicbeDnefEe is naugbt. t^e oiiB aWoa^tBytaht Dengeaunce at t\)t lengtb: 31 tbongbt 3 Q)ouId tbe fireD (f arre0 baue raugbt. buttct abatpD li^a^ mp baU)t|?( bear( ano ftrengtb. j^ttb^ageof oneanofUjentrcreeres BlDreb, ano mondrous Hchogabalus tbci? caloe mt name .* iCo mp rep;ocbe,repo;t tbe Cams batb crueo, isbo bearo tberof,tbat maoe not rpo;t ano gamef 0nD Imkz lobo leaoes ntf life, Qjal cner tad tbe fame> ttter confuQon.badctb fo; bis p;ap«: pcrDurablcmirct)tefe,comcs after faftluitbfbame. . ano mahcs tbe^; paTpo^tc at tbe latter Da^e* S5at Morplieus,to tell tbdc all mt beaffli* acte0> an bunD.:etb Clarke? luerc not able to pen tbcm: 0nD againc iDbofaeuer fijoulo beare of (ibe facte?, fooetedabletbe^are.ttlDouIDbatoffenDtbem. 35nf J p;apetbeetDarnctbrfrienDe0toamenDtbem9 mi; gtlte tbou bad baro^mi? patnes tbou Dad fee: Ko repent bettme,5 pja^e C&oD to (eno tbem, fo; be fure totcbeo oabe0,are retoarDeo tDtcbet)!^, ^io tbem d^e lubo;eOomc, anD bile ticicn? DecDe^, tbcr are fare to loafe Coos l^ins^iome fo; euer: ^oned men ooe bate tbem, aB nettles o; ineeDeff, but d)amc ano ill repo;t leaaetb tbem neuer. j9tlcn6tbtber;olDne pinions ooe feebetbev;Decarej onlDbomepnrruesDeatb.oflifctbcberener: Mbicb makes an eno of beggeri7,comitttng bell tbe p;ar if tbet! in toukebnede, tinto tbe enoe pcrfener. j^nD \ottb tbefe tDo;De0 tbts totcbeo tunefcbey amongbis to;mente0 , luas to^lcb fo fo;e, Mitb a pitiful! l(Dke0,bis banoe fo;tt) did dretcbe, M U)bo faye a oeloe. J| can fpeabe no mo;e. Thercwarde 1^0 mother in a flaming paDDle beQati (o roare> ccbc SDeuiU put in t^fcbis ternbie trace: WLitli greater fpttc tbenaccattomcD before. to terrible to Scare tbe norfetbatt^cn tbe? ntaoe. SSbtd monff rou0 Cmperenr in bell tliuB dcDDe > tveo fdtt bp tbe members on a fnabie lubecU : Cdbicb r^n about as if it Were \3mddc, Sntiironoe U>kb naawoes M blacbe as tbe SDc'^If l^oUco foatbe nonce U)itb bote gIoU)tngff ale, liDbtcb l^utcberet) bis botoels about bis feetc 0nDfo; to retuaroe bis loicbeDnctTc tuale , &t>infernaUfirer(trei0bt Uta^tbe^bctte. ^bereaf anone Tucbfrnoke tbere Dotb arife, loitb leaoe tbat bo^les,in ao;nics like raging fcai!» 0nD tvttb a tiDtncbe* a tboaranbe E>;agons fli:es> ten times as faff as fnolue in tyoinote oai>es. ^rppes as grsoieas iOtttlues tbat fee he tbeir pjarcff, ano on bim gnaVoe» tbat mrfcr trco full faff : Me cruellVDbeeleDotb bounfcano ncuer ffanes , Hoe, tbns bis paines fo; eucr mo;e ootb laff. SLnn tbns toe left tbts U};ctcb(tbat oluels in cnolctfe pain) Si number fo; to Dctoe, tbat criming m complaine. A. TU of wicJcedneffe. 5^ T'he "Bootes verdit. -•• ifrHcnfilthieluft dothguic!c,aDd1iath thcliclincin fifl : )Jy Beware the windc and tyde, take hcedc of had I vrift, A wilftill mate is hcc,for todireft the wayc ; He doubtes no perill nic, in fayhngon the (ea, But hoyfe aloft he crics,it blawes a mcrie blaft .* And fo at randome flies, while youthfiill life will laft. At C Apbar J hmpc they runne,with hoy fed fay le am nine: VVhichfeemcth like the ^unncjin fight of feeble brainc A ftale that Icades the way,to Scyllas fandy coH: V Vhkh drinketh eucry day .their blood through folly loft. CAribdts grcedic Jawes,lyc gaping eueriehourc : And whom sheccatchcth ni hir cliwes, sheefparesnotto dcuoure. But loc the prancke of pridc,and race that rudeneffe runnes : The ende ofwanton workcs arc fpide,fc how deftruftion comes* Marke rushing youth,how vaine he fpcndes his retchclcfTe daycs J Note well how plcafure brccdeth painc^ tho-wfande kindc of waycj. If puffing pom pc with goldc, might eafe this Princes paine : Or force of armed champions boldc,could hclpchis gricfcasainc: Then all his fcrikcs and ayes,had quite bene husht and flilde: So had his cares and cyes,with world lie workesbceiic fildc. Jfl shoulde make rehearfe.what his offences were : Although inprofeorverfcjitwouldecorruptthecare, ThcGods abhorde hisdayes.thcworldcdotn (bunde his shame: And vengauncevengaunce manic waycs^greeth to the fame i What profites now his fporte,wherein he playde the bcaft , With all his bawdcs refbrte, or eke his gluttons fealK What now auailes his crowne, with precious flones bcfct i Or and he had as great mortall man might get. Sith mightics know not when, the Goddes will knockc and call , No more then othcrpoorcrtmcn,thatfmipleftbeofall. Therefore lookc well about, kecpefilth/ie lullaway : Beware I (ay the hidden doubt, that lyes in fecrct fca. Let vertue guide the helmc,and wifdome hoyfe the fay le t So shal you voy de the daueers great, that might your voyage quayle^ m '^ The rewarde ^ The txpo ludgesforjlaundering of Sufanna : and bearing falfcwitiicflc againft hir, be rewarded for the fame moft terribly. ^I'ft to ihxi place tobsn bappeo be to Wtt^ a rome toe fonnDe iDtierc bed U)e ntfgbt bcIjolDe £Df euery ftoe tbat ainbtng Stygion ptttc. ^ jSCbaTalltbercltcrcetDcatbouriniDefolDc. ^^tpftfuUto'tbtopitUjasofT'onnganooloe, (13ut ae ii CapDc bcfo;^) a couple tbcre tuc fee, QSltiofe tongac^; bedino Uiere daloe luttU bohes full bic B0fo;6 tbetr faces tottb trumpet boarfc aiib bimmey Suo potcttng mcatb a monQer fell ootb fet, C^bofc bo{?ce increafetb care tbat be (be beartus tn, Mttb foming \!x\idZy bt0 toetb begmnes to tubct. M^ii glo;tng e^e0 tDitb Tparkes of 6rc fret, \^t caSctb bnDcr cIoU)De6,anD Qint0 bi^ trumpet 0reitf , 2no iQiti) a ratUng fpccct) oeclares tbefe \JDa;bs on \iiiiz^ (£luotbbe) Ctbdaunbcr ts committeD to mvrbarge, lano tbat it pleafetb Plutu mt? feruice to accept, ^Xllitbm tbi0 pitte mine office luioc ano large, l^io ldtDC0 ano ftatutes ft rcigbt fljall be full trncl^ bept. BnD tbcrciDttball aloft anon be lept, if rom tb€ gibbet cuts ibcir tongues toberbr tbci? bange. ^no liUe a niaooe man in a rage into a furnalTe flan ^r • rcibere molten b;allet)0tb boijlc as rebbc as glttbc0, Jblcnoe luitb fulfcr,pitcbc ano Cinching tarre, ano rcfllDe0tbcrcofFcrcDtongi:c0ibat UJOunoebbleeDcf* lubotefp;ingfirranie may UjcU be fpicD a fane, if rom bottoms hu; U>i?icb mount!) from (jcigbttfltjarre. ' ano ofwickednefle. SIni Dims the cb^iQall rbtc0,« bcatnes of glertng it jtf» ISut tUat loe ItoDc fo me elfe t^ao U)e loS tOc OaUt. Tartarus tjatb (bid pttte to p;opcr namc> CZnbict) t0 in bell mod t?^bromc place tn^a!')c> * TdrtAruu 0nD t0 appotnteo IstcbeD tongues totamr, S^f^at Doe Deligbt i^ fcUunDcrs to p;oceGOc, f^bo b;uctb bate tbat loell Dotb after fpsoe ^ GZ9bo ffatnes tbc bertuoas man br falfe formifcb lt)a^ Sb<^t in ti)( cnoe lead penntc ootb net pa^e i if o; mtgbtie louc tbat botb m beauens fittc, io fo^ge commaunDes Vulcanus fait to Opc, ^eU)e tb'unD;tng boltea to mabe fq; cuerr pttte, Wbereas tbefe Qaunoj^ons to^etcbcD tcrlcttcs tie- QSlbo many tboufanoa U)<:ougbt^anD Do tone fenDe bt? « br, Wbicb boltes tbe crucU Biarlo^ in (l(irDt> I3oU) ootb fct, 3no crnells flinge5,U)ttb b^aocs full (bar pe ilDbet . Jnto tbe moufb anb tb^oogb tbe tongocs tbcr fli- . S)f ci?lber of tbefe l?tber Oaunoerons matce : Qaibereasconfumtngccaleca« rcoasferpentsepc, Doc cuerloDgc as posters oftbegafcg, SLtoo ferpcntcs euer fate bpon tijcir pcllcD pate0. 0no euer tb^ougb tbc fbull tbcr pell tbe bjamc, ^ct alU)ase0 as it loattcD it aill tncread agatne. 3ln (IjflDting tbunberboltcs anD arrotoes afi 3 faibc. attbcfcfalfcaccnrcrs,anDb;a:ocrBDftjnrca, Sbat ouglr ©eiiio; cljaunft boloe bp bis bcaoe, ano Morpheus fpiDc ,U5bomc tbrn beoio rrqucff, SEo come ano fa boU) Ircrs tbcrc lucre D;ca. i?o; tbis tbe place (quoD ba:Jtbat OaunDcr Dotb retoarb, SDboiigb mans tgoufanccs not tbc fame rcgaro. anbtbentoitbfiltb^fojbctbciriaUjcsabicaDebffcf, tHttitbin iDbofe moutbcs Ujcre bjmDcs of fco jptons batcbf > Caibofe bunger not Qacbt but tbrrmigbt aiUjarcs jct • The rewards >omr part oftnicUeo luucnius at hid tonm ^^ (Mt^' iXnn v(t it Dotb encreafct^ctr gretote gtitt{0 to batcf^e. ^tttlit^ btt neuer QlD(,no; tja confamoe no oeale, &oc,tbn8 tt)(i? taac of U)oe,t^at fclanoeroos l]?e8 Do td. 3 ra?e comene arc>tbid Bjavier fa^D againei iSno tobat tboa (att among tbi? frtenoctf report: SOioogt) fcUnnocr bde eo;menttoitb boablepainC) ^ctcueri^Dapetboufaa 3ibaaerefo;tc: i^Doabte J troU}e,tbei;tbinke it but a fpo;te. if o; c(0 tbet) tonsacB from Ipr0 f bcv tooato appli^ Eomtgbtic loue tbc^ousbtfo^merci^ecri^e. ifo; tf tber Dor not nirnoc in baO^.ba Cure 3 luill mine offtcc palD (qaotb bee) no Doubfc : (SKes a larger Dominion,! meane fo^to p;ocurc» ifo; tbtB is full rou fee, alreaop round about: j^nD noto fucb friaiiDererB come >tbat bee Co tttrnt Sinii iDitb fo Clat Jil? cnnning.tbeir matter fo;ge | faiiv SCbat cer tainelp I ran ralD tbem equal paine . 16ut (biefl^ tubo be tb(fc(qooD Morpheus) ti^oulD 31 finoto ICbat tbns aboue tbe rell> To cruellp bee tfeb i (^uotbbee) ttBco Blubges in ^fracll longagoe * Sbat fclanoercD Sufanna^iDbome tbe^) looulo abufeb} S5i? flelbli^DeeDes t!}C)?tboagbt to baue mifufcD^ ^bt0 t)ertuou0 luife ano noble lDD;tbv Dame, OSSbom iDben Q)c toonlonot,ac(u(bc ber luitb tbe fame. ySut bibe a tobile (quotb bff )tbcm felucs (bcl mauc repoar> jano iDben tbou beared tbeui, |u9gr as tbou tbinlull bcft: 23nD luitb tbcfe lDo;De0 out of tl:at fHt\i\> fo;t, fBnitb crmteo l3obc,boc baioc tbcm bp tbe b;caa: IHH^ome iDbnt 31 tieU)cD,U'tti7l7anoc mt^feifc ii bkilf jf 3n)outotciloftt}cirDefo;nuDl(Dbe0, SCbe rroictt ton3ur,\ooalD t^;t to rcabc tbe )£cDbe0 . ^2^cn bp tber caa tl)tiv tx^$f% Morpheus tbcre bebelor> )c: ofwickednefle. VfiitbtDoeftitffe lohc, tbat ctier cpc tiiD tctoi ^o;t)erj?foaroU) toitb U)ljo;f? noifc tftci? tcl&c» i^nDcrptng fapoe,olj bappr caT?c6 a ortoc. moe tuo^tb tbe Da^c alas.tbat ^atbcr ts b ccot, flno carfcD btt our b5;tb,our motbcr Qcijje \30 not* ^tttttoCD in Jtracl tobtlcnicJuDgcstutrr, ffibataltbingriiloc amen cj the Jcioiiljc S^a'.im: 3|nBabilon oneIoachim,DU)flhngtbf rf, flntj fben aniongtbe Jciu^s i» mialtv eaimation , ]i5p meancs tubercof to our contcntat:cn> ^0 bouf^fofittcas bifijfo; \)S to Ipf anDba, i£)f iDbomc agatne no man mo;c gJcDtbcn bff* ttdbttbl^cHim oneSufannatfflfteto tcifc, fLbconelr2>aagbtcrcf Hckhia giutt: SCbatltuco cbattc ano bcrruous all ber life, CQlbo intbe Ho^dc did cuer put bcr truttt Vaabofe arocnt bealst)?, a^co bp our lutt ^ofiaminslptbatUbcaglcpoe vuee b;otlD , %\ii» noble S>ame8 cbattc life (o baue ocfiloe. 08 in tbc tbirtantb of Daniel.tbcrc it totb appeam Cfflbat flcpgbt lua tifco burning in bcr lout: SLo come bp cur purpofe.UJoc bjougbt bcr in Difpar*^* if o; tbns toec f tocarc b v al tbc (!?o05 about: ©Fccptfljttftio confenttbatOjcctbculD baftclr pjoo^ » $01 tbat Vxjffi W bet tbcrc , toe fapoc )ra UjouId act ufe an fiUb? fo;nication U)C foano aman abuf e bcr . ( tjcr XSSia acaU'ncinbcfo;etbcsDicbaroc oaiifS tocrebarD, ©be ratbcr tbcn toce tbougbt our purpofe to banc bac: jButnabeo tboagb toff floo^ o«r ^^'^^^ ^^ "°^ rcgaroe, fl)ILo20f(quotbflja) oD, K\3t bcrye trtub of all our tbougbtcs rcuealoe: !nnDtnatoo;{f()^fentence,Otbul6ateal ab;oaDe, * ^0 tbat tbere Uias no Jlote no; title once concealoe; j^nn tbat tua boti). ntb tbcn bc^uc foK bctoailoe. Daniel iDas bis name .tbe p;opbcte of tbt llo;D) ^t)at fau'oe ^is f(ruaunt,acco;Din0to bifi U)o;oe, 0nt) tbus Ids lucre rep;a)ncD of our falfe intent, Sufanna,rcf at libcrtpe toitb iopc ano triple p;aifc^ Daniel t)pon ts, gaue bis cruel tuDg^mcnt, }Loe,tl)u0at mifcbiefe enocolvceour oa^cs: %\)t Coos conocmpne l)s4)care to l^c alluarcs. Sn patncs pcrpctualMobofc enolcs looe no tongue is able to bcfcribe.tbat lute banc fuffereo long. SnD lDo;lo lu'itb tt)0.2!D$,tDttbontcn encr ant) rnos , ^ballberebclDaiirourtDilfuM fclaiinDcrous tongucS: iSuD ret on cai tbare fomc tbat in tbc fame cffcnDcs . ano tbinlje tbc (3one fo;gct, bccaufc tbcp fuffcr long: (j|5o no Morpheus) tbcy? boc rciicnge eacbc tojong. Sinn rcinunocr tcapctb not.but bcare is Double ([uitit, X3eciuDgc,tbat feca bs tbus fo;mcntcD in tbis pitte . ofwickednefle. fCbit onions trait tl^joug^ut tbon Mt not (4h SLtic iibe to t)0,oar plagae0 fo fatte ^creafe: WSii^t a( tbi? fnenDes tt)mfo3e>l&e fclanoer fo) to tlae^ if o; tirarc tbev; pained lot, neaer bane releafe. Cr^e tberfo;e bettme)t))eir tongueo from fclanDcr ctaSXe • ^t tbat from one 0; otbrr tbcra bone0 name t»tt) tabe> ^cfo;e tbe CDOD0 a great offence ootb mato« ifo^ Ins bnbappi? to^eCcbet fo macb oefireD, %o baue tbe tife of tbte fatit noble IS>ame: SLbat libc a Qletoe our inUiarD fpaitea toere fujet), £Dur purpofe to obtaine, toee fo;& no 0nne no; (bam e: }!3ut tobcn luee Were DenteD>\i)ee falfel^ lai^De tbe blame tlUpon tbat t)ertuoa0 tntgbtttbat ncucr DtD ot&no, if 0; our reVnaro tberefo;e bebolo tbe enoe. ^ome tbtnbe tbep;bak0 be bofll , tob^re beaotballnener Mbofe ci?e0 be blcaro in glo;^ tatne 9 baloe, (come, 0no in tber; DonUr0 concept0,tbe^ tbinhe to gene i oome» ^bere tbei? tocre ncaer ret to counfel caloc, Mlbofe purpofe mittctbcr; voilful blao doc fcaloe. £Lbe?;ILo;Dlvbcarte0 manDtptDttbt)cs6cr0 purfey SDotb luo;ke tbe tbing tubtcb afterinaro tbe^ cnrfe* Rt f et at mtfcbiefe tbe fclanoertng tongue Ootb enoe> SCt?c p2©fe IS pimne, if grace migbt guioe t\^c toa^: SLbc (SiotB ooe (tiU tber; reruaonteo trneDe(irnOe> Sib? tDtcKeO man ootb eucr lofe bi0 p;ai>e: 0no in bis paibe comc0 foncft to oecape. i^ee falletb tb;ougbbi0 oicne imagination, ^0 bere bp Mb tbe cnoe ootb mabe probation* £) fclaunocr,fclanDcr, alas, U)oc too^tb tbe timCt JLbat eiierU)ce from batcfulbcart let flee: 316? trifling tongue, tbofe toicbeooartcsof tblne, 2]:olBounoetbc\?jaate0tbatliaeDtcrtpoufli?c. SlDafee beeoe tbercfo^e al ?ou that Cclaunoercro ba. Ebougb our fault c tber fo:c toitb vo" ba not rcgarocO# aiTurc vQix set,U)ittj us ton are rctoarocO . ^ jan& r I The rcwarde flno toie^ tbefe too;0es (be cruell larlo; firaigb^ COlttb bo;ribl0 gromeling no^fe bus trnmpst foatiDef : TObere a( Ube Cadmus fade tbe)? b;aU)Ie'anD figbt» tasttb crobeDbobc0 ecbe one an otber Uiounoea. %o tDbome corner Aleao and TcotDltng froinnesy (fiSitb greatec plagaes fo; to retoaroe tbefe Irer«, 0noU)i^ birb;eatb(ctte0aa on flammg fieri* Wbereat 3 bIcS me to beboloe tbeir painei. Kamflbtofms U)ttccaImoa> Bl U)cnta\Da^e» Sben lobenl tbongbt bolo mani?berc remamei, QSlbitb p;a(tife notbins mo;e tbcn flaunder ntgbt % ba^ji: ^ SCboogbc i tiB beS from Oaunoer tbat ^ou ttape. ^ccnfc not trne Sufanna, tf)t Ho^oe pjotects btr Ihll, 1^(0 feruaunt be DcfenDS ano t:ou Ibal loanc i^onr iotll. ^ HlpacCqaoo Morpheus) | beare a merueU crte. Bit Tff mes not farre, J Uionoer tiobat it is : Mlttbfeebtngl)panoDolDne,at!engtb oio tbere efpie* notber loas rctoarocD fo; bt0 VDicbconcCTir . BE long (quotb Morpheus) to bnolD Uibat uopfe it t\)i0, jano To toe tta^Ortlu^crcas iPC beam one (a^c* Ho Uiickeo men ^onr tuQ reloaroe fo; a^e . S^The AuUhor to the moo Judges. «^ ¥' 'Ho(c tongue hath beetle defyldc with flaundcrs heretofore, Thathumbly wcepesnotlikc achyld,with great rcpctingtbcc* O wicked wretches fyc, your Guerdon now is quit : \nTart4ru4 loewliereyou lie, thatdid ia.iudgement fit , Takehcede youboaftingb!abbcs,that Innocentesdef^j You shall be wliipt with crucll roddes,within this little while. What finfuU deedc is this , that woman to accufe , That neueryet was knowne amilTejhirbody to abufcf Howe dare you be fo bold c,y our ncyghbors for to fpoylc » Of grcatxr ucafurc theii of golde,or heldcs of fcrtill foylef The ©fwickedlnefle. TIic mountes ofMytUs^yk, no aowncs'tliat Princes wcr« : Kor yet king AlexAftdas wcIth,to fell not halfc fo dcare As is the honeft nanie>whome euijl tongues deuourc, Er now,that neuer ycmed bUmc,arc blotted in an houre. But you that flaunderers bee,to minde Stifannd call: And prayfe the Lorde, k shall you fee Gods vengaunce on them fall For fdcelyns accurdcpoorcman that thought none ill : Alas how long hath fpitebene vfde,ofthcm that want their will? The flaundering toneucisfuch,if thought doc wag awry : To winne the wager heelc not grutche, thus to prodaymc and cry •• That this or that I mi^t.and will, and pleafeth mee : And thu. I ou^t tohaue of ridit.and fweres itfo to bee. Thus haue I done fay th hee,wnen truth is nothing Co : Or elfe he fay th that this I fee, to worke tlie parties wow And thus accufed are,it pitieth me to heare, Sufanruu that be euiltleUeja thoufande in a yearc. Therefore you filth ie Judges your endc I ioye to fee : Now lye without refuge in hell etcrnallie. You fprang ofCadmuj feedc,your nature fJaine doth sho r But yet the Goddes at length doe w«^^^ e> all fucli his feruauntes &o« VVith ?oachim I doc riioyccS u/irina thus to fee Be£ted by Goddes holie voyce, with Aungels for to bee» 5^ T^ope Ihoan rewarded for htr wickednede. >ie l^e ^mt ^Bt snowfall men Doe bere abiDe» W&iVm tb^ U>o;tDc tW lattetb not an boare : If fo;rune cbaance to fmtle tpon t^eir GDe, SCben thll tbep ftrtne from bar f o bisticr potoer. Jjj Content tt)ttbp;erentltate not one tbere ltae0: "O^ (ocb ^ IbQulDe Itue beft, tbe tso^S erample stue0. 9 S^ncbtDonloebatte mo;e,tbe'p;oberbe oloc Dotb fai?> %i» true indsoe, mucb no man Dotb content : if o; mo;e ono mo;e lUl men Doe gape ecbe oa^e. The rewarde %hcv fbinbe tftc too)loc toiU laff ano noe be fpcnt M twrt fa)!e0, DccetucD foulc t^ bee j jf bappe be on tour fioeg crawple tabc b? mde. SCO bnoto mp life, anD tDbat 31 tuafi fomctime, OSbo liucB ano faa me lie amiooefl tbis enDelcffe too, JDjat toouloc not Doubt tbc lihc rctoarOe in fine, SCbat 3 ocferoco iuftip long aflo^ jmutt confcffc mrpaine to little iu, ttoufib ttocntie times it tocre mucb too;fe tbf n tbi#» l^arfte tobat J fa? tbc Couta among ?ou all, ^bo fittetb beet tbat batb not caufe to fearc i ^ome btaa Dotb bloto tbat m^B tbe gricuons fall, jts often feenc cuen once in ttocntie pcre, S^boagb i?o;tune bogfe tbc frates of ferae aloft, ^et (bs Dcligbte0 to cad tbem Dotone a0 ofte- j^otbing mo?c b;ittle is then Cate of man, jeoti) ntgbt ano Dap crpVncnce Dotb apparc : ^ct nottoitbS anotng, tobo Doe not tobat tbe? can, %o Uuc like OcDDes as long as tbe? be beere^ S^bougb time 03 tbinges begunne mntt enoe /j^o menocmcnt vet ji fceof fucbasDoc ctfcMDe* C^cccpf tbe (Sods t\)c\> tbougbt foj to oifplacc, i^rom out tbeir fcates tobcrein tbe? fitte on bie : £)2 tbat from loue fo; to Dtfpofe tbe mace, Qi^beretoitb bee rules tbe eartb ano all tbe fhte : Clfe toot 31 not tobat all tbis mifcbicfe meancs, 5f o; Codrus lou'Dc of C3oD0 , ritrb men oifoains. iDn beapcs to Pluto beaDlong bere tbet ranne, Ij^cll fcarfe is able tbebalfeparttoboloe: iCbcfatber is to;imentfo;toaongtng of bis fonne, Qnn Che tbe fonne fo; Itbe in triple foloe. SLbc motber fo) tbe Dangbter fudaincs too : SCbc Dangbter fo; tbe motber,ano man? otbir mo. 16ne ofwickedneflc. SButboiobapptebetbe? ci^attDeUb oonot CaQr; Sinn tbat \Dit\i pouerttc ncloe tt^anbes to ttie d^oos ^ /^o Donbt aboae tbc Itarrcf all fucfi mm arc platte, ^t)er be not (conrgeo no; lubtppeo Uittb our rcODrs. £:bercfo;c bp our barmc« Icarne to b f toarnco, eire Q}all sou be fare lottb \3S to be cbarmcD. Sit tbc tobicb too^DcB tben Morpheus aloftc Didcalf, tiaijat art tbou (qtioD bf ) tf II mc tbr name Crctgtjt toar^ (&bce aunfujercD) ano fapoe : cucn fo tuitb fpecoc i tball, ^i It plrafe tbee bcre a lubile to btoe ano aap. ano tf tt be not long 31 am content (quotb be) ano fo UHtb Woful platnte tbcfe tDo;Dcs oeclarco (tit, jgDMorplieus Morpheus 31 am tbat tDOfullteigbf, . Sbat onr c OiD tttte m Peters fcatc anD p4acc ; potent o a man 31 famoc to be alag in alt mens fi5bf> M»reiUM ;anOi?ct aujicucDtuomantbe Icffcmp grace. 31 oto tube lipaametbe CDorpellfo;toguiDc, ^et contraric botb 31 ano mine did liuc bef^De^ 0nD lohan toas 3| caIoe,anD of mp btrtb a CitU, /^amcoMaicnce i(D\kz bir p;op^r name : )i5;ou6bt bp tn learncD fcalcs tbc mo^e great pitte, SLbat grace bao not beene Itnckco to tbe Tame. Hearntng | loucD ofall rttcbcCTe t)nDer beaoen, S3tlI3lconqucreo tbe knolDlcDge of Sciences feaneti. I rcfufcD mt? countrte anD frtnDcs euerp one, ^antiap;ontnce3ltraua|rlDetoanDfro, better IcarncD tben mti ftlfe J metnot lottb one* j^f lubat effatc o; Degree be toere, btgbo;loc. ^o0tiie,anD Utt\)onheJto} to reate » i^^ feUotue not foanDc,(o reaDp toa^ mp b;ainf > j^ottiog UMtitco Morpheus>but grace J td t|i9 plainr, 3|nLouricst(mc»tf)at€mpcrourU)a5tbcii > 0ftcrtt)(D(atbofLco brfallcUmon, Bi U)a0 (bofcn fo: m? U)irc0ome aboue al men> %o baue tbe papall olgnttre in mr p;ot(aton. iOnD fo toas maoe popcano ruUD as m^ i)?ff , SCsUmcabbomtnatton accufoe m^ o; | \s)iU, ifo; bauins ae m? to ylt lobat barte conlo bcS tbrnbCi flno rafmg as tt vuere all men as pleafeD mee: ICben la^De 31 alcap botb BoDhc, pen ,anD Inbe* SCbe flucllins flclbe loitb tbem conlD not agrfs. 3 fpareo neptbcr Carotnal li5i(^op, ^nUc no; if rieri JCo fulfil m^ Oc&rc^l paK not tobo tbee U)cre. S^rll at tbe laS 3 cbaunfeb great tottb Cbtloe • SLt fsaint loiins Lateransoeltuereo toasBl: . dno tbud tbe ^catc of Peter b? ma teas Defiloe, aias tbercfoje full oft fo late J crre. 0fterlDarDe Depofco 31 luas, ano fo putDotonCy Sinn beggeo um b;eaD botb in Couatrey ano ZaionK Bt tbts flUb\>e arte tbe Cobs toere ofifenDcD, Sno rente ma to Pluto, bis 3laDgetncnt to trpe.* £>ut of all tbe l^caucns 31 Uias tben rufpenocD, 0nD bcare am aolotteo in paincs (till to l^e> iloc,nolue tbou bnotoea botb tbe caufe ant) mr name, SLbcrefoje Ji p;a? tbee toarnc tbv frienoes of tbe tame* %t\\ lDomen,tba| baue fine potl^tibe ^ittc$ > SDbat evrept tbc^ D;raD tbe (S^oos luitb bonour one: ^bome ifo;tQneberteof alUloitb ^ccptnre W^t SLbe burtfall fall be tber fare Dotb enfuc. 01tbou0b ber nature bee fomelimc to fmile, 3it'0 bea yet taUe bsDclb» loinke tijem not a iDile . ifrom of wickednefle. if rom tallet lotoe, toben Titan moant0 GtiX^ilUs, t^a DotI) Dif mount as faff as rife befo;e : %^i Phcnix fcaUngfbie0U)itb0n0cD quillet, %urntB to ttic (!Cartbagaine,tDtiatnfieDetb mo;ef if 0) flaDDc0 tbat rife,U)ben at tbe berte tbci? bcc, £Doe fall SB faff againe, tbe p;orc toe fee. 0nD ffnalli^eytDill eucr)?ebinoe of fDtgbt^ lat tDell aB Uiomen tbem relue0,to knoloe atiD fee: jano tbat in time of ii)ealtb>tbep fct tbe^; 6gbt S;oteU)eU)batfucbooetDantc tbat Ompirr bee. SCbeir g(DOe0 ano ILanoes tottb ffate of noble raine. ^eU)t^,|^outb)ano al tbinges tis, (ball (b;inUc agatne. l^ouHnolue tbe nine toostbies laffcD but a time , SCbe monff rotu( ntountcs do Uiade ano lucare aluaj^e: fi^ben tDbat 10 it tbat is maoc of nic be ano Dime, JCbatcan Upon tbe eartb long Itano 0; ttarcf Sill is but Qeffjc \»bicb tonff ctb like tbe fnolue , tRUben life (ball part, tbe luifett ootb not hnolse. ^otDC ala«,atb tbe two jiD ic tbu0 bnfnrc, ant)flc(bcfofrailc,U}batfQ)lcgbamo;talImcn: . SLbat baue fucb liopc in tbat fo; to cnoure, SEbat ttraigbt (ball aip atoa^je tbcv bnolD not tobrnf OTbatgainec gettbc^tljat toinnealitlcpclfe, if 0; lubicb tbe OoD0 at laft conocmpnc Urn fclfe i JTbefc tDo^uec tbus faroe,tbe rage of furious bell, tiaitb neU) inuentco mifcries gan tben to increafe: S^bat berg luoc ano fo^rotoe Dio compcll , nis neloe founoe pope from furtbcr talbc to crafe . HlitbJn nt ^ recreate bart , 3 pitico mucb bcr cafe , JiBiraufc (ba tijas a UJoman,ano bao fo litlc grare. IButtben to fafbe great ^^oufcbcatjco irn'ars , tfiZIlitb JommarnolD S^uncli6,on bcnpcs totw faff t\)n^cU JBeaoeplatterfafoe abbot0,t p;icasUjitbPJicUe cares.- The rewarde '^otoe bofie (beplDcre it paflTctb tongue fo'tf (I. 3 tbinbc tiic^ fang fo; tOepgapcD fo U)iDp, K\)At to bcare tbcr; fcruice i migtjt not abioe, Cacbe nolphe trag full of j^anncs^as buf ?c as tf^c tsS? p^operl]? apparelUO libe nc Vdc fdC^ionco pia^crs: p>;atinciaarOcneM,tDfic CoUcsof tljc jfcaff, ^bofe reunions tucrc a number of beaSi? doutbtaierf. Cuerp one occnptcD, not one of tbcm toas iole, )l5ut nertber Ivttb S^ettament no; uiitb j^acrco X3ible« 0t Icngtb tb^r fell out lobat fo euer toao tbc mattcr> SSbe^ fougbt iDttb &cnrars,anD bolf toatcr Cans: CDrcat HBcaOcs about f acbc otbere face tbc \; ilattcr, 31 litlc tbougbt tbei? ban bocnc fucb men of tbc^?; iianos* Mc faU) tbcni fo Difquict, U)c QaiDc from tbem afarre* ifo;fcdrcof blolDeBbefo;e tbat luce lucre U)arre» S faU)? no man tbere tbat feemoc to mahe peace, 2LbeltkematQtrie0atOlinipus,Uaerencucrfomaoe: S!^btchc anb tb^eefolD on beapcs tbep I^e Ul\c Idcatice , SLber; nartcs lucre fo long no man calDe fo; a b!aOc. SL\iU3 tiolcntlp tbcp oifguifeo one of tbera tbc otbcr, Jt\ fucb furv>tbat tbe fon to;mcnteD bi^ olune ^otber* Bit loas a Uronbcr to mo: tcrpe l!ranngr> £lo fs tubat !6paf> games tber maoe in tbat pt'tfe: liftc a^aiftcre of if encc (great Croahcs tbci? oiD cbaunge iDne luitb anotber ) (tarbe niaooe out of luitte. 0maruatto(is {puncUe>ap;av)crmo(l painfulf, UmongCb;iOtan people notbing mo;e oatnfuU, 55Itbercat(quoD Morpheus) Ic&litng en ma, SDcefttboubcbolo(quotbbec)ij;batmifcrrcisbcrf, £no tubac p^cfumption in fomc l!)omcH may bee, anc boVue to com? b v tbcv: purpofe. full lirle tbepfearef 15nt iDbat mifdncfe is tins , bcare fo; to finoe, Sbefc popes « tbc re p;elates ^to p;ca(bU)erea(rinDef SDbcfe ofwickednefle. Ct^fe are fbe? lo^icb be are fte iDo;!D fn bnnb, £L!)attnt)eauenaRDbcIl,tt}et)badcuermo;e poloci: (^ ttiev fapDe)ro it U)a0,anD Wttb CDoddid ttaiiDg^ S>\xt ot [jell to fetcbc tboufanDcs of foulcs in one bolstr. ^no no tDojoc true all loas fab Its anO l^es . liSltty falCe E>octrine ano J,Oolatrs tbe blearto our t^tB, X^ttt are f be IBeW^t Coos , tbat outloarb bto appcare^ %o ba mod bol^e, ano tuH atvuap in tber^ liuins: laSbicb bcfo;e C>oo Mtr^ Spocrirce tpcre > Slno tiu'oe libe b;ute tSeaa^.Voitbout anp tbanh^ seutnjs* SCbcr pleaoe a |3;iatleOg0,to Doe Isbat tbcr; Ij^ft » ae if bell ano V^cauen tocre botb tn tber; fiflt. jQnb tbns toee oeparfeo ano left tbe helo fonno pope , Mttb ber CoUeoge of Caroinals, ano otber bcr mates: Sit bc]rt of tber; fcrutce loitbout bellmcnt o^ Cope, WHitijniiUs large ano long>tbcp btfpte eacb otbers patei* l&o oolone tbe Odl80, U)s o;eU)e to bebotoe , SLbc manifolo mircbicfe among song ano oloe • CiSbome (ben to fa tb;ongb mane 8 bnagg? craff> SInD bictbUf blad, U)ttb tto)me0as Kafo^bene: 0no f raping oai tc0 all reooc toitb eanbreo ruft, Mee potTco tb}ODgb>of anp one not fane . |^et b V tbe toay a tboolano Cgbtes toe fa , Mlobub to tbittbf > fullofte it greeuetb mff» . SCtU at tbe lade, tree bjetoe tnto tbe place> SInD bnrtfnll bole in cruell 5tigion lake: Mberead toet bcarbaman betDailc blB cafe, i^o paineo foule .migbt greater fo;rotD mabe* ^befe lDo;oe0 me tbougbt, tbe toofnll tojetcb bib cr^i, Cotni fee (alas alof } tbe t0;maitcs Uibcrc toa l|zc« fNcw« The. re warde 5^ ^J\(eri>es hemene the Tope andTIuto^ and of the Proclamation about tlic Ladder twixtHcll and Hcaueii. I^ui leaning Helen fn cnDUttc tuoe ano pafne,- Cf);oog() r;ke(omc bale from crag to crag toe cr^pf: £Eo;menteD Tpntcs toe b^aroc of ecbc Qoe plaine, SCboufanDcs t()0uranDe5, fcb^r^ingrrreo anD tDtpf, Hincbt fatt in ctiarncs, toitlj craell JlapcrB bcpt» QSSbofe name ano attcs Ice (iaco not to crauCf ^ut palTeD foD;tt) to tetoc ttje monttrous caoe. %i\\ at tbs Ungt^ to a ff depe ano ^alotic bill* t2lc cOaunlt to come tu^ercas mc ttjcugbt 3 fdr, iS)ne rolDltng l3p a ttonc tbat tumblett) on bim llill. B^buf nigbtanoDa^e from to^^Ung reft notbix. ;airo Dabe Thdcus fo; \i\i Cirannpa, IBitten \xiii\i CltpcrB ant) tc;ne Uutb E^oatJca [(\ funoer, 3n a pittc 0; pnoolc, tbat bcUbec ligbt ano ibuaDer. Eneas follolDtng Sibil rounocabouftba(Denne) Up bill frotti cragto crcokco Torre be runner , l^td toanocrtng Ummcs ftill treaoea tbe filtbic fcnne, 3in bopc to banc in ftgbt tbat alloases flbunnea. laifo iDomen D;etDe tuater in buchctB tbat runne?. ^itb t)er9man^emotolongtoname, 00 tben mc tbongbt baD plagues mncbii^e tbe fame. )5\xt M iDos toent ma tbougbt 3B fatoe a glaDe» SLbat maoc a Ojoe aa tt apadagc locre^ Obtcb Uias in oeeoc of berp parpofe maOc. if rom tbettce to Kbme eredes a migbtic Here* ano Gorgon loitb a (Xtubbc toas poster tbere, Ctccpt from Uomc> irit tbcre be migbt not paCre« iS)^ elfe (ome Cucbe as trufteD in tbe ^ade* ;1 Sifiphut ' {01 ()id Or< Cbiute «oM litof* '< i Cbcnare mof luapef to t)
  • p«^« \^'' %k)t pope« man ano toa met altogitber, tSnwTeai 9l!Q<)ob;oa0btparOonBpachtt)ptn a bougttof letter* ae ano iiet! 36e6oes tetters tbat to Plato t^en be oeliuereD, i^xi tbe U)[)tcb Pluto loUeD, pernroc^ ano con0oer(O» ^beretpon Pluto bis counfell caloe Srafgbty 9i filtbtc beape of crooheo noble ItateSy SHo bere tbcirmmbesbecaurctttoas of tocigt^f, SLo gratifie tbepope anoaU fjts bol^e mates, &enDc fo; tbc mcffs«gcr,anD fo tbcfc boojDes Debates, ^1? frienoe (quotb bet^^tba rt Welcome to tbts place, ^oare tbts alt tbat tone tbr markers ^racc, tSnt b ? tbe flffib C5 of D;eabfull flaming Styx, (ro;r, SCbenelses tbrmatacrlu^ittesDoe grleue mpguttes ful iTo; reuen^e ^tbcfe dalocs as (barpe as tbo;nte p;tct;cs> ^ball tode and tearc tbe fp;ttcs of manra fcoje, (iab &oo;tbr l^ope ) tb^ oecav B^ mmb beploje . Cater fo; mp i&itcbinc,p;omDcr of tbe paa^e, mw merucUtbougb3lcarrcti;ecaureoftb)eoecace; Uno iDitbtbefe luoioesbtsfcotDltng face lets ponrc> 5ibe gutbing ftcoocs ano fpotaotes of fier reo , \^z gnatbt bis teetb ano gan to glotote fall foure, Cimitb beUbing bjeatb^to'tb mtdenger tbos fatoi? : S^abe bere an aunftpcre bnto mi? rup;eme brace* ( )5v0 btm be merpc ) 3B (ball aindaunce renoe, %Q tare all rucbc> as U)ttb bim doc contenoe* ©Ittb a romilbc tbanfecSi tbe meflfcnge r pacfeetb* Cbargeo toitb tbe letters tbat Pluto ootb fenoe, l^oSe bo;rcs bD comniKTion in cacbe place detabctfr^ ^ntUl be artueo at t^c fia^ers enoe> Tlic rewarde Wihttcas fromLymbo to Uomc fje QjoniD affftibe, jIBetns a iattie ILur<)aine a ipr^er of &attit if raunccf. 2Ctuii;t Komc ano bel from tteppe to Seppc te jnnce0» SCf)ti0 ttie ifrtsr flcD tDc bearoe no moie of btm, 15utltratgl)tonaSdgGa2SrumpetroanDcotDd0t t23beret)nto alkmbUD (neb foulc0 aj fo; annc> tClcrc rent br tl}C pope to bcpumQ)ta(a0, Wlilifo tbongl^t to be pat oonco bp tjcrtue of tbe maHie. Clfe boptng to bcare of tbe popes commtns tbitber, SLbcn ttimbuis to be rclcaCt from tbcncc altogitbcr • ^ben(iIenccVDa9mat>etu{tb mttcbabor, £Lbi0 vil fade \^erraulDc tbcfe loo^ocs tbcn occIareD : STbat maiip men to rbe pope lucre tntrur, ^nD tbctr large offrtngo ano oiuottons notue fpareD, j^oi to come to CDoo otbcr meancs tbe? p:eparco . I^aotng no trutt in tbc pope no; bis traDttton0 , iDUt cat bim tbc Captaine of ioolatrou^ fuperCitton^. « SDo our p;tnce Pluto bt0 Icttcre boc Declare, 2LbattotDnrDtbc/?o;tt)Pclc Oooe too;D 10 fe cmb;atte: SCbat no man tc; parocns loill gtuc mon^ no; luarc, (3n©nslanDcefpcciallr)bci0tttcrlrDi;grafte, Crccpt among afc\uc bcrc anb tbcrc tbat arc pla0e . £^bat tottb tbetr fricnbes tn noU}l;c0 ano oboe bolc0 » ^nga malTe of Requiem fo; ai cb;ifltan Conies . Mbtcb is fo no parpofe tbe mone r bcmg gone, ffibat mamtd^ineD bi0 grarc ano aW bic iDbolc rpfcotc, 1^19 «Idroinal0, bis abbottei?,bt0 irricrs,U}ttb Or 5ot:n, i^is j:^unnee,anDbt0 ancrots^ano ad be tb;u(l out, ^iB paroiio;6 go beggtng ano U)anD;ingalout. 2Lbc n^auciings be d^onhen tbat once bare tbc floarCt jb^bctrcrcoiteanocutlomcsbetunnctoDrcare. 2nb Boner tbat bolQreb tbe beamrs pf bt0 gIo;ne Bartiilct Ujce mai; ban tbiouflbouf tUB tobolc talc : iij^ flno fo ma? the pope luub Canole, iScpbc ono iScJ, Jn tbe papall pcDtgrclue, bee tcls fucb a tale, Ebat all UomiO) ttogcs ma? roje to bcarc tell. S:bat Cb;iftians baD UnoU)lcDgc of the trump;? e tbcp fei. if o; be t.ppr c t)p tl^c farhc ,anD all pourctb cut, ^rom tUe firC to tbe latt,bc rappcs tbe U)bolc route. (Xbis ano mocb mojc) being tbe iutt caufc. j£)f tbe V)3?J5 great plague anO mifcrablc Uiant : (}i mcanc of moner) to maintame bi8 laUiefi, pcrfojce mutt per fujaoc vou,ti)at bcrc nuUc ronr platnf. ConCocring Cooe U)o;oc batb bun on tbe tainlc. I^ou iDofuU foulifi tbatin purgato;:c Ivc ^uft K*.t bcrc rcmamc tbe re is gcoo caufe tobr. fi 5 ( caticb The rewarde %m^it\i is ftts) roo fenoto tttt pcpc (jatb ban af c off, SSo foiino betlDirt Pluto anD Rome tl)s:fefta^3C0: ^no noU)c it id like, t\)at tjts labour 10 Iolt> ^cf aufe tbat bt0 cuSomcfi anD crcoite tbua tuearet .- ^et bee batb fee l^;icl!0,^nhe0,i^unncs,anD if rur0 • 0nD (be relf orbt0 KabU in banoe fo; to make, a ilaoDcr (0 reacbe into l^cauen fo; lonr fake, -The bail ^"^ ^P ^^ ^^ rearcD, rcare0 long a goe, ^ingof ti)c anoU)cIlt)nDerrctU)ttb£r>p;se0 anD^alTef; i.aoer ano ^(tb popttbe p;op0,ttoDfanoe0 on a roe, totVtttic asparDon0,^ul0,3lDol6,^olT!luatfr,anD 0(ljf0: too;limen. palmc0,anD bolv ^;cnD> anD manp olDc SIraQ)e0t ilampc0,iltgbtc0,Cro(rtng anD Creeping, ;anD all to rcD;c(re tour pitiful! loecping. $^ingtng,anD UingingitDitb ^ellc0 eucrv iDb^rC) |^enGng,anD ^cnfing toitb ^obe ^cil anD CanDle: i!^un, anD ^ricr> /^igbt jDarc nnD botor r,al tbing fo; to banolc- Jtihc iDo;bemen luo;tb?)not bunglers to bramble. Q builDing to bolte fo br? in tOe U^itB, ootb crauc Cunning voo;bemen,anD fucb a0 are iDJCe, (Cbf cauff ^»f *o^(^^*^) tbcpopcstDillingminOe, of tbc tnii i?oj moncv to rclcafc pou of tbcfc bitter patneg : tiKicof. ^0 man^ tbotifanDea ftrouc tbts IlaoDcr to chmbe, ^bat ipou mitt tbe )^eauen,anD bee bi0 great gatnes •* if 0; benoingit b:ahe, luitb loaigbt of tour Cbatne0t )i3^ meane0 lobcreof, tbere(n,U)bo put trutt, ^o;lD iDitbout enoe^rcmame betrc tbee muS . 3nD to) (bo;f it tuas,bp full fen tcgrara, nrntteo ianoncuercoulDreacbOoD0 glo^rc ano bliffle .♦ fouies pctic :3ltbougbbee,anobi0)U)ereasbuCea0)15a0, iT n*? *°c' ^" ^''^"^* ^' tooulDc bauc p;ouiDf but tbifi: „^,„°- * caUcrcfo;ebacontent£OnorcmeeDrci0, pained. %fH cfwickednefle. JCtI ft)C JlaDDerba mcnoco, hence to nitpattht v*, £D; zl» ftiat tbe jaope^ome (^im fciu ro; to fctctj ra. »c ©ofpell of Cbjia, ^fltb t!);oagblp c onfounDco, i^ot oncl^ tbL8 liaoDcr, of tbc popes otone ocoi« : IBat alfo Dcttro^oc al tbcm tbat firft foimocD SDbepatntcD bcIlcs,anD paper paraotcc: J^eare among b0,tbcvltall plapc tijep; p;icc. SLtjep; tlmmng loolatrDC, a i\t tiIt-S>upcr fiition, 20 bol^e as ttjeg bec^ b^are anoco no rcmitTion. %bireto}t it ib PuIcos plcafure fbaf v^u hnotue, IQbat fo;tune batb bapncD,tour ifatbcr tbe pope.* I^s btoi felfe to ll^eaucn, 10 not able to goc, CErccpt&amt Peter, balcbtmtpfna ISoapc: £>i tbat bccbaunfc to ha puloe b^bts doipc, )!3p our iiao^ of CjClalQngbdnr, % ruicet UmDc of CbeSrr €!(( bu( po;cton tn l(^eauen.t0 fcant lDo;tb a ILzftat, Cb^fe bDO^bes being fatDr^bec tjifmounfcfb tbe ffagf , erc tn tbat place: Si Ogbt to ro;rolDfull>tn bebolotng tbcp; cafe, (j meane) of al fucb > ns put truQ tn tbc S^alTc, Sbcfe ^t\3)cs maoctbCE; to;mcntB mucbU)o;rc fben (it IsaB. So (k tbc ro;rolDfaIl ro:t bals one anotbcr, Crying out on tbc popc0,anD bie OjaueUngcc tbcrc ; »c ^atbcr, tbc ^onnc,tbc Daugbter.tbe ^otbcr, 2Cbc 5jlnclc,tbc aunte,ano OranoQcr appearc t So tbenintbcbcgra,tboufanocs tberc lucre JiSotb Kttrb ano poje, tbat truftco to tbc ^affc , i^ot one of tbemalt , but 3 am fure tbcrc bcc luas . fromc critic fvc of 3[Dol0,anD feme of holrc luatcr, Jbomc of ^upcrtticion, ano feme of Scala ccli: tfJtfaer fome lamentcD, tj^e mumbling of llaov pfalf cr, (a!a5) ^ Thcrcwardc \^\M )quoD another » ttus iDtll not p;eaa{Ic i?& • ^oU) mare von C^,tt)ctr trump;pe Dotb faile r^ • $M itootbtbcm; toe tsberettei? Ipe* -k^ s:batlate^Vtltt)er)<^05>in l|^aoltcr0 ftiUiire. ^^ I anDloe(quott)lia)b)t;rrett)tijbee6ng^n0a ^aCTr, pope Alexander, ^ope loanc, atiD bott) Dnoer a (toale : ^s^ounottbeflDste btoDofbai^lcstnaGtaffe} ISlbub JooU b;oagi)Cbttber manv n poK foule f Si parooner ma tbtntu lUnDes b^ \Dif b a (crolute . ^omeotftcerba Ukt otf^aint jobns ftuate if ran? » Hobe iDbo 10 in bia bobea U ^0 bell i^ou p;cpat ( ta • iS)f Caacfl anD l^inbce on caeri? fioc: iaa £Lipltng)i5tb0,ati|/Mcker0 of QroUite, &ea &ou>cr0t ano ll£cVDbatc0,tbvtber fan bioc .* 2luto}0,anD Celtale0,tneucri^noU)kscrroe. )3Uketbanhc0anD^;o\i)Ur0,b(aret)oIptDatcr, SCbetr matSer0(betna U)o;loltngs)rarD Confitcor,8n( (Mifcrcator* ifIattertlfgbtlLampe0,to our taDc^of grace, JtpocrtQc , calDe tbem bp Co tbe offering. &atnt Annc of 2i3acbttone0 lDa0 U)albtng a pace : 35at Lucre loaa lifting fmaU pence to tbe Coffcrtng . Sit (bjieft tbtp iDsri clofe in eaer v place. SLtoa racc0 in one boDe, tbe CrolTe tben btD bcarc > %Slbereat abbomtnation>brganne fo; to f toeare • CreatDeaiflontbcrefameD fobee, dll tbattoeretbereoDiDbnocke on tber; b;eaQ ; 25at(ala0 )tolatcfo; to crpetbenPccaui, aitbougbetbe )9opebotb CrofTcOanobUae, ipo; tobcn bee tobtc bacbe,at Itc miffa eft.- QSHben Dan ii!mlifter,Cbe CanDIca Ibouto oof c , 2U flclwe on a fir e tbeir CoUcoge tb;ougb out, ^Howcthc I.adacrwasainendcd,that lately wasaaishtf Atter that timetruUcofnonum 1 aihftc. FINIS. flbi ^fwickedncjflc. K^ The torment o/'Tiranny, and the reward for his wickcdncflc i Being a Xinjg called Myddt : Which Tirarv. noufl}'c,fwallowed not onely his Countrey for Luac iake , • but his houfeholdc Seruauntes alio. T^of u iDce lefe Wt KomtO) itoge0,of tobome H fpabc of late, miz cbaanflte ft learc a luocful iDigtjt, ^ did betoatle bis ffatc. 0nD Tiranny tii0 name luaB calDe, tobo lonl) to Icitne tbe po;r, IRnD fuppe tbe gains of (tDeattng b;otDe0, fo; to increaft bi0 tto;e . nta migbtp mate ne mcrct ininDr0,tDben be on fotle DtD Dluell> 15ut eats t)p all on cueri;0Dc,a0 tbei? tbat leant can tel. SLbe iDtooU) anD tbe iFatberlc0,tbe Stranger tbat Dotb to^Ic: \^\B boufebolD ^ermtonrs anDal>bce fesbetb fo; to fpoi^Ie. fi^bom t lenDeD ba bi0 cares tnto^but onelte tnto rucbe, 20 Dnto Pluto farrifiioe tbe?} fetUff eo gaine btni murbc; tCi?lattbclaQbt0Q^trannt,tbeajp;e co;rupt Mbfmell, ISlbereat tbe ^bu0,oto turnctber; bcloe, ano Limbo gan to ^ell. SLbe C^ountatne0 roare b? Eccos tomaDebiaifofo;gctbi0Duts>deane: (grainei timbom lob^'n ^ louc perufoc^no fcarcb^e bt0 fitnttQ)Pharaos beart, tipon tbe fnappe grim me Mors be f rnD8,to ff ich bim ivitb biB E>art> tl^Ubo IsounD btm To^tbat Atropos to line ffraigbt lato tbe laonce » ^000 people br tbic SUiP^ants Dcatb>from bonoagc to aoaauncc . tiSlbofc VDaiiD;in8 gboff > to Carom botcluitbfearful grcnc0 10 gone, SUo Dloell aunnij tbe oanincD rp;i(c0, fo; otber bope 10 none: $Slb«re,tn a pit,a plate 10 pitcbtr,a tuocful cbapK to fir, Bin molten mcttall to tbe Crotone, a place fo; Crjanres fit. l^iB efficer0 Uaniic bim rounD aboatjlvitb Uacgcs of mone? tb2atf» t^btcti neucr ceafe.tDitb gnalbtng :d^tb>to leno bint man); aDutt, Mcciufa(8tji0v£ofec,to D;eir:tbi0 ta;ctcbebtfln!cnte. tI2ablcbfetsbcfo;cbimcraU)Iing&nafec0,anDt)Glr Cooe0toeate, \^10 coaiifeUcrabarcUyt onUngtb,tber;<2?ut0onba)lw0 bee tojne. 1 The rcwardc tSAWt fotol^ DefojmeD 6(tb^ (ongttd belDade tl^nt thtv toere be^ne, £Et)U5 toS f tojnctDitf) to;ment0arrat,lDitbtbuDerbolt0 bftl)U)dUt» fi)n fo;fec0 f flertjtjofes UrcinDf llrctcbt,ecbeioiint from ottjcrcraht. ^no toaiijmcnttljis spifcw 0riefc,U)ttbba)hcB tijcp bale btmout Nippon a frofen fcaffolDc bo^tt, ti^ts II^;aunt IodKcs about: mt)cre belltn) l^cgscs anD j^mittt (beiuc a Qgbt t'tncrcafe bts paine CSlbicb t9 tbeiorfult Eden 6clDe0, tubers raacDfouUarematne. ZCbe bltffull banbc0 tbcre mtgbt be Tee, tbe Datle^cs flvatc i fat?;c» €23 bcrc U)anf 9 no Qoares of noble taQc, fo; to perfume t^e a]?;e* :9llhinDeoffrmte0DoQ)elDtbemrelue5 ,anoreaDtc rtpc tbcp bunge, £Df pleafures paHing man to loiQic, tbere Inantes no binoe of tb^nsc^ PcrnalTus btU (0 bafc a banckC) to be comparDeto tbi09 £D; Helicon in fucb refpectf a luetoie pi>nQl6 10* ^o; Gthera pcarle of all tbc eartb^ut onsbt but count erfef* £n!)0U3b it U)cre DccHt iDttb all tbe goloe, tbat Alexander get. £Ebo 3 bao DjonUe ano fuppco t)p,fiDate Aganippes tucll, 5^; Gabanclusf&tlful(fla)DC5,?etluantBi ftitUtoteU Vu'jt bcapes of io^c0,tbi3 torfud ficloe is garmfbcD lottball , £)otb mucb furmount tbis tpa^loii? bltde, tb;ire mo;e tben fuger gall fo; fbcrc &lr Tcllus ootb not taftc of Hicmps frofen fare, ^o; Boreas b^aggcs tbe lucaUcd tlDlgsc,(lar0 not loitbin tbat ptace, ^o; Plicbus b(c bt0 golorn beamcs, Difpcrfcrb bcre ano tberc ; ano lupiter tbc filiicroioppesfromfUiesDotb caufc retire. (Jn fcafon Due) to mol fie tbcfc ficlocs of enoclcfTe blidc, Habere none ma? come but fticl; ac bt! tbcCoDDcs appo^nfc b t£r* tXi\)ok garmcntcsbca£;U)bttcasfnoUi,oninQrumrntcetbei:ting« 0ni) ncuer ccafe, but p;arQna Ood,of eartb> ano beoncn btng* ano croiuncs \7p0n tbeir beaos tber boercf aangels fsoe tbci;rate» &ti[\ Gloria in excclfis Cng to'lb ilambe bpsn tbe feate . Z^berc mtgbt tbt0 £Lr^;aunt luctl bcbolce tbe pG];e U}bcmcbcop;ri{4 ^miD tbcf e iov'cf fo; cucrmo;c,apf of ntf D fo; to reft, ano fucb as IcaabectD caceme,anD all be rent iDitbtojong, Cbeir b ippie Itfc ccbe bourc did fo:, ano oa^lic bcaroe tbeir fong. tabirb UJben be bearoe,a triple pame flCaulf C0 tbi« captiucfl gbott, eaben boe Dio lua^ bis munoauc mwlxe, ano beancns trcafure lott: 3!i tquall ballaunre tubcn be trpeo.boto Conference bim ar cufoc, (fiiuo:b b»)Se en von 3(mpf « cCbell, tbat t^as bane me abufbe. ofwickedncfle. 0no Uugbt btm bolo (!D3Dbc0 people pmcyfoi games to reno i tcarr. SCO rtDe,torunne,to|}aIe,anD D;abDe>asboitocaauc6cucr^tourc, %o iDbippe ant fcourge no mo tbcn all, tW iDere tDitbin tiB pocrc« liBnt £Db(quotb im) Ut all tbe iro;lDe crample taUc by> mcc, Het ncuer s^eatrH )d;ttKc on cartb tbtnbe otber but to Drc« ^,t^t OH Q(o\)tg,i^;^it fyc on goloc.ano tenttmcs fie on fucb ;a8 (ball p;o(urc great miotic nun, tbe po^e b\> lu;ong to (oar b' 0notben be U);angcbu> banoesfo; too^tubat bappe baojE (quotb bee) %o lenoems carcis to IDungbil2>Qlte0,at tbetr coinmaunoe to Ich ^no banitbt from m^fernire quite, tbe blooe of gentle race , Cdbicballua^escouHfavloe me to mtnDe>minebono;anD mr qratti 3i3ut axs tbe Rauens fcebe tbcir p;ate,oj Mcolfe tbe f pottle purfucfi, &o Dto tbe Cbiirle!3 bp mcaneg of me, eacbe tobcrc tbcir fnrtc l^fe. SCbe tonnes of 2:becuc0 9 rnOtch €ar!e0,mtgbt Icaoe me as tbcr lt(!> ^0 tbat tbe gobs of gto;tng goloe,tbei? b;ou3bt to frelgbt ^V fifl^» ptt as tber rpo]^lDe tbe coaft ab;oaDc (from me) fo oio tbcr pincbe, ^0 tbat ateuerrc elne, 31 fcarce recevnco balfc an incbe . 3 pitieo not t^t CISUdDoIdcs eanfe, no;fatberle(te b; luai:Dr, ^otb toiunes ano countries rounoe about,to pa&urcs great 3 \a\^e* pa bad I mines, iDitb tcne^arocs large,U)ttb co;ne ano cattell (to;e ^ea Lo;D(bips, lanos,parcUes bouge t Uiiocvct Qil 31 leoht fo; mo;0. Ipuirs and Camels infintte,2Col))nes ano Catties grsatc, SCbus Fortune initb bir fmiltng lobes, bir lDo;lDlr baiUcsian bat:te %Q catcbe tbe couetous ZCv^ant luitb, to pjefcnt toPlutos grace, ^ibofelDtcUcDnrdcbe Dotb reluaroe fulUoell toitbm tbis place. SnDtbenbiv!o9htt)pontbcreaaues,mncbrU(<)"(^lbUc)bctiDei ^ou ijerlots bo;nf;tt)at tbus bctuitcbt a |!5;incc of fuclj a p;iDe, ^ucb rll ano luo tnav bap (0 tbo:, tbou foulc ocfo^mct Qaue. SnD all tb)? mates tbat moneo nioe, tbis munoan mucUc to crane* 2Sbe cb'.loc tjnbo^ne curfe fou % rours,tbc bils fi)all founoc tbe fame, SCbc (tones in (treats err out on vcuitbe fkies pjoctainie pour (bame. S^be beaucns abbo; botb von ano rours:bel renD vou U)itb bisialucs , ano if urics all in Stigion ttreames, to;mcnt ^ou luiil) tbcir claivcs* ^ncb mo;e be fapoe bat lubatit; fhriUcs loc coiilDc not tcll> ^ismencftruttanDbeetbHttimcintc^mcntesfoDiorell. IButttill tbcD bang bim tultb tbefc bagges,lilic tnaimcn in tbcir rage ano areite tbefe fnries loUb tbcir bobcs.oiD mout bim from (^ ttagc. The rcwardc • ISBt^rt tnmbHns b^ tit molten eoloe. ootb tualf^rtere anb e(en^ m Attbelrngtb) of btm no;bt0>U)ecoaloc not tet no;bcre. TS5at9atr tbe pit tottb letters bUcbctbts fcntencc (bere toni penbe This is the place ofiuft rcwardc for Tyrauntes in thcendc. %\9tn b^ ano b v^a tbunoiimg tiopce came pouDcrmg tp tbe pttf e, (S^bicb Cflv^O''*"^^"^^^'' thende you iiicn,in chayrcs of (late tliat fit. For Pluto is the laylor hereto mightic loue aboue : He pardons none but all alike,(take hecde it doth bchoouc) SSlbtcb tPo^M tin maliem^bart to (b;mM8 floVoerf Dot ^n |nnf» ^tijat to fpeabc one U)o;oe fo; ttfe,| oorlt not once p;crQme, S5ut in m^ bcart Bl toifljt aUmcn,1iiin0 M) das mucbe to fiff> flno rpectallpe tbc nnmber tbat oftnigbttc bono; ba, ifo; tbe^tbat reaoetbe jDoetes U)o;be«,(bal bcre ofMydas mucbi Bno boVD be crau te all to be golbc tbat be tnigbt fale o; toncbe, IBut tbougbtbc poct0 fableo ro>ano 31 in D;eaine6 ooe fame, iPct let not 2:p;auntri better truS,bat tafte of Plutos paint* ^Thereroarcfethat Ro/amond had inliell, for murdering of hirhufbandc j41' konitij knd imingvitio^nieiniiirhur'* bandcs daycs. ]]^cn from tb^B pope loe lucre beparf ano gone, (leaning to rcturnc, tbe ntgbt luas almott fpcnt : Idut tbere fad b? loe bearbe one cr^ea non, WJbicb fa^bc ( iias, atas) to late j Doc rcprnf, £pV Ujanton 03^e», mp luilic iioutbfull tove0, ^ane bamlbt me from ^imztls part of topc0. SCbe foanbc (brrecfa iuoman bio p;crrnf , ifo; ^crcminglte it rang among tbccaued> U3btcbtD!)cn\ucbcarDelDccoulDc not be content: JBiJt fciloc tbc cra^gce among tbc flaming toaucs. TLill at the laO a Dangcon tjaD iuc fppDc, tSlberdn tbc Iuoman U).is tbat latdcc cr^De. And of wickcdneflc. UnD as Ise (tone thereof to tabe tbe tieloe, 3ln fcalDtng furnelTe lobofc flafl^ oott) Oiil incrrafe, fl fesmins n oble E>atn c lottb craliine ano fceptnre ni U)f (among a numbcr)gaii firft of all to p;eaff , janD fa^D(siDb Morpheus) fac.') baftc tobp Dott ftjoa mabf^ 3 p;ac tbs btoc a tobtle^rct fo; a toomans faHe. ^bercfbie (qnofbba) rap p;cff nfc ootb no gcD. flno r!I Jl map abioc, Ibc niGtjt ie atmoa fpcnt : j&ba bearing tbifl> frpco out as one lucre U) (DO, dbtoe ano bcare ttoo iDo;Dc0, tbcn go S am content. E>trpJtcbc (quotb bs) fo; long j cannot btbc, 3Bat firS ofalUtbp name ano caufc Defcrtbe, (i^b qaotb Q)(£) tbis place p;epar(D it, ifo) tDicbcDneHc tbe tutl retoaroe to bff, anDfucbasUucagainlttbeCooocsamtae, 3&e bfcD bcre iDitb to;mentc0 ai pou fee. &itb Morpheus tboo all o;camc« oott fljcln ecbe tobere, IdobUQ) tbts ab;oaoe botn tocare bfeo bere. 0nblct tbcm bnoto bolo Rorimonde tbc ^mnt, Eo Albony us latc tuife tbat loag fomctimc, Ilvctbto;mcntberea0tboubaap;ercntrane, j(Oi fiUbie life, ano oDtoue bloDic crmte. ^r life bio craue none otbcr cnoe but this, 2Lbercfo;e brboloe rcloarof of ivichconcOe* ncrcfo;rIrtmdtoU)omeniDarnmgbff} Via bono; Cod tbc bcQcanDnerttbnrrpoafeD mates : Sinn Tap tbat Rofamonde tbuo fapDe to tbet, (K^boDotb not ro,fl)all enter at tbefe gates. 3t Dotb become cacbetDomanntgbt ano Dapr, (h^, S^boloctbcmlDcIlccntcnt) at iDbattbeir bnfbanoef )0ou luate blffiOcs potTca loitb b^tvlit bartcs, l^ourloftie lobes coirraiuitb meatier aatc, Kefufe to plape tbcfe luanton IvUfull partc#, fl) 3 fnm The rcwardc ^rom foUpc flce,kaft too rcpf nt to Utt . ^oniettme 3 l(pbte as btc as \iepu of fiou, tiastficf) is ti)e ohcI^c cauCc Bl bin al ioccs aoeloe • J^emie not to flocIU taCf^e tuoite f o bcarc, ^0 tauntage rske>nD; qaarr£l0 frame (o b^ceOc t ISnbonett iDcmans part 10 cuerto fo;beare ^e fai^tnge^ of brr bnfbanD, if tod fbk tbinbe to (pktte, ^bcre loue Ib linkte , U)o;DeB cannot b;eU)c tbc bate, 3i5nt U}bcr(bi(rcmbIcr0are>fclJDclJDo;De0tt)en caafetb (bare, janb Iai?e afioe ^our ncU)c tit fgutfeo ra^c^ 3,eaue p;anchtng of i;our fclaes tutf b patntcb face: if rom iDbirlins bcvK ano tbere tour cree p;opbancD diii, 3I5(C faitbtal patrons founbin euerii place. fSlboDotbbir fpolureo ^ate in anvcafe betrapei* ^ball furc repent it ro;e, iDitb ma anotbcr Dare. ^ .. if 0; if tW grace bab ligbt bpon mv C^e, . . ' £Sben baD 'i D;caD befo;e tbe Doubtfull enbc: jano fo efcapcD tbatlubtcb noioc a!a6 3 bior, SXs CucrDon mecf c fo; tbcm tbat fo officno. f-o; ttjjougb one Iuo;d i bcaro nip bufbanD f»ve, spp aomach mas fo aotute,]; mabe btm Sraigbt atoa]?* WlHch \xiaehut fmall anb cade to b0e^bo;ne, 35at t\}iH tbc luicaeo rp;itc mee tempt e to feeke his blosD, if 0; cuen as ^uDas bis ^aittcrs Dcatb bsD f luojnp, 3nffctU5itbliUctcmptacJon, tbat p;efcnt time Jfiojcc, dengeancc 3 inucnteD.ano tocngcancc banc 3 r atrgbf . S^ofttUemE ^urbanocs life, mine oli;nc Drfiructtoii (b;ougbt. loe, tbis loas tbe caofe. at m^ i^Onf bancs returnc , if roni Doing great IBattailes in Countrcvs full farre : iSeing bis plcafurc a tctile fo; to &oiourne> 2:0 red bim at eafe after bis UJarrc: Hctcalla s:rmmpbc,anD maoe a great if caff, 2lo tbc lPbubair(mb!eDallbi0lio;O(0 cf t^ie btt(. ofwickednefTe. SintihtminWmtrimtm,nu3 leKeo \x>it\)mki SCcDhc a (:?obUt iDttb tmincann thtU tuo;D6 tUr be ra^D t {lS>m\\e a talont to tbi> i?atbcr, ^ifc quotu ba ) CQlbo befo;e in Battatle iDas iDoatiDeD to DcaD. S£i)as toi to fav£,mu(b to nota mts , ;i23t)o tucr DQtl) rpcahe it , tDbcre an^ grace is» )Cut (ala0)t}nbapptl^e ^^ ns mod Isomcn bee» Mao parte full of p;tDc, auD mutable minoc: 3 riDclDc as a XoaOe bi^ deatb fo; to rcc, fet fpabelbim fa^;ebiorence0to bltnoc* iiD^oDtDbatmircbicfccantDomen muenfy j^nD if a man alter but once tbei?; intent. ^btn 31 fpaUe bim as fa^;e as bcart migbt oeutfe , am maDe tbe greata H^cioe of irattbfuU true loue ; JntoarDlve tbcn 3 DtD bate ano oefpifc , ipp noble i^uCbanoc ad Creatures aboue. ^bcrefo;e J| confcac, tt io baroc fo; to knotoe, Witjtn a tDomanrpeaUe0fai:;e,if Qjoemeanefitto; no. i poIIufcD filtbili'em^l^urbanbesbeDDe, tOttb one of bis fcraountcs, bobome after BJ mabe ipoflt S^raitcrouQiito fmitc of bis bcao, flfl ba larc a Qapc Voitb bis olrne fU)o;Dc 02 blaDc. ano fo tflBlJc bis SDrcafnre.ano to tbe &cas lea QeD* SLbere Icaumg m^ i^nf bano buonnoeo to oeao. Cbt0 ^quters name.tbat bio tbts totchcb babe • Mclchis luas calleD a (toute iDO^tb? I^nigbt: Jn Raucnnc tbcre became top;ocecDe SI migbtp p;ince of great poluer ano migbf . I^et fo; all tbis, U)itb bini If raigbt 3 tricb ifo;eacbeDaseQnmB ftUbi^luft bcaftls DeOreo. Wtrt ba f one aboue anotber, 3 maoe no ao;e: ifoi IbamcJf earMno<5ra(e,from meetocre quite gone, 31 The rewarde ^ filtbi? flsQ)^ To tDtcbeoit toas fette. %W aUlvas bntfilbe (bat came to tbe ncttt • S5tif among at tbe rtft one noble man» SDbattbenof Raucnnctoat a gonernour : 00 of te as pleafeb bim notoe ano tban» l^ao grcate bclite to boloe met as \9aramonr. ^n iDbome a lobiU m^ aitting mtnoe Dio rannc, Sm era it bao of Mckhis lateli^e oon^ ^o)U)bofe fattt Mekhis m^ bufbanoe netDe» Sb^oueb treafonframocano biU BDupticitpey tS23ttbtn m^ bcart bis oeatb ,31 san to b;ctDr, ^ecaufe at large 3 tboogbt to Itue mo;e tictoua?. Wo b)o;hc tbc fcate bf Oc^gbtjano fcapc tbc blame » 3 p;tutlspovroncoU)me,tmaDebim{);ttibc tbefame. Ko tbc miODcs b;anbe Mckhis tbis Cup of GZHinc, (O t)Ub maDc bull loohe luttb colour orao ano Uian: 15ut toben !:a falue tbat Slrapf rcffc bcart of mine, tEOttbmucbaOoettcfcU}o;Dcs Declare bs gan caub rufull face . SSboa boicbco Uj;ctcbc (qnotbbcc ) Albonius tbou tb;ougb 2Crcafon QctD,fo bait oone uie* 2nD tbcrc teittall bis banoc tppon nice latOe, 0nD b;gcDnu in spangrc of inv bcao, %o D;infec tbc totbcr balfc bcfo;E 3 Qam , . ^micbU^agao foncr Done but DeUinc luet bofb fell OroO^ Sinn tbus atmtrcbtefe enoco j mv life, S^b^t fometimc tuas a ifamous p;iiiccs CTiife . loe Mor^ihcus, tb's is tbc fnmme ano all : ' i^oU)ett}ouhnoincftmptiamc>mpU)t(bcDfactanDD&Oc: 3lp;apctbcepettof]atbaftefccurrfall, Clanic iDcmcn cf tbc libc,tt's not a litle ndcoe , £IotbFp.:&KO^Cco mates, btDtbcmb^mttbeftr ut» iS>i tell tbeni elfe cot^ution ootb enftie. 15(0 ofwickedlnene. ^ anD to bumble tbem (clws to tbep; I^q(banoe0 alUiote^ } 5fo; it 10 commonli?e (eene bi; aunctcnt erpertence» SDbat none bat tbc iDilfuI Doe catcbe tbetr Dccates . Ebougb iorlvs in tDo;btng tbecrafcie ^amts ba, SLbem rclacf tbe^ Dcceauc iivt^^tvadKmste. Bnb nots fareloel Morpheus tboa tsofrs tcbaf ^Smtgnr^ SCbou mapelt fai^tboa met loitbamtrcrdblc tD(0bt>' SCbat fira p;ocur eO bcr ^nfbano Co bee aatne> dnoalfo porroneo a baliaunt i^nlgbt. 2:t)tB ti)a0 ni^ acte ano tbe caure of my t^ll» £^uit( murtbcr^fo; murtber>m)e Tclfc uac of all. ^no U)ttb tbefc U)o;Qe0 a £i?;aant tottb a ^coUt, 3EntenocrOoc0,tbcmo;taUl)DOunOe0bap;inte5> ITbe nigbt is almott fpent (quotb ba)comc let b0 g6e, SEbc leal! of tber? paincff palTetb our belpc: 3 toill b;tng tbee fafe to tbe place tbon came fro, Jgff notooubtful of Cerberus tbat fotolc currifljc tDbclpr, ^o: of anT! tbat is bcarc, 3 Doill anfuierc tbem all; ^a of gcDD cbierc lubat euer Doe be fall. £^bn0 toaoDcring bacftc, \r eclosUcO about, flnoojcucr U>ce U)i(t,U'ercat Plutoes^allaicc.- fit tbe iDbub U)ff bcaro fo crnell a (botute^ The rewarde fls if ttitsW all 6on tositbcr in malkfy ^tt U)t)cn U)c came neerc tbcm t()e trutb tben appftrcti^ it 1030 bm A triumpt^ ano nou0bt to be fearco. Sben after a tcbilc t)pon a (lagc full brf > 0n rll fafte ^oman ablacbe SIrnmpet bfcto ; 0UD tDbcn Qlence loas maDe,ba; p;oclarmeD a crte» 3tn tbc name of Piatofo; ttoinaes rnoH trae. (€luotl) bce)bto)Die Boner tbe ^utcbcr comes bece« S:bat batb furnilbt onr kttcbin tbts manr a tere. f|^;concc (qnotbbtt) it is Plutos bigb plcafure, Ebat ail men prepare m tbc bctt ro;t tbct! can, ^it\i\^c is to PlutoanoProfcrpin fucb trcafnrc , ^0 reretue bim amonge bd as becomes fucb a marf, l^ou hnolD iDbat bis reruice batb bene beretofo;e > LcDbe torourouet(cstDbatnococ0ani^mo;c^ setts rai?oc, be DepartcD Qraite from tbc t!age, SnD to Plutos paliacc bee tben tcokc tbc toa^e . a5ut tbcn to fee botb nian bo^c anD page, X^ fet nctoc Dciicntions in o;Dcr ano rare, jELbcbalfc to occlare , itpadctbrn^lottte, 3i am Cure tbc likC)U)as neucr fcsnc ^tt. SEbcrc toasfiiliiig office bolfes in boles ano in nouhef, V^caDOmg of oartcs,anO popntmg of fpittcs, ^liouringofblaDes^anDbcnoingorbmUcs, ^cnDing orfircfo;[ics, ano Isritng nctjoc tobipcs t )5arrcIingofpit(be,&ulfur,anD&altcpcctcr} ^itbmo;e tbcn can be DefcrtbcD in mcctcr. 3I?ut fo; to b c b;iefc fo luilltng tbct ioerr, Sl^bat notbtng luas tDantmg to fct out tbe Dbotue » ^b]? their Diliigcnccfutllucllatoappesre) ^0 man coa(De be mo;e loclcomc tbcrc J| bnoUi* Boner (qtiotbonc;ik)ncrquotbanotbcr, VsacU&meafib^rteice a^i^atbero) ^otber ofwickednefle. mit\i all tbiiige« po^nt feicc, artD et fo; ^t nonce, jf (»;ti) canw Pluto, ano Proferpin tbc fiiueene, jSo mate Bonert^e fucbcr of fQulc«,flea),anD bonetf, 3ln fucb o;Der ano fo;tc as batb not bene fane. 31 (Dall mabe a oefcrtptton a0 nteas 3 can, I^D) tijec locnt in o;0(r to mate btm cc^e man. If trd ttDo ano tiJDo came marcbing f osUber. Mitti a picUefo;hG o; if Ufljmfee in cuerB fid. a blacUe banner oifpla^co tbat toancrco in tt>c tneatlicrj HCabicbobfcureDlbcligbttoitboarcftefttnbingmia. f\\ faftc ffirumpitcre a namber tbcre toerc, iprom \s\)oU montt)C5 fleloe a tt^unocr ooible to t)(re> JC^e namber 3 bneto not fo man^ tljere toere, iBut b;auc ano fine i\)e^ totre out of Doubt .- Hnbattcs liUe biucc^ano boafe bumoc toittj bcare CSlitb rou£b courlDe beaocB, tbci? IcUeofuU ftouf, jLbcr lucre fo luttie tbcr famoc to be curter0, 5f o; tbcs maoc it tentimcs 3a bigge as f ujarfe Katter«# i^crt after tbcfc tbere came in a ra^c, iDPbeapcfl U)bolc ftoarmcg of PlutA)s nobilitie, tClljuhDiDrioctponlBcareB tbat DID gape foatbeirpjaieej JSljat alloatcsVucrcfcD iwiibtbcfparleofampltcitif, ;about tbcir necUcfl bang Double cbapncs of goloe • J5ut to at be tbcir names 3 ourtt not be boloc. Cbcn f amctjts Chaplet'ns b p ttoo ano b? tb;tt » ;nno after tbcm folloU3CD tbe great caicarc of all, SinD on bis bcaM a triple vlrolune toare ba, ai a reo in robes tbat tocrc full lOontificall, ii^n a rampms ll^on tbat gapcD full Uiloe, EbisgrcafiePi-latc tbat p;cfent DID rioe. flnD tbf n follolrcD Pluto anb Proferpin |)ifi iSiaane> lapon 86 Oraunge bojffs as euer 3 ftc, ifo;Ubtiii \Dcrc fct open agamQ Boner came, ^t Morpheus , and niec no man ttoUc rrcarDc » jLbetr minoe rannc Co irtuclj of tljis noble man. iD^mcancsiDbercof U)ttboutrao;caDoe, 4ac gate oat o tb sates o; nn^ man hneuie. ©eing out of tbc gat C8 toe fcaleo a rocUe, £Lo fee if Ujo: migbt tbcrc fpic Boner commfng, t Catjo m OaDc apprarco in agtit tottb a flockc , Xlbatcamc IibeiScolemg bcDiong tben ranntng. iptrnfctfe UD tbe U)ai? like a Cbampion Qoute , i^n a p;ason0 bacbc (bat fpoj^loe rounDe aboute. l^ hcpt no o;Der no; tbe companle tbat be b;oagbti jco) beaoclong came reclmg botb oioe ano roungi 08 tl)icl;c as UarlcftonES,a man luouloe baue tbengbti saberrof fomc crt?cD,ano otberfomc foung. i5ut DoUjne tbe brU one ano otbf r came tumbling, ca itb Santta Mai u,j bcarDc tbeui fall mumbling . 15annrr tDJ0 bo:ne iDitb reo all to rp3tteD> 35cfo;e tbiB butcbcr tbat pittie \x)sl6 to fee, catjofc arm re in ttjc miODCs toas rufuUr bfotf eO, ^itb'tbc btffioc of qB.irtirc0 VDbomc be caufco to oi^ ^no in tbe Qjicloe patntcD a0 platne DiD appeerc, :an innocent Jtambe,a crucll Gaolfe, auD a )i3eare. it Bfn a 6cloe all blache. on tbe otber (!oe bt0 flagge, lOds cepatnteo a fagot tbat glotoeo lihe a glccoe 9 i\nn a b tuDO c banoc loitb a f iDojoe tbat did b;agge> Cdtna all tbat p;ofca Cb;iQr6 (^ofpell in oatte * ^itb a poafie tbat tb;eatneDbotb agcD ano i^oungy £Lo b; laue \i\ bi0 lo;e, q; cUc boloe tbcir tongae. of wickednefle. )5ut tben f f ee tDi)at a m cettng ttjer e tDa^ , SBettDttne Pluto, Profcrpin, ano Boner t^at (ime, if o; want of rbiU I mud let it pafTe, 3 caunot mention tti'onc baUr in tbi0 rtmc. (/^o Difplcafurc to tbcPopc) if bimfclfc bac bene iUrc, ^t^aonotlsnepotTiblc to inaocl^tut better i;)ca». S?arv Ui^at tbsp fapOjtljaf. toa Dio not hnotu, 315ut tljerc loaa fo; iope fucb colling ano Uinmg.* ^oinc liiugbt ttjat tcctb a fcotc longtt?c{> did t^oto, ;aaD claiuDc carbe otbcr by tbe pate Untbout mitring. 2^0 fff tbe triumpb maoc icitb flctbbail^cs f rpit0> V^aD bene able to baue b;ougbt a man from \)is Witt, §foi tbunDer anb Kgbtning ticbi fijing about, E^artcsanDfircb;anDffiU)alhtbereanDtbcrc» iDonficrs tuere maoc in all bell tb;ouaUout, j^o; iopc tbat Boner U)a0 comming (o nare« ^bofe face J fraroe leaQ be (bouloc banc fptoe mt, if o; U)ben be U)a5 iiuing be migbt not abioe me. JSehinbe Morpheus 3 crept, till tbc^ marcbco bp, SnD Vd( re patl as farrc as Cerberus luai'De> 13nt tDbcn ttjcr u^crc luitbm luc bcaroe fucb a crrCi SLs among all tbe ro;roU)C6 brfo;t i not braroe. K\it\! fct bell on fire luitb mabmg a fcaft» janoall loas to Uiclcomc t\)iB latel^coine gelt. XMW teas Boners IBuCnetTe tbat 31 bor not bnolD|» )Beraoaenturc be Uicntto fetcbe ToulesaluaH tbener^ )5at luogeas ^on ^^^ ibcrrin yea o; no, 31 looulo not be iDttb bim fo; all cLe pope0 pence. Ii5ut tf Boners babe0 Doe tbinbe tbat j lie, SCbcn let tbem go tbitbcr tbe trutb fo; to trie, ' ^Thc cndc of the Rcwardc of V VickeancOc, K^ 'R^tonrnwg from Plutos K^^g^ome^To Noble //r/r^o*: The place of Infinite loyc. ysjfiycn toce from Plutos pallaicc camc,anDtjcU)0D bao tfeis iuoe« W (£iuoo Morpheus) pet 3 (jauc a \»allje,alttlcU)«ipc fogoc. ira; fit'o ji banc tabc al tljis paincttic Doleful place to fee, jp? fncnDcfi Qjall imoujc cf mp af?;T?;cfl,fo; ttjat 3 am fo n^c , S^t)i5 tJtagc btgbt 5 long a goc,perfo;mDc mp p^omife iff, 20 tt)oa rt)v fclfc iDfco care Dcmaunoc,ttjal Ujitnf (Tc bee of (biff. S^2 llaDicu I(Dhtr fo; moc long finccfomc tjaccittb ncloes to f^care, 3no bolDc in Stigion flamcff tbcr fpcD, ttjat liuiiig, toichcD tocrr, S:[:t)crefo;citttanocff mdc mncbtJpon,mi?p;omifefo pcrfo;me, if o; tljat unto tbcfe lDo;.b2S>cimcff, fo firmelp 3 baue fU)o;ne. 3t notljing 08tb brbouc(qu0tt t)a)toitb tbem to batuhe o; blmbe , if o; UJljg rbrg Ooc from mig!)tv C3oDff,DcfccnDc of ^acrco tlocbe. iDf iMcrcurie tbc onclp fapoc Mincruas Ocarlingeff D^re, tSl^iofc miabtic S^iife,ano learneb fbilhbao ncucr pet thw pare • 3n Helicon tbeir Dtoelling iff , toitb Cythcion full br^j J'erna(Tus fo;tbcr;plcafurcbtbefe LaDicff loitbt mud commen fare to face. at U)l)ic!j mine cpeff % liffco Dp: SSbc fo;c fapoe place J fee, l'inb:c!) U)3S mce tbougbt fo patTing flncas ncucr tbing migbf b»» £L*)C'Kcororp,anDtbeUofcmarpc,3inuironcDtbijJl^ill, 3« cucrpc nokc tbe Oilvflo'ojer , bim fclfc p;efcntco QvM £S(3ccomclpl5anch8 UiitbHDavficff Dcckt,anDp.iimrofcoufof crtr, SZ^c wltolcts ant} Cotulcflgps fbste.abougbt in Hgbt 31 fppe . cnitbotbi^ri^carbrfi(batplcafaanfluerc,VDbtcbDiDm(Eg(DJitofct. tilliiofe fragrant fmctffpfrfumetbeap;c,i^ from tbiff place Dotb flee,. E!)C Sb:attclanr)tbe j^igbtinga!r,\Ditb ©ufiUeftofftetbcp^ipc, ^0 plcaf.iuntlpc (I:c <3oD3 tbcm fcluf ff to bcarc luoulo m ucb Dclitc, T-c-%bcrc ooc vclo tbe <£b:iftQl ^p:tn66,tbcp; tricMmg filucr flQjOff, ;aaD tiicrc pomgarnct Cree luitb fru(te,to eartbootb Uctle bis buOff, dc :^'.lbMro inanotbcr placcaff b;olDnc aa Dioerpcff fljoc, t SLafccnoe into tbe tops tbtreof,as fine as ma^e bet tbcugbt. C^bcrcin tbefe {laDtes ofre Doe Gt,tbtB 5iopfui( Ggbt to nctor, if92 tberetbcpmai?cafarrc,bcbolDclDbacQran3rr0 cornea netue, ^n^ iDben tste bao perufoc tbts place, of btgbc and migbtrc fame, 3n bertc of at tbefc £Eurrct top0, \33a fptco a noble Dame, 0Do;nDc ano Decbte,in comel^e ra^ejanb famet^? to bcboloe , l^lr face toas like an angel b^igbf , Uibof e bapjc tbat tteinoc tbc golo, ^^ot curio ano fru)ulDe ber b;olue8 about,but comboc in o;Dcr fa*(:;c> ^nD on bcr bcao of Laurcll maoe, a garianoc lubtcb (bee Uiarc. /^o Double lliiffcfi about bernecbe, no gnrocoOotonc Voarc fljce, ^o; on bcr banocs tbat Hcmoc tbc fnolD,no ringco f Ijcrc U;erc to fee. i^ir epesHoDe aeofaftinljerbcao,tbci? lubirlocnotbereanDtbcrc- S^o; in brr face pou coulo efpvc>oiigbt elfc but grace appcare. Si comelp d^oVDne (bee bao bpon, of collour fao ano fage» fls bed became a lDo;tbr Dacie,p;cfentm3 mtole age. %Zo iD'jome iuee o;elue in at tbe baHCyOur reucrencc fo; to bfc* liObom taben (bee fa\D,(irtt U)o;d (bcc fafD,tuclcomc(quotb (be)Jbbae 33ut fnrtber o; jB oo p:of eeocber name | (bal Defcribc, (nclueaf anointDbafoiOertbatifccbir&iarrstntbattioe- Mcljx)mina,tb(0 LaDrcbii!ibt,tbc clDcft of tbc nine, SLbattbere among btr &i(ters fatclPitbm tbat ^Laxtet gra^ne. I^no cueri?c llao^e Wttb a ]!5mUe,in (hiDie fate full faft, £)no rcaoing of tbe luo;tb^ actcs^tbat bao banc oone ano paS. SDbeiDojbesof poctsaUtbepbaD^ano (canning tbcrctb^rtoerej^ ^'wlbo U)a0 bca iDG^tbr in bis ttme,a poets name to bcare. flno inftrumcnts in cuerp noluUc,tbefc noble Jlaoics baD» Kq recreate tbc v; S^ufc^ ii)itb)ano fo; to mahe tbcm glao. Sinn cuevvt one apparev^o li(ie,U)borc face lihe j!arres Dto (btue * Krfponoent to Meipomina,3ln gracious giftcr ciuine . among tbcm toerc no luanton fong3,noj Bacchus bancquf Js fongb''- 0o; ncU)c oeaicc of p:anch!ng )i).:[De,no; (igne of cuill tbcngbt . SLbcrc iDas no care to purcbafc lanocno: flccCTtng of tbe pcDje, ^o; renting \^ou(cs out of crce,no; bo;oingfo: n flc;c, ^bcrr At Helicon. ^ C^ere \oas no urtotnsfo; fucb pclfcaB too;(Dltnsef noise beUfe, ^ Tom Teititlc coulD not tbcre bti founo , (bat too;Uctf^al t^e Tpite. ^ jfio; Peter Pickthanckc bf are no ftDapc,fo; all bis craft|?c fatcbe> ^ Cbc X3aihfe Laurence Lurchcr,tbcre batb nottitng fo; to catcte • S^bere 10 no 2]Si?aanttber(,tbat fpoiles no; ootb v po^c man to^ongf \ ^0 tahin^ in of Commons t0>U)ttbm tbiit ctrcuite long. iiDncfeBhc8nottbcreanotber0bl0D,bt0(iuing(0toobtafnei >«^ j^o p;ime bate,no; open tD;atb>amon0 tbcm Dotf) rcmamr. )r)ipocri(ic ootb take no prace,amon9 tbcfr U)o;tb^e j^amc0y ^f (inp Crime it is not bearD,tl;at oncanotber blame0. SLbe ruggie bUff of Boreas moufb) at no time tabetb place, Cberc Vcr,anD Flora,botb Do fljeUJC tbep; go;giou0 fate. ^^0; Zcplurus Ootb fljaftcno b;anncbe,toitbintbatfacriDl^'l|, ^ut cucr p tbing In fo;mer (tate,alluape0 conttnaetb drli* i^i Hicnips batb no polucr tbcrr ,tbe flahpe ^notoc to caff» SIbere 10 notbing tbat tabctb taae,of cruell S^tnters blaH. anD as 31 faroc erclu!;ile,bsU}e tbat tua oiD tbcfe &aDie0 rpie> (&otD;)atlDcefapo)anOtbep to b0,3Ic tell pou brand bp. CSlben tutt in ojoer founo tbcm tbuatl^aile ILaorc Morphem fapoe* CSSttbCjp in banoe j bailoe to eartb (^bc? bao mec bcle m\> bcaoe) (ano Ujclcom Morpheus jonc ano alMbc? fapDe reiopflnglie, (tbaf JQbB baU tbou bene fo long( cp tbcv) tubal nctocs bad b:ougbl toitfr ttabat nc\si£B ( <^Morphe) ncloea rnougb.areao fi6 lufecncc J came i bauc pcrfo^moe mp p;omifc maoe, as ougbt an bonctt man» '?ou Die rcquea ano jl agraoc fo IjcUjc bile Stigion Iakc0, ilno toperufe toitb toickco ro;fe,tubato;Dcr Pluto tafef0. ano ijolu tbeu are rcUjaroco t[)crcM ^ab ^onr iDillc0 to bnoto, STbat Dio Dclite in caill atteo f tDo;bc po;c people U)oe. (ii'iotb tbep tba(0 true;f lucre poo tbcrc^J came from tbcnccf^ bee) iEb5naflatoncctbcpg,iijcbrmtbanac0,asgIaDa0 tbcp mtgbtba, mnii moDeft mojos tell bs(^ tbcr}lDbn t dims tbat pou banc fane if 0; tbanltc0 is all pou get of quite roar tovlco painc. 5lDut iDbat loc can o) mar be bouloe,tbat bonea fames to ba, (2:0 pleafnrc pou) in anr U)ifc,UjelbaII tbcre(o agra. "^iit fpcab?, tell on,lcf5lore not:mc(quotbone)Uje tbinke it long, acgin gooD Morpheus(qr4otb tf)€ reff) ano toe toill bolDe our tongoe &o Morpheus (Ireigbt b egm bis tdlc,anD teulDe rbcm bo to tbat ba* amoiifl.i^arq!;eofmcrremate0.brcbaun(eDioli8btonm«. an^ At Helicon. 0n&|)oUie tueefattfrom toaro fo l)DarD,< tofjaf loaf Done onD (af^, anD U)l)cn U)a came to Piutocs place, amons tbetn botue !»« fpeo. anD UibomeUie fato^BnD UiDat tt^ep Dio,t UHxt tt^s; Tacinsei Uw0> Co;refponO(ntto ttje traetbDircrtbcD,mo;eanD ItB, )3at tDben bee toloe tbcm of tbe |aope,tba( Alexander bi0bt, ano of tbe^eruice tbat tbcr fang^ano tfco Dap and ntobt.- ano Uibat rero;t of ^banetings bff )bao Isitb b^m eucrp boto;r» SLbe HaDpce all on Haugb^S fcl!^T)ea,roant)e about (be XEolscr. i^et tDofuIlfo;tbcrefttbepU)eit, bccanfetbep toantco grace, ifo; ber^ $raletbercU)o;tbvS>ame0,tntearc0DtDlDa(betber;face. tS3berc at luben Morpheus otD bebolo,tbefe HaDte toofol cbeare, (£lnoO bee) if 5 bad tbougbt on tbt0 » 31 tootilo not banc come bcare. 15ut crafe roar Dolour ?et a U)btle,rour Itff ning rarco Icnoc mety , ;anD iDipc aiuap tbofc platnttng tcarc9,U}btcb grauctb mc to tx, ifo;ccrte Jbaue, ofU)ocfuluc(rcanoDp;cfull Dcflnrc toloe, a)f plcafaant pagcantcfi Jle rcbearfe,t 2Lriumpbcmani?folOe. Bin U)ano;infl \jp ano Dolonc tbP toalc, to fa tbcfc tjglre figbtw, ^bout tbc place lubere Pluto la^e,loa fatre great llampc0 1 Itgbtt. ^ttu pagcanos pla?o,anD JEragcoic04 noife of Erumpeto founo, |^fa,lt3onfirc5 bUfOf ,luitb tbumping guns.tbal (bmhc tbe trembling taoicij U)bcn toe baro,t 0:D be^olO,Uje baftco faQ to hnoto, (grcfio. tabatloas tbc caufc,\ubcrfo;co;\uUr)tborc trumpets ganto bloU). ano comining to f be padaicc Cdtcs,U)tt nccoe not craue tbem lubp, ^0; Boner comes U)ttbopca5a\De,botbron0an:»olDc gaiurte. fso iMorplicus fct tije Ea!c nn enDe,onD as 3 favoc of late, X3nc fo aa Boner ui? Iccmtt tuaSjat large DiUrioc rbe (late. I'Q'jere at tijc t aoicB cucf p one, lutt}] comelp fmlUng cbeare, JLaioc br tbcir Ii3o3tie0 ,5 laVc^ijt fill faa,tl)ofe ncUies of bim to bcare a ba (quotb fbcr) is Boner fbcrc : SLbats Plutoes iSutcber buloc, jt's Piutocs parte to toclcom e bim , fo; fcruite Done of oloc . flno rcafon gojo anotber faiDCj^cfcrtcs matt neeoes ba quit, anofotberarc3oocp?fcrvue,bvvouin Plutospir. 0omc fcoftc t faro,bit Vurnt fo; S)oulc0,tbat long in Sti;-iondtociDr. ano otber fomc to p >cdcbc ano teacbc,a gr eat opinion bcloe. 13ut in tbe fine a tboufinn tijanhe0,fbcr teeloco Morpheus tbcrc: (anO farOc)tbJv Vooulo ocfcruc bis LM!nc0.if able tbat tbep toere, ano^ongman(quotcMe''povnMia) Qtbtbonfco^J^iUen painc, tdce 00c (onfeffc fo; recompencctbp Oebto;0 to rcmaint. w At Helicon. ■^ 15ai muclirBllDsnDer bctoc tfjplDitte ctofcruc (tcUti^ts tota, ^&^ maruatle not(qnotl) Morpheus tbcn)al tolitle be U)a5 toitb ma. 1l8atot!)CFlDpfc in DaDc(not l)«)no; an? mo;tall man , %W coulo oj mtjbt at anr time,Phlcgctons Itcrg fcan. (mcDDe: S^bats truck nt lobatsbis name (qootb one) bee lakes toitb mufing ^t t0(quotb Morpheus) totoarDs t?ou aI,ano fpijaong of Robins blsD, iiUborepatncfullpcnbatbavebeene pK(()fo;to aDuance tbt0 place, 20 at tbcf c DJf C0,bts actc0 full toeHjOjal iDttnclTe to pour crace. ano ccrtatnclrc t}is cbirpins f oRgne,Dclttcs to batohc no trutb> ^u! platncfons partes cad) lubcre Dotb (ing,a0 iDcIl Co ngc as tontfr. ICberfo;f fitbBibao p;omifemaDc,tbi0tglpc place to fts, ^atbougbtafittcrmantotafecJcoulDnotfinDcttjcn ba. (fiiuotlj Vranyc) tottb famclp tmUcs, OcdD fir roc fapc full true. ifo; t]aD rod not fome boDfc tabc>no man bao Unotunc but f on. ^n9 tbe rour la jc; b'lO ban loa,Uibicb noU) great tbanhs Dotb craue. ^0} tbc rctoarD bao bocne knotocn,tbat lotcUeo people baue. inn Qtb rcu licbt tpon our frtenoc,ten times ibc glaooer Ids. CoU:iarnin5oftl)crrllU)etruff,tbcfcneUir0inP;(nt to fa . flnoluitbt{5cfcUio;D0tl)e\»ta)hetbeir ba)Uc6,fr6 Turret ttraigbf bif' CQitt) one afcc:crbcrcbarnccmcal,to bait ^fbiclMcrcpcnD. (ccnD, Jntjcrfc (q-.ic; jChojpirhilpcaccfijbingto vour D;eame, C3r cbargc vou ibat to nl f (jc UJo;iP,vour pen Dof (Iratjrt)t p;oclaimf , flnotbc Rcwardcof wickedncfTc vouri3ohe (ball baiic to name, ^.obcrtcrtJtlccanbcefounDetpgrtitinto tbcfamc. iDUtlubenjUjarDtbefctDflDjccfj in DaDcfofulI of care 3 tuas, (pas. £St)at Vuben 5 Qjoulo bauc aunOrere inaDcno U)d;d from uicf cculoc £^p tuits iDcrc luafl, m^ fence Uws fleD,ar.D (lil 3ji fioDc araafoe, ILtKct^artbefo;ctt)el!;)ounoeafr(6bt)0;^iroc in pitfall Dafoe« ^no luljat to far ) leatiles lu^s, tbepgauc fo Oraigbt a cbarge, l^f t at a Denture br anD br.tbcfc U)o;De» i fpaUe at large, £0dDamee(quotbj;)mpU)illin3miaDapcaliuaieavour0 batbbdcne, dltbottgb ttie grofcnctTc of mrbeaD , bcfcru^oc no p^atfe to luinne. flno mo^c tbcn tUientrc times afljaniDe.atTureDlpe J am, ILbat an^ of m v barren U)o2Ues,vour learneb t^tB (bouloc fcan* Apollos prJDcnt too;tbierkil!, no; Pallas aaiut featcf , (3t ncucr bneU)) to p;omifc tbis,boU) fijall 3! pa^ mi? Debtesf {ivpCitltc carta Mincrunjtottecoulo ncucr bnbcrftanoe, dlasgoDoiiaDlesluculoe vouJ(lbouloc taUctbi0luo;keintian((^ It At Helicon. $tOX\6pt niltte m^ pen, anooio tljtttto agrA, K\it\\ fl)oaloc i?oa UieU ano caHe fpie at ail no fault in ni«. anofltl)as)2et3ncuertafte,pourmilfecoffacrfOb;rtl, ^ UDoebefacbe rou eutrie onc,fo;gct ^our lad rcqucft. 0nD place fome otbcr in mi; aeeDe,tbt6 U)o;kcinbant)c to take, ^no (o rou 0)a1^ r<'"i^ 1^^^'^ ^^i"^^ ^ cbsrefuU Hobtn mabe. flno ottjerlurfc U)bcn all is Donc,fo; to acqoile mr painc*^, taSitb loffc of all mp labour 3 Qiall purcljas Chcnls gatnw. t!2ilbat,\Diltponfo(quotboncinoaDc,)brtbi8U)batooe roumcahc^ XMo migbtfo; Qiame ocnic \)S all to take To mtcble pained tJllbat naoc row to alcaogc fucb Doubts,^ou are to blame(quotb fljff) Wi\)o Ivant ^o\\ to atTiS ^ou U)itb>tDben Ivc tbus fricnoelte bee ^ 0nD are uie not botb fomc ano all,fo; to erect tbe fame i ^bo eucr vet toifec painc fo; t)5,but luan immo;tall jfame i <3nD tbcn 0)0; btloc faQ bit[) banD,couic ^iQers cijcn (quotb ti)k) Come b;ingroni' ^cves tnooe ^oui locUcs,? let this pounse man la )^o\u loe epalte tbc auOioiis ro^tc^Vcbofc pavncfull banoe ano qinlt> 3(6 apt at ani? time to ^ecloc tbeir fruitcs bnto tbis bill. 3 bearing tbis .^netb one U)o;Oe,i}ur(t fare but bcloe me ttiU. 2nb conntnaunce maOe as tf i luoaloc confcnt bnto tbeir U)tlL anD fo tbc\} b;cugbt be to ibe place, tljvit nil tbc rca crcctDes, j:;cntnne6 as mucb as in flucctc tl?(ir,tl)e CoU)flop6 ftincljing to^Of. IklnD mecte tpon t^z mouutatnc toppcboU bpinto tbe fUics, %[)[& noble place of enDelcCTc famcmott cmiouflp botb rvfc, tClbofc SLurrcts bere i tbcrcooc fljolue tbe ciinino luojlunans fbill, JEbat firft bip art tbat Ontelic plnce began on facreo bill. CpoluDcrcD Ujerc tbe CCIalles ab;o3t!e, luitb (tones of Onix binoe , Ebe reft toas Chrynall,fintlv U);ouabt>tbat lil^c tbc Oncnt fbinbc. i^eetc fquare it U)as on eur I've Qoe , as conlo bee tbongbt in mu\ti<: ^ct out toitb PliaiK's,tbat bere and tbcre.fleU) bp i Doiunc tbe U)iuc ^0 b(D;cs but one,U)berc on Vjho fct, nine loches niatjc fo; v nonrs , iDf ftncttGoloc,U)itbcurioutt lDo;hfP,outcbtrounDeU:itb p.Jecioua 0nD cuery §5i(ler bab n UG)?,rcrponDent to tbe fame, ( ffoui p. cabicli bp tl]C tfe of Cuftome oulo, Dio ImoU) tbcp^ auntient nan' ? Eo iJDbicb eacbe filter put bcr Ucpr,ab.:oaDe tbe Catcs lucre ca&> ilbcvbaDmacomcanDtbcrsbcbolDe, mv'OucroonDncat latt, ano as U)ce ^a((cH tbjougb tbc €ourt,tbe pleafaunt boufe to beter, amio tbc fame 31 oic cf pic,a Laurcll U)b«rc it aretoe . W-\ At Helicon. I C^Ocrcin a ttjoufantjc ©irocs 31 tbin!ie,o; motoltb ftoAtclic twf «, ! iS)« caeru tpm ttjc littleoncs Of, ano glaofomcUc rcio^cc } apon ecljc HaurcU ctuigge f t sre Oanflc, tbe pennc£5 of caerie one, ' (BSlljofc patncfull banDc5 Ujctr leariuD ^urt:,occlarcD long agonc. jdnD grau'o in golD iDas ccbe mans namc,t Vubat tbeir trauclB toere IFo; monumentcfi tacqmte ttieir patne0, Cbali bang fo; cucr tbere. SUlluBVDb^nUjsbaobcbelDc attoilt t|)cfaQ)ionofti)istr(r» ^tjef e iiaoics biD t)s yet abtoe a greater 0gt)t to Tee. j^no tben fbcr b;ongbt be to a piacc,U)bere all fbe poefce b«* Bin pictures D;a lune br cunning artc,eacbc man in ])\b Di gree. anD as tbcir trauels DiD appcc re, to cballenge pjayfe c j famc> ^L^uen (o eacbe one cralteD loas aceo;Dtng to tbe fnmr. amoHg a number fome 5 Hneloe^lDbofe U}o;be0 fuii oft 31 rcaoe , jCbatpictnroelDernn liueltefo;me.a6 tbrrta^Dotb^ncocAoe. Xbc fira of all, oloe Homer fate iDitbbtfagc fagc ano fab. ^!!lpon bis beaD of Haurell maOe, a triple garianoe bab. Cben Virgili as tbetr o;Qcr is,lDitb loan ano paleb \a Laurell gnrlar.D U^rrr. lail tbefe S Hnrloe anb manp moe,tbat lucre to long to name, 25^at fo; tbcir traueU lucre rctoarccfo; rucrmo;c luitb ^ame, ^nb (ooUing rounbe about tbat bourc, *i (a ar.D tf | mtgbt 15?cbaunce of ao^ countrc^ men of mine to banc a Ogbt * atlcngtb 31 toas cfpioe tbcrc ct Skdtonano Lytlgat, VVagcr,Hcywood,ano lUriiabc Googc.ali tbcfc togitbcr fafc- ^Ub niatts otber CngliO) men, lobofe names J lt)i!t emit, ^bat in tbat place emorc tbe Uhc, of U (jomc J fpaUc not ret. >lnD m«e:e bcbmoe tbe tm;t i favuc a place lubere ClKnll fate, arte tb» md^ goo ivior|>Iicui Di)e,tts i^iours cue lobUc U)ec liue* "^^•STRiSnK At Helicon. fa itb teplcD bn&bnfo tlKgrounoc. mp le^us of ttjcm J fofte, QOUogcntlrc biD met all farctocll, anoc^jargoe matoitljtbebora aaDgoja i?onBmin(quotbt{Kr)talJcpa!nes ttefc fclo nclucs to pen, ^3 nj.iltt(joueariicgrcatc tbanlusof bfl.anoofaliengUfljcmeu. ^n^ (o; our a^oe ba fare of nffc Zoilus ano bts liibclpc^, ifajfoOcfenbtbpl33j'afcanDti)a,lr)ap;omifebcarccurbflpcfl. ^oe be arc roii fa,boU)c luce atquite our fcraauntr s at tbc Icff , Cdtt cafifc tbcm liur ^lubin r rucll oeatb batb taUc tbe titall blaU. ano bcrc a place tua UJill pjf pare, fo; tbee among tbcft men, SCbat banc immo^tall glozf e ujonnc,bp pjincfulncCTc of pen. at iDbicb moftfourtcouflp, j! crauSs, ano Uailco toitb mp l$na, anofapDeqcDjLaoice calUgainctbts cfcaigcifitninrcbcc. Commit It to fomc otbcr nicin,tbat batb murij better f hill, ano bctif r UnoiDtc an liiino:eti3 time 0/0 fcalc pour Icarnco t^ill. four Ipononrebauc in i^b'mncflofCourr, a fo;taf Gentlemen > JLW fine \Doulo fit pour U)bote intcntes, Ujitb datelp Qilr to prn . ilct StiiJlcy, Hake, 0; Fulwood ta??c, tbat William batb to name. SbispiTccofU)o;licmbanoe,tbatbamojc fitter fo; tbc fame. )l5ut Uibcn tbep baro mee Cpeahc tbefc U)o;O0, tbcp Vuerc offfDcb Tear wCHee Tape Icofie to tbp cbarge(quotb tbev)ano let Vis beare no mo:c. a nD tben tbcp Wljrjico to tbc (date , aU)ap tbeptaniQjt Sraigbf > UHbic^ U)bcn lua faiDdDcc tbcrcVottballDcrccnDcb ootonctbc btgbf. &j Morpiicus b;ougbt moe borne againe,fr5 iDbenrc 5 came befc;;^ anO baoc mcE lapc maoo\i)nc ano; J baC fraucvloe for, 15utia)kc(quotbbc)\)ntotbp cbargcias tbou iDttt aunflDcre ma(>c-> ifo;gctnotbingtbattboubaQfocnc, in flaming Stigion Lattc. ano tben bee tcoUe bis Icaue anb U)ent,no mo;c 31 migbt bint fee, TSut iDitb tbi5 trauailc out of ban^c,full fojc be cbargco mec. ano as a man Uijofe Qllic rp;i3btcd,bao iDanocrcD all tbc nigbt » ^0 in a Oomb cr luaUcD 31 , ano tip $ gat me ngtU, ano calico fo; tbc mcric mates in tb'euentng tbat tocrc tbcrr , I mcrucll tubere tbcpbce (qnotb 31) nnotbcr aunftocra berc, aias tt \x>as a ocatb to fee tbctr laUrs foDeaoc ano pale, ano boU) botb purfc,? beacs of luittctoerc facte ano fpoilDc toitb ".!- J^omcGagcD j2Daggcrs,fomc fbeir ban tbrg none. l^ctoucrnicj'jtbcctbntbaDrctnctbc carping of mine l^oft, i^o\DC iDf U'cnic luerc bis nc\ucome Ccttcs, 5 boU) lOe dburlc coolo £)f tbis ana tbiit,anDfilUbepotg,lareilpplce in tbc fire, (boa SnD nouc 3 Ic i?;inUc bnto ij0u;jll,tbn»f rpcD tbc iHplc ftiuire. Cbnu Katc.goc iSlifcfiU boU)lf againcloanc lcDUct)nto IbcDoj?, ^ipc q3inllriim,m3tjct!5 ^:\tt\i a U)t)iIc,(2>oi)fcnoctl}alnKn fto;c: STljat [lilt tljcCyicnts fong, mv Vlall plapDe Synons parte, Qno maDe tbcm Icnoe tijcv: liHenins eares ijnto bi5 guileful arfc. So f ucrp if eatt bee biDDC0 a C?eft,fctcl) o;inUc gmo S>ame faitb bot» .^nD matjc tbis Ocntlcman fomc Cbccrcrare loclcomc fir faitb (b«. ano tbua tbc? bio v.ou to tbc i\oa,anD bcrtc of all fljall fit : 15nt 0; rou parr ,3; bclo a r roUjnc, tbcvlc bcate roa luitb tbe fpi(. J fount) tbcr; fcrcb>no foicc tbougbt 3;,Ctb rou inch Cuttb;otcfl bop, flo mo;c tijcn naDc,o; fo;:c compcl0,no groifc rou get of nice, itnotbcrelaitballm^it^olIcffccalDc. 3» payDeanDgotmatbtncc, f^o fauour tbere U)us to bs baD, but fo; ttjc litle prnrc. ijfiDtbcnJicalocmpD;cametommD,UJbcreatffraigbttuap3|Ujcnf, Eo put in V)fc tbe p;omirc maDchLbc time in iluope fpcnt, /XyU 3baOma3cafina!lcnDc,of tbismv little liaabc, 2^0 bade tbc fame to ]3;interBbiinDcs,al trauailcsels fo.:fa;bc. tClbattbflnUc£5tberefo;c3ifballDcfcruc,OoDknoU)tbfo Oocno? 3, 13uta£5m?mcaningiflbcrcin,lctiranicp;oclauncanD crrc. (i5iEnjtCEniapc}v[ctalJtMnr£Uauncc asbapttialcaGtlicDicf, ."^jtb on:? 3 knoujc ret butbertojmg trauailc paioe tbc p;icc, F I M I S . Quoth .1^ Tiobinfon. «<' 'smmm^^'^mimmmP ^ Imprinted at London in Pawles rhurche Yarde , by IVilliam IVtlltamfon . /•? ^Rsrnr or califowhj AT Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. 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