' rfl* *** ftil** ** rC v *-ir* /.Jr^^t >*#i iSH '*3SfaSr^S^ CATHERINE BOOTH -1882 THE LIFE OF CATHERINE BOOTH THE MOTHER OF THE SALVATION ARMY BY F. DE L. BOOTH-TUCKER VOLUME I. FLEMING H. REVELL COMPANY. NEW YORK: 30 Union Square, East. CHICAGO: 148-150 Madison Street. Publishers of Evangelical Literature. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1893, by WILLIAM BOOTH, in the office of the Librarian at Washington. THE PREFACE. MY task is completed. Imperfectly? Alas, none could be more conscious of that fact than myself ! I have longed unspeakably for inspiration 's pen to write the record of a life inspired, no matter whose the hand that held the pen ! I have wept with disappoint- ment as I have struggled to describe the indescrib- able ! A thousand times, in the lonely solitude of my room, I have turned from pen to prayer, and then again from prayer to pen. My whole soul has yearned unspeakably to enshrine our Army Mother's memory fittingly, and to enable her in these pages to live her life again. I have not criticised ? No! I could not, for I loved. With the love of a son the respect, the admiration, the enthusiasm of a disciple. For critical biography I have neither time nor taste. / have exaggerated ? No ! Inquire from those who knew her best her family, her friends, the Army. I have sought to tell " the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth ; " to let facts and letters speak for themselves, and to surround the picture with but a framework of such explanations as have seemed necessary for the occasion. / claim for Mrs. Booth infallibility? No! Only iv THE PREFACE. sanctified common sense. " Jesus Christ made unto her wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemp- tion." She made mistakes ? Undoubtedly ! But I have not found many to record. As a Mother her family speak for her in the gates. As a Wife her husband lives and testifies. As an Apostle thousands of her spiritual children are scattered through the world. / have been too laudatory ? Nay, verily ! Press and pulpit have combined to set their seal on every word, and the highest praise proceeds from other lips. My own opinion eight years' intimacy has entitled me to express. Of the General and the living members of the family I have left unsaid the appreciation and admiration which my heart has felt ; .but of the subject of these memoirs I have claimed the liberty to say that which I feel, and to testify that which I know. Sen- sitive to a fault of what the public might think, the General would have preferred that I should underdraw rather than overdraw her character. He would have been even willing that I should sprinkle a few blots I will not say of my own manufacture over the can- vas, lest any should charge me with claiming perfec- tion for the picture. I have asserted may I call it the artistic privilege? of dispensing with the blots which my imagination refused to invent or my re- searches to discover. I have assumed the editorial responsibility of saying what I think, of saying it in the way that I desire, and of distributing my adjec- tives where they seemed most to be required, and I THE PREFACE. v certainly must have declined the task had I not been allowed this, in my estimation, legitimate freedom. Are there no shadows, then ? Oh, yes! Alas, almost too many ! Victory shadowed by defeat, joy by sor- row, strength by weakness, warfare by suffering, life by death. A mighty intellect, an iron will, an ocean soul, encased in an " earthen vessel " so frail that a touch seemed sufficient to shatter it. A barque tossed upon the waves of a perpetual tempest of opposition, persecution, criticism, from the day when it was launched on its perilous life-voyage to the day when it cast anchor in the eternal Haven. But the sources of my information f The entire private correspondence of Mrs. Booth from 1847 on- wards has been placed at my disposal. Never has biographer been more privileged to peer with prying eye behind the scenes and ransack the minutest de- tails of a life. Litera scripta manet. The written records have spoken for themselves, and on their silent testimony, more than on the memories of living witnesses, this Life is based. The facts have been carefully corrected by the General ; for the opinions, where they are not those of Mrs. Booth, I assume the entire responsibility. / have been helped? Yes, by my dear wife, Mrs. Booth's second daughter, Emma. [She does not think I have spoken too highly of her mother, and verily she ought to know. Nevertheless, the opinions are mine, not hers.~\ Piles of hurriedly-written, ill- digested manuscripts, which but for her I would fain vi THE PREFACE. have hurled impatiently at the printer's head, or have consigned to the depths of the waste-paper basket, have been dissected page by page, sentence by sen- tence, almost word by word. Dissected yes, that is the word ; dissected at home till I almost feel criticism- proof abroad ! / have taken a long time? Not very. I received my material the end of July, 1891. I sit writing these lines on the 2d of the same month, barely eleven months afterwards. The life of a Salvationist is a life of interruption. Wherever he goes there are " lions in the way. " Telegrams and letters follow him to every retreat. Seclusion, privacy, and the quietude supposed to be necessary for literary enterprise the words have been obliterated from his dictionary, the very ideas have almost faded from his mind. His table is a keg of spiritual gunpowder, his seat a can- non-ball ; and he writes as best he may amid the whiz and crash of flying shot and shell, the rush and ex- citement of a never-ending battle, in which peace and truce are words unknown, and rest, in the ordinary sense of the word, is relegated to heaven. Again, it has not been like writing a novel, where the author can give the heroine free scope to say and do as she pleases, or, rather, as he may please. A biography has meant a history of facts, and those facts have had to be verified and arranged. Thou- sands of letters, articles, speeches, and reports have required to be studied, till my head has fairly reeled and my eyes have ached. THE PREFACE. vil But I said, / have been helped. Yes, I have been helped by God helped by the remembrance that she of whom I wrote was indeed a prophet of the Most High, and that it could not but please Him that the messages which had been uttered through her lips and life should be repeated through the medium of these pages ; helped by the thought that it would be a comfort to her family, and an inspiration to our Army, and to tens of thousands outside our ranks, to read a record of such devoted service. It has been a labor of love. I undertook it with re- luctance, owing to a deep sense of my insufficiency. I conclude it with regret, realising how greatly God has blest it to my soul. I send it forth with the sin- cere prayer that it may be made an equal blessing to all who read, and that they may be enabled to re-live, at least in miniature, the life of Catherine Booth. F. DE L. BOOTH-TUCKER. 101 QUEEN VICTORIA ST., LONDON, E. C., 2d July, 1892. GENERAL CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. SHADOWLAND. 1820-1829. PAGE Future greatness foreshadowed. A modern pilgrimage. Mrs. Booth's mother. A tragic love-story. "I believe in the forgiveness of sins." The Siren's melody. A remarkable conversion. Divinely healed. "This way to the pit." Mrs. Booth's grandfather. A stormy scene. John Mum- ford. Turned out of home. Sarah Milward's marriage. A touching reconciliation. The grandfather's death. "Be- yond the river," i CHAPTER II. CHILDHOOD. 1829-1834. Mrs. Booth's birth-place. A death-bed scene. A wise mother. About nurseries. And playmates. A mother's girl. Sensitive conscience. The weeping child. Brothers gone before. Eschewing French. Jeanne d'Arc. Bible studies. The doll family. A dark shadow. Restoration, 13 CHAPTER III. EARLY DAYS. 1834-1841. Removal to Boston. The child politician and temperance sec- retary. Contributing to magazine. Catholic emancipation question. Sense of responsibility. Sympathetic charac- ter. The child and the criminal. First open-air pro- cession. Death of favourite dog. Love for dumb ani- mals. Kindness to donkeys. Feeding horses by night. Saving a donkey from ill-treatment. Love for religious meetings. "Over the Bible to Hell." Love of Method- ism. Self-sacrifice. Collecting for missions, . . .22 x GENERAL CONTENTS. CHAPTER IV. SCHOOL LIFE. 1841-1843. PAGE Modern system of education. Its evils. Mrs. Booth's views. "One language enough for the devil." Mrs. Booth at school. Character for truthfulness. Appointed monitor. Helping others with their studies. Estimate of Napoleon and Caesar. Spinal complaint. Knowledge of church his- tory. Notes on Butler's "Analogy." "Pilgrim's Prog- ress. " In the wilderness, 33 CHAPTER V. YOUTH. 1844-1847. A love episode. Removal to London. The Metropolis. Car- riage accident. Mrs. Booth's conversion. Joins the Wes- leyan Church. Indefinite preaching. Praying in the class- meeting. Mechanical testimonies. Class-leader's daugh- ter. Worldly conformity, ....... 42 CHAPTER VI. HER DIARY. 1847-1848. Serious illness. Visit to Brighton. Letter to mother. Praying for her father. Early correspondence. Visiting the sick. Sunday-school. A tragic incident. Inward struggles. Perfect love. Trusting, ....... 53 CHAPTER VII. THE REFORMERS. 1844-1852. Reform agitation. Wesley's successors. The Legal Hun- dred. The Fly Sheets. The men in masks. The brotherly question. The Weslcyan Times. Acrimonious disputes. Caughey's banishment. Wanted, an Elisha. Miss Mum- ford a radical. Her sympathy with the Reformers. Retal- iatory measures. Miss Mtimford expelled from the Wesley- an Church. Joins the Reformers. Becomes a class-lead- er. Disappointed with the Reformers, . ~. * . . 63 CHAPTER VIII. WILLIAM BOOTH. 1829-1852. Born in Nottingham loth April, 1829. His mother. His father. Converted at fifteen. His friend Sansom. Cottage meetings. Processions and open-airs. Please go to the GENERAL CONTENTS. xi PAGE back-door. Sunday toil. A local preacher at seventeen. Called to the ministry at nineteen. The doctor's objec- tion. Worshipped John Wesley. Goes to London in 1849. "The only son of my mother." His earliest extant letters to John Savage. Not a single "Amen." His plan of cam- paign. "A ministry of the talents." Too much of the shroud. A stirring letter. Preachers are not wanted. No interest in the Reformers. Resigns his local preacher- ship. His ticket of membership withheld. A heresy-hunt- ing superintendent. Joins the Reformers. His friend Mr. Rabbitts. Binfield House. Meets Miss Mumford. The best sermon yet. Meeting at Mr. Rabbitts'. "The Grog- sellers' Dream." Water was the favoured drink, . . 72 CHAPTER IX. THE ENGAGEMENT. 1852. loth April, 1852. Mr. Booth becomes a minister. Passing rich on fifty pounds a year. Democratic tyranny. The party of reconciliation. Mrs. Booth's love-letters. "I will tram- ple on the desolations of my own iieart. " isth of May. A memorable engagement. An eloquent betrothal letter. "Don't sit up singing till midnight." The Ganges and the Jumna, . . 88 CHAPTER X. THE CONGREGATIONALISTS. 1852. Mr. Booth tired of debates. Proposes to join the Congregation - alists. Calls on Dr. Campbell. Offers for Cotton End. Studies the "Reign of Grace" with Miss Mumford. Cannot swallow Calvinism. Declines a call to Ryde. Gives his last sixpence to a dying girl, . . . . . .98 CHAPTER XI. LONDON AND SPALDING. 1852. Mr. Booth rejoins the Reformers. Spalding Circuit. Engage- ment letters. Admirable advice. Fear of man. Prayer. Ambition. Study. Teetotalism. "Spalding will not be your final destination," . -- . -. . . . . . 107 CHAPTER XII. WOMAN. 1853. Preparation for future duties. Woman's sphere. A parlour skirmish. Letter to Dr. Thomas on woman's equality. Scriptural evidence. Intellectual and moral heroines. xii GENERAL CONTENTS. PAGE " Those who rock the cradle rule the world. " Woman and the press. Mrs. Booth converted to woman's right to preach. Ministers' wives. Tattle and tea-parties. "Light reading." Novels, 116 CHAPTER XIII. VIEWS ON COURTSHIP AND MARRIAGE. 1853. Mrs. Booth's originality. A good hater. Broken vows. The evils of hurry. No doubts. Act on principle. Congeni- ality of temperament. Friend and counsellor rather than breadwinner and housekeeper. Refinement linked to drudg- ery. Truly converted. An indispensable qualification. The root of three-fourths of matrimonial misery. Lordship lost in love. No physical repugnance. Natural instinct too strong for reason. Mere physical attractions useless. A teetotaller from conviction. Preferences of taste. Rules for married life. No secrets. One purse. Unity of thought and action. No controversy before the children, . 130 CHAPTER XIV. METHODIST NEW CONNEXION. 1854. The first Salvation Army Captain. Mr. Booth's popularity. His first journal. Swineshead Bridge revival. Caistor re- vival. The Methodist New Connexion. Their origin. Alexander Kilham. Mr. Booth urges the Reformers to join them. Abortive negotiations. Correspondence with Dr. Cooke. The Spalding Circuit will not join. An evangel- istic career opens out. Joins the New Connexion, . . 139 CHAPTER XV. CORRESPONDENCE AND CONFLICTS. 1854. Conflicting views. Sacrificing a present fora future good. No friends to martial law. These Jehus were Jehus still. The course of genius never did run smooth. Manufacturing an aggressive force inside the church. A fossilised past. The Caesars of the past the Moltkes of the present. The spirit of the times 152 CHAPTER XVI. LONDON. 1854. Mr. Booth's reception by Dr. Cooke. Studying for the min- istry. A revival in the East End. Unanimously accepted by the Conference. Letter from Miss Mumford. Caistor GENERAL CONTENTS. xiii PAGE revisited. Sermon sketches by Miss Mumford. She visits Burnham. Some beautiful letters. An Irvingite Chapel. No hobbies. Nor fanaticism. A beautiful scene, . . 162 CHAPTER XVII. MRS. BOOTH'S FIRST PUBLISHED ARTICLE. 1854. How to take care of new converts. A simple analogy. Con- genial food. A pure and invigorating atmosphere. A cold church. Cleansing of impurities. Freedom from undue restraint. Dangers of inactivity. Serving God by proxy. Women's work. Talents are meant to be used, . . 171 CHAPTER XVIII. FIRST EVANGELISTIC TOUR. 1854-1855. London as a field for work. Hard soil. Conditions of life. Poverty and wealth. London successes. Guernsey revival. An unpromising beginning. A grand finish. Two hun- dred and sixty conversions. Longton and Hanley revi- vals. Four hundred and sixty penitents. A touching letter from Miss Mumford. No fear of loving too much, . . 178 CHAPTER XIX. THE WEDDING. 1855. A striking contrast. A great opportunity. A quiet ceremony. i6th June, 1855. Married by Dr. Thomas. A congrega- tionless chapel. Craving for privacy. Talent-tiding ten- dencies. The pictureless frame, and the frameless picture. A brief honeymoon. Guernsey again. The old auto- graphs . . , .190 CHAPTER XX. REVIVALS AND CORRESPONDENCE. 1855. One thousand seven hundred and thirty-nine penitents seek sal- vation. Jersey visited. The first separation. Letters. Mr. Booth at York. Rejoined by Mrs. Booth at Hull. The Hull revival. Caistor revisited. A country scene. The taking of Sebastopol, .-,.-. 198 CHAPTER XXI. SHEFFIELD. CHATSWORTH. CORRESPONDENCE. 1855. Six hundred and sixty-three conversions in a month. The prog- ress of the work described by Mrs. Booth in letters to her xiv GENERAL CONTENTS. PAGE mother. The General's mother. A remarkable love-feast. A forest of heads. Seventy-six penitents. "Do not worry." Luke Tyerman. Visit to Chatsworth. Her na- tive county. Romantic scenery. The rocks of Middleton Dale. Mark Firth. The designer of the Crystal Palace, . 206 CHAPTER XXII. DEWSBURY. 1855. Mrs. Booth seriously ill. Studies homoeopathy. Revival in Dewsbury. Four hundred and forty converts. The IVes- leyan Times. Helping the penitents. Letters to mother. The Pilot. A triumphant farewell. The Wesleyans wel- come Mr. Booth, ..... . . . . . 218 CHAPTER XXIII. LEEDS. 1855-1856. A Christless Christmas. The Hunslet revival. Mrs. Booth de- scribes the work. Singing like larks. Pretty sermons. Getting the truth home to the heart. A bazaar. Refusal to visit. A watch-night service. A councillor converted. Ebenezer chapel. Eight hundred penitents. A curtain lecture, . 226 CHAPTER XXIV. HALIFAX. MACCLESFIELD. YARMOUTH. 1856. Dr. Stacey reports six hundred and forty-one conversions at Halifax. Three thousand persons spiritually awakened in seven months. Mr. Booth's capacity for hard work. Sub- jugating mankind's Niagaras. The dangers of lack- leaderism contrasted with the tyrannies of unsanctified genius. Birth of Bramwell Booth. A Bible for the baby. Mrs. Booth on sudden conversions. "There go 's mushrooms." The devil's toadstools. Thirty babies bap- tised with her son Bramwell. A holiness preacher. Re- newal of Mr. Booth's evangelistic commission by the Con- ference. Yarmouth. Mrs. Booth on spiritual children, . 241 CHAPTER XXV. SHEFFIELD. 1856. Sheffield characteristics. National and provincial peculiarities. Good and bad soil. Tendency of civilisation to neglect the heart for the head. Restoration of heart pulsation needed. The intellectual hero of the day. Mrs. Booth's quarrel GENERAL CONTENTS. xv PAGE with modern education. A warm welcome.' Six hundred and forty-six names taken. Keeping the converts. Why the Salvation Army was started. The farewell tea. A proud position. The lithographic portrait of Mr. Booth. The presentation meeting. The labourer not worthy of his hire. Why testimonials were abolished, . . .251 CHAPTER XXVI. BIRMINGHAM. NOTTINGHAM. CHESTER. 1856-1857. The Birmingham campaign. Mrs. Booth on religious excite- ment. The meetings in Nottingham. Seven hundred and forty conversions. The chapel filled. Every sitting let. Mr. Wright's opposition. Mr. Booth's diary. Mrs. Booth proceeds to London while Mr. Booth goes to Chester. Newspaper opposition. First signs of rowdyism. "The words seemed like jagged daggers." "What must I do to be damned?" Icy-hearted, all-brained people. Mr. Regi- nald Radcliffe at an execution. Makes Mr. Booth an offer. The country people. A poacher converted. Correspond- ence. Mr. Booth on homoeopathy. Not a congenial soul, except the disembodied one's that dwell in books, . . 262 CHAPTER XXVII. BRISTOL. TRURO. ST. AGNES, 1857. Mr. and Mrs. Booth meet in London. Start for Bristol. A hard struggle. Thwarted by circumstances. The mys- terious element of liberty in public speaking. Advantages of the pulpit over the political platform and the stage. Mrs. Booth's influence on an audience. Oblivious to time. Musical cadences of her voice. First visit to Cornwall. A land of chapels. Difficult to be moved. Pure children of emotion. A hurricane of excitement. St. Agnes. "Going off." The woman who jumped. Decency and or- der. Mrs. Booth on manifestation of feeling. Afraid of a kind-hearted grandmother. Ominous rumours, . . . 275 CHAPTER XXVIII. THE CONFERENCE OF 1857. Mr. and Mrs. Booth at Stafford. The nest and the beetle. Is it an omen? The Conference stop the evangelistic work by a majority of four, after a five-hour debate. Mr. Wright leads the opposition. Mr. Booth asks for an explanation. Mrs. Booth indignant. The expenses guaranteed. A xvi GENERAL CONTENTS. PAGE jealous clique. Mrs. Booth would have resigned. But Mr. Booth loves the Connexion. And agrees to take a circuit. A characteristic letter from another evangelist. " I could wish to be your shoeblack." "You're as square as a brick." The value of organisation. Mrs. Booth more of a free-lance Whitefield than an organising Wesley. A happy design of Providence 287 CHAPTER XXIX. BRIGHOUSE. 1857. A sad year. A difficult cause. But many are converted. And her son Ballington is born. The embryo of the Salvation Army within the four corners of a family. General Booth's first recruits. He wishes there had been eighty instead of eight. Israel a family affair. The mysteries of criticism. " I will not have a wicked child. " Paganini and the violin. Putting the children into the movement. Mrs. Booth leads a class. Her first public effort. She addresses the Band of Hope. Proposes to give temperance lectures. But is prevented by illness. A letter, .... 298 CHAPTER XXX. BRIGHOUSE. 1858. Serious illness of Mrs. Booth. Her son Ballington is baptised by Mr. Caughey. Mrs. Booth on factory legislation. The annual conference at Hull. Mr. Booth is ordained at the end of his four years' probation. Winning golden opinions by keeping quiet. Continued opposition to the evangelistic work. A compromise proposed. Mr. Booth consents to take Gateshead circuit, 308 CHAPTER XXXI. GATESHEAD, THE CONVERTING SHOP. 1858-1859. The circuit in a low state. But a large chapel. The members warm-hearted. The best appointment. The minister's wife leads off in prayer. The attendance increases. Many are converted. The chapel crowded. The converting shop. Popular nomenclature. Taproom phraseology. A Gelavoonkaraya. The Ratchagar caste. Pedantic phrase- ology. Theology wedded to the language of bygone days. Christopher Columbus and the greyhounds of the At- GENERAL CONTENTS. xvii PAGE lantic. Birth of La Marechale. A powerful revival. Three hundred converts. The town stirred. Another ba- zaar. Mrs. Booth on church bazaars, ..... 317 CHAPTER XXXII. GATESHEAD. 1858-1859. A narrow escape. No distinctions, such as forty kisses for Willie and twenty for the baby. No coat of many colours. Mrs. Mumford's needle-work. Mrs. Booth on dress. Not only be separate, but appear so. A lesson in generosity. Visiting the poor. Work among drunkards. An interest- ing scrap of autobiography. "Have you ever tried lard isted o' booter?" Washing the twins in a pie-dish, . . 327 CHAPTER XXXIII. GATESHEAD. MRS. BOOTH'S FIRST PAMPHLET. 1859. The Annual Conference meets at Manchester. Mr. Booth re- appointed to Gateshead. Mr. Booth attends the Confer- ence. He proposes a resolution in favour of teetotalism. But is defeated. Dissatisfaction with conferences. Ad- vantages of military organisation. Mrs. Booth writes her pamphlet on Female Ministry in defence of Mrs. Phoebe Palmer. The value of women's work to the church. Per- fection not necessary, 339 CHAPTER XXXIV. GATESHEAD. 1860. Necessity for conflict. Impossible to improve the future with- out disturbing the present. A life-long warfare on behalf of women. A skirmish with Dr. Stacey. A grievous wrong inflicted on spirit-baptised disciples. Mrs. Booth opened the door for thousands, 350 CHAPTER XXXV. GATESHEAD. MRS. BOOTH COMMENCES PREACHING. 1860. The birth of Emma. A call to public work. Whit-Sunday at the Converting Shop. Mrs. Booth breaks the ice. Mr Booth announces her for the night meeting. The servant dances round the kitchen table. An enthusiastic reception at night. "Be filled with the Spirit." Invitation from Newcastle. The Annual Conference. Mr. Booth consents to remain at Gateshead for another year. His illness. Mrs. Booth supplies his place nine weeks. Some autobiograph- xviii GENERAL CONTENTS. PAGE ical letters. Harmony among the officials. Mrs. Booth's administrative ability. The iron hand in the velvet glove. A headless community like a riderless horse. The govern- ment of the best. The rule of all is the rule of none. Ability recognised, not deified. Knowledge subordinated to holiness and power sanctified by love, .... 357 CHAPTER XXXVI. GATESHEAD. 1860-1861. Mr. Booth's illness. The children ill with whooping-cough. The frock is too smart. Capacity for dealing with trivial- ities of life. Mrs. Booth in the nursery. Preparing ser- mons under difficulties. " We lacked a General." A unanimous resolution. Mr. Booth returns from his fur- lough. Careful, but not mean. Financial struggles, . 371 CHAPTER XXXVII. GATESHEAD. MRS. BOOTH ON HOLINESS. 1861. A believer's privilege. Wesley's teaching. Theory and prac- tice. Mrs. Booth preaches on Holiness. Seeks the bless- ing. The question of the evangelistic work. The contro- versy settled. A beautiful experience. The twin pillars, Jachin and Boaz. "How much like God can we be?" Purity the central idea of the Gospel. Do not measure others' privilege by your faith, 381 CHAPTER XXXVIII. GATESHEAD. "JusT BEFORE THE BATTLE." 1861. A turning-point. The Cross the shibboleth of the hypo- crite. Mr. and Mrs. Booth appeal to the Conference for the fulfilment of their pledges regaiding the evangelistic sphere. The Annual Committee send a cool reply. Pre- paring for the worst. A revival in Gateshead. Two hun- dred names taken. The district meeting memorialise the Conference in favour of the evangelistic work. Mr. Joseph Love, the millionaire, supports the proposal. Promises to answer for all expenses. Mrs. Booth visits Hartlepool. Extraordinary revival. Two hundred and fifty penitents in ten days. Letter to her mother, 390 CHAPTER XXXIX. THE RESIGNATION. 1861. The Conference meets in Liverpool. Mr. -and Mrs. Booth at- tend it together. They anticipate some sharp fighting. Mr. GENERAL CONTENTS. xix PAGE Rabbitts supports them. Mrs. Booth disappointed with the Conference. Fatal mistake in church government. The rule of books. Dr. Cooke. Cowardice a prevailing sin. Dr. Crofts becomes President. Rev. P. J. Wright again heads the opposition. A remarkable debate. A compro- mise proposed. Mrs. Booth protests from the gallery. "Order ! order !" A thrilling scene. Mr. and Mrs. Booth leave the Conference. The ark is launched, . . . 405 CHAPTER XL. THE RESIGNATION. 1861. Dr. Cooke and the compromise. The Newcastle circuit. A gloomy Sunday. The last sitting of the Conference. " Without a friend and without a farthing. " The ultimatum rejected. A last attempt to come to terms. The Circuit willing. But the President objects. Alnwick. Mr. Booth starts for London 414 CHAPTER XLI. THE RESIGNATION. 1861. Mr. Booth in London. Measuring accomplishments by pos- sibilities. Letters from London. Mr. Hammond. Mr. Pearse. The Garrick Theatre. Undenominational mis- sions. Dr. Forbes Winslow. William Carter. Mr. and Mrs. Booth at Nottingham. The letter from Dr. Crofts. The last link severed. Resignation placed in the hands of the President. Mrs. Booth returns to London. Mr. Booth brings the children by sea from Newcastle. A new depar- ture. Waiting for the moving of the fiery pillar, . . 422 CHAPTER XLII. THE CORNISH CAMPAIGN. Reviving the Churches. Reaching the masses via the Chris- tians. The "regions beyond." The Cornish plan of cam- paign. How to "seat" a congregation. A glorious commencement. With the Wesleyans again. An emotion- al people. "Decently and in order." A remarkable manifestation. Salvation the universal theme. Monster tea-meeting on the Towans. A touching farewell, . . 433 xx GENERAL CONTENTS. CHAPTER XLIII. THE CORNISH CAMPAIGN. 1862. PAGE St. Ives and its pilchards. A temperance movement. The churches and teetotalism. Mrs. Booth on the liquor traffic. Letter from Mrs. Palmer. The revival in St. Ives. More than a thousand conversions. Public-houses deserted. "Is there mercy for such a wretch?" Conver- sions noisy and quiet. Do they stand? .... 449 CHAPTER XLIV. THE CORNISH CAMPAIGN. 1862. St. Just. Rev. Robert Aitken of Pendeen. Charles Wesley and the country squire. The penitent-form controversy. An unfinished sermon. Glorious irregularity. Miners leaving their work to get saved. The Police Inspector's testimony. A sacred corner, ...... 461 CHAPTER XLV. THE CORNISH CAMPAIGN. 1862. Mrs. Booth's first service for women. Her views on fashion. On orphanages. On timidity. The king of the Wesley- ans. His opinion of Mrs. Booth. Mrs. Booth at home. The Wesleyan Chapel. "What about the revival?" The volunteers leave their drill. The suspension of business. "One and all." The Lelant church and its legend. The angel- visits. Sailing under black colors, .... 473 CHAPTER XLVI. THE THREE CONFERENCES. 1862. The Methodists New Connection accept Mr. Booth's resignation. Without a "thank you." Not a "split." The Cornish Wesleyans. An increase of 4,247. Their Conference. "The perambulations of the male and female." Boycotted again. A pitiful apology. The Primitive Methodists fol- low suit. Conflict between pastoral and evangelistic agencies. Raising of the blockade. An Australian tri- umph 485 CHAPTER XLVII. GOOD-BYE TO CORNWALL. 1862. Mousehole. Penzance. Birth of Herbert Booth. The sweet psalmist and musician. "Dod b'ess de lady and make her GENERAL CONTENTS. xxi PAGE bery dood." "Me not 'peakin' to oo." Redruth. Putting up the barriers. 7,500 conversions in eighteen months, . 493 CHAPTER XLVIII. CARDIFF. 1863. Undenominational effort. Mrs. Booth's first meetings in a circus. Her views on the state of the world. A physician and his wife. No faith without obedience. Mr. Booth at Pontypridd. Five hundred conversions. Messrs. John and Richard Cory. The S. S. William Booth. How to deal with cavil, 503 CHAPTER XLIX. THE PROVINCES. 1863. Newport. Mr. and Mrs. Billups. An intimate friendship. Walsall. Upsetting the meetings. The prize-fighter, the horse-racer, and the thief. "I linked my arm in that of a navvy with a white slop on." The saved chim- ney-sweep. A monster camp-meeting. The Hallelujah Band. The future foreshadowed, . . . . . 513 CHAPTER L. THE PROVINCES. 1863-1864. The General meets with an accident. Mr. Bramwell Booth's conversion. Mrs. Booth leads the meetings. Hydrop- athy. Birmingham. Old Hill. Hasbury. Mrs. Booth at the Lye. "I never saw so much weeping." An outside testimony. Leeds. Lady Lane. Meadow Lane. Gates- head. Birth of Miss Marian Booth. A letter from Caughey. Mrs. Booth atBatley; Pudsey and Woodhouse Carr. Five hundred conversions. "We can't get at the masses in the chapels, " 527 CHAPTER LI. LONDON. 1865. The metropolis and the provinces. Mrs. Booth's first meet- ings in London. Rotherhithe. "Come and hear a woman preach." The daughters of the landlord of the Europa. Mr. and Mrs. Booth settle in Hammersmith. Mr. Morgan questions female ministry. But is convinced. The Chris- tian. A letter regarding Holiness. Bermondsey. The xxii GENERAL CONTENTS. PAGE Gospel Guide describes Mrs. Booth. The Midnight movement, 538 CHAPTER LII. FOUNDATION OF THE SALVATION ARMY. 1865. The Quaker Burial Ground in Whitechapel. A valley of dry bones. The East End Bethlehem. The meetings in the tent. The formation of the "'Christian Revival Associa- tion." The lowest level of the social strata. Mr. Booth and Feargus O'Connor. "My arms are not long enough." Mrs. Booth and the upper classes. The syrup without the sulphur. His Grace the Duke of Rackrent. Mrs. Booth denounces the cruelty of hunting. On War. Poverty and vulgarity synonymous with sin. Miss Booth visiting the prison. "She's all there." The criminal classes. Mr. Moneymaker. Mrs. Booth on "sweating." Mrs. Booth in the kitchen. Among the wealthy, 548 CHAPTER LIII. MR. MORLEY AND THE EAST LONDON MISSION. Mrs. Booth at Deptford. Her first West End Campaign. The Polytechnic. Kensington Assembly Rooms. Islington. Removal of home from Hammersmith to Hackney. The tent blown down. The East End heathen. Another new departure. "We have trusted the Lord once and we can trust him again." Mr. Samuel Morley. The meeting of the Stanley and the Livingstone of Darkest England. A sleeping partner. Some letters from Mr. Morley. A gene- rous donation. The dancing-saloon. Some early con- verts 561 CHAPTER LIV. THE EAST LONDON MISSION. 1866. Birth of Miss Eva Booth. Walking the waters. The spirit of Calvary. Beating the Good Samaritan. Mrs. Booth at Peckham. A severe illness. Mr. Henry Reed of Dunor- lan. Mrs. Booth at Dunorlan. Makes Mr. Reed her time- keeper. "Never mind the time! Go on." Nervous col- lapse. Heaven's gifts in strange wrappers. A lifelong martyrdom. The family homes. Each room an office. A latter-day Bethel, . . . . ..'.". . 573 GENERAL CONTENTS. xxiii CHAPTER LV. MARGATE. 1867. PAGE St. John's Wood. The Eyre Arms Assembly Rooms. Mrs. Newenham. A remarkable offer. Larger than Spurgeon's Tabernacle. Birth of Miss Lucy Booth. Musical ability. A visit to Ramsgate. The Royal Assembly Rooms, Mar- gate. A successful campaign. Mr. and Mrs. Freeman. Miss Billups. Mr. Knight, the publisher, offers to report Mrs. Booth's sermons. Her plan of preaching. A false and a real love. With Jesus in the mud, . . . .584 CHAPTER LVI. BEHIND THE PIGEON SHOP. 1866-67. Early struggles in the East End. Holywell Mount. The stable and the sparring-club. The carpenter's shop and pig- styes. The skittle-alley. Behind the pigeon shop. The East End Thermopylae. The Hare Street bird market. A strange contrast. Muggins and the linnet. "A finch wot'll peg." Two early converts now in heaven. Jack Price. Carry Berry. Unexpected help. The Effingham Theatre. The Eastern Star. First headquarters of the Salvation Army, ......... 593 CHAPTER LVII. PLYMOUTH BRETHRENISM. The five leading doctrines of the Brethren. Mrs. Booth joins issue on four of them. Declines controversy regarding the Second Coming. "Free from the Law." The two na- tures. One soul in hell and another in heaven. Regenera- tion. A doctrinal hodge-podge. Imputed righteous- ness. Standing in Christ. A substitutionary Saviour. Christ a deliverer from sin, not a protection in sin. Only- believism. Right opinions do not make right hearts. Com- plete in Christ. A mock salvation, . . . . 606 CHAPTER LVIII. THE PROGRESS OF THE MISSION. 1868. Mrs. Booth in Norwood. Little Missions. Neither exogen, endogen, nor acrogen. Isolated efforts. One-idea'd- ness. Self-invited defeat. The first balance-sheet. The Mission Council. 4,000 penitents during the year. xxiv GENERAL CONTENTS. PAGE Launching of the first magazine. The East London Evan- gelist. Mrs. Booth's articles. The spiritual armada. Joel's vision, 616 CHAPTER LIX. CORRESPONDENCE. 1868. Mrs. Booth on vaccination. The "immortal Jenner." Deception the great forte of the devil. Faith and unbelief. "On the incline as a nation." Illness and depression. Lying wounded in the camp. "The Booths will be difficult to hold, but they are worth the trouble. " Mr. Reed proposes to build a hall. The offer falls through. The first great anniversary celebration. 1,420 Missioners visit Dunor- lan. Hearty reception by Mr. Reed, 629 CHAPTER LX. CROYDON, EDINBURGH, BRIGHTON. 1869. Mrs. Booth at Croydon. David and Jonathan. An invitation from Edinburgh. The amalgamation ceremony. Mrs. Booth's reception by the Scotch. Prejudices vanish. A Covenanter in the land of Covenanters. A woman- Wal- lace. A powerful meeting. Mrs. Booth at Brighton. The Dome. Father Ignatius, 642 CHAPTER LXI. THE CHRISTIAN MISSION. 1869-1870. Death of Mrs. Booth's mother. Her countenance illumined. The East London Mission takes the name of the Christian Mission. Purchase of the People's Market, Whitechapel. All-Nights of prayer. The first experiments in the Social Scheme. Now a food and shelter depot. The East End Shiloh and the London Zions. A second trip to Dunorlan, 652 THE LIFE OF MRS. BOOTH. CHAPTER I. SHADOWLAND. 1820-1829. " Coming events cast their shadows before. " THE early days of those who have achieved great- Foreshad. ness, and who have left their mark, either for good or evil, upon the world, constitute a sort of shadow- f uture - land, which possesses a peculiar fascination of its own. The arrival of a new actor upon the world's vast stage is not always heralded, it is true, by blast of trumpet and beat of drum, however important may be the part that is about to be enacted. The sur- roundings and circumstances are often surprisingly trivial and contemptuously commonplace. As with the equinoctial gales, such lives frequently come in like a lamb, although they are destined to go out like a lion. And yet there is a something a. self -assertive- ness, shall we call it? about true genius, which en- forces recognition and extorts admiration, so that, even in the undeveloped bud of early life, we find ourselves involuntarily exclaiming : The child is verit- ably father to the man ! True, at the time, few eyes are keen enough to dis- Retro- cern the substance, of which these shadows are but spet the type and promise. The great To BE is still enveloped in the mists of futurity. Its shadow falls MJ?S. BOOTH. for a moment with startling distinctness across our path, only to disappear with equal suddenness from our sight. And yet, viewed in the light of retro- spect, much that was once obscure and difficult be- comes luminously plain. Shadows are converted into substance, possibilities into actualities, fugitive ex- pectations into sober accomplishment. To look for- ward and anticipate the future requires a prophet, to look back and appreciate the past is possible to all, so that even he who runs may read. And thus we are impelled to explore every nook and cranny of the child-life, confident that it contains abundant prom- ise of the great hereafter. The little cloudlet, no bigger than a man's hand, assumes a new interest, above and beyond the many others that we have seen, because we know that it betokens coming showers and a sound of abundance of rain for the parched and famine-stricken earth. inklings. And yet the search is often a very disappointing one. The facts on which we can rely are few and far between. The witnesses are mostly gone to their reward, or can remember scarcely anything beyond the ordinary humdrum of life. There is frequently little, or nothing in the shape of written record to which we may turn, and the meagre items we are able to gather are just enough to make us wish for more. In short, we can obtain but tantalizing glimpses, when what our heart would crave is a long satisfying look. Mountain \Ve are told there is a mountain peak in Africa, peaks. * towering high above the rest, which forms the most conspicuous landmark for scores of miles ; and yet so perpetually is it hidden in mists and clouds, that explorers have been within a few miles without so much as discovering its existence. Indeed, the same SHADOWLAND. 3 traveller, who lias at one time passed the spot and noted nothing remarkable, has been surprised when, on a later occasion, the clouds have suddenly un- folded, the sun shone forth, and a snowy summit of surprising height and surpassing grandeur has dis- closed itself to view. For a time it seems so near and so real that he is astonished at his own previous obtuseness. And then the wind changes, the mist rolls swiftly down the mountain-side, and he is tempted to wonder whether, after all, the bewitching vision he has just gazed upon may not have been some fancy of his mind, similar to the water-mirage of the desert or the deceitful will-o'-the-wisp of the fens. Just so with this shadowland of life. The glimpses we obtain are so scanty and brief, that we are bound in some measure to be disappointed. And yet their very fewness and fleetingness perhaps add something to their attraction, while the distance through which we are obliged to gaze only serves to " lend enchant- ment to the view," and what we do see stands out in vivid distinctness, like the peaks of some mountain range against the background of the sky. For those who stood in the valley of childhood, the horizon was so limited that they could see but little beyond their own immediate surroundings. To us, who have climbed the mountain-side of life, it is different. We are able to look down upon the land- scape. Every turn in the road, every inch of up- ward ascent, brings some fresh surprise. Here is a tiny cascade leaping down the rocks, little more than a silver thread amongst the surrounding foliage of the forest. Yonder flows a stately river that sweeps for hundreds of miles through the plains, and bears on its bosom the largest ocean-going craft. It is difficult to realise, as we stand beside the one, that it 4 MRS. BOOTH. will ever develop to the size and power of the other. And yet we cannot doubt the evidence of our senses. The impossible has already come to pass before our eyes. And so we turn to explore the shadowland of a life of which each type has been realised, and every promise fulfilled. Thousands and tens of thousands to whom the stream has borne its rich merchandise of spiritual blessing will desire, no doubt, to trace the river to its rise. Like Hindoo pilgrims, not con- tent with bathing in the portion of the stream that happens to flow past their dwelling, they will be eager to follow its course from the spot where their sky- born Ganges descends from the heavens to the broad- ening of its waters in the trackless ocean of Eternity. Mrs.^ At a very early age flashes of the spirituality, genius, mother, and energy, that were destined to make so indelible a mark upon the world, surprised and gladdened Catherine's mother, as she watched with tender care, and reared with difficulty, the fragile girl who be- came, almost from infancy, her chief companion and comforter. Mrs. Mumford was herself a remarkable woman, and some of the leading traits in the daugh- ter's character were no doubt inherited from the in- tensely practical and courageous mother. A painful At the very threshold of her life, an event occurred episode, ^.^jc^ serves to illustrate the high principle by which Mrs. Mumford was ever actuated. She had become engaged to a gentleman of good position. Her mother had died some years previously. Her father was one who felt that his duty to his daughter had ended in supplying her temporal needs. The aunt, who kept house for him, was a being of harsh, un- sympathetic material. No doubt these loveless sur- roundings helped Miss Milward to think the more of SHADOWLAND. her choice, and she fancied herself upon the eve of life-long felicity. To her friends the match seemed a desirable one, and had met with their unhesitating approbation. The prospects were brilliant, and the wedding day had been fixed, when, on the very eve of the marriage, certain circumstances came to her knowledge which proved conclusively that her lover was not the high-souled, noble character she had supposed him to be, indeed that he was unworthy of the womanly love and confidence she had so un- reservedly reposed in him. With the same prompt- ness and decision which afterward characterised her daughter, Miss Milward's mind was made up, and the engagement was immediately broken off. It was in vain that day after day her lover called at the house, in the hope that he might persuade her to relent. She dared not trust herself even to see him, lest she should fall beneath the still keenly realised temptation, and lest her heart should get the better of her judgment. At length, seized with de- spair, he turned his horse's head from the door and galloped away, he knew not, cared not, whither galloped till his horse was covered with foam gal- loped till it staggered and fell, dying, beneath him, while he rose to his feet a hopeless maniac! The anxiety had been too much for his brain; and the next news that Miss Milward received was that he had been taken to an asylum, where he would prob- ably spend the rest of his days. The shock was a terrible one ! Not that she ever Miss MH- allowed herself to regret for a moment, either then illness. or subsequently, the step that she had taken. Her sense of the claims of righteousness prevented this. Nevertheless, she had not anticipated, far less desired, that so swift and terrible a retribution should over- 6 MRS. BOOTH. take him. She was overwhelmed by the catastrophe, and, shutting herself into her room, lay for sixteen weeks hovering between life and death. Her extremity was God's opportunity. Whatever man might think of her action in the matter, however much she might be misunderstood and misjudged by those around her, the bold, brave stand she had taken for that which was pure and good could only be viewed in one light by the Supreme Authorities of Heaven. And so it came to pass, that, following on this deluge of sorrow, and athwart its darkest cloud, was printed the rainbow promise of salvation which was to glad- den and console her after life, assuring her of abated floods, of returning sunshine, and of " joy unspeak- able and full of glory. " She is un- Sickness gave Miss Milward the opportunity to converted. ... .. . . think, while sorrow and suffering combined to force her attention in the direction of those spiritual inter- ests which in seasons of health and vigour all are so prone to neglect. Cradled in the Church of England, at a time when vital godliness was rarer than is now happily the case, Miss Milward knew little or nothing of the plan of salvation. True, she possessed, in a specially vivid degree, the instinct that made her ab- hor that which was wrong, cruel, or cowardly. Her conscience, moreover, was particularly sensitive. But this only helped to increase the misery of her po- Con- sition, since it enabled her to realise more acutely vinced of . . . . sin. ' the sins to which she might otherwise have been blind, and rendered impossible the false peace which serves as a treacherous lullaby to so many sinful hearts, luring them on, like the siren's melody, only too swiftly and surely to their doom. With Miss Milward this was now impossible. The Spirit of God had striven with her. She had listened SHADOWLAND. 7 to His voice. She realised her guilt and danger as a sinner. To be a respectable one was no longer in her eyes any palliation of her sin. On the contrary her position seemed the less excusable. Hell itself appeared too good for one so unworthy as she felt herself to be. She turned in her misery to her Prayer-Book. Turns to Opening its pages, her eyes fell upon the passage, prayer- book. " 1 believe in the forgiveness of sins. In some way or other these words, which had never before possessed any special power or meaning, now fastened them- selves upon her mind. Continually she heard them ringing in her ears, " / believe in the forgiveness of sins." For hours she lay with her fingers placed upon the line. " And yet," she would say to herself, " what good is this forgiveness, if I cannot obtain it here and now if I have to wait, as I am told, till after death for the assurance. This, ah this, is just what my soul craves ! Alas, that it should be so far beyond my reach !" The question preyed upon her mind to such an The extent as to render her recovery impossible. The verdict. doctor who had been attending her seized an oppor- tunity for telling Mr. Milward that some secret sor- row was evidently affecting his daughter, arid neu- tralising all the efforts made for her restoration. It was important, he added, that the difficulty should be discovered, and if possible removed. Naturally enough her father ascribed everything to the unhappy occurrences which had been the orig- inal cause of her illness, little thinking that the grounds for her mental anxiety had undergone so radical a change* Desiring to comfort her, he mani- fested a tenderness and solicitude to which the motherless girl had hitherto been a stranger. And 8 MRS. BOOTH. yet to unburden her heart to him would, she knew, be useless. Although a regular church-goer, her father could not understand the experiences through which she was passing. Hears of By a remarkable coincidence, which was surely the Meth- J J odists. more than accidental, the Methodists had at this time commenced to hold meetings in the town, buy- ing from Mr. Milward a piece of land on which to erect their chapel. The news that many had received the very forgiveness for which she had been so eagerly seeking, soon reached Miss Milward. Oh ! how she wished that she had been well enough to attend the services! Nothing should have withheld her! But this was impossible, as she was unable to rise, and there seemed little prospect of her recovery. En- couraged, however, by her father's kindness, she asked that the new minister might be allowed to visit their house, and Mr. Milward, only too pleased to find his daughter once more interesting herself in matters which had no reference to the recent sad event, gave his hearty consent. Her con- The minister gladly responded to the call. If version. . J A ever a thirsty soul welcomed the living waters of the Gospel, it was surely Miss Milward. To know that she could be forgiven, not after death, but on the spot, without even waiting to attend a meeting, filled her with new hope and longing. The plan of salva- tion flashed in upon her soul in all its glorious sim- plicity. The same Holy Spirit, Who had previously convicted her so deeply in regard to her sinfulness, now revealed to her the immediate and all-prevailing efficacy of the blood shed, not merely for the salva- tion of the world, "but for her own individual soul. For a time it seemed too good to be true. Her sins were too many and great, her heart too hard and cold, SHADOWLAND. 9 for the guilt of a life to be blotted out in a moment. The preacher's recipe, "repentance toward God and faith in our Lord Jesus Christ," was almost too simple to be trusted. It appeared at first incredible. But at length she grasped the truth. It was too precious, too potent, too necessary to be doubted or denied. With all her heart she embraced it, and was able to realise during that first interview that her sins were forgiven. Wonderful to relate, scarcely had the minister left, Healed in when Miss Milward was able to rise, dress, and leave her room, healed in body as well as in soul. With Miss Milward the change was not one of mere This way creed or sentiment. It penetrated every fibre of her being. It shone through her every capacity. It revolutionised her life, and marked indelibly her whole career. Amid the worldly amusements and fashionable follies to which she had been accustomed, she had often heard the warning voice of God. While playing cards or joining in the giddy dance, her mirth had been continually damped by thoughts of death and a sense of condemnation. Frequently as she went to the theatre of her native town, when her eyes fell upon the words " This way to the pit," con- science had shuddered. But now such pleasures were forever abandoned, and from that moment she never cast upon them a single backward glance. Even to the details of her dress was the change A thor- manifest. Her hat was stripped of its adornments change. and made to resemble, as closely as possible, that of some pious Methodist dame, whose godliness and self- denial she had learned to admire. Her wayward locks of hair were plastered into similar soberness. Her relentless scissors made havoc of ball-dresses, the remnants of which in after years served to furnish 10 MRS. BOOTH. frocks for her daughter's dolls! With heart and soul she set to work to please God in everything, embrac- ing the cross of an out-and-out Methodist, and this at a time when it meant very much what it now means to become a Salvationist. The consciousness that she was doing right, together with the realised smile of God, enabled her to face unflinchingly the contempt and opposition of those who would have held her ba'ck. For some time Mr. Milward humoured what he looked upon as the fanciful caprices of his daughter. He even went so far as to accompany her to some of the meetings, though he had but little sympathy with what he considered to be the eccentricities and noisy performances of the revivalists. Occasionally Miss Milward even succeeded in cajoling her aunt to en- dure the familiar vulgarities and loud Amens, with which the proceedings of Methodism were in its early days commonly enlivened. Engaged From time to time special preachers came to con- to Mr. duct the services. One of the most popular of these Mum ford. was John Mumford. Even the Gorgonian aunt was constrained to appreciate him, and was heard to de- clare in an unguarded moment that he was certainly the finest young man in the town. For a time all went well. But dire was the wrath, and boundless the indignation of Mr. Milward, when he learned that John Mumford had dared to aspire to the hand of his daughter. Not only was the young preacher ordered out of the house, but, as the door slammed behind him, Mr. Milward with his own hand turned the key in the lock, as though to make his return doubly impossible. Homeless! He then sternly called upon his daughter to choose between her lover and her home. Either the proposed 12 MRS. BOOTH. engagement must be forever abandoned, or she must leave at once her father's, roof, and face the conse- quences, be they what they might. The ordeal was a trying one, but her courage did not waver. True to his word, and urged on by the aunt, Mr. Mil ward at length commanded his daughter to leave the house. She went forth penniless, without so much as a change of clothing, sacrificing every worldly pro- spect. Few would have had on the one hand the cour- age to stand firm, or on the other hand the patience and faith to wait till the barriers should be swept away, not by her own, but by a Higher Power. Her confi- ^ ence ^ n God was rewarded, and within a few months ford. s h e was married to John Mumford with her father's full consent and blessing. concilia- ^ n ^ s dying ^ e( ^ ^ r - Milward sent for John to pray tion. with him. "Let us pray with you," volunteered a relative, who was in the room. " No, you are not com- petent," replied the dying man. "Fetch me John." And so the Methodist son-in-law was brought. What a contrast was there between this visit and the previ- ous one, when he had been driven ignominiously from the house, with no apparent likelihood of ever being able to return! Death, the universal leveller, had opened the door, which Mr. Milward thought he had forever closed. And so, with a heart overflowing with gratitude, the once exiled daughter watched her hus- band kneel beside her dying father's bed and point him to the " Lamb of God, that taketh away the sin of the world." And how triumphant must have been the final reunion, when, some fifty years later, father and daughter met " Beyond the river, Where the surges cease to roll. " CHAPTER II. CHILDHOOD. 1829-1834. CATHERINE MUMFORD, or, as she is more familiarly Mrs. known, Catherine Booth, was born at Ashbourne in birthplace Derbyshire on the i/th January, 1829. She was the only daughter in a family of five. Of her brothers the youngest, John, alone survived, the three elder having died during infancy. " One of the earliest recollections of my life, in fact He r earl j-' est recol- the earliest," says Mrs. Booth, "is that of being taken lection. into a room by my mother, to see the body of a little brother who had just died. I must have been very young at the time, scarcely more than two years old. But I can remember, to this day, the feelings of awe and solemnity with which the sight of death impressed my baby-mind. Indeed, the effect produced on that occasion has lasted to this very hour. I am sure that many parents enormously under-estimate the capacity of children to retain impressions made upon them in early days." Mrs. Mumford was a wise mother. She realised An, "- pression- that it was during the tender years of life that the able age. human clay would respond most readily to the mould- ing hand of the maternal potter. The damp and impressionable material could be shaped almost ab- solutely according to the mother's will, whereas, once baked and hardened at the furnace fires of sin and worldliness, it would defy the most powerful influ- 13 . BOOTH. 1831, ences that could be brought to bear upon it, or shiver ge 2 * in pieces beneath severities which timely firmness would have rendered unnecessary, and which were of no avail, because applied too late. Nursery Nor was Kate relegated to the dull monotony of a monotony mere nursery existence. Mrs. Mumford felt instinc- tively that the moral germ could no more dispense with light and air than could the bud of any tree or plant. While on the one hand it must be guarded from those outward storms of temptation and worldly companionship which have, alas, wrecked so many, yet to place it in the dark, with little or no chance for heart-expansion and mind-development, would be to stunt its growth, and to produce a sickly weak- ling, incapable of dealing with the momentous re- sponsibilities and opportunities of life. Just as the same bud would under one set of influences expand and fructify, while under another it would droop and die, so the same character might be made or marred according to the treatment it received. its fatal Who can estimate how many beautiful blossoms ar ^ blighted, how many noble natures spoiled, by being abandoned to a ceaseless association with un- suitable or careless inferiors? In what a multiplicity of cases are the lambs left to the hireling, while the one whom God intended to play the part of the shepherd is busying herself with a thousand trivial- ities, such as will matter little enough when she stands with her flock to give an account of her stewardship before the Throne! In later life Mrs. Booth em- phatically declared her conviction that, however devoted or clever a nurse might be, she could not take the place of the mother, and that nothing could compensate for the loss of the companionship, train- ing, and care of the latter. Speaking on this subject CHILDHOOD. 1 5 with all the advantages of her matured experience, 1831, Mrs. Booth says: " Confining 1 children strictly to the nursery is, I J er 'scom- . mistake. think, a great mistake. God has set us in families, and intercourse with their elders over the ordinary affairs of life must be improving to the young. In fact, topics of general conversation, providing they be large and elevating, constitute an education such as no books can supply. In my own family, of course, the conversation was always such as had to do with the salvation of the world. Nevertheless, I have been present at many dinner tables where J talk. ennobling subjects were never mentioned, and the veriest trifles occupied tongue and thought. Perhaps it is best for children to be kept from such." From an incredibly early age, Catherine, or Kate, Her moth- ^ '- aS she was usually called, became her mother s com- panion and confidante. With the exception of her brother, who went to America when only sixteen, she had no playmates. Children, as a rule, were so badly brought up, that Mrs. Mumford dreaded their con- taminating influence upon her daughter. To some this may appear too harsh a rule, but it was one which Mrs. Booth herself adopted in bringing up her fam- ily, and the result has surely justified its wisdom. On one of the few occasions when she allowed two of her children to visit the house of a particular friend, they returned expressing their astonishment that fathers and mothers could disagree and that brothers and sisters could quarrel, or be jealous of each other. But what Kate lacked in outside companionship was A careful abundantly compensated by the close and intimate ties which linked mother and daughter in bonds that grew stronger year by year, and that death itself could but for the moment sever. The sapling, which was 1 6 MRS. BOOTH. 1833, one day to outstrip and overshadow the parent tree, throve well those early years under the sheltering foliage of a mother's love, and abundantly rewarded the ceaseless solicitude and unwearying care of which it was the object. The conscience, which might have been blunted by undue and premature familiarity with evil, appealed to and cultivated became keenly sen- sitive, responding like an aeolian harp to the slightest whisperings of the Spirit. A tender Catherine was but four years old, when Mrs. Mum- con- J science, ford heard her crying bitterly after being tucked up for the night in her little crib. With sobs and tears she poured forth into her mother's sympathetic ear the confession of some falsehood, which had so trou- bled her conscience as to render sleep impossible. Mrs. Mumford did not attempt to excuse the fault, or to reason the impression away, but talked and prayed with her, not leaving her until she felt herself forgiven. Then conscience satisfied, the tired curly head quickly nestled on its pillow, and little Kate was soon asleep. My moth- "The longer I live," Mrs. Booth writes, "the more er's char- acter. I appreciate my mother s character. She was one of the Puritan type. I have often heard my husband remark that she was a woman of the sternest principle he had ever met, and yet the very embodiment of tenderness. To her right was right, no matter what it might entail. She could not endure works of fiction. 'Is it true?' she would ask, refusing to waste her time or sympathies upon anything of an imag- inary character, however excellent the moral intended to be drawn. She had an intense realisation of spirit- The real- ual things. Heaven seemed quite near, instead of Heaven, being, as with so many, a far-off unreality. It was a positive joy to her that her three eldest children were CHILDHOOD. i/ there. I never heard her thank the Lord for any- 1833, thing so fervently as for this, although they were fine ge 4 * promising boys. ' Ah, Kate, ' she used to say, ' I would not have them back for anything ! ' The stirring example of such a life, and the per- petual influence of such deep spirituality, could not but produce a profound impression upon Catherine. "I cannot remember the time," she tells us, "when I had not intense yearnings after God." While, however, the soul had the first place in Mrs. Mental develop- Mumford's consideration, this did not prevent her ment. commencing in good time to develop her daughter's mental powers. It was true she had her own ideas in regard to education. French she abominated, and No she would not allow Kate to study a language which French - she argued would open the door to the infidel and impure novelistic literature with which she knew it to abound, and which she regarded with peculiar hor- ror. Little did she think that her granddaughter was destined not only to master the language, but to take France upon her heart, and to go forth to its people as its Marechale and spiritual " Jeanne d' Arc." Strange, too, that the nation which had burned the ancient championess should have sent for the service of their old antagonist one who laid claim to similar divine inspiration, though striving to liberate her adopted people from the thraldom of sin and Satan, instead of from that of a foreign yoke. In each case the instinct of humanity, so similar the world over, recognises the Spirit of the Supreme, al- though, as in so many remarkable instances, the mani- festation is through a woman rather than a man ! Referring in later years to her mother's ideas with A mis- regard to French, Mrs. Booth remarks : " I cannot but think that on this point my dear mother was mis- i8 MRS. BOOTH. 1833, Age 4. Thou- sands ruined. Child studies. Intensely nervous. Bible les- sons. Eight times through. taken, and that she might have allowed me the oppor- tunity of acquiring the language, while guarding me from the evils she so dreaded. I have found this to be possible in the case of my own children, having taken every care that they should read no French books concerning the purity and safety of which I was not perfectly satisfied. At the same time I be- lieve that thousands have indirectly been ruined, both for this world and the next, owing to the use in schools and academies of the works of Voltaire, and other brilliant but ungodly French writers." If, however, Mrs. Mumford's prejudices obliged Kate to eschew French, she at least made an early beginning with her English education. "My mother has told me," she says, "that I not only knew my let- ters, but could read short words very soon after I was three. I cannot myself remember a time when I did not find pleasure and consolation in reading, or hear- ing others read, either the -Bible, or some religious book. I was a very highly nervous and delicate child from the beginning, and the fact that I was not strong enough to occupy my energies and time like other children doubtless had something to do with this rather unusual precocity. Especially was Mrs. Mumford anxious to encourage her daughter in the study of the Book which she looked upon as the supreme fountain of wisdom. It was from the Bible that Kate received her earliest lessons. Many a time would she stand on a foot- stool at her mother's side, when but a child of five, reading to her from its pages. Before she was twelve years old she had read the sacred Book from cover to cover eight times through, thus laying the foundation of that intimate knowledge and excep- tional familiarity with the divine revelation which CHILDHOOD. 19 made so profound an impression upon all who knew 1833, her. Age4 ' Thirty years later the position was reversed, and Thirty the weeping mother sat in a densely crowded chapel, later. listening for the first time to her daughter, as with power and demonstration of the Spirit' she expounded from the pulpit to her eagerly listening audience those same Scriptures which she had studied at her mother's knee, and which had become indeed, when breathed from her lips, "quick and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart." "Was it for this that I nursed her?" exclaimed Mrs. Mumford, amid her tears, as she grasped the hand of a lady who had ac- companied her to the meeting. To the end of life, Catherine maintained this in- Her last gift. tense love and reverence for the Scriptures, and her last and most valued gift to each member of her family, from the very banks of the Jordan, was that of a Bible, into which, with the greatest pain and difficulty, she traced her name, as "the last token of a mother's love." And yet Kate was not unchildlike. True, she was Partiality prevented by her delicate health from engaging in active sports. But her humanity and naturalness manifested itself in a thousand ways, especially in her extreme partiality for dolls. Indeed so devoted was she to her miniature family, and in so practical a manner did she labor for them, that with her it al- most ceased to be play, and rather became a pleasing education for the heavy and responsible maternal duties which fell to her lot in after life. She must practical. feed them, dress them, put them to bed, and even 20 MRS. BOOTH. 1833, pray with them, before her mother-heart could be satisfied. And in her spare moments she might be seen, with earnest face and bended back, eagerly plying needle and thread, thus accquiring a skill which she turned to such good account in after life, that ladies in admiring her handiwork would beg to be told the name of her tailor, in order that they might go to the same place for their children's clothes. A cioud k ^ was Curing Kate's early childhood, in fact while she was but three or four years old, that a dark cloud overshadowed the little home. Mr. Mum ford was no longer the earnest preacher he had once been. His love for God and souls grew cold. He lost the old fire. He had never joined the regular ministry of the Wesleyan body, although for years he had been an accredited and successful lay preacher. He was a coach builder by profession, and as an unpaid honor- ary official he earned his support from his business, devoting his spare time to fulfilling such preaching engagements as were marked out for him by his min- ister. Mr. Mumford ought, without doubt, to have Ought to been a minister. His remarkable eloquence, repro- hai-e been ... duced in his daughter, his spiritual power, his popu- larity as a preacher, his natural predilections, and the happy possession of a partner in life thoroughly like- minded with himself , all pointed in the one direction. Repeatedly, as he afterward acknowledged, the Spirit of God strove with him on the subject. But he re- sisted. The beacon-light of conscience was quenched. Little by little, almost insensibly at first, and after- wards with more rapid strides, he turned toward the world, and at length gave up even the profession of religion . Mrs. Mumford was filled with grief, but with her wonted tenacity of purpose she held on, refusing to CHILDHOOD. 2 1 despair. Long into the nights she would pray for 1834, her husband, and indeed made it the goal of her ex- istence to win him back to the blessed experiences A pray- ,. . , inq wife. of the past. At length, after a season of sorrow which left its Restored. life-mark upon her, prayer was, in measure, an- swered, and Mr. Mumford turned from the pursuits and pleasures of the world to find his satisfaction in higher things. True, he was not what he had been when Sarah Milward first met him, the fiery enthusi- astic preacher of salvation, with whom she had fallen so spontaneously in love. Nevertheless, the change was great and was hailed with joy. Thirty years later, in one of Mrs. Booth's first pub- Fuiicon- J J * secration. lie meetings, she had the exceptional happiness of leading her father back to the full enjoyment of God's favour. It was a beautiful sight, in after-years, to watch Father the fine, venerable, white-haired old man in his daughter. daughter's meetings, as with the humility and sim- plicity of a child he assisted her in the management of the services, held up his watch to remind her of the too often forgotten time, or prayed with a fervency and unction that few could surpass. CHAPTER III. EARLY DAYS. 1834-1841. f alr| ily removed in 1834 to Boston, in Lincoln- shire, Mr. Mumford's native town. During his stay here he commenced to take an active part in the Tem- perance movement, his home becoming a centre round which many of the leading Temperance luminaries revolved. Catherine, with her curly locks and flashing black eyes, together with her brilliant conversational powers, was before long one of the most interesting features of her father's table, taking her share in the parlor debates, which were to prove so valuable a training for her future career. Her early She could do nothing by halves. Eagerly she de- voured all the Total Abstinence publications of the day, familiarising herself, by the time she was twelve, with every detail of the question. When evening came she would lock herself into her bedroom, and by the light of her candle would pour out her heart upon paper, writing letters to the various magazines to which her father subscribed. In doing this she was careful to conceal her identity beneath some nom- de-plume, giving her manuscripts to a friend to be ^ v copied and sent to the editor with his card, lest they should be rejected if it were known they had been written by so mere a child. Little did she then think that the day was coming when newspaper reporters would attend her meetings, the general public hang upon her lips, and her writings be circulated through- EARLY DAYS. 23 out the world. Nor was Kate content with merely speaking and writing. The wonderful after-activities of life were foreshadowed in the twelve-year-old secretary of a Juvenile Temperance Society, who arranged meetings, raised subscriptions, and with all her might pushed forward the interests of the cause. 1838. Temper- ance sec- retary. CATHERINE AT THE SIDE CK THE DRUNKARD. " If I were asked for the main characteristics that Her sense of respon- have helped me through life, I should give a high sibiiity. place among them to the sense of responsibility which I have felt from my earliest days in regard to everybody who came in any way under my influence. The fact that I was not held responsible was no relief 24 MRS. BOOTH. 1838. at all. 'Why trouble? It is not your affair!' friends constantly say to me even now. But how can I help troubling, I reply, when I see people going wrong? I must tell the poor things how to manage !" An early illustration of thjs trait in Catherine's character was one day manifested. Her t^ m ' While running along the road with hoop and stick, with a she saw a prisoner being dragged to the lock-up by a prisoner. . . f . constable. A jeering mob was hooting the unfortu- nate culprit. His utter loneliness appealed power- fully to her. It seemed that he had not a friend in the world. Quick as lightning Catherine sprang to his side, and marched down the street with him, deter- mined that he should feel that there was at least one stands by heart that sympathised with him, whether it might be for his fault or his misfortune that he was suffer- ing. The knight-errant spirit which Kate manifested, when, as a mere child, she threw down the gauntlet to the mocking crowd, and dared to take the part of the lonely hustled criminal, was peculiarly typical of the woman who afterward stood by the side of her husband and General, helping him to face the scorn of his day and generation, until unitedly, with char- acter vindicated and name be-blessed, they had climbed to a position of successful achievement, unique in the history of the world. Her first It was Catherine's first open-air procession; indeed, P sion S may we not legitimately call it the first ever held by the Salvation Army ? But it was destined to be multi- plied a million-fold all over the world, and she was to have the joy of sweeping the slums of every consider- able city in the United Kingdom, not alone, but at the head of devoted and well-disciplined bands of Salvation warriors, till at length the glorious past was focussed in the mammoth funeral march which stirred EARLY DAYS. 25 Christendom to its centre, when the very harlots 1839, hushed each other in the streets, and the rough un- ge I0 ' accustomed cheeks of the poorest and most depraved were wet with tears, as they watched the speechless, yet eloquently silent body pass by of the woman who from her very childhood had held their cause first at heart, and who had so unwearyingly fought their bat- tles. We scarce know which touches our hearts the more deeply, the cloudless sunrise of the child-cham- pion, or the glowing sunset of the soldier-saint. One form of sensitiveness which manifested itself Her sym- in Kate's childhood, and which caused her the keenest P animai r pain to the very end of life, was her intense and un- usual sympathy with the sufferings of the brute cre- ation. She could not endure to see animals ill-treated without expostulating and doing her utmost to stop Hatred the cruelty. Many a time she would run out into the cruelty. street, heedless of every personal risk, to plead with or threaten the perpetrator of some cruel act. On one occasion, when but a little girl, the sight of the cruel goading of some sheep so filled her soul with indig- nation and anguish, that she rushed home and threw herself on the sofa in a speechless paroxysm of grief. "My childish heart," she tells us, "rejoiced greatly Their pos- in the speculations of Wesley and Butler with regard future. to the possibility of a future life for animals, in which God might make up to them for the suffering and pain inflicted on them here. "One incident, I recollect, threw me for weeks into Her re- the greatest distress. We had a beautiful retriever, named Waterford, which was very much attached to me. It used to lie for hours on the rug outside my door, and if it heard me praying or weeping, it would whine and scratch to be let in, that it might in some way manifest its sympathy and comfort me. Where- 26 MRS. BOOTH. 1839, Age 10. ever I went the dog would follow me about as my self-constituted protector in fact we were insepar- able companions. One day Waterford had accom- panied me on a message to my father's house of bus- iness. I closed the door, leaving the dog outside, when I happened to strike my foot against something, and cried out with the sudden pain. Waterford heard me, and without a moment's hesitation came crashing through the large glass window to my res- cue. My father was so vexed at the damage done its death, that he caused the dog to be immediately shot. For months I suffered intolerably, especially in realising that it was in the effort to alleviate my sufferings the beautiful creature had lost its life. Days passed be- fore I could speak to my father, although he after- ward greatly regretted his hasty action, and strove to console me as best he could. The fact that I had no child companions doubtless made me miss my speechless one the more." Like her other benevolences, Mrs. Booth's kindness to animals took a practical turn. "If I were you," she would say to the donkey-boys at the sea-side resorts, where in later years she went to lecture, " I should like to feel, when I went to sleep at night, that I had done my very best for my donkey. I would like to know that I had been kind to it, and had given it the best food I could afford ; in fact, that it had had as jolly a day as though I had been the donkey and the donkey me." And she would enforce the argu- ment with a threepenny or a sixpenny bit, which helped to make it palatable. Then turning to her children she would press the lesson home by saying, " That is how I should like to see my children spend their pennies, in encouraging the boys to be kind to their donkeys." The don- key-boys at the seaside. EARLY DAYS. 27 If, in her walks or drives, Mrs. Booth happened to 1840, notice any horses left out to graze which looked over- ge "' worked and ill-fed, she would send round to the deal- ers for a bushel of corn, stowing it away in some tuck-In. part of the house. Then, when evening fell, she would sally forth with a child or servant carrying a vsupply of the food to the field in which the poor creat- ures had been marked, watching with the utmost satisfaction while they had a "real good tuck-in." It is not to be wondered at that the horses were soon able to recognise her, and would run along the hedge whenever their benefactors passed by, craning their necks and snorting their thanks, to the surprise and perplexity of those who were not in the secret. Again and again has Mrs. Booth rushed to the win- dow, flung up the heavy sash, and called out to some tradesman who was ill-treating his animal, not resting till she had compelled him to desist. "Life is such a puzzle!" she used to say, "but we Life a puzzle. must leave it, leave it with God. I have suffered so much over what appeared to be the needless and in- explicable sorrows and pains of the animal creation, as well as over those of the rest of the world, that if I had not come to know God by a personal revelation of Him to my own soul, and to trust Him because I knew Him, I can hardly say into what scepticism I might not have fallen." On one occasion when driving; out with a friend, Rescuing a donkey. Mrs. Booth saw a boy with a donkey a little way ahead of them. She noticed him pick up something out of the cart, and hit the donkey with it. In the distance it appeared like a short stick, but to her hor- ror she perceived, as they drove past, that it was a heavy-headed hammer, and that already a dreadful wound had been made in the poor creature's back. AfltS. BOOTH. 1840, Age ii. She seizes the reins. Faints away. Oblivious to conse- quences. She called to the coachman to stop ; but before it was possible for him to do so, or for those in the carriage with her to guess what was the matter, she had flung herself at the risk of her life into the road. Her dress caught in the step as she sprang, and had it not been torn with the force of her leap, she must have been seriously injured if not killed. As it was, she fell on her face and was covered with the dust of the hot and sandy road. Rising to her feet, however, she rushed forward and seized the reins. The boy tried to drive on, but she clung per- sistently to the shaft, until her friends came to her assistance. After burning words of warning, fol- lowed by tender appeals of intercession, such as from even the hard heart of the donkey-driver would not easily be effaced, she at last induced him to hand over his hammer and succeded in obtaining his name and address. Then overcome with the excitement and exertion she fainted away, and was with difficulty carried home. To some this may appear to have been an unwise expenditure of a valuable life on behalf of so compar- atively worthless an object, but such was the effect of cruelty upon her whole being that Mrs. Booth became at times like these oblivious to consequences, and was often rendered for the moment speechless, being quite unable even to explain herself to those around her. Indeed, it seemed a physical impossibility, when her soul was thus stirred with sympathy, to subdue her feelings, or calmly "to pass by on the other side." And, after all, is not the world full of people who are so bent on taking care of themselves that they cannot be persuaded to sacrifice anything in the cause of humanity? If Mrs. Booth, both as a child and in after years, went too far, are there not EARLY DAYS. 29 tens of thousands who do not go far enough, and 1841. would not the world be the better for infinitely more of the same Christ-like, reckless spirit, which, in its anxiety to save others, cannot, even in voicing the groans of the dumb creation, save itself? Of her how truly might it have been said : " Let others look and linger, And wait for beck and nod ! I ever see the finger Of an onward-urging God!" But perhaps we have lingered too long in describ- NO hobby- ing this interesting feature of Catherine's child-char- acter and in tracing it onward through her later life. And yet, intensely as she felt on the subject, her sound judgment prevented her from making a hobby .of it, or from developing this side of her sympathies to the neglect of other questions of still greater importance. Catherine early realised and throughout life acted consistently upon the principle that, even for the sufferings of the animal creation, the sovereign rem- edy was the salvation of its oppressors. She had no sympathy with those who hoped to accomplish the redemption of the world independently of the Gospel. "Jesus Christ and Him crucified" was her perpetual and untiring theme; His salvation her one great panacea for all the evils that exist. As a child Kate delighted in attending religious Her love meetings. "Be sure and wake me in good time," meetings. were her last words on one occasion, when her mother was leaving her bedroom after bidding her daughter an affectionate "good-night." It was the end of the year, and Mrs. Mumford had promised, as a special treat, that Kate should go with her to the watch- night service. But an aunt, who held different views 30 MRS. BOOTH. 1841 on the training of children, happened to step in dur- ing the evening, and, as Kate was soundly asleep when the time arrived for going to the meeting, the mother was persuaded into leaving her behind. " I cried bitterly, when I awoke the next morning," she tells us, "and it was a long time before I could be con- soled. This was the only occasion I can ever re- member, when my mother broke her promise, and the unexpected nature of the disappointment perhaps helped to make me feel it the more keenly." An intel- No doubt Kate's peculiar disposition and training chlid-iis- enabled her to appreciate and enjoy meetings such as, tener. ^ Q or( }j nar y children, would have been dull and un- interesting. By the time she was twelve it was quite usual for her to give her mother an outline of the sermon. The Wesle)^ans had several earnest preach- ers in Boston, and their child-hearer had often some interesting accounts to bring home regarding their sayings and doings. On one occasion, for instance, A mbie to* tne speaker laid his Bible across the door-step of the hell. Chapel, and then, turning to address the sinners pres- ent, cried out in tones that thrilled the audience: " Now which of you have made up your minds to walk over that book to hell?" Her at- Kate and her mother were deeply attached to Meth- toMeth- odism. Its literature was their meat and drink; its history was their pride its heroes and heroines their admiration. They had no other idea than to spend in its ranks the whole of their life, and to devote to the advancement of its cause their every effort. Lit- tle Catherine used to watch with profound pity the members of other denominations who passed the house on the way to their various places of worship. She wished, from the depths of her heart, that they could enjoy the same happy experiences as those of EARL Y DA VS. 3 1 Methodists. No higher idea of holiness and devotion 1841. seemed possible to her. A subject which deeply engaged her interest and And far- attention, and for which amongst her many self- missions. imposed duties she managed to find time, was that of foreign missions. Some of her happiest hours were spent in meetings organised on their behalf. The stories of the needs and dangers of the heathen world made a powerful impression upon her deep and impulsive heart. All her sympathies were enlisted. on behalf of the coloured races of the earth. The negroes especially appealed to her, seeming to be the most oppressed, and the least capable of defending themselves. Nor could she rest satisfied with doing less than Collecting her small utmost to speed forward the cause. Gladly she renounced her sugar and in various ways stinted herself to help the work, and when she had practised all the self-denial possible, she would collect subscrip- tions amongst her friends, often realising, to her un- speakable delight, quite a surprising sum. It must have been difficult indeed to say "no" to the ardent Hard to say no. little enthusiast, and even those who felt but scant interest in the foreign field would find it hard to re- sist the appeal that in later years bowed the hearts of so many thousands. And the little girl-missionary, who saved and begged for the heathen, lived to see the institution of an annual week of self-denial throughout the world, singularly enough closing her ministry of sacrifice and love on the last day of such a week. A missionary, did we say?' A still higher privilege was to be hers, as joint- founder with her husband of the largest missionary society in the world. The dreams of the child-politician, who so early 1841. Dreams realised. 32 MRS. BOOTH. fought the battles of the people across her family table, were to be more than realised, in the rescuing, during her life-time, of tens of thousands from drink, debauchery, poverty, and crime, and in the scheme of social salvation launched after her death by the one with whom she had proved for nearly forty years so able a co-worker. A scheme which has startled the THE WESLEY AN CHAPEL IN BOSTON. civilized world inspiring with fresh enthusiasm the heart of every well-wisher of mankind and with new hope the despairing outcasts of society ; promising at no distant date the peaceful solution of a problem that has threatened to convulse empires, and .for which no settlement has hitherto seemed possible save in an ocean of blood. CHAPTER IV. SCHOOL LIFE. 1841-1843. CATHERINE'S school experiences were of compara- Hermoth- tively brief duration. Her mother preferred that her e ukl far education should be pursued at home, dreading the schools - effects of unsuitable companionships. Still stronger were the views arid more unqualified the antipathy with which Mrs. Booth afterward regarded the entire fabric of modern schooldom. The tendency of the age to dissolve the natural ties Shared by \/**e of blood, and to abolish parental responsibility, by Booth. herding children together under the care of those who are too often totally unsuited to prepare them for the responsibilities of life, could not be, she argued, in accordance with God's plan. The mental culture, the general information, or the social veneer they might thus obtain are dearly paid for by the sacrificial holocaust of innocence, virtue, and spirit- uality that this educational Taganath demands. " Let The edu- cational thy gifts be to thyself and give thy rewards to an- Jaganath other," she would say to this latter-day Moloch, who fattens year by year on the youth, the talent, and the beauty of the nation, marking out for his victims the choicest in the land, fascinating with his glitter- ing eye, and encircling within his deadly coils prince, prelate, and people alike, till few are left who have not in his honour passed through the fatal fires. To Mrs. Booth the great pasteboard image set up Thepaste- in the plains of Christendom by the nineteenth cen- image. 3 33 34 MXS. BOOTH. 1841, Age 12. Educated fiends. One lan- guage enough for the devil. A warn- ing to parents. tury Nebuchadnezzars of her day had no attraction. Like the three Hebrew heroes, she stubbornly re- fused to bow the knee before it. "Better," she said, "be cast into the sevenfold- heated fires of poverty and worldly oblivion, than purchase the favour of monarchs at a cost that should imperil the soul." She never wearied in warning parents against a system, which had proved so destructive of spirituality, turning many of the purest and most hopeful children into educated fiends, whose power for evil had been only increased by the intellectual weapons with which they had been armed. "What are you going to do with your education?" she would ask her children in piercing tones. " If you mean to serve the devil with it, you had better let me know. One language is quite enough for /tim." And when tempting offers came from rich friends to mjet the expenses of a college training, time after time she put from her the dazzling chance, and this at a period when the future looked particularly dark, and there was no Salvation Army to afford scope for the development of the brilliant gifts with which she realised they were by nature endowed. In one of her published addresses* she refers to this question as follows: "I cannot close these remarks without lifting up my voice against the practice now so prevalent amongst superior people, of sending children to boarding-schools before their principles are formed, or their characters developed. Parents are led away by the professedly religious character of the schools, forgetting that, even supposing the master or mistress may be all that can be desired, a school is a little world, where all the elements of * Practical Religion, p. 24. SCHOOL LIFE. 35 unredeemed human nature are at work, and that 1841, with as great variety, subtlety, and power as in the ge I2 ' larger world outside. You would shrink from ex- posing your child to the temptation and danger of as- sociation with unconverted, worldly men and women. Why, then, should you expose them to the influence of children of the same character, who are not un- frequently sent to these" schools because they have become utterly vitiated and unmanageable at home? I have listened to many a sad story of the consequen- ces of these school associations, and early made up Her exper- my mind to keep my children under my own influ- ence. ence, at least until they attained such maturity in grace and principle, as would be an effectual safe- guard against ungodly companionships. To this end I have rejected several very inviting offers in the way of educational advantage, and every day I am increas- ingly thankful for having been enabled to do so. God has laid on you, as parents, the responsibility of training your children, and you cannot possibly dele- gate that responsibility to another without endanger- ing their highest interests for time and for eternity." Nor can it be denied that Mrs. Booth's own sue- He c e c ~ cessful experiment in this direction has placed her in a position to speak with authority on the subject. As monuments of God's blessing on her disinterested and self-sacrificing efforts, her family stand round her and speak for her "in the gates." Mrs. Booth's personal school-experience was an A system 11 r TT 1 n n t JUSti- unusually fortunate one. Her mother s influence fied by combined with her natural strength of character to guard her against the ill-consequences from which she might otherwise have suffered. But even had it been otherwise, she argued that the system could not be justified by the existence of an occasional ex- 36 MRS. BOOTH. 1841, ception, nor by the fact that some few might pass through the ordeal unscathed. It was to be judged by its general effect on persons But by its of ordinary moral calibre, who were incapable of re- CKsflC-fCtt effect, sisting the evil influences by which they found them- selves surrounded, rather than by its influence on characters of an unusual hardihood, who overcame their unpropitious surroundings, but were certainly not bettered by them. It has been said, in regard to the social problem, that God made the country, man made the town ; and it might be added, with equal God made truth, that God made the family, man made the aneTnion- school. And just as the remedy for the one evil is to schools. turn the current backward from town to country, so Mrs. Booth was convinced that the wholesale juvenile immigration should be resolutely stemmed and turned from school to family. Mrs. Mrs. Mumford's views were by no means so decided waives her and vehement as were afterward those of her daughter. tions. Nevertheless, her leanings were all in the same di- rection. Hence it was some time before she could bring herself to send Catherine to school. It hap- pened, however, that, amongst the members of the chapel in Boston to which Mrs. Mumford belonged, there was a lady of unusual devotion and ability. Acquaintance quickly ripened into friendship, and at length Mrs. Mumford was persuaded to overcome her usual scruples, and to send her daughter to the school, of which from all directions she received such favour- able reports. Certainly the children were of a supe- rior character. Not only was discipline observed, but, what she valued infinitely more, many of the girls gave evidence of genuine conversion. Catherine was twelve years old when she began to at school, attend this school, and she continued her studies there SCHOOL LIFE. 37 during the next two years. She soon established 1842, such a character for truth, diligence, and ability, that she was appointed to act as a monitor, and was commonly appealed to for the real version of what had happened during the occasional absences of the principal and her assistants. Every one knew that nothing could induce her to tell a falsehood, be the consequences what they might. Her sensitive nature and intense aversion to caus- Averse to ing pain made her reluctant to go above others in c uon. * class. She preferred rather to help them to surpass herself, when her natural capacity and love of study would have easily enabled her to take the lead. In later years she was consistently opposed to the general idea of competition, believing that it excited a selfish and uncharitable spirit, and gave an undue priority to ability over righteousness. Her bookish and retiring disposition, together with the special favor manifested , by the principal, led to her being teased at times by her schoolmates, and, though she was naturally good- tempered, she would occasionally give way to violent bursts of anger, for which she afterward manifested the deepest contrition. She had a keen realisation of the value of time, and would spend her leisure hours in pacing up and down a shady lane near her home poring over some book. History was one of her favorite studies. She ex- Her perienced special pleasure in reading about those whose great deeds had served to benefit others. Their moral character and achievements on behalf of suffering humanity attracted her attention, rather than their talents, wealth, or position. "Were they bono?" clever? What use then had they made of their ability?" inquired the child-philosopher. "Was it MRS. BOOTH. 1842, Age 13. Her esti- mate of Napoleon. Com- pared with Ccesar. Other studies. to aggrandise themselves, or to benefit others ? Were they rich? How did they spend their money? Was it in idle pomp and self -gratification, or in extrava- gance and luxury? If so, they were too despicable to be admired. Their wealth perish with them, or go to those who would expend it on the poor!" "Napoleon," she tells us, "I disliked with all my heart, because he seemed to me the embodiment of selfish ambition. I could discover no evidence that he had attempted to confer any benefit upon his own nation, much less on any of the countries he had con- quered with his sword. Possibly this may have been in some measure due to the prejudice of the English historians whose works I studied, and who doubtless strove to paint his character in the darkest colors. Be this as it may, my dislike to him was not based on any national antipathy, but on what I reckoned to be the supremely selfish motives that actuated his life. " I could not but contrast him with Caesar, who, though by no means an attractive character, accord- ing to my notions, yet appeared desirous of benefit- ting the people whom he conquered. His efforts for their civilisation, together with the laws and public works he introduced on their behalf, seemed to me to palliate the merciless slaughter of his wars, and the loss of life and property that accompanied his operations. He appeared to me to desire the good of his country, and not merely his own aggrandise- ment." Amongst other studies Catherine had, as might have been expected, a special aptitude for composition. Geography she liked, longing to be able to visit the countries and nations about which she had read. Arithmetic was her bugbear, but this she afterward attributed to the senseless way in which it was taught, SCHOOL LIFE. 39 since to her logical and mathematical mind figures 1843, had afterward a considerable attraction. In 1843, Catherine's school-days were brought A severe abruptly to a close, by a severe spinal attack which compelled her to spend most of her time in a recum- inter- bent position, but even then her active nature would Rolling; not permit her to rest, and her time was divided be- tween sewing, knitting, and her beloved books. No doubt there was a divine purpose in this illness, for it was during the next few years of comparative retirement from the ordinary activities of life, that she acquired the extensive knowledge of church his- But she tory and theology which proved so useful in later years, and for the prosecution of which her multitudi- nous duties would otherwise have left her no time. Her powerful mind fairly revelled in grappling with the deepest theological problems, nor was she satisfied with a mere superficial acquaintance with her subject. The accompanying fac-simile of her notes on "Butler's Analogy," written when she was a girl of sixteen, will suffice to show how careful and thorough was her study. Wesley, Finney, Fletcher, Mosheim, and Neander were taken up in turn, and in some cases carefully epitomised. Finney 's lec- tures on theology she specially appreciated. "The Pilgrim's Progress, " she tells us, "I had read Pilgrim's with great interest long before, but even at that time I could not help entertaining a strong antipathy to the Calvinistic tendency of some of its teachings." " Another book which I carefully studied was New- views re- ton on Prophecy. After noting and vainly striving to prophecy. reconcile the various interpretations, each supported by quotation of chapter and verse, I can definitely re- member deciding, that since so many learned and able people differed regarding the matter, it would be 40 MS. BOOTH. 1843, Age 14. Freed from scholas- tic tram- mels. The wilder- ness of suffering. unwise for me to spend time and effort in striving to come to any clearer conclusion. I believed that I could better please God by devoting my attention to preparing people for Christ's coming, than by fixing the date when it was to take place, and to this po- sition I have ever since adhered." It was perhaps a happy design of Providence that suddenly liberated the girl student from her scholas tic cage and left her master-mind unfettered to folio ,v the bent of its own instinct, instead of being forced into the routine ruts which would undoubtedly have been marked out for it by others. How inscrutable are the ways of God ! Little did the lonely sufferer think, as she lay upon her couch, that this was her Heavenly Father's chosen training ground, His college, of which He was Himself to be the sole Principal and Professor, she the sole student. Often was she tempted to repine at a lot so sad and mysterious for one so young. Yet, to us who look back, it is evident that this was the best, perhaps the only preparation for such a life. There was no other wilderness for the nineteenth -century prophetess, no other Galilee of the Gentiles for the latter-day apostle, where, apart from the old-fashioned dicta of priest and Pharisee, the Holy Ghost could fashion His new material suitably to the exigencies of the time. And thus, that which appeared to be a terrible affliction is discovered in the end to be a blessing in disguise, and we are constrained to say : "Sickness, thou ante-chamber Of heaven approach to God Ladder by which we clamber From earth Our Father's rod! Welcome ! Since thou dost bring me Sweet messengers of love, Angelic songs to sing me Fresh from my Home above. CATHERINE: MUMFORD. SCHOOL LIFE. 41 "As when the winds are shaking 1843, The dead leaves from some tree, Age 14. Fresh buds and flowers are making More bright its greenery ; So thou my soul art storming, To make it holier still, My wilfulness transforming, Creating good from ill." CHAPTER V. An early incident. A worldly suitor. The con- troversy Settled. YOUTH. 1844-1847. THE Boston days closed in 1844 with an incident very characteristic of Catherine. Previous to their departure for London, Mr. and Mrs. Mumford were visited by some cousins from Derby. One of them, a young man of somewhat striking appearance, and with more then ordinary capacity, was deeply attached to Catherine. They had known each other from childhood, and, although she was not the most ardent of the two, she could not prevent her heart respond- ing in some measure to his love. But he was worldly and irreligious, and conscience warned her that, however kind and genial he might be, he would make no fit partner for her in life. True, he would go with her to the chapel, but while she was endeavouring to enter into the spirit of the service, he would be scratching pictures on the pew in order to divert her attention. For some time there was a considerable controversy in her mind. She felt she ought to break off all cor- respondence, and tell her cousin plainly that she could never make him the object of her affections. On the other hand, she dreaded to give him pain, and was open to the temptation that, when continually under her influence, he might become in spiritual matters all she could desire. Ultimately, however, she took her stand upon the verse, " Be ye not un- equally yoked together with unbelievers." And al- 42 YOUTH. 43' though, as she afterward said, "it cost me a consider- able effort at the time, I have far from regretted the step I then decided upon, and have lived to see that the whole course of my life might have been altered, had I chosen to follow the inclinations and fancies of my own heart rather than the express command of God, which so unmistakably reveals His will to us in this matter." And further she adds: "So much is lost at such crises through vacillation, through not acting up to the light as God gives it. A girl cannot easily talk about these things. Perhaps there is no one suitable to whom she can turn for advice, and so a false position is drifted into, which too often culminates in an un- happy marriage and a useless career." In 1844 the Mumfords removed to London, settling down finally in Brixton. This was Catherine's first visit to the great metropolis, and she was considerably disappointed at its appearance. Girl-like, she had been castle-building in her imagination, picturing to> herself the sort of model city that this brick and mor- tar colossus of the universe must be, with palatial residences and mammoth edifices. To find it a pro- miscuous mass of humanity sandwiched, so to speak, between soot and mud, with countless acres of very ordinary-looking dwellings, and interminable miles of streets, very much resembling those to which she had been accustomed in Boston, was an unexpected termination to her dreams. She was, however, deeply impressed with some of its principal sights, such as St. Paul's, Westminster Abbey, and the Nat- ional Gallery. But it was the seething cauldron of humanity which more and more engrossed her attention as time went on, leaving her but little leisure or inclination 1844, Age 15. Her sub- sequent views. Removal to London. Her dis- appoint- ment. Forty-six years in a nutshell. 44 MAS. BOOTH. 1844, Age 15. A car- riage ac- cident. Presence *L mind. to consider any other subject than how to benefit their condition and combat their miseries. With a few inconsiderable intervals London became, during the next forty-six years, the principal scene of her activ- ities. By dint of dauntless faith in God and weight of worth, unaided by wealth or influence, the girl- listener of Exeter Hall fought her way up to be one of London's most popular and effective platform speakers, crowding the largest buildings with her audiences, and worthily closing her grand public career with a meeting in its far-famed City Temple, such as none who were present could ever forget. Yet at the very commencement of this period, an incident occurred, which reminds us on how slender a thread the most valuable of lives may hang. Mr. Mumford had driven his wife^and children to visit a friend living at a village some six miles distant. On the way back the horse took fright and bolted. Mr. Mumford held on to the reins with all his might, but was unable to pull up. Catherine, who was in the back seat, managed to scramble out, running back to the village as fast as she could to obtain help. Look- ing over her shoulder, the last glimpse she caught of the scene was the horse rearing in mid-air with her father hanging on to its head. After running a mile, she became so exhausted that she fell fainting on the sward by the roadside, but soon recovered herself sufficiently to struggle on to the house of their recent host. Without a moment's delay the pony was put into their chaise, and Catherine was enabled to return to the scene of the accident. Great was her relief to find her father, mother, and brother unhurt. They had run into a ditch, but had miraculously escaped from injury, and were able to return home in safety, praising God for their deliverance. YOUTH. 45 To those who have read thus far in Mrs. Booth's 1845, life it will probably cause no small surprise to learn that it was not until she was sixteen that she believed herself to have been truly converted. " About this time," she tells us, " I passed through a great contro- versy of soul. Although I was conscious of having given myself up fully to God from my earliest years, and although I was anxious to serve Him and often realised deep enjoyment in prayer, nevertheless I had not the positive assurance that my sins were forgiven, and that I had experienced the actual change of heart about which I had read and heard so much. I was / determined to leave the question no longer in doubt, but to get it definitely settled, cost what it might. For six weeks I prayed and struggled on, but ob- Six L J under tained no satisfaction. True, my past life had been conmc- outwardly blameless. Both in public and private I had made use of the means of grace, and up to the very limit of my strength, and often beyond the bounds of discretion, my zeal had carried me. Still, so far as this was concerned, I realised the truth of the words: ' Could my zeal no respite know, Could my tears forever flow These for sin could not atone. ' I knew, moreover, that ' the heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked. ' I was terribly afraid of being self-deceived. I remembered, too, the occasional outbursts of temper when I was at school. Neither could I call to mind any particular place or time when I had definitely stepped out upon the promises, and had claimed the immediate forgive- ness of my sins, receiving the witness of the Holy Spirit that I had become a child of God and an heir of heaven. 46 MRS. BOOTH. 1845, " It seemed to me unreasonable to suppose that I could be saved, and yet not know it. At any rate, I could not permit myself to remain longer in doubt re- surance garding the matter. If in the past I had acted up to tion. a ~ the light I had received, it wns evident that I was now getting new light, and unless I obeyed it, I realised that my soul would fall into condemnation. Ah, how many hundreds have I since met, who have spent years in doubt and perplexity, because, after . consecrating themselves fully to God, they dared not venture out upon the promises and believe ! Agony of " I can never forget the agony I passed through. I used to pace my room till two o'clock in the morn- ing, and when, utterly exhausted, I lay down at length to sleep, I would place my Bible and hymn- book under my pillow, praying that I might wake up with the assurance of salvation. One morning as I opened my hymn-book, my eyes fell upon the words : 'My God, I am Thine! What a comfort Divine, What a blessing to know that my Jesus is mine !' Scores of times I had read and sung these words, but now they came home to my inmost soul with a force and illumination they had never before possessed. It impoKsi- was as impossible for me to doubt, as it had before doubt, been for me to exercise faith. Previously not all the promises in the Bible could induce me to believe, now not all the devils in hell could persuade me to doubt. I no longer hoped that I was saved, I was shf certain of it. The assurances of my salvation seemed testifies, to flood and fill my soul. I jumped out of bed, and, without waiting to dress, ran into my mother's room and told her what had happened. " Till then I had been very backward in speaking YOUTH. 47 even to her upon spiritual matters. I could pray be- 1845, fore her, and yet could not open my heart to her about my salvation. It is a terrible disadvantage to people that they are ashamed to speak freely to one another upon so vital a subject. Owing; to this, thousands are Thou- J sands in kept in bondage for years, when they might easily bondage. step into immediate liberty and joy. I have myself met hundreds of persons who have confessed to me that they had been church members for many years without knowing what a change of heart really was, and without having been able to escape from this miserable condition of doubt and uncertainty to one of assurance and consequent satisfaction. " For the next six months I was so happy that I A joyful expen- felt as if I was walking on air. I used to tremble, ence. and even long to die, lest I should backslide, or lose the consciousness of God's smile and favour." Catherine now joined the Wesleyan Church in Joins the Brixton, of which her mother had for some time been cms. a member. So strict was her conscientiousness, and so determined had she been not to play the part of a hypocrite, that she would not give in her name pre- viously to this, although she had been one of the most regular attendants and earnest listeners. The society had in London at this time some able and A cold eloquent preachers, such as Luke Tyerman, the well- known author of the " Life of John Wesley. " And yet while the sermons were often of a stirring and pointed character, bringing the truths of the Gospel to bear mightily upon the consciences of the people, they were unaccompanied by the signs and wonders that had marked the early days of Methodism. Moreover the members were in a much more cold, worldly, and backslidden condition than those at Boston. Both Catherine and her mother were greatly dis- pointed. 48 MAS. BOOTH. I 845 appointed at this. They were jealous for the honour of their church, and longed for a return of its higher spiritual life, of its separation from the world and effort on behalf of souls. It was a constant source of grief to them that so few were being saved. And yet this was hardly to be wondered at, since there was comparatively little attention or effort bestowed upon the prayer-meeting which followed the sermon. A spirit- " At this very time," she afterward tells us, " I can lr * meet- remember often leaving the chapel burdened at heart that more had not been accomplished of a practical character. I could often see that a powerful impres- sion had been made upon the people, that their con- sciences had been awakened and their judgment en- lightened. Many of them were evidently on the verge of decision. And then at the critical moment, when it seemed to me every power should have been sum- moned to help them to act upon the light, and then to give their hearts to God, the prayer-meeting was either dispensed with altogether, or conducted in such a pointless and half-hearted style that as a rule the opportunity was lost, and the people streamed out, leaving little or no visible results to chronicle. Her views i did so long on such occasions for some means of on faith- ful deal- getting at the congregation in a direct and personal manner. I felt certain that the reason for much of this lack of straight dealing on the part of ministers sprang from a fear lest they should lose their repu- tation and the friendship of their hearers. And yet I could see that this was very short-sighted, even for this world, to say nothing of the world to come. For I was very sure then, and my subsequent experience has fully borne it out, that by dealing faithfully with souls, while they might have alienated some, they would have won a far larger number of converts, YOUTH. 49 whose love, sympathy, and devotion would have much 1846, more than compensated for those they might have lost." So deep and permanent was the impression produced Her own upon Catherine in regard to this matter that in later in later years, when she herself occupied the pulpit, she lost yea no opportunity for compelling her hearers to an im- mediate decision, and after delivering an address that would occupy from one to two hours, and this with a passionate energy which would bathe her in perspir- ation from head to foot, she would step from the plat- form, conduct her own prayer-meeting, and person- ally deal with the long row of kneeling penitents, attending to each one's individual circumstances, character, and need. No matter how select or critical the audience might be, in faithful dealing, courage, and directness she was the same. Indeed, she seemed scarcely able to restrain herself at times, while the preliminaries were being gone through, perhaps by too prolix a chairman, so impatient would she be for the opportunity of pouring out upon her listeners the lava-like truths which seemed pent up in her volcano soul. But the time for her public ministry had not come, joins a and Catherine had yet much to learn by personal ex- meeting. perience. She now joined a Bible class which was conducted by the wife of a supernumerary minister of the circuit. This class she continued to attend for the next five years. " Mrs. Keay used to insist upon my praying," she tells us, "and would often keep the class five minutes upon their knees waiting for me to begin. When I told her one day that the excite- ment and exertion had made me ill, she replied, ' Never mind ! you will be of use by and by, if you overcome this timidity, and employ your gifts. But 4 MRS. BOOTH. 1846, Age 17. Wesley's intention. The insti- tution degener- ated. Mechan- ical testi- monies. if you don't, you won't.' And yet I do not suppose that she had for me in her mind a more extended sphere of usefulness than that of praying and testify- ing in class meetings, or at the most of leading one. Certainly I had no higher ambition for myself." The class meeting was designed by Wesley to sup- ply to the members of each society individual over- sight, together with an opportunity for mutual con- fession and communion. Indeed, we might almost describe it as the Protestant equivalent for the Roman Catholic confessional. The class consisted of some twenty or thirty persons, who met weekly under the direction of a lay leader. Mrs. Booth seems to have fully appreciated this institution, although she expresses disappointment in regard to the particular class of which she was a mem- ber. "I can see," she remarks, "that if our leader had been faithful to her duty and opportunities, most of her class would either have been converted, or would have left. As it was, the teaching they re- ceived was quite compatible with lives of mere self- indulgence. Their testimonies were mostly of a me- chanical stamp, one after another getting up and saying that they had met with great difficulties and trials, but that they praised God for having brought them through another week, without saying how they had come through, whether triumphantly or other- wise. The exhortations of the leader were usually to the effect that they were to look away from them- selves to Christ, He being so presented in many in- stances as to become a minister of sin, and the chief design appearing to be to make them comfortable in their souls, although they might be living just like their neighbours." "There can be no doubt," Mrs. Booth adds, "that YOUTH. 5 1 the class meeting, as originally intended by Wesley, 1846, was an excellent arrangement, but the mere asking of empty questions as to how a person is getting on, HOW to and the leaving them to answer by the platitudes class- * usual on such occasions, is to daub them with untem- pered mortar, and to lead them forth in the way of hollow profession and uncertainty. Pointed questions some should be put, such as: Have you enjoyed private questions. prayer during the week? How far have you been enabled to obey the precepts of Jesus Christ in dealing with your family or your business? Have you main- tained a conscience void of offence toward men as well as toward God in these matters? Have you faithfully made use of your opportunities for doing good? How many have you spoken to about their souls? Have you succeeded in leading anybody to decision for salvation or consecration? Have you practised any self-denial in order to extend the King- dom of Christ? "Such questions pressed home with the aid of the The lead- Holy Spirit would compel confession, and involve a come up repentance and reconsecration productive of real re- standard. suits. But of course questions of this kind pre- suppose that those who ask them are themselves liv- ing up to the standard which they set before others, and this, alas, is too often not the case!" The leader of Catherine's class was an exception- Mrs - Booth' 1 s ally pious and devoted person. She had the oversight leader. of three classes, was an active visitor, and took a prominent part in all the work connected with the chapel. Yet while she herself dressed with studied plainness, her daughter was allowed to follow the fashions of the world, and to become engaged with her mother's approval to a young man who, though belonging to a Methodist family, did not even profess 52 MJ?S. BOOTH. 1846, conversion. Catherine could not help feeling that ge l f' these inconsistencies paralysed the power and contra- dicted the teachings of her leader, and that, with such an example before their eyes, little permanent good could be accomplished among the members of the class. For the " don't-do-as-I-do, but do-as-I-tell-you" kind of religion, she entertained throughout life a positive horror, and to find in her beloved Methodism such symptoms of decay caused her the deepest sor- row and concern. Nevertheless, sad though she might feel, the thought of separation from its ranks did not so much as suggest itself to her mind. CHAPTER VI. HER DIARY. 1847-1848. LIKE too many of those, the record of whose inner Brief and life would be both precious and instructive, M'rs. ir ^ g ^ r Booth did not keep a diary. She used afterward to say, that she had been too busy making history to find time in which to record it. This fact lends added interest to the only fragment of a journal which exists. The entries are brief and irregular, dating from I2th May, 1847, to 2 4-th March, 1848. Intended as she tells us for her own eye alone, these early mus- ings and heart-yearnings offer a valuable index to her life and character. The diary begins with her arrival in Brighton for A visit a few weeks' change and rest. In the previous au- Brt v hton - tumn serious symptoms of incipient consumption had set in, and for six months she was almost entirely confined to her room with violent pains in the chest and back, accompanied with strong fever at night. With the departing winter, however, her worst symptoms subsided, and she was sufficiently recovered to travel, though still very weak. "Mr. Stevens, my new doc- tor," she writes, "came to see me on Tuesday last. He is a very nice man, and a preacher in our society. He sounded my chest, and thinks my left lung is affected, but says there is no cavity in it, and hopes to do me good. I hope, if it is for my God and His 53 54 MRS. BOOTH. 1847, glory, the Lord will give His blessing to the means Age 18. ,, we are using. in but The seriousness and severity of her illness may, peaceful, however, be judged from another entry in which, under date I3th June, 1847, she writes: "I went to chapel in the morning, but felt very poorly with faintness and palpitation, so that I spent the after- noon in bed in reading and contemplation. At even- ing I went again and stopped to receive the sac- rament, but was so ill I could scarcely walk up to the communion rail, and was forced to hold it to keep myself from sinking. Mr. Heady, the minister, saw I was ill, and held the cup for me. I afterward came home, supported between Mr. Wells and another gentleman. The pain was so violent I had to keep stopping in the street. The cold sweat stood on my forehead. But amidst all the pain and confusion there was calm, peace, and joy." Tortured on another occasion with toothache, she called in at a dentist's, "but he feared I was too weak to undergo the operation. He said my pulse was as slow as an infant's, and the shock might be too much for me." yearn- The diary is full of intense yearnings after God and ing o a d ter struggles to attain perfect holiness of life. " i4th May, 1847. This morning, while reading Rowe's Devout Exercises of the Heart, I was much blessed, and enabled to give myself afresh into the hands of God, to do, or to suffer, all His will. Oh, that I may be made useful in this family ! Lord, they know Thee not, neither do they seek Thee ! Have mercy upon them, and help me to set an example, at all times and in all places, worthy of imitation. Help me to adorn the Gospel of God, my Saviour, in all things. HER DIARY. 55 " I find much need of watchfulness and prayer, and 1847, ,1 - -i .L 1 Age 18. have this day taken up my cross in reproving sin. Lord, follow with the conviction of Thy spirit all I Rebuking 1_ -j sin. have said. "I entered into fresh covenant this morning with Afresh covenant. my Lord to be more fully given up to Him. Oh,, to be a Christian indeed! To love Thee with all my heart is my desire. I do love Thee, but I want to love Thee more. If Thou smile upon me, I am in- finitely happy, though deprived of earthly happiness more than usual. If Thou frown, it matters not what I have beside. 'Thou art the spring of all my joys, The life of my delights, The glory of my brightest days And comfort of my nights. ' On reaching Brighton, Catherine received from her Her mother the following letter, which throws an inter- m utter. * esting light on the close spiritual communion that existed between mother and daughter. After refer- ring to her own and Catherine's health, Mrs. Mum- ford says: " Oh, may the Lord help me to hang on His faithfulness alone, and when all seems gloomy without, ' still to endure as seeing Him who is invisible.' The enemy tempts me to doubt, because I do not/ee/ as I did before. But I say to my- self : ' Thou knowest 'Other refuge have I none, Hangs my helpless soul on Thee ! ' May He help me to believe for a clearer manifestation of His love and favour ! 'I would not my soul deceive, Without the inward witness live ! ' " I am glad you are getting on so well. Live close to Jesus $6 MRS. BOOTH. 1847, an ^ He will keep you to the end. Oh, may He bless you with Age 18. all His fulness! You say I must pray for you! Do you think I could approach the Throne of Grace without doing so? Oh, no! You are ever in my mind as an offering to the Lord. May He sanctify you wholly to Himself is the prayer of " Your ever-loving mother, " SARAH MUMFORD." Mrs. To this letter Catherine sent the following reply, earliest which is the earliest extant autograph letter that exists: " MY DEAREST MOTHER : I thank you very sincerely for your kind, nice, long letter, and especially as I know what an effort it is for you to write. [Mrs. Mumford's hand was crippled with rheumatism.] Don't fear for a moment that I should think you indifferent to my comfort. How could I possibly think it, with so many proofs to the contrary? If I ever in- dulged any hard thoughts, it has been my sin, for which I need the forgiveness of God : it has been prompted by the same spirit which has too often led me to 'charge God fool- ishly. ' But so far from this feeling being the offspring of my calmer moments and better judgment, it is only the effects of an evil heart of unbelief, an impetuous will, and a momentary loss of common sense, for I know ox^ firmly believe that God will do all things well. Let us trust in Him. " I thank you for your very kind and seasonable advice. I do pray and read the Scriptures with Maria, and she prayed aloud the other day, the first time she has ever done so in any- body's presence. I hope the work is begun ; if not I tremble for her. But charity hopeth all things believeth all things. I have had a deal of talk to her about election and Christian perfection, the last of which she would not admit to be possi- ble. I never felt clearer light on these points than now. Oh, the depth of the riches and the wisdom of God ! " If I am able I shall go next Sunday to class in the after- noon, and Maria is going with me to see what a class-meeting is like. Her church holds Calvinistic doctrines. I went to her chapel once, but could not receive all I heard,' though I believe the minister was a true Christian. I am sorry she has received these opinions, and am endeavouring by simple Scripture, which is the best weapon, to show her the true ex- Influenc- others. HER DIARY. 57 Her love of nature. tent of the blessed Atonement. She says I have thrown much light upon her mind, and she desires to be led into all truth. If Age 18. so, the Spirit will guide her. May it be so. Amen ! " In a subsequent letter she says: " I have just returned from the beach. It is a lovely morn- ing, but very rough and cold. The sea looks sublime. I never saw it so troubled. Its waters " cast up mire and dirt," and lash the shore with great violence. The sun shines with full splendour, which makes the scene truly enchanting. It only wants good health and plenty of strength to walk about and keep oneself warm, for it is too cold to sit. There is a meeting of the Evangelical Alliance in the Town Hall this evening. If I feel able, I think of going, but I shall not stop late. I am indignant at the Conference for their base treat- ment of Mr. Burnett. But I quite expected it, when he gave a conscientious affidavit in Mr. Hardy's case. Well, it will all come down on their own pates. The Lord will reward them according to their doings, if they only persevere a little longer. Reform is certain. " I wish I could see you, though I should be sorry to come home just yet. The change is most agreeable to my feelings. It is like a new world to me. I was heartily sick of looking at brick and mortar. Oh, I love the sublime in nature ! It ab- sorbs my whole soul. I cannot resist it, nor do I envy those who can. There is nothing on earth more pleasing and pro- fitable to me than the meditations and emotions excited by such scenes as I witness here. I only want those I love best to participate my joys, and then they would be complete. For though I possess a share of that monstrous ugly thing called selfishness in common with our fallen race, yet I can say my own pleasure is always enhanced by the pleasure of others, and always embittered by their sorrows. Thanks be to God, for it is by His grace that I am what I am. Oh, for that ful- ness of love which destroys self and fills the soul with Heaven- born generosity ! " Brighton is very full of company. Many a poor invalid is here strolling about in search of that pearl of great price health. Some, like the fortunate diver, spy the precious gem, and, hugging it to their bosoms, return, rejoicing in the pos- session of real riches. But many, alas, find it not, and return only to bewail their misfortune. Whichever class I may be A pleas- ant change. Health- seekers. 58 MRS. BOOTH. 1847, amongst, I hope I shall not have cause to regret my visit. If I Age 1 8. fi n d no t health of body, I hope my soul will be strengthened with might, so that if the outward form should decay, the inward may be renewed day by day. The " I should like to spend another week or two here. It would needful. b e delightful. One only wants the needful, and there seems . to be plenty of it in Brighton, though I don't happen on it! There are bills in all directions announcing the loss of gold watches, seals, keys, brooches, boas, etc., and offering rewards according to the value of the article, but, alas, I have not been fortunate enough to find a mite yet ! The Exhi- " I will write again on Monday, so that you may get it be- bition. f ore y OU g j- t he Exhibition. Oh, I should like to see it again so much. It seems a pity for such magnificence to be disturbed.. I hope the closing ceremony will be worthy of its history. " There is one thing I trust will not be forgotten, that is, to give God thanks for having so singularly disappointed our enemies and surpassed the expectations of our friends. This unparalleled production of art and science was born in good- will, has lived in universal popularity, and will, no doubt, ex- pire with majestic grandeur, lamented by all the nations of the earth. " Pray for me, my dear mother, and believe me with all my faults and besetments " Your affectionate and loving child, " CATHERINE." Praying There is a touching passage in the diary with for her reference to her father: father. "I was much blessed in the morning at private prayer, particularly in commending my dear parents into the hands of God. I sometimes get into an agony of feeling while praying for my dear father. O my Lord, answer prayer, and bring him back to Thyself! Never let that tongue, which once de- lighted in praising Thee, and in showing others Thy willingness to save, be engaged in uttering the lamen- tations of the lost! O awful thought! Lord, have HER DIARY. 59 mercy! Save, oh, save him, in any way Thou seest 1847, best, though it be ever so painful. If by removing me Thou canst do this, cut short Thy work and take me home. Let me be bold to speak in Thy name. Oh, give me true Christian courage and lively zeal, and when I write to him from this place, bless what I say to the good of his soul !" In a later entry she adds : "I received a letter from my dear father, which did me good telling me of some resolutions he had half formed. I have written a long letter to him, and feel much blessed in so doing. I believe I had the assistance of the Spirit." A good deal of Catherine's time was spent in writ- Personal ing spiritual letters to her friends and relations, and she found greater freedom in doing so than in the hand-to-hand, personal conflict in which she became afterward so successful. "I have this day seen a lady," continues the diary, "to whom I wrote a faithful and warning letter. I wonder if it made any impression on her. . . . My dear cousin Ann was here yesterday. I tried to im- press upon her the importance of giving her heart to God in her youth. But I feel myself most at liberty Mosf m in writing. She promised to write and telt me the erti/in c * writing. state of her mind. Then I shall answer her. Oh, may the Lord bless my humble endeavours for His glory! . . . One of my dear cousins is very ill; I think in a deep decline. She has three little children. But the Lord graciously supports her, and often fills her with His love. I frequently write long letters to her on spiritual subjects, and the Lord owns my weak endeavours by blessing them to her good." The record of her first experiences in visiting the visiting sick is extremely interesting. the sick ' 6o MRS. BOOTH. A0 Age 1 8. Praying in class. Love for her mother. A painful incident. " This has been a blessed day to my soul. In the morning I had much liberty in prayer. This afternoon for the first time in my life I visited the sick, and endeavoured to lead one poor young girl to Jesus. I think, if spared, this will be a duty I shall greatly de-- light in. But Thy will, O Lord, be done ! I have not been blessed so much for weeks as I was to-night at the class I engaged in prayer. The cross was great, but so was the reward. My heart beat violently, but I felt some liberty. Oh, how sweet is Christian com- munion! Hail, happy day, when we shall meet to part no more around the Throne!" Although her absence from home was for so short a time, there are some tender references to her mother : " Home is particularly sweet to me. Who can tell the value of a mother's attention and care, until de- prived of it? But, blessed be God, we shall soon meet again, and, after all our meetings and partings here on earth, we shall meet to part no more in glory. . . . My mind has been wounded to-day by several little occurrences, and to-night my feelings vented them- selves in tears. Oh, how I long to get home to my dearest mother ! I feel greatly the loss of some kin- dred spirit, some true bosom friend. My mind is re- joiced at the thought of going home." After her return to London, the journal refers to the following striking but painful incident : "Since last week we have been deeply moved by circumstances of a very affecting nature. My dear cousin has been here at times lately. She was ex- pecting to be married next Thursday, and I was think- ing of going down to Southampton with them. They had a house prepared for their reception ; but alas, how soon is the cup of happiness dashed from our hands, and how quickly do our dreams vanish ! HER DIARY. 61 The young man was taken suddenly ill on the Friday and died on the Tuesday morning. Blessed be God ! he died in peace, and I doubt not is now in Heaven. He is to be buried on Thursday next, his intended wedding day! Oh, that I may be found watching, when my Lord shall come!" On the 28th of November she writes : "This has been an especially good day to my soul. I have been reading the life of Mr. William Carvosso. Oh, what a man of faith and prayer was he ! My expectations were raised when I began the book. I prayed for the Divine blessing on it, and it has been granted. My desires after holiness have been much increased. This day I have sometimes seemed on the verge of the good land. Oh, for mighty faith ! I believe the Lord is willing and able to save me to the uttermost. I believe the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses from all sin. And yet there seems something in the way to prevent me from fully entering in. But to-day I be- lieve at times I have had tastes of perfect love. Oh, that these may be droppings before an overwhelming shower of grace. My chief desire is holiness of heart. This is the prevailing cry of my soul. To- night 'sanctify me through Thy truth Thy word is truth!' Lord, answer my Redeemer's prayer. I see this full salvation is highly necessary in order for me to glorify my God below and find my way to heaven. For 'without holiness no man shall see the Lord!' My soul is at times very happy. I have felt many assurances of pardoning mercy. But I want a clean heart. Oh, my Lord, take me and seal me to the day of redemption." Again she writes: "This has been a good day to my soul. This morning I felt very happy, and held sweet commun- A I8 47, Age 1 8. Seeking holiness. Tastes of perfect love. Happy! 62 MRS. BOOTH. 1848, ion with my God. I feel very poorly, and excessively ge I9 ' low, but I find great relief in pouring out my soul to God in prayer. Oh, I should like to leave this world of sin and sorrow, and go where I could not grieve my Lord again!" At the beginning of the New Year (i 848) she has the following entry : " I have been writing a few daily rules for the com- ing year, which I hope will prove a blessing to me by the grace of God. I have got a printed paper of rules also, which I intend to read once a week. May the Lord help me to adhere to them. But, above all, I Searching am determined to search the Scriptures more atten- th tures P tively, f r i n them I have eternal life. I have read my Bible through twice during the last sixteen months, but I must read it with more prayer for light and understanding. Oh, may it be my meat and drink ! May I meditate on it day and night ! And then I shall 'bring forth fruit in season, my leaf also shall not wither, and whatsoever I do shall prosper. ' ' A few days later we have an interesting glimpse behind the scenes: s e if. " I have renewed my practice of abstaining from denying. dj nner on a Friday, and from butter in the morning. I had discontinued this for some time. O my Lord, help me to be more fully decided in all things, and not to confer with flesh and blood, but to be bold to take up and firm to sustain the consecrated cross." On the 1 7th January, 1848, she writes: Her nine- " Nineteen years to-day I have lived in this world birthday, of sin and sorrow. But oh, I have had many sweets mingled with the bitter. I have very much to praise my God for, more than I can conceive. May I for the future live to praise Him, and to bring glory to His name. Amen." CHAPTER Vll THE REFORMERS. 1829-1852. IT was at this period that a great agitation arose in The Re _ the Wesleyan community, leading ultimately to the withdrawal or expulsion of about one hundred thous- and of its members. Miss Mumford became inter- ested in the controversy, and, since her action in regard to the matter affected the whole of her subse- quent career, it will be necessary to explain briefly its origin and history. The Wesleyan Methodist Society was founded by The Wes- John Wesley in 1739. Five years later he held his stffion"" first conference of preachers. But it was not until 1783 that he drew up his Deed Poll, establishing an annual conference, which consisted of one hundred ministers, now known as the " Legal Hundred." The The Legal members were appointed for life, the gaps caused by death being annually filled up by the votes of the conference. To this body Wesley delegated the au- Wesleyan autocrat. tocratic powers which, during his lifetime, he had reserved in his own hands. The democratic element The dem- ocratic had, however, after Wesley's death, gradually gained element. strength, claiming for itself a voice in the Connex- ional government, and in the administration of its revenues. How far the governmental question was used as a catch-cry by a dissatisfied minority of the Was u a J J J catch- ministers who hoped, upon the shoulders of the peo- cry? pie, to climb into office and dispossess the party then 63 64 MRS. BOOTH. 1847, in power, it is not for us to say. It is certain, how- ge l ' ever, that it gave rise to several agitations, in the course of which the secessions occurred which led to Origin of the establishment of the younger branches of Meth- former's. odism. The most serious of these disputes com- menced in 1844, with the publication of an anony- The Fly mous pamphlet entitled " Fly Sheets from the Private Correspondent," purporting to be issued "by order of the Corresponding Committee for detecting, expos- ing and correcting abuses." Wholesale charges of maladministration were levelled against leading mem- bers of the Connexion, and sweeping reforms were advocated by the writer, in terms which were calcu- lated to embitter the existing controversy. In 1846 the second number of the Fly Sheets appeared, and in the three following years the third, fourth, and fifth were published. The men The Annual Conference of 1 847 decided that meas- in masks. ures should be taken for the discovery and punishment of "the men in masks," who were the writers of these pamphlets, since it was manifest that the mat- ter could no longer be ignored, being calculated to exercise a mischievous influence, subversive of confi- dence and discipline. The authors of the Fly Sheets were known to be ministers ; it was therefore resolved that each minister in the Connexion should be re- Ine Con- ference quired to give a definite "Yes" or "No" answ r er, as asserts its ,-,-,,. author- to whether he had been in any way concerned in the publication. The objection raised against such a pro- ceeding, as unusual, unjustifiable, and inquisitorial in its character, was over-ruled, and a declaration, re- pudiating any connexion with the authorship of the pamphlets, was drawn up for signature. 2? Seventy ministers refused to sign this document. brotherly question. Of these, however, some forty gave an implied denial. THE REFORMERS. 65 With regard to the others it was decided that those 1847, who might be suspected should be called to appear ge * ' before the Conference, when a "brotherly question" should be put to them by the president, and that, in case of their refusal to answer, they should be dealt with for contumacy. The result of this course of action was that, in 1849, three of the ministers, who were looked upon as the leaders in the agitation, were expelled from the society, while others, who had more or less supported or sympathised with them, were reprimanded. But this firm attitude on the part of the Conference, The con- instead of putting an end to the controversy, only Breads. served to add fresh fuel to the flames, and converted what had hitherto been to a large extent a ministerial squabble into a widespread conflict, which convulsed the entire denomination. The aggrieved party had anticipated the probable result of its uncompromising attitude, and had prepared itself for a prolonged struggle by the issue of journals and pamphlets which would advocate its policy of reform and ventilate its grievances. The most important of these was The Wesleyan Times, a weekly newspaper, of which the The Wes- first number was issued on the 8th January, 1849. Times. It purported to be a liberal and independent organ, bound to no particular party, but representing the true interests of the Wesleyan body. As a matter of fact, it became the medium of the agitators who were subsequently known as the Reformers, while the Watchman was the mouthpiece of the conservatives. wa^tlh- Certainly the acrimonious spirit which the con- man - flict assumed reflected little credit on either the one side or the other. The " Fly Sheets" were marked by a personality and animosity which it would have teredfeei- been all but impossible to tolerate within the ranks of 5 66 MRS. BOOTH. 1849, any well-ordered organisation, and which were sadly ge 20 ' antagonistic to the spirit of Christianity. On the other hand, the orthodox party would have done well to exercise greater patience and self-con- trol. A few timely concessions, a resolute determi- nation not to return railing for railing, and an exer- cise of persistent love toward the malcontents and their numerous friends would no doubt have saved the Connexion from many of its heaviest losses. At any rate, it would have been the soundest and most con- vincing proof that the charges heaped upon the Con- ference by its enemies were base and foundationless calumnies, and that its leaders were still, what they professed to be, the true representatives of John Wesley's teachings, the veritable and worthy succes- sors of their venerable apostle. Had such a course A loss* been pursued, there is little doubt that they would at least have happily retained within their pale two de- voted members, who were destined, perhaps, to be the most prominent figures in the religious history of the nineteenth century. Unfortunately the disputants on either side allowed themselves to be betrayed into language which can scarcely be justified, however righteous the cause it was intended to defend. Some It cannot be denied, on the one hand, that the Re- m com- formers had some reason for complaint. The conduct pia.nt. o ^ e Conference had in several instances been arbitrary and high-handed. The utmost stretch of charity could hardly invent any justifiable motive for The ban- their sudden banishment of the remarkable American ishment , . . , of Can- evangelist Caughey, and this at a time when he was in the very zenith of his success. He was a Methodist minister, and his doctrines agreed in every particular with those of the Conference. Crowds flocked to his meetings from all the country-side, thousands of THE REFORMERS. 67 souls sought salvation, and the revival was at its flood- 1850, tide, when the Conference compelled his withdrawal, causing wide-spread discontent among multitudes of the most loyal ministers and members of the Connex- ion, and exposing themselves to charges of envy and jealousy to which it was very difficult to reply. Nevertheless, the Reformers put themselves in the injurious 1 . A . , , . invect- wrong by resorting to personalities and invectives i ves . which no amount of provocation could palliate or ex- cuse. Nor is it probable that the remedies which they proposed would have served to eradicate the evils of which they complained. In all likelihood they would but have substituted another class of difficulties for those which they were seeking to combat. Indeed it is open to question whether an opposite policy might not have been the best. It cannot be doubted by any student of Methodist Wesley's despot- history that Wesley's own government was far more ism. despotic than that of the "Legal Hundred." But the conviction that he was actuated by the purest motives, and supremely fitted for his post, enabled him to hold the reins of his paternal monarchy with a firm yet elastic hand, his authority unquestioned, and his person to the last beloved. Had he, like Moses, should it delegated his authority to some Joshua, or like Elijah aV con- er dropped his falling mantle upon some Elisha, and had tinuedf these in turn chosen similar successors, it is possible that the interests of the Connexion would have been better safeguarded, and its spirituality preserved, than by the institution of the "Legal Hundred." On this, opinions are certain to differ. To substitute the rule of the sheep for that of the The rule shepherds has, it is true, some obvious advantages. sheep. But whether the counterbalancing dangers and draw- backs are not of a still more serious character was and 68 BOOTH. 1851, yX rrA 22 Miss mews - Longing fOT Ct &" The po- Retalia- measures Thou- sands ex- must be still open to grave controversy. Miss Mum- ford's intense sympathy wth the people led her to re- gard the controversy with more than ordinary interest. Her views of church government subsequently under- went a great change, but at the time of which we write, although so staunch a Wesleyan she strongly favoured the Congregational system. She longed, moreover, to see a revival of old-time Methodism with its deep spirituality and intense pas- sion for souls. Hence she hailed the Reform move- ment as the harbinger of a happier era when her church should be restored to its first love, the souls of the people revived, and the spirit of its founders should reinspire both rank and file with the zeal and unction which had constituted their attraction and power in days of yore. Miss Mumford studied with deep interest the re- ports of the agitation, sitting up often till the small hours of the night reading to her mother the accounts of the so-called "popish test," and the expulsion of the ministers. Her indignation was excited by what she looked upon as the arbitrary action of the Con- ference. She attended several of the meetings held in London by the Reformers, the most important of these being one in Exeter Hall at which addresses were delivered by the expelled ministers and resolu- tions adopted approving their attitude, and instituting a committee to further the interests of the agitation. As might be expected, the Conference responded to the action of the Reformers by retaliatory measures. Thousands of their sympathisers were expelled from , ... , , the ranks, whilst those who remained were required to abstain from attending their gatherings. A clear, sharp line was drawn, and those who persisted in cross- ing it were visited with the penalties of interdiction. THE REFORMERS. 69 The outspoken manner in which she had expressed 1851, her condemnation of the Conference and sympathy ge 22 ' with the Reformers was naturally objected to by her Her ciass- class-leader, who remonstrated with her on the folly ea p roves of her course, reminding her that in identifying her- self with the malcontents she would not only forfeit f rj/ - her position in the church she loved, but seriously in- jure her worldly prospects. Such considerations, however, carried little weight with the high-spirited girl. The prospect was indeed a painful one. She still A painful prospect. loved Methodism with all her heart. But there was something that she loved still better, her conception of what was right. To her duty was duty, however disagreeable it might be. Not a hair's-breadth would she swerve from what she believed to be the cause of righteousness. She never paused to consider whether she would be in a minority. " Fiat justitia, mat coe- lum" let justice be done, though the skies fall was the principle on which she acted throughout life. Ms? And on the present occasion she could not consent Mum- ford ex- to withhold her sympathy and countenance from the peiied. cause of those who appeared to have been wronged. Finding arguments of no avail, her class-leader re- luctantly decided to withhold Miss Mumford's ticket of membership. It is customary in the Wesleyan body to grant to HOW u each member a ticket, which is renewed from quarter to quarter. A periodical revision of the rolls by the office-bearers of each society is thus insured, the non- renewal of the ticket being tantamount to expulsion. From the decision of the superintending minister and his staff there is practically no appeal. It was thus that Miss Mumford found herself expelled from the Wesleyan Church. 70 MRS. BOOTH. 1852, "This was one of the first great troubles of my Age 23 life," says Mrs. Booth, "and cost me the keenest Her first anguish. I was young. I had been nursed and trouble, cradled in Methodism, and loved it with a love which has gone altogether out of fashion among Protestants for their church. At the same time I was dissatis- fied with the formality, worldliness, and defection from what I conceived Methodism ought to be, judg- ing from its early literature and biographies as well as from Wesley's own writings and his brother's hymns. I believed that through the agitation some- thing would arise which would be better, holier, and more thorough. Here were men who, in my simplic- ity, I supposed wanted to bring back the fervour and aggressiveness of by-gone days. In this hope and in sympathy with the wrongs that I believed the Re- formers had suffered, I drifted away from the Wes- leyan Church, apparently at the sacrifice of all that was dearest to me, and of nearly every personal friend." She takes It so happened that the Reformers had commenced among to hold meetings in a hall near Miss Mumford's home. formers. She was offered and accepted the senior class in the Sunday-school, consisting of some fifteen girls, whose ages ranged from twelve to nineteen. For the next three years she threw her whole heart into this effort, preparing her lessons with great care, devoting at least two half-days every week to this purpose, and striving to bring every lesson to a prac- tical result. When the rest of the school had been the 9 key. dismissed she would beg the key from the superin- tendent, and hold a prayer-meeting with her girls. This resulted in the conversion of several, one of _ , whom died triumphantly. Wonder- J fui times. " I used to have some wonderful times with my THE REFORMERS. 71 class," she tells us. "I made them pray, and I am 1852, sure that anybody coming into one of these meetings ge 23 ' would have seen very much what a Salvation Army consecration meeting is now. They usually all stopped, and sometimes our prayer-meetings would last an hour and a half. Often I went on till I lost , Lo^ng her votce. my voice, not regaining it for a day or two after. I used to invite them to talk to me privately if anything I said had struck them, and at such times they would pour out their hearts to me, as if I had been their mother. " However, I was a great deal disappointed with D\S- the Reformers. I had hoped that we were upon the eve of a great spiritual revival. Instead of this every- thing was conducted very much in the ordinary style, and I soon became heartily sick of the spirit of de- bate and controversy which prevailed to such a de- gree as to cripple the life and power of the concern." CHAPTER VIII. The Gen- eral's birth- place. His mother. His father. His con- version. He joins the Wes- leyans. A zealous band. WILLIAM BOOTH. 1829-1852. WILLIAM BOOTH was born in Nottingham on the loth April, 1829. His mother was of so amiable a dis- position and saintly a character that he regarded her as the nearest approach to human perfection with which he was acquainted. His father, an able and energetic man of business, attained a position of affluence, but subsequently suffered a reverse of for- tune, and died prematurely, leaving his family to struggle with adverse circumstances. William, the sole surviving son, was apprenticed at an early age to a firm, where it soon became manifest that he had in- herited a double portion of his father's enterprise and commercial skill. Reared in the Church of England, he knew nothing of conversion, until, happening to stray into a Wes- leyan chapel, his attention was arrested by the nov- elty and simplicity of the services. For some time he continued to attend. The truths, tersely and power- fully expounded, took an increasing hold of his mind, and on one memorable evening, after days and nights of anxious seeking he publicly and unreservedly gave his heart to God. With his mother's consent, he became immediately a member of the chapel, and, though but a lad of fifteen, he gave proof in manifold measure of the reality of his conversion. Connected with the chapel was a band of zealous young men with whom he associated, and whose 72 WILLIAM BOOTH. 73 recognised leader he soon became. With one of 1844, these, William Sansom, he was specially intimate, and ge IS * when, a little later, this colleague ruptured a blood- Death of vessel in a prayer-meeting and died, Mr. Booth ar- friend. ranged a special funeral service, closely resembling those subsequently held in the Salvation Army. During these early days he was as indefatigable a A hard worker as in later years. Unable to leave business until eight o'clock, he would hurry away each evening to hold cottage meetings, which usually lasted till ten, and which were often succeeded by calls to visit the sick and dying. Open-air services were constantly held in connec- A bom 3 Salva- tlOIi with these meetings, and processions were led tionist. down the Goosegate and other thoroughfares, bring- ing to the chapel such a tatterdermalion crowd as Sent to soon gave rise to a request from the minister that the the back- door. intruders should be conducted to the back entrance and seated in the hinder part of the building, where their presence would be less conspicuous and dis- agreeable to the more respectable members of the congregation. However, without allowing himself to be discour- Toiling aged by such rebuffs, Mr. Booth and his little band toiled on, happy in each other's companionship, and in the success with which their labours were crowned. On the Sunday he would often walk long distances into the country to fulfil some village appointment, stumbling his way home late at night, alone and weary, through dark muddy lanes, cheering himself along by humming the prayer-meeting refrains which during the day had gladdened the hearts of returning sinners. When only seventeen he was promoted to be a local preacher, and two years later his superintend- ent, the Rev. Samuel Dunn, urged him to offer him- teen - 74 MRS. BOOTH. 1849, Age 20. Called to the min- istry at nineteen. Wor- shipped Method- ism. Cared little for creeds. Removes to London. self for the ministry. "I objected," he tells us, "on the grounds of my health and youth." With regard to the former, Mr. Dunn sent me to his doctor, who after examination pronounced me totally unfit for the strain of a Methodist preacher's life, assuring me that twelve months of it would land me in the grave, and send me to the throne of God to receive punishment for suicide. I implored him not to give any such opinion to Mr. Dunn, as my whole heart was set on ultimately becoming a minister. He therefore prom- ised to report in favour of the question being de- layed for twelve months, and to this Mr. Dunn event- ually agreed." Referring to this time, Mr. Booth says: "I wor- shipped everything that bore the name of Methodist. To me there was one God, and John Wesley was his prophet. I had devoured the story of his life. No human compositions seemed to me to be comparable to his writings, and to the hymns of his brother Charles, and all that was wanted, in my estimation, for the salvation of the world was the faithful carrying into practice of the letter and spirit of his instruc- tions. " I cared little then or afterward for ecclesiastical creeds or forms. What I wanted to see was an or- ganization with the salvation of the world as its su- preme ambition and object, worked upon the simple, earnest principles which I had myself embraced, and which, youth as I was, I had already seen carried into successful practice." In 1849, Mr- Booth removed from Nottingham to London. There were temporal advantages in the change. Nevertheless, it was his first absence from home and he sorely missed his mother, by whom he was idolised, and whose affection he ardently returned. WILLIAM SOOTH. 75 "I am the only son of my mother, and she is a widow," was his pathetic introduction of himself to a Methodist brother who, forty years later, remembers the very tone in which the words were tittered. His London life was, moreover, a lonely one. He missed the association of the earnest young men in whose company he had laboured since his conversion. " How are you going on ? " He writes in his oldest extant letter dated 3oth October, 1849, to his friend John Savage. " I know you are happy. I know you are living to God, and working for Jesus. Grasp still firmer the standard ! unfold still wider the battle-flag ! Press still closer on the ranks of the enemy, and mark your pathway still more distinctly with glorious trophies of Emmanuel's grace, and with enduring monuments of Jesus' power! The trumpet has given the sig- nal for the conflict ! Your General assures you of success and a glorious reward ; your crown is already held out ! Then why delay! Why doubt ? Onward! Onward! Onward! Christ for me! Be that your motto be that your battle-cry be that your war-note be that your consolation be that your plea when asking mercy of God your end when offering it to man your hope when encircled by darkness your triumph and victory when attacked and overcome by death ! Christ for me! Tell it to men, who are living and dying in sin! Tell it to Jesus, that you have chosen Him to be your Saviour and your God. Tell it to devils, and bid them cease to harass, since you are determined to die for the truth ! " I preached on Sabbath last a respectable but dull and life- less congregation. Notwithstanding I had liberty both pray- ing and preaching, I had not the assistance of a single 'Amen' or 'Hallelujah' the whole of the service! It is hard to work, to preach, to labour for an hour and a half in the pulpit, and then come down and, have to do the work of the prayer- meeting as well! I want some Savages, and Proctors, and Frosts, and Hoveys, and Robinsons, here with me in the prayer-meetings, and, glory to God, we would carry all be- fore us ! Praise God for living at Nottingham every hour you are in it ! Oh, to live to Christ on earth, and to meet you once more, never to part, in a better world ! " 1849, Age 20, The Gen- eral's earliest extant let- ter. The Army foreshad- owed. No Amens! 76 MRS. BOOTH. 1850, ge 2I ' His plan His early TOO much shroud Another letter. It is interesting to trace thus early what afterward came to be a distinguishing feature of General Booth's "plan of campaign," the utilising of every converted person in some capacity, as distinguished from the parson-do-everything system which he here so strongly deprecates. Nothing perhaps more powerfully char- acterises the Salvation Army of later years than its "ministry of all the talents." This has meant noth- ing short of a revolution in the religious world. But we should hardly have expected the happy discovery to have been made at so early a date. There were not wanting, however, those who en- deavoured to throw cold water upon his vehement zeal. "Young man," said one of these critics, "there * s * muc h f th e shroud in your preaching." Said th ers "You are not sufficiently argumentative. Your sermons do not display sufficient marks of study!" How disheartening he felt their remarks to be, we i earn from some of the letters written to his friend, John Savage. On the 3Oth of March, 1850, he writes: " Concerning my pulpit efforts, I am more than ever dis- couraged. Upon becoming acquainted with my congrega- tions, I am surprised at the amount of intellect which I have endeavoured to address. I am waking up as it were from a dream, and discover that my hopes are vanity, and that I lit- erally know nothing." In another letter he writes more cheerfully: " I preached twice yesterday at Norwood a dear people. In the morning, I trust, 'O Lord, revive Thy work,' was accom- panied with blessing, and in the evening, 'Jesus weeping over Jerusalem,' though not attended with pleasurable feelings to myself, yet I hope went home to some heart. I saw nothing done! WILLIAM BOOTH. ^^ " Afterwards I had some conversation with one of our local 1850, preachers respecting the subject with regard to which my Age 2I< heart is still burning I mean the full work. He advises me by all means to offer myself next March, and leave it in the hands of God and the Church. What say you? You are my friend, the chosen of my companions, the man after my own heart. What say you ? I want to be a devoted, simple and sincere follower of the Bleeding Lamb. I do not desire the pastor's crust without having most distinctly received the pastor's call. And yet my inmost spirit is panting for the delightful employment of telling from morn till eve, from eve to midnight, the glad tidings that mercy is free. " Mercy ! Have you heard the word ? Have you felt its power ? Mercy ! Can you describe its hidden, unfathomable meaning ? Mercy ! Let the sound be borne on every breeze ! Mercy ! Shout it the world around until there is not a sin- unpardoned, a pollution-spotted, a hell-marked spirit, un- washed, unsanctified ! until there is not a sign of the curse in existence, not a sorrow unsoothed, not a tear unwiped away ! until the world is flooded with salvation and all men are bath- ing in its life-giving streams !" What are we to think of the inconceivable blind- ness of the superintendent, who could cold-bloodedly tell the fiery young evangelist, when he proposed to offer himself for the ministry, that "preachers were Preachers not wanted by the Connexion !" We cannot help smil- wanted. ing as we find William Booth writing to his friend, that he was seriously thinking of tendering his services as chaplain to a convict-ship, in order to work his way out to Australia, as he had heard that it was easier to enter the ministry there than in England. He adds touchingly : " And then my mother's image flits across my mind ! You know I would prefer by far the home-work. But the difficul- ties are so great. My ability is not equal to the task. Preachers are not wanted. My superintendent told me so- And to go to quarter-day and not succeed would break my heart. Were my talents of a superior nature, were my at- 78 MRS. BOOTH. 1851, tainments of a more elevated character, and my education Age 22. more liberal and extensive, then might I calculate with some degree of certainty on passing the scrutiny of the criticising leaders, preachers, and trustees of the London fifth, or Lam- beth circuit." His atti- In 1851, the Reform movement was at its height. im dsthe But the character which the agitation had assumed licf crs m " possessed little interest for William Booth. To him the all-absorbing question of his life was how best to reach and save the masses. Certainly he had shared the universal disappointment at the banishment of Mr.Caughey from Nottingham, when the revival was at its very height. Himself converted only a few months previously, his heart fired with all the burning en- thusiasm of its^ early love, he could not understand the motives that prompted the Conference to put a stop to so manifest a work of God. Still, like others, he had bowed to the decision, and had accepted what he could neither hinder nor approve. The Rev. It was inevitable, however, that he should be in Samuel j j . . -, . Dunn, some measure concerned and interested in a move- ment which involved the loss of nearly one-third of its members to the Wesleyan Connexion. Several of his personal friends were among those who seceded or were expelled, and the Rev. Samuel Dunn, who was the leading spirit in the agitation, had been for three years his own superintendent in Nottingham, had recognised his ability, admired his zeal, and di- rected his studies for the ministry. But beyond at- tending a few of the meetings held in London by the Mr. Booth Reformers, Mr. Booth held studiously aloof from a/oo/. them, neither preaching for them nor in any way identifying himself with them. Nevertheless, in the society to which he belonged there were already twenty-two lay-preachers, and the pulpit work to be WILLIAM BOOTH. 79 divided among them was so trifling as to afford but 1851, little scope for the intense activities and organizing genius which already fired his heart and brain. Feel- ing that his time would be better spent in open-air work in the streets and greens of Kennington, he tendered the resignation of his honorary post, request- ingf at the same time that his name might be retained 6 ship. among the list of members. An agitation assuming the proportions and duration is sus- of the Reform movement could hardly fail to be pec marked by incidents of a regretable character. The entire atmosphere seemed laden with doubt and sus- picion. Innocent actions were misunderstood, and inoffensive words misinterpreted. Nor would it be just to blame the Conference for the over-zeal dis- played by some of their well-meaning but too hasty partisans. To uproot a field of wheat, in order to ex- tirpate an occasional tare, is a temptation to which human nature has been ever open. It so happened that the minister in charge of Mr. And ex- Booth's circuit was of an uncompromising heresy- hunting disposition. It is scarcely to be wondered at, therefore, that he viewed with suspicion the con- duct of his lay assistant. Making sure that he had discovered once more the cloven hoof of the Reform- ers, and determined to purge his society from every trace of the pernicious taint, he withheld the usual ticket of membership, and thus practically expelled from the Wesleyan body the most talented and bril- liant Methodist of the day. Not a finger was lifted, not an effort made, not a protest uttered, not a syl- lable of kindly counsel offered, by this strangely infatuated shepherd of the flock, who, with an as- sumption of infallibility that the Pope himself could scarcely have rivalled, wrapped himself in the cloak 8o MRS, BOOTH. 1851, of his ecclesiastical dignity, and would deign no fur- ther response beyond a curt letter refusing to acqui- esce in Mr. Booth's proposal. The Re- No sooner, however, had the Reformers heard of this unjustifiable expulsion than they passed a resolu- t( tilem. tion cordially inviting Mr. Booth to join their ranks. The suggestion was warmly seconded by one of their leaders, a Mr. Rabbitts, who had almost from the time of his first arrival in London entertained a warm His affection for Mr. Booth. Mr. Rabbitts was engaged 3fr"^a6- in the boot and shoe trade, owning three or four biits - shops, which afterward developed into an enormous concern with its headquarters in the Borough. He was a good type of the shrewd, hard-headed, pushing business man, combining with his worldly wisdom boundless energy and a deep appreciation for true re- ligion. Himself a man of consistent Christian char- acter, he was not ashamed to show his colours wher- ever he went, and took the lead in every good work. A promt- When the agitation arose, Mr. Rabbitts embraced former, very warmly the cause of the Reformers. He had been dissatisfied for some time with what he consid- ered to be the growing coldness and worldliness of the Orthodox party, and had therefore hailed the present movement with satisfaction, believing that it would lead to a revival of the old life and fire. Hears He had been present at the first sermon delivered Mr Booth's by Mr. Booth in the Walworth Road Wesleyan Chapel. The latter had launched out in his usual unconventional, earnest manner, strikingly in contrast with the ordinary ministerial style. Some of those present responded heartily, and the ordinary monot- ony of the service was disturbed by quite a brisk fu- siladeof " Amens." Mr. Rabbitts was delighted. He met the preacher at the foot of the stairs, congratu- WILLIAM BOOTH. 8 1 lated him warmly on his sermon, and took him home 1851, to dinner, forming on the spot a friendship which ge 22 ' lasted to the end of his life. "Why don't you become a minister?" said Mr. Rabbi tts, as they walked toward his house. And on ministry. discovering that this was Mr. Booth's most ardent de- sire, he promised to use his influence among the Wes- leyan ministers in London, with some of whom he was on specially intimate terms. Various obstacles had, however, arisen, which had Mr. Booth 1 c * -r -i joins the prevented the realization of Mr. Booth s intentions, Reform- until the circumstances just described combined to cast him into the arms of the Reformers. It was in June, 1851, that he joined them, preaching as fre- quently as he was able to do without relinquishing his business, and enjoying a considerably wider scope for his energies than had previously been possible. It was some months after he had joined the Reform- Preaches ers that Mr. Booth was planned to preach at one of a jMd their chapels known as Binfield House, and situated in House - Binfield Road, Clapham. It was a nice little hall holding some two or three hundred people. The services were arranged on- the ordinary Wesleyan model, and were conducted in turn by different local preachers. Of this congregation, Mrs. Mumford and her daughter were members, and it was here that Catherine led the Bible class already referred to. On the Sunday that Mr. Booth preached she was Miss present, and although he was a perfect stranger to criticises her, she was very much impressed with him at first sight. The sermon was from the text, "This is in- deed the Christ, the Saviour of the World." It so happened that during the following week Miss Mum- ford met Mr. Rabbitts, whom she had known for some time, and was asked by him for her opinion of the 6 82 MRS. BOOTH, 1851, Age 22. The Gen- eral meets Miss Mumford at Mr. Babbitts'. The tem- perance recital. preacher. She expressed it freely, saying that she con- sidered it the best sermon she had yet heard in Binfield Hall. Little did she think, however, that Mr. Rabbitts, who reckoned her one of the ablest judges of a sermon in London, would pass it on to the preacher himself. About a fortnight afterward, Mr. Rabbitts invited the principal Reformers of the district to his house for afternoon tea and conversation, hoping thus to promote a spirit of love and unity and to advance the interests of the agitation v Mrs. and Miss Mumford were among the guests, and so was Mr. Booth. The latter came in late, but was almost immediately pounced upon by the host to recite an American tem- perance piece, which he had heard him repeat some days previously. Knowing that there were scarcely any teetotallers in the room, Mr. Booth objected strongly, on the ground that it was not worth while occupying the time with it, when other important subjects required to be discussed, adding that the theme was also one which might disturb the harmony of the gathering. However, Mr. Rabbitts was in- exorable and would accept no excuse. He must and would have the "Grogseller's Dream," and the fact that he was not an abstainer himself would, he was sure, prevent any one present from feeling uncom- fortable. Amidst earnest attention and with all the dramatic force that earned for him a little later the title of the "John Gough of England," Mr. Booth re- cited the ballad. We give it as quoted from his memory, believing it will be of interest : THE GROGSELLER'S DREAM. "A grogseller sat by his bar-room fire, His feet as high as his head and higher, Watching the smoke as he puffed it out, Which in spiral columns curved about, WILLIAM BOOTH. 83 Veiling his face 'neath its fleecy fold, 1851, As lazily up from his lips it rolled, Age 22, While a doubtful scent and a twilight gloom Were slowly gathering to fill the room. To their drunken slumbers, one by one, Foolish and fuddled, his friends had gone, To wake in the morn to a drunkard's pain, With bloodshot eyes and a reeling brain. Drowsily rang the watchman's cry, 'Past two o'clock and a cloudy sky!' But our host sat wakeful still, and shook His head and winked with a knowing look. 'Aha, ' said he, in a chuckling tone, 'I know the way the thing is done ! Twice five are ten, and another V, Two ones, two twos, and a ragged three, Make twenty-four to my well-filled fob I think it is rather a good night's job ! The fools have guzzled my brandy and wine ! Much good may it do them ! The cash is mine !' And he winked again with a knowing look, As from his cigar the ashes he shook. 'There's Gibson has murdered his child, they say He was drunk as a beast here the other day ! I gave him a hint, as I went to fill His jug, but the brute would have his will. Then folks blame me ! Why, bless their souls, If I did not serve him, he'd go to Coles' ! I've a mortgage too, on Tomkinson's lot, What a fool he was to become a sot ! But it's luck to me ! In a month or so, I shall foreclose ! then the scamp must go ! Oh, won't his wife have a taking on, When she hears that his farm and his lot are gone ! How she will blubber and sob and sigh ! But business is business, and what care I? Yet I hate to have women coming to me, With their tweedle-de-dum and their tweedle-de-dee ; With their swollen eyes and their haggard looks, And their speeches learnt from Temperance books, With their pale lean children the whimpering fools, Why don't they go to the public schools? I've a right to engage in a lawful trade, And take my chance where there's cash to be made.' And he rubbed his hands in his chuckling glee, And loudly laughed, 'Aha ! Eehee ! ' 84 MRS. BOOTH. . 1851, 'Aha! Eehee!' 'twas an echoed sound! Age 22. Amazed the grogseller looked around! 'Aha! Eehee!' 'twas a guttural note, That seemed to come from an iron throat ! And his knees they shook and his hair 'gan rise, And he opened his mouth and strained his eyes, And, lo, in a corner, dark and dim, Stood an uncouth form with aspect grim ! From his grizzly head, through his snaky hair, There sprouted of hard rough horns a pair ; Redly, his shaggy brows below, Like sulphurous flames did his small eyes glow ; His lips they were curled with a sinister smile, And the smoke belched forth from his mouth the while ! In his hand he bore, if a hand it was, Whose fingers were shaped like vulture's claws, A three-tined fork, and its prongs so dull Through the sockets were thrust of a grinning skull ! Gently he waved it to and fro, And softly chuckled, ' Aha ! Oho ! ' And all this while were his eyes, that burned Like sulphurous flames, on the grogseller turned! And how did he feel beneath that look? Why, his jaw fell down and he shivered and shook, And quivered and quaked in every limb, As though the ague had hold of him ! And his eyes to the monster grim were glued, And his tongue was stiff as a billet of wood ! 'Come, come,' said the Devil, ' 'tis a welcome cold, That you give to a friend so true and old ! Who has been for years in your employ, Running about like an errand boy ! But we'll not fall out, for I plainly see You are rather afraid 'tis strange of me ! Why, what do you fear, my friend? ' he said, And he nodded the horns of his grizzly head. ' Do you think I've come for you f Never fear ! You can't be spared for a long time here ! There are hearts to break, there are souls to wir From the paths of peace to the ways of sin ! There are homes to be rendered desolate. There is trusting love to be changed to hate, Hands that murder must crimson red There are lives to wreck there is blight to be shed, O'er the young, o'er the old, o'er the pure and the fair, Till their lives are crushed by the fiend Despair. WILLIAM BOOTH. S$ The arm that shielded a wife from ill 1851, In its drunken rage shall be raised to kill ! Age 22. Where'er it rolls, that fiery flood, 'Tis swollen with tears, 'tis stained with blood! Long shall it be, if I have my way, Ere the night of death shall close your day ! For to pamper your lust with the gold and pelf, You rival in mischief the Devil himself ! ' No more said the fiend, for, clear and high, Rang out on the air the watchman's cry. With a stifled sob and a half-formed scream The grogseller woke ! It was all a dream. Solemn and thoughtful his bed he sought, And long on that midnight vision he thought ! " The recital was followed by an awkward pause, MISS which was broken by some one venturing an apology on behalf of moderate drinking, perhaps as an excuse for the numerous non-abstainers present. This af- forded Miss Mumford an opportunity for replying, much to the delight of Mr. Rabbitts, who knew and appreciated her conversational and debating powers, and who enjoyed hearing her demolish her opponent, even when the lines of argument happened to militate against himself. From subsequent conversations it can be readily The Bible imagined how ably Miss Mumford would measure swords with her opponent. "The Bible permits it," was commonly argued by the defenders of the mod- eration faith. And of all pretexts used by those who sought to bolster up the nation's curse, this was the one with which she had the least sympathy. " I think you are mistaken," she would reply, in the silvery, yet emphatic tones with which she commonly entered into such debates. "I have not'so read and interpreted my Bible. At a first superficial glance it might indeed appear so. But if you read with care, you will observe that there are two kinds of wine re- 86 MRS. BOOTH. 1851, Age 22. Making people sober by Act of Parlia- ment. The Rev- enue. Chris- tians do it. The teeto- tal sup- per. f erred to in the Bible, one intoxicating and the other not. The former is generally spoken of as 'strong drink,' or some equivalent term, and is invariably coupled with language of condemnation, never used in connexion with the other." And then there was the argument, "but you cannot make people sober by Act of Parliament." "lam not so sure about that," she would reply; "by shut- ting up the liquor dens, you can certainly minimise the evil, since you remove the temptation from those who are too weak to resist it. What is there to pre- vent the government from doing this ? It has been done in some places with the best possible results. In the villages and districts where its use has been prohibited, drunkenness is comparatively unknown, thus proving by experience that people can be made sober by Act of Parliament." " But what would become of the Revenue?" have further argued her objectors. "Revenue!" would Mrs. Booth reply; " What would become of a man, if he were to suck his own blood and eat his own flesh? How can a kingdom flourish that lives upon the de- struction of its subjects, and that draws its revenues from their very graves?" And to the plea that plenty of excellent Christians do it and see no harm in it, has come the prompt re- ply : " The more the pity, for as the American revival- ist, Mr. Charles Finney, has said, it would be almost as easy to get up a revival in Hell itself as in a church whose members support the traffic, and some at least of whom may well be supposed to be the slaves of the evil." But supper was announced, and the guests ad- journed to the hospitable table of their host. How far the company were convinced by the recitation and WILLIAM BOOTH. debate to which they had listened, we cannot tell, but for that night at least the wine offered remained tmtasted, and water was the favoured drink. More important and lasting, however, than the re- sult of this discussion in its influence on the future were the feelings of mutual respect, sympathy, and REV. C. G. FINNEY, D.D. admiration that it awakened in the hearts of Catherine Mumford and William Booth. Mr. Rabbitts had un- consciously helped to lay the foundation of a union which should make possible the fulfilment of his most cherished hopes, and which should gather together and resurrect the dry bones, with which he saw the religious valley to be so full, until they should stand upon their feet, "an exceeding great army." 1851, Age 22. An un- foreseen result. CHAPTER IX. THE ENGAGEMENT. The Gen- THE ioth of April, 1 852, was a memorable day in birthday, the history of William Booth. It was his birthday the day on which he finally relinquished business for the ministry, and, as if to accentuate the significance of the sacrifice, it was a Good Friday. Finally it was on this day that the respect and admiration with which he regarded Miss Mumford ripened into a life- long love. Becomes He was now practically her pastor. The Reformers ter. had accepted him as their preacher, at the instance of Mr. Rabbitts, who had undertaken to pay him his salary. " How much will you require?" he asked, in broaching the question. " Twelve shillings a week will keep me in bread and cheese," responded the first Salvation Army Captain. " I would not hear of such a thing," replied his friend; "you must take at least a pound." And so, with this modest remuneration, Mr. Booth commenced his work as a preacher of the Gospel, " Passing rich on fifty pounds a year!" Again He had set apart the day to visit a relative, with a view to interesting him in his new career, when Mr. Rabbitts, happening to meet him, carried him off to a service held by the Reformers in a school-room in Cowper Street, City Road. Catherine was present, and the casual 'acquaintance that commenced a few weeks previously was renewed, Mr. Booth escorting her home when the meeting was over. THE ENGAGEMENT. 89 Although a mutual and ardent affection sprang up, 1852, which deepened on each succeeding interview, neyer- ge 23 ' theless no engagement was entered into, until after An ar- the most thorough and prayerful consideration. In- ' deed, apart from the love and admiration which each entertained for the other, the prospects were by no means encouraging. Mr. Booth had left behind him the business career, in which he would doubtless have made good use of his energy and organising abilities. In spite of flattering offers he had no de- sire to return to it. His whole soul was aflame for the ministry. But for this he imagined that he should need years of study and preparation. The door of the Wesleyan Church had been closed against him. The post he held among the Reformers was Dissatis- temporary and unreliable, and each week increased the^Re- his dissatisfaction with their discipline and mode of government. They had thrown off the yoke of what they looked upon as a tyrannical priesthood, but, as is often the case with human nature, the pendulum had now swung from one extreme to the other. Having first disputed the authority of their ordained pastors, they now refused to acknowledge that of those whom they had themselves appointed, and whom they were likewise free at any moment to discharge. This was no doubt a capital training for the future Dem- General of the Salvation Army. He tasted by bitter despof- experience that a democratic government could be as lsm ' tyrannical as a paternally despotic one. Under the name and cloak of liberty, he found himself fettered hand and foot. As a body the Reformers included within their Afac- ranks many of the best and noblest spirits in Wes- clique. leyan Methodism. Nevertheless, it will be easily understood, that amid the turmoil of the agitation the 9 o MRS. BOOTH. 1852, Age 23. Power vested in wrong hands. Uncer- tain fu- ture of the Re- formers. The moderate party. more turbulent and demagogic characters pushed their way to the front. This was particularly the case in regard to the little group with whom Mr. Booth had cast in his lot, and whom he always considered as poorly representing the movement at large. The power was vested in those who did not know how properly to use it. His judgment was controlled and his plans were thwarted by people who were too brainless to think, too timid to act, or too destitute of spirituality to appreciate his intense passion for souls. This he was sure could not be God's plan for leading His people to battle. "Order is Heaven's first law," became henceforth a maxim that firmly embedded itself in his mind. Then again the future of the Reformers was wrapped in uncertainty. Their original intention was, without leaving the Wesleyan body, to organise themselves as a radical democratic party, a sort of constitutional opposition of a parliamentarian char- acter. For a time they were content to be in a mi- nority. Ultimately they believed their views would prevail. But the action of the Conference, in expel- ling them wholesale from the ranks of the Connexion, had forced them to reconsider the question. Some were for returning to the mother-church. These formed an influential party of reconciliation, who endeavoured this very year (1852) to approach the orthodox portion of the society, and obtain some moderate concessions, which would enable them to return. But the Conference were inflexible, refus- ing to receive the deputation that was sent to wait on them. The memorial was certainly read, but the answer sent denied the allegations made, and re- jected the prayer of the petitioners. A large number, however, among the Reformers THE ENGAGEMENT. $1 were opposed to mediation, and preferred to be or- 1852, ganised into a separate church, whilst others desired to cast in their lot with some of the more liberal Divided Methodist denominations, which were waiting to re- ceive them with open arms. With such divided counsels, the future of the Re- formers could not but be uncertain, and so far as study for the duties of a regular ministry was con- cerned it might be necessary to wait for years before the organisation had sufficiently developed to make this possible. Mr. Booth doubted whether, with prospects so un- satisfactory, he should be justified in allowing Miss Her gt Mumford to enter into any engagement. Some of love - the letters that were exchanged are so interesting, and the spirit manifested so exemplary, that we can- not do better than refer to them. The earliest is dated nth May, 1852, when the question of the en- gagement was still undecided : " MY DEAR FRIEND : I have been spreading your letter be- fore the Lord, and earnestly pleading for a manifestation of His will to your mind. And now I would say a few words of comfort and encouragement. " If you wish to avoid giving me pain, don't condemn your- self. I feel sure God does not condemn you, and if you could look into my heart you would see how far I am from such a feeling. Don t pore over the past! Let it all go! Your de- sire is to do the will of God, and He will guide you. Never mind who frowns, if God smiles. "The words 'gloom, melancholy, and despair,' lacerate my Seekina heart. Don't give way to such feelings for a moment. God to do loves you. He will sustain you. The thought that I should w m increase your perplexity and cause you any suffering, is al- most intolerable. I am tempted to wish that we had never seen each other ! Do try to forget me, as far as the remem- brance would injure your usefulness or spoil your peace. If I have no alternative but to oppose the will of God, or tram- 9 2 MRS. BOOTH. 1852, Age 23. Taking counsel of God. Never mind the circum- stances. pie on the desolations of my own heart, my choice is made ! ' Thy will be done ! ' is my constant cry. I care not for my- self, but oh, if I cause you to err, I shall never be happy again ! " In the same letter she adds : " It is very trying to be depreciated and slighted when you are acting from the purest motives. But consider the char- acter of those who thus treat you, and don 't overestimate their influence. You have some true friends in the circuit, and what is better than all, you have a Friend above, whose love is as great as His power. He can open your way to another sphere of usefulness, greater than you now conceive of." Little did the writer think how prophetic was this last sentence. How immeasurable would have been their surprise had the veil been lifted for a moment, and a glance into the distant future permitted to the two doubt-bestricken, fear-beleaguered lovers, so anxious to do right, and to obey the dictates of their enlightened consciences, rather than to follow the unbridled clamourings of their hearts. In looking back we see the mighty issues that were then at stake, and all around are spread the fruit unto eternity of that sanctified resolution. Well would it be for thousands if they paused similarly to take counsel of God, before committing themselves to any decision in so momentous a matter. Two days later Miss Mumford writes again : " MY DEAR FRIEND : I have read and re-read your note, and fear you did not fully understand my difficulty. It was not circumstances. I thought I had fully satisfied you on that point. I thought I had assured you that a bright prospect could not allure me nor a dark one affright me, if we are only one in heart. My difficulty, my only reason for wishing to defer the engagement, was that you might feel satisfied in your own mind that the step is right. I dare not enter into so solemn an engagement until you can assure me that you THE ENGAGEMENT. 93 feel I am in every way suited to make you happy, and that jge 2 you are satisfied that the step is not opposed to the will of Age 23. God. If you are convinced on this point, irrespective of cir- cumstances, let circumstances go, and let us be one, come what may ; and let us on Saturday evening, on our knees be fore God, give ourselves afresh to Him and to each other. When this is done, what have we to do with the future ? We and all our concerns are in His hands, under His all-wise and gracious Providence. " Again I commend you to Him. It cannot, shall not be that you shall make a mistake. Let us besiege His Throne with all the powers of prayer, and believe me, " Yours affectionately, " CATHERINE." And so on that Sabbath eve, the 1 5th May, 1852, The reason gave its sanction, and conscience set its seal, ev ^nt' to an engagement which was fraught with results that eternity will alone reveal. In the dim twilight of that summer day the twin foundation stones were laid of a living temple more blessed and beautiful than that which crowned the summit of Moriah a temple whose precious stones and costly timbers were to be hewn without hands in the depths of darkest fetishism, in the jungles of hopeless heathendom, and in the civilised and educated, but beweaponed and submerged mass of nihilism, socialism , and des- potism, .which calls itself Christianity a temple which was to be finally fitted and framed into one harmonious, glorious, imperishable whole, without sound of axe or hammer, by the heavenly craftsmen, as a part and parcel of the New Jerusalem, and an eternal monument of the wonder-working hand of its divine Architect. The following letter, written a few days subse- A quently, might almost have been penned by a Han- nah or Mary, when rejoicing over their answered prayers, and deserves to be embalmed in memory: 94 MRS. BOOTH. 1852, Age 23. A glad re- sponse. The high- est earth- ly bliss. A mark of disci- pleship. Bursting the bubbles. " MY DEAREST WILLIAM : The evening is beautifully serene and tranquil, according sweetly with the feelings of my soul. The whirlwind is past, and the succeeding calm is propor- tionate to its violence. Your letter your visit have hushed its last murmurs and stilled every vibration of my throbbing heart-strings. All is well. I feel it is right, and I praise God for the satisfying conviction. " Most gladly does my soul respond to your invitation to give myself afresh to Him, and to strive to link myself closer to you, by rising more into the likeness of my Lord. The nearer our assimilation to Jesus, the more perfect and heavenly our union. Our hearts are now indeed one, so one that division would be more bitter than death. But I am satis- fied that our union may become, if not more complete, more Divine, and consequently capable of yielding a larger amount of pure, unmingled bliss. " The thought of walking through life perfectly united, to- gether enjoying its sunshine and battling with its storms, by softest sympathy sharing every smile and every tear, and with thorough unanimity performing all its momentous duties, is to me exquisite happiness ; the highest earthly bliss I desire. And who can estimate the glory to God and the benefit to man, accruing from a life spent in such harmonious effort to do His will ? Such unions, alas, are so rare, that we seldom see an exemplification of the Divine idea of marriage. " If indeed we are the disciples of Christ, 'in the world we shall have tribulation ; ' but in Him and in each other we may have peace. If God chastises us by affliction, in either mind, body, or circumstances, it will only be a mark of our disci- pleship ; and if borne equally by us both, the blow will not only be softened, but sanctified, and we shall be enabled to rejoice that we are permitted to drain the bitter cup together. Satisfied that in our souls there flows a deep undercurrent of pure affection, we will seek grace to bear with the bubbles which may rise on the surface, or wisdom so to burst them as to increase the depth, and accelerate the onward flow of the pure stream of love, till it reaches the river which proceeds out of the Throne of God and of the Lamb, and mingles in glorious harmony with the love of Heaven. " The more you lead me up to Christ in all things, the more highly shall I esteem you ; and if it be possible to love you THE ENGAGEMENT. 95 more than I now do, the more shall I love you. You are always present in my thoughts. " Believe me, dear William, as ever, " Your own loving " KATE." One more letter we are tempted to quote : " 22d MAY, 1852. " MY DEAR WILLIAM : I ought to be happy after enjoying your company all the evening. But now you are gone and I am alone, I feel a regret consonant with the height of my enjoyment. How wide the difference between heavenly and earthly joys! The former satiate the soul and reproduce themselves. The latter, after planting in our soul the seeds of future griefs and cares, take their flight and leave an ach- ing void. " How wisely God has apportioned our cup ! He does not give us all sweetness, lest we should rest satisfied with earth ; nor all bitterness, lest we grow weary and disgusted with our lot. But He wisely mixes the two, so that if we drink the one, we must also taste the other. And perhaps a time is coming when we shall see that the proportions of this cup of human joy and sorrow are more equally adjusted than we now im- agine that souls capable of enjoyments above the vulgar crowd, can also feel sorrow in comparison with which theirs is but like the passing April cloud in contrast with the long Egyptian night. " How wise an ordination this is, we cannot now discover. It will require the light which streams from the Eternal Throne to reveal to us the blessed effects of having the sen- tence of death written on all our earthly enjoyments. I often anticipate the glorious employment of investigating the mys- terious workings of Divine Providence. Oh, may it be our happy lot to assist each other in these heavenly researches in that pure bright world above ! " But I have rambled from what I was about to write. I find that the pleasure connected with pure, holy, sanctified love, forms no exception to the general rule. The very fact of loving invests the being beloved with a thousand causes of care and anxiety, which, if unloved, would never exist. At least I find it so. You have caused me more real anxiety 1852, Age 23. The phil- osophy of earthly joys. The ca- pacity to enjoy is the ca- pacity to suffer. 96 MRS. BOOTH. 1852, than any other earthly object ever did. Do you ask why? Age 23. j have already supplied you with an answer ! " After referring to some domestic matters she gives an interesting glimpse behind the scenes at the con- clusion of her letter : Don't sit " Don't sit up singing till twelve o'clock, after a hard day's up sing- work. Such things are not required by either God or man, and remember you are not your own. " I remain, dear William, " Yours in truth and the love of Jesus, " CATHERINE." The reference to the General as a young man of twenty-three, after a hard day's work sitting up sing- ing till midnight is one of those unmeant life-touches, which vivify the picture of the past, reminding one of the painter who in despair flung his sponge at the canvas intending to obliterate the scene, but producing by the merest accident the very effect which his ut- most effort had failed to secure. The incident serves as a side-light to a^life an " ecce homo" to the leader, who was to girdle the earth with a belt of song, till, to use the expression of a recent church divine, the Salvation Army had sung its way round the world. Among the sacred resorts of Indian pilgrims is All- ahabad, the so-called "City of God." Here the waters ms ' of the Jumna embosom themselves in those of the Ganges, and the united streams wend their fertilising course through the rich plains of Bengal. Each bank is studded with countless villages, while at various points arise crowded and thriving cities, the teeming population depending largely for their subsistence upon the river, whose volume of waters, undiminished by the prodigious demands, rolls onward to the ocean. Even such was to be the issue of the blending of THE ENGAGEMENT. 97 these two life-currents in a single channel, which was 1852, thenceforth to become a source and centre of increas- ge 23 ' ing spiritual blessing, extending to generations yet unborn, and the sum total of which eternity will alone reveal. In seeking first "the Kingdom of God," the all things promised were indeed superabundantly added, and Miss Mumford was able to write: " As far as earthly happiness is concerned, I never knew so much as now. I have just spent an hour or two of the purest earthly bliss I ever enjoyed. Had I never drunk so co- piously at the fountain, I might be in danger of resting satis- fied with the streams. But I bless the Lord, He has made it impossible for me to be rn.o.&e^satisfied with anything short of a complete union and constant communion with Himself. Oh that we may know the bliss of being fully one with God (John xiv. 20)." 7 CHAPTER X. CONGREGATIONALISM. 1852. Miss MUMFORD viewed without dismay the doc- Perplex- con- trinal and controversial labyrinths through which Mr. Booth had now to pass. The clue once grasped, she helped him to follow the thread through all the per- plexing mazes, which seemed so hopelessly entangled. The doors they would have entered seemed persist- ently blocked. Orthodox Wesleyanism was too re- spectable. The Reformers were too unsettled for him to contemplate making a permanent home among them. What with committees and votes, resolutions and amendments, every one wanting to lead and no- The body willing to follow, like the Indian bulbul, tied by buibui. an invisible thread, he could only flutter from finger to finger of his many-fingered master, and view with chagrin the tantalising heaps of grain that lay just beyond his reach. Miss Mumford threw her whole heart into the ques- tion. She realised that Mr. Booth possessed abilities of no ordinary description. She was convinced that he only needed a suitable opportunity for his genius to assert itself, and that, providing he had fair play, he would soon rise to a level that was impossible for the mediocrities who surrounded him, and who only maintained their superiority by suppressing or decap- Proposai itatins: those whose gifts or graces eclipsed their own. to join the Cdngre- A possible way of deliverance at length suggested itself to her. There was near her home a large Con- 9 8 CONGREGA TIONALISM. 99 gregational chapel, which she frequently attended. 1852, Its talented pastor, the Rev. David Thomas, was an able preacher, whose intellectual and powerful ser- Dr. mons she very much relished. Might it not be that among this people the longed-for sphere of usefulness was to be discovered ? Certainly the attempt seemed worth making. " I argued," she afterward said, " that A modest ambition. with them William would be able to make a church after his own heart, introducing such methods and agencies as he might think likely to be useful. I could not see why he should not combine all that was precious to him in Methodism with the liberty of the Independents, to whom my early studies in church his- tory had somewhat inclined me." But the effort, though spread over several months, Dr. beginning in July and lasting till October, proved ultimately abortive. True, Mr. Booth was most kindly received by Dr. Campbell, an influential min- ister of the denomination in London, pastor of one of its principal churches, and editor of several religious papers. " I was not very sanguine as to the result of this Mr. visit," says Mr. Booth. " A friend had informed me ^fin- before that the doctor was a busy man, and that his termew - usage was always to speak to strangers in the lobby, in order to get them off as quickly as possible. True to his custom, the doctor came out to me, but after a few sentences he took me into his room. Pointing to a chair, he said, 'Sit down and tell me your story,' and after listening: to it volunteered the opinion: 'I "Hike you." like you, and believe the Congregational church is just the place for you. You will make your way in it, and I will help you all I can. ' I asked him whether my views as to the universal love of God would be any hindrance to my acceptance and success. To this 100 MRS. BOOTH. 1852, Age 23. he replied: 'No, you will noi be troubled on that score. Go to college, study your Bible, and then The doc- come out and preach whatever doctrine you honestly difficulty, believe you find there.' The doctor then gave me an introduction to some other ministers whom he thought likely to help me, and shook me affectionately by the hand as I rose to leave." The result of the interviews which followed we learn from a letter to Dr. Campbell written a few days later: Letter to Dr. Campbell. Dr. Mas- sey dis- courages the Gen- eral from entering the min- istry. " 25th JUNE, 1852. " REVEREND SIR : " The kind reception with which, although a perfect stranger, you favoured me, the counsel you gave, and your request that I should either call or write a fortnight from that hour, is the excuse 1 offer for again intruding upon your notice. Among other things you wished me, too, again to see the Rev. W. Leask of Kennington, which I accordingly did, stating that I had seen you. He told me that if I went to see Mr. Edwards of the New Chapel, City Road, he would be able to give me all the information I needed respecting the Train- ing Institution at Cotton End. I therefore called upon the Rev. W. S. Edwards, who received me very kindly and directed me to Dr. Massey at the office of the Home Mission- ary Society, saying that he would tell me all I wished to know. From the latter I received, that which is nothing new to me, some discouraging information. His advice was to the following effect: 'You had better go back to business for about two years, unite yourself with an Independent church, sit under an intellectual minister, and then through that church offer yourself to the society.' Dr. Massey further stated 'the almost impossibility of my procuring admission into the college, because of there being now more candidates than vacancies. ' " With this counsel I cannot see my way clear to comply. To wait in uncertainty for one or two years, and then, after that, to be two or three years longer in training, ere I could settle down to a sphere of labour, is not in accordance with my feelings or hopes. But even this, should I see it to be CONGREGATIONALISM. IOI the path my Father points out, I am willing to walk therein. 1852, All I can do now is to stand still and see the salvation of God. Age 23. " Perhaps the ministry is not my way. He may have an- other work for me to do. My prayer, my constant prayer is, Booth's 'Teach me Thy will, and bow my own in submission to it.' fears. My only fear is, that I have not sufficient ability to be a suc- cessful minister, or otherwise I would push the thing to its utmost issue. I fear reaching a position which I should not be able usefully to sustain. I fear having formed an erroneous estimate of myself, my capacities and powers, and I tremble at the consequences. But the God whom I serve, and whose I am, lives to direct, and in Him I put my trust, and on Him I only lean. " I thank you with the gratitude of a sincere heart for your kindness in giving me the direction you deem most judicious, and which must have occupied a portion of your time, which I know to be so valuable. " I trust that God will make you more than ever useful in diffusing light and truth and the knowledge of salvation in our poor dying world, and praying for the blessing of the Holy Spirit upon your labours, " I remain, reverend sir, yours sincerely, " WILLIAM BOOTH." Rev. J. Campbell, D. D. The Rev. Dr. Massey referred to in this letter was The Cot- Secretary to the Home Missionary Society of the Con- ^nsut^- gregational Union, which had a Training Institution ilon - at Cotton End. Here Mr. Booth had reason to be- lieve he would have the advantage of some months' study, without being obliged to spend three or four years at the dead languages and without going through the ordinary ministerial curriculum, which, he feared, would be more likely to hamper than help him in his work of saving souls. Backed up by Dr. Campbell and other influential Mr. Booth members of the Union, and above all encouraged by Miss Mumford, Mr. Booth persevered in his efforts to enter the institution. 102 MRS. BOOTH. 1852, tes ' opinions, Commits ford, Her view matter. He frankly stated to the examining committee his difficulty regarding the doctrine of election. In spite of this, however, owing no doubt to Dr. Campbell's influence, he was finally accepted, and was to start for the Cotton End college the following day. At the same time he was told that no such excep- tion had previously been made, and the committee expressed their conviction that at the expiration of six months' study he would be able to conform to the doctrines of the body, recommending him two rather noted volumes on the controversy Booth's " Reign of Grace," and Payne on "Divine Sovereignty." This was so different to what Dr. Campbell had led him to believe, that Mr. Booth was tempted to settle the question on the spot and to inform the committee that it was impossible for him to accept their nomina- tion on such an understanding. However, he curbed hi s impetuosity, and hurried home to tell Miss Mum- ford what had transpired, and to seek with her Divine guidance. From the time he first knew her, Mr. Booth had learned to place great reliance in her sound judgment, and to the end of her life he em- barked on no important enterprise, nor struck out on any new path, without consulting her, and enjoying the full benefit of her statesmanlike and far-reaching mental instinct. Miss Mumford rose to the occasion. Indeed, like a well-built vessel in a storm, these life tornadoes only served to call into play the innate capacities of her soul. Moreover, she took a more hopeful view of the case than Mr. Booth was inclined to do. It seemed evident to her, from what Dr. Campbell and others had said, that the committee di not fairly rep- resent the feelings of the Union. There was, at least, an important and influential section of the body CONGREGA TIONALISM. 103 who, if they did not exactly agree with Mr. Booth's 1852, views, would at any rate leave him free to think and ge 23 * act according to the dictates of his conscience. Never- theless, she trembled lest she should influence him in the wrong direction. Fearing that anxiety for her future well-being might influence him, she besought him to exclude her from his' considerations, and to decide as he would have done had he not known her. "Don't think," she said, "I shall be disappointed or Urgeshtm dissatisfied, if you settle against the college. I prom- hiscon- ise you it will not cause me one hour's uneasiness, and should it be afterward necessary, I will exert all my ingenuity and influence to smooth and comfort your mind under any misgivings as to the judiciousness of the step, whatever path the Providence of God may open before you. All my energies shall be thrown into it, and, as far as I am able, I will be a help-meet for you. So long as you are useful and happy, I shall be satisfied under any circumstances." On his way home, Mr. Booth had bought one of He studies J the Reign the books recommended to him by the committee, of Grace. This he now opened with no ordinary interest and curiosity, but he had not read many pages before he flung the book across the room, saying that he never Flings the could acquiesce in the doctrines which it set forth, away. and that it would be a mere waste of time for him to attempt to do so. The more honourable and straightforward course seemed to be to write to the committee and tell them plainly that he could not accept the nomination, coupled as it was with an understanding, or condition, to which his heart would not consent. "How can J go to an institution," he argued, Abandons the "where I shall be obliged to study such books and proposal. expected to accept such doctrines? At present I am 104 MJ?S. BOOTH. 1852, free. I am under no obligations to the committee. ge 23 ' I can hold what opinions I like. But when once I have received their favours, I shall feel as if I were morally bound to accept their teachings. It is one thing to forsake Methodism. It is quite another to abandon a doctrine, which I look upon as a cardinal point in Christ's redemption plan His universal love, and the possibility of all being saved who will avail themselves of His mercy." And so the question was then and there settled, and the letter written, which closed the ports of this hoped-for haven against the storm-bound boat, leav- ing it to drift for a time in mid-ocean, till after varied experiences of tempest and calm it should at length ride at anchor in a harbour of its own. A friend- God had something vastly more important in store ing. for William Booth and Catherine Mumford than the pastoral care of an Independent church, to which they were then aspiring as the ideal of a useful life. Never- theless, the parting was a friendly one, and it was a little remarkable that thirty-six years later Catherine Booth closed her public career, and delivered her last address, in perhaps the leading Congregational tem- ple of the world. The " I like you" of Dr. Campbell in 1852 was repeated by Dr. Parker in 1888, in fare- welling from the public stage to higher spheres of usefulness the greatest woman minister of the age. It has fitly represented the attitude of the Union to the organisation which Mrs. Booth mothered and in the history of which she played so prominent a part. Another While this controversy was still going on un- decided, Mr. Booth received a warm invitation to assist Dr. Ferguson of Ryde, with the ultimate possi- bility of succeeding him as pastor of his congregation. The offer was, however, declined. But the following CON GREG A TIONALISM. I o 5 letter, written to Miss Mutnford on the 28th July, and 1852, referring to both the questions, will be read with in- terest : " MY OWN DEAR CATHERINE: " I have just received a letter (three sheets of note-paper) from my friend in the Isle of Wight. He says very plainly that he cannot give me up, and prays me to reconsider the determination expressed in my last. He calls upon me by all that is sacred not to go to be whitewashed at college, but to go to Ryde, where, as he says, I shall have superior oppor- tunities for mental and moral training. " While I do not feel disposed to alter my views in regard to the position I should have to fill at Ryde, or even to recon- sider my decision upon the subject, still I must say this im- portunity considerably adds to my perplexity. He looks upon our meeting as strictly providential. He beseeches me not to go to college. I give you a quotation : ' We have a college ministry already, and what are they doing in reference to the salvation of souls? Their college whitewash is only garnish- ing the sepulchre of dead souls. We want a quickening-, soul-saving ministry, affectionately brought to bear upon the consciences and hearts of sinners. ' Again he says : ' Here is the place for your social, and I believe loving, heart to ex- pand and quicken. Don't go to college. Your thoughts were directed here. The experience of thousands of students says, 'Don't go to college.' Their theology has become stereo- typed their social and moral nature has lost its vigour and power, while immured within the college walls. ' What say you to the matter? I hope you are not making yourself un- happy. This is my reason for writing. I am not miserable; do not fear that. I prayed earnestly all the way home last night for guidance. I believe it will be given. I am reading Finney and Watson on election and final perseverance, and I see more than ever reason to cling to my own views of truth and righteousness." These negotiations appear to have fallen through, simultaneously with the arrangement to enter the Cotton End Institution, and Mr. Booth was again left 106 MJ?S. BOOTH. 1852, in uncertainty. Although he had given away his ge 23 ' last sixpence to a poor girl dying of consumption, Giving yet the conviction that his decision was a conscientious a iastsix l - S one, involving as it did the sacrifice of his almost pence, accomplished ambition, filled him with satisfaction. Nor was Miss Mumford one to repine over the past. Cheerfully they faced the doubtful future, waiting on God. to reveal what should be their course. They were not left long in doubt. CHAPTER XI. SPALDING, LONDON. 1852. THE determined attitude of the Wesleyan Confer- r ^f. J Spalding ence their open declaration of war with the mal- Reform- contents their refusal to accept the advances made during this year by the would-be mediators, and the evident hopelessness of any prospective reconciliation, compelled the Reformers to look elsewhere for minis- ters. This was at least the predicament in which the Spalding circuit had found itself placed. It was a country district, some thirty miles in extent, grouped round the town after which it had been named. Here the Conference had hitherto possessed a flourishing cause, but the cream of the laity had gone over to the Reformers, who had now struggled on some time without a minister. Finding themselves unable to make satisfactory pro- They in- vite Mr. gress, they wrote to the central committee for a pastor, Booth. who should organise and superintend their scattered congregations. Mr. Booth was invited to fill the post. This appeared to be a call from God, and in it we can undoubtedly trace a Providential purpose. Hitherto his labours had been confined to large cities, which certainly furnished an admirable training- ground and scope for effort. Nevertheless, it would be difficult to over-estimate the value of the experi- ence gained by fifteen months of active toil in a coun- try district. The proportion of the world's population which -is " cabined, cribbed, confined " in towns is, 107 io8 MRS. BOOTH. 1852, Age 23. A useful experi- ence. Studies post- poned. The invi- tation ac- cepted. A hearty reception. after all, comparatively small. The vast majority are still settled on the land. It was as important that Mr. Booth should understand by personal experience their modes of living and habits of thought, as it was that he should explore the miserable recesses of slum- dom and familiarise himself with all the phases of city life. It was reported that the Spalding Reformers were more docile and amenable to discipline than the little knot with which Mr. Booth had associated in London. He would doubtless, therefore, have more liberty of action, and among the unconventional country peo- ple there appeared to him a better prospect for an ingathering of souls. On the other hand Miss Mumford argued that it would entail a further postponement of the prepar- ation which seemed so necessary for a ministerial career, and the unsettled state of the Reformers made it doubtful whether the goal of ordination could be reached within a reasonable time. Moreover, it in- volved a separation from which they mutually shrank. The ready access for communion and counsel, which London afforded, had been especially prized, and they could not but view the prospect of forfeiting it with reluctance. Mr. Booth, however, was so wearied with the in- activity of the past few months, that it certainly ap- peared worth while to give the new sphere a trial, and to judge on the spot what probability there might be for harmonious and successful effort. Hence, after united and earnest prayer, it was decided to accept the invitation to the Spalding circuit. It was the end of November, 1852, when, the preliminary negotiations being completed, he started for his new field of labour. That he was agreeably SPALDING, LONDON. 109 surprised and much gratified with his reception is 1852, evident in the following extracts from his letters to ge 23 ' Miss Mumford: " My reception has been beyond my highest anticipations. Indeed my hopes have risen fifty per cent, that this circuit will be unto me all that I want or need. " I do think it was the hand of God that brought me here. The fields are white unto the harvest. The friends are ex- tremely affectionate, and I believe that many precious souls will be gathered in unto God. I had a good day yesterday. The people were highly satisfied, and I trust benefited. " I know how pleased you will be when I tell you how kind all are to me. The best they have is at my service. The most talented, the most respectable, and the most holy men in the circuit, so far as I can judge, are on our side, and wherever I go, I am welcomed. " On Sunday I preached at Holbeach from the ' faithful saying. ' It went well. The people wept an excellent con- T ^ e P ef> - gregation. Strong men were completely melted down. It was a good time to my soul. In the afternoon Mr. Hardy wished me to preach for him at Thet Fen a small low house I could hardly stand upright in, but two rooms were full of precious souls fifty I should think, and I stood in the door-way and told how ready Jesus was to save to the uttermost all who came unto God by Him. At night we were full at Holbeach. I preached from Blind Bartimeus; some little liberty. Four souls cried for mercy." The letters abound with the deepest sentiments of affection : " I have brought with me to Spalding a far better likeness Better than the daguerreotype namely, your image stamped upon than the my soul. I press the dear outline of your features to my otype. lips and yearn for the original to press to my heart. Heaven smile upon thee, my dearest love." To these letters Miss Mumford responded cor- dially, at the same time sending the most practical advice, and entering with keenest interest into all the details of his life and work. She writes: no MS. BOOTH. 1852, " It affords me great pleasure to hear the minutiae of your Age 23. proceedings, and of the prosperity and extension of Reform principles in the circuit. I wish Mr. Hubbard and his coad- jutors [Conference preachers from Boston] would stay at home and let you have it all your own way, as I know you like that. But perhaps we ought rather to rejoice that Christ is preached even of contention. At all events I don't think Mr. Hubbard will do the people much harm. He has not sufficient talent to enrapture them with very eloquent eulogiums of Confer- ence. And as to his spirit, unless .very much altered, I dare almost venture my salvation on its Christlike character. I am very sorry and surprised that he does not come out on the side of Reform. But we must judge charitably. How to " I perceive, my love, by your remarks on the services you preach, have held, that you enjoy less liberty, when preaching in the larger places before the best congregations, than in the smaller ones. I am sorry for this, and am persuaded it is the fear of man which shackles you. Do not give place to this feeling. Remember you are the Lord's servant, and if you are a faithful one, it will be a small matter with you to be judged of man's judgment. Let nothing be wanting beforehand to make your sermons acceptable, but when in the pulpit try to lose sight of their worth or worthlessness, so far as composi- tion is concerned. Think only of their bearing on the destiny of those before you, and of your own responsibility to Him who hath sent you to declare His gospel. Pray for the wisdom which winneth souls, and never mind what impression the preacher makes, if the word preached takes effect. May the Lord bless you, my dearest love, and fit you to be His in- strument in saving others without its entailing any harm to your own soul." In another letter she says : " I was very pleased to hear you were going to read Mr. Fletcher's life. I hope you will always keep some stirring biography on the read. It is most profitable. Hoio to " I am much encouraged by the accounts of your prospects get on. j n thg c j rcu j t> an( j h ave no f ear about you suiting the people providing your heart is filled with the love of God, and your head stored with Scripture truth and useful knowledge. As a preacher I am sure you have nothing to fear. With a SPALDING, L OND ON. 1 1 1 1852, Age 2 3- Apolo- A favor- He air. reasonable amount of study, you are bound to succeed. Whereas, if you give place to fear about your ability, it will hamper you and make you appear to great disadvantage. " Try and cast off the fear of man. Fix your eye simply on the glory of God, and care not for the frown or praise of man. Rest not till your soul is fully alive to God. " You may justly consider me inadequate to advise you in spiritual matters. After living at so great a distance from God myself, I feel it deeply I feel as though I could lay myself at the feet of any of the Lord's faithful followers, covered with speechless shame for my unfaithfulness. But so great is my anxiety for your soul's prosperity, that I cannot for- bear to say a word sometimes, even though realizing that I need your advice far more than you need, mine." A few days later she writes : " The post-boy is just going past, singing that tune you lik'ed so, 'Why did my master sell me?' [a secular air to which Mr. Booth had adapted spiritual words.] He frequently passes my window humming it, and somehow it brings such a shade over my heart, making me realize my loneliness, now that I hear you sing it no longer ! " I have felt it very good to draw nigh unto God. Oh to live in the spirit of prayer ! I feel it is the secret of real re- ligion, the mainspring of all usefulness. In no frame does the soul so copiously receive and so radiantly reflect the rays of the Sun of Righteousness as in this !" The social qualities of the young preacher, from HIS early the very first, found him a place in the hearts of the people. His intense zeal was coupled with shrewd common sense, and his ultra-pietism was totally de- void of unnatural sanctimony. He had no patience for the religious stilts which, while they appear to elevate a minister from the level of his surroundings, fetter his liberty and retard his speed, substituting an ar- tificial superiority for that of spiritual life and power. Mr. Booth made himself as much at home among the pigs and poultry of his farmer audiences, as in their 112 MRS. BOOTH. 1852, parlours or the pulpit. Hence he became a universal ge 23 ' favourite, and the object of kindly attention and flat- tering appreciation from all classes alike. In referring to this Miss Mumford writes : Miss joices at J11-S V&CVO tion. The dan- popular- And of misdirect- ed ambi- tion. Fix it on the throne Eternal, No re- proofs, cautions, " My heart swells with gratitude and praise to God for His goodness in granting you such an auspicious commencement to your labours, and in opening the hearts of so many friends to receive and treat you kindly. To Mr. Hardy and Mr. and Mrs. Congreve I would say : ' Friends of my friend, I love you, though unknown, And boldly call you, being his, my own. ' " And yet I rejoice with trembling. I know how dangerous such attentions would be to a heart even less susceptible of its influence than yours. While a particle of the carnal mind remained I feel how dangerous it would be to me. ' And it fills me with tenderest anxiety for your spiritual* safety. You have special need for watchfulness and for much private in- tercourse with God. " My dearest love, beware how you indulge that dangerous element of character, ambition. Misdirected, it will be ever- lasting ruin to yourself and perhaps to me also. O my love, let nothing earthly excite it, let not self-aggrandisement fire it. Fix it on the Throne of the Eternal, and let it find the realization of its loftiest aspirations in the promotion of His glory, and it shall be consummated with the richest enjoy- ments and brightest glories of God's own Heaven. Those that honour Him He will honour, and to them who thus seek His glory, will He give to rule over the nations, and even to judge angels, who through a perverted ambition, the exaltation of self instead of God, have fallen from their allegiance and overcast their eternity with the blackness of darkness for ever. " I f ee l your danger. I could write sheets on the subject, but my full soul shall pour out its desires to that God Who has promised to supply all your need. In my estimation faithfulness is an indispensable ingredient of all true friend- ship. How much more of a love like mine: You say 'Re- prove advise me as you think necessary !' I have no reproofs, my dearest, but I have cautions, and I know you will con- sider them." SPALDFNG, L OND ON. \ \ 3 Miss Mumford's anxiety in regard to the question 1852, of study is expressed in the following passage : " Do assure me, my own dear William, that no lack of energy Urges or effort on your part shall hinder the improvement of those * v ' talents God has intrusted to you, and which he holds you responsible to improve to the uttermost. Your duty to God, to His Church, to me, to yourself, demands as much. If you really see no prospect of studying, then I think, in the highest interests of the future, you ought not to stay. " I have been revolving in my mind all day which will be How to your wisest plan under present circumstances, and it appears to me that as you are obliged to preach nearly every evening and at places so wide apart, it will be better to do as the friends advise, and stop all night where you preach. Do not attempt to walk long distances after the meetings. With a little management and a good deal of determination, I think you might accomplish even more that way as to study, than by going home each night. Could you not provide yourself with a small leather bag or case, large enough to hold your Bible and any other book you might require pens, ink, paper, and a candle ? And presuming that you generally have a room to yourself, could you not rise by six o'clock every morning, and convert your bedroom into a study till breakfast time? After breakfast and family devotion could you not again retire to your room and determinedly apply yourself till dinner time? Then start on your journey to your evening's appointment, get there for a comfortable tea and do the same again! I hope, my dearest love,. you will consider this plan, and adhere to it, if possible, as a. general practice, admitting a few exceptions which circumstances may occasion. Don't let little difficulties prevent its adoption. I am aware you would labour under many disadvantages, but once get the habit of abstracting your mind from your surroundings and it will be- come easy. Do not be over-anxious about the future. Spalding will not be your final destination, if you make the best of your ability" Referring to her Sunday-school work she says : " At Sunday-school I felt sadly annoyed and grieved at the school 'ex- injudicious use made of time and opportunity which might periences. 8 114 MRS. BOOTH. 1852, have been husbanded for so much good. It is a great trial for 23. me to g gut i (j on 't feel as though I could give it up at present. They are all very anxious for me to remain, the class refusing to be taught by others. Perhaps after all, I may be more useful there than in a better regulated school. If I did not hope so, I would not endure the mortification of another Sunday." Subsequently she writes more cheerfully : afternoon, when with my class, I enjoyed a season of sensible access to God. Oh, how sweet! Like a sudden burst of morning sunshine in a tempestuous night! I felt as if self were sinking, expiring, and for the moment the glory of God only seemed to engage and rivet the eye of my soul. Need I tell you that I had special liberty and pleasure in speaking to the children?" The letters contain constant allusions to the tem- perance question: Drink " I hope you don't forget," she writes, " to wage war with the tobacco, drinking customs. Be out-and-out on that subject. I am glad Mr. Shadford is a teetotaler. I hope he is also anti-tobacco and snuff." And when in a subsequent letter Mr. Booth men- tioned that he had been urged by some doctor to take port wine, she replies : Port wine " I need not say how willing, nay, how anxious, I am, that medicine. vou should have anything and everything which would tend to promote your health and happiness. But so thoroughly am I convinced that port wine would do neither, that I should hear of your taking it with unfeigned grief. You must not listen, my love, to the advice of every one claiming to be ex- perienced. Persons really experienced and judicious in many things, not unfrequently entertain notions the most fallacious on this subject. I have had it recommended to me scores of times by these individuals. But such recommendations have always gone for nothing, because I have felt that, however much my superiors such persons might be in other respects, on this subject I was the best informed. I have even argued the SP AIDING, L OND ON. point with Mr. Stevens [her doctor], and have, I am sure, completely set him fast for arguments to defend alcohol even as a medicine. I am fully and for ever settled on the physical side of the question. I believe you are on the moral and reli- gious, but I have not thought you were on the physical. Now, my love, it is absolutely necessary, in order to save you from being influenced by other people's false notions, that you should have a settled, intelligent conviction on the sub- ject. And in order that you may get this, I have been to the trouble of unpacking your box in order to send you a book, in which you will find several green marks and pencillings. I do hope you will read it, even if you sit up an hour later every night till you have done so, and I would not advise this for anything less important. " It is a subject on which I am most anxious you should be thorough. I abominate that hackneyed but monstrously in- consistent tale a teetotaler in principle, but obliged to take a little for my 'stomach's sake!' Such teetotalers aid the pro- gress of intemperance more than all the drunkards in the land ! And there are sadly too many of them among minis- ters. The fact is notorious, and doubtless the fault is chiefly with the people, who foolishly consider it a kindness to ; put the bottle to their neighbor's mouth' as frequently as they will receive it ! But my dear William will steadfastly resist such foolish advisers. I dare take the responsibility (and I have more reason to feel its weight than any other being). I have far more hope for your health, because you abstain from stimulating drinks, than I should if you took them. Flee the detestable thing as you would a serpent. Be a teetotaler in principle and practice." 1852, Age 23. The physical aspect of the question. Moderate drinkers. Foolish advisers. CHAPTER XII. A lofty concep- tion. The pul- pit mon- opolised. No mere figure- head. An early battle fought and won. WOMAN'S RIGHTS. 1853. THE new year found Miss Mumford diligently pre- paring for her future career as a minister's wife. She had a lofty conception, altogether in advance of the age, of the honour, the opportunity, and the re- sponsibility of the position to which she aspired. Had there been a theological institution at which she could have prosecuted her studies, she would doubtless have embraced the opportunity with eagerness. But the pulpit was monopolised by the other sex, and the idea had become firmly embedded in the creeds and opin- ions of Christendom that woman's sphere was limited to the home, or at least to the care and instruction of children. Nevertheless, Miss Mumford scorned the notion that a minister's wife was to content herself with being a mere ornamental appendage to her husband, a figure- head to grace his tea-table, or even a mother to care for his children. Her ideal was a far higher one. She believed it was her privilege to share his coun- sels, her duty to watch over and help his soul, and her pleasure to partake in his labours. She made no secret of her views in speaking and writing to Mr. Booth. Indeed, their first serious difference of opin- ion arose soon after their engagement in regard to the mental and social equality of woman as compared with man. Mr. Booth argued that while the former carried the palm in point of affection, the latter was 1X6 WOMAN'S MIGHTS. 117 her superior in regard to intellect. He quoted the 1853, old aphorism that woman has a fibre more in her heart and a cell less in her brain. Miss Mumford would not admit this for a moment. She held that intellectually woman was man's equal, and that, where it was not so, the inferiority was due to dis- advantages of training, a lack of opportunity, rather than to any shortcomings on the part of nature. In- deed she had avowed her determination never to take as her partner in life one who was not prepared to give woman her proper due. Mr. Booth, in spite of his usual inflexibility of pur- Open to . . convic- pose, has always been singularly open to conviction. tion. Can we wonder, then, that he succumbed to the logic of his fair disputant ? And thus a vantage-ground was gained of which the Salvation Army has since learned to make good use. A principle was laid down and es- tablished, which was to mightily affect the future of womankind, and indeed of humanity at large. The parties themselves at the time little imagined what was involved in the carrying out of that principle to its legitimate issue. Nevertheless it became henceforth an essential and important doctrine in their creed that in Jesus Christ there was neither male nor female, but that the Gospel combined with nature to place both on a footing of absolute mental and spiritual equality. Miss Mumford's views on this subject are so ad- mirably expressed in a letter addressed by her to her pastor, Dr. David Thomas, and the question is so f e 7J" important a one, that we cannot do better than quote Dr - J. flOl)l(.tS, her remarks in full : " DEAR SIR : You will doubtless be surprised at the receipt of this communication, and I assure you it is with great reluct- ance and a feeling of profound respect that I make it. Were it not for the high estimate I entertain for both your intellect MRS. BOOTH. 1853, Age 24. Woman not mor- ally in- ferior to man. Study the subject. Takes her stand up- on the Bible. Educa- tionally, but not naturally inferior. and heart, I would spare the sacrifice it will cost me. But because I believe you love truth, of whatever kind, and would not willingly countenance or propagate erroneous views on any subject, I venture to address you. " Excuse me, my dear sir, I feel myself but a babe in com- parison with you. But permit me to call your attention to a subject on which my heart has been deeply pained. In your discourse on Sunday morning, when descanting on the policy of Satan in first attacking the most assailable of our race, your remarks appeared to imply the doctrine of woman's intellect- ual and even moral inferiority to man. I cannot believe that you intended to be so understood, at least with reference to her moral nature. But I fear the tenor of your remarks would too surely leave such an impression on the minds of many of your congregation, and I for one cannot but deeply regret that a man for whom I entertain such a high veneration should appear to hold views so derogatory to my sex, and which I believe to be unscriptural and dishonouring to God. " Permit me, my dear sir, to ask whether you have ever made the subject of woman's equality as a being, the matter of calm investigation and thought? If not I would, with all deference, suggest it as a subject well worth the exercise of your brain, and calculated amply to repay any research you may bestow upon it. " So far as Scriptural evidence is concerned, did I but pos- sess ability to do justice to the subject, I dare take my stand on /'/ against the world in defending her perfect equality. And it is because I am persuaded that no honest, unprejudiced investigation of the sacred volume can give perpetuity to the mere assumptions and false notions which have gained cur- rency in society on this subject, that I so earnestly commend it to your attention. I have such confidence in the nobility of your nature, that I feel certain neither prejudice nor custom can . blind you to the truth, if you will once turn attention to the matter. " That woman is, in consequence of her inadequate educa- tion, generally inferior to man intellectually, I admit. But that she is naturally so, as your remarks seemed to imply, I see no cause to believe. I think the disparity is as easily ac- counted for as the difference between woman intellectually in this country and under the degrading slavery of heathen WOMAN'S RIGHTS. 119 lands. No argument, in my judgment, can be drawn from past experience on this point, because the past has been false in theory and wrong in practice. Never yet in the history of the world has woman been placed on an intellectual footing with man. Her training from babyhood, even in this highly favoured land, has hitherto been such as to cramp and paralyse, rather than to develop and strengthen, her energies, and cal- culated to crush and wither her aspirations after mental great- ness rather than to excite and stimulate them. And even where the more directly depressing influence has been withdrawn, the indirect and more powerful stimulus has been wanting. " What inducement has been held out to her to cultivate habits of seclusion, meditation, and thought? What sphere has been open to her? What kind of estimate would have been formed of her a few generations back, had she presumed to enter the temple of learning, or to have turned her attain- ments to any practical account? And even to within a very few years, has not her education been more calculated to ren- der her a serf, a toy, a plaything, rather than a self-dependent, reflecting, intellectual being? The day is only just dawning with reference to female education, and therefore any verdict on woman as an intellectual being must be premature and un- satisfactory. Thank God, however, we are not without num- erous and noble examples of what she may become, when prejudice and error shall give way to light and truth, and her powers be duly appreciated and developed. " The world has had its intellectual as well as its moral hero- ines, despite all the disappointments and discouragements the female mind has had to surmount. As you, my dear sir, often say in reference to other subjects,, 'a brighter day is dawning, ' and ere long woman will assume her true position, and rise to the full height of her intellectual stature. Then shall the cherished, though but human, dogma of having 'a cell less in her brain, ' with all kindred assumptions, be ex- ploded and perish before the spell of her developed and culti- vated mind. " But, lest I swell this letter to an unseemly length, I must hasten to say a word or two on the moral side of the ques- tion. And here I am quite sure your remarks implied more than you intended. For I cannot believe that you consider woman morally more remote from God than man, or less 1853, Age 24. False theory and wrong practice. Her ca- pacities unculti- vated. Explod- ing the fallacies. Moral as- pect of the ques- tion. I2O MRS. BOOTH. 1853, Age 24. Placed by God on same moral footing. Her moral courage. What Chris- tianity does for woman. Man- made re- ligions debase woman. capable of loving Him ardently and serving Him faithfully. If such were the case, would not the great and just One have made some difference in His mode of dealing with her? But has He not placed her on precisely the same moral footing, and under the same moral government with her companion? Does she not sustain the same relation to Himself and to the moral law? And is she not exposed to the same penalties and an heir of the same immortality? This being the case, I argue that she possesses equal moral capacity. " Experience also on this point I think affords conclusive evidence. Who, since the personal manifestation and cruci- fixion of our Lord, have ever been His most numerous and faithful followers? On whom has the horrible persecution of past ages fallen with most virulence, if not on the sensitive heart of woman? And yet how rarely has she betrayed moral weakness by denying her Lord, or moral remoteness from Him by listening to the tempter ! Has she not, on the con- trary, stood a noble witness for Christ in scenes and circum- stances the most agonizing to her nature, and with Paul liter- ally counted all things (even husband and children) but loss for His sake? And even now is she not in thousands of in- stances ' dying daily ; ' waging a silent, unostentatious conflict with evil, and groaning under a tyranny compared with which the flames of martrydom would be welcome? " Oh, the thing which next to the revelation of the plan of salvation endears Christianity to my heart is, what it has done, and is destined to do, for my sex. And any attempt to deduce from its historical records or practical precepts views and doctrines derogatory thereto, I cannot but regard with heartfelt regret. " All man-made religions indeed neglect or debase woman, but the religion of Christ recognizes her individuality and raises her to the dignity of an independent moral agent. Un- der the Old Testament dispensation we have several instances of Jehovah choosing woman as a vehicle of His thoughts and the direct and authorized exponent of His will. (Judges iv. ; ii. Kings xxii. 13-20; Micah vi. 4.) And in the New Testa- ment she is fully restored to her original position, it being expressly stated that in Christ Jesus there is neither male nor female, and the promise of the outpouring of the Spirit is no less to the handmaidens than to the servants of the Lord. WOMAN'S XIGffTS. 121 " It appears to me that a great deal of prejudice and many mistaken views on this subject arise from confounding wo- man's relative subjection with inferiority of nature, as though one depended on the other, whereas it appears to me entirely distinct. God, who had a right to determine the penalty for sin, has clearly defined and fixed a woman's domestic and social position, and, as a part of her curse, He has made it that of subjection, not, however, as a being, but only in a certain re- lationship, subjection to her own husband. This was imposed upon her expressly as a punishment for sin, and not on the ground of inferiority, intellectual or moral. Indeed had this subjection existed prior to the Fall, as the natural conse- quences of inferiority, there would have been no force in the words 'He shall be over thee. ' But to subject a being of equal power and strength of will to the will of another does appear to me to be a curse indeed, when both are unregener- ate. " Here, however, the glorious provisions of Christianity come in to those who are united in Christ. The seed of the woman, having bruised the head of her old enemy, and taken the curse out of the way, nailing it to His cross, the wife may realize as blissful and perfect a oneness with her husband as though it had never been pronounced. For while the sem- blance of it remains, Jesus has beautifully extracted the sting by making love the law of marriage, and by restoring the insti- tution itself to its original sanctity. What wife would not be careful to reverence a husband, who loves her as Christ loves the Church? Surely the honour put upon woman by the Lord, both in His example and precepts, should make His religion doubly precious to her and render His sanctuary her safe refuge from everything derogatory or insulting to her nature ! " Oh that Christians at heart would throw off the trammels of prejudice, and try to arrive at the truth on this subject! Oh that men of noble souls and able intellect would investi- gate it, and then ask themselves and their compeers, why the influence of woman should be so underestimated, that a book, a sermon, or a lecture addressed to her is a rarity, while those to young men are multiplied indefinitely? If it be only partially true that those who rock the cradle rule the world, how much greater is the influence wielded over the mind of future ages by the mothers of the next generation than by all 1853, Age 24. Her rel- ative sub- jection. Not in~ feriority of nature, But a punish- ment for sin. The curse taken away by Christ. The law of love. The truth on the subject. Woman the key to the situ- ation. 122 MRS. BOOTH. 1853, Age 24. Degrad- ing notions. The duty of the Church. The cause of non- success. I love my sex. Indepen- dent views. Domestic position. the young men living! Vain, in my opinion, will be all efforts to impregnate minds generally with noble sentiments and lofty aspirations, while the mothers of humanity are com- paratively neglected, and their minds indoctrinated from the school-room, the press, the platform, and even the pulpit, with self-degrading feelings and servile notions of their own inferiority ! Never till woman is estimated and educated as man's equal the literal 'she-man' of the Hebrew will the foundation of human influence become pure, or the bias of mind noble and lofty. " Oh that the ministers of religion would search the original records of God's word in order to discover whether the general notions of society are not wrong on this subject, and whether God really intended woman to bury her gifts and talents, as she now does, with reference to the interests of His Church ! Oh that the Church generally would inquire whether narrow prejudice and lordly usurpation has not something to do with the circumscribed sphere of woman's religious labours, and whether much of the non-success of the Gospel is not attri- butable to the restrictions imposed upon the operations of the Holy Ghost in this as well as other particulars ! Would to God that the truth on this subject, so important to the inter- ests of future generations, were better understood and prac- tically recognised ! And it is because I feel that it is only the truth that needs to be understood, that I make this appeal to one who, I believe, loves truth for its own sake, and who, I know, possesses the ability to aid in its manifestation. " Forgive me, my dear sir, if I have spoken too boldly. I feel deeply on this subject, though God knows it is not on personal grounds. I love my sex. I desire above all earthly things their moral and intellectual elevation. I believe it would be the greatest boon to our race. And though I deeply feel my own inability to help it forward, I could not satisfy my conscience without making this humble attempt to enlist one whose noble sentiments on other subjects have so long been precious to my soul. " Allow me to say, in conclusion, that the views I have ex- pressed are as independent and distinct from any society or association of whatever name, as your own on the war ques- tion. I have no sympathy with those who would alter woman's domestic and social position from what is laid down WOMAN'S RIGHTS. 123 in the Scriptures. This, I believe, God has clearly defined, 1853, and has given the reason for His conduct. And, therefore, I ^S e 2 4- submit, feeling that in wisdom and love, as well as in judg- ment, He has. done it. But on the subject of equality of nature, I believe my convictions are true. " But I fear I have swelled this communication to an undue Equality length, though I realize how imperfectly I have expressed my- self. I hope, however, if there be anything worth your atten- tion, you will not despise it on account of its illogical expres- sion. Nay, I feel sure you will not. Neither, I trust, will you judge me harshly for withholding my name. I began this let- ter hesitating whether I should do so or not. But there being nothing in it of a personal character, or which can at all be influenced by the recognition of the critic, and it being the furthest from my thoughts to obtrude myself upon your notice, I shall feel at liberty to subscribe myself an attentive hearer, and I trust a mental and spiritual debtor to your ministry." The practical commentary on the opinions expressed A li f g -. comment. in this letter is indelibly written upon the whole life of Catherine Booth. Her views never altered. She was to the end of her days an unfailing, unflinching", uncompromising champion of woman's rights. There were few subjects that would so readily call forth the latent fire, as any reflection upon the capacities or relative position of woman. " I despise the attitude of the English press toward T ^ d ^i' woman," she remarked one day. " Let a man make the Press. a decent speech on any subject, and he is lauded to the skies. Whereas, however magnificent a speech a woman may make, all she gets is, 'Mrs. So-and-so delivered an earnest address!' "I don't speak for myself. My personal experi- ence, especially outside London, has been otherwise. But I do feel it keenly on behalf of womankind at large, that the man should be praised, while the woman, who has probably fought her way through inconceivably greater difficulties in order to achieve 124 MRS. BOOTH. 1853, the same result, should be passed over without a Age 24. , , word! Grinding " I have tried to grind it into my boys that their ftoys. er sisters were just as intelligent and capable as them- selves. Jesus Christ's principle was to put woman on the same platform as man, although I am sorry to say His apostles did not always act up to it." NO idea At the time, however, of which we are writing, of a pub- lic min- nothing was further from Miss Mumford's mind than the idea of any public ministry for herself. The highest position to which she then aspired, and which seemed to be within the legitimate sphere of a wo- man's influence, was that of seconding her husband's public efforts in a private capacity. She says in one of her letters written to Mr. Booth at this time, that she was sending him some notes and extracts which she had made from various sources, and that she would continue to do this from time to time, adding, " Perhaps you will not object to receive something original occasionally, provided that it is short." And twring so we find her manufacturing sermons long before she the moral and Divine. Hence nature had full play, and produced the same striking contrasts as in the in- animate world. There was robustness and vigour without angularity, firm conviction without dogmat- vigorous .,, ......... but not ism, intellectual power combined with feminine grace angular. and tenderness. She was a good hater ; she abhorred that which was evil, and fearlessly denounced it, be the consequences what they might. For the Phari- sees she had little patience, while over publicans and sinners she yearned with a sympathy and compassion that knew no bounds. There was an originality and muscularity, so to speak, about her religion, very different from the sickening sentimentality which often passes by the name. A striking illustration of this occurred during the present period, and is deserving of something more than a passing notice, inasmuch as it furnishes an op- portunity for the expression of her views on the im- portant subject of courtship and marriage. Among the circle of her personal friends was a lady, to whom she was very much attached, and who 132 MRS. BOOTH. 1853. had been engaged for some years to a minister. So- cially she was his equal, while her talents and piety admirably fitted her for the position she was to occupy. It so happened, however, that in the neighbourhood there resided a wealthy family, at whose house he be- came a frequent visitor. Finding there was an op- portunity for bettering his worldly interests he basely A broken broke off his engagement, adding insult to injury by ment. . alleging as his reason that he did not and could not love her. Soon afterward, however, it became known that he was engaged to a daughter of the family re- ferred to. Miss Mumford was indignant at the heart- less treatment of her friend, whose sorrow she entered into as though it had been her own. To her the vows The vows of betrothal were as sacred as those of marriage, es- betrothai. pecially when, as in this case, they had not only been entered upon with deliberation, but had extended over a considerable space of time. The motives which had prompted the desertion seemed to her mean and contemptible in the extreme. That a true heart should be lacerated, its confidence betrayed, and its happiness extinguished with such wanton cruelty, and this by one who professed to be a minister of Christ, seemed to her incapable of defence or palliation. Referring to the episode in a letter written at the time she says: " I received a distracted, heart-rending letter last week from Miss , and wrote one of four sheets in reply. Poor dear girl, I do feel for her! She will, in spite of all I can say, blame herself and continue to look at the mean villain as if he were a treasure. Oh, I cannot tell you how I loathe him now she has told me all, and it does not exalt her in my esteem that she can manifest a willingness to be the slave of a man who has told her he did not love her ! But I make every allow- ance for her state of mind. " She seems to regard me with uncommon affection, and VIEWS ON COURTSHIP AND MARRIAGE; 133 thinks my letters I don't know what. Poor girl, I wish she 1853, could rise above it ! As for him, he has thrown away a loving Age 2 4- heart and superior mind to grasp a little gold, and he will lose both, so surely has his own wickedness corrected him ! He seems to fear the exposure. He has resigned office and says he will emigrate. I should hope he will ! He ought to be sent out of the country free of expense ! What can we think of a young man, who would go in and out of a house, where he saw he was making a false impression on the mind of a lady, without giving her any intimation that he was engaged ? What sort of love could he feel for the professed object of his choice? What kind of notions would he entertain of manly honour? What species of religion could he possess, who would so coolly sacrifice honour and humanity and one who loved him, in order to possess himself of a little gold?" It was not that Miss Mtimford doubted that many Unsuit- rashly formed engagements would better be cancelled a gage- rather than consummated in a marriage which would ments - mean a life of prolonged misery to both parties. But in such cases she believed that whatever action was taken should be by mutual consent, or at least with the tenderest consideration for the feelings of each concerned. "Who can wonder." she remarked in later life. The cause ' of un- "that marriage is so often a failure, when we observe happy i-t . 1 i -i 1 mar- ine ridiculous way in which courtship is commonly riages. carried on? Would not any partnership result disas- trously that was entered into in so blind and senseless a fashion? " Perhaps the greatest evil of all is hurry. Young The evil people do not allow themselves time to know each other before an engagement is formed. They should take time, and make opportunities for acquainting themselves with each other's character, disposition, and peculiarities before coming to a decision. This is the great point. They should on no account com- mit themselves until they are fully satisfied in their 134 MRS. BOOTH. 1853, Age 24. Acting on principle. Congeni- ality of temper- ament. The bread- winner and house- keeper idea. Religious agree- ment. own minds, assured that if they have a doubt before- hand it generally increases afterward. I am con- vinced that this is where thousands make shipwreck, and mourn the consequences all their lives. "Then again, every courtship ought to be based on certain definite principles. This, too, is a fruitful cause of mistake and misery. Very few have a defi- nite idea as to what they want in a partner, and hence they do not look for it. They simply go about the matter in a haphazard sort of fashion, and jump into an alliance upon the first drawings of mere natural feeling, regardless of the laws which govern such relationships. " In the first place, each of the parties ought to be satisfied that there are to be found in the other such qualities as would make them friends if they were of the same sex. In other words, there should be a con- geniality and compatibility of temperament. For instance, it must be a fatal error, fraught with per- petual misery, for a man who has mental gifts and high aspirations to marry a woman who is only fit to be a mere drudge ; or for a woman of refinement and ability to marry a man who is good for nothing better than to follow the plough, or look after a machine. And yet, how many seek for a mere bread-winner, or a housekeeper, rather than for a friend, a counsellor and companion. Unhappy marriages are usually the consequences of too great a disparity of mind, age, temperament, training, or antecedents. " As quite a young girl I early made up my mind to certain qualifications which I regarded as indispen- sable to the forming of any engagement. " In the first place, I was determined that his re- ligious views must coincide with mine. He must be a sincere Christian; not a nominal one, or a mere church VIEWS ON COURTSHIP AND MARRIAGE. 135 member, but truly converted to God. It is probably 1853, not too much to say, that so far as professedly relig- ious people are concerned, three-fourths of the matri- monial misery endured is brought upon themselves by the neglect of this principle. Those who do, at least in a measure, love God and try to serve Him, form alliances with those who have no regard for His laws, and who practically, if not avowedly, live as though He had no existence. Marriage is a Divine institution, and in order to ensure at any rate the highest and most lasting happiness, the persons who enter into it must first of all themselves be in the Divine plan. For if a man or woman be not able to restrain and govern their own natures, how can they reasonably expect to control the nature of another? If his or her being is not in harmony with itself, how can it be in harmony with that of anybody else? " Thousands of Christians, women especially, have A sad ear- proved by bitter experience that neither money, po- pei sition, nor any other worldly advantage has availed to prevent the punishment that invariably attends disobedience to the command, ' Be not unequally yoked together with unbelievers. ' " The second essential which I resolved upon was similar- ity of that he should be a man of sense. I knew that I charac- could never respect a fool, or one much weaker men- tally than myself. Many imagine that because a person is converted, that is all that is required. This is a great mistake. There ought to be a similarity or congeniality of character as well as of grace. As a dear old man, whom I often quote, once said, 'When thou choosest a companion for life, choose one with whom thou couldst live without grace, lest he lose it!' " The third essential consisted of oneness of views Oneness and tastes, any idea of lordship or ownership being 136 MKS. BOOTH. 1853, lost in love. There can be no doubt that Jesus Christ ge 24 ' intended, by making love the law of marriage, to re- The law store woman to the position God intended her to oc- tve ' cupy, as also to destroy the curse of the fall, which man by dint of his merely superior physical strength and advantageous position had magnified, if not really to a large extent manufactured. Of course there Mutual must and will be mutual yielding wherever there is ^tafaT proper love, because it is a pleasure and a joy to yield our own wills to those for whom we have real affection, whenever it can be done with an approving con- science. This is just as true with regard to man as to woman, and if we have never proved it individually during married life, most of us have had abundant evidence of it at any rate during courting days. NO physt- " p O r the same reason neither party should attempt cal repug- J nance, to force an alliance where there exists a physical re- pugnance. Natural instinct in this respect is usually too strong for reason, and asserts itself in after life in such a way as to make both supremely miserable, although, on the other hand, nothing can be more absurd than a union founded on attractions of a mere physical character, or on the more showy and shallow mental accomplishments that usually first strike the eye of a stranger. An ab- " Another resolution that I made was that I would stainer from con- never marry a man who was not a total abstainer, and this from conviction, and not merely in order to grat- ify me. Certain " Besides these things, which I looked upon as be- prefer- ences. ing absolutely essential, I had, like most people, certain preferences. The first was that the object of my choice should be a minister, feeling that as his wife I could occupy the highest possible sphere of Christian usefulness. Then I very much desired MR. MUMFORD. VIEWS ON COURTSHIP AND MARRIAGE. 137 that he should be dark and tall, and had a special liking for the name ' William. ' Singularly enough, in adhering to my essentials, my fancies were also grati- fied, and in my case the promise was certainly fulfilled, ' Delight thyself in the Lord and He shall give thee the desires of thy heart. ' " There were also certain rules which I formulated for my married life, before I was married or even en- gaged. I have carried them out ever since my wed- ding day, and the experience of all these years has abundantly demonstrated their value. " The first was, never to have any secrets from my husband in anything that affected our mutual relation- ship, or the interests of the family. The confidence of others in spiritual matters I did not consider as coming under this category, but as being the secrets of others, and therefore not my property. " The second rule was, never to have two purses, thus avoiding even the temptation of having any secrets of a domestic character. " My third principle was that, in matters where there was any difference of opinion, I would show my hus- band my views and the reasons on which they were based, and try to convince in favour of my way of looking at the subject. This generally resulted either in his being converted to my views, or in my being converted to his, either result securing unity of thought and action. " My fourth rule was, in cases of difference of opin- ion never to argue in the presence of the children. I thought it better even to submit at the time to what I might consider as mistaken judgment, rather than have a controversy before them. But of course when such occasions arose, I took the first opportunity for arguing the matter out. My subsequent experi- 1853, Age 24. Rules for married life. No secrets. One purse. Unity of action. No argu- ing before the children. 138 MRS. BOOTH. JSsa, ence has abundantly proved to me the wisdom of this Age 24. course. The How God blessed a union formed on such rational principles, and in such obvious harmony with His highest designs, the following narrative will in some degree disclose. The value, too, of acting on principle rather than according to the dictates of mere emotion, or the passing influences of the hour, has been strik- ingly manifested, not only in Mrs. Booth's own case, but in the happy marriages of her children. And the world has thus been furnished with object-lessons of what unions so entered upon may accomplish. In fulfilling the highest purposes of God, none can fail to advance their own best interests, whilst they extract from their sorrows that peculiar sting, the realisation that they have been self-inflicted. CHAPTER XIV. THE GENERAL'S JOURNAL AND THE METHODIST NEW CONNEXION. 1853. GENERAL BOOTH as the first Salvation Army Cap- The first tain in charge of his first Corps is too tempting a pic- ture to pass by. Indeed we can hardly do justice to the early days of his future Lieutenant-for-life with- out some description of the Captain in this his first independent command. To Salvationists all over the world, and in all ages, the story of the early struggles and remarkable achievements of the founders of the movement must ever possess a peculiar charm. And although our narrative, strictly speaking, concerns but one, nevertheless the lives of both are henceforth so intertwined, that it becomes necessary to refer to the one in describing the other. The Reformers having broken loose from the au- No cen- tral con- thority of the Wesleyan Conference, without having troi. formed any central government of their own, each circuit, like Israel of old, did very much what seemed good in their own eyes. Hence, so far as any supe- rior authority was concerned, Mr. Booth found him- self practically unfettered. From the leading mem- bers of his flock he had met with, as we have already learned, an unusually warm-hearted reception. They were justly proud of his talents, and still more grat- ified with his success. Wherever he went souls were saved. Indeed, from the first, he could not tolerate f}JJI3&. a ministry destitute of results, and felt as if some- lag 140 MRS. BOOTH. 1853, Age 24. Extracts from his earliest journal. thing must be wrong unless there were penitents at every meeting. The aim of all his services was to force his hearers to immediate decision on the life- and-death subjects affecting their eternal welfare. The example of Caughey, the teachings of Finney, the life and writings of John Wesley, and the labours of other successful evangelists were burnt in upon his soul. He realised that the same Holy Spirit which had inspired them was able through him to accomplish similar results. And before long his most sanguine expectations were more than realised. To give a detailed account of Mr. Booth's labours in Spalding must be reserved for some future histo- rian, but a few extracts from his earliest journal will be read with interest, and must serve as a specimen of the rest : " 3d November, 1853. I have to-day given myself afresh to God. On my knees I have been promising Him that if He will help me, I will aim only at souls, and live and die for their salvation. 1 feel a delightful and soul-cheering victory over what has often been of late very severe temptation. "Wednesday, i2th November, 1853. Two souls weeping very bitterly. I never saw persons in deeper distress. From about eight until half-past ten they wept incessantly on ac- count of their sins. "Sunday, i6th November. In the morning very large congregation. VeTy little liberty, but good was done, as I afterward learned. " Evening. Liberty in preaching. Fourteen persons came forward, many, if not all, of whom found the Saviour. Praise the Lord !" Bringing Mr. Booth's custom was to invite the anxious to xious*toa come forward to the communion-rail, thus publicly decision. s jg n jfyi n g their desire to serve God. This custom has since been followed in the Salvation Army with glorious results, and has no doubt brought thousands THE GENERAL'S JOURNAL. 141 to a definite decision, who would otherwise have deferred the matter, and thus in many instances have failed to come to the point at all. "Monday. Preaching at Spalding. Good congregation. Four came forward, two of whom professed to find Jesus. I exerted myself very much in the prayer-meeting, and felt very deeply. I prayed very earnestly over an old man, who had been a backslider seven years. He cried a great deal and prayed, 'O Lord, if Thou canst wash a heart as black as hell, save me!' By exerting myself so much I became very ill, and could not leave the house for the rest of the week. Sunday, 23d November. I started from home rather un- well. Mr. Shadford begged me to tell the people I was ill, and said they would readily understand it by the sight of my haggard appearance. I was planned at Donnington for morn- ing and night and Swineshead Bridge for the afternoon. At night the Lord helped me to preach, and fourteen came out. Many more sought Jesus, but fourteen names were taken as having found Him. It was indeed a very precious meeting a melting, moving time. May God keep them faithful ! " Monday, Swineshead Bridge. Here I was to preach three nights, with a view to promoting a revival. Many things seemed against us and our project, but the Lord was for us. After the preaching, two came out for mercy, and the Lord saved them both. This raised our faith and cheered our spirits, especially as there were several more in distress. "Tuesday. Congregation better. The news had flown that the Lord was saving, and this seldom fails to bring a crowd. The word of the Lord was with power, and six cried for mercy. A glorious meeting we had. I determined to stop the rest of the week at the earnest solicitation of the people." In a later entry Mr. Booth adds : " During the remainder of the time many more sought sal- vation. I shall always meditate with pleasure on the week I spent at Swineshead Bridge. I prayed and preached with more of the expectation of faith, and saw greater success than I ever saw in a week before during my history. " Friday, igih December. Received a letter from Mr. 1853, Age 24. Fourteen find mercy. The best week yet. 142 MRS. BOOTH. 1853, Age 24. The Caistor revival. Thirty- six for salvation. A second visit. Wigglesworth, solicitor, of Donnington, requesting me to spend the ensuing week at Caistor, a small town about twenty miles south of Hull, he promising to take my appointments in my own circuit. To this I consented. " Saturday, 2oth December. I arrived at Caistor about 4 P.M. My coming was altogether unexpected, but the bellman was sent round the town, and the friends did all they could to make it known. " Sunday. In the morning we had a salvation meeting, and I offered many reasons why the members should join me in seeking a revival in Caistor. We knelt and gave ourselves afresh to God. "Afternoon. The place was crowded. The singing was delightful. The people wept, and conviction seized many hearts, which ended in conversion. "Night. One of the most glorious services I ever held. I did not preach with much liberty, but there was power and feeling, and in the prayer-meeting many cried for salvation. " Every night the place was full, sometimes densely crowded. Thirty-six found salvation. Among others the following was an interesting case : Mr. Joseph Wigglesworth, the brother of the gentleman who prevailed on me to come to Caistor, at- tended the morning meeting. I found he was then deeply wrought upon. He came in the afternoon and wept. At night I spoke to him. He had for years enjoyed the Methodist privileges nay, from infancy he had been blessed with a religious training. Yet he was unsaved, and could never be prevailed upon to come to a prayer-meeting. I talked to him about the importance of decision. He broke down, came boldly to the penitent-form, and with many tears and prayers, sought and obtained forgiveness. It was a splendid case and did us all good." A month later Mr. Booth visited Caistor a second time, and writes: " I left Spalding for Caistor, where I had promised to spend another week. The friends were well, and very pleased to see me. " Sunday. We held in the morning a precious meeting. Only two out of the thirty-six, who had found the Lord during THE GENERALS JOURNAL. 143 my previous visit, had gone back to the beggarly elements of 1853, the world. A S e 2 4- " Afternoon and evening I preached in the Independent chapel, which had long been closed. The many fears we had indulged with regard to the congregation were dispersed when we saw it comfortably filled in the afternoon. In the evening we had a most triumphant meeting. God was with us eminently. I at once promised to stay the whole of the week. " I wrote a bill which we got printed and taken to every house in Caistor and the surrounding villages. The result was a glorious harvest. Seventy-six were saved during the Seventy- week, and I only left them under a promise to return the next week but one. The whole town was in a ferment. " Saturday, February 7th, Caistor. Returned here for an- other week. "Sunday. Not so successful, although the congregations were overflowing. " Monday night. A good time and many saved. "Friday. Every night many souls saved. To-night the influence was overwhelming. The parting with this dear people was very painful. I had never experienced anything approaching to the success with which God crowned my A re- labors here ; I found them a poor, despised people, meeting in hanqe C an old upper room, with about thirty-five members, and I left them with over two hundred members in a good roomy chapel, full of spirits, and very many precious souls all over the town under deep conviction. May God take care of them and guide them safe to Heaven, and may I meet them there !" But although his labours were attended with such The , . , . , , Methodist multiplied success, nevertheless both Miss Mumford New Con- and Mr. Booth felt that it was high time either for the Reform movement to become crystallised into a united organisation of its own, with a distinctive gov- ernment whose authority would be acknowledged by all, or, failing this, that it would be necessary for Mr. Booth to attach himself to some church which an- swered to this description. It so happened that at this very period he became acquainted with the Meth- 144 MKS. BOOTH. 1853, odist New Connexion, which to his mind appeared admirably fitted to the requirements of the Reform- ers, combining a liberal government with Wesleyan doctrine. Here was the very opportunity for which Mr. Booth had so long looked, and he conceived the "bold idea of not only joining them himself but of urg- ing the entire body to do the same. its origin. The Methodist New Connexion is the first-born of the numerous Wesleyan progeny, to which the parent organisation gave birth after the death of its founder in 1791. It is no small testimony to the creative gen- ius of Wesley that each member of the family is almost a facsimile of the rest. Indeed the doctrines identical, are identically those which he formulated. His rich hymnology and peculiar nomenclature have also been The bum- preserved intact. It has only been on questions of ing ques- . . tion. church government, similar to those which gave rise to the Reform agitation, that differences of opinion and consequent divisions have arisen. Indeed in not a few instances it would puzzle any outsider, not thoroughly versed in all the subtle distinctions of Methodistic polity, to say wherein the various branches of that body differ, or to which the palm of superiority may fairly be ascribed. Further During the last few years there has been a strongly assimila- . . tion. marked tendency to still further assimilate, and it seems within the range of possibility that the union of the Methodist bodies which has already taken place in Canada may be succeeded by a world-wide con- solidation, which would doubtless strengthen the po- sition of Wesleyanism and place it numerically at the head of Protestant Christendom, although historically of so recent origin. It would certainly be a remark- able coincidence if such a reunion were based, as seems not improbable, on the very principles which THE GENERALS JOURNAL. 145 led to the secession of 1791. The gulf which divided 1853, the orthodox party from the dissentients then has since been bridged by the concession of nearly every- thing which was at that time refused. The links which bound John Wesley's followers Broken to the Church of England have long since been broken. At the time of which we speak, their po- sition resembled very closely the present semi- independence of the various missionary societies, save that the national clergy were then far less tolerant of anything out of the beaten track than they are now. How far the germs of ultimate separation exist in these more recent developments of Church activity would form an interesting subject for speculation, but for this we have neither time nor space. The question, as it concerned John Wesley's or- Wesley , . .,.,.!:. . . opposed ganisation, had even during his lifetime given rise to tosepara- burning discussions. He had, however, set his face like a flint against all proposals for separation. His " travelling preacher" had not been allowed to admin- ister the sacraments. Meetings were not held during the hours of " Divine service" in the national church. And Wesley discouraged generally the assumption of ministerial titles, or priestly functions. On this and other questions the Annual Conference Differ- of Preachers, which had been bound together hitherto opinion. by his strong personality, became divided after his death. Some were desirous of adhering rigidly to their venerated founder's policy, while others con- tended for the introduction of such alterations as might from time to time appear advisable. Among the most prominent of the latter party was Aiex- a young preacher named Alexander Kilham, who spoke strongly on behalf of reform, publishing sev- eral pamphlets on the subject. The principal changes 10 146 MRS. BOOTH. 1853, which he advocated were, that the travelling preachers ge 24< should be authorised to administer the sacraments, and that the laity should have equal power with the ministry in the government of the organisation. He supported his arguments by casting serious reflections on the existing management of affairs, and by alleging that abuses had already arisen, which he believed could only be effectually dealt with by introducing delegates from the laity both into the Annual Confer- ence and into the district meetings. His ex- For these publications Kilham was tried and ex- pulsion. pelled in 1 796. This led to his publishing a monthly pamphlet which was styled the Methodist Monitor, and which developed two years later into the Methodist New Connexion Magazine, for the purpose of advocating his views. Mr. Kilham still nourished a hope that the Conference would ultimately grant the concessions for which he and his friends had asked. But in this he was disappointed, and it soon became clear that nothing further was to be expected, especially in re- gard to the question of lay representation. Forma- The first step taken toward a separation was the the^/w purchase of Ebenezer Chapel in Leeds from the Bap- tists. This was opened in May, 1797, Mr. Kilham conducting the services. The Conference met in July, when a final, but abortive, effort was made to induce them to reconsider their decision. The fail- ure of this attempt led to the resignation of three more ministers, who united with Mr. Kilham and a few other friends at Ebenezer Chapel in establishing the New Connexion. The outlines of a constitution were agreed upon in accordance with the views ad- vocated by Mr. Kilham, who became the secretary of the organisation, while the Rev. Thorn, one of the dissentient ministers, was elected its first president. THE GENERAL'S JOURNAL. 147 The principle of lay representation round which the controversy most fiercely raged, and which be- came the chief plank in the platform of the New Con- nexion, has since been adopted with certain modifica- tions by every branch of Wesleyanism, and it seems not unlikely that if there ever should be a general amalgamation, it will take place on the lines laid down by this earliest reform movement. One is tempted to speculate as to the possible history of a united Methodism during the past hundred years, had the suggestions of young Kilham been at the outset adopted. But perhaps the Society was not then pre- pared for changes of so radical a character. Such was the origin of the organisation with which Mr. Booth proposed that the Reformers should iden- tify themselves. It was not then, nor is it now, one of the most numerically important branches of the Methodist family. Its position, however, should not be estimated by this, so much as by the influence it exer- cised in shaping the subsequent policy both of the parent stock and of the younger branches of the family, occupying as it has continued from the first to do a medium position between the extreme conservatism of the former and the ultra-radicalism of some mem- bers of the latter. To amalgamate the Reformers with this church . 1 1 seemed to him preferable to constituting a separate organisation of their own, since they would obtain all the privileges which had been denied them by the parent church, without having to encounter the delay and difficulties which must necessarily attend the op- posite course. To manufacture a strong government out of elements so discordant, so heterogeneous and so unadhesive would, he felt, be extremely difficult. Whereas if the fragments were thrown into a pot 1853, Lay rep- re 'tion? Position of Proposed amalga- mation of formers. i ts a d_ vanta 9 es - 148 MXS. BOOTH. 1853, which had already some cohesion of its own, the Age 24 ' law-abiding portions could be melted down, so to speak, into one consistent mass, while the disorderly elements could more easily be eliminated, and would at any rate be less likely to do harm. Besides, why waste time over building up a facsimile of what already existed, when the original combined at the same time both the stability and elasticity which seemed de- sirable ? His desire Above all, Mr! Booth longed to put an end to the nateThe interminable disputations and argumentations which Dispute. seeme( j to b e fast sapping the vitality and spirituality of the Reformers. How could souls be saved under such conditions, and how could those who were saved be made into saints and soldiers, if, instead of the sincere milk of the word, they were fed upon dry discussions, or if when they cried for bread, they were offered a barren theory ? The sub- Once decided as to the right course of action, it only broached, remained to settle the modus operandi. The principal organ of the Reformers was, as has been already men- tioned, the Wesleyan Times. The subject was accord- ingly broached by Mr. Booth in its columns, and some correspondence ensued. Nor were the leaders of the New Connexion slow to avail themselves of this fa- vourable opportunity. During the Annual Conference, which held its sitting in May, at Longton, in the Staffordshire Potteries, the following resolution was adopted and published in the Wesleyan Times: The reso- " That the Conference feels deeply concerned at the un- *brT d h a PP v differences which have so long prevailed in the by the Wesleyan family, and would rejoice to see the brethren who are contending for a more liberal system of Church govern- ment, directing their attention to some practical course, whereby they may attain that object, and thus restore peace THE GENERAL'S JOURNAL'. 149 and prosperity to the Methodist bodies. That the Conference has too much sympathy with all Christians, who hold the same doctrines and entertain similar views of Church government with itself, to be indifferent to their welfare, and having taken no part in the recent struggle, it would rejoice at some healing measure being adopted, whereby friendly relations might be brought about between the parties. Where that cannot be accomplished, to those who desire to unite with us on the principles and practice of the Connexion, the Confer- ence would give the right hand of fellowship." * In the following year the secretary for the Reform Committee opened up communications with the presi- dent of the Methodist New Connexion as to the pos- sibility of amalgamating the two bodies. The latter replied that they would be glad to consider any pro- posals for doing so on the basis of their own consti- tution, but declined to make any alterations in it, to suit the more democratic tastes of the Reformers. Hence the negotiations fell through, and although a considerable number of the Reform societies attached themselves to the Connexion, the bulk of that body united themselves to the Wesleyan Methodist Asso- ciation, which assumed the name of the " United Methodist Free Churches," adhering as usual to the Wesleyan formula of doctrine, but adopting, as the name signified, a more congregational form of govern- ment. Meanwhile Mr. Booth had opened up a cor- respondence with Dr. Cooke, one of the leading ministers, and an ex-president of the New Connexion, from whom he received the following reply : "3 CRESCENT, Albany Road, May 28th, 1853. " MY DEAR SIR : Your favour found rne at the Conference from which I am but just returned, and being now almost overwhelmed with the pressure of duties prior to the publica- tion of our minutes, I can command time to answer only one * Wesley an Times, 3oth May, 1853. p. -340. 1853, Age 24. Further negotia- tions fall through. The U. M. F. C. A letter from Dr. Cooke. ISO MRS. BOOTH. I 853, portion of your letter. I think it not unlikely that a formal Age 24. application from you to our president for the year, Rev. J. Hudson, of Huddersfield, would result in your reception as a minister in our body. At the same time the usage of four years' probation would undoubtedly be applied to you, just as strictly as it is to those candidates who are chosen from our own ranks, and who are well known to us. I fully sympathise with your views and feelings as to the desirableness of a union of the Reformers with our body. It would present to them a home of peace and rational, scriptural freedom, with institutions of various kinds already established and in pros- perous operation. " Praying that the Lord may direct and prosper you, I am, dear sir, " Yours in haste, but very respectfully, " WILLIAM COOKE." Mr. Booth Having prepared the way by a careful study of the MS dr- New Connexion system, and by getting into touch with some of its leading spirits, Mr. Booth now broached the subject at the quarterly meeting of the office-bearers of his own circuit, proposing that, with- out waiting for the action of the entire body, they should themselves take immediate measures for amal- gamation. Although strongly supported by some of *to'ca lils *ke most influential persons present, the motion was them and lost, and failing to carry his people with him, Mr. go over Booth announced to them his resolution to go over alone. alone. Hispeopie This decision was received by his people with un- strate. feigned regret, and many efforts were put forth .to induce him to remain. He was offered the privilege of immediate marriage, together with a furnished home, and a horse, and a trap to enable him to visit distant places. To this pressure he might have Miss yielded, had not Miss Mumford thrown her influence f^i's into the opposite scale. The inviting career of a firmness. CO untry parson, she argued, combined though it might THE GENERAL'S JOURNAL. I$l be with the tempting prospect of domestic bliss, would 1853, not alter the fact that the time so spent would prob- ably be thrown away, and that he would be compelled to do in the end what could more easily and profit- ably be done now. There was another course open to Mr. Booth, which Another had for him special attractions, and which not a few of his friends strongly urged upon him, and that was to work as a revival preacher, independently of all organisations. Himself born and cradled in a revival, with the stirring examples of Caughey and Finney fresh in his mind, he had a strong leaning to a career so much in accordance with his tastes and aspirations. He was, however, satisfied that even as an evangelist his work would be of a more permanent character, and his converts better looked after, if he laboured in connexion with some already established organisa- tion, rather than by playing the part of a religious free-lance. Besides, there would be the assurance, in joining the New Connexion, of a renewal for at least some few months of his much-interrupted studies. Miss Mumford strongly favoured this view of the Decides to matter, and it was accordingly settled that early in 1854 he should enter the Methodist New Connexion, studying for six months under Dr. Cooke's personal supervision, and offering himself for their ministry at the ensuing Conference, when there was every reason to believe he would be accepted. CHAPTER XV. The con- troversy renewed. A firm be- liever in consecu- tive effort. His sub- views. The General writes to Miss Mum- ford. CORRESPONDENCE AND CONFLICTS. 1854. THE decision to enter the New Connexion had scarcely been arrived at, when the revivals at Swines- head Bridge and Caistor occurred, leading to a re- newal of the vexed question as to the evangelistic sphere. Indeed, but for the fact that he had pledged his word, and that Miss Mumford was so convinced as to the wisdom of the step, Mr. Booth would in all probability have launched forth on an itinerant career. Not that he favoured a mere roving life. On the contrary, he has always been a firm believer in con- secutive effort. But observing the tendency of the church to stagnation, he thought the evil might be largely remedied by visiting the various centres, and holding a protracted series of meetings, thus ingather- ing a multitude of souls, and infusing a spirit of zeal and enterprise among Christians. Forty years have passed since first his heart was drawn toward such work. Standing in the sunset of a triumphant career, his views remain unchanged, and although the oversight of the vast organisation, which, under God, he has raised up, interferes with a renewal of similar toil, he is comforted in the fact that he has created for other labourers a like op- portunity all over the world. At the time, however, of which we write, the con- troversy was of a perplexing character, as may be gathered from the following letters : 152- CORRESPONDENCE AND CONFLICTS. 153 HOLBEACH, January, 1854. 1854, " MY DEAREST KATE : The plot thickens, and I hesitate not Age 25. to tell you that I fear, and fear much, that I am going wrong. " Yesterday I received a letter asking me if I would consent to come to the Hinde Street Circuit (London Reformers), salary , i oo per year. I have also heard that the committee in London are about to make me an offer. I would give a great deal to be satisfied as to the right path, and gladly would I walk it whether here or there. " You see, my dearest, it is certainly enough to make a The fellow think and tremble. Here I am at present in a circuit dllemma - numbering 780 members, with an increase for the year of nearly two hundred. Am invited to another with near a thou- sand. And yet I am going to join a church with but 150 members in London, and a majority of circuits with but a similar number. " I fear that with all my cautiousness on this subject I shall regret it. Send me a kind letter to reach me on Friday. Bless you, a thousand times ! My present intention is to tear myself away from all and everything, and persevere in the path I have chosen. They reckon it down here the maddest, wildest, most premature and hasty step that ever they knew a saved man to take. " I remain, my dearest love, " Your own " WILLIAM." To this, the following reply was sent by Miss Mum- Miss Mum- ford : ford's reply. " MY DEAREST WILLIAM : I have with a burdened soul com- mitted the contents of your letter to God, and I feel persuaded He will guide you. I will just put down one or two consider- ations which may comfort you. " First, then, you are not leaving the Reformers because you fear you would not get another circuit or as good a sal- ary as the Connexion can offer. You are leaving because ^^-^ on you are out of patience and sympathy with its principles and principle, aims, and because you believe they will bring it to ultimate destruction. " Second, you are not leaving to secure present advantages, but sacrificing present advantages for what you believe to be 154 MRS. BOOTH. Age 25. Satisfy your con- science. Make the act your own. Living above. Another letter. on the whole (looking to the end) most for God's glory and the good of souls. And the fact of Hinde Street offering ,200 would not alter those reasons. If it is right in principle for you to leave the movement and join the Connexion, no advan- tages in the former or disadvantages in the latter can possibly alter the thing. " But mind, / do not urge, you to do it, and I do not see even now that it is too late to retreat, if your conscience is not satisfied as to the quality of your motives. But I believe it ought to be. I wish you prayed more and talked less about the matter. Try it, and be determined to get clear and settled views as to your course. Leave your heart before God, and get satisfied in His sight, and then do it, be it what it may. I cannot bear the idea of your being unhappy. Pray do in this as you feel in your soul it will be right. My conscience is no standard for yours. " I am not sorry that the people think I am anxious for the step. I wish them to understand that I am favourable to it. But at the same time you do right to make the act your own, though you can let them know I highly approve it. " Oh, if you come to London, let us be determined to reap a blessed harvest. Let our fellowship be sanctified to our souls' everlasting good. My mind is made up to do my part toward it. I hope to be firm as a rock on some points. The Lord help me ! We must aim to improve each other's minds and characters. Let us pray for grace to do it in the best way and to the fullest extent possible. " I am living above. My soul breathes a purer atmosphere than it has done for the last two or three years. God lives and reigns, and this to me is a source of much consolation. " With deepest' interest and sincere affection, " I remain, your loving "KATE." Writing again a few days later, Miss Mumford says : " I am very sorry to find that you are still perplexed and harassed about the change. I did think that there were con- ditions weighty enough to satisfy your own mind as to the propriety of the step, and if not I begged you not to act. Even now it is not too late. Stay at Spalding, and risk all. Pray be satisfied in your own mind. Rather lose anything than CORRESPONDENCE AND CONFLICTS. 155 make yourself miserable. You reasoned and suffered just so 1854, about leaving the Conference, and yet you see it was right Age 2 5- now. I never suffered an hour about it, after I once decided, except in the breaking of some tender associations. Nor do I qualm. ever expect to suffer. I reasoned the thing out and came to a conclusion, and all the Conference battering I met never caused me a ten minutes' qualm. " You mistake me if you think I do not estimate the trial it Feelings must be to you, and the influence of circumstances and persons a ^? r eaZ- around you. But remember, dearest, they do not alter reali- ities. ties, and the Reform movement is no home or sphere for you; whereas the principles of the Connexion you love in your very soul. I believe you will be satisfied when once from un- der the influence of your Spalding friends. " Anyway, don't let the controversy hurt your soul. Live Mind near to God by prayer. Oh, I do feel the importance of your soul. spiritual things, and am in a measure living by faith in the Son of God ! The Lord is very precious to me and admits me to free and blessed intercourse with Himself. I have spent some precious moments in committing all into His hands, and I do believe He will answer prayer and guide us in all things. You believe He answers prayer. Then take courage. Just fall down at His feet and open your very soul before Him, and throw yourself right into His arms. Tell Him if you are wrong, .you only wait to be set right, and be the path rough or smooth you will walk in it. This is exactly the position of my mind now. I feel an infinite satisfaction in lying at the footstool of my God, and I believe He will con- descend to guide us. " Oh, you must live close to God ! If you are at a greater Live close distance from Him than you were, just stop the whirl of out- to God - ward things, or rather leave it, and shut yourself up with Him till all is clear and bright upwards. Do, there's a deaf. Oh, how much we lose by not coming to the point ! Now, at once, realise your union with Christ, and trust Him to lead you through this perplexity. Bless you ! Excuse this advice. I am anxious for your soul. Look up! If God hears my prayers, He must guide you He will guide you. I love you, I pray for you, and I will do all in my power to make you happy. " Your espoused and loving " CATHERINE." 156 MS. BOOTH. 1854, It appeared, however, too late to draw back, and ge 25 ' Mr. Booth resolved to persist in carrying out the ar- Mr. Booth rangement entered into with Dr. Cooke. Drcooke. Had anybody at this time ventured to prophesy that either Mr. Booth or Miss Mumford would ever of\hT view with favour the military form of government Army, w hi c h was the final outcome of their experiences, surely none would have contemplated such an idea with more surprise and apprehension than themselves. Quick as were their minds to grasp a new idea, and resolute and intrepid as they were in carrying it into effect, they were still too largely dominated by their surrounding circumstances and by the force of long formed habit to foresee the chain of providences which was to compel them, almost in spite of them- selves, to a course of action leading to such momen- tous results. For the time being, however, their pathway seemed clear, and they were content to link their fortunes with the organisation which seemed to answer so nearly to their highest ideal. Jehus, But wherever they might be and with whomso- ever they might cast in their lot, these Jehus were Jehus still, and might be known from afar by their furious driving. And they imported into their new position an element of dash and adventure which soon commenced to clash with vested interests. The child-debater, temperance secretary, and school-girl monitor had the inborn instincts of a leader, and chafed under restrictions and limitations which seemed to her so often to spring from unworthy mo- tives, and to cripple the aspiration and thwart the best- planned schemes of one whose genius and single-eyed devotion so transcended in her opinion those who surrounded and legislated for him. It is, perhaps, but the universal fate of nature's CORRESPONDENCE AND CONFLICTS. i$7 most gifted children to find barriers interposed where 1854, they are least expected, and it may truly be said that the course of the grandest benefactors of the human Barriers race never did and perhaps never will "run smooth." To our short-sighted vision it might seem well if every mountain torrent sped its way with canal-like straight- ness to the sea. And yet thus it would unavoidably miss some of its most important tributaries, and, by shortening its course, deprive many needy valleys of its fertilising streams. It would at least lose much of its charm, and by forfeiting the added force and ve- locity which each surmounted barrier lends to its on- flowing current, would sacrifice in a great measure its purity and power. Had the New Connexion proved all that was hoped Foresight for when it received this reinforcement, and had its Conference been endowed with sufficient foresight to anticipate coming events, there would perhaps have been no occasion for the establishment of a Salvation Army. But, after all, there are not many who are able to discern the signs of the times, or who are willing to give genius and spiritual power its legiti- mate scope. And thus the benefactors of the earth are too often hindered till compelled at length to manufacture for themselves new channels when the old might amply have sufficed. It may, however, well be questioned whether it Material would have been possible to have manufactured an Army. aggressive force such as the Salvation Army within the borders of any existing denomination. The ma- terials for such a movement required to be drawn from widely different sources. The more than ninety The per cent of England's nominally Christian, but ac- nin c e ei it per tually heathen population, whose church was the public-house and whose Bible was the " penny dread- 158 MXS. BOOTH. 1854, ful," were to constitute the recruiting grounds for a religious crusade which was to send forth its conquer- ing legions to the four quarters of the globe. Un- embarrassed by traditional teachings, unspoiled by bungling management, unshackled by governmental red tape and destitute of religious grave-clothes to conceal their moral nudeness, this spiritual wilder- ness contained virgin soil which needed only patient toil and sturdy persistence to convert it into a veritable paradise. Mr. and Mrs. Booth were afterwards to A happy make the happy discovery that the foetid fever-breed- discovery. r rj J ing muck-heaps that obstructed the gangways of civi- lisation and threatened to overwhelm society with wholesale perdition might be converted into fertilis- ing material, which should yet prove a source of wealth and happiness to its possessors, and a blessing to the world at large. The ten- Human creeds and religious organisations have an dency to . fossilise, inveterate tendency to fossilise the ideas and inspira- tions of a dead past, which they vainly endeavour to foist upon an altogether altered present. They have too often ceased to grow. Their very garb and lan- guage are frequently antiquated and unnatural in- teresting relics of a bygone age, time-honoured mem- orials of a buried century, but powerless to cope with the exigencies of an ever-changing world. n a censor i us spirit, but as the pointing simple explanation of a strange phenomenon. The finger- * * . F . posts, results of nearly every great religious awakening have in time become petrified and crystallised into beauti- ful but powerless forms. Instead of " spires whose silent fingers point to Heaven," we have sign-posts whose backward finger points to the hallowed but speechless and lifeless cemetery of bygone days and deeds. Instead of living prophets we have grave- CORRESPONDENCE AND CONFLICTS. 159 stones which, like funeral sentinels, take their stand 1854, upon the dust and ashes of the past. Those who have been truly great, because they The caught the spirit of their times and combined with it ^if 88 the spirit of the Divine, are transported into sur- roundings and circumstances where their names have ceased to conjure or enchant. Had they lived they would themselves no doubt have acted differently under the altered circumstances. The religious Caesars of the past would have been the Napoleons and Moltkes of the present. They would not have attempted the futile task of clothing the living with the winding-sheets, however pure and fragrant, of the dead. They would have scorned to cater for the religious few, while the breadless multitudes perished at their doors; and if their genius could not have soared to the emergencies of their generation, it would have carried them far enough to enable them to re- cognise and support the spirit of the age, in however Recognis- strange or even uncouth a form it might have em- Spirit of bodied itself. Instead of devoting their ingenuity to manufacturing patches for the tattered and discarded draperies of early days they would have contrived to weave some newer vestments better suited to cover the moral nakedness of their times. Instead of being satisfied with sewing together the original fig-leaves of Eden, they would have invented some more suit- able material, and instead of endeavouring to clothe humanity with the bibs and baby-linen of its early The bibs days, they would have devised garments more con- unen of genial to its manhood's prime. Instead of storing its new wine in the leaky worn-out wineskins of the past, they would have reckoned it the truest economy to invest a few shillings in purchasing it a new and serviceable cask, consenting with a good grace to the 160 MRS. BOOTH. 1854, transmigration of the accustomed leathern hides into ge the iron hoops and wooden staves of modern progress. Lack of Be this as it may, it was just the absence of this 1 v ' element of elasticity in existing organisations that justified and necessitated the separate existence of the Salvation Army, and afforded it a peculiarly wide and unoccupied field for its operations. Existing g u |- the time for this had not yet come, and the machin- J ery tried earlier years of Mr. and Mrs. Booth's life were spent first. J . in experimenting with existing machinery for the accomplishment of purposes which became yearly more and more the engrossing object of their very existence. CHAPTER XVI. LONDON. 1854. THE reception with which Mr. Booth met at the threshold of his new departure was cordial and en- couraging. In Dr. Cooke he found an able and ap- preciative leader, and the mutual regard which they entertained for each other was preserved to the end. The Doctor, who was in the habit of preparing a few students for the ministry, received him, with two or three others, into his own home. That his studies were intermingled with active evangelistic labours will readily be surmised. Indeed the very day after his arrival in London we find him, on the 1 5th of February, 1854, preaching in Bruns- wick Street Chapel, when fifteen souls sought salva- tion. The General naively admits that he never was a pattern student, and that he might often have been found on his face in an agony of prayer when he ought to have been mastering his Greek verbs. But the blessed results, which had already stamped his ministry with an apostolic seal, continued to mark his London labours, and when it came to his turn for his sermon to be criticised by the Doctor according to custom, he could only say, " Mr. Booth, I have nothing to say to you. Go on, and may God bless you." Indeed the constant rows of weeping peni- tents, including one night the Doctor's daughter, formed the best apology for the non-ministerial, un- A cordial reception. Inter- rupted studies. Fifteen peni- tents. His turn to be criti- cised. 1 62 MXS. BOOTH, 1854, artificial, dramatic style which distinguished Mr. ge Booth's pulpit utterances. Dr. " I intend proposing you at the next Conference as proposal, superintendent of the work in London," said Dr. Cooke one morning, as he strolled with Mr. Booth through the garden, thus showing his confidence in the ability and devotion of his favoured student. To Mr. Booth this proposal Mr. Booth strenuously objected, plead- ing his youth and inexperience for so important and responsible a position. He consented, however, to take the position of assistant pastor, should he be de- sired to do so, accepting as his leader whomever Con- ference might appoint. There was a difficulty, however, in the adoption of this plan, as hitherto the society had only supported one preacher. This objection was overcome by his old friend, Mr. Rabbitts, who had followed him into the New Connexion, and who now offered to pay the salary of a second pastor, provided that Mr. Booth was appointed to the post. To this arrangement the Conference subsequently agreed. His first But during the interval an event had occurred visit to the f . , . , . . . , ^ . ., . , , East End. which is deserving of special notice. This was Mr. Booth's first visit to the East End of London, where the .New Connexion had maintained for many years a small cause, and where he was destined eleven years later to establish the foundations of a world- wide movement. The following entry from his jour- nal will be read with more than ordinary interest in the light of subsequent history : His jour- "Sunday, March i9th, 1854. Left home at 10 o'clock for nal. Watney Street; Felt much sympathy for the poor neglected inhabitants of Wapping, and its neighbourhood, as I walked down the filthy streets and beheld the wretchedness and wickedness of its people. Reached Bethesda Chapel, and LONDON. 163 found a nice little congregation, who seemed to hear the word 1854, of the Lord gladly. At night a good congregation. Felt much Age 25. power in preaching. The people wept and listened with much avidity. Commenced or rather, continued the meeting by holding a prayer-meeting. All, or nearly all, stayed. Gave an invitation to those who were decided to serve the Lord to come forward and many came fifteen in all of whom four- teen professed to find Jesus, and went home happy in His love. Many of these were very interesting cases. All en- gaged were much blessed. Tired and weary, I reached home soon after 11 o'clock." In May there is another entry : "At Watney Street I held a week's special services, preach- ing every night. Very many gave their hearts to God. I never knew a work more apparently satisfactory in proportion to its extent. Some most precious cases I have beheld, and I thank God for them. The people appear very happy and united. God bless and keep them ! " Referring to the same meetings in one of his let- ters, Mr. Booth says: " We had indeed a glorious day yesterday. Good congrega- A g _ tion in the morning. In the afternoon we held a love-feast, perous be- Seventeen spoke, and nearly all praised God for the day 1 gin came among them. Many of my spiritual children, with streaming eyes and overflowing hearts, told us how God, for Christ's sake, had made them happy. " At night, notwithstanding the unfavourable weather, we had the place crammed every nook and corner, and in the prayer-meeting we had near twenty penitents. Mr. Atkin- son's daughter and Mr. Gould, her intended husband, came forward and with many tears and prayers sought and found mercy. Two black women came, and altogether it was a good night." Although it had been impossible for Dr. Cooke or Accepted any of his influential friends to pledge the Conference *>v the to accept Mr. Booth's candidature, nevertheless it had been a foregone conclusion that they would read- 164 MRS. BOOTH. Age 25. Not much elated. Miss Mum- ford' 1 s feelings. Her up- permost desire. ily extend to him the right hand of fellowship promised by them to the Reformers in general at their last annual gathering. Still Mr. Booth, and even Miss Mumford, were scarcely prepared for the hearty and unanimous manner in which they were received, and for the special favour granted to them in the privilege of receiving permission to marry, at the end of twelve months, instead of having to wait, as was generally the rule, for the expiry of the four years of probation that must elapse before he could be formally ordained as a minister of the church. In announcing this news to Miss Mumford, Mr. Booth writes: " I snatch a moment to say that a letter has just come to hand from Mr. Cooke, stating that I have been unanimously received by the Conference. This is very good, but for some unaccountable reason, I do not feel at all grateful, neither does it all elate me ! " To this letter Miss Mumford replies as follows : " Your letter this morning filled my heart with gratitude and my mouth with praise. I am thankful beyond measure for the favourable reception and kind consideration you have met with from the Conference, and I can only account for your ingratitude on the ground you once gave me, namely, that blessings in possession seem to lose half their value. This is an unfortunate circumstance, but I think in this matter you ought to be grateful, when you look at the past and contem- plate the future. However, I am. This comes to me as the answer of too many prayers, the result of too much self-sacri- fice, the end of too much anxiety, and the crowning of too many hopes, not to be appreciated ; and my soul does praise God. You may think me enthusiastic. But your position is now fixed as a minister of Christ, and your only concern will be to labour for God and souls. " I saw that in all probability you might toil the best part of your life and then, after all, have to turn to business for your support. But now, for life you are to be a teacher of Christ's LONDON. 165 glorious gospel, and I am sure the uppermost desire of my soul is that you may be a holy and successful one. May God afresh baptise you with His love, and make you indeed a minister of the Spirit ! " Oh, to begin anew, to give up all, and to live right in the glory ! Shall we ? Can we dare do otherwise with the light and influence God has given us ? God forbid that we should provoke the eyes of His holiness by our indifference andluke- warmness and inconsistency ! The Lord help me and thee to live, so that our hearts condemn us not, for then shall we have confidence toward God, that whatsoever we shall ask of Him (even to making us instrumental in saving thousands of precious souls) He will do it for us. Amen ! " On the inside of the envelope, Miss Mumford adds the following quotation : "Not to understand a treasure's worth Till time hath stole away the slighted good Is cause of half the misery we feel, And makes the world the wilderness it is. " Previous to entering upon his London appointment Mr. Booth paid a short visit to Caistor, with a view to benefiting his health, which was a good deal run down. But no sooner was it known by his old friends and converts that he was in the place, than meetings were planned which he ould not refuse to conduct, so that at the conclusion of his visit he writes that in future he would arrange his rest in a place where he was not quite so well known. At the same time his reception was such as to gratify his heart. Although his pre- vious visits to the town had been so brief, the results had been both powerful and permanent. He writes to Miss Mumford: " My reception has been exceedingly pleasing. Even the children laugh and dance and sing at my coming, and eyes sparkle and tongues falter in uttering my welcome. Yester- day I had heavy work. Chapel crowded. Enthusiasm 1854, Age 25. A fresh start. Another visit to Caistor. A hearty welcome. 1 66 MRS. BOOTH. 1854, Age 25. A crash- ing prayer- meeting. Miss Mum- ford's sermon. Some more wanted. ran very high. Feeling overpowering, and yet not the crash we expected. My prospects for usefulness seem to be unbounded. But God knows best, and where He wants me there He can send me. The people love me to distraction, and are ready to tear me to pieces to have me at their homes. A large party was invited to meet me." Two days later he adds : " Yesterday I preached to crowded congregations, and we had a crashing prayer-meeting. Some splendid cases. I am more than ever attached to the people. They are thorough- going folks. Just my sort. I love them dearly, and shall stand by them and help them when I can. " I have just taken hold of that sketch you sent me on 'Be not deceived, ' and am about to make a full sermon upon it. I like it much. It is admirable. I want you to write some short articles for our magazine. Begin one and get it done by the time I come up. It will do } r ou a world of good. I am sure you can do it. I will look them over and send them to the editor. " I want a sermon on the Flood, one on Jonah, and one on the Judgment. Send me some bare thoughts; some clear, startling outline. Nothing moves people like the terrific. They must have hell-fire flashed before their faces, or they will not move. Last night I preached a sermon on Christ weeping over sinners, and only one came forward, although several confessed to much holy feeling and influence. When I preached about the harvest and the "wicked being turned away, numbers came. We must have that kind of truth which will move sinners. " I have written by this post to Dr. Cooke. I tell him that I come in love with no half -measures, and I am determined to seek success. I am doing better in my soul. Am resolved to live near to God, and put confidence in Him. Let us live for Heaven!" Unsatis- fied. Summing up this visit to Caistor, in his journal Mr. Booth remarks: " Nearly all my spiritual children stand firm in the faith. All glory to God ! Preached eight sermons and attended a public LONDON. 167 meeting. I trust that during my visit some good has been 1854, done. Near thirty profess to have found peace, but still the Age 25. work has not been up to my expectations." On returning to London, Mr. Booth threw himself M SSSS^ heart and soul into his new work as assistant pastor to the Rev. P. T. Gilton. His fame as a revivalist had now spread to distant places, and frequent invi- tations were received for him to hold special services. Whilst most of these were declined without further consideration, several were of such a pressing nature, and were so strongly backed by influential friends, that he scarcely knew what to reply. Coming as they did from New Connexion congregations, it was diffi- cult to return a refusal. Miss Mumford hailed the news of each advance Miss with joy. She had from the first entertained an un- bounded confidence in Mr. Booth's ability, and felt Joy ' that all he needed was an opportunity to enable him to occupy, with glory to God and credit to himself, a far higher position of usefulness than any that he had hitherto held. " Bless you ! Bless you !" she writes. " Your note has, like A stirring 'joy's seraphic fingers,' touched the tenderest chords in my leiter - heart, and what I write is but like the trembling echoes of a distant harp. If you were here, I would pour out the full strain into your bosom and press you to my heart. God is too good ! I feel happier than I have done for months. You will think me extravagant. Well, bless God. He made me so. Yes, we shall, I believe it, be very happy. " Do I remember ? Yes, I remember all, all that has bound us together. All the bright and happy, as well as the clouded and sorrowful of our fellowship. Nothing relating to you, can time or place erase from my memory. Your words, your looks, your actions, even the most trivial and incidental, come up before me as fresh as life. If I meet a child called William, I am more interested in him than any other. Bless you ! 1 68 MRS. BOOTH. 1854, Keep your spirits up and hope much for the future. God Age 25. jives and loves us, and we shall be one in Him, loving each other as Christ has loved us. "Thus by communion our delight shall grow! Thus streams of mingled bliss swell higher as they flow ! Thus angels mix their flames and more divinely glow !" Her visit During the autumn of 1854, Miss Mumford paid a ham n long promised visit to a friend at Burnham, in Essex. There is a little incident connected with this trip worthy of reference. She was persuaded to attend an Irvingite Chapel, in the vicinity, for the purpose of seeing and hearing one of their "angels." She gives the following characteristic summary of her impres- sions : The " Burnham contains about seventeen or eighteen hundred Irmngites ^habitants. It has a very old church, a Wesleyan chapel, a Baptist chapel, a Calvinist chapel, a Chapel of Ease, and an Irvingite chapel. To the last of these a party of us went last Sunday evening, to hear one of the travelling 'angels' belong- ing to their denomination. Of all the mystery I ever listened to or conceived possible, it excelled ! It was indeed beyond my comprehension, or that of anybody else ! I wish you had been there, though I hardly think you would have been able to sit it through. It was all I could endure to see the people gulled in such a way. Poor things ! What need there is for effort and energy, for real religion and common sense. '** Capacity Perhaps one of the most valuable and clearly kerning marked features of Miss Mumford 's character was her spirits, capacity for discerning spirits. She was never long in coming to a conclusion, and was seldom mistaken in her judgments. While she never hesitated to denounce anything like lukewarmness in religion, she Luke- was equally careful to guard against fanaticism, be- i- lieving that the latter was almost as injurious to the cause o f Christ as the former, and arguing that when LONDON. 169 the devil could not persuade people to hold back from 1854, doing their duty, he would tempt them to discredit God's work by going too far. The common curse of modern Christianity doubtless consists in whittling away the Gospel, and lowering tb.3 standard of right- eousness. Nevertheless she held that there was a noble but misguided minority who erred in the op- posite direction. By exaggerating certain aspects of the truth, by magnifying to the exclusion of all else some favoured hobby, or by fixing for the multitude a standard that was possible only for the few, she believed that needless stumbling-blocks were cast in the path of multitudes, and that the most sincere and devoted were often tempted to desert the substance of religion for its shadow, the pursuit of righteous- ness for that of a fugitive ideal which either could not be grasped at all, or the possession of which was of no profit to the would-be possessor or to the world at large. This faculty of discernment was of infinite value A mental to her in helping to shape the course of the religious movement with which her name must ever remain so intimately connected. New and unforeseen de- velopments were perpetually occurring, which required to be handled with combined promptness and dis- cretion. At these decisive epochs, Mr. Booth gladly availed himself of the prophetic instinct, which, while unbending in its demand for uttermost devotion, was equally rigid in its rejection of the unwise and need- lessly extreme. Like a carrier pigeon, she would arise, as it were, at such emergencies into the air, circle a few times round the debated point, and then, having taken her bearings, would arrive at her con- clusions with a speed and directness which seemed nothing short of a mental miracle. I/O J//? BOOTH. 1854, In another of her letters from Burnham, there is a ce charming descriptive passage: A charm- >> jj. j s truly delightful here now at night. The lovely moon cription. throws her silvery beams on the bosom of a beaittifully tran- quil river. All around is serene and silent. The breeze is just sufficient to fan the water into gentle ripplets. The boats and skiffs repose on its surface as if weary with the day's en- gagements. Altogether it reminds one of Heaven. I wish you could see it just now. It would stir the old poetic fire in father's soul, and warm mother's heart with admiration and devotion ! All nature, vocal and mute, points upwards. And the most unsophisticated soul must feel the power of its testi- mony, and the being and goodness of the Christian's God. I love to gaze on these dear foot-marks of Jehovah. It does one good sometimes as much in soul as in body. I don't know what effect the majestic in nature would have upon me. But such a scene as this stirs strange feelings and touches chords which thrill and vibrate through my whole being. " Be happy about me. God lives, and I feel safe in His hands. Let us try to live according to our professed belief, and be careful for nothing. Bless you ! " Good-bye, and believe me as ever, your own loving "CATHERINE." CHAPTER XVII. MRS. BOOTH'S FIRST PUBLISHED ARTICLE. 1854. THE earliest extant publication from Miss Mum- Her ear- ford's pen is an article for the New Connexion Mag- Yicatwn. azine on the best means for retaining new converts. It contains probably her first public utterance on the important question of female ministry. Indeed, the concluding portion is almost prophetical. Forty years ago she raised a warning voice as to the im- possibility of rearing young converts in a worldly church, and before her life-work was completed she had the joy of helping to establish a universal nursery for souls, in which the rules she thus early laid down should be carried into practice with a literalness that she could hardly have hoped for, and with a success that proved their value. Forty years ago she proph- Its h p J"-' esied that there were hidden Lydias in the church, charac- ter. Five years later she stepped forward as one of them herself, and she lived to be surrounded by tens of thousands of women whose lips she had unsealed, whose timidity she had overcome, whose rights she had defended, and whose ability to preach the Gospel she had proved by their abundant and unqualified success and indubitable inspiration. In this early effort there is reflected the ripeness of her later years. The keen common sense, the lucid logic, the grasp of details, the inimitable com- mand of language, the originality of ideas, and the close personal application, are almost as plainly im- 171 1/2 MltS. BOOTH. 1854. Age 25. The best means for keeping new con- verts. printed on this her earliest effort as on her last, the following lines will speak for themselves: But Tracing an anal- ogy. Congenial aliment. " The Editor, Methodist New Connexion Magazine. "DEAR SIR: The following few thoughts were suggested by the perusal of your question relative to the best means of retaining the new converts brought in during the late revivals ; and as I feel deeply inter- ested in this important subject, I venture to transmit them to you, to be made use of or not, as your judg- ment dictates. " I am fond of tracing the analogy which in many instances exists between the economy of the natural and spiritual worlds, and I think to all who love and seek out the ways of the Lord, this must be an ever interesting and profitable exercise. I think, too, there are truths and principles of extensive application and great practical importance often deducible from it. When considering your question, it suggested an- other, namely: What are the conditions indispensa- ble to the preservation and growth of the natural babe? And the following immediately occurred to me: ist. An adequate supply of congenial aliment. 2d. A pure and invigorating atmosphere. 3d. A care- ful cleansing away of all impurities. And 4th. Free- dom from undue restraint in the exercise of its facul- ties. Between these conditions and those necessary to the preservation and progress of spiritual life, there appears to me a striking and beautiful analogy. " The first and most important want of the babe in Christ is unquestionably congenial aliment ; it needs to be fed with 'the sincere milk of the Word.' De- prived of this, there is no chance of life, to say noth- ing of growth. How important, then, that the char- acter of the ministry should be suited to the wants MRS, BOOTH'S FIRST ARTICLE. 1/3 of a new-born soul, ' the sincere milk of the Word, ' that 1854, which is felt to be real. Words without heart will chill the very life-current of a young believer. It must be that which has been tasted and handled of the Word of Life. The spiritual babe will soon pine away under mere theoretical teaching:. It must be Theoreti- J . . cal teach- sustammg, and in order to this the milk must be ing. pure, unmixed with either diluting or deleterious doc- trines. It must be congenial to the cravings of a spiritual appetite, and capable of being assimilated by a spiritual nature. It must be direct and practical. The babe, under its teachings, must learn how to walk in all the ordinances and statutes of the Lord blame- less how to apply the principles of action laid down in His Word to the daily occurrences of life, how to resist temptation and overcome the world. And I think, without an adequate supply of such spiritual food, the first condition of its preservation and pro- gress will not be fulfilled. " Then comes the second scarcely less important The at- ,. . , . . . , _ T mosphere. condition a pure and invigorating atmosphere. Not more surely will the sprightly infant born in some pent-up garret, which for generations has been im- pregnable to the pure air of heaven, pine and die, than will the spiritual babe introduced into the death- charged atmosphere of some churches. So far from its being a matter of surprise that so many converts relapse into spiritual death, it appears to me a far greater wonder that so many survive under the influence of the noxious atmosphere into which they are often forced. " Let the spiritual infant, born amidst the genial ^ flood of . a , r worldli- innuences of a genuine revival, and just awakened to ness. a sense of the importance and reality of eternal things, be transplanted to a church in which the tide . 174 MAS. BOOTH. 1854, of holy feeling has been rolled back by a flood of e worldliness, formality, and indifference, and what a shock his spiritual nature must sustain ! Nay, sup- pose him introduced into some class-meeting where there are old professors of ten, twelve, or twenty years' standing, who ought to be far ahead of him in the joy and strength of the Lord, but whose everlasting com- plaint is 'my leanness, my leanness,' and this always Ji& key of in the same key the key of doubt, who can estimate the freezing, paralysing effects of such an atmosphere ? What can be expected but misgiving, anxiety, and relaxation in duty? Oh, if the Church would indeed t be the nursery of the future kings and priests of her God, she must awake up from her lethargy and create an atmosphere of warm and holy feeling, pure and unfeigned love, incessant and prevailing prayer, and active untiring effort for souls ! Then may she hope that the converts born under special outpourings of the Spirit will gTow and thrive, and in due time ar- rive at the stature of men and women in Christ Jesus. Cleansing "The third condition of physical life and health purities. l5 ^ e cleansing away of impurities. The infant, though truly a living and healthy child, is too feeble and ignorant to remove what would be injurious to itself and render it offensive to others, and therefore some maternal and loving hand must come to its help. Is there no analogy in this respect between the natu- ral and spiritual babe ? Has the latter no injurious habits to be pointed out and overcome ; no false views to be corrected ; no mistaken conduct to be rectified ; no unholy tendency to be subdued ; and is it not gen- erally too feeble and ignorant to understand its errors and to correct them? Then does it not need the careful pruning of experienced and loving Christians, the tender watchfulness of fathers and mothers in MRS. BOOTH'S FIRST ARTICLE. 175 Christ, that its life be not sacrificed or its spiritual nature depressed? " It is as great a mistake to expect perfection in the spiritual babe as it would be to expect maturity of strength and intellect in the natural. If indeed it were born perfect, of what force the injunction, ' Go on to perfection!' and why the precaution to give milk unto babes rather than strong meat ? There may be heterogeneous substances to be cleansed away, and some unseemly blemishes to be removed, where the germ of true spiritual life has been deposited. But let not nursing fathers and mothers be discouraged on that account. Rather let them learn of the heavenly husbandman how to hasten the pruning process and develop the hidden life. " There is yet another condition in which the anal- ogy between the natural and spiritual seems even more striking and complete, namely, that of freedom from undue restraint in the use of the faculties. Thank Heaven, the days of ignorance with reference to the operation of natural law are fast passing away, and mothers and nurses are learning that health and vigour are attendants on freedom and exercise. Would that the church generally would make, and act upon, the same discovery. " What can be a more fatal cause of religious de- clension than inactivity? And if religion consists in doing the will of God, what an anomaly is an inactive Christian ! Yet there are multitudes in this our day professing to be Christians, who do absolutely nothing for the salvation of souls, or the glory of God. Men and women attempt to serve God by proxy, as though paying another for the employment of his talent were all the same as improving their own ; as though God did not demand, and the world need, the exertion of 1854, $},&,. Freedom ^M re' straint - inactivity O f decline. 1/6 MRS. BOOTH. I 854 every man's energies and the exhibition of every Age 25< light which God has kindled. The babe in Christ must be made to feel his individual untransferable responsibility. He must be taught that labour is the law of life, spiritual as well as .natural, and that to in- crease in wisdom and stature and in favour with God, he 'must be about his Father's business.' The ca- pacity of every young convert, male and female, should be ascertained, and a suitable sphere provided for its development. Women's " Methodism, beyond almost any other system, has recognised the importance of this principle, and to this * fact doubtless owes much of its past success ; but has it not in some measure degenerated in this respect, at least with regard to its employment of female talent? There seems in many societies a growing disinclina- tion among the female members to engage in prayer, speak in love feasts, band meetings, or in any manner bear testimony for their Lord, or to the power of His grace. And this false God-dishonouring timidity is but too fatally pandered to by the churchy as if God had given any talent to be hidden in a napkin, or as if the church and the world needed not the employ- ment of all. Theswad- " Why should the swaddling-bands of blind custom, bands of which in Wesley's days were so triumphantly broken, and with such glorious results thrown to the moles and the bats, be again wrapped round the female dis- ciples of the Lord Jesus? Where are the Mrs. Fletch- - ers and Mrs. Rogers of our churches now, with their numerous and healthy spiritual progeny? And yet who can doubt that equal power in prayer and the germ of equal usefulness of life exist in many a Hidden Lydia's heart, smothered and kept back though it may be? I believe it is impossible to estimate the extent MRS. BOOTH'S FIRST ARTICLE. \77 of the church's loss, where prejudice and custom are 1854, allowed to render the outpouring of God's Spirit upon ge 2S ' His handmaidens null and void. But it is a signifi- cant fact that in the most cold, formal, and worldly churches of the day we find least of female agency. " I would warn our societies against drifting into false A timely warning. notions on this subject. Let the female converts be not only allowed to use their newly awakened facul- ties, but positively encouraged to exercise and improve them. Let them be taught their obligations to work themselves in the vineyard of the Lord, and made to feel that the plea of bashfulness, or custom, will not excuse them to Him Who has put such honour on > them, and Who, last at the cross and first at the sep- ulchre, was attended by women, who so far overcame bashfulness as to testify their love for Him before a taunting multitude, and who so far disregarded cus- tom that when all (even fellow-disciples) forsook Him and fled, they remained faithful. " Oh that the Church would excite its female mem- HOW to bers to emulate their zeal and remove all undue su< restraint to its development ! Then, when every member, male and female, is at work, exercising their spiritual faculties, using the talents God has given them on purpose to be used, then will our Zion become a praise in the whole earth, and men shall flock to it as doves to their windows. " Yours faithfully, C. M ." 12 CHAPTER XVIII. LONDON GUERNSEY. 1854-5 A nation LONDON has always been regarded by preachers as a nation, an extremely difficult field, and many who have been successful elsewhere have failed completely when they have sought to move the shrewdly-intelligent and worldly-wise heart of Cockneydom. It is scarcely too much to say that the vast metropolis is a nation within a nation. The thoroughbred Londoner is a man sui generis. For needle-like acuteness, for ready repartee, for unabashed self-confidence, for ungulli- bility if we may coin the word he presents the very antipodes of the simple-minded country yokel. In- deed, in these respects it would be hard to match him in the world. Perhaps the struggle for existence, the ceaseless roar of traffic, and the perpetual contact with keen intellects, all help towards the formation of such characteristics, which serve considerably to counteract the preacher's toil. The mod- The lowest classes are absorbed in the scramble for Lazarus, the crumbs which fall from the rich man's table. One Lazarus is bad and sad enough ; but here are hundreds of thousands lying at Dives' door, whose destitution is even more miserable than that of their Eastern counterpart. Nay, they are not . allowed to lie in so comfortable a place. The Dives of the nineteenth century cannot tolerate so painful a sight. The baton of the policeman, and, if needs be, the bayonet of the soldier, must sweep such refuse as far as possible from 178 LONDON GUERNSEY. 179 his gaze, into the dens and alleys where it lies seeth- 1854, yVcrp 21 ing for a time, awaiting the ghastly day of resurrec- tion and retribution. To go to them with a loaf in one hand appears as necessary as to carry the Gospel in the other. "Give ye them to eat," seems as defin- itely commanded for their bodies as it is for their souls. And yet, whence shall any buy bread for such a multitude ? And then there are the labouring classes, who live The ia- bounng upon the borders of this human pandemonium, this classes. earthly purgatory, this out-Hadesed Hades, and who are perpetually supplying the fuel for its flames. The conditions of society have made their burdens so grievous, their hours of toil so long, their means Israel in of subsistence so scanty, that they have but little time E ffVP f ' and opportunity to provide for the interests of their souls, so absorbed are they in caring for their bodies. Their worse than Egyptian taskmasters bid them to make bricks without straw, and sacrifice their health and families without even the occasional shelter of a land of Goshen, as a hard earned recompense for their toil. The modern Rehoboam answers the universal The mod- cry of Israel for concessions by declaring that his lit- ei boam. tie finger shall be thicker than his father's loins, and by substituting a scourge of scorpions for his father's thongs. And when the busman, the tram conductor, the shop-girl venture to ventilate their grievances and to complain against their Gethsemane of toil, they are threatened, if one may reverently say it, with the Calvary of the Law ! How hard, how almost impos- The Cai- sible, must it be then to reach such with the message theJ.aw. of salvation, unless their Moses can at the same time proffer them some prospect of escape from bondage ! The middle classes have more leisure, it is true, The **- but perhaps even less inclination, for the vital godli- class, i8o MAS. BOOTH. 1854, ness which would check them in their wild pursuit of ge wealth, or force upon them a life of self-control and sacrifice. Those who are not engulfed in the absorb- ing 1 worship of Mammon are mostly enthralled by the fascinating enchantments of pleasure. And between the two there is but little room or desire for the ser- vice of God. A press that largely banishes religion from its columns caters for a public who largely ban- ish God from their thoughts and affections. The gold And the higher we rise in the social scale the more fever. is this experience intensified. The gold fever grows worse. The pulse beats faster. The temperature increases. Each fresh draught, instead of quenching the thirst, maddens the victim, who may well cry out "Water, water, everywhere, But not a drop to drink ! " The gold that perishes can no more satisfy his im- mortal soul than could the salt waters of the ocean the shipwrecked mariner upon his raft. And yet there seems no limit to the cursed love of gold, the " aun sacra fames" of the old Roman poet. Well might his words be applied to our modern Rome : "'Get money, money' is the cry! Honestly if you can ; If not, no matter how, or why ! "Pis money makes the man ! " The pur- And those who are not votaries of wealth, who do pleasure, not make piety and true nobility of character play second fiddle to gold (virtus post nummos}, are in an exaggerated degree the devotees of pleasure and the victims of fashion. " Faster whirls the giddy dance ! Music soft and song With their fatal spell entrance, Sweeping them along! LONDON GUERNSEY. 181 "Quaff ye now your Lethe-draught; 1854, Soon the charm shall break ! Age 25. Death thy doomed soul shall waft To the fiery lake ! " It may be said that the above remarks apply to London a other cities and districts besides London. This is true, but surely in a less degree. At least London offers an exaggerated exemplification of them, and at the time of which we write it had been the subject of but few revivals, and had comparatively foiled the efforts of many godly labourers. The fact therefore that Mr. Booth's Spalding successes were repeated in London, and this at a period when the New Connex- ion cause there was low and struggling, soon attracted the notice of other circuits where circumstances were more favourable for the expectation of a revival. If any good thing could come out of this Jerusalem, there was certainly great hope for the outlying Gali- lees and Bethlehems. We have already referred to the successful meetings in the East End. We cull a few further extracts from Mr. Booth's journal, as to his successes at the other chapels : "May 28th, 1854, Sunday. Preached in the morning at con- Albany Road. Some little liberty in urging upon the people of tinned success t God the necessity of labouring for the salvation of souls. Night, at Brunswick Street Chapel. Good congregation. Power in speaking. Afterwards the communion rail was crowded with penitents. Some precious cases. To God be all the glory ! "Sunday, September loth, 1854. I resumed my labours at the New Chapel. Congregations very good. At night we had a glorious prayer meeting and a precious influence. Twelve penitents came forward and sought the Lord, and I trust many found Him." There is also an interesting reference to Mr. Booth's London successes in a letter to the New Connexion Magazine from Mr. Josiah Bates, who was perhaps 1 82 MRS. J3OOTH. 1854, the most influential lay member of the organisation ge in London. He writes as follows: An out- " MY DEAR SIR : It affords me peculiar pleasure to inform sider's vou that our cause in this place continues to prosper. opinion. J " I regard the appointment of the Rev. W. Booth to this cir- cuit as providential. He is a workman that needeth not to be ashamed. Many will have cause to bless God to all eternity that he was ever sent among us. I sincerely hope that it may please God to continue his health and sustain him under the arduous labours in which he is constantly engaged. Would to God we had a host of such men in addition to our present staff of ministers ! In that case we should soon, as a community, double our present numbers. I hope the next Conference will leave Mr. Booth without a fixed circuit, so that he may go through the Connexion as an evangelist ; and I doubt not, if he retain his piety and dependence on the Divine Spirit, God will abundantly own his labours in every circuit he may visit. " My present object, however, is to inform you that during the present month we have had a fortnight's consecutive re- vival services conducted by Mr. Booth. A short but solemn and pointed address was printed and circulated extensively in the district. It may be said of the entire series of meet- ings that they were indeed times of refreshing, and the only regret felt at the close was that they had terminated. The results have been most blessed and satisfactory. About thirty members have been added and the older members have also been quickened. I believe the good effect of these services will be found after many days. " Yours truly, "JosiAH BATES." A week in The appeals fcr Mr. Booth's services from other Bristol. Districts in the Connexion now so increased in num- ber and importunity, that they could no longer be disregarded. The first circuit he visited was Bristol, where he held a week's meetings, with the result that about fourteen professed salvation, ten of whom were added to the society. LONDON GUERNSEY. 183 Mr. Booth's next evangelistic meetings were held 1854, in Guernsey. His journal and letters contain some ge 25 ' interesting references to them, and the remarkable A trip to results achieved doubtless helped to decide the nature of his work during the next eleven years. Indeed they may be said to have left an everlasting mark on the subsequent labours of both himself and Mrs. Booth. "October i6th, 1854. In compliance with an invitation Doubts from the New Connexion Church in Guernsey, I left town this and diffi- culties. evening. Prior to starting, the object and probable result of my visit had been discussed by friends in London. Various opinions were entertained and different conjectures raised as to the probable result. Some thought that my visit would be promotive of the salvation of souls and the highest well-being of the church, and some thought very differently. It was stated that they were a proud, intellectual and wealthy peo- ple, cold and formal, the very opposite of what I should de- sire. Some even went so far as to intimate that my visit would be useless and that the people would turn away from my preaching and refuse to regard it. However, I left Lon- don conscious of my supreme aim and desire being the glory of God and the salvation of sinners, and depending upon Him and the power of His Spirit for success." Mr. Booth subsequently adds: " I reached Guernsey in safety by the mercy of God, and was soon lodged in the family of Mr. John Ozanne, Mount Durant. ; " In the evening I attended the prayer-meeting. The night A dis- was a stormy one. At intervals the rain descended in tor- co ^J ( "^ nflr rents. I expected, of course, a tolerable attendance. I had ning. come 200 miles, was a stranger, had come on purpose to pro- mote a work which demanded prayer. When I arrived four persons only were present, besides myself and the chapel- keeper! It is true four or five others had been there, had waited a quarter of an hour, and had then gone quietly home instead of staying to pour out their hearts for a mighty influ- ence, which should arouse and quicken the slumbering church. 1 84 MRS. BOOTH. 1854. Age 25. The tide turns. Opening his corn- He des- cribes the meetings. We remained and pleaded with Heaven. I wrestled in prayer. God heard, and the results will show how gloriously He an- swered our petition. " The following morning I visited, in company with my host, many of the leading members of the church, and I spoke with them kindly and affectionately, relative to the work of God, words of reproof and invitation, which I have every reason to believe brought forth much fruit. " As I was walking up one street, a young lady in deep mourning was coming along. 'There,' said the gentleman with me, 'that young person has lost her mother. She is one of our singers. ' And he immediately introduced me to her. I spoke to her about her soul, and the tears welled up in her eyes, and as I left her I remarked to Mr. Ozanne that she would be among the first fruits of the revival. That night she led the way to the communion-rail, and I afterwards re- ceived a letter from her thanking me and stating that her sister, her three cousins, and a friend had all found peace with God during the services. " That night I opened my commission from the pulpit, and if ever I tried to preach pointedly and plainly, it was that night. Four penitents came forward. " And now came the struggle. Some approved my preach- ing, but did not like my plans in the prayer-meeting; some, I suppose, disapproved of everything. Some looked cold. Some wished me success, but held aloof and would not lend a hand. Nevertheless I continued to pray and believe and labour." Describing the meetings, Mr. Booth writes to Miss Mumford as follows: MOUNT DURANT, GUERNSEY, i7th Oct., 1854. " Mv DEAREST AND MOST PRECIOUS LOVE : Last night I preached my first sermon. The congregation was middling, very respectable, stiff and quiet. I let off a few heavy guns at the lazy formality so prevalent, and with some effect. They opened their eyes at some of the things I said. " 2oth October. My preaching is highly spoken of. The Lord is working, and I trust that to-morrow we shall have a crash a glorious breakdown. Already the Lord has given me some souls, but my anxious heart cries out for many more. LONDON GUERNSEY. 185 I cannot write about the natural beauties of the place. I have 1854, done nothing yet but sigh for and seek the salvation of its Age 2 5- inhabitants. The arrangements for the services were misera- ble not even a notice printed. And when they advertised the anniversary sermons for to-morrow they never mentioned the preaching afterwards. I asked the good brother who had the thing under his control to put another line, but he said he dare not without the consent of the leaders' meeting ! Poor fellows ! They will advertise for money, but are ashamed to advertise for souls ! " God bless you. Pray for me. Look for a fuller and com- pleter manifestation of the Son of God, and believe me as ever, " Yours in betrothed and unalterable affection, " WILLIAM." The entries in the journal continue as follows : "Sunday. Rose with a delightful sense of God's favor His jour- and anticipating a good and successful day. In the morning nal - the congregation was very good, and the word, I am convinced, went with power to many hearts. At night the chapel was crowded. It was their anniversary. The collections were double in amount those of last year, and in the prayer-meet- ing wonderful victory was ours. We took down about twenty- Twenty- six names some most interesting and glorious cases. Many s "t c ^^ es went away under deep conviction. " Monday. Good news comes in on every hand. To-night, although the weather is most unfavorable, the congregation has been very good, and the prayer-meeting even more suc- cessful than the one last night. Many very clear cases of con- Thirty- version. About thirty-five penitents. fi ve more. "Tuesday. The excitement increases. The congregation was much larger and a great number of penitents came for- ward. " Wednesday. The chapel to-night has been packed fuller than it was on Sunday night and the prayer-meeting was a most glorious one. We did not conclude until 10:30. Very many who had been seeking all the week found peace. " Thursday. To-night many went away unable to get into the chapel. The aisles were crowded, and up to eleven o'clock it was almost an impossibility to get them up to the 1 86 MRS. BOOTH. 1854, communion-rail, owing to the crush. We had near sixty Age 25. penitents, many very clear cases, and I doubt not over sixty Sixty pen- more were in deep distress in different parts of the chapel. itents. The parting with the people was very affecting. " Friday. I bade farewell to Guernsey. Many came down An affect- . ing fare- to the pier to wish me good-bye, and when the packet bore me well. away and I caught the last glimpse of their waving 'hands and handkerchiefs, I felt I had parted with many very dear friends, and that I had bidden adieu to a fair spot, where I had certainly passed one of the happiest fortnights of my brief history." Further On his return from Guernsey, Mr. Booth received cctlls pressing invitations to visit Longton and Hanley, in the Staffordshire Potteries, at that time practically the headquarters and chief stronghold of the New Con- nexion. The undertaking appeared to him to be too great and he declined to go. The chapel at Hanley was said to be the largest in the United Kingdom some said in the world. Its superintendent, the Rev. Mr. Mills, was the President of the Connexion. Mr. Booth argued that he was young, and that he had but recently entered the denomination; that his circuit overruled. would suffer by his prolonged absence, and that these irregular services would hinder him in preparing him- self for the ordinary pastoral duties of the future. But the President was not to be refused. Dr. Cooke, Mr. Bates, and other friends backed up the invitation. The circuit agreed to part with him for a month. Perhaps they would have been less willing to do so had they foreseen that he would return to them in his ministerial capacity no more. The visit to the Potter- Further i es capped Mr. Booth's previous successes and finally established his reputation as a revival preacher, the calls for his services becoming now so numerous that the question of his appointments was referred to the Annual Committee, which transacted the business of successes. LONDON GUERNSEY. 187 the Connexion between the sittings of the Conference. 1835, It was decided by this committee that a substitute ge 2 ' should be provided to take Mr. Booth's place in the London circuit, and that the next few months should be devoted to holding evangelistic services. To give anything like a complete account of these meetings is at present impossible. Ample material is available, but must be reserved for the future chronicler of Mr. Booth's career. At present we satisfy ourselves with a few extracts from his diary which will suffice to throw a light on the subsequent history of the subject of these memoirs. The double " footprints on the sands of time" occasionally move so closely together that in tracking the one we cannot but observe the other. "Sunday, January 7th, 1855. An important day in the Fifty annals of Zion Chapel, Longton. At night the chapel was penitents comfortably rilled, about 1,800 persons present. After the ser- ton. mon, fifty precious souls cried for mercy. This gave all great encouragement. "Monday, January 8th, 1855. The congregation to-night has been excellent. Preached with much liberty, and Mr. McCurdy intimated after the service that every sentence was with great power. We had about thirty penitents. Many very good cases. "Thursday, nth. The farewell. The chapel very full, more so than on Sunday night. A grand and imposing spec- tacle. How solemn the responsibility of the man who stands up to address such crowds on the momentous topics of Time, Eternity, Salvation, and Damnation. Lord, help me! So I prayed, and mighty were the results. We took down about sixty names this night, making a total of 260 during the nine sixty in days that I had stayed at Longton. " Sunday, January i4th. My first Sabbath at Hanley. It Hdnley has been a remarkable day and I have preached twice in per- chapel. haps the largest chapel in the world. At night an imposing congregation. " I had much anxiety about visiting this place before leav- i88 MRS. BOOTH. A I8 55, Age 26. Four hun- dred and sixty names taken. Paying for our enjoy- ments. Heart- yearn- ings. ing London, and many fears as to my fitness for so large a building and so important a congregation. I was astonished at the quietness of spirit with which I rose to address so large a multitude, comparatively careless as to their mental criticism of the messenger and absorbed in an earnest desire for the salvation of the people. " Wednesday, 24th. Congregations increased. During the fortnight 460 names have been taken down, a very large num- ber, but not many in proportion to the vast crowds who have attended the meetings. Many glorious and wonderful cases of conversion have transpired, and on the whole I cannot but hope that the services have exercised a very salutary effect on the society and neighbourhood." During the following months up to the meeting of the Conference in June, Mr. Booth conducted services with similar results at Oldham, Mossley, Bradford, Gateshead, and Manchester, returning to London about the middle of May for his wedding. But before proceeding to describe this event, we must conclude the present chapter with an extract from a letter writ- ten to him by Miss Mumford during this period, in which she responds to a proposal for her to visit his newly-made friends in Guernsey: " Should the opportunity ever occur I shall not let so short a voyage hinder me. I have no doubt I should be very ill, but it would only be for a little while, and we usually have to pay for our enjoyments in this world. There is no rose here without its thorn, and I never expect to be able to travel much without fatigue and suffering. So if ever we are to en- joy the beauties of nature together you must not mind a little bother. " I long to see you. Your letters do not satisfy the yearn- ings of my heart. Perhaps they ought to. I wish it were differently constituted. I might be much happier. But it will be extravagant and enthusiastic in spite of all my schooling. If ever I get to Heaven, what rapture shall I know ! What a mercy it is that this is but the vestibule to a future existence, that my poor soul may enjoy a glorious future, and realise LONDON G UERNSE Y. 1 89 not only the perfection of all its powers, but the satisfaction 1855, of its hitherto insatiable desires. I often anticipate the time Age 26. when every jarring string shall be removed and all its tender chords be susceptible only of blissful harmony. How sweet to meet then, when our very hearts shall be open to each other's gaze and no envious veil come between to hinder the workings of each other's souls ! I believe that unions perfected in Jesus on earth, will be in some peculiar sense recognised and perpetuated in Heaven. But oh, to live for it! Will you try? And help me also ? " No, there is no fear of us loving each other too much. How The can we love each other more than Christ has loved us? and this is the standard He has given. Indeed, this love will only make us more lovable in His sight ! What a precious thing is the religion of Jesus ! It makes our first duties our highest happiness ! It has the promise of the life that now is, as well as of that which is to come. We will spend all our energies in trying to persuade men to receive and practise it." CHAPTER XIX. THE WEDDING. 1855. A strik- COMPARED with the principles and practice of the rast n Salvation Army in later years, the wedding of Mr. Booth and Miss Mumford presents a striking contrast. Indeed, in the light of subsequent experience, they have not scrupled to blame themselves for having thrown away so unique a chance of influencing multi- tudes by considering their personal predilections rather than the highest interests of the kingdom. They were now so well known both in the Connexion and among the Reformers that the occasion might easily have been utilised as a powerful fulcrum on the hearts of the people. Anoppor- There are certain important domestic events which, though strictly speaking of a private character, never- theless appeal in an especial manner to the sympathy of those who are outside the narrow family pale. Under such circumstances the superabundance of joy or sorrow may be said to burst the ordinary bounds of stiff and cold decorum, and it has been the time- honoured custom in all nations for .relations , friends, acquaintances, and even the public at large to rejoice with those who rejoice, and to weep with those who weep. If such a course be allowable and even laud- able in the world at large, how much more should this be the case with those whose religious fellow- ship binds them in the closest of bonds, not only for time, but for eternity! 190 THE WEDDING. 191 There are some no doubt who deprecate this as- 1855, sembling of ourselves together on such occasions, and who would relegate all such demonstrations, Human when they are of a religious nature, to some unseen and speechless limbo. But this is to do violence to human nature and to sacrifice some of the tenderest links which bind together the entire fabric of so- ciety. There are certain charms to the magic " Hey! presto!" of which the mortal heart spontaneously and involuntarily responds. They are few enough as it is, and the onward march of civilisation tends to diminish their number and to substitute an artificial and powerless' condition of existence such as would reduce the social structure to separated and cohe- sionless atoms. We cannot throw aside these spells without the danger of producing chaos, any more than we can dispense with mortar in putting together the bricks that compose our homes. Man is truly said to be a gregarious animal, and those who would isolate him, especially in the moments of his supreme joy or sorrow, strive to do they know not what, and, in de- claring war against his universal instinct, would, if successful, inflict upon him an irreparable injury. But these were lessons which were to be learnt in A quiet 1 i / i 1-1 f -i wedding. later life. And so an event which was fraught with consequences of everlasting importance to hundreds of thousands of souls, was enacted in all the empty quietude of a congregationless chapel. Mr. Booth led his bride to the altar in the presence of none, save her father, his sister, and the officiating minister. And yet perhaps never has there been a wiser choice, a more Heaven-approved union, than the one which was thus undemonstratively celebrated by Dr. Thomas, at the Stockwell New Chapel, on the i6th 16t hJune, June, 1855. And if happiness be judged, not merely 1855 - 192 MS. BOOTH. I 855 by the measure of joy personally experienced, but by the amount imparted to others, then surely it may be said that never were two hearts united with happier results. " The joy of joys is the joy that joys in the joy of others." This is the purest and most unselfish form of happiness. Marriage too often degenerates into the merest self-indulgence, with the inevitable consequence that its charms decay as soon as it loses the gloss of early courtship. But where personal in- terests, though necessarily consulted, are subordi- nated to the claims of God and humanit)^, the happi- ness that ensues is both perfect and permanent. An inter- And yet, while for some reasons we cannot but sidelight. re g ret the l ss f so valuable an opportunity for gathering the people together and for impressing upon them the claims of God, the incident is valuable, inasmuch as it throws an interesting side-light upon the actual character of Mr. and Mrs. Booth. Far from being the ardent popularity-hunters and publicity- seekers which some suppose, it has been through life their constant lamentation that the calls of duty de- Theiriove prived them of the domestic seclusion which they wcj/!~ would otherwise have coveted. Especially was this the case with Mrs. Booth. Had she yielded to the bent of her personal inclinations, she would have in- finitely preferred the life of retirement which became less and less possible in her subsequent career, and would have smuggled away her ^talents and buried her opportunities in some secluded retreat, satisfied, like so many, with having done no harm, while con- scious of having accomplished but little good. Taientr How surprising it is that such a low standard of lin9 ' morality as is involved in this talent- hiding disposition should satisfy the majority of mankind! Who can doubt that, however congenial it may be to our natural THE WEDDING. 1 93 love of ease, it is entirely foreign to that spirit of 1855, Christianity which was designed, if for anything at ge 2 ' all, to lift us out of the slough of selfishness, and to plant the feeblest feet upon the rock of benevolence. This at least was the gospel for which William and Catherine Booth contended, and in resolutely dis- regarding the natural barriers of reserve and timidity which would so often have hindered them in the prosecution of their life-enterprise, they were able to unearth and consecrate to God's service the hitherto dormant talents of tens of thousands. Hence, when in later years the same opportunity NO thirst f -,.,-, . f or show. recurred in the marriage of their children, it was no shallow thirst for show which prompted them to pur- sue so opposite a course to that which they had adopted at their own wedding. The opportunity of impressing upon the world at large what marriage might and ought to be was too valuable to be lost. And the great fundamental principle prevailed of A r ^ un t d f' sacrificing personal preferences for the all-absorbing principle. claims of God's kingdom. The trade winds were blowing too favourable a breeze for the fleet to lie at anchor. It might "be necessary at times to scud under bare poles across stormy seas, or even to seek for a while some sheltering haven, but that was no reason for discarding opportunities so favourable, some of which come but once in a lifetime and pass away, if neglected, never to return. Man's instinct is to imitate, and the example of a A picture public wedding in which frivolity and extravagance framing those curses 'of society were conspicuous only by their absence, who could overestimate? The picture of a union in which there was joy without folly, and in which the highest interests of God and man sup- planted the whims of private caprice and the mer- 13 194 MJ?S. BOOTH. 1855, cenary motives of worldly wisdom, may well be framed and exhibited for a few brief hours in such a manner as to arrest the attention of even the most careless passer-by. Mere display for its own sake is as contemptible as a gilded frame without a picture. To this the frameless picture of Mr. and Mrs. Booth's God's wedding is indeed infinitely preferable. God's pur- often s poses can afford at times to be born in obscurity. obscurity. Nay, the very gloom from which they emerge may heighten the after effect. " 'Tis thus God often shapes His choicest plan Far out of ken and reach of every man, Then suddenly in daylight broad unfolds His wisdom ! All the earth amazed beholds And doth His goodness better understand, Adores perforce His wonder-working hand ! Thus, in a bud, profusion of green leaves And blossoms richly coloured close He weaves, Forgetting not for bees the honey- drop. Nor even there His matchless skill doth stop ! Perfumes that seem so delicate and rare, And yet so strong their fragrance fills the air, Like angel's breath, defying human skill, Hid in that bud, encloses He at will. Just when to outward eye no hope is left, And of its last green leaf the" tree's bereft, He sends His workers all at variance seem The rain, the dew, the wind, and the sunbeam And then, when all in turn their part have played, Behold each twig with leaf and flower arrayed ! " And now Catherine Booth found herself on the threshold of the life of usefulness, which had consti- li f e - tuted the subject of her girlhood's dreams and the summit of her Christian aspirations. By her side was the man of her heart's choice. The impetus which springs from unity of aim and purpose, was now in the fullest sense her own. The position for which, especially during the past three years, she THE WEDDING. 195 had so diligently been preparing, was within her 1855, grasp. She realised at once its opportunities and re- sponsibilities, and rose to meet them with unfailing grace, dignity, and power. There are some characters which appear to best charac- ters tnat ad vantage at a distance. Courtship invests them with bear look- a false halo which enhances for a time their super- ficial attractions and conceals their defects, but which disappears after the first few days of married life. A celebrated painter is said to have silenced one of his critics by explaining that his pictures were " not in- tended to be. smelt." Looked at from a distance such characters possess, like these pictures, a beauty which fades away on closer acquaintance. Catherine Booth was not one of these. Nothing could exceed the es- teem and affection of those who knew her best. The very fact that she laid herself out rather for their benefit than to win golden opinions for herself, se- cured their everlasting respect. Mr. Booth realised increasingly that in her he had found the wise man's ideal of a wife, and had obtained favour of the Lord. As soon as the wedding was over Mr. and Mrs. A second , visit to Booth proceeded to Ryde, in the Isle of Wight, but Guernsey. remained there only a week, when they took steamer to Guernsey, where they received a hearty welcome and found themselves the guests of Mr. Booth's former host and friend, Mr. Ozanne. From the ordinary point of view it would appear to have been a strange honeymoon, so early did public claims trespass upon domestic peace. On reaching Guernsey they found a crowd of people on the pier anxiously awaiting their arrival. Meetings had been already arranged, and without Another further pause they found themselves launched into all the opportunity and excitement of a powerful revival. 196 MRS. BOOTH. 1855, In describing these meetings to her mother, Mrs. Age26 ' Booth writes: " William is preaching to-night. I feel so sorry that I am not well enough to go and hear him. The doors were to be open at half-past five to admit the seat-holders before the crush. The interest has kept up all through the services to such a de- gree as I have never witnessed before. It would do you good to see some of the prayer-meetings chapel crowded, upstairs and down. There have been some precious cases of conver- sion, but not so many as William expected." Before leaving Guernsey, the following autographs were entered in the album of a friend : Some " Life with me," writes Mr. Booth, " has had its dark shadows anc * * ts g loom y days. And yet it has not been all sadness. There have been silvery linings to its darkest clouds. I have tasted many of its sweets, and have drunk deeply of its pass- ing excitements. I have known somewhat of the quiet joys of home, the pleasure of friendship, the thrilling delights in- spired by beholding the creations of man's genius, and the lovely and picturesque in nature. But no emotions that ever filled my heart were so rapturous, so pure, so heaven-like, as those that have swelled my heart, while standing surrounded by penitent souls, seeking mercy at the hand of Calvary's Prince. The cries of the weeping, the prayers of the men and women of God, and the songs of rejoicing alternately as- cending, have made to me music the most melting and glori- ous of any ever heard outside the portals of the Temple of Heaven." Mrs. Booth writes as follows: " The woman who would serve her generation according to the will of God, must make moral and intellectual culture the chief business of life. Doing this she will rise to the true dignity of her nature, and find herself possessed of a wonder- ous capacity for turning the duties, joys, and sorrows of do- mestic life to the highest advantage, both to herself and to all those within the sphere of her influence. "July aoth, 1855. CATHERINE BOOTH." THE WEDDING. 197 Beneath this entry her eldest daughter afterwards '1855, adds the following remarks : " Thirty years ago my beloved mother wrote in this book, The Ma- years before I was born. Words would fail to express all her r u " ! s example and influence have done for her children, all of graph. whom now speak for her in the gate \ My one and only joy is to follow in her steps and turn men from darkness to light, fully realising how short the time is and how more than worthy is our Redeemer of every moment of my life. '"June 5th, 1885. CATHERINE BOOTH." CHAPTER XX. The Con- ference' 1 's resolu- tion. Seventeen hundred and thirty- nine peni- tents in four months. Glorious results. One hun- dred and one seek- ers in one night. REVIVALS AND CORRESPONDENCE. 1855. THE five months of evangelistic work which pre- ceded his marriage had established for Mr. Booth a widespread reputation for devotion, ability, and suc- cess, so that when the Annual Conference had met at Sheffield, just previous to the wedding, it was resolved that "the Rev. William Booth, whose labours had been so abundantly blessed in the conversion of sin- ners, be appointed to the work of an evangelist, to give the various circuits an opportunity of having his services during the coming year." The results had indeed been remarkable. In the space of four months no less than 1,739 persons had sought salvation at nine separate centres, besides a considerable number at four or five other places, of which we have no particulars. This gave an average of 214 for each circuit visited, or 161 for each week, and 23 for each day during the time that meetings were being held. At Longton, during the first visit there were 260 in nine days, and during the second visit 97 in four days. At Hanley, there were 460 in a fortnight ; at Burslem, 262 in one week; at Mossley, 50 in five days; at Newcastle-under-Lyme, 290 in one week; at Bradford, 1 60 in a fortnight, and at Gateshead, a simi- lar number in the same time. Not included in the above was Guernsey, where, during Mr. Booth's first visit, 200 'souls sought salvation in the space of a fortnight. It was an ordinary occurrence for 40, 50, and 60 persons to come forward to the communion 198 REVIVALS AND CORRESPONDENCE. 199 rail each night, and at Burslem we read in the New 1855, Connexion Magazine, that on a single occasion 101 names were taken. Besides those who actually pro- fessed conversion, large numbers of persons became convinced of sin, and were gathered in after the special services were over. From Guernsey Mr. and Mrs. Booth proceeded to jersey. Jersey, and it is worthy of note that the hall in which the meetings were held has since become an Army Barracks. The return voyage was a very trying one. Mrs. A trying Booth was always a wretched sailor, and this trip w r as certainly one of her worst. She had been for some time in very poor health, and it now became manifest that it would be impossible for her to accompany her husband in fulfilling the next appointments marked out for him by the Annual Committee. It was therefore decided, much to their mutual disappointment, that Mrs. Booth should remain at home with her mother till well enough to travel, while Mr. Booth proceeded to York, in fulfilment of his next engagement. How A first keenly they felt the separation may be judged from parting. the first letters interchanged by them, after Mr. Booth had left : " 3 CASTLE GATE, YORK, August 4th, 1855. "Mv PRECIOUS WIFE: The first time I have written you that endearing appellation! Bless you a thousand times! How often during my journey have I taken my eyes from off the book I was reading to think about you yes, to think ten- derly about you, about our future, our home and its endear- ments. " Shall we not again commence a life of devotion, and by renewed consecration begin afresh the Christian race? " O Kate ! be happy. You will rejoice my soul if you send me word that your heart is gladsome, and your spirits 200 MRS. BOOTH. A I8 5S, Age 26. are light. It will help you to battle with your illness, and make the short period of our separation fly away. " Bless you ! I feel as though a part of my very self were wanting as though I had left some very important adjunct to my happiness behind me. And so I have. My precious self. I do indeed return that warm affection I know you bear toward me. " Your faithful and affectionate husband, " WILLIAM." Mrs. Booth re- sponds, sponse : To this letter Mrs. Booth sent the following re- Phttoso- phy ver- sus love. "August 6th, 1885. " MY PRECIOUS HUSBAND : A thousand thanks for your sweet letter. I have read it over many, many times, and it is still fresh and precious to my heart. I cannot answer it, but be assured not a word is forgotten or overlooked. " As soon as you were out of sight, I felt as though I could have performed the journey with far less suffering than to stay behind. It was a supremely wretched day, and long be- fore night I had made up my mind to come to you, sick or well, on Wednesday. You say, ' But, Kate, how foolish ! Why did you not think and reason?' I did, -my darling! I philoso- phised as soundly as you could desire. I argued with myself on the injustice of coming here and making my dear mother miserable by leaving her so soon on the folly of making my- self ill on the selfishness of wishing to burden you with the anxiety and care my presence would entail. But in the very midst of such soliloquies, the fact of your being gone beyond my reach, the possibility of something happening before we could meet again, the possible shortness of the time we may have to spend together, and such like thoughts would start up, making rebellious nature rise and swell and scorn all re- straints of reason, philosophy, or religion. The only comfort I could get was from the thought that I could follow you if I liked. And binding this only balm tightly to my heart, I managed to get a pretty good night's rest. " Remember me always as your own faithful, loving, joyful little wife, " CATHERINE." REVIVALS AND CORRESPONDENCE. 20 1 From York Mr. Booth proceeded to Hull, and he 1855, was joined on his way at Selby junction by Mrs. Booth, who had now sufficiently recovered to be able They meet to travel. The meetings were of the usual stirring and successful character, as may be judged from the following report sent to the New Connexion Magazine by the Rev. J. Addyman, the local minister: "On the Sabbath morning at 7 o'clock, we had a glorious prayer-meeting, which spoke well for the day. The congregations exceeded our expectations. In the evening the chapel was full, and the extra- ordinary ministry of the preacher produced an im- pression which we trust will not soon be effaced. Appropriate and vivid were the illustrations, and the appeals for an immediate decision were heart-search- ing. Many sighs, groans, and heart-felt responses were heard throughout the congregation. Many came forward to the altar and sought mercy. Ten were blessed with a sense of pardon, and went home rejoicing. " On Wednesday evening the meeting was com- A thun- menced under a very gracious influence. Brother cannon- Booth preached a most telling and effective sermon, prayer. Conviction took deep hold on the minds of the people, and many literally groaned in spirit. The prayer- meeting opened with great power. It was like a thundering cannonade. The people came forward in rapid succession. Fourteen professed to find peace, while others went away still mourning. " The second Sabbath commenced as the previous one. At night we had a packed chapel, communion rails, pulpit, stairs, etc. On account of the great num- ber of people present we had some difficulty in get- ting the prayer-meeting into good working order, but by the discreet management of our leader we sue- 202 MRS. BOOTH. 1855, ceeded. The meeting was pervaded by a hallowed and powerful influence, and thirty-eight persons pro- eitjht^eek fessed to find peace with God. salvation. Qn Thursday our brother preached his farewell sermon, when every part of the chapel, even to the top of the pulpit-stairs, was densely thronged. It was eleven o'clock before we could bring that truly 'anx- ious' meeting to a final close. I never witnessed such a scene. Forty-eight persons gave their names in as converts. TWO hun- " During these memorable seasons we have entered dred and seventy the names of 270 persons. These services have been tafcen! conducted throughout with great order and propriety, and attended by people of various denominations. Our excellent brother Booth was carried beyond him- self, and fears were entertained lest he should break down, but God has graciously sustained him." After reaching Hull, Mrs. Booth sent the following letter to her parents : A letter to "MY OWN DEAR PARENTS: My dear husband has gone to her home, an( j though I am but ill able to sit up, I will send you a line. " Well, I got through the journey better than I expected. The guard was exceedingly kind and attentive. If I had been rich, I should have given him half-a-sovereign. " My precious husband met me at Milford, and was de- lighted to see me. He is kinder and more tender than ever, and is very, very glad I came. Bless him ! He is worth a bushel of the ordinary sort. " Considering we are only at the start, the work wears the most encouraging aspect of any place he has yet visited, and he is, therefore, in excellent spirits. " I have told William about my dear mother's kindness to me and he desires me to send his very warm love and heart- felt thanks. As to myself, I feel very grateful for so much unmerited kindness. It is indeed sweet to be so cared for. God bless you both ! REVIVALS AND CORRESPONDENCE. 203 " I have every comfort and attention, so be easy about me, 1855, and believe me as ever and more than ever, Age 2< * " Your affectionate and grateful child, " CATHERINE." After spending a short time together at Hull, Mr. and Mrs. Booth went for a couple of days' rest and change to Caistor, the scene of the remarkable in- gatherings already recorded. Owing to Mrs. Booth's continued ill-health, it was decided that she should here remain until the conclusion of the work in Hull. While staying in Caistor she wrote as follows to her mother : " I heard from William this morning. They had a trium- phant day on Sunday, the chapel packed and upwards of forty cases at night, some of them very remarkable ones. He will finish up at Hull on Thursday, and come here on Friday for a week's rest previous to commencing the services at Sheffield. I anticipate his coming much. " It is such a splendid country. As I rambled out in the green lanes this morning, hemmed in on every side by fields of golden corn, in which the reapers are busy in all direc- tions, and surrounded by the most lovely scenery of hill and dale, wood and garden, I did wish you, my dear mother, could come and spend a fortnight with me. As for Hull, I would much prefer Brixton, and our bit of garden to the great majority of its homes. It is like being in fairy-land here, after being there, though I had every kindness and attention heart could desire. But you know how precious fresh air is to me at all times, or I would not be a voluntary exile from my beloved husband, even for a week. Bless him ! He con- tinues all I desire. " I am glad you changed the boots. Fudge about paying me ! I should think you wore an extra pair out in running up and down stairs after me, when I located my troublesome self at Brixton last. Whether or not, it is all right. " We are to have apartments at Sheffield. You cannot think with what joy I anticipate being to ourselves once more. It will seem like being at home, sweet home. For though I get revisited. Her love for the country. Longing for home. 204 MRS. BOOTH. 1855, literally oppressed with kindness, I must say I would prefer Age 26. a home, where we could sit down together at our own little table, myself the mistress and my husband the only guest. But the work of God so abundantly prospers that I dare not repine, or else I feel this constant packing and locating amongst strangers to be a great burden, especially while so weak and poorly. But then I have many mercies and advan- tages. My precious William is all I desire, and without this what would the most splendid home be but a glittering bau- ble? Then, too, by living in different families and places, I have much room for observation and reflection on various phases of life and character which I hope will benefit my mind and increase my knowledge, and thus fit me for future usefulness in my family, the church, and the World. May the Lord help me ! A message " Tell father that he must not wait for a change of circum- father. stances before he begins to serve God, but seek first the King- dom of Heaven, and then the attending promise will belong to him, and I believe God will fulfil it. I wish he could be in- troduced into such a revival as that at Hull. God is doing great and marvellous things there. '"He is bringing to His fold Rich and poor and young and old. ' " At the same time she wrote as follows to Mr. Booth : " MY OWN SWEET HUSBAND : Here I sit under a hedge in A beauti- ful des- that beautiful lane you pointed out to me. It is one of the cription. i ove ij es t days old earth has ever basked in. No human being is within sight or sound. All nature seems to be exulting in ex- istence, and your moralising little wife is much better in health and in a mood to enjoy all these beauties and advantages to the utmost. I have had a vegetarian breakfast, and one of the most refreshing dabbles in cold water I ever enjoyed. And now, after a brisk walk and reading your kind letter, I feel more pleasure in writing to you than anything else un- der heaven (except a personal interview) could give me. " I bless God for His goodness to you on Sunday, and hope that for once thou wast satisfied ! If so, it would have been a treat to have seen thee ! I feel perfectly at home here and REVIVALS AND CORRESPONDENCE. 205 experience just that free, sweet, wholesome kind of at- mosphere which I have so long been panting for. My natural spirits are in a high key this morning. I feel as if I could get over a stile just at hand and join the lambs in their gam- bols ! My soul also rises to the great and benevolent Creator of us all, and I feel stronger desires than for a long time past to be a Christian after His own model, even Christ Jesus. " Oh, I wish you were here. I think you would rest quiet a little while! It is so like what it will be when there is no more curse, when they shall not hurt nor destroy in all God's holy mountain, but when the lion and the fatling shall lie down together, and a little child shall lead them ! Oh what a glorious time is coming for the real children of God to those who do His will ! Lord help us ! " The bells are ringing and guns firing on account of the news that Sebastopol is taken. But I should think it is a delusion. Anyhow I cannot enter into the spirit of the victory. I picture the gory slain and the desolated homes and broken hearts attending it, and feel saddened. What a happy day will it be for the world when all Christians shall protest against war, when each poor mistaken Peter shall have heard Jesus say, 'Put up again thy sword into his place, for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword!' What a fearful prediction, if it applies to nations as well as to in- dividuals ! And hitherto it has been fulfilled in the history of the world. If it is yet to be fulfilled in our history, what will be our fate as a people? " Believe me, as ever, thy own in earth's tenderest, closest, and strongest bonds, " CATHERINE." 1855, Age 26. High spirits. The news of Sebas- topol. Her feel- ings in re- gard to war. CHAPTER XXI. The first visit to Sheffield. Mrs. Booth describes their re- ception. SHEFFIELD CHATSWORTH CORRESPON- DENCE. 1855. THE visit to Sheffield is so fully described in Mrs. Booth's letters to her parents that we hail the oppor tunity of reporting it in her own words. The meet- ings lasted for a month, from 23d September to 24th October, and included five Sabbaths. No less than 663 professed conversion during this time, the work increasing week by week in power and success. Indeed it broke off at its very height, arousing a con- siderable controversy in Mr. and Mrs. Booth's minds as to the wisdom of abandoning such an opportunity when circumstances seemed favourable for an even larger ingathering. But we turn to Mrs. Booth's own narrative : "Sept. 24th, 1855. " We arrived here two days ago. The Rev. W. Mills (ex-President of the Connexion) met us at the station and accompanied us to our host's. So that, after all, we are not to be to ourselves. It is, how- ever, a beautiful home, in the outskirts of the town, within ten minutes' walk of the cemetery, and over- looking some splendid scenery. I feel this to be a special blessing in my present sickly condition. I don't know what I should do if we were located in the town, which for smoke, I thought as we entered it, must rival the infernal region itself. It appears a 206 SHEFFIELD CHA TS WOR TH. 207 very large, populous, and thriving city. But of course 1855, I have not seen much of it yet. "They had a grand beginning yesterday at the A be g ? d chapel, and took twenty names. William is posted ning. on the walls in monster bills in all directions, and it appears from the congregations that his fame was here before him. I trust the work will be equal or superior to Hull. "September 27th. We dined and took tea with R ev . w. Mr. Mills, yesterday. This is the same minister who was Superintendent of the Hanley Circuit, where William had such a glorious revival last year. He is a nice man, very gentlemanly and intelligent. He gave William his opinion of me, which I fear was very flattering. " I have been to chapel two evenings. The work is rising in power, influence, and importance, and bids fair to become very mighty. On Tuesday even- ing seven or eight ministers of different denomina- tions were present. The celebrated John Unwin, of Sheffield, of whom you have often heard me speak and read, as a leading Reformer, and Mr. Caughey's host and intimate friend, sat just behind me. " Luke Tyerman is in Sheffield, and lives not far from our residence. We think of going to see him, and intend to hear him preach before we leave. " You will be pleased to hear that my letter on the training of young converts is copied from the New Connexion Magazine into the Canadian Christian Witness. So it has found a sympathiser on the other side of the Atlantic. "October 5th. The work progresses with power. We have been to-day to call on Mrs. Thomas Firth. It is one of the most splendid homes I ever visited and has a very kind and sympathetic lady for its mis- . 208 MRS. BOOTH. I 855. ' tress. I have had several interviews with her and like her very much. I feel her sympathy to be a special boon just now. You know what a great de- sideratum this is with me. Domestic " October. I should love to see you. I never was ness* so happy before. My cup, so far as this world goes, seems full. With the exception of the drawback of a delicate body and being without an abiding home, I have all I want. My precious William grows every day more to my mind and heart. God is blessing him richly both in his own soul and in his public la- bours. He is becoming more and more a man of prayer and of one purpose. The prog- " The work progresses with mighty power. Every- the work, body who knows anything of this society is aston- ished, and the mouths of gainsayers are stopped. God's Son is glorified and precious souls are being saved by scores. Four hundred and forty names have been taken, and to-morrow is expected to be a . crowning day. There is to be another love-feast in the afternoon, making three since we came. " October. The work goes on gloriously. On Sun- day night the chapel was packed to suffocation, and after a powerful sermon a mighty prayer-meeting ensued, in which upwards of sixty names were taken, some of them very important and interesting cases. AH People of all grades and opinions attend the services, tend. from members of the Town Council to the lowest outcasts. Last night (Monday) was what William calls a precious night, and Mr. Mills, the ex-Presi- dent, says the sermon was both beautiful and effective. " I have not been to chapel since I had the doctor. I feel it a great privation, but all other trials are more than compensated by the kindness and attention of my beloved husband. He gets more affectionate SHEFFIELD CHA TS IVOR TH. 2 09 every day, and often tells me he never dreamed of 1855, being half so happy. He has just been up to the ge 2 ' room in which I am writing, telling me it is the climax of his happiness to have me with him, and exhausting his vocabulary of kind words and tender epithets. I tell you this, because I know your mother- heart. Bless the Lord ! My full soul often vents it self in asking, 'Whence to me this waste of love?' Oh, for more devotedness to God ! Then I should indeed be satisfied. "October. William's mother is staying here. I Mr. must say I anticipated seeing my new mother with mother. much pleasure and some anxiety, but at our first interview the latter vanished and I felt that I could both admire and love her. She is a very nice-looking old lady, and of a very sweet and amiable spirit. William had not at all over-estimated her in his de- scriptions. I do wish she lived within visiting dis- tance of you. I am sure you would enjoy her society. " I went to chapel yesterday and witnessed a scene ^ n affect- such as I had never beheld before. In the afternoon ing scene ' there was a love-feast, and it was indeed a feast of love. The chapel was packed above and below, so much so that it was with extreme difficulty the bread and water could be passed about. The aisles and pulpit stairs were full, and in all parts of the chapel persons rose to testify of the power of God in con- nexion with the services. It was an affecting time, both to me and to William's mother, when some one called down blessings on his head, to hear a general response and murmured prayer all through the build- ing. " At night we got there at five minutes to six, and A forest found the chapel crowded and the vestry half full. of heads ' I was just returning home when a gentleman told 210 MJtS. BOOTH. 1855, me there was a seat reserved for me in Mr. Mills' pew, which, after some difficulty, I reached. The chapel presented a most pleasing aspect, a complete forest of heads extending to the outside of every door, upstairs and down. Mr. Shaw opened the ser- vice, and William preached with marvellous power. For an hour and ten minutes everybody was absorbed and riveted. Though scores were standing, they had a glorious prayer-meeting, in which seventy names were taken, many of them being very satisfactory cases. I would have given something considerable for you to have been there. A mighty " October 22d. We had a wonderful day at the chapel yesterday, a tremendous crowd jammed to- gether like sheep in a pen, and one of the mightiest sermons at night I ever listened to, from 'Will a man rob God? Yet ye have robbed Me!' The chapel continued crowded during the prayer-meeting, and sltTjtames before half-past ten o'clock seventy-six names were taken. ^ taken< All glory to God ! " My dearest has been very prostrated to-day, but is preaching again to-night. They had collections to defray the incidental expenses of the services yester- day and raised 25, far beyond anybody's expec- tations. " The farewell sermon is to be on Wednesday night, when he will finish up five weeks' services, having preached twice on Sundays and four nights a week in the same chapel. " A letter from the Annual Committee this morning says he must not visit the other chapel in this town. The friends are in a dreadful way about it. They talk of calling a meeting of office-bearers and petition- ing for it. But I don't think it will be of any use, as the committee have arranged for six places between SHEFFIELD CHA TS WOR TH. 2 1 1 now and May, and even this leaves some of the most 1855, important and needy towns out altogether. " My dear William is very much harassed about An unfin- having to leave a place before his own convictions of work. duty favour it. It is a solemn thing, and he feels his responsibility as he never did before. May the Mas- ter undertake for him. I believe that if God spares him and he is faithful to his trust, his usefulness will be untold, and beyond our present capacity to esti- mate. He is becoming more and more effective every day, and God seems to be preparing him in his own soul for greater things yet. Oh, for grace to surren- der our whole selves to do His will ! "October 24th. Your very kind letter is to hand, Cheering and though I wrote yesterday I cannot forbear send- mother. ing you a few lines to-day. You seem low and poorly, and I feel that I must try and comfort you a bit. I am sorry you were disappointed in not hearing from me on Saturday, but you must never attribute it to neglect or indifference when I omit writing. It . sometimes happens that I cannot kelp it. There are many circumstances and arrangements to which I am subject 'which would be otherwise, had I a quiet re- tired home of my own. Yesterday, for instance, I had not half an hour at my own disposal. So when- ever I don't send you my accustomed letter always conclude it is because I cannot, for I assure you, my will and heart always prompt me to do so. (It was Mrs. Booth's rule to write to her parents at least once a week, and throughout life she recommended it to others.) " I received all your letters, and although I did not mention them, I think I referred to the contents of each. Bless you! I have read them through several times, and shed some tears over them, too! Don't 212 MtfS. BOOTH. 1855, imagine that because I am so happy in my husband, and have so many things to claim my attention, that I think or care less about you. I don't believe I ever loved or valued you so much, and I am sure I never longed to see you more. My thoughts constantly stray off to you, and I am continually wishing you could share my joys and prosperity. Don't " Don't worry! I have seen the folly of my former days of apprehension, distrust, and sinful despondency in regard to the future. Oh, try to learn the lesson from me, and don't anticipate evil which may never, never come! I consider it nonsense to talk about your uselessness! What else can you do? Your path at present seems shut to where you are, and it may be God is more glorified by your standing still and patiently waiting the development of His pur- poses, than by a much more active life. I know it is hard to trust and hope when we can see nothing. I have, as you know, often felt it so. But now the clouds have dispersed, and the day shines, how plainly I see that I might have been much happier, if I had trusted the Lord more. He was doing for me the very things which I most desired, but because clouds and darkness so often appeared to be round about me, you are a witness to my murmurings and mistrust. Oh, let us learn to believe His word. "Commit thy way unto the Lord, and He will direct thy steps.' The Lord help us, for even yet I need Trusting much faith in God for the future. I am often dread- thefu- fully tempted to entertain gloomy anticipations, and to think that my present lot is too happy to last long. I suffer much anxiety about my dear husband's health. Luke Everybody predicts his breaking down. Luke Tyer- man>s man told him yesterday that neither he nor any other man could stand it long, and I often fear. But at SHEFFIELD CHA TS WOR TH. 2 i 3 present God strengthens him wonderfully. How 1855, true it is we know not what a day may bring forth, in regard to our joys no less than with reference to our anticipated sorrows. "Thursday noon. They finished up last night Sixhun- dred and gloriously. Though it was a very wet night the sixty- chapel was packed in every part, and scores went names away unable to get in. The friends described the scene to me as very affecting and unprecedented in their history when the people took leave of William, at near eleven o'clock. They passed in a continuous stream across the communion-rail from one side of the chapel to the other, while the choir sang, 'Shall we ever meet again?' They took forty-eight names, making a total of 663." At the conclusion of these meetings, the Confer- ence Committee, at the instance of the Sheffield friends, agreed to a fortnight's rest, which was spent at Chatsworth, where Mrs. Booth writes to her mother as follows: "CHATSWORTH PARK, October 2;th. " We arrived here this morning for a few days' rest Farewell before going on to Dewsbury. The Sheffield friends fi e id. have been exceedingly kind. There was a meeting on Thursday night of office bearers, local preachers, and leaders, to hear an address from William on the best means of sustaining and consolidating the work. It was a very important gathering and was attended by a number of influential people. They decided that the address should be published. The gentleman with whom he had been staying bore a most flattering testimony to the benefit his whole family had derived from William's stay among them, and styled it a high honour to have had the privilege of entertaining us. 214 MRS. BOOTH. l8 55 The unanimous and kind solicitude manifested was overwhelming and sufficient to have made any man destitute of the grace of God, vain. chats- " I thought and talked much of you on the journey worth ,.,.,, Park, here, as I rode over those Derbyshire hills and wit- nessed its wild and romantic scenery. It is a splen- did spot where we are located, right inside the park, where we can see the deer gambolling. I feel a peculiar interest in the scenes around, doubtless owing to its being my native county, and you will not deem it strange that associated with such feelings I should think more about the authors of my being. Bless you ! I hope the sun of prosperity will yet rise and shine upon you, as you descend the hill of life, and that I shall be permitted to rejoice in its rays. Its " 28th October. This afternoon we walked through scenery. the park right up to the Duke of Devonshire's resi- dence. It is one of the most splendid spots I was ever in. It is all hill and dale, beautifully wooded and bestudded with deer in all directions. The resi- dence itself is superior to many of the royal palaces, and the scenery around is most picturesque and sub- lime. This splendid spot is ours for a week in every sense necessary to its full enjoyment, without any of the anxiety belonging to its real owner. " This first day of our stay has been a very blessed one. I could not tell you how happy we both are, notwithstanding my delicate health and our constant migrations. We do indeed find our earthly heaven in each other. Praise the Lord with me, and oh, pray that I may so use and improve the sunshine that if the clouds should gather and the storm arise, I may be prepared to meet it with calmness and resignation. "At present my dearest love bears up under his extraordinary toil remarkably well, and seems to be SHEFFIELD CHA TS WOR TH. 2 1 5 profiting already from this rest and change. I never 1855, knew him in a more spiritual and devotional condition of mind. His character daily rises in my esteem and admiration, and I am perfectly satisfied with his affec- tion for me. He often tells me he could not have believed he should ever have loved any being as he loves me. Has not the Lord been gracious to me? Has He not answered my prayers? And oh, shall I not praise Him and serve Him ? Yea, I am resolved to do so with all my heart. " November 2d. Thursday was a fine frosty day, of which we took due advantage. Directly after breakfast we started for a walk of four miles to see the rocks of Middleton Dale. The scenery all the way was enchanting. I could scarce get along for stopping to admire and exclaim. The dark frowning cliffs on one hand, the splendid autumnal tints of rich foliage on the other, and the ever varying views of hill and dale before us, all as it were tinged with glory from a radiant sky, filled us with unutterable emotions of admiration, exhilaration, and joy. "William constantly saluted some passer on the A Derby- road, and from all received a regular Derbyshire re- sponse. One old man, in answer to a question as to the distance we were from the Dale, said he reckoned 'Welley' four miles, it 'met' be about 'thra' and a half. I thought of poor Liz filling the pan 'welley' full of potatoes ! " Well, we reached the Dale, and were not at all disappointed with the scenery. It is a long narrow road with cliffs from a hundred to two hundred feet high on either side, jutting out here and there like old towers of a by-gone age, and frowning darkly on all below. I wish I could describe the wild grandeur of the place, but I have neither time nor ability. 216 MRS. BOOTH. 1855, " We walked about half a mile up the dale, and ge 2 ' then I rested and got a little refreshment at a very An an- ancient and comical kind of inn. William walked half a mile further. During this time I had a very cosy and to me amusing chat in rich Derby- shire brogue with an old man over his pipe and mug of ale. " After resting about half an hour we bent our steps homewards, where we arrived soon after two. I felt tired, but considering I had walked at least nine miles during the day, I reckoned myself worth many dead ones." During their stay at Chatsworth, some Sheffield Sir Mark friends came over for the day. One of them, Mr. Firth. Mark Firth, was afterwards knighted on the occasion of the visit of the Prince of Wales to Sheffield. Mrs. Booth thus describes their visit : " This morning we were just preparing to visit Chatsworth House and to explore a part of the park we had not seen, when to our surprise Mr. and Mrs. Fenton, and Mr. Mark Firth, brother to the gentle- man named in my former letter, came to the door. They had driven over in their phaeton to spend the Climbing day with us. So we set off to climb some tremendous s ' hills, in order to reach a tower built in the highest part of the park grounds. I got about half-way up and then my strength failed me, and I begged to be allowed to sit down and wait, while the rest of the party completed the ascent. After much persuasion I carried my point and was left alone, sitting on a stone, my eyes resting on one of the loveliest scenes I ever expect to witness in this world. I enjoyed my meditations exceedingly. I was on an elevation about as high as St. Paul's, with a waterfall on one side of me, and the most romantic scenery you can MRS. MUMFORD. SHEFFIELD CHA TS WOR TH. 217 imagine all around, above and below. The old Duke 1855, ought to be a happy man, if worldly possessions can ge 2 ' give felicity. But, alas ! we know they cannot. And Riches according to all accounts he is one of those to whom un >nfer they have failed to impart it. *%%- " The ducal mansion is a magnificent building sit- uated in the most romantic portion of the park. Sir Joseph Pax ton's home is between the lodge and the Joseph Duke's residence. It is a fine building, quite a gen- Paxton ' tleman's seat, and yet it is only eighteen years since he came here on an equal footing with the man who keeps the lodge, and who works still as a plodding gardener. They both came on to the estate together, and at equal wages, which were very low. And now one is 'Sir Joseph,' known all over the world, while the other is still but keeper of the lodge." For some years past the Salvation Army has cele- brated its anniversary in the Crystal Palace, for the designing of which Sir Joseph Paxton received his honours. How small a world it is, after all, and how strangely do its happenings overlap and interlace each other ! CHAPTER XXII. DEWSBURY. Hersevere DEWSBURY was Mr. Booth's next appointment. Here Mrs. Booth was prostrated with a severe attack of inflammation of the lungs, from which for some time serious consequences were feared. She recov- ered, however, sufficiently to be able to attend the closing meetings of the revival. Has re- She ascribed her improved health to homoeopathy, C homoeo which she had for some time been practising with pathy. i ncreas i n g confidence and benefit. The system had been recommended to her about three years previously, and by its means she had succeeded in curing an obstinate sore throat, which had long resisted the ordinary allopathic remedies. This had induced her to make a careful study of several books bearing on S M*y the subject, with the result that she was still further tem - convinced as to the soundness of the fundamental principles on which homoeopathy is based. Since her marriage she had taken advantage of the enforced leisure necessitated by her delicate health to carefully study Hahnemann's "Organon," determined that she would not rest short of thoroughly mastering what seemed likely to prove so useful to her in after life. She knew something of allopathy, but it appeared to her to be a system rather of palliatives than of cura- tives, often substituting graver evils for those which it sought to combat. Hence her mind was open to receive fresh light, and to study the claims of any 218 DEWSBURY. 219 remedies which professed to afford permanent relief. In subsequent years she largely adhered to the prac- tice of homoeopathy, acknowledging to have derived considerable benefit from its use, both in her own case and in that of her family. The services commenced in Dewsbury, on Sunday, the 4th November, and were concluded on Monday, the 3d December. In the Magazine for January, the editor refers to the work in the following terms : " Our last number furnished our readers with an account of the glorious revival at Sheffield, and the commencement of one at Dewsbury, both of which were still going on at the time we went to press. As one indication of the good work at Sheffield South, we have been called upon to supply three hun- dred probationers' tickets. Respecting Dewsbury, the letter of the Rev. Saxton affords the cheering intelligence that four hundred and forty souls have been brought to a religious de- cision. This news will gladden the hearts of thousands and evoke the grateful exclamation, Praise Jehovah ! Hallelujah to His blessed Name ! Our beloved brother, Mr. Booth, is now at Leeds. The prayer of our heart is that similar signs may there attend his evangelistic labours." But it is scarcely necessary to quote from Mr. Sax- ton's long and interesting report of the Dewsbury meetings, since we have Mrs. Booth's letters written at the time during the intervals of her illness : " November 5th. We arrived here the day before yesterday, about 6 P.M. Two preachers met us at the station, and accompanied us to our host's, where we received a very cordial welcome. " The services commenced well yesterday, the chapel being quite full at night. The faith of our friends runs very high for something glorious. Our expectation is from the Lord. May He abundantly fulfil it. "November i2th. William got the Wesleyan Times, 1855, ge 2 ' TheDews- revival. vation. Mrs. meetm v s - 220 MRS. BOOTH. 1855, Age 26. Thawing the ice. Locking the gates. and read the letter you refer to. The writer is a Mr. Little, of Leeds, so he will soon have an opportunity of judging as to the genuineness of the revivals attend- ant on our mission. Some of his remarks are un- questionably just and justifiable, when applied to some persons assuming the title of Revivalists. I have often been distressed by the wildness and extrava- gance of such, and am the last to tolerate noise with- out influence, or ignorant and profane dealing with sacred subjects. Mr. Little appears to be an oppo- nent of Mr. Poole, and probably his remarks are chiefly directed against him. If so, however, I think them severe and unjust. Well, if God gives us such a work at Leeds as we had at Sheffield, neither Mr. L., nor any other 'little' man, will be able to disparage it. " The work here is progressing gloriously, though we found a people frozen, formal, and quite out of harmony with the spirit of a revival. Several of the 'nobs' still stand aloof, if they don't actually ridicule. The excitement, however, is gradually taking hold of the town, and sinners are being converted every night. " Yesterday was a precious day'. In the morning the chapel was quite full, and at the love-feast, in the afternoon, crowded. Between thirty and forty per- sons spoke, and the collection amounted to four times the ordinary sum. At night the chapel was so densely packed that at about five minutes past six William had to request the friends to lock the gates in order to prevent any more crushing in. I never heard him preach with such liberty and power. The congregation appeared literally riveted to their seats. In the middle of the sermon, when the subject reached a climax and he seemed exhausted, he started the congregation singing : DEWSBURY. 221 "*O happy day, that fixed my choice 1855, On Thee, my Saviour and my God.' Age 26. " This was followed by : " 'And above the rest this note shall swell, My Jesus hath done all things well ! ' " It was like Heaven below, and in the prayer-meet- ing that followed they took twenty-seven names. " I seldom go on a week-night now, as I cannot sit in hot places long together. Last night I could scarcely remain till the sermon was over. I am sorry for this, as I might often render efficient help at the Helping communion-rail, where a certain amount of intelli- gence and aptness in dealing with penitents is often sadly deficient. But I must rest content at home for the present. However, I possess every comfort and find a constant solace and a balm for every suffering in the unvarying love and attention of my precious husband. I often wish you could see how happy we are. Oh, it is a precious thing to experience perfect satisfaction in the object of one's affection! And I believe we both enjoy it! Praise the Lord! " 22d November. I am happy to tell you that I con- tinue to improve and am downstairs to-day. My cough is much better, and I hope now soon to be as well as usual. We remain here till Friday or Satur- day week, and then go on to Leeds, where we are to spend six weeks, three at one end of the circuit, and three at the other. I believe we are to have a very nice home where there are no children ; quite a re- commendation, seeing how they are usually trained ! I hope if I have not both sense and grace to train mine so that they shall not be a nuisance to every- body about them, that God will in mercy take them to Heaven in infancy. But I sincerely trust I shall 222 MRS. BOOTH. I 8ss, be able to do better, and am learning some useful lessons from observation. The Pilot. "23d November. Father's letter came to hand this morning with the Pilot. We see it every week, and know much about its history, present mode of exist- ence, and future prospects. Unfortunately it is a party affair, and that only of a very small party. The editor solicited reports from William for it, but as the first prospectus set it forth as a controversialist, or me dj um o f attack upon the Association and Re- formers, William declined contributing to it, thinking that the title Revival Revived was merely tacked on to it to better secure its circulation. I think, however* the editor has materially altered his first intention, and if he minds what he is about, it may yet succeed. " There can be little doubt that it might be made a first-rate paper, but the paucity of news of our own Connexion is at present an evil. I am sorry the majority of the Connexion, both lay and cleric, are opposed to it, and chiefly because it is feared it will injure the funds of the Book-room. Our objections are on no such grounds. We say, never mind if it does, if it blesses the Connexion spiritually, and puts some steam into it ; but we fear its controversial ten- dencies. However, we shall watch its course in this respect and act accordingly. I will consider your suggestion about the Juvenile, but it requires peculiar tact to write for children. However, I may try. Mr. Poole Mr. p O ole has been very successful at Sheffield. at J Sheffield. He went at a good time. There were scores wounded who might have been gathered in by our people, if the Committee had let us go to the other chapel. However that may be, it is a good thing somebody has caught them. Poole is a sincere, earnest, good man, and we rejoice greatly in his success. DEWSBURY. 223 " My dear William is rather better, though far 1855, from well. They had a triumphant day on Sunday, such an one as was never known in Dewsbury before. A The people flocked to the chapel, in crowds, hun- Sunday. dreds being unable to get in. The love-feast in the afternoon, I hear, was like Heaven. Many took their dinners and teas, and never left the chapel all day. To-night William is preaching his farewell sermon in the Wesley an Chapel, lent for the occasion, a spa- cious building capable of seating two thousand peo- ple, and I have just learnt from a man who has been to fetch him some cocoa before the prayer-meeting, that it is croivded. I hope they will have a good night. Last night they took between thirty and forty names, besides children under sixteen. To-morrow evening William addresses the office-bearers, and on Wednesday night the young converts. On Thursday afternoon there is to be a farewell tea-meeting to be held in the Wesleyan schoolroom, kindly lent because our own would be far too small. We expect a splen- did affair. Most of the trays will be given. They had collections yesterday which amounted to 20, three times as much as usual." Writing the following day, Mrs. Booth says : "They did not leave the chapel last night till a quarter past eleven o'clock. They had a splendid sixty ,. , 1 . T names prayer-meeting and took sixty names. I suppose taken. there were 2,500 people at the service." The following resolution was passed at the Dews- bury Leaders' Meeting, in regard to the services, the Rev. L. Saxton being in the chair: DECEMBER 6th, 1855. The. Resolved, That this meeting desires to record its gratitude ^Sw to the great Head of the Church, for the large measure of tion. 224 MRS. BOOTH. 1855, success which has been realised in connexion with the special Age 26. services recently conducted by the Rev. W. Booth in this place, and earnestly prays not only that Mr. Booth may be long spared to labour in this blessed and glorious work, the work of saving souls from death, but that he may be rendered increas- ingly happy and successful. The meeting begs to assure Mr. Booth that enlisted in his behalf and also in the behalf of Mrs. Booth are its warmest sympathies and best wishes. GEORGE WARD, Secretary. A shoiver "The tea-meeting last night was a first-rate one. I do wish you could have heard William's speech. I ventured there enveloped in a mountain of clothes, and feel no worse for it, except it be worse to feel a little prouder of my husband, which I certainly do. We took leave of the people amid a perfect shower of tears and a hurricane of sobs, and many more are coming to take leave of us to-day. Gratitude " As to my own feelings, I cannot describe them. fof mercies. My heart was ready to burst as I listened to the sol- emn, earnest, and really beautiful address given by my dearest William. I felt unutterable things as I looked at the past and tried to realise the present. I felt as though I had more cause to renew my covenant en- gagement with God than any of His children, but oh, I realised deeply, inexpressibly the worthlessness of the offering I had to present Him. Alas, I had so often renewed, but so seldom paid my vows unto the Lord, and yet He has so richly filled my cup with blessings, and so wonderfully given me the desire of my heart. Oh, for grace rightly to enjoy and improve my many mercies! Pray for me. A joyful " I often think that God is trying me by prosperity an ^ sunshine, for I am, so far as outward things go, happier than I ever was in my life. Sometimes my heart seems burdened with a sense of my unmerited mercies, and tears of gladness stream down my DEWSBURY. 225 cheeks. I tremble lest any coldness and want of 1855, spirituality should provoke the Lord to dash the cup ge 2 ' from my lips, even while I am exulting in its sweet- ness. O my darling mother, you cannot think how my soul often luxuriates in its freedom from anxiety and apprehension about the future, and how sweetly it rests in tranquil confidence where it used to be so tossed and distracted by many elements and emotions. You know something of its past exercises, but you can imperfectly judge of its present satisfaction. I tell you of it, however, that you may rejoice with me. "We think and talk much about you. I have mother's likeness on our bedroom chimney-piece, and. it gets many a kiss, and many a wiping, bless you! I long to see you both. I trust we shall yet make a family in Christ on earth, and an unbroken family in heaven." 15 CHAPTER XXIII. The Leeds revival. Christ- mas festivities. "More honoured in the breach than the obser- vance." LEEDS. 1855-1856. THE next two months, December and January, were spent in Leeds. The services were held during the first few weeks at Hunslet, a suburb of the city, being afterwards transferred to Ebenezer Chapel, in another and more central district. Unusual difficulties were encountered at the outset. The extension of the term alloted for the Dewsbury meeting caused the Hunslet visit to be broken into when at its very height by the Christmas festivities. Strange and paradoxical as the fact may appear, it is ungainsayable that in Christian countries Christmas week is probably the worst time in the whole year for winning souls. At the very moment when the world is supposed to be rejoicing over the birth of its Saviour, it is so engrossed in celebrating the historical event that it has neither time nor inclination to con- sider the object for which He came. Instead of the occasion being used as an opportunity for seeking to please Him, in the one way which would of all others be calculated to win His approbation, the season is almost entirely dedicated to fooleries, feastings, and merry-makings. A few perfunctory services are hurried through, it is true, but these are more for the sake of saving appearances than for anything of a serious character, and the thoughts of all are so pre- occupied with the absorbing trivialities of the hour that the claims of Christ upon their hearts, their LEEDS. 227 homes, their families, their talents, their time, and their possessions are unblushingly disregarded. Verily " it is a custom more honoured in the breach than the observance." We read \vith sorrowful amazement that our Lord was laid in a manger because there was " no room for them in the inn." But is He not treated with even greater disrespect in these days, and that by His pro- fessed followers? Surely it is a crowning master- piece of Satanic ingenuity and bravado which finds Him ousted as it were from the celebration of His own birthday, while a season, which of all others should be regarded as sacred, is desecrated by a very climax of gluttony, revelry, and drunkenness ! Probably it is no exaggeration to say that the drink bill of Christendom during Christmas week is at least double that for any other week in the year ! How much is involved in this single fact ! And in the face of so much poverty and suffering, is not the food bill equally extravagant and scarcely less excusable? And what are we to think of the unbridled buffoonery of pantomimes and the countless other follies with which Christmas has come to be so intimately asso- ciated? Surely we speak within the mark when we say that even now at the close of the nineteenth century, outside the range of a few humble mangers, it would be difficult to find much trace of the Saviour among the hostelries of our modern Judah and Jeru- salem. To roll back this torrent of worldliness has been one of the grandest portions of Mr. and Mrs. Booth's mission. They have appealed, and not in vain, to the conscience of multitudes to consecrate their Christmas holidays, and indeed every other great pub- lic festival, to the service of God in seeking the sal- A Age 26. A climax of dese- cration. Extrava- gance. Buffoon- ery. Rolling back the torrent. 228 MAS. BOOTH. A Age 26. The true ideal of religion. Eight hundred penitents. No mere excite- ment. vation of their fellow-men. They entered the field boldly, and have endeavoured to substitute the attrac- tions of a happy religion for the fleeting enjoyments of time. They have taught that it is as necessary to be religious on week-days as on Sundays, on holidays as on work-days, at home as in God's- house, in private as in public, and they have succeeded in raising up a people who count it not only a duty but a privilege to surrender their own pleasures for the happiness of others, finding in God an enjoyment and satisfaction which the world fails to afford. Hence one of our most popular refrains : "I have a Saviour Who's mighty to keep, All day on Sunday, and six days a week ! I have a Saviour Who's mighty to keep, Fifty-two weeks in the year ! " But to return to the Leeds campaign. Despite the interruptions of Christmas, a church bazaar, and some anniversary sermons, the services were marked with the usual success. More than eight hundred conver- sions were recorded during the time, and the conclud- ing meetings were the most crowded and powerful of the series. The revival is referred to as follows by the editor of the New Connexion Magazine: " In Hunslet a glorious work is going on. Hundreds of sinners have been converted, many slumbering professors of religion have been quickened, and not a few backsliders re- claimed. The work has now extended to Leeds, where re- sults of a similar character are being experienced. Let not any one attribute these marvellous doings to mere excitement. They were preceded by special fasting, humiliation, and prayer, and if God's promise be true, conversions and awak- enings may be expected as rationally as the husbandman ex- pects the joys of harvest to follow the toils of ploughing and sowing. We honour the ministers and friends for their self- denying efforts, and we honour the devoted evangelist, Mr. LEEDS. 229 Booth, whose element of existence is the conversion of souls and the spread of true religion." In the next monthly review the following editorial appears : " What a debt of gratitude we owe to the God of all grace A that His work amongst us contimies to revive and extend. Long have we mourned our barrenness and depression. Now we rejoice because the fertilising showers of heavenly in- fluence are descending on our Zion, causing her waste places to rejoice and blossom as the rose. " In our last number we reported a revival at Hunslet. Now it is our joy to tell of the glorious work at Leeds. Old Ebenezer Chapel is at this moment distinguished by scenes far more interesting than even those of her earliest history, when within her walls was laid that platform of ecclesiastical government which for sixty years has combined enlightened freedom with the spiritual privileges of Methodism. " It is quite compatible with our gratitude to God for these remarkable outpourings of His Spirit to honour the brethren whose anxieties, tears and prayers have brought about this glorious result. One of the greatest blessings which could be given to our beloved Connexion would be the general diffu- sion of the revival spirit. We think highly of ministerial intellectuality, but far more highly of those qualifications which give large success in the conversion of souls. We do not undervalue those things in our community which impress respectability on our character and proceedings. But how poor are they compared with the beauty of holiness, the tenderness of compassion for souls, and the energy of an earnest zeal for Divine glory ! " We might quote long passages from the eulogistic letters sent to the Magazine, describing the meetings, but we prefer to draw our material from the private letters of Mrs. Booth, containing as they do many personal references which are necessarily wanting in the published reports. The glimpses behind the scenes are of more than ordinary interest, and we have the advantage of an autobiography without its A I8 55, Age 26. tribute to the work. Ebenezer Chapel. Mrs. Booth's letters. 230 MRS. BOOTH. 1855, usual drawbacks, while the racy narrative reads as freshly as if it had been penned but yesterday : "LEEDS, December, 1855. Arrival " We left Dewsbury at fifty minutes past one on e s ' Saturday, and after less than an hour's ride arrived here in safety and comfort. The Rev. Maughan met us and accompanied us in a cab to our host's, one of the most comfortable houses I have been in since my marriage. Altogether we are really snug and at home. Our host is a gentleman of independent means, a nice jolly old man, and a New Connexionist to the backbone. His wife, a thorough motherly, good-natured, easy-going, happy old lady. No bairns and a warm house a great matter this cold weather. You know what a susceptible being I am. The Com- " j suppose we shall stay in Leeds seven or eight and the weeks. They say they will go to see the Annual Com- circuits. mittee, and shoot some of them with a pop-gun if they won't let us remain. It has come to a regular fight between the circuits and the Committee, but William has given up the controversy. Thc . " I am much better in my chest, though still trou- prospect. bled with a nasty cough. I went out for a walk this morning, though the ground is covered with snow, and we have a sharp frost. I attended chapel yester- day morning, a beautiful place, but not nearly full. They have been going down for several years, and unfortunately there will be a break in the services for Anniversary sermons next Sunday. The society appears to be very respectable and intelligent. I was introduced to several very nice ladies yesterday. I receive marked respect and attention everywhere. Oh, to exert a right influence, and that only! They Solid fire, got some solid fire amongst them yesterday from the LEEDS. 231 pulpit, as effective as any at Sebastopol, it strikes me. 1855, The balls seemed to lodge in many hearts, and at night they had twenty good cases." "December, 1855. " William took -the pulpit at night. We had a full chapel and a good time. Some of those who came forward were young men of great intelligence and promise. Over an hour the friends rejoiced with ex- ceeding great joy. I do wish you could join us here. On Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday night, William preached at a small place about five miles off, where much good is expected. Yesterday morning between twenty and thirty of the young converts came from Dewsbury to spend the day at the chapel. They had walked a distance of eight miles that bitter morning in order to hear their spiritual father once more. They beset us like a swarm of bees as we were leav- ing the chapel. We went into the vestry with them, and William started one of his favourite hymns, and they sang like larks. It was a cheering and affecting Singing sight. I wept tears of gratitude and joy. May God keep them till we meet them in a sunnier world, and unite to sing a song which shall never end. " It will be a dreadfully hard week to my dear hus- band. He is quite prostrate to-day from last night's exertion. I never heard him preach more effectively, but his poor body had need be made of iron to keep it up. Bless him ! It will be a happy and crowning Christmas to me, I am sure. I often weep for joy when I think of all my mercies, and call to mind the loving-kindness of the Lord. " Oh, I do wish my dear father could hear and see concern what I do sometimes. He would be encouraged to return to Him Whom he has pierced, but Who re- 232 MRS. BOOTH. 1855, ceiveth sinners still. When I see others saved, and hear their blessed testimony to the willingness of God to receive returning prodigals, even in old age and hoary hairs, I often think of him. But our pray- ers shall yet be answered. Then will we sing 'The dead's alive, the lost is found.' ' "HUNSLET, December 24th, 1855. A hard " I think I omitted to mention the particulars of the work. Hitherto it has been a hard struggle. My dearest has been burdened with anxiety and very much annoyed with the character of the arrangements, so much so that the first night we came he refused to work with them as they then stood, and it took the preacher and Mr. Crampton till midnight to persuade him. The thing was altogether unfortunate, but it would require too much time to explain it. The first week the work was equal to anything we have had anywhere at the commencement, but the Anniver- sary interfered with the influences. The sermons were clever and pretty, but no more adapted to the people, or to the soul-saving work, than those which any old country curate, knowing little or nothing about conversion, might have preached. Oh, when will ministers sufficiently realise their responsibility for pressing the truth home upon the consciences of their hearers!" Referring to this subject in later life, Mrs. Booth remarks : "One great qualification for successful labour is power to get the truth home to the heart. Deliver- " Not to deliver it. I wish the word had never been ing truth. co i ne d in connexion with Christian work. 'Deliver' it, indeed that is not in the Bible. No, no ; not de- Getting it , . . i 1 - j- i* in. liver it ; but drive it home send it in make it felt. LEEDS. 233 That is your work ; not merely to say it not quietly and genteelly to put it before the people. Here is just the difference between a self-consuming soul-bur- dened, Holy Ghost, successful ministry, and a careless, happy-go-lucky, easy sort of thing, that just rolls it out like a lesson, and goes home, holding itself in no way responsible for the consequences. Here is all the difference, either in public or individual labour. God has made you responsible, not for delivering the truth, but for GETTING IT IN getting it home, fixing it in the conscience as a red-hot iron, as a bolt, straight from His throne ; and He has placed at your disposal the power to do it, and if you do not do it, blood will be on your skirts. Oh, this genteel way of putting the truth ! How God hates it ! 'If you please, dear friends, will you listen? If you please will you be converted ? Will you come to Jesus ? Shall we read just like this, that and the other ?' No more like apostolic preaching than darkness is like light." Writing again to her mother from Leeds, Mrs. Booth says : "The result of the Anniversary has been, as Wil- liam predicted, the congregations diminished, and the week has been one of toil and discouragement. The friends have been up to the ears in preparations for the bazaar, and we have had altogether a season of anxiety and discouragement. Nevertheless, it has not been an unhappy time, by any means. No, thank God, I experience nothing of real unhappiness now. Underneath all temporary and surface trials there is a deep calm flow of satisfaction and comfort, which has actually altered the expression of my counte- nance. " I was at chapel three times yesterday. The work A l8 55, Age 26. The dif- ference. The gen- teel system. The work inter- rupted. A fresh start. 234 MS. BOOTH. 1856, seems to have taken a turn, and things are evidently ge rising. Last night there was a break. A gentleman of great importance yielded to the power of Divine truth, and decided to be on the Lord's side. There were twenty other cases, but this one gave special satisfaction. They have taken at present one hun- dred and ninety names, and nearly all for our own denomination. The friends begin to manifest a strong affection, as usual, and if William would visit we should be out every day. I need not say that I am very glad he won't. "January 3d, 1856. Mrs. " I am glad you thought about us on the Watch theWatch Night. The weather was fine here, so I went to the chapel. I cannot tell you the nature of my feelings on again mingling with the great congregation on such an occasion and under such new, interesting, and happy circumstances. It was truly a thrilling hour to my soul, and I trust one to be remembered in eternity with gratitude and delight. You know what an enthusiastic, excitable nature mine is, and can easily imagine the rush of emotion I should ex- perience at such a season, while meditating on the past, rejoicing in the present, and anticipating the future. Richly " It must have been a time of blessing to all pres- ent, and there was a large number. My precious husband seemed richly imbued with the Spirit's influ- ence, and graciously assisted to speak with power and effect to the people. I often wish you could hear him in some of his happiest efforts. I think you would be surprised. I never esteemed him so highly as now. I never saw so much to admire in his character. And when I compare him with the ordinary snailpaced LEEDS. 23$ professors I continually meet, I cannot but rejoice in 1856, the possession of one with whom I can so fully sym- pathise, and so heartily co-operate. " The work here is rising in importance and power Another every day, and after a great deal of arguing the Com- mittee have consented to our remaining another week. The friends are delighted and are getting fresh mon- ster bills out announcing the services. Some of the cases here are of the most important and promising character. It would have made you weep tears of A joyful St'f > '/(f > . joy to see the other night a gentleman of intelligence and influence throw his arms around his wife's neck in an ecstasy of gladness when realising the Lord had pardoned his sins. The people of God might well shout hallelujah, for they recognised in that kiss the pledge of their union in Christ, for time and eternity. His wife had long been praying for him. It was a scene never to be forgotten by those who witnessed it. Would to God such scenes were more frequent ! "There is another fine old gentleman, a constant Another attendant, whose wife has been a member several '' years, who is under deep concern and in whom we are all interested. He is a man of considerable wealth, lives in a lovely country residence, keeps his carriage, and is a member of the Common Council. We break- fasted there on New Year's day, and William went to see him this morning also, in order to get an oppor- tunity for dealing with him about his soul, and we think he is sure to be brought in. On our way home from his house we called and looked over his mill, an immense place, where tons of paper are manu- factured every month. We saw the entire process, and had it explained to us. 236 MltS. BOOTH. 1856, A high A hard The Gen- Eighty- in"fwo lays. "January, 1856. " I have been to chapel twice to-day, to the preach- ing this morning, and to the covenant service and sacrament this afternoon. So I am at home this even- ing, three times a day being too much for me just now. It has been a high day at the chapel. I will enclose one of the small bills for the day, from which you will see the subjects. The chapel this morning was well filled, such a congregation as they seldom have. My beloved was very poorly and not at all fit to preach, but a gracious influence pervaded the con- gregation, and at the covenant service this afternoon the body of the place was quite full, the new converts being admitted by special tickets. It was one of the most delightful services I ever attended. " I think a few more such struggles as this at Huns- let would cause William to completely break down. The anxiety has been fearful, but, bless the Lord, victory is coming at last, and sinners are being saved by scores. I am informed by one who has just re- turned from chapel, that it has \>tn packed (a glorious triumph for this place) , and that the people have to be allowed to remain in the gallery to the prayer meeting. This is a good omen for a large ingathering. "January 8th, 1856. " The work is progressing gloriously. On Sun- ^ay night the sermon was one of extraordinary power and influence, and during the prayer meeting they took fifty names. Last night again they took thirty- five, some of them first-rate cases. William was just | n ^ s e i emen t. But his body is not equal to it, I am sure, and I cannot but feel anxious on this point. I am often congratulated on having such a husband, LEEDS. 237 and sometimes told that I ought to be the happiest 1856, of women. And I am happy. Nevertheless I have ge anxieties peculiar to my own sphere. I see the un- certainty of health and life and all things, which I trust keeps me from being unduly elated by present prosperity. " We are invited to dinner on Friday next to meet He will the preachers at the gentleman's I mentioned (the Councillor). I intend going with Mr. and Mrs. Crampton, but William will not visit under any pre- text. The people would pull him to pieces to visit them if he would go, but he cannot accept one invita- tion without accepting others, and, besides, he wants retirement. Thus one of my hidden fears about the future is dissipated, viz., that he would love company, and lose his relish for home and domestic joys. Bless him ! He seems to want no company but mine, when he is not engaged in his work. "January i6th, 1856. "The finish at Hunslet was grand! Five hundred Five Awn- names were taken in all. The gentleman I mentioned tent$ e ' in my two last letters (the Councillor) was one of the Hunslet - last sheaves of this glorious harvest ; he gave in his name on the last night. Another gentleman of tal- ent and influence, a backslider, was restored on the Thursday night, making glad the heart of a devoted wife, who had been praying for him for a long, long time. " The commencement at Ebenezer Chapel on Sun- day was most encouraging. The influence in the morning was very precious ; the people wept and re- sponded all over. The muster of leaders in the ves- try after the preaching was better than at any previous place, and many of them were evidently very superior 238 MA'S. BOOTH. 1856, men. We were quite surprised at finding such a staff ge of workers. At night the chapel was packed, and upwards of twenty names were taken. Amongst those in distress was a gentleman well known in the soci- ety, and brother to two of the principal families in it, as well as three or four more very respectable and intelligent individuals. The two last evenings the congregations have been excellent, and about forty names have been taken. A divided " There is a prospect of an unlimited work in Leeds, were not the building so small. The circuit has for some years been in a divided state about the erection of a new chapel, for which a splendid piece of ground has long been purchased, but alas! the broils and dissensions of the leading men have hindered. It is to be hoped that this revival will raise the spiritual tone of all concerned and thus help to overcome the obstacles. "LEEDS, January, 1856. A power- " The work here is one of the best we have yet witnessed. Above a hundred names have been taken on the week, and some of them very important. Yes- terday was a glorious day. At the love feast many were unable to .get in, and at night (I was present) hundreds went away. So great were the numbers outside that it was given out that there would be preaching in the schoolroom. I never saw human beings more closely packed than the poor things who stood in the aisles. My heart ached for them. The chapel was crowded above and below till near ten o'clock. I think everybody was delighted with the sermon, I mean the saints, the sinners felt something besides admiration ! I should think this is one of the most intelligent and wealthy societies we have yet LEEDS. 239 visited, but hitherto it has been crippled and cursed 1856, by local disputes and dissensions. "LEEDS, January 29th, 1856. " The work continues here with more than usual A fearful power. On Sunday the crush was fearful, and the confusion on the stairs and outside the chapel so great that the gates had to be locked. Serious apprehen- sions were entertained of some accidents, and a gen- tleman was obliged to get up in the congregation and insist on some men getting down from a position they had secured, where I believe there was nothing but a half -inch board to sustain them. " The people come from Hunslet night after night Night with as much eagerness as strangers, though they night. have been hearing him now almost eight weeks. Some of them almost idolise him, so great is their love toward him, but, bless the Lord, amidst it all he is kept humble, and often suffers from despondency and self-distrust. I only attended once on Sunday, in the morning, and returned home with a full heart. William was so poorly and yet exerted himself so much that I could scarce bear it. " I often think I am better away, for I picture all sorts of sad scenes in the future, and I feel as though I could not make so great a sacrifice, no, not even for souls ! And yet my inmost heart cries out, ' Thy will be done.' However, I am thankful to say he is going to rest a week prior to going to Halifax. It will be thirteen weeks on Saturday since we left Chatsworth, and he has had no rest since, so I have taken the mat- ter into my own hands, and for no power on earth will I consent to any more toil until he has recruited a bit. We leave here (all well) next Friday, and go to Huns- let to spend a week at one of the principal friends." 240 M&S. BOOTH. 1856, "HUNSLET, February 5th, 1856. Acre 2*7 " Your welcome letter is to hand, and though I have Electrify- but time for a few lines I will send you one lest you people 6 , should be anxious. The finish up at Leeds was glori- ously triumphant. The tea-meeting at Hunslet sur- passed anything we have yet experienced. I would have given a good deal for you to have been present. My precious William excelled himself, and electrified the people. You would indeed have participated in my joy and pride could you have heard and seen what I did. Bless the Lord, O my soul!" Here Mr. Booth breaks in : A curtain " I have just come into the room where my dear lecture. ..,.,. little wife is writing this precious document, and snatching the paper have read the above eulogistic sentiments. I just want to say that the very same night she gave me a curtain lecture on my ' block - headism, stupidity,' etc., and lo, she writes to you after this fashion. However, she is a precious, in- creasingly precious treasure to me, despite the occa- sional dressing-down that I come in for." Mrs. Booth resumes: Therepiy. "We have had a scunTe over the above, but I must let it go, for I have not time to write another, having an engagement at two o'clock, and it is now near one. But I must say in self-defence that it was not about the speech or anything important, that the said cur- tain lecture was given, but only on a point which in no way invalidates my eulogy. " We came here on Saturday where we are treated in the most kind and hospitable manner, and where I hope William's strength will get nicely recruited." CHAPTER XXIV. HALIFAX, MACCLESFIELD AND YARMOUTH. 1856. FROM Leeds Mr. and Mrs. Booth removed to Hali- The Hali- fax, where the next two months were spent. The ^Jf." Rev. J. Stacey, who was superintendent of the cir- cuit, and afterwards President of the Conference, re- ports that no less than 641 names were taken, and that of these nearly 400 became members of his church. Another leading minister writing at the same time says : " A few days ago I called at Halifax to see our truly de- Three voted friend and brother, Mr. Booth. I was delighted to find thousand penitents that the same holy power was attending his labours there, in a year. that has been vouchsafed in other places. I fear, however, his health is endangered by his exhausting labours. Such is his ardour, that he feels he cannot do enough in the glorious work of saving souls. What a year of toil and glorious suc- cess has our* brother passed through; and what delightful showers of holy grace have fallen on our churches! I sup- pose nearly 3,000 persons have been spiritually awakened since our last Conference, besides the quickening power that God has diffused through the souls of our ministers, office- bearers, and members, and the interest excited in revival work both in our own and other churches. I hope the ensuing Conference will continue our dear brother in his revival efforts, but it will be needful for him to have periods of entire rest, or he will work himself to death." It is interesting to find the same extraordinary what is energy and power of endurance which characterise gen General Booth's present labours, distinguishing him 16 241 242 MRS. BOOTH. 1856, in these early days. It has been said that genius con- ge sists in a capacity for hard work. This is indeed a A half half-truth. And yet to be a successful leader of men the faculty of doing more than others, and of doing it better, must be combined with the far rarer and more difficult art of setting others to accomplish ob- jects that are beyond the reach of any individual power. It has been the combination of these qualities, that has been the secret of General Booth's subse- quent success. Subjugat- The skill that can subjugate and utilise the im- uman mense forces of mankind's Niagaras, will necessarily *aras. outstrip the mental and moral achievements of the mightiest Samson if destitute of this gift. The head cannot dispense with the body, any more than the body can dispense with the head. Each is mutually dependent upon the other for its very existence. The separation of either is suicidal to both. The genius that divorces itself from the people whom it was meant to bless and serve, eclipses its own brilliance and Asuicid- paralyses its powers. On the other hand the. society % po icy. .^t guillotines those whose mental and moral worth exceed its own, limits its capacity for good and in- jures itself. It clips the wings that would enable it to fly away from the evils that are pressing on its steps, onward to the accomplishment of some greater good. Renouncing the privileges proffered to it by Providence, it runs where it might soar, it fails to rise because it fears to fall, and having escaped the dangers of the sky, it becomes the miserable victim to its short-sighted jealousy and finds in the mediocrities of its own choice perils that exceed those which it seeks to avoid, and tyrants whose yoke is the more galling from its stupidity. The dangers of despotism are doubtless bad enough HALIFAX AND MACCLESFIELD. 243 and need to be guarded against, but the dangers of 1856, lack-leaderism are greater still. The tyrannies of unsanctified genius have involved the world in some The tyr- of its worst miseries, but we question whether these a /oFty. have not been altogether outnumbered by the tyran- nies of brainless ignorance and its foolhardy esca- pades, or equally provoking inaction. The visit to Halifax was prolonged by an event, The birth the birth of Mr. and Mrs. Booth's eldest son William eldest son. Bramwell, the present Chief of the Staff of the Salva- tion Army. Writing the next day to announce the event to Mr. and Mrs. Mumford, Mr. Booth says: "SUNDAY, MARCH gth, 1856. " HALIFAX. " MY DEAR MOTHER AND FATHER : It is with feelings of unutterable gratitude and joy that I have to inform you that at half-past eight last night my dearest Kate presented us with a healthy and beautiful son. The baby is a plump, round-faced, dark-complexioned, black-pated little fellow, a real beauty. The Lord has indeed been very good to us. Poor Kate has had a dreadful time, but the Lord in mercy has brought her safely through. Believe me as ever, " Your very affectionate son, " WILLIAM BOOTH." A few days later we find Mrs. Booth herself send- ing the following pencilled note to her " precious mother:" " By a little subtlety I have succeeded in getting hold of a How Mrs. bit of paper and a pencil, and now I am going to whisper a j*^ few words into your ear. Bless you ! I do indeed think much about you. 1 now know what it is to be a mother, and I feel as though I had never loved you half as well as I ought to have done. Forgive all my shortcomings and be assured I now appreciate all your self-sacrifice on my behalf. My soul is full of gratitude to God for having brought me through ! I am doing better than I could have expected, considering how 244 MRS. BOOTH. 1856, Age 27. The Chiefs baby- hood. Bible. very ill I have been. My precious babe is a beauty and very good. Farewell, till I can get hold of a pencil again. ' In a later letter she does not give quite so favour- able an account of the good behaviour of the future Chief, and one is agreeably relieved to find that in his early days he was capable of being "restless" and "fretful," after the manner of ordinary babes. He became a special object of interest at Mr. Booth's next halting-place, Macclesfield, where he was pre- sented by twenty-four young women working in a factory with a Bible containing the following inscrip- tion: " Presented to William Bramwell Booth by a few of his father's friends. "May this blest volume ever lie Close to thy heart and near thine eye ; Till life's last hour thy soul engage, Be this thy chosen heritage. " The presentation took place at a farewell tea-meet- ing, which was attended by nine hundred persons, and the friend who represented the factory lasses said that the gift was intended " as a slight acknowledg- ment of the spiritual benefit they had received from Mr. Booth's labours, and in the earnest hope that his infant son might be spared to imitate his father's character and career." The prayer has been more than fulfilled, and we discern in that band of working girls the embryo of the Hallelujah Lasses, who were to play so important and prominent a part in the sub- sequent history of the Salvation Army, and who were to present on behalf of a sinful world not merely their Bibles, but themselves, as living epistles known and read of all men. Mrs. Booth's recovery was not so rapid and satis- HALIFAX AND MACCLESFIELD. 245 factory as had been expected. Owing therefore to her continued sufferings, she was joined by her mother at Macclesfield. Hence there are but few letters existing which were written by her at the time, and the only accounts of the Halifax and Mac- clesfield meetings are those contained in the New Connexion Magazine. From these it is evident that the work was as powerful and sweeping as in other places, and that the same blessed results accompa- nied the effort. The permanent character of the con- versions may be judged from the impressive service held at this very time in Sheffield, when 180 new pro- bationers were received into the church as the first fruits of the revival there. Some may, however, be tempted to doubt the genuineness of such "sudden conversions." Speak- ing on this subject in after years, and expressing her matured convictions in regard to it, Mrs. Booth re- marks : " Given the same temperament and calibre of being, I would rather have a sudden conversion than a tardy one. Of course for purposes of comparison you could not fairly place two different natures in juxtaposition. It would not be right to judge a plastic and emotional mind by the standard of a phlegmatic temperament. " When men are seen to be wrong, it must be very desirable to get them right. And what is conversion but a process by which those who are wrong are put right? As for the method by which it takes place, or the length of time it occupies, I have always been puzzled to understand why persons who believe in conversion at all should object either to the em- ployment of any reasonable means, or to the speed with which they operate. Here is a man who has developed a fixed habit of evil-doing, of falsehood, impurity, drunkenness, or some other sin. The great end in view is to persuade him to abandon his evil course, and surely the sooner you can persuade him to do so the better. 1856, Age 27. Joined by her mother. The work perma- nent. Mrs. Booth on sudden conver- sions. Different tempera- ments. Why object t 246 MRS. BOOTH. 1856, Age 27. Not so in temporal things. The quicker the better. The spe- cial work of the Spirit. No hin- drance to its per- manence. Surface work. The devil's toad- stools. " I have been very much struck with the different manner in which people argue about temporal and spiritual things. In regard to the former, supposing a friend is about to adopt some mistaken course, you ply him with the best arguments you can command, and the more quickly these take effect the better you are pleased. You praise his candour and say, 'This man is not only open to conviction, but acts spontaneously upon the light he has received. ' You do not think any the worse of him, because of the readiness with which he has ac- cepted the truth. Nor do you for a moment imagine that he must go through a long preparatory process, before he can act upon his convictions. Why then in the religious world should the exactly similar phenomenon be doubted, simply on account of its suddenness? Surely it should be even less a subject of surprise, when we remember that the special operation of the Spirit of God is to convince of sin and to present the most momentous motives and sentiments that can be laid before the human mind, in favour of its abandonment. " The idea is, I know, that owing to its suddenness the change will not be permanent. But this is a mistake. The permanence of a conversion is not determined by the gradual process which produces it, or by the speed with which it is accomplished, but by its reality, by the intelligence of the subject, by the surrounding circumstances, by the temptations the convert meets with, and by the care that is taken to nurse his spiritual life. " No doubt there was and is a great deal of surface work easy-come-easy-go-ism just as there is much blossom that never conies to fruit in the natural world. But even regrets in regard to evil, and desire for improvement, and transitory resolutions to amend, are better than no yearnings after good- ness and God, or an undisturbed sleeping in evil. Who can tell what benefits in after days the soul may reap from the memories of such hours of Divine influence and impression? " 'There go 's mushrooms,' a minister once tauntingly remarked, referring to some new converts, and mentioning the name of the Evangelist through whose labours they had sought salvation. 'Well,' replied one of them, who happened to overhear the observation, 'I would rather be one of 's mushrooms than one of the devil's toadstools!' " One specially singular circumstance is that the very people who object to sudden conversions often belong to societies, HALIFAX AND MACCLESFIELD. 247 the founders of which believed in and defended the doctrine, 1856, their very successes being based upon its truth. And yet Age 27. we find their followers and professed disciples cavilling and objecting!" Referring to the Macclesfield meetings in later years, Mrs. Booth says: " I was still very weak, and unable therefore to at- Troops of . ' women. tend many services, but those at which I was present were very blessed times. Perhaps in no town that I had yet visited was there so intense an excitement, such crowded audiences and such large numbers seek- ing mercy. One striking feature of this revival con- sisted in the crowds of women from the silk factories, who attended the meetings and came forward for salvation. It was a touching sight to watch them on their way to the chapel with their shawls over their heads. They were especially kind to me and the baby. Sometimes they would come in troops and sing in front of my windows. " Bramwell was baptised during our stay in Mac- Bramweii baptised clesfield, his father performing the ceremony. There were about thirty babies baptised at the same time. and thirty Not wishing the ceremony to interfere with the re- other vival services, we had them all postponed to one day, making it the occasion for a special demonstration, and an appeal to parents to consecrate their children to the service of God. " I had from the first infinite yearnings over Bram- An advo- cate of well. I held him up to God as soon as I had strength holiness. to do so, and I remember specially desiring that he should be an advocate of holiness. In fact we named him after the well-known holiness preacher, with the earnest prayer that he might wield the sword with equal trenchancy in the same cause. I felt from the * A proper beginning that he was ' a proper child. ' At an early . child. 248 MRS. BOOTH. 1856, Age 27. Conscien- tious. Truthful- ness. Early ac- tivity Toil re- warded. The Chester confer- ence. age, he manifested signs of intelligence and ability. He resembled me especially in one particular, that was in taking upon himself responsibility. As he grew up I always felt that he was a sort of father to the younger children. He was very conscientious too. I remember once letting him go to a friend's house to tea when he was only three years old, telling him that he must not take more than two pieces of cake. I was not pres- ent, and the friends tried to persuade him to take more, but he would not disobey me. This character- istic grew with him through life. I could always trust his word. I cannot remember his ever telling me a falsehood. If at any time he got into mischief he always came to me and confessed it. He was of a very active and restless disposition. I do not think he ever sat five minutes at a time on anybody's knee. His energy as a child was something marvellous." Those who have attended Mr. Bramwell Booth's holiness meetings, or who have witnessed his patient and laborious toil at the International Headquarters, as the General's right hand and Chief of the Staff of the entire Salvation Army, will testify to the fact that the prayerful toil of his sainted mother has indeed reaped a rich reward. While the meetings were still continuing in Mac- el esfield the Annual Conference met at Chester. " After maturely considering the case of the Rev. W. Booth, whose labours have been so abundantly blessed of God in the conversion of souls, it was again re- solved that he continue to labour in the capacity of an evangelist for the next year, with suitable inter- vals of rest. May our brother be more than ever suc- cessful in the great and glorious work in which he is engaged." HALIFAX AND MACCLESFIELD. 249 1856, Age 27. A hard struggle. Growing like a willow. Mr. Booth's next appointment was Yarmouth. Here the cause was very low, and the counter-attrac- tions of the seaside caused the struggle to be a pecu- liarly uphill one. And yet the outcome might well have satisfied those less accustomed to witness the remarkable results which attended Mr. Booth's labours during the past two years. In writing to her mother Mrs. Booth says : " Your little darling is well and growing like a willow. It is really astonishing how he conies on. We have bought him a doll, which pleases him vastly. He talks and laughs to it in style ! He gets more and more interesting. The people stop to admire him in the streets, and though - Yarmouth swarms with beautiful babies, he does not suffer by compari- son with any, thanks to his grandmamma's nursing and care ! I hope you are taking the medicine the doctor prescribed for you. I believe more firmly than ever in homoeopathy. Your unbelief in it is only the result of not understanding the principle on which it works. But never mind that. If you get well, it matters not how. " The work here continues to be very harassing. The Connexion has next to no influence in the town, and there are also other difficulties. Nevertheless the congregations have steadily improved from the first, and already forty names have been taken, some of whom are very superior cases. Oh, the value of souls ! They are worth all the trouble and sacri- fice involved yea, a thousand times over !" This conviction deepened as years went by. " How spiritual shall you feel," said Mrs. Booth in addressing one of children - her audiences long afterwards, " How shall you feel when you gather the spiritual family which God has given you round the throne of your Saviour, and say, ' Here am I and the children whom Thou hast given me? ' the children won through conflict, and trial, and strife, such as only God knew; 'children begotten in bonds,' as Paul says in chains children born in the midst of the hurricane of spiritual conflict, travail, The value of souls. 250 MRS. BOOTH. 1856, Age 27. Cradled in the storm. Encour- aged in the Lord. and suffering, and cradled, rocked, fed, nurtured and brought up at infinite cost and rack of brain, and heart, and soul. But now ; here we are, Lord. We are here through it all. 'Here am I and the children whom Thou hast given me.' How shall you feel? Shall you be sorry for the trouble ? Shall you regret the sacrifice ? Shall you murmur at the way He led you ? Shall you think He might have made it a little easier, as you are sometimes tempted to think now? Oh! no, no! THE CHILDREN! THE CHILDREN! You shall have spiritual children! Won't that be reward enough ? " Oh ! sometimes, when I am passing through con- flict and trial, in connection with a work which brings plenty of it behind the scenes, I encourage myself in the Lord, and remember those who have gone home sending me their salutations from the verge of the river, telling me they will wait and look out for me, and be the first to hand me to the Saviour when I get home. Will not this be reward enough? Even so, Lord. Amen." CHAPTER XXV. SHEFFIELD. 1856. FROM Yarmouth Mr. and Mrs. Booth proceeded to North Sheffield. The New Connexion had established two X d circuits in this city, the Northern and the Southern. The latter had already been visited during the previ- ous year, and the marvellous results accomplished had made the Northern Circuit equally anxious to re- ceive Mr. Booth. After several postponements the Annual Committee had at length decided to gratify their request. Mr. and Mrs. Booth were welcomed in the warm-hearted fashion so characteristic of the Sheffielders. Why it should be so, is difficult to explain, but Variety J of soil. there can be no doubt that certain towns, districts, and indeed countries, are peculiar for their receptivity of Gospel truth, while others are precisely the oppo- site. London, it will be acknowledged, has a special reputation for being a hard and barren soil. Sheffield, on the contrary, has responded with remarkable readi- ness to the call of the revivalist. Towards the end A recep- t'i'vc soil of the previous century it was the scene of the success- ful labours of the great holiness advocate, William Bramwell, and in 1844 it was greatly stirred by a visit from Mr. Caughey, the American evangelist. It is possible that such awakenings, both in Sheffield and elsewhere, have exercised a softening influence, long after their direct results have disappeared. The traditional, memories of such stirring times are 251 252 MRS. BOOTH. 1856, A fa- vmirable public Head ver- ir ' doubtless handed down from generation to genera- tion, accustoming the popular mind to the existence of these phenomena, and preparing the way for their repetition. In these favoured localities a public . . . . opinion already exists, instead of having to be created. The ordinary prejudices and misunderstandings which hinder revival work have been dissipated. The ground has to some extent been cleared of its forest "lumber" and is therefore more prepared to yield its bosom to conviction's plough. There is scarcely time to scatter the seed in the virgin soil, before it com- mences to spring up and bear fruit, some thirty, some sixty, some a hundred-fold. ^ doubt other causes contribute to this result. There are national, tribal, and local peculiarities of disposition which are^just as distinct as those of in- dividuals. We talk familiarly of English John Bull- ism, Yankee smartness, French polish, German philosophy, Scotch sense, Irish eloquence, and other similar characteristics. Similarly we might speak of counties or towns, were we sufficiently familiar with their idiosyncrasies. Who has not experienced the difference that a few miles of railroad can create in the moral and social atmosphere of all around ? To speak generally, some are all head and others are all heart, while more rarely we come across a happy combination of both. The tendency of modern civilisation is to cultivate the head at the expense of the heart, forgetting that knowledge is but a poor sub- stitute for affection, either from an individual or na- tional point of view. Hence some of the finest speci- mens and most influential centres of braindom suffer from atrophy of the heart. What is wanted is a simultaneous cultivation of both. But before there can be cultivation, there must be SHEFFIELD. 253 recognition. Who can calculate the mischief that 1856, arises from the almost total eclipse of this luminary from our modern sky? Society, in our days, with all The its education and scientific paraphernalia, is tending tlV^eart. fast in the direction of a society without a heart, and might fitly be compared to a firmament without a sun, or a body without a soul. It tries to bask in political and social rays of its own creation, and to thaw its frigidity and illumine its darkness with lesser lights, more perhaps after its own taste. But its great need the crowning need of the nineteenth century is a Heart restoral of heart-pulsation to the nation, the family pu and the individual. How sickening is the spectacle of a man without a A sicken- heart! What a danger is he to the community at spectacle. large! The more brain power and knowledge he possesses, the greater becomes his capacity for evil! You cannot appeal to his heart, for he has none to his emotions, for they have been stifled long ago to his moral sentiments, for he has thrown religion on one side as fit only for women and fools ! He is A menace capable of any crime that he can practise with * safety to himself. He will not commit a murder, it is true, but he will convulse nations in blood, or he will establish a " corner" that takes the bread from the mouth and the clothes from the back of the starv- ing poor. He is a standing menace to society. And yet he is the intellectual hero of the day, the The intei- model after which childhood is fashioned, till the hero of family, school, community, and nation is converted in- to a patent heart-crushing, head-developing machine, which manufactures humanity into a hideous carica- A hideous ture of what it ought to be. Such is the tendency of ture. the age. We ridicule the Chinese taste which cramps the feet of its womanhood into narrow and unnatural 254 MRS. BOOTH. 1856, moulds, and yet we allow ourselves to be dominated g by a craze that cramps our very vital powers and destroys the tenderest and most beautiful side of our nature. Upon this very subject Mrs. Booth remarks: Upsetting " All the mischief comes from upsetting God's order, order cultivating the intellect at the expense of the heart; being at more pains to make our youth clever than to make them GOOD ! For what is the highest Her quar- rel with destiny of man ? I say that the highest type of a man modern . . . educa- is that in which the purified and ennobled soul rules through an enlightened intelligence, making every faculty of the being subservient to the highest pur- pose the service of humanity and the service of God ! And all education that falls short of this seems to me one-sided, unphilosophical, and irreligious. And that is my quarrel with modern education." A hearty While Sheffield certainly was not lacking in intel- reception. lectual force, its people were distinguished by a large- heartedness and a warmth of affection, which made the task of ministering to their spiritual wants the more agreeable. They welcomed Mr. and Mrs. Booth with open arms. Many of the converts of the previ- ous year flocked round them, helping to inspire them for the fresh efforts which they were about to put forth. The results of the next six weeks' campaign were glorious. The chapel was crowded, hundreds being frequently turned away for want of room, and six hundred and forty-six names were taken. Describing the meetings to her mother Mrs. Booth writes : The Shef " My precious husband is tugging at it, full of anx- iety and greatly exercised as to the success of the effort. Many things have transpired to discourage him. Nevertheless God honours him in the conver- SHEFFIELD. 255 sion of souls day by day. The work is rising glori- 1856, ously, chapel full every night and packed on Sundays. It is worth making sacrifices to minister bliss and salvation in Jesus' name. We are trying to lose sight of man and second causes and to do what we do more exclusively unto the Lord. I realise this to be the only way to find satisfaction and peace in the prosecution of our mission. But I am not nearly such an apt scholar at it as my beloved. He can bear non- appreciation and opposition much easier than I can. Perhaps I could endure it better, if it did not concern him. But I am trying to rise. May the Lord help me. " It is a cause of great rejoicing to us to find such old con- numbers who turned to the Lord when we were in ste ^fast. Sheffield before, standing fast and adorning their profession, some of them giving promise of great usefulness. All glory to God. " Monday afternoon. They had a glorious time at the chapel last night, forty-nine cases, many of them men, and stout-hearted sinners. " 1 5th September. "William is working hard and with wonderful Agior- results. The chapel was crowded out all day on Sunday, and sixty-three cases at night, a large pro- portion of them men. The work up to the present surpasses that of last year. Notwithstanding all this he is very much harassed in mind regarding his future course. Reports are continually reaching us of the heartless manner in which the preachers let the work tet down after we are gone, so that so far as our com- munity is concerned, it is almost like spending his strength for naught. The cold, apathetic, money- grubbing spirit of some preachers and leading men is a constant thorn in his side. Oh for a church of 256 MRS. BOOTH. 1856, earnest, consistent, soul-saving men! But alas! alas! Age 27> such is indeed difficult to find." This letter contains the earliest reference to what was ultimately one of the chief reasons for the crea- tion of the Salvation Army. The question has often been asked, why it does not confine itself to evange- listic effort in connection with the churches, handing over its converts to be cared for by the ordinary pas- toral agencies? It is everywhere acknowledged that the Salvation Army is peculiarly adapted to the task of awakening and converting sinners, but it is sup- posed that the churches are better qualified for build- ing them up. Is it, however, reasonable to conclude, that those who fail in the former will succeed in the latter? The church that cannot make its own con- verts can hardly be expected to successfully train the converts made by others. The, The fact that it cannot convert, if such be the case, thTnatu- is surely proof presumptive that it is incapable of ra dian? r ~ affording them that spiritual nourishment which is so necessary. Besides, who more suitable to be the guardians of the new life, than those who have been the means of bringing it into existence? The parent movement is bound to its offspring by special ties of affection. It possesses an authority peculiarly its own, and which is perhaps incapable of being del- egated to another. Is it, then, too much to say, that the mother organisation must, if able, suckle her own converts ? Looking It was because the New Connexion and other after the converts, churches, to whom Mr. and Mrs. Booth for some years to come entrusted the care of their converts, fell so far short of their ideal in this respect, that they were ultimately led to consider whether they could not im- prove upon the existing methods in regard to the SHEFFIELD. 257 training as well as the gaining of converts. But it 1856, was not till a subsequent period that the possibility ge 27 ' or advisability of such a course dawned upon them. Meanwhile the work in Sheffield went forward ^ Shef- field re- gloriously. Towards the end of the visit, Mrs. Booth writes to her mother: " I wish you could be present in some of William's best times. The other night the people could scarce refrain from clapping. " I accompanied him to chapel this morning, a splendid congregation, a melting sermon, and a glori- ous influence. The people wept all over the place. There were shouts of 'Glory! ', 'Hallelujah!' from all directions. I have no doubt they will have a grand night, though the weather is very unfavourable. " It will be a trying day for William. He preached hard this morning, and for an hour this afternoon never ceased talking, and I don't expect him home before ten or half-past. It astonishes everybody how he holds out. It is without doubt a glorious work. Let this comfort us in the sacrifices we are called upon sharing to make. Yes we, for you share in them. It would sacrifice. indeed be nice to live nearer together, to enjoy more of each other's company. I wish it could be, but as it cannot, there is something consoling in being able to say 'Lord, I do this for Thee.' Always remember this, my dear mother, when tempted to think it hard. Remember it is to help spread the Redeemer's King- dom that you have lent me to this wandering life. And perhaps if we do it cheerfully, the Lord will yet cast our lot together in sunny places. "October loth. " Our farewell tea-meeting went off gloriously. The fare- J well tea. Upwards of twelve hundred sat down for tea, and 17 258 MRS. 1856, ge scores were sent away with money in their hands, be- cause they had not tickets and the friends were afraid there would not be room for them. It is calculated that there were more than two thousand people in the hall after tea. I sat on the platform, next to the star of the assembly, a prominent and proud position, I assure you. It was a splendid sight, such a dense mass of heads and happy faces ! I would have given a sovereign willingly for you to have been there. I have been in many good and exciting meetings, but The au- never i n such an one as that. I never saw an assem- nc ?, e 2' bly so completely enthralled and enchanted as this thralled. J r J one was while my beloved was speaking. He spoke for near two hours, never for one moment losing the most perfect control over the minds and hearts of the audience. I never saw a mass of people so swayed and carried at the will of the speaker but once or twice in my life. The cheers were deafening, and were prolonged for several minutes. I cannot give you any just idea of the scene. I will send you a paper A containing an account of the meeting. It was a trium- tnumph. p nan t finish, and has given me considerable comfort and encouragement, amidst many things of a trying and discouraging nature, I mean of a connexional character. If the Lord continues my dear husband's life and health, I have no fear for him under any cir- cumstances. He need not brook. any swaddling- bands, and if I mistake not certain parties begin to see the policy of giving him plenty of room." An incident occurred at the close of the Sheffield visit, which, while it proved the affectionate esteem in which Mr. Booth was held by the people, served to accentuate the jealousy with which a certain section of the preachers had begun to regard his increasing popularity. Anxious to give expression to their A jealous clique. SHEFFIELD. 259 gratitude and to perpetuate the memory of his visit, 1856, the Sheffield friends had decided on presenting Mr. Booth with a large lithographic portrait of himself. Presenta- The proposal was in accordance with the common portrait. custom of the Connexion, the presentation meeting being presided over by the President himself, the Rev. H. Watts, and a report being duly published in the Magazine. We turn, however, for an account of the meeting to Mrs. Booth's letters: "October 2 ;th. " I know you will be anxious to hear all about the A perfect . . T . , . c , triumph. presentation meeting, so I seize a very brief and un- certain opportunity to send you a few lines. I was not well enough to go to the tea, but drove to the meeting just in time to hear the speaking. The meeting was a perfect triumph. There were as many present as on the last occasion. The speaking was very good, and the portrait best of all. I like it much, although I do not think it flatters my beloved in the least. Indeed it would not be possible to transfer to paper that which constitutes his particu- lar charm when speaking. It lives and dies with the occasion. "The portrait gives universal satisfaction. The what the meeting was in a perfect tumult of applause when it thought. was exhibited. John Unwin said, 'Well, they have caught a live man and stuck him on paper ! ' But I do not think so. I still prefer the original ! The Rev. J. Paton (the well-known Congregational minister) spoke like a friend and brother. He said he had made a great effort to be present, but he was determined to testify his friendship for Mr. and Mrs. Booth. It was a noble and generous recognition of the good ac- complished in the town by the services. The Presi- 260 MRS. BOOTH. 1856, ge 27 ' The inscrip- tion. The Mag- azine re- ports the meeting. dent came out first-rate, and set his official seal in full upon the whole affair. There was no milk and water about him." The copy of the portrait presented to Mr. Booth . . . bore the following inscription : " Presented to the Rev'd William Booth, whilst labouring as an Evangelist in the Methodist New Connexion by his friends in Sheffield, in affectionate appreciation of his arduous, zealous, and successful labours there and in other parts of the community. Presented Nov. 26th, 1856, at a large meeting assembled in the Temperance Hall, the Rev'd H. Watt, Pres- ident of the Conference, in the chair." The Magazine contains the following reference to the meeting : " Mr. Booth, who was received with enthusiastic applause, replied in his usual fervent and effective manner. He said : 'I rise to respond to the expression of your esteem and affec- tion with feelings almost overpowering. Such periods as the present are to some the proudest moments of their history, and I know not that the man does wrong who highly estimates and boldly rejoices in the acknowledged esteem of his fellows, especially if they be among the wise and the good. And yet I confess to you, that although I highly prize and shall ever hold in grateful remembrance the kindly estimate my Shef- field friends have put upon my services, and of which this presentation will be a lasting memorial, nevertheless I never more fully felt the many imperfections that have marked my efforts than I do to-night, and the unworthiness of that short career which has called forth this spontaneous, enthusiastic, and generous acknowledgment. I feel that in this respect " the labourer" is not " worthy of his hire." ' After speaking at some length on the importance of aggressive efforts on the part of the church, Mr. Booth sat down amidst protracted ap- plause." were wards pressed. yet, singular as it may seem, the most interest- j n g aspect of this presentation was that it afterwards led to the entire suppression of the system of testi- monials in the organisation of the Salvation Army. SHEFFIELD, 261 Mr. and Mrs. Booth were always sensitive to a fault 1856, lest any personal gratification should prove an unin- ge tentional stumbling-block to the work in which they were engaged. They were themselves quite taken by surprise at the ministerial ill-feeling aroused by the presentation of the portrait. Had they, dreamed that such would have been the result, they would have certainly put their foot on the proposal as soon as it was made. They were sorry afterwards that they had not done so, although it is by no means certain that this would have prevented the determination of an increasing party in the Conference to place the ex- tinguisher upon Mr. Booth's growing popularity by relegating him to a circuit where his efforts would be limited to the ordinary pastoral routine. But there were other evils connected with the sys- other tern which Mr. and Mrs. Booth afterwards more fully the S ^y/- realised. The public presentation of personal testi- monials was calculated, they found, to do more harm than good. In the first place it was difficult to decide of what they might properly consist. Equally diffi- ciilt would it be to settle who should be the recipients, without giving rise to endless heartburnings and dis- satisfaction, which would go far to neutralise any good that might have been accomplished. The ordi- nary nature of such gatherings, with their flattering speeches in regard to what, after all, had been but the performance (often too imperfect) of a sacred duty, was likely to do harm. There was also the danger that officers would be tempted to aim rather at pleas- ing the people than doing them good. For these and similar reasons such presentations have been forbid- den, and the Salvation Army officer has learned to glory in what might at first sight appear to be an irk- some and unnecessary restriction. CHAPTER XXVI. Birming- ham. A low cause. Open-air work. A power- ful awak- eniny. Ttie final Sunday. BIRMINGHAM, NOTTINGHAM, CHESTER. 1856-1857. FROM Sheffield Mr. and Mrs. Booth proceeded for a six weeks' campaign to Birmingham, the results of which are summed up in a long and interesting re- port from the pastor, the Rev. B. Turnock. The cause had hitherto been very low in this town, so that the visit was anticipated with eager expectation. A specially interesting feature of the work here consisted in the open-air meetings, which were carried on in connection with it. Mr. Turnock writes: " Some of our praying men formed themselves into a band, and about an hour before the evening service went through the streets singing, giving short addresses at the corners, warning sinners and inviting people to the house of God. This roused the attention of the people and they began to say 'What is the meaning of this? What are these Methodists about? ' " For a period of nearly six weeks the good work has gone on, and oh, what scenes have we beheld! Penitent sinners have come up the aisle so overcome with emotion as to be hardly able to reach the rail. Fathers and sons, mothers and daughters, have knelt side by side at the communion rail, weeping tears of joy. " The services have exerted a powerful influence upon our members, rousing the careless and quickening the cold and formal. There seems to be new life and energy all around us. The people are anxious for the salvation of souls. " The last Sabbath is one which will never be forgotten. The whole place was packed and yet crowds kept rushing on- ward like a stream, and we were obliged to lock the chapel 262 BIRMINGHAM. 263 gates, leaving hundreds outside. It was truly delightful to see 1856, the huge mass of people rise to sing. The preacher was again A S e 2 7- earnest, terrible, melting, full of pathos. The word was with power. What a glorious night this was, such as I had never seen before ! Seventy-two souls professed to find peace with God. I need not say there was deep excitement, but it was holy, pure, such as I hope often to see." Regarding the subject of religious excitement here Mrs. 4 J , Booth on referred to, Mrs. Booth made the following observa- religious tions at the close of her prolonged ministry, with its 6 ment~ multitudinous opportunities for observation : " It has always been a cause of amazement to me how it is that intelligent people can fail to perceive the connection be- tween feeling and demonstration. How utterly unphilosophi- cal is the prevailing notion that persons can be deeply moved on religious subjects, any more than on worldly ones, without manifesting their emotions ! This insane idea has done more, I doubt not, to grieve the spirit of God and discourage and extinguish vital religion than almost anything else. It has always seemed to me better to have wild fire than no fire at all. Certainly it would be more in keeping with the spirit and practice chronicled in the Bible, to allow individuals too wide an expansion of joy and sentiment, rather than to damp the light and extinguish any manifestation whatever. " The cold, formal services of the Protestant church have done more to shut out from it the sympathy and adhesion of the masses than any other cause, or indeed than all other causes put together. The people will forgive anything better than death and formality. Had I my time to go over again, I would not only be far more indulgent toward the natural manifestation of feeling, but would do more to encourage it than I have done before. " Not that I would advocate a rowdy and boisterous manner. But the attitude of many churches seems to me to be illus- trated by some families, where the father is so austere, and keeps at so great a distance from his children, that they hardly dare speak or breathe in his presence. There is no natural spontaneous expression of either thought or feeling, but the whole family seem to live, move, and have their being Evil effect of for^ mality. No advo- cate of rowdy- Be natural. 264 MRS. BOOTH. 1856, Age 27. Mr. Booth visits his native town. Enter- tains mis- givings. His fears prove ground- less. in a constrained atmosphere of awe, whereas if you follow the same children into the nursery, or see them where they are alone with their mother and free to act out the impulses of their nature, you would hardly believe they were the same creatures. But in a rightly regulated family, while the parents will maintain their proper respect and authority, there will be a suitable and natural expression of feeling." The next town visited was Nottingham, Mr. Booth's birthplace. With the exception of a few days spent from time to time with his mother, he had seen noth- ing of it since leaving for London in 1849. He observed in his journal : " Sunday, November 3oth, 1856. My native town. Concern- ing this place I must confess I have entertained some fears. Being so well known and remembering that a prophet is not without honour save in his own country, I had dreaded the critical hearing of those for whom I had in my youth con- tracted that reverence which in after life perhaps never fully leaves us. However, my confidence was in my message and my trust was in my Master." A little later he is able to summarise the six weeks' work in the following encouraging terms : " I concluded in a most satisfactory manner. About seven hundred and forty names have been taken, and, on the whole, the success has far exceeded my expectations and has been a cause for sincere gratitude. My great concern is for the fu- ture. Oh that preachers and people may permanently secure the harvest and go on to still greater and more glorious tri- umphs ! " When it is remembered that Mr. Booth was only twenty-seven at the time of this visit, and that he had been but two and a half years in the New Connexion ministry, the result of these meetings will appear the more remarkable. Mrs. Booth sends the following account to her parents : NOTTINGHAM. 265 1856, Age 27. Mrs. Booth's account of the Notting- ham re- vival. The town stirred. December isth, 1856. " The work here exceeds anything I have yet witnessed. Yesterday the chapel, which is a very large one, seating up- wards of twelve hundred people, was full in the morning and at night hundreds went away unable to get in. It was so packed that all the windows and doors had to be set wide open. Sixty-seven came forward in the prayer-meeting. " The movement is taking hold of the town. The preacher and his plans are the topics of conversation in all directions. Numbers of William's old Wesleyan friends come, and the infidels are mustering their forces. The Mayor and Mayoress, with a family of fine young men, are regular attendants and stayed to the prayer-meeting the other night. The folks seem as if one of the old prophets had risen or John the Baptist come again. It is so different to their ordinary routine. I never saw so respectable an audience, and yet one so riveted in their attention. How ready the Lord is to work when man will work too ! " Mr. J. Harvey, the Society Steward, writing to the Magazine, says: " We had our commodious chapel nearly filled every week- night and crowded to excess on the Sunday evening, so that hundreds had to go away. Mr. Booth is certainly an extraor- dinary man. I never passed such a six weeks in my life. The services were kept up with thrilling interest night after night. His appeals and arguments were such as uprooted the deep prejudice and hatred of the infidel, made gospel-hardened sin- ners tremble, and caused many to exclaim, 'What must I do to be saved?' " The general results of the services are these. The chapel Every sit- is filled. Every sitting is let, and many persons have applied ting let ' whom we have not been able to accommodate for want of room. The classes are greatly increased, and some new ones formed. The prayer-meetings are crowded to excess." * Nevertheless the superintending minister, the Rev. P. J. Wright, although he had concurred in sending the invitation, received Mr. and Mrs. Booth in the coldest possible manner, and soon made it manifest Another account. 266 MXS. BOOTH. 1857, that he was no friend to them or their work. He was unable, however, to give vent to his feelings, owing to the all but unanimous manner in which the society and congregation supported the movement. The tide was too deep and strong for him to offer it any open resistance, so that to all outward appearance he went with the stream of popular feeling. His opposi- tion to the movement became more manifest when the meetings had drawn to a close, and a promising work was thus checked and suffered to languish. He afterwards became one of the chief opponents in the Conference of Mr. Booth's evangelistic labors, and was in a large measure the cause of his being ulti- mately compelled to leave the Connexion. A visit to From Nottingham Mr. and Mrs. Booth proceeded to London for a fortnight's rest, spending the time with Mr. and Mrs. Mumford. We cull the following note from Mr. Booth's diary: "Saturday, January loth, 1857. We came on to London for our rest. "Sunday, January nth. Heard Mr. Spurgeon, and was much pleased and profited a truly simple, earnest, and faith- ful sermon. I doubt not he is doing a very great work." Mr Booth Leaving Mrs. Booth and the baby with her parents at in London, Mr.. Booth proceeded to Chester, where he Chester. . j encountered difficulties of a somewhat novel nature. The minister, the Rev. D. Round, gave him a most hearty reception. The people also co-operated. But some time after the meetings had commenced a news- H passagl paper came out with an attack on the revival, and of wUh m a this* f r tne moment, checked the progress of the news- W ork. It was a new and therefore painful experience to the young preacher, whose sensitive nature tempted him to shrink from the encounter. A kindly Provi- CHESTER. 267 dence, however, prevented his foreseeing the inky 1857, oceans of misrepresentation and calumny through which his bark was yet to sail, or perhaps the pros- pect would have utterly discouraged his heart. But keenly as he felt the slanders and deeply as he re- gretted their influence in preventing penitents from coming forward with their usual readiness at his meetings, he fought his way resolutely through and A ? irik - achieved a complete success, which was only rendered victory. the more striking by the temporary pause. More than a hundred persons came forward during the last three days, and the farewell meeting and tea were as enthusiastic as any that had gone before. More than h ed four hundred names were taken during the five weeks penitents. of his stay. The newspaper opposition produced another effect. Another - - . . difficulty. which was altogether unexpected by its author, in at- tracting to the meetings crowds of persons belonging to a very different class to the regular chapel-goers who had hitherto composed the bulk of Mr. Booth's congregations. For the first time in his ministerial experience, he found himself face to face with a god- less, mocking crowd of young men. He was taken ing quite by surprise and considerably disconcerted. In writing to his wife he says : " We are damaged in the prayer-meetings by lookers-on. I fight them as closely as I can. But some of them are very impudent. May the Lord undertake for us ! " Writing a few days later he adds : " We had one of the most painful disappointments yester- day I ever had to encounter. The night congregation was overwhelming, hundreds going away unable to get admission. There was some influence in the prayer-meeting, but we only took fifteen names. You see this abominable and lying article in the newspaper causes swarms of people to come out of 268 MRS. BOOTH. *o Age 28. A dis- agreeable surprise. Jagged daggers. sheer curiosity, and they stand and gaze about, some of them actually laughing during the services! However, we must fight it out." Mr. Booth had not yet learned to rejoice at being able thus night after night to attract the most godless. His first encounter with the very people whose special chaplain he was destined to become came upon him as a disagreeable surprise. But he quickly rose to the occasion, and grappled in his own masterly, inimi- table fashion with the consciences of the Christo-hea- then audience, who had begun so strangely to take pleasure in the chapel services, which they had so long looked upon with scorn. How he dealt with them and brought the thunder and lightning of the law to bear upon their hearts, we are able to gather from his correspondence with Mrs. Booth. Unfortunately her replies to him are missing, or they would un- doubtedly have supplied an important link in the historical chain, showing how she seconded and en- couraged him in his new and perplexing position. "We had a tremendous struggle at the chapel/' Mr. Booth writes on February 1 8th. " I never saw anything like it in my life. We were crowded above and below, and having been out all day, I was poorly prepared in mind and much fatigued in body, yet I was pressed in spirit and the Lord helped me to preach as I very, very seldom do ! Oh, the words seemed like jagged daggers running into the hearts of the people ! And yet, though the great mass of them stayed to the prayer-meet- ing, we had only twenty-one souls. We ought to have had fifty or more. That abominable paper has helped to raise all this opposition. It has encouraged a lot of ignoramuses to* come and mock. They have no shame. You cannot make them feel." In another letter he writes : "We had a good night. I preached from ' What must I do to be saved?' We had not much power during the first part of CHESTER. 269 the sermon, but during the appeal 'What must I do to be 1857, damned?' I don't remember ever having more. In fact Mr. A e 28 Round said this morning that he never felt so much under any appeal before in his life, and that he could have knelt mus t / down and wept his heart away at the conclusion. George Fox said he could not sleep after it. It was indeed terrific. I felt astounded at it myself. Of course I can only talk in this way to my wife." masses. A rough fisticuff. It was a significant moment, when William Booth and the rough churchless elements of England's pop- ulation first found themselves face to face in" close encounter ! He did not remain long on the defensive, just time enough to measure his antagonist with his eye, and then closed with him in the life-grapple which has resulted in such glorious accomplishment. Not with a single blow, or round, however, was this en- counter to be completed. It was scarcely more than a skirmish, a rough fisticuff, in which each party began to test its powers. Nevertheless the champions of ruffianism realised ere long that some one had entered the ring who was to meet them on their own ground and to prove more than a match for them, aiming re- sistless blows at their hearts and consciences, and com- ing off conqueror on many a hard-fought field. Thus Mr. Booth caught the eye and ear of the The mod- masses, just as previously he had riveted the atten- Goliath. tion of the Christian Church. He was still but a stripling this latter-day David. But he lodged a stone in the forehead of the modern Goliath, the effects of which have not yet ceased to be felt. He obtained a hold which he has never lost. Whatever faults the rougher masses of the world's population may possess, they admire a man who has the courage of his convictions, and who is not afraid to beard them boldly in their dens of sin, misery, and desperation. . 270 MRS. SOOTH. 1857, But the opposition manifested by a certain minis- terial clique, who viewed with jealousy the rising Minister- popularity and success of the young minister, was ia sitwn. now beginning to take shape. The perplexity and sorrow which this occasioned to Mr. Booth may be gathered from the following extract from one of his letters to Mrs. Booth : An " Our secretary was through here this morning," writes Mr. enigma. Booth He ^id not please me. I can't understand it. A certain knot of the ministers are an enigma to me. They seem to have very little sympathy and appear only to use me to get up revivals to push their machines, and to help them when all other means fail. The great, high, and holy view I have of the movement does not seem to enter into their calcu- lations. Well, I gave him a broadside or two, and then left him. Mr. Round is worth a laneful of such cold, icy-hearted, all-brained folk. But my little wife must not talk in this way. She must only listen to her husband ! " Mr. Booth There is an interesting reference in these letters Reginald to Mr. Booth's first meeting with the well-known - we- evan gelist, Mr. Reginald Radcliffe : " 1 3th February. " Mr. Radcliffe, a solicitor from Liverpool, was here last night. He is a rather singular, and at the same time a very devoted, man. He consecrates his life and efforts and fortune to the great work of saving men. I am informed that he goes up and down the country preaching the gospel anywhere that Preach- he can obtain an opening. He especially attends races, ex- eaxcuti He is able to play upon a higher set of compared motives. The appeals of the public orator are usually outic- e directed to some natural instinct which, when exam- * an - ined, resolves itself into the merest selfishness. Even patriotism is but a refined and distilled form of self- interest. Trade, commerce, land and labour disputes, all partake of the same. Vote for me, because I will do the best for you, is the stock argument of the poli- tical platform. Defend your own interests, take care of your own rights, is the language of the world. The Powerful appeals can doubtless be based upon such 9 for l h?s grounds, and rightly so. It is a side of human nature which cannot be ignored by the preacher himself. Self-preservation is one of the most widespread and readily appealed to of all human instincts. The re- BRISTOL, TRURO, ST. AGNES. 279 ligious reformer avails himself of it. But he has 1857, something more. Even in this particular respect he ge 2 ' appeals to eternity as well as time. He lifts the veil and compares the tiny interests of this world with those of a boundless hereafter. He goes further. He plies the emotions, the affections, the hopes, the fears of his audience with a ceaseless fusilade of entreaties, storms the reason with resistless arguments, and awakens the ally, whom he is certain of possessing in ' every man's bosom Conscience, the Heaven-ap- pointed watchman of the soul. Over the actor, he possesses the unspeakable ad- compared with the vantage of reality, and of dealing with an immediate actor. present and a never-ending future instead of a dead past. Sincerity lends force to his utterances. And when all these are crowned with the Divine unction, Unction. with the visible face-illumination which marked Moses when he descended from the mount, and which now distinguishes those and only those who have personal converse with their God, he is able at times to carry the hearts of his hearers before him as with a whirl- wind. This at least is what Mrs. Booth here refers to by the expression "liberty." This is the high ideal A high of what a preacher should be and do the privileged position to which he may and ought to attain. True, there will be fluctuations in the degree, and at times Fiuctua- . tions in it may be unaccountably missing. But the utter or degree, continued absence of this element, where such is the but not a case, shows that something must be radically wrong, continued . . absence of and until it be gained or recovered, as the case may the phen- be, it were better for the time that the speaker closed his lips and betook himself to his knees. It was the possession of this peculiar influence and Exempli- power that constituted the special potency in Mrs. Mr Booth's own subsequent ministry. By the time she Booth - 280 MRS. BOOTH. 1857, Age 28. Oblivious to time. Their first visit to Cornwall. Cornish Method- ism. F*revious reports. had finished her address she was usually bathed in perspiration with the intensity of the exertion. Her theme and her audience would make her oblivious to time and every other consideration, and amid the deathlike silence the musical cadences of her voice seemed to make every heart in the vast throng vibrate, while she reasoned with them of " righteousness, tem- perance, and judgment to come." To return, however, to the narrative. " This was our first visit," Mrs. Booth tells us, "to Cornwall, and we both regarded it with no little interest. We had heard much about Cornish Methodism. Indeed, it was said to be the religion of the county. The peo- ple were saturated with Methodistic teaching. Chap- els were to be seen everywhere, in the towns, on the moors, by the sea-coast. There they stood, great square buildings, often with scarcely a house in sight, apparently equal to the need of districts with three times the population. But people or no people, there stood the chapel, and it was usually a Wesley an one. Not only so, but the congregations were there, crowd- ing it to the doors each Sunday. The parent Wesleyan church was very much in the ascendant. Our cause was extremely low. In fact, it was confined to Truro, and a single outpost at St. Agnes, a small town in the neighbourhood. " We had heard a good deal about previous Cornish revivals, and the excitability of the people at such times. Hence we expected to find them eager to lis- ten, easily moved, and ready to be convinced. But in this we were at first a good deal disappointed. Although after a time we found ourselves in a perfect hurricane of excitement, yet nowhere had the people evinced at the start such a capacity for resisting the claims of God and steeling their hearts against all BRISTOL, TRURO, ST. AGNES. 281 persuasions. Pure children of emotion, when once 1857, carried away by their feelings, it was difficult to place any curb upon their expression. " For the first four or five days, however, we could Waiting for not persuade them to get saved. For one thing they feelings. objected to the penitent form. It was to them a new institution, and they regarded it with suspicion. They were waiting, too, for the feelings under the influence of which they had hitherto been particularly accus- tomed to act. The appeals to their judgment, their reason, and their conscience were not sufficient to in- duce them to come forward. They did not see the value of acting upon principle rather than on motion. However, at length the break came. It was the Fri- day following the Sabbath on which the General com- menced his meetings in the town. It was a Good Friday, loth of April, the anniversary of our engage- ment." Mr. Booth describes the meeting in a letter written the next day to Mr. and Mrs. Mumford : " We had a very glorious stir last night such a An exdt- meeting for excitement and thrilling interest as I never before witnessed. The people had been re- straining their feelings all the week. Many of them had been stifling their convictions. But it burst out last night, and they shouted and danced and wept and screamed and knocked themselves about, until I was fairly alarmed lest serious consequences might ensue. However, through mercy all went off gloriously, twenty-seven persons professing to find salvation. Praise the Lord for ever! I am happ) r , but weary. I have had nine public services this week, have to attend a meeting to-night, and three more to-morrow." Of those who came forward that night were some , . . Mimsters- promising young men, several of whom afterward . to-be. 282 MRS. BOOTH, 1857, became ministers, one of J:hem occupying a very prominent position. From this time the work went forward in a most encouraging manner. A lias- "William finished up at- Truro, triumphantly," convert- writes Mrs. Booth from St. Agnes on the 8th of May. " Crowds were unable to get in and above thirty names were taken. Amongst them was one very respectable man, who had cautioned his wife a week before against going out to the communion rail and making a fool of herself. He now went up himself and got glori- ously saved. He had been a vile blasphemer. Many are under deep impressions, who will not yield to the Opposi- rail. We never were in a place where the opposition penitent- to it was so great. If we return to Cornwall we shall go back to Truro, and I have no doubt shall see far greater things than any yet. A de- " We left Truro on Tuesday, coming half-way by SC of P s't n train, and the remainder in a cart of the ancient stamp, Agnes. ^^g^ to shake one to pieces. I feel the effects of it yet. The place is a desolate, and yet not an unin- teresting, spot, not above half a mile from the sea, and surrounded by the celebrated tin mines of this county. We can hear the machinery at times, and in our walks see some of the operations through which the ore passes. The coast is a wild and picturesque one, presenting some scenes of beauty and grandeur. The people are, as at Truro, strange in their dialect and manners. They talk about a revival in the same way that we should about a fair, a sale, or any other worldly business. We expect to stop here a fortnight. " A strange An incident occurred during this time, of which Mrs. Booth, in later years, gives the following account: "The General had a good time here, and would doubtless have reaped a rich harvest, but for a mis- take which he made and which he afterwards very BRISTOL, TRURO, ST. AGNES. 283 much regretted. We had heard a great deal about the 1857, way in which the Cornish people jumped and danced. But at Truro, notwithstanding the excitement, we had seen nothing to which the most fastidious could object. They told us, however, that if anything moved at St. Agnes, the people would 'go off,' as they called it, in "Going this form of manifestation. I believe the General had set his face against anything of this description before he went to Cornwall. Indeed, he prided himself on conducting his meetings on the highest level of the 'decency and order' platform. He had told me how, on one occasion, in the Staffordshire Potteries, he had stopped some women from clapping their hands and slapping the forms in a manner which he fancied was contrary to proper worship, adding that he always put down his foot on such manifestations and con- trolled them with a firm hand. "He was not a little shocked, therefore, one night, "GZory/" when the feeling in the meeting was beginning to get warm, to see a dear woman spring to her feet in an ecstasy, and begin to jump up and down with a meas- ured rhythm, keeping exact time to the tune we were singing, with a little shout of 'Glory!' every time she went up. There was nothing that I could see con- trary to either Scripture or decorum in the method by which this simple woman manifested her joy, though it was certainly opposed to the cold, cut-and- dried notion of church order. The General, however, An un- feeling the responsibility of the meeting to be resting mistake* upon him, and fearing lest the excitement might get beyond bounds, gave orders for her to be stopped. In the carrying out of his instructions the exercise of some slight physical force was necessary. This was perceived by the congregation and the influence of the meeting was thus destroyed. From that time the 284 MKS. BOOTH. * Age 28. Mrs. Booth defer,ds the prin- ciple. It is natural. It will vary. The martyr and the sign. work dragged heavily, and, although there was an encouraging spurt at the end, yet the General came away realizing that he had made a mistake, and de- termining that in future, instead of stamping out the excitement, he would content himself with guiding it." " And why not allow a manifestation of feeling?" remarked Mrs. Booth on another occasion. " A gentleman once said to me, 'I never did shout in my life, but to-day upon my word I couldn't help it.' I said, 'Amen. It's time, then, you be- gan. ' I hope it may be the same with many of you. When the Lord comes to His Temple and fills it with His glory you won't know what to do. You must find vent somewhere, or you will be as the poor old negro said he was, 'ready to burst his waistcoat.' We feel so about temporal things. People drop down dead with joy. People shriek with grief. People's hearts stand still with wonder at the news they have heard, perhaps from some prodigal boy. I heard of a mother not long ago, whom some one injudiciously told of the sudden return of her son, who dropped down dead, and never spoke. And when the Master comes to His Temple, that glorious blessed Holy Saviour, whom you profess so to long after and to love, and who has been absent so many years, and whom you have been seeking after with strong crying and tears, do you think it will be too much to shout your song, or go on your face, or do any extravagant thing? Oh no, if there is reality, you cannot help yourself. " The manifestation will be according to your nature. One will fall down and weep in quietness, and the other will get up and shout and jump. You cannot help it. Like the two martyrs, one rejoiced in the realisation of God's presence; the other, who was in darkness, yet did not deny his Lord and turn his back upon Him. He continued in the way of obedience, and the other was encouraging him to hope and believe the Master would come ; but He did not come until they started from the dungeon to the stake ; so they fixed upon a sign, and the one said to the other, 'If He comes you will give me the sign on the road. ' The Master did come, but the martyr could not confine himself to the sign. He shouted, raising his arms, to his fellow-martyr, 'He's come, He's come, He's come.' He couldn't help it. When He comes, you won't be BRISTOL, TRURO, ST. AGNES. 285 ashamed who knows it. When you really get a living Christ for your husband, you will be more proud than the bride is who has got a husband worth being proud of, and you will love to acknowledge and praise Him ; and the day is coming when you will crown Him before all the host of Heaven. The Lord help you to accept Him, and put away everything that hinders His coming. Amen." From Truro Mr. and Mrs. Booth next proceeded to Stafford, a long- and wearying journey. The increas- ing difficulty of these frequent changes, and the dis- tance between some of the appointments, gave rise to a proposal for little Willie to be sent for a time to his grandmother. Mrs. Booth speaks of the plan in a characteristic letter, from which we take the following : May 1 5th, 1857. " William intends going to meet the Annual Com- mittee before entering on any more labour, having had his mind much pained and unsettled by informa- tion lately received. He wants to have a clearing up. " Much as I should like to have a settled home, you know my objections to leaving William, and they get stronger as I see the constant need he has of my pres- ence, care, and sympathy. Neither is he willing for it himself. He says nothing shall separate us, while there is any possibility of our travelling together. Nor can I make up my mind to parting with Willie, first because I know the child's affections would in- evitably be weaned from us, and secondly, because the next year will be the most important of his life with reference to managing his will, and in this I cannot but distrust you. I know, my darling mother, you could not wage war with his self-will so resolutely as to subdue it. And then my child would be ruined, for he must be taught implicit, uncompromising obedience." 1857, Age 28. They travel to Stafford. The Annual Com- mittee. Keeping together. Cannot part ivith her boy. Afraid of an indul- gent grand- mother. 286 J/tfS. BOOTH. 1857, Thus we see how early Mrs. Booth commenced the training of her family, and how resolutely she put A wise from her any proposal, however advantageous in other respects, which seemed to clash with the highest spiritual interests of her children. Had she adopted a different course it is very probable that the over- indulgence of a kind-hearted and well-meaning grand- mother would have inflicted irreparable injury upon the character of the one who was to play so im- portant a part. While Mrs. Booth was no advocate for undue severity with children, she never failed to call attention to the incalculable harm that was inflicted upon them by the over-indulgence of their little whims and by the lack of that firm, faithful, and yet affec- tionate training so necessary for their future welfare. CHAPTER XXVIII. THE CONFERENCE OF 1857. WHILE Mr. and Mrs. Booth were at Stafford an was u an incident occurred, insignificant in itself, but which seemed somewhat prophetic of the future. There was a garden attached to the house in which they were staying, and in this little Willie, though but fif- teen months old, delighted to run about, while Mrs. Booth would sit with her work in a sheltered corner from which she could keep her eye upon him. One day to his joy he discovered, on. the border of the pathway, a nest with the mother bird sitting on the eggs. He was soon taught to respect his newly found treasure, and to keep his little hands off. But many were the peeps that he indulged in from time to time, and it seemed that the birds became accustomed to the presence of their baby visitor, understanding that it boded them no harm. One morning Willie had toddled off, as usual, for The his accustomed look, when a startled cry attracted his mtruc parents to the spot, where they found the eggs lying broken on the pathway, while the nest, which had been deserted by the birds, was in the possession of a large beetle. Mr. and Mrs. Booth could not but wonder whether The Con- the occurrence had been intended to prepare them for some approaching sorrow. Was it that their plans and hopes and anticipations for the future were to be ruthlessly disturbed? They were not kept long in 287 288 MRS. BOOTH. Age 28. and send Mr. Booth to a cir- cuit. The prin- cipal op- ponents. suspense. The Conference were sitting in Notting- ham, and the next morning brought them the follow- ing letter from their old friend, Mr. Josiah Bates, who attended the meetings in the capacity of Book-Room Treasurer : NOTTINGHAM, 6th June, 1857. " MY DEAR SIR : Your case has just been decided after a discussion which commenced in the forenoon and terminated with the day's sitting. You are to take a circuit, 40 in favour of your present course, 44 in favour of your taking a circuit. The feeling was strong against you. It was yesterday pro- posed that I should be added to the Annual Committee in the place of Mr. Heaps. But the Doctor (Dr. Crofts) opposed it on the ground that I was too much mixed up with you. Nor did they call me before them, although I requested it. " The principal speakers against you are Crofts and P. J. Wright. I tried hard to be the last speaker, but P. J. evi- dently held back, and therefore I was obliged to speak. I re- plied to every charge that had been contained in all the pre- vious arguments, and am told I made a capital speech. How- ever, we lost it. " I cannot go into the details of the discussion for want of time. I have no doubt the decision will spread wide dissatis- faction, and I should not be surprised if it has to be revised. " Make up your mind to the decision. It will work together for our good. Of this I have not the shadow of a shade of doubt. May God direct you into His will ! " With kind regards to Mrs. Booth, I remain in haste, " Yours truly, " JOSIAH BATES." A friend One of the leading officials of the Nottingham Cir- sympa- thises. cuit wrote at the same time as follows : " I have no doubt that you will have had communicated to you the decision of the Conference in respect to your future labours. There were 40 for you remaining another year in your present position, and 44 for your taking a circuit. " I feel very much in my mind upon the subject, not so much the decision, as to have seen and heard the determined oppo- THE CONFERENCE OF 289 sition of some of the leading ministers. I can see the jealousy lest you should become more useful than they. They seem to assume the position as judges of the working of men's hearts and motives. It touches their dignity. Though they wish to say and do as they .like, they cannot bear you to have the same liberty. I cannot put on paper what my views are of the con- duct of our Superintendent (Mr. Wright). He has done all he could to lower you. He has lowered himself very much in the eyes of many. His conduct at this Conference has served to show that he will not scruple to do anything to gain his end. " I am of opinion that if you take a circuit the Lord will open your way and bless your labours. . . . You have many sin- cere friends. I hope you will not be cast down, but still look to God as you have done hitherto. I never yet saw a man stand higher than his fellows, but envy soon arouses opposi- tion. It always endeavours to pluck the finest fruit and to destroy it. But your works are before God." A formal letter was at the same time received by Mr. Booth from the Secretary to the Conference con- veying the intelligence- of the recent decision. To this Mr. Booth replied as follows : "June, 1857. "To THE SECRETARY OF THE NEW CONNEXION CONFERENCE. " MY DEAR SIR : Yours containing the decision of Confer- ence on my case is to hand this morning, and I must confess it has caused me very considerable surprise. Looking at it merely as affecting my personal comfort I make no complaint, as a year or two's respite from the anxious toil I have been engaged in of late, will be welcome to both body and mind. But regarding it as the wish of the Conference that I should cease from a path of labour to which it first appointed me, and which has been so signally owned of God, and so constantly eulogised by the wisest and best men in the Connexion, is to me a matter of gravest import. " And further, sir, no reasons are assigned for this desired change. The Conference, I am sure, would not act without reasons, and surely my brethren deem me worthy to be made acquainted with them. " Does the Conference take exception to the character of my '9 *o Age 28. Take a circuit. The Sec- retary's letter. Mr. Booth's reply. No reasons given. 290 MRS. BOOTH. 1857, Age 28. A furpn.se. The ap- PT the churches, A strange course. mission altogether, or is it the manner in which I have dis- charged it during the past year that has given offence? If the former, I have nothing to say, but if fault has been found with anything I have said or done, I claim the privilege of self-de- fence. Surely in the New Connexion Conference flying re- ports are not permitted to find utterance, and speeches un- favourably affecting character are not listened to, without giving the defamed an opportunity of defending himself. "So conscious was I of the integrity of my motives, utter- anceSi an( j ac tions, so satisfied was I that the bulk of the Church was with me, and so certain did I feel that I was taking the surest course to promote the highest interests of the Connex- ion, that in looking forward to the Conference I never dreamed it would for a moment entertain the proposition which you forward to me as its prayerful and deliberate decision. " During the two and a half years that I have travelled as an Evangelist my opinions have undergone no change; they have ever been outspoken. During that time every church with which I have laboured has expressed most publicly and unanimously its approbation of my labours. With two excep- tions, the ministers have been as friendly and cordial as the laymen. During this time no individual has met me with an accusation, or made any objection to my measures in the prayer meeting, or to my utterances on the platform and in the pulpit. It seems strange that after such uniform approbation o f m y mission, and method of discharging it, that the Confer- ence should be five hours debating the propriety of its con- tinuance. You say in yours that the value of my special labors have been 'fully and gratefully acknowledged,' but that looking at the subject in all its important bearings it is deemed best, on the whole, that for the present I receive the appointment of a regular circuit. Now, all I ask, nay claim as my due, is to know what these important bearings are for which my special labours, acknowledged to be of value, are to be discontinued. " Believe me, to remain, dear sir, " Yours very respectfully, " WILLIAM BOOTH." In a letter written at the same time to Mr. and Mrs, Mumford, Mr. Booth says: THE CONFERENCE OF 1857. 291 " You will have been expecting a line from us containing Conference information, and now that our suspense is ended in certainty, or nearly so, I take the first opportunity of send- ing you a line. For some time I have been aware that a party has been forming against me. Now it has developed itself and its purpose. It has attacked and defeated my friends, and my evangelistic mission is to come to an immediate con- clusion. On Saturday, aftei a debate of five hours, in which I am informed the bitterest spirit was manifested against me, it was decided by 44 to 40 that I be appointed to a circuit. The chief opponents to my continuance in my present course are ministers, the opposition being led on by the Rev. P. J. Wright and Dr. Crofts. " I care not so much for myself. A year's rest will be very acceptable. By that time, God will, I trust, make plain my way before me, either to abide as a circuit preacher, or by opening me a door which no man or number of men shall be able to shut. My concern is > for the Connexion my deep regret is for the spirit this makes manifest, and the base in- gratitude it displays. However, I leave the matter with the Lord. My work and my reputation are in His hands. I wait the manifestation of His will, and wherever He points there will I try to go." Mrs. Booth, however, did not take so calm a view, as will be seen from the following letters addressed to her mother : " You will see from William's letter what has been the sub- ject of our thoughts, and the cause of the anxiety we have ex- perienced during the last few days. I have felt it far more keenly than I thought I should ; in fact, it is the first real trial of my married life. " Personally considered I care nothing about it. I feel that a year's rest in one place will be a boon to us both, and espe- cially a relief from the wearying anxiety which my dear husband has experienced of late. But as a manifestation of the spirit of a handful of ministers towards him in return for his toil as an exhibition of the cloven foot of jealousy, and as a piece of rank injustice in allowing lying reports to be reiter- ated in open Conference, and this without any formal charges having been brought or any inquiry as to their truthfulness 1857, Age 28. How it hap- pened. The ground for his regret. Mrs. Booth feels it keenly. Her in- digna- tion. 292 MRS. BOOTH. 1857, instituted, I regard as little better than an old priestly persecu- Age 28. tion over again, and am ready to forswear Conferences for ever! However, we shall see. We can afford to wait. A year's rest will be an advantage to William's mind and body. Time will do great things the people will be able to look at and contrast the year's returns. Our friends, whom this dis- cussion has proved to be neither few nor feeble, will spread their own report of the matter, and perhaps next Conference the trumpet will sound on the other side. Anyhow, if God wills him to be an evangelist, He will open up his way. I find that I love the work itself far more than I thought I did, and I am willing to risk something for it, but we shall see." Writing again next day, Mrs. Booth says : A sug- " Doubtless you will feel anxious to hear further particulars gested after yesterday's budget. This morning's post brought us piomise. several letters from Conference, causing us considerable ex- citement and anxiety. It appears that the conduct of Mr. P. J. Wright and others towards my dear husband has evoked a very strong feeling against them, and numerous voices of dissatis- faction have been raised as to the manner in which our mis- sion has been put down, and the way in which the votes were taken. There is to be an attempt this morning at a compro- mise ; to send him to a circuit and yet let him visit several places during the year, sending a supply to act for him, but William will not agree to it. He will be either one thing or the other, and if unworthy to be an evangelist altogether, he declines to take the anxiety and responsibility of being one at all. The ques- " It appears that one of his opponents mooted the travel- travellin ^ n & ex P en ses as an argument against him, and made some expenses, false statements which Mr. Bates has compelled him to re- tract. Hereupon Mr. Woods, the old gentleman you heard me talk about, and who was so kind to us at Nottingham, has instructed the delegate for Nottingham to inform Conference to-day that if it is a money question he will guarantee ,50 for the next year's travelling expenses a larger sum than all our present year's expenses put together. He is a noble old gentleman. I always believed in him from our first interview. I wrote to him last night myself, William being too much pressed for time. THE CONFERENCE OF 1857. 293 " William has asked for Derby as an appointment. To this 1857, his opponents are not likely to agree, for though it is one Age 28. of the poorest places in the Connexion, it has only one preacher, and therefore no superintendent to shackle him. Mr. Bates wanted them to send for him yesterday to speak for himself, but, no thank you! They have no desire to measure swords with him ! I must say I feel intensely an- xious. Great interests are involved far more than are seen at first sight, but it is God's cause. I believe He will order all for the best. I have no fears for the future. I have con- fidence in my husband's devotion and capacity for something greater yet, and I have confidence in God's over-ruling Provi- dence. Pray for us that we may not err, but be guided into His perfect will." "June loth. " Yours came to hand this morning. Thanks for all your Appoint- sympathy and counsel. It is very seasonable. William has ed ? just returned from Nottingham. The arrangement that we house. take a circuit stands good, and perhaps, all things considered, it is best for one year. There seems a firm determination that it shall not be for longer. Our appointment is to Halifax circuit, and we are to live at Brighouse." Among the additional reasons urged for this deci- Further sion besides those which have been already noticed, reasons - one was that Mr. Booth was gaining too great an influence in the Connexion for so young and untried a man. Another was that the following Conference would be called upon to decide as to his capacity for doing the work of a regular circuit preacher, and how could they come to a just conclusion concerning him unless he went through the ordinary routine? All The combined in holding out the most absolute certainty ofare- of his being recalled to the evangelistic sphere at the conclusion of the year. Mrs. Booth, however, doubted the sincerity of the promise. "I felt in my soul," she tells us, referring to the n Mrs -, J Booth^t matter at a much later period, " that it was the spirit fears. 294 MS. BOOTH. 1857, of envy which had closed the sphere, and I could not but anticipate that the same spirit would keep it closed so far as the Connexion was concerned. I knew too much of Church history to expect that a denomination, sunk into stereotyped forms, would ever be wise enough to see the grandeur of such an opportunity for getting out of its swaddling bands and becoming a great national movement, instead of remaining a little sectarian concern. They neither had the wit to see their chance, nor to estimate the qualities of the agent whom God's Providence had thrown across their path. A vision " That morning as I lay in bed, for I was too ill to future, leave the room, there dawned upon me a vision of success, which has been marvellously realised in later years. And I could have risen from my couch, bid good-bye to the Connexion, and walked out with my husband into the wide world without a fear. But I could not make the General see with me. He believed in his simplicity that this clique of ministers would repent of their action and that Conference would re- call him to the work at the end of the year. He Mr. Booth replied to my arguments that he loved the Connexion, Connex- that he had been useful in it, that he wished to live, and labour, and die in it, and that he hoped yet to be the means of helping to build it up and make it a great power in the world. A year, he urged, would soon fly away, and it was possible that he might com- pletely regain the confidence of his ministerial breth- ren by thus submitting to their wishes. I predicted that such would not be the case, and my forecast proved in the end to be correct. For the time being, however, I acquiesced in his decision, and we packed up as quickly as possible and removed to our new home." THE CONFERENCE OF 1857. 2 95 Among his numerous friends were not wanting 1857, those who had less respect for authority than Mr. ge 2 ' Booth, and who urged him to break loose from the Conflict- Connexion, rather than submit to their decision. mfif se ^ un From one such he received the following letter : " I feel much concerned on your account, for it is not possi- ble for you to be so useful to the cause of Christ in your pre- sent sphere as when you were an evangelist. But honestly I see no other way of deliverance for you except to throw your- self on the care of Divine Providence, and to go and labour for God and souls wherever you find an open door. " Your Conference has treated you just as the Wesleyan Conference wanted to treat Mr. Caughey, and had he con- sented to take a regular circuit preacher's work, his wings would have been clipped too. But he was too wide-awake for them. So they closed their doors against him. But all the harm that act did was to enlarge his heart, and to cause him to enter into other chapels besides those of Wesleyans. " My opinion is that if you resolve to follow the Lord fully, you will have to pass through the same ordeal. I believe that, as far as the preachers have power, they will close the New Connexion pulpits against you. Human nature is the same in every Conference, whether Episcopalian, Wesleyan, New Connexion, Primitive or Quaker. And the only way for such men as you and Caughey to escape the mental rack and hand- cuffs is to take out a license to hawk salvation from the great Magistrate above, and absolutely refuse to have any other master. " O Brother Booth, if I could preach and floor the sinners A hearty like you can, I would not thank Queen Victoria to be my aunt or cousin ! When I hear or read of your success, I could wish to be your shoe-black ! There is no man of whom I have read, Caughey excepted, who has equalled you for usefulness, con- sidering the short time you have been at it. And for you to allow the decrees of the New Connexion Conference, or of any other conclave of men, to turn you away from following the guidance of the Holy Spirit, is what I cannot bear to think of. I know what you feel, and I also have shed the big agonising tear, when placed in the same circumstances. " Glory be to God, I am now free, and I will keep so. You 296 MRS. BOOTH. A Age 28. Why he would not do it. The value of organ- isation. Creating a new people. The ne- cessity for organised effort. know what the wolf said to Towser, 'Half a meal with liberty is better than a whole one without it!' " With love to Mrs. Booth, " I remain yours as square as a brick." But Mr. Booth saw what his friend did not: that the weak point of evangelistic efforts such as those of Mr. Caughey was the want of connexion with some suitable organisation which would give cohesion and continuity to the work. His evangelistic experience had taught him that some storage was necessary for the Divine floods of influence and salvation that de- scended in such abundant measure at these times, in order to prevent them from evaporating, disappearing, and being worse than lost. He was disappointed and perplexed, it was true. The New Connexion had promised to be just such a reservoir as he had desired. He loved it. He had labored for it. And visions of the world- wide organisation it might yet become had inspired his heart. He could not believe that he was to be disappointed, nor was there another people to whom he could turn. The daring idea of creating a people for himself had not yet dawned upon his mind. The time for it had not perhaps come. The requisite experience had not been gained. The profound despair with what existed had not yet sufficiently taken possession of his soul to induce him to try his hand at anything better. But the necessity of organised and united effort, as distinguished from the minister-do-every thing plan, was a conviction of his soul. Never in his grandest moments of success had he felt that he could dispense with the service and assistance of others. His con- stant complaint had been that he could not lay violent hands upon a sufficient number of qualified persons to help him at such times, but those whom he could THE CONFERENCE OF 1857. 297 command he had gathered behind the communion 1857, rails to form a praying band, or to deal with the pen- itents, or had sent them out singing into the streets, or visiting from house to house. The idea of a church in which he was to be head His P lan of cam- ana tail, centre and circumference, alpha and omega, paign. beginning and end, was foreign to his idea. It might suit his less disciplined friends, but for his part he so realised the value of law and order that he would rather submit to a wrong order occasionally than have no order at all. He would rather obey an envious head than have none, and rather co-operate with jeal- ous brethren than stand alone. He only aspired to serve, providing he could serve successfully. Mrs. Booth, as we have seen, was more of a radical. The Wes- She had weighed up the Conference and had found it Whitfieid wanting. Her inclination would have led her rather day 6 , to have chosen a lonely path than to have submitted to a restricted one. Unlinked to Mr. Booth, she would doubtless have been more of a free-lance Whit- field than an organising Wesley. It was a happy design of Providence which bound the Wesley and the Whitfieid of the present generation in so close and indissoluble a union. For the present, however, the die was cast, and Mr. and Mrs. Booth proceeded to take up their appointment at Brighouse. CHAPTER XXIX. BRIGHOUSE. 1857-1858. A gloomy THE year spent by Mr. and Mrs. Booth at Brighouse was, perhaps, the saddest and most discouraging of their whole ministerial career. In fact, there was scarcely a single circumstance to relieve the gloom of the situation. In the first place, they started with heavy hearts, feeling that they had been unjustly dealt with. Nor was there anything in the appoint- ment itself calculated to compensate for the disap- pointment. The superintendent was a sombre, fune- real kind of being, very well-meaning no doubt, but utterly incapable of co-operating with Mr. Booth in his ardent views and plans for the salvation of the people. NO For Mrs. Booth the situation was peculiarly pain- kindred spirit, ful. She had not in Brighouse a single lady friend with whom she could have sympathetic communion. Moroever, it was peculiarly trying to see her husband spending and being spent on a small and struggling cause, when the same amount of effort might have resulted in the attraction of enormous crowds and in the salvation of hundreds of souls, had they pursued their evangelistic career. She writes the following letter to her mother soon after her arrival : "July, 1857. The first "William preached here twice yesterday and led a love- meetings. f eas t. Good congregations, and all seemed very well satisfied except himself. There were three souls at night. Of course 298 BRIGHOUSE. 299 he cannot help making comparisons between this and his 1857, former sphere of usefulness, and though this is unquestionably Age 28. much easier, it is far less congenial. I don't think he will ever feel right in it, neither do I believe the Lord intends that he should. He generally adapts His instruments to the work He marks out for them, and He has undoubtedly adapted my dear husband for something very different to this. But we will wait awhile. " I can't say I like the place. It is a low, smoky town, and we are situated in the worst part of it. However, we shall make the best of it." There was, however, a domestic event which served The birth perhaps, more than anything, to brighten the dull Bailing" tedium of the Brighouse days. They had scarcely settled in their new home when Mr. and Mrs. Booth received for a second time, in the birth of their son Ballington, the peculiar token of Divine favour which only a parent's heart can fully appreciate. It was indeed as a Gilead-balrn to their wounded spirits, cementing freshly the domestic bliss of their union, which seemed but the brighter in contrast with the present gloom of the outward prospect. How much greater would have been their joy could they have anticipated the still distant and uncertain future ! The history of the Salvation Army has been largely The his _ the history of its founders and of their family. It t f a ^ a presents the altogether unique spectacle of a great religious organisation that has attained to world -wide proportions, of which the embryonic germ was con- tained within the four corners of a family, long before it had burst into public notoriety. The earliest, and, to this day, among the most effective of General Booth's recruits, have been his own children. He The Gen- wished, at first, that they had been less numerous, first re- but when they came to take their places in helping him to bear the burden and heat of the day, he was 300 MRS. BOOTH. 1857, Age 28. A super- ficial criticism. Israel a family affair. The Quakers. only sorry, he tells us, that "instead of eight there were not eighty!" Trained from childhood to obey, in an age whose tendency is to overleap the traces of parental authority, they have formed a valuable nu- cleus, round which Mr. and Mrs. Booth have been able to gather their recruits. Inspired from infancy with the passion for souls which animated their pa- rents, they have constituted an object-lesson to all who have since joined them beneath the Salvation Army flag. It is true there are some, who are so difficult to please and ready to find fault, that they raise objec- tions to what is at once the strength and glory of the movement, complaining that undue prominence has been given to the members of the family. But it is a singular fact that those who hold this opinion are usually those who are the least acquainted with them, and who therefore speak on such superficial grounds that their opinion is entitled to but little weight. They forget that one of the chief reasons why Abra- ham became the recipient of the Divine promises was the knowledge that he would "command his house," and that Eli became the object of a special curse for his laxity in this respect. The whole house of Israel was, after all, in a far stricter sense, a " family affair." The priestly house of Levi was the same. The Bible abounds with examples of a similar character, and contains numberless commands and promises to pa- rents regarding the training of their children, and the rewards that should accompany obedience. Their " sons" and their " daughters" were to prophesy, as in the case of Philip the Evangelist. In modern days the history of the Quakers has furnished most remarkable instances of a heredity of holiness running through many generations and ex- BRIGHOUSE. 301 tending over a period of two hundred years. Indeed, had Mr. and Mrs. Booth failed in this respect, it is probable that such critics would have been the first what if to point the finger of scorn. But because they have S faiied? succeeded to so marvellous a degree in persuading their children to forego the pleasures and emoluments of the world, when to do so has meant shame, reproach, and suffering, some must needs cavil. Truly the mysteries of criticism are unfathomable and its ways past finding out ! " I will not have a wicked child," was the passionate Her dctcftYl'tYl- and oft-repeated declaration of Mrs. Booth, who used ation to pray in the very presence of her children that she might rather have to lay them in an early grave than prayer. to mourn over one who had deserted the path of righteousness. Her petition was more than granted, and she had the satisfaction of seeing them all fully consecrated to God's service. Indeed, it was one of the peculiar powers of Mrs. Booth's ministry that she A pract i. could drive home her appeals to others by pointing to Ration the example of her own family. The argument was unanswerable. She was able to show that it was no mere accident of nature or of circumstance that made them differ so widely from others, but that by the proper use of the necessary means others might achieve what she had herself accomplished. It is said of the celebrated violinist, Paganini, that The story he could draw more music out of one string than nin\ ga others could out of five. But the monotone of the one could not, after all, have equalled in the master's hand the harmony of the five, and its music would have been altogether marred had the remaining chords been out of tune. Indeed the discord would have been too painful to have been endured. And is it not so with the family? How often is the domestic 302 MRS. BOOTH. 1857, Age 28. Domestic harmony. harmony jarred by the fact that the majority of the strings are out of tune. True that one string is better than none, and in some instances one string is all that can be gained. But surely this renders only the more striking and delightful the music of a family of which each member is harmoniously attuned to the service of God. Verily, it is one of the divinest spectacles under Heaven, and one of the grandest trophies of redeeming grace ! In dealing with this subject Mrs. Booth has remarked : Putting their chil- dren in. Not so easy. Mrs. Booth leads a class. ' 'They have put their children into the movement,' people say. Yes, bless God ! And if we had twenty, we would do so. But I stand here before God, and say that it is all from the same motive and for the same end the seeking and saving of the lost. But I ask, How comes it to pass that these children all grow up with this one ambition and desire? Is not this the finger of God? Some of our critics don't find it so easy to put their children where they want them to be ! Could all the powers of earth give these young men and women the spirit of this work, apart from God? Some of you know the life of toil, self-sacrifice, and devotion this work entails. What could bring our children to embrace it without a single human inducement such as influences other young people the world over? As spirits are not finely touched but to fine issues, so surely God hath fashioned their souls for the work He wants them to do ; and though all the mother in me often cries, 'Spare them!' my soul magnifies the Lord, because He hath counted me worthy of such honour." In ^pite of its numerous drawbacks, the prolonged stay in Brighouse was not without its advantages. The short time they were able to spend in the places visited during their evangelistic tours, had afforded Mrs. Booth but little scope for the exercise of her tal- ents. Now, however, that they were settled down for a year in a circuit, one of the first announcements made by Mr. Booth to his office-bearers was that Mrs. BRIGHOUSE. 303 Booth would shortly take the leadership of a class among the female members who attended the chapel in Brighouse, and would also teach some of the girls belonging to the Sunday-school. She describes her first meeting with the latter as follows : " I commenced teaching a class of girls on Sunday after- noon in our own back parlour. I had a dozen selected out of the Sunday-school for that purpose, the room being too close for me to go there. I got on well, and the children seemed very pleased. I am to have another girl on Sunday next one who has pleaded very hard to come. So you may picture me on Sunday afternoons from two o'clock to half-past three surrounded by thirteen girls, striving to sow the seeds of eternal truth in their hearts and minds. Pray for my success. I feel as though I am doing a little now, but oh, I want more grace ! Gifts are not graces. Pray for me ! " She refers to her commencement with the senior class in the following letter: " I begin my duties as a class-leader next Thursday after- noon. Do remember it in prayer and meet me in spirit, and ask wisdom and grace according to my great necessity. It is an old established class, containing twenty-nine members, many of them elderly people. It is against my judgment and inclination. I wanted a new one consisting of young people. But this class is distressed for want of a leader, and nothing would do but that I must take it. So William introduced me to them last Thursday, and led it for me for the first time. I spoke and prayed and felt it good, but it seemed rather new to me, after so long an interval. I don't know how I shall get on. I don't fear anything but lack of spiritual power. It will be a beginning, and perhaps I shall gain confidence to undertake something more important in another circuit." Writing a few days later Mrs. Booth says: " I met my class yesterday for the first time, and got on better than I expected. There were twenty-two members Age 28. The Sun- day- School. Her senior class. Her first class- meeting. 304 MRS. BOOTH. A l857 'o Age 28. Plough- ing on a rock. Pining for a revival. Mrs. Booth's first pub- lic effort. The tem- perance question. present. I felt it to be a good time, and so I think did they, at least I heard some expressions of satisfaction and pleasure. I felt very tremulous at first, but gained confidence and free- dom as I went on. I feel a good deal exhausted, but other- wise no worse. A little later Mr. Booth sends a further account of these meetings : " Kate had a very good class yesterday afternoon, twenty- three present and all full of glory. The people speak very highly of her. She seems to be far more successful in pleas- ing the folks than poor me. It has been very hard work, but I have managed so far, and I shall go on until Conference. Labour in this circuit is the most like ploughing on a rock of anything I ever experienced in my life. I concluded the specia^ services on Monday night. They are the most im- pregnable people I ever attempted to impress. The last night was, however, a good one. We took twenty-six names, some of them very good cases, making about 120 during the ser- vices. " Since then for three nights I have been preaching in a small village about two miles from here. We have had good con- gregations and have taken above thirty names. However, I am, after all, only happy in a flood-tide of salvation, and I fancy I am best adapted to serve God, the church, and my genera- tion as an evangelist. I wish I was independent of all con- claves, councils, synods, and conferences. I would then evangelise after my own heart's plan and to my heart's con- tent." If, however, Brighouse had been remarkable for nothing else, it would have been memorable as the place where Mrs. Booth made her first public effort. As early as January, 1857, the idea had occurred to Mr. Booth that Mrs. Booth, being so deeply interested in the temperance question, might with advantage to the work give a series of lectures. He was quite certain that she possessed the requisite ability, the only question being as to whether she could sufficiently BRIGHOUSE. 305 overcome her constitutional timidity. While in Brig- house, however, an opportunity presented itself for making an experiment in this direction with the Junior Band of Hope connected with the chapel. Referring to this proposal, Mrs. Booth writes to her father as follows : "December 7th, 1857. " Thanks for your hints for my meeting. (Mr. Mumf ord was himself a temperance lecturer.) If I get on well and find I really possess any ability for public speaking, I don't intend to finish with juveniles. If there is any reasonable hope of success I shall try at something higher. When we were in Cornwall, I went to hear a popular female lecturer, and felt much encouraged to make an attempt. If I could do so, I should be able to fit in with William's effort on his evangelis- tic tours nicely. I only wish I had begun years ago. Had I been fortunate enough to have been brought up amongst the Primitives, I believe I should have been preaching now. You laugh! But I believe it. The cares of a family and the bothers of a house now preclude any kind of labour that re- quires much study, but I don't think lecturing on temperance would need much." "23d December, 1857. " I addressed the Band of Hope on Monday evening, and got on far better than I expected. Indeed, I felt quite at home on the platform, far more so than I do in the kitchen ! There were a few adults present, and they seemed quite as much interested and pleased as the children. One of them, Wil- liam says, is the most intelligent gentleman in our congre- gation. I got abundantly complimented, and had the most pleasing evidence of the gratification and delight of the children. Our next meeting is on Tuesday, the 29th. I ex- pect a large increase in the attendance. If I get on I shall give a lecture to the females of Brighouse first, and then to a mixed audience. But I must not be too sanguine. Perhaps I may lose my confidence next time. I am so anxious to suc- ceed for the cause's sake. I hope my dear father will not forget his promise to help me by sending me some hints. "The coming week will be a heavy one. We have a tea- 20 1857, A /ore- future. home on p i a tform. Abun- %%$$. mented. week. 306 MRS. BOOTH. 1858, Age 29. Another meeting. No retri- butive Provi- dence. The training of children. meeting here on Monday, the Band of Hope on Tuesday, out to spend the day at Elland on Wednesday, my class on Thursday, and a tea-meeting at Halifax on Friday, to which they want me and Willie to go. So you see I shall- be quite busy." " 6th January, 1858. " It is my Band of Hope meeting to-night, and I have not above an hour to prepare. I did not get on so well last week, because William and Miss Newbury were there, making me feel less self-possessed. Still, I did not flounder, nor talk incoherently. Miss Newbury and William both think I ought to be very much encouraged, but I find it so difficult to sufficiently abstract myself from household matters for the necessary study." How complete was their domestic happiness may be judged from the following letter of Mrs. Booth to her mother : " The children are well. They are two beauties. Oh, I often feel as though they cannot be mine ! It seems too much to be true that they should be so healthy, when I am such a poor thing ! But it appears as if the Lord had ordered it so, while many whom I know, who are far healthier and stronger than ourselves, have delicate children. I sometimes think it is a kind of reward to William for his honourable fidelity to me, notwithstanding my delicate healt hand his many tempta- tions before we were married. I believe in a retributive Providence, and often try to trace domestic misery to its source, which is doubtless frequently to be found in the con- duct of men towards their early loves. God visits for such things in a variety of ways. Bless the Lord, we are reaping no such fruits. The curse of no stricken heart rests on our lot, or on our children, but in peace and domestic happiness we 'live and love together. ' ' Praise God from whom all bless- ings flow!" " Willie gets every day more lovable and engaging and affectionate. He manifests some very pleasing traits of char- acter. You would love to see him hug Ballington and offer him a bit of everything he has! He never manifests the slightest jealousy or selfishness towards him, but on the con- BRIGHOUSE. 307 trary he laughs and dances when we caress baby, and when it 1858, cries he is quite distressed. I have used him to bring me the Age 29. footstool when I nurse baby, and now he runs with it to me as soon as he sees me take him up, without waiting to be asked, a piece of thoughtfulness I seldom receive from older heads ! Bless him ! I believe he will be a thoroughly noble lad, if I can preserve him from all evil influences. The Lord help me! I have had to whip him twice lately severely for disobedience, and it has cost me some tears. But it has done him good, and I am reaping the reward already of my self-sacrifice. The Lord help me to be faithful and firm as a rock in the path of duty towards my children !" CHAPTER XXX. BRIGHOUSE. 1858. Another THE commencement of the new year was darkened attack, for Mrs. Booth by an exceptional cloud of suffering. She was threatened with a return of the spinal malady which had previously afflicted her, and entertained serious thoughts of placing herself under galvanic treatment, from which she had formerly received great benefit. Her plans "I have only been to chapel twice during the last /Vtts- trated. month," she writes to her mother, "and had to come away each time, once being carried out, I was so faint and ill. It is the Band of Hope meeting to-night, but I dare not go. I have not been able to attend it for six weeks. ' So are my plans frustrated with a be- crippled body ! I must say I am almost weary of it, and sometimes feel that if it were not for the children it would be nice to lay this troublesome, crazy body down. A " William was talking the other day about the dif- C1 body ed ferent bodies we shall have after the resurrection. I replied that I hoped so, for I should never want to find mine any more. I would leave it to the worms for an everlasting portion, and prefer to live without one ! It is much harder to suffer than to labour, es- pecially when you have so many calls on your atten- tion. It is so different lying ill in bed now, with two children, perhaps one crying against the. other, to what it used to be with no responsibility or care, and a kind, loving mother to anticipate every want ! But 308 BRIGHOUSE. 309 enough ! The cup which my Father hath given me 1858, shall I not drink it? Especially seeing it is so much ge 29 ' better than I have merited." In February, however, Mrs. Booth had sufficiently Mr. recovered to accompany her husband to Sheffield, baptises where it had been arranged for the baby to be bap- tOO?' tised by Mr. Caughey, who happened to be visiting England at the time. The early and solemn dedica- tion of their children to the service of God had always appeared to Mr. and Mrs. Booth both a duty and a privilege, and although the ceremony of baptism was afterwards abandoned for reasons which are elsewhere explained, the obligation to publicly consecrate them to a life of holiness, sacrifice, and warfare, was ad- hered to. Indeed, some of the most powerful and successful meetings held in the Salvation Army are those in which parents dedicate their children to God, the occasion being utilised for seeking the salvation and sanctifi cation of all present. Mrs. Booth describes the visit to Sheffield and her impressions of the famous evangelist in the follow- ing letter : SHEFFIELD, February. " There was a very large meeting on Tuesday night. Up- M rs ward of twelve hundred sat down to tea. We were at the Booth de- SC7*lvCS same table with Mr. Caughey, and William had some conver- Caughey. sation with him. On Wednesday we dined with him at the house where he is staying, and enjoyed a rich treat in his society. He is a sweet fellow, one of the most gentle, loving, humble spirits you can conceive of. He treated us with great consideration and kindness, conversed with William on his present and future position like a brother, and prayed for us most fervently. " On Thursday morning he called at Mr. Wilkins' and A solemn baptised our dear Ballington in the presence of a few friends. ceremon y- It was a very solemn and interesting ceremony. He asked for him the most precious of all blessings, and dedicated him 3io MRS. BOOTH. 1858, to God most fervently, afterwards placing his hand on his head Age 29. an( j blessing him in the name of the Lord. He wrote me an inscription for my Bible, and took leave of us most affection- ately, expressing the deepest interest in our future, and a de- sire to know the proceedings of the next Conference in William's case. I cannot describe I must leave you to im- agine, the effect of all this on my mind. After almost ador- ing his very name for ten years past to be thus privileged was REV. JAMES CAUGHEY. well nigh too much for me. When he took leave of me, I pressed one fervent kiss on his hand, and felt more gratified than if it had been Queen Victoria's." Mr 'h C ? M ~ Hearing him preach and speak encouraged Mrs. advice. Booth to hope for an equally useful career for her hus- band, and it was natural that Mr. Booth should con- sult Mr. Caughey as to his future. The latter had passed through a very similar experience with the American branch of the Wesleyan body, resigning his position as a pastor rather than be confined to a BRIGHOUSE. 311 circuit. He counselled Mr. Booth to wait patiently 1858, until he had been ordained and received into full con- ge 29 ' nexion by the Conference, since the time for doing so was now close at hand, and Mr. Caughey considered that this would give him a special status, both in Eng- land and America, which might prove of service to him in the future. At the same time he assured Mr. Booth that whether in the Connexion, or out of it, there was undoubtedly awaiting him a career of wide-spread usefulness. Thirty years later, as General of the Salvation The Gen- Army, Mr. Booth, during his visit in America, called upon Mr. Caughey, who had then for some time retired from active labour owing to old age and increasing later - infirmities. It was with tears of joy that the veteran embraced his former friend, and, after an affecting interview the last they were destined to have upon earth Mr. Caughey laid his hands upon the head of Mr. Cau- the fellow-laborer to whose life his own had served blesses the to lend an added inspiration, and with his eyes lifted to Heaven, gave him his solemn and farewell blessing. Since that remarkable interview Mr. Caughey has gone to his reward, but before his death the baby boy whom in Sheffield he had dedicated to God had grown to manhood, and, in company with a devoted and tal- ented life-partner, had taken his place at the head of a widespread and powerful organisation in the United States. There was little else of an exceptional character factory that marked the remainder of the stay in Brighouse, ' but there is a reference in one of Mrs. Booth's letters to the condition of the factory girls in the town, and as the subject is one that has considerably exercised the public conscience for some time past, and is likely to occupy the attention of the legislature, her early 312 MRS. BOOTH. 1858, Age 29. Mrs. Booth's vieivs. Unwo- manising influence. A pitiable prospect. Legal prohibi- tion. The Con- ference. views on the question are of more than passing inter- est. As usual, she strikes directly at the root of the evil and seeks to devise some remedy for it : " I wish you could see the troops of young girls who turn out of these Yorkshire factories and mills, with their blue smock pinafores, handkerchiefed heads, and beclogged feet. They begin to work as half-timers when they are seven or eight years old, and after a little while are able to earn eight or nine shillings a week. In a family of three or four girls, with perhaps a drunken father, it is a great temptation to the mother to let her girls go to the mill. Indeed, parents seem to lose sight altogether of the demoralising and unwomanising influ- ence of the system. I never met with such a 'pounds, shill- ings, and pence' people in my life. They seem to have lost sight of every consideration comfort, respectability, and everything else for the 'brass,' as they call it. I know peo- ple, whom to look at in their homes you would think to be quite poor, who are really worth hundreds of pounds. " I was out for a little walk with a friend yesterday, when we met a troop of factory girls going to dinner. I observed that it augured discouragingly for the future of our country, this horrible system of employing our young women in fac- tories. What pitiable wives and mothers they will make! Mothers ! Alas, I should say bearers of children, for we have lamentable evidence that in everything desirable to the sacred relationship they are awfully deficient. I see no help for it but a law prohibiting young girls under twenty from working in factories before one o'clock. This would oblige them to attend to domestic matters in the forenoon, and in numbers of instances to seek situations as household servants. I wish some one would begin to agitate the subject in the news- papers." But the time for the annual meeting of Conference was drawing near, and the all-absorbing question as to its probable attitude in regard to the future en- grossed the attention of Mr. and Mrs. Booth. They approached some of their ministerial opponents, but found them no more willing to agree to the evangel- BRIGHOUSE. 313 1858, Age 29. Unwilling to keep their pledge. istic work than they had been a year ago. Judging from the attitude of even the more friendly preachers it was easy to gather that the hopes that had been held out by the previous Conference, and which had formed so strong a part of the inducement to acquiesce in the decision, would probably fall through. Mrs. Booth writes to her parents as follows : " William was at Halifax on Sunday and opened the service Waverers. for Mr. Cooke, who was preaching there and who called to see us yesterday. We were rather disappointed with him. He does not seem so thorough on the subject of William's work a.s we expected. Well, we must trust in the Lord, and seek to know His will, for cursed is he who trusteth in man and maketh flesh his boast. Mr. W. Mills told William at Sheffield that he believed him better adapted for the evangel- istic work than Mr. Caughey but, but! Ah, I know what, as Mr. Caughey says !" In a subsequent letter Mrs. Booth adds : " We have no fresh news of a Connexional character. We don't anticipate William's reappointment to the evangelistic work. All the whispers we hear on the subject seem to pre- dict the contrary. No, the spirit among the opposing few who put him down is, I fear, as rampant now as it was then, and his having gone through a circuit with all its usual rou- tine will not appease it. The opposition party will, however, have to make it manifest what manner of spirit they are of, for the question this time will be thoroughly thrashed out. We are seeking direction from above, and are endeavouring to consecrate ourselves freshly to God, promising that if He but clearly shows us His will in the matter, we will walk in it at any cost. If we go to a circuit it will probably be Hali- fax, for they seem determined to have us." Although the Brighouse circuit had, in the first instance, extended to Mr. and Mrs. Booth but a cool reception, when the time for the Conference drew near the local officials met together and presented a unanimous request for the prolongation of their stay The ap- proach ing con test. The cir- cuit invite them to remain, 3H MXS. BOOTH. 1858, during another year. Mr. and Mrs. Booth, however, ge 29 ' declined the offer, believing that, whether they re- But they turned to the evangelistic work or not, a change of appointment would be beneficial. Mr. Booth The Conference met in May at Hull. Mr. Booth dained. was unanimously received into what is termed full connexion, his four years of probation now having expired. He was accordingly summoned to present himself for ordination. This was a somewhat for- midable ceremony. The President for the year, and the ex- Presidents of former years, stood upon the plat- form for the purpose of " laying hands" on the candi- dates, who were previously called upon to give an account of their conversion, and of their reasons for seeking ordination. Hands Mr. Booth had stipulated with some of those in en. whose piety and devotion he thoroughly believed, that he should be near them and reap whatever ad- vantage might accrue from their faith and prayers, while there were others whom he studiously avoided, Hands feeling that if the laying on of their hands involved the impartation of the character and spirit they possessed, he would rather dispense with it ! The The question of his re-appointment to evangelistic petition, work had not as yet come up for the consideration of the Conference. A number of- circuits had petitioned in favour of the proposal, and Mr. Booth's friends were prepared to push the matter vigorously when it was brought forward for discussion. The following characteristic letter from him just after he had re- ceived his ordination describes the situation: "29th May, 1858. jd r " I have just been to Hull to receive the rite of ordination. Booth's I understand that my reception into full connexion was most account. , . , , ,, , , cordial and thoroughly unanimous. The service was an in- BRIGHOUSE. 315 1858, Age 29. by keep- teresting one. I was surprised to find so large a number of revival friends at the Conference. John Ridgway, William Mills, William Cooke, Turnock, and many others are anxious on the question of my re-appointment to evangelistic work. Birmingham, Truro, Halifax (my own circuit), Chester, Hawarden, and Macclesfield have presented memorials pray- ing Conference to reinstate me in my former position. The discussion had not come on when the business closed last night. " I understand I have won golden opinions by my deport- Winning ment during the year. I cannot understand this, because I am conscious that I have not served the Connexion to any- thing like the extent I have done formerly. But I have kept quiet, and that for a young man is very proper ! " At this juncture a Mr. Halliwell, who had been one A com- of the most rabid opponents of the evangelistic work at the previous Conference, came forward and sug- gested a compromise. His proposition was that Mr. Booth should agree to go to a circuit for another year, at the end of which he should be recalled to revival work by the unanimous vote of the Conference. Mr. Halliwell offered himself to propose this resolution, which was to be drawn up by Mr. Booth's friends. The compromise was accepted, though at a subsequent date Mr. Booth was not a little chagrined to find that the resolution in question made no mention of the stipulated restoration to the evangelistic sphere. Meanwhile, no sooner had it become known that Mr. Booth was likely to take a circuit, than the lay delegate from Gateshead put forth his utmost influ- ence to secure his services. Not that the prospect was a specially inviting one. The cause in Gateshead was very low. Nominally there were some ninety members on the rolls of the town chapel (Bethesda, as it was called) , but few of these attended class, and the ordinary Sunday-night congregation only numbered Gates- 316 MJ?S. BOOTH. 1858, about one hundred and twenty. Still, these were Age 29. difficulties w hich did not daunt Mr. Booth. The The in- people were anxious to have him, and this in itself accepted, promised well for their hearty co-operation in any efforts that he might put forth. The town was a large one, numbering at that time a population of about 50,000. And just across the waters of the Tyne was the mother city of Newcastle. Realising, there- fore, that the town and neighbourhood afforded so large a scope for his labours, Mr. Booth consented to the appointment. Mrs. To this arrangement Mrs. Booth reluctantly agreed. luctantiy She could not but feel the injustice of the action of agrees. ^ Conference, nor fail to doubt the future fulfilment of their present pledge. Nevertheless, having disin- terestedly committed her cause to the One whose will she sought above all else to follow, she started for Gateshead with the settled conviction that the ap- pointment would prove to be among the "all things" that "work together for good." CHAPTER XXXI. GATESHEAD.- THE CONVERTING SHOP. 1858. THE change from Brighouse to Gateshead was like A hjt a transfer from the North Pole to the Equator. Al- people. though the members were not numerous, they were warm-hearted. In bygone years the cause had been a flourishing one, but it had been wrecked by a min- ister who had previously been most useful. From being an earnest and successful preacher, he had so completely backslidden as to become an infidel lect- urer, and although before/his death he gave true signs of genuine penitence, he was never able to undo the mischief that his. conduct had wrought. How true is it that " The evil that men do lives after them ! The good is oft interred with their bones!" Not only so, but even during life, it is found easier An uphill to undo the good we have done, than to remedy the evil. At any rate it was so in the present case. The Gateshead circuit had received a blow from which it had hitherto been unable to recover. Its membership had dwindled, soul-saving had become almost un- known, debts had been contracted, and pastor after pastor had vainly striven to lift it out of its slough of despond with little or no success. Nevertheless a faithful few had struggled on in the dark, believing that a brighter day would sooner or later dawn. By 317 MJ?S. BOOTH. 1858, Age 29. Delighted at the appoint- ment. The people. The chapel. Hopes realised. these the appointment of Mr. Booth was hailed with unfeigned delight. "They had a social tea-meeting last evening," writes Mrs. Booth to her parents, as soon as she could put pen to paper in her Gateshead home, " to welcome us into the Circuit, and we were highly grat- ified, I can assure you. In fact, you could hardly conceive a more marked contrast than between our reception here and at Brighouse. It is all we can de- sire. The leading men say they have got the best appointment in the Connexion. I wish you could have heard Mr. Firbank's speech, the gentleman who went to Conference as their delegate. He told us afterward some of the remarks made to him by several of the leading members of the Conference, when the first reading came out with our names down for Gateshead, such as 'Don't you wish you may get it!' 'It's too good to stand!' etc. It enlightened us much as to the estimate in which, after all, the bulk of the Conference hold William's ability and value to the Connexion. " Well, the people here seem unanimous in their sat- isfaction and cordiality. I like them much, so far as I have seen them. They appear intelligent and warm- hearted. The chapel is a beautiful building, and seats 1,250, they say. I have consented to meet a class again, provided I can have it at home, as the chapel is more than half a mile distant, and it is up- hill coming back." The bright anticipations with which the people met their new pastor were more than realised. The con- gregations began rapidly to increase. At the very first Sunday-night meeting six persons professed sal- vation, and the occasion was made the more interest- ing by what was then an unheard-of novelty the THE CONVERTING SHOP. 319 minister's wife leading off in prayer at the conclusion of the sermon ! Before many weeks had passed the attendance at Bethesda Chapel had doubled and quadrupled, till at length not only was every seat taken, but it was not uncommon for the aisles and every available spot to be occupied so that some two thousand persons were crowded within the walls. The fame of the work spread all. around and gained for the chapel the sou- briquet of the "Converting Shop." If the title was not dignified, it was at least very significant, and served, perhaps, to pave the way for the similar com- monplace epithets which were to distinguish the poor man's cathedrals of the Salvation Army. The public- houses which cater for the taste of the very classes whom the Salvation Army was afterwards to reach, have long recognised the value of this peculiar species of nomenclature, and it is interesting to trace thus early the introduction of the dialect of the common people. Neither was it to be confined to the names of places. The familiar phraseology of the taproom, was hereafter to be adopted to an extent that caused considerable alarm among those who confound rever- ence with refinement, and who are more afraid of vulgarity than of sin. To such it has seemed little short of blasphemy to dub a church a "barracks," to speak of a preacher as a "Hallelujah lass" or "lad," a " Happy Eliza," or a "Glory Tom," to call a meet- ing a "free-and-easy," and, in short, to adopt the every-day language of the poor. It is worth noting, however, that nearly every such expression has been coined by the people themselves, often by the unconverted roughs who form the bulk of our open-air congregations. They have suited the popular taste, and thus have spread from one place to 1858, Age 29. Crowded out. The Con- verting Shop. The value of such nomen- clature. Vulgarity not sin, nor irrev- erence. Carried by the people. 320 MJ?S. BOOTH. 1858, another, in exactly the same manner as the early Christians were derisively nicknamed in Antioch, or the Quakers, Methodists, and Teetotallers in later days. In Ceylon a Salvationist is familiarly known among Buddhists as a " Gelavoonkaraya" Saviour while in South India, in expression of the same idea, and Rat- the Hindoos reckon that he belongs to the Ratchaerar L'ftLt'lLl f*S caste. All popular movements are bound more or less to partake of this character. Nor is it complained of in politics, where we tolerate the existence of Whigs, Tories, Jingoes, Mugwumps, and similar vulgarities. Book-ian- There can be little doubt that the adoption of a guage. stilted, unnatural, highflown, bookish phraseology in matters pertaining to religion has served largely to alienate the lower classes from its pursuit. Ministers talk a foreign language, largely learned from books. Theology. Theology has long since been divorced from the vulgar colloquial of the common people, and has been united in matrimony to the language of a bygone age. Hence it has had to content itself for its conquests with those who have been sufficiently educated to un- derstand its terms. The lan- A deep principle underlies this fact. To become guage of ' . familiar with the thoughts and feelings, the sorrows and aspirations of the multitude, we must speak their language, and surely without such familiarity we cannot hope to grapple with their circumstances, and convince them of the truths we proclaim. True, lan- guage is but a vehicle for expressing our thoughts. It is the spirit embodied in our words that makes or mars our efforts. Nevertheless, if the right spirit exists, it necessarily follows that it will invariably lead to the choice of such language as will the most readily convey its meaning. Why should it select the high-flown phrases of conventionality, when it THE CONVERTING SHOP. 321 finds ready for its use expressions full of force, mean- 1858, ing and vitality, any more than we should prefer a trip ge 29 ' across the Atlantic in the facsimile of Christopher A mod- Columbus 's galley rather than in a modern steamer, t^an^n- It is true there are those who regret the exchange galley. from the spotless decks and snowy canvas of the for- mer to the coal dust, noise, and machinery of the lat- ter. But when it comes to the question of a voyage there are few who would prefer even the most recent versions of the sailing ship to its more grimy but swift competitor. If, indeed, men were bent on recre- ation rather than business, it might be otherwise. And perhaps this may be the explanation of the strange perversity with which, in religious matters, an opposite course is pursued, that so few make the salvation of the masses the business of their lives and the subject of absorbing study. But, however this may be, Bethesda Chapel certainly took a new lease of life from the time that it was pop- ularly christened the "Converting Shop." The first year spent by Mr. and Mrs. Booth in The birth Gateshead was signalled by the birth of their eldest < Mar/- daughter, Catherine, now Mrs. Booth-Clibborn, better known to the public as the " Marechale." This inter- esting event took place on the i8th of September, 1858. "Baby is a little beauty," reports Mr. Booth to Mr. and Mrs. Mumford, "a perfect gem, healthy and quiet, and is altogether all the fondest grandfather or grandmother could desire. I am sure you ought to send us a vote of thanks, passed unanimously, for conferring such honor upon you." The vote of thanks asked for by Mr. Booth was The vote to come from quarters of which he had then not the ^ th faintest suspicion. The baby girl that Mrs. Booth clasped with such fondness to her heart, telling her 322 MRS. BOOTH. 1858, mother that she loved her better than the rest, be- ge 29> cause the others being boys were better able to look after themselves, was to be the first missionary of the family, and the love and blessing of thousands of French and Swiss converts were yet to be hers. Writing to her mother Mrs. Booth says : The baby. " As to the baby, I suppose you will think me like all mothers when I say she is a little beauty ! Her hair is ex- actly the color of mine. She has a nice nose and mouth, a fine forehead, and a plump round face. William thinks she is more like me than any of them. She is the picture of health and happiness and thrives daily. Now I hope this description is particular enough even for a grandmama." An a n A series of revival services were inaugurated, com- < pray/r m encing on Whit- Monday with an entire day of fast- and fust- j n g an ^ prayer, lasting from seven in the morning till ten.at night the first "all day of prayer" of which we have any record, and the precursor of the many "all days," "all nights," and "two days with God," which have since been made a blessing to so many thousands. And yet, from the very commencement of Mr. Booth's ministry, Sunday had been practi- cally spent as an " all day. " The possibility of extend- ing the idea to week-days, and especially to holidays, was, however, a later development. Hence the first experiment in this direction is of special interest. A special It was followed by ten weeks of special services, the effort. whole town being previously canvassed with bills which were distributed from house to house, Mrs. Booth herself undertaking one district which con- tained about a hundred and fifty houses. As a result Three of this effort more than three hundred persons pro- penitents. fessed to be converted, many of whom were young men who not only became useful members of the THE CONVERTING SHOP. 323 church but afterwards rose to positions of distinction 1858, as mayors, aldermen, magistrates and ministers. At the commencement of the revival Mr. Booth Apray- made out a long list of names of those for whose sal- ing list ' vation he was specially solicitous, and it was with great joy that he found at the conclusion of the meet- ings that nearly all of them had been converted. In one case there was a family of sixteen members, all of The whom had professed to find peace, and there were sixteen several other entire families of six or eight members. In one large workshop on the Tyne, the men in the cooperage department an exceptionally drunken set all professed con version, with one solitary exception. And a number of men employed in a cement factory gave a similar testimony. The meetings are described by Mrs. Booth in the following letter : " William is to conduct a union prayer-meeting next Friday The night in the Wesleyan Chapel. The whole town is moved, chairman OT Ct I TCP,- His name is a regular topic of conversation in the large iron and-easy. and railway works, some of which employ 1,200 men. On Tuesday night they had one man at the rail who said he was chairman of a public-house ' free-and-easy, ' but that he should drop it, go home, and burn ail his song books. One of our people saw him the other day, in the place where he works, surrounded by a lot of rough fellows, who were ' chair- ing ' him (carrying him round the works in a chair) in honour of his conversion. But, though they jeer and ridicule him in every possible way, he still holds on. May the Lord strengthen him. " We were never in a work where the cases were so satis- The factory. Nearly all are adults, and many are intelligent, edu- conver t s - cated, and respectable. Some single instances would satisfy many a preacher of the jog-trot sort fora whole year's labour. The congregations, too, have kept up amazingly. In fact they have continued improving, vast numbers of strangers coming every night." 324 MRS. BOOTH. 1858, Age 29. A recog- nition meeting. A strik- ing scene. The open- air work. Finances improve. The series of services closed with a " recognition meeting" for the new converts, at which Mrs. Booth was present, and of which she sends the following account to her mother : " I ventured to chapel on Tuesday night to the public recog- nition service. The persons brought to God since we have been here were admitted by ticket into the body of the chapel, while the old members and the public occupied the gallery. It would have done your soul good to have seen the bottom of that large chapel almost full of new converts, most of them people in middle life, and a great proportion men. " William gave them an address composed of various coun- sels respecting their future course, which if they adopt they will do something for this poor world of ours. " On the whole it has been a glorious year for this circuit, such an one as nobody expected to see. And I believe Wil- liam has become the most popular and beloved minister either in Gateshead or Newcastle. All praise unto Him, Whose doing it is ! " Another special feature of the Gateshead campaign was its open-air work. This was an entire novelty in the town. The members were organised into a pro- cession every Sunday evening and paraded the streets from five to six o'clock, singing as they went, and stopping at suitable intervals for the delivery of brief and pointed exhortations to the unconverted persons who crowded round the ring. On several occasions bands of men were sent out by the publicans to sing down the processionists, who not unfrequently started singing a hymn to the same popular tune, thus de- feating the would-be disturbers with their own weapons. The spiritual revival was accompanied by an en- couraging improvement in the financial position of the circuit. Not only were the old debts wiped off, but the funds became sufficient to support three in- THE CONVERTING SHOP. 325 stead of two ministers, and to meet with ease all the 1858, current liabilities. It would have been possible at the previous Conference for Mr. Booth to have se- cured his appointment to a circuit the financial pros- perity of which had been already assured, but this with him was always a secondary consideration. He argued that the best way to ensure the financial in- terests of any circuit was to restore prosperity to its spiritual interests, and that in so doing the former would never fail to revive. The truth of this princi- ple he has been able to demonstrate over and over again during his subsequent career. With one of the means for recruiting the circuit church funds both Mr. and Mrs. Booth had reason to be dis- bazaars - satisfied. They had looked upon bazaars as a part and parcel of the church routine, and had hitherto countenanced them without experiencing any con- scientious qualms. With the general principle of offering gifts in kind for the advancement of God's Kingdom, and of selling what had thus been given, they had no quarrel. It was the abuses which had gradually crept into the system that aroused their disapproval and brought them to the decision that they could no longer countenance the system. Mrs. Booth sends her mother the following descrip- tion of what had occurred : " I have had a very harassing week, though I have Mrs. not been much to the Bazaar since the first day. I have been too busy to go in the daytime, and too weary of an evening. However, I have had quite enough of it, and have made up my mind that it is the last I will ever have anything to do with so long as I live. William has come to the same conclusion. In fact, he is quite disheartened and unhappy about it. " So far as getting money is concerned it has been 326 MRS. BOOTH. 1858, very successful, having realized 232, but it has been ge 29< a dissipating, godless affair, and has exerted a very A dissi- evil influence on our people. There has been a deal godless of lotterying, which is little better than gambling, affair. an ^ ^e foolery and display in dress has made us sick at heart. William says he will write a pamphlet on the subject, but I don't know whether he will find the time. I am sure some one ought to set forth the secularising, worldly influence such occasions exert on the church. It is most baneful." Referring to this subject in later years Mrs. Booth says: Her " I said to a lady a little while ago, who was work- opim'on ing an elaborate piece of embroidery for a bazaar, bazaars. 'Why don't you give the money, and use your time for something better?' She answered, 'This will sell for more than it costs.' 'Then reckon what it will sell for, and give the money; don't sit at home mak- ing other people's finery, instead of visiting the sick and seeking to save the lost!' It makes me burn with shame to think how money is raised for so-called re- ligious purposes by semi-worldly concerts, entertain- ments, penny readings, and bazaars at which there is frequently positive gambling to raise money for Jesus Christ, whom they say they love more than fathers, mothers, husbands, wives, houses or lands, or anything else on earth!" CHAPTER XXXII. GATESHEAD. 1858-1859. IT was during the autumn of 1858 that an accident A occurred which, but for the Divine interposition, might have brought Mrs. Booth's career to an un- timely conclusion. She thus describes the incident in a letter to her parents : " Sunday evening. " I have not been out today, in consequence of feel- ing stiff and poorly from the effects of an accident which befell me on Friday. And when I have described it I am sure you will join me in praising God that I am no worse. William has wanted me and the children to go to Sheriff Hill ever since the special services there commenced, but we put it off to the last. On Friday, however, we all went to the concluding services. Mr. Scott brought a very nice con- veyance and his own pony to fetch us. We went in safety and comfort, enjoyed the meeting, and were coming home at about half-past six. " Through a little oversight, however, it was found we could A danger' not have the same conveyance for return, but only a gig be- ous f al1 - longing to one of our friends. So, fortunately, I sent the nurse home on foot with the baby, a young woman accom- panying her. William delayed going into the meeting to pack us off all right. Young Scott was driving, Willie sat in the middle, and I with Ballington on my knee, all muffled and cloaked, next to him. The moment we were all in I felt we were too light on the horse's back, but did not say anything for fear of being thought ridiculous. We had not gone many yards, however, before I was sure we were not safe, and I said to Mr. Scott, 'Oh, dear! I feel as though we were slipping 327 3 28 MRS. BOOTH. 1858, Age 29. A marvel- lous es- cape. Nobody hurt. The horse was not te blame. "Jigboke! Make Pilloo fall ! " backwards!' I had hardly got the words out of my mouth when the pony, frightened by the rising of the shafts, set off, and we were all thrown out behind. " I fell flat on the back of my head with Ballington on the top of me. I' don't know how Willis fell, but, wonderful to say, they were neither of them hurt. William and all Mr. Scott's family still stood watching us when it happened, and of course flew to our assistance, screaming as they came. In- deed all the village was up in arms. The horse went off with the gig at full gallop, not stopping until he fell flat down, breaking both shafts. " William lifted me in his arms and carried me back. One and another took the children, and we all received the great- est care and kindness from the Scotts, who were very much distressed. I was greatly shaken, and nearly all the sense knocked out of me, but I trust no serious harm was done. I feel better this evening. Is it not a mercy that I am able to write to you ! It seems wonderful to me that I have escaped so well, considering that I was rendered so helpless by the child being on my knee. It was a terrible crash, such as I would not like again, but, bless the Lord, we are all alive and the children are not a bit the worse. No one can account for the accident, but I think the harnessing was wrong. I am sure the horse was not to blame. It is a sweet creature and never did such a thing before, but the rising of the shafts frightened it. Another mercy connected with it is that we had just got over some very large and sharp stones, recently laid down, on to an even road. If it had happened on the stones I believe my head would have been laid open. " They borrowed a phaeton to bring us home not a very comfortable ride, I can assure you, after such a fright. How- ever, we arrived safely, and I am not likely to forget our visit to Sheriff Hill ! Willie says, 'Jig boke ! Make Pilloo (Willie) fall! And mama fall! Poor mama! Got pain!' You would have been pleased to see what concern the little creature manifested about me when I lay on the sofa at Mr. Scott's. He seemed to forget everybody but me. It has freshly en- deared him to me. How strange that after all our journey- ings up and down Without a single accident, we should happen to have this one in going but two miles from home ! I trust I am becomingly thankful for such a favourable issue/' GA TESHEAD. 329 Mrs. Booth was careful to avoid manifesting any sort of favouritism in the treatment of her children. A year previous to this, soon after Ballington's birth, Mr. Booth writes as follows: " Kate says we must have no distinctions, such as forty kisses for Willie and only twenty for Babs. No coat of many colours. You must love both alike. Is this possible? I am afraid not, especially when we remember how grandmama toiled and sacrificed over our first-born ! " The following letter from Mrs. Booth to her mother shows how consistently she adhered to her principles in regard to her children's dress, and this from their very infancy: " I was very sorry to hear you were so poorly. Do not sit so close at work." (Mrs. Mumford was especially skilful with her needle. Some graceful specimens of her handiwork have been preserved with care and are now worn by her infant great-grandchildren.) "I am certain you are injuring your- self by it, and it is such folly when I do not desire it, and when the things that cost you the most labour lie in the drawers, and are seldom worn, simply because they are too handsome. What will you say when I tell you that the beau- tiful frock you brought Willie has never been on him yet, and I am now altering it a little, to make it less showy, so that he may wear it at the tea-meeting on Easter Monday? " You see, my dear mother, William speaks so plainly on the subject of dress, that it would be the most glaring incon- sistency if I were to deck out my children as the worldlings do. And, besides, I find it would be dangerous for their own sakes. The seed of vanity is too deeply sown in the young heart for me to dare to cultivate it. I confess it requires some self-denial to abstain from making them as beautiful as they might be made to look. But oh ! if God should take them from me I should never regret it, and if He spares them I trust that He will grant them the more of that inward adorning which is in His sight of great price. " Don't think I undervalue your kindness. I am most grate- ful for all you have done for them. Only I want you to mod- 1858, Age 29. No favourit- ism. No coat of many colours. Plain dress. Inconsis- tency. Value the kindness. 330 MAS. BOOTH. 1859, Age 30. Sowing the seeds of vanity. Mrs. Booth on dress. The lace tippet. Renounc- ing the world. ify it. There is, you know, a great difference between a plain coat, without a bit of work at all upon it, and one which would set everybody admiring and saying, ' I should think it would be five shillings a yard!' I am sure you will not mis- understand either what I say or the motive which prompts me to say it." Who can tell how many careless mothers sow in their children's hearts the seeds of worldliness, and reap an after harvest of the most painful kind ! Ah, what sins and sorrows, what failures and disasters, can be traced back to the wrong teachings of a nursery, and, on the contrary, how many a noble character has been shaped within its precincts by the wise hand of a watchful mother! Referring, many years subsequently, to the question of simplicity in dress, Mrs. Booth remarks: " Associated with my very earliest ideas of religion was the necessity for plainness of dress. It seemed to me clear from the teachings of the Bible that Christ's people should be separate from the world in everything which denoted char- acter, and that they should not only be separate but appear so. Otherwise what benefit would their separation confer upon the others? " I remember feeling condemned, when quite a child, not more than eight years old, at having to wear a lace tippet such as was fashionable in those days. From a worldly point of view it would have been considered, no doubt, very neat and consistent. But on several occasions I had good crying fits over it. Not only did I instinctively feel it to be immodest, because people could see through it, but I thought it was not such as a Christian child should wear. " As I advanced in religious experience I became more and more convinced that my appearance ought to be such as to show to everybody with whom I came in contact that I had renounced the pomps and vanities of the world, and that I be- longed to Christ. Had the church to which I belonged worn a uniform I should joyfully have adopted it. I always felt that it was mean to be ashamed of Christ in the street or among GA TESHEAD. 331 1859, Age 30. His enemies. And it was only in conformity to the opinions of those whom I regarded as my superiors in wisdom and grace that I conformed to the world as much as I did in the matter of dress. " People have asked me, sometimes, whether we cannot be The heart separate from the world in our hearts without being different and dress - in our dress. My reply has been, 'What is the use to the world of a testimony for Christ up in your bedroom? The very essence of witnessing for God before the world is that we should not be like it. ' The people quite recognise this, whether Christians do or not. Hence their contempt for those who talk to them about religion while dressed as fashionably as themselves. They may listen out of politeness, but they will say in their hearts, and often, when our backs are turned, with their lips, 'Physician, heal thyself! ' Why does she come and talk to me about giving up the world when she has not done so herself, at any rate as far as dress is concerned? ' ' A bed- room tes- timony. The following is another example of the nursery lessons impressed upon her children's minds: " Willie is a generous little fellow. He has a money-box and a few ha'pence in it. The other day we saw a poor boy without shoes. Willie was condoling with him, so I asked him whether he would rather buy some barley sugar with his money or give it to the child. He said without hesitation, 4 Give it to the poor boy, mamma. ' I felt very grateful for the generous impulse manifested. Oh for wisdom to train it aright and make it the handmaid of principle, for the gener- osity of mere impulse is of little worth !" It was an interesting lesson in finance for the future administrator of a great organisation's revenue. The money-box betokened thrift, but there was no sin on the face of God's earth against which Mrs. Booth was more ready to take arms than the avarice and mean- ness which are too often instilled in the childish heart. How many a grasping and miserly disposition is manufactured in a nursery by means of unwise parents who do not distinguish between thrift and nursery lesson. Her hatred of avarice. 332 MjRS. BOOTH. 1859, avarice, and who hope to counteract evil tendencies by mere prayers and Bible lessons as an antidote ! It was because Mrs. Booth accompanied her Scripture stories by such practical illustrations as the above that she was enabled to write them so indelibly upon the hearts of her children. Caches " You will be very much pleased with Willie," she at three, writes, when he was only three years and two months old. " He loves to listen to stories about Joseph, Moses, Daniel, and the Saviour. Indeed, he can 'p'each,' as he calls it, very nicely. You would like to hear him repeat, as he throws his arms out and speaks through his eyes : '"All ye that pass by, To Jesus draw nigh, To you is it nothing that Jesus should die ? ' A happy He is a very good boy in chapel and likes to go ! house They are all fine, healthy, lovable children, and as sharp as needles, and amidst all the toil arid anxiety they occasion I am cheered and sustained by the sym- pathy and love of their father. William never was kinder or more loving and attentive than now. He often tells me I grow more beautiful in his sight and more precious to his heart day by day. I know it will gratify you to hear that your Kate is so highly prized by the man of her choice, and this is the only reason I write you thus. We have now been married four and a half years, and I believe we love each other better than on our wedding day. ' Praise the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits!' " A unan- But deeply as Mrs. Booth was attached to her citation, family, and ably as she fulfilled the duties of a mother, many circumstances combined about this period to direct her energies into a more public GATESHEAD. 333 sphere. Mr. Booth had long been convinced that she 1859, was peculiarly fitted to address large audiences. Others shared the opinion. "I received a unanimous invitation," writes Mrs. Booth, in September, 1859, "from our Leaders' meeting the other night to give an address at the special prayer-meetings this week. Of course I declined. I don't know what they can be thinking of!" But, although for some time longer Mrs. Booth still Another . . .* . sphere found it impossible to overcome her timidity in this opens. direction, another path of usefulness opened out be- fore her in an unexpected manner, which was, perhaps, the best possible preparation for the public ministry that was soon to take its place. We cannot do better than describe it in her own words : "One Sabbath I was passing down a narrow, Her own thickly populated street on my way to chapel, antici- pating an evening's enjoyment for myself, and hop- ing to see some anxious ones brought into the King- dom, when I chanced to look up at the thick rows of small windows above me where numbers of women were sitting, peering through at the passers by or listlessly gossiping with each other. " It was suggested to my mind, with great power, 'Would you not be doing God more service, and act- ing more like your Redeemer, by turning into some of these houses, speaking to these careless sinners, and inviting them to the service, than by going to enjoy it yourself?' I was startled; it was a new thought; and while I was reasoning about it the same inaudible interrogator demanded, 'What effort do Christians put forth answerable to the command, Compel them to come in, that my house may be filled? ' " This was accompanied with a light and unction 334 MRS. BOOTH. 1859, Age 30. She obeys the call. The first effort. The next group. Contin- ued suc- cess. which I knew to be Divine. I felt greatly agitated. I felt verily guilty. I knew that I had never thus laboured to bring lost sinners to Christ, and, trembling with a sense of my utter weakness, I stood still for a moment, looked up to heaven, and said, 'Lord, if Thou wilt help me, I will try;' and, without stopping longer to confer with flesh and blood, turned back and commenced my work. "I spoke first to a group of women sitting on a doorstep; and oh! what that effort cost me words cannot describe ; but the Spirit helped my infirmities and secured for me a patient and respectful hearing, with a promise from some of them to attend the house of God. This much encouraged me ; I began to taste the joy which lies hidden under the cross, and to realise, in some faint degree, that it is more blessed to give than to receive. With this timely, loving cordial from my Master I went on to the next group, who were standing at the entrance of a low, dirty court. Here, again, I was received kindly, and prom- ises were given. No rude repulse, no bitter ridicule were allowed, to shake my new-found confidence or chill my feeble zeal. I began to realise that my Mas- ter's feet were behind me; nay, before me smooth- ing my path and preparing my way. "This blessed assurance so increased my courage and enkindled my hope that I ventured to knock at the door of the next house, and, when it was opened, to go in and speak to the inmates of Jesus, death, judgment, and eternity. The man, who appeared to be one of the better class of mechanics, seemed to be much interested and affected by my words, and prom- ised with his wife to attend the revival services which were being held at the chapel. " With a heart full of gratitude and eyes full of tears GATESHEAD. 335 I was thinking where I should go next, when I ob- 1859, served a woman standing on an adjoining doorstep with a jug in her hand. My divine Teacher said, A drunk- 'Speak to that woman.' Satan suggested, 'Perhaps she "Zife. is intoxicated;' but after a momentary struggle I in- troduced myself to her by saying, ' Are the people out who live on this floor?' observing that the lower part of the house was closed. 'Yes,' she said, 'they are gone to chapel ; ' and I thought I perceived a weary sadness in her voice and manner. I said, 'Oh, I am so glad to hear that ; how is it that you are not gone to a place of worship?' 'Me?' she said, looking down upon her forlorn appearance; 'I can't go to chapel; I am kept at home by a drunken husband. I have to . ^ , J husband. stop with him to keep him from the public-house, and I have just been fetching him some drink.' I ex- pressed my sorrow for her, and asked if I might come in and see her husband. ' No, ' she said, 'he is drunk ; you could do nothing with him now. ' I replied, ' I do not mind his being drunk, if you will let me come in ; I am not afraid; he will not hurt me.' 'Well,' said the woman, 'you can come if you like; but he will only abuse you.' I said, 'Never mind that,' and fol- lowed her up the stairs. " I felt strong now in the Lord, and in the power strong in of His might, and as safe as a babe in the arms of its mother. I realised that I was in the path of obedi- ence, and I feared no evil. Oh how much the Lord's people lose through disobedience to the leadings of the Holy Spirit ! If they would only keep His words He would dwell with them, and then they need fear neither men nor devils. " The woman led me to a small room on the first Dealing floor, where I found a fine, intelligent man, about "drunk- forty, sitting almost double in a chair, with a jug by ard ' 336 MRS. BOOTH. 1859, his .side out of which he had been drinking that which had reduced him beneath the level of the beasts that perish. I leaned on my heavenly Guide for strength and wisdom, love and power, and He gave me all I needed. He silenced the demon, strong drink, and quickened the man's perceptions to receive my Heiistens. words. As I began to talk to him, with my heart full of sympathy, he gradually raised himself in his chair and listened with a surprised and half -vacant stare. I spoke to him of his present deplorable condition, of the folly and wickedness of his course, of the inter- ests of his wife and children, until he was thoroughly aroused from the stupor in which I found him. A wretch- " During this conversation his wife wept bitterly, and by fragments told me a little of their previous history. I found that she had once known the Lord but had allowed herself to be dragged down by trouble, had cast away her confidence, and fallen into sinr She told me that her husband had a brother in the Wesleyan ministry who had done all that a brother could to save him; that they had buried a daughter two years before, who died triumphantly in the Lord, and besought her father with her dying breath to leave off drinking and prepare to meet her in hea- ven ; that she had a son, then about eighteen, who, she feared, was going into a consumption; that her A clever husband was a clever workman, and could earn three an ' or four pounds per week as a journeyman, but he drank it nearly all, so that they were compelled to live in two rooms and often went without necessary food. I read to him the parable of the Prodigal Son, while the tears ran down his face like rain. I then prayed with him as the Spirit gave me utterance, and left, promising to call the next day with a temper- ance-pledge book, which he agreed to sign. GA TESHEAD. 337 " I now felt that my work was done. Exhausted in body, but happy in soul, I wended my way to the sanctuary, just in time for the conclusion of the ser- vice, and to lend a helping hand in the prayer-meeting. " On the following day I visited this man again. He signed the pledge, and listened attentively to all I said. Full of hope I left him, to find others simi- larly lost and fallen. From that time I commenced a systematic course of house-to-house visitation, de- voting two evenings per week to the work. The Lord so blessed my efforts that in a few weeks I suc- ceeded in getting ten drunkards to abandon their soul-destroying habits, and to meet me once a week for reading the Scriptures and for prayer." In a letter written to her parents Mrs. Booth de- scribes this work as follows: " I have commenced my operations amongst the drunkards.^ I wish I could give you particulars, but I cannot spare time, so it must suffice to say that I have been quite as successful as I expected, and have met with nothing but the greatest civility. I have visited two evenings this week, and have attended two cottage prayer-meetings at which I have had four penitents. The rooms were very full and hot, and of course I felt rather knocked up the next day. But by lying down in the afternoons I don't think I am any the worse." In describing these visiting experiences afterwards Mrs. Booth says: " I was obliged to go in the evenings, because it was the only part of the day when I could get away. And even had it been otherwise I should not have found the men at home any other time. I used to ask one drunkard's wife where another lived. They al- ways knew. After getting hold of eight or ten in 1859, Age 30. Happy in soul. Signing the pledge. Rescuing the drunk- ards. How to do it. 22 338 MXS. BOOTH. 1859, this way, and persuading them to sign the pledge, I used to arrange a cottage meeting for them and then try to get them saved. They used to let me talk to them in hovels where there was not a stick of furni- ture, and nothing to sit down upon. A liable " i remember in one case finding a poor woman case. lying on a heap of rags. She had just given birth to twins, and there was nobody of any sort to wait upon her. I can never forget the desolation of that room. By her side was a crust of bread, and a small lump of istetifo' l ai% d. 'I fancied a bit o' bootter (butter),' the woman bootter." remarked apologetically, noticing my eye fall upon the scanty meal, 'and my mon, he'd do owt for me he could, bless 'm he couldna git me iny bootter, so he fitcht me this bit o' lard. Have you iver tried lard isted o' bootter? It's rare good ! ' said the poor crea- ture, making me wish I had taken lard for 'bootter' all my life, that I might have been the better able to minister to her needs. However, I was soon busy trying to make her a little more comfortable. The Washing babies I washed in a broken pie-dish, the nearest ap- t he twins in a pie- proach to a tub that I could find. And the gratitude of those large eyes, that gazed upon me from that wan and shrunken face, can never fade from my memory. Trying "In the long run, however, the work told on my health a good deal. The rooms were often hot and close, and in going from them into the night air I caught colds which finally resulted in a severe illness. But my whole soul was in it, and I became deeply at- tached to the drunkards whom I had been the means of rescuing. It has been a great joy and satisfaction to me since that the Salvation Army has so largely directed its efforts, and with such remarkable success, to their reclamation." CHAPTER XXXIII. MRS. BOOTH'S FIRST PAMPHLET. 1859. THE Conference of 1859 was ne ^ m Manchester, The sec- and Mr. Booth, being now a superintendent minister, 7n Gates- was entitled to attend. At the quarterly meeting of head ' the Circuit officials held previously to the Conference he had been unanimously prayed to prolong his stay at Gateshead for another year. For this he was very unwilling. His heart was still set upon the evange- listic work. Writing to her mother Mrs. Booth says : " I have fully and formally consented to let William go Longing forth as an evangelist on condition tha the concentrates his f* rev ] v ' . . . at worle. efforts on one district at a time, making his home in some central town and working the surrounding circuits, so that I shall see him at least once a week. He now thinks of writing to the Annual Committee, making certain proposals to them, and asking their advice as to how to proceed at the next Con- ference. If they decline to employ him as before in the capac- ity of an evangelist, he will ask to be allowed to retain his standing amongst them and to be left at liberty to accept invitations wherever they may offer, raising his salary as he can." The Gateshead officials were, however, importunate, The and would not take a "no." They urged upon him the advantages of remaining for another year, with a view to solidifying the results of his previous labours, thus establishing the young converts in the faith, permanently luting the condition of the Circuit, and effectually clo; ig the mouths of those whose principal 339 340 MRS. BOOTH. objection to revival work had been that the results were evanescent. Attending It was with feelings of considerable curiosity and interest that Mr. Booth attended the ensuing Confer- ence. It proved, however, to be a melancholy disap- pointment, and he was glad to reach home again. To one of his practical nature the debates and resolutions appeared desultory and unsatisfactory. 1859, Age 30. his first Confer- ence, The de- bate on foreign missions. The tem- perance question. A good resolu- tion. " The Conference drags its weary length along," he writes from Manchester. " Not much that is interesting and not much that is disagreeable. We are at present engaged on missionary business. Messrs. Gilton, Wright and McCurdy have spoken in favour of a foreign mission Mr. W*hittaker against it. I shall not trouble myself on the controversy. The feeling runs high. " Later Foreign mission just carried all but unanimously." The monotony of the debates was, however, partially enlivened by the occurrence of an incident in which Mr. Booth took a more active part. "I had been selected by the Conference," he writes, "to form one of a Committee to receive a deputation from the United Kingdom Alliance, whose object is to secure by legis- lation the opportunity for the people to decide whether or no they will have a public-house in tiieir vicinity. The deputa- tion was met by us and the matter discussed and reported on to the Conference. Desiring to give a practical turn to what is ordinarily but a useless discussion, resulting in nothing be- yond the utterance of a few rapid eulogiums, I proposed that we should give expression to our abhorrence of the liquor traffic by passing a resolution that henceforth no one who was actively engaged in it should be accepted as a member of our Church. This appeared to me, and to several others who had strong temperance affinities, a very simple and harmless step in the direction of purging the Connexion from its com- plicity in what it acknowledged to be a crying evil. I did not ask that all members should be teetotalers, nor even that the publicans who were already members of the Society, some MAS. BOOTH'S FIRST PAMPHLET. 341 of them holding offices of considerable influence, should be expelled, but simply that our doors should in future be closed against those who were engaged in carrying on the traffic. " The proposition met, however, with the most vigorous op- position. One minister, to show how undeserving were the publicans of receiving such an affront, mentioned the case of a lady who kept an infamous dram-drinking establishment. Yet so careful was she lest her children should be contam- inated by its evil influences that, when her daughters came" home for the vacation from their boarding school, she took them lodgings at another house ! To this I gave the natural reply that the lady in question only aggravated her offence by inflicting on others the evils which she was unwilling her own family should encounter. " This observation was strongly resented, and in the little hubbub that ensued my motion was defeated by an over- whelming majority. I believe this was the only resolution that I ever sought to impose upon the Conference." Nevertheless, it was a useful experience. As Con- ferences go, the one that Mr. Booth attended was no doubt a favourable specimen. But he felt like the Duke of Wellington might have been expected to feel supposing Waterloo had been prefaced by a parlia- ment of officers elected by the soldiery and held upon the battle-field ! Its argumentations and legislations would have been admirably suited for the peaceful courts of Westminster and the placid waters of the Thames, but to carry about a huge debating machine in face of an active and enterprising enemy would have been altogether out of place and could only have ensured defeat. The duty of the House of Commons had been to decide in favour of peace or war. They had done it. And now it was for debate to give place to a totally different regime, in which liberty should be sacrificed for unity that unity might in the end secure the greater liberty. The universal danger was to be the 1859, Age 30. A sharp debate. The mo- tion de- feated. Debating on the battle- field. The rule of war. 342 MRS. BOOTH. 1859, universal bond. The mediocrities might mismanage peace, but superiority was to take the lead in war. Authority was to be released from its constitutional iron cage in order to secure victory at all costs. Dis- obedience was to be branded as mutiny and its faint- est whispers drowned in blood. The wig and gown were to be replaced by helmet and knapsack, and the well-ordered precincts of the Law Courts by the rough and ready drumhead. The barracks were to be exchanged for the tent, the parade-ground for the battle-field, the blank cartridge for the deadly cannon- ball, the constable's baton for the soldier's bayonet. At such a moment, when a nation's destiny was trembling in the scales, to debate would be to delay, to delay would be to perish. Was a Mr. Booth left the Conference with a dim feeling: of worth while? dissatisfaction, and a wonderment as to whether the results accomplished had been worth the expenditure of time and strength. True, mighty interests had been discussed. But the practical outcome had been little more than the dispatch of a solitary missionary to the foreign field, while against the advancing forces of drink no greater obstacle had been opposed than an empty fusilade of formal compliments. A year of But this only added to the satisfaction with which he turned once more to the activities of the battle-field. The Gateshead prospects were indeed encouraging. During the past year the membership of Bethesda Chapel had increased from thirty-nine to three hun- dred, while the Sunday congregations filled the place. Revivals were also spreading in several of the outlying districts, such as Sheriff Hill, Felling Shore, and Mount Pleasant. A turn- But the coming year was to prove an historical turn- ing-point. J . ing-point concerning the importance of which Mr. MRS. BOOTH'S FIRST PAMPHLET. 343 and Mrs. Booth had themselves no conception. It was 1859, a singular Providence which at length impelled Mrs. ge 3 ' Booth to emerge from the comparative obscurity of home-life and to embrace the arduous responsibilities of her public career. What the persuasions of her husband and friends had failed to induce her to un- dertake the taunts and denunciations of opposition were to be largely instrumental in forcing upon her. It was in December, 1859, that Mrs. Booth's atten- Dr. Rees . attacks tion was drawn to a pamphlet written by a neighbour- woman's ing minister, the Rev. Arthur Augustus Rees, in preach" which the right of woman to preach was violently at- tacked on Scriptural grounds. The occasion for this onslaught was the visit of the American evangelists, Dr. and Mrs. Palmer, who were holding services at the time in Newcastle. The Doctor himself was an earnest, good-natured, easy-going personage. But the principal figure in the meetings was his wife. Mrs. Palmer was a remarkable woman, intellectual, original, and devoted. As a speaker her chief attrac- tion lay in her simplicity, and in the striking illustra- tions with which her addresses were interspersed. Aiming directly at the hearts of her hearers, and rely- ing evidently upon the co-operation of the Holy Spirit, she became a rallying-point for all that was best and most earnest in the churches. Mrs. Booth had been unable to attend the meetings, but reports of them had from time to time reached her, and the fact that a woman was the prominent agent in this movement had deeply interested her. Hence she had no sooner heard of the pamphlet published by Mr. Rees than her soul was stirred to its deepest centre. The replies which were issued by Mrs. Palmer's J for ad- friends and supporters "do not," writes Mrs. Booth to her mother " deal with the question at all to my 344 MRS. BOOTH. 1859, satisfaction. They make so many uncalled-for admis- ge 3 ' sions that I would almost as soon answer her defenders as her opponent. I send you by this post Mr. Rees' notable production. It was delivered in the form of an address to his congregation and repeated a second time by request to a crowded chapel, and then pub- lished ! Would you believe that a congregation half composed of ladies could sit and hear such self-de- preciatory rubbish? They really don't deserve to be taken up cudgels for! Contem- " Mr. Rees was once a Church clergyman, and is now plates lec- turing, an Independent minister with a congregation of up- wards of a thousand people. I hear he talks of pub- lishing another pamphlet. I hope he will wait a bit till I am stronger! And if he does bring out any more in the same style, I rather think of going to Sunderland and delivering an address in answer to him. William says I should get a crowded house. I really think I shall try, if he does not let us ladies alone! I am sure I could do it. That subject would warm me up anywhere and before anybody. William The Gen- js always pestering me to begin giving lectures, and eral pes- ters her. certainly this would be a good subject to start with. I am determined that he shall not go unanswered." "Female * n re f errm g again to Mr. Rees' pamphlet Mrs. Booth min- subsequently writes to her mother: istry." " I am, after all, publishing a pamphlet in reply. It has been a great undertaking for me, and is much longer than I at first intended, being thirty-two pages. When William came home and heard what I had written he was very pleased with it, and urged me to proceed, and not tie myself for space but deal thoroughly with the subject, making a tract on female ministry which would survive this . controversy. It is now pretty well known that a lady has tackled him, MJtS. BOOTH'S FIRST PAMPHLET. 345 and there is consequently the more speculation and 1859, curiosity abroad. I hope I have done it well. You must send me your honest and unbiassed criticism, as I may have to enter the field again, if spared. "There is one thing which is due to myself, I Original. think, to tell you that, whatever may be its merit, it is my own, and far more original, I believe, than most things that are published, for I could get no help from any quarter. William has done nothing beyond copy- HOW it ing for me, and transposing two or three sentences, written. I composed more than half of it while he was away, and when he came home he began to copy what I had written while I lay on the sofa and read it to him. Then when he went "out to his duties I resumed writing my rough matter, so that it has all been written by my own hand first. I have been at it from seven in the morning till eleven at night most of the week, so I leave you to judge how I am feel- ing. In fact I don't believe I could have done another stroke." It has been the misfortune of religion that its ex- Society's ponents have so frequently endeavoured to accom- basis. plish their ends by trampling on the laws of nature. God made man as dependent on woman as woman is on man. Society was founded by Him on a twin basis, the recognition of which is necessary to its success and happiness. Humanity, and above all re- ligion, requires a double motive force. A church with one wing folded cannot fly : with one foot par- alysed cannot walk ; with one arm motionless can do but half its work ; with its starboard oars all shipped will move in a perpetual circle and make but poor ad- A perpet- vance. We plead for more labourers in the world's great harvest, but they must be men ! If the Holy Ghost sends troops of inspired women, the fields of 346 MRS. BOOTH. 1859, Age 30. Nature's purpose. Man's pious fraud. more than half Christendom are fenced with thorns to prevent their entrance, though the crops fall rotting on the ground and the multitudes are famishing within sight and reach of plenty ! Nature has made her purpose plain enough to be grasped by the dullest comprehension. She surely would not have wasted public capacities and gifts of eloquence on woman had she not intended them to be used. She is not so prodigal of her works. Had she intended trees to move she would surely have endowed them with some sort of means for locomotion. Had she intended woman to be silent she would surely have produced her dumb, or at least with but the power to whisper. And when we speak of Nature, what is it but a euphemism for God? How prepos- terous is it to suppose that He would have pursued so obviously self -contradictory a course as to gift woman with peculiar powers and in the same breath forbid their use ! And yet, strangely enough, this pious fraud of man on woman's rights is defended and concealed with mis-applied passages of Scripture. Nothing is easier than to separate a verse or two from their original context and flourish them in defence of any error that ever existed. But this is the merest casuistry. The Bible is its own interpreter. One passage cannot be taken in a sense which contradicts the spirit of its entire teaching, but must be reconciled with the rest. Such contradictions are only superficial and apparent, after all, like the waves of the sea when wind and current happen to be opposed. They dash against each other as if to destroy, but only to unite. The foam and froth upon the surface quickly drift away, leaving an abiding union. A few quotations from Mrs. Booth's pamphlet will MRS. BOOTH'S FIRST PAMPHLET, 347 suffice to show how erroneous has been the ordinarily 1859, accepted view in regard to female ministry : " Whether the Church will allow women to speak in her as- semblies can only be question of time ; common sense, public opinion, and the blessed results of female agency will force her to give us an honest and impartial rendering of the soli- tary text on which she grounds her prohibitions. Then, when the true light shines and God's words take the place of man's traditions, the Doctor of Divinity who shall teach that Paul commands woman to be silent when God's Spirit urges her to speak will be regarded much the same as we should regard an astronomer who should teach that the sun is the earth's satellite. " As to the obligation devolving on woman to labour for her Master, I presume there will be no controversy. The particular sphere in which each individual shall do this must be dictated by the teachings of the Holy Spirit and the gifts with which God has endowed her. If she have the necessary gifts, and feels herself called by the Spirit to preach, there is not a single word in the whole book of God to restrain her, but many, very many, to urge and encourage her. God says she SHALL do so, and Paul prescribed the manner in which she shall do it, and Phoebe, Junia, Philip's four daughters, and many other women actually did preach and speak in the prim- itive churches. If this had not been the case, there would have been less freedom under the new than under the old dis- pensation ; a greater paucity of gifts and agencies under the Spirit than under the law ; fewer labourers when more work was to be done. Instead of the destruction of caste and division between the priesthood and the people, and the setting up of a spiritual kingdom in which all true believers were 'kings and priests unto God,' the division would have been more stringent and the disabilities of the common people greater. Whereas, we are told again and again in effect, that in ' Christ Jesus there is neither bond nor free, male nor female, but ye are all one in Christ Jesus. ' " We commend a few passages bearing on the ministrations of woman to the careful consideration of our readers. "Jesus said to the two Mary's, 'All hail!' And they came and held Him by the feet, and worshipped Him. 'Then said The pam- phlet. The obli- gation to work. The New Testa- ment more lib- erty than the old. Some ex- amples. 348 MRS. BOOTH. 1859, Age 30. TJie first preach- ers. Where were the men ? Pentecost. Jesus unto them, Be not afraid: go, tell my brethren that they go before me into Galilee.' (Matt, xxviii. 9, 10.) There are two or three points in this beautiful narrative to which we wish to call the attentions of our readers. " First, it was the first announcement of the glorious news to a lost world and a company of forsaking disciples. Second, it was as public as the nature of the case demanded ; and in- tended ultimately to be published to the ends of the earth. Third, Mary was expressly commissioned to reveal the fact to the apostles ; and thus she literally became their teacher on that memorable occasion. O glorious privilege, to be allowed to herald the glad tidings of a Saviour risen ! How could it be that our Lord chose a woman to this honour? Well, one rea- son might be that the male disciples were all missing at the time. They all forsook Him and fled. But woman was there, as she had ever been, ready to minister to her risen, as to her dying, Lord. " ' Not she with traitorous lips her Saviour stung, Not she denied Him with unholy tongue ; She, whilst apostles shrunk, could danger brave; Last at the cross, and earliest at the grave." " Acts i. 14, and ii. 1-4. We are in the first of these pas- sages expressly told that the women were assembled with the disciples on the day of Pentecost ; and in the second, that the cloven tongues sat upon them each, and the Holy Ghost filled them all, and they spake as the Spirit gave them utterance. It is nothing to the point to argue that the gift of tongues was a miraculous gift, seeing that the Spirit was the primary bestowment. The tongues were only emblematical of the office which the Spirit was henceforth to sustain to His peo- ple. The Spirit was given alike to the female as to the male disciple, and this is cited by Peter (16-18) as the peculiar speciality of the later dispensation. What a remarkable de- vice of the devil that he has so long succeeded in hiding this characteristic of the latter-day glory ! He knows, whether the Church does or not, how eminently detrimental to the inter- ests of his kingdom have been the religious labours of woman ; and while her Seed has mortally bruised his head, he ceases not to bruise her heel ; but the time of her deliverance draweth nigh." MRS. BOOTH'S FIRST PAMPHLET. 349 It was well that Mr. and Mrs. Booth were of one accord on this subject, making it a cardinal point of their doctrine to assure to woman the highest position of usefulness that she was capable of occupying. They did not anticipate that she would never make mistakes. Had man made none? They did not wait for every one to be a Mrs. Booth. Was every man a William Booth? They realised that some would fail, and even sin. Was man alone immaculate? But they refused to accept a one-sided and maimed human- ity, or to acknowledge that such a ministry could be divinely ordained. Years have passed since the issue of this modest protest in defence of woman's right to minister at the altar. Precept has been carried into practice, and the world has passed its sentence of approval upon a living mighty organisation in which there is " neither male nor female, barbarian, Scythian, bond nor free, but Christ is all and in all." 1859, Age 30. Woman's position. Not in- fallible. "Neither male nor female." CHAPTER XXXIV. The struggle for truth. Disturb- ing the present. Purifies the at- mosphere. GATESHEAD. 1860. CONFLICT is a necessary medium for producing con- viction and arriving at the truth. There has never yet been a cause, however excellent, which has suc- ceeded in converting men to its way of thinking with- out a struggle. When error and sin, those enemies of humanity, cease to exist, conflict can afford to ground her arms and disband her forces. To do so sooner would be the height of treachery. It has been truly remarked that we cannot improve the future without disturbing the present. Estab- lished wrongs can only be put right by upheavals of the public mind corresponding in some degree with the magnitude of the evil to be combated. The gales that blow away the leaves and purify the air are God's disinfectants. The temporary inconvenience and local damage they inflict are more than compen- sated by the universal good. Who can calculate how many epidemics they prevent? The air that is least stagnant is most healthy. The unwholesome quiet of the "Black Hole" is the prelude of suffocation. Better perish in a tornado than stifle in a dungeon. Death, if postponed for a while, is equally sure and still more agonising. Conflict, it may be said, is the purifier of the moral atmosphere. If at times it destroys what it might well have let alone, the preponderating good more 350 GATESHEAD. 351 than compensates for the occasional loss. This is 1860, fully recognised in the social and political world. A ge 3I ' perpetual battle rages between society's rights and wrongs, or more often still between conflicting rights ; The war between lesser rights which have usurped an undue ng prominence, and the greater ones which have been thrust momentarily into the background. The edi- torial commanders-in-chief range their papery legions upon either side. Oceans of ink and tons of paper are expended on each rival cause. And, if no better reason for conflict remain, hairs must be split that blood may flow. What is inevitable in the social world is equally in- ing in evitable in the religious sphere. There are those evil. who recognise the necessity for conflict in the former who are opposed to it in the latter. They would rather acquiesce in evil than disturb it. They cry " Peace, peace ! " when there is no peace, and they have no patience with those who break in upon the general quietude. Thus, when Mrs. Booth had launched her pamphlet on female ministry, she found herself committed to a life-long warfare, in which she would be required to champion till death the cause which she had at heart. The emancipation of woman from the thraldom of custom was a noble task. Providence had committed to her hand the playing of the most prominent part. But she soon found that it would be necessary to fight her way through long lines of opposing forces before she could realise the accomplishment of her hopes. "The right Divine" of men "to govern wrong," or Divine rather to usurp all the governing and talking to them- theory selves, had become too deeply rooted an idea in the churches to be easily overthrown. A queen might sit upon the throne, but for a woman to ascend the 352 MAS. BOOTH. 1860, Age 31. Crossing sicords with Dr. Stacey. Courts criticism. An im- partial investiga- tion. pulpit, or occupy the ministerial chair, was, in the eyes of many, a heresy too rank for toleration. An interesting correspondence ensued between Mrs. Booth and the Rev. J. Stacey, perhaps the best cultured intellect in the New Connexion body, being principal of their theological college, and afterwards one of its annual presidents. He had written for a copy of the pamphlet, and in sending it Mrs. Booth accompanied it with the following letter: " i NORMANBY TERRACE, GATESHEAD. " REV. AND DEAR SIR : " In a letter received yesterday my dear husband informs me that you have expressed a wish to see my pamphlet on ' Female Teaching. ' Accordingly I avail myself of the privi- lege of sending you one. Although I think I have succeeded in answering Mr. Rees, I am conscious that I have not done anything like justice to this very important subject, and it is my intention shortly to write on it again. I should esteem it a great favour, therefore, if you would allow me to trouble you for a critical examination of it with reference to a few con- troverted passages. " For my own part I desire above all things a thorough, honest, impartial investigation of the Scriptures on the sub- ject, and that by those properly qualified for the work. I am deeply convinced that, when this is secured, the present pre- vailing notions with reference to woman's position in the church will be driven back to the abyss of darkness and error from whence they originally issued, and that the gift of proph- ecy to woman one of the distinguishing characteristics of the latter-day glory will be rescued from the oblivion to which ignorance and prejudice have so long consigned it. " May God haste the day, and to this end bless even the feeble efforts of one so unworthy as " Your's in the love and fellowship of Jesus, " CATHERINE BOOTH." To this letter Dr. Stacey sent the following reply: IY DEAR MRS. BOOTH: " 1 thank you cordially for the pamphlet on female teaching The doctor's reply. - MY DEAR MRS. BOOTH : GA TESHEAD. 353 just received. I will take the very first opportunity of read- ing it. " You will possibly suspect that my judgment lies counter to the exercise of ministerial functions by women, though cer- tainly not in the general sense to 'female teaching.' This judgment is not, I think, one of prejudice, but of intelligent deliberation. " I shall be quite willing, however, to surrender it, if reason demand it. I hold that error is profitable in the long run to nobody, and therefore that the sooner we part with it the better. " In a controversy of this kind, two things are indispensable : first, to clear the ground by a vigorous statement of the subject. What is meant by female teaching? This may be narrowed to one fixed, instituted, technical exercise, or it may be enlarged to the comprehension of all possible forms and modes of teaching. The second thing is to determine the precise Scripture sense of 'prophecy.' " Other things are in their degree needful, such as the ex- amination of particular passages, the relation of the sexes to each other and to Christianity, etc. " I may observe that Dr. Clarke's authority weighs very little with me, as it has little weight anywhere. I admire him very much as a man, but as a deep thinker, or as an ac- curate and searching scholar, his reputation does not and can- not stand high. He knew many things rather than much. I make this remark, because I think, from a cursory glance at your pamphlet, you quote him as a chief authority. But I must read before I criticise. " I can only say in conclusion that my frank opinion on any passage of Scripture I may have studied is at any time at your service. " Very truly yours, "J. STAGEY."" 1860, Age 31. Error profitable to none. Does not think much of Dr. Clarke. Mrs. Booth, without waiting for the further letter promised by Mr. Stacey, wrote to him as follows : " REV. AND DEAR SIR : " I am sorry to intrude myself on your notice again so soon, but since reading your note I feel that it is imperative on me 23 Her reply. 354 MRS. BOOTH. 1860, Age 31. The com- mon-sense view. The prompt- ings of the Spirit. An im- portant admis- sion. grievous wrong. The seal of silence. to offer a word of explanation, and to assure you that I had not the slightest intention of alluding to yourself in the refer- ence I made to the effects of ignorance and prejudice on the subject in question, but simply to the vulgar notions of the public in general. For yourself I have always entertained the most profound respect and esteem. " I may just observe that I did not quote Dr. Clarke so much as a first authority, as one who gave what appears to me a common-sense view of the passages in question, and one which does not involve the contradictions so conspicuous in some other commentators. However, I sincerely thank you for your criticisms, and shall be glad to receive more when you have leisure. If I am wrong, it is my judgment, not my heart. I am sure I only wish to know the will of God and all within me would bow in silent and loving acquiescence. " But oh, sir, how can it be that the promptings of the Holy Spirit and the precepts of the Word should be in such direct antagonism as Mr. Rees makes it appear? In asking this question I know that I only express the heartfelt inquiry of many of the most devoted and faithful among the female dis- ciples of our Lord. For it is a significant fact that it is not the formal, worldly-minded professors who experience these urg- ings of the Spirit to open their lips for Christ, but generally those who are most eminent for piety and unreserved conse- cration to the service of their Saviour. Surely there must be some mistake somewhere. I cannot but think that the error lies in the interpretation and application of two isolated pas- sages in Paul's writings. " You say, my dear sir, that you do not object to fe- male teaching in the general sense. Then you admit of a qualification of the passage, 'I suffer not a woman to teach;' for, taken literally, this forbids all kinds of teaching what- ever. The question to be settled is, what kind of qualification do the principles and general bearing of the New Testament render necessary? To my mind, there is but one reply. Sup- pose commentators were to deal with some parts of the Epistle of James as they do with these two passages, what would be- come of the glorious doctrine of justification by faith? " I cannot but believe that a very grievous wrong has been inflicted on thousands of Spirit-baptised disciples of Jesus long since gone to their reward by the seal of silence im- GATESHEAD. 355 posed on them by good but mistaken men, who thought 1860, they were doing God service ! Age 31. " But I believe the Lord himself is teaching the Church her mistake on this subject, so important to her ultimate triumphs. I believe thousands of loving, faithful hearts are pleading for the bestowment of the promise of the Father on the hand- maidens as well as on the servants of the Lord. And God will in His own good time answer prayer. " Excuse me, my dear sir. I had no intention of writing at Feeling such length when I commenced. But my heart is full of feel- n y ' ing on this subject not on my own account, God knows, but because it does appear to me to be very intimately connected with the progress and triumph of the blessed Gospel, and because I am anxious to interest in it one whose learning and intelligence might be so helpful to the truth, and in whose . nobility of soul I feel I dare rely. This is my apology for occupying so much of your valuable time. " Yours in the fellowship of Jesus, " CATHERINE BOOTH." In replying to this letter, Dr. Stacey expressed Thedoc- himself as still unconvinced. At the same time he t0 c ~ appreciated fully the ability manifested by Mrs. Booth mnced - in dealing with the subject, concluding his letter by saying : " I trust I need not say how much I esteem your sympathies and aims. To me they are very dear, and are becoming so more and more. I admire intensely your fervour of spirit and simplicity of love, as well as the command of English evinced in your pamphlet." But, if there were few critics of repute who sup- The ported Mrs. Booth's view at the time, there are many of them now, and the more honour is due to her who so bravely acted the part of pioneer and proved to de- monstration the truth for which she had contended. Mrs. Booth's convictions were of too robust a character to give way before the opposition that her pamphlet aroused. In after years, when she had reached the 356 MRS. BOOTH. 1860, Age 31. Claimed the right for others. A brilliant success. zenith of her success, there were few who did not ad- mit her own individual right to preach the Gospel, although it was still argued that others should not follow in her steps unless they possessed similar ability. The fallacy of such an idea is not difficult to perceive. What would happen in the House of Commons if a law were passed that no one should speak save those who possessed the eloquence of a Gladstone? Perhaps the prohibition might be a use- ful one. Certainly there would be very little talking done. To Mrs. Booth it would have given but little satis- faction to have shaken herself free from the bondage of conventionality had she been unable to release the rest of womankind. How wonderfully she succeeded is now a matter of history. For what better argu- ment could we find in favour of women's ministry than the successes achieved by the five thousand women officers and tens of thousands of women speakers whom Mrs. Booth left behind at her death, and who continue, in ever-increasing numbers and with ever-multiplying success, to follow in her steps? "Her brilliant life example's flame they catch, And forward step that they her deeds may match. ' CHAPTER XXXV. MRS. BOOTH COMMENCES PREACHING. 1860. IT was Sunday morning, the 8th January, 1860. The birth Mr. Booth had been announced to take the service at daughter Bethesda Chapel. But the expectant congregation Emma - were disappointed when, after a whispered consulta- tion among their leaders, one of them commenced the meeting with an apology for their beloved pastor's unavoidable absence. The service had not, however, proceeded far when Mr. Booth himself appeared, and was able not only to preach the anticipated sermon, but to make the happy announcement that another little woman warrior had just been added to their ranks, one whose life, with God's blessing, should be a practical illustration of the truths laid down in "Female Ministry." It was a bright omen for the future that Emma A happy Moss Booth was born within a few days of the pub- omen ' lication of her mother's stirring pamphlet, and that she w&5 still an infant in her arms when the public ministry commenced which was to open the door of usefulness, not only to Mrs. Booth's own daughters, but to multitudes of womankind. It was while she was lying still weak and suffering, her babe in her bosom, that Mrs. Booth received what was without doubt an inward urging of the Holy Spirit to con- secrate herself to the ministry which she had so 357 358 MRS. BOOTH. 1860, Age 31. Not only lawful but a duty. Her timidity. A special revela- tion. powerfully defended on behalf of others. She applied her pamphlet to herself. She had always been fully convinced that it was lawful for woman to preach the Gospel, as much as for man. But that it was their duty to rise up and do it under pain of the Divine displeasure was alto- gether another aspect of the question. Least of all did she contemplate when writing the paper that she would be singled out by Providence to pioneer the way. But a sick bed allows opportunity for reflec- tion which is often impossible in the busy routine of e very-day life. She was forced to face the natural consequences of her own teachings, and to realise that what was permissible became a duty where the nec- essary qualifications were possessed. Referring to her experience, in a public meeting twenty years afterwards, Mrs. Booth said: " Perhaps some of you would hardly credit that I was one of the most timid and bashful disciples the Lord Jesus ever saved. But for four or five months before I commenced speaking the controversy had been signally roused in my soul, and I passed through some severe heart-searchings. During a sea- son of sickness [connected with the birth of her daughter], it seemed one day as if the Lord revealed it all to me by His Spirit. I had no vision, but a revelation to my mind. He seemed to take me back to the time when I was fifteen or sixteen, when I first fully gave my heart to Him. He showed me that all the bitter way this one thing had been the fly in the pot of ointment, preventing me from realising what I otherwise should have done. And then I remember prostrating myself upon my face before Him, and promising Him there in the sick room, 'Lord, if Thou wilt return unto me as in the days of old, and revisit MRS. BOOTH COMMENCES PREACHING. 359 me with those urgings of the Spirit which I used to 1860, have, I will obey, if I die in the attempt. ' However, the Lord did not revisit me immediately. But he permitted me to recover, and to resume my usual duties. "About three months afterward I went to the A , re i, markable chapel of which my husband was a minister (Beth- occasion. esda), and he had an extraordinary service there. Even then he was always trying something new to get at the outside people. For this Sunday he had arranged with the leaders that the chapel should be closed, and a great out-door service held at a place called Windmill Hills. It so happened, however, that the weather was too tempestuous for carrying out this design, and hence the doors were thrown open and the meeting was held in the chapel. In spite of the stormy weather about a thousand persons were pres- ent, including ~a number of preachers and outside friends. " I was, as usual, in the minister's pew with my A gudden eldest boy, then four years old. I felt much depressed caU - in mind, and was not expecting anything particular, but as the testimonies proceeded I felt the Holy Spirit come upon me. You alone who have experienced it can tell what it means. It cannot be described. I felt it to the extremity of my hands and feet. It seemed as if a voice said to me, 'Now if you were to go and testify, you know I would bless it to your own soul, as well as to the people!' I gasped again and The con- said in my heart, 'Yes, Lord, I believe Thou wouldst, but I cannot do it!' I had forgotten my vow. It did not occur to me at all. " A moment afterwards there flashed across my mind the memory of the bed-room visitation when I had promised the Lord that I would obey Him at all 360 MRS. BOOTH. 1860, Age 31. Willing to look a fool. The first address. Hanging on to God. The con- fession. costs. And then the v6ice seemed to ask me if this was consistent with that promise. I almost jumped up and said, 'No, Lord, it is the old thing over again. But I cannot do it!' I felt as though I would sooner die than speak. And then the devil said, 'Besides, you are not prepared. You will look like a fool and will have nothing to say.' He made a mistake. He overreached himself for once. It was this word that settled it. 'Ah!' I said, 'this is just the point. I have never yet been willing to be a fool for Christ. Now I will be one!' " Without stopping another moment I rose up from my seat and walked down the aisle. My dear hus- band was just going to conclude. He thought some- thing had happened to me, and so did the people. We had been there two years, and they knew my timid, bashful nature. He stepped down and asked me, 'What is the matter, my dear?' I replied, 'I want to say a word. ' He was so taken by surprise that he could only say, 'My dear wife wishes to speak,' and sat down. For years he had been trying to persuade me to do it. Only that very week he had wanted me to go and address a little cottage meeting of some twenty working people, but I had refused. "I stood God only knows how and if any mortal ever did hang on the arm of Omnipotence, I did. I felt as if I were clinging to some human arm, but it was a Divine one which held me up. I just stood and told the people how it had come about. I confessed, as I think everybody should who has been in the wrong and has misrepresented the religion of Jesus Christ. I said : ' I dare say many of you have been looking upon me as a very devoted woman, and one who has been living faithfully to God. But I have come to realise that I have been disobeying Him, 362 MAS. BOOTH. 1860, Age 31. The peo- ple wept. Talking good. What was involved. Announc- ed for the night. The peo- ple de- lighted. The re- turn home. and thus have brought darkness and leanness into my soul. I have promised the Lord to do so no longer, and have come to tell you that henceforth I will be obedient to the holy vision.' " There was more weeping, they said, in the chapel that day, than on any previous occasion. Many dated a renewal in righteousness from that very moment, and began a life of devotion and consecration to God. "Now I might have 'talked good' to them till now. That honest confession did what twenty years of preaching could not have accomplished. " But oh, how little did I realise how much was then involved ! I never imagined the life of publicity and trial that it would lead me to, for I was never allowed to have another quiet Sabbath when I was well enough to stand and speak. All I did was to take the first step. I could not see in advance. But the Lord, as He always does when His people are honest with Him and obedient, opened the windows of heaven and poured out such a blessing that there was not room to contain it." The Rubicon once crossed, it became impossible for Mrs. Booth to turn back, however much she might have desired to do so. She had scarcely resumed her seat when, true to his nature, Mr. Booth pounced upon her to preach at night. She could not refuse. The people were delighted. They overwhelmed her with congratulations. Her servant, who was at the meet- ing, went home and danced re md the kitchen table with delight, calling out to the nurse, " The mistress has spoken! The mistress has spoken!" Mrs. Booth returned home drenched in perspiration, with mingled feelings of satisfaction and of conster- nation at having to speak again that night. What could she say ? It would be useless for her to repeat MRS. BOOTH COMMENCES PREACHING. 363 what she had said in the morning. And yet there was 1860, no time for preparation. She cast herself upon her ge 3I * knees and asked the Lord to give her a message for the people. He did so then and there, and the night meeting exceeded in enthusiasm and power the pre- ceding one. The chapel presented a never-to-be-forgotten scene The . , .,., .,, - meeting. that evening. It was crowded to the doors, and the people sat upon the very window-sills. Appropriately enough, it happened to be the anniversary of Pentecost, and Mrs. Booth took for her subject, " Be filled with Her subject. the Spirit." The audience were spell-bound as they listened to her words. There are some in heaven and not a few on earth to-day, who look back upon that occasion as the turning-point in their spiritual history. The news spread far and wide, and invitations now she visits New- poured in thickly from all directions in greater num- castle. bers than could possibly be accepted. Among other places a call was received from Newcastle, and an in- teresting memento of Mrs. Booth's first service in that city consists in the following resolution passed by the leaders' meeting of the chapel in which she preached : " That this meeting returns its cordial thanks to Mrs. Booth The reso- for the addresses delivered in the chapel on Sunday last, which we have no doubt will be productive of good, and earnestly hopes that she may continue in the course thus begun, in which we unitedly pray that the blessing of God may attend her and crown her labours with success. "W. H. RENWICK, " Society Steward. "6th June, 1860." In a letter dated 23d July, Mrs. Booth sends her she re- parents an interesting account of her labours at this time. 364 MRS. BOOTH. 1860, Age 31. Taking a meeting for the General. No time to study. Seeking the drunk- ards. " William has been confined to the house a fortnight with a bad throat attack. I have consequently had extra care and work. I have spoken four times since you left at Sheriff Hill, the Fell, Dunstan, and last night at Gateshead. At two of the places I took the night anniversary services, had full chapels and gave great satisfaction. I went to Bethesda last night to supply for William. The chapel was crowded with forms round the communion rail and down the aisles. I spoke for an hour and five minutes from Luke xiii. 23-30 ('And one asked Him, Lord, are there few that be saved?' etc.). I got on very well and had three sweet cases, and from all accounts the people were very much pleased. I cannot tell you how I felt all day about it. I never was in such a state in my life. I could neither eat nor sleep. I was pressed into it against my will, and when I saw the congregation I felt almost like melting away ! However, I got through, and I know I spoke with freedom and power. The people listened like statues, and were frequently very much moved. I dare say I have been the subject of much talk to-day, but I hear nothing save the most encouraging reports, and some from quarters least expected. 'Praise the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless His holy Name !' " They talk of William and myself conducting revival ser- vices together at Bethesda during the winter. I intend to try to get a little preparation. I also hope to arrange a lecture or two, one for mothers. " William is of course very pleased, and says he felt quite comfortable at home minding the bairns, knowing who was supplying his place ! Of course, I can only talk like this to you. If I had but time to study and write, I should not fear now, but I must be content to do what I can, consistently with my home duties, and leave the future to the Lord. I think, however, very few have had so encouraging a beginning, and I am determined to make the best of my opportunities. " I continue my visitations among the drunkards. Our first weekly meeting is to be on Thursday evening at eight o'clock in a room in Lampton Terrace. I have ten pledged men to begin with, most of whom have been much addicted to drink for years, but who have now kept the pledge above a fort- night." Meanwhile the annual Conference had come and MJ?S. BOOTH COMMENCES PREACHING. 3 6 5 gone. Mr. Booth had not attended it, having con- 1860, sented to stay in Gateshead another year. There seemed, therefore, no particular object to be gained in A third going. He could not help feeling, moreover, that he v ctote*- had been unjustly treated by the non-fulfilment of the repeated pledges that he should be recalled to the evangelistic sphere. While he was willing on his own part to continue in his present position for another year, he could not but feel that he was wronged in the evident indisposition of the opposing party to carry out their promises. His absence called forth some inquiries from Dr. Cooke, the President, but a letter of explanation was read, and with this the Con- ference appeared satisfied. The heavy strain of his circuit duties had told Mr. Booth severely for some time past upon Mr. Booth, and led in September to a complete break-down, and an en- forced rest. Having been strongly recommended to try the hydropathic treatment, Mr. Booth went to Mr. Smed- ley's establishment at Matlock, while Mrs. Booth re- mained with the children in Gateshead. But, although she was prepared to do what she could in looking after the interests of the Circuit, she was surprised when a deputation of the leading officials waited upon her, urging that she would take her husband's town ap- Mrs pointments during his absence. To this she replied that she could on no account consent, reminding them that their credit was at stake as well as her confidence. The deputation retired considerably crestfallen at the result, but returned soon afterwards with renewed supplications that Mrs. Booth would at least under- take the Sabbath-night meetings, these being the most important. After considerable pressure she circuit r for nine consented to this arrangement, and during the next weeks. 366 MRS. BOOTH. 1860, nine weeks conducted these and other meetings till the time of Mr. Booth's return, besides supervising the general management of circuit affairs. The result was most gratifying. The chapel was packed on each occasion that she spoke. Numbers of gentlemen from Newcastle, who had never before entered a dissenting place of worship, attended the meetings. The following letter to her parents gives a descrip- tion of the position of affairs during this period : " 24th September, 1860. The work " ^ ** a d a ver y gd day yesterday at Sheriff Hill. A most advances, precious time in the morning. Spoke an hour and ten min- utes with unction and liberty. My own soul was richly blessed and I think many others were. At night I had a good time and splendid prayer-meeting, with several under convic- tion, but only one decided case. I believe, however, we shall get two very interesting young gentlemen who were present. One of them is just about to be married to one of my spiritual children, another fruit of my last service at Bethesda. Glory be to God for all His goodness ! But I feel as though I heard Him saying to my soul, 'Be faithful and I will show thee greater things than these.' 'Even so,' my heart replies, 'Behold the handmaiden of the Lord! Be it unto me accord- ing to Thy word!' Pray for me. " I hope if my dear father has not yet got thoroughly into the light, that he will do so while he is here. It may be the Lord is bringing him for that purpose. Plenty of " ^ S et plenty of invitations now, far more than I can com- invita- ply with. In fact they tell me my name is being trumpeted far and wide. Mr. Crow says that it is getting into the foreign papers now, and that in one of them I am represented as hav- ing my husband's clothes on ! They would require to be con- siderably shortened before such a phenomenon could occur, would they not? Well, notwithstanding all I have heard about the papers, I have never had sufficient curiosity to buy one ! Nor have I ever seen my name in print, except on the wall bills, and then I have had some difficulty to believe that it really meant me ! However, I suppose it did. And now I shall never deem anything impossible any more ! " MRS. BOOTH COMMENCES PREACHING. 367 In writing to Mr. Booth during his absence she says : " You will be anxious to hear how I got on last night. Well, we had a splendid congregation. The chapel was very full, upstairs and down, with forms round the communion rail. I never saw it fuller on any occasion except once or twice dur- ing the revival. It was a wonderful congregation, especially considering that no bills had been printed. The Lord helped me, and I spoke for an hour with great confidence, liberty, and I think some power. They listened as for eternity, and a deep solemnity seemed to rest on every countenance. I am con- scious that mentally and for delivery it was by far my best effort. Oh how I yearned for more Divine influence to make the most of that precious opportunity ! Great numbers stayed to the prayer-meeting. The bottom of the chapel was nearly full. Many are under conviction, but we had only three cases, I think all good ones. I kept the prayer-meeting on until ten. The people did not seem to want to go. The man whom I told you about as having been brought in a month ago under ' Be ye reconciled, ' prayed last night with power. He is a glorious case, Mr. McAllam's best helper at Gardener Street. " The Proctors were there, also Turnbull and Buston. Mr. Firbank, Thompson, and Crow were talking in the vestry afterward, and they said we ought to commence special ser- vices directly, for it was evident we had a splendid hold on the town, and that I must prepare myself to preach at night very often. I told them it was easy talking, etc. They little knew what it cost me, nor anybody else either, except the Lord. You see I cannot get rid of the care and management of things at home, and this sadly interferes with the quiet necessary for preparation, but I must try to possess my soul in patience, and to do all, in the kitchen as well as in the pul- pit, to the glory of God. The Lord help me ! " I took cold coming home from the meeting last Sunday night, and have had a sore throat and chest all the week. I am very sorry I engaged myself for Reckington twice next Sunday, but they pleaded so hard I could not refuse. I can- not undertake these night services in the country, having to come home in an open conveyance, as I will not let them go to the expense of hiring cabs. " I told you I had refused an application from Salem for the 1860, Age 31. A full chapel. The best effort. A grand chance. Difficul- ties. 3 68 MRS. BOOTH. 1860, Age 31. A press- ing invi- tation. The people pleased. Taking the reins. The unity of the leaders. No time to grow. Eloquence and ad- ministra- tive ability. afternoon of the 28th. Well, on Saturday another gentleman waited on me, and begged me to reconsider my decision. He evidently came determined to make me yield. He was most doggedly obtuse to all my reasons and persevering in his en- treaties. I thought to myself, you have got your match this time ! But after half an hour's arguing, in which he assured me that every office-bearer had been consulted and that all were anxious for me to come, I said there was only one way it could be done. If Mr. Williams would take afternoon and night, I would serve them in the morning. " The people are saying some very extravagant things. I hear a stray report now and then. But I think I feel as meek as ever, and more my own helplessness and dependence on Divine assistance. Don't forget to pray for me. I have borne the weight of circuit matters to an extent I could not have believed possible, and have been literally the 'Superintend- ent.' But it has been behind the scenes, and I have not always been well represented in my officers, and consequently all things have not been done to my satisfaction. When you come you will not only resume the command, but yourself take the reins." One of the most interesting features of the Gates- head work was the unanimity which prevailed within the borders of the society. " This was the more re- markable," says one of its oldest officials, "as the cir- cuit was well known to be a difficult one to grip, the quarterly meetings of office-bearers having often been of a stormy character and requiring no little tact to man- age. But under Mr. Booth's leadership everything went on smoothly. He never permitted symptoms of disagreement or coldness time to grow. If he thought anything had been said calculated to give rise to a misunderstanding, or unnecessarily to wound any one's feelings, he would not allow twenty-four hours to pass without setting the matter straight by a personal interview." It is not always that the gift of eloquence is com- bined with administrative ability. Indeed, men of MRS. BOOTH COMMENCES PREACHING. 369 action are proverbially taciturn, while the capacity for 1860, saying a thing well is as frequently linked with a sin- ge 3I> gular aptitude for doing it badly. With Mr. and Mrs. Booth there was a happy combination of both. As leaders of their family, of their Circuit, and of the Salvation Army, they have been a remarkable ex- emplification of the "iron hand in a velvet glove," which is truly said to be the most valuable qualifica- tion of a wise ruler. A bad rider will spoil the best horse. At one time A bad the reins will lie loose upon its neck, so that except spoils a for the weight upon its back it cannot tell it has a master. The next moment the creature will be thrown upon its haunches by a violent jerk, with altogether unnecessary force. At first there is no control, and then it is all control. The horse is al- ternately master of the rider and the rider master of the horse, until it becomes uncertain whose turn will be the next, and finally it is impossible to do with whip and spur what good management would have accomplished without the use of either. It is thus that many a vicious brute is manufactured, and the rider prepares the way for his own fall. It would be interesting to know how frequently the Human parallel has held good in the case of human govern- ments. They are a necessity, in some shape or form, perhaps in every shape a necessary evil of our human- ity. A riderless horse soon gets into mischief , or is at best a comparatively useless and expensive luxury. A headless community, whether it be a family, a religious organisation, or a nation, cannot play its proper part on the social stage. It may do no harm, but it cannot accomplish the good which a combination of its in- dividual powers would render possible. The divided house must fall; if not into perdition, at least into 24 370 MRS. BOOTH. 1860, Age 31. Systems of govern- ment. The rule of all is the rule of none. A strong govern- ment. Ability and good- ness. comparative obscurity. Men are like sheep. The vast majority are made and meant to follow. The rare majority are fitted to lead. A happy union of the two is what is required. The unfortunate experi- ences of misgovernment are no argument against government itself. Nor is it wise to substitute the government of all for the government of some. The rule of the best is the best rule. The government of all is the government of none. What is needed is a real aristocracy in place of an artificial one a gov- ernment of the best, the best by nature and the best by grace, the best in talent, but the talent must be seasoned with virtue. Perverted talent is a public danger. The world is cursed with the rule of clever- ness, the rule of science, the rule of art, the rule of wealth, the rule of birth, the rule of accident. The Salvation Army has advanced with altogether phenomenal rapidity because there has been a strong government a government of the best, both in re- gard to ability and piety impartially administered, and based on the confidence of its rank and file. Ability has been duly recognised without being im- properly deified. Knowledge has been subordinated to holiness, and power has been sanctified by love. From a governmental standpoint ability is almost as necessary to goodness as goodness to ability. It is a fatal mistake to dissolve the partnership, whether in the social, political, or religious world. In seeking to dispense with either one or the other, society be- comes more or less of a mixed muddledom. CHAPTER XXXVI. GATESHEAD. 1860-1861. THE illness and prolonged absence of Mr. Booth from the Gateshead Circuit had not only the effect of compelling Mrs. Booth to undertake responsibilities from which she would otherwise have drawn back, but gave rise to a correspondence which contains an un- usually full description of the incidents occurring at the time. Her intense anxiety regarding the nervous prostra- tion and complete break-down which had necessitated Mr. Booth's departure may be gathered from the following letter : "September isth, 1860. " MY PRECIOUS WILLIAM : Yours is to hand, and so deeply have its contents troubled me that I can do nothing until I have answered it. " I have let you proceed with the hydropathic treatment quietly and trustingly, although I have had many fears about its suiting you. The difficulty in breathing of which you speak distresses and alarms me. And now that you have left Mr. Smedley's I shall expect to have some jurisdiction over you. And I do hope that you will prove the love for me of which you write by at once attending to my advice. Your health is too important a matter to be trifled with. Oh, my dearest, what shall I do if you don't get better? I dare not think about it. The Lord help me ! I feel as though I must come to you. I can scarce restrain myself at all. Write by return, and let othing prevent you from sending me news every day. No human means must be left untried to bring about your restoration, and if our money fails I must try and get Her eral - he Gen- illness. distress. 372 MRS. BOOTH. 1860, Age 31. Prayer. Better news. Domestic troubles. Whoop- ing- cough. some more. I might arrange some lectures and charge so much for entrance. With such an object in view I could un- dertake the extra burden, and the people would come to hear me, I feel sure. " I shall bear you continually on my heart before the Lord. Do we honour Him enough in the matter of health and sick- ness? 'Is any sick among you? Let him call for the elders of the church and let them pray over him, and the prayer of faith shall save the sick and the Lord shall raise him up !' Let us pray more about our health. " With much anxiety and undiminished affection, " I remain your loving wife, " CATHERINE." Subsequent letters, however, contained better news, and Mrs. Booth had the satisfaction of hearing from time to time that change, rest, and medical treatment had produced, with God's blessing, a satisfactory im- provement in her husband's health. To add to her anxieties, however, her children sick- ened simultaneously with whooping-cough. The fol- lowing letter to her parents gives a glimpse behind the scenes, showing that Mrs. Booth, though now officiating as "a Mother in Israel," was none the less a mother at home: " You will be sorry to hear that all the children have got the whooping-cough! It never occurred to me that the cough Willie had was the commencement of it. Now, however, it is beyond doubt, and very much it distresses me to hear them cough one after another. Katie and Baby have it the worst. I am giving them the appropriate homoeopathic remedies, with their feet in hot water and mustard at night, and water bandages on their chests. So far this treatment answers well and they are progressing as favourably as could be expected. Baby suffers the most, as she is cutting her teeth. However, if they are to have it, I would rather they all had it together, although it is no small job bandaging them every night, I can assure you. It takes me above an hour and a half before I have finished. Join us in praying GA TESHEAD. 373 that God may bless the means and speedily restore them to health. " Accept my warmest thanks for the little frock you sent. We like it very much. There is only .one difficulty, namely, it is too smart ! I shall have to give you full and explicit di- rections in future as to the style, trimming, etc. , for we really must set an example in this respect worthy of imitation. I feel no temptation now to decorate myself. But I cannot say the same about my children. And yet, oh, I see I must be decided, and come out from among the fashion-worshipping, worldly professors around me. Lord, help me ! Don't think I am reflecting on you. But we must do violence to our fan- cies for Christ's sake. Bless you! lam sure your kindness is fully appreciated and highly prized ! " 1860, Age 31. The frock is too smart. It is not tmfrequently a characteristic of the largest minds that they possess a capacity for descending to the veriest trifles, passing from one to the other with- out apparent effort, and rinding in each their natural element. It is no less surprising to watch an elephant pick up a needle with its trunk than to see it push down a wall, or tear a sapling from its roots. It is the combination of the two which forms the contrast. Of itself there is nothing striking in the capacity to deal effectively with the trivialities of life. But great- ness is never greater than when dealing with the little- nesses of the hour at one moment sweeping the uni- verse as with a. telescope, at the next dissecting an atom with its microscopic eye. Mrs. Booth, spending an hour and a half at home in bandaging her sick children, abroad in addressing a crowded and spellbound audience, presents a happy contrast, in which each portion of the double picture lends added effect to the other. It was, perhaps, the consciousness of a well-regulated home that imparted confidence to the speaker, and attested her message as nothing else could have done. A large mind. Dealing with details. A happy contrast. 374 MRS. XOOTff. 1860, "I hear it has got into the Court Journal and. several ge 3I> other papers," she writes to her parents, "that I am News- to take William's appointments. The paragraph is notices, headed 'A Minister's Wife Supplying his Place.' There was an account in the Chronicle a fortnight ago of my first effort in Bethesda. There is also a notice in a Sunderland paper, and to-day I am told it is in the Morning Star. One gentleman says that he saw an account of it in the Scotsman, in the heart of Scotland. Preach- "I had a splendid congregation on Sunday night ing on the , . Prodigal and took the pulpit, very much against my own de- sire, but in compliance with the general wish. I spoke exactly an hour from the Prodigal Son. I was very much agitated, and did not get a moment's liberty through the whole service. In fact, I felt very much discouraged, but I have heard nothing but the greatest satisfaction expressed by the people. So, if they were satisfied with that, I need never fear again, as I had some good stuff and was well prepared with material, but was so flurried I could not command it. However, there was a gracious influence and several were weeping. "On Monday night I spoke for half an hour with liberty and comfort to myself, and I believe with uni- versal satisfaction. A com- " I am published for anniversary sermons at Felling supply. Shore morning and night. On Sunday week I am at the Teams anniversary morning and night, and the Sunday after they want me to take Bethesda again. The following Sunday I am to be at Sheriff Hill and then at Gateshead Fell. So you see I have plenty of work cut out. I am anxious to do as much as I can while William is away, as they esteem me a competent supply for him, and this will prevent disappointment. GATESHEAD. 375 " The preparation is the greatest difficulty. I am subject to such constant interruption and noise that I am often almost bewildered. But the Lord has won- derfully helped me so far, and He has been blessing my soul very sweetly of late. I am not labouring in vain, but I trust I have some fruit which will remain unto eternal life." In a later letter to Mr. Booth she says : " I was at the Shore yesterday. Good congregation in the morning and a precious season to myself, and J so far as I could judge to everybody else. It was by far the best effort I have made. If I could always realise as much liberty and Divine influence, I should not fear to go anywhere. " At night the chapel was well filled, with extra forms, etc. Miss Newberry was present, and said there was not a single defect, except a manifestation of physical weakness which distressed her. The heat was very oppressive, and for the first time proved a hindrance to me. With time and pains and more of the Spirit I believe I shall be useful yet. "They had Mrs. Dickson from Sheriff Hill for the afternoon. Miss Newberry heard her. She says she is a regular Primitive female preacher ! She puts off bonnet and shawl and goes at it like a ranter! She says some good things, but without order or arrange- ment, and shouts till the people jump ! She is a very big woman, and I have no doubt a very good one too. But I was sadly afraid, from hearing her shout and J * talk while a few friends were praying after tea, that she would quite upset me at night. However, I com- mitted it to the Lord, and got Miss Newberry to sit behind her, so that if she did respond too loudly, she could give her a hint. However, she did not need it. I spoke an hour and five minutes in the morning, 1860, ge 3I * The A precious season. Useful "Going at Quiets down. 376 MRS. BOOTH. 1860, Age 31. Some plain truth ready. A good test. Meta- phorical hydro- pathy. Speaking with liberty. about an hour in the evening, gave two invitations, and prayed. " I saw Mr. Firbank about the quarterly meeting. It is to be held as usual, and the adjourned meeting a fortnight after, at which you must, if possible, be present. I have got some plain truth ready for Sunday morning, and I believe the Lord will help me to de- liver it with the demonstration of the Spirit and with power. I beg an especial interest in your prayers that this may be the case. It is just what is wanted. " I had a very good test afforded me by which to try my humility. A good brother who could scarcely put three words together prayed very earnestly that God would crown my labours, seeing that He could bless the weakest instruments in His service. You will smile, and so did I, but it did me good, inasmuch as I made it a probe for my heart. Why should I be un- willing for the weakest and most illiterate to count me among the weak things of the world and the things that 'are not,' if I may be but instrumental in win- ning souls for Christ? Oh, I do feel more than ever the need of crying " ' Wean my soul, and keep it low, Willing Thee alone to know.' " I perceive the water treatment has not yet brought out all your weaknesses, metaphorically, I mean. Pray keep my letters to yourself. I am sure I have not written one fit to show to anybody." A few days afterward Mrs. Booth writes: " Last night my subject went well. It was by far the best effort I have made. I spoke an hour and a quarter with unwavering confidence, liberty, and plea- sure to myself, and, if I may judge, with blessing to the people. We had an excellent day altogether. BAI.LIXGTOX BOOTH. GA TESHEAD. 377 Good congregation in the morning and at night the chapel was crowded as I have never yet seen it. I spoke for an hour and five minutes with tolerable liberty and effect. My subject was, 'Be ye reconciled to God. ' The attention did not flag for a moment, and no one seemed aware that I had spoken so long. I intend to try and be shorter for my own health's sake. But it is so difficult, in dealing with a subject, to leave unsaid what you think may be useful to the people. " Miss Newberry went home yesterday. She heard me both morning and night, and said that if I could get up a discourse like that in the time, and under the circumstances, and then go and deliver it as I did, I need not fear to go anywhere. I value her testimony as that of the most intelligent and talented woman I know. To God be all the praise ! May He help me to devote every power He has given to His glory and to His only!" A week later Mrs. Booth says : "We had a splendid congregation last night. I took cold on Saturday and consequently had a sore throat and chest to begin with, and was afraid I should not be able to make the people hear. But I threw myself on the Lord with some confidence that He would help me, and spoke an hour with liberty and strength of voice exceeding any time before. We had a powerful prayer meeting, rich influence, and good praying, but only one case a good one; a middle- aged man, a backslider. There were several under conviction, one gentleman from Newcastle, whom Mr. McAllam said he was much surprised to see there. Mr. Firbank talked to him, but he would not come to the rail. We lacked a general. If you had been there we should have had several cases, I have no doubt. "At the quarterly meeting, I am told, very kind 1860, Age 31. Hard to be short. Able to go any- where. Throwing herself on God. A rich in- fluence. 378 MS. BOOTH. 1860, recognition was made of my labours and a resolution ge of thanks and .sympathy unanimously passed. It was A vote of also decided not to invite a stranger for the Christmas effort, but to ask you to take one sermon and me the other! This is truly marvellous. Surely it is the Lord's doing! "Pray for " Do not forget to pray for me. lam the subiect me." J of much temptation and conflict. But God knows my heart. He sees I only want to do His will. Meeting Qh, how thankful I am that you are better! It death J with seems to make all my other anxieties light and easy. calmness. . J Even my own health appears a trine compared with yours, and I feel that infinitely easier could I meet death myself than its approach to you. I think if I were called to die, I could now do so with calmness, reposing on the infinite merits of my Redeemer. I "i know i know I love Him. I know I am striving after a full love him. 5 Divine conformity to His righteous will. Satan labours hard to terrify me, because of the past. But I answer him, 'Where sin hath abounded, grace shall much more abound,' yea, and I believe it. I, even I, shall prove His uttermost salvation, His fulness of love. Do you pray for me? Are you striving after more of the mind of Christ? Are you living by faith in the Son of God? May the Lord help you, and bring you home in the fulness of the blessing of the Gospel of Christ!" The Gen- Mr. Booth returned from his furlough with health eraVs return, improved, fresh plans formed, and faith high for the achievements of the coming year. He was received by his office-bearers and people with every manifesta- tion of their confidence and affection, and was es- pecially gratified by their assurances concerning the progress of the work during his absence, a resolution having been unanimously passed expressive of their GATESHEAD. 379 satisfaction with the able and devoted manner in 1860, which Mrs. Booth had superintended the affairs of ge 3I ' the circuit. Writing to her parents upon New Year's Day, Mrs. A happy Booth gives the following description of the Christ- mas' mas: " We had a very good tea-meeting upon Christmas Day the best attendance they have ever had. I spoke an hour and a few minutes upon 'The true glory of a church embodied Christianity,' as distin- guished from materialism in every shape and form. I illustrated it by the two temples. The latter, though so far inferior to the first in all material grandeur, is yet declared to exceed it in glory, being honoured by the personal presence of Christ. So the glory of any The church is not its architecture, etc., but the living em- o/chrisi. bodiment of Christ's principles and benevolence. I should not have spoken, but William wished me to, and insisted on my taking time. The Christmas collections have amounted to 6 more than last year, when they fetched a special preacher 300 miles for the meetings. " At a society meeting held last week they passed a supply- resolution that some blanks be left on the next 'plan' blanks for Sunday nights at Bethesda, and that I be requested to supply them. But I cannot give the time to pre- paration unless I can afford to put my sewing out. It never seems to occur to anybody that I cannot do two things at once, or that I want means to relieve me of the one while I do the other! What I do, I do to the Lord. Still I am conscious they are partakers of the benefit, and could wish that they would re- member our temporalities a little more than they do!" It is only due to the Circuit officials to say that they Making made up somewhat for their previous forgetfulness by MRS. SOOTH. 1860, offering a little monetary assistance to Mr. and Mrs. ge 3I ' Booth before they went away. And, no doubt, had Financial they been aware of the financial straits which made tts ' it so difficult for Mrs. Booth to find time for her public work, they would have gladly come forward to supply the needs of their beloved and respected leaders rather than that time should have been wasted over household details which might have been so profitably devoted to the salvation of souls. A thrifty A more thrifty housewife than Mrs. Booth it would JiOttSC" wife. have been difficult to find. She could not endure ex- travagance. But she was equally free from meanness. She laboured that her children should be well-fed, warmly and neatly clothed, and carefully instructed in all forms of knowledge that would be likely to be useful to them and make them a blessing to others in after life. She had a conviction or should we say, one of those prophetic instincts to which she occasion- ally gave utterance that her children were destined standing to "stand before princes," and she was resolved that princes, no pains should be spared on her part in preparing them physically, intellectually, and spiritually to make the best of the opportunities the future might offer for serving God and their generation. God honoured her faith, and though the financial burden continued to press heavily upon her, the promise was fulfilled that her bread should be certain and her water sure. CHAPTER XXXVII. MRS. BOOTH ON HOLINESS. 1861. OF the doctrines advocated by John Wesley, next p ar dan to the necessity of conversion there was none on Jj^jL which he laid more stress than on the doctrine of sanctification. By the former he understood, as we have already seen, the possibility of receiving the conscious and immediate assurance of salvation. This was his privilege nay, more, it was his duty. Short of such an experience none could safely rest. Wesley went, however, further in asserting that not indwell- only could the sins of the past be pardoned and the mg sins - sinner restored to the family of God, but that the heart could be purified by the same power from the A heart evil tendencies and tempers which would otherwise prove too strong for it, arid render it the helpless prey of every passing temptation. If, he argued, the cita- del of the heart continued to be occupied by anger, pride, love of money, fear of man, and all the other thousand and one forms of selfishness, the whole at- tention of the victim of such passions would neces- sarily be occupied in combating those inward enemies, and there would be little opportunity, inclination, and capacity for serving the Lord by carrying the war into the heart of the enemy's country. If, on the contrary, these inward forms of evil were re- moved, every energy could then be devoted to the salvation of a perishing world. The very object of the atonement appeared to him 38* 382 MRS. BOOTH. 1861, Age 32. The name Jesus. A neglect- ed doc- trine. Hoiv it came about. to be the conquest and removal of these indwelling evils. The very name Jesus signified that He was to save His people from their sins, not merely to pardon and condone sin, as so many seemed to suppose. Of late, however, this doctrine had ceased to occupy the prominence given to it by Wesley. True, the possibility of attaining such an experience continued to be acknowledged. Nevertheless, it was no longer advocated with the same definiteness and earnestness that had marked it of old. Mr. and Mrs. Booth, while constantly referring to the subject, and always urging upon their converts the importance both of holy living and of aggressive effort, had not hitherto directed their attention in any special manner to the consideration and proclamation of this doctrine. How they came to do so is touch- ingly described by Mrs. Booth in the following letters to her parents : " My soul has been much called out of late on the doctrine of holiness. I feel that hitherto we have not put it in a suffi- ciently definite and tangible manner before the people I mean as a specific and attainable experience. Oh, that I had entered into the fulness of the enjoyment of it myself. I in- tend to struggle after it. In the mean time we have com- menced already to bring it specially before our dear people." " February 4th, 1861. " I spoke a fortnight since at Bethesda on holiness, and a pre- cious time we had. On the Sunday following two beautiful testimonies were given in the love-feast as to the attainment of the blessing through that address. One of them, an old gray-headed leader, is perhaps the most spiritual man in the society. He had never before seen it his privilege to be sanctified. Others have claimed it since. William has preached on it twice, and there is a glorious quickening ous'quick- amongst the people. I am to speak again next Friday night and on Sunday afternoon. Pray for me. I only want perfect consecration and Christ as my all, and then I might be very Not definite enough. Getting the blessing. A glori- MRS. BOOTH ON HOLINESS. 383 useful, to the glory, not of myself, the most unworthy of all 1861, who e'er His grace received, but of His great and boundless Age 32. love. May the Lord enable me to give my wanderings o'er and to find in Christ perfect peace and full salvation ! " I have much to be thankful for in my dearest husband. On full The Lord has been dealing very graciously with him for some time past. His soul has been growing in grace, and its out- ward developments have been proportionate. He is now on full stretch for holiness. You would be amazed at the change in him. It would take me all night to detail all the circum- stances and convergings of Providence and Grace which have led up to this experience, but I assure you it is a glorious reality, and I know you will rejoice in it. " As has always been the case with every quickening we The evan- have experienced in our own souls, there has been a renewal of the evangelistic question, especially in my mind. I felt as though that was the point of controversy between me and God. Indeed, I knew it was. And on the day I referred to in my last letter to you I determined to bring it to a point be- fore the Lord, trusting in Him for strength to suffer as well as to do His will, if He should call me to it. I did so. What I went through in the conflict I could not, if I would, describe. , , _.. A terrible It seemed far worse than death. Since that hour, however, conflict. although I have been tempted, I have not taken back the sacrifice from the altar, but have been enabled calmly to contemplate it as done. " Such an unexpected surrender on my part of course re- His vived William's yearnings towards the evangelistic work, ye ^^ gs though in quite another spirit to that in which he used to long for it. In fact, now, I think the sacrifice will be almost as great to him as to me. He has got so much more settled in his habits, and so fond of home. But he feels as though the Lord calls him to it. So we are going to make it a matter of daily prayer for a week, and then decide, leaving all conse- quences with the Lo r d. He says that we shall not lack any good thing if we do His will, and if He puts us to the test we are going to trust Him with each other life, health, salary, and all. " Will you not pray that He may reveal unto us His will so Pray for clearly that we cannot err? Oh, for faith in the simple word ! The curse of this age especially is unbelief, frittering the real 384 MRS. BOOTH. 1861, Age 32. The daughter of Zion. Unbelief ties God's hands. meaning of God's word away and making it all figure and fiction. Nothing but the Holy Ghost can so apply the words of God to the soul that they shall be what Jesus declared they were, 'spirit and life.' May He so apply them to our waiting, anxious hearts on this momentously important sub- ject. " I am glad you got the book I recommended, but I would not advise you to read it all at once. Just find some portion that suits your case and apply it and pray over it, and ask the Lord to help you to receive all the light it is fitted to impart, and then act according to it. Believe it, or it is of no use ! The just shall live by faith. More than ever am I deter- mined to keep clear of all worldly conformity, and to say of its maxims, its practices, and all its paltry gratifications, ' The daughter of Zion hath despised thee !' " The Lord will order all things if we only do His will and trust Him with consequences. 'Them that honour me I will honour. ' Oh, what a fool I have been ! How slow, how back- ward, how blind, how hindered by unbelief! And even now some bolts and bars are round me, which my foolish heart will not consent to have broken down ! O unbelief, truly it binds the hands of Omnipotence itself! 'He could not do many mighty works because of their unbelief. ' May the Lord in- crease our faith ! " Thanks for prayers. How to get the blessing. "nth February, 1861. " Your very kind letter came duly to hand. We are very much obliged for the readiness with which you promise to join us in praying about this very important matter of our future work. I hope, nay, I believe, God will guide us. I think we are fully willing to be led by Him. I have not prayed much specifically about it at present, simply because my mind has been absorbed in the pursuit of holiness, which I feel involves this and every other blessing. If I am only fully the Lord's He has unalterably bound Himself to be the portion of my inheritance for ever. This, of late, I have especially realised, and a week ago last Friday, when I made the surrender referred to in my last, I saw that in order to carry out my vow in the true spirit of consecration I must have a whole Christ, a perfect Saviour. I therefore resolved to seek till I found that 'pearl of great MRS. BOOTH ON HOLINESS. 385 price' 'the white stone, which no man knoweth, save he that receiveth it. ' I perceived that I had been in some de- gree of error with reference to the nature, or rather the at- tainment of sanctification, regarding it rather as a great and mighty work to be wrought in me through Christ, than the simple reception of Christ as an all-sufficient Saviour, dwell- ing in my heart, and thus cleansing it every moment from all sin. I had been earnestly seeking all the week to apprehend Him as my Saviour in this sense, but on Thursday and Friday I was totally absorbed in the subject. I laid aside almost everything else and spent the chief part of the day in reading and prayer, and in trying to believe for it. On Thursday afternoon at tea-time I was well-nigh dis- couraged and felt my old visitant, irritability. The devil told me I should never get it, and so I might as well give it up at once. However, I knew him of old as a liar and the father of lies, and pressed on cast down, yet not destroyed. " On Friday morning God gave me two precious passages. First, 'Come unto Me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. ' Oh, how sweet it sounded to my poor, weary, sin-stricken soul ! I almost dared to believe that He did give me rest from inbred sin, the rest of perfect holi- ness. But I staggered at the promise, through unbelief, and therefore failed to enter in. The second passage consisted of those thrice-blessed words: 'Of Him are ye in Christ Jesus, who is made unto us wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption!' But again unbelief hindered me, although I felt as if getting gradually nearer. " I struggled through the day until a little after six in the evening, when William joined me in prayer. We had a blessed season. While he was saying, 'Lord, we open our hearts to receive Thee, ' that word was spoken to my soul : ' Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If any man hear My voice, and open unto Me, I will come in and sup with him. ' I felt sure He had long been knocking, and oh, how I yearned to receive him as a perfect Saviour ! But oh, the inveterate habit of unbelief! How wonderful that God should have borne so long with me ! " When we got up from our knees I lay on the sofa, exhausted with the excitement and effort of the day. William said, 'Don't you lay all on the altar? ' I replied, 'I am sure I do! ' 25 1861, Age 32. The sim- ple in- dwelling of Christ. Hindered by un- belief. "I will come in. J All on the altar. 386 MXS. BOOTH. 1861, Age 32. Now are ye clean. Entering into rest. What it depends upon. Jack in undBoaz. Then he said, 'And isn't the altar holy?' I replied in the language of the Holy Ghost, 'The altar is most holy, and whatsoever toucheth it is holy.' Then said he, 'Are you not holy? ' I replied with my heart full of emotion and with some faith, 'Oh, I think 1 am.' Immediately the word was given me to confirm my faith, 'Now are ye clean through the word which I have spoken unto you. ' And I took hold true, with a trembling hand, and not unmolested by the tempter, but I held fast the beginning of my confidence, and it grew stronger, and from that moment I have dared to reckon my- self dead indeed unto sin, and alive unto God through Jesus Christ, my Lord. " I did not feel much rapturous joy, but perfect peace, the sweet rest which Jesus promised to the heavy-laden. I have understood the Apostle's meaning when he says, 'We who be- lieve do enter into rest. ' This is just descriptive of my state at present. Not that I am not tempted, but I am allowed to know the devil when he approaches me, and I look to my Deliverer Jesus, and He still gives me rest. Two or three very trying things occurred on Saturday, which at another time would have excited impatience, but I was kept by the power of God through faith unto full salvation. " And now what shall I say? 'Unto Him who hath washed me in His own blood be glory and dominion for ever and ever,' and all within me says 'Amen! ' Oh, I cannot describe, I have no words to set forth, the sense I have of my own utter unworthiness. Satan has met me frequently with my pecu- liarly aggravated sins, and I have admitted it all. But then I have said the Lord ha? not made my sanctification to depend in any measure on my own worthiness, or unworthiness, but on the worthiness of my Saviour. He came to seek and to save ' that which was lost. ' ' Where sin hath abounded grace doth much more abound.' " And now, my dear parents, will you let it abound towards you? 'Whosoever will, let him come and take freely! " Like the twin pillars, Jachin and Boaz, which were reared by Solomon in the porch of the Temple, so the twin doctrines, Conversion and Sanctification, were raised in the forefront of the Salvation Army Zion. Ir the glorious possibility of pardon, it was to MRS. BOOTH ON HOLINESS. 387 be "established," and in the no less precious privilege of purity it was to find its "strength." The founders of the movement were to transmit to their followers the double shepherd's staff of Bands and Beauty, bind- ing them on the one hand to the blessed experience of a forgiven child of God, and introducing them on the other to all the matchless "beauty of holiness." Speaking subsequently on this subject Mrs. Booth says: " I think it must be self-evident that it is the most important question that can possibly occupy the mind of man, how much like God we can be how near to God we can come on earth preparatory to our being perfectly like Him, and living, as it were, in His very heart for ever and ever in heaven. Any one who has any measure of the Spirit of God must perceive that this is the most important question on which we can con- centrate our thoughts ; and the mystery of mysteries to me is, how any one, with any measure of the Spirit of God, can help looking at this blessing of holiness, and saying, 'Well, even if it does seem too great for attainment on earth, it is very beautiful and very blessed. I wish I could attain it. ' That, it seems to me, must be the attitude of every person who has the Spirit of God that he should hunger and thirst after it, arid. feel that he shall never be satisfied till he wakes up in the lovely likeness of his Saviour. And yet, alas ! we do not find it so. In a great many instances, the very first thing profess- ing Christians do is to resist and reject this doctrine of holi- ness as if it were the most foul thing on earth. " I heard of a gentleman saying, a few days ago a leader in one circle of religion that for anybody to talk about be- ing holy showed that they knew nothing of themselves and nothing of Jesus Christ. I said, 'O my God! it has come to something if holiness and Jesus Christ are the antipodes of each other. I thought He was the centre and fountain of holi- ness. I thought it was in Him alone we could get any holi- ness, and through Him only that holiness could be wrought in us. ' But this poor man thought otherwise. ,1 , r\ i i TT- We are told over and over again that God wants His peo- pie to be pure, and THAT PURITY IN THEIR HEARTS is THE 1861, ge Bands Beauty. How resem- ble God? Hunger- It is possl e ' The birth O y ^ Gospel. 388 MAS. BOOTH. 1861, Age 32. To be and to do. A two- sided tcheme. The con- dition. Worldly conform- ^ty. No sacrifice. VERY CENTRAL IDEA AND END AND PURPOSE OF THE GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST; if it is not so, I give up the whole question I am utterly deceived. " Oh that people, in their inquiries about this blessing of holiness, would keep this one thing before their minds that it is being saved from sin; sin in act, in purpose, in thought ! " After all, what does God want with us? He wants us just to be and to do. He wants us to be like His Son, and then to do as His Son did ; and when we come to that He will shake the world through us. People say, 'You can't be like His Son. ' Very well, then, you will never get any more than you believe for. If I did not think Jesus Christ strong enough to destroy the works of the devil and to bring us back to God's original pattern, I would throw the whole thing up for ever. What! He has given us a religion we cannot practise? I say, No! He has not come to mock us. What! He has given us a Saviour who cannot save? Then I decline to have anything to do with Him. What! does He profess to do for me what He cannot? No, no, no. He 'is not a man, that He should lie: neither the son of man, that He should repent:' and I tell you that His scheme of salvation is two-sided it is God- ward and manward. It contemplates me as well as it con- templates the great God. It is not a scheme of salvation merely it is a scheme of restoration. If He cannot restore me He must damn me. If He cannot heal me, and make me over again, and restore me to the pattern He intended me to be, He has left Himself no choice. "True, there is the condition, 'Be not conformed to this world : but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove. ' Oh ! if you could be transformed to Him and conformed to this world at the same time, all the difficulty would be over. I know plenty of people who would be trans- formed directly ; but, to be not conformed to this world how they stand and wince at that ! They cannot have it at that price. But God will not be revealed to such souls, though they cry and pray themselves to skeletons, and go mourning all their days. They will not fulfil the condition 'Be not conformed to this world;' they will not forego their conformity even to the extent of a dinner-party. " A great many that I know will not forego their confor- mity to .the shape of their head-dress. They won't forego MRS. BOOTH ON HOLINESS. 389 the conformity to the extent of giving up visiting and receiving visits from ungodly, worldly, hollow, and super- ficial people. They will not forego their conformity to the tune of having their domestic arrangements upset no, not if the salvation of their children, and servants, and friends depends upon it. The sine qua non is their own com- fort, and then take what you can get on God's side. 'We must have this, and we must have the other ; and then, if the Lord Jesus Christ will come in at the tail end and sanctify it all, we shall be very much obliged to Him ; but we cannot forego these things. ' " Finally, to obtain this blessed experience, there is the great desideratum, faith. You can't know it by understand- ing. . Oh ! if the world could have known it by understanding, what a deal they would have known ! But He despises all your philosophy. It is not by understanding, but by faith! If ever you know God it will be by faith ; becoming as a little child opening your heart, and saying, 'Lord, pour in;' and then your quibbles and difficulties will be gone, and you will see holiness, sanctification, purity, perfect love, burning out on every page of God's Word. " A minister a devoted, good man was trying to show me that this sanctification was too big to be got and kept. I said, 'My dear sir, how do you know? If another man has faith to march up to Jesus Christ and say, " Here, I see this in your Book ; you have promised this to me ; now, then, Lord, I have faith to take it;" mind you don't measure his privilege by your faith. Do you think the Church has come up to His standard of privilege and obligation? I don't. It has many marches to make yet. Mind you don't hinder anybody.' The law of the Kingdom all the way through to your dying moment will be 'According to your faith.' If you want this blessing, put down your quibbles, put your feet on your argu- ments, march up to the Throne and ask for it, and kill, and crucify, and cast from you the accursed thing which hinders, and then you shall have it; and the Lord will fill you with His power and glory." 1861, Age 32. Looking after them- selves. How to get it. Is it too much to expect? A low standard. CHAPTER XXXVIII. Critical moments. The red- hot bars. Blood- money. The Cross the shib- boleth of the hypo- crite. "JUST BEFORE THE BATTLE." 1861. IN the history of men, as in the history of nations, there are critical moments when incalculable interests tremble in the balance, and it seems that a feather would suffice to turn the scale. Particularly is this the case with those who rise up from time to time as the champions of humanity. It is only when they have dared to brave the fiery ordeal, and cross the seven-fold heated bars which opposition and prejudice lay at their feet, that the accomplishment of their heart's desire becomes attainable. The moment ar- rives when, without risking everything, nothing can be won. Those who are not prepared to sacrifice must be content to fail. The choicest privileges of mankind have been bought with blood. What is best worth buying costs the most. The Cross is the price for the Crown and Calvary the only gateway to resurrec- tion glory. If good desires would save mankind, it would surely have been delivered long ago. The difference between idle wishes and the deliberate heart choice of the world's true benefactors is, that the latter consent to pay the price which some one has to pay. The Cross is the divinely appointed shib- boleth for the detection of the hypocrite. No insin- cere and selfish heart can " frame to pronounce" the 390 "JUST BEFORE THE BATTLE." 39* word. The Ephraimite is betrayed by his lisp, and 1861, fails in his attempt to cross the ford. It was an epoch in the history of Mr. and Mrs. Broken Booth. Hitherto they had bowed their necks to the promises ' Connexional yoke in the belief that the promises of a return to their evangelistic sphere would ultimately and unanimously be afforded them. Four years they had waited, but only to be disappointed. That they could be useful in a circuit they had abundantly proved, but that they could accomplish still greater results in the coveted position where they had pre- viously been blessed in so remarkable a manner was equally clear. The question now presented itself forcibly to The ques- their consciences, as to whether they were justified thThour. in submitting any longer to the jurisdiction of a handful of persons, who were obviously influenced by unworthy motives in denying them a position of greater usefulness. True, it was possible that Con- ference might reconsider their position, and fulfil the pledges which had hitherto reconciled them to their lot, but in the event of this not being the case what were they to do? To face the world alone would have been easy. But now a delicate wife and four little children had to be considered. The recent break-down of Mr. Booth's health had Their at- reminded them that his constitution was not of the ac to"the. strongest. Added to these difficulties there was a warm personal attachment to the large circle of Connexional members with whom their labours had brought them into contact, and a deep-rooted desire to advance the highest interests of the body. None of these consider- ations, however, appeared to lessen the responsibility of their present position. And they resolved with the most perfect unanimity that if the Conference once 392 MltS. BOOTH. 1861, Age 32. A letter to the Com- mittee. Expresses his con- victions. Called to it. The two spheres com- pared. Past results. more refused to fulfil their long-standing pledge, they would commit their needs to God, and go forth to do His will in simple reliance upon His promises. No sooner had this decision been arrived at than they proceeded to prepare the following letter to the Annual Committee, formally broaching the subject and offering themselves for reappointment to the evangelistic sphere : " NORMANBY TERRACE, GATESHEAD, "March 5th, 1861. " To the Rev. James Stacey, President of the Methodist New Connexion. " MY DEAR SIR : It has long been on my mind to lay before you, as the president of our denomination, my views and con- victions with respect to my present and future position. I do this in all plainness and candour, appealing to your judg- ment, confiding in your sympathy, and requesting your counsel. " This question comes before me in something like the fol- lowing form : " I. For the last seven years I have felt that God has spe- cially called me to this work. The impression has been clear and decided. I am as satisfied of it as I am of my call to the ministry. It is now four years since I was put down from it, and the impression, instead of dying away, is as strong and vivid as ever. " II. I am satisfied that in that work I can be most success- ful in bringing souls to Christ, promoting the prosperity of the Church and the glory of God. I have seen a measure of success in my present sphere ; but I submit that there is no comparison between my success in the one sphere and in the other. Many, very many, who during that two years and a half of labour were brought to God are now safe in heaven. Several, I think five or six, are now in our ministry, and others are preparing for it; many are in the ranks of our local preachers, and I hesitate not to say that hundreds are enrolled in our membership. I think the position peculiarly favourable to such results, and I largely attribute the success "JUST BEFORE THE BATTLE." 393 to the combined and consecutive labour and prayer of the 1861, Church which suclj efforts call forth. A e 32. " III. The united testimony of those who know me in the work is to the effect that the Lord has given me a measure of testify. adaptation for it. " IV. In that work I am the happiest. I have never been Happy in really happy or settled in m}' mind since I left it. I have tried to banish all thought of it, and to conclude that if the Lord wanted me He would thrust me out. For a season it has been left in abeyance ; but in a very short time it has come up again, and I have been as unsettled as ever. " V. I have not been successful out of the work ; that is, the Leas suc- I-J-L -.L 1 i-L cessful success realized by me in a circuit has not been in any way elsewhere. proportionate to the measures employed. God has seemed ever to be disappointing my most rational and Scriptural ex- pectations, as though He foresaw that, if all the success I de- sired was given me, I should at once give up the evangelistic work to which He called me. " VI. I am now under no obligation to a circuit ; my third Free to year expires next Conference, and I am free to go elsewhere. " VII. The Lord has removed several other obstacles out of My wife the way. Among others, my dear wife has voluntarily con- sented to the separation which my going forth would involve. In fact, in this matter, we have both been enabled to offer our all to God, being willing to submit to any self-denying circumstances He may appoint in order to do His will. "VIII. My soul lately has been brought into a higher walk My souVs desiTe of Christian experience ; and with purer motives, holier de- sires and aims, and a fuller consecration, my soul turns to this work as to the sphere in which God designs to bless me. " IX. The reasons assigned by the Conference for my tak- The _ , , ,, reasons ing a circuit have all been met. So far as I remember them me t, that is, those that were worth noticing they were the fol- lowing : " i. That I might have a certificate according to the rule in full and usage of the Connexion, it being the last year of my probation. This was met by my having a certificate, and being received into full connexion. No "2. That my Connexional attachment might be proved ; it anun- not being thought safe to trust an untried stranger with the ion. 394 MRS. BOOTH. 1861, Age 32- No expense. influence that the position of evangelist gave me. This, too, I think, has been met. The very fact of my bowing to the decision proved it, when I might have acted so differently. The Stationing Committee must have been satisfied on this point three years ago, when they entrusted me with the su- perintendency of a circuit; and to this, moreover, let the impi oved Connexional character of this circuit testify. " 3. The outlay in which my labours involved the yearly collection. This outlay, I submit, need not with careful ar- rangement have been incurred in the past, and need not be incurred in the future, as I shall afterwards show. It is Script- ural. Others do it. An open door. How to do it. A central town. My salary easily raised. " X. I am clearly convinced of the Scriptural character of the office of evangelist. This, I think, I have heard you maintain, nor do I know that any deny it. " XL Other churches are successfully availing themselves of this kind of agency, amongst which are the Wesleyans, Presbyterians, Methodist Free Churches, Independents, and Baptists. " XII. Never was there in this country so wide a door open for this class of labourers as now. As you are aware, in London, and many parts of Scotland, Ireland, and all over the world, this class of agencies have attracted the ear of vast masses of the people, and a great amount of good has been done. " To me there appear two ways by which I may find admis- sion to this sphere : " I. For the Conference to employ me in the following, or some similar manner, as might appear to them wisest: " i. To reside in some town central to a number of our inter- ests, and to labour in the churches inviting me immediately around it; of course going further away, if not sufficient labour near home to fill up my time. When travelling be- fore, I visited places where I received invitations sufficient to have occupied me twelve months without going twenty miles away from one centre. " 2. To labour under the direction of the President of Con- ference, the Chairman of the District, or the Superintendent of the circuit where, for the time being, I resided. " 3. My salary to be the same as other ministers'. To be "JUST BEFORE THE BATTLE." 395 obtained by the places where I labour giving so much per week for my services, as before ; which, with the exception of two places, Was always obtained with the greatest ease ; in many cases leaving large sums of money to devote to local purposes. " 4. Every church where I laboured successfully to be re- quested to make an offering towards a fund to enable me to labour in poor churches. Towards this fund I' think I know some of our wealthy friends who would subscribe. Further details I am prepared to produce, should they be required, and I am, I think, prepared likewise to meet the various difficulties that may suggest themselves in the working out of this plan. " II. The second way to which I referred would be for the Conference to grant me a location ; allowing my name to ap- pear on the minutes, and recognising me as a regular minister of the body, with the privilege of returning to the itinerancy when the providence of God might direct, on the condition that my labours were devoted to the Connexion so far as it offers me a sphere. Of course, if a sufficient amount of labour was not provided me by it, it could not be objected that I should fill up my time by accepting the invitations of other churches, as this plan would involve the giving up of my salary, and going forth with my wife and family to trust en- tirely in the Lord; as I have not the slightest idea of any guarantee whatever save that of Him who has said, 'Every one that hath forsaken houses, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for My name's sake, shall receive an hundred-fold, and shall inherit everlasting life. ' " On this subject my mind has been much exercised. I have been impressed that, when willing to this, He would open my way ; and I think I can say I am now willing. " I need not say how much more agreeable and welcome the adoption of the first plan would be, and how much less anxiety and self-sacrifice it would involve ; I only suggest the latter in case the former should be rejected. " Probably the question will be asked, 'Is my health equal to the work?' To this I reply, that, through the mercy of God, my throat is perfectly restored ; and from experience in a circuit, and in the evangelistic work, I am convinced that 1861, Age 32. A central fund. Locate me. No salary. Mucn ex- ercised. The strain not too great. 39 6 MRS. BOOTH. 1861, Age 32. Deprecate a dispute. The Annual Com- mittee. A cold response. Prepared for the worst. my health will stand the one as well as the other, with season- able rest and ordinary care. " And now, my dear sir, I have laid the matter before you. I should very much deplore any unpleasant discussion in the Conference. I could not consent to re-engage in the work by an insignificant majority. I sincerely and strongly desire to spend my time and energies in promoting the highest inter- ests of the Connexion. I wish to labour with the fullest ap- probation and co-operation of my brethren, neither -do I see any righteous reason why this should not be the case. " All well, I intend to call at Sheffield on Friday, the 1 5th instant, on my way to Birmingham, in order to consult you on the question, which, to give you opportunity for consider- ation, I have at this length laid before you. Should you in the mean time meet the Annual Committee, will you kindly lay this matter before them, and ascertain their judgment in reference to it? And may the Lord guide you in counsel. " With kind regards to Mrs. Stacey, in which Mrs. Booth unites, " Believe me to remain, " Yours affectionately, "WILLIAM BOOTH." It was not till the beginning of May that Mr. Booth received any reply to this communication, and then only to the effect that the answer had been delayed owing to Mr. Stacey's illness, but that there had been a meeting of the Annual Committee, at which the letter had been considered, "and that three out of the four members present had thought it best to lay the matter before the Conference for free and open dis- cussion. Not a word of counsel, nor a symptom of approval was conveyed, and it was manifest that the proposal would encounter from certain parties as vig- orous an opposition as ever. Mr. and Mrs. Booth, however, were now prepared for the worst. They were assured that, whatever might be the issue of the conflict, the ultimate result could not fail to be a distinct improvement on their present unsatisfactory position. If they were success- " JUST BEFORE THE BATTLE" 397 ful in carrying their point, they would have the in- 1861, tense satisfaction of retaining their position in the ge 32 ' Connexion and at the same time of obeying the dic- tates of conscience. If, on the other hand, the Con- ference should refuse their request, they would realise they had done their duty, and their future pathway, if lonely, would be clear. In sending to her parents a copy of the letter to the President, Mrs. Booth writes : " I hope you received my last all right, with a copy of our The letter to the President, and that you forwarded it to Dr. Cooke. apathy Send us word what you thought of it. I don't see how they church. can object to granting the second plan, and I would prefer that to the first. William would be then entirely master of his own movements, and would not be harassed by a com- mittee. Oh, the more I see of the church and its ministry the more deeply am I convinced that such an instrumentality is what is needed. The apathy and blindness and unconcern of Christians generally, both ministers and people, are truly awful ! And while the church sleeps souls by thousands are dropping into perdition. May God in mercy use us in some humble degree to awaken half-hearted professors, and to bring lost sinners to God ! " Nor were they left in this critical hour without TWO hun- tokens of Divine approval. A series of revival ser- {tents vices held in the beginning of the year at Bethesda Bethesda - Chapel had resulted in two hundred persons professing conversion. The quarterly returns showed an in- crease of more than three hundred members to the circuit during: the three years of their appointment. The Durham, The annual District meeting, held in Durham previous meeting. to the meeting of the Conference, had been memori- alised by the Gateshead Circuit to ask that Mr. Booth should be set apart for the work of an evangelist, and had unanimously passed the following resolutions: Itsreso i u . i. Affirming the Scriptural character of such an 398 MRS. BOOTH. 1861, Age 32. Mr. Joseph Love. agency and the desirability of its employment by the Connexion. 2. Recommending Conference to set Mr. Booth apart for the work ; and 3. Recommending his appointment to the Durham District as his first sphere of labour. One of the most influential lay members of the Con- ference was a Mr. Joseph Love. He was immensely rich, having risen from the position of a working- man to one of affluence, and leaving at his death some two millions of money. He warmly espoused Mr. Booth's cause, and promised to do his utmost to secure the consent of Conference to a renewal of his evange- listic work. Indeed, both he and other wealthy friends made it no secret that, if it were the question of ex- pense which had caused hesitation as to the appoint- ment, they would themselves guarantee to defray all the extra cost, and thus relieve Conference of any anxiety on that account. Still more reassuring was the result of an Easter visit paid by Mr. and Mrs. Booth to Hartlepool. So remarkable were the results and so promising the prospects that Mrs. Booth remained behind for ten days to continue the services, no less than two hundred and fifty persons coming to the communion rail dur- ing this brief interval. This seemed to be in an es- pecial manner the finger of God pointing with the utmost plainness to the path that He desired them to follow. The commencement of this work is graphi- cally described by Mrs. Booth herself in the following letter to her parents : "HARTLEPOOL, Easter Monday, 1861. Easter " ^ e came nere on Thursday afternoon for the Easter An- msit. niversary meetings. I preached on Good Friday morning to a full chapel, William on Sunday morning, and I again in Hartle- pool. Two hun- dred pen- itents at Mrs. Booth's meetings. "JUST BEFORE THE BATTLE." 399 the afternoon to a chapel packed, aisles and pulpit stairs, 1861, while many turned away unable to get in. This morning Age 32- William returned to Gateshead to attend our tea-meeting at Bethesda. I am staying here to preach again to-night, and Mrs. shall return, all well, to-morrow. There were many under 6 ' conviction last evening, whom I hope to see converted to- behind. night. The Lord has been very graciously present with me hitherto and has given me great influence and liberty. I am in my element in the work, and only regret that I did not commence it years ago. Oh, to live for souls! It is a dark, sinful world, and a comparatively dead and useless Church. May God pour out His Spirit ! " There is a nice society here, considering it is a new one a beautiful chapel, seats about 750. They say there were 1000 in it yesterday afternoon. " And now how are you getting on? I am very glad to hear f ne f em , my dear father is so useful in the temperance line. I intend perance ('11 It S'' to do more yet in that direction. Some excellent judges spoke very highly of my first speech. So I shall be encouraged to try again. " I hope, however, my dear father will not stop at teetotal- Speak for ism. Why can you not speak a word for Jesus? [Shortly Jesu& previous to this, while on a visit to Mrs. Booth, Mr. Mumford had given his heart freshly to God.] Does not 'love so amaz- ing, so divine' as He has shown to you, demand the consecra- tion of your powers directly to His Name and cause? Oh, try to speak a word for Him, and you will find His Spirit will be with you, giving you strength and grace. The mere recital of God's merciful dealings with you would be calculated to melt many a hard heart, and inspire many a hopeless, reckless wanderer with desires and purposes to return to the Lord. Try it ! Oh let us all try to live to purpose ! " Has my dear mother fixed on any plan by which she can Working do something for the Lord, and be instrumental in winning a f r God - few poor souls to Jesus? It is workers that are so woefully wanted in the vineyard, and there is nothing else worth living for but to minister salvation and bliss in Jesus' Name. Oh, let us as a family strive to do something to make up for our lost opportunities and past unfaithfulness." A few days later Mrs. Booth writes again from Hartlepool to her parents : 40O MRS. BOOTH. 1861, Age 32. A glori- ous in- gather- ing. A gen- eral move- The results. Crowded out. Forty penitents. " You will be surprised to find I am still here, but so it is. I told you I had to stay on Monday evening. Well, the Lord came down amongst the people so gloriously that I dare not leave, so the friends telegraphed to William and I remained. ... I preached again on Tuesday evening. The chapel was full. I gave an invitation, and the Lord helped me as I think He never did before. When I had done speaking there was a general move all over the chapel, and the communion rail was filled with penitents again and again and again during the evening. The second time it was filled I never saw such a sight before. They were all men, with two exceptions, and most of them great fine fellows of mature years. All glory to Jesus! He hath 'chosen the weak things to confound the mighty. ' " I preached again on the Wednesday and Friday evenings, and also gave two addresses on holiness, and the Lord was very graciously with me. Above 100 names were taken dur- ing the week, and besides these I should think we have had half the members up to seek a clear sense of their acceptance. On Saturday night we had a glorious fellowship meeting. Oh, it would have rejoiced your hearts to have heard one after another bless God for bringing your feeble and unworthy child to Hartlepool ! I shall never forget that meeting, on earth or in heaven ! " I was published to preach at night, and a quarter of an hour before the time the chapel was wedged so full that the people were drifting away, when it was announced to the crowd out- side that Mr. Williams should preach in the school-room under the chapel at the same time. It is a splendid place, capable of holding nearly 500, and not only was it filled, but they tell me numbers went away unable to get in. I preached in the chapel, on the judgment, and experienced great liberty. The people listened as though they already realised the dread tribunal. Oh, it was indeed a solemn season ! For some time we carried on both prayer meetings, then we amalgamated, allowing the people to remain in the gallery, which they did till nearly ten o'clock. We had upwards of forty cases of conversion. To God be all the praise ! If we had had more efficient help at the communion rail we should have got many more, but there was not room for them, and the people of God are awfully ignorant of the right way to lead penitents "JUST BEFORE THE BATTLE." 401 to Christ. The Lord have mercy on a half-asleep church ! Oh, if I had time to particularise some of the precious cases we have had I could fill sheets. But I have not. Our Christ can do wondrous things, and that by the feeblest instru- ments. " The friends are thoroughly taken by surprise. They were perfectly bewildered last night. They seemed lost in wonder and awe. I believe we had some of the most respect- able people and also some of the greatest reprobates in the town, and yet during the whole service I saw but one irrever- ent look or gesture. They all seemed as solemn as death, and I believe many went away with the arrows of the Almighty in their souls. May the great day reveal it ! The friends tell me that I get numbers every night who never be- fore put their heads inside a place of worship. I give an ad- dress this evening, principally to the new converts, and to- morrow morning I return home. It seems a thousand pities to have to leave such a work, but I suppose I must. I intend to try and arrange to come back again. " Pray for me. I have my trials even in connection with this work, but I hear my Lord saying, ' To him that overcometh will I give to sit down with Me on My throne. ' Oh, for wis- dom and grace to steer clear of every quicksand and every rock, and to reach the harbour safe at last. Well, He says, ' My grace is sufficient for thee, ' and I believe it. " And now I know what you are thinking about namely, that I shall be thoroughly overdone. If you knew how I have laboured, talking to penitents as hard as I could for two hours every night, and this after preaching, you would not believe that it could be your Kate. I can hardly believe it myself, but hitherto the Lord hath helped me, and though often almost prostrated, and scarcely able to speak or walk, He has wonderfully restored me, so that the next night I have felt able for the work again. Still, I confess, I feel very poorly this morning. It was a terribly heavy strain last night, but the fruit makes up for it all. May God preserve it unto eternal life ! " Oh, I cannot tell you how I feel in view of the state of the church at large. It is a dead weight on the heels of any truly earnest minister. What can we do to wake it up, and keep it awake? We can only pray to the Lord of the har- 26 1861, Age 32. The friends bewil- dered. Respect- ables and repro- bates. The trials of the work. A heavy strain. The state of the church. 4O2 MRS. BOOTH. 1861, Age 32. The children. vest. He can do it, and He only. The poor sinners, the poor lost sheep for whom my Saviour died, how few truly care for their souls ! All seek their own and not the things that are Jesus Christ's. Oh, may the Lord help me to seek His. and only His, glory, and to be content to wait for my reward till I get to heaven ! Amen and Amen ! " The children were all pretty well when I heard last. My precious children ! Oh, how I long to inspire them with truly benevolent and self-sacrificing principles ! The Lord help me, and may He early take their hearts under His training! William says that he does not think that they are suffering from my absence, neither do I believe the Lord will allow them to suffer. " 'Fix on His work thy steadfast eye, So shall thy work be done. ' The Lord will not let us lose in the end by doing His work." Writing after her return to Gateshead in regard to the concluding services at Hartlepool, Mrs. Booth says : "I spoke again on Monday night to a crowded chapel. There were thirty-two cases besides members. Oh, it was a glorious work ! I left it in the hands of Mr. Williams, but I hear that they have only taken twenty names since I left. I hardly expected that Dr. Cooke would put a report in the Magazine, though I knew one had been sent. However, it seems that he will. I hope this will not provoke any contro- versy, as I should be sorry for that. If it should, however, it will not be the first thing of the kind. If you can borrow the February and March Magazines for 1848 you will find two letters on the subject, one in defence of female preaching by the Rev. J. H. Robinson, now of Canada. It is the best thing I have seen on the subject. I did not feel at all anxious, how- ever, for a report to be sent to either the papers or the Maga- zine. I fear the Spirit is often grieved by glorying in instru- mentalities, and, so far as I am concerned, I do it only unto the Lord, and my record is on high." Referring to the same meetings, Mr. Booth writes: mr GeneraVs " ^ J us t send a line to say how we are. Catherine came account, home on Tuesday afternoon. It has been a very glorious Thirty- two more names. Dislike to contro- versy. "JUST BEFORE THE BATTLE.' 403. work, one hundred and eighty from the world, besides near 1861, a hundred for justification and holiness from the different Age 3 2 churches of the town. She came home much exhausted, and on Thursday she had a day of violent pain. An attack of spasms came on at four in the morning, and did not leave her till two in the afternoon. In fact, the pain did not entirely pass away until the next day. She managed to go to Winla- ton yesterday, because printed and published, but it was a great risk. She is middling this morning and must be very quiet for some time to come. I was very lonely without her, very much so, indeed." Shortly afterwards Mrs. Booth paid a second visit to A second Hartlepool, which she describes in the following letter : " We had a splendid day, chapel wedged at night and num- bers turned away unable to get in. A good prayer meeting and seventeen cases. It was like beginning over again after three weeks' cessation of special effort. The friends expressed themselves as highly gratified, even more so than on any former occasion. I heard a great deal of gracious and heart- cheering intelligence with reference to those brought in dur- ing my previous visit. They reckon to get eighty good and permanent members for their own church, and have handed the names of forty to other denominations. The news of this work has spread far and near, and is bringing me fresh invita- tions. I expect to be at Salem, Newcastle, twice next Sun- day. The last time I was there I had a good congregation. Though it was morning the chapel was filled as they have not seen it for years, and the gentleman who has been to-day to invite me says that there are inquiries on every hand as to when I am going again. " Regarding my health, be assured I do take notice of your kind advice and fully appreciate your anxiety, but I really cannot preach shorter ; I do try, but I always fail, and even then I have often to leave much out that I would like to say. However, I don't think it hurts me, as I speak very naturally, and they say my voice is so adapted for it, and my utterance so distinct, that I don't need to raise my voice beyond its or- dinary compass. It is the prayer-meeting work that exhausts me the most. " On Sunday the Lord was very graciously with me. I Eighty new members* New- castle, Cannot preach short. A grand Sunday. 404 MRS. 'BOOTH. 1861, never felt more liberty and influence than I did at night. It Age 3 2 - made the twelfth public effort in Hartlepool, and on no single occasion did the Lord allow me to fail. " The children are well. Willie gets on nicely with his les- sons. They all come on charmingly. Baby gets a real pet such a mamma's girl as none of them have been." They To an unprejudiced mind it would have appeared ought to have that the glorious results attending the Hartlepool re- con- vival, together with the remarkable successes achieved by Mr. Booth, would have sufficed to have convinced the Conference as to the advisability of appointing them to the work for which they were so specially adapted. Here was an ingathering of two hundred and fifty seekers in the short space of ten days, with a permanent addition of eighty members to the church, and of forty more to neighboring places of worship. A minister who would not welcome such an intrusion was not worthy of the name. And a governing body that refused to set the willing seal of its approval to such an enterprise thereby proved its TWO to own incapacity. But there were those who did not within- w i sn to be convinced, and who were only increasingly stead of alarmed that four years of suppression had not suc- one. J rr ceeded in extinguishing the fiery zeal of the evange- list. Nay, more. They had now to reckon with two in place of one, for the Gateshead Patmos, instead of extinguishing the ardour of the one, had inflamed the enthusiasm of the other. CHAPTER XXXIX. THE RESIGNATION. 1861. THE memorable Conference, on the decisions of The which were suspended events of far-reaching impor- "con tance, was held in Liverpool in 1861. Mr. and Mrs. f erence - Booth decided that they would together attend its deliberations. " My heart almost fails me," writes Mrs. Booth to her parents, " in going to the Conference and leaving the children behind. But William would like me to be there, to advise with in case he is brought into a perplexing position. I shall be in the gallery while the discussion goes on, so that I can hear all that is said. No doubt there will be much of a try- ing and discouraging character. But I shall look to the Lord for discretion, patience, and wisdom. Pray for me. I have many a conflict in regard to the proposed new departure ; not as to our support, I feel as though I can trust the Lord im- plicitly for all that; but the devil tells me I shall never be able to endure the loneliness and separation of the life. He draws many a picture of most dark and melancholy shade. But I cling to the promise, 'No man hath forsaken,' etc., and having sworn to my own hurt, may I stand fast. I have told William that if he takes the step, and it should bring me to the workhouse, I would never say one upbraiding word. No! To blame him for making such a sacrifice for God and con- science' sake would be worse than wicked ! So, whatever be the result, I shall make up my mind to endure it patiently, looking to the Lord for grace and strength." Writing later to her mother, from Liverpool, Mrs. Booth says: " The time for the consideration of our case is now drawing near. We anticipate some very sharp fighting. Several of 405 They go together. A dark season. Prepar- ing for the con- flict. 406 MRS. BOOTH. 1861, Age 32. Mr. Love's opinion of her. An anxious season. Expecting a bless- ing. What a Con- ference might be. Sadly disap- pointed. the leading preachers are as much opposed as ever, but there are some who are prepared to defend it to the teeth, and as far as we can learn nearly all the lay members favour the pro- posal. Mr. W. Rabbitts is getting ready for the occasion, and we dine with Mr. Love to-day at the Royal Hotel, and I am going to prepare him a bit ! I have great influence with him just now. He introduced me to Dr. Cooke yesterday, and told him that I outdid them all, even Mr. Cooke himself, and a great deal more, which he was foolish enough to say and which I should be still more foolish to repeat. However, I may as well use his esteem to good purpose, if I can. Not that I put my trust in man in the matter. The more I see of men the less faith I have in them. Of course, we cannot help feeling somewhat anxious as to the result, but really I regard their acceptance of my dear William as a doubtful advantage, so far as his ultimate usefulness is concerned. I believe the Lord intends him to do a great work, and He is able to sus- tain him in it. " Oh, I want to help him to a right course. Pray for us, that God may guide! I seem to hear Him saying, 'I will guide thee by my counsel. ' Amen! Even so, Father! Thy will be done ! " Referring to this occasion in later years Mrs. Booth says: " In going to the Conference, depressed though I was in heart and perplexed without measure in mind, the old illu- sions of my childhood crept over me, and I went anticipating something of a spiritual treat, and resolved to obtain for my soul what edification I could from the gathering. " I had pictured to myself what such a Conference might be. Here was an opportunity, I thought, for ascertaining the real condition of the work of God, for pointing out causes of weak- ness and failure, for indicating the measures which would be likely to arouse the Church, for calling each other to repent- ance and reconsecration, and for waiting unitedly for such a baptism of fire as would make its mark upon the world. I must say, however, I was sadly disappointed. Apart altogether from the treatment we received, which God has since so wonderfully over-ruled for good, its deliberations did not tend to raise the debating system of government in my THE RESIGNATION. 407 estimation. Hours were wasted in discussing trifling details, in exchanging empty compliments, in speechifying, in pro- posing alternate resolutions and amendments, and in the dis- posal of the driest and dullest of business routine. From be- ginning to end there was nothing to inflame the zeal, or deepen the devotion, or heighten the aspirations of the mem- bers." 1861, Age 32. Nevertheless, the study was doubtless to Mr. and Mrs. Booth an interesting and, in view of the future, a profitable one. It has commonly been the mistake and misfortune of the church in general that it has placed the reins of its government in the hands of literary critics, clerks, and bookworms, who live in an atmosphere of antiquity, and are largely destitute of those gifts which can alone qualify for the leadership of men. Mere critical knowledge and research are well-nigh deified, and the bishops of the church, its overseers, its rulers, those who have its destinies in the palm of their hands, are chiefly chosen from those who are mere encyclopedias of the past rather than from those who are distinguished by their possession of Divine power, and by their intimate acquaintance with human nature as it is. Doubtless dictionaries as such are valuable, but for the leadership of the church something more is required. What Scriptural precedent, what rational argument is there, in favour of this undue preponderance of the mere clerical element? It is not so in the world. Our armies would be defeated, our navies swept off the sea, businesses would fail, and a political party be involved in chaos, if the mere literary adept, or the scientific pedant, were entrusted with the helm. Science is the handmaid of these professions, but the mistress of none. She manufactures their powder, builds their ships, coins their gold, and prints their A profitable study. The church governed by book- worms. The clerical element. Science a good ser- vant, but bad master. 408 MRS. BOOTH. 1861, papers. She is allowed to serve, but is not permitted ge 32 ' to command. The Tennysons and the Dores of the age may depict, but they cannot lead the marshalled hosts upon the field of battle. The church has surely been misled in this respect, and has attached an alto- gether undue importance to the acquirement of lin- guistic and clerical attainments, which no more qualify men for the command of their fellows than would the knowledge of cookery or the plough. The uni- True, the New Connexion was considerably in ad- tendency. vance of the ordinary church Sanhedrim, admitting to its deliberations a proportion of lay representatives. Nevertheless there existed the same tendency to over-estimate the advantages of intellect and culture at the cost of more necessary and sterling qualities. A passage " A good deal of the business," continues Mrs. Booth, " was of a personal character. The first lively passage of arms which took place was concerning the editorship of the Maga- zine. For many years our old friend Dr. Cooke had con- ducted it, his appointment having been renewed by each suc- ceeding Conference. Some dissatisfaction, however, having been expressed in regard to his management of the paper, he tendered his resignation in an able and touching speech, which considerably affected many of the members of the Con- ference. No sooner had he taken his seat than some one rose Clinging an d charged him with 'morbid sentimentalism, ' 'clinging to to office, office,' and a number of severe, unkind, and unwarrantable accusations, which did not, however, elicit a single response from the audience. Our friend Mr. Rabbitts ably defended Dr. Cooke, but the chairman ruled that the discussion was out of order, and it was accordingly postponed, it being sub- sequently decided that Dr. Cooke should continue the editor- ship as before. The Gen- " At length our case came on for consideration. As we eT point? ^ ac ^ anticipated, the proposal for our restoration to the ment. evangelistic sphere met with brisk opposition, although the reasons advanced for it had undergone a complete change. In fact, it was necessary for Mr. Wright and his friends to in- THE RESIGNATION. 409 1861, Age 32. Half- hearted friends. The sin of cow- ardice. Mr. Wright leads the opposi- tion. vent some fresh pretexts for their action, inasmuch as we had completely cut the ground from beneath their former objec- tions. Nevertheless, there was every reason to believe that nearly half the ministers and the majority of the laymen present were in favour of the proposal, and we trusted that with their help we should be able to carry the day. Nothing surprised me, however, more than the half-hearted and hesita- ting manner in which some spoke, who had in private assured us most emphatically of their sympathy and support. I be- lieve that cowardice is one of the most prevailing and subtle sins of the day. People are so pusillanimous that they dare not say 'No,' and are afraid to go contrary to the opinions of others, or to find themselves in a minority. " On three separate occasions the subject of our appoint- ment was brought forward for discussion and was successively adjourned, the debate occasioning considerable excitement throughout. Every imaginable and unimaginable objection was resorted to by the opposition, which was headed, as be- fore, by the Rev. P. J. Wright. It so happened, moreover, that Dr. Crofts, who had been largely instrumental on the first occasion in relegating us to circuit work, was this year appointed as President of the Connexion. There can be little doubt that this nomination exercised an important influence upon the events that followed." The discussion was commenced by the Rev. T. The Dur- J ham Stokoe presenting to the Conference the resolutions petition. passed by the recent meeting at Durham, advocating the restoration of Mr. Booth to the evangelistic sphere. The Rev. P. J. Wright moved that this was contrary to the rules and Poll Deed of the Connexion. The result of the Durham resolutions would be the calling out of a new class of agency affecting the fundamental principles of the Connexional system. As such it would be necessary to submit the question to all their members for consideration, and this could not now be done for six years, so that it was no use wasting time over the discussion. An absurd motion. 410 MRS. BOOTH. 1861, It seems somewhat surprising that Mr. Wright had ge 32 ' not made this remarkable discovery six years pre- The state- viously, when Mr. Booth was formally appointed by Thai- Conference for this species of work, nor during the lenged. di scuss i O n of 1857, when it was first decided that Mr. Booth should take a circuit. In the latter case it would have certainly helped to a final decision of the contro- versy at a much earlier date. However, Mr. Wright's contention, although supported by a solicitor, did not remain unchallenged. T1 Deed 11 Mr. Oldham asked if the Poll Deed prevented cir- cuits from employing extra agency for revival and other religious work. If so, he thought the sooner it was thrown aside the better. Dr. Cooke Dr. Cooke also differed from Mr. Wright, pointing replies. any new agency. They had often instituted such. The Can- adian and Irish missions, and other similar agencies, were not referred to in the Deed, which offered no difficulty whatever to the proposal now before the Conference. An amendment to Mr. Wright's motion was then proposed to the effect that the suggestion of the Dur- ^am c j rcu it was not contrary to the Poll Deed. This was warmly seconded by Mr. Rabbitts, who dwelt upon the free policy of the New Connexion, and ex- pressed the hope that a church possessing freedom such as none other could boast of was not going to hide behind a musty deed, when even the Established Church had commenced to employ evangelistic agency. After some further argument the amendment was put to the vote and carried by a large majority. An insult It remained to decide whether the Conference, hav- to the pastor, ing affirmed its power to create the agency, would proceed to act on it as desired. A long and vehement THE RESIGNATION. 411 discussion ensued. The opponents of the measure 1861, argued that it was an insult to the pastor to introduce any outside agency, as if he were not himself sufficient to fulfill the duties of the post. Some of the speakers objected altogether to revival work, and seized the op- portunity for denouncing it. One of them, Mr. Mc- Curdy, declared that the last state of such circuits was worse than the first, although he was bound to admit that in Mr. Booth's case there were gifts and graces^ and an intellectual power which placed him far ahead of any and all the evangelistic labourers who were at present labouring throughout England. This admis- sion met with hearty applause. But the speaker added that he was nevertheless convinced that Mr. Booth would serve the interests of the Connexion best by labouring in a regular circuit. Mr. Booth was then invited to read the letter which The , Gen - eral reads he had addressed to the Annual Committee in the his letter. previous March. And the debate was drawing to a close, with every prospect of a satisfactory result, when, to their amazement, Dr. Cooke, who had pro- fessed to be on their side, proposed a compromise. Acom- His amendment was to the effect that Mr. Booth /d. should take a circuit, but should be allowed to make arrangements with his office-bearers to spend a certain portion of his time in carrying on revival services else- where. The impracticability of such a course Mr. and Mrs. Booth had already fully proved in the case of Gateshead. And they knew that if the proposed appointment to a circuit should be insisted upon, its affairs would necessarily absorb their whole attention, and it would be impossible for them to combine the . Mr. Booth double work. Mr. Booth, therefore, refused point- declines. blank to accept the compromise, but before time could r * . A coup be given to his sympathisers to recover from their d'etat. 412 . BOOTH. 1861, Age 32. Mrs. Booth in- dignant. Deserted by Dr. Cooke. She rises and speaks. A sublime scene. A stirring episode. surprise the amendment was put to the vote and car- ried by a large majority. This was more than Mrs. Booth could endure. She had been sitting at a point in the gallery from which she and her husband could interchange glances. It had been with difficulty that she had restrained her feelings hitherto while listening to the debate. But at this stage she was overcome with indignation. She felt that Dr. Cooke had sacrificed their cause in the interests of peace rather than righteousness. But for his suggested compromise she believed that they would have carried the day with a triumphant majority. Rising from her seat and bending over the gallery, Mrs. Booth's clear voice rang through the Conference, as she said to her husband, " Never!" There was a pause of bewilderment and dismay. Every eye was turned towards the speaker in the gal- lery. The idea of a woman daring to utter her protest or to make her voice heard in the Conference produced little short of consternation. It was a sublime scene, as, with flushed face and flashing eye, she stood before that audience. Decision, irrevocable and eternal, was written upon every feature of that powerful and ani- mated countenance. Her "Never!" seemed to pene- trate like an electric flash through every heart. One, at least, in that assembly responded with his whole soul to the call. Mr. Booth sprang to his feet, and waved his hat in the direction of the door. Heed- less of the ministerial cries of "Order, order," and not pausing for another word, they hurried forth, met and embraced each other at the foot of the gallery stairs, and turned their backs upon the Conference, resolved to trust God for the future, come what might, and to follow out their conscientious convictions re- garding His work. Dr. Cooke follows. CHAPTER XL THE RESIGNATION. 1861. MR. AND MRS. BOOTH had scarcely reached their temporary home when Dr. Cooke, in company with another minister, drove up to the door. They had fully expected, like many others who voted in favour of the compromise, that, distasteful as it might be to Mr. and Mrs. Booth, their ultimate acquiescence was assured. They had succeeded in over-persuading H menis U them on four previous occasions, and they could not but hope that they would again prevail. They pointed out to Mr. and Mrs. Booth the serious consequences of per- sistence in their present course, and urged them to accept the decision of the Conference, holding out the hope that in another year's time the members might be riper for the adoption of the evangelistic programme than they at present appeared to be. To this Mr. and Mrs. Booth replied that the appar- ent compromise w r as, as a matter of fact, no compro- mise at all. They were perfectly familiar with the condition of the Newcastle circuit, to which it was proposed they should be sent, and they knew that its needs would tax their undivided energies to the ut- most. If they neglected it in favour of revival work they would give just cause for complaint to the Con- ference. If, on the contrary, they did justice to the circuit they would be obliged to disobey what they had realised to be a distinct call from God. They had done their utmost to meet the demands of Conference 414 No com- promise at all. dilemma. THE RESIGNATION. 41$ in offering to resign their salary, and to depend solely 1861, upon God for their support, but they could not accept a double responsibility which they would be unable to fulfill. It was now Saturday. The Conference was to hold A. last attempt. its final sitting on Monday. Dr. Cooke urged that Mr. Booth should at least attend in order to re-explain his views, and to see whether some way out of the difficulty could not be devised. To this he agreed, reiterating, however his inability to accept the present arrangement. The Sabbath which followed was a gloomy one. The , ., - _ . Chester They had been announced to conduct meetings in meetings. Chester, and they accordingly went. The chapel was crowded, and in spite of the melancholy feelings which oppressed their hearts, their visit was attended with success and souls were saved. On the Monday morning they returned to Liver- pool, when Mr. Booth attended the sitting of the Con- ference. He was received with marked kindness, Nevertheless, there appeared to be no disposition to re- consider the decision or to suggest any other solution of the difficulty, and there was no little rejoicing on the part of the Newcastle representatives when, at the last reading of the appointments, Mr. Booth's name was placed against their circuit. At the final sitting of the Conference an appeal was, An however, made by one of the oldest ministers present, urging him to bow to their decision. He spoke in the most flattering terms of Mr. Booth's previous ser- vices, and intimated that all a minister could covet in connection with the body was within his reach if he would conform to the wishes of his brethren, con- cluding by inviting him to take the platform and signify his feelings to the Conference. 416 MJ?S. BOOTH. 1861, Age 32. He ivill not sac- rifice his convic- tions. " Without a friend or a far- thing." The Con- ference obdurate. An awk- ward position. Should he resign, This Mr. Booth proceeded to do, reiterating his assurance that God had called him to the evangelistic sphere, and adding that if to secure his bread and cheese, or to exempt himself from suffering and loss, he were to sacrifice his convictions, he believed God would despise him, they would despise him, and he was certain that he should despise himself. Rather than do so, he would go forth without a friend and without a farthing. He loved the Connexion. He had for seven years faithfully sought its highest in- terests. He had won thousands of souls within its borders. But he was now asked to carry out an ar- rangement which was at once a physical impossibility, and would involve him in a course of disobedience to God and his conscience. It might have been supposed that such an appeal, coming from one whose past and prospective services must have been deemed of some value to the Con- nexion, would have elicited a generous response. But the Conference was obdurate. What they had written they had written. To Newcastle they had appointed him, and to Newcastle it was generally expected, nay, confidently believed, that he would, soon or later, consent to go. Mr. and Mrs. Booth were puzzled to know what step should next be taken. While the Conference had refused to alter its decision, it had not, on the other hand, treated Mr. Booth's refusal to comply as a resignation, but had simply assumed that he would in the end obey. There were two courses open to him. One was to place his resignation at once in the hands of the Annual Committee, which had not, however, the authority to accept it, but could only hold the matter over for the consideration of the" next year's Conference. The other course was to let mat- THE RESIGNATION. 417 ters drift for the time being, endeavouring to come to an understanding with his circuit by which he should forego his salary and home, be released on his part from local engagements, and thus set free for accept- ing invitations from other circuits and churches which he knew to be desirous of obtaining his services. Mrs. Booth was strongly in favor of the former proposal. But Mr. Booth still clung to the hope that some middle course might yet be discovered some means for bridging the gulf in a manner satisfactory at once to the Conference and themselves. His friends were urgent that he should make the attempt. The circuit officials were willing that it should be so, ac- cepting the services of Mr. Booth's colleague as his substitute during his absence. It was necessary at once to leave the Gateshead home, but the preacher's house in Newcastle was standing empty, and was gladly for the time being placed at his disposal. A notice was even sent to the July number of the Magazine intimating that Mr. Booth's "arrangements with his circuit would leave him some opportunities of helping to promote the work of God in other circuits where the minister and people unitedly desired his labour." For some weeks it seemed likely that all might yet go well, and the threatened breach be healed. In the mean time, during this period of suspense, Mrs. Booth writes to her parents: 1861, Age 32. Or let matters drift. Hoping against hope. The circuit agrees. The notice in the Maga- zine. " Your very kind letter came duly to hand. We should A painful have answered it sooner, but have had neither heart nor op- pos portunity. Neither could I reply to your questions about our settlement without giving you just cause for anxiety on our account, and, but for neglecting you, I would prefer not to write at all. " Our position altogether is about as trying as it well could 27 4i8 MRS. BOOTH. 1861, Age 32. The Com- mittee objects. Bewilder ed ivith anxiety. The two spheres. The General hesitates. No money coming in. The children. be. We have reason to fear that the Annual Committee will not allow even this arrangement with the circuit to be carried out, and if not, I do not see any honourable course open but to resign at once and risk all ; that is, if trusting in the Lord for our bread, in order to do what we believe to be His will, ought to be called a risk. " The President has written to know the nature of the arrangements come to with the Newcastle circuit. William will send them, and if they object I shall urge him to resign. " You see I am so nervous I can scarcely write. The fact is I am but poorly, and almost bewildered with fatigue and anxiety. We don't know what to do. And yet God knows we only seek to do the right. If I thought it was sight to stop here in the ordinary work I would gladly consent. But I cannot believe that it would be so. Why should he spend another year in plodding round this wreck of a circuit, preach- ing to twenty, thirty, and forty people, when, with the same amount of cost to himself, he might be preaching to thou- sands, and bringing hundreds of wanderers into the fold of Christ? And none of our friends would think it right if we had an income. Then, I ask, does the securing of our bread and cheese make that right which would otherwise be wrong, when God has promised to feed and clothe us? I think not. And I am willing to trust Him, and to suffer, if need be, in order to do His will. " William hesitates. He thinks of me and the children, and I appreciate his love and care. But I tell him that God will provide, if he will only go straight on in the path of duty. It is strange that I, who always used to shrink from the sacri- fice, should be the first in making it! But when I made the surrender I did it whole-heartedly, and ever since I have been like another being. Oh, pray for us yet more and more ! We have no money coming in from any quarter now. Nor has Willam any invitations at present. The time is unfavour- able. I am much tempted to feel it hard that God has not cleared our path more satisfactorily. But I will not 'charge God foolishly!' I know that His way is often in the whirl- wind, and He rides upon the storm ! I will try to possess my soul in patience and to wait on Him. " The children don't like the change at all. Poor little Katie cried bitterly the first night when we undressed her THE RESIGNATION. 419 here. She ran to the door for the cab to take her back again ! Bless them! I don't think the Lord will ever allow them to suffer by the resolution of their parents to do His will. David never saw the righteous hunger nor his seed begging bread!" In a subsequent letter to her mother Mrs. Booth adds: " Your kind letter came to hand this morning. I am sin- cerely grateful for all your concern, and am only sorry to be the occasion of so much anxiety to you now, when I hoped to be able to repay you for some I have caused you in the past. But perhap% a brighter day is before us. We must hope in God. " William had a good beginning at Alnwick last week, wonderful for the place. But oh, the blindness of the preachers is enough to make the stones cry out! They thought it would be wiser to defer the services until the win- ter, as one of the leading families was going to the seaside ! So poor, convicted sinners at Alnwick must wait their con- venience ! However, William has delivered his soul of them. " I trust neither you nor my dear father think that I want to run precipitately into the position we contemplate. I have thought about it long and much. It has cost me many a struggle to bring my mind to it. But, once having done so, I have never swerved from what -I believed to be the right course. Neither dare I. But I am quite willing to listen to argument, to receive light, and even to wait for the accom- plishment of our desires if I can only see justifiable reasons. But I have no hope that God will ever assure us that we shall Jose nothing in seeking to do His will. I don't think this is God's plan. I think He sets before us our duty, and then demands its performance, expecting us to leave the conse- quences with Him. " If He had promised beforehand to give Abraham his Isaac back again, where would have been that illustrious display of faith and love which has served to encourage and cheer God's people in all ages? If we could always see our way, we should not have to walk by faith, but by sight. I know God's profes- sing people are generally as anxious to see their way as world- lings are, but they thus dishonour God and greatly injure .themselves. 1861, Age 32. Her mother's sym- pathy. The season. God's plan. Does not promise before- hand. 42 o MRS. BOOTH. 1861, Age 32. .God's \cill. Leaching the masses. A future sphere. .Vo salary. " I don't believe in any religion apart from doing the will of God. True, faith is the uniting link between Christ and the soul, but if we don't do the will of our Father it will soon be broken. " If my dear husband can find a sphere where he can preach the Gospel to the masses I shall want no further evi- dence as to the will of God concerning him. If he cannot find a sphere I shall conclude that we are mistaken. But I cannot believe that we ought to wait till God guarantees us as much salary as we have hitherto received. I think we ought to do His will, and trust Him to send us the supply of our need. Anyhow, I am convinced the Lord will guide us, and I am willing to stand by my dear husband, and do all I can to help him in whatever course he may decide upon." Having settled Mrs. Booth and the children in the temporary home at Newcastle, and having made with the circuit the arrangements previously referred to, Mr. Booth now sought further engagements. He had anticipated that, as soon as it was generally known that he was free to accept further invitations, they would pour in upon him as numerously as ever from the various circuits in the Connexion. In this, how- ever, he was disappointed. The late difficulty with the Conference had become generally known, and some who were eager for a visit hesitated to invite him, while in other cases the ministers were no longer anxious, as formerly, to obtain his assistance. The fact that he had given up his salary left him free, and, indeed, made it necessary, to seek openings outside the immediate pale of the Connexion. And so, with a burdened heart and in much perplexity of mind, he started for London. Mrs. Booth writes later: " My dearest is starting for London. Pray for him. He is mucn harassed. But I have promised him to keep a brave in store, heart. At times it appears to me that God may have some- Some- THE RESIGNATION. 421 thing very glorious in store for us, and when He has tried us 1861, He will bring us forth as gold. It will not be the first time I Age 32. have taken a leap in the dark, humanly speaking, for con- science' sake ! " Of course there are some who would brand us as fanatics H efjri >J ' for so persistently pursuing our course. But I am prepared to 'endure the cross and despise the shame,' if God sees fit to permit it to come. The same integrity of purpose which would enable me to enjoy honour will likewise sustain me under the reproach." It was only for a time, however, that they were the Obscured but not losers, and even then it was more in appearance than extin- in reality. The clouds of misfortune, which hid fora moment from view the stars that lighted their firma- ment, might obscure, but could not extinguish a single one of them. They were too high up for that. And amidst the sorrow and perplexity which ensued, Mr. and Mrs. Booth were upheld by the consciousness that they had not been " disobedient to the heavenly vision," but had embarked upon a course which, how- ever painful to themselves, must in some way result in the accomplishment of God's highest purposes. The key- note of the con- troversy. An ut- most best. Efforts to secure a footing. CHAPTER XLI. THE RESIGNATION. 1861. MR. Booth had started for London. We can pic- ture him on his long and lonely journey, as he knelt and once more committed his way unto the Lord. And what was the burden of his cry the key-note of all the past controversy the uppermost desire of his soul? Not money, not position, not power, but the opportunity to reach with the Gospel the greatest number of people in the shortest possible time. This has ever constituted the summit of his ambition, the ruling passion of his life, and the pivot-principle round which the Salvation Army has subsequently re- volved. William Booth was never content with doing well when he could do better ; never satisfied with saving some when he could save more. He despised the opportunity of giving in Christ's name a cup of cold water when something more substantial was in his power to bestow. He measured his accomplishments by his possibilities, and ever compared what had been done with the what-might-have-been. Thus, through all the toiling past, he has never paused to count the dead deeds of by-gone days. His motto has been "Onward," while each goal gained has become the starting-point for some fresh enterprise. In the light of subsequent history it is touching to note these early efforts to carve out a footing in the great metropolis. We cull a few extracts from his 422 THE RESIGNATION. 423 letters reporting to Mrs. Booth the result of the vary- ing experiences with which he met. But the language of a great and restless heart can, at best, but poorly word itself on paper, and we must wait to gather from its throbbings on the pages of his life all that, in those early days, he realised. One thing we know that He with whom the darkness shineth as the light, and who sees the end from the beginning, had purposes too lofty and too blessed to let His faithful servant tread the present path of sacrifice and uncertainty in vain ! " I saw Mr. Hammond yesterday, found him in a beautiful mansion, after a long and weary search. He is a very agree- able gentleman, and welcomed me cordially, giving me all the information and counsel he could. He starts for America on Monday in the Great Eastern. His success has been very considerable in Scotland, and they have acted most gener- ously towards him. He has only been a public evangelist for the last twelve months held three services a day until his health broke down. The people then sent him to Italy, meet- ing all his expenses, and numbers of first-class ministers are doing him and his work honour. " I should like to lay the noble conduct of these men before our Conference, and contrast it with the drivelling opposition with which they have met my movements and convictions. " Almost his first advice after hearing my position was, 'Cut the denomination and go to work for Jesus, and He will open your way. ' He says there is a Committee at Glasgow who are only too glad to get the right sort of men and to find them a sphere. But he adds, 'If you go to Scotland you must not go as a Methodist ! If you do, you will very largely, if not entirely, block your way. ' " I must say I was pleased with him, though I far from agree with all he said. Still, the interview was such a con- trast to the discouraging looks and desponding words of everybody I have come in contact with for the last two months, save one (my Kate), that it quite cheered me. I shall not, of course, decide on any plan until I see you. "Mr. Hammond said, 'If you have power to hold a large 1861, Age 32. Visits Mr. Ham- mond. Not as a Meth- odist. Encour- aged. What he said. 424 MRS. BOOTH. 1861. Age 32. Another visit. The Garrick Theatre. " Child- ren, have you any bread? " Dr. Winslow. audience, and to exhibit the truth and bring home the Gospel to their hearts, you may go forth, and God is sure to provide for you. All Britain is open to you ! ' " Well, whatever comes, we must live to God, close to God! Oh, let us give ourselves afresh to Him, and covenant anew to walk in His ways and keep His commandments." Amongst other persons visited was Mr. George Pearse, who was interested in some undenominational efforts then being carried on in London. Concerning this visit Mr. Booth writes: " I went to dine with Mr. Pearse. After dinner we had a long conversation on the work of God, my own position, you, etc. Mrs. Pearse is a very amiable lady, so free, and both appeared much interested in all soul-saving work. Mr. Pearse had attended a meeting of the Garrick Theatre Committee that afternoon, and my name had been before them. They were much interested in me and wished me to take part in the service at the theatre to-morrow (Sunday) night. To this I consented. " He said they were but humble persons, and the work there was but of a humble character, and they thought that if I offered myself it should be in dependence upon God alone. Still, if I did so, they would, as far as they were able, open me halls and render me pecuniary assistance. I had said, you will remember, in my letter to Mr. Radcliffe, which has been forwarded to Mr. Pearse, that I did not ask for salary, or a guarantee, but for a sphere. " I said to Mr. Pearse, in the best way I could, that all I de- sired at the present was a sphere tp which I was adapted, and I then hesitated and stammered. Still, I said, for the first few months I should need a friend or two who would look in and say, 'Children, have you any bread?' He, and Mrs. Pearse, too, laughed aloud at this, and on my commencing to explain, he said, 'I laughed that you should think Christian love should be so low as not to do that much!' We prayed together, and then parted. " This morning, according to appointment, I was at Mr. Forbes Winslow's. and, on being introduced into the waiting- room, who should be there, in order to see the doctor on my MRS. BOOTH-CLIBBORN. THE RESIGNATION. 425 account, but Mr. Pearse? I felt this was very kind, especially as I knew he was usually at his offices on the Exchange before that time. However, I saw the doctor with him, and prom- ised to conduct a service, for which they were to engage a hall, somewhere in the West End. 1 could not decline, as it was evident he wished for himself and some other friends to hear me before they advised me as to my mode of action. " I called afterwards to see William Carter, a prominent workingman's evangelist. He is an earnest Christian, I should think, and very much concerned about the Lord's work. He holds many of the notions of the Plymouth Brethren, and has given up one branch of his business and is about to give up all. He has any number of engagements, and offered to set me to work at once. He advised me to offer myself to the Lord for the work, and to trust in Him only for my support, assuring me that all my need would be supplied. I was very favourably impressed with him, and the accounts he gave me of the work were delightful. " So you see there is no lack in the direction of open doors. My only fear is as to whether I am adapted for this sort of work. I know what you will say. But don't be at the trou- ble to say it. We shall see. I am full of desire to do the will of God, and to follow my Saviour. Oh, may He help us!" Writing on the following Monday he gives an in- teresting sketch of his visit with Mr. Mumford to the Garrick Theatre, describing the work that was there being carried on : " Yesterday, accompanied by father, I went over to the Gar- rick Theatre. We arrived there at half-past three, and found about forty 'workers,' who were receiving an address. Then prayer was offered for God's blessing on the work, and after- wards they went off to the surrounding neighbourhood. Some went to the lodging-houses, where about sixty persons were found in one room, others from door to door, and others to the open air for meetings at the corners of the streets. I joined the last and gave two short addresses. At five all came back to the theatre for tea. Then there was more prayer, and all went forth again to bring people up for the service at seven. The attendance was not large. I 1 86 1, Age 32. William Carter. Open doors. A theatre meetina. A random talk. 426 MKS. BOOTH. 1861, preached ; had a little liberty in talking to the people. I found A?* 32- that a sermonic address is but of little service. A random talk is the most effective. A meeting for conversation with anxious persons was held afterwards. Several were much con- cerned, and with some of the cases I was pleased. But it was a very different affair altogether to what I have ever taken part in. " I feel very much easier in my mind. In fact, I have a measure of trust and confidence that all things are working for the desired end, to a degree that I have never had before." Unde- For various reasons, however, Mr. Booth was un- n ianai~ willing to attach himself to these undenominational missions. m i ss j onSj one o f the uppermost being the lingering hope that it might yet be possible to retain his posi- tion in the New Connexion. To the very last he fought against separation, and would fain have stayed A linger- with the people whom he had made his own, and ing hope. .- . . . who, despite the inconsistency and opposition of the few, were in the main so largely after his heart, and from whom he had received so many tokens of good- will and affection. There was nothing, at any rate, to prevent his numerous Connexional friends from ap- plying for his services, and the idea of going to labor among those who more or less held views with which he did not sympathise was repugnant to his mind, and seemed unfeasible. visiting It was with such thoughts and feelings that he Notting- s ham. hastened back to Newcastle once more to talk over the position of affairs with Mrs. Booth. Previous to this they had received a pressing invitation to conduct the anniversary services of a branch mission in a suburb of Nottingham, which had owed its existence to the revival previously described. To this they had gladly consented, and they now proceeded to fulfill the en- gagement. They had scarcely reached Nottingham, however, THE RESIGNATION. 427 when they received from Dr. Crofts a letter express- ing the dissatisfaction of the Annual Committee with the arrangement that had been entered into with the Newcastle Circuit, and urging him to enter upon the ordinary pastoral duties of the appointment. The course was now clear. They had done their best to reconcile the claims of God and man. Their circuit had agreed to the arrangement. And they had been willing to await the decision of another Con- ference. But they could not consent to sacrifice their convictions of duty, and Mr. Booth accordingly ad- dressed the following letter to the President: "12 Buxton Street, NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE, "July i8th, 1861. " To the Rev. H. O. Crofts, D.D., President of the Methodist New Connexion. " MY DEAR SIR : Yours of the i6th is to hand. Its contents certainly much surprised me. You say, 'I am sorry to learn that you are not taking your circuit according to the rules and usages of the body, nor according to the resolution of Mr. Cooke. ' But, sir, I informed you of every particular re- specting the arrangement, immediately after it was made; since then I have received two letters from you on circuit business, in which you do not refer to it; if, then, as you say, this arrangement was calculated to grieve my best friends of the Connexion, and of sufficient importance to bring before the Annual Committee, how is it that you have waited five weeks before writing me on the subject? " The arrangement was agreed to unanimously by a special circuit meeting, and at the last Quarterly Meeting, after working it for some time, I informed the friends that if they were dissatisfied I was perfectly willing to retire ; but they preferred to abide by it for the year, and I can only account for your letter on the supposition that some officious person has unofficially written you on the subject. I need not re- mind you, however, that there is considerable difference be- tween the opinion of an individual and the resolutions of the regularly constituted meetings of the circuit. 1861, Age 32. Dr. Crofts letter. They resign. Letter to Dr. Crofts. The circuit agrees. 428 MRS. BOOTH. 1861, Age 32. His in- tention. Cannot give up his con- victions. The sac- rifice. Offering himself. The ver- dict of the future. " You ask me to tell you 'frankly' what I intend to do. I reply that all the way through my conduct has been open and frank in the extreme. But once again I say that I intend to be an evangelist, if it be possible ; and if, after a fair trial, I fail in reaching that sphere, I will give it up, and conclude that I have been mistaken, but not till then. " I informed the Stationing Committee and afterwards the Conference, both orally and by letter, that I could not take the responsibility of the Newcastle appointment, but still the Conference persisted in it. My first impulse was to resign, but I clung to the idea that my connexion with the Confer- ence might be retained another year without sacrificing my convictions, and I thought the arrangement with the circuit would secure this. In this hope I find from your letter that I am mistaken, and that no plan is open to me by which I can work out those convictions and retain that connexion. One or the other I must give up. The former, my duty to God and souls, I cannot forego ; and therefore, intensely painful though it be, I must adopt the latter, and place my resigna- tion in your hands. " I do this after much prayerful deliberation. I know what I am sacrificing, and I know I am exposing myself and those whom I love to loss and difficulty. But I am impelled to it by a sense of duty to souls, to the Church, and to God. Were I to quail, and give up for fear of the difficulties which just now appear to block my path, I feel sure that I should in the future reproach myself with cowardice in the cause of my Master, and that even those who differ with me in opinion would say that I was not true to the professions I made in the Conference, when I said I had offered myself to the Lord for this work if I went forth 'without a friend and without a farthing. ' " Trusting in God alone, I offer myself for the evangelistic work, in the first instance to our own connexional churches, and, when they decline to engage me, to other portions of the religious community. I offer myself to co-operate in con- ducting special services, or preaching to the outlying crowds of our population, in theatres, halls, or the open air. " Looking at the past, God is my witness how earnestly and disinterestedly I have endeavoured to serve the Connex- ion, and knowing that the future will most convincingly and THE RESIGNATION. 429 emphatically either vindicate or condemn my present action, I am content to await its verdict. In the mean time, " Believe me to remain, my dear sir, " Yours, very respectfully, "WILLIAM BOOTH." In describing their feelings at the time Mrs. Booth writes to her parents : " William received a letter from the President yesterday, objecting to the present arrangement, and after a day's deep anxiety and fervent prayer we decided on our knees to send in our resignation. Accordingly it is, I expect, in the Presi- dent's hands this morning. " We both attended the tea-meeting last night. William made a thrilling speech. It told well on the people. At the close of it he announced the step he had taken, which evi- dently produced a great impression on the audience. Much to our surprise, Mr. Clifton, one of the ministers who occu- pied the chair, instead of getting up to defend the Connexion, said that, while he deeply regretted the step Mr. Booth had taken, nevertheless he could not but honour him for acting out his conviction. He believed that never had a man done so with a single eye to God's glory who had suffered for his action. He had no doubt that God would give him the desire of his heart and accompany his labours with success. " This was very cheering under the circumstances. The people were most affectionate at parting, and sang with us all up the road on the way home. I believe they were much pleased with both my services. On Monday night we had a blessed time. I enjoyed great liberty, and although it poured with rain, which made a great noise on the canvas, I managed with some effort to make myself heard to the end of the tent in which the services were being held. The people listened well, and nearly all stayed for the prayer-meeting, when we had nine cases, two of them old men. One of them I should think was seventy. He wept like a child, and cried, 'What a merciful God He has been to spare me so long in my rebellion !' All glory to Jesus ! " I feel happier this morning than I have done for three months past. I feel as though my dear husband stood forth as an honourable and unflinching Christian before the world, 1861, Age 32. Their feelings. A thrilling speech. An affec- tionate parting. Feeling happier , 43 MRS. BOOTH. 1861, Age 32. Gaining light. The last link broken. Reaction. Mrs. Booth goes 'to London. The Gen- eral to New- castle. and I am proud to help him to face the difficulties which frown upon our path. I verily believe God will clear our way and smile upon our work. He knows our motives. " We have thought, and read, and prayed, and done all in our power to follow right convictions and to gain light from above. And we could neither of us bring ourselves to feel that William could take the circuit without compromising his honor, the honor of his Christianity and of his God. So, now the step is taken, we both intend to brace ourselves for all its consequences and manfully face all difficulties. The Lord help us and show us His salvation ! Continue to pray for us." The hour had now come. The die was cast. The last link that bound them to the Connexion was bro- ken. And Mrs. Booth turned her face toward her mother's home in London. As is often the case when a crisis has been reached, or a decision arrived at which follows on a long and weary conflict, there is a proportionate reaction. An inexplicable depression of the nerves and emotions tends to veil the sky and hides for the moment the triumphs that are at hand. The chord has been struck and it vibrates for long. The bow has been stretched and it quivers as it re- turns. The earthly casket trembles in every fibre be- neath the stupendous effort of the soul. It was in the throes of such an experience that Mrs. Booth left Nottingham. And, in facing the conse- quences of her recent decision, she was tempted to pray, "If it be possible, let this cup pass from me." And yet that railway journey was not without its con- solation, inasmuch as she possessed the unutterable satisfaction of knowing that in her Calvary season she had been granted grace to say, "Not my will, but Thine be done." In the mean .time Mr. Booth had returned to New- castle, whence it had been decided, for economy's sake, he should remove the children to London by THE RESIGNATION. 431 sea. Their faithful servant, Mary Kirton, had de- clared that no change in circumstances should induce her to leave her mistress, and that, with or without wages, she would continue to shepherd the little ones, whom she loved with all the fervour of her strong na- ture and warm Irish heart. With her help Mr. Booth soon packed up his few belongings and embarked for London. The sunset rays of declining day flickered upon the downy heads of the baby group as they knelt with their parents around the family altar within the kindly shelter of Mrs. Mumford's home. Unconscious children! They did not know the worth of sacrifice, or the incalculable weight of prayer! And yet, all innocently, they represented the tens of thousands of spiritual children who, by the faithful service and willing sacrifice of these but two disciples of their Lord, should yet be brought to kneel, and kneel in families, at the altar of the Cross. Since that fair summer's eve multitudes innumer- able have gathered under varying circumstances within the sacred precincts of the altar of sacrifice, bathing it with their tears, and crowning it with their gifts. And thus have they freshly proved for them- selves that, while the altar sanctifies the gift, yet in a God-intended sense the gift adorns the altar ; for of what profit is a giftless altar, and what, indeed, were Calvary without its Sacrifice ? But the future was as yet unknown, and in the spirit of resignation and faith Mr. and Mrs. Booth awaited the moving of the fiery pillar that lighted the darkness of their wilderness-encompassed camp, and the lifting of which was to be the signal for their for- ward march. 1861, Age 32. A faithful servant. A touching scene. The altar f sacrifice. The lift- ing of the fiery pillar. 00 OB O Q) >> A new battle- field. CHAPTER XLII. THE CORNISH CAMPAIGN. 1861. THE battles with Conference had ended. Yet still there remained battles to be fought. True, there had been a considerable change of front. The combatants had transferred their forces to a new and still, more interesting field. But the issues remained the same. To awaken a single denomination to a sense of its opportunity and responsibility, and to do this through the medium of its own Conference, had been Mr. and Mrs. Booth's first object. They believed that if ap- pointed to the position of evangelists they would be enabled to infuse new life and vigour into the Con- nexion. In this they were disappointed. And now the bolder idea had been conceived of at- tempting to do for the churches in general what they churches. had sought to accomplish for their own denomination. Freed from the fetters that had hitherto hindered them, they were now in a position to visit any church or town in the kingdom. There were few places Helping where some struggling cause would not gladly wel- the weak. come their assistance, and, once having obtained a footing, they believed that the work would of its own weight secure an entrance' else where. However great in some instances might be the secret antagonism of 28 433 Awaken- 434 MRS. BOOTH. 1861, Age 32. Aiming at the masses through the church. Beyond the pale. The re- gions be- yond. the pastors, it would be compelled, they thought, to succumb to the influences of the revival, and to the clamour of the people for a share in the blessings that were being reaped by so many around. It seems strange now, in the light of subsequent ex- perience that, with their earnest longings to reach the masses, they did not at once commence to work amongst them on their own account. They had only to take a hall, announce their meetings, and go for- ward with the work. Crowds were certain, wherever they might be. But the idea of aiming at the people independently of the churches had not yet occurred to them. The majority of the evangelistic agencies of the day had devoted their attention to the revival of professing Christians, and their labours were carried on in, connection with some organisation to whom they entrusted the care of their converts. Mr. and Mrs. Booth had advanced a step beyond this. They yearned even more over the godless crowds who at- tended no place of worship, and who made no pro- fession of religion, than over the nominal Christians, who at least preserved an outward appearance of morality. But they imagined that the only way to reach the people was through the church. It did not occur to them that for these outsiders an outside agency might be, after all, the best, if not indeed the only, way of effecting a permanent revolution in their hearts and lives. And yet one of the Conference speakers had uncon- sciously struck fire when, in opposing the appoint- ment, he had urged that if an evangelistic agency were created it should be applied to the reaching of the masses who in each large city were beyond the pale of every church. Let Mr. Booth, he argued, go forth like Paul into the "regions beyond" instead of build- THE CORNISH CAMPAIGN. 435 ing on other men's foundations. Of course the words 1861, were completely misapplied. It might fairly have ge 32 ' been retorted that the speaker himself did absolutely nothing from year to year but build on foundations sunk by some one else; or, again, that Paul himself, in company with the rest of the Apostles, had spent the better portion of his life in visiting and writing to churches many of which had been established by other agency. Nevertheless, the words were pro- phetic of the course that was afterwards to be followed out with such success. The challenge then thrown A pro- phetic down was to be taken up in a literal sense and applied challenge. to all the world in a fashion that the speaker little thought, and when the critic's name had passed into oblivion, that of the man whose pathway he had helped to block was to be handed down as a house- hold word through the ages of futurity. Mr. and Mrs. Booth had not long to wait for an A hopeful opening that appeared of a hopeful and satisfactory per ' nature. There were now in the ministry of various churches some ten or twelve of those who had been converted in their own services. One of these, Mr. Shone, who was converted during the Chester revival, was labouring in the New Connexion. He had for a year been colleague to Mr. Booth in Gateshead, resid- ing during that period under his roof. He was now stationed at Hayle, in Cornwall, from whence he sent a hearty letter inviting both Mr. and Mrs. Booth Invited to to hold revival services in his circuit. From a Cornwall. worldly standpoint the character of the invitation was not a very alluring one. After apologising for the smallness of the chapel and the scantiness of the population, he went on to say that nothing could be guaranteed in the way of remuneration, but that they could count upon a hearty welcome. 436 M&S. BOOTH. 1861, Age 32. At the breakfast table. Mrs. Booth's feelings. A way out. The jour- ney to Hayle. A small port. This letter was received at the breakfast- table, and seeing its contents Mr. Booth read it aloud. Mr. and Mrs. Mumford were somewhat reluctant to agree to so speedily losing their daughter, and suggested that Mr. Booth should go alone. He urged, however, that since they had endured together the controversy and strain of the past three months, culminating in their separation from the Connexion, so they should share the first victory, adding that the nurse would be quite competent to take the temporary oversight of the children. "My feelings," says Mrs. Booth, "could be better imagined than described during this conversation. The earnest way in which I had been included in the invitation, and the evident appreciation and value put upon my labours, seemed to me as the cloud like a man's hand upon my horizon, and appeared to prelude the opening of a way by which we could travel to- gether, instead of the perpetual separations to which I had been trying to make up my mind as a necessary part of the evangelistic cross. My parents at length heartily consented to take charge of the children, and we immediately prepared to go. We wrote by return of post, accepting the invitation, and started at the time arranged for, as it were to commence life afresh." "Although the journey to Hayle was a long one," says Mrs. Booth, when referring to this episode in after life, " I was myself surprised at the comparative ease with which I accomplished it. We were both in excellent spirits, full of that high enthusiasm which only faith -and hope can inspire. True, we were launched upon an unknown sea, but we realised that God was at the helm, and we trustfully faced the future without a fear. " Hayle, we found, was but a small, straggling place THE CORNISH CAMPAIGN. 437 with a port, at which some little coasting trade was 1861, carried on, and a large foundry employing six or seven ge 32 ' hundred men. The chapel was a barn-like affair, holding perhaps six hundred people. The number we crowded into it night after night was quite a different matter. The Cornish system of packing a congrega- A Cornish tion was certainly somewhat singular. The first comers occupied the seats, and then another row of people would stand in front of them. The aisles would next be filled, beginning at the pulpit stairs, till the whole place was literally gorged. Then the window-sills would be besieged, and through the open windows another crowd outside would listen to the echoes of the songs and to such stray sentences as might reach their ears. "The plan laid down for our labours, which was The plan more or less followed throughout our Cornish cam- paign. paign, was that Mr. Booth should preach on Sunday morning and evening, and on the first four evenings of the week, while I took the Sunday afternoon and Friday night meetings, frequently speaking on the afternoon of several week-days as well. In addition to these regular services, we often held noon-day meet- ings, visited the sick, and conducted other accessory gatherings. The Saturdays were devoted to rest and to preparation for the Sabbath. " Our first meetings at Hayle were held on Sunday, The first T . , , - meetings. the i ith August. I must confess we had looked for- ward to them with considerable anxiety; so much ap- peared to depend upon their success. In the morning there was a good congregation. My dearest preached, and, although he did not experience much liberty, nevertheless the people were evidently interested and impressed. On our way home from the Chapel a gen- tleman said that he hoped I should in the afternoon . 438 MKS. BOOTH. 1861, service give them something of a cheering character, A rrp 99 as what they had heard in the morning had com- Worse pletely capsized them. To this our hostess added, nothing, as we sat at the dinner-table, ' Before you came my husband and I had a very good opinion of ourselves ; but now we see that we are nothing absolutely nothing and worse than nothing. ' A new " i n the afternoon the place was jammed, and the commis- . J sion. Lord gave me great liberty. At night there was another crowd, and a powerful impression was made. Indeed, I have always reckoned that God in an es- pecial manner put His seal upon the services of that day, giving us, as it were, a new Divine commission for our subsequent life-work, though we little dreamed at the time how much was involved in it. NO break. " There was, however, no immediate break. As in the case of our previous Cornish experience, the people listened with the utmost earnestness, and as- sented to the truth, but they would not respond to our invitations to come forward to the communion rail. The first- " The next night the result was much the same. In spite of the strongest appeals not a single person would come forward. Knowing that there were many present who were deeply convinced of their sin, the invitation was repeated again and again, without eliciting the slightest response, when suddenly the silence was broken by the loud cries of a woman, who left her seat, pushed her way through the crowd, fell upon her knees at the penitent form, and thus became the first-fruits of what proved to be a glorious harvest of souls." These early meetings are described by Mrs. Booth in the following letter to her mother: 7% and ri/ " The work has commenced in earnest. We have had three shout. very good nights. William preached Monday and Tuesday, THE CORNISH CAMPAIGN. 439 1 86 1, Age 32. More, in- vitations. Preach- ing for a minister. and I last night. The cases in all are about twenty-one. I never saw people cry and shout as they do here. I can do nothing in the way of invitation in the prayer meetings, the noise is so great. I occupy myself with going to the people in the pews. The town is full of conviction, and I doubt not we shall have a glorious work. Don't be over-anxious about our sending reports to the papers. There is plenty of time before us, and invitations are already numerous. " I think the way is opening in Cornwall for a much longer stay than we at first contemplated. William went by invitation to see the Rev. Samuel Dunn at Camborne, four miles from here, the other day, and he wants us to go there. [This was the minister already referred to as Mr. Booth's Superintendent at Nottingham, and leader of the Reform movement. He was now the pastor of a Congregational church.] He will be away from his chapel next Sunday, and I am to preach for him, and to stay for two or three evenings, as my strength serves. If a good work begins there we shall perhaps try to work the two places at the same time, interchanging with one another according to circumstances. If we can manage this it will be well, as Hayle is too small as a sphere for us both. There are also invitations from St. Ives and other places in Cornwall. " We cannot tell at present whether we shall return to London, or whether we shall engage a furnished house and have the children here. But if we are likely to stay three or four months, I shall be for adopting the latter plan. I have no fear about the children being well cared for, but I am afraid of their becoming weaned from me ; and I must not risk that. " Please read my letter to Willie, and read it to him two or three times jus before he goes to bed at night, so that it may affect his heart the more. Bless him !" The following was the letter referred to, the first Mrs. apparently that her son received from his mother. It fi r tietter well exemplifies the trouble taken and the tact mani- toherson - fested by Mrs. Booth in the training of her children : "HAYLE, August isth, 1861. " MY DEAREST WILLIE : I promised to write you a letter all to yourself, and so the first thing I do this morning shall be to write it. A pro- longed stay. 440 MRS. BOOTH. 1861, " I have been thinking a great deal about you, my dear boy, Age 32. atl( j about Ballington, Katie, and Baby, too; but most about you, because you are the oldest and biggest, and I know if you are good, and do as you are told, they will most likely be the same. I do hope you are praying to the Lord every day to help you, and are trying to do as Grandma and Mary tell Good and vou jf vou arC( \ k nO w this letter will find you happy and joyous, because when little children are good they are always happy. But I never knew a naughty child to be happy in my life, and I dare say grandma never did. Just ask her if she ever did. " I often wish you were here with us. It is a beautiful place ; fields. such nice fields and lanes, where you could run about and play and romp and sing and shout, without troubling anybody, and such nice places to fly kites, without trees about to catch them. Well, when you have got a little older, and have learned always to do as you are told, and to read little tales, so that you could amuse yourself when in ladies' houses, with- out touching things and troubling people, then you shall al- ways come with me when I go with papa. Do as you And oh, won't that be nice, when I can have my little Willie n ' with me wherever I go, and show you all the pretty things I see, and tell you all the nice tales I hear, and all about God and Jesus and heaven. Would you not like this very much? If you would, you must try every day to do exactly as you are bid, and then you will get to do it quickly and easily. And you must try hard to learn to read. Don't try how little you can get off with, but try how much you can learn every day. And think to yourself, 'Now the quicker I learn to read, the sooner I shall go in the train with papa and mama, and go with them to ladies' houses and see all the pretty things. ' The chil- I want to tell you, too, about a children's meeting which we dren's have here. Papa tells all the little children to come to the chapel at six o'clock of an evening, and such a lot come ! Half the chapel full. And then either papa or I speak to them about Jesus and teach them to sing pretty little hymns. They are so good and so happy, and some of them have been to Jesus for a new heart. He has given them one and made them good, happy children of God. When I look at them all singing so merrily, I do wish my Willie was amongst them. THE CORNISH CAMPAIGN. 441 But if you are a good boy and do as I say, you shall come by- and-bye. Bless you ! " From your loving " MAMA." A month later Mrs. Booth writes to him again, as follows : " MY DEAREST WILLIE: I fear you begin to think that it is a long time before papa comes to fetch you, and I am sure I think so too. But you see we cannot always do just what we would like. We have to wait until the Lord lets us, and we may always be sure that He knows best. " You see, my dear boy, your papa and I came down here to do the Lord's work, and although we have worked very hard we have not got it all done yet, and we dare not leave it till we think we have finished. So our dear little ones have to wait a long time. But oh, what a good thing it is that you have a kind grandma to take care of you and find you a home ! The Lord does not let you want for any good thing. He sends you plenty of food to eat and nice clean clothes to put on and a nice bed to sleep in, just the same as though you were with us. Do you ever think about this, and thank Him for all His kindness? I hope you do, and that you try to please Him by being a very good boy. And the better you are the more quickly the time will slip away and the sooner you will come to us. " Well, it won't be long now before you come. So try to learn as fast as ever you can, and let us see how much you have learned since we left you. And then when you get here papa and I will take you with us on to the cliffs and show you the great and beautiful sea. In fact, you will perhaps live just opposite to it, where you can see the ships and the boats out of your nursery window. Won't that be nice! You can show them to Ballington, Katie, and Baby, and tell them the names of the ships as they sail past. " I often wish very much that you were here. I am quite tired of being without you all, and sometimes I cannot help crying about it. But then I try to remember that the Lord knows best. Do you ever pray so? I hope you do ; and if you do, I am sure the Lord will not let you wait much longer. " By-the-bye, this is Katie's birthday dear little girl! It is 1861, Age 32. Another letter to her son. Finishing the Lord's work. The beau- tiful sea. Cannot help crying. Katie's birthday. 442 MRS. BOOTH. 1861, just three years to-day since the Lord sent her to us, a dear Age 32. little tiny baby ! I wish I could give her a birthday kiss. But as I am so far away you must give her one for me a real bumper, right on her sweet little cheek, and tell her how much mama loves her, and that she must be a very good gill. I hope, too, that you do not quarrel with Ballington now about the playthings. You must try to remember that he is much younger than you, and always give way to him and try to teach him to be good. Tell him all about what I have told you in this letter, and all about going to see the great water and the ships. hh to " * won( ^ er k w t ^ ie dear baby is getting on. Do you think she has forgotten me? I hope not. You must talk to her every day about papa and mama, and try to make her under- stand that she is coming to see us. Bless her little heart ! I hope her brother Willie is very kind and gentle with her, now she has no mama there to love her. Give my kind love to grandma, grandpa, and Mary, and always remember me as your loving " MAMA." Writing to her mother about Willie's studies, Mrs. Booth says : Don't " I am glad to hear that Willie does not feel happy unless make it a he knows his spelling, but I would not have the book made a bore. bore to him for a hundred pounds. I have no doubt he will take to it by-and-bye. Don't discourage him. If his memory is bad he is to be pitied. He cannot help it, and it will not mend it to discourage him. If his governess scolds him I would rather he did not learn anything at all. This would be enough to set any child against his books. Let him do a little at a time, and he will like it better than being forced to pore over it long together. And if his governess does not know that you had better tell her. Exercise " I am glad Ballington likes to say his lesson. Bless him ! He has the most perseverance of them all, and I have no doubt will make something out in the world. Exercise all the authority over them that you see to be needful. I commit them to your discipline entirely, while they are with you." A long re- Meanwhile the services were carried on with en- couraging success. Indeed, as if to reassure Mr. and THE CORNISH CAMPAIGN. 443 Mrs. Booth in regard to the painful step they had re- cently taken, the results surpassed any of their pre- vious experience, so that their stay in Cornwall, which was originally intended to have lasted but six or seven weeks, was ultimately extended over a period of eighteen months, which proved to be one long, continuous revival. Writing to her parents on September 2d, Mrs. Booth says: " They are most impatient for us to go to St. Ives, but we think of staying here another week. The work gets better and better. The whole place is roused. On Saturday night the Wesleyan superintendent sent one of the circuit stewards, offering the loan of their chapel for Sunday and Wednesday evenings. We accepted it, and accordingly William preached last night in the Wesleyan chapel, crammed to suffocation, and I in the New Connexion, well filled, even though I was not announced. We had a glorious prayer-meeting in both chapels, about thirty cases in the Wesleyan and twenty with us, some of them the most precious ones I ever witnessed. I could fill sheets with the account of one gentleman which would thrill you with interest, and make you shout the praises of God. There was much new material last night at the Wesleyan chapel. Hundreds went away convicted. If the Wesleyans would open their two chapels and invite us to labour in them, there is no telling what the work would rise to. We are both very much exhausted this morning, espec- ially myself. I shall not do so much again. The prayer- meeting was very , heavy. I was drenched in perspiration. But it is wonderful how God brings me through." A* few days later she writes again : " I have attended two meetings to-day, one at ten in the morning and a children's meeting at half-past five this after- noon. So I am stopping at home to-night, feeling I ought not to do any more. We had the chapel nearly full of children, and several very sweet cases of penitence and two of conver- sion. The work is altogether a very remarkable one. I wish you could come and see it. 1861, Age 32. Better and better. Thrilling stories. Chil- dren '* meeting. 444 MAS. BOOTH. 1861, Age 32. " On Wednesday night William preached in the largest Wesleyan chapel, about half a mile from the other. It was crammed out into the street. I should think there were 1,800 people inside, and I never witnessed such a scene in my life as the prayer-meeting presented. The rail was filled in a few minutes with great strong men, who cried aloud for A stirring me rcy, some of them as though the pains of hell had actually got hold of them! Oh, it was a scene! No one could be heard praying, and the cries and shouts of the penitents almost overpowered the singing. The gallery was half full and the bottom of the chapel crammed all the time, so that we could hardly move. We came away at ten o'clock, leaving them to finish. We spent the night at the house of a leading Wes- leyan close by, being too wet and fagged to walk home." Referring afterwards to this meeting, Mrs. Booth says: " This unusual noise and confusion was somewhat foreign to our notions and practices. William believed strongly in everything being done 'decently and in order.' Indeed, I think he somewhat mistook the application of this direction. How much more acceptable must be this apparent disorder, in the eyes of God and angels, and all holy beings who are alive to the importance of salvation and damnation, than the stoical indifference and Pharisaic propriety so common in places of worship ! How much better to have twenty people smiting their breasts and crying, ' God be merciful to me a sinner ! ' with its necessary consequent commotion, than a congregation of equally guilty sinners sitting with stiff pro- priety and in their own estimation 'needing no repentance!' I must say that even then I thought the one far more philo- sophical and Scriptural than the other." Apparent disorder. Pharisaic propriety. "Siny when I say sing. However, the following night, before commencing his sermon, Mr. Booth thought it wise to speak plainly to the people on the subject, avoiding at the same time the severity which he had manifested on a previous occasion, and which had exercised a some- what discouraging influence upon the people. " I have come here," he said, "to help you to bring your THE CORNISH CAMPAIGN. 445 friends and neighbours to God. If I am to be of any 1861, extensive and abiding service in this direction you ge 32 ' must accept me as a leader and must follow out my directions. When I say 'Sing!' we must sing, and when I say 'Pray!' we must pray. And when I speak you must, as far as possible, listen. Should any one during the sermon be so far overpowered by their feelings, or by a sense of their danger, as to be unable to contain themselves, let them be taken into GO into the vestry. the vestry, and let two or three praying men or women, as the case may be, show them the way of salvation, and pray with them there until the after meeting commences, while we go on with the preach- ing. It is the truth that makes people free, and if we are to go on spreading the work of salvation we must go on with the proclamation of the message of God." Mr. Booth then asked all who were willing to co-operate with him on these lines to hold up their hands. This request was unanimously responded to A unan i. and the arrangement entered into that night was faithfully adhered to, and consequently it was seldom that the meetings went beyond control afterwards. Many interesting and extraordinary cases of con- A woman version continued to take place. One of them was of trance. a peculiar character, similar to some of those remark- able manifestations recorded in connection with the Irish revival of 1859, and occurring occasionally in connection with the subsequent meetings of the Sal- vation Army. A young woman went off into a kind of trance, which lasted for about an hour, and while markabie her friends watched her she appeared to be convers- ing with some beings whom they could not behold. Her face at times beamed with heavenly smiles, in- dicating that she was the subject of very choice emo- tions, and then she appeared to be speaking to some 446 MRS. BOOTH. 1861, one in faint tones. The bystanders heard her ask questions and reply, as though she had received answers. At first it seemed to be her mother, who had been dead for some years, and then her father, and then a pious aunt, with whom she was conversing. There was also another relative after whom sheen- quired, but without obtaining any satisfactory reply. She then asked how long they would remain with er ute n ~ her, and the reply appeared to be "Ten minutes," for she repeated the words, whereupon one of those pre- sent looked at his watch. The conversation continued for some little time, when the young woman said good-bye to her invisible communicants, waved her arms, and awoke from the trance exactly ten minutes to the second from the time she had first repeated the words. Signs and It was a strange phenomenon, having no ap- parent connection with the spiritual work that was then being carried on. But there can be little doubt that such special manifestations are permitted, in con- nection with powerful revivals, as part of the " signs and wonders" with which God has promised to accom- pany the outpourings of His Holy Spirit. It appears to have a parallel in Matthew xxvii. 51-53, where we are told that "the earth did quake, and the rocks rent, and the graves were opened, and many bodies of the saints which slept arose, and came out of the graves after His resurrection, and went into the holy city, and appeared unto many." While it would doubtless A mistake be a mistake to seek for such manifestations, or to to them! measure spiritual results by the frequency of their occurrence, nevertheless, when they do occur, they may be regarded as encouraging tokens of the Divine presence. We may not always have eyes to see the horses and chariots of fire that surround our Dothan, THE CORNISH CAMPAIGN. 447 or the "ministering spirits" who are "sent forth to 1861, minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation," but ge 32 ' that is no reason why we should not rejoice and take courage when the sight is occasionally granted. The reason, no doubt, for their comparative rareness is that undue importance is attached to them, and the special blessedness of those who have " not seen" and yet have " believed" is lost sight of. It would be difficult, indeed, to adequately describe The the Hay le revival. Each succeeding meeting appeared to surpass in power and results all that had gone be- fore. The whole neighbourhood was moved. Salva- tion was the universal theme of conversation in the mines, on board the ships, on the wharves, in the factory, in the public-houses, by the wayside, and in almost every home. Not only was this the case in the town itself, but from the surrounding villages and hamlets it was usual for both the saved and unsaved to walk eight, ten, fifteen, and twenty miles to the meetings. Deputations came from the neighbouring towns urging Mr. and Mrs. Booth to come and con- meetings. duct meetings, and assuring them of the heartiest co- operation. Indeed, the love of the people was very remarkable. They were hailed on all hands as mes- sengers from heaven, and their name with thousands became a household word . Thirty years have elapsed, and yet it is common to meet with the fruits of that revival in all quarters of the globe, and to receive letters from those who date their spiritual birth from these meetings. The services were brought to a close by a great The Towans. farewell festival. Near Hayle there is a large com- mon, called The Towans, on the cliff overhanging the sea. Here it was arranged to hold a monster picnic for one thousand people, this being reckoned to be a 448 MRS. BOOTH. 1861, large number for so small a town. It was calculated, &e 32 ' however, that no less than two thousand persons were actually present, all the available supplies which could be obtained from anywhere being rapidly disposed of. The tea being concluded, the congregation ad- journed to the large Wesleyan chapel, which was farewell crowded out, and congratulatory addresses were de- scene. Hvered by various persons. On the following night Mr. Booth delivered his final farewell sermon which was followed by a powerful and touching scene, when more than sixty persons sought salvation ; it being necessary to throw open the school-room as well as the chapel for the anxious penitents, a large number of whom were men. CHAPTER XLIII. THE CORNISH CAMPAIGN. 1861-1862. FROM Hayle Mr. and Mrs. Booth proceeded to St. st. ives Ives, a thriving little town with a population of 7,000, pilchards chiefly famous for its pilchard fishery. The pilchard is a small fish, somewhat shorter and stouter than a herring. They swim in shoals, and annually visit the Cornish coasts, but are not always sufficiently obliging to enter the bay of St. Ives, so that the occupa- tion is a somewhat precarious one. Sometimes a few miles up the channel, sometimes a few miles down, they constitute a tantalising spectacle for the fisher- men, who line the cliffs, or lounge about the shore, with their nets piled up in their boats, ready for ac- tion. All through the summer men are stationed to watch their movements on the surface of the sea. It so happened that some weeks after the meetings ^ sh .^ signalled. had been commenced the arrival of a shoal was sig- nalled, when the boats were immediately put out, and in half an hour some thirty or forty million fish were captured, or, rather, enclosed in the nets* to be landed at leisure. Quite two-thirds of the entire population were employed in landing the fish, putting them into pickle, draining the oil from them and packing them in barrels, ready for transmission to the Mediterra- nean, where there is a large demand for them. The haul was valued at 6,000, a not unprofitable return on the 80,000 which was said to be embarked in the speculation, 29 449 450 MRS. BOOTH. 1861, Age 32. The New Connex- ion. A temper- ance move- ment. The dispute. The dis- sentients secede. As in the case of Hayle, so at St. Ives the invitation to visit the town came from the New Connexion con- gregation, and it was at their chapel that the revival services were commenced. The origin of both these societies was somewhat singular. Some years previously there had been a powerful awakening which commenced with the publication of the principles of total abstinence. Not only were the public-houses forsaken, but about one thousand per- sons professed conversion. In the meetings that were held it was only natural that prominence should be given to the temperance question. This gave offence to the members and seat-holders who were non-ab- stainers, and some of whom were personally con- nected with the traffic. To put an end to the disputes which ensued the Wesleyan Conference passed a gen- eral order prohibiting temperance meetings from be- ing held in their chapels. This gave serious offence to the teetotal party, who were indignant at the action of the Conference, and argued that a law should rather have been passed making total abstinence a compul- sory condition of membership. Finding that their protests were ineffectual they severed themselves from the Wesleyan body and formed the two societies with which Mr. and Mrs. Booth laboured at Hayle and St. Ives, and which had meanwhile amalgamated with the New Connexion. Why they should have done so rather than return to the Wesleyan church is not quite clear, since, as we have already seen, the New Connexion had them- selves adopted a policy of non-committal on the liquor question. But it was, perhaps, a case of Hobson's choice, as their continued isolation would probably have meant their ultimate extinction, and there was no church in which total abstinence was compulsory. THE CORNISH CAMPAIGN. 451 It is sadly to be deplored that the progress of tern- perance principles within the borders of the Christian church has been so slow. Thirty years have passed since the time of which we write, and yet there is scarcely a single denomination which has made teeto- talism compulsory even among its ministry! The Salvation Army is the sole religious organisation of the day which has boldly dared to make the subject an absolute test, not only for holding office, but even for membership, and in so doing it has doubtless led the way to a much-needed reform in which, soon or later, the various churches will be bound to follow suit. It is a mournful fact that, in its criminal silence, its avowed neutrality, and in many instances in its deliberate association with the evil, the Christian church is one of the strongest bulwarks of the liquor traffic. Not another drop of the damnable article would be manufactured or sold, except for purely medicinal purposes, if the Christians of England would unitedly send forth their fiat to this effect. But, strange to say, morality and Christianity are for once arrayed on opposite sides. The curse which desolates the world enjoys the patronage of religion. And is it to be wondered at, that, with the Bible for his shield, the pastoral crook for his sword, and the pulpit for his artillery, the demon drink should defy the assault of those who seek his overthrow in the highest interests of mankind? So far as the tern- perance question is concerned, the battle of moral progress, in which the followers of Christ have ever led the van, is largely left to be fought out by those who have no higher motive than mere philanthropy, and the church becomes the safeguard of the pub- lican ! The Meroz of to-day refuses to come to the help of the Lord against the mighty ; Reuben abides 1861, strange attitude. of the publican. 452 MRS. BOOTH. 1861, among the sheepfolds and listens in cold neutrality to the bleatings of the flocks ; Gilead seeks safety be- The yond the Jordan of indifference ; Dan is a mere spec- tator from his ships, and Asher continues among his sea-shore fisheries. Few and far between are the modern Zebulons and Napthalis who jeopardise their lives unto the death in the high places of the field ! In speaking on this subject in one of her public ad- dresses, Mrs. Booth eloquently pleads: An elo- " By your peace of conscience on a dying bed, by the ^Ua eternal destiny of your children, by your concern for the glory of God, by the love you owe your Saviour, I beseech you, banish the drink ! Banish it from your tables, banish it from your homes, and, above all, banish it from His house. Banish those who manufacture this distilled damnation ; those who The flaq r k man f hi s reason, woman of her virtue, and children of of death, their patrimony and bread ! Cease to recognise, not only as Christians, but as men, those who feed on the weaknesses, wickedness, and sufferings of others. Hoist the flag of death over the breweries and dramshops. High trea- " Christians of England, the time is come when to remain Christ silent on this drink question is high treason to Christ. Tell us no more of charity to brewers and publicans. Your false charity has consigned millions to hell. Such charity savours of the devil. Its speech betrayeth it. Arise and fight this foe; you will come off more than conqueror, for your God will fight for you." joined by At St. Ives Mr. and Mrs. Booth were joined by the children, children. It was the longest absence from them which Mrs. Booth had hitherto experienced. Nor would she subsequently consent to any arrangement which in- volved a lengthened separation during their childhood. Home du ^ n ^ ee( ^' nothing could induce her to neglect their ties. highest interests, and, however loud might be the call for her services elsewhere, she would undertake noth- ing that clashed with the claims of her husband and children. Considering her delicate health, it was the THE CORNISH CAMPAIGN. 453 more remarkable that public work of so onerous a 1861, character was made to harmonize with the continued ge 32 ' pressure of domestic duties. How many are there who, while caring for the vine- Peril of yards of others, have neglected their own, and have "ing? ' lived to reap the bitter consequences ! The more tal- ented the children the more disastrous will usually be the results. Misapplied genius seems an even stronger power for evil than well-directed ability is for good. The devastating flood appears to have a greater capac- Misdirect- ity for doing harm, and that in an incredibly short space ed talents - of time, than the fertilising streams which roll peace- fully for ages within the limits of their well-regulated banks. And perhaps no evil is so deep-seated and so . difficult to combat as that which has its source in a neglected or ill-trained childhood. Mrs. Booth foresaw this danger, and hence nothing could have exceeded the tender solicitude and faithful effort with which she reared her little ones. Mr. and Mrs. Booth had scarcely removed to St. A letter Ives when they received the following invitation to Prime' Liverpool from Mrs. Palmer, on whose behalf, it will be remembered, Mrs. Booth had taken up cudgels when publishing her pamphlet on " Female Ministry :" " MY DEAR MRS. BOOTH : Yours of several weeks since, announcing your decision to leave the New Connexion, was received. Pardon my long delay in answering it. " I do not doubt but the step that you and your excellent Following husband have taken will result in your both having a much closely. brighter crown to cast at the feet of the world's Redeemer. There is a danger of permitting earthly position and the fear of grieving friends whom we love, and who we know love us, to keep us from following on in the narrowest part of the nar- row way. Oh, may you ever be numbered with those who follow the Saviour closely ! I need not say that if you do this your path will sometimes lead through evil as well as good 454 MRS. BOOTH. 1861, Age 32. Fa ith for the future. A revival in Licerjjool. An invi- tation. Truth will triumph. A wealthy Wesley an. report. But it is enough for the disciple that he be as his Master. " We rejoice in what the Lord is doing by you. Glory be to the Triune Deity ! My faith grasps great blessings for you. I do not doubt but the Captain of the Armies of Israel will go. out before you and permit you to see multitudes saved. " Through the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, we have been permitted to see between three and four thousand added to the household of faith during the past year. We are now in the midst of an extraordinary work.. We entered upon our labours here very unexpectedly. " My dear Dr. Palmer was taken so ill with a severe cold, which threatened to settle permanently on his lungs, that we had written to disengage ourselves from numerous places, and came here in view of being at the nearest point to America, or some more congenial climate. We, of course, did not intend to commence work here. But, owing to some peculiar circumstances, we have found ourselves again in the midst of our blissful toil of gathering sheaves for theheavenly garner. " My object in writing to you now is to ask whether your devoted husband and yourself will be able to come and take our place. I have sometimes thought that we might in some way be permitted to work into each other's hands, and thus increase the revenue of praise to our Lord and make our union in heaven the sweeter. I have been deeply interested to hear how you have borne the consecrated cross, as a co- laborer with your excellent husband. " Doubtless the time hasteneth when truth, in relation to the grft of prophecy as entrusted to the daughters of the Lord Almighty, must triumph. Then, perhaps, those who have en- dured the crucifying process as pioneers in this work will not be forgotten. " But I must hasten to give some particulars in regard to the object of my writing just now. The gentleman with whom we are guests is a local preacher among the Wesleyans. He is wealthy, and is expending well-nigh all his available means in building chapels and supporting missionaries for the work- ing classes. He has lately lost his only child, and has recently expended the ,10,000 which would have been her fortune in THE CORNISH CAMPAIGN. 455 1861, Age 32. How it com- menced. Neutral ground. adding two or three new chapels, so that he has now six places of worship all owned by himself. " For two or three weeks after we came Dr. Palmer still continued too ill to labour, but I began in a small sort of a way to do what little good I could in one of these newly opened chapels. God began to revive His work, and several adults were saved, and a wonderful work commenced also among some of the children attached to the day school. " Dr. Palmer getting a little better, we concluded that we would be answerable for a few services the succeeding week at a more central place, Richmond Hall. Evening after even- ing we have continued our labours, and the work has in- creased in interest, till now the number of the subjects of the work is over three hundred. The ground, as you will ob- serve, is neutral. Our host is unwilling that we should leave until he may hear of another to take our place and carry on the work, as he is all devoted to its interest, and is hoping in God that it may go on with increasing power all the winter. " If you are able to come, we are assured that the Lord of the harvest will give to your united labours many souls. Please write as soon as possible. Dr. Palmer joins me in affectionate salutations to Mr. Booth and yourself. " Ever yours in Jesus, " PHOEBE PALMER." It will be readily understood, however, that with unable to the Cornish revival at its flood-tide, and with invita- Cornwall. tions pouring in upon them from all sides, Mr. and Mrs. Booth did not feel themselves at liberty to accept Mrs. Palmer's hearty invitation. Already the work in St. Ives was giving promise of A glorious becoming as glorious in its character as any that had preceded it. Meetings were held in all the principal places of worship in the town, with the sole exception of the Established Church, the members of which, however, joined with the rest of the people in attend- ing the services. In fact, there were scarcely any adults in the place who did not at some time or other come to the meetings and listen while the claims of 456 MRS. BOOTH. 1862, God and the interests of their immortal souls were ge 33 ' pressed upon their attention. The services com- menced on the 30th September and closed on the 1 8th January following. During this time no less than 1,028 persons professed conversion, besides many children. Their ages were as follows: 285 were above 14 and under 20 370 20 30 204 30 40 76 40 50 52 50 60 24 60 70 17 70 Twenty- The converts included twenty-eight captains of eight sea- J captains, vessels, two members of the Corporation, and three mine agents. Writing to Mrs. Mumford from St. Ives, Mrs. Booth says: " At my meeting last Sunday we had the chapel packed, while hundreds went away unable to get in. I enjoyed fair liberty, and have heard since that the people were very much Morning pleased, and, I trust, profited. I have held morning meetings meetings, through the week. They have been well attended and much blessed. This morning there was a very gracious influence. I am to speak again next Sunday afternoon. I do wish you could both spend the day with us. It would be better than Reckington, I fancy! I did not know before that my dear father regarded that as the day of his decision for Jesus. Oh, how my heart swelled with gratitude when I read it ! Bless the Lord, O my soul ! How wonderful is His mercy an dhow marvellous are His works ! The work " The revival here is rolling on with much power. The rolls on. c hapel is well filled every night, and from twenty to forty names are taken. I am sorry there is nothing about it in the Wesleyan Times this week. But William never did so much correspondence as now. " We have also the pamphlet (Female Ministry) on the go. THE CORNISH CAMPAIGN. 457 1862, Age 33. Never so busy. The chil- dren. I have finished the emendations for the new edition, but William has to complete the copying for me. There will be considerably more matter than before, and I think it is much improved. " With all these things to do, together with morning meet- ings one day, children's meetings another, and the services at night, you will see we have enough on hand. I never was so busy in my life. I have to help Mary with the children, in dressing and undressing them to go out twice a day, and in washing them and putting them to bed at night. Willie goes with me to the children's meetings and likes them very much. He sadly wants to write to you, but I have not had time to superintend him, and it is such lovely weather that they are out most of their time. They go off directly after breakfast and stop till eleven o'clock on the sands, and then again from two till five. They each have a spade with which they dig tunnels, mountains, brooks, etc. They never had such fun in their lives before. You would be delighted to see them running away from the waves, and then back again to their rivers, which the retreating wave has filled with water ! " The Wesleyans are all very anxious to have William in their chapel. They have been so long, trustees, leaders, and people, without a dissentient, but the superintendent has stood in the way. They have a trustees' meeting to-night, however, to try and overcome his opposition and carry their point. If they should we shall probably stay here till the new year sets in. The people, of all denominations and of no denomination at all, are exceedingly anxious to keep us." Many striking cases of conversion occurred, and A family converted. from among these we cull a few instances. A young man walked into the services from a village seven miles distant. He was deeply convicted, and after returning home he sent for a friend to pray with him, and at length found peace. His father and mother were so affected by the prayers and rejoicings of their son that they in turn sought and found salvation. Then an aged grandmother, seventy-nine years old, submitted herself to God, and finally the young man's three sisters were saved. Thus the service of that The Wes- leyans. 458 MRS. BOOTH. 1862, Age 33> " is there mercy for me?" Demons /rT'down histhroat. Crying out for mercy, night was indirectly instrumental in the conversion of this whole family. Another remarkable case was that of a sailor who was a notorious drunkard. On reaching port he had gone as usual to the public-house, but to his amaze- ment he found it deserted. On inquiring after his old mates the landlady informed him that they had gone to the Wesleyan chapel, and that if the revival "went on much longer her business would be ruined, as she had not drawn a quart of ale since morning. Not caring to get drunk alone, and curious to see what could have so attracted and transformed his compan- ions, the sailor started off for the chapel, was con- vinced of sin, and cried out in the middle of the meet- [ n g- "Preacher, is there mercy for such a wretch as & ' J me?" On being assured that he, too, might be saved, he came forward to the communion rail, professed to find salvation, and became an earnest and consistent Christian, attending the services in other towns, and delivering his testimony with thrilling power. One of the converted sea-captains was the means of the conversion of his entire crew. Another case was that of a man who was awakened under a sermon on the sin of quenching the Spirit. jj e returned home without coming to a decision, and dreamed during the night that he was surrounded by demons who were endeavouring to force fire down his throat, but were prevented from doing so by the Saviour, who held them back and assured the dreamer that he would be safe if he trusted in Him. At this point, alarmed by his outcries, his wife , .. . i- 11 i awoke him. He at once got out of bed, fell upon his knees and cried to the Lord to have mercy upon his soul. His wife hurried on her clothes, and went out and fetched two or three praying men, who were only THE CORNISH CAMPAIGN. 459 too glad to come and point him to the Lamb of God. 1862, After a long struggle, which lasted until five in the ge 33 ' morning, he at length found peace, and was able to give a joyful testimony as to the saving power of Christ. Sometimes, in trying to escape from the powerful Failing influence of these meetings, people would fall down the aisles. in the aisles, in the lobbies, in their houses, or in the mines, and would shriek aloud for mercy as though they were falling into hell, so intensely vivid were their realisations of the truths to which they had lis- tened. Many of these cases were no less satisfactory and permanent than those of a quieter character. Nature's And why should it not be so? Nature abounds in contradictions of the kind. The storm is as natural as the calm, and, much as we may prefer the one to the other, we are obliged to accept nature as it is. The means, mere manifestations, provided they be not sinful, matter little. It is the accomplishment of the great end we have in view that must form the ultimate measure of our success or failure. In rescu- ing a drowning man we soon forget the splutter that he made in the joy of seeing him restored to life. A burning building may become for the time being a very pandemonium of shriekery, but if the hapless victims can be delivered from the flames the noise and confusion are soon forgotten. As to the finality and permanence of the results ac- p e rma- complished during the excitement of revival services, it is sufficient to say that they will compare favourably with the results of the ordinary ministerial routine. Moreover, there are countless numbers, all over the world, who trace their conversion to such seasons of spiritual upheaval, and multitudes of such have doubt- less held fast their hope to the end and have finished 460 MRS. BOOTH. 1862, their earthly course triumphantly. The very exist- ence of the Salvation Army is an unanswerable refuta- tion of the old calumny as to the evanescent nature of revival work. Born and cradled in a revival, it is, so to speak, a permanent embodiment of the revival spirit, and seeks to carry on continuously what once seemed only possible by fits and starts. CHAPTER XLIV. THE CORNISH CAMPAIGN. 1862. ST. JUST stood next upon the programme, and here st Just the revival is graphically described and the use of the remvat - penitent form ably defended in a series of letters written by Mr. Booth to a friend and published in the Wesleyan Times and other revival newspapers. Lack of space makes it impossible to more than summarise these interesting records of the work. "On Friday, January 25th, with unfeigned regret we bid farewell to our very kind friends at St. Ives, where about a thousand persons were gathered into membership with the different churches, and came on to this town. St. Just is situated about seven miles * Descrtp beyond Penzance and five from Land's End. The pop- Uon of the 3 town. ulation in and around amounts to about ten thousand souls. Most of the people are employed in mining. There are two Episcopal and two Wesleyan churches, together with Bible Christian, Methodist Free Church, and New Connexion chapels, with an aggregate mem- bership of about 1,700 persons. " Of one of the Episcopal churches, that at Pendeen, Rev. the celebrated Rev. Robert Aitken is minister. Aitken. Some years ago he withdrew from the Church and devoted himself to the work of an evangelist with marvellous success. I am constantly meeting with persons of eminent piety and usefulness who were converted through his instrumentality. After travel- ling for many years and leading thousands to the 461 462 MRS. BOOTH, 1862, Age 33. The churh in Pe.nd.een. Visited by the Weslei/s. Squire Eustick. Begin- ning with the Bible Chris- tians. Cross, he returned to the Church, settled in Pen- deen, built the sanctuary in which he now preaches, gathered out of the world a society of three hundred members, and although in a contracted sphere, con- sidering his remarkable powers, is still carrying on a great work for the Lord Jesus. " You will see, therefore, that St. Just is highly favoured with the presence and labours of various evangelical churches, and that an unusually large proportion of its inhabitants are already avowed fol- lowers of the Lord Jesus. From time to time it has been the subject of powerful revivals. So long ago as 1743 it was visited by John Wesley, and in later years by his brother Charles. It was during one of the meetings held by the latter that a remarkable in- cident occurred. A country squire of the name of Eustick drove a pack of hounds among the congrega- tion and caused them to disperse. This mode of an- noyance had been repeatedly practised. On this oc- casion a number of the people retired to a spacious kitchen, where a prayer meeting was held. It was a season of extraordinary power, such as none present had ever experienced. At the close of the service Mr. Wesley stood up and said, with impressive solem- nity, 'The man who has troubled you this day shall trouble you no more for ever.' Shortly afterwards Eustick died in a state of raving madness. "On Sunday, the 26th, we commenced our services here in the Bible Christian chapel. At night the place was literally besieged with people, and it was calculated that some two thousand were turned away unable to gain admission. I never witnessed any- thing like the crowd. Some time before the service hundreds were coming away, every available space within the chapel being literally choked with people. THE CORNISH CAMPAIGN. 463 The meeting was a powerful one, and five souls re- 1862, sponded to the invitation to come out and proclaim ge 33 ' themselves on the Lord's side. On the following nights the work continued in a very hopeful manner, The old save that our method of inviting sinners to come for- versy. ward to the communion rail met with considerable op- position. This controversy took off attention from the main question and postponed the success. Many were powerfully convicted of their sinfulness, but when asked to come forward replied, 'Cannot we be , saved here? Is not God as willing to do it here as there?' To these and similar questions we gave the following reply. " We admitted that no particular merit attached to NO par- this, or to any other method of approaching the Sav- merit. iour ; that in the abstract God is as willing to save in one place as another ; that it is not the position of the body, but the condition of the soul; not the sinner's attitude, or the locality in which he prays, but his state of mind in drawing near to God ; not where he is, but how he feels; in short, it is not the prostration Heart of the body in any given place, but the submission of the heart, which fits him for the reception of mercy. The communion rail or penitent form, we admitted, like all other 'bodily exercise, ' is of no profit except so far as it assists the soul in reaching a certain state of feeling, and as an indication of such a state when once it has been attained. "Nevertheless, in the first place we adopted it as A J on - a convenience, affording opportunity to administer counsel to anxious enquirers. The question, 'What must I do to be saved?' can here be calmly answered by those most conversant with the way of salvation. Difficulties which more or less exist in all minds at this momentous period can be heard and removed, . submis- sion. vemence. 464 BOOTH. 1862, Age 33. The old method. while at the same time the public service can proceed, helped rather than hindered by the presence, pray- ers, and salvation of the penitents. " I think you will see at a glance the superiority of this plan over the method which has long prevailed in this part of the country. At former revivals, in whatever spot of the building an individual mani- REV. ROBERT AITKEN. fested concern about his soul a little group would gather round the penitent, praying, counselling, and singing with him, while a large number would be looking on out of mere curiosity. Imagine a dozen of these groups in different parts of the same chapel, and you will readily conceive the Babel of confusion they would create. Of course, anything like rational worship by the congregation at large would be im- possible. THE CORNISH CAMPAIGN. 465 "Then, again, I regard it as a valuable help to 1862, decision. With how many is there wanting but one step, and that the all-important one of decision ! A help to They know about the subject have been educated from childhood in its leading principles. Taught by the fireside and from the pulpit, they have become familiar with the various solemn motives by which God seeks to bring them to Himself. There have been, no doubt, periods of special visitation, when with more than ordinary power the mighty truths that relate to their eternal destiny have come home to their hearts, and when with more than usual dis- tinctness they hear the blessed Master whispering, ^ Follow 'Follow Me.' But they hesitate. The difficulties me -" which a religious life presents are magnified. They know not exactly what to do next. " In the third place I find this method very useful A test of as a test of submission. Tne complete submission of mission. the sinner must precede his conversion. Until he surrenders unconditionally Christ cannot save him. Now, if he be really willing to submit to God and to accept the salvation of the Gospel, he will be ready at once publicly to manifest his decision, and, were the opportunity offered, to confess Christ before heaven and earth and hell. Almost the last, if not the very last thing the sinner will do, is to make known the Making convictions of guilt and danger that are struggling in his breast, or to proclaim the desires for mercy of which he is the subject. He will read and weep and pray in secret, but to let the church and the world know that he is penitent never ! He shudders at the very thought. True, he has not been ashamed to sia against a loving God, to tread the offers of His grace beneath his feet with contempt and indifference ; but now, to turn round and trample on his pride, and to 30 466 MRS. BOOTH. 1862, Age 33. Humiliat- ing to pride. What will the world sayf Cutting at the roots. The struggle. go out bearing the cross and telling men that he takes that hitherto despised Christ as his everlasting por- tion, this is what he cannot and will not do until he fully submits to God. " Now this method makes evident, to the penitent's own heart and to those around him, whether he does thus truly and fully submit. Nothing is more com- mon than deception on this subject. When under the influence of the arguments and persuasions of Christian truth many imagine that the)' are willing at once to forsake their sins and accept the Saviour. But try them with this test ask them to come out and avow their decision to serve God and their pride will rise and rebel against such a humiliating step, and they will prove that they are far from that com- plete submission without which salvation is an impos- sibility. " In most cases the last oattle prior to emancipation from hell's thraldom is fought over the question, 1 What will the world say ? ' By this bugbear Satan has prevented thousands for a considerable period, and many, it is to be feared, for ever, from closing with Christ, when every other snare has been broken and every other sin has lost its charm. The penitent form cuts at the root of this temptation. Only per- suade the halting one to come out and confess the Lord, and the devil retires from the conflict, shame and pride are given to the winds, all the restraints with which the heart has so long been bound are rent asunder, and, like the returning humbled prodigal, the soul is welcomed by his loving Father and blessed with all the blessings of the Gospel of Peace. " But to return from this diversion to that portion of my narrative which gave rise to it. I was describ- ing the struggle which took place at the commence- THE CORNISH CAMPAIGN. 467 ment of the work. For myself I had no doubt as to 1862, the ultimate result. But some began to fear that ge 33< their expectations would be cut off and that the long desired revival would not come. On Thursday much prayer had been offered, and at half-past nine that night the answer came. The windows of Heaven A sudden were opened and a shower of blessed influence de- scended upon us. The effect was electrical. It was sudden and overpowering. The sinners could re- strain themselves no longer. Hearts were breaking, or broken, in every direction. The chapel was filled with the glory. The meeting was continued until midnight, and numbers found peace. The tidings spread with astonishing rapidity throughout the neighbourhood, and the people rejoiced in all direc- tions to hear that the revival had begun in real earnest. " On the following Sunday, as I walked to the A bright chapel, I was met by a young woman, who, with up- lifted hands, her face beaming with exultant joy, was shouting the praises of God. She had just found Jesus, and was calling on every one she met to join her in thanksgiving and to taste and see for them- selves that the Lord is gracious. In some parts of the country this would have been looked upon as a very strange proceeding, and the church and the world would have combined in terming it wild excitement, if not insanity. But not so here. In this county, anyway in this part of it, the church and the world alike ex- pect that when aroused to a sense of guilt and danger men shall be in earnest in seeking deliverance, and seeking in when the consciousness of safety and the assurance of the Divine favour have been obtained they very rationally expect that, as the soul's distress was in some degree proportionate to the imminence of its 468 MJ?S. BOOTH. 1862, peril, so the gladness and thanksgiving shall be in like ge proportion to the deliverance. A " We found a large congregation assembled in the g tum\at. chapel and souls already at the communion rail groan- ing to be delivered . When about half-way through our discourse some simple remarks we made touched chords in the hearts of the newly saved, and oh, what a response was there! My voice was overpowered with the shouts of glory and the ascription of praise. We gave out and sang, 'Praise God for what He's done for me!' thinking it might calm the excitement and hush the An unfin- glorious tumult, and so give the opportunity to con- ished sermon, elude our address. But it only added fuel to the flame, and we closed the Book, left the pulpit, invited the penitents to Jesus, and held a prayer meeting at which souls were saved. Some, I presume, would deem this irregular and disorderly, and so it was. But it was a glorious irregularity and a piece of Heaven's own order. It was such irregularity and such disorder as the people would gladly hail in many a church and congregation where all has been regular and orderly sadly too long ! A gale of "At night we had a gale of saving grace. About S grace. 1 1 o'clock the forms in the centre of the chapel, as well as the communion rails, were filled with peni- tents. The meeting did not finally close until three in the morning, and the chapel was open the greater part of the following day. So far as I could ascertain, about seventy-five persons, exclusive of juveniles, found the Saviour on this precious Sabbath day. st. ives " The following day found us at St. Ives. It was the anniversary of their Temperance Society. They had informed me that some of the new converts had THE CORNISH CAMPAIGN. 469 already been turned back by the moderate use of 1862, liquor, and that it was to be feared many others were in danger of making shipwreck on the same fatal rock. We could not, therefore, refuse the opportunity for speaking plainly on the subject. Many of those who mingled in the happy throng and even took part in the public proceedings had previously been miserable slaves to the drink. At the close of the meeting one hundred and fifty-seven signed the pledge." Writing from St. Just a short time afterwards, Mr. Booth says: " I can scarcely believe that three weeks have A con- elapsed since I last wrote to you. When the mind is pupation. absorbed in a congenial occupation time flies quickly. And what employment so agreeable so fascinating, as that in which, by the good providence of God, we find ourselves just now engaged to the utmost limits of our time and capacity? Not only can we say with John Smith, 'Soul-saving is my business God hath sinners in given me a heart for it, ' but we can add that God has granted us the desires of our heart in giving us a most prosperous and successful business. It has been reported in Penzance that all the sinners in this town have been converted save sixty ! Although this is far from true, yet events and influences seem to be rapid- ly shaping in that direction, and the signs of the times indicate the possible realisation of such a happy result. "On Wednesday, 5th, the services were trans- The f erred to the Methodist Free Church, and this led to ^^JJj a temporary check in the progress of the work. The help - prayer meetings were heavy and dull, and scarcely any penitents came forward during the first few nights. The church was dull, and held aloof from personal pleading with the people. Herein lies one 4/0 MRS. SOOTH. 1862, secret of the success of our work. During the first ge 33< week of any considerable effort we generally find the greatest difficulty in persuading any, even the leaders of the society, to go and plead with sinners in their pews. But when the work has been in progress for some days we find that Christians require restraining rather than urging in the inviting of their friends to come and be reconciled to God. Holding ^nd thus it was in the present instance, although the two chapels were only a few yards distant from each other. During the previous night, no sooner had the after-meeting commenced than some twenty or thirty of the members were passing from pew to pew, inviting the sinners present to come and share the blessings they enjoyed. But here all were dif- fident and quiet. Instead of coming up to the other chapel and assisting in the services that had there been held they had been conducting meetings on catching their own account, and had thus failed to catch the the spint. gpij-jf. an( j influences of the revival. During the next four days it was much the same, but on the Sabbath . night at about 9 : 30 the clouds began to break, and the powers of darkness yielded in all directions, and by midnight a multitude had been saved. Leaving " On the following day four men left their work in themme. ^ Q mine and went to the chapel and sought salvation. When we arrived at seven o'clock, in time for the meeting, we found them in the midst of a sympa- thetic congregation, with extended arms telling the people that they had found Jesus to the unutterable joy of their hearts. The pray- " I cannot describe the service that followed this affecting introduction. The praying host, flushed with the triumph of the previous day and night, were like giants refreshed with wine. They carried all THE CORNISH CAMPAIGN. 471 before them, and the people yielded to their faith and 1862, prayers in all directions. " The last three days have been days of tminter- Day rupted triumph. By nine o'clock in the morning r souls in distress have found their way to the school- room. One morning nine men came out of one mine, and seven from another, unable to work for anguish of spirit. These day-meetings are continued without interruption until about six in the evening:. Half Salvation x every- an hour later the people assemble for the night service, where. Last night the chapel and school-room were full, al- though services were held in the Wesleyan and Bible Christian chapels at the same time, in all of which men and women, youths, maidens, and little children were turning from sin to righteousness, and from Satan to the living God. " When I say that the whole place is moved, I The town , . . , . . moved. mean that nearly every individual in the neighbour- hood is more or less interested in the subject of re- ligion. Little else is talked about, and in many in- stances little else besides soul-saving work is done. A gentleman informed me yesterday that a great number of the miners are too absorbed either with To . anx ~ ions to their own salvation or with that of others to do much work. work. Many of the agents of the mines had ex- pressed their willingness to allow the men to leave their work, only too glad that they should be con- verted. Whether saved or not themselves, they know that Christianity will bring about a reformation of character only too desirable in many instances. " The Inspector of Police says that last Saturday what th< night was the best night he has had since he came thought into the place, the Saturday night prior to the com- mencement of the work having been the worst. In- deed, some of the vilest characters in the town are be- 472 M1?S. BOOTH. 1862, ing saved. One poor fellow, who has been in the ge hands of the police times without number, cried out in the school-room on Wednesday afternoon, 'He has The saved me, the very worst of sinners. In that corner corner. I found the blessing. I shall never forget that cor- ner. ' This spot henceforth became quite popular with the penitents. As one steps out of it, rejoicing, another throws himself into it, so that it has become quite a sacred place. Deserted " Conviction is spreading: in every direction, and it public- * J houses, must be so. Everywhere the newly saved, their hearts glowing with the love of Christ, are publishing His praises. The public-houses are deserted. A friend said last night that during the day he had been The sou- to three of them, the entire customers of them all tar iord ld consisting of two travelling chimney-sweeps. One parlour in the most frequented of these houses, usually too well furnished with guests, was on this occasion tenanted by its solitary landlord. Make the " You will gather from this that we are in the midst people think of a real religious excitement. But you will not, like about - 1 1 -i A / their some good people here, be alarmed at it. As for our- selves, we rejoice concerning it exceedingly. Is it not what we wish to see brought about everywhere? What ! Would not the Christians of your great city rejoice if they could only make the- truths of the Bible the topic of conversation in every house? This is one of the foundation principles that govern our practice. We believe that if we can only make the people think about these truths it will lead to their salvation. Thousands around us are being absorbed and carried away by the excitements of business, ambition, and pleasure. It is only by means of a counter-excitement such as this that we find it possi- ble to successfully arrest their attention." CHAPTER XLV. THE CORNISH CAMPAIGN. 1862. IN the marvellous meetings of the St. Just campaign Mrs. Mrs. Booth played a very prominent part. Her Sun- ^^f day afternoon meetings were seasons of exceptional meetin & s - demonstration and power. The people walked in for miles round in order to be present at the one service. Numbers would start on the previous night, bringing their refreshments with them, although this involved returning as soon as the meeting was over, and walk- ing all night in order to get to their daily work by Monday morning. It was in this town that Mrs. Booth held her first One for meeting for women only, These services subsequently W on^ n became a special feature in her life-work, invariably attracting large and select gatherings, and by their practical and convincing character revolutionising the homes and lives of multitudes. A few extracts will serve to illustrate the pointed nature of these dis- courses. In dealing with the question of fashion she has Mrs. Booth on Said : fashion. " Do not consider fashion when you are settling how you ought to ordeT your household, but plan for the highest good of your children and those around you, and for your greatest usefulness in the world. Never mind fashion. " In this day, when chaplains of prisons and reformatories A tell us that gaudy, flashy dressing leads as many young girls to necessary destruction as drink, it behoves every true woman to settle 473 474 MRS. BOOTH. 1862, Age 33. Be natural. The dif- ference. instead of poodles. before God in her closet what kind of dress she ought to wear, and to resolve to wear it in spite of fashion. If all professedly Christian ladies would do this what a salvation this one reform alone would work in the world ! You young people here, resolve that you will be original, natural human beings, as God would have you; resolve that you won't be squozen into this mould, or into that, to please anybody ; that you will be an independent woman, educated and refined by intercourse with God; but be yourself , and do not aim to be anybody else. Set fashion at naught. If people would do this what different households they would have ! What different children ! What different friends ! What different results they would produce in the world, and how differently they would feel when they were dying! Oh, what wasted lives ! W T hat beautiful forms, and beautiful minds, and beauti- ful intellects are prostrated and ruined at the shrine of the god of fashion ! May God deliver us from this idol! " In advocating the adoption of poor and neglected children by those who were in a position to do so, Mrs. Booth remarks: "I have many times said what I here deliberately repeat : that if I were dying, and leaving a family of helpless children, I would leave it as my last request that they might be divided one here, and another there amongst any poor but really godly families who would receive them, rather than they should be got into the most highly trumpeted orphanage with which I am acquainted ; for I should infinitely prefer that their bodies should lack necessary food and attention, rather than that their poor little hearts and souls should be crushed and famished for want of love, both human and Divine. Children brought up without love are like plants brought up without the sun. How blessed a way would it be of serving God and your generation, by taking some such children yourselves and bringing them up with all thejove and care with which you bring up your own, or would have done so had God granted you the privilege. It will be a happy day for England when Christian ladies transfer their sympathies from poodles and terriers to destitute and starving children ! " When encouraging her audience to overcome their THE CORNISH CAMPAIGN. 475 sense of timidity and weakness, and to embark forth- 1862, with in a life of consecrated service, she says : "Weakness, my dear sister! We are of little use in any timidity. department of the vineyard until we have been made to realize our own weakness. The weaker we feel ourselves to be, the better. It is not a question of our strength, but of our faith. A ques- 'Why look ye so earnestly on us (said Peter to those who marvelled at the miracle wrought on the lame), as though by our own power or holiness we had made this man to walk? . . . Faith in the name of Jesus has made this man strong, whom ye see and know.' God does not call us to any work in our own strength ; He bids us go and do it in His. 'Give ye them to eat, ' said He to the disciples, but He knew who must supply the bread ; so now He requires us to break the Bread of Life to the multitude, trusting in Him for the supply. " No matter how simple the words, or how tremulous the Can't be voice, if He blesses, then it shall be blessed. The 'Does you f o simple. love God?' of a little child, accompanied by the 'demonstra- tion of the Spirit and of power, ' will do more for Christ and souls than the most talented and eloquent sermon without it ; for 'it is not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit, saith the Lord of Hosts. ' ' Returning- to the pioneer occasion in St. Just, the spacious Wesleyan chapel was crowded with women. It was calculated that some 2,500 were present. Mr. Alfred Chenhalls, then popularty known in the -Mr. ohen- neighbourhood as " the king of the Wesleyans," being a gentleman of wealth and a prominent Christian worker, gives an interesting account of this meeting-. " It was a Good Friday, and Mr. Booth had asked me," says Mr. Chenhalls, "to go over with him to Pendeen, to hear the Rev. Robert Aitken preach. After the service we lingered behind and spoke to Mr. Aitken. On our way home we learned to our surprise that Mrs. Booth's special service for women was not yet ^ w ^- derful over. My wife met me, saying 'Oh, Alfred, we have meeting. 476 MRS. BOOTH. 1862, had a time ! There never was such a sight seen in ge 33- g t j ugt k e f ore . Mrs. Booth talked with such Divine power that it seemed to me as if every person in the chapel who was not right with God must at once con- secrate themselves to His service. I never witnessed such a scene in my life. Oh that you had been there!' I went off to the chapel and found that the meeting was only just breaking up, and from what I gathered I firmly believe that there was no single ser- vice which produced such wonderful results. Many of those who had up to this time resisted Mr. Booth's powerful appeals were brought in on this occasion. Her "We were very much affected by Mrs. Booth's do- domestic J graces, mestic graces as well as by her public gifts. I re- member calling upon her one day and finding her busy ironing, with all the dexterity and confidence of an experienced hand." The subsequent progress of the revival is described by Mr. Booth in the following letters : The first- "Since I wrote to you last, one of the first-fruits of gathered tne revival has been gathered by the loving hand of *" our Heavenly Father and safely lodged in the Paradise above. I was one morning seeking for the residence of a sick man and asked at a cottage if they could direct me. An old man volunteered at once to be my guide. It was only a few yards, and as we walked An old together I asked him whether he were converted, man saved, and on his replying in the negative I urged him to avail himself of the services to secure the salvation of his soul. He promised to attend the chapel and to think about the matter. On the following Sunday he was at the meeting, came forward, and realised the pardon of his sins. On the following Thursday, Dies while he sat at the tea-table, he suddenly expired suddenly. . , . .. , . - . without speaking a word. As they earned him to his THE CORNISH CAMPAIGN. 477 grave, followed by a long train of mourning friends 1862, chanting the solemn death-song, I thanked God that ge 33 ' he was safely landed, and exulted in the thought that the revival was already reported before the Throne. " A day or two previously a very different incident A. solemn _/ . . . warning. took place. A Christian brother exhorted an uncon- verted man to go and hear the stranger preach. He replied that he would rather go to the public-house. Finding that his exhortations were useless, our friend remarked that as the tree fell so it would lie. The man repeated the words, and said he supposed it would. He then went his way to the public-house, where some one treated him with sixteen glasses of ale, which he drank. He then went home and retired to bed. The next morning he rose, but was too ill to sit up. He . lay down again and almost immediately expired. This has been a solemn warning to the unconverted. "On Sabbath, February 23d, we transferred our The Wes- meetings from the Bible Christian to the Wesleyan chapel. chapel. It is a large structure, capable of seating about two thousand persons. Instead of the usual pulpit it has a capacious platform, and altogether speaks highly for the liberal and enterprising spirit of the people who have erected it. Mr. Hobson, the Its Superintendent of this circuit, is a veteran in the ministry, having 'travelled' fifty-one years, during nearly twenty of which he has been chairman of the Cornish district. He and his two colleagues met me with the greatest cordiality and the fullest assurance of co-operation and sympathy. " The first week's services exceeded our most san- and a guine expectations. Night after night numbers pause. sought the Saviour. This continued for a month, and then the power appeared in a large measure to leave 478 MXS. BOOTH. 1862, us, and the work dragged heavily. I have often noticed these pauses in the onward flow of revival in- fluences and prosperity. There is doubtless a ten- dency in success to lead to glory unduly in the la- bourers. Success is looked for as a matter of course. Humiliation, prayer, faith, and all that travailing in birth for souls exercised at the commencement of the work are no longer deemed necessary. The direct operation of the Spirit is overlooked, and perhaps be- fore she is aware the church goes forth to the conflict in her own strength, and, forsaken by the God of battles, she is worsted in the strife. what "On Sunday, i6th March, we met together" in the about the J & revival? morning, conscious of these truths. Introductory to the discourse, I remarked that everybody was asking, 'What about the revival?' Our own hearts had asked the question a hundred times. Many present had asked it. During the last six weeks some seven hun- dred had sought mercy. Of this number at least six hundred had obtained salvation and had now united with the various churches in the neighbourhood. Hundreds more were the subjects of serious impres- sions, but, alas ! the power to secure their submission is it over? was wanting. It appeared to slip away on the pre- vious Sabbath, and now angels, devils, and men, the saved and unsaved, asked 'Is the revival over?' On the answer to this question the eternal destiny of numbers depended. It appeared to us that, unless something could be done to bring down more holy influence, the revival would be at an end. There was plenty of light. We wanted power. How were we to get it? There was one way as yet but partially tried. Let the church rise up and consecrate herself afresh and fully to the Lord. We must come to this. " After preaching on holiness, we invited those THE CORNISH CAMPAIGN. 479 who would make the entire consecration of all to Jesus, 1862, and take Him as a complete Saviour, to come forward. ge 33 ' Many of the principal Christians led the way, and A call to within a few minutes more than a hundred persons co " t ^T a ' were bowed in tears and prayer, waiting for the bap- tism of the Holy Ghost. And the Holy Spirit de- scended ; cleansing the polluted, and signifying the acceptance of the many whole-hearted sacrifices here laid on the altar. " Never shall I forget that scene. All who wit- A ne <*- r ,, . , -, approach nessed it were well-nigh overwhelmed with a sense of to Penie- the Divine presence. It was the nearest approach to the descent of the mighty rushing wind on the day of Pentecost to anything in my experience, or in that of those present. That Sabbath morning will be hallowed in the recollection of St. Just for many years to come. " The work now assumed more formidable propor- A revival tions. It widened as well as deepened. Afternoon and evening similar outpourings of the Spirit were realised, and during the succeeding week as many as forty, fifty, and sixty sought the Saviour day by day. The revival is everywhere the engrossing theme. " Last Wednesday the Cornish Telegraph announced The Voi- that the drill of the Rifle Corps had been suspended, drill**- and that business generally was at a standstill in con- per sequence of the revival. The motto of the county arms is 'One and all,' and this is a true characteristic of the people. A friend told me the other day that in passing one evening through a hamlet containing some dozen houses, he was accosted by a man who One^and told him that all the adult population were gone to a distant chapel to a revival service, leaving him as the sole guard and protector of their children and pro- perty, so that he was going from house to house look- 480 MRS. BOOTH. 1862, Age 33. Mr. Hob- son 1 s sym- pathy. ing after all. I was also informed three weeks ago that at Truthwells, a village about half a mile away, out of fifty-eight adults, fifty-two were already saved. By this time I trust that the devil has been deprived of the remaining six." Mr. Hobson, the Superintendent, had been at the onset greatly impressed by the services. Indeed, it is probable that he would have continued to favour them to the end but for the powerful pressure brought to bear upon him by some of his ministerial brethren. In describing one of her first meetings at which Mr. Hobson was present, Mrs. Booth says: An im- posing sight. Contrary to rules. " Knowing how ill I have been, you will be surprised to hear of my Sunday effort. Well, I certainly did transgress as to time, and have had to pay the price since. But I am not much the worse for it now, and I hope many will be better for it to all eternity. It was a glorious congregation. I never saw a more imposing sight. I had liberty, and it was a very solemn and I trust a profitable time. Mr. Hobson, although I did not know it till afterwards, was present, his second preacher opening the service for me. The presence of the latter did not embarrass me the least. I am wonderfully delivered from all fear, after I once get rny mouth open. " When I came down from the platform Mr. Hobson re- ceived me most kindly, took my hand in both of his like a father, and told me he should often be coming to see us now. Does it not seem wonderful hew the rough places are made smooth and the crooked places straight before us? This is the chairman who sent word to Hayle, in answer to the in- quiries of the Superintendent there as to whether I might go into their chapel at the wish of their people, that it was con- rary to their rules and usages ! Rules and usages can be won- derfully surmounted when the heart is touched! Well, the Lord rules and overrules both men and rules, and I trust this is of His doing. At any rate it enables my dear husband to get a/the people, which was practically impossible in the small chapels, besides almost killing him with the heat and crush. You see, the Wesleyans have nearly all the large chapels." THE" CORNISH CAMPAIGN. 481 Leiant. curious legend. At the conclusion of the services in the Wesleyan 1862, chapel the meetings were continued at Buryan and Pendeen, in the immediate neighbourhood of St. Just, and afterwards transferred to Leiant, an interesting suburb of the same town. There is an interesting . . '. legend related concerning its parish church. It is situated on a piece of waste land some little distance outside the village. A stranger might naturally be surprised that it should have been built so far from the people. It is said, however, that the original site chosen was a central one, but that as fast as it was built by day the angels carried away the stones by night to the spot on which it now stands. As soon as this became known the people are said to have abandoned the proposed site and to have set to work with a will to build the church in its present position, even women and children helping its erec- tion in various ways. Of late, however, the angel-visits to Leiant had been "few and far between." There were strong hearts lying by the roadside unused, and which needed only the faith, the skill, and the power of some spiritual architect in order to form the frame- work of a living church, whose Builder and Maker should be God. The stones were to be transported, so to speak, from their worldly and sinful surround- ings, and heaped at the foot of the isolated, blood- stained Cross of Christ, a perpetual monument of His saving and preserving grace. Women and children were to be allowed to take their share in the erection of the sacred edifice, and angels were to rejoice over rows of penitent sinners who were to constitute a church not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. It was a special joy to Mr. and Mrs. Booth that Leiant was in such close proximity to the scenes of 31 482 MRS. BOOTH. 1862, Age 33. The early converts testify. Another break . With or without a sermon. their previous labours, thus enabling many of their former converts to attend the meetings and testify to the genuineness, depth, and permanence of the work. The chief fear of the sinner is that, if converted, he will be unable to adhere to the good resolutions then sin- cerely formed. And, strange to say, many professing Christians participate in these doubts, and thus hinder the hesitating penitent when he is on the point of coming to a definite decision regarding the future. But here was a triumphant refutation of all such God- dishonouring anticipations. The fearing sinner and the doubting saint could be pointed alike to the abid- ing fruits of previous efforts. The meetings commenced on Sunday, May i8th. At night a dense crowd blocked the chapel, filled the yard, and stretched out into the road, while hundreds could not so much as get near the door. Numbers were powerfully convicted and several sought and found salvation. It was not, however, till the fol- lowing Thursday that the real break commenced, some twenty professing conversion. On Friday the communion rail and vestry were crowded, the greater part of the penitents being men. On Sunday night the chapel was again filled to suffocation, large num- bers coming forward, thirty of whom professed to find peace. Mr. Booth's journal contains the following particu- lars concerning some of the incidents : "Sunday, ist June. A powerful day. In the morning I spoke about 'leaving the principles of the doctrine,' and pressing forward to perfection. In the afternoon Mrs. Booth preached. The meeting was a mighty time. In the evening I was led to ask the Lord in prayer to bless and save the peo- ple, whether by a good sermon or by a bad one, or without any sermon at all. After preaching a short time the influence in- creased and the power of God came down on the people, and THE CORNISH CAMPAIGN. 483 there was such shouting and weeping that I was compelled to 1862, break off and invite the wounded to come forward. Many Age 33- responded and twenty-six were converted. It was a glorious season. There must have been nearly forty seeking mercy at one time. Afterwards in speaking to some friends I expressed weeping. a regret that I had not gone on and finished my sermon, but they reminded me of my prayer, and expressed their conviction that I had concluded at the right place. " Monday, June 2d. I walked part of the way to St. Ives Converted with Mr. Roberts. On my way back I was overtaken by some sailors, who accosted me very heartily. I recognized one of them as having been converted at St. Ives under a sermon on eternity. His captain, an earnest, godly man, was with him ; likewise a shipmate whom they had brought with them in the hopes of seeing him converted. " My friend at once began to give me scraps of his experi- ence since we parted, and I rejoiced to find him fairly started on a career of usefulness. Amongst other things he mentioned the following incident : "'We were up the Channel a few weeks ago and were in- Stirring vited on board a ship to hold a prayer meeting. The cabin l was full and we had a time of great power, two of the sailors being converted. A few days afterwards the ship was wrecked, and all hands lost, off Lundy Island. We went ashore there not long afterwards and saw the grave of one of the men converted in that meeting. On our way we came across a lonely farm-house, where sailors are supplied with food and other necessaries when they go ashore. We called for some refreshments, but the mistress looked at us rather suspiciously, telling us that some sailors who had passed Broken there the previous week-end had smashed her crockery and broken clock, and finished up by breaking her head with the poker, hearts. We reassured her, and she then offered us some rum and milk. We asked her how she could give us what had already led to such serious consequences for herself, and assured her that we wanted no rum. While she was getting us some food we offered to sing her a verse or two of a little hymn called "The Lion of Judah shall break every chain." She replied that she had no objection, so we touched it up a bit. Then said I, " Let us have a little prayer. All hands on 484 MRS. BOOTH. 1862, Age 33. Sailing under black colors. Hauled on board. Rolling on. to your knees!" We fell down and began to pray. The power of God came upon us and the tears streamed down the woman's cheeks. So, instead of breaking her head with the poker, we broke her heart with the Gospel. ' " The meeting this night was commenced with several tes- timonies from the newly saved. After some others had spoken, my friend, the sailor, rose and said : " ' For many years I was sailing under black colors. I knew not whither I was bound. On the black flag above me was written " The wages of sin is death." But Mr. Booth came to St. Ives, and the Lord Jesus used him as a speaking-trumpet, and through him He shouted, " Eternity ! Eternity ! Eternity ! " I listened, was startled, looked up at the black flag floating aloft, and jumped overboard astern into the sea. The Gos- pel ship was sailing alongside. The life-boat of mercy was sent to pick me up. They threw me a rope. I caught it and was hauled on board. We have Jesus at the helm. Ahead of us there is a point. Sometimes it is on the weather bow, sometimes on the lee. It is the point of death. When we get round it we shall find good anchorage, coil up the ropes, furl the sails, and go on shore to the land of glory. ' " This was delivered in a bold tone, as impressive as the imagery, producing a powerful effect on the audience. After I had given the invitation there was a blessed rush to Jesus. It was altogether a wonderful sight, and many were saved." And thus the revival rolled onward like an impetu- ous and resistless stream, when checked for a time in one direction ; only gathering redoubled force for an- other forward sweep. It would have lent its tributary waters to some of the nearest rivers which had already marked out for themselves their pathway to the ocean. But when this was rendered impossible, and when each surface channel had been blocked, the current was yet to hew out for itself an underground course, as it were, through the very bowels of the earth, and finally to emerge triumphantly, pouring forth in un- diminished volume its fertilising waters over the most arid and needy deserts of the world. CHAPTER XLVI. THE THREE CONFERENCES. 1862. IT has already been remarked that the Annual The Con _ Committee of the New Connexion had no authority to ^ en t ce accept Mr. Booth's proffered resignation, but merely to refer it to the Conference which met in June, 1862, at Dudley. The subject was brought forward for consideration by Dr. Crofts, who moved that the res- ignation should be accepted. The Rev. P. J. Wright, as might be expected, seconded the motion. Hereupon Mr. Turnbull, of Gateshead, asked that A reason- the acceptance of the resignation by. Conference should posai at least be more courteously worded. Mr. Wright, however, objected to this very reasonable request, warning the Conference that they were in danger of being led into a trap, and expressing his determina- tion to guard that august assembly from any attempt that might be made for Mr. Booth's restoration. Alderman Oldham expressed his sincere regret that Mr. Booth had resigned, the Macclesfield circuit being deeply indebted to him for a wonderful revival of re- ligion. In replying to this Mr. Wright denied that any- thing he had said could be construed as being in- tended to cast any imputation upon Mr. Booth. Mr. Docton, of St. Ives, spoke in glowing terms of The & * motion the wonderful revival carried on by Mr. and Mrs. carried. Booth in Cornwall. And after some further debate, in which the irrepressible Mr. Wright and others took 485 486 MRS. BOOTH. 1862, part, Dr. Crofts' motion was carried by 56 votes Age33 ' against 1 5. Not a And thus, without a " thank you" for the faithful you". and brilliant services of seven years, and grudging so much as the expression of a regret, the Conference severed the last strand of the shadowy cable which bound them to the Connexion. Nor did Mr. and Mrs. Booth lift a finger to secure their return. Indeed, they rather discouraged their many friends from A painful making any effort on their behalf, feeling that the episode. S ph ere o f usefulness which they at present occupied was one of the Lord's own ordaining at any rate, for the hour. Nevertheless, the episode was a painful one, and they were not a little gratified when in later years Dr. Cooke, for whom they had previously enter- tained so high an esteem, expressed his regret in re- gard to the past, and his desire to find a bridge by which they might again return to" the fold of the Con- nexion. No policy In one respect, however, Mr. Booth's example was ruption. especially noteworthy. Whatever might be his feel- ings of dissatisfaction in regard to any existing de- nomination he resolutely from the first set his face against a policy of disruption. The olive- He had persistently clung to the hope of an ulti- mate reconciliation with the New Connexion, and this in spite of innumerable discouragements. It had mattered little that the olive-branch which he had so repeatedly held out to the Conference had been dis- regarded. He had offered it again and again, while there was a fragment to be found, and it was not till the Conference had finally placed its heel upon the last existing vestige of a hope that he abandoned the idea of reconciliation. True, chances had lain within his reach for con- THE THREE CONFERENCES. 487 vulsing the denomination with a schism which would 1862, have stripped it of many of its most spiritual members ge 33 ' and supporters, and for this there was ample prece- Many dent. He might have imitated the example of the dnte" founder of the denomination, Alexander Kilham, who had organised a secession from the Wesleyan ranks, and had principally directed his efforts towards recruit- ing his adherents from the body which had expelled him. Again, there was the example of Mr. Dunn and the other leaders of the Reform agitation. But to the adoption of such a course Mr. Booth had Would an inveterate objection. He had no desire to build age the up his own w r ork upon the ruins of another. Hence i^' he studiously avoided accepting invitations to circuits where his influence was the greatest, or any other ar- rangements which would be likely to damage the Connexional cause. Beyond the publication of his two letters to the Conference the one addressed to Dr. Stacey, asking for his restoration to the evange- listic sphere, and the other tendering his resignation to Dr. Crofts he took no steps even towards the vindi- cation of his personal character, preferring to leave their own interests in the hands of Him whose in- terests first they sought. This was a source of no little gratification to Mr. A source Booth when, in later years, the movement which he faction. had himself inaugurated suffered from the occasional secession of those who had previously aided its pro- gress. Who can tell how largely the failure of such attempts to create dissatisfaction and division within the ranks of the Salvation Army of to-day have been the natural result of, as well as the Divine reward for, the self-control then displayed? He would doubtless have unconsciously laid the seed of future trouble had he sought to build upon the dismantled ruins of even 488 BOOTH. 1862, Age 33. The Sal- vation Army not a split. Visit London. The Wesley an Conf'er- a fraction of the Methodist New Connexion, instead of sinking for himself new foundations upon the rocky and apparently unpromising, but stable, soil that lay beyond the confines of each existing church. It was not impossible under such conditions to re- model and fit into the edifice some of the " stones" which were "rejected" and "set at naught" by other "builders," who profited in exchange by the new material with which they were themselves supplied. But it was a source of equal satisfaction and strength to the Salvation Army that it did not owe its origin to a mere denominational "split, "the members of which would have been too saturated with the spirit of the past to have fallen in with the advances and reforms which were to constitute so marked a feature of its future history. Mr. and Mrs. Booth had decided upon Penzance as their next field of labour, this being one of the largest and most important towns in Cornwall. They were, however, greatl)' exhausted by their continued la- bours, and arranged to take a short rest before com- mencing any fresh meetings. Leaving the children under the care of their trusted nurse, Mary, they ac- cordingly went to London. Meanwhile the annual Conference of the Wesleyans was held in Camborne, and the question of the recent revival came up for discussion. The district meeting of the Cornish ministers had taken place in March, when the work in St. Just was at its very height, and soon after the remarkable campaigns already described at St. Ives and Hayle. And yet, incredible as it may appear, the ministers had passed a resolution praying Conference to forbid the use of their chapels to Mr. and Mrs. Booth. Similar ministerial petitions had been forwarded from Bristol and other districts re- MRS. BOOTH-TUCKER. THE THREE CONFERENCES. 489 questing that Dr. and Mrs. Palmer should also be ex- cluded. How any who had the cause of Christ at heart could make such a demand, is only less extraor- dinary than the complacency with which Conference granted their request, especially in face of the re- markable additions to their numbers which these re- vivals had enabled them to report. Cornwall, in particular, had returned by far the largest increase of any district, there being 1,311 members admitted into society, besides 2,936 on trial a total of 4,247. So far from making the slightest acknowledgment of the valuable co-operation of Mr. and Mrs. Booth, the Pres- ident of the - Conference referred to their labours, with equal contempt and ill- taste, as "the perambu- lations of the male and female!" At this distance of time such language appears indeed utterly incompre- hensible, and hardly less so was the action of the Conference. Once before, as we have seen, William and Catherine Booth had been driven from the church of their choice by the misdirected zeal of their minis- ter. But for this it might well be said that the Con- ference could not be held responsible. Now, however, the case was widely different. Their exiled children had, as it were, returned to the home of their childhood, and had knocked for admis- sion at the parental door, not, like the prodigal of old, in rags and tatters, but rather like Abraham's ser- vant seeking for Rebecca, their camels laden with costly presents. It would have seemed that the very dictates of self-interest would have ensured a hearty welcome to the messenger ; but it was not so, and even the sight of the revival jewels failed to produce upon the Conference the desired effect. Indeed, we are tempted to wonder, had the John Wesley of the last 1862, Age 33. A strange demand. A large increase. Twice rejected. Knocking at the parental door. A stone which the builders refused. 490 MRS. BOOTH. 1862, century himself appeared upon the scenes, whether ge he would not have been as completely outvoted as were Mr. and Mrs. Booth. A Wesleyanism without Wesley might appear too strange a paradox to be con- ceivable-. But a Conference that was so destitute of the spirit of its founder would probably have legislated his corporeal presence beyond its bounds, and left him no choice but to do what General Booth has had to do organise a new society. Referring to the decision of the Conference, in a letter to a friend, Mrs. Booth says: A pitiful " You will have heard of the resolution of the Wesleyan apology. Conference, which excludes Dr. and Mrs. Palmer, ourselves, and similar agencies from their pulpits. Perhaps you will have seen the report of the discussion as given in the Watch- man. A more pitiful apology for passing such a law could not have been conceived. ' The people have no right to de- mand such a thing, ' said one minister. No, poor things ! The people have no rights at all ! You will have observed that God and souls and heaven and hell are kept out of sight altogether. 'Are such agencies owned of God?' is not the question. But God does not overlook these things. He will not forget, and He will protect the interests of His own work. I rest in Him." Primi- It was in this same year that the Primitive Method- !ow*suft~ ists passed a resolution "strongly urging all their station authorities to avoid the employment of re- vivalists so-called," thus confirming the accuracy of the supposition that there existed at this time an al- most universal ministerial combination for the sup- The pression of revivalism. The conflict between the pastoral and evangelistic agencies was a long and severe one, the former endeavouring to monopolise for itself the entire religious field, and only yielding to the latter their required recognition beneath the resistless power of circumstances. THE THREE CONFERENCES. 491 Writing twenty-nine years later from Australia, 1862, after a reception for which the history of the Colonies ge 33 ' could furnish no parallel, at the head of an organisa- The tables tion which had taken its place beside the oldest turned - churches in the land, General Booth is able to show how entirely the tables had been turned since the strange action of the Wesleyan Conference of 1862. " This morning I met the Wesleyan ministers of the district, and had a very good time with them. They wept all round. The sympathetic words they have spoken are in strange con- trast with some of their past history ! Never mind ! All shall work together for good ! " Referring in the same letter to a public meeting- held on the previous night, the General says: " The enthusiasm of the meetings is beyond description. An Aus- Yesterday's meetings were held in the Centennial Hall, seat- ing three thousand five hundred people. It is the most mag- nificent building I ever spoke in, by a long way. Apart from the Albert Hall, of which I have but little recollection, there is nothing to approach it in London, nor have I seen anything to equal it on the continent. There must have been getting on for five thousand in it last night. It was quite full in the morning, packed in the afternoon, and gorged at night. The crowd burst the doors in repeatedly, and rushed in whether we would or not ! I had a very good time in the morning, al- though very much exhausted after the hardest week's work I ever did in my life. At night the power of God came upon me in a manner which I have only experienced a few times before. I read and spoke from the ' strait gate. ' The truth fell like peal upon peal of heavenly thunder, and the lightnings of conviction played over the audience and penetrated thou- sands of hearts. " To have a prayer-meeting was a very great risk under such circumstances, and we hesitated a moment about the penitent form. However, at all costs we went in for it, and it proved a gigantic success. Scarcely anybody went away, and at nine o'clock the building could not seat the people who were there, although most" of them had been present since six. 49 2 M&S. BOOTH. 1862, " We had sixty souls out for mercy, besides some for a clean 33- heart. At 9:15, while we were singing the Doxology, others came soul/, up, so, quite exhausted, I left them to go on with the fight. God was wonderfully with me in this meeting. I don't think I ever in the midst of any great revival had a more powerful time." The Di- ^ those who have watched the workings of the vine in- designs of Providence in the case of those who are telhgence. prepared to follow its leadings, nothing is more in- teresting than to observe the obvious finger-marks of a Divine Intelligence asserting itself in the very dis- appointments which appear at the time to frustrate our best-laid schemes. Ultimately it becomes mani- fest that "all things work together for good;" and that the blocking of one pathway and the defeat of one plan but means the opening out of newer, better paths and more triumphant accomplishment, t"hus compelling us to realise that "There's a divinity that shapes our ends, Rough-hew them how we will. " CHAPTER XLVII. GOOD-BYE TO CORNWALL. 1862. IT was towards the end of July, while the Wesleyan The visit Conference was sitting at Camborne, that Mr. and Pemance. Mrs. Booth returned from London to Cornwall, rejoin- ing their children at Penzance, where they remained during the next two months. They had looked for- ward to a great work in this town, having been warmly invited by a number of the leading Wesley- ans, who had assured them of their hearty co-operation and support. True, the minister had objected to the use of the chapel, even threatening to leave the town while the meetings were being held, but he had been told by his own officials that, greatly as they respected him, they valued infinitely more the salvation of their families and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Booth had there- shut out ' fore quite anticipated that his opposition would be over- ruled, and that with the people so whole- heartedly on their side they would be able to carry the day, at any rate for a time, as in the case of St. Just. When, however, the decision of the Conference was made known the situation of affairs was materi- ally altered, and they found themselves unable to carry out their previous programme. Not that the attitude of the people had been affected, as will be shown by the following extract from one of Mrs. Booth's letters: " There is a very strong and universal desire amongst the Ripe for a people for us to labour here. Mary cannot go into a shop, or revl 493 494 MRS. BOOTH. 1862, Age 33. speak to an individual, but they want to know when we begin meetings in Penzance. The people, saints and sinners alike, are ripe for a glorious work, and there is no room for doubt but that at least a thousand souls might easily be gathered in. " In the mean time, however, William is holding meetings at Mousehole. It is only a small place, with a population of about one thousand five hundred, many of whom are now away at the North Sea fisheries. But it will fill up the inter- val, while we are arranging for larger meetings here and else- where. " I do not know what doubts and fears William had been expressing to you that called forth your encouraging re- marks. But I do not participate in them in the least, and have no fear about the future, if only his health holds out." Meetings in Penzance. Birth of their son Herbert. The musician of the Army. The meetings here alluded to in Mousehole were succeeded by a series held in a small chapel at Pen- zance. Many sought salvation in both places. Nevertheless, the character of the buildings and other circumstances combined to make this period a somewhat trying one. But just as the dark and discouraging days in Brig- house had been brightened for Mr. and Mrs. Booth by the advent of their son Ballington, so the storm-clouds of Penzance displayed a silver lining in the birth of their fifth child, Herbert, the future musician of the Salvation Army, the composer of some of its most stirring melodies and the originator of its countless brass bands. In her eldest child Mrs. Booth had presented to the world a ruler, an organiser, and a financier of unusual capacity; in her second was the powerful apostle; her third-born was to bridge the gulf of continental infidelity; her fourth was to voice the thrilling claims of heathen lands. And now a fifth and fitting key- stone was added to the rising arch in the unconscious infant, who was to be in a special sense the sweet GOOD-BYE TO CORNWALL. 495 psalmist and musician of the modern Salvation Army 1860, Israel, making palace and garret ring alike with sacred song, so simple that the merest child could un- derstand, and yet so rich in harmony as to carry the appreciation of the best trained ear. The great temptation in the possession of such gifts God's has ever been to direct their exercise toward the pur- ulTgifts. poses of selfish ambition and personal aggrandisement. It is but seldom that individuals or families recognise the lien that God and humanity claim upon their talents. Mrs. Booth never ceased in striving to in- spire her children with the all-important truth that every human gift belonged to God and must be used in the service of mankind. She used to declare that she would pray a wicked Pray child dead, rather than that it should grow up to dis- dead. honour God and hinder the advancement of His king- dom. "I remember," says her daughter Emma, " how she would gather us round her and pray with us. I used to wear a low frock, and her hot tears would often drop upon my neck, sending a thrill through me which I can never forget. She used to say in her prayers that she would rather her boys should be chimney-sweeps and her girls should be Childish 11 1-1-1 -1-1 reminis- scullery-maids than that we should grow up wicked, cences. Often she would pray aloud, making us repeat the words after her. When I was only about three years old I was saying my prayers once when a lady friend of my mother's happened to be in the room. She told me afterwards how I added a little impromptu of my own, 'And oh, Dod, b'ess de lady and make her bery dood!' She used to say that she never could forget that prayer." Referring to her children in some letters written at this period, Mrs. Booth says: 496 MRS. BOOTH. 1862, Age 33. Willie^ letter. Balling- ton. Katie. Emma. Home in- fluence. Redruth revival. " Willie has commenced to write you a grand letter, and has spoiled I don't know how many sheets of paper, but it is not finished yet. He certainly is improving very much. I be- lieve the Spirit is striving with him. He is so tender and tries hard to be good and obedient. Everybody says what a sharp boy he is. I am very anxious about Ballington and do not like his symptoms at all. I fear there is something on his lungs. He has a cough, is constantly complaining of pain in his chest, and has shrunk away dreadfully. It would indeed be hard work to leave him behind us in Cornwall. Pray for us. I would say respecting all of them, 'The will of the Lord be done!' But all within me shrinks from the idea of losing any of them. We are not sending either of them to school ; I hate schools. " Katie gets more interesting every day. She certainly is a beautiful girl. Papa says she inherits her grandmama's dignity. At any rate she inherits somebody's, for she moves about like a little princess, and would grace Windsor Castle itself! She and Emma sing very nicely, 'We are doin' home to dory!' " You are right. Emma does get a fine girl. She is the pet of the family and has a sweet, happy disposition. People stop to admire her in the street, and she is such a talker ! Mary was telling her to hush the other day when she was chattering to me. She looked up and said, 'Me not 'peakin to oo! Me 'peakin to mama!" She said to-night just before she went to bed, 'Me wove (love) mama a million miles! Me wove the Lord wery much ! Me go to Heaven when me die ! ' " I am much obliged for your proposal about the children. But I can never let any of them leave home for a permanency while I am at all able to look after them, especially while they are so young. I believe home influence and sympathies in- dispensable to the right formation of character, and although I cannot do as I would, I think I can do more in that direction than any governess. I could manage so much better, but my poor weak body is a perpetual drawback." On September 28th a revival commenced which was equal in extent and power to any of those which had preceded it. Mr. and Mrs. Booth had removed to the prosperous little town of Redruth, which, with its GOOD-BYE TO CORNWALL. 497 population of about 10,000, was now the scene of an 1862, awakening, the influence of which extended through ge 33 ' all the surYbuntlmg countryside. Mrs. Booth was happily so far restored as to be able once more to actively share in the labours of her husband, equally to his joy and to the benefit of the work. The meetings were carried on in the Free Metho- dist chapel. This was a much larger building than those in Penzance and Mousehole, and would accommo- date considerably upwards of one thousand persons. So great was the number of the penitents that Mr. Putting Booth had the usual communion rails extended across barriers. the entire breadth of the chapel, besides erecting barriers to keep off the crowds of onlookers, who pressed so closely to the front that it was found al- most impossible to deal effectually with those who were seeking salvation. Indeed, it was his ordinary practice to complete these arrangements previously to the commencement of his services in any town. This in itself caused no small stir. The absolute assurance Waiting of success with which these preachers set to work al- most paralysed the Christians among whom they had come to labour, the majority of whom wished to wait and see if a revival were really forthcoming before making any such preparations. How rarely, after all, does the Son of man find upon the earth, even among His professed followers, the faith which an- ticipates the blessing, and which cries in the midst of the most adverse circumstances, "It shall be done!" The following paragraphs are selected from an in- teresting pamphlet in which Mr. Booth describes the Redruth revival: "The labourers are receiving considerable acces- w&men sions to their number. The sisters especially are coming up to the help of the Lord, and some very 32 498 MRS. BOOTH. 1862, valuable assistance do they render. From what I can ge 33 ' gather the door for female effort has been compara- tively closed in this church for some time past. If there has not been the positive prohibition, the op- portunity and invitation have been wanting; and ex- cept there be, not only the opportunity, but the re- peated and urgent invitation, this valuable accessory to church prosperity will be lost. The new " The new converts, taught from the beginning rts ' their obligation to labour for souls, themselves con- stitute a band of zealous workers. Their old com- panions in sin and their kindred after the flesh find their loving appeals almost irresistible. The praying men are gathering strength daily. Many of them have crossed the Jordan of unbelief, and are now living in the Canaan of perfect love, and in the power of the fuller baptism of the Holy Ghost they engage in the work like giants. The work " A meeting held on Monday week proved very useful. For a few days past the work had dragged heavily. Good was being done and souls were saved daily, but still the mighter influences were withheld. We therefore invited all who were thoroughly with us in the movement, and who were willing to do their ut- A fresh most to increase its power and success, to meet us on start. the above-named night. Many came. Different de- nominations were represented. Several valuable sug- gestions were offered, and three distinct resolutions made by all present. We determined : " i . To fully consecrate ourselves to God and His work. "2. To spend some portion of time daily in prayer for richer outpourings of the Holy Ghost; and " 3 . To put forth some personal effort every day to bring sinners to Christ. GOOD-BYE TO CORNWALL. 499 " The public service that followed was marked by a very sensible increase of power. The revival had evidently received a new impetus and now took a higher range. Since then it has advanced with al- most all the success we could wish. Every effort has been victorious, every meeting a triumph. From thirty to forty souls, and sometimes more, have sought Jesus each succeeding night. " On Sabbath afternoon we had a remarkable meet- ing. It was intended to afford opportunity for the new converts to give their experience. The chapel was crowded, but the meeting was very dead. Though excellent testimonies were given, all remained com- paratively dark and feelingless. We urged the people to continue in the prayerful and believing waiting for the Holy Ghost, and suddenly He fell upon us. " A man who, unobserved, had been sitting with his head buried in his hands, silently wrestling for mercy, obtained the blessing, and the same moment shouted, 'I've got it,' and full of rapture began to praise God. I never saw any soul so full of gladness before. It was indeed an ecstasy. Alternately he wept, laughed, clapped his hands, and stamped his feet. "The same gust of glory which filled this man, at almost, if not quite, the same moment filled the house where we were sitting, and all the people of God were visited with a measure of the Spirit of power and joy. The scene that followed is not to be described in words. Every one I speak now of the converted portion of the audience gave expression to the feelings that overwhelmed him, according to his own temperament and training. As the tree or mountain which, nearest to the lightning cloud, breaks it and brings down the electric current to the earth, 1862, Age 33. Renewed success. A stiff meeting. Tve got it." A gust of glory. Bringing down the lightning. 5oo MKS. BOOTH. 1862, Age 33. A notable addition. Glorious results. Mrs. Booth's meetings. Her farewell sermon. so this man, in his mental agony and desperate faith, had touched the cloud of Divine influence that had hovered over us, and brought it down in its purify- ing, vivifying, and enrapturing effects. By-and-bye the song of praise rose above this heavenly tumult disorder, some would have called it and a thousand voices sang Praise God, from whom all blessings flow.' " The work has spread throughout the entire neigh- bourhood, and I have good reason to conclude that many hundreds have been saved through the influence of the meetings whose faces we have never seen. At the recent quarterly meeting of the Wesleyans it was reported that an addition of about 400 members had been made during the quarter to their societies in the Redruth circuit. " In answer to your request for information con- cerning the continuance in grace of those who have professed conversion during our first services in this county, I am able to give you the following informa- tion. As the result of the ten months' labour, which, commencing at Hayle, was continued at St. Ives, St. Just, and Lelant, about 3,500 persons professed con- version. From the statistics of the different churches in these places I find that there are of these now about 2,700 in actual fellowship with them. " Mrs. Booth's Wednesday services have been sea- sons of exceptional blessing, many coming a consid- erable distance on purpose to be present. The ad- dresses have embraced social and religious subjects, and the people have everywhere testified to the fresh impetus received. "On Sunday morning Mrs. Booth preached her farewell sermon. The word was powerful and con- GOOD-BYE TO CORNWALL. 501 vincing. Many hearts were pierced and many freshly 1862, consecrated themselves to the Lord. At night the ^ c 33 ' chapel was too full for any comfortable speaking or hearing. Nevertheless, the slain of the Lord were many. Very soon the communion rail and large vestry were crowded with penitents. The meeting was continued until the following morning, and about forty obtained mercy. " The secretary reports that One about a thousand have been saved in the chapel dur- patents. ing the services." In describing the meetings to her mother, Mrs. Booth says: " The Lord gives us many cordials by the way. We con- spiritual stantly see His glorious arm made bare, and we know that we cordials. are instrumental in gladdening the hearts and homes of hun- dreds whom He has redeemed with His most precious blood. " The movement here has stirred the whole town and the country for miles around. The chapel was open almost all day yesterday, and until twelve o'clock last night the people could hear the cry of the penitents as they lay in their beds. All glory to Jesus !" At the conclusion of the services, in the course of Th e c a m- which a thousand persons professed conversion, Mr. and Mrs. Booth commenced similar meetings in the neighbouring town of Camborne. The chapel was capable of seating comfortably a thousand persons, but thirteen or fourteen hundred usually crowded into it. On a somewhat smaller scale the revival here was a repetition of the glorious work in Redruth, the tokens of God's presence and favour being with them to the last. It was an appropriate termination to their present campaign, this being the conclusion of their Cornish programme. It was calculated that during the eighteen months which had elapsed since their resignation, no less than 502 MRS. BOOTH. 1862, Age 33. Seven thousand in eighteen months. seven thousand persons had professed conversion. Not only had the majority of these joined the various re- ligious bodies of their respective towns, but a consid- erable number had developed into active workers, and not a few became preachers of the Gospel. CHAPTER XLVIII. A new & P here - CARDIFF. 1863. FOR some time past the questipn had considerably exercised Mr. and Mrs. Booth as to what should be their next destination. They had invitations in Corn- wall which would have occupied them for some months to come. They loved the people and were happy in their midst. But for some time past the calls from other districts had been increasing in urgency. The very fact of their success, wafted abroad as it had been on the wings of newspapers and by the reports of their spiritual children, had created an earnest de- sire in the hearts of others to share in the blessing of their ministry. At length, however, they received a call from Cardiff, whither they had been preceded by many of their sailor converts, which appeared to be of so pressing and important a character that they ultimately decided upon this town as their next cen- tre. It was during the second week in February, 1863, Good-bye that they bade a final farewell to their warm-hearted Cornish friends and started for their new sphere. The recent action of the various Conferences, in re- fusing the use of their chapels to evangelists, forced upon Mr. and Mrs. Booth what became afterwards one of the most distinctive and successful features of their work, the use of public and unsectarian build- ings. True, they continued for some years to labour principally in the chapels of various denominations. 503 Getting 504 MRS. BOOTH. 1863, Age 34. The cir- cus taken . Hedged in. Neutral ground. Nevertheless, they drifted more and more in the direction of popular resorts. By this course they secured, in the first place, the largest buildings in the town, and could thus reach a greater number of people. Again, they were unem- barrassed by denominational differences, and were on common ground where all Christians could unite. Finally, they could secure the attendance of the non- church-going masses, toward whom their hearts were increasingly drawn out. The Cardiff visit is therefore signalised from the fact that the first departure in this direction was there made, a large circus being taken in which was sus- tained a series of important and effective meetings. Soon after their arrival Mrs. Booth writes to her parents : " Wednesday evening, CARDIFF. " I have so much to say that I do not know where to begin, and am far too tired to write the half of it to-night. " I had a meeting this morning in the Baptist Chapel, at which I spoke with great liberty for an hour. We had thirty or forty up for full consecration. It was a blessed season. I have spoken three times since our arrival. " We are very unsettled, however. William does not feel at home in the chapel, and there are several things, which it would take too long to explain, that make it an anxious time for us. There is every promise of a good work, but we are hedged in with difficulties. We want, and the friends who brought us here want, neutral ground, but the Music Hall is an unwieldy, ugly place, and the circus not much better." " Thursday morning. " It was decided last night for us to commence in the circus on Sunday. It has been taken for a fortnight at seven pounds a week. " We hear on all sides that the meeting yesterday morning was a blessed season to those present. No one is more as- CARDIFF. 505 tonished than I am that God should condescend to use such an instrument. " William had a good time last night. In fact, on the whole, it is as promising a beginning as we have had anywhere. But we don't consider we have fairly commenced undenomi- nationally till we get on to neutral ground. The Wesleyans, who are very revivalistic here, will not come and help us in a Baptist chapel ! But we have reason to believe they will come to the circus. " William is very anxious I think unnecessarily so. I don't know what he would do at these times without me. However, amidst all the unsettledness, anxiety, and trials pe- culiar to the work, I love it as much as ever, nay, more, and I never look back on the step we have taken with a single re- gret. I believe we shall have strength according to our day and shall be instrumental yet in bringing tens of thousands to the Saviour. I look for the literal fulfilment of the word on which He caused me to trust in the darkest hour of per- plexity, 'a hundred-fold in this life,' a hundred-fold of fruit to His honour and glory. " You ask what we think of the attitude of the paper? I must say I was utterly disappointed with its time-serving spirit. The subject is worthy of better treatment by those who profess to be set for the maintenance of religious liberty, principle, and right. The reviewer says the Methodist con- ferences must have had a reason for their action with reference to evangelists. Doubtless they had, and it was his duty to have dragged that reason to the daylight and sifted it to its origin. Well, they must do as they please. I believe honesty to be the best policy, and shall act upon it. We can do with- out either their reports or reviews, and the editor will find out in time who would have proved his best friends evangelists or their persecutors. We have got work enough for a lifetime, and while God stands by us it matters not who are against us. I hate sycophancy and lying on paper as badly as by word of mouth ! Let me have truth if it shakes the foundation of the earth. " I hope to live to see a real revival paper. I wish I were clever enough to edit it. I believe there is a good opening for a striking, out-and-out, unsectarian periodical, full of rousing truth and revival intelligence. 1863, Age 34. A good begin- ning. A hun- dred-fold in this life. Honesty the best policy. "/ hate syco- phancy." I, 506 MXS. BOOTH. 1863, " I have not patience to read a lot of the twaddle about mis- Age 34. sions in China and Australia. As I said in a meeting at Cam- borne, 'What! Is that Christianity which pays missionaries, abroad. ^ ts out ships, and prints Bibles at an immense expense to convert ignorant, idolatrous Chinamen, and turns its back on a work like this, in which its own children, servants, friends and neighbours are being converted? Is not a Cornish miner as much worth converting as a Chinaman? Will he not make as good and a little better Christian on earth and as glorious Is this a sa i n t m heaven? If so, where is the consistency in spend- Christian- ing hundreds of pounds to convert half a dozen Chinamen, and opposing agencies which God is owning in reaching the thou- sands of our own population who are destitute of the means of grace? Is this Christianity? Is it?' I cried as loud as I could lift my voice. 'No!' I said. 'It is mean, narrow sec- tarianism, and nothing more ! It is seeking to exalt my " ism," to glorify my denomination, rather than Jesus Christ.' And I felt my words burnt their way into the consciences of my hearers. If the Lord spares me, I mean to be faithful to the interests of truth, whoever is faithless. Oh, for more spiritual power ! The state " I n m Y best and most serious moments my heart aches and of the grows desponding for the state of the world in view of the state of the church. Oh, the hollowness is fearful ! It seems to me the Lord will have to send persecution, hot and fierce, if the church is to be purified. Should it happen in our time, may you and I be able to abide the day of His coming! We have need to pray and to labour, but oh, for power to suffer without rebelling ! Lord, prepare us ! " "MONDAY, Feb. 23d, 1863. The circus " I know you will be anxious to have news of yesterday, and described. so sna t c h a moment to report progress. The circus answers much better than we expected. William had a good atten- dance in the morning and a time of blessing. I had it full in the afternoon and spoke for an hour with tolerable liberty. The sight of the building almost overwhelmed me at first. It looks an immense place. I spoke from the stage, on which An im- there were a good many people sitting round. The ring in scene. front of us was filled with seats. Then commences a gallery in the amphitheatre style, rising from the floor to the ceiling* CARDIFF. This, when full, forms a most imposing scene. The side gal- leries and those behind the stage were likewise well filled. It was a great effort for me to compass the place with my voice, but I believe I was heard distinctly, so that I intend to exert myself less next time. I am very much shaken to-day, but nothing, I trust, that will not soon pass off again. It was a great undertaking, and, considering all things, I was wonderfully strengthened in doing it. The people listened well, and were evidently nailed. " William had it crowded at night a mighty service, and fifty-six names taken in the prayer-meeting, I know you will help us to praise our condescending, covenant-keeping God. " William has had a great conflict. I think I never knew him lower than last week. But now he sees, he believes. Oh, for a stronger faith in God alone ! Humanly speaking, a failure here would have been very deplorable. Thanks be unto God, everything now seems to indicate a great work." " CARDIFF. " The congregations keep up well considering the character of the building. I am to have a chapel for Wednesday morn- ings. The Wesleyans have offered theirs. So, all well, I shall be in it next Wednesday. If the reverend gentleman who talked about 'the perambulations of the male and female * hears of it, he will think that the said 'female' has been one too many for him and his resolutions ! My topic is announced as 'The Importance of Consistency in Professors.' " My time is now never my own. I am subject to so many callers, and if I had the strength for it and no other claims upon me, I might almost always be engaged in dealing with the anxious. I could tell you some very interesting incidents that have transpired here. " A physician and his wife are coming from Lanport to- day on purpose to get some spiritual counsel. I have had three or four sweet letters from the lady. " We shall send you a paper by this post with a letter in it signed by 'one of the unattached.' It is written by a sub- editor of a paper, who told me last night that he had been led to decision for Christ by my addresses." About this time, in writing to one who was much tempted to depression and unbelief, Mrs. Booth says: 1863, Age 34. Fifty-six names taken. With the Wesley- ans again. Dealing with the anxious. The saved sub- editor. 508 MRS. BOOTH. 1863, Age 34. Obedience and faith. If right, do it. " Excuse my plain- Ponty- pridd and " I have thought a great deal about your last letter. I am convinced from constant intercourse with Christians in a doubt- ing state that it generally arises from unwillingness to obey ., . . , ^, ,-, . ., . , tne teachings of the Spirit on some one point or other, and I continually tell them, 'You must obey or you cannot believe.' It is just as impossible to believe while I am waging a contro- versy with the dictates of the Spirit as it would be to believe if I were in hell itself! I experienced this myself for four long years. Whenever I used to try and appropriate the promises and to get nearer to God, it was always suggested to my mind, 'But you are not willing to give your husband up to be an evangelist. ' And before I could get right I had to settle that controversy by saying, 'Lord, if it kills me I will do it.' And as soon as I had done this I entered into rest. " Now let me beseech of you to do likewise. If conscience or t he spirit dictates any course, any duty, any sacrifice, do it, make it, and then you will get the witness of the Spirit ; and not till then, I feel persuaded. Don't stop to confer with the devil. Never mind what you lose by it. If it is right, do it. And you shall experience the meaning of that blessed word, 'He that will lose his life for my sake shall, find it.' " You will excuse my plainness. You ask my counsel, and j n giving it I must be faithful to your soul. I long for you to get out of this miserable state. And I believe you might get deliverance in a moment by deciding at once to obey the Spirit in all things at any cost, leaving the future with the Lord. Oh, it is far better to suffer anything with His pres- ence than to enjoy all things without Him!" Writing to her mother, Mrs. Booth says: " April ist, CARDIFF. " William has gone to Pontypridd, and I have a letter from ^im w hich is very satisfactory. We have an invitation from the Free Methodists to go to Newport. I think the way seems open, and I would rather labor with Methodists. I have such an aversion to Calvinism, much as I admire many who profess it. Nevertheless, it is quite different when other denomina- tions come to help us on Methodist or neutral ground. We have had great difficulties here, chiefly because we have had no suitable place. William, too, has been fearfully low, partly the result of physical exhaustion. But I cannot con- CARDIFF. 509 vince him of it. Altogether it has been an anxious and trying time. " I have myself usually spoken with much liberty. My con- gregations in the afternoon have been largely composed of chapel and church-going people. I . generally have un- broken attention. I have had the best morning meetings I ever had anywhere, and about one hundred and thirty have come forward for full consecration, besides some for pardon. There are several who are taking a very prominent stand now in the work who have been renewed in righteousness at these meetings. All praise to Him to whom alone it is due! " Two of these meetings have been held in a large Wesleyan Chapel, two in different Baptist chapels, and the rest in the circus. The attendance has been excellent, the last, for women only, being the best of all. I have every reason to think that the people receive me gladly everywhere, and that prejudice against female ministry melts away before me like snow in the sun. I believe I have never been so popular any- where as here. Everybody treats me with the greatest con- sideration and affection. I sometimes feel quite overcome. Burn this at once. I should not mention it to any one but to you. Oh, for grace to improve such a precious opportunity for blessing and saving souls ! I feel that this is all I want to make me mighty for Christ. Pray for me. I am much buffeted and often almost overwhelmed." " CARDIFF, April 8th. " William has had a very good time at Pontypridd, and they want him to stay on another week. To this we have agreed, and I am going to join him for the Sabbath. " We had a nice meeting last night, but not more than four hundred for tea. This is, however, quite as many as we ex- pected under the circumstances. " I had a good day at the circus on Sunday. I had not my usual liberty in speaking in the afternoon until near the close. At night we had a very good meeting and thirteen cases. William had fifteen souls at Pontypridd in a small chapel, the sweetest cases, he says, he ever had in his life at one meeting. Praise the Lord ! " " Thursday evening. " You will have heard of the death of Mr. P. J. Wright. I was very much surprised. Poor fellow, I hope he was quite 1863, Age 34. Speaks with liberty. Prejudice melts like snow in the sun. The sweet- est cases he ever had. Death of Mr. Wright. MRS. BOOTH. 1863, Age 34. Five hun- dred converts, and life- long friends. The Messrs. Cory. The steamship " William Booth." ready. He now sees things in their true light, doubtless. I wonder if his views about evangelism are changed? " Mr. Wright, it will be remembered, was the leader of the opposition in the New Connexion Conference, who played so prominent a part in debarring Mr. and Mrs. Booth from the evangelistic sphere, and in the proceedings which culminated in their resignation. The meetings in Cardiff resulted in the professed conversion of some five hundred persons. Hundreds more consecrated themselves freshly to the service of God, and entered into the enjoyment of a new and blessed experience to which they had hitherto been strangers. Not the least interesting and valuable outcome of the meetings was, however, the formation of some life-long friendships which were to exercise a considerable influence upon the future work of Mr. and Mrs. Booth. Among the most influential and prominent of the Christian workers who had invited them to Cardiff were the Messrs. John and Richard Cory, the well- known ship and colliery owners. With shrewd sagacity these two gentlemen foresaw the great future that lay before the evangelists, and with rare consistency and increasing liberality they have continued to support the work for a period of nearly thirty years. From the day when the firm named one of their newly- bought ships the "William Booth," and set apart a share in its expected profits for the assistance of the cause in which the evangelists were engaged, their interest has continued. Although the vessel was soon afterwards wrecked off the island of Bermuda they did not allow this catastrophe to prevent them from carrying out their original intention, and proved themselves, in many a dark, tempestuous hour, friends who could be relied upon. CARDIFF. 5 1 1 Mr. Richard Cory, being a Baptist, differed in some 1863, lesser doctrinal questions from Mr. and Mrs. Booth, ge 34 ' but his ardent, impulsive nature and his intense zeal for the cause of Christ usually carried him with a bound over his objections, and his anxiety to see souls saved enabled him to overlook the minor and theo- Mr. Richard Cory. JOHN CORY, OF CARDIFF. retical distinctions which might otherwise have stood in the way. Mr. John Cory, on the other hand, was a matter- Mr. John of-fact, hard-headed, clear-sighted man of business. Just as, in the case of his business relationships, his chief anxiety was to see the work done and the profits realised, so with this spiritual partnership, which he had thus early formed, he judged by results and was satisfied. Often flooded with pamphlets and criticisms 512 MJ?S. BOOTH. 1863, of an adverse character, Mr. Cory has always taken a ge 34 ' broad, statesmanlike view of the subject, and, with- A liberal out claiming for the work perfection, has proved his unshaken confidence in the integrity and capacity of its leaders. Refusing to let his mind be distracted from the main object by petty quibbles as to small details, he has persistently estimated the value of the tree by its fruits. While God blessed the labourers with such manifest outpourings of His Holy Spirit Mr. Cory felt that he was more than justified in hold- ing out the right hand of fellowship. How many have pursued an opposite and mistaken course in al- lowing themselves to be unduly influenced by some minor differences of opinion, forgetting that it would be easy for cavillers to discover motes in every brother's eye and beams in that of every existing organisation ! Audi ai- Mr. Cory also pursued the straightforward course partem. of seeing the work for himself, and has thus had the advantage of forming his own opinions, irrespective of the reports of others. The " audi alterant partem, " the evenhandedness of British justice, was an essential article in his creed, and if anything arose which seemed to require explanation he was not slow to refer it to those who were most interested in the matter. Calumnies, slanders, mis-statements, and Running exaggerations had to run the gauntlet of an open court, gauntlet, and failed to obtain the back-door access which they usually seek. The mutual confidence which such conduct could not but inspire has gained for Mr. Cory the satisfaction of witnessing the triumph of the principles which he has so long and so consistently supported. CHAPTER XLIX. THE PROVINCES. 1863. THE high standard of accomplishment set before Trying himself by Mr. Booth rendered the comparative re- verses with which he occasionally met the more try- ing to one of his impetuous temperament. He could draw little comfort from the fact that his own achievements exceeded those of others similarly placed, or from the existence of difficulties which most would have regarded as affording a sufficient ex- cuse for failure. Nothing satisfied him but at least an equal measure of result to that which he had else- staw * ard - where witnessed ; and even when this had been gained he was ever ready to question whether the standard was not still far short of the Divine ideal. Nevertheless, the boycott established by some of The the denominations could not fail to affect in a con- siderable degree the progress of the work, and at Newport, the next field of labour, his efforts were seriously crippled by the inability to secure suitable buildings. Added to this, Mrs. Booth was prostrated Mrs. soon after their arrival by a serious attack of influenza, J which prevented her from taking her accustomed share in the meetings. Writing to her parents Mrs. Booth says : " May 20, 1863. " The difficulties here have been very great. Indeed, I do The two not think we should have come had we known that we should have been thrown on to so small and unsuitable a chapel. ards. 33 513 5H MRS. BOOTH. 1863, Age 34. Pemliar trials. Was it a f ailuref Mr. and Mrs. Billups. A true friend. However, there has been some very good work accomplished. Above a hundred have been saved, and some of them have been very good cases. Amongst others were two of the oldest and worst drunkards in the town. " I don't feel at all discouraged, and if William would only look at it in the same way all would be right. We cannot expect to succeed everywhere alike. Difficulties must in some degree affect the measure of our success. People seem to forget the circumstances under which we came. If you don't succeed to the extent they expect, you may work ever so hard and suffer martyrdom in trying to lift them and their little interests to notice and prosperity, and they will take it all as a matter of course. But never mind. The Lord knows all about it, and he will supply our need. " There is plenty of material from which to make a good report even here. But there is no one to do it. The preacher reports anniversaries, but a hundred souls and a general quickening of the members he looks upon as a failure, and so says nothing. And yet I like the man, and esteem him far more highly than many of his class. If it were not for eter- nity we should soon give up this life. But we dare not while God so owns our efforts." At the close of the Newport meetings Mr. and Mrs. Booth were invited for a few days of rest and change to Weston-super-Mare by two of their newly- made Cardiff friends, Mr. and Mrs. Billups. A friendship of a warm and unchanging character sprang up between Mrs. Booth and Mrs. Billups. To this we are indebted for a voluminous correspondence, to which frequent reference will be made in the en- suing pages. Mrs. Billups was one of those self-depreciatory but truly noble-minded and large-hearted characters, rarely found, and seldom duly valued. Sensitively conscientious, she often blamed herself for what others would have praised. The very essence of benevolence, she could not endure to see suffering without endeavouring to alleviate it. With a mental THE PROVINCES. 515 and moral horizon that was unbounded by the nar- 1863, row-mindedness of mere self-interest, she was at the ge 34 ' same time both intellectual and spiritual. It requires a heart to appreciate a heart, and a mind Her men- to appreciate a mind. Mrs. Billups was endowed with ability. both. Her mental abilities were such as to enable her to recognise the superior gifts of Mrs. Booth, and yet to companion her in a sense that few could do. At the same time the intense hunger of her soul for God and her boundless admiration for piety and hero- ism made her an eager disciple of her friend and An eager counsellor. She did not, it is true, possess the colos- dlsci P te - sal strength of will and self-reliance which enabled Mrs. Booth to face without flinching storms which would have prostrated any ordinary mind. But it would hardly be just to compare characters of so dif- ferent a cast and calibre. Mr. Billups, a contractor by profession, was not Mr. only warmly attached to his amiable and talented a n optl wife, but held her in the highest veneration. Him- self the essence of good-nature, and an optimist of the most pronounced type, he presented the very antithe- sis to Mrs. Billups, whose whole life was tinged with self-condemnation, the peculiar qualities of each counteracting the despair of the one or the over- elation of the other. Both have proved themselves unswerving friends of unswero- Mr. and Mrs. Booth alike in the dark seasons of per- ing a( plexity and poverty and in the hey-day of their most brilliant achievements. The short visit to Weston- super-Mare served to cement the friendship which had been formed amid the hurry and rush of the Cardiff revival. It was a bright and long-remem- bered oasis in what happened to be somewhat of a desert experience. Cut off from their old associates 5 i6 MRS. BOOTH. 1863, Age 34. The clergy- man's ex- perience. Com- rades-in- arms. Walsall. How the work there be- gan. by the recent decrees of the three Conferences, they had not yet rallied the band of sympathisers who were to help them in their future plans. " Our ex- perience at this time," says General Booth, "was that of the old clergyman, who said that the church would not contain his acquaintances, but the pulpit was too large for his friends!" Happily those days are long since past, and the Salvation Army can reckon on the assistance of many valued friends, who, if not actually enrolled within its ranks, are able and ready to ren- der services the worth of which it would be difficult to estimate. But, while thankful for the many new faces that sprang up around her from year to year, none were more heartily appreciated and gladly wel- comed by Mrs. Booth to the last than the old and long-tried comrades-in-arms, whose affection had been tested by the fires of adversity and the wear and waste of time. After leaving Weston-super-Mare Mr. and Mrs. Booth spent the next eight weeks at the town of Walsall, near Birmingham. They had been invited there by a small struggling society who called them selves Free Methodists, but were in reality indepen- dent of that and every other church. Their previous and subsequent history was, however, not a little re- markable, and is worthy of notice, as somewhat fore- shadowing the Salvation Army. Mr. Booth's diary contains the following sketch of the origin of this society : " Just twelve months ago a few friends went over from Walsall to Wolverhampton to hear Mr. Caughey, and their hearts were greatly stirred by what they saw and heard. Returning home they resolved to make an effort to light a similar flame in their own town, and to do something for the crowds who were THE PROVINCES. 517 steeped in sin and wretchedness. A Mr. Dupe, a 1863, plain, earnest man, who was saved under Mr. Caughey ge 34 ' at Nottingham twenty years ago, preached their first sermon, on 'They shall come that were ready to perish,' in a small room, which he and three others had rented. From the first, souls sought salvation. The work began to attract notice among the roughs, and there were frequent disturbances. One night Early they dressed up one of their number to represent the ances. devil, with horns, hoof, and tail, and sent him in, thinking it would terrify the congregation and thus upset the meeting. Instead of this, however, the leaders turned on him and besought to get him saved. This was more than the disturbers had bargained for, and they at length retired, considerably discomfited, leaving behind them the horns, which were hung up in the hall as a trophy, and served both as an attrac- tion and warning in the meetings for some time after." A larger room was taken, and then a still larger Their new one. Mr. Caughey was then invited over and preached for them in a borrowed chapel. They had also been visited by Dr. and Mrs. Palmer. Finally they had built for themselves the fine new chapel to which they had invited Mr. and Mrs. Booth, and in which on the previous Sabbath they had held their anniversary services. This seems to me to speak volumes for earnest measures and evangelistic effort. "Sunday, May 3ist. The first day's services have Mrs. filled us with hope. Although the congregation in a nieiting the morning was small, still there was a very precious influence. In the afternoon my darling wife had a melting time. Above thirty persons came forward to make a full consecration of themselves to the service of Jesus. And at night I had hardly given the in- vitation when sinners responded from all parts of the 5i8 MRS. BOOTH. 1863, chapel. Seventeen names were recorded as receiving ge 34 ' the blessing of pardon. Some "Saturday, June 6th. During the week the con- S saved? gregations have been small, but still the converting work has gone on. Fifty persons have professed sal- vation. On Thursday nine young men knelt to- gether. Some of them had been notorious scoffers. They had gone so far in previous services as to let a bird loose in the chapel. I hope that the Lord will teach and keep them. The Army "Sabbath, June /th. The morning congregation owed. ' was a very considerable improvement. At night we were nearly full. Several rather noted characters had come over from Birmingham to help us, and they went out into the streets singing and exhorting the people. One of them had been a professional horse- TropMes racer an( ^ gambler. One was a prize-fighter. An- of grave, other had been a celebrated thief, concerned in some silk robberies, jumping on and off the train between the stations when going at a considerable speed. It was very gratifying to listen to their earnest plead- ings, and to hear them speak of the power of Christ to save to the uttermost all who come to God by Him. About twenty professed to find Jesus at the close of the meeting. Servants "Thursday, June nth. Elizabeth, a servant whom ed ' we engaged a few days ago, came out for salvation. We had been anxious about her, but she had told Mary that she did not believe in revivals. However, I sent one of the leaders to speak to her and she came forward. As my dear wife knelt by her side and spoke to her, Elizabeth threw her arms round her neck, wept bitterly, and entered into the rest of be- lieving like a little child. The girl we had in Cardiff and the one at Newport have also been saved. THE PROVINCES. 519 "Sunday, June i4th. Last night we held an open- 1863, air service on what is called the Bridge. It is a large ge 34 ' space in the centre of the town at the foot of the The market street, having a clock, a drinking-fountain, ridg and two cannon taken at the Crimea in the centre. Underneath, a small stream of water flows, in conse- quence of which it is known as the Bridge, although bearing little semblance to the structures that are usually dignified by that name. " It is some time now since I attempted speaking Open-air in the open air. My last effort was only a brief one, and I was so much exhausted by it that, although often wishing for the physical endurance necessary for such labours, I had feared my utter inability, and consequently for the time being abandoned it. With some misgivings, therefore, I joined a handful of friends there last evening. To my surprise and gratification I found myself able, with comparative ease, to speak for upwards of an hour to a crowd of people. Many appeared deeply impressed, and I doubt not bread was cast upon the waters of thought and memory, which will be found again to the praise and glory of God after many days. " To-day has been, on the whole, an improvement on The work previous Sabbaths. There was a good influence in advances - the morning, and a powerful time in the afternoon, when my dear wife was enabled to speak home to the hearts and consciences of the people. At night the chapel was full, and about twenty came forward. "Wednesday, 1 7th June. At night a very useful Ameetmj open-air service. I was afraid at the beginning we were going to fail. I had but few supporters, and there were not many listeners. However, the crowd soon gathered. Just as I commenced, a horsebreaker began driving a young colt round and round among 520 MRS. BOOTH. 1863, the people. After some remonstrance he desisted and ge 34 ' took his departure. For a while my spirits were much depressed. I was relying entirely on the inspi- ration of the moment for what I should say. But with the last verse of the hymn the power of effective speech was given me, and one of the best services fol- lowed which I ever attended in the open air. At the close of an hour and a quarter's address, during which time we sang twice, I invited 'the people to accompany us to the chapel. Then jumping off the chair, I linked my arm in that of a navvy with a white slop on, Arm-in- and we marched off arm-in-arm with a great crowd to a a navvy, the chapel. In the meeting which followed about twenty came forward, some of them straight from the coalpit and workshop. "Sunday, 2ist June. Much better attendance. Mrs. Booth had a grand service in the afternoon. At night between twenty and thirty professed to find mercy. The chapel was about full, but we were dis- appointed that there was no greater rush. A march " Monday. We had again a season of great power through on the Bri( j ge an( j in the streets. After leaving the streets. s t an( j we walked singing through one of the most crowded parts of the town, occasionally pausing and giving exhortations or offering a few words of prayer. On reaching the chapel I found my dear wife was Mrs. still there. She had been holding a children's ser- wfththe vice, at which some sixty or seventy little ones had children. come forward enquiring their way to Jesus. She stayed with us and gave a short but powerful address, and very soon souls were seeking salvation in greater numbers than on any previous occasion. Some were me can- truly delightful cases. verted "One man who has been a drunkard, and was con- drunk- ard. verted a few nights previously and has since attended THE PROVINCES. 521 the meetings, looking as happy and interested as any 1863, of us, was sitting to-night in a front pew and anx- iously watching a friend of his who had come out to the rail. At length he left his seat, knelt down by Helps his his companion, threw his arms round him and began f nend > to encourage him to believe in Jesus. I thought this was beautiful. Only the other day himself deep down in the mire and clay, he is found not only anxious about, but helping his comrade to find Jesus. They say a Hindoo for the Hindoos, an African for the Africans, and so a workingman for workingmen. A man will be most likely to benefit his own class. " When we first came here we were obliged to get The the paperhangers and others into our house to help c ^^~ make it habitable. . At family prayers one morning we had called all together into the kitchen, the only available living-room, and had just commenced when a chimney-sweep looked in and asked if we should require his services. Mrs. Booth said that we should, and invited him to come in and sit down. He did so with some reluctance, listened while I read, and after- wards bowed with us in prayer. While pleading for him my dear wife said that she felt assured God had heard and answered our prayer. The matter had passed from my mind till this evening, when I met him in the aisle, and found that both he and his wife had come forward to the rail for salvation a few nights previously. "Sabbath, 28th June. A few days ago it occurred A new to me that a day's open-air services would be useful nlan - in arousing the town and in bringing under the Gospel a great number whom we cannot reach even with the extraordinary means we are at present em- ploying. Acordingly we laid our plans and issued a large poster, of which the following is a copy: 522 MRS. BOOTH. 1863, Age 34- "'MR. AND MRS. BOOTH AT WALSALL. " ' A United Monster Camp-Meeting will be held in a field near Hatherton Lake on Sabbath, June 28th. " 'Addresses will be given by Revs. William Booth, Thos. Whitehouse, and other ministers of the neigh- bourhood, and also by converted pugilists, horse- racers, poachers, and others from Birmingham, Liver- pool, and Nottingham. "'Mrs. Booth will preach at Whittemere Street Chapel in the evening at 6 o'clock. '"Services to commence at 9 A.M.' A capital " ' The dawning of this Sabbath was anxiously an- ticipated, and very early many eyes peered forth to discern the character of the weather, and were glad- dened at the probability of a fine day. By 9 o'clock a large company had assembled at the chapel. After prayer we started to procession the town, and with a company which swelled in numbers as we pro- ceeded we made the streets echo with heart-stirring songs. Here and there we paused for prayer, or a word of exhortation, and very often for the announce- ment of the coming services. The people ran in crowds. Preachers and praying men from surround- ing towns and villages joined us as we passed along, hundreds of stragglers followed in our train, and by the time we reached the camp-ground we had quite an imposing gathering. Thecamp. "The field, which had been kindly lent for the oc- casion, was admirably suited for our purpose, having in it several natural eminences, at the base of which we placed our wagons, and with the people lining the sides of the green hills in front and on either side the gathering presented quite a picturesque appear- THE PROVINCES. 523 ance. The morning services were excellent, the at- 1863, tendance equalling our most sanguine expectations. The afternoon excelled anything of the kind ever witnessed before in the neighbourhood. It was cal- culated that there were nearly five thousand people ,_ w , J r f thousand on the ground, three-fourths of whom were working- present. men. The speakers were just of the stamp to grapple with this class : chiefly of their own order, talking to them in their own language, regarding themselves as illustrations of the power of the Gospel, and continually crying, 'Such were some of us, but we are washed. ' " One of them had been a prize-fighter, a drunkard, Theprize- and a gambler, having tramped all over the country. His wife and child had been in the union. So despe- rate had he been that five and six policemen had been required to take him to prison, and then from the grating of the lock-up he had waved his hand to his comrades, shouting, 'This is the boy that will never give in!' Now he shouts, 'The lion's tamed! The Tkeiion Ethiopian's white! The sinner's saved! Christ has conquered.' By his evil ways he had nearly broken his parents' hearts, but, being pious, they had never ceased to pray for him. Now they rejoiced over him, and the other day he sent them his portrait with a Bible in his hand instead of the boxing-gloves. All this and a great deal more he testified with great simplicity, while his face, covered with smiles, told of the happiness which now reigned within. " Another had been a horse-racer, a professional A short gambler, and a drunkard. To use his own words, P a P black there was not one in that great crowd who could be worse than he had been. A short pipe and a black eye would give an idea of his usual appearance at any time. 524 MRS. BOOTH. 1863, " These were some of the speakers. Others spoke Atrc *?A with equally blessed influence. At different periods the speakers left the wagons, large circles were formed on the grass, and all united in prayer. It was five o'clock before the afternoon service closed, and then we left our ex-racing friend pleading the cause of Jesus with the crowd that still lingered. Forty seek " j n the evening my dear wife spoke to a great salvation. * J. E. BILLUPS, OF CARDIFF. crowd in the chapel, while I held a meeting in a field close by. We united for the prayer-meeting, when about forty persons sought salvation." The Hal- This day was remarkable for more reasons than Band. one. Not only did the revival go forward with a fresh impetus, some thirty souls professing to be con- verted on each night of the following week, but after Mr. and Mrs. Booth had left Walsall similar meetings were held by the same workers in neighbouring towns. THE PROVINCES. 525 They announced themselves as "The Hallelujah 1863, Band" engaged theatres, music halls, drill halls, ge 34 ' circuses, sheds, warehouses, chapels, or whatever else might be available, and held meetings which work. were attended by large crowds. Numbers were saved, and at one time it seemed that the work was likely to become permanent and to spread over the whole country. Applications for the services of the band came in j t i ac ked cohesion. MRS. BILLUPS, OF CARDIFF. from all directions. Other bands sprang up, and for a season the prospects were most hopeful. But, alas, the movement lacked those elements of cohesion and stability which could alone ensure its permanence. There being no central and recognised authority, NO cen- each man did what seemed good in his own eyes, authority. Divisions and rivalries were the natural consequence. In their train followed detraction and slander. Then mercenary motives crept in. Money was given at 526 MJfS. BOOTH. 1863, the meetings with a generous hand, and the applica- ge 34 ' tion of it became a cause of contention. Several of the most prominent workers backslid, the meetings dwindled, the bands became a mere show of what they had been, and, with the exception of a few iso- lated instances, the whole movement passed from public view almost as suddenly as it had appeared. Mr. Booth Mr. Booth watched this movement from the first daylight, with keen interest, and often remarked that, .had it been properly officered and organised, the results might have been very different. But more important still in its bearing upon the future was the light that sprang from this experience in regard to the solution of the mighty problem as to how the masses were to be reached. Ho t In his pugilist preachers and horse-racing leaders masses, was early recognised the principle that the working classes were most effectually influenced by their own flesh and blood, and added another to the foundation truths which contributed to the ultimate success of the Salvation Army. A typical Mr. Booth leaping down from the chair in the market-place, and linking arms with the navvy in his march through the streets, was eminently typical of the descent he was to make from conventionality and traditionalism, and of the alliance that he was to form with the toiling masses of the world. The act of the moment was to be the inspiration of years to come. Arm-in- It was arm-in-arm, as their brother-sinner saved by " m ' grace, that he was to lead the socialistic, democratic, turbid, restless masses of humanity back to order, back to religion, and back to God. CHAPTER L THE PROVINCES. 1863-4. A FEW days after the camp-meeting described in the last chapter Mr. Booth met with an unfortunate accident which served for a time to throw the burden of the work entirely upon Mrs. Booth. In leaving the chapel one night he put his foot into a hole which had been made for the purpose of some alter- ations to the gas-fittings of the place, and gave it a wrench which completely lamed him and confined him to his room for the next fortnight. As soon, how- ever, as he was able to get out again he was in his accustomed place, standing on one leg and resting the other knee upon a chair. A day or two afterwards he hobbled round the town with the procession, his in- domitable spirit ever carrying him to the utmost limit of his strength. Perhaps the most cheering, and not the least im- portant, incident of the Walsall revival was the conversion of their son Bramwell. It took place at one of the children's meetings which Mrs. Booth was in the custom of conducting. "For some little time," says his mother, " I had been anxious on his behalf. He had appeared deeply convicted during the Cardiff services, and one night at the circus I had urged him very earnestly to decide for Christ. For a long time he would not speak, but I insisted on his giving me a definite answer as to whether he would accept the 527 Mr. Booth sprains his foot. Mrs. Booth leads the meetings. The con- version of Bram- well. At Car- diff he icould not be saved. 5 28 MAS. BOOTH, 1863, Age 34. Among the peni- tents. Cherish- ing grace. A definite exper- ience. A persyn- al ques- tion. offer of salvation or not. I shall never forget the feeling that thrilled through my soul, when my dar- ling boy, only seven years old, about whom I had formed such high expectations with regard to his future service for the Master, deliberately looked me in the face and answered 'No!' " It was, therefore, not only with joy but with some little surprise that I discovered him in one of my Walsall meetings kneeling at the communion rail among a crowd of little penitents. He had come out, of his own accord, from the middle of the hall, and I found him squeezed in among the rest, confessing his sins and seeking forgiveness. I need not say that I dealt with him faithfully, and, to the great joy of both his father and myself, he then and there received the assurance of pardon." Referring to the matter in a letter to her parents Mrs. Booth says: "Willie has begun to serve God, of course as a child, but still, I trust, taught of the Spirit. I feel a great increase of responsibility with respect to him. Oh, to cherish the tender plant of grace aright. Lord, help!" To some it may appear strange that a child who had thus been brought up from his very infancy in such an atmosphere of prayer and consecration should have had so definite an experience of conversion. But the history of many a pious home has proved the sad possibility of children who are surrounded with religious influences growing up, if not in open wicked- ness, at least without coming to any real decision for God. Mr. and Mrs. Booth taught their children, as soon as they were able to understand, that this was a question which they must settle for themselves. And they had the happiness of seeing one after another surrender themselves at an early age to Christ, and THE PROVINCES. 529 prove by an after-life of devotion and sacrifice the 1863, sincerity of their vows and the reality of the change. ge ^ " A great deal has devolved on me during this last fort- pj. 00 f s * night. I have conducted the service every night since Wil- sincerity. Ham was hurt, and have only been very poorly myself. The weather and the smoky atmosphere of this place seem quite to overpower me. " To-night William has gone to speak out of doors for the jtf r . first time since his accident. His ankle is wonderful, consider- Booth's AMMftf ing what a serious sprain it was. You would have been sprain. frightened had you seen it. The leg was black and blue al- most from the knee to the toes, and the joint was very much swollen. We have given Mr. Smedley's hydropathic treat- Hydrppa- ment a fair trial. William has had a steam bath for the limb twice and three times daily, and it has answered so well as to astonish all who have seen it. We are told it is no uncom- mon thing for persons with no worse strains to be completely laid up for six or eight weeks. Nevertheless, the confine- ment and pain have made him very poorly." After continuing the services for eight weeks, Mr. and Mrs. Booth farewelled and left Walsall. Power- ful and successful as had been the revival, and num- erous as had been the trophies of saving grace, it had been financially a severe and prolonged struggle. " We have not at present received as much as our travelling expenses and house-rent," Mrs. Booth writes to her mother. " I feel a good deal perplexed, and am sometimes tempted to mistrust the Lord. But I will not allow it. Our Father knows!" By the kindness of some friends Mr. and Mrs. Booth were able to spend the next few weeks at Mr. Smedley's Hydropathic Establishment, Matlock Bank. The opportunity for further studying the hydropathic treatment was taken advantage of by Mrs. Booth, who became a thorough convert to the system, prac- tising and advocating it to the end of her life. 34 530 MRS. BOOTH. 1863, On the present occasion, but for this timely rest, a ge 34< general break-down in Mr. Booth's health would have A timely been inevitable. He was suffering from a severely rest - ulcerated throat, which would alone have rendered public speaking impossible. Added to this, his ankle was still swollen and painful, and his constitution generally run down. But it has been always dif- ficult, under any circumstances, to persuade him to rest. His active mind has ever revelled in employ- ment, and he has contrived to wedge into the years of his life what would have overtaxed the energies of half-a-dozen ordinary persons. It was, therefore, with Return to more than usual satisfaction that he hailed the op- portunity of returning to his beloved work. The next meetings were held at the New Connexion Chapel in Moseley Street, Birmingham. More than ingather- a hundred and fifty souls were ingathered as a result Birming- of this effort, and at the farewell meeting the follow- ing resolution was passed with great cordiality and unanimity : " This society desires to express its gratitude to the Al- mighty for the success which has attended the labours of the Rev. William and Mrs. Booth, while conducting a series of special religious meetings in Moseley Street Chapel, and begs to present to the Rev. William and Mrs. Booth its best thanks for the great services they have rendered to this society, and prays that God's blessing may attend them in all their future labours, and that at last they may be crowned with glory, honour, immortality, and eternal life." Work at Without removing his family from Birmingham, Ol and 11 Mr. Booth spent the next five weeks in carrying on Hasbury. wor ^ a t old Hill in connexion with the Primitive Methodists, notwithstanding the recent resolution that their Conference had passed. As a result some two hundred persons professed conversion. In these and THE PR O VINCES. 5 3 r in the following meetings, at a small place called Has- 1863, bury, Mrs. Booth's ill-health permitted her to take but ge 34 ' little part. She was enabled, however, in December . to offer material assistance in the revival then in pro- gress at the Lye. Of these meetings she gives an Revival at interesting sketch in her letters to her parents, from which we gather the following particulars. She writes from Birmingham, where she continued to reside with her family, travelling backwards and for- wards to the Lye as occasion might require : "BIRMINGHAM, Dec. 8, 1863. " I have returned this afternoon from the Lye. I was too opposi- much exhausted after my service yesterday (Monday) morn- tion from ing to return that day. We had a wonderful time, chapel preachers. nearly full, and ten cases for pardon, sixty or seventy for full consecration. I never saw so much weeping in a meeting. I like the character of the people and feel equally desirous to stay in these parts. But the preachers have created an oppo- sition at Brierley Hill, so that door is shut. " It does seem incomprehensible, when William has conse- glorious crated life and all to the work of saving men, that we should track. be opposed and thwarted by those who ought to be first to encourage and help us ! But, alas, too often so it is ! There is, however, one consolation. We follow in a glorious track. All who have ever set themselves to the same work have had to contend with the same difficulties. Even the world's great Reformer and Redeemer 'came to His own, and His own re- ceived Him not. ' What He did for the people He did in spite of the Scribes and Pharisees. 'As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be!' " Nevertheless, we have great encouragements. The bless- Some tro- ing of many who were ready to perish comes upon us. There is some precious fruit at the Lye yonder, some glorious tro- phies of grace, and, if it be not blasted by the entrance of a quarrelsome and self-seeking spirit among the officials, it will be our 'crown of rejoicing' in the day of the Lord. " I feel dreadfully unsettled at present. I don't like this mode of living at all. William has now been away from home, except on Friday and Saturday, for twelve weeks. I long to 532 MRS. BOOTH. 1863, Age 34. trust. Exhaust- ing 'but blessed work. Mrs. Booth's morning meetings. get fixed together again once more. The going backwards and forwards and being in other people's houses does not suit William. Nor do I like leaving home for the Sabbaths. I am much tempted to look gloomily towards the future. But 'my heart is fixed.' 'I will trust and not be afraid.' " These words have followed me much of late, ' Do good, so shalt thou dwell in the land, and verily thou shalt be fed. ' If I can only fulfil thejirst part of the direction I have no fear about the second. But oh, I continually come short. I want Madame Guy on' s faith and self-renunciation. Pray for me! I sometimes feel as though I had taken a path which is too hard for me, and duties too onerous for me to perform ; but it is my privilege to say, and to feel, 'I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me. ' " "BIRMINGHAM, Dec. 16, 1863. " I went to the Lye again on Saturday with William. I had a crowded chapel in the afternoon and a good time ; but it is the hardest place to speak in that I ever knew. It tries me more than the Circus at Cardiff. Monday morning I had an- other service and the chapel was full. God was with us, of a truth. I don't know how many came forward, but the rail, forms, and all available places were filled, and we should have had as many more if there had been anywhere to put them. I never saw the meeting excelled, even in Cornwall. William had between twenty and thirty cases on Sunday night, but he came back fearfully exhausted. It is a perfect mystery to me how he stands it night after night, first the long sermon, and then the tiring and protracted prayer meet- ing. It is killing work, although an infinitely blessed one. We conclude on Christmas day with a tea-meeting." An interesting description of these meetings is sent by a lady, who vividly recollects them after an inter- val of twenty-seven years : "I have a specially distinct recollection," she writes, "of the morning meetings held by Mrs. Booth for women only. The Primitive Methodist Tabernacle, in which these services were held, was crowded morning after morning, and never shall I forget the memorable scenes that were enacted there. At the close of each meeting dear Mrs. Booth called for vol- THE PROVINCES. 533 tmteers, and numbers quickly responded to the invitation. But my pen is quite inadequate to describe what we constantly witnessed. Never before or since have I seen anything to equal it. " The women left their work and in all sorts of odd costumes flocked to the meetings, some with bonnets, some with a shawl fastened over their head, others with little children clinging to their necks. All with eager, enquiring faces took their seats and listened to the gracious words which fell from the lips of dear Mrs. Booth. And when the invitation was given, what a scene ensued ! It baffles all description. Crowding, weeping, rushing to the communion rail came con- victed sinners and repentant backsliders. When the rail was filled the penitents dropped upon their knees in the aisles or in their seats, so that it was difficult to move about. " Many a time did dear Mrs. Booth appear to be completely exhausted. She was evidently in very delicate health at the time, and yet the addresses always manifested deep thought, womanly feeling, and most earnest Christian solicitude ; and although her pose was perfectly modest and refined, her de- livery was often wonderfully impassioned, eloquent, and fer- vid. My education and associations had made me very much opposed to female ministry, so that I went to hear her with a mind full of prejudice and prepared to criticise. But her first words disarmed me, and I soon became convinced that a modest, Scriptural, and earnest address such as Mrs. Booth had given must of necessity, at least in the case of her own sex, do even more good than if an equally eloquent one had been delivered by a man." Over the events of the ensuing year, 1864, space will not permit to more than skim. The meetings resembled in character those which have been already described, and were attended with similar success. In March meetings were commenced at Leeds, and, owing to the increasing difficulty of moving from place to place with so large a family, a house was taken and furnished, Mr. and Mrs. Booth resolving to make that city the temporary centre of their opera- tions. 1864, Age 35. Eager Il8tener8 - Leeds. 534 MXS. BOOTH. 1864, After some powerful services had been carried on ge 3S< in the Lady Lane and Meadow Lane chapels, Mr. Booth struck out once more on unsectarian lines, con- 'meetings. ducting services on Sundays in the Prince of Wales' Hall, and on week-nights in some rooms called the Rotation Offices. But the calls from surrounding towns were too numerous, and his love for the evange- listic style of work too deep-seated, to allow him to settle down in Leeds. Hence he accepted invitations in the latter part of the year to visit Halifax, Hyde, Bury, Staleybridge, and Sheffield, besides paying a flying visit to Gateshead, where he received an open- armed welcome from the members of his old con- gregation. Her On May 4th their sixth child, Marian, was born. daughter . <'/ Marian The baby promised to be one of the finest of the family, but suffered soon after her birth from severe convulsive attacks, which left their mark upon her in after life, and rendered her too delicate to take her place beside her brothers and sisters in their public work. Nevertheless Mrs. Booth had the joy of see- ing her invalid daughter, together with the rest of her family, give her heart to God at an early age, be- sides doing her quiet utmost, so far as health and strength would permit, to further the cause of Christ, which all had learnt to look upon as their own. Letter It was about this time that an interesting letter was Caughey. received from the Rev. James Caughey, the evan- gelist, to whom reference has already more than once been made. "LONDON, June 2oth, 1864. "Mv DEAR BROTHER IN JESUS: " Thanks for your sweet little hymn-book. I spoke of the ' Spiritual Songs' with high appreciation several weeks ago, and a brother arose and said he had a supply for sale. Shall be happy to commend them. I retreat to Oxford for next THE PROVINCES. 535 Sabbath. A grand work of God here. I rejoice in your sue- 1864, cess. Onward ! Great battles to be fought yet before the A K e 35- great outpouring of the Spirit, but we are preparing the way for it. Hallelujah! Mind and body weary enough. Soul happy in purity peace love. A heart full of love and good wishes to yourself and Sister Booth, from your true friend and brother in Jesus, "JAMES CAUGHEY." Rev. William Booth. Five weeks after the birth of Marian Mrs. Booth ^ new resumed her public labours, and it was decided as an ure. experiment that, instead of assisting Mr. Booth as hitherto in his campaigns, she should strike out inde- pendently, conducting meetings on her own account, and thus doubling their power for good. At first it seemed as though the necessary strain would be too great for one so delicate. It was, moreover, a severe trial to face a life which would involve constant sep- arations. Mrs. Booth was, however, not one to shrink from at least attempting what appeared to be the path of duty, and in doing so she received an abundant fulfilment of the promise that her strength should be according to her day. At Batley, Pudsey, and Woodhouse Carr she con- Mrs. ducted revival services which were evidently of a semces. most stirring and remarkable character, and it is deeply to be regretted that there is not on record a more full and detailed account of this period. In the course of these meetings some five hundred adults and many children professed conversion. At one of these places in the course of six days over one hundred Remark- adults and two hundred children came forward to the revival. communion rail! The scarcity of material concerning this period lends added interest to the following letter from Mrs. Booth : 536 MRS. BOOTH. 1864, "Mv BELOVED MOTHER: I have had a very good week. 35. The chapel, which seats about eight hundred, was nearly full every night, and twenty or thirty came forward in each A good .. meeting. " On Sunday night the chapel was crowded, but it was so hot and I was so poorly that I could not command my usual power in speaking, and, consequently, there were only a few cases, whereas I had hoped for twenty or thirty souls. Never- theless, it was a good service, and I am believing for a break- down to-night. Oh, for more Divine unction ! They say the The Pud- Pudsey sinners will ' bide some bringing down. ' Well, the Lord sinners can ^ * t- They tell me I am immensely popular with the people. But that is no comfort unless they will be saved. There has been a precious work among the members. Al- most all of them have been forward for full consecration. " I have a comfortable little cot to stay in, but very small and humble. However, it is clean and quiet, and when I feel nervous no one knows the value of quietness. The home " The governess whom we have just engaged for the chil- T 7d the ^ ren promises well in many ways. She is very superior in appearance and manners, and can teach thoroughly the rudi- ments of French, Latin, and music, as well as English. Wil- lie took his first Latin lesson last Thursday. She thinks him very quick at comprehending, and so he is, but so volatile. I like her, and if she only answers my expectations she will be a great boon to me. Burn the " William is concluding at Bury on Thursday. There is a chapel. new chapel to be opened in a few weeks, and the leaders think that the revival will interfere with the opening ceremonies! And so, forsooth, the services must be concluded just as things are beginning to move. I would tell them, if I were there, that, if they did not mind, the Lord would burn their chapel about their ears, and that I hoped He would if they let it hinder them from seeking a revival ! It is indeed awful, the blindness of professors everywhere. Truly, all men seek their own and not the things which are Jesus Christ's. Well, the Lord help us to be faithful to our convictions, even in the dark and cloudy day. I have felt it hard work to do so lately. Many a time have I longed to be where the weary are at rest ! Waiting " Well, we must labor and wait a little longer, it may be rection. t ^ ie c ^ ou d s will break and surround us with sunshine. Any- THE PROVINCES. 537 way, God lives above the clouds and he will direct our path. 1864, If the present effort disappoints us I shall be quite tired of Age 35. tugging with the churches, and shall insist on William taking a hall or theatre somewhere. I believe the Lord will thrust him into that sphere yet. We can't get at the masses in the chapels. They are so awfully prejudiced against all connected with the sects that they will not come unless under some mighty excitement. The Lord direct us what to do that will be most for his.glory ! I see more than ever that the religion which is pleasing to God consists in doing and enduring his will rather than in good sentiments and feelings. The Lord help us to endure as seeing Him who is invisible ! " I think I shall come and try in London before long. But Looking 1 must see. I like this sort of work, and feel as though it were my mission. Perhaps I could arrange some services there, and if I were once set going I think I should succeed. I should like to live in London better than anyplace I was ever in. I dreamed twice that I was going to speak in David Thomas' chapel long before I ever deemed such a thing as preaching possible ! Will it not be strange if I ever should? I would not mind restricting my addresses to ladies, to meet their prejudices, and I could do an immense deal of good, no doubt, in setting them to work for God. But the future is uncertain and chimerical. I must not anticipate " CHAPTER LI. LONDON. 1865. Reviving SINCE resigning their ministerial position in the churches. Methodist New Connexion, Mr. and Mrs. Booth had marked out for themselves the task of helping to re- vive the Christian church in general from the state of torpidity, inactivity and worldly conformity into which it seemed to have lapsed. Through the in- strumentality of an awakened church, as we have seen, they hoped ultimately to reach the masses. During the four past years they had clung to this ex- pectation with unwavering tenacity. True, they had met with a succession of ministerial rebuffs and dis- appointments. They had piped to the church in its own pulpits, and it had not danced ; they had mourned to it in unsectarian halls, or circuses, and it had not lamented. Nevertheless, they had refused to despair, Miracles believing that the miracles of grace which the Holy of grace. J Spirit had worked through them in each town visited would ultimately convince the most sceptical, and serve to turn the tide of opinion so strongly in the direction of a general revival that all the barriers erected by ministerial opposition would ultimately be swept away, and that the church, alive once more to a sense of her responsibility, would launch forth in supreme and united efforts for the salvation of the countless multitudes who were as yet beyond the borders. But the conviction was slowly forcing itself upon. 538 LONDON. 539 their minds that the best way to reach the masses was by an outside agency, specially adapted to their needs and independent of ordinary church usages and con- ventionalities. An admirable sphere for such an effort now offered itself quite unexpectedly in London. For some time past Mr. and Mrs. Booth's attention had been drawn towards the vast metropolis as a possi- ble field for labour, where they could carry on their work without the perpetual separations which had made it of late so harassing, finding in the immediate neighbourhood ample scope for combined effort. Nevertheless, Mr. Booth hesitated. Personally he preferred the provinces, doubting, with a modesty and self-depreciation for which few might give him credit, his capacity to meet the requirements of London in- tellect. He was reluctant to leave the Ur of the Chaldees in which he had been reared, and to ex- change the nomadic life he loved for the uncertain advantages of a London Canaan. He recognised, however, that if the worst came to the worst he would still be free to visit the provinces, returning periodically to London. It was finally settled that, before breaking up the present home, Mrs. Booth should accept an invitation which had recently been sent to her from Rotherhithe ; that Mr. Booth should join her there at the conclu- sion of the meetings he was then conducting in Louth, and that together they should decide on the spot what their future course was to be. The invita- tion came from the Superintendent of the Southwark Circuit of Free Church Methodists, wherein Mr. Booth, as a local preacher, had several times con- ducted services some twelve years previously. " Roth- erhithe is a good chapel," he writes to Mrs. Booth. " When I knew them they were the warmest-hearted A Age Results of exper~ ience. The way open to London. The pro- vincial Ur. The London Canaan. Invitation to Rother- hithe. A warm hearted people. 540 MAS. BOOTH. 1865, Good A con- The pub- lican's ters. Settled in people in London. I was once a great favourite with them and saw much good done." Mrs. Booth commenced her meetings on the 26th of February, and continued them till the iQth of March. Both on Sundays and week-nights the chapel was crowded, and many souls sought salvation. One of her converts, who is still living, says with regard to these meetings : " A friend of mine gave me a handbill on which the words were printed, 'Come and hear a woman preach!' I accepted the invitation. Mrs. Booth took for her text, 'Now advise and see what answer I shall return to Him that sent me. ' 2 Sam. xxiv. 13. She asked if there were any present who had promised on a bed of sickness to give their hearts to God, and whose promise had remained hitherto unfulfilled. I real- ized that her words applied to myself and I resolved to re- deem my vows that very night. " There were many remarkable cases of conversion at these meetings. Amongst others there were the two daughters of a publican who kept the 'Europa. ' When one sister was saved the other went to the chapel on purpose to ridicule the ser- vices. But she was seized with such an agonizing realization of her sins that she came down from the top of the gallery to the communion-rail, crying out aloud, 'I must come! I must come !' Soon afterwards their father gave up the public-house, and they afterwards became members of Mr. Spurgeon's Tabernacle. " I have seen as many as thirty persons seeking salvation in a single meeting, and some years afterwards, when I looked at the register of our chapel, I found about one hundred names of those who had professed to be converted at this time." The exceptional success of Mrs. Booth's London dtbut finally settled the question of her future home. A suitable house having been engaged in Shaftesbury Road, Hammersmith, Mr. Booth brought the children from Leeds, returning afterwards to Ripon, where he had previously promised to conduct a series of services. LONDON. 541 1805, Age 30. A mild protest. The question of female ministry excited, as might be expected, some controversy among Christian cir- cles in the metropolis. But the objections quickly Woman's died a natural death, or, to use Mrs. Booth's own words, "melted away like snow in the sun." Indeed, the opposition was never very vigorous, and London- ers were quick to apprehend the argument of facts. It was, however, voiced at the time in the following mild protest from Messrs. Morgan and Chase, the editors of The Revival, which afterwards became The Christian : "March 8, 1865. "BELOVED BROTHER: We are completely overdone with business of various kinds, nevertheless we hope at least once to hear dear Mrs. Booth, and to mention the circumstance of her preaching in London. " Let us now say a word on the subject of female preaching. A word on We quite feel that it is to be defended in principle, but we are greatly led to question, from circumstances which have come under our notice on different occasions of late, whether it be right for mothers of families to be away from their home duties on any account, not excepting this most important work. Furthermore, besides the particular instances of harm done to which we refer, it appears questionable on Scriptural grounds (see St. Paul to Timothy, i Eph., and Titus). We are only anxious that the Lord's will in the matter should be done. " Believe us, dear brother, " Ever very affectionately, "MORGAN AND CHASE." the subject. Warmth of interest. The answer to this letter has not been preserved, but the subsequent warmth of interest evinced by the writers, and the ultimate attitude adopted by them in regard to the subject, are sufficient to prove that their objections were afterwards removed. Mr. Morgan presided at many of Mrs. Booth's meetings, and the friendship of these early days was continued till her Conflicts death. There were conflicts of opinion from time to opinion. 542 MRS. BOOTH. 1865, Age 36. The Ply- mouth Brethren. time. Mr. Morgan had not been trained in the Metho- distic school of doctrine, nor did he afterwards fall in line with the external ritual of the Salvation Army. His inclinations were strongly in favour of the dogmas, the quiet, and the culture of Plymouth Brethrenism, with which Mrs. Booth, on the contrary, had no affinity. Mrs. Booth on holiness. R. C. MORGAN, OF The Christian. More than once in the course of her subsequent history Mrs. Booth had occasion to cross swords with Mr. Morgan. At one time the vexed question of holiness was raised, and called forth from Mrs. Booth the following powerful response : " DEAR MR. MORGAN : " Thank you for your kind expression of sympathy in us and ours. Truly, goodness and mercy have followed us, and do follow us, and we should be worse than Saul if we did not LONDON. 543 say, We will dwell in the house of the Lord forever,' and al- together body, soul, and spirit. May the Lord enable us to serve him without fear in righteousness and holiness all our remaining days. Amen. " When my dearest husband sent me that message I had not seen your letter. He thought it better to keep it back till after Sunday. Believe me, I fully appreciate your concern for our work and give you credit for godly sincerity in your fears, and just because of this I expect that you will be open to conviction and that you will reflect on what I say. " i. It seems to me that you labor under a misapprehension as to our real doctrine. Otherwise you could not confound it with that of the Perfectionists, with whose tenets I am quite familiar, but with whom we hold nothing in common. In- deed, we are as far from them as you are. Now, do you think this is quite fair to link us together with those with whom we declare we are at utter variance? " 2. I think, if you carefully consider that our views are sub- stantially one with Upham, Wesley, Fletcher, Finney, and the holiness people of America, you will see that you over-esti- mate the danger accruing from them. Alas ! the Wesleyans were a far more spiritual, godly people when this doctrine was faithfully preached and largely professed amongst them than they are now that it has almost gone out. This is no new doctrine, and as I judge doctrines much as I do individuals, by their fruits, I cannot but believe a doctrine that sets every- body who receives it (not its caricature) longing and crying to be delivered from sin, and to be filled with all the fulness of God, must be of God and from God. As to what some one has said about the extravagance this will lead to my dear brother, the doctors and scribes have never prognosticated anything but evil of 'Jesus Christ come in the flesh,' and I never expect that they will ! " The Church by wisdom knows not God. And any who do not know him as an indwelling refiner are utterly unable to judge. He that is spiritual is 'judged of no man,' neither are the highest forms of spiritual truth. There must be the in- dwelling Christ to understand and justify the outside expres- sion of his mind and practice. 'He that is of God heareth us. ' This is applicable in every stage of a spiritual life (Heb. v. 12-14). 1865, Age 36. Not Per- fection- ists. By its fruits. The in- dwelling Christ. 544 MJtS. BOOTH. 1865, Age 36. .Vo other standard. Hinder- ing God, PauVs thorn in the flesh. The law of love. Experi- ence of Paul. " 3. Will you, my dear brother, define for us what standard we are to put before the people if we are not to tell them to seek and to believe to be saved from all sin? If it were a fact that no man has ever yet attained it (though I doubt not thousands have, glory be to the God of all grace !), yet if I saw a provision and promise of it in the Word I would follow it in the face of earth and hell. How do I know that man's faith has ever yet reached God's uttermost '? How do I know what God would do if he were not hindered and limited by unbelief? It passes human conception that God is going to be ultimately outdone by the old serpent and submit , that He cannot destroy his works, his worst works, his most malicious, God-circum- venting, dishonouring works in man, the heart of man, the cov- eted and redeemed dwelling-place of the Most High! Oh, no ! Depend upon it, God will yet raise man to his own ideal, even down here; and in that day when 'Holiness to the Lord' is written on the bells of the horses his heart shall be cir- cumcised to keep this law of his God and the original design shall be fulfilled Man for God and God in man ! Haste, happy day ! Oh, how my heart bounds to meet it ! And to me every page of the Bible beams with light with respect to it. The Church has never yet risen to her possibilities. But it is to come ! Hallelujah ! " Dear Mr. Morgan, where is there the slightest proof that Paul's thorn in the flesh was inbred sin? The evidence is all on the other side, that it was some purely physical infirmity. Keeping under his 'body' could not mean sin any more than the natural cravings of hunger in Jesus were sin, though, if we could suppose such a thing as his yielding unlawfully to gratify it, then, alas ! the second Adam would have fallen as did the first. " Of course if you hold that we are under Adamic law, re- quiring the perfect obedience of a perfect being, and that every breach .of that is sin, why, then, none can ever be saved from sin in this imperfect state. But it seems to me clear as the sun that we are not now under that law, but under the great moral law of love, and that love is the fulfilling of the law ; and he that loveth in this sense dwelleth in God and God in him (i John iv., 16, 17). " Paul has given us more of his own experience than any other apostle, and there is not a word about failure and de- LONDON. 545 feat from beginning to end, and if he had not the conscious- 1865, ness that he was a fully sanctified man, his own conscience A K e 3& testifying that he lied not, he must have been most griev- ously self-deceived when he wished that not only Agrippa, but all who heard him, were both almost and altogether such as he was, save his chains. Surely a man must be saved from inbred sin before he could wish that ! " Put all his experience together, from the first moment of victory victory through faith in Jesus, and there is not one confession . anrf of sin, failure, or defeat, but a continuous strain of victory and triumph till the closing note of 'I have fought the good fight,' etc. Oh, to triumph so when all my warfare's past and you, dear friend ! Amen ! All through and by and in Him Who loved us unto death ! " Yours, in His service, " CATHERINE BOOTH." From Rotherhithe Mrs. Booth went to a still larger chapel belonging- to the same body, in Grange Road, Bermondsey, where remarkable success attended her effort. The Gospel Guide contains the following in- teresting description of the preacher : " In dress nothing could be neater. A plain black straw Mrs bonnet, slightly relieved by a pair of dark violet strings; a black velvet loose-fitting jacket, with tight sleeves, which appeared exceedingly suitable to her while preaching, and a black silk dress, constituted the plain and becoming attire of this female preacher. A prepossessing countenance, with at first an exceedingly quiet manner, enlists the sympathies and rivets the attention of the audience. " Mrs. Booth is a woman of no ordinary mind, and her pow- N O ers of argument are of a superior character. Her delivery is calm, precise, and clear, without the least approach to for- mality or tediousness. Her language is simple but well chosen, and her ability for speaking is beyond the general order of the other sex. Not the least appearance of anything approaching nervousness or timidity was observable in her manner. At the same time there was an entire absence of unbecoming confidence, or of assumed authority over her 35 546 MRS. BOOTH. A Age Go and listen. Midnight meetings. Mrs. Booth's address. Numbers helped. audience. She chose for her text, 'Not every one that saith unto Me, Lord, Lord ! shall enter into the kingdom of heaven. ' " Might we say that many of our ministers, deacons, elders, and members would do well to hear Mrs. Booth? They could learn a lesson from her devotion, her evident sincerity for the good of souls, her intense earnestness, her affectionate words, and her perpetual labors in the cause to which she appears so warmly attached." Mrs. Booth's sympathies were specially called out at this time in connection with the Midnight Move- ment for reaching fallen women. On two separate occasions she was invited to attend midnight meetings at which some two or three hundred of these unfor- tunates had been gathered together. A writer to the Wesleyan Times, in describing one of these meetings, says: " The address of Mrs. Booth was inimitable ; pointed, evan- gelical, impressive, and delivered in a most earnest, sympa- thetic manner, bringing tears from many and securing the closest attention of all. She identified herself with them as a fellow-sinner, showing that if they supposed her better than themselves it was a mistake, since all had sinned against God. This, she explained, was the main point, and not the particu- lar sin which they might be guilty of. Then the Saviour was exhibited as waiting to save all alike, and the speaker urged all of them, by a variety of reasons, to immediate decision. Finally the consequences of neglecting or accepting the offers of mercy were set before them, and they were encouraged by the relation of the conversion of some of the most degraded characters whom Mrs. Booth and her husband had been in- strumental in bringing to Christ." At the conclusion of both these services the names were taken of a number of those who expressed their willingness to enter the Homes established for their reception. The sight of these victims of sin and misery deeply stirred the heart of Mrs. Booth. Not only did she view with compassion their unhappy con- LONDON. 547 dition, but her indignation knew no bounds that pub- lic opinion should wink at such cruel slavery while professing to be shocked at the scarcely more infiu- man brutality that bore the name in other lands. The paltriness of the efforts put forth to minimise the evil staggered her, and the gross inequality with which society meted out its punishments to the weaker sex, allowing the participators in the vice to escape with impunity, incurred her scathing denunciations. Nor was she satisfied with the attitude of those who, in their very efforts to rescue the fallen, treated them rather with suspicion and pity than with confidence and love. Hence it was with peculiar joy that in later years she welcomed the world- wide and success- ful effort of the Salvation Army, which has reformed and restored to lives of virtue and happiness thousands of these prisoners of despair. 1865, Age 36. Indigna- tion aroused. The Army Rescue work CHAPTER LII. FOUNDATION OF THE SALVATION ARMY. 1865. A genuine " BEHOLD, how great a matter a little fire kindleth." fire. That is, if it be a genuine fire in the first instance, and not the mere semblance of one. While many are complaining that the wood is green, and will not burn, the fault is too often with the original flame which seeks to kindle the conflagration in the hearts of those around. There is enough tinder in human nature to provide fuel for a universal blaze. The modern day of miracles is not really past. There is good reason to believe that it has scarcely commenced. Who can estimate the possibilities that are within the reach of simple-hearted faith? We have only to look back upon the small beginnings of many a mighty work. Small be- Here is a handful of trembling disciples in an up- per room, with door barred and bolted " for fear of the Jews;" further on a Luther committing the Pope's bull to the flames, and again a Wesley with his little knot of Oxford Methodists. No less memorable in the future religious history of the world will be the Quaker burial-ground in Whitechapel, where, on Sun- day, 2d July, 1865, William Booth held his first East End services in a large marquee. The It was an appropriate spot for the commencement of Quaker . burial- his work in more ways than one. The quiet precincts of the disused graveyard were a fitting type of the 548 FO UN DA riON OF THE SAL VA T1ON ARM Y. 549 moral valley of dry bones in the midst of which the 1865, Spirit of the Lord had set down this modern Ezekiel. ge 3 ' The resurrection of the one seemed as hopelessly im- A modem possible, or at least as distant, as that of the other. Ezel But, if neither the Jewish prophet nor his Quaker antitype of two hundred years ago could take his stand on Mile-End Waste, their representative was there, ready to prophesy to the bones that were " very- many, " and "very dry," until they "stood up upon their feet, an exceeding great army." To no spot in the world could the stirring vision of The the Hebrew seer be more appropriately applied than cradle? to the worse than heathen pandemonium of blasphemy and ribaldry in the midst of which the Salvation Army was born and cradled. As in days of old, the Saviour of the world preferred to give birth to his de- signs of mercy amid the rough, manger-like sur- roundings of this East End Bethlehem rather than in An East the wealthy and refined West End Jerusalem that lehem. was close at hand. The groans of poverty and the tears of misery, have ever been more attractive to the Divine heart than the sweetest minstrelsy or most gorgeous pageantry of wealth. Jesus Christ left the matchless music and unalloyed pleasures of heaven, not to exchange them for those of earth, but to seek and to save that which was lost ; so lost that they could not .fail to recognise the danger of their posi- tion, so miserable that they possessed no make-be- lieve enjoyments to take the place of those He offered them. If Sodom and Gomorrah compared unfavourably Re ^ ing with the cities that rejected the message of the Pro- message. phet of Galilee, what can be said or thought of the modern Bethsaidas and Chorazins that constitute our Christendom? Even those who believe most firmly 550 MKS. BOOTH. 1865, in the gradual self -redemption of the human race can ge 3 ' scarcely blink the fact that the major portion of it, in spite of the utmost efforts of civilisation and educa- tion, is in a sorry plight. The poor The increased knowledge of what is good appears cathedral only to accentuate the increased practice of what is evil. The very brillance of modern revelation serves to deepen the shadows of misery and the gloomy pall of sin which enshroud the dark places of the earth. If ever a Saviour were needed it is to-day, and if the needs of any single spot could transcend those of the rest of the world surely that space of ground must have been somewhere very near the Tabernacle the poor man's cathedral in the Quaker burial-ground. A sketch of these services was sent by Mr. Booth to The Christian. The fact that it was written at the time adds to the interest of the narrative : Sketch of " The moral degradation and spiritual destitution of the the teeming population of the East of London are subjects with which the Christians of the metropolis are perfectly conver- sant. More than two-thirds of the working-classes never cross the threshold of church or chapel, but loiter away the Sabbath in idleness, spending it in pleasure-seeking or some kind of money-making traffic. Consequently, tens of thou- the work, sands are totally ignorant of the Gospel ; and, as they will not attend the means ordinarily used for making known the love of God towards them, it is evident that if they are to be reached extraordinary methods must be employed. The old " I nave been engaged in an effort in this direction during tent. the last six weeks. Invited by Messrs. Stabb and Chase, I held a week's services in a large tent erected in the Quakers' bury ing-ground, Thomas Street, Whitechapel, and so evident was the Divine approval that the services have been contin- ued until now. Nearly every night two meetings are held, first an open-air on the Mile-End Road, and afterwards in the tent. On the last two Sabbaths we have conducted four ser- vices each day. We have also held two very successful tea- FO UN DA TION OF THE SAL VA TION ARMY. 5 5 i meetings, charging threepence each for admission. There have been but two or three meetings at which sinners have not professed to find mercy, and sometimes thirteen or four- teen have come forward of an evening. Some of these cases have been specially interesting. " One evening about a fortnight ago I sat down by the side of a young man whose dress betokened poverty and degrada- tion of the lowest order. I spoke to him of Jesus and the Christian life. He replied most frankly and freely. Among other things he said: 'I promised you last night that I would come again, and I am here, you see. I have been very wicked ; I want to be saved. That was a very good parable of the prodigal you told up there. ' I had been comparing the sin- ner to a young man who had forsaken his father's house and wandered to Australia, and to whom, in wretchedness, wrong, and ruin, his father had sent a letter assuring him of contin- ued affection, and urging upon him his immediate return home. 'Yes, ' he said with emphasis, 'that was a good parable. I am a prodigal. It is twelve years since I left my mother in Edinburgh. I had not heard the Gospel for seventeen years until I heard you speaking in the Mile-End Road last night. I was then on my way to a house of infamy. It might have been far different with me, but drink and debauch- ery have been my ruin. I have not done a day's work in my life ; the last twelve years I have spent in brothels and public- houses. But I am decided. I have been happy since Sun- day. ' He has attended nearly every service since. " One morning as I walked through the city a man stopped me by offering his hand. I remembered him as one who, among a crowd of others, had listened to me in the Mile-End Road the night before. So interested had he appeared that I had supposed him to be a Christian. But no ! it was not so. Once he was united with the Lord's people; was a local preacher for seventeen years ; came up to London as a mer- chant; neglected to join a Christian church; lost his religion, his property, and all. 'And now,' said he, 'I am ashamed to tell you how long it is since I was in a place of worship till last night.' 'Well,' I said, 'you will come again to Jesus, won't you?' He said, 'I will. I went from the meeting last night to fetch my wife to the tent. ' He attends our services, and, if not restored to the favour of God, I trust he soon will be. A Age Encour- aging A prodigal. Another case. FO UN DA TION OF THE SA L VA TION ARM Y. 553 1865, Age 36. Tokens of blessing. Services every night. " These are only a few of the many tokens of the Divine blessing with which we have been favoured, and which have led the few earnest, loving servants of the Lord who have been my helpers to desire continuance of the work. Again and again have they urged me to give myself up entirely to the East of London. My own heart has seconded their ap- peals, for I confess to Shaving grown deeply interested in this mass of humanity. I have, therefore, consented to do so, and we propose, God helping us, to devote our little time and energy to this part of the London vineyard. " We have no very definite plans. We wish to be guided by the Holy Spirit. At present we desire to hold consecutive services for the purpose of bringing souls to Christ in differ- ent localities of the East of London every night all the year round. We propose to hold these meetings in halls, theatres, chapels, tents, open-air, and elsewhere, as the way may be opened, or as we seem likely to attain the end we have in view. The Sabbath services are at present held in the Assembly Rooms, New Road, Whitechapel. " We propose to watch over and visit personally those brought to Christ, either guiding them to commune with ad- jacent sympathetic churches, or ourselves nursing and train- ing them to active labor. " In order to carry on this work we intend to establish a 'Christian Revival Association,' in which we think a hundred persons will enroll themselves at once. We shall also require some central building in which to hold our more private meetings, and in which to preach the Gospel when not en- gaged in special work elsewhere. " To work out these plans it will be manifest to each reader of this that funds will be required, and to those whom the Lord has entrusted with means, and who have any sympathy with the perishing thousands for whom this work is organized, we appeal for help. Asking an interest for our work in the prayers of the reader, I beg to be regarded as your brother in the Lord, "WILLIAM BOOTH." The above appeal was warmly seconded by the editor in the following terms : " The condition of the East of London is more appalling W eicome. Watching the weak. Appeal for help. 554 MRS. BOOTH. 1865, than that of any other spot of the same extent under heaven. Age 36. The dregs of sin and misery, not only from this metropolis and these British Isles, but from all quarters of the world, are precipitated there. And God knows the labourers are few ; but, few as they are, their hands are tied for want of means. Hundreds of Christians spend in princely style and leisure the brief interval which they believe will intervene before the revelation of the Lord Jesus Christ, and thousands more are unable to spare from their ample expenditure more than the smallest modicum for His work and for His poor, though that same Jesus Christ has left on record these prophetic words: 'It is more blessed to give than to receive,' and, 'Inasmuch as ye have done it unto the least of these My brethren ye have done it unto Me. ' We cordially welcome Mr. Booth and no less his good and useful wife to the labour-field of the East of London, and earnestly hope and pray that God's people may prove that they agree with God, that the labourer is worthy of his reward." The lowest Among the vagabonds and outcasts who swarm the purlieux of East London General Booth had found at length the very lowest level of the social strata, and had unconsciously driven his pickaxe into the granite block which was to form the basis of the Salvation Army New Jerusalem. In those subterranean cav- erns he discovered the "all manner of precious stones" with which the foundations were to be " gar- nished, "and amidst the tangled mass of ocean-covered weeds and rocks he explored the oyster-beds that were to yield materials for the "pearly "gates." Mr. Booth From his boyhood days in Nottingham, when he and the . chartists, stood and* cheered the Chartist orator, Feargus O'Connor, he had always loved and sympathised with the poor. The sights of destitution and misery he then witnessed had burnt themselves in upon his soul. Since then, it is true, he had climbed for a time the ministerial ladder. But it had only been in the hopes of dragging the people up with him. And FO UNDA TION OF THE SA L VA TION A RM Y. 555 when he found that this was impracticable he de- scended, round after round, till at length his feet could fairly feel the ground, and the lowest, neediest masses of humanity had been reached. And now he realised that he was in his natural element. The shrewd East-Enders appreciated his keen sallies of wit and respected his evident zeal and devotion. The utter absence of anything in the shape of cant or put-on, the refreshing simplicity and total freedom from religious veneer, and the arm-linking equality with which they were treated made them accept this apostle of the workingman, and that at a time when ninety per cent of this very class had given up all pretence of religion, and never darkened the doorway of a place of worship from year's end to year's end. " I have been trying all my life," he remarked one day in later years to one of his leading officers, " to stretch out my arms so as to reach with one hand the poor and at the same time keep the other in touch with the rich. But my arms are not long enough. I find that when I am in touch with the poor I lose my hold upon the rich, and when I reach up to the rich I let go of the poor. And," pausing for a moment to give weight to his words, he added with his own pe- culiar emphasis, " I very much doubt whether God Almighty's arms are long enough for this!" And yet the exigencies of the work were always such that, while Mr. Booth devoted the main portion of his time and attention to the poor, he was never in a position to entirely turn his back upon the rich, being compelled time after time to turn to them for help in the carrying out of his designs. But as the eagle soars only that it may the better scan the field and swoop down upon its prey, or as the cloud which only absorbs moisture from the earth that it may scatter it 1865, Age 36. In touch with the people. God's arms not long enough. Reaching the rich. 556 MRS. BOOTH. 1865, again in fertilising showers, so through life Mr. and ge 3 ' Mrs. Booth have turned only to the rich that they might induce them to help the poor. A valu- In this Mrs. Booth proved a valuable coadjutor to adjutor. her husband. Her ministry was peculiarly accept- able to the better classes, and she was not slow to avail herself to the utmost of the opportunity which this afforded, not only for blessing their souls, but for laying before them their responsibilities in caring Magnetic f or th e godless masses. The magnetic influence influence. which she exercised was the more remarkable inas- much as her denunciations of society-sins were often scathing in the extreme. " I used to tremble some- times as I sat and listened in her meetings when I was quite a little girl," says her daughter Emma. " Now they will be offended, and will never come again, I thought to myself. And sometimes, as I grew older, I would venture to expostulate, as we went home together, 'I think, Mama, you were a little too heavy on them to-day !' 'Aye! You are like the rest of them!' she would reply. 'Pleading for the Syrup syrup without the sulphur. I guessed that you were sulphur, feeling so. ' But when the time for the next meeting arrived the same people would be there, and the crowd would be larger than ever, and the rows of carriages outside the hall more numerous, and she would pour out her heart upon them, and drag out the sins and selfish indulgences of society, with all their attendant miseries and penalties, as mercilessly as ever." The following is an instance of the burning, lava- like truths that she would pour upon the consciences of her listeners at such times : Burning " ^ et me ta ^ e y u to an ther scene. Here is His Grace the truths. Duke of Rackrent, and the Right Honourable Woman Seducer FOUND A TION OF THE SAL VA TION ARM Y. 557 Fitz-Shameless, and the gallant Colonel Swearer, with half the aristocracy of a county, male and female, mounted on horses worth hundreds of pounds each, and which have been bred and trained at a cost of hundreds more, and what for? This 'splendid field' are waiting whilst a poor little timid ani- mal is let loose from confinement and permitted to fly in terror from its strange surroundings. Observe the delight of all the gentlemen and noble ladies when a whole pack of strong dogs is let loose in pursuit, and then behold the noble chase ! The regiment of well-mounted cavalry and the pack of hounds all charge at full gallop after the poor frightened little creature. It will be a great disappoinment if by any means it should escape or be killed within as short a time as an hour. The sport will be excellent in proportion to the time during which the poor thing's agony is prolonged, and the number of miles it is able to run in terror of its life. Brutality ! I tell you that, in my judgment, at any rate, you can find nothing in the vilest back slums more utterly, more deliberately, more savagely cruel than that; and yet this is a comparatively small thing. " One of the greatest employments of every Christian gov- ernment and community is to train thousands of men, not to fight with their fists only, in the way of inflicting a few pass- ing sores, but with weapons capable, it may be, of killing hu- man beings at the rate of so many per minute. It is quite a scientific taste to study how to destroy a large vessel with several'hundreds of men on board instantaneously. Talk of brutality ! Is there anything half as brutal as this within the whole range of savagery? " But, against all this, modern Christianity, which professes to believe the teaching of Him who taught us not to resist evil, but to love our enemies, and to treat with the utmost be- nevolence hostile nations, has nothing to say. All the devil- ish animosity, hard-hearted cruelty, and harrowing conse- quences of modern warfare are not only sanctioned, but held up as an indispensable necessity of civilized life ; and in times of war patronized and prayed for in our churches and chapels with as much impudent assurance as though Jesus Christ had taught, ' But I say unto you, an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, and return evil for evil ; hate your enemies and pursue them with all the diabolical appliances of destruction which the devil can enable you to invent. ' 1865, Age 36. The cruel chase. Wholesale murder. Patronis- ing war. 558 MJtS. BOOTH. 1865, Age 36. The de- testable thing. "She's all there ! " The crim- inal classes. Mr. Money- maker. " Alas, alas ! Is it not too patent for intelligent contradiction that the most detestable thing in the judgment of popular Christianity is not brutality, cruelty, or injustice, but poverty and vulgarity ? With plenty of money you may pile up your life with iniquities and yet be blamed, if blamed at all, only in the mildest terms, whereas one flagrant act of sin in a poor and illiterate person is enough to stamp him, with the major- ity of professing Christians, as a creature from whom they would rather keep at a distance. " I had an amusing corroboration of this the other day from one of my daughters, who had been visiting a poor criminal in one of our large prisons. She said to one of the officers in attendance, 'I suppose you do not often have rich people in here?' He replied, 'No, Miss, we very seldom get anybody but poor folks,' and on her replying 'No, I am afraid it is because you do not look out so sharply for them, ' he remarked to a fellow-officer, 'She's all there!' " Further, 'the criminal classes' is another of the cant phrases of modern Christianity, which thus brands every poor lad who steals because he is hungry, but stands hat in hand before the rich man whose trade is well known to be a system of wholesale cheatery. " It is inconvenient for ministers, or responsible church- wardens or deacons, to ask how Mr. Moneymaker gets the golden sovereigns or crisp notes which look so well in the col- lection. He may be the most 'accursed sweater' who ever waxed fat on that murderous cheap needlework system which is slowly destroying the bodies and ruining the souls of thou- sands of poor women, both in this and other civilised countries. He may keep scores of employes standing wearily sixteen hours per day behind the counter, across which they dare not speak the truth, and on salaries so small that all hope of marriage or home is denied to them. Or he may trade in some damning thing which robs men of all that is good in this world and all hope for the next, such as opium or intoxicating drinks ; but if you were simple enough to suppose that mod- ern Christianity would object to him on account of any of these things in fact, that you were alluding to such as he in the phrase 'criminal classes' how respectable Christians would open their eyes, and, in fact, suspect that you had recently made your escape from some lunatic asylum ! FOUND A TION OF THE SAL VA TION ARMY. 5 59 " So the wholesale and successful thief is glossed over and called by all manner of respectable names by the representa- tives of a bastard Christianity. It is ready enough to cry, 'Stop, thief !' when some poor fellow, who has been out of work for perhaps months, gets desperate at the sight of chil- dren crying for bread, and makes a bungling attempt at get- ting what is not his own in order to satisfy them ;' or when it hears that such men, left helplessly to their own devices, take to living together and bringing up a generation of thieves, it cries out vigorously against the criminals. True, it may sug- gest a mission to them, and even set about it in a helpless, patronizing sort of way, wondering if really it is of any use to try to help 'such men ' as though they were of different flesh and blood to themselves. Verily, such Christianity is of different blood from Him who preferred talking to a thief, in His own last moments, to holding conversation with any priest or whitewashed temple worshipper standing around. The man who hung by His side was a great ruffian, no doubt, but then he had been trained in that way, and if we want the judgment of Jesus Christ on such a point he would certainly give it against the pet of modern Christianity and in favour of this poor rough. The man whom Jesus Christ consigned to a hopeless perdition was he who made long prayers and at the same time devoured widows' houses, or whose barns were filled with plenty while Lazarus lay covered with sores at his gate." Many of the Army's most liberal friends were at- tracted in trie first instance by Mrs. Booth's services, and having once secured their sympathy she cease- lessly laboured to maintain their confidence in the cause. With persistent courage and amazing skill she rallied them, when some more than usually venom- ous attack had scattered panic in their ranks, or when some new advance had shocked their conserv- atism. She would reason, and explain, and encourage, and rebuke with a tenderness that conquered the most obstinate heart, and yet with a faithfulness and pun- gency that admitted of no excuse for retreat. The 1865, Age 36. "Stop, thief! " The pet of modern Christian- ity. Rallying the rich. Bringing up the rear. 560 MXS. BOOTH. 1865, rapidity of the Army's forward inarch has exposed it ge to special losses from the number of those who were unable to keep up the pace. But the impetuous, Rupert-like charges with which the General has amazed the world would perhaps have been impossi- ble had it not been for the tact and strategy with which Mrs. Booth has brought up the rear. "Here, Time after time have her persistence, her logic, and her personal influence restored confidence to wavering friends, and closed the mouths or extorted the admir- ation of the most prejudiced enemies. Her argu- ments were invincible. No new effort was put forth by the General without consulting her. And hence, as each point arose, her mind had been fully made up before the question had become a subject of debate. "Here, Kate!" would sound the General's voice from his desk, and she would run to his side from the nursery, or from her household work, to pass her opinion upon an article, an appeal, a despatch, or A kitchen some new development of the work. Or he would council. ta k e fa e kitchen by storm, and while her hands were busy with the dough for the family bread or pudding, he would sit astride the table and pour into her sym- pathetic ears the story of his last rebuff, or some more than usually exciting piece of news regarding the progress of the Mission. The work thus unobtrusively commenced soon made its mark upon the neighbourhood, and attracted the sympathetic attention of many who were beyond its immediate borders. CHAPTER LIII. MR. MORLEY AND THE EAST LONDON MISSION. 1865-6. AT the conclusion of the meetings in Bermondsey work at Mrs. Booth removed to Deptford, where the chapel De P t f rd soon became so crowded that the public hall was en- gaged for Sundays. It was with unfeigned regret that she brought these services to a close early in May, but the strain of the constant travelling to and from Hammersmith for ten consecutive weeks had told severely on her delicate frame. Although the journey was not a long one it was A trying exceedingly trying, for, while she arranged to remain JOU at Deptford from Saturday to Monday, the week-day travelling added considerably to the exertion. First there was the getting to the station, followed by the underground trip to Moorgate Street, a cab drive to London Bridge, another railway journey, and then a drive to the chapel. By the time her destination was reached she would often feel totally unfit for the meeting, and at the conclusion of the exhausting ser- vices the return home was still more wearying. But an opportunity was not long in offering itself West End for the transfer of her services to a locality nearer home. It was a singular coincidence that at the very time when Mr. Booth was commencing his East End campaign Mrs. Booth was conducting her first West End services, so that the very antipodes of London society were simultaneously assailed. Space and time 36 561 562 MRS. BOOTH. J 86s, preclude the possibility of describing in detail the ge 3 ' interesting series of meetings which were carried on by her in turn at the Polytechnic, the Kensington Assembly Rooms, and the Myddleton Hall and Priory in Islington. At each centre an impression was made which has continued to appear and reappear down to the present day. TOO busy " i have b u t a dim recollection of these meetings," to keep a diary, said Mrs. Booth during her last illness. " I never at- tempted, since my younger days, to keep a diary. It was simply impossible. I was too busy doing the work to find time to chronicle it, and by the time I went to bed at night I was far too exhausted for writ- ing. But I know I felt the responsibility of this op- portunity very strongly. It was expected that a number of very respectable people, so-called, would attend the meetings. To preach to such a class is always supposed to be a more important and difficult task than to preach to people in a lower scale of soci- ety and consequently possessed of less intelligence and culture. Sense of " j believe I was somewhat influenced by such feel- responsi- biiity. ings when I was about to commence. But the solemn sense of my responsibility to God and my determina- tion to faithfully deliver His message seemed to ab- sorb me from the moment I stood up to speak, and whatever might have been my previous agitation and nervousness as soon as I opened my lips I was en- abled to forget it all. Lord This " They would come to me in the ante-room and say c -:d Lady , ThcOther. that Lord This and Lady The Other were in the au- dience, or such-and-such popular ministers upon the platform, and I confess that my heart beat quicker for a time. But on entering the hall, as my eye glanced over row upon row of intelligent, expectant CQUQ- THE EAST LONDON MISSION. 563 tenances, I realised that they above all others needed 1865, the plainest utterances of truth, and this has inspired ge 3 ' me with confidence. " Seldom have I held a meeting in which some souls immedi- have not decided to submit to God and to seek His r uits. salvation through Jesus Christ. I should soon have given up preaching if there had been no such results. To get a congregation was never a difficulty with me, but when they were there I strove to convict them of sin and to persuade them to abandon it and to cast themselves upon the mercy of God. Far from this having the effect of driving the people away, my ex- perience has been that, however small might be the congregation at the commencement of the effort, it has invariably increased,' until it has exceeded the capacity of the largest buildings which I have been privileged to occupy." In October Mrs. Booth held some meetings in the Removal Horns Assembly Rooms, Kennington, and in the fol- Hackney. lowing month the family removed from Hammersmith to Hackney, in order to be within convenient reach of the East End work, which was more and more absorb- ing the time and attention of Mr. Booth, and to which he had now distinctly committed himself. The tent in the burial-ground had been blown Thetaber- down in a gale, and was too rotten to be repaired, blown The uncertain climate of England, so say the Ameri- down - cans, enjoys no weather, but consists of mere samples! Certainly it is never very favourable to the patriarchal canvas, and what is scarcely tolerable in summer be- comes impossible in winter. However, a dancing- saloon had been discovered, and in this the Sunday services were continued, while the week-night meet- ings were mostly in the open air, lasting sometimes till ten o'clock, or even later. 564 MRS. BOOTH. 1865, "I remember well," says Mrs. Booth, "when the ge 3 ' General decided finally to give up the evangelistic life Saving and to devote himself to the salvation of the East- tJ Enders~ Enders. He had come home from the meeting one night, tired out as usual. It was between eleven and twelve o'clock. Flinging himself into an easy-chair, he said to me, 'Oh, Kate, as I passed by the doors of the flaming gin-palaces to-night I seemed to hear a voice sounding in my ears, " Where can you go and find such heathen as these, and where is there so great a need for your labours?" And I felt as though I ought at every cost to stop and preach to these East End multitudes.' " I remember the emotion that this produced in my soul. I sat gazing into the fire, and the devil whis- pered to me, 'This means another new departure another start in life.' Perplex- " The question of our support constituted a serious thoughts, difficulty. Hitherto we had been able to meet our expenses by the collections which we had made from our more respectable audiences. But it was impossi- ble to suppose that we could do so among the poverty- stricken East-Enders. We had not then the measure of light upon this subject which subsequent events afforded, and we were afraid even to ask for a collec- tion in such a locality. Trusting " Nevertheless, I did not answer discouragingly. again. After a momentary pause for thought and prayer I replied, 'Well, if you feel you ought to stay, stay. We have trusted the Lord once for our support, and we can trust Him again!' There was not in our minds, at the time we came to this decision, the re- motest idea of the marvellous work which has since sprung into existence." A noble answer. It was a noble answer that Mrs. Booth gave at this THE EAST LONDON MISSION. 565 critical juncture to her husband. She little dreamed 1865, of the important issues that were at stake. Scarcely ge 3 ' had the resolution been formed when an encouraging incident occurred which strongly confirmed the con- viction that the newly chosen pathway had the Divine approbation. A letter was received from Mr. Samuel Morley, expressing his warm interest in the effort SAMUEL MORLEV, M.P. and promising on his return from Scotland to hear the full particulars. About a month afterwards a second letter came, inviting Mr. Booth to call upon him. The interview was alike interesting and important; Mr. ? the Christian philanthropist adding another to the generos- all but endless list of his generous deeds. He received Mr. Booth with the utmost cordiality. It was a historical event, reminding one of Stanley 566 MRS. BOOTH. A Age The ex- plorer of Darkest England. An im portant interview. Difficul- ties removed. Their gratitude. finding Livingstone in the heart of Africa. The ex- plorer of Darkest England's submerged tenth had not quite so far to go, it is true. There was no need for it. A continent of heathen souls surrounded him. An impenetrable forest of sin and misery awaited his exploring axe almost within a stone's throw from where the apostle of the destitute and his discoverer sat. In. its far-reaching consequences it would be difficult to estimate the importance of that interview. Mr. Morley inquired in the kindest manner as to the plans adopted by Mr. Booth, and the results which had been attained. The fact that the methods were novel and unconventional served only to increase his interest. The open-air meetings on the Mile-End Waste, surrounded by blaspheming infidels and bois- terous drunkards ; the processions down the White- chapel Road, pelted with garbage; the placards carried with striking texts ; the penitent form and the testifying of the new converts, enlisted his unbounded sympathy. Mr. Morley then, entirely of his own accord, began to question Mr. Booth as to his own personal circum- stances, the number of his family, and the arrange- ments necessary for their support, naming a sum which he considered would be necessary, and giving him a cheque for a considerable portion of the amount. Then, asking Mr. Booth if he thought his friends would be able to make up the remainder of the sum, he closed the interview without allowing him time to express his thanks. Full of gratitude to God for this unexpected intervention on his behalf Mr. Booth posted off to Kennington, where Mrs. Booth was at the time conducting services, and together they lifted up their hearts in praise for the timely answer to their prayers. THE EAST LONDON MISSION. 567 In the years that followed, Mr. Morley proved him- self a generous and substantial friend, describing himself, at a Salvation Army meeting: over which he J presided, as a " sleeping partner" in the concern. The following letters, though written at a later date, may here be quoted, as showing the earnest in- terest felt by him in the Mission : " HOUSE OF COMMONS, 2oth April, 1869. " DEAR MR. BOOTH : " I have pleasure in sending my cheque. I read always with pleasure of your work, which I believe to be genuine and true. I will gladly co-operate in any way you can suggest to secure from the Services' Committee the arrangement you propose, which seems to me to be a very reasonable and suit- able one. " It will give me pleasure to pay you a visit, to see how you do and to hear from your friends some account of the work going on among you. " I am, dear sir, " Yours truly, " Rev. W. Booth." " S. MORLEY. In 1872, on receiving the news of Mr. Booth's seri- otis breakdown in health, Mr. Morley sent him the following sympathetic letter : " 1 6th March, 1872. " MY DEAR SIR : I have just heard that you are laid aside and are an inmate in the hydro establishment at Matlock Bank. Feeling anxious to know the facts of the case I asked Mrs. Booth to call on me, which she has done this morning, and I am very anxious to press you to believe that human strength has its limits, and that the Gracious Master, whom we desire to serve, is not willing that we should trifle with so great a blessing as our health. " I beg to press you, now you are trying the water treatment, to give it a fair chance, and not to allow work or engagements, or even wife and children, to tempt you back to London until you have had entire rest. My eldest son is just now visiting 1865, ge 3 ' partner. Letters 568 MRS. BOOTH. 1865, Mr. Smedley, whom I have known many years. I shall be Age 36. ver y glad to hear that you are gaining strength. " Commending you to the care of our gracious and loving Father, " I am yours very truly, " S. MORLEY. "Rev, W. Booth." The res- His co-operation was less regular in later years, but one of his last acts was to make a munificent donation towards the Rescue work of the Salvation Army. It was at the time of the great purity agita- tion, and Mr. Morley's sympathies had been deeply stirred. Mrs. Booth called upon him and he prom- A munifi- j se( j a donation of ;i,ooo, asking her whether she donation, thought the amount was sufficient. She replied, with characteristic courage, that, while she was deeply sen- sible of the value of the gift, she was sure he would not regret increasing the amount. Without waiting for her to add another word Mr. Morley doubled his donation, with a graceful generosity that made his gifts so peculiarly acceptable, adding that she must call and see him again. Forsook The assistance of Mr. Morley at this early juncture l fled n of the East End work was the more welcome owing to the peculiar difficulties which Mr. Booth encoun- tered at the outset. The Christian helpers who had at first gathered round him had almost all forsaken him and fled. why they Their reasons for doing so were various. Some of them objected to his holiness teaching. Others con- sidered that he laid too much stress upon repentance and works, and too little upon bare faith. Not a few grew weary of the ceaseless open-airs and processions, with the mobbing and mockery of the crowd. " Take no notice, but march straight on," were the orders of HERBERT H. BOOTH. THE EAST LONDON MISSION. 569 the General in regard to the rough horseplay which 1865, had so often to be encountered. Age * 6 ' To others the conduct of the prayer meeting gave Dealing offence. They did not like the penitent form. They "ffents were accustomed to speak to the people in their seats, or to invite them into what was termed the " inquiry room." They would read to them a few passages from the Bible, such as John iii. 16, ask them whether they believed them to be true, and on obtaining their "Only be- liavfj " assent would assure them that they were possessed of everlasting life. This mode Mr. and Mrs. Booth never allowed any one to follow in their meetings. From these and other causes a fortnight had scarcely elapsed from the commencement of the work when Mr. Booth found himself almost alone. A devoted handful, however, still stood their ground, and some of the new converts took the place of the workers who had retired. On Sunday, September 3d, the meetings were com- Thedanc- menced in the dancing-saloon. "The people danced saloon. in it," the General tells us, "until the small hours of the Sunday morning, and then the converts carried in the seats, which had fortunately not been destroyed with the tent. It was a long, narrow room, holding about six hundred people. The proprietor combined the two professions of dancing-master and photogra- pher, the latter being specially pushed on Sundays. In the front room, through which all the congregation had to pass from the open street, sat the mistress colouring photographs, whilst some one at the door touted for business. The photography was done at the top of the house, and customers had to pass on their way up by a sort of parlour that was open to our hall. It was a regular thing for them to pause and listen to the message of salvation as they went up- stairs on their Sabbath -breaking business. 570 MRS. BOOTH. 1865, " We had wonderful meetings in that room, and in ge 3 ' connection with it I put in many a hard Sunday's Wonder- work, regularly giving three and sometimes four open- meetings. air addresses, leading three processions and conduct- ing three indoor meetings. The bulk of the speaking in all these services fell on me. But the power and happiness of the work carried me along, and in that room the foundation was really laid of all that has since come to pass. The wool " F or week-nights we secured an old wool warehouse ware- house, in one of the lowest parts of Bethnal Green. Unfort- unately the windows opened on to the street. When crowded, which was ordinarily the case, it became oppressively hot, especially in summer. If we opened stones the windows the boys threw stones and mud and fire- crackers wor ks through, and fired trains of gunpowder, laid from the door inwards. But our people got used to this, shouting ' Hallelujah ! ' when the crackers exploded and the powder flashed. Doubtless a good many were frightened away. Still many a poor dark soul found Jesus there, becoming a brave soldier of the Cross afterwards. It was an admirable training ground for the development of the Salvation Army spirit." An offi- One of the earliest officers in the Salvation Army cer's first meeting, gives an interesting account of the first of these meet- ings which he attended : " ' Pity, Lord, a wretched creature, One whose sins for vengeance cry ; Groaning 'neath his heavy burden, Throbbing heart and heaving sigh, Oh, my Saviour, Canst Thou let a sinner die?' " That was the first verse I remember hearing these people sing in the open air, and their words, the looks of pity they cast on the sinners, their prayers, their speeches to the peo- THE EAST LONDON MISSION. 571 pie, the very tones of their voices, remain stamped on my heart, one of those impressions that cannot be rubbed out. " As I looked at the pale faces of those East End toilers, and at the threadbare garments of some of them as they stood in the mud, with their poorly-covered feet dangerously near pools of water, what struck me was that they were wretched as far as outward circumstances could make people so. There could be no question that life to them was a weary, dreary struggle against starvation, and yet they had forgotten them- selves, their poverty, and their necessities, and had managed to give up some hours of their bread-earning time, out of pure love and pity for a wretchedness so much deeper and more terrible than their own. "All their speaking and praying was in the tone of the verse I have quoted. They told the crowd around them that they were sinners, wretched and lost, and going to hell, with- out mincing language or using any doubtful expressions; and yet all through it there was not one tone of harshness or se- verity ; it was all of tenderest pity for those who were ready to perish, yearning in terrible anxiety to lead others to that Saviour who had lifted them, in spite of their circumstances, out of wretchedness and sin into the peace and joy which they now possessed. " That little open-air meeting was to me an index to their work. A coming out of the poor to the poor under the con- straint of Christ's own love; a coming out, not with blan- kets or loaves or silver and gold, which these poor creatures had not to offer, but a coming out with the very same over- flowing compassion for the wandering sheep which filled the heart of the Nazarene and of His apostles, and which made to them poverty and toil and shame and suffering bright with the coming joy of saving the lost. "'Come along, Oram,' the General would say, as he saw one of his few helpers in those days approaching in the open air, 'you can help me sing, ' and then the children would gather round and help, till a crowd of men and women came, and, by-and-by, after a warm invitation given, the General would form his devoted assistants in procession and march them across one of the biggest thoroughfares in London to the meeting-place." " It used to be crowded, and many and many a soul 1865, Age 36. Their ffar- mentsand shoes. A noble work. The GeneraVs methods. 572 MRS. BOOTH, 1865, Age 36. " Many a soul got saved there." The mother and the father. Sorrow for sin. Quietlif happy. got saved there," was the summing-up of my inform- ant, the daughter of a worthy couple, who have both since passed into the skies. " My mother," she adds, " had been converted years before, but was a backslider when Mr. Booth came to the East End. He used to stand near our house. So mother heard him and went out to the meeting, where she sought and found mercy. "My father, though a quiet sort of man, was all for the world, and used always to be going to theatres. I never saw such a change in any one as in him when he got saved. It was on the ad December, 1865, and all the way, walking home from the chapel the General then used in Holywell Mount, Shoreditch, he kept on shouting, 'I'm a King's son! I'm a King's son !' till I thought he had gone silly. Mother was in bed with rheumatic fever. Ever since she had got converted she used to pray with me and take me to the meetings. On that night she and father prayed together for the first time. " That Christmas some of father's friends came to see him, and he was so frightened ; but he thought he must go out with them, and then he was persuaded to have a little drink and go with them to the theatre ; but when he came back he went straight into the bed-room, fell down on his knees, and cried like a child. He said he had sinned against God, and asked 'Do you think He will take me back?' 'Oh,' said mother, ' God is always open to take poor prodigals back. ' And so he got right, and after that he always went on straight with a firm faith in God, a quietly happy man. At the time of his conversion he owed three pounds to an uncle. He felt he must pay the money, and as soon as he could get it together tried to do so, but he then found that the uncle was dead, and so he paid the money over to the Christian Mission." CHAPTER LIV. THE EAST LONDON MISSION. 1866. CHRISTMAS DAY, 1865, brought a new and welcome The reinforcement to the East End Mission, and an appro- 4/" priate token of the Divine favour, in the birth of Mr. Booth. and Mrs. Booth's fourth daughter and seventh child, Evangeline Eva, as she is popularly known. Faith loves to trace the finger-marks of an over-ruling Provi- dence in what might otherwise be passed over as the merest accident. Born on Christmas Day, and born in A the self-same year in which the East End Mission was commenced, of all Mr. and Mrs. Booth's children none has possessed in so powerful a degree the faculty of attracting and managing the roughest of the roughs. Seldom has there been a prolonged disturbance, or prospect of a riot, but she has been the first to volun- teer to fill the gap, and her appearance upon the scene of action has usually resulted in a complete change of front on the part of the most turbulent of the disturb- ers. Like the gale-proof petrel, she has delighted to be found "Where the thunders echo loud and deep, And the stormy winds do blow." With more than a Peter's faith she has flung herself Walking . j 1 11 j the water. out of the boat on to the raging waves, and has walked with unswerving confidence to meet the same Jesus, who is still often to be found upon these troubled waters and amid such perilous surroundings of tener,. 573 5/4 MS. BOOTH. 1865, indeed, than amid the luscious ease in which the ge 3 ' daughters of Zion too often seek, but find Him not. How strange that Christian critics fail to see The spirit that the spirit of Calvary is as necessary now as it Calvary, was eighteen hundred and ninety years ago, and that it is to be found among those who dare to face the fury of a mob goaded to madness by the craft- endangered worshippers of Diana, rather than in ths bosoms of those who conceal their timidity be- hind their disapproval, and salve the lashings of their conscience by their untimely reproofs. The ^ "The day has gone," remarked the General, in one home- of his humorous home-thrusts, when replying on one occasion to the objections of some who repeated the old complaint concerning those who had turned the world upside down, " The day has gone when the priest and Levite are content to pass by the wounded man. They must needs stop now, turn back, and punch the head of any good Samaritan who dares to come to the rescue!" Not law- It is fashionable with the same breath to admire good. Daniel.in the lions' den, or the three Hebrew heroes in the flames, and to condemn in no measured terms the brave men and women who face the savagery of an Eastbourne or a Torquay mob and who refuse to bow down before the image of a God-dishonouring law. With all the stringency of the Mosaic dispensa- tion, it used to be permissible to pull a sheep or an ass out of a pit upon the Sabbath day. It has needed the refinement of a Christian era to enact that upon this day of all others it is not " lawful to do good," but that the same man who is forbidden to sound a note to the glory of God may play the same instrument, down the same streets, to the same tune, provided that death-dealing rifles and blood-consecrated swords fol- THE EAST LONDON MISSION. 575 low in his train and he wears the uniform that marks him as a soldier of the Queen ! If this be not strain- ing at a gnat and swallowing a camel, then, verily- words have lost their meaning ! But to return from this digression. In the middle of February Mrs. Booth commenced a ten weeks' campaign at the Rosemary Branch Assembly Rooms in Peckham. The meetings lasted till the end of April, this being the longest sustained effort that Mrs. Booth had yet undertaken single-handed. She much preferred a prolonged series of meetings to the iso- lated services which towards the close of her labours were alone possible. One service furnished a subject for the next. Dealing personally, as was her habit, at the close of each address with the penitents, she became familiar with the " refuges of lies" behind which those who had not come forward were seeking for shelter. This afforded her a fresh opportunity for unmasking their excuses, and forcing them to a defi- nite decision. During this year Mrs. Booth was completely pros- trated by a severe illness which the best medical skill seemed powerless to combat. She wasted away so rapidly that her family became alarmed lest they should lose her. Following the advice of her medical attendant, Mr. Booth at length insisted on removing her to Tunbridge Wells, where she was to live for a time "the life of a tree." The change and rest proved beneficial, although for some time to come she still remained in a very delicate condition. Mr. and Mrs. Booth were preparing to return to London, when they were struck with the advertise- ment of a religious meeting which was to be conducted by the Rev. W. Haslam on the lawn of a. mansion known as Dunorlan, the residence of a well-known 1866, ^ cam- Booth at Prostrat- The life ^ a Rev. w. 5/6 MJ?S. BOOTH. 1866, Christian philanthropist, Mr. Henry Reed. Happen- ge 37 ' ing to know Mr. Haslam, for whom they entertained a sincere regard, and being desirous to make the ac- quaintance of Mr. Reed, they resolved to be present. They missed their way, and were consequently late, but took their place on the outskirts of the crowd. Mr. Haslam was speaking in his usual easy, illustra- tive, and pointed manner to an attentive and inter- jteZ' ested audience. Mr. Reed followed with a few Reed, words. Of tall and well-proportioned figure, with snowy hair and long flowing beard, regular features, a face bespeaking determination, and eyes piercing and expressive, his appearance was calculated to pro- duce an impression which could not easily be forgot- ten. His remarks were simple and yet effective. Mrs. After the concluding prayer Mr. Haslam stepped f or- Booth at Dunor- ward and introduced Mr. and Mrs. Booth to Mr. and Mrs. i Reed, who cordially invited them to conduct a service on the following Sunday in his Mission Hall. Mr. Booth was unable to accept the invitation, being published for meetings in London, but Mrs. Booth, though still unfit for public work, agreed" to be pres- ent. She removed on Saturday to Dunorlan, where she was very heartily welcomed by Mr. and Mrs. Reed, and where she laid the foundation of a life-long friendship, which proved of no little importance in the early history of the East End Mission. The Doncaster was Mr. Reed's birthplace. But when mansion. . quite a youth he had gone to Tasmania, where by dint of industry, integrity, and ability he had risen to a position of prominence and wealth. Returning to England some twenty years previous to the time at which our narrative commences, he had built for him- self the beautiful mansion of Dunorlan. The hall in which Mrs. Booth was to speak had THE EAST LONDON MISSION. 577 been specially erected by him for the convenience of 1866, his tenantry and neighbours. Mr. Reed had his own ge 3 ^' ideas as to the management of the services, and be- Mrs. fore the meeting commenced he called Mrs. Booth time- 8 aside and gave her his instructions. " We shall com- mence at three o'clock," he said, "and everything must be over by four punctually. Consequently your sermon should be concluded a few minutes before that time." He repeated this injunction with so much emphasis that Mrs. Booth replied, " Well, Mr. Reed, you must be my timekeeper, for when once I am started I am very apt to forget myself." Mr. Reed was disarmed. He did not quite know what he was promising when he agreed to undertake the duty. The hall was well filled, and Mrs. Booth had no "Never sooner commenced speaking than the power of God de- $* tj scended, and there were few dry eyes in the audience. on/ " Oblivious, as usual, of time, she suddenly remembered her promise. Pausing, and turning to Mr. Reed, she asked whether she ought not to conclude. Raising his hands, and with the tears flowing down his ven- erable face, he cried out, " Never mind the time ! Go on! Go on!" Mrs. Booth complied, and it was nearer five than four when she at length sat down. " Let us have a prayer meeting," she then suggested to her host, who joyfully consented. After singing a verse or two, Mrs. Booth gave the invitation for peni- tents to come forward. Many responded. Mr. Reed stood in the aisle and encouraged the people, placing his hand upon them and saying, "Come yer ways! Come yer ways!" a homely Yorkshire expression which he made use of when he was particularly warmed up. Mrs. Booth returned to the house and retired at once A fast to her room thoroughly exhausted, Mr. Reed bringing fn 37 578 MRS. BOOTH. 1866, her some tea and treating her with the most fatherly ge 37 ' consideration. He expressed his unbounded delight at the remarkable service which had just been held, and became a hard and fast friend from that time forward. After her return from Tunbridge Wells Mrs. Booth's health was considerably improved, but subse- quently the disease seemed to fasten itself upon her with renewed virulence, till she was reduced to a An an- shadow. It was in a remarkable way, in answer to swer to . prayer, prayer, that she was at length restored. The workers of the Mission had been gathered together at their house for their usual weekly prayer meeting, and Mrs. Booth's continued illness had been the special subject of their prayers. She was too ill herself to "be present. But while lying in bed she looked round the room for something to do, since she could never bear to be unemployed. Her eye fell upon a drawer full of unsorted letters and pamphlets. Whilst put- ting these in order she noticed a paper advocating The char- strongly a certain preparation of charcoal for the mal- ' re ' ady from which she suffered, which was chronic diarrhoea. The theory advanced by the writer was intelligent, and the cases he adduced of persons who had been cured were so striking that Mrs. Booth re- solved at once to give it a trial. From the very onset she obtained relief, and before many days had passed the malady was completely cured, and, though ex- posed at times to temporary relapses, it never re- turned again in its original force. The same remedy was afterwards recommended by her to similar suf- ferers, and almost invariably with equally satisfactory results. Mrs. Booth's nervous system had, however, received a severe shock, from which it was long before it com- THE EAST LONDON MISSION. 579 pletely recovered. The barking of a dog, the rattle of carriage wheels along the road, even the chirping of a sparrow outside the window, would render sleep impossible. " It seems to have been my special lot," said Mrs. Booth during her last illness, " to suffer. I can scarcely remember a day in my life which has been free from some kind of pain or other." It is often the case that Heaven's choicest gifts are wrapped up in our darkest troubles. Indeed, sorrow is frequently God's ambassador the chosen herald of some special blessing. At the moment we may be disappointed with the mournful appearance and mel- ancholy uniform of the messenger. We may be tempted even to close our hearts against his entrance, and to reject the missive that he bears. We had pictured to ourselves the dazzling brilliance of an archangel, and behold the funereal robes and solemn lineaments of Woe ! It is long, perhaps, before we discover that he is in very truth an angel, but an angel in disguise. We unfold with trembling, hesitat- ing hand the scroll of destiny. But our tears and sighs are at length changed to songs of joy when we decipher in every word and line the assurances of a Father's love. Thus it was with Mrs. Booth, and the background of phj'sical suffering only served to throw out into greater prominence the "gladiator soul." Few had a better right to claim the privileges of an invalid, and yet have so persistently refused to regard themselves as such, or have so successfully triumphed over bodily weakness, and offered so complete a measure of ser- vice to humanity. Scores of times she sallied from her sick-bed to face the eager, waiting crowds who hung upon her lips, and no sooner had she finished than she hurried back 1866, Age 37. Scarcely a day free from pain. God's am- bassador. A dark back- ground. Her iron will. 58o MRS. BOOTH. 1866, to it, utterly prostrated by the effort. Again and again she would be compelled, even while the meet- ing was in progress, to place the hymn-book in an- other's hands, rush into the vestry to relieve the nausea which even her iron will could not restrain, and then return to deal with penitents, who little dreamed the anguish that her labours cost. S flicied ^ was a lif e l n g martyrdom, none the less heroic martyr- because self -inflicted and avoidable. There was no dom. need for an inquisitor to stand with rack and fag- ot in one hand and recantation paper in the other. Her weak body was its own inquisitor, but, over- powered, like her Master, with a sense of compassion for the shepherdless sheep, she would not surrender to its calls. Her indomitable determination carried her along. Like the British soldiers at Waterloo, she knew not when she was defeated ; she fought when she should have rested, advanced when she should have retreated, lived when she should have died. Nervous " What I suffered from the building of that church," weakness. says Mrs. Booth, no tongue can tell. There was a large amount of stonework in the front and spire. The chipping of these stones, the laying of the bricks, and the putting down of the floors cost me what only those can understand who have been similarly afflicted. I encouraged myself, however, with the hope that when once it was completed I should have peace. But in this I was wofully disappointed. The echo of the street traffic from its walls, commencing at early morning and lasting till midnight, nearly distracted me. In vain I tried every scheme which could be suggested for deadening the sound. I padded the windows, but that was useless. It came through the glass and reverberated through the walls. I plugged my ears with cotton -wool dipped in oil. But this THE EAST LONDON MISSION. 581 only brought the sound of the rushing of my blood, which was still more difficult to endure. The house became uninhabitable, and we were obliged to have a change. " When walking out with the children one morning I had noticed a house opposite the Victoria Park. It stood by itself and appeared to be quiet. I made some inquiries about it and then mentioned it to the General, who objected that it was too expensive. I had thought of a way for getting over this difficulty. We were already taking in one lodger, to help us to meet our rent. I expressed my willingness to take in two, although it meant a considerable addition to my household cares. It was suited to our require- ments. And it was evident that unless quiet could be secured for me I should, soon be beyond the need of any house at all. Finally we decided to take it. " It was a convenient centre for our work, and was largely used, as was the case with all our homes, for office purposes. Indeed, as our children grew up, and became in turn the heads of various departments, they necessarily brought with them a large amount of business, and anything like real retirement or privacy became more and more impossible. Not only in this, but in all our later homes, every bedroom has been an office, and from the attic to the kitchen every available scrap of space has been occupied with cor- respondence and secretaries. "Of course when we established a regular head- quarters the greater part of the business was trans- acted there, but much of the work was of a private character, and the pressure upon the General and on my children was always so severe that, after putting in a good day's work at the office, it seemed as if still more remained to be done, and so they would bring 1866, victoria ar ' TaHng in Every an office. 582 MRS. BOOTH. 1866, home bundles of their papers and sit up over them ge 37 ' till the small hours of the morning. Cabinet "The fact, too, that we have been always accus- tomed to discuss among ourselves any important step, and consult each 'other's views in regard to matters, has also led to much of the most important work be- ing transacted at home. All this would have been im- possible, and the cause would have suffered materially, had we refused to yield to the exigencies of the hour, and confined ourselves to smaller quarters. The alter- "Of course, there was another alternative. We might have refused, as I suppose most people under similar circumstances would have done, to allow the privacy of our home to be invaded, doing what we could in office hours and letting the rest drift. But then the Salvation Army would never have been what it is to-day, and my husband and children would have had to be made of different material to what they are ! I sometimes think that if our critics could have seen the drudgery and toil that all this has inflicted they would have been less ready to add to our sorrows and our tears by their unkind reflections. Thesacri- "Well, in the matter of our home we were influ- privaey. enced by circumstances over which we had no control, and always acted in the highest interests of the work. Only too glad would I have been if I could have re- tired to some little cottage corner where I could have buried myself in the privacy which, the more I loved, the less I seemed able to obtain. Look at this house in which I lie .dying. It is more of a hotel than a home even now, not excepting my bedroom, where papa and all of you must needs bring your papers and business for me to listen to and give my opinion upon ! You know !" Yes, we did! For had we not seen the General THE EAST LONDON MISSION. 583 bring his manuscripts and proofs of the great Social Scheme for the perusal and suggestions of the dying saint, who fell, as she had lived, with her hand upon the two-edged sword that through life she had wielded with such power, and to which sickness and anguish seemed only to have lent a keener edge ! We knew ! If ever an earthly home could be a Bethel, a house of i CAMBRIDGE LODGE VILLAS, HACKNEY. Mr. and Mrs. Booth's first residence in the East of London. God and a gate of heaven, hers had been. Conse- crated, not by the singing of a few sentimental hymns, or the gabbling of a few incoherent prayers, but by the training of a family of warriors, by the salvation of souls upon the domestic hearth, by the creation of successful plans and the preparation of writings which have left their eternal mark upon numberless hearts and lives, it needed no apology. 1866, Age 37. The con- secrated home. CHAPTER LV. St. John's Wood. A three months 1 cam- paign. Mrs. New- enham. MARGATE. 1867. THOUGH still in some measure suffering from the effects of her prolonged illness, Mrs. Booth com- menced the new year with a series of meetings in St. John's Wood. The Sunday services were held in the Eyre Arms Assembly Rooms, the week-night in the school-rooms of the Baptist and Independent chapels near at hand. The first meeting was held in the teeth of a severe snow-storm. Indeed, it was with some difficulty that Mrs. Booth succeeded in keeping her appointment. But by the third Sunday notices had to be placed outside that the hall was full and no more could be admitted. Many of those who were shut out, having walked long distances, were bitterly disappointed. One special feature of this series con- sisted in the fact that more than three-fourths of the congregation consisted of gentlemen. The campaign was continued for three months, the interest being sustained throughout. At the farewell meeting Mr. Stott, the pastor of one of the chapels, in giving a warm tribute to the good which had been accom- plished amongst his own members, said that not only had they been greatly edified and stimulated, but that their numbers had been considerably increased. Here, as usual, Mrs. Booth succeeded in gathering round her a circle of friends. Amongst others was a Mrs. Newenham, towards whom she experienced 584 MARGATE. 585 from the first a special affinity of spirit. Mrs. New- 1867, enham was one of those original, brilliant, and out- spoken characters who could hardly fail to interest Mrs. Booth. An able conversationalist, intensely and yet good-naturedly, humorous, demonstrative to a fault, she was attracted alike by the combination of religious fervour and refreshing naturalness of Mrs. Booth. But, perhaps better than any mere descrip- tion, the following letter written to Mrs. Booth will introduce her to the reader. The letter is headed " Pray burn when read, unless useful as a warning:" " 1 5th March, 1871. " My dear Mrs. Booth once said to me, 'If you get the bless- "Begin to ing of a clean heart I shall begin to hope. ' hope." " Then, my dearest sister, begin to hope now, while your eye rests on the paper. For I have got a beautiful, clean, soft heart ! " The means resolve on my part, and feeble but constant prayer. I am not able, from want of time and head, to tell you the story to-day. But as soon as I can I will come to see you. " Tell Mr. Booth the cooking is nearly done ! I have had my last crisping and shall soon be dished up for the Master's table ! " At present I am as weak as a baby in body and soul. But I must write that you may begin to hope ! " Your most loving, " LUCY NEWENHAM. "'When the Lord turned again the captivity of Zion, we were like them that dream. Then was our mouth filled with laughter, and our tongue with singing!' " Some little time after the services had been brought A gener . to a conclusion a deputation of gentlemen waited ^dined on Mrs. Booth, offering to build her a church larger than Mr. Spurgeon's Tabernacle. This proposal was declined, Mrs. Booth believing that she could best ex- 586 MKS. BOOTH. 1867, pend her time and strength in visiting the various important centres, from which the % calls were becom- ing more and more numerous. The wisdom of this decision has since been fully demonstrated, as it is easy to recognise that in view of the subsequent exi- gencies of the then Christian Mission she could not have exercised the same widespread influence had her attention been confined to a single locality. Perhaps, however, it was the uncertainty of her health more than anything else that precluded her at the time from falling in with this suggestion. Lucy Mil- On the 28th of April of this year was born Mrs. Booth. Booth's eighth and youngest child, Lucy Milward. With the exception of Marian she was the most deli- cate of the family. But, though struggling with the disadvantages of a weak constitution, she early gave proof that, if the last upon the scene of action, she was not to be the least. Lucy has inherited in no small measure her mother's inflexibility of purpose and strength of will, together with much of her fa- ther's rapidity of thought and action. Endowed with a soul for music, several of the. most taking Army airs have been the natural expression of sad and suf- fering hours, when, debarred from her coveted place in the battle, her heart has found its consolation in stirring up the faith and zeal of others, or in urging them to purity with " psalms and hymns and spiritual songs." Heart- How often has the most soul-affecting melody bor- ds ' rowed its pathos and its power from the inspiration of the author's sufferings! There may be a philosophy in this. Perhaps none but the hand of grief can cause those heart-chords to vibrate which produce the ten- der harmonies so captivating to the human ear, and which doubtless find thoir echo in the Divine heart! MARGA TE. 587 " 'Tis said that when the nightingale Would sing its sweetest lay, Its breast against a thorn 'twill nail; Thus in our saddest day We sing to Thee, and piercing pain But wakes the music sweet, Attunes the cross-inspired refrain Which love lays at Thy feet ! " It was at one of her London services that Mrs. Booth met with a lady who suggested the advisability of her holding meetings at some of the fashionable seaside resorts during the summer. "Our class of people," she explained, "never go anywhere except to church, where conversion is seldom definitely put before them. But when they are at a watering-place, away from their ordinary home associations, and with nothing particular to do, they can often be prevailed upon to attend such services as yours. It was in this way that I myself was converted. I should never have thought of going anywhere except to my church when I was at home, but happening to be away I saw a special announcement, attended the meeting, and on the very first occasion gave my heart to God." The suggestion pleased Mrs. Booth, and she re- solved to make the attempt. She went to Ramsgate, engaged a hall, and commenced her services. But it proved far too small to contain the crowds who flocked to it. An opportunity occurred for securing the Royal Assembly Rooms in Margate. Mrs. Booth seized the chance. It was crowded from the first, and finding that there was a prospect of a powerful work she decided to spend the season there. To travel backwards and forwards to her family in London was evidently impossible, and yet the difficulty and ex- pense of securing a house seemed to preclude the idea of bringing the children to Margate. But once. 1867, Age 38. Watering- place meetings. Mrs. Booth at Rams- gate. Goes to Margate. 588 MRS. BOOTH. 1867, having made up her mind to a course she was not Age s8 ' easily baffled. So, setting the children to pray about the matter, she proceeded to make further inquiries. joined by She had noticed a house to let which appeared to children, her particularly suitable, and a peculiar assurance that she would be able to secure it took possession of her. On inquiry she ascertained that it belonged to two gentlemen who had been deeply impressed at one of her recent meetings. She was thus enabled to ob- tain a lease on very reasonable terms, and a few days later, to her intense satisfaction, the children inarched in and took possession. The result justified the venture, and not only were the entire expenses connected with the effort covered, but several new friends were enlisted, whose generous benefactions considerably helped the East London Mission, both Mrs. and then and in later years. Amongst others was a Mr. ' Freeman. Freeman, who had spent some years in China, but had returned to England owing to the precarious health of his delicate wife. He was of a noble and benevolent disposition, and appeared to have many years of usefulness before him, but was suddenly cut down in the prime of life, to the intense grief of his devoted wife, who proved to the Mission a generous and reliable friend. Mrs. Freeman was a sincere and transparent character a thorough believer in the self-sacrifice and separation from the world which Mrs. Booth advocated and between the two hearts there existed a strength of sympathy and affection which was maintained unbroken to the last. Among the first-fruits of the Margate work was one of the daughters of Mrs Billups, the Cardiff friend alluded to in a previous chapter. She was a gay, fashionable worldling, a brilliant musician, and with a strong ambition in the direction of education. Per- MARGATE. 589 haps a little wearied of the routine of home life, and 1867, having formed a strong personal affection for Mrs. ge 3 ' Booth, she sought and obtained her parents' consent to visit her. To this arrangement Mrs. Billups the more gladly agreed, since she had been anxious for some time regarding the salvation of her daughter. Nothing, however, could be further from the thoughts of Miss Billups. She loved the world too well, and openly avowed that she hated revivals and had no wish for anything further than the prosecution of her studies. For a time this position was maintained, but a little kindly suasion induced her to attend some of Mrs. Booth's services in London, and when the family removed to Margate Miss Billups became a regular attendant at the meetings. Nor was it long before she surrendered her heart to God. The change A dearly was clearly marked. She at once gave up her finery, change. abandoned her educational ambitions, consecrated her musical talent to the Lord, became a powerful preacher, and led hundreds of souls to Christ. Amongst other services she greatly helped the Gen- eral in the compilation of his first hymnal music-book. After years of earnest and successful toil she finally married a revival minister and went over to Canada, where she has done much good, maintaining still her former spirit and zeal. The Margate meetings were in some respects, how- NO one to raise a ever, of a trying character. At the beginning Mrs. tune. Booth took her stand alone, without knowing a single person present. For several weeks she could not reckon upon a helper in the prayer-meeting. There was no- one to give out a hymn, and what was worse still, there was no one to raise a tune! Mrs. Booth being unable to start the singing herself, there was often an awkward pause before she could induce any- 590 MRS. BOOTH. 1867, body to commence. " The more respectable the audi- g ' ence," says Mrs. Booth in later years, "the greater was my difficulty. It was almost impossible to get any- body to step beyond the limits of the stereotyped con- ventionalities ! If I had only been able to command half a dozen reliable people, such as I could have an)' > where now, I could have done almost anything!" Her Nevertheless, judged by any standard, either past success, or present, the meetings were a marvellous success. Ministers, journalists, visitors from all parts of the kingdom, together with the inhabitants of the town, crowded to the hall Sunday after Sunday. They listened, were convicted of sin, wept, and were in many cases converted to God. Seldom has Mrs. Booth spoken with more power and demonstration of the Spirit. Only one The only symptom of opposition proceeded from symptom. J . J f a neighbouring clergyman, who endeavoured to take away the hall by offering a higher price for its use. Fortunately, however, possession was secured by a properly executed agreement. A publish- Amongst those who attended these meetings was er's offer. . Mr. Knight, the well-known publisher. He was deeply impressed with the character of the truth which Mrs. Booth proclaimed, declaring it to be in advance of anything with which he had hitherto been ac- quainted. He offered to undertake the entire respon- sibility of reporting and publishing the sermons, giv- ing to Mrs. Booth whatever monetary advantage might accrue. She thought, however, that he had over-estimated the value of her services, and declined the generous offer ; a course for which she afterwards experienced considerable regret, as but few of her addresses were reduced to writing, and her memory was so fickle she could not recall to mind the next MARGA TE. 591 day the words that she had spoken. The notes on which she relied in facing her audiences were the merest skeletons, and, as will be readily imagined by those who have heard her, they were commonly su- perseded by the inspiration of the hour. Her plan of preparation for her public services consisted in drawing up a line of argument, saturating her mind thoroughly with the .subject, and then either using or dispensing with her notes as occasion might require. " I can do without notes," she used to say, " when I have liberty. But when I have not they are very useful to fall back upon, and I have the sat- isfaction of feeling that, if I have not spoken with my usual ease and pleasurable emotion, I have at least absolved my conscience by dealing out the truth." Many of the notes of her most powerful addresses were scribbled on odd scraps of paper while nurs- ing her baby, or jotted down between intervals of household work. Perhaps this was what imparted to them their special pungency. She was such a happy combination of the mother, wife, and prophet- ess, that in advising others she was able to draw largely on her own experience. But, above all, her powerful intellect was so completely mastered by her tender heart that her severest rebukes were couched in terms with which the most sensitive nature found it impossible to take offence. The following choice extract from one of her power- ful addresses to professing Christians beautifully il- lustrates this characteristic : 1867, Age 38. Her plan of prep- aration. A happy combina- tion. An illus- trative extract. " A false love shrinks from opposition. It cannot bear per- False love. sedition. Here is one unfailing characteristic of it: it is always on the winning side that is, apparently ; down here ; not what will be, ultimately, the winning side. When Truth sits enthroned, with a crown on her head, this false love is most 592 MRS. BOOTH. 1867, Age 38. True love. The test. Examine your- vociferous in her support and devotion ; but when "her gar- ments trail in the dust, and her followers are few, feeble, and poor, then Jesus Christ may look after Himself. I sometimes think, respecting this hue and cry about the glory of God and the sanctity of religion, I would like to see sorrfe of these saints put into the common hall with Jesus again, amongst a band of ribald, mocking soldiers. I would like to see, then, their zeal for the glory of God, when it touched their own glory. They are wonderfully zealous when their glory and His glory go together; but, when the mob is at His heels, cry- ing, 'Away with Him! crucify Him! crucify Him!' then He may look after His own glory and they will take care of theirs. " True love sticks to the LORD JESUS IN THE MUD, when He is fainting under His cross as well as when the people are cutting down the boughs and crying ' Hosanna ! ' I fear many people make the Lord Jesus Christ a stalking-horse on which to secure their ends. God grant us not to be of that number, for, if we are, He will topple us from the very gates of heaven to the nethermost hell. This false love cannot go to the dungeon you never find it at the stake. It always manages to shift its sides and change its face before it goes so far as that. Never in disgrace ; never with Jesus Christ in the minority, at Golgotha on the cross. Always with Him when He is riding triumphant ! " Oh, I often think if times of persecution were to come again how many of us would be faithful? How many would go to the dungeon? How many would stand by the truth with hooting, howling mobs at our heels, such as followed Him on the way to the cross such as stood round His cross and spat upon Him, and cast lots for His vesture, and parted His garments among them, and wagged their heads and cried, 'He saved others; Himself He cannot save'? How many of us would stick to Him then? But, as your soul and mine liveth, this is the only kind of love that will stand the test of the Judgment Day. " Oh, have you got this love? Love in the darkness; love in the garden ; love in sorrow ; love in suffering ; love in isolation ; love in persecution; love to the death! Have we got this love? Examine yourselves, beloved, and see whether you are in the faith or not, for there is much need of it in this day, when there are so many false gospels and so much false doctrine." CHAPTER LVI. BEHIND THE PIGEON-SHOP. 1866-1867. FROM the story of Mrs. Booth's immediate labours The we turn again to the contemporary history of the j/Ckon? Christian Mission, with which from the first her life was necessarily and increasingly entwined. Here the spiritual and financial horizon was far from en- couraging. There have always been peculiar diffi- culties associated with a work of this kind, and prob- ably always will be. No sooner was a genuine convert made than, in the majority of instances, he evinced a natural and even laudable desire to forsake his evil surroundings, removing as soon as possible to a more respectable quarter. In other instances, the peni- tents who sought salvation in the meetings had drifted in from distant places to which they were obliged to return, often no more to be seen, or at least seldom to be relied upon for any effectual help. Added to these discouragements were the opposition NO brass and petty persecutions with which, indoors and out, at home and abroad, the workers had perpetually to contend. There was no corps of trained and uni- formed Salvationists to help with song and testi- mony; no brass band with its enlivening music to drown the jeering of the mob, or soothe them into friendliness. Nevertheless, the General persevered, inventing plan upon plan to hold and interest the turbulent crowds, organising agency after agency, Turbulent and adding building upon building to his list. The. 38 593 594 MAS. BOOTH. 1867, halls, it is true, were of a rough-and-ready sort, as ge 3 ' the following description given by Mr. Booth at the time will show : " One of our first halls was an old chapel, called Holy well Mount. A fine place it seemed, after the wretched holes and corners to which we had been ac- customed. Still, it never answered our purposes, per- haps just because it had been a chapel. Summary " Then we had a stable, up a court leading off the Whitechapel Road. We had it cleaned, whitewashed, and fitted up, and from its situation we were full of hope of seeing great results. But alas, we counted our chickens before they were hatched, as others have often done before us ! After the first meeting or two we were summarily ejected, the room next us being occupied by a sparring club, and our exercises dis- turbing theirs. They were old tenants, and their work being more in sympathy with the publican pro- prietor there was nothing for us but to go. Old Ford " From the beginning we were always picking up Poplar, people in the roads from all parts of London, nay, from almost every corner of the globe, some bent on business and some on pleasure. They would follow our processions to the halls, get saved, and then in- vite us to the quarter where they lived. In this way we went to Old Ford, to a carpenter's shop; to Pop- lar, to a shed, between which and some stables and pig styes there was only a wooden partition. The stench which oozed through the open cracks was enough to have poisoned us all. A skittle- "Then we took a covered skittle-alley in White- chapel, where they bowled and gambled and drank and swore on week-days, while we preached and prayed and sang on Sundays. A movable platform was constructed over the square upon which the BEHIND THE PIGEON-SHOP. 595 pins usually stood, and on it, or in front of it, I have 1867, seen as many as twenty people kneeling at once and &e 38 ' weeping as they sought salvation." One of the most interesting of these spots, however, One of the in which the Salvation Army held its first hand-to- terLting hand encounters with the powers of darkness its spots ' Thermopylae was a little room behind a pigeon-shop in Sclater Street, Shoreditch. The historian of these early days, Commissioner Railton, thus describes the place and its surroundings in a little pamphlet pub- lished many years ago, and well worthy of a resur- rection now: " Scarcely behind the pigeon-shop, though, for the The pig- entrance to the shop was the same as that which led to the little room behind, so that those who went into the one might very easily be supposed to be going into the other, and yet the two places were very differ- ent. The pigeon-shop/filled with pet birds and ani- mals of all descriptions, and always as full of the peculiar stench which such places alone produce, was as dirty and disagreeable a spot as one could well im- agine, although the people who kept it were so much in their element there that they lived, ate, drank, smoked, and slept in the self-same apartment wherein they carried on their business, Sundays and week- days alike. And this was not in some far-off island, or even in a dark unseen nook of some ancient bor- ough. It was one almost fears to name the name, lest all the halo of surprise should at once depart it was in Sclater Street, just one minute's walk from Shoreditch, London. " But if you were not inclined for birds or white Far more mice, and passed by these attractions, you could cer- tainly, at the time when our story begins, May, 1868, have found something far more wondrous at the end 596 MRS. BOOTH. 1867, of the little passage and across the yard, where a large ge 3 ' pen of fowls kept up a ceaseless chatter. There was a little room scarcely twenty feet square, lit mainly in the daytime through a small skylight, the low ceil- ing supported by pillars intended probably to ensure the safety of the workshop above. The floor-boards were in such a state that they gave way sometimes beneath your feet ; the drainage was defective, and in summer-time the room was almost unendurably hot. Nevertheless, whoever will receive the testimony of those who knew the place best, produced mainly in their own words, will, we are sure, be satisfied that in this little place God Almighty wrought wonders such as the power of His Spirit can alone accomplish. From a " The following sketch of the neighbourhood, which London daily appeared in a London daily paper, very accurately describes the scene presented in those days: " ' The chief attraction of the Hare Street Sunday market lies in the song-birds, and herein is one of the most inexplic- able mysteries that mark human nature. What natural affin- ity can be traced between the innocent little caroller of the A con- leafy woods and the alley-bred, heavy-jowled biped, swearing trast. hideous oaths in support of his assertion that there is nothing in the world he has so much admiration for? Setting aside his " fancy" for song-birds, if young Muggins chose conscien- tiously to reply to the question, What is the summit the ex- treme tip-top of earthly bliss? he would say, " Unlimited beer in a tap-room." Just fancy, then, Master Muggins making love to a linnet ! hanging longingly about the cage in which it is imprisoned and marked "ninepence;" manfully offering sevenpence, " every precious oat I've got in the precious world; bless my precious eyes if it ain't!" only it is impossi- ble to reproduce the earnestness with which the fruitless bid was made, or, indeed, to give the expressive word for which " precious" is here substituted. It is quite touching to ob- serve the manner in which Muggins removes his dirty short pipe from his dirtier mouth to chirrup fondly to the little bird BEHIND THE PIGEON-SHOP. 597 that might have fondly nestled in his bosom but for that base remaining twopence. " 'There is not a bird that sings that is not represented in this wonderful market. Chaffinches, goldfinches, bullfinches, blackbirds, thrushes, starlings there they hang in their shabby prisons outside the shops of the bird-fanciers in broad rows, and stacked in solid stacks in each shop's interior. There were larks thousands of larks many of them familiar with bondage, who, in the midst of the clamour and chatter, raised their wonderful voices as though mercifully bent on drowning the blasphemous batch of human tongues, or at least on ming- ling with it their sweet song to blunt the sting of the offence as it ascended heavenward. Hundreds of other larks, crazy with fright were beating their bodies against the iron bars. " '" Who'll buy a lark? Who'll buy a finch? Who'll buy a battling finch? Who wants a finch wot'll 'peg ' or sing ag'in anything as ever piped atween wood and wire?" Rare quali- ties these to be embodied in one small chaffinch ! And so it seemed, judging from the appearance of the crowd that at once surrounded the individual who clambered up on to a window-sill and made this last-mentioned proposition. The gifted chaffinch was not much to look at. It was housed in a rusty old cage, which was tied in a ragged pocket-handker- chief. The man tore a little hole in the handkerchief bigger and revealed his treasure a rump-tailed, partly bald-headed, dissipated looking wretch of a bird as ever one clapped eyes on. " I'll take ten bob for him, and he's worth twice as much," bawled his owner, proudly. " I've had him out a-peggin' " a way of catching chaffinches with a decoy " and I've sung him agin both Kent and Surrey birds, both kiss-me- dear and chuck- wee-do's, and he was never licked yet. I'd a wrung his - - neck if he had been. There must be no two ways about a bird that I keep yer knows me, some of yer?" Several persons in the crowd seemed to know him very well, but I did not observe that they availed themselves of the ad- vantage to eagerly embrace the splendid opportunity he offered them ; and the disreputable finch was finally sold, amid much swearing and cursing, for six shillings. And so the fun of the fair was maintained the police, of whom there were sev- eral in attendance, only interfering when words ran danger- ously high or the mob thickened inconveniently at one spot. A0 Age 38. The bird market. " Who'll buy?" A dissi- pated- looking bird. 598 MRS. BOOTH. A0 Age 38. As told by them- selves. A regular " lushing- ton." Intended to kill her. Clothed with curses. Mr. Railton then goes on to describe some of the early converts. We select the history of two of these, both now in heaven, as told by themselves: " At the age of thirteen I went as a pot-boy, and remained so until I was sixteen. Here I got the flavour of drink and I never lost it until I was converted to God, through the blessed words of Brother L and Brother W , spoken in the open air. When I look back and think how I have beaten my poor wife it was through the drink it makes me ashamed of myself. It was the word and the blow, but sometimes the blow first. After I got sober sometimes it would make me ashamed to look at her black eyes, but I do thank God there is no fear of black eyes now, for we are very happy together. " I wonder I have never had an explosion, for I have been drunk for a week at a time. I am a stoker and engine-driver. Half my wages went for drink, and my wife was afraid to speak to me, and the poor children would get anywhere out of the way. I was reckoned a regular ' lushington. ' I lost place after place and was out of work several weeks at a time ; for they did not care to employ a drunkard. Still I would have beer somehow, I did not care how, so that I got it. I have given one-and-sixpence for the loan of a shilling, and though there was not a bit of bread at home the shilling would go for beer. " I have often had the police called in for ill-using my wife. On one occasion she ran down to her mother's with her face bleeding, but I went to bed. When I woke, I saw my wife was not there, so I went out and got drunk. I came home and got a large carving-knife, put it up my sleeve, and went down to her mother's with the intention of killing her, but they saw the knife. The police were called in and I was taken to Spitalfields Station ; but, no one coming to press the charge, I got off. . " For some months before I was converted I could not sleep unless I was drunk, very seldom going to bed without cursing and swearing until I went to sleep, and woke up the same in the morning waking everybody in the house with my curs- ing and swearing, sometimes, in the middle of the night. " Eight years ago God thought fit to lay me on a bed of sickness for thirteen weeks, and I was given up by all the BEHIND THE PIGEON-SHOP. 599 doctors. When I got better people thought I would alter my 1867, life and become a steady man ; but no, I was as bad as ever. Age 38. While I was at work, another time, drunk, I lost one of my eyes by an accident ; but that did not make me a sober man, l ye u nor make me leave off. swearing and cursing. I was, in gen- eral, drunk two or three times on Sundays. The Sunday that I was convinced I was a sinner I had been drunk twice. " I did not think there was much happiness for me, but I do thank God for what He has done for me. He has changed my heart; He has filled me full of the love of Christ; my greatest desire is to tell sinners what a dear Saviour I have found and to tell them how I found Him." His wife gave a dreadful confirmation to -all this when she added : " I have been a wife sixteen years, and never knew The happiness till my dear husband was converted." d rcTs~ Such people, turned from darkness to light, formed wi f e - the strength of the Mission force, whose headquarters were behind the pigeon-shop, and who went forth time after time to face the godless crowds around them, fearless of earth and hell, for their Master's sake. Missioning in such places is no easy task sometimes. Says Mrs. Price: " We only lived a few doors off and the people knew us, and Mrs. we used to catch it hot. The men would sit all along the Pnc ^ ex ~ penence. pavement in front of the place with their pots of beer. " I remember when I got my first shawl after my conver- sion we were reduced to such a destitute state, you know, before then, that I hadn't any and when I got my new shawl on, the first time I went with it, it was spit on and.torn, and that wasn't easy to bear; was it? " As we stood in the open air one day, a boy came with some hot pease-pudding and spread it right on a young man's face. " We had to leave my father's house, where we were living when we were converted, for it was no use. We couldn't put up with their ways any longer, and they could not put up 6oo MRS. BOOTH. 1867, with ours. It was a hard trial to leave my father's house, but Age 38. i f e i t ^ was the Lord's way, and I was determined to follow Him." An un- A band of such people is not easily daunted. They daunted , . . . , , .. band. used to go out into the open air every night, and al- though, whilst they stood and spoke, the power of God laid hold on those who heard them, so that they were rarely disturbed whilst standing, yet the hulla- baloo through which they had to make their way to the hall, as they marched along singing, was often very great. Quite a band of tin-kettle beaters at times went before them ; volleys of winkle shells would fall upon them from the windows, and dead rats and other animals from the various shops around would vary the discharge of the enemy's artillery. The death Jack Price, a strong, healthy man to all appearance, seemed to be in his usual health and strength, but was one day taken ill at his work, and had to go home. He was not thought to be in danger, how- ever, till next Monday morning, when, at five o'clock, he suddenly sprang out of bed, and said to his wife, "I am going home." He then had all his eight children gathered round him, and charged them each to meet him in heaven. After bidding them "good-bye," he told them that he should be gone to heaven before they came home to dinner. Trusting He said repeatedly that he was " trusting in Jesus tn Jesus. and going^ home all right all right." His eldest daughter had been married not many months previously to a dear young man, who, after only a few months of married life, had passed to his reward in heaven. Referring to him, his dying father-in-law added, " Willie would not expect to meet me so soon." BEHIND THE PIGEON-SHOP. 60 1 Somebody asked him how it was with his soul. "Triumphant, triumphant, triumphant!" he said. His last words were, " The blood of Jesus Christ, God's Son, cleanseth us from all sin." When speech failed, however, the triumph of his soul seemed, if possible, to increase, and waving his handkerchief round his head he went up to wave the palm of victory forever. It was exactly ten years from the day when, in the little Mission Hall, he had left his load of sins at Jesus 's feet. No less interesting is the story of Carry Berry : One Sunday evening, as the band stood at their post, at the Hare Street end of Sclater Street, they saw. opposite them one Mrs. Berry, familiarly known amongst her friends as "Carry." She had been buy- ing sweetmeats, and was then on her way to "The Well and Bucket," her favourite public-house, calcu- lating on what she called " a pleasant evening" with her companions. But the words of one of the speak- ers arrested her attention. "If," said he, "you are going on any excursion or journey, you take care to prepare yourself for it." "Ah," thought Carry, "that's true; lam particular to make plenty of preparation when I go anywhere." And then the speaker pressed home on his hearers the importance of getting ready for the great journey their souls must so6n start upon, when the death hour struck. When the invitation was given to follow to the hall behind the pigeon-shop, Carry was one of those who felt constrained to accept. But she was not converted that night, although so strongly affected that she came night after night after- wards. Such was her character, however, that some said, "She has only come to make a laugh of us." It was natural enough to think so, for her life had 1867, Age 38. To dip, no more. Carry Berry. Prepare for the soul's journey. Night after night. 602 MRS. BOOTH. 1867, been a rough one so far. Her own account of it was Aee38 ' this: A rough " I was born in the East of London and have lived in the * e ' parish of Bethnal Green nearly all my life. There were six brothers and sisters of us, and we used to be called ' the happy family.' I don't know particularly why, except that we were to be found together so often in the front of some public- house bar, or sitting side by side in some low concert hall. These places were for years my delight ; Saturday night and Sunday were for years spent in this fashion. I would go through a week sometimes and not take much liquor; but I was always going to music-halls and such like places, and was so fond of amusement that I could scarcely pass an organ in the street without dancing. I got my living as a tailoress, making the strong cord trousers they sell to navvies. It is better work than the slop trade, and as I worked hard I could The drink , , -. 1 . 1 jj-i killed always earn plenty of money to spend in pleasure and drink. him. My father was a clever tradesman who could earn any amount of money, but was a dreadful drunkard. I think the drink killed him, and he died suddenly. It was a solemn warning, but the effect soon wore off, and all the family went on just the same." The un- Not long after her father's death a neighbour saw e stood T her drinking and dancing with the undertaker who treat. j^d Buried the old man, and who, on that account, stood treat. She fought with a man on one occasion, both being, no doubt, completely under the influence of drink, and so severe was the battle that she was confined to her bed after it, and the doctor had to be called in. No wonder that those who knew her imagined her only motive for attending religious services must be to "make a laugh" of them! A lost " But when I got into the pigeon-shop hall," she says, " the burden Word of God seemed to go right through me. I have heard nd a new , song. some say they were awakened under this text, and some un- der that ; but I know nothing of that, only that I was over- BEHIND THE PIGEON-SHOP. 603 come with a feeling of my sins. I did not know what was going on, only that people were praying and that I lost my burden and came away singing a new song. " My first desire was to get all the family to Christ. Two of my sisters were persuaded to attend the meetings, and both professed to find peace. But the persecution they had to suffer overcame them. " Then there was my brother Joseph. He was dotingly fond of mfe, more so almost than any of my family ; but when he got to know that I had got what they call converted he persecuted me bitterly. He used to call me bad names and say I was a hypocrite, and we were all hypocrites together. But I used to pray for him and for all the family. He lived in the same house with me. He was a hard drinker; indeed, I think the drink killed him. He was in the public-house the Saturday night he was taken so bad. On the Sunday I ran for the doctor when I saw how bad he was, and for the first time I was allowed to kneel and pray with him ; but he said his heart was stony, and so it was." With her other brothers, alas ! it was much the same. Such was their life that none of them lived out half their days, and the last of them was found dead in his bed, but a few weeks since, after his last spree. Carry's husband was a trial to her to an extent that only her most intimate friends could form any idea of, for she was anxious, as far as possible, to hide his faults. She was herself naturally very irritable, and this was the greatest difficulty of her religious life. Again and again she would find her husband in a drunken sleep in their one little room. " I say to myself," she explained, "now I won't say a word to him, I'll just lie down quietly by his side." Poor woman, it is no small victory to live soberly, righteously, and godly, under such circumstances! But we find her and her companions, after years have passed away, still following Jesus, and labouring for the good of others. 1867, Age 38. Bringing others to Christ. No hope in their death. Carry's husband. No small victory. 604 MRS. BOOTH. 1867, Age 38. Help from an unex- pected quarter. On the very last Sunday of her life she said to a comrade, "I don't think I shall be long here." But she went with her to an open-air service on the Mile- End Waste. She felt too weak to speak, but prayed very earnestly, and then marched up with the pro- cession to the hall. On the following Wednesday evening Carry went to bed singing "Safe in the arms of Jesus." At two o'clock in the morning she awoke in pain, called her EYRE ARMS ASSEMBLY ROOMS, St. John's Wood, London. sister to her, and, leaning on her neck, almost im- mediately breathed her last. It was at a somewhat trying juncture in the history of the Christian Mission that help was received from an unexpected quarter. A young man whose brother had been converted, and who had himself been power- fully stirred by Mrs. Booth's St. John's Wood meet- ings, had visited the East End services. Amazed and delighted at all he saw, he carried the news of the work to the Committee of the Evangelisation Society, BEHIND THE PIGEON-SHOP. 605 who had at this very time received from a charitable 1867, gentleman, Mr. Bewley, of Dublin, a sum of .5,000 ge 3 ' % for the express purpose of ameliorating the spiritual condition of the London poor. Mr. Booth had already pM.ia.n- . i 1 r-\ ' thropist. invited the Society to investigate his work, but hither- to his appeals had been without effect. They were now, however, induced to look into it for themselves, with the result that they were fully satisfied as to its value, and agreed to give Mr. Booth a weekly grant in order to enable him to secure a larger building. The Effingham Theatre was accordingly engaged. The It was one of the lowest resorts in all London, and %am very dirty, but none the less popular with the class Thl whom the Mission sought to reach. So successful was this venture that the Evangelisation Society con- tinued for some time to grant a weekly sum averaging about 12 or 14. Subsequent history justifies the supposition that no portion of Mr. Bewley 's gift was better laid out in the interests of God's Kingdom than the contribution which helped to lift the East London Mission for the first time to a position of notoriety and influence. It was about this time that the first official Head- The ern Star. quarters of the Salvation Army was established. A low beer-house, the Eastern Star, notorious for immor- ality and other vices, had been burned down and afterwards rebuilt. Mr. Booth bought the lease and fitted it up. In the front was the first book-store, at the back a good hall, with rooms for classes and smaller meetings upstairs. The Eastern Star, or 188 Whitechapel Road, soon became as active a centre for good as it had previously been for evil. Its name at least was very appropriate. Like its original fore- runner, it shone for a time over the cradle of a great future, and then made way for brighter luminaries. CHAPTER LVII. PLYMOUTH BRETHRENISM. The SOME of Mrs. Booth's earliest and keenest shafts errors of the were directed against the errors of Plymouth Breth- renism, and to the end of her life she continued to lift up her voice against teachings which she looked upon as fraught with the most calamitous conse- quences to the church and the world at large. As this subject is one of general interest, and will necessarily be referred to more than once in the following pages, we may here observe that the leading doctrines of the Brethren are: 1 . The abrogation of the law by the Gospel. 2. The existence of a dual nature in the converted. 3. The fictitious imputation of Christ's righteous- ness to those who are really not righteous. 4. Only-believism. 5. The second advent of Christ. Mrs. On the first four of these points Mrs. Booth dis- joins is- tinctly joined issue with the Brethren, denouncing the doctrines in question as mischievous, dangerous, and totally unscriptural. On the fifth point she de- clined to enter into controversy, on the ground that it was non-essential to salvation, and that evidently the how and when and where of Christ's coming was so purposely shrouded in mystery that it was our duty rather to prepare ourselves and the world for it, than to spend time in fruitless discussions as to the detail of its arrangements. 606 PL YMO UTH BRE THR EN ISM. 607 In regard to the other points, however, she looked 1867, upon them as so intimately connected with vital god- ge 3 ' liness that she believed them to be worthy of the most careful consideration and refutation. The Brethren argued in the first place that the The law Christian was released from the law by the Gospel, "gatedby basing the proposition upon the text, " Ye are not un- Gomel der the law, but under grace," and similar passages. One of their favourite hymns commenced with the line "Free from the law! O happy condition !" To this Mrs. Booth replied that the law referred to in such passages was the Mosaic ceremonial, not the Mo- saic law of righteousness. She denied in toto that the latter had been, or could be, abrogated by the Gos- pel. Not only had we the distinct assurance of Christ that He " came not to destroy the law and the proph- ets, but to fulfil," but it was evident from the whole tenor of the Bible that the latter was included in the former, the Gospel standard being actually much higher than that of the Mosaic dispensation. In proof of this she appealed to the Sermon on the Mount. Still more emphatically did Mrs. Booth denounce "Two the doctrine of the "Two Natures." She deals with the subject in a masterly manner in the following letter, written apparently in reply to a pamphlet by one L. H. B., forwarded, it appears, by some one in whom she was interested : "If L. H. B.'s doctrine be true, will he inform us Thedoc- what becomes of this 'old, wicked, black soul' of man refuted. at death? If it is immortal, it cannot die. If it for- ever remains unclean, it cannot enter heaven. If it is not redeemed, or washed in the blood, it must go to hell. So that a real believer, according to L. H. B. s school, will have one soul in hell and another in heaven ! 608 MRS. BOOTH. 1867, " If the old soul cannot be washed in the blood of ge 3 ' Christ, which soul is it that is so washed? For the The glory saints love to sing 'unto Him who hath washed us demotion, from our sins in His own blood. ' A new soul, cre- ated holy, and preserved holy from its creation, would not need washing in anything. If regeneration means simply generation, if to be born again means only to be born once, if to be begotten again means only to be begotten, will L. H. B. explain these terms used by the Spirit of God ? For it seems to me carefully to guard against the very error into which Brethrenism has led him. If the old or unregener- ated soul cannot be washed or redeemed, why does God promise and profess over and over again to re- new it, and wherein is the glory of redemption ? We are taught that it was greater to redeem than to cre- ate. But if this doctrine be true there is no such thing as redemption, for the new soul never was in bondage and therefore never could be redeemed ; it never was sinful and therefore never could be washed. Con- " L. H. B. seems marvellously to confound things things 9 that differ, giving us a perfect hodge-podge of doc- differ. trine. He says the creation of this new soul goes on gradually and slowly through long weary years, and is Scripturally called repentance. We challenge L. H. B. to give us an iota of proof. Repentance is all the way through the New Testament carefully distin- guished from faith and regeneration, and is invariably laid down as preparatory to it (Acts iii. 19, viii. 22, xx. 21, xxvi. 16-20). In this last text the glorified Saviour laid down forever the philosophical, as well who has as the Divine, order of salvation, and who has author- author- ityf ity to transpose that order, any more than to alter the terms ? " Paul understood this order, and preached, first to PLYMOUTH ERETHRENISM. 609 the Jews and then to the Gentiles, 'that they should 1867, repent and turn to God, and do works meet for repent- ge 3 ' ance.' What a fleshly preacher Paul must have been, according to L. H. B., and how mistaken Jesus must have been to commission him thus to appeal to men, as though they had any power or part in turning them- selves to God! But L. H. B. says real regeneration is the creation of a new soul, which takes long weary years to bring about. I ask, how long did it take to regenerate Paul, Lydia, and the Philippian jailer, and the Pentecostal converts? L. H. B. confounds re- generation both with repentance and complete sancti- fication. Christ carefully distinguishes the three in the 1 8th verse of xxvi. Acts. They are also clearly distinguished in many other passages, but surely this one is enough. " L. H. B. says that regeneration is not brought God's or- about by appeals to human passions. No, but ap- ^y. peals to the human understanding, conscience, and heart are God-ordained ways of bringing it about. 'Open their eyes, enlighten their understanding, turn them from darkness to light. ' ' Knowing, therefore, the terror of the Lord, we persuade men;' and in II. Cor. v. 20; also Acts xvii. 2 ; also Acts xvii. 22-32, xviii. 4. Preaching is God's great instrumentality for saving men, and will be till the Gospel is preached to 'every creature.' " L. H. B. again confounds working out salvation The prize. with working for salvation, in saying that he who has received eternal life does not agonize for it, and he who has been beguiled into thinking he has won Christ, and is in Him, does not count everything but loss if haply he attain that 'most blessed prize.' What most blessed prize ? Not the knowledge of sal- vation, for this the Apostle has already, so that he 39 6 io MS. BOOTH. 1867, knew to live was Christ and to die was gain, and that he lived not, but Christ lived in him. The prize he was running for was eternal glory the perfection or finishing of his salvation in heaven." What sin The error in regard to the doctrine of the dual ana hoh- ness con- natures has arisen doubtless from a misapprehension sist in, as to what sin and holiness consist in. The very word " nature " is in' this connection a misnomer. Sin and holiness are not physical phenomena, but consist .in the voluntary obedience to or transgression of the moral law. Sin is not a constituent part of our flesh and blood, only to be " shuffled off " simultaneously with this " mortal coil." If it were so it would indeed be what the defenders of this doctrine tacitly imply, if they do not positively urge a something that we cannot help. He creates And herein lies the deadly danger of the doctrine. sin who J commits It practically throws the blame back in the face of God. "I have an evil nature; I was born with it, I cannot get rid of it, it is in my blood and bones ; there- . fore I cannot help it ; and therefore I am not to blame, " and therefore it irresistibly follows that God is. But sin is not a nature, it is not a created substance, it is not something constitutional, it is not something we cannot help. Sin, according to the plain English of the Bible, is the transgression of the great unchange- able moral law of love, and he creates it who commits it. In other words, sin consists in a wilfully depraved choice. We may entertain at the same time and for different reasons two opposite desires, but we cannot T rsion.~ make two opposite choices. Self, in some of its thousand and one modifications, is the ultima Thule of the sinner, the universal law of love that of the saint; and conversion consists in the exchanging of the one for the other which is surely possible, with the blood PLYMOUTH BRETHRENISM. 6n of Jesus and the power of God at our disposal. The confusion arises, therefore, from the confounding of the physical and moral natures, and the laws by which they are governed. The error in regard to "imputed righteousness" is the inevitable consequence of the foregoing doctrines. It supposes that our " standing in Christ " is altogether independent of our life and actions. It being impossible for God Himself to change the evil nature, He is supposed to do the next best thing to cover it up; to pretend that it is not there, when it really is ; to whitewash the sepulchre whilst the inside is full of rotting bones ! What else can God do? He has no alternative! It is impossi- ble for us to be holy so say the apostles of this strange gospel which is no gospel, this gospel, of mis- ery, this " good news " of despair ! And herein lies the mischievous tendency of the doctrine. It is nothing more nor less than a plea for sin, and once more throws back the blame of our sinfulness upon God. In again referring to this subject, Mrs. Booth says : " Another modern representation of the Christ is that of a substitutionary Saviour, not in the sense of atonement merely but in the way of obedience. This Christ is held up as embodying in Himself the sum and substance of the sinner's salvation, needing only to be believed in that is, accepted by the mind as the atoning sacrifice, and trusted in as securing for the sinner all the benefits involved in His death without respect to any inwrought change in the sinner himself. " This Christ is held up as a justification and pro- tection in sin, not as a deliverer from sin. Men and women are assured that no harm can overtake them, if they believe in this Christ, whatever may be the 1867, Age 38. Imputed righteous- ness. A substi- tutionary Saviour. Whatever the state of their hearts. 6 12 MAS. BOOTH. 1867. state of their hearts, or however they may, in their ge 3 ' actions, outrage the laws of righteousness and truth.. " In other words, men are taught that Christ obeyed the law for them, not only as necessary to the efficacy of His atonement for their justification, but that He has placed His obedience in the stead of, or as a sub- stitution for, the sinner's own obedience or sanctifica- tion ; which in effect is like saying, ' Though you may be untrue, Christ is your truth; though you may be unclean, Christ is your chastity; though you may be dishonest, Christ is your honesty; though you may be insincere, Christ is your sincerity. And hence you have nothing to fear. ' The " The Christ of God never undertook to perform any God. such offices for His people, but He did undertake to make them 'new creatures,' and thus to enable them to perform them for themselves. He never under- took to be true instead of me, but to make me true to the very core of my soul. He never undertook to make me pass for pure, either to God or man, but to enable me to be pure. He never undertook to make me pass for honest or sincere, but to renew me in the spirit of my mind so that I could not help but be both, as the result of the operation of His Spirit within me. He never undertook to love God instead of my doing so with 'all my heart and mind and soul and strength, ' but He came on purpose to empower and inspire me to do this. What sort " The idea of a substitutionary Christ, accepted as Christ is an outward covering or refuge, instead of the power yours? Q < an enc Q ess ijf e> ' i s a c heat of the devil, and has been the ruin of thousands of souls. I fear this view of Christ, so persistently preached in the present day, encourages thousands in a false hope while they are living in sin, and consequently under the curse not PLYMOUTH BRETHRENISM. 613 only of a broken law, but of a Saviour denied and 1867, abjured. Let me ask you, my hearers, what sort of a ge 38 * Christ is yours? Have you a Christ who saves you, who renews your heart, who enables you to live in obedience to God, or are you looking to this outside and imaginary Christ to do your obeying for you?" The caricature of faith implied in only-believism "Only be- also called forth strenuous protest from Mrs. Booth. The practice of picking out some text, such as I. John v. 10-13, separating it from its context, and applying it indiscriminately to all descriptions of sinners, she believed to have been the cause of the damnation of thousands of souls. She pointed out that the direction to 'only believe ' was applied strictly by the apostles to convicted sinners, while hardened, impenitent, or careless ones were warned to repent, and flee from the wrath to come. To divorce repentance from faith was to separate two things which God has indissolubly joined together. An unrepentant sinner could no more exercise saving faith than he could fly. And to confound mere intellectual assent to a set of doctrines saving with conversion was calculated to cause the ship- wreck of countless souls, as surely as to confound the Eddystone Lighthouse with the North Fore Light ! On this point Mrs. Booth has said : " No mere intellectual beliefs can save men, because right opinions do not make right hearts. Alas! we all know the little practical effect opinions have on character. Look around you. Do you know any man who is not a thorough intellectual believer in chastity being better for a man, or a woman, in the end, than uncleanness? Is there any wicked, profli- gate young man who, if you could take him aside and talk fairly to him, would not tell you that he be- lieved that chastity was the best for a man ? and yet 6 14 MRS. BOOTH. 1867, you have only to look at him to see that he is a sepul- ge 3 ' chre of uncleanness and debauchery. What avails his intellectual belief in chastity while he is the slave of his lusts? What better is the man who believes in chastity, and sins, than a man who does not believe in chastity, and sins? As a French infidel, answering a caviller against holiness, said the other day, 'You believe and sin, I do not believe, and sin : where is the The better difference ? It seems to me I am the better of the two.' Exactly; for, however true or grand a man's beliefs may be, of what use are they if he does not act them out? 'Can faith, save him?' Nay, verily, but such a faith can damn him. NO safety " Further, any theory which leads men to suppose unless saved, that they are safe without being actually saved is the most dreadful of all. An intei- " Such a theory adds an intellectual opiate to the de- lectual opiate, ceit of the heart, and prevents the truth from trou- bling the conscience. Now, the only use of appealing to the understandings of the unregenerate is, that through their understandings you may get at their hearts, but if Satan has 'blinded their minds' by some intellectual opiate there is no chance. The under- standing is darkened, the conscience seared, and the soul paralysed. These are the worst people in the world to preach to; when I had to preach to them, how I groaned many a time for a congregation of heathen ! A damn- " A man is either saved or not ; the fact is inde- theory. pendent of his theory, and it is of comparatively little consequence what his theory may be if he be saved. Hence many savages and Catholics have rejoiced in a consciousness of pardon, while many evangelicals have never known it. A man is either under the dominion of sin or else he is delivered from it. If PL YMO UTH BRE TH REN ISM. 6 1 5 he is under the dominion of sin, what an awful theory 1867, is that which makes him believe he is saved ! Could ge 3 ' the devil have invented a more damning theory than that? And yet, alas! alas! he allures millions to de- struction through it, who otherwise would take alarm and begin to seek salvation. He says to all the qualms of conscience and the pangs of remorse, 'You are all right ; you believe this or the other, your faith is orthodox, you are safe,' frequently quoting sep- arated or mutilated texts to back up his lying insin- uations, such as, 'By faith ye are saved;' 'He that believeth shall be saved;' 'You are complete in Him,' etc. This latter phrase has come to express, in num- bers of instances, the most utter ruin to which the human soul can be brought. 'Complete in Christ!' 'Complete ' without any true repentance, without any offering of the heart, without the slightest change, in- ward or outward; 'complete in Him,' while living without Him, and having no conscious connection with Him whatever; 'complete' without losing one evil feature of the godless life, without receiving one grace of any kind, without doing or suffering any- thing, except, perhaps, a whispered 'I believe;' 'com- plete' all in a minute, since somebody pointed to a text with which perhaps the poor victim had been familiar all his life! 'Complete in Christ' with a gnawing consciousness at the heart that it is as sin- ful, as empty, as powerless, and as joyless as ever; 'complete' as a poor corpse would be 'complete' if painted and dressed in the clothes of a living man ! May God save you from any such mock salvation as this !" CHAPTER LVIII. THE PROGRESS OF THE MISSION. 1868. Norwood. UPON the conclusion of the Margate services Mrs. Booth was invited to conduct meetings in a mission hall erected by a gentleman of fortune in Norwood. This was one of those independent philanthropic efforts such as are to be found dotted over the coun- try, and which, as a rule, produce but scanty results in proportion to the labour and expenditure of money which they involve. That they are exceedingly well intentioned there can be no doubt. But that the effort put forth to sustain them would be better spent in other ways, and that they involve a minimum of success with a maximum of expenditure, seem equally undeniable. The inter- Take the present instance. A hall had been built fc> r the benefit of the godless non-churchgoing inhab- itants of the neighbourhood. A great effort had been put forth to secure their attendance at its opening. They had been visited from house to house, handbills had been scattered, free teas provided, collections abrogated, and every reasonable inducement proffered. For a short time they had complied. But very soon the interest had languished, the congregations dwin- dled, and nothing but the .generosity of its founder had kept the effort from dying a natural death. A few devoted persons had struggled on, but there was little to show as a result for their toil. Outside help was sought for and obtained. Amongst others Mrs. 6t6 THE PROGRESS OF THE MISSION. 617 Booth was asked to come. She complied. There 1868, was an encouraging revival of the interest, and souls ge 39> were saved. And then the work declined again. Mrs. In the following year the East London Mission were invited to take it over. Mr. Booth agreed, thus stepping for the first time beyond the original sphere. But the gentleman to whom the hall belonged wanted to keep in his own hands the control of the evange- lists sent. There could not be two masters, and Mr. Booth therefore retired, with the consequent result C< dition8~ that, instead of the cause being linked to an organi- sation which would sooner or later have lifted it to a position of permanence and success, it retained its spasmodic and uncertain character. It is well, perhaps, to point out the cause of such fail- The ures, if only as a warning to those who may be ca faUue. tempted to embark on similar enterprises. For while it is possible to imagine circumstances arising in which it is practically the only course open, it is well to be acquainted beforehand with its disadvan- tages. As a rule, if we search deep enough, we shall find there is a reason for failure, and, setting aside the comparatively rare instances in which such attempts have been accompanied with success, there can be no doubt that the country, nay, the world, abounds with disappointing dwarfish efforts of the kind. The first obvious deviation from the laws of com- "Like a mon sense consists in their separation of themselves steamer." from every organised section of Christ's host. To this it may be replied that General Booth has done the same. If they were General Booths, the contention would be sound. But unfortunately this is not the- case. It is interesting, moreover, to remark that so satisfied was Mr. Booth of the necessity and impor- tance of organisation that he only left the church 618 MRS. BOOTH. 1868, with the utmost reluctance when it had itself ge driven him forth. And eve then he sought to re- unite himself to some existing organisation, " like a boat to a steamer," as he graphically described it. It was only the rapid and unexpected growth of the Mission which precluded either the necessity or pos- sibility of such a course. ^otics**' Entirely different is the case of an isolated mission Not for- hall, such as we are now describing, which is neither what botanists would describe as an endogen, an ex- ogen, or an acrogen; neither growing internally by additions to its membership, nor externally by casting out fresh colonies, nor upwards by increasing in spiri- tuality. Feeble exotics, dependent upon an artificial hot-house atmosphere for their very existence, they present a striking contrast to the forest oaks, which may cast off their leaves for a time, but only to put them on again with returning spring, or to the per- ennial pines and evergreens which dare the winter frosts and snows. The But another cause of failure is to be found in the ' wlS ihe fact that a rich man is at its head. This in itself is on ' usually enough to spoil the concern, destroying, on the one hand, the sense of responsibility for self-support, and leading, on the other, to an undue tendency to pan- der to the wishes and favour of the patron rather than seek disinterestedly the good and progress of the work. A double Again, there is a double difficulty in dealing with the agent entrusted with the prosecution of the work. If he be a mere figure-head the work necessarily languishes. If, on the other hand, he be a man of power and parts, and consequently popular, he will not, as a rule, be willing to be effaced, and trouble will probably arise. THE PROGRESS OF THE MISSION. 619 Nor is it possible to enforce necessary discipline. The independent spirit of the founder naturally and inevitably reproduces itself in his followers. He likes his liberty they like theirs. He will not be bound by any red-tape rules. They applaud his sentiment to the skies, and apply it to themselves. He will not have any organisation step in between himself and Christ, as he expresses it, and they will not have him. Lawlessness breeds lawlessness. " In order to govern you must first learn to obey " is as true now as in the days when Alexander the Great heard the sentiment from his father's lips. And the man who disconnects his work from others must not be sur- prised if his followers disconnect themselves from him. His isolation reacts upon himself. True, he reckons to strengthen his weakness and sustain the interest of the work by borrowing workers from elsewhere. But this is no easy task. All who are worth absorbing, or nearly all, are absorbed in existing organisations, and their time and talents fully utilised. The number of those who are actually free to afford their help is few, their ability limited, and the doctrines which they hold so contradictory that to reconcile them is impossible. What is the re- sult? One preacher believes in sudden conversion, the next doubts it seriously ; one believes in holiness, the other does not; one believes in two natures, the next regards it as a dangerous error; one believes in hell, the other only in heaven. The same hearers listen to all, and are expected to accept whatever may be said as the pure undiluted Gospel. What wonder that they are puzzled and bewildered? The permanent staff of workers, moreover, consists usually of as strange a mixture as these occasional visitors. Some believe one thing and some another. 1868, Age 39. Discip- line. Occasion- al help. Puzzled hearers. The per- manent staff. 620 MRS. BOOTH. 1868, All sow their diverse seeds in the same field, and ge 39 ' add to the general confusion of the whole. Uniformity may not be necessary, but unity requires some sort of common basis to build upon, and money is a poor substitute for the " one-idea'dness " which can alone insure happy, hearty, and successful co-operation. NO con- In a word, there is neither continuity of effort nor continuity of doctrine, and to anticipate anything but failure is sheer fatalism. It is like a soldier rushing into battle, borrowing a sword from one, a scabbard from another, a rifle from here, and cartridges from there. At the critical moment (and there will be a crisis in every history) the sword sticks in the scab- bard for which it was never made, and the cartridges refuse to fit the rifle, and the time that should be spent in fighting has to be given up to putting them right. Meanwhile the opportunity is gone, the bat- tle lost, and the soldier blames everybody except himself. The Mis- In 1 868 the Mission's first formal balance-sheet was '"balance- published, covering the twenty-one months from the sheet. Is t January, 1867, to 3Oth September, 1868. It was duly audited by a leading firm of accountants, Messrs. J. Beddow & Sons. Not only so, but in order to guarantee to the public that the funds were being administered in a straightforward and honourable manner the financial The over- affairs of the Mission were submitted to the oversight f a council of gentlemen, who met together from time to time, received Mr. Booth's reports, examined the financial position, and appointed their own auditors. The following is a list of the gentlemen who com- posed the council : REFEREES. Samuel Morley, Esq., M. P. Captain Fishbourne, R. N., C. B. THE PROGRESS OF THE MISSION. 621 George Pease, Esq., Stock Exchange. 1868, Rev. J. H. Wilson, Secretary of the Home Missionary A 2 e 39- Society. Rev. W. Tyler, Minister of New Town Chapel. Rev. Robert Ashton, Secretary of the Congregational Union. Messrs. Morgan & Chase. Capt. W. E. Smith, Secretary of Evangelization Society. Mr. Gawin Kirkham, Secretary of Open-Air Mission. COMMITTEE. Nathaniel James Powell. George Hamilton. Charles Owen. John Lee Dale. John Alfred Merrington. Edmund Ives. John Eason. W. H. Crispin. C. S. Mitchell. Treasurer : Nathaniel James Powell. Hon. Sec. , Chas. Owen : Mr. Booth worked in perfect harmony with this The coun- cotmcil for some years, and when, finally, the work had dissolved. assumed such proportions and so established itself in the public favour and confidence as not to require such financial sponsorship, it was dissolved in the most friendly manner. A goodly number of those who composed the council have since passed away, but there is no reason to doubt but that all were pleased to have been associated with the work, and to have endorsed what has since been the means of blessing to so many thousands. It is not, however, to be supposed that when the Annual financial oversight of the committee ceased the ac~ sheets*' counts were any less carefully audited than before. From that time to this, annual balance-sheets have been published, and every penny of money that has passed through the hands of the International Head- quarters of the Salvation Army has been accounted for to the satisfaction of the firm of auditors to whose careful and constant supervision they have been en- 622 MRS. BOOTH. 1868, trusted. And yet the following letter to a newspaper ge 39 ' from the present auditors speaks for itself : "THE SALVATION ARMY BALANCE-SHEET AND ACCOUNTS. Reply to a "DEARSiR: Our attention having being directed to your lc ' issue of the ist inst, wherein you refer to the above accounts as muddle-headed, we were curious to know the meaning of the expression, and find from your issue of to-day that it was sub- jective rather than objective. We should be in error were we to accuse your critic ' Scrutator ' of a knowledge of book-keep- ing, and, therefore, can easily forgive his blundering references to the balance-sheet and accounts. He is entirely wrong in his conclusions. " As you accuse us of signing inaccurate statements, we are prepared, should you wish, personally to submit the printed accounts to Mr. Saffery, the President of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, and let him pass judgment as to whether we are right or ' Scrutator. ' " We see no reason, after 'Scrutator's ' criticism, to alter our opinion as to the accuracy of the accounts, or to vary our cer- tificate. " Yours faithfully, " KNOX, BURBRIDGE, CROPPER & Co., " Chartered Accountants and Auditors to the Salvation Army, 16 Finsbury Circus, London. "January 8th, 1891." The The balance-sheet of 1868 contains some interesting particulars in regard to the progress of the work. The following is a list of what were called the Preach- ing Stations : New East London Theatre, Whitechapel. St. Leonard's Hall, Shoreditch. Mission Hall, 188 Whitechapel Road. Mission Room, Sydney Street, E. Oriental Theatre, High Street, Poplar. Temperance Hall, High Street, Poplar. Mission Hall, corner of Worship Street, Bishopsgate. THE PROGRESS OF THE MISSION. 623 Eastern Alhambra, St. Anne's Place, Limehouse. 1868, Preaching Room, Sclater Street, Spitalfields. A e 39- People's Hall, near Bow Bridge, Stratford. Large Shop, Hackney Road, Cambridge Heath. Gospel Hall, Three Colts Lane, Cambridge Road. Mission Hall, Cheval Street, Millwall. "In these stations," says the report, "we have ac- The means commodations for 8,000 persons, every seat free; 140 employed. services, out-doors and in, are held weekly, at which the Gospel is preached \.o over fourteen thousand people" There is also an imposing array of the means em- ployed by the Mission, a number of which foreshad- owed the great Social Scheme of recent days, and doubtless served in some measure to prepare the way : PREACHING in the OPEN AIR, and in THEATRES, CONCERT HALLS, SHOPS, and ROOMS, in prominent situations or very dark neighbourhoods. VISITING from house to house. BIBLE CARRIAGE, for the sale of Bibles, traces, and soul-sav- ing literature. MOTHERS' MEETINGS. BIBLE CLASSES. BELIEVERS' MEETINGS. TEMPERANCE MEETINGS. BANDS OF HOPE. TRACT SOCIETIES. EVENING CLASSES, for reading, writing, and arithmetic. SUNDAY, DAY, and RAGGED SCHOOLS. READING ROOMS. PENNY BANKS. RELIEF of the DESTITUTE and SICK POOR, by the distribution of bread, meat, small sums of money, and by SOUP KITCHENS. The report contains the following plea on behalf of the necessity of the Mission : " The temporal and spiritual destitution of the East of Lon- destit l it- J don is appalling. In other parts of the metropolis, and of the tion. 624 MJZS. BOOTH. 1868, Age 39. Relief and Rescue. great cities of our land, there are quarters, of limited extent, as dark and wicked ; but they are as islands in a surrounding sea of intelligence and wealth, while here is a vast continent of vice, crime, and misery. Of the great bulk of the popu- lation not one in a hundred attends any place of worship. In the Whitechapel Road alone it has been calculated that 18,600 persons go into the public-houses on the Sabbath. " THE WORKERS IN THIS MISSION have, for the most part, been brought to God in the movement, or have, through its instrumentality, been raised from a back- sliding state to a new and quickened life. " The Lord has given us hundreds of precious souls. Since the commencement there have been over 4,000 anxious in- quirers at the different stations, besides multitudes of persons who have been seriously impressed. Many thousands of the starving poor have been relieved. Fallen girls have been rescued from the streets. Situations have been obtained for numbers, while others have been assisted to emigrate. Hundreds of drunkards have signed the pledge and the Gos- pel has been preached to tens of thousands who otherwise would not have heard the glad sound. THE SUPPORT OF THE MISSION. " This mission is entirely dependent on the voluntary offer- ings of the Lord's people. Over fifty pounds are required Sustained by volun- offerings. weekly. The annexed balance-sheet will show that so far the Lord has disposed His people to sustain this expenditure." An interesting quotation is also appended from the columns of The Revival (now The Christian] : "More " We recently spent a Sunday with Mr. Booth in his work, gratified " an( ^ were more than gratified. The above notice altogether fails to convey an adequate idea of the extent and depth of the movement which God has used him to establish. There is not in this kingdom an agency which more demands the hearty and liberal support of the Church of Christ. In the East of London are crowded and condensed a large proportion of the poorer labouring population of London. The ruined, the un- fortunate, the depraved, the feeble ones outrun in the race THE PROGRESS OF THE MISSION. 625 of life gravitate thither, and jostle one another in the daily 1868, struggle for bread. Thousands are starving from day to day, A K e 39- and the bulk of these teeming multitudes are as careless of eternity as the heathen, and far more uncared for by the great majority of the professed people of God. Mr. Booth's oper- ations are unparalleled in extent, unsectarian in character, a standing rebuke to the apathy of Christians, and a witness of the willingness of God to show His work unto His servants, and to establish the work of their hands upon them. In His name we commend this deeply important and self-denying mission to the hearts, and purses, and cheque-books of His faithful servants." An important step in advance was taken in October, The" East 1868, in the publication of the first number of the Mis- Evangd- ist sion's magazine. Hitherto Mr. Booth had been con- tent with reporting progress in the columns of vari- ous religious papers. This was for many reasons an undesirable expedient. The reports had to be trimmed and dressed to suit the editorial fancy, and might even then not find a place. It was not to be expected that a struggling organisation should be al- lowed to usurp much space. Besides, there was no opportunity for the free expression of opinion, or for the advocacy and defence of methods which might not suit the general taste. It is amusing at this date to consider the hesitation and fears with which this little venture was regarded at the onset. The launching of the little papery craft caused as much perturbation and speculation as if it had been a monster ironclad from the printing arsenal. Would it float at all? or would it go straight to the bottom, as some were not slow to prophesy ? But the trim little East London Evangelist survived all criticisms, and went forth on its errand of mercy with success. Mrs The publication of the magazine afforded Mrs. J?j^jf_ Booth the fulfilment of the wish she had expressed filled. 40 626 MRS. BOOTH. 1868, some years previously, of being able to edit a paper ge 39 ' which should advocate more advanced views in regard to the privileges of Christians and their duty in working for God. By force of circumstances she and the General were its first editors. There was no one else to whom they could turn for help. And together they revised the first proofs of the East London Evan- gelist. One is ^empted to regret that the day ever came when they were able to turn over the task to others ! Early ar- Mrs. Booth's first article was on " Prevailing tides. Prayer." This was succeeded by another on "Com- pel them to come in," and this again by the report of an address on "Heart Backsliding." As they are included in Mrs. Booth's published works, a single passage will suffice to quote : The work " This is the work that most needs doing of any work in the thC need St vineyard. There are teeming thousands who never cross the doing. threshold of church, chapel, or mission-hall, to whom all con- nected with religion is as an old song, a byword, and a reproach. They need to be brought into contact with a living Christ in the characters and persons of His people. They want to see and handle the Word of Life in a living form. Christianity must come to them embodied in men and women who are not ashamed to 'eat with publicans and sinners ; ' they must see it looking through their eyes, and speaking in loving ac- cents through their tongues, sympathising with their sorrows, bearing their burdens, reproving their sins, instructing their ignorance, inspiring their hope, and wooing them to the foun- tain opened for sin and uncleanness. Dear reader, here is a A sphere sphere for you ! You have long wished to do something for for you. y Our blessed Master. Here is work, boundless in extent, and momentous beyond an angel's power to conceive. For it you need no human ordination, no long and tedious preparation, no high-flown language, no towering eloquence ; all you want is the full baptism of the Spirit on your heart, the Bible in your hand, and humility and simplicity in your manner. Thus equipped, you will be mighty through God to the pulling THE PROGRESS OF THE MISSION. 627 down of strongholds. You will find your way to many a 1868, heart long since abandoned by hope, and given up to despair ; A 8 e 39- and in the great day of account you shall have many a sheaf as the result of your labour and the reward of your self- denial." Next year it was rechristened as the Christian Mis- changes n f ston Magazine ; in 1879 ^ was converted into the Sal- vationist, and in 1880 it was docked and broken up, and its place taken by the redoubtable War Cry, which during the next eleven years, although being the only religious or secular paper which does not deal in advertisements, achieved the phenomenal circulation of close upon a million copies a week. The newspaper history of the world does not present a parallel to so remarkable an achievement. Nor is this all. The success of the War Cry led to the sub- cess of the sequent publication of various monthly magazines, the war Cry. most important of these being All the World, the international organ of the foreign work of the Salva- tion Army; The Deliverer, representing especially the progress of the Rescue work; Full Salvation (Australia), especially advocating the doctrine of other ma- holiness; The Conqueror, the American equivalent of All the World ; and The Musical Salvationist, furnish- ing the Army with a limitless supply of new songs and tunes. This spiritual armada, this immense flotilla of dumb and yet eloquent Salvationists, sweeps the world with its messages of "Glory to God in the highest, on earth peace, good will toward men." Like Joel's countless army, "they run like mighty The men ; they climb upon the wall like men of war ; they march every one in his ways, and break not their ranks ; neither does one thrust another (the spiritual, the social, the criminal, the missionary, the musical 628 MRS. BOOTH. 1868, organs having each its separate and appropriate ge sphere) ; they walk every one in his path ; and when they fall upon the sword they are not wounded ; they run to and fro in the city ; they run upon the wall ; they climb up upon the houses ; they enter in at the windows like a thief," and appear in places where the uniform of the Salvationist cannot yet be endured. Heralds of mercy and harbingers of hope, they link the palace with the garret, and heaven with both. beautiful " ^ow beautiful upon the mountains " of sin and in upon the the valleys of sorrow are these white-winged messen- - J gers of peace! Unappreciated, it maybe, even dis- liked by some, the social " wilderness and solitary places" of the world are "glad for them;" its deserts of sin and sorrow "rejoice and blossom as the rose." Even now they may be said to " blossom abundantly," and to "rejoice with joy and singing." The eyes of the spiritually blind are opened and the ears of the deaf unstopped. The socially lame man leaps as an hart, and the tongue of the sorrow-dumb sings. For "in the wilderness have waters broken out and streams in the desert, and the parched ground become a pool, and the thirsty land springs of -water." moun- CHAPTER LIX. CORRESPONDENCE. 1868. MRS. BOOTH'S private correspondence, beiner writ- A vaiu- 6 able ten concurrently with passing events, provides a val- index. uable index to her opinions and feelings. Her reg- ular letters to her parents had, however, as might be expected, ceased. They were close at hand, and mutual visits obviated the necessity for writing. In fact, Mr. Mumford was a regular attendant at his daughter's meetings, superintending the various ar- rangements and helping to the best of his ability. Too appreciative to criticise, and too proud of his child to imagine that anything she said or did could fall short of perfection, he was the more receptive of the truths that fell from her lips. Indeed, for the past twenty years had she not been the leading spirit, the presiding genius, and the guardian angel of his The . home? Happy the parents who in their old age can guardian thus lean upon a daughter's faithful arm. Alas, that such a phenomenon is comparatively rare ! But, though Mrs. Booth's correspondence with her parents had almost ceased, we are able to resume the broken thread in the letters written to her chil- dren and friends, which increase in number and im- portance from year to year, and which are the more interesting from the variety of subjects with which they deal. Among" the public questions on which Mrs. Booth views on . vaccina- had a strong conviction was that of vaccination. In tion. 629 630 MRS. BOOTH. 1868, writing to her friend, Mrs. Billups, with reference to ' a child who was about to be vaccinated, she says : " I send by this post a pamphlet on vaccination. Do read it, if only for the exhibition it gives of the prejudice of the 'pro- fession. ' It seems as though all advance in the right treat- ment of the disease has to be in the first instance largely in spite of the doctors, instead of their leading the way. And as it .was in the beginning it is now, in many respects. I should sooner pawn my watch to pay the fines, and my bed, too, for the matter of that, than have any more children vaccinated. The monstrous system is as surely doomed as blood-letting was. This is one of the boons we shall get by waiting and enlightening. " Who knows how much some of us have suffered through life owing to the 'immortal Jenner'? Let us fall into the hands of God, and not of man. There is nothing worse in this pamphlet than several cases I have come across personally. But these were the direct effects. It is the indirect I dread most. The latent seeds of all manner of diseases are doubt- less sown in thousands of healthy children. It has only been the stupid treatment which has made small-pox so fatal. Mrs. Smedley (of the Hydropathic Institute) says, in her last manual, that they have nursed numbers of bad cases, and never lost one. M. was one of the worst cases. She was very delicate, had never been vaccinated, and was in her seventh year, which is supposed to be the most fatal time. Yet she recovered, and has been much better in her general health since. I do hope you will succeed in converting the parents." A book on We find the following commentary on an undated Faith. r -, .1 / 1- -u i scrap of paper, referring evidently to a religious book on Faith: " Good for real saints, but to be sent out promiscuously to people who have no more claim to it than publicans and har- lotsawful ! Oh, that God would pour out the spirit of wis- dom and of a sound mind ! Deception is the great forte of the devil in this age. The Lord help us to tear the bandages off !" The art of . , deception. " My dear child," she says, writing to one of her CORRESPONDENCE. 63 1 daughters with regard to the same question, "the art 1868, of deception is to be able to appear true /" But Mrs. Booth was not always severe, any more than she was always tender. It was the right " di- viding" of the word of truth that largely constituted her power. To one of her friends whom she knew to be intensely sincere in her consecration, and for this very reason peculiarly open to the shafts of doubt, she sends the following comforting epistle. In this case there was no mask to lift, no bandage to tear off, no self-deception to reveal. And she was as skilful and sympathetic in " binding up " the " broken-hearted " as she was remorseless in shattering the false hopes of the self-deceived : "Mv DEAREST FRIEND: " I do indeed sympathise with you, and I think I can divine A com- a little as to the nature of your trials. I wish I were near to comfort and help you such help as it is I have to offer. Only, I am sorry to say, I am often down very low myself. But, dear friend, we have the promise that the waters shall not overflow us, and though almost overwhelmed we are yet not destroyed. The only way of comfort I see for you is to try and walk alone, shutting your eyes to what you cannot help. " It is useless, dear, to harrow ourselves up about the past, or to waste time in vain regrets. It is past now and can never be altered. But we can cast it under the blood, and go on praying Him to avert the consequences, and maybe He will stoop to answer us. Do your own part in witnessing for God and truth, and hope that at some future time (perhaps as they stand over your grave) it will produce its effect. " Comfort yourself in the Lord. He is very pitiful and of tender mercy, and when He sees us truly penitent for our mis- takes and failures He delights to pardon. Do not perplex yourself about the experience of others. I am more than ever satisfied that God looks more propitiously on those who are striving and struggling to do right and to please Him, even in fear and despondency, than on those who make light of 632 MS. BOOTH. , 1868, sin and yet make their boast in Him. I fear there are sadly -Age 39. t. oo man y who can rejoice when they ought to weep, while some who can never forgive themselves weep when they ought to rejoice. Perhaps these latter are amongst those who, though they mourn now, 'shall be comforted' hereafter! " Still, dear friend, unbelief dishonors our God as much as it robs us. Therefore, if our hearts bear us witness that we do above all things desire to obey and honour Him, let us dare to take His promises to ourselves and to rejoice in Him. You can only pray for the little ones, that they may be taken from the evil to come or so visited in the future that, in spite of the terrible ordeal through which they have to pass, they may be saved. Ah, how little parents think of the bitter anguish they are laying up for their loved ones ! Some most painful cases have come to my knowledge lately. I long to help mothers more than ever. " We are on the incline as a nation, and are going down hill at an awful rate ! God will be avenged for these things, or His nature and government have changed! I often think perhaps our children are destined to see terrible times. If so, the Lord put them amongst His faithful witnesses, even if they have to seal His testimony with their blood. " We do feel deeply for you in your present trials, and still pray that, if He sees it best for all concerned, He will deliver you, and I believe He will, unless He sees that the eternal interests of your loved ones demand the other course. Then we dare not say, 'What doest Thou?' " Try to rest in His will, dear friend, because there is no- where else to rest. I am trying to do so. He knows why these wearisome months of suffering are appointed me, and amidst all my depression, and sometimes distress, the devil shall not drive me from this one refuge that He does it all in love. I know it, I believe it, and I pray that I may not frustrate His design. I return home but little better in the main than when I came. So the time and expense seem to be thrown away, and I am useless still! Well, praise the Lord, He reigns over death as well as life. The keys of death and hell are at His girdle. " Yours, as ever, " CATHERINE BOOTH." A vivid picture. A vivid picture of the illness and depression in the CORRESPONDENCE. 633 midst of which she frequently toiled is contained in 1868, the following letter: Age 39> " I do not suppose you intended to reprove me in your last. Nevertheless I felt the implied reproof, because it was so well deserved, and, intended or not, I received it as the "wound of a true friend. I know I ought not, of all saints, or sinners either, to be depressed. I know it dishonours my Lord, grieves His Spirit, and injures me greatly, and I would fain hide from everybody to prevent their seeing it. But I cannot help it. I have struggled hard, more than any one knows, for a longtime against it. Sometimes I have literally held myself, head and heart and hands, and waited for the floods to pass over me. But now I appear to have lost the power of self-command to a great extent, and weep I must. The doctors say, 'Never mind. Regard it as one result of your affliction. ' But this does not satisfy me. I know there is grace to overcome. And yet, there seems much in the Bible to meet such a state. Well, at present I am under, un- der, under ; and for this very reason I shrink from coming to you, or going anywhere. I don't want to burden others. " My dearest says, ' Never mind all these rubs and storms. Con Let us fight through all, in order to save the world. ' To this I say 'Amen!' But one must have strength to fight. It is easier for some of us to fight than to lie wounded in the camp. I can neither fight nor run. I can only endure oh that I could always say with patience ! " We are compassed with difficulties on every side. Still there is so much to praise God for that I ought never to look at these troubles. Well, we shall pull through and get HOME! Then we will have a shout and a family gathering, and no mis- take ! Will we not? " I feel about these troubles just as I do about my own health, when I pray about it. I am met with 'Ye know not what ye ask. ' I have such a sense of the wisdom and benevo- lence of God, underlying every other feeling, that I dare not go beyond 'Nevertheless, not my will, but Thine be done.' " I cannot think what makes you destroy your letters to me after you have been at the trouble to write them. Can you not trust me? and have we not arrived at that maturity of friendship in which we can faithfully speak our thoughts to 634 MAS- BOOTH. . 1868, each other without fear of causing offence? I assume that Age 39. we have. Hence I write freely to you, as though you were really a sister. " I thought, after my last was posted, perhaps some of it would sound harsh, and different to what the same senti- ments would have appeared had they been spoken. But then I said to myself, ' Oh, but my friend knows me, and will understand that I have not spoken in an uncharitable spirit. ' I think I did not, though it is difficult to put truth sometimes as softly as one woul like. Pray take the same license with me, and don't burn your letters." A singu- On the last day of 1 868 a somewhat singular inci- incfdent. dent occurred. Mr. Booth was preparing for the watch-night service, which he was about to conduct with the members of the Mission, when a telegram was placed in his hands pressing him to take the last train to Dunorlan, as Mr. Reed wished to see him on some important business. This was the more un- expected since there had arisen some coolness be- tween them during the past few months. With but an imperfect knowledge of each other, both possessed an iron will. Mr. Reed had unbounded confidence in his own judgment. He had labored successfully for the salvation of souls during some forty years, had studied Methodism, and was acquainted with some of its best and noblest spirits. He thought that he knew quite as well as Mr. Booth what were the best plans for reaching sinners, and did not hesitate to question the wisdom of some of those adopted. "Difficult Mr. Booth, on the other hand, looked back upon a but ivorth long experience in which he had carefully studied trouble." the problem as to how the masses were to be reached, and had achieved far greater success in his efforts than any which Mr. Reed had seen. He had the courage of his convictions, and, while flexible to a fault on minor points, when any vital principle was CORRESPONDENCE. 635 concerned he would not yield an inch to please any- 1868, body. "The Booths will be difficult to hold," was A * e 39 ' Mr. Reed's dictum, soon after he formed their ac- quaintance, "but they are worth the trouble." And he thought so to the end. Mr. Reed received him with great cordiality. He A cordial had for some little time now been thoroughly ac- rece P tton - quainted with the working of the Mission, and had manifested great interest in Mr. Booth's efforts to se- cure some central premises for the prosecution of the work. He objected to the use of theatres on Sundays, because of the money which it put into the pockets of the proprietors for their soul-destroying week-day performances. Taking Mr. Booth into his library, he unfolded to An him a proposal which he had evidently for some time been revolving in his mind. He was in a position to secure, he said, a suitable site for .3,000 or ,4,000, near the very spot where Mr. Booth had commenced his tent services, and in the heart of the population whom he desired to reach. Upon this he proposed to build a hall, at a cost of 6,000 or 7,000, with seat- ing accommodation for 2,000 persons, and every pos- sible requisite for the carrying on of the work. When completed he proposed to place the building entirely at the disposal of Mr. Booth, reserving only to himself the right to conduct an occasional service to which he might invite the help of his personal friends. Mr. Booth was dumfounded. For weeks he had been toiling with pen and tongue to raise 3,000 for the purchase of the People's Market in Whitechapel. The response had been but small, and the place when gained would not be what he really required. But here was an opportunity of which he had never dreamed in his most sanguine moments and 636 MRS. BOOTH. 1868, few people could at times be more sanguine than Age39 ' himself! And a With the rapid grasp of a nature-created general St twn?~ he took in the importance of the opportunity at a glance, and visions of a crowded hall and rows of penitents flashed before his eyes. But the dazzling cup had scarce been raised to his lips when, with the next breath, it was dashed to the ground. Mr. Reed went on to stipulate that, if the Mission should be con- ducted in a manner of which he disapproved, he should reserve to himself the right to resume posses- sion of the building. The dtffi- There was an awkward pause. Mr. Reed waited for a response. Mr. Booth saw in a moment that this would mean a practical sacrifice of liis liberty, while, if he were turned out, his last state would be worse than his first. And yet the offer was a tempting one. With his usual candour, but in the mildest words he could command, he expressed his difficulty. A principle was involved. Practically the leadership of the Mission would pass out of his hands into those of Mr. Reed. For this he was not prepared. And of what use is a prophet who has not a conviction as to his Heaven-entrusted commission? Mr. Reed perceived the difficulty, gave up the proposal, and promptly changed the subject, saying that he thought they could do most good by pursuing a separate path. "This Mr. Booth returned to London and recounted all that had occurred to Mrs. Booth, who, while deeply sympathizing with the disappointment, thoroughly approved of his action, exclaiming with characteristic warmth, " With a great price obtained we this free- dom, and we will not sell it no, not for 20,000!" Letter The next day the following letter was received from Mr. J Reed, from Mr. Reed: CORRESPONDENCE. 637 "DuNORLAN, TUNBRIDGE WELLS, ist January, 1869. 1868, "Mv DEAR BROTHER: Age 39. " My dear wife and myself have talked over matters. The result is, we dare not move any further, and I write at once that your mind may not be unsettled. " To expend ; 10,000 at least of the Lord's money is a step so important that unless the way is clear as the noonday sun we dare not take it. " Your views and ours differ so much that to attempt to- gether such a work would be unwise. You say, if we had only three months' experience on the spot our views would change. It might be so. Still, I must be ruled by the word of God according to the light that I have. At present I am not fully persuaded in my own mind. " I am so glad you came down. I need not say we shall continue to pray for you, and rejoice to hear of a year of great spiritual blessing, and that thousands may be gathered in by the Good Shepherd. " Yours in Christ, " HENRY REED." It was several months after this incident, and just Removal as Mr. and Mrs. Booth were changing homes and Hackney. removing to 3 Gore Road, Hackney, that Mr. Reed called upon them. Not having heard from him for some time, they were as pleased as they were sur- prised told him of the progress of the work. He expressed his pleasure and interest in all he heard, and soon afterwards invited the seventy principal workers in the Mission to spend a day at Dunorlan, offering to meet the entire expenses, and arranging for conveyances to take them from the station to his home. Mr. Booth thus describes the occasion: " I had gone down the day before to be ready to meet the party. They arrived in splendid spirits and were treated by Mr. and Mrs. Reed with the most generous hospitality. The bulk of them were truly devoted people, possessing the real Salvation Army spirit, and the day was spent in the most heavenly enjoyment we had hitherto experienced. Thisfeel- Thf workers at Dun- orlan. 6 3 8 MJ?S. BOOTH. 1868, Age 39. Tfie mem- bers at Dunor- lan. Dunor- lan. From Mr. Bramwell Booth's diary. ing was shared by Mr. and Mrs. Reed, and by several Wes- leyan ministers whom they had invited from London and elsewhere to meet with us. The Missioners sang, prayed, testified, processioned, and shouted the praises of God, in the drawing-room and in the garden, filling the place with Divine influence. So powerful was the impression produced upon Mr. Reed that, although the annual excursion of our members had already been arranged for Upton Park, he insisted on our bringing them to Dunorlan, himself undertaking to pay the difference of two-and-sixpence on each fare. We brought them accordingly, to the number of 1,450. If the effect of the seventy workers was so gratifying, that of the larger number was, as may easily be imagined, infinitely more so." An interesting description of this meeting is given in the East London Evangelist, and from it we quote the following: " The estate ~is most beautifully situated, and laid out with classical taste and beauty. Lawns, terraces, an avenue termi- nated at the foot of a considerable descent by a fountain, be- yond which the ground again rises, and is shaded by trees and arbours, winding walks among shrubs and flowers, with a de- licious rosary, statues, rocks, and cascades; a lake of no mean dimensions, bordered in one part by a thicket, through which a miniature cataract breaks over huge stones, and in other parts by smooth turf walks or pasture-fields ; park-like plots here and there intervening, and beyond the farm fields occupying the ascent in front of the mansion all together form a little paradise that to many of the poor people might be almost a foretaste of heaven itself, connected as it was with devotions and thanksgivings rising to heaven from every part into which a company of the excursionists strayed." A scrap of diary written by Mr. Bramwell Booth on this occasion, during a few days spent by him at Dunorlan, has been preserved, and casts an interesting light upon his boyhood : "Friday, July 16, 1869. Good class, great blessing, very happy. Mrs. S. cried very much. May the Lord deepen the CORRESPONDENCE. 639 work. Fred kind, very. Heart not well at all [he was suffer- 1868, ing from a weak heart] . All are very kind indeed to me. The A e 39- Lord is present with me. I want to get nearer to Him, be more like Him. " Saturday, July 17. Happy. God with me. Talked to - on 'lying.' Heart middling. Great preparations for Monday, 19, the day our people come. The Lord is good. I want to be bolder for Jesus. " Sunday, July 1 8. Very full of glory. Trusting Jesus for present moment, and letting to-morrow alone. Talked to very much and he seemed affected. We shall have a glori- ous day to-morrow. "Monday, July 19. Very happy in Jesus. Glory! All seemed to enjoy themselves very much." Soon after his return to London he writes to Mrs. Booth as follows : " MY VERY DEAR MAMA : I do feel so low in spirits to- TO hi night. I am quite disappointed with myself. I feel quite de- mother - spairing with respect to future health ; it seems as if my Heav- enly Father did not see it best for me to be strong and well, and it is a great trial to me to think I shall always be a burden to those near and dear to me. I feel that in the state of health that I now am, it would only be a waste of money to send me to school. When I try to sit and write or think a lit- tle while, I feel quite bad, and my heart, I find, is far from well. " Dear mama, I don't know what to say, or what to think. I do try to leave it to my Heavenly Father's will, but I can- not help thinking about it. And I can tell you that it often makes me cross and down. A few weeks ago I thought I was going to be strong again, but now I am not so well. I do pray about it and try to leave it with Him who cannot err, and He does bless me in my own soul. Many, many glorious seasons I have in my own room, and when I appear to speak unkindly I am sure I do not mean it, it is only my abrupt way, but I will try and be better. Only forgive me for the past, for I do love you very, very dearly, and I believe Jesus will do all I want, and will bless me, and keep me right, and then all will be well. Sometimes I think I shall die, and then I think of you and wish I could go to be with Christ, my 640 MJtS. BOOTH. 1868, blessed, loving Saviour, who died for me. Oh, I do love Him, Age 39. an( j ^0 wish I was more like Him. " With regard to my studies, I do not know what to say. I should so much like to go on a little while if it be the Lord's will and your wish. I often think I might have made much better use of past opportunities, but they are gone forever, and I hope it will teach me a lesson to make the best of every mo- ment. " I hope yourself and dear papa are better, and that you will come home better in body and well in soul. May the Lord bless you abundantly. He will ; He /tas done, and He will do so again. " The children are all pretty well. Miss Short, who is very, very kind, has got a little sore throat, but hopes it will pass off by morning. She is writing the magazine wrappers, and is very busy. Tell papa I am very sorry that I sent the maga- zine to him, but did not know till this morning that I ought not to have done so, when Mr. Rapson told me he ought to have had it ; but he only came in yesterday in the morning, or I should have seen him. The covers came this morning and I gave them to him. There were two week-days unfilled on them. I do not know what pa will do with those. I do not think they should be left blank, as it will look as if there were no services at all. " They all send love, and accept the same from your own loving boy, " WILLIE." Foreshad- The Dtmorlan festival was especially interesting as foreshadowing anniversary celebrations which subse- quently took place at the Crystal Palace. Within the brief interval of twenty-two years the 1,420 excur- sionists had swelled to upwards of 60,000. If they could have obtained a glimpse into the future they would hardly have recognised themselves in the red- coated warriors and bonneted Amazons who with countless brass bands joined in the march-past. But the germ of the one was in the other, needing only time and patience for the development. We can see it all, now that it has been actually accomplished. CORRESPONDENCE, 641 Seeing is believing, to the vast majority. But dare 1868, we learn from the past to lift the veil of time and ge 39 ' glance down the vista of the future? Why not? Is it too much to prophesy that Dunorlan and Crystal A Palace scenes will be repeated, on a vastly larger scale, p in every quarter of the globe, while the gala days which our weak-eyed faith has been accustomed to look for as only possible in heaven shall be witnessed upon earth and all to the glory and honour of our covenant-keeping God ! 41 CHAPTER LX. CROYDON, EDINBURGH, BRIGHTON DOME. Mr. ONE of the earliest spheres of Mrs. Booth's labours Holme and Mr. was Croydon, where the public hall was engaged for Cobbett. x , * . _ the services. Although commencing, as usual, alone and unaided, an impression was quickly made, and it , was not long before Mrs. Booth secured the sympathy and co-operation of some earnest Christian workers. Two of these in particular, a Mr. Holme and a Mr. Cobbett, united in rendering her valuable assistance. " Inseparable in their affection for each other as David and Jonathan," says Mrs. Booth, "they were two of the most estimable characters whose co-operation I have been ever privileged to enjoy. Naturally ami- able, truly religious, lovers of good men and of good work, full of compassion for the lost, given up to lives f self-denial for Christ, they were ever ready, night or day, in season or out of season, to labour for the salvation of souls. I never asked them for any help that they did not cheerfully promise to render, and what they promised I could always count upon them to fulfil." Mr. Holme was a commercial traveller, and be- longed to the religious union organised for the bene- fit of his profession. He was afterwards actively en- gaged in various forms of Christian effort in connec- tion with the North London branch of the Young Men's Christian Association. Mr. Cobbett has long since passed to his reward. 642 CROYDON, EDINBURGH, ETC. 643 Although the labours of his later years were sorely 1868, hindered by weakness and disease, he earnestly sup- gc 39 ' ported the Croydon branch of the Mission in its early struggles, endeavouring to create sympathy and to obtain the supplies necessary for the maintenance of the work. The visible results of the Croydon meetings, in the Mission number of penitents seeking mercy, were not such as to satisfy Mrs. Booth. Nevertheless a powerful and permanent impression was produced, resulting in the formation of a Mission station. It was during the week after the festival at Dunor- lan that a new and important step in advance was taken by the amalgamation of a work in Edinburgh with the East London Mission. Founded, as we have seen, in July, 1865, for the evangelisation of the East of London only, the Mission had in September, 1868, stepped for the first time beyond the bounds of its self-appointed parish in accepting the offer to take charge of the hall in Norwood. And now the capital of Scotland had followed in the wake of the metropolis * of the British world by inviting Mr. and Mrs. Booth to extend to it the operations which had been so suc- cessfully established in the latter. Indeed, the work had been already commenced by a The work gentleman who had attended some of the meetings "Zom-* in London and had been fired with a desire to start meetings of a similar character in Edinburgh, con- fident that the measures which had proved so success- ful in the one would be found as suitable for the other. In the early part of 1869 he had carried back from London to the mission which he had himself pre- viously established an enthusiastic account of what he had seen and heard, induced them to subscribe for a hundred copies of the East London Evangelist, re- 644 MJ?S. BOOTH. 1868, Age 39. The " marri- age cere- mony." Scotch charac- teristics. The room. P'reju- dices for- gotten. ported their meetings regularly to it, and finally suc- ceeded in persuading them to invite Mr. and Mrs. Booth to take the personal oversight of the work. The prospect of such a union was hailed with satis- faction by the members of the Mission, and Mr. and Mrs. Booth resolved to go in person to conduct the " marriage ceremony. " It was their first visit to Scot- land, and it was with some degree of wonderment and trepidation that they looked forward to the result. They had been told that the Scotch were so wedded to their Presbyterianism, with its republican form of government and cold Calvinistic doctrines ; that they were stiff, hardheaded, and difficult to be moved, and would require a great deal of time and consideration before they would accept methods and teachings so diametrically opposed to those to which they had from their youth been accustomed. But the result of the first meetings soon dissipated the last doubt as to the advisability of the step, and this notwithstanding the unlikely character of the hall in which they were con- ducted. Situated in one of the lowest slums, it was a dull, dingy, dirty-looking loft, which had served at one time as a chapel, with a pulpit at the end, a gallery round three sides, and accommodating some five hun- dred people. Nevertheless it was crowded at the first services, and the power of God was wonderfully mani- fested. It became evident from the onset, and was con- firmed by the remarkable experiences of later years, that no people in the world were quicker to appreciate and more enthusiastic to admire the close, incisive, unanswerable reasonings of Mrs. Booth. Their preju- dice against female ministry, their antipathy to dem- onstrative religion, their dislike to anything approach- CROYDON, EDINBURGH, ETC. 645 ing excitement, and their opposition to the doctrine of 1868, holiness ware all forgotten, as they followed with Ag " e 39< intense eagerness every point of her argument. The boldness of the preacher, the courage with which she assumed the offensive without giving time to be at- tacked, her unpretentious modesty, her cogent, resist- less force of logic, her perfect insight into human na- ture, her fearless, Knox-like denunciations of evil, her intimate familiarity with the Scriptures, her alter- nate appeals to the reason, the emotions, and the con- science, her command of language, her transparent simplicity, and her all-devouring zeal, carried them away. It was like a resurrection. Here was an old-fash- Affection. dtc ioned outspoken Covenanter in the land of Covenant- crowds. ers. A spiritual Bruce, a woman Wallace, stood before them a champion who had come to enfranchise from the thraldom of sin and Satan. Her skilful hands swept across their hearts, making them vibrate with spiritual melodies resembling the beautiful na- tional airs that they so loved. They were convinced, they were fascinated, and from the opening service in that rude hall to the last meeting that she ever held in Scotland nowhere was Mrs. Booth followed by more affectionate and appreciative crowds. Doubtless the realisation of this helped to act upon Creating contact. her as an inspiration. It must always be so more or less. The best speakers are largely dependent on their audience for their power. It is when the two electric currents come in contact that the light leaps forth. True, it is the highest art of the preacher to create this contact. There are many, also, who pos- sess neither the Divine unction nor the human sym- pathy requisite. But it is none the less true that the character of the listener largely affects the liberty of 646 MRS. BOOTH. 1868, the speaker, and the presence of a critical, cynical, ge 39 ' unresponsive spirit in the one will often rftar the best- planned efforts of the other. A bewild- The sympathetic feeling of that first Scotch audi- ence was unmistakable. The spirit of conviction worked irresistibly in their hearts. The people fell in every part of the building. In the pews, in the gal- lery, round the pulpit, in the dingy little vestry with its break-neck approach there were men and women sobbing and crying aloud for salvation. Mrs. Booth was anxious to remain, take some large hall, and con- duct a series of meetings in so encouraging a sphere. But circumstances required her presence in London, and she abandoned with regret so promising an op- portunity. Her position in this respect was, to the end of life, a bewildering one. So many doors of useful- ness opened before her that it was often difficult to decide which had the superior claim, and she could only pray that, if unconsciously a mistake were made, it would in the end be overruled for the glory of God in the furtherance of His cause. Call to But the regrets with which Mrs. Booth left Scot- Bnghton. \ an ft were soon i os t sight of in the important work which immediately afterwards engaged her attention. The success of her seaside campaign of 1867 at Mar- gate had led to a proposal from Mr. Gilbert, the sec- retary of the Evangelisation Society, for a similar effort at Brighton, which had then, and which we suppose still retains, the reputation of being the most fashionable and popular of the watering-places to which Londoners resort. It was twenty-two years since Mrs. Booth had as drcum- a young girl visited the place in search of health. Very different were the circumstances under which she now visited this "London by the sea." A large CROYDON, EDINBURGH, ETC. 647 concert-hall in High Street was engaged for the open- 1868, ing meetings. It was well situated, and compara- * e 39 ' tively'easy for speaking, considering that it would ac- commodate some fifteen hundred people. The first two Sundays were full of promise, when the pro- prietor, thinking he could secure his own terms now that the success of the meetings was ensured, thought proper to raise the rental agreed upon, and to de- mand what was considered an unreasonable sum. Objecting to this, she applied for and obtained the use of the Dome a far superior building, with accommo- The dation for about three thousand persons ; undoubtedly one of the finest public halls in England, and well known to every Brighton visitor as part of the hand- some suite of edifices erected by George IV. "The first sight of it," says Mrs. Booth, "appalled Appalled me. It was indeed a Dome! As I looked upwards couraged. there appeared space enough to swallow any amount of sound that my poor voice could put into it. To make any considerable number of people hear me' seemed impossible. On this point, however, I was greatly encouraged to learn at the conclusion of the first meeting that I had been distinctly heard in every portion of it by the two thousand people who were present. " I can never forget my feelings as I stood on the platform and looked upon the people, realising that among them all there was no one to help me. When I commenced the prayer-meeting, for which I should think quite nine hundred must have remained, Satan said to me, as I came down from the platform accord- ing to my usual custom, 'You will never ask such people as these to come out and kneel down here. You will only make a fool of yourself if you do!' I felt stunned for the moment, but I answered, 'Yes, I CROYDON, EDINBURGH, ETC. 649 shall. I shall not make it any easier for them than 1868, for others. If they do not sufficiently realise their ge 39 ' sins to be willing to come and kneel here and confess them they are not likely to be of much use to the Kingdom of God.' And subsequent experience has confirmed this opinion. " However, the Lord was better to me than my A great fears, for ten or twelve came forward, some of them handsomely dressed and evidently belonging to the most fashionable circles. The way was led by two old gentlemen, of seventy or more years of age. One of them said that he had sinned for many years against light and privilege, asking the Lord to save him with all the simplicity of a little child. Others followed, until there was a goodly row of kneeling penitents. This was a great triumph in the midst of so many curious onlookers." The work was continued with unvarying power and A severe strain success until the end of November, Mrs. Booth leav- with joy- ing her home in London on the Saturday, and return- results. ing to it on the Monday morning. It was a severe strain, but the results justified the effort. The spec- tacle was indeed an unwonted one, and must have caused the very angels to weep for joy, if weep they can and weep they surely must, over the sins and repentings of the world to which they minister. The tenderness with which Mrs. Booth had dealt De .^^ trifn r he with the two hundred fallen outcasts whom she had f f . society. addressed on a previously described occasion was exchanged for the sternest and most unqualified de- nunciations when dealing with the sins of society. And yet time after time her hearers came, not to be smoothed over, but to be lashed, and lashed again, with a faithfulness which, had it not been so con- science-appealing and convincing by the evident aid 650 MJ?S. BOOTH. 1868, Age 39. Letter to Mrs. Billups. Reply to Father Ignatius. of the Holy Spirit, would have been altogether intoler- able. Unfortunately no shorthand reports were taken of these addresses, but some of the feelings which ex- ercised her at the time may be judged of from the fol- lowing letter to her friend Mrs. Billups : " BRIGHTON. "Mv DEAREST FRIEND: " We have two select meetings arranged here at the Pavil- ion, one on Monday and the other on Tuesday. " This is the quietest and most comfortable retreat I was ever in. Our host is himself an invalid, and therefore obliged to live very quietly. But some of his relations are very worldly. Oh, what such people will have to answer for! Living in pleasure, eating, drinking, dressing, riding, sight- seeing! Spending their precious gifts all on self, self, self! How can such escape the damnation of hell ? Well might the Saviour give them up ! Oh, to get at them ! But they are armed to the teeth, worse off than savages, for Satan has mailed the only vulnerable spot, conscience, by a false creed ! They are 'Believers '/ O Jesus! Was ever Master so belied and betrayed as Thou art? Well, we will praise Thee for the poverty, sickness, and trial which have been instrumental in saving us from a like fate ! Oh, how we shall praise Him by-and-by ! " How much better to be 'emptied from vessel to vessel ' than to be left on the lees of this world, to rot and be lost for ever ! We will take our crosses up afresh, and gladly carry them after Jesus; yea, learn, like Paul, to glory in the cross! " The Lord comfort and bless you, prays " Yours, as ever, " CATHERINE BOOTH." During her visit to Brighton Mrs. Booth received a kind and cordial letter from Father Ignatius, which called forth the following reply : "REV. AND DEAR SIR: I return your kind and Christian greeting with all sincerity and Christian affection, and I pray most earnestly that your desires for me may be fully realised, that I may be led into 'all truth.' From a child I have loved CJROYDON, EDINBURGH, ETC. 65 i and studied the Scriptures, and I bless God that He has given 1868, me His Holy Spirit, thus revealing to me that 'the kingdom A e 39- of God is not meat and drink, ' or anything outward, but 'right- eousness and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.' And this is to be realised only by a living faith in Jesus. I pray, my dear sir, that whatever other revelation you may hold, above or beyond this, that you may not fail of this, but that our gracious God may lead you to its full realisation and enjoy- ment, and enable you to lead hundreds of poor deluded souls, who are seeking rest in ' washings and carnal rites, ' to find this blessed inward kingdom. " I trust that we shall meet when the fogs of time will be dispersed, and all His saints will see eye to eye. My heart burns in anticipation of that glorious oneness with all His real Israel. " I will convey your message of love and good wishes to my fellow-labourers in the Gospel, and I am sure many of us will henceforth remember you at the mercy-seat with special interest and fervency. " In sincere Christian affection, " I am, yours in Jesus, " CATHERINE BOOTH." Writing to a friend many years later, on receipt of the news of the death of Mrs. Booth, Father Ignatius expresses himself as follows: " What a glorious woman! What 'a mother ' of giants 'in Israel'! What an astounding Fact is the Salvation Army! What a shame and what a glory to the churches ! " I wish you would see General Booth and tell him how deeply and affectionately I have mourned with him. New- man, Liddon, Booth true saints 'promoted' almost to- gether ! " CHAPTER LXI. THE CHRISTIAN MISSION. 1869-70. Mrs. ON the 1 6th December, 1869, Mrs. Mtimford, after Hi- a distressing illness which had lasted for more than two years, entered peacefully into rest. Some eigh- teen months previous to her death Mrs. Booth had insisted on taking her to see Dr. Kidd, who had al- ready acquired eminence in his profession, and who had manifested much Christian sympathy towards the Mission. Finding that the malady from which her mother suffered was of a serious character, and that it precluded all possibility of recovery, Mrs. Booth persuaded her to go home with her for a few weeks of change and communion, and finally arranged for her to settle down in an adjacent house, giving up the Brixton home where she had now lived for so many Mrs years and to which she had become greatly attached. at her Mrs. Mumford yielded to her daughter's wishes, as m sidl r . S was usually her way when the latter had made up her mind. Before long she was fully convinced of the wisdom of the step, and' tenderly appreciated Mrs. Booth's presence and comfort in the dark and trying days of her affliction. Soon afterwards she became bed-ridden, and through those long months of suffer- ing every hour that Mrs. Booth could possibly spare from the immediate claims of her family and work she would hasten to spend at her mother's side. And when at length the agony became so excruciating that injections of morphia afforded the only relief it was 652 THE CHRISTIAN MISSION. 653 with her own hand that Mrs. Booth applied the needle, 1869, sometimes walking up and down for several minutes A * e 4 * in front of the house before she could summon her courage and nerve for the painful task. A distressing featureie & * expem- uable experience was gained, which was turned to e e gained. good account in the subsequent inauguration of the Social Scheme upon a sound and promising basis. In 1882 the glories of the Whitechapel Hall were More pub- superseded by other larger and more convenient pub- buildings. lie buildings, such as the Rink at Regent Circus, the Clapton Training Homes, and the notorious Grecian. The glory of our East End Shiloh was for a time transferred to our London Zions. And yet year after year the soul-saving was steadily carried on ; and when the Social Scheme was launched it was only meet that the spot which furnished Mr. Booth material for his first practical experiment, of twenty years before should become a special centre of activity, as one of the larg- est and most successful food and shelter depots of ^ ^oety the metropolis. Here hundreds of hopeless and de- spairing destitutes have been not only warmed and fed and housed, but have been restored to the know- ledge and enjoyment of a pardoning Saviour's love. A second anniversary trip to Dunorlan was perhaps Dunorian the brightest feature of the year. The weather was less propitious than it had been upon the previous occasion. The party started in a violent thunder- storm, during which the lightning struck a church- steeple and brought a portion of it crashing to the ground within their very view. But above the raging of the storm rose the happy Hallelujahs and irrepres- Above the sible songs of the 1,400 excursionists. And by the time Tunbridge Wells was reached the sky had once 660 MRS. BOOTH. 1869, more cleared. After the party had been welcomed ge 4 * by Mr. and Mrs. Reed, and given their instructions for the day by Mr. Booth, they were dismissed, with permission to visit every portion of the beautiful grounds. A friend who was present on the occasion gives a vivid description of the scene : A "A general adjournment to the farm buildings fol- lowed the assemblage on the lawn, for there refresh- tl( scene. * ments were stored by the directors of the Mission, to be sold out at very low prices. Thus fortified, the company broke up again into bands, and, selecting different spots, held meetings for prayer and praise all over the grounds. Some few preferred to saunter about and see how all the happy people enjoyed them- selves; but the majority joined the devotional parties, and so proved how much their hearts were in the proper work of the Mission. Everybody was happy and in earnest. " Active preparations for feasting the whole com- pany on the grass in a large field near the farm build- ings were commenced at two o'clock, and at half -past two the gong was sounded for all to assemble on the terrace, that, after singing and prayer, they might move off in procession to their proper positions. Now came the chief disappointment of the whole day. The gong had not ceased its call when a few prelim- inary drops called attention to the gathering blackness overhead and the mutterings of a thunderstorm, and A very quickly a very tempest of rain came down. The peo- Pie fled to the farm buildings for shelter, and filled them all barn, cow-houses, stables, sheds, a commo- dious school-room or chapel, and some of the houses of the farm servants. Room was found for all, with a little difficulty, though some who were caught by the rain at a 'distance were thoroughly drenched. THE CHRISTIAN MISSION. .661 " It soon became evident that it was no mere pass- 1869, ing shower, and measures were taken at once to serve ge 4 ' out the tea. Boards of crockery had been laid out in Good hu- the field with baskets and trays of provisions ; these U nddis- were brought in by troops of ready waiters, and dis- coin f ort - tributed among the various buildings under the di- rections of the managers, with Mr. Reed and Mr. Booth at their head. Mr. Booth was everywhere, looking into every place giving counsel, a word of direction, or a hint for arrangement himself wet through, and profusely perspiring with exertion and anxiety; but it was due to the active and wise care and generous preparations of Mr. Reed that so much could be done in so short a time to meet the emer- gency. The good-humour of the people under the disappointment was beautiful to witness, adding an- other proof of the power of Divine grace to soften, refine, and elevate even the roughest and most un- cultivated when brought under its influence. As Mr. Reed remarked, it was worth all the trouble of alter- ing the arrangements to see how the people bore it. " For two hours it rained heavily. There seemed Blessed no prospect of suitable weather for holding the love- * " i^g* feast on the terrace at half-past four, and therefore the happy, good-tempered, good-humoured people, so soon as tea was over, began prayer-meetings and love- feasts or experience-meetings where they were. The whole cluster of farm buildings resounded with praise, and many blessed and striking incidents occurred. In one of the cow-sheds three seeking souls found their Saviour were born again in circumstances simi- lar to those which surrounded the lowly birth of their glorious Redeemer; songs and shouts of glory and salvation from the saints around taking the place of the songs of the heavenly host over the plains of 662 MRS. BOOTH. 1869, Bethlehem. It is impossible to describe the whole scene. Such an exhibition of the power of real reli- gion to control and make happy seriously, earnestly, joyfully happy a mixed multitude of all ages must be seen to be appreciated. Love-feast " It became fair between four and five o'clock, and terrace, soon after the gong sounded for the love-feast on the terrace. Nearly a thousand people assembled, formed a ring round a central spot in which stood Mr. and Mrs. Reed, Mr. Booth, and some of the leaders and preachers, and for nearly two hours some scores of persons testified of the grace of God in their personal salvation, and the power of God in connection with the The child work of the Christian Mission. The child of ten or aged saint twelve and the aged saint of seventy spoke of their testify. | Qve an( j devotion to Jesus. " It was difficult to conduct a meeting like this, where hundreds of happy souls were eager to tell of their joy ; and it seemed still more difficult to conclude it while scores of precious saints were left with un- opened mouths on this great subject. But at length the end came: Mr. Booth's well-known voice called Grateful attention to a few brief directions for the return to thanks to the train, and with much earnestness and feeling he Mr. and Mrs. presented to Mr. and Mrs. Reed the grateful thanks of the people for the day's entertainment. Prayer, " The journey home was in perfect keeping with and peni- the entertainment of the day. The voice of prayer fence in , , , ,. . , the train, and praise resounded from every carriage, and even in the train penitent sinners were being pointed to Jesus. Would to God that such sights and sounds were more common in connection with the excursions of His professed people ! but, judging from the sur- prised and puzzled air of the railway officials, such demonstrations on the side of Christ and His gospel THE CHRISTIAN MISSION. 663 do not often come across them. Of one fact this an- 1869, nual excursion furnished most emphatic and glorious ge 4 ' proof: that the labours of Mr. and Mrs. Booth and their coadjutors have been abundantly owned in bring- Proof of ing souls to Christ. Such a band of living and ear- nest believers it was never before our lot to meet in one gathering ; and we earnestly commend this blessed work to the sympathy and support of all who love the Lord Jesus and desire the coming of His kingdom." END OF VOL. I. University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY 305 De Neve Drive - Parking Lot 17 Box 951388 LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90095-1388 Return this material to the library from which it was borrowed. CCT 102005 ^wfryb-lfe*T<-fj^^-'tf!'^..'Ji^ ->?^ tf fcA*-! s^t^ssSfrMS^.c^K&v : II I 111 UN Ill II III II III II I II II II I II III II HIM HIM III II III! till A 000964100 2 SSS W^AVvVi'iVvViViViVKVkVXVKXW)