HS 6 t'rr^T* rFiWfT^ . ISLAM TEMPLE ill x-^ffi^ m \'y,-)-: ^^^^C^QFT UBHAM ISLA/n TEflPLE A.A.O.N.M.S. P I LG R I H AGE-TO-SAeRAMENTO MAR ^^0:%^i 2Iak( i(tth all gc ^obhs : On the 26th day of the fourth month Rabih Ul Akhir, Hegira 1333, which yoiir Arabic stenographer is prone to stenog instead of ^aturliaa. iiarrli 13, 1915 J Islam Temple will hold a where the massive pavilions and minarets proclaim the Capital of the State. The pilgrimage will leave San Francisco by Southern Pacific Ferry, Satur- day, March 13th, 1915, at 12:20 o'clock, arriving in Sacramento at 3 135 p. m. Nobles desiring to take train at intermediate stations between Oakland and Sacramento can accomplish same by making arrangements with John Bennett, Recorder. A Diner for. Nobles desiring lunch will accompany train from Oakland to Sacramento. Arriving at the Capital City the Nobles will form in parade, accompanied by Islam Band and the Arab Patrol and proceed to the Travelers Hotel, via K and J Streets, where dinner will be served at 6 p. m. nxih Mnnqntt The Business and Ceremonial Session and also the Banquet will be held at the beautiful new State Armory at Twelfth and W Streets, which can be reached by the Tenth Street cars running out K Street or the Central California Traction Company leaving Eighth and J. Business meeting and balloting for candidates at 7:30 o'clock. Ceremonial Session at 8 o'clock, which will be followed by the Traditional On Sunday there will be automobile rides for the visiting Nobles, leaving the Travelers Hotel at lo a. m. At ii a. m. the Islam Band will render a con- cert at the City Park. Returning: Train will leave Sacramento Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, arriving in San Francisco at 6:10. Nobles desiring hotel accommodations will kindly address Noble Chas. A. Root, County Recorder, Sacramento, Chairman of the Hotel Committee. The Divan of Islam Temple is deeply indebted for much strenuous work performed by the energetic committee composed of Joseph Stephens, Chas. A. Root, R. O. Kimbrough, J. E. Thompson, John Clauss, Ed. Yardley, Adolph Teichert, Ed. Weil, Ed. Harvey, Chas. J. Chittenden. A most enjoyable pilgrimage is promised on this occasion. The officers are making arrangements for many new stunts in connection with the trip and Ceremonial. •- I. i < • <' ^ ^Ls «v"'l)i,'>J 1 There will be daylight fireworks in Sacramento. Tickets, round trip, $3.50, for sale by Recorder, 43 Powell Street, or at Ferry on day of pilgrimage from any of the officers of Islam Temple. Tickets will be honored on Shrine Special only. This applies both ways. OirurkeF ^nnm (Harntttal Islam's Annual Frozen Joy Pilgrimage to Truckee was a great success. The fortunate participants had the time of their lives with toboggans, skiis, skates, sleighs, snow games and dancing. The arrangements for dining, heating and transportation were perfect and the entire party is anxious to repeat the trip next winter. Now aren't you sorry you didn't go? V )iA)i; Many Nobles have not paid their dues for 191 5, and others are still indebted for the year 19 14 and also the assessment of $5.00 which was levied July 9th, 1914, and which became delinquent; January ist last. If you have not yet pro- cured that Patriotic Card (Red, White and Blue) for 191 5, your name is on the "delinquent list," and in accordance with the Laws of the Imperial Council (as well as our own) you cannot avail yourself of any of the privileges of this or any other Temple in North America; so please quit your flirting with (that thief of time) Procrastination, and send the amount of your dues NOW, and get that matter out of your system. Do not wait until the date of a Ceremonial Session^ as the Recorder is very busy at that time, and it is impos- sible for him to give you proper attention, so "be reasonable," send your check, post office or express order NOW! while it is on your mind, and we will all be happy. Many of you have been waiting for this reminder, and now that you have it please act promptly; then all will be lovely "and the feathery biped will be suspended from the uppermost hook." To the Nobles who paid only $5.00 on the assessment of $15.00 which was levied on August 14th, 1913, will say that amount has been credited to their accounts in payment of the $5.00 assessment which was levied at the Regular Stated Session of July 9th, 1914, in accordance with that Resolution. The Recorder appreciates the labors and feels very grateful to those Com- mitteemen who have collected dues from members in their district and sent for their cards (one of whom sent his check for nineteen of them in one batch), and he will appreciate similar activity on the part of others. It is hoped that every member of Islam Temple will be in possession of the necessary credentials before April ist. 3lmp0rtattt tn tlj^ Qlattbtbat^B The Candidates from San Francisco that have already presented their Peti- tions for Initiation and who intend to accompany us to Sacramento will please call on the Recorder at his office, 43 Powell Street, between the hours of 9 a, m. and 4 p. m. on any day (except Sunday) to and including March nth for the purpose of receiving instructions and signing the membership roll. The Candidates of Sacramento and vicinity will call on the Recorder at the Travelers Hotel in Sacramento on Saturday, the 13th inst, between the hours of 9 a. m. and 2 p. m. It is very important that you comply with this request. ^•^ Recorder, 43 Powell Street, San FrancUco. Phone, Sutter 603. Potentate, 33t Jackson Street, San Francisco. Phon«, Douglas 5384. aiBlam S^mplr, A. A. (§. N. M. B. Jfftaral f par ptiMng l^uMtmbtr 30, 13 lit Cash on hand December 1, 1913 $ 7,550.47 RECEIPTS. DUES: Members residing in Bay Counties $ 6,992.75 Members residing outside Bay Counties 3,463.25 Advance, 1915 3,056.25 Advance, 1916 2,028.00 Advance, 1917 561.00 Advance, 1918 187.00 $16,288.25 FEES: 'initiation 23,025.00 Affiliation . 90.00 Life Membership (See Contra) 740.00 ASSESSMENTS: 1911 24.00 1913 (Special) 22,712.00 Less Transfers to dues accounts 4,875.00 17,837.00 INTEREST: ; Bonds 695.00 Deposits, etc 1 16.03 811.03 Casimir J. Wood — Loan repaid 250.00 Refund Acct. — Excursions 173.45 For account of Uniform Fund 24.00 Miscellaneous Expense refunds (See Contra) 705.73 59,968.46 TOTAL CASH AVAILABLE $67,518.93 DISBURSEMENTS. General Headquarters Expense 4,850.15 Office Expense 4,512.20 Bulletins and Advertising 1,039.00 Charity . 1,385.50 Decorations and Flowers 482.10 Entertainment: General 3,970.46 Imperial officers 1,081.89 Seattle, 1915 1,110.00 6,162.35 Testimonials 1,371.75 Ceremonials: . , . San Francisco, April 22nd 2,393.22 Fresno, June 13th 2,472.08 San Francisco, September 28th 3,768.95 Islam Band: Labor, supplies, etc 726.69 Uniforms 1,325.75 8,634.25 Transportation 4,413.00 Hotel Expenses l^SSsilS r , ^ , 8,048.62 Islam Patrol: Labor, supplies, etc 832.50 Uniforms 1,953.66 Transportation 4,145.25 Hotel Expenses 1^484 25 Imperial Council fees and dues 1,404.75 Trustees, Life Membership Fund '74o!oO Refunds: 1913 Special Assessment 2,970.00 Miscellaneous 703.75 ~ 3,675.73 t or account of House Committee 270.50 Atlanta trip — incidentals 2,514^40 Furniture and Fixtures '25L00 Paraphernalia 687^85 — 54,445.81 Cash on Hand, November 30, 1914 $13,073.12 DISTRIBUTION OF BALANCE. Anglo-Cal. Trust Co $ 5,000.00 German Savings & Loan Society 2,165.00 Crocker National Bank 59.38 Bank of Italy 5,4«7.65 Savings Union Bank (Uniform Fund) 361.09 $13,073.12 REPORT OF MEMBERSHIP. Number of members, December 1, 1913 : 4,165 Admitted 1914 312 Reinstatements and affiliations 11 323 LESS Demitted 25 Suspended 64 Deceased 65 154 NET GAIN 169 Number of members November 30th, 1914 4,334 TREASURER'S STATEMENT. Islam Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S. November 30, 1914. Officers and Members, Islam Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S., San Francisco. Esteemed Nobles: I hand you herewith condensed report of the Treasurer of Islam Temple for the fiscal year ending November 30, 1914: Cash in Treasurer's hands, December 1, 1913 $ 7,550.47 Received from Recorder 59,968.46 MAKING $67,518.93 Disbursed, as per check vouchers Nos. 1202 to 1647, inclusive 54,445.81 BALANCE in Treasurer's hands, November 30, 1914 $13,073.12 Respectfully submitted, CHAS. G. GEBHARDT, . , _, Treasurer. REPORT OF ISLAM TEMPLE SHRINE ASSOCIATION. December, 1914. Stock Issues. Standing in the name of the Trustees 2943 shares Standing in the name of the Directors (one share each) 9 shares 2952 shares This would represent a total receipt of $ 73,800.00 Receipts. Received from Trustees prior to January 1, 1914 $72,850 00 Received from Trustees prior to March 20, 1914 350.00 Received from Trustees prior to April 17, 1914 250.00 Received from Trustees prior to October 21, 1914 350.00 Cash on hand, January 1, 1913 227.53 TOTAL RECEIPTS 74,027.53 Expenditures. Total expenditures to December 1, 1913 $73,031.36 March 20, 1914 second installment taxes 336.30 March 20, 1914 advertising stockholders' meeting 5.40 March 20, 1914, two Notary acknowledgments 1.00 April 17, Twin Peaks Tunnel assessment 240.87 July 9, corporation tax 5.00 October 21, first installment taxes 343.35 73,96328 December 1 , Cash in bank $64.25 LIABILITIES NIL. Respectfully submitted, ISLAM TEMPLE SHRINE ASSOCIATION, Chas. G. Gebhardt, Secretary. REPORT OF AUDITORS. This certifies that we have examined the accounts and records of Islam Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S., including all receipts and disbursements, for the year ending Novem- ber 30, 1914, and we further certify that the foregoing statement is correct. Before concluding this report, we wish to say, on the general conditions of Islam Temple, that the Recorder's ofiice, books, accounts and general records have been kept in an excellent state of efficiency, with particularly clear and complete financial records. Our auditing work on the Temple's books during the past year has been a pleasure, as there has seldom, if ever, been a moment during the Recorder's presence when inquiry regarding any question of Islam's affairs failed to elicit an immediate and satisfactory explanation. The records and accounts are accurate and show painstaking to a fault, and best of all, are kept right up to date. RUCKSTELL & LAND, Public Accountants and Auditors. By J. R. Ruckstell. Certified Public Accountant. Islam's San Francisco Ceremonial will be held in Dreamland Rink, Steiner and Sutter Sts., Thursday evening, May 6, 1915, illustrious Potentate GEORGE FILMER Chief Rabban JOHN A. ULRiCH Assistant Rabban JAIVIES S. HAWKINS High Priest and Prophet THOIVIAS L. HILL Oriental Guide FRANK J. KLIIVIIM Treasurer CHARLES G. GEBHARDT Recorder JOHN BENNETT First Ceremonial IVIaster WALTER N. BRUNT Second Ceremonial Master ERNEST C. HUETER Director ..GUSTAVE A. LENOIR IMarshal BENJAIMIN F. HEASTAND Captain of the Guard OTTO F. GRUNDEL Outer Guard JAMES L. ARTHUR Chief Alchemist GEORGE G. FRISBEE FRED W. BIRLEM W. W. ALLEN FRANK F. TERRAMORSE Assistant Alchemists.. Tnah C. Byce, Ed. I. Camm. Frank K. Lippitt, Wm. D. Thomas. Placerville and Vicinity— R. K. Berry, Seth B, Beach. Redding and Vicinity— Arthur M. Dean. W. Coyne, R. M. Saeltzer. Red Bluff and Vicinity— H. C. Swain, Chas. E. Fish, Frank H. Hendricks, Henry P., Stice. Sacramento and Viwnity— Jos. H. Stephens, Louis F. Breuner, Jos. M. Anderson,- 6. E. piggies, R.. O. ' •; Kimbrough, C. A. Root, J. E. Thompson, R. B. Wilcox, H E. Yardley, Charles J. Chittenden, John Clauss, Edwin J. Harvey, Edward A. Weil, Adolph Teichert. .... San Francisco and Vicinity— Charles Albert Adams, Jos. D. Abrams, Robt. E. Allan, Jas. W. Anderson, Henry Ascroft,; P. BerrAard, A. G. Boggs, Frank E. Booth, Albert E. Boynton, Herbert M. Brown, Albert W. Burgren, Robt. N. Carson, Dewey Coffin, Jesse B. Cook, A. J. Do Lamare, H. G. W. Dinkelspiel. Gus E. Dom, Daniel E. F. Easton, Mark E. Gaines, John O. Gantner, John E. Gllson, W. A. Gompertz, Ed- mond Godchaux, Frank H. Gould, Dr. J. L. Halsted, Fred L. Hansen, Walter Harder, Marshall C. Harris, William C. Hassler, Ralph L. Hathom, John W. Heidt, Christian Hellwig, William V. HoUingbeiy, William P. Humphreys, Charles Jel- linek, Alphonse Judis, J. C. Kains, John A. Klein, Alfred Kutner, Mark W. Levy, E. R, Lili- enthal, Harvey D. Loveland, L. B. McMurtry. Harry Maundrell, R. E. Miller,. Chas. H.. Murphy, Howard Nauman. George A. Newton, Francis H. pj. O'Donnell. William A. Rasmussen. F. L. Ros- enau. T. Patterson Ross, Thos. Trebell. Charlfes S. Wheeler, John Whicher, F. W. Williams, Hermon F. Wilson, Cfark Wise. San Jose and Vicinity— Bert Goldsmith, Arthur B.. Langford, Walter F. Lillick, A. J. Koch. Jas. A. ' Chase, George A. Howes, Theodore D. Keech. San Rafael and Vicinity— Wra. A. Rice. Santa Cruz and Vicinity — George A. Montell, John P. Twist. Santa Rosa and. Vicinity — Chas. D. Barnett, Orin L. Houts, John P. Overton, Geo. T. Trowbridge. Sonora and Vicinity — Clias. H. Burden, David H. Steinmetz. Stockton and Vicinity— Fred B. Clark. Henry GMck. J. B. Henderson, Geo. Leistner. A. M. Noble. Suisun and Vicinity — Wm. Pierce. Susanville — Jules Alexander. Tulare and Vicinity — George C. Burnett, William P. Williams. Thomas D. Blodgett. Ultiah and Vicinity — Jas. M. Mannon Vacaville and Vicinity — Geo. Ackerly, Stirling W. Dobbins. Vailejo and Vicinity— -A. Hammar, Thomas V. Dick, ' J. S. Symington. Visalia and Vicinity— William R. Spalding, A. H. Murray, Jr., Chas. H. Kinkier, Irwin A. Shiffert Watsonville and Vicinity — John E. Tiafton. Weaverville and Vicinity — John S. Reld. Yrelta and Vicinity— Fred E. Wadsworth. Louis F. Cobum. Walter N. Broat Co. Ptmi, tH MlMlsa Bt J