\ C K .iiX y GREEK GRAMMAR PAPERS f. RITCHIE Ex Libris C. K. OGDEN BY THE SAME AUTHOR. FIRST STEPS IN LATIN. Crown 8vo. is. 6d. FABULAE FACILES. A First Latin Reader. Contain- ing Detached Sentences and Consecutive Stories. With Notes and a Vocabulary. Crown 8vo. 2$. 6d. IMITATIVE EXERCISES IN EASY LATIN PROSE. Based on " Fabulae Faciles ". Crown 8vo. is. 6d. EXERCISES IN LATIN PROSE COMPOSITION. Crown 8vo. 2S. 6d. EASY CONTINUOUS LATIN PROSE. Crown 8vo. 2S. 6d. A FIRST LATIN VERSE BOOK. Crown 8vo. zs. LATIN CLAUSE CONSTRUCTION. Crown 8vo. is. 6d. LATIN GRAMMAR PAPERS. Small 8vo. is. FIRST STEPS IN GREEK. Crown 8vo. ss. A PRACTICAL GREEK METHOD FOR BEGINNERS. By F. RITCHIE, M.A., and E. H. MOORE, M.A., Amesbury House School, Bickley. Crown 8vo. 35. 6d. A MANUAL OF GREEK VERBS. By F. RITCHIE, M.A., and E. H. MOORE, M.A. Crown 8vo. 2S. 6rf. ENGLISH GRAMMAR AND ANALYSIS. Fcp. 8vo. 2s. 6d. LONGMANS, GREEN, & CO., London, New York, and Bombay. EASY GREEK GRAMMAR PAPERS F. RITCHIE, M.A. The Beacon, Sevenoaks LONGMANS, GREEN, AND CO. LONDON, NEW YORK, AND BOMBAY 1896 All rights reserved ABERDEEN UNIVERSITY PRESS. PREFACE. THESE Papers, which are progressive in difficulty, have been systematically compiled in such a way as to include most of the Accidence and Syntax of which a knowledge is likely to be required by the Lower and Middle Forms. It is suggested that the Papers may with advantage be used for vivd-voce practice in Grammar, as well as in the ordinary way. i EXPLANATOKY. 1. Weak Aorist = 1st Aorist ; Strong Aorist = 2nd Aorist ; and so with Perfects Act. and Future Passive. 2. Principal Tenses = Pres., Future, Aorist and Perf. Active, Perf. and Aorist Passive ; so, XvtD, Avo-w, eAutra, Ae'Au/ca, Ae'Aiy/m, f\v6rjv. 3. TT = yvv/]. tca\jj i] . 8. Translate Out of the house ; into the land ; in the village ; the gates of the city. 2. 1. Write out Imperf. Indie. Middle of 2. 1st Sing. Aorist Indie. Act. of 7T\1)p6ci), (f)l\eCi). 3. Parse TrefiTrere, eXei'7re\VOVTO<;. 4. Nom. and Gen. Sing, of 80^77, GREEK GRAMMAR PAPERS. 5. Name the Hard and the Soft Vowels. 6. Greek for 7, 11, 20, 4th, 6th. 7. Translate ol ei> rfj dyopa 7ro\trac. eVt- arevov avrw. eTTiarevcrav avrol^. /juera rrjv /jLd%r)i>. 8. Translate The arms are in the city; the road from the village ; they are being hindered ; through the land. 3. 1. Write out Pres. Indie. Middle of 2. Decline in Sing, with Article, vavr^, dyopa, a. 3. 1st Sing. Imperf. Indie. Act. of d/cova), eXav- 4. Aorist Infin. and Participle Act. Middle and Pass, of Troieo). 5. Ace. and Dat. Sing, of (ayo?, Icr^yp6 ev rfj dyopa. riav'^a^ov ol ev rjj dyopa. ecrri rov xpirov. GREEK GRAMMAR PAPERS. 4- 1. Form the Future Indie. Act. of ayw, Tre' 2. Write out Weak (or 1st) Aorist Indie. Act. and Middle of TrXe/cw. 3. Nom. and Gen. Sin, of K\TTTMI>, 4. Greek for " he is," " they are," " he was," " they were ". 5. Write in small letters H, P, T, A, A, H. 6. Parse evo^i^ov, &pp,rj. 7. Correct OVK vfAiv, eTre^-^re avrov, G.K laov, /ier' 8. Translate After the battle; not only . . . but also ; the gifts are beautiful ; the men in the island are many. 5- 1. Form Imperf. Indie. Act. of ivM, eKJSalvw, cnrayct). 2. Write out Future Indie. Middle of 3. Parse edcrei, e-^eva-aro, Kare^ot, ee7re 4. Give the Nom. and Gen. Sing, of GREEK GRAMMAR PAPERS. 5. Decline in Sing. ftaQvs. 6. Give the derivation of Metropolis, Geo- graphy, Heptarchy, Microscope. 7. Write out the terminations of Perfect and Pluperf. Indie. Middle. 8. Translate 6 aya6o TOVTOLS. 01 vvv. Bitcaioi 01 OeoL auro? 6 (Trparrjjof. 6 auro? cnpa- T7;7o'y>jv teal Kara ddXar-rai'. 01 Se ravra eTroi- vjcrav 0)9 exeXevcrev. 8. Translate Of that land ; they ordered us not to do this ; who are you '! this great city : this city is great. GREEK GRAMMAR PAPERS. 10. 1. Parse wppiaavro, Traprjvei, ij^dovro, Kca\vcrav, 2. Decline in Sing. TTO^T/??, irelpa, 3. Reduplicate the following stems : /i? -, aKva8-, ^wptS-, aipe-, ijrevS-. 4. Imperf. Indie, of irpoa-aLrew, y- r fpd^>a), 5. Dative Sing, and PI. of fyavepos, ftapus, 6. Greek for 16, 80, 300, 7th, llth, 70th. 7. Translate The slaves in the house are faith- ful ; the faithful slaves are in the house ; they were fleeing up that road; we heard the judge himself. 8. Translate ol fyevryovres. ol Tro\lrat. avroi ovroi ol TroXlrai. rfj varepaia. etc Be TOVTOV. 8ta ravra. II. 1. Form Fut. Indie. Act. of /3\a7TTw, $v\daaw (or (f)v\drra}), (nrevBca, cdco. 2. Nom. Sing., Gender and English of \rjo-TMv, }. Write out Pres. Imper. Act. and Middle of GREEK GRAMMAR PAPERS. 4. Decline in Sing, otypvs, avrv. 5. Write out Pert'. Indie. Pass, of TrXe/cw, 6. Compare ^aXeTro?, /coOcra, 8. Translate They were dying of disease : he. remained 3 days ; of the king himself ; in this island ; those who were guarding the city. 12. 1. Write out Imperf. Indie, of vifcdw, ol^p^ai. 2. Decline in Sing. Oaypa%, dp/jua. 3. Parse ireiptaaevo^, awcraa'dat, K\evoi, eVe- TdKTO. 4. Decline in Sing, eyw, in Plural av. 5. Form Weak Aorist Middle of dp^w, UTTO- 6. Gen. Sing., Gender and English of 1/00-09, PO?, /A6/3O9. 7. Translate ra ird\ai. Sta TO TOU? o avrov oj/re? etywyov. 8. Translate In this manner; they hindered us by force ; the guards are sleeping (tcadeuSa)) in GREEK GRAMMAR PAPERS. the market-place ; the guards in the market-place are sleeping. 1. Write out Pres. Indie, of fjTrdofAai, i)yeo/j.ai. 2. Parse ecrrat, e'crre, fja-av, Wi. 3. Decline in Sing, crux^pwv, d/rpar?;?. 4. Give the Infiiis. and Participles Pass, of 5. Nom. and Gen. Sing, of TrarptSa?, tT Xt//,e/'a e^apei, et? rijv TTO\LV. Treidea-Oe TOVTOIS. 1} eTTL6vp,ia TOV 7ro\\d e OVK e^ecrri fjiot ravra iroieli'. 9. Translate Day by day ; the cities in that 12 GREEK GRAMMAR PAPERS. island are many ; in the middle of the road ; those who heard this fled. 17- 1. Write out Irnperf. Indie. Act. of fiorjOea), ftodw. 2. Decline in Plural 0/909, lepev<$. 3. Form Perf. Indie. Act. of djyeXXco, TreiOo), rapdrra), >ypd(f)(i). 4. Write out Pluperf. Middle and Pass, of 5. Distinguish ei/j,i, el^t. elvai, levai. y. 3. Parse a>7r\ia-fji,evoi, &>f ra?, tyjfuovv, Tre/j.^otev, eOrjite. 4. Gen. Sing, and Dat. Plural of (frpomis, dpd- KU>V, rrdOos, ^eiu.(i)i>. 5. Decline oirro? in Singular. 6. Distinguish Strong and Weak Aorist Pass. Give examples of each. 7. Write out Imperf. Indie. Act. of &iSw/j,i. 8. Translate a! avrai /cw/zat. avrat a[ fcw/j,ai. al Ktopai avrai. avTa'i Ku>iai. apou Ka\ov eari ; &ia rl davfid^re; 9. Translate According to this law ; contrary to the law ; up the road ; he spoke thus, and they replied as follows. 19. 1. Imperfect Indie. Act. of eXXeiVto, wapaivew, 2. Write out Pres. Optat. Act. of 3. Principal Tenses of rpifio), 14 GREEK GRAMMAR PAPERS. 4. Write out Import'. Indie, of eZ/u (go) and nj 5. Decline in Sing. TT\OVS, Kpari'jp. 6. Compare Ta%v. 2. Decline in Sing. 0(^49, SeXdw, 4. Dat. Sing, and PI. of 5. Parse Trpd^ys, (3\.tyov, rjtyavia-Qrj, rjvaytcdcr- 6. Name and classify the Mutes and Semi- vowels. 7. Imperf. and Strong Aor. Indie. Act. of 'i 8. Translate efyrj /3ov\era>v ri 9. Translate You must not do this ; did you not hear him ? the garments were beautiful ; they consult about the war. 22. 1. Write out Pres. Imperative Active of 1 6 GREEK GRAMMAR PAPERS. 2. Norn. Sing, and Plur. of avOeai, rd^ecn, OepaTrovai. 3. Pluperf. Indie. Act. of V;/u6o>, viKaco, UTTO- 4. Name five feminine words of 2nd Declension, with English. 5. Principal Tenses of jre^irw, dSi/cea). 6. Write out the terminations of Strong Aorist Indicative Active and Middle. 7. Parse ridevai, ievro, tari], crrf/, 86evw, u.7rayye\\w, SiapTrd^a), riOrjf^i. 2. Write out Imperf. Indie, of olo^at, aTravrd- ofj,ai. 3. Compare /cao?, 7ro\v, (/>pa&>, Ido^ai, va). 2. Decline in Plural GREEK GRAMMAR PAPERS. 3. Infinitives and Participles Passive of TT 4. Ace. and Gen. Sing, and Plural of /ze\a9, Teprjv, /Aeia>i>. 5. Parse eviKa, ejrvdovro, eKTr^^aavre^, eav. 6. Write out Pres. Indie, of alrido^ai, (f>o/3eo/j.aL 7. Decline avrov. 8. Translate eSo/cet Tre/i-v/rat TO^ Krjpv/fa. fjcrOo- fiTjv avrov" E,\\r]va ovra. ov TrelOovrai rou? raura \eyovcri. 9. Translate Instead of obeying; in the middle of the city ; when they heard what had happened (717^0/1,0,4) they went away. 28. 1. Write out Fut. Indie. Act. and Middle of 2. Nom. and Gen. Sing, of Or/pia, airopia, eip)]- vijv, Tr/secr/Sets'. 3. Pert*. Indie. Act. of /SXaTrraj, up-^w, dpTrd^a), TCLTTCi), 'lcyrr]fJ.L 4. Decline in Sing. d^eLvwv, -r\^p,wv. 5. What verbs cannot (regularly) take a Strong Aorist Act. ? 6. Parse TiOfi, idat, V, TTOos 22 GREEK GRAMMAR PAPERS. 9. Translate On that day ; you must obey him ; we use these weapons ; they burn (Kara- the boats that he may not cross (8ia/3aiv(o). 30. 1. Write out Pres. and Imperf. Indie, of ri 2. Decline in Sing. reXo?, V, acKJitfc, TTO\VS. 4. Parse fjBei, $7), levai, r)a6a, eaei. 5. Distinguish avrov, avrov. ravrov, TUVTOV. avrat, avrai. 6. Ace. and Dat. Plural of SoXo?, /tte/oo?, av\r)rijs. epajTOiv, retcrcov. 7. Aorist Infin. and Participles (all voices) of 8. Translate By force; by night; they were not so base as to flee ; they were so base that they fled ; he happened to be sleeping (ica6ev&(a}. 9. Translate eyiyvcoa-tcev ori 01 rpujpap^oi, OLKOL KaffevSijcroiev. 8f)\oi rjcrav 7rpocr6\avvoi>Tes 01 TToXejJLtOl. 1. Imperf, Indie. Act. of Trpocrairea), GREEK GRAMMAR PAPERS. 23 '2. What Verbs usually form Pert'. Act. with -Ka ? what with -a \ 3. Write out Imperative Subj. and Pert'. Middle of Treido). 4. Principal Tenses of XeiVw, piirrw. 5. Decline TTT/^K?, and name words declined like it. 6. Parse Karea-Trjv, d^tierai, eOecrav, 7. Acc. Plural of the three Reflexive Pro- nouns. 8. Translate Some were killed, others fled ; let us cease lighting ; do not give him these weapons ; he hoped to do this. 9. Translate Sia ravTa, pera ravra, ev TOVTW, rouroi?. ecTTT/i', ecrr^Ka, earrjaa, arrjaa). TO 32. 1. Point out peculiarities in Pres. Indie, of 7r\eo> and fa , 5. Decline in Sing, eap, Zevs. 6. Compare i>eo CTTI rerrdputv. oi etc rijf 9. Translate This will be more useful to you than to us ; instead of going up the country, he sailed away. 33- 1. Fut. Indie. Act. of (nreipw, d\eL^xo, rpe&), . Write out Strong Aorist Subj. of Xenrto, 3. Point out peculiarities in the declension of /j.r'iTr)p, dvijp, v&cop. 4. Parse Soirj, icrrao-av, elcrav, eVe/rty, Ti6eio. 5. Decline in Plural /jiei^cov, TrXr'iprjs. 6. What is the construction of a Final Clause r ( 7. Parse opwcra, /Lter/oi/ra?, efj.fta\ovcrr)? 9. Translate When this happened, we fled: 26 GREEK GRAMMAR PAPERS. you must send a herald : he came with 500 hop- lites ; he said he was not willing. 35- 1. Write out Aor. Opt. Act. and Mid. of Ti^da). 2. Accus. Plur. of avros, auro?, ovros, aurov. 3. Weak Aor. Indie. Pass, of di>ap7rd^(a, a-rrrco, ap%a), d/cova), Ti$>7/u. 4. Gen. and Accus. Sing, of apfia, rjr-ra, 7779, vo/jioOeTrjs. 5. Compare 0X1709, rjSvs, ala^pov. ala^yvo^aL \eyeiv. apa prj eVe/u^a? ; ap' OVK evre/i^a? ; iracra Tracra 77 36. 1. Perf. Indie. Act. of o-reXXw, /cXeTrrco, 7re/x7r&), plTTTdi. %, Write out Pres. Opt. Act, of opdw, GREEK GRAMMAR PAPERS. 27 3. Decline in Sing. jd\a, jvvrj. 4. Parse eYi'/z&>, e7rot^cr&), uTrayyelXai, airepov^v. 5. Decline in Plural ocrri?. 6. Distinguish the meanings Active and Middle of aipea), Travo), Tropl^w, rijAwpea). 7. Nom. and Gen. Sing, of evcfrpoai, evOelav, 8. Translate cro^>o? 6 Kpirtjs. avros ravra ye- ypa(f)a. r)Tropovv TL %p?) TTOLelv. ov Treidovrai rot? ravra \eyovai. 9. Translate He says that these things are true ; he said that these things were true ; he commanded the swiftest of the ships to follow them. 37- 1. Principal Tenses of (nrevBa), cnreipa). 2. Nom. Sing., Gender and English of 3. Imperf. Indie, of piTrra), KaOaipew, errouat. 4. Parse fjeaav, dfaicrav, 0es, ecrrrjcre, iraprfkacre. 5. Explain darepa, rdvSpi, %r), ejat/j-ai, Kara. 6. Write out Aorist Indie. Middle of 28 GREEK GRAMMAR PAPERS. 7. Give an example of Genitive Absolute. 8. Translate He himself was slain, but those with him fled ; all came except one ; come to the ships that we may sail ; she has small hands. 9. Distinguish 77, /;, ij, $, 77. Contract rtfj-dovaa, (f)i\eecrde, 8/7X077, ocrrea, evyevea, a py u pea. 38. 1. Write out Pres. Indie. Act. of ido/jiat,, 2. Nom. Sing., Gender and English of a\yei, , Tre 6. How are Consecutive Clauses constructed ? 7. Distinguish avrr], avrr/, avrr). e/cei, exetcre, v. ajrelvai, aTrte'vai, dtyievai. 8. Translate Tell me who you are; hearing this he was silent ; must we not obey the laws ? nothing is more disgraceful than flight. 9. Translate TOUTOIS rot? 7776/^00-4 Tourot? 77-ye/-tocrt epcavTo, rlva GREEK GRAMMAR PAPERS. 29 39- 1. Write out Pres. Subj. of reXevrdw and o- j3eofj,ai. 2. Aorist Indie. Act. of TT Linda, \avddvw, ftauno, 3. Which form of the Perfect Active is usual in Guttural, Dental, Labial, and Nasal Verbs ? 4. Compare \a\o?, /iecro?, dyaOos, TroXu?. 5. Decline in Plural %eip, TTOU?, vav?. 6. Name words declined (1) like ^rjrrjp, (2) like 7. Parse } 40. 1. Parse KarajBdvn, cnwjr^aeLe, ^7^, ycvov, 2. Gen. Sing, and Dat. Plural of /ia ei)o?, '%eip,u>v. 3. Principal Tenses of Ti0ijfii, 8t 30 GREEK GRAMMAR PAPERS. 4. Decline in Sing, ftapvs, in Plural i/reuS^?. 5. Give the Greek Pronouns corresponding to ille, ipse, quis ? se, eum. 6. Distinguish a\\os, erepo?. yu,eA.et, /j,e\\,ei. earr), ecrrrjae. 7. Give rules for Reduplication, with examples. 8. Translate ol Se AaKe&aip.6vioi OVK etyacrav cnreicrea'daL OTTOV&WV eirl TOVTOLS 9. Translate They said that the river was wide ; we came that we might hear you ; are they slaves or free men ? 41. 1. Write out Fut. Indie. Act. and Middle of 2. Decline in Sing, wo?, o 3. Weak Aorist Indie. Act. of eyicXiva}, 4. Nom. and Ace. Sing, of vrX^'pet?, ot/ceta?, 5. Parse ecrrj^rjve, -tjp^avTO, Tedvrjice, et'Sore?, ttTTiOVO't. 6. Principal Tenses of alpco, ap^w. 7. Which Negative is used in Direct Questions ? GREEK GRAMMAR PAPERS. 31 8. Derive rpoTros, 7ej/e. Distinguish vroXe/Aew, 7roXeyu,o&). 9. Translate Many of the fugitives were slain by the horsemen ; it being summer (0epoai, 'icrracro, rjirl- o. Write out Aorist Imperat. Act. of /SXeVci), and Middle of o-^eTrro/uat. 6. Derive Phosphorus, Kilogramme, Schism, Cataract, Caustic. 7. What is the construction of an Indirect Negative Command t Give examples. 8. Translate My brother having died, they would not remain ; the cause of the present war ; they are much stronger than we (are). 32 GREEK GRAMMAR PAPERS. 9. Translate with Notes efyaaav rrjv Tr6\i,v. ovSel? rovrwv wv opa). 6 Be eijrev on 43- 1. Pert Indie. Act. of XeiTrw, crvretpw, 2. Decline in Plural a/covcras, 3. Parse icofjueiv, e^evcrca, aTraiKovro, eyva), ol/fi- olro. 4. Infinitives and Participles Active of , 45- 1. Write out Pres. Indie, of , 4. Parse fjadero, 8vvr'i, a Kpivui. 34 GREEK GRAMMAR PAPERS. 7. How is a Wish referring to Future Time expressed ? Example. 8. Translate When they heard this they were amazed (KTT\IJTT(O) ; they perceived that the messengers had come. 9. Translate OVK etyevcrOr) rrjs eA/TrtSo?. OVK i^KLcrra TOVTOV eW/ca ra$ IJ,ecrr) TroXt?. fjuecrrj 1} 46. 1. Write out Pres. Imperat. of oto/^at, 2. Future Indie, of K.ep$aivu>, cnrevba), 3. Parse acrret, e^eraaii', povpovs, -rrvpols, wra. 4. Form and compare Adverbs from 0-0^09, 5. Aorist Infinitive and Participle (all Voices) Of TpeTTO). 6. English of ear?), ecrrrjae, ecrTrjtce, eara), rjSeaav. 7. Explain the various uses of auro9. 8. Translate He happened to be writing ; what did you say ? we are not so foolish (avorjTos) as to trust this man. 9. Translate aA/yet rrjv ice, TrXew, aXea), evpicr- 5. Explain Elision, Crasis. Give examples. 6. Ace. Sing, and PI. of TiiMwv^rfkwv, K/3e/3r)K(i)s. 7. Give the Accus. Plur. of the three Reflexive Pronouns. 8. Translate As quickly as possible ; both by sea and by land ; they said that ( Ilep^iKKav Trpe'cr/Set?. eiv tcaipbv rj/cet?. ppedt] TrpecrftevTrjs 8eraTO? CIVTOS. TO 76 etSo9 o/zoto? el TOVTOIS. 48. 1. Aorist Indie, of yiyvo^ai, 7To-^ru, d7rodvij(TK(o, alvew, e'^tw. 2. Parse ^vaei, TreXe/cet, aa-rrj, vet!), r)po) some food. 9. Translate 7ro/Ve/u/c erriovrt, eret. Trpo? ravra. ev TOVTW. K TOVTOV. 9. Translate It was announced that the enemy had been defeated ; if you follow me, I will lead you to the city. 50. 1. Parse crvXX.rj^d^vai, dyov 2. Write out Perf. Pass, of 3. Gen. Sing, and Dat. Plural of aicavda, 4. Decline in Plural 5. Perf. Indie. Act. of evpiaKco, fia'ww, crreXXa). 6. Point out peculiarities in Declension of 7. Classify the Consonants. 8. Translate Many fled, fearing they would be put to death ; they themselves say they are hostile to no man. 9. Translate Trepi TTO\\OV TrotelaOai. ftovkol- av TOVTO yevea-Qai. rot/? evravda 38 GREEK GRAMMAR PAPERS. 51- 1. Pert'. Indie. Pass, of (frdeipa), Kaiw, re\ea), 2. Decline eavrov. 3. Fut. Indie. Act. of Ka\eu>, Kptvw, e^w, /3aXA.6>, 4. Nom. Sing., Gender and English of Xa?, ai. ev ru> \oiirw %p6v(i). e&ri.v ore. 7ro\\oi. oi TroXXot. OUK ol6, pi-mw, eOe\ca, GREEK GRAMMAR PAPERS. 39 4. Derive Secr/zos', p>'/Trop, ryovevs, irofj/irr], \ij6r). 5. Parse TrpovBijtce, (tTretcpivaro, rjjwviao), ovce- 6. Principal Tenses of \ap,ftdvw, fyaivw. 7. Distinguish e\e^oi> roidSe. rotavra elirov. edv, eav. TO rpoTralov ecrrijKe. rpoTralov ecrr-rja-e. 8. Translate We escaped unobserved; they perceived that we had arms ; we will cease light- ing ; may you be happy. 9. Translate 8r)\oi i]a~av anopovvres. eWe firj eyei>TO. eXeyov on BUUHO? eir) &fj,iovcr6ai. 53- 1. Fut. Indie. Pass, of piTrrco, Tapdrrco, ireiOw, , ILKOVW. 2. Parse ecrrwro?, Sodrja-erai, vTrearr), , 6. Ace. Sing, and Dat. Plural of opwv, tcpivas, Si8ov. 2. Nom. Sing., Gender and English of s, ecu, tcpdret,. 3. Parse irelOov, Xdfirj, Se^ecrdai, /Sowcrat, p 4. Perl Indie. Pass, of fidXXa), yiyvcacnca), 5. English of dXXodi, aXXocre, dX\o6ev, 7TOCTO9, TTOV. 6. Which Tenses in each Voice admit of Strong forms ? Give example of each. 7. Compare ra-^ew^, ftdXa, dvw. 8. Translate Instead of pursuing our enemies, we are ourselves pursued ; you will die dishon- oured (SuovcXe^?) when you die. 9. Translate dirpdicTovs aTreire^ev. Kara TO Suvarov. dX\ot a\Xr) TV}? TroXew? d7rci)X\vvro, dv7ravovro, GREEK GRAMMAR PAPERS. 41 55- 1. Principal Tenses of TpeTrco, daTnw. 2. Write out Imperf. Indie, of alTidoftai, alrew. 3. Give the Nom. Sing, (all Genders) of the Demonstrative and Definitive Pronouns. 4. Fut. Indie, of TrtTrra), /3ov\o/jLat, 5. Nom. Sing., Gender and English of pevas, v/rf^a?, yetyvpas, lfj.dvTa<$. 6. Write out Perl Act. of ia-rr)fii. 7. What uses of Gen. and Dat. in Greek cor- respond to Latin Ablative 1 8. Translate 01' re aXXot cru/i^ta^ot teal ol Adijvaloi. eTTiarevov p^rj r)SiKT]Kevai. rfpwra eVt TLCTLV av cry/i/ia^o? yevoiro. 9. Translate He said they were slaves, but that he was a free (man) ; they were slain by the Greeks ; he has a large head ; he said this was true. 56. 1. Aorist Indie, of //,a^;o/xat, /caOaipa), e\avva), airaipa), KoBumffU. 2, Decline Xet?, KVCOV, 42 GREEK GRAMMAR PAPERS. 3. Parse ryeryevrjcrdai, jjrovv, etfracrav, 6CJTCOT09. 4. Explain Coronis, Diaeresis, Paragogic v. 5. Write out Perf. Pass, of 7rXe/co>, ypd^w. 6. Give the meanings of, and cases governed by, VTTO, Bid, Trapd. 7. Ace. and Gen. Sing, of ou>epovpoi, Plural) ; when this happens we will lead the way ({jyeopai) ; on these terms. 9. Translate ot uev VTTVOV ypovvro Kara /j,epos, ol 8e r}\avvov. aX,X' Wi, e(f)rj, jriOov fcal fjuij aXXw? Troiei. 57- 1. Write out the terminations of Weak Aorist Opt. Act. and Pass. 2. Decline in Sing. oro, at pea, 6. Dat. Sing, and Plural of GREEK GRAMMAR PAPERS. 43 7. How is a Negative Command expressed ? Give examples. 8. Translate TrpoeiTrov Se raOra rov yu.?; Xuetz' eveica ras cnrovbus. St' oXt/you. e Icrov. irapa &6av. TO) ovn. 9. Translate Do you not hear ? do cease talk- ing ; he spoke as follows ; he said that to flee was disgraceful ; you will fight whenever you wish. 58. 1. Write out Pres. Indie. Act. of ftodw, treivdw. 2. Decline Sing, of a/tai'da, palpa, Kv^a. 3. Perf. Indie. Act. of evpia-KO), aipew, opdw, Ovrjatco), /caravoew. 4. Principal Tenses of arre\\a), Trpdrrw. 5. Explain Syncope, Crasis, Elision. 6. Parse rjTrta-TijO'rj, Kadr)ao? po\eiv. rjpAv ov&ev ecrTiv djaOov ei /j,r) oir\a KOI dperr/. 9. Translate We are in doubt (aTropea)) what to do ; he did this that he might not be injured ; if you wish to sail we do not hinder you. 44 GREEK GRAMMAR PAPERS. 59- 1. Strong Aorist Indie. Pass, of rpew, Seipw, 2. Gen. Sing., Gender and English of Spoo-o?, , KepSos, 6TO9. 3. Parse eTrr/vecra 1 ?, , a,7re/3r], aKovcrei, afyelcrav. 4. Write out Imperf. Indie. Act. of r i 5. Decline Sing, of aTrXoO?, ^c 6. Distinguish aXXa, a\Xa. elire, eiTre. vvv, vvv. el, el. TJ, rj. 7. Name three Verbs followed by Genitive, three by Dative. 8. Translate (frvyoiev av ei r/,TO vrjes irevre avrois dvSpacri. 9. Translate It was announced that (- tevai. 5. Classify the uses of auro?. 6. Give the Infinitives of all Tenses of ap%&>. 7. What is the construction of an Indirect Statement 1 8. Translate They asked whither we were sailing ; if you go we will follow ; do not leave my children ; he gave me this himself. 9. Translate p,k%pi<; av iJKa) al cnrovBai fjievov- OL 7ro\.efjLLOi, o{>9 (povTo air oioiev. 4. Perf. Indie. Pass, of pirrrw, 5. Explain "Compensatory Lengthening". Give examples. 6. Give all Participles of riOrj/ju,. 7. In what clauses is the Subjunctive used ? 46 GREEK GRAMMAR PAPERS. 8. Translate ^a/VeTrw? rjv^icev. 8e/ca err) ftacri- \evet. fjur) . 2. Decline in Plural ovros, oari?. 3. Parse 7r/Lt^>^7/Tt, rjpro, TlfjUjpiJS, ea, e 4. Compare St/cat'w?, KCLKWS, avw, /j.d\a. 5. Future Indie, of eXauvca, /3aiW, /3oa&>, 6. Principal Tenses of reXew, 7. Greek for uter I quantus 1 quo 1 talis, ibi, inde. 8. Translate dOvfAws ei-^ov. e\a6ov TL Xeycofjiev ; 8?}A.o? et atiiicwv. VOGWV fjcrdero. 9. Translate The next day they happened to be in that city ; the river Euphrates ; I fear he may come ; I fear he may not come. 64. 1. Write out Future Indie, of /eo//.i&>, (3i/3da). 2. Name six Feminine words of 2nd Decl. in -09. 3. Parse edov, inrear^v, kcrracn, dpevi, ot/ce'rat?, 48 GREEK GRAMMAR PAPERS. 6. Participles and Infinitives Act. of 7. Decline in Plural aa-Qevr)?, TrXetW. 8. Translate (with Notes) rjpero TL TTOIWV \iara av %apioi~o avru>. a\\o (b fix 6 fJ-eT67Tefj,7rero. 9. Translate If this is true, I am ready to send him ; they will do this in order to get money ; he was chosen general with two others. 65. 1. Aorist Indie, of Trapaa-fcevafa, 2. Decline in Sing, oo-rt?, avrov. 3. Parse e^eTrXdyrjcrav, dTre-^rjaet,, fjpero, tfpero, 4. Decline dvijp, 5. Write out Pres. Indie. Act. and Pass, of 6. Ace. Sing, and Dat. Plur. of e 7. Name the Prepositions governing two cases. Give meanings. 8. Translate raina eyevero. -ravra ero av. OVK av vre/crat? TTOT. et? TOCTOVTOV rfKOov KLV&VVOV. 9. Translate Whoever is willing to fight, let GREEK GRAMMAR PAPERS. 49 us arm him ; do not trust those citizens ; he slew his own son for the sake of money. 66. 1. Write out Imperf. Indie, of d 2. Voc. Sing, of r 'EX\.T)v, ' 3. Pluperf. Indie. Pass, of Sicupew, oTrXt^w, \ap,- /3ai/a>, reiva), ridijf^i,. 4. Greek for The same, whoever, whither ? each other, which of the two ? 5. Accent op/A^Oeis, \a/3ov(ra, yucwvras, r)vai, alvecrai. 6. Parse /3e\TLQ), iriOov, irevdovs, TrpoSou?, ecrdrjn. 7. Principal Tenses of \a/j,/3dva), re/ii/eo. 8. Translate They bade him remain in the same place, but he did not obey them ; do you not see that they are much more (numerous) than we ? 9. Translate (with Notes) r/\0ov %vv wirep fl^ov olfcercov TrtaTfa fj,6v(f>. exeXevov avrov Xaftelv OVTIVCI /3oV\OLTO. 67. 1. Aorist Indie. Pass, of evpicncut, /caXew, reiva), 50 GREEK GRAMMAR PAPERS. 2. Decline in Plural Qa-nwv, euvovs. 3. Write out Pres. Subj. of dtropew, idofiai. 4. Parse eiSevcu, aiwirijcreie, &f>otra, tfp0i, &e%e'- 5. Decline in Sing. Xay&>9, ryp&K. 6. Distinguish the meanings of Present and Aorist Infinitives. 7. Give the Accus. Plur. of the three Reflexive Pronouns. 8. Translate They perceived that he was faithful to them ; send whomsoever you wish ; I must do it myself ; he said that the barbarians were hostile. 9. Translate el yap ravra oio. ^aXeTrco? e^et VTTO rpau/jLdrwv TWMV. avrov TI Kal /3ov\6/j,ei'opeap. 3. Parse in two ways eSpa, Tretcro/iat, 4. Pres. Infin. of aa>, epca-rdw, /jucrdoa), f 5. Give the Correlatives of TTOV. 6. Explain Definite and Indefinite Temporal Clauses. 7. Distinguish avrw, avrw. rav-ra), rovrw. crawls, a(f)oi)v. 8. Translate At whose bidding did you come ? 52 GREEK GRAMMAR PAPERS. if you wish I will do this ; he stood in the middle of the road ; they crossed before the others answered. 9. Translate Ka\w. fj.rj yevoiro. 70. 1. Principal Tenses of a(f)irjfii., avoi^vv^i. 2. Gen. Sing, and Dat. Plural of fiolpa, TreXe/cu?, aaTTjp, Trvp, SevSpov. 3. Parse y&eiro, eia, fiede^ere, 7T^Xacre, e<}>6r). 4. Classify the Consonants. 5. How is the want of a Third Personal Pro- noun supplied 1 Give examples. 6. Name the Prepositions governing one case. Give meaning of each. 7. Distinguish 77, ;, $, 77, 77. 8. Translate 877X01 r^aav cnropovvTes. ov Bv- /JLT/ ov Xeyeiv. ravra eyevero. ravra eye- v. ravra yevotTo av. 9. Translate We know you are wise ; he said he would not remain ; he took the money and went ; surely you will not send that slave. GREEK GRAMMAR PAPERS. 53 71- 1. Write out Fut. Indie. Act. of e\avva>, 2. Gen. Sing, and Dat. Plural of t / Xew9, 3. Aorist Indie. Act. of aXtcr/co/xat, Tvyxdvto, fAedirj^i, e'aox 4. How is the Nom. Sing, formed in Con- sonant Stems of Third Declension 1 5. Principal Tenses of irwQdvop.ai, p.av6dvw. 6. Meaning of alpeofjiai, /ieraTreyiiTro/iai, rj 7. What is meant by Protasis, Apodosis 1 8. Translate dXjelv rovs 7r68a) ; it was announced that the allies had been defeated (rj-rrdw). 72. 1. Name Verbs that take a double Augment. 2. Pert'. Indie. Act. of epco, 6pd(o, ejeipta, GREEK GRAMMAR PAPERS. 3. Decline in Plural Xeeo?, r/ 4. Write out Aorist Imper. of /3d\\a), yir/vofuu. 5. Parse eia, ety, e^eiXov, aTro/cpivai, avr^Xaere. 6. Construct a Conditional Sentence in which the Subjunctive would be correctly used. 7. Derive aporov, jecopjo^, acr/3ecrT09, Kpartjp, 8. Translate TO viro fiapfidpwv veviKr\crQai.. 7TW? av 6\oifjiT^v. aXXco? re /cat. ov yap el'XOv ol /3dp/3apoi. 9. Translate He said (e^) that they were Athenians, but that he himself was a Persian ; he was not willing to go till (Trp iv) his wife per- suaded him. 73- 1. Fut. Indie, of aTroKTelvw, 7/71/0^4, 2. Explain the formations of Strong and of Weak Perfects, of Strong and of Weak Aorist Act. 3. Compare d(f)0oi>o<;, 6S|ao eavrfjs ?} eyi'To. fMrj yevoiro. OVK av 74- 1. Aorist Indie, of apicea), eda), avaftodw, e/C7rX,eo), 2. Nom. Sing., Gender and English of /cvvas, 3. Parse eaXw, uTreSpa, eiprjTai, rjtcyKoei, f/pTo. 4. Write out Aorist Subj. Act. of SiSwpi, ridrj/jn. 5. What is the construction of Final Clauses ? (i. (!iv<; examples of Partitive Genitive, Cog- nate Accusative. 7. Ace. Sing, and Dat. Plural of /3api;, dpTrd^w, So/ceeo, 4. Parse cr$a?, TOV, arm, OTiea6ai, crvvedevro, eppdyrj. 5. Compare Trees', d\yeivo<>, avw, ^cru^o?, TTLK- 6. Write out Weak Aorist Imper. Act. and Middle of Travw. 7. Greek for to take, to be taken ; to kill, to be killed; to banish, to be banished; to die, to be dead. 60 GREEK GRAMMAR PAPERS. 8. Translate el eTreyevero irvev^a OVK av 8ie- (f>vyov. %ia\a6a)v ecrep^erat ei? rrjv Mmi\ijvijv. 9. Translate He asked upon what terms they would become allies ; they bade him take whom- soever he wished ; he has been ill (t/ocrew) for ten days. 80. 1. Write out Pres. Opt. Act. of 6 paw, and Aorist Opt. Middle of Se%o(j,ai. 2. Nom. and Gen. Sin, of 3. Parse er\riv, vTro/jLeivas, (fravfjvai, viKwvfj 4776. OV fMT) ryeWTJTai, TOVTO. efjjd'TJV d? eVl TO TTO\V. irapa pixpov. ev (rot yevoiro. 09 ov \eyei. ocrrt.9 fj,r) \eyei. 83- 1. Pres. Infin. of ^pdofj,ai, 6pda>, dw, alSeo/m,ai, 2. Point out peculiarities in Declension of , v8fi)p. 3. Write out Imperf. and Aor. Indie. Act. of 4. Explain Oxytone, Paroxytone, Perispome- non, Enclitic. 5. Distinguish the meaning of Aorist and Present in each Mood. 6. Parse apai, IJTIWV-TO, r}?. 9. Translate He said he did not know whither they were going to sail ; do not accept these gifts ; they used the man as a messenger. 84. 1. Give the meanings of ireTroiOa, TreTrei/ca, TreTTpaya, TreTrpa^a, o\co\a, &>\eo-a, ecrrrjv, earrja-a. 2. Nom. and Gen. Sing, and English of Trvpd, (acri, tcpea, rjpi. 3. Strong Fut. Indie. Pass, of 4. Parse eir}, eir/, yet, irj, Irj. 5. Principal Tenses of dfiapTdvca, 6. In what Clauses is fiij regularly used ? 7. Parse OTOU, arra, drra, ah)v, avrai. 8. Translate If they had remained, they would have died ; they made a truce on these terms ; if ever I am convicted (eX-ey^a*), I confess I should justly be put to death. 9. Translate (with Notes) ef-ea-ri aoi 64 GREEK GRAMMAR PAPERS. v. 0/50,9 rfj, ' co? e^ei. TrorayLto? KvSvos o 85- 1. Write out Aorist Imperative of \afjLfidvw, 2. Compare a\,r)9r/s, cuSoios, 0X1709, 3. Aorist Indie, of irvvOdvofjiai, eXdvvco, "reivw, fCa/AVO), dfJ,(f)lVl>V/jLl. 4. Derive Doxology, Rhinoceros, Eclipse, Gym- nastic, Atom. 5. Compare the formation of Strong and Weak Tenses. 6. Parse yeywres, wvrja-as, , 8. Translate We must bear, though it is hard to bear (Svatyopo^ ; they perceived that the bar- barians were unfriendly to them. 9. Translate paov yap ri)v (^vXa/crjv eKdvOavov O7TOT6 TTVeVfAO, K TTOVTOV *?). KvpOS , veu>. edv, edv. flTTCOV. 7. What is meant by Graphic or Vivid Se- quence ? 8. Translate He asked whether any man was wiser than I ; they saw that the enemy was coming upon (eVet/u) them. 9. Translate eid* rjvpo^ev ae /j,rj \virou p,evr]v. OVK av ovvaifJirfv. a) T\?)/J,OV, OVK ot<70' 04 Katcwv 8 7 . 1. Write out Pres. Indie. Act. of 2. Nom. and Gen. Sing., Gender and English of K\ifjiaKa<>, rdtppfi}, CTKOTOVS, crap/cas, ew. 3. Fut. Indie, of 7rA,e) onvvwai. 89. 1. Parse TrapeiXijfat,, faia-eaOe, fiedrjice, eSyov, 2. Write out Pres. Subj. Act. of 877X0 co, Bi 3. Decline /c\ew and vav d/cov- aai 91. 1. Write out Perf. Indie. Act. of IO-TTJ/W, and Aorist Indie. Middle of fy/ju. 2. Dat. Sing, and Plur. of /Sco/io?, et?, 3. Principal Tenses of TrvvOdvo^at, 4. Ace. Sing, and Dat. Plur. of SOKWV, VIKWV, )\(t)V. 5. Infinitives and Participles Active of ekavvw. GREEK GRAMMAR PAPERS. 69 6. Show the constructions of oxrre. 7. Perf. Indie. Pass, of e^&>, a/3%&>, epjd^ofjLai, ), rep.vw. 8. Translate Who is there who does not per- ceive ? some fled one way, some another ; he sent for an army in addition to the one that he had. 9. Show the force of the Prepositions in ava- Trepyd^ecrdai, &taepii>, Karaye\av, irepi- i, ueranOevai. 92. 1. Aor. Indie. Act. of uTreXavva), alvew, tcara- KCLLW, UTTOKTeiVQ). 2. Decline in Plural oortv. eiSi'jre, 'ISrjre. ore, 7. Show the force of av in a Clause. 8. Translate If we do this, we shall conquer; he fled without our knowing; he perceived that he had fallen : wait till I come. 70 GREEK GRAMMAR PAPERS. 9. Translate /cat y^v a^apr^a-ei ye JJ/TI Ttt&e. 7roXX/a<> [Av /}Sfc'fW9 av iSoifjn, avrbv oi>ra V dv 93- 1. Write out Fut. Indie. Act. of e'XaiW>, Kplva>. 2. Principal Tenses of opdw, fyepw. 3. Nom. Sing., Gender and English of Troo-e&N, yeirovwv, jjuiprvcri,, St/eacrn?. 4. Parse eVtcrTacrat, dvr)crofj,ev, e/c/3wcr/,, cnrrjpav, el&evai. 5. Aorist Indie, of dTroStSpda-Kw, dvafiaivw, eler- 6. Show the construction of Verbs of fearing. 7. Derive ^rrj^i^opat, UKTI], pa-v|r&)8o?, ei>rjfj,epo9, 8. Translate They did not come till they heard ; they lied before being judged ; you are the cause (atTto?) of very many having perished. 9. Translate (with Notes) x a ' L P w V &ircuvt olov ere avSpa. OVK elSev ou/c el8cv. avrrj ra& ei\ov. 95- 1. Infinitives and Participles of 2. Nom. and Dat. Plural of yi>ovs, 3. Principal Tenses of So/ceo), \eyco. 4. Point out peculiarities in Declension of SevSpov, oveipos, Bopv. 5. Write out Imperf. Act, and Middle of 72 GREEK GRAMMAR PAPERS. 6. Show the construction of Temporal Clauses, Definite and Indefinite. 7. Explain Assimilation, Metathesis. 8. Translate Zeu, /j,rj ~\d0oi ere rowS' 69 airto? 9. Translate He asked how many he was to take ; they were afraid that he would make war on them. 96. 1. Fut. Indie, of yafj-ew, /3\(ocrKa>, j3oda>, 717- VUHTKW, OpVVfJLl. 2. Decline in Sing, yijpas, eap, yovv. 3. Parse e^evoofjievois, eaoiro, Xoyi^ov, /jacrdov- adat,, eppdjrj. 4. Distinguish Trapd, Trdpa. criya, alya. Oewv, 6eS)v. r), r). 5. Show the constructions of Trplv. 6. Write out Imperf. of 77/u, Pluperf. of ol8a. 7. How is the Nominative of Third Declension formed from the Stem 1 8. Translate If I had asked, he would have answered; if you were to become rich, what would you lack (Sew) ? GREEK GRAMMAR PAPERS. 73 9. Translate (with Notes) oaoi Se yaXrjvri (in calm weather) tciv&uvevaeiav t']\LcrKovro. 9avu>v av dirioKero. rov 97. 1. Write out Imperf. Indie. Act. of e'aeo, a. 4. Explain the forms Opi^, ervOrjv, {3e/3\r]tca, ), \(t)V. 5. Decline in Sing. a^#o) how many men there were in the market-place. 99- 1. Strong Aorist Indie. Pass, of TT^JW/J-I, Kaia), K\eTTTO.\ 6K7T\r)TT(f>, TTiVO). 2. Infinitives and Participles Active of re^vw. 3. Parse OTOV, avrols, atyicri, arra. 4. Which Negative is used in Final, Causal, Conditional, and Relative Clauses 1 5. Principal Tenses of pevw, TTLTTTW. 6. Nom. and Gen. Sing., Gender and English of (TiTWv, Kopats, 6dui{3et, o\.Kci(n, GREEK GRAMMAR PAPERS. 75 7. Explain formation of Present Stem in 8. Translate (with Notes) ov /*; Troitjcrtiv. oi> fjirj TTOT' e\.da). ravra a eVrt croc \e~\,y/j,eva. ev TO) 7T/3O TOt) -^pOVfJi. 9. Translate For the future ; he received this as a gift ; he received this gift ; if you had not come, you would not have seen. 100. 1. Distinguish e^iVra/iat, eVtcrTa/xat, ^teXe/, /j,e\\ei, ijpero, ypero. 2. Greek for 8th, 70th, 80th, 200, 2000. 3. Classify Verbs according to the formation of Present Stem. 4. Show the construction and meanings of 7T/309, fj,erd, Sid. 5. Parse dire^d/jo'ei, d(f>e\e TOVTO Troielv. riira9(i)v OVTCO ra^y? aTT^\6e ; aX\&)9 dp* 76 GREEK GRAMMAR PAPERS. 9. Translate We have come in order to see ; they escaped before they were judged ; they per- ceived that he was friendly to them. 101. 1. Write out Aorist Opt. and Imperative Act. of dyye\\o). 2. Nom. and Gen. Sing., Gender and English of yovacn, tfpy, r/pos, tcpea, evvds. 3. Aorist Indie. Middle of 6'AAu/u, dvdja), alpew, 4. Distinguish meanings of op^L^w, 6pfj,eay, 6pfJt,da). rjv^fj&Oai, ev^acrBai. reOvdvai, Oaveiv. 5. Parse iriei, etcdijv, /iet/^a?, eppvrj, eveytcdra). 6. Explain Graphic or Vivid Sequence. 7. Give Active and Middle meaning of \av6avd), aTTTto, /co/xt^a). 8. Translate Though he perceived this, he nevertheless observed (e//,/iei>&>) the truce ; they spoke thus, but he answered as follows. 9. Translate u/iet, 2. Derive Genesis, Exodus, Heresy, Isosceles, Asylum. 3. Meaning of efyvv, efyvcra, Tre 4. Principal Tenses of Trveco, alveoy. 5. Parse fj,edicrTr), ecrrpatTai, Seitcvvo-Owv, eara- crav, ekwcri. 6. Show the construction of Causal Clauses. 7. Gen., Gender and English of a-vevos, 8. Translate If he had done no wrong, you would have released him ; if the king sends another general, I shall be willing to be friendly to you. 9. Translate e^Orj Tronjcras. ovtc av 6avois eTrl trot ecrrai. ^api^o/Mai oia> (rol dvSpi. epov Trdpa. 103. 1. Parse , djraipw, eW&), eyeipo), ye\do). 5. Accent (fruyeiv, TreTroiOevai, l^revcr^evo^, \i-Trwv, irapei'xpv, ri/j,r)crai (Inf.). 6. Show the constructions of coo-re. 7. Distinguish rovro eyevero. rovro eyevero av. evocrei, evoarjcre. yapa, ya/j,ov/j,a!-. e\eye rotaSe. roaavra eXe^e. 8. Translate They escaped observation more easily whenever there was a wind from the sea ; they bade him make a truce with them. 9. Translate ^pmrwv el n cr0a? dyadov 8e8pa- elai. ov8evi orw OVK direKpivaro. &>, auro?, ovros, OCTTi?. 5. Give examples of change of Stem Vowel occurring in Strong Aorist Passive. GREEK GRAMMAR PAPERS. 79 6. Distinguish Genitive and Dative of Time. Give examples. 7. Show the construction of vjrep, VTTO. 8. Translate They said that if we fought we should conquer ; they said that if we had fought we should have conquered. 9. Translate >]IMV Se e%ov ^iji> f^rj /caX&i?, /caXco? fj.d\\oi' re\evrdv. ffuuye vvv re Ka\ Soicei. 105. 1. Fut. Indie, of Ka^vut, 7rd(r%a>, alvew, 2. Parse ^aXeTror^Tt, , opwv. aycav, dywv. Trap a, jrdpa. 3. Principal Tenses of reXew, dvaXia-icco, dpa- 4. Infinitives and Participles Active of /3atW 5. Show the force of the termination in Bitca- (TT^ptov, priiia, av\tjTpLo7e&), fj^tfjivijcrKCi), TI- 2. Write out Pres. Indie. Act. and Imperf. Indie. Middle of a^itj/j-i. 3. Nom. Sing., Gender and English of 9, 7rpo(f)dcri, oveipaGi, oopi. F 82 GREEK GRAMMAR PAPERS. 4. Aorist Indie. Act. of avolyvvfju, av^dvoa, ya/j,e(t), edw, Ka\eo). 5. Distinguish ievai, lerai. Wi, laOi. eVtara- adai, (^La"raarOai. f/, rj, r\. 6. Resolve the Crasis in av, rdv, tcel, %ai, ovrc. 7. When is the Optative used in Conditional Clauses ? 8. Translate (with Notes) Kal avrat eSofe fj,ot 6 dvrjp elvai, cro^o a\\o ov8ev rj eK 77)9 i'av/jL(i^rjcrav. 9. Translate If you had asked, I should have answered; surely you are not so foolish as to trust that man. 109. 1. Name Verbs in -aco that contract to -r/ in- stead of -a. 2. Write out Aorist Indie. Act. of yiyv(i)arKw, and Pluperf. Indie. Act. of Ovrja-rcw. 3. Decline in Sing, vrpao?, /j.t. 6. Distinguish oto?, olo?. epcara, epwra. rjv^fja-- 0at, ev^acrOai. ijpero, ypero. e^tcrro), eirLcrro). 7. Show by example that a Participle may be equivalent in meaning to (1) a Final, (2) a Con- cessive Clause. 8. Give (in Greek) the Direct Speech of t/c?;- pu^e ftm]6elv ocroi \ev0epoi t~iei>. inrcKpivaTO OTL fj,ai>8di>oiei> a outc eTrLarauno. 9. Translate We know you would have been happier if you had obeyed ; we know you would be happier if you obeyed. 88 GREEK GRAMMAR PAPERS. 116. 1. Fut. Indie, of vrXew, Trvv6dvop,ai, rpe(j)a}, Tvy%dva), d\icrico/j,ai. 2. Compare 6771^9, KCLTW, euSto9, d\vai$, \idos, rXatu, ^apt?, ovpavos. 7. Show the meaning and construction of 777209 and Kara. 8. Translate reOwtj/ca jap TOVTTL ae. aK.Qve.iv. etyevye TrpoSoatav. aTretywye Trp 9. Translate Do not conceal this from me ; he touched my hand ; they came to blows ; we were annoyed at this. 1. Imperf. Indie. Act. of a>#e OVK dv rpta/coarai eret. 8ia 9. Translate I fear this will happen ; I fear this will not happen ; though they are not many, they will fight. 118. 1. Write out Pres. Opt. Act. of 2. Decline in Sing. /j.vd, \ayco<;, 3. Perf. Indie. Act. of eda>, e'^&>, \av6dvw, TTtTTTCO. 4. Greek for ipse, idem, ille, quis ? se, unde. 5. Principal Tenses of rvj-)(dva), o~\Xvfj,t. 6. Show the construction of Alternative Ques- tions. 7. Parse jjiovwTra, 8airi, XP^ A 1 ^ 7 /) Kpewv. 8. Translate TO ev &eT-ra\ia e\dvdavev TptfyofAevov arpdrevfia. irepl Travrbs TOVTOVS 90 GREEK GRAMMAR PAPERS. 9. Translate He asked if there was any man wiser than I ; we will not cease marching till we arrive at the place. lip. 1. Aorist Indie, of icepSaiva), iXdaKOfj-ai, dpecr/cco, 2. Ace. Sing, and Nom. Plural (all Genders) of drrocn, a(f)a\tcn, ^favras, Brj\ovvTa<;. 3. Parse e<})d6vei,, fjiddwcri, rpf^-drco, evdv/jLT/dijTi, OV - 4. Write out Perf. Subj. and Opt. Middle of 5. Derive Hemorrhage, Arctic, Obelisk, Helio- trope, Amethyst. 6. Show the various ways of expressing an Indirect Statement. 7. Distinguish Aorist and Present (1) in Indie., (2) in other Moods. 8. Translate Some say that not even if you wished could you do this ; it being in our power to live dishonourably, we choose rather to die honourably. 9. Translate (with Notes) rrjv ovaLav i} XiTre TO) viei ov vrXetoyo? dia e'crri. aurol kavrwv eyevovro. GREEK GRAMMAR PAPERS. 91 120. 1. Principal Tenses of eryeipw, doOew. 2. Form Abstract Nouns from a-pr]/j,ev, ij/jievoi, etrwpa-ev, 'yeyrjde, TT\r)- crete. 6. Show the construction of a Deliberative Question, Direct and Indirect. 7. Nom. and Gen. Sing, and English of avOpa/cas, -^Oova, Kucriv, drjpwi', av^eai. 8. Translate They fought until the enemy sailed away; they did not cease fighting until the enemy sailed away. 9. Translate (with Notes) TI'I/O? av Seats pr) ov)(l TrdfjiTrav ev^aL^wv elvai ; rov e^lovra ael 01 crvveSovv. 121. 1. Write out Pres. Subj. Act. of /3oau>, 2. Decline in Plural vSfop, ovs, opvi<>. 92 GREEK GRAMMAR PAPERS. 3. Parse /ca/^TJ^, efMTrpijadetrj, r tcarecvya. 4. What kind of Verbs are followed by Geni- tive ? Give examples. 5. Distinguish ra yevo/jieva, ra av yevofteva. ov IAOVOV, povov ov. ovbe, ovre. 6. How may Conditional Sentences be classi- fied? 7. Show the meaning and construction of the Prepositions governing one case. 8. Translate eTria-Tarai ei Ttepa>, I^U>, d(f)lKl>60/J.(U. 2. Parse OTCO, avrai, avrov, ravrfj, viv, (redev. 3. Write out Aorist Indie. Middle of Imperf. Indie, of el^i. 4. Positive of la-airaTOS, TrXetcrro?, fj,eiu>v, GREEK GRAMMAR PAPERS. 93 5. Distinguish ov and prf. 6. Form Verbs from 0^09, ^aA 67709, flapvs, UTV%r')o9 e\6otev ov-; Treyu^et SictTrpd^eaQai avra) d^edr/vcti, 9. Translate I say you ought to cross the river before it is clear what the others are going to answer. 127. 1. Perf. Indie. Middle and Pass, of 2. Explain use of ^ ov. 3. Write out Pres. Indie, of 4. Gen. Sing, and Dat. Plural of ovap, i i /i /t- 09, Oi?, fptf. 5. Parse aice^ret, epovpev, ijpero, eirpia), 6. Show by example that a Participle may have the force of a Conditional Clause. GREEK GRAMMAR PAPERS. 97 7. Derive and explain Ostracism, 8. Translate (with Notes) -rrpoeiTrev Ayr), $vva/j,ai. 2. Ace. Sing, and Nom. Plur. of nurd?, euro?, 3. Show the construction of oynoXoyeeo, 7rvv6dvo- at,. 4. Derive and explain pe\aQpov, tcparrip, rpayw- 5. Show how av is used (1) in a Principal Sen. tence, (2) in Dependent Clauses. 6. Parse fieOelro, eTricna&ai, eTrta-rfjaai, dvrjOt, 7. How may " Yes " and " No " be expressed in Greek 1 8. Translate OVK old? T' el/ju p,rf ov \eyeiv. ov TOVTO. eTrel Be w? e/c rfav 98 GREEK GRAMMAR PAPERS. 9. Translate Consider whether they seem to you to speak the truth ; he said he did not know whether the ships were going to sail. 129. 1. Parse eare, Karanelao, 0)779, aii]re, e 2. Decline oZ?. 3. Write out Aorist Indie. Act. and Middle of 4. Explain the construction of irpiv. 5. Distinguish the uses of the Subjunctive and Optative in Conditional Clauses. 6. Explain Metathesis, Syncope. 7. Distinguish %/aa>, %pw. efypaaa, (f>paa. TTLWV, TTuav. XeX^cryuai, XeXt/cr/iai. 8. Translate (f>6vov Siaticeiv. ftap[3dpa>v "E\- \r)i'a<; ap^eiv etVo?. eV atria el-^ov ar' aXXr/Xou? TToXA.^ roy "Ay iv. 9. Translate Nobody shall ever say that ; silence is better than speech ; she has black hair ; would that I had died. 130. 1. Principal Tenses of eato, atVeco, d/covca. 2. Decline rfpw?, jrvp. GREEK GRAMMAR PAPERS. 99 3. Distinguish the Active and Middle meanings of >ypd(f)(0, Ti/j,(0pe(0, fJLKrdou), Savei^co, o/3e&>. 4. What parts of the Verb are Oxytone ? 5. Parse in two ways TTOCTIV, eVatcre, alcrd^cret. 6. Show the chief uses of the Subjunctive in Dependent Clauses. 7. How is " his " translated into Greek ? 8. Translate He said that if you had done this you would have been wrong ; he said that if ever you did this you would be wrong. 9. Translate and give the Direct Speech in Greek of inrea-^ero aurot? ft /caXco? KaraTrp e' a ecrrparevero /AT) Trpoadev TrauaacrOcu aurou? 1. Mention Compound Verbs taking the Aug- ment before the Preposition. 2. Parse drj&es, Kopais, v^rrjKri, Trpa^dei^, oprj. 3. Show the construction of Verbals in -reo?. 4. Point out peculiarities in Declension of 8e9. 6. Write out Aorist Subj. Act. of St'&o/u, and Aorist Opt. Act. of Tre/urno. 7. Show that the Article may have a Demon- strative force. 8. Translate (with Notes) exeXevev fyriva Svvajj,iv \af36vTa TO eVt cr^a? elvai dvafjiv/jcra) u/tia? ra TOVTW Trerrpay^eva. 9. Translate They said the king had sent them, bidding them ask why this was being done ; they asked what they could do to please us ai 135- 1. Form Pres. Indie, from Steins rate-, , /3ef3\rjfca, ijpicecra, e$vv 1 4. Derive Iconoclast, Dyspeptic, Asbestos, Homosopathy, Comedy. 5. Show the uses of the Optative in Inde- pendent Sentences. GREEK GRAMMAR PAPERS. 103 6. Parse a.7rr)'\.\d'xOai, reOvairj, Trdflrj, eVtcrTft), 7. Distinguish Active and Middle meanings of ya.fj.ea>, IIJ/JLL, , 8ai>ei(o. 8. Translate He said that if he had had any- thing he would have given it ; they reckoned that if they did not fight the allies would revolt. 9. Translate Apyeioi 8e KCU avrol en ev TroAAoJ atria elx ov rovs cnreicrap,evov^ avev rov , fo/ufoz'Te? tcdtceivoi f^rj (T^lcri TTOTC tca\- \ioi> Trapacr^ov Aanebai povlovs Stairefavyevat. 136. 1. Show the construction of rtfiwpeo), Act. and Middle. 2. Give six Transitive Verbs in which the Per- fect has an Intransitive meaning. 3. Distinguish 6j\ov. dyyeiXai, ayyei- \ai. O'LKOL, OLKOI. 6. Mention Compound Verbs taking Augment both before and after the Preposition. 7. Perf. Pass, of alSeofjiai, tcaXeo), 8. Translate TroXXoO Set OI/TW? e%e^. eV vwv ye\dv. ev TrpaTreiv. pei^wv rj /car' a 9. Translate While the supper is being pre- GREEK GRAMMAR PAPERS. 105 pared, we will remain here ; he said he wished to know who were present. 138. 1. Parse aftot?, cr/ce\Jret, airo/cptvai, elwdvia. 2. Name ten Feminine words in -09, Second Declension. 3. Derive and give meaning of Travovpyia, fj,ecrr)fj,/3pia, tyrjcfri^oiAa 4. Give the meaning of eppwya, 5. Accent ayaOoi> ri. Xoyo9, in Plural Trpao?. 5. Principal Tenses of /j,e0ir)/j,i, d/jLevyeiv , and Aorist Subj. Act. of St'Sw/iu. 2. Classify the chief uses of the Subjunctive. 3. Derive and trace the present meaning of Philippic, Diploma, Cynosure, Archipelago. 4. Illustrate the use of the Reflexives o-^>a? and aurou?. 5. Form Adverbs from KPVTTTW, ovopd^w, 6. Parse in two or more ways Bij\ol, i Troirjcrei. GREEK GRAMMAR PAPERS. 107 7. Explain Cognate Accusative and Accusative of Respect. 8. Translate There is nowhere for me to flee to ; I have a right to do this ; we are faring well. 9. Translate (with Notes) paXiGra olpcu av (TOV 7rv06